<<mii "title/titledissolve" 100% "center png noBorder">>
/*<<but "Puzzle" lab1 "ev:2500">>*/
/*<<but "Dream" praybed ev:100>>*/
<<but "New game" Start special>>
<<button "Load game">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</button>>
<<button "Settings">><<settings>><</button>>
<<button "Support">><<support>><</button>>
<<set $version = setup.version>>
<<playsound theme 0.95>>
<<set $intro = 300>><<script>>
if (tags().includes("hub-passage") &&
State.variables.intro != 3000) {
var passhub = document.getElementById("passage-hub");
if (passhub) {
passhub.style.backgroundImage = setup.getBricksURL();
<</script>><<if ndef $intro || $intro < 200>>
/* If text shows up at once, it means the time in the first <<timed>> is too short (before everything loads I guess), so then need to increase it. For people with slower devices it might still show up at once unless making it several seconds. */
<div style="margin:auto; padding:15vh 0; font-size: 300%; text-align: center"><span class="slowfade" style="font-style:italic; font-family: Georgia"><<timed 0.5s t8n>>“When you stare into the abyss,<br>the abyss also stares into you.”<</timed>></span>
<div style="text-indent: 30%; font-size: 50%; font-family: Georgia"><<timed 5s t8n>>– Nietzsche<</timed>></div></div>
<<clicknext "Main menu">>
<div class="center" style="display:block; width:75%; text-align:center; font-family: Georgia"><h2>This game may be offensive to people who feel strongly about matters such as sex, religion, and heresy. You have been warned.</h2><br><br>
All characters involved in any kind of sexual situation are at least 18 years old.
<<c "I understand" customize "center special">>
<</if>><div style="margin-top:0.3rem;margin-bottom:0rem">
<<mii "title/titlepic" 100% "center png noBorder">>
</div><<if ndef $love>>
<div style="margin-top:-0.8rem"><<printStatChange trust 0 0 sidebar>></div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 1rem"><<printStatChange auth 0 0 sidebar>></div>
<div style="margin-top:-0.8rem"><<printStatChange love 0 0 sidebar>></div>
<div style="margin-bottom: 1rem"><<printStatChange punish 0 0 sidebar>></div>
/*<div style="margin-bottom: 1rem"><<printStatChange trust 0 0 sidebar>><<printStatChange auth 0 0 sidebar>></div>*/
<<set _barpad="padding: 0.4rem 0 0 0">>
<<setbar Lust lust>>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<<setbar Resistance res>>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<<setbar Temptation tempt>>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<<setbar Sin sin>>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<<setbar Corruption corr>>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<div @style=_barpad></div>
<span class="menu-button">
<<button "Journal">><<journal>><</button>>
<span class="menu-button menu-button2">
<<button "Settings">><<settings>><</button>>
<<button "Support">><<support>><</button>>
<<button "Credits">><<credits>><</button>>
</span><<set $version = "0.0">> /* To keep track of version in game save */
<<set $mcHasLustMax = false>>
<<set $lust = 0>>
<<set $res = 70>>
<<set $tempt = 0>>
<<set $corr = 0>>
<<set $sin = 0>>
<<set $trust = 10>>
<<set $auth = 10>>
<<set $tempstats = {}>>
<<set $tempstats.corr = 0>>
<<set $tempstats.res = 0>>
<<set $alchemyLevel = 0>>
<<set $cum = 0>>
<<set $mortification = 0>>
<<set $intro = 0>>
<<set $autosavingTip = false>>
<<set $eyeTip = 0>>
<<set $daytime = "day">>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $school = 0>>
<<set $schoolvisit = 0>> /* visited school today? */
<<set $schoolinside = 0>> /* inside school today? */
<<set $schoolBusyStudents =0>>
<<set $schoolnightActivity = 0>>
<<set $chapel = 0>>
<<set $outside = 0>>
<<set $library = 0>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 0>>
<<set $grounds=0>>
<<set $groundsEvent=0>> /* 0-1, for detective mode */
<<set $nchapel = 0>>
<<set $hall = 0>>
<<set $dungeon = 0>>
<<set $hub = false>>
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 0>>
<<set $croneAttack = 0>> /* day of attack 1 */
<<set $croneAttack2 = 0>> /* day of attack 2 */
<<set $mc = "Umberto">> /* keeping as sugarcube var because it is set/changed by player */
<<set $fmc = "Father $mc">> /* set again after player has chosen name */
<<set $temp = "whatever">> /* Used here and there for various shit in events */
<<set $temp2 = "whatever">> /* Used here and there for various shit in events */
<<set $temp3 = "whatever">> /* Used here and there for various shit in events */
<<set $currentPhase = 0>>
<<set $currentStep = 0>>
<<set $currentEventName = null>>
<<set $currentSinValue = 0>>
<<set $playEventID = 0>>
<<set $playerCode = 0>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = false>> /* checked every day */
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = false>>
<<set $nchapelMass = 0>>
<<set $nunsConfessor = 0>>
<<set $nunsConfessed = 0>>
<<set $questEndVersion = false>> /* set when version end of a quest, triggering check in hub if end of version */
/* Player settings. */
<<set $soundGeneral = 100>> /* customizable volume. % of main volume. 0 means all sound is muted */
<<set $fontSizeBase = 16>>
<<set $fontSizeSidebar = setup.getFontSizeSidebar()>>
<<set $fontSizePassages = setup.getFontSizePassages()>>
<<set $marginLeftPassages = null>>
<<set $maxWidthPassages = null>>
<<set $settingUseCustomizedMaxWidth = false>>
<<set $settingUseCustomizedMarginLeft = false>>
<<set $fontFamilyMain = "Georgia">>
<<set $fontFamilyPassages = "Georgia">>
<<set $settingSpaceToContinue = true>>
<<set $settingDynamicMargins = true>>
<<set $settingShowRestartButton = false>>
/* Supporter settings */
<<set $detectiveMode = 1>>
<<set $sensitiveDetective = 1>>
<<set $soundVideos = 1>>
<<set $showHintButtons = 1>>
<<set $journal_pages = []>>
<<set $hovertips = []>>
<<set $tips = []>>
<<set $events = {}>>
<<set $quests = {}>>
<<set $questsCompleted = []>>
<<set $questsActive = []>>
<<set $investigation = []>>
<<set $creampied = []>>
<<set $potions = []>>
<<set $pregnancies = []>>
<<set $newEvents = []>><<if $intro < 4200>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include abbot1>>
<<elseif $qqabbotmessage == 100>>
<<mi abbot 38>>
You find Father Alvaro in his room.
<p>When the abbot sees you, he closes the door behind you. He seems nervous.
<<s abbot "$fmc, thank you for coming. I have disturbing news. I think this culprit you're hunting... that he is here.">>
<<s mc "I'm listening.">>
<<but "Continue" abbot1 ev:900>>
<<mi abbot 45>>
<<cs abbot "Can I help you, Father $mc?">>
<<but "Ask about your room" abbot1 "ev:200 always qqsecretlab>=200 qqsecretlababbot<<220">>
<<but "Ask for another beverage sampling" abbot1 "ev:300 qqmonksDrinking2==100">>
<<but "Offer to be a Father Confessor" abbot1 "ev:400 qqmonks3>=100 monks3#notplayed150">>
<<but "The renovated well" abbot1 "ev:420 monks3#played200 monks3#notplayed220">>
<<but "Ask about long pepper" abbot1 "ev:500 qqlongpepper2==400">>
<<but "Ask about <<giovanni>>" abbot1 "ev:550 qqgiovanniq==100">>
<<but "Ask again about <<giovanni>>" abbot1 "ev:600 qqgiovanniq>=200 qqgiovanniq<<300 giovanniq#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Ask about last beverage sampling" abbot1 "ev:700 qqdream4==1000">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoq2>>" abbot1 "ev:800 qqalonsoq2==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest salvatoreq>>" abbot1 "ev:830 qqsalvatoreq==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsodistillery>>" abbot1 "ev:930 qqalonsodistillery==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest investmurder>>" abbot1 "ev:1000 qqinvestmurder==1020 investmurder#notplayed2000">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoapprentice>>" abbot1 "ev:1000 step:3000 qqalonsoapprentice==120">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoapprentice>>" abbot1 "ev:1000 step:4000 qqalonsoapprentice==600">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoapprentice>>" abbot1 "ev:1000 step:5000 qqalonsoapprentice==1010 alonsoapprentice#notplayed1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest abbotreport>>" abbot1 "ev:1100 qqabbotreport==100">>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 30 right>>
The monk takes you to the abbot's room, hands the key to the black door to Father <<var abbot,>> the abbot, and then leaves.<br>
After greeting each other, you get down to business.
<<s mc "That key he gave you, is that the only key to the black door on this side of the wall?">>
<<s abbot "As far as I know, yes. The abbess is the only one who should have another key.">>
<<s mc "I have that key now. During my stay at the monastery, as part of the investigation, I'd like to use it to pass through the door without ringing the bell. I hope you are okay with that.">>
<<s abbot "Yes. But I don't know what you are investigating. The letter from the Vatican was not specific.">>
You would rather not tell the abbot anything about the investigation, but you need his help on this side of the monastery. You can only hope he is not behind the attacks. So you tell Father <<var abbot>> why you are here, giving him a summary of everything you know so far about the case.
When you are finished, you ask the abbot if he can think of any way for the monks to enter the nuns' side except through the black door. But the abbot is unaware of any hidden passages or any other way that would allow someone to do that.
<<ev 130>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "My reason for being here should remain a secret on this side of the wall. I ask that you tell the other monks a cover story. That I am Father $mc, sent here by the Vatican because I'm documenting the history of this monastery, from its time as a medieval fortress to the current day.">>
<<s abbot "As you wish. I'll tell them all at lunch. Perhaps you'd like to join us then, and I can introduce you to everyone?">>
<<s mc "That would be good, yes. Until then, I'd like to visit your library. The abbess suggested that you might have old maps of the monastery. I'd like to study them to see if there could be any hidden passages between the monks and the nuns.">>
<<s abbot "I will take you there right away. But do you really think one of the monks is behind the attacks?">>
<<s mc "Right now, everyone is a suspect.">>
<<s abbot "Hmm, yes. If you have any questions about the history of the monastery, for your investigation or just out of interest, you should come to me. I know everything there is to know.">>
<<c "To the library" monks>>
<<set $intro = 4120>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "The nuns have me stay in a room that they call the Last Abbot's Room. I'm interested in its history. The abbess told me it was where the last abbot lived before the monastery was divided and the nuns moved in, and that the abbot mysteriously died, perhaps poisoned.">>
<<s abbot "Yes. That's what happened. It was a long time ago.">>
You get the feeling that the abbot is hiding something.
<<s mc "Father <<var abbot,>> I ask that you don't hold out on me. I'm sent here by the Vatican to conduct an investigation. And in an investigation such as this, you never know what details could move you forward.">>
<<s abbot "Hmm... I suppose I can trust you with the full story. I'm afraid you've uncovered a dark secret in the history of our order of monks. I humbly ask that you don't document or pass on what I'm about to tell you. If this information were to reach the nuns... I dare not think of it.">>
<<s mc "I promise I'll be as discreet as I can about anything you tell me.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot 35 right>>
<<set _nunyear = setup.nunsMovingInYear>>
<<set _abbotend = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
<<s abbot "All I can ask. Well then... it's not exactly true that the nuns moved in here after that \"last abbot\" died. The truth is that when the nuns moved in – I believe the year was _nunyear – they only occupied about a quarter of the monastery. The abbot continued to live in that room you're staying in even after the nuns moved in, as the room was in the part of the monastery still belonging to the monks.">>
<<s abbot "During this time, nothing was separating the monks from the nuns, no walls or anything. And then, in _abbotend, that abbot you speak of, he was found dead in his room. Our records speculate it could have been poison, but no one knew what the cause of death was, or if it was murder or some kind of accident, maybe food poisoning.">>
<<s abbot "What happened next is that several nuns came forward, saying that the abbot had done things with them. Terrible, unacceptable things. The records are not specific, but you can read between the lines that at least some of it had to do with improper sexual contact, against the nuns' will. This could have become a huge scandal, but the Church managed to contain it within the walls of the monastery, as far as I know.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi abbot 30 right>>
<<s abbot "As a consequence of the horrible acts from the abbot, whatever they were, the monks had to give up half the monastery to the nuns, and the dividing wall and the black door and everything were put in place to ensure that something like that would never happen again. From that point on, the monks and nuns would live separated from each other. To spare the nuns the humiliation of what had happened to them, it was decided that their records should not mention anything about it, and the nuns were sworn to secrecy, even to the future nuns joining their convent. Thus, the nuns living there now have no idea about this horrible secret. I pray they never will. These shameful acts by our order should be forgotten.">>
<<set _endmess = "I understand your concern and I see no reason to mention any of this to the nuns. My mission here is to investigate the attacks, nothing else.">>
<<if $qqsecretlabrecords >= 230>>
<<s mc "I visited your library and looked at the historical records of the abbots. The entry for the 'last abbot', <<var lastabbot,>> ended with a note to another document, but Brother <<var librarian>> referred me to you when I asked about it. I assume this document contains the record of what you just told me?">>
<<s abbot "Yes. It's kept secure. But I've told you everything it said.">>
<<s mc "I believe you, and I will drop this matter now. Thank you for telling me everything. _endmess">>
<<s mc "Thank you for telling me this. _endmess">>
<<s abbot "Thank you, Father $mc.">>
<<qsub secretlab abbot 220 journal>>
<<ev 400>>
<<if $qqsecretlabnunsexperiment >= 240>>
<<if ndef $qqsecretlabrecords>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 70>>
You think you have figured out pretty much everything about the last abbot and what he did. Except for the details about his person. You still haven't been to the monks' library to look him up. There is probably a record of who he was.
<<q secretlab 290>>
<<c null abbot>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 70>>
You have discovered the dark history of the monks and the last abbot. Though the curious side of you wonders what really happened, since the monks' records weren't explicit.
<<q secretlab 225>>
<<c null abbot>>
<<ev 500>>
<<c null abbot>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 37>>
<<s mc "I had a great time sampling your beverages. Would it be possible to arrange another event like that anytime soon? I would be honored to attend.">>
<<s abbot "I'm so pleased that you liked it. We'll do it again tomorrow! After supper. You are most welcome.">>
<<q monksDrinking2 200>>
<<but "Continue" abbot>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 37 right>>
<l><<s mc "I've been taking confessions from the sisters while I'm here. If there is a demand, I could offer my services as a Father Confessor to the brothers as well.">>
<<s abbot "What a generous offer! But as it happens, several of our members were ordained as priests in their previous lives, me being one of them. We still have the power to take confessions and absolve sins, so we have that covered.">>
<<s mc "Let me know if you change your mind. An outsider priest can be a positive thing. Confessing to people you know well and even live with, as in your case, may be detrimental to honesty and willingness to confess.">>
<<s abbot "I'll keep it in mind, certainly. But we have a very good brotherhood here. There's hardly any sinning being done. Perhaps a little too much to drink sometimes, as you have seen. But that's about it.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot 25>>
<<s mc "What about the town priest? Does he ever come here? To take confessions, say Mass, or administer the sacraments?">>
<<s abbot "No. The ordained priests among us are more than capable of handling all that. We take pride in being self-sufficient as much as we can. It's an advantage we have over the sisters, not having to rely on outside priests.">>
Too bad the abbot didn't take you up on your offer. Like with the nuns, having the monks confess their sins to you may lead to something of value to the investigation.
<<qmess monks3 150 journal>>
<<if setup.checkMonks3Completed()>>
<<but Leave monkevents1 "ev:100 step:3000">>
<<but "Continue" abbot>>
<<event 420>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 37 right>>
<<s mc "The well in your bathroom looks exactly like the one on the other side of the wall. I assume someone renovated the two wells and the dividing wall at the same time?">>
<<s abbot "Yes. The abbess and I agreed to renovate our wells and that part of the wall about... six years ago. We hired a contractor firm from two towns away.">>
<<s mc "The wall doesn't seem very solid. I could hear the nuns laughing on the other side. Any chance a hidden doorway was added to the wall?">>
<<s abbot "Oh... I can't imagine that. I was in there daily to check up on the work. I would have noticed something. The entire renovation only took a week or two as I recall. They didn't use the same material as the rest of the wall. We went for a modern solution. Not as thick, but just as sturdy. And cheaper.">>
<<s mc "I would like the name and address of that contractor.">>
<<s abbot "Of course.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot 37>>
The abbot looks in his drawer and produces a document with information about the renovation, including the firm that was hired to do it. It looks legit and it seems implausable that the abbot would have prepared a fake document. You believe he is telling the truth. This looks like another dead end in the investigation.
<<qmess monks3 220 journal>>
<<if setup.checkMonks3Completed()>>
<<but Leave monkevents1 "ev:100 step:3000">>
<<but "Continue" abbot>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 37 right>>
<<s mc "I happened to notice the large amount of long pepper in the garden. Being somewhat of a herb enthusiast, and after tasting your delicious beverages, I'm curious about this, because I didn't detect much of a pepper taste in any of the samples. I know your recipes are a secret, but maybe you can enlighten me on this small detail?">>
<<s abbot "Your senses were correct. We don't use long pepper in any of the recipes. I don't know why we grow long pepper, but I'm sure there is a reason for it. <<gardener>> would know since he is responsible for the garden.">>
<<s mc "I see. I'll ask him, then.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/gardener 35>>
<c>This is getting curiouser and curiouser. If the large amount of long pepper is not used for their production of alcoholic beverages, then what is it used for? It seems you have no choice but to ask <<gardener .>>
<<q longpepper2 450>>
<<event 550>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 37 right>>
<<s mc "I need to know everything you know about <<giovanni .>>">>
<<s abbot "<<giovanni ?>> You really think he could be behind the attacks?">>
<<s mc "That's what I'm trying to find out.">>
<<s abbot "When a brother joins our order, he is leaving his old life behind. There is an expectancy that any sins and transgressions will be of the past, as long as the brother is embracing his new life in service to God. Revealing what I know of <<giovanni>> would betray a trust.">>
<<s mc "I wouldn't ask if I didn't have strong enough suspicions to warrant such a request. <<giovanni>> might be innocent, but right now, in light of new findings, he is my prime suspect.">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi abbot 26>>
<<s abbot "How would <<giovanni>> even be able to attack the nuns? How would he get inside their part of the monastery?">>
<<s mc "I don't know that yet. But just because I haven't found a way, doesn't mean there is none.">>
<<s abbot "Apologies, $fmc, but if I am to betray a trust, I need to see that this crime you suspect <<giovanni>> of is even possible. Or that you have strong evidence that he is guilty. So I have to ask you, what evidence do you have that <<giovanni>> has anything to do with the attacks on the nuns?">>
<<s mc "I have nothing concrete. Only suspicions. Questions that I want answers to. But I don't want to confront <<giovanni>> and ask him before I know all I can about him.">>
<<ev 160>>
<<mi abbot 37 right>>
<<s abbot "What questions do you have for him?">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Father <<abbot>>, but I can't reveal that. I have to treat everyone here as a suspect – including you. I ask that you assist me in any way you can, and right now, I need your help to progress with the investigation.">>
<<s abbot "Hmm... I will have to think about this. Betraying a trust is not something I take lightly.">>
<<s mc "I understand. I'll return later, then.">>
<<q giovanniq 200>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi abbot 30>>
<<s mc "Father <<var abbot,>> have you come to a decision regarding <<giovanni ?>>">>
<<s abbot "If I reveal this information to you, you must promise to not pass it along to anyone unless you are certain that <<giovanni>> is guilty of a crime.">>
<<s mc "I promise.">>
<<s abbot "Then I will tell you what I know of <<giovanni .>>">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot_small 15 left>>
Father <<abbot>> tells you that <<giovanni>> came to the monastery about <<var giovanniYears>> years ago, joining the order of monks as a novice. This confirms what <<giovanni>> has already told you.
<<mii monks/giovanni 30 right>>
<p>Father <<abbot>> then tells you that Giovanni came recommended by a priest in another parish. This priest shared, in confidence, how it came about that Giovanni wanted to become a monk. In short, Giovanni had been sexually involved with a married woman. While this is a grave sin for a Catholic, it was all consensual. But then the husband found out about the affair and he was trying to get Giovanni convicted of rape. Being a man of power and influence in the region, the husband might have succeeded. Regretting his grave sinning and fearing the rape charge, Giovanni then decided to become a monk and spend the rest of his life close to God, away from that which had almost cost him his freedom.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi abbot 30 right>>
<<s mc "What else can you tell me of <<giovanni>> and his background?">>
<<s abbot "Not much. I think that Giovanni came from a wealthy family. Between the lines, the priest who recommended him led me to believe that Giovanni also had an affair with one of the maids in his household. Another grave sin since it was all about lust and no plans to get married. But it was also consensual – I heard nothing indicating otherwise. It is thus understandable, and commendable, that <<giovanni>> wanted to get away from this life of lustful sinning.">>
After making sure he has nothing else of importance to share about <<giovanni,>> you thank Father <<abbot>> for the information.
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 25>>
It's interesting that <<giovanni>> came here to get away from a life where he couldn't resist acting on his lustful feelings toward women. It fits with your suspicion that he is involved in the attacks on the nuns. On the other hand, nothing in his history suggests he forced himself on the women.
<p>There is also the lack of evidence that the nuns have been physically sexually assaulted. As far as you know, all the sexual acts have been performed by the victims themselves, on themselves, while under the influence of the attacker. This type of passive attack doesn't immediately strike you as something done by someone who is used to being intimate in bed with women, but rather someone who likes to watch. Or who is unable to perform physically.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 25>>
Furthermore, <<giovanni>> coming from a wealthy family with employed servants could explain that feeling you get that there is something off about him. You wondered earlier if it could be arrogance, and now that you know his background, it fits. <<giovanni>> has a slightly arrogant attitude, which is not an uncommon trait to develop for someone used to being above other people, but it's not something you expect from a monk, which is why you picked up on it.
<p>Lastly, you can now explain why <<giovanni>> appeared suspicious when you asked about his past. Being on the run from a rape charge and leaving a life of sinning with women, his reaction is understandable.
<<suspectadd giovanni s4 remove:s1>>
<<suspectadd giovanni s2 "silent remove:s2">></p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 30>>
With this new information about <<giovanni,>> you have done all you can for now to learn more about his background. You could spend a few days and nights spying on him and the garden shed to see if you can learn anything more about what is going on with the long pepper, but those days and nights are likely to be wasted and that means no progress with the investigation while <<mms>> is breathing down your neck, threatening to send for more help. No, it's time to confront <<giovanni>> with your questions about all the long pepper he is growing.
<<q giovanniq 300>>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head 40>>
<<if setup.daysSinceLastStage("dream4",1)>>
<<cs mc "I want to talk about the last beverage sampling.">>
<<cs mc "I want to talk about last night's beverage sampling.">>
<<cs abbot "Yes, it was a resounding success. Don't you agree, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, I enjoyed it very much. Until the end. Then something happened.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "What do you mean?">>
<<s mc "Another nun was attacked some time after the sampling ended. And I think someone drugged me at the sampling to get me out of the way. It could have been that liqueur you gave me, because I fell ill shortly after and had to retire to my room.">>
<<s abbot "But how could that be? No one but me knew I was going to get that bottle of liqueur. I asked Brother Gregor to get it just before I poured you the glass. And I had a glass of it too, remember? I didn't feel ill.">>
<<s mc "I don't know how it happened, but I don't believe it was you who drugged me. It would be too obvious. And it could have been something else other than the liqueur that made me ill.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi head 40>>
<<s mc "This feels planned. Tell me, did the other brothers know the sampling would happen long before you invited me to it?">>
<<s abbot "No. It was actually Brother Salvatore who made it happen. He insisted that we had another sampling with you as a guest. Something about God telling him to. I figured, why not? We enjoy our little sampling feasts, as I'm sure you've noticed. So I sent out the invitation to you that same day.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "What about the other two samplings I have attended? Did Brother Salvatore make those happen too?">>
<<s abbot "Oh, no. That was all me. Wait, do you think Brother Salvatore has something to do with the attacks, and your being drugged?">>
<<s mc "I doubt Brother Salvatore is knowingly connected to it, but perhaps someone is using him to get to me. I will talk to him. And I ask that you don't mention a word about any of this to Brother Salvatore or anyone else. As far as you know, the sampling was a complete success.">>
<<s abbot "Of course, I understand. I'm perplexed at the thought of any of the brothers doing what you're suggesting. If there is indeed such evil here, I pray that you find it.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
<c>Now you have to talk to Brother Salvatore. Did the fake angel pay him a visit again?
<<q dream4 3000>>
<<but "Continue" abbot>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head 38>>
<<s mc "I'm curious about Novice Alonso. He is very young. What's his history?">>
<<s abbot "He may be young but he found God early in his life and applied to join us as soon as he was allowed to – when he turned 18. I don't know much about Novice Alonso's life before that. He came recommended from a priest a few towns away.">>
<<s mc "Boys at his age can have problems with temptations of the flesh. Even the most devout Catholic boy can feel the desire of the opposite sex because of their hormones. Did you consider that when you let him join? You live next to a lot of women, many of whom are also young.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "As it happens, Novice Alonso himself raised the same concern when I first met him. He asked about the wall, wanting to know that we were completely separated from the nuns. I took his concern to mean he was committed to his life close to God, leaving the earthly behind. And I told him, as I will tell you, that with the wall in place, you soon forget that there are women nearby.">>
<<s mc "I've heard otherwise from <<gardener .>> He says he's heard the nuns several times over the wall when working in the garden. I think he has talked to you about it?">>
<<s abbot "Yes, he has. <<gardener>> has the right to his opinion, but he is the only one I've heard complain about it. I looked into one of his complaints when he was unusually upset. I sent a letter to the abbess asking about it, and it turned out that the nuns had arranged to let groups of visitors into the monastery that day to show them how they lived. Among them were families with young children and they could be noisy at times. That's probably what <<gardener>> heard.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi head 38>>
<<s mc "What about Novice Alonso? Could he be having problems with hearing women on the other side of the wall, just like <<gardener ?>>">>
<<s abbot "If he has, I know nothing about it. But I doubt he has. Please understand that <<gardener>> has been here a long time. During all that time, he may have heard women over the wall on occasion, but I think he makes it sound like it happens more often than it does. I also think he could have misheard, mistaking the sound of a bird or other animal for a woman.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/alonso 30>>
<c>You don't think you will learn anything more about Novice Alonso from Father Alvaro.
<p>But you aren't about to give up that quickly. You will continue investigating Novice Alonso.
<<q alonsoq2 200>></p>
<<but "Continue" abbot>>
<<event 830>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head 38>>
<<s mc "I'm interested to know more about Brother Salvatore. Has he taken vows?">>
<<s abbot "No, we call him Brother more as an honorary title. As you understand, his intellectual disability disqualifies him from taking the vows.">>
<<s mc "How did he come to live with you?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "I was contacted by one of our benefactors – one of the people donating large sums to our order – with a request to let Brother Salvatore join us. Brother Salvatore wanted to live here as a monk and work in our garden. After Brother Salvatore came here to meet us and spend a few days working in the garden as a test, I asked the brothers to vote to make an exception to let Brother Salvatore live with us permanently, even though he could never take the vows. And he was accepted. Technically, Brother Salvatore is not part of our order, but an employed worker. But that's just on paper. His place is here with us, close to God.">>
<<s mc "What do you know of Brother Salvatore from his earlier life?">>
<<s abbot "I don't know Brother Salvatore's background, other than what little the benefactor has told me. I think Brother Salvatore lived a sheltered life before coming here. He doesn't seem to know much about the world, but that could be because of his condition, of course.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi head 38>>
<<s mc "Could he be faking his disability, coming here under false pretenses? I'm just looking into different possibilities in my investigation.">>
<<s abbot "I can't imagine. Why would anyone do such a thing?">>
<<s mc "To escape here, away from the law, perhaps. Or something more sinister. Evil exists, Father.">>
<<s abbot "Yes, I know. I understand that you have seen more evil than I have, $fmc, but I refuse to believe that Brother Salvatore could be an impostor. I just can't see it.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid your word is not good enough as proof in my investigation. Do you have anything more concrete to prove that his diminished intellectual capacity is real?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "Aside from my own experience with him, no. ">>
<<s mc "Then I ask that you contact the benefactor, Father Alvaro. I need all the information I can get about Brother Salvatore. I need evidence that he is who he appears to be.">>
<<s abbot "I'll see what I can do. I will write the benefactor a letter, but I have to be very careful in this matter. Our benefactors are very important to us. Even with the beverages we sell, we rely on donations to run this place. If the benefactor doesn't want to tell me about Brother Salvatore – and it could be sensitive – I don't want to pressure him.">>
<<s mc "I understand. Please do what you can. Could you have the letter ready for tomorrow? The sooner, the better.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi head 38>>
<<s abbot "I'll write the letter today and it will be picked up by one of our trucks leaving tomorrow. The benefactor lives only a few towns away and he usually answers quickly when he gets my letters, so the return letter could be delivered as soon as the day after tomorrow. But mail to the monastery is delivered to the town church and then delivered here whenever the next delivery truck to the monastery makes a round. And that could take several days sometimes.">>
<<s mc "Yes, I'm aware. That's fine. Thank you, Father. Maybe I'll swing by and pick up the mail myself if I'm in town, and then deliver it to you. Would that be okay with you?">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "Certainly. I won't insult you by asking that you respect our privacy and don't open the letters. Of course you won't, even being an investigator.">>
<<s mc "Yes, of course.">>
Did the abbot seem nervous about you reading the letters? Now you got curious. He could just be concerned about protecting his relationship with the benefactors, but maybe there is something Father Alvaro doesn't want you to see? Something related to the investigation...
<<ev 600>>
<<mi head 38>>
<<s mc "So this benefactor, do you know him well?">>
<<s abbot "I would say so, yes. He has visited us a few times during the years. You may have heard of the benefactor too, as he comes from a very wealthy and respected family, but I won't mention any names.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "Do you think Brother Salvatore is a close family member of this benefactor, maybe even a son?">>
<<s abbot "My guess is, no. I think the benefactor is doing a favor for someone else, someone from another family, or perhaps one of his business associates. The benefactor hasn't shown that much interest in Brother Salvatore when visiting us – not what you would expect if he was a family member – only making sure he was treated well.">>
<<s mc "Has any other visitor shown an interest in Brother Salvatore – someone who could be behind Brother Salvatore coming here?">>
<<s abbot "No. Only the benefactor has ever shown an interest in Brother Salvatore.">>
You thank Father Alvaro for his help.
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 36>>
<c>Opening other people's private mail is not something you take lightly, but the abbot may be hiding something about Brother Salvatore and you can't take any chances. You need all the help you can get in the investigation. You must read the response from that benefactor.
<p>The letter from the benefactor may arrive in the town church as early as two days from now. You have to be there to intercept it.
<<q salvatoreq 200>>
<<but "Continue" abbot>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40>>
<c>You tell Father Alvaro that there are two envelopes addressed to him and ask if he can open them right away to see if one of them is from the benefactor.
<p>Father Alvaro does as you ask. You are pleased to see that he doesn't notice anything strange about the envelopes as he opens them. You resealed them perfectly.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii abbot/head 36>>
<c>Father Alvaro reads the letter from the benefactor and tells you the little it says, confirming that Brother Salvatore's intellectual disability is real.
<p>You thank Father Alvaro for his help.</p>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 32>>
You can put the question of Brother Salvatore's disability behind you.
<p>You can't rule out that Brother Salvatore could be lying about things. He also has shady dealings with Novice Alonso and he is indirectly involved in the nocturnal attacks on the nuns because of his association with the fake angel.</p>
<p>However, you are convinced that he is not knowingly involved in the attacks, but rather a victim of the circumstances, being manipulated by others. In any case, you should keep a close eye on Brother Salvatore.</p>
<p>This concludes your investigation into Brother Salvatore, for now.
<<qend salvatoreq 1000>></p>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head 36>>
<<s abbot "I don't know if anything has happened. Not for real. But many brothers have had these nightmares recently. Disturbing nightmares. Or that is what I have told the brothers – and myself... that they were just having bad dreams – because I didn't want to think otherwise. But I can no longer pretend it's nothing. These nightmares, Father... they remind me of what you have told me about the attacks on the nuns.">>
<<s mc "Tell me everything you know, Father Alvaro. Every detail is important.">>
<<s abbot "I've written everything down in my diary. What the brothers told me. I'll give you the summary of it.">>
Father Alvaro places a leatherbound book on his desk. You assume it is his diary.
<<c "Listen to the abbot">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii crone/darkfigure 70>>
The abbot tells you that the monks remembered waking up in the middle of the night to a dark figure standing by their bed. Many of the monks said the figure had red, glowing eyes, but other than that, the descriptions of the being are very vague.
<p>The dark figure was silent. At first, it only observed the monks, and sometimes touched and poked them.</p>
<<ev 230>>
<<mii misc/eyes 80>>
<c>Like the nuns who were attacked, the monks had trouble moving and they couldn't focus their eyes, making everything blurry.
<p>But contrary to the attacked nuns, nothing sexual or lustful happened to the monks. Instead, the dark figure felt to them like a doctor inspecting a patient. Cold and devoid of emotion.</p>
<p>But then something strange happened.</p>
<<ev 260>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 68>>
<<s abbot "The doctor – that's what we call the dark figure – started tapping on their bodies – using fingers or perhaps some kind of instrument." ii>>
Father Alvaro gives an example, reading from his diary:
<<s abbot "\"Brother Tarcisio says the doctor started tapping on him: Three taps on his right arm, then four taps on his right leg, then two taps on his chest. Then there was a short pause. Then the sequence of taps repeated, exactly the same: Three taps on the right arm, four taps on the right leg, two taps on the chest, then a pause.\"" ii>>
<<ev 270>>
<<mi head 36>>
Father Alvaro looks up from the diary.
<<s abbot "That was the first nightmare described to me. The sequence of taps repeated several times until the nightmare ended – or at least Brother Tarcisio's memories of it. Brother Tarcisio couldn't remember anything more until he woke up in the morning.">>
The abbot then continues reading from his diary...
<<ev 280>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<<s abbot "Brother Beniamino – the second reported nightmare, from the same night: \"Five taps on the chest, then three taps on the left leg, then four taps on the left arm. A pause, and everything repeated several times.\"" ii>>
<p>Father Alvaro closes the diary. He tells you that the brothers don't always remember the exact tapping sequence. It varies a lot between nightmares.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi head 36>>
Father Alvaro hands you a document.
<<s abbot "I thought the tapping sequences could mean something, so I compiled this list for you.">>
<<ev 310>>
<<mii crone/tapping 80>>
Looking at the document, you see that it is a list of dates.
<p>After each date are the names of the monks having the nightmare with "the doctor" that night, and the tapping sequences they experienced in their dreams – or what they could remember of the sequences.</p>
<p>You note that many monks have had the nightmare more than once. You also note that the last date on the list was yesterday – so this is very much ongoing.</p>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi head 36 right>>
<<s mc "I appreciate that you took the time to make this list, Father. It could prove useful.">>
<<s abbot "It's no problem, Father. It was quick work to compile the list. But be aware that the list only includes the nightmares about the doctor that the brothers came to tell me about. I have learned that many of them haven't told me about all the times they've had the nightmare. For different reasons. Sometimes didn't tell me because they couldn't remember much and it felt more like a normal nightmare. They may be right. It would make sense that they had actual nightmares about what happened to them.">>
<<ev 325>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "How come you wrote down the accounts of the nightmares, and why did the brothers tell you about them in the first place?">>
<<s abbot "The brothers told me about the nightmares on my request. You see, Father, I was worried that this culprit you're hunting would attack us too... Do things to us when we slept. If it happened, I wanted to get it down on paper in case it could be of use at some point.">>
<<s abbot "The days in the monastery are much the same. As they are meant to be. But I still like to keep a pretty detailed diary to distinguish the days from each other. And now I would record their nightmares.">>
<<s abbot "So I made up a story. I told the brothers that I had a vision in a dream. That I was to record everyone's nightmares and disturbing dreams. This would help cleanse our house of negative spirits and bring harmony. I assured them that nothing they told me about their dreams would be held against them in any way, no matter how sinful or offending the dream was.">>
<<ev 330>>
<<mi head 36 right>>
<<s mc "So they did what you told them to...">>
<<s abbot "Yes. The brothers started coming to me with their nightmares. In the beginning, nothing of note was reported. Nothing stood out to me as possibly being related to the attacks on the nuns. But I still wrote down everything they said, just in case.">>
<<s abbot "And then suddenly one day, these disturbing nightmares with the doctor started. I sensed this could be what I had been afraid of, as it reminded me of the attacks on the nuns, and several brothers had the same dream independent of each other. So I made sure to write down every detail.">>
<<s abbot "As I said, there are more of these nightmares that the brothers didn't tell me about, but I think the list is complete, or close to complete, when it comes to the names of the brothers who had the nightmare at least once. And once they came to tell me about the nightmare, they seemed eager to talk about it, finding the nightmare so strange and creepy, yet disturbingly realistic.">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi abbot 36>>
<<s abbot "As more of these nightmares were told to me, I continued to cling to a hope that they would just be nightmares. But I no longer believe it.">>
<<s mc "I applaud your forward thinking and your diligence in recording the dreams. It could be very important. But I wish you had told me about them sooner. Why didn't you?">>
<<ev 380>>
<<mi head 36 right>>
<<s abbot "I promised the brothers I would keep what they said confidential. I thought that if the culprit came here, doing things to us, I could just inform you in general terms about it, perhaps provide you with some lead on how to catch the culprit. I wouldn't have to reveal the details of the dreams, or who dreamt them.">>
<<s abbot "But then with the tapping sequences, they felt so important that I thought you should know, and I thought knowing who dreamt them could be important too, and you probably would want to question the brothers. They would know I told you, that I broke my promise. So I kept lying to myself that they were just having nightmares. But eventually, I couldn't keep silent anymore. I trust you will keep the knowledge of the nightmares as confidential as you can. ">>
<<s mc "You have my word, Father Alvaro. Now please excuse me a moment while I take a look at the list.">>
<<c "Study the list">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii crone/tapping 88>>
<c>You study the list, taking your time with it.
<p>As Father Alvaro told you, sometimes the monks remembered the tapping sequence, while other times, they couldn't remember the sequence or were unsure of it.</p>
<p>Most of the monks on the list have had the nightmare at least two times. None have had it more than four times – but this number may in reality be higher since Father Alvaro told you that not all nightmares have been reported to him.</p>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi abbot 34>>
<c>You ask Father Alvaro if the brothers' memories of the tapping sequence matched their general memories of the nightmares, and the abbot confirms this. The brothers who had a vague memory of the tapping sequence also had vague memories of the dream as a whole. Nothing strange there.
<<c "Analyze the tapping sequences">>
<<ev 440>>
<<mii crone/tapping 88>>
You study the tapping sequences that the monks remembered.
<p>All the sequences consist of three sets of taps, with each set consisting of between two and five taps. Each sequence of three sets is performed on one arm, one leg, and the chest, with one set on each body part.</p>
<p>The number of taps in each set and the order of the body parts vary between the names on the list, but always stays the same for each nightmare.</p>
<<ev 460>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<c>You note that the tapped legs and arms are always both either on the right side or the left side of the body of the monk.
<p>The side matches with the side of the bed the doctor was standing on. Whether that means it was just a matter of ease of access which side to tap on, or if it was essential to always tap the arm and leg on the same side of the body, you can only speculate.</p>
<<ev 480>>
<<mii crone/tapping 88>>
<c>You attempt to see some kind of overall pattern or meaning to the many tapping sequences, but you don't have much to go on. They feel random. It doesn't help that there are many missing or uncertain sequences.
<p>One thing you note is that, for each monk listed, the doctor never tapped the same sequence in more than one nightmare - in the cases a monk remembered at least two nightmares well enough to compare. So while some specific sequences are listed in the nightmares of different monks, a specific sequence is only listed once per monk. It may be a coincidence.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 35>>
<c>Next, you focus on the individual monks on the list. Age-wise, there are differences compared to the list of the attacked nuns.
<p>All the attacked nuns are relatively young, around 20 to 35 years of age. While most of the monks on the list are also in that age span, the ages go up to around 60 years of age.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/gaspar3 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/giovanni3 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/alonso2 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/brewer2 21 "left nomarginRight">>
<c>You haven't had much contact with most of the monks on the list. The ones you know the best are Brother Gaspar, Brother Giovanni, Novice Alonso – who is one of the youngest monks on the list – and Brother Gino, the master brewer – one of the oldest on the list.
<p>Brother Giovanni and Brother Gino are only on the list once, while Novice Alonso is on the list two times, and Brother Gaspar is on the list four times.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi head 36>>
<<s abbot "Well, Father? What do you think? Is this the work of the culprit you're hunting?">>
<<s mc "It may very well be. Probably, yes. Have you found any evidence that these weren't just dreams? Evidence of someone being in their rooms during the night?">>
<<s abbot "No, nothing I know of. Is there something I should look for if it happens again?">>
<<s mc "You should contact me immediately and I will take it from there.">>
<<ev 1010>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
Although the monks remembered many of the nightmares well, they also often didn't. The doctor may be using an <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> hiding an oily cloth under the bed, just like in the rooms of the attacked nuns.
<p>It is worth investigating, but you see no reason to reveal any of this to Father Alvaro.
<<ev 1020>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "While we're speaking of this: I want to look at the room of the last brother with the nightmare. Novice Monaldo.">>
<<s abbot "Of course. Do you want to do it right away? The room should be empty now.">>
<<s mc "Yes, the sooner, the better.">>
<<s abbot "Then follow me, Father.">>
Father Alvaro leaves the room and you follow him through the hallway.
<<ev 1040>>
<<mii abbot/head 35 right>>
<l>Eventually, the abbot stops outside a room and opens the door. The room is empty.
<<s abbot "This is Novice Monaldo's room.">>
<<s mc "Please wait outside. I want to keep any findings confidential. The less you know, the safer you are.">>
<<s abbot "Of course. I will keep guard outside, then.">>
You enter the room and close the door behind you. It has been more than one full day since the doctor was in this room. If an oily cloth was placed under the bed, it has probably been removed by now. But maybe it hasn't.
<<c "Investigate the bed">>
<<ev 1060>>
<<mii misc/bedslats 62>>
<c>As you thought, there is nothing hidden under the bed.
<p>You also can't detect that metallic smell, but you didn't expect the smell to still be here after so long.</p>
<p>It was worth a look, but nothing came of it.</p>
<<c "Open the door">>
<<ev 1080>>
<<mii abbot/head 35>>
<cc><<cs mc "I'm done here. We should return to your room, for privacy.">>
<<cs abbot "Of course.">>
You follow the abbot back to his room.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "So what do I do now, $fmc? I don't want to scare the brothers with the truth, that someone is doing strange things with them at night. On the other hand, I don't want to lie to them.">>
<<s mc "Stick to the story that they are having nightmares. That's what you should convince them of if they start questioning things. Telling them anything else could put them in danger. In fact, starting right now and going forward, you and me should refer to these incidents as nightmares as well when speaking to each other, just in case someone happens to listen.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi head 32>>
The abbot nervously looks around the room.
<<s abbot "You think we have to be that careful?">>
<<s mc "Yes. We don't know how the evil forces behind these nightmares will react if the truth of them start getting out. Satan's minions could hurt or even kill someone who seems to know too much. Let me be their single opponent, Father. The Lord has sent me here on a mission, and He is protecting me.">>
<<s abbot "If you say so, $fmc. I will follow your lead on this. And 'nightmares' it is. But what do I do if the brothers realize they are having the same nightmares independent of each other? With the doctor and the tapping sequences and all. It's hard to explain that as coincidences.">>
<<s mc "Hmm, let's see... when did the nightmares start?">>
<<c "Look at the list">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii mrefectory/drinking10 60>>
You look at the first entry on the list.
The first date is a few days after the last beverage sampling you attended – after which you were attacked outside your room, and the last attack on the nuns happened.
Did the attacker change their modus operandi at that point, going after the monks instead of the nuns?
<<ev 1310>>
<<mi head 34>>
<<s mc "If the brothers start questioning how their nightmares could be so similar, you will tell them that things like shared dreams can occur in closed communities like yours – it's a known phenomenon, studied by scientists. The brothers have heard other brothers talking about the nightmares and then had the same dream. ">>
<<ev 1320>>
<<mi abbot 34>>
You spend a few minutes educating the abbot, telling him how he should explain to his fellow brothers that a form of mass hysteria is the reason the monks have the same nightmare – stemming from a shared mild psychosis among them and fueled by a collective fear.
<<s mc "If someone objects to this, saying they hadn't heard about the nightmares before they had one, you can tell them that <<italics you>> told them about the nightmares, the night of the last beverage sampling. They were drunk and must have forgotten about it, but it stayed in their subconscious and caused the nightmare.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi head 36>>
<c>Father Alvaro agrees to follow your advice on how to make the monks believe the disturbing nightmares are indeed just nightmares.
<p>You hope this will keep the monks safe – and prevent panic, which could hinder your investigation.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro, I want to question a few of the brothers on this list about their nightmares – to get it straight from the source. It's important in an investigation. I will keep it as confidential as I can, as promised, but obviously, I can't hide that you've told me about their nightmares. I'm sure they will be fine with it though, extending the confidence to me, a priest from the Vatican.">>
<<s abbot "Yes, $fmc. I understand that you need to do this.">>
<<s mc "One last question: Did any of the brothers say the doctor looked like a nun?">>
<<s abbot "No. No, I would have noted it. You've told me about the Crone.">>
<<ev 1520>>
<<mi head 36>>
You need time to think before doing anything else. You ask Father Alvaro to send for you if something of note happens with the "nightmares", then you bid him farewell.
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<c>Walking slowly through the hallways, you consider what you have just learned.
<p>You are pretty certain that the monks are not just having nightmares. The doctor is real. But who is the doctor?</p>
<p>You get the feeling that it is the alchemist. But even more so, the attacker. The alchemist, the attacker, and the doctor could all be the same individual. But they also might not be.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 38 right>>
You think about the term <<italics attacker>> – the name you have given the culprit attacking the nuns in their beds. The term doesn't feel as appropriate in the case with the monks.
<p>With the nuns, the nocturnal attacks have a clear sexual or lustful component to them. They can be classified as sexual assaults, a form of sexual attack, which is why you have used the terms <<italics attack>> and <<italics attacker>> even though the incidents haven't been physically violent per se.</p>
<p>The actual purpose of the attacks on the nuns is unclear. The attacker may gain sexual pleasure from the attacks, but there is no evidence of that.</p>
<p>For one thing, you haven't found any semen at the crime scenes. In sex crimes where the culprit is a man, you often do.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 62>>
<c>With the monks and their "nightmare" incidents, the monks do experience some discomfort in hardly being able to move – similar to the nuns – but you don't count that as physical violence. And there is no sexual component present. Thus, you wouldn't classify these incidents as attacks.
<p>Instead, they appear to be part of some kind of test or experiment – or treatment. The tapping sequences, in particular, appear to be done for a very specific purpose.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 34>>
<c>This raises the question that perhaps the attacks on the nuns are done with a similar purpose. Maybe you have been looking at them from the wrong perspective.
<p>Could the nocturnal incidents with the nuns and the monks – as deranged and disturbing as they seem – be meant to help? To treat the nuns and monks of an affliction?</p>
<<ev 2320>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 62>>
<c>Could "the doctor" see itself as a benevolent being? An actual doctor or healer of some kind, using arcane forms of treatment unknown to you?
<p>If the doctor is a supernatural being – or a disturbed human – it may not realize the mental damage it is causing its "patients".</p>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mii misc/satan 66>>
<c>For now though, you can't let your guard down. You have to assume – until proven otherwise – that the doctor is acting with ill intent. That no matter who the alchemist, the attacker, and the doctor are, you are facing Satan and his minions. It is still the most likely scenario.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii crone/tapping 88>>
Whoever the doctor is, the tapping sequences on the victims seem to play an important role in whatever is going on. But you shouldn't underestimate the deviousness of your opponents. The tapping could be a diversion to get you on the wrong track. To make you waste time trying to find meaning in something meaningless.
<p>You will not spend more time trying to find meaning with the tapping sequences – not until you know more.
<<qend abbotmessage 200>>
<<invest tapping>></p>
/* See note 2) in file The doctor in Tweego/text files about why staking out rooms etc wont work */
<<ev 3000>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/alonso2 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/gaspar3 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/giovanni3 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/brewer2 21 "left nomarginRight">>
Questioning all the monks who have been visited by the doctor doesn't seem worth the trouble nor the risk of drawing attention to what is going on. Creating fear and panic doesn't help you with your investigation.
<p>You will settle with questioning a few of the monks you know best. You should talk to Brother Gaspar, Brother Giovanni, and Brother Gio.</p>
<p>But first, you want to talk to Novice Alonso.
<<qstart monknightmares 100>></p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
<c>The fact that Novice Alonso has been visited by "the doctor" is interesting.
<p>You have to assume that the doctor is involved in the attacks. This seems to indicate that Novice Alonso is <<italics not>> involved in the attacks, or it would mean that the evil forces behind the attacks are doing these disturbing things to one of their own.</p>
<p>However, the latter is still possible, especially if Novice Alonso is just a lackey. The young novice could be an expendable resource to the evil forces, to be used for the greater purpose – whatever that is.</p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<l>Trusting Novice Alonso would mean taking a risk, but weighing all the pros and cons, you are prepared to take a bet that Novice Alonso is indeed innocent, and then you could use him as your helper once more.
<p>But first, Novie Alonso has questions to answer. You want to ask him about the nightmares with the doctor, and you must also confront him about his trespassing on the nuns' side.</p>
<p>You must be reasonably convinced that Novice Alonso isn't involved in the attacks before trusting him to help you again.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
<c>You should meet with Novice Alonso in the bathroom as usual, but the novice nuns have already bathed today. Meeting with Novice Alonso has to wait until tomorrow.
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>> /* force player to wait until tomorrow to avoid doing too much same day and allow triggering of other quests when playing from 100% v0.7.1 save */
<<q alonsoq2 2000>>
<<event 930>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii abbot/head 38>>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro, I need your help. I have reason to suspect that the people responsible for the attacks on the nuns have a connection to the Distillery. Perhaps the attacker even works there. I have recruited Novice Alonso as an assistant in my investigation. I ask you to arrange for Novice Alonso to be reassigned to work in the Distillery. Find him something suitable to do there. Something that requires him to spend time in the caves, as that is where any foul play is most likely happening.">>
You explain to the abbot that Novice Alonso believes you are here to catch counterfeiters, and that the abbot must play along with this cover story when talking to Novice Alonso.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 45 right>>
<<s abbot "As you wish, $fmc. I will see to it. I have to think of a reason, or it will be seen as a strange decision.">>
<<s mc "May I suggest that you speak with Novice Alonso? Maybe you two can come up with something that has some basis in the truth. Perhaps Novice Alonso does not enjoy working in the hot sun – then you could exaggerate the problem and say he has started to get migraines from working in the sun.">>
<<s abbot "Yes, that is a good idea. Maybe I'll use that one. I'm not good at lying, $fmc, and I don't like it, but I realize it's necessary in this case.">>
<<s mc "I understand, Father. I'm sorry I have to put you through this, but as you say, it has to be done. If you could have Novice Alonso transferred to the Distillery by tomorrow, that would be great.">>
<<s abbot "I'll make it happen, Father.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 90>>
<cc>Tomorrow, you should visit Novice Alonso in the Distillery.
<<q alonsodistillery 300 center>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head 37>>
<<s mc "What's the latest news of the police investigation into Brother Gregor's death?">>
<<s abbot "The police seem to think it was an accident. That Brother Gregor pulled the rack on himself while sleepwalking, as you suggested. No one had seen him after the usual bedtime and the police estimated his death as two or three hours before we found him. They will close the investigation soon unless something new turns up.">>
<<s mc "That's good. Contact me if the police decide to keep the investigation open.">>
<<s abbot "I will, Father, but what about your own investigation of Brother Gregor's passing? Have you found anything pointing to it not being an accident?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii crone/darkfigure 66>>
Having prepared for this question, you have decided to be honest with the abbot – to an extent. He doesn't need to know the details.
<<s mc "Yes. I believe the evil forces I'm hunting are responsible for the 'accident'. Probably the doctor, or someone working with the doctor. My guess is that Brother Gregor happened to see something he shouldn't. Or perhaps he was involved with the doctor and had a falling out.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "But that's terrible. As terrible as an accident would be... if what you're saying is true, it means there is a murderer walking around among us. Shouldn't we contact the police about this, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. This is still a church matter, something I can handle on my own. If we involve the police, there is no turning back. Every evil that's been done over here and over by the nuns risks coming to light, damaging us all. I believe Brother Gregor's death was and will be an isolated incident, an exception, as far as extreme violence is concerned. The evil forces behind everything clearly refrain from violence if they can because they too want to avoid the involvement of the police. This is a spiritual fight of good versus evil, Father. Let's keep the mundane world out of this for as long as we can. If I think we need to involve the police, I will.">>
<<s abbot "I will follow your lead, then, Father. I hope you will put an end to this soon.">>
<<qmess investmurder 2000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 55>>
<<s mc "Speaking of which... what news about the doctor and the 'nightmares'?">>
<<s abbot "Just a few more nightmares have been reported to me since we last spoke. It appears the frequency with which they happen has slowed down, although it may be temporary." ii>>
<<s mc "Keep recording everything. I still don't know what the doctor is up to, or what the tapping sequences mean, but maybe one day we will figure it out. Don't worry too much about it and keep the monks thinking they are just nightmares. We don't want any more of you to end up like Brother Gregor.">>
<<s abbot "A horrible thought." ii>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi head 37>>
<<s mc "So, with Brother Gregor gone, who will be the new master distiller?">>
<<s abbot "One of the apprentices of present or past. Probably the current one – Novice Pascal. Brother Gregor's tragic passing highlights why we have this apprentice position... to have several brothers learn the craft of the masters since we are so dependent on it for our livelihood.">>
<<s mc "Will this cause a problem in the production, having a relatively inexperienced apprentice taking over?">>
<<s abbot "There may be some hiccups initially, but it should work smoothly enough not to cause us significant financial problems. We have detailed instructions for every part of the process and the new master distiller will have had the basic training. Plus, Brother Gino and Brother William – the two remaining master brothers – can help out in the beginning. Me too, as I'm also quite knowledgeable in the manufacturing processes.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii monks/pascal 34>>
<<s mc "So Novice Pascal will be the new master, you think. I thought you would choose someone older and more experienced.">>
<<s abbot "We will vote on it tonight, but it will most likely be Novice Pascal, yes. He is the current apprentice, and almost finished with his apprenticeship. As for experience, he is actually one of the most experienced brothers we have. As you may know, $fmc, only the masters and the apprentice work all year round in the Distillery. The others take turns – and they are then mostly doing heavy labor like lifting sacks of grain. Consequently, the current and past apprentices are the most suitable to take over as master." ii>>
<<ev 1140>>
<<mi head 37 right>>
<<s abbot "It's true that Novice Pascal is relatively young, and still a novice. However, the apprenticeship lasts two years and we got a lot of new equipment about five years ago, which means that Novice Pascal and the previous apprentice – Brother Henri – are the only apprentices that have had two years of practical experience with that equipment – or close to two years in Novice Pascal's case. And Brother Henri left us some time ago... Left the order, I mean. He got a taste for the outside life. It happens. But Novice Pascal is still with us... with the order.">>
<<s mc "Wouldn't it be odd to have a novice as a master brother?">>
<<s abbot "Yes, it wouldn't look good, I agree. Novice Pascal was meant to take his vows and become a professed brother when finishing his apprenticeship, so if he is elected as the new master distiller, we will make him a full member of the order sooner than planned. ">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "Was it generally assumed among the brothers, and by Novice Pascal in particular, that if one of the master brothers needed to be replaced for some reason, Novice Pascal would most likely be the next in line?">>
<<s abbot "I can't say for sure, but it wasn't a secret that Novice Pascal was appreciated for his skill and work ethic in the Distillery. And with his experience with the new equipment, I would guess that Novice Pascal felt he was next in line if something happened. But why do you ask this, Father? Are you suggesting that Novice Pascal is behind the death of poor Brother Gregor?">>
<<s mc "I'm not suggesting anything, but I must consider every possibility.">>
<<s abbot "Yes, of course.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi head 37 right>>
<<s mc "But let's assume for a moment Novice Pascal indeed was involved in Brother Gregor's death. Can you think of anything that Novice Pascal would benefit from it – aside from the title and prestige of being a master?">>
<<s abbot "No, what would that be?">>
<<s mc "Something like a privilege he would gain when becoming the new master, perhaps? And something he would lose when his apprenticeship soon ends.">>
<<s abbot "Hmm... oh, well, the masters and the current apprentice – and myself – are the only ones with keys to the Distillery. And we keep the Distillery locked during the night. So I guess if Novice Pascal wanted to keep the key to enter the Distillery at night for some reason...">>
So Novice Pascal had a key to the Distillery as the apprentice, and he would soon lose his apprenticeship, and thus the key. But now he will probably become the new master and keep the key. Interesting.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "What else would Novice Pascal gain from becoming a master? Maybe you have private meetings with the masters?">>
<<s abbot "We don't have private meetings as in keeping what's said a secret, but of course, it can happen that if we for instance discuss the purchase of a new piece of equipment, the masters have the final say together with me, and we may close the door to get some privacy when discussing it. And the apprentice may be there then, or he may not be. But everyone will learn of our decisions. We keep no secrets about things affecting the community, Father.">>
You keep prodding Father Alvaro to think of something more that Novice Pascal would benefit from Brother Gregor's death – assuming he would become the new master distiller – but the abbot can't think of anything else of significance.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi head 37 right>>
<<s mc "So who will become the new apprentice if Novice Pascal becomes master? He would soon end his apprenticeship either way, so you perhaps already had a name ready?">>
<<s abbot "I suppose we have a few names we've considered, yes. We'll get to that once we've chosen the new master. It's not an urgent matter.">>
<<s mc "I ask that you make Novice Alonso the new apprentice. As a favor to me and to help with the investigation. Being the apprentice would make it easier for him to be my eyes and ears in there.">>
<<s abbot "Is Novice Alonso even interested in becoming the apprentice? Hmm... Well, either way, it's not my decision alone. The votes of Brother Gino and Brother William weigh heavily. And that of the new master distiller, so presumably Novice Pascal. They are the ones Novice Alonso would work for.">>
<<s mc "We can talk more about this after the new master distiller has been appointed. If it is Novice Pascal, please don't appoint a new apprentice until you and I have spoken again.">>
<<s abbot "As you wish, $fmc.">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "One more thing before I leave: When exactly did Novice Pascal become the apprentice?">>
<<s abbot "To the day?... Let's see. Let me check my old notebook from that year.">>
Father Alvaro opens a drawer...
A minute later, he comes up with the answer. It turns out that Novice Pascal became the apprentice a few months <<italics after>> the first reported attack on the nuns. That means Novice Pascal had not yet gotten the key to the Distillery when the attacks started.
<p>Too bad. It would have been a nice fit if the attacks started after Novice Alonso got the key – and then could enter the Distillery at night to access the possible secret entrance leading into the nuns' side of the wall.</p>
<<c "Leave Father Alvaro">>
<<ev 1780>>
<<mii monks/pascal 34>>
But you may still be on to something with Novice Pascal.
<p>Someone else who had a key when the attacks started may be involved in the attacks together with him. And there may be more keys to the Distillery than the abbot knows. Maybe someone managed to make a secret copy of the key, perhaps Novice Pascal himself, before the attacks started.</p>
<p>Even if Novice Pascal already had access to a key to the Distillery, becoming the apprentice would still serve an important purpose if he is the attacker because then he wouldn't need to worry too much about being discovered in the Distillery at night. As the apprentice, and officially having a key to the Distillery, he could just say he had some errand to do, and no monk would think twice.</p>
<<ev 2090>>
<<mii monks/pascal2 34>>
Although you don't have much more than suspicions and speculations to go on, Novice Pascal would be a good fit for being involved in the attacks, and with that the probable murder of Brother Gregor.
<p>You must keep an eye on Novice Pascal. It is time to add him to your top list of suspects.
<<suspect pascal>></p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 36>>
If Novice Pascal becomes the new master distiller tomorrow, it would suit you well to have Novice Alonso become the new apprentice. You must return here tomorrow
<<qstart alonsoapprentice 100>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("investmurder",2000) && setup.checkqStage("investmurder",2100)>>
<<but "Leave" monkevents1 "ev:300 step:2000">>
<cc>Now you must examine the mud sample in the lab in the Distillery. In secret, not to alert the possible murderer. You will use Novice Alonso to help you with that.
<<qmess investmurder 2090 center>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi head 37>>
<<set _brotherpascal = "So, as I mentioned earlier, now that you need a new apprentice, I'd like you to make Novice Alonso the new apprentice.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",130)>>
<<s mc "I saw that Brother Pascal is the new master distiller, as expected. _brotherpascal">>
<<s mc "Did you appoint a new master distiller yet?">>
<<s abbot "Yes. Brother Pascal is now the master distiller, as expected.">>
<<s mc "Good. _brotherpascal">>
<<s abbot "Yes, I remember. I can try to convince the master brothers, but to be honest, Novice Alonso doesn't strike me as someone most suited to become the apprentice. Though I may be wrong in my judgment.">>
<<s mc "I need Novice Alonso as an effective spy in the Distillery for the time being. If that changes, like if I stop the evil forces, I'm sure the brothers will understand that Novice Alonso's apprenticeship was a temporary one due to special circumstances. You can then appoint whomever you see most fit to the apprenticeship.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "As you wish, $fmc. I will speak to the master brothers. But I don't know how to convince them that Novice Alonso is the correct choice.">>
<<s mc "As you know, sometimes we have to lie in the fight against evil. You can expand on the white lie you've already told the brothers. You told them you dreamt that you should write down everyone's nightmares. And then the nightmares with the doctor started, suggesting your dream was from the Lord. You can tell the master brothers I agree with this interpretation. And now you can tell them that you dreamt about Novice Alonso becoming the new apprentice. Make the masters believe this dream too is from the Lord, and you can tell them that I again agree with this.">>
<<s abbot "Yes, Father. I will do my best.">>
<<s mc "We'll speak again soon.">>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
<c>You must talk to Novice Alonso in the bathroom about your plans to make him the apprentice.
<p>The novice nuns have already bathed today. You have to wait until tomorrow to talk to Novice Alonso.
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<<q alonsoapprentice 500>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi head 37>>
<<s mc "Have you spoken to the master brothers about Novice Alonso?">>
<<s abbot "Yes. They have agreed to accept him as the new apprentice. We can announce it officially tonight – if Novice Alonso agrees to it.">>
<<s mc "He will. I've talked to him.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
You should return to the monks tomorrow to verify that Novice Alonso is the new apprentice.
<p>As usual, you should be careful with speaking too much with Novice Alonso in the Distillery, or people might suspect he is working for you.
<<q alonsoapprentice 1000>></p>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi abbot 40 right>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1200)>>
<<s mc "Did you do it? Is Novice Alonso the new apprentice?">>
<<s mc "I spoke with Novice Alonso. I was happy to hear he is the new apprentice.">>
<<s abbot "Yes, $fmc, he is. I hope he will be able to handle the assignment though. It will cause problems if he doesn't.">>
<<s mc "Please keep an eye on him and help him out if needed. His position there is important to me.">>
<<s abbot "I will do what I can, Father.">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1200)>>
<l>Now you should speak with Novice Alonso in the bathroom.
<<qmess alonsoapprentice 1100>>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 90>>
<c>Having installed Novice Alonso as the new apprentice, you feel satisfied.
<p>Now you can go back to waiting for Novice Alonso to learn something of interest while spying for you in the Distillery.
<<qend alonsoapprentice 2000>></p></c>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
<c>You may be wrong about there being a secret passage to the nuns in the Distillery, and there is no guarantee that Novice Alonso will ever learn something useful to the investigation, but you trust that if he does, he will contact you.
<p>You can still visit Novice Alonso in the bathroom from time to time just to keep in touch, but your focus should be on other things.
<<qend alonsodistillery 1000>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head 33>>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro, you wanted to see me?">>
<<s abbot "Yes. I think the doctor has stopped terrorizing us at night. For some time now, the reports from the brothers about nightmares with the doctor have continued to decrease in numbers, and lately, the few they have reported, I think they may have been actual nightmares. With everything that's been going on with the doctor and the strange tapping, it's no wonder if some brothers occasionally have real nightmares about it.">>
<<s mc "That's interesting. Thank you for this information, Father. If anything changes, or if you learn something else that is strange, please contact me as soon as possible.">>
<<s abbot "I will, $fmc. I'm sorry I took so long to tell you about the doctor. I will try not to make that mistake again.">>
<<but "Leave the abbot" nuns1 "ev:2300 step:1000">>
<</events>><<if $visitedAnika == 1>>
<<if $qqanikaq2 >= 1000 && !setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",1200)>>
<<mii nuns/anika/sitting 40>>
<cc>You have already visited Novice Anika today. You should leave her alone.</cc>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<cc>You have already met up with Novice Anika today. You should leave her alone.</cc>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse == 1170>>
<<mii nuns/misc/lust 45 right>>
<l> If you are correct that the "pepper dust" from the long pepper in Sister Jana's shed is causing the lust curse, that would explain why only Sister Jana experiences this curse despite many other nuns being attacked as well.
<p>However, there has been one exception. Someone who has also felt the lust curse after being in the herb garden...
<<but "Continue" anika1 ev:300>>
<<elseif def $qqleaderq && ndef $qqanikaq2 && $pregnancy && setup.questCompleted("anikaq")>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 26 pnggg>>
<cc>You visit Novice Anika in her room, but when you want to be intimate with her, she says she isn't feeling well.
<p>You respect Novice Anika's wishes and leave her alone.</p>
<<set $visitedAnika = 1>>
<<elseif def $qqanikaq2 && !setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",1150)>>
<<if $qqanikaq2 >= 200 && $qqanikaq2 < 1000>>
<<set $visitedAnika = 1>>
<<mii nuns/anika/sitting 40>>
What is this? Novice Anika has blindfolded herself.
<<cs mc "Novice Anika, what's going on? Are you feeling sick?">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",200)>>
<<but "Continue" anika1 ev:630>>
<<but "Continue" anika1 ev:620>>
<<elseif $qqanikaq2 >= 1000>>
<<set $visitedAnika = 1>>
<<mii nuns/anika/sitting 40>>
You are with Novice Anika in her room.
/* anikapreg here */
<<but "Talk about being intimate" anika1 "ev:700 qqanikapreg==100 doplay:temp3=pregnant">>
<<but "Talk about anointing" anika1 "ev:720 qqanikapreg>=200 qqanikapreg<<400">>
<<but "<<actQuest anikapreg>>" anika1 "ev:900 qqanikapreg==900 doplay:temp3=pregnant">>
<<but "Talk about intercourse" anika1 "ev:800 qqanikapreg==600">>
<<but "Massage her breasts" anika1 "ev:750 qqanikapreg>=400">>
<<but "Anoint her" anika1 "ev:740 qqanikapreg>=400 doplay:temp3=nomassage">>
<<but "Fornicate" anika1 "ev:800 step:150 qqanikapreg>=700">>
/* anikacrazy here */
<<but "Talk about being intimate" anika1 "ev:700 qqanikacrazy==100 doplay:temp3=crazy">>
<<but "Talk about anointing" anika1 "ev:720 qqanikacrazy>=200 qqanikacrazy<<400">>
<<but "Talk about intercourse" anika1 "ev:800 qqanikacrazy==600">>
<<but "<<actQuest anikacrazy>>" anika1 "ev:900 qqanikacrazy==900 doplay:temp3=crazy">>
<<but "Massage her breasts" anika1 "ev:750 qqanikacrazy>=400">>
<<but "Anoint her" anika1 "ev:740 qqanikacrazy>=400 doplay:temp3=nomassage">>
<<but "Fornicate" anika1 "ev:800 step:150 qqanikacrazy>=700">>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<<set $visitedAnika = 1>>
<cc>You visit Novice Anika in her room.
<<cs anika "Hello, $fmc.">></cc>
<<but "<<actQuest anikaq2>>" anika1 "ev:600 qqanikaq2==100">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",1150)>>
<<if $qqanikaq < 200>>
<<head sofia sofiaHead>>
You send away Novice Sofia with a message for Novice Anika to meet in her room.
<p>You go to Novice Anika's room to wait, and soon she arrives.</p>
<cc>You arrange to meet with Novice Anika in her room.
/*<<mii nuns/anika/head1 25 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>*/
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<<cs anika "You wanted to speak to me, Father?">>
<<if $qqanikaq >=300 && $qqanikaq<310 && $qqholymarriage>=1100>>
Your blood gets hot when you think of enjoying Novice Anika in the marital bed.
<<addlust 20>>
/* Returning to before after anikaq2 quest */
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<cc>You visit Novice Anika in her room.
<<cs anika "Hello, $fmc.">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("anikaq2")>>
<c>It seems you succeeded in stopping Novice Anika's delusion. She probably realizes how crazy it was and pretends it never happened, everything going back to how it was. And that's just like you want it.
<<qend anikaq2 1200>></c>
<<set $visitedAnika = 1>>
<<but "<<actQuest janacurse>>" anika1 "ev:400 qqjanacurse==1200">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" anika1 "ev:200 qqholymarriage>=1100 qqanikaq>=300 qqanikaq<<310 corr35 ttt10">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" anika1 "ev:210 qqanikaq>=310">>
<<but "Talk about anointing" anika1 "ev:100 qqanikaq<<200">>
<<but "Anoint her" anika1 "ev:140 qqanikaq>=200">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" anika1 "ev:150 qqanikaq>=220 qqanikaq<<400">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" anika1 "ev:520 qqanikaq>=400">>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 100 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 26 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s mc "The intense lust you felt that day working in the herb garden was triggered by a lust curse. Luckily, you didn't catch the curse, but you felt the effect of it. This may have damaged your spirit and made you susceptible to temptations of the flesh. I must anoint you with the Holy Seed to protect you.">>
<<s anika "It's not needed, Father. I have not felt the curse since that day.">>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, why did you agree to be initiated into the Circle?">>
<<ev 120>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 26 "right png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s anika "Because of my nightmares and fear of what happened when I was attacked by the Crone. Of the sins I might have committed. I believe you and Novice Emma want to do good, but I can't agree to the holy rites. I can't be with a man like that.">>
<<s mc "I was sent here by the Vatican to deal with what's going on. This place is under attack from the Evil One and his minions. Do you disagree?">>
<<s anika "No, I think you are correct. But there are limits to what I will do to protect myself from Satan.">>
<<set _tmess = "You're putting everyone here at risk by not protecting yourself from Satan's influence. If you aren't doing it for yourself, then think of your sisters. If further harm should befall them, can you live with yourself, knowing you didn't do everything you could to protect them?">>
<<set _amess = "You're putting everyone here at risk by not protecting yourself from Satan's influence. You must submit to be anointed with the Holy Seed. In the name of the Lord, I command you.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say anika "I have no choice, then. I must do what you want of me.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must get naked and use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say anika "Yes, Father. If you say so.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must get naked and use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<d 600>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say anika "I'm sorry, Father. I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "I will leave now and give you some time to think about it.">>
<<d 600>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say anika "I'm sorry, Father. I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "I will give you some time to think about it, but this isn't over.">>
<<trytbut "\"Think of your sisters." "trust29">>
<<tryabut "\"I command you.\"" "auth29">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi head3 30>>
<cc>Novice Anika refuses to be anointed. You have to convince her. Another day.
<<q anikaq 120 center>></cc>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/anika/bj0 55>>
<cc>When you are naked, Novice Anika reluctantly grabs your manhood.<br>
It quickly grows in her hand.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "Now use your mouth.">>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mii nuns/anika/bj1 32>>
<<cs anika "Do I have to do this? Can't I use my hands? Or you could use your hands?">>
<<cs mc "This is the quickest way to release the Holy Seed. Except perhaps for the natural way to do it – between your legs. Is that preferable to you?">>
<<cs anika "No. I'll use my mouth.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj1 32 volume0.3>>
<cc>Although inexperienced, Novice Anika's sweet mouth quickly pushes you close to climax.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj11 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>The young nun curiously watches as you enjoy her mouth around the Holy Rod.
<<cs mc "Don't be a tease, Novice Anika. Concentrate on your duties.">>
<<cs anika "Yes, Father.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj2 70 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "I'm almost there. Be prepared.">></cc>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj3 70 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed.">></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Anoint her" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/cum 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Anika with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi cumafter 70>>
<c>Despite her initial reluctance, Novice Anika doesn't want to waste this opportunity for protection against evil. She gobbles up all the seed she can get.</c>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi head3 30>>
You have anointed Novice Anika, but she may unknowingly have committed sins of fornication while she was attacked. It would be good to fornicate with her soon, so you can eat her sins. <<if $qqanikaq < 200>>But first you should make her get used to being anointed.<<elseif $qqanikaq < 230>>
You should bring it up the next time you meet with her.
<<qset anikaq 230>>
<<q anikaq 200>>
<<event 140 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head2 26 "right png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<l><<s mc "Novice Anika, Satan's influence is still strong in this place. It is important that we strengthen your protection or you may be targeted again. Get naked and I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s anika "But my faith in the Lord is strong. And I'm sleeping better now that I am protected.">>
<<s mc "Letting down your guard is a sure way to attract the Devil. We can't take any chances. Now get naked and use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<s anika "Why do I have to get naked though?">>
<<s mc "The Holy Rod and the Holy Seed are of divine essence, but the vessels they inhabit are made of flesh and blood – my manhood and my seed. God created the woman's body to excite the man so that he may perform when they have sexual relations. Let's get going.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<qset anikaq 220>>
<<but "Get naked" anika1 "ev:100 step:1000">>
<<event 150 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head2 26 "right png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<l><<s mc "Novice Anika, you said you were afraid of what sins you may have committed when you were attacked by the lust demon. And you should be afraid because you may have committed sins of fornication. We can't take any chances. Get naked and I have no choice but to fornicate with you so I can attempt to eat those evil sins that are hidden between your legs.">>
<<s anika "$fmc, I can't let a man do that. I'm a celibate nun and a virgin. It's perverse what you're saying.">>
<<s mc "It's part of a holy rite, just like when you use your mouth on the Holy Rod. God is allowing it.">>
<<s anika "I can't do it. I get sick from thinking about it.">>
<<s mc "Fine, we'll leave that for now. But I ask you to reconsider.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi head3 30>>
<c>She may have committed sins of fornication, but there is no point in trying to convince Novice Anika to fornicate with you. Not until you find a way to overcome her reluctance.
<<q anikaq 300>>
<<qendversion anikaq version0.3.1>>
<<c "Anoint her instead">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi head2 30 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<cc><<cs mc "Then at least let me anoint you again. It's my responsibility to protect you from Satan.">>
<<cs anika "If you absolutely must, I will agree to it.">>
<<cs mc "Then get naked and use your mouth on the Holy Road.">>
<<but "Get naked" anika1 "ev:100 step:1000">>
<<event 200 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
/* <<mi head3 20>> Instead of adding anika nuns above, I could do this with anika since having her own room, if included in zmedia. See top comment in zmedia */
<<mi head2 26 "right png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<l><<s mc "Novice Anika, you have been told about the Holy Marriage rite by Novice Emma, correct?">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "I think we should get married. I need it as my lust is high, and now that you've been anointed, we are bound together by the Holy Spirit. You would make a good wife to me, to help me reduce my lust.">>
<<s anika "What about another anointing instead? Wouldn't that reduce your lust too?">>
<<s mc "Yes, but this lust is for the natural way of being with a woman, entering between her legs, as God intended it.">>
<<s anika "But I'm a virgin and want to stay that way. Novice Emma said that the Holy Marriage rite would keep my virginity intact when I lie down with you, but how could that be?">>
<<s mc "Don't you believe that the Lord can perform miracles?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi head1 26 "right png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s anika "Yes, of course. But... what about that rule? That after I'm with you as your wife, I can't be with anyone else for a while, in case I get pregnant. To know who the father is. That means I could get pregnant.">>
<<s mc "I will pull out before I release the seed. Then we have to trust in the Lord. If you get pregnant, surely that is part of His plans.">>
<<s anika "But that rule... How could I have a baby if I'm still a virgin?">>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, are you doubting the purity of the Virgin Mary? Are you doubting the virgin birth of Jesus?">>
<<s anika "What? No, of course not. Virgin Mary, forgive me.">>
<<s mc "If you get pregnant while remaining a virgin, as the Virgin Mary did when becoming pregnant with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, surely that is a miracle and a great blessing straight from God. It would be hubris to expect that to happen to you.">>
<<s anika "Yes, forgive me, $fmc. I didn't realize what I was saying.">>
<<s mc "You're forgiven, my child, for speaking before thinking. Then I take it you would accept to be my wife and to consummate the marriage?">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Marry Novice Anika">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 35>>
<c>You perform a quick wedding ceremony with Novice Anika. Being remarkably more willing to marry you after you mentioned the Virgin Mary, your new wife gets naked and lies down in the marital bed.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<c "Consummate the marriage">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/200-600 60 volume0.3>>
<cc2>After some hesitation, Anika spreads her legs for you, allowing you to enter her with your hard manhood.</cc2>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/200-603 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika's tight slit is becoming dripping wet, a sure sign she enjoys being penetrated by you.</cc>
<<ev 700>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/200-700 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika is surprisingly enthusiastic, eagerly riding you in bed.<br>You are getting close to releasing your seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/200-703 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika reaches the sexual climax, dripping her lustful juices down your shaft.</cc>
<<if $qqcreampieq >= 100>>
<cc>Grabbing the childbearing hips of the fertile young nun, you feel the primal urge to release your seed inside Anika's tight, wet hole.</cc>
<<but "Release your seed inside her" anika1 "ev:500">><<c "Pull out">>
<cc>Grabbing the childbearing hips of the fertile young nun, you feel an urge to release your seed inside Anika's tight, wet hole, but you manage to resist it.</cc>
<<ev 800>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj3 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Instead, you have Anika finish you off with her hands.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Release your seed" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/cum 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika takes care of you with her soft hand and mouth as you climax.</cc>
<<ev 900>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj11 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika keeps playing with your manhood in a way that is inappropriate, now that the marital act is finished. You get the sense that she secretly wished for you to finish inside her. You suspect it's because of that talk about the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus.
<<if $qqanikaq < 310>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<but "Get dressed" anika1 "step:1100">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<<married anika>>
<<qset anikaq 310>>
<<c "Continue">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<<if $qqprocreation >= 200>>
<cc><<cs anika "Will you marry me again sometime, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "If the desire is strong enough. That would mean the Lord wants me to.">>
<c>Novice Anika's possible secret wish to get impregnated while still remaining a virgin makes you pause for a moment. You haven't much considered the risk of getting one of the women pregnant because you have practiced the withdrawal method, and trusted that God would not allow any accidents to happen. But what if you did make someone pregnant? That would not be good.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30>>
<c>Her talk about pregnancy must have affected you, because you almost finished inside Novice Anika, suddenly overcome by a desire to spread your seed between the legs of the fertile young girl. This urge is what God intended with the act, but for normal people, not for priests and nuns. What happened with Novice Anika was a warning sign. You have to think about this.
<<qstart procreation 100>>
<<qendversion procreation version0.3.1>>
<<event 210 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head2 26 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Anika, it's time that you help in the fight against evil again. I want to marry you now.">>
<<s anika "You mean to have sexual relations with me?">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<s anika "And I will remain a virgin, even if I would get pregnant?">>
<<s mc "That would be a miracle, but it is true, yes. The holy rite will ensure that you are a virgin after we consummate the marriage, no matter what.">>
<<s anika "Then I will agree to it.">>
<<c "Marry Novice Anika">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 35>>
<c>You perform a quick wedding ceremony with Novice Anika. Looking remarkably willing to consummate the marriage with you, your new wife gets naked and lies down in the marital bed.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<but "Consummate the marriage" anika1 "ev:200 step:600">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 34 right>>
<l>Novice Anika experienced the lust curse when helping out Sister Jana in the herb garden. If your theory about the "pepper dust" is correct, that means that Novice Anika should experience intense lust if you made her inhale some of this pepper dust. Something an experiment could find out.
<p>Novice Anika can't know about the experiment, or Sister Jana might learn of it. No, this requires finesse.</p>
<p>You have an idea.</p>
<<but "Go to your lab" lab1 ev:1220>>
<<event 400 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 27 "png right styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, in my prayers, I have seen that the Devil is closing in on you. I must eat your sins of fornication at once, or you may be attacked any minute.">>
<<s anika "No, it can't be true. I haven't sinned that way. I would feel it if I had, but I don't. I know in my heart that I'm still a virgin.">>
<<s mc "The lust demon buried the sins in your mind when it attacked you. You may have committed sins of fornication.">>
<<s anika "I can't let you lie with me, Father. It's forbidden.">>
<<s mc "Then at least let me try to exorcise any traces of demonic nature in you. It will not cleanse you of all evil, but it could temporarily weaken Satan's hold on you.">>
<<s anika "Okay, I will agree to it.">>
<<s mc "Then kneel down and close your eyes while opening yourself to the Lord.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 27 "png right styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
Novice Anika kneels down and closes her eyes. You stand behind her, ready with the holy water you brought with you, and start performing a standard exorcism by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
<<s mc "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.">>
You sprinkle holy water over Novice Anika.
<<s mc "May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.">>
<<s mc "Amen.">>
You perform the exorcism to weaken any traces of demonic evil that have taken root in Novice Anika. But you know it won't do much good, if any, since Novice Anika is not possessed by a demon. Her lustful sins are the problem, inviting Satan to attack and corrupt her. You have to eat the sins of fornication that you suspect Novice Anika has unknowingly committed.
<<ev 250>>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 35 pnggg>>
<c>And now God has given you the chance to eat Novice Anika's sins of fornication while also proving your theory about the lust curse. The dream you had about the long pepper in the shed was a helping hand from the Lord. A vision to set you on track to fight back against the Devil.
<<ev 280>>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 35 "right pnggg">>
At the end of the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, you take some of the long pepper dust in the palm of your hand and blow on it. A fine spray of pepper dust falls down over Novice Anika.
<p>You keep performing the exorcism, repeating the prayer, sprinkling the holy water, and blowing more pepper dust over the young novice. This goes on for some time.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 27 "png right styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s mc "How are you feeling, Novice Anika? I sense that the demonic evil in you is growing stronger.">>
<<s anika "I feel hot and... lustful, Father. Am I supposed to feel that way?">>
<<s mc "No, you should feel calmer now. It means the exorcism didn't work. Is the lust increasing?">>
<<s anika "Yes. Down there, it's getting stronger.">>
<<s mc "Does it remind you of the intense lust you felt after helping Sister Jana in the herb garden, after being exposed to the lust curse that I told you about?">>
<<s anika "Yes, exactly like that. But it's getting even stronger this time. What do I do, Father?">>
<<s mc "One moment. Let me think.">>
This is the proof you were looking for. The long pepper dust made Novice Anika fall prey to the lust curse. This is what happens to Sister Jana in the herb garden.
<<ev 350>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 45 right>>
<l>All your questions about the lust curse have been answered:
<p>Thanks to the confessions by the nuns, you found out that Novice Anika was affected by the lust curse while working in the herb garden, just as Sister Jana.</p>
<p>Also as Sister Jana, Novice Anika had previously been attacked by the lust demon who uses a lust drug made from long pepper on its victims. The lust drug allows evil to enter the body of the victims, manifesting as intense lust. After the attacks, this evil remains dormant in the victims' bodies like buried memories.</p>
<p>The dormant evil can be activated when the victims are exposed to long pepper dust, which was what happened to Sister Jana and Novice Anika in the shed in the herb garden.</p>
<p>The few other nuns who had helped out in the herb garden had never been attacked by the lust demon, explaining why Sister Jana and Novice Anika were the only ones ever affected by the lust curse.
<<q janacurse 1230>></p>
<<ev 370>>
<<mii nchapel/nunconfessing 33>>
<c>With the mystery of the lust curse solved, you have the answers you sought when you started taking confessions from the nuns. You could still continue to take their confessions, as they may prove useful for the investigation.
/*The original reason that you started to take confessions from the nuns no longer remains, but taking their confessions could still give you other information valuable to your investigation.*/
<<qend sexDrive 1000>>
<<c "Back to Novice Anika">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 27 "png right styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s mc "I was afraid this could happen. We're too late. The attack I warned you about has begun. The exorcism only hastened it by bringing to light the evil left by the lust demon, attracting the Devil. The lust curse has taken hold of you. We must cleanse it now before your soul is corrupted further. And this means we have to cleanse the sins of fornication you have committed. The lust curse is feeding on them.">>
<<s anika "But I don't remember committing any sins of fornication.">>
<<s mc "Because the lust demon buried it in your mind, as I told you. You are not the only nun this has happened to. You must let me fornicate with you so I can eat your sins. Now. Have faith and let me save you, Novice Anika.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 27 "png right styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s anika "Will I still be a virgin if I let you do it?">>
<<s mc "Yes. A holy rite can not make impure that which previously was pure. Your virginity will be intact in the eyes of the Lord.">>
<<s anika "Yes, yes, do it, then. Quickly. It's so intense. Soon I can't avoid touching myself.">>
You both get naked and Novice Anika spreads her legs for you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/200-603 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika's tight slit is already dripping wet as you penetrate her with your hard member.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 400-1000 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Overcome with intense lust, Novice Anika doesn't last long. She reaches climax from fornicating with you.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
<<s anika "I climaxed, Father. Most of the lust is gone now. Does that mean it worked?">>
<<s mc "The climax itself won't cleanse you of any sins, but it made your sins surface, helping me eat them. I need to keep going until I've eaten all the sins I can.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 200-703 60 volume0.3>>
<<s anika "The lust is getting stronger again. When will this be over?">>
<<s mc "It means more sins of fornication are surfacing. It's a good thing. Let them come.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 400-1200 60 volume0.3>>
<c>When Novice Anika reaches the pleasure peak for the second time, her hole feels so good that you can't hold back your seed. For a moment, you struggle with the temptation to release your seed inside the young virgin's tight slit, but you manage to resist it.</c>
<<c "Pull out and anoint Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/cum 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika helps you with her hands as you anoint her.</cc>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi cumafter 60>>
<c>Novice Anika doesn't want to waste this opportunity for protection against evil. She gobbles up all the Holy Seed she can get.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv bj11 60 volume0.25>>
<c>Novice Anika seems inappropriately fixated on your manhood as the relaxes after having climaxed twice. But you let her play with your rod while you catch your breath.</c>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 27 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s mc "The Devil attacked you, but thanks to the holy rites, we managed to turn it around and achieve a big victory. The lust curse should be gone from you now, but the intense lust you felt suggests that there may still be sins of fornication left in you. I will have to fornicate with you again later.">>
<<s anika "Only if you think it's needed.">>
<<s mc "It is needed. We can't take any more chances, now that we know for a fact you had sins of fornication in you. It must be done, Novice Anika.">>
<<s anika "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<q anikaq 400>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii hjana/800-600 40 right>>
Thanks to the dream, you have proven that the long pepper dust in Sister Jana's shed is the source of the lust curse in the herb garden, affecting anyone previously exposed to the lust drug used by the attacker.
<p>But the dream – which you are convinced was a vision from God – also warned about the consequences of letting evil remain in the herb garden, inside Sister Jana. You can no longer allow Sister Jana to get away with defiling herself while refusing your help. It is high time to cleanse Sister Jana's sins of fornication, thereby cleansing the herb garden from evil.
<<q janacurse 1250>></p>
<<event 500>> /* creampie ending of Holy Marriage event (ev 200) */
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/400-1200 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>You groan with pleasure as you release your seed inside Novice Anika's tight slit.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie2 90>>
Even when knowing there is <<preggorisk>> risk of making Novice Anika pregnant, you feel a primal satisfaction from seeing your seed oozing out of her sinful slit. This is the way God intended it.
<<s anika "What... did you finish inside of me, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I could feel that God wanted me to.">>
<<creampie anika>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/bj11 55 volume0.2>>
<c>Novice Anika takes the news very well and goes on to lick your rod clean while your seed keeps dripping out from between her legs. You let her do it while you take a moment to rest.
<<s anika "I will still be a virgin even if I get pregnant, yes?">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's how the holy rites work. Your virginity will be intact.">>
<<if !$pregnancy>>You don't have the heart to tell her that she won't get pregnant.<</if>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("anika1",500,1000)>>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/cum/creampie2 90>>
<cc>After planting your seed between Novice Anika's legs while she was your wife,<br>she feels closer and more submissive to you.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<c "Continue" hub>>
<<event 520 anika nuns>> /* fornicating again after first time (when used pepper dust on her) */
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 27 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s mc "It is time that I eat more of your sins of fornication.">>
<<s anika "Could we get married first?">>
<<s mc "Then it wouldn't be fornication. You know how the holy rite of Sin Eating works.">>
<<ev 520>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 27 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<s anika "But fornication is a sin. I find it repulsive to do it.">>
<<s mc "As you should. But until you are completely cleansed of your sins of fornication, you are at risk of being attacked by the Devil again. I can't allow that to happen. You must get naked now and lie down.">>
<<s anika "Yes, $fmc.">>
You both get naked and Novice Anika spreads her legs for you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Anika">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 400-1100 60 volume0.2>>
<cc>Novice Anika looks uneasy as you repeatedly thrust your erect male organ into her slit.</cc>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 400-1000 60 volume0>>
<cc>Although Novice Anika's hole isn't wet, it still feels good to fornicate with her.</cc>
<<ev 800>>
<<mvv nuns/anika/200-603 60 volume0>>
<cc><<s anika "Please get it over with fast, Father.">>
<<s mc "I might take longer since you aren't wet down there. You should try to enjoy it.">>
<<s anika "I'm sorry. I will try to. Let me be on top.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 200-703 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Apparently favoring the position of having you perversely ramming her from below,<br>Novice Anika gets on top of you.
<<ev 1250>>
<<mv 400-1200 60 volume0.3>>
<c>Her more active involvement quickly pushes you close to the pleasure peak.
<p>Novice Anika isn't wet yet, but that is none of your concern. The seed is ready to be released, and you feel a strong primal urge to plant it inside the young virgin's tight slit. <<if !($qqcreampieq >= 100)>>Thankfully, you manage to resist the temptation.<</if>></p>
<<but "Release your seed inside her" anika1 "step:2000 qqcreampieq>=100">><<c "Pull out and anoint her">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<set $temp = "anoint">>
<<mvv nuns/anika/cum 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Anika helps you with her hands as you anoint her.</cc>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi cumafter 60>>
<c>Novice Anika doesn't want to waste this opportunity for protection against evil. She gobbles up all the Holy Seed she can get.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 27 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
<<if $temp=="creampie">>
<<s anika "You are saying this isn't over? My sins of fornication aren't cleansed, even with you finishing inside me?">>
<<s anika "Is it over now? Are my sins of fornication cleansed?">>
<<s mc "We can hope, but I wouldn't count on it. I will pray on this regularly, asking the Lord for guidance. If I have any doubts that you are cleansed properly, we have to repeat this.">>
<<s anika "I pray I won't have to degrade myself with this perversity again.">>
<<if $qqanikaq < 500>>
<<but "Leave her" anika1 step:1800>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi fornicated 60>>
You have convinced Novice Anika to let you eat her sins of fornication whenever you think it is necessary.
<<qend anikaq 500 center>></cc2>
<<but "Continue "hub>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<set $temp = "creampie">>
<<mv 200-700 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>You moan loudly as you pump your seed deep inside her hole.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie2 90>>
Even when knowing there is <<preggorisk>> risk of making Novice Anika pregnant, you feel a primal satisfaction from seeing your seed oozing out of her sinful slit. This is the way God intended it.
<<s anika "Wait, what? Did you finish inside of me, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I could feel that God wanted me to.">>
<<creampie anika>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi surprise 50>>
<<s anika "But what if I get pregnant from this? We aren't married!">>
<<s mc "You won't get pregnant. The Lord wouldn't allow a bastard child to be conceived from a holy rite. Something holy cannot lead to something sinful. That is clear.">>
<<s anika "But the next time you want to do this, can we please get married first?">>
<<s mc "If I need to eat your sins of fornication, we can't be married. You know that. But if not, yes, I will marry you first.">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 step:1600>>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 600 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $creampied.contains("anika")>>
<<set $temp2 = "creampie">>
<<set $temp2 = "no">>
/*<<set $pregnancy = false>>TEMP test*/
/*<<set $temp2 = "no">> TEMP2 test */
<<if $pregnancy && $temp2 == "creampie">>
<<set $temp = "pregnant">>
<<set $temp = "no">>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<if $pregnancy && $temp2 != "creampie">>
<<set $temp = "pregnant">>
<<set $temp3 = "specialpreg">>
<<if $temp=="pregnant">>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 30 "pnggg">>
<<mii nuns/anika/head1 30 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "How are you feeling, Novice Anika? You have looked under the weather lately. Everything alright?">>
<<if $temp=="pregnant">>
<<s anika "I'm not sure, Father... but... I've felt morning sickness lately. I haven't slept well. That's why I've not been myself. And I have not bled for some time. I think I might be pregnant.">>
Novice Anika looks happy. You know she has been excited about the possibility of getting pregnant from a holy rite. You told her it would be a miracle from the Lord – like when Mary got pregnant with Jesus while still being a virgin.
<<s anika "I'm not sure, Father... I thought maybe I was pregnant. I was late... my monthly bleeding.. and I felt a little sick – like women can do when they get pregnant. That's why I've not been myself lately. And I thought I... ... But then I bled again. I might have been feeling sick for some other reason.">>
Novice Anika sounds disappointed, even depressed. You know she has been excited about the possibility of getting pregnant from a holy rite. You told her it would be a miracle from the Lord – like when Mary got pregnant with Jesus while still being a virgin.
<<s mc "Yes, I'm sure it was just a stomach bug or something that made you feel sick. I will leave you alone and let you regain your strength.">>
<<if $temp=="pregnant">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 step:1000>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/misc/standing 30>>
<c>For a moment, you were concerned you might have impregnated Novice Anika, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
/*<<set $pregnancy = true>>preg TEST*/
<<if $pregnancy>>
/* v10: BUGFIX. This if-section is no longer be possible to get to. After this point, I forgot to account for players on pregnancy path that never creampied anika. They would end up in a bugged state and pushed to anikacrazy questline and anika could then become potential preg when creampieing her. To fix all this, I will now make it so that anika will be pregnant on pregnancy path even if players didnt creampie her. It's not impossible since pre-ejaculate can contain sperm. So those players will not come here.*/
/* Pregnancy path, but player never creampied anika (or would not arrive at this step).
Players seeing this should be rare because anika is one of only 6 women player can creampie in planting the seed. The quest requires 5 so it is possible to not creampie anika but only if you creampie olenka which usually takes a while for people to do/figure out. */
/* v10: ACTUALLY, you can creampie the crone also, and it counts for the quest, so 7 women, but you can't finish 5 with crone since it can only be done right after monksdrinking3 (replaying encounter doesnt count) but then you went straight from supper to monk event, so while mc can creampie sofia during the day for lust release event, mc cant then creampie gabriella, rumika or olenka (olenka requires 45 corr, so after monksdrinking3). */
<<special "ERROR! YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS. PLEASE SAVE AND REPORT THIS BUG with your save or your game will be locked out from the pregnancy path.">>
/*Although you are using the <<potionContraception>> on the nuns – meaning there is a slight possibility you will make them pregnant – you have never ejaculated inside Novice Anika's slit, decreasing the risk of impregnating her to virtually non-existent.*/
/* Non-preggo path -- may have creampied, or not */
This should teach you to stop worrying about making a nun pregnant. You are using the <<potionContraception>> on the nuns.
<<if $temp2 == "creampie">>Even though you have ejaculated inside Novice Anika's slit, it doesn't matter, since <<else>>You have never ejaculated inside Novice Anika's slit, but even if you did,<</if>> the strong potion will prevent any pregnancy.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi head1 30 pnggg>>
Novice Anika probably just had stomach flu or similar that made her feel sick and caused her menstruation to be a little late. Still, you should check in on her again in one or two days to make sure she is alright.
<<q anikaq2 200>>
<<but "Leave her" anika1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi head3 30>>
<c><<s mc "Are you sure? I mean, isn't it possible your bleeding has stopped for some other reason?">>
<<s anika "I don't see what other reason that would be. I think I'm pregnant!">>
<<s mc "You can't tell anyone about this, Novice Anika, not until I say so. I must think about it.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<set _creampietimes = 0>>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("anika1",500,200,0)>>
<<set _creampietimes += 1>>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("anika1",520,2100,0)>>
<<set _creampietimes += 1>>
<<set _creamed = _creampietimes > 1 ? " more than once" : "">>
/* Can't say how many times creampies on either option, so if only played one of events, can't say if did more than once, so say nothing then */
<<if $temp3 == "specialpreg">>
Could she be pregnant? It is unlikely – but theoretically possible. You have never ejaculated inside Novice Anika's slit, and you have been using the <<potionContraception>> on the nuns, but even pre-ejaculate can contain sperm and you took a risk choosing the weak contraceptives. There is a very small possibility that you could have made Novice Anika pregnant. And now her monthly bleeding has stopped.
Could she be pregnant? It is possible. You have ejaculated inside Novice Anika's slit_creamed, and you have been using the <<potionContraception>> on the nuns – meaning there is a slight possibility your seed will make them pregnant. And now Novice Anika's monthly bleeding has stopped.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 40 right>>
<l>If Novice Anika's period stopped because your seed fertilized one of her eggs, that still doesn't necessarily mean Novice Anika is currently undergoing a pregnancy. Ludolphus' contraceptive potion could have stopped the pregnancy – or will stop it if it hasn't already. Novice Anika's menstruation might start again soon.
<p>Time will tell. You must keep in contact with Novice Anika to monitor her condition. If she is indeed pregnant, you need to know. You should check in on her in a day or two.
<<q anikaq2 300>></p>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii school/studentsinside 40 right>>
<<if $temp=="pregnant">>
Pregnant or not, Novice Anika got you thinking of all the women you have released your seed inside so far.
Though you are <<if $pregnancy>>pretty<</if>> confident that Novice Anika is not pregnant, she got you thinking of all the women you have had intercourse with so far.
While doing so, you are reminded of the many women you have <i>not</i> had intercourse with. Like almost all the students.</p>
<p>You have only been intimate with a few of the girls at the school, and lately, you have been thinking about finding more students who may need the holy rites. All the girls running around with their sinful slits, there has to be more for you to do there than the few students you have helped so far.
<<addlust 20>></p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 24 pnggg>>
It is time you find another student to help.
<p>You should see if Novice Emma has any suggestions.
<<qstart catarinastudent 100 center>></p>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/mirror 40>>
You also start thinking of Novice Cindy – the pure and innocent young virgin. You have seen her naked, but that is it so far.
<p>It is far too early to fornicate with Novice Cindy, but it might be time to anoint her. You should visit her.
<<q cindyq 500>></p>
<<event 620 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 45 right>>
<<s anika "No, I feel great. I'm well past my period and I still haven't bled. I had a dream last night where I was pregnant, and when I woke up, I knew that the Lord had blessed me with a miracle. The Holy Spirit has made me pregnant while still being a virgin. You said this could happen, $fmc, and now it has.">>
<<s mc "How do you know? Maybe you will start to bleed again soon.">>
<<s anika "No, I can feel it in my body. The Lord has put a child in me. I'm a blessed virgin now, like the Virgin Mary.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
Novice Anika is convinced she is pregnant – a "blessed virgin". You might as well play along with it for now until you have time to think.
<<s mc "Perhaps, but what's with the blindfold?">>
<<s anika "The Lord has chosen me. I must block out everything else to be closer to Him.">>
<<s mc "What about your work in the kitchen garden?">>
<<s anika "I will remove the blindfold then. But when I'm in my room, I will see no one but the Lord.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi sitting 45 right>>
You suddenly feel a sting of jealousy and strong lust for Novice Anika's body.
<<s mc "You are still in danger from the lust demon. You still need the holy rites to protect you.">>
<<s anika "I don't need the holy rites anymore, Father. The Lord has blessed me. Satan can not touch me now.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid, it doesn't work like that. Satan will try to stop this. God has chosen me to protect you. You can't deny my protection now when you need it the most.">>
<<s anika "But are you sure, Father? Wouldn't the holy rites require me to be intimate with you? I couldn't do that when I'm pregnant with His child. That would be wrong. My body is sacred now.">>
<<s mc "Yes, intimacy will be required, but they are called holy rites for a reason. You should know better by now than to question their use. You are denying their holiness if you don't accept the holy rites even in your pregnant state.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi preghead 36>>
<<s anika "But surely you can't mean to... put it in down there? To lie with me? Not when I'm a blessed virgin.">>
In her current state of mind, Novice Anika might be fragile and might not respond well if you push her too much. You should stick to anointings for the time being.
<<s mc "It is known that pregnant women often experience an increased lust. Perhaps because God wants the man and woman to keep and strengthen their bond until birth. Intercourse while being pregnant is not in itself a sin. Neither would a holy rite involving penetration down there be. But we will see about that later. For now, you should at least get anointed. You can use your mouth.">>
<<s anika "But I'm a blessed virgin now. I can't use my mouth on you like a ... common woman. You have to do it yourself.">>
Fragile or not, the pregnancy has gone to Novice Anika's head.
<<c "Ponder what to do with Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi sitting4 40>>
<c>Novice Anika is convinced she is chosen by God to carry His child – that she is to be a virgin mother. You can't blame her as you did tell her it would be a miracle if she got pregnant while remaining a virgin, making references to the Virgin Mary. You are not sure that you really believe what you said to Novice Anika, but you had to eat her sins of fornication to protect her, and you did what you had to do to convince her.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
It is true that you did put the matter of pregnancy in the hands of the Lord when you chose to use the weak potions of contraception instead of the strong. And evidently, the Lord didn't prevent this pregnancy – if Novice Anika indeed is pregnant.
<p>If God allowed the pregnancy to happen, He could have done so just by not acting to prevent it, but He could also have caused it to happen by way of divine intervention. That would indeed be a miracle – but that is more than you know.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi sitting4 38>>
<c>Even if God intervened, that doesn't necessarily mean Novice Anika's pregnancy is anything out of the ordinary – from that point forward. Novice Anika's virginity could be gone and you would be the father of the baby, not God.
<p>Be that as it may, Novice Anika's conviction is so strong that you would do best not to force your will on her. Her reaction would be too unpredictable and could potentially cause problems with the other nuns. You have to handle Novice Anika carefully.
<<c "Back to Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, I understand your concerns, but also understand that the holy rites take time and focus to perform, and your help makes it much easier. We will compromise. You will use your hands instead of your mouth.">>
<<s anika "It would be better than my mouth, but... Let me pray on it, Father.">>
<<s mc "You need to be protected, Novice Anika. You have to accept it. But we don't have to do it right now. And we could start with something easier. Something that must be done anyway.">>
<<s anika "What do you mean, Father?">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi preghead 35>>
<<s mc "Since you won't use your mouth when I anoint you, I need a little help to finish. Showing me your breasts should help. And with your blindfold covering so much of your skin, your breasts will provide more space for the Holy Seed to reach you when I anoint you.">>
<<s anika "Oh. But I would like to keep my purity by not showing myself naked to a man again.">>
<<s mc "You have to compromise, Novice Anika. Think of the baby. It needs to be protected from evil.">>
<<s anika "I... maybe. I have to pray on it.">>
That's close enough for now.
<<qend anikaq2 1000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi sitting4 38>>
<c>Is Novice Anika pregnant? She could be. You aren't sure.
<p>In any case, in the mental state Novice Anika is in now, you have to start from the beginning with her, sexually. Eventually, you should be able to fornicate with her again – you hope. And sooner or later, you will find out if she is indeed pregnant.</p>
<p>You should visit Novice Anika again soon.
<<qstart anikapreg 100>></p>
<<event 630 anika nuns>> /* anika is not pregnant */
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 40>>
<<s anika "I had a vision that I'm chosen by the Lord. I have become a blessed virgin, meant to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit. I will then become a blessed virgin mother, like the Virgin Mary. But for that to happen, I must stay pure. That's why I'm wearing the blindfold. The Lord has chosen me. I must block out everything else to be closer to Him.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
Novice Anika appears to be talking crazy, but you decide to play along with it for now to learn more about her current mental state.
<<s mc "What about your work in the kitchen garden?">>
<<s anika "I will remove the blindfold then. But when I'm in my room, I will see no one but the Lord.">>
You suddenly feel a sting of jealousy and strong lust for Novice Anika's body.
<<s mc "You are still in danger from the lust demon. You still need the holy rites to protect you.">>
<<s anika "No, the Lord has blessed me. That's all the protection I need. And I can't be with a man. I must be pure and then He will make me pregnant.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi preghead 35>>
You must make Novice Anika agree to be intimate with you again. You have two options:
/*<p><<love>> – The first option is to be kind and understanding, to play along with Novice Anika's delusion that she is pregnant. In time, she might come to her senses, but until then, you have to be careful with her, basically starting over.</p>
<p><<punish>> – The second option is to be harsh and unforgiving. Perhaps you will threaten to throw Novice Anika in prison. Anything to get this silly idea of pregnancy out of her head.</p>*/
<p><<mi room_pregnant 8 "png left">> The first option is to play along with Novice Anika's delusion that she is pregnant. In time, she might come to her senses, but until then, you have to be careful with her, basically starting over.</p>
<p><<mi room_small 8 "left">> The second option is to get this silly idea of pregnancy out of her head.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi room_pregnant 12 "png styling float:left;margin-top:1rem; margin-right:1.5rem; margin-bottom:0rem stylingend">> 1) If you choose the first option, you will basically start over with Novice Anika, slowly working your way toward more intimacy. You should choose this if you are interested in new intimate experiences with Novice Anika.</p>
<p><<mi room_small 12 "styling float:left;margin-top:1rem; margin-right:1.5rem; margin-bottom:0rem stylingend">> 2) If you choose the second option, things will likely go back to how they were before with Novice Anika. Chances are nothing new will ever happen. You should choose this if you don't care about having new intimate experiences with Novice Anika.</p>
<<but "1) You want new intimate experiences with Novice Anika" anika1 "fullWidth step:1000">>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "2) You don't want new intimate experiences with Novice Anika" anika1 "fullWidth step:600">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
You have no interest in playing around with Novice Anika. You want things to go back to before when you could do what you wanted with her.
<<s mc "Novice Anika, snap out of it! If you want to be a nun, you must behave like one, not like some lovesick girl wanting a baby. If you really want to increase the chances of the Lord blessing you with a baby, you should drop this silliness. You must go back to supporting the holy war and letting me help you with the holy rites like before. That's an order.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi sitting2 40>>
Novice Anika says nothing. She is sulking, looking like a defiant child, but you think – you hope – you got the message through. You should you should check in on her soon to see how she is,
<<q anikaq2 1100>>
<<but "Leave her" anika1 "ev:700 step:2400">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi sitting 45 right>>
Wanting new intimate experiences with Novice Anika, you decide to play along with her delusion that God will make her pregnant.
<<s mc "I'm afraid, it doesn't work like that. If God is putting a baby in you, Satan will try to stop this, or corrupt you, or corrupt the baby. Either way, God has chosen me to protect you. You can't deny my protection now when you need it the most.">>
<<s anika "But are you sure, Father? Wouldn't the holy rites require me to be intimate with you? I couldn't do that now that I'm keeping myself pure, waiting to receive His child. My body is sacred now.">>
<<s mc "Yes, intimacy will be required, but they are called holy rites for a reason. You should know better by now than to question their use. You are denying their holiness if you don't accept the holy rites. Something holy cannot tarnish something pure.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi preghead 36>>
<<s anika "But surely you can't mean to... put it in down there? To lie with me? Not when I'm trying to become a blessed virgin mother.">>
In her current state of mind, Novice Anika might be fragile and might not respond well if you push her too much. You should stick to anointings for the time being.
<<s mc "We can talk more about that another time. For now, you should at least get anointed. You can use your mouth.">>
<<s anika "But I'm a blessed virgin now. I can't use my mouth on you like a ... common woman. You have to do it yourself.">>
<<c "Ponder what to do with Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi sitting4 45 right>>
<l>Fragile or not, Novice Anika has clearly lost it. Because of her fixation with getting pregnant, you speculate that she is actually depressed, clinging to some impossible dream about being a mother, and she makes up this crazy idea in her head about becoming a blessed virgin mother instead of dealing with the fact that she will never have a baby.
<p>In any case, you hope it's something temporary that Novice Anika will eventually snap out of. But until then, you have to handle her carefully. You can't force your will with her. Novice Anika's reaction would be too unpredictable and could potentially cause problems with the other nuns too.
<<c "Back to Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, I understand your concerns, but also understand that the holy rites take time and focus to perform, and your help makes it much easier. We will compromise. You will use your hands instead of your mouth.">>
<<s anika "It would be better than my mouth, but... Let me pray on it, Father.">>
<<s mc "You need to be protected, Novice Anika. You have to accept it. But we don't have to do it right now. And we could start with something easier. Something that must be done anyway.">>
<<s anika "What do you mean, Father?">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi preghead 36>>
<<s mc "Since you won't use your mouth when I anoint you, I need a little help to finish. Showing me your breasts should help. And with your blindfold covering so much of your skin, your breasts will provide more space for the Holy Seed to reach you when I anoint you.">>
<<s anika "Oh. But I would like to keep my purity by not showing myself naked to a man again.">>
<<s mc "You have to compromise, Novice Anika. Satan wants nothing more than to corrupt a blessed virgin. You need to be protected from evil.">>
<<s anika "I... maybe. I have to pray on it.">>
That's close enough for now.
<<qend anikaq2 1300>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi sitting4 36>>
<c>You wanted to try something new with Novice Anika and now it has begun. It will be like starting from the beginning. Eventually, you should be able to fornicate with her again – you hope.
<p>You should visit Novice Anika again soon.
<<qstart anikacrazy 100>></p>
<<but "Leave" anika1 "ev:700 step:2400">>
<<event 700 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 40>>
<<s mc "Have you prayed about what we talked about?">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father. You're asking a lot of me, using my hands on you, and showing you my breasts. This is not how a blessed virgin should act with men.">>
<<s mc "I understand how you feel, Novice Anika, but you must remember that all we do will be part of a holy rite. God is blessing us both when we do it. And we need to do it to protect you from Satan.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi sitting3 40 right>>
<<s anika "I... it's hard to accept what you want to do, Father.">>
<<s mc "Tell you want: We'll start with something easier. Something that is good for your body, for your breasts, and will make you get used to intimacy now that you're a blessed virgin. I will give you a breast massage. It looks like your breasts have already started growing and it can be good to massage them to stimulate proper growth and milk production. This will help you later when you will breastfeed.">>
<<set _motherhood = $temp3 == "crazy" ? " fantasy" : "">>
You hope referring to Novice Anika's future_motherhood motherhood will open her up some to intimacy, and it seems to work.
<<set _early = $temp3 == "crazy" ? " I'm not even pregnant yet." : "">>
<<s anika "It makes sense, I suppose. But this early?_early">>
<<s mc "It can't hurt. And you will get used to it. I have to anoint you soon, Novice Anika. You have to get used to being intimate with me as a blessed virgin. God has chosen me as your protector.">>
<<s anika "A breast massage would be okay, then, I guess.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you can remove your tunic. That should be enough.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 50 pause2>>
<c>While removing her tunic, Novice Anika prays to the Lord, asking for His understanding of what is about to happen.
<<if $qqanikapreg < 400>>
<p><<if $qqanikapreg < 200>>You say nothing, letting her deal with this as she wants. This has to be done.<<else>>You hope she will get aroused from your breast massage, and then accept to be anointed.<</if>></p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 60 pause3>>
<<s anika "I'm ready, Father.">>
Novice Anika sounds nervous and looks uncomfortable. Being blindfolded probably doesn't help.
<<set _anikatext = $temp3 == "pregnant" ? "for the baby." : "if you want to get pregnant.">>
<<s mc "Then just relax, and I try to enjoy it. You need happy feelings in your body now. Stress and anxiety are not good _anikatext">>
<<s anika "I will try.">>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi m 86>>
<<if $qqanikapreg < 200 || $qqanikacrazy < 200>>
Looking down at Novice Anika's cleavage, you notice again that her breasts seem to have grown.
You look down at Novice Anika's cleavage and her big breasts.
<<but "Reach for her breasts" anika1 step:1100>>
<<ev 1070>>
<<mi m 64>>
<<if $temp3=="pregnant">>
Even if Novice Anika is indeed pregnant, her breasts have grown faster than expected.
Perhaps there is a psychological component to it. With Novice Anika's strong desire to become pregnant, her body could be
Novice Anika's delusional state must be so strong that it even affects her body,
sending signals to her breasts to make them grow, or at least retain more water.
Such rapid body changes may seem impossible, but phenomena like that are documented. They often happen with very religious people – <<hovertip stigmata stigmata>> being perhaps the most famous type of this phenomenon.
<<c "Reach for Novice Anika's breast">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 64 pause3>>
<<if $qqanikapreg < 200 || $qqanikacrazy < 200>>
Reaching down to grab one of Novice Anika's breasts, you find that you were correct: Her breasts sure have gotten bigger.
<<if $temp3=="pregnant">>
She might indeed be pregnant.
You reach down to grab one of Novice Anika's breasts. Her breasts sure have gotten bigger since she <<if def $qqanikapreg>>got pregnant.<<else>>became delusional about getting pregnant.<</if>>
<<if $qqanikapreg < 200 || $qqanikacrazy < 200>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<s anika "Please be careful with my nipples, $fmc. They are more sensitive now.">>
You very gently squeeze her nipple, massaging it.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 64 pause3>>
<cc>You pull down the top completely, exposing both of Novice Anika's breasts.
<<if $qqanikapreg < 200>>
<<addlust 20 center>>
<<c "Massage her breasts">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 64>>
<c>You proceed to massage Novice Anika's breasts, including her sensitive nipples.
<<addlust 100 center>>
Novice Anika responds reasonably well and seems more relaxed now.
<<if $qqanikapreg < 200 || $qqanikacrazy < 200>>
<<elseif $qqanikapreg < 400 || $qqanikacrazy < 400>>
<<but "Continue" anika1 "ev:720 step:1000">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 "ev:750 step:1000">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<s mc "We'll stop there. Now I think I should anoint you. The Holy Rod is ready.">>
<<s anika "No, Father. I'm not ready for that yet. I need to pray more on it.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. We'll talk more about this another time.">>
<<if ndef $qqanikapreg>>
<<q anikacrazy 200>>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<pregnant anika nuns/anika/head3 30>>
You have to face it: Novice Anika is pregnant. After massaging her changed breasts and nipples, you no longer have any doubt.
<<q anikapreg 200>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 34>>
<c>You knew there was a risk in using the <<potionContraception plural>> and now you face the consequences of your decision. God wanted this to happen, and you will accept it.
<<if $creampied.contains("anika")>>
<p>You have to keep this in mind going forward. If you release your seed inside the slit of a nun – or a girl at the school – you might impregnate her. If it happened once, it could happen again. It's up to the Lord.</p>
However, it is very surprising that you impregnated Novice Anika despite using contraceptives <<italics and>> never ejaculating inside her. You doubt God intervened, so your pre-ejaculate must have been enough. The chance of this happening with the contraceptives must be very small. So small that the chance of it happening again should be negligible. Unless you actually ejaculate inside a fertile nun, you will assume she can't become pregnant.</p>
<<ev 2400>> /* both preg and no preg play from here */
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<mii misc/female 40 pnggg>>
You think of all the women you have ejaculated inside<<if $creampied.contains("anika")>>, other than Novice Anika<</if>>. Any one of them could be pregnant now, whether they know it or not.
<p>Probably not though, you think. The risk is still low.</p>
<<if !$creampied.contains("anika")>>
/* v10: part of bugfix for players on preg path who didn't creampie anika. now she is pregnant, so must add to creampied to avoid her being added as pot preg next creampie in her*/
<<set $creampied.push("anika")>>
<<mii nuns/misc/standing 30>>
Novice Anika is not pregnant and neither will any other nun be as long as you use the strong potions of contraception. You are free to release your seed into the nuns without risking impregnating them.
<<but "Continue your day" hub>>
<<event 720 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 40>>
<<s mc "I should anoint you today, Novice Anika. Have you prayed on it?">>
<<s anika "Yes, and I don't think this is what God wants. He is protecting me.">>
<<s mc "He is protecting you through me. I'm your protector, appointed by the Lord.">>
<<s anika "I'm not sure, Father. It doesn't feel right.">>
<<c "Leave her alone">><<but "Give her a breast massage" anika1 step:200>>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi sitting4 40>>
<c>You tell Novice Anika to keep praying about the anointing. Hopefully, she will come around and accept it.
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<qmess anikapreg 240>>
<<qmess anikacrazy 240>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
<<cs mc "I will give you a breast massage. Perhaps that will change your mind.">>
<<cs anika "I don't think so, but... if you want to...">>
<<cs mc "Then remove your tunic.">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 "ev:700 step:900">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<s mc "We'll stop there. Now I should anoint you. The Holy Rod is ready.">>
<<s anika "No, Father. I'm not ready for that yet. I need to pray more on it.">>
You are disappointed to hear that Novice Anika still refused to let you anoint her. This is getting frustrating.
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<q anikapreg 260>>
<<q anikacrazy 260>>
<<if setup.daysSinceLastStage("anikapreg",2)>> /* ie, stage 260 which is set above */
<<but "Ponder what to do with Novice Anika" anika1 step:1500>>
<<c "Ponder what to do with Novice Anika">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi sitting4 36>>
<c>You get the feeling that Novice Anika is still far from agreeing to let you anoint her. You have suggested she uses her hands instead of her mouth but she considers that beneath someone with her new status – a blessed virgin.
<p>If you use your own hands to release the Holy Seed, Novice Anika might agree to it, but that would send a bad message – not only to her but also to other nuns that may hear of it. It would risk making you lose authority – it could appear like you are submitting to Novice Anika.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi preghead 36>>
<c>No, allowing Novice Aniks to use her hands instead of her mouth is concession enough from your side. She has to submit to your authority.
<p>You may have no other choice but to wait... Or use something to make Novice Anika change her mind.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii lab/potionParanoiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>The problem is that Novice Anika believes God is protecting her from Satan – that she no longer needs the holy rites. You have to change that.
<p>A <<potionParanoia>> might be the answer.<<if def $qqanikapreg>> You should be careful with using drugs on a pregnant woman, but you strongly doubt a single potion would hurt the baby.<</if>></p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 700-2000 80>>
<c>You have to make a decision. Do you want to give Novice Anika more time to agree to be anointed, or will you use a potion on her right now?
<<but "Use a <<potionParanoia>> on her" anika1 step:2000>><<but "Give her more time" anika1 step:1600>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii lab/potionParanoiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>You have given Novice Anika plenty of time to come around and accept what has to happen. You can't wait any longer.
<p>You have no choice but to use a <<potionParanoia>> on her. This has to be done.</p>
<<but "Use a <<potionParanoia>> on Novice Anika" anika1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi 720-2000 80>>
<c>You decide to give Novice Anika more time.
<<s mc "You pray on it, then. But I have to anoint you, the sooner the better.">>
<<s anika "I will pray on it, Father.">>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<qmess anikapreg 300>>
<<qmess anikacrazy 300>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi sittingnaked 60>>
<<s mc "Since you are still hesitating to let me protect you with the Holy Seed, I want to administer Holy Communion to you. This will also give you some protection and it might help you hear God's words clearer when you pray.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Prepare to administer the Eucharist">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii chapel/communion 48>>
<c>Being close to the kitchen, you quickly leave Novice Anika's room to fetch some bread and wine.
<p>Upon returning, you prepare the bread and pour some wine into a small cup.</p>
<<ev 2120>>
<<mii lab/potionParanoiaBig 10 pnggg>>
<c>You then pour the <<potionParanoia>> into the wine. Since Novice Anika is blindfolded, she doesn't notice anything.
<p>Finally, you consecrate the bread and wine, transubstantiating them into the Body and Blood of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the words of Christ.</p>
<<c "Administer the Eucharist">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii chapel/communion 54>>
<cc>You administer the Eucharist to Novice Anika using the bread and the spiked wine.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi 720-2000 74>>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<s mc "Now we pray that the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit will protect you and your baby from the Evil One. Let's pray.">>
You spend some time praying with Novice Anika. You do your best to scare Novice Anika by including references to Satan and the danger he poses to Novice Anika and the unborn baby.
<<s mc "Now we pray that the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit will protect you and your future baby from the Evil One. Let's pray.">>
You spend some time praying with Novice Anika. You do your best to scare Novice Anika by including references to Satan and the danger he poses to Novice Anika and her future baby.
<<c "Stop praying">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi sittingnaked 50>>
<c><<s mc "The Lord is telling me you need to be anointed, Novice Anika. Can you not hear Him?">>
<<s anika "I think maybe I do. Yes. I'm scared of Satan.">>
<<s mc "As you should be. But I'm here to protect you. God has given us the sign to proceed with the anointing. You will use your hands on the Holy Rod as we agreed, instead of your mouth. Or do you want to use your mouth?">>
<<s anika "No, my hands.">>
<<s mc "Then we should begin at once.">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 70 pause1>>
You get into position in front of Novice Anika.
<<if $temp3=="nomassage">>
Your manhood quickly grows in anticipation of what is about to happen.
<<addlust 100>>
Your manhood quickly grows, fueled by lust from when you massaged her breasts.
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Novice Anika still hesitates.
<<s anika "Can't you do it with your own hands, Father? You could just look at me and do it. I wouldn't mind. I won't even see anything, being blindfolded and all.">>
<<s mc "It would take longer. No, Novice Anika, you have to do your part in the holy rite.">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv m 80>>
<cc>Novice Anika finally grabs your male organ.
<p>She lubricates it with her saliva and gets to work pleasuring you.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>With saliva dripping from your erect member, Novice Anika starts slow.
<p>You give her some time to get used to it.</p>
<<c "Tell her to go faster">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>You tell Novice Anika to go faster, and she obeys.
<p>Once the nun gets going, she does a good job with her hand. You soon reach orgasm.
<<cs mc "The Holy Seed is coming. Hold up your breasts to collect it.">></p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv cum2 70>>
<cc>Saying the words to anoint her, you release your seed in Novice Anika's face and over her big breasts.
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi cum2after 70>>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<set _future = "your">>
<<set _future = "your future ">>
<c><<s mc "That should protect you, but only for a while. Satan wants nothing more than to corrupt you and _future baby.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father. We will do it again later.">>
<<s mc "Good. I will return.">>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi cum2after2 80>>
<<if (def $qqanikapreg && $qqanikapreg < 400) || (def $qqanikacrazy && $qqanikacrazy < 400)>>
You finally managed to anoint Novice Anika.
<p>You should return to do it again, this time without using a potion of paranoia.
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<q anikapreg 400>>
<<q anikacrazy 400>>
You anointed Novice Anika once more.
<p>In time, you should get Novice Anika to use her mouth on you. Eventually, she has to accept being fully intimate with you again.
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
Novice Anika may be pregnant, but you still feel the need to penetrate her slit with your manhood.
<<q anikapreg 440>>
<<qendversion anikapreg version0.7.1>>
You feel the need to once again penetrate her slit with your manhood.
<<q anikacrazy 440>>
<<qendversion anikacrazy version0.7.1>>
<<event 740 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 38>>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<set _future = "your">>
<<set _future = "your future ">>
<c><<s mc "I'm here to anoint you again, to give you and _future baby protection from Satan.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father. I will use my hands.">>
<<s mc "You must show me your breasts to help me finish.">>
Novice Anika sighs, but removes her tunic, exposing her breasts.
<<but "Continue" anika1 "ev:720 step:3000">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 700-2000 80>>
<<addlust 40>>
Your lust increases from seeing Novice Anika's full breasts and knowing she is about to use her hands on you.
<<but "Fondle her breasts first" anika1 step:1200>><<but "Get started with the anointing" anika1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 700-1400 64>>
<c>You fondle her breasts.
<<addlust 40>>
You are ready to anoint Novice Anika.
<<but "Get started with the anointing" anika1 step:2000>>
<<event 750 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 40>>
<<cs mc "I want to give you another breast massage. Remove your tunic.">>
<<cs anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 "ev:700 step:900">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 720-1000 60>>
<cc>After some time of massaging Novice Anika, you find yourself very aroused.
<p>You need to do something about it. Either here or in your room.</p>
<<but "Anoint Novice Anika" anika1 step:2000>><<but "Leave her" anika1 step:1200>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 700-2000 76>>
<cc>You tell Novice Anika that the massage is finished. She can get dressed.
<p>You bid her farewell. You will return later to check in on her.</p></cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 700-2000 76>>
<<cs mc "We'll stop there. Now I should anoint you. The Holy Rod is ready.">>
<<cs anika "Okay, Father. I will use my hands.">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 "ev:720 step:3000">>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 800 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 44 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, I've given you time to get used to your new situation, but now I need to strengthen your protection against evil. Anointing is not enough when you are also carrying a baby. You are too attractive a target to Satan.">>
<<s anika "What do want to do, Father?">>
<<s mc "We must have intercourse. I'm your patriarch, appointed by the Lord through your sisters, and I'm also a holy warrior, appointed directly by the Lord. You can marry me in a Holy Marriage, and then when you lie with me, you and the baby will be blessed, strengthening your protection.">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 step:200>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi sitting2 40>>
<c><<s mc "You need more protection against Satan. I will penetrate your slit with my manhood. The holy act of temporary union of our flesh will bless you<<if def $qqanikapreg>> and the baby<</if>>. Undress and start by using your mouth.">>
Novice Anika hesitates for a moment, but then she starts undressing.
<<ev 170>>
<<mi 720-2000 70>>
<c><<s anika "I rather not use my mouth, Father. Can't I just use my hands if you need help getting ready?">>
<<s mc "No, your mouth will quickly get me ready for the holy act. Let's go.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
You are pleased to see that you have regained much of your control over Novice Anika.
<<but "Take out your manhood" anika1 step:1200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi sitting4 40>>
<<s anika "But Father, you forget that I'm already married to Jesus. And no longer only in spirit. I'm carrying His baby. I can't marry you.">>
<<s mc "That's fine, we don't need to marry. Being twice appointed by the Lord, I can have intercourse with you to grant you the Lord's blessing. The act will be holy.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi sitting3 40 right>>
<<s anika "It doesn't matter. The baby and I belong to Jesus, Father. I can't let you lie with me.">>
You are growing tired of Novice Anika's disrespectful attitude. She should obey you.
<<s mc "Jesus is with us all, my child. He is working through me as we speak. If you lie with me, Jesus can reach out and touch you. You won't see Him, but you will feel Him. And the Virgin Mary will be by your side in spirit to hold your hand, and to protect the baby. Do you not want this, Novice Anika?">>
<<s anika "What you are saying sounds wonderful. Is it true, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I have a direct link to the Lord. All you need is faith, and Jesus and the Virgin Mary will reach out to you through the Holy Spirit.">>
<<s anika "Yes, I can already feel it. Quickly, get it done. Jesus and Virgin Mary, I open myself to you.">>
<<s mc "Undress, and then you can start by using your mouth on me.">>
<<s mc "Pride and arrogance are the downfall of many who claimed to be close to God. Don't think you're special enough to have exclusivity to Jesus. He is with us all. If you lie with me, Jesus can reach out and touch you. You won't see Him, but you will feel Him. And the Virgin Mary will be by your side in spirit to hold your hand, and to protect the baby. This is what you should want, or I will have to question if Satan is already your true master.">>
<<s francia "Forgive me for overstepping, Father. I didn't mean to sound arrogant. If you can make Jesus and the Virgin Mary reach out to me through you, then of course I will accept it. ">>
<<s mc "Not a moment too soon. Satan is closing in on you. Undress, and then you will start by using your mouth on me.">>
<<tbut "Make her accept it" null "addStat5">>
<<abut "Rebuke her" null "addStat5">>
<<but "Continue" anika1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 720-2000 70>>
<c><<s anika "I rather not use my mouth, Father. Can't I just use my hands if you need help getting ready?">>
<<s mc "This is not the time to squabble over details, Novice Anika. Your mouth will quickly get me ready for the holy act. Let's go.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
It is about time that Novice Anika starts obeying. And your control over her should increase once you have fornicated with her.
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 800-1200 70>>
<c>You take out your growing manhood.
<p>Obeying your command, Novice Anika uses her mouth on you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Get ready to fornicate">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 800-1400 60>>
<c>You tell Novice Anika to get down on all fours. You take position behind her with a good view of her slit.
<p>Novice Anika picks up a figurine of the Virgin Mary. You think about forbidding it as being inappropriate, but considering how unhinged Novice Anika seems, you let it go as it apparently gives her comfort.</p>
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv 800-1500 90 pause1>>
<cc>You penetrate Novice Anika's tight slit.
<p>As you begin to fornicate with her, you hear the sound of paper tearing.</p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv 800-1800 80>>
<c>You are appalled to see Novice Anika tearing the pages out of a Bible while rambling about Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Another display of her mentally disturbed state.
<p>You again decide to ignore Novice Anika and instead enjoy her slit.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 800-2000 80>>
<c>You fornicate with Novice Anika. She continues to mumble incomprehensibly.
<p>Taking the wild and unstable nun from behind feels exciting. Animalistic.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 800-2200 80>>
<c>Novice Anika insists on sitting on top of you to be less restricted. You let her do it while enjoying the easy access to her breasts.
<p>Continuing the deranged display, Novice Anika tears out more pages from the Bible. For what purpose, only she knows.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 800-2400 80 volume0.6>>
<c>Novice Anika's slit is wet by now and she clearly enjoys your manhood inside her. This would be a good time to finish, making her want more.
<<but "Ejaculate (face)" anika1 step:2800>><<but "Ejaculate (slit)" anika1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv cum2 70>>
<c>You push aside Novice Anika and tell her to kneel.
<p>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate your sperm over her face and breasts.</p>
<<but "Get dressed" anika1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie12 90>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate inside Novice Anika's wet slit.
<<creampie anika center>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi sitting4 45 right>>
<<s anika "I felt Jesus, but you didn't give me time to finish, Father.">>
<<s mc "I give you permission to touch yourself if you want to. Consider it an extension of the holy act we just performed.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father. I will think about it.">>
You don't want to keep Novice Anika too sexually frustrated given her fragile state of mind. Her hands will help her manage, but you count on it not being as good as feeling your manhood inside her slit.
<<set _anikafirsttime = $qqanikapreg==600 || $qqanikacrazy==600>>
<<if !_anikafirsttime>>
<<s mc "I will return to check on you later.">>
<<if _anikafirsttime>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi sitting 45 right>>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<s mc "Have you told anyone that you are pregnant?">>
<<s anika "No, Father. You told me not to. And I also thought of you and what the sisters might think... That you are the father, not the Holy Spirit. Should we tell them I'm pregnant through the Holy Spirit?">>
You are relieved to hear that Novice Anika is still capable of sensible thinking.
<<s mc "No, you thought right. They might not understand. We will tell them, but when the time is right. When I have prepared them for it. We should keep this between just the two of us for now. Don't tell anyone unless I say so.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "I will return to check on you later.">>
<<q anikapreg 700>>
<<qendversion anikapreg version0.8.0>>
<<s mc "Have you told anyone that you are trying to become a blessed virgin mother through the Holy Spirit?">>
<<s anika "No, Father, not yet. I thought of you and – if I get pregnant – the sisters might think you are the father, not the Holy Spirit. Should I tell them?">>
You are relieved to hear that Novice Anika is still capable of sensible thinking, albeit from a crazy perspective.
<<s mc "No, you did right. We should keep this between just the two of us for now. Don't tell anyone unless I say so.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "I will return to check on you later.">>
<<q anikacrazy 700>>
<<qendversion anikacrazy version0.8.0>>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 900 anika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sitting2 45 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Anika, as you know, I have learned that I am a lust angel...">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
/*<<set $qqanikacrazy = null>><<qstart anikapreg 900>><<set $pregnancy = true>> testing */
<<if $qqanikacrazy>>
<<s mc "This changes what we know of your possible future pregnancy. The Lord has shown me that if you became with child, I would be the father, not the Holy Spirit. It would still be a miracle, and you would still become a blessed virgin mother, like the Virgin Mary. Through divine intervention, God would allow me to impregnate you. Thanks to my holy lust, the baby would be born a blessed child and would inherit the title of lust angel from me. ">>
<<s mc "This changes what we know of your pregnancy. The Lord has shown me the truth. I am the father of your child, not the Holy Spirit. It is still a miracle, and you are still a blessed virgin, like the Virgin Mary. Through divine intervention, God allowed me to impregnate you. Thanks to my holy lust, the baby will be born a blessed child and will inherit the title of lust angel from me. ">>
<<if $qqanikacrazy>>
<<but "Continue" anika1 step:3000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi sitting4 45 right>>
<<s anika "Are you sure it is not the Holy Spirit that impregnated me?">>
<<s mc "The Holy Spirit was involved in making it happen, but it was my seed that fertilized your egg. This is a great honor bestowed upon you by the Lord, Novice Anika. You were chosen to become the mother of a lust angel. You should be grateful.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father. I just thought it was only the Holy Spirit, not you, that impregnated me.">>
<<s mc "Now you know. And soon, everyone in the convent will know about your pregnancy, but let me decide when to spring the news. Keep it a secret for now.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
<<s mc "Perhaps you want to remove the blindfold now?">>
<<s anika "You said I'm still a blessed virgin, like the Virgin Mary. I will keep the blindfold to be closer to God.">>
<<s mc "As you wish.">>
<<c "Leave Novice Anika">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi sitting4 44 right>>
<l>Novice Anika didn't seem too happy to learn that you are the father to her child, but she just has to accept it. All things considered, she took the news pretty well. It could have gone worse.
You are pleased that things turned out this way because this story sounds more plausible than that of the Holy Spirit alone impregnating Novice Anika. That God wants you to sire more lust angels will be an easier sell to the other nuns when they eventually learn of Novice Anika's pregnancy. Not to mention that it is based on the truth.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi sitting3 36>>
With this development, you can relax when it comes to Novice Anika. You have a good, believable explanation for her pregnancy and how she can still be a virgin. The other nuns should accept this explanation when the day comes that you tell them.
<p>And if you should happen to impregnate another nun, or perhaps a student, this explanation would work for them too.
<<qend anikapreg 1000>></p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 26 pnggg>>
<c>There is a real risk that you may impregnate another nun – or a student.
<p>Novice Emma is secretly, once a week, adding a <<potionContraception>> to the soup served to the nuns at supper. Of course, Novice Emma doesn't know what the potion truly does since you only told her that it will protect the nuns from evil.</p>
<p>The potion is a decent contraceptive, but not perfect, as evident by Novice Anika's pregnancy.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mvv school/catarina/3250-2100 88 volume0>>
<c>You personally give the students at the school the same <<contraceptionStrength>> contraceptive potion once a week – by secretly adding the potion to the students' food when Sister Catarina washes herself after you have ejaculated all over her breasts when anointing her.
<p>A student getting pregnant by you would, just as with a pregnant nun, have a blessed child – who could become a lust angel. And it would happen because the Lord wanted it.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
<c><<if $pregnancy>>
You lived a life of celibacy until you came to the monastery. It doesn't seem far-fetched that the Lord wants you, a lust angel sprung into action, to bring more lust angels into the world – while you can.
<p>You are fighting a holy war against Satan and his minions, and that is very dangerous. You might die before this is over. Only God knows.
But you have decided not to impregnate any women, and being a holy warrior, you expect that God will honor your wish.
<p>You will not sire lust angels. This bloodline of lust angels will end with you.
<p>And this may happen soon. You are fighting a holy war against Satan and his minions, and that is very dangerous. You might die before this is over. Only God knows.
<<ev 3000>> /* anika crazy here */
<<mi sitting4 45 right>>
<<s anika "Are you sure it would not be the Holy Spirit that would impregnate me?">>
<<s mc "The Holy Spirit would be involved in making it happen, but it would be my seed that would fertilize your egg. It would be a great honor bestowed upon you by the Lord, Novice Anika, if you were chosen to become the mother of a lust angel.">>
<<s anika "Yes, Father. But I thought it would be only the Holy Spirit, not you, that would impregnate me.">>
<<s mc "Now you know. But you must also realize that you may never get pregnant. Do you understand that?">>
<<s anika "Yes, but I have seen it in a vision.">>
<<s mc "And it might come true, or it will never come true. We shall see. But if it does, then it would be my seed that impregnates you.">>
<<s anika "If you so say, Father.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi sitting3 40>>
<<s mc "So with this news, perhaps you want to remove the blindfold now?">>
<<s anika "You said I would still become a blessed virgin mother, like the Virgin Mary. I will keep the blindfold to be closer to God to make it happen.">>
<<s mc "As you wish.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi sitting4 40>>
<c>Novice Anika didn't seem too happy to learn that you – not the Holy Spirit – would be the father of a potential future child. All things considered, she took the news pretty well. It could have gone worse.
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi sitting3 36>>
<c>You hope this news might take the edge off Novice Anika's delusional craziness. If she no longer believes she was chosen to be impregnated by the Holy Spirit perhaps she will return to a less unhinged self. Time will tell.
<<qend anikacrazy 1000>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 26 pnggg>>
<c>However she feels about it, Novice Anika just has to accept it.
<p>Either way, she will never get pregnant because Novice Emma is secretly, once a week, adding a <<potionContraception>> to the soup served to the nuns at supper. Of course, Novice Emma doesn't know what the potion truly does since you only told her that it will protect the nuns from evil.</p>
<<but "Continue" anika1 step:1200>>
<</events>><<setev 100>>
<<include area1>><<events>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi "walls-view" 75% center>>
You follow the wall some distance. This place is huge. Too big to spend time on right now. You can investigate further at a later time.
<<but "Return to entrance" "outside">>
<</events>><<if $intro < 2100>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include bathroom1>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<if $qqsofialustreduce==10>>
<<mi outside_bathroomNight 50 right>>
When patrolling the dark hallways, you hear soft voices from the bathroom.
<<but "Peek into bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1000">>
<<elseif $qqlustfulwomen>=100 && !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",400)>>
<<mi outside_bathroomNight 50 right>>
<l>You go to the bathroom.
<p>As you are about to enter the bathroom, you hear a soft voice coming from inside it.</p>
<p>You assume it is Novice Judith, the reason you came here.</p>
<<but "Enter the bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1400">>
<<elseif $qqjudithBathroomNight==20 || $qqjudithBathroomNight==100 || $qqjudithq==1010 ||
$qqjudithq==2000 || $qqjudithq==2100>>
<<mi outside_bathroomNight 50 right>>
When patrolling the dark hallways, you hear <<if $qqjudithq>=1000>>a soft voice<<else>>soft voices<</if>> from the bathroom.
<<but "Peek into bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1100 qqjudithBathroomNight>=20 qqjudithq<<1000">>
<<but "Peek into bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1140 qqjudithq==1010">>
<<but "Peek into bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1200 qqjudithq==2000">>
<<but "Peek into bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1200 qqjudithq==2100">>
<<mi outside_bathroomNight 60 right>>
You go to the communal bathroom.
It's empty and quiet.
You wash your hands and face.
<<if $bathroomLaundryDone > 0>>
<<mi outside_bathroom_close 35>>
<c>With the bathing and laundry done for today, the main part of the combined bathroom and laundry is empty.</c>
<<but "Enter inner laundry" laundry>><<hub>>
<<elseif !$bathroomHasBathed>>
<div class="right" style="position: relative; width:55%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/outside_bathroom.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "bathroom/firewood.png">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:0.7rem; width:35%; position:absolute; top:74%; left:65%">
<<if $corr >= 30>>
You approach the bathroom. The small pile of firewood in the hallway tells you nuns are bathing and could be naked. Judging from the sounds of the talk and laughter coming from inside, it's a group of young novices.</p>
<p>The thought of their young, naked bodies draws you to the doorway. As a holy warrior, it would be acceptable to use this opportunity to recharge your batteries to be able to perform the holy rites.</p>
<<if $qqpatriarchq >= 150>>
<<set _patmess = "As the patriarch, you can come and go as you please – even entering the bathroom when the novices are bathing.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",200)>>
<<specialq _patmess>>
<<elseif $qqbathroom >= 200>>
You approach the bathroom. The small pile of firewood in the hallway tells you nuns are bathing and could be naked. You hear talk, laughter, and sometimes also whispering from the bathroom. From the sounds of it, it's a group of young novices.</p>
<<if $qqbathroom < 500>>
Normally, it would be highly inappropriate for you to enter the bathroom now. But there are these odd moments when the whole room goes quiet except for whispering. This simply must be investigated as it could be something important to the case. But to hear what the nuns are whispering about, you have to get closer to them.</p>
<<if $qqbathroom < 300>>
Just sticking your head inside the doorway could be enough to hear what they say.
You would have to sneak all the way inside to be able to hear.
You approach the bathroom. You hear loud talking and girls' laughter coming from that direction. There is also a lot of whispering. A small pile of firewood is placed in the hallway outside the bathroom. A sign to you, telling you to keep away, because the nuns are bathing and may be naked. From the sounds of it, it's a group of young novices.</p>
<p>It would be highly inappropriate for you to enter the bathroom now. But you don't have to look inside to listen, and eavesdropping on people can sometimes be useful in an investigation.</p>
<<if setup.checkqStage("alonsoq", 100)>>
<<if $qqalonsoq < 300 && setup.checkqStage("alonsoq", 220)>>
<<coltext "Now would be a good time to go straight to the monks' bathroom and see if <<alonso>> is eavesdropping on the bathing novices." "fd0">>
<<qset alonsoq 101>>
<<but "Move closer and eavesdrop" bathroom1 "ev:300 qqbathroom<<300">>
<<but "Peek inside" bathroom1 "ev:400 corr10 qqbathroom>=200 corr<<30">>
/* Have to add below for when mc hasn't finished bathing nuns quest before getting to corr30 */
<<but "Peek inside" bathroom1 "ev:400 corr10 qqbathroom>=200 qqbathroom<<300 corr>=30">>
<<but "Sneak inside" bathroom1 "ev:500 corr20 qqbathroom>=300 corr<<30">>
/* Have to add below for when mc hasn't finished bathing nuns quest before getting to corr30 */
<<but "Sneak inside" bathroom1 "ev:500 corr20 qqbathroom>=300 qqbathroom<<500 corr>=30">>
<<but "Sneak inside" bathroom1 "ev:600 qqbathroom>=500 corr>=30">>/* after 30 corr from sex with sofia */
/*<<but "Enter bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1300 qqpatriarchq>=150 patriarchq#notplayed200 quest-glow-button">>
<<but "Enter bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1300 qqpatriarchq>=150 patriarchq#played200">>*/
<<but "Enter bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:1300 qqpatriarchq>=150">>
<<but "Leave them alone" hub>>
<<mi outside_bathroom 55 right>>
You approach the bathroom. You hear loud talking and girls' laughter coming from that direction.
<p>You don't see any firewood in the hallway outside the bathroom. <<if ndef $qqpatriarchq>>That should mean that it is okay for you to enter.<<else>>That means the nuns aren't bathing.<</if>>
<<but "Enter bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:200">><<but "Leave them alone" hub>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv bathroom1 70% "center volume0.3">>
<<say ms "This is our bathroom where we bathe and wash and also do our laundry. Right now, as you can see, we're doing the laundry, and it's safe for you to look inside or enter, but when we're bathing you have to remember to stay away. There is no such thing as privacy when we bathe and we will not be dressed. And there are no locks on these doors. Often we do not even close them." ii>>
<<say mc "I understand.">>
Being in the nuns' bathroom has unfortunate effects on you.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 120>>
<<mv bathroom1 70% "center volume0.3">>
<<say ms "To make the best use of the water, we always bathe together, one group of sisters at a time. There is always at least one senior sister present when we bathe and I will inform them to put a few pieces of chopped wood outside the entrance to the bathroom as a signal to you that you should keep away." ii>>
<<say ms "I didn't bring you here just to say that. I also wanted to show you something..." ii>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi well 33% right>>
The abbess shows you a corner of the room. It looks recently renovated when compared to the rest of the bathroom.
<<say ms "We are blessed by God to get all the water we need from <<hovertip wells wells bottom>> like this. The water flows all the way up to the ground level, as you can see. We just have to fill our buckets. We have a couple of wells outside too but having one inside like this saves us so much work. The monks also get water from the same source as this particular well, on the other side of this wall here. The original well was made into two, back when the monastery was divided in half to let the nuns in, so we can all enjoy this blessing.">>
<<mi ms1 20% lclear>>
<<say ms "This means that someone small enough could in theory go down the well on the other side of the wall and come up through this one. I don't know how narrow the passage is, but I can't rule out that a human could make it through. For this reason, I blocked this well every night by covering it with planks and balancing drinking glasses and metal plates on them. If someone managed to enter this room through this well, we would have noticed it. But the planks were undisturbed, and yet the attacks continued. So I stopped covering up the well at night. But it is a possible way of entry, in theory.">>
<<ev 300>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:85%;">
<<set _path = "hub/layout.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "misc/marker.png">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:0.7rem; width:3%; position:absolute; left:15%; top:9.5%;">
As you walk through a hallway, there is loud giggle and laughter coming from one of the many doors.
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<set $intro = 2100>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv bathroom1 80% "center volume0.3">>
You enter the room which is hot with steam. The nuns are busy doing the laundry. The loud chatter quickly dies down when you enter and changes to whispers and quiet giggling.
<<s "Senior nun" "Did you want something, Father $mc?">>
<<s mc "Just looking around. Don't let me interrupt.">>
<<tip credits>>
<<but "Look at doorway" bathroom1 "step:200 qqclaraq==1">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi innerLaundry 30>>
<c>You look at the doorway to the inner room of the combined bathroom and laundry. You know that the nuns use the inner room to store their dirty laundry and hang their fresh laundry to dry.
<p>You don't want to disturb the busy nuns by entering the inner laundry right now.</p>
<<italics "<<coltext Laundry ec0>> has been added to the available locations.">>
<<set $qqclaraq = 2>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 35>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<<if $qqbathroom >= 200>>
<cc><p>You sneak toward the bathroom, wanting to eavesdrop on the nuns in there.</p>
<p>From seemingly out of nowhere, <<mms>> appears from behing a corner and looks at you. But having permission to eavesdrop on the bathing nuns, you continue. You stand just outside the doorway to the bathroom and listen closely...</p></cc>
<<but "Continue" bathroom1 "step:2100">>
<cc>You sneak toward the bathroom, wanting to eavesdrop on the nuns in there...</cc>
<<ev 200>>
Your advance is interrupted when you hear someone clearing their throat behind you. You turn around and see <<mms>> watching you. You abort your attempt to eavesdrop and go to her.
<<mi ms1 20 right>>
<<s ms "Father $mc, may I ask what you are doing?">>
<<s mc "I was about to listen in on their conversations. I told you I may have to resort to using stealth to progress with the investigation.">>
<<s ms "But this is not the proper time to do it. They are not dressed. That's why that stack of firewood is placed there. Seeing us sisters as the Lord created us is not something I can allow you to do.">>
<<s mc "I assure you I will not look inside. Only listen.">>
<<s ms "Even so, I cannot allow it. You have to keep your distance when they are bathing.">>
<<tip infoMsTrustOnly>>
<<set _tmess = "If we want to stop these horrible attacks, you have to let me do my thing. I'm a professional. This is necessary. Trust me.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say ms "Fine, then. I will allow it. But stay in the hallway. And no peeking.">>
<<d 2000>>
That's not possible.
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say ms "I hear what you are saying, but I simply cannot allow it. I have to draw the line somewhere. You will have to try other ways to conduct your investigation.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. I will do my best.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc "I'm sent by the Vatican. Let me pass!">>
<<s ms "I'm the one in charge here and the answer is no. You should leave now.">>
You leave, realizing you made a mistake. As the highest authority here, <<mms>> will not let you roll over her.
/*<<trytbut '"This is necessary. Trust me."' "trust11 oneChoice">>*/
<<trytbut '"This is necessary. Trust me."' "trust13">>
<<tryabut '"Let me pass!"' "auth-1">>
<<if $qqbathroom == 100>>
/* if failing again after first fail and quest start, go direct to hub */
<<but "Continue" null "failhub">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom" 50>>
<c2>As you leave, you feel like you can't let this go. This case is hard enough to get a grip on as it is, and you can't allow a possible lead to be ignored. You have to find a way to hear what the bathing nuns are whispering about in there.
<<qstart bathroom 100>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 35>>
<c><p>Having gotten permission from <<mms>> to eavesdrop on the bathing nuns, you sneak toward the bathroom. The abbess is keeping an eye on you from a distance.</p>
<p>You stand just outside the doorway to the bathroom and listen closely...</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 40 right>>
<l><p>You hear what the bathing nuns are talking and laughing about. It's only innocent gossip, jokes and general small talk. Nothing which helps you in the case.</p>
<p>But then there are moments when the room suddenly goes quiet, and only whispers can be heard. What is so sensitive that they need to keep their voices down? This could be something important.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, you won't be able to hear what they are whispering about unless you sneak inside to get closer. But the abbess is still watching you, and she only allowed you to listen from the hallway. There is nothing more to do here right now, and listening to the naked nuns bathing has already had some unfortunate side effects on you.</p>
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $qqbathroom == 100>>
/* if gotten here after first failing to eavesdrop */
<<q bathroom 200>>
<<elseif !($qqbathroom > 0)>>
/* if succeeding on eavesdropping on first attempt */
<<qstart bathroom 210>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<<if $qqbathroom >= 300>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 35>>
<cc>You look around to see if <<mms>> is watching, but she is nowhere to be seen. You hope she will keep leaving you alone to conduct the investigation as you see fit.</cc>
<cc>You sneak forward and stick your head inside the bathroom to listen. And look, just a little, to make sure they don't see you.
<<but "Peek inside" bathroom1 "step:2100">>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 40>>
You look around to see if <<mms>> is watching, but she is nowhere to be seen. With the coast clear, you sneak toward the bathroom to peek inside...
<<c "Peek inside">>
<<ev 200>>
<<qset bathroom 220>> /* helps opening up second monk drinking */
Your advance is interrupted when you hear someone clearing their throat behind you. Busted! Drat, where did she come from?
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "Father $mc, what are you are doing?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I have to get closer to hear what they are whispering about. This could be important to the investigation.">>
<<s ms "That's out of the question. Don't you realize that they are nude in there?">>
<<s mc "I will do my best not to look. Just enough to not be detected by them.">>
<<s ms "$fmc, I will not allow it.">>
<<set _tmess2 = "I understand that this is highly irregular and normally very inappropriate. But I assure you that this is strictly professional and required in this situation. If you can't let me be a detective, I may never be able to solve this case. Please trust me to do my job. I only want to put a stop to these terrible attacks.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _tmess2>>
<<say ms "Hmm... under the dire circumstances, I will have to make an exception in this case. I will leave you to it then. But I can't bear to witness it. I'm leaving.">>
<<d 2000>>
bathroom spy: error
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc _tmess2>>
<<say ms "And I want to help you the best I can, but this is not happening.">>
<<s mc "As you wish...">>
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc "I'm in charge of this investigation. Stand aside!">>
<<s ms "I'm in charge of this convent and my word is final. You should leave now.">>
You leave, realizing you made a mistake. As the highest authority here, <<mms>> will not let you roll over her.
<<trytbut '"Please trust me to do my job."' "trust17">>
<<tryabut '"I\'m in charge of this investigation."' "auth-1">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom" 40>>
<c2>You leave, but you can't let this go when so much is unclear about this case. You have to know what the bathing nuns are whispering about in there.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 35>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<c>Having gotten permission from <<var mms,>> you sneak forward and stick your head inside the bathroom to listen. And look, just a little, to make sure they don't see you.
<<c "Peek inside">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv bathroom2 70>>
<c>You have a hard time focusing on anything with all the naked, young novices in the bathroom. But you do your best to listen to their whispering while staying hidden.
<<if $qqbathroom < 400>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi bath 60>>
Drats. You still can't hear their whispers. You would need to sneak even closer to them.
<p>With all the linens and clothes hanging to dry, you should be able to get in there and stay hidden for some time. But then you probably couldn't avoid seeing them naked up close. That is wrong in so many ways, but it may be a necessary evil.</p>
<p>At least you seem to have gotten the abbess off your back, for now, allowing you to conduct the investigation as you see fit.
<<q bathroom 300>></p>
<<c "Sneak away" hub>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom_close" 35>>
<cc>You look around to see if <<mms>> is watching, but she is nowhere to be seen. You hope she will keep leaving you alone to conduct the investigation as you see fit.</cc>
<cc>You sneak forward and stick your head inside the bathroom to see if the coast is clear to enter. You find that there is good cover along the wall, behind the hanging sheet. Enough for a close-up spying mission.
<<c "Sneak close to the naked nuns">>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<<mv bathroom3 80>>
<c>You sneak inside the room which is hot with steam. The nuns don't see you as you hide behind the linens and clothes hanging to dry. You try to listen to their talk and, most importantly, what they are whispering about. But it's hard to focus when the Devil is tempting you with all the naked, young novices so close. No man should see a fertile woman nude except a husband planting his seed into his wife.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv bathroom3 70 volume0.5>>
<c>The room suddenly goes quiet as the nuns whisper something. And now you can hear what they are saying. Unfortunately, it's not what you were hoping for. It's just ordinary gossip and meaningless talk. Apparently, the nuns find it exciting to have a man living with them. And they make jokes about their chastity being in danger. It would be flattering if it wasn't so immoral. This is a house of God, not a brothel.
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Sneak away">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi "outside_bathroom" 60>>
<<if $qqbathroom < 400>>
You didn't hear anything of interest this time. It could be a dead end in the investigation to spy on the bathing nuns.
<<q bathroom 400>>
You didn't hear anything of interest this time either. This seems to be a dead end in the investigation.
<<qend bathroom 500>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
Being in here looking at the bathing nuns may not help the investigation, but it helps fight the Devil. You are a man of flesh and blood, and your body and male organ need fuel to be able to perform the holy rites. Seeing the naked novices, thinking about penetrating their virgin slits with your hard manhood... it makes your blood hot.
<p>It is just thoughts, but it is what you need. These naked young maidens are helping you fight the holy war against Satan without knowing it. It's all according to God's plan.
<cc><<addlust 20>></cc>
<<c "Keep watching">><<but "That's enough" hub>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv bathroom3 80>>
<cc>You keep watching, but not for long. You have other things to do.</cc>
<<but "That's enough" hub>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi "outside_bathroomNight" 60>>
<c>You look around in the hallways one last time to avoid detection. You are alone. Now you want to find out what Sister Rumika is doing in the bathroom. You open the door slightly to peek inside.</c>
<<c "Peek inside the bathroom">>
<<ev 200>>
<div style="width:37%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom1 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
<c>You are stunned by the revelation of the naked Sister Rumika. What a beautiful creature of God. It feels like a waste that a woman with such a body is hiding herself under a habit instead of giving herself to a man who can enjoy her naked in the marital bed.
<<addlust 40>></c>
<<ev 250>>
<div style="width:30%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom1 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
<c><p>It looks like Sister Rumika is going to take a bath. This late in the evening. She must be using cold water since it takes a long time to heat the water required to bathe. This is odd.</p>
<p>Continuing to spy on her will probably not tell you why she is taking a bath, and you risk being detected by someone. Sister Rumika's strange behavior will remain unexplained for now.
<<qstart rumika 100>></p>
<<but "Leave" refectory1 "ev:620">>
<<event 820>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "bathroom/bathroomHubNight" 33 3 13 70>>
<cc>When returning to your room, you wonder if Sister Rumika will take a bath again before visiting you. It seems likely.<br>You should go check on her. It's late and you want to make sure she is safe from the attacker when she is alone, naked in the bathroom.<br>
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi "outside_bathroomNight" 55>>
<c>You look around in the hallways. You are alone. You look in the bathroom. It's empty. No attacker in sight. No Sister Rumika either. Yet. You hide behind a corner, waiting to see if she arrives.</c>
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 300>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:55%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/outside_bathroomNight.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "nuns/rumika/head1_smaller.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; width:17%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:5%">
<cc>Not long after, someone is coming. It's Sister Rumika.<br>
And she is indeed entering the bathroom.</cc>
<<c "Peek into the bathroom">>
<<ev 400>>
<div style="width:37%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom1 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
You are once again stunned by the revelation of the naked Sister Rumika. No wonder she was attacked. Lust demon or human, they would be drawn to this beauty.
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 500>>
<div style="width:45%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom2 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
When seeing Sister Rumika spreading her legs, you get the irresistible urge to fornicate with her. To put your stiff male organ into that tight slit between her legs.
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<<ev 520>>
<div style="width:45%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom2 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
<cc>And this is what you were planning to do already – you have to do it to eat Sister Rumika's sins of fornication and cleanse her of Satan's evil. God approves of this. Why else would He allow you, His holy warrior, to become hard and to feel this urge?
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 600>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 80>>
<c>You leave the bathroom because you don't want someone to see you spying on Sister Rumika when she is naked. It could be misinterpreted.<br>
You will soon see Sister Rumika nude again. In your room, when you fornicate with her to eat her sins. God wants this.</c>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:1420 step:200">>
/********************** before fornication ********************/
<<event 840>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "bathroom/bathroomHubNight" 33 3 13 90>>
<cc>You enter the dark and quiet hallway</cc>
<<qset rumika 610>>
<<c "Go to the bathroom">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi "outside_bathroomNight" 52>>
<cc>You look around in the hallways. You are alone. You look in the bathroom.<br>
It's empty. Good.</cc>
<cc2>You hide behind a corner to wait for Sister Rumika.
<<if $temp != "sodomy">>
You hope she doesn't take a different route than usual.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 300>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:55%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/outside_bathroomNight.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "nuns/rumika/head1_smaller.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; width:17%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:5%">
<cc>Soon after, you hear someone coming with quick steps.<br>
You relax when you see that it is Sister Rumika.<br>
She is entering the bathroom.</cc>
<<c "Peek into the bathroom">>
<<ev 400>>
<div style="width:37%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom1 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
You never get tired of the sight of the naked Sister Rumika.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 500>>
<div style="width:45%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom2 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
<<if $temp == "sodomy">>
When seeing Sister Rumika spreading her legs, you get the strong urge to run inside and sodomize her. To put your stiff male organ into her behind – the forbidden hole. This depraved urge must be a sign that this is what you are supposed to do.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<but "Continue" bathroom1 step:600>>
When seeing Sister Rumika spreading her legs, you get the strong urge to run inside to fornicate with her. To put your stiff male organ into that tight slit between her legs.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<ev 520>>
<div style="width:42%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom3 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
<cc>The urge to run in there gets even stronger when Sister Rumika lustfully touches herself, letting out moans of pleasure, proving that the lust potion worked.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 550>>
<div style="width:45%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mii nuns/rumika/bathroom2 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 50% 0% 50% stylingend">></span>
But she stops herself and goes on with the washing. You also manage to resist the temptations of the flesh. You will fornicate with Sister Rumika – very soon, but in your room.</cc>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 600>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 86>>
<c2>You have seen what you wanted, and it's best to return to your room before someone sees you spying on Sister Rumika.</c2>
<<if $temp == "sodomy">>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:2000 step:210">>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:1440 step:210">>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi nightnuns 50 right>>
<l>You see two young, naked novices. They seem to be praying and asking for protection from the Crone.
<p>Too bad that these two have not been initiated into the <<var circle,>> or you could have helped them with the holy rites.</p>
<p>You think of their young mouths and of penetrating the tight slits between their legs with your manhood. Intense lust fills you.
<<addlust 100>></p>
<<set $qqsofialustreduce = 50>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi nightnuns 48 right>>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("refectory1", 1400,100,1)>>
<<set _olenkaInitNotToday = true>>
<<set _olenkaInitNotToday = false>>
<l>It's the two young novices you <<if _olenkaInitNotToday>>recently<</if>> initiated into the <<if !_olenkaInitNotToday>>Circle earlier today.<<else>>Circle.<</if>> Novice Olenka is on her knees, and Novice Judith is standing beside her. They have come here again, praying, asking for protection from the Crone. Your blood gets hot from seeing their naked young bodies. Both of them virgins, surely.
<<addlust 20>>
<p>Now that they are initiated, you can help them. But they didn't seem eager to submit to the holy rites. They could also find it uncomfortable to submit to the holy rites, both of them together. Additionally, approaching them when they are naked could be seen as intruding on their privacy.</p>
<p>It might be better to wait for an opportunity to approach each one of them when they are alone, not together.
<<qstart judithBathroomNight 100>>
<<but "Enter anyway" bathroom1 "step:500 corr40 ttt10">>
<<if !($replayingEvent > 0)>>
/* Below is done to remove bathroom from map when player starts event. After sleeping, in mc room,
value is reset to 100 */
<<if $qqjudithBathroomNight == 100>>
<<set $qqjudithBathroomNight = 101>>
/* Not showing when replaying to prevent players abusing it to get lust and then leave */
<<ev 500>>
<<overlay "bathroom/judithSit2" "bathroom/judithBathroom" 81 2 17 55 "jpg">><</overlay>>
<c>The two novices first get scared, then embarrassed, when you suddenly enter the room and see their naked bodies. They quickly cover themselves and get dressed.
<p>You explain that you want to anoint the two novices to protect them from the lust demon. Novice Olenka just won't listen and hurries away, but you manage to stop the second one, Novice Judith.</p>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi judithDick2 60>>
<cc>Pulling down your pants, you show Novice Judith your hard manhood – proof that God is approving of your desire to anoint her.
<<c "Encourage her to use her mouth">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi judithSuck 70>>
<cc>Reluctantly, the novice agrees to use her mouth on you to bring forth the Holy Seed.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv judithSuck1 70>>
<cc>Novice Judith's sweet mouth quickly gets you close to climax.</cc>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv judithSuck2 70>>
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Sprinkle your seed in her face">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv judithCum 70>>
<cc>You anoint the young novice, protecting her from Satan and his minions.</cc>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi judithCumEnd 64>>
Novice Judith looks relieved when it is over, knowing she is now blessed and protected from the Devil. You caution her that the blessing will lose its power over time.
<<qend judithBathroomNight 200>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi judithLookUp 80>>
Finding it oddly exciting to anoint Novice Judith at this time and place, you take it as a sign from the Lord that you should do it again. Thus, you let the novice go with a promise that she will continue to occasionally come to the bathroom late in the evening to pray, that you may anoint her again when it's needed.
<<qstart judithq 1000>>
<<addEncounter judith>>
<<event 1140>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi judithLookUp 70>>
<c>It's Novice Judith, heeding your wish that she occasionally comes here after supper to pray, that you may anoint her again, as the Lord told you to.
<p>Your male organ quickly grows to get ready for the holy rite.
<<addlust 70>></p></c>
<<c "Show her your hard manhood">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv m 80 pause3>>
A few days ago when you anointed Novice Judith in this bathroom, you told her you wanted to anoint her again. Yet, she appears unprepared to see your hard manhood. Almost shocked even. But this has to be done, for Novice Judith's own good. You give her no time to think...</c>
<<c "Command her to use her mouth on the Holy Rod">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 80 pause1>>
<cc>When she hesitates, you repeat the order. Eventually, Novice Judith obeys. Kneeling down before you, she takes your stiff member in her mouth.
<<addlust 100>></cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 70>>
<c>Her mouth feels so good. But this isn't about your pleasure. You are here to protect Novice Judith from Satan and his minions.</c>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 65>>
<c>Novice Judith has not been attacked by the lust demon. Yet. That could very well change.
<p>Novice Judith wears makeup and has very long nails. You know <<mms>> allows it, but, aside from it being inappropriate for a nun, it could also be dangerous. The lust demon seems to favor the young and attractive nuns, and what purpose serve the makeup and the long nails but to make Novice Judith appear more attractive?</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 70>>
It would be prudent to discipline Novice Judith to make her more humble. For her own good.
<p>And what better way to drive the vanity out of her sinful mind than to show her the grave consequences of her need to feel attractive: Lustful sins of fornication.</p>
<<c "Expose the slit between her legs">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s judith "$fmc, what are you doing?">>
<<s mc "I will eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<s judith "But I'm a virgin. I have never sinned with a man.">>
<<s mc "Not in practice, but in theory. Fornication is the end goal of your desire to enhance your looks for the opposite sex.">>
<<s judith "I just want to look pretty. For God. For Jesus.">>
<<s mc "And the lust demon. Didn't you think of that? The demon comes for the young and attractive. But it hasn't come for you yet. Is that what you desire?">>
<<ev 850>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s judith "Of course not. I didn't think of it that way.">>
<<s mc "You should have. And now you will learn what your ignorance and tempting ways lead to: Grave sinning. Fornication. Consider this a lesson for your own good.">>
You stroke your rod to keep it stiff in preparation for her virgin slit.
<<s judith "But then I will lose my virginity.">>
<<s mc "A holy war against evil is taking place within these walls. That makes for extenuating circumstances. God will understand and keep you pure in His eyes. Now lie down and spread your legs.">>
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your hard manhood">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>Novice Judith's tight virgin hole feels very good even though she is not wet.<br>
This will teach her a lesson.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc><<cs mc "Is this what you wanted with all your makeup and long nails?">>
<<cs judith "No, Father. I promise it wasn't.">>
<<cs mc "I hope not. Let this be a lesson.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 70>>
<c>You think Novice Judith is starting to enjoy your hard manhood between her legs. Her slit is getting wet. But this is not meant to pleasure her. Time to end this.
<<c "Use her mouth">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc><<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed with the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv judithCum2 70>>
<cc>Novice Judith receives the blessing and protection of the Lord as you anoint her.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv judithCum2end 65>>
<c>Although she didn't seem too eager when you entered the bathroom and showed her the Holy Rod, Novice Judith now accepts the promise of the Holy Seed as she lets you cover her face with it.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi judithLookUp 75>>
<c><<s judith "I will stop wearing makeup and long nails now, Father.">>
You have a sinking feeling in your stomach when you hear the words. Apparently, this is not what the Lord wants.
<<s mc "No, it's too late to change things now. You don't gain favor with the Lord by pretending to be someone you're not. In time, you may change your heart's desire, but for the moment, your sins are vanity and being a temptress. I will decide when you are ready to dress appropriately for a nun. Until then, you have made your bed.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc><<cs judith "Father, are you sure I'm still a virgin?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. Have faith in the Lord.">>
<<c "Leave the bathroom">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mi m 55>>
<c>You showed Novice Judith the depraved consequences of her heart's desire, making the young virgin spread her legs for you for the greater good of teaching her a lesson.
<<addauth 1>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 60>>
<c>The first time is always special, even for a nun. Taking your erect male organ between her legs made Novice Judith feel closer to you.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi m 60>>
Until you deem Novice Judith ready to shed her earthly desires for good, you will continue to teach her the error of her ways.
<<q judithq 2000>>
<<addEncounter judith>>
<<qendversion judithq version0.4.0>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi judithLookUp 70>>
<c>It is Novice Judith, heeding your wish that she occasionally comes here after supper to pray, that you may decide what to do with her.
<p>Your manhood quickly grows in preparation for whatever sexual act you will decide to perform.
<<addlust 80>></p></c>
<<c "Show her your hard manhood">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 1140-200 80 pause3>>
Understanding it is for her own good, Novice Judith watches as you take out your erect manhood.</cc>
<<c "Command Novice Judith to use her mouth on you" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 1140-300 80 pause1>>
<cc>Kneeling down before you, Novice Judith obeys your command and takes your stiff member in her mouth.
<<addlust 100>></cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 1140-400 70>>
<cc>With your manhood hard and ready, you have to decide what to do with Novice Judith tonight.</cc>
<<but "Just anoint her" bathroom1 step:600>><<but "(Fornication) Teach her a lesson" bathroom1 "step:1800">><<but "(Sodomy) Punish her" bathroom1 "ev:1220 qqjudithq>=2100 judithq#notcompleted tagNew daily">>
<<but "(Sodomy) Punish her" bathroom1 "ev:1220 step:200 judithq#completed">>
/* Note: Need different event for sodomy to make daily work if mc fails rel check and returns here */
<<ev 600>>
<<mi judithSuck 70>>
<cc>Tonight, you will focus on strengthening Novice Judith's protection against the lust demon. You tell her to keep using the mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.
<<ev 700>>
<<mv judithSuck1 70>>
<cc>Novice Judith silently obeys, using her sweet mouth to bring you closer to climax.</cc>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv judithSuck2 70>>
When you have enjoyed her mouth enough, you let go.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Sprinkle your seed in her face">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv judithCum 70>>
<cc>You anoint the young novice, protecting her from Satan and his minions.</cc>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi judithCumEnd 64>>
Novice Judith looks relieved when it is over, knowing she is now blessed and protected from the Devil. You caution her that the blessing will lose its power over time.
<<qend judithBathroomNight 200>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi judithLookUp 80>>
You tell Novice Judith to continue to occasionally come to the bathroom late in the evening to pray, that you may anoint her again when it's needed.
<<if $qqjudithq == 2000>>
<<set $qqjudithq = 2001>>
<<if $qqjudithq == 2100>>
<<set $qqjudithq = 2101>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("judithq")>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi 1140-800 45 right>>
You have Novice Judith sit down and then you pull up her habit<<if $qqjudithq<2100>> and remove her panties, exposing her virgin slit.<<else>>. She is naked under, as you told her to be when coming here to pray.<</if>>
<<s mc "It is time for another lesson, showing you the error of your ways. I will eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<s judith "But you have already done that.">>
<<s mc "This has to be repeated. Fornication is the end goal of your desire to enhance your looks for the opposite sex, which you still do.">>
<<s judith "You told me to keep doing it.">>
<<s mc "Yes, and as I also told you, you should keep doing it because that is still your heart's desire. You don't gain favor with the Lord by pretending to be someone you're not. Your sins are vanity and being a temptress. I will decide when you are ready to dress appropriately for a nun.">>
<<ev 1850>>
<<mi 1140-850 45 right>>
You stroke your rod to keep it stiff in preparation for her slit.
<<s judith "Will I still be a virgin this time too?">>
<<s mc "Yes, the holy war against Satan's minions makes for extenuating circumstances. God will understand and keep you pure in His eyes. Now lie down and spread your legs.">>
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your hard manhood">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 1140-1000 70>>
<cc>Novice Judith's tight virgin hole feels very good even though she is not wet.<br>
This will teach her a lesson.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 1140-1100 70>>
<cc><<cs mc "Is this what you wanted with all your makeup and long nails?">>
<<cs judith "No, Father. I promise it wasn't.">>
<<cs mc "Search your heart. And let this be a lesson.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 1140-1200 70>>
<c>You think Novice Judith's young and fertile body is starting to respond to your hard manhood as her slit is getting wet. But this is not meant to pleasure the vain nun. Time to end this.
<<c "Use her mouth">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 1140-1300 70>>
<cc><<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed with the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv judithCum2 70>>
<cc>Novice Judith receives the blessing and protection of the Lord as you anoint her.
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv judithCum2end 65>>
<cc>Novice Judith accepts the promise of the Holy Seed as she lets you cover her face with it.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi judithLookUp 75>>
<<s judith "Can I stop wearing makeup and long nails now, Father?">>
You have a sinking feeling in your stomach when you hear the words. Apparently, this is not what the Lord wants.
<<s mc "No, that is still your heart's desire. Your sins are still vanity and being a temptress. You are not yet ready to dress appropriately for a nun.">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi 1140-3000 60>>
<p>You tell Novice Judith to continue to occasionally come to the bathroom late in the evening to pray. And until you deem Novice Judith ready to shed her earthly desires for good, you will continue to teach her the error of her ways.
<<set _firstplay = $qqjudithq < 2100>>
<<q judithq 2100>>
<<if $qqjudithq == 2100>>
<<set $qqjudithq = 2101>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("judithq")>>
<<elseif _firstplay>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi judithLookUp 75>>
<<s mc "And another thing: from now on, don't wear panties when you come to pray. Consider it part of your penance.">>
<<s judith "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<event 1220>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 1140-800 45 right>>
You have Novice Judith sit down and then you pull up her habit<<if $qqjudithq<2100>> and remove her panties.<<else>>. She is naked under, as you told her to be when coming here to pray.<</if>>
<<s mc "You must do penance for your sins of vanity and being a temptress. The vile act of sodomy will be your penance tonight.">>
<<s judith "No, please, $fmc. That penance is too harsh.">>
<<set _tmess = "Unfortunately, your sinning is grave because you have put all your sisters in danger by attracting the lust demon that terrorizes you. Only a severe penance will grant you absolution.">>
<<set _amess = "You have put all your sisters in danger by your grave sins, attracting the lust demon that terrorizes you. The penance for this must be severe.">>
<<d 1400>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say judith "Yes, Father. I... I will take your word for it.">>
<<d 1400>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say judith "Yes, Father. I... I will do it, then.">>
<<d 1200>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say judith "But not this... Please don't do it, Father.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. I will let you get used to the idea and we will talk more about this later.">>
<<d 1200>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say judith "But not this... Please don't do it, Father.">>
<<s mc "Very well. I will let you get used to the idea and we will talk more about this later.">>
<<trytbut '"This will grant you absolution"' "trust54">>
<<tryabut '"Your penance must be severe"' "auth41">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1140-850 45 right>>
You have Novice Judith sit down and then you pull up her habit. She is naked under, as you told her to be when coming here to pray.
<<s mc "You must do penance for your sins of vanity and being a temptress. The vile act of sodomy will be your penance tonight.">>
Novice Judith keeps her legs spread and says nothing, accepting your decision.
<<but "Continue" bathroom1 step:1400>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 1140-500 65>>
<c><<s mc "Keep my manhood stiff with your mouth while I think of what to do with you tonight.">>
<<s judith "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Judith kneels and takes your manhood in her mouth.
<<but "Continue" bathroom1 "ev:1200 step:400">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 1140-2900 50>>
<<s mc " You can help spread your cheeks to make it easier. It's up to you how hard this must be.">>
<<s judith "Will you finish by anointing me?">>
<<s mc "No. I will not activate the Holy Rod. Tonight is about you doing your penance.">>
<<s judith "Just please be careful, Father.">>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Judith's rectum">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv anal100 70 volume0.6>>
<cc>You penetrate Novice Judith's rectum.<br>She says nothing more as she spreads her butt cheeks, accepting her penance.</cc>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv anal200 70 volume0.6>>
<c>You enjoy her rectum. It's a perverse act, but it is a fitting punishment for the vain Novice Judith to display her dirty hole like this.</c>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv anal300 70 volume0.6>>
<cc>You use your hands to help drive your stiff member into the young nun's tight hole.</cc>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv anal400 70 volume0.6>>
<cc>Feeling that your climax is close, you take it slow for a moment.</cc>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv anal500 70 volume0.6>>
<cc>When you pick up the speed again, you notice that Novice Judith's moaning starts to sound more like moans of pleasure than of pain. It is time to end the punishment before it backfires.</cc>
<<c "Have her use her mouth on your manhood">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv 1140-1300 70>>
<c>As the final part of the punishment, you pull out of Novice Judith's behind and have her use her mouth on your manhood. Eager to get this over with fast, she soon manages to bring you to orgasm.</c>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv judithCum 70>>
<cc>You climax in Novice Judith's face.</cc>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mi judithCumEnd2 70>>
<c>Finally, you have Novice Judith lick your manhood clean until you are satisfied.
<<ev 4900>>
<<mi judithCumEnd 70>>
<c><<s mc "You have completed tonight's penance. Continue to do your penance, and one day, your sins will be absolved.">>
<<s judith "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi judithSodomy 64>>
<c>You have shown Novice Judith how to do her penance and, eventually, be absolved of her sins.
<p>With Novice Judith having submitted to your decisions, you may continue to do whatever needs to be done with her.
<<qend judithq 3000>>
<<addEncounter judith>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 1300-100 40>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<c>You walk straight into the bathroom when the novices are bathing.
<p>When the nude girls see you, they quickly cover their naked bodies, some more than others.</p>
<p>A few of the novices scream in surprise, but no one protests at your presence there.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Stay for a moment">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",200)>>
<<but "Leave" bathroom1 step:1000>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 1300-200 40>>
<cc><<cs mc "Is everything okay in here, girls?">>
<<cs Novices "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<cs mc "Good. Then carry on.">>
The novices hesitate for a moment, then everyone resumes their bathing activities.
<<c "Watch the girls">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",200)>>
<<but "Leave" bathroom1 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 1300-300 70>>
<c>You watch as the novices continue to bathe.
<p>The girls move faster now to finish things, aware that you are still in the bathroom, but most of them don't do much to hide their naked bodies from you anymore. The novices who are the most comfortable with your presence even goes back to chatting and laughing.</p>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",200)>>
<<but "That's enough" hub>>
<<but "That's enough" bathroom1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<dopatriarch bathroom>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi judithLookUp 70>>
<c>Entering the bathroom, you see Novice Judith praying – as you thought.
<<lh>>She looks up when she spots you.
<<s mc "Oh, hello, $fmc.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",400)>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi judithSit 42 right>>
<l>Novice Judith has never climaxed with you, and she has never been attacked by the lust demon, but you have noticed her slit becoming wet when fornicating with her – and you suspect the same thing happened when you sodomized her. And all this happened even when she appeared unwilling to be intimate.
<p>Furthermore, Novice Judith wears makeup and long nails to make herself attractive. You have ordered her to keep doing that to teach her a lesson that her sins are vanity and being a temptress, but this also means the lust demon could be more attracted to the novice as she is sending signals of someone being lustful for sex.</p>
<p>Having never let Novice Judith climax, you should now change that, and also anoint her.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi judithLookUp2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Judith, I am here to strengthen your protection against the lust demon but also to make you climax. This is important to reduce the lust available to the lust demon.">>
<<s judith "What will you do with me?">>
<<s mc "I will fornicate with you to make you climax, and then I will anoint you. Get naked and we will begin.">>
You were prepared for a protest, but Novice Judith obeys without a word, perhaps looking forward to having an orgasm.
<<lh>>You hope you are doing the right thing, wanting to make Novice Judith climax, and that it doesn't lead to her becoming more lustful once she has gotten a taste of the carnal pleasure normally closed off to nuns.
<<but "Take out your manhood" bathroom1 step:500>>
<<ev 450>> /* replaying */
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 1140-400 60>>
<c>You tell Novice Judith to use her mouth to get you ready for penetration. She does as you say.
<<s mc "That's enough. Now get naked and lie down.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Judith">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 1140-1000 70>>
<c>You penetrate Novice Judith with your erect manhood and begin to fornicate.
<p>Since the goal this time is to make Novice Judith climax – not to teach her a lesson or to punish her – you will focus on making her enjoy your male organ in her slit.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 67>>
<c>You have Novice Judith perversely ride you, putting her in charge of the speed and angle of your manhood sliding in and out her slit.
<p>You are pleased to notice that Novice Judith is soon becoming wet between her legs – as you expected. Now you must take her all the way to orgasm.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 64>>
<c>Novice Judith continues to ride you.
<<s mc "Try to climax. Is there something we can do to help get you there?">>
<<s judith "Perhaps the other way?">>
<<s mc "Okay, do it.">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 64>>
<cc>Novice Judith moves around to face you.
With her riding you and you pounding her slit, Novice Judith is getting closer to orgasm.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 64>>
Novice Judith seems to enjoy this position and you let her keep riding you.
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 70>>
<c>Novice Judith is moaning loudly now.
<<s judith "I'm almost there, Father.">>
You are not far behind her. Wanting control when going for the finish, you lie down behind Novice Judith.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 1140-1200 70>>
<c>You pound Novice Judith's wet slit. The nun soon moans in ecstasy as she climaxes. Her slit sucks on your hard manhood, wanting your seed.
<p>The sensation makes you reach orgasm and it feels too good to pull out.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate inside Novice Judith">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3before 46 volume0>>
<cc>You ejaculate inside Novice Judith's slit, saying the words to anoint her.
<<creampie judith center>>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3 50 volume0.2>>
<cc>You watch your seed coming out of Novice Judith's wet slit.
<<cs judith "Why did you do that, Father? I thought you would pull out." ii>>
<<cs mc "Your slit wanted my seed. I anointed you from within.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi judithLookUp 66>>
<c><<s mc "This strengthened your protection against the lust demon and your orgasm has reduced the overall lust in the convent. We did the Lord's work tonight.">>
<<s judith "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Judith looks unusually calm and relaxed with your presence in the bathroom, undoubtedly because you gave her an orgasm, binding her closer to you.
<<addEncounter judith>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi judithLookUp2 40 right>>
<<s judith "Father, Sister Jessica prays in the chapel next door around the same time I pray in here. Can I pray with her there instead of praying alone in here?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I will not allow that, Novice Judith. I commanded you to pray in this bathroom at night as punishment for your vanity, and that is still the case. Sister Jessica is standing up to Satan by praying alone in the chapel at night, bringing God's light to that part of the building. You will do the same here. It will do you good.">>
<<s judith "Yes, Father.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",400)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi 1140-3000 60>>
<cc>You finally let Novice Judith climax and then you anointed her.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 400 center>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 1900>>
<<set $intro = 1900>>
<<mi doormonks 48 right>>
<<say ms "Here it is. We call it <i>the black door</i>. The only door between us and the monks. And there are only two keys that I know of. I have one and the abbot has the other one.">>
You take a good look at the reinforced door. It looks very sturdy.
<<s ms "Unfortunately, this door opens to the monk's side, otherwise we could have easily blocked it to see if it stopped the attacks. Now it will require much more work to block the passage and we haven't tried it yet. I could have asked the abbot to block it from his side, but since I don't know if any of them are responsible for the attacks, or if the attacks are even real, I didn't want to tell him anything about what's going on here. I'll leave it up to you how to proceed.">>
<<say mc "How would you have contacted him?">>
<<but "Continue" blackdoor>>
<<elseif $intro < 1910>>
<<set $intro=1910>>
<<mi doormonksbell 35% lclear>>
<<say ms "There are three ways we can contact the monks. The first way would be to write them a letter that the delivery truck picks up and drops off at the post office in town. The two other ways are only for special circumstances when time is a factor, like emergencies or if a visitor such as yourself wants to pass between us. Then we can pull this cord here, and a bell will ring on their side. They can do the same to contact us. You can see our bell hanging up there. Then we can either drop a letter here in this drawer which they can retrieve on their side, or if direct communication is preferred, we can speak through this hatch here.">>
<<mi doormonksgrating 35% rclear>>
The abbess pulls aside a small hatch revealing an opening covered by a mesh grating.
<<say ms "Our voices will pass through, but we can't see each other. When you want to visit the monks, pull the cord and open the hatch and someone will come. As I understand it, the abbot has been informed that someone from the Church will visit us both, so they probably won't be surprised if you ring the bell.">>
<<say mc "Yes, the monks know someone will visit them but not why. I want to talk to the abbot before I decide what to reveal to them.">>
<<say ms "I leave all that up to you.">>
<<but "Continue" blackdoor>>
<<elseif $intro < 1930>>
<<set $intro = 1930>>
<<mii ms/ms1 25>>
<<s mc "Could I have your key to the black door while I'm staying here? I will probably need to visit the monks several times during the investigation and I prefer to be able to do it without having to contact them every time.">>
<<s ms "That's fine with me, as long as Father Alvaro is fine with you coming and going as you please.">>
<<s mc "I will ask for his permission.">>
Mother Magda gives you a large black key. Then she continues down the hallway.
<<but "Follow her" blackdoor>>
<<elseif $intro < 2000>>
<<set $intro = 2000>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:80%;">
<<set _path = "hub/layout.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; left:0; top:0; ">
<<set _path2 = "bathroom/bathroomHub.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 class="imgBorder" style="border-radius:0.7rem; width:13%; position:absolute; left:33%; top:3%;">
You approach a room from where you hear several voices when the abbess stops.
<<say ms "Wait here, Father. I have to make sure it is safe for you to enter." ii>>
She disappears into the room. Shortly after, she returns.
<<say ms "We can enter now. <<lbut Follow hub>> me, please, Father." ii>>
<<elseif $intro < 4100>>
<<set $intro = 4100>>
<<mi doormonksbell 22 "left">><<mi doormonksgrating 23.5 "left nomarginSides">>
<<mi doormonks 45% "right">>
Though the abbess gave you her key to the black door, it would be very inappropriate to use it before you have even talked to the abbot.
<<lineheight>>You ring the bell, open the hatch, and wait.
<<say "Unknown man (through hatch)" "Yes?">>
<<say mc "This is Father $mc, sent here by the Vatican. I'm here to see the abbot. I think he is expecting me.">>
<<say "Unknown man (through hatch)" "One minute, please.">>
You <<lbut wait. monks1 showdiv>>
<<div monks1>>
A few minutes later, you hear a key being inserted into the lock of the door. There is a loud, squeaky noise as the heavy door slowly swings open – a sign this door hasn't been used much for a long time.
<p>You think you can rule out the attacker coming in this way, as any nearby persons not sleeping like a rock could wake up from the noise. But you should still at least ask the Abbot about the keys to the door.
<<say monk "Welcome, Father $mc. I will take you to Father <<var abbot.>>" ii>>
You enter the monks' part of the monastery and follow the monk through the hallways.</p>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<elseif $qqinvestmurder==10>>
<<mi doormonks 50 right>>
<<mi doormonksgrating 35 left>>
You arrive at the black door.
/*<p>Next to the door is the hatch which covers the opening that allows for oral communication between the nuns and the monks, for the rare cases it is needed.</p>*/
The hatch is currently open – revealing the fine mesh grating that allows voices to pass through while preventing the nuns and monks from seeing each other.
<<s mc "This is $fmc.">>
<<say "Unknown man (through hatch)" "$fmc! Please, you must come at once! Something has happened.">>
Since the man's voice is distorted passing through the opening, you don't recognize which monk it belongs to.
<<say mc "I will open the door.">>
Making sure no nun is around to accidentally see a monk on the other side, or vice versa, you unlock the black door and open it.
<<but "Enter the black door" monkevents1 ev:300>>
blackdoor: Error: Should not be seen. Dest should be redirected in js function: setup.setHubDest
<<but "Go to monks" monks>>
<</if>><<if $intro > 9000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi chapel 60 center>>
<<if $avachapel < 1>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1740,100)>>
<<listgirl ava "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 doplay:avachapel=1 replayEvent">>
/* removing chapel from map (detective mode) after seeing at least one replay button. checked in js for chapel */
<<qset amnesiaproject 4200>>
<<listgirl ava "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 doplay:avachapel=1">>
<<if $nenachapel < 1>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1740,1000)>>
<<listgirl nena "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 step:1000 doplay:nenachapel=1 replayEvent">>
<<qset amnesiaproject 4200>>
<<listgirl nena "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 step:1000 doplay:nenachapel=1">>
<<if $raylenechapel < 1>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1740,2000)>>
<<listgirl raylene "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 step:2000 doplay:raylenechapel=1 replayEvent">>
<<qset amnesiaproject 4200>>
<<listgirl raylene "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 step:2000 doplay:raylenechapel=1">>
<<if $adriannachapel < 1>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1740,3000)>>
<<listgirl adrianna "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 step:3000 doplay:adriannachapel=1 replayEvent">>
<<qset amnesiaproject 4200>>
<<listgirl adrianna "buttondata chapel1 buttondataend ev:1740 step:3000 doplay:adriannachapel=1">>
<cc>You can repeat the exorcisms on your former test subjects, but other than that, you will not spend much time taking confessions for the time being. You have other things to do.</cc>
<<elseif $qqamnesiaproject>=240 && $qqamnesiaproject<=300>>
<<mi chapel 70% center>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject==300 && $corr < 56>>
<<set _v8bugfix = 56 - $corr>>
<<drunk _v8bugfix custom>>
(v0.8.0.3 bugfix: Restoring drunk state. You can now take confessions.)</cc>
<<if $corr < 55>>
<cc><<specialalert2 "You must find the strength to continue with Project Amnesia.">></cc>
<<but "Take confessions to find test subjects" chapel "corr55 doplay:qqamnesiaproject=310">><<hub>>
<<elseif $qqamnesiaproject > 300>>
<div class="shadow project-amnesia-style bottom-line" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem"><span style="display:inline-block;width:11rem;margin-left:3rem">Test subject</span><span style="display:inline-block;width:50%">Progress</span></div>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",450)>>
<<nunbut "ava" chapel1 "ev:1620 amnesiaproject#notplayed400 avachapel<<1 doplay:avachapel=1 customwidth8">>
<<nunbut "ava" chapel1 "ev:1620 step:2200 amnesiaproject#played400 avachapel<<1 doplay:avachapel=1 customwidth8">>
<<nunbut "ava" chapel1 "ev:1620 avachapel>=1 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<nunbut "ava" chapel1 "ev:1620 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<print setup.showCompletedSign()>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",400)>>
<<setprogressbar ava>>
<span class="project-bkg">
@@color:#f80;.fade-in-out;.shadow;Pending test subject@@</span>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject >= 500>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",550)>>
<<nunbut "nena" chapel1 "ev:1640 nenachapel<<1 doplay:nenachapel=1 customwidth8">>
<<nunbut "nena" chapel1 "ev:1640 nenachapel>=1 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<nunbut "nena" chapel1 "ev:1640 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<print setup.showCompletedSign()>>
<<setprogressbar nena>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject >= 600>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",650)>>
<<nunbut "raylene" chapel1 "ev:1660 raylenechapel<<1 doplay:raylenechapel=1 customwidth8">>
<<nunbut "raylene" chapel1 "ev:1660 raylenechapel>=1 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<nunbut "raylene" chapel1 "ev:1660 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<print setup.showCompletedSign()>>
<<setprogressbar raylene>>
<<if def $qqadriannaq>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",850)>>
<<nunbut "adrianna" chapel1 "ev:1680 adriannachapel<<1 doplay:adriannachapel=1 customwidth8">>
<<nunbut "adrianna" chapel1 "ev:1680 adriannachapel>=1 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<nunbut "adrianna" chapel1 "ev:1680 customwidth8 disableButtonColor disablePortrait">>
<<print setup.showCompletedSign()>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject >= 800>>
<<setprogressbar adrianna>>
<span class="project-bkg">
@@color:#f80;.fade-in-out;.shadow;Pending test subject@@
<<if $qqamnesiaproject < 800>>
<<set _testsubjects = 3>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject >=500>>
<<set _testsubjects -= 1>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject >=600>>
<<set _testsubjects -= 1>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject==310>>
<p>Drawing strength from Jesus, you steel yourself and enter the chapel, determined to continue with Project Amnesia. This has to be done.</p>
<<qset amnesiaproject 320>>
<p><<if $chapelConfession > 0>>You must continue to<<else>>You should<</if>> take confessions to find suitable test subjects for the project.<br>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",400)>>Aside from Ava, you<<else>>You<</if>> want at least <<specialalert2 "_testsubjects">> more test <<if _testsubjects > 1>>subjects.<<else>>subject.<</if>></p>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject == 2100>>
<<specbut "Test the improved recipe for the <<potionAmnesia>>" chapel1 "ev:1700">>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject == 2400>>
<<specbut "Evaluate the result of the final test" chapel1 "ev:1720">>
<<if $chapelConfession < 1 && !($qqamnesiaproject>=800)>>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:1600 step:1000 doplay:chapelConfession=1">>
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<mi chapel 70% center>>
<<set $temp = "tempval">> /* needed for checks in ev 600 */
<<if $chapelConfession < 1>>
/* chapelConfession is set to 1 inside events */
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:200 qqemma<<100">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:300 qqemma>=100 qqemma<<400">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:400 qqemma>=400 qqemma<<600">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:600 qqemma>=600 qqemma<<700">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:700 qqemma>=700 qqemma<<750">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:750 qqemma>=750 qqemma<<800">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:800 qqemma>=800 qqemma<<900">>
/* Using doplay:chapelConfession=1 from here so no need to set in event */
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:1000 qqemma2>=100 qqavaq<<10 doplay:chapelConfession=1">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:1100 qqavaq==10 doplay:chapelConfession=1">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:1200 qqavaq>=100 qqavaq<<500 doplay:chapelConfession=1">>
<<but "Take confessions" chapel1 "ev:1300 qqavaq>=500 qqamnesiaproject<<300 doplay:chapelConfession=1">>
/*<<but "<<actQuest amnesiaproject>>" chapel1 "ev:1600 qqamnesiaproject>=300 qqamnesiaproject<<1000 doplay:chapelConfession=1">>*/
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<elseif $intro < 2000>>
<<set $chapel = 100>>
<<mi chapel 70>>
The chapel consists of a small altar and a few pews where people can sit and pray. There is also a confessional here.<br>
The chapel is currently empty.
<<but Exit outside>>
<<elseif $intro < 2800>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include chapel1>>
<<mi chapel 50% center>>
The chapel is empty.
<<but "Exit" outside>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii "outside/outside-nuns" 80% center>>
You follow the abbess back to the monastery entrance.
<<say ms "I want to show you the chapel while we are out here. I've been meaning to ask you something." ii>>
She leaves for the small chapel.
<<but "Enter chapel" chapel>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii "chapel/chapel" 45% right>>
<<say ms "Here the students can come to pray and to confess their sins. We also get visits from the townsfolk. They drive or hike up here to buy some of our products that we sell from the stall outside, and then many of them confess while they are here." ii>>
<<say ms "But the problem these days is that we lack a regular priest for this chapel. The previous town priest used to come here several times a week for a couple of hours, but as I told you, Father Piero, the current town priest, rarely visits us because of his health issues. When he does come, he administers the sacraments, says Mass, and takes confessions, but only to us nuns, in our chapel. But for this public chapel, I was hoping you could fill in as a father confessor while you are staying here, if it isn't too much to ask." ii>>
<<say mc "I'd be happy to take confessions while I am here. As long as it won't interfere with my investigation.">>
<<say ms "Of course. You decide when you have the time. We would all be very grateful.">>
<<say mc "I'll think about it. I'm here to do an investigation, not listen to confessions.">>
<<say ms "I understand. You decide if you have the time to do it. We would all be very grateful.">>
<<tbut "\"I'd be happy to.\"">>
<<abut "\"I'll think about it.\"">>
<<but "Continue tour" chapel>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms1 26 rclear>>
<<s ms "That was all I had to show you. Do you have any questions or something else you want me to assist you with?">>
<<s mc "Not today. I'll look around on my own. But later, I will need a list of everyone that has been attacked as well as the witnesses to these sightings of an old nun at night. And help with summoning them for questioning.">>
<<s ms "Of course. Just seek me out whenever you want it done. I have already prepared a list of names for your convenience. ">>
<<s mc "Excellent. Then I have nothing more to ask at the moment.">>
<<s ms "Then I'll leave you alone and return to my duties. Supper will be served in about an hour. Best of luck with the investigation, Father. I pray to God this will be over soon.">>
The abbess leaves and you are on your own.
<<qend intro 300 center>>
<cc0><<tip questhover2>></cc0>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi ava 30 left>>
<r>Just as you are about to leave, a woman enters the chapel.
<<s Woman "Thank God! I came here to buy some wine from the booth outside when I saw you enter. Can you take my confession, Father? The town priest hasn't been available for days now, and I need it badly.">>
Since you are already in the chapel, you can't say no to the request. You ask the woman to take place in the confessional.
<<ev 500>>
<<mv ava0 45 center>>
<cc>The woman enters from one side, and you enter from the other.</cc>
<<but "Take confession" chapel>>
<<ev 550>>
<<mv ava1 75 "pause5 volume1.5">>
You listen to the woman, whose name is Ava, as she confesses. She tells of her recent sexual interactions, outside of marriage, and goes into details. A little too much detail.
<<addlust 20>>
You quickly finish the confession, and, although adultery is a mortal sin that isn't easily forgiven, this time you make an exception and absolve Ava of her sins providing she completes a penance of a prayer she must repeat a number of times. Ava leaves the chapel, relieved and satisfied.
<<ev 600>>
<<set $intro = 2800>>
<<mii "misc/burninglust" 30 "pnggg">>
You can take a lot, but everyone has a limit, and now you have reached yours. You must get back to your room and deal with the sinful desire burning in your flesh and occupying your mind.
<<tip infolustfix>>
<<but "Exit the chapel" hub>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv yulan0 80 "volume1.5 pause3">>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
You spend an hour in the confessional taking confessions from a few townspeople coming up the hill to buy something from the market stall outside and donate to the convent. They are very happy that you offer this service and a couple of them let you know that they prefer you over the aging town priest, Father Piero.
<<ev 200>>
<<mv emma200 75 pause10>>
<c>Then a student from the school arrives. Her name is Emma. She says that she has studied for over a year at the school. Her intent from the start was to later apply to become a novice at the convent. She has had several visions telling her that this is what God wants.
<p>Emma says that she applied to become a novice several months ago. She was told by <<mms>> that the nuns were dealing with some issues and that it might be better to wait, but after insisting and telling <<mms>> about her visions, the abbess couldn't deny Emma's request and she was accepted as a novice.</p>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi emma3 80>>
<c>But before Emma could become a novice, things happened, preventing her from quitting the school to join the convent.
<<s emma0 "I started having these nightmares, Father. I'm afraid I'm going to hell because I'm not a virgin and I've fornicated. I had sex outside of marriage. It only happened one time, a few years ago, and it was a big mistake. I was not married, but he was, and I feel really bad about it all. I thought I had put it behind me, but when I got accepted at the convent, the nightmares came.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma2 45>>
<<s mc "Sex outside of marriage can be a <<hovertip \"mortal sin,\" mortalsin>> but it is not unforgivable. Regret your actions sincerely and do penance, and your sins will be absolved in the eyes of God.">>
<<s emma0 "But I have already done all that. Several times, with Father Piero, the town priest. He says my sins are absolved. But I still have the nightmares. Please help me, Father $mc. I want to dedicate myself to God, but I can't join the convent when I'm dreaming that I'm going to hell." ii>>
<<s mc "Have you tried something to make you sleep better? Like sleeping pills.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes. I don't want to take anything unnatural, but Sister Jana sells herbal products, so I asked her for something that could help with the nightmares. She gave me a specially prepared herbal tea, and it does help some with the nightmares, but not enough." ii>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi emma2 60>>
<<s mc "All I can do right now is absolve you of your sins again, and hope it will work. You can come back later and tell me how you're doing.">>
<<s emma0 "Thank you, Father. I will pray extra hard tonight before going to bed." ii>>
You absolve Emma of her sins and give her God's blessing, then send the poor girl away.
<<qstart emma 100>>
There is no one else in the chapel.
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<mv victoria0 85 "volume0.4 pause3">>
You spend an hour in the confessional taking confessions. Some of the people arriving are students from the school for young women, some are townspeople.
<<ev 200>>
<<mv emma200 85 pause4>>
<c>The troubled student Emma is next. She tells you that confessing again didn't help. She still has nightmares.
<<s emma0 "Isn't there anything else you can do, Father? Please...">>
<<but 'Give her <<potionSleepTea>>' chapel1 "step:500 qqemmaSleepTea>=100">>
<<but "Take her confession and absolve her sins" chapel1 "step:300">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv emma200 85>>
<c><p>You offer to take her confession and absolve her of her sins. Emma reluctantly accepts.</p>
<p>You absolve Emma of her sins and give her God's blessing, then send her on her way. There is no one else in the chapel.</p>
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi "emma1" 60>>
<<s mc "I made this herbal tea for you. It's based on an old medieval recipe, similar to the tea Sister Jana gave you. But this is supposed to be an improved recipe, said to work better. Do you want to try it? I can't promise it will help you.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes, yes, I'll try it.">>
<<s mc "I will only give you one dose to begin with, so you can test it. You might want to sweeten it more than usual because it could be bitter.">>
<<s emma0 "Thank you, Father. I'll return soon and tell you how it went.">>
You give Emma God's blessing and send her on her way.
<<q emma 400>>
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<if $chapel < 400>>
<<mv ava1 55 "volume1.5 pause2">>
<p>You spend an hour taking confessions. Almost all of the people coming to confess since you came to the monastery have been women. Many of them are from the school for young women, so no surprise there, but even if you only count the ones coming up from the town, you see few men. When asking the confessing townspeople about it, they think it's because the men are busy working all day. Another reason, which you've heard before, is that the women seem to prefer you to Father Piero, the aging town priest. But everyone assures you that the men in town are good Catholics too.</p>
<p>You have already seen several repeat visitors, which makes you happy. It means your presence here is appreciated.</p>
<<mv ava1 100 "volume1.5 pause2">>
You spend an hour taking confessions.
<<ev 200>>
<<mv emma200 75 pause10>>
<<if $chapel < 400>>
<<set $chapel = 400>>
The troubled student Emma is next. She tells you that the herbal tea you gave her did make her sleep better with less severe nightmares compared to the tea Sister Jana gave her.
The troubled student Emma is next. She has had no bad side effects from the tea since the last time you met her.
<<s emma0 "I would like more of the tea, Father. But until the nightmares are gone, I'm afraid nothing has changed. Whatever sin I have committed is still with me. I don't know what to do. Isn't there anything that could help me?">>
Her desperate plea makes you want to do everything you can to help the poor girl.
<<q emma 500>>
<<but 'Give her <<potionSleepTea>>' chapel1 "step:300">>
<<but 'Tell her about sin eating' chapel1 "step:400 corr15 readChapter1>=100">>
/*<<but "Take her confession and absolve her sins" chapel1 "ev:300 step:300">> */
<<ev 300>>
<<mi "emma1" 60>>
<<set _text = "I think it's best we stick to one dose at a time for the time being. I want to be sure there are no bad side effects.">>
<<if $qqemma >= 600>>
<<s mc "Here is another dose of the herbal tea. _text">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid all I can offer you, except for taking your confession, is to give you another dose of the herbal tea. _text">>
<<s emma0 "That's good thinking. Thank you, Father.">>
You give Emma another dose of the herbal tea, then you bless her and send her on her way.
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi "emma1" 60>>
<<s mc "Hmm... There is one thing that could maybe help you. But I'm afraid the price to pay would be something not many people are willing to accept. That's why I'm hesitant to even mention it.">>
<<s emma0 "What is it, Father? Tell me, I'll do anything.">>
<<s mc "Have you heard of the practice of sin eating?">>
<<s emma0 "No, what's that?">>
You tell Emma about sin eating, how it was typically performed by eating a piece of bread off the deceased to eat the sin of the departed so that they could be free of sin and enter heaven.
<<ev 500>>
<<s mc "What few people know, is that the rite of sin eating can be performed on living people as well, if done by a priest. Then as a sacrament, a holy rite. But the price to do this is often unacceptable to most. It is for good reasons that the knowledge of this powerful rite is kept a secret.">>
<<s emma0 "What is the price then?" ii>>
<<s mc "The sinner has to repeat the sin with the priest and then the priest can channel the sin through him and then to God, and the sin will disappear, thereby granting absolution to the sinner. You can see how repeating the sin presents a problem. If the sin is hitting someone, then the sinner would have to hit the priest. If the sin is killing someone, then the sinner would have to kill the priest. In your case, the sin is having sexual relations outside of marriage. So you would have to have sexual relations with the priest.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<s emma0 "Oh! No, I couldn't do that." ii>>
<<s mc "Few people would. And you can understand how an unscrupulous priest could abuse this holy rite to take advantage of women who have committed sexual sins, by telling the women they will go to hell if they don't have sexual relations with the priest, so he can eat their sin. That's one of the reasons this sacrament is virtually unknown and kept secret even to priests.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes... I understand. I—I guess I'll just take the tea then." ii>>
<<q emma 600>>
<<but 'Give her <<potionSleepTea>>' chapel1 "step:300">>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<mi emma2 90>>
<<if $temp != "emmaSuggestSinEating">>
Emma enters the confessional. She still suffers from the nightmares and wants more tea.
<<s emma0 "Could I just have the tea, please, Father?" center>>
<<but 'Give her <<potionSleepTea>>' chapel1 "step:200">>
<<but 'Give her <<potionNightmareTea>>' chapel1 "step:600 corr20 qqemmaNightmareTea>=100">>
<<but 'Suggest sin eating' chapel1 "step:900 corr20 ttt10 temp!=emmaSuggestSinEating">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma1 70>>
<cc2>You give Emma another dose of the herbal tea, then you bless her and send her on her way.
<<but "Exit" hub>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi emma1 75>>
<c>You give Emma another dose of your tea, but this time you give her the tea that should make her nightmares worse, though you don't tell her the tea is any different. You are not sure something good will come of this, but you have to do something to try to help Emma. /* and maybe this is the push she needs to accept the help you're willing to give her.*/
<<q emma 700>></c>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi emma1 75>>
<<s mc "The tea isn't helping you enough. Have you thought more about trying the sacrament of <<var chapter1?>>">>
<<s emma0 "Yes, but there is no way I can do something like that. I just can't.">>
There is no point in trying to convince Emma when she is this opposed to the idea.
<<set $temp = "emmaSuggestSinEating">>
<<qmess emma 650>> /* v0.10 added this to add expertq to make nightmare tea in lab */
<<but "Continue" chapel1 "step:100">>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<mi emma3 75>>
Emma enters the confessional.
<<s emma0 "$fmc, it's terrible. The nightmares are back in full force. It's worse than ever. What does God want me to do?">>
<<but 'Give her <<potionNightmareTea>>' chapel1 "step:600 corr20 qqemmaNightmareTea>=100">>
<<but 'Suggest sin eating' chapel1 "step:900 corr20 ttt10 readChapter2>>0">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi emma1 75>>
<c>You give Emma another dose of the nightmare tea, still without telling her. Then you bless her and send her on her way. You are not sure something good will come of this, but now that you've started, you have to see your plan through, hoping it will help Emma in the long run.</c>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi emma2 65>>
<<s mc "Maybe God is telling you that you have to pay the price, to do penance for your sins before being able to serve Him as a nun. The usual kind of penance hasn't helped, but we haven't tried the <<var chapter1>> sacrament. That may be what God wants, and why He sent you here to see me, one of the few people alive who knows of this holy rite.">>
<<s emma0 "But you're saying we should have sexual relations. This goes against everything the Church teaches. How can this be allowed?">>
<<c "We should think about it">><<but "<<actChapter 2>>" chapel1 "step:1000">>
<<ev 940>>
<<mi emma1 75>>
<c><<s mc "I understand your hesitation. Let's leave it for today and you can think about it.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes, Father.">></c>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 "step:600">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi emma2 75>>
<<set _ch2 = setup.chapter2>>
After swearing Emma to secrecy, you tell her about the lost knowledge outlined in the chapter <<italics "_ch2,">> but without mentioning where you learned this information. Knowing how controversial your findings are, you start easy with the historical and cultural backgrounds of the ancient patriarchal societies along with select Bible passages. Using that as a foundation for your argumentation, you bit by bit reveal what you have learned in the Codex Veritatis, including how the Church from the early days have hidden the truth of the sacraments that didn't suit them.</c>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mi emma2 50>>
<c>By the time you get to the final parts, you have convinced yourself that this is the truth. You had your doubts, but now you believe that <<lastabbot>> was correct. Emma, while being very hesitant at first, also seems to have realized that there is truth in your words.
<<s emma0 "What you say sounds strange, but I feel that I met you for a reason. You could be speaking the truth. I wish God would give me a sign of what to do.">>
<<set _tsay = "God sent me to you. Trust in His design and have faith in His mercy and grace.">>
<<set _asay = "God demands that you prove your faith in Him. You will accept this as your punishment and your salvation, and I will help you make it right with the Lord for your sinful trespasses.">>
<<d 1500>>
<<say mc _tsay>>
<<say emma0 "I feel I have no choice but to trust in you and in God. I will accept all the help you can offer me, $fmc.">>
<<d 1500>>
<<say mc _asay>>
<<say emma0 "I'm a sinner and I think God wants me to do this. I will accept this as my punishment and salvation, for Him to welcome me into His embrace.">>
<<d 940>>
<<say mc _tsay>>
<<say emma0 "I want to believe you, but I can't do this.">>
<<d 940>>
<<say mc _asay>>
<<say emma0 "I want to believe you, but I can't do this.">>
<<trytbut '"God sent me to you."' "trust17 center">>
<<tryabut '"God demands this."' "auth17 center">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi emma2 75>>
<c><<addlust 10>>
You have convinced Emma to agree to the rite of <<var chapter1,>> and also to be anointed with the Holy Seed from the Holy Rod. But now when you are faced with the reality of the situation, you get second thoughts. Does God really approve of this, or has the Devil clouded your mind with lustful temptations?
<<q emma 750>></c>
<<c "We should think about it">>
<<but "This is the will of the Lord" chapel1 "step:2000 corr20 ttt30">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi emma3 70>>
<c><<s mc "It's good that you have accepted my help, but we should take some time to think about this. To make sure we are both okay with it.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes, Father. That is wise. I just hope God will give me some reprieve from the nightmares.">> </c>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 "step:600">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi emma4 58>>
<c><<s mc "Then we should recreate the sinning as close as possible, to make sure we get rid of all the sin. What sexual activities did you do with this married man and in what order?">>
<<s emma0 "Well, hmm, first I used my mouth on him...">>
<<s mc "Yes? ... and then?">>
<<s emma0 "He lay between my legs, and... he was inside me. I think that's it.">>
<<s mc "Did he sodomize you down there?">>
<<s emma0 "Oh no. I would never do that.">>
<<s mc "Good. You avoided the worst offense against God and nature.">>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mi emma1 60>>
<<s mc "What about the sexual climax. Did you reach it?">>
<<s emma0 "Yes.">>
<<s mc "Then you have to do it with me as well.">>
<<s emma0 "What if I can't? I'm not sure I will even like it.">>
<<s mc "You will have to do your best to enjoy it then. The climax is the peak of the sin because you are experiencing heaven for a brief moment, but by falling for Satan's temptations instead of doing it as God intended it: as a sacred act between a husband and his wife to create life.">>
<<s emma0 "I will try to enjoy it, if it's necessary.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi emma5 70>>
<<s mc "It is. Then we should begin. We start with the mouth and then the other thing. And at the end, you would have to use your mouth again, so I can anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "We will start easy. I will open the hatch and you can use your mouth on me. Be prepared, for my male organ has already grown hard, a sign that God is approving of this.">>
<<s emma0 "God, I'm doing this for you. A sinner repenting of her sinful acts.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 85 "pause6.0 volume0.3">>
<c><<s emma0 "God have mercy on me. Do I really have to do this, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, it's the only way. But remember what I told you about the holy rites. This is not a profane piece of flesh. It's the Holy Rod, which will soon anoint you with the Holy Seed. Now go on and use your mouth before I lose the stiffness.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 700-2300 100 "volume0.4 pause2">>
<cc>You say a prayer to open a channel with God as Emma finally accepts her fate, hoping this will rid her of the nightmares.
<<addlust 100>> /* Need this since mc can come here when event is only C25 T5 instead of C25 T30
(if finished julia questline) */
<cc><<lbut "Continue" jdiv1 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mv 700-2303 100>>
<cc><<s mc "Remember that you have to reach the climax later, so you might as well try to enjoy it." center>>
<<lbut "Continue" jdiv2 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mv 700-2306 100>>
<cc><<s emma0 "How long will I do this, Father?" center>>
<<s mc "That's up to you. Whenever you're ready to continue." center>>
<<s emma0 "I'm ready." center>>
<<s mc "Then move back and I'll open the door." center>>
<<lbut "Open the door" jdiv3 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv3>>
<<mv 700-2309 85 volume0.5>>
<cc><<s mc "Remove your panties and lie down as you did with the married man." center>>
<<s emma0 "Yes, Father." center>>
<<c "Lie with Emma">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.4>>
<cc><<cs mc "Does it feel good?">>
<<cs emma0 "Yes.">>
<<cs mc "Good. Was your chest covered when you were with the man? Did he touch your breasts?">>
<<cs emma0 "I didn't wear any clothes and yes, he did that.">>
<<cs mc "Then we should repeat it.">>
<<lbut "Touch her naked breasts" jdiv1 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mv 700-2403 100 volume0.4>>
<cc><<s emma0 "It feels so good, Father. I'm almost there." center>>
<<s mc "As soon as you can. I can't hold back the Holy Seed much longer." center>>
<<lbut "Continue" jdiv2 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mv 700-2406 40 volume0.4>>
<cc><<s emma0 "Can I use my hand to finish faster?" center>>
<<s mc "Did you do it with the man?" center>>
<<s emma0 "I think so." center>>
<<s mc "Then do it. Let yourself go. God is reaching out from heaven." center>>
<<lbut "Continue" jdiv3 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv3>>
<<mv 700-2409 40 volume0.4>>
<cc><<s emma0 "It's happening, Father." center>>
<<s mc "Feel God shower you with the pleasures of heaven." center>>
<<s emma0 "I feel it! I feel it!" center>>
<<lbut "Watch her reach orgasm" jdiv4 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv4>>
<<mv 700-2412 36 volume0.4>>
<cc>Emma screams in pleasure as she climaxes.<br>When she is done, you don't let her rest.
<<s mc "Quickly! Kneel and polish the Holy Rod, and you shall receive the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Continue">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.4>>
<cc2>When you feel her mouth around your hard rod, the time has come to administer the sacrament.</cc2>
<cc><<s mc "Prepare to be sprinkled with the Holy Seed!" center>>
<<lbut "Anoint her with your seed" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 700-2503 100 volume0.4>>
<cc><<s mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed." center>>
<<s emma0 "I feel God touching me." center>></cc>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 75 "pause6 volume0.4">>
<cc><<s mc "Emma, your sin with the married man has been sent up to the Lord and turned into nothingness. In His eyes, you are now a virgin again. God has forgiven you, and now you must forgive yourself. I have also anointed you with the Holy Seed which will cleanse your soul and protect you from evil. Now go home and sleep tonight without any sleep aids except your prayer to God, and you shall rise tomorrow, rested and free of worries." center>>
<<s emma0 "Thank you, Father. I will return tomorrow to tell you how it went." center>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc>When Emma leaves, you can tell that you made an impact on her. With God's help, this will be the end of her nightmares. You will know tomorrow, when Emma promised to return.
<<q emma 800 center>></cc>
<<event 750>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<mv yulan 80 "volume1.5 pause3">>
You spend some time taking confessions.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma3 80>>
<c>Emma enters the booth.
<<s emma0 "I've been thinking about the holy rites. I was unsure, but then I had another night with terrible nightmares, and I just have to go along with it. I offer my penance to the Lord.">>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 "ev:700 step:1500">>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<mv victoria 85 "volume0.4 pause2">>
You spend some time in the confessional taking confessions. You are curious to find out how Emma is doing with her nightmares.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma6 75>>
<c>Eventually, Emma arrives.
<<s emma0 "$fmc, it's amazing. I slept like I've never slept before. The nightmares are gone. It's a miracle.">>
<<s mc "I'm very happy to hear that. To be honest, I wasn't sure the ancient, holy rites would work, but this is proof that the Lord is on our side.">>
<<s emma0 "Yes. What you did was God's work. I know that now.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma4 70>>
<<s mc "Does this mean you will join the convent now?">>
<<s emma0 "Yes, I'm ready to start the novitiate. I want to dedicate my life to God now.">>
<<s mc "I'm happy to hear that. But, just like <<mms>> warned you when you applied to become a novice, I too have to warn you that there are some concerns the nuns are dealing with right now. You might want to wait for some time before joining.">>
<<s emma0 "What are these concerns then?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi emma1 70>>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't be more specific. It's not for outsiders to know. But it's something you'll learn if you join.">>
<<s emma0 "Oh. But whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I can't wait to join. I'm going there now to let them know. I just wanted to come by first to thank you, Father. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been able to help me.">>
With that, Emma leaves.
<<qend emma 900>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
/*<<mv ava1 90 pause5>>
<cc>You spend time in the chapel, taking confessions.</cc>*/
<<mi chapel 65>>
<<s mc "Emma, are you in here?" center>>
<<s emma0 "Yes, Father. I have to talk to you." center>>
<<c "Enter the confessional">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi emma4 60>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<<s emma0 "$fmc, I had to come and see you. I've had another vision. I know what's going on, what God's plan is.">>
<<s mc "I'm listening.">>
<<s emma0 "I met with <<mms>> and told her I was ready to join the convent. When I again assured her of my strong conviction to join no matter what problems the nuns are dealing with, she accepted me as a novice. She then told me about the attacks and the Crone, the lust demon, and the real reason you are here. She also told me that many of the nuns are suffering from nightmares because of the attacks, and that I would have to be prepared for all this to happen to me too.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma6 75>>
<c><<s emma0 "Right then and there, I had another vision from God. He showed me the reason I met you, $fmc. This was His plan all along... For me to have the nightmares, so that you would help me with the ancient sacraments, to prove to you and to me that they are indeed holy rites. I saw that your mission is to save us from evil, from this lust demon, by eating our sins and anointing us with the Holy Seed. I saw that my mission is to spread the truth about the holy rites to the sisters, to testify that you are doing God's work. You and I are His instruments.">>
<<s mc "Emma, I'm not questioning your vision, but I hope you didn't tell the abbess or anyone else what you saw, or about the holy rites?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma4 70>>
<<s emma0 "No, don't worry, Father. I understand that the holy rites must be kept a secret from the uninitiated. The world is not ready to know about them. That's what my mission is about. I am to seek out the sisters that are in need of your help, and convince them you can help them. When they are ready to hear the truth, I will tell them.">>
<<s mc "It sounds like a plan, but how will you know they are ready? If word gets out to people who are not ready, I would likely be asked to leave the monastery, lose my position at the Vatican, and be excommunicated from the Church.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi emma1 70>>
<<s emma0 "I will be very careful and I won't reveal anything to anyone until I am sure they are ready to hear the truth. The sisters know I'm a devout Catholic, and they know my closeness to God, how I've been having divine visions since I was little. They respect me a great deal. While being a student at the school, many of the novices and even some of the professed sisters have approached me, asking for my advice, for spiritual guidance, hoping I could see what God wanted from them.">>
<<s emma0 "And now I understand why they were so concerned about God's plans that they came to me. Since I wasn't a member of the convent, they weren't allowed to tell me the real reason, or why they had nightmares, but that must have been it – the attacks and the Crone.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi emma4 70>>
<c><p>You talk with Emma about her mission to spread the word about the holy rites among the nuns who are in need of them. After ensuring you again and again that she will not do anything to put you at risk, that you can trust her, you finally agree to let her go on with her mission. If she did have a vision from God, who are you to defy the will of the Lord?</p>
With your blessing to join the convent and to set out on her mission, Emma leaves the confessional. She is moving into the convent right away, and she says you should seek her out tomorrow to talk more.
<<qstart emma2 100>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<switch random(0,2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<mv ava1 100 "volume1.5 pause3">>
<<case 1>>
<<mv victoria 100 "volume0.4 pause3">>
<<case 2>>
<<mv yulan 100 "volume1.5 pause3">>
You spend an hour taking confessions.
<<vv 4>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv alyssa 100 "volume1 pause3">>
<cc>You spend some time taking confessions.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv ava2 90 "pause5 volume1.5">>
The woman Ava from the town is coming today again, confessing about her sexual relations outside of marriage. As before, she goes into a little too much detail for your liking.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ava1 80>>
You sharply reprimand her for committing adultery – a mortal sin. After Ava promises to do her best to avoid repeating the grave sin, you give her a penance of prayer and doing charity work for the poor in town twice a week. Only after completing this to your satisfaction will she be granted absolution, providing she hasn't committed adultery again.
<p>You tell Ava to return soon to tell you how she is doing with her penance.
<<qstart avaq 100>></p>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<switch random(0,2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<mv victoria 100 "volume0.4 pause3">>
<<case 1>>
<<mv yulan 100 "volume1.5 pause3">>
<<case 2>>
<<mv alyssa 100 "volume1 pause3">>
You spend some time taking confessions.
<<if $qqavaq==150>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:200>>
<<elseif $qqavaq==250>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:1000>>
<<elseif $qqavaq==350>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:2000>>
<<elseif $qqavaq>=400 && setup.confessionDayAva()>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:2000>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv ava2 85 "pause5 volume1.5">>
The townswoman Ava comes to report on her progress on the penance you gave her.
<p>The news is bad. She did do the praying and the charity work for the poor, but then she succumbed to her carnal desires and repeated the mortal sin of having sexual relations outside of marriage. As usual, she doesn't hold back on the intimate details of what happened.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ava1 75>>
/*<<addlust 100>>
<<addcorr 5>>*/
There is nothing else to do but to express your strong disapproval of Ava for committing the mortal sin of adultery, and to give her another penance of prayer and charity work for the poor.
<p>Ava promises to do her best to avoid repeating the grave sin, but you have heard that before. You are starting to think that something more extreme is the only solution to successfully lessen Satan's influence on Ava. Something like the holy rites you have recently learned. It worked with Novice Emma, but she was going to be a nun and that made the situation special. Ava is just an adulteress – though also a Catholic, devout enough to seek penance for her grave sinning.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi ava4 80>>
<c>But alas, the forbidden knowledge of the ancient sacraments is too dangerous to share with others without a very good reason. You can't risk this knowledge reaching the wrong ears trying to save Ava.
<p>You tell Ava to return soon to tell you how she is doing with her penance.
<<q avaq 200>></p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv ava2 90 "pause5 volume1.5">>
Ava comes to report on her progress on the penance you gave her.
<p>The news is again bad. She did the penance, but she couldn't resist having sex outside of marriage. As usual, she doesn't hold back on the intimate details of what happened.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<ev 1010>>
<<mii misc/exorcism 100>>
<p>Ava's failure to resist the temptations of the flesh shows that Satan's influence is strong in her. Though unlikely, you have to consider the possibility that Ava is possessed by a demon. Demons can be exorcised.</p>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s mc "Ava, I'm worried about your soul. Your repeated acts of adultery invite Satan and push you away from God.">>
<<s ava "I know. I am worried too. I can't stop myself from being with other men. I'm trying, but... I'm too weak.">>
<<s mc "You could be possessed by a demon. That would explain your inability to resist temptations. The demon is forcing you to do things against your will.">>
<<s ava "Lord Jesus, save me, a demon? Can you exorcise it, Father?">>
<<s mc "If you are possessed, yes. Have you noticed anything else pointing to demonic possession? Like blackouts or people saying you have behaved strangely?">>
<<s ava "No, nothing like that. Just that I can't resist being unfaithful.">>
<<s mc "I want to perform a short, probative exorcism on you. It could reveal if you are possessed. Will you agree to it?">>
<<s ava "Yes, I agree.">>
<<ev 1030>>
<<mii misc/holdcross 40>>
<<s mc "Ava, in the name of Jesus Christ, I protect you against the power of the Evil One and command you to be withdrawn from his dominion.">>
You repeat the phrase many times, but there is no reaction from Ava. Nothing that indicates she is possessed by a demon. But should you tell this to Ava?
<<ev 1040>>
<<mii crone/nighthag 50>>
With the monastery being under attack by Satan and his lust demon, this woman Ava and her grave, lustful sinning could be a danger to you all, including Ava herself. She isn't possessed by a demon, but she could be. Her mere presence here empowers the Devil, and she is an open invitation to him. If Ava is targeted by the Satan, his corrupting influence could spread into town.
<<ev 1070>>
<<mi ava3 80>>
<c>You have to do something about Ava. Either you forbid her from coming here anymore, or you try to protect her from the Devil and his minions.
<p>But what kind of priest would you be to turn away Ava instead of trying to help her? Even though you don't want to risk using the forbidden holy rites you have recently learned, there are holy rites sanctioned by the Church that you could use, such as the Eucharist – Holy Communion. Normally, it is performed at Mass, but you may make an exception in Ava's case.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi ava1 90>>
A white lie will make sure that Ava keeps coming here for protection from Satan.
<<s mc "The exorcism was inconclusive. You may be possessed, but then this demon must be deeply entrenched in you. It controls your subconscious mind, not your conscious mind. That makes the demon harder to exorcise. First, we need to bring it up to your conscious mind.">>
<<ev 1120>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s ava "How do we do that?">>
<<s mc "With the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit. I want to start administering Holy Communion to you regularly, just you and me here in the booth, to protect you from the Devil and to make the potential demon surface. Would that be acceptable to you?">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father. I would like that.">>
<<s mc "A requirement for receiving Holy Communion is to be free of mortal sin. Because of this, I hereby absolve you of your mortal sins, including your sins of adultery. Absolving grave sins just like that is highly unorthodox, but I am prepared to make this exception because of things I cannot reveal to you. Let's just say that the evil forces are strong right now, and since you may be possessed, I can't risk putting yourself and others in danger.">>
<<s ava "Thank you, $fmc. I am so grateful.">>
<<c "Administer the Eucharist">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi communion 60>>
<c>You administer the Eucharist to Ava using bread and wine that you consecrate, transubstantiating them into the Body and Blood of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the words of Christ.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi ava7 90>>
<<s mc "Now we pray that the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit will protect your soul from the Evil One, and make the demon surface, should you be possessed. Let's pray.">>
You spend some time praying with Ava.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s mc "Do you feel anything? Something that could be a demon?">>
<<s ava "No, Father. I feel scared about being possessed, but that's it.">>
<<s mc "Then either you are not possessed, or we failed to bring the demon up from the darkness. Maybe next time, it will work.">>
<<s ava "I hope so. If I'm possessed, I want to get rid of it.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi ava2 45 right>>
<<s mc "I have absolved you of your mortal sins, Ava, but you can't take this as an easy way out, as an excuse to keep committing adultery. Abusing confession, the Sacrament of Penance, would be an even graver sin than adultery. It would be a mockery of God. You must do your best to keep faithful to your husband, and you should keep doing the penance I gave you, even though you technically are no longer in need of penance.">>
<<s ava "Yes, of course, Father. I don't want to be a sinner. I will do my best and I will do my penance.">>
<<s mc "You must return here regularly to receive the Holy Communion. I can't take any chances with you, given the dark times we live in.">>
<<s ava "I will return soon, Father.">>
<<q avaq 300>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv ava2 85 "pause5 volume1.5">>
Ava comes to receive Holy Communion.
<p>You are frustrated to learn that she has once again been unfaithful to her husband – committing the mortal sin of adultery. As usual, Ava doesn't hold back on the intimate details of what happened.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi ava2 45 right>>
/*<<addlust 100>>
<<addcorr 40>>*/
<l>You severely reprimand Ava for her mortal sinning, but you have no choice but to give her absolution, or else you cannot administer the Holy Communion to her, and that is the only way you can think of to protect Ava from the Devil.
<p>Or is there another way? You have the powerful holy rites at your disposal, and by spiking the sacramental wine with a lust potion, you should be able to make Ava agree to what needs to be done. But can you risk using the holy rites to save Ava?</p>
<<but "Pour <<potionLust>> in wine" chapel1 "step:2500 corr40 ttt10">><<c "Holy Communion is the only way">>
<<ev 2150>>
<<mi ava4 90>>
<c>No, you can't use the holy rites on Ava. You have thought about this before, but the forbidden knowledge of the ancient sacraments is too dangerous to share with others without a very good reason. You can't risk this knowledge reaching the wrong ears trying to save Ava.
<<q avaq 400>>
<<c "Administer the Eucharist">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi communion 60>>
<c>You administer the Eucharist to Ava using bread and wine that you consecrate.
<p>After praying together for God's protection – and to surface any demon in her, without success – you send Ava on her way, reminding her that she can't use your absolution of her sins as an excuse to commit adultery. She must do her best to be a faithful wife to her husband, and she should continue to do charity work for the poor and humble herself to God in prayer.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi ava3 80>>
You have to do something about Ava, and the holy rites have not failed you yet. You don't have to tell Ava that you will eat her sins or anoint her with the Holy Seed, but you have to explain why you must have sexual relations with her to help her. And you must do it convincingly enough that she won't regret having sexual relations with you and tell someone about it.
<p>Using a lust potion on Ava will make her easier to convince. It's for a good cause.</p>
<<ev 2550>>
<<mi ava4 90>>
<p>Hidden from Ava's view on your side of the confessional, you pour a <<potionLust>> into the sacramental wine you are about to give to Ava through the hatch.</p>
<<c "Administer the Eucharist">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi communion 60>>
<c>You administer the Eucharist to Ava using bread and the spiked sacramental wine.
<p>Once Ava has consumed the wine, you pray together for God's protection and to surface any demon in her.</p>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi ava7 90>>
You take your time with the praying, waiting for the lust potion to do its thing.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s mc "Are you alright, Ava? I sense a change in you.">>
<<s ava "I don't know what's coming over me. I'm getting hot and I have sinful feelings.">>
<<s mc "Ava, are you saying you are feeling a sudden increase in lust?">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father. It's very strange.">>
<<s mc "Ava, you are being attacked by the demon. This is what we have been waiting for. Holy Communion and our prayers forced it to the surface. We must strike quickly to exorcise it.">>
<<ev 2850>>
<<mi ava8 90>>
<<s ava "Yes, Father. Exorcise it. It's so strong.">>
<<s mc "Whatever you may have heard of how exorcisms work, I'm afraid that this exorcism will be especially ugly. This is a lust demon, and that means we must use extreme measures to weaken it enough to exorcise it. As you fight fire with fire, we have to fight this lust demon with lust.">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s ava "How do we do that?">>
<<s mc "By repeating the lustful sins it forced you to commit. Start by touching yourselves between your legs. Does it feel good?">>
<<s ava "What are you saying, Father? I can't touch myself. It's a sin.">>
<<s mc "Sins are forgiven when committed as part of a rite conducted by an ordained priest, such as the exorcism I am about to perform. If you just do what I tell you, everything will be fine and in accordance with God's will. Now touch yourself, Ava, and tell me how it feels. Quickly, or we may lose this chance to exorcise the demon.">>
Ava does as you say and confirms that it feels very good to touch herself.
<p>After talking some more with her in preparation for the extreme measures that are to come, you think Ava is ready to use her mouth on you.</p>
<<c "Show her your hard manhood">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv avadick 100 "pause2 volume1.5">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Now you must use your mouth on my member, just as you did on the men you were unfaithful with.">>
<<s ava "$fmc, are you sure that God allows this?">>
<<ev 3020>>
<<mi avadick 92>>
<<s mc "Yes, have faith in the Lord and all will be well. Exorcising demons is always a nasty business, there is no way around it. But you must never speak of this to anyone, as what we are about to do is only allowed because it stays between you and me. Do you understand?">>
<<s ava "I understand, Father.">>
<<s mc "Now you must use your mouth on me. Quickly, or the lust demon will retreat into you and be out of my reach.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv avasuck1 100>>
Ava reluctantly goes along with it. Her soft mouth around your hard member feels very good.
<<s mc "Also touch yourself between the legs, but not too much. You must reach climax, but not yet.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv avasuck2 100 volume2>>
<c>Affected by the lust potion, Ava touches herself. The pleasure she experiences makes her loosen up as she keeps using her mouth on you.
<p>Using the holy rite of Sin Eating, you eat Ava's lustful sins and send them up to God. To keep Ava in the dark, you do it without saying anything.</p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv avasuck3 100 volume2>>
<<s mc "Is this all you did? Remember, you should use your mouth as you did on the men.">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv avasuck4 94 "pause0.2 volume1.5">>
<c>When Ava pushes your rod deep down her throat, you feel the Holy Seed building up for release.
<<s mc "That's good. Did the men release their seed in your mouth?">>
<<s ava "Sometimes.">>
<<s mc "Then we will do it like that. Be prepared for it. But before I release my seed, you must reach climax. Touch yourself and get it done.">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi avamast 100>>
<c>When you give her permission, it doesn't take long before Ava has an orgasm.
<<s ava "I did it, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Now continue with your mouth, deep like you did, and I will release the seed soon.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv avasuck4 94 "volume1.5">>
Ava appears more hesitant now that her lust is not as high anymore.
<<s mc "Go on, don't hold back. Push it deep.">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv avasuck5 100 "pause0.2 volume1.5">>
<<s mc "That's good. Keep going like that. I will use my hands to help you. The seed is coming soon. Be prepared.">>
<<c "Grab her head">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv avasuck6 100 volume1>>
<cc>You grab Ava's head and begin to thrust your hard manhood back and forth down her throat.
<<s mc "Now for the final part to finish this and to weaken the demon. This will be ugly. Stay strong.">>
<<c "Keep thrusting your rod down her throat">>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv avasuck7 100 volume1>>
<cc>You do what has to be done. You pound Ava's throat fast going for the finish.
<<cs mc "The seed is coming. Be prepared.">>
<<c "Release your seed down her throat">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv avasuckcum 100 "volume1 pause1">>
<cc>Your knees weaken as you squirt the Holy Seed down Ava's throat,<br>silently anointing her.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi avasuckend 90>>
Ava swallows your seed and lets go of your manhood. To keep up the ruse of performing an exorcism, you invoke the Holy Name of Jesus and recite the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel as you would in a real exorcism.
<<c "Get dressed and sit down">>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi ava5 45 right>>
<<s mc "How are you feeling, Ava?">>
<<s ava "I can't believe I did that. Is the demon gone now?">>
<<s mc "No. Unfortunately, exorcisms rarely are successful after only one try. They have to be repeated to weaken the demon until it can be expelled.">>
<<s ava "You're saying I have to do this with you again?">>
<<s mc "Yes. But today we only covered one of the lustful ways you have sinned with men. The best way to weaken the demon is to repeat everything it has made you do. We will discuss this more the next time. Now you should go home and pray hard. Keep doing the penance I gave you, and do your best to stay faithful to your husband. Return to me soon.">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father.">>
Ava leaves.
<<q avaq 500>>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi communion 55>>
<c>Thanks to administering Holy Communion to Ava regularly, you could use the sacramental wine to slip Ava a lust potion when you needed to. This gives you the idea to administer Holy Communion to other women coming to confess. The Devil and his lust demon are here at the monastery, preying on women. It is your duty to protect the women and the town from Satan's influence.
<p>From now on, you should offer Holy Communion to all women coming here to confess. At least to the ones most likely to be targeted by Satan – the relatively young and attractive ones.</p>
<<but "Leave the confessional" chapel>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<switch random(0,2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<mv victoria 100 "volume0.4 pause3">>
<<case 1>>
<<mv yulan 100 "volume1.5 pause3">>
<<case 2>>
<<mv alyssa 100 "volume1 pause3">>
You spend some time taking confessions.
<p>Whenever you deem a woman young and attractive enough to risk being targeted by Satan, you ask to administer Holy Communion, something the woman gladly accepts.</p>
<<if setup.confessionDayAva()>>
<<if $qqavaq>=600>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 ev:1400>>
<<elseif $qqavaq>=500>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv ava2 85 "pause5 volume1.5">>
Ava returns.
<p>The news is good. She has prayed hard and done charity work for the poor – and she has managed to stay faithful to her husband.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s ava "Does this mean the exorcism worked, after all? The demon is gone?">>
<<s mc "No, I'm sorry to say. The exorcism may have weakened the demon enough to make you resist the impulse to commit adultery, but left alone, the demon will grow strong again. No, we have to repeat the exorcism in order to expel it. We should get started. You must use your mouth on me again.">>
<<s ava "I don't know. I don't feel like I did before. Hot and... filled with lust. Shouldn't we make the demon surface first?">>
<<s mc "The demon will try to stay away now that I have weakened it. We must strike while it's still weak. This must be done. Prepare yourself.">>
Thinking of Ava's mouth around your manhood quickly makes you hard. A sure sign that you have God's approval to continue.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Show her your hard manhood">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv avadick 100 "pause2 volume1.5">>
<<s mc "Now you must use your mouth on my member, just as you did on the men you were unfaithful with.">>
<<s ava "Do I have to use my mouth? What about my hands?">>
<<ev 3020>>
<<mi avadick 92>>
<<s mc "You must do the most perverse things you did to the men. Use your mouth. And remember that you must never speak of this to anyone, as what we are about to do is only allowed because it stays between you and me. Do you understand?">>
<<s ava "I understand, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then get going. The quicker we get this done, the less time the demon has to retreat deeper into you.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv avasuck1 100>>
Ava reluctantly goes along with it. Her soft mouth around your hard member feels very good.
<<s ava "Should I touch myself between my legs?">>
<<s mc "If you want, but it's not required. The first time was enough.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv avasuck2 100 volume2>>
<c>It seems Ava is in no mood to touch herself. Instead, she concentrates on pleasuring you to get this over with.
<p>Using the holy rite of Sin Eating, you eat Ava's lustful sins and send them up to God. To keep Ava in the dark, you do it without saying anything.</p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv avasuck3 100 volume2>>
<<s mc "That's good, but remember to do all the things with your mouth as you did on the men you were unfaithful with.">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv avasuck4 94 "pause0.2 volume1.5">>
<c>When Ava pushes your rod deep down her throat, you feel the Holy Seed building up for release.
<<s mc "That's good. I will soon release the seed in your mouth.">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi avasucktalk 100>>
<c><<s ava "Could you take it easy on me this time, Father? You were pretty rough in the end when you grabbed my head.">>
<<but "\"I will go easy on you.\"" chapel1 step:3520>><<but "\"Rough is the best way to do it.\"" chapel1 step:3540>>
<<ev 3520>>
<<mi avamast 100>>
<<s mc "It might not be as effective to weaken the demon, but I will go easier on you this time.">>
<<s ava "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<set $temp = "easy">>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:3600>>
<<ev 3540>>
<<mi avamast 100>>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Ava, but going easy is not as effective to weaken the demon. This has to be done. Just stay strong, and it will soon be over.">>
<<s ava "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<set $temp = "rough">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv avasuck4 94 "volume1.5">>
Ava doesn't seem to look forward to receiving your seed. But it will do her good.
<<cs mc "Go on, don't hold back. Push it deep.">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv avasuck5 100 "pause0.2 volume1.5">>
<<cs mc "That's good. Keep going like that. The seed is coming soon. Be prepared.">>
<<if $temp=="easy">>
<<but "Grab her head (go easy)" chapel1 step:4100>>
<<c "Grab her head (rough)">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv avasuck6 100 volume1>>
<cc>You grab Ava's head and begin to thrust your hard manhood back and forth down her throat.
<<s mc "Now for the final part to finish this and to weaken the demon. This will be ugly. Stay strong.">>
<<c "Keep thrusting your rod down her throat">>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv avasuck7 100 volume1>>
<cc>You do what has to be done. You pound Ava's throat fast going for the finish.
<<cs mc "The seed is coming. Be prepared.">>
<<c "Release your seed down her throat">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv avasuckcum 100 "volume1 pause1">>
<cc>Your knees weaken as you squirt the Holy Seed down Ava's throat,<br>silently anointing her.
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv avaeasy 100 "pause0.4 volume0.8">>
<cc>You let her control how deep she will push your rod,<br>
only holding on to Ava's hair to support her head.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv avaeasy2 100 volume0.8>>
When you get close to climax, you begin to thrust at the back of Ava's mouth, but still taking it easy on her. The Holy Seed is soon on its way.
<<c "Release your seed in her mouth">>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv avaeasy3 100>>
<cc>Your knees weaken as you squirt the Holy Seed in Ava's mouth and down her throat,<br>silently anointing her.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi avasuckend 90>>
Ava swallows your seed and lets go of your manhood. To keep up the ruse of performing an exorcism, you invoke the Holy Name of Jesus and recite the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel as you would in a real exorcism.
<<c "Get dressed and sit down">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi ava5 45 right>>
<<s mc "Are you alright, Ava?">>
<<s ava "I think so. How many times do we have to do this?">>
<<s mc "There is no way to tell. We have to weaken the demon until it can be expelled. Now you should go home and pray hard. Keep doing the penance I gave you, and keep staying faithful to your husband. Return to me soon.">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father.">>
Ava leaves.
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi avasuckend 70>>
You have eaten some of the lustful sins Ava has committed.
<<if $qqavaq>=1000>>
But repeating this particular act won't be enough to cleanse her.
The next time, you should try something different that Ava has done with the men she was unfaithful with.
<<q avaq 600>>
<<qendversion avaq version0.4.0>>
<<but "Leave the confessional" chapel>>
<<vv 5>>
/* Called from ev 1300> */
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv ava2 72 "pause5 volume1.5">>
<<if $qqavaq>=1000>>
Ava returns.
<p>She has continued to pray hard and do charity work for the poor – and she has continued to stay faithful to her husband.</p>
<p>You must eat more of the lustful sins Ava has committed when being unfaithful to her husband – while continuing to make Ava believe you are exorcising a demon from her as you can't let her know of the forbidden holy rites.</p>
<<if $qqavaq<1200>>
<<but "Do it through the hatch" chapel1 "step:200">><<but "Have Ava come over to you" chapel1 "step:270">>
<<but "Eat her sins of fornication" chapel1 "ev:1500 qqavaq==1200">>
<<but "Eat her sins of fornication" chapel1 "ev:1500 step:140 qqavaq>=1400">>
<<but "(Oral) Do it through the hatch" chapel1 "step:200">><<but "(Oral) Have Ava come over to you" chapel1 "step:270">>
<<but "Do nothing this time" hub>>
Ava returns.
<p>She has continued to pray hard and do charity work for the poor – and she has continued to stay faithful to her husband.</p>
<p>Now you must eat more of the lustful sins Ava has committed when being unfaithful to her husband. But you have to continue to make Ava believe you are exorcising a demon from her as you can't let her know of the forbidden holy rites.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:300>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ava6 45>>
<c><<s mc "We will weaken the demon further and try to exorcise. Today, we could do it through the hatch and you can keep your clothes on.">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father. I prefer it that way.">>
Thinking of Ava's mouth around your manhood quickly makes you hard. A sure sign that you have God's approval to continue.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Show her your manhood">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi avadick 92>>
<c><<s ava "I still think this feels strange and... uncomfortable. Can I just use my hands this time?">>
<<s mc "No, you must use your mouth, as you did with the men. You know this.">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 "ev:1300 step:3100">>
<<ev 270>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s mc "You have done well, but the demon will soon grow stronger unless we exorcise it. We must continue to strike while the demon is weak. Covering your body with clothes makes it easier for the demon to hide. Today, you must show yourself to the Lord, the way He created you. Then you will again use your mouth on me as you did on the men and I will try to exercise the demon.">>
<<s ava "Okay, I will do it.">>
Ava turns away from you to remove her clothes, then she kneels to use her mouth on you.
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:400>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s mc "You have done well, but the demon will soon grow stronger unless we exorcise it. We must strike while the demon is weak, that's why we should try something new today.">>
<<s ava "Like what?">>
<<s mc "Covering your body with clothes makes it easier for the demon to hide. You must show yourself to the Lord, the way He created you. Then you will again use your mouth on me as you did on the men and I will try to exercise the demon.">>
<<s ava "Okay, I will do it.">>
Ava turns away from you to remove her clothes, then she kneels to use her mouth on you.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1400-400 80>>
<<s mc "No, I must see you. I will open the divider and you will come to my side.">>
<<s ava "But... I don't feel comfortable showing myself naked to you. Can't I just be on this side and use my mouth?">>
<<s mc "The Lord is working through me. I have to see you. If you refuse this, the other way to try something new to exorcise the demon is to repeat an even graver sin you did with the men you committed adultery with. I would have to fornicate with you through the hatch.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 1400-500 96>>
<<cs ava "No. That would be even worse. I will do the naked thing.">>
You open the dividing wall between Ava and you, and let her inside your part of the confessional.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1400-600 58>>
Seeing Ava's naked body quickly makes you hard.
<<addlust 100>>
You pull down your pants and take out your erect member.
<<but "Tell Ava to begin using her mouth" chapel1 step:1000>><<but "Look at her slit" chapel1 step:700>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 1400-700 76>>
<c>You look at Ava's female sex and feel the urge to penetrate her slit with your manhood, but that will not happen today.</c>
<<c "Tell Ava to begin using her mouth">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 1400-1000 78 volume1.5>>
<c>Ava starts by using her hands, perhaps hoping she will get away with that alone.
<<s mc "Did you use your hands on the men like this?">>
<<s ava "Yes, sometimes.">>
<<s mc "But you will still have to use your mouth. Using your hands is a less sinful act of lust and thus less effective when attempting to exorcise this lust demon.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 1400-1100 80 volume1.5>>
<cc>Your words make Ava pause.<br>Then she accepts her fate and begins to pleasure you with her mouth.</cc>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 1400-1300 80 volume1.5>>
<c>Ava tries to get this over with quickly as she deep-throats you, but you are trying to eat her grave sins of lust and you are in no hurry to bring forth the Holy Seed to anoint her.
<p>And since Ava believes you are trying to exorcise a demon, it makes sense that this will take time.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv 1400-1400 90 volume1.5>>
<cc>Eventually, Ava has to take a pause from the deep-throating.
<<s mc "You have told me the men sometimes released their seed in your face, so that's what we'll do today.">>
You stand up before Ava to get ready for when you climax later.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 1400-2000 80 volume1.5>>
<cc>Thinking this is about to be over, Ava uses her hand to finish you.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 1400-2100 90 volume1.5>>
<cc>But you tell her to continue to use her mouth.</cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 1400-2400 24 volume1.5>>
<cc>You take your time as Ava continues to pleasure you.</cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 1400-3000 70 volume1.0>>
<cc>Eventually, the Holy Seed is coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive my seed.">>
<<c "Anoint Ava">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv avacum 90 volume1.0>>
<cc>You anoint Ava, but silently, as she must not know of the holy rites.</cc>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv avacumend 90 volume1.5>>
<<cs mc "What did you do with the seed? Repeat something you did with the men.">>
Ava does as you ask, playing with your seed. You try to eat more of her sins before ending this.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi ava6 50>>
You both get dressed and Ava returns to her side of the confessional.
<<s ava "Did you exorcise the demon this time, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "No, it's still avoiding me. But we're getting there. The weaker it becomes, the less it can resist my attempts to exorcise it. You will have to come back later and we will try again.">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi ava1 90>>
<<cs ava "Yes, Father.">>
Ava leaves the confessional.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi avacumend 80>>
<c>You ate more of the grave sins of lust Ava committed with different men while being unfaithful to her husband.
<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
But she is far from cleansed, and to eat all of her sins, you need to fornicate with her.
<<if $qqavaq >= 1000>>
<p>But doing that with a woman from the town would mean increased risk. What if Ava were to talk? With the nuns and students here, you can contain anything that happens – making it stay within the monastery and the school – but you can't control Ava when she is miles away from you.</p>
<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
<<but "Leave confessional" chapel>>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi avabj 80>>
<c>You have to think about this, but for now, you have to be content with letting Ava use her mouth on you.
<<if $qqavaq < 1000>>
<<q avaq 1000 center>>
<<q avaq 1100 center>>
<<qendversion avaq version0.5.0>>
<<but "Leave confessional" chapel>>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ava2 55>>
<<s mc "Ava, are you ready to receive the Holy Communion.">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Since you haven't committed any mortal sins since I last absolved you of your sins, we are ready to begin. Just give me a moment to consecrate the wine and bread.">>
Out of Ava's sight, you prepare the sacramental bread and wine.
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:200>>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<c>You administer Holy Communion to Ava, adding a <<potionContraception>> to the sacramental wine before consecrating it.
<<ev 150>>
<<mi ava1 80>>
<c> When Holy Communion is completed, you continue your talk with Ava.
<<s mc "We should attempt another exorcism. And the best way is to repeat your sins of fornication from when you were unfaithful to your husband.">>
<<s ava "Yes, Father. I am ready. Should I come over?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Undress and then come over.">>
While Ava undresses, you open the divider.
<<but "Let Ava inside your side of the confessional" chapel1 step:1600>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii area/hub_town 80>>
The time has come to eat the sins of fornication Ava has committed while being unfaithful to her husband.
<p>Earlier, you had concerns about Ava telling people you were fornicating with her. Since she lives in the town, away from your immediate reach, you can't easily control what she says and does. However, you now trust that Ava feels that what happens in the confessional should stay there.</p>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>To get Ava to agree to fornicate with you, you will use another <<potionLust>> on her.
<p>Thanks to you administering Holy Communion to Ava every time she comes to confess, she shouldn't suspect anything.</p>
<<c "Pour a <<potionLust>> into the wine">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi communion 60>>
<c>You pour a lust potion into the sacramental wine.
<p>That should fool Ava into thinking the "lust demon" has awakened – The lust demon you have told Ava is possessing her to avoid having to tell her about the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 20 "pnggg">>
<c>Another concern with fornicating with women from town is making someone pregnant.
<p>To be on the safe side, you should also use a contraceptive potion on Ava.</p>
<<c "Pour <<potionContraception>> in the wine">>
<<ev 500>>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<mii misc/preggo 50>>
You pour a contraceptive potion in the sacramental wine.
<p>Since you are using the weak contraceptive potions, there is a slight chance that you will impregnate Ava if you ejaculate inside her slit. Normally, impregnating a woman from town would be very bad since you can't control her. However, with Ava, you feel the risk is acceptable because she has been unfaithful to her husband many times.</p>
<p>Lately, Ava has managed to stay faithful to her husband. But even so, with Ava's history of sleeping with strange men, you should have little problem deflecting any accusations or rumors in town that you were the one to impregnate Ava– if it were to happen.</p>
<<mii misc/notpreggo 60 png>>
You pour a contraceptive potion into the sacramental wine.
<p>That will ensure you will not impregnate Ava.</p>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<c>Finally, you consecrate the bread and wine. You are ready to begin the rite of the Eucharist – Holy Communion.
You administer the Eucharist to Ava using the consecrated bread and spiked wine.
<p>Once Ava has consumed the wine, you pray together for God's protection and to surface any demon in her.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi ava7 90>>
You take your time with the praying, waiting for the <<potionLust>> to do its thing.
<<ev 800>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s mc "How are you feeling, Ava?">>
<<s ava "The demon is surfacing, Father! It's very strong. Why is this happening? I thought you had weakened it?">>
Ava looks very scared.
<<s mc "The demon has managed to gain strength because of the mortal sins weighing on your soul. We have to use more extreme means to fight it. We have to use the gravest of sins you committed while being unfaithful. We must fornicate to weaken the demon. Then we may be able to exorcise it.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi ava8 88>>
<<s ava "But Father, are you saying we should have sex, for real?">>
<<s mc "Yes, it must be done. The demon is feeding off these gravest of mortal sins. We have no choice.">>
<<ev 940>>
<<mi ava6 45>>
<<s ava "But you have absolved my mortal sins, Father. I haven't been unfaithful since then.">>
<<s mc "Absolution means that the sins have been forgiven. It restores your connection with God and allows you to enter heaven when you die instead of facing eternal punishment in hell. But while the sins are forgiven, they are not gone. They are still weighing on your soul, and you will have to endure temporal punishment as a consequence. You may be punished for the mortal sins both in this life and in purgatory before being allowed into heaven.">>
You let this sink in with Ava before continuing.
<<s mc "Not only that, the taint of the sins attracts the Devil and his minions. That is what's happening to you. The lust demon is punishment for your mortal sins of lust.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi ava7 70>>
Filled with both lust and fear of the demon, Ava relents.
<<s ava "What should I do? Should I come over?">>
<<s mc "First tell me: Did the men finish inside you?">>
<<s ava "Sometimes. But why do you ask, Father? Will you use a condom?">>
<<s mc "No, of course not. I'm a priest and can't go against the Lord's will by using a condom. But the better we recreate what you did with the men when you were unfaithful, the weaker the demon will become. And that means finishing inside you.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<<s ava "But you can't finish inside me, $fmc. I'm not using a contraceptive. I was on a contraceptive when I was with the men. Sometimes they used condoms too. But I stopped using a contraceptive when I stopped being unfaithful. Thanks to you, Father.">>
<<s mc "But you are still intimate with your husband...">>
<<s ava "Yes, but he uses condoms. But you won't. You can't finish inside me, $fmc. Promise me. I don't want you to make me pregnant.">>
<<s mc "Okay, Ava, I promise. Now, take off your clothes and we will get started.">>
While Ava undresses, you open the divider.
<<c "Let Ava inside your side of the confessional">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi 1400-600 58>>
<c>Seeing Ava's naked body – and especially her slit, which you are about to penetrate – quickly makes you hard.
<<addlust 100>>
You pull down your pants and take out your erect member.
<<but "Tell her to lie down" chapel1 step:2000>><<but "Look at her slit" chapel1 step:1700>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi 1400-700 76>>
<c>You look at Ava's female sex and feel the strong urge to penetrate her slit with your hard manhood.
<p>And you will. Now.</p></c>
<<c "Tell her to lie down">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 78 "volume1.0 pause2">>
<cc><<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
You want to enter Ava quickly, fearing she might change her mind.
You grab your manhood and prepare to mount Ava.
Ava obediently lies on her back and spreads her legs for you, offering you her slit.
<<if !$creampied.contains("ava")>>
<<cs ava "Remember that you can't finish inside me, Father. I'm not using a contraceptive.">>
<<cs mc "I won't, I promise.">>
<<c "Penetrate Ava's slit">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 1500-2200 90 "volume0 pause2">>
<cc>You put the tip of your erect manhood against Ava's waiting slit.
<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
<p>She is surprisingly tight. You have to press to enter her.</p>
<p>You have to press to enter her tight hole.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 1500-2400 90>>
<c>Knowing she is supposed to repeat what she did with the men,
<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
Ava eagerly touches herself.
<<lineheight>>She is greatly enjoying the experience, as the <<potionLust>> is flooding her body with intense lust.
Ava touches herself.
<p>She clearly has a high sex drive, because you can tell that she enjoys it.</p>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>You fornicate with Ava, taking it slow at first, concentrating on eating her sins of fornication.
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 1500-2600 50>>
<cc>You go faster.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 1500-3000 50>>
<cc>You enjoy Ava's tight hole while eating her sins.
<p><<if $qqavaq < 1400>>Affected by the lust potion, Ava is quickly closing in on an orgasm.<<else>>It sounds like Ava is closing in on an orgasm.<</if>></p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 1500-3500 40>>
<cc>Ava is almost there. You are not far behind.
<<cs mc "Let it come like you did with the men. The demon will weaken.">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>Ava screams from pleasure as she climaxes<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>, the lust potion intensifying her orgasm.<<else>>.<</if>>
<p>This pushes you over the edge too. Your seed is coming.</p>
<<if $creampied.contains("ava")>>
<p>Having lied to Ava that you are infertile, she shouldn't care if you finish inside of her.</p>
<p>Her hole feels so good, but you promised Ava you would not finish inside her. She would probably be very upset if you did.</p>
<<but "(Pull out) Ejaculate in her face" chapel1 step:5000>><<c "Ejaculate in her slit">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 56 volume0>>
<c>Ava's slit feels too good to pull out of. You keep pounding her tight, wet hole.
<p>Trying to chant exorcism prayers while moaning with pleasure, you ejaculate inside Ava. It feels heavenly.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie10 60 pause1>>
<<if $creampied.contains("ava")>>
<cc0>Ava looks at the sperm coming out of her slit, but she says nothing.
<<creampie ava>>
<<but "Get dressed and sit down" chapel1 step:6000>>
Ava gets down on the floor, looking in horror at the sperm coming out of her slit.
<<cs ava "What did you do, Father?!">>
<<creampie ava center>>
<<ev 4550>>
<<mi m 50>>
<<cs ava "$fmc, why did you do that?! Now I could get pregnant!">>
<<cs mc "It was the best way to weaken the demon.">>
<<cs ava "But you promised you wouldn't. You lied to me.">>
<<cs mc "I didn't lie to you, I lied to the demon. To fool it and surprise it when exorcising.">>
<<cs ava "But now I could get pregnant!">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mi m 40>>
Ava is very upset. You must tell her something to stop her panicking, or you could get in trouble. Ava might go to a doctor and she might tell people what you did.
<p>The holy rite of Sin Eating you performed protects Ava from becoming pregnant, as does the contraceptive potion you slipped into her wine, but the problem is that you can't tell Ava about any of that. You must make something up.</p>
<<c "Make up a lie">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi 1500-4550 50>>
<<s mc "I'm infertile.">>
<<s ava "You are? Oh... well, why didn't you tell me that before?">>
<<s mc "Because the demon was listening. I lied to the demon to fool it.">>
<<s ava "Oh. I see... Wow, you scared me there, Father. I thought I was gonna get pregnant.">>
It seems Ava bought your explanation. The danger has been averted.
<<but "Get dressed and sit down" chapel1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv avacum 90>>
<c>You pull out of Ava and release your seed in her face, chanting prayers of exorcism between your moans of pleasure.</c>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi avacumend 90>>
<cc>You take a moment to catch your breath after the act.
<<but "Get dressed and sit down" chapel1 step:6000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi ava6 50>>
<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
<<s ava "So, did you exorcise the demon, Father?">>
<<s mc "Not likely, no, with the many grave sins of fornication you have committed while being unfaithful. The demon clings to them. But with more tries, and with the help of Jesus and Saint Michael, we should be able to weaken it enough to exorcise it, eventually.">>
<<s ava "Did you exorcise the demon this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "Not likely, no. The demon clings to your many grave sins of lust. But with the help of Jesus and Saint Michael, we will exorcise it, eventually.">>
While Ava's grave sins indeed are many, another reason this will take time is that it is hard to concentrate on eating Ava's sins of fornication while also pretending to perform an exorcism. Not to mention having trouble focusing on anything else than the wonderful feeling of thrusting your erect manhood into Ava's tight slit.
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi ava4 88>>
<<s mc "You must continue to stay faithful to your husband and you must come here regularly. We will exorcise this demon.">>
<<s ava "Yes, $fmc. I will return, and I will do my best to stay faithful. I don't want to incur any more divine punishment.">>
Ava leaves.
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi avafuck 94>>
<c>It will take more tries to cleanse Ava's many sins, but she should be in no immediate danger of Satan as long as she stays faithful and you keep helping and protecting her with the holy rites.
<<if $qqavaq < 1400>>
<p>The next time you fornicate with Ava, you should do it without using a lust potion on her.
<<q avaq 1400>></p>
<p>Until something new of note happens with Ava, you know what to do.
<<qend avaq 1600>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<switch random(0,2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<mv victoria 90 "volume0.4 pause3">>
<<case 1>>
<<mv yulan 90 "volume1.5 pause3">>
<<case 2>>
<<mv alyssa 90 "volume1 pause3">>
<cc><<if def $qqadriannaq>><<italics "You want to add Adrianna as the fourth test subject, but until you have, you might as well keep looking.">>
You spend some time taking confessions.
<p>Whenever you deem a woman young and attractive enough to risk being targeted by Satan, you ask to administer Holy Communion, something the women gladly accepts.</p>
<<specialalert2 "You also consider if the woman would be a suitable test subject for Project Amnesia.">>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject < 700>>
<<but "Keep taking confessions" chapel1 step:3300>>
<<elseif $qqjanamarry >= 1000 && ndef $qqadriannaq>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:6000>>
<<elseif def $qqadriannaq>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi chapel 70>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 1>>
<cc>You continue to take confessions.
A few more people came to confess, but none of them seemed suited to be a test subject. You have to keep looking.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii hjana/fucksuccess 60>>
<c>Eager to find a fourth test subject, you get thoughts of adding Sister Jana to the project.
<p>It is a stupid idea, far too risky, but you understand the cause of it: It is your unfulfilled desire to marry Sister Jana and have intercourse with her without a condom.</p>
<p>You must marry Sister Jana and consummate the marriage without contraceptives. Until then, you can't trust yourself to add another test subject to the project.
<<qmess amnesiaproject 750>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 3300>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject < 500>>
<<mv nena 90 "volume0.5 pause5">>
<c>Next, the townswoman Nena comes to confess.
<p>Nena has been here several times before. You administered Holy Communion to her the last few times she came – meaning she is used to drinking the consecrated wine you plan to spike with the <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<p>Nena's confessed sins have been sexual in nature – specifically, having lustful thoughts about a friend's husband.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:3400>>
<<set $nenachapel = 1>>
<<elseif !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",400)>>
<<mi ava2 50>>
<cc>You take confessions from two more women, but they weren't suitable as test subjects.
<<specialalert2 "You still haven't talked to Ava. You should do that as soon as possible.">>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<mv raylene 82 "volume0.5 pause5">>
<c>The townswoman Raylene comes to confess.
<p>She is a regular in the confession booth and used to receiving Holy Communion.</p>
<p>Raylene's confessed sins are usually related to feelings of lust. Specifically, she is sexually frustrated because her husband does not fulfill her sexual needs.</p>
<<set $raylenechapel = 1>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi nena2 80>>
All together, this may make Nena suitable as a test subject.
<p>But for your testing to work, Nena must come here more often, preferably every day. Can she do that? You must find out.</p>
<<ev 3450>>
<<mi nena4 70>>
<c>Before preparing the wine for Holy Communion, you tell Nena that you would like her to come to confess as often as she can – every day if she could – for some time, saying this may help stop her sinful thoughts.
<p>When Nena says that could work, you make her promise that she will try to come every other day at least, more often if she can.</p>
<p>That does it: Nena will become a test subject. Now you will seal the deal by giving her a lust potion and convincing her she is possessed.</p>
<<c "Prepare the wine with a <<potionLust>>">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi communion 60>>
<cc>When preparing the consecrated wine for Holy Communion, you pour a <<potionLust>> into it.</cc>
<<c "Administer Holy Communion">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi nena2 80>>
<c>Nena drinks the consecrated wine and eats the piece of consecrated bread. Then you pray together.
<<ev 3650>>
<<mi nena1 80>>
<c>Soon after, you can tell that the lust potion has started to affect Nena.
<p>You manage to convince Nena that she has been attacked by one of several lust demons that you have discovered are targeting women from the town.</p>
<p>You tell her that the demon manifested now because Nena said she would come often to confess. The strength of this promise – together with the rite of Holy Communion and praying – made God's light force the demon to surface, revealing its existence.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi nena5 60>>
<c>You tell Nena that the lust demon possessing her is the reason behind her sinful thoughts about her friend's husband. Satan's goal is to make Nena commit adultery, corrupting her soul, and ruining the marriage of her friend and her friend's husband.
<p>Nena must come often to confess, as she promised, and then you will also attempt to exorcise the demon. It will likely take several tries to successfully exorcise the demon.</p>
<p>Nena agrees to this, believing your story about the demon possessing her.</p>
<p>Everything is ready to start using Nena as a test subject. The next time she comes to confess, you will begin testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on her.
<<q amnesiaproject 500>></p>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi raylene1 80>>
Raylene would be a suitable test subject. You just need to make sure she is available to come here often in the days to come.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi raylene2 70>>
<c>Before preparing the wine for Holy Communion, you tell Raylene that you would like her to come to confess as often as she can – every day if she could – for some time, saying this may help to reduce her lustful desires.
<p>Raylene agrees to do this. You make her promise to come every other day at least, more often if she can.</p>
<p>That's it: Raylene will become a test subject. Now you will seal the deal by giving her a lust potion and convincing her she is possessed.</p>
<<c "Prepare the wine with a <<potionLust>>">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<cc>While preparing the consecrated wine for Holy Communion, you pour a lust potion into it.</cc>
<<c "Administer Holy Communion">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mi raylene1 80>>
<c>Raylene drinks the consecrated wine and eats the piece of consecrated bread. Then you pray together.
<<ev 4650>>
<<mi raylene3 80>>
<c>Soon after, you can tell that the lust potion has started to affect Raylene.
<p>Like with Nena, you manage to convince Raylene that she has been attacked by one of several lust demons that you have discovered are targeting women from the town.</p>
<p>You tell her that the demon manifested now because Raylene said she would come to confess often. The strength of this promise – together with the rite of Holy Communion and praying – made God's light force the demon to surface, revealing its existence.</p>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi raylene2 66>>
<c>You tell Raylene that the lust demon possessing her is likely the reason her husband doesn't manage to satisfy her sexually. Raylene must come often to confess, as she promised, and then you will also try to exorcise the demon.
<p>Raylene agrees to this, believing your story about the demon possessing her.</p>
<p>Everything is ready to start using Raylene as a test subject. The next time she comes to confess, you will begin testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on her.
<<q amnesiaproject 600>></p>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 14 pnggg>>
You now have three test subjects – Ava, Nena, and Raylene – to test the <<potionAmnesia>> on, but you want at least one more. You must keep taking confessions every day until you find a fourth test subject.
<<set $raylenechapel = 1>>
<<set $adriannachapel = 1>>
<<q amnesiaproject 700>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv adrianna 86 "volume0.5 pause5">>
Next, a young woman shows up. You don't recognize her, but you learn that her name is Adrianna and she is currently a <<special "trial student">> at the school.
<p>You have been told about trial students. The school allows young women to stay at the school, at a reduced fee, for a trial period. A trial student participates in classes and has her own room just like regular students.</p>
<p>Once the trial period is over, the trial student must either enroll or leave the school.</p>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
<p>Adrianna has been a trial student for about a week, and she has an astonishing revelation to make: She is Sister Dana's daughter!</p>
<p>Adrianna tells you that she was born in Mexico. Her father is unknown. He was probably a Mexican – someone Sister Dana met during the few years she lived in Mexico, before she found God.</p>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi adrianna2 45 right>>
<p>Adrianna says that Sister Dana was a drug addict at the time, living a hard life on the streets, and she abandoned Adrianna at a local church shortly after birth. Adrianna was then adopted by a good Catholic family in Mexico.</p>
<p>Sister Dana disappeared from Adrianna's life, and for many years, Adrianna had no idea who her real parents were. But a few years ago, Adrianna managed to track down her biological mother: Sister Dana.</p>
<p>Adrianna explains that she wasn't sure how Sister Dana would react if Adrianna contacted her. From what Adrianna had found in her investigation, it seems that Sister Dana had never made any attempts at contacting the church to learn what happened to her daughter. Perhaps Sister Dana wanted to be left alone, not being reminded of her sinful past.</p>
<<ev 6300>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<c>When Adrianna learned that Sister Dana taught at the school, she decided to come here as a trial student. Adrianna would like to at least see her real mother up front, and then decide what to do – if she should reveal herself to Sister Dana or not.
<p>Now Adrianna asks for your guidance on what to do. She wants to meet her biological mother – for real – but she isn't sure she would be doing the right thing. Adrianna doesn't want to inflict pain on Sister Dana.</p>
<<c "Take a moment to think about what to do" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 70>>
<c>Adrianna's arrival here must be arranged by the Lord Almighty. It is a reward to Sister Dana for her selfless sacrifice and repentance – offering herself to the lust demon – as well as her acceptance of the holy rites and willingness to repeat the perverse sins of her past that you may cleanse them.
<p>The fact that God has delivered Adrianna to you first is a sign. The Lord is giving you an opportunity to strengthen your bond with Sister Dana through Adrianna.</p>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi adrianna1 66>>
<c>But before you present Adrianna to Sister Dana, you must prepare Adrianna for accepting the holy rites as this is crucial to binding Sister Dana closer to you.
<p>Spiking the consecrated wine with a lust potion and using the exorcism ruse on Adrianna may be the best way to do this quickly.</p>
<<ev 7300>>
<<mi adrianna4 70>>
<c>And since you are looking for another test subject, Adrianna could take that place too. She is pretty enough; obviously a good Catholic; and she should be able to come every day, living at the school.
<p>Adrianna isn't a townswoman, though, and the plan was to only use townswomen as test subjects. But you can't ignore a sign from the Lord. Your plan to prepare the way for a rumor about lust demons attacking women in the town can still proceed, now with three townswomen instead of four.
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<c>But there is one problem: Since this is the first time you have met Adrianna, you haven't administered Holy Communion to her before. If you do it now, and she is filled with intense lust, it would be too easy to suspect you of tampering with the wine.
<p>You have to find another way to perform the exorcism ruse on Adrianna.
<<set $adriannachapel = 1>>
<<qstart adriannaq 100>></p>
<<c "Back to Adrianna">>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi adrianna1 60>>
<c>You decide not to administer Holy Communion to Adrianna, spiked wine or not. At least not until you have figured out how to perform the exorcism ruse on her.
<p>Instead, you just pray together with Adrianna, asking the Lord to guide her to the right decision. Until she is sure, she shouldn't approach Sister Dana.</p>
<p>Adrianna agrees to follow your advice and to come back here to pray together every day – for at least a few days before making her final decision.</p>
<p>The young woman then leaves the confessional.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv ava2 76 "pause5 volume1.5">>
<<set $avachapel = 1>>
Ava returns.
<p>She has continued to pray hard and do charity work for the poor – and she has continued to stay faithful to her husband.</p>
<p>You may need to eat more of the lustful sins Ava has committed when being unfaithful to her husband – but for now, you have more important plans: You want to test the <<potionAmnesia>> on her.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ava6 45 right>>
<l>You tell Ava that you want to see her even more often for some time. You say that this might finally help you exorcise the lust demon possessing her.
<p>Ava says she might not be able to come every day, but she will come as often as she can.</p>
<p>This means you can lock in Ava as a test subject. But you can't give her a <<potionAmnesia>> today because she must remember that she is to come as often as she can.</p>
<p>The testing of the potion on Ava will have to wait until the next time she comes to confess.
<<qmess amnesiaproject 400>>
<<c "Administer Holy Communion">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<cc>You administer Holy Communion to Ava.
<p>As usual, you have spiked the wine with a <<potionLust ,>> and a <<potionContraception>> in case you feel like releasing your seed inside her.</p></cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv avacum 76 volume0.7>>
<cc>You then fake another exorcism on Ava.
<<addlust 100>>
You do your thing and finish by ejaculating.
You then send Ava on her way.
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1620, 2300)>>
<<if $avapoints < 20>>
<<mi ava6 48>>
Ava comes.
<p>You talk about what happened the last time she was here.</p>
<p>Ava doesn't remember everything – her memory is blurry – and this worries her.</p>
<p>You calm her down by explaining that this is because the demon is partly taking over her body and her mind during the exorcism as the demon desperately tries to fight back. Ava's blurry memory is good news because it means the exorcisms are having an effect and you should continue performing them.</p>
<<mi ava6 56>>
Ava comes and you talk about what happened the last time she was here.
<p>Ava complains about her bad memory, but you calm her down by explaining that this means the exorcisms are having an effect on the lust demon and you should continue performing them.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:2220>>
<<mi communion>>
<cc>Ava comes to confess today, and you prepare the sacramental wine.
<p>This time, you not only add the usual <<potionLust >> and <<potionContraception>> to Ava's wine, but also a <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<<but "Administer Holy Communion" chapel1 step:2300>>
<<ev 2220>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<<if $avapoints < 20>>
<c>You finish taking notes on what Ava remembers from last time.
<p>Then you prepare the wine and bread for Holy Communion, as usual adding a <<potionContraception>> and a <<potionLust >> to Ava's wine, and now also a <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<p>This time, the Potion of Amnesia was made using a modified version of Ludolphus' recipe. By comparing the effect of this potion, and potions made using other, subsequent modifications of the recipe, you hope to eventually be able to improve Ludolphus' original recipe for the <<potionAmnesia .>>
<<qmess amnesiaproject 730>>
<c>After finishing taking notes on what Ava remembers from last time, you prepare for Holy Communion.
<p>You add a <<potionAmnesia>> to the wine, and also a <<potionContraception>> and a <<potionLust .>>
<<c "Administer Holy Communion">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi ava6 50>>
<c>You pray awhile.
<<s ava "I feel nothing, Father. I'm not possessed.">>
<<s mc "The demon could be hiding. Only by repeating the exorcism using lust can we say for sure.">>
<<s ava "Whatever you decide, Father.">>
<<mi ava8 70>>
<c>Ava eats the bread and drinks the spiked wine.
<p>You wait until the "lust demon" is again brought to the surface and then you get ready to perform the fake exorcism.</p>
<<but "(Oral) Do it through the hatch" chapel1 "step:2400">><<but "(Oral) Have Ava come over to you" chapel1 "step:2500">><<but "Fornicate with her" chapel1 step:2600>>
<<but "Don't perform an exorcism today" chapel1 "step:2320 amnesiaproject#completed">>
<<ev 2320>>
<<mii misc/praying2 60>>
<cc>You decide that praying with Ava is enough today.</cc>
<<endReplayEvent Continue chapel>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv avasuck3 90>>
<cc>You have Ava use her mouth on you through the hatch.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Finish down her throat" chapel1 step:2420>><<but "Finish in her face" chapel1 step:2450>>
<<ev 2420>>
<<mv avasuckcum 90>>
<cc>You finish down Ava's throat.
<<but "Get dressed and send Ava on her way" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2450>>
<<overlay "chapel/avasuckend" "misc/cum/cumpic1dark" 26 30 8 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You finish in Ava's face.
<<but "Get dressed and send Ava on her way" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 1400-1400 90>>
<cc>You have Ava come over to your side and use her mouth on you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Finish down her throat" chapel1 step:2520>><<but "Finish in her face" chapel1 step:2550>>
<<ev 2520>>
<<mv 1400-1300 90>>
<cc>You finish down Ava's throat.
<<but "Get dressed and send Ava on her way" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2550>>
<<mv avacum 90>>
<cc>You finish in Ava's face.
<<but "Get dressed and send Ava on her way" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 1500-2500 90>>
<cc>You fornicate with Ava.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Finish outside her slit" chapel1 step:2620>>
<<if $creampied.contains("ava")>>
/* To avoid continuity errors, doing this as quick fix - only allowing creampie if already done before*/
<<but "Finish inside her slit" chapel1 step:2650>>
<<ev 2620>>
<<overlay "chapel/avadickpussy" "misc/cum/cumpic2" 33 0 16 90 "png">><</overlay>>
You pull out and release your seed.
<<but "Get dressed and send Ava on her way" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2650>>
<<mv 1500-4200 56>>
<cc>You finish inside Ava's wet slit.
<<ev 2680>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie10 56>>
Ava looks at the sperm coming out of her slit, but she says nothing, believing you are infertile.
<<creampie ava>>
<<but "Get dressed and send Ava on her way" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi ava1 80>>
<c>Before sending Ava on her way, you tell her the good news that she is not possessed. But Satan may yet strike at her again. Ava should return in a while for another probatory exorcism.
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",420)>>
<p>You have completed <<if $avapoints > 0>>another<<else>>the first<</if>> round of testing on Ava.
<p>Testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Ava has started. The next time she comes to confess, you will make note of what she remembers of today.
<<qmess amnesiaproject 420>></p>
<<pamnesia ava>>
/* ugly way to do it with + points below but it is a solution to <<done>> in pamnesia being executed last. Tried adding done here, but didnt work (only one done per passage?) */
<<if $avapoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxava>>
You have completed the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Ava!
<<qmess amnesiaproject 450>>
<<if $avapoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxava>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<print setup.projectAmnesiaGirlDone("Ava")>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1640>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi nena4 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<c>After praying awhile, Nena says she doesn't feel the demon in her.
<<s mc "That may be so, but the lust demon may be hiding. An exorcism will be required to know for sure. Let's begin.">>
<c>Nena comes.
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject", 520)>>
<p>First, you note what Nena remembers of the last time she was here. Then you prepare the sacramental wine with a <<potionLust>> and a <<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",730)>>modified version of the <</if>><<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<p>Shortly after Nena drinks the wine, the "lust demon" surfaces. The exorcism can begin.</p>
<p>You spike the sacramental wine with a <<potionLust>> and a <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<p>Shortly after Nena drinks the wine, the "lust demon" surfaces. You tell Nena that she has to be prepared for the exorcism to get somewhat intimate. It may be the only way to exorcise the lust demon.</p>
<p>Nena says she will do what it takes.</p>
<<but "Tell Nena to expose her breasts" chapel1 "step:400 nenapoints<<10 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell Nena to expose her breasts" chapel1 "step:400 nenapoints>=10">>
<<but "Just pray with Nena today" chapel1 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi nena2 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<cc>You settle with just chanting a few prayers of exorcism with Nena today.</cc>
<c>You settle with just praying together with Nena today.
<p>You pray several different prayers and ask Nena to pray along with you. This way, you can test her memory of this experience the next time she comes to confess.</p>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi nena6 80>>
<c>You begin chanting prayers of exorcism. After a while, you tell Nena that exposing her breasts will in turn <<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>help expose the lust demon – if she is possessed.<<else>>expose the lust demon, making it easier to exorcise.
<p>Nena hesitates for a moment but then shows you one of her breasts.
<<addlust 30>></p><</if>>
<<but "Tell Nena to expose both of her breasts" chapel1 "step:500 disableButtonColor nenapoints<<20">>
<<but "Tell Nena to expose both of her breasts" chapel1 "step:500 nenapoints>=20">>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv nena7 80>>
<c>You tell Nena to expose both of her breasts. She does, and you take a good look at them.
You then tell her to touch her breasts, saying it will make it easier to <<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>detect a lust demon.<<else>>exorcise the demon.
<p>Again, Nena obeys, and you continue to pray.
<<addlust 30>></p><</if>>
<<but "Tell Nena to pinch her nipples" chapel1 "step:600 disableButtonColor nenapoints<<30">>
<<but "Tell Nena to pinch her nipples" chapel1 "step:600 nenapoints>=30">>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv nena8 80>>
<c>You tell Nena to pinch her nipples to further make it easier to <<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>detect a lust demon.<<else>>exorcise the lust demon.
<p>Nena obeys without hesitation. You continue to pray.
<<addlust 30>></p><</if>>
<<but "Anoint her with a strong <<potionLustOil>>" chapel1 "step:800 disableButtonColor nenapoints<<40">>
<<but "Anoint her with a strong <<potionLustOil>>" chapel1 "step:800 nenapoints>=40">>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi nena10 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "I'm detecting an evil presence in you, Nena. I will anoint you with the holy anointing oil.">>
<<s mc "I can feel the demon losing its grip on your soul, Nena. I will anoint you again with the holy anointing oil.">>
You take a vial with anointing oil, selecting an oil mixed with a strong <<potionLustOil>> and a strong <<potionLiberationOil .>>
<p>You anoint Nena with the oil, then continue praying.</p>
<<ev 820>>
<<mi nena30 84>>
<c>Soon after, Nena gets anxious.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s nena "The lust demon is back, Father! I can't resist it. It's so strong.">>
<<s mc "The lust demon has returned, but being so young inside you, it should not be deeply entrenched yet. We should be able to exorcise it today. We just need to increase the lust even more to make it lose control.">>
<<s nena "The lust demon is attacking me, Father! I can't resist it. The lust... it's so intense.">>
<<s mc "That means we are close to exorcising the lust demon. It is desperate. But also powerful. We must increase the lust even more to make it lose control.">>
<<ev 840>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi nena60 50>>
<c><<s nena "Just tell me what to do, Father.">>
<<s mc "You must get naked and sin with yourself, and I will show you my manhood. That could be enough. Are you prepared to do this, Nena?">>
<<mi nena60 50 right>>
<<s nena "More how? I'm already crazy with lust. I want to sin with myself.">>
<<s mc "You should sin with yourself. I give you permission to do it as part of the exorcism. But to increase the lust, I must help. I must add my lust to the exorcism. Are you prepared to let me do that, Nena? This may be our only chance to exorcise the demon.">>
<<s nena "Add your lust, how?">>
<<s mc "Seeing your breasts has aroused me. I can show my manhood to the demon. Then you must get completely naked and touch yourself to climax. I will pray while you do it. That might be enough to exorcise the demon. But we must act quickly. Do you agree to do what has to be done, Nena?">>
<<ev 860>>
<<mi nena30 84>>
<<s nena "Yes, if it means I can touch myself. It's so strong.">>
<<addlust 100>> /* needed for replay */
<<s mc "Then I will put my manhood through the hole, showing it to the demon, and you will get naked.">>
<<s nena "Okay, Father.">>
<<c "Stick your erect manhood through the hole">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi nena70 80>>
<c>You open the hatch and stick your hard manhood through it.
<p>Nena stops unbuttoning her shorts when she sees your erect male organ. She stares at it for a moment, then continues to undress.</p>
<<c "Watch her get naked">>
<<ev 920>>
<<mv nenastrip 90 pause1.5>>
<c>You watch Nena as she removes all her clothes.
<p>She doesn't seem very shy about stripping down naked before you, but on the other hand, she is very eager to masturbate.
<<addlust 100>>
When she is nude, Nena again stares at your manhood. Perhaps she lusts for it.</p>
<<c "Tell Nena to masturbate">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv nenamast 90 volume0.3>>
<c>When you tell Nena to masturbate, she quickly sits down and gets going.
<p>Inappropriately unashamed – maybe just too lustful to care – Nena masturbates wildly while spitting out obscene words. Her slit is slobbery wet.</p>
<<but "Tell her to suck your manhood" chapel1 "step:1100 disableButtonColor nenapoints<<50">>
<<but "Tell her to suck your manhood" chapel1 "step:1100 nenapoints>=50">>
<<c "Let her climax">>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mv nenamast100 90>>
<cc>You wait, and soon after, Nena orgasms while staring at your manhood.
Afterward, she sits still in the corner, catching her breath.
<p>You say a few final prayers to conclude the fake exorcism.</p>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi nena2 60>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "I could feel that the exorcism was successful. You are no longer possessed, but you must return soon. Satan may strike at you once more.">>
<<s mc "We struck a serious blow to the lust demon today. The next time you return, we will see if it was enough to exorcise it.">>
<<s nena "I apologize for my behavior, $fmc, with the foul language and everything. The lust demon took over me.">>
<<s mc "There is no need to apologize, Nena. Obscene behavior like that is to be expected when exercising powerful demons. No sins were added to your soul.">>
You send Nena on her way.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv nenamast100 90>>
<<s mc "The lust demon is close to losing control. We need one final push of lust. You must use your mouth on me.">>
<<s nena "I'm so close, Father. Let me finish!">>
<<s mc "You can finish when you're using your mouth on me. It would be the most effective.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi nena100 84>>
Nena forces herself to stop and gets up on her knees.
She takes your manhood in her hand, but then she hesitates.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "You have to do it now, Nena. Quickly, and I may be able to exorcise the demon.">>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mv nena120 90>>
<cc>Nena steels herself and gets to work.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv nena160 90 volume0.3>>
Nena masturbates while sucking your manhood.
<p>She continues to occasionally utter obscene words, lost to intense lust.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv nena170 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>After a while, Nena reaches orgasm.</cc>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv nena200 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>Giving her no time to rest, you order Nena to continue sucking your manhood.
<p>You soon climax.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive my seed!">></p>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv nena300 90 volume0.3>>
<c>Seemingly still excited from the lust potion, Nena cries out obscene dirty words as you shoot your seed at her.
<p>Perhaps it is her words or something else, but you drench her in semen.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv nena400 90 pause2>>
<c><<s nena "So much from you, Father. It's all over me.">>
<<s mc "I summoned all my lust to help banish the lust demon. We'll see if it was enough. Now pray with me.">>
<<ev 2120>>
<<mi nena500 90>>
Together with a seed-covered Nena, you chant a final prayer to complete the fake exorcism.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "Good news, Nena. I can feel that the exorcism was successful. You are no longer possessed, but you must return soon. Satan may strike at you once more.">>
<<s mc "We will know if the exorcism was successful when you return.">>
Nena gets dressed and leaves.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi nena4 70>>
<cc>You end the exorcism and tell Nena that she is currently not possessed. But Satan may strike at her again. She should return soon for another checkup.</cc>
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",520)>>
<p>You have completed <<if $nenapoints > 0>>another<<else>>the first<</if>> round of testing on Nena.
<p>Testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Nena has started. The next time she comes to confess, you will make note of what she remembers of today.
<<qmess amnesiaproject 520>></p>
<<pamnesia nena>>
/* ugly way to do it with + points below but it is a solution to <<done>> in pamnesia being executed last. Tried adding done here, but didnt work (only one done per passage?) */
<<if $nenapoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxnena>>
You have completed the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Nena!
<<qmess amnesiaproject 550>>
<<if $nenapoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxnena>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<print setup.projectAmnesiaGirlDone("Nena")>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1660>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi raylene2 66>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<c>After praying awhile, Raylene says she doesn't feel the demon in her.
<<s mc "That may be so, but the lust demon may be hiding. An exorcism will be required to know for sure. Let's begin.">>
<c>Raylene comes.
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject", 620)>>
First, you note what Raylene remembers of the last time she was here. Then you prepare the sacramental wine with a <<potionLust>> and a <<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",730)>>modified version of the <</if>><<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<p>Shortly after Raylene drinks the wine, the "lust demon" surfaces. The exorcism can begin.</p>
<p>You spike the sacramental wine with a <<potionLust>> and a <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<p>Shortly after Raylene drinks the wine, the "lust demon" surfaces. You tell Raylene that she has to be prepared for the exorcism to get somewhat intimate. It may be the only way to exorcise the lust demon.</p>
<p>Raylene agrees to this.</p>
<<but "Tell Raylene to expose her breasts" chapel1 "step:400 raylenepoints<<10 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell Raylene to expose her breasts" chapel1 "step:400 raylenepoints>=10">>
<<but "Just pray with Raylene today" chapel1 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi raylene1 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<cc>You settle with just chanting prayers of exorcism with Raylene today.</cc>
<c>You settle with just praying together with Raylene today.
<p>You pray several different prayers and ask Raylene to pray along with you. This way, you can test her memory of this experience the next time she comes to confess.</p>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv raylene4 80 pause2>>
<c>You tell Raylene to expose her breasts, which will in turn expose the lust demon<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>> – if it is there.<<else>>, making it easier to exorcise.
<p>Fighting the intense lust from the lust potion, Raylene obeys without a word.
<<addlust 30>></p><</if>>
<<but "Tell Raylene to squeeze her breasts" chapel1 "step:500 raylenepoints<<20 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell Raylene to squeeze her breasts" chapel1 "step:500 raylenepoints>=20">>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv raylene5 90>>
<c>You tell Raylene to squeeze her breasts, saying it will make it easier to <<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>> detect the demon.<<else>>exorcise the demon.
<p>Consumed with lust, Raylene obeys. She can't hide how much it brings her pleasure.
<<addlust 30>></p><</if>>
<<but "Tell her to strip down naked" chapel1 "step:600 raylenepoints<<30 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell her to strip down naked" chapel1 "step:600 raylenepoints>=30">>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv raylene6 90 pause2>>
<c>You tell Raylene to strip down naked, saying it will expose the <<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>possible demon even more.<<else>>lust demon even more.
<p>Raylene hesitates, but she can't say no.
<<addlust 30>></p><</if>>
<<but "Tell her to touch herself" chapel1 "step:700 raylenepoints<<40 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell her to touch herself" chapel1 "step:700 raylenepoints>=40">>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv raylene20 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You tell Raylene that you must increase the lust even more to draw out the lust demon. She should touch herself to climax.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s raylene "I'm not sure I can. I don't feel much lust.">>
<<s mc "If you can't, that's fine, but you should try your best.">>
Raylene starts masturbating, and it seems she manages to enjoy it.
<p>Raylene looks unwilling at first, but with intense lust in her body, you soon convince her, and she begins touching herself.
<<but "Show her your manhood" chapel1 "step:800 raylenepoints<<50 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Show her your manhood" chapel1 "step:800 raylenepoints>=50">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<c "Give her a chance to climax">>
<<c"Let her climax">>
<<ev 720>>
<<mv raylene30 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You watch Raylene masturbate as you continue to chant prayers.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<p>It takes a while, but Raylene eventually manages to climax.</p>
<p>You chant a final prayer with her.
<<s mc "Good news, Raylene. I can tell that your climax was natural. It was not from the lust demon, but your libido.">>
<p>Raylene soon climaxes.</p>
<p>You give her a moment to rest, then you say a final prayer and send Raylene on her way.</p><</if>>
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi raylene40 60>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "A lust demon may still be hiding in you. We need even more lust to find out for sure. I must add my own, Raylene. And you must help me.">>
<<s mc "The lust demon is struggling to resist but we need even more lust. I must add my own, Raylene. And you must help me.">>
<<s raylene "How?">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "I will show you my manhood and you must pleasure me with your hand. Are you prepared to do what it takes?">>
<<s mc "I will show you my manhood and you must pleasure me with your hand. Are you prepared to do what it takes to exorcise the lust demon?">>
<<s raylene "I will do it.">>
<<c "Stick your manhood through the hole">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv raylene60 90 volume0.4>>
<<addlust 100>> /* needed for replay */
You open the hatch and stick your manhood through the hole.
<p>Raylene takes your erect member in one hand and continues touching herself with the other.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv raylene80 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Soon after, Raylene climaxes.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "I can tell there wasn't anything sinister behind your climax. This is good. If a lust demon is in you, it can't have much strength left to stay hidden. We need a final push to find out the truth. You must use your mouth on me and I will climax. Quickly, or we lose the moment!">>
<<s mc "That's good, the lust demon is almost losing control now. We need a final push. You must use your mouth on me and I will climax. Quickly, or we lose the moment!">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv raylene100 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Raylene obeys and takes your erect manhood in her mouth. She proceeds to pleasure you using her mouth and hand.
<p><<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>You can tell that Raylene has done this before.<<else>>Again, it is evident that this is far from the first time Raylene has done this.<</if>> It does not speak well of her, supposedly being a conservative Catholic woman, but you say nothing.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv raylene140 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Raylene sucks you skillfully. You wonder exactly how much experience this woman has with sinful things like this. Is this what is going on down in the town?
<<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>><p>You might need to investigate the town more closely someday. You have tried to stop Satan's corruption from spreading from the monastery, but what if the town is the actual source?</p><</if>>
You don't last long. Your seed is coming.
<<s mc "Prepare to receive my seed!">></p>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv raylene200 94 volume0.4>>
<cc>You ejaculate in Raylene's face. It feels very good.
Afterward, you chant a prayer to conclude the fake exorcism.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<cs mc "Good news, Raylene. No lust demon could have resisted this.">>
<<cs mc "We have to wait until your next visit to see if the exorcism was successful.">>
Raylene gets dressed and you send her on her way.
<<but "End the exorcism" chapel1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi raylene1 70>>
<cc>You end the exorcism and tell Raylene that she is currently not possessed. But Satan may strike at her again. She should return soon for another checkup.</cc>
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",620)>>
<p>You have completed <<if $raylenepoints > 0>>another<<else>>the first<</if>> round of testing on Raylene.
<p>Testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Raylene has started. The next time she comes to confess, you will make note of what she remembers of today.
<<qmess amnesiaproject 620>></p>
<<pamnesia raylene>>
/* ugly way to do it with + points below but it is a solution to <<done>> in pamnesia being executed last. Tried adding done here, but didnt work (only one done per passage?) */
<<if $raylenepoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxraylene>>
You have completed the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Raylene!
<<qmess amnesiaproject 650>>
<<if $raylenepoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxraylene>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<print setup.projectAmnesiaGirlDone("Raylene")>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1680>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqadriannaq < 200>>
<<mi adrianna1 60>>
Adrianna enters the confessional.
<p>Since you still haven't figured out how to perform the exorcism ruse on Adrianna, you do nothing else but pray together today.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<elseif $qqadriannaq < 300>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
Adrianna enters the confessional. She is visibly shaken.
<<s adrianna "$fmc, I had a terrible nightmare. Can I tell you about it? It's very sinful.">>
<<s mc "Of course you can tell me, my child. And you should. Nightmares can be a sign from God or an attack by Satan. Don't be ashamed – tell me every detail, no matter how sinful.">>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:200>>
<<elseif $adriannapoints == 0>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
Adrianna enters the confessional.
<p>You explain that you have prepared for another exorcism of the lust demon possessing her. First, you want to administer Holy Communion to strengthen God's protection on her.</p>
<p>Adrianna is fine with that, ready to follow your lead.</p>
<<but "Prepare for Holy Communion" chapel1 step:300>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
Adrianna enters the confessional.
<<if $adriannapoints == 10>>
<p>You take detailed notes on what she remembers from your last meeting.</p>
<p>Adrianna complains that her memory of what happened isn't very good. You explain to her that this is a good sign. It means the demon exposed itself enough that you could reach it with God's light. But not enough to exorcise it.</p>
<p>You take detailed notes on what she remembers from your last meeting.<<if $adriannapoints<30>>When Adrianna complains about her bad memory of the last visit, you remind her that this is a good sign as it means the exorcism is affecting the demon.<</if>></p>
<<but "Prepare another exorcism" chapel1 step:420>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi adrianna2 40>>
Adrianna tells you what she remembers of the nightmare she had.
<p>As you hoped, it was a mix of lust and horror. The nightmare itself was rather chaotic, jumping from one thing to another, but some of it had to do with Adrianna having sex with a man. Against her will – but she also enjoyed it.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<c>Before you consecrate the small cup of sacramental wine, you pour a <<potionAmnesia>> into it.
<<c "Administer Holy Communion">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi adrianna1 60>>
<c>You give the consecrated wine and bread to Adrianna and complete the rite of the Eucharist.
<<s mc "Now we will commence with the exorcism. I will begin by applying the holy anointing oil to your forehead, then we will pray to draw out the demon. Whatever happens after, you must be prepared to do what I ask, Adrianna, to most effectively exorcise this vile lust demon.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father. I will do what you ask of me.">>
<<ev 410>>
<<mii school/adrianna/head 40>>
<c>Despite her assurance, you will take it slow with Adrianna – just as with the other test subjects – waiting with the most intimate sexual acts until later tests.
<p>However, for your plans for Adrianna and her biological mother Sister Dana, it is important that Adrianna becomes used to being intimate with you, which is why you will also use a <<potionLiberation>> on her.</p>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:500>>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<<if $adriannapoints >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxadrianna - setup.projectAmnesiaStage>>
You prepare to administer Holy Communion to Adrianna.
<<set $temp = "adriannabj">>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:450>>
<c>You administer Holy Communion to Adrianna with wine you have spiked with a <<potionAmnesia .>>
<<but "Begin the exorcism" chapel1 step:500>>
<<ev 450>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 13 pnggg>>
<c>But this time, you will not use a <<potionAmnesia>> on Adrianna.
<p>Because today, you want Adrianna to remember everything. That will serve your plans for her – when Project Amnesia has finished.
<p>Technically, you will not test the Potion of Amnesia itself, but today could still be seen as part of the testing – serving as a control test.</p>
<p>Adrianna should remember everything from today. If she doesn't, it means there may be a lingering amnesia effect from the potions.</p>
<<c "Begin the exorcism">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv adrianna5 86 pause2>>
You anoint Adrianna with the anointing oil, containing a weak mix of <<potionLustOil>> and <<potionLiberationOil .>>
<p>You begin to pray, and soon after, Adrianna tells you the lust demon is surfacing.</p>
<p>You tell her to fight the urge to touch herself while you attempt to exorcise the demon.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
<c>After praying awhile, Adrianna says she doesn't feel the demon in her.
<<s mc "That may be so, but the lust demon may be hiding. An exorcism will be required to know for sure. Let's begin.">>
<<mi adrianna4 70>>
<<if $adriannapoints < 20>>
<<s adrianna "It's weaker this time. I think I can resist it.">>
<<s mc "We caught it off-guard the first time. It will be harder to exorcise now because it is deeply entrenched in you. We may have to try something more effective.">>
<<s adrianna "Like what?">>
<<s adrianna "I think I can resist it.">>
You remind Adrianna that the demon is still deeply entrenched in her. You may have to try something more effective to exorcise it.
<<but "Tell Adrianna to expose her breasts" chapel1 "step:7000 adriannapoints<<10 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell Adrianna to expose her breasts" chapel1 "step:7000 adriannapoints>=10">>
<<if $temp!="adriannabj">>
<<but "Just pray today" chapel1 step:700>>
<<ev 700>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi adrianna2 50>>
<<cs mc "We'll settle with just prayers today. It should be enough right now.">>
<<cs adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
You chant a few prayers of exorcism.
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
<<s mc "We'll settle with just prayers today. It may be enough.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
You continue to pray for a while, continuing the fake exorcism.
<<c "End the exorcism">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<c><<s mc "Good news. There is no sign of a demon possessing you. But Satan may strike at you again. You must return in a while and we will perform another probatory exorcism.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
Adrianna leaves.
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<s mc "That's all for today. We will continue the exorcism tomorrow. Do you think you can manage without sinning with yourself in your room?">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father, I think so. It's not that bad... I will manage with prayers.">>
<<s mc "Good. I'll see you again tomorrow.">>
Adrianna leaves.
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:10000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi adrianna3 66>>
<c>You explain to Adrianna that despite the terrible things happening in the nightmare, you believe the nightmare came from God, not Satan. It was a warning.
<<s adrianna "A warning of what?">>
<<s mc "I'm not sure, but maybe we can find out. You might be possessed by a lust demon.">>
<<s adrianna "A lust demon?">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi adrianna2 40>>
<<s mc "Yes. There is much you don't know about what's going on here, Adrianna. The fact is that Satan is attacking the convent, possibly the town too. Using lust demons is one of the ways he attacks. This may sound exaggerated, but I assure you it's real. I want to perform a probatory exorcism on you, Adrianna. It should reveal if you are possessed. Will you agree to it, my child?">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father. If you want to.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then let's begin.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi adrianna3 66>>
<c>You explain to Adrianna that you will use a special holy anointing oil meant for exorcisms. Little does she know that you have prepared an anointing oil that includes <<potionLustOil>> and <<potionLiberationOil .>>
<p>Since it's important to quickly get Adrianna on the right path, you decided to add the liberation oil. It will make Adrianna lose some of her inhibitions, making it easier to convince her she is possessed.</p>
<<c "Perform the exorcism">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv adrianna5 80>>
<c>You begin the exorcism by rubbing the anointing oil on Adrianna's skin. Then you chant the usual prayers of exorcism.
A couple of minutes later, Adrianna is starting to look uncomfortable.
<<s mc "What's happening, Adrianna? Do you feel lust?">>
<<s adrianna "Yes. It's growing stronger. I have to resist sinning with myself.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<<s mc "It means you are possessed, by a lust demon, as I feared. God's light has made it surface and now it's fighting back.">>
<<s adrianna "Can you remove it, Father?">>
<<s mc "I will do the best I can today, but it will likely take many attempts to exorcise this demon.">>
Keep chanting the prayers.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi adrianna4 70>>
<c>After some time, you stop the chanting and explain that you have done all you can for today.
<<s mc "This was just a probatory exorcism. Now that I know what I'm dealing with, I can better prepare for the next exorcism.">>
<<s adrianna "But I don't understand how I can be possessed by a lust demon. I haven't felt an increased lust since coming to the school.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi adrianna2 45 right>>
<<s mc "Satan could have planted the lust demon as a sleeping agent to infiltrate the school – and possibly the convent since your mother, Sister Dana, is a nun. The demon may have been waiting for the right time to strike, possibly jumping to another person, like Sister Dana, without ever revealing its existence in you. But the probatory exorcism foiled those plans.">>
<<s mc "Adrianna, you can not reveal your identity to Sister Dana before we have exorcised the demon possessing you. It would put her in danger. You should keep a distance from Sister Dana.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, of course, I understand, $fmc. But what should I do right now, about this lust? It's hard to resist it.">>
<<s mc "I understand. Hmm... I could make an exception, this once, and permit you to take care of it yourself, in your room. I will absolve you of the sin in advance.">>
<<s adrianna "Thank you, Father. I just want it to go away.">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi adrianna3 66>>
<<s mc "Just remember that I'm making an exception this time because of the special circumstances since neither of us was prepared. Don't count on it the next time. I will try to exorcise the lust demon, but it will not give up easily and things could get ugly, like today. Then I will need your help to fight it, doing what is required.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
You let Adrianna leave. She hurries away, eager to go to her room and pleasure herself to orgasm.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>Since you did not use a <<potionAmnesia>> on Adrianna, she will remember everything that happened today, which will play in your favor later.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 45 pnggg>>
<c>Everything went according to plan and Adrianna is ready to become one of your test subjects for the project. The next time she comes, you will use the Potion of Amnesia on her.
<p>Before supper today, you must sneak into Adrianna's room and remove the oily cloth from under her bed.
<<q adriannaq 300>> </p>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 14 pnggg>>
<c>Having added Adrianna to the project, you now have four test subjects. You are satisfied with this and can stop looking for more test subjects.
<p>Now you must complete the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on all four test subjects.
<<q amnesiaproject 800>></p></c>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "As you know, the lust demon is attracted to lust and sexuality. I feel prayers won't be enough today. We must use more extreme measures to make sure you aren't possessed. You must expose your breasts, Adrianna.">>
<<s mc "The lust demon is attracted to lust and sexuality. If you expose yourself intimately, you will draw out the demon.">>
<<s adrianna "Expose myself, how?">>
<<s mc "Showing your breasts could be enough. I'm sorry, Adrianna, but you have to make sacrifices to help me exorcise the demon.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 7100>>
/* exorcisms after the first one come here */
<<mv adrianna6 90 pause3>>
<cc>Adrianna exposes her breasts. You take a moment to stare at them.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<cs adrianna "What now?">>
<<but "Tell her to touch her breasts" chapel1 "step:7400 adriannapoints<<20 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell her to touch her breasts" chapel1 "step:7400 adriannapoints>=20">>
<<if $temp!="adriannabj">>
<<but "Just pray" chapel1 step:7200>>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
You chant a final prayer of exorcism.
<<cs mc "I feel no evil in you, Adrianna. I think this will be enough evidence you aren't possessed, for today. But you must return in a while and I will perform another probatory exorcism. Satan may come for you again.">>
<<cs mc "Yes, Father.">>
<<cs mc "That might be enough. You may get dressed and I will continue to pray.">>
You spend time praying.
Eventually, you end the fake exorcism and tell Adrianna you have done what you can for today.
<p>Adrianna leaves.</p>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:10000>>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mv adrianna7 90>>
<cc>You tell Adrianna to touch her breasts, and she obeys.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>><p>Low moans of pleasure escape from her mouth.
<<but "Tell her you must watch closely" chapel1 "step:7600 adriannapoints<<30 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell her you must watch closely" chapel1 "step:7600 adriannapoints>=30">>
<<if $temp!="adriannabj">>
<<but "Just pray" chapel1 step:7200>>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mv adrianna10 90>>
<cc>You tell Adrianna that it will be more effective if you watch her closely because your lust will attract the lust demon<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>> – if she is possessed.<<else>>, weakening its grip on Adrianna.<</if>>
<p>Adrianna continues to touch her breasts while you look at her.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<but "Tell her to get naked" chapel1 "step:7800 adriannapoints<<40 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Tell her to get naked" chapel1 "step:7800 adriannapoints>=40">>
<<if $temp!="adriannabj">>
<<but "Just pray" chapel1 step:7200>>
<<ev 7800>>
<<mi adrianna11 76>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<cc><<s mc "I'm not sure, I may sense something evil. You must expose yourself even more intimately to make sure. You must get naked.">>
<<cs adrianna "Do you have to watch me, Father?">>
<<cs mc "It's the most effective way to do it, yes.">>
<<cs adrianna "I understand, Father.">>
<c><<s mc "The lust demon is exposing itself, but not enough. You must expose yourself even more intimately. You must get naked.">>
<<s adrianna "Do you have to watch me, Father?">>
<<s mc "It's the most effective way to do it, yes.">>
<<s adrianna "I understand, Father.">>
<<c "Watch her get naked">>
<<ev 7900>>
<<mv adrianna21 94 pause2>>
<cc>You watch Adrianna strip naked.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<addlust 100>>
<p>You continue chanting the prayers of exorcism.</p>
<<but "Anoint her with a strong <<potionLustOil>>" chapel1 "step:8000 adriannapoints<<50 disableButtonColor">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<but "Anoint her with a weak <<potionLustOil>>" chapel1 "step:8000">>
<<but "Anoint her with a strong <<potionLustOil>>" chapel1 "step:8000 adriannapoints>=50">>
<<if $temp!="adriannabj">>
<<but "Just pray" chapel1 step:7200>>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi adrianna22 56>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "I'm still not sure about you, Adrianna. I will anoint you with the holy anointing oil and we may get an answer.">>
You take a vial with anointing oil, this time using an oil mixed with a weak <<potionLustOil>> and a weak <<potionLiberationOil .>>
<<s mc "I can feel the demon losing its grip on your soul, Adrianna. I will anoint you again with the holy anointing oil.">>
You take a vial with anointing oil, but this time an oil mixed with a strong <<potionLustOil>> and a strong <<potionLiberationOil .>>
<p>You anoint Adrianna with the oil, then continue praying.</p>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mi adrianna25 76>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<c>Soon after, Adrianna breaks her silence.
<<s adrianna "I feel it, Father. The lust demon is back. But it's not very strong. I think I can resist it.">>
<<s mc "The lust demon hasn't had time to grow in strength, and we can't let it. You must touch yourself. This may excite the demon enough that I can exorcise it.">>
<c>Soon after, Adrianna starts to moan.
<<s adrianna "The lust is so strong now, Father. I want to touch myself so much.">>
<<s mc "Do it! Touch yourself! This may excite the demon enough that I can exorcise it.">>
<<ev 8400>>
<<mv adrianna40 98 volume0.4>>
<c>Adrianna begins to masturbate.
<p>She is going slow, maybe because she is shy about doing it in front of you.
<<s mc "That's good. Show your pink slit to me. It will excite the demon.">>
<<c "Keep watching her">>
<<ev 8600>>
<<mv adrianna51 70 volume0.4>>
<cc>Adrianna's lust is taking over and she masturbates fast.
<p>She will have an orgasm soon if she continues like this.</p>
<<if $temp=="adriannabj">>
<p>But you have something else planned for her today.</p>
<<but "Show her your erect manhood" chapel1 "step:9000 adriannapoints<<60 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Show her your erect manhood" chapel1 "step:9000 adriannapoints>=60">>
<<if $temp!="adriannabj">>
<<but "Let her orgasm" chapel1 step:8700>>
<<ev 8700>>
<<mv adrianna61 66 volume0.4>>
<cc>Adrianna orgasms before you.
You keep chanting prayers for a minute while Adrianna catches her breath.
<<cs mc "You get may dressed now, Adrianna.">>
<<c "Wait for her to dress">>
<<ev 8800>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<c><<s mc "I can feel that the evil was banished from you, Adrianna. You are no longer possessed. But this shows that Satan is still targeting you. The Evil One wants to infiltrate the school and the convent, but we can't let him. You must return soon and I will perform another probatory exorcism.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father">>
Adrianna leaves.
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<s mc "I almost managed to exorcise the lust demon this time. Next time, I may succeed.">>
<<s adrianna "Father, I'm ashamed of what I did, and you watching me. Will I have to do this again?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps, to finally exorcise the demon.">>
<<s adrianna "Have I done this before? I can't remember...">>
<<s mc "No, this was the first time.">>
You send Adrianna on her way.
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:10000>>
<<ev 9000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<mi adrianna22 55>>
<<s mc "Adrianna, the lust demon is almost at a breaking point, but we need more lust – one final push to exorcise it. You must use your mouth on me.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father. I will do it.">>
<<mi adrianna22 45 right>>
<<s mc "Adrianna, the lust demon is almost at a breaking point! We need more lust – one final push to exorcise it. You must use your mouth on me.">>
<<s adrianna "What do you mean, Father? Do you mean... sexually?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I'm afraid so. If we both climax, I'm sure the demon will lose its grip on you.">>
<<s adrianna "But can't you do it yourself?">>
<<s mc "No, the lust demon is in you. You have to do it. This is our chance, Adrianna. We may never have it again.">>
<<s adrianna "Okay, Father. I will do it.">>
<<c "Stick your manhood through the hole">>
<<ev 9100>>
<<mv adrianna100 90 "volume0.5 pause1">>
<<addlust 100>>
You open the hatch and stick your manhood through the hole.
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<p>Adrianna freezes and stares for a moment when she sees your erect member, still not quite used to it. Then she kneels and takes your manhood in her mouth.</p>
<p>Adrianna gasps when she sees your erect member. With intense lust raging through her body, she forces herself to focus on your hard manhood instead of her wet slit.</p>
<<ev 9200>>
<<mv adrianna120 96 volume0.4>>
<cc>You enjoy Adrianna's sweet mouth for a while.
<<cs mc "I'm close to climaxing. You should climax before me. Use your hand.">>
<<ev 9300>>
<<mv adrianna200 90 volume0.4>>
<c>With one hand on her wet slit and the other on your erect manhood, it doesn't take long before Adrianna reaches orgasm.
<<s adrianna "It's happening now, Father.">>
You wait until Adrianna has finished climaxing.
<<s mc "Now I too must climax. Quickly, use your mouth.">>
<<ev 9400>>
<<mv adrianna251 84 volume0.4>>
<cc>Adrianna gets to work on your manhood. Her mouth feels so good.
Soon, you can't take any more.
<<cs mc "My seed is coming!">>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<ev 9600>>
<<mv adriannacum 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>You moan as you ejaculate your semen.
<p>Adrianna uses her hand to drain every last drop from your sack.</p>
<<ev 9700>>
<<mi adriannacum 80>>
You chant a few final prayers of exorcism to complete the ruse.
<p>Adrianna waits quietly, looking ashamed, faced with the reality of what she has done.</p>
<<c "End the fake exorcism and get dressed">>
<<ev 9800>>
<<mi adrianna3 80>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s mc "I can feel that the exorcism was successful. The lust demon has left you, Adrianna. But Satan may strike again. You must return soon for another probatory exorcism.">>
<<s adrianna "Are you sure what we did was not a sin, Father? It sure feels like it.">>
<<s mc "I'm not sure the exorcism was successful, but maybe. We have to wait until tomorrow to find out.">>
<<s adrianna "Will we have to do this again if the demon is still in me?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps, perhaps not. Prayers might be enough. We dealt a serious blow to it today.">>
<<s adrianna "I hope prayers will be enough. Are you sure what we did was not a sin, Father? It sure feels like it.">>
<<s mc "Fear not, my child. What we did was part of the exorcism, a sacramental, and the purpose was to drive out the evil possessing you. Our actions were blessed.">>
<<ev 9900>>
<<mi adrianna4 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<s adrianna "I'm still surprised lust demons like that are real.">>
<<s adrianna "I haven't felt such strong lust ever. Not even close to. I didn't know lust demons like that were real.">>
<<s mc "They are real, but rarely that powerful. You now understand better what I told you earlier about Satan attacking this place.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, I understand now, Father.">>
You send Adrianna on her way.
<<set $temp=null>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<endReplayEvent "Continue" chapel>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:10000>>
<<ev 10000>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",830)>>
You have started testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on Adrianna.
<p>The next time Adrianna comes to the confessional, you will note what she remembers of today.
<<qmess amnesiaproject 830>>
<p>You have completed <<if $adriannapoints > 0>>another<<else>>the first<</if>> round of testing on Adrianna.
<<pamnesia adrianna>>
<<if $adriannapoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxadrianna>>
You have completed the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on Adrianna!
<<qmess amnesiaproject 850>>
<<if $adriannapoints + setup.projectAmnesiaStage >= setup.projectAmnesiaMaxadrianna>>
<<elseif $qqadriannaq < 500>>
<<but "Continue" chapel1 step:12000>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 11000>>
<<mi adrianna400 80>>
The next time you meet Adrianna, she should remember everything that happened today.
<<q adriannaq 600 center>>
<<ev 11200>>
<<print setup.projectAmnesiaGirlDone("Adrianna")>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<ev 12000>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii school/adrianna/head 40 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/dana/head 40 "left pnggg nomarginRight">>
<c>Your plan for Adrianna and her biological mother Sister Dana has to wait until you have finished Project Amnesia.
<<q adriannaq 500>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>> /* to not have encounter9 show up today */
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>For the final phase of Project Amnesia, you will test the new, modified recipe for the <<potionAmnesia>> that is the result of all the testing on the test subjects.
<p>Hopefully, the new recipe will be an improvement of the original recipe.</p>
<<c "Wait for the test subjects to arrive">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi raylene1 70>>
Raylene arrives.
<p>You do the usual routine of administering Holy Communion to her – and spiking the consecrated wine with a <<potionLust>> and the improved <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv raylene60 90 volume0.3>>
<<addlust 100>>
Continuing the exorcism ruse, you make Raylene undress and then pleasure the both of you.
<<ev 400>>
<<mv raylene200 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You finish by ejaculating in her face.
Raylene gets dressed and leaves. Now it remains to be seen what she remembers of today, the next time you meet her.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
<c>Next, Adrianna arrives.
<p>You did <<italics not>> give Adrianna a <<potionAmnesia>> the last time you met her, and now you interrogate her about what she remembers, noting every detail.</p>
<<ev 520>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<c>As expected, Adrianna remembers everything very well, showing no signs of having any lingering memory problems from the previous uses of the <<potionAmnesia>> on her.
<p>This shows that the effect of the amnesia potion wears off relatively quickly, meaning the potion must be given to the target around the time you want them to forget.</p>
<<ev 530>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>You are pleased. It is a good thing that the effect of the <<potionAmnesia>> wears off relatively quickly without any lasting memory impairment on the target.
<<ev 550>>
<<mi adrianna2 50>>
<<s adrianna "Since I remember everything, does that mean the lust demon was exorcised?">>
<<s mc "It would seem so, but we have to be sure. The demon might have managed to retreat, hiding itself, in a last, desperate effort to avoid being exorcised. I must perform another exorcism. If the demon is still there, it's likely significantly weakened and it won't be able to stay hidden.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<c>Following what you said, you do the usual routine with Adrianna, using the consecrated wine and later the anointing oil to deliver a potent combination of the <<potionLust>> and the <<potionLiberation ,>> and this time, also the improved <<potionAmnesia .>>
<<c "Begin the exorcism">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi adrianna4 70>>
A short while later, the lust potion starts to affect Adrianna.
<<s adrianna "Oh, no! It's still here, Father! It's coming.">>
<<s mc "As I suspected. Have faith, Adrianna. The demon might be weakened enough to be exorcised.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv adrianna200 90 volume0.3>>
<<addlust 100>>
Continuing the exorcism ruse, you make Adrianna undress and then pleasure the both of you.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv adriannacum 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You finish by ejaculating in her face.
Adrianna gets dressed and leaves. Now it remains to be seen what she remembers of today, the next time you meet her.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi ava1 70>>
<c>Next, Ava arrives.
<p>You do the usual routine with Ava, using the consecrated wine to deliver a combination of the <<potionContraception>> and the <<potionLust ,>> and also the improved <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 1500-4000 70 volume0.8>>
<<addlust 100>>
Continuing the exorcism ruse, you fornicate with Ava.
<<ev 2400>>
<<overlay "chapel/avadickpussy" "misc/cum/cumpic2" 33 0 16 80 "png">><</overlay>>
You finish by pulling out to ejaculate.
Ava gets dressed and leaves. Now it remains to be seen what she remembers of today, the next time you meet her.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi nena2 70>>
Finally, the remaining test subject, Nena, is also coming today.
<p>You do the usual routine of administering Holy Communion to her – and spiking the consecrated wine with a <<potionLust>> and the improved <<potionAmnesia .>></p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv nena170 90 volume0.3>>
<<addlust 100>>
Continuing the exorcism ruse, you make Nena undress and then pleasure the both of you.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv nena300 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You finish by ejaculating in her face.
Nena gets dressed and leaves. Now it remains to be seen what she remembers of today, the next time you meet her.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>All test subjects have been given the new and (hopefully) improved <<potionAmnesia .>>
<p>Tomorrow, you will evaluate the result.
<<q amnesiaproject 2300>>
<<but "Continue" chapel>>
<<event 1720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>It is time to evaluate the result of the final test of the improved <<potionAmnesia .>> You are optimistic that it will be better than the original recipe, but it remains to be seen.
<<c "Wait for the test subjects to arrive">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi nena2 70>>
Nena is the first one to come today.
<p>You interrogate her about what she remembers of your last meeting, noting every detail.</p>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi nena4 70>>
/* Note: doing daysincelaststage 1 here but actually checks for 2 days since last test since quest is silently updated with qset morning after */
<<set $temp2 = setup.daysSinceLastStage("amnesiaproject",1) ? true : false>>
<c>It turns out that Nena hardly remembers being here. She thinks she may have been, but she is not sure.
<p>When you tell her that things got intimate, trying to trigger a memory, Nena still doesn't remember much of what happened. She remembers things getting intimate on a few earlier occasions with you, but she isn't sure if it happened the last time.</p>
<p>She also tells you that she woke up with a headache <<if $temp2>> the morning after being here.<<else>>this morning.<</if>></p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>You are pleased with the result on Nena. The improved <<potionAmnesia>> was indeed an improvement, with only a possible mild side effect in the form of a headache.
<p>Now, for the final act, you will convince Nena that the lust demon has finally been exorcised.
/*have oral sex with Nena without using the amnesia potion or a lust potion. The next time when she returns and remembers everything, you will tell her that the lust demon has finally been exorcised.*/
<<ev 400>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<c>You do the usual routine of administering Holy Communion to Nena, but this time you do not spike the consecrated wine with anything at all.
<<c "Begin the exorcism by praying">>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi nena2 60>>
<c>You pray for a while.
<<s nena "I don't feel anything, Father.">>
<<s mc "This is good news. The last exorcism may have been successful. But we must make sure or the demon could escape by hiding deep inside you. We must repeat the previous exorcism. You must get naked, then touch yourself and use your mouth on me.">>
<<ev 440>>
<<mi nena1 80>>
<c>Nena hesitates, having only vague, dream-like memories of ever using her mouth on you, but you manage to convince her this has to be done.
<<ev 460>>
<<mv nenastrip 90 pause1>>
<c>Not feeling any lust this time since you didn't spike the wine with a lust potion, Nena nevertheless gets naked.
<<addlust 100>>
You get ready by putting your erect manhood through the hole.
<<ev 500>>
<<mv nena170 90 volume0.3>>
<<addlust 100>>
Continuing the exorcism ruse, Nena tries to pleasure herself and then also you.
<p>Nena is not lustful enough to reach orgasm.</p>
<p>You, however, have no problem reaching orgasm.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv nena300 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You finish by ejaculating in Nena's face.
<<ev 700>>
<<mv nena400 90 pause1>>
<c><<s mc "Your lack of lust this time confirms that the lust demon was exorcised at the previous exorcism. You are no longer possessed, Nena.">>
<<s nena "Thank you, Jesus and Saint Michael. And thank you, $fmc.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi nena2 70>>
<<s mc "The lust demon has left your body, but since you were targeted once, Satan may attempt to target you again. You should come back here every once in a while and we will perform another exorcism to make sure you haven't been possessed again.">>
<<s nena "Yes, Father. I will come.">>
With that, Nena leaves the confessional.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi adrianna1 70>>
<c>Next, Adrianna arrives.
<p>You interrogate her about what she remembers of your last meeting, noting every detail.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<c>Adrianna thinks she remembers being here, but her memory is very blurry.
<p>She does seem to recall certain details from being intimate with you, but they are so vague that Adrianna isn't sure if she is remembering a dream or is confusing it with the previous time she was here – when she also used her mouth on you – which she still remembers very well.</p>
<p>Like with Nena, Adrianna also woke up with a headache <<if $temp2>> the morning after being here.<<else>>this morning.<</if>></p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>You are pleased with the result on Adrianna. The improved <<potionAmnesia>> was indeed an improvement.
<p>Adrianna did remember more than Nena, but it was at an acceptable level, and you didn't expect the potion to work perfectly on all test subjects.</p>
Now, for the final act, you will convince Adrianna that the lust demon has finally been exorcised.
<<ev 1320>>
<<mi adrianna2 45 right>>
<l>Since Adrianna doesn't remember much from her last visit, you repeat to her what you told her then:<br>
You suspected that the demon had managed to hide itself in the prior exorcism which would explain why Adrianna remembered everything from that visit.
The fact that Adrianna doesn't remember the last exorcism, shows that you were right. The lust demon was still in her.
<<s mc "I think I finally exorcised the lust demon, but we must make sure. First, I will administer Holy Communion.">>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mi communion 50>>
You prepare the consecrated bread and wine, but you don't spike the wine with anything.
<p>You administer Holy Communion to Adrianna.</p>
<<c "Begin the exorcism by praying">>
<<ev 1360>>
<<mi adrianna1 60>>
<c>You pray awhile.
<<s mc "Do you feel anything, Adrianna?">>
<<s adrianna "No, Father. Nothing.">>
<<s mc "That's good. But we can't take any chances. We must repeat everything once more. Everything that you remember from when you used your mouth on me. That's the only way to make sure the lust demon isn't still hiding inside you.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Start by undressing.">>
<<ev 1365>>
<<mv adrianna21 90 "volume0.5 pause1.4">>
<cc>You watch as Adrianna gets naked.
<<ev 1370>>
<<mv adrianna200 90 volume0.3>>
<<addlust 100>>
Continuing the exorcism ruse, Adrianna attempts to pleasure the both of you.
<p>Despite not being drugged by a lust potion or a liberation potion, Adrianna manages to reach orgasm.</p>
<p>She then continues to pleasure you.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv adriannacum 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You finish by ejaculating in Adrianna's face.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi adriannacum 76>>
<<s mc "You climaxed, Adrianna, which is a warning sign. Did it feel like when the lust demon possessed you?">>
<<s adrianna "No, Father. It felt very different. Not nearly as intense. And it felt natural, not like a force was compelling me to touch myself. I only did it because you told me to do my best.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Good. Very good. The lust demon is no longer in you.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi adrianna2 45 right>>
<<s mc "You are safe for now, but Satan may attempt to strike at you again. We must repeat the exorcism every once in a while to make sure you haven't been possessed again.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father. But do you think I'm ready to meet with my mother now?">>
<<s mc "I will think about it. I may need to prepare you further before I can risk confronting Sister Dana with you. Possession isn't the only way Satan may strike at you. There are still things you don't know about. We will talk more later. Until then, you should continue to keep your distance from Sister Dana.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
Adrianna leaves the confessional.
<<ev 2000>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mi raylene1000 40 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mi ava2 40 "left nomarginRight">>
Raylene arrives, and after she leaves, Ava comes.
<p>You interrogate them both about what they remember of your last meeting, noting every detail.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>The results are not much different than that of Nena and Adrianna.
<p>Raylene remembers the most of any of the four test subjects, but still not much more than Adrianna – the test subject with the second best memory. Ava remembers hardly anything at all.</p>
<p>Both Raylene and Ava woke up with a slight headache after the exorcism. This confirms that headache is a side-effect of using the <<potionAmnesia. >> A very acceptable side-effect.
<<ev 2400>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mv raylene200 50 "left nomarginRight volume0">><<space2>><<mv avacum 50 "left nomarginRight volume0">>
<c>The meetings with Raylene and then Ava continue like the meetings with Nena and Adrianna.
<p>After performing a last fake exorcism where you repeat what you did with them earlier – finishing by ejaculating – you tell Raylene and Ava that the lust demon is no longer possessing them.</p>
<<ev 2500>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mi raylene1000 40 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mi ava2 40 "left nomarginRight">>
<c>Finally, you tell them to come back every once in a while for another exorcism to make sure they haven't been possessed again.
<<qset amnesiaproject 3900>> /* needed to get completed tag on project amnesia title on next passage */
<<ev 3000>>
<c>Project Amnesia is completed.
<p>The project was a success. Thanks to the testing, you managed to develop a significantly improved version of Ludolphus' <<potionAmnesia .>> This potion could save you one day.</p>
<p>You can't get reckless just because you have this potion, but you can relax a little, knowing you are better prepared than ever to handle difficult situations that you may encounter.
<<qend amnesiaproject 4000>>
<<set $avachapel = 1>>
<<set $nenachapel = 1>>
<<set $raylenechapel = 1>>
<<set $adriannachapel = 1>>
<cc0><<tip calendargone>></cc0>
<<ev 3050>>
<<mi chapel 60 center>>
<c>You will make sure to be there for your former test subjects if they return for another probatory exorcism, but other than that, you will not spend much time taking confessions for the time being. You have other things to do.
<<c "Leave the chapel">>
<<ev 3100>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii school/adrianna/head2 40 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/dana/head 40 "pnggg left nomarginRight">>
<c>With Project Amnesia completed, you can think about moving on with your plans for Adrianna and her biological mother, Sister Dana.
<p>But there is no need to rush things. You will carefully consider what to do.
<<q adriannaq 1000>>
<<qendversion adriannaq version0.8.0>>
<<event 1740>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ava1 70>>
<c>The townwoman Ava arrives.
<p>She has continued to stay faithful to her husband and now she comes to make sure she hasn't become possessed again.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi communion 50>>
<cc>You prepare Holy Communion, not using any potions.
<<cs mc "If a demon is inside you, the Eucharist may show it.">>
Ava eats the bread and drinks the wine.
<<but "Pray together" chapel1 "ev:1620 step:2300">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi nena2 70>>
<c>Nena comes. She wants you to check if she has become possessed again.
<p>You begin by administering Holy Communion to her. You do not spike the wine with any potions.</p>
<p>Nena eats the bread and drinks the wine.</p>
<<but "Pray together" chapel1 ev:1640>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi raylene1 70>>
<c>Raylene enters the confessional. She wants to make sure she hasn't become possessed again.
<p>You begin by administering Holy Communion to her. You do not spike the wine with any potions.</p>
<p>Raylene eats the bread and drinks the wine.</p>
<<but "Pray together" chapel1 ev:1660>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi adrianna3 70>>
<c>Adrianna comes. She wants you to check if she has become possessed again.
<p>You begin by administering Holy Communion to her. You do not spike the wine with any potions.</p>
<p>Adrianna eats the bread and drinks the wine.</p>
<<but "Pray together" chapel1 "ev:1680 step:600">>
<</events>><<if ndef $qqcindyq>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/room 74>>
Once in her room, the young novice undresses and sits down to pray.
<<but "Continue" cindy1 ev:100>>
<<elseif $qqcindyq == 700>>
<<mvv nuns/cindy/100-100 60 pause3>>
<c>Arriving at Novice Cindy's room, you order her to get naked and pray before you, giving you a clear view of her breasts as well as her young slit.
<p>Novice Cindy quickly obeys, undoubtedly hoping this is all the punishment she will receive for her repeated transgression of the dress code.</p>
<p>But you have other plans.
<<addlust 50>></p>
<<but "Continue" cindy1 "ev:200 step:1000">>
<<elseif !($qqcindyq >= 500)>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/room 70>>
You seek out Novice Cindy in her room and tell her it's time for her to support the cause by letting you look at the nude body of a pure and innocent virgin.
<p>The young girl undresses and sits down to pray naked.</p>
<<but "Continue" cindy1 ev:100>>
<<else>> /* $qqcindyq >= 500 */
<<if $cindyroom >= 1>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/mirror 50>>
<cc>You have already visited Novice Cindy today. You should leave the young virgin alone.</cc>
<<mvv nuns/cindy/100-50 68 pause2>>
You tell Novice Cindy to support the cause by praying naked in front of you.
<<if setup.questCompleted("holylustq")>>
/* maybe lust here completely after holy lust, letting cindy off since mc is using her to cleanse soul, and instead add +10 somewhere else */
<<addlust 10>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<if $qqcindyq == 800 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("cindyq",3)>>
<<specialalert2 "You should give her some more time before anointing her again.">>
<<but "<<actQuest cindyq>>" cindy1 "ev:200 qqcindyq==500">>
<<but "<<actQuest guidinghand>>" cindy1 "ev:280 qqguidinghand==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest cindyq>>" cindy1 "ev:300 qqcindyq==1500">>
<<but "Anoint her" cindy1 "ev:220 qqcindyq==800 cindyq#stageDay+3">>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" cindy1 "ev:100 step:100 cindyq#notcompleted">>
<<but "Anoint her" cindy1 "ev:220 qqcindyq>=1000">>
<<but "Cleanse your soul" cindy1 "ev:300 step:7000 cindyq#completed">>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<set $cindyroom = 1>> /* placing last to allow check for cindyroom */<<events>>
<<event 100 cindy nuns>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mv 100-50 68 pause2>>
Novice Cindy is completely naked except for her brassiere.
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" cindy1 ev:100>>
<<if def $qqcindyq>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<but "Accept her penance and leave" cindy1 step:1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 100-100 66 pause3>>
<c>Novice Cindy obeys your order and opens the brassiere, but she is shy and tries to hide her breasts with her arms and the prayer book. After another command from you, she lowers the book.
<p>Now you have a clear view of her young breasts as well as her slit.
<<if ndef $qqcindyq>>
/* Event will only give 20 first time */
<<addlust 20>>
<<if def $qqcindyq>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<but "Accept her penance and leave" cindy1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 100-1000 35 right>>
<<lineheight>>As you leave her room, you feel a great desire for Novice Cindy. The sign can not be misinterpreted: her innocence needs to be protected from Satan.
<p>The Lord has been protecting Novice Cindy, but now that is your duty as her patriarch.</p>
<p>Novice Cindy must be anointed with the Holy Seed soon. First, you should give her some time to get used to being naked with you.
<<qstart cindyq 100>>
<<qendversion cindyq version0.6.0>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<dopatriarch cindy>>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 200 cindy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi mirror 44>>
<<s mc "Novice Cindy, it is time we give you a strong protection against Satan. I must anoint you.">>
<<s cindy "Do you mean with oil?">>
<<s mc "No. With the Holy Seed.">>
<<s cindy "But I'm a pure and innocent virgin, Father. You said so yourself. Being intimate with a man would ruin that.">>
<<s mc "Not when it's done during a holy rite. What is holy cannot make something less pure. On the contrary, you will receive the blessing of the Lord.">>
<<s cindy "I ask that you do not do this, Father. I have vowed to never be with a man.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi room 70>>
<c>Novice Cindy is resisting you. It may look bad if you force the matter too hard on the innocent young virgin, but you must somehow make her submit to your wishes.
<<q cindyq 600>>
<<hub "Leave her">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 100-1000 38 right>>
<l><<s mc "Now that you have humbled yourself before God, I will anoint you. You have shown that you put yourself in danger by neglecting the dress code. A code that is meant to protect you by having you dress modestly. I can't take any more chances with you, Novice Cindy. Your innocence and purity must be protected at all costs. You have to submit to the holy rites and accept the Holy Seed.">>
Novice Cindy looks uncomfortable. Trying to think of an answer, she glances at the door.
<<s cindy "But my door can't be closed properly. Look, there is a crack. What if someone looks through it and sees us?" ii>>
<<s mc "Everyone knows about the holy rites. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This has to be done, Novice Cindy. Many sisters have gone through this with me. You must now do the same.">>
Staring at Novice Cindy's naked body, your manhood grows hard.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi mirror 45 right>>
<<s cindy "I beg you to spare me, $fmc. I promise I will not let my hair loose again. I will not even go outside when it's that windy. Please spare me, Father.">>
Seeing the innocent young virgin plead before you makes you take pity on her. But you can't let your emotions prevent you from doing what has to be done.
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<s mc "This is to protect you and everyone else, Novice Cindy. Everyone has to do their part in the holy war. If you let yourself be corrupted, Satan has won a victory. Think of your sisters. Do you want to give Satan a chance to grow stronger?">>
<<s cindy "No, I don't want that, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Of course you don't, my sweet child. But then you must accept to get protected. I must anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s cindy "Yes, Father.">>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<s mc "Novice Cindy, I'm your patriarch. You must fall in line and follow orders that are meant to protect you and everyone else. I won't allow you to go without protection against Satan. If you don't agree to be anointed, I might start to suspect that Satan has already corrupted you and you are now working against us. Are you, Novice Cindy?">>
<<s cindy "No, I'm not, Father. If it's that important, I will do it.">>
<<tbut "Be gentle" null "addStat3 center">>
<<abut "Be harsh" null "addStat3 center">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" cindy1 2000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 62>>
You stand in front of Novice Cindy and take out your hard manhood.
<p>The way the young girl stares at your erect organ, it is evident she <<if $qqcindyq < 800>>has never seen anything like it before.<<else>>is still not used to seeing it.<</if>> You have to be patient with her.
<<cs mc "Take it in your hand, then you must use your mouth.">></p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 60>>
<c>Submitting to her fate, Novice Cindy takes your member in her hand. <<if $qqcindyq < 800>>She<<else>>Still insecure and inexperienced, she<</if>> looks to you for instructions, and you tell her how to pleasure you with her mouth. She obediently does her best to comply.
<p>Novice Cindy's sweet mouth and hand feel divine – pure and innocent as the young virgin is.</p>
<<set $temp = "first">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 60>>
<<if $temp == "first">>
<cc>The inexperienced girl takes it slow.</cc>
<<c "Tell her to go faster">>
<cc>Novice Cindy obeys your command and goes slower.</cc>
<<but "Tell her to go faster" cindy1 step:3200>><<but "Just enjoy it" cindy1 step:3600>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 60>>
<<if $temp == "first">>
Novice Cindy obeys your command and goes faster. Her mouth feels great.
<<set $temp="second">>
Novice Cindy obeys your command and goes faster.
<<but "Tell her to go slower" cindy1 step:2800>><<but "Just enjoy it" cindy1 step:3600>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 60>>
<c>You take your time with the young girl.
<p>You notice that you can see the crack in the door in the mirror. That means anyone happening to peek through the crack will see your manhood in Novice Cindy's mouth, just as Novice Cindy was worried about.</p>
<p>You instead find it exciting. Novice Cindy is pleasuring her patriarch to bring forth the Holy Seed. You are doing nothing wrong.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>The Holy Seed is ready to be released.
<p>Standing in front of the innocent young virgin, you consider your options.</p>
<<but "Release your seed now" cindy1 step:5000>><<c "Masturbate in front of her first">>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc2>Find it exciting, you spend some time masturbating your hard male organ in front of Novice Cindy.</cc2>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 60>>
<c>You release your seed over Novice Cindy, trying your best to say the words to anoint her as you moan with pleasure from the powerful orgasm.</c>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Novice Cindy says nothing as she stares at your still erect member, your sperm running down her face.
<<s mc "The anointing was a success.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi mirror 44>>
You tell Novice Cindy to pray, thanking the Lord for His protection of her purity and innocence.
<p>Novice Cindy does as you say, appearing calm now that the holy rite is over.</p>
<<if $qqcindyq < 800>>
<p>You should leave Novice Cindy alone for a couple of days, then you should think about anointing her again to further strengthen her protection.
<<q cindyq 800>></p>
<p>You should keep anointing Novice Cindy. Once she has gotten more used to it, you will consider other things with her. Ultimately, you feel the need to thrust your erect manhood into the young slit of the pure and innocent virgin before you.
<<q cindyq 1000>>
<<qendversion cindyq version0.7.1>>
<<if $qqcindyq == 800>>
<<c "Leave Novice Cindy to her prayers">>
<<hub "Leave Novice Cindy to her prayers">>
<<ev 6666>>
<c><<mi cindy_light 16 "left png">>You feel more strongly than ever that Novice Cindy is special – that she has a special role to play in the holy war. The pure and innocent young virgin must be protected from corruption at all costs.
<p>It is remarkable that such a frail and beautiful being of light has not been attacked yet. Undoubtedly, God's love for Novice Cindy protects her to some degree, but it also makes her even more attractive to Satan and his minions. You must keep Novice Cindy safe.</p>
<<event 220 cindy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi mirror 44>>
<<s mc "It is time to strengthen your protection. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s cindy "Could you do it yourself this time, Father? Then I don't have to put it in my mouth.">>
<<s mc "The mouth of a pure and innocent young virgin like yourself is ideal to bring forth the Holy Seed. We should not settle for anything less in this important mission to protect your innocence from Satan. Let's begin. First, remove your brassiere, that I may also see your breasts to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<s cindy "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 100-1000 35 right>>
Novice Cindy removes her bra, and you take a good look at her naked body.
It has the desired effect.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "The Holy Rod is ready. We can start.">>
<<s cindy "Could we do it somewhere else, Father? Since my door can't be closed properly... Someone could look through that crack and see us." ii>>
<<s mc "You know there is nothing to be ashamed of, my child. Everyone knows about the holy rites. Your room will do nicely.">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" cindy1 "ev:200 step:2000">>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 280 cindy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 20 "left png">>Watching Novice Cindy praying naked, you think about how you have felt about her: that she is special – that she has a special role to play in the holy war.
<p>What that role is, you haven't been able to figure out, but you think it has to do with her being a pure and innocent young virgin.</p>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi praying 45 right>>
<l>Despite her pure innocence making her a very attractive target to Satan, the lust demon has left Novice Cindy alone.
<p>Earlier, you assumed that this was because God protected Novice Cindy. While still probably true to some degree, you recently discovered that the lust demon avoids attacking this far west in the building, for whatever reason.</p>
<p>That explains why Novice Cindy hasn't been attacked, but it doesn't explain her purpose. What is the special role she is supposed to play in the holy war?</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/priestchannel 24>>
<c>Has the Lord already given you a sign, but you have failed to see it? Could Novice Cindy be the key you need to unlock the chains tying your hands behind your back?
<p>You have to think about this. And tonight, when going to bed, you will pray hard for guidance. Maybe by tomorrow, you will have an answer.
<<q guidinghand 200>>
<<event 300 cindy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 20 "left png">>You intend to fornicate with Novice Cindy – to commit a mortal sin. It is your belief that Novice Cindy's blessed purity will then allow you to remove the black spot on your soul.
The thought of penetrating Novice Cindy's slit is pleasant.
<<addlust 20 lh>>
But you hesitate. What if you interpreted the vision incorrectly? What if God won't forgive you later?
<p>You remember that you are a holy warrior. A loyal servant of the Lord. Your faith will sustain you.</p>
<<c "Summon the faith of the holy warrior">><<but "Fornicate with Novice Cindy" cindy1 "step:1400 corr58 ttt10">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii misc/praying2 60>>
<c>You summon the faith of the holy warrior. You feel that God is with you.
<<addcorr 3 temporary>>
Yet, you still hesitate to take that final step – to commit a mortal sin.
<p>It has served you so far not to rush into things. You don't have to do this today.</p>
<<c "You must think about this...">><<but "Fornicate with Novice Cindy" cindy1 "step:1400 corr58 ttt10">>
<<ev 1200>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 20 "left png">>Committing a mortal sin and counting on perfect contrition to be forgiven is not something to be taken lightly. You will think about this and visit Novice Cindy when you feel ready.
<<qmess cindyq 1600>>
Calming down, you return to your normal collected self.
<<addcorr $tempstats.corr subtract>>
<<set $tempstats.corr = 0>>
<<ev 1400>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_light 16 "left png">>You push through your doubts – they are of Satan. The Evil One is trying to stop you from purifying your soul to become a more powerful holy warrior.
<p>You will fornicate with Novice Cindy now. It has to be done.</p>
<<c "Talk to Novice Cindy">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi mirror 50>>
<<s mc "Novice Cindy, you have been called to do a great service to the holy war. It is complicated to explain, but the blessed purity of your soul will help me. But for this to happen, we must fornicate. I can't use any holy rites, yet your virginity will remain intact because of your sacrifice to a holy cause.">>
<<s cindy "I don't understand, Father.">>
<<s mc "Perhaps I will explain later, but it is for the best right now that you don't know every detail. You must undress and we will fornicate.">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi mirror2 48 right>>
<l><<s cindy "But I don't want to be with a man, $fmc. I will feel defiled.">>
<<s mc "Normally, you would be right to feel that way, but this time you shouldn't feel defiled since you will remain a pure virgin in the eyes of God. Trust me on this.">>
<<s cindy "Please spare me, Father. Maybe someone else would be willing to help you with this?">>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<s mc "No, it has to be you. I have seen it. God has chosen you because you are the purest of us all. You have been blessed by the Lord, my child. Feel His love and welcome this opportunity to serve Him.">>
Novice Cindy lowers her head in submission.
<<s cindy "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then lie down on the bed and spread your legs.">>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<s mc "No, it has to be you. God has chosen you because you are the purest of us all. I have seen it. This has to be done now, Novice Cindy. Are you refusing an order from your patriarch?">>
Novice Cindy lowers her head in submission.
<<s cindy "No, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then lie down on the bed and spread your legs.">>
<<tbut "Be gentle" null "addStat5 center">>
<<abut "Be harsh" null "addStat5 center">>
<<but "Continue" cindy1 1900>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi m 66>>
<c>Novice Cindy lies down on the bed and spreads her legs. You push aside her panties to reveal her virgin <<if setup.teens()>>teen <</if>>slit. The girl doesn't resist, having accepted what you are about to do with her.
<<addlust 100 lh>>
There is no rush. You want to savor this moment.
<<c "Touch her slit">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 60>>
You gently touch Novice Cindy's virgin slit.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("cindyq")>>
<<s mc " I will be careful with you, my child. Tell me to go slower if it becomes too much.">>
<<s cindy "Yes, $fmc. Will it hurt?">>
<<s mc "Maybe a little since it will be your first time. Maybe not. It will be okay. Try to relax and you might even like it very much.">>
<<s mc "We will start in a moment. Try to relax and allow yourself to like it.">>
<<s cindy "Will you be gentle with me this time too, Father?">>
<<s mc "Of course I will, my child. As much as I can while doing what I have to do.">>
<<set $temp=null>>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 300-1900 70>>
<<if $temp==null>><c>You take out your erect manhood. Novice Cindy looks at it in silence. She keeps spreading her legs for you. You may fornicate when you are ready.
<<set $temp=1>></c>
Novice Cindy is spreading her legs for you. You may fornicate when you are ready.
<<but "Use a finger to prepare her slit" cindy1 step:2200>><<but "Use her mouth to prepare yourself" cindy1 step:2600>><<but "Fornicate" cindy1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 300-2000 66>>
<c><<s mc "I will use my finger to prepare your slit for my manhood. This will help you relax and enjoy the experience.">>
<<s cindy "Okay, Father.">>
<<c "Finger her slit">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 70 volume1.2>>
<cc>You finger Novice Cindy's virgin slit.</cc>
<<but "Stop fingering her" cindy1 step:2100>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 64 volume1.2>>
You place your erect manhood at Novice Cindy's mouth.
<<s mc "Use your mouth to get me ready.">>
<<s cindy "Yes, Father.">>
Not that you really need it, but you take the opportunity to feel Novice Cindy's soft mouth on your manhood before fornicating.
<<c "Enjoy her mouth">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv m 74 volume1.2>>
<cc>You enjoy Novice Cindy's mouth.</cc>
<<but "Stop enjoying her mouth" cindy1 step:2100>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 75>>
You take position between Novice Cindy's spread legs. Your manhood is rock-hard and ready to fornicate.
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 70 volume1.2>>
<c>Taking it easy with the young virgin, you carefully penetrate her <<if setup.teens()>>teen<</if>> slit.
<p>Novice Cindy moans as you enter her with your erect manhood. She may experience some pain, but perhaps also lustful feelings.</p>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Cindy">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 70 volume1.2>>
<cc>You repeatedly thrust into Novice Cindy's slit with your erect member.</cc>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv m 66 volume1.2>>
<<s mc "How does it feel? Should I go slower?">>
<<s cindy "I'm okay, Father. You can do it like this.">>
You are not sure if Novice Cindy is enjoying it or not. She may have conflicting feelings, not being used to it yet.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 80 volume1.2>>
You quickly get ready to ejaculate.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("cindyq")>>
Being Novice Cindy's first time, you should not do it inside her.
You feel it would be improper to violate the innocent Novice Cindy's purity any further by ejaculating inside her.
<<c "Pull out and ejaculate">>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv m 90 volume2>>
<c>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate over Novice Cindy's naked body.
<p>You release more seed than usual which is no wonder since your manhood was penetrating the virgin slit of a pure and innocent <<if setup.teens()>>teenage girl.<<else>>young woman.<</if>></p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi m 66>>
Novice Cindy looks at the seed covering her stomach, but she says nothing.
<p>Thinking of the pure soul of the innocent virgin naked before you, you feel a sudden desire to plant your seed inside Novice Cindy's slit, after all – right here and now.
<<addlust 40>>
<<set $temp=null>>
<<c "Get dressed">><<but "Fornicate again" cindy1 "step:10000 corr58 ttt10">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi mirror 46 right>>
<l><<if $temp==null>>
You shake off your desire and calm your lust.
<<addlust -40>>
You get up from the bed and get dressed.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("cindyq")>>
<<s mc "Did it hurt?">>
<<s cindy "A little. But you were gentle with me. Thank you, Father.">>
<<s mc "Did it hurt this time?">>
<<s cindy "No, Father. I relaxed and it felt good. Because you were gentle with me. Thank you, Father.">>
<<s mc "You have done a great service to the holy war, Novice Cindy. The Lord will reward you in heaven. ">>
<<s cindy "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "I may need your services again.">>
With that, you leave Novice Cindy.
<<if setup.questCompleted("cindyq")>>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii misc/blackspot 30 "pnggg">>
<c>The deed is done. You have committed a mortal sin of fornication with Novice Cindy. The black spot on your soul – which consisted of potentially many venial sins – has now been replaced by a black spot consisting only of the single mortal sin.
<p>Novice Cindy's soul is still pure because she acted in good faith, trusting a holy warrior of God on his word and obeying her patriarch. The mortal sin is yours alone.</p>
You take a moment to compose yourself, releasing the summoned faith of the holy warrior.
<<addcorr $tempstats.corr subtract>>
<<set $tempstats.corr = 0>>
<<ev 5400>>
<c><<mi cindy_lightbig 20 "left png">>All your questions about Novice Cindy and your strange desire for her have been answered.
<<lh>>You have found Novice Cindy's purpose – what God intended for her – and you can continue to use her purity to cleanse your soul if you think it may be needed.
<<qend cindyq 2000>>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mii lab/codex 36 pnggg>>
<c>You are almost ready to read chapter five in the Book of Truth. But first, you must repent with perfect contrition to remove the black spot on your soul, thereby cleansing it. Tonight, when going to bed.
<<q chapter5 600>></c>
<<ev 7000>> /* replaying fornicating/cleansing soul */
<<mi mirror2 46 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Cindy, the holy war needs your services again. The blessed purity of your soul will strengthen my holy powers, but for this to happen, we must fornicate. I can't use any holy rites, but your virginity will remain intact because of your sacrifice to a holy cause.">>
<<s cindy "How many times will you do this with me, Father?">>
<<s mc "I don't know, my child. As often as I need to. The Lord has given you this purpose, and you will be rewarded in heaven for it.">>
<<s cindy "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then we shall begin. Lie down on the bed and spread your legs.">>
<<but "Continue" cindy1 step:1900>>
<<ev 10000>> /* second fornication after releasing seed, requiring temptation 40 */
<<mi 300-3000 60>>
<c>You quickly wipe the seed off Novice Cindy, and then you spread her legs.
<<s mc "I must re-enter your slit and release more seed.">>
<<s cindy "Even more? Will it take long, Father?">>
<<s mc "I don't know. I'll try to be fast.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<set $temp="cum again">>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Cindy's slit">>
<<ev 10200>>
<<mv 300-3600 70 volume1.2>>
<c>You begin to fornicate with Novice Cindy.
<p>Your manhood responds well and you think this should not take too long.</p>
<<ev 10500>>
<<mv m 70 volume1.2>>
<c>You take the opportunity to enjoy Novice Cindy's body in different ways, letting her perversely ride you.
<<s cindy "Will you finish soon, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<ev 10700>>
<<mv m 70 volume1.2>>
<cc>You then hold Novice Cindy close to you as you keep thrusting into her slit.</cc>
<<ev 10800>>
<<mv 300-4000 80 volume1.2>>
<cc>Before long, your seed is ready to be released again.
<<c "(Pull out) Ejaculate on her stomach">><<but "Ejaculate inside her slit" cindy1 step:12000>>
<<ev 11000>>
<<mv 300-4300 90 volume2>>
<c>You decide not to ejaculate inside Novice Cindy's slit, after all. Instead, you again do it on her naked body.
<<ev 11200>>
<<mi 300-4400 76>>
Novice Cindy looks at the seed covering her stomach while you catch your breath.
<<but "Continue" cindy1 step:13000>>
<<ev 12000>>
<<mv m 84>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate inside Novice Cindy's tight virgin slit.
<<creampie cindy center>>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 12200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie6 60>>
<cc><<cs cindy "Why did you do it inside me, Father?">>
<<cs mc "It is for your protection. The Holy Seed will protect you.">>
You never said the words to anoint Novice Cindy, but she doesn't question you.
<<ev 13000>>
<<mi 300-3000 66>>
<c><<cum -100>>
<<s cindy "Are you done now, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, now I'm done.">>
You feel spent having ejaculated twice so quickly, but you are sure you will soon recover.
<<but "Get dressed" cindy1 step:5000>>
<<mii "misc/settingslaptop" 20 "left png noBorder">><<mii "misc/settings" 10 "right png noBorder">>
<w class="tips center" style="font-style:normal;text-align:left;">
Ideally, you should rarely need to scroll when playing the game on a computer, except when using the journal. If you play on a 1920 x 1080 PC monitor, or something smaller, consider playing with a maximized browser window, or even fullscreen (F11 on most browsers). You can customize the user interface in <<coltext Settings cc2>> to fit with your window, using the red border as an approximation of the maximum space the game content takes up while playing. Changing the main font size can be enough customization needed, as this value affects the entire UI.
On <<special "mobile devices,">> check out the <<coltext "Mobile devices" cc2>> section of Settings for more settings, including suggested settings for playing in landscape mode. <<tapSideBar>><br>
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......<br>
<div style="line-height:0.4"> </div>
<<but "Start the game" "startStory" "ev:100">><<if $monksNightDrinking == 1000>>
<<setev 1000>>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse == 1100>>
<<setev 2000>>
<<elseif $monksNightDrinking == 3000 || $encID == 2>>
<<setev 3000>>
<<elseif $qqjanamarry == 10>>
<<setev 3200>>
<<elseif $qqalonsoq2==3100>>
<<setev 3300>>
<<setev 1>>
<<include dreaming1>><<events>>
<<event 1>>
<<ev 100>>
Error: wrong dream call. Possible game-breaking bug.<br>
monksNightDrinking = $monksNightDrinking<br>
Please report this bug.
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 0>>
<<but "Continue to morning" mc>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $croneAttack < 1>>
<<set _dreamnr = 1>>
<<elseif $croneAttack2 < 1>>
<<set _dreamnr = 2>>
<<set _dreamnr = 1>> /* fail safe */
<<set _dream = "misc/dream"+_dreamnr>>
<<set $temp = "noZoom noRepeat notMuted noBorder">>
<<if _dreamnr == 1>>
<<set _viddata = $temp+" volume0.3 afterVideoDest:mc">>
<<mvv _dream 100% _viddata>>
/* Allows clicking (and shows message to player after time) in case aftervideo fails */
<<clicknext mc 30s>>
<<set _viddata = $temp+" volume0.6 afterVideoDest:dreaming">>
<<mvv misc/dream2a 100% _viddata>>
<<clicknext dreaming 30s>>
<<ev 200>>
<<set _viddata = $temp+" volume0.8 afterVideoDest:dreaming">>
<<mvv misc/dream2b 100% _viddata>>
<<clicknext dreaming 10s>>
<<ev 300>>
<<set _viddata = $temp+" volume0.3 afterVideoDest:mc">>
<<mvv misc/dream2c 100% _viddata>>
<<clicknext mc 15s>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 2000>>
<<ev 50>>
<cc2>... ... ...</cc2>
<<clicknext dreaming 4s>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1evil 50>>
EVIL has taken over the herb garden<br>
For too long, you have allowed Sister Jana to be a SLAVE to SATAN<br>
You didn't eat Sister Jana's SINS of FORNICATION to cleanse her of EVIL<br>and now it's TOO LATE</i>
<<clicknext dreaming 10s>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hgarden/longpepperevil 40>>
The long pepper in the shed...<br>
The fake ANGEL grows long pepper to make LUST potions<br>
The DEMON is using LUST potions on the nuns to make them experience intense LUST<br>
Something in the garden is causing Sister Jana's CURSE, making her experience intense LUST<br>
But what?<br>
The long pepper in the shed...<br>
The long pepper in the shed...<br>
<<qset janacurse 1110>>
<<clicknext mc 20s>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 3000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<playsound attack4-veryslow 0.10>>
<<mii crone/crone4 35>>
<cc2 style="color:#f00">... ... ...</cc2>*/
<<clicknext dreaming 7s>>
<<ev 200>>
<<playsound attack4-veryslow 0.20>>
<<mvv crone/dream4-100 100% "noZoom noBorder speed0.5">>
<<clicknext dreaming 10s>>
<<ev 300>>
<<playsound attack4-slow 0.20>>
<<mvv crone/dream4-200 100% "noZoom noBorder speed0.5">>
<<set $playEventID = 13>>
<<clicknext nuns 20s>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 3200>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc2>... ... ...</cc2>
<<qinit janamarry 10>>
<<clicknext dreaming 5s>>
<<ev 110>>
<div style="background:#000;width:40%;margin:auto;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="dream-image">
<<mii hjana/800-400 100>>
<<clicknext dreaming 5s>>
<<ev 200>>
<div style="background:#000;width:80%;margin:auto;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="dream-image">
<<mii hjana/1400-1000 100>>
<<clicknext dreaming 5s>>
<<ev 300>>
<div style="background:#000;width:70%;margin:auto;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="dream-video">
<<mvv hjana/fuck60 100 "speed0.35 notMuted volume1.2">>
<<addlust 90>>
<<set $temp = "wakeuphorny">>
<<clicknext mc 10s>>
<<event 3300>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc2>... ... ...</cc2>
<<clicknext dreaming 3.5s>>
<<ev 110>>
<<run setup.disableClickTime(2000)>>
<cc style="color:red"><<br>>So many clues...
<<br2>>But which of the clues are clues?
<span style="font-size:50%">The red thread</span><br><span style="font-size:70%">The red thread</span><br>The red thread<br><span style="font-size:135%">The red thread</span><br><span style="font-size:180%">The red thread</span>
<span style="color:white">
<<clicknext mc 6s>></span>
<div class="dream-clues" style=";z-index:100"><<mii monks/salvatore_medium 10 "styling border-radius:100%; animation-duration: 6s;left:31vw;top:3rem stylingend">><<mii misc/cider_medium 7 "pnggg styling animation-duration: 7.7s;left:44vw;top:0vh stylingend">><<mii misc/mug 12 "pnggg styling animation-duration: 7s;left:37vw;top:26vh stylingend">><<mii crone/mysteryman_redeyes_medium 15 "styling border-radius:100%;animation-duration: 8s;right:26vw;bottom:32vh stylingend">><<mii lab/oilycloth_small 16 "pnggg styling right:36vw;top:30vh; stylingend">><<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilMedium 9 "pnggg styling animation-duration: 3s;bottom:20vh;right:35vw stylingend">><<mii monks/alonso_medium 10 "styling animation-duration: 5.5s;border-radius:100%;bottom:49vh;left:20vw stylingend">><<mii crone/darkfiguretap_small 15 "pnggg styling border-radius:100%;animation-duration: 10s;bottom:20vh; left:25vw; stylingend">><<mii lab/notes2_small 11 "pnggg styling animation-duration: 4s;bottom:18vh;left:37vw stylingend">><<mii crone/crone4_small 11 "pnggg styling border-radius:100%;animation-duration: 9.3s;top:5vh;left:14vw stylingend">>
<<qset alonsoq2 3200>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 2450>>
<<set $intro = 2450>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include dungeon1>>
<<if !($qqdana >= 100) || $danadungeon==1 || $daytime=="day">>
<<mi dungeon 90>>
<<mi dungeon-light 90>>
/* v7: Only play once a day/night since it can be irritating if going to dungeons several times */
<<if $playDungeonSound != $daytime>>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
<<set $playDungeonSound = $daytime>>
<cc>You descend the stairway to the dark dungeons under the monastery.</cc>
<<if $qqleaderq>=200>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom" style="margin-top:-1rem">
<<set _evnr = "666000">>
<<if $qqagnesq==200 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("agnesq",1)>>
<<set _evnr = "1350">>
<<set _checkNew = setup.checkNew("prisoners")>>
/*<<print '<<trytbut2 "Volunteers" mc1 "ev:666300 special trust0 hideRelationTry'+_checkNew+'">>'>>*/
<<if $prisoners.length>0>>
<<set _prisoncells = "">>
<<set _prisoncells = "Empty">>
<<print '<<specbut2 "agnes" dungeon1 "ev:'+_evnr+' observePrisonEvents buttontext:Prison:: useimage:dungeon/prisonbarsOutside'+_prisoncells+':: usebackground:202029:: '+_checkNew+'">>'>>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<but "Investigate the dungeon" dungeon1 "ev:200 daily qqemma2<<200">>
<<but "Investigate the dungeon" dungeon1 "ev:300 daily qqemma2>=200 qqdana<<100 danadungeon==0 doplay:danadungeon=1">>
<<but "Look for Sister Dana" dungeon1 "ev:400 qqdana>=100 qqdana<<300 danadungeon==0 doplay:danadungeon=1">>
<<but "Look for Sister Dana" dungeon1 "ev:500 qqdana==300 danadungeon==0 doplay:danadungeon=1">>
<<but "Look for Sister Dana" dungeon1 "ev:600 qqdana>>300 qqvivienq<<100 danadungeon==0 doplay:danadungeon=1">>
/* For v0.4.2 and later: All new events with dana must have req vivienq>=100 and new events are added in ev:800 step:200 */
<<but "Look for Sister Dana" dungeon1 "ev:800 qqvivienq>=100 danadungeon==0 doplay:danadungeon=1">>
/* Nothing here yet */
/* NOTE: Use abut to get authority icon */
<<but "Prison" dungeon1 "ev:1290 qqleaderq>=100 qqleaderq<<180">>
<<but "Prison" dungeon1 "ev:1290 step:400 qqleaderq==180">>
/*<<but "Prison" dungeon1 "ev:1300 qqleaderq>=200 agnesq#notcompleted">>*/
/* NOTE: Use abut to get authority icon */
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi dungeon 70>>
<<s ms "Here are the dungeons. This used to be a prison and armory when this building was a fortress. There is still a torture chamber with functional equipment down here." ii>>
<<s ms "We don't want anything to do with this horrible place. Except for maintenance purposes, and occasionally opening it for visits for people interested in medieval dungeons, it's been left alone all these centuries since the convent moved in. But we have searched the place thoroughly, and we can't find any way to enter the dungeons except down these stairs. The monks' part of the dungeons is walled off, just as above." ii>>
<<var mms>> shows you around the underground dungeons, and as she said, there doesn't seem to be any other way to enter this place.
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $dungeon < 2>>
<<set $dungeon += 1>>
<<set _dungmess = "You sneak through the dark halls, checking every room, but you find nothing of interest to the investigation.">>
<<if $dungeon > 1>>
<<mi dungeon 85>>
<c>Checking out the dungeons before going to bed could be worth doing once in a while, but not every night. You want to avoid this creepy place as much as you can.</c>
<<mi dungeon 90>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi dungeon-light 90>>
<c>/*You decide to take another look down here, so you sneak through the dark halls, checking every room, looking for something new, something of interest to the investigation.
<p>*/You decide to take another look down here, hoping to find something of interest to the investigation. Suddenly, when turning around a corner, you see a faint light in the distance, coming from the end of a hallway. You sneak there, and...
<<c "Peek around the corner">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 100>>
<c>What is this now?
<p>Wait, what is that sound? Someone is coming...</p></c>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 75 pause5>>
<cc0>That's Sister Dana! And she is naked! What in God's name is the meaning of this?</cc0>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 75 pause5>>
<cc0>You know this too well. That is a sinner about to repent.</cc0>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 70 notMuted>>
<c>But why is Sister Dana mortifying her flesh down here, all naked? What could be the reason for this penance? It has to be something serious for her to go to these extremes.</c>
<<c "Sneak away">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 60>>
<cc>Sister Dana has just become a person of interest. But you don't want to confront her until you have had time to investigate her in secret.
<<qstart dana 100 center>>
<<qendversion dana version0.1.0>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
/*<<mi 300-600 75>>*/
<<mv 300-500 70 notMuted>>
<c>You sneak to where you last saw Sister Dana flagellate herself. You hide and wait.
<p>After a while, she arrives, all naked again, repeating the same procedure. That is most curious, but you don't want to confront Sister Dana about it until you have investigated her more.</p></c>
<<hub "Sneak away">>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 300-300 75 pause5>>
<cc0>You wait at the usual place, and sure enough, soon Sister Dana arrives, naked.
<<addlust 10>></cc0>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 300-400 75 pause5>>
<cc2>Yes, that is definitely a sinner about to repent. What kind of pervese sins has she committed?</cc2>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 300-500 70 notMuted>>
<cc>It's time to get to the bottom of this.</cc>
<<c "Confront Sister Dana">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>You step out from behind the corner and make your presence known. You are surprised by Sister Dana's calm reaction to your sudden appearance. She doesn't even try to cover her naked body.
<<s dana "So you finally found me...">>
<<s mc "Why didn't you tell me about this?">>
<<s dana "I'm too ashamed to tell anyone.">>
<<s mc "Are you? I saw you speaking with Sister Silvia">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 100 notMuted>>
<<s dana "I had to tell someone and I trust her.">>
<<s mc "And now you have to tell me. I'm here to investigate the attacks, and I'm sure your reason for doing this has something to do with the attacks.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv 500-700 70 notMuted>>
<<s dana "The Crone is here because of me. I'm being punished for my sins. But rather than punishing me directly, my sisters are punished in my stead. That's why I'm down here. I'm offering myself to the lust demon. Attack me and punish me for my sins, but spare my sisters.">>
<<s mc "But you haven't been attacked...">>
<<s dana "No. The Crone won't let me sacrifice myself to save my sisters. But every night, I pray she will.">>
<<s mc "Let me help you. The Lord has sent me to fight the evil that has descended here.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<s dana "How can you help?">>
<<s mc "I have the Lord with me and I'm armed with his powers. You should talk to Novice Emma. She knows what I'm capable of and she can tell you what you need to hear, when you are ready to hear it. But first, you have to tell me your story. Why do you think the lust demon is here to punish you?">>
<<s dana "Fine, I'll tell you. Perhaps you are the miracle I've been praying for.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 500-600 70>>
<c>Sister Dana tells you that when she was in her twenties, she was a teacher at a private school for girls. She fell in love with a man and they became a couple. The man then wanted them to seduce one of Sister Dana's pupils, a wild and flirtatious young girl that the man lusted for. Sister Dana eventually agreed, and the three of them ended up having sex together.
<p>The student told someone what had happened, it got out, and the scandal was a fact. Sister Dana was fired from the school and her reputation as a teacher was ruined. She fell into substance abuse and led a hard life before finding God. She was accepted at the convent, and could once again become a teacher.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 500-900 80>>
<<s dana "The convent welcomed me even knowing my background, allowing me to teach again. I thought I could live the rest of my life in peace, serving God and making up for my sins, but I was wrong.">>
<<s mc "How do you know the attacks are happening to punish you? You are not the only sinner among these walls. We all have sinned.">>
<<ev 1140>>
<<mi dana2 80>>
<<s dana "Not like I have. I helped seduce that young girl, abusing my position as her teacher. I didn't just ruin my life, I ruined hers too. She was a rebellious kid, seeking the affection of men, and after what happened, she was branded a loose woman, a harlot, and it didn't go well for her in life. And it's my fault.">>
<<s mc "You have been teaching here for many years. Why would the attacks start now if they are because of your past sins?">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 500-600 80>>
<<s dana "Because, not long before the attacks started, we had a problem student. She was my responsibility, but I failed her. She ran away to the town below to meet with boys, and when her parents found out, they got furious and sent her home. I think they were mean to her and that's why she was so rebellious. Poor girl. She reminded me of that young girl whose life I ruined that many years ago.">>
<<s dana "I had failed another student of mine, and then the attacks started.">>
<<s mc "A student causing problems? I thought they all wanted to study here and behaved well.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi dana1 38 right>>
<<s dana "Almost everyone wants to be here and behaves very well, but there are exceptions – young women who don't come here by choice, but at the demand of their parents who think their daughters need discipline and structure away from the wild life in the cities.">>
<<s mc "And how do you discipline these girls?">>
<<s dana "By giving them a structured and firm guidance on how to behave. We don't use physical punishment, but we can give them detention, temporarily remove privileges, and things of that nature.">>
<<s dana "But just as important is to teach them how to find peace in their minds for whatever troubles them, and to make them feel loved. That we love them as God loves them.">>
<<s mc "So, that problem student some years ago was sent home. Then the attacks started...">>
<<s dana "Yes, and at first, I didn't make the connection, that the attacks happened because of me. But then, a couple of months ago, I become responsible for another problem student, and it is happening yet again. She is threatening to run to the town to meet with boys. That is when I realized that I'm the common denominator with these girls I'm failing. I'm being punished for my sins, but Satan is punishing those around me instead of punishing me directly.">>
<<ev 1320>>
<<mi 500-600 80>>
<<s mc "And this problem student you have now, does she remind you of that young girl you seduced all those years ago?">>
<<s dana "Yes, very much. Which is why I feel Satan's hand in this.">>
<<s mc "You are correct that the Evil One is present in this, but I'm convinced that this problem student is part of God's plan and the answer to your prayers. I can't reveal more to you now, not until you have spoken to Novice Emma and she thinks you are ready to hear what I have to say.">>
<<ev 1340>>
<<mi dana2 80>>
<<s dana "I don't understand. Why is Novice Emma so important in this?">>
<<s mc "She is on a mission from the Lord, and she is helping me. It's not a coincidence that she and I are here together now. It's all parts of God's plan to fight the evil. To stop the attacks.">>
<<s dana "Then I will put my faith in God and speak with Novice Emma.">>
<<s mc "Good. Tell her I sent you and that you are a candidate. She will know what it means.">>
<<s dana "As you wish, $fmc.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 500-900 80>>
<<s mc "I would like to meet this student that is currently causing problems.">>
<<s dana "She serves detention with me every day after school. You could come visit us then. Perhaps something good will come out of having a priest there to say a few words to her.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I will come.">>
You finish the conversation with Sister Dana and leave her alone to continue her act of penance.
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv 500-700 66 "notMuted volume0.8">>
<c>You trust that Novice Emma will take care of introducing Sister Dana to your holy powers. If Sister Dana is desperate enough to sit naked down here at night, whipping herself, she should be ready to hear the truth soon.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi 500-900 65>>
<p>Sister Dana thinks her past sin of seducing her pupil together with her boyfriend is the reason the lust demon is attacking the nuns. Whether that is true or not, Sister Dana's grave sin must be cleansed to lessen Satan's influence on this place.</p>
<p>You can attempt to cleanse the sin by the ritual of Sin Eating. But for that to work, you must recreate the original sin as closely as possible. Sister Dana plays herself, and you can play the part of the boyfriend, but you also need someone to play the part of that young pupil of Sister Dana's that they seduced. This current problem student might be the answer to this. You have to meet her.
<<q dana 400>>
<<but "Leave the dungeon" hub>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqdana < 500>>
<<mi dungeon 90>>
<cc>You thought you saw light further ahead, but it was nothing. Sister Dana is nowhere to be seen tonight. You don't want to stay long down here waiting to see if she shows up.</cc>
<<mv 300-500 75 notMuted>>
<cc>You once again find Sister Dana in the dungeons, mortifying her flesh.</cc>
<<if $qqdana == 700>>
<<but "Approach her" dungeon1 "ev:700">>
<<c "Approach her">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 500-700 90 notMuted>>
<<if $qqdana < 800 >>
<<s mc "You don't need to be here offering yourself to the lust demon. It's no use. Spend the time praying to the Lord, that He will make you open yourself to the truth that Novice Emma will reveal to you. The truth will be your salvation.">>
<<s mc "You don't need to be here offering yourself to the lust demon. It's no use. Spend the time praying to the Lord to gain strength for the holy rites that Novice Emma has revealed to you. They will be your salvation.">>
<<s dana "I am praying to the Lord too. But this I have to do. I have to try it.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 500-700 70 notMuted>>
Sister Dana continues to flagellate herself in the dungeons at night, but to no avail. Nothing will save her but the holy rites.
<<q dana 600 center>>
<<qendversion dana version0.3.0>></cc>
<<vv 3.1>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 500-700 90 notMuted>>
<<s mc "How's it going with Novice Emma? Has she told you what I want to do to cleanse you of your grave sins of the past?">>
<<s dana "More or less. You want to recreate the sins that my boyfriend and I committed with my problem student?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 500-900 64>>
<<s mc "Yes. And Riley will play the part of the student. Now I need to know the details of what you and your boyfriend did with that girl. To be able to recreate it.">>
<<s dana "But how can you allow Riley to become a part of this? She is a young girl and you will use her, doing terrible, sinful things with her.">>
<<s mc "Hasn't Novice Emma explained about the holy rites I will be using?">>
<<s dana "Yes. But even if I go along with it because I am so desperate for the Lord's forgiveness for what I've done, Riley hasn't done anything wrong. More than being a rebellious teenager.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s mc "Don't you see that all this is part of God's plan for us? For Riley? This will help her break free of Satan's rebellious influence. She will come out of this a changed young woman. Perhaps she will even become a devout Catholic. And in the eyes of the Lord, she will still be a virgin, free of the sins she will commit while I perform the holy rites.">>
<<s dana "Is there no other way to undo my grave sins? What about using another woman? Maybe someone who is already living in sexual sin.">>
<<s mc "No. All the signs say that Riley is the girl that is supposed to play the part of the problem student from your past. Trust me. This is what God wants.">>
<<s dana "I have to accept that this will happen, then. As wrong as it feels.">>
<<s mc "Good. Have faith in the Lord and everything will be alright. Now, I need the details of the sexual sins you committed with that problem student.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 500-900 70>>
<c>Sister Dana tells you, in detail, what she and her boyfriend did with the young female student so many years ago. You are surprised to learn that the boyfriend never had regular intercourse with the student. Only oral sex and... sodomy. Apparently, Sister Dana's boyfriend was fixated on that most unnatural and depraved way of being with a girl.
<p>What grave sinning indeed. You almost think Sister Dana could be right that the lust demon is here because of what she and her boyfriend did. To lie with a fertile young girl and only want to enter her behind, what a perverted sexuality. A sexuality of Satan.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 500-600 75>>
<c>Sister Dana looks relieved to have gotten this off her chest along with some hope that her grave sins might finally be forgiven. You decide to leave her now before she starts having second thoughts about
/*asks more about Riley, getting doubts because of*/ what you plan to do with the young student Riley.
<<s mc "I will let you know when I'm ready to recreate your original sin.">>
<<q dana 800>>
<<qendversion dana version0.3.1>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii school/riley/face1 35>>
<c>Sister Dana has reluctantly accepted the plan you have for her and Riley. Now you need to focus your attention on Riley again, to prepare her for her role.
<p>You consider if you should skip educating Riley about regular intercourse since that will not be part of the recreation of Sister Dana's original sin. But how could you? That would teach Riley only the wrong way to be with a man, not the way God has intended. A man is supposed to plant his seed between the legs of the woman, to enter her pink slit, not her behind.</p>
<p>Besides, practicing intercourse with Riley might keep her from running to town to be with boys.
<<q rileySexEd 300>></p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 4.1>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 300-500 75 notMuted>>
<cc>You once again find Sister Dana in the dungeons, mortifying her flesh.</cc>
<<if $qqadriannaq==1500>>
<cc>Sister Dana should have met with Adrianna by now. You should leave Sister Dana alone until you have spoken with Adrianna about their meeting.</cc>
<<but "Sneak away" dungeon>>
<<c "Approach her">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 500-700 90 notMuted>>
<<if $temp2 == "returned">>
/* At times, more than one button may be shown. For buttons that shouldn't take much time in game-time (like "talk about the threesome") we can choose to send player back here instead of to the hub, and use doplay:temp2=returned at end of event (or in event here if temp2 isn't used in event) to show the updated message "The naked Sister Dana keeps flogging herself in silence".
But it's no big deal if player only can select one choice per night. Makes sense that Dana left to her room after it.
Note that unless we know button will disappear because of quest update, we can use daily to not show same button when returning. */
<cc>The naked Sister Dana keeps flogging herself in silence.</cc>
<cc>The naked Sister Dana says nothing when you approach.</cc>
<<but "<<actQuest vivienq>>" dungeon1 "ev:820 qqvivienq==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest juliajoining>>" dungeon1 "ev:900 qqjuliajoining==1500">>
<<but "<<actQuest riley>>" dungeon1 "ev:980 qqriley==980">>
<<but "<<actQuest rileyThreesome>>" dungeon1 "ev:1000 qqrileyThreesome>=1000 qqrileyThreesome<<1200">>
<<but "<<actQuest viviendana>>" dungeon1 "ev:1100 qqviviendana>=100 viviendana#notcompleted daily">>
<<but "Talk about the threesome" dungeon1 "ev:1120 qqdana==1000">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelationsupport>>" dungeon1 "ev:1200 qqrevelationsupport==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest vivienfornicate>>" dungeon1 "ev:1500 qqvivienfornicate==3100 doplay:temp2=returned">>
<<but "<<actQuest adriannaq>>" dungeon1 "ev:1700 qqadriannaq==1300">>
<<but "<<actQuest adriannaq>>" dungeon1 "ev:1700 step:2000 qqadriannaq==2000">>
<<set $temp2 = "reset">>
<<event 820>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 500-900 70>>
<<s mc "I met with Vivien, and I could verify what you told me: she has a serious problem with the sin of Onan. She could attract the lust demon if she keeps defiling herself. She needs the holy rites and you must help me get her ready to accept them.">>
<<s dana "You mean to have sexual relations with her too?">>
<<s mc "I mean to do what is required to protect her from Satan and his minions – to protect us all from evil. You know I'm not doing it to 'have sexual relations', Sister Dana. Or are you sitting down here naked, flogging yourself, because you receive sexual gratification from it?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s dana "No. I didn't mean it like that. Or maybe I did. But I have to accept the reality.">>
<<s mc "Yes. You wouldn't want the lust demon to come for Vivien. Now, I need to build trust with her. You must speak with Vivien on my behalf. Tell me, is Vivien trustworthy? Could you tell her about the lust demon and she would keep quiet about it? We can't risk word of the attacks getting out.">>
<<s dana "Vivien is a fine young woman, deeply religious. I trust her to keep quiet about it if I tell her to. Yes, I can make her understand the seriousness of it, I'm sure.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. So, don't tell her of the holy rites, but tell her about the lust demon prowling the monastery. Tell her that to protect her from the demon, Vivien must accept the help I am prepared to give her. And let her understand it has to do with intimate things, normally forbidden, but necessary because of the special circumstances of her lustful sinning and the lust demon threatening us all. Do you agree to do this?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi dana2 65>>
Sister Dana thinks for a moment before answering.
<<s dana "I'll do it on one condition. I want to be present when you perform the holy rites on her.">>
<<s mc "Why? Don't you trust me?">>
<<s dana "I have no choice but to trust you. Still, I have to do what I can to protect Vivien. I also think she would like to have me present, someone she knows and trusts, making the experience less traumatic for her.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s mc "I understand your concern. I propose a compromise. I probably have to perform the holy rites on Vivien more than once. You don't have to be there every time. I think it is enough that you are there the first time I anoint her with the Holy Seed. Then, if I anoint her again, she will know the rite. And if I deem her in need of a holy rite other than the anointing, I will let you be present the first time for that holy rite as well. How about that?">>
<<s dana "I agree to it. Providing you can only perform a holy rite without me present if Vivien agrees to it.">>
<<s mc "That is acceptable. You should speak with Vivien tomorrow, first thing. I need to anoint her as soon as possible to protect her from the lust demon.">>
<<s dana "Fine. I will speak to her before class tomorrow. But remember your promise. I am to be there when you anoint her.">>
<<s mc "Don't worry, Sister Dana. I am a man of my word.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
<c>Sister Dana will speak to Vivien tomorrow, which should greatly improve Vivien's trust in you and in her willingness to do what you ask of her. But before attempting to anoint Vivien, you must make sure that she accepts the truth of the holy rites.
<<q vivienq 300>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 500-900 75>>
<<s mc "You are a member of the Circle, but you haven't been properly initiated. Now I want you to do this.">>
<<s dana "How do you get initiated?">>
<<s mc "By watching me anoint Novice Emma with the Holy Seed. This is meant to encourage new members to also be anointed, to protect them from the lust demon. As we know, the lust demon doesn't come for you. That's why I didn't think it necessary to initiate you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s dana "So what changed?">>
<<s mc "I mean to initiate Novice Julia as well. The two of you, together. She needs to be anointed for protection. I want to show her that nuns are allowed to partake in the holy rites.">>
<<s dana "Are you involved with that poor girl too? May I ask why?">>
<<s mc "I can't reveal things said in confidence, Sister Dana. You'd have to ask Novice Julia for the specifics. But because Novice Julia is in grave danger of being attacked by the lust demon, seeing as she is young and pretty, I will reveal to you that she has already been anointed before joining the convent. Anointing her again is imperative to keep her protection strong, but she hesitates because she is a novice now. You should do your part to convince her to accept the Holy Seed. To protect her.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 500-600 70>>
<<s dana "I'm still not convinced these holy rites are approved by God. But seeing as I have already crossed the line, hoping they are, I will at least not try to talk Novice Julia out of it. Other than that, I can't promise anything.">>
<<s mc "Fine. But you will attend the initiation. We will meet at Novice Emma before supper.">>
<<s dana "I will come.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma1 22>>
Go to Novice Emma tomorrow to initiate Sister Dana and Novice Julia
<<q juliajoining 1600 center>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 980>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 500-900 80>>
<c><<s mc "I need your help with Riley. To get her to agree to participate in the threesome, you have to tell her that you've seen me have intercourse with Vivien.">>
<<s dana "Why?">>
<<s mc "It's what Riley needs to hear. As long as you're not lying, does it matter why?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 500-600 80>>
<<s dana "I don't like telling Riley about it without Vivien's approval.">>
<<s mc "It's too late for that. I've already told Riley about it, she just needs to hear it confirmed by you, as she trusts you more than me. You should see this is a good thing, her trusting you.">>
<<s dana "As you wish. I'll do what you ask. I'll talk to Riley.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mii school/riley/face2 34>>
<<mii school/riley/badgirl 34>>
<c>This time, you hope Riley will honor her promise to participate in the threesome. You should visit her tomorrow.
<<q riley 990>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:800 step:200 doplay:temp2=returned">>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 40>>
<<mii misc/praying 45 right>>
<l>Everything is set for the threesome. But you are having doubts.
<p>Not about the truth of the holy rites, or the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley. Sister Dana's grave sins of seducing and sodomizing the rebellious student in her past is indeed something that the holy rites will help cleanse, regardless if the lust demon is here because of Sister Dana's sins or not.</p>
<p>No, your doubts are about using the divine nectar on Sister Dana. Sure, it is for a good cause. It is meant to ensure that Sister Dana fully accepts the truth of the holy rites. And that she gives you her support going forward, as you will keep doing your best to protect all the nuns in the fight against the Devil and his minions.</p>
<<ev 50>>
<<mii lab/potionNectar_big 27 pnggg>>
But, you will be giving Sister Dana something akin to heroin. This is especially questionable since Sister Dana has told you how she became a drug addict after she was fired from the school for seducing the student. Giving Sister Dana strong drugs now could possibly make her fall back into substance abuse.
<p>Although, as long as she believes the euphoria comes from the holy rites, she will probably be okay.</p>
<<but "You have to pray on this" dungeon1 step:60>>
<<but "It is for the greater good" dungeon1 "step:80 corr40 ttt20">>
<<ev 60>>
<<mii misc/praying 55>>
<c>Before giving Sister Dana a dose of divine nectar, you have to be sure that God approves of such an extreme measure in this case.
<p>You have to pray on this.
<<q rileyThreesome 1100>></p>
<<ev 70>>
<<mv 500-700 90 notMuted>>
<<s mc "I just wanted to inform you that the threesome may take place soon. This time and place would be suitable. Be ready.">>
<<s dana "I will be here.">>
<<ev 80>>
<<mii lab/priestchannel 29 right>>
<l>God understands that using the divine nectar on Sister Dana is for the greater good.
<p>For all you know, Sister Dana may very well experience a sense of euphoria when her grave sins of the past leave her soul – even without the divine nectar. The divine nectar is just to ensure that Sister Dana will join the forces of Good in this war against Evil.
<<q rileyThreesome 1200>>
<<c "Arrange the threesome">>
<<ev 90>>
<<mii lab/tube_pipette 32 "pnggg left">>
You have prepared everything for the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley.
Inside a pocket, you have a pipette loaded with one dose of divine nectar.
<p>The pipette is safely stored inside one of the test tube containers.</p>
<<mii lab/rubbergloves 22 "pnggg right">>
You have also cut off one of the fingers of a rubber glove to wear as a cover when you rub the divine nectar into Sister Dana's skin. The transparent, thin rubber makes it hard to see on your finger, and you plan to only wear it for a few moments when both Sister Dana and Riley have their backs to you.
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/riley/face1 40>>
<c>You have informed Riley that the threesome is to take place tonight. She promised to wait outside the entrance at the time you specified, wearing her school uniform.</c>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi 500-900 70>>
<c><<s mc "Everything is ready for the threesome. Riley should be waiting outside right now. I will let her inside and bring her here. Meanwhile, you should get dressed.">>
<<s dana "I pray I have made the right choice.">>
<<c "Go to the main entrance">>
<<ev 160>>
<<mi riley1 35 right>>
You go the entrance of the monastery and open the locked door.
<p>Outside, Riley is waiting in her school uniform, as instructed.</p>
<p>She grins and stands in an obscene pose, ever the rebel. You think she is nervous, but pretends not to by acting tough.
<<addlust 50>></p>
<<c "Take her to the dungeon">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi dana10 40>>
When you return to the dungeons with Riley, Sister Dana is waiting, fully dressed.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi riley11 47 right>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("rileyThreesome")>>
/* for replay*/
<<set $temp4 = true>>
<<set $temp5 = false>> /* used when starting "another round" */
<<set $temp4 = false>>
<<set $temp5 = false>>
Riley's tough demeanor has changed to a nervous look now that things are about to happen... That soon, you will penetrate her behind with your manhood.
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<<if $temp4>>
<<s dana "Thank you for doing this again, Riley. I have no right to ask you to participate in this, but know that I am eternally in your debt.">>
<<s dana "Thank you for coming, Riley. Has $fmc told you what we will be doing?">>
<<s riley "Yes...">>
<<s dana "I have no right to ask you to participate in this, but know that I will be eternally grateful to you if you do.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi m 50 right>>
<<if $temp4>>
As a final preparation, you remind Sister Dana and Riley that some improvisation is allowed from everyone as long as they stay true to the role they are supposed to play.
As a final preparation, Sister Dana briefly describes, to the best of her recollection, how the first threesome with her boyfriend and the rebellious student happened, so that everyone gets a general idea of what is going to happen and what they are supposed to do.
<p>Since Sister Dana's memory isn't perfect, you tell them that some improvisation is allowed from everyone as long as they stay true to the role they are supposed to play.</p>
<p>You also remind Sister Dana that her participation in the threesome is required for you to eat her grave sins of the past, but it is also an opportunity for her to do penance for them by doing the perverted things you may ask of her.
<<s mc "We should get started.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 50>>
<<s dana "Remember that you are doing this voluntarily, Riley. No one is forcing you. If you want to stop, you can just say so.">>
<<s riley "Yeah, I know.">>
<<s dana "We are ready, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Then we begin by getting the Holy Rod ready. Riley, kneel and use your mouth.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 1000-1100 94 "volume0 pause1">>
<<addlust 100>>
You expose your manhood to Riley. It is already erect, a sure sign that God approves of what you are about to do. Riley does as she is instructed, taking you in her mouth.
<<s mc "Sister Dana, now we get undressed.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<set $temp2 = "volume1.5">>
<<set $temp = "volume1.5 pause1">>
<<mv m 94 $temp>>
<cc>Riley keeps your Holy Rod hard while Sister Dana and you remove your clothes.
<<cs mc "The Holy Rod is ready. Riley, get on your knees and turn around.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 65 $temp>>
<cc>You help Riley get in position.</cc>
<<c "Pull down Riley's panties">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 65 $temp>>
<cc>Seeing Riley naked down there makes your manhood hard like a rock.</cc>
<<ev 1500>>
<<set $temp3 = "volume0.6">>
<<mv m 94 $temp>>
<cc>Using saliva and her fingers, Sister Dana gets Riley's forbidden hole ready for <<if $temp5>>more <</if>>action.
<<but "Tell Sister Dana to use her mouth on you" dungeon1 step:1600>>
<<but "Penetrate Riley's forbidden hole" dungeon1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 94 $temp2>>
<<s mc "Sister Dana, use your mouth to lubricate the Holy Rod.">>
Sister Dana silently obeys. Knowing she lived a life of grave sexual sinning in her youth, you don't treat her gently. Repeating the sins is the only way to eat them.
<p>You pervertedly ram the Holy Rod down Sister Dana's throat. She takes the rough treatment, desperate to do penance for her grave sins of the past.</p>
<<but "Penetrate Riley's forbidden hole" dungeon1 step:2000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You penetrate Riley's tight rectum.</cc>
<<c "Sodomize Riley">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 100 $temp3>>
<<if $temp4>>
<cc>You sodomize Riley, moving your erect manhood in and out of her young butt.</cc>
<<but "Have Riley lick Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:2400>><<but "Just keep sodomizing Riley" dungeon1 step:2700>>
<cc>You sodomize Riley, moving your erect manhood in and out of her young butt.</cc>
<<c "Have Riley lick Sister Dana">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 100 $temp3>>
<<if $temp4>>
<c>You tell Sister Dana to lie down and spread her legs, and Riley to lick her.
<p>They both obey. You keep sodomizing Riley as she pleasures Sister Dana with her mouth.</p></c>
<c>As Sister Dana described when she outlined how the original threesome happened, she spreads her legs for Riley.
<p>Riley follows the script and pleasures Sister Dana with her mouth.</p></c>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv m 100 $temp3>>
<cc>It is perverse, but you enjoy your hard manhood in Riley's forbidden hole.</cc>
<<but "Sodomize Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:3000>>
<<but "Continue to sodomize Riley" dungeon1 step:3500>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>Penetrating Sister Dana's rectum is as much her penance<br>as one of the things you need to do to eat her old sins of sodomy.</cc>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>Sister Dana silently lets you sodomize her,<br>knowing she deserves to be punished for her grave sins.</cc>
<<if $temp4>>
<<but "Sodomize Sister Dana from behind" dungeon1 step:4000>>
<<c "Sodomize Riley">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc2>You sodomize Riley in another of the several ways that Sister Dana's old boyfriend used to sodomize the rebellious student.</cc2>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You tell Sister Dana to lick your scrotum as she did with her boyfriend.</cc>
<<if $temp4>>
<<but "Sodomize Sister Dana from behind" dungeon1 step:4000>>
<<but "Sodomize Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:4000>>
<<but "Continue to sodomize Riley" dungeon1 step:4500>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You sodomize Sister Dana from behind. Riley isn't shy and watches with interest.</cc>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You tell Riley to lubricate the Holy Rod. She obeys like a good girl.</cc>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You could empty your seed into Sister Dana's rectum now, but you are not done yet.</cc>
<<but "Sodomize Riley from below" dungeon1 step:3500>>
<<c "Sodomize Riley face-to-face">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You sodomize Riley face-to-face.</cc>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>Sister Dana must be punished more before you end this.<br>
You have her clean your manhood after it has been inside Riley's dirty hole.</cc>
<<if $temp4>>
<<set $temp5 = true>>
/* Note, doing doplay:temp5=true/false in button makes true/false a string, so not working with eg !$temp5 */
<<but "Start another round of sodomizing" dungeon1 "step:1500">>
<<but "Prepare for the final act (double butt)" dungeon1 "step:5100">>
<<c "Prepare to use the <<potionNectar>>">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mv m 94 pause2>>
<<s mc "Now we will do that most perverted act you described, Sister Dana. Then I will finish by anointing both of you. Take your positions. Riley, on your four, and you on top of her, Sister Dana.">>
<<set $temp5 = false>>
<<but "Penetrate Riley" dungeon1 step:5400>>
<<but "Penetrate Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv m 94>>
<<if !$temp5>>
Having positioned Sister Dana and Riley like an obscene, satanic tableau in a perverse art gallery, you proceed to sodomize Riley.
<<set $temp5 = true>>
<cc>You switch to sodomizing Riley.</cc>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mv m 94>>
<cc>Riley's rectum feels so good. You can't hold back your seed much longer.</cc>
<<but "Penetrate Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:6000>>
<<if $temp4>>
<<but "Go for maximum pervertedness" dungeon1 step:5700>>
<<but "Prepare to anoint them" dungeon1 step:7200>>
<<ev 5700>>
<<mv 1000-5700 94>>
<c>You maximize the pervertedness of the obscene tableau from Satan by only violating their rectums a few seconds each before switching.</c>
<<but "Focus on sodomizing Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:6000>>
<<but "Focus on sodomizing Riley" dungeon1 step:5400>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv m 94>>
<<if !$temp5>>
Having positioned Sister Dana and Riley like an obscene, satanic tableau in a perverse art gallery, you proceed to sodomize Sister Dana.
<<set $temp5 = true>>
<cc>You switch to sodomizing Sister Dana.</cc>
<<but "Penetrate Riley" dungeon1 step:5400>>
<<if $temp4>>
<<but "Go for maximum pervertedness" dungeon1 step:5700>>
<<but "Prepare to anoint them" dungeon1 step:7200>>
<<but "Use <<potionNectar>> on Sister Dana" dungeon1 step:7000>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<overlay "dungeon/1000-7000" "lab/pipettefilled" 30 3 30 96 "png">><</overlay>>
Having silently opened the tube container and worn the cut off rubber finger as protection on your finger, you now retrieve the pipette filled with a dose of divine nectar.
<<c "Apply <<potionNectar>> on Sister Dana's butt">>
<<ev 7100>>
<<overlay "dungeon/1000-7100" "lab/pipette" 30 3 30 96 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You spit on Sister Dana's behind, intentionally aiming too high and to the side. As the spit hits her upper buttock, you squeeze the rubber bulb on the pipette, squirting the divine nectar next to the spit. With your rubber-covered finger, you smear out the nectar on Sister Dana's butt. It is rapidly absorbed by her skin.
<p>Afterward, you quickly remove the rubber finger. Then, to complete the ruse, you spit again onto Sister Dana's behind, this time aiming correctly, to make up for the first "failed" attempt at lubricating her rectum. Sister Dana doesn't appear to notice anything strange.</p>
<<c "Prepare to release the Holy Seed">>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mv threesome_precum 90 pause1>>
<<if $temp4>>
<cc>You command the girls to kneel and prepare to be anointed.
<p>They obediently do as you say.</p></cc>
Sister Dana should feel the effect of the divine nectar very quickly. You must release the Holy Seed now to finish this.
<p>You tell Sister Dana and Riley to take their places for the anointing.</p>
<<c "Anoint Sister Dana and Riley">>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mv threesome_cum 100 volume0.3>>
<c>With the Holy Seed, you anoint Sister Dana and Riley in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
<<ev 7600>>
<<mv threesome_endcum 100 volume0.4>>
<cc>You tell the girls not to let the Holy Seed go to waste.<br>They take turns sucking it from your manhood.</cc>
<<ev 7900>>
<<mv m 48 right>>
<<if $temp4>>
You keep a close eye on Sister Dana. Doesn't she look like she is hoping to feel that high from the divine nectar again? You think she is slightly disappointed that it didn't happen this time.
<p>Being an old drug addict, it's no wonder that Sister Dana easily falls back to craving getting her next fix. You have to be careful with that.</p>
You keep a close eye on Sister Dana. Doesn't she look high? Or is she just happy and hopeful about the holy rite cleansing her sins?
<<s mc "Sister Dana. Do you feel the weight of your grave sins leaving your soul? The Holy Spirit will replace them with God's light. Do you feel it?">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi m 100>>
<<if $temp4>>
<<s mc "The holy rite of Sin Eating was a success, Sister Dana. I managed to eat more of your grave sins.">>
<<s dana "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<but "Get dressed" dungeon1 step:9000>>
<<s dana "I feel it. Oh Lord, forgive me for my sins. I repent as the sinner that I am. Fill me with your light, Lord. I can feel it. It feels so good.">>
Sister Dana looks high, lost in pleasure, probably much thanks to the divine nectar, possibly also in part because you did eat her grave sins, sending them up to God in heaven.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 8100>>
<<mi threesome_end 100>>
The threesome is completed and the holy rites were a success. You ate Sister Dana's grave sins and anointed her and Riley.
<<qend rileyThreesome 3000>>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi dana20 45 right>>
Before leaving Sister Dana and Riley, you inform them that you will probably have to repeat this again later to fully cleanse Sister Dana of her grave sins of the past.
<p>You tell Sister Dana that she should keep repenting here at night as usual, for the time being.
<<if !$temp4>> You will seek her out again to see how she feels after the holy rites.<</if>>
<<s dana "I will be here, $fmc.">>
<<q dana 1000>>
<<if $qqrileyThreesome2 == 100>>
<<qend rileyThreesome2 200>>
<<endSendNun "Leave" hub>>
<<event 1040>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 32>>
<c>Earlier this evening, you sought out Novice Sofia in her room.
<<s mc "Go to Sister Dana and Riley at the school and inform them that I will meet with them both tonight. They will know what it means.">>
<<s sofia "Will you perform a holy ritual with them, Father? Both at the same time?">>
<<s mc "If needed. I trust that you don't tell anyone about this, Novice Sofia. As you understand, the holy rites are kept private because of the intimate acts that are required. Just as I am not telling anyone the details of what you and I do.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc, I understand.">>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">And now the time has come for the threesome to take place.</cc>
<<qadd dana 3000>>
<<c "Go to the dungeon" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi riley1 35 right>>
On the way to the dungeons, you unlock the main entrance and look outside.
<p>Riley is waiting, dressed in her school uniform.</p>
<p>Though she obeyed your command to appear, she puts up a tough attitude, standing in an immoral, seductive pose.</p>
<p>You don't chastise her for it since this only helps the Holy Rod to get ready for the holy rites.
<<addlust 50>>
<<c "Take Riley to the dungeon">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi dana20 45 right>>
When you arrive at the dungeons, Sister Dana is waiting, looking eager to participate in another threesome.
<p>Perhaps she expects to feel that "divine high" again. But you will not risk using the divine nectar on Sister Dana again. She has already accepted the truth of the holy rites.</p>
<<s mc "Sister Dana, good, you are here. I have to tell you, that though your soul is still tainted from the many grave sins of your past, you shouldn't expect God's light to fill you again after I have eaten more of your sins. That was likely a one-time thing.">>
<<s dana "You may be right, $fmc.">>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:1000 step:500">>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 500-900 74>>
You <<if $qqviviendana>=160>>once again <</if>>tell Sister Dana about the idea of the rehearsal wedding and the Holy Marriage – how it is a compromise you made with Vivien to then be able to fornicate with her, eating her sins of fornication.
<p>You stress to Sister Dana how dangerous it is for Vivien to carry these grave sexual sins on her soul with the lust demon around. It's an invitation to be attacked.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 500-600 74>>
<<if $qqviviendana >= 160>>
<<s dana "Sister Jana told me how you removed her lust curse. She also told me how she for a long time very much doubted the holy rites, but she has been forced to accept the truth of them. I trust Sister Jana, but I still doubt that the holy rites are of God.">>
<<s mc "How about a compromise? Until you accept the truth of the holy rites, I agree to only have intercourse with Vivien to consummate a Holy Marriage.">>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 step:500>>
<<s dana "I can't agree to this. It's bad enough what we are planning to do with Riley... But with Vivien, that is where I draw the line. I will not let you deflower this sweet, innocent girl.">>
<<s mc "But she isn't so innocent. It was you who made me aware of it. Her grave sins must be cleansed or the lust demon could come for her, or anyone at the school. If you can accept that Riley will be sodomized in a threesome, why can't you accept this?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 500-900 74>>
<<s dana "I'm just not convinced that the holy rites are of God as you claim. What if you're wrong? No, until I'm convinced you are right about all of this, I won't allow you to do this with Vivien.">>
<<s mc "The holy rites are of God. We will talk more about this later.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 500-600 60>>
<c>You could go ahead and marry Vivien without Sister Dana's approval, but it's important that you have Sister Dana's support going forward. You must find a way to convince Sister Dana that the holy rites are of God.
<<q viviendana 150>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:800 step:200 doplay:temp2=returned">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 500-900 74>>
<<s dana "But what would be the point of that when the reason you want to marry Vivien is so that she can have sex with you outside of marriage without breaking her promise to God?">>
<<s mc "Vivien is in this mess because she has a very high sex drive. But this lustful desire is put into her by the Lord to make her want to have intercourse with her husband, to procreate. Obviously, I will not impregnate Vivien, but I can satisfy her lust that is causing her grave sins of Onan. The Holy Marriage allows me to do just that, and it will benefit us all. Vivien's grave sinning is putting her and everyone else at risk by attracting the lust demon.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi dana1 32>>
<<s dana "You have a point. I'm willing to agree to your Holy Marriage with Vivien, as long as I am present when you consummate the marriage, as you have promised whenever you use a holy rite for the first time with her.">>
<<s mc "Of course. We will all go to the church together.">>
<<s dana "But that is all I will agree to until I am fully convinced of the truth of the holy rites: Holy Marriage in the town church, with me present every time you consummate the marriage. Nothing else.">>
<<s mc "I understand. I will let you know when the wedding takes place.">>
<<qend viviendana 300>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii area/church 54>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("vivienmarry",300)>>
<c>Sister Dana has approved of your marriage to Vivien, and you have arranged the wedding in the town church according to Vivien's wishes. Now you have to visit Vivien during the day to marry her.
<<qmess vivienmarry 390>>
<c>Sister Dana has approved of your marriage to Vivien, and but you still haven't arranged the wedding in the town church.
<<qmess vivienmarry 370>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:800 step:200 doplay:temp2=returned">>
<<event 1120>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 500-900 80>>
<<s mc "Now that you have had time to think about the threesome and what happened, have you accepted the truth of the holy rites and the help I'm offering?">>
<<s dana "Yes, $fmc. I can't deny what I experienced. I believe Jesus came down to save me, forgiving my sins. Nothing but the divine can explain what I felt.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s mc "The holy rite of Sin Eating sends your sins up to God in heaven. If you were also touched by Jesus, as you say, that is a remarkable blessing. It's not how it usually happens when I eat people's sins. But every case is unique. You have committed grave sins in your past, but you have shown great resolve and self-sacrifice to repent of it by mortifying your flesh here, offering yourself to the lust demon. I believe the Lord has rewarded you because of it.">>
<<s dana "I thank you for giving me this chance to release the burden on my soul.">>
<<s mc "Your soul is lighter, but do not take this to mean you are free of sin now. Your grave sins can't be cleansed all at once. We have to repeat the threesome, possibly several times.">>
<<qstart rileyThreesome2 100>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 500-700 66>>
<<s dana "I understand, Father. I will do what you ask of me. But what of Riley? I don't want to damage the poor girl any more than we already have.">>
<<s mc "The threesome is good for Riley too. Satan had a hold on her. I have tamed the rebel inside of Riley enough that we can save her from a life as a promiscuous town harlot. She is safe with us and get to experience the most perverted sexual acts, calming such desires in her instead of pushing her closer to Satan. This was meant to be. Riley was meant to save you from your grave sins of the past, and you were meant to save her from a life of grave sinning such as yours. I'm just the instrument of the Lord Almighty, making it happen.">>
<<s dana "If you say it is so, Father, I believe you.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s mc "Good. It is important that you believe me. Satan is not done with his attack on this convent. Until I can stop the lust demon, your sisters are in danger. It is still too early to openly reveal the truth of the holy rites to everyone here, but when that day comes, I must be able to count on your support. Do I have it, Sister Dana?">>
<<s dana "Yes, $fmc. You can count on me.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then I take it that I now have your approval to fornicate with Vivien to eat her sins of fornication?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 500-600 70>>
<<s dana "I don't like it, but if you have to eat Vivien's sins of fornication, I have to accept this solution, as I can't deny the truth of the holy rites. But I will be present when you first fornicate with Vivien, as you have promised whenever you use a holy rite for the first time with her.">>
<<s mc "Of course. But you no longer need to be present when I marry her and consummate the marriage. However, I may occasionally invite you anyway as I know that Vivien would appreciate it.">>
<<s dana "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 500-900 80>>
<<s mc "As for you, you should continue to repent here at night. Now that you have been blessed by the Lord, perhaps your presence will scare the lust demon, delaying the next attack.">>
<<s dana "I will be here, Father.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi dana20 40>>
<c>You have secured Sister Dana's support going forward.
<p>You must arrange another threesome with her and Riley to cleanse more of Sister Dana's sins, but not tonight. You should give them time to rest.
<<qend dana 2000>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii area/300-consummated 60>>
<cc>Sister Dana has given you her permission to fornicate with Vivien. You should talk to Vivien about this tomorrow, during the day.
<p>You may now also marry Vivien in the town church without inviting Sister Dana.
<<qmess vivienfornicate 1080 center>> /* Note, must be qmess for vivien school events to always trigger in correct order */
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:800 step:200 doplay:temp2=returned">>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi dana2 66>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Dana, you know what has happened with Mother Magda, how she is possessed by a demon clouding her mind. Satan has grown strong, and we need to act forcefully to stop him and his minions. We need to work together, every one of us. Sister Dana, things are about to change. The Lord has told me that the time is soon here for the Revelation, where I reveal the holy rites to the entire convent. I will then also ask the sisters to vote for me to temporarily assume the command of the convent, to be able to fight Satan and his minions most effectively.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 500-900 66>>
<<s dana "Have you talked to the Mother Superior about this?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I have her full support in this. I will return the leadership to her when we have won the war.">>
<<s dana "I understand, Father.">>
<<if $qqrevelationroberta < 1100>>
<<s mc "On another note... As you know, Sister Roberta is not yet aware of the holy rites, and you shouldn't tell her. Let me handle her.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 500-600 66>>
<<s mc "I need your help to gather support for the coming Revelation. I trust I already have your support?">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father $mc. I have accepted the holy rites and that you are sent by the Lord to help us.">>
<<s mc "Good. Now, forget the novices, since they can't vote. We need to get as many professed sisters as possible to support the Revelation. Do you know anyone who may need my help? Something that would allow me to show them the truth of the holy rites?">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<<s dana "Let me think... hmm. Perhaps Sister Ann. She doesn't need your help for herself, but she's been worried about Novice Victoria. As you know, Novice Victoria has been attacked by the lust demon, and I think she suffers a great deal from it... possibly something to do with heightened lust. If you can help Novice Victoria with the holy rites, and Sister Ann witnesses it, that could be enough to make Sister Ann accept the holy rites." ii>>
<<c "Think about Novice Victoria">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 22 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Novice Victoria... hmm. She is initiated into the Circle. She watched me anoint Novice Emma, but then I haven't heard anything more from Novice Victoria. Do you think she has told Sister Ann about the holy rites?">>
<<s dana "No, I'm sure that Sister Ann knows nothing about the holy rites. Well, I've hinted to her that you helped me with something personal, something that required unorthodox methods. I wanted to one day be able to tell her, and others, about it." ii>>
<<s mc "After the Revelation, you will be able to tell anyone. Until then, we have to be careful and don't tell people more than they are ready to hear. So, what about this heightened lust of Novice Victoria? What have you heard?">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi 500-600 66>>
<<s dana "Sister Ann hinted that it was something about lust and... I think Novice Victoria struggles to keep her hands to herself, like Vivien at the school. Novice Victoria is young still – it's not uncommon with these feelings in young women, as you know – but apparently, it has gotten worse since the attack. Could Novice Victoria be possessed by a demon like the Reverend Mother?">>
<<s mc "It's possible. I will see what I can do for this poor girl. But as you said, if I use the holy rites on Novice Victoria, Sister Ann must be there to witness it. You must prepare Sister Ann for this, without telling her too much too fast. Take your time and work on her. We can't risk scaring her away from the truth before she has a chance to see it.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi dana1 35>>
<<s dana "I understand. I will talk to Sister Ann. I will be careful, but she has already shown interest in the unorthodox methods I've mentioned to her. She seemed rather open about it.">>
<<s mc "That's good. And you also should talk to Novice Victoria. It's been a while since she was initiated and she still hasn't approached me. There is apparently a hesitation in Novice Victoria to participate in the holy rites. Sister Ann doesn't know about the holy rites, but you do. Maybe you could reach Novice Victoria in a way that Sister Ann couldn't. You should try to convince Novice Victoria to accept my offer of help.">>
<<s dana "I will try, Father.">>
<<qset revelation 310>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<c>Getting Sister Ann's support at the Revelation would be a big win. She is a senior nun who is well-liked and respected by the other nuns.
<<qstart revelationann 100>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 24 pnggg>>
<c>Getting Novice Victoria to accept your help with the holy rites may be a good way to introduce Sister Ann to the holy rites.
<p>You should give Sister Dana some time to work on Sister Ann and Novice Victoria before approaching either of them.
<<qstart victoriaq 100>></p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Ann being such a respected nun, you feel confident that securing her vote at the Revelation will be enough to win you the election as the new leader of the convent – as long as you get the rest of the votes you are working to secure.
<<qend revelationsupport 1000>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 1290>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi prison-dusty 90>>
<c>You enter the medieval prison. It has cells, a torture chamber, and even its own well.
<p>The prison is well preserved but it needs some work if you are going to use it.</p>
/*<p>There is also a guillotine here. Something used for executions, not torture. You think guillotines like that weren't invented until sometime around the French Revolution in the late 18th century. It must be a relatively new addition.</p>*/
<p>Mother Magda said the dungeons haven't been used since the convent moved in here in the early 15th century, except for sometimes being opened up to people interested in medieval dungeons. But at some point, someone put a guillotine here – which must be from the 18th century or later. It doesn't matter who put it here or why – you will keep it since it serves the purpose of looking scary.</p>
<<c "Inspect the torture chamber">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi tchamber-dusty 76>>
<c>You inspect the torture chamber and the old equipment, carefully testing some of it.
<p>Most of the equipment still appears to be in relatively good condition. To be fully functional, it needs to be cleaned and oiled. You also need to replace or repair some parts that have gone bad during the years.</p>
<p>You should renovate both the prison and the torture chamber. If nothing else, it will show the nuns the seriousness of the situation, of the holy war.
<<q leaderq 180>></p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi prison-dusty 90>>
<cc>The medieval prison and torture chamber need fixing up if you are going to use it.
<<tryabut2spec "Restore the prison" dungeon1 "step:500 auth37 nobottom">></cc>
<<but "Leave" dungeon>>
<<ev 500>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 70>>
<c>It's too late in the day to start renovating the prison. You should return here tomorrow in the morning.</c>
<<but "Leave" dungeon>>
<<mi tchamber-dusty 74>>
You start working on fixing up the prison, including the torture chamber. Cleaning, oiling, repairing, and replacing parts – there is a lot to do.
<p>As you restore the various torture equipment, you think about how it would have been when the torture chamber was in use, hundreds of years ago.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi torture 66>>
<c>You can imagine a lot of things going on in torture chambers in the past.
<p>For one thing, the Inquisition could have interrogated suspected witches in places like this, torturing women to make them admit to consorting with the Devil and having sexual orgies at the sabbaths. The tortured women were often stripped naked to humiliate them.</p>
<<specbut "Imagine what happened to the women down here." dungeon1 step:650>><<specbut "It's too horrible. Don't think about it." dungeon1 step:780>> </cc>
<<ev 650>>
<<mv torture 74>>
<cc>The torturers probably started with something relatively mild, like flogging them.
<p>If the women still didn't confess to being witches, the inquisitor would order the torturers to go harder on them.</p>
<<specbut "Imagine more severe torture." dungeon1 step:700>><<specbut "It's too horrible. Don't think about it anymore." dungeon1 step:780>> </cc>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv torture2 70>>
<c>The torturers could have tied up the poor women to various devices for more severe torture, trying to drive out the evil from their bodies as well as making them confess.
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 step:800>>
<<ev 780>>
<<mii misc/think 78>>
<c>You stop yourself. You don't want to think about the horrible things that happened in places like this.
Leading the nuns by <<punish verbform>> offenders is probably not something you would enjoy. Leading the nuns with <<love>> and forgiveness appears to be your preferred choice.
<<ev 800>>
<<mi inquisition 68>>
<c>You don't know if any suspected witches were ever tortured down here. Most of the witch trials occurred after the nuns had taken over this part of the monastery.
<p>It is still possible that the Inquisition – or someone else – at times made use of this torture chamber even after the nuns moved in above.</p>
<p>But the past is the past. You go back to concentrating on finishing the renovation.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi tchamber-dusty 72>>
<c>A medieval prison dungeon is scary enough, but a torture chamber makes it even scarier. Even if you never actually use it, the torture chamber will function as a reminder to the nuns of the graveness of the situation – that you are fighting a war against Satan.
<p>Additionally, the prison and the torture chamber will function as deterrents – to make the nuns fear ending up here if they do wrong.</p>
<p>To serve these functions, the nuns must know about the prison and torture chamber.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 38 pause1>>
<c>You have to make many trips up from the dungeons to get something needed for the renovation – like tools, oil, or wooden planks. This gives you plenty of opportunity to tell the nuns you meet that you are restoring the prison and torture chamber.
<p>You encourage the women to come down to the dungeons to see it with their own eyes. Some of them do.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi prison 90>>
Finally, you think you are done. You have restored the prison to its former glory.
<p>Or much of it anyway. Some of the equipment, especially in the torture chamber, needs parts that you can't easily get your hands on right now.</p>
<<set $prisoners = []>>
<<c "Look at the torture chamber">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi tchamber 90>>
<cc>The torture chamber now looks really scary.
<p>You wonder if things could ever get so bad that you will feel compelled to actually torture a nun in here.</p></cc>
<<ev 2120>>
<<mi prison 90>>
<c>Just knowing about the renovated prison and torture chamber might be enough to keep order and discipline within the convent, but if it isn't, you can send suspected wrong-doers to the prison to be interrogated and to stand trial – and to <<punish>> them if necessary.
<p>Being interrogated in this terrible place could in itself be enough of a punishment – enough to scare most people straight. Perhaps some time locked up in a prison cell will be necessary as additional punishment. Maybe even some lighter form of physical punishment, such as flogging. If someone still refuses to fall in line... you have to decide what to do with them when the time comes.</p>
<<ev 2150>>
<<mi torture 62>>
However you decide to lead the nuns, you must remember that you are not a dictator or a king who can do what you want. Your leadership relies on the support of the nuns. They elected you their leader and if you treat them too badly, they can elect a new leader.
<p>Because of this, you can't be too cruel or perverted in your use of the prison and torture chamber.</p>
<<ev 2160>>
<<mi torture2 62>>
<c>Your mind drifts again to the women you think may have been tortured down here in the past.
Being around the tied-up, naked women, you can imagine that the torturers were tempted to use the women to satisfy their perverted sexual desires when no one saw them.</p>
However, that is something you couldn't do. Punishing the nuns, even torturing them, is one thing, but rape and sexual molestation would be to go too far. Not only would God disapprove of it, but the nuns might rebel against you, deposing you as their leader.</p>
<<ev 2170>>
<<mii nchapel/mass2 80>>
<c>You also have to remember that, because they are nuns, they are expected to participate in prayer and do their duties around the monastery. If you imprison a troublesome nun, you could face a lot of backlash.
<p>But what if you allow the nun to go free during the day, only locking her up from supper to morning? After supper, the workday is over and she would only miss out on Compline, the night prayer. Yes, you think you would get away with that.</p>
<p>Spending the evening and night in the dark, cold prison cell should be horrible enough to serve its function.</p>
<<ev 2180>>
<<mi prison 80>>
<c>In fact, whether you want to imprison someone, interrogate them, or anything else, it might be better to only use the prison after supper. You have enough to do during the days as it is, while the nights are usually uneventful.
<<q leaderq 200>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi pillory-blackwhite 74>>
<c>You are now ready to put the prison to good use – if you think it is necessary.
<<addpun 10>> /* to make love/punish equal (raising love to 12 in love event) */
The word will spread that you have restored the prison and torture chamber, signaling that you may be harsh to nuns who actively oppose you, deny the doctrine of the holy rites, or refuse to support the war efforts. More nuns will think twice about getting on your bad side.
<c0><<tip punish>></c0>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/head1 38 pnggg>>
Perhaps Sister Agnes – that nun who spoke out so defiantly against you at the Revelation – could use some time down here? If she continues to preach heresy, you will have to consider it.
<<ev 2350>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 38 pnggg>>
<c>You wonder if Sister Roberta has any news about Sister Agnes.
<p>Being your prioress, Sister Roberta should be informed about your plans for the prison. You can ask her about Sister Agnes then.</p>
<p>As usual, since Sister Roberta is so busy during the day, you should visit her after supper.
<<qstart agnesq 100>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi prison 100>>
Having spent a lot of time fixing up the prison, you need to rest before supper.
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 ev:3100>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqagnesq==200 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("agnesq",1) && $daytime == "night">>
<<hubShowRoom "nuns/dolores/dolores_small" 17.6 25.6 6 90 "png">>
<cc>On your way to the dungeons and the prison, you go to Sister Dolores' new room.<br> You find her there.
<<but "Talk to Sister Dolores" nuns1 ev:1550>>
<<mi prison 90>>
<cc>The prison.</cc>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<if $qqagnesq==300>>
<<tryabut2spec "Call Sister Agnes to stand trial for heresy" dungeon1 "ev:1350 auth50 nobottom">>
<<but "Leave" dungeon>>
<<event 1310>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/face 35 pnggg>>
Having recruited Sister Dolores as your assistant in the prison, you are ready to call Sister Agnes to stand trial for heresy.
<p>Regardless of how you feel about using the prison and physical punishment for wrong-doers, Sister Agnes is a potential problem you shouldn't ignore if you want to keep the convent a united front against Satan and his minions.
<<q agnesq 300>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 ev:1300>>
<<event 1350 agnes nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 38>>
<c>You seek out Sister Dolores in her room and tell her to bring Sister Agnes to the prison for interrogation.
<<c "Go to the prison">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii dungeon/prison 90>>
<cc>You wait in the prison...</cc>
<<ev 300>>
<cc><<mii nuns/agnes/face 42 "left pnggg">><<mii nuns/dolores/head 45 "left pnggg">></cc>
<c>Sister Agnes eventually arrives, with Sister Dolores following behind.
<p>You tell Sister Agnes that she has been brought here to be interrogated on suspicion of heresy. You will lead the interrogation and Sister Dolores will be present as a witness.</p>
<<c "Start the interrogation">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv trial 70>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Agnes, how do you plead to the charge of spreading heretical views that contradict the doctrine of the holy rites?">>
<<s agnes "I do not agree with your leadership and the use of the so-called holy rites. If that is heresy, I am guilty. I am true to my faith.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi head4 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "Your honesty is commendable, Sister Agnes. The Lord has given us free will and you will not be punished for your opinion. However, we are fighting a holy war against Satan and his minions. In war, the worst crime is being a traitor, such as actively trying to undermine the war efforts. The holy rites are our weapons in the holy war. You are charged with attempting to weaken our unified resolve to fight the Devil using the holy rites. How do you plead to this charge of trying to undermine the war efforts?">>
<<s agnes "I don't deny that there is evil within these halls and it started before you came here. Perhaps you are right about demons using our lust against us. That is more than I know. But I don't agree with your way of fighting the evil. You are turning us away from the pure and holy. Through our faith alone will we prevail, not by following your corrupt ways. Because of this, I plead not guilty.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi head1 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Before I decide the verdict and possible sentence, you will have a chance to show your faith to the Lord – to show that you are not an agent of the Devil. If you are free of Satan's influence, Sister Agnes, then you will have no issue with humbling yourself before the Lord. Strip down naked and use this scourge. Mortify your flesh as God created you.">>
<<s agnes "If you doubt my faith, I will gladly prove it to you.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv strip 70 pause2>>
<cc>Sister Dolores and you watch as Sister Agnes strips.
/*<<addlust 20>> removing any lust in relation to prison punishment path to avoid violating Patreon's guidelines about forbidding glorification of sexual violence and so on*/
<<ev 800>>
<<mv mortify100 80 volume0.5>>
<cc>Sister Agnes picks up the scourge and begins to flog herself, mortifying her flesh.</cc>
<<c "Watch in silence">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv mortify200 90 volume0.5>>
<cc>After a while, Sister Agnes is in great pain from repeatedly whipping her back.</cc>
<<but "\"That's enough.\"" dungeon1 step:1100>><<c "Say nothing">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv mortify200 90 volume0.5>>
<c>You keep watching as Sister Agnes mortifies her flesh. Her pain must be almost unbearable by now, yet she continues without a word. She is making a statement, showing her defiance and strong faith.
<p>If you don't make Sister Agnes stop, her back could get bloody wounds. She wouldn't die from it, but the wounds and eventual scarring could make the other nuns take Sister Agnes' side, thinking you went too far. You can't make Sister Agnes a martyr for sticking to her faith in the Lord. You have to put an end to this.</p>
<<c "\"That's enough.\"">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi strip100 80>>
<cc>You order Sister Agnes to stop and get dressed.
<p>Wincing from pain, Sister Agnes puts on the habit.</p>
<<c "Prepare to announce the verdict">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi trial 80>>
<cc>Sister Agnes is charged with heresy and being a traitor to the war efforts.<br>You are ready to announce the verdict.
<<qinit prisoneragnes 100>>
/* Starting prisoneragnes (invisible) quest here instead of using plain variables to take advantage of quests, like not accidentally setting lower value because forgetting to check if it's a replay. also could make quest visible any point if have a reason*/
<<tbut "Show clemency" dungeon1 step:1400>><<abut "Sentence her to prison" dungeon1 step:1600>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi head1 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Sister Agnes, you are found guilty of heresy and undermining the war efforts. However, you have humbled yourself before the Lord, showing your strong faith. I find this to be enough of a penance. You are free to go, but if you continue to actively spread your heretical views, I may imprison you without warning. You may also get a harsher sentence.">>
<<s agnes "I will not stop opposing your leadership and the holy rites.">>
Sister Agnes defiantly leaves the prison.
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "step:2000 doplay:temp=love">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi head1 40 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "You are found guilty of heresy and being a traitor. Your sentence is to spend some time in the prison.">>
<<s agnes "So put me in prison. I will still not stop opposing your leadership and the holy rites.">>
Sister Agnes defiantly enters the prison cell that you open for her.
<<prisonadd agnes>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "step:2000 doplay:temp=punish">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi head3 40 "pnggg">>
<c>It seems that Sister Agnes will continue to be a problem. It's up to you what to do with her.
<p>– You could let Sister Agnes be, hoping she won't hurt the war efforts too much.</p>
<p>– You could be harsh on Sister Agnes by keeping her in prison at night. Perhaps you might even decide to use physical violence to punish her and make her stop spreading her heretical views.
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Sister Agnes")>>
<<if $temp=="love">>
<<qend agnesq 1000>>
<<qend agnesq 1100>>
<<event 1400 agnes nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head1 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Agnes has been allowed to walk freely during the days, only spending the nights in the prison. You hoped this would be enough of a punishment and deterrent.
<p>However, you have heard that Sister Agnes has continued to openly oppose your leadership and the truth of the holy rites. You can't let this stand.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<cc><<mii nuns/agnes/face 42 "left pnggg">><<mii nuns/dolores/head 45 "left pnggg">></cc>
<c>Sister Dolores has joined you in the prison as you put Sister Agnes on the stand for interrogation.
<<c "Interrogate Sister Agnes">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv trial 60>>
<<s mc "Sister Agnes, I've heard that you continue to spread your heretical views. Is this true?">>
<<s agnes "As I said, I will not stop opposing your leadership and the holy rites even if you throw me in prison.">>
<<s mc "I could do much worse than letting you sleep in here. I might have to make use of the torture chamber. Renounce your heretical views, or face the consequences.">>
<<s agnes "I stand firm in my faith.">>
<<s mc "Then you will do so naked, humbling yourself before God. Remove your clothes and take the stand to await your sentence.">>
Sister Agnes defiantly removes her clothes without protesting.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Sister Agnes takes the stand and prays to God for strength, awaiting her sentence.
<p>Putting Sister Agnes on the stand like this might be punishment enough for tonight, scaring her into reconsidering her heretical views.</p>
<<c "Consider her sentence">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii dungeon/pillory-blackwhite 80>>
You could let Sister Agness off without any additional punishment, or you could punish her more severely by making use of the torture chamber, sentencing her to spend time in the pillory.
<<tbut "Show clemency" dungeon1 step:1000>><<abut "Sentence her to the pillory" dungeon1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 1400-2000 36>>
You take her back to her prison cell without any additional punishment. But you warn Sister Agnes that you may punish her more severely at any time unless she renounces her heretical views.
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 ev:666000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 36>>
<<s mc "Then I sentence you to spend time in the pillory. I give you one last chance to renounce your heretical views, Sister Agnes.">>
<<s agnes "I renounce nothing.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. Sister Dolores, help me with the pillory.">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father." ii>>
<<c "Take Sister Agnes to the torture chamber">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.76 pause1.5">>
<cc>Once in the torture chamber, Sister Dolores assists you with putting Sister Agnes in the pillory.</cc>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 50 volume0.76>>
<cc>You watch as Sister Dolores continues to secure Sister Agnes.</cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.76>>
<cc>You wait until Sister Dolores is done.
<p>Sister Agnes' head, hands, and feet are now tightly secured.</p></cc>
<<c "Send for some nuns to watch the spectacle">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mvv dungeon/1290-1000 36 pause2>>
<c>You tell Sister Dolores to bring some nuns to watch Sister Agnes in the pillory. This will serve to humiliate Sister Agnes and also to strike fear in the nuns, showing them your threats of punishment for wrongdoers are not empty words.
<<if $qqprisoneragnes < 300>>
/* Note that above check is needed since we're currently never replaying this event - it's added to the Pillory event button. It's played again, but not as "replayingEvent" */
<<addauth 5>>
<p>You have the nuns watch for a while before sending them away, leaving only you, Sister Dolores, and Sister Agnes.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 80 pause3>>
<cc>Sister Agnes is in the pillory.</cc>
<<but "Slap her face" dungeon1 step:3600>><<but "End the punishment" dungeon1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 1400-2000 34>>
You order Sister Dolores to release Sister Agnes from the pillory.
<<cs mc "The Lord is forgiving to those who repent and renounce their wickedness.">>
<<cs agnes "I renounce nothing. You are the one following Satan.">>
Sister Agnes is still defying you, strong in her false conviction.
<<if $qqprisoneragnes>=300>>
You return Sister Agnes to her cell.</cc>
<<c "Return Sister Agnes to her cell">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii dungeon/tchamber 80>>
<c>You think this will be enough punishment for now. Opening up the torture chamber for actual use is a big deal on its own, and you don't want to appear too cruel to the nuns.
<p>However, if Sister Agnes continues to be too much of a problem, you may find it necessary to punish her even harder to drive the evil out of her.
<<qset prisoneragnes 300>></p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv faceslap100 46 volume0.76>>
<cc>You slap Sister Agnes on the face – not too hard.</cc>
<<c "Slap her harder">><<but "Stop slapping her" dungeon1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv faceslap200 80 volume0.56>>
<<c "Slap her other cheek">><<but "Slap her less hard" dungeon1 step:3600>><<but "Stop slapping her" dungeon1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv faceslap300 80 volume0.56>>
<<but "Slap her other cheek" dungeon1 step:3800>><<but "Slap her less hard" dungeon1 step:3600>><<but "Stop slapping her" dungeon1 step:3000>>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi 1400-400 70>>
<c>Assisted by Sister Dolores, you bring Sister Agnes to the interrogation stand, having her kneel naked before the Lord. But even with the threat of more severe punishment, Sister Agnes still refuses to renounce her heretical views.
<<but "Sentence her to the pillory" dungeon1 step:2000>>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi dana1 40 right>>
<<s mc "You should know that I felt an urgent danger for Vivien. I felt the need to eat her sins of fornication, and so I did. With her permission, of course.">>
<<s dana "Father, you promised I would be present the first time you used a new holy rite with Vivien.">>
<<s mc "I know, and I meant to, but things happened so fast. And technically, it was not a new holy rite. It was the holy rite of Sin Eating, and I've used that to eat any sins committed during my intimate acts with Vivien. For instance, I have sometimes allowed her to touch herself during the act.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 500-900 70>>
<<s dana "That may be so, but having intercourse with her outside of marriage is serious. I would have wanted to be there the first time. Did Vivien ask for me?">>
<<s mc "Yes, she did. But as I said, I felt I had to act quickly and she agreed to do it without you. But I promised her I would talk to you, and now I have. You are very welcome to join us the next time. Vivien's sins of fornication are not gone and they keep coming as she continues to fantasize about fornication, simulating it with her fingers, while committing the sin of Onan. I must fornicate with her again.">>
<<s dana "Then let me know, Father, and I'll be there.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 20>>
<c>The next time you fornicate with Vivien, you will invite Sister Dana.
<p>That should calm down Sister Dana and leave you alone to fornicate with Vivien whenever you think it's needed.
/*ALSO ADD SOME short event in dungeon where dana confronts mc about kissing vivien (if he has)*/
<<q vivienfornicate 3200>></p>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:800 step:200">>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 1600 agnes nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi trial 70>>
<c>Assisted by Sister Dolores, you bring Sister Agnes to the interrogation stand. But even with the threat of more severe punishment, Sister Agnes still refuses to renounce her heretical views.
<<but "Sentence her to be whipped and branded with the holy cross" dungeon1 "step:500 fullWidth">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi trial 70>>
<c>You bring Sister Agnes to the interrogation stand. When she still refuses to renounce her heretical views, you sentence her to facing the scourge and being branded with the holy cross.
<p>You order Sister Dolores to take care of it.</p></c>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 step:2000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi head4 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Sister Agnes, I sentence you to be whipped and branded with the holy cross. If you repent of your heretical views, the punishment will stop.">>
You tell Sister Dolores to carry out the sentence.</c>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 44 pnggg>>
<c>You want to get Sister Dolores more involved in the punishment to see how she will handle it. You need someone you can depend on down here. Someone who has got what it takes.
<p>You have prepared the instruments for today's sentence and explained their use to Sister Dolores. Now let's see how she will do.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c>Sister Dolores first orders Sister Agnes to undress, leaving her wearing nothing but a white dress.
<p>Sister Dolores then asks Sister Anges if she is ready to repent and accept the holy rites, but Sister Agnes again stubbornly refuses to.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 76>>
<<s dolores "Sister Agnes, embrace the light or you give me no choice and I have to brand you with the holy cross to drive the evil out of you.">>
<<s agnes "You are the one following the path of evil, Sister Dolores.">>
<<s dolores "Wrong answer...">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 80 "pause3 volume0.6">>
Sister Dolores throws Sister Agnes to the floor.
<p>Sister Dolores pauses, perhaps hoping that Sister Agnes will come to her senses and change her mind, but Sister Agnes just lies on the ground, waiting.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 1600-2400 84 "pause3 volume0.7">>
<c>Sister Dolores exposes Sister Agnes' behind, getting her ready for punishment.
<p>Sister Dolores then leaves to get the prepared instruments.</p>
<<c "Stay silent and keep watching">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 1600-2600 84 "pause3 volume0.7">>
<c>Sister Dolores returns with a whip – a multi-thonged scourge – and a wooden board with a hole in the shape of the holy cross.
<<s dolores "This is your last chance to repent of your heresy before you will feel the whip.">>
<<s agnes "I repent of nothing.">>
Sister Agnes steels herself for what is to come.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 1600-2800 96 "pause1 volume0.7">>
<c>Sister Dolores places the wooden board on Sister Agnes' exposed buttock and begins to whip across the board with the multi-thonged scourge.
<p>Though the board gives Sister Agnes some protection, some of the thongs hit her flesh through the cross-shaped hole, inflicting pain and bruising the skin.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<set _agnvolume = "volume0.7">>
<<mv 1600-3000 94 _agnvolume>>
<c><<s dolores "Repent!">>
Sister Dolores keeps whipping Sister Agnes.
<<s dolores "Repent!">>
Sister Agnes cries in pain but says nothing.
You watch in silence, wanting to see how far Sister Dolores will take this.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 1600-3200 96 volume0.55>>
<c>Not being ordered to stop, and with Sister Agnes showing no sign of breaking, Sister Dolores strikes harder while continuing to demand Sister Agnes to repent.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 1600-3400 96 volume0.55>>
<c>Occasionally, Sister Dolores' aim fails and she whips Sister Agnes on the side of the board, hitting Sister Agnes' uncovered skin – and sometimes between her legs. It must hurt a lot.
<p>You wonder if Sister Dolores misses the board on purpose.</p></c>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 1600-3600 92 volume0.55>>
You keep watching a little while more.
You think Sister Dolores has proven her worth and Sister Agnes shows no sign of giving up.
<<s mc "That's enough for today.">>
Sister Dolores stops whipping.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 1600-4000 90 pause4>>
When Sister Dolores removes the wooden board, you can see the red cross whipped into Sister Agnes' flesh. The mark is not permanent, but it should stay for a few days as a sore reminder to Sister Agnes that she is on the path away from the light.
<<s mc "May the brand of the holy cross lead you back to the light, Sister Agnes.">>
<<s agnes "I forgive you.">>
Sister Agnes is a hard nut to crack. You have to continue another day.
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi 1600-4400 50>>
<<s mc "We are done here. Sister Dolores, take the prisoner back to her cage.">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Sister Roberta was right to recommend Sister Dolores for the job as your assistant in the prison. Did you even detect a hint of enjoyment in Sister Dolores when she tortured Sister Agnes? Sister Dolores may have a sadistic streak.
<p>Either way, you feel like you can count on Sister Dolores to do what needs to be done.</p></c>
<<qset prisoneragnes 320>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:666000">>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 500-900 74>>
<<s mc "Sister Dana, I have some amazing news. The Lord has rewarded you for your sacrifice and brought you a great gift.">>
<<s dana "What is it, Father?">>
<<s mc "It's about Adrianna, the student at the school. I don't know if you know, but she has come here from Mexico. Sister Dana, Adrianna is your daughter.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi dana2 70>>
<c>Sister Dana is overwhelmed by the news about Adrianna. You give her time to take it in.
<p>You then spend some time with Sister Dana, talking to her about what this means, for Sister Dana and Adrianna, and their future.</p>
<p>You tell Sister Dana what you have told Adrianna about a demon possessing Adrianna, and how you had to be intimate with Adrianna to exorcise the demon. You also mention that you have already initiated Adrianna into the Circle, including anointing her with the Holy Seed, and that she will need more anointings to protect her.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi dana1 36>>
<c>As you were afraid of, hearing that Adrianna has been involved in the holy war with everything that means, Sister Dana questions if she should continue to be a nun. You manage to talk some sense into her by insisting that God sent Adrianna here as a reward and to strengthen Sister Dana in the holy war. Adrianna will remain at the school for now.
<<s dana "I will talk with Adrianna tomorrow, but Father, I ask that you do not perform any more intimate acts with Adrianna until you and I have talked again after my meeting with her. I need time to decide how I feel about this. What to do.">>
<<s mc "I promise. No intimate acts. We'll talk again after you've met with Adrianna.">>
<<c "Leave Sister Dana">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii school/adrianna/talk 58>>
<c>You should visit Adrianna at the school tomorrow to see how her meeting with Sister Dana went.
<<q adriannaq 1500>>
<<but Continue dungeon>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 500-900 68>>
<<s mc "As you probably know, Adrianna has decided to stay at the school. So... let's talk about the future.">>
You hoped that Sister Dana would forget the thoughts of leaving the convent, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Sister Dana is still concerned about subjecting Adrianna to the holy rites, and so she considers leaving the convent to take Adrianna away from here.
<p>After discussing these thoughts with Sister Dana, you understand that her major concern is that you will eventually want to have sexual intercourse with Adrianna. That is a line Sister Dana feels strongly objected to when it comes to her biological daughter.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi dana1 40>>
Doing what you can to keep Sister Dana from leaving, you promise to stick to regular anointings with Adrianna – when needed to strengthen her protection against evil. If you ever feel the need to be more intimate with Adrianna, you will first tell Sister Dana and let her decide if she will allow it – or choose to leave the convent with her daughter.
<<c "Leave Sister Dana">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii school/adrianna/bjpostcum 80>>
<c>Having gotten permission from Sister Dana to keep anointing Adrianna, you can visit Adrianna whenever you feel the need to strengthen her protection against evil.
<<q adriannaq 2200>>
<<but Continue dungeon>>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 1800 agatha nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<overlay "dungeon/prison" "nuns/dolores/torso" 54 24 42 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You go to the prison and find Sister Dolores waiting for you.
<<s mc "Is Sister Agatha prepared for interrogation?">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father. She is wearing her soothsayer dress as requested.">>
<<s mc "Well done, Sister Dolores.">>
<<c "Interrogate Sister Agatha">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 1800-200 42 pause2>>
<c>Sister Dolores directs you to one of the prison cells. Inside, you see Sister Agatha.
<<s mc "Sister Agatha. You have admitted to performing pagan rituals in your room. Explain your actions.">>
<<s agatha "I did it to help us, $fmc. To fight against Satan and his minions in the holy war. Using unorthodox methods... like the holy rites.">>
<<s mc "The holy rites are of God. Pagan rituals are of Satan. Witchcraft.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 1800-300 60 pause2>>
<<s agatha "I don't believe all pagan rituals are of Satan, Father. God is everywhere. I believe there are other ways to reach Him than through orthodoxy. I renounced those unorthodox ways when joining this order, but I wore this dress when scrying to suspend my status as a nun – to step outside my vows. Like with the rite of Holy Marriage. You can be intimate with us while temporarily married, and then we aren't nuns.">>
<<s mc "It's true that you can suspend your status as a nun – and thus your vows – but this only applies in very special cases, like a holy rite. You can't do it just because you want to. You should have asked me for permission. I would have said no, and that would have been the end of it.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1800-400 60>>
<<s agatha "I did talk to Novice Emma. I inquired about the Holy Marriage, how it could suspend your status as a nun, and I felt her answers allowed me to use my knowledge of scrying to help us in the holy war.">>
<<s mc "Did you tell Novice Emma you planned to do this?">>
<<s agatha "No, Father. I didn't tell her anything. I thought it best no one knew.">>
<<s mc "So you twisted Novice Emma's words to give you permission to perform witchcraft behind our backs, inviting Satan into our midst. Even if I would believe you had good intentions, don't you realize how dangerous that is?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 1800-300 72 pause2>>
<<s agatha "I don't believe Satan is involved in scrying if you are careful not to invite evil spirits, or I would have picked up on it during all my years as a soothsayer. I never felt God condemned me for it. Scrying is what led me to the Catholic faith. I saw my calling while scrying. Why would Satan do that?">>
<<s mc "To plant you as his instrument in the convent, you fool! That is what the Devil does. He fools you into thinking you are doing God's work when it's the opposite.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1800-400 66>>
<<s agatha "I hope you are not correct, Father. I don't think you are in this case. But I will accept your judgment and promise to stop scrying.">>
<<s mc "You will stop, but the damage is already done. You must be punished and made an example of for performing witchcraft. To show the others what happens when you follow Satan's call. You will spend the evenings and nights in this cold cell.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Dolores, keep Sister Agatha in the cell after supper, as usual, until I say otherwise. Remove her clothes and find her some thin dress to wear while staying down here. The cold will do her good. And tonight, she is to receive no food or water until morning.">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 1800-1200 64>>
<c>Whether or not Sister Agatha was just a fool who unwittingly fell for Satan's tricks, witchcraft is a serious offense. <p>How long will you keep Sister Agatha locked up in the cold prison cell, and will you subject her to more serious punishments? You will decide that later.
<<qend agathaq 1000>></p>
<<ev 2000>> /* reusing event */
<<mv 1800-2000 88>><c>
You have punished Sister Agatha for performing witchcraft by keeping her in this cell, but you aren't content with this. You need to find out the truth about her allegiance. Does she serve God or Satan? You must interrogate her again.
<p>Following your instructions to Sister Dolores, Sister Agatha is wearing nothing but a white dress. It seems that Sister Dolores thought the dress was too warm because it has been ripped open in several places.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 1800-2100 88>>
Sister Agatha is shaking from the cold. That should make her easier to handle.
<p>But you are still wary of Satan's influence on Sister Agatha. The danger of witchcraft is not something to underestimate. </p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 45 pnggg>>
<<s mc "We must be vigilant of witchcraft, Sister Dolores. Sister Agatha must be locked up or restrained while interrogated or punished. Help me take her out of the cell and we will chain her from the ceiling.">>
<<s agatha "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Chain Sister Agatha">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi m 94>>
<c>You have Sister Agatha stretch out her hands through the cell, and then you fasten shackles around her wrists to facilitate chaining her.
<<c "Take Sister Agatha to the torture chamber">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 50 right>>
<l>With Sister Dolores' assistance, you remove Sister Agatha from the cell and take her to the torture chamber.
<p>Once there, you secure Sister Agatha's hands behind her back with a chain hanging from the ceiling. This should keep you relatively safe from foul acts of sorcery.</p>
<<ev 2630>>
<<mi m 62>>
<<s mc "Is there anything you want to confess before I start the interrogation, Sister Agatha?">>
<<s agatha "No, $fmc.">>
<<c "Interrogate Sister Agatha">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv m 66>>
<c>You interrogate Sister Agatha about any other witchcraft or unorthodox rituals she may have performed in the monastery.
<p>Sister Agatha says that the only non-Christian ritual she has performed was scrying using the crystal ball. She assures you that she meant no harm and didn't think it was witchcraft.</p>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 55>>
<c>You warn Sister Agatha of lying to you as God works through you and will severely punish evil witches unless they confess and repent.
<p>Even with the threat of further punishment, Sister Agatha insists she is telling the truth. Can you believe Sister Agatha or is she speaking the lies of Satan?</p>
<<ev 2830>>
<<mi m 55>>
<c><<s mc "I hope for your sake you're telling the truth, Sister Agatha. Satan will always lose in the end because God is almighty. Think about that.">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mi 1800-2630 52>>
<c>You chained Sister Agatha to the ceiling and put the fear of God in her. That is enough for today.
<<s mc "I am done here, Sister Dolores. Help me take Sister Agatha back to her cell.">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father." ii>>
<<c "Return Sister Agatha to her cell">>
<<ev 2920>>
<<mv 1800-2000 88>>
<cc>You return Sister Agatha to her cell.
<p>She will stay there – between supper and morning – for as long as you think it is needed.</p>
<<qset prisoneragatha 300>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 1800-2000 90>>
<c>Sister Agatha has yet to confess to being an agent of Satan, claiming she didn't understand she was performing witchcraft when scrying with her crystal ball. She may be telling the truth, but you can't take any chances with black magic.
<p>If evil has corrupted Sister Agatha, you must make her confess. By any means.</p>
<<ev 3030>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 45 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Dolores, we can't risk letting a sorceress loose into the convent. We must do what is necessary to ensure that Sister Agatha is not serving the Devil. That includes physical punishment.">>
<<s dolores "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<c "Remove Sister Agatha from her cell">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 80 pause2>>
<c>You plan to punish Sister Agatha in the torture chamber today, but maybe that is not necessary. You could try lighter physical punishment right here at the cell first.</c>
<<c "Chain her to the cell">><<but "Take her straight to the torture chamber" dungeon1 step:3300>>
<<ev 3130>>
<<mi m 72>>
<c>You chain Sister Agatha to the cell.
<<s mc "Confess to serving Satan, Sister Agatha. Or I will get physical.">>
<<s agatha "I have nothing more to confess, Father. The Lord knows it to be true.">>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<c "Slap her across the face">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 80 noRepeat>>
<cc>You slap Sister Agatha across the face. She cries out in pain.
<<cs mc "Confess!">>
<<if $temp==null>>
Sister Agatha says nothing.
<<set $temp = "slapped">>
Sister Agatha remains silent. You doubt more slapping will make her confess.
<<but "Slap her again" dungeon1 step:3200>><<c "To the torture chamber">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi 1800-2600 44>>
<c>With assistance from Sister Dolores, you take Sister Agatha to the torture chamber and chain her to the ceiling.</c>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 1800-2800 55>>
<c>You repeat your warning to Sister Agatha that God will severely punish evil witches unless they confess and repent.
<p>Sister Agatha weakly says that she has been telling the truth. She repents for using witchcraft, but she has nothing more to confess.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, you can't afford to believe her.</p>
<<but "Flog the evil out of her" dungeon1 step:3500>>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi m 40>>
<cc>Preparing to flog Sister Agatha, you pull up her dress and secure it behind her back.
<<c "Flog her">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 36>>
<<cs mc "The pain will get worse. Confess, and I will stop.">>
<<cs agatha "I have confessed everything. Please, Father.">>
<<c "Continue the torture">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You flog Sister Agatha, slow and not very hard.</cc>
<<but "(Weak) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3800>><<but "(Medium) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3900>><<but "(Hard) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3850>><<but "End the torture" dungeon1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3850>>
<<mv m 66>>
You flog Sister Agatha hard.</cc>
<<but "(Weak) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3800>><<but "(Medium) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3900>><<but "(Hard) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3850>><<but "End the torture" dungeon1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv m 100>>
You flog Sister Agatha with medium force.</cc>
<<but "(Weak) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3800>><<but "(Medium) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3900>><<but "(Hard) Flog her" dungeon1 step:3850>><<but "End the torture" dungeon1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi 1800-2830 46>>
<c><<s mc "Are you ready to confess?">>
<<s agatha "I have nothing more to confess, Father.">>
<<s mc "Too bad. But I have other things to do. We're done here. Sister Dolores, help me.">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father." ii>>
Sister Agatha sighs in relief.
<<c "Take Sister Agatha back to her cell">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 1800-2000 88>>
<cc>You remove Sister Agatha from the chain and return her to the cell.
<p>She will stay there for as long as you think it is needed.</p>
<<qset prisoneragatha 400>>
<<event 666000>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc style="margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:-1.6rem">
<div style="color:#e50; font-size:260%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>The Prison</b></div>
<<mi prison 90>>
<<if $qqagnesq==300>>
<<tryabut2spec "Call Sister Agnes to stand trial for heresy" dungeon1 "ev:1350 auth50 nobottom">>
<<if def $qqprisoneragnes>>
<div id="prisoneragnes">
<<tip prisoners>>
<<if def $qqprisoneragatha>>
<div id="prisoneragatha">
<<but "Leave" dungeon>>
<</events>>/******************* BUG WARNING ******************/
/* Using setev and include worked fine in intro because player were forced to go to the next location. But avoid doing it in general play because it can cause serious bug if not done properly.
-- See BUG WARNING info in emma1.tw */
/* v2: changed from !(qqemma2>=310) check to step played to be compliant with older saves */
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("emma", 200, 900)>>
<<if $qqemma2 == 110>>
<<setev 100>>
<<elseif $qqemma2 == 210>>
<<setev 200>>
<<elseif !$qqemma2 || $qqemma2 < 110>>
<c><<special "You shouldn't see this yet. If you have cheated to get here (like raising corruption to more than it should be), you should restart the game and not do that again because it will break the game sooner or later.">></c>
/* DO NOT display anything here, and keep this as a reminder to not display anything here. If eg playing ev 200, in step 800 qqemma2 is set to 300, and in the next step 900, player will end up here and correctly continue. */
<<include emma1>>
<<mi emma10 25 "pnggg">>
<cc><<if random(1,2) < 2>>
<<cs emma "Do you have use for me, $fmc?">>
<<cs emma "I'm at your service, $fmc.">>
<<but "<<actQuest janacurse>>" emma1 "ev:300 qqjanacurse==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest rumika>>" emma1 "ev:400 qqrumika==450">>
<<but "<<actQuest dana>>" emma1 "ev:500 qqdana>=400 qqdana<<700 dana#notplayed420">>
<<but "<<actQuest holymarriage>>" emma1 "ev:600 qqholymarriage==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest procreation>>" emma1 "ev:700 qqprocreation==1500">>
<<but "<<actQuest procreation>>" emma1 "ev:720 qqprocreation==1600 procreation#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Ask about Sister Jana" emma1 "ev:780 qqjanacurse>=3010 qqjanacurse<<4000">>
<<but "<<actQuest vivienq>>" emma1 "ev:800 qqvivienq==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest vivienq>>" emma1 "ev:800 step:1000 qqvivienq==400 vivienq#stageDay+1">>
<<but "<<actQuest saraq>>" emma1 "ev:900 qqsaraq==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest juliajoining>>" emma1 "ev:1000 qqjuliajoining==1200">>
<<but "<<actQuest juliajoining>>" emma1 "ev:1020 qqjuliajoining==1600">>
<<but "<<actQuest olenkaq>>" emma1 "ev:1100 qqolenkaq==1000">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelationsupport>>" emma1 "ev:1300 qqrevelationsupport==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest victoriaq>>" emma1 "ev:1400 qqvictoriaq>=400 victoriaq#notplayed500">>
<<but "<<actQuest saraq>>" emma1 "ev:1500 qqsaraq==2300">>
<<but "<<actQuest catarinastudent>>" emma1 "ev:1600 qqcatarinastudent==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest janamarry>>" emma1 "ev:1700 qqjanamarry==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest emmafuck>>" emma1 "ev:1700 step:1000 qqemmafuck==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest emmalustangel>>" emma1 "ev:1800 qqemmalustangel==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest carolinaq>>" emma1 "ev:1800 step:5000 qqcarolinaq==150">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" emma1 "ev:1700 step:3000 qqemmafuck==200 corr0 ttt10 forceTempt">>
<<if $qqemmafuck>400 || $qqemmafuck==400 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("emmafuck",1)>>
<<but "Fornicate" emma1 "ev:1700 step:3000 qqemmafuck>=400">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
You know that Emma has moved into the Monastery, having officially joined the convent of nuns as a novice, so you ask around and get directed to her room.
<<mi emma1 20>>
You welcome Novice Emma to the convent, and after some small talk, you ask her about her mission.</c>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi emma10 25 "pnggg">>
<c>Novice Emma reports that she has already identified a few promising <<italics candidates,>> as she calls them – nuns who are in desperate need of the holy rites without knowing it yet. Novice Emma says that these candidates have all been attacked by the Crone, and they are suffering from nightmares and fears of having committed sinful acts during the attacks while being under the influence of the lust demon.
<p>It is well-known by everyone at the convent that Novice Emma suffered from terrible nightmares of a spiritual nature, so when she told the candidates that you made her nightmares go away, they became very interested.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma2 35 left>>
<w><<s mc "That's all good, Novice Emma, but I must caution you again to be very careful before mentioning the holy rites to anyone. You have to be absolutely sure they are ready to learn the truth.">>
<<s emma "Don't worry, Father. As I said, the nuns respect my spiritual connection to God, and these novices I've talked to, they revere me. They believe God speaks through me. I will show them the Bible passages you showed me and introduce them to the idea and the rites bit by bit, only as much as they are ready to accept. If anyone reacts badly, I will not go forward with her until she is ready.">>
<<s mc "Very well, I trust you. Proceed with your mission.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. A couple of the novices are in very bad shape spiritually. I think they will be ready for the truth very soon, maybe even tomorrow.">>
<<q emma2 200 "center">>
/******************** *******************/
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma1 20>>
<<s emma "Praise the Lord. I was just about to send for you, $fmc. I'm waiting for two candidates to arrive. They are very desperate for help, and they are ready to hear and see the truth.">>
<<s mc "Hmm... I hope you know what you're doing. But what do you mean by \"see the truth\"?">>
<<s emma "They have to see it to believe it. You must anoint me with the Holy Seed. If they see that I willingly do this, that I ask for it, they will understand it's for real. A holy rite blessed by God.">>
<<s mc "Fine. If you think they are ready for this, I have to trust you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 35 right>>
<l><p>The two candidates arrive. You know them from the questioning in your room. They are novices, and they both claim to have been attacked by the Crone more than once. Now they suffer from terrible nightmares and feelings of having sinned during the attacks.</p>
<p>Novice Emma first reminds the novices of what she has been teaching them. How the Crone is a lust demon that forces people to lustful sins and curses them with nightmares. The demonic presence is an attack from Satan in this house of God. The Devil thought that the nuns would be powerless against this lust demon, but God has sent $fmc to save them – armed with two holy rites, ancients sacraments that the Vatican has kept hidden from the world.</p>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi m 32 right>>
<p>Novice Emma then further reminds the novices of the Bible passages and other historical evidence to support what she is now about to reveal to them: the truth about the holy rites that cured her nightmares and cleansed her of sin. The truth will not be easy to accept and it will go against what the Church has taught them. The two candidates are finally asked if they are desperate enough to learn the truth that can save them from the Crone's curse and cleanse them of their sins. If they agree, they have to swear to God and the Virgin Mary to never tell someone outside the Circle what they are about to learn.</p>
<<set _circle = setup.circle>>
<p>After the two novices swear on it, Novice Emma welcomes them as <<special initiates>> in the <<special "_circle.">> She proceeds to tell them about the sacrament of <<var chapter1,>> and the sacrament of <<var chapter2.>></p></l>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 35 "right volume1.2">>
<l>Novice Emma must have been preparing the two nuns well, giving them a hint of what the holy rituals were about, because they seem to take it relatively well, considering the unorthodoxy of it all. After Novice Emma has made sure the novices are ready to witness the holy ritual, she pulls down your zipper.
<<s emma "And now $fmc will anoint me with the Holy Seed again. I want you to see for yourself that this is not some sick satanic act, but a holy ritual. The Evil One thought he could use our chastity against us when he summoned the lust demon to terrorize us, but God sent $fmc here to stop the Crone and to take away its power by use of the ancient sacraments.">>
<<s emma "And if you are questioning the holiness of the Holy Rod and the Holy Seed when you see them, remember the sacrament of the Eucharist where ordinary bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Your eyes will not see the matter change, but its substance is changed by Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is what the Church teaches, and rightfully so.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 42 "right volume1.3">>
<<addlust 100>>
As the two novices are virgins, they haven't seen an erect male organ before, or anything like what Novice Emma is doing with it, and they watch with interest mixed with discomfort.
<<set _circle = setup.circle>>
<p> You are impressed with the work Novice Emma has done with the former candidates, now sworn-in members of the "_circle". This Circle and its name were news to you, but it makes sense to formalize the bond of the secret knowledge you all share.</p>
<p>You feel more confident that Novice Emma will be able to carry out her mission without getting you into serious trouble.</p></l>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 80 volume2.0>>
<cc>Novice Emma takes it slow, showing reverence to your Holy Rod. This is an act of pleasure to her. Not a carnal pleasure, but a spiritual one. She is doing the Lord's work right now, heeding the call of her mission.</cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue ediv1 sss>></cc>
<<div ediv1>>
<<mv 200-503 80 volume2.0>>
<cc><<cs emma "I can tell that you are almost ready to anoint, Father. I want to feel the Holy Seed in my mouth this time. Will that work?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, any part of the body, inside our outside, will do when anointing someone. That goes for oil as well as the Holy Seed.">>
<<lbut "Continue" ediv2 sss>></cc>
<<div ediv2>>
<<mv 200-506 80 volume1.5>>
<cc><<cs emma "Father, anoint me...">>
<<lbut "Anoint Novice Emma with your seed" ediv3 sss>></cc>
<<div ediv3>>
<<mv 200-509 80 volume1.5>>
<cc><<cs mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<cs emma "The Holy Spirit is touching me, I can feel it.">></cc>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 40>>
The holy rite is completed.
<<s emma "I understand if this is too much to process right away. It took me a while to do it, but when I had the vision from God, there was no doubt anymore that this is according to His will. Go and pray on this. When you are ready to let $fmc help you, all you have to do is ask. But remember your oath of secrecy that you swore to God and the Virgin Mary. Not a word of this to anyone outside the Circle.">>
The somewhat dazed and confused novices leave the room.
<<ev 700>>
<<mi emma3 30>>
<c><<s emma "Time will tell if they will accept the sacraments. I have a few other promising candidates, and I will continue to look for more.">>
<<s mc "You seem to be doing a fine job so far, and so quickly. I'm impressed.">>
<<s emma "Thank you, Father. But I'm merely an instrument of the Lord. All praise be to Him.">>
<<s mc "Amen.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi emma4 50>>
<<set _circle = setup.circle>>
<<info "The _circle" "You will now visit Novice Emma regularly to initiate new members into the <<var circle.>> Then you will have to wait and see if any of the initiates approach you, wanting you to perform a holy rite on them. Or you can seek them out to try to persuade them of it, should they be hesitant.">>
<<q emma2 300 center>>
<<qendversion emma2 version0.1.0>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi emma3 25>>
Novice Emma's influence among the nuns have increased your standing with them.
<<addtrust 2>>
<<addauth 2>>
/******************* BUG WARNING ******************/
/** UPDATE: below text is old and checking for 310 caused potential bugs with older saves before emma2 was set to 310. Changed to check for step played */
/* Setting emma2 to 310 silently to fix serious bug when I checked for !(qqemma2>=300) in emma.tw in the start if/else. If player saved in this step (step 900), qqemma2 would be 300. Because of this, when loading that save, the check failed and player would end up missing out on the +2 rel points in this step! To fix the bug in this particular case, I'm now checking for qqemma2>=310 instead. */
<<qset emma2 310>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma2 35 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, I need your assistance. I want you to talk to Sister Jana and convince her to let me perform the holy rites on her. Sister Jana needs it, that's all I can reveal to you, but she won't accept what the holy rites require of her.">>
<<s mc "Tell Sister Jana I sent you. Then you can trust her to keep quiet when you tell her about the holy rites. Let her know that I haven't told you why I want to perform the hole rites on her – that I have not broken the Seal of Confession.">>
<<s emma "I will do as you ask of me, Father.">>
<<q janacurse 200 topmargin>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma3 27>>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, I need your help with Sister Rumika. She sought me out, very distressed, asking to be anointed. I did as she asked, but even beforehand, I could tell that the anointing would not be enough as Sister Rumika is suffering from the grave sins that the lust demon forced her to commit in bed.">>
<<s mc "I told Sister Rumika that only the holy ritual of Sin Eating can cleanse her of these sins and free her of the Evil One's grip. But Satan's control of Sister Rumika is too strong. As much as she is in spiritual pain, she won't do what needs to be done.">>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi emma2 30 right>>
<<s mc "It's important that Sister Rumika accepts the holy rite of Sin Eating. Being a professed sister, Sister Rumika fully embracing the holy rites will mean a lot in legitimizing them to the other members of the Circle. The Devil knows this, which is why is he fighting back so hard. His control of Sister Rumika is too strong to break head-on. We have to use subterfuge. Unlike God, Satan is not all-knowing. He works through his minions and his influence. He can be fooled.">>
<<s mc "This is where you come in, Novice Emma. I have prepared a small vial with wine, blessed with the sacrament of the Eucharist to transubstantiate it to the Blood of Christ. It's white wine, not red, to avoid detection. You must empty this vial into Sister Rumika's bowl of soup at supper. When she eats the soup, the Blood of Christ will carry the Holy Spirit into her body.">>
<<s mc "After supper, I will call for Sister Rumika, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will convince her to accept the holy rite of Sin Eating. For this to work, Sister Rumika cannot suspect anything, or the Devil will understand what is going on and intervene.">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, if you have any doubts about what I'm asking you to do, I implore you to ask the Lord Almighty for guidance and you will see that this is what He wants.">>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi emma5 40 right>>
<<s emma "$fmc, I don't need to ask God. I know you're a holy warrior sent by the Lord to fight in this holy war against Satan. You're the general and I'm a soldier following your orders because I know your orders come from God. The Lord has already shown me that we have to take extreme measures to fight the Devil, the holy rites being our primary weapons. I will gladly do my part in giving the Holy Spirit a way to enter Sister Rumika without alerting Satan.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I knew I could trust you to carry out the Lord's will. We will do this tonight, at supper. If you could sit down next to Sister Rumika, I think you should be able to quietly empty the vial into her soup when everyone closes their eyes for prayer. Because it is white wine, a quick stir with the spoon should be enough to erase any visible trace of it.">>
<<s emma "I will take care of it, Father.">>
<<ev 160>>
<<mi emma2 25>>
<c><p>Novice Emma is proving to be even more useful than you could have hoped. Now that you know she will follow your orders without question, you will have a much easier time carrying out more advanced plans in this holy war against Satan. But you shouldn't let Novice Emma's loyal obedience get to your head, thinking you can do whatever you want, succumbing to the temptations of the Devil. You are to carry out God's will, nothing more.</p>
<p>Novice Emma says she will follow your orders, but there is no point in telling her the truth about the lust potion. Though you trust her, the less she knows, the less chance that your plans are revealed to Satan.
<<q rumika 500>></p></c>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma2 30>>
<<s mc "Has Sister Dana approached you?">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. She told me you sent her and that she is a candidate. She seems very open to receiving the truth of the holy rites. I don't think it will take long before we can initiate her.">>
/*<<s mc "Good. Let me know as soon as she is ready. She is in grave danger of being attacked by Satan unless I can protect her.">>*/
<<s mc "There is no need to initiate Sister Dana the usual way. When you think she is ready to learn about the holy rites, teach them to her, then leave her to me. With Sister Dana's desperate need to do penance for her grave sins of the past, I have her under control.">>
<<s emma "As you wish, $fmc.">>
<<qmess dana 420>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/priestchannel 20>>
Novice Emma trusts that you are a holy warrior sent by the Lord to fight the evil here, but there is no need to tell her about Ludolphus and his writings.
<p>Ludolphus said he had a vision confirming the holiness of the rite of Holy Marriage. You could do the same to explain to Emma your sudden interest in this holy rite. You don't like to lie to her, but the fewer people that know of the truth, the less chance of it reaching the wrong ears.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma2 30>>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, my loyal soldier, I'm in need of your guidance.">>
<<s emma "How can I help you, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I know of another holy rite whose existence is kept hidden by the Vatican. And this morning, I had a vision about that holy rite. I think it was God telling me I should use it. But I want to hear what you think.">>
You tell Emma about the holy rite of Holy Marriage, making a special point of mentioning the fact that a virgin marrying a holy warrior with the Holy Marriage rite will still be a virgin in the eyes of the Lord once the marriage is over. Finally, you tell Novice Emma about your made-up vision.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma5 40>>
<<s emma "I believe you are correct, $fmc. You had a vision from God about this holy rite and that must mean something. Do you have an idea why you had this vision now? Could it solve a problem you have?">>
<<s mc "Maybe. Since coming here and using the holy rites, I've experienced an increased lust. This has helped me perform the holy rites, all the anointing and the eating of lustful sins, so I know the lust is coming from God. The problem is that sometimes it can take several days between one holy rite and the next, but the lust is still intense and it can become unbearable to go on without doing something about it. I want to show you something, Novice Emma, to make you understand how hard a struggle this has been for me.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii mc/scarredback 70>>
You turn your back to Emma and remove the clothing from your upper body, showing her the many scars on your back, the most recent wounds not healed yet.
<<s mc "This is what I have been forced to do to stop and repent my lustful thoughts and feelings I've had toward the women here. It's not that I complain about the physical pain it causes me, but my body can only take so much beating. Because of this, I'm often forced to go around with intense lust while my back heals. It makes it hard to concentrate and it is exhausting. I fear I cannot fight evil to my fullest capacity. I think this is what the vision of the rite of Holy Marriage could be about. If I married a woman with the holy rite, I could consummate the marriage – getting rid of the lust – and then end the marriage.">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi emma3 20 right>>
<<s emma "Yes, I believe you are correct, Father. You are a holy warrior and you must be at your best to fight for God. Are you thinking of marrying us sisters with this holy rite when you feel the need?">>
<<s mc "Yes, that makes the most sense as you all know what is going on here – that we are under attack from the Devil. Everyone needs to help in this fight. The Holy Marriage rite will ensure that anyone being a virgin will remain a virgin when the marriage is over, and you will not break any vows of chastity. Consummating the marriage will be a holy act and thus cannot make you impure or break any vows.">>
<<s emma "I understand, Father. Do you want me to start educating the members of the Circle about this holy rite, to make them accept it when you ask for it?">>
<<s mc "That would be most helpful. And you are correct, Novice Emma. We must keep this knowledge within the Circle, just as with the other holy rites.">>
<<s emma "Then I will get to work on it right away. Expect it to take some time to get the others on board. I have to take my time with them, as I did with the other holy rites.">>
<<s mc "Of course. I'll be patient.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi emma5 40>>
Novice Emma has used her mouth on you many times to initiate members into the Circle, but now you think of the pink slit between her legs. How good it felt to penetrate it with your hard manhood in the chapel.
<<set _lustdiff = 100 - $lust>>
<<if _lustdiff >= 30>>
<<set _lustdiff -= 20>>
<<addlust _lustdiff>>
<<s mc "But first, with your permission, I want to marry you with the holy rite. I could use the release of lust, and if you are to tell the others about the holy rite, it makes sense that you have experienced it yourself.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi emma2 30 right>>
<<s emma "If that is your wish, I will do as you ask, Father.">>
Despite her words of acceptance, Novice Emma seems hesitant.
<<s mc "Is anything wrong, my child?">>
<<s emma "Faced with having sexual relations with you, I can't help feeling that it's wrong for me to be with a man. I understand that the holy rite will allow me to do this, but it's hard to accept it. I'm a nun. Still only a novice, my vows aren't yet fully completed with God, but I'm required to live in celibacy.">>
<<say mc "God has faith in you or he wouldn't have sent you to me. He knows you are strong enough to deal with this.">>
<<say emma "Yes, I feel His faith and I will not disappoint Him or you, $fmc. I just need a second to come to terms with it.">>
<<say mc "God is testing your faith. He knows you are strong enough to deal with this, but you have free will. Do you find strength in your faith, or do you give up, failing the Lord and handing a win to the Devil?">>
<<say emma "I will not disappoint God or you, $fmc. I just need a second to come to terms with it.">>
<<tbut "\"God has faith in you.\"">>
<<abut "\"God is testing your faith.\"">>
<<but "Continue" emma1>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi emma5 40 right>>
<<s mc "I understand. Maybe this is what you need to feel and overcome to be able to convince the others to accept this holy rite as they have accepted the first two.">>
<<s emma "Yes, that makes me feel better about it.">>
<<s mc "Would it make it even better if you didn't wear your habit when we wed and consummate the marriage? Since the rite of Holy Marriage effectively suspends your status as a novice, you could wear ordinary clothing, if you want.">>
<<s emma "I would prefer that, yes. I still have my clothes stored here, from when I was a student.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then wear whatever you prefer and we can get married.">>
<<ev 720>>
<<mi emma2 30 right>>
<<s emma "But most of the sisters don't have any other clothes. Maybe I should stick to the habit, after all, as they would have to.">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, you once told me that I'm a general and you are my soldier. And you are right. Together we're fighting for God against evil. I'm a holy warrior, and that makes you a holy warrior as well. The rite of Holy Marriage is meant for holy warriors. In this case, both the man and woman will be holy warriors. You will wed me, not as a nun, but as a holy warrior, and then it is fitting that you don't wear the habit.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. And since you will marry me as a holy warrior, we should not wed and consummate the marriage inside the walls of this monastery, where you live as a nun. We shall go outside the walls. Do you know a secluded place close by where we can be?">>
<<s emma "How about the stable we keep at the school? If we go there when the students have classes, it should be empty.">>
<<s mc "Then I will meet you there.">>
<<q holymarriage 200>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma2 25>>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, I require your assistance again. I have here a few vials containing potions of protection, meant for all of you. Don't ask me about the contents, but rest assured that the potions will protect all of you from evil. I need one vial of this to end up in the food you eat once a week. I'm thinking the soup we have for supper would be the best way to do it. But no one can know about this, as we can't risk the forces of evil learning of it. Do you think you could make it happen? ">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father, I'm sure I can make it happen somehow. ">>
<<s mc "Excellent. The potions should add a taste similar to meat or onion, depending on how it's cooked, which is another reason it would work well in the type of hearty soup usually served for supper without arousing suspicion for tasting strange.">>
<<s emma "That's good to know. Leave it to me, Father.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma3 25>>
<c>You should return to Novice Emma tomorrow to see if she was successful in delivering the potion of contraception to the nuns by way of the kitchen.
<<q procreation 1600>>
<<event 720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma2 25>>
<<s mc "Did you do what I asked you with the vial?">>
<<s emma "Yes, $fmc. I added it to the soup we had for supper yesterday without anyone noticing. It will be no problem to repeat in the future. They are so busy in the kitchen preparing supper and they keep the soup unattended much of the time.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I will bring you new vials when you run out. You must do this once a week, preferably to the day, for the protection to be the best.">>
<<s emma "It will be done, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 740>>
<<mi emma3 25>>
With Novice Emma taking care of adding the potion of contraception to the soup, the rest is up to you. You have to regularly extract more latex from the giant fennels to make new batches of potions and bring Novice Emma new vials.
<<tip procreationSoup null dontsave>>
<<ev 800>>
<<if !$pregnancy>>
<<mii nuns/misc/standing 30>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 34>>
You have done all you can. <<if !$pregnancy>>The <<contraceptionStrength>> potion of contraception should stop the nuns from getting pregnant even if you release your seed inside of them, barring a miracle from God.<<else>>The <<contraceptionStrength>> potion of contraception should greatly reduce the risk of the nuns getting pregnant even if you release your seed inside of them, though you have accepted that there is still a risk.<</if>>
<<qend procreation 2000>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii misc/cum/creampiebefore 65>>
<c>As a man, you have a primal, God-given urge to plant your seed inside a fertile woman. An urge you have successfully suppressed. But now when there is <<if !$pregnancy>>no<<else>>only a slight<</if>> risk of making the nuns pregnant, this primal urge comes crashing down on you. The urge to plant your seed inside the nuns' sinful slits is so strong that it makes it hard to focus on the investigation.
<p>You need to get rid of the urge. Giving in to it is the most effective way. God will understand. Perhaps this was even His plan. Releasing your seed inside the nuns allows you to anoint them from within, sending the Holy Seed deep into their sinful holes.</p>
<<ev 950>>
/*<cc style="color:#b9e; font-size:150%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>New quest: <<actQuest creampieq noItalics>></b></cc>*/
<<mii misc/cum/creampie 75>>
<cc0><<specialalert2 "Plant your seed between the legs of the nuns to reduce the primal urge to an acceptable level.">>
<<set $creampieCounter = -1>> /* init variable to -1 since adding 1 when calling creampie widget to show message 0/5 */
<<qstart creampieq 100 center>>
<<qset creampieq 99 allowLess>> /* To show 0/5 message */
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<but "Continue" emma1 step:1000>>
<<ev 980>>
<<mvv mc/fireplace1 46 pause3>>
A section about pregnancy has been added to your <<actPersonal>> down in the lab.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii hjana/jana3 30>>
<c>It's time to visit Sister Jana to eat her sins of fornication. She should be ready with the contraceptives about now.
<<q janacurse 1600>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 780>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma3 25>>
<<s mc "Did Sister Jana tell you that I helped her?">>
<<s emma "Yes, she came to me. She told me that she had suffered from a lust curse ever since the lust demon attacked her. And then she told me what you did to remove the curse using the holy rites. You anointed her and ate her sins. Not until she let you eat her sins of fornication did the lust curse leave her.">>
<<s mc "I wanted you to know this, Novice Emma – you deserve it – to hear real proof that you are doing the work of the Lord, helping me spread the word of the holy rites.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma5 40>>
<<s emma "Thank you, $fmc. It wasn't necessary, as I already know this, but it did feel wonderful to hear Sister Jana being helped by the holy rites.">>
<<s mc "Given the undeniable proof, Sister Jana has accepted the truth of the holy rites that helped her, but she is still not enthusiastic about them, questioning my motives. That's why I haven't mentioned the Holy Marriage rite to her yet.">>
<<s emma "I understand, Father.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma6 40 right>>
<<s emma "Forgive me for asking, Father, but do you feel the desire to lie with Sister Jana? To take her as your wife? If you do, I could try to make her more amenable to the idea, without mentioning Holy Marriage.">>
<<s mc "My increased lust at times gives me desires on all young and attractive nuns – the ones most likely to be attacked by the lust demon – Sister Jana being one of them. Yes, I would appreciate any help with bringing her around. I wish she at least would stop doubting my intentions. The Lord has put this lust in me to help you all in the fight against Satan. Having Sister Jana support this fight by letting me lie with her to reduce my lust when needed... it would mean a great deal to assure the other members of the Circle about the truth of the holy rites.">>
<<s emma "Then I will try to bring her around, Father.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi emma2 35 right>>
<<s mc "While we are on the topic, I have another thing that it's best you hear from me directly. Lately, I've sometimes felt a strong urge to release my seed inside you and the other nuns I've been with. But I managed to resist it, fearing I would impregnate any of you. I finally had a vision that told me I should anoint you sisters from within, to protect you from the lust demon. That's why I had this strong urge. The vision also told me that releasing my seed inside you would not impregnate you as long as it was part of a holy rite. Unless that is what God decides, of course.">>
<<s emma "I understand, Father. It makes sense to anoint with the Holy Seed in the most lustful place of the female body.">>
<<s mc "Yes. But I have to be careful and only do it with sisters that I'm confident will accept it. That's why I could use your help in making the members of the Circle more open to this, that I may release my seed between their legs and anoint them.">>
<<s emma "I will get to work on it, Father.">>
<<c "Leave Novice Emma">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi emma3 20>>
You again lied to Novice Emma about having a vision, but there is no point in risking telling her the truth. It's all for the greater good.
Now that Novice Emma has heard of the success you had with using the holy rites on Sister Jana – removing the lust curse – she should be even more loyal and unquestioning in her faith in you and the holy rites.
<<if $qqcreampieq>=100>>
<<lineheight>><<specialalert2 "You feel confident releasing your seed inside Novice Emma's slit now – when being intimate with her at the stable.">>
<<qend janacurse 4000>>
<<vv 4.1>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma3 24>>
<<s mc "Do you know the student Vivien?">>
<<s emma "Yes, I know her well. She is a devout Catholic.">>
<<s mc "Did you know she has a certain problem? Having to do with lust?">>
<<s emma "She has hinted at it, about not being able to resist temptations of the flesh, but I don't know how serious it is.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma2 35 right>>
<<s mc "It is very serious. Vivien is urgently in need of the holy rites. To be anointed with the Holy Seed, to begin with, to protect her from the lust demon. Sister Dana knows about everything and has already agreed to speak to Vivien, to put in a good word about me and the help I can offer her. But Sister Dana is not the person to reveal the truth about the holy rites to Vivien. That's your job. It's urgent, but as always, you must make sure she is ready to hear the truth and that she will keep it a secret.">>
<<s emma "You can count on me, Father. I will seek Vivien out at once. She trusts me and my connection to God. With both me and Sister Dana supporting this, I believe Vivien will be ready to be anointed very soon. You should speak with me again tomorrow, and I can tell you more.">>
<<s mc "Excellent.">>
<<q vivienq 400>>
<<but "Continue" emma>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi emma2 35 right>>
<<s mc "How's it going with Vivien?">>
<<if $qqholymarriage>=200>>
<<s emma "I have revealed the truth about the anointing with the Holy Seed to Vivien. She is ready to be anointed. Next, I will reveal the truth of the other holy rites to her.">>
<<s emma "I have revealed the truth about the anointing with the Holy Seed to Vivien. She is ready to be anointed. Next, I will reveal the truth of Sin Eating to her.">>
<<s mc "Yes, you do that.">>
Now you should speak with Vivien.
<<q vivienq 450>>
<<but "Continue" emma>>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma2 30>>
<c><<s mc "Do you know where Novice Sara's room is?">>
<<s emma "No, I'm sorry, Father. I don't know her well. Do you want me to find out?">>
<<s mc "No, Novice Sara can't suspect I'm looking into her. She's in trouble and in need of the holy rites. I may send her your way later.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. I understand.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/sara/face2 35 png>>
<c>Novice Emma couldn't help you, and she is the only one you trust enough to ask about Novice Sara. You have to find some other way to learn the location of Novice Sara's room.
<<q saraq 200>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma2 30>>
<<s mc "Now that Julia has joined the convent as a novice, you should know that she has also become a member of the Circle. I anointed her with the Holy Seed and ate some of her sins when she was a student at the school. This was necessary to allow her to join the convent, and God told me that she was to join. Answer Novice Julia's questions and teach her what she needs to know, as I have only covered the basics of the holy rites and the Circle.">>
<<s emma "Yes, $fmc. I knew Julia struggled with doubts about joining, but she wouldn't tell me why. I take it you helped her with those doubts?">>
<<s mc "Yes. She can tell you the details, if she wants to.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face3 30>>
<cc>Hopefully, Novice Julia will agree to be anointed once she has spoken to Novice Emma.
<<q juliajoining 1300 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1020>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma2 35>>
You wait in Novice Emma's room.
<p>Soon, Sister Dana and Novice Julia arrive.</p>
<<ev 120>>
<<cs mc "Novice Julia, are you ready to be initiated into the <<var circle?>>">>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, $fmc." ii>>
<<cs mc "And you, Sister Dana?">>
<<cs dana "I'm ready." ii>>
<<cs mc "Then let's begin.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mv 200-500 80>>
<cc2>Novice Emma quickly makes your manhood grow with her hands and then uses her mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Anoint Novice Emma">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi cum 80>>
<cc>Sister Dana and Novice Julia watch as you anoint Novice Emma.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma4 60>>
<c>The holy rite is over.
<<s mc "Now you are both properly initiated into the Circle. Novice Julia, I want you to carefully consider my offer to anoint you, to protect you from the lust demon. It's allowed even as a nun, as you have seen.">>
<<s julia2 "I will consider it, Father." ii>>
<<s mc "Then this initiation is completed.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face1 50>>
<cc>You should give Novice Julia a day to think before approaching her again.
<<q juliajoining 2000 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma2 30>>
<c>You hand Novice Emma a lust potion, made with white wine to avoid detection when added to soup.
<<s mc "Novice Olenka is in great danger of being attacked by the lust demon due to her beauty and young age. I have been anointing her, but Satan is interfering, endangering Novice Olenka's protection against evil. I need you to add this blessed wine to Novice Olenka's soup at supper tonight without anyone seeing it. Then the Blood of Christ will carry the Holy Spirit into her body, without Satan's knowledge, and this should be enough to bring Novice Olenka fully back into the light when I anoint her after supper.">>
<<s emma "Consider it done, $fmc.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii encounters/olenkahead 30 pnggg>>
<cc>Immediately after supper, you must send word for Novice Olenka to come to your room.
<<q olenkaq 1100 center>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma5 45 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, I have great news. I have been told by the Lord that it is soon time for the Revelation, where we gather all the nuns to reveal the holy rites to the convent. We will no longer need to hide what we do in our holy fight against Satan.">>
<<s emma "Praise the Lord. With the convent working together, we will be victorious against the evil.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Toward that end, the Lord also told me that I must assume command of the convent, to be the general leading the holy war. I would then take the title of Patriarch.">>
<<c "Tell her what it means to be a patriarch">>
<<ev 140>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 44>>
You take the time to explain to Novice Emma what it means to be a patriarch, using the knowledge you have learned in the Codex Veritatis.
<<ev 160>>
<<mi emma2 35 right>>
<<s mc "At the Revelation, I will ask the sisters to vote for me as their patriarch. We must make sure that this vote goes our way. That's why, before the Revelation can take place, we must gather enough support for the holy rites among the nuns. I have already gotten assurances from Mother Magda that she won't stand in our way. I need you to do what you can to gather support among the professed sisters not yet on our side. Forget the novices for the time being, as they are not allowed to vote in the election of a new leader. The professed sisters are the keys to our success.">>
<<s emma "I understand, Father.">>
<<s mc "Prepare them for the Revelation. Since Mother Magda is no longer a threat to us, you don't have to be quite as careful as before, allowing you to gather support faster, but you should still only tell the sisters what they are ready to hear, as you are so good at knowing. I trust you with this. Do what you do best.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma5 45>>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. This is my calling from the Lord. I will not fail you.">>
<<s mc "You don't have to convince everyone of the truth of the holy rites. It is just as important to reduce the opposition among those who are too skeptical to accept the holy rites right now. As long as the supporters are stronger than the opposition, the opposition will have to fall in line. In time, they will all come to see the truth.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. I understand.">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi emma2 32>>
<c>You tell Novice Emma of the professed sisters you are currently working on to get their support at the Revelation.
<<s mc "I want to secure the vote of at least one more professed sister. Do you know anyone who might be in need of the holy rites?">>
<<ev 270>>
<<mi emma6 45>>
<<s emma "I can't say that I do. I've been working to spread the word mostly among the attacked sisters, and most of them are novices. I'm sorry, Father. I will let you know if I hear of a professed sister that might be of interest to you.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Novice Emma. Now, in addition to everything else, you should also prepare the sisters to accept me, a priest, as their temporary leader. Their patriarch. Mother Magda will remain Mother Superior in title, but she has promised to accept me as the de facto leader of the nuns for as long as it's needed. Then I can lead the forces of God toward victory.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma5 45>>
<<cs emma "Yes, Father. It will be glorious.">>
<<cs mc "We should get to work. We have a lot to do.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 500>>
<<revimage 36>>
<c>Novice Emma will work on preparing the professed sisters to accept the truth of the holy rites, and to accept you as their future leader, but ultimately, it's up to you to get more of them on your side.
<p>You need to identify at least one more professed sister that may support you at the Revelation.
<<q revelationsupport 300>></p>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma2 35 right>>
<l><<s mc "I suspect that Novice Victoria is possessed by a lust demon. What can you tell me of Novice Victoria and her history of lustful feelings?">>
<<s emma "It's no secret that Novice Victoria's libido increased after she was attacked by the lust demon. It became a serious problem for her. I know she had a high libido even before the attack, but then she had it under control. Anyway, I learned of her struggle to fight the urge to sin with herself, and I managed to convince her that you could help her, and she was initiated into the Circle.">>
<<s emma "But Novice Victoria is very scared of going to hell. I believe that's why she couldn't accept the holy rites. Why she never came to you for help. Instead, she asked Sister Ann for help, and they've been praying a lot together. That's what I can tell you.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Novice Emma.">>
<<c "Leave Novice Emma">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 20 pnggg>>
<c>You may have an explanation for what is going on with Novice Victoria.
<p>When Sister Dana suggested to Sister Ann that Novice Victoria was possessed, Novice Victoria learned of it . Unconsciously – or not – Novice Victoria saw this as a possible way out – a way to be able to touch herself, giving in to temptation, while blaming the demon possessing her.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/100-40 80>>
<c>Sister Ann and Sister Dana then found Novice Victoria when she was fighting the temptation to touch herself – a temptation that had become harder to resist now when she could blame it on her possession.</c>
<<ev 550>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/100-1200 70>>
<c>They sent word for you to come, and when you suggested that Novice Victoria was possessed by a lust demon and gave her the lust oil, Novice Victoria fully embraced this way out of her lustful torment, acting like she was possessed, hoping it would lead to having an orgasm.
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/100-3450 45 right>>
<l>Novice Victoria may truly believe she is possessed, and she may not be acting. Or she could be faking it all.
<p>Given Novice Emma's testimonial of Novice Victoria's fear of going to hell, you believe that Novice Victoria is not faking it. She actually believes she is possessed, and this belief together with her lustful torment made Novice Victoria enter into a state of deranged hysterics when her mind was acting out the belief, fueled by her own increased libido and the lust oil you gave her.</p>
<p>Novice Victoria was desperate for sexual stimulation, of having an orgasm, and her unconscious mind found a way out to release some of that frustration.</p>
<p>It is a reasonable enough explanation that you are satisfied.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 20 pnggg>>
When you think you have given Sister Ann and Novice Victoria enough time since the last exorcism, you should perform another exorcism on Novice Victoria.
/* qmess here to keep stage at 400 for check in victoria.tf */
<<qmess victoriaq 500>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii grounds/nunsmoking 32>>
<c>Knowing Novice Sara likes to smoke by the tree after eating, you plan to drug her with a lust potion at lunch. Perhaps then Novice Sara will not be able to resist the temptation to touch herself when she sits there with her slit exposed in the summer heat.
<p>That would be something you could use against her.</p></c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma2 32>>
You give a lust potion to Novice Emma and tell her to mix it into Novice Sara's food the next time you join the nuns for lunch.
<p>Your loyal soldier Novice Emma accepts your order without a question, believing the potion is blessed wine meant to carry the Holy Spirit into Novice Sara's body.</p>
<p>Now you must eat lunch with the nuns.
<<q saraq 2400>></p>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma2 32>>
You ask Novice Emma if she knows of any students who may be in need of the holy rites.
<p>Novice Emma replies that she can't think of anyone right now. Her focus since becoming a novice has been spreading the word of the holy rites among the nuns, but she will let you know if she learns of a student who may need your help.
<<q catarinastudent 200>></p>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 1700 emma nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma6 40>>
<c>You ask Novice Emma about her progress with warming up Sister Jana to the idea of Holy Marriage.
<p>Emma says that she hasn't had much success. Sister Jana is still having a hard time fully accepting the holy rites.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hjana/jana3 36>>
<c>You have had enough of Sister Jana's refusal to get in line. After everything you have done for her – removing her lust curse – and she still resists you.
<p>You will have intercourse with Sister Jana without a condom. It is time. And you must let Sister Jana know that.
<<q janamarry 200>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing event */
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 26 "left png nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/emma/emma10 23 "left nomarginRight png">>
<c>Some time has passed since The Revelation, where you revealed the holy rites to the convent and told them about the holy war you are fighting against Satan and his minions.
<p>That day, you officially declared that Sister Roberta was to remain the prioress, serving as your second-in-command in practical matters. She is responsible for upholding order and discipline, and protecting the secret of the holy rites.</p>
<p>You then declared Novice Emma to be your spiritual advisor, serving as your second-in-command in spiritual matters. She is responsible for educating the sisters about the holy rites and she is also speaking for you in all matters concerning the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma5 48>>
<c>Novice Emma has been your closest, most loyal ally from the start. You must not take her for granted. She has feelings too.
<<s mc "How are you doing, Novice Emma? Is everything okay with you?">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. I'm very well.">>
<<s mc "Are you happy with your role as my spiritual second-in-command?">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. It's what God intended for me.">>
<<s mc "Good. I'm happy to hear it.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi emma6 48>>
<<if setup.juliapath()>>
<<s emma "How about you, Father? I heard you moved Novice Julia closer to you for practical reasons. Are you struggling with your lust?">>
<<s mc "I can be a struggle sometimes, yes, and then I need some help. God sent Novice Julia here for that very purpose. It just took some time for me to accept it. And I didn't know how well Novice Julia would take it. But thankfully, she seems to have accepted it too.">>
<<s emma "How about you, Father? Are you still struggling with your lust?">>
<<s mc "I can be a struggle sometimes, yes, and then I need to reduce it. Sometimes I visit a girl and use the holy rites. That is, after all, why the Lord put this intense lust in me. Other times, I use the whip.">>
<<s emma "If you need to reduce your lust, you can always come to me, Father.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi emma1 24>>
<<s mc "Thank you for the offer, Novice Emma, but your role is more important than that.">>
Novice Emma smiles at you.
<p>But is it a genuine smile, or is there some disappointment and jealousy behind it? You think the latter might be the case.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii stable/100-400 50>>
<c>It is well-known that once a woman spreads her legs for a man, she can develop feelings for him. Not necessarily of love, but of possession – that the man belongs to her now. This can cause jealousy in the woman if the man is intimate with other women.
<p>You have had sexual intercourse with Novice Emma more than once. Not only that, but you have had sex as husband and wife – married with the Holy Marriage rite.</p>
<p>You wonder if perhaps this has caused Novice Emma to be jealous – consciously or subconsciously – because of the fact that you are intimate with so many other women. <<if setup.juliapath()>>You have even assigned Novice Julia to the specific role of satisfying you sexually when needed.<<else>>BALLE<</if>></p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi emma2 34>>
<c>If it is true that Novice Emma has this problem with jealousy, it could fester and become a serious issue – driving a wedge between the two of you.
<p>You can't let that happen. You must make Novice Emma feel that you want her and that she can satisfy your needs. She must feel that you belong to her – even though she has to share you with others.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii stable/100-400 54>>
<c>There may be a simple, direct solution to this: You will fornicate with Novice Emma here in her room. You will use her body to reduce your lust, and her jealousy of other women should decrease.
<p>But for this to work, Novice Emma must sense that you desire her. Consequently, your lust must be high enough that your desire for her body becomes apparent when you fornicate with her.
<<q emmafuck 200>>
<<but "Continue" emma>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi emma6 48>>
<<if $qqemmalustangel >= 500>>
<<s mc "Novice Emma, my most loyal soldier, my holy lust is strong and now I desire your slit.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father.">>
Without another word, Novice Emma quickly undresses.
<<s emma "Do you want me to use my mouth to make you ready, Father?">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma. I've thought about you, my most loyal soldier, and I was filled with an intense desire to reduce my lust using your body. I think God wants us to join flesh to bring us even closer together. To stand united against the evil forces.">>
<<s emma "You are our leader and I will do as you command. Will you marry me first?">>
<<s mc "No. This will be a pure act of two holy warriors joining flesh before God.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. I will make myself ready.">>
Novice Emma begins to undress.
<<if $qqemmalustangel >= 500>>
<<but "Tell her to use her hand" emma1 step:3100>>
<<but "Tell her to use her mouth" emma1 step:3050>>
<<but "Continue" emma1 step:3100>>
<<ev 3050>>
<<mv 1800-1100 90 volume0.2>>
<cc>You tell Novice Emma to use her mouth on you.
<<lh>>Your manhood is soon ready for action.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Penetrate her slit" emma1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 1700-3100 90>>
<c>Novice Emma gets you ready with her hand.
<p>She appears excited. You think that being intimate with her spiritual leader arouses her.
<<addlust 100>></p>
<<c "Penetrate her from behind">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 1700-3400 96 volume0.3>>
<c>You order Novice Emma to get down on all fours. She immediately obeys.
<p>You take position behind Novice Emma and thrust your erect manhood into her waiting slit. You notice that she is already wet.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 1700-3600 90 volume0.2>>
<c>Wanting to get this over with quickly to show Novice Emma that you desire her, you pound her slit fast and hard.</c>
<<if $qqemmalustangel >= 500>>
<<but "Continue" emma1 step:3700>>
<<but "Continue" emma1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv 1800-1400 100 volume0.2>>
<cc>Novice Emma shows that she wants to be more active, and you let her ride you.
When she starts touching her slit, you encourage her. She soon reaches orgasm.</cc>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi 1800-2000 82>>
<cc>Then you take back command and pummel Novice Emma's slit.
<p>Not satisfied yet, this causes Novice Emma to moan from pleasure.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 1700-4000 90 volume0.2>>
<c>Novice Emma clearly had a lot of pent-up lustful energy. She reaches <<if $qqemmalustangel >= 500>>her second <</if>>orgasm as you keep thrusting into her wet slit.
<p>Soon after, you climax too.</p>
<<but "Ejaculate on her breasts" emma1 step:5000>><<c "Ejaculate in her slit">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv 1700-4600 90 volume0.25>>
<cc>You moan loudly as you ejaculate inside Novice Emma.
<p>You fill her up with your seed.</p>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie2 80>>
<cc>You look at your sperm running out of Novice Emma's slit.
<p>Novice Emma says nothing, waiting to follow your lead.
<<creampie emma center>></p>
<<but "Get dressed" emma1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 1700-5000 92 volume0.15>>
<cc>You order Novice Emma to kneel before you. Then you ejaculate on her breasts.
<<if $qqemmalustangel >= 500>>
<<but "Continue" emma1 step:5500>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi 1700-5200 90>>
<cc>Novice Emma looks pleased, having satisfied her leader while also having an orgasm of her own.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" emma1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi 1800-2600 44>>
<c>Novice Emma looks thrilled, having offered her slit to her leader. She grabs her seed-covered breasts and kneels with her legs spread, as if to invite you to a repeat.</c>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi emma5 46>>
<<s mc "That helped me. Now I can focus my mind on the investigation and the holy war.">>
<<s emma "I'm happy to assist you this way, Father.">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi emma2 40 right>>
<<if $qqemmafuck<400>>
You look at Novice Emma. Did the sex act help with her potential possessive feelings toward you, or could she still be jealous because you have sex with other women?
<p>You realize that this sex act might not have been that effective because you were intimate with Novice Emma in the privacy of her room.</p>
<p>You think that having sexual intercourse with Novice Emma in a more public location would work better to reduce her jealousy. Even if no one actually saw you, the potential would be there. Novice Emma would feel that you showed the world that you belong to her.</p>
You hope this helped with Novice Emma's potential possessive feelings toward you, decreasing her jealousy of other women.
<p>But since it was in the privacy of her room, it might not have been as effective as doing it somewhere more public.</p>
<<if $qqemmafuck<400>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi emma10 24 pnggg>>
<c>You should look for an opportunity to have sex with Novice Emma in a more public location than her room.
<p>You can't arrange it with Novice Emma beforehand. No, it has to feel spontaneous to her – that you happened to see her and then wanted to take her then and there because you desire her.</p>
<p>Since you had sex with her now, you should wait until another day.
<<q emmafuck 400>></p>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emma6 45 right>>
Before telling Novice Emma that you are a lust angel, you will tell her of the vision you had where you learned how to use Novice Cindy to remove the black spot on your soul.
<<s mc "Novice Emma, I have wonderful news. I had a vision from God.">>
<<s emma "Tell me, Father.">>
For once, you can be completely honest when telling Novice Emma you had a vision from the Lord.
<p>You tell her about the vision, and also everything you have found out about Novice Cindy.</p>
<p>You then tell Novice Emma how you removed the black spot on your soul using Novice Cindy, just as God told you in the vision. It worked, and your soul is now pure – to better serve the Lord.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi emma5 45 right>>
<<s emma "This is indeed wonderful news. Praise the Lord.">>
<<s mc "The wonderful news doesn't stop there, my dear. God sent me the vision for a very specific reason. Before I tell you this reason, there is something you should know. Forbidden knowledge from the Vatican Secret Archive.">>
You still don't think you should risk telling Novice Emma about Ludolphus and his Book of Truth, but aside from the white lie about this knowledge coming from the Vatican Secret Archive, you tell Novice Emma what you have learned about lust angels and lust demons.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma2 38 right>>
Finally, you tell her that to claim the title of lust angel, you had to purify your soul, and so the Lord sent you the vision about Novice Cindy. And now, you have become a lust angel. Armed with holy lust, you will fight and ultimately destroy the lust demon terrorizing the monastery.
Novice Emma falls to the floor and touches your feet with her forehead in an act of reverence.
<<s mc "Keep quiet about this for now. I will announce it to everyone tonight, in the chapel. After that, I need your help to make the others accept the truth of my new title of lust angel and my holy lust, my new holy weapon.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. Of course.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi emma11 30 pnggg>>
Novice Emma is unquestioningly loyal to you, but you have sensed possessive feelings in her toward you – and jealousy of the other women you are intimate with. You should make Novice Emma feel valued the way only you can.
You think of Novice Emma's slit and how it is there for you to use when you desire.
<<addlust 40>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi emma5 50>>
<<s mc "I feel my holy lust flooding when I'm thinking of your naked body, Novice Emma. It would be fitting that I use this new holy weapon together with you, my most loyal and trusted soldier, before anyone else. Will you offer your slit for me to use now, my dear?">>
<<s emma "You never have to ask, Father. You are my leader and I follow your command. But since you ask, I will respond: It would please me greatly to offer myself to you.">>
<<s mc "Then we will join flesh before God.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Emma">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.2>>
<cc>You tell Novice Emma to use her mouth to quickly get you ready.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 1700-3600 96 volume0.2>>
<cc>You penetrate Novice Emma's slit with your erect manhood and begin to fornicate.</cc>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.2>>
<cc>Sensing that Novice Emma wants to be more active, you let her ride you.
When she starts touching her slit, you encourage her.</cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 82>>
<cc>Then you take back command and pummel Novice Emma's slit.
<p>This soon causes Novice Emma to reach orgasm. You are not far behind.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate on her breasts">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 1700-5000 92 volume0.15>>
<cc>You order Novice Emma to kneel before you. Then you ejaculate on her breasts.
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 44>>
<c>Novice Emma looks more thrilled than usual, having offered her slit to her leader – a lust angel. She grabs her seed-covered breasts and kneels with her legs spread as if to invite you to a repeat.</c>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi emma2 35>>
<<s mc "Thank you, Novice Emma. My holy lust has been temporarily satisfied. Now I must go to my lab... uhm, my room, to write the speech for tonight.">>
You slipped your tongue, mentioning your lab, but you see no reaction from Novice Emma.
<<q emmalustangel 500>>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:4100 step:1000">>
<<ev 5000>> /* reusing for carolinaq */
<<mi emma6 45 right>>
<<s mc "Satan's influence is threatening the school and we must protect the girls there. As you know, I have already identified a few girls who need my protection, girls with issues of one kind or another, but we must not let the Devil fool us. If we only guard the students most at risk, Satan could sneak past our defenses by targeting the model students. Those who appear to be at no risk of corruption. We can't make that mistake. And now the Lord has guided me to protect one of the model students: Carolina. Do you know her?">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father. I know her pretty well. You are correct that she doesn't appear to be someone Satan would target. She studies well and only wants to live a quiet Catholic family life once she finishes school.">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi emma2 35>>
<<s mc "That's what I gathered too. But I fear Satan may be targeting her soon. If the Devil gets to one of the model students, that could spread. We must ensure it doesn't happen. I have briefly told Carolina about the holy war and the lust demon but saved the intimate details about the holy rites. You must educate Carolina to prepare her for initiation. Visit her after supper if you can. I must anoint Carolina as soon as possible.">>
<<s emma "I will visit her after supper, Father.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii school/carolina/head 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You should visit Carolina tomorrow. She may be ready to be anointed then.
<p>Since Carolina studies hard during the day, it is best to visit her after supper.
<<q carolinaq 200 center>></p></cc>
<<set $carolinaschool = 1>>
<</events>>/**************************** LIST OF ALL ENCOUNTER IDs (not all are used here) *******************************
1. Olenka
2. Crone
3,4. Olenka
5,6,7. Cindy
8. Abbot
9. Bathroom two girls
10. Gregor murder
11,12: Evie
13: Lara (mc attack)
14: Abbot about doctor
<<if $encounterRoom == "encounterMcHall">>
<<if $encounterIDs.includes(1) || $encID==1>>
<<overlay "encounters/olenkawide" "encounters/olenka0" 67.5 3 30 83 "jpg">><</overlay>>
<c>When you leave your room, you see Novice Olenka, one of the two novices you found praying naked in the bathroom at night. She ran away when you tried to anoint her in the bathroom with Novice Judith. Now she is walking briskly in your direction, carrying a prayer book. She must be on her way to Lauds – the morning prayer – which is taking place in the chapel.
<<but "Talk to her" encounters1 ev:100>>
<<if !($replayingEvent >0)>>
<<but "Let her pass" hub>>
<<elseif $encounterIDs.includes(3) || $encID==3>>
/*<<mi olenkaCompany 70 pnggg>>*/
<<overlay "encounters/wall-mchall" "encounters/olenkaCompany" 0 0 90.3 83 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>When you leave your room, you see Novice Olenka. She is walking briskly in your direction together with Novice Fabiana<<if $qqolenkaq>300>> (again)<</if>>. They both carry prayer books and must be on their way to Lauds – the morning prayer – which is taking place in the chapel.
<<but "Talk to Novice Olenka" encounters1 ev:200>>
<<if !($replayingEvent >0)>>
<<but "Let them pass" hub>>
<<encError 1>>
<<elseif $encounterRoom == "encounterBlackBell">>
<<set setup.playedBlackBell = false>> /* bell sound can now play again */
<<if $encounterIDs.includes(8)>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 34 pnggg>>
You hear a bell chime far in the distance. It sounds like it comes from the black door.
<p>Going in that direction, you meet a nun.
<<s Nun "Oh, there you are, Father. There is a letter for you from the monks.">>
The nun gives you a small envelope and leaves.</p>
<<but "Read the letter" nuns1 ev:1800>>
<<elseif $encounterIDs.includes(10)>>
<<mii blackdoor/doormonksbell 40>>
<<set $blackBellOnly = 0>>
<<set $noRefectoryBypass = 1>> /* prevents player bypassing lunch/supper events */
<cc>The black bell is chiming.
<p>Since it is probably a message for you, you make your way toward the black door.</p>
<<playsound blackbell "volume0.06">>
<<specialalert2 "The black bell keeps chiming.">>
This is odd. It must be something urgent.</p>
<p>You quicken your pace.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1900>>
<<elseif $encounterIDs.includes(11)>>
<<mii blackdoor/doormonksbell 40>>
<<set $blackBellOnly = 0>>
<cc>The black bell is chiming.
<p>It might be the police wanting to speak with you.</p>
<p>You make your way to the black door.</p>
<<but "Continue" monkevents1 "ev:300 step:1000">>
<<elseif $encounterIDs.includes(14)>>
<<mii blackdoor/doormonksbell 40>>
<<set $blackBellOnly = 0>>
<c>The black bell is chiming. It might be a message for you.
<<lh>>You are on your way to the black door when you meet a nun in a hurry. She stops and hands you a letter.
<<s Nun "A message from the monks, $fmc.">>
The nun then leaves.
<<but "Read the letter" nuns1 "ev:2300">>
<<encError 2>>
<<elseif $encounterRoom == "encounterStairs">>
<<if $encounterIDs.includes(5)>>
<<mii hall/hallOld 50>>
<c>You go upstairs and take a walk around the place.
<p>You come to one of the parts of the monastery that isn't used much. Although still in decent shape, the wear and tear of old age is evident. There is no glass in the big old windows facing the countryside, which makes the wind blow through the empty hallways.</p>
<p>Because of its relative isolation from the rest of the convent, you know that nuns sometimes come here to be alone and to admire the view.</p>
<p>Further ahead is a ruined section of the building.</p>
<<but "Continue to the ruins" encounters1 ev:300>>
<<elseif $encounterIDs.includes(6)>>
<<mii hall/hallOld 50>>
<c>Remembering how you caught Novice Cindy with her hair undone in the windy ruins upstairs, you hope to do it again, as it would give you a reason to chastise her.
<p>Around the time when you think Novice Cindy usually goes there to pray, you go upstairs and make your way to the less used parts of the monastery.</p>
You soon see the ruined section of the building where you encountered Novice Cindy.
<<but "Continue to the ruins" encounters1 ev:400>>
<<elseif $encounterIDs.includes(7)>>
<<mii hall/hallOld 50>>
<c>Seeing that it is pretty windy today, you want to take another shot at catching Novice Cindy with her hair undone in the windy ruins upstairs.
<p>Around the time when you think Novice Cindy usually goes there to pray, you go upstairs and make your way to the ruined section of the building where you encountered Novice Cindy.</p>
<<but "Continue to the ruins" encounters1 "ev:400 step:1000">>
<<encError 0>>
<<elseif $encounterRoom == "encounterBathroom">>
<<if $encounterIDs.includes(9)>>
<<mii bathroom/outside_bathroom 44>>
<c>Approaching the bathroom, you meet several novices walking in your direction. You can tell they have just finished bathing because of the fresh, soapy scent they give off as you pass them.
<p>Then you see a senior sister leaving the bathroom. That should mean bathing time is over for the novices.</p>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<p>However, when you reach the doorway to the bathroom, you hear faint voices. It seems everyone hasn't left yet.</p>
<<but "Peek inside the bathroom" encounters1 ev:500>>
<<encError 0>>
/*<<elseif $encounterRoom == "encounter">>
For encounters taking place wherever and whenever, for instance as the destination for a room (eg innerchapel).
For encounters not yet with ID, the ID can be specified here if needed
NOTE: scrapped this idea of a general encounter destination since then conflict if two such encounters happen at same time */
<<elseif $encounterRoom == "encounterInnerChapel">>
<<if $encID ==11>>
<<mvv nuns/evie/sweep 78>>
You walk past the small inner chapel used for private prayers or smaller ceremonies that don't need the big chapel.
<p>Hearing a noise, you peek inside and see Novice Evie sweeping the room. You know that it is her job to clean this part of the monastery. Her own room is just next door to the left.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1850>>
<<elseif $encID ==12>>
<<mvv nuns/evie/sweep 78>>
Getting close to the small inner chapel, you hear a noise.
<p>Quietly peeking inside, you see Novice Evie sweeping the room, doing her assigned work of cleaning this part of the monastery.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:1860">>
<<elseif $qqevieq==1>>
<<mvv nuns/evie/sweep 78>>
You walk past the small inner chapel used for private prayers or smaller ceremonies that don't need the big chapel.
<p>Hearing a noise, you peek inside and see Novice Evie sweeping the room. You know that it is her job to clean this area of the monastery, probably in part because her room is in this hallway.</p>
<<set $evieInnerChapel = 1>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1850>>
<<elseif $qqevieq < 300>> /* not used lust potion yet, or used it but didn't confront her */
<<mvv nuns/evie/sweep 78>>
Getting close to the small inner chapel, you hear a noise.
<p>Quietly peeking inside, you see Novice Evie sweeping the room, doing her assigned work of cleaning this part of the monastery.</p>
<<set $evieInnerChapel = 1>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:1850 step:300">>
<<elseif $qqevieq >= 300>>
<<mvv nuns/evie/sweep 78>>
Getting close to the small inner chapel, you hear a noise.
<p>Quietly peeking inside, you see Novice Evie sweeping the room, doing her assigned work of cleaning this part of the monastery.</p>
<<set $evieInnerChapel = 1>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:1860">>
<<encError 0>>
<<elseif $encounterRoom == "no_room">>
<c>Passage "encounterMcHall" no longer available.
You are seeing this message because you have saved your game in a place that no longer exists. Encounters have been recoded.
This is NOT a bug. Click Leave and then select the Encounter again to play it.
<<set $encounterMcHallMorning = 1>>
<<encError 0>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi olenka2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Good morning, Novice Olenka. Are you going to the chapel for Lauds?">>
<<s olenka "Good morning, $fmc. Yes, I am. Forgive me, but I have to hurry or I'll be late.">>
<p>Novice Olenka is one of the newest and youngest novices in the convent, and also very pretty. She hasn't been attacked by the lust demon yet, but it's only a matter of time before it will happen. Unless you can stop the demon, or protect Novice Olenka.</p>
<p>And now that Novice Olenka is initiated into the Circle, you can protect her from evil by anointing her, but you have found that the young girl is rarely alone.
<<qstart olenkaq 100>></p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi olenkahead2 45>>
<c>The morning prayer is about to start, meaning everyone else will be in the chapel. This gives you an opportunity to finally be alone with Novice Olenka.
<<addlust 50>>
<p>You suddenly feel an intense desire to fornicate with the young novice. You might not get many opportunities to anoint her, so maybe this is God telling you that you should protect Novice Olenka from the lust demon by anointing the young virgin in her most sinful place, inside that slit between her legs?</p>
<<if !($replayingEvent >0)>>
<<but "Just use her mouth" encounters1 "step:500">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" mc1 "ev:2300 corr40 ttt10">>
<<if !($replayingEvent >0)>>
<<c "Let her go">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi olenka2 40 right>>
You are not sure that God wants you to fornicate with this young virgin. Not wanting to do a mistake, you just let her go.
<<q olenkaq 150 center>>
But the desire to fornicate with her only grows stronger when you see her walking away, swaying her round hips. You picture her naked teenage body under the habit, and the virgin slit between her legs.
<<addlust 100>>
<<set $temp = "olenkaencounter1">> /* flag for mc1 ev666, sofia will now be gone for lauds */
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi olenkahead 35>>
<<addlust 100>>
You try to convince Novice Olenka that you must anoint her to protect her from the lust demon, but when you tell her that she must use her mouth on you, she won't hear of it.
<<s olenka "No, please, $fmc. I saw what Novice Emma did to you, but I can't do it. I'm a virgin and shall not be with a man like that.">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi olenka2 40 right>>
You consider forcing the issue, but if you are too brutal with the young girl, she might avoid you in the future, meaning fewer opportunities to use the holy rites on her. What if your instincts were correct and God wants you to fornicate with Novice Olenka, anointing her between her legs?
<p>Not wanting to risk making her scared of you, you let Novice Olenka go with a promise that she will at least think about agreeing to be anointed some other time.
<<q olenkaq 200>></p>
<<set $temp = "olenkaencounter1">> /* flag for mc1 ev666, sofia will not be gone for lauds */
<<vv 5>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi olenka720 35 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "Novice Olenka, I would like to speak with you.">>
<<s olenka "Please, can it wait, $fmc? I will be late for Lauds.">>
Novice Olenka probably understands that you want to fornicate with her to anoint her again, and she doesn't feel like it.
<p>The thought of fornicating with the young novice suddenly fills you with a strong desire. God is telling you that Novice Olenka needs protection from the lust demon, and the best way to do it is by anointing Novice Olenka inside that slit between her legs.
<<addlust 40>></p>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "encounters/wall-mchall" "encounters/olenkaCompany" 0 0 90.3 66 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You could take Novice Olenka to your room, giving her no choice, but the problem is Novice Fabiana.
<p>Novice Fabiana has not been initiated into the Circle and she may find it odd if you take away Novice Olenka, keeping her from going to Lauds. Though Novice Fabiana can't know what you intend to do, she could potentially think that something improper is going on with you and the young Novice Olenka, spreading rumors among the nuns that don't know of the important work you do with the holy rites. You would take a risk.</p>
<<if !($replayingEvent >0)>>
<<c "Let them both pass">>
<<but "Take Novice Olenka to your room" encounters1 "step:1000 corr45 ttt10">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi olenkahead 32 pnggg>>
<c>Rather than risk anything, you let them pass. You tell Novice Olenka that you will speak some other time.
<<if $qqolenkaq < 400>>
<<q olenkaq 400>>
<p>You wonder if Novice Olenka has started going to Lauds with Novice Fabiana on purpose, hoping to avoid having to fornicate with you, not fully understanding how much she needs the protection from the Holy Seed.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi olenka2 32>>
The desire to fornicate with Novice Olenka only grows stronger when you see her walking away, swaying her round hips. You picture her naked teenage body under the habit, and the virgin slit between her legs.
<<addlust 100>>
<<set $temp = "olenkaencounter1">> /* flag for mc1 ev666, sofia will not be gone for lauds */
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi olenka2 30>>
<c>It can't be helped, you have to take the risk. Novice Olenka needs to strengthen her protection against the lust demon.
<p>Besides, the support for the holy rites is growing within the convent, with more and more novices and professed sisters being initiated into the Circle. Soon, any rumors about improper conduct between you and some nuns might no longer matter, as the truth will come into the open and you won't need to hide what you are doing to help the nuns.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<overlay "encounters/wall-mchall" "encounters/olenkaCompany" 0 0 90.3 70 "png">><</overlay>>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Novice Olenka, but this can't wait. Please, come with me. Novice Fabiana, you should continue to the chapel or you'll be late for Lauds too.">>
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:2670>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.9>>
<c>You come to a particularly dilapidated part of the monastery. In these ruins, you see a nun climbing through a window, carrying a book. It's Novice Cindy.
<p>Clouds of dust move about in the windy conditions. The strong wind blows Novice Cindy's habit around. And her blonde hair too, which isn't covered as it should be. This can not pass.</p>
<<c "Confront Novice Cindy">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv m 44 pause2>>
<<s mc "Novice Cindy, why is your hair not covered?">>
<<s cindy "Oh, I'm sorry, $fmc. I didn't realize it. I was climbing through the ruins, and with the wind, the hair must have come loose.">>
Novice Cindy tries to cover her hair but quickly gives up. The strong wind makes it impossible.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s cindy "I can't fix it here. I will leave and take care of it.">>
<<s mc "Wait. Why did you come here?">>
<<s cindy "I wanted to be alone to read and pray. It's beautiful here in the old ruins. It's usually not this windy.">>
<<s mc "I understand that you didn't flaunt the rules on purpose by not covering your hair, but as your new leader, I must set a standard. You will have to do penance for your transgression of the rules. You came here to pray, and now we will go to your room and you will pray naked before God and me. That will be your penance.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s cindy "Naked? But why, Father?">>
<<s mc "Have you already forgotten what was said at the Revelation? Satan is attacking the convent using lust as a weapon. I'm using the holy rites to fight back, and then my physical body needs to be able to perform, which requires lust. Seeing your naked body will help me with that while you're humbling yourself before God, and me, your leader.">>
<<s cindy "I understand, Father, I think, but I haven't been attacked or committed sins of lust. Isn't it better that I remain pure – an innocent virgin, shielded from the eyes of men – and you can go to one of the sisters that need your help with their lustful sins, and look at them?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 300-300 40>>
<<s mc "Don't you find it strange that you haven't been attacked, Novice Cindy? You're young and pretty, pure and innocent. You're Satan's favorite target to corrupt, yet the lust demon has left you alone, while several of your sisters, also young virgins, have been attacked. That is a sign that God has protected you because you have a special role to play in the holy war.">>
<<s mc "Seeing the naked body of a pure and innocent young girl like you will mean I'm looking at uncorrupted beauty. That is most holy if used for a holy cause. You will do this as your penance and to support the holy war against Satan. Do you refuse to do your part in the holy war?">>
<<s cindy "No, Father. I will do it.">>
<<s mc "Good. You will be rewarded in heaven. Now let's go to your room.">>
/*<<qmess patriarchq 500>> better to just have one mess for each of the 5 events */
<<qadd patriarchq 500>>
<<but "Follow Novice Cindy to her room" hub>>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ruins 60>>
<c>You arrive at the ruins.
<p>Looking around, you don't see Novice Cindy anywhere, so you hide and wait near the place where you spotted Novice Cindy with her hair undone.</p>
<p>But you notice that it is not very windy today. Novice Cindy's hair would probably be fine.</p>
<p>There is no point in wasting time here. You have to try again another day when it is more windy.
<<q cindyq 650>></p>
<<but "Return downstairs" hub>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi ruins 60>>
<c>You arrive at the ruins.
<p>Looking around, you don't see Novice Cindy anywhere, so you hide near the place where you spotted Novice Cindy with her hair undone.</p>
<p>The wind is strong in the ruins today. This could work. Now you have to wait and hope that Novice Cindy comes to pray here soon.</p>
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 300-100 66 "volume0.9 pause1">>
<c>You are in luck.
<p>A few minutes later, you spot Novice Cindy moving about in the ruins. And the strong wind has made Novice Cindy's hair come undone.</p>
<<c "Confront Novice Cindy">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 300-200 44 pause2>>
<<s mc "Novice Cindy, I see you are out in the wind again.">>
<<s cindy "Yes, Father. It's that time of the year, I think.">>
<<s mc "That may be so, but that is no excuse to neglect the dress code. You're supposed to be modest. Look at your hair. That is not acceptable.">>
<<s cindy "I'm sorry, $fmc. I didn't notice it. I will try to fix it.">>
Novice Cindy tries to cover her hair but quickly gives up. The strong wind makes it impossible.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 300-300 45 right>>
<<s cindy "I can't fix it here. I will leave and take care of it.">>
<<s mc "Wait! This is the second time I've caught you violating the dress code. Once is a mistake, twice is neglect. There have to be consequences for that, Novice Cindy. We will talk more about it in your room.">>
<<s cindy "Oh... Yes, $fmc.">>
<<set $cindyroom = 0>> /* IMPORTANT */
<<q cindyq 700>>
<<but "Follow Novice Cindy to her room" hub>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii bathroom/twogirls 45 right>>
<l>Inside the bathroom, you see two novices – their young, naked bodies in full view. The girls haven't noticed you. You are not sure what they are doing, but it seems perverse.
<<addlust 50>>
<p>You consider entering to investigate and take a closer look at the nude girls. That is your right as their patriarch.</p>
<p>But then you remember that you should be careful with misusing your power as the leader of the nuns. Besides, these two novices might be doing something innocent – perhaps sharing their fears of being attacked, not realizing how inappropriate it might appear to someone happening to see them.</p>
<p>You decide to give the young girls the benefit of the doubt and leave them alone. But your eyes aren't satisfied just yet...</p>
<<c "Stare at their slits">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii bathroom/twogirlspussy 70>>
<c>You take a good look at their exposed slits. Perhaps you should go inside, after all, and demand to penetrate their tight holes with your manhood?
<<if $lust >=100>><<lineheight>><</if>>
<<addlust 100>>
But no, you have to contain yourself. Your control of the nuns isn't yet strong enough to just stick your male organ into every attractive novice you happen to see. You don't want to risk a rebellion.
<p>You pull yourself away from the enticing view.</p>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 70>>
<c>But your lust has already reached a critical point. You have to reduce it.
<p>Having a strong desire to penetrate the young slits of the novices, you feel that the whip will not be enough. You need Novice Sofia's young body to satisfy your needs.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 72 60 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<<c "Go to Novice Sofia's room">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 60>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia's room, but when you enter, you find it empty.
<p>It is not a surprise. Novice Sofia has work to do like everyone else and sometimes she will be busy elsewhere. If you want her, you have to get her.</p>
<<qset juliajoining 4000>> /* to trigger newevent with playEventID 1001 in mc */
<<if setup.checkqStage("juliajoining",700)>>
<<but "Continue" encounters1 step:1000>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying 40>>
<c>But being the leader of the nuns, you don't have to do the hard work yourself.
<p>You see a nun walking by and tell her to send Novice Sofia to your room.</p>
<p>The nun nods and hurries away.</p>
<<set $qqjuliamoving = 9999>> /* to avoid triggering newevent again */
<<c "Wait in your room">>
<<ev 800>>
<c>You wait in your room.
<p>A couple of minutes pass, and then you hear a soft knock on the door.</p>
<p>It is Novice Sofia.</p>
<<but "Tell her to use her mouth on you" mc1 "ev:1800 step:200">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/julia/juliafornication 60>>
<c>There is also another option: Using someone else than Novice Sofia to satisfy your needs.
<p>Novice Julia has already accepted that you will use her tight, young body for your pleasure. Why not make it official and move her closer to you? She could stay in the room next to Novice Sofia's. Sister Mari is living there now, but that shouldn't be a problem.
<<qstart juliamoving 100>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<hubShowRoom3 julia 54 16 6 88>>
<cc>But those thoughts have to wait. Right now, you must reduce your lust.
<p>You hope Novice Julia is in her room.</p>
<<but "Go to Novice Julia's room" julia>>
<</events>><<overlay "misc/bedroom3" "nuns/evie/full" 15 11.8 33 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc><<cs evie "Yes, $fmc?">></cc>
<<if $evieroom > 0>>
<cc><<specialalert2 "You should leave her alone until tomorrow.">></cc>
<<elseif $qqevieq==1100>>
<<but "Talk about the attack on Novice Lara" evie1 "ev:200 doplay:evieroom=1">>
<<but "Talk about anointing" evie1 "ev:100 doplay:evieroom=1 qqevieq<<1000">>
<<but "Talk about anointing" evie1 "ev:100 step:120 doplay:evieroom=1 qqevieq>=1000 qqevieq<<2000">>
<<but "Anoint her here" evie1 "ev:200 step:400 doplay:evieroom=1 qqevieq>=2000">>
<<but "See her naked in the chapel" evie1 "ev:100 step:150 doplay:evieroom=1 qqevieq>=2000">>
<<event 100 evie nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi torso 40 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Evie, I want to anoint you now. You need protection from the lust demon.">>
<<s evie "Please, no, Father. I don't want to do that, and I don't need it. The lust demon has stopped attacking us. Praying hard to the Lord will be enough to protect me from evil.">>
You still can't justify forcing Novice Evie to comply. It's not worth the possible hit to your reputation.
<<q evieq 520>>
<<ev 110>>
<<mi face 46 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Very well. But then I need to shine God's upon your naked body instead. We'll do it in the chapel next door where God's presence is stronger">>
<<but "Continue" evie1 step:200>>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi torso 40 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Evie, I want to anoint you now. You need protection from the lust demon.">>
<<s evie "Please, no, Father. The lust demon has stopped attacking us, and also it never attacks on this side of the monastery. I'm praying hard to the Lord to protect me from evil. It will be enough.">>
You still can't justify forcing Novice Evie to comply. It's not worth the possible hit to your reputation. But you could make her show you her naked body in the chapel again.
<<c "See her naked body in the chapel">><<but "Leave her alone" hub>>
<<ev 130>>
<<mi face 50 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Very well. But then I need to shine God's upon your naked body instead. We'll do it in the chapel next door where God's presence is stronger">>
<<but "Continue" evie1 step:200>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi torso 40 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Evie, since Satan has sent demons to attack you with lust in the chapel next door, I want to remove some of the resulting taint by having God's light shine upon your naked body.">>
<<s evie "Can we do it another day, please, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. We can't let the taint fester. It will attract more demons. We'll do it now. In the chapel where it happened.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 3 40 pnggg>>
<<s evie "I think we should do it in here. I don't want anyone to see me.">>
<<s mc "There is nothing to be ashamed of for showing yourself to the Lord to receive His protection in these dark times. But do you prefer that I anoint you? Then we can be in here.">>
<<s evie "No, I'll undress in the chapel.">>
Novice Evie hurries out through the door and goes to the small indoor chapel next to her room.
<<but "Follow Novice Evie" nuns1 "ev:1870">>
<<event 200 evie nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 3 40 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Evie, I take it you have heard what happened to Novice Lara. This proved what I said: the lust demon can strike at any time, anywhere.">>
<<s evie "I can't believe it... I thought it didn't attack here.">>
<<s mc "You can no longer deny that you need protection from the lust demon. What happened to you in the chapel, more than once, means Satan has you in his sight. I must anoint you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<<s evie "You have anointed me, Father. But you can do it the same way you did it... if you want.">>
<<s mc "What I did wasn't a proper anointing. You didn't participate in the rite and the Holy Seed was applied on your legs. That is not good enough. Now you will use your mouth and I will anoint your face.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<overlay "misc/bedroom3" "nuns/evie/full" 15 11.8 33 80 "png">><</overlay>>
<<cs evie "Please, no, $fmc.">>
But this time, you won't take no for an answer.
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
You use your loving side to convince Novice Evie, again bringing up the attack on Novice Lara.
Novice Evie finally accepts what has to be done.
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
You use your harsh and threatening side to convince Novice Evie, again bringing up the attack on Novice Lara. Novice Evie finally accepts what has to be done.
<<tbut "Be gentle" null "addStat3 center">>
<<abut "Be harsh" null "addStat3 center">>
<<but "Tell her to undress" evie1 step:600>>
<<ev 400>> /* replaying */
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Evie, I must strengthen your protection against Satan and his demons. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s evie "Can you use your hands and do it on the legs this time?">>
<<s mc "No, that is not as effective, you know that. Now undress to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<s evie "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<set $temp = "eviebjreplay">>
<<ev 600>>
<<overlay "misc/bedroom3" "nuns/evie/strip" 15 12.2 43 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<<if $temp!="eviebjreplay">>
<<s mc "You must undress. Seeing your naked body will activate the Holy Rod.">>
Novice Evie obeys, and your manhood responds by growing stiff.
<<addlust 80>>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You take out your manhood.
<p>Novice Evie looks down on your erect male organ. She hesitates – but then kneels before you. Staring at your manhood, she finally grabs it.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 200-1000 80>>
<<s evie "What if I use my breasts? Do men like that? Then I wouldn't have to use my mouth.">>
<<s mc "Some men like that, yes.">>
You could start with Novice Evie's breasts, then decide how to continue.
<<set $temp = null>> /* check if using breasts */
<<set $temp2 = null>> /* check if using mouth */
<<c "Start with her breasts">><<but "Go straight for her mouth" evie1 step:3000>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 200-1100 90>>
<<set $temp="breasts">>
<<s mc "We can start with your breasts and take it from there. You can use saliva to provide lubrication.">>
<<s evie "Yes, $fmc.">>
Novice Evie adds saliva and begins to stimulate your manhood with her breasts.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 200-1200 90>>
<cc>You enjoy the feeling of Novice Evie's big breasts around your hard manhood.</cc>
<<c "Tell her to go faster">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 200-1600 84>>
<c>You tell Novice Evie to go faster.
<p>You feel the orgasm coming closer. You could go on to ejaculate between Novice Evie's breasts or take a break and switch to using her mouth.</p>
<<but "Use her mouth" evie1 step:3000>><<c "Prepare to ejaculate between her breasts">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mv 200-1900 64 volume0.5>>
<c>You prepare to ejaculate by thrusting your manhood between Novice Evie's breasts, letting her catch her breath.
<p>Your seed is soon coming.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 200-2000 64 volume0.5>>
<cc>You ejaculate your seed between Novice Evie's breasts, moaning the words to anoint her.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" evie1 step:6000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 200-3000 80>>
<<set $temp2="mouth">>
<<if $temp=="breasts">>
<<s mc "That was nice, but I need your mouth to release the Holy Seed.">>
You place your erect manhood at Novice Evie's mouth. She grabs it and opens her mouth but looks unsure how to continue.
<<s mc "Maybe another time, but today I need your mouth to release the Holy Seed.">>
Novice Evie stares at your erect manhood. She opens her mouth, but looks unsure how to continue.
You put your hand on Novice Evie's head and press down softly to help her take the step, but you say nothing, curious to see what the nun will do.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 200-3200 90>>
<c><<if setup.questCompleted("evieq")>>
Still not quite used to doing this,
<<else>>Obviously being her first time doing this,<</if>> Novice Evie pushes her head down over your manhood. She moves around some before going back up for air. Then she repeats the procedure.
Not wanting to discourage Novice Evie, you don't tell her she is doing it wrong.
<<s mc "Good, Novice Evie. That feels nice. Now I'd like you to move more quickly up and down, up and down.">>
<<c "Press down her head to help">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 200-3400 90>>
<c>Using both your hands, you press down Novice Evie's head over your erect manhood, making it easier for her to quickly move up and down.
<p>Novice Evie grabs onto your sack for support.</p>
<<c "Tell her to squeeze your sack">><<but "Say nothing" evie1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 200-3600 90>>
<cc>You tell Novice Evie to squeeze your sack and she obeys.</cc>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 200-4000 90>>
<c>Eventually, Novice Evie gets the hang of it and becomes more confident in pleasuring you.
<p>You are getting close to orgasm.</p>
<<c "Help her deep throat">><<but "Prepare to ejaculate (breasts)" evie1 step:1900>><<but "Ejaculate now (face)" evie1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 200-4200 90>>
<c>You put your hands on Novice Evie's head and encourage her to press down on your hard manhood. The nun follows your lead.
<p>Feeling the back of her throat pushes you to orgasm.</p>
<<but "Prepare to ejaculate (breasts)" evie1 step:1900>><<but "Ejaculate now (face)" evie1 step:5000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 200-5000 90>>
<cc>You ejaculate your seed in Novice Evie's face and mouth, moaning the words to anoint her.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" evie1 step:6000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<if $qqevieq<2000>>
<<mi fullwm 40 "right pnggg">>
A while later, Novice Evie and you are again fully dressed.
<<s mc "This anointing will give you a good protection against Satan. But that doesn't mean you are completely safe, Novice Evie. The kind of invisible lust demon that attacked you in the chapel can slink through the defenses because it is a localized, temporary evil – non-corporeal – and thus harder to protect against. Since it has attacked you more than once already, causing you to lustful sinning, its taint is with you and will increase the chance of it happening again. Only by eating your lustful sins can we remove this taint.">>
<<mi fullwm 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "I have strengthened your protection against Satan, but to remove Satan's taint from you, I also must eat the lustful sins you committed when being attacked by invisible demons in the chapel. In the end, that could mean sins of fornication which means I would have to penetrate your slit to eat those sins.">>
<<s evie "I still think that shouldn't be necessary since I'm a virgin, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "It's good that you are, my child. That means eating your lustful sins will not be as hard as otherwise. But we can talk more about this another time. The anointing should do for now.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father.">>
You desire to penetrate Novice Evie's slit – a sure sign that the Lord wants it to happen – but the desire is manageable, meaning you can let Novice Evie get used to anointings before getting more intimate with her.
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi torso 35 pnggg>>
<c><<s evie "What would you need to do to eat those sins?">>
<<s mc "It depends on the sins and how deeply they have tainted you. Often though, because of the nature of the sex drive put in us by the Lord, the lustful sins are, at its core, about fornication. That would mean I would have to penetrate your slit to eat your sins.">>
<<s evie "But I'm a virgin, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "That's good, my child. That means eating your lustful sins will not be as hard as otherwise. But we can talk more about this another time. The anointing should do for now.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<if $temp=="breasts" && $temp2!="mouth">>
<<mi 200-1000 70>>
<<mi 200-3000 70>>
<c>Having reached this far with Novice Evie, you are content to leave her alone for now. You desire to penetrate her slit – a sure sign that the Lord wants it to happen – but the desire is manageable, meaning you can let Novice Evie get used to anointings before getting more intimate with her.
/*(ending quest here to not have too many active quests in the log. when testing v0.9 for release, consider putting this quest on hold instead if there aren't that many quests active at end of v0.9)*/
<<qend evieq 2000>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 1700>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include grounds1>>
<<elseif $qqalonsoq2 == 500>>
<<mii grounds/grounds_wall3night 70>>
<c>The sky is mostly clear and the moon is shining. This is a good night for a stakeout.
<p>You estimate where that wood shed must be on the other side. If you keep watching the top of the wall around that area, you should be able to spot anyone getting up on the wall there.</p>
<p>You find a good hiding spot.</p>
<<but "Begin the stakeout" grounds1 ev:700>>
/* NOTE: case values are specific, NOT a range, so case 0 100 means only a value of 0 or 100 is matching */
<<switch $grounds>>
<<case 0 100>>
<<mv nunbench 40 "left notMuted volume1.0">>
<r><<br2>>You see a lone nun sitting on a bench. She seems peaceful. You don't want to disturb her.</r>
<<but "Hide and watch the sitting nun" grounds1 "ev:200 daily grounds<<100">>
<<but "Hide and watch the sitting nun" grounds1 "ev:200 step:200 daily grounds>=100">> /* skip first step to reduce grind */
<<case 110>> /* set to 110 when getting corr 30 */
<<if $groundsEvent==0>>
<<mv nunbench 40 "left notMuted volume1.0">>
<r><<br2>>You see Novice Sara sitting on a bench.</r>
<<but "Hide and watch Novice Sara" grounds1 "ev:400 doplay:groundsEvent=1 daily">>
<<mi 100-1 50>>
You take a stroll around the more peaceful parts of the monastery grounds.
<<case 200>> /* set in mc when completed danaparkfollow and sara ev400 */
<<if $groundsEvent==0>>
<<if !(setup.questCompleted("smoking"))>>
<<mv nunwalk 56>>
<c>When taking a stroll around the park area, you see Novice Sara in the distance. She is going toward that tree she often sits behind. She looks like she is in a hurry.
<<if $qqsaraq>=100>><p>Novice Sara is probably going to smoke, a slave to the nicotine.</p><</if>></c>
<<but "Hurry to the tree and spy on her" grounds1 "ev:500 doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<<mv nunwalk 56>>
<cc>You see Novice Sara briskly going toward that tree.
<p>She is probably going to smoke, a slave to the nicotine.</p></cc>
<<but "Hurry to the tree and spy on her" grounds1 "ev:600 doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<<mi grounds_wall 100>>
You take a stroll around the more peaceful parts of the monastery grounds.
<<case 300>>
/* Set in mc. adding darcie event for +20 lust. keeping sara for +10 because can only play one per day */
/* Special solution to allowing player chance to talk to both sara and darcie until darcie gives +20 */
/* v10: added sandra check, so she can be played after sara or darcie */
<<set _darciecheck = setup.daysAfterPlayed("grounds1",800,100,1)>>
<<set _saracheck = setup.daysAfterPlayed("grounds1",800,50,1)>>
<<set _sandracheck = $qqroamingq!=null && $sandrapark==0>>
<<if $groundsEvent==0 || _sandracheck || ($qqdarcieq < 100 && (_darciecheck || _saracheck))>>
<<mi 100-1 70>>
<<if $qqdarcieq < 10>>
<c>You take a walk around the park. Here and there, you see nuns relaxing between prayers and chores.
<p>There are still some places in the remote areas of the park that you haven't been to.</p></c>
<<but "Go to the remote areas of the park" grounds1 "ev:800 step:50 doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<c>You take a walk around the park area. Here and there, you see nuns relaxing between prayers and chores.
<<if $groundsEvent==0 || ($qqdarcieq < 100 && _saracheck)>>
<<nunbut "sara" grounds1 "ev:800 step:50 useimage:nuns/sara/face_small:: doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<<if $groundsEvent==0 || ($qqdarcieq < 100 && _darciecheck)>>
<<if $qqdarcieq<200>>
<<if !($qqroamingq==100 && !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200))>>
/* not adding her when showing "Patrol the park" since she will in that event */
<<nunbut "darcie" grounds1 "ev:800 step:100 qqdarcieq>=10 doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<<else>> /* after trying to anoint her */
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",251)>>
<<nunbut "darcie" grounds1 "ev:900 step:7300 doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<<else>> /* after anointing her */
<<nunbut "darcie" grounds1 "ev:1000 qqdarcieq>=10 doplay:groundsEvent=1">>
<<if $sandrapark==0 && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201)>> /* before fornicating */
<<nunbut "sandra" grounds1 "ev:900 step:200 doplay:sandrapark=1">>
<<else>> /* after fornicating */
<<nunbut "sandra" grounds1 "ev:900 step:300 doplay:sandrapark=1">>
<<but "Patrol the park" grounds1 "ev:900 qqroamingq==100 roamingq#notplayed200">>
<<mi grounds_wall 100>>
You take a stroll around the more peaceful parts of the monastery grounds.
<<mi grounds_wall 100>>
You take a stroll around the more peaceful parts of the monastery grounds.</cc>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 100-1 48 "left nomarginRight">><<mi 100-2 48 "right nomarginLeft">>
<<say ms "We have a lot of area reserved for relaxing and meditating. This park continues all the way to the outer wall in that direction." ii>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi grounds_wall 80 center>>
<<say ms "Here we bury our departed sisters.">>
You both make the sign of the cross and stand silent for a moment.
<<mi grounds_wall2 42 lcl>>
<<say ms "We have reached the end of our part of the monastery grounds. On the other side of that <<lbut wall walldiv showdiv>>, the monks live.">>
<<div walldiv>>
<<mi grounds_wall3 50 rclear>>
<<say mc "And there is no opening or doorway to the monks out here?">>
<<say ms "No. The only way to enter the monk's side from our side is through the locked door inside. We will go there next. This wall continues all the way to the outer wall, and the outer wall then continues all the way around the grounds and then back past the herb garden. We are completely closed off from the world out here. I suppose someone could scale this wall or the outer wall at night, but that doesn't explain how they get inside the main building.">>
The abbess turns left, toward the monastery main building. Following the wall that separates the nuns from the monks, you arrive at another entrance into the main building./*enter through another doorway, as sturdy as the one you exited from. */
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ivy 60>>
<<s mc "What about someone climbing on the ivy to get to a window they can open?">>
<<s ms "Yes, I've thought of that, but we've locked or blocked all the windows and other potential ways to get inside, even in places it seems impossible to get to from the outside. ">>
<<but "Enter main building" hub>>
<<set $intro = 1700>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 200-100 50 "left notMuted volume1.0">>
Even when everything looks peaceful, there could be secrets to discover. You spend some time spying on the lone nun.
<<ev 200>>
<<if $corr >= 20 || ($corr >= 10 && $day % 2 == 0)>>
<<mv tree1 50 "left notMuted volume0.9 pause5">>
<r><<br2>>The nun enters the lawn and... she doesn't come out from behind the tree. You wonder what she is doing there.
If you sneak behind the high hedge that flanks the lawn just to the right, and follow it to the far edge, you could peek around it to spot the nun.
<<but "Peek around the hedge at the tree" grounds1 "step:500">>
<<set $groundsEvent = 1>>
<<mv m 50 "left notMuted volume0.9">>
<r><<br2>>The nun suddenly looks around. You manage to hide behind a big gravestone, and avoid detection.<<br>>
The nun enters the lawn and... what is she up to now?</r>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 30 "left setMuted">><<mv 200-302 8 "left notMuted volume1.5 zoom95">>
<r><<br2>><<br2>>What? Has she no shame? Anyone walking by could see her soiling the grass. That's disgusting! You can even see her naked private parts if you were to stare.
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $grounds < 100>>
<<set $grounds = 100>>
<<tip infozoom>>
<<vv 2>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv nuntree 45 "right speed0.33">>
<<if $corr >= 30>>
You sneak behind the high hedge and peek around the corner. Novice Sara is sitting by the tree with her legs spread, probably to cool herself on this hot day.
She has no underwear, and you have a good view of the sinful slit between her legs. You might as well look while you are here, to recharge the batteries for when you need to perform the holy rites.
<<addlust 10>>
You sneak behind the high hedge until you get to the far end. You peek around the corner and spot the nun. You recognize her as Novice Sara. She is sitting by the tree with her legs spread, you think to take advantage of the occasional gusts of wind, to cool her on this hot day.
You stand in a very unfortunate position because you can see her bare nether regions.</p>
<<if $corr >= 20>>
<p>You squint your eyes to be sure that that is really what you are seeing. Yes, Novice Sara indeed has no underwear. You look away.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<p>You quickly look away from the forbidden sight and make the sign of the cross.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi dana0 30>>
This strikes you as odd. Sister Dana is one of the teachers at the school, and it's rare to see a teacher far out in the park during school hours.
<p>Normally, you wouldn't think more of it – she could be taking a stroll during a break – but now you are investigating Sister Dana to find out more about her strange penance ritual in the dungeons at night. You should keep an eye out for her in the park.
<<q dana 200>></p>
<<event 350>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv dana1 65 "pause1">>
<cc2>Wanting to know what Sister Dana is doing in the park during school hours, you follow her from a distance.
After a while, she stops and seems to wait for someone.</cc2>
<<c "Spy">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv dana2 100 pause2>>
<c>Soon after, another nun approaches. It's Sister Silvia. Apparently, they had arranged a meeting here, far away from everyone. You have to find out what they are talking about.
<<c "Sneak closer">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi dana3 100>>
<c>Thanks to the bushes and the trees in the park, you manage to sneak close to them without being detected. Close enough that you can hear some of what they are saying.</c>
<<c "Listen">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi dana4 95>>
<c>It sounds like this isn't the first time they have a clandestine meeting. Several times, they reference earlier conversations. You think you get the gist of it: Sister Dana believes she is responsible for the Crone attacking the nuns.</c>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi dana5 95>>
You can't make out everything they are whispering about, but you think it has something to do with sexual sins that Sister Dana has committed. That could explain why she is flagellating herself naked at night.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi dana6 70>>
<c>The secret meeting is over. Sister Dana and Sister Silvia stand up and leave in opposite directions.
<p>It remains unclear if Sister Dana is personally involved in the attacks, but you have enough information to confront her – the next time you catch her in the basement at night.
<<q dana 300>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv tree1 50 "left notMuted volume0.9 pause5">>
Novice Sara enters the lawn and disappears behind the tree. It's a hot day and you think you know what she is doing to cool herself.
You sneak behind the high hedge and follow it to the end.
<<c "Peek around the hedge">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv nuntree 45 "right speed0.33">>
Novice Sara is sitting by the tree with her legs spread.
You have a good view of that sinful slit between her legs. You might as well look while you are here, to recharge the batteries for when you need to perform the holy rites.
<<addlust 10>>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv nunsittree 34 pause2>>
<c>Hurrying behind the hedge, you manage to get in position just as Novice Sara gets to the tree.
<p>There's that slit of hers again, out in the open. <<if !($qqsaraq>=100)>>One day, you might confront Novice Sara about it. <</if>> Exposing her nether regions like that is no way for a nun to behave.
<<if !($qqsaraq>=100)>>
/* only first time */
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv nunsmoke1 75 pause3>>
<<if $qqsaraq>=100>>
<cc>As you thought, Novice Sara starts smoking a cigarette, like the drug addict she is.</cc>
Wait, what is she doing?
<p>You can't believe it. Novice Sara smokes a cigarette. So that's the reason she was in such a hurry. Her addition to the nicotine.</p>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv nunsmoke2 45 pause3>>
<<if $qqsaraq>=100>>The Mother Superior can't possibly know about this.<<else>>You wonder if the Mother Superior knows that Novice Sara is a drug addict. You think not.<</if>> Allowing makeup is one thing, but a nun smoking? No.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv nunsmoke3 35 pause2>>
<c><<addlust 10>>
This is sickening to see. Not only does Novice Sara expose her slit in a most improper manner – even worse, she smokes tobacco, a slave to the nicotine. Satan has his claws into Novice Sara, that much is clear. You have to do something about this.</c>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi nunsmoking 35 right>>
<l>With a lust demon on the loose, you can't let Satan's influence grow by allowing Novice Sara to walk down the path of corruption. Who knows how far gone she already is? She may even be involved in the attacks.
<p>You must put a stop to Novice Sara's immoral behavior, but before confronting her, you should investigate her.</p>
<p>You know very little of Novice Sara. She hasn't been attacked by the lust demon, so you haven't questioned her. You don't even know in which part of the monastery Novice Sara's room is, so finding her room would be a good start. <<mms>> must know, but you don't trust her enough to reveal that you are investigating Novice Sara.
<<qstart saraq 100>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("smoking")>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/cigarette 35 pnggg>>
<c>Although you don't believe it, it's possible that smoking is allowed in this convent. You should ask <<mms>> about it, but without revealing that you saw a nun smoking.
<<qstart smoking 100>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv nunsittree 34 pause2>>
<c>Hurrying behind the hedge, you manage to get in position just as Novice Sara gets to the tree.
<p>There's that slit of hers again, out in the open. <<if ($qqsaraq>=1250)>>That is no way for a nun to behave, but she has your permission to do it, for now.<</if>>
<<but "Keep watching" grounds1 step:200>><<but "Watch briefly" grounds1 "step:120 qqsaraq>=1250">>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi nunsmoking 35>>
<<addlust 10>>
You watch briefly, just to confirm that Satan still has his claws into Novice Sara.
<p>And yes, Novice Sara is a slave to the nicotine and spreads her legs in a most improper manner.</p></c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv nunsmoke1 75 pause3>>
<cc>As you thought, Novice Sara starts smoking a cigarette, like the drug addict she is.</cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv nunsmoke2 45 pause3>>
Novice Sara is violating the rules of the convent which forbids the use of tobacco, but she is well hidden behind the tree.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv nunsmoke3 35 pause2>>
<<addlust 10>>
It is sickening to see how Satan has his claws into Novice Sara. She is a slave to the nicotine and spreads her legs in a most improper manner. At least seeing her slit serves your fight against evil by invigorating your manhood, helping you to perform the holy rites.</c>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi nightsky 90>>
<c>Hours pass. To keep awake, you pray silently. Occasionally, you admire the beautiful sky. But not too long. You must keep an eye on the wall.
<p>No sight of Novice Alonso yet. But there is still a couple of hours left until the nuns will gather for their morning prayer.</p>
<<c "Keep watching the wall">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii grounds/grounds_wall3night 70>>
<c>Then suddenly, you see a dark figure on the top of the wall, right where the woodshed should be. This must be Novice Alonso.
<p>It's still more than an hour left before the bell will sound to call the nuns to their morning prayer. The sky is rather dark, but the morning light is growing stronger close to the horizon.</p>
<<c "Watch the figure">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ivynight 60>>
<c>The dark figure walks atop the wall, moving in the direction of the main building.
<p>Where the wall connects with the main building, there is thick ivy growing. Using the strong stem of the ivy, the figure climbs down on the ground.</p>
<p>When the person touches the ground and turns away to leave the wall, facing your direction, you see who it is...</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
<c>It is indeed Novice Alonso. He is trespassing on the nuns' side of the wall.
<p>This is outrageous, but what you suspected. Now you have to keep a close eye on him but he must not detect you.</p>
<p>Novice Alonso quickly walks away from the wall, almost straight at you. You have to move around the bush you were hiding behind to avoid detection.</p>
<p>When the young monk passes you, you get a good look at him. You see that he carries a backpack.</p>
<<c "Spy on Novice Alonso">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel_outsidenight 50>>
<c>Novice Alonso leaves the recreational area and walks toward the chapel.
<p>Keeping to bushes and other dark areas, the monk continues past the chapel, toward the kitchen garden. You think you know where he is heading.
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/cider 12 pnggg>>
<c>As you thought, Novice Alonso enters the wine cellar where the nuns keep their cider.
<p>You hear a low clanking noise of glass against glass, and soon after, the monk emerges from the cellar. You can tell that the backpack is heavy now, probably containing a few bottles of cider.</p>
<p>What will Novice Alonso do now?</p>
<<c "Keep following Novice Alonso">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel_outsidenight 50>>
<c>Novice Alonso hurriedly walks back toward the chapel.
<p>He then disappears behind a bush. You wait, but he never emerges. You think that Novice Alonso is waiting for the nuns to gather for morning prayer. The nuns will pass close to that bush on their way to the chapel.</p>
<p>You sit behind your own bush, waiting, while the morning light is getting stronger.</p>
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel_outsideearly 50>>
<c>The sunrise is soon here when a lone nun arrives from the main building. She passes the bush Novice Alonso is hiding behind and continues to the chapel.
<p>The nun enters the chapel, and shortly after, the bell chimes, announcing the morning prayer.</p>
<p>Within a minute, nuns start arriving from the main building.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 48 left>><<mii nuns/misc/nun 40 left>></c2>
<c>You can spot Novice Alonso as he peers through the bush, spying on the nuns – specifically on the young novices, or so you think. What a pervert.
<p>You are glad you can't see if he is doing something behind the bush. You can only hope he is not touching himself.</p></c>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel_outsideearly 50>>
<c>No more nuns are coming, and soon you hear prayers from inside the chapel.
<p>You see Novice Alonso leaving his cover behind the bush, running toward the wall.</p>
<<c "Follow him">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/alonso 30>>
<c>Not being as concerned about being detected now that you have caught Novice Alonso in the act, you run after him.</c>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi ivyearly 60>>
<c>Novice Alonso makes his way back to the ivy, climbing up to the wall like a squirrel. You can tell that he has done this before – God knows how many times.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
<c>Novice Alonso quickly moves along the top of the wall. As you thought, he then climbs down on the other side the same way he climbed up – via that wood shed.
<p>There is nothing more you can do right now.</p>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:3220 step:1500">>
<<event 750>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv nunsittree 34 pause2>>
<c>You hide at the usual place, behind the hedge. Not long after, Novice Sara arrives.
<p>There's that slit of hers again, out in the open. Now you hope that the lust potion will make something happen.</p>
<<set $groundsEvent=1>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv nunsmoke1 75 pause3>>
<cc>You watch as Novice Sara starts smoking a cigarette, like the drug addict she is.</cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv nunsmoke3 35 pause2>>
Novice Sara enjoys that cigarette, a slave to the nicotine. And she spreads her legs as usual, exposing her slit most inappropriately – but with your permission, for now.
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv nuntree 42>>
<c>When she has finished the cigarette, Novice Sara remains sitting, enjoying the feeling of the nicotine.
<p>You think Novice Sara also feels something else. The dairy products in the lunch slowed down the effect of the lust potion, but it should have started to affect her by now.</p></c>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Novice Sara looks uncomfortable. Then her hand moves down between her legs for a moment. It must be the lust potion.
Novice Sara is struggling with the urge to touch herself.</c>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Both of Novice Sara's hands are now down between her legs, but in front of her slit, not touching it. She is trying her best to resist doing the forbidden.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c>Novice Sara is looking around. She wants to make sure that no one can see her. You freeze behind the hedge to avoid being detected.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi m 60>>
<c>There it is. Novice Sara succumbs to temptation and touches her slit. She keeps her legs closed, blocking your view, but you can tell anyway. It looks like she rubs her slit very fast.
<<addlust 10>>
Less than a minute later, she gets tense and lets out a suppressed moan. That's an orgasm.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv nuntree 42>>
<c>Novice Sara spreads her legs again, looking very relaxed.
<p>You have seen all you need. You should visit Novice Sara in her room later to talk more about her sins of fornication.
<<q saraq 3000>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 50>>
<<if $qqdarcieq < 10>>
/* having player play step50 this time to make checks for darcie and sara buttons work in grounds.tw */
<<mi woods 60>>
<c>You follow a well-traveled path until it turns back, and then you leave the path, looking for a way to pass through the thick vegetation.</c>
<<mv nunwalk 56>>
<cc>Novice Sara usually smokes by that tree this time of the day. You hide and wait.
A minute later, you see Novice Sara. She is walking briskly toward the tree.
<<but "Hurry to the tree and spy on her" grounds1 "ev:600 step:100">>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqdarcieq < 100>> /* have not confronted darcie (seeing her breasts) yet */
<<mi m 45>>
<c>Following a barely visible trail, you eventually come to a secluded spot where you find a nun praying by some rocks. It is Sister Darcie.
<p>You haven't spent much time with the nun who has not been attacked by the lust demon.</p>
<<qset darcieq 10>>
<<but "Continue" grounds1 step:400>>
<<mi m 45>>
<c>You go to the secluded spot where Sister Darcie often prays. You find her there.
<p>Once again, Sister Darcie's headpiece has fallen back, inappropriately exposing much of her hair.</p>
<<but "Confront Sister Darcie" grounds1 "step:800">>
<<but "Leave her alone" hub>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 70>>
Sister Darcie's headpiece has fallen back, inappropriately exposing much of her hair.
<p>Having repeatedly punished Novice Cindy for this transgression by having her show you her naked body, you get the idea to do the same with Sister Darcie. But punishing Sister Darcie that hard for a relatively mild transgression could turn her against you, which would be bad. Unlike Novice Cindy, Sister Darcie – being a professed sister – can vote, and you want her support.
<<if $corr < 55>>
/* have to do it like this since want to have tempt check for both 50 and 55 without making c50 a t20 event, but as it works, c50 t15 will become c55 t0, so making manual exception here */
<<but "Confront Sister Darcie" grounds1 "step:500 corr50 ttt15">>
<<but "Confront Sister Darcie" grounds1 "step:500 corr55 ttt5">>
<<but "Leave her alone" hub>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 800-100 48>>
<<s mc "I'm sorry that I have to disturb you, Sister Darcie, but are you aware that you are violating the dress code? Your coif has fallen back. I can see your hair.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 60>>
<c>Sister Darcie pulls forward the white coif and the black veil covering it.
<<s darcie "I apologize, $fmc. I think it happened when I looked up at the sky while praying. I do that often out here, but no one can see me. I would have corrected it before leaving.">>
<<s mc "That may be so, but we're fighting a holy war and I have to be strict with the rules. Transgressions are an invitation to Satan. I have punished other sisters for this transgression, and now I have to punish you. Since I have several anointings coming up, I need to feed my lust. You will help me with this, Sister Darcie. Your punishment will be to show me your breasts.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<if $qqdarcieq < 100>>
<<mi m 66>>
<c>Sister Darcie protests, but you are used to that and tell her that the Lord meant for you to catch her with her hair exposed. This is how she is meant to support the holy war. She will continue to come here to pray, looking up at heaven, and you will sometimes come by. And then she will show you her breast, here, where no one else can see.
<<s darcie "I will do it quickly, then.">>
<<s mc "I must watch a while for it to be effective. Now go on, and show me, Sister Darcia.">>
<<qset darcieq 100>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>You confront Sister Darcie with her transgression and demand that she repent by showing you her breasts – which will support the holy war.
<p>Sister Darcie looks around, afraid of someone seeing you. Then she grabs her habit...</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 47>>
Sister Darcie shows you her breasts. They are big and firm, never having suckled a baby.
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Stare at her breasts">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 47>>
<cc>You stare at Sister Darcie's breasts. The sight brings blood to your manhood.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 800-600 80>>
<c><<s mc "That will do. Your support for the holy war is appreciated, Sister Darcie. By the Lord and me. Now I will leave. Remember, you should continue to come here and pray to the Lord up in heaven. And then sometimes I will come by and you will support the holy war.">>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv m 50>>
<<set $sandrapark = 1>>
<c>Patrolling the park, you see a lone nun walking carrying a bucket. It is Sister Sandra.
<p>Sister Sandra has not been attacked by the lust demon, but she is one of the younger and more attractive of the professed sisters. You also happen to know she is a virgin. All together, she should be an attractive target to the lust demon.</p>
<p>You haven't had much contact with Sister Sandra. You wonder what she is doing out here.</p>
<<but "Leave her alone" hub>><<but "(Stealth) Follow her from a distance" grounds1 step:500>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 900-100 50>>
<c>The nuns are busy working this time of the day, and you go to the area in the park that Sister Sandra is responsible for taking care of.
<p>You soon find the nun. She is walking somewhere carrying a bucket.</p>
<<but "Leave her alone" hub>><<but "Follow her" grounds1 step:500>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 900-550 58>>
<cc>You seek out Sister Sandra in the park where she does gardening work.</cc>
<<but "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" grounds1 "ev:1100 qqlustfulwomen>=100 lustfulwomen#notplayed900">>
<<but "Reduce her lust" grounds1 "ev:1100 step:500 lustfulwomen#played900">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" grounds1 step:1600>>
<<ev 400>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 58>>
<c><<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>>
Sister Sandra stops walking to do gardening work.
Any hope of discovering something secret vanishes when you see that Sister Sandra stops walking to do gardening work.
The way Sister Sandra bends over draws attention to her female behind and you feel a desire to penetrate her virgin slit with your manhood.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Approach her">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mv m 58>>
<c>You go to Sister Sandra and engage in small talk, getting to know her a little better.
<<addlust 20>>
Standing close to Sister Sandra only increases your desire to penetrate her virgin slit, but <<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>>you still don't have a good excuse to be intimate with the nun.<<else>>you have hardly ever spoken to the nun before.<</if>> You can't just fornicate with her. Can you?
<<c "Leave her alone">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("holylustq")>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "<<actChapter 5>>Fornicate with Sister Sandra" grounds1 "step:1500 corr60 lll100">>
<<but "Fornicate with Sister Sandra" grounds1 "step:1000 corr60 ttt40">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" grounds1 "step:1600">>
/*<<but "test" grounds1 step:1500>>*/
<<ev 600>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 40>>
<c>You would need a very good excuse to fornicate with Sister Sandra out of the blue like this.
<p>But the thought of penetrating her virgin slit is not quickly leaving your mind. <<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>>A sign that you should get intimate with Sister Sandra.<<else>> Maybe this is a sign from the Lord that Sister Sandra needs your help.<</if>></p>
<p><<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>>If nothing else<<else>>Even if she doesn't<</if>>, being intimate with Sister Sandra will make her more loyal to you and the holy war, which will benefit everyone.</p></c>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 56>>
After talking to Sister Sandra, you learned that she is responsible for taking care of this part of the park.
<p>With all the other nuns busy working elsewhere this time of the day – not taking relaxing strolls in the park – it means you should have some privacy if you do decide to get intimate with Sister Sandra here one day.</p>
You should get to know Sister Sandra better before trying anything.
<<qadd roamingq 200>>
<<qmess roamingq 100 updateAlways>></p>
<<if $qqdarcieq==100>>
<<but "Leave the park" grounds1 step:7000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face2 40>>
<c>Attempting to fornicate with someone you have never even seen naked before is risky, but you will listen to your holy lust.
<p>Being intimate with Sister Sandra would bind her closer to you and you want her vote. The virgin nun may also have enough pent-up sexuality that you can make her orgasm, reducing the lust in the area, which will help starve the lust demon.</p>
<p>You may need to use a white lie to convince Sister Sandra to be intimate with you, but since it is for the holy cause of the holy war – not done maliciously – it is justified.
<<holylustquest 120 center>></p>
<<c "Approach Sister Sandra">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 40 right>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("grounds1",900, 6000)>>
You walk up to Sister Sandra. You hope this will work.
<<s mc "Sister Sandra, I have seen a vision that the Devil is about to attack you. I urgently must fornicate with you to reduce your lust.">>
Sister Sandra looks astonished and turns her head down in shame.
<<s sandra "Fornicate? We can't do that. What do you mean, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, we must do it. A lust demon has been sent to attack you in broad daylight. An invisible lust demon. I must reduce your lust to prevent you from grievously sinning. Don't worry... My holy lust will prevent us from lustful sinning.">>
<<s sandra "But out here? Now? What if someone sees us?">>
<<s mc "Everyone is working. But it doesn't matter. We have nothing to hide. Everyone knows about the holy war.">>
The thought of penetrating Sister Sandra's slit sends blood to your manhood.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Sister Sandra, I must fornicate with you to reduce your lust.">>
<<s sandra "I can handle my lust, Father. It is not a problem.">>
<<s mc "That's not what it seemed like the last time we fornicated. I'm afraid this has to be done.">>
<<s sandra "Will you finish by anointing me?">>
<<s mc "We will see. Anointing takes concentration and then I can not fully enjoy my orgasm – which my holy lust craves.">>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face2 40>>
<<addlust 100>>
You take out your erect manhood in front of Sister Sandra.
<<s mc "Turn around and bend over. I will lift your habit and start right now. Try to relax and climax.">>
<<s sandra "But $fmc...">>
You ignore the nun and move her into position. Then you lift her habit.
<<c "Penetrate her slit from behind">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<set $temp="volume1">>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
<cc>You penetrate Sister Sandra's slit and start to fornicate.
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("grounds1",900, 6000)>>
<<cs sandra "But I'm a virgin!">>
<<cs mc "And you will remain one. My holy lust will keep you pure.">>
<<cs sandra "Will I still be a virgin?">>
<<cs mc "Of course. My holy lust will keep you pure.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
<c>Noticing that Sister Sandra responds well – her slit is getting wet – you change to an even more perverted position, copulating with the nun like a dog.</c>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
<cc>It sounds like Sister Sandra is approaching orgasm.</cc>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
You pound Sister Sandra's tight slit hard and fast.
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("grounds1",900, 6000)>>
Soon, the nun screams in ecstasy when she for the first time in her life orgasms from a manhood in her slit.
Soon, the nun screams in ecstasy when she orgasms from your manhood in her slit.
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201)>>
<c>You keep thrusting into Sister Sandra's slobbery wet slit. In a few moments, you too will reach orgasm.
<<lh>>Since it is Sister Sandra's first time, you better not ejaculate inside her slit.
<<s mc "Kneel and use your mouth to release my seed.">>
A dizzy Sister Sandra obeys.
<<but "Continue" grounds1 step:5000>>
<cc>You keep thrusting into Sister Sandra's slobbery wet slit.
<p>Soon, you too are about to reach orgasm.</p>
<<but "Use her mouth to finish" grounds1 step:5000>><<but "Ejaculate in her slit" grounds1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 900-4000 66 $temp>>
<cc>You moan loudly as you pump out your seed into Sister Sandra's slit.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie16 52>>
<cc>Your seed is dripping from Sister Sandra's slit.
<<creampie sandra center>>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face2 40>>
<<s sandra "Why did you do that, Father? Without protection...">>
<<s mc "We have protection. Holy protection. Only a divine intervention will make you pregnant, Sister Sandra. You can relax.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 36>>
<c><<s mc "This should save you from Satan's attack for some time, but you climaxed again which shows that you have repressed lust in your system. That is attracting the lust demon.">>
<<s sandra "I must have more carnal desire in my body than I thought. But I don't have a problem with lust. I think it happens because you... are inside me. A natural reaction.">>
<<s mc "But it does happen and that means you are in danger of being attacked. But don't worry. I will keep you safe.">>
<<s sandra "Yes, $fmc. Thank you.">>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
<cc>Sister Sandra performs oral sex on you.
<<set $temp2=0>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("grounds1",900, 6000)>>
<cc>Soon, your seed is coming.</cc>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<cc>Your seed is coming. You could anoint Sister Sandra, or just ejaculate for pure lust.
<<but "Anoint her" grounds1 "step:5200 doplay:temp2=1">><<but "Just ejaculate" grounds1 "step:5200 doplay:temp2=2">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv m 60 $temp>>
<cc><<if $temp2==2>>
You moan the words to anoint Sister Sandra as you ejaculate in her face.
<p>Sister Sandra receives the Holy Seed.</p>
You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate in Sister Sandra's face.
<<ev 5600>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<if $temp2==1>> /* anointed */
Sister Sandra looks pleased that you chose to anoint her this time.
<<s sandra "Didn't you anoint me, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, it takes concentration and my holy lust was strong. I wanted to fully enjoy the orgasm.">>
<<s sandra "Oh...">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5800>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 40>>
<c><<s mc "This should save you from Satan's attack for some time, but you climaxed which shows that you have repressed lust in your system – which is attracting the lust demon.">>
<<s sandra "It was a surprise to me, Father. I guess I had more carnal desire in my body than I thought. But I don't have a problem with lust. I think it happened just because you... were inside me. A natural reaction.">>
<<s mc "But it did happen and that is why a lust demon was sent to attack you. But don't worry. I will keep you safe.">>
<<s sandra "Yes, $fmc. Thank you.">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6000>> /* used, so dont rename */
<<mi m 60>>
<c>You were lucky. Sister Sandra had an orgasm and you didn't even have to use a lust drug.
<p>Perhaps it was your holy lust that affected her, or maybe she got off from being taken roughly like that. Either way, you will have no problem repeating this with Sister Sandra.</p>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201)>>
<c class="nomargin-top">
<<qadd roamingq 201>>
<<qmess roamingq 1000 updateAlways>>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<ev 7000>> /* darcie */
<<overlay "grounds/woods.jpg" "nuns/darcie/face" 0 0 56 60 "png border100">><</overlay>>
<c >
On your way out of the park, you see Sister Darcie. She is walking in the direction of that secluded spot where she likes to pray.
<p>You haven't been very intimate with Sister Darcie. You have seen her breasts, but that's it. You haven't had a good reason to do anything else with the nun.</p>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mii nuns/darcie/face 48 pnggg>>
<c>It might be time that you try something more with Sister Darcie. To use a holy rite on the professed sister to bind her closer to you and secure her vote.
<p>You have to be careful though as you want to make her more likely to support you, not less.</p>
<<set $groundsEvent = 1>>
<<qset darcieq 200>>
<<c "Follow Sister Darcie">>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi 800-100 40>>
<c>You stealthily follow Sister Darcie from a distance. As you thought, she is going to her usual spot and sits down to pray.
<p>Once again, Sister Darcie's headpiece falls back when she faces the sky, inappropriately exposing much of her hair.</p>
<<but "Talk to her" grounds1 step:7400>>
<<ev 7300>>
<<mi 800-400 80>>
<c>You go to Sister Darcie's favorite secluded spot and find her there praying.
<p>As usual, Sister Darcie's headpiece has fallen back, inappropriately exposing much of her hair.</p>
<<c "Confront her">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi 800-800 56>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Darcie, here we are again, and your hair is showing. To repent, you will support the holy war. As the Lord wants it.">>
Sister Darcie looks around to make sure you are alone.
<<s darcie "Yes, $fmc. Please be quick...">>
She grabs her habit to show you her breasts.
<<s mc "Wait. We need to talk first.">>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi 800-600 62>>
<<s darcie "Yes, Father?">>
<<s mc "You are supporting the holy war by showing me your breasts. But this is dangerous because by doing so, you are attracting Satan. It is time that I protect you. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s darcie "Me? But, $fmc... Please, no. Please...">>
<<c "Leave her alone">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",250)>>
<<but "Just look at her breasts" grounds1 "ev:800 step:1000">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "Insist on anointing her" grounds1 "step:7600 corr60 ttt10">>
<<but "Insist on anointing her" grounds1 "step:1000 corr60 ttt10">>
<<ev 7520>>
<<mii nuns/darcie/face 50 pnggg>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",250)>>
You are a little surprised about the strong refusal from Sister Darcie. She is not as ready to accept the Holy Seed as you thought.
Again, Sister Darcie refuses your help.
<p>You could force your will, but Sister Darcie is already supporting the holy war by showing you her breasts, though somewhat reluctantly. You are not sure she truly supports you – yet – and you don't want to risk upsetting her. You better take the safer route and go slow with Sister Darcie.</p>
<<ev 7550>>
<<mi 800-600 62>>
<c><<s mc "Very well, I will leave you to your prayers. But we will continue this discussion another day.">>
<<s darcie "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Darcie looks relieved. But you will anoint her to bind her closer to you. Eventually.
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",250)>>
<c class="nomargin-top">
<<qadd roamingq 250>>
<<qmess roamingq 100 updateAlways>>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mi 800-800 60>>
<<s mc "Why are you so against it, Sister? Not only am I a lust angel, but this will be a holy rite and you will be protected against evil.">>
<<s darcie "Yes, but...then I must be intimate with you. With my mouth. I would be so ashamed if someone saw me doing that.">>
<<ev 7650>>
<<mii nuns/darcie/face 40 pnggg>>
Sister Darcie is already supporting the holy war by showing you her breasts, and you don't want to risk upsetting her too much. Anointing the professed sister will bind her closer to you, but since it appears Sister Darcie is not happy giving you oral sex, you can compromise with your usual routine.
<<s mc "Because of your support for the holy war, I will give you special consideration. I will use my hands to bring forth the Holy Seed. Is that more acceptable to you, Sister?">>
<<s darcie "Yes, Father. If you must do it, I prefer if you use your hands.">>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mi 800-800 56>>
<<s mc "But my hands aren't as good as your mouth. If I use my hands, you have to show me more than just your breasts to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<s darcie "What else could I show you? Do you mean...?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Your slit.">>
<<s darcie "But $fmc... I'm so ashamed just thinking about it.">>
<<ev 7800>>
<<mii nuns/darcie/face 45 "right pnggg">>
Sister Darcie is resisting you. But the thought of seeing her slit is very tempting. You will make this happen.
<<addlust 40>>
<<s mc "The holy rite will be over quickly and no one else will know. Or you can use your mouth if you prefer that. God will reward you for your support for the holy war either way.">>
<<s darcie "No... Alright, I will show it. But please hurry. I don't want anyone to see us.">>
<<s mc "Then start by showing your breasts.">>
<<s mc "The holy rite will be over quickly and no one else needs to know. But if you refuse to support the holy war, I can't promise discretion. We have to stand united against Satan to prevail and unbelief must be brought into light. I may need to make a public example out of you.">>
<<s darcie "No... Alright, I will show it. But please hurry. I don't want anyone to see us.">>
<<s mc "Then start by showing your breasts.">>
<<tbut "Be loving" null "addStat5">>
<<abut "Be threatening" null "addStat5">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi 800-1000 45 right>>
<<s darcie "Where will you anoint me, Father? Could you please not do it in my face?">>
<<s mc "Then I will do it on your breasts.">>
<<s darcie "Yes, Father.">>
<<addlust 100>>
The thought of masturbating to Sister Darcie's slit and breasts makes your manhood erect.
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mi 800-1200 45 right>>
<l>You start to masturbate while staring at Sister Darcie's big breasts.
<<s mc "Now show me your slit, Sister.">>
Sister Darcie sighs, but she bends down to pull up her habit.
<<ev 8400>>
<<mi 900-8400 50 right>>
<l>Sister Darcie pulls up the bottom half of her habit. She is wearing white panties.
<p>Sighing again, the nun pulls aside the panties, showing you her female slit.</p>
You masturbate fast.
<<s mc "Now pull down your panties and spread your legs for me and it will bring forth the Holy Seed. You should also keep showing your breasts.">>
<<ev 8500>>
<<mi 900-8500 52 right>>
<l>Looking very ashamed, Sister Darcie does as you ask.
<p>Masturbating to Sister Darcie's slit quickly makes you approach orgasm.</p>
<p>Your seed is about to come.</p>
<<c "Prepare to ejaculate">>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi 900-9100 47>>
<<cs mc "The Holy Seed is coming!">>
Sister Darcie nervously looks around to make sure no one can see you.
<<c "Ejaculate on her breasts">>
<<ev 9100>>
<div style="background:#ddd;width:28.5vw;height:39.7vw;margin:auto;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="cum-image">
<<overlay "grounds/900-9100" "misc/cum/cumpic3" 55 36 22 100 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You ejaculate on Sister Darcie's breasts while moaning the words to anoint her.
<<ev 9200>>
<<overlay "grounds/900-9200" "misc/cum/cumpic3" 56 0 20 84 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You enjoy the view of your seed dripping from Sister Darcie's big breasts.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 10000>>
<<mi 800-600 66>>
You get dressed while Sister Darcie wipes your seed off her chest.
<<s mc "You now have a strong protection against Satan and you can continue to come here to pray and support the holy war.">>
<<s darcie "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",251)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 10100>>
<<overlay "grounds/900-9100" "misc/cum/cumpic3" 55 36 22 44 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You anointed Sister Darcie, binding her closer to you.
<<qadd roamingq 251>>
<<qmess roamingq 1000 "center updateAlways">>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>> /* new darcie base event after masturbating to her */
<<mi 800-100 42>>
<cc>You find Sister Darcie in the secluded spot where she often prays.
<p>Once again, her headpiece has fallen back, inappropriately exposing her hair.</p>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi 800-1000 38>>
<cc>You make the nun repent for this transgression by showing you her breasts.
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "Anoint her" grounds1 step:200>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 800-800 48>>
<<s mc "I must anoint you with the Holy Seed to strengthen your protection. This time, you should use your mouth.">>
<<s darcie "Why can't you use your hands? It worked well before.">>
<<s mc "In that case, I must see your slit too, or it will take too long.">>
<<s darcie "Yes, $fmc. I will show it. But please be quick. I don't want anyone to see us.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Then let's begin.">>
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" grounds1 "ev:900 step:8200">>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 30>>
<c>It was not long ago that you first became intimate with Sister Sandra, going straight to fornicating with her. She proved to be lustful right from the start as her slit quickly became wet and she climaxed shortly after.
<p>With such lust in her, Sister Sandra is lucky she has never been attacked by the lust demon. But that could change. You must reduce Sister Sandra's lust and anoint her.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face2 30>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",900)>>
<<s mc "Sister Sandra, I've come again to reduce your lust and anoint you. We can't allow your lust to grow too much as the lust demon will want to feed on it.">>
<<s sandra "My lust is not a problem in my life, $fmc. My body is only reacting to you being inside me. I'm not very lustful when I'm alone.">>
<<s mc "Sister Sandra, as you know, as a lust angel, I'm fighting the lust demon by reducing the lust in the area, and now the time has come to you as you have proven to be more lustful than many others here.">>
<<s sandra "But that only happens when you're with me, $fmc. My body is reacting to you being inside me. I'm not very lustful when I'm alone.">>
<<s mc "The lust is in you and the lust demon could sense it. I have to do this now. I will fornicate with you to make you climax and then I will anoint you. You can begin by using your mouth on me. We will get this done and then you can return to your work.">>
<<s sandra "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 60>>
<c>Sister Sandra takes your manhood in her mouth and begins to pleasure you.
<p>Your male organ quickly becomes hard.
<<addlust 100>></p>
<<c "Enjoy her mouth some more">><<but "Penetrate her slit" grounds1 step:1000>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>You are in no hurry. You enjoy Sister Sandra's mouth.
<p>However, you are here to take care of Sister Sandra.</p>
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 900-2000 60>>
<cc>You get behind Sister Sandra and penetrate her slit.
<p>You begin to fornicate.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>As before, Sister Sandra's slit soon becomes wet.
<p>You keep thrusting into the nun who is quickly building up to an orgasm.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>Soon after, Sister Sandra climaxes.
<p>But you doubt that will be enough. You keep pumping her slit.</p>
<<c "Let her ride you">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>You lie down and have Sister Sandra perversely ride you.
<p>You take the opportunity to grab her breast.</p>
<<c "Squeeze and pinch her breasts">><<but "Switch to doing it like a dog" grounds1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>You squeeze and pinch Sister Sandra's breasts. You think she likes it.
<<c "Switch to doing it like a dog">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 900-3600 60>>
<c>You tell Sister Sandra to get down on all fours and then you pervertedly take her from behind like a dog.
<p>The nun is closing in on another orgasm.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 900-2800 60>>
<cc>You keep pounding Sister Sandra's slit. Her second orgasm is coming soon.
<<cs mc "To drive out as much lust as possible, I will penetrate your rectum now, Sister.">>
<<cs sandra "Please don't, Father. I'm afraid it will hurt.">>
<<cs mc "Just relax and you will climax from this. I promise.">>
<<c "Penetrate her rectum">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 60 pause1.5>>
<cc>You carefully penetrate Sister Sandra's tight rectum.
<p>The nun sounds anxious, but she doesn't protest.</p>
<<c "Sodomize Sister Sandra">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>You sodomize Sister Sandra.
<p>Her lust soon takes over and she continues to build up to an orgasm.</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 60>>
<cc>Soon after, Sister Sandra climaxes.
<p>Her second orgasm is stronger than the first, draining her lust.</p>
<p>With that over, you are ready to anoint the nun. Your seed is coming.</p>
<<c "Anoint Sister Sandra">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 900-5200 60>>
<cc>Pulling out of Sister Sandra's rectum, you tell her to kneel to receive the Holy Seed.
<p>You release your seed in her face and moan the words to anoint her.</p>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 38>>
<<s mc "Your lust is reduced and we have strengthened your protection against evil. This will protect you from the lust demon twice over.">>
<<s sandra "I feel like I have no lust left in my body.">>
<<s mc "Good, but that will not last. You are lustful and we must repeat this as your lust keeps coming back.">>
<<s mc "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",900)>>
<<but "Leave her" grounds1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi 900-5600 50>>
<cc>You made Sister Sandra climax and anointed her.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 900 center>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 2500>>
<<set $intro = 2400>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include hall1>>
<<if $daytime != "night">>
<<if !$hallInvestigatedNovices>>
<<mi hallDay 70 center>>
/* need corr 30 and finished hall quest to go to else */
<<if setup.permanentCorr()<30 || !($qqinvestHallNovices>=400)>>
You walk through a hallway when you hear laughter and giggle from a room.
<<if $qqinvestHallNovices >= 100>>
It's those two novices again – Novice Frances and Novice Zara. You wonder what's so funny. It could be worth investigating.
<p>The door is not quite closed.</p>
You recognize the room as the one with the two loud novices from when you took the tour with the abbess.
<p>The door is not quite closed. You remember <<mms>> telling you that this door was defective.</p>
<<but "Knock and wait" hall1 "ev:200 qqinvestHallNovices<<200">>
<<but "Knock and open" hall1 "ev:300 corr10 ttt10 qqinvestHallNovices>=100 qqinvestHallNovices<<200">>
/* When mc has done it once, no need for tempt. Shouldn't this be automatic for all actions? */
<<but "Knock and open" hall1 "ev:300 corr10 qqinvestHallNovices>=200">>
<<but "Peek inside" hall1 "ev:400 corr20 qqinvestHallNovices>=200">>
<c>You walk through a hallway when you hear laughter and giggling from a room. It's those two underwear-fixated novices again – Novice Frances and Novice Zara.
<p>While you're here, you might as well take a look.</p>
<<but "Peek inside" hall1 "ev:500">>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<mi hallDay 80 center>>
A quiet hallway.
<<elseif $qqlaraq==1>>
<<overlay "hall/hallNight" "nuns/lara/torso" 10 20.8 42 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Patrolling the dark hallways, you see Novice Lara coming out from her room in a hurry.
<<s mc "Novice Lara, is anything the matter?">>
<<s lara "No, $fmc. I have a quick errand in the bathroom before going to bed, and I don't like to be alone this late.">>
<<s mc "Because you are scared of the lust demon?">>
<<s lara "Yes, Father.">>
<<set $lararoom = 1>>
<<but "Continue" hall1 ev:600>>
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==300 || $encID==13>>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<hubShowRoom hall/hallwayNight 10 8 10 90 null "3.5 38 4">>
<c>Going west through the long corridor following the south wall, then turning north to eventually follow the west wall, you quietly make your way toward the east-west hallway passing outside Novice Lara's room.
<p>The halls are deserted. You see no one.</p></c>
<<set $temp=2>>
<<mi hallNight2 90 center>>
From the west side, you reach the quiet east-west hallway outside Novice Lara's room.
<p>Further ahead in the darkness, you can barely spot the entrance to the north-south hallway beyond which all the attacks have occurred. The lust demon has never attacked on this side – the west side – of that hallway.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:2000 step:200">>
<<mi hallNight 90 center>>
Quiet, dark hallways.
<<if $qqroamingq==null>>
<<but "Patrol the hallways" hall1 "ev:130 daily">>
/**** New hall2 here. After innerchapel ev100, $hall is set to 101 after hall event and 100 every morning. Used in js to remove room for vet det after hall event. ****/
<<if $hall < 101>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("holylustq",160)>>
<<but "Patrol the hallways" innerchapel1 "ev:100 roamingq#notplayed300 doplay:hall=101">>
<<but "Patrol the hallways" hall1 "ev:700 roamingq#played300 doplay:hall=101">>
/* keeping same event for replaying for now */
<<but "Patrol and spy on pretty nuns" hall1 "ev:700 doplay:hall=101">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi hallDay 60 center>>
<<s ms "You'll have to excuse the noise. A few of the rooms have doors that need to be fixed someday. You can't close them completely. They remain slightly open like this, not blocking much of the sound from inside." ii>>
The abbess knocks on a door that is not quite closed. She opens it to stick her head inside the room.
<<say ms "Novices, can you keep it quiet, please. I'm showing Father $mc around." ii>>
You hear low voices from inside the room. The abbess opens the door wider, allowing you to see.
<<but "Look inside the room" hall>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 100-200 50 right>>
You see two nuns inside the room. They look slightly embarrassed.
<<say Novices "We're sorry for being so loud, Father $mc.">>
You have a strong resistance to temptations of the flesh, but coming to the monastery, you were not prepared to see so many young and attractive women, and there is only so much you can take. Seeing the novices makes your blood hot and sinful thoughts make it hard to think.
<<addlust 20>>
<cc><<tip temptation>>
<<but Continue hall>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 100-300 54 right>>
The two novices go back to talking to each other, now in a low voice.
<<say mc "They wear a lot of makeup, and jewelry...">>
<<say ms "Yes, it's not something I encourage, but we do allow it as long as it's kept to a reasonable level. It's mostly the novices, the younger ones, who feel the need to improve their looks like that. They will usually have settled for a more modest look by the time they take their vows." ii>>
<<say mc "Makes sense. I'm just not used to seeing it.">>
<<say ms "I understand. I assure you that this is very innocent, Father." ii>>
<<say mc "I don't like it. They should abandon such vain, worldly practices when they choose this life in a house of God. Temptations of the flesh, inciting men to lust, lead to the Devil.">>
<<say ms "I understand your concern, Father $mc, but I assure you that this is very innocent. I keep my girls in check." ii>>
<<tbut "\"Makes sense.\"">>
<<abut "\"I don't like it.\"">>
<<but "Continue tour" hall>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii "hall/hallTop" 50% center>>
The tour continues. The abbess shows you around the floors including the attic. Every obvious way into the monastery is locked and bolted shut, stopping an intruder from entering.
After having been to the attic, you follow <<var mms>> down to the ground floor. But she doesn't stop there. She follows the stairway further down into the dark.
<<c null hub>>
<<event 130>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $hall < 2>>
<<set $hall += 1>>
<<mi hallNight 85>>
You patrol the dark hallways before going to bed, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious being known as the Crone, or to catch an intruder, which may or may not be the Crone. But you see or hear nothing of interest to the investigation.
<<if $hall < 2>>
<p>All the attacks and the sightings of the Crone have happened later, in the middle of the night, but you can't waste valuable sleep staying up all night patrolling the hallways on the off-chance that something happens this particular night.</p>
Walking through the endless corridors back and forth takes a lot of time. It could be worth doing once in a while, but not every night.
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = true>>
<<mi hallDay 60 center>>
You knock on the slightly opened door and wait.
<<if $qqinvestHallNovices >= 100>>
<<s frances "Who is it?">>
<<s mc "It's me. $fmc. Can I come inside?">>
<<s frances "Oh. One moment, please.">>
You hear giggling and movement inside. You wait patiently.
<<s zara "Now you can come in, Father.">>
<<s Novice "Who is it?">>
<<s mc "It's me. $fmc. Can I come inside?">>
<<s Novice "Oh. One moment, please.">>
You hear giggling and movement inside. You wait patiently.
<<s Novice "Now you can come in, Father.">>
<<c "Enter the room">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 100-200 55 right>>
<<if $qqinvestHallNovices >= 100>>
You enter the room, but since you waited for the novices to let you in, you don't expect to learn anything worth of value to the investigation. And you don't. Nothing more to do here.
But your blood gets hot from standing in the room with the two nuns.
<<addlust 10>>
You see the two novices inside the room. What were their names again? Oh, yes... That's Novice Frances to the left, and Novice Zara to the right.
<p>The nuns look at you quizzically.</p>
<<s mc "You were pretty loud. Is everything okay here?">>
<<s frances "Yes, we were just fooling around. Did we disturb you, Father?">>
Your blood gets hot from standing in the room with the two well-shaped nuns.
<<addlust 10>>
<<say mc "No, it's fine. I just wanted to be sure you're okay.">>
<<say zara "Thank you for looking out for us, $fmc.">>
<<say mc "This is a house of God. Not a college dormitory. You should keep it down.">>
<<say frances "We're sorry, Father. We'll try to keep it down.">>
<<tbut "\"No, it's fine.\"">>
<<abut "\"You should keep it down.\"">>
<<but "Continue" hall1>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 100-300 75>>
Novice Frances and Novice Zara go back to talking to each other, quieter now. There is nothing more to do here.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi hallDay 60 center>>
It's probably innocent, but those two novices seem to have a lot of fun together. Maybe too much fun. You have to investigate anything that could be a lead, and you can't rule out that the nocturnal attacks and the rumors of the Crone could be some kind of prank, orchestrated by one or more of the nuns. Maybe those two novices.
<p>What did they do for so long before you could enter? For all you know, they could have been planning their next prank and needed to hide away the evidence.
<<qstart investHallNovices 100>></p>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = true>>
<<mi hallDay 60 center>>
You knock on the slightly opened door.
<<s frances "Who is it?">>
<<s mc "It's me. $fmc. I'm coming in.">>
<<s frances "Give us a moment!">>
But you only wait a few seconds before continuing.
<<c "Enter the room">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 300-200 45 right>>
The nuns try to hide their exposed legs as you barge in on them.
<<s zara "But Father, we aren't properly dressed for a man to see us! You didn't give us time.">>
You pry your eyes away from their legs and fishnet stockings to look for something incriminating, like a Crone costume. But you don't see anything of interest and now you feel silly.
<<s mc "Uh... I heard a scream and thought someone needed help. I apologize. It must have been laughter I heard.">>
<<s frances "Oh, I see. Sorry, we'll keep it down.">>
You shouldn't see them like this, but it's too late to do anything about it now. Lust runs through your body.
<<if $corr>=15 && $qqinvestHallNovices>=200>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi hallDay 60 center>>
You didn't catch them doing anything suspicious this time, but you still have this feeling these two novices might be up to something. All that laughter and giggling in their room.
<<q investHallNovices 200>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = true>>
<<mi m 44 right>>
<l><<br2>>You quickly push the door open just a little bit, enough that you can peer inside the room without being detected.
<p>It seems like the nuns are trying out clothes<<if $qqinvestHallNovices >= 300>> again<</if>>. Provocative underwear from the looks of it, certainly not fitting for a nun.</p>
<<c "Spy">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc2>This is hard to see. Nuns wearing fishnet stockings and some kind of small panties. What a disgrace.
<<addlust 10>></cc2>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 44 right>>
<l><<br2>>And now they are undressing. Without even caring that the door isn't closed. Anyone could walk by and see them.
<p><<if $qqinvestHallNovices >= 300>>While you're here, you might as well keep looking to see if something related to the case materializes.<<else>><p>If they are this oblivious to common decency, what other immoral things can they be doing?</p>
As you have an investigation to conduct, and these two novices are suspects, you have no option but to keep looking.<</if>></p></l>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 44 right>>
<l><<br2>>Now they are praying, with their breasts out in the open! Except for performing her marital duty, a woman's breasts are only to be taken out to feed a baby, out of sight from any man except her husband. You want to call this a mockery to God, but at least they are praying.
<p>While you feel relieved that they are praying to God, and not Satan, you also feel a sting of disappointment. This does not bring you closer to solving the case.</p>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 400-100 34 right>>
<l><<br2>>They are getting dressed again, still talking about sexy underwear. This is deplorable behavior for nuns, but you haven't witnessed anything incriminating to the case.
<<if $qqinvestHallNovices < 300>>
<<q investHallNovices 300>>
<<elseif $qqinvestHallNovices < 400>>
All you have found out from your investigation of the two novices is their inappropriate fixation with underwear and praying while being half-naked. As upsetting as their behavior is, you should focus your attention elsewhere.</p>
<<qend investHallNovices 400>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 200>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = true>>
<<mi m 44 right>>
<l><<br2>>You quickly push the door open just a little bit, enough that you can peer inside the room without being detected.
<p>Of course, they are talking about underwear of all things, and Novice Zara's breasts aren't even covered. How unfitting for a nun.</p>
<p>But their inappropriately naked bodies at least serve a purpose when you watch them. You need all the fuel you can get to perform the holy rites.</p>
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 400-400 40>>
And there is the naked praying again.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 400>> /* checked later so don't change name */
<<mi m 46 right>>
<l>Now the holy cross rests between Novice Zara's legs, touching her naked slit. Does she not realize how inappropriate that is? Thank God you are here guarding the door to prevent anyone from accidentally seeing this sacrilege.
<<addlust 10>>
The two novices start to get dressed, and you quickly get bored.
<<vv 9>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/lara/talk 54>>
<c>Novice Lara has been attacked once by the lust demon, but you haven't had much contact with her. It may be time to finally use the holy rites on the young, innocent-looking novice.
<<s mc "I can help you with that, my child. Let me anoint you with the Holy Seed. It will protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<s lara "I appreciate the offer, Father, but I can't be intimate with a man.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/lara/bathroom 50 right>>
You remember once seeing Novice Lara naked in the bathroom – before she noticed you and covered herself. The memory causes you to feel a strong desire for her naked body.
<<addlust 20>>
This may be a sign from the Lord that Novice Lara is in more danger than you realize.
<<ev 230>>
<<mii nuns/lara/talk 58>>
<<s mc "I fear for your safety, Novice Lara. I believe evil may be closing in on you. Again. You've already been attacked once.">>
<<s lara "That may be so. I hope you are wrong, $fmc. But even if you are correct, being intimate with a man, and outside of marriage... It's just unthinkable to me.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/lara/face 43 pnggg>>
<<s mc "What if I marry you? The temporary Holy Marriage allows you to be intimate with me while married. It should make it easier for you to accept being anointed after that – since we've already been together as husband and wife. I've done it this way with some of your sisters having the same doubts you have. It all turned out well in the end.">>
<<s lara "I can see the point of doing it that way, but I'm sorry, Father, I can't marry... for you to lie with me. I just can't.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "hall/hallNight" "nuns/lara/torso" 10 20.8 42 94 "png">><</overlay>>
<<s mc "I understand. But think about it. You don't need to live in fear.">>
<<s lara "Yes, Father">>
Novice Lara hurries away in the direction of the bathroom.
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/lara/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>Tonight's chance meeting with Novice Lara left you with a desire for her – a sign from the Lord that Novice Lara needs the holy rites.
<p>But the nun refused your offer of help, and you didn't want to push the matter. In time, you may get Novice Lara to change her mind.
<<qstart laraq 100>></p>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "hall/stairsnight" 8.5 27 9 86>>
<c>You <<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",300)>>continue patrolling<<else>>patrol<</if>> the hallways.
<p>When you are done on the ground floor, you go to the stairs to patrol upstairs as well.</p>
<<c "Patrol upstairs">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi hallNight 74>>
<c>You patrol the upstairs hallways.
<p>As on the ground floor, the doors to the rooms up here have no lock, and many of them are slightly ajar because they can't be closed properly, allowing you to peek inside through the cracks.</p>
<p>You think of the many young and attractive nuns who are getting ready to go to bed. Some of them could be undressing right now. It is tempting to look inside the rooms where you know pretty nuns are living.</p>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<if $qqholylustq != null>>
/* forcing first time since required for holy lust quest */
<<c "Leave the nuns alone">>
<<but "Peek inside the rooms of pretty nuns" hall1 step:300>>
<<ev 240>>
<<hubShowRoom "hall/stairsnight" 8.5 27 9 86>>
<c><<if $temp=="noenter">>
Barging into the rooms of young nuns late at night when they are undressing could hurt your reputation.
You ignore the temptation and finish patrolling the upstairs floor.
<p>Seeing nothing suspicious, you are done patrolling for tonight. You go to the stairs.</p>
<<but "Return downstairs" hub>>
<<ev 300>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">Where you can, you peek inside the rooms of pretty nuns, hoping to see one naked.</cc>
<<mi m 35>>
After several tries, you are in luck. A pretty novice is undressing to go to bed. You can barely see her though. You would have to enter the room to get a good look at her naked body.
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",700,1800)>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<set $temp = null>> /* set in step200 but doing here too in case needed for replaying */
<<but "Ignore the temptation" hall1 step:240>>
<<if $qqholylustq != null>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",700,1800)>>
<<but "Enter the room" hall1 "step:800 corr60 lll70">>
<<but "Enter the room" hall1 "step:800">>
<<but "Enter the room" hall1 "step:700 corr60 ttt10">>
<<set $temp="noenter">>
<<ev 700>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 56>>
<c>You softly knock on the door and then immediately enter the room.
<<lh>>The pretty novice looks scared and holds up the habit to cover herself.
<<s mc "I'm sorry to barge in on you, my child, but I thought I saw a shadow sneaking around this room. I just wanted to see that you are safe.">>
<<holylustquest 160 center>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 700-1400 30>>
<<s Novice "Oh, my. A shadow? I haven't seen anything, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "It was probably nothing. Sometimes the darkness plays tricks on your mind. Anyway, now that I'm here, you go ahead and undress. I'll watch and the memory of your naked young body will help me perform the holy rites when needed.">>
The novice hesitates, but being used to your entering the communal bathroom when she is bathing, she finally continues to undress.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 46 "speed0.60 pause0.6">>
<cc>You watch the pretty novice as she undresses before you.
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",700,1800)>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 90 pause1>>
<cc>You stare at her female slit and her young breasts.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c><<s mc "You have supported the holy war, my child. Now I will leave you and continue patrolling the hallways to keep you girls safe.">>
<<s Novice "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",700,1800)>>
<<ev 1800>> /* using stepnr so dont change */
<<mi 700-300 30>>
<c>Entering the room of a pretty nun went well. You could probably do this again another night without it hurting your reputation too much.
<</events>>/*<<set $intro = 9999>>*/
<<if $intro < 1500>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include hgarden1>>
<<elseif $qqrileyThreesome == 310>>
<<mi herb_garden1early 80>>
<cc>The early morning sun is not strong, but it lights up the herb garden well enough.</cc>
<<but "Go to the poppies" hgarden1 ev:400>>
<<if $qqjanacurse == 2000>>
<<set _janaIsGone = true>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:80%;">
<<set _path = "hgarden/herb_garden1.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<if !_janaIsGone>>
<<set _path2 = "hjana/jana2_small.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border: 0.2rem solid #000c; border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; width:14%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:5%">
<<if !_janaIsGone>>
<c>The herb garden is quiet and peaceful. In the distance, you see <<name jana>> tending to the plants.
<cc>The herb garden is quiet and peaceful.</cc>
/*<cc0><<specbut2 jana hjana always>></cc0>*/
<<but "Enter shed and look for lust potion ingredients" hgarden1 "ev:300 fullWidth singleButton qqhallNovices==180">>
/* If wanting special events to "Approach Sister Jana", add it to other special events in hjana if possible, not as a new button here. */
<<if !_janaIsGone>>
<<but "Approach Sister Jana" hjana "always">>
<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:300 qqinvestJana>=20 qqjanacurse<<300 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:800 qqjanacurse>=300 qqjanacurse<<400 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:900 qqjanacurse>=400 qqjanacurse<<500 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
/*<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:920 qqjanacurse>=500 qqjanacurse<<600 watchedJanaToday<<1">> *//** CAN BUG */
<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:920 qqjanacurse>=500 janacurse#notplayed600 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
/*<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:1000 qqjanacurse>=700 watchedJanaToday<<1">> CAN BUG */
<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:1000 janacurse#played700 qqjanacurse<<1150 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "<<actQuest janacurse>>" hjana1 "ev:1150 qqjanacurse==1150 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "Hide and watch her" hjana1 "ev:1170 qqjanacurse>=1170 qqjanacurse<<1600 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
/***** Version 4 update for comments further down:
Below potential bug issues should be fixed going forward from special trigger event in hjana when mc has completed holy marriage and all janacurse steps including lust potion steps, so going forward it just keep using janacurse as main quest using q and qmess for anything else added */
/*** From version 3 ***/
/* Update to below: Quest could cause bugs even before janacurse==500, so I made a requirement that sofia won't show up for fornication in mc's room until janacurse>=500 to solve this issue. Below solutions with played/notplayed should still be needed though */
/* NOTE: had to change stuff because possible major bugs if player did lust potions quest before anointing jana, resulting in quest advancing higher than 700. So now I check for played/notplayed for quest stages and I changed the quest updates to qmess to show mess (and allow use of played/notplayed). Normal quest update wouldn't work since can't update to lower.
IN THE FUTURE. Have one main line of the quest used with normal quest update, ie q, and then use qmess for other stuff that might happen in the quest. In this case, should have made the anointing etc the main, and the lust potion quest to qmess but this is how I did it now to fix this (hopefully) without causing messes with saves */
/* BEWARE OF JANACURSE QUEST IN v4 and forward. Make sure that it picks up from v3 (or older) saves without bugs and get it back to fornication as main quest, and if adding discoveries about lust curse, don't do it in this quest unless needed and then only as qmess? */
/***************** in version 4 starts here ************************/
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $intro = 1500>>
<<mi herb_garden1 55% left>> <<mii "hjana/jana" 25% right>>
<<say ms "That sister over there is Sister Jana. She is in charge of our herb garden. She is one of the sisters that got attacked." ii>>
Sister Jana smiles when she sees you. Even from this distance, looking at the beautiful young woman makes your blood rush down to where it shouldn't.
<<addlust 20>>
<<say mc "Is she a novice?">>
<<say ms "No, she is a professed sister. Otherwise, I would have called her Novice Jana. We are all sisters here, of course, but the custom in our convent is that we distinguish novice sisters from professed sisters." ii>>
/*The abbess <<lbut continues hub>> the tour.*/
<<ct hub>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 50>>
You enter the garden shed and look at the available stock of the ingredients you need to make more lust potions. Unfortunately, you were correct to worry about long pepper. There is not much left of the herb. You promised Sister Jana that you would not take too much of any ingredient or she might run out of it for her herbal products.
<p>You go outside to look at the patch where Sister Jana grows long pepper. The patch is small, smaller than most, suggesting Sister Jana is not using much of the herb herself and is mainly growing it to conserve the herb species for the future.
<<q hallNovices 200>></p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi carrotseeds 50>>
The good news is that you find plenty of all the other ingredients needed for the lust potions, as the other ingredients are commonly used in the monastery, like carrot seeds to grow carrots. If you just got your hands on more long pepper, you would be set.
<p>You saw that the monks had a lot of the same herbs as Sister Jana in their garden. Maybe they have long pepper too?
<<qstart longpepper 200>></p>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/opiumdried 50>>
<c>You collect the dried latex from the poppy pods you cut. That should be enough for many doses of divine nectar.
<p>You look at the cuts. They have healed well enough that no more latex is leaking out. Hopefully, the pods will mature and open up into flowers without Sister Dana ever noticing anything.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi herb_garden1 80>>
<c>The morning prayer is almost over. You should leave before someone sees you here. And when you have time, you should go to your lab to make the divine nectar.
<<q rileyThreesome 400>>
<</events>><<if ndef $qqinvestJana || $qqinvestJana < 10>>
<<qinit investJana>> /* to make it silent */
<<if $qqinvestJana > 0>>
<<set _newq = $qqinvestJana + 1>>
<<qset investJana _newq>>
<<qset investJana 1>>
<<if $qqinvestJana == 4>>
<<qset investJana 20>>
<<setev 250>>
<<include hjana1>>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse==1250>> /* Triggered in mc when waking up */
/* Checking that having done everything possibly up to this point in janacurse, ie all quest stages from 1000 and below, ie including those qmess that comes from lust potion quest. This should fix all potential bugs as commented in hgarden from this point on, and from now on have janacurse as main (using q) and qmess for anything that might be added as a result from subquests/other quests */
<<mi 600-100 30 right>>
With a third ancient sacrament – the Holy Marriage rite – having proved its usefulness, you have more resources to fight Satan with than ever. Yet, you are still stuck when it comes to convincing Sister Jana to let you eat her sins of fornication. She distrusts the holy rites, and because of this, you haven't even told her about the Holy Marriage rite.
<p>You are growing tired of Sister Jana's defiance. That vision you had of evil taking over the herb garden was the final straw. Sister Jana is threatening you all by letting evil remain in her, giving the Devil a foothold in this garden of the Lord. The time has come to put a stop to this.
<<qset janacurse 1260>>
<<but "Continue" hjana>>
<<elseif $qqprocreation>=400 && $qqprocreation<500>>
<<mi jana3 40>>
<c>You should wait to approach Sister Jana again until you have learned where the recipes of contraception are written in the medieval herbal.</c>
<<but "Continue" hgarden>>
<<elseif $qqprocreation>=500 && $qqjanacurse<1600>>
<<mi jana3 40>>
<c2>You should give Sister Jana some more time to make the herbal contraceptives and the sheep condoms.</c2>
<<but "Continue" hgarden>>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse == 2010>>
<<mi jana2mouth 40>>
<cc>You see Sister Jana staring thoughtfully into the trees.
<<but "Continue" hjana1 ev:1500>>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse == 3000>> /* curse broken */
<<mi jana3 35>>
<cc>You should leave her alone for the rest of the day.</cc>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse >= 3010 && !setup.checkqStage("janacurse",3020)>> /* next day (set in mc)*/
<<mi jana3 35>>
<c>Though Sister Jana has accepted the truth of the holy rites, she has done so with some reluctance. Given that, and her previously distrustful attitude to you and the ancient sacraments, you shouldn't push your luck with her. While she remains cautious, you will not bring up Holy Marriage, and you will not release your seed inside of her, sheep condom or not.</c>
<<qadd janacurse 3020>>
<<but "Continue" hjana>>
<<elseif $qqjanamarry == 600>>
<<mi jana2mouth 40>>
<c>You approach Sister Jana. She looks different. Thoughtful? Worried? This could be the result of the <<potionFumingLustOil>> in the cloth you put under her bed.
<<s mc "Sister Jana, is anything the matter?">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 "ev:2200">>
<<if $qqinvestJana == 20>>
<<qset investJana 25>>
<<mi "jana" 43% rclear>>
Sister Jana goes back to tending the garden. She looks beautiful, tempting your flesh.
<<if $lusttodayJana != true>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<set $lusttodayJana = true>>
<<s jana "Did you want something, Father $mc?">>
<p>You get the feeling that you caught her about to do something she didn't want anyone to know about. But you might have misinterpreted the situation. The nuns are on edge because of the Crone and seeing a dark shape approaching her could have scared Sister Jana before she realized it was you.</p>
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 55% "left gif noside">> <<mi "jana" 40% "right">>
/* Clarifying "herb" garden since not showing "herb garden" as location anymore, just Sister Jana */
Sister Jana is here, tending to the <<if $qqjanafornicate > 100>>herb<</if>> garden. She looks beautiful, tempting your flesh.
<<if $lusttodayJana != true>>
/* special solution since daily stat checks only work in events */
<<addlust 10>>
<<set $lusttodayJana = true>>
<<s jana "Did you want something, Father $mc?">>
<<but "Ask about attack" hjana1 "ev:100 janaAskAttack<<100">>
<<but "Ask about Emma's tea" hjana1 "ev:200 qqemma==100">>
<<but "Confront her about what you saw" hjana1 "ev:500 qqinvestJana>=250 qqinvestJana<<400 investJana#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Lifting the curse" hjana1 "ev:600 qqemma2>=300 qqjanacurse<<100">>
<<but "Lifting the curse" hjana1 "ev:700 janacurse#stageDay+1 qqjanacurse==200">>
/*<<but "Ask about her curse" hjana1 "ev:950 janacurse#stageDay+1 qqjanacurse==600">> *//** CAN BUG */
<<but "Ask about her curse" hjana1 "ev:950 watchedJanaToday<<1 janacurse#played600 janacurse#notplayed700">>
<<but "<<actQuest curseserpent>>" hjana1 "ev:966 qqcurseserpent==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest sexDrive>>" hjana1 "ev:1100 qqsexDrive==400">>
<<but "<<actQuest janacurse>>" hjana1 "ev:1200 qqjanacurse>=1250 qqjanacurse<<1350 daily">>
<<but "<<actQuest janacurse>>" hjana1 "ev:1200 step:900 qqjanacurse==1350 daily">>
<<but "<<actQuest procreation>>" hjana1 "ev:1300 qqprocreation==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest janacurse>>" hjana1 "ev:1400 qqjanacurse==1600">>
<<but "<<actQuest viviendana>>" hjana1 "ev:1780 qqviviendana==150 qqjanacurse>=3000">>
<<but "Wait for the workday to end >>>" hjana1 "ev:1800 qqrileyThreesome==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelationroberta>>" hjana1 "ev:1900 qqrevelationroberta==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelationjana>>" hjana1 "ev:2000 qqrevelationjana==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest janamarry>>" hjana1 "ev:2100 qqjanamarry==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest janamarry>>" hjana1 "ev:2200 step:9000 qqjanamarry==1100 janamarry#stageDay+2 doplay:watchedJanaToday=1">>
<<but "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" hjana1 "ev:2300 qqlustfulwomen>=100 qqjanalustful<<1">>
/* Reusing watchedJanaToday variable here for sex events to avoid making a new variable. Since Jana will no longer go behind the bushes, this variable is not needed there anymore */
<<but "Anoint her" hjana1 "ev:1600 qqjanacurse>=3010 doplay:watchedJanaToday=1 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" hjana1 "ev:1700 qqjanacurse>=3010 doplay:watchedJanaToday=1 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" hjana1 "ev:2200 step:9100 janamarry#completed doplay:watchedJanaToday=1 watchedJanaToday<<1">>
<<but "Leave" hgarden "qqjanafornicate<<110">>
<<but "Leave" hub "qqjanafornicate>=110">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana5 35 right>>
You ask some more questions about the attack to see if Sister Jana remembers anything else, but she doesn't.
<<set $janaAskAttack = 100>>
<<c null hjana>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana5 35 right>>
<<s mc "I spoke to Emma, one of the students. She said you gave her herbal tea to help with her nightmares?">>
<<s jana "Yes, that's correct. Emma is deeply religious and has a strong spiritual connection to God. So strong that she is prone to visions, and unfortunately also nightmares as she is plagued by the thoughts of past sins. I've tried to ease her suffering by giving her a herbal tea.">>
<<s mc "Yes, she said your tea helped some, and it made me curious as I have an interest in herbal medicine myself. I was wondering how you make the tea? Could I bother you with the recipe?">>
<<s jana "Naturally. I'm happy to share the recipe with a fellow herb enthusiast. It's a version of an old recipe I found in the medieval herbal in our library. Most of the herbs here have been growing in this garden since the early days of the monastery, you know, and it is my mission to preserve them all for future generations. Anyway, the recipe is very simple: 4 parts valerian root, 2 parts chamomile flowers, 3 parts lemon balm leaves, and 3 parts lavender flowers. Everything dried if you're making tea. Then gently crush the dried components into smaller pieces and you're done. I recommend sweetening the tea with honey when drinking it to mask the bitterness.">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi jana5 40 right>>
<<s mc "Thank you. I'm thinking of experimenting with finding a herbal tea recipe that will help Emma even better, the poor girl. Would it be okay if I took some plants from this garden? I'll pay for it, of course.">>
<<s jana "Sure. You probably want them dried though, and I keep all my dried ingredients in that storage shed over there. They're all sorted and labeled with their names. Go ahead and take whatever you need. But please don't take too much of a single ingredient. People are coming to buy my herbal products at the market stall outside and I don't want to run out.">>
<<s mc "Your offer is much appreciated, Sister Jana. I'll go and take a sample of what you have, then.">>
You enter the shed and collect a small amount of every ingredient for use in your secret underground laboratory. You could always come back for more if needed.
<<lab "Added collection of ingredients.">>
<<q emma 200>>
<<qsub emma herbal 100>> /* needed separately to keep track of asking about herbal in library */
<<c null hgarden>>
<<event 250>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana4 25%>>
You approach Sister Jana. Before you reach her, she suddenly looks around and starts moving toward some bushes. But then she spots you and stops. You think she looked scared when she saw you. How odd.
<<c "Continue" hjana>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch the beautiful nun from a distance as she tends to the garden. She has not seen you.
/* has to use mii here because this is called from hgarden */
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2" 40% right>>
<<if $qqinvestJana < 100>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana looks around as if making sure no one can see her, then she leaves behind some bushes. You wait... and wait... Eventually, she returns and continues to work in the garden.</p>
You wonder what she was doing for so long behind the bushes. It was probably something innocent, but maybe it wasn't. At this point in the investigation, everyone is a suspect. And this is not the first time you have caught her acting suspiciously.
<<qstart investJana 100>></p>
<<if $qqinvestJana < 200>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana leaves behind the bushes. Now is your chance to investigate what she is doing for so long back there.</p>
<p>But what if she is just answering nature's call, doing the toilet business – or worse, that thing that fertile women go through every month? That would be very embarrassing for the both of you if you were discovered spying on her doing any of that.
<<q investJana 150>></p>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana leaves behind the bushes. Is she going to commit that mortal sin again? Can it really be true?</p>
<<but "Spy" hjana1 "corr10">>
<<ev 200>>
You carefully sneak to the bushes and <<lbut "peek around them" peek1 showdiv>>...</cc>
<<div peek1>>
<<mi jana9 45 right>>
<<if $qqinvestJana < 200>>
You see Sister Jana just as she pulls up her black habit. The sight of her upper thighs makes you freeze and stare.
<p>So far, it appears that she went behind the bushes just to answer nature's call. But you better <<lbut "stay and make sure." peek2 showdiv>> You're conducting an investigation, after all.</p>
You see Sister Jana just as she pulls up her black habit, exposing her upper thighs.
<p>Maybe this time she went behind the bushes just to answer nature's call? The only way to know is to <<lbut "stay and watch." peek2 showdiv>></p>
<<div peek2>>
<<mi jana10 45 rcl>>
You look straight at Sister Jana's panties as she lifts her habit even further up.
You shouldn't see this! But if you want to get anywhere with the investigation, you must follow all the leads you have.
<<if $qqinvestJana < 200>>
Just a few seconds more, so you can close the book on this particular lead.
<<elseif $qqinvestJana < 400>>
And spying on Sister Jana is, unfortunately, part of the investigation now as it might provide further clues to what's going on around here.
And even though you already know of Sister Jana's lust affliction, you can't rule out that observing her sinful behavior might provide some clues to what's going on around here.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi jana20 43 right>>
<<if $qqinvestJana < 200>>
You almost faint from astonishment. You can't believe what you are seeing. This is an affront to God! A <<hovertip "mortal sin" mortalsin bottom>> if you ever saw one.
<p>How can Sister Jana be doing this, here, in the garden of the Lord? This must be the work of the Evil One.
<<addlust 20>></p>
Although you were prepared for it, you can hardly believe what you are seeing. Sister Jana is committing the mortal sin again, shamelessly touching herself in the garden of the Lord.
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $qqinvestHallNovices < 200>>
/* Need to get more used to seeing women not fully dressed */
<l>Being a celibate man, seeing a naked woman acting like this is too much for you to handle. You have to get out of here.</l>
<<but "Continue to watch" hjana1 "corr10 ttt20">>
<<but "Sneak away" hjana1 "step:400">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi jana25 45 left>>
<<mi jana30 50 "right noside">>
When Sister Jana pulls aside her panties, you make the sign of the cross to ward off the Devil.
<<addlust 20>>
<<if $qqinvestJana < 200>>
<r>You can't take this anymore. You have to get out of here.</r>
<<but "Keep watching" hjana1 "step:1000 corr20 ttt10">>
<<but "Sneak away" hjana1>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden1" 70%>>
<<if $qqinvestJana < 200>>
What in God's name has gotten into Sister Jana? This is too much to process right now. You need time to think.
<<q investJana 200>>
You confirmed that Sister Jana is still a slave to the demonic influences, but you didn't learn anything new that might lead you forward in the investigation.
<<if $qqinvestJana < 250>>
<p>You might have no choice but to confront her with what you have seen. You have to sleep on it another night.
<<q investJana 250>></p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi jana41 45>>
<cc>You keep watching. Is this really happening?</cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue jdiv1 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mi jana45 85>>
<cc>It <<italics is>> really happening. It's a tragedy to see Sister Jana possessed by demonic forces.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue jdiv2 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mi jana50 41>>
<cc>This is outrageous behavior of Sister Jana. If you didn't know she was cursed, you would put a stop to this offense right away. You can't take any more.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<but "Sneak away" hjana1>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden1" 70>>
<c>Sister Jana is at the mercy of a satanic curse. What else could explain this sudden and outrageous behavior? This is the strongest evidence you have personally witnessed that evil, supernatural forces are at play here.
<<qend investJana 500 center>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana5 45 right>>
<<s mc "Sister Jana, I have something I need to discuss. Can we talk over here in private?">>
You go with her behind the bushes where Sister Jana did the unthinkable.
<<s jana "How can I help you, Father $mc?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I have to confront you with something very unpleasant. But I can't ignore what I have seen.">>
<<s jana "I'm not following, Father.">>
<<s mc "I have seen what you have been doing here, behind these bushes, in this very spot.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame1 25 right>>
Sister Jana gasps in horror.
<<s jana "Did you see me? How much did you see?">>
<<s mc "Enough to know that you have committed a mortal sin by touching yourself in a way you shouldn't. This is very serious, Sister Jana. What in God's name possessed you to do this?">>
<<mi shame2 15 lcl>>
<<s jana "I feel so ashamed. It all started after the Crone attacked me. I got this unresistible desire to do this terrible thing to my body. May God forgive me.">>
<<s mc "You must stop this behavior at once, confess your sins, and do penance.">>
<<s jana "I can't. I can't promise I won't do it again because the desire is too strong. I would be lying in confession.">>
<<s mc "Hmm...">>
<<s jana "I don't know what to do. I think the Crone has put a curse on me. Please help me, Father. And please don't tell the other nuns what I've done.">>
<<s mc "Fear not, my child. I will do my best to help you, and I won't tell anyone. But I may need your help to solve this.">>
<<s jana "Yes, Father. Anything. Just please make this stop.">>
<<s mc "I will try to help you, and I won't tell anyone, but then you have to do what I say. I need all the help I can get in this investigation.">>
<<s jana "Yes, Father. Anything. Just please make this stop.">>
<<tbut "\"Fear not, my child\"">>
<<abut "\"You have to do what I say\"">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi shame2 30 right>>
<l><<s mc "How come you didn't tell me anything about this when I questioned you in my room?">>
<<s jana "How could I? I am so ashamed about it, the sinful things I'm doing.">>
<<s mc "Do you think any of the other attacked nuns also have these uncontrollable sexual urges since the attack?">>
<<s jana "Oh, I wouldn't know. But if they do, I'm sure they would keep quiet about it, just as I did.">>
<<s mc "Hmm...">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi jana3 34 >>
You can close your investigation into Sister Jana for now, but you will keep an eye on her.
<<qend investJana 400 center>>*/
You are convinced that Sister Jana is a victim, not a perpetrator. However, for investigative purposes, it would be prudent to continue to observe her in secret. Watching her sinful behavior might provide more information about her curse.
<<q investJana 400 center>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi jana3 40 right>>
<p>There is no doubt in your mind that Sister Jana is being honest with you, to the best of her knowledge. Evidently, there are dark forces in play here, causing her to experience these uncontrollable sexual urges.</p>
<p>Whoever minion of Satan is behind all of this, if this change in Sister Jana happened after she was attacked, perhaps it happened to the other nuns that were attacked too. This you have to look into. It could be an important clue to solving this mystery.</p>
<p>But as Sister Jana said, any nuns having uncontrollable sexual urges would probably be so ashamed about it that they wouldn't tell you.</p>
<p>Perhaps they would admit it if you pressured them about it, but going around asking the attacked nuns if they are touching themselves could damage your standing here. You have to be very careful about broaching this topic with anyone.
<<qstart sexDrive 100>></p>
<<vv 1.1>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "I think I know how to lift your curse. But you're not going to like the rituals I have in mind.">>
<<s jana "I didn't expect it to be something easily done. Just tell me what it is.">>
<<s mc "Have you heard that I cured Emma of her nightmares?">>
<<s jana "Yes, but that's all I know.">>
<<s mc "I think I can remove your curse the same way I removed her nightmares. But the rituals I used are very unorthodox, though sanctioned by God. Because your curse is sexual in nature, the ritual to break the curse would have to involve sexual acts on your part.">>
<<s jana "What sexual acts?">>
<<s mc "You would have to touch yourself and use your mouth to pleasure a man.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame1 35 right>>
<<s jana "I understand that a curse like this requires something extraordinary to break, but I cannot do what you ask of me.">>
<<s mc "You should think about this. I hope you will change your mind. What you are doing is an affront to the Lord.">>
<<s jana "I know, and I pray every day for this to stop. But as a virgin dedicated to God, I cannot be with another man like you ask of me. That is a line I will not cross.">>
<<s mc "Before I go, I trust that you keep what I just told you a secret. Just as I keep your curse a secret.">>
<<s jana "Yes, Father. You can count on my discretion.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi jana3 30>>
Sister Jana understands to keep quiet about the extreme measures you proposed, but she won't go along with the holy rites you had in mind.</cc>
<cc>Maybe Novice Emma can convince Sister Jana to accept the help you're willing to offer.
<<qstart janacurse 100 "center">>
<<but "Leave" hgarden>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 30>>
<<s mc "Did Novice Emma speak with you?">>
<<s jana "Yes. She told me how you gave her an improved version of my tea which helped her some, though only for a while. But then you anointed her with... what she called the Holy Seed, and she said you ate her sins by lying down with her. But I cannot believe that God can allow this. Or the Church.">>
<<s mc "The Church is following old doctrines decided by old men. As for the Lord, He has shown that He is behind the holy rites that you speak of. How else would you explain that Novice Emma stopped having nightmares? Are you suggesting that Satan is behind it?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame1 32>>
<<s jana "Maybe he is. Satan and his lust demon put this curse on me. Maybe he cursed you too with these false, perverse beliefs.">>
<<s mc "No. God sent me here to fight the Evil One and his minions. Satan is using our chastity against us, thinking we are unable to do anything about it. But the Lord is allowing us to fight back with the help of the holy rites. What is of God cannot be a sin. You must see this. You must let me help you.">>
<<ev 750>>
<<mi shame2 32>>
<<s jana "I can't do what you ask of me. I will rather suffer my curse than sin even more doing perverse acts.">>
<<s mc "Satan has you in his grip. You must break free from him!">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi jana3 30>>
Sister Jana won't see reason. How do you convince her to accept your help?
<<q janacurse 300 "center">></cc>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch Sister Jana from a distance as she tends to the garden.
/* has to use mii here because this is called from hgarden */
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2mouth" 38% right>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana looks around and then leaves behind the bushes.</p>
<p>You know what she is up to. The depraved sin of Onan. You must put a stop to this!</p>
<<c "Spy on her" hjana1>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi jana20 40>>
<cc>When you arrive, Sister Jana has already begun her vile deed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut Watch jdiv0 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv0>>
<<mi jana41 45>>
<cc>It's terrible to see the curse in action.
<cc><<lbut Continue jdiv1 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mi jana45 85>>
<cc>Sister Jana is evidently possessed by demonic forces.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi jana50 41>>
<cc>Such an outrageous behavior of Sister Jana. You must put a stop to this offense.
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $lust >= 100>>
<cc>But you can't take any more of this. You have to leave right now, or you risk ending up like Sister Jana, defiling your body for carnal pleasure.</cc>
<<c "Confront Sister Jana">>
<<if $qqjanacurse >= 350>>
<<but "Keep watching" hjana1 "step:1000">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
Sister Jana desperately tries to cover herself when you step out from behind the bushes. She relaxes somewhat when she recognizes you.
<<s jana "$fmc! You can't see me like this!">>
<<s mc "You have to stop doing this. You must let me perform the holy rites on you.">>
<<s jana "I can't do it. It would be a sin.">>
<<s mc "And this isn't?!">>
<<s jana "Yes, this is a very grave sin. But not as grave as the perverse things you want me to do.">>
<<s mc "Anointing you with the Holy Seed is not a sin. Nor is Sin Eating. They are ancient sacraments, sanctioned by God.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 38>>
<<s jana "What if you're wrong? I can't risk it. Now please leave me. The curse won't let me stop now. I must finish this. May God have mercy on my soul.">>
You can't stand to watch this.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 40>>
<cc0>You leave Sister Jana as she continues her filthy act, a slave to the curse. This is most upsetting.
<<q janacurse 350 center>></cc0>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 48>>
You decide to watch a little more before confronting Sister Jana. You almost wish you hadn't when you see what she is doing now. Or are you hallucinating this?</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Watch" jdiv1 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mi 800-1002 47>>
<cc>You aren't hallucinating. Sister Jana is not only defiling her body. She is desecrating the symbol of Christ Himself. You can't let this sacrilege pass.
<<c "Confront Sister Jana">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 42>>
<<s mc "In God's name, stop what you are doing!">>
<<s jana "$fmc, why are you doing this to me? You know I'm cursed to do this.">>
<<s mc "Not this! Are you saying Satan is forcing you to desecrate the holy cross this way?">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 800-1202 40 right>>
<<mi m 40 rclear>>
<<s jana "No, but I can't resist the temptation to put something inside me. When I'm using the cross, then at least I'm giving myself to Jesus. That's my rationale for it. I know it is a terrible thing to do.">>
<<s mc "Don't you see how far you've gone? How can the holy rites be worse than this? They are of God. You are giving in to the Devil!">>
<<s jana "I don't know what to do. Please, Father, help me.">>
<<s mc "I am trying to, my child. Let me anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s jana "It feels so wrong. I don't think I can do it. But now that you've seen me doing this... this horrible, shameful act, maybe it's what I needed to find the strength to fight back. I will fight the curse and not let it control me.">>
<<s mc "I wish you could, but I'm afraid that's doomed to fail.">>
<<s jana "I have to try. If I fail, I promise I will think about doing what you want. Now please, I just need to finish this...">>
<<but "Leave her to finish her filthy act" hjana1 special>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi m 40>>
<cc>You leave the wretched Sister Jana and pray to God that she will come to her senses enough to accept the holy rites.
<<q janacurse 400 center>>
<<qendversion janacurse version0.1.1>></cc>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch Sister Jana from a distance as she tends to the garden.
/* has to use mii here because this is called from hgarden */
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2mouth" 38% right>>
<p>You wait and wait, but Sister Jana never leaves behind the bushes.</p>
<p>You can't stand here all day. If Sister Jana can't fight the curse and goes back to defiling herself, you will find out sooner or later if you keep watching her regularly.</p>
<<qset janacurse 500>>
<<but "Continue" hgarden>>
<<event 920>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch Sister Jana from a distance as she tends to the garden.
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2mouth" 38% right>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana looks around and then leaves behind the bushes.</p>
<p>You knew it! She couldn't fight the curse and has succumbed to temptations, committing the depraved sin of Onan. Time to put a stop to this!</p>
<<c "Sneak after her" hjana1>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 800-1000 48>>
Unbelievable. Sister Jana goes straight for desecrating the holy cross.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Watch" jdiv1 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mi 800-1002 47>>
<cc>You want to stop this sacrilege at once, but decide to wait. If you let Sister Jana continue her vile deed for some time, she will have even less of a leg to stand on when you finally confront her.
<cc><<lbut "Continue to watch" jdiv2 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mi 920-1000 47>>
<cc>She is going at it like there is no tomorrow. If she is attempting to fight the curse, you don't see it.
<cc><<lbut "Continue to watch" jdiv3 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv3>>
<<mi 920-1004 87>>
<cc>You can no longer stand seeing the holy cross going in and out of her wet hole. Enough.
<<c "Confront Sister Jana">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 800-1100 40>>
<<s mc "In God's name, stop what you are doing! This has gone on long enough.">>
<<s jana "I tried to fight it. But I couldn't resist the curse.">>
<<s mc "You don't have to tell me. Now you must let me anoint you with the Holy Seed to lift the curse.">>
<<ev 1200>>
/*<div style="height:20rem;width:auto;margin:auto">*/
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<<mi 800-1202 30>>
<<mi 800-1200 50>>
/*<<mi 800-1202 30 "left styling max-height:100%;width:auto stylingend">>
<<mi 800-1200 50 "left styling max-height:100%;width:auto stylingend">>*/
<<s jana "I might let you do it. If it's truly according to God's will.">>
<<s mc "It is.">>
<<s jana "But how do I know that? What if Satan is tricking you to have me defile myself even more?">>
<<if $janaAnointTry == undefined>>
<<set $janaAnointTry = 0>>
<<set $janaAnointTry += 1>>
<<set _janaCurseTrustReq = 24 - $janaAnointTry>>
<<set _janaCurseAuthReq = 30 - $janaAnointTry>>
<<set _thisqstage = $quests["janacurse"].stage>>
<<qset janacurse _thisqstage+1>>
<<set _thisqstage = $quests["janacurse"].stage>>
<<set _janaCurseTrustReq = 24 - (_thisqstage-501)>>
<<set _janaCurseAuthReq = 30 - (_thisqstage-501)>>*/
<<set _tmess = "Have faith in God. And trust me.">>
<<set _amess = "I'm trained by the Vatican. Satan will not fool me.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say julia "I will have faith in God's benevolence, then. I want this nightmare to be over.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say julia "I have to believe you are correct, then. I want this nightmare to be over.">>
<<d 1500>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say julia "No, I can't risk it. I will do my best to fight the curse.">>
<<s mc "I'm sad to hear it. You're on the path to damnation.">>
<<d 1500>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say julia "No, I can't risk it. I will do my best to fight the curse.">>
<<s mc "You're on the path to damnation!">>
<<trytbut '"Have faith in God."' "trust_janaCurseTrustReq center">>
<<tryabut "\"I'm trained by the Vatican.\"" "auth_janaCurseAuthReq center">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi 800-1300 45>>
<cc>You didn't succeed this time, but if you catch her defiling herself again,<br>she might be easier to convince.
<<qsub janacurse cursetry 490 "journal center">></cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "Then we shall get naked and start the ritual to anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s jana "I'm ashamed to be naked in front of you. I want to cover myself. Isn't it enough that I take your thing in my mouth?">>
<<s mc "I am a man of flesh and blood and the Holy Rod is governed by earthly physics, just like Jesus when he died on the cross, even though being the Son of God. A man needs to see a woman naked to release his seed.">>
<<s jana "I pray to God this will break the curse.">>
Sister Jana drops her habit on the ground and kneels down naked before you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 80>>
<cc>She takes your hard manhood in her hands, determined to get this over with.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 25>>
<cc>You can tell that Sister Jana is giving in to the curse as she pleasures you, finding excitement in the depraved act.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 920-2204 80>>
<<if $qqjanacurse>=1170>>
<<s mc "You should touch yourself to reach climax. This way I can attempt to eat the grave sins of Onan the curse has forced you to commit." center>>
Since you interrupted her before she could finish defiling herself, this gives you an opportunity.
<<s mc "You should touch yourself to finish what you started. This way I can attempt to eat the grave sins of Onan the curse has forced you to commit." center>>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 920-2211 78>>
<cc>Sister Jana doesn't say anything, but soon you notice that one of her hands is down between her legs. You do your best to channel her sins of Onan up to God.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div3 sss>></cc>
<<div div3>>
<<mi 920-2215 45>>
<cc>If must have been a big relief to Sister Jana to touch herself because it only takes a few moments before she reaches the pleasure peak. She lets out a repressed scream of ecstasy.</cc>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 75>>
<cc>When her sexual climax is over, the nun continues to pleasure you.
<<s mc "I'm ready to anoint you. Prepare to receive the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jana">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>Sister Jana complies silently as you sprinkle the Holy Seed over her open mouth.</cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 920-2404 70>>
<cc>She has accepted the promise of the holy rites as she slurps up all the fluid your erect male organ can pump out.</cc>
<<ev 2440>>
<<mi 920-2440 64>>
<cc>Still slobbering with your seed, you have to tell Sister Jana that the holy rites are over to make her let go. She must be desperate for this to lift the curse, and you can't blame her.
<<if setup.checkqStage("janacurse",600)>>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 "ev:1000 step:2500">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi m 35>>
<<s jana "I feel terrible, yet also hopeful. I want to forget all about this and the curse. For things to go back to normal.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't promise anything, but have faith. I will return tomorrow to check up on you.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 60>>
<cc>You finally convinced Sister Jana to be anointed and you attempted to eat all of her sins of Onan. Whether this will be enough to lift the satanic curse that is plaguing her remains to be seen.
<<qmess janacurse 600 center>></cc>
<<event 950>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 30>>
<<s mc "Sister Jana, did it work?">>
<<s jana "I thought it did. I was full of hope and prayed to God for hours. But I can still feel the burning desire to commit the sin of Onan.">>
<<s mc "I was afraid of this. I think the holy rites worked, but you have a committed a grave sin I can't channel away unless you repeat it with me.">>
<<s jana "But I did as you said. I defiled myself in front of you.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but you have also penetrated yourself with the holy cross. You committed the sin of fornication, and only by repeating the sin of fornication will you allow me to eat that sin.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame1 30 right>>
<<s jana "I used the cross to defile myself. It's the sin of Onan, not fornication.">>
<<s mc "Then why wasn't the curse lifted? No, in your mind you fornicated. You even said so yourself – you were giving yourself to Jesus. We know that Christ and the Holy Spirit can change the substance of the bread and wine in the Eucharist to that of the Body and Blood of Christ, by way of transubstantiation. I strongly doubt any such holy action took place in your case. Instead, you invited Satan to change the substance of the holy cross by way of a satanic version of transubstantiation. You were having sexual relations with an unholy anti-version of Christ.">>
<<s jana "What horrible things you are saying. Do you really think that's what happened?">>
<<s mc "I don't know. But given how strong this curse is, I wouldn't be surprised. That is why I must attempt to eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi shame2 30>>
<<s jana "I'm a virgin and shall so remain. I must ask that you leave if that's all the help you have left to offer me.">>
<<s mc "I will let you think about it. You can't continue like you're doing. Fornicating with what in essence is the Devil himself.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi jana3 35>>
<cc>Poor Sister Jana. She is still a slave to the curse.<br>She will likely continue her depraved acts of defiling herself unless you can convince her to fornicate with you as part of the holy rite of Sin Eating.
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>> /* to avoid mc spying on her right after asking how would anointing went */
<<qmess janacurse 700 center>></cc>
<<but Leave hgarden>>
<<event 966>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana5 30>>
<<s mc "Sister Jana, I wonder if you can help me. I'm looking for a way to strengthen someone's virility, to counteract impotence. I thought the medieval herbal could have some information about this, but I don't know where to start looking. Do you know?">>
<<s jana "I might. Why do you want this information?">>
<<s mc "It's related to the case, that's all I can say.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi jana7 40 right>>
/* Good idea to have different dialogue depending on if jana knows about holy rites or not. Alas, I had to scrap her not knowing because causing bugs, so janacurse will always be >= 300 */
<<if $qqjanacurse >= 300>>
<<s jana "Is this about you? What if you are having this issue because you're going against God with those rites?">>
<<s mc "On the contrary, this is happening because Satan is fighting back against my use of the holy rites.">>
<<s jana "Or God is.">>
<<s mc "I know you are questioning the holy rites, but I'm the priest the Vatican sent to get to the bottom of what's going on here. And I'm trying to cure your curse – while also keeping it a secret. It's in your interest to help me. Please, Sister Jana, can you?">>
<<s jana "Hmm... Let me think...">>
<<if setup.addedRelation("hjana1", 500, 200, "auth")>>
<<s mc "Don't question me, Sister Jana. I told you I will do my best to help you with your shameful curse while keeping it a secret from the other nuns. In return, you promised to do anything I say. Have you forgotten that?">>
<<s jana "I remember. Fine, let me think... Hmm...">>
<<s mc "I was sent here by the Vatican to get to the bottom of what's going on here. And I'm trying to cure your curse – while also keeping it a secret. You want to assist me in any way you can, not question me. So, can you help me?">>
<<s jana "Hmm... Let me think...">>
<<tbut "\"It's in your interest to help me.\"">>
<<abut "\"Don't question me.\"">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1>>
<<s jana "I have to say I find the request odd and it's making me a little uncomfortable. I don't see why you would want something like this for the investigation. We're all chaste here.">>
<<s mc " You are cursed with an uncontrollable lust, an extreme virility. I can't reveal the details, but I assure you the information I seek is important for my work here. It's all related to the case.">>
<<s jana "I see. Hmm... Let me think...">>
<<if setup.addedRelation("hjana1", 500, 200, "auth")>>
<<s mc "Don't question me, Sister Jana. I told you I will do my best to help you with your shameful curse while keeping it a secret from the other nuns. In return, you promised to do anything I say. Have you forgotten that?">>
<<s jana "I remember. Fine, let me think... Hmm...">>
<<s mc "I was sent here by the Vatican to get to the bottom of what's going on here. And I'm trying to cure your curse – while also keeping it a secret. You want to assist me in any way you can, not question me. So, can you help me?">>
<<s jana "Fine, let me think... Hmm...">>
<<tbut "\"I assure you this is about the case.\"">>
<<abut "\"Don't question me.\"">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi jana6 55>>
<<s jana "Yes, I remember seeing a recipe that could be of use. I don't recall it in detail, but l think it was written in the entry for long pepper.">>
<<if setup.addedRelation("hjana1", 966, 200, "auth")>>
<<s mc "Good. I will look for it.">>
<<s mc "Thank you.">>
<<q curseserpent 300>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch Sister Jana from a distance as she tends to the garden.
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2mouth" 38% right>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana looks around and then leaves behind the bushes.</p>
<p>You knew the curse would make her go back to committing the depraved sin of Onan.</p>
<<c "Sneak after her" hjana1>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 800-1000 48>>
It is as terrifying as ever to see how Sister Jana goes straight for desecrating the holy cross.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Watch" jdiv1 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mi 800-1002 47>>
<cc>You want to stop this sacrilege at once, but decide to wait. If you let Sister Jana continue her vile deed for some time, it could be easier to convince her to let you eat her sins of fornication.
<cc><<lbut "Continue to watch" jdiv2 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mi 920-1000 47>>
<cc>She is going at it like there is no tomorrow. You wonder if she is even attempting to fight the curse anymore.
<cc><<lbut "Continue to watch" jdiv3 "sss addLust10">></cc>
<<div jdiv3>>
<<mi 920-1004 80>>
<cc>You can no longer stand seeing the holy cross going in and out of her wet hole. Enough.
<<c "Confront Sister Jana">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 800-1100 40>>
<<s mc "In God's name, Sister Jana! We must put a stop to this.">>
<<s jana "Why can't you leave me alone, $fmc? Let me suffer the curse away from everyone else.">>
<<s mc "You're not away. You're in the garden of the house of the Lord. You are giving Satan a foothold in you. In this place. It affects us all.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 800-1300 50 right>>
<<s jana "But I can't fight it.">>
<<s mc "You know how you can fight it. Let me help you.">>
<<s jana "No. My virginity is sacred. As long as I hold on to that, Satan has not won over me.">>
<<s mc "Look at what you are doing! Satan is using you. He festers inside you, tainting this garden. He is already winning. You must realize this!">>
<<s jana "No, I must believe in what is good and sacred. God is testing me.">>
Sister Jana is still unreasonable. You can't take this offense to common sense any longer.
<<but "Demand to anoint her again" hjana1 "step:2000">>
<<c Leave>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<if setup.janaAnointAgain == 1>>
/* used to show diff images, but no big deal if this variable is gone because of save/load/history */
<<set setup.janaAnointAgain = 0>>
<<mi 920-2600 60>>
<<mi 800-600 35>>
<cc2>Anointing her and eating her sins of Onan is betting than nothing, but it won't lift her curse.</cc2>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">
<<if $qqjanacurse>=1170>>
Only by fornication with Sister Jana can you cleanse her of her sins of fornication. You must get it done.
You can't cleanse Sister Jana of her sins of fornication when she refuses to give up her virginity. You must find a way to change her mind.
<<qmess janacurse 800 center>></cc>
<<if $qqjanacurse >= 1000>>
<<qendversion janacurse version0.3.1>>
<<if $qqjanacurse>=1170>>
<<but "Leave" hjana1 "ev:1200 step:1190">>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 43 right>>
<l><<s mc "If you won't let me eat your sins of fornication, I demand that you at least let me anoint you again to weaken Satan's hold on you, if only temporary. You're putting us all at risk.">>
<<s jana "If that is what it takes for you to leave me alone, I will agree to it.">>
<<s mc "Then get naked and use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mi 920-2000 45 right>>
<<s jana "Is it really necessary to see me naked? I feel like you're giving in to temptations of your own. Using my mouth on you should be enough to stimulate you to finish.">>
<<s mc "You underestimate the work required of me to perform the holy rites. You are not the only one needing protection and being saved from Satan's grip.">>
<<s jana "How many of us are you doing this with? No, wait. I don't want to know. Novice Emma hinted there were others. This is like a nightmare. I pray you are being led by the Lord, not the Devil.">>
<<s mc "You must have faith in God.">>
<<s jana "That is all I have left.">>
Sister Jana drops her habit on the ground and kneels down naked before you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 "ev:920 step:2100">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi 920-2500 35>>
<<s jana "I can only pray that the anointing helped. Perhaps it will give me some relief from the curse at least.">>
<<s mc "I hope so too, but it won't free you of Satan's curse. Only the cleansing of your sins of fornication has a chance of doing that.">>
<<set setup.janaAnointAgain = 1>> /* used to show diff images, but no big deal if this variable is gone because of save/load/history */
<<but "Continue" hjana1 "step:1300">>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana5 30 right>>
<<s mc "I've had a breakthrough in the investigation of the lust curse. Novice Anika once experienced the curse, and that day she worked here in the herb garden with you. She told me that's the only day she has worked here. That can't be a coincidence.">>
<<s jana "Novice Anika? Yes, she helped out one day when I needed a hand. How odd. So something here is causing the curse, then?">>
<<s mc "Or you caused the lust curse to temporarily afflict Novice Anika. If you are tainted, being in your presence for several hours might be enough to affect others.">>
<<s jana "How do we find out the answer?">>
<<s mc "I will start by speaking to others that have worked with you to see if they have also felt the curse.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi jana7 30 right>>
<<s jana "I usually work here alone. This herb garden is small enough that I can manage it on my own most of the time. When I need help, I have a few sisters I turn to. Novice Anika was an exception.">>
<<s mc "I will need to speak to these sisters.">>
<<s jana "I can take you to them right now. They should all be working in the kitchen garden. Follow me, please, Father.">>
<<but "Follow Sister Jana to the kitchen garden" kgarden1 "ev:300">>
<<ev 500>> /* jump here from kgarden1 ev:300 */
<<mi jana5 30 right>>
<<s mc "None of them has felt the lust curse. But there is another connection here: None of them has been attacked. You and Novice Anika have.">>
<<s jana "That must mean something.">>
<<s mc "It could be just a coincidence – or it could be that something about the attacks makes the victims sensitive to the lust curse.">>
<<s jana "But why did Novice Anika feel the curse only when she worked here? Is it me or something in the herb garden?">>
<<s mc "I don't know. If it is something in the garden, you should feel it stronger out here. Do you? Does the lust get more intense when you are out here as opposed to inside?">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi jana7 30 right>>
<<s jana "Hmm... I feel it indoors too, but the lust is the lowest after getting up in the morning and before coming out here, then it slowly gets more intense. Then it can vary during the day, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker, but the change is slow and I can't say what may be the cause of it. Then the lust starts to decline in the evening when I'm back indoors. Yes, I can definitely say it is the most intense out here. That's why I've never defiled myself in my room. I can resist it then.">>
<<s mc "Good. We're getting somewhere. But it will be hard to find the source of the curse when it doesn't affect you instantly, but slowly during the course of the day. It could be anything out here. I will continue to investigate this. You can help me by being observant and trying to find some correlation between what you do and when the lust seems to increase.">>
<<s jana "I will, $fmc.">>
Sister Jana returns to her garden work.
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 800-600 30>>
<cc2 class="nomargin-bottom">You have had a breakthrough in the investigation of the lust curse, but you still don't know the source of the curse.</cc2>
<<q janacurse 1000 center>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("janacurse",800)>>
<<qendversion janacurse version0.3.1>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nchapel/nunconfessing 26>>
<c>Your findings suggest that the attacks make the victims susceptible to the lust curse when spending time in the herb garden. But you don't have enough evidence of this to be certain that this is the truth and the whole truth. You should keep taking confessions from the nuns to see what else you may learn.
<<q sexDrive 500 center>>
<<qendversion sexDrive version0.3.1>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 1150>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1 80>>
<c>As usual, the herb garden looks peaceful. Calm and quiet. Birds chirp in the distance. The sun shines brightly on a blue sky. Nothing that indicates danger.</c>
<<ev 120>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1evil 80>>
<c>But underneath the peaceful exterior, evil is festering, corrupting the garden of the Lord. In the dream, this became clear. A vision of things to come if you don't stop it from happening.</c>
<<ev 160>>
<<mi jana3 30>>
<c>The dream gave you the idea that the long pepper in Sister Jana's shed could be causing her lust curse, somehow triggering her body to re-experience the intense feelings of lust from when she was attacked by the lust demon.
<p>You want to investigate Sister Jana's shed with this in mind, but it must be done without her knowing about it. And what more suitable time to do it than when she goes behind the bushes, submitting to the very curse you may be about to find the cause of?</p>
<<c "Hide and wait">>
<<ev 200>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch Sister Jana from a distance as she tends to the garden.
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2mouth" 38% right>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana looks around and then leaves behind the bushes. She is submitting to the depraved temptations of the lust curse.</p>
<p>This is the moment you have been waiting for.</p>
<<c "Enter the garden shed">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 50 right>>
<l>You enter the shed and look around for the long pepper.
<p>Sister Jana keeps the various herbs in two locations: The harvested herbs are hung to dry on shelves along the walls and there they remain until needed. She also keeps a smaller amount of the herbs in sealed glass jars tagged with the name of each herb.</p>
<p>The herbs in the glass jars are trimmed and prepared for use, usually only keeping the most medicinally valuable parts, which, depending on the herb, can mean for instance only the berries or only the roots. When it comes to long pepper, Sister Jana keeps only the fruit, the "pepper", in the glass jar.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 45>>
Looking at the glass jar with long pepper, it is hermetically sealed, and you don't see how it could affect anyone in the shed.
<p>Then you look around for the untrimmed long pepper. You find it on a shelf that is placed high up, at about the same height as the top of the door. Of the herbs on the shelf, the long pepper is placed closest to the door.</p>
<p> Upon examining the long pepper, standing on your toes to get the full view, you notice that some of the long pepper sticks out through the wall.</p>
<p>You look outside, and yes, a wooden board has come loose, creating a hole in the wall just above the corner of the door, on the side that opens. Several stalks from the long pepper stick out of the hole.
<<ev 420>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 45 right>>
<l>The door opens outward, toward the garden, so every time someone opens the door to enter the shed, the door hits a few of the stalks of the long pepper sticking out, causing the dried long pepper inside to shake violently which in turn causes the fruit parts to give off a thin cloud of long pepper particles, barely noticeable unless you know to look for it.
<p> This "pepper dust" falls down right next to the door where Sister Jana has her table.</p>
<p>From the outside, the hole up on the wall is so out of sight when you enter the shed that Sister Jana probably hasn't noticed that the door hits the long pepper stalks sticking out from the hole. And she is too short to see the hole in the wall from the inside, as the shelf blocks the view unless you are tall enough. You had to stand on your toes to see the hole.</p>
<p>Suddenly everything makes sense. This must be what is causing Sister Jana's lust curse!</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii hgarden/longpepperevil 45 right>>
Every time Sister Jana enters the shed to work at her table, she is unknowingly sprayed with long pepper dust. This awakens the corrupting evil that Satan has planted in Sister Jana's body through the lust demon by way of the lust drug. This causes Sister Jana to re-experience the intense lust caused by the lust drug – which is made from long pepper.
<<ev 530>>
<<mi 800-600 43 right>>
As Sister Jana is exposed to more and more pepper dust during the day, the lust will keep growing until she can't stand it and goes behind the bushes.
<p>When the workday is over and Sister Jana leaves the garden, the lust slowly goes down, until everything starts over the next morning when she returns to work in the garden and is again exposed to pepper dust.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 800-1300 43 right>>
You think you have it. But you can't tell Sister Jana about your theory. Not yet anyway. If you tell her and you are correct, she would just fix the hole in the wall, ending the lust curse, and then there is no way you could make Sister Jana submit to the holy rites anymore. She distrusts them too much.
<p>While under the influence of the lust curse, Sister Jana has committed sins of fornication which must be cleansed by the holy rite of Sin Eating, but the only hold you have over Sister Jana to convince her of this, is the lust curse. Until you have eaten her sins of fornication, you must keep your discovery to yourself.</p>
<p>But you still want to prove that you are correct, that the long pepper in Sister Jana's shed is causing the lust curse. How do you prove it while keeping it a secret from Sister Jana?</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi jana3 35 right>>
Attaching that loose wooden board, fixing the hole in the wall, without telling Sister Jana, would stop the door from hitting the long pepper and thus stop the pepper dust, which should then stop the curse – if your theory is correct. But then, after verifying this with Sister Jana, you would have to open the hole in the wall again since you aren't done with Sister Jana yet. And later, once you have finally eaten Sister Jana's sins of fornication, you probably want to fix the hole once and for all, ending the curse.
<p>But that would be a lot of fiddling with that loose board, and Sister Jana might notice it, ruining everything. No, you should try to find another way to prove your theory that the long pepper in Sister Jana's shed is causing the lust curse.
<<q janacurse 1170>>
<<event 1170>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 1>>
You hide behind a corner and watch Sister Jana from a distance as she tends to the garden.
<<mii "hgarden/herb_garden" 45% "left gif noside">>
<<mii "hjana/jana2mouth" 38% right>>
<p>After some time, Sister Jana looks around and then leaves behind the bushes. You know what depraved sin she is about to commit.</p>
<<c "Sneak after her" hjana1>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 800-1000 48>>
It is as terrifying as ever to see how Sister Jana goes straight for desecrating the holy cross.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Watch" jdiv2 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mi 920-1000 47>>
<cc>You doubt she is even attempting to fight the curse anymore.
<<c "Continue to watch">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 920-1004 70>>
<cc><<addlust 10>>
You can no longer stand seeing the holy cross going in and out of the nun's wet hole.
<p>But this time, you won't confront Sister Jana and demand to anoint her. You have seen the desperate hope on her face when she receives the Holy Seed. You will not let her draw strength from that false hope any longer. Letting you eat her sins of fornication is the only thing that can save her.</p>
<<but "Leave" hgarden>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("janacurse",1300)>>
<<mi 600-100 36 right>>
<<s mc "Have you reconsidered? You must let me eat your sins of fornication, or I may be forced to report you to <<mms>> about your grave sinning behind the bushes.">>
<<s jana "I haven't changed my mind. To begin with, you must use a condom I will make from sheep intestines.">>
<<s mc "And I agree to it.">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 step:300>>
<<mi 600-100 30 right>>
<<s mc "I have seen all I need to see of the vile things you are doing to yourself behind the bushes. I'm putting an end to your grave sinning. This offense to everything holy cannot be allowed to continue, letting the evil grow stronger by the day to pose a threat to us all. You must let me eat your sins of fornication. I demand it.">>
<<s jana "I pray hard for guidance every day. If God wants me to give up my virginity, He would let me know.">>
<<s mc "The holy rite of Sin Eating will make you remain a virgin in the eyes of the Lord.">>
<<s jana "But how can I trust this when I don't trust the holy rites?">>
<<s mc "Trust me, and have faith in God. This is your only chance to atone for the repulsive things you have done. I don't want to say this, but if you keep refusing my help, I have to consider telling the Mother Superior about you. You are a danger to us all as long as you let evil fester in you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame2 30 right>>
<<s jana "No, you can't tell anyone. I'm so ashamed.">>
<<s mc "Then let me help you. The time has come. Stop resisting.">>
<<s jana "But what if I get pregnant? That would make everything even worse. A child born from a curse.">>
<<s mc "I will pull out and anoint you in the end.">>
<<s jana "That's no guarantee. There is still a risk that you may impregnate me. You can leak when you are inside me. I have read about this.">>
<<s mc "You have to have faith in God that that doesn't happen.">>
<<s jana "No. You must use protection if we are going to do this.">>
<<s mc "Out of the question. It's one thing that I pull out to anoint you, performing a holy rite, but we cannot try to prevent the Lord's purpose of sexual relations by stopping the seed like you're suggesting. That is like trying to prevent God's will.">>
<<ev 210>>
<<mi 600-100 36 right>>
<<s jana "Then what about a compromise? What if you used what they used in the old days, even the priests and monks sometimes in secret?... The intestine of an animal.
I read about it in an old document I studied once, before I became a nun. I could use the treated sheep
intestines they use to make sausages in town. That should work very well as a condom, I think.
But it would be less safe than a modern condom as it would break more easily and might not fit perfectly.">>
It's important that you get Sister Jana on board. You are prepared to accept her suggestion, though you dislike it.
<<s mc "Though contraceptives are immoral, I will make an exception and grant you this. I will use such a condom, if that is what it takes.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 600-100 34>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("janacurse",1300)>>
<<s jana "And then I want to use a herbal contraceptive. I know of one or two recipes that could help.">>
<<s jana "That's good, but I also want to use something myself to further reduce the risk of getting pregnant.
Since the sheep condom will not be very safe.">>
<<s mc "You mean something you would get from a doctor?">>
<<s jana "No. It wouldn't make sense for a nun to ask about birth control. I was thinking of a herbal contraceptive
that I can make myself. I know of one or two recipes that could help.">>
<<if $qqprocreation>=100>>
<<but "<<actQuest procreation>>" hjana1 step:700>>
<<c "Refuse birth control">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 600-100 30>>
<<s mc "No, that's asking too much. Trying to prevent impregnation is a sin. Only God should decide that.
It's enough that you will have me use a condom.">>
<<s jana "Then I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "Even if that may result in my revealing to the Mother Superior what you are doing behind the bushes?">>
<<s jana "Yes. I rather take the shame and leave this convent than get pregnant from a curse and show to the world that I've given up my virginity.">>
<<s mc "I have to think about this. I will give you another chance to see reason until I return. But this will be over soon, one way or another.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi shame2 30>>
<c>Sister Jana is starting to buckle, but granting her request that both of you use contraceptives is not something you can accept. Could you? You have to think about this.
<<qmess janacurse 1300>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 32>>
You ponder Sister Jana's request. The risk of accidentally impregnating one of the nuns is real, and lately, you have been reminded of this.
It's a worry. If you could find a way to give the nuns something that reduces the risk of pregnancy, but not completely removes it,
then it would still be up to God if it happens or not. And it would make you sleep better.
<<ev 720>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 40 right>>
But lately, you have been pushing the boundaries for what can be accepted, even for something as holy as fighting evil. There are limits to what God can allow, or He would be no better than Satan.
<p>You already plan to stop Sister Jana's lust curse without revealing to her how, and by using trickery – for the greater good, to make her see the truth in the holy rites. Now you also think of allowing contraceptives, an immoral act that challenges the will of the Lord.</p>
<p> You must be sure that you are still walking the path of light, leading to God.</p>
<<but "God is with you" hjana1 "step:1000 corr35 ttt20">><<c "You are not sure">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 600-100 40>>
<c>You hesitate. You are not sure God approves of what you are doing. You need to think, and pray for His guidance.
<<s mc "I have to think about this. I will return.">>
<<s jana "As you wish, $fmc.">>
<<q janacurse 1350>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 600-100 40>>
<<s mc "Sister Jana, you must let me eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<s jana "I have told you my conditions for going along with this. You have to use a sheep condom and I will use herbal contraceptives. Do you accept my conditions?">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 step:700>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 920-2000 35 right>>
<<addlust 100>>
When you think about eating Sister Jana's sins of fornication – thrusting your hard manhood into her tight slit – your lust becomes unbearable. Surely this must be a sign from God that He approves of your unorthodox methods of fighting evil? You must have faith in the Lord.
<<c "Accept her conditions">>
<<ev 1010>>
<<mi 600-100 37 right>>
<<s mc "A herbal contraceptive may be acceptable. Are the recipes from that medieval herbal in your library?">>
<<s jana "Yes. I don't remember them exactly, but if you agree to it, I could look them up.">>
<<s mc "What is it? Something you use down there?">>
<<s jana "Yes, one of the recipes was for inserting. A piece of cloth or similar was soaked with the herbal potion, if I recall correctly. The other contraceptive was for drinking afterward.">>
<<s mc "Putting a cloth inside you sounds too much like preventing the seed by a barrier. I have already agreed to a condom.
Hmm, but you might as well look it up while you're at it. Tell me where the recipes are in the herbal, and I'll look them up too.
I want to see what you want to use.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 600-100 34>>
<<s jana "Forgive me, $fmc, I don't want to offend you, but I don't feel comfortable sharing the recipes with you. I don't trust the so-called holy rites and your use of them. If I shared the recipes, it would feel like I'm giving you something that could give you a reason to abuse the holy rites. I'm already thinking of doing something I promised myself I would never do. Let me have the recipes to myself for my peace of mind.">>
You want those recipes. You need time to think.
<<s mc "I have to think about this. I'm not sure I will allow you to use any kind of birth control.">>
<<s jana "That is my condition for going along with what you want to do with me. I will await your decision.">>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jana">><<but "Leave" hjana1 step:1200>>
<<ev 1150>>
<<mi shame2 35>>
Your intense lust should not go to waste.
<<s mc "Then I will anoint you now instead, strengthening your protection against further corruption by the Devil. This is not a request.">>
<<s jana "Do it, then, Father.">>
<<s mc "You know what to do.">>
<<set $watchedJanaToday=1>> /* to not show "hide and wait" after this since jana has already cum */
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 1160>>
<<mi 920-2000 42>>
Without further ado, Sister Jana gets naked and kneels down before you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 "ev:920 step:2100">>
<<ev 1190>>
<<mi 600-100 30>>
<c>After getting dressed, you leave Sister Jana, picking up your train of thought from before you anointed her.
<p>You were coming to an agreement where Sister Jana would let you eat her sins of fornications. Then she mentioned some recipes for the herbal contraceptives she wants to use...</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi jana3 30>>
<c>You are prepared to use a sheep condom and to allow Sister Jana to use herbal contraceptives,
but you want those recipes, as they may be of use to you. Come to think of it, getting your hands on the recipes could be part of the reason why the Lord approves of your act of trickery to make Sister Jana accept the holy rites.
<p>So, before agreeing to Sister Jana's request,
you want to consider what to do next, or your chance to get your hands on the recipes may be lost.
<<q janacurse 1400>></p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii lab/herbalPages 50 pnggg>>
Sister Jana won't tell you where in the medieval herbal the recipes are, and you don't have time to spend hours looking through the many pages of the herbal trying to find them. You have to come up with another way to learn the recipes, as they could be your solution to avoid making anyone pregnant. If Ludolphus has stronger versions of the herbal contraceptives, even better.
<<q procreation 200>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 30>>
<<s mc "I have thought about it, and I will allow you to use a herbal contraceptive. I'm not sure if I'm okay with you
putting something inside yourself that could block the seed, as I've already agreed to a sheep condom. If the seed manages to escape the condom, then surely
that is God's wish. But, we can talk about that when the time comes.
Prepare whatever herbal contraceptives you had in mind.">>
<<s jana "I don't want to do this, but I don't know what else to do. Return in a few days. I should have it all ready by then, including the sheep condoms. I will make several of them, just in case.">>
<<q janacurse 1500>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi jana3 30>>
<c>Now you hope that Sister Jana will go to the library to look up the herbal recipes and that Novice Francia does what you told her. You will have to visit Novice Francia tomorrow to find out.
<<q procreation 400>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 40>>
<c><<s mc "The time has come. Are you ready with the herbal contraceptive and the sheep condom?">>
<<s jana "Yes, Father. If we must do this, let's get on with it. But even with the sheep condom, you can't finish inside of me, you must withdraw. And I want to use both contraceptives. The potion to drink and the one to pour on a cloth to put inside me.">>
<<s mc "Hmm...">>
<<c "Think about her request">>
<<ev 200>>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 36 right>>
<<mii nuns/misc/standing 35 "right">>
You know that Sister Jana is affected by Ludolphus' <<contraceptionStrength>> potion of contraception that you had Novice Emma secretly add to the soup for supper.
<<if $pregnancy>>
Drinking the potion of contraception from the herbal would likely not have any additional effect.
<p>The one thing of concern is the cloth Sister Jana wants to put inside her. With all the other contraceptives you will use, including pulling out at the end, the risk of impregnating Sister Jana will already be practically non-existent, but it's a matter of principle to not use another barrier to prevent the seed from reaching the egg. It is immoral.
Because of this, the risk of impregnating Sister Jana is already virtually non-existent, but you are still concerned about the cloth Sister Jana wants to put inside her. You have already agreed to use a sheep condom. It's a matter of principle to not add another barrier to prevent the seed from reaching the egg. It is immoral.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 600-100 40 right>>
<l>It comes down to a choice of principle or mercy – forbidding Sister Jana to put the cloth inside her versus granting her request.
<p>If you allow her to put the cloth inside her, you have to watch her do it to make sure she doesn't try to sneak something else in, such as a contraceptive device from the doctor. If you refuse Sister Jana's request, you must inspect her hole to make sure she hasn't already inserted something.</p>
<<say mc "Though I don't like it, I will allow both of them if it makes you feel safer. But I have to see you put the cloth inside you, to make sure it is what we agreed upon.">>
<<say jana "As you wish, Father. You will see me naked anyway, I can't degrade myself much more.">>
<<s mc "I cannot grant your request. A cloth would act like a barrier, stopping the seed. I've already made an exception by agreeing to use the condom. You will have to do with the potion you drink. Furthermore, I will have to inspect you down there before we start, to make sure you haven't already inserted something.">>
<<s jana "Fine. I feel sick at the thought, but with the depraved things I will let you do to me afterward, I might as well go along with it. Just get it over with.">>
<<tbut "Allow her to use the cloth">>
<<abut "Forbid her to use the cloth">>
<<but "Go behind the bushes" hjana1>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 920-2000 45 right>>
<l>You follow Sister Jana behind the bushes. You don't even have to ask her to undress. She has accepted what is about to happen. Soon she stands naked before you.
<<addlust 40>>
<<set _step300 = setup.getEvent("hjana1",1400).steps[300].addedRelation>>
<<if _step300 == "trust">>
<<s mc "Good. Now you may insert the cloth, but keep your legs spread so I can see what you are doing.">>
Sister Jana sighs, but she does as you ask.
<<s mc "Good. Now I must inspect your hole. Spread your legs and the lips.">>
<<s jana "This is perverse...">>
But she does as you ask.
<<but "Inspect her hole" hjana1 step:1000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 46 right>>
Sister Jana spreads her legs, then reaches for an inside pocket in her habit and retrieves a small bundle of cloth and a small glass vial. She opens the vial and pours the contents onto the cloth.
<<s mc "Wait. Before you do anything else, spread your lips wide down there. I must check that you haven't already inserted anything.">>
<<c "Inspect her hole">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1400-1000 95>>
<c>You inspect her hole. It's hard to see from this angle, but it will have to do.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "Looks good. You can proceed. But keep your legs spread so I can see.">>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi m 83>>
You watch as Sister Jana inserts the wet piece of cloth inside her hole, then uses her finger to push it all the way in. That will be a barrier preventing the seed from entering her womb, but you don't plan to release your seed inside her anyway, so you can accept it this time.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<but "Tell Sister Jana you are satisfied" hjana1 step:1500>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 89>>
<c>You inspect her hole. But it's hard to see.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "I need a better view. Stand up and turn around, then bend forward and spread your lips.">>
Sister Jana looks disgusted, but she says nothing and stands up.
<<c "Inspect her hole">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 45>>
<cc>That's better. You see nothing suspicious. But you must be sure.
<<c "Look even closer">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 86>>
<c>You look closely until you are convinced she isn't hiding anything in there to stop any seed that, by God's will, might leak during the act.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<c "Tell Sister Jana you are satisfied">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi 920-2500 45 right>>
<l><<s jana "Do your dirty deed, then.">>
<<s mc "This will be a holy rite. You should revere what we are about to do, for this will cleanse you of the perverse sins of fornication you have inflicted upon yourself.">>
<<s jana "Just get it done, please, $fmc. I want this nightmare to be over. Here, use this condom.">>
You look at the condom, made from a sheep intestine apparently. It's transparent and tied together at the top. It looks pretty much like a modern condom, from what you know of them, but not as straight.
<<ev 1550>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<l>Sister Jana removes the last of her clothing while she waits for you to get ready.
<<s mc "You should get in the mood while I put it on. Touch yourself. You should reach climax during the act. The more lustful sins you repeat, the more of them I can eat.">>
<<c "Put on the sheep condom">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi m 66>>
Sister Jana lies down on her back. Hesitantly, she slowly touches her slit while waiting for you to put on the condom.
<p>When you are done, you lie down beside her. She spreads her legs for you.
<<s jana "Get this depraved thing over with quickly.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>The sheep condom fits remarkably well. Sister Jana has done a good job of making it elastic, hugging your hard manhood tightly. The tied knot at the top is a bit clunky, revealing that the condom is homemade, but other than that, it feels very professionally made.
<<c "Penetrate Sister Jana's tight slit">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv fuck10 70 pause2>>
<c>At last, the moment is here. You are inside Sister Jana. Even with the sheep condom making your manhood less sensitive, you can tell you won't be able to hold back the Holy Seed for long. You will have to fornicate again with Sister Jana another day, and maybe try out different positions, to eat more of her sins.</c>
<<ev 2120>>
<<mi fuck11 70>>
<c>But before you let your seed come, you want Sister Jana to reach orgasm. If she climaxes with you inside of her, it could make her feel closer to you – like a wife enjoying the marital bed with her husband, making her easier to handle going forward.</c>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Jana">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv fuck20 70>>
<cc><<cs mc "Do your best to climax.">>
You take it slow to give Sister Jana a chance to reach orgasm before you do.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv fuck40 70>>
<c>Sister Jana keeps touching herself. From her moans of pleasure, you can hear that the curse is making her in heat, intense lust filling her nether regions.</c>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mv fuck50 69>>
<cc>You are already close to orgasm. But so is Sister Jana.<br>If you can just hold out just a little longer...</cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv fuckjanatouch 65 volume1.5>>
<c>But a moment later, you have to slow down to prevent the seed from coming too soon.
<<s jana "No, don't stop! I'm almost there.">>
Sister Jana touches herself frenetically, consumed with lust.
<<s mc "I must take a short break. Keep touching yourself.">>
<<c "Start thrusting again">>
<<ev 2440>>
<<mv fuck50 69>>
<c>You continue to move your hard manhood in and out of Sister Jana. You can tell that she is about to reach orgasm any moment now. You can't last much longer. Time to finish this. First Sister Jana...</c>
<<c "Pound her wet hole deep and hard">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv fuckjanacum 65 volume1.5>>
<cc>You pound her hard, and soon after, Sister Jana finally reaches orgasm.
<p>Your seed is ready.</p>
<<c "Pull out and prepare to anoint her">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv fuckpullout 64 "pause1 volume1.5">>
<c>You pull out from Sister Jana. Quickly removing the sheep condom, you kneel at Sister Jana's head, your throbbing manhood ready to burst from your seed.</c>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jana">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 920-2400 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>Sister Jana receives your load on her outstretched tongue,<br>again accepting the promise of the Holy Seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 920-2404 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>You let Sister Jana slurp up all of the fluid your male organ can pump out.
<p>This should be a lasting memory for Sister Jana – imprinting the truth of the holy rites in her mind – when she later realizes that the lust curse has been lifted.</p></cc>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi 920-2600 65>>
You have fornicated with Sister Jana, eating some of her many grave sins of lust. You will have to repeat this with her soon, but for now, you have more important business to take care of: the lust curse.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi 920-2500 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "I have done what I can this time. Now you should leave this garden of God for today and stay in your room, praying for the Lord's forgiveness for your lustful sins and for the evil to leave this place along with the lust curse. Have faith.">>
<<s jana "I will throw myself at the mercy of the Lord to save me. That is the only hope I have left.">>
Sister Jana gets dressed and leaves.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1 80>>
<c>You return to the herb garden. In the distance, you see Sister Jana leaving, going toward the main building of the monastery. You are all alone. Excellent. Now you can take care of that lust curse, once and for all, without anyone seeing you.
<<c "Go to the garden shed">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 50>>
<c>You enter the shed and take down all the long pepper from that high shelf, including the stalks that stick out through the hole in the wall.
<p>Sister Jana keeps tools in the shed for lighter constructions and repairs. You take a hammer and a couple of nails and get to work on that loose board, closing the hole.</p>
<<ev 4230>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 45 right>>
When you are done nailing down the board, you put back the long pepper on the shelf. With no more long pepper stalks getting hit by the door when you enter the shed, it means no more long pepper dust falling down on the people inside.
<p>Then you sweep the floor close to the entrance, getting rid of all the long pepper dust. You bury the dust in one of the herb patches outside. As a final precaution to avoid detection, you take a bunch of other dry herbs and shake them around the area you swept, making it look about as dusty as before. Then you leave the shed, satisfied that you have done all you can to avoid Sister Jana noticing anything strange.</p>
<p>This should be the end of the lust curse.</p>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1 80>>
<c>You should visit Sister Jana in the herb garden tomorrow to verify that she is no longer affected by the lust curse.
<<q janacurse 2000>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi fucksuccess 68>>
<c>You have successfully fornicated with Sister Jana while giving her an orgasm. This has asserted your authority as well as made her feel closer to you.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana8 45 right>>
<<s jana "Oh, $fmc, it's the most wonderful thing. The curse is gone. I haven't felt it since I woke up this morning.">>
<<s mc "I'm glad to hear it. Do you trust me and the holy rites now? Or do you still think this could be the work of Satan?">>
<<s jana "No, Father. I have been forced to accept the truth of the holy rites. I find it hard to fathom, but I have faith now that God has saved me and I have you to thank for it.">>
<<s mc "Only doing my duty, Sister Jana, serving our Lord. But you must be aware that the danger may not be over for your soul.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi jana6 50>>
<<s jana "But I feel cleansed and free of the curse.">>
<<s mc "That may be so, but given how much you have defiled yourself behind the bushes, we must be sure that all of your grave sins of lust have been cleansed, or evil will remain in you and in the garden, and the lust curse may return.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi shame2 30>>
<<s jana "If you say so, Father. Can we speak more about this later? I don't want to ruin my good mood.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. But I ask that you do me a favor. Go to Novice Emma and tell her what happened, how I cured your lust curse by fornicating with you and eating your sins. She is helping me spread the word of the holy rites and she should know that she is doing the Lord's work.">>
<<s jana "Fine, I will tell her.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<cc style="color:#b9e; font-size:150%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Curse removed:<<actQuest janacurse noItalics>></b></cc>
<<mi 800-600 32>>
You found the source of the lust curse in the herb garden and were able to break the curse, further increasing your standing with Sister Jana.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<q janacurse 3000>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi jana3 38>>
<c>Sister Jana has, with some reluctance, accepted the truth of the holy rites. She doesn't seem eager to submit to them again, but you must make sure she is fully cleansed of her grave sins of lust.
<p>You should fornicate with Sister Jana again soon.
<<qstart janafornicate 100>></p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 40>>
<<s mc "The lust curse may be gone, but the Devil's presence is still strong here at the monastery. He may target you again, trying to restore the hold he had on you. You must let me anoint you to strengthen your protection against evil.">>
<<s jana "As you wish. I will crawl in the dirt once again, hoping for redemption.">>
<<s mc "You know what to do...">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 920-2000 45 right>>
You watch as Sister Jana drops her habit on the ground and kneels down naked before you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 920-2100 80>>
<cc>She takes your hard manhood in her hands, determined to get this over with.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 920-2200 25>>
<cc>No longer affected by the lust curse, Sister Jana is less enthusiastic, finding little excitement in the depraved act.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 920-2204 80>>
Sister Jana is not touching herself, and you don't encourage her to. If you want to eat her sins, fornication with her is the better option. Right now, Sister Jana should concentrate on bringing forth the Holy Seed.
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 920-2211 78>>
<cc>Sister Jana doesn't say anything, focusing on pleasuring you to get this over with.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div3 sss>></cc>
<<div div3>>
<<mi 920-2215 45>>
<cc>For a moment, Sister Jana pauses and seems to revere the Holy Rod. It could be your imagination. Maybe she just needs a break.</cc>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 920-2300 75>>
<cc>When Sister Jana continues to pleasure you with her mouth, it doesn't take long before the seed is ready for release.
<<s mc "I'm ready to anoint you. Prepare to receive the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jana">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 920-2400 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>Sister Jana receives the Holy Seed in her open mouth.</cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 920-2404 70>>
<cc>Once again, Sister Jana has accepted the promise of the holy rites as she slurps up all the fluid your erect male organ can pump out.</cc>
<<ev 2440>>
<<mi 920-2440 64>>
<cc>You let Sister Jana slobber with your seed for a while, even though the holy rite is technically over.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi 920-2500 35>>
<<s mc "That should protect you for a while, but we must not let down our guard with you. Evil has festered in you once, and that makes you susceptible to further corruption.">>
<<s jana "I will do what you think is necessary to protect myself.">>
<<s mc "Good. I will return.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi 920-2600 60>>
<cc>Sister Jana will not give you any more problems when you want to anoint her. But you must also fornicate with her to eat her sins.
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "We should fornicate again that I may cleanse you of any sins of fornication still remaining in you.">>
<<s jana "Can we not wait until we see a sign that I may not be fully cleansed? My lust is back to normal. I feel no urge to defile myself again.">>
<<s mc "If you feel the urge again, it may already be too late. If you allow the curse to come back due to your conscious negligence, that would be a grave sin in itself.">>
<<s jana "I will offer myself to you, then, as my penance for my wicked sins. Do what you have to do with me. Here, use this sheep condom.">>
Sister Jana starts undressing.
<<but "Tell Sister Jana to undress slowly" hjana1 step:200>><<but "Say nothing" hjana1 step:1000>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "Undress slowly. Watching you will help the Holy Rod get ready for the holy rite.">>
<<s jana "Do you not find this whole thing perverse?">>
<<s mc "Yes, but it is how we fight back against the Evil One. It has to be done.">>
You get naked and watch Sister Jana slowly undress. Your male organ quickly grows.
<<addlust 40>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<l><<br>>You slowly stroke your manhood while staring at her naked breasts. Sister Jana looks disgusted, but she refrains from commenting and continues to slowly undress.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<l>When Sister Jana removes her panties, you take the sheep condom and wear it on your fully erect male organ.
<<addlust 20>>
<<s mc "You could touch yourself to get in the mood. You should try to climax during the act, that I may eat more of your sins of lust.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s jana "This is so depraved...">>
<<addlust 100>>
With Sister Jana naked, and the sheep condom tightly fit around your stiff member, you are ready to perform the holy rites.
<<but "Continue" hjana1 step:1050>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 920-2000 43 right>>
<l>You watch Sister Jana quickly undress.
<<addlust 100>>
You take the sheep condom and wear it on your now fully erect manhood. You are ready to perform the holy rites.
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi 1400-500 45 right>>
Then you see Sister Jana reaching for something in a pocket inside her habit. You understand that it is a piece of cloth that she is meaning to insert as a contraceptive device between her legs.
<p>Sister Jana looks at you for your approval, and perhaps you want to inspect her hole.</p>
<<but "Tell her your decision" hjana1 step:1100>>
<<but "Just let her do it" hjana1 step:1450>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 920-2500 45 right>>
<l>With all the ways you are already preventing your seed from impregnating Sister Jana, allowing her to use the contraceptive cloth won't make a difference. But adding another barrier to prevent your seed from reaching her egg is still immoral. It comes down to a choice of principle or mercy – forbidding Sister Jana to put the cloth inside her versus granting her request.
<p>If you allow her to put the cloth inside her, you have to watch her do it to make sure she doesn't try to sneak something else in. If you refuse Sister Jana's request, you must inspect her hole to make sure she hasn't already inserted something.</p>
<<but "Allow her to use the cloth" hjana1 "step:1120 doplay:temp=allow">>
<<but "Forbid her to use the cloth" hjana1 "step:1120 doplay:temp=forbid">>
<<ev 1120>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<if $temp=="allow">>
<<say mc "Fine. I will allow the cloth if it makes you feel safer. But I have to see you put it, to make sure you are not trying anything else. I can't take any risks.">>
<<say jana "As you wish, Father. I can't degrade myself much more.">>
<<s mc "Then you may insert the cloth now, but keep your legs spread so I can see what you are doing.">>
Sister Jana sighs, but she does as you ask.
<<s mc "You will have to do with the potion you drink. Furthermore, I will have to inspect you down there before we start, to make sure you haven't already inserted something.">>
<<s jana "Fine. Just get it over with.">>
<<s mc "Then I will inspect your hole. Spread your legs and the lips.">>
<<s jana "This is perverse...">>
But she does as you ask.
<<but "Inspect her hole" hjana1 step:1300>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 1400-500 46 right>>
With her legs spread, Sister Jana retrieves a small bundle of cloth and a small glass vial from her habit. She opens the vial and pours the contents onto the cloth.
<<s mc "Wait. Before you do anything else, spread your lips wide down there. I must check that you haven't already inserted anything.">>
<<c "Inspect her hole">>
<<ev 1220>>
<<mi 1400-1000 95>>
<c>While inspecting her slit, you stroke your manhood to keep it stiff.
<p>It's hard to see Sister Jana's hole from this angle, but it will have to do.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "Looks good. You can proceed. And keep your legs spread.">></p>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mi 1400-700 83>>
You watch as Sister Jana inserts the wet piece of cloth inside her hole, then uses her finger to push it all the way in.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<but "Tell Sister Jana you are satisfied" hjana1 step:1500>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 1400-1000 89>>
<c>While inspecting her slit, you stroke your manhood to keep it stiff.
<<addlust 30>>
<p>It's hard to see Sister Jana's hole from this angle.
<<s mc "I need a better view. Stand up and turn around, then bend forward and spread your lips.">>
Sister Jana looks disgusted, but she says nothing and stands up.</p>
<<c "Inspect her hole">>
<<ev 1320>>
<<mi 1400-1100 45>>
<cc>That's better. You see nothing suspicious. But you must be sure.
<<c "Look even closer">>
<<ev 1340>>
<<mi 1400-1200 86>>
<c>You look closely until you are convinced she isn't hiding anything in there to stop any seed that, by God's will, might leak during the act.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<but "Tell Sister Jana you are satisfied" hjana1 step:1500>>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mi 1400-700 80>>
<c>Nodding at her to let her do what she wants, you watch as Sister Jana retrieves a small bundle of cloth and a small glass vial from her habit. She opens the vial and pours the contents onto the cloth. Then she inserts the wet cloth into her slit, pushing it deep inside with her finger.
<<s jana "I'm ready, Father.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi 1400-1550 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "You should be completely naked when we fornicate.">>
You stroke your male organ to keep it stiff while you wait for Sister Jana to remove the last of her clothing. Soon she stands nude before you.
<<but "Tell Sister Jana to lie down" hjana1 step:1600>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi 1400-1600 66>>
Sister Jana lies down on her back. You remind her that it's good if she touches herself because you can then eat those sins. Touching herself will also help her reach climax, which is good for the same reason.
<p>You lie down beside Sister Jana, and she spreads her legs for you.
<<s jana "Just get it done, Father...">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 1400-2000 70>>
<<set $temp = "start">>
<c>You get ready to penetrate Sister Jana. The sheep condom again fits very well. The tied knot at the top is a bit clunky, but it doesn't much affect your performance during the act.
<<c "Penetrate Sister Jana's slit">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv fuck10 70 pause2>>
<<if $qqjanafornicate < 200>>
<c>Even with the sheep condom making your manhood less sensitive, it feels very good to enter Sister Jana's tight hole.
<p>You feel that you should be able to last a while this time. You could try out different positions, to eat more of her lustful sins.</p></c>
Sister Jana lies still as you insert your male organ into her waiting slit.
<<s jana "Please hurry, Father.">>
<<s mc "Make the best of it and touch yourself. Every climax of yours is a sin I can eat.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Jana">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv fuck20 70>>
<<if $qqjanafornicate < 200>>
You take it slow at first, just enjoying the feeling.
You take it slow, just enjoying the feeling.
<</if>><br>There is no shame in enjoying doing God's work.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv fuck40 70>>
<c>Sister Jana keeps touching herself, apparently listening to your advice to try to reach climax.</c>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mv fuck50 69>>
<<if $qqjanafornicate < 200>>
Sister Jana is already closing in on an orgasm.
Sister Jana is closing in on an orgasm.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv fuckjanatouch 65 volume1.5>>
<c>Soon after, she climaxes. You pleasure Sister Jana with your massive rod inside her wet hole while she touches herself frenetically, consumed with lust.
<<ev 2450>>
<<mv fuck60 70>>
<c>You take it slow to let Sister Jana catch her breath.
<p>You enjoy Sister Jana's body, grabbing her naked breasts that no man has touched before you. You are fornicating with Sister Jana to fight evil, but the Lord is also rewarding you for your faithful service to Him.</p>
<<c "Pick up the speed again">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv fuckjanacum 65 volume1.5>>
<cc>You are not done eating Sister Jana's sins of fornication. You pound her hard and fast.
<<if $temp == "done">>
<p>You could go for the finish, preparing to release your seed, or you could try another position.</p>
<<qset janafornicate 200>> /* This will change the text in this event from now on, both from here and in previous steps in this event when replaying it later, removing the "first time" text and replace it with text more suitable for repeating */
<<c "Do her from behind">>
<<if $temp=="done">>
<<but "Lie down on the trunk" hjana1 step:3200>>
<<but "Go for the finish" hjana1 step:4000>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv fuckdoggy10 70 pause1>>
<c>You tell her to stand up and bend over.
<<s jana "Aren't you done soon?">>
<<s mc "Yes. It shouldn't take much longer. But don't be shy about touching yourself. It would be a bonus if you climax again.">>
She says nothing, but Sister Jana's hand moves down between her legs as you push your erect member into her waiting hole.
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv fuckdoggy20 70 volume1>>
<cc>Her tight hole feels so good.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv fuckdoggy60 68 volume1.5>>
<cc>You do Sister Jana like a dog.<br>It's perverse, which is a positive thing when eating her perverse sins of lust.</cc>
<<but "Lie down on the trunk" hjana1 step:3200>>
<<if $temp=="done">>
<<but "Lie down on the ground" hjana1 step:2100>>
<<but "Go for the finish" hjana1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv fucktrunk11 50 volume1.5>>
<c>Doing it in the missionary position somehow feels wholesome. But it could just be the name, evoking the vision of good Catholics having sexual relations in the marital bed.</c>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv fucktrunk21 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>Whatever it is, you feel closer to Sister Jana this way,<br>positioned between her spread legs, face to face.</cc>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv fucktrunk30 70 speed0.5>>
How exhilarating it can be when a beautiful girl spreads her legs for you, and you penetrate her tight slit with your hard manhood. You slow down and enjoy the feeling.
<<s jana "Is there a problem?">>
<<s mc "No, I'm just focusing on the holy rite.">>
<<c "Penetrate her slow and deep">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv fucktrunk40 80 volume1.5>>
<c>You feel an urge to release your seed between her legs, deep inside her wet hole. But even with a condom on, you don't want to risk upsetting Sister Jana.
<<set $temp="done">>
<<but "Lie down on the ground" hjana1 step:2100>>
<<but "Do her from behind" hjana1 step:2600>>
<<but "Go for the finish" hjana1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv fuckprecum 73 volume1.5>>
<cc>You thrust your erect member into Sister Jana's wet slit, going for the final push.</cc>
<<c "Pull out and anoint her">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv fuckpullout 64 "pause1 volume1.5">>
<c>You pull out from Sister Jana. Quickly removing the sheep condom, you kneel at Sister Jana's head, your swollen manhood ready to burst from your seed.</c>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jana">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv 920-2400 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>Sister Jana receives your load on her outstretched tongue,<br>accepting the promise of the Holy Seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 920-2404 70 volume1.5>>
<cc>You let Sister Jana slurp up all of the fluid your male organ can pump out, hoping this will imprint the truth of the holy rites in her mind.</cc>
<<c "End the holy rites">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 920-2500 45 right>>
<<s mc "I ate as many of your grave sins of lust as I could. I doubt I got them all. If needed, I will have to repeat this. We can't risk allowing Satan to infest you or this garden again.">>
<<s jana "I will do what is required of me to undo what I have done, defiling myself, but I hope you're not taking advantage of my situation for your own carnal pleasure.">>
<<s mc "I will disregard that last part because I understand the terrible position you are in, having to partake in perverse acts to make up for your grave sinning. Do your part and have faith in the Lord, Sister, and one day you will be forgiven and free of sin again.">>
<<s jana "I pray for that day.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("janamarry")>>
/* v11 fixed story inconsistency*/
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi fucksuccess 60>>
<c>In time, you might want to push things further with Sister Jana to cleanse her of her lustful sins, but for now, you have other things that demand your attention more. You are content to be able to anoint and fornicate with Sister Jana when you think it's needed.
<<qend janafornicate 3000>>
<<c "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1780>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana3 30>>
<c><<s mc "I would like you to tell Sister Dana how I removed the lust curse from you. It is important that she accepts that the holy rites are of God. But just like you did, Sister Dana has doubts about the holy rites. Now you must bear witness, to help spread the truth of the holy rites to those ready to receive it. To do your part in the fight against Satan.">>
<<s jana "I will do what you want.">>
Not showing any enthusiasm, Sister Jana has nevertheless been forced to accept the truth of the holy rites, and she can't deny others the same truth. This confirms that you can count on Sister Jana's support going forward.
<<q viviendana 160>>
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1 70>>
<c>From a distance, you keep an eye on Sister Jana in the herb garden when it's getting close to supper. After supper, it will be too dark to work in the herb garden without a light source.</c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi jana2 40 right>>
<l>You see Sister Jana putting things away in the shed, then she leaves the herb garden. Her workday is over.
<p>Now you have to hurry to make the cuts in the poppies. You don't want to draw attention to yourself by being late for supper.</p>
<<c "Go to the poppies">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii hgarden/poppies 70>>
<c>As instructed in Ludolphus' recipe, you look for poppies that have immature seed pods.
<p>There are many of them.</p>
<<ev 350>>
<<mii lab/opium 24 pnggg>>
<c>Being experienced with extracting latex, you have no problems making the cuts in the seed pods. To make the cuts harder to detect, you choose a few pods that are hard to see in the middle of the poppy patch.
<p>Now you have to return early tomorrow to collect the dried latex.
<<q rileyThreesome 300>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1 70>>
<cc>Supper should be served any minute now. You don't want to be late.
<<but "Go to the refectory and eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana2 40>>
<cc>While keeping an eye on Sister Jana from a distance, you wait for the chapel bell to toll.</cc>
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel_outside 40>>
<cc>Eventually, the bell tolls and Sister Jana leaves for the chapel to pray.</cc>
<<c "Enter the shed">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>Once inside the shed, you first look for the glass jars.
<p>You find a number of empty pre-labeled glass jars meant to be filled with anti-rash salve, looking just like the jar in Sister Roberta's room.</p>
<p>You strongly doubt Sister Jana keeps track of every single one of the empty jars, so you take one of them to use for your lust salve.</p>
<p>Next, you get Sister Jana's recipe book and look up the recipe for the anti-rash salve. You write down the recipe in your notebook.</p>
<p>You have everything you need to make the lust salve in your laboratory.
<<q revelationroberta 400>>
<<event 2000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi jana3 32>>
<c>Sister Jana has shown skepticism toward you and the holy rites, but now that has to stop. She has to do her part at the Revelation.
<p>Because of her skepticism, Sister Jana doesn't even know about the Holy Marriage rite – you have kept the knowledge from her. But she doesn't need to know. Not before the Revelation.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi fuck11 66>>
<c>You have yet to penetrate Sister Jana's slit without using a condom – a sinful contraception. Once you are the patriarch, you will have to reconsider your lax attitude toward Sister Jana where you grant her her sinful wishes to placate her.
<p>But first, you have to become the patriarch. And you need Sister Jana's help to get there.</p>
<<c "Approach Sister Jana">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 600-100 40>>
You tell Sister Jana of your plans for the Revelation, including your plans to become the leader of the nuns.
<<s mc "We need to all come together against Satan. You have to tell the other sisters how I removed the lust curse from you. You must show support for me and the holy rites, not skepticism and doubt. If you don't agree to this, I have to tell them about the lust curse myself, because everyone deserves to hear about God's light removing Satan's darkness. It would be sinful of you to deny them that.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi shame2 30 right>>
<<s jana "Alright. I will do it. I will tell them the truth. Everything.">>
<<s mc "You promise that you will support the holy rites and testify to the truth of them?">>
<<s jana "Yes, $fmc. I promise.">>
<<s mc "Do you also promise to vote for me to become your leader, to lead you in the holy war?">>
<<s jana "If Mother Magda doesn't object to it, yes, I promise I will vote for you.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I will see you at the Revelation, then.">>
<<qend revelationjana 1000>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<revsupport "Sister Jana" 350>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 2100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 40 right>>
<<s mc "Sister Jana, I want to marry you with the Holy Marriage rite.">>
<<s jana "Why?">>
<<s mc "Because you are beautiful and my flesh desires you. The Lord has given me strong lust to do important work here, but the lust can take away my focus from that important work if not managed.">>
<<s jana "If you want to lie with me, just say you want to eat my sins of fornication and get it over with.">>
<<s mc "No, I'm not talking about eating your sins. I believe Novice Emma has told you about the Holy Marriage rite.">>
<<s jana "Yes, but I don't like it. And I don't see the purpose of it with me when you can have your way with me by eating my sins.">>
<<s mc "The holy rite of Sin Eating takes concentration. I can't fully enjoy your flesh then. Not like when consummating a Holy Marriage. Speaking of which, neither of us would use a contraceptive during this act.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame1 35>>
<<s jana "No contraceptive? I like that even less. What's your reason for this, Father?">>
<<s mc "It would enhance my pleasure from the act, not to mention it would be especially sinful to use contraceptives when consummating a marriage.">>
<<s jana "But why take the risk of pregnancy?">>
<<s mc "You have declared your support for the holy rites. How do you explain that a nun would become pregnant from something holy, unless it was the will of the Lord?">>
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
It's a good thing Novice Anika's pregnancy is still a secret.
<<s jana "I don't know how to answer that.">>
Sister Jana sighs. It looks like she might be ready to be intimate with you without using contraceptives.
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 600-100 40>>
<<s jana "Why are you so insistent on doing this with me, Father? There are many pretty girls here, and I know you've been busy performing the holy rites with several of them. Including marrying them. Novice Emma hinted as much. Why can't eating my sins – using contraceptives – be enough for you?">>
<<but " \"I find you very attractive\"" hjana1 step:1000>><<but "\"You must do your part in supporting the war\"" hjana1 "fullWidth step:1500">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi jana3 40 right>>
<<s mc "I find you very attractive, Sister Jana. Ever since the day I got here, I was drawn to your beauty. Perhaps the Lord wanted me to get close to you, to help you with the lust curse. Be that as it may, the lust curse is gone, but my desire for you remains. And as I said, it takes away my focus from my important work.">>
<<s jana "If your desire for me is such a big problem for you, Father, I could accept to marry you, and then use my mouth on you, but nothing else.">>
<<s mc "I thank you for your offer, Sister Jana, but my desire is for your slit, as God intended for a man to be with a woman. We must marry and we will consummate the marriage.">>
<<but "Continue" hjana1 step:1800>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi shame1 35>>
<<s mc "You must do your part in supporting the war effort. You have much influence among the sisters, especially the young and attractive ones, and when they hear that you agreed to marry me, it will be easier for them to do the same.">>
<<s jana "You want to marry me to make it easier for you to marry them – to use their bodies for your pleasure...">>
<<s mc "It sounds bad when you put it like that, Sister Jana, but as I said, it's about focusing my attention where it's needed the most. The Lord has given me this strong lust to be able to perform the holy rites, but I can't choose whose bodies I desire and those desires take away my focus if not dealt with. Marrying you will help me deal with this.">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi 600-100 36>>
<<s jana "I have been forced to accept that the Lord is working through you, $fmc, but you are asking too much. I will politely decline to marry you. But if your desire to lie with me or another female becomes a problem, perhaps the Lord would understand if you – His holy warrior – took care of it yourself, alone, while thinking of said female. Don't you think?">>
<<s mc "No, I don't. Masturbation is a sin and the Lord did not put this lust in me to violate my body alone in my room.">>
Sister Jana says nothing. She has declined your offer to marry and seems to think this conversation is over.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi jana3 34>>
<c>You consider if you should push the matter. Sister Jana owes you a great debt for removing her lust curse. Without your help, she would still be violating herself in the herb garden.
<p>However, Sister Jana's continued resistance to you and the holy rites is a problem you don't want to make bigger. Forcing the influential nun to do something against her will could lead to more trouble than it is worth. You have to come up with a way to make Sister Jana agree to be married.
<<q janamarry 300>></p>
<<event 2200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 600-100 40 right>>
<<s jana "Something has happened. I think the lust curse may be back.">>
<<s mc "How so? Did you feel it after working in the garden?">>
<<s jana "No, it's different this time. It was there when I woke up. It actually got better after I came out here, getting fresh air. I don't understand what it means. I thought the curse was tied to the herb garden.">>
<<s mc "I removed the curse from the herb garden, but Satan is everywhere – the curse may have followed you inside. And I think I know why this happened now...">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi shame2 40 right>>
<<s jana "Why? Please tell me, Father.">>
<<s mc "Because you are resisting the truth of the holy rites. When you refused to marry me in a Holy Marriage, you took a step away from God's light, toward the dark side. And now we see the result.">>
<<s jana "You think my decision to not marry you had such a drastic consequence? It's hard to believe. I pray that the Lord will save me from this curse. I will not succumb this time. I will not violate myself.">>
<<s mc "Don't be a fool, Sister Jana. You're inviting evil to fester in you once again, bringing danger to us all. I have to insist that you marry me. Once you accept the Holy Marriage rite, and allow me to consummate the marriage, you have stepped back into God's light, and the lust curse should be gone again.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 600-100 40 right>>
<<s jana "I will agree to it, but we must use contraceptives.">>
<<s mc "No. You can't taint a Holy Marriage by using contraceptives. You must take the step into God's light, Sister Jana. That means surrendering yourself to Him. Your faith must be unwavering or Satan will find the crack.">>
<<s jana "You can do it without a condom, but let me at least put in my contraceptive.">>
<<s mc "No, Sister Jana. You must fully surrender yourself to God's light. There can be no compromise.">>
<<s jana "I need time to think. To pray.">>
<<say mc "There is no time, Sister Jana. Every day you wait, the lust curse will grow stronger. Then just marrying me might not be enough to remove the curse, and it could spread to your sisters. I'm afraid this must be done now. Surrender yourself to God's light, Sister Jana. I beg you. Think of your sisters.">>
<<say jana "I will marry you, Father. I surrender myself to the Lord. May He protect me from evil.">>
<<say mc "This is no time to use delaying tactics, Sister Jana. Every day you wait, the lust curse will grow stronger. Then just marrying me might not be enough to remove it. It could spread to your sisters. As your leader, I can't allow this. You must obey or I have no choice but to take more drastic measures to purge you of Satan's evil.">>
<<say jana "Alright, I will do it. I surrender myself to the Lord. May He protect me from evil.">>
<<tbut "Make her surrender to God's light" null addStat5>>
<<abut "Make her obey" null addStat5>>
<<c "Marry Sister Jana">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 920-2500 36>>
<c>You perform a quick ceremony, wedding Jana and you in a Holy Marriage. Jana is now your temporary wife, and thus also temporarily no longer a nun.
<<marry jana>>
<p>Immediately after the ceremony is completed, Jana gets naked without a word from any of you. She has accepted that this is what will happen – you married her to have sexual intercourse.</p></c>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi suck 62>>
<c>You tell Jana to prepare your manhood for the consummation of the marriage.
<p>Jana kneels and takes your member in her hand, showing due humility and subservience to her holy warrior husband.
<<addlust 60>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv suck 60 "volume0.7 pause1.5">>
<c>Jana, your temporary wife, uses her mouth on you.
<p>She soon looks up, silently asking if you are ready to consummate the marriage. You believe she wants this to be over with.
<<addlust 100>>
You decide to grant your wife her wish. You tell Jana to lie down on her back and spread her legs.</p>
<<c "Consummate the marriage">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 72 "volume0.4 pause1">>
<c><<if $qqjanamarry < 1000>>Finally, the moment is here.<</if>>You move in to penetrate Jana with your erect manhood – and without a condom. Now you can fully enjoy her tight slit.
<p>It feels heavenly to push into Jana. <<if $qqjanamarry < 1000>>Your wife moans of pleasure as you enter her, not able to hide her lust which is still fueled by the <<potionFumingLustOil>> from the cloth under her bed.<<else>>She does not appear lustful, but that doesn't matter.<</if>></p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70 "volume0.4">>
<cc><<if $qqjanamarry < 1000>>Jana gives in to her lustful desire and fingers herself to enhance the pleasure.<<else>>
It seems that feeling your big manhood in her slit causes Jana's body to react as it should, giving her pleasure. Jana gives in and uses her hand to enhance the experience.<</if>>
<p>You want to take advantage of her lust and push things a little.</p></cc>
<<c "Tell Jana to stand on all fours">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 70 "volume0.4">>
You mount Jana like dogs do it. It is perverse, but allowed for God's holy warriors.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.4">>
<cc>Jana is close to orgasm. You want to give her one before you finish.</cc>
<<c "Pound her slit fast and hard">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.4">>
<c>You pound Jana's slit fast and hard.
<p>It soon has the desired effect as Jana reaches orgasm.</p>
<p>This is a good time to go for the finish. You want to do it the Christian way: lying on top of your woman.</p>
<<c "Tell Jana to lie down on her back">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.4">>
<c>With Jana on her back, you continue to pound her slobbery slit as you go for the finish.
<p>Jana might expect you to pull out since she didn't even bring up the topic. She could be mad if you ejaculate inside her slit without contraceptives.</p>
<<c "(Pull out) Ejaculate in her face">>
<<but "Ejaculate inside her slit" hjana1 step:5500>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.4">>
<c>You tell Jana to kneel and receive your seed, then you pull out of her slit.
<p>Jana obediently does as you say and opens her mouth – like she is used to from the anointings.</p>
<p>You squirt your semen onto the face of your wife.</p>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>You take a last look at your wife, kneeling submissively before you, drooling with your sperm.
<<s mc "You have performed your duty as the wife and we have consummated the Holy Marriage. By the power vested in me by the Lord Almighty, I hereby declare this temporary marriage null and void. Rise again as Sister Jana.">>
<<marry stop>>
Sister Jana says nothing as she gets up on her feet and begins to dress.
<<but "Get dressed" hjana1 step:6500>>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.4 speed0.75 notMuted">>
<cc>You moan loudly as you ejaculate your seed inside Jana's slit.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 5800>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie11 70 volume0>>
<<if !$creampied.contains("jana")>>
Jana stares in shock at the seed running out of her slit.
<<creampie jana center>>
<<cs mc "Have faith in the Lord, my wife. This was a holy act and nothing unclean will come of it.">>
Jana, for once, doesn't protest, but you hear her mutter desperate prayers.
Jana silently stares at the seed running out of her slit.
<<creampie jana center>>
<<cs mc "Have faith in the Lord, my wife. This was a holy act and nothing unclean will come of it.">>
Jana does not protest, but you hear her mutter desperate prayers.
You annul the marriage and Jana is again Sister Jana.
<<marry stop>>
<<but "Get dressed" hjana1 step:6500>>
<<ev 6500>>
<<mi 920-2500 34>>
Sister Jana remains silent as she dresses.
<p><<if $qqjanamarry < 1000>>You decide to leave her alone for now. This was a defeat for Sister Jana, and she will need time to come to terms with it.<<else>>You decide to leave her alone now that you have done what you came to do. If you want to marry her again, you can return another day.
<<qend janamarry 1400>>
<<if $qqjanamarry < 1000>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mi fucksuccess2 60>>
<c>You finally had intercourse with Sister Jana without using a condom.
<p>But Sister Jana was under the influence of the fuming lust oil. After you have removed the oily cloth from under her bed, you must again make Sister Jana agree to marry you and allow you to consummate the marriage without a condom. Not until then has she fully submitted to the holy rite of Holy Marriage. It is important that she does.</p>
<p>Sister Jana needs time alone now. You should wait a few days before trying to marry her again.
<<q janamarry 1000>></p>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi janahead 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "Sister Jana, how is your lust?">>
<<s jana "It is back to normal, $fmc.">>
Sister Jana looks submissive, and you understand why.
<<s mc "And why do you think that is?">>
<<s jana "I have no choice but to accept that what you did to me... with me... worked. The Holy Marriage.">>
<<s mc "Good. I am glad you have seen the truth. I hope you will be less distrustful of the holy rites, and of my intentions, in the future.">>
<<s jana "Yes, Father. I will try.">>
<<ev 9100>>
<<mi shame2 40>>
<<s mc "To strengthen your protection and prevent the lust curse from grabbing hold of you again, I want to marry you once more.">>
<<s jana "Could we use contraceptives this time?">>
<<s mc "Not in a Holy Marriage, Sister Jana.">>
<<s jana "As you wish. I'm ready to be your wife, $fmc.">>
<<but "Marry Sister Jana" hjana1 step:1000>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 2300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi fucksuccess 60>>
Sister Jana has shown that she is among the more lustful nuns.
<p>Even after you removed the lust curse from her, Sister Jana has been lustful and climaxed when having intercourse with you. And this despite her great resistance to the holy rites and to being intimate with you.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi janahead 30 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I have come to do my job as a lust angel fighting the lust demon. As you know, the lust demon feeds on lust, and so, I'm seeking out lustful nuns to make them climax, reducing the lust available to the lust demon. You have proven to be lustful even without the lust curse affecting you, which is why we will fornicate and you should relax and enjoy it and climax at least once. I will also anoint you to further protect you against the lust demon.">>
<<s jana "If you want me to depravely let go of myself to reach the pleasure peak, I ask that we do it in the privacy of my room. Seek me out after supper and I will do what you want.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. After supper, then.">>
<<qstart janalustful 100>>
<<set $janameetroom = 0>> /* start of using this variable. can now meet jana in her room after supper */
<<set $watchedJanaToday=1>> /* removing all other sex options here */
<</events>><div style="position: relative">
/* need to do this here to update path when refreshing page */
<<run setup.setEyeImage()>>
<span class="detective-mode-toggle-button" style="position:absolute; left:46.9%; top:-2rem;font-size:80%">
<<print '<<set _eyebut_action = \"SugarCube.setup.eyeClicked()\">>'>>
<<set _eyeclass = "not-space-click-button">>
/* The III adds the width to the button. Text color set to transparent in css */
<button @onclick=_eyebut_action @class=_eyeclass>lll</button>
<<if $qqadriannaq >= 400 && $qqamnesiaproject < 4000>>
<<run setup.setToBedButton()>>
<span class="to-bed-button" style="position:absolute; left:95%; top:-2rem;font-size:80%">
/*<<print '<<set _tobedbut_action = \"SugarCube.setup.toBedClicked()\">>'>>
<<set _tobedclass = "not-space-click-button">>
<button @onclick=_tobedbut_action @class=_tobedclass>III</button>*/
<<button "III">>
<<set $temp5="quickToBed">>
<<if $daytime=="day">>
/* autosaving if during day since skipping supper */
<<run setup.displayAutosaveMessage()>>
<<set setup.autosaveTime=true>>
<<goto praybed>>
<<if setup.playEventID > 0>>
/* Checked in js override to delay playing eventIDs X number of hub visits */
<<set setup.playEventID-->>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<mi "layout_night" "100%" "centerHub noZoom hubClass">>
<<mi "layout" "100%" "centerHub noZoom hubClass">>
<<set setup.currentCheckFalse = 0>>
<<if $checkFalseMessage == undefined && !setup.detectiveMode() && setup.currentCheckFalse > 4>>
<<if setup.currentCheckFalseTrigger == null>>
<<set setup.currentCheckFalseTrigger = 1>>
/* don't show right away to avoid popup right when loading save */
<<set setup.currentCheckFalseTrigger += 1>>
<<if setup.currentCheckFalseTrigger >= 4>>
<<run setup.showMessage("v5checkFalseMessage")>>
/* No longer showing encounters that are only available first hub visit after new day */
<<set $encounterMcHallMorning = 0>>
<<set setup.hubVisitsAfterSleep++>>
<<set _tappa = setup.hubVisitsAfterSleep>>
<<if $questEndVersion == true && !($endOfVersion>0)>>
<<run setup.checkEndOfVersion()>>
<<set $questEndVersion = false>>
<<if setup.landscapeTip == false>>
<<set _landscapeMode = true>>
if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches) {
State.temporary.landscapeMode = false;
<<if _landscapeMode != true>>
<<tip landscapeMode null repeatable>>
<<set setup.landscapeTip = true>>
/* Display eye message (see bottom) either when seen visited nunchapel, and also seen tip about hidingLocations in kgarden1 (or after day 3 to make sure people using saves will see it) */
<<if !($eyeTip >= 2) && $nchapel >= 1 && ($eyeTip==1 || $day>3)>>
<<set $eyeTip = 2>>
<<if $eyeTip==3 && $qqsalvatoreq != null && $daytime=="day" && setup.currentCheckFalse > 7 && setup.playedMoves > 1>>
<<if $qqpraychapel == undefined || (setup.questCompleted("praychapel") && setup.daysSinceLastStage("praychapel",2))>>
<<run setup.showMessage("v8checkFalseMessage")>>
<<set $eyeTip = 4>>
<</if>><<if $jessicaInnerChapel>0>>
<<mii innerchapel/innerchapel 50>>
<cc>A small chapel.</cc>
<<mii innerchapel/jessica 40>>
<cc>Sister Jessica is praying in the small chapel.</cc>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",301) && $qqroamingq<1500>>
/* Waiting to complete roamingq before replay of fornicating */
<cc>Having recently fornicated with her, you decide to leave the nun alone tonight.</cc>
<<set $jessicaInnerChapel = 1>>
<<but "Talk to her" innerchapel1 "ev:100 step:650 roamingq#notplayed301">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" innerchapel1 "ev:100 step:8000 qqroamingq>=1500">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom innerchapel/innerchapelnight_small 18.9 4 6.5 90 png>>
You patrol the dark hallways when you hear a faint voice coming from the small, inner chapel.
<<but "Ignore it" hub>><<c "Investigate the chapel">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 30>>
You see a nun praying in the chapel.
<p>You can't quite make out who it is in the dimly lit room.</p>
<<set $jessicaInnerChapel = 1>>
<<c "Approach the nun">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c>Entering the chapel and walking up to the nun, you see that it is Sister Jessica.
<p>Sister Jessica is several years older than the oldest victim of the lust demon, and you haven't paid much attention to her so far.</p>
<p>You wonder what Sister Jessica is doing here alone so late. She lives upstairs and that floor has its own inner chapel.</p>
<<c "Talk to Sister Jessica">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c><<s mc "Greetings, Sister Jessica. What are you doing here so late?">>
/*You announce your presence to Sister Jessica and ask what she is doing here so late.*
<p>Sister Jessica says that she went here to pray because feels sorry for this chapel. */
<<s jessica "I come here to pray because I feel sorry for this chapel.">>
Sister Jessica elaborates by saying that most of the sisters living close to this room are relatively young, many of them novices. They are the ones targeted by the lust demon, and so they are scared and tend to keep to their rooms after supper. Thus, this chapel has been more or less abandoned in the late evenings.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 46>>
<c><<s mc "Being alone like this is dangerous with a lust demon around.">>
<<s jessica "I'm too old for the lust demon.">>
<<s mc "You're not that old. And you're not bad-looking. Many men would find you very attractive.">>
<<s jessica "Oh, I don't think so. Are you trying to flatter an old nun, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I'm just telling you the truth, as a man. I have to ask: are you a virgin, Sister?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 100-400 40>>
<<s jessica "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "That makes you even more attractive to the lust demon.">>
<<s jessica "I apologize for saying this, Father, but you are silly suggesting the lust demon would fancy me. Most of the sisters around my age or older are virgins. None have been attacked. Only the young and beautiful. I'm neither.">>
<<but "Continue" innerchapel1 step:700>>
<<ev 650>> /* returning */
<<mi 100-400 40>>
<c>You talk to Sister Jessica. You again warn her that praying alone here at this time of day is dangerous, even for her. She is not young, but many men would find her attractive still, and so could the lust demon. And she is a virgin, which makes her even more attractive to Satan.
<<s jessica "You are trying to flatter an old nun, Father. The lust demon does not fancy me. Most of the sisters around my age or older are virgins. None have been attacked. Only the young and beautiful. I'm neither.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 100-500 44>>
Despite her protest – or maybe because of it – you sense that Sister Jessica is indeed flattered by your compliments about her looks and the suggestion that she is attractive enough to be targeted by the lust demon.
<p>Being a virgin, Sister Jessica has never felt the touch of a man and likely has deeply suppressed sexual desires. You don't think she is old enough that those desires have been erased.</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 100-400 32>>
<c>Sister Jessica could be too old to be targeted by the lust demon, but she doesn't look bad for her age. And she is not that old. She might even still be fertile for all you know.
<<lh>>You could see yourself enjoying penetrating Sister Jessica's mature virgin slit. All the better if it meant binding her closer to you, securing her support for you as the leader of the nuns.
Thinking of penetrating Sister Jessica's virgin slit here in the chapel makes you hot.
<<addlust 30>>
<<addcorr 5>>
<<addres -50>>*/
<<but "Say farewell" innerchapel1 step:1000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "<<actChapter 5>>Take out your erect manhood" innerchapel1 "step:2000 corr60 lll100">>
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" innerchapel1 "step:800 corr60 ttt40">>
<<ev 800>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 100-300 34>>
Trying to be intimate with Sister Jessica right here and now could be too much for her to swallow. You don't feel like risking it. But you also don't want to stop Sister Jessica from coming here alone at night /* as this would be a good place to be intimate with her*/ – if you ever do decide to go for it.
<<s mc "I will leave you to pray. It is a good initiative from you... using this chapel late in the evening. There is danger, but you are standing up to Satan and that's good. I think you should continue doing it.">>
<<s jessica "Thank you for saying it. I will. Good night, $fmc.">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",300)>>
You will keep Sister Jessica in mind.
<<qadd roamingq 300>>
<<qmess roamingq 100 updateAlways>>
<<if $qqroamingq<1000>>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 76>>
<c><<s mc "I'm a lust angel, and I'm attracted to the same women the lust demon is attracted to. That's how I know which of you are in danger of being attacked. And while we have been talking, I have been attracted to you. My holy lust is burning for you. I want to show you something. Don't be alarmed, but this is what thinking about being intimate with you has done to me.">>
You take out your erect manhood. Sister Jessica quickly turns away her gaze, but you command her to look. The nun obeys and stares at your male organ.
<<holylustquest 130 center>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 100-500 45 right>>
<<s mc "If I feel this lust thinking about being intimate with you, the lust demon will too.">>
<<s jessica "But there are so many sisters who are younger and more attractive than me. Wouldn't the lust demon attack the younger girls before me?">>
<<s mc "First of all, right now, it is your slit I desire the most, not their young slits. That is a sign from the Lord.">>
<<s mc "Secondly, the lust demon is an opportunist who attacks different targets, not just whomever it generally lusts for the most. That would make it too predictable, and the lust demon is careful and clever. This is especially relevant since I came here. The lust demon knows I'm hunting it, and it fears me. Because of this, it may attack targets we don't expect. So you are not safe just because the lust demon hasn't attacked someone your age yet. You could be the first. I think this is why the Lord sent me to this chapel to find you. To protect you.">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi 100-400 40>>
<<s jessica "Protect me? How?">>
<<s mc "I will fornicate with you. My holy lust desires your slit and if you have sexual desires, you will release them with me instead of with the lust demon. Your reduced lust will make you a less attractive target to the demon.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi 100-300 40 right>>
<<s jessica "Please tell me you are joking, Father. I thought you would anoint me. Not... that.">>
<<s mc "I'm not joking, Sister Jessica. I can anoint you too, but I need to weaken the lust demon by reducing the lust in the area, and the Lord has told me I should fornicate with you.">>
<<s jessica "I understand, Father, but I respectfully ask that you give me a pass on that and just anoint me for protection.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid this has to be done, Sister. I can't ignore my holy lust as it comes from the Lord. You hide behind your age, but the fact is that God has made you attractive. Being attractive can be both a blessing and a burden. And now, I desire your slit because the lust demon does too. I'm a lust angel, and this is how I fight the lust demon.">>
You can tell that Sister Jessica is flattered.
<<s jessica "Do what you must do, then, if you desire me so much.">>
<<s mc "This has to be done, Sister. I desire your slit because the lust demon does too, and this is how I fight the lust demon. I command you not to stand in the way of the will of the Lord. Do we have a problem?">>
Sister Jessica stares at her feet for a moment.
<<s jessica "No. Do what you must do, then, if you desire me so much.">>
<<tbut "Flatter her" null "addStat5">>
<<abut "Command her" null "addStat5">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mii lab/potionLustLiberationSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<c>Since Sister Jessica is older than your usual sexual partners, she may not climax as easily. Because of this, you have prepared some <<potionLustLiberationSalve>> which you mean to use on the nun – without her noticing it.
<<ev 2850>>
<<mi m 35>>
<c>With your erect manhood ready, you tell Sister Jessica to stand with her back to you.
<p>As she turns around, you take the opportunity to deftly scoop up the <<potionLustLiberationSalve>> with your left index finger and apply it on your male organ. Aside from making Sister Jessica more lustful and liberated, the salve should also provide some lubrication – but it is such a small amount that she shouldn't notice anything.</p></c>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 48 pause2>>
<c>You pull up Sister Jessica's habit and see that her underwear is blocking your access to her slit.
<<s mc "Remove your panties.">>
<<s jessica "Can't we talk about this? I can use my mouth on you instead.">>
<<s mc "Maybe another time. Now I need your slit.">>
Sister Jessica sighs and pulls down her panties.
<<c "Penetrate Sister Jessica's slit">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 76 pause1>>
<c>The nun is tense and nervous as you insert your erect manhood into her hole – somewhat aided by the lust salve. With the salve now in direct contact with the inside of Sister Jessica's slit, it should affect her very quickly.
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Jessica">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 76>>
<c>You begin to thrust into Sister Jessica's slit. Her hole is tight, more so than you might expect from a mature woman. But on the other hand, the nun is a virgin.
<<s jessica "Please be careful with me, Father.">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 74>>
<c>You think the lust salve has now affected Sister Jessica because she is starting to moan, and it sounds like it is from pleasure.
<p>And sure enough, you can feel her slit getting wet.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv m 62>>
<c>As you keep thrusting into Sister Jessica's slit, you wonder if she is still fertile.
<<s mc "Are you still bleeding, Sister?">>
<<s jessica "Yes, Father. But not for long. Wait, why are you asking this? You said you would anoint me.">>
<<s mc "Anointing can be done anywhere on the body, including inside your slit. But as you wish, I will pull out and anoint you when the time comes.">>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mv m 74>>
<c>Sister Jessica is starting to breathe more heavily. You don't know if she would have become lustful even without the <<potionLustLiberationSalve ,>> but the salve made sure of it.
<<s mc "Are you feeling lustful, Sister?">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi m 72>>
<<s jessica "Yes, Father. I didn't expect to, but I do.">>
<<s mc "As I thought. You have repressed lust that calls out to the lust demon. You should try to climax if you can, to reduce the lust. Use your hands.">>
<<s jessica "My hands... that's... a sin.">>
<<s mc "My holy lust prevents any lustful sins. Do it.">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv m 74>>
<c>Sister Jessica touches herself. Slowly at first, but soon she can't resist the temptation and masturbates fast.</c>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mv m 74>>
<c>You keep sliding your erect member into Sister Jessica's tight slit which is now very wet.
<p>The nun is starting to sound very lustful.</p>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv m 74>>
<c>With her hands fingering her slit, and your manhood thrusting into her, Sister Jessica soon climaxes. She moans loudly as she enjoys the orgasm.
<p>Then it is your turn. Promising not to ejaculate inside her, you tell Sister Jessica to hold out her hands to receive the Holy Seed.</p>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jessica">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv m 84>>
You ejaculate onto Sister Jessica's hands while moaning the words to anoint her.
<<ev 6300>>
<<mi m 70>>
<<s mc "Your orgasm has reduced the lust in the convent and you have been anointed. The holy lust has served its purpose.">>
<<s jessica "I didn't know I had that in me. And how good it could feel. Now I understand why lust causes so many problems in the world.">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",301)>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 100-5000 70>>
<c>You fornicated with Sister Jessica, reducing her repressed lust by giving her an orgasm. You also anointed her. All together, this should bind Sister Jessica close to you, securing her vote for you as the leader of the nuns.</c>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",301)>>
<c class="nomargin-top">
<<qadd roamingq 301>>
<<qmess roamingq 1000 updateAlways>>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<ev 8000>> /* replay */
<<mi 100-400 40>>
<c>You approach Sister Jessica. The thought of penetrating her slit in the chapel makes your manhood grow.
<<addlust 50>>
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister Jessica. I support your decision to pray here alone at night, but also remember that it is dangerous for an attractive virgin like yourself.">>
<<ev 8100>>
<<mi 100-500 44>>
<cc><<cs jessica "I believe you are exaggerating things, Father.">>
She may not admit it, but you can tell that Sister Jessica is flattered by your words.
<p>And now you will fornicate with her.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Show her your erect manhood">>
<<ev 8150>>
<<mi 100-2000 70>>
<c>You take out your erect manhood and show it to Sister Jessica.
<<s mc "My holy lust was guiding me to you. Look at this.">>
Sister Jessica stares at your swollen male organ, but she doesn't say anything. Maybe she is hoping you will just leave.
<p>But you will fornicate with Sister Jessica, and you will do it without using a lust drug. To improve her chances of reaching orgasm, you could use flattery.</p>
<<set $temp3=null>>
<<but "Use flattery to make her climax" innerchapel1 "doplay:temp3=flattery">><<but "Just enjoy her slit" innerchapel1>>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mv 100-3000 48 pause2>>
<<if $temp3=="flattery">>Deciding to use flattery to make Sister Jessica climax, <<else>>Deciding to just enjoy her slit, <</if>>
you tell Sister Jessica to stand up and then you pull up her habit.
<<s jessica "$fmc! Contain yourself!">>
<<if $temp3=="flattery">>
<<s mc "I desire your tight slit and my holy lust should not be ignored.">>
<<s mc "I desire your slit and my holy lust should not be ignored.">>
<<s jessica "Wait, let's talk about this!">>
<<s mc "It is too late for words. Prepare yourself, Sister. I'm entering you.">></c>
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 8250>>
<<mv 100-4000 76>>
<c>You begin to thrust into Sister Jessica's slit – which is tighter than you might expect from a mature woman. But on the other hand, the nun is a virgin.
<<s jessica "Please be careful with me, Father.">>
Sister Jessica has stopped resisting, submitting to the fact that this will happen.
<<ev 8300>>
<<mv 100-4200 74>>
<c><<if $temp3=="flattery">><<s mc "Your slit feels so good, Sister. As good and tight as the slit of any of the young novices I've been with.">>
<<s jessica "That is not an appropriate topic of conversation, Father.">>
But your words of flattery seem to work as Sister Jessica's slit is becoming wet.
Sister Jessica's slit is not wet, and she might even find this a bit uncomfortable. You doubt she will climax before you are done.
<<ev 8400>>
<<mv 100-4400 62>>
<c>As you keep thrusting into Sister Jessica's slit, you remember that she is still fertile. But that is of little importance.
<p>You didn't say anything about pulling out, and you will decide if you want to ejaculate inside her when the time comes.</p>
<<ev 8800>>
<<mv 100-4800 74>>
<<if $temp3=="flattery">>
<<s mc "It's a good thing you became a nun, Sister Jessica, or men would have fought to be in bed with you.">>
<<s jessica "You're talking crazy, Father.">>
But you can tell that your flattery works. You continue to compliment her looks and tight slit, and soon, Sister Jessica is starting to breathe more heavily.
<cc>You enjoy Sister Jessica's slit in silence.</cc>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi 100-5000 72>>
<<if $temp3=="flattery">>
<<s mc "Are you feeling lustful, Sister?">>
<<s jessica "Yes, Father. I didn't expect it to happen again, but it did.">>
<<s mc "As I thought. You still have repressed lust that calls out to the lust demon. You should try to climax if you can, to reduce the lust. Use your hands.">>
<<s jessica "My hands... that's... a sin.">>
<<s mc "You know my holy lust prevents any lustful sins. Do it.">>
<<s mc "You are not wet, which is good. It means we have reduced your repressed lust enough that the lust demon can't feed on it. But your lust may rise again.">>
<<s jessica "Are you finished soon, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, but it would go faster if you touch yourself. The sight of it will fuel my lust.">>
<<s jessica "I don't want to sin...">>
<<s mc "You know my holy lust prevents any lustful sins.">>
<<ev 9400>>
<<mv 100-5400 74>>
<<if $temp3=="flattery">>
Sister Jessica touches herself. Slowly at first, but soon she can't resist the temptation and masturbates fast.
Wanting to end this, Sister Jessica touches herself for you. It helps you, but it has no effect on her. Her slit doesn't become wet.
<<ev 9600>>
<<mv 100-5500 74>>
<<if $temp3=="flattery">>
<c>You keep sliding your erect member into Sister Jessica's tight slit which is now very wet.
<p>The nun is starting to sound very lustful.</p>
<cc>You keep sliding your erect member into Sister Jessica's slit.
Seeing the nun masturbate soon makes your seed come.
<<but "Anoint Sister Jessica" innerchapel1 step:10000>><<but "Ejaculate inside her slit" innerchapel1 step:11000>>
<<ev 9700>>
<<mv 100-5600 74>>
<c>With her hands fingering her slit, and your manhood thrusting into her, Sister Jessica soon climaxes. She moans loudly as she enjoys the orgasm.
<p>Then it is your turn.</p>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jessica">><<but "Ejaculate inside her slit" innerchapel1 step:11000>>
<<ev 10000>>
<<mv 100-6000 75>>
<cc>You tell Sister Jessica to hold out her hands to receive the Holy Seed.
You ejaculate onto Sister Jessica's hands while moaning the words to anoint her.</p>
<<ev 10100>>
<<mi 100-6300 72>>
<cc><<cs mc "You keep praying in this chapel, Sister. I will protect you.">>
<<cs jessica "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $qqroamingq==1500>>
<<but "Continue" innerchapel1 step:13000>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<ev 11000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie15before 68 volume0>>
<cc>You pound Sister Jessica's tight slit, ejaculating your seed inside of her.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 11200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie15 68>>
<cc>You watch your seed coming out of Sister Jessica's slit.
<<creampie jessica center>></cc>
<<ev 11400>>
<<mi m 74>>
<c>Sister Jessica reaches for her slit and feels your seed oozing out of her.
<<s jessica "You shouldn't have done that, $fmc. I'm still bleeding...">>
<<s mc "No need for concern, Sister Jessica. My holy lust will protect you from pregnancy barring a miracle from God.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 12000>>
<<mi 100-400 40>>
<<cs mc "You keep praying in this chapel, Sister. I will protect you.">>
<<cs jessica "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $qqroamingq==1500>>
<<but "Continue" innerchapel1 step:13000>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<ev 13000>>
<<questupdate roamingq bigmargin>>
<div class="center-flex center" style="width:78%">
<<mii nuns/sandra/sandra_small 100 "png left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/darcie/face_small 100 "left nomarginRight png">><<space2>><<mii nuns/tonina/tonina_small 100 "left nomarginRight png">><<space2>><<mii nuns/jessica/jessica_small 100 "png left nomarginRight">>
<c>Binding Sister Jessica even closer to you, you feel satisfied that you have secured the support of the four professed sisters, strengthening your grip of the convent.
<p>Though you must keep thinking of your reputation, you feel secure in your current position as the leader of the nuns.
<<qend roamingq 2000>></p>
<</events>><<if $janameetroom==0>>
<<overlay "misc/bedroomhalf" "hjana/janatorso" 48 25.2 39 88 "png">><</overlay>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 60>>
<<if $qqjanamarry == 500>>
<c>When the nuns have gone to the chapel for Compline, you sneak into Sister Jana's room.</c>
<<if $janameetroom==0>>
<cc>Sister Jana is in her room.</cc>
<cc>Sister Jana's room.</cc>
<<but "Hide cloth with <<potionFumingLustOil>> under the bed" janaroom1 "ev:20 qqjanamarry==500 fullWidth">>
<<but "Remove the oily cloth from the bed" janaroom1 "ev:100 qqjanamarry==1000 fullWidth">>
<<but "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" janaroom1 "ev:200 qqjanalustful==100 doplay:janameetroom=1">>
<<but "Reduce her lust" janaroom1 "ev:200 step:200 lustfulwomen#played800 janameetroom==0 doplay:janameetroom=1">>
<<event 20>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/bedslats 60>>
<cc>You hide a cloth soaked in <<potionFumingLustOil>> under Sister Jana's bed.
<p>You detect a smell from the cloth, but it is very faint. Sister Jana shouldn't notice anything.</p></cc>
<<c >>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 42 pnggg>>
<c>You must replace the oily cloth every other day until Sister Jana agrees to marry you.
<p>Tomorrow, you should visit Sister Jana in the herb garden.
<<q janamarry 600>></p></c>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 42 pnggg>>
<c>After making sure that Sister Jana is busy working in the herb garden, you sneak into her room and remove the oily cloth you hid under her bed.
<p>Hopefully, Sister Jana's lust will be back to the normal low level tomorrow, proving that you once again saved her from the lust curse.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hjana/fucksuccess2 56>>
<c>Now you should wait a few days. And then, without using any lust drugs, you should marry Sister Jana again and consummate the marriage without using contraceptives.
<<q janamarry 1100>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 200 jana nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hjana/janahead2 50 pnggg>>
You have come to make Sister Jana climax, reducing the lust available to the lust demon.
<<s mc "I'm here.">>
<<s jana "Do what you came to do, Father.">>
<<s mc "Undress, and then you can begin by using your mouth on me to get me ready.">>
Sister Jana quickly undresses without a word, wanting to get this over with. You undress too and then get up on the bed.
<<but "Present your manhood to her" janaroom1 step:500>>
<<ev 200>> /* replaying */
<<mii hjana/janahead2 50 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I have come to make you climax to reduce the lust available to the lust demon.">>
<<s jana "Do what you came to do, Father.">>
<<s mc "Undress, and then you can begin by using your mouth on me to get me ready.">>
Sister Jana quickly undresses without a word, wanting to get this over with. You undress too and then get up on the bed.
<<c "Present your manhood to her">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
<cc>Sister Jana proceeds to pleasure you with her mouth.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "I'm ready. Lie down and spread your legs.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 68 volume0.2>>
<c>With Sister Jana on her back and spreading her legs for you, you penetrate her waiting slit with your erect manhood.
<<s mc "Remember that you should climax. Relax and enjoy this.">>
<<s jana "I will try to push away the shame and do what you want.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Jana">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
<cc>You keep thrusting into Sister Jana's slit.
It takes longer than usual, but eventually, her slit is getting wet. This is what you have been waiting for.
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
<cc>You thrust faster, pounding that sinful lust out of Sister Jana's wet slit.</cc>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
<c>Sister Jana's tight slit feels so good that you won't last much longer.
<<s mc "Are you almost there? Should I change position? I must finish soon.">>
<<s jana "Do it from behind me...">>
Sister Jana gets down on all fours and presents her naked behind to you, her slit shining from her wetness.
<<c "Do her like a dog">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.2>>
You perversely mount Sister Jana like a dog would, thrusting into her wet slit from behind.
<p>It seems to work. Sister Jana's lustful moans are getting louder. Now you must last until she climaxes.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.2>>
<c>Finally, Sister Jana climaxes.
<<lh>>You manage to hold back your seed until the nun has gone through her orgasm.
<<s mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Anoint Sister Jana">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You release the Holy Seed in Sister Jana's face, saying the words to anoint her.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi m 54>>
When you have anointed her, Sister Jana remains still with that desperate stare, like she is clinging to the hope that the holy rites are of God. You can tell she still has doubts.
<<s mc "We have strengthened your protection against evil and reduced your lust. Pray hard when going to bed and thank the Lord for His blessing, Sister.">>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii hjana/janahead 34 pnggg>>
<c>You did what you came to do, reducing Sister Jana's lust and anointing her. You can seek her out in her room after supper if you want to do it again.
<<qend janalustful 200>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",800)>>
<<ev 4300>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mii hjana/janatorso 42 pnggg>>
<cc>You took care of a nun on your list of the most lustful nuns.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 800 center>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<</events>><<if $qqjuliaanoint == 1000 && $juliaroom<1>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face4 40>>
<c>You enter Novice Julia's room, wanting to finally anoint her slit.
<p>When Novice Julia sees you, she lowers her gaze in deference – more subservient than most other nuns since you became their leader. You remember that Novice Julia respects authority a great deal. With your new title as Patriarch, and having established your authority over the nuns – including opening the prison dungeon – you imagine that Novice Julia will do your bidding in most things.</p>
<<set $juliaroom=1>>
<<but "Continue" julia1 ev:600>>
<<elseif $qqjuliaanoint==1200 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("juliaanoint",2)>>
<<mii nuns/julia/juliafornication 50>>
You fornicated with Novice Julia and prevented her from climaxing.<br>
Now you should leave her alone for a couple of days.
<<elseif $qqjuliamoving==500>>
<<mii nuns/julia/room 64>>
<cc>You visit Novice Julia in her new room.
<<cs mc "Everything okay with your new room, Novice Julia?">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father. It's almost exactly like my old room.">>
<<cs mc "Good. We'll see more of each other later.">>
<<but "Leave her" julia1 ev:700>>
<<mii nuns/julia/room 64>>
<<if $qqjuliamoving == 100>>
<cc>You thank the Lord. Novice Julia's young body is available to you.</cc>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliaanoint")>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><<cs julia2 "Oh, hello, $fmc.">></cc>
<cc><<cs julia2 "Oh, hello, $fmc.">></cc>
<<but "Talk about the anointing" julia1 "ev:500 qqjuliaanoint==350 juliaanoint#stageDay+3 juliaroom<<1 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "Talk about the anointing" julia1 "ev:500 qqjuliaanoint==400 juliaroom<<1 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "(Sodomy) Anoint her" julia1 "ev:520 qqjuliaanoint>=500 qqjuliaanoint<<1200 juliaroom<<1 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "Talk to Novice Julia" julia1 "ev:100 qqjuliajoining==1010">>
<<but "Talk to Novice Julia" julia1 "ev:200 qqjuliajoining==1300 juliajoining#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Talk to Novice Julia" julia1 "ev:300 qqjuliajoining==2000 juliajoining#stageDay+1 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "Inspect her slit" julia1 "ev:400 qqjuliajoining>=2500 qqjuliaanoint<<1200 juliaroom<<1 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint>=1200>>
<cc>The last time you were intimate with Novice Julia, you <<if $qqjuliaanoint==2010>>allowed her to orgasm.<br><<specialalert2 "Her lust should be low now.">><<else>>didn't allow her to orgasm.<br><<specialalert2 "Her lust should be high now.">><</if>>
<<if $juliaroom>0>>
<cc style="font-size:88%">You have already been intimate with Novice Julia today. You should leave her body alone. </cc>
/* Any quest buttons etc can be added here. If being a sexual event, should check for juliaroom<<1 to not conflict with message above */
<<but "<<actQuest juliaanoint>>" julia1 "ev:620 qqjuliaanoint>=1200 juliaanoint#notcompleted juliaroom<<1 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
/* After fornicating with julia and completing juliaanoint quest. Her reaction/lust in the events below will depend on the last event. If she had an orgasm last, she will not be as horny.*/
<<if $juliaroom<1>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliaanoint")>>
<<if $qqjuliamoving == 100>>
<<set _hideexit = true>>
<<but "Fornication" julia1 "ev:620 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "Inspect her slit" julia1 "ev:640 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "Fornication" julia1 "ev:620 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<but "Sodomy" julia1 "ev:660 doplay:juliaroom=1">>
<<if !_hideexit>>
<<event 100 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 20>>
<<s mc "Hello, Novice Julia. Are you happy now, finally joining the convent?">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, $fmc. I'm so happy. I'm so thankful to you for helping me get rid of my doubts.">>
<<s mc "You're welcome. But you chose a difficult time to join. Even though you're living inside a house of God now, Satan can still reach you here. The lust demon is still on the loose.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face1 50>>
<<s julia2 "Yes, I'm aware of the dangers. But it makes me feel even close to God, that no matter what evil I face, my faith will sustain me.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that it will. But we must do what we can to protect ourselves from evil. Letting the Devil into our life through negligence is a sin in itself.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, that's true.">>
<<s mc "That's why it's important that I anoint you again to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face3 35 right>>
<<s julia2 "But I'm a novice nun now. I can't be with a man.">>
<<s mc "Anointing you with the Holy Seed is a holy rite, remember?">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, but still. I would be intimate with a man, as a nun.">>
<<s mc "You wouldn't be the first nun in this convent that I anointed. On the contrary, I have anointed several of your sisters.">>
<<s julia2 "You have?">>
<<s mc "Yes. The ones most in need of protection. The young and attractive, like you. That's who the lust demon comes for.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi face2 40 right>>
<<s julia2 "Oh, I didn't know that. That you had anointed nuns...">>
<<s mc "But now that you know, you can't go around telling people about it. Not even to the Mother Superior. There is a secret group in this monastery – the <<var circle.>> It consists of myself and every nun in the convent who knows about the holy rites. Normally, you would be initiated before becoming a member of the Circle, but it's not a rule. You are automatically a member since I have already taught you about two of the holy rites and performed them with you. But you must remember that you can only talk about the holy rites with other members of the Circle.">>
<<s julia2 "This is so strange to me. And you have anointed the other nuns in the Circle?">>
<<s mc "I have anointed some of them.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi face4 40 right>>
<<s julia2 "Who are the members? So I know who I can talk to.">>
<<s mc "You should speak with Novice Emma. She is my deputy when it comes to the Circle and spreading the word of the holy rites. I will tell her to expect you. She can answer your questions and tell you the things you should know as a member of the Circle.">>
<<s julia2 "I see. I know Novice Emma has a close connection to God.">>
<<s mc "Yes. You can trust Novice Emma completely. Don't hesitate to tell her what you and I have been doing, if you feel like talking about it with someone. Novice Emma fully supports my use of the holy rites. She understands that they are our way of fighting back against Satan and his minions.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi face3 35 right>>
<<s julia2 "It would feel good to talk to someone about the holy rites. About what we have done...">>
<<s mc "Understandable. You talk to Novice Emma. Meanwhile, with the lust demon threatening to attack again, we should get you anointed once more.">>
<<s julia2 "But I don't want to be with a man ever again. That was the point of doing it with you – to put those thoughts behind me before I joined the convent.">>
<<s mc "How about you first speak with Novice Emma? Then you and I will talk again. See how you feel about it then?">>
<<s julia2 "Okay, $fmc. We could do that.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma1 22>>
<cc>You should inform Novice Emma that Novice Julia has joined the Circle.
<<q juliajoining 1200 center>>
<<event 200 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face1 50>>
<<cs mc "Has Novice Emma answered your questions?">>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, Father. I know who the members of the Circle are now.">>
<<cs mc "And how do you feel about being anointed again?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face4 40 right>>
<<s julia2 "Well... I haven't changed my mind, Father.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry to hear that. Being here without protection from the lust demon is very dangerous for you.">>
<<s julia2 "You may be right. But I still don't want to be with a man after everything I did to avoid just that once I joined the convent.">>
<<s mc "When I perform a holy rite, I'm not doing it as a man, but as an instrument of the Lord. That's why the other nuns, your sisters, let me anoint them. You don't think the others do it because they want to sin with a man, do you?">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi face2 35>>
<<s julia2 "No, $fmc. I didn't mean to say they did.">>
<<s mc "How about we get you initiated in the Circle the usual way? You will see me anoint Novice Emma, and you will feel better about being anointed yourself. That's why we have this initiation – for new members to see and accept the truth of the holy rites. That they are allowed even for nuns.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face3 40 right>>
<<s julia2 "I don't know if it will help. I do believe in the holy rites. That's why I let you do them with me.">>
<<s mc "Hmm... What if I bring Sister Dana to the initiation? Like you, she is a member of the Circle who hasn't been properly initiated. Sister Dana was one of your teachers. You trust her, right?">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, I like Sister Dana.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you and Sister Dana will be initiated together. I think that will make you feel better about being anointed.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi face1 45>>
<<s julia2 "Maybe. But why isn't Sister Dana initiated if she is a member? Is it because you have performed holy rites with her like you did with me?">>
<<s mc "To respect the privacy of the members of the Circle, I can't reveal which holy rites I may have performed with another member. Not without their permission. I also can't reveal things said in confession. But I can tell you that Sister Dana has her own reasons for being a member.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi face4 40>>
<<s julia2 "I apologize, Father. I didn't mean to pry.">>
<<s mc "That's okay, you're curious. I can tell you this much: The initiation is meant to make new members accept the holy rites – particularly the anointing with the Holy Seed, because new members should normally be anointed as soon as possible to protect them from the lust demon. But there is no need to anoint Sister Dana. The lust demon won't come for her because she is too old.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi face3 35 right>>
<<s julia2 "Can you be sure? She's not that old.">>
<<s mc "I'm sure. Just as I'm sure that the lust demon favors pretty, young girls like you. Which is why it's imperative that you have the best protection.">>
<<s julia2 "I will do the initiation with Sister Dana, then. But I can't promise it will change my mind.">>
<<s mc "I understand. I will talk to Sister Dana and we will get this initiation done as soon as possible.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 70>>
<c>You must speak with Sister Dana to arrange the initiation with her and Novice Julia. As usual, it is best to approach Sister Dana when she is offering herself to the lust demon.
<<q juliajoining 1500>>
<<c "Continue" hub>>
<<event 300 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face1 50>>
<<s mc "Have you thought about my offer to anoint you, to protect you from the lust demon?">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father. I will agree to it. If my sisters can do it, I guess I can do it too.">>
<<s mc "I'm pleased that you have accepted my help. Then we should not waste any more time. First, as you know, I need to get excited to be able to perform the holy rite. And touching your young body is the best way to do it.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face3 35>>
<<s julia2 "I can use my hands. Like Novice Emma did.">>
<<s mc "It's different with Novice Emma. She has experience you don't have. From her previous life and from all the times I have anointed her. You are a pure, innocent virgin. You are not expected to know how to pleasure a man. But touching your body will more than make up for it.">>
<<s julia2 "Oh. Do you want to touch my breasts?">>
<<s mc "Not this time – then you would have to remove your dress. I will just pull it up a bit.">>
<<c "Pull up her habit">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 300-300 60>>
<<cs mc "I will touch you down here.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 300-400 42>>
<cc><<cs mc "Touching a young woman's slit is the best way to get a man aroused.">>
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 300-500 60>>
<c><<s mc "Does it make you aroused too? It's okay to admit it. This is part of the holy rite.">>
<<s julia2 "I didn't want this to happen, now that I'm a novice. But I can't help it.">>
<<s mc "It's because young girls like you are the most fertile. You are normally meant to marry a man and take him between your legs to procreate. You're getting wet to lubricate his manhood when he penetrates you.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 300-600 40 right>>
You insert a finger into Novice Julia's slit to inspect her.
<<s mc "Oh, yes, you are wet now. The lust demon may sense that you are this easily aroused. Even more reason to give you the best protection.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s julia2 "Are you going to touch me until you release the Holy Seed?">>
<<s mc "No. The Holy Rod is ready. Now you must use your mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Take out your hard manhood">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 300-900 70 volume0.2>>
<<s mc "It's better if you put it in your mouth.">>
<<s julia2 "Novice Emma did it this way when she started. That's why I did it.">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma considers it a sacred act to bring forth the Holy Seed. And she's not wrong. So yes, show reverence to the Holy Rod before putting it in your mouth.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 300-1000 70 volume0.3>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliajoining")>>
<<s mc "You should touch yourself to drive the sinful lust out from your body, or the lust could attract the lust demon.">>
<<s mc "You should touch yourself if it feels good, Novice Julia. Remember, I will eat the lustful sins you commit during the holy rite. It's better you get rid of any lustful desires now instead of carrying them around and attracting the lust demon.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 300-1200 55 volume0.3>>
<<s mc "That's good. Drive the desires out of your sinful slit. Those desires are not meant for a nun. I'm sending your lustful sins up to the Lord.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 300-1300 70 volume0.3>>
Novice Julia's hand and mouth around your manhood quickly push you closer to orgasm.
<p>Novice Julia is fingering her slit faster. You can tell she is also close to the pleasure peak.</p>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 300-2500 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Novice Julia pleasures you more intensely for a while. Then suddenly, her grip on your hard member weakens and she barely moves her head. Understanding that the girl is about to climax, you grab your manhood.
<<cs mc "Get it out. Finger your sinful lust away.">>
<<c "Watch her climax">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv cumpre 75 volume0.3>>
You keep the Holy Rod stiff while watching Novice Julia finger her wet slit as she climaxes.
<p>When she is finished, your seed is coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed!">></p>
<<c "Anoint Novice Julia">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv cum 75 volume0.3>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Julia with the Holy Seed.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv cumafter 75 volume0.3>>
<c><<s mc "That's good. We have strengthened your protection against Satan and his minions, and driven sinful lust out of your slit.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi room 60>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliajoining")>>
<<cs mc "I will return later to check on you.">>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<cs mc "I will return later to check on you. If you still have a lot of sinful lust in your body, we must make sure your protection against evil stays strong.">>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, $fmc. I understand.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliajoining")>>
<<but "Leave" julia1 "ev:400 step:3300">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi bjdone 66>>
You successfully anointed Novice Julia with the Holy Seed.<br>You should return later to check on her.
<<q juliajoining 2500 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 400 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face1 50>>
<c><<s mc "How do you feel now? Do you still have lustful desires in your body?">>
<<s julia2 "No, $fmc. They are gone.">>
<<s mc "I'm not so sure about that. I have to inspect your slit to see if you easily get wet. We can't take any risks with the lust demon around.">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("juliajoining")>>
Novice Julia has joined the convent and you have anointed her. Going forward, you have to do your best to protect her from the lust demon.
<<qend juliajoining 3000>>
<<c "Pull up her habit">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 300-300 60>>
<<cs mc "I'll start slow. How does this make you feel? ">>
<<cs julia2 "It just feels a little strange. Not lustful.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 300-400 42>>
<cc><<cs mc "What if I touch your slit? You feel any lust?">>
<<cs julia2 "It feels strange too, Father. I think I got it all out when you anointed me.">>
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 300-500 60>>
<c>You add saliva to your fingers and touch Novice Julia on and around her slit and the sinful little female lust organ on top of it – the Devil's doorbell.
<<s mc "How about now? Does it make you aroused? It's okay to admit it.">>
<<s julia2 "When you do it like that... it feels nice. But I can take it.">>
You keep going for a while until Novice Julia's breathing becomes heavier.
<<c "Inspect her slit">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 300-600 40 right>>
You insert a finger into Novice Julia's slit to inspect her.
<<s mc "As I thought. You are wet now, Novice Julia. This proves you still have unfulfilled lustful desires in your body. The lust demon may sense this. I must anoint you again to strengthen your protection.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s julia2 "Okay, Father. If you think it's necessary.">>
<<qstart juliaanoint 100>>
<<c "Take out your hard manhood">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 300-900 70 volume0.2>>
Novice Julia begins the holy ritual as she has been taught by Novice Emma – by showing reverence to the Holy Rod before putting it in her mouth.
<<but "Continue" julia1 "ev:300 step:1000">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint>=300>>
<<mi bjdone 55>>
You successfully anointed Novice Julia again. <<if $qqjuliaanoint<500>>You have to keep doing this when needed until Novice Julia is used to it. Then you can consider ways of further <<else>>You may do this whenever you think it is needed, but you should also consider other ways of <</if>>strengthening her protection against the lust demon.
<<qset juliaanoint 350>>
<<qmess juliaanoint 360>> /* v9 note: need to keep qset 350 here, so keep both*/
<<qendversion juliaanoint version0.4.2>>
<<mi bjdone 50>>
<c>With all the lust living in Novice Julia's young and fertile body, normal anointings with the Holy Seed may not provide enough protection from the lust demon.
<p>But before considering other ways of protecting her, you should make Novice Julia get used to being anointed as a novice nun.
<<q juliaanoint 300>>
<<qendversion juliaanoint version0.4.2>></p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 500 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face1 50>>
<<s mc "I have anointed you a few times now since you joined the convent, but unfortunately, regular anointings might not provide strong enough protection from the lust demon. Especially not for someone like you who is so easily aroused. But if I anoint you on the inside, the protection will be stronger.">>
<<s julia2 "You mean in my mouth?">>
<<s mc "No, I mean between your legs. That's the hole the lust demon is most attracted to.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face4 38>>
<<s julia2 "No, I'm a nun now. I will never lie with a man. I did that with you before I got a nun, but I will never do it again.">>
<<s mc "You know this is about the holy rites, not about having sexual relations.">>
<<s julia2 "But you will be inside me. No, that I won't do.">>
<<s mc "Then I offer you a compromise. Something that is even more sinful than penetrating your slit when not done in a holy rite. I can anoint you inside your other hole down there. In your behind. Sodomy. That way, you will get a strong protection against evil and you will still remain a virgin.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face2 38>>
<<s julia2 "Oh, no. That's horrible. Not there.">>
<<s mc "It's either that or your slit. Or I will have to tell the Mother Superior how easily aroused you are, putting your sisters in danger by attracting the lust demon.">>
<<s julia2 "No, please don't tell her that, $fmc. I feel ashamed.">>
<<trytbut2 "\"I understand how you feel.\"" julia1 "step:500 trust54 doplay:temp=t">>
<<but "\"We have to do something.\"" julia1 "step:400">>
<<tryabut2 "\"As you should be.\"" julia1 "step:500 auth40 doplay:temp=a">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi face3 40>>
<<s mc "We have to do something to strengthen your protection against the lust demon.">>
<<s julia2 "You have to anoint me the usual way where I use my mouth on you. That will have to do.">>
<<s mc "That's not good enough. But I will let you think about this. We will talk more another time.">>
<<q juliaanoint 400>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi face3 40>>
<<set _juliaanswer = $temp=="t" ? "I understand how you feel, my child." : "As you should be.">>
<<s mc "_juliaanswer You are supposed to dedicate your life to getting closer to God, letting go of any earthly desires, yet you can't even resist a man's touch.">>
<<s julia2 "But... doing it back there, is that even possible? You are so big. Won't it damage me?">>
<<s mc "It's perfectly doable, we just have to be careful.">>
<<s julia2 "Well... okay, then. We can try it.">>
<<c "Prepare her rectum">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 300-600 34>>
<c>Using saliva on your fingers, you prepare Novice Julia's rectum for penetration. While you're at it, you also rub her slit to get her aroused.
<<s mc "You should try to have at least one orgasm. Get that sinful lust out of your body.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 300-1200 50 volume0.3>>
<c>You take out your manhood and tell Novice Julia to use her mouth to activate the Holy Rod.
<p>Her soft mouth soon gets the job done.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Now bend over and try to relax in your rectum.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 500-800 80>>
<cc>You direct Novice into position and spread her buttocks, exposing her forbidden hole.</cc>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Julia's rectum">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 500-1100 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You take it easy at first, letting her get used to it.</cc>
<<c "Sodomize Novice Julia">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 500-1200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>When you think Novice Julia is ready, you start sodomizing her for real.</cc>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "Touch yourself. Try to climax.">>
Novice Julia obeys.</cc>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>It is no surprise that Novice Julia soon starts enjoying being sodomized, her sinful lust making her get closer to orgasm.</cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Eventually, Novice Julia reaches the pleasure peak, rubbing her wet slit as you keep sodomizing her with your hard manhood.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You are close to reaching the climax.<br>
You prepare for the coming anointing inside Novice Julia's rectum.</cc>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Soon after, the Holy Seed is coming.</cc>
<<c "Release the Holy Seed in Novice Julia's rectum">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal2 40>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Julia inside her rectum.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi face4 40>>
<<s mc "I anointed you inside your hole and we purged more sinful lust from your young body. This will all protect you from drawing the attention of the lust demon, but knowing how easily you get aroused, this will only last so long. I will return later to strengthen your protection.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi juliasodomy 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("leaderq")>>
You again anointed Novice Julia in her rectum. You think this will be enough to make her get used to it. The next time you visit Novice Julia, you want to anoint her slit.
<<q juliaanoint 1000>>
<c>You anointed Novice Julia in her rectum, but you fear this will not be enough to protect her from the lust demon. You want to also anoint Novice Julia in her slit, but first you should make her get used to the vile act of sodomy.
<<q juliaanoint 500>>
<<qendversion juliaanoint version0.5.0>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 520>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face4 34>>
<c><<s mc "I have come to strengthen your protection against the lust demon and drive out more sinful lust from your body. We will do it in your rectum this time, the second favorite hole of Satan and his minions.">>
<<s julia2 "Oh. But I'm not feeling much lust, I'm not touching myself or anything. When I'm alone, I mean. It's just when you are doing things with me that I get like that.">>
<<s mc "Getting easily aroused from touching is what can attract the lust demon to you. This is what happens during the attacks... the demon forces you to feel lust and touch yourself.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes... I... understand.">>
<<qset juliaanoint 550>> /* second anoint in rectum */
<<but "Prepare her rectum" julia1 "ev:500 step:600">>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 600 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/julia/1100-2700 50>>
<c>This realization gets you thinking...
<p>You remember how great it felt to penetrate Novice Julia's slit with your manhood when she was a student at the school. You have felt the urge to repeat this with her ever since she joined the convent, but Novice Julia has refused you, even after you explained that you want to anoint the inside of her slit to protect her from the lust demon.</p>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi face4 34>>
<c>Now seeing the subservient novice standing before you, you think she would obey if you demanded to anoint her slit.
<p>But maybe you could go even further: to fornicate with Novice Julia for pleasure – to claim your right as Patriarch and the holy warrior leading the war. Perhaps Novice Julia's purpose is to offer her body to you as part of the war effort.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face3 34>>
<<s mc "Novice Julia, how is your lust?">>
<<s julia2 "It's no problem, Father. The lust is gone. Most of it. I hardly think about it.">>
<<s mc "That's good, but we know how easily you get aroused, and I think I have figured out why. I think the Lord meant for you to join the convent and support the holy war in a way few of your sisters can, but you can.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face2 34>>
<<s julia2 "What do you mean, Father?">>
<<s mc "As I touched on at the Revelation: If a young and attractive girl helps the war effort by offering herself to me – her patriarch and the leader in the holy war – that is something blessed by God. You are such a girl, Novice Julia. You are also a virgin, since the holiness of the rites we performed have kept your virginity intact since I first met you. I want to lie with you, Novice Julia. This is how you will support the holy war. You had the urge to be with a man, and now you have found a man that you can be with.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi face3 34>>
<<s julia2 "If you want to anoint me between my legs, Father, I will agree to it. You are our leader now. If you think it is for the best...">>
<<s mc "You misunderstand, my child. I will not anoint you. I will lie with you to enjoy your female body and to reduce my lust. And since your slit feels so good, the memory of that will help me later when I need to perform the holy rites with other nuns who are not as desirable as you. This way you will be supporting the war effort twice over.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi face1 40>>
<<s julia2 "Oh. But will you perform a holy rite when you lie with me?">>
<<s mc "Not exactly. The act itself, although technically fornication, will be blessed by God since you're helping the holy war, and me, your patriarch and leader. As such, it will be a holy act, and your virginity will be intact. But I will not perform a rite per se.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi face4 36 right>>
<<s julia2 "But I made a promise to God not to be with a man before marriage. I agreed before because of the holy rites. Can you marry me in a Holy Marriage before we do it?">>
<<s mc "I could, and maybe I will someday, but that's not the same. To a man, there is something special when he lies with a young girl he is not married to. It brings forth lust and desire like a wife does not. It's the best way you can help the war effort. As your leader, I want you to support the holy war this way, Novice Julia. Everyone has to do their part, and this is what God intended for you.">>
<<s julia2 "I understand, Father. Do you want to do it now? Do you want me to undress?">>
<<s mc "You can start by using your mouth on me.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 300-1200 50 "right volume0.3">>
<l>You tell Novice Julia to show you her slit. You also tell her to touch herself in preparation for your manhood.
<p>As you suspected, Novice Julia obeys you without question, having submitted to your authority.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "I am ready. Remove your habit and spread your legs for me.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Julia gets naked and lies down on the sofa. She spreads her legs, offering her slit to you. You lie down behind her, ready to fornicate with the young girl.
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>It feels wonderful to once again thrust your hard member into Novice Julia's young slit.<br>You notice that she isn't wet. You suspect she will be though.
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<c>You are in no hurry. You take it slow and enjoy Novice Julia's tight hole.
<<s julia2 "Is something wrong, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, nothing. Your slit feels very good. I'm slowing down because I don't want to release my seed already.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<<s julia2 "Won't releasing your seed reduce your lust? Isn't that the reason you're doing this?">>
<<s mc "I want to enjoy your slit too. As a man, being with a young girl is not something to be rushed, but to savor. I also want to remember this later when I'm with other, less attractive nuns.">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<c>You feel that Novice Julia's slit is finally becoming wet. It took longer than usual, perhaps because she didn't like the thought of being intimate with you without the holy rites.
<p>Ultimately, Novice Julia's body responding like this shows that you were correct. She will support the holy war by offering her body to you. This is what the Lord had in mind for her. </p></c>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 64 volume0.3>>
<c>Novice Julia moans from pleasure. You are getting closer to orgasm as you enjoy her wet slit.
<p>Suddenly you have an idea. The young girl has clearly been very aroused by your manhood inside her, but if you don't let her climax, her lust may start to become a problem again. That could play in your favor, as it might make Novice Julia even easier to control going forward.</p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 600-2800 70 volume0.3>>
<c>Novice Julia's hand moves down to her slit, but you stop her, explaining that since you aren't eating her sins, she can't commit the sin of Onan. God blessed this act of fornication, nothing else.
<p>You hope this will stop Novice Julia from climaxing.</p>
<<c "Switch to the final position">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You must finish this soon, or Novice Julia might climax. First, you want to enjoy her in one final position.
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<c>You go faster, preparing to end this. Novice Julia is closing in on an orgasm, but you will deny her that by finishing before her.
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You pound Novice Julia's tight, wet slit, going for the finish.
<<c "Release your seed inside her slit">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
You release your seed in Novice Julia's slit.
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie9 70>>
<c>Your seed drips out of the young girl's slit. Novice Julia looks down between her legs, face red from lust.
<<s julia2 "Did you have an accident, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. The man is supposed to release his seed inside the slit of the girl. Don't worry, the Lord has assured me that you won't get pregnant from this blessed act.">>
<<creampie julia2>>
<<c "Stand up">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi m 52>>
<<s julia2 "But I didn't... finish... Can you... help me, Father?">>
As you suspected, the issue of pregnancy was not the only reason Novice Julia thought you had a case of premature ejaculation.
Novice Julia touches her slit for a second, then stops, knowing it is a sin. She looks to you for help – or permission to finish it herself. She touches your sack, hoping you will want to continue.
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Novice Julia. The blessed act is over. God will not want us to sin. You should get dressed.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mi face4 34>>
<<s mc "You have sacrificed your body to help the war effort. This is what the Lord intended for you, it's why you had these urges to be with a man.">>
<<s julia2 "But now my lust is high again. Because I didn't finish.">>
<<s mc "Then this will be a test of your faith, Novice Julia. Don't fail. You cannot commit the sin of Onan.">>
<<s julia2 "I won't, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi juliafornication 60>>
<c>You have finally penetrated Novice Julia's slit after she became a novice.
<p>Now you should leave Novice Julia alone for a couple of days, not allowing her to climax. Then you will return and fornicate with her again.
<<q juliaanoint 1200>>
<<event 620 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face3 30>>
<<s mc "My manhood wants your young slit, Novice Julia. You will offer your body to support the holy war. That is your duty.">>
<<s julia2 "Will I be allowed to climax this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "Not by committing a sin, like the sin of Onan. The Lord will bless this act, but I will not perform the holy rite of Sin Eating.">>
<<s julia2 "But maybe I will climax just from having you inside me...">>
<<s mc "That's perfectly acceptable. Now, you can start by using your mouth on me.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==1200 || $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
/* mc last fornicated without julia cumming and mc hasn't let her climax since then, in any event */
<<set $temp = "wet">>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 300-1200 50 "right volume0.3">>
<l>You tell Novice Julia to show you her slit. You also tell her to touch herself briefly – in preparation for your manhood and because it arouses you. Being a command from her patriarch, it will not count as a sin of Onan.
<p>Novice Julia obeys you without question, having submitted to your authority.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "I am ready. Remove your habit and spread your legs for me.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Julia gets naked and lies down on the sofa. She spreads her legs, offering her slit to you. You lie down behind her, ready to fornicate with the young girl.
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 600-2000 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>It feels wonderful to once again thrust your erect member into Novice Julia's young slit.
<<if $temp=="wet">>
You notice that she is already wet. Probably because you didn't let her climax the last time you were intimate with her.
You notice that she isn't wet yet. Probably because she climaxed the last time you were intimate with her.
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 600-2400 70 volume0.3>>
<c>You are in no hurry. You take it slow and<<if $temp!="wet">>, although dry, you<</if>> enjoy Novice Julia's tight<<if $temp=="wet">> and wet<</if>> hole.
<<s julia2 "Is something wrong, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, nothing. Your slit feels very good. I'm slowing down because I don't want to release my seed already.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 600-2600 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Novice Julia lies still while you keep thrusting your hard manhood into her slit.
<<if $temp=="wet">><p>The girl's moaning gets louder. She will probably climax before too long – if you let her.</p><</if>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 600-2800 70 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp=="wet">>
You have Novice Julia ride you, letting her do the job of pleasuring you as well as herself.
<cc>It took a while, but you feel that Novice Julia's slit is finally becoming wet.</cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 600-3000 64 volume0.3>>
<c>You are getting closer to orgasm as you enjoy Novice Julia's wet slit.
<p>Novice Julia is also closing in on an orgasm. You could take your time and let her have one – maybe by trying different ways to pleasure her – or you could try to deny her the orgasm by finishing before her.</p>
<<but "Allow her to orgasm" julia1 doplay:temp2=orgasm>><<but "Don't let her orgasm" julia1 doplay:temp2=no>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 600-2800 70 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp2=="orgasm">>
<p>You will allow Novice Julia to orgasm this time, but when her hand moves down to her slit, you stop the girl, reminding her that since you aren't eating her sins, she can't commit the sin of Onan. God blessed this act of fornication, nothing else.</p>
<p>You want Novice Julia to climax only from the pleasure you give her.</p>
You don't want Novice Julia to orgasm this time. When her hand moves down to her slit, you stop the girl, reminding her that since you aren't eating her sins, she can't commit the sin of Onan. God blessed this act of fornication, nothing else.
<p>You hope this will stop Novice Julia from climaxing before you do.</p>
<<c "Switch to the final position">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 600-3200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc><<if $temp2=="orgasm">>
The two of you are getting closer to orgasm together.
You must finish this soon, or Novice Julia might climax.<br>But first, you want to enjoy her in one final position.
<<but "Insert a finger in her rectum" julia1 "step:3250 temp2==orgasm">><<but "Spank her" julia1 "step:3300 temp2==orgasm">><<but "Go for the finish" julia1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3250>>
<<mv 620-3250 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You insert a finger in her rectum.<br>You think she likes it.
<<but "Continue" julia1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv 620-3300 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Having noticed that Novice Julia seems to enjoy it a little rough, you spank her young butt.<br>You think she likes it.
<<but "Continue" julia1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 600-3300 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You will climax soon. You go faster, preparing to end this.
<p><<if $temp2=="orgasm">> Novice Julia is also close to orgasm.<<else>>Novice Julia is also close to orgasm, but you will deny her that by finishing before her.<</if>></p>
<<c "Keep going for the finish">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 600-3500 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You pound Novice Julia's tight, wet hole, going for the finish.
<<if $temp2=="orgasm">><p>Novice Julia orgasms. This pushes you over the edge. Your seed is coming.</p><</if>>
<p>You could say the words to anoint her in the slit, or just ejaculate.</p>
<<but "Anoint her slit" julia1 "step:4000 doplay:temp3=anoint">><<but "Just ejaculate inside her slit" julia1 "step:4000 doplay:temp3=release">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 600-5000 70 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp3=="anoint">>
As you ejaculate in Novice Julia's slit, you say the word to anoint her, turning your sperm into the Holy Seed.
You ejaculate in Novice Julia's slit.
<<if $temp2!="orgasm">>
<p>Novice Julia has not climaxed yet.</p>
<<but "Look at the result" julia1 step:5200>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie9 70>>
<c>Your seed drips out of Novice Julia's hole.
<<if $temp2=="orgasm">>
<<if $temp3=="anoint">>
The nun glances down between her legs, looking satisfied. Since you chose to anoint her with the Holy Seed, she doesn't seem very concerned about getting pregnant.
The nun glances down between her legs, looking satisfied but slightly worried, only having your word and her faith in the Lord that this won't make her pregnant.
<<s julia2 "Did it feel good, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, it always feels wonderful to release my seed inside your tight slit.">>
<<if $temp3=="anoint">>
<<set _sperm = "In the end, I anointed your slit with the Holy Seed to protect you from the lust demon, and the holy rite also prevents you from getting pregnant.">>
<<set _sperm = "The Lord has assured me that you won't get pregnant from this blessed act.">>
The nun looks down between her legs, face red from lust because you denied her orgasm.
<<s julia2 "Did you have an accident, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. It feels wonderful to release my seed inside your tight, young slit, which is why I did it. But don't worry, Novice Julia. _sperm">>
<<creampie julia2>>
<<c "Stand up">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi 600-5500 56>>
<<if $temp2=="orgasm">>
Having experienced an intense orgasm, Novice Julia's hand is going down to her slit. She quickly stops, knowing it is a sin.
<<s julia2 "I liked this. It is better when we both climax, don't you think, Father?">>
Her other hand caresses your sack as she looks up at you. You think she is trying to use her feminine charms in the hope you will let her climax the next time too.
<<s mc "It may happen again, but this is not about your pleasure, Novice Julia. You have a duty to perform.">>
As you suspected, the issue of pregnancy was not the only reason Novice Julia thought you had a case of premature ejaculation:
<<s julia2 "But I didn't... finish... Can you... help me, Father?">>
Novice Julia touches her slit for a second, then stops, knowing it is a sin without your blessing. She looks to you for help – or permission to finish it herself. She caresses your sack, hoping you will want to continue.
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Novice Julia. The blessed act is over. God does not want us to sin. You should get dressed.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mi face4 36>>
<<s mc "You have sacrificed your body to help the war effort. This is what the Lord intended for you – it's why you had these urges to be with a man.">>
<<if $temp2=="orgasm">>
<<s julia2 "If you say so, Father. I didn't think it would be with a priest, though.">>
<<s mc "Just remember that you can only climax with me. And do not commit the sin of Onan when you are alone.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father. I won't.">>
<<s julia2 "But now my lust is high again. Because I didn't finish.">>
<<s mc "Then this will be a test of your faith, Novice Julia. Don't fail. You cannot commit the sin of Onan.">>
<<s julia2 "I won't, Father. But won't my lust attract the lust demon?">>
<<s mc "Don't worry. I will check up on you to reduce your lust when needed and to keep your protection strong enough.">>
<<if $qqjuliamoving==100>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi juliafornication 60>>
<c>Novice Julia has accepted that you will use her young slit for your pleasure – that this is her duty in the holy war.
<p> By choosing to let her climax or not, you can keep the young nun's lust low or high, which will affect her the next time you are intimate with her.
<<qend juliaanoint 2000>>
<<if $temp2=="orgasm">>
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2010>>
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2020>>
<c0><<tip julialust>></c0>
<<if $qqjuliamoving==100>>
<<but "<<actQuest juliamoving>>" julia1 7000>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/mari/mari_small 72.5 70 6 82>>
<c>With your lust reduced, you have time to think about what to do with Novice Julia.
<p>You want to move her to the room next to Novice Sofia. The only problem is that Sister Mari already lives in that room.</p>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 34 pnggg>>
<c>Although it is not really a problem. As their leader, you can move the nuns around if you see a reason to.
<p>So it is decided. The only things left to do are the practicalities. This is something you can delegate to Sister Roberta. You should speak with her after supper.
<<q juliamoving 300>>
<<c "Back to Novice Julia">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi face4 34>>
<c><<s mc "I have decided to move you closer to me, Novice Julia. You will stay in the room where Sister Mari currently lives. There you will continue to support the war effort when I need your young body. Your move will make it official. I will make arrangements to have the room ready for you soon. Sister Roberta will handle it.">>
<<s julia "Hmm...">>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mi face1 49>>
<<s julia "Does this mean you will come to me more often?">>
<<s mc "Probably. If I'm in my room working on the case and get frustrated by my lust, I could just pop over to your room. But sometimes I will go next door to Novice Sofia because she needs regular anointings.">>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mi face4 34>>
<<s julia "Are you sure this is what I'm meant to do... giving you my body? I'm not sure, Father.">>
<<say mc "Yes, I'm sure, Novice Julia. It is good that you ask me when you have questions, and the answer is that this is what the Lord intended for you. It is why He brought us together and why you had the urges to be with a man. It turned out that the man God had in mind for you was not just any man, but your patriarch and leader. Rejoice in the glory of the Lord and see his work leading us toward victory against Satan. You have been blessed to play this part, Novice Julia.">>
<<say julia "I understand, Father. Thank you for removing my doubts.">>
<<say mc "Yes, I'm sure, Novice Julia. It is good that you ask me when you have questions, but you've already asked about this. Remember that I'm your patriarch, appointed by the Lord through your sisters. If you keep questioning my word, I might start to think you are trying to sabotage our holy war against Satan. Is that what you are trying to do, Novice Julia?">>
<<say julia "No, Father, I apologize. I was unsure, but now I'm not. You are our leader. I will follow your lead.">>
<<tbut "Make her see God's glory" null "addStat5 center">>
<<abut "Make her fall in line" null "addStat5 center">>
<<ev 7800>>
<<mi face1 40>>
<<cs mc "Good, then this is settled. I will leave you alone now.">>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<event 640 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face1 50>>
/* setting $qqjuliaanoint to 2010 (julia orgasmed) in last step */
<c><<s mc "How do you feel now? Do you still have lustful desires in your body?">>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<<s julia2 "A little, Father $mc. Because the last time you were with me, I didn't finish.">>
<<s mc "Have you stayed chaste since then?">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father. I haven't touched myself or anything.">>
<<s mc "Good. I will inspect your slit to see how bad your lust is.">>
<<s julia2 "No, $fmc. They are gone.">>
<<s mc "I'm not so sure about that. I have to inspect your slit to see if you easily get wet. We can't take any risks with the lust demon around.">>
<<c "Pull up her habit">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 300-300 60>>
<<cs mc "I'll start slow. How does this make you feel? ">>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<<cs julia2 "It feels nice. Is that a sin?">>
<<cs mc "No, but lust can lead to sin. And it can attract the lust demon.">>
<<cs julia2 "It just feels a little strange. Not lustful.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 300-400 42>>
<cc><<cs mc "What if I touch your slit? Do you feel any lust?">>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, it feels good.">>
<<cs julia2 "It feels strange too, Father. I think I got it all out when we were last intimate.">>
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 300-500 60>>
<c>You add saliva to your fingers and touch Novice Julia on and around her slit and her sinful little lust button.
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<p>Novice Julia's breathing is quickly becoming heavy.</p>
<<s mc "How about now? Does it make you aroused? It's okay to admit it.">>
<<s julia2 "When you do it like that... it feels nice. But I can take it.">>
You keep going for a while until Novice Julia's breathing becomes heavier.
<<c "Inspect her slit">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 300-600 40 right>>
You insert a finger into Novice Julia's slit to inspect her.
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<<s mc "You are very wet now, Novice Julia. We will drive this sinful lust out of your body and I will anoint you with the Holy Seed to strengthen your protection against evil.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Julia appears pleased with your decision.
<<s mc "As I thought. You are wet now, Novice Julia. This proves you still have unfulfilled lustful desires in your body. The lust demon may sense this. I must anoint you again to strengthen your protection.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s julia2 "Okay, Father. If you think it's necessary.">>
<<c "Take out your hard manhood">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 300-900 70 volume0.2>>
Novice Julia begins the holy ritual as she has been taught by Novice Emma – by showing reverence to the Holy Rod before putting it in her mouth.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 300-1000 70 volume0.3>>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<<cs mc "Touch yourself to drive the sinful lust out from your body.">>
<<cs mc "Touch yourself. I want to judge the level of your lustful desires.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 300-1200 55 volume0.3>>
<<s mc "That's good. Drive the desires out of your sinful slit. Those desires are not meant for a nun. I'm sending your lustful sins up to the Lord.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 300-1300 70 volume0.3>>
Novice Julia's hand and mouth around your manhood quickly push you closer to orgasm.
<p>Novice Julia is fingering her slit faster, also closing in on the pleasure peak.</p>
<<but "Allow her to orgasm" julia1 "step:2500 doplay:temp=orgasm">><<but "Don't allow her to orgasm" julia1 "step:2500 doplay:temp=no">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 300-2500 66 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp=="orgasm">>
Allowing her to orgasm, you try to hold back your seed.
<p>Novice Julia pleasures you more intensely for a while. Then suddenly, her grip on your hard member weakens and she barely moves her head. Understanding that the girl is about to climax, you grab your manhood.
<<s mc "Get it out. Finger your sinful lust away.">>
<<c "Watch her climax">>
Novice Julia now pleasures you more intensely. She must be close to orgasm.
<p>You must finish this now – before she does.</p>
<<c "Grab your manhood to finish">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv cumpre 73 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp=="orgasm">>
You keep the Holy Rod stiff while watching Novice Julia finger her wet slit as she climaxes.
<p>When she is finished, your seed is coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed!">></p>
You use your hand on the Holy Rod to summon the Holy Seed.<br>Novice Julia keeps fingering herself, hoping to finish too.
<p>But before she does, your seed is coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed!">></p>
<<c "Anoint Novice Julia">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv cum 75 volume0.3>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Julia with the Holy Seed.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv cumafter 75 volume0.3>>
<c><<if $temp=="orgasm">>
<<s mc "That's good. We have strengthened your protection against Satan and his minions, and driven sinful lust out of your slit.">>
<<s mc "That's good. We have strengthened your protection against Satan and his minions.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi room 60>>
<<if $temp=="orgasm">>
<<cs mc "I will return some other time to check on you.">>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<cs mc "Your lust wasn't high enough for you to climax. Perhaps the next time, it will be.">>
<<cs julia2 "But my lust is high now... because I didn't have time to finish...">>
<<cs mc "That's fine. Such temporary lust is not that dangerous. See this as a test of your faith, Novice Julia. Don't fail. Because you cannot commit the sin of Onan.">>
<<cs julia2 "Yes, $fmc. I won't.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi bjdone 66>>
You successfully anointed Novice Julia with the Holy Seed.
<<if $temp=="orgasm">>
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2010>>
<p>Since you allowed the young nun to orgasm, you expect her lust to be rather low the next time you are intimate with her.</p>
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2020>>
<p>Since you didn't allow the young nun to orgasm, you expect her lust to be rather high the next time you are intimate with her.</p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi bjdone 55>>
You successfully anointed Novice Julia again.
<p>You may do this whenever you think it is needed. There are also other ways to strengthen her protection against the lust demon.
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2010>>
<<event 660 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face4 34>>
<c><<s mc "I have come to strengthen your protection against the lust demon and, if I think it's needed, drive out more sinful lust from your body. We will do it in your rectum this time, the second favorite hole of Satan and his minions.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
Novice Julia doesn't object to taking your erect manhood in her behind, probably because she is looking forward to climaxing. However, you may decide otherwise.
Novice Julia doesn't look too eager to take your erect manhood in her behind, but she knows her place and obeys.
<<c "Prepare her rectum">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 300-600 34>>
<cc>Using saliva on your fingers, you prepare Novice Julia's rectum for penetration.<br>While you're at it, you also rub her slit to see if she will get aroused.
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
<p>Novice Julia clearly enjoys your touch.</p>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 300-1200 45 volume0.3>>
<c>You take out your manhood and tell Novice Julia to use her mouth to activate the Holy Rod. To judge her current lustful desires, you also tell the young nun to rub her slit.<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>> As expected, she looks aroused from it.<</if>>
<p>Novice Julia's soft mouth soon gets the job done with your manhood.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Now bend over and try to relax in your rectum.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 500-800 80>>
<cc>You direct Novice into position and spread her buttocks, exposing her forbidden hole.</cc>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Julia's rectum">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 500-1100 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You take it easy at first, letting her get used to it.</cc>
<<c "Sodomize Novice Julia">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 500-1200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>When you think Novice Julia is ready, you start sodomizing her for real.
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
Already aroused, Novice Julia seems to enjoy your manhood in her butt.
Novice Julia doesn't seem to like it very much, still not being aroused enough.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv 500-1500 70 volume0.3>>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
You tell Novice Julia to touch herself again. She gladly obeys.
<<cs mc "Touch yourself again. I want to judge your lustful desires.">>
Novice Julia obeys.
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv 500-1800 70 volume0.3>>
<<if $qqjuliaanoint==2020>>
By now, Novice Julia clearly enjoys being sodomized.<br>She will reach orgasm soon – if you let her.
Eventually, Novice Julia starts enjoying being sodomized, her sinful lust making her get closer to orgasm.
<<c "Allow her to orgasm">><<but "Don't allow her to orgasm" julia1 "step:2100 doplay:temp=no">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 500-2000 70 volume0.3>>
<<set $temp="orgasm">>
<cc>With you allowing it to happen, Novice Julia eventually reaches the pleasure peak, rubbing her wet slit as you keep sodomizing her with your hard manhood.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 500-2100 70 volume0.3>>
<cc><<if $temp!="orgasm">>
Not wanting Novice Julia to reach orgasm this time, you will try to finish before she does.
When Novice Julia is done, you are close to reaching the climax.
<p>You prepare for the coming anointing inside Novice Julia's rectum.</p></cc>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 500-2200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Soon after, the Holy Seed is coming.</cc>
<<c "Release the Holy Seed in Novice Julia's rectum">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal2 40>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Julia inside her rectum.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi face4 36>>
<<if $temp=="orgasm">>
<<s mc "I anointed the inside of your rectum, strengthening your protection, and we purged more sinful lust from your young body.">>
<<s julia2 "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
<<s mc "I anointed the inside of your rectum, strengthening your protection. Your lust wasn't high enough to make you climax, which means your lustful desire is currently low enough to not present any real danger of drawing the attention of the lust demon.">>
<<s julia2 "But now my lust is high. Because I didn't finish...">>
<<s mc "This is temporary lust, it's not that dangerous. See this as a test of your faith, Novice Julia. Don't fail. Because you cannot commit the sin of Onan.">>
<<s julia2 "I won't, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi juliasodomy 70>>
<cc>You once again anointed Novice Julia in her rectum.
<<if $temp=="orgasm">>
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2010>>
<p>Since you allowed the young nun to orgasm, you expect her lust to be rather low the next time you are intimate with her.</p>
<<set $qqjuliaanoint=2020>>
<p>Since you didn't allow the young nun to orgasm, you expect her lust to be rather high the next time you are intimate with her.</p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 8 >>
/* for more vv8 content, see ev620 step7000 */
/* Julia's lust event available in mc room when lust is high enough */
<<event 700 julia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face1 40>>
<c>With Novice Julia living close to you, she will be quickly available when needed.
<p>You don't expect any problems with Novice Julia in her now official role as being there to support your sexual needs, but time will tell.
<<q juliamoving 1000>></p>
/* reusing event to reduce save file size */
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face4 34>>
<c>You find Novice Julia in her room.
<<s mc "Novice Julia, I'm in urgent need of your young body. Remove your clothes and you will begin by using your mouth on me.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<set $temp = "volume0.2">>
<<set $temp2 = null>>
<<set $temp3 = 74>>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Novice Julia")>> /* visited this night (if ever adding her to send for a nun) */
Novice Julia begins to undress, and you do the same.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Lie down on the bed">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv 700-1400 72 $temp>>
Novice Julia and her young body are yours to do what you want with.
<<if $temp2 == null>>
Novice Julia uses her mouth on you while you finger her sinful slit.
<<set $temp2 = 1>>
<<but "Enjoy her mouth" julia1 step:1600>><<but "Enjoy her feet" julia1 step:2000>><<but "Fornicate with her" julia1 step:3000>><<but "Sodomize her" julia1 step:5000>>
<<but "Ejaculate (face)" julia1 step:8000>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 700-1600 $temp3 volume0.15>>
<cc>You enjoy Novice Julia's sweet mouth.
<<cs mc "That's a good girl.">>
<p>You are getting closer to orgasm.</p>
<<but "Continue" julia1 step:1400>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 700-2000 $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You command Novice Julia to use her feet to pleasure you.
<p>The young girl obeys.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 700-2200 $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You enjoy Novice Julia's feet.
<<cs mc "That's good. Keep going.">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 700-2400 $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You are getting closer to orgasm.</cc>
<<but "Enjoy her mouth" julia1 step:1400>><<but "Ejaculate (feet)" julia1 step:2500>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv cumshot2 $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You ejaculate on Novice Julia's pretty feet.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" julia1 step:9000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You push your erect manhood into Novice Julia's tight slit and begin to fornicate.
<<cs mc "Your young slit feels so good.">></cc>
<<but "Enjoy her slit" julia1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You enjoy Novice Julia's slit.
<p>You are getting closer to orgasm.</p>
<<but "Enjoy her mouth" julia1 step:1400>>
<<but "Ejaculate (face)" julia1 step:8000>><<but "Ejaculate (inside slit)" julia1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie7 56>>
You ejaculate inside Novice Julia's tight slit.
<<creampie julia2 center>>
<p>Novice Julia is a good girl and doesn't protest.</p>
<<but "Get dressed" julia1 step:9000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 700-5000 $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You press your erect manhood into Novice Julia's rectum and begin the perverted act of sodomy.
<<cs mc "Your hole is so nice and tight.">>
/* changed to use side position last to fit with cum in anal, so skipping the initial insert part
<cc>You press your erect manhood into Novice Julia's rectum, preparing for the perverted act of sodomy.
<<c "Change position">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv 700-5200 $temp3 $temp>>
You lie down in a comfortable position and reinsert your erect member in Novice Julia's rectum.
<<c "Enjoy her butt">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv 700-5400 $temp3 $temp>>
<cc>You enjoy Novice Julia's butt.
<<but "Use her mouth again" julia1 step:1400>>
<<but "Ejaculate (face)" julia1 step:8000>><<but "Ejaculate (inside rectum)" julia1 step:5800>>
<<ev 5800>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal3 50>>
<cc>You ejaculate inside Novice Julia's rectum.
<<but "Get dressed" julia1 step:9000>>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mv cumshot1 $temp3 volume0.5>>
<cc>You ejaculate on Novice Julia's face.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi 700-9000 50>>
You spend a moment relaxing together with Novice Julia.
<<cs julia "Were you pleased with me, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, my child. This was just what I needed.">>
<<if $qqjuliamoving < 2000>>
<<but "Continue" julia1 step:9300>>
<<but "Return to your room" mc>>
<<ev 9300>>
<<mi m 76>>
It seems that Novice Julia has accepted her official role to be quickly available when you need to reduce your lust.
<<qend juliamoving 2000>>
<c0><<tip julialust2>></c0>
<<but "Return to your room" mc>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 1600>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include kgarden1>>
<<elseif !($kgarden>100)>>
<<setev 200>>
<<include kgarden1>>
<<set $kgarden=100>>
/** Be careful when adding new event here later to not cause bug with setev/include. See BUG WARNING in emma.tw */
<<else>> /* setting kgarden to 200 in procreation quest and using this as location base from that point on */
<<mi work1 48% "left styling margin-right:0px; stylingend">><<mi work2 48% "right styling margin-left:0px; stylingend">>
<<if $qqviolaq == undefined && $qqmonksDrinking3>=100>>
You see Sister Viola walking toward the remote parts of the kitchen garden, probably to water the fruit trees. Some time ago, you told her that there were ways to strengthen one's protection against evil, but that it came with a heavy cost. You also informed Sister Viola that Novice Emma could tell her more. Sister Viola said she would think about it. That is the last you heard from her.
<p>You feel that Sister Viola needs to be anointed for her protection. You should speak to her again.
<<qstart violaq 100>>
<cc>The nuns work hard to put food on the table.
<cc0><<specbut2 "mari" kgarden1 "ev:600 qqcider==200">>
<<specbut2 "viola" kgarden1 "ev:720 qqviolaq>=200 violaq#notcompleted doplay:violakgarden=1">>
/* After violaq completed, violakgarden set to 1 will be moved to ev 900, set when anointing etc. violakgarden==1 may also remove kgarden for people in detective mode. May have to change this later when adding more to viola. Perhaps later, give separate map icon for viola */
<<specbut2 "viola" kgarden1 "ev:900 violaq#completed violakgarden==0">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",400)>>
<<specbut2 "tonina" kgarden1 "ev:1200 step:300 roamingq#notplayed401 toninagarden==0 doplay:toninagarden=1">>
<<specbut2 "tonina" kgarden1 "ev:1200 step:100 roamingq#played401 toninagarden==0 doplay:toninagarden=1">>
<<but "Look for giant fennels" kgarden1 "ev:400 qqprocreation==1000">>
<<but "Go to the giant fennels" kgarden1 "ev:500 qqprocreation==1200 procreation#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Look for Sister Viola" kgarden1 "ev:700 qqviolaq>=100 qqviolaq<<200 doplay:violakgarden=1">>
<<but "Patrol the kitchen garden" kgarden1 "ev:1200 step:150 qqroamingq==100 toninagarden==0 doplay:toninagarden=1">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi work1 48% "left nomarginRight">><<mi work2 48% "right nomarginLeft">>
<<say ms "This is the kitchen garden. We are self-sufficient when it comes to food except for things like fish and other animal products. A delivery truck from the town comes here once or twice a week with supplies we have ordered, as well as delivering any mail left for us at the post office." ii>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii "nchapel/chapel_outside" 45 right>>
A church bell tolls close by. It's coming from an impressive-looking chapel. All nuns drop what they are doing and leave for the stone building.
<<s ms "The Mass is about to start. These days, this is one of the few times per year that we have a priest visiting us to celebrate Mass. The former town priest came more often, but he left for another parish, and sadly the replacement, Father Piero, the current town priest, rarely comes here because of his advanced age and failing health." ii>>
<<s mc "So Father Piero sometimes visits this place. Anyone else with him?">>
<<s ms "Yes, he usually brings two altar boys as assistants. And another assistant to drive them here. But they all only stay for Mass and they don't have a key or anything. I can't see how any of them could be getting inside the main building at night." ii>>
<<set $intro = 1600>>
<<c "Go to the chapel" hub>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi work1 48% "left styling margin-right:0px; stylingend">><<mi work2 48% "right styling margin-left:0px; stylingend">>
/*<<mi garden 48% "left gif">> */
There is much work to do at the monastery. If the nuns aren't busy performing their obligatory daily prayer routines such as the <<hovertip "Liturgy of the Hours," liturgy>> they teach the girls at the school or do any of the many chores needing to get done around the monastery complex.
<p>The nuns work hard to put food on the table. You can probably skip visiting this part of the monastery grounds for now.
<<set $eyeTip = 1>>
<<tip hidingLocations>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi work1 50>>
Sister Jana takes you to the kitchen garden, where she points out the nuns that occasionally help her out in the herb garden. One after the other, you take them aside for questioning. None of them admits to having felt anything resembling the lust curse, not even when working several days in a row in the herb garden.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi work2 50>>
One thing becomes clear after you have met with the nuns that usually help out Sister Jana in the herb garden: The lust demon had not attacked any of them. They are older and less attractive nuns. The kind that the lust demon has not shown any interest .
<<but "Return to the herb garden" hjana1 "ev:1100 step:500">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi thistles 80>>
You come to a patch of thistles. In the first week you were here, while exploring the grounds, you think it was behind the bushes beyond these thistles that you saw some large plants with yellow flowers. It could have been giant fennels.
<<but "Pass around the thistles and go behind the bushes" kgarden1 fullWidth>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi giantFennels 40 right>>
<l>You come to a sun-drenched patch of land with thick grass – and large plants with yellow flowers. You were correct. It is giant fennels. A lot of them. This should be enough for your needs.
<p>You suspect that this is the centuries-old remains of Ludolphus' source of giant fennels. He likely grew them himself.</p>
This small area is located between the kitchen garden and the park, hidden between thick bushes and a small hill. It looks like no one has been here recently. This deserted place should allow you to extract the latex from the giant fennels without much risk of detection.
<p>There is no time to lose. You should start the extraction operation at once.
<<q procreation 1100>>
<<c "Start the extraction of latex">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi giantFennels 40 right>>
You go back to your room and prepare everything you need.
Then you return to the giant fennels. You make an exception this time and take a page of Ludolphus' notes with you as you leave your room, as the notes contain instructions on how to extract the latex to not hurt the plant and to make the extraction process work all year round.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi fennellatex 60>>
<c>One way to extract the latex requires you to first cut off part of the stem or root, but that could kill the plant, and the extraction process itself requires more manual labor.
<p>The gentler way to extract the latex from the plants is to make many small incisions on the stem in certain places, and then collect the milky juice as it exudes from the cuts. This extraction process takes longer, but if done correctly, the plant will live and continue to deliver latex from the same incisions. All you have to do is return regularly to get the collected latex, and reopen the incisions when needed as they will heal over time.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi giantFennels 40 right>>
You follow the instructions on how and where to make the incisions. Underneath them, you place the containers for collecting the latex.
<p>Now you have to wait while the latex slowly exudes from the cuts. You should leave it for at least a day before your first batch of asafoetida is ready. Then you have to purify it to make silphium-grade asafoetida.
<<q procreation 1200>>
<<c "Leave the giant fennels">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv watering 60 "pause1 volume0.26">>
<c>As you step out of the thick bushes and return to the back of the kitchen garden, you see a nun with a watering can in the distance. It looks like Sister Viola. She wasn't there before.
<p>You should make sure that she won't be a problem.</p>
<<c "Go to Sister Viola">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi viola1 55>>
<<s mc "Greeting, Sister Viola.">>
<<s viola "$fmc. You scared me. I didn't expect anyone back here.">>
<<s mc "I was looking around, happened to see you. What are you doing here?">>
<<s viola "We have a few fruit trees here. I'm making sure they are watered.">>
You small-talk with Viola about this quiet place at the back of the kitchen garden, subtly trying to ascertain if your secret asafoetida production is in danger of being discovered. But from what you can gather, it seems no one ever goes back behind the bushes to the giant fennels. You relax.
<<but "Say farewell and leave" hub>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi giantFennels 40>>
You return to the giant fennels.
<<linediv>>The extraction process has been a success. The containers have a good amount of latex in them.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/asafoetida2 65>>
<c>The extracted latex has become a solid gum resin of a beige color – asafoetida. It should turn darker brown with time.
<p>You retrieve the resin from the containers and put it in a jar. This should be enough asafoetida for now. You can return later to extract more latex when needed. The small cuts on the stem of the plants are almost healed and would need to be reopened when you want to extract more latex.</p>
<p>Now you must go to the lab and purify the asafoetida.
<<q procreation 1300>>
<<c "Leave the giant fennels">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv watering 60 "pause1 volume0.26">>
<c>When you step out of the thick bushes and return to the kitchen garden, you see Sister Viola. She has spotted you.
<p>You should talk to her.</p>
<<c "Go to Sister Viola">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi viola2 47 right>>
<<s mc "Greeting, Sister Viola. More water for the tree, I see.">>
<<s viola "Yes, $fmc. It requires a lot of water and now with this hot weather and no rain...">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi viola3 47 right>>
<<s viola "What are you doing back here again?">>
<<s mc "I'm taking a walk around the grounds now and then, to see if I can spot any signs of an intruder. The attacker may move around back here, out of sight.">>
<<s viola "I understand. Now I feel safer knowing you are out here looking out for us.">>
<<s mc "Of course. It's probably not dangerous to be out here away from the others during the day, but still, I wouldn't recommend going out into the bushes or any other place out of sight.">>
<<s viola "Yes, I will not do that.">>
Now you feel confident that you can move around back here without appearing suspicious, and that your asafoetida production will stay undetected.
<<ev 900>>
<<mi viola4 26 right>>
As you relax, you can't help but feel excited to stand here near the nun, out of sight from everyone else. You wonder if Sister Viola could use a holy rite. She has been attacked, but she has not been initiated, nor is she a "candidate", last you heard from Novice Emma. That could change though.
<<addlust 20>>
<<s mc "Even if it's probably safe to be out here alone, I still commend you for doing it. I would understand if you were afraid. ">>
<<s viola "I am afraid, but I also have faith in God to protect me.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's good. Unfortunately, we have seen that Satan's minion has been able to strike among the most faithful of you. I'm afraid faith alone is not enough to protect you. I'm just saying this to make you aware that there are other ways to strengthen your protection against evil, should you feel the need.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi viola3 47 right>>
<<s viola "What other ways?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't tell you right now. Some things are only meant for those that really need them. And you seem to be doing okay, even after being attacked. Let's just hope the lust demon will leave you alone.">>
<<s viola "But what if it doesn't? Now I'm getting scared. I don't want to be attacked again, Father. If you know of a way to protect myself, I want to hear it.">>
<<s mc "If you absolutely want to know, you should speak with Novice Emma. She is my deputy in these matters, deciding who is ready to receive the help. But you should know that the help comes with a cost. It is an extreme measure to take, but the protection it gives is real.">>
<<s viola "Maybe I will speak with Novice Emma, then.">>
<<but "Say farewell and leave" hub>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/mari/mari 35>>
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister Mari. I was told you are responsible for making the cider.">>
<<s mari "Yes, that is correct, $fmc. Did you want a bottle?">>
<<s mc "No, thank you. But I had a few questions about the cider, relating to the investigation.">>
<<s mari "Oh? I can't imagine why, but I'm happy to answer any questions.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/mari/mari 36 right>>
<<s mc "Do you sell the cider?">>
<<s mari "No, we don't make enough of it to sell. We only have a few apple trees. It's for our own consumption.">>
<<s mc "Hmm. You see, I was visiting the monks, and one of them drank cider. It looked and tasted just like your cider. Could it have been?">>
<<s mari "I suppose the Mother Superior could have sent the abbot a bottle or two of our cider, as a gift. I know they sometimes communicate. Never physically, of course. But through the mail.">>
<<s mc "Yes, perhaps. Any other explanation you can think of why the monks would have a bottle of your cider?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/mari/head 38>>
<<s mari "Well, forgive me for saying it, $fmc, but you are probably mistaken. This type of short-fermentation cider is common in this region. It's a specialty, you could say. The monks probably made it themselves, or bought it somewhere.">>
<<s mc "I didn't know it was a common cider around here. Can you tell me a little about this type of cider? I have tasted it, and I thought it was strong, but I was told it was, in fact, low in alcohol.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/mari/mari 36 right>>
<<s mari "Yes, yes, that's correct. It's the tartness from the apples that gives it that strong taste. And the fact that we interrupt the fermentation process before it is completed. Normally, when making cider, you continue until the fermentation is completed, and then you end up with a much sweeter and more carbonated cider, but also a lot more alcohol. Our cider contains about 1% alcohol. Just enough that it will make the bottled cider last in storage for a year, until the next harvest of apples.">>
<<s mc "How long does the cider last once you open the bottle?">>
<<s mari "Oh, about two weeks.">>
<<s mc "Could you tell the difference between your cider and someone else's cider of this type?">>
<<ev 420>>
<<mii nuns/mari/head2 40>>
<<s mari "Possibly. It depends on a few things. If they used the same apples as we do. We use sweet apples, which makes for a milder cider than many other short-fermentation ciders. Still packs a punch though. Then it depends on if they interrupted the fermentation process at the same point. Also, interrupting the fermentation can lead to the cider going bad from bacteria. There is a special process to avoid this, and this process can vary from place to place which also affects the end result.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/mari/head 36 right>>
<<s mc "What if I gave you the bottle? Could you tell for sure if it is one of your cider bottles?">>
<<s mari "Not for sure, no. The bottle we use must be used by many others in the area.">>
<<s mc "I see.">>
<<s mari "However, if you also gave me the cap from said bottle and both the bottle and the cap match the ones we use, then it's another matter. There are many types of bottles and caps. If the cider also tastes the same, I would wager it is one of our bottles.">>
<<s mc "Yes, good point, Sister Mari. Then I'd like to take a look at your bottled cider to refresh my memory.">>
<<s mari "Of course. They are in that wine cellar over there. To the right when you enter.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/cider 10 pnggg>>
<c>You enter the wine cellar and look to the right.
<p>You recognize the cider bottles. Novice Gabriella had one of them in her kitchen.</p>
<p>You study the bottle and the cap, committing them to memory.</p>
<p>Now you are almost ready to start looking for the bottle that Brother Salvatore's cider came from. But there is something else you should do first.
<<q cider 500>></p>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv watering 60 volume0.15>>
<c>You find Sister Viola watering the fruit trees. In this isolated location, you could anoint Sister Viola without much risk of detection. You just have to keep an eye out for someone approaching in the distance.
<<c "Go to Sister Viola">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi viola1 60>>
<<s viola "Greetings, $fmc. You almost scared me. Are you looking for signs of an intruder back here again?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I have to be vigilant to protect you all from harm.">>
<<s viola "God bless you, Father.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi viola3 40 right>>
<<s mc "Have you spoken to Novice Emma about ways to strengthen your protection against evil?">>
<<s viola "We talked for a bit, but then she said I wasn't ready to pay the price that the rite of protection requires. She is probably correct. It must be something extreme, and while I fear for the lust demon, I manage as it is.">>
<<s mc "I see. Well, if you change your mind, don't hesitate to come to me to discuss it.">>
<<s viola "Thank you, $fmc, I will keep that in mind.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi viola1 60>>
<cc>Until Sister Viola fears more for her safety, she won't agree to be anointed.
<<q violaq 200 center>>
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<event 720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola1 60>>
Sister Viola is watering the fruit trees in the back of the kitchen garden.
<<cs viola "Greetings, $fmc.">>
<<but "Evidence of intruder" kgarden1 "ev:800 cider#completed qqviolaq>=200 qqviolaq<<300">>
/*<<set _lsd = setup.lastStageDay_checkNote2("violaq")>>
qqviolaq: $qqviolaq - day: $day - laststageday: _lsd*/
<<if $qqviolaq>=300>>
<<if setup.daysSinceLastStage("violaq",2)>>
<<but "Ask about protection" kgarden1 "ev:820 daily">>
<<elseif setup.daysSinceLastStage("violaq",1)>>
<<but "Ask about protection" kgarden1 "ev:810 violaq#notplayed400 daily">>
/*<<but "Ask about anointing" kgarden1 "ev:900 qqviolaq==500 violaq#stageDay+1">>*/
<<but "Leave her" kgarden>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola2 45 right>>
According to Brother Salvatore, Novice Alonso has been trespassing on this side of the wall. Novice Alonso could be involved in the attacks.
<<s mc "I should warn you that I have found evidence of an intruder moving around in this area. Probably during the night and early morning, but it could have been during the day too.">>
<<s viola "Oh, my. How terrible. Do you think it was the lust demon?">>
<<s mc "That seems likely, yes. I'm afraid you may not be safe out here even during the day. The attacks have so far only happened during the night, but the lust demon fears my presence when I'm sleeping in the monastery, so it may take the chance to strike during the day if it finds a suitable victim and I'm not close by.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi viola3 45 right>>
<<s viola "But we have no choice. We have to work to put food on the table.">>
<<s mc "Yes, and there won't be any danger when other people are around. But since you are often alone back here, you need the best protection possible. I urge you to reconsider my offer to help you with that protection rite. The price is heavy, but now we have evidence that you are in grave danger of being attacked. You should speak to Novice Emma again.">>
<<s viola "Yes, I will speak to Novice Emma.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi viola1 60>>
<cc>You should return to Sister Viola soon to see if she is ready to be anointed.
<<q violaq 300 center>>
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<event 810>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola5 45>>
<<s mc "Have you spoken to Novice Emma?">>
<<s viola "Yes. She told me there were certain holy rites that you could use to fight evil, and one of them was a protection rite. Novice Emma thinks I may be ready to pay the price for that rite. She has started to educate me. I understand the holy rite requires me to do something intimate, but Novice Emma hasn't revealed the details yet.">>
<<s mc "I understand. I will talk to you later, then.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi viola1 60>>
<cc>Things are looking promising with Sister Viola. You should return to her soon to see if she is ready to be anointed.
<<qmess violaq 400 center>> /* NOTE qmess here! To not fuck with stageDay */
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<event 820>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola6 45>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("violaq",400) && !setup.checkqStage("violaq",500)>>
<<cs mc "Have you spoken with Novice Emma?">>
<<cs mc "Have you spoken more with Novice Emma?">>
<<if $qqdana >= 2000 && setup.questCompleted("janafornicate")>> /* dana: did threesome */
<<but "Continue" kgarden1 step:500>>
<<but "Continue" kgarden1 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi viola2 45 right>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("violaq",400)>>
<<s viola "Yes, but Novice Emma still hasn't told me the details of the holy rite, the protection rite... what I would have to do. She thinks I'm not quite ready to pay the price and to be initiated, whatever that means.">>
<<s viola "Yes. She has started to educate me. She told me there were certain holy rites that you could use to fight evil, and one of them was a protection rite. I understand that the protection rite requires me to do something intimate, but Novice Emma hasn't revealed the details yet. She thinks I'm not quite ready to pay the price and to be initiated, whatever that means.">>
<<s mc "Do you know why she thinks that?">>
<<s viola "Well, I asked who among us have been initiated. Novice Emma wouldn't say any names, but she gave me an idea of how many. Then I also learned that very few professed sisters have been initiated, and even among them, I got the impression there were doubts about the truth of the holy rites. Then I hesitated.">>
<<s mc "I see. I will return later and we will speak more.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi viola5 36>>
<c>It seems that Sister Viola could come to her senses and accept to pay the price of the holy rites if more professed sisters support the truth of the holy rites.
<p>You should return to Sister Viola when the support for the holy rites has grown among the professed sisters.
<<qmess violaq 500>>
<<but "Leave her" kgarden>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi viola1 64>>
<<s viola "Yes, she has told me everything about the holy rites. I'm ready to join the Circle and be anointed with the Holy Seed. We can do it right now if you want, Father.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. But don't you want to be initiated the usual way? Then you would see me anoint Novice Emma. To prepare yourself for accepting the holy rite.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi viola5 40>>
<<s viola "No, it's not needed. I was hesitant about the holy rites at first, but then Novice Emma told me the names of everyone that was already initiated into the Circle. And when I heard that even Sister Dana and Sister Jana were initiated and had accepted the truth of the holy rites, I had to do the same. I had to accept that this is what I have to do to protect myself.">>
<<s mc "I'm glad you have seen the truth. Then we should begin. You know what is expected of you?">>
<<s viola "You want me to use my mouth?">>
<<s mc "Yes. You should kneel.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi v-bj 60>>
<c>Your male organ quickly grows when you take it out.
<<addlust 100>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("violaq")>>
<p>Sister Viola gently touches your erect manhood.</p>
<p>As she has no experience with this, you instruct Sister Viola how to proceed.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<set $temp2 = 55>>
<<mv v-bj200 $temp2 volume0.4>>
<cc>Sister Viola pleasures you with her mouth and hand.
<p>It feels very good. You think Novice Emma may have taught Sister Viola the basics.</p>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mv v-bj240 $temp2 volume0.4>>
<cc>Sister Viola does her best to bring forth the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv v-bj250 $temp2 volume0.4>>
<cc>Sister Viola seems to have accepted that your manhood is now the Holy Rod, as she shows reverence for it.</cc>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv v-bj260 $temp2 volume0.4>>
<cc>Then she goes back to the task at hand, bringing you closer to releasing the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv v-bj300 $temp2 volume0.6>>
<cc>Soon after, you feel the orgasm coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed with the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Anoint Sister Viola">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<playsound viola-cum 0.5>>
<<mv v-cum $temp2 "speed2 volume0">>
<cc><<s mc "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv v-cumafter $temp2 volume0.5>>
<cc>You tell Sister Viola to not let the Holy Seed to go waste.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi viola1 70>>
<c><<s mc "Now you will have the blessing of the Lord and a strong protection against the lust demon. But the effect will wear off with time. I have to anoint you again later to strengthen the protection.">>
<<s viola "Yes, I understand.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi v-cumend 64>>
You anointed Sister Viola and she seems to have accepted the truth of the holy rite and the protection it will give her from the lust demon. You can return to strengthen her protection whenever you feel it is needed.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationviola")>>
/* Keep doing c until tried to fornicate with viola as part of revelation quest */
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi viola5 40>>
<c>Since Sister Viola has already been attacked, she may have committed more serious sins of lust – sins that you should eat. You should revisit that thought later, but for now, that doesn't seem urgent.
<<qend violaq 1000>>
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola1 60>>
Sister Viola is watering the fruit trees in the back of the kitchen garden.
<<cs viola "Greetings, $fmc.">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelationviola>>" kgarden1 "ev:1000 qqrevelationviola==100 doplay:violakgarden=1">>
<<but "Talk about sins of fornication" kgarden1 "ev:1100 qqpatriarchq==150 patriarchq#notplayed600 doplay:violakgarden=1">>
<<but "Anoint her" kgarden1 "ev:910 daily doplay:violakgarden=1">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" kgarden1 "ev:1100 step:500 patriarchq#played600 doplay:violakgarden=1">>
<<but "Leave her" kgarden>>
<<event 910>> /* separate event to work with daily */
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola6 40>>
<c><<s mc "I fear for your safety with you being out here alone. I feel we should strengthen your protection against the lust demon.">>
<<s viola "If that is your wish, I am ready, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Then kneel and use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" kgarden1 "ev:820 step:1000">>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola3 42 right>>
<l><<s mc "Sister Viola, I fear for your safety out here. Anointing you is one thing, but we haven't done anything about the sins you committed while being attacked in your bed. Such lustful sins will attract Satan and his minions.">>
<<s viola "I don't know what sins that might be. I don't remember much of the attack, like I told you the day you interviewed us.">>
<<s mc "Even more reason to assume the worst. Several of the attacked sisters simulated having a man inside of them – meaning sins of fornication. You may have done the same. I want to attempt to eat those potential sins of fornication.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi viola6 34>>
<<s viola "Are you saying we would have to fornicate?">>
<<s mc "Yes, unfortunately. But don't worry. It will be part of a holy rite, meaning it is allowed.">>
<<s viola "I can't do that, Father. Out of the question. I rather take my chances with the lust demon out here.">>
Since you need Sister Viola's support at the Revelation, you don't want to push the matter further at this point.
<<s mc "I understand, Sister Viola. So be it.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi viola5 34>>
<<s mc "There is something else I wanted to talk to you about.">>
You give Sister Viola a brief explanation of your plans for the Revelation.
After listening and hearing your arguments, Sister Viola agrees to support you, to vote for you as the new leader of the convent.
<<ev 350>>
<<mi viola1 52>>
<<s mc "Thank you, Sister Viola. Now, you stay safe out here.">>
Sister Viola didn't agree to fornicate with you, but you got her support at the Revelation, and that was the important thing. Once you are the patriarch, you can bring up the matter of fornicating again.
<<qend revelationviola 1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<revsupport "Sister Viola" 800>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi viola6 34>>
<c>As you turn to leave, Sister Viola speaks up.
<<s viola "Wait, Father. Maybe you should anoint me before you leave. Our talk made me fear for my safety. I... I feel I could use more protection.">>
<<but "Anoint her" kgarden1 step:1300>><<but "Don't anoint her" kgarden1 step:1400>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi viola5 40>>
<cc><<cs mc "As you wish. Then kneel and use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<cs viola "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" kgarden1 "ev:820 step:1000">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi viola5 36>>
<c><<s mc "Anointing you with the Holy Seed can only do so much, Sister Viola. Your current protection against evil is still sufficient. I will return to strengthen your protection when it's needed. Or do you want me to try to eat your sins of fornication now, after all?">>
<<s viola "No, Father. Just the anointing. But we'll do it another time, then.">>
<<but "Leave her" kgarden>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi viola5 36>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Viola, the time has come to take action. With the convent coming together under my command to lead us to victory against Satan, we cannot take any chances. You may have committed sins of fornication when you were attacked, when you were under the influence of the lust demon. I must try to eat those sins to remove that evil that the Devil and his minions are feeding on.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi viola6 38 right>>
<<s viola "But I don't remember any such sins. If something like that was done down there, I think I would have felt it when I woke up. Like... violated inside.">>
<<s mc "Your slit may not have been physically penetrated by your hands, or something else, but fantasizing about a man inside you in that situation would be enough to constitute a sin of fornication. Remember what Jesus said on the mountain: <bible>But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.<tipsx>[Matthew 5:28]</tipsx></bible>">>
<<s mc "The same would be true for fantasizing about a man inside you. Do you deny the words of our Savior?">>
<<s viola "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then it's settled. As your patriarch, I say that we must fornicate, that I can attempt to eat any sins of fornication you may have committed. I will then anoint you. You should begin by using your mouth on me to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<s viola "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Viola kneels before you.
<<but "Take out your manhood" kgarden1 step:1000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi viola6 36>>
<c><<s mc "I am not confident that I managed to eat all your potential sins of fornication the last time. We can't risk the sins festering any more. We must repeat the holy rites.">>
<<s viola "If you say so, Father.">>
<<s mc "I do. Use your mouth to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<s viola "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Viola kneels before you.
<<but "Take out your manhood" kgarden1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv v-bj260 54 volume0.5>>
<cc>Sister Viola's mouth quickly gets the Holy Rod ready for action.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "Now you can remove your habit, then lie down and spread your legs.">>
<<c "Penetrate Sister Viola's slit">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 76 volume0>>
<c>You eagerly penetrate Sister Viola's slit. This has to be done, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying your work.
<<s mc "Since you don't remember what might have happened, it is best to try different positions. Get down on all fours.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 76 volume0.4>>
<cc>You continue to fornicate with Sister Viola, now in the perverse dog position.</cc>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.4>>
<cc><<cs viola "How long will this take?">>
<<cs mc "It will be over soon.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.4>>
<cc>And after a while, your seed is coming.
<<cs mc "Sit up and I will anoint you with the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<playsound viola-cum 0.4>>
<<mv v-cum 55 "speed2 volume0">>
<cc><<s mc "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv v-cumafter 55 volume0.5>>
<cc>You tell Sister Viola to not let the Holy Seed to go waste.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi viola1 54>>
<<s mc "If you committed any sins of fornication, most of it will now be gone from your soul, perhaps all of it. But since you don't even remember what happened, chances are I couldn't eat everything. That would mean that the sins of fornication will continue to fester and build up over time. I will pray on it. We may have to repeat this later.">>
<<s viola "If you say so, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc>Using your authority as patriarch, you fornicated with Sister Viola.</cc>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",600)>>
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<ev 4400>>
<<dopatriarch viola>>
<<but "Continue" kgarden>>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>> /* starting here after anointing tonina */
<<mi 1200-100 66>>
You go to the quiet area close to the park where Sister Tonina prays at this time of the day.
<p>You find her in her usual spot.</p>
<<but "Anoint her" kgarden1 step:4000>><<hub>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi 1200-100 66>>
You come to the outer edge of the kitchen garden where the kitchen garden meets the park area.
<p>You see a nun praying here. No one else is around.</p>
<<c "Approach the nun">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 52>>
<c>Approaching the praying nun, you see that it is Sister Tonina. She has not been attacked by the lust demon and you have never been intimate with her.
<p>Sister Tonina was a novice at the time of the Revelation – when you were elected leader of the nuns – but has since taken her vows. That means another vote for you – if she is on your side.</p>
<p>Being young still, Sister Tonina is definitely within the preferred age range of the lust demon, and so it would be in her best interest to support you.</p>
<<but "Talk to Sister Tonina" kgarden1 step:400>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 1200-100 66>>
You go to the place Sister Tonina prays at this time of the day.
<p>You find her there in her usual spot.</p>
<<c "Talk to her">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 50 speed0.5>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",400)>>
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister Tonina. I thought that was you...">>
<<s tonina "Greetings, $fmc.">>
You engage in small talk with Sister Tonina, getting to know her better.
You again touch on the fact that Sister Tonina is not a virgin.
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister Tonina. It is peaceful out here.">>
<<s tonina "Greetings, Father. Yes, it is...">>
You engage in small talk with Sister Tonina. You learn that she is taking a short break from work to pray here alone, as she usually does this time of day.
You also learn that Sister Tonina is not a virgin.
While you aren't happy with that, nor the fact that she wasn't married to the man, those sins of fornication happened before she joined the convent. You do warn her, though, that those sins will make her more susceptible to Satan's corruption.
<<ev 420>>
<<mi 1200-420 32>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",400)>>
You are still not sure if Sister Tonina supports you as her leader. She implies that she does, but that could be her telling you what you want to hear.
Without putting her on the spot, you subtly try to ascertain if she supports you as her leader.
<<lh>>While Sister Tonina implies that she supports you, you are not sure she is sincere. She may be saying what you want to hear for fear of getting punished.
<<ev 450>>
<<mv 1200-400 52 speed0.5>>
<c>Getting intimate with Sister Tonina should make her come around if she has doubts about your leadership. Even if she does support you, it could never hurt to bind her closer to you.
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "Leave her" kgarden1 step:500>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("holylustq")>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "<<actChapter 5>>Anoint her with the Holy Seed" kgarden1 "step:1000 corr60 lll90">>
<<but "Anoint her with the Holy Seed" kgarden1 "step:460 corr60 ttt20">>
<<but "Anoint her with the Holy Seed" kgarden1 "step:1000">>
<<ev 460>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 1200-200 50>>
You have hardly spoken with Sister Tonina before seeing her alone out here. You feel it is too risky to try to anoint the nun just like that without a good enough reason. You must think about your reputation.</c>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",400)>>
<c>You will add Sister Tonina to your list of "sisters of interest".
<<qadd roamingq 400>>
<<qmess roamingq 100 updateAlways>>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 1200-420 36 right>>
<l><<s mc "Sister Tonina, I have come today because the Lord has given me a sign I cannot ignore. Your past sins of fornication is attracting the lust demon and that threat must be dealt with. Ideally, I should eat your sins of fornication, but for now, anointing you with the Holy Seed should be enough protection. We should do it right now. You must use your mouth on me.">>
<<s tonina "Now? But $fmc, this comes so quickly.">>
<<s mc "Yes, we must act at once. I have to insist. I must either fornicate with you to eat your sins, or you could just use your mouth on me and I will anoint you. Which is it?">>
<<s tonina "Anointing, if I had to choose, but...">>
You don't wait for Sister Antonia to finish the sentence.
<<addlust 100>>
<<holylustquest 140 center>>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 68 volume0.5>>
With everything happening so quickly, Sister Tonina has no time to protest. When you take out your erect manhood and tell her to kneel, she submits to your authority and obeys.
<p>Understanding what she is supposed to do, she takes your stiff male organ in her mouth and gets to work.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.5>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",401)>>
Sister Tonina handles your manhood with a skill that must have been practiced.
<<s mc "Have you used your mouth on a man before?">>
<<s tonina "Yes, Father. With the man I lost my virginity to. Am I doing it wrong?">>
Sister Tonina handles your manhood with a skill that is clearly practiced.
<<s mc "You said you used your mouth on the man you lost your virginity to?">>
<<s tonina "Yes, Father. Am I doing it wrong?">>
<<s mc "No, you are doing fine. A little too fine for being a nun. Consider this part of your repentance for your obscene sins of the past.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.5>>
<cc>With Sister Tonina's skill in oral sex, it doesn't take long before your seed is coming.
<<c "Anoint Sister Tonina">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 66 speed3>>
<cc>You ejaculate in Sister Tonina's face and moan the words to anoint her.
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<s mc "This should protect you for a while, but those sins of fornication are a problem we have to talk more about.">>
<<s tonina "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Tonina doesn't sound too happy about it, but she appears thankful that the anointing is over.
<<if !setup.checkqStage("roamingq",401)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi work1 60>>
<cc>You leave Sister Tonina and she goes back to work in the kitchen garden as her break is over.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 1200-2700 50>>
<c>You successfully became intimate with Sister Tonina by anointing her. This should secure her continued vote for you as the leader of the nuns.
<<qadd roamingq 401>>
<<qmess roamingq 1000 updateAlways>>
<<checkEndQuest roamingq>>
<<ev 4000>> /* replaying, from step 100 */
<<mv 1200-400 66>>
The thought of being intimate with Sister Tonina out here in the open is tempting.
<<addlust 50>>
<<c "Talk to her">>
<<ev 4050>>
<<mv 1200-400 50 speed0.5>>
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister Tonina. I thought that was you...">>
<<s tonina "Greetings, $fmc.">>
You engage in small talk with Sister Tonina, touching again on the fact that she has committed sins of fornication. While it happened before she joined the convent, those sins will make her more susceptible to Satan's corruption.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi 1200-420 32>>
<c><<s mc "Until those sins of fornication are removed, we must keep your protection against evil strong. So... I must either fornicate with you to eat your sins, or you could use your mouth on me and I will anoint you. What do you prefer?">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s tonina "Anointing, if I had to choose, but...">>
You don't wait for Sister Antonia to finish the sentence.
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" kgarden1 step:1500>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 4300>>
<<mi lab1 50 right>>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
You descend the stairs and find a single dark room. It is bigger than it looked on the map in the library. So big that part of it might be located under the chapel outside the walls.</p>
<p>The room appears to be some kind of old laboratory. Very old. A furnace and various equipment used for distillation and other processes occupy a big part of the room.</p>
<p>You wonder where the smoke from the furnace goes. Possibly, it is directed to the chimney above the fireplace in your bedroom. The notation on the 13th-century map said this room was used as a wine cellar, but before that, it was a distillery, which would explain there being ventilation to lead the smoke away.</p>
<p>Everything seems to be in good condition, although dusty. Nothing is broken or thrown on the floor, suggesting the room was suddenly abandoned one day and has remained undisturbed ever since.</p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:100">>
<<mi labtitle 80 "noBorder png styling margin: 0 auto 0.0rem auto; position:relative;z-index:100 stylingend">>
<<mii "misc/under" 90% "noBorder png styling margin-bottom:1.0rem; position:relative;z-index:2 stylingend">>
<<if ndef $qqcurseserpent || $qqcurseserpent < 350>>
<<mi labdesk 50 right>>
You are in the old, forgotten room under your bedroom.
<<if $qqcurseserpent < 400>> /* add value here for when showing majorly cleaned up lab3*/
<<mi lab3minorclean 100>>
<<mi lab3 97>>
/* Using if so can use cc without getting an empty cc when button reqs fail */
/* v8: Changing to enclose everything in <cc> and adding inline to buttons to allow several buttons appearing inline. Also moving nobottom from button to cc class. Any buttons wanted alone on a line can just not use inline. And an empty cc doesn't seem to make any difference anyway. */
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">
<<if $qqcurseserpent==360 && $daytime != "night">>
<<specbut "Spend the rest of the day cleaning" lab1 "ev:850">>
<<if $qqrileyThreesome==600>>
<<specbut "Test the pipettes" lab1 "ev:1515 inline">>
<<if $qqcatarinaq == 1350>>
<<set _cataletter = "A letter to Sister Catarina">>
<<nunbut catarina lab1 "ev:1660 buttontext:_cataletter:: useimage:misc/letter_closed_small:: usebackground:00f::">></cc>
<<if $qqprotecting == 650>>
<<specbut "Figure out a way to deal with Mother Magda" lab1 "ev:1750">>
<<if $qqrevelationroberta==400>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest revelationroberta>>" lab1 "ev:1860 inline">>
<<if $qqrevelationroberta==1100 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("revelationroberta",1)>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest revelationroberta>>" lab1 "ev:1880 inline">>
<<if $qqrevelation==1000>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest revelation>>" lab1 "ev:1900 inline">>
<<if $qqjanamarry == 300>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest janamarry>>" lab1 "ev:2300 inline">>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject == 100>>
/*Maybe make this buttong corr50 ttt20, or add one such button inside event to make mc accept the risk of testing and sexing with townswomen and spreading rumors about lust demons outside monastery area<br>*/
<<specbut "<<actQuest amnesiaproject>>" lab1 "ev:2400 inline">>
<<if $qqredthread ==100>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("redthread",220)>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest redthread>>" lab1 "ev:2500 step:170 inline">>
<<specbut "<<actQuest redthread>>" lab1 "ev:2500 inline">>
<<if $qqattacklocations == 100>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest attacklocations>>" lab1 "ev:2620 inline">>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==600>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest investmurder>>" lab1 "ev:2600 inline">>
<<if $qqexperimentAttacks==100 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("experimentAttacks",1)>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest experimentAttacks>>" lab1 "ev:2600 step:1800 inline">>
<<if $qqguidinghand==400>>
<div style="margin-top:-0.6rem">
<<nunbut cindy lab2 "ev:2700 buttontext:Think about Novice Cindy::">>
<<if $qqchapter5 == 300 && setup.checkqStage("chapter5",400)>>
<div style="margin-top:-0.6rem">
<<nunbut cindy lab2 "ev:2700 step:1800 buttontext:Interpret the vision about Novice Cindy::">>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen==3400>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" lab2 "ev:2800 step:1000 inline">>
<<set _codexClass = "">>
<<if (!($readChapter3 > 0) && $corr>=35) || ($qqchapter4 == 120 && $corr>=50) ||
($qqchapter5 ==720 && $corr>=60) || $temp3=="glow-button">>
<<set _codexClass = "codex-glow-button">>
<<print '<<set _codexExtra = "ev:200 always '+_codexClass+'">>'>>
<<but "<<actCodex>>" lab1 _codexExtra>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking == 0>>
<<but "<<actHerbal>>" lab1 "ev:300 herbal<<100">>
<<but "<<actHerbal>>" lab1 "ev:400 herbal>=100 herbal<<200 always">>
<<but "<<actHerbal>>" lab1 "ev:666 herbal>=200 always">>
<<if $alchemyLevel>0>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab1",667,100)>>
/* init stuff first time */
<<but "<<actPersonal>>" lab1 "ev:667 step:100 tagButtonNew">>
<<but "<<actPersonal>>" lab1 "ev:667 step:200">>
<<if $qqemmalustangel==100>>
<<sleep "Go to bed >>>">>
<<but "Leave" mc>>
<</if>><<set _herbalDesc = "The herbal contains descriptions and illustrations of many plants, as well as recipes for potions and remedies. Notes with alchemical formulas and improved versions of the recipes are inserted between the pages.">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi lab2 52>>
Looking around the rest of the room confirms your impression that this room was suddenly abandoned and that no one has visited since. Desks for writing and experimenting on stand against the walls. Writings and images hang on the wall. Some of them are of a religious nature, but others seem to be alchemical formulas and ideas. From the looks of it, this room was last used as an alchemist's laboratory.
<p>Now that you stand here, you wonder if this was just a distillery originally, as the map claimed. Why would you keep a distillery underground? Instead, it could have been a hidden laboratory from the start, much like this one, where alchemists experimented in secret. Then later, the room was used as a wine cellar, at least according to the 13th-century manuscript – the only reference to this room that you have found. It stopped being a wine cellar at some point though. So when was this room last used? Maybe a further search will reveal a clue.</p>
<<c "Search the room">>
<<ev 380>>
Conducting a quick search of the room reveals nothing. If there is something here to be found, you have to <<lbut "search more carefully." lab1>>
<<ev 400>>
When meticulously searching the room, you find a <<lbut "hidden compartment" hidden showdiv>> in a wall!</c>
<<div hidden>>
<<mi codex 35 "right png noBorder allowZoom">>
<p>Inside the compartment, there are a couple of old, leatherbound books. You carefully pick up one of them and place it on the desk. Opening the book, you read the handwritten title on the first page: <<bold "Codex Veritatis.">> Latin for <<italics "Book of Truth.">> A rather pompous title.</p>
A further examination of the codex reveals that it is written in medieval Latin. It is divided into chapters, and it appears to be a work in progress. While the initial chapters seem to be carefully written and bound, after that there is also a stack of loose sheets of paper. While readable, the writing on these sheets is hastily written and there are a lot of side notes and comments mixed with the main text.</p>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi sineating 60>>
<<set _ch1 = setup.chapter1>>
You get a bad feeling about the book when you see that the first chapter is called <<bold "_ch1.">><p>You have heard of this old practice which has never been sanctioned by the Church. The idea was that a deceased person's sin could be transferred to a willing <i>sin eater</i>, thereby assuring that the deceased would be able to enter heaven. The <i>sin eating</i> would typically be performed by the sin eater by eating something like a piece of bread off the dead person's body before the burial. The author of the codex starts by saying that Jesus was the first and greatest sin eater, as he offered his life to take on all of mankind's sins.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi labdesk 45 right>>
<p>You quickly browse through the text. At first, the author's text about sin eating seems reasonable enough even if not sanctioned by the Church. Next, there is heavy criticism against the Church, but nothing you haven't heard before.</p>
<p>But then things take a disturbing turn and quickly becomes heretical, speaking of absurd sexual rites. You can't bear to read any further and close the book. This <<italics "Book of Truth">> is not for you or any true Christian. No wonder it was so carefully hidden.</p>
<p>You should send the codex to the Vatican later to let them deal with it. But for now, you leave it here.</p>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi herbalPages 55 pnggg>>
You examine the second manuscript that was in the hidden compartment.
<p>It is an herbal – a book about herbs and their medicinal use. It is called <<special "De Viribus Herbarum">> – <<italics "On properties of plants.">> On the first page, it says it's a 14th-century edition – updated and illustrated – of the original text which was authored by one Macer Floridus in the 11th century.</p>
<<ev 560>>
<<mi herbal 90>>
You briefly look through the manuscript.
<p>It is also written in medieval Latin, and it contains detailed descriptions of herbs and other plants. There are no dried specimens of the plants in the book, but all of them are accompanied by drawings.</p>
<p>Contrary to Codex Veritatis, the entire manuscript is carefully written and illustrated. However, between many of the pages, someone has inserted single, loose sheets of paper filled with notes, written with the same hasty handwriting as the loose sheets in Codex Veritatis. Most of them appear to be recipes for herbal remedies and the like.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<set _yearlatin = setup.herbalNoteYearLatin>>
<<set _year = setup.herbalNoteYear>>
<<mi herbalPage 34>>
While looking at one of the recipes, you find a note that mentions a year with a good harvest of a particular plant: <i>_yearlatin</i> – the year _year. From the context, you conclude that the note was written not more than a few years later.
<p>This could mean that this room was abandoned about 550 years ago – which would certainly fit with the objects found in here, as far as you can tell.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi lab1 50>>
<<set _year = setup.herbalNoteYear>>
You need to investigate this further. Maybe the abbess or one of the monks knows more about the history of the room upstairs – the last abbot's room. You should ask them, but without revealing your discovery of this forgotten alchemy lab. Right now, everyone is a suspect in the night attacks, and there is no reason to tell anyone more than you need.
<p>Additionally, now that you have a year, _year, the monks should have information in their records about who was abbot at the time.
<<q secretlab 200>></p>
<<but "Return upstairs" mc1 "ev:400 step:200 always">>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi codex 40 "right png noBorder allowZoom">>
<<if !($readChapter4 > 0)>>
/* lessening space as list grows */
<<if $readChapter2 > 0>>
The manuscript named <<italics "Codex Veritatis">> (the Book of Truth), written by <<lastabbot>> in the early 15th century. <<if !($readChapter3 > 0)>> It contains unorthodox ideas.<<elseif !($readChapter4 > 0)>>It contains forbidden knowledge of ancient holy rites.<<else>>It contains forbidden knowledge.<</if>>
The old manuscript named <<italics "Codex Veritatis">> contains heretical ideas. It should be sent to the Vatican and hidden away.
<<set _chapter1Span = "">>
<<set _chapter2Span = "">>
<<set _stuckCheating = false>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking == 1>>
<<colvar "You feel an urge to read it." "corruption-color">>
<<if $monksNightDrinking >= 1>>
<<set _cheattext = "ERROR: You have too high corruption (probably from cheating). This will break the game and you will get stuck here. You have to restart the game or go back to before your corruption was increased by cheating.<<br>>Tip: Load the autosave to return to after the last supper.">>
<<if $croneAttack < 1>> /* Changed from !($readChapter1 > 0) to keep showing error even after reading (if cheated) */
<<if !($readChapter1 > 0)>>
<<set _chapter1Span = "codex-glow">>
<<if setup.permanentCorr() > 0>>
<<coltext "_cheattext" ff0>>
<<set _stuckCheating = true>>
<<elseif $croneAttack2 < 1>> /* Changed from !($readChapter2 > 0) to keep showing error even after reading (if cheated) */
<<if !($readChapter2 > 0)>>
<<set _chapter2Span = "codex-glow">>
<<if setup.permanentCorr() > 15>>
<<coltext "_cheattext" ff0>>
<<set _stuckCheating = true>>
<<if !($readChapter4 > 0)>>
/* lessening space as list grows */
<<if _stuckCheating == false>>
<div @class=_chapter1Span> <<but 'Chapter I: <<var chapter1>>' lab1 "step:1000 corr15 special always">>
<<if $readChapter1 >= 100>>
<div @class=_chapter2Span><<but 'Chapter II: <<var chapter2>>' lab1 "step:2000 corr25 special always">>
<<if $readChapter2 >= 100>>
<<if !($readChapter3 > 0)>>
<<set _chapter3title = "Continue reading...">>
<<if $corr>=35>>
<<set _chapter3Span = "codex-glow">>
<<set _chapter3Span = "">>
<<set _chapter3title = "Chapter III: <<var chapter3>>">>
<div @class=_chapter3Span>
<<if !($readChapter3 > 0)>>
<<but _chapter3title lab1 "ev:1100 corr35 special always">>
<<but _chapter3title lab1 "ev:1100 step:200 corr35 special always">>
<<if $readChapter3 >= 100>>
<<if !($readChapter4 > 0)>>
<<set _chapter4title = "Continue reading...">>
<<if $corr>=50>>
<<set _chapter4Span = "codex-glow">>
<<set _chapter4Span = "">>
<<set _chapter4title = "Chapter IV: <<var chapter4>>">>
<div @class=_chapter4Span>
<<if !($readChapter4 > 0)>>
<<but _chapter4title lab1 "ev:1800 corr50 special always">>
<<if $qqchapter4 >= 100 && $corr < 50>>
<<br>>You feel the urge to continue reading in the codex, but the potential power of the forbidden knowledge in chapter four scares you more. You are not sure you are strong enough to handle it, and you don't want to end up losing your sanity.
<<q chapter4 120>>
<<but _chapter4title lab1 "ev:1800 step:200 corr50 special always">>
/*<<set $readChapter5 = 0>><<set $qqchapter5=120>><<addcorr 10>>*/
<<if $readChapter4 >= 300>>
<<if !($readChapter5 > 0)>>
<<set _chapter5title = "Continue reading...">>
<<if $corr>=60>>
<<set _chapter5Span = "codex-glow">>
<<set _chapter5Span = "">>
<<set _chapter5title = "Chapter V: <<var chapter5>>">>
<div @class=_chapter5Span>
<<if !($readChapter5 > 0)>>
<<but _chapter5title lab2 "ev:2720 corr60 special always">>
<<if $qqchapter5 >= 700 && $corr<60>>
<<br>>You go to the end of chapter four in the codex. But remembering the warning from Ludolphus, your courage fails you. You fear that you may have made a mistake and aren't pure of heart and soul, after all. What to do?
<<q chapter5 720>>
<<but _chapter5title lab2 "ev:2720 step:150 corr60 special always">>
<<if $qqchapter5==20>>
<<specbut "<<actQuest chapter5>>" lab2 "ev:2700 step:1000">>
<<if $monksNightDrinking == 100>>
<<c "Leave upstairs" mc1 "ev:680">>
<<c "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<set _chapter1 = "<p>The author – whom you have identified as Ludolphus Saganensis, a.k.a \"the last abbot\" – claims that <<var chapter1>> is truly a holy rite. This ancient sacrament has been suppressed by the Church because of all the money the Church is making from selling indulgences, having people pay to be absolved of their sins.</p>
<p>If people could instead use sin eaters, the Church would lose much of its power and wealth, Ludolphus reasons.</p>
<p>A town would only need one sin eater. This person would eat the sin of everyone who died, taking it on. This would prevent the sin eater from entering heaven, but this was easily remedied because when the sin eater died, a new sin eater would take their place and eat all the sins off the corpse of the previous sin eater, allowing them too to enter heaven. This process could be repeated forever. People wouldn't need to buy indulgences from the Church.</p>">>
<<set _ch1title = "Chapter I: "+setup.chapter1>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "_ch1title">></cc>
<<if setup.permanentCorr() < 10>>
<<set $readChapter1 = 100>>
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 100>>
<<mi sineating 50 right>>
<<set $temp3 = null>> /* no longer adding codex-glow-button to lab button */
With hands fumbling from being intoxicated, you open the old book and start reading the first chapter, called <<var chapter1.>></p>
<<set $readChapter1 = 200>>
<<mi sineating 50 right>>
<<set _ch1 = setup.chapter1>>
You once again read the chapter called <<bold "_ch1.">></p>
<<c>> /* v10, letting players reread chapter1 (modified) */
<<ev 1040>>
<<set _abbotend = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
<<mi janhus 30 right>>
<p>Ludolphus then launches into a tirade against the Church, denouncing them as decadent and corrupt. He brings up <<hovertip "Jan Hus," janhus bottom>> and his excommunication in 1412 when he condemned the pope just for the very reason of the selling of indulgences.</p>
<p>A loose page has been inserted here, sprawled with an angry text about how Hus' beliefs and criticism of Church doctrine ended with him being burned at the stake for heresy in 1415 after refusing to recant his views. Ludolphus then goes on to further ridicule the Church which around this time had not one but three popes.</p>
/*<p>It's apparent that Ludolphus was a sympathizer of the Hussites, perhaps even being one himself. The Hussite movement didn't start until after Ludolphus became an abbot here, but given that he lived in Bohemia for a long time, he could have been exposed to Hussite ideas from his Bohemian contacts. If so, he surely didn't follow their teachings in his later days. But after reading this chapter in the codex, you feel that he was right in much of his criticism against the Church.</p>*/
<p>With Ludolphus referencing Jan Hus' excommunication and later his execution, you can date this chapter to having been written and then updated sometime between 1412 and _abbotend – the year Ludolphus died.</p>
<<ev 1080>>
<<mi priestchannel 30 right>>
<p>Next in the chapter, Ludolphus returns to sin eating and explains how a very powerful version of it can be performed on living people, but then as part of a holy ritual with a priest. This is possible because a priest can open a channel to God, and, instead of taking on the sin himself, the priest can channel the sin from the sinner through the priest and up to God. Because God cannot sin, the sin will simply cease to exist.</p>
<p>Ludolphus claims that this sacrament is known by the Church, but it is forbidden knowledge, kept a secret because of the requirements for the ritual. For a priest to administer the sacrament of <<var chapter1>> on a living person, the sinner has to repeat the sin they want to get rid of.</p>
<p>For some sins, this is easily done. Such as the sin of cursing at someone. All the sinner has to do is to curse at the priest as part of the ritual, and the sin is gone. But if the sin is hitting someone, the sinner has to hit the priest. If the sin is killing someone, they would have to kill the priest. Even if you could find a priest willing to accept these requirements, the Church finds it unacceptable for a priest to do such a thing.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi priestlust 40 right>>
<p>Even worse than the requirements for eating sins of violence are the requirements for sins having to do with lust – in the eyes of the Church.</p>
<p>For sins such as fornication or sodomy, the sinner would have to repeat this too with the priest to make the sin go away. Prostitutes and harlots could have sex with the priest. Men who sin against the natural order could perform sodomy with the priest. This could be abused in the wrong hands and would encourage promiscuity among the public as well as the priests. Ludolphus claims that this is the ultimate reason the Church keeps this holy rite a secret even from the priests.</p>
<p>"But the Church does not dictate what God allows or not, only God does!" he continues. "And if the Lord didn't want this rite to be performed, He would have made it impossible to get rid of sins this way. To claim otherwise would be to say that God is not flawless, that He is not omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, and that would be heresy. You can't fool God!"</p>
<<ev 1110>>
<<mi sineating 60>>
<c>Ludolphus finished the chapter by stating that any priest performing the holy rite of Sin Eating would act in accordance with God's will.</c>
<<if $readChapter1 >= 200>>
By now, you have been convinced that a priest can perform the holy rite of <<var chapter1>> on a living sinner and it would not be contrary to God's will. It's still a very unorthodox sacrament and anyone performing it should do it only in great secrecy or risk being accused of heresy. You doubt the Vatican would defend you, should that happen.
<<if $corr < 25>>
<<set _ch2 = setup.chapter2>>
<p>You glance at the next chapter called <<bold "_ch2,">> but remembering how heretical the text was, you close the book and put it down.</p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:200 step:100">>
Maybe it is your drunken state, but you think Ludolphus has made some good points in this chapter. You are not sure, however, that you agree with his final conclusion.
<<ev 1120>>
<<set _chapter2 = setup.chapter2>>
<<mi holyrod 60>>
<c><p>You turn the page and see the next chapter. It's called <<bold "_chapter2.">> You are getting very tired and want to go to sleep, but you are curious to see what the chapter is about, so you glance at the content.</p>
<p>You quickly close the old book when you see the insane, heretical ramblings. This <<var lastabbot>> must have lost it at some point.</p>
<p>You can't take this anymore, and you need to sleep anyway.</p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:200 step:100">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<set _ch2title = "Chapter II: "+setup.chapter2>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "_ch2title">></cc>
<<if setup.permanentCorr() < 20>>
<<set $readChapter2 = 100>>
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 100>>
<<mi holyrod 52 right>>
<<set _ch2 = setup.chapter2>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<p>With hands fumbling from being intoxicated, you open the old book and start to read the second chapter, called <<bold "_ch2.">></p>
<p>The author, i.e. <<var lastabbot,>> claims that the so-called rod or staff mentioned in the Bible in connection with Moses and his son Aaron wasn't – in reality – a walking stick or something made out of wood. It was a euphemism for the male sex organ. This sounds crazy to you, but you quickly browse through the chapter to see if there is anything to it at all. You find that Ludolphus quotes many Bible passages with references to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek original texts as a basis for his arguments together with a cultural analysis of the ruling patriarchal societies of ancient times.</p>
<p>Having browsed halfway through the chapter, you suddenly find yourself weighing every word and argument, wanting to be able to dismiss them as nonsense, but instead being intrigued. You decide to start over and read the chapter from the beginning, carefully this time.</p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "step:2100">>
<<set $readChapter2 = 200>>
<<mi holyrod 35 right>><<mi anoint 35 rclear>>
<<set _ch2 = setup.chapter2>>
You once again read the chapter called <<bold "_ch2.">> Ludolphus talks about how, in ancient times, it was common that the leader of a tribe would anoint the fertile women with his seed, bestowing upon them God's protection and blessing. This was a sacrament, a holy rite. By sprinkling his Holy Seed from his Holy Rod unto the face or the body of the woman, the patriarch put the Holy Spirit into her, protecting her from evil and strengthening her fertility.
<p>You can't deny that <<var lastabbot>> clearly wasn't the madman you first thought he was. What you have read in the Codex Veritatis simply make sense. It feels like the truth. But it is so unorthodox that you don't think the world will ever be ready for it.</p>
<<if $corr < 999>> /* can change this to something later if fitting */
<<if !($readChapter3>=100)>>
<p>Even if Ludolphus undoubtedly had uncovered lost knowledge and was writing the truth, he did seem to lose it at some point, judging by what you have found out about him – experimenting and doing sexual things with the nuns against their will. Maybe Ludolphus couldn't handle the truth. Or rather the power in the holy rituals. You have to be careful not to let the same thing happen to you.</p>
<p>Ludolphus had undoubtedly uncovered lost knowledge and was writing the truth, but he may have lost it at some point, judging by what you have found out about him – experimenting and doing sexual things with the nuns against their will. Maybe Ludolphus couldn't handle the truth. Or rather the power in the holy rituals. You have to be careful not to let the same thing happen to you.
<<ev 2020>>
<<mi codex 37 "right png noBorder">>
<<if !($readChapter3>=100)>>
After having read chapter two again, you feel an urge to turn the page and see what's next. But you stop yourself. You have already uncovered truths the Church wouldn't accept, and you have performed holy rituals that would surely get you excommunicated from the Church if they learned of it. Whatever Ludolphus wrote next in the codex, you are not sure you want to know. You don't want to end up like him.
Though you are no longer sure the monks got it right. Maybe Ludolphus was fighting evil forces, perhaps the same evil you are fighting. Maybe he used the holy rituals to protect the nuns and cleanse them of sin, not to molest them, just like you.
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:200 step:100">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi nicaea 55>>
<p>Ludolphus starts by claiming that, by the time the First Council of Nicaea occurred in AD 325, the views of certain old values and traditions had changed, and the Christian bishops did everything they could to bury the truth about the rod of Moses and Aaron, and anything else that didn't fit with the repressed sexual morality the early Church leaders had adopted.</p>
<p>With the Old Testament especially, it was relatively easy to influence the interpretations and translations of the original texts, since most of them were written in Hebrew, whose written language lacked vocals and many words could mean very different things. It was hard enough to be sure of the intended meaning of the words even if you wanted to translate them correctly.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi phallus1 30 left>><<mi shiva 22 left>><<mi phallus2 35 right>><<mi osiris 35 rclear>>
<p>Ludolphus further argues that the ancient, patriarchal tribes revered the male sex organ. They celebrated its life-giving power and the seed that created life inside the woman. The Greeks, the Indians, the Persians, the Egyptians – all these ancient cultures revered the male organ and used phallic symbols and statues to this end. The same was true for the people who wrote the original texts included in the Bible, and the Bible passages must be interpreted with this in mind.</p>
<p>Consequently, when Moses in the Book of Exodus asked God on the mountain Horeb how he would convince people that God had spoken to him, God didn't turn Moses' walking stick into a snake, as people now interpret these Bible passages. The original meaning was something else entirely.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<bible>Then Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to my voice? For they may say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’ ”<br>
And the LORD asked him, “What is that in your hand?”<br>
“A rod,” he replied.<br>
“Throw it on the ground,” said the LORD. So Moses threw it on the ground, and it became a snake, and he ran from it.<br>
“Stretch out your hand and grab it by the tail,” the LORD said to Moses, who reached out his hand and caught the snake, and it turned back into a rod in his hand.<br>
<tipsx> – Exodus 4:1-4</tipsx></bible>
<p>The rod in question was a euphemism for Moses' male organ, Ludolphus writes. /*, and the passages should be interpreted symbolically. */When God asked what was in his hand, Moses held his stiff male member. The organ was erect, as a rod, as in the shape of the phallus, the life-giving symbol. This was not to say that Moses was touching himself to self-pleasure. It merely symbolized that Moses possessed this life-giving power – his manhood was intact. What happened next was that God told Moses to let go of his manhood, his stiff male organ. It then turned into a snake. This symbolized the flaccid male organ, Ludolphus argues. Having lost its phallic stiffness, it no longer possessed the life-giving power. Moses had become impotent, and that scared him. Then God told Moses to grab his flaccid member by its tail, its root. /*, implying Moses should use his hands to work the stiffness back into his male organ.*/ Once in his hands, Moses' male organ became like a rod again – his manhood and his life-giving power were back.</p>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mi serpentrod 45 right>>
<l><p>The meaning of these passages, Ludolphus writes, was that God gave Moses the ability to render other men impotent, to rob them of their manhood. This power of Moses was also given to Aaron, his son. This can be seen when Moses and Aaron were commanded by God to visit the Pharaoh.</p>
<bible>The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “When Pharaoh tells you, ‘Perform a miracle,’ you are to say to Aaron, ‘Take your rod and throw it down before Pharaoh,’ and it will become a serpent.”<br>
So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the LORD had commanded. Aaron threw his rod down before Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a serpent.<br>
But Pharaoh called the wise men and sorcerers and magicians of Egypt, and they also did the same things by their magic arts. Each one threw down his rod, and it became a serpent. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up the other rods.<br>
<tipsx> – Exodus 7:8-12</tipsx>
<p>What the original text symbolized before later interpretations changed its meaning, Ludolphus writes, was that Aaron made the other men impotent, taking away their manhood so that they could not stiffen their male organs. Pharaoh then sent after sorcerers who tried to make Aaron impotent as well, but Aaron could maintain a level of stiffness his opponents couldn't, thereby defeating them.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi anoint 35 right>>
<p>Next in the chapter, the topic becomes <<special anointment>> – an ancient sacred rite that is practiced by Christians using oil. But this is only partly correct, Ludolphus writes. The full extent of this biblical practice was erased from history at the First Council of Nicaea. This too was the result of the early Christian leaders' warped and repressed sexual morals. Anointment was indeed usually performed by applying oil to the head or body of a person, but when it came to fertile women, the anointing could also be performed using the seed of the male organ.</p>
<p>The patriarch, the male leader of the tribe, house, or family, was granted a holy mandate to lead his people as God put the Holy Spirit into him. The foremost responsibility of the patriarch was to ensure the survival and procreation of his people. Thus he anointed the fertile women with his seed, bestowing upon them God's protection and blessing. This was a sacrament, a holy rite. By sprinkling his Holy Seed unto the face or the body of the woman, the patriarch put the Holy Spirit into her, protecting her from evil and strengthening her fertility.</p>
<p>As with everything else, Ludolphus supports his arguments with quotes from the Bible, and references to historical documents and ancient practices. Looking at his claims out of context, they appear insane, but if you follow his train of thought from the start of the chapter and onwards, you are surprised with how much it all makes sense.</p>
<p>Ludolphus finishes the chapter, tying his arguments into a final knot, by quoting Psalm 23 ...</p>
<<ev 2500>>
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.<br>
/*He makes me lie down in green pastures;<br>
<<indent "He leads me beside quiet waters.">>
He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness<br>
<<indent "for the sake of His name.">>*/
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,<br>
<<indent "I will fear no evil,">>
for You are with me;<br>
<<indent "Your <<special rod>> and Your staff, they comfort me.">>
You prepare a table before me<br>
<<indent "in the presence of my enemies.">>
You anoint my head with <<special oil>><span style="margin-left:-0.3rem">;</span><br>
<<indent "my cup overflows.">>
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
<<indent "all the days of my life,">>
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD<br>
<<indent "forever.">>
<tipsx> – Psalm 23:1,4-6</tipsx>
Now think of a priest, Ludolphus finally writes, or any godly man that has a holy mandate to lead his people, and anyone knowing the truth I have here revealed can see that these passages can be applied to a fertile woman facing her male leader. To her, the words about "my cup overflows" would have a special meaning, as the "cup" would be the receptacle between her legs and inside her stomach, overflowing with the male seed – creating life, now that her fertility has been strengthened. Because it is clear what the <<special rod>> and the <<special oil>> are that she finds comfort and blessing in. <<var chapter2.>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi codex 37 "right png noBorder allowZoom">>
You are shaken by the revelations in this chapter. At face value, it all sounds crazy and heretical, but something about it speaks to you. Like a primordial, hidden truth coming to light again. You can feel the new-found knowledge stirring something inside of you, whispering to you that it is for real. But you are also sure that these teachings are far too unorthodox to be accepted by the Church and will result in your excommunication. You have to keep quiet about it.</p>
<p>But maybe you are just drunk. Maybe these are heretical words after all. You should sleep on it.</p>
<p>Though you are curious to see what comes next in the codex, you don't think you can take anymore now. It's for the best to just drop it and go to bed.</p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:200 step:100">>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbalPages 45 pnggg>>
<<set $herbal = 100>>
You look through the herbal and especially the notes tucked between the pages, more carefully this time. There is far too much to go through it all even if the notes had been typed, and the hasty and sometimes almost unintelligible writing makes it very time-consuming to read. This is not something you will spend much time reading through unless you have a good reason.
<p>As you previously found, the notes seem to be mostly recipes, such as a balm for reducing itching and a potion that improves night vision. The notes are not randomly inserted, but located at the page in the herbal describing the plant written about in the notes. In the case of recipes, they seem to be ordered based on the name of the major, or first, component of the recipe.</p>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi notes 45>>
<p>While reading the notes, you see the monks and the nuns being mentioned. It seems that the author tried out his recipes on them, experimenting to see the effect and to improve the formulas.</p>
<<if ndef $qqsecretlababbot>>
That's odd. How could the author experiment on the nuns when the nuns moved in and took over this part of the monastery after the last abbot died? Did a man live in the last abbot's room at some point, or was the author a nun? But if the author was a nun, then how could she experiment on the monks?</p>
<p>This must be the horrible things the "last abbot" did to the nuns! He experimented on them, and probably did sexual things to them by using his potions and herbal mixtures to drug them, and who knows what else. No wonder the Church wanted to keep this a secret.</p>
<c style="margin-top:-1rem">
<<qsub secretlab nunsexperiment 240 journal>>
<<if $qqsecretlababbot >= 220>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:310">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi notes2 40 "pnggg right">>
<p>You continue to study the recipes inserted between the pages of the herbal. They contain detailed instructions for creating remedies and potions.</p>
<p>Some of the recipes have very technical instructions, involving alchemical processes. You don't understand all of the terms used. Even if you could figure them out, it would require experimenting and training with the equipment and the ingredients in the recipes to learn how to follow the steps.</p>
<p>Many of the recipes are modified versions of recipes found in the herbal. According to the author, following his improved recipes makes for concoctions that are more potent, providing for a stronger effect.</p>
<<if $qqemma > 100>>
<<but "Stop reading" lab1 "ev:400">>
<<but "Stop reading" lab1 "ev:400">>
<<event 310>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if ndef $qqsecretlabrecords>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 65>>
You think you have figured out pretty much everything about the last abbot and what he did. Except the details about his person. You still haven't been to the monks' library to look him up. There is probably a record of who he was.
<<q secretlab 290>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:300 step:200">>
<<ev 200>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:300 step:200">>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbalPage 40 right>>
<<if $qqemma >= 200>>
<p>Now that you have a wide collection of ingredients, you can make your own potions and remedies with the equipment available in the lab. But you can't use too much of Sister Jana's stash, so you would have to stick to following recipes and not experiment too much.</p>
<p><<italics "You currently do not know any recipes">></p>
<p>With the equipment available in the lab, you could make your own potions and remedies, but you don't have any ingredients.</p>
<<but "Look for Sister Jana's herbal tea recipe" lab1 "ev:500 qqemma>=200">>
<<c null lab>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbal 75>>
Since the major component in Sister Jana's recipe was Valerian root, you take a gamble and look up Valerian in the herbal, hoping it will mention the recipe. You guessed right. In the entry about the Valerian plant, there are instructions for creating a <<special "sleep potion,">> which also helps against nightmares, with exactly the same ingredients that were in the recipe that Sister Jana gave you. This must be the recipe she based her tea recipe on.</p>
<p>The recipe in the herbal says to mix the ingredients with wine before ingesting, but using hot water and dried ingredients to drink it as a herbal tea should be equally effective, you think. However, you are looking for a more potent version of this recipe.</p>
<p>You check the loose note pages inserted in this section, hoping to find recipes related to sleep.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_bigger 30 "right pnggg">>
<p>You are in luck. Among the notes, you see the recipe for an <<special "improved sleep potion.">> It's a modified version of the sleep potion in the herbal, and the text says the resulting potion is more potent, providing for even better sleep and less severe nightmares. The only change in ingredients is to add 0.25 parts of the <<special "root of mandrake.">></p>
<p>Then another version of the sleep potion is listed. This one is called <<special "Nightmare potion,">> and it will make the sleep much worse, causing terrible nightmares. To create this potion, you add 0.5 parts of the root of mandrake and 0.5 parts of <<special "deadly nightshade,">> leaves or root, to the original recipe.</p>
<<if $corr<20>>
<p>You have no interest in the last recipe, but out of curiosity, you look up the two new plants mentioned: mandrake and deadly nightshade, both of which Sister Jana had in her storage shed.</p>
<p>You look up the two new plants mentioned: mandrake and deadly nightshade, both of which Sister Jana had in her storage shed.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi mandrake 30 right>><<mi nightshade 30 rclear>>
<p>Mandrake (Mandragora) and Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna) both have long entries in the herbal. The plants are very potent medicinal plants and can be used for a variety of remedies and elixirs, according to the herbal. Both plants are noted for quieting the mind when sleeping.</p>
<p>The text warns that because of their potency, the plants should only be used in very small quantities, or the medicinal properties of the plants will instead have opposite, harmful effects, and could even lead to death. Among the harmful effects listed for the plants when overdosing are nightmares and hallucinations.</p>
<p>The herbal says that the mandrake root contains the trapped soul of a deceased human whose spirit has not yet passed into the afterlife. The root takes on the shape of this person.</p>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi mandrakepage 45 right>>
According to the herbal, great care has to be taken when pulling out the mandrake root from the ground as whoever pulls out the root will be sent to hell when they die. Moreover, the root will scream when being pulled out, which is the trapped soul being set free, and any person hearing the scream will drop dead on the spot. The text recommends tying an animal to the root, pulling it up that way, while any humans present cover their ears. This should preferably be done at night when the barrier to the spirit world is weak and the lost spirit from the mandrake root might just leave and find its way home peacefully.</p>
<p>Seeing that you already have mandrake root, taken from Sister Jana's shed, you don't have to worry about the truth of these old superstitions. You return to the notes with the recipe for the improved sleep potion.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi lab1 50>>
<c>Making the improved sleep potion could be the help Emma needs.
<p>You aren't yet familiar enough with the lab and the alchemical processes to follow the more technical recipes, but the improved sleep potion has no extra steps except adding the mandrake. Thus, instead of making a potion, you should be able to make a potent herbal tea with the same effect as the improved sleep potion by using the ingredients in the recipe, just like Sister Jana did.
<<qmess emma 205>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:666">>
<<set $herbal = 200>>
<<event 666>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbalPage 40 right>>
<<pbut sleepTea lab1 "ev:700 qqemmaSleepTea<<100 special always">>
<<pbut nightmareTea lab1 "ev:710 corr20 qqemmaNightmareTea<<100 special always">>
<<pbut virility lab1 "ev:920 special always qqcurseserpent>=410 curseserpent#notplayed420">>
<<pbut lust lab1 "ev:921 special always qqcurseserpent>=410 qqlustpotion<<440">>
<<pbut asafoetida lab1 "ev:1400 special always qqprocreation==1300">>
<<pbut contraception lab1 "ev:1420 special always qqprocreation==1400">>
<<pbut alkahest lab1 "ev:1520 special always qqrileyThreesome==800">>
<<pbut cutahest lab1 "ev:1540 special always qqrileyThreesome==850">>
<<pbut nectar lab1 "ev:1560 special always qqrileyThreesome==870">>
<<pbut confusionAntidote lab1 "ev:1720 special always qqprotecting==400">>
<<pbut confusion lab1 "ev:1730 special always qqprotecting==410">>
<<pbut liberationOil lab1 "ev:1860 step:400 special always qqrevelationroberta==410">>
<<pbut lustOilSimple lab1 "ev:1860 step:550 special always qqrevelationroberta==415">>
<<pbut rashSalve lab1 "ev:1860 step:1000 special always qqrevelationroberta==420">>
<<pbut lustOil lab1 "ev:1880 step:1000 special always qqrevelationroberta==1200">>
<<pbut liberation lab1 "ev:1900 step:1000 special always qqrevelation==1020">>
<<pbut paranoia lab1 "ev:2100 step:5000 special qqgabriellaq==4000">>
<<pbut amnesiaOil lab1 "ev:2140 step:1900 special qqamnesiaq==480">>
<<pbut nightmareOil lab1 "ev:2200 step:3000 special qqamyq==500">>
<<pbut fumingLustOil lab1 "ev:2300 step:3000 special qqjanamarry==400">>
<<pbut amnesia lab1 "ev:2400 step:5000 special qqamnesiaproject==200">>
<<pbut nightVision lab1 "ev:2500 step:6000 special qqredthread==1000">>
<<pbut lethargy lab1 "ev:2600 step:600 special qqinvestmurder==800">>
<<pbut sleepSalve lab1 "ev:2600 step:2000 special qqexperimentAttacks==140">>
<<pbut lustLiberationSalve lab1 "ev:2600 step:2300 special qqexperimentAttacks==160">>
/*<<pbut paranoia lab1 "ev:2200 step:11000 special">>*/
/*<<pbut nightmareTea lab1 "ev:710 special always">>
<<pbut virility lab1 "ev:920 special always">>
<<pbut lust lab1 "ev:921 special always">>
<<pbut asafoetida lab1 "ev:1400 special always">>
<<pbut contraception lab1 "ev:1420 special always">>
<<pbut alkahest lab1 "ev:1520 special always">>
<<pbut cutahest lab1 "ev:1540 special always">>
<<pbut nectar lab1 "ev:1560 special always">>
<<pbut confusionAntidote lab1 "ev:1720 special always">>
<<pbut confusion lab1 "ev:1730 special always">>
<<pbut liberationOil lab1 "ev:1860 step:400 special always">>
<<pbut lustOilSimple lab1 "ev:1860 step:550 special always">>
<<pbut rashSalve lab1 "ev:1860 step:1000 special always">>
<<pbut lustOil lab1 "ev:1880 step:1000 special always">>
<<pbut liberation lab1 "ev:1900 step:1000 special always">>
<<pbut paranoia lab1 "ev:2100 step:5000 special">>
<<pbut amnesiaOil lab1 "ev:2140 step:1900 special">>
<<pbut nightmareOil lab1 "ev:2200 step:3000 special">>*/
<<if ndef _knownRecipes>> /* set true in pbut if button is added */
<<if $qqcurseserpent==400>>
<<specbut "Prepare to make the <<potionVirility>>" lab1 "ev:900">>
<<elseif $qqrileyThreesome==400>>
<<specbut "Prepare to make the <<potionNectar>>" lab1 "ev:1510">>
<<if $qqhallNovices>=400>>
<<italics "You don't know any recipes that may be of use right now.">>
<<italics "You don't know any more recipes.">>
<<but "<<actQuest curseserpent>>" lab1 "ev:800 qqcurseserpent==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest hallNovices>>" lab1 "ev:1000 qqhallNovices>=100 qqhallNovices<<180">> /* var can be 100 or 101 */
<<but "Look up \"Asafoetida\"" lab1 "ev:1300 qqprocreation==500">>
<<but "Look up \"Long pepper\"" lab1 "ev:810 qqcurseserpent==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest rileyThreesome>>" lab1 "ev:1500 qqrileyThreesome==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest protecting>>" lab1 "ev:1700 qqprotecting==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest gabriellaq>>" lab1 "ev:2100 qqgabriellaq==2200">>
<<but "<<actQuest gabriellaq>>" lab1 "ev:2100 step:450 qqgabriellaq>>2200 qqgabriellaq<<4000">>
<<but "<<actQuest amnesiaq>>" lab1 "ev:2140 qqamnesiaq==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest amnesiaq>>" lab1 "ev:2140 step:1050 qqamnesiaq>=200 qqamnesiaq<<480">>
<<but "<<actQuest amyq>>" lab1 "ev:2200 qqamyq>=300 qqamyq<<500">>
<<if ($qqprotecting>=300 && $qqprotecting<500) || $qqrevelationroberta==1200 || ($qqrevelationroberta>=410 && $qqrevelationroberta<=420)>>
/* have to follow quest */
<<c null lab>>
<<event 667>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc style="font-size:300%"><<actPersonal>></cc>
<cc>You already have your journal for making notes about your investigation, but there are other things you may want to record and keep track of while you are living at the monastery.
<<tip record>>
<<c "Continue to <<actPersonal>>">>
<<ev 200>>
var pers = document.getElementById("passage-lab1");
pers.setAttribute('data-tags', 'colMon')
<cc style="font-size:220%"><<actPersonal>></cc>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<personal Name>> $fmc <span style="float:right"><<personal Day>> $day</span><br>
<<personal "Titles/roles">> Priest <span style="font-size:80%">(Vatican investigator)</span><<if setup.questCompleted("revelation")>>, Patriarch <span style="font-size:80%">(Leader of the nuns)</span><</if>><<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>, <<coltext "Lust angel" "fe8e" "noItalics">><</if>><br>
<<personal Alchemy>> <<print setup.alchemist[$alchemyLevel]>><br>
<<set _mortperday = $mortification / $day>>
<<set _mortperday = _mortperday.toFixed(2)>>
<<personal Mortifications>>$mortification <<persstat (_mortperday/day)>><br>
<<set _ejacperday = $cum / $day>>
<<set _ejacperday = _ejacperday.toFixed(2)>>
<<personal Ejaculations>>$cum <<persstat (_ejacperday/day)>><br>
<<set _qperday = $questsCompleted.length / $day>>
<<set _qperday = _qperday.toFixed(2)>>
<<personal "Completed quests">> $questsCompleted.length <<persstat (_qperday/day)>> <br>
<<if def $qqcreampieq>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<personal Pregnancy>><<if $pregnancy>>Enabled <<else>>Disabled<</if>><span style="font-size:80%"><<potionContraception paranthesis>></span>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
/* Will never remove girls from $creampied because want to keep data for future. So making temp array. */
<<set _potpregs = setup.potpregs()>> /* returning array with all pot pregs*/
/*<<set _potpregs = []>>
<<for _i to 0;_i<$creampied.length;_i++>>
<<set _girl = $creampied[_i]>>
<<if $pregnancies.contains(_girl)>>
<<set _potpregs.push(_girl)>>
<cc0 class="list-personal" style="position:relative">
<<set _potpregmax = setup.potpregmax()>>
<<if _potpregs.length > 0>>
<<set _potvalues = "showdiv retractable noRetractableBackground noScrolling saveSetting:creampiedlist ">>
<<if $creampiedlist == 0>>
<<set _potexpand = "collapsed">>
<<set _potexpand = "expanded">>
<<set _potvalues += _potexpand>>
<<lbut "Potential pregnancies: _potpregs.length/_potpregmax " listcreampied _potvalues >>
<<personal "Potential pregnancies">> _potpregs.length/_potpregmax
<span style="position:absolute;font-size:90%"><<space>><<hovertip "Help" potentialpregs>></span></cc0>
<<set _centerpied = "">>
<<if !($creampied.length > 4)>>
<<set _centerpied = "text-align:center">>
<c0 @style=_centerpied>
<<set _pieddiv = "noLine">>
<<if _potexpand == "expanded">>
<<set _pieddiv += " defaultExpanded">>
<<div listcreampied _pieddiv>>
<<for _i to 0;_i<_potpregs.length;_i++>>
<<set _girl = _potpregs[_i]>>
<<listgirl _girl>>
<<tip pregriskmessage>>
<cc0 class="list-personal" style="position:relative">
<<if $pregnancies.length > 0>>
<<set _pregvalues = "showdiv retractable noRetractableBackground noScrolling saveSetting:preglist ">>
<<if $preglist == 0>>
<<set _pregexpand = "collapsed">>
<<set _pregexpand = "expanded">>
<<set _pregvalues += _pregexpand>>
<<lbut "Confirmed pregnancies: $pregnancies.length " listpregs _pregvalues>>
<<personal "Confirmed pregnancies">> $pregnancies.length
<<set _centerpreg = "">>
<<if !($pregnancies.length > 4)>>
<<set _centerpreg = "text-align:center">>
<c0 class="nomargin-bottom" @style=_centerpreg>
<<set _pregdiv = "noLine">>
<<if _pregexpand == "expanded">>
<<set _pregdiv += " defaultExpanded">>
<<div listpregs _pregdiv>>
<<for _i to 0;_i<$pregnancies.length;_i++>>
<<set _girl = $pregnancies[_i]>>
<<listgirl _girl>>
<<if $pregnancies.length == 0>>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<if $qqcindyq>=1500>>
<div id="idlistvisions"></div> /* just for the id to scroll here after replaying visions */
/*<<set $visions.push("testvision")>>*/
<<set _visionvalues = "showdiv retractable noRetractableBackground noScrolling saveSetting:visionlist ">>
<<if $visionlist == 0>>
<<set _visionexpand = "collapsed">>
<<set _visionexpand = "expanded">>
<<set _visionvalues += _visionexpand>>
<cc0 class="list-personal"><<lbut "Visions: $visions.length " listvisions _visionvalues>><span style="position:absolute;font-size:90%"><<space>><<hovertip "Help" remembervision>></span></cc0>
<<set _visiondiv = "noLine">>
<<if _visionexpand == "expanded">>
<<set _visiondiv += " defaultExpanded">>
<<set _centervision = "">>
<<if !($visions.length > 2)>>
<<set _centervision = "text-align:center">>
<c0 @style=_centervision>
<<div listvisions _visiondiv>>
<<for _i to 0;_i<$visions.length;_i++>>
<div style="display:inline-block; height:5rem;width:5rem;margin-bottom:-2rem;margin-right:0.5rem;">
<<set _visionid = $visions[_i]>>
<<if _visionid=="cindy">>
/* if more visions, use widget for this and maybe use img src like in listgirl */
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_light 100 "png styling border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100% stylingend">>
<<set _visionpassage = "lab2">>
<<set _visionevent = "ev:2700 step:1300">>
<<elseif _visionid=="testvision">>
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 100 "png">>
<<set _visionpassage = "lab2">>
<<set _visionevent = "ev:2700 step:1300">>
<div style="display:inline-block">
<<print '<<set _visionname = setup.visions["'+_visionid+'"]>>'>>
<<set _visionevent += " rememberingVision">>
<<specbut _visionname _visionpassage _visionevent>>
<<set _potionvalues = "showdiv retractable noRetractableBackground noScrolling saveSetting:potionlist ">>
<<if $potionlist == 0>>
<<set _potionexpand = "collapsed">>
<<set _potionexpand = "expanded">>
<<set _potionvalues += _potionexpand>>
<cc0 class="list-personal"><<lbut "Made in the lab: $potions.length " listpotions _potionvalues>></cc0>
<<set _potiondiv = "noLine">>
<<if _potionexpand == "expanded">>
<<set _potiondiv += " defaultExpanded">>
<<set _centerpotion = "">>
<<if !($potions.length > 2)>>
<<set _centerpotion = "text-align:center">>
<c0 @style=_centerpotion>
<<div listpotions _potiondiv>>
<<for _i to 0;_i<$potions.length;_i++>>
<<set _listmypotions = $potions[_i]>>
<<pbut _listmypotions lab1 "listpotions">>
<<tip savepersonal>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi "teabig" 50 "pnggg">>
You gather the proper amount of each ingredient. Then you gently crush the dried plants and mix them together to produce a herbal tea. You are quite happy with the result.
<<makePotion sleepTea typeTea>>
<<alchemyLevel 1>>
Now you just have to give the tea to Emma the next time you see her.
<<qsub emma SleepTea 210 "journal center">>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:666">>
<<event 710>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii chapel/emma2 70>>
You have an idea to give the nightmare tea to Emma. It should temporarily make her nightmares worse, but it could benefit her in the long run if you succeed with your plan.
<p>For your plan to work, you would have to give the nightmare tea to Emma without telling her. You would probably get away with it without her noticing a difference in taste due to the low amount of mandrake and deadly nightshade that is required.
<<c "Make <<potionNightmareTea>>">>
<<ev 200>>
You get to work...
<<mi "teabig" 60 "png noBorder">>
<<makePotion nightmareTea "typeTea center">>
<<qsub emma NightmareTea 240 "journal center">>
<<but Continue lab1 "ev:666">>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbalPage2 40 right>>
You open the herbal and start looking for a herb used in some kind of remedy for impotence. You doubt any recipe in the herbal itself would help against the curse, but, if you are lucky, <<lastabbot>> has added an improved recipe in his notes. Something strong enough to break the serpent's curse, or at least counteract it.
<<c "Search the herbal">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi herbalPages 60 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
You quickly realize that this could take ages. The herbal has many pages with a lot of text, oftentimes hard to read. You don't have time to spend hours and hours wading through it all, hoping to find something of interest, and then, maybe, finding that Ludolphus has stuck a notes sheet there with a potion matching what you are looking for.
<<ev 250>>
<cc>Without knowing where in the herbal to look, it will simply be too much of a longshot to spend hours reading it, hoping to find a cure for the curse.</cc>*/
<<mi codex 25 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
For a moment, you consider reading more in the <<var codex,>> in case there is something in there that could be of use, but you are not yet ready to deal with more earth-shattering revelations of secret knowledge. It's enough with the two holy rites you learned in the first two chapters.
You know that Sister Jana has studied the herbal. Maybe she can help you.
<<q curseserpent 200 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 810>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbalPages 60 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
You open the herbal and search for the entry for long pepper...</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi longpepper 45 right>>
You find the entry for long pepper. Originally from India, this pepper was known and popular in the Roman Empire. Not until the 12th century did it begin to see competition from black pepper in Europe, according to the herbal.</p>
<p>As Sister Jana thought, the entry for long pepper includes a recipe for a virility remedy. According to the herbal, the recipe is based on the works of Ahmed Ibn al-Jazzar in the 10th century.</p>
<p>You glance at the recipe which contains many ingredients, long pepper being one of the major ones. But you doubt this virility remedy is strong enough to counteract the serpent's curse. You hope Ludolphus has an improved version in his notes...</p>
You are excited to see that there indeed are a few of his loose sheets of paper stuck between the pages here.
<<c "Look at the notes">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi potionLust_big 15 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
<c>You find a recipe for a <<potionLust>> on the first sheet of paper. According to the notes, the lust potion will increase your lust intensely, but only for a short time. It's better than nothing, but you had hoped for something more long-lasting.
<p>The good news is that you have almost all of the ingredients required, and the one you haven't, wine, you can easily get from the kitchen whenever you want.</p></c>
<<c "Continue looking through the notes">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi potion_big 15 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
<<set _potv = setup.potionVirility>>
<c>You find a recipe for an improved version of the virility remedy from the herbal: a <span class="potion-virility shadow2">.</span> And according to Ludolphus, his potion is much stronger than the remedy, and has a long-lasting effect. This sounds just like what you are after.
<p>You eagerly read the recipe. You have all of the ingredients required – except for the wine – but this time, it's not a simple matter of adding ingredients to the original recipe in the herbal. This time, there are complicated, technical instructions, involving alchemical processes and devices. You lack the knowledge to follow this. Looking at the recipe for the potion of lust, it's the same thing. Now what?
<<q curseserpent 330>></p>
<<ev 340>>
<<mi notes 44>>
You flip through the herbal, randomly looking at the loose sheets of notes Ludolpus has stuck between the pages. You hope to find an alchemical glossary or something that you could use to interpret the recipes.
You start reading some unusually carefully written notes, more like an important diary entry, when you notice something strange. Ludolphus talks about placing the containers on the platforms "on the other side of the distillation furnace" – on the "behind" side of the furnace. But how is that possible?
<<c "Look at the furnaces">>
<<ev 360>>
<<mi lab1 55>>
<c>You can't go behind the big furnace structure. And the small one to the left has no platforms, only a single flat top to put containers on. The text doesn't make sense.
<p>Further reading of the notes makes you think there should be more furnaces down here. Ludolphus keeps mentioning the "other distillation furnace" and talks about it as if it was in another room. Could there be more secrets down here you have yet to discover? It would explain the strange absence of books and other manuscripts. There is virtually nothing to read in this laboratory other than the two books you found in the hidden compartment.</p></c>
<<ev 370>>
<<mii hub/layout_night 70>>
Did Ludolphus have another laboratory somewhere else in the monastery? You hope not, as you have no clue where that would be, or if it would even be in the nuns' part of the monastery.
<p>You have to search this room again. Now that you know you are looking for something like a door or hidden passageway, maybe you will find something you didn't before.</p></c>
<<c "Search the laboratory">>
<<ev 380>>
You start to search the laboratory very carefully...
After 10 minutes, you have found nothing. But you have only just begun your <<lbut "search." div1 showdiv>>
<<div div1>>
You spend an hour searching the room, combing through every inch of it. Still nothing. But you don't give up yet. You <<lbut "continue the search." lab1>>
<<ev 400>>
After a thorough search of one of the walls, you finally find something. A hidden doorway! It takes a minute, but you figure out how to open it. Holding lit candles, you <<lbut "enter the dark room." div3 "showdiv">></c>
<<div div3>>
<<mi lab3Dusty 100>>
<c>You find an even bigger room than the room you came from. After placing some lit candles around the room, you get a better look at it. Everything is dusty, but not too much.
<p>So this is where Ludolphus kept all his manuscripts. And the workbench is crowded with objects. It seems this room is where the principal part of his alchemical work was done while the first room was more of a secondary location./* Perhaps a cool room to be in, studying and writing, when the fires were making it hot in here.*/
<<q curseserpent 340>></p>
<<c "Look at the big furnace">>
<<ev 410>>
<<mi distillationFurnaceDusty 45>>
This is probably the distillation furnace that Ludolphus talked about going behind. You think the "other distillation furnace" he mentioned is the big furnace in the first room. Which further reinforces your impression that this newly discovered room was where he did most of his work.</c>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi distillationFurnaceDusty 53>>
Standing close to the distillation furnace, you can see that it is very dusty. As are the containers placed around it. Almost as if the old ashes from the long-gone fires have covered it all. This would need a good cleaning before being of any use.
<<ev 424>>
<<mi lab3Dusty 100>>
<c>But that can wait. Now you want to find something that will help you understand Ludolphus' recipe for a potion of virility. To avoid the worst filth, you can give the place a quick dusting where it's most needed.</c>
<<c "Dust the place">>
<<ev 430>>
<<mi lab3minorclean 100>>
<c>You spend an hour cleaning and dusting. You don't clean the outside of the distillation furnace, but you light a fire in it for extra light. It works well. The smoke exits up into the roof, being transported away somewhere – possibly the same way as the smoke from the furnace in the other room.
<<ev 432>>
<<mi lab3minorclean 90>>
<p>You doubt Ludolphus had all this built. It seems too much of an undertaking to do while keeping it a secret. Most likely, this whole underground complex and most or all of the furnaces were built at the same time, long before Ludolphus found it. Though he could have had this built and then killed people to keep it a secret. Or the monks actually knew of this lab, and of Ludolphus' experiments on people.
/*Or, the monks knew about this laboratory and maybe of Ludolphus' experimenting on the people here too. Maybe it wasn't as secret as you think? */
But such speculations are of no importance now.</p>
<p>With the place decently clean, you can search for that alchemy primer you so badly need.</p></c>
<<c "Look at the manuscripts">>
<<ev 440>>
<<mi bookcase 40 "right png noBorder allowZoom">>
You take a closer look at the old manuscripts. Most of them are books, but there are also scrolls and loose collections of paper.
<p>Taking a closer look at the books, you see several Bibles – Latin editions as well as Hebrew and Greek – and also books about ancient cultures and religions. Ludolphus sure put them all to good use when he proved the holiness of the ancient sacraments.</p><p>You see more esoteric manuscripts, many relating to alchemy, not surprisingly. Some of these documents look too occult and sinister for your taste – maybe Ludolphus kept them hidden down here for safe-keeping. But on the other hand, if you're fighting Satan, knowing your enemy is not a bad thing.</p>
<p>Of special interest now are the manuscripts about alchemy. If you want to be able to follow Ludolphus' recipe for the potion of virility, you need help. You start searching for an alchemy primer. Something easy enough to understand for beginners.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<<mi primer1 33 "png left noBorder allowZoom">><<mi primer2 33 "png left noBorder allowZoom">>
<<set _primname = setup.primer>>
<<set _primnameeng =setup.primerEnglish>>
<c>Finally, you find something: <<special "_primname">> – _primnameeng, by <<special "Raymundus Lullius.">> The book is written in medieval Latin, and it contains detailed descriptions of alchemical processes and the equipment needed. Everything is illustrated with drawings. This will help you immensely.
<<q curseserpent 350>>
<<ev 520>>
<<mi primer3 35 "png right noBorder allowZoom">>
<l>The first page is loose, and when studying it closer, you discover that the page is in the wrong place. It is in reality the 43rd page. The page has a drawing of two fighting dragons. Written next to them is the Latin phrase <<special "Occido et viuere facio">> – I kill and live.
<p>The words send a shiver down your spine. You speculated that <<var lastabbot>> might have killed people to keep this underground laboratory and his experiments a secret. Suddenly, that seems more likely. Even if he didn't draw the dragons or write the words, you are pretty sure he read this book, which means he put that page at the front. That must mean something.
<<ev 530>>
<<mi primerPage1 35 "png right noBorder allowZoom">>
<<set _abbstart = setup.lastAbbotStartYear>>
<p>Now you also see that someone has added a note near the top of the real first page: AD 1385-_abbstart. It looks very much like Ludolphus' hasty handwriting. You think it is his attempt to date this manuscript. Or is it the years he spent writing it? Could Raymundus Lullius, the name of the author, be Ludolphus' pseudonym?</p>
<p> Ludolphus was born in <<var lastAbbotBornYear>> and moved here to become abbot in <<var lastAbbotStartYear>> – so it's certainly possible. It would explain his knowledge of alchemy but raises the question if it was really a coincidence that he discovered the alchemy lab. Did he already know or suspect it would be here?</p>
<p>Wait a minute... That name, Raymundus Lullius. You recognize it from another book you saw while searching through the manuscripts.</p>
<<c "Look for the name">>
<<ev 540>>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<<mi ars1 35 "png right noBorder allowZoom">><<mi ars2 35 "png right noBorder allowZoom">>
<<set _abbstart = setup.lastAbbotStartYear>>
You go back through the books, looking for the name Raymundus Lullius... and you find him. As the author of a manuscript called <<special "Ars compendiosa inveniendi veritatem">> - A quick way to discover the truth. It seems to be about a logical system the author has invented, as a tool to discover the truth. You see no references to alchemy.
<p>The manuscript is dated AD 1274. That's odd. Ludolphus noted the years 1385-_abbstart in the alchemy manuscript. If that dating is close to correct, there is no way Raymundus Lullius could be the author of both manuscripts. The later Raymundus is probably a <<hovertip "pseudo-author" pseudonym>> – a way to anonymously spread the alchemical texts by attributing them to a respected, but dead, person.</p>
<<ev 560>>
<<mi distillationFurnaceDusty 55 "right">>
/*<<mi primer1 35 "png right noBorder allowZoom">>*/
You leave the question of who really wrote the alchemy primer. The important thing right now is to make that potion of virility. But you can't use the dusty equipment in this laboratory, not until you have cleaned it. But looking around, that would take days.
<p>You study the recipe and consult the alchemy primer, and you find that you only need to use some of the equipment to make the potion. If you only clean what you need, you don't think it would take more than a day.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<<mi distillationFurnaceDusty 35 "right">><<mi alembic 35 "right">>
<p>You need the distillation furnace. It requires wood for heating. Then you need the distillation apparatus, the alembic, to extract and purify the essences of the ingredients. </p>
<p>That should be all the equipment needed for the potion of virility. Now you just have to clean it all before the hard part comes: Following the steps in the recipe to make the potion.</p>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
It will take time to clean everything you need. It's too late in the day to start now, but if you start tomorrow during the day, take a break for supper, and then continue the rest of the evening, you could probably have everything ready until the next day.
It will take time to clean everything you need. If you start right now, take a break for supper, and then continue the rest of the evening, you could probably have everything ready until tomorrow.
<<q curseserpent 360>>
/*<<but "test" lab1 step:690>>*/
<<but Continue lab>>
<<event 850>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<mi lab3minorclean 100>>
<cc>It's too late to start cleaning now. You should start tomorrow, during the day.</cc>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<mi lab3minorclean 100>>
<cc>You get to work cleaning the place.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv refectory/supper 80>>
<cc>You only take a break for supper. Once that is over, you go straight back to cleaning.</cc>
<<aftersupper>> /* advancing to night */
<<ev 300>>
<<mi lab3minorclean 100>>
With the groundwork done, including cleaning the distillation furnace, you clean the equipment needed to make the potion of virility. You also restock the lab with fresh firewood, and you get wine from the kitchen as many of the recipes require wine.
<p>Finally, late at night, you are done. The place looks better than ever... at least since the last 500 or so years.</p>
<<c "Admire the new clean look">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
<cc>That's more like it... Now you can get some real work done down here.</cc>
<<c "Look at the distillation furnace">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi distillationFurnaceDusty 55>>
<cc2>First, you picture how the distillation furnace looked when you found it, all covered with ashen dust.<br>
And now, the new look...</cc2>
<<c "Admire the cleaned furnace">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi distillationFurnace 55>>
<cc>Beautiful. Everything ready for making the potions.<br>
Tomorrow. It's late. You are exhausted and need to sleep.
<<q curseserpent 400 center>></cc>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">
<<mi potion_bigSquare 20 "png left noBorder allowZoom">><<mi potionLust_bigSquare 20 "png left noBorder allowZoom">>
<<set _potvir = setup.potionVirility>>
<<set _potlust = setup.potionLust>>
<c>You have cleaned everything needed, and you have the alchemy primer ready to help you follow Ludolphus' recipe for the <span class="potion-virility shadow2">.</span> When comparing that recipe with the recipe for the <span class="potion-lust shadow2">,</span> you see that they use the same alchemical processes. If you learn how to make one of the potions, you will know how the make the other.</c>
<<c "A final preparation...">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi alembic-quiz 60 "png zoom200">>
<cc style="color:#da6">
/*It requires understanding of the */
You must understand the alchemical processes and the terms used to follow the recipes.<br>
Before starting, you want to make sure you know what you are doing.</cc>
<cc><<coltext "Identify the objects in the image" "b7d" noItalics>></cc>
<<set _obclass ="quiz-option print-dark-shadow">>
<<set _choicestyle = "color:#edb">>
<cc0><span @class=_obclass>Object 1:</span><<space3>><span @style=_choicestyle><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic1" 1 autocheck>> Alembic</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic1" 2 autocheck>> Cucurbit</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic1" 3 autocheck>> Receiver</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic1" 4 autocheck>> Something else</label></span></cc0>
<cc0><span @class=_obclass>Object 2:</span><<space3>><span @style=_choicestyle><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic2" 1 autocheck>> Alembic</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic2" 2 autocheck>> Cucurbit</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic2" 3 autocheck>> Receiver</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic2" 4 autocheck>> Something else</label></span></cc0>
<cc0><span @class=_obclass>Object 3:</span><<space3>><span @style=_choicestyle><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic3" 1 autocheck>> Alembic</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic3" 2 autocheck>> Cucurbit</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic3" 3 autocheck>> Receiver</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic3" 4 autocheck>> Something else</label></span></cc0>
<cc0><span @class=_obclass>Object 4:</span><<space3>><span @style=_choicestyle><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic4" 1 autocheck>> Alembic</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic4" 2 autocheck>> Cucurbit</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic4" 3 autocheck>> Receiver</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_quizAlembic4" 4 autocheck>> Something else</label></span></cc0>
<cc0><div id="quiz-alembic-result"><<space>></div></cc0>
<div id="quiz-alembic-failsafe" style="display:none"><cc><<specbut "You keep going until you get it right..." lab1 "noSpaceClick">></cc></div>
<<set _quizFailed = 0>>
<span class="button-quiz-check bottombutton">
<<button "Verify the answers">>
var result1 = State.temporary.quizAlembic1;
var result2 = State.temporary.quizAlembic2;
var result3 = State.temporary.quizAlembic3;
var result4 = State.temporary.quizAlembic4;
if (result1 == 3 && result2 == 4 && result3 == 2 && result4 == 1)
else {
var diagdiv = document.getElementById('quiz-alembic-result');
while(diagdiv.firstChild) {
/*clearing result field*/
if (State.temporary.quizFailed > 6) {
var qid = document.getElementById("quiz-alembic-failsafe");
qid.style.display = "block";
if (State.temporary.quizFailed > 3) {
$(diagdiv).wiki('<<coltext "You don\'t think that is correct." "f30" colorAll>><br><<coltext "Hint: 1=3, 2=4, 3=2, 4=1." "3c0" colorAll>><<timed 16s>><<replace "#quiz-alembic-result">><<space>><</replace>><</timed>>');
else {
$(diagdiv).wiki('<<coltext "You don\'t think that is correct." "f30" colorAll>><<timed 2s>><<replace "#quiz-alembic-result">><<space>><</replace>><</timed>>');
<span class="button-consult-primer bottombutton">
/*<<but "Consult the primer" lab1 "step:389">>*/
<<button "Consult the primer">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi alembic 35>>
<c>After testing yourself, using the primer as a reference, you feel confident that you understand enough to follow the recipes for potions of lust and potions of virility. You are finally ready to do some real alchemy.
<<alchemyLevel 2>>
<<q curseserpent 410>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 920>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in the recipe.
<<mi potionVirilityBig 12 "pnggg">>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.</cc>
<<makePotion virility center>></cc>
/*<<tip makepotion>>*/
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_big 15 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
Eager to break the curse of the serpent, you drink a potion right away. In his notes, Ludolphus recommends drinking one potion of virility every day to keep your manhood strong, and you will follow his recommendation.
<cc><<qmess curseserpent 420 center>></cc>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/serpent 47>>
<c>You have to test if the virility potions are strong enough to counteract the curse of the serpent. If you manage to release the Holy Seed at least four times during the same day – without your rod turning into a snake – that would be proof enough to you.
<cc><<q curseserpent 500>></cc>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 921>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in the recipe.
/*<<mi potion_big 15 "png noBorder allowZoom">>*/
<<mi potionLust_big 17 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion lust center>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potionLust_big 15 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
<cc>The resulting potion batch is a concentrated liquid. According to the recipe, the recommended dose for a potion of lust is about a tablespoon in volume. By filling small vials with one dose each, you can carry a vial with you at all times, in case you happen to find a use for it.
<p>You would have to test the lust potions on someone to see their effect, but you rather not do it on yourself. You are to take a potion of virility every day and you don't know how well the two drugs will mix.
/*<cc><<qsub lustpotion made 440 "journal center">></cc>*/
<<qstart lustpotion 440 "center">></p></cc>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi herbalPages 50 pnggg>>
<c>You open the herbal and look up long pepper. Then you take out the loose sheets of paper with notes stuck between the pages there, hoping to find something that can give you an idea of how to make Novice Frances and Novice Zara experience the effect of a lust potion.
<p>Two of the sheets contain the recipes for the potion of virility and the potion of lust. But there is also a couple of other sheets of paper. You only scanned them briefly earlier because they seem to be about failed experiments, but now you take a closer look at them.</p>
<<c "Read the notes">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>You find a piece of text that stands out because it is written in heavier ink. The passage talks about the lust potion, and warns that the effect of the potion can be delayed for some time if the subject has recently consumed a lot of dairy products, like cheese or butter.
<p>The passage ends with a cryptic note to "Add to MO". Out of curiosity, you look up the herbs starting with M, trying to find a herb with a double name starting with M and O, but there are a lot of herbs starting with M and you quickly give up. It doesn't seem important. You have the information you need.
<<q hallNovices 150>></p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii refectory/dairy 45>>
The intense lust from the lust potions doesn't last very long, but this is not a problem when Novice Emma pours the lust potion into the soup of the intended target at supper, because she does it at the prayer close to the end of the meal. You can't do that, as it would be improper for you to sit next to a nun.
<p>But the delayed reaction to the lust potion is your way around this problem. If you enter the kitchen before lunch and add the lust potion to a dish or drink that Novice Frances and Novice Zara will consume in the refectory, and you do this when there are a lot of dairy products in the food being served, the effect of the lust potion could be delayed until after lunch is over – when they have a couple of hours of free time before work begins again.
<<ev 500>>
<<mii refectory/620-300 60>>
You know that a few of the nuns drink wine to their meals at lunch, including Novice Frances and Novice Zara. The wine is poured into a carafe that is passed around among the nuns drinking from it. If you could get access to the carafe in the kitchen before it is placed on the table, you could empty several lust potions in it.
<<ev 510>>
<<mii refectory/carafe 50>>
<c>That means everyone drinking from the carafe would be affected by the lust potions, but the increased lust won't last long, and hopefully it will happen in their free time after lunch, so it feels like an acceptable consequence.
<<ev 600>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
However, this plan requires you to use almost all of your lust potions. Before executing the plan, you want to make sure that you have enough ingredients to replace the precious lust potions, and then some.
<p>Particularly when it comes to long pepper, you think there could be a problem. The recipe for a lust potion requires a whole lot of the herb and you are almost out of it. You don't remember there being much long pepper left in Sister Jana's garden shed either. You have to go there and check it out.
<<q hallNovices 180>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if !($readChapter3>=100)>>
<<set $readChapter3 = 100>>
/*stopsound done in codex chapter selection when making button glow */
<<playsound corruption 0.10>>
<<mi codex 30 pnggg>>
You can't resist reading more in the Book of Truth. You have had much use of chapter one and chapter two – of the holy rites. What else can you learn from Ludolphus' old manuscript?
<p>You go to the end of chapter two and...</p>
<<c "Turn the page">>
<<ev 200>>
<<set _ch3title = "Chapter III: "+setup.chapter3>>
<<set _ch3 = setup.chapter3>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "_ch3title">></cc>
<<mi holymarriage 38>>
<<if !($readChapter3>=200)>>
<<set $readChapter3 = 200>>
You start reading
<<stopsound>> /* can't start sound in first step if player goes back in history, so only stop here. */
<<set $temp = true>> /* keeping track of it */
You once again read
the chapter called <<bold "_ch3.">> Ludolphus talks about how the Lord's holy warriors can be granted special favors – exceptions to the rules. One such favor is the possibility to marry a woman for a short time.
<p>The normal marriage between a man and a woman, often referred to as <<special "holy matrimony,">> is a holy rite created by God to bind men and women for life. However, a holy warrior is allowed an exception to this, and can enter into a temporary, but likewise holy, marriage.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi moorswomen 40 right>>
<<if $temp == true>>
<<playsound corruption 0.10>>
<<set $temp = false>>
Ludolphus writes that this type of marriage is known among the <<hovertip moors moors bottom>> as <<hovertip "Nikah mut'ah," nikahmutah bottom>> but is based on a pre-Islamic holy rite. The moors abuse it as a way to legitimize prostitution, allowing a man to enter into a temporary marriage with a woman just to be able to have sexual relations with her. But that is a perversion of the ancient <<bold "Holy Marriage">> rite which is meant as a way for holy warriors to temporarily commit to a woman that he will likely need to leave when his duties call him elsewhere.
<p>This temporary holy marriage also benefits the woman, the wife, as she would otherwise have to wait for possibly years to see her husband again or learn that he died fighting for God. Instead, she will be free to marry another man and follow God's command to multiply. The woman is required to wait a few lunar cycles before marrying again, to be sure who the father is in case she is found to be pregnant.</p>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi holymarriage2 40 right>>
A priest can perform the <<bold "Holy Marriage">> rite and make the marriage last for any length of time, for only one encounter as it may be, providing the man being wed is an active holy warrior of God.
<p>Ludolphus notes here that having sexual relations with your wife is something God looks favorably upon. By being allowed to enter into the temporary marriage, the holy warriors can enjoy this favor and please the Lord.</p>
<p>If the woman marrying a holy warrior with the Holy Marriage rite is a virgin, she will be rewarded with having her virginity intact in the eyes of the Lord once the marriage is over, no matter how many times she has sexual relations with her husband.</p>
<<ev 360>>
<<mi holymarriage 40 right>>
<l>Ludolphus claims that the Bible makes numerous references to the Holy Marriage rite, indirectly, as it mentions the temporary wives married to the holy warriors.
<p>In the original Hebrew texts, the word used for these women is <<special pilegesh.>> This was later interpreted as having the meaning of <<hovertip concubine, concubine>> but that is not the original meaning of the word <<italics pilegesh.>></p>
Ludolphus says that the original, ancient meaning of <<italics pilegesh>> was in reference to a "temporary wife of a holy warrior". He quotes several Bible passages where this word is used and wrongly interpreted.
<<ev 370>>
<<mi kingdavid 32 right>>
<l>One such passage is about King David, a legendary holy warrior of God. First, Ludolphus gives the verse as it is written in the various Bible versions translated from the ancient texts.
After he left Hebron, David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and more sons and daughters were born to him.<br>
<tipsx> – 2 Samuel 5:13</tipsx></bible>
But, according to Ludolphus, "concubines and wives" is meant to be read as one term – "<span style="font-style:italic">pilegesh</span> wives". That would make it "concubine wives" when translating pilegesh to concubine, which would not make sense because a concubine is not a wife. The true meaning of <<italics "pilegesh wives">> is "temporary wives of a holy warrior", or, in context, "wives by Holy Marriage".
<p>In other words, David, a holy warrior, married a number of women with the Holy Marriage rite during his stay in Jerusalem. As later verses tell, David then left Jerusalem to continue the holy war – the holy campaign of uniting the tribes of Israel – when he traveled to Baal Perazim where he defeated the Philistines.</p>
Ludolphus goes on to quote several more Bible passages as evidence for the existence of these wives of holy warriors by the Holy Marriage rite, together with the correct interpretations of the passages.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi priestchannel 25>>
Ludolphus concludes his proof about God's holy warriors and the Holy Marriage rite by claiming that he had a vision where God showed him these things to be true.
<<if !($readChapter3 >=300)>>
<<set $readChapter3 = 300>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "step:1100">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi priestlust 40 right>>
Once again, Ludolphus' research looks solid. You can feel that it is the truth. The Holy Marriage rite is indeed a holy rite granted by the Lord to be used by His holy warriors.
<p>But how much longer will Ludolphus' writings in the Book of Truth be the truth? From what you have learned about what he did with the nuns, he seemed to lose his mind toward the end of his life, which is worrying. So far though, you have only had success from following his writings and recipes. Maybe you do not know the true story of what happened before he died?</p>
<p>Could the experiments that Ludolphus conducted on the nuns, as well as the sexual assaults he was accused of committing, have been misjudged by the monks and nuns at the time? It reminds you of your current situation, trying to fight the dark forces present here, using methods and rites that would be denounced by the Church, and possibly would even send you to prison because people wouldn't know or understand the truth.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii crone/nighthag 40>>
You don't know if the lust demon attacking the nuns is supernatural or human, but what you do know is that the lust demon is real, as is the Devil, and they are both here. There can be no doubt about that. If Ludolphus was in a similar situation – waging a holy war on Satan, protecting the nuns from sinful lust brought on by the Evil One and his minions – it could explain his seemingly despicable actions. Maybe the monks and nuns got it all wrong? Maybe you got it wrong to doubt Ludolphus?
<<ev 600>>
<<mi rape 40 right>>
If Ludolphus used the holy rites to anoint the nuns and eat their lustful sins, it could easily be seen as improper sexual conduct, even rape, for someone not knowing the full story.
<p>The nuns that came forward after Ludolphus' death may have been lying when they accused him, perverting the truth that they in reality willingly let Ludolphus use the holy rites on them to protect them and cleanse them from sin.</p>
<p>For all you know, the nuns could have been lost to evil and corruption once Ludolphus died, giving false testimony to besmirch the one person who tried to save them.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii crone/cronedream2 30>>
<c>If Ludolphus was fighting satanic forces, could that be the same evil forces you are fighting now, almost 600 years later? Things seem to be repeating themselves, and more than once you have felt that you are walking in Ludolphus' footsteps. Is it all just a coincidence? You have to be open to the possibility that the lust demon you are hunting is a supernatural being that has returned after all this time. Ludolphus lost to the evil. You have to prevail.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi holymarriage3 36>>
<c>Your thoughts return to the new holy rite you have learned about: Holy Marriage – a temporary marriage granted by God to His holy warriors. Will you find a use for this holy rite too?
<<qstart holymarriage 100>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<if !($readChapter3 >=400)>>
<<set $readChapter3 = 400>>
<<mi codex 35 "pnggg">>
<c>With chapter three ending, you close the old book. As much as you are curious to see what comes next, your cautious approach to reading Ludolphus' writings has taken you this far without losing your sanity. A man can only handle so much at a time. When you are ready, you will continue to read in the Book of Truth.
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:200 step:100">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 1220>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi longpepper 48>>
<c>To prepare for your experiment with Novice Anika, you go down to your lab and get most of your dried long pepper. You can always restock by getting more long pepper from the monks' shed.
<p>Then you take your mortar and pestle and get to work, griding that long pepper into a fine dust.</p>
<<pbut longpepperdust lab1 "ev:1220 special always">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi longpepperdust 40 pnggg>>
<cc>After grinding and grinding, you have produced a good amount of very fine "pepper dust".
<<makePotion longpepperdust center>></cc>
<p>You go up to your room and gather the other items you need. Now you are ready to go to Novice Anika's room and start the experiment.
<<q janacurse 1200>></p>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi asafoetida 34 pnggg>>
You look up asafoetida in your copy of the medieval herbal and find the entry as expected in alphabetical order. Although not a herb but a human-made substance, apparently asafoetida was important enough in herbalism in the Middle Ages to warrant its own entry in this herbal.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi giantFennel 38 right>>
<l>The herbal says that asafoetida is made from the dried <<hovertip latex latex bottom>> extracted from the stem and root of certain plants related to fennels that primarily grow in deserts and mountains in Persia and in the lands further east. In the Mediterranean region, the <<bold "giant fennel">> can be used to make asafoetida.
<p>The resulting product is a smelly substance, called an <<hovertip "oily gum resin" gumresin>> in the medieval herbal – a mixture of resin, gum, and oil – or just <<italics resin>> for short. According to the herbal, asafoetida is mainly used as a medicine, used to treat a number of ailments, such as cough, sore throat, fever, indigestion, pain, and warts. Earlier in history, the herbal notes, the Greeks and Romans also used asafoetida in cooking as a spice and <<hovertip condiment, asafoetida>> adding a taste similar to garlic, onion, or meat, depending on how you prepared it.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi cyrene 100 png>>
<c>The herbal says that asafoetida was brought to Europe from northeastern Persia around 325 BC by Alexander the Great's troops as a substitute for the resin of the important but very expensive plant <<hovertip silphium silphium>> which was only grown in <<hovertip Cyrene. cyrene>>
<<ev 340>>
<<mi silphium 70>>
<c>The herbal continues to say that when silphium <<hovertip "mysteriously disappeared" silphium2>> from history, asafoetida also took over the medicinal usage of silphium, which included the use as a contraceptive and in the abortion of fetuses.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi herbalPages 50 pnggg>>
Next, the herbal lists several recipes that use asafoetida as an important ingredient. Two of the recipes are for contraceptives. One is for a potion that the woman is supposed to drink after the sexual act. The other recipe is a potion that should be poured on a piece of cloth to be put inside the woman before the sexual act. These must be the recipes Sister Jana was referring to.
<p>You don't know how effective these herbal contraceptives are. You wonder if Ludolphus have improved versions in his notes. You see several of his note sheets stuck between the pages.</p>
<<c "Read Ludolphus' notes">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi notes 46 right>>
Looking through his notes tells you that Ludolphus was very interested in asafoetida and silphium. He must have done a ton of research and experimentation. What you see in the notes is the result of what he came up with.
<p>Ludolphus used the giant fennel for his experiments, which makes sense since it can be grown in the Mediterranean region. Judging from his notes, his goal was to produce something as potent as the ancient silphium resin, and he thought he had identified the medicinally relevant substances in the giant fennel latex to be able to do that.
<p>In the end, he managed to produce a very potent asafoetida which he claims is equal to the silphium resin. Luckily, Ludolphus left detailed instructions in his notes for his process of making this silphium-grade asafoetida.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi potion_bigger 25 "right pnggg">>
Just like you, Ludolphus' interest in asafoetida seems to have been caused by his wish to produce an effective contraceptive. Also like you, he favored the potion the women drank over the one poured on a cloth and put inside the women.
<p>From his silphium-grade asafoetida, he made two different potions of contraception using improved versions of the recipe listed in the herbal. He made a weak potion which he believed would still be much more effective than the potion from the herbal, and he made a strong potion which should be even more effective.</p>
<<ev 630>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
<c>What comes next in the notes is a summary of a study Ludolphus did on the townspeople, specifically the young, married women. He compared the effect of the potion from the herbal – "the herbal potion" – with his weak potion and with his strong potion. You don't know how he did it, but somehow he could make sure that the women in town regularly took the different potions. You would guess he did it all without their knowledge and consent, but the notes don't say.
<<ev 700>>
<<mi potion_bigger 24 "right pnggg">>
Ludolphus divided the young, married women in the town into four groups:
Group 1, he used as a reference, giving them no potion.<br>
Group 2, he gave the herbal potion of contraception once a week.<br>
Group 3, he gave his weak potion of contraception once a week.<br>
Group 4, he gave his strong potion of contraception once a week.
<p>Then Ludolphus kept track of how many pregnancies occurred in the respective groups. From the dates, you can tell that this study lasted several years.</p>
<p>In group 1, as expected, there were many pregnancies.<br>
In group 2, there were also many pregnancies, though significantly fewer, about half as many, proving the herbal potion did prevent some pregnancies.<br>
In group 3, there were only a few pregnancies, about a tenth as many as in group 1, proving that Ludolphus' weak potion was pretty effective, but still carried some risk of unwanted pregnancies.<br>
In group 4, there were no pregnancies at all, proving that Ludolphus' strong potion of contraception was very effective at preventing pregnancies.</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi potion_bigger 16 "pnggg">>
You have found the solution to your problem. To avoid accidentally impregnating one of the nuns, you could use Ludolphus' strong potion. Already, when thinking about it, you feel that you can't go back now. The urge to release your seed inside the nuns has been growing stronger over time, and now that you have an effective contraceptive, this urge has increased even more. This is a sign that you are meant to release your seed inside the women. Anointing them on the outside, on their skin, is one thing, but anointing them from within could be even more effective in protecting them from evil.
<p>However, trying to prevent a pregnancy is immoral – a sin. The release of the seed is meant for procreation. God alone should decide if the seed fertilizes the woman to produce a child.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi priestchannel 30 right>>
On the other hand, you are doing God's work fighting the Evil One and his minions. That could excuse your use of a contraceptive. But does it excuse it enough to use the strong potion?
<p>If you use Ludolphus' weak potion, you significantly reduce the risk of making anyone pregnant, but there is still a risk of it happening, which means you leave it to be decided by God.</p>
<p>If you instead use the very effective strong potion, nothing short of a miracle from God could make you impregnate someone. You have to make a decision and you have to do it now. The urge to release your seed between the legs of the nuns is too strong to ignore.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 35 right>>
You are about to make an important decision that will determine the risk of making someone pregnant while you stay at the monastery. You must somehow give the nuns a potion of contraception once a week, but the question now is which potion you will use.
1) Give the <<bold "weak potion">> to the nuns. This will greatly reduce the risk of making anyone pregnant, but there is still a risk.</p>
2) Give the <<bold "strong potion">> to the nuns. This will pretty much guarantee that you will not make anyone pregnant.
<<but "Give the weak potion (Low risk of pregnancy)" lab1 step:2000>><<but "Give the strong potion (No risk of pregnancy)" lab1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 33>>
You consider using the <<bold "weak potion">> of contraception on the nuns, leaving the rest up to God. You accept that there is a risk that you accidentally make someone pregnant.
/*<<set $contraceptionPotion = "weak">>*/
<<set $pregnancy = true>>
<<but "Yes, I accept that this may result in a pregnant nun" lab1 "step:4000 fullWidth">><<but "Wait, I need to think..." lab1 step:1000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii nuns/misc/standing 30>>
You consider using the <<bold "strong potion">> of contraception on the nuns. This will give you very good protection against making anyone pregnant.
/*<<set $contraceptionPotion = "strong">>*/
<<set $pregnancy = false>>
<<but "Yes, I don't want to make anyone pregnant" lab1 "step:4000 fullWidth">><<but "Wait, I need to think..." lab1 step:1000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi potion_bigger 18 "pnggg">>
<<if !$pregnancy>>
You have decided to use the strong potion of contraception,<br>
not wanting to risk making anyone pregnant.
You have decided to use the weak potion of contraception,<br>
leaving the matter of pregnancy up to God.
<<q procreation 900 center>>
<p>Now you have to make the potion of contraception and also find a way to give them to the nuns without them knowing it. The last part seems doable enough. With Novice Emma's help and your connections in the kitchen, you should be able to arrange for the potions to "end up" in the soup the nuns have for supper once a week.</p>
<<ev 4030>>
<<mi asafoetida 35 "right pnggg">>
The bigger issue is the production of all the potions of contraception. Using the asafoetida Sister Jana has in her shed is not an option. First of all, it is of much lower quality than Ludolphus' silphium-grade resin. And even if you did use Sister Jana's asafoetida because you had no other source, the little she has would not last more than a week or two.
<p>Harvesting latex from the two giant fennels you have seen in her herb garden would last you for a while, but it would not be a long-term solution.</p>
<p>Not to mention that if you were to do any of the above, Sister Jana would figure out what you were up to, and that would not be good given how distrustful she is of your intentions.</p>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi silphium 70>>
You need to make a lot of silphium-grade asafoetida and for that, you need a lot of giant fennels.
<p>Ludolphus made potions for hundreds of townswomen for several years. He must have had access to a large supply of giant fennels. You must find one too.
<<q procreation 1000>>
<<set $kgarden = 200>> /* Starting to use kgarden as base instead of using include and kgarden1 as base */
<<but "Stop reading the herbal" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi asafoetida 30 pnggg>>
You take the asafoetida you extracted from the giant fennels. By now, the oily gum resin has turned dark brown.
<p>You mash it all together into a lump and then study Ludolphus' instructions on how to distill and purify the smelly resin into silphium-grade asafoetida. Since you are not working with dried plants this time – but a heavy substance consisting of resin, gum, and oil – you need to do things a bit differently, using only alcohol as a solvent, no water.</p>
<p>First, you need to make "spirit of wine" – the term Ludolphus uses for alcohol. Ludolphus notes that you need as pure alcohol as possible to produce silphium-grade asafoetida.</p>
<<c "Make a batch of \"spirit of wine\"">>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi asafoetida 30 "right pnggg">>
You can make all the "spirit of wine" needed by distilling some of the wine you have in the lab.
It takes time, but with your experience in distilling, it presents no problem. You think the alcohol you made has a very high ethanol content.
<p>Now that you have everything you need, it's time to purify the asafoetida.
<p>You do your best to follow Ludolphus' instructions...</p>
<<c "Purify the asafoetida">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi asafoetidaResin 38 pnggg>>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts. A warm syrupy substance of a purified oily gum resin has been produced.
<<c "Wait for the sticky substance to cool down">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi asafoetidapure 35 pnggg>>
The gum resin soon cools down and again turns into brown clumps. But this time, the clumps are almost entirely made up of the medicinally relevant substances of the original asafoetida, making for an asafoetida of very high potency – silphium-grade asafoetida.
<<makePotion asafoetida center>>
/*<<tip makepotion>>*/
<<ev 300>>
<<mi asafoetidapure 35 "right pnggg">>
<l>Ludolpus says that you should see small orange crystals forming on the surface of the asafoetida if the purification process was a success. You are happy to verify the existence of those small crystals, proving that the gum resin you got from the giant fennels has been purified into a very potent, silphium-grade asafoetida – the main ingredient in the potion of contraception you are now ready to make.
<p>You need to produce a batch of the potions, big enough for all the nuns. Luckily, thanks to the purified asafoetida, each dose of the potion should be very small.
<<q procreation 1400>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1420>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi asafoetidapure 35 pnggg>>
With your silphium-grade asafoetida, you get to work on making the potion of contraception for the nuns.
<p>You do your best to follow Ludolphus' recipe...</p>
<<c "Make the potions">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_bigger 18 "pnggg">>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion contraception center>>
/*<<tip makepotion>>*/
<<ev 300>>
<<mi potion_bigger 18 "pnggg">>
Thanks to your silphium-grade asafoetida, the <<contraceptionStrength>> potion of contraception needed for a weekly dose to all the nuns only amount to about four tablespoons of concentrated liquid. This first batch you made is substantially larger than that and will thus last several weeks. You take vials of a fitting size and fill each of them with one weekly dose for all nuns.
<p>Now you have to find a good way to make the nuns consume it without their knowledge. You should talk to Novice Emma.
<<q procreation 1500 "center">></p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<c>But that has to wait until tomorrow. You have been working hard in the lab and it's getting late.
<c>But that has to wait until tomorrow. You have been working hard in the lab and supper is soon about to be served.
<<but "Go to the refectory" refectory1 ev:300>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 70>>
<c>You want to make the threesome a very positive experience for Sister Dana, convincing her that the holy rite of Sin Eating you will perform has cleansed her of her grave sins.
<p>If you give Sister Dana a lust potion, the resulting intense orgasm she could experience might achieve this, but she might also just think it was an intense orgasm. Furthermore, it could be tricky to make Sister Dana consume the lust potion shortly before the threesome in a way that wouldn't arouse her suspicion.</p>
<p>You wonder if Ludolphus has a recipe more suitable for what you want to do.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi notes 50>>
<c>It's a good thing that you have prepared for a situation like this. For some time, you have set aside an hour every day to catalog the recipes in Ludolphus' notes, only noting their names, a short description of what they do, and their locations in the herbal. It has been effective. By now, you have gone through most of the notes stuck inside the herbal.
<p>You begin to read your compiled list of recipes, looking for a recipe that could help you with Sister Dana. You seem to recall a particular recipe that could be what you are seeking.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi opium 25 "pnggg">>
<c>Going through the list, you eventually find it: <<bold "Divine nectar,">> Ludolphus calls it. The potion is supposed to make a person experience euphoria.
<p>Looking up the recipe in Ludolphus' notes, you find that the main ingredient is poppy latex: opium. The "euphoric essence" of opium is extracted and concentrated. This recipe seems to be Ludolphus' version of heroin.</p>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi priestchannel 30 right>>
This is just what you want. If you could make Sister Dana feel the effect of this "divine nectar" at the end of the threesome, you could convince her that it is the feeling of her soul being cleansed from her grave sins.
<p>But you still have the problem of giving Sister Dana the drug without her knowing about it. You continue reading the recipe.</p>
<p>Toward the end of the recipe, there is a comment, saying the divine nectar can be used with <<bold cutahest.>> Could that maybe help you? Unfortunately, you have no idea what <<italics cutahest>> is.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi mercury 19 pnggg>>
<<set _primname = setup.primer>>
<c>After the word <<italics cutahest,>> you see what you assume is an alchemical symbol.
<p>You pick up <<italics _primname>> – the alchemy primer – to see if you can find the symbol.</p>
<p>And you do. It is listed as the symbol for <<hovertip Azoth. Azoth>> Azoth is the alchemical name for mercury – the liquid metal. The primer says that the symbol stands for transformation – and that which transcends life and death, and the physical and the spiritual.</p>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi bookcase 52 pnggg>>
<c>That symbol is familiar. You think you saw it on the cover of a small book somewhere here in the main laboratory. With so many books and manuscripts, you haven't had time to look much at them since you found the alchemy primer. You think the small book was red.
<<c "Search for the small, red book">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi notebook 26 "pnggg">>
<c>You find the book where you left it on one of the bookshelves. And you remembered correctly – it has that symbol for azoth in the top right corner.
<p>When you open the small book, you see that it appears to be a notebook. You recognize Ludolphus' handwriting, but this notebook is carefully written as opposed to his hasty notes in the herbal.</p>
<p>The notebook contains recipes. The recipes seem to be for creating alchemical base substances which can then be used in other recipes.
<<c "Search for cutahest in the notebook">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi cutahest 16 pnggg>>
<c>Browsing through the notebook, you find the word you were looking for: cutahest.
Ludolphus writes that cutahest is an oil or salve that will penetrate the skin. By itself, the cutahest doesn't do much, but by mixing it with a medicinally potent substance, the substance can then be absorbed through the skin or by consumption. This makes it easier to administer medical substances that must normally be snorted, smoked, or inserted into the rectum to be absorbed by the body.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii dungeon/dana2 70>>
This may be the solution to your problem. If you mix divine nectar with cutahest, you could then make Sister Dana feel the effect of the nectar by applying it on her naked body.
<p>You just have to do it without her noticing it. With everything that will happen during the threesome, you think you will find a way.</p>
<<ev 740>>
<<mi notes3 60>>
You look at the recipe for cutahest. There are three main ingredients: olive oil, beeswax, and alkahest. Depending on the ratio of olive oil and beeswax, the cutahest can be made as an oil or as a salve.
Olive oil you have plenty of. Beeswax you also have, since it is one of the ingredients Sister Jana stocks in her shed. But what is <<italics alkahest?>> You flip through the red notebook...</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi mercury 30 " right pnggg">>
<l>You find the entry for <<hovertip Alkahest. Alkahest bottom>>
<p> Ludolphus praises himself for coming up with this substance, which he claims is a precursor to the fabled <<hovertip Azoth. Azoth bottom>> His alkahest is bridging the gap between the physical world and the spiritual, allowing for potent alchemy to be carried out.</p>
<p>According to Ludolphus, the physical world is made up of spiritual base elements – spiritual essences. The alkahest can dissolve physical substances into their spiritual base elements, giving the alchemist access to them.</p>
<p>Ludolphus' alkahest does not dissolve all physical substances, but he writes that this is practical. A true universal solvent would be difficult to handle as it would dissolve anything not made by a single spiritual base element.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi almagest 65>>
<c>Ludolphus also explains how he came up with the name <<italics alkahest.>>
<p>It is a combination of <<italics al-kīmiyā,>> Arabic for alchemy, and <<hovertip Almagest Almagest>> – the famous 2nd-century treatise by Ptolemy about the movement of the celestial bodies and a spherical Earth as the center of the universe. Ludolphus combined alkimiya and almagest into <<italics alkagest.>> Then he modified it to <<italics alkahest.>> The <<italics -hest>> ending made the word less similar to Almagest, avoiding confusion, and secondly, as the meaning of <<italics -hest>> was unknown, it symbolized the quest to discover the yet unknown.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
You read Ludolphus' recipe for alkahest in the red notebook.
<p>The ingredients are alcohol, potash, fat, and quicklime. The potash and fat are used to make soap, so basically, the ingredients of alkahest are alcohol, soap, and quicklime.</p>
<p>You think you get the name cutahest now. It's a combination of cutis – Latin for skin – and alkahest.</p>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi potash_ashes 50>>
<c>The recipes for making potash and quicklime are also in the notebook. Both are quite laborious, involving the burning of wood for potash and the burning of limestone for quicklime, and several other time-consuming processes. The resulting potash is a grey powder, and for quicklime, it is a white powder.
<p>Making potash and quicklime according to the instructions would mean a lot of work. But then you are reminded of a large assortment of glass jars stored in this lab. The jars contain various powders, among other things. Perhaps there are jars that contain potash and quicklime.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi jars 60 pnggg>>
<c>You look at the glass jars. They are dusty, but the contents appear to be in excellent condition, successfully sealed by the corks during the 550 or so years since this laboratory was last used.
<p>After cleaning the jars, you see that each jar is marked with a symbol, presumably an alchemical symbol. You once again consult the alchemy primer, to see if it lists a symbol for potash.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi potash 30 "pnggg">>
<c>The primer has a symbol for potash, and upon inspecting the glass jars, you find a matching symbol on one of them. A jar filled with a grey powder. Potash. Very good. This should last you a while.
<p>Then you look in the alchemy primer for a symbol for quicklime.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi quicklime 30 "pnggg">>
<c>You find the alchemical symbol for quicklime in the primer, and you find a jar with the symbol, filled with a white powder. Excellent.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii hgarden/poppies 70>>
<c>You now have everything to make the cutahest and everything to make the divine nectar – except for the opium latex.
<p>You know Sister Jana has a lot of poppies in the herb garden, so you just need to extract the latex without her noticing it.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi opium 20 pnggg>>
<c>The procedure to extract the opium latex is not new to you, as it is basically the same procedure that you used to extract latex from the great fennels to make asafoetida, except this time you will make the cuts on the seed capsule of the poppy. It will then take several hours for enough latex to leak out.
<p>If you make the cuts after Sister Jana has stopped working for the day, you could then go to the herb garden early the next morning – before Sister Jana returns to work – to retrieve the latex. Hopefully, the cuts have mostly healed by then and Sister Jana won't notice anything.
<<q rileyThreesome 200>>
<<event 1510>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi cutahest 16 pnggg>>
<c>You have everything to make the divine nectar.
<p>You also have everything to make cutahest, which when mixed with divine nectar allows the divine nectar to be absorbed through the skin or by consumption. But the cutahest can be made as an oil or as a salve, and you don't know which would be best since you are not sure how you will apply it to Sister Dana.</p>
<p>Before you make anything more in the lab, you should think about how to best proceed.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi potionNectar_big 25 "pnggg">>
<c>Once the divine nectar has been mixed with cutahest, it can be administered either topically – through the skin – or by consumption.
<p>Ludolphus recommends that when administering the divine nectar topically, you should apply the divine nectar onto the recipients' skin and then smear it out with your finger. The divine nectar will then almost instantly be absorbed into their skin. The euphoric effect comes quickly.</p>
<p>However, Ludolphus cautions that unless you protect your finger, you too will be affected by the divine nectar. To avoid this, Ludolphus recommends wearing a treated sheep intestine on your finger.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii dungeon/dana2 65>>
<c>You should be able to apply the divine nectar to Sister Dana's skin without her noticing it. For instance, you could do it when you sodomize her from behind – spitting on her butt, seemingly in an attempt to lubricate her, and then also adding the divine nectar.
<p>But then, to smear out the divine nectar, you would have to wear some kind of protective cover on your finger. Ludolphus suggested a sheep intestine, but then you would have to go to the town, or ask Sister Jana to get it for you, and you rather do neither. What else could you use?</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi rubbergloves 20 pnggg>>
<c>The best way to cover your fingers would probably be something like those thin transparent rubber gloves they use in labs and hospitals. You could cut off a part to only cover one finger. Because of the transparency, it would be hard to detect.
<p>But the nuns don't use rubber gloves from what you have seen. You have to figure something out.
<<q rileyThreesome 500>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1515>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi pipette 32 pnggg>>
To make the divine nectar absorbable through the skin, you will mix it with cutahest. Ludolphus' notes say that you can make the cutahest as an oil or as a salve, depending on the ratio of olive oil and beeswax. If you make the cutahest as an oil, the resulting mix with divine nectar may be liquid enough that it can be used with a pipette.
<p>To test this, you take some olive oil. If the pipettes work on that, you think it will work on the divine nectar later.
<<c "Test a pipette with olive oil">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi pipettefilled_oliveoil 32 pnggg>>
<c>You have no problem at all sucking up olive oil with the pipette. It should work well even if the divine nectar will be somewhat more viscous.
<p>This is great. If you fill the pipette with one dose of divine nectar, you can then keep the pipette in a tube container, ready to use on Sister Dana at the appropriate time in the threesome. Then you can easily apply the dose to her skin and smear it out with your finger, covered by a rubber finger from the rubber gloves.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
<c>Now to make the divine nectar. But before that, you should make cutahest, and for that, you first need to make alkahest.
<<q rileyThreesome 800>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1520>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in Ludolphus' recipe.
<<mi potion_bigger 25 pnggg>>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion alkahest center>></cc>
<<qset rileyThreesome 850>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1540>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in Ludolphus' recipe.
<<mi cutahest 20 pnggg>>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion cutahest center>></cc>
<<qset rileyThreesome 870>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1560>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in Ludolphus' recipe.
<<mi potionNectar_big 25 "pnggg">>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion nectar center>></cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 "pnggg">>
<c>You have divine nectar and you have cutahest.
<p>You follow Ludolphus' instructions on how much cutahest to mix with the divine nectar to use it as an oil. And now for the final test...</p>
<<c "Try to suck up divine nectar with a pipette">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi pipettefilled 32 pnggg>>
<c>You take a pipette and try it on the cutahest-infused divine nectar.
<p>It is not quite as easy as sucking up olive oil, but the divine nectar is still liquid enough that you can suck up a dose with the pipette – and then squirt it out by pressing the rubber bulb. Excellent. Now everything is ready for the threesome in the dungeons at night.
<<q rileyThreesome 1000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
<c>As you finish up in the lab, you have a thought:
<p>Could you use cutahest with a lust potion? Then you would have another way to use the lust potion on someone – by rubbing it into their skin. That could open up new opportunities in the future.</p>
<p>You take another look at Ludolphus' recipe for lust potions. It doesn't say anything about cutahest. In the recipe for divine nectar, it did mention cutahest. Does this mean that the lust potion won't work with cutahest? Not necessarily.</p>
<p>This is something you could experiment with some other time. But right now, you have other things to do.
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
<c>You need all the help you can in the investigation. Sometimes, you have to make hard decisions when fighting evil. God will understand that this is for a good cause.
<p>You go down to your lab.</p>
<<c "Open the envelopes">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<cc>Using your lab equipment, you try to weaken the glue sealing the envelopes.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/letter 40 pnggg>>
<c>You successfully manage to weaken the glue enough that you can open the envelopes without damaging anything.
<<c "Read the letters">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii misc/letter2 30 pnggg>>
<c>You read the letters.
<p>They are a mix of more official correspondence and internal Church correspondence meant for Mother Magda or Father Alvaro, and private correspondence addressed to the individual nuns and monks.
<<ev 410>>
<<mii misc/letter 34 pnggg>>
Paying special attention to the letters to the monks, you find nothing suspicious. Nothing indicating that someone outside the walls is aware of the attacks.
<p>A few of the letters are private correspondence with nuns that have been attacked and that you have anointed, but even in their letters, there is no indication that anything about the holy rites, the attacks, or the investigation is known outside the walls. That is reassuring, at least.</p>
<<ev 420>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 30>>
<<set _newcata = !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",400)>> /* check if pl has not talked to cata about her attack */
<c>But one of the private letters strikes your interest. It is addressed to Sister <<if _newcata>>Catarina, one of the younger professed sisters. You know she works in the school kitchen.<<else>>Catarina.<</if>>
<p>The sender, a nun from another convent far away, seems to be a friend or acquaintance of Sister Catarina. This friend expresses concern over Sister Catarina's "struggle" as it says in the letter. From the context, you think it might be a sexual kind of struggle, though you are not sure. From the sound of it, you don't think the friend knows the details either. It seems that Sister Catarina is keeping it a secret.
<<if ndef $qqcatarinaq>>
This could be worth to follow up on. Sister Catarina is not initiated into the Circle and she might be in need of the holy rites.
<<qstart catarinaq 100>>
<<if _newcata>>
<<qmess catarinaq 100 center>>
This might be something you can use to convince Sister Catarina that she should open up to you, and at least let you take her confession.
<<qmess catarinaq 110 center>>
<<ev 450>>
<<mii misc/letter 34 pnggg>>
<c>Finding nothing more that you are interested in, you prepare to restore the envelopes to their previous condition.</c>
<<c "Reseal the envelopes">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 40 pnggg>>
<c>You carefully reseal the envelopes with the letters in them.
<p>The glue doesn't stick as well and it takes some work to get a decent result. It's not perfect, but you doubt anyone will suspect that the envelopes have been opened.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<c>You could keep going to the town church to pick up the mail for the monastery to read the letters. Eventually, you might find something of value to the investigation.
<p>But what if someone notices something? What if you accidentally tear an envelope, or can't reseal it properly? The risk is too great. You took a chance, but you can't keep opening the mail to the monastery. At least you got some peace of mind seeing that what happens inside the walls seems to be staying here.
<<qend delivermail 1000>>
<<but "Deliver the mail to the nuns and the monks" nuns1 "ev:1200 step:700">>
<<event 1660>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 40 pnggg>>
<cc>You get your equipment ready to open the envelope addressed to Sister Catarina.</cc>
<<c "Open the envelope">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
<cc>Using your lab equipment, you try to weaken the glue sealing the envelope.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/letter 40 pnggg>>
<c>Having some experience with this, you easily manage to weaken the glue enough that you can open the envelope without damaging anything. Inside, you find a handwritten letter.
<<c "Read the letter">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii misc/female 40 pnggg>>
<c>The first letter meant for Sister Catarina that you read was from a nun in another convent. This letter is from someone else, also a woman but not a nun as far as you can tell.
<p>The writer signs the letter with "Natta", which sounds like a nickname. You think this Natta is a childhood friend of Sister Catarina, or maybe a sister or another relative. Someone who knows Sister Catarina very well. The tone is casual and familiar unlike the more formal letter from that nun.</p>
<p>The letter is several pages long. You eagerly browse through it, hoping to find something about the secret meetings.
<<ev 500>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 38 pnggg>>
<c>And you do! It seems Sister Catarina has confided in Natta about the meetings. Unfortunately, the meetings are mentioned very briefly. There is nothing about who Sister Catarina is meeting, or what the meetings are about, probably because it has been discussed at length before.
<p>But it seems Sister Catarina has expressed doubts about continuing the meetings, and in the letter, Natta is encouraging Sister Catarina to continue.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/female 40 pnggg>>
Then Natta writes something interesting. She thinks Sister Catarina should ask for longer lunch breaks because one hour is not much time to squeeze in a meeting when she has other things she may also want to do on her breaks.
<p>It seems that Sister Catarina has the secret meetings during her lunch breaks. If her lunch breaks aren't the same hour every day, that would explain why you saw her around the stable at different times.</p>
<p>You have to find out at what times Sister Catarina has her lunch breaks.
<<q catarinaq 1400>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii school/school 70>>
You should try the easiest approach first: To simply go to the school and walk into the school kitchen when no one is there, and then look for a schedule.
<p>Since the kitchen is locked at night, you have to do it during the day.
<<qstart catarinabreaks 100>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 40 pnggg>>
<c>You reseal the envelope.
<p>Now to deliver the letter to Sister Catarina. You know that when mail is delivered to the nuns, Mother Magda has a novice run around and slide the letters under the doors to the rooms of the recipients. Only if the mail is a packet or something bigger does the novice knock.</p>
<<but "Deliver the envelope to Sister Catarina" nuns1 "ev:1200 step:1100">>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi notes 50>>
While cataloging Ludolphus' recipes in the notes, you saw a recipe for a potion that clouds a person's mind. Now you look through your compiled list of recipes.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
You find the recipe in question. It's for a Potion of Confusion, which can also be made as an oil. You look up the recipe in Ludolphus' notes.
<p>First you check the ingredients for the potion and oil and you are pleased to see that the ingredients won't be a problem. Then you read the rest of the notes for the recipe.</p>
<<ev 210>>
<<mii nuns/misc/victim1 40 right>>
According to Ludolphus, the potion of confusion will muddle a person's mind, making them forgetful and disoriented.
<p>A weak dose would make advanced tasks draining, and the person would in general be more passive than before.</p>
<p>With a modest dose, the person would have great difficulties performing advanced tasks, and moderate tasks would be draining.</p>
<p>With a strong dose, the person would be able to take care of themselves, but not much more, as even simple tasks would be draining.</p>
<p>If administered in a very strong dose, the person would be unable to take care of themselves.</p>
<<ev 230>>
<<mii ms/ms1 25>>
You could use a strong or a very strong dose on Mother Magda to take her out, but then there would be no abbess to run the convent. Sister Roberta or someone else would have to take over.
<p>No, the best option would be to try a modest dose, hoping that Mother Magda will be so tired from doing her duties as the abbess that you can manipulate her to do things your way.</p>
<p>You have two days to test this. If Mother Magda hasn't come around by then, you could always try something more extreme.
<<ev 260>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>At the end of the notes for the potion of confusion, there is a recipe for an antidote for someone affected by the potion of confusion. It's an oil using cutahest to quickly deliver the antidote to the bloodstream when applying the oil to the skin. Then the antidote will clear the mind of the confused person.
<p>Ludolphus developed the antidote because it is very easy to accidentally inhale the mind-numbing fumes when making the potion or oil of confusion. Ludolphus strongly advises to have the antidote available when there is risk of exposure to the fumes.</p>
<p>Ludolphus notes that the antidote is safe to use as long as you don't overdose.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv ms/undress1 60 pause1>>
<c>But you also have the other option: to fornicate with Mother Magda in a holy rite.
<p>Mother Magda is older than the nuns you have been intimate with thus far. Is she too old for you?</p>
<p>One time, you happened to catch the abbess without her head covered. For her age, she looks pretty decent. And it would be for a good cause.
<<ev 350>>
<<mii ms/ms1 25>>
Because of her age, Mother Magda must be infertile by now, and likely not as easily aroused as the young novices, but if you use a strong enough <<potionLust>> and add a strong <<potionVirility>> to the mix, you think you should be able to make her aroused enough that you can manipulate her to agree to fornicate with you in a holy rite.
<p>That should be enough to get Mother Magda on your side and stop her from sending for help from the Vatican, or she would risk exposing herself along with you.</p>
<p>But this option also means you have to take a risk by telling Mother Magda about the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
You have no time to lose. You have to make a decision right now. Either you try to drug Mother Magda to make her confused, or you try to fornicate with her in a holy rite.
After some thinking, you decide that fornicating with Mother Magda will have to be a later option for you to consider. The safer option to start with is to try to make her confused. You could always have sex with her later.
<<but "Prepare to make Mother Magda confused" lab1 "step:1000">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
You want to make Mother Magda confused, and thanks to Ludolphus' notes, you know how to make it happen.
<p>Ludolphus gives the recipe for a potion of confusion, but he also gives another, modified recipe for an <<potionConfusion .>> The oil is not meant for consumption like the potion – instead, the oil will affect a person by the fumes it gives off.
<p>When using the oil of confusion, Ludolphus recommends drenching a cloth in the oil, then hiding the oily cloth under the bed of the targeted individual. For the next week or more, anyone who spends a lot of time in the bedroom will feel the effect of the oil of confusion. Both the oil and the fumes are virtually odorless.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii ms/ms1 24>>
<c>The advantage of the oil over the potion is obvious in your case. If you want to keep Mother Magda confused using potions, you would have to find a way to slip her a potion every day, whereas if you hide an oily cloth in her bedroom, you would just need to quickly enter her room to change the cloth once a week.
<p>You know for a fact that although Mother Magda has a lock on her door, she usually doesn't lock the door during the day, only when she sleeps. It should be easy to slip inside when she is away.</p>
<p>The drawback of using the oil is that dosing will be more difficult than when using potions. But that can be adjusted over time to find the optimal dose to use.
<<q protecting 400>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
Now to make the <<potionConfusion .>> But first, following Ludolphus' advice, you should make the antidote.
<p>After some thinking, you decide to add a distinct color and scent to the antidote, as this could come in handy later. Your thinking is that if you use the antidote to temporarily cure Mother Magda's confused state, Mother Magda and anyone watching would believe you when you say the oil is a holy anointing oil. If you later want to use some other oil, like a lust oil, you could make that oil have the same color and scent as the antidote, saying it is the holy anointing oil, and anyone who was present when you cured Mother Magda's confusion would believe it.
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi antidote 18 pnggg>>
<cc>After some experimenting, you find a suitable color and scent to add to the antidote.
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1710>> /* preventing mc from reading chapter 4 too early */
<<ev 100>>
<<mi codex 40 "right png noBorder allowZoom">>
You are too <<if $corr >= 50>>concerned with other things<<else>>busy with other things<</if>> right now to spend time with the Codex.</l>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 1720>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in Ludolphus' recipe.
<<mi antidote 18 pnggg>>
After working very hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion confusionAntidote center>>
With that out of the way, time to make the Oil of Confusion.
<<qset protecting 410>></cc>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<event 1730>>
<<ev 100>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in Ludolphus' recipe.
<p>You take great care not to inhale the almost odorless fumes while making the oil. It requires a lot of careful work and juggling with air-tight containers.</p>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
After working very hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion confusion center>></cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii ms/ms1 24>>
You get a suitable piece of thick cloth, capable of holding a lot of oil without dripping, and prepare it with the <<potionConfusion ,>> again taking care not to inhale the fumes. You then keep the oily cloth in an air-tight container.
<p>Since it's urgent that you get Mother Magda under control, to stop her from sending the letter to the Vatican asking for help, you use more oil on the cloth than you think is optimal, just to be on the safe side. The coming days are critical. It's better that Mother Magda gets more confused than needed than not confused enough. You can always lower the dose of the oil later if it's too much.</p>
<<ev 260>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
When you are finally done, you take a moment to rest, thinking of your next step.
<p>It's not until now that you notice how exhausting it is to think. Your mind feels slow and ineffective. You must have been affected by the fumes despite being so careful not to. This shows how effective the oil of confusion is, and how wise it was to follow Ludolphus' advice to have the antidote ready.</p>
<<c "Apply <<potionConfusionAntidote>> on your skin">>
<<ev 280>>
<<mi antidote 14 pnggg>>
<c>It only takes a minute before your mind starts to clear up. Soon, you feel completely cured of the confused state.
<p>That's good. This antidote will be useful.</p>
<p>Now you have to hide the oily cloth of confusion in Mother Magda's room. It's soon supper, which makes for a perfect opportunity to enter her room undetected.</p>
<<but "Wait for the bell to announce supper >>>" nuns1 ev:1300>>
<<event 1750>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
<c>After considering your options, you come up with a plan you think has a good chance of working when you visit Mother Magda again tomorrow.</c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi antidote 17 pnggg>>
You make a small batch of <<potionConfusionAntidote ,>> but much weaker this time. You also add a weak dose of <<potionLust .>>
<p>This weak antidote should make Mother Magda's mind clear up somewhat when used on her, and also increase her lust somewhat. Finally, you make sure the weak antidote has the same color and smell as the stronger version.</p>
<p>Then you make an oil using cutahest and add coloring and scent to make the oil look and smell just like the Oil of Clear Mind, but without any mind-clearing effects whatsoever. This <<fake>> <<potionConfusionAntidote>> will also come in handy tomorrow.</p>
<p>There is nothing more you can do right now. Tomorrow, you must visit Mother Magda.
<<q protecting 700>>
<<but "Return to your room" mc>>
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if !($readChapter4>=100)>>
<<set $readChapter4 = 100>>
/*stopsound done in codex chapter selection when making button glow */
<<playsound corruption 0.10>>
<<mi codex 30 pnggg>>
Strengthened by Jesus, you are ready to continue reading in the Book of Truth.
<p>You go to the end of chapter three and...</p>
<<c "Turn the page">>
<<ev 200>>
<<set _ch4title = "Chapter IV: "+setup.chapter4>>
<<set _ch4 = setup.chapter4>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "_ch4title">></cc>
<<mi patriarch 38>>
<<if !($readChapter4>=200)>>
<<set $readChapter4 = 200>>
You start reading
<<stopsound>> /* can't start sound in first step if player goes back in history, so only stop here. */
<<set $temp = true>> /* keeping track of it */
You once again read
the chapter called <<bold "_ch4.">>
<p>This chapter heavily references the previous three chapters, in particular chapter two about the Holy Rod and the Holy Seed of the <<italics patriarchs>> – the leaders of the ancient tribes. Ludolphus talks about how the patriarch is responsible for his tribe, his people, on a physical as well as a spiritual level. Because a patriarch isn't just any leader. A patriarch is appointed by God, like Abraham and Moses.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi patriarch2 40 right>>
<l>But a patriarch doesn't need to be as famous and influential as the great Biblical leaders. Any man could potentially become a patriarch, Ludolphus writes. And his tribe could be a small tribe, like a village, or a religious community, such as a convent of nuns.
<p>As an example, Ludolphus then goes into detail about a convent of nuns having a male leader:</p>
<p>Normally, that would be wrong. Women dedicated to God should be led by a woman, as having a male leader would be to invite the Devil and sinful lust to influence the leader in his relationship with the women.</p>
<p>But if the male leader was a patriarch, it meant he was appointed by God to lead the nuns.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi patriarch3 40 right>>
Ludolphus again references chapter two, about how a patriarch can bestow God's protection and blessing upon the women in his tribe by anointing them with his seed. As the leader of his people, anointing the women this way is a duty of the patriarch – providing that the situation calls for it.
<p>From this, Ludolphus continues, we can conclude that if the extraordinary happens that God appoints a male to be a leader of a convent of nuns, it must mean that this man, the patriarch, is supposed to lead the nuns in a way that only a patriarch can do, by using his Holy Seed. The situation calls for it.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi holymarriage3 40 right>>
You get the impression that Ludolphus is justifying himself becoming the leader of the nuns in the monastery – becoming their patriarch. And using his seed on them.
<p>Just like you are using your seed on the nuns in the present time. You have a good reason to do it, and you are sure that God approves of it.</p>
<p>The more you have learned about Ludolphus and what really happened back then, the more you think that Ludolphus was fighting against the forces of evil just like you are. He was not a sexual predator, molesting the nuns. No, he was protecting them, helping them. Satan was attacking the nuns in some way, possibly using a minion like a lust demon, and Ludolphus was fighting back.</p>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi patriarch 40>>
<c>When Ludolphus wrote this book, there was no wall between the monks and the nuns. The wall was put in place after Ludolphus' death as a result of the accusations – likely false – that he did things with the nuns against their will.
<p>With no wall in place, it must have been hard for Ludolphus to keep his activities with the nuns a secret from the other monks – and the nuns that didn't need his help.</p>
<p>Yet, it seems that Ludolphus succeeded, for as long as he lived. Evidence that he indeed had the support of the Lord. Just like you have.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii bathroom/600-100 68>>
<c>Ludolphus continues to talk about the patriarch leading a convent of nuns, and he gives a few examples of what the patriarch can do, in his role as a divinely appointed leader. Things that would normally be sinful.
<p>Like walking into a bathroom where young nuns are nude. The nuns should not try to cover themselves from the patriarch. If the patriarch is entering the bathroom, he has a reason. Seeing the naked bodies of the young women will give him the lustful energy needed to perform his duties using his Holy Seed.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>You are again amazed at how Ludolphus' writing speaks to you – how it reminds you of the holy war you are currently fighting, and your experiences with protecting the nuns from Satan. It is like you are repeating what happened all those years ago, even down to looking at the naked novices in the bathroom to recharge the lustful energy you need to perform the holy rites.
<p>For some time, you have been scared of losing your mind like Ludolphus seemed to have done toward the end of his life. But you have also started to doubt this interpretation of what happened all those years ago, and it looks more and more as if Ludolphus never lost his mind. He was fighting a holy war against Satan, just like you.</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi priestchannel 30 right>>
<p>And now, another realization strikes you. You have been thinking that Ludolphus lost the fight against the evil forces – dying, possibly murdered, before he could win. But what if he had already won when he died? For all you know, Ludolphus succeeded in defeating Satan and his minions, keeping the monastery and the nuns safe for the time being.</p>
<p>Whatever caused his death – natural causes, accident, or murder – Ludolphus might have already fulfilled God's plan for him, and then it was time for Ludolphus to join the Lord in heaven.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii misc/satan 56>>
<c>If Ludolphus was indeed murdered, it just means that evil wasn't forever eradicated from the monastery, from the humans living there. And it couldn't be, because humans are sinful creatures and the physical world is the domain of Satan.
<p>Ludolphus' death could have been the final act of God's plan – the price Ludolphus had to pay to protect the secret of the holy rites. The world wasn't ready to know about them, and it still isn't.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi patriarch 40>>
<c>As you near the end of the chapter, Ludolphus talks about what makes a leader a patriarch.
<p>In the end, it all comes down to God's will. Only God can appoint a patriarch. Anything else, and you have a false patriarch – a false prophet, a leader ruling without a divine mandate.</p>
<p>Anyone thinking they are a patriarch must know they are appointed by God, or they might unknowingly be an agent of Satan, a tool for evil. But once a leader is without doubt, knowing in his heart that he is appointed by the Lord Almighty, he must answer God's call and rise to become a patriarch.</p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi priestchannel 25>>
There is no doubt in your mind that you are working for the forces of good – that what you have been doing has been approved by God. And then you can't possibly be an agent of Satan, because God is greater than Satan and would not allow such a thing.</c>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi codex 35 "pnggg">>
<c>With chapter four ending, you close the old book. There is still more to read, but you should not be greedy for the secret knowledge contained within the codex. God will let you know when it is time to continue reading the Book of Truth.
<<qend chapter4 200>>
<<if !($readChapter4 >=300)>>
<<set $readChapter4 = 300>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 "ev:200 step:100">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi patriarch2 45 right>>
<l>You think about what you just read.
<p>The first three chapters were about holy rites – secret, forbidden knowledge about ancient sacraments. Chapter four, however, was not about a holy rite.</p>
<p>It seems that Ludolphus wanted to become the leader of the nuns, or at least toyed with the idea. But if he wanted to become their patriarch, he didn't have to write a chapter about it, justifying it.</p>
<p>Did Ludolphus write the chapter just for his own sake, or did he have another reason for adding the chapter to the codex?
<<ev 3400>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>Several times, you have felt that Ludolphus was going through the same thing you are. As if you are walking in his footsteps. But Ludolphus never became the patriarch.
<p>Or did he? Up until now, you have trusted Father Alvaro when he said he told you everything about Ludolphus and the circumstances around his final days. What if the abbot lied? What if that document he keeps locked away tells a different story?</p>
<p>You have to find out. Now. While Jesus is giving you strength and protection.</p>
<p>You think the monks keep the document in their library.
<<qstart monkdocument 100>>
<<but "Return upstairs and leave your quarters" hub>>
<<event 1820>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi codex 32 pnggg>>
<c>You go downstairs and look at the Book of Truth.
<p>You think again about chapter four, "The Patriarch". You still wonder why Ludolphus added that chapter. It sticks out.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi patriarch3 45 right>>
<l>You have verified that Ludolphus never became the leader of the nuns, their patriarch. You don't know if he ever planned to.
<p>Would it even have been realistic? There was no wall between the monks and the nuns at that time, so would Ludolphus then become the patriarch of both the monks and the nuns? He never mentioned something like that in chapter four.</p>
<p>Perhaps he wasn't thinking of himself when he wrote that part about a man leading the nuns?</p>
<p>It is strange how much it feels as if chapter four is speaking to you. As if Ludolphus is speaking to you. As if he is trying to help you. To reveal the truth that will help you.</p>
<p>You have to pray on this and consult the Holy Scripture.</p>
<<c "Seek guidance from the Lord and the Bible" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 3320>>
<<revimage 45 rev1>>
Strengthened by Jesus Christ – the Lamb who gave His life for our sins – you recall the prophetical words from the Book of Revelation, and everything suddenly becomes clear:
<p>Chapter four is a sign from the Lord that the time has come to prepare for <<bold "The Revelation">> – where you will gather all the nuns and reveal to them the holy rites and the truth of the holy war you are fighting.</p>
<p>The nuns will then vote for you to take command of the convent as their leader, to lead the sisters in the <bible>war</bible> as their patriarch – the one <bible>called</bible> by <bible>the Lamb</bible> to lead the <bible>chosen</bible> and the <bible>faithful</bible> ones to <bible>triumph over them</bible> – Satan and his minions.</p>
<p>The prophecy from the Book of Revelation is coming true.<br>
Praise the Lord.</p>
<<qinit revelation>>
<<set $nunsConfessor = 1>> /* enabling confession in nchapel again */
<<ev 3330>>
<<mi priestchannel 25>>
<c>This is why Ludolphus added chapter four. God was working through Ludolphus as Ludolphus wrote down the knowledge that would help a holy warrior coming after him. You.
<p>Ludolphus died before becoming the patriarch. Perhaps he never planned to, perhaps he did.</p>
<p>You will.</p>
<<c "Plan for the day of the Revelation">>
<<ev 3340>>
<<mii nchapel/mass2 90>>
<c>Before the grand event of the Revelation can be held, you need to gather enough support from the nuns for the vote to go your way. Since the novices have the least influence and are not allowed to vote in the election of their new leader, you will be concentrating on the professed sisters.
<p>There are many professed sisters in the convent, and only a few of them know about the holy rites. It would take far too long to gather a majority vote before the Revelation – but you don't need to. At the Revelation, it's enough that the nuns that do support you can convince the majority to vote for you. You have to make that happen.</p>
<<ev 3380>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 "left pnggg">>
<<mii hjana/janahead 25 "left pnggg">><div style="padding-top:2rem"><<mii nuns/rumika/head1 26 "left">></div></c>
Currently, you should be able to count on the support of the following professed sisters: Sister Dana, Sister Jana, and Sister Rumika. They have all fornicated with you, or worse, and it would be in their best interest to vote for you at the Revelation.
<p>Sister Dana and Sister Jana have also personally experienced undeniable proof of your holy powers – not knowing you had to use some trickery to convince them. Their testimonies, as they bear witness to the truth of the holy rites, will weigh heavily in your favor.</p>
<<ev 3420
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hjana/jana3 30>>
<c>However, Sister Jana has for a long time been skeptical of you and the holy rites, even after you removed the lust curse from her.
<p>This won't do at the Revelation. Sister Jana is one of the most influential sisters when it comes to the younger nuns. You must make sure that she does her part. You have to talk to her.
<<qstart revelationjana 100>></p>
<<ev 3430>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 "left pnggg">>
<<mii hjana/janahead 25 "left pnggg">><div style="padding-top:2rem"><<mii nuns/rumika/head1 26 "left">></div></c>
<c>With the support and testimony of Sister Dana, Sister Jana, and Sister Rumika, together with all the novices you have helped and who can also bear witness to the truth of the holy rites, you are confident that many of the professed sisters would vote for you. But it is not enough.
<<ev 3450>>
<<mii ms/ms1 22>>
<c>Securing Mother Magda's support is critical.
<p>The abbess has already given you permission to do what you need to do, but you are not sure she has fully grasped just how intimate you are with the nuns. You must make sure that Mother Magda understands what the holy rites are about, or things could backfire when you reveal the truth of the holy rites at the Revelation.</p>
<p>Securing Mother Magda's support should be your first priority.
<<qstart revelationms 100>></p>
<<ev 3480>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 40 pnggg>>
As the prioress, Sister Roberta holds sway among the nuns, second only to Mother Magda. You must get Sister Roberta on your side.
<p>You should start by speaking to her.
<<qstart revelationroberta 100>></p>
<<ev 3490>>
<<mii ms/ms1 32 left>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 52 "left pnggg">></c2>
<c>Having the additional support of the abbess and the prioress might be enough to get a majority vote at the Revelation, but it's not a guarantee. You want the support of a few more professed sisters to feel on the safe side.
<<ev 3500>>
<<mii kgarden/violahead 30 pnggg>>
Sister Viola seems to have accepted the holy rites, but you have never fornicated with her. This would be a good time to eat Sister Viola's possible sins of fornication as well as ensure her support at the Revelation.
<p>You should visit her when she is alone in the back of the kitchen garden.
<<qstart revelationviola 100>></p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 40 pnggg>>
<<if $qqcatarinaq >= 2200>>
Sister Catarina needs the holy rites, and once she accepts them, she will support you at the Revelation.
You should keep investigating Sister Catarina. One day you may be able to use the holy rites on her and, ultimately, secure her support at the Revelation.
<<qstart revelationcatarina 100>>
<<if $qqcatarinaq >= 2200>>
<<c "Think about Sister Catarina">>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:3700>>
<<ev 3620>>
<<overlay "stable/700-2400" "lab/longpepperdust" 2 2 20 70 "png">><</overlay>>
You have hesitated to use long pepper dust on Sister Catarina to force her to act on her lesbian urges, but now the time has come to do it.
<p>If you can get Sister Catarina to gravely sin with Alyssa, as she desires to, you can then offer to cleanse her grave sins with the holy rites and, ultimately, secure her support at the Revelation.
<<qmess revelationcatarina 120>></p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying480 36>>
Even with the additional support of Mother Magda, Sister Roberta, Sister Viola, and Sister Catarina, you want at least one more professed sister on your side to feel safe about the voting going your way at the Revelation.
<<qstart revelationsupport 50>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("zaraq")>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara2 32>>
<c>You still haven't fornicated with Novice Zara although you think she <<if $qqzaraq>=500>>is ready for it.<<else>>will be ready for it soon. But first, she has to get used to being anointed with the Holy Seed.<</if>>
<p>Novice Zara can't vote at the Revelation, being a novice, but she can still testify on your behalf. With the grave sinning you have caught Novice Zara with, you have no doubt she will support you, but fornicating with her in a holy rite should make her support even stronger.
<<if $qqzaraq>=500>>
<<qstart revelationzara 200>>
<<qstart revelationzara 100>>
<<qset zaraq 600>> /* Setting 600 here (silently) so that zara events in her room works both when mc has already fornicated with her and not. If mc has already fornicated, stage 600 is already set and this qset won't do anything */
<<ev 4000>>
<<revimage 40>>
There is much to do, but it is late and you are starting to get a headache from the alcohol leaving your body.
<p>Securing Mother Magda's support is critical. You should start with her, first thing in the morning.
<<qstart revelation 100 center>>
<<sleep "Go to bed >>>">>
<<event 1860>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Jana's recipe is easy, and you have all the ingredients already. Adding a lust potion to the salve shouldn't be harder than extracting the essence from the lust potions, mixing it with cutahest into a lust oil, and then mixing that oil with Sister Jana's salve.
<p>Then you have to experiment until you can make the lust salve look and feel the same as the original anti-rash salve.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>But you don't feel that making a lust salve is enough. You don't want to let Sister Roberta use the lust salve more than once, or she might start suspecting that the salve is causing her increased lust.
<p>No, you need the lust salve to work well enough the first time. You need Sister Roberta to be unable to resist the lust.</p>
<p>Does Ludolphus have another recipe that might help with this? You seem to recall one recipe...</p>
<<c "Check the list of recipes">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi potion_big 20 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
<c>You find what you were looking for: A <<potionLiberation ,>> which can also be made as an oil.
<p>The recipe consists of several herbs you know have medicinal properties. The recipe also includes spirit of wine – distilled alcohol – and essence of opium. The resulting concoction will cause a subtle euphoric high and will break down inhibitions.</p>
<p>Ludolphus underscores the word <<italics subtle,>> adding later that you should be careful with the dosage if you don't want the target to suspect anything. Too strong a dose and the target may get so high that they understand they have been drugged.</p>
<p>An <<potionLiberationOil>> sounds like a good addition to the lust salve you're planning to make. You should make some.</p>
<<qset revelationroberta 410>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 400>>
You do your best to follow the instructions in the recipe.
<<mi potion_big 20 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion liberationOil center>></cc>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>Now you need to make a lust oil to use in the lust salve.
<p>The process is very simple. You just extract the essence of a lust potion and mix it with cutahest.
<<qset revelationroberta 415>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 550>>
<cc>You get to work...
<<mi potion_big 20 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
With your growing skill in alchemy, it is easily done.
<cc><<makePotion lustOilSimple center>></cc>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>After making the <<potionLustOilSimple>> and the <<potionLiberationOil ,>> you now have to add them when making an anti-rash salve. The salve has to be similar enough to Sister Jana's anti-rash salve that Sister Roberta won't notice that the salve has been replaced.</c>
<<c "Get to work on the lust salve">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
You get to work in the lab, experimenting with the ingredients needed for the lust salve.
<p>Eventually, you manage to come up with a formula for a lust salve that will include the lust oil and the oil of liberation, and that looks, feels, and smells nearly identical to the salve Sister Roberta uses. Identical enough to fool her.
<<qset revelationroberta 420>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi salve 40 pnggg>>
<cc><<makePotion rashSalve center>>
You should test the salve to make sure it is potent enough to do the job.
<<c "Rub some salve into your skin">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>You rub some salve into your skin, using about as much as you guess Sister Roberta uses.
<p>You should feel the effect within a couple of minutes...</p>
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii misc/burningLust 22 pnggg>>
The salve works as it should. You are overcome with intense lust. The addition of the Oil of Liberation is evident. You have a hard time resisting touching yourself.
<p>Now you have to switch the <<potionRashSalve>> with the salve in Sister Roberta's room. Once you have replaced the salve, you must be ready after supper to "take care of" Sister Roberta.
<<q revelationroberta 500>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/fuckdoggy 68>>
<cc>But first you must take care of your overwhelming lust.
<p>Mortifying the flesh won't do this time. You need Novice Sofia's young body.</p>
<<event 1880>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 34 pnggg>>
You want to fornicate with Sister Roberta once again, eating her sins, to make sure she will support you when it is time for the Revelation.
<p>Replacing the lust salve a second time could make the prioress suspicious there is something with the salve. Instead, you want to use a lust oil.</p>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>This would be a pure lust oil, not mixed with <<potionLiberationOil>> like in the lust salve you used on Sister Roberta. You don't want to add Oil of Liberation to the lust oil because of the subtle high it produces. You want Sister Roberta to be clear-headed this second time, only affected by intense feelings of lust.
<<ev 140>>
<<mi antidote 16 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Roberta witnessed as you used the <<potionConfusionAntidote>> to temporarily cure Sister Magda of her confused state. You told them it was a holy anointing oil.
<p>If you made a lust oil with the same color and scent as the Oil of Clear Mind, you could use the lust oil on Sister Roberta as part of an exorcism, telling her it's the holy oil, and she would believe it.</p>
<<c "Make a lust oil">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>You have already made a lust oil meant for the lust salve. The lust oil to be used as a holy oil will only need a slight altering of the recipe when it comes to the oil itself. Then you must make it look and smell like the oil of clear mind.
<p>After some testing, you are satisfied with your results. Now to make the lust oil.</p>
<<qset revelationroberta 1200>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 1000>>
You get to work...
<<mi antidote 18 pnggg>>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<<makePotion lustOil center>></cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<set _dayspassed = $day - setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("roberta1",500,100)>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 30 pnggg>>
<c>You are ready to perform a fake exorcism on Sister Roberta using the lust oil<<if _dayspassed < 2>>, but you should leave the prioress alone for another day or two, to let her come to terms with what happened when you fornicated with her.
Perhaps she will take your advice and talk to Novice Emma, learning more about the holy rites.
It's been a few days since you visited Sister Roberta. Perhaps she has taken your advice and talked to Novice Emma, learning more of the holy rites.
<<q revelationroberta 1500>>
<<but "Return to your room" mc>>
<<event 1900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel 70>>
<c>Just before the Revelation, you want the nuns to drink a <<potionLiberation .>>
<p>For this reason, you will start the meeting by gathering the nuns in the chapel to celebrate Mass. Then you can distribute the consecrated wine to the nuns – a wine you have spiked with the potion of liberation.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
<c>The potion of liberation will give the nuns a subtle euphoric high and break down their inhibitions.
<p>Since you have already led a Mass with the nuns, you know how much wine will be consumed by the nuns. Which means you know how much spiked wine you must prepare for it to be enough for everyone.</p>
<p>You remember Ludolphus' warning that you should be careful with the dosage of the potion of liberation if you don't want the targets to suspect anything. Too strong a dose and the targets may get so high that they understand they have been drugged.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
You make the calculations for the volume and potency of the <<potionLiberation>> that you have to mix with the sacramental wine that will be consumed by the nuns during Holy Communion.
<p>It's impossible to calculate the exact dosage for the nuns since their body weights differ and their sips can be bigger or smaller. You just have to accept the fact that some nuns will be more affected by the potion of liberation than others, but since you only want to give each nun a relatively weak dose of the potion, there shouldn't be any problems with many nuns getting suspiciously euphoric or the wine tasting strange.</p>
<<qset revelation 1020>>
<<but "Finish the calculation" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 1000>>
You get to work...
<<mi potion_big 20 "png noBorder allowZoom">>
You are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion liberation "center typeSingle">></cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel 70>>
<cc>Now you must to go the chapel and add the <<potionLiberation>> to the sacramental wine.
<<q revelation 1100 center>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 2000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 40 pnggg>>
<c>You open the first envelope.
<p>The letter inside must be from the benefactor Father Alvaro wrote to, as Brother Salvatore is mentioned, or "Salvatore" as he is called in the letter.</p>
<p>The letter is from one Antonio Magliani. You think you vaguely recognize the name as some wealthy and well-known individual.</p>
<p>Magliani assures Father Alvaro that Salvatore's intellectual disability is indeed real and with him since birth. Magliani has personally met Salvatore many times when Salvatore was growing up.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30>>
There are no other details about Salvatore in the letter. It is evident that the real identity of Salvatore, and which family he belongs to, is not something that Magliani will reveal.
<p>You don't find this strange, unfortunately, as it is all too common that wealthy and respected families try to hide away relatives like Brother Salvatore for fear that their disabilities will tarnish the good name of the family.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 36>>
<p>The letter is evidence that Brother Salvatore is not faking his condition. It is not definitive proof, as the letter and this Antonio Magliani could be part of a conspiracy involving Brother Salvatore. But since that seems very unlikely, this will have to be enough for now. Unless you find something more concrete as evidence against Brother Salvatore, you will believe he really is who he appears to be.</p>
<p>Even so, there is still the possibility that Brother Salvatore has not been truthful with you. He could be lying about having seen Novice Alonso scale the walls to the nuns, perhaps to put the blame on someone else because Brother Salvatore himself is the one stealing the cider from the nuns. You don't believe it, but you will keep an open mind about it.
<<suspectadd salvatore null "remove:s2 silent">>
<<suspectadd salvatore null "remove:s3 silent">>
<<suspectadd salvatore s4a silent>>
<<suspectadd salvatore s4b silent>>
<<suspectadd salvatore s4c silent>>
<<suspectadd salvatore s4d silent>>
<<suspectadd salvatore s4e>>
<<c "Open the second envelope to Father Alvaro">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii misc/letter 30 pnggg>>
<c>Father Alvaro seemed worried that you would read mail addressed to him. Because of this, while you're at it, you might as well open the second envelope addressed to Father Alvaro.
<p>The letter turns out to be of no interest to you, just some boring administrative correspondence.</p>
<p>You very much doubt Father Alvaro is involved in the attacks. He was probably just concerned about not upsetting the benefactor, Antonio Magliani, if it came out that you had read letters meant for Father Alvaro's eyes only.</p>
You carefully reseal the two envelopes.
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1620>>
<<event 2050>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi mercury 16 pnggg>>
<c>On the paper, you see a lot of symbols. You presume they are all alchemical symbols as you recognize a couple of them – such as the symbol for mercury. Each symbol has a number in front of it, going from one and counting upwards.
<p>Suddenly, you realize that this could be the answer you have been looking for ever since you started cataloging the recipes in the herbal.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi circlednumber 26 pnggg>>
<c>Although you didn't waste time reading the instructions for the recipes while cataloging them, you noticed something odd with some of the recipes: one or more of the ingredients were written down only as an encircled number.
<p>You figured each number corresponded to a particular ingredient – and perhaps to one of the jars marked with alchemical symbols – but you never found the key to interpreting the numbers. This last sheet of paper must be it.</p>
<p>For some reason, Ludolphus took extra precautions to keep some recipes a secret. You don't know the story behind that, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that you now can interpret the encoded recipes.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi notes4 80>>
<c>Every time you cataloged one of the encoded recipes, you marked it in your list.
<p>Thanks to the code sheet, you suddenly have many new recipes to choose from when considering your options on what to do going forward. You remember that several of the encoded recipes sounded very promising.</p>
<p>You eagerly grab the piece of paper with the alchemical symbols.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi puzzlewrong 32>>
Oh, no! The old piece of paper cracks and breaks down into pieces as you put it on the table.
<p>All is not lost though. The paper was brittle, but it didn't all crumble into dust. Instead, most of it broke into many small, but solid pieces. All the pieces still lie in about the same place they used to, just turned in different directions. It's like a puzzle that is completed, except the pieces are rotated the wrong way.</p>
<p>You can still salvage this. It would take too long and be too complicated to try to piece everything together at once, turning the individual pieces correctly, but since they lie in the correct location, more or less, you can see which pieces belong to which symbol.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi circlednumber 28 pnggg>>
<c>You carefully separate the pieces making up each symbol and put them in separate glass vials. You then label that vial with the number corresponding to the number in the code sheet.
<p>Now, if you have a recipe that requires ingredient number eight, you just open vial number eight, take out the pieces, and puzzle together the alchemical symbol.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi mercury 16 pnggg>>
You assume that the symbol you puzzle together will be listed in the alchemical primer. You also hope that the symbol will be on one of the many jars with ingredients that you found, as they are all marked with alchemical symbols, not with names.
<p>With some trial and error, puzzling together the symbols shouldn't be too hard, but there is no need to puzzle together a symbol until you need it for a recipe.</p>
<p>It's getting late, and you must sleep.</p>
<<event 2100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi circlednumber 28 pnggg>>
<c>You look at your cataloged list of Ludolphus' recipes – specifically the recipes you marked as being encoded.
<p>Earlier, you couldn't interpret them, but now you should be able to, thanks to the code sheet you found. The sheet of paper fell apart into small pieces, but you think you managed to save the pieces for each symbol in separate vials. They just need piecing together.</p>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii refectory/1000-250 40>>
<c>You remember one particular coded recipe that might be what you need right now: A recipe for a Potion of Paranoia.
<p>Novice Gabriella is already scared – afraid of the lust demon. If you make her paranoid, she might get so scared she agrees to fornicate with you.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi circlednumber 28 pnggg>>
<c>You look up the recipe in Ludolphus' notes stuck inside the herbal.
<p>Three of the ingredients are not listed by name – they are just encircled numbers. The numbers are 6, 13, and 34. You have to puzzle together these symbols from the pieces you stored in the glass vials when the code sheet cracked.</p>
<p>You get the three glass vials labeled 6, 13, and 34, and sit down to restore the symbols from the pieces.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi puzzlewrong 30>>
Thanks to clues like stains and subtle differences in the coloration of the pieces, you think you have managed to figure out their relative placement. You just need to turn the pieces correctly.
<<q gabriellaq 2300>>
<<c "Reconstruct the first symbol">>
<<ev 400>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Click on the puzzle pieces to rotate them.<br>
Find the alchemical symbol.
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle">
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="lead11" class="puzzle-piece lead-1-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("lead11")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="lead21" class="puzzle-piece lead-2-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("lead21")<</script>><</button>>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="lead12" class="puzzle-piece lead-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("lead12")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="lead22" class="puzzle-piece lead-2-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("lead22")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:500>></div>
/*<<but "3 x 3 puzzle" lab1 "ev:2140 step:1400 doplay:qqgabriellaq=9999">>*/
<<ev 450>>
/* Coming here everytime when retrying on any puzzle until completed.
NOTE: must add latest puzzle given up on first, and descending*/
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You are ready for another attempt at making the <<potionParanoia .>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("gabriellaq",2620)>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:2050>>
<<elseif setup.checkqStage("gabriellaq",2520)>>
<<but "Reconstruct the second symbol" lab1 step:1300>>
<<elseif setup.checkqStage("gabriellaq",2400)>>
<<but "Reconstruct the first symbol" lab1 step:400>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on the first symbol. You have to try again later.
<<qmess gabriellaq 2400 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii lab/lead 34 pnggg>>
<c>You manage to puzzle together the first symbol.
<p>You find this symbol on one of the jars with ingredients. The jar contains a dark grey metallic powder. Looking in the alchemy primer, you also find the symbol. It's the symbol for "plumbum" – the Latin word for lead.</p>
<<qset gabriellaq 2500>>
<<c "Reconstruct the second symbol">>
<<ev 1300>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Click on the puzzle pieces to rotate them.<br>
Find the alchemical symbol.
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle">
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="alc11" class="puzzle-piece alcali-1-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("alc11")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="alc21" class="puzzle-piece alcali-2-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("alc21")<</script>><</button>>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="alc12" class="puzzle-piece alcali-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("alc12")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="alc22" class="puzzle-piece alcali-2-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("alc22")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:1500>></div>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on the second symbol. You have to try again later.
<<qmess gabriellaq 2520 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii lab/alcali 34 pnggg>>
<c>You think you have it.
<p>Yes, you find the symbol on one of the jars with ingredients. The jar contains a light greyish powder. Looking in the alchemy primer, you also find the symbol. The symbol is called "alcali".</p>
<p>You think it is a Medieval Latin word for some kind of alkaline substance. You lack the chemical knowledge to tell which one exactly, but the jar of "alcali" is pretty full. You doubt you will ever need more.
<<qset gabriellaq 2600>></p>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mi arsenicwrong 36 pnggg>>
<c>You get to work on reconstructing the third symbol. This time, you manage to puzzle together a couple of symbols that look like they could be correct, but when comparing them to the symbols on the jars and in the primer, there is no match.
<p>You have to keep trying until you find the right combination.</p>
<<c "Solve the third puzzle">>
<<ev 2100>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Click on the puzzle pieces to rotate them.<br>
Find the alchemical symbol.
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle">
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="ars11" class="puzzle-piece ars-1-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("ars11")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="ars21" class="puzzle-piece ars-2-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("ars21")<</script>><</button>>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="ars12" class="puzzle-piece ars-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("ars12")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="ars22" class="puzzle-piece ars-2-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("ars22")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:2500>></div>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on the third symbol. You have to try again later.
<<qmess gabriellaq 2620 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii lab/arsenic 40 pnggg>>
You solve the third symbol, and this too you find on one of the jars with ingredients. The jar contains a fine grey powder.
<p>Looking in the alchemy primer, you also find the symbol. It's the symbol for "arsenicum" – arsenic. You have to be careful with this one.</p>
<<qset gabriellaq 2700>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi circlednumber 28 pnggg>>
You have decoded the recipe and you have all the ingredients you need to make the Potion of Paranoia.
<<q gabriellaq 4000>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi potionParanoiaBig 10 pnggg>>
<<makePotion paranoia center>>
You are ready to use the potion on Novice Gabriella. You should visit her before lunch.
<<q gabriellaq 5000 center>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 2140>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
<c>You find the notes for the recipe of the Oil of Amnesia. It can also be made as a potion with a modified recipe, but the Potion of Amnesia would not be as effective, Ludolphus warns.
<p>The Oil of Amnesia will affect a person by the virtually odorless fumes it gives off. The fumes will prevent new memories from forming and will erase or distort the most recent memories.</p>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi oilycloth 44 pnggg>>
<c>Ludolphus' recommended use is to soak a piece of cloth with the oil, and then hide the oily cloth under the bed of the targeted individual, shortly before the target goes to bed. <p>The target will then sleep during the night and breathe the fumes, erasing their memory of what took place the hours before going to bed, or thinking it was a dream. By the time morning comes, the fumes have worn off and the room is safe to enter.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>It sounds like Ludolphus might have created the Oil of Amnesia to use for this very purpose: To do something with someone before the person went to bed, and then the person would forget what happened.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi rape 34>>
<c>You wonder if Ludolphus did this sometimes to be able to get away with things he feared people wouldn't understand, such as using the holy rites on the nuns.
<p>Could this be behind some of the rumors about Ludolphus sexually molesting and experimenting with the nuns? Perhaps those rumors weren't entirely all made up, after all.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi oilycloth 44 pnggg>>
<c>Ludolphus' recommendation to use an oily cloth under the bed is the same recommendation he gave for the Oil of Confusion. You followed that recommendation to make Mother Magda confused, and it worked very well. You hope the Oil of Amnesia works just as well.
<<ev 900>>
<<mi circlednumber 30 pnggg>>
<c>Before making the oil, you have to reconstruct the alchemical symbols used in the recipe.
<p>You look at the encircled numbers in the recipe and get the corresponding glass vials where you stored the pieces of the individual symbols.
<<q amnesiaq 200>></p>
<<c "Solve the first symbol">>
<<ev 1000>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Click on the puzzle pieces to rotate them.<br>
Find the alchemical symbol.
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle">
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="cop11" class="puzzle-piece copper-1-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("cop11")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="cop21" class="puzzle-piece copper-2-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("cop21")<</script>><</button>>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="cop12" class="puzzle-piece copper-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("cop12")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="cop22" class="puzzle-piece copper-2-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("cop22")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:1250>></div>
<<ev 1050>>
/* Coming here everytime when retrying on any puzzle until completed.
NOTE: must add latest puzzle given up on first, and descending*/
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You are ready for another attempt at making the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("amnesiaq",450)>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:1520>>
<<elseif setup.checkqStage("amnesiaq",350)>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:1350>>
<<elseif setup.checkqStage("amnesiaq",250)>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:900>>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on the first symbol. You have to try again later.
<<qmess amnesiaq 250 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi copper 40 pnggg>>
You find the symbol on one of the glass jars with ingredients. The jar contains a reddish-brown powder and is pretty heavy.
<p>Looking up the symbol in the alchemical primer, you find that it is the symbol for "cuprum" – Latin for copper.</p>
<<ev 1350>>
<div class="puzzle-1x1">
<span class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked">
<span id="gold31" class="gold-3-1 cursor-not-allowed">
<<button "">><</button>>
For the second symbol, much of it has crumbled to dust. You have to figure out how the symbol looks with the few pieces that are still intact.
<p>As with the other symbols you have managed to reconstruct, you think you can figure out the relative placement of the remaining individual pieces using clues like stains and subtle differences in coloration. Now you must try to envision how the complete symbol looks by turning the pieces correctly.
<<qset amnesiaq 300>></p>
<<c "Solve the second symbol">>
<<ev 1400>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Click on the puzzle pieces to rotate them.<br>
Find the alchemical symbol.
<cc><span style="color:#29c">Some pieces are missing. You have to solve the puzzle without them.</span></cc>
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle-3x3">
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="gold11" class="puzzle-piece gold-1-1 background-transparent cursor-not-allowed">
<<button "">>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked">
<span id="gold21" class="puzzle-piece gold-2-1 background-transparent cursor-not-allowed">
<<button "">>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="gold31" class="puzzle-piece gold-3-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("gold31")<</script>><</button>>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="gold12" class="puzzle-piece gold-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("gold12")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked">
<span id="gold22" class="puzzle-piece gold-2-2 background-transparent cursor-not-allowed">
<<button "">>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="gold32" class="puzzle-piece gold-3-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("gold32")<</script>><</button>>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="gold13" class="puzzle-piece gold-1-3">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("gold13")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked">
<span id="gold23" class="puzzle-piece gold-2-3 background-transparent cursor-not-allowed">
<<button "">>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl">
<span id="gold33" class="puzzle-piece gold-3-3">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.rotatePuzzle("gold33")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:1450>></div>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on the second symbol. You have to try again later.
<<qmess amnesiaq 350 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi gold 40 pnggg>>
You complete the sun-like symbol. You find it on one of the jars with ingredients. At first, you think you are unlucky, as the jar looks almost empty. Then you notice how heavy the jar is despite this, and you see the shining golden powder inside. Can it be real gold?
<p>A look in the alchemy primer confirms it: the sun symbol is the symbol for "aurum" – Latin for gold. The gold dust in that jar must be worth a lot. You doubt you will ever use it all. In the recipe for the Oil of Amnesia, the amount of gold needed is very small.
<<qset amnesiaq 400>>
<<ev 1520>>
<div class="puzzle-1x1">
<span id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked">
<span id="sulphur21" class="sulphur-2-1 cursor-not-allowed">
<<button "">><</button>>
For the third symbol, you are only able to determine the correct placement of one of the symbol pieces: the piece in the top right corner. You may have to move the other pieces around.
<<c "Solve the third symbol">>
<<ev 1600>>
<cc><span style="color:#29c">When Rotate is selected, click on puzzle pieces to rotate them.<br>
When Switch is selected, click on two pieces to switch places.</span><br>
<span style="color:#a98">
Beige pieces are locked in place and can only be rotated.</span><br>
<span class="puzzle-text">Find the alchemical symbol.</span>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-action-button">
<span id="puzzle-rotate" class="puzzle-toggled-button">
<<button "Rotate">><<script>>setup.puzzleToggle("puzzle-rotate")<</script>><</button>>
<span id="puzzle-switch">
<<button "Switch">><<script>>setup.puzzleToggle("puzzle-switch")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle">
<span id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="sulphur22" class="puzzle-piece sulphur-2-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("sulphur22")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-locked vl2">
<span id="sulphur21" class="puzzle-piece sulphur-2-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction('sulphur21')<</script>><</button>>
<span id="puzzle-row2" class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="sulphur11" class="puzzle-piece sulphur-1-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("sulphur11")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl2">
<span id="sulphur12" class="puzzle-piece sulphur-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("sulphur12")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:1650>></div>
<<ev 1650>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on the third symbol. You can try again later.
<<qmess amnesiaq 450 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi sulphur 36 pnggg>>
<c>You finally complete the symbol. You find a matching jar with a yellowish powder. According to the alchemy primer, it is "sulphurium" – Latin for sulfur.
<p>Finally, you know all the ingredients listed in the recipe for Oil of Amnesia. Aside from copper, gold, and sulfur, the ingredients include several herbs. You have more than enough of all the ingredients in the lab and can get to work on making the oil.
<<q amnesiaq 480>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi primer1 32 pnggg>>
<c>You get to work on making the Oil of Amnesia.
<p>Following the instructions in the recipe is easy, as by now, you have become quite the skilled alchemist – technically speaking. Most of the procedures – such as multi-step distillation to isolate a particular element – you now know by heart. You understand what is happening and you know how to work the 600-year-old equipment.</p>
<p>Things are made even easier thanks to the pipettes you took from the lab in the distillery over at the monks.</p>
<<ev 1920>>
<<mi notes2 34 "right pnggg">>
<l>Toward the end of Ludolphus' recipes comes usually the part where the various ingredients are mixed together into a final concoction. This is often a time to be especially careful as the mixture can react violently and emit dangerous fumes. And it's the same this time.
<p>Ludolphus warns not to breathe in the fumes that will arise from the completed <<potionAmnesiaOil>> as the fumes will be very potent and may affect both your short-term and long-term memory.</p>
<p>Once stored away in an airtight glass container, the Oil of Amnesia is safe to handle and will remain potent for a very long time.</p>
<p>Just as with the <<potionConfusion ,>> the potent fumes from the Oil of Amnesia are the result of the oil reacting with the "spirit of the air" as Ludolpus calls it. You presume this spirit is oxygen, an element that could at best be inferred by the medieval alchemists as they lacked the knowledge to isolate it.</p>
<<ev 1940>>
<<mi lab1 50>>
<c>Heeding Ludolphus' warning, you are careful to avoid the fumes. The ventilation isn't the greatest down here, but being an underground alchemical laboratory, special ventilation shafts have been constructed to suck out fumes and smoke, allowing the medieval alchemists to experiment and prepare dangerous mixtures without harming themselves.
<p>The ventilation shafts are still fully functional, but obviously not as effective as something you would find in a modern laboratory. Even when working directly under one of the ventilation shafts, it takes some time for the air to clear which is why holding your breath during the most critical moments is a good idea.</p>
<<c "Finish the batch of <<potionAmnesiaOil>>">>
<<ev 1960>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaOilBig 24 pnggg>>
<cc>You complete the final step in the recipe.
<<makePotion amnesiaOil center>>
<p>You have the Oil of Amnesia. You have to test it soon to make sure it works.
<<q amnesiaq 490 center>></p>
<<ev 1980>>
<<mi lab3 100>>
<c>Once the finished batch of <<potionAmnesiaOil>> is stored and secured in a corked glass vial, you allow yourself to breathe normally again.
<p>Then you smell something. Something extraordinary...</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 62>>
<c>It is the metallic smell! That faint metallic scent that remained in the rooms of the attacked victims.
<p>This makes so much sense. This explains why the victims couldn't remember much of the attacks. The attacker must have used a drug very similar to the Oil of Amnesia. Could it even be the same recipe? Ludolphus' recipe says the fumes are virtually odorless, meaning almost, but not entirely odorless. The metallic scent could perhaps be from the copper in the oil.</p>
<p>You already know that the attacker uses a lust drug very similar to Ludolphus' lust potion, down to using long pepper as the main ingredient. Can it be that the attacker is actually using drugs made from Ludolphus' recipes? But how could that be possible?</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 40>>
<c>Again, you are overcome with the eerie feeling that you're dealing with an alchemist who is supernaturally old. Some kind of undead being perhaps. A human that has risen from the grave – or cheated death some other way – through black magic. Witchcraft. Sorcery.
<p>If there is a sorcerer out there, powerful enough to cheat death, then what else can they do? Can they enter the nuns' side of the monastery at night by teleporting or walking through the wall? Perhaps a form of spectral travel where the sorcerer leaves their earthly body behind and then manifests as a demon-like spirit with red eyes on the other side of the wall? It would explain a few things.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi herbalPages 50 pnggg>>
<c>You stop your train of thought. Coming up with fantastical theories will do you no good unless you have evidence to support them. You can't let your mind run away on wild goose chases. You have to focus on the evidence. That's the key to solving this case.
<p>Right now, the evidence points to the attacker using drugs based on Ludolphus' recipes. This suggests that the alchemist who makes the drugs physically possesses these recipes.</p>
<p>You thought the recipes stuck inside the <<colvar 'De Viribus Herbarum' "color-herbal">> were the only copies, but perhaps Ludolphus wrote them down somewhere else too.</p>
<<ev 2220>>
<<mi codex 40 "right pnggg">>
<l>The recipes you found stuck inside the herbal are hastily written. They could have been the notes, the draft, for a book that Ludolphus ended up writing.
<p>You already know that <<colvar 'Codex Veritatis' "color-codex">> is the start of a greater work, as the first chapters are carefully written and bound, while the rest is hastily written on loose sheets, just like the recipes.</p>
<p>Codex Veritatis has a religious focus, dealing with holy rites and divinely appointed leaders. Perhaps Ludolphus worked on another book focusing on alchemy which included his many recipes. And perhaps the monks got their hands on this book after Ludolphus died. The book could have been in that locked cabinet in their library for all you know.</p>
<p>But if a book with Ludolphus' recipes were ever in the cabinet, you are pretty sure it isn't there anymore. The alchemist has it. Whoever the alchemist is.</p>
<<ev 2250>>
<<mii mlibrary/cabinet 40 "pnggg right">>
<l>Even if this hypothetical recipe book is now in the hands of the enemies, it is still a lead. If the monks possessed a book with Ludolphus' recipes, you want to know it. You should investigate.
<p>You don't want to risk anything by asking the librarian, but if the monks had such an alchemical recipe book, written by Ludolphus of all people, it would be deemed dangerous and forbidden, maybe even branded as witchcraft. You are sure it would be locked away in that cabinet.</p>
<p>The monks want to keep the scandal with Ludolphus a secret, erased from history. For this reason, they wouldn't keep a record of Ludolphus' book in that public inventory list in the library. But you are confident that there is an inventory list for the cabinet somewhere. You have to find this list. Most likely, it is in the cabinet itself.</p>
<<ev 2280>>
<<mii mlibrary/cabinetnight 36 "pnggg">>
You should make another late-night visit to the monks' library and open that cabinet.
<<qstart recipebook 100 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:2300>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>You return to thinking about the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> and that metallic scent you smelled in the room of the attacked victims. Suddenly, you realize something.
<p>If the attacker uses an Oil of Amnesia, they must leave the oil in the room during the night, where the fumes will affect the victim of the attack.</p>
<p>Where does the attacker leave the oil, and why haven't you found any trace of it, except for the metallic scent?</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>When you investigated the victims' rooms on the morning after the attacks, you looked under the beds, but you never looked up, at the underside of the beds. What if the attacker hides an oily cloth under there, just as Ludolphus recommends? The metallic scent was strongest around the bed, which fits.
<p>The cloths could still be there! You have to investigate this at once.</p>
<p>Just a minute earlier, you heard the faint chime of a bell, calling the nuns to prayer. That means you can search their rooms undisturbed. You only know for sure that the metallic smell was present in the rooms of the victims attacked after you arrived at the monastery, so you should stick to those rooms.
<<qstart investBeds 100>>
<<but "Hurry upstairs and leave your living quarters" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:790">>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 2200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/amy/amy 34 pnggg>>
<<if $qqamyq >= 400>>
<c>You want to make the <<potionNightmareTea>> into a nightmare oil to use on Sister Amy. But to make this oil, you must figure out how to make the potent fumes.
<<but "Continue" lab1 step:1100>>
The importance of getting Sister Amy's help with Chloe has made you consider alternative ways to make Sister Amy submit to the holy rites.
<p>Sister Amy may just need a little "push" in the right direction, and her talk about having nightmares has given you an idea.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi teabig 54 "pnggg">>
<c>What if you used the <<potionNightmareTea>> on Sister Amy, like you did on Novice Emma? If Sister Amy's nightmares get worse, she may let you eat her sins.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii refectory/celineHead 40>>
<c>You have considered the nightmare tea as a solution before – when you wanted to anoint Novice Celine and she refused.
<p>In the end, you felt it was not the right call to use the nightmare tea on Novice Celine, fearing you would turn into the madman you thought Ludolphus had become before he died.</p>
<p>But since then, things have changed.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/rape 40 right>>
<l>Firstly, you have learned that Ludolphus probably was falsely accused. He wasn't a madman who molested the nuns. He tried to help them with the holy rites.
<p>Secondly, you are now the patriarch, responsible for the protection of the nuns. Indirectly, you are also responsible for the safety and protection of the girls at the school.</p>
<p>So far, no student has been attacked by the lust demon – that you know of – but that could change any day if you don't stop Satan's corruption from spreading from the monastery to the school.</p>
<p>You must do what you can to stop the Devil and ultimately fight back and win.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi teabig 45 "pnggg">>
<c>But is using the nightmare tea the best option? You have to find a way to make Sister Amy drink it, probably for several days /* and she may need to drink it for several days before her nightmares are bad enough that she changes her mind.*/ and she can't suspect that the tea is giving her nightmares.
<p>What if you instead could make an Oil of Nightmares that worked like the <<potionConfusion>> and the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> – via the potent fumes? Then you could put a cloth soaked with the nightmare oil under Sister Amy's bed and make her nightmares worse for days to come.</p>
<p>That would be an ideal solution. But you would have to come up with the recipe yourself.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
<c>You have to figure out what makes the Oil of Confusion and the Oil of Amnesia work like they do, affecting the target with the potent fumes.
You begin to study the recipes for Oil of Confusion and Oil of Amnesia, and you compare them with other recipes that you have used so far.
<p>How do you create the potent nightmare fumes? This will put your alchemical skills to the test.
<<q amyq 400>></p>
<<c "Solve the problem">>
<<ev 1400>>
<span class="puzzle-text">Complete the puzzle.</span>
<div class="center-flex puzzle-action-button">
<span id="puzzle-rotate" class="puzzle-toggled-button">
<<button "Rotate">><<script>>setup.puzzleToggle("puzzle-rotate")<</script>><</button>>
<span id="puzzle-switch">
<<button "Switch">><<script>>setup.puzzleToggle("puzzle-switch")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle-4x3">
<div id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button hl">
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare31" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-3-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare31")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free">
<span id="nightmare22" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-2-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare22")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare13" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-1-3">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare13")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row2" class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare11" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-1-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare11")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free">
<span id="nightmare41" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-4-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare41")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare43" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-4-3">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare43")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row3" class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare33" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-3-3">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare33")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free">
<span id="nightmare32" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-3-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare32")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare12" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-1-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare12")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row4" class="center-flex puzzle-button hl2">
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare42" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-4-2">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare42")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free">
<span id="nightmare23" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-2-3">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare23")<</script>><</button>>
<span class="puzzle-piece-free vl">
<span id="nightmare21" class="puzzle-piece nightmare-2-1">
<<button "">><<script>>setup.puzzleAction("nightmare21")<</script>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-result"><<br>><<specbut "Give up" lab1 step:1450>></div>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
You give up on figuring out how to make the potent fumes.
<p>Your alchemical skill failed you this time, but you can't give up. You have to try again later.
<<qmess amyq 450 center>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi potion_bigger 20 pnggg>>
<c>After hours of experimenting and testing, you have the answer. It seems that the key is to have the proper mix of potent oil and purified alcohol – i.e. ethanol.
<p>The alcohol must first be highly purified to mix properly with the concentrated potent oil. Then it's a matter of how much alcohol you add to the oil. The more alcohol, the more potent the fumes will be, but that also means the potency wears off more quickly.</p>
<<ev 1620>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>In your case, with the nightmare oil, you decide to go for relatively potent fumes because you want this over with soon.
<p>You estimate that you would have to sneak into Sister Amy's room to re-soak the oily cloth every three days or so, but that shouldn't be any problem.
<<q amyq 500>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 3000>>
You carefully follow the recipe you came up with.
<<mi potionNightmareOilBig 15 pnggg>>
After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<<makePotion nightmareOil center>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi potion_biggerAura 32 "pnggg">>
<c>Having for a long time carefully followed Ludolphus' recipes and learned from him like an apprentice learns from a master, you have now graduated with the creation of your own, alchemical recipe.
<<alchemyLevel 3>>
Your alchemical knowledge and practical skills give you new opportunities going forward, though you still have a long way to go to reach Ludolphus' level of alchemical mastery.</p>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>The final step after making your new creation remains: you need to test the <<potionNightmareOil>> to verify that it works as intended.
<p>There is no point in waiting. You will test it tonight, on Sister Amy.</p>
<p>When the nuns are in the chapel for Compline – the night prayer – you could sneak into Sister Amy's room and put an oily cloth under her bed. It should then only be a couple of hours or so before Sister Amy goes to sleep.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi potionNightmareOilBig 12 pnggg>>
<c>However, you are concerned that Sister Amy might notice a strange smell in her room.
<p>You open the vial where you store the nightmare oil and quickly smell the fumes.</p>
<p>You can detect a distinct grassy, bitter scent. Not too strong. When soaked into a cloth and put under a bed, the nightmare oil should not give off much of a smell.</p>
<<ev 3640>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>As a comparison, you open a vial of <<potionAmnesiaOil>> and very quickly sniff its dangerous fumes.
<p>That metallic smell is very apparent, and the amnesia oil smells stronger than the nightmare oil. You can understand how the amnesia oil that the attacker uses leaves a trace of that metallic smell in the room on the morning of the attacks. But even then, no one else but you seemed to have noticed it.</p>
<p>In conclusion, the nightmare oil smells noticeably less than the amnesia oil, and you don't think Sister Amy will notice any strange smell when returning from Compline.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi potionNightmareOilBig 15 pnggg>>
<cc>You are ready to test the <<potionNightmareOil>> on Sister Amy.
<<q amyq 600 center>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 2300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hjana/fuck11 60>>
<c>You can no longer let Sister Jana deny you her slit, flesh to flesh, without contraceptives. Only by being with her as God intended for a man to be with a woman will you reduce your desire for Sister Jana to an acceptable level.
<p>The time has come to take a more direct approach to solving this problem.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi longpepper 60>>
<c>You consider if you should use Sister Jana's strong lustful reaction to long pepper dust against her. It was the cause of the lust curse afflicting her.
<p>You removed the curse by nailing down the loose board in the shed just above the door, preventing the long pepper stalks from sticking out and being hit by the door, showering Sister Jana with long pepper dust – unbeknownst to her.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi longpepperdust 40 pnggg>>
<c>You could open up the loose board in the shed to once again shower Sister Jana with long pepper dust.
<p>But you would risk Sister Jana noticing this change and how it coincides with the lust curse returning. And then she might be able to figure out that the lust curse is – and was – caused by long pepper dust. It would be a disaster. You absolutely cannot accept that risk. </p>
<p>So what else could you do?</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
<c>With your improved alchemical skills, it might be time to make a <<potionLustOilSimple>> that works through its potent fumes.
<p>Putting a "cloth of lust" under Sister Jana's bed could be enough to make her accept to marry you.</p>
<p>The downside to this idea is that it might be harder to convince Sister Jana that the lust curse is behind the sudden increase in lust. The lust curse affected her when she worked in the garden, not when sleeping.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Hiding the oily cloth in the garden shed could work, but would come with its own problems.
<p>While Sister Jana may move in and out of the garden shed a lot, she usually does not spend that much time inside the shed.</p>
<p>The shed is also drafty, and the door is often open. The fumes would probably air out relatively quickly.</p>
<p>You also think there is an increased risk that Sister Jana will discover the cloth hidden in the shed compared to hidden under her bed.</p>
<p>No, the shed is not a good solution. You will hide the oily cloth under Sister Jana's bed.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
<c>First, you have to create the fuming lust oil.
<p>It shouldn't be a problem. You have already successfully created the <<potionNightmareOil>> after discovering that the potent fumes are produced by the proper mix of potent oil and purified alcohol.</p>
<p>You already have a potent lust oil – the <<potionLustOilSimple>> you used on Sister Roberta by mixing it into the rash salve she was using. That oil should work just fine.</p>
<p>All that should be required is to mix the lust oil with ethanol. Since you want the potent fumes to work fast, you will make them very strong, meaning adding a lot of ethanol.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Since the potent fumes will wear off quickly, you will have to replace the oily cloth every two days, but one or two nights will hopefully be enough to make Sister Jana submit to your demands and marry you.
<p>Now you just have to make the fuming lust oil.
<<q janamarry 400>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi potionFumingLustOilBig 24 pnggg>>
<cc>You get to work, and soon you have the result.
<<makePotion fumingLustOil center>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Now you have to put a cloth soaked with the <<potionFumingLustOil>> under Sister Jana's bed.
<p>You should do this close to bedtime, when she is with the other nuns in the chapel for Compline – the night prayer.
<<q janamarry 500>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 2400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaOilBig 18 pnggg>>
<c>You consider doing tests on the <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> learning how different doses affect the memory of the target.
But then you feel that it may be more important to test the <<italics Potion>> of Amnesia.
<p>With the oil, you must plant an oily cloth in the bedroom of the target and wait until morning. With the potion, the target just needs to drink it. It is a much quicker solution and doesn't require you to have access to the target's bedroom.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
<c>Ludolphus did warn that the potion is not as effective as the oil, but perhaps you could improve his recipe to make the potion more potent.
<p>Though you are still far from Ludolphus' equal in alchemy, he worked on a lot of recipes and experiments – which must have taken up a lot of his time. It is quite possible that Ludolphus was content enough with the effect of the Oil of Amnesia that he didn't consider the Potion of Amnesia important enough to perfect.</p>
<p>There could be room to improve the recipe for someone like you who is motivated and prepared to spend a lot of time on it.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>To test and hopefully improve Ludolphus' recipe for the <<potionAmnesia ,>> you need several test subjects. You must be able to regularly give them potions without them suspecting foul play.
<p>For the nuns and the girls at the school, you have no individual delivery mechanism already in play, but for the townswomen coming to confess, you have: the wine you give them as part of Holy Communion.</p>
<p>You started doing that to be prepared just for something like this. And now your forward thinking has paid off. You have the perfect delivery mechanism for the Potion of Amnesia.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi rape 45 right>>
<l>After thinking about how to perform the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on the townswomen test subjects, you come up with an idea.
<p>Until now, you have been concerned that the knowledge of the lust demon would come out, spreading damaging rumors in the town and elsewhere about sexual misconduct in the convent, maybe even including you.</p>
<<ev 3210>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<c>Lately, the lust demon has stopped the nocturnal attacks on the nuns, and the evil forces seem to have shifted focus to the monks – doing things with them instead of the nuns.
<p> But that could soon change. The attacks on the nuns could start again any day.
<<ev 3220>>
<<mvv school/studentsoutside 70>>
<c>You also suspect that Satan's influence has started corrupting the school, and perhaps even places further away than that.
<p>Additionally, rumors of the lust demon attacking the nuns may already have spread to the outside world, unbeknownst to you.</p>
<<ev 3240>>
<<mi incubus 60>>
<c>You should still try to contain the knowledge of the lust demon to the monastery and the school, but there is something else you could do too: you could preemptively attempt to counter any rumors – to take the edge off them.
<p>If you purposefully spread a rumor of lust demons attacking and possessing women who live in the town, then any later rumor about lust demons at the convent could be waved away as being false, pointing to the lust demons in the town as being the true source of any rumors.</p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii chapel/ava6 50>>
<c>The rumor you start can't be traced back to you, so you can't openly start it. You must spread it in secret to a few select townspeople coming to confess. That would be a good enough start.
<p>So, the townswomen you pick as test subjects for the <<potionAmnesia>> could also be used to start this rumor about lust demons in the town. You would kill two birds with one stone.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii chapel/avacumend 80>>
<c>Now you must pick the test subjects from the townswomen coming to confess.
<p>You already have one woman in mind: Ava. She comes here often, every two or three days and you have already been intimate with her, which will make things easier.</p>
<<set $avapoints = 0>>
<<set $nenapoints = 0>>
<<set $raylenepoints = 0>>
<<set $adriannapoints = 0>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
You want at least three more test subjects.
<p>You already have a fairly large number of townswomen you have deemed attractive enough to be targeted by the lust demon, and whom you thus have already administered Holy Communion to. Slipping the amnesia potion into the wine you give them would be easy.</p>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mii misc/holdcross 40>>
<c>But not all of these townswomen will be suitable test subjects. You must convince them that they have been possessed by a lust demon and that you must exorcise it. For this plan to work, the more devoutly Catholic the woman is, the better.
<p>The women must also be able to come often, several times a week, during the testing.</p>
<p>Aside from Ava, you have a few women in mind that might be suitable as test subjects, but you will wait to decide until you have spoken to them.</p>
<<ev 4200>>
<c>Drawing up preparations for the testing in your notebook, you name it "Project Amnesia".
<p>The first thing you must do is to make a batch of the <<potionAmnesia .>>
<<q amnesiaproject 200>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaBig 14 pnggg>>
<cc>Making the Potion of Amnesia requires skill, but you can handle it.
<<makePotion amnesia center>>
Now you just have to find more test subjects to test the potion on.
<<q amnesiaproject 210 center>></p>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
But suddenly, you hesitate. You have been so caught up in the ideas and planning phase that you haven't had time to reflect much about what it is you are going to do.
<p>Not only will you do a lot of testing of a potion on several townswomen, but you also want to start a rumor about lust demons attacking women living in the town.</p>
<p>This is risky and will have long-lasting consequences.</p>
<p>You still think this is your best course of action, but your courage is failing you.</p>
<<c "Pray to the Lord">><<but "Summon courage to continue" lab1 "corr55">>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mii misc/praying2 60>>
<c>You pray to the Lord for guidance and strength.
<p>You think that God wants you to go through with the project, but you still feel weak in spirit. This is a challenge, and you must overcome it. You have to prevail.</p>
<p>How will you find enough strength to do what has to be done?
<<q amnesiaproject 240>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 2500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/redthread 70 pnggg>>
<c>You try to remember the dream you had. You think it had to do with the clues in the case, and how the clues are connected.
<p>There is one phrase that was stuck in your mind when you woke up: <<italics "the red thread.">> You don't remember what it was about, but you think it was important.</p>
<p>Could you have made a breakthrough in the dream or was your mind just trying, but failing, to puzzle together the clues to find a way forward?</p>
<<ev 150>>
<<mvv mc/fireplace1 50>>
It is possible that you currently have enough clues to solve the case or at least make a breakthrough – if you could just figure it out. But which of the clues and leads are helping you solve the attacks and which are red herrings and false leads?
<p>You open your notebook and start going through your investigation notes while trying to remember the dream.</p>
<<ev 170>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii crone/mysteryman_redeyes_medium 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii crone/crone4_smalldark 21 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii crone/darkfiguretap_small 21 "left nomarginRight pnggg">>
<c>Comparing your investigation notes with what you remember of the dream, you are starting to remember what the red thread was about.
<p>The red thread was a connection between the attacker, the Crone, and the doctor tapping on the monks. All three of them have been described as having glowing red eyes by some witnesses. The red eyes are a common thread between them – so in the dream, it became a red thread linking them together.</p>
<p>But you have already thought about the similar red eyes. That is nothing new. You feel that there is more to the red thread. Some other connection you made in the dream that has to do with the red eyes.</p>
<p>By following the memory of the red thread in the dream, you try to remember more of the dream.
<<qmess redthread 200 center>></p>
/* player can change fontsize for puzzle which will reset when leaving puzzle, so need to avoid backing out */
<<set $temp3 = "nohistory">>
/* saving current font size for reset */
<<set $temp2 = setup.getCSSvariable("--base-font-size")>>
<<set $temp2 = $temp2.substring(0,$temp2.length-2)>>
<<c "Follow the red thread">>
<<ev 200>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Find the matching clues
<div style="position:relative;z-index:1">
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle-4x5 memory-puzzle">
<div id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory100" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[0][0] @width=_memrow1[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory100")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory101" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[1][0] @width=_memrow1[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory101")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory102" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[2][0] @width=_memrow1[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory102")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory103" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[3][0] @width=_memrow1[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory103")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory104" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[4][0] @width=_memrow1[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory104")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row2" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory200" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[0][0] @width=_memrow2[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory200")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory201" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[1][0] @width=_memrow2[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory201")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory202" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[2][0] @width=_memrow2[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory202")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory203" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[3][0] @width=_memrow2[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory203")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory204" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[4][0] @width=_memrow2[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory204")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row3" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory300" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[0][0] @width=_memrow3[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory300")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory301" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[1][0] @width=_memrow3[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory301")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory302" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[2][0] @width=_memrow3[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory302")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory303" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[3][0] @width=_memrow3[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory303")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory304" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[4][0] @width=_memrow3[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory304")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row4" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory400" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[0][0] @width=_memrow4[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory400")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory401" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[1][0] @width=_memrow4[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory401")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory402" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[2][0] @width=_memrow4[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory402")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory403" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[3][0] @width=_memrow4[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory403")>><</button>>
<span class="memory-piece-base">
<span id="memory404" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[4][0] @width=_memrow4[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory404")>><</button>>
<<set _puzzlesizemess = true>>
<div id="memory-check" class="memory-fail shadow2 nomargin-bottom" style="display:none;visibility:hidden">No match. Try again.</div>
<div id="puzzlesizemess" style="font-size:90%;margin-top:0.5rem;margin-bottom:-0rem"><<special "If needed, resize the puzzle to fit better on the screen.<br>The change will revert when you leave.">></div>
<div id="puzzle-result">
<span id="puzzlesmaller" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "–">>
<<if $fontSizeBase > 5>>
<<set $fontSizeBase-->>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<specbut "Give up" lab1 "step:1000 inline">>
<span id="puzzlebigger" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "+">><<set $fontSizeBase++>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<print 'fontsize: $fontSizeBase'>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/redthread 70 pnggg>>
You need to take a break from trying to make sense of the clues and the dream about the red thread.
<p>But you feel that the dream is important. You should try again soon.
<<qmess redthread 220>></p>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp2>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp2+"px")>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp2>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp2+"px")>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/salvatore_medium 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii misc/mug_medium 19 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii misc/cider2medium 7.6 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii misc/cider_medium 9 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii monks/alonso2 21 "left nomarginRight">>
<c>Your recollection of the dream is beginning to clear up as you follow the red thread in your memories.
<p>You remember that the red thread did not connect to the cider business with Novice Alonso and Brother Salvatore. In the dream, you concluded that it is a distraction, a false lead. It has nothing to do with the attacks on the nuns.</p>
<p>That may be true, but you can't be sure. You can't trust the dream on this.</p>
<<c "Continue to follow the red thread">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii hjana/600-100 35>>
<c>The red thread also did not connect to Sister Jana. In the dream, you thought she was innocent when it came to the attacks.
<p>Again, this may be true, but you can't be sure just based on the dream.</p>
<<c "Continue to follow the red thread">>
<<ev 2300>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii lab/notes2_small 14 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilMedium 15 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii lab/oilycloth_small 25 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii mgarden/guanobag_small 13 "left nomarginRight pnggg">>
<c>Then you have the clues that the red thread <<italics did>> connect to: Ludolphus' notes, the Oil of Amnesia, the oily cloth, and the bag of bat guano that Novice Alonso said was taken from the monks' garden shed by someone looking like the Crone. These clues are all connected to the drugs used by the attacker.
<li>Ludolphus' notes: You strongly suspect that the alchemist making the drugs is using Ludolphus' recipes.</li>
<li>The Oil of Amnesia and the oily cloth: You know that the attacker uses an Oil of Amnesia on the victims, hiding an oily cloth under their beds.</li>
<li>The bag of bat guano: You know that bat guano was used to fertilize the long pepper – which most likely is used to make the lust drug used by the attacker.</li>
<<c "Follow the red thread">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii misc/redthread 70 pnggg>>
<c>Thinking about these clues, things become even clearer. You can follow the red thread deeper into the dream.
<p>You are beginning to remember what the red thread was truly about.</p>
<<ev 2500>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii crone/mysteryman_redeyes_medium 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii crone/crone4_smalldark 21 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii crone/darkfiguretap_small 21 "left nomarginRight pnggg">>
<c>The red thread had indeed to do with the red eyes of the attacker, the Crone, and the doctor, but it was not just that they all had red eyes. In the dream, you came up with the questions: Why are their eyes red? How are they red?
<p>You have thought that the red eyes could be the eyes of a demon, or perhaps the eyes of a possessed human with demonic eyes visible in the dark of night.</p>
<p>It still could be, but in the dream, you considered that there may not be any demons present at all. And if that is the case, then what about the red eyes?</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<div style="margin-bottom:-10rem">
<<mii misc/redthread 100 pnggg>>
<cc class="shadow5" style="font-size:145%;color:#b00">
Suddenly, you remember everything from the dream.
<p>You can see the entire red thread.</p>
<p>And at the end of the red thread is...</p>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi potionNightVisionDream 12 pnggg>>
<c><span class="shadow5" style="font-size:145%;color:#b00">... a red potion.</span>
<p>A potion – made by the alchemist – that makes the eyes red. A potion made from one of Ludolphus' recipes. A potion that <span class="shadow5" style="font-size:110%;color:#b00">makes you see in the dark</span>.</p>
<p>A night vision potion! It was one of the first recipes you found in Ludolphus' notes. /* ev300 step100 */
<p>It would make perfect sense... if it is true. You have to find out.
<<q redthread 1000>>
<<c "Look for the night vision recipe">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi notes4 70>>
<c>You eagerly look through your cataloged list of Ludolphus' recipes, looking for that night vision potion.
<p>You soon find it. A recipe for a <<potionNightVision .>></p>
<p>The recipe says that the night vision effect comes within a few minutes of drinking the potion – and lasts a few hours – but it doesn't say anything about red eyes.</p>
<p>That doesn't necessarily mean the dream was wrong. It varies how much Ludolphus' recipes comment on the effects and side effects of his concoctions. You have to test the potion.</p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi potionNightVisionBig 14 "pnggg">>
The recipe is advanced, with several technically difficult steps, but it's not above your current skill level. After working hard, you are rewarded for your efforts.
<cc><<makePotion nightVision center>></cc>
It turns out that, in reality, the night vision potion is murky green, not red.
<<ev 6100>>
<<mii misc/eyes 80>>
<cc>Now you must drink the potion and see if your eyes become red.
<<q redthread 1200 center>>
<<c "Drink the <<potionNightVision>>">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii misc/darkmirror 48>>
<c>You drink the potion. Now you need a mirror and a dark room to see what happens.
<p>And what better place to test a night vision potion than down here in your lab? If you extinguish all the light sources, the lab will become pitch black.</p>
<p>You have already installed a mirror down here, which will now come in handy.</p>
<<c "Darken the room">>
<<ev 6440>>
<<mii mc/candelabrum 40>>
<c>You move around the room and turn off all the light sources.
<p>You save a final candle which you keep burning until you stand in front of the mirror. Then you snuff the candle.</p>
<<ev 6460>>
<<mii misc/darkmirrorblackness 48>>
The room is now pitch black.
<p>You have to wait and see if the <<potionNightVision>> allows you to see in complete darkness. It might need some light to make any difference.</p>
<<c "Return to the mirror">>
<<ev 6500>>
<<mii misc/darkmirror2 48>>
<cc>After a while, you think you can see the mirror. Yes, you can.
<p>But is it because your eyes have adjusted to a minuscule amount of light that is coming from somewhere, or is it because of the night vision potion?</p>
<p>And isn't there a red shimmer over everything? Wait a second...</p>
<<c "Stare into the mirror">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 48>>
<cc>You stare into the dark mirror. As more and more of the mirror and the reflection become visible, one thing stands out:
<p>Your eyes are turning glowing red!</p>
<<ev 6700>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>The dream proved to be true. Your unconscious mind managed to solve what your conscious mind didn't.
<p>There is an important lesson to learn from this. You must be careful not to get so bogged down in details or side-tracked by possible leads that you stop looking at the whole picture. You must regularly try to look at everything with fresh eyes to find connections and solutions with the clues and leads you already have.</p>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 48>>
<c>Judging by your test, the <<potionNightVision>> does not make the eyes become as strikingly glowing red as some witnesses have claimed, but their exaggerations are not surprising given their terrifying experiences.
<p>Not knowing better, you too could have mistaken what you see in the mirror for a demon with burning red eyes, though you would like to think that you would stand firm and trust the Lord to protect you while staring down the demonic presence.</p>
<<ev 7020>>
<<mi potionNightVisionBig 14 "pnggg">>
<c>It is also possible that with a stronger potion, the eyes would become even more glowing red, in which case the witnesses might not have exaggerated much.
<p>In any case, the <<potionNightVision>> evidently allows you to see even in pitch black darkness – albeit barely – which probably is thanks to the red light emanating from the eyes.</p>
<<ev 7030>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 48>>
<c>You notice that the red shimmer you thought you noticed at first is still there, but it is not as strong as you might think when seeing your glowing red eyes in the mirror. Perhaps the brain is adjusting to the red light and filters out most of it.
<p>Whatever the case, you know all that you need to know.</p>
<<ev 7050>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap_small 21 "left nomarginRight pnggg">><<space2>><<mii crone/mysteryman_redeyes_medium 21 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii crone/crone4_smalldark 21 "left nomarginRight pnggg">>
<c>You consider the implications of the <<potionNightVision >> and what you know of it.
<p>When it comes to the doctor tapping on the monks, it is most likely someone using a night vision potion. Not all monks said the doctor had red eyes, which could mean the potion is only used sometimes or some of the witnesses just didn't see or remember the eyes.</p>
<p>Same thing with the individual attacking the nuns. It is likely someone using a night vision potion – sometimes or always. Since none of the attacked nuns has reliably described the attacker as a nun, you think it is safe to assume by now that the Crone – if really a demon – is not the attacker.</p>
<p>When it comes to the Crone and the red eyes, you have to consider that a demon nun has been seen on both sides of the wall – by several nuns on this side, and once by Novice Alonso on the monks' side.</p>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mii crone/crone3 40 right>>
With the discovery of the <<potionNightVision ,>> you feel confident that the demon nun that Novice Alonso saw outside the garden shed at night was not a real demon, but someone disguised as a nun and using a night vision potion. The potion doesn't explain the deformed, hunchbacked shape of the nun, but that could have been a part of the disguise.
<p>In any case, the demon nun spotted on the nuns' side of the wall could still be a demon. The Crone could be real. Perhaps the attacker or accomplice saw or heard of the ghastly demon nun on the nuns' side of the wall and decided to use it as a disguise on the monks' side, as a misdirection for anyone looking into the attacks.</p>
<p>But you have seen through the charade. If the Crone is a real supernatural entity, its reason for being here is something else than attacking the nuns.
<<suspectadd crone null "remove:s1 silent">>
<<suspectadd crone null "remove:s2 silent">>
<<suspectadd crone s3>>
<<suspectadd crone s2 silent>>
<<suspectadd crone s4 silent>>
<<ev 7120>>
<<mii crone/nighthag 50>>
<c>With the Crone no longer being a likely suspect as the attacker, you think about what else made you suspect that a demon could be somehow involved in the attacks.
<<ev 7200>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 60>>
Besides the red eyes, another strong reason you suspected a demon to be involved was the question of how the attacker got into the nuns' side of the monastery at night.
<p>By now, you know that there once was an escape tunnel somewhere underground. That tunnel, or one similar to it, could still exist. That could be the answer to how the attacker gains access to the nuns. It is a plausible enough explanation to make it the working theory.</p>
<p>Everything considered, hunting demons does not currently seem like the most effective use of your time.</p>
<<ev 7300>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 45 right>>
The discovery that the <<potionNightVision>> turns your eyes glowing red doesn't rule out that the attacker, or anyone else, could in fact be <<italics possessed>> by a demon. Demons exist and they can possess people. That you know to be true.
<p>But your current working theory should be focusing on the human involvement. You shouldn't allow yourself to get sidetracked anymore with leads of possible supernatural involvement unless A) you find evidence supporting the lead, and B) the lead seems promising in moving you forward in the investigation.</p>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mii misc/satan 56>>
<c>Of course, the nuns don't need to know any of this. For their safety, it is better that they remain scared of the Crone and other demons.
<p>Because evil is lurking out there, threatening the nuns and the girls at the school. You just don't know if it is supernatural evil or just human evil. Ultimately, the Devil is behind it all.
<<invest nightvision>>
<<qend redthread 2000>>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mii mrefectory/gossip 66>>
With no more promising leads on the nuns' side of the wall, you are back to focusing your attention on the monks.
<p>Taking your own advice of looking at what you have, you know what to do next.</p>
<<ev 8100>>
<<mii lab/potion_biggerAura 40 pnggg>>
<c>You know that the alchemist is making drugs used in the attacks. That means there must be a laboratory somewhere.
<p>You must increase your effort to find that lab.</p>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 90>>
<c>Your best bet for the location of the alchemist's lab is the Distillery.
<p>Not the small, modern lab you saw there. No, you are convinced that the alchemist uses a secret lab – unknown to all but the alchemist and potential accomplices.</p>
<p>Perhaps there is a hidden room in the Distillery – or a secret passage leading to an old, forgotten part of the underground.</p>
<<ev 8300>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery3 80>>
Even if the secret lab is not accessed from the Distillery, many of the monks working in the Distillery have experience with using lab equipment and know about distillation and other processes useful in alchemy.
<p>There is a good chance that the alchemist works in the Distillery.</p>
<<ev 8400>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40>>
<c>So, you should keep an eye on the Distillery and the people working there.
<p>This is something you can use Novice Alonso for. You should talk to him at the usual time and place in their bathroom.
<<qstart alonsodistillery 100>></p>
<<c "Light a candle">>
<<ev 8500>>
<<mii mc/candelabrum 40>>
<c>Experiencing the full effect of the <<potionNightVision ,>> you close your eyes to avoid any unpleasant overexposure to light as you light a candle.
<p>Slowly opening your eyes, you find that you can expose your eyes to the relatively weak light of a candle without much problem as long as you don't stare directly at the bright flame. And with the candle out of sight, your eyes can relax and you see very well in the weakly lit room. The night vision potion clearly works.</p>
<p>However, you wouldn't want to be around daylight or other bright light, as you can imagine that the overexposure of light will not be pleasant.</p>
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 8600>>
<<mii lab/bookcase 40 pnggg>>
<c>Waiting for the <<potionNightVision>> to wear off, you spend the time in the lab, looking through a few of the books Ludolphus left behind.
You keep only a single candle lit, kept far away in the room, and behind you, to avoid seeing the bright flame. Normally, it would be very hard to read in this weak light, but thanks to your night vision, you can easily see the text.
A couple of hours pass before the night vision effect is more or less gone. Looking in the mirror, you can no longer see any red in your eyes.
<<ev 8700>>
<<mi potionNightVisionBig 14 "pnggg">>
<c>The test of the <<potionNightVision>> has concluded.
<p>If you want to see in the dark, you prefer a flashlight, but you can understand why the minions of Satan prefer a potion that gives you the eyes of a demon.</p>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 ev:3440>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 2600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/corpseGregorHead 40>>
The salve on Brother Gregor's neck appeared to be a paralyzing cutahest salve, which may be what the attacker and the doctor use to paralyze their victims.
<p>You have to look through your cataloged list of Ludolphus' recipes to see if you can find a recipe for such a paralyzing drug. You may have missed it for some reason when cataloging it.</p>
<<c "Carefully look through the cataloged list of recipes" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi salve 34 pnggg>>
<c>Only a few recipes in, you find something interesting: a recipe for a Salve of Lethargy.
<p>Your short description of the salve reads: "Makes the victim lethargic". That could be it. You must look up this recipe in Ludolphus' notes.</p>
<<c "Look up the recipe for \"Salve of Lethargy\"">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi notes5 80>>
<c>You find the recipe where your list said it would be.
<p>Reading the full notes for the salve recipe reinforces your belief that this could be the recipe you are looking for.</p>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi salve 34 pnggg>>
If this indeed is the salve you are looking for, you can understand why you didn't connect it to the attacks earlier:
<p>The recipe was one of the first recipes you cataloged, and at the time, you had only recently started suspecting that the attacker used a lust drug similar to Ludolphus' lust drugs. You didn't know that the attacker had access to many of Ludolphus' recipes – possibly all of them.</p>
<<ev 340>>
<<mi notes5 80>>
<c>You think that the name and short description – a Salve of Lethargy that makes the targets lethargic – could be another reason this recipe didn't call your attention when cataloging it. You probably would have reacted if it was a Salve of Paralyzation.
<p>The victims aren't actually paralyzed though – they can still move. Being very weak – being lethargic – is a better description of what the victims experience than being paralyzed.</p>
<p>Cataloging the list before going to bed – being tired – might be another reason you failed to make the connection with the attacks.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi salve 34 pnggg>>
<c>You have to make this Salve of Lethargy and test it on yourself to see if it feels the same as the salve you found on Brother Gregor's neck.
<p>You have all the ingredients and shouldn't waste any time.
<<q investmurder 800>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi potionLethargyBig 36 pnggg>>
<<makePotion lethargy center>><br>
Now you will test the salve on yourself.
<p>You take the same small amount of salve you took from Brother Gregor's neck and rub it into your skin.</p></cc>
<<c "Wait a minute">>
<<ev 800>>
<cc>You soon feel weaker.<br>
But is it the same feeling you had from the salve taken from Brother Gregor?
A couple of more minutes, and you are even weaker. You feel just like you did sitting on the stairs in the Distillery.
<<mii monks/corpseGregorHead 40>>
<p>This proves that the salve you found on Brother Gregor's neck was a <<potionLethargy>> made from Ludolpus' recipe. The salve was undoubtedly made by the mysterious alchemist.</p>
<<ev 820>>
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 50>>
<c>Your investigation into Brother Gregor's death is not yet over.
<p>Tomorrow, you should speak with the abbot for news about the police investigation.</p>
<<ev 840>>
<<mii mgarden/mud 50>>
<c>Then you have the mud sample you took from Brother Gregor's shoes.
<p>You must use the microscope in the lab in the Distillery to examine the mud sample for clues. You want to do it in secret not to alert the possible murderer.</p>
<p>Novice Alonso could help you with that. But that too can wait until tomorrow when things have calmed down a bit.
<<q investmurder 1000>></p>
<<ev 860>>
<<mi potionLethargyBig 36 pnggg>>
<c>Continuing your thoughts about the <<potionLethargy>> that is currently affecting you, you notice that you feel about as weak now as you did in the Distillery.
<p>That means that the salves had roughly the same potency, which suggests that the alchemist made the Salve of Lethargy following Ludolphus' recipe, just like you did.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 64>>
You think about the attacker and the doctor, and how they must be using the <<potionLethargy>> to subdue their victims, making it hard for them to move.
<p>A person may become paralyzed if you give them a strong enough dose of the salve, but the attacker and the doctor don't need their victims to be paralyzed. They just need the victims weak enough to control them.</p>
<<ev 940>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 66>>
<c>Furthermore, if the nuns are paralyzed in their beds, they can't use their hands to sin while under the influence of the lust drug, and you think the attacker wants the nuns to touch themselves.
<p>The attacker probably uses a dose just strong enough to be able to control the victims – keeping the nuns weak, but still able to use their hands.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi potionLethargyBig 36 pnggg>>
In the notes for the <<potionLethargy ,>> Ludolphus says that when used at the recommended dosage, the salve will significantly weaken the target's voice. Furthermore, the salve will affect the eye muscles, blurring the vision.
<p>This confirms what you suspected – that whatever drug made it hard for the victims to move also prevented them from calling for help and made it hard to see. A most useful salve if you want to subdue someone in a building full of sleeping people.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi salve 34 pnggg>>
<c>You can now explain almost every symptom the victims experience.
<li>On the nuns, the attacker uses a lust drug, likely in the form of a salve. You haven't found a recipe for a lust salve in Ludolphus' recipes, but you made your own lust salve using Ludolphus' recipe for a <<potionLust ,>> and you suspect that the alchemist did the same.</li>
<li>The memory loss of the victims is caused by an <<potionAmnesiaOil>> soaked into a cloth hidden under their beds.</li>
Their reduced ability to move, see, and call for help is caused by a <<potionLethargy .>></li>
There is one symptom you still haven't explained: the sleepiness causing the victims to quickly fall asleep after the attack and then sleep until morning. You suspect a sleep salve is used for this. And you think you recall a recipe for a sleep salve...
<<c "Browse through your cataloged list of recipes">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi opium 22 pnggg>>
<c>As you thought, you find a recipe for a sleep salve in the list.
<p>The recipe is in the notes for the poppy plant – the main ingredient of the sleep salve being poppy latex: <<hovertip opium. morphine>></p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi potionNectar_big 22 pnggg>>
<c>You remember it now. These notes also contain the recipe for <<potionNectar >> – the heroin-like potion you made into a salve and used on Sister Dana in the dungeons during the threesome with Riley.
<p>While the active elements of the divine nectar almost entirely consisted of the essences you extracted from the opium, the sleep salve also contains several other ingredients, some of which you remember from the sleep tea you made in your very early days as an alchemist – like the valerian root. The sleep salve is not meant to give a euphoric high, but to put people to sleep.</p>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mi salve 34 pnggg>>
<c>You think you may have discovered all the drugs used by the attacker, and they would explain all the symptoms reported by the victims. But you need empirical data to support your ideas.
<p>You could conduct an experiment to test your hypothesis. If you try to recreate an attack on the nuns, you could compare the result of that fake attack with the results of the real attacks.</p>
<p>First, you must make the final salve that you need: the sleep salve.</p>
<p>But that can wait until tomorrow. It's almost time for supper and you have worked enough for today.
<<qstart experimentAttacks 100>></p>
<<but "Return upstairs" mc>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi opium 22 pnggg>>
<c>You must make the final salve you think the attacker – and the doctor – use on their victims: the sleep salve.
<p>The recipe for the sleep salve should be easy enough to follow. The main ingredient is opium, and since you already have a decent supply of dried poppy latex from when you made the divine nectar, you have all the ingredients to make the sleep salve.
<<q experimentAttacks 140>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi potionSleepSalveBig 34 pnggg>>
<<makePotion sleepSalve center>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/misc/lust 36>>
You have no direct evidence of it, but given that the alchemist knows Ludolphus' recipes, and the fact that many of the nuns couldn't resist touching themselves during the attacks, you suspect that the attacker also uses a Salve of Liberation when attacking the nuns.
<p>You should add this salve to your attempted recreation of the attacks.</p>
<<ev 2250>>
<<mi salve 34 pnggg>>
<c>Then you remember the <<potionRashSalve>> you made to use on Sister Roberta – to replace her skin salve with. You made that salve using a mix of <<potionLustOilSimple>> and <<potionLiberationOil .>>
<p>You could use the same recipe you come up with then – with the modification that you don't need it to smell and look like Sister Roberta's skin salve. You will use a reddish coloring this time to make the salve easy to recognize.</p>
<p>Combining two salves into one means one less salve to handle. In the future, if you want to recreate more attacks, you may want to have separate salves – a lust salve and a liberation salve – to try different doses.
<<q experimentAttacks 160>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:666>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi potionLustLiberationSalveBig 36 pnggg>>
<cc><<makePotion lustLiberationSalve center>></cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii nuns/misc/victim1 30>>
<c>You are ready to test your theory of how the attacks on the nuns are carried out.
<p>If you try to recreate an attack – to the best of your knowledge – you can see how it plays out and compare it to the real attacks.</p>
<p>You have what you need from your lab. Now you need a nun to test your theory on.
<<c "Think of a suitable nun to attack">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii nuns/lara/face 36 pnggg>>
<c>You conclude that Novice Lara is the most suitable test subject for your experiment:
She has been attacked once before which means she has something to compare with.</li>
<li>She doesn't know you that well, so lower risk of her recognizing you.</li>
<li>She has not been anointed with the Holy Seed. This is important. It could undermine the faith in the holy rites if you attack someone who has been anointed, but since Novice Lara has not, the attack will instead be further evidence of the truth of the holy rites.</li>
<li>Since she has been attacked once, being attacked a second time would make it hard for her to refuse your offer of anointing her for protection.</li>
<li>She lives on the west side of that north-south hallway – an area the attacker has so far avoided. Novice Evie doesn't fear the lust demon for that reason. But if Novice Lara were attacked, you may be able to finally convince Novice Evie to use her mouth on your manhood to properly anoint her.</li>
<div style="margin-top:-0.5rem"><<q laraq 300>></div>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 70>>
<c>Novice Lara will be your test subject for this experiment.
<p>You will visit her room late at night – when she and everyone else are asleep.
<<q experimentAttacks 200>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 2620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/evie/torso 38 pnggg>>
<c>Novice Evie surprised you when she claimed that the attacks didn't happen on the westernmost side of the building. Can it be true?
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 82 "pnggg">>
<c>Novice Evie mentioned the hallway leading from the indoor chapel to the side entrance of the refectory. According to her, the lust demon didn't attack on the west side of this hallway.
<p>You think about the rooms closest to that hallway, and the nuns who live there. Who of them have been attacked in their beds at night?</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 92 "pnggg" "27.5 32 5.5 refectory/celine_small.png">>
<c>Novice Celine has been attacked by the lust demon, and she lives just to the east of the hallway Novice Evie mentioned.
<p>The entrance to her room is in the hallway east of the room.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 92 "pnggg" "38.3 27.8 5.6 nuns/victoria/vic_small.png">>
<c>Further to the east of the hallway, Novice Victoria has been attacked by the lust demon.
<p>And many other nuns living in the rooms to the east have been attacked by the lust demon. That is no surprise since they are mostly novices, mostly young – and the lust demon prefers the young and attractive. </p>
<<ev 4100>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 92 "pnggg">>
<cc>But what of the west side of the hallway?</cc>
<<ev 4150>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "7.9 18 5 nuns/lara/face_small.png">>
<c>You have already thought of Novice Lara. She has been attacked by the lust demon, but at that time she lived to the east of the hallway.</c>
<<ev 4200>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "17.7 17.9 5.3 nuns/zara/head_small.jpg">>
<c>Novice Zara lives on the west side of the hallway. She hasn't been attacked by the lust demon.
<p>You remember thinking several times that it must only be a matter of time before Novice Zara is attacked – because of her sinful behavior, trying out underwear and praying naked with Novice Frances. But then you started anointing her, and she received the protection of the Lord.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "3 4.2 6 nuns/cindy/cindy_smallroom.png">>
<c>The pure and innocent virgin Novice Cindy must greatly attract Satan, but the young novice has still never been attacked by the lust demon, and you only recently started anointing her.
<p>You thought Novice Cindy hadn't been attacked because the Lord held His hand over her. While that may still be part of the reason, could the location of Novice Cindy's room, far to the west of the building, have anything to do with her not being attacked?</p>
<<ev 4440>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "2.6 60 5.3 nuns/sara/sara_small.jpg">>
<c>The temptress Novice Sara has not only inappropriately exposed her slit by the tree, but she is also a drug addict, hooked on nicotine. She has sinned by smoking – violating the rules of the convent – and committed the grave sin of stealing cider to bribe a delivery man to get her cigarettes.
<p>You are anointing Novice Sara now, protecting her from evil, but before you started doing that, she would have been an easy target for Satan. Yet, the lust demon never attacked her.</p>
<<ev 4500>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg">>
<c>Novice Evie may indeed be correct that no nun has been attacked while living on the west side of the hallway.
<p>What about upstairs?</p>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mii nuns/misc/victim1 30>>
<c>You think of the nuns living upstairs – mostly professed sisters, but also many novices.
<p>Many of the nuns living upstairs have been attacked by the lust demon. Does any of them live far to the west in the building?</p>
<<ev 4800>>
<<run setup.setUpstairsRooms()>>
<div style="position: relative;">
<<hubShowRoom "hub/upstairs" 1 1 82 90 "png noBackground">>
<span class="upstairs-title-button shadow2">Upstairs</span>
<<set _cl = "pop-room-base upstairs-button">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAlma>
<<but "Novice Alma<br>(Victim 1)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:1000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomTheodora>
<<but "Novice Theodora<br>(Victim 2)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:2000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomCatarina>
<<but "Sister Catarina<br>(Victim 3)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:3000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<c>You think of the three nuns attacked since you got here. They all live upstairs.
<p>Novice Alma lives pretty far to the west. The hallway and room layout upstairs is different, but you think her room is not to the west of that north-south hallway on the ground floor. And you can't think of any attacks happening much more to the west upstairs.</p>
<<ev 5000>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 86 "pnggg">>
<c>What does this mean? Is it just a coincidence, or is it a clue?
<p>You doubt the hallway itself has any significance – like being a holy barrier preventing the lust demon from passing or any such supernatural explanation.</p>
<<ev 5020>>
<<mii crone/crone4 40>>
<c>The Crone <<italics has>> been sighted to the west of the hallway, but whoever – or whatever – the Crone is, the ghastly nun does not seem to be the one attacking the nuns.
<<ev 5050>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 86 "pnggg">>
If the attacker enters the nuns' side of the wall through a secret entrance and never attacks in the westernmost part of the monastery, that could be because the entrance is located in the east part.
<p>The longer the attacker moves from the secret entrance, the longer it takes to return – to flee if discovered. Could the answer be that simple?</p>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii misc/satan 60>>
<c>Or is the attacker so devilishly tricky that nuns in the westernmost part of the building are never attacked precisely because that is where the secret entrance is located? To throw an investigator like yourself off the scent?
<<ev 5200>>
<<run setup.setUpstairsRooms()>>
<div style="position: relative;">
<<hubShowRoom "hub/upstairs" 1 1 82 85 "png noBackground">>
<span class="upstairs-title-button shadow2">Upstairs</span>
<<set _cl = "pop-room-base upstairs-button">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAlma>
<<but "Novice Alma<br>(Victim 1)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:1000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomTheodora>
<<but "Novice Theodora<br>(Victim 2)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:2000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomCatarina>
<<but "Sister Catarina<br>(Victim 3)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:3000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<c>There is also the coincidence that all three attacks since you got here happened upstairs – not including the attack on yourself outside your room.
<p>That could very well be just a coincidence, only being three cases, but it could also be because the attacker knew you were here and feared getting caught in the act. Since you live on the ground floor, attacking upstairs would be less risky.</p></c>
<<ev 6000>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 80 "pnggg">>
<c>You will keep the find about the north-south hallway in mind going forward.
<p>You could try to keep an eye out for secret passages in the east part of the building, but this is a big building, and without more to go on, you have little chance of finding the secret passage – if it exists.
<<qend attacklocations 1000>></p>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
/******* continuing in lab2 ***************/
<<event 2700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 18 "left png">> You try to remember the dream you had about Novice Cindy, but you struggle to put together what little you can recall into a coherent narrative.
<p> Maybe it was more of a reminder of things you know, as you seem to recall the flashing of images relating to the young virgin. Is God trying to guide you?</p>
<p>You again feel that there is something special about Novice Cindy. What is the Lord's plan for her?</p>
<p>You start thinking about what you know about Novice Cindy, hoping it will trigger you to remember more of the dream.</p>
<<ev 140>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/praying 40>>
After your discovery that the lust demon seems to avoid attacking far to the west in the monastery, the pure and innocent virgin Novice Cindy appears to be safe, her room being by the west wall.
<p>But can you trust that she is indeed safe? And why else have you felt such a strong desire for Novice Cindy if not to protect her from Satan and his minions?</p>
<<qset guidinghand 450>>
<<ev 200>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 18 "left png">>Novice Cindy is one of the youngest girls in the convent and you have felt that she is the purest and most innocent of all the nuns.
<p>You thought this was the Lord telling you to protect Novice Cindy using the holy rites, but if the lust demon doesn't attack that far west, does Novice Cindy even need that protection? Could there be some other reason you feel this strong sexual desire for the young virgin?</p>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii misc/think 77>>
With these last thoughts, you have covered just about everything you know and have pondered about Novice Cindy.
<p>But you still don't remember more of the dream.</p>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi codex 36 "pnggg">>
<c>You consider if you should continue reading the Codex Veritatis, after all. Ludolphus' Book of Truth has been great at guiding you – as if it was written for you. Perhaps it would give you the answer to your questions about Novice Cindy.
<<q guidinghand 500>>
<<ev 270>>
<<mii misc/think 80>>
But the power hidden in the Book of Truth is dangerous to an unprepared mind. You are not confident that you are ready to handle any new revelations just yet.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi codex 34 "pnggg">>
But what if you just looked at the title of the next chapter – to see how you feel about it? If you don't feel ready to read the chapter, you can wait until you do.
<p>Yes, that sounds like a good idea. You could do it right now.
<<qstart chapter5 20>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi codex 37 "right pnggg">>
<p>You go to the end of chapter four and – as you turn the page – you notice that chapter four was the last chapter that was carefully written and bound. The remaining pages in the codex are a stack of loose sheets of paper.</p>
<p>You know from when you discovered this codex that the writing on these loose sheets is readable but hastily written with many side notes and comments mixed with the main text, similar to the recipe notes stuck in the herbal.</p>
<p>The loose sheets of paper were likely a draft and Ludolphus died before he could properly finish the Book of Truth.</p>
<p>And now, you will only look at the top of the first sheet, to read the title of the next chapter.</p>
<<c "Look at the first loose sheet of paper">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
<<ev 1220>>
<<mi codex 37 "right pnggg">>
<l>The next chapter must be something special, something dangerously powerful, to warrant such a warning. You read it again:<br>
<<print setup.chapter5warning()>>
You consider the message of the warning:
<p>Your heart is pure, that is without a doubt. You follow God, not Satan.</p>
<p>As for your soul, you have considered it to be pure – or close enough to sleep well. But now, you are having doubts. Your soul might not be pure. It might not be free of corruption.</p>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mii misc/satan 52>>
You have been justified in using the holy rites – and doing everything else you have done as part of the holy war against Satan. That, you don't doubt.
<p>You are also convinced that you haven't committed any mortal sins.</p>
<p>But even the most holy warrior may sometimes make sinful mistakes or be tempted by the Devil to wander into sinful thinking. Humans are sinful beings, after all.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mii lab/rape 45 right>>
<l>In your case, you have been dealing with very unorthodox methods and rituals, many of them sexual in nature and targeted at nuns.
<p>You have had to tread very carefully to be sure that the Lord has approved of your actions. But as a human, you aren't perfect.</p>
<p>Thinking back, you can see that you may possibly have committed a few minor sins here or there.</p>
<p>More worrying, though, is that you may have committed sins you aren't even aware of. Although you are convinced they too would be venial sins – minor sins – and not mortal sins, their unknown quantity is a cause for concern.</p>
<<ev 1270>>
<<mii misc/blackspot 40 pnggg>>
<c>Altogether, you may have accrued a large number of venial sins during your stay in the monastery. Sins that on their own wouldn't require much second thought, but together, they would become a black spot on your soul.
<p>A black spot that isn't easily removed if it is made up in part of sins you don't even realize you have committed.</p>
<<ev 1280>>
<<mi codex 32 pnggg>>
<c>You must heed Ludolphus' warning. The power of the Book of Truth should not be underestimated.
<p>But how do you cleanse your soul? Normally, you would go to a priest to get your sins absolved, but even though priests are bound by the Seal of Confession, you can't risk telling an outsider of your activities at the monastery.</p>
You read the warning yet again:<br>
<<print setup.chapter5warning()>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mvv encounters/300-100 50>>
The words about purity and corruption make you remember something you said to Novice Cindy the first time you caught the young virgin with her hair uncovered in the ruins upstairs.
<p>To convince Novice Cindy to pray naked before you, you told her: <<quote2 "Seeing the naked body of a pure and innocent young girl like you will mean I'm looking at uncorrupted beauty. That is most holy if used for a holy cause.">></p>
<p>A thought flickers through your mind: what would happen if you did more than just <<italics look>> at Novice Cindy's uncorrupted beauty?</p>
<<c "<span class='vision' style='font-size:100%'>Suddenly, you have a vision</span>">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mvv nuns/cindy/vision1a 74>>
<c>You see Novice Cindy naked on her back, spreading her legs for you.
You are also naked, ready to penetrate the pure and innocent virgin with your manhood.
<p>You proceed to fornicate with Novice Cindy. Her naked body is glistening wet.</p>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mvv nuns/cindy/vision1b 74>>
<c>You see Novice Cindy close up. Her teen breasts are covered with wetness.
<p>You keep thrusting your erect manhood into her virgin slit.</p>
<<ev 1470>>
<<mii misc/blackspot 40 pnggg>>
Several other images flash before your eyes – one of them being the black spot on your soul.
<p>Then the vision ends.</p>
<<if $qqcindyq>=1500>>
/* replaying vision from personal notes */
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi priestchannel 32 right>>
For a moment, you are stunned. You have never had a vision like this before. You have had visions in dreams, but that is different. You were wide awake this time.
<p>It must have been a vision from the Lord. A message to His holy warrior. Ludolphus claimed a vision from God as proof of the truth of the Holy Marriage rite. If you ever doubted that claim, you no longer do. The Lord speaks to you as He did to Ludolphus.</p>
<p>But what did the vision mean? What did God want to tell you?</p>
<<c "Analyze the vision about Novice Cindy">>
<<ev 1520>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/vision1a 64>>
<c>In the vision, you had intercourse with Novice Cindy. But you weren't married. You fornicated. You also weren't using another holy rite. And you knew this.
<p>Fornicating without it being a holy act means you willingly committed a mortal sin. But why?</p>
<<ev 1540>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/vision1b 56>>
<c>Novice Cindy's naked body appeared to be wet. But she didn't seem exhausted and it wasn't very warm.
<p>You don't think the wetness was sweat, but water. What could that signify?</p>
<<ev 1560>>
<<mii misc/handswater 58>>
<c>The vision came when you had a thought about using Novice Cindy's uncorrupted beauty to cleanse your soul, and the vision included several images seemingly related to that.
<p>You think the wetness in the vision was a hint that you can indeed use Novice Cindy to cleanse yourself. Like you wash your body with water, you can wash your soul with the help of Novice Cindy's purity.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_light 16 "left png">>Can it be true? Can you use Novice Cindy's purity to remove the black spot on your soul?
<p>Novice Cindy undoubtedly enjoys some protection from the Lord and you have further blessed the young virgin by anointing her. It makes sense that something pure and blessed could cleanse something corrupted.</p>
<p>Perhaps Novice Cindy could remove the black spot from your soul if you joined in a union of flesh. Novice Cindy's blessed purity could then reach inside you and cleanse your soul.</p>
<p>That means you must have intercourse with Novice Cindy.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii area/300-consummated 50>>
<c>At first, you think the answer is obvious: You could marry Novice Cindy with Holy Marriage and then consummate the marriage, cleansing your soul.
<p>But in the vision, you weren't married. You fornicated.</p>
<p>And thinking more about Holy Marriage, that solution doesn't feel right. No, that solution feels too... mundane. Too earthly. While wedding someone and consummating the marriage is indeed something holy and blessed by the Lord, it is still something belonging to our physical world. It is what you do to start a family – to procreate.</p>
<p>To cleanse the black spot on your soul, you feel you need something more spiritually powerful.</p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>In the vision, you fornicated with Novice Cindy. But why? That is a mortal sin. Yet, that was what the Lord showed you. It must mean something.
<p>You must interpret the vision to fully understand the message from God.</p>
<p>You will take your time and carefully analyze the vision – with an open mind – until you are sure you have correctly interpreted it.
<<q chapter5 300>></p>
/* player can change fontsize for puzzle which will reset when leaving puzzle, so need to avoid backing out */
<<set $temp3 = "nohistory">>
/* saving current font size for reset */
<<set $temp2 = setup.getCSSvariable("--base-font-size")>>
<<set $temp2 = $temp2.substring(0,$temp2.length-2)>>
<<c "Interpret the vision">>
<<ev 2000>>
/*could use only/mostly words: mortal sin, SIN EATING pic! (consume venial sins to one mortalsin) (multiple) venial sins, fornication, water, purity, cindy, black spot*/
<cc class="puzzle-text">Find the matching clues
<div style="position:relative;z-index:1">
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle-4x5 memory-puzzle">
<div id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow1[0][3]>
<span id="memory100" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[0][0] @width=_memrow1[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory100")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[1][3]>
<span id="memory101" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[1][0] @width=_memrow1[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory101")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[2][3]>
<span id="memory102" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[2][0] @width=_memrow1[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory102")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[3][3]>
<span id="memory103" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[3][0] @width=_memrow1[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory103")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[4][3]>
<span id="memory104" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[4][0] @width=_memrow1[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory104")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row2" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow2[0][3]>
<span id="memory200" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[0][0] @width=_memrow2[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory200")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[1][3]>
<span id="memory201" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[1][0] @width=_memrow2[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory201")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[2][3]>
<span id="memory202" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[2][0] @width=_memrow2[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory202")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[3][3]>
<span id="memory203" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[3][0] @width=_memrow2[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory203")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[4][3]>
<span id="memory204" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[4][0] @width=_memrow2[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory204")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row3" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow3[0][3]>
<span id="memory300" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[0][0] @width=_memrow3[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory300")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[1][3]>
<span id="memory301" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[1][0] @width=_memrow3[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory301")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[2][3]>
<span id="memory302" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[2][0] @width=_memrow3[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory302")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[3][3]>
<span id="memory303" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[3][0] @width=_memrow3[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory303")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[4][3]>
<span id="memory304" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[4][0] @width=_memrow3[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory304")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row4" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow4[0][3]>
<span id="memory400" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[0][0] @width=_memrow4[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory400")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[1][3]>
<span id="memory401" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[1][0] @width=_memrow4[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory401")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[2][3]>
<span id="memory402" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[2][0] @width=_memrow4[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory402")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[3][3]>
<span id="memory403" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[3][0] @width=_memrow4[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory403")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[4][3]>
<span id="memory404" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[4][0] @width=_memrow4[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory404")>><</button>>
<<set _puzzlesizemess = true>>
<div id="memory-check" class="memory-fail shadow2 nomargin-bottom" style="display:none;visibility:hidden">No match. Try again.</div>
<div id="puzzlesizemess" style="font-size:90%;margin-top:0.5rem;margin-bottom:-0rem"><<special "If needed, resize the puzzle to fit better on the screen.<br>The change will revert when you leave.">></div>
<div id="puzzle-result">
<span id="puzzlesmaller" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "–">>
<<if $fontSizeBase > 5>>
<<set $fontSizeBase-->>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<specbut "Give up" lab2 "step:2100 inline">>
<span id="puzzlebigger" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "+">><<set $fontSizeBase++>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<print 'fontsize: $fontSizeBase'>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 17 "png">>
You gave up on interpreting the vision. You must try again soon.
<<qmess chapter5 400 center>>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp2>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp2+"px")>>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi priestchannel 24>>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp2>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp2+"px")>>
Finally, after managing to piece together the different clues to a coherent message, you are satisfied that you have interpreted the vision correctly.
<<ev 2420>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii misc/minigames/memory2/cindy 18 "png left nomarginRight">><<space2>><span style="width:18%;padding-top:4rem"><<mii misc/minigames/memory2/purity 100 "left nomarginRight pnggg">></span><<space2>><<mii misc/minigames/memory2/cleanse 18 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><span style="width:13%;padding-top:2rem;padding-left:1.5rem"><<mii misc/minigames/memory2/blackspot 100 "pnggg left nomarginRight">></span>
<cc>The first part of the message from God reads:
<<note "Novice Cindy + purity + wash + black spot">>
Translated, this becomes:<br>
<<quote2 "Novice Cindy's purity will cleanse your soul of the black spot.">>
<p>That was what you already thought when first analyzing the vision.</p>
<<ev 2440>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii misc/minigames/memory2/fornication 20 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><span style="width:16%;padding-top:3rem"><<mii misc/minigames/memory2/mortalsin 100 "left nomarginRight pnggg">></span><<space2>><<mii misc/minigames/memory2/sineating 20 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><span style="width:18%;padding-top:3rem"><<mii misc/minigames/memory2/venialsins 100 "pnggg left nomarginRight">></span>
<c>The second part of the message from God reads:
<<note "Fornicating with Novice Cindy + mortal sin + sin eating + venial sins">>
<<lh>>Translated, this becomes:<br>
<<quote2 "By fornicating with Novice Cindy, a mortal sin will be added to your soul. The mortal sin will then consume all the venial sins.">>
<p>This is an amazing revelation from the Lord. Just like sin eaters consume the sins of the deceased – adding the deceased's sins to their own soul – a mortal sin can consume all your venial sins. But for this to happen, you must use a blessed pure soul as a catalyst. Novice Cindy's soul, in this case.</p>
<<ev 2460>>
<<mii misc/minigames/memory2/blackspot 23 pnggg>>
<c>After fornicating with Novice Cindy, the black spot on your soul will then be entirely made up of the mortal sin of fornication.
<p>Since the mortal sin has consumed the venial sins, you don't need to know what those venial sins were to remove them. All you have to do is to get rid of the mortal sin, and the black spot on your soul will be gone. Your soul will be pure.</p>
<<ev 2480>>
<<mii misc/minigames/memory2/perfectcontrition 24>>
<c>The last part of the message from God told you how to get rid of the final black spot.
<<quote2 "Love your Lord and repent with perfect contrition, and the mortal sin will be forgiven.">>
Normally, repenting by performing an act of perfect contrition still requires you to later have your sins absolved by a priest, but when cleansing your soul like this, the act of perfect contrition is apparently enough for a holy warrior such as yourself.
<<ev 2500>>
<<mii misc/think 80>>
<c>Having interpreted the vision, you spend time repeatedly going over the message from God to make sure that everything makes sense and that you haven't missed anything.
<<c "Think about the message">>
<<ev 2520>>
<<mii area/300-consummated 54>>
<c>To gain access to Novice Cindy's undiluted purity, you can't marry her. You can't be tied up in rituals and holy rites. You must join Novice Cindy in a <<specialalert2 raw>> union of flesh. That means you must fornicate with her.</c>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/mirror 50>>
<c>Fornicating with Novice Cindy will, in this case, be a mortal sin because you will not do it as part of the holy war, but for selfish reasons – to cleanse your own soul.
<p>It being a mortal sin will, in this case, be to your advantage.</p>
<<ev 2700>>
<c><<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 20 "left png">>Because, with the mortal sin of fornication, Novice Cindy's blessed purity will be able to help cleanse your soul. /* by replacing your multiple venial sins with a single mortal sin: the sin of fornication.*/
<p>In effect, the blessed purity of Novice Cindy's soul will act as a catalyst that will allow the mortal sin of fornication to consume the multiple venial sins making up the black spot on your soul. Only the mortal sin would then remain on your soul.</p>
<<ev 2740>>
<<mii misc/praying2 58>>
<c>This mortal sin you could then remove yourself by praying to God for forgiveness because you would do it out of your love for God whom you have grievously offended. Thus, you satisfy the requirement for <<hovertip "perfect contrition," perfectcontrition>> and in this case, that is all the Lord requires. The mortal sin will be removed from your soul. Your soul will be purified.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/mirror 47 right>>
<l>Purifying your soul should strengthen your power as a holy warrior. Using Novice Cindy this way is thus a loophole in the divine law, allowing you to serve God better by offending Him and then be forgiven.
<p>Using this loophole to fight Satan was probably what God intended for Novice Cindy all along, but He let you figure it out yourself – with the vision as the final guidance.</p>
<p>It makes sense that God didn't give you a clear sign of how to use Novice Cindy. The existence of loopholes in the divine law can't be announced to the world. Furthermore, using uncorrupted virgins and mortal sins to purify your soul is only for the most devout of the Lord's chosen holy warriors. Such knowledge would be dangerous and ripe for misuse in the hands of morally and spiritually lesser individuals.</p>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mii misc/praying2 58>>
<c>An act of perfect contrition is not something to be taken lightly as an easy way to escape your sins. You have to be truthful in your heart when you repent out of love for God. And as a holy warrior, strong in faith and loyal to the Lord, you will be.
<p>You should visit Novice Cindy soon to fornicate with her.
<<q cindyq 1500>></p>
<<ev 2950>>
<<mii misc/satan 50>>
Lastly, the vision contained a warning about the Devil. God is reminding you that you must stay on the path of light. The holy powers are of God, but they can easily lead to Satan if abused.
<p>You hear the warning, and will only use the holy powers the way God approves of them.</p>
<p>Now you have to purify your soul using Novice Cindy, then you are ready to read chapter five.
<<q chapter5 500>></p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<set $visions = []>>
<<vision cindy>>
<<qend guidinghand 1000 center>></cc>
<<tip visiontip>></cc0>
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<<event 2720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi codex 40 "right pnggg">>
Strengthened by Jesus, you feel confident your heart and soul are pure. You are ready to continue reading the Codex Veritatis.
<p>You go to the end of chapter four. After this page is the stack of loose sheets of paper that makes up the rest of the Book of Truth.</p>
<<set $mcRoomOnly = 0>>
<<c "Look again at the first loose sheet of paper">>
<<ev 120>>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
<c>Your heart and soul are pure. You are free of corruption. You have the strength of Jesus supporting you. It is safe to continue reading.
<<but "Look at the next sheet" lab2 step:200>>
<<ev 150>>
<c>You go to the end of chapter four. After this page is the stack of loose sheets of paper that makes up the rest of the Book of Truth. You look at the first loose sheet.</c>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
<cc>Your heart and soul are pure. You are free of corruption. It is safe to continue reading.
<<but "Look at the next sheet" lab2 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<if !($readChapter5>=100)>>
<<set $readChapter5 = 100>>
/*stopsound done in codex chapter selection when making button glow */
<<playsound corruption 0.10>>
<<set _ch5title = "Chapter V: "+setup.chapter5>>
<<set _ch5 = setup.chapter5>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "_ch5title">></cc>
<<mvv misc/angel 68>>
<<if !($readChapter5>=200)>>
<<set $readChapter5 = 200>>
You start reading
<<stopsound>> /* can't start sound in first step if player goes back in history, so only stop here. */
<<set $temp = true>> /* keeping track of it */
You once again read
the chapter called <<bold "_ch5.">>
<<ev 220>>
<<set _ch5title = "Chapter V: "+setup.chapter5>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom" style="font-size:200%"><<bold "_ch5title">></cc>
<div style="background:url('media/misc/parchment2.jpg');background-size:cover;border-radius:var(--passage-border-radius)">
<<specbut "I) Lust angels and lust demons - an introduction" lab2 "step:300 special">>
<<set _section2 = "step:1000 special">>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,300)>>
<<set _section2 += "disableButtonColor">>
<<specbut "II) Lust demons" lab2 _section2>>
<<set _section3 = "step:1300 special">>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,1000)>>
<<set _section3 += "disableButtonColor">>
<<specbut "III) Lust angels" lab2 _section3>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,1800)>>
/* only showing "can skip this if you want" message first time */
<<set _section4 = "step:1800 special">>
<<set _section4 = "step:1820 special">>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,1300)>>
<<set _section4 += "disableButtonColor">>
<div style="position:relative">
<span style="position:relative"><<specbut "IV) Creation and offspring" lab2 _section4>></span>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,1800) && !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,1820)>>
<span class="shadow2" style="position:absolute;top:0.2rem;left:18.6rem;color:#ee0;font-size:85%">(Not read yet)</span>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,2000)>>
/* only showing "can skip this if you want" message first time */
<<set _section5 = "step:2000 special">>
<<set _section5 = "step:2010 special">>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,1800)>>
<<set _section5 += "disableButtonColor">>
<div style="position:relative">
<span style="position:relative"><<specbut "V) Biblical evidence" lab2 _section5>></span>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,2000) && !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,2010)>>
<span class="shadow2" style="position:absolute;top:0.2rem;left:15rem;color:#ee0;font-size:85%">(Not read yet)</span>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,300)>>
/*<div class="shadow3" style="font-size:115%;color:#dfdfcf">*/
<c>This chapter appears to be long since it has a table of contents. You better read it in order.</c>
<<set _chapterend = "step:3000">>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("lab2", 2720,2000)>>
<<set _chapterend += "disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Stop reading chapter five" lab2 _chapterend>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv misc/angel 66>>
Ludolphus writes that there exist beings known as <<bold "lust angels.">> The lust angels are sworn enemies of the beings known as <<bold "lust demons.">>
Lust angels and lust demons can be real angels and demons, but also human. The terms <<bold "lust angel">> and <<bold "lust demon">> thus can be seen as titles rather than classes of living entities.</p>
<<ev 310>>
<<mii misc/angel 33>>
<p>Consequently, lust angels can be divided into celestial lust angels and human lust angels, and lust demons can be divided into demonic lust demons and human lust demons.</p>
<p>Here Ludolphus has scribbled a side note:<br>
<<note 'One could be tempted to call one of them "real", as in "a real lust angel" when referring to a celestial lust angel, but that should be considered a misnomer and causes confusion.'>>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi incubus 70>>
<c>Without lust demons, there would be no need for lust angels. Thus, to understand lust angels, we must first understand lust demons.
<p>Ludolphus then goes on to describe lust angels and lust demons in general.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<categorytitle "Celestial lust angels">>
<<mii misc/angel 33>>
Celestial lust angels are extremely rare beings, at least on Earth.
<p>It is unknown if celestial lust angels ever visit our physical plane, and if so, if they ever interact with humans – though the Bible hints that they sometimes did so in the Biblical times.</p>
<<ev 420>>
<<mii misc/archangel 38 >>
<c>Of the <<hovertip "nine orders of angels," nineangels>> only the two lowest ranks – angels and (more rarely) archangels – interact with humans. The same, then, would be true for any celestial lust angel interacting with humans.
<<ev 440>>
<<categorytitle "Human lust angels">>
<<mi priestchannel 20>>
In the case of human lust angels, they are particularly devout and blessed servants of God who are called by God to fight lust demons.
<p>Heeding this call, the humans then become lust angels, although it can be argued they always were – they just didn't know it. The Lord Almighty knows all.</p>
<p>It is likely that lust angels who operate on Earth are all – or almost all – human lust angels.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<categorytitle "Demonic lust demons">>
<<mi incubus2 74>>
Contrary to celestial lust angels, demonic lust demons are not extremely rare on Earth and they definitely do interact with humans.
<p>The nocturnal demons known as <<hovertip succubi succubus>> and incubi are examples of such demonic lust demons.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/demon 54>>
<c>While the hierarchy of demons is largely unknown with different suggestions put forth by scholars, demonic lust demons are usually less powerful than celestial lust angels.
<p>However, we must remember that demons are generally less powerful than angels. Some demons can be very weak, hardly more than a mindless temporary evil energy, whereas even the lowest-ranked angel is powerful since it is imbued with the holiness of the Lord Almighty. Thus, it would be wrong to classify lust demons as belonging to the very lowest ranks of demons.</p>
/*<p>Though, given that demons are generally less powerful than angels, it would be wrong to classify lust demons are belonging to the very lowest ranks of demons. Some demons can be very weak, hardly more than a mindless temporary evil energy, whereas even the lowest ranked angel is powerful since it is imbued with the holiness of the Lord Almighty.</p>*/
<<ev 640>>
<<mi incubus2 74>>
<c>Ludolphus now warns the reader that any demon capable of taking corporeal form – like succubi and incubi often can – is powerful, and dangerous even to a holy warrior, and thus should not be underestimated.
<p>Demon hunters should be wary that some demonic lust demons are capable of taking the corporeal form of a human, and then often favor an attractive one. Don't fall for their charms. An inspection of their form will usually reveal their demonic nature, as they may have deformities such as tails, scales, or coarse lumps of hair.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<categorytitle "Human lust demons">>
<<mi rape 36>>
Human lust demons are Devil worshippers or other severely corrupted human minions of Satan going down a path of lust to serve their evil master.
<<ev 800>>
<<mvv misc/demon 56>>
Ludolphus then summaries the general section on lust angels and lust demons:
While real angels of any kind rarely interact with our world, real demons often do because Earth is Satan's domain.
<p>For this reason, lust angels on Earth are primarily – possibly always – human, while lust demons on Earth can be human or demonic.</p>
<<but "End of section I" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 1000>>
/*<cc>In this section, Ludolphus describes lust angels and lust demons in more detail.</cc>
<<mi incubus 66>>
Lust demons, like any minions of Satan, serve their evil master by spreading corruption and wickedness among humans. Lust demons have an intense focus on lust as a means to do this.
<p>Lust demons feed on lust and sexual depravity, and to this end, they try to increase lust and sexual depravity in the area they roam. This will make the lust demon grow stronger and the people in the area will further descend into corruption and wickedness.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 70>>
For human lust demons, little is known of what dark, supernatural powers they may be granted by Satan, if any. It may vary from case to case.
<p>In general, the advantage the human lust demons have over their demonic brethren is their human intellect and cunning. Don't underestimate a lust demon just because it is human. That is often its greatest strength.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi rape 40 right>>
Lust demons can target both men and women, but each lust demon will usually stick to one of the two sexes.
<p>Since women's purity and innocence are more valuable than men's – to the Lord, and thus to humans – women are the favorite target of lust demons. The purer and more innocent the woman they corrupt, the better they serve Satan, their master. Thus, the preferred targets of lust demons are young women and celibate women.</p>
<p>Consequently, this makes young novice nuns particularly attractive targets. However, attacking women of faith in a house of God is dangerous, so only the most cunning lust demons would attempt such a thing. That, and their need to stay hidden to avoid God's wrath, make such lust demons hard to catch for ordinary men and women.</p>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mii misc/angel 30>>
<c>This is when the Lord may send lust angels to hunt and destroy the lust demons.
<p>Here Ludolphus makes a hastily written note:<br>
<<note "The remaining part of this chapter will exclusively deal with lust demons who attack women, and so the lust angels sent by the Lord would be – or appear to be if they are celestial – male. Are there even female lust angels? Angels always appear as men in the Bible.">></p>
<<but "End of section II" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mvv misc/angel 56>>
Lust angels wage holy war against lust demons by using lustful acts.
<p>Armed with <<holylust ,>> a lust angel will fight a lust demon by removing lust from the area in which the lust demon roams. This is done by releasing the lust – often repressed – of the women the lust demon is attracted to. This will reduce the lust available to the lust demon, thus starving it.</p>
<p>Eventually, the starving lust demon will get more and more desperate until it makes a mistake, often by coming out of hiding to lash out against the lust angel. The lust angel can then destroy the lust demon.</p>
<<ev 1330>>
<<mii misc/angel 40 right>>
<l>A lust angel wields <<holylust ,>> which means that the lustful acts performed by the lust angel are holy.
<p>Thus, the lust angel is not bound by the restrictions put on men and women when it comes to carnal intimacy. Fornication and sodomy are mortal sins, but if a lust angel were to perform these acts, they would be holy.</p>
Here, Ludolphus has added a hastily written side note:<br>
<<note setup.holylustdisable>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi rape 38>>
/*But know this, Ludolphus writes: The holiness of a lust angel's lustful act does not depend on the purpose of the act. God has bestowed holy lust to the lust angel, and so the holiness is intrinsic to the lustful act itself.
<p>This is an important distinction, Ludolphus continues. It means that <<italics "any and all">> lustful acts affected by the holy lust of the lust angel are holy acts. Consequently, if a lust angel were to lust for a woman but the woman refused intimacy, and – purely hypothetically – the lust angel raped the woman, the lustful act would still be holy. If the woman was a virgin, she would still be a virgin after the rape, as holy acts cannot corrupt.</p>*/
Even if a lust angel – purely hypothetically – were to rape a woman that refused intimacy, the lustful act would still be holy thanks to the holy lust.
If the woman was a virgin, she would still be a virgin after the rape, as holy acts cannot corrupt.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii misc/satan 50>>
<c>This is not to suggest that the Lord Almighty – who sees and knows everything – would allow lust angels to abuse their holy lust by rebelling against the divine and wantonly go around raping every woman they see. No. Angels who rebel against God are punished. They may be cast down and stripped of their divinity – like Satan once was.
<p>It is not unthinkable that a lust angel who rebels against God could become a lust demon, serving the Devil instead of the Lord.</p>
<<ev 1520>>
<<mvv misc/angel 66>>
<c>Lust angels must not abuse their holy lust. They must not act maliciously. They must remain loyal to God and the divine order of things.
<p>Lust angels must only use their holy lust to fight the holy war against lust demons, and thus they must only use their holy lust within the boundaries of said holy war.</p>
<c>Lust angels must follow three laws:
<li>Lust angels must not act maliciously.</li>
<li>Lust angels must remain loyal to God and the divine order of things.</li>
<li>Lust angels must only use their holy weapons of lust within the boundaries of the holy war against lust demons.</li>
<<ev 1540>>
<<mi rape 40 right>>
<l>The boundaries of the holy war against lust demons is the geographical area that is attacked or at high risk of being attacked by lust demons, and the women inside that area who are attacked or at risk of being attacked.
<p>Within these boundaries, the Lord gives the lust angels authority to indulge in the holy lust He has bestowed upon them – even with women who are not lustful for the lust angels or are otherwise unwilling to engage carnally with them.</p>
<p>As long as the lust angel is acting for the holy cause of the holy war, the holy lust of the lust angel is justified.
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi priestchannel 32 right>>
<l>In wars, even in holy wars, everything has to be judged on a case-by-case basis. Special and extreme measures are allowed when deemed necessary, and sometimes mistakes are made.
<p>Human lust angels are – on account of being human – not privy to the divine plan or other knowledge that comes from being divine. Furthermore, all humans are sinners.</p>
<p>Thus, for human lust angels, the holy lust granted by the Lord can be hard to resist acting upon outside the boundaries of the holy war. Boundaries they as humans might not even be able to accurately determine.</p>
<p>Thus, for human lust angels, as long as the lust angels do not knowingly abuse their holy lust, the Lord forgives transgressions done without malice.</p>
<<ev 1750>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
<c>Ludolphus then summarizes this section with the following lines:
<<lh>>God sends lust angels to starve and ultimately destroy lust demons using holy lust. All lustful acts performed by a lust angel are holy. A lust angel may not abuse their holy lust, but the Lord understands that in war, sometimes blood – and seed – is spilled when it shouldn't be. For human lust angels, God understands that humans make mistakes.
/*<<lh>>God sends lust angels to starve and ultimately destroy lust demons using holy lust. All lustful acts performed by a lust angel are holy. A lust angel may not act maliciously, but the Lord understands that in war, sometimes blood – and seed – is spilled when it shouldn't be. For human lust angels, God understands that humans make mistakes.*/
<<but "End of section III" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi notes5 84>>
<c>In this rather lengthy section, Ludolphus talks about possible variants of lust angels and lust demons, how they are created, and their offspring.
<p>Browsing the section, one thing that catches your attention is the claim that a human lust angel can father blessed children who can also become lust angels.</p>
<p>The rest of this section, although interesting, doesn't seem very important right now. You could skip all this text and read it another time if you so desire.</p>
<<but "Read this section" lab2 "step:1820 fullWidth">><<but "Skip this section" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 1820>>
<<mi rape 42 right>>
<l>The possibility of human-demon offspring – which may be related to what is known as changelings or <<hovertip cambions cambion bottom>> in folklore – divides the scholars. Some say that it is possible, others that it is not.
<p>Some scholars say that the only way for a demon to impregnate a woman is if a succubus first receives human seed from a man and then transfers it to an incubus who then corrupts the seed and plants it into a woman.</p>
<p>Whatever is true, if a demonic lust demon such as an incubus would in fact impregnate a woman, this human-demon hybrid offspring would possibly inherently become a lust demon.</p>
<<ev 1850>>
<<mii misc/archangel 35>>
<c>An angel impregnating a woman would result in a human-angel offspring. In the Bible, such hybrids are referred to as the Nephilim.
<p>Scholars disagree about who the Nephilim were – if their angelic parents were all fallen angels and thus evil – but if a celestial lust angel indeed impregnated a woman, it would result in a human-angel hybrid offspring. Possibly, this hybrid would inherently become a lust angel.</p>
<<ev 1870>>
<<mvv misc/angel 64>>
<c><<note "But what happens if a human lust angel impregnates a woman?">> Ludolphus rhetorically asks.
/*You may think that it would result in an ordinary human child, but then you would be wrong.*/
<p>The human lust angel has been granted <<holylust>> by God, and, as stated, the holy lust bestows holiness to the lustful acts of the lust angel.</p>
<<ev 1880>>
<<mii misc/preggo 56>>
<c>But it goes further than that. The holiness of the holy lust transfers to the very moment of conception, making the resulting offspring a holy offspring: a blessed child. Similar to a holy rite, this would also preserve the possible virginity of the mother.
Here, Ludolphus has scribbled a side note:<br>
<<note "Do not confuse this with Holy Seed in chapter two. The holiness of the Holy Seed is summoned by the priest during the holy rite and is used to bless the woman, not any resulting offspring.">>
<<ev 1885>>
<<mii misc/holyspirit 80>>
<c>Exactly how the holy lust can cause a holy offspring is unknown to this author, Ludolphus writes, but it stands to reason that the Holy Spirit is somehow involved.
<p>Perhaps the Holy Spirit is present at the very moment of conception – when the seed of the lust angel is impregnating the woman. Or, similar to how some scholars believe that an incubus can plant corrupt human seed into a woman, the Holy Spirit would intervene at an earlier stage by making the seed itself holy.</p>
<p>However it happens, we can see that the resulting conception has similarities to how the Virgin Mary got pregnant with Jesus – except that the lust angel is the father, not the Holy Spirit.</p>
<<ev 1890>>
<<mii misc/preggo 56>>
<c>In the case of a human lust angel impregnating a woman, there is little doubt: the resulting blessed child would inherit the title of lust angel.
<p>Consequently, a human lust angel would sire human lust angels.</p>
<<ev 1895>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
<c>The mechanism of this inheritance is, however, unclear. The title of lust angel could be inherited like a biological trait, like the color of the eyes, in which case both father and child could carry the title simultaneously. Or, the title could be passed on to the child only when their lust angel parent dies. It is also unclear if the inheritance of the title is true for all the children, or only the first-born.
<p>Whatever the case, any child of a human lust angel would only officially assume the title, and take on the role of a lust angel, when called into action by the Lord.</p>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi patriarch2 50 right>>
<l>Becoming a human lust angel through your parent could be more common than we know, Ludolphus continues. Perhaps most human lust angels are born lust angels. This title could be passed along for generations unknown to them until they are called to action by the Lord.
<p>We could even consider a scenario where there only ever existed one original human lust angel, and every subsequent human lust angel belongs to this generational bloodline of human lust angels.</p>
<<ev 1950>>
<<mi rape 42 right>>
<l>Ludolphus now mentions a special type of lust demon: a possessed lust demon created when a human is possessed by a demon and one of them is a lust demon. He remarks:<br>
<<note "In such cases, it is usually the demon who is the actual lust demon.">>
<p>A most extreme variant of a lust demon could be theorized to be created if a demonic lust demon would possess a human lust demon. Reason suggests that this combination – more aptly called an abomination – could become incredibly perverted and aggressive in its hunt for lust. Possibly too much to stay undetected for long, and if so, it would further suggest that such a human-demon union would not be desired by the demonic lust demon nor the human one.</p>
<<but "End of section IV" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi notes5 84>>
<c>In this section, Ludolphus provides Biblical evidence of lust angels and lust demons.
While interesting, you trust that Ludolphus knows what he is talking about and you don't need to see his evidence to believe what he writes in chapter five. You could skip this text and read it another time if you so desire.
<<but "Read this section" lab2 step:2010>><<but "Skip this section" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 2010>>
<<mii misc/bible 54 pnggg>>
Ludolphus starts this section by saying that lust angels and lust demons are hinted at in the Bible although they are never explicitly identified as such.
<p>He then analyzes the Bible passages in Genesis about the wicked cities Sodom and Gomorrah.</p>
<<ev 2030>>
According to Genesis, the Lord had heard that Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked cities and so He sent two angels – disguised as men – to Sodom to investigate. A man named Lot invited the angels to stay at his house.
<bible>Before they had gone to bed, all the men of the city of Sodom, both young and old, surrounded the house. They called out to Lot, saying, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Send them out to us so we can have relations with them!”
Lot went outside to meet them, shutting the door behind him. “Please, my brothers,” he pleaded, “don’t do such a wicked thing! Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them to you, and you can do to them as you please. But do not do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”<tipsx> – Genesis 19:4-8</tipsx></bible>
The men of Sodom became angry and wanted to rape Lot. The two angels had to intervene to save him.
Then the two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—a son-in-law, your sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, because we are about to destroy this place. For the outcry to the LORD against its people is so great that He has sent us to destroy it.”<tipsx> – Genesis 19:12-13</tipsx></bible>
Soon after, God destroyed the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mvv misc/angel 52>>
The two angels sent to investigate Sodom were in reality lust angels sent to destroy the lust demons responsible for Sodom and Gomorrah's descent into lustful wickedness.
<<note "I know it to be true because I have seen it in a vision," notColorAll>> Ludolphus writes.
<p>This was not the version of the story that ended up in the Bible because some things are not to be known by less enlightened people, Ludolphus continues. Instead, we get the story about Lot and the sodomite crowd surrounding his house. The moral of the story was that lustful wickedness – such as men fornicating with men – is punished severely by the Lord. That is all that common people need to know.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii misc/angel 40 right>>
<l>Since Ludolphus doesn't say that the two lust angels were in fact human lust angels, it suggests that he knew them to be celestial lust angels. But that would contradict what he wrote earlier in this chapter about it being unknown if celestial lust angels ever interact with humans. So maybe the vision didn't tell him what kind of lust angels they were.
<p>Then you remember that chapter five looks like a draft. It isn't surprising if it is a bit unclear or even borderline contradictory at times. Ludolphus' final version of chapter five would likely have been heavily edited.</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii misc/bible 54 pnggg>>
<c>Next, Ludolphus looks at the Bible passages in Judges about the Levite and his concubine – which shares similarities with the story about Lot in Sodom.</c>
<<ev 2620>>
A Levite (a jew from the tribe of Levi) traveled to the city of Gibeah (belonging to the tribe of Benjamin) with his concubine. There they were offered food and invited to stay the night in the house of an old man.
While they were enjoying themselves, suddenly the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they said to the old man who owned the house, “Bring out the man who came to your house, so we can have relations with him!”<br>
The owner of the house went out and said to them, “No, my brothers, do not do this wicked thing! After all, this man is a guest in my house. Do not commit this outrage. Look, let me bring out my virgin daughter and the man’s concubine, and you can use them and do with them as you wish. But do not do such a vile thing to this man.”
But the men would not listen to him. So the Levite took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. Early that morning, the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, collapsed at the doorway, and lay there until it was light.
<tipsx> – Judges 19:22-26</tipsx></bible>
<<ev 2640>>
The next morning, the Levite found his concubine dead from the rape and abuse by the Benjamites. He traveled with her corpse to his hometown.
When he reached his house, he picked up a knife, took hold of his concubine, cut her limb by limb into twelve pieces, and sent her throughout the territory of Israel. And everyone who saw it said, “Nothing like this has been seen or done from the day the Israelites came out of the land of Egypt until this day. Think it over, take counsel, and speak up!”<tipsx> – Judges 19:29-30</tipsx></bible>
Learning of the Benjamites' wicked deed, the other tribes went to war with the Benjamite tribe, nearly wiping it out. That was the punishment for their wickedness – in the Bible tale.
<p>This tale does not mention angels or demons, but in reality, it was lust demons that had turned the city of Gibeah wicked and it was lust angels that destroyed them. <<note "I saw this in another vision," notColorAll>> Ludolphus notes.</p>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mii misc/bible 40 pnggg>>
<c>Just as with Lot in Sodom, the tale about the Levite tells us about the wickedness of men sleeping with men. It is notable that in both tales, the wicked men are offered women to rape instead of the men they want. There is a moral here that men should be sleeping with women, and that a man sleeping with a man is a much greater sin than that of a man raping a woman.
<p>But make no mistake, Ludolphus warns: The greater moral of the two tales is that God will punish lustful wickedness in any shape or form. /*And that less severe sins can be acceptable to prevent more serious sins. This is why God grants lust angels holy lust to be able to fornicate etc to fight lust demons.. write better</p>
<p>*/And when such wickedness comes from lust demons, the Lord may send lust angels to deal with them.</p>
<p>And with those words, Ludolphus concludes chapter five.</p>
<<but "End of section V" lab2 step:220>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
After reading chapter five, there can be no doubt: You are a lust angel.
<p>You have felt the need to keep calling the attacker a lust demon even as more and more evidence suggests the attacker is a human, not a demon. Now you understand that this was God guiding you to the truth: the attacker is indeed a lust demon – a human lust demon. And you are a human lust angel – sent by the Lord to destroy the lust demon attacking the nuns.</p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi codex 40 "right pnggg">>
<l>Could this be what happened to Ludolphus too? Was he a lust angel fighting a lust demon that was terrorizing the monastery?
<p>Chapter four was about patriarchs. You haven't found any evidence of Ludolphus ever becoming patriarch over the nuns, neither in Ludolphus' writings nor over at the monks, though it is possible that he did become patriarch but the monks wanted to erase that part of their history.</p>
<p>And now chapter five is about lust angels. You haven't found any evidence of Ludolphus being a lust angel either, but if he indeed was a lust angel, he may have kept that a secret even from the monks and nuns in the monastery.</p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mii misc/satan 52>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
<c>If something evil terrorized the monastery when Ludolphus lived, wouldn't the monks have recorded it? Or was what happened so shameful, perhaps even involving sexual orgies or other perversities, that it was kept a secret – even to the Vatican people coming to investigate Ludolphus' death?
<p>You didn't see anything in the Vatican report from _diedyear about any great evil except the accusations against Ludolphus.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii mlibrary/cabinetnight 40 "right pnggg">>
You have already looked through the monks' secret archive, and while you haven't read every word in every document in there, you have carefully studied the inventory list and taken a quick look at anything that piqued your interest – mostly documents related to the occult or forbidden.
<p>If there exists some documentation about this hypothetical evil from Ludolphus' time, you don't think it is in the monk's secret archive, or it is well hidden.</p>
<p>But these are just speculations. Though you are curious to find out the full truth about what happened back in those days with Ludolphus, you should put it out of your mind. You have to focus on the current situation.</p>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:200>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mvv misc/angel 66>>
<c>You take some time to think about the newest revelation: that you are a lust angel.
<p>This is heavy stuff to process. Life changing. Once again, you were right to leave the Codex Veritatis alone until you felt ready to read the next chapter. This careful process is clearly how God wants you to read the Book of Truth.</p>
<<ev 4050>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/vision1a 62>>
<c>The vision to purify yourself using Novice Cindy makes so much sense now. God guided you to cleanse your soul before making you serve Him as a lust angel.</c>
<<ev 4070>>
<<mii misc/blackspot 34 pnggg>>
<c>But how does being a lust angel affect your ability to cleanse your soul with Novice Cindy?
Though your holy lust prevents you from committing lustful sins, there are many other types of sins you could commit, knowingly or unknowingly. Sins you could use Novice Cindy's help to cleanse from your soul.
<<lh>>However, if your holy lust means all your lustful acts are holy, you can't commit the required mortal sin by fornicating with her.
<<ev 4080>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindyfuck 56>>
Then you remember one of Ludolphus' hastily written side notes:<br>
<<note setup.holylustdisable>>
That is wonderful. It means that you could just choose not to use your holy lust when fornicating with Novice Cindy. The act will be a mortal sin and you can cleanse your soul from any impurities.
<<ev 4100>>
/*<<mii nuns/misc/intercourse 62>>*/
<<mvv bathroom/10400-3000 56 volume0>>
<c>So how does being a lust angel change how you deal with the women? Should you want them all to climax as much as possible now – to starve the lust demon?
<p>Not necessarily. You realize that making the women climax is a double-edged sword. Yes, it reduces their lust, temporarily, but if you make the women appreciate being intimate with you too much, they could desire more intimacy and orgasms. Their overall lust could then increase, attracting the lust demon and feeding it.</p>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mvv school/catarina/3050-4000 78 volume0>>
<c>There is also the fact that you protect the women from the lust demon by anointing them and eating their sins.
<p>You have to remember that you are not just a lust angel, but also a holy warrior, and a patriarch to the nuns. You have duties and responsibilities that go beyond being a lust angel.</p>
<p>There are several parts to all this. You have to balance everything.</p>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mvv misc/angel 52>>
You think that the way you have handled the women so far has generally been a good balance. You have been acting as a lust angel without knowing it.
<p>For the more lustful women, you have helped them climax to release their sexual frustration. For the more sexually repressed women, you have generally encouraged them to climax if they can, sometimes using lust drugs to do so at first, but you have also been fine with them not climaxing.</p>
<p>You have decided from case to case what felt best and who needs to be anointed. And it seems to have worked. The lust demon hasn't attacked the women for a long time. It is likely starving.</p>
<<if setup.juliapath()>>
<<but "Continue" lab2 step:4340>>
<<ev 4320>>
<<mvv nuns/julia/600-2000 70 volume0>>
As an example, you think about Novice Julia, and how you may sometimes want to prevent her from climaxing, and other times you will let her climax.
<p>You could still prevent Novice Julia from climaxing – if that is your wish – because she is doing her part in supporting the holy war and you are anointing her regularly. The lust demon won't attack her, and so any increased lust added to the monastery from a sexually frustrated Novice Julia would be small compared to the value she brings by letting you enjoy her holes.</p>
<<ev 4340>>
<<mii misc/satan 54>>
<c>Going forward, you should continue as you have been, judging things on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind that you are now also a lust angel and the goal is to starve the lust demon.
<p>You must remember not to use your holy lust maliciously because that road leads to Satan. If you go down that path, you might even end up becoming a lust demon for all you know.</p>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 70>>
This makes you think about the lust demon you are fighting. Assuming it is a human lust demon – most likely one of the monks – what is their background? How did they end up becoming a lust demon?
<p>You also have to consider that the lust demon and potential accomplices might only be servants of some greater evil in the monastery.</p>
<<ev 4550>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 38>>
For a while now, you have felt that you are walking in Ludolphus' footsteps. That you are fighting the same evil he did. An old evil that has returned. You have wondered if this evil could be some kind of supernatural being. Perhaps a human cheating death, like an undead necromancer.
<p>Having read chapter five, you wonder if it could be a powerful demon, maybe even an archdemon, who is at the center of this mystery.</p>
<p>There might be a powerful ancient evil in the monastery. You have to be open to every possibility.</p>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",1200)>>
/* if anika returned to old version */
<<but "Continue" lab2 step:5200>>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mii nuns/anika/sitting2 33>>
<c>Next, you come to think of Novice Anika. Ludolphus said that a human lust angel would father blessed children who could also become lust angels.
<p>You can use this fact to change the narrative around Novice Anika's <<if $qqanikacrazy>>delusion that the Holy Spirit will impregnate her. You will tell her the more believable scenario – that you would be the father. It might be good for her mental health to hear that.<<else>>pregnancy. You will tell her the more believable truth – that you are the father, not the Holy Spirit.<</if>>
<p>But before going to Novice Anika, you must call a meeting with the nuns.
<<if $qqanikacrazy>>
<<q anikacrazy 800>>
<<q anikapreg 800>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii nchapel/mass2 94>>
<c>The convent must learn that you are a lust angel and what it means. You should announce it to everyone in a mass meeting at the chapel.
<p>You can do it tomorrow, after supper. That will give you time to prepare a speech.</p>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 30 pnggg>>
<c>You should also inform Novice Emma about the news. As your spiritual advisor and closest ally, she should know before anyone else.
<<qstart emmalustangel 100>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii misc/think 88>>
It is getting late and your head is dizzy from all the new information. You need time to think about what you have learned. You should sleep on it.
<<qend chapter5 1000>>
<<but "Continue" lab1 ev:200>>
<<ev 8000>> /* reusing emmalustangel */
<<mi lab3 96>>
<cc>You get to work writing the speech for tonight.
...... Hours pass ......
<<ev 8200>>
<<mi bookcase 45 pnggg>>
When you are finally done with the speech, there are still a couple of hours left before supper.
<p>Getting some well-deserved rest, you relax in the lab, browsing Ludolphus' books and manuscripts while waiting for supper.</p>
<<but "Go to the refectory and eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<event 2760>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lab3 90>>
You return to your room and go down to your lab to think about your new identity as a lust angel.
<p>You caution yourself not to fall victim to hubris. You are still a human, not a divine being.</p>
<p>The <<holylust>> will keep you from sinning from lustful acts, but you must remember to not abuse your holy powers – and that includes your holy lust – or God will punish you.</p>
<p>It will be tempting to push boundaries with the women using your holy lust. You must be careful and only do so when it is justified.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">With those thoughts of restraint taken care of, you feel confident that things will improve going forward.
<p>Knowing you are a lust angel will make it easier to make the tough decisions – doing what has to be done – trusting your holy lust to guide you.
<<addres -10 permanently>>
<<ev 400>>
<<investReward 5>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 2800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv misc/angel 54>>
<c>You relax down in your lab, thinking of your current situation.
<p>You made the eight most lustful nuns climax and you anointed them. That should lessen the lust available to the lust demon, driving it closer to starvation.</p>
<p>You have done the Lord's work, fighting evil, while enjoying the slits of young and attractive women. You feel pretty good about being a lust angel.</p>
<p>Yes, things are good.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/think 74>>
<c>Yet, you have a nagging feeling that something is off.
<p>Several of the nuns appeared less lustful than you expected. They didn't climax as easily – as fast – this time.</p>
<p>If it had been only one or two, it could be explained with normal fluctuations in lust for whatever reason, but you thought you noticed this in six of the eight lustful nuns – everyone except Novice Judith and Sister Sandra.
<p>Is this just a coincidence, or is there another explanation?</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 62>>
<c>You have to look into this.
<p>Novice Sofia was one of the nuns who appeared less lustful and her room is just a few steps from yours. You will talk to her.</p>
<<but "Go upstairs" nuns1 "ev:2300 step:4800">>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing */
<<mii nchapel/nunconfessing 40 right>>
<l>You sit down to analyze the confessions and everything else you have learned from your recent interactions with the eight lustful nuns.
<p>The result is worrying. It turns out that – in addition to Novice Sofia – five more of the eight nuns remembered having lustful dreams at least once recently.</p>
<p>These six nuns are the very six nuns you noticed were less lustful when you went to reduce their lust, meaning everyone except Novice Judith and Sister Sandra. That can't be a coincidence.</p>
<p>Their testimonies are very similar. After the lustful dreams, all six of them woke up in the morning relaxed with no sexual frustration. All of them thought it possible they climaxed during the dreams. All of them reported feeling less lust generally as a consequence of the dreams.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1004 54>>
<c>Three of the nuns, one being Novice Sofia, remembered waking up to a wet spot between their legs at least once after having such a dream. All three sniffed their wet spot, hoping it would smell of urine, but it didn't.
<p>All together, this is strong evidence that three of the six nuns did have an orgasm during the lustful dreams, and very likely the other three did too.</p>
<p>Aside from the lustful dreams, the six nuns could not come up with any other explanation for their reduced lust.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 60>>
<c>The six nuns had very vague memories of the recent lustful dreams – not much more than a feeling – and so they couldn't say if they were in fact being attacked by the lust demon.
<p>A few of them did remember the dreams as being lustful <<italics nightmares>> rather than pleasant dreams, but again more as a feeling than anything they could describe. The other nuns remembered the dreams not as nightmares, only as pleasant lustful dreams.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 50>>
<c>In any case, the timing of these lustful dreams suddenly occurring is very suspicious. The dreams seem to have started around the time the doctor stopped his nightmarish nocturnal visits to the monks.
<p>This is unlikely a coincidence. You strongly suspect that someone has started visiting the nuns at night, doing something to them.</p>
<p>Is it the doctor who has started visiting the nuns at night, causing these lustful dreams? Or is it the lust demon returning? The answer could be "Yes" to both questions, as the doctor and the lust demon could be the same individual or they could be two individuals working together.</p>
<<ev 1420>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 43 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>When the lust demon used to attack the nuns, the nuns were drugged with an <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> but they could still often remember much of what happened. Whoever is causing these new lustful dreams may be using a more potent amnesia drug to cover their tracks better than the lust demon did.
None of the six nuns had a lustful dream the last couple of nights. If someone hid a cloth soaked in an Oil of Amnesia under the beds of the nuns, they would have had time to remove the cloths by now. But maybe they didn't.</p>
<p>You must investigate this. Novice Sofia's room is closest. You will go there.</p>
<<but "Go upstairs" nuns1 "ev:2300 step:6000">>
<<ev 1500>> /* returning to lab */
<<mi lab3 80>>
<c>You return to your room and take the stairs down to your secret lab.
<p>You sit down to think of the discovery of the oily cloths under the beds of Novice Sofia and Sister Jana.</p>
<<ev 1520>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 43 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>The oily cloths, soaked with a – presumably very potent – <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> are obviously the reason why the six lustful nuns barely remember their lustful dreams. But it has been a week since Sister Jana had a lustful dream, and the cloth was still under her bed.
<p>From what you know, the lust demon and the doctor removed the oily cloths from the rooms of their victims as soon as they could, so usually the next day or night. But not this time. Whoever put the oily cloths under Novice Sofia's and Sister Jana's beds seems fine with them remaining there.</p>
<<ev 1550>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>Perhaps this is simply a matter of being careful.
<p>The evil forces know you are on to them. Perhaps they also know, or suspect, that you have discovered their use of oily cloths under the beds of their victims.</p>
<p>The evil forces figured you might learn of the new lustful dreams, sooner or later, and realized that this could allow you to set a trap. If you learned that a nun had a lustful dream the night that just passed, you could spy on her room the following night and catch anyone who came to remove the oily cloth from under the bed.</p>
<<ev 1570>>
<<mi oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>To avoid this, the evil forces now simply leave the oily cloths there.
<p>It is a good enough explanation for why the cloths haven't been removed.</p>
<p>True or not, there is no point in checking the beds of the other nuns who have had the recent "lustful dreams". Finding more oily cloths won't help you.</p>
<<ev 1580>>
<<mii bathroom/claraface4 36>>
<c>Instead, you go back to analyzing what you know of the eight lustful nuns on your list.
<p>Of the six nuns with the recent lustful dreams, everyone has previously been attacked by the lust demon – except one: Novice Clara. The two nuns who didn't have the recent lustful dreams – Novice Judith and Sister Sandra – have never been attacked by the lust demon. For the moment, you will ignore these two nuns.</p>
<p>You now focus on the six remaining nuns. If it wasn't for Novice Clara, it looks like the recent lustful dreams only happen to nuns who have been attacked by the lust demon. So why did Novice Clara have the lustful dreams?</p>
<<c "Think about Novice Clara and the other five nuns">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii misc/think 78>>
After thinking and looking through your notes, you /*discover something intriguing OR *//*come to an astonishing conclusion: the evil forces read about Novice Clara in your journal!*/ make an astonishing discovery. You know why those specific six nuns were targeted by whoever is causing the recent lustful dreams.
<p>Your first step in the right direction to making this discovery was when you assumed that the recent lustful dreams only happen to lustful nuns. Perhaps not only the six lustful nuns on your list of eight, but nevertheless to lustful nuns.</p>
<<ev 1640>>
<<mii crone/darkfigure 50>>
<c>Your reasoning for this was simple.
<p>When the doctor stopped visiting the monks at night, the lustful dreams started, suggesting that someone started visiting the nuns at night, causing the lustful dreams. Furthermore, you assumed it is only one individual, two at the most, visiting the nuns at night – the doctor and/or the lust demon.</p>
<p>Thus, it is unlikely that they, in this short period of time, would have been able to visit many more nuns than the six lustful nuns on your list. Thus, the probability of them randomly visiting those specific six nuns out of all the nuns is low.</p>
<<ev 1680>>
<<mi potionLust_big 26 pnggg>>
<c>This suggests that the evil forces behind the recent lustful dreams specifically target nuns they know are lustful. But how do they know that?
<p>Answer: Because the lust demon had sexually assaulted the nuns earlier by using a lust drug on them and making them touch themselves and then noticed which nuns were especially lustful.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii bathroom/claraface4 36>>
<c>This explained why five of the six lustful nuns had the recent lustful dreams.
<p>But what about Novice Clara? The lust demon never attacked her. So how could the evil forces know that she was one of the most lustful nuns in the convent?</p>
<<ev 1740>>
<<mii misc/diary 46 pnggg>>
<c>And then suddenly, it hit you. The evil forces could know, because you have written about Novice Clara's lustfulness in your journal!
<p>When you were attacked outside your room that night after returning from the monks, whoever attacked you had hours to go through your journal.</p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mii misc/think 80>>
<c>The evil forces didn't attack you to hurt you. They did it to gather information. They probably read your entire journal and the other documents you store in your chest.
<p>Since you carry the key to the chest on your body, all they had to do was take the key and unlock the chest. When they finished reading, they returned the key and the documents as they were, hoping you wouldn't notice anything.
<<ev 1840>>
<<mii mc/statue 27>>
<c>It is a good thing you are careful to always close the hidden door down to the laboratory – and then to cover that part of the wall, further disguising the secret entrance – or the evil forces would have found out about the lab and everything about your work here.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii bathroom/claraface4 36>>
<c>You have concluded that the evil forces could know Novice Clara is lustful if they read your journal when you were attacked.
<p>And with that, you can explain why six of the nuns on your list of the most lustful nuns have had the recent lustful dreams.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<div class="center-flex center" style="width:34%">
<<mii bathroom/judithSit 86 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/sandra/face1 100 "left nomarginRight">>
<c>Two of the nuns haven't had the lustful dreams: Novice Judith and Sister Sandra.
<p>So why haven't they?</p>
<<ev 2120>>
<<mii nuns/sandra/face1 30>>
<c>First, you think about Sister Sandra.
<p>The fact that she hasn't had the lustful dreams fits with your findings.</p>
<p>The evil forces don't know that Sister Sandra is lustful because the lust demon has never attacked Sister Sandra and the evil forces couldn't have learned she was lustful from reading your journal the night you were attacked because you only recently were intimate with Sister Sandra and only then noticed she was lustful.</p>
<<ev 2140>>
<<mii bathroom/judithSit 35>>
<c>But what about Novice Judith?
<p>Novice Judith hasn't been attacked, but you started fornicating with her before you were attacked, noticing she was lustful. The evil forces could then have read about this in your journal. Yet, she hasn't had the lustful dreams.</p>
<p>It could simply be that the evil forces haven't gotten around to visiting Novice Judith yet.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii misc/diary 46 pnggg>>
<c>But then you realize that you didn't write about Novice Judith's lustfulness in the journal when you first fornicated with her. Not until you sodomized her – which happened <<italics after>> you were attacked – did you note it in the journal, and only then did you add that this also happened when you fornicated with her.
<p>Thus, this information was not in the journal when the evil forces read it.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 60>>
<c>This last finding confirms that you were correct. You have explained, to your satisfaction, why six nuns on your list of eight had the recent lustful dreams, and why two of them didn't.
<p>But what are the lustful dreams and who is the individual or individuals behind them? The dreams have similarities with the attacks by the lust demon, but also significant differences. Can you explain this?</p>
/* NOTE!! puzzle here or straight to continue NOTE */
<<set $temp3 = "nohistory">>
/* saving current font size for reset */
<<set $temp2 = setup.getCSSvariable("--base-font-size")>>
<<set $temp2 = $temp2.substring(0,$temp2.length-2)>>
<<c "Think...">>
<<ev 2400>>
/*could use only/mostly words: mortal sin, SIN EATING pic! (consume venial sins to one mortalsin) (multiple) venial sins, fornication, water, purity, cindy, black spot*/
<cc class="puzzle-text">Find the matching clues
<div style="position:relative;z-index:1">
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle-4x5 memory-puzzle">
<div id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow1[0][3]>
<span id="memory100" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[0][0] @width=_memrow1[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory100")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[1][3]>
<span id="memory101" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[1][0] @width=_memrow1[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory101")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[2][3]>
<span id="memory102" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[2][0] @width=_memrow1[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory102")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[3][3]>
<span id="memory103" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[3][0] @width=_memrow1[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory103")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow1[4][3]>
<span id="memory104" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow1[4][0] @width=_memrow1[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow1[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory104")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row2" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow2[0][3]>
<span id="memory200" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[0][0] @width=_memrow2[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory200")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[1][3]>
<span id="memory201" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[1][0] @width=_memrow2[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory201")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[2][3]>
<span id="memory202" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[2][0] @width=_memrow2[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory202")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[3][3]>
<span id="memory203" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[3][0] @width=_memrow2[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory203")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow2[4][3]>
<span id="memory204" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow2[4][0] @width=_memrow2[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow2[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory204")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row3" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow3[0][3]>
<span id="memory300" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[0][0] @width=_memrow3[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory300")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[1][3]>
<span id="memory301" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[1][0] @width=_memrow3[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory301")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[2][3]>
<span id="memory302" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[2][0] @width=_memrow3[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory302")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[3][3]>
<span id="memory303" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[3][0] @width=_memrow3[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory303")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow3[4][3]>
<span id="memory304" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow3[4][0] @width=_memrow3[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow3[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory304")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row4" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span @class=_memrow4[0][3]>
<span id="memory400" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[0][0] @width=_memrow4[0][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[0][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory400")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[1][3]>
<span id="memory401" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[1][0] @width=_memrow4[1][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[1][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory401")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[2][3]>
<span id="memory402" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[2][0] @width=_memrow4[2][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[2][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory402")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[3][3]>
<span id="memory403" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[3][0] @width=_memrow4[3][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[3][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory403")>><</button>>
<span @class=_memrow4[4][3]>
<span id="memory404" class="memory-piece">
<img @src=setup.media+_memrow4[4][0] @width=_memrow4[4][1] class="memory-image" @style=_memrow4[4][2]>
<span class="memory-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.revealMemory("memory404")>><</button>>
<<set _puzzlesizemess = true>>
<div id="memory-check" class="memory-fail shadow2 nomargin-bottom" style="display:none;visibility:hidden">No match. Try again.</div>
<div id="puzzlesizemess" style="font-size:90%;margin-top:0.5rem;margin-bottom:-0rem"><<special "If needed, resize the puzzle to fit better on the screen.<br>The change will revert when you leave.">></div>
<div id="puzzle-result">
<span id="puzzlesmaller" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "–">>
<<if $fontSizeBase > 5>>
<<set $fontSizeBase-->>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
/*<<specbut "Give up" lab2 "step:2100 inline">>*/
<span id="puzzlebigger" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "+">><<set $fontSizeBase++>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<print 'fontsize: $fontSizeBase'>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp2>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp2+"px")>>
<<mii misc/think 80>>
You think you have it all figured out. A plausible explanation for what is going on lately.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>The lust demon stopped attacking the nuns because it feared you. But maybe also because the nuns remembered too much of the attacks. The <<potionAmnesiaOil>> wasn't effective enough.
<p>Then the mysterious doctor appeared and started visiting the monks at night, strangely tapping on their bodies. Why?</p>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 55>>
<c>You are surprised you didn't figure this out earlier, but now it all makes sense.
<p>The doctor was experimenting, trying to improve the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>> The tapping sequences were used to measure how well the monks remembered their "nightmares".</p>
<p>The doctor must know that the abbot keeps a diary, and thus, all the doctor had to do was sneak into Father Alvaro's room and read his diary and the detailed notes of what the monks remembered of the tapping sequences. That way, the doctor could test new formulas for the Oil of Amnesia to improve it.</p>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>By trying different amounts of the various ingredients, and perhaps even adding new ingredients, the doctor wanted to develop a more potent <<potionAmnesiaOil .>>
<p>And it seems that the doctor succeeded. The nuns hardly remember anything of the recent lustful dreams.</p>
<p>It is ironic that while the doctor visited the monks at night to improve the Oil of Amnesia, you did the same thing. You executed Project Amnesia in parallel with the doctor's own amnesia project, yet you didn't connect the dots. But now you have.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mii crone/doctoralchemist 80>>
<c>You are now quite certain that the doctor and the alchemist are the same individual.
<p>Furthermore, the individual visiting the lustful nuns at night is most likely the lust demon, now armed with the improved Oil of Amnesia made by the alchemist. Whether the lust demon and the alchemist are the same individual, you still don't know.</p>
<<ev 4600>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 40 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>The worrying conclusion to all of this is that the recent lustful dreams of the nuns are most probably attacks by the lust demon. The same type of attacks you came here to investigate, only now the nuns barely remember anything because of the improved <<potionAmnesiaOil .>>
<p>This was likely how the alchemist thought the Oil of Amnesia would work from the beginning: the victims would have such vague memories that they thought they had lustful dreams and wouldn't tell anyone about it.</p>
<p>You aren't surprised that the alchemist would make that mistake if they are relying on Ludolphus' recipes. Ludolphus undoubtedly was an expert alchemist, but when describing the use of his concoctions, he sometimes made them sound more potent and effective than they are in practice.</p>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mii misc/holdcross 34>>
<c>In any case, that a priest from the Vatican would be summoned to fight the lust demon was probably not something the evil forces expected, or wanted.
<<ev 4800>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
<c>That God would send a lust angel must have been even less expected and wanted.
<p>But you are here and you will not stop fighting the lust demon. The holy war continues.
<<qset lustfulwomen 3900>> /* to update investigation notes */
<<invest lustfulwomen>>
<<ev 4900>>
<<investReward 30>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii school/studentsinside 40>>
<c>Suddenly, you realize that the lust demon may not only be attacking the nuns. What about the school? Has the lust demon finally taken the step to start attacking the students too?
<p>You must investigate this at once.
<<q lustfulwomen 4000>>
<<set $vivienschool=0>> /* in case already visited her today */
<<but "Continue" lab>>
<</events>><<if $qqexperimentAttacks==200>>
<<mii nuns/lara/face 40 pnggg>>
You wait until the middle of the night and all the nuns should be well asleep.
<p>You will now start your experiment where you will try to recreate an attack on a nun – on Novice Lara.</p>
<p>Before leaving your room, you have some things to do.</p>
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:3500>>
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==300 || $encID==13>>
<<mii nuns/lara/sleeping 80>>
You quietly sneak into Novice Lara's room. You can tell from her breathing that she is deep asleep.
<p>Now that your eyes have fully adjusted to the <<potionNightVision ,>> the light in the room is as bright as during the day.</p>
<<but "Continue" lara1 ev:100>>
<<mii nuns/lara/talk 66>>
<<if $lararoom<0>> /* set in "talk about the holy rites" below since mc returns to this screen */
You are visiting Novice Lara in her room.
You visit Novice Lara in her room.
<<if $lararoom>0>>
<<specialalert2 "You have already interacted with Novice Lara tonight. You should leave her alone.">>
<<if $qqlaraq==1000>>
<<specialalert2 "You should leave Novice Lara alone today. Speak with her tomorrow night.">>
<<if $lararoom<1>>
<<but "Talk about anointing" lara1 "ev:20 doplay:lararoom=1 qqlaraq<<1000">>
<<but "<<actQuest laraq>>" lara1 "ev:200 doplay:lararoom=1 qqlaraq==1010 ">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" lara1 "ev:200 step:860 doplay:lararoom=1 qqlaraq>=1200 qqlaraq<<1500">>
<<but "Talk about the holy rites" lara1 "ev:300 doplay:lararoom=-1 qqlaraq==1500">>
<<but "Anoint her" lara1 "ev:300 step:1000 doplay:lararoom=1 qqlaraq>=2000">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" lara1 "ev:200 step:880 doplay:lararoom=1 qqlaraq>=1500">>
<<event 20 lara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi bathroom 48>>
<c>Standing close to Novice Lara, you again remember seeing her naked in the bathroom. <<addlust 20>>
Is this a sign from the Lord that Novice Lara is in danger of being attacked again?
<<ev 140>>
<<mi talk 54>>
<c><<s mc "Have you thought more about my offer to protect you from the lust demon?">>
<<s lara "Yes, $fmc, but I just can't be intimate with a man. And the lust demon hasn't attacked for some time. Maybe it is gone.">>
<<s mc "It is hiding because it is scared of me – and the Lord, working through me. I'm here to protect you all, but using the holy rites is an important part of that.">>
<<ev 160>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<s lara "I understand, Father. But I feel like I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "I will leave you alone for now, then, but I ask you to reconsider. Pray to the Lord and ask for guidance.">>
<<s lara "I will, $fmc.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<c>Novice Lara doesn't seem to budge. You don't think your words alone will make her accept to be anointed.
<p>You may be able to come up with a way to change her mind, but you don't feel that the urgency to anoint Novice Lara is high enough to warrant forcing your will on her. You have to think about it.
<<qmess laraq 200>>
<<event 100 lara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 54>>
<c>You are almost ready to begin the most crucial part of the experiment – the actual recreation of an attack on a nun.
<p>You must be very careful with what actions to take and in what order to take them, or things could go wrong. You might end up being discovered. The victim might start screaming.</p>
<p>To avoid this, before starting the recreation of the attack, you will play out your chosen course of action in your mind. Not until you are convinced your plan is the correct one will you commence with the actual recreation.</p>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<set $temp7 = 0>> /* showing qmess with expertq if failed a few times */
<<ev 300>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<cc><<planningStage 1>> What will you do first?</cc>
<<set $temp6= []>>
<<pbut lustLiberationSalve lara1 "step:600 special doplay:temp=lust pbutinline">>
<<pbut amnesiaOil lara1 "step:600 special doplay:temp=amnesia pbutinline">>
<<pbut lethargy lara1 "step:600 special doplay:temp=lethargy pbutinline">>
<<pbut sleepSalve lara1 "600 special doplay:temp=sleep pbutinline">>
<<ev 600>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp=="lust">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionLustLiberationSalve>>">>
<<mii lab/potionLustLiberationSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<<elseif $temp=="lethargy">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionLethargy>>">>
<<mii lab/potionLethargyBig 30 pnggg>>
<<elseif $temp=="sleep">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionSleepSalve>>">>
<<mii lab/potionSleepSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<<set $temp5="<<potionAmnesiaOil>>">>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 48 "png">><</overlay>>
<<set $temp6.push($temp)>>
<<if $temp=="amnesia">>
Having prepared a cloth soaked with <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> you take the oily cloth from the airtight glass container you stored it in and hide it under Novice Lara's bed.
You slowly pull aside the lower part of the blanket covering Novice Lara and carefully rub the $temp5 onto one of her legs.
<p>Novice Lara moves a little when you apply the salve, seemingly reacting to your touch, but she doesn't wake up. </p>
<<c "Wait a minute">>
<<ev 700>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp=="lust">>
<<mv lust100 70 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<<if $temp=="amnesia">>
<c>But then you realize your mistake. The fumes from the oily cloth is starting to affect you too. If you stay here much longer, your memory of this experiment will be severely reduced.
<<but "Start over" lara1 step:300>>
<cc>You wait a minute for the $temp5 to affect Novice Lara.</cc>
<cc><<planningStage 2>> What will you do next?</cc>
<<if !$temp6.contains("lust")>>
<<pbut lustLiberationSalve lara1 "step:1000 special doplay:temp2=lust pbutinline">>
<<if !$temp6.contains("amnesia")>>
<<pbut amnesiaOil lara1 "step:1000 special doplay:temp2=amnesia pbutinline">>
<<if !$temp6.contains("lethargy")>>
<<pbut lethargy lara1 "step:1000 special doplay:temp2=lethargy pbutinline">>
<<if !$temp6.contains("sleep")>>
<<pbut sleepSalve lara1 "step:1000 special doplay:temp2=sleep pbutinline">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp2=="lust">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionLustLiberationSalve>>">>
<<mii lab/potionLustLiberationSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<<elseif $temp2=="lethargy">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionLethargy>>">>
<<mii lab/potionLethargyBig 30 pnggg>>
<<elseif $temp2=="sleep">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionSleepSalve>>">>
<<mii lab/potionSleepSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<<set $temp5="<<potionAmnesiaOil>>">>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 48 "png">><</overlay>>
<<set $temp6.push($temp2)>>
<<if $temp2=="amnesia">>
Having prepared a cloth soaked with <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> you take the oily cloth from the airtight glass container you stored it in and prepare to hide it under Novice Lara's bed.</c>
<cc>You carefully apply the $temp5 on one of Novice Lara's legs.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp2=="amnesia">>
<<if $temp6.contains("lust")>>
<<mi 100-1800 70>>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<c>But then you realize your mistake. If you hide the oily cloth under the bed now, the fumes from the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> will affect you too. If you stay here much longer, your memory of this experiment will be severely reduced.
<<but "Start over" lara1 step:300>>
<<mi wokeup 70>>
<c>When you rub the $temp5 onto Novice Lara's leg, her eyes open. All the rubbing must have woken her up.
<p>Novice Lara sees you and starts screaming.</p></c>
<<if $temp=="lethargy">>
But only a low whisper is coming from her mouth. The <<potionLethargy>> stops Novice Lara from screaming – and also makes her vision blurry, preventing her from recognizing you. You can continue with the experiment.
<c>Oh no! Her loud scream will wake up the nuns. You have to flee.
<<but "Start over" lara1 step:300>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp6.contains("lust")>>
<<mv lust100 70 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<cc>The $temp5 is now affecting Novice Lara.
<<planningStage 3>> What will you do next?</cc>
<<if !$temp6.contains("lust")>>
<<pbut lustLiberationSalve lara1 "step:1400 special doplay:temp3=lust pbutinline">>
<<if !$temp6.contains("amnesia")>>
<<pbut amnesiaOil lara1 "step:1400 special doplay:temp3=amnesia pbutinline">>
<<if !$temp6.contains("lethargy")>>
<<pbut lethargy lara1 "step:1400 special doplay:temp3=lethargy pbutinline">>
<<if !$temp6.contains("sleep")>>
<<pbut sleepSalve lara1 "step:1400 special doplay:temp3=sleep pbutinline">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp3=="lust">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionLustLiberationSalve>>">>
<<mii lab/potionLustLiberationSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<<elseif $temp3=="lethargy">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionLethargy>>">>
<<mii lab/potionLethargyBig 30 pnggg>>
<<elseif $temp3=="sleep">>
<<set $temp5="<<potionSleepSalve>>">>
<<mii lab/potionSleepSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<<set $temp5="<<potionAmnesiaOil>>">>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 48 "png">><</overlay>>
<<set $temp6.push($temp3)>>
<<if $temp3=="amnesia">>
Having prepared a cloth soaked with <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> you take the oily cloth from the airtight glass container you stored it in and prepare to hide it under Novice Lara's bed.</c>
<cc>You carefully apply the $temp5 on one of Novice Lara's legs.</cc>
<<ev 1600>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<if $temp3=="lust" && $temp6.contains("sleep")>>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<c>But the <<potionLustLiberationSalve>> does not seem to affect Novice Lara. She lies still and continues to sleep.
<p>Oh no! The <<potionSleepSalve>> is keeping Novice Lara from waking up. You applied the sleep salve too early.</p>
<<but "Start over" lara1 step:300>>
<<elseif $temp3=="amnesia">>
<<if $temp6.contains("lust")>>
<<mi 100-1800 70>>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<c>But then you realize your mistake. If you hide the oily cloth under the bed now, the fumes from the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> will affect you too. If you stay here much longer, your memory of this experiment will be severely reduced.
<<but "Start over" lara1 step:300>>
<<mv lust100 70 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>You rub the $temp5 onto Novice Lara's leg. She is so filled with lust and occupied with touching herself that you can't tell if she even notices your touch.
<p>Everything seems fine. You can continue with the experiment.</p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<mi m 60>>
Novice Lara is now affected by the <<potionSleepSalve ,>> but you don't know when she will fall asleep. It depends on the lustful feelings she experiences from touching herself – if they are strong enough to keep her awake.
<p>And thanks to the <<potionLustLiberationSalve, >> they might be, for some time.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, the <<potionLethargy>> will keep Novice Lara defenseless and unable to call for help.</p>
<p>Novice Lara is at your mercy, and at the mercy of her lustful feelings. When Novice Lara finally falls asleep, you have one last thing to do.</p>
<cc><<planningStage 4>>The finish</cc>
<cc><<pbut amnesiaOil lara1 "step:1850 special pbutinline">></cc>
<<ev 1850>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 1>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 48 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Eventually, Novice Lara falls asleep.
Having prepared a cloth soaked with <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> you take the oily cloth from the airtight glass container you stored it in and hide it under Novice Lara's bed.</p>
<p>That's it. You can now leave Novice Lara's room.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii lab/potionLethargyBig 28 pnggg>>
<c>You feel confident about the order in which to use the drugs. Most importantly, you can't predict if – or when – Novice Lara will wake up, so you must take it safe and apply the <<potionLethargy>> first.
<p>But imagining what might happen when trying to recreate an attack using the drugs is something else than actually doing it. You don't know if things will go that smoothly, and so you have to be ready to act and adjust according to the circumstances. If things go very wrong, you could always flee the scene – and hope you aren't recognized by anyone. </p>
<<c "Execute your plan">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<cc>Novice Lara is sleeping in her bed.
<p>Now it is real. Now you will try to recreate an attack on her.</p></cc>
<cc><<pbut lethargy lara1 "step:3000 special">></cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mii lab/potionLethargyBig 20 pnggg>>
You slowly pull aside the lower part of the blanket covering Novice Lara and carefully rub the <<potionLethargy>> onto one of her legs.
<p>Novice Lara moves her leg when you apply the salve.</p>
<p>You are prepared to act quickly if needed. If Novice Lara wakes up before the lethargy salve has weakened her enough, you must use force to cover her mouth, to keep Novice Lara from screaming.</p>
<p>But Novice Lara doesn't wake up. You can relax.</p>
<<c "Wait a minute">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi sleeping 70>>
<cc>The <<potionLethargy>> is now affecting Novice Lara.</cc>
<c>The Salve of Lethargy should hopefully keep Novice Lara from screaming and resisting too much – while still allowing her to use her hands to touch herself.
<cc><<pbut lustLiberationSalve lara1 "step:3200 special pbutinline">></cc>
<<ev 3200>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mii lab/potionLustLiberationSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You carefully apply the <<potionLustLiberationSalve>> on one of Novice Lara's legs.</cc>
<<c "Wait a minute">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi 100-1800 70>>
The<<potionLustLiberationSalve>> is now affecting Novice Lara.</cc>
Novice Lara moves her hand to her womanhood. But then her hand lies still. Even with the combined effect of the <<potionLustOilSimple>> and the <<potionLiberationOil>> in the <<potionLustLiberationSalve ,>> it is not enough to make Novice Lara start touching herself in her sleep.
<p>The Oil of Liberation breaks down inhibitions, making it harder for the target to resist temptations. But this may rely on the target being conscious – and able to act. You don't know how much of an effect – if any – the liberation drug has on sleeping targets.</p>
<<c "Shake Novice Lara's leg to wake her up">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv lust100 70 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>After shaking Novice Lara's legs a few times, her hand starts moving, touching her womanhood.
<<addlust 20>>
You are pleased to see that things are falling into place.
<p>You still can't tell to what degree Novice Lara is awake or if she is just touching herself in her sleep. The nun hasn't opened her eyes and you doubt she has detected your presence.</p>
<p>According to Novice Lara, she woke up when she was attacked, so you must make sure she wakes up now too.</p>
<<c "Shake Novice Lara's leg again to wake her up">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi wokeup 66>>
<c>This time, shaking Novice Lara's leg causes her to open her eyes.
<p>Turning her head in your direction, Novice Lara looks at you.</p>
<p>You are not worried, though. The room is dark, only appearing bright to you because of the <<potionNightVision .>> Even with Novice Lara's eyes naturally adjusted to the darkness, the <<potionLethargy>> will make her vision blurry, and with your red glowing eyes staring at Novice Lara from inside your hood, you are confident she won't recognize you.</p>
<p>Novice Lara attempts to scream, but thanks to the lethargy salve, you only hear a faint wheeze.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi 100-1800 60>>
<c>Novice Lara has stopped touching herself. You wait a few moments, but the hand on her womanhood remains still.
<p>Novice Lara is probably too frightened and distressed by your presence to succumb to her lust. You must do something to make the lust irresistible.</p>
<p>You see two options: adding more <<potionLustLiberationSalve>> or adding the <<potionSleepSalve .>></p>
<p>For the sleep salve, you think it could work like an anti-anxiety drug with the sleepiness reducing Novice Lara's fear enough to make her touch herself – but hopefully without making her fall asleep right away.</p>
<<set $temp = null>>
<cc><<pbut lustLiberationSalve lara1 "step:4000 special pbutinline">>
<<pbut sleepSalve lara1 "step:4600 special pbutinline">></cc>
<<ev 4000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mii lab/potionLustLiberationSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You apply more <<potionLustLiberationSalve>> on one of Novice Lara's legs.</cc>
<<c "Wait a minute">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi wokeup2 70>>
<c>Even with the added <<potionLustLiberationSalve ,>> Novice Lara does not touch herself. She continues to look very scared and avoids looking at you.
<p>Applying the <<potionSleepSalve>> seems like the best option now. You will use the sleep salve eventually anyway, and you hesitate to give Novice Lara any more lust salve – you don't know what the side effects could be from an overdose.</p>
<<set $temp = "lust">>
<cc><<pbut sleepSalve lara1 "step:4600 special pbutinline">></cc>
<<ev 4600>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mii lab/potionSleepSalveBig 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You apply some <<potionSleepSalve>> on one of Novice Lara's legs.</cc>
<<if $temp != "lust">>
Since you would have used the sleep salve on Novice Lara eventually anyway, this course of action might be for the best.
You just hope Novice Lara won't get sleepy enough to fall asleep before touching herself again. You think it would be too soon.
<<c "Wait a minute">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv lust100 80 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>Success! Novice Lara closes her eyes, and soon after, she starts touching herself. You are pretty sure she isn't doing it in her sleep, though. Novice Lara is still awake, succumbing to her lust.
<p>Most of Novice Lara's body is still covered by the blanket, obscuring your view.</p>
<<but "Remove the blanket" lara1 step:5600>>
<<ev 5600>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv m 88 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>You remove Novice Lara's blanket.
<p>Now you have a full view of her naked body as she continues to masturbate.
<<addlust 40>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv m 88 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c><<if $temp == "lust">>Fueled by an extra dose of the <<potionLustLiberationSalve ,>><</if>>Novice Lara quickly reaches orgasm, moaning silently.
<p>She then appears to become lucid enough to be self-conscious about exposing her naked sex to you. She tries to cover herself with her hand – but her lust is still too great.</p>
<p>Novice Lara turns around, blocking your view of her slit. Perhaps because she realizes she can't stop masturbating – although she may be too gone to even be aware of you.</p></c>
<<ev 6400>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv m 88 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>Novice Lara makes another attempt to stop touching herself, but soon she again succumbs to temptation. She can't keep her hands away from her slit.
<<ev 7000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv m 80 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>Eventually, Novice Lara seems too lost to her lustful feelings to care about anything but reaching orgasm. She turns around to make it easier to masturbate.
<p>Now having an excellent view of the naked Novice Lara, you can see that her slit is slobbery wet.
/* see text file in lara folder for thoughts about using dildo here */
<<addlust 100>></p>
<<ev 7100>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv m 78 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>Novice Lara's first orgasm came quickly from a raging lust. Now, building up for the second one, Novice Lara is still a slave to an intense lust, but she is not as desperate for release and can go slower, taking her time to enjoy it more.
<p>Getting closer to climax, Novice Lara inserts a finger into her wet slit.</p></c>
<<ev 7300>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mv m 78 "volume0.6 notMuted">>
<c>Using a finger to simulate an erect manhood inside her tight slit, Novice Lara quickly reaches her second orgasm.</c>
<<ev 7400>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
Afterward, Novice Lara lies still. You think she is fast falling asleep.
<p>With most of the lust gone from her system, the <<potionSleepSalve>> now takes over. It should last for a couple of hours, wearing off before the nuns wake up to go to the morning prayer.</p>
<p>There is only one thing left to do.</p>
<cc0 class="nomargin-bottom">
<<pbut amnesiaOil lara1 "step:7500 special pbutinline">></cc0>
<<ev 7500>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 2>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 48 "png">><</overlay>>
Having prepared a cloth soaked with <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> you take the oily cloth from the airtight glass container you stored it in and hide it under Novice Lara's bed.</c>
<<c "Prepare to leave">>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mi 100-7400 75>>
<c>The execution stage of the experiment appears to have been a success. In a few hours, you expect to be called to Novice Lara's room to investigate the latest attack. You can then question her about what she remembers.
<p>Novice Lara will probably suffer mentally from this experience, but it had to be done for the good of the cause.
<<addauth 5>></p>
Now you should get some sleep.
<<q experimentAttacks 400>>
<<addEncounter lara night>>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<but "Leave Novice Lara's room" nuns1 "ev:2000 step:1000">>
<<ev 10000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 3>>
<<mi 100-10000 80>>
<c>Novice Lara lies on the bed, looking scared.
<p>After first saying some comforting words to her, you tell Novice Lara to try to remember everything she can while you search the room.</p>
<<c "Pretend to search the room">>
<<ev 10200>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 3>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>You pretend to search the room for clues.
<p>When you look under the bed, you take the opportunity to remove the cloth with the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> you stuck under there. You carefully pocket it out of sight from Novice Lara.</p>
<<c "End the search">>
<<ev 10400>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 3>>
<<mi 100-10400 80>>
<c>You talk to Novice Lara about what she remembers, starting from when she went to bed.
<p>Novice Lara starts talking with a shaky voice.</p>
<<ev 10800>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 3>>
<<mi 100-10800 63>>
<c>Novice Lara remembers going to bed as usual.
<p>The next thing she remembers is having a very lustful dream. Then she woke up and saw someone, a dark figure, by her bed, looking at her. It had glowing, red eyes.</p>
<p>Novice Lara goes on to tell you what she remembers.</p>
<<c "Listen to Novice Lara's testimony">>
<<ev 12000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 3>>
<<mv 100-12000 90 volume0.7>>
Novice Lara's testimony is what you hoped. It fits well with the attacked nuns' testimonies. She could have been describing a real attack by the lust demon.
<p>Novice Lara is clearly distressed, anxiously wringing her hands. You feel sorry for putting the poor girl through this, but it was a necessary evil to try to catch the attacker.</p>
<<ev 13000>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 3>>
<<mi 100-10800 70>>
<c>When Novice Lara has told you her version of what happened, you ask her many questions while taking notes, wanting to know exactly what she remembers and not.
<<ev 13200>>
<<mv 100-12000 90 volume0.7>>
<c>Novice Lara's memory is blurry – and not entirely reliable, as you suspected. For instance, she thinks her slit may have been penetrated during the attack, possibly by the lust demon. But you know Novice Lara did it to herself. You never touched her there.
<p>Finally, you are satisfied and prepare to leave.</p>
<<ev 14000>>
<<mv 100-14000 48 speed0.50>>
<c><<s mc "What happened is very serious, Novice Lara. I have managed to keep the lust demon away for many days, but now it has returned, and it chose to attack you. It's your second time, Novice Lara. I will have to use the holy rites on you now. You understand that, don't you, my child?">>
<<s lara "I understand, $fmc. But which holy rites?">>
<<s mc "We will speak more of that tomorrow. Rest today, and pray to the Lord.">>
<<s lara "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Leave the room" nuns1 "ev:2000 step:2400">>
<<event 200 lara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "I've let you rest since the attack, but now the time has come to use the holy rites on you. You need protection against evil, and I must attempt to eat the lustful sins you committed during the attack.">>
<<s lara "What does that mean? How intimate would we have to be?">>
<<s mc "You have admitted that you were probably penetrated down there while having an orgasm. That's a sin of fornication. Which means we have to fornicate.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s lara "But I couldn't help it.">>
<<s mc "I know, my child, but the reality is that the lust demon has tainted you with Satan's corruption. We must undo it the best we can.">>
<<s lara "I ask that you spare me from this, $fmc. Couldn't you make an exception in my case?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid that is not possible, my child. We all have to do our part in the holy war. This has to be done, but the Lord will reward you for it.">>
<<s lara "I understand, Father.">>
<<say mc "Do not sin by putting yourself above your sisters, Lara. We must all do our part in the holy war. No exceptions.">>
<<s lara "I understand, Father.">>
<<tbut "Say No, but be gentle" null "addStat3 center">>
<<abut "Say No, and be harsh" null "addStat3 center">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi torso 45 "right pnggg">>
<<s lara "I was afraid it might come to this, so I've been thinking. If we are to do this, Father, I want to do that thing you talked about earlier... I want us to marry first with the Holy Marriage rite. I would feel better if our first intimate act together was as husband and wife.">>
<<s mc "You understand that we would have to consummate the marriage first? And then I would have to annul the marriage before I can attempt to eat your sins of fornication – because if we are married, we wouldn't be fornicating.">>
<<s lara "Yes, I understand that, Father. I would still prefer it. I would remain a virgin even after consummating the marriage, wouldn't I?">>
<<s mc "Yes, the holy rite will preserve the virginity you had before the Holy Marriage.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi face 40 "pnggg right">>
<<s lara "That's good. So... what about the anointing? Could that be done while we are married?">>
<<s mc "Technically, yes, but not until the marriage has been consummated – which is not done until I release my seed. So that seed wouldn't be the Holy Seed. That means we would have to stay married until I am ready to release more seed – to anoint you. But that would set a bad precedent if others heard of it. I need to be free of marriage to perform the holy rites on others when needed.">>
<<s lara "Does it take long to get ready to anoint me after we consummate the marriage? Couldn't we stay married just a few minutes to let you rest and go again?">>
<<s mc "Usually, no. It depends on how I feel at that moment, how quickly I can replenish. Even if I could once, it would set a bad precedent, as I said. Everyone would want to do it that way. It could cause conflict if I only do it with some. It's not a good idea, Novice Lara. Now, let's focus on the thing at hand. If it is your wish, we will marry and consummate the marriage before doing anything else. Is that your wish?">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<s lara "Yes, Father, but there is one more thing. I don't think this marriage – and the consummation of it – should be something just for you to enjoy. To fully join flesh as husband and wife, we should enjoy it together. This is how God intended it since He gave women too the ability to climax. That means we must climax together.">>
<<s mc "What if we don't?">>
<<s lara "Then we failed. Not until you have joined flesh with me properly will I accept being intimate with you outside of marriage.">>
<<but "Continue" lara1 step:900>>
<<ev 860>> /* when replaying before successfully completing climax game */
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I'm here to marry you again, Novice Lara. After we consummate the Holy Marriage, you promised you would agree to the other holy rites.">>
<<s lara "Yes, but remember that I want us to climax together as husband and wife.">>
<<but "Continue" lara1 step:900>>
<<ev 880>> /* playing after completing climax game */
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I'm here to marry you again, Novice Lara.">>
<<s lara "What for? I've already agreed to participate in the other holy rites.">>
<<if $qqlaraq>=2000 && !($qqlarafornication>=1000)>> /* larafornication is future quest */
<<s mc "Yes, but you wanted me to wait with eating your sins of fornication, and now I desire your slit. It takes my focus away from important things. So I will marry you.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but eating your sins of fornication takes concentration. I desire your slit and it takes my focus away from important things. I want to enjoy your flesh without having to concentrate on the holy rites – and you can enjoy my flesh.">>
<<s lara "If that is your desire, Father, I will submit to you. But if we are to join flesh as husband and wife, I want us to climax together.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I could try making us climax at the same time, but there is no guarantee I will succeed.">>
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500>>
<<s lara "I understand, but please try your best, Father.">>
<<s lara "Then you have to try until you do.">>
<<s mc "If we are to climax together, then you also accept taking my seed inside you. Not that you shouldn't. God will not make you pregnant unless it was meant to be.">>
<<s lara "I have to accept that. But I prefer if you finish outside. It would also be easier to wash away the mess afterward.">>
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500>>
You will decide that when the time comes.
You think it is best for your future interactions with Lara that you grant her wish and not ejaculate inside her slit – this time.
<<but "Marry Novice Lara" lara1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You perform a quick wedding ceremony with Novice Lara, making her just Lara, your wife.
<<marry lara>>
<p>Then the two of you get ready to consummate the marriage.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<s lara "I don't want you to do anything perverse in bed, Father. I want to do it face to face, on my back with you on top of me. The traditional way.">>
<<s mc "Sometimes it helps if the woman uses her mouth on the man, to get him ready.">>
<<s lara "But that's perverse, Father. You can take me down there, that should be enough.">>
<<s mc "As you wish.">>
Now you must climax together.
<<q laraq 1200>>
<<c "Undress your bride">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 90 pause2>>
<cc>After quickly removing your clothes, you help Lara undress.
<p>Finally, only Lara's panties are preventing you from seeing her virgin slit.
<<addlust 50>></p>
<<c "Remove her panties">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 82 pause1.4>>
<c>You pull up Lara's panties, exposing her slit. You get a good look at it before she covers herself.
<p>Your bride is shy, which is to be expected. But now you will penetrate her.
<<addlust 100>>
You don't need Lara's mouth. Your manhood is already erect and ready to go.
<<set $temp6 = null>> /* checked when retrying same night */
<<c "Penetrate Lara's slit">>
<<ev 2100>> /* coming here when retrying */
<<mv m 90 pause1.3>>
<<if $temp6==2>>
<span class="color-usage">[</span> Using a <<potionVirility>> <span class="color-usage">]</span><br>
<<elseif $temp6 == 1>>
<<set $temp6=2>>
<<addlust 100>> /* need if retrying */
You remove the hand of your shy bride and spread her legs. Then you throw yourself on top of Lara and enter her tight virgin slit with your hard manhood.
<<s lara "Take it easy with me, Father.">>
You must take it slow with Lara and first focus on raising her lust to the max. Only then can you focus on making her climax – and you have to climax together with her.
<<set $temp = 0>> /* lara's progress to lust (phase1) and climax (phase2). starts with 0, max is 100 */
<<set $temp2 = 50>> /* mc's progress to climax (not lust, which is always 100) */
/* player can change fontsize for puzzle which will reset when leaving puzzle, so need to avoid backing out */
<<set $temp3 = "nohistory">>
/* saving current font size for reset */
<<set $temp4 = setup.getCSSvariable("--base-font-size")>>
<<set $temp4 = $temp4.substring(0,$temp4.length-2)>>
<<set $temp5 = 1>> /* phase 1 */
/* note that temp6 is set in previous step to not be set again when retrying same day */
<<set $temp7 = null>> /* check if mc or lara is the one prematurely climaxing */
<<c "Raise Lara's lust">>
<<ev 2300>>
<cc style="margin-top:-0.6rem" class="puzzle-text">Make Lara climax together with you.</cc>
<<if $temp5==1>>
<cc class="puzzle-text-extra">Phase 1: Maximize Lara's lust. You must not climax.</cc>
<cc class="puzzle-text-extra">Phase 2: Novice Lara and you must reach climax at the same time.</cc>
<div style="position:relative; width:92%;margin:auto;margin-top:-0.2rem">
<<addClimaxBar left>>
<<if $temp5==1>><<mv climaxPhase1 100 volume1.3>><<else>><<mv climaxPhase2 100 volume1.3>><</if>>
<<addClimaxBar right>>
<div style="margin-top:-1rem;margin-left:-2.5rem"><span class="shadow" style="float:left; color:#0d5">Lara</span>
<span class="shadow" style="float:right;margin-right:-2.5rem;color:#fa0">You</span></div>
<<print '<<run setup.setPoints($temp, 100, "climaxleftbar", false)>>'>>
<<print '<<run setup.setPoints($temp2, 100, "climaxrightbar", false)>>'>>
<<run setup.climaxGame("init")>>
/* need to set speed later like this or it wont update video and it will start with speed 1.0 but show whatever speed was set in start. is it because need time to load? possibly will cause this bug if video takes long time to load? */
<<run setup.climaxGame("start")>>
<<if $temp5==1 && $qqlaraq<1210>>
<div style="position:relative;width:100%;z-index:9999">
<div id="init-help" style="font-size:135%;position:absolute;left:20%;margin-top:-7rem"><<coltext "Select your speed and Execute to make things happen" 29f shadow2>></div>
/* qqlaraq set to 1210 in excute to only show this the first time */
<div><span style="float:left;" class="climax-desc shadow"><span id="laraclimax">very low</span></span><span style="float:right;" class="climax-desc shadow"><span id="mcclimax">hmm</span></span></div>
<div id="climax-buttons">
<div style="font-size:120%;margin-top:-2rem;display:inline-block;">Speed: <span id="climaxSpeedInfo">nothing yet</span><br>
<span style="font-size:90%"><<button "Slower">><<run setup.climaxGame("slower")>><</button>></span><<button "<<space2>>Execute<<space2>>">><<run setup.climaxGame("execute")>><</button>><span style="font-size:90%"><<button "Faster">><<run setup.climaxGame("faster")>><</button>></span>
<div id="puzzle-result">
<span id="puzzlesmaller" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "–">>
<<if $fontSizeBase > 5>>
<<set $fontSizeBase-->>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<specbut "Give up" lara1 "step:2400 inline">>
<span id="puzzlebigger" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "+">>
<<set $fontSizeBase++>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<print 'fontsize: $fontSizeBase'>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<playsound failure "volume0.15 noloop speed0.3">>
<<overlay "nuns/lara/climaxPremature" "misc/cum/cumpic2" 62 46 9 96 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You give up trying to make Lara climax together with you.
<p>But you can't end it before climaxing yourself, so you quickly pump Lara's tight slit and then ejaculate on her stomach. You can see the disappointment on Lara's face.
<<set $temp7 = "giveup">>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp4>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp4+"px")>>
<<but "Continue" lara1 step:2700>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<playsound failure "volume0.13 noloop speed0.3">>
<<overlay "nuns/lara/climaxPremature" "misc/cum/cumpic2" 62 46 9 96 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>Oops! You failed to control yourself and ended up prematurely ejaculating over Lara.
<p>You can see the disappointment on her face.
<<set $temp7 = "mc">>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp4>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp4+"px")>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi m 67>>
<<if $temp7!="lara">>
<<s lara "What happened, $fmc?">>
<<if $temp=="mc">>
<<set _precum = "Your slit feels very good and I lost control for a moment. It happens sometimes when a man is with a girl, even to me.">>
<<else>> /* giving up */
<<set _precum = "I tried to make you climax too, but it just didn't work this time.">>
<<s lara "You didn't finish with me, $fmc.">>
<<set _precum = "I know, I tried, but...">>
<<if $qqlaraq < 1500>>
<<s mc "_precum But perhaps this could count anyway? We consummated the marriage.">>
<<s lara "I want us to finish together, Father.">>
<<s mc "_precum At least we consummated the marriage.">>
<<s lara "But I want us to finish together, Father.">>
<<qmess laraq 1300>>
<<if $temp6==null>>
<<but "Try again now" lara1 step:2730>>
<<but "<<potionVirility usage>> Try again now" lara1 step:2100>>
<<if $qqlaraq < 1500>>
<<but "Leave and try again another day" lara1 step:2800>>
<<but "<<special 'Too hard?' italicsAll>>" lara1 "step:2710 minWidth">>
<<but "Don't try again today" lara1 step:2800>>
<<ev 2710>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<special "You can skip the minigame, and the game will continue as if you successfully completed the minigame. You can later return to Novice Lara's room and try the minigame again.">>
<<but "Wait... go back" lara1 step:2700>>
<<but "Skip this minigame" lara1 "step:6000 fullWidth doplay:temp6=9">>
<<ev 2730>>
<<mi m 90>>
<<set $temp6 = 1>> /* only doing this once per day. Next try this day, getting different "Try again now" in previous step */
<<if $temp7=="lara">>
<<set _laramc = " Do you think you can climax again?">>
<<set _laramc2 = "Maybe. I don't know. But can you?">>
<<set _laramc = "">>
<<set _laramc2 = "Can you do that?">>
<<s mc "Just let me rest a moment, and I will try again._laramc">>
<<s lara "_laramc2 How long will you have to wait?">>
<<s mc "Just a few minutes. I'll take a quick walk... get the blood flowing, and I'll be ready.">>
<<s lara "Okay, Father. I'll wait, then.">>
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 "ev:3500 step:4000">>
<<ev 2750>>
<<mi 200-2700 60>>
<c>You return to Lara's room. She shyly covers herself when you enter.
<<s mc "I'm ready to try again. Let's get going.">>
<p>Thanks to the <<potionVirility>> and the thought of once again penetrating Lara's slit, your lust quickly returns.
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Get going" lara1 step:2100>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<if $qqlaraq < 1500>>
<<s mc "As you wish. We'll meet again soon. We can try again then.">>
<<s mc "Maybe we can try again another time. We'll see.">>
You get dressed and annul your marriage with Lara, making her again Novice Lara.
<<marry stop>>
<p>You quickly leave the room, ashamed of <<if $temp7=="mc">>prematurely ejaculating.<<else>>failing to climax together with Novice Lara.<</if>> You must learn from this and do better the next time.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<cc style="margin-top:-0.6rem" class="puzzle-text">Make Lara climax together with you</cc>
<cc class="puzzle-text-extra" style="font-size:130%;margin-bottom:0.5rem">Phase 1: Completed!</cc>
<<mv climaxPhase1done2 100>>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp4>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp4+"px")>>
You can tell that Lara is now very lustful. Her face and upper chest are blushing, her breathing has changed, and she has started to moan. Most telling, her slit has become wet.
<p>You pump Lara's tight slit with your hard manhood, hoping to make her reach climax together with you, but you soon realize that mindless thrusting won't bring Lara to orgasm.</p>
<p>You had to be methodical to raise her lust, and now have to up your game even more to bring this home.
<<set $temp = 0>> /* starting climaxing level from 0 */
<<set $temp2 = 50>> /* same as before phase 1 */
<<set $temp5 = 2>> /* phase 2 */
<<qadd laraq 1400>> /* to unlock phase 2 */
<<but "Make Lara climax together with you" lara1 step:2300>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<playsound failure "volume0.2 noloop speed0.3">>
<<overlay "nuns/lara/climaxPremature" "misc/cum/cumpic2" 62 46 9 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<<set $temp7 = "lara">>
Oh, no! Lara climaxed before you. Still, wanting release, you quickly pump her slit. You soon reach orgasm, and ejaculate on Lara's stomach.
<p>You can see the disappointment on her face.
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp4>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp4+"px")>>
<<but "Continue" lara1 step:2700>>
<<ev 4000>>
<cc style="margin-top:-0.6rem" class="puzzle-text">Make Lara climax together with you</cc>
<cc class="puzzle-text-extra" style="font-size:130%;margin-bottom:0.5rem">Phase 2: Completed!</cc>
<<mv m 96>>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp4>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp4+"px")>>
Lara is reaching orgasm and your seed is on its way.
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500>>
<<but "Ejaculate inside her slit" lara1 step:5000>>
You hold out a few moments more to let Lara enjoy the peak of her orgasm.
<p>Then it is your turn.</p>
<<c "Pull out and ejaculate">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv cumming 90>>
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500>>
<cc>When Lara has enjoyed the peak of her orgasm, you pull out and ejaculate all over her stomach.</cc>
<cc>You ejaculate your seed all over Lara's stomach. It feels very good.</cc>
<<but "Continue" lara1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>Climaxing together with Lara, you ejaculate inside her wet slit.
<<creampie lara center>></cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie11 60 volume0.5>>
<c>Your seed is dripping out of Lara's slit.
<p>Lara feels the milky substance with her hand. While she doesn't look happy about it, she says nothing, having accepted that you might finish inside her.</p>
<<ev 6000>>
<<if $temp6==9>>
<cc><<special "[Skipping to the end]">></cc>
<cc style="margin-top:-0.6rem" class="puzzle-text">Make Lara climax together with you</cc>
<cc class="puzzle-text-extra" style="font-size:130%;margin-bottom:0.5rem"> Success!</cc>
<<mi m 90>>
<<if $temp7 == null>>
/* dont do cum if lara or mc finished prematurely as mc already cummed then */
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500>>
<<s lara "Thank you, $fmc. That was what I wanted. It feels strange to do this, but I accept that we are at war and normal rules don't apply.">>
<<s mc "The Lord and I thank you for your sacrifice for the holy cause, my child.">>
<<s lara "Thank you, $fmc. That was what I wanted. Now I am okay with participating in the other holy rites. Whichever you think are needed.">>
<<s mc "Very good. I'll meet with you again soon. Perhaps tomorrow night.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>You get dressed and annul your marriage with Lara, making her again Novice Lara.
<<marry stop>>
<p>You leave the room feeling satisfied, as does Novice Lara.
<<if $qqlaraq<1500>> But you need to anoint her and perhaps eat her sins. You must return to Novice Lara soon.
<<q laraq 1500>><</if>>
<<event 300 lara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "I've done as you asked, and we've been together as husband and wife. You promised you would agree to the other holy rites now.">>
<<s lara "Yes, $fmc. If they are needed. I understand that you want to anoint me. But you also said you wanted to eat my sins of fornication. I don't remember committing such sins, Father.">>
<<s mc "You remembered that you were probably penetrated down there when the lust demon attacked you. That could be a sin of fornication in your mind. We would take a risk if I don't try to eat that sin.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk 66>>
<<s lara "Could we at least wait for some time? You can anoint me to protect me while I get used to the idea of fornicating with you. Please, Father.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi climaxPremature 80>>
Since you have already penetrated Novice Lara's slit with your manhood – and you could do it again by marrying her – your desire to fornicate with the unwilling nun is manageable. As long as you anoint her regularly, you can wait with eating her sins of fornication.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk 60>>
<<s mc "I will grant your request, Novice Lara. The anointings can do for now.">>
<<s lara "Thank you, kindly, $fmc. I'm ready to be anointed.">>
<<q laraq 2000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 100-10000 70>>
<c>You could have insisted that you should eat her sins of fornication, but after using Novice Lara for your experiment – recreating an attack on her – you feel it is only fair that you do this nice thing for the young nun in return for the potential mental harm you may have caused her.
<<addtrust 5>>
<<but "Continue" lara>>
<<ev 1000>> /* anointing starts here - reusing event */
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I want to anoint you with the Holy Seed now, my child.">>
<<s lara "Yes, $fmc. I am ready.">>
<<s mc "You understand that you will have to use your mouth?">>
<<s lara "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must also get undressed to activate the Holy Rod, and we will begin.">>
<<c "Undress">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 200-2730 80>>
<c>Novice Lara gets naked and lies down on the bed.
You take a good look at her naked body and it has the desired effect.
<<addlust 100 lh>>
You get naked and lie down on the bed next to Novice Lara.
<<s mc "Start by using your mouth.">>
<<c "Show her your erect manhood">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 76>>
<c>Having accepted the holy rite, Novice Lara does not waste any time. She takes your manhood in her mouth and begins to pleasure you.
<p>Surprisingly skilled at oral sex for being a virgin, you suspect that Novice Lara has been told how to do it by the other nuns.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 90 volume2>>
<cc>You enjoy Novice Lara's mouth.</cc>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>After a while, you tell her to go faster.
<p>Eventually, you reach orgasm.</p></cc>
<<c "Ejaculate in her face">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
<cc>You squirt your seed in Novice Lara's face and moan the words to anoint her.</cc>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 300-2200 82>>
<<s mc "This will protect you against evil for a while. We must strengthen your protection soon. And we can't forget your sins of fornication. They must be dealt with sooner or later, but this will do for now.">>
<<s lara "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi 200-2700 70>>
You will keep anointing Novice Lara. When you think she has had enough time to get used to the idea of fornicating with you, you will eat her sins of fornication.
<<qend laraq 2200>>
<</events>><<if !($bathroomLaundryDone > 0)>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("claraq")>>
<<if !$bathroomHasBathed && $qqbathroom >= 300>>
<<mii bathroom/innerLaundry2 80>>
<<mii bathroom/innerLaundry 34>>
The inner room of the combined bathroom and laundry is inaccessible to you while the nuns bathe, and crowded with laundry and working nuns when they do the laundry. <<if !($qqclaraq>=100)>>To not disturb the nuns, you should wait until the activities die down before entering the inner laundry.<</if>>
<<but "Wait until the nuns are done >>>" laundry1 "ev:10000 qqclaraq<<100 doplay:claraLaundryDone=1 doplay:bathroomLaundryDone=1">>
<<but "Wait until the nuns are done >>>" laundry1 "ev:10200 qqclaraq>=100 qqclaraq<<700 doplay:claraLaundryDone=1 doplay:bathroomLaundryDone=1">>
<<but "Wait until the nuns are done >>>" laundry1 "ev:10300 qqclaraq>=700 qqclaraq<<1000 doplay:claraLaundryDone=1 doplay:bathroomLaundryDone=1">>
<<mvv bathroom/claratalk2 60>>
After the nuns have finished bathing and doing laundry, you enter the inner laundry.
Behind laundry hanging to dry, you find Novice Clara working.
<<if $qqclaraq==1000>>
<<cs clara "Did you read my reports?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. Keep them coming. But that's not why I'm here.">>
<<set $qqclaraq = 1010>>
<<if $qqclarareport1 == 200>>
<<set _clarareport1 = "<<actQuest clarareport1>>">>
<<nunbut clara laundry1 "ev:10500 buttontext:_clarareport1:: useimage:misc/letter_small:: usebackground:00f::">>
<<elseif $qqclarareport2 == 200>>
<<set _clarareport2 = "<<actQuest clarareport2>>">>
<<nunbut clara laundry1 "ev:10600 buttontext:_clarareport2:: useimage:misc/letter_small:: usebackground:00f::">>
<<but "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" laundry1 "ev:11000 qqlustfulwomen>=100 lustfulwomen#notplayed700">>
<<but "Reduce her lust" laundry1 "ev:11000 step:200 lustfulwomen#played700">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" laundry1 "ev:10400 qqholymarriage>=1100">>
<<but "Anoint her" laundry1 "ev:10320 step:100">>
<<set $claraLaundryDone=1>>
<<set $bathroomLaundryDone=1>>
<<mii bathroom/outside_bathroom_close 40>>
<cc>The inner laundry is filled with laundry, dirty and clean. No one is here.</cc>
<<vv 4>>
/* laundry event nr start with 10000 */
<<event 10000 bathroom media>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mi innerLaundry3 30>>
<c>After the nuns are done bathing and then finished doing the laundry, they leave the main room of the combined bathroom and laundry.
<p>You enter the main room and go toward the inner room.</p>
<<c "Enter the inner laundry">>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv clarasit 35 volume0.1>>
You enter the inner room where the nuns keep their laundry, both dirty and fresh.
<p>First, you think you are alone in here, but then you look behind some fresh laundry hanging to dry. You see a nun sitting down. It looks like Novice Clara.</p>
<<c "Talk to her">><<hub>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv claratalk2 62>>
<<cs mc "Novice Clara, I almost didn't see you there.">>
<<cs clara "No one does.">>
<<cs mc "What do you mean?">>
<<cs clara "Nothing, Father.">>
You get the feeling something is bothering her.
<<ev 250>>
<<mi claraface 45>>
<c>Since Novice Clara hasn't been attacked, she is not one of the nuns you questioned when you got here, and you know very little about her. She could be worth investigating.
<<c "Look closer at Novice Clara">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv claralegs 62 pause1>>
<c>With the way her habit splits, you can see Novice Clara's upper thigh<<if $corr<30>>. Unfortunately, you also catch a glimpse of her white panties, and your eyes are accidentally drawn toward them.<<else>>, even catching a glimpse of her white panties.<</if>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 350>>
<<mv claralegs2 62 pause1>>
Noticing your stare, the nun quickly covers herself.
<<s clara "I apologize for my indecency, $fmc.">>
<p>Novice Clara seems shy and a little skittish. Befriending the novice could be all that's needed to get her to open up to you.
<<qstart claraq 100>>
<<c "Help her with the laundry">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi clarasit 40>>
<<cs mc "Are you doing this all by yourself?">>
<<cs clara "Yes, it's my assignment as a novice.">>
<<cs mc "I will help you. Tell me what to do.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv claratalk 64>>
You spend some time making conversation while folding dry laundry and hanging up wet laundry.
<p>Novice Clara appears happy that you help her out.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi clarasit 40>>
Novice Clara seems more relaxed with your presence after you helped her.
<<if $qqclaraq < 200>>
<p>You should do this again with the shy novice, to befriend her more,<br>before you start questioning her.
<<q claraq 200 center>></p>
<p>You think she will be ready for questioning the next time you come to see her.
<<q claraq 300 center>></p>
<<event 10200 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqclaraq==300>>
<<mv clarabutt 40>>
You enter the inner laundry.
Behind laundry hanging to dry, you find Novice Clara.<br>She is bent over with her behind toward you.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<p>You think Novice Clara is ready to be questioned.</p>
<<mv clarabutt 40>>
You enter the inner laundry.
<p>Behind wet laundry hanging to dry, you find Novice Clara.</p>
<<but "Help her with the laundry" laundry1 "ev:10000 step:500 qqclaraq<<300">>
<<but "Approach her" laundry1 "step:200 qqclaraq==300">>
<<but "Approach her" laundry1 "step:820 qqclaraq==600">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv claralook 60 pause2>>
<<cs mc "Greetings, Novice Clara.">>
<<cs clara "Oh! $fmc, I didn't hear you.">>
<<cs mc "I'm sorry if I scared you. Do you have a minute to talk?">>
<<cs clara "Yes, of course.">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mv claratalk2 60>>
<<s mc "The first time I met you here, I said I almost didn't see you. You replied that no one does. What did you mean by that?">>
<<s clara "It's nothing, Father. I'm just silly.">>
<<s mc "Please, Novice Clara. It is something. Get it off your chest with me, and it will feel better.">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi clarasit2 45 right>>
<<s clara "It's just that I'm used to being ignored. Growing up, I didn't have many friends. I was never one of the popular kids. Even bullied at times. For my looks. Being ugly, as they said.">>
<<s mc "Kids... kids can be mean. Forget them.">>
<<s clara "Yes, I know. I've put it behind me. It's not that way here, not at all. Everyone is nice to me. It's just that I still feel a bit left out socially. Somehow, people forget I'm there, and sometimes they don't include me when doing things, and so on. They don't do it on purpose. It's just my personality, how I am – shy, being used to fall back and watch from a distance, quiet.">>
<<s mc "Feeling left out is not a good feeling.">>
<<q claraq 400>>
<<ev 280>>
<<mv claratalk2 60>>
<<s clara "No. And it doesn't help that my assignment is to sit here alone in the laundry. No one sees me. Sometimes, after the laundry is done and everyone but me has left, people come to the bathroom to talk in private about things. They look inside this room, but fail to spot me behind the laundry hanging to dry. I've heard many things not meant for my ears because people thought no one could hear them.">>
This could be useful. A spy in the bathroom.
<<ev 300>>
<<mv claralegs 65 pause1>>
<c>As you think of what to say next, your eyes <<if $corr<30>>accidentally <</if>>happen to fall down on Novice Clara's exposed upper thigh. You can see her white panties.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv claralegs2 62 pause1>>
<<s clara "Forgive me, Father. I'm not used to being in the presence of a man.">>
<<s mc "It is I who should apologize, Novice Clara. I should have averted my gaze.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi clarasit 45 right>>
<<s mc "So tell me, Novice Clara. You say you sometimes overhear your sisters talking. Have you heard anything about the attacks? Something that could help me in the investigation?">>
<<s clara "I don't think so. It's mostly gossip. No one really knows what's going on. The attacked sisters don't remember much.">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi claralookdown 30>>
Novice Clara gets quiet and looks down.
<<s mc "What's the matter?">>
<<s clara "I'm having sinful thoughts. I feel envy because all these young, beautiful sisters have been attacked by the Crone. But I haven't. Not even the Crone wants me. It's a horrible thing to think. I don't wish any harm to my sisters, but that's how much my childhood feelings of not being wanted have affected me.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi claraface3 35>>
<<s mc "I understand, Novice Clara, but these thoughts are dangerous. It's true that the attacker seems to target the young and attractive, but I would include you there. There is nothing wrong with your looks. You are in danger of being attacked, and you have to be careful like everyone else. You do not want to be attacked, believe me. The ones who have, they suffer from nightmares and thoughts of sins they may have committed without remembering.">>
<<s clara "Oh, I know, Father. I don't wish to be attacked. I'm not that far gone.">>
<<s mc "Good. But speaking of the attacks. I could use your help with the investigation. I have a feeling that you could have an important role to play. Perhaps that is why God put you here, alone. It will be a chance to turn your solitude into something positive.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv claratalk 60>>
<<s clara "Help? How do you mean, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I want you to be my eyes and ears. Not only when you are in here. All the time. If you learn something that could be of interest to me, remember it and report it to me.">>
<<s clara "You want me to spy on my sisters?">>
<<but "Continue" laundry1 step:800>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi clarasit 45 right>>
<<s mc "From what you're telling me, you don't need to do much more than you already do. You overhear things because people don't notice you. I just want you to remember important things and report them to me. This can help me clear your sisters of suspicion. You don't believe one of your sisters is responsible for the attacks, do you?">>
<<s clara "No, I can't imagine that.">>
<<s mc "I don't think so either, but as an investigator, I can't clear people just because I believe something. I need evidence. The more evidence I get that none of the sisters are involved, the more I can concentrate on other suspects. You will be helping me catch the attacker, which will be good for all of your sisters. You must think of it like that.">>
<<but "Continue" laundry1 step:900>>
<<ev 820>>
<<mv claratalk 60>>
<c>You again try to convince Novice Clara to act as your eyes and ears, relaying things to you that she sees or hears when no one notices she is there.</c>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv claratalk2 60>>
<<s clara "But you're asking me to share things I wasn't meant to know. That feels wrong. I can't do it.">>
That's too bad. Novice Clara could be a valuable asset. If you can convince her to help you.
<p>While working, Novice Clara's upper thigh has once again been exposed.</p>
/*<<addcorr 15>>TEMP*/
<<but "Stare at her exposed thigh" laundry1 "corr30 step:2000">>
<<c "Bid her farewell and leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi claraface4 35>>
<c>You leave Novice Clara. Hopefully, you can get her to change her mind about relaying information she secretly learns. It could be important to the investigation.
<<q claraq 600>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv claralegs 50 pause1>>
<c>By taking advantage of Novice Clara's low self-esteem, you hope you can get her more willing to do as you ask by making her feel attractive and wanted.
<p>You purposely stay quiet and stare at Novice Clara's exposed upper thigh. God will understand this small indiscretion to further the investigation.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv claralegs2 50 pause1>>
<<s clara "I'm sorry again, Father.">>
<<s mc "No need to apologize, Novice Clara. It is I who failed to look away. I have to admit, I felt a rush in my body when I saw your thigh. And when I saw your behind earlier when you were bent over, working.">>
<<s clara "Father... how can you talk like that?">>
<<s mc "I understand if I embarrass you. You don't know the details of my fight against Satan. I can't help but feel lust in the presence of young and attractive girls like you. But it is needed for what I have to do to protect you all.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi claraface3 36>>
Novice Clara's positive reaction to being referred to as young and attractive is obvious.
<<s clara "What do you mean, Father?">>
<<s mc "To fight the nocturnal lust demon, I have to perform certain powerful rites of protection on your sisters. The ones who have been attacked and the ones in danger of being attacked. The fact that I felt lust in your presence is a warning that the lust demon may come for you soon. You are in need of protection. I could protect you, but the rites of protection come with a cost.">>
<<s clara "What cost?">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi clarasit 45 right>>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't say more until you are ready to hear it. But know that you would be in good company if you do accept the rites of protection. Several of your sisters have accepted them. Several of the sisters most in need because of their young age and beauty – the lust demon's preferred victims. Like you.">>
<<s clara "I'm not beautiful...">>
<<s mc "The kids from your youth have made you believe that. I see a beautiful young woman, filling me with lust. That means you are in danger of being attacked.">>
<<s clara "Oh. Well... then I want the protection.">>
<<s mc "Then you must be deemed ready to accept the first rite of protection. You should speak with Novice Emma and tell her what I told you. She is assisting me.">>
<<s clara "I see. I will speak to her.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi claraface4 36>>
You should return to Novice Clara in a few days to see if she is ready to accept the holy rites.
<<q claraq 700 center>>
<<event 10300 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv clarabutt 40>>
You enter the inner laundry.
Hidden behind laundry hanging to dry, you find Novice Clara.
<<if $qqclaraq==700>>
<<if !setup.daysSinceLastStage("claraq",4)>>
<p>You want to give Novice Emma some time to make Novice Clara ready to learn about and accept the holy rites. You decide to leave Novice Clara alone for now.
<<qset claraq 710>>
<<but "Approach her" laundry1 "qqclaraq>=710 step:200">><<hub>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv claratalk 60>>
<<s mc "Has Novice Emma told you about the first rite of protection yet?">>
<<s clara "Yes. She told me you want to anoint me. And how you want to do it. Is it really true what she told me? About the...anointing with the Holy Seed?">>
<<s mc "Yes, you can trust anything Novice Emma says. The Holy Seed will protect you from the lust demon. And it's urgent. I want to anoint you right now.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi claralookdown 36 right>>
<<s clara "I'm having doubts, Father. How can this be right?">>
<<s mc "I can't make you accept this holy rite. But as I said earlier, several of your sisters have already accepted it. Because they are young and beautiful and in need of this protection from the lust demon. Like you.">>
<<s clara "Who have accepted it?">>
<<s mc "I can't tell you that. Not until you also join the group.">>
<<s clara "What group?">>
<<s mc "There is a secret group. The members are those among you who have been deemed in need of the holy rites, and who have accepted them. The young and beautiful, in need of protection from the lust demon. I think you belong with them, but you must accept it willingly.">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi claraface4 37>>
<<s clara "Do you really think I belong in that group? The young and beautiful?">>
<<s mc "Yes. The Lord has made me sensitive to who the lust demon favors. In your presence, I've felt lust for you. The same thing happened with the other sisters I have protected. They are all young and beautiful, like you.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi claralookdown 30>>
<<s clara "It is so hard to accept what you are asking me to do, and to believe what you are saying. I never saw myself as beautiful. And when I see some of the other sisters... I feel ugly.">>
<<s mc "Envy is a sin, as you know. You should not compare yourself to your sisters. You may not be considered the most beautiful nun here, but you are still beautiful. But if you don't want to join this group, I have to respect your decision.">>
<<s clara "You're saying the others in this group have been anointed by you? With the Holy Seed?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv claratalk 60 pause2>>
<<s mc "Yes, all of them. I'm going to make an exception and mention one of them now, because I feel it is crucial that you accept my help: Sister Rumika has been anointed by me.">>
<<s clara "She has? Yes, she is so beautiful. No wonder the lust demon came for her.">>
<<s mc "And now I want to anoint you like I anointed her and the other members of the group. And you will become a member of this group. Or you decline this offer, and we can only pray that the lust demon won't come after you.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi clarasit 45 right>>
<<s clara "You have convinced me, $fmc. I will do what is necessary.">>
<<s mc "You will have to use your mouth.">>
<<s clara "I understand. I will do what is required to join the group.">>
<<s mc "Then you can begin by spreading your legs for me while you continue to work. The Holy Rod is made of flesh and blood, and I need to get it ready for the rite. This will be a test to see if you can stomach what needs to be done.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi clarasit3 65>>
<<cs clara "Like this?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, good. Work with the laundry, and I will look at you.">>
<<c "Look at Novice Clara">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv claralegsclose 60>>
<c>You stare at Novice Clara's exposed thigh and think of someday penetrating the slit between her legs. Your male organ quickly grows.
<<addlust 70>>
<<s mc "The Holy Rod is ready. Now kneel and use your mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 53 volume0.2>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "Don't be afraid. This will protect you against the lust demon.">>
<<cs clara "What if someone sees us?">>
<<cs mc "We are hidden behind the hanging laundry. We will hear anyone coming.">>
<<c "Push her head toward your hard manhood">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 53 volume0.2>>
<c>You give the nervous novice a helping hand.
<<s mc "You must do it now or the Holy Rod will lose its power. Take it in your mouth.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 53 volume0.2>>
<cc>Novice Clara does her duty, although still worried about being detected.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.2>>
<<cs clara "Is it coming now?">>
<<cs mc " Move your head faster, and the Holy Seed will come soon. I will let you know.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.2>>
<cc>Novice Clara moves faster, but her technique is not the best.
<p>You tell her how to do it better.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 50>>
<cc>Novice Clara does as you say.<br>
It has the desired effect. The climax is getting closer.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 55 volume0.2>>
<cc>Before long, you are ready to finish the holy rite.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Anoint Novice Clara">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Clara in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<<cs mc "It's good if you swallow some of it. It will protect you.">>
Novice Clara doesn't seem to like the taste, but she does make an effort to swallow.
<<if setup.questCompleted("claraq")>>
<<but "Continue" laundry1 "ev:10320 step:3200">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi m 70>>
<<cs clara "Am I a member of the group now?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. You are now a member of the <<var circle.>> That's the name of the group.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi clarasit 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "Novice Clara, now that you are a member of the <<var circle,>> you must swear not to tell anyone else about the Circle or the holy rites, unless they are also a member of the Circle.">>
<<s clara "I understand, $fmc. You can trust me. But what about the Mother Superior? Does she know?">>
<<s mc "No. <<mms>> is old and the lust demon will not come for her. She may not understand the need for the Circle. You must not reveal anything to her.">>
<<s clara "Yes, Father, I understand.">>
<<s mc "Good. And as a member of the secret Circle, and because you realize just how serious the fight against the Devil is, you must also do your duty as a member of the Circle to help in the fight. I ask that you reconsider my request that you report anything of interest to the investigation that you may learn.">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi claraface3 36>>
<<s clara "I guess... I could do it. If it's that important. But how do I know what's of interest to the investigation?">>
<<s mc "Things people do or say when they think no one can see or hear them. People sneaking around, gossip and private conversations... things like that. It's impossible to know beforehand what could be important to the investigation. If you have something to report, write a brief summary of it on a piece of paper. You can slip the paper under my door when you leave for the morning prayer. If I want to know more about something, I will seek you out here. If there is something you think is urgent, you can tell Novice Sofia, and she will inform me that you want to speak. It's best that no one sees you approaching me.">>
<<s clara "Okay, Father. I will do it.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi claraface4 38>>
You have managed to recruit a valuable asset in Novice Clara. You hope she will one day see or overhear something that will help you in the investigation.
<<qend claraq 1000>>
<<tip clara>>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv claralegs 60>>
<c>You are about to leave when your eyes fall on Novice Clara's exposed thigh. You think about that virgin slit between her legs.
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv claralegsclose 60>>
You feel an urge to penetrate her slit. But Novice Clara has not been attacked by the lust demon, and you have no other reason to suspect that the virgin may have committed any sins of fornication that you can eat.
<<if $qqholymarriage>=100>>
<p>But if you married Novice Clara with the Holy Marriage rite, you could lie with her to consummate the marriage.
<<qstart claramarry 200>>
<p>You need to find a reason to lie with Novice Clara, and currently, you have none.
<<qstart claramarry 100>>
<<event 10320 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv claralegs 60>>
<cc>Seeing Novice Clara's exposed thigh makes you desire her.<br>Which means the lust demon could do the same.
<<addlust 20>>
<<cs mc "I want to strengthen your protection against the lust demon by anointing you again.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv claratalk2 60>>
<<s clara "Could we do it another time? I... I'm busy with the laundry.">>
<<s mc "If the lust demon attacks you, it will grow in strength. You're putting everyone in the Circle in danger by not protecting yourself.">>
<<s clara "If it is for the good of the Circle, I will do it.">>
<<s mc "I'm pleased that you understand. Then you must use your mouth...">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 10300-1000 53 volume0.2>>
<<addlust 100>>
You take out your stiff member.
<<cs clara "I'm worried that someone will see us.">>
<<cs mc "You know we will hear anyone coming. We are hidden behind the laundry.">>
<<but "Push her head toward your hard manhood" laundry1 "ev:10300 step:1100">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii bathroom/10300-3300 70>>
<<cs clara "Did it work? Is my protection stronger now?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. You did your duty for the good of the Circle. Well done, Novice Clara.">>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<event 10400 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("laundry1", 10400, 2000)>>
<<mv claralegs 54>>
<<s mc "It is time that you again do your duty as a member of the Circle, Novice Clara. I want to marry you and then lie with you to reduce my lust.">>
<<s clara "Yes, $fmc. I will do my duty as a member of the Circle.">>
You say a few quick words to perform the wedding ceremony.
<<marry clara>>
<<s mc "We are married. Get naked and spread your legs.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<elseif !setup.questCompleted("holymarriage")>>
<<mi clarasit3 54>>
<<s mc "I ask that you do your duty as a member of the Circle, Novice Clara. I want to marry you and then lie with you to reduce my lust.">>
Novice Clara is not eager to go along with your wish. You try to convince her, but without success.
<p>From her questions about who else you have done this with, you think you can get Novice Clara to change her mind once you have shared the marital bed with a few other nuns.
<<q claramarry 300>>
<<mi clarasit3 50>>
<<s mc "I ask that you do your duty as a member of the Circle, Novice Clara. I want to marry you and then lie with you to reduce my lust.">>
Novice Clara is not eager to go along with your wish. You try to convince her.
<p>When you tell her of the other members of the Circle that have already accepted to share the marital bed with you – doing their duty – Novice Clara finally caves.
<<s clara "If this is my duty as a member of the Circle, I will do it.">>
You say a few quick words to perform the wedding ceremony.
<<marry clara>>
<<s mc "We are married. Get naked and spread your legs.">></p>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 2000>> /* checked in laundry.tw, dont change */
<<mv m 30 "volume0 right">>
<l>You get your manhood stiff by preparing Clara's hole for the act.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s clara "Please be careful with me, Father. I'm a virgin.">>
<<s mc "I will. And you will be a virgin still after the act. Such are the favors God grants you for partaking in the Holy Marriage.">>
<<s clara "You won't make me pregnant, will you?">>
<<s mc "Don't worry. I will not.">>
<<c "Penetrate her virgin slit">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<c>Clara may not be considered the most attractive nun here, but her tight virgin slit feels just as good as any of the other slits you have penetrated with your hard manhood.</c>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>You enjoy Clara's hole.</cc>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<<s mc "How does it feel?">>
<<s clara "I feel ashamed, but strong in knowing I'm doing my duty for the Circle.">>
<<s mc "You should try to enjoy it. Touch yourself if it helps you reach climax. During the marital congress, this is allowed.">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<c>Being a virgin, Clara has a lot of pent-up sexual energy in her body. Once she allows herself to let go, her slit is quickly getting wet and she approaches climax.</c>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>Not long after, Clara has an orgasm as you keep pounding her wet slit.
<p>But you aren't done yet...</p></cc>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<c><<s clara "Isn't it sinful to do it this way? From behind on all fours like animals...">>
<<s mc "The female body is created to arouse and pleasure the man to release his seed. In the marital bed, enjoying your wife's naked body in different ways is not a sin.">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>You feel the urge to plant your seed inside Clara's virgin slit...</cc>
<<if setup.questCompleted("creampieq")>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("laundry1", 10400,7300)>>
/* nothing, having already accepted it earlier */
<cc>And you think Clara will accept it when you tell her of all the other members of the Circle you have done the same with.</cc>
<<but "Plant your seed inside her" laundry1 step:7000>><<c "Use her mouth instead">>
<<elseif ndef $qqcreampieq>>
<cc>But you don't want to risk making her upset or impregnating her.</cc>
<<c "Use her mouth instead">>
/* started creampieq but not finished yet */
You could do it, but then Clara might get upset and you don't want to risk losing her as an asset. Knowing Clara's desire to be a member of the Circle, you think she will accept that you plant your seed in her once she knows that you have done it with several of the other members of the Circle already.</cc>
<<c "Use her mouth instead">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>You let Clara finish you with her mouth.</cc>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mvv bathroom/10300-3000 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>It feels amazing to shoot your load in her mouth and face.</cc>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mvv bathroom/10300-3100 65 volume0.2>>
<c>You encourage Clara to swallow your seed although you didn't anoint her – and thus your seed won't bless her. It's good that she gets used to the taste.</c>
<<ev 6300>>
<<mii bathroom/10300-3300 66>>
<cc><<cs mc "Good work, Clara. You did your duty as a valued member of the Circle.">>
Clara looks happy.
You annull the marriage with Clara. She is now again Novice Clara.
<<marry stop>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("claramarry")>>
<<but "Leave" laundry1 step:9000>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mv 10400-3000 65 volume0.2>>
<cc>You lay Clara down and go for the finish.<br>The thought of releasing your seed in her wet virgin slit makes you reach climax.
<p>You fill her hole with your seed.</p></cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie5flip 54>>
<c>Clara gets alarmed when she realizes that you emptied yourself inside her,
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("laundry1", 10400,7300)>>
but when you remind her of the other members of the Circle with which you have done the same, she accepts it.
but when you tell her of the other members of the Circle with which you have done the same, she accepts it.
<<creampie clara>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 7300>>
<<mi claraface3 35>>
<<cs clara "I just hope I won't get pregnant from this.">>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<cs mc "You won't. The Lord has told me as much. But if you did, it would surely be a miracle.">>
<<cs mc "You won't. The Lord has told me as much.">>
You annull the marriage with Clara. She is now again Novice Clara.
<<marry stop>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("claramarry")>>
<<but "Leave" laundry1 step:9000>>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi claramarry 66>>
<<married clara>>
<<qend claramarry 1000 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 10500 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi claraface3 40>>
<cc2>You ask Novice Clara to tell you everything she remembers about the prioress, Sister Roberta, talking about the holy rites with two novices.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 10500-200 80>>
<cc2>Novice Clara tells you that, as usual, she was working in the inner laundry alone after everyone else had left.
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 10500-300 70 pause2>>
<c>Then Sister Roberta and a couple of novices entered the main room of the combined bathroom and laundry. Hiding in the inner laundry, Novice Clara could hear what they said.
<p>From what Novice Clara could gather, it seems that Sister Roberta had overheard the two novices talking about something sexual and inquired about it.
<<s clara "I don't think Sister Roberta knew about the holy rites. She was just upset because of the inappropriate topic." ii>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 66>>
<c>You can relax again. After Novice Clara has finished telling you everything else she heard, you are convinced that Sister Roberta didn't know or learn anything too damaging.
<p>Sister Roberta probably did overhear the two initiated novices talking about the holy rites without knowing it, and then the novices apologized for their sinful talk and got away with it without revealing anything about the existence of the holy rites or the Circle.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv grounds/entranceBottom 50>>
<c>Still, this shows how dangerous it is to have all these initiates running around, talking and gossiping about the holy rites. It is only a matter of time before this will spread outside the Circle.
<<if setup.questCompleted("alonsoshed")>>
The Mother Superior has already asked you about rumors concerning inappropriate behavior between you and the nuns, but you managed to explain it away, that time.<</if>>
<p>You hope you will find a way to deal with this danger before it is too late.
<<qend clarareport1 1000>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 10600 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi claraface3 40>>
<cc2>You ask Novice Clara to tell you everything she remembers about the prioress, Sister Roberta, once again talking about the holy rites with two novices.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 10500-200 80>>
<cc2>Novice Clara tells you that, as usual, she was working in the inner laundry alone after everyone else had left.
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 10500-300 70 pause2>>
<c>Then Sister Roberta and a couple of novices entered the main room of the combined bathroom and laundry. This was not the same two novices as the first time, but these novices were also initiated into the Circle.
<p>From what Novice Clara could overhear, it seems that Sister Roberta had caught the two novices talking about something sexual and confronted them about it.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 10500-500 60>>
<<s clara "I can't recall her exact words, but it sounded like Sister Roberta had been spying on them. And not only on them. Other novices too. I think she has been investigating if anything is going on among the novices, something sexually inappropriate." ii>>
<<s clara "I still don't think Sister Roberta knows about the holy rites. She probably thinks it's just us girls talking and gossiping about things nuns shouldn't, but she sounded more upset this time. She said they would bring shame to the convent if word of this behavior came out. Also, your name was mentioned, but I couldn't hear in what context." ii>>
<<ev 520>>
<<mi claraface3 40>>
<<s clara "Sister Roberta told the two novices that she would have to report this to the Mother Superior, then she let them go.">>
You thank Novice Clara for her report and tell her to keep doing her important work as your eyes and ears, as a valued member of the Circle.
<<qend clarareport2 1000>>
<<c "Leave Novice Clara">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 38 pnggg>>
You have to watch out for Sister Roberta. As the prioress, Sister Roberta has the most authority among the nuns after the Mother Superior, and she is generally assumed to be the next in line to become Mother Superior if anything should happen to Mother Magda.
<p>If Sister Roberta is conducting some sort of investigation about inappropriate sexual talk among the novices, possibly by orders of Mother Magda, you could be in big trouble very soon.
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv grounds/entranceBottom 50>>
With all these initiates running around, talking and gossiping about the holy rites, it's only a matter of time before this will spread outside the Circle. And from the looks of it, it could be happening any day now, if it hasn't already.
<p>You can no longer just wait and hope nothing will happen. You have to do something to ensure that you can continue to use the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 38 pnggg>>
First, you should talk to Sister Roberta to see how much she knows. She may already know too much.
<p>As the prioress, Sister Roberta is very busy during the day, managing the nuns and handling the duties delegated to her by Mother Magda. It would be best to approach Sister Roberta after supper, when she has retired to her room.
<<qstart protecting 100>>
<<but Continue hub>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 11000 bathroom media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi claraface4 40>>
Novice Clara has proven to be lustful. She usually climaxes twice when you have intercourse with her purely for your own pleasure.
<p>This time, the goal is to make Novice Clara orgasm at least twice before you anoint her.</p>
<<but "Continue" laundry1 step:500>>
<<ev 200>> /* replaying */
<<mv claratalk 60>>
<<s mc "Novice Clara, I have come to reduce your lust again. We will fornicate and perhaps sodomize. You should try to climax at least twice. Then I will anoint you.">>
<<s clara "I'd like to skip sodomy, Father. It hurts in the beginning.">>
<<s mc "But it will drive out more lust to climax from both your holes down there. Let's go. Start by using your mouth on me.">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" laundry1 step:700>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi clarasit 43 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Clara, I have come to reduce your lust. We must starve the lust demon. It feeds on lust, and you have proven to be lustful.">>
<<s clara "How will you reduce my lust, Father?">>
<<s mc "We will fornicate and you will climax. Perhaps I will also sodomize you to drive out as much lust as possible.">>
<<s clara "Sodomy? But what if it hurts?">>
<<s mc "Just relax and it will be fine. I will be careful. I'm used to performing sodomy with other members of the Circle. It has to be done sometimes.">>
<<s clara "Yes, Father. I understand.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you can start by using your mouth on me.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 10300-1400 60 volume0.2>>
<c>Novice Clara kneels and grabs your manhood. She is hesitant to put it in her mouth, but it still quickly grows.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "I am ready. Lie down and spread your legs and we will join flesh.">>
Novice Clara obediently does as you command.
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 70>>
You enter Novice Clara's slit. As usual, it feels very good.
<<cs mc "Enjoy this and climax. Use your hand if it helps you.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Clara">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>Seeing as the nun appears too shy to touch herself, you do it for her.
<p>Novice Clara's slit is getting wet as she starts building up to an orgasm.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 10400-5000 68 volume0.2>>
<c>Novice Clara seems to enjoy your manhood in her slit, but she takes her time reaching orgasm. You change to a more perverted position, thinking it might speed things up.
<<s mc "How does this feel? Will you climax from this or do you want to try another position?">>
<<s clara "It feels good but... I prefer to be on top.">>
<<c "Let Novice Clara ride you">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv 10400-4000 66 volume0.2>>
<c>You have Novice Clara perversely ride you. She uses her hand, and this soon leads to her climaxing.
<<s mc "That's one orgasm. One more to go. We will try sodomy now.">>
You tell Novice Clara to get down on all fours and show you her rectum.
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
Using saliva, you prepare her forbidden hole with your finger.
<<s mc "Now your rectum is lubricated. I will enter you with my manhood. Remember to relax and it will be fine.">>
<<s clara "Please be careful, Father.">>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Clara's rectum">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
<c>You prepare to penetrate Novice Clara's rectum. She nervously tells you to be careful.
<p>Novice Clara eventually manages to relax enough that you can insert your erect manhood deep into her forbidden hole.</p>
<<c "Sodomize Novice Clara">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.2>>
<c>After an initial nervousness, Novice Clara relaxes and responds well to your manhood in her rectum. You tell her to touch herself to enhance the pleasure, and she does.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>Novice Clara is building up to another orgasm, but she again takes her time.
<<cs mc "Do you want to be on top? Will that help you climax?">>
<<cs clara "I don't know. We can try it.">>
<<c "Lie down">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<c>You lie down and Novice Clara pervertedly rides you again, this time using Satan's favorite hole.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 65 volume0.2>>
<c>Eventually, the young nun has her second orgasm.
<p>Once Novice Clara is satisfied, you quickly pump her rectum to bring forth your seed.
<<s mc "Kneel to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Anoint Novice Clara">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.2>>
<cc>You release the Holy Seed in Novice Clara's face and moan the words to anoint her.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<s mc "Your lust has been reduced and you have been anointed. You have served the Circle well today, my child.">>
<<s clara "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",700)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mii nuns/misc/intercourse 66>>
<cc>Novice Clara took her time climaxing twice, but you got it done.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 700 center>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<</events>><<set _libdesc = "The nuns' library is smaller than the monks' library and contains much fewer books. It looks more like a reading room than a library.">>
<<if $library >= 100>>
<<mv library 60 "notMuted volume0.2">>
<p>Novice Francia reads at the table. Sister <<var nunlib>> sits behind her desk in the back of the room.</p>
<<but "Look at Novice Francia" library1 "ev:400 qqprocreation==250">>
<<but "Talk to Novice Francia" library1 "ev:500 qqprocreation==400 procreation#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Go to Novice Francia" library1 "ev:700 qqpalomeq==200 palomeq#stageDay+1">>
<<but "Go to Novice Francia" library1 "ev:700 qqpalomeq>=400">>
<<but "Go to Sister <<var nunlib>>" library1 "ev:100 always">><<hub>>
<<set $library = 100>>
<<mv library 50 "notMuted volume0.2">>
<p>In the middle of the room, there is a long table, on which there are many books. A nun is sitting by the end of the table, reading. From your questioning of the nuns, you know that she is Novice Francia.</p>
<p>At the back of the room, sitting behind a desk, you see a nun who appears to be a librarian. You believe it's Sister <<var nunlib.>> You were briefly introduced to her during the tour with the abbess.</p>
<<but "Go to Sister <<var nunlib>>" library1 "ev:50 always">><<hub>>
<<event 50>>
<<set $library = 200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv librarian1 60 "notMuted volume0.3">>
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister <<var nunlib,>> was it? Are you the librarian?">>
<<s nunlib "If you could call it that. This isn't much of a library. We mostly carry prayer books and bibles. I'm sure the library on the other side of the wall is much grander than this.">>
<<but "Continue" library1 "ev:100">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqrecipebook==1000>>
<<mv librarian1 50 volume0.2>>
<c>According to your findings, the monks never possessed a copy of Ludolphus' recipes. Yet, if the alchemist you are hunting is using Ludolphus recipes, they must have gotten the recipes from somewhere.
<p>It seems unlikely, but what if the recipes came from the nuns' library?</p>
<p>You know the nuns have a few older books and manuscripts, though they haven't been of interest to you, except for the medieval herbal. Could there be more to this library than you know?</p>
<<but "Continue" library1 ev:600>>
<<elseif $qqpalomeq>=200 && !setup.checkqStage("palomeq",210)>>
<<mi librarian2 50>>
<<cs nunlib "Greetings, Father. Did you... do what you needed to do with Novice Francia?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, everything went well. Thank you for your understanding, Sister Palome.">>
<<qadd palomeq 210>>
<<but "Continue" library1 step:100>>
<<mi librarian 40>>
<<cs nunlib "Can I help you with anything, Father $mc?">>
<<but "Ask about secret passages" library1 "ev:150 library<<300">>
<<but "Ask about herbal" library1 "ev:200 qqemmaherbal>=100 qqemmaherbal<<200">>
<<but "<<actQuest procreation>>" library1 "ev:300 qqprocreation==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest recipebook>>" library1 "ev:600 step:300 qqrecipebook==1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest recipebook>>" library1 "ev:600 step:800 qqrecipebook==1300">>
<<but "Confront her about the hidden compartment" library1 "ev:800 step:1000 qqpalomeq==700">>
<<c "Leave" library>>
<<event 150>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $library = 300>>
<<mv librarianTalk 40 "right volume0.3 pause3 notMuted">>
While you are here, you might as well ask.
<<s mc "I'm looking for any secret passages that might exist into the nun's part of the monastery, where an intruder might get inside. Do you have something in the library that could help? Like old maps of the monastery?">>
<<s nunlib "I don't believe so, no. We've looked at the few older books and manuscripts we have, but they are not related to this monastery specifically. Except for our records of course, but they deal with things like personal biographies and book inventory, not the building per se.">>
<<s nunlib "The monks kept their existing library when our convent moved in here. If there is something to find in old documents, you will probably find it over in their library.">>
<<but "Continue" library1 "ev:100">>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<qsub emma herbal 200>>
<<mv librarianTalk 40 "right volume0.3 pause3 notMuted">>
<l>After talking to Sister Jana about the tea recipe for Emma's nightmares, you are curious about that herbal she mentioned.
<<s mc "I was told that you have a medieval herbal here. It piqued my interest. Could I see it?">>
<<s nunlib "Yes, but please be careful with it. It's from the 13th century. Sit down and I'll get it for you.">>
You sit down and Sister <<var nunlib>> soon returns with a book and places it on the table.
<<s nunlib "Anything else I can help you with?">>
<<s mc "No, that's fine. Thank you.">>
<<c "Open the herbal">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii "lab/herbal" 65>>
<c><p>You open the book and see that it is a copy of the herbal you found in the alchemy lab. As far as you can tell, it is the same edition. The only difference would be down to them being handwritten and handpainted, not printed like today.</p>
<<s mc "Sister <<var nunlib,>> how long has this herbal been in the convent's possession?">>
<<s nunlib "Since we moved in here, according to our library records. I believe it was what you would call a standard-issue today, used by many of the monasteries in medieval Europe." ii>>
<p>If what Sister <<var nunlib>> says is true, this suggests that when the nuns moved in here, they had one copy of this herbal, and the monks had another – the one you found in the alchemy lab. It is not important, but you still find it interesting.</p>
<<but "Return the herbal" library1 "ev:100 always">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv librarianTalk 40 "right volume0.3 pause3 notMuted">>
<<s mc "Sister <<var nunlib,>> about that medieval herbal you have here. Have you read it all?">>
<<s nunlib "No. I have only browsed it briefly. You should ask Sister Jana if you are interested in the herbal.">>
<<s mc "I see. Thank you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv librarian1 60 "notMuted volume0.3">>
<c>No luck with Sister Palome. You have to come up with something else to find the recipes for herbal contraceptives.
<<q procreation 250>>
<<but "Leave" library>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi francia 28>>
<cc>You look at Novice Francia.<br>Every time you have visited the library, she has been here reading.
<<c "Talk to Novice Francia">>
<<but "Ignore her" library>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi francia 47 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Novice Francia, I always see you here. Is this your assignment as a novice?">>
<<s francia "Yes, $fmc. I'm Sister Palome's assistant and she has tasked me with reading the Bible over and over to learn every verse by heart.">>
<<s mc "I see. Have you read any of the other books in here as well?">>
<<s francia "Only the Bible and our prayer books.">>
<<ev 170>>
<<mi francia2 40 pnggg>>
Novice Francia has no knowledge of the medieval herbal. It seems Sister Jana is the only one who has. You have to resort to more extreme measures to learn of those recipes.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi francia2 20 right>>
Standing this close to Novice Francia, you remember that she has been attacked by the lust demon, and you also know that she is one of the candidates that Novice Emma is currently working on to get ready for initiation. She may be ready for a holy rite soon.
<<addlust 10>>
But right now, you are more interested in how Novice Francia can help you with Sister Jana.
<<s mc "Novice Francia, may I speak with you for a minute?">>
<<s francia "Of course, $fmc. Let me stand up. I could use a break to stretch my legs.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi francia 45 "right pnggg">>
Novice Francia and you are the only persons currently in the library, except for Sister Palome who is sitting behind her desk on the far side of the room. You make a gesture to indicate to Novice Francia that you should speak quietly to keep your conversation private. Novice Francia nods and keeps her voice down:
<<s francia "How can I help you, Father?">>
<<s mc "You know why I'm here, Novice Francia. I'm trying to stop the evil that is terrorizing you all.">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi francia3 23 right>>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. We are very thankful that you are here. I feel safer.">>
<<s mc "You shouldn't feel too safe, Sister. The lust demon is careful now that I'm here, but it's still out there somewhere, biding its time, ready to strike. To fight this evil, I now require your help.">>
<<s francia "Of course, Father. Anything I can do to help.">>
<<s mc "I need to gather some information that has to do with Sister Jana. She probably has nothing to do with the attacks, but I need this information to make sure of that so I can focus my attention elsewhere. This is a standard investigative procedure.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi francia 44 "right pnggg">>
<<s francia "If you say so, Father. I can't imagine Sister Jana being involved with the attacks.">>
<<s mc "Most probably not. All the more important that I can cross this item off my list.">>
<<s francia "I understand.">>
<<s mc "It's about the medieval herbal you have here. I have reason to believe that Sister Jana will come here to read in that book any day now. She might also be taking notes. I must learn what pages she is looking at. I want you to find that out for me. Just take a break from reading to stretch your legs and move behind her. Hmm, do you know Latin?">>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "Only very little so far. I'm studying it.">>
<<s mc "Okay, it doesn't matter. Just look for the name of a herb that is described on the page and make a note of it. The herbs are listed alphabetically, so that's enough for me to locate the page later. She might look up several pages, so keep a close eye on her and note them all. Do you understand?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi francia 44 "right pnggg">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. But what do you think she could be doing that has to do with the attacks?">>
<<s mc "I can't reveal that. Probably nothing at all, but this has to be done. And it has to stay between you and me. Sister Jana is probably innocent, and we don't want to start any rumors about her.">>
<<s francia "Yes, I understand. I will say nothing to anyone.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I will return later to see what you have found out.">>
<<c "Leave Novice Francia">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi francia2 38 "pnggg">>
<c>You have recruited Novice Francia to spy on Sister Jana in the library. Now you can tell Sister Jana to get to work on the herbal contraceptives.
<<q procreation 300>>
<<but "Continue" library>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi francia 44 "pnggg">>
You let Novice Francia know that you want to speak with her. A few other nuns are in the library, so you have to be careful and keep your voice down.
<<s mc "Any news on what we talked about?">>
<<s francia "Yes. She came in her and read in the herbal. I managed to get the name of the herb. I wrote it down.">>
You take the small piece of paper she hands you and read the word on it: <<bold Asafoetida.>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/asafoetida 34 pnggg>>
Asafoetida. You know that name, and not only because Sister Jana keeps some asafoetida in her shed. Asafoetida is also called Devil's dung and it's not a herb. It's a type of smelly substance made from the latex of certain plants – hence the Latin name <<italics asafoetida>> which loosely translates to <<italics "smelly latex.">> During the Italian Renaissance, in the 15th and 16th centuries, asafoetida was used in exorcisms, which is why you are familiar with it.
<<ev 240>>
<<mii hjana/jana3 30>>
<c>Is that why Sister Jana looked it up – to have you exorcise the evil in her? But that doesn't make sense. Sister Jana was supposed to make a herbal contraceptive. Furthermore, you exorcise a demon, not a curse. And you're the one trained in exorcisms and who knows what should be used during the ritual, not her.
<p>There must be other uses for asafoetida listed in that herbal.</p>
<<c "Back to Novice Francia">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Novice Francia. You've done me a great service. Now you can carry on with your duties and forget that this happened. No one can know. We don't want any rumors to spread about your sister.">>
<<s francia "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/herbalPages 55 pnggg>>
You have what you need to find the page Sister Jana was looking at in the herbal. Now you can go to your lab and look it up.
<<q procreation 500>>
<<but "Continue" library>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hjana/jana3 28>>
<c>If you are looking for old recipes, Sister Jana would be the obvious choice to ask, but you still fear making her suspect that you are using herbal drugs on the nuns without their consent. She is suspicious enough of you as it is.
<p>Though you have always acted with the approval of the Lord, your actions could easily be misunderstood. The support of the nuns could quickly evaporate if they found out the truth about some of your activities.</p>
<p>Besides, you have to consider the possibility that a nun is involved in the attacks, and Sister Jana's knowledge of herbalism means she could be the alchemist, as crazy as that sounds.
<<q recipebook 1100>></p>
<<but "Approach Sister Palome" library1 ev:100>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi librarian2 50>>
You don't want to raise suspicion by asking about old recipes, but you have a non-suspicious reason to be interested in old documents: secret passages.
<<s mc "Do you have a list of all your old works in this library?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv librariantalk 40 "right volume0.4 pause6">>
<<s nunlib "Yes, but they are so few it's hardly worth documenting. Why do you ask, Father?">>
<<s mc "I'm still looking for clues to any secret passages.">>
<<s nunlib "I assure you there are no such clues in what we have. You'd be wasting your time, Father.">>
<<s mc "Probably, but I'd like to at least see what you have. From the 17th century and earlier should do.">>
<<s nunlib "As you wish. Please sit down and I'll bring you what we have.">>
<<c "Sit down and wait">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii lab/notes3 56>>
Sister Palome arrives with a short stack of documents and books.
<p>Looking through them, you find nothing of interest. As you expected. You are more interested in what the nuns no longer have in their possession.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi librarian 46>>
<<s mc "What about works you have had? Has any of your older works ever gone missing from here? Or been sold, given away, burnt up. Anything like that.">>
<<s nunlib "Ever is a long time. Let me check the records...">>
<<ev 650>>
<<mi librarian3 60>>
Sister Palome opens a drawer and picks up a thin, leather-bound book. She uses her finger to look through the listing in what apparently is a record of this library's inventory.
<p>Now and then, she says the name of a book or manuscript that has left the library for any reason, like being too damaged and of too little value to be worth preserving. The occasional misplaced bible or prayer book that later turned up and was put back on the shelves. But nothing that sounds to be of any interest to you.</p>
<<ev 680>>
<<mi librarian 46>>
<<cs nunlib "That's all we have any records of.">>
<<cs mc "I see. Thank you for your help, Sister Palome.">>
As you thought, you discovered nothing new of interest to the investigation.
<<q recipebook 1200 center>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi francia6 42>>
<c>On your way out of the library, you pass Novice Francia. She glances at you before looking down into the book she is reading. You think you picked up on something there.
<p>Lowering your voice, you ask Novice Francia if she has something to say. Novice Francia shakes her head – but you insist, saying you know she is hiding something. You demand to hear it.</p>
<p>Novice Francia nervously glances across the room, at Sister Palome – the only other person currently in the library – then back at you. You get the message. You must get rid of Sister Palome.
<<q recipebook 1300>>
<<but "Continue" library>>
/*<<c "Return to Sister Palome">>*/
<<ev 800>>
<<mi librarian2 50>>
<<s mc "Sister Palome, I will have to ask that you leave the library as I have to be alone with Novice Francia. We need your discretion.">>
You subtly let Sister Palome understand that this is about the holy rites.
<p>Sister Palome looks surprised, but she obediently nods and stands up to leave.</p>
<p>Knowing that Novice Francia has been attacked by the lust demon, Sister Palome has no reason to question your motive. She may find it strange that you want to perform the holy rite in the library, but she says nothing as she leaves out into the hallway. You close the door behind her.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi francia 45 "right pnggg">>
With Sister Palome gone from the library, you are alone with Novice Francia.
<<s mc "Novice Francia, I believe you have something to say.">>
<<s francia "I really shouldn't, Father. I don't want to betray my sister.">>
<<s mc "In other circumstances, I might agree, but we're fighting a holy war now. Remember how you helped me by spying on Sister Jana. Thanks to your help, I could both clear Sister Jana of suspicion and remove the lust curse affecting her. She hid things from me because she was ashamed, but thanks to your help, and that of the Lord guiding me, I could save Sister Jana. Novice Franca, you must tell me.">>
<<ev 940>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "I think Sister Palome has a secret. I saw her doing something with the floor. I think she's hiding something under there.">>
<<s mc "Show me where.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi floorboards 80>>
<c>Novice Francia takes you to one of the far corners of the room and points to the floor.
<p>/*There is a mat covering the floor here. Lifting the mat, you see nothing special*/A quick inspection reveals nothing special – just the wooden boards that make up the floor.</p>
<p>You tell Novice Francia to go to the door to keep watch in case someone comes.</p>
<<c "Investigate the floorboards">>
<<ev 1100>>
A careful inspection of the floorboards reveals that one of them is <<lbut loose. secret showdiv>>
<<div secret>>
<<mi secretdocument 90>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
Removing the floorboard reveals a secret compartment underneath. Something is there.
<p>It's the Vatican report about Ludolphus from _diedyear! Or at least a few pages of it, specifically the summary of the investigation.</p>
<p>The pages look very old, possibly from the 15th century, but from the somewhat hasty handwriting, you can tell that the pages are not from the original Vatican report – they are just copies. They were probably copied either from the original report or from the copy that the monks have in their library.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii misc/think 60>>
<c>The discovery of this copy of the Vatican report is an amazing find. But what does it mean?
<p>One of the monks could have hidden the copy here before the wall was built.</p>
<p>Or, the nuns could somehow have come in possession of the copy, perhaps before the wall was built, and hid it here.</p>
<p>Either way, Sister Palome may be the first nun to ever find this copy since it was hidden away. But what if she isn't?</p>
<p>Have the nuns, or at least the abbesses, known of the monks' terrible secret all these centuries? /*You don't see why Mother Magda would keep this information from you, especially with the way she has been wanting you to look into the monks. On the other hand, maybe that was */ Is that why Mother Magda was so insistent that you should focus your investigation on the monks?</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 36>>
<c>While this discovery is very interesting, would it actually matter to your investigation if it turns out that one or more of the nuns have known of Ludolphus' alleged crimes all along?
<p>On the surface, no, but there may be some connections you have yet to make. For one thing, the find of the secret compartment has a very interesting implication: it means something else could have been hidden there too. Something like a book with Ludolphus' recipes.</p>
<p>What if Sister Palome, or a nun before her, found this hypothetical book of recipes and took it? The alchemist you are hunting could be one of the nuns.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi secretdocument 90>>
You have to investigate all of this. You have to be very careful though. Even if it turns out that none of the nuns are involved in the attacks, the Vatican report about Ludolphus could be a very sensitive matter to them.
<p>Sister Palome may very well be innocent in all of this, aside from not telling you about the copy of the Vatican report despite you asking about their oldest documents. That lie of hers you can somewhat understand. The content of the report is shameful to the nuns, to their convent, and she found it irrelevant to your investigation. The text doesn't say anything about any secret passages the attacker could have used to attack the sisters.</p>
<p>In any case, you should investigate Sister Palome. Novice Francia could help you.
<<qstart palomeq 100>></p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<c>Your investigation into Sister Palome could possibly provide a lead in finding out where the alchemist got Ludolphus' recipes from, but you don't want to confront Sister Palome about the secret compartment until you have investigated her. However, there is someone else who may know something too.
<p>If the secret compartment or its contents are known to anyone else but Sister Palome, chances are it is the abbess. You should speak to Mother Magda.
<<q recipebook 2000>></p>
<<c "Return to Novice Francia">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi francia 45 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s francia "Did you find anything, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I can't tell you what, as it may be related to my investigation, but you did the right thing by telling me, Novice Francia.">>
You want to enlist Novice Francia to help you investigate Sister Palome. Being intimate with Novice Francia should bring her closer to you and make her easier to control.
<<s mc "Now, we should do what I hinted at to Sister Palome to get her to leave. I want to anoint you to protect you from Satan and the lust demon. You will have to use your mouth.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi francia2 36 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "What do you mean? Now? Here?">>
<<s mc "Yes. You spend a lot of time in here alone with Sister Palome. If Satan has his claws in her, you could be next. Not to mention that you have already been attacked by the lust demon. It could come for you again. I must protect you.">>
<<s francia "Maybe another time. Maybe in my room, but please not now, Father.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid it can't wait, my child. Know that your sacrifice will please the Lord. I understand that it's a hard thing to do, but it must be done.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. If you say so.">>
<<s mc "Then you must get naked to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<s mc "You refuse the blessing of the Lord, Novice Francia? Perhaps I'm too late, and Sister Palome has already infected you with Satan's taint. This will require even more extreme holy rites than an anointing to drive the evil out of you.">>
<<s francia "No, Father, I was wrong. I want you to anoint me.">>
<<s mc "Then you must get naked to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<tbut "Make her accept it" null "center addStat5">>
<<abut "Threaten her with something worse" null "center addStat5">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi francia 43 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "But what if someone comes? There is no lock on the door.">>
<<s mc "Everyone is busy doing their assigned work. Even if someone sees us, they all know about the holy rites. There is nothing to be ashamed of. They will leave and that's it.">>
<<if $qqpalomeq<200>>
<<s francia "Why do I have to undress? Will not my mouth be enough?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps, but a woman's naked body is meant to arouse the man. It will help me. It will make things go faster.">>
Novice Francia makes the sign of the cross, steeling herself for what is about to happen.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 16 pause1>>
<cc>Seeing that she hesitates, you help Novice Francia undress.<br>
You slowly make her clothes drop.
<<addlust 60>>
Your male organ grows in anticipation.
<p>Eventually, all that remains is to remove her tunic.</p>
<<c "Remove her tunic">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 14 pause1>>
<c>You help Novice Francia remove her tunic. While doing it, you take out your hard manhood. It is ready to perform.
<<addlust 100>>
Finally, Novice Francia stands naked before you.
<<s mc "We have no time to waste. You must use your mouth on the Holy Rod to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 70 volume0>>
<c>With the help of your hand gently pressing down on her head, Novice Francia kneels and takes your manhood in her mouth.
<p>Once she starts, Novice Francia must look forward to the blessing of the Lord because she performs her duty without needing any more encouragement from you.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 66>>
<c>Doing it in the library makes your seed come faster than usual. But there is no need to tell Novice Francia that.
<<s mc "Use your fingers to spread your lips down there. Seeing your slit will help draw forth the Holy Seed, or this could take a while.">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.20>>
<cc>Novice Francia obediently follows your command.
<p>Seeing her slit like that quickly pushes you over the edge.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">></p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.20>>
<c>Between the moans of pleasure, you utter the words to anoint Novice Francia.
<p>The nun accepts your seed in her face, receiving the blessing and protection of the Lord.
<<ev 6300>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.24>>
Per your instructions, Novice Francia rubs your sticky member around her face to not let the holy drops go to waste.
<p>She continues until you are satisfied.</p>
<<if $qqpalomeq>=200>>
<<but "Get dressed" library1 "ev:700 step:1500">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi francia 45 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Satan's influence is strong in the monastery, but now you have a good protection against evil. With that done, Novice Francia, I need your help to spy on Sister Palome. Keep an eye on her, not only in here, but everywhere. You helped me save Sister Jana, now help me with Sister Palome.">>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "What am I supposed to look for?">>
<<s mc "I don't know. She may be hiding more things in secret places. Perhaps she is meeting with someone in secret. Just keep an eye on her, but be careful not to make her suspect anything. Let me know if you learn something that may be of interest. I will return later.">>
<<s francia "I will do my best, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi anoint 62>>
<c>You anointed Novice Francia to bind her closer to you.
<p>You should return in a day or two to see if Novice Francia has learned something interesting about Sister Palome.
<<q palomeq 200>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi francia6 40>>
<cc>Novice Francia reads at the table.
<<if setup.questCompleted("palomeq") && $francialibrary==1>>
<p>You should leave her body alone since you have already been intimate with her today.</p>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen>=100 && !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>
<<but "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" library1 ev:900>>
<<but "<<actQuest palomeq>>" library1 "step:400 qqpalomeq==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest palomeq>>" library1 "ev:800 qqpalomeq==600">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" library1 "ev:800 step:3000 qqpalomeq==1200 doplay:francialibrary=1">>
<<but "Anoint her" library1 "step:1000 francialibrary<<1 doplay:francialibrary=1">>
<<but "Fornicate" library1 "ev:800 step:3600 qqpalomeq>=2000 francialibrary<<1 doplay:francialibrary=1">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" library1 "ev:900 step:200 lustfulwomen#played600 francialibrary<<1 doplay:francialibrary=1">>
<<but "Leave her" library>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi francia7 22>>
You lower your voice to keep Sister Palome from hearing you.
<<s mc "Novice Francia, do you have anything to report?">>
Novice Francia throws a nervous glance across the room at Sister Palome.
<<s francia "Nothing, Father. I've tried to follow her around some, you know, keep an eye on her, but it's hard to do without making it seem strange.">>
<<s mc "That's good work, Novice Francia. Keep a low profile. Better safe than sorry. Eventually, you may see or hear something. Rome wasn't built in one day. I will return.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi librarian2 50>>
<c>You have to be patient. It could take a long time before Novice Francia learns something interesting about Sister Palome. It may never happen. Sister Palome might be a dead-end.
<p>You should give it time before talking to Novice Francia again.
<<q palomeq 400>>
<<qendversion palomeq version0.7.0>>
<<but "Continue" library1 step:100>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi francia 45 "right pnggg">>
<l>You lower your voice to keep Sister Palome from hearing you.
<<s mc "I fear Sister Palome could be worse corrupted by Satan than we thought.">>
<<s francia "You think?">>
<<s mc "It's just a feeling. I may be wrong, but the Lord has guided me this far and I know better than to dismiss my bad feelings. I must anoint you again to strengthen your protection against evil.">>
<<s francia "Oh. Could we do it somewhere more private this time?">>
<<s mc "No, this is where you and Sister Palome will be together. The protection will be strongest if it's done here. Give me a moment.">>
<<c "Go to Sister Palome">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi librarian 40>>
<<s mc "Sister Palome, I will have to ask that you leave the library as I have to be alone with Novice Francia again. We need your discretion.">>
Sister Palome understands what this is about. She obediently nods and stands up to leave.
<p>Sister Palome leaves the library, going out into the hallway. You close the door behind her.</p>
<<c "Return to Novice Francia">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi francia6 40>>
With Sister Palome gone from the library, you are alone with Novice Francia.
<<cs mc "We should begin, Novice Francia. You must get naked.">>
<<but "Continue" library1 "ev:600 step:2300">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
You keep your voice down as you address Novice Francia.
<<s mc "I have strengthened your protection against evil. This should make you resist being tainted by Sister Palome in case she has been corrupted by Satan. I will let Sister Palome inside now. Keep spying on her, but also keep being careful. She must not suspect anything.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father.">>
You open the door to the library and let Sister Palome inside. She was waiting on a bench further down the hallway outside. If she heard anything from the holy rite, she doesn't pretend she did.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi anoint 62>>
<cc>You anointed Novice Francia to bind her closer to you.
<<but "Continue" library1 step:100>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi francia 42 "pnggg">>
<c>Lowering your voice, you address Novice Francia.
<<s mc "Have you anything new to report about Sister Palome?">>
<<s francia "No, $fmc. Nothing.">>
<<s mc "I see. Thank you.">>
You don't want to wait any longer. It is time to confront Sister Palome about the secret compartment with the Vatican report from AD 1422 about Ludolphus.
<<q palomeq 700>>
<<but "Continue" library>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi librarian8 24>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
<c>You wait until no one else is near, then you quietly address Sister Palome.
<<s mc "I have found things hidden in this library. I'm going to ask you again, Sister Palome, if you know of any old documents or books you haven't told me about. I will give you one last chance to speak the truth and I will forgive any lies you have committed. To help you make the right decision, I will mention a name and a year: Ludolphus, and _diedyear.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi librarian2 40>>
<c>Sister Palome looks horrified, then she looks down in shame.
Making sure no one else can hear, Sister Palome whispers:
<<s nunlib "Yes, I know the document you speak of. I have for some time. How did you find it, Father?">>
<<s mc "I used my skills as a detective. When I on previous occasions asked you about older documents, I felt you weren't honest. You were hiding something from me. As a seasoned investigator, I've gotten good at reading people. So I carefully searched the library when no one was here. It didn't take me very long to find the hidden compartment in the floor.">>
<<s nunlib "I see.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi librarian8 24>>
<c><<s mc "How did the document about Ludolphus get there? Did you put it there?">>
<<s nunlib "No, Father. I found it there. I have no idea who put it there.">>
<<s mc "When did you find it, and how?">>
<<s nunlib "Hmm... it was a few years ago. I dropped a book on the floor, and it sounded hollow. So I became curious and found the hidden compartment.">>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mi librarian 45 right>>
<<s mc "Was it before the attacks started?">>
<<s nunlib "The attacks? ... Yes, I think so. Why do you ask, Father?">>
<<s mc "I'm just being thorough. So, have you told anyone about your find?">>
<<s nunlib "No, Father. Not even Mother Superior. The shame it would bring... If it became known, it would damage our reputation, and the reputation of the Church. I didn't want to tell anyone.">>
<<s mc "That's good thinking, except you should have told the Mother Superior and then she should have contacted the Vatican to let us handle it. But now I'm here, and I will handle it. Do not tell anyone else, not even the Mother Superior.">>
<<s nunlib "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<ev 1260>>
<<mi librarian8 24>>
<c><<s mc "Although unlikely, I can't rule out that the document is somehow connected to the attacks, so the document will remain in the hidden compartment in case someone else comes for it. Keep your eyes open. If you see someone acting suspiciously near the hidden compartment, contact me immediately.">>
<<s nunlib "Yes, $fmc. I will.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi librarian 40>>
<<s mc "Now, any other documents or hidden compartments you want to tell me about? This is your last chance to come clean.">>
<<s nunlib "No, Father. I promise. I know of nothing else.">>
Without any evidence suggesting otherwise, you have to believe her. You want to put this behind you.
<<q palomeq 1000>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 40>>
<c>Sister Palome was your last hope of tracing a potential copy of Ludolphus' recipe to the nuns' side of the wall.
<p>You still believe that the alchemist somehow knows Ludolphus' recipes, but with no other ideas on how to proceed with this lead, you have to shelf it as another dead end until you find something more to go on.
<<qend recipebook 3000>></p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi librarian2 50>>
<c>You will close your investigation into Sister Palome, but that doesn't mean you will rule her out as a suspect...
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi francia2 38 "pnggg">>
You have recruited Novice Francia as an asset in the library and she might as well continue to keep an eye on Sister Palome – and anything else going on in the library.
Assets are very valuable in a closed community like this. You would do well to bind Sister Francia closer to you by fornicating with her.
<<q palomeq 1200>></p>
<<but "Continue" library>>
<<ev 3000>> /* talking with francia */
<<mi librarian 40>>
<c>First, you go to Sister Palome and ask her to clear the library because you need to be alone with Novice Francia.
<p>Sister Palome understands and proceeds to make sure everyone else leaves.</p>
<p>You close the door after Sister Palome. Now you are alone with Novice Francia.</p>
<<ev 3020>>
<<mi francia 45 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "Novice Francia, I have concluded my investigation into Sister Palome, for now. I think she is innocent, but I can't be sure. I still have reason to believe that she may be compromised by Satan. You must continue to keep an eye on Sister Palome, and everyone else in here. If you notice anything suspicious, you must contact me.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. I will.">>
<<s mc "Now, because Satan is so devious, and there is a possibility that Sister Palome is under his influence, we need to strengthen your protection further. I have other things to do than to anoint you often enough, so we need a stronger ritual. We must join flesh and that will mark you as belonging to the light, to the Lord.">>
<<s francia "What are you saying, Father? Join flesh...?">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi francia2 38 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "You know what I mean. I need to be with you as a husband with his wife, although we will not marry. It must be done, Novice Francia.">>
<<s francia "Please, no, Father. I will use my mouth and you can anoint me. It will be enough.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid not, my child. Satan's influence is still growing and we can't take any chances. Once again, you must sacrifice your body for the cause, and once again, it will please the Lord. You will receive his blessing.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. If you say so.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must get naked and use your mouth to activate my manhood.">>
<<s mc "You're selfishly playing with fire, Novice Francia, risking your safety and that of your sisters. This is to be done, whether you like it or not. If you refuse, I may need to consider if you should be kept in a safe location where you can't be attacked – like a locked cage in the dungeons – until you change your mind.">>
<<s francia "No, Father, I was wrong. I want you to give me the protection I need.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must get naked and use your mouth to activate my manhood.">>
<<tbut "Make her accept it" null "center addStat5">>
<<abut "Threaten her" null "center addStat5">>
<<but "Continue" library1 step:3800>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi librarian 40>>
<c>You go to Sister Palome and ask her to clear the library because you need to be alone with Novice Francia.
<p>Sister Palome understands and proceeds to make sure everyone else leaves.</p>
<p>You close the door after Sister Palome. Now you are alone with Novice Francia.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi francia 43 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "I had a dream of Satan in the library. We must join flesh to strengthen your protection, just to be sure.">>
<<s francia "Oh, okay. Yes, Father.">>
You think Novice Francia tries to hide that she is looking forward to it – her weakness to the temptations of the flesh showing itself again. It's a good thing she became a nun.
<<s mc "You must get naked and use your mouth to activate my manhood.">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv 600-5600 70 volume0.4>>
<cc>Novice Francia obeys, and soon her mouth is around your manhood.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "We can begin.">>
<<c "Lie down">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 800-4000 66 volume0.4>>
<c>You lie down and direct Novice Francia to sit down on you.
<p>The nun does as you say. She gasps as your hard member penetrates her tight slit.</p>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 800-4200 56 volume0.4>>
<c>It sounds like Novice Francia is getting lustful. <<if $qqpalomeq < 2000>>Apparently, Novice Francia has a weakness for the temptations of the flesh.<</if>> Her slit desires your manhood to fill it. This is good as it will bind her even closer to you.
<<s mc "Relax and try to climax. It will further strengthen your protection.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv 800-4400 66 volume0.4>>
<c>Your encouragment quickly pushes Novice Francia toward an orgasm. She soon climaxes.
<p>Novice Francia looks very relaxed from the orgasm. You could finish now, or you could use this opportunity to penetrate her other hole.</p>
<<but "Sodomize her" library1 step:6000>><<but "Ejaculate (slit)" library1 step:5000>><<but "Ejaculate (face)" library1 step:5400>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie7 54>>
<c>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate inside Novice Francia's tight slit.
<<creampie francia>>
Novice Francia looks scared, but you calm her down, assuring her that the Lord will not allow her to become pregnant.
<<but "Get dressed" library1 step:8000>>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv 600-6000 70 volume0.4>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate in Novice Francia's face.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" library1 step:8000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 800-6000 70 volume0.4>>
<c>You put the tip of your erect member to Novice Francia's rectum and begin to slowly push.
<<s mc "Since you are relaxed from climaxing, we should use this opportunity to protect Satan's favorite hole too.">>
<<s francia "Please take it easy, Father.">>
<<s mc "I will. Just keep your rectum relaxed.">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mv 800-6200 70 volume0.4>>
<c>Novice Francia's weakness for the flesh again becomes apparent as she climaxes a second time.
<p>It is time to finish this.</p>
<<but "Ejaculate (face)" library1 step:5400>><<but "Ejaculate (rectum)" library1 step:7000>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal3 50>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate inside Novice Francia's rectum.
<p>She says nothing, waiting for you to finish.</p>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi francia 45 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "You now have a strong protection against evil. But it will wear off as any protection. I will return to strengthen it when needed.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. I'm ready whenever you want. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.">>
<<s mc "Remember that we do this just out of necessity. You must not desire the holy rite for the enjoyment of your flesh.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. Of course.">>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mi franciafornicate 70>>
<c>You have assured that Novice Francia will remain your asset in the library by binding her closer to you.
<p>She will keep an eye on Sister Palome and report anything suspicious.
<<qend palomeq 2000>></p>
<<but "Continue" library>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqfranciawedding==100>>
<<mii area/church 60>>
<cc>You must go to the town church and get a wedding dress for Novice Francia.</cc>
<<but "Continue" library>>
<<elseif $qqfranciawedding==200>>
<<mii misc/bridalgown 48 pnggg>>
<cc>You have a bridal gown for Novice Francia – and a couple of rings. Now you can marry her.
<<qend franciawedding 300 center>>
<<but "Continue" library1 step:1000>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi francia2 38 "pnggg">>
<c>Novice Francia has shown her weakness for the flesh, easily climaxing from fornication as well as sodomy.
<p>Now you will make her climax and anoint her.</p>
<<but "Talk to Novice Francia" library1 step:300>>
<<ev 200>> /* replaying holy marriage */
<<mi francia 45 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Francia, I have come to anoint you and reduce your lust that the lust demon is feeding on.">>
<<s francia "How will you do that, Father?">>
<<s mc "We will fornicate. My holy lust will make it a holy act.">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "I don't want to fornicate every time we join flesh, Father. I want you to wed me again. A proper wedding. I want to wear the bridal gown and Sister Palome to be a witness.">>
<<s mc "Fine. Run and get the bridal gown. This will be a quick wedding ceremony.">>
<<s francia "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
Novice Francia hurriedly leaves the library.
<<but "Go to Sister Palome" library1 step:1100>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi francia 45 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Francia, as you know, the Lord has made me a lust angel and I'm fighting the lust demon by reducing the lust it feeds on. You have shown that you have a high libido, so I will now make you climax to reduce your lust.">>
<<s francia "How will you make me climax, Father?">>
<<s mc "We will fornicate. My holy lust will make it a holy act.">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi francia2 40 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "I don't want to fornicate every time we join flesh, Father. This time, I want you to marry me first. A proper wedding, not just you saying a few words. Then it wouldn't feel like a sin when we consummate the marriage. I know you have married Vivien in the town church. I want that too.">>
<<s mc "But then we would have to arrange a wedding in town and travel there. I can fornicate with you now and be done with it.">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi francia 45 "pnggg">>
<<s francia "I beg you to let me marry you, Father. At least this one time. I am ashamed that I climax so easily. But if I'm married properly while doing it, it will make me feel better about it. We don't need to go to town... but I need a wedding dress. A real one. A white bridal gown. Then it would feel like a real wedding.">>
<<s mc "But then I would still have to go to the town church and ask to rent one.">>
<<s francia "Can you please do that for me, $fmc?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii misc/bridalgown 40 pnggg>>
<c>You consider Novice Francia's request. It would make weddings easier with women who insist on having a more traditional wedding ceremony if you had a bridal gown available here at the monastery.
<<ev 450>>
<<mi francia2 38 "pnggg">>
<c>Furthermore, Novice Francia is your asset in the library and she has already proven her worth more than once. If you do this favor for her, it will bind her even closer to you.
<p>The town church may allow you to rent a bridal gown for an extended time. You could buy one from them if needed.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi francia 45 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "Novice Francia, I will do this favor for you as a reward for your good job working for me. I will go to the town and get a bridal gown and we will marry here in the monastery. I might be able to get us some rings too, if you want.">>
<<s francia "Yes, I would love that. Thank you so much, $fmc.">>
<<qstart franciawedding 100>>
<<ev 1000>> /* got bridal gown */
<<mi francia 45 pnggg>>
<<cs mc "I have your bridal gown and rings. Now we can get married.">>
<<cs francia "Yes, Father. I'm ready. Can Sister Palome be a witness?">>
<<cs mc "If you wish. I will get her. You get dressed.">>
<<set $francialibrary=1>>
<<c "Go to Sister Palome">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi librarian2 50>>
<c>You cross the library floor and go to Sister Palome's desk.
<<s mc "I will enter into a temporary holy marriage with Novice Francia. She asks that you witness the wedding ceremony.">>
<<s nunlib "I see. Very well.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>
<<s mc "We'll start when Novice Francia returns with the bridal gown.">>
<<s mc "Come. We'll get started at once.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>
<<c "Wait for Novice Francia">>
<<c "Return to Novice Francia">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 37 right>>
<l><<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>Novice Francia soon returns with the bridal gown and puts it on with assistance from Sister Palome.
<<else>>With assistance from Sister Palome, Novice Francia puts on the bridal gown.<</if>> It fits her well and she enjoys wearing it.
<p>Wasting no time, you perform a quick wedding ceremony, exchanging rings with Novice Francia, with Sister Palome as a witness.</p>
<<marry francia>>
<p>Then you ask Sister Palome to leave the room because you need to be alone with your bride. Sister Palome nods and leaves the library, closing the door after her.</p>
<p>You are alone with Francia – who is temporarily no longer a novice, but your wife.
<<s mc "Now we will consummate the marriage. Remove the gown and we will get started.">>
<<s francia "Already? ... Yes, Father.">></p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 40 pause3>>
<cc>You watch as Francia removes the gown.
Eventually, she stands before you in her underwear.
<<cs mc "Now you must use your mouth to get me ready for penetration.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 64>>
<c>Francia obediently takes your manhood in her mouth and starts to pleasure you.
<p>You tell your temporary wife to touch herself to get as much lust as possible out of her system. She slips a hand down her panties.</p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>You enjoy Francia's mouth.
<p>But your manhood belongs in her slit.</p>
<<c "Have intercourse with your wife">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 58>>
<c>You have Francia perversely ride you and you notice that her slit is starting to get wet.
<p>Francia seems to enjoy your manhood.</p>
<<c "Take her in the rectum">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 72>>
<c>Wanting to drive out all of her lust, you penetrate Francia's rectum while rubbing her sinful button. She doesn't appear to enjoy this as much.
<<s mc "Will you climax from this or should I switch to your slit?">>
<<s francia "I like the other way better, Father.">>
<<s mc "As you wish.">>
<<c "Do her like a dog">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>Returning to Francia's slit, you switch to another perverse position, this time taking her from behind like a beast.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>Francia finally climaxes.
<<lh>>You keep thrusting into her until your seed is coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed">>
<<c "Ejaculate in her face">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>You anoint Francia with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c><<s mc "Your lust has been reduced and you have been anointed. Pray extra hard for protection against evil tonight to make the best of the Lord's blessing.">>
<<s francia "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi francia 38 "pnggg">>
<cc>You annul the wedding and Francia is again Novice Francia.
<<marry stop>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi 900-1200 30>>
<c>Novice Francia didn't appear quite as lustful today as she usually does. Perhaps getting married had that effect on her.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 600>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<</events>><<if setup.checkqStage("monks3",200) == false>>
You go to the communal bathroom. After making sure that no one is in there with their clothes off, you enter.
The bathroom itself looks pretty similar to that of the nuns', yet different. Nothing here strikes your <<lbut interest. div1 showdiv>></cc2>
<<div div1>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>> /* to avoid catching alonso same day */
<<mii bathroom/well_monks 35 right>>
But then you see the well in the corner. It looks exactly like the one on the other side of the wall. The wall itself is also the same, down to the exact same shade of color. This section must have been renovated for the monks and the nuns at the same time. What if whoever renovated the wall added a secret passage?
Wait, what is that sound? It sounds like... women laughing. It must come from the other side, from the nuns in their bathroom. The laughter can only be heard faintly, but it could be an indication that the wall here is not very thick – or that it is not solid, as if it contained a hidden doorway.</p>
<p>Inspecting the wall, including pounding and knocking on it, reveals nothing suspicious, but you need to investigate this further. You should ask the abbot about it.
<<qmess monks3 200>>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
/* v0.2.0.4 bugfix -- was qqmonks3>=600>> */
<<elseif $bathroomHasBathed == false && $qqmonks3>=1000>>
<<if !($qqalonsoq>=300)>>
<<setev 200>>
<<if $qqalonsoshed==600>>
<<setev 500>>
<<elseif !($qqalonsoq2>=2000)>>
<<setev 300>>
/* v0.8 */
<<setev 600>>
<<include mbathroom1>>
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = true>>
<<mii bathroom/well_monks 35>>
After making sure that no one is in the bathroom with their clothes off, you enter.<br>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqalonsoq >= 100 && $qqalonsoq < 300 && $qqalonsoq != 101>>
<<mii bathroom/well_monks 35>>
<cc>You quietly move to the bathroom and peek inside...
The bathroom is empty.</p>
<p>You know the nuns usually take a bath this time of the day, so maybe <<alonso>> being in here listening really was a one-time thing. On the other hand, he can't spend too much time away from work, so him not being here at this exact moment doesn't prove anything.</p>
<<but "Continue" mbathroom1 "ev:200 step:200">>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:44%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/well_monks.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "monks/alonso_small.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; border:black solid 0.06rem; width:23%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:45%">
<<if $qqalonsoq >= 100 && $qqalonsoq < 300 && $qqalonsoq == 101>>
<cc>You quietly sneak to the bathroom and peek inside.</cc>
You see <<alonso>> with his ear to the renovated wall, listening intently! You suspected that if he eavesdrops often on the nuns, he would have figured out to do it when the young novice nuns are bathing – because they are the loudest and are bathing at the same time every day. And this confirms it.
<<but Continue mbathroom1 "ev:200 step:300">>
You peek into the bathroom to make sure that no one is in there naked.
<p class="nomargin-bottom">You see <<alonso>> standing in the corner with his ear to the renovated wall by the well.<br>
What is this?</p>
<<specbut2 "alonso" mbathroom1 "ev:250">>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii bathroom/bath 55>>
If <<alonso>> eavesdrops often on the nuns in their bathroom – as you suspect – your best shot of catching him is figuring out more precisely what time of the day he usually does the eavesdropping.
<<qmess alonsoq 220 center>></cc>
<<ev 300>>
<div class="right" style="position: relative; width:40%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/well_monks.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "monks/alonso_small.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; border:black solid 0.06rem; width:23%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:45%">
<<alonso>> is fixated with the bathing novices on the other side, probably fantasizing about doing filthy, unchristian things with them.
You want to confront him about it, but that is not in your best interest right now. You doubt the young monk is involved in the attacks, but you can't rule it out, and then you can't tip your hand that you are on to him.</p>
<p>And if <<alonso>> is not involved in the attacks, you could have use for him later, having him owe you a favor for not revealing his perverse actions to the other monks.</p>
<p>In any case, you should keep a close eye on <<alonso>> to see what else you may learn about him. But for now, you are content with the juicy piece of information you learned about the young monk. It's something you can report to <<mms>> if she nags you about the investigation.
<<qend alonsoq 300>></p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/alonso 34>>
<c>Now Novice Alonso's suspicious answer in the herb garden makes sense. You asked him if he had heard the nuns on the other side of the wall, and he thought you meant him eavesdropping in the bathroom – which he then instinctively denied.
<<suspectadd alonso s2 "remove:s1">>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<event 250>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40>>
Then <<alonso>> notices you. He flinches and moves away from the wall.
<<s mc "<<alonso ,>> what are you doing?">>
<<s alonso "$fmc... I didn't hear you coming. I'm just... nothing. I thought I heard something. But it was nothing.">>
<<c "Go to him">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<l>When you approach the young monk, you hear something... the laughter from a girl. It must be coming from the nuns' bathroom on the other side of the wall.
<<s mc "Was that what you heard? The nuns laughing on the other side.">>
<<s alonso "Oh... Yeah, that was probably it. Right, that explains it. I thought I heard something. Ah well, back to work.">>
<<alonso>> quickly leaves the bathroom.
<p>You think you caught him spying on the nuns in their bathroom. But was it a one-time thing, or something regular? This could be a sign that <<alonso>> has an unhealthy fixation with the nuns, perhaps fantasizing about them being naked over there... and who knows what else. This is a lead you can't ignore.
<<q alonsoq 100>>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:40%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/well_monks.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "monks/alonso_small.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; border:black solid 0.06rem; width:23%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:45%">
<<if !($qqalonsoshed>=200)>>
<cc>You quietly move to the bathroom and peek inside...
You see <<alonso>> with his ear to the renovated wall, listening to the bathing novices on the other side, maybe even fantasizing about doing filthy, unchristian things with them.</p>
<p>You want to confront him, but not yet. You should keep observing him to see what else you might find out about him. Although unlikely, he could be involved in the attacks.
<cc>You quietly move to the bathroom and peek inside...
You see <<alonso>> with his ear to the renovated wall, listening to the bathing novices on the other side, <<if $qqalonsoshed<300>>probably<</if>> fantasizing about doing filthy, unchristian things with them. What a pervert.
<<if $qqalonsoshed<300>>It's time to make use of this depraved sinner.<</if>></p>
<<if $qqalonsoshed>=500>><cc><<italics "There is no need to talk to Novice Alonso right now. He will send for you if he has anything to report.">></cc><</if>>
<<but "Confront Novice Alonso" mbathroom1 "ev:400 qqalonsoshed==200">>
<<but "Approach Novice Alonso" mbathroom1 "ev:420 qqalonsoshed>=300 qqalonsoshed<<500">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 400 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<c><<s mc "Here you are again. Listening to the nuns bathing.">>
<<s alonso "What? $fmc, I didn't hear you coming. No, I wasn't listening to them. I mean, I heard something. I thought I heard some voices, and I was curious to know what they said. That's all.">>
<<s mc "Don't waste your breath telling lies, Novice Alonso. You're talking to a priest from the Vatican. Don't make your situation worse than it is. I am fully aware of what you're doing. I figured it out. The novices are bathing now. They are in there, laughing. They are also naked. That's what you've been thinking about, isn't it? How the novice nuns are naked? Their young, naked bodies. Don't lie to me, Novice Alonso.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s alonso "Alright, I was listening. But... I'm just listening. It's... like an attraction in my body to hear them. I'm not doing anything.">>
<<s mc "Have you been touching yourself thinking about them?">>
<<s alonso "Shouldn't we talk about this in confession?">>
<<s mc "Whenever you talk with me alone like this, the Seal of Confession is active. Your secrets are safe with me. God also knows of them, of course. Now answer me, Novice Alonso. Do you confess to touching yourself thinking of the naked novice nuns?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc. I confess. I have done that. I'm sorry, but I can't help myself sometimes.">>
<<s mc "Have you confessed this to anyone before me? I know you have ordained priests within your ranks.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<<s alonso "No, I haven't. Is it bad, Father? I don't want to go to hell.">>
<<s mc "It is very bad to do what you have done and then not do anything to repent of your sins. I'm here to offer you this chance now. I need someone for a sensitive matter. If you help me with this, to my satisfaction, I will consider it your penance for the grave sins you have just confessed to me.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s alonso "Thank you, Father. W-what is the sensitive matter?">>
<<s mc "I was not sent here to document the history of the monastery. That's just a cover story. The real reason I'm here, is that the Church suspects that someone in this monastery is behind a counterfeit operation that makes and sells counterfeit versions of the alcoholic beverages you produce here. This makes the monastery lose money. Not only from the competition, but also from the reduction of value of your brand since the counterfeit versions are not of the same high quality that you produce here. All this reflects badly on the monastery and the Church. The Vatican takes this very seriously. I need your help to find out who works for this counterfeit operation. We strongly suspect at least one of the monks is involved.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<<s alonso "Oh my, that's... I didn't know about any of this, about there being counterfeit versions of our products. I never heard any brothers talking about it.">>
<<s mc "It is not known outside of the Vatican as of now. The counterfeiters are smart enough to only sell far away from here. The counterfeit products were discovered and reported to the Vatican by an associate of ours. Not even Father <<var abbot>> knows about it, and you can't tell him. We can't rule out that he is part of the counterfeit operation. You are the only one who knows why I'm really here, so I trust that you tell no one about it. Do you understand everything I've just told you, or do you have questions?">>
<<s alonso "I understand. I won't say a word to anyone. But how can I help?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "I have a lead. I suspect that someone is sneaking into the shed in the herb garden at night, stealing something they need for their counterfeit products. Perhaps one or more herbs they are in short supply of. Whatever it is, I need you to find out who that someone is. Inside the shed, there is a lot of packing material stored against one of the walls. I figure you could make a hiding place among the boxes where you could sleep and then spy on whoever enters during the night. Do you think you would wake up when someone enters? Unlocking and opening the door is pretty noisy.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, I think so. I wake up pretty easily.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then that's what we'll try. Just be sure to avoid detection. No one can know you sleep in the shed.">>
<<s alonso "I will be careful.">>
<<s mc "Remember, it may take many nights before someone enters the shed at night. You have to keep sleeping there and report to me when something happens. I will seek you out here when the novice nuns are bathing.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<<s alonso "B-but... am I not supposed to stop listening to the nuns, now that I have confessed and want to repent?">>
<<s mc "Yes, ordinarily, that would be the case. But right now, keeping my investigation a secret is more important. The fact that you have been able to come here for so long without being detected shows that this is a good place to have our clandestine meetings.">>
<<s alonso "But... if I come here, it will be harder to stop myself from touching... myself.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "That is unfortunate, but, again, that is less important right now. God will understand. But once your penance is successfully completed, you of course would have to stop sinning or I can't grant you absolution.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, of course.">>
<<s mc "Then prepare things in the garden shed. You should start sleeping there tonight. But remember, no one can know. Be very careful.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 2000>> /* note, dont change step nr, it is checked in event 420*/
<<mii mgarden/shed 60>>
<c>You have recruited Novice Alonso to spy on the monk's garden shed at night. Now you can only wait and hope he learns something of value to the investigation.
<p>You should meet with Novice Alonso regularly in the monks' bathroom when the novice nuns are bathing to see if he has something to report.
<<q alonsoshed 300>></p>
<<c "Continue" monks>>
<<event 420 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<c>Novice Alonso quickly notices you as you approach, knowing you could show up.
<<s alonso "Ah, $fmc. I was just checking to see if the novices were still bathing, so I knew if I should wait for you to come.">>
<<s mc "Sure you were. And now I'm here. Anything to report?">>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("mbathroom1", 400, 2000, 3)>>
<<but "Continue" mbathroom1 step:1000>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s alonso "No, Father. I slept in the shed, hidden behind the boxes, as you told me, but no one entered. At least not that I could tell. I never woke up. Not from anyone entering anyway. I woke up a few times, but it was probably just the wind or because I'm not used to sleeping out there.">>
<<s mc "The plan has not changed. You keep sleeping there – make sure no one finds out about it – and we'll continue to meet here.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, sir... I mean 'Father'.">>
<<q alonsoshed 400>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi alonso 35 right>>
Novice Alonso gets excited.
<<s alonso "Yes, Father. I saw someone! It was Brother Stefano. He entered the shed in the middle of the night. I woke up. Brother Stefano wasn't in the shed for long. I couldn't see what he was doing because he was blocked from my view, but I looked out through the window after he left, and then I saw that it was Brother Stefano. The moon was out, so I had a pretty good view of him. He was carrying something. I couldn't see what it was, but it looked pretty heavy. Must have been something he took from our shed.">>
<<s mc "Brother Stefano, the brother in charge of the kitchen garden? Are you sure it was him? Think carefully.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, yes. It was definitely him. I swear on it.">>
<<ev 1010>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<<s mc "Did you try to find out what he took?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, I looked around in the shed this morning, but I couldn't see anything obvious missing. It could have been anything.">>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "Can you see a reason for Brother Stefano to get things from the shed in the herb garden? An explanation for what you saw?">>
<<s alonso "No. You've seen the large storage building in the kitchen garden, right? That's the main storage building for all of us, kitchen garden and herb garden. We don't have room for much else than the herbs in our shed, so we often get things from their storage building – fertilizer and whatnot – not the other way around. I suppose, if for some reason they need an extra tool or something, they could borrow it from our shed. But then why come in the middle of the night? We are all brothers here. There is no need to sneak around and take things. I tell you, Brother Stefano was up to no good.">>
<<s mc "What if he went up in the middle of the night, say to visit the latrine, and then while being up anyway, he borrowed something he would need later when the workday started?">>
<<ev 1040>>
<<mi alonso2 33>>
<<s alonso "Uh, yes, I guess it could have happened like that. But you can't let him get away with it! I mean, you have to investigate it, right?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I will investigate it. But you can't judge Brother Stefano before we know the facts. He might have been there for an innocent reason. Remember that.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father. Of course. Forgive me for sounding accusing. I'm sure Brother Stefano was there for an innocent reason. It's just seemed strange that he came in the middle of the night, that's all.">>
<<c "Take a moment to think">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi stefano 46>>
<cc>Brother Stefano, the monk in charge of the kitchen garden.<br>
Could he be involved in the attacks?</cc>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi stefanoevil 46>>
<cc>Could Brother Stefano be the fake angel? A minion of Satan?</cc>
<<ev 1220>>
<<mv stefano50ms 46>>
<cc>This could be the lead that breaks the case. But you must not take anything for granted. Brother Stefano could be the fake angel or an accomplice – but he could also be innocent.</cc>
<<c "Back to Novice Alonso">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Good work, Novice Alonso. This will go a long way to absolving you of your sins. But I need you to continue sleeping in the shed. Brother Stefano could have been there for an innocent reason, and even if he weren't, there could be other persons involved with the counterfeit operation who might visit the shed at night.">>
<<s alonso "I understand, Father. I will continue to sleep in the shed. But soon, my penance will be completed, right?">>
<<s mc "Yes, soon. I will let you know. But I will be busy with the investigation. If you want to report something, leave a message for me at the black door. Just write 'To $fmc' on a note, nothing else, and ring the bell. I'll know it is from you, and then we'll meet here.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc. I will keep it in mind.">>
<<c "Leave the bathroom">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi stefano2 35>>
<<suspect stefano>>
<<suspectadd stefano s2 silent>>
You have a lead. Now you must investigate it.
<p>But you must not take anything for granted. Brother Stefano could have been in the garden shed for an innocent reason.
<<qstart stefanoq 100>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi alonso2 30>>
There is also the possibility that Novice Alonso is lying about seeing Brother Stefano in the shed. The young novice is still a suspect like everyone else, and you can't blindly trust him. If Novice Alonso is involved with the attacks, he could suspect that that is what you are really here to investigate. Then he would have reason to steer you in the wrong direction, putting the blame on someone else, like Brother Stefano.
<p>Furthermore, Novice Alonso came off like he already had something against Brother Stefano, the way he emphatically told you not to let Brother Stefano get away with it.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi stefano2 35>>
<c>Brother Stefano is in charge of the kitchen garden. That would be a good place to start your investigation into him.
There is no need to go to the monks' bathroom every day to meet with Novice Alonso. If Novice Alonso has something to report, he will send for you.
<<q alonsoshed 500>>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<event 500 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:40%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/well_monks.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "monks/alonso_small.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; border:black solid 0.06rem; width:23%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:45%">
<cc>You quietly move to the bathroom and peek inside...
<p>You see Novice Alonso. But he isn't listening to the wall, eavesdropping on the bathing nuns, as you would expect. Instead, he is pacing back and forth, looking very nervous. Something must have happened.</p>
/* Can't use <<c>> here because then returns to mbathroom since using setev. Need to call mbathroom1 so using button */
<<but "Approach Novice Alonso" mbathroom1 "ev:500 step:200">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi alonso2>>
<c><<s alonso "$fmc! I saw a demon! It came into the shed!">>
<<s mc "Calm down and tell me what happened, from the beginning. You were sleeping in the garden shed?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s alonso "Yes. And I woke up. Someone entered the shed. I couldn't see anything this time either because they never went to the inner part of the shed. So I just listened and then when they left, I went to look out through the window, and I saw someone leaving. But just as a looked outside, I accidentally knocked over a container. It fell down with a loud noise.">>
<<s alonso "Then I saw it. The dark figure stopped for a second, then it turned around. It was the most terrifying thing I've witnessed in my entire life. It was a demon nun. It had red glowing eyes. It stared at me. I froze in horror. Then the demon turned away and quickly left. Maybe it didn't see me in the darkness. I don't know. I fell down on my knees and prayed to the Lord for protection. Then I ran out from the shed and back to my own room and waited until I could contact you.">>
The Crone! Could it be?
<<s mc "Describe the demon for me. Everything you remember. It's very important.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi alonso2 34>>
<<s alonso "It looked similar to a human, but it was bent forward, crooked, very deformed, a huge hump on the back, like a grotesque hunchback. I saw it when it turned around. And then... I just remember those red eyes staring at me, piercing my soul with evil.">>
<<s mc "You called it a demon nun. Are you sure it was a nun?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, when it turned around, I could see that it was a nun. That white they wear under the hood, and everything. It was a demon nun, no question about it. What does it mean, Father? Why is it here?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi alonso2 40 right>>
<<s mc "I don't know. Have you heard of anyone seeing this demon nun here before? Or any other strange sightings?">>
<<s alonso "No. This is a quiet monastery. Nothing strange is happening here, until now.">>
<<s mc "Could it have been a human in disguise?">>
<<s alonso "No, I don't think so. That deformed body with the huge hump on its back, and those red glowing eyes. How could that be a human? It belongs in hell. I could feel the evil coming from it. I still feel it. I'm not sleeping out there anymore. Have I completed my penance now, Father?">>
<<s mc "We'll get to that soon. First, how tall was this nun, would you say, compared to an average man or woman?">>
<<s alonso "Hard to say. Nothing that stood out. Like an average man or tall woman perhaps, if I'd guess. But it bent forward. If it stood upright, it would have been taller.">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Did it take anything from the shed?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, I think so. It's the strangest thing. I think it took bat guano! When the demon was inside the shed, I listened and I remember hearing it doing something. But I didn't check to see what it could be because I was scared and ran to my room. But then, when the sun came up and the day was about to start, it felt safe to go outside again, and I mustered the courage to investigate the shed before anyone else came there for work.">>
<<s alonso "And when I checked the bucket with bat guano, some of it was missing. I'm pretty sure. It all makes sense. That sound I heard... it was the sound of someone scooping up bat guano and pouring it into a sack or something. Perhaps the demon was the one taking our bat guano a few months ago. But I don't understand why a demon would want fertilizer.">>
<<s mc "I have to investigate this. You can't tell anyone what you saw.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi alonso2 35>>
<<s alonso "But shouldn't we warn the others? A demon is here.">>
<<s mc "I'm from the Vatican. I've dealt with demons before. From what we know of this demon, there is no immediate danger. As long as you and your brothers sleep inside the monastery, you will be safe.">>
<<ev 650>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s alonso "But what if someone wakes up to go to the latrine or something?">>
<<s mc "A demon like this is not a wild animal. You saw it looking at you, then turning around to leave. It means it has its own agenda. We don't know what it wants, but if it were here to attack you, it would have done so already. Leave the demon to me and don't tell anyone about it. If people learn about it, they could get scared and disturb the peace. Then the demon will only be harder for me to deal with. It could get aggressive and start attacking people.">>
<<s alonso "What about Father <<var abbot?>> Shouldn't we at least tell him? He's the abbot.">>
<<s mc "No. Not even him. It is for the best. You promise to keep this a secret, and your penance is completed. I will absolve you of your grave sins.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi alonso2 40>>
<<s alonso "Then I will keep it a secret. But I don't understand... What does a demon have to do with the counterfeiters? Do you think it works with them?">>
<<s mc "I don't know. Maybe. The ringleader of the counterfeit operation could be possessed by a demon, and be getting help from other demons. I can only speculate until I investigate it.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi alonso2 40 right>>
<<s alonso "So what now? If you absolve me, that means I can't come here anymore... because I would be tempted to listen to the nuns? What if I need to speak with you again? Should we meet somewhere else?">>
<<s mc "Now that we're facing a demon, priorities have changed. I may need your help with this demon and then we must meet in secret, as we have done. Because of this, we will continue to meet here when needed, and any grave sins of lust you commit by eavesdropping in here, or by touching yourself, will only be counted as venial sins. For as long as I say so. But after that, you must stop your perverse sinning.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi alonso2 36>>
After Novice Alonso promises to do his best to fulfill the terms you have laid out, you grant him absolution. Strengthened and relieved, Novice Alonso leaves the bathroom.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii crone/crone3 40 right>>
<l>Novice Alonso's description of the being he saw matches the various descriptions of the Crone. If that really was the Crone, you count it as the most reliable description yet, seeing as all the other witnesses fled as soon as they saw the hideous nun.
<p>One thing stood out to you after hearing Novice Alonso's description: the red eyes. Some of the witnesses of the Crone mentioned it having red demon eyes. And some of the attacked victims have described the attacker as a devil or demon with red eyes. The red eyes could just have been their imagination, but perhaps it wasn't. This is further evidence that points to a connection between the Crone and the attacker, and that they could be one and the same.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii misc/angel 45 right>>
<l>You also have the mysterious fake angel. If you are dealing with someone who uses disguises – the fake angel being one of those disguises – then the Crone could be another disguise. And the attacker, a third disguise.
/*<p>Or you could be dealing with two or three different beings. Human or supernatural, or a mix. It is still too early to rule anything out.</p>*/
<p>The demon nun took bat guano, which connects it to the fake angel. This also tells you that it was not a real demon that Novice Alonso saw. A demon would not go into a shed to get fertilizer – if they could even manage to interact with the material plane like that.</p>
<p>But it could have been a human possessed by a demon. Or it could have been some other kind of supernatural being. Something that explains those red glowing eyes.
<p>Though nothing is definitive proof, you now have more evidence pointing to a connection between the Crone, the attacker, and the fake angel.
<<qset alonsoshed 990>> /* for check to show new red eyed crone in suspect list */
<<suspectadd crone s2>>
<<invest cronealonso>></p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii ms/ms1 25>>
<c>You had another breakthrough in the case. And with a long list of suspects, it could do you well to update <<mms>> with your progress in the investigation. You don't want her to send for help now that you are closing in on the mastermind behind the attacks.
<<q alonsoshed 1000>>
<<set $blackDoorOnly = 0>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:40%;">
<<set _path = "bathroom/well_monks.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "monks/alonso_small.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%; border:black solid 0.06rem; width:23%; position:absolute; top:5%; left:45%">
<cc>You quietly move to the bathroom and peek inside...
You see <<alonso>> with his ear to the renovated wall, listening to the bathing novices on the other side, fantasizing about doing filthy, unchristian things with them.
<<but "Talk to Novice Alonso" mbathroom1 "ev:620 qqalonsoq2==2000">>
<<but "Talk to Novice Alonso" mbathroom1 "ev:640 qqalonsodistillery==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoapprentice>>" mbathroom1 "ev:700 qqalonsoapprentice==500">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoapprentice>>" mbathroom1 "ev:700 step:5000 qqalonsoapprentice==1010 alonsoapprentice#notplayed1200">>
<<event 620 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi alonso2 32>>
You have to keep in mind that Novice Alonso doesn't know about the attacks on the nuns – as far as you know. Out of the monks, you have only told the abbot about the attacks.
<p>Novice Alonso believes you have come to the monastery to catch counterfeiters who make and sell counterfeit versions of the alcoholic beverages the monks produce.</p>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro has confided in me about the two nightmares you've told him about, Novice Alonso. About the dark figure – the doctor – tapping on your body. Father Alvaro told me about your nightmares because he feared there might be something evil about them. He wanted my advice.">>
<<s alonso "Oh. So what do you think about them, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I agree with Father Alvaro that we have to be open to the possibility that they could be something more than just regular nightmares. Something more sinister. Perhaps of demonic influence.">>
<<s alonso "I see. They sure felt sinister and demonic.">>
Novice Alonso thinks the nocturnal episodes were nightmares, and you will let him keep thinking that. Only the abbot will know you think otherwise.
<<ev 160>>
<<mi alonso2 35>>
There is a small possibility that the nightmares about the doctor are indeed just nightmares, and that Novice Alonso is "patient zero", accidentally starting the nightmare epidemic by telling the other monks about his scary encounter that night in the garden shed.
<<s mc "Speaking of demons... That demon nun you saw outside the garden shed, have you told anyone about that?">>
<<s alonso "No, Father. You told me not to.">>
<<s mc "Good, just checking.">>
This confirms what you thought: The "nightmares" really happened. The doctor is real.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<<s mc "You told Father Alvaro that the doctor in the nightmare had red eyes. It sounds similar to the demon nun you saw from the shed. And then with this strange tapping on your body... Why didn't you tell me about these nightmares?">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi alonso2 40>>
<<s alonso "It didn't cross my mind, Father. I didn't know you would be interested. They were just dreams. Nightmares. I've had nightmares about the demon nun before, you know – ever since I saw it outside the shed that night. The nightmares with the doctor are very different though because they are so vivid. They feel so real. But in some ways, more strange than horrifying.">>
<<ev 230>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Was the doctor dressed like a nun?">>
<<s alonso "Hmm... I couldn't tell. It was dark and I couldn't focus my eyes. I just assumed it was another nightmare about the demon nun. But very different.">>
Father Alvaro told you that none of the monks described the doctor as a nun, yet you still had a slight hope that Novice Alonso would be the first one to do so.
<p>But alas, no. You still have no good evidence identifying the Crone – or someone dressed like the Crone – as being the attacker. Or in this case, the doctor.</p>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi alonso2 40>>
<<s alonso "I've actually had the nightmare with the doctor again since the two nightmares I told Father Alvaro about, but I didn't tell Father Alvaro because... one time I didn't remember it that well, and... they are just nightmares.">>
<<s mc "How many times have you had the nightmare with the doctor, in total, would you say?">>
<<s alonso "Oh... I'm not sure. Four or five times.">>
<<ev 340>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
Novice Alonso continues to speak.
<<s alonso "The other nightmares I've had about the demon – without the doctor – were me reliving what happened in the shed. Different nightmarish versions of it. But with the doctor, there was nothing about the garden shed in them.">>
<<s mc "If you have more nightmares with the doctor, tell Father Alvaro. There may be a meaning to them.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi alonso2 34>>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc, I will tell Father Alvaro. But do you think the nightmares could have to do with the counterfeiters you're after? More demonic involvement?">>
<<s mc "I don't know, but it's possible. This is why it's important that you tell Father Alvaro if you dream something strange like that again. The investigation into the counterfeiters could depend on it.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father.">>
<<qmess monknightmares 200>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii grounds/grounds_wall3night 70>>
With that taken care of, it is now time to confront Novice Alonso about his trespasses on the nuns' side of the wall.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi alonso2 38>>
<<s mc "There is something else I want to talk to you about. Something perhaps even more serious than these nightmares.">>
<<s alonso "Oh? What could that be?">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi alonso 36>>
<<s mc "You've been lying to me. I know you've been scaling the wall at night, trespassing on the nuns' side. And that's not all I know, if you catch my drift.">>
<<s alonso "Oh... uhm...">>
Novice Alonso blushes and tries to think of something to say. He looks deeply ashamed.
<<s mc "I'm very disappointed in you, Novice Alonso. I gave you a chance to make up for your sinful behavior, and it turns out I didn't even know the worst of it. What do you have to say for yourself? Speak up, boy!">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi alonso2 38 right>>
Novice Alonso manages to loosen his tongue.
<<s alonso "I'm sorry, $fmc. I'm a sinner. I'm a bad sinner.">>
<<s mc "This is your last chance to tell me everything, or I have no choice... there will be severe consequences. Tell me everything now and it will be protected by the Seal of Confession.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, I've been climbing the wall a few times. I just wanted to look, nothing more.">>
<<s mc "Look at what?">>
<<s alonso "The novices. I wanted to see them, not just hear them in the bathroom. So one day, I couldn't resist the temptation. I climbed the wall before Lauds. The nuns gather for Lauds before we do, so I could get back in time without anyone noticing I was gone.">>
<<s mc "So you spied on the nuns as they walked to Lauds...">>
<<ev 1340>>
<<mi alonso2 34>>
<<s alonso "Yes. I have done it a few times. There's a bush there. I hide behind it and then I can see the novices when they walk to the chapel. They are pretty. And... I like seeing the novices.">>
You suspect that Novice Alonso has done more than just look. You suspect that he has also perversely touched himself – like he has admitted doing when eavesdropping in the bathroom. The last part of his answer might suggest it.
<p>You could ask Novice Alonso about it, but you are not sure you want to go down that disgusting path. You have enough on Novice Alonso as it is without bringing it up.</p>
<<but "Ask if he touched himself" mbathroom1 step:1400>><<but "Don't ask about such disgusting things" mbathroom1 step:1600>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "How much have you liked seeing them, Novice Alonso? Have you sinned with yourself?">>
Novice Alonso looks down.
<<s alonso "Yes, Father, I have.">>
<<s mc "Have you spilled your seed there, behind the bush?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "This is all very serious, Novice Alonso, but you should be glad that you're finally telling me about it. This is the only way you can save yourself from going to hell.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" mbathroom1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi alonso 40>>
You decide not to pursue this line of questioning. You have no wish to know of whatever disgusting acts Novice Alonso might have committed with himself.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi alonso2 36 right>>
<<s mc "So you have spied on the novices. Let's leave all that for now. What else have you been doing over there? Remember, I'm giving you one final chance to tell me everything. You don't know what I already know.">>
<<s alonso "I... uhm. I took some things a few times. A few bottles of cider.">>
<<s mc "Why?">>
<<s alonso "I... I don't want to get anyone else in trouble. I gave the bottles to someone, but it's all my fault. He has nothing to do with this.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/alonso2 26 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/salvatore2 26 "left nomarginRight">>
Novice Alonso is protecting Brother Salvatore, keeping his name out of it. Perhaps it is for the best to show Novice Alonso kindness here since you already know the truth – that Brother Salvatore saw Novice Alonso scale the wall and then Novice Alonso bribed Brother Salvatore with the cider to keep him quiet.
<<s mc "It speaks in your favor that you want to protect this other person and take the blame yourself, providing he is as innocent as you claim. I will trust you on this, Novice Alonso. Don't make us both regret it.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi alonso2 36 right>>
<<s mc "Now, what else have you done over there?">>
<<s alonso "Hmm... well, I've been investigating the buildings over there. Sneaking inside. Most of the buildings are unlocked. That's how I found the cider. Hmm... that's it, I think.">>
<<s mc "Have you ever been inside the main building?">>
<<s alonso "No, Father. They keep their doors locked. I tried them, just to see. I don't think I would have actually gone inside, but I tried all the doors, and they were all locked.">>
<<s mc "What about some other way to get inside? Perhaps you climbed in somewhere? Don't lie now, Novice Alonso.">>
<<s alonso "No, Father, I swear. I've never been inside their side of the main building. Ever.">>
Unfortunately, you believe him. If he is a liar, he is a good one.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "I believe you have told me the full truth, Novice Alonso. I am prepared to grant you absolution for these grave sins, providing of course that you do penance for them. And aside from prayers, the penance will again require you to assist me in catching the counterfeiters.">>
<<s alonso "I understand, $fmc, just please don't make me sleep in the shed again. I'm so scared of the demon nun.">>
<<s mc "I can't make any promises as I have yet to decide on how you will assist me. I will get back to you when I have. Until then, continue to keep your eyes and ears open and report anything suspicious.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave the bathroom">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi alonso2 30>>
<c>You will take a chance that Novice Alonso is indeed not involved in the attacks. He will remain a possible suspect like everyone else, but you will place him low on the list of suspects.
<p>You have to think about how to use Novice Alonso. Something might come up.
<<qend alonsoq2 3000>></p>
<<ev 4300>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/gaspar3 26 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/giovanni3 26 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/brewer2 26 "left nomarginRight">>
<c>Next, you should talk to Brother Gaspar (kitchen garden), Brother Giovanni (herb garden), and Brother Gino (distillery).
<<q monknightmares 220>>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<event 640>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 32>>
<c>Novice Alonso still thinks you are here to investigate a suspected counterfeiter ring. Father Alvaro is the only monk who knows your true reason for being here, and you have no reason to change that.</c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Alonso, I have a new assignment for you. I suspect that the counterfeiters have contacts in the Distillery. I will talk to Father Alvaro and have him reassign you to start working there. You will keep your eyes and ears open for any suspicious behavior. Especially down in the caves. There may even be a secret room somewhere down there for all we know.">>
<<s alonso "But I like working in the garden. I don't know how to work in the Distillery.">>
<<s mc "You can carry sacks of ingredients and simple things like that. Father Alvaro will arrange it. Just do your best and you will be fine. This assignment will be part of your penance required to absolve you of your great sins.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc. I will do my best.">>
<<ev 240>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
<<s mc "You may see me in the Distillery, but we must act like we don't know each other well, and we can't risk talking privately there. We will keep meeting secretly here in the bathroom. And remember to send word to me if you think you may have something important to report.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii abbot/head 32>>
<cc>You must speak with the abbot about transferring Novice Alonso to the Distillery
<<q alonsodistillery 200 center>>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40>>
<c><<s mc "Anything new to report about Brother Gregor's death?">>
<<s alonso "No, Father. No one seems to know anything.">>
<<s mc "Keep spying in the Distillery. To that end, I want you to be the new apprentice, now that Brother Pascal has become the new master distiller.">>
<<s alonso "Me, the apprentice? Why?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
<<s mc "It will make you a more effective spy. Father Alvaro will convince the master brothers to make you the new apprentice. It's just for as long as I need you there. If we catch the counterfeiters, someone else might take over as the apprentice.">>
<<s alonso "Oh. But I don't know much about distilling and brewing and that. I like working in the garden. And carrying sacks is easy enough, but what if I don't make a good apprentice?">>
<<s mc "Don't worry about it, my child. Father Alvaro dreamt that you should be the apprentice. The Lord wants you in that role. Have faith.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc. When do I start?">>
<<s mc "As soon as the master brothers agree to take you on. Maybe tomorrow. I will visit the abbot now to inform him that you are ready to become the apprentice.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii abbot/head 30>>
<cc>Now you must visit the abbot.
<<q alonsoapprentice 600 center>></cc>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii monks/alonso 34>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1100)>>
<<s mc "Did they make you the apprentice?">>
<<set _abbothelp = "I'm sure he will help you out.">>
<<s mc "I spoke to the abbot. He said they made you the new apprentice.">>
<<set _abbothelp = "I've asked him to help you out.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, they did. I've already started. But I don't know if I can do this. It would be embarassing if I failed.">>
<<s mc "Speak to Father Alvaro if you need assistance. _abbothelp">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1100)>>
<c>Now you should speak with the abbot.
<<qmess alonsoapprentice 1200>></c>
<<but "Leave him" abbot1 "ev:1000 step:6000">>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<specialalert "Bug alert. Replay did not end properly.">>
replayingEvent = $replayingEvent <<lineheight>>
<<if $lastReplay == undefined>>
<<specialalert "Replay any event where the button is marked with an R (like in 'Send for a nun' or 'Encounters'), and this should fix the bug.">>
Last replay: $lastReplay
<<specialalert "Please report this to Alcahest. Your game needs to be fixed.">>
<<if $isSleeping>> /* Needed here so can check for room visit triggers */
<<set setup.hubVisitsAfterSleep = 0>>
<<if $intro < 2000>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include mc1>>
<<elseif $intro == 3500>>
<<set $intro = 3700>>
<<setev 300>>
<<include mc1>>
<<elseif $qqmonkdocument==200>>
<<qset monkdocument 210>>
<l>It is $daytime on day $day.<<br>>
<<br>>You often find that you do your best thinking downstairs. There is something about it that opens up your mind down there, hidden from the world.
<<but "Go downstairs to think" lab1 ev:1820>>
<<elseif $qqprisoneragatha==null && $prisoners != null && setup.questCompleted("laraq") && setup.hubVisitsAfterSleep > 2>>
/* Showing agatha to all players to let them decide if they want to play with Agatha and go for more punish points. Showing after laraq which should be around 170 for max pun players, so enough for first pun event */
You are looking through your investigation notes when there is a knock on the door.
<<but "Open the door" mc1 ev:4000>>
<<if $isSleeping>>
/* NOTE: This section must only be used for setting variables and things that do NOT show to the player. Dreams, quest messages and similar must be done further down. */
/* DO NOT reset $temp variables since the value may be checked for, eg if $temp == "replayedDream4" */
<<set $day += 1>>
<<set $daytime = setup.morning>>
<<set $playDungeonSound = null>> /* only playing once per daytime (day and night) when visiting dungeon */
<<set $bathroomHasBathed = false>>
<<set $bathroomLaundryDone = 0>>
<<set $groundsEvent=0>> /* 0-1, for detective mode */
<<set $lusttodayJana = false>>
<<set $watchedJanaToday = 0>>
<<set $claraLaundryDone = 0>>
<<set $schoolvisit = 0>>
<<set $cindyroom = 0>>
<<set $lararoom = 0>>
<<set $mcRoomOnly = 0>>
<<set $noRefectoryBypass = 0>> /* v9: used for eg vivien school.tw events to avoid bypassing waiting lunch/supper events */
<<set $encounterMcHallMorning = 1>> /* reset, allowing showing encounters only available first hub visit after new day */
<<set setup.playedBlackBell = false>> /* be sure to reset if didn't reset earlier */
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>> /* In case forgot to end a replay event properly, preventing stat advances (and maybe other serious bugs!). This reset wont stop the bug from happening before going to sleep, but at least it decreases the time the player will run around with replayingEvent 2 */
<<set $schoolinside = 0>> /* used before switching to nunbuts at school; still in use, don't remove */
<<set $juliaschool = 0>>
<<set $rileyschool = 0>>
<<set $vivienschool = 0>>
<<set $vivienschoolnight = 0>>
<<set $catarinaschool = 0>>
<<set $chloeschool = 0>>
<<set $chloeschoolnight = 0>>
<<set $adriannaschool = 0>>
<<set $syrenschool = 0>>
<<set $carolinaschool = 0>>
<<set $rileySpendTime = 0>>
<<set $gabriellaLunch = 0>>
<<set $lunch = 0>> /* need seperate from gabriellaLunch -- set in widget lunch */
<<set $visitedAnika = 0>>
<<set $emmastable = 0>>
<<set $catarinastable = 0>>
<<set $amystable = 0>>
<<set $violakgarden=0>>
<<set $toninagarden=0>>
<<set $sararoom = 0>>
<<set $juliaroom = 0>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = false>>
<<set $chapelConfession = 0>>
<<set $sendForNuns = []>>
<<set $francialibrary = 0>>
<<set $danadungeon = 0>>
<<set $danapark = 0>>
<<set $sandrapark = 0>>
<<set $evieroom = 0>>
<<set $evieInnerChapel = 0>>
<<set $jessicaInnerChapel = 0>>
<<marry stop>> /* fail safe */
<<if $janameetroom > 0>>
<<set $janameetroom=0>>
<<if $hall==101>>
/* used for patrolling after hall moved to hall2 */
<<set $hall=100>>
<<if $qqalonsoq>=100 && $qqalonsoq < 300>>
/* Resetting variable tracking if player has checked that nun novices are bathing before going to mbathroom to catch alonso */
<<qset alonsoq 100 allowLess>>
<<if $qqcurseserpent >= 500 && $qqcurseserpent < 510>>
/* Resetting quest for player to cum x times same day */
<<qset curseserpent 500 allowLess>>
<<if $qqcreampieq >= 100 && $qqcreampieq < 500>>
/* Resetting quest for player to creampie nuns x times same day */
<<qset creampieq 100 allowLess>>
<<set $creampieSofia = null>>
<<if $qqgiovanniq==340>>
/* moving gio back to garden edge */
<<set $qqgiovanniq=350>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("rumika") && ndef $qqrumikaSodomy && setup.daysSinceLastStage("rumika",3)>>
<<qinit rumikaSodomy>>
<<qset rumikaSodomy 10>>
<<if ndef $qqavaq>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("emma") && setup.daysSinceLastStage("emma",2)>>
<<qinit avaq>> /* silent init */
<<qset avaq 10>>
/* silent triggers for new ava event in chapel (used in js and chapel) */
<<if $qqavaq == 100 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("avaq",2)>>
<<qset avaq 150>>
<<elseif $qqavaq == 200 && $qqrumika != null && setup.daysSinceLastStage("avaq",2)>>
<<qset avaq 250>>
<<elseif $qqavaq == 300 && setup.questCompleted("lustpotion") && (setup.daysSinceLastStage("avaq",3) || $corr>=35)>>
/* checking for corr>=35 to speed things up for people playing from saves */
<<qset avaq 350>>
<<if ndef $qqjudithBathroomNight && setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce") &&
<<set $qqjudithBathroomNight = 10>> /* show room without start/init quest */
<<if $qqjudithBathroomNight >= 20>>
<<if $qqjudithq==1000 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("judithBathroomNight",3)>>
<<qset judithq 1010>>
<<if $qqjudithBathroomNight == 101>>
<<set $qqjudithBathroomNight = 100>>
<<if $qqjudithq == 2001>>
<<set $qqjudithq = 2000>>
<<if $qqjudithq == 2101>>
<<set $qqjudithq = 2100>>
<<if $qqjanacurse==2000>>
<<qset janacurse 2010>> /* show her again in garden next day */
<<if $qqjanacurse==3000>>
<<qset janacurse 3010>> /* day after janacurse completed */
<<if $qqjanafornicate == 100>>
<<qset janafornicate 110>> /* show jana instead of herb garden on map */
<<if $qqolenkaq==600>>
/* adding olenka to send for nun */
<<qset olenkaq 601>>
<<if $grounds == 110 && $qqdana>=300 && $corr>=35 && $qqceline>=100 && setup.checkPlayedEver("grounds1",400,100)>>
<<set $grounds = 200>>
<<qinit saraq>>
<<qset saraq 10>> /* flashing grounds border */
<<if $grounds==200 && $qqsaraq >= 4000 && $qqcindyq >= 800>>
/* adding darcie event to grounds for +20 lust */
<<set $grounds = 300>>
<<qinit darcieq 1>> /* starting silent darcie quest and making it optional for now (until showing it to player) */
<<if setup.checkqStage("saraq", 1140)>>
/* 1140 was added if mc had lunch before seeing sara smoking on balcony first time. Must be removed to not block progress after that particular day */
<<set $quests["saraq"].events.delete(1140)>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("juliajoining")>>
<<if ndef $qqjuliajoining>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("julia") && setup.daysSinceLastStage("julia",10) &&
setup.checkqStage("dana",800) && setup.checkqStage("vivienq",100)>>
<<qinit juliajoining>>
<<qset juliajoining 10>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining==1000>>
<<set $qqjuliajoining = 1010>> /* moving into convent, showing room */
<<elseif setup.daysAfterPlayed("school1", 2400,100,20) ||
($qqjuliajoining == 300 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("juliajoining",10))>>
/* player will have max 12 days to complete -- 5 days after warning about taking too long */
<<qset juliajoining 350>>
<<if $qqdana == 2000>>
<<set $qqdana = 2100>> /* Dana threesome showing up in Send a nun */
<<if $victoriaExorcism >= 1>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("victoriaq")>>
/* days since last exorcism. after quest completion, mc can perform exorcism every 2 days */
<<set $victoriaExorcism += 1>>
<<set $victoriaExorcism = 0>>
<<if $qqrevelationann == 400>>
/* adding new "send for a nun" event in mc */
<<qset revelationann 450>>
<<if $qqmonksDrinking3 == 1>>
<<qinit monksDrinking3>>
<<qset monksDrinking3 10>>
<<if $qqprisoneragnes==100>>
<<qset prisoneragnes 200>> /* showing next event */
<<if $qqanikaq2==1100>>
<<qadd anikaq2 1150>> /* triggering qending in anika's room, going back to before blindfolded */
<<if $qqjuliajoining==4000>>
<<qset juliajoining 4010>>
<<set setup.playEventID=2>> /* 2 hub visits before triggering */
<<newEvent 1000>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining==4020 && setup.questCompleted("anikaq2") && $qqanikaq2 < 1400>>
<<qset anikaq2 1400>>
<<set setup.playEventID=1>>
<<newEvent 1001>>
/* v9 content*/
<<if $qqevieq==null && $qqchloeq>=800 && $qqcindyq>=1000 && $qqalonsoq2>=1000 && $qqpalomeq>=400 && $corr>=50>>
<<qinit evieq 1>>
<<if $qqlaraq==null && $qqevieq != null>>
<<qinit laraq 1>>
<<if $qqlaraq==1000>>
<<qset laraq 1010>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==null && setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject") && setup.questCompleted("recipebook") && $qqevieq>=1000 && $qqlaraq>=100 && setup.questCompleted("attacklocations") && $qqalonsodistillery==600 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("alonsodistillery",2)>>
<<qinit investmurder 1>>
<<set $blackBellOnly = 1>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==1000>>
<<qset investmurder 1010>>
<<if $qqalonsoapprentice==100>>
<<qset alonsoapprentice 120>>
<<if $qqalonsoapprentice==1000>>
/* alonso now new apprentice. */
<<qset alonsoapprentice 1010>>
<<if $qqprisoneragatha==100 && setup.questCompleted("agathaq")>>
<<qset prisoneragatha 200>>
<<if $qqspanking==1800>>
<<if $qqroamingq==null && setup.daysSinceLastStage("spanking",2) && $qqadriannaq>=1300 && $qqalonsoapprentice != null && $qqdarcieq>=100>>
<<qinit roamingq 10>>
<<elseif $qqroamingq==1000>>
<<set $syrenschool=1>>
<<qset spanking 1900>>
<<if $qqholylustq == null && setup.questCompleted("emmalustangel")>>
<<qinit holylustq 1>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject >= 300>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaproject")>>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject == 2000>>
<<qset amnesiaproject 2100>> /* final phase of project in chapel */
<<if $qqamnesiaproject == 2300>>
<<qset amnesiaproject 2400>>
/* When project is finished, show all girls all days for replaying exorcisms */
<<set $avachapel = 0>>
<<set $nenachapel = 0>>
<<set $raylenechapel = 0>>
<<set $adriannachapel = 0>>
<<if $nunsConfessor > 0>>
<<set $nunsConfessor = 1>>
<<if $qqmass>=200 && !setup.questCompleted("chapter4")>>
/* v6: mass event. disabling confessing until read chapter 4. (setting to 1 when reading chapter 4) */
<<set $nunsConfessor = 0>>
<<if $qqrevelation==1500>>
/* keeping chapel empty until ringing bell */
<<set $nunsConfessor = 0>>
<<if $qqsofia == 2>>
<<qset sofia 1 allowLess>>
<<run setup.checkAbbotReport()>>
It is morning on day $day.<<br>>
<<elseif $intro > 3500>>
It is $daytime on day $day.<<br>>
<<if $isSleeping>>
<<set $isSleeping = false>>
<<set _allowMorningMessage = true>> /* v8: when to allow triggering new quests etc to avoid multiple same morning */
<<if $monksNightDrinking > 0>>
<<set _allowMorningMessage = false>>
<<if $croneAttack < 1>>
You abruptly wake up from your sleep. Thank God, it was just a nightmare. The scream is still ringing in your ear, and you have a splitting headache. And what is that irritating noise?<br>
<<special "Something is banging loudly!">>
<<elseif $monksNightDrinking==3000>>
You wake up from your sleep with a headache. You must be more sensitive to alcohol than you thought.
/* attack 2 */
You abruptly wake up from your sleep. Thank God, it was just another nightmare. That's what you get for abusing alcohol.<br>
You have a splitting headache. And what is that irritating noise?<br>
<<special "Something is banging loudly!">>
<<if $temp == "replayedDream4">>
You wake up from your sleep, feeling strange.<br>
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==400>>
You wake up from your sleep. <br>
<<special "Someone is banging loudly on the door!">>
Then you remember the experiment. This must be about Novice Lara!
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 3100>> /* using this for easy solution */
<<elseif $temp == "wakeuphorny">>
You wake up from your sleep, feeling aroused.
<<set $temp = "">>
You wake up from your sleep, feeling refreshed.
<<if $temp == "replayedDream4">>
<<set $temp = null>>
You had that disgusting sex dream about The Crone again. An inspection reveals that you spilled your seed during the night.
/**** v7+ content that must be played this morning, like after dreams. Other v8+ content is chained further down */
<<if $qqjanamarry == 10>>
<<set _allowMorningMessage = false>>
<<mii hjana/jana2_small 14 "left">>You had a lustful dream about Sister Jana. You think you know why: You still haven't penetrated the beautiful nun's slit without a condom, and your desire to do this is becoming a problem.
<p>When you removed Sister Jana's lust curse, Novice Emma said she would try to make Sister Jana warm up to the idea of Holy Marriage, and marrying Sister Jana may be the solution to your problem. You should talk to Novice Emma.
<<qstart janamarry 100>>
<<if $qqalonsoq2 == 3200 && ndef $qqredthread>>
<<set _allowMorningMessage = false>>
You had a dream about the case, something about a red thread. It felt important. You should go down to your lab to think.
<<qstart redthread 100>>
<<if $qqalonsodistillery == 300>>
<<mii monks/alonso_small 9 "left">> Novice Alonso starts working in the Distillery today. You should pay him a visit.
<<q alonsodistillery 500>>
<<if $qqemmalustangel==100>>
<<qset emmalustangel 200>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma_small 10 "left">>There is no time to waste. You must prepare your speech for tonight, but first, you must speak with Novice Emma.
<<if $qqholylustq==1>>
You are full of energy. You are ready to use your <<holylust>> to fight the holy war against the lust demon.
<<if !($monksNightDrinking > 0)>>
<<if ndef $qqleaderq>> /* splitting up to optimize and make to easier to keep track */
<<if !($qqhallNovices>0)>>
<<if !(!(setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",500,400)) || !($qqceline>=600) || !setup.questCompleted("rumika") ||
!(setup.checkqStage("janacurse",800)) || !setup.questCompleted("curseserpent") || !setup.checkqStage("monks3",1000))>>
/* start quest when no check is false, ie !(false checks) */
You dreamt that the Devil was watching Novice Frances and Novice Zara when they were naked together, behaving inappropriately for nuns. It could be a warning sign that you should do something about those two.
<<qstart hallNovices 50>>
/* Before-v7: Any special events or quest messages should be chained below this with elseif to avoid it happening on same day (problem with several quest message is that only first one which show info when hover, so avoid it) */
<<if $qqjanacurse == 1110>>
<p>As you get out of bed, you think about the dream. Was it a vision of things to come? Of evil taking over the herb garden?</p>
<<qset janacurse 1120>> /* silent, checked further down */
<<set _skipLinebreaks = true>>
<<elseif $qqalonsoshed==100 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("alonsoshed",2)>>
<p>You are ready to approach Alonso with your idea about spying on the garden shed. You should seek him out when he is in the bathroom, eavesdropping on the bathing nuns.
<<q alonsoshed 200>></p>
<<set _skipLinebreaks = true>>
<<elseif ndef $qqclarareport1 && setup.questCompleted("claraq") && setup.daysSinceLastStage("claraq",4)>>
<p>A letter is slid under the door. It should be Novice Clara leaving her daily report before going to the morning prayer. So far, her reports haven't contained anything of interest to you. Perhaps this one will be different.
<<qstart clarareport1 100>></p>
<<set _skipLinebreaks = true>>
<<set _skipEncounterBreak = true>>
<<elseif $qqzaraq==500 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("zaraq",4) && ndef $qqrevelation>>
/* Will not trigger if rev quest already started to avoid the quest moving up before rev quests.
When rev quest starts, zaraq will be qset to 600 to enable fornication event in her room */
<p>The time has come to fornicate with Novice Zara to root out her potential sins of fornication.
<<q zaraq 600>></p>
<<elseif setup.questCompleted("clarareport1") && ndef $qqclarareport2 && setup.questCompleted("cider") &&
setup.questCompleted("masters") && setup.questCompleted("dream4") && setup.questCompleted("tunnel") &&
setup.daysSinceLastStage("clarareport1",4) && $corr>=45 && setup.questCompleted("mass") &&
setup.questCompleted("creampieq") && $qqcatarinaq >= 200 && def $qqviolaq && $qqzaraq>=400 &&
setup.questCompleted("judithq") && setup.questCompleted("olenkaq") &&
setup.questCompleted("rileyThreesome2") && setup.questCompleted("janacurse") &&
setup.questCompleted("janafornicate") && setup.questCompleted("anikaq") && $qqavaq >= 1100 &&
$qqgabriellaq >= 2000 && $qqsaraq>=2000 && $qqvivienfornicate>=1300>>
/* julia is optional so need to check if sent home */
<<if setup.checkqStage("juliajoining",700) || $qqjuliaanoint>=500>>
<p>A letter is slid under the door. It should be Novice Clara leaving her daily report before going to the morning prayer.
<<qstart clarareport2 100>></p>
<<set _skipLinebreaks = true>>
<<set _skipEncounterBreak = true>>
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 500>>
<p>You should visit Mother Magda before supper to see how the <<potionConfusion>> has affected her.
<<q protecting 600>></p>
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 700>>
<p>You must visit Mother Magda before supper to stop her from contacting the Vatican.
<<q protecting 800>></p>
<<if $qqpatriarchq==100>>
<p>It's your first morning as patriarch. You have a feeling this will be a good day.
/* adding playEvent in override */
<<q patriarchq 110>></p>
<<elseif _allowMorningMessage>> /* if def $leaderq ... */
/********* v7+ content chained here. Note: For stuff that must be played this morning, see further up (v7+ content that must be played this morning) ******************/
<<if $qqavaq==1100 && setup.questCompleted("leaderq")>>
You have a lot to do as the leader of the nuns, but you can't neglect everyone else, like the women from town who come to confess to you.
<<mii chapel/ava_face 16 "left png">>It has been a while since you started eating Ava's sins and anointing her. But you haven't eaten her gravest sins – her sins of adultery by fornication. You should think about doing that, the next time you take her confession.
<<q avaq 1200>>
<<elseif ndef $qqamnesiaproject && $qqalonsoq2>=2000 && setup.questCompleted("avaq") && $alchemyLevel >= 3 &&
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilMedium 8.5 "left pnggg nomargin-bottom">>Encouraged by your recent success in developing a new recipe of your own – the <<potionNightmareOil>> – you feel the time has come to do more testing on the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>> This project is a priority as it could save you one day. You should go down to your lab to think.
<<qstart amnesiaproject 100>>
<<elseif ndef $qqemmafuck && $qqadriannaq >= 300>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma_small 9 "left nomargin-bottom">>Novice Emma is your loyal ally, but it is important that you don't take her for granted. You should visit her to see how she is doing.
<<qstart emmafuck 100>>
<<elseif $qqadriannaq>=500 &&
( ($qqanikapreg==440 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("anikapreg",7)) ||
($qqanikacrazy==440 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("anikacrazy",7)) ||
($qqanikapreg==440 && setup.checkqStage("anikaq",555)) )>>
/* anika555 is for bugfix. See v10-anikapreg-bugfix in js */
<<mii nuns/anika/room_pregnant 8 "left png nomargin-bottom">>Your desire to penetrate Novice Anika's slit again is growing. You should speak with her.
<<if def $qqanikapreg>>
<<q anikapreg 600>>
<<q anikacrazy 600>>
<<elseif $qqchloeq==800 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("chloeq",3) &&
$qqadriannaq>=500 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("adriannaq",2) >>
<<mii school/chloe/chloe_small 9 "left png">>You had a dream about Chloe. You want to anoint her to protect her from evil. You should speak with Sister Amy behind the stable.
<<q chloeq 1000>>
<<elseif $qqcindyq==1000 && $qqlaraq>=1500 && $qqguidinghand==300>>
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_small 9 "left png">>You woke up thinking about Novice Cindy. Did you have a dream about her? You should give this more thought – down in the lab where you do your best thinking.
<<q guidinghand 400>>
<<if $qqadriannaq==1000 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("adriannaq",2) && $qqevieq >= 300>>
<<mii school/adrianna/face_small 9 "png left nomargin-bottom">>
You have thought about how to deal with Sister Dana and her biological daughter Adrianna. It is time to visit Adrianna in school before supper.
<<q adriannaq 1200>>
/* set to true to make all text go to the bottom, like when adding some extra text when waking up */
<<if !_skipLinebreaks>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking > 0>>
<<if $croneAttack < 1>>
<<set $croneAttack = $day>>
<<elseif $croneAttack2 < 1>>
<<set $croneAttack2 = $day>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking < 3000>>
/* attack 1 and 2 */
<<s Woman "$fmc! $fmc! Come quickly! There's been another attack!">>
Someone is pounding on the door.
<<s mc "I'm coming! Gimme a second!">>
<<if $croneAttack2 <1>> /* ie first attack */
You throw on your clothes and stumble toward the door. Although still groggy from sleeping and the head-splitting hangover, you notice weak light coming in through the window. It is already morning. The attack probably happened hours ago, and the crime scene is already getting cold. There is not a second to lose.
<<but "Open door" nuns1 "ev:200">>
<<else>> /* ie second attack */
Another attack! From the weak light coming in through the window, you can tell it is already morning. That means you are probably late to the crime scene again. There is not a second to lose. You throw on your clothes and stumble toward the door.
<<but "Open door" nuns1 "ev:200">> /* same for now, checking if/else in event */
<<if ndef $croneAttack3>> /* third attack */
<<set $croneAttack3 = $day>>
Another evening with the monks is over. From an investigative standpoint, you consider it a moderate success.
<<qend monksDrinking3 30000>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:2620>>
<<elseif $monksNightDrinking==3100>> /* mc recreates attack on lara */
<<but "Open the door" nuns1 "ev:2000 step:2000">>
ERROR: Wrong croneAttack. monksNightDrinking = $monksNightDrinking <br>
Please report this bug.
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 0>>
<<if $intro < 3900>>
<<set $intro = 3900>>
<<qstart talknuns 100>>
<<elseif $day==3 && $qqtalknuns < 300>>
A new day and more nuns to question.
<<q talknuns 300>>
<<if !_skipLinebreaks>>
/* Need checks to decide if gonna show mortification button or not. It will not show if someone knocks on the door, unless mc is at max lust. If at max lust, knock on door will not happen then. */
<<if $lust >= setup.maxPoints>>
<<set _mustReduceLust = true>>
<<elseif setup.checkMcNightVisitors() == true>>
<<set _mcNightVisitor = true>>
<<if _mustReduceLust == true || ($lust >= 40 && _mcNightVisitor != true)>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce") && !$sendForNuns.includes("Novice Sofia")>>
<<if $qqjuliamoving>=1000>>
<<if $daytime == "day" && _mustReduceLust != true>>
<<if $qqolenkaq >= 300>>
<div class="send-sofia-main">
<span class="send-sofia send-sofia-main-image encounter-day"><<mii encounters/encounter 100 "png noZoom">></span><<space>>
<span style="display:inline-block">
<<but "Encounters" mc1 "ev:666100 special">>
<<if $qqleaderq>=400>>
<div class="send-sofia-main">
<span class="send-sofia send-sofia-main-image volunteers"><<mii nuns/misc/eva_small 100 "png noZoom">></span><<space>>
<span style="display:inline-block">
/*<<but "Volunteers" mc1 "ev:666300 special">>*/
/*<<trytbut2 "Volunteers" mc1 "ev:666300 special trust0 nobottom hideRelationTry">>*/
<<set _checkNew = setup.checkNew("volunteers")>>
/*<<print '<<trytbut2 "Volunteers" mc1 "ev:666300 special trust0 hideRelationTry'+_checkNew+'">>'>>*/
<<print '<<but "Volunteers" mc1 "ev:666300 mcRoomVolunteer special '+_checkNew+'">>'>>
/* If showing message and adding temporary nunbut, like "Novice Clara's report", remove br to save vertical space. If player leaves without reading, nunbut and br will be there next time but that's ok because tmessage won't. */
<<if !_skipEncounterBreak>>
<<if $daytime == "night" && _mcNightVisitor != true && _mustReduceLust != true>>
<<if $qqsofia >= 300>>
<div class="send-sofia-main">
<span class="send-sofia send-sofia-main-image"><<mii nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 100 "png noZoom">></span><<space>>
<span style="display:inline-block">
<<set _checkNew = setup.checkNew("sendnun")>>
<<print '<<but "Send for a nun" mc1 "ev:666000 special '+_checkNew+'">>'>>
<<if $qqjudithq >= 1000>>
<div class="send-sofia-main">
<span class="send-sofia send-sofia-main-image encounter-night"><<mii encounters/encounter 100 "png noZoom">></span><<space>>
<span style="display:inline-block">
<<but "Encounters" mc1 "ev:666200 special">>
<<nunbut clara mc1 "ev:2400 qqclarareport1==100 buttontext:Novice Clara's report:: useimage:misc/letter_small:: usebackground:00f::">>
<<nunbut clara mc1 "ev:2800 qqclarareport2==100 buttontext:Novice Clara's report:: useimage:misc/letter_small:: usebackground:00f::">>
<<but "Investigate thick wall" mc1 "ev:400 qqsecretlab==100">>
<<set _labButton = "">> /* so can add glow below if needed */
<<if (!($readChapter3 > 0) && $corr>=35) || ($qqchapter4 == 120 && $corr>=50 ||
($qqchapter5 == 720 && $corr>=60))>>
<<set _labButton += " codex-glow-button">>
<<if _mustReduceLust>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow">
<i>You must reduce your lust.</i>
<<elseif _mcNightVisitor == true>>
<<if _nightVisitorText != null>>
<<special "There is a knock on the door.">></l>
<<set _nev = "ev:"+_nightVisitorEvent>>
<<but "Open the door" mc1 _nev>>
<<elseif $qqrumika == 600>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow">
<i>Now is the time to send word for Sister Rumika.</i>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse == 1120>>
<<but "Analyze the dream" mc1 ev:2100>>
<<elseif $qqcindyq==2100>>
<cc><<specbut "<<coltext \"Purified soul\" e8d700>>" mc1 "ev:4100 purified-glow-button">></cc>
<<if $qqsecretlab>100>>
<<toLab _labButton>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<if !_disableExitSleep>>
<<if !_disableExitHub>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
The room is quite big – not surprising if the abbots used to live here – but most of the space is occupied by various things, evidently stored here. You only have a corner to yourself, but that's all you need. You have a bed, a small table with a chair, a large dresser, and a small fireplace. There is also a reinforced chest by the bed.
You go to the only window in the room and look outside. The view is almost non-existent as you stare into the outer wall of the monastery. A narrow passage runs between the window and the outer wall. This allows some much-needed daylight to illuminate your room.
<br>You pack up your things and rest on the bed for a moment. But you are not here to idle. You have an investigation to take care of.<br>
/*<<but "primer test" lab1 "ev:900 step:100">>*/
<<but "Leave the room" hub>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqsofialustreduce==50>>
You get ready to flog yourself, but you stop. Why would you feel such an intense lust when watching those two novices? It could be a sign from God that someone is in need of a holy rite.</cc>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 36 right>>
Novice Sofia is a young novice, and you have promised to protect her by keeping her close to you. This could be the answer. But you have recently performed the holy rites on her, so could there be another reason you thought of her?
<p>It could be that God tells you that, from now on, it is okay for you to use Novice Sofia's young body to reduce your lust when it becomes unbearable. Yes, you believe that's it. However, Novice Sofia doesn't need to know this. It's better that she believes you are to perform the holy rites on her, as it will calm her.</p>
<<but "Go to Novice Sofia's room" mc1 "ev:1800">>
<<if $intro < 3000>>
<<mii "mc/scourge" 20 "right png">>
You are a man with desires like anyone else when it comes to women. Your flesh lusts for their bodies. But whenever your lust becomes too great, you have a remedy, and a penance for your sinful thoughts: self-flagellation – <<hovertip "Mortification of the flesh." mortification bottom>> Your back is filled with scars from years of this self-imposed penance.
You grab the <<hovertip discipline discipline>> and flog yourself.
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==400>>
<cc>Before going to bed, you must reduce your lust.</cc>
<bible>“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.”<br>
<tipsx> – Romans 8:15</tipsx></bible><<br>>
<bible>“Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”<br>
<tipsx> – Colossians 3:5</tipsx></bible>
<<mvv "mc/flagellation" 65% "center setMuted volume0.15">> /* muting for now */
<<if setup.sensitiveDetective()>>
<<set _loss = setup.flogValueSensitiveDetective>>
<<set _loss = setup.flogValue>>
<<addlust _loss always>>
<<set $mortification += 1>>
<<if $intro < 3000>>
<<elseif $qqleaderq == 1000>>
<<qset leaderq 1010>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 "ev:3100 step:3000">>
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==400>>
<<but "Go to bed" praybed>>
<<c null mc>>
<<ev 200>>
<p>It is beginning to get dark outside when you are done with your penance. Your lust has decreased to a managable level – your mind is clear and you are at peace.</p>
<p>You hear a bell sounding in the distance. It probably means it is time for supper.</p>
<<c Leave hub>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
You are tired from all the travel and walking around the monastery. You decide to retire early today. A good night's sleep and then you can start the investigation for real tomorrow.
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
You move aside things that are propped up against the thick wall. Once the wall is free, you start to <<lbut "search it" div1 showdiv>> carefully...
<<div div1>>
<<mi statue 25 right>>
<p>There is a small statue in a niche in the wall. When you try to twist it counter-clockwise with some force, it turns, and a low noise is heard from within the wall as if something was moved. Grabbing an old but sturdy iron candle-holder set in the wall, you pull it toward you. With a rumbling sound, part of the wall slowly swings open, revealing a dark staircase going down!</p>
<p>You look around in your bedroom for something to provide light and see a candelabrum complete with candles. You also find a matchbox.</p>
/*<<playsound theme 0.8>>*/
<<mi candelabrum 25>>
<<but "Light the candles and go down into the unknown" lab>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii "mc/statue.jpg" 23 >>
You ascend the stairs and return to your room. You push the wall, and it easily swings back into place. The mechanism is in surprisingly good condition after all this time.
<p>When the stone door is completely closed, you turn the statue, this time clockwise, and a low noise confirms that the hidden door's locking mechanism is back in place.</p>
<<but Continue mc>>
<<set $intro = 9999>>
/* this ends the introduction and opens up monastery */
<<event 500>>
<<ev 200>>
You go to your room and wait. Soon, there is a <<lbut knock nun1 showdiv>> on the door.</cc0>
<<div nun1>>
<<mvv "nuns/sofia/v1" 55 "volume0">>
The first nun to arrive for questioning is a young woman, Novice Sofia.
<p>Novice Sofia says she thinks the Crone has attacked her in her room several times. As far as she knows, she was the first one to be attacked. You write down Novice Sofia's name in your notebook, and the date of the episodes, and then ask her to tell you what happened.</p>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 40 right>>
<l>Novice Sofia looks ashamed and seems to hold back what actually transpired as she recounts her experiences with few words. After pressing her with follow-up questions, you get to the bottom of her reluctance to tell the full story:
<p>Novice Sofia has hardly any memories at all of the first attacks, but from the attack she remembers, the last one, it turns out that the young girl had an erotic dream in which she was touching herself inappropriately. When she woke up, she saw a dark shape by her bed.</p>
<p>Novice Sofia couldn't focus her eyes, so she couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, or even a human. She isn't sure if the being ever touched her, but it might have touched her "down there". It would explain why she felt aroused and had that dream, Novice Sofia reasons. Now she is haunted by nightmares and dark thoughts of what happened that night and on the other nights, and what sins she might have involuntarily been part of.</p>
You send Novice Sofia away, instructing her to tell you if she remembers anything else.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 30 right>>
You continue to question the nuns from the list, one at a time. Many of them are novices and all of them are young, around 20 to 30 years old. Their stories are similar to that of Novice Sofia's. They all woke up and saw someone, or something, by their bed: a dark shape or a humanoid being dressed in black. Some of the nuns think it had red eyes.
<p>The women couldn't see things clearly and could hardly move. This could be because they were actually dreaming, but since everyone went back to sleep after the incident, this is impossible to determine.</p>
<p>You also press them for details to see if they had lustful dreams like Novice Sofia and if they think someone touched them. A few of them admit to having had erotic dreams and that they might have been touched by the being. Others insist there wasn't anything sexual happening at all. But like Novice Sofia, they are all shaken from the experience and suffer from nightmares, scared of what evil might have befallen them.</p>
<<ev 320>>
<<mii "crone/nighthag" 40 right>>
<p>Their stories remind you of <<hovertip "sleep paralysis" sleepparalysis bottom>> – a phenomenon you know well from your demonology studies. During these episodes, people wake up but cannot move, and in this state, they can encounter demons, real or imagined.</p>
<p>In folklore, these demons are known by many names, such as night hags or mares. The nickname <<special "the Crone">> turns out to be just such a local name for this type of night demon. This you learn when you question a nun raised in a nearby town.</p>
<p>But local names aside, when there is a sexual component to it, which seems to be the case here, the most likely suspect is a <<hovertip succubus succubus>> or an incubus. The Crone – the being seen stalking the hallways at night in the shape of a crooked nun – could very well be such a lust demon. But you have not yet come across any solid evidence that you are dealing with a real demon here.
<<invest questioning1>>
<<ev 350>>
<<mii "hjana/jana1.jpg" 30 right>>
Sister Jana, the beautiful nun in charge of the herb garden, is arriving to be questioned. You remain professional and give her no special treatment. She is a suspect like everyone else. It turns out that Sister Jana is one of the nuns that had a lustful dream when waking up to the dark figure by the bed, and she is very ashamed by it. Poor thing.</p>
After Sister Jana leaves, you receive a couple of more nuns, then you decide to stop the questioning. You have questioned about half of the nuns on the list, and this will be enough for today.</p>
<p>Of the nuns you questioned, they were all in bed sleeping when they were attacked, and they couldn't give a good description of the being they thought they saw by their bed. Maybe you will get something more to work with tomorrow when you get to question the nuns who claim to have seen the Crone stalking the hallways in the middle of the night.
<<q talknuns 200>>
Now you should visit the monks.
<<ev 400>>
<<mii "misc/monkHabit" 22 pnggg>>
First, you change into the monk's habit that you brought with you to the monastery. Blending in with the monks will help you stay unnoticed when you want, as well as make you appear less formal and more friendly to the monks, which will aid you in your investigation.
<<set $intro = 4000>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 200>>
You go to your room and wait. Soon there is a <<lbut knock nun2 showdiv>> on the door.</cc0>
<<div nun2>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying480 30>>
<c>Hours pass as you question the rest of the names on the list. This time, you get to talk to the few nuns who claim they saw the Crone in the hallways.
<p>This happened on different nights and the nuns were alone, but their stories are the same: They all left their rooms in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or latrines when they saw a terrifying apparition in the hallway. The nuns immediately turned around and fled in panic, back to their rooms, and stayed there until morning. After intensive questioning on what they saw, you get a pretty coherent <<lbut description cronedesc showdiv>> of the Crone.
<<div cronedesc>>
<<mii "crone/crone" 35 right>>
<p>The Crone appears to be a humanoid being of average or tall height, dressed as a nun. She walks crookedly, bent forward and to the side, possibly being a hunchback.</p>
<p>The witnesses diverge somewhat on the face, with statements ranging from nothing but blackness where the face would be to "red demon eyes", but they all said that it was hard to see in the dark hallway, and the Crone wears a hood. No witness heard any sounds coming from the crooked nun.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii crone/croneHead 35 right>>
<l>You have finished questioning all the nuns on the list, and while you have a better understanding of what the victims and witnesses experienced, you don't have much to go on.
<p>The witnesses who saw the Crone in the hallways appeared to tell the truth, but you know that people can imagine seeing things. These sightings happened when it was dark, and after the attacks on the sleeping nuns had already started and were known among the sisters. As far as you know, the sightings of the Crone could be nothing but scared nuns making demons out of shadows.</p>
<p>Even if the Crone is real, you don't know if she is the one attacking the nuns in their rooms – although it seems likely, based on the timing of her appearance in the Monastery and the similar descriptions.</p>
<p>Despite not having much to go on, you have no intention of giving up. The investigation will continue.
<<qend talknuns 400>>
<<ev 400>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 666>>
<<ev 200>>
<<if $intro < 9000>>
You have been in this situation many times before, and you know how to deal with it.
<<if setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce")>>
<<if $qqhallNovices==100>>
<span style="font-size:80%">You run to Novice Sofia's room, but she isn't there. You have to do without her.</span>
<<qset hallNovices 101>>
<<elseif $temp == "olenkaencounter1">>
<span style="font-size:80%">Novice Sofia has left for Lauds – the morning prayer – in the chapel. You have to do without her.</span>
<<elseif $qqleaderq==1000>>
<span style="font-size:80%">Novice Sofia has left for Vespers – the evening prayer – in the chapel. You have to do without her.</span>
<<elseif !$sendForNuns.includes("Novice Sofia")>>
<<if $qqjuliamoving>=1000>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow" style="color:#f99">
<i>You can't do anything else until you have reduced your lust.</i>
<<event 670>>
<<ev 510>>
<<playsound corruption 0.10>>
<l>Once inside your room, with the door locked behind you, you feel an urge to enter the secret laboratory and read more in the Codex Veritatis.</l>
<<set $temp3 = "glow-button">>
<<set _labButton = " codex-glow-button">>
<<toLab _labButton>>
<<event 680>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 1000>>
Drunk and tired, you drag your feet up the narrow staircase, back to your bedroom.
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<investReward 2>>
<<but "Continue" mc1>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/codex 34 "right pnggg">>
<l><p>Finally being alone, you think about the night before.</p>
<p>Your head is hurting and you feel like you want to puke. You drank more than you should have, but you wanted to make a good impression on the monks.</p>
<p>And then you returned to your room and read in the Codex Veritatis. You remember it made you think twice about things regarding the Church and sin eating, but you still think that book is heretical and should be sent to the Vatican.</p>
<<but "Start the day" mc>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<investReward 1>>
<<but "Continue" mc1>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/codex 37 "right png noBorder">>
<l><p>Finally having time to relax, you think about the night before. You drank too much again, and now you have a bad hangover, but at least you left the monks in a good mood. </p>
<p>And then you returned to your room and read in the Codex Veritatis. You can't believe it, but the things you read in the chapter called <<var chapter2>> made sense. Even now. But can it really be the truth? You have to think about it. This is powerful and dangerous knowledge.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii crone/cronedream2 36 right>>
<p>And then you went to bed, and you had that nightmare again. That creepy nun. Your dream version of the Crone. But is it Satan tormenting you, or is it your imagination mixed with alcohol that is causing these dreams? And what about the attacks happening on the very nights you get drunk with the monks? Twice in a row now. Is it just a coincidence?</p>
<p>The Crone in the dreams, was it a <<italics he>> or a <<italics she?>> It felt like both. And sometimes it felt like you saw things through the eyes of the Crone. How disturbing. Like if you were the Crone.</p>
<p>But you can't be the Crone... Or can you? What if the reason the Crone sometimes felt like a man was that it was you? That would explain why the attacks happened when you got drunk. You had a blackout and attacked the nuns in your intoxicated state. The dreams are your memories of when you attacked them.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii area/walls-view 70>>
No. No, it's not possible. You came to the monastery to <<italics solve>> this. You had to travel hours to get here. There is no possible way you could have traveled here to carry out the attacks and then get back again without remembering it. That would require day-long blackouts. Which you haven't had. They were just dreams, that's all. These crazy thoughts are the Devil trying to confuse you.
Having regained your composure, you stand up to get on with the day.
<<but "Start the day" mc>>
<<vv 1.1>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/v1 50 setMuted>>
It's Novice Sofia. You saw her only a few hours ago when you initiated her into the circle.</cc2>
<cc><<lbut "Let her inside" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 40>>
<c><<s sofia "I can't stand it any longer, Father. I want you to anoint me with the Holy Seed to make the nightmares and the fear go away.">>
<<s mc "You understand that you will have to use your mouth on the Holy Rod to bring forth the Holy Seed?">>
<<s sofia "Yes, I understand.">>
/*<<s mc "The Holy Seed might not be enough to remove the sin from you. But we will give it a try.">>*/
<<s mc "Anointing you will probably not cleanse you of any lustful sins you may have committed in your bed when you were under the influence of the lust demon. That would require the rite of Sin Eating as well. But we could try only the anointing this time, hoping it will be enough to stop Satan's grip on you with the nightmares and the fear.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, only the anointing.">>
<<s mc "Then you should get naked.">></c>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 40>>
<c><<s sofia "I have never been naked with a man before. Do I have to? Novice Emma wasn't naked when you anointed her.">>
<<s mc "I anointed Novice Emma as a demonstration. She is already enjoying God's protection and blessing, and she is cleansed of sin, unlike you. Being naked shows your humility and submittance to the Lord and to me, which will help you receive the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, seeing you naked will help me perform the ritual. A woman's naked body is meant to arouse a man to release his seed.">></c>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div3 "sss addLust40">></cc>
<<div div3>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 40>>
<<s sofia "I know. I'm just very shy about it.">>
<<s mc "Good. As you should be, showing yourself to a man. It means you are not depraved.">>
<<s mc "This is how we will do it: You use your mouth on the Holy Rod, and then you get naked only when it is time to perform the final act of the ritual – the release of the Holy Seed. That should work just as well.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father. But how do I do now? With my mouth...">>
You remove your clothes and lie down on the bed. Your flesh rod quickly grows in size.
<<add center>></c>
<<c "Show her the way">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-200 40 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia instinctively protests when she sees your stiff male organ. It is apparently bigger than the virgin expected, never having seen a man aroused before. You help her find the courage to put her mouth around the Holy Rod.
<<addlust 100 center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-203 75 volume2>>
<cc>Once her initial reluctance is gone, Sofia eagerly polishes the Holy Rod, waiting for the Holy Seed to bless her.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-206 75 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia performs the ritual with the reverence the sacred rite deserves.</cc>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-300 75 volume2>>
<cc>But there is such a thing as enjoying the sacred too much.
<<s mc "You should hurry to release the Holy Seed. Don't let the Devil tempt you with lustful feelings." center>>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father." center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue div4 sss>></cc>
<<div div4>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-303 75 volume2>>
<cc>With the help of her sweet mouth and her gentle hands, you are finally ready to anoint Novice Sofia.
<<s mc "Quickly, get naked and lie down. I'm about to release the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Anoint Novice Sofia">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-400 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You sprinkle Novice Sofia's naked body with the Holy Seed, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Don't waste a drop" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-403 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You take care not to waste a single drop of the precious Holy Seed.<br>Novice Sofia is filled with the Holy Spirit as you finish the sacred rite.
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-500 75 volume2>>
<cc><<s mc "Rub the Holy Seed where you may have sinned while under the influence of the lust demon. Let's hope it will protect you from further sinning.">>
You help Novice Sofia smear the sticky substance over her breasts and between her legs where the sinning would have been the worst.
<<addlust 20>>
<<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 75>>
<cc><<s sofia "I feel relaxed and relieved now. I think it helped.">>
<<cs mc "The rite was a success and the Holy Spirit has briefly entered you. We can only hope this will be enough to return you to being an innocent virgin in the eyes of the Lord.">>
<<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-505 75>>
<cc>The anointing has lifted Novice Sofia's mood. But you wonder what grave sins she may have committed in bed, touching herself. Especially between her legs. That virgin slit is not meant for anything but childbirth or a husband planting his seed.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<c "End the holy rite">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii "mc/room" 45>>
<cc>Novice Sofia gets dressed and leaves into the quiet hallway outside.<br>You are once again alone.
<<q emma2 400 center>>
<cc><<qendversion emma2 version0.1.1>></cc></cc>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 1050>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 30>>
<cc2>It is Sister Rumika! She must have come here straight from the bath. You let her inside and close the door.</cc2>
<<s rumika "I'm here about the holy rites. I... I would like to be anointed." center>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head2 30 right>>
Was it that simple? It seems so. Sister Rumika's empty stare was her realizing and coming to terms with the fact that she had to accept to be anointed. It must not have been an easy decision to make. She then took a bath to wash herself before coming to you. It all makes sense now.
<<q rumika 200>>
<<s mc "I will anoint you. But I must inform you that the anointment alone might not be enough. The rite of Sin Eating could cleanse you of the grave sins of lust you may have committed while under the influence of the lust demon.">>
<<s rumika "The anointing will have to do.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. But I will require to see you naked to wake the Holy Rod, as it is made of flesh and blood.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/tits 70 "setMuted speed0.7 pause1">>
<<s rumika "Will this be enough?" center>>
After seeing her naked body in the bathroom, you desire to see it all again up-close, but you can't deny that seeing her big breasts is enough to make your male organ hard as a rock.
<<addlust 100 center>> </cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/bj1 46 "setMuted">>
<cc><<s mc "You will have to use your mouth to release the Holy Seed." center>>
<<s rumika "Yes, I will..." center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/bj2 46 "setMuted">>
<cc>Sister Rumika steels herself and gets going.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/bj3 46 "volume0.2">>
<cc>With your blood still hot after seeing her naked in the bathroom, you don't last long.
<<s mc "Lie down to receive the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Get ready to anoint Sister Rumika">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum1 70 volume0.14>>
<cc>Sister Rumika pleasures you with her hand as you prepare to release the Holy Seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Anoint Sister Rumika" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum2 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You unload the Holy Seed on Sister Rumika's face, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum3 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You encourage Sister Rumika as she rubs the Holy Seed across her face, hoping it will be enough to release her from Satan's grip.
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 46 right>>
Afterward, Sister Rumika gets ready to leave.
<<s mc "Pray long tonight and you might be free of the Devil. If you want me to eat your sins, you know where to find me.">>
<<s rumika "What if you anoint me again later? Could that make a difference if tonight wasn't enough?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps a little, but the anointing is not for getting rid of sins. It is for God's protection and blessing.">>
Sister Rumika doesn't say anything else, but she looks worried as she leaves. You hope she will change her mind and accept your offer to eat her sins. Even if that means you will have to commit a perverse act and lie down with her.</l>
<<addlust 10>>
<<q rumika 300>>
<<ev 750>>
<<mi room 40>>
<cc>Sister Rumika leaves into the quiet hallway outside.<br>You are once again alone in your room.</cc>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/v1 45 "setMuted pause3">>
It's Novice Sofia. You let her inside and close the door.</cc2>
<<if $qqsofia > 0>> /* sofia returning after agreed to fornication but mc backed out */
<<s sofia "You wanted me to return tonight, Father.">>
<<s mc "Yes, good. We were talking about the grave sin of fornication the lust demon made you commit. And you agreed to let me perform the holy rite of Sin Eating with you to remove that sin. To fight Satan.">>
<<but "Continue" mc1 "step:340">>
<<s sofia "The holy rite worked. I'm sleeping better, and I'm less scared. But I'm still afraid of what happened those nights. If you anoint me again, Father, maybe I can finally get some peace.">>
<<s mc "Anointing you can only do so much. The problem is the sins the lust demon made you commit in bed. Through them, Satan still has a hold on you. But the rite of Sin Eating can remove them.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 40 right>>
<<s sofia "How do we do this rite of Sin Eating? I don't know what sins I committed when the Crone attacked me. I was only half-awake and it's very hard to remember.">>
<<s mc "The sins must have been grave since the anointment wasn't enough to calm your mind. So let's think about it... You thought you touched yourself between your legs when you were in this semi-lucid state, did you not?">>
<<s sofia "Yes, maybe.">>
<<s mc "And in connection to this, you had an erotic dream. You were with a man, and he was between your legs and inside you. True?">>
<<s sofia "I think so, but I couldn't help it. It was a dream.">>
<<s mc "I know, but it doesn't matter. If you touched yourself, simulating having a man inside you while dreaming a man was inside you, that is probably the grave sin I have to channel to God, so you can have peace.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 40 right>>
<<s sofia "Does that mean you would have to lie down with me?">>
<<s mc "Yes, that is the price for this powerful holy rite. And your penance. A grave sin cannot be forgiven by God without a severe penance.">>
<<s sofia "Will I still be considered a virgin?">>
<<s mc "In God's eyes, yes. Which is all that matters. But you should also consider that by cleansing yourself of this grave sin, the Evil One is losing his grip on you and all of the sisters in the convent. This is a holy war. Performing the rite of Sin Eating is striking a blow at Satan.">>
<<ev 340>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia3 25 right>>
<<if $qqsofia > 0>>
<<s sofia "Yes. I want to fight Satan.">>
<<s sofia "I want to fight Satan.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we should get naked and lie down.">>
<<s sofia "Do I have to get naked? I could pull up my habit to my waist and you could do it from behind me.">>
<<s mc "That's perverse. The Lord has created the woman body to excite the man when they are joined in bed to procreate, so he can release his seed in her.">>
<<s sofia "But you can't release your seed inside me. I can't get pregnant.">>
<<s mc "You won't be. I will finish by anointing you. It will be fine. Trust me.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<addlust 20>>
You start to undress when you are having second thoughts. You are about to sleep with a young virgin. Are you sure this is okay with God? Has the Devil tricked you?
<<qinit sofia>> /* to make it silent */
<<qset sofia 2>> /* flag that we did this tonight, to avoid repetition */
<<but "You should think about this" mc1>><<but "God is with you" mc1 "step:400 corr25 ttt20">>
<<ev 360>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 40 right>>
<<s mc "On second thought, we should not rush something like this. Let's take some more time to think about it. Come see me tomorrow after supper.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Sofia leaves. You are once again alone in your room.
<<addlust -10>> /* to avoid getting 100 lust because it will not trigger mortification lock unless player leaves to hub */
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/priestchannel 22 right >>
<<set $grounds = 110>> /* new grounds base scene */
Yes, of course God is with you. Satan is trying to cloud your mind to stop you from performing the holy rites.
<<s mc "Then we get ready..." center>>
You lie down naked in the bed with Novice Sofia. Your male organ quickly grows, ready to perform the rite of Sin Eating.
<ccnocl><<addlust 100 center>></ccnocl>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Sofia's virgin slit">>
<<ev 460>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/fuck1 65>>
You penetrate the young virgin with your stiff male organ. You would be dishonest if you said it didn't feel like heaven, but this is your reward for fighting a holy war against the Devil.
<<s sofia "Be gentle with me, Father. It's hurting a little. It's so big." center>>
<<s mc "I will give you a few moments to get used to it, but now is not the time to hold back. This is your penance as much as your salvation." center>></cc>
<<c "Lie with Novice Sofia">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck1 70 volume2>>
<cc>You perform the holy ritual in silence. Aside from the crickets chirping outside the open window, nothing is heard except skin smacking against skin and the quiet whimpers from Novice Sofia.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck2 70 volume2>>
<cc>The young virgin lies still as you move your thick rod in and out of her tight hole.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck3 70 volume2>>
<cc>But soon her sinful nature takes over and she is getting wet. The repeating of her original sins will help you channel them up to God, so you say nothing.</cc>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck4 70 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia climaxes before long. You feel that the Holy Seed is coming.</cc>
<cc>Satan tempts you with thoughts of releasing your seed inside the fertile young virgin's tight and slippery hole, impregnating her, but no... you will keep your word.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Anoint Novice Sofia" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-400 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You sprinkle Novice Sofia's naked body with the Holy Seed, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Don't waste a drop" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-403 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You take care not to waste a single drop of the precious Holy Seed.<br>Novice Sofia is filled with the Holy Spirit as you finish the sacred rite.
<<ev 700>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-500 75 volume2>>
<cc><<s mc "A final rubbing with the Holy Seed over the sinful parts of your body. Now you should be protected from the Devil.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 75>>
<cc><<s sofia "I feel even more relaxed and relieved this time. I think I'm finally at peace.">>
<<s mc "The sin eating and the anointing were successful. Now we pray that this was enough to return you to being an innocent virgin in the eyes of the Lord, free of sin and of Satan's influence.">>
<<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-505 75>>
<cc>The two holy rites have lifted Novice Sofia's mood. A victory against Satan was achieved tonight. But you wonder if this will be enough. Sofia has tasted the heavenly climax that is normally reserved for a married couple when they fulfill God's command to procreate. Will she be able to keep her hands away from that sinful slit between her legs?
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<c "End the holy rites">>
<<ev 750>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 35>>
<cc><<s mc "You should visit me again tomorrow after supper. I want to check on you then. See how you are doing after the holy rites." center>>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father. I will return tomorrow." center>>
<<qstart sofia 100 center>>
After you slept with the young virgin and kept your word not to release your seed inside her, she trusts you more.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii "mc/room" 40>>
<cc>Novice Sofia leaves into the quiet hallway outside.<br>You are once again alone.</cc>
<cc>You have performed both of the holy rites on Novice Sofia. With several other nuns already initiated into the <<var circle,>> and more to come, it is only a matter of time before you can perform the holy rites on more nuns. You feel confident that Novice Emma's mission to spread the word of the ancient sacraments is working.
<<qend emma2 600 center>></cc>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/v1 40 "setMuted pause3">>
It's Novice Sofia. You let her inside and close the door.</cc2>
<<s sofia "You wanted to see me tonight, Father.">>
<<s mc "Yes. How are you feeling now, after the holy rites?">>
<<s sofia "Much, much better. I'm so thankful you came here to help us, $fmc. I'm sleeping much better, and I'm mostly at peace during the day. I'm still scared when I think of what Satan and his lust demon did to me. And I'm afraid of getting attacked again. But we all are.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Satan is dangerous and he is here. But I want you to feel like you are a shield against Satan. You shouldn't be worried when you have God on your side.">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 35>>
<<s sofia "That is true. I know God is on our side. He sent you here. I will try to be stronger in my faith.">>
<<s mc "Good. But I have a responsibility to protect us all from the Evil One and his minions. And I can't let you go out there with a weak spirit. That is an invitation to the Devil to come for you. Tell me: Have you been feeling the desire to touch yourself again since we performed the holy rites last night?">>
<<ev 160>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 35>>
<<s sofia "I would never do such a thing again. Not willingly. I will pray to God to get rid of any sinful feelings like that.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but you have been feeling the desire, haven't you? Yes, I can tell that you have. That is another warning sign. I think we have not cleansed you of all the sins you committed when the lust demon attacked you. That's why you are still scared.">>
<<s sofia "But what other sins could I have committed?">>
<<s mc "You touched yourself between your legs as you dreamt that a man entered you. But where did he enter you? Perhaps he sodomized you down there too.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 35>>
<<s sofia "No, I don't think so. Wouldn't that have hurt? I mean, even if it was a dream, I think I would have remembered that.">>
<<s mc "There is nothing more depraved than fornicating in that unnatural and filthy way. Sodomy is of the Devil, and if he made you part of such a satanic perversion, we must undo it. We can't take the chance that no such thing happened. You must drop your clothes and lie down, and I will perform the rite of Sin Eating on you, in your behind.">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 35>>
<<s sofia "I don't think we need to do it. I'm fine. I will pray hard to God and stop being scared.">>
<<s mc "Novice Sofia, I'm afraid you don't have a choice. I must root Satan out of you. I command you to submit to the holy rite. This is what God requires of you.">>
<<s sofia "But I'm scared it will hurt if you put it back there. It's so big...">>
<<s mc "The graver the sin, the greater the penance. You have to do your part in the holy rite and God will forgive you as I channel your sins up to him.">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 35>>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc." center>>
<<addauth 1>>
Resigning to your authority, Sofia slowly undresses and then lies down on the bed.<br>
You do the same and take position behind her. Even with the vile act of sodomy you are about to commit, your male organ is growing hard – a sign God is with you, giving you His blessing to root out evil this way.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Penetrate Sofia's behind">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/anal1 75>>
<cc><<s sofia "Please take is slow, Father. It hurts." center>>
<<s mc "I will try to be careful, but it's not supposed to feel good. Sodomy is unnatural and perverse, but we have to do it to fight Satan." center>>
<<c "Do it">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/anal1 75 volume2>>
<cc>Moving in and out of Novice Sofia's behind feels very good. Is this because God is helping you, or the Devil is tempting you? No matter, it has to be done.<br>
At least Sofia doesn't seem to enjoy it. That's a good sign. Satan is losing his grip on her.
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/anal2 75 volume2>>
<cc><<s mc "Hold out, my child. I'm soon ready to release the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/anal3 75 volume2>>
<cc>But once again, Novice Sofia's sinful nature takes over. If she enjoys this depraved act, it is no wonder that the Devil is still with her. But you let her continue, so you can channel away her sins, and Satan's influence with them.</cc>
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/anal4 75 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia touches her sinful slit perversely as she reaches the pleasure peak. She deliriously chants a prayer to Jesus as she tastes what heaven feels like.<br>
Right after, God lets you know the time has come to release the Holy Seed.
<cc><<lbut "Anoint Novice Sofia" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-400 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You sprinkle Novice Sofia's naked body with the Holy Seed, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Don't waste a drop" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-403 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You take care not to waste a single drop of the precious Holy Seed.<br>Novice Sofia is filled with the Holy Spirit as you finish the sacred rite.
<<ev 700>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-500 75 volume2>>
<cc><<s mc "A final rubbing with the Holy Seed over the sinful parts of your body. To protect you from the Devil.">>
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 75>>
<cc><<s sofia "I thought it would be horrible. And it was at first, but then I prayed to God, and He made me relax to let me enjoy it.">>
<<s mc "Perhaps. Or it was an attempt from Satan to stay in you. I think I have cleansed and purified you of all evil, but we must not let down our guards as long as the Devil is nearby.">>
<<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-505 70>>
<cc>Novice Sofia seems content, but you know better than to turn your back on Satan. Vigilance is key when fighting the forces of evil.<br>
If you suspect that evil still resides within Sofia, you may have no choice but to penetrate that virgin slit again, or even repeat tonight's perverse act.
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Continue">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 45>>
<<s mc "You're living upstairs, right?">>
<<s sofia "Yes.">>
<<s mc "I want you closer. I want to keep my eye on you to protect you from the Devil. And I could also use a young and lively girl like you who knows where everyone lives, in case I want to send word to someone to come to my room. There is an empty room right outside in the hallway. I want you to move in there.">>
<<s sofia "I can't move without permission from the Mother Superior.">>
<<s mc "I'll speak to her tomorrow. You be ready to move.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii "mc/room" 40>>
<cc>Novice Sofia gets dressed and leaves into the quiet hallway outside.<br>You are once again alone.</cc>
<cc><<q sofia 200 center>></cc>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/v1 50 "pause2 setMuted">>
You go to Novice Sofia and bring her to your room.
<<cs sofia "Yes, Father?">>
<<cs mc "I felt Satan's presence nearby. I want to anoint you again to boost your protection. You must use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<cs sofia "Yes, Father.">></cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-200 40 volume2>>
<cc><<addlust 100 center>></cc>
<cc>Novice Sofia hesitates when she sees your stiff male organ. The young girl is still not used to how big it becomes. But with some light encouragement from you, she puts her mouth around the Holy Rod.
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-203 75 volume2>>
<cc>Once her initial reluctance is gone, Sofia eagerly polishes the Holy Rod, waiting for the Holy Seed to bless her.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-206 75 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia performs the ritual with the reverence the sacred rite deserves.</cc>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-300 75 volume2>>
<cc>But there is such a thing as enjoying the sacred too much.
<<s mc "You should hurry to release the Holy Seed. Don't let the Devil tempt you with lustful feelings." center>>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father." center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue div4 sss>></cc>
<<div div4>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-303 75 volume2>>
<cc>Soon you are ready to anoint Novice Sofia.
<<s mc "Get naked and lie down. I'm about to release the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Anoint Novice Sofia">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-400 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You sprinkle Novice Sofia's naked body with the Holy Seed, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Don't waste a drop" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-403 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You take care not to waste a single drop of the precious Holy Seed.<br>Novice Sofia is filled with the Holy Spirit as you finish the sacred rite.
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-500 75 volume2>>
<cc><<s mc "Rub the Holy Seed on the most sinful places of your body, to protect you from the Devil and further sinning.">>
You help Novice Sofia smear the sticky substance over her breasts and between her legs.
<<addlust 20>>
<<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 75>>
<cc><<cs mc "The Holy Spirit has boosted your protection against the Devil, but that doesn't mean you are immune to him. You must be careful not to fall for Satan's temptations. If you ever feel an irresistible urge to commit lustful sins, you must come to me.">>
<<cs sofia "Yes, Father, I will.">>
<<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-505 75>>
<cc>Novice Sofia has a strong protection against Satan now, but the Holy Seed can't remove the traces of the grave sins of lust you suspect may still be hiding inside her. You may have to lie down between Novice Sofia's legs again soon to eat her sins.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<c "Get up">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii "mc/room" 45>>
<cc>Novice Sofia gets dressed and leaves into the quiet hallway outside.<br>You are once again alone.
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 70>>
<cc>Novice Sofia has accepted your role as her protector, allowing you to perform the holy rites on her whenever you think it's needed.
<<qend sofia 500 center>> /* Also changes from New to Replay event */
<<event 1420>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc>Sister Rumika may unwittingly have committed a lustful sin of fornication on the night she was attacked. This would explain why she is so distressed even after being anointed. Only by repeating the lustful sin with her can you eat it. You go to Novice Sofia's room.</cc>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 30>>
<<s mc "Go to Sister Rumika and tell her to come to my room because I want to perform another holy rite on her.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc.">>
Novice Sofia enters the quiet hallway and hurries away.
<<but "Leave" bathroom1 ev:820>>
<<ev 200>>
<l><<br>>You enter your room and wait...
It takes a while, but then there is a knock on the door.
<<c "Open the door">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 35>>
<cc2>As expected, it is Sister Rumika. You let her inside and close the door.</cc2>
<cc><<s rumika "You wanted to anoint me again, $fmc?" center>>
<<s mc "No. I fear that won't be enough. The Lord has tasked me with cleansing you of your sins of fornication." center>></cc>
<<ev 240>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head2 35>>
<<s rumika "But then, wouldn't I have to lie down with you?">>
<<s mc "Yes, unfortunately, that is the only way.">>
<<s rumika "If I did commit sins of fornication when the Crone had me under her spell, can't you absolve the sins with my confession and penance?">>
<<s mc "No, because you are not remembering everything you did. Satan has buried the sin in your mind, allowing him to influence you. But he didn't count on the holy rite of Sin Eating.">>
<<ev 260>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 30 right>>
<l><<s rumika "I can't lie down with you, $fmc. It's not possible. I'm a virgin and shall so remain.">>
<<s mc "You will still be a virgin in spirit and in the eyes of the Lord.">>
<<s rumika "I'm sorry. I can't do it.">>
You didn't expect this. God wants this to happen, but Sister Rumika won't go along with it. Satan's influence on her is greater than you thought.
<<s mc "Then at least let me anoint you again, to boost your protection against the Evil One and his minions.">>
<<s rumika "Yes, I will agree to it.">>
<<s mc "Then you should get naked, to wake the Holy Rod.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/tits 70 "setMuted speed0.7 pause1">>
Sister Rumika shows her breasts, and that is enough to wake the Holy Rod.
<<addlust 100 center>> </cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/bj1 46 "setMuted">>
<cc><<s mc "You will have to use your mouth to release the Holy Seed." center>>
<<s rumika "Yes, I will..." center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/bj2 46 "setMuted">>
<cc>Having done it before, Sister Rumika soon gets going.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/bj3 46 "volume0.2">>
<cc>With your blood still hot after seeing her naked in the bathroom, you don't last long.
<<s mc "Lie down to receive the Holy Seed." center>></cc>
<<c "Get ready to anoint Sister Rumika">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum1 70 volume0.14>>
<cc>You prepare to release the Holy Seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Anoint Sister Rumika" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum2 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You unload the Holy Seed on Sister Rumika's face, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum3 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You encourage Sister Rumika as she rubs the Holy Seed across her face, hoping it will protect her from the Devil.
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 46 right>>
<<s mc "Now you have a strong protection from Satan, but you will never be free of the evil he has planted in you unless you let me eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<s rumika "I'm hoping the anointing will be enough. I can't do that other thing.">>
Sister Rumika leaves with a worried look on her face.
<<q rumika 400>></l>
<<ev 800>>
You expected to lie down with Sister Rumika. You still have that urge in you. Why would God make you feel this way even after releasing the Holy Seed? Could it be a sign from the Lord that you are still supposed to fornicate? But if you can't do it with Sister Rumika, then <<lbut "with who?" div1 "showdiv noBrAfter">></cc2>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 60>>
The answer suddenly seems so obvious: Novice Sofia. You have moved her closer to you to protect her from Satan. She is essentially your ward now – you have a duty to protect her. She must still have sins of fornication remaining in her, making her vulnerable to the Devil. And now you must cleanse her by fornicating with her again.</c>
<<c "Get Novice Sofia">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 30>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia and tell her to follow you to your room. Once back, you lock the door.
<<s mc "Novice Sofia, God wants me to eat your sins of fornication again. I think you weren't completely cleansed.">>
<<s sofia "But I'm feeling much better, and I sleep much better.">>
<<s mc "We can't take any chances. If God gives me a sign, I can't ignore it. You will have to get naked and lie down.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 65>>
<cc>You lie down with the naked young novice. She spreads her legs for you and you guide your rod toward her waiting slit.
<<set _newlust = -$lust+60>>
<<addlust _newlust>>
But something is wrong...</cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue div1 sss>>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1004 50>>
<cc><<s sofia "What's the matter? Why isn't it getting bigger?" center>>
The Holy Rod is flaccid. Just like in the Bible passages about Moses and Aaron when their stiff rods turned into snakes. You are lying here with a beautiful, naked girl, her legs spread for you, and yet you can't work up a stiffness to penetrate her. What is this sorcery?</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 60>>
<cc>Then you understand...<br>
The Holy Rod is made of flesh and blood. And you are not a teenager with sex hormones coming out of your ears. You have been performing the holy rites repeatedly in a short time, anointing women, and eating sins. Just a few minutes ago, you anointed Sister Rumika. And now, you have run out of steam. The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. This is a disaster. You cannot use the holy rites to fight Satan if you can't activate the Holy Rod.</cc>
<<c "Stand up">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1004 50>>
<<cs mc "The Lord has shown us that this isn't supposed to happen right now. Consider this a test of obedience to God. You passed the test, and you may get dressed and return to your room. But I may call on you again, to anoint you, or to eat your sins. If necessary.">>
<<cs sofia "Yes, Father.">></cc>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii "mc/room" 35>>
<cc>Novice Sofia gets dressed and leaves into the quiet hallway outside.</cc>
Once again alone, you start to see things clearer. The failure to activate the Holy Rod is not just a matter of your exhausted flesh. Satan is involved here, weakening your flesh as well as your spirit. You have been cursed. Because you are a holy warrior, the Devil is not strong enough to make you impotent – only weakened. Now you must find a way to lift this curse and invigorate your flesh and your spirit.
<cc><<qstart curseserpent 100 center>></cc>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Novice Sofia")>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 1430>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc>You send for Sister Rumika, saying you just want to talk.
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 45>>
<cc>When Sister Rumika arrives, you try to convince her to let you eat her sins of fornication. But she continues to refuse to lie down with you. You have to find a way to make her see reason.</cc>
<<if $qqrumika==450>>
<<c "Let her leave">>
<<but "Let her leave" mc>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<cc>Perhaps you could use a <<potionLust>> on Sister Rumika to make her change her mind?<br>
But how?
It would have to be done without her knowing it.</p></cc>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
/************************* RUMIKA FORNICATE *****************************/
<<event 1440>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc>You go to Novice Sofia's room.</cc>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 36 right>>
<<s mc "Go to Sister Rumika and tell her to come to my room because I want to perform another holy rite on her.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc.">>
Novice Sofia enters the quiet hallway and hurries away.
<p>You could spy on Sister Rumika in the bathroom, in case she goes there as usual before coming to your room. But you would be taking a risk. Because Sister Rumika likely will be filled with intense lust, she might go straight to your room, and if she takes another route than usual, you could miss her and she could return to her room. And then the effect of the lust potion might wear off.</p>
<<but "Go to the bathroom" bathroom1 ev:840>>
<<c "Wait in your room">>
<<ev 200>>
<l><<br>>Rather than risking anything, you stay in your room and wait...</l>
<<ev 210>>
<<if $qqrumika==610>>
Not long after, there is a knock on the door.
Not too long after, there is a knock on the door.
<<c "Open the door">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head2 35>>
<cc2>As expected, it is Sister Rumika. You let her inside and close the door.</cc2>
<<cs rumika "You wanted to see me for a holy rite, Father?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. I have been praying for your salvation, but the Lord is telling me that you have sins of fornication that we must get rid of. Sister Rumika, you must let me cleanse you of this evil that the lust demon has tainted you with.">>
<<cs rumika "... You can't make me pregnant.">>
<<cs mc "Don't worry. I will finish by anointing you.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 47>>
<<cs rumika "Then I have no choice but to accept. Right after supper, the Devil started attacking me with sinful temptations, more forcefully than ever. I can't resist touching myself.">>
<<cs mc "This is a blessing in disguise, but Satan doesn't know it. You must get naked and we will perform the holy rite of Sin Eating to cleanse you of your sins of fornication.">>
You begin to undress.
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/tits 70 "setMuted speed0.7 pause1">>
<cc2>Sister Rumika lifts up her habit. But this time, she doesn't stop with showing you her big breasts...
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/naked 37 left>>
<r>She stands naked before you, ready to join you in the bed.
<<addlust 100>>
<p>But after using your fingers on Novice Celine, you feel drawn toward Sister Rumika's dripping slit. To feel her slit, but not with your fingers. With your mouth.</p>
<<c "Use your mouth between her legs">>
<<but "No. Straight to fornication." mc1 "step:700">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-600 65 "volume0.3">>
<<cs rumika "$fmc, what are you doing? Aahh...">>
<<cs mc "I'm trying to cleanse any sinful perversion the lust demon subjected you to. This could be one of them. Better safe than sorry.">>
<<cs rumika "But Father, I can't resist this temptation. I will reach the climax.">>
<<cs mc "Focus on something else. Use your hands on the Holy Rod to keep it stiff.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue licking" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-604 65 "volume0.3">>
<cc2>You must fornicate with Sister Rumika, but eating her sins this way feels right too. You have time for both.</cc2>
<cc><<lbut "Continue licking" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-608 65 "volume0.3">>
<cc><<cs rumika "Father, I can't resist it anymore. Please.">>
<<cs mc "Then we will fornicate now.">>
<<but "Slide your rod into her dripping slit" mc1 step:800>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-804 65 speed0.5>>
<cc>You slide your rod into her waiting slit.
<p>You take it slow at first, but Sister Rumika is quickly nearing orgasm.</p>
<<c "Pound her faster">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-800 65 "volume0.08">>
<<cs rumika "$fmc, I can't stop it. It's coming now! It feels so good!">>
<<cs mc "Let it come, Sister. I will continue the holy rite regardless.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-804 65 "volume0.1">>
<cc>After Sister Rumika reaches the pleasure peak, she becomes calm and quiet.<br>
But not for long.
<<cs rumika "It still feels so good. What's wrong with me?">>
<<cs mc "It doesn't matter if you climax again. I will drive the sin out of you.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-900 65 volume0.1>>
<cc>That reassurance seems to have emboldened Sister Rumika as she climbs on top of you. You suspect that this has been a secret sinful dream of hers, the way she rides you like a wild horse.
<p>You squeeze her breasts to help her get all those sinful desires out of her body.</p></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-904 65 volume0.1>>
<<cs rumika "I think I sinned by touching myself when I was attacked. Can I?">>
<<cs mc "Repeat the sin now so that I may cleanse it.">>
<<cs rumika "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-1000 65 volume0.1>>
<<cs rumika "I'm reaching the climax again, Father.">>
<<cs mc "Let it all out. I will soon anoint you with the Holy Seed, once I have cleansed your sins of fornication properly.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-1004 65 volume0.1>>
<cc>You pump your stiff rod in and out of Sister Rumika, having no choice but to enjoy the pleasures of lustful sin you are experiencing as part of the rite.
<p>You continue until you feel the seed coming...</p></cc>
<<c "Prepare to anoint Sister Rumika">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum1 65 volume0.1>>
<cc>You get into position to release the Holy Seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Anoint Sister Rumika" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum2 70 volume0.1>>
<cc>You unload the Holy Seed on Sister Rumika's face, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum3 70 volume0.2>>
You encourage Sister Rumika as she smears the seed across her face.<br>
Having had two orgasms, you think she is too out of it to hear you.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 46 right>>
Afterward, Sister Rumika gets ready to leave.
<<cs mc "Now we have to pray that this was enough to cleanse you of all sins. But if we suspect that evil still remains, we may have to repeat the holy rite.">>
<<s rumika "Yes, $fmc. I pray we don't have to do this again. The heavenly pleasure I felt twice over is only meant for the sexual act that God has ordained for marriage to create life. It's an abomination to experience it as I did. I have violated something sacred. Are you sure this was sanctioned by God?">>
<<s mc "Yes, Sister Rumika. Your sins were sent up the Lord and are no more. That is like what we did never happened.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 34>>
<<s rumika "I wish I could be as certain of that as you are, Father.">>
<<s mc "Remember that we are in a holy war against Satan. There are different rules in wars. By doing your part to fight the Devil, you are effectively a holy warrior.">>
<<s rumika "Thank you. That thought comforts me.">>
Sister Rumika doesn't say anything else, but she still looks worried as she leaves. Her doubt suggests her spirit is not free of Satan's influence. Further holy rites may be required to cleanse her of all traces of evil.
<<qend rumika 700>></c>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/fornicate 40>>
<cc>After you slept with Sister Rumika and kept your word not to release your seed inside her, she trusts you more.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 100>>
After returning from lunch, you take a moment to rest and think.
<p>Once again, Ludolphus' notes were the solution to your problem – this time by teaching you that dairy products delay the reaction of the lust potions. Who knows what other things you could learn if you read through all his notes? You need all the help you can get fighting Satan and his minions. You can't ignore this potential gold mine anymore.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/herbalPages 50 pnggg>>
It would take too long to read through all of Ludolphus' notes stuck between the pages in the herbal, but you could at least try to catalog his recipes – and anything else that might catch your eye while browsing the notes. If you took an hour every day to do this, you could have a growing list of recipes with just their names, a short description of what they do, and their locations in the herbal. Then, if you ever find a need for one of the recipes, you could just find the notes with the instructions for it.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/notes 60>>
<<info "Ludolphus' notes" "You will now spend an hour every day, cataloging Ludolphus' recipes." center>>
<p><<mii lab/potion 5 pnggg>></p>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $analtest = 100>>
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Novice Sofia")>> /* visited this night */
<<if setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce") && !setup.checkqStage("sofialustreduce", 310)>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 36 right>>
You need Novice Sofia's young body to reduce your lust. However, she doesn't need to know the truth. It's better that she believes you are to perform the holy rites on her, as it will calm her.
<p>You go to Novice Sofia's room and find her there. You tell her that she is urgently in need of the holy rites.</p>
<<qadd sofialustreduce 310>> /* to only show this message once after completing quest */
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 36>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia's room and find her there. You tell her that she is urgently in need of the holy rites.
<<qstart sofialustreduce 100>>
<<c "Take Novice Sofia to your room">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-303 60 volume2>>
<<if $lust < 100>>
<<addlust 100>>
Filled with intense lust, you quickly instruct Novice Sofia to use her mouth on you. She obediently does as you command.</c>
<<but "Penetrate her slit" mc1 "step:1000">><<but "Penetrate her behind" mc1 "step:2000">>
<<if $qqcreampieq >= 100 && setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce")>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>> /* invis block button with no padding/margin/fontsize to have location buttons on new line */
<<but "Release your seed" mc1 step:3000>>
<<but "Release your seed" mc1 "step:3000">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuckdoggy1 65 volume2>>
<cc>You penetrate her tight slit.</cc>
<<but "Penetrate her behind" mc1 "step:2000">>
<<if $qqcreampieq >= 100 && setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce")>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Release your seed in her slit" mc1 step:4000>>
<<but "Pull out and release your seed" mc1 step:3000>>
<<but "Release your seed" mc1 "step:3000">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/analdoggy1 65 volume2>>
<cc>You sodomize her from behind.</cc>
<<but "Penetrate her slit" mc1 "step:1000">>
<<if $qqcreampieq >= 100 && setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce")>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Release your seed in her behind" mc1 step:5000>>
<<but "Pull out and release your seed" mc1 step:3000>>
<<but "Release your seed" mc1 "step:3000">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-400 65>>
You release your seed on her naked body.</cc>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 60>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce")>>
Novice Sofia waits patiently while you stroke your rod to eject every last drop of seed. She doesn't mention the fact that you never said the ritualistic words, showing that she has submitted fully to you.
<<s sofia "You didn't perform the rites like you usually do. You didn't say the words.">>
<<s mc "I was focused on the spiritual side of it. The words are not actually required by the Lord Almighty. You will be blessed and cleansed of sin anyway.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("sofialustreduce")>>
<<but "Send her away" mc>>
<<c "Send her away">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/anal1 60>>
<c>Novice Sofia has fully submitted to you and you can use her any way you want even without performing the holy rites.
<<addauth 1>></c>
<<ev 3300>>
Novice Sofia gets dressed and leaves for her room.
<p>You feel much better now and your lust has decreased a lot. You think you were correct that this is what you were meant to do.</p>
<p>You didn't say the ritualistic words because that would have been lying to God. In this case, you weren't performing a holy rite. Instead, Novice Sofia was meant to satisfy your lust to help you perform better in the fight against evil. You are protecting her and she is helping you serve God better.</p>
<p>But you must not abuse the trust of Novice Sofia to satisfy your desires of the flesh. You should only use her body when you really need it, and not too often.
<<qend sofialustreduce 300>></p>
<<but Continue mc>>
<<ev 4000>> /* new in vv 4 */
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3before 45 volume0>>
<cc>You thrust your hard manhood into Novice Sofia's tight slit and release your seed inside her.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3 66 "pause1.5 volume0.3">>
<cc>Satisfied, you see your seed running out from between the legs of the young girl.
<<creampie sofia center>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-502 50>>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("mc1",2250,3300)>>
<<s sofia "Did you finish inside me, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I anointed you down there, but don't worry – this won't make you pregnant. Trust me on this.">>
<<s sofia "You didn't have to anoint me down there, Father. I tried to not feel lust, and it went pretty well. I never climaxed.">>
<<s mc "That's good, but I'm anointing you between your legs to reduce your future lustful feelings as well. Young girls like you have sinful slits, which you have proven several times already when I have penetrated you with the Holy Rod. You're lucky I'm here to take care of your sinful feelings of lust. Now go and wash.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 5000>> /* anal creampie */
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal1 60>>
<cc>You release your seed in Novice Sofia's forbidden hole.</cc>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 50>>
<<s sofia "Did you anoint me in the other place down there?">>
<<s mc "Yes. That should help against perverted feelings of lust from that hole. The hole of Satan.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Send her away" mc>>
<<event 1900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 35>>
Novice Sofia informs you that Novice Emma says she has done what she can, educating the members of the Circle about Holy Marriage, the new holy rite.
<<cs sofia "Will you want to marry me too, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "Do you want me to marry you?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 33 right>>
<<s sofia "I rather not. You would do it to lie down with me, yes? To help with your lust problem?">>
<<s mc "Yes. But I will ask for permission first, of course. The Holy Marriage will be voluntary, to help in the fight against the Devil.">>
<<s sofia "I understand, $fmc. It's just that it feels like my virginity will be lost, even if Novice Emma says it won't, like with the sin eating. But this will be a marriage. And you will marry me just to lie down with me. Not to cleanse me of sin or anything. It feels strange.">>
<<s mc "Tell you what, Novice Sofia. Seeing that you require the other holy rites regularly to protect you from the Devil, I think it's fair to give you a pass on the marriage – if you feel uncomfortable about it.">>
<<s sofia "Thank you, Father.">>
Novice Sofia leaves.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1000-505 60>>
<c>Seeing that God already has given you permission to use Novice Sofia's body for your needs, you don't need to marry her. She doesn't know that, so by giving her a pass on the Holy Marriage rite, she grows closer to you.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/holymarriage2 30>>
<c>Novice Emma has done what she can to educate the members of the Circle about the Holy Marriage rite. But like Novice Sofia, you expect that the nuns will not be very eager to agree to this holy rite whose purpose is for you to have sexual relations with them to reduce your lust. It's up to you to find the nuns you think are ready to agree to the Holy Marriage when it's needed.
<p>You should marry at least two more nuns to prove that this holy rite is useful for more than just marrying Novice Emma.
<<q holymarriage 1100>></p>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 3.1>>
<<event 2000 rumika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi bathroom3 40 right>>
<l>Being alone in your room, you get a vision of when you saw Sister Rumika in the bathroom, on the night you used the lust potion on her. She was lustfully touching herself between the legs.
The lust potion triggered her to do this, but it proved that her resistance to temptations of the flesh is dangerously weak. You are afraid that you didn't completely root out the evil in her.
<<addlust 30>>
<p>The vision of the lustful Sister Rumika is disturbing. It could be a sign that she is in imminent danger of being targeted by the Devil. Since you have already done your best to eat her sins of fornication, you feel you have no choice but to perform the vile act of sodomy on Sister Rumika, hoping this will allow you to cleanse her of the grave sins still remaining in her.
<<qstart rumikaSodomy 100>>
<<ev 200>>
<cc>You go to Novice Sofia's room.</cc>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 36 right>>
<<s mc "Tell Sister Rumika that I want to perform another holy rite on her.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc.">>
Novice Sofia enters the quiet hallway and hurries away.
<p>You could spy on Sister Rumika in the bathroom, in case she goes there as usual before coming to your room, or you could wait for her here.</p>
<<set $temp = "sodomy">> /* keep track to not mix with other rumika events where player goes to bathroom */
<<but "Go to the bathroom" bathroom1 ev:840>>
<<c "Wait in your room">>
<<ev 200>>
<l><<br>>Rather than risking anything, you stay in your room and wait...</l>
<<ev 210>>
Not too long after, there is a knock on the door.
<<c "Open the door">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 35>>
<cc2>As expected, it is Sister Rumika. You let her inside and close the door.</cc2>
<<s rumika "You wanted to see me for a holy rite, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I have received a vision from the Lord that you may be targeted by the Devil soon. It's because you still haven't been completely cleansed of the evil that the lust demon tainted you with.">>
<<s rumika "I see. I have been praying hard and I've felt less worried since you performed the holy rites with me. But now you're scaring me. If you have to fornicate with me again, I will agree to it.">>
<<s mc "Unfortunately, we have already tried fornication. My vision suggested this isn't enough. We must dig deeper to try to root out any grave sins still in you. The depraved act of sodomy is Satan's favorite. We have no choice but to try it.">>
<<ev 240>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head2 35 right>>
<<s rumika "$fmc, I can't believe you are saying this. That's a horrible thing to do. An abomination even greater than fornication. We would burn in hell for it.">>
<<s mc "Sister Rumika, I understand that you get upset, but you're not thinking clearly. I will perform the holy rite of Sin Eating while we do it. It's true that sodomy is a most wicked act. That's why Satan favors it. That's why we have to perform it. The lust demon may have sodomized you, or compelled you to sodomize yourself.">>
<<s rumika "You're scaring me again. Could that have happened even when I don't remember it?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I've talked to all of the attacked sisters. Some remember hardly anything at all. Others remember more, but still not much. No one wants to remember the sinful things they did while under the influence of the lust demon. It makes sense if you forgot the most vile act of all. It's your mind trying to protect you from the horrible memory.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 35 right>>
<<s rumika "You may be correct, $fmc. Does anyone remember being sodomized?">>
<<s mc "I rather not reveal the details of what your sisters have experienced, for the sake of their privacy, but also because it is part of the investigation.">>
<<s rumika "If I am to perform this abomination of an act with you, I need to know that the lust demon has forced this upon one of us. Until I know, I cannot force myself to do it.">>
<<s mc "You must. It's the only way.">>
<<s rumika "I'm sorry, $fmc. I can't.">>
Sister Rumika hurriedly leaves the room. You are once again alone.
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 32>>
<c>You must convince Sister Rumika to agree to sodomy, as depraved as the act is. You might be able to convince her to do it if you can find someone who remembers being sodomized by the lust demon. But in all your talks with the victims, no one has admitted to remembering such a thing.
<<q rumikaSodomy 200>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:666000>>
<<event 2010>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 35>>
<c>You must convince Sister Rumika to let you eat her potential sins of sodomy. But she won't agree to it unless you can find someone who remembers actually being sodomized by the lust demon.
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:666000>>
<<event 2020 sofia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sofia1light 34>>
<c>Novice Sofia could be the solution to your problem with Sister Rumika. While Novice Sofia does not remember being sodomized by the lust demon, you suspect it could have happened to her. You may be able to help her remember. Novice Sofia's testimony could then convince Sister Rumika to agree to the act.
<<q rumikaSodomy 300>>
<<c "Get Novice Sofia">>
<<ev 200>>
<cc>You go to Novice Sofia's room and ask her to join you in your room.</cc>
<<mv v1 53>>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father?">>
<<s mc "Novice Sofia, I need to perform another holy rite with you. I've felt that the perverse sin of sodomy must be cleansed from you once again, or you may be targeted by the Devil.">>
<<s sofia "I understand, Father.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 1000-203 63>>
<c>You have Novice Sofia use her mouth to get you ready for the holy rite.
<<addlust 100>>
<p>This time, it's important that Novice Sofia has an orgasm, so before sodomizing her, you want to get her in the mood by entering her the natural way.</p>
<<c "Penetrate her sinful slit">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv fuckdoggy1 70>>
<c><<s mc "I want to take it easy with you this time, starting with fornicating before moving on to the wicked sodomy. Relax and try to enjoy it.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
When you think Novice Sofia is starting to get wet, it's time to continue.
<<c "Penetrate her behind">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv analdoggy1 70>>
<c>You force your manhood into her behind. You try to take it easy, but from her whimpering and grimacing, it appears that she doesn't enjoy it.
<<c "Switch back to her pink slit">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv fuck1 70>>
<<s sofia "Why did you stop with the sodomy, Father?">>
<<s mc "You didn't seem relaxed enough. I didn't want to hurt you.">>
<<s sofia "I can take it. I know it's for my own good.">>
<<s mc "I will continue with it soon. Just relax and try to enjoy it. If it feels good to touch yourself, you should do it, so that I may eat as much of your lustful sins as possible.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv fuck3 70>>
<c>Your words seem to have an effect as Novice Sofia's hand soon moves down between her legs. You can feel her wetness on your manhood.</c>
<<c "Penetrate her behind again">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv anal1 70>>
<cc>You carefully sodomize her.
<<ev 900>>
<<mv anal2 70>>
<c>When you think she is ready for it, you press your rod deeper into her behind. Novice Sofia responds well enough, and you continue to move in and out of her.</c>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv anal3 70>>
<c>Finally, Novice Sofia has started to enjoy the vile act, using her hand to enhance the perverse feelings of lust.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv anal4 70>>
<c>After a while, Novice Sofia reaches the pleasure peak. You continue to sodomize her while she climaxes.
<p>When she relaxes again, you get on top of her and stroke the Holy Rod. The Holy Seed is coming.
<<c "Anoint her">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 1000-400 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You sprinkle Novice Sofia's naked body with the Holy Seed, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/1000-403 75 setMuted>>
<cc>You squeeze out the last drops of the Holy Seed.<br>Novice Sofia is filled with the Holy Spirit as you finish the sacred rite.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 1000-500 70>>
<<s mc "It looked like you enjoyed being sodomized in the end.">>
<<s sofia "Yes. I know it is wrong.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but it's not your fault. I encouraged you to enjoy it so that I could eat as much of the sinful evil still residing in you. Evil planted in you by Satan, through the lust demon. This should strengthen your protection for the time being.">>
<<ev 1320>>
<<mi 1000-502 70>>
<<cs sofia "Thank you for protecting me from Satan, $fmc.">>
<<cs mc "You're very welcome, my child. It's an honor, and my duty.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 1000-502 45 right>>
<<s mc "Tell me, Novice Sofia... Why do you think you enjoy being sodomized? This is not the first time you've climaxed from it.">>
<<s sofia "I don't know. It's disgusting and perverse. It hurts at first, but when I let myself relax, it feels good. It shouldn't, but it does.">>
<<s mc "I think you receive pleasure from this depraved act because the lust demon sodomized you. Either the demon inserted something in your behind, or compelled you to do it yourself.">>
<<s sofia "I don't know. I don't remember anything like that.">>
<<s mc "Are you sure? Isn't it possible in your delirious state of mind that you were sodomized without remembering it clearly? And the lust demon made you enjoy it. And now you enjoy it with me. Think back... Go into the deepest recesses of your memories from the attacks. You have been attacked several times. Most victims have only been attacked once, maybe twice. But not you. The lust demon has come back for you to torment you. All that lustful sinning you were forced to do. Your mind is protecting you from the horrible truth of what you experienced. Doesn't it make sense that the most wicked act of them all, sodomy, would be buried the deepest in your mind?">>
<<ev 1440>>
<<mi 1420-1000 56>>
<<s sofia "Yes. Maybe it's for the best, then. I should not try to remember it.">>
<<s mc "No, you must bring it all up to the light. To God's light. If you keep the most perverse sins hidden in the dark, I can't cleanse them. Think hard... and you might sense a faint memory of being sodomized. Just a trace of it. And then you pick it up and start pulling it closer, toward the light.">>
<<s sofia "I'm trying, but I don't think there's anything there to find.">>
<<s mc "Keep trying...">>
<<c "Make her remember">>
<<ev 1460>>
<cc>You spend several minutes making Novice Sofia search the darkest corners of her mind, helping her bring to light that which could be hidden. You describe how something was inserted in her behind, trying to conjure up the images that might be buried in her memories. And finally, her mind weakens, allowing her to remember what you wanted.</cc>
<<mi look 35 right>>
<<s sofia "I think I remember something. Maybe. It could have happened like you describe it.">>
<<s mc "I believe it happened to you. Don't be afraid to admit it. Bring the memories to the light, toward God's light, away from Satan's darkness.">>
<<s sofia "I'm not sure... I might remember something being inserted in my behind. Maybe I did it myself. Or the Crone did.">>
<<s mc "Good. You've found a memory. Hold that memory in your mind, in the light, enough that it can't hide in the darkness again.">>
<<s sofia "I will remember it now. This depraved act I was forced to take part in.">>
<<s mc "Do you understand now why you enjoy being sodomized? That you're a victim of the lustful sins of sodomy the lust demon forced upon you?">>
<<s sofia "Yes, I understand now, Father.">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi look 40 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Sofia, I need your help to bring your sisters' buried memories out into God's light. Would you be willing to help me with that?">>
<<s sofia "Of course, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I want you to start with Sister Rumika. The lust demon has buried sins deep in her, and I suspect she was sodomized just like you were. Help Sister Rumika bring her repressed memories of sodomy to the light. Tell her of your own experience of being sodomized, as much as you can remember, even if it's not much. Hopefully, that will help her remember too.">>
<<s sofia "I will do as you ask, Father.">>
<<ev 1700>>
You send Novice Sofia away. You are once again alone.
Now you must have faith that Novice Sofia's memories will convince Sister Rumika to submit to the vile act of sodomy, so that you may eat her sins.
<<q rumikaSodomy 400>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:666000>>
<<event 2040 rumika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head1 35>>
<c>You tasked Novice Sofia with telling about her memories of being sodomized to Sister Rumika. You should give it some time before approaching Sister Rumika in this matter.
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:666000>>
<<event 2050 rumika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head1 40>>
<c>It is Sister Rumika.
<<s rumika "You win, $fmc. Novice Sofia told me she remembers being sodomized by the Crone. I understand you sent her to me to convince me. And it worked. Now I'm scared I was sodomized too.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi dressing 47 right>>
<<s mc "I think you were, Sister Rumika. It would explain the vision I had. Are you ready to perform the holy rite with me, that I may eat your sins of sodomy?">>
<<s rumika "Yes. Let's get this abominable act over with.">>
<<s mc "Then I need your help to get the Holy Rod ready.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv bj2 44 "setMuted">>
<cc>Sister Rumika uses her mouth on you.
<<addlust 100 center>>
<<cs mc "I am ready. Get naked.">>
<<c "Watch her get naked">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv stand 24 setMuted>>
<cc><<cs rumika "What now, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "Lie down and spread your legs.">>
<<c "Enter her pink slit">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 1440-800 60 "setMuted speed0.5">>
<c><<s mc "I will begin with fornication to ease into it. Let me know when you are ready to move on to sodomy.">>
<<s rumika "I just want this to be over, Father. Just do it.">>
<<s mc "As you wish, Sister.">>
<<c "Sodomize Sister Rumika">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv anal1 70 volume0.2>>
<c>You carefully thrust your manhood into Sister Rumika's forbidden hole. Although perverse, it feels very good.
<<s mc "You should touch yourself. Reaching climax while being sodomized is the best way to drive out that wicked sin. The more perverse, the better.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv anal10 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>Sister Rumika does as you say while you keep sodomizing her.
<p>It doesn't take long before Sister Rumika climaxes.</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv anal15 66 volume0.14>>
<cc><<s rumika "I have once again experienced the heavenly pleasure only meant for the marital bed to create life, but in a perverse act from Satan. Now please end it.">>
<<s mc "The holy rite cannot be hurried. We must wait for the release of the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Do it from under her">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv anal20 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You place Sister Rumika on top of you.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv anal25 70 volume0.2>>
<<cs rumika "Are you done soon, Father?">>
<<cs mc "I think so. But we should do the perverse act in different ways. It is our best chance of reaching any hidden sins of sodomy.">>
<<cs rumika "Just get it done, please.">>
<<c "Do it like a dog">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv anal30 75 volume0.2>>
<cc2>You do Sister Rumika like a dog would. The depraved position allows you to reach deep into her behind.</cc2>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv anal35 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>Thrusting your hard manhood deep into Sister Rumika's forbidden hole feels very good. If you wanted, you could prepare to end the holy rite. Or you could keep digging in Sister Rumika to bring more sins to light.</cc>
<<but "Do it from under her" mc1 step:1300>><<but "Do it from the side" mc1 step:1500>><<but "Prepare to release seed" mc1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv anal20 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You place Sister Rumika on top of you.
<<ev 1350>>
<<mv anal25 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>Your seed is ready to be released, but you can keep going if you want to.</cc>
<<but "Do it from the side" mc1 step:1500>><<but "Do it like a dog" mc1 step:1700>><<but "Prepare to release seed" mc1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv anal1 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You switch to the side.</cc>
<<ev 1550>>
<<mv anal40 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>This feels very good. You could finish the holy rite, or keep going.</cc>
<<but "Do it from under her" mc1 step:1300>><<but "Do it like a dog" mc1 step:1700>><<but "Prepare to release seed" mc1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv anal30 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You do Sister Rumika like a dog would, allowing you to reach deep into her behind.
<<cs rumika "How much longer, Father?">>
<<trytbut2 "\"Be strong.\"" mc1 "step:1750 trust30 doplay:temp=t">>
<<but "\"Be patient.\"" mc1 "step:1750 doplay:temp=nothing">>
<<tryabut2 "\"Be quiet.\"" mc1 "step:1750 auth30 doplay:temp=a">>
<<ev 1750>>
<<mv anal35 70 "volume0.2">>
<<if $temp=="t">>
<<cs mc "It will soon be over, Sister. The Lord will sustain you.">>
Your words seem to give her comfort.<br>
<<elseif $temp == "a">>
<<cs mc "Don't rush the holy rite, Sister, or one could begin to question your faith in the Lord.">>
Your words seem to have an effect as she says nothing more.<br>
<<elseif $temp== "nothing">>
<<cs mc "Not long. Be patient, Sister.">>
<<but "Do it from under her" mc1 step:1300>><<but "Do it from the side" mc1 step:1500>><<but "Prepare to release seed" mc1 step:2000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv anal40 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You prepare to release the Holy Seed. Instead of anointing her face, you feel could release the Holy Seed inside Sister Rumika's forbidden hole, anointing her from within.
<<but "Release seed inside her" mc1 step:2500>><<but "Anoint her face" mc1 step:2100>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum2 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You unload the Holy Seed on Sister Rumika's face, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi cumafter 60>>
<cc>Sister Rumika seems relieved when it is finally over. It remains to be seen if she has been cleansed of all her grave sins of lust.
<<but "Get dressed" mc1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal1 60>>
<cc>With a moan of pleasure, you release the Holy Seed deep into Sister Rumika's behind.
<p>The large amount of seed you shoot into her flows out of her stretched hole.</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi cumanallook 60>>
<<cs rumika "What have you done, Father? Inside me?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, but in the wrong hole, so don't worry about getting pregnant. I'm anointing you from within. The Holy Seed is potent on the inside as well as the outside.">>
<<but "Get dressed" mc1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi dressing 44>>
<<s rumika "I pray this will be the last of these perverted acts.">>
<<s mc "Yes, let's hope so. But there is no guarantee that this will be enough. The Devil is here and we must strike hard at any signs of his corruption among or within us. I may have to call on you again to cleanse you and protect you.">>
<<s rumika "Lord, I plead for your mercy.">>
Sister Rumika crosses her heart and leaves.
<<if $qqrumikaSodomy < 500>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Sister Rumika")>>
<<mi anallook 60>>
<c>You successfully sodomized Sister Rumika, hoping this will cleanse her of any such sins.
<<qend rumikaSodomy 500>>
<p>Having submitted to you in the most perverse way, your hold on Sister Rumika has increased.
<<addauth 1>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 2100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hgarden/herb_garden1evil 60>>
<c>The dream showed the future of the herb garden – corrupted to its heart, fallen to evil.
<p>The message is clear. For too long, you have allowed Sister Jana to be a slave to Satan, allowing the Evil One to corrupt the herb garden. You must eat Sister Jana's sins of fornication and cleanse her of evil before it is too late.</p></c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hgarden/longpepperevil 54>>
<c>The vision in the dream also pointed to the long pepper in the garden shed as the source of the lust curse. But which garden shed? The monks' shed or Sister Jana's shed? The dream was confusing and seemed to point at both.
<p>You believe the long pepper in the monks' shed is used to make a lust drug, and this drug seems to make the victims susceptible to the lust curse. But what about Sister Jana's shed? Could it also be connected to the curse? You have to investigate.
/* The dream/vision also pointed to the long pepper in the shed as the cause of the lust curse. But which shed? The monks' shed or Sister Jana's shed? The dream was confusing and seemed to point at both. Both sheds have long pepper in them. Could both sheds be causing the curse?</p>
<p>You are already certain that the attacker uses a lust drug made from the long pepper in the monks' shed, and this drug seems to make the victims susceptible to the lust curse. But what about Sister Jana's shed? Is it also causing the curse? You have to investigate Sister Jana's shed. */
<<q janacurse 1150>></p>
<<but "Start the day" mc>>
<<event 2200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv fireplace1 45>>
<c>You have made real progress in the investigation. Your theory about the fake angel, the long pepper, and the lust drug used in the attack seems very solid. You also have a number of suspects, although you don't have strong enough evidence to prove that any of them is involved in the attacks.
<p><<mms>> seemed content with your investigation update, and you can relax, knowing you can continue the investigation as you see fit for the time being. No need to rush things. You also have nuns that require your help with the holy rites.
<<qend alonsoshed 2000>></p>
<<ev 200>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 2230>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 45 right>>
<l>You have Novice Sofia send word to Sister Rumika that you want to perform another holy rite on her. Some time later, Sister Rumika arrives. You let her inside and close the door.
<<s rumika "You wanted to see me for a holy rite, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. The Lord is telling me that you still have sins of fornication that we must get rid of. You must get naked now and I will attempt to cleanse you of the evil that the lust demon has tainted you with.">>
Not protesting, Sister Rumika begins to undress. She must still be afraid of the sins she may have committed.
<<qadd rumika 2000>> /* silent flag to show fornicate buttons */
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/stand 23 "left setMuted">>
<<s rumika "I must confess, $fmc. I fear I will once again climax when we do this. God has given me a high libido, it seems. I can resist it in our daily life and through prayers, but now I'm about to have you inside me. I don't think I can resist it then.">>
<<s mc "Then you shouldn't. If you doubt you can resist it with me, you surely couldn't resist it when the lust demon had you under its spell, whether you remember it or not. Relax and try to enjoy the perverted act we will perform together. It will allow me to eat the lustful sins you have committed.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/naked 37 left>>
<r>Sister Rumika stands naked before you, ready to join you in bed.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s rumika "... You can't make me pregnant.">>
<<s mc "I will not. Have faith in the Lord.">>
<<c "Use your mouth between her legs">>
<<but "Straight to fornication" mc1 "step:700">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-600 65 "volume0.3">>
<<cs rumika "$fmc, what are you doing? Aahh...">>
<<cs mc "I'm trying to cleanse any sinful perversion the lust demon subjected you to. This could be one of them. Better safe than sorry.">>
<<cs rumika "But Father, I can't resist this temptation. I will reach the climax.">>
<<cs mc "Focus on something else. Use your hands on my manhood to keep it stiff.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue licking" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-604 65 "volume0.3">>
<cc2>You lick Sister Rumika's sinful slit. She is quickly getting wet.</cc2>
<cc><<lbut "Continue licking" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-608 65 "volume0.3">>
<cc><<cs rumika "Father, I can't resist it anymore. Please.">>
<<cs mc "Then we will fornicate now.">>
<<but "Slide your rod into her dripping slit" mc1 step:800>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-804 65 speed0.5>>
<cc>You slide your rod into her waiting slit.
<p>You take it slow at first, but Sister Rumika is quickly nearing orgasm.</p>
<<c "Pound her faster">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-800 65 "volume0.08">>
<<cs rumika "$fmc, I can't stop it. It's coming now! It feels so good!">>
<<cs mc "Let it come, Sister. I will continue the holy rite regardless.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-804 65 "volume0.1">>
<cc>After Sister Rumika reaches the pleasure peak, she becomes calm and quiet.<br>
But not for long.
<<cs rumika "I think I might climax again. Would it be too sinful?">>
<<cs mc "No, sinful is good now, as it will help me drive the sins out of you.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-900 65 volume0.1>>
<cc>That reassurance emboldens Sister Rumika as she climbs on top of you. This must have been a secret sinful dream of hers, the way she rides you like a wild horse.
<p>You squeeze her breasts to help her get all those sinful desires out of her body.</p></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-904 65 volume0.1>>
<<cs rumika "Can I touch myself, Father? I did it when I was attacked.">>
<<cs mc "You don't need to ask for permission. Repeat the sin now and I can cleanse it.">>
/*<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>*/
<<ev 1000>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-1000 65 volume0.1>>
<<cs rumika "I'm reaching the climax again, Father.">>
<<cs mc "Let it all out. I will soon anoint you with the Holy Seed, once I have cleansed your sins of fornication properly.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-1004 65 volume0.1>>
<cc>You pump your stiff rod in and out of Sister Rumika's wet slit, enjoying the lustful experience.
<p>You continue until you feel that your seed is ready to be released</p></cc>
<<but "Prepare to plant your seed inside her" mc1 "step:2000 qqcreampieq>=100 qqrumika>=700">>
<<c "Pull out to anoint her">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum1 65 volume0.1>>
<cc>You get into position to release the Holy Seed.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Anoint Sister Rumika" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum2 70 volume0.1>>
<cc>You unload the Holy Seed on Sister Rumika's face, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.</cc>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/cum3 70 volume0.2>>
You encourage Sister Rumika as she smears the seed across her face.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/dressing 46 right>>
Afterward, Sister Rumika gets ready to leave.
<<cs mc "I did the best I could to cleanse you of all sins. But if I suspect that evil still remains in you, we have to repeat this.">>
<<s rumika "Yes, $fmc. I pray it will not be needed. The heavenly pleasure I've experienced with you is only meant for the sexual act that God has ordained for marriage to create life. You are sure this is sanctioned by God?">>
<<s mc "Yes, Sister Rumika. Your sins were sent up to the Lord and are no more. That is like what we did never happened.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 34>>
<<s rumika "I have to believe you, Father.">>
<<s mc "Remember that we are in a holy war against Satan. There are different rules in wars. By doing your part to fight the Devil, you are effectively a holy warrior.">>
<<s rumika "Thank you. That thought comforts me.">>
Sister Rumika doesn't say anything else, but she still looks worried as she leaves. Her doubt suggests her spirit is not free of Satan's influence. Further holy rites may be required to cleanse her of all traces of evil.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/1440-804 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You lay Sister Rumika down on her back to prepare her for what's to come.
<p>Then you get on top of her and thrust your manhood into her wet hole.</p>
<<c "Plant your seed in her slit">>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie1before 90 volume0.5>>
<cc2>You let go and let the orgasm roll through your body as you pump your seed deep into Sister Rumika's sinful slit.</cc2>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie1 90 "pause1 volume0.9">>
<cc>Satisfied, you watch your seed coming out of Sister Rumika's wet hole.
<<creampie rumika center>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/creampielook 50>>
<<s rumika "Father, what have you done?! What if I get pregnant?!">>
<<cs mc "I anointed you from within with the Holy Seed. Have faith in the Lord and everything will be fine. You will not get pregnant.">>
<<s rumika "How can you be so sure? You shouldn't have done this.">>
<<s mc "I'm performing the holy rites to protect you, and all of us, in the fight against the Devil. God has shown me what has to be done. It's in His hands now.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mvv nuns/rumika/stand 24 "right volume0">>
<<s rumika "You really shouldn't have done it, $fmc. And without asking me first...">>
<<s mc "You must have faith in the Lord and trust that I'm doing what needs to be done. Your sins of fornication are deeply buried. The Holy Seed helps bring them to light to be cleansed. You will not get pregnant. I know it. How could God allow that to happen from a holy rite when we aren't even married? That which is holy cannot cause impurity.">>
<<s rumika "I will pray hard tonight.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mii misc/cum/creampie1after 100>>
<c>Just as you calculated, Sister Rumika was worried enough about the sins she might have committed that she accepted your seed inside her slit, though under protest.
<p>You could have asked her first, but then she might have said no.</p></c>
<<event 2250>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/v1 45 "setMuted pause3">>
You go to Novice Sofia and tell her to come to your room.</cc2>
<<cs sofia "Yes, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "We will fornicate now and then I will anoint you. Remove your clothes and get ready. ">>
<<cs sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<qadd sofia 2000>> /* silent flag to show fornicate buttons */
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1004 60>>
<<cs sofia "Do you want me to use my mouth first?">>
<<cs mc "No, it's not necessary. Now get down on all fours and show me your behind.">>
<<addlust 100 center>>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Sofia's virgin slit from behind">>
<<ev 420>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuckdoggy2 70 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia obeys, and you penetrate her teen slit from behind.</cc>
<<ev 440>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuckdoggy1 65 volume2>>
<cc>You enjoy the perverse act of doing her like a dog, eating her sins of lust as you go.</cc>
<<set $temp = 1>>
<<but "Do her from the side" mc1 step:500>><<but "Have her ride you" mc1 step:2000>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck1 70 volume2>>
<cc>Being used to it by now, Novice Sofia lies still while you perform the holy ritual in silence.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck2 70 volume2>>
<cc>You will never tire of penetrating the young virgin with your hard manhood.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck3 70 volume2>>
<<if $temp == 1>>
Soon, as usual, Novice Sofia's sinful nature takes over, and she gets wet.
<<set $temp = 2>>
Once again, Novice Sofia's sinful nature takes over, and she is closing in on another orgasm.
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuck4 70 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Sofia climaxes while you keep thrusting your erect male organ into her sinful, wet slit.
<p>You could keep going a while longer, or you could finish it.</p>
<<but "Do it from behind" mc1 step:1000>><<but "Have her ride you" mc1 step:2000>><<but "Release your seed inside her" mc1 step:3000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuckdoggy2 70 volume2>>
<cc>You place Novice Sofia on all fours and penetrate her from behind.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/fuckdoggy1 65 volume2>>
<cc>You enjoy the perverse act of doing her like a dog, eating her sins of lust as you go.</cc>
<<but "Do her from the side" mc1 step:500>><<but "Have her ride you" mc1 step:2000>><<but "Release your seed inside her" mc1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/ride1 60 volume2>>
<cc>You tell Novice Sofia to get on top of you.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/ride2 65 volume2>>
<<if $temp == 1>>
<c>The novice is getting excited from feeling your erect member in her slit. It's a good thing she became a nun at such a young age, or her sinful lust could have made her into a town harlot.</c>
The young novice is closing in on another orgasm. Her sinful slit is dripping wet.</cc>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mvv nuns/sofia/ride3 70 volume2>>
<<if $temp == 1>>
Novice Sofia climaxes.
<<set $temp = 2>>
Novice Sofia has another orgasm.
Her young body shakes and her virgin hole cramps around your swollen manhood, wanting your seed.
<p>You could keep going a while longer, or prepare to finish it.</p>
<<but "Do her from the side" mc1 step:500>><<but "Do it from behind" mc1 step:1000>><<but "Release your seed inside her" mc1 step:3000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3before 45 volume0>>
<cc>You pound Novice Sofia hard as you release your seed inside her tight hole.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3 66 "pause1.5 volume0.3">>
<cc>Filling the young girl with your seed, most of it flows out of her teenage slit.
<<creampie sofia center>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1004 50>>
<<s sofia "What happened, Father? Why didn't you pull out?">>
<<s mc "Your young virgin slit is giving you too much sinful lust. That's why I anointed you between your legs. Hopefully, this will make you less prone to climaxing.">>
<<s sofia "Aren't girls supposed to climax when they have sexual relations with a man?">>
<<s mc "Only in the marital bed when your husband wants to place a child in you. It's a good thing you became a nun. I will take care of your sinful desires which could cloud your connection with God and lead you to a life in sin.">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/1420-1000 60>>
<c><<s sofia "Will I get pregnant now?">>
<<s mc "No. God knows this was a holy rite to save you from the Devil. Now clean yourself and go back to your room. I will call on you if I need to fornicate with you again to anoint your sinful slit. That lust of yours is of Satan.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<ev 3400>>
<l>You give Novice Sofia a towel to clean your seed from between her legs, then she leaves for the bathroom to wash.
<p>You are once again alone in your room, satisfied after having emptied yourself into the young virgin's tight slit.</p>
<<event 2300 encounters media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<overlay "mc/room" "encounters/olenka720" 65 11 55 55 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You tell Novice Olenka that you need to speak with her in your room. Obediently, she follows you inside. You close the door behind you.
<<s olenka "What's this about, Father?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi olenka720 30 "pnggg right">>
<l><<s mc "I'm afraid I have no choice, Novice Olenka. The Lord has tasked me with anointing you, and you may not like it. But I have to do this to protect you from being attacked by the lust demon, and to stop Satan's influence from growing.">>
You walk up behind Novice Olenka and grab her habit down by her knees. Then you pull it up, exposing her bare buttocks.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s olenka "Father, you're seeing me naked! No man can see me. What are you doing?">>
<<s mc "Only what I have to. Relax and this will soon be over.">>
You make the young girl bend forward. Then you pull down her panties. You see Novice Olenka's young slit between her buttocks. Finally, you take out your erect manhood.
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "encounters/2300-400" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 90 "jpg">><</overlay>>
<<s mc "Do you know what this is?">>
<<s olenka "Yes, I think so. But you can't put it inside me, $fmc! I'm a virgin. I must remain pure.">>
<<s mc "You will. This will be a holy rite. I will finish by releasing the Holy Seed inside you, anointing you from within. The Holy Seed will protect you from evil.">>
<<c "Rub your manhood against her womanhood">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 90 "volume2">>
<c>Taking it slow with the young virgin, you start by rubbing your erect member against her untouched teenage slit.
<<s olenka "It's so big. Will it hurt?">>
<<s mc "Maybe a little since it's your first time, but I will be careful when I enter you. Just relax and it will be over soon.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<videoOverlay "encounters/2300-600" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 90 "jpg">>
<<s olenka "I don't know, Father. This doesn't feel right.">>
Novice Olenka looks worried, but not defiant. The young girl has already submitted to you. All she needs is a final word of encouragement.
<<s mc "I'm just trying to help you, Novice Olenka. Trust me, and have faith in the Lord. Relax and try to enjoy it if you want. I will eat your lustful sins.">>
<<s mc "I'm responsible for protecting all of you girls from evil, Novice Olenka. You must do your duty in this war against Satan like everyone else, and right now, you're a weak link. You need to be anointed. Now relax and this will be over soon.">>
<<tbut "\"I'm trying to help you.\"" null center>>
<<abut "\"You must do your duty.\"" null center>>
<<but "Penetrate Novice Olenka's virgin slit" mc1>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv m 90 "pause1 volume2">>
<<s olenka "Is it finished now, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. Don't you know how a man and woman have sexual relations?">>
<<s olenka "No. No one has told me. And I didn't want to know.">>
<<s mc "Good. It shows how pure you are. And you will remain pure.">>
<<c "Start moving in and out">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 85 "volume2">>
<<s olenka "What's the point of moving like that, Father?">>
<<s mc "You saw me with Novice Emma. She used her mouth on me to bring forth the Holy Seed. I'm using the hole between your legs as her mouth.">>
<<s olenka "But why move? Can't you just release the Holy Seed?">>
<<ev 940>>
<<videoOverlay "encounters/2300-900" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 85 "jpg">>
<<s mc "No, I must move to make it feel good. That's how a man makes his seed come, to plant it inside the woman.">>
<<s olenka "Won't that make me pregnant?">>
<<s mc "Normally, yes, but I'm performing a holy rite. I'm anointing you with the Holy Seed. God won't let this impregnate you. Or it would be a miracle. Trust me on this.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 85 "volume2">>
<<s olenka "Why are you moving faster, Father?">>
<<s mc "That's how men do it when they are inside a woman. We go faster to make it feel better. To release the seed.">>
<<s olenka "Does it feel good now?">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<videoOverlay "encounters/2300-1000" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 85 "jpg">>
<<s mc "Yes, very good. How about you?">>
<<s olenka "I don't know. It feels strange.">>
<<s mc "You're tense. Try to relax. If you enjoy it, you will get wet inside your slit, and that will make it feel even better to me.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 85 "volume1.4">>
<<cs olenka "You're going very fast now. Are you almost done?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, but not yet.">>
You are close to reaching climax, but you don't want it to end so soon.
<<c "Slow down">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 68 "volume2">>
<cc><<cs olenka "Did you do it, Father? Are you finished?">>
<<cs mc "No, I just have to rest for a second.">>
<<c "Go faster again">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 2300-1000 85 "volume2">>
<cc>When you increase the speed, you realize that you can't hold back any longer. Novice Olenka's tight virgin slit feels too good.
<<cs mc "Now I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
You go faster. Your seed is coming.
<<c "Release your seed in Novice Olenka's virgin slit">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 2300-1200 85 "volume1.4">>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you release your seed in the young girl's tight hole.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv olenkacreampie 90 volume2>>
<cc>Your seed drips out of Novice Olenka's slit.
<<cs olenka "I can feel the Holy Seed coming out of me.">>
<<cs mc "The anointing was successful.">>
<<creampie olenka center>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<overlay "encounters/olenkacreampieAfter" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 90 "jpg">><</overlay>>
<<cs olenka "Am I still a virgin, Father?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. Our flesh fornicated, but it was part of a holy rite. I ate our sins and our spirits remain pure. You are still a virgin.">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi olenkahead4 30>>
<<s mc "Clean off the worst between your legs, then you can go wash. We should talk more in a few days. I want to be sure you are protected against evil.">>
<<s olenka "Will you anoint me again?">>
<<s mc "It depends. We shall see.">>
Novice Olenka leaves your room.
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi olenkahalf 32 pnggg>>
<c>Novice Olenka hesitated at first, but in the end, she seems to have accepted the holy rite. Perhaps her innocence when it comes to the sexual act helped. The young virgin did not know much about it, which shows how pure she is. And now, with her virginity still intact thanks to the holy rite, she should also be protected from the lust demon.
<<q olenkaq 300>>
<<qendversion olenkaq version0.4.0>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<overlay "encounters/olenkacreampieAfter" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 85 "jpg">><</overlay>>
<c>Though innocent when it came to the sexual act, Novice Olenka instinctively felt closer and more subservient to you after you entered her with your manhood and released your seed in her.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<addEncounter olenka>>
<<endEncounter mc "Continue the day">>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 2400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 35 pnggg>>
You start reading Novice Clara's report.
<p>She lists a summary of the things she has secretly observed or overheard since the last report. It's the usual (more or less) innocent women's gossip. Nothing of importance to the investigation.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 38 pnggg>>
<c>Then Novice Clara mentions overhearing the <<hovertip prioress, prioress>> Sister Roberta, asking a couple of novices about your holy rites.
<p>This is not good. The two novices in question have been initiated into the Circle, but Sister Roberta has not. She should not know anything about the holy rites. You must go to Novice Clara and get the full story of what she heard.
<<q clarareport1 200>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 2600 crone media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv dream4-400 100 "volume0.25 pause0.5 speed0.6 notMuted">>
<c>You feel more clearheaded and regain some of your movement. If you give it your all, you think you could push the Crone away. But her mouth feels so good around your cock. If you wanted, you could spray the bitch with your Holy Seed, sending her back to Satan.
<p>But what about her cunt?</p>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<but "Try to fuck her" mc1 step:300>><<but "Cum in her face" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi dream4-fuck 100>>
<c>You successfully push the Crone down on a table. She willingly spreads her legs, inviting you to ram your hard cock into her demon cunt.
<<c "Fuck the Crone">>
<<ev 400>>
<<set $temp2 = "volume0.25 notMuted">>
<<mv dream4-fuck100 100 $temp2>>
<<if $temp == null>>
<cc>Her cunt feels surprisingly good. Tight and wet. Like a young virgin's pussy.</cc>
<<set $temp = 100>>
<cc>The Crone spreads her legs for you, and you continue fucking her young virgin pussy.</cc>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv dream4-fuck200 100 $temp2>>
<c>The Crone is enjoying this greatly. Is this why she is terrorizing the nuns? Because she wants to get fucked? And the nuns couldn't give it to her.
<p>But you can. You're gonna fuck this bitch dry and then send her back to hell.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<stopsound>> /* needed if backing from cum in cunt */
<<mv dream4-fuck1000 1000 $temp2>>
<cc>The Crone had an orgasm, but she wants more.
<<cs crone "Fuck me, priest!">></cc>
<<but "Fuck her from behind" mc1 step:2000>><<but "Fuck her from below" mc1 "step:3000 temp>=200">>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Cum in her cunt" mc1 step:5000>><<but "Cum in her face" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv dream4-fuck2000 100 $temp2>>
<<cs crone "Ravish my cunt!">>
<<cs mc "Take that, demon whore!">>
You smack the bitch hard on her ass.
<<if $temp < 200>>
<<set $temp = 200>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<stopsound>> /* needed if backing from cum in cunt */
<<mv dream4-fuck2200 100 $temp2>>
<cc>You give it to her good with your hard cock.</cc>
<<but "Fuck her from under" mc1 step:3000>><<but "Fuck her missionary style" mc1 "step:400 temp>=300">>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Cum in her cunt" mc1 step:5000>><<but "Cum in her face" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<stopsound>> /* needed if backing from cum in cunt */
<<mv dream4-fuck3000 100 $temp2>>
<<set $temp = 300>>
<cc>The Crone rides you in a perverted act from Satan.</cc>
<<but "Fuck her from behind" mc1 step:2000>><<but "Fuck her missionary style" mc1 step:400>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Cum in her cunt" mc1 step:5000>><<but "Cum in her face" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv dream4-bj 100 $temp2>>
<<if $temp == null>>
You let the Crone suck your cock.<br>
The Crone eagerly grabs your cock and sucks it.<br>
The fool. She doesn't realize your cum will be her doom.</cc>
<<c "Banish her to hell with your cum">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<playsound attack4-slow 0.18>>
<<mv dream4-cumface 100 "speed1 volume0.25 notMuted">>
<cc2>You cum in her face, banishing The Crone and all of Satan's minions to hell with your Holy Seed.
<<but "Relax again" mc1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<playsound attack4-slowHighTemp 0.25>>
<<mv dream4-fuck 100 "speed1.2 volume0">>
<cc>The Crone throws her head back in ecstasy as you fuck her cunt like a madman.<br>
Stupid demon bitch. Now you will send her back to hell.</cc>
<<c "Fill her demon cunt with your cum">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<playsound attack4-slow 0.25>>
<<mv dream4-cumpussy 100 "speed0.7 volume0">>
<cc2 class="nomargin-bottom">You cum inside her demon cunt, banishing The Crone and all of Satan's minions to hell with your Holy Seed.
<<creampie crone center>>
<<c "Relax again">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi croneStare 70>>
The Crone seems to disappear before your eyes. You feel very tired.</cc>
<<if !($replayingEvent > 0)>>
<<set $isSleeping = true>>
<<c "Go back to sleep">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 67>>
<cc>You quickly fall asleep...
<<endEncounter mc "Continue">>
<<event 2620>>
<<ev 50>>
But wait... Why are you naked and lying on top of the blanket instead of under it?
<p>You think back to last night...</p>
<p>You remember leaving the monks because you felt tired and dizzy, which was strange because you didn't drink much.</p>
<p>You held the key to your room and were about to unlock the door. Did you hear a sound behind you? And then you don't remember anything else.</p>
<<ev 70>>
<<mii crone/dream4-fuck 80>>
Except for having a disgusting sex dream about the Crone.
<p>It felt eerily real. As if you were there, but you weren't you. You had your thoughts and memories, but you felt like a dark priest with the beast of Satan inside of him, a slave to a perverted and hedonistic sexuality. But in the end, you did the right thing and banished the Crone to hell.</p>
<p>You get a creepy feeling. That was a dream, right?
<<addEncounter crone night special>>
<<c "Inspect your bed">>
<<ev 100>>
<l>A careful inspection of your bed (and your private parts) makes you draw the conclusion that you spilled your seed during the night.
<p>So you had a lustful dream about the Crone, and, as disgusting as that is, it caused you to involuntarily ejaculate. Like when you entered puberty, full of sex hormones, and had sinful sex dreams, involuntarily soiling your pajama bottoms.</p>
<p>Though it is surprising that it would happen to you now, at your age. And from a dream about the Crone of all things. This is suspicious.</p>
<p>What exactly happened last night? Did someone attack you? Could the encounter with the Crone have been real?
<<qstart dream4 100>>
<<ev 200>>
<l>Suddenly, there is a loud banging on the door.
<<s Woman "$fmc! $fmc! Come quickly! There's been another attack!">>
Oh, no! Not again! You have a headache and you feel dizzy, but you do your best to clear your head while throwing on your clothes.
<<but "Open door" nuns1 "ev:1100">>
<<ev 1000>>
<l>Back in your room, you take a moment to relax and just calm down. Then you start to think:
<p>The timing of the attacks since you got here can't be a coincidence. The attacker has struck every time you have spent the evening drinking at the monks.
<p>But this time, things were different...</p>
<<ev 1030>>
<<mii mrefectory/liqueur 20 "pnggg">>
Something happened to you. To begin with, you think you may have been drugged. That's why you felt bad and had to leave the party. You started feeling bad shortly after Father Alvaro made you drink that liqueur. You could have had a bad reaction to the alcohol, but you doubt it.
<p>Was the drink spiked with a drug? Then Father Alvaro would be the obvious suspect with a room full of witnesses. It sounds too obvious. Too easy.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 60>>
<c>Then, when you returned to your room after drinking with the monks, you think you heard a sound behind you. Then everything just went black.
<p>You feel your head. You have a headache, but you think it is drug-related because you can't find a sore spot. Whatever happened, you don't think you were hit in the head.</p>
<p>With you out of the way, the lust demon could safely go on to attack Sister Catarina. But did someone do something to you too? You woke up naked which suggests that someone undressed you. This creeps you out. And what about that sex dream with the Crone?</p>
<<c "Investigate the bed">>
<<ev 1200>>
<l>You take another close look at your bed. And this time, you immediately notice something you didn't notice earlier after waking up: <<special "The metallic smell!" italicsAll>>
<p>Having just felt that scent in the room of the attacked nun, there can be no doubt. It's faint, but it is there. It is the same smell.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 40>>
The lust demon was in your room. A real demon or a human minion of Satan, you don't know, but the lust demon was here. What did it do to you? What is causing that metallic smell?
<p>All you can tell from looking at the bed is that it is rather messy, but nothing extreme. The sex dream could have been just a dream, but you can't rule out that something else happened in the bed, while you were naked.</p>
<<c "Look around the room">>
<<ev 1300>>
You investigate your room, looking for any traces of the attacker. Has something been moved? Have they looked at your investigation notes that are in the locked chest?
<p> You find the key to the chest in your pocket, but it's possible that someone took it and then returned it. Looking inside the chest, things appear to be in order, but the attacker could have been careful to leave things as they were.</p>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mv fireplace1 45>>
<c>If the attacker did read your notes, they would have definitive proof that you are investigating the attacks, but they probably already knew or strongly suspected that anyway.
<p>Fortunately, your investigation notes are mostly for remembering information you have learned. They don't contain many details about your thoughts about the suspects and the leads you have. If the attacker is on your list of suspects, they would learn that you consider them a person of interest, and some bullet points listing why, but not much more.</p>
<<c "Go downstairs">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii lab/lab3 90>>
<c>Finally, you go down to the secret basement and look around. You don't see any evidence that anyone has been down here, either in the first lab or the inner lab.
<p>Whatever happened to you, you think you have learned all you can about it by investigating your living quarters.</p>
<<c "Return upstairs">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii crone/dream4-fuck 80>>
But what about that sex dream about the Crone? For your sanity's sake, you have decided it was indeed just a dream.
<p>In the other dreams you had about the Crone, the demon nun's gender appeared unclear at times – male, female, or a mix. This time, the Crone clearly was female. Could it be a warning from your subconscious that you should not rule out that a nun could be involved in the attacks?
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 45 right>>
<l>You think someone drugged you at the monks, then they or someone else did something to you outside your room. Then someone visited your room. They could have harmed you, or killed you, but they didn't. This tells you that you are not in any immediate danger.
<p>Aside from fearing your holy powers and the wrath of God, the mastermind behind the attacks is smart enough to understand that things would only get worse if something were to happen to you. The Church would send more people, and the police could get involved, swarming the place.</p>
<<ev 1650>>
You appear to be safe, for now. That could change if you get too close to the truth.
<<invest attack3>>
<<q dream4 1000>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<investReward 2>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mii school/catarina/victim 40 right>>
<<set $temp = !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",300)>> /* check if mc has (not) tried to help cata with her struggle */
Sister Catarina is the latest victim, and she has not been anointed. This strengthens your belief that the anointing with the Holy Seed protects the nuns from the lust demon.
<p>Because she now has been attacked, Sister Catarina might <<if $temp>>be desperate enough to accept your help,<<else>>now be more willing to talk to you about her struggles,<</if>> and ultimately, to be anointed and accept the truth of the holy rites.</p>
<p>The latter is especially important with Sister Catarina since she is a professed sister. Though she is one of the youngest and least influential of the professed sisters, any additional professed sister that accepts the holy rites will do much to further legitimize the holy rites and the Circle among the rest of the nuns.</p>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 30>>
<cc><<if $temp>>You know that Sister Catarina works in the school kitchen.<br>You should seek her out there.<<else>>You should make another visit to Sister Catarina in the school kitchen.<</if>>
<<if ndef $qqcatarinaq>>
<<qstart catarinaq 200 center>>
<<if $temp>>
<<qmess catarinaq 200 center>>
<<qmess catarinaq 210 center>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 2670 encounters media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<overlay "mc/room" "encounters/olenka720" 65 11 55 55 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You grab Novice Olenka by the arm – gently, but firm enough to make her understand that this will happen.
<p>Obediently, Novice Olenka follows you inside your room. You close the door behind you.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi olenkahead2 40>>
<c><<s mc "I'm afraid this can't wait, Novice Olenka. The Lord has tasked me with anointing you, and you may not like it. But I have to do this to protect you from being attacked by the lust demon, and to stop Satan's influence from growing.">>
<<s olenka "Yes, Father. What will we do?">>
<<s mc "I will fornicate with you again and anoint you between your legs.">>
<<s olenka "Oh...">>
Not giving her any time to protest, you have Novice Olenka get up on the bed on all fours.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 100>>
<c>You pull up Novice Olenka's habit and remove her panties, exposing her virgin slit. Then you prepare to mount the young novice from behind.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Penetrate her virgin slit">>
<<ev 400>>
<<set $temp = 80>>
<<set $temp2 = 90>>
<<videoOverlay "encounters/2670-400" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp2 "jpg">>
<c>You start slow with the tense and inexperienced Novice Olenka.
<<s mc "Try to relax. Feel free to touch yourself and reach orgasm if you can. I will eat any lustful sins you commit during this sacred ritual.">>
<<s olenka "I rather not.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<videoOverlay "encounters/2670-500" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp2 "jpg">>
<c><<s mc "How does it feel?">>
<<s olenka "Strange. I'm nervous.">>
<<s mc "I will take it slow. Try to relax and you might like it.">>
<<s olenka "Can we just get it over with, please, Father? Do what you need to do.">>
<<s mc "As you wish.">>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 2670-600 $temp2>>
<cc>You concentrate on enjoying her tight virgin slit.<br>Novice Olenka is not wet, but it still feels very good.
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 2670-700 $temp2>>
<cc>You speed up, thrusting your hard manhood into Novice Olenka's hole.
<p>The Holy Seed is soon coming.</p>
<<c "Release your seed inside Novice Olenka">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv 2670-700 $temp2 speed1>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you release your seed inside Novice Olenka, anointing her.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv olenkacreampie3 $temp2>>
<c><<s mc "Now I have anointed you with the Holy Seed inside your slit. This will give you a strong protection against the lust demon. But it will wear off with time.">>
<<creampie olenka>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi olenka720 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "It's important that we keep your protection against evil the strongest possible since you are such an attractive target to the lust demon. I must anoint you regularly. From now on, I will send Novice Sofia to get you whenever I need to anoint you.">>
<<s olenka "But... how often would that be? I rather not do it too often.">>
<<s mc "Whenever your protection needs to be strengthened. The Lord will give me a sign when that is.">>
<<s olenka "Oh... I see.">>
You let Novice Olenka leave your room.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi olenkahead 28 pnggg>>
<c>Novice Olenka agreed to come when you send for her, but that could change as long as she is so unwilling to have sexual relations.
<p>If you could make Novice Olenka less tense, allowing her to feel lust and reach orgasm, that could be enough to make her warm up to being intimate with you.</p>
<p>You should wait at least a day before sending for Novice Olenka.
<<q olenkaq 600>>
<<addEncounter olenka>>
<<endEncounter mc "Continue the day">>
<<event 2700 encounters media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 35>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia's room and tell her to send Novice Olenka to your room.
<<s sofia "Are you going to anoint her to protect her from the lust demon?">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<s sofia "That's good. She is so young and pretty. The lust demon will surely come for her if you don't protect her.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's what I'm afraid of.">>
<<s sofia "I will go and get her.">>
<<c "Return to your room and wait">>
<<ev 140>>
<l>Tonight, you must try to make Novice Olenka relax and start enjoying the sexual act.</l>
<<c "Keep waiting">>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "mc/room" "encounters/olenka720" 65 11 55 55 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>After some time, you hear a knock on the door. It's Novice Olenka.
<<s mc "I have to anoint you again to protect you from being attacked by the lust demon.">>
<<s olenka "Yes, Father. What will we do this time?">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi olenkahalf 30 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I will fornicate with you and anoint you between your legs. You should get naked. It will help the Holy Rod release the Holy Seed quicker.">>
<<s olenka "I rather not. No man has seen me naked before.">>
<<s mc "We have fornicated. We can't get much more intimate than that.">>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi olenka720 30 "pnggg right">>
<<s olenka "But then you didn't see me...all. Only from behind.">>
<<s mc "This time I will see you.">>
<<s olenka "But I feel ashamed to show myself naked to you.">>
<<s mc "It's a natural reaction. Normally, you should feel ashamed to show yourself naked to a man other than when you are joining your husband in the marital bed. But now we have the approval of the Lord as this will be part of a holy rite. And the Lord made it so that when a man and young, fertile girl like you have sexual relations, the naked body of the young girl is meant to arouse the man to release his seed between her legs.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s olenka "Oh. Okay.">>
<<ev 260>>
<<mi olenkahead2 38>>
<<s mc "For your own sake, it would be good if you learned to enjoy the sexual act – to be intimate with me – since we should do this regularly to strengthen your protection.">>
<<s olenka "I've tried, but it just feels... wrong. But I understand you are doing this to protect me.">>
<<s mc "I will take it slow and try to teach you to enjoy it. Now, we get naked.">>
<<c "Undress">>
<<ev 300>>
<<overlay "encounters/2700-300" "encounters/olenkahead3" 78 0 22 100 "jpg">><</overlay>>
You both undress. Soon you stand completely naked before each other.
<<cs olenka "Will you release your seed inside me this time?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, to anoint you from within. It will give the strongest protection against evil.">>
<<set $temp=80>>
<<ev 500>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-500" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp "jpg">>
<c>You tell Novice Olenka to feel your erect manhood to get used to it.
<<s olenka "I don't want to become pregnant.">>
<<s mc "Don't worry, you won't either way. As I've told you, God won't let that happen during a holy rite, except for a miracle.">>
<<c "Penetrate her virgin slit">>
<<ev 1000>>
/*<<mv m $temp>>*/
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-1000" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp "jpg">>
<cc>You continue to take it slow and let Novice Olenka guide your rod into her waiting slit.
<<cs mc "Does it feel good?">>
<<cs olenka "No, just tense. I'm nervous.">>
<<cs mc "Try to relax, then.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m $temp>>
<c>You are careful in the beginning with the inexperienced Novice Olenka.
<<s mc "Try touching yourself. If you reach orgasm, it will help you relax and appreciate this sacred ritual for future anointings. Don't worry about sinning, as I will eat any lustful sins you commit while we're doing this.">>
Novice Olenka does as you say, but hesitantly.
<<ev 1200>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-1200" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp "jpg">>
<cc><<cs olenka "Please, I rather just wait for it to be over. I feel so ashamed to touch myself in front of you.">>
<<cs mc "As you wish. It's up to you.">>
<<set $temp2 = 90>>
<<c "Touch her breast">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-1300" "encounters/olenkahead3" 80 0 20 $temp "jpg">>
<c>You take the opportunity to feel the young virgin's firm teen breast.
<<s olenka "Why are you squeezing my breast?">>
<<s mc "Touching the naked breast of a pretty girl makes the man aroused. This will help bring forth the Holy Seed. It can also bring pleasure to the girl.">></c>
<<c "Continue to fornicate with Novice Olenka">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m $temp2>>
<c>Wanting Novice Olenka to become more positive about the sexual act, you continue to go easy on her for a while. But she just looks bored. You might as well just get on with it.</c>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m $temp>>
<c>Although Novice Olenka is not wet, it still feels very nice to thrust your hard manhood deep into her virgin slit.</c>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m $temp2>>
<cc>Novice Olenka is already too late for the morning prayer, so there is no hurry.<br>You enjoy her tight hole.</cc>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-2500" "encounters/olenkahead3" 0 0 20 $temp2 "jpg">>
<<cs olenka "You're going faster. Are you done soon?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. Soon. I will anoint you inside your slit.">>
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 2700-2700 $temp volume1>>
You go for the finish.
<p>Your seed is coming...</p>
<<c "Release your seed inside Novice Olenka">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv m $temp volume1>>
<cc>You empty yourself inside Novice Olenka's tight slit. It feels so good.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/olenkacreampie2" "encounters/olenkahead3" 0 0 20 $temp2 "jpg" volume1>>
<c><<s mc "There. I have anointed you with the Holy Seed inside your slit. This will provide a stronger protection against the lust demon. But you must be anointed again soon. You're so young and pretty, the lust demon will be attracted to you.">>
<<s olenka "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<creampie olenka>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi olenkahead 30>>
You get dressed and Novice Olenka leaves your room.
<p>Novice Olenka still seems reluctant when it comes to agreeing to be anointed. Perhaps it is the act of fornicating that is a bit too much for her.</p>
<p>But Novice Olenka needs the strongest possible protection, and that means anointing her inside her slit. The intense desire you have experienced when thinking about it is a sign from the Lord that Novice Olenka must be protected this way.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 2670-300 80>>
<c>You must continue to try to get Novice Olenka to appreciate being intimate with you. If she doesn't, she might eventually refuse to come when you send for her.
<p>You must make Novice Olenka have an orgasm when you are inside her.
<<q olenkaq 1000>>
Novice Olenka has started to moan and you notice that her slit is getting wet.
<<s mc "Does it feel good now?">>
<<s olenka "Yes. I think I will have an orgasm if this continues.">>
<<event 2720 encounters media>>
<<ev 50>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("olenkaq")>>
About now, Novice Olenka should start to feel the full effect of the lust potion that Novice Emma added to her soup at supper.
<<but "Send for Novice Olenka" mc1 step:100>>
Novice Sofia should have arrived at her room by now. Time to send for Novice Olenka.
<<nunlist misc/olenka_small olenka>>
<<nbut "Fornicating" mc1 "step:100 specialQuest">>
<<ev 100>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("olenkaq")>>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 35>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia's room and tell her to send Novice Olenka to your room.
<<s sofia "Are you going to anoint her again to protect her from the lust demon?">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<s sofia "That's good. I will go and get her.">>
<<c "Return to your room and wait">>
<<ev 140>>
<l>Tonight, you must make Novice Olenka have an orgasm. You hope one lust potion will be enough.</l>
<<c "Keep waiting">>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "mc/room" "encounters/olenka720" 65 11 55 55 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>After some time, you hear a knock on the door. It's Novice Olenka.
<<s mc "I have to anoint you again to protect you against the lust demon.">>
<<s olenka "Yes, Father. What will we do this time?">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi olenkahalf 34 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I will fornicate with you and anoint you between your legs. You should get naked. It will help the Holy Rod release the Holy Seed quicker.">>
<<s olenka "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Undress">>
<<ev 300>>
<<overlay "encounters/2700-300" "encounters/olenkahead3" 78 0 22 90 "jpg">><</overlay>>
You both undress. Soon you stand completely naked before each other.
<<cs olenka "Do you have to release the seed inside me this time?">>
<<cs mc "No. I want you to enjoy it tonight. I want you to have an orgasm. It's important that you learn this – that you will enjoy the sacred act of being anointed. Would you prefer that I didn't release the Holy Seed inside you? I could release it outside. It would still give you a strong protection against evil.">>
<<set $temp=80>>
<<ev 500>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-500" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp "jpg">>
<<s olenka "Yes, I would feel safer if you didn't release it inside me. I'm scared of becoming pregnant.">>
<<s mc "You won't become pregnant, but if it makes you feel better, I will pull out and anoint you with the Holy Seed on your body, not inside.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<overlay "encounters/2700-300" "encounters/olenkahead3" 78 0 22 70 "jpg">><</overlay>>
<<s olenka "But then we don't have to fornicate. I could use my mouth, like Novice Emma did at the initiation.">>
<<s mc "But anointing you inside your slit provides the strongest protection against evil, and tonight is about making you relax and learning to appreciate having a man inside you. To have an orgasm from it. Then, with future anointings, we will fornicate and I will anoint you in your slit.">>
<<s olenka "Oh. I see. But I don't think I will have an orgasm.">>
<<s mc "Just try to relax and let yourself go. I will start slowly.">>
<<c "Penetrate her virgin slit">>
<<ev 1000>>
/*<<mv m $temp>>*/
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-1000" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp "jpg" volume2>>
<cc>You let Novice Olenka guide your rod into her waiting slit.
<<cs mc "How does it feel?">>
<<cs olenka "Hmm. It feels good. I didn't think it would because I'm nervous. Perhaps I'm more relaxed than I thought.">>
<<cs mc "Good. Just keep relaxing. We will see what happens. There is no hurry.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 2700-1100 $temp>>
<c>It is clear that the lust potion is affecting Novice Olenka. Now you have to make her relax enough that she can reach orgasm.
<<s mc "Try touching yourself. See if it feels even better. Don't worry about sinning, as I will eat any lustful sins you commit while we're doing this.">>
Novice Olenka does as you say, but hesitantly.
<<ev 1200>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-1200" "encounters/olenkahead3" 75 0 25 $temp "jpg">>
<cc><<cs olenka "It feels good, but it feels wrong too and I feel ashamed. I rather not do it.">>
<<cs mc "That's fine, it's your choice.">>
<<set $temp2 = 90>>
<<c "Touch her breast">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-1300" "encounters/olenkahead3" 0 0 20 $temp "jpg" volume2>>
<c>You squeeze her firm teen breast.
<<s mc "Does this feel good?">>
<<s olenka "A little. Yes. But it's also making me more nervous and ashamed. It feels... obscene. I'm sorry for saying it, Father.">>
<<c "Stop touching her breast">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv 2700-1400 $temp2>>
<<s mc "Then I won't do it.">>
You have to make Novice Olenka reach orgasm only by using your manhood in her slit.
<p>You notice that the young virgin has gotten slightly wet, which is a good sign.</p></c>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 2700-1600 $temp volume2>>
<c>Novice Olenka is starting to moan softly as you keep thrusting your hard manhood deep into her virgin slit. The lust potion continues to do its part in making the young nun feel pleasure.</c>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 2700-2000 $temp2 volume2>>
<cc>Novice Olenka's moaning is getting louder and more regular.</cc>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/2700-2500" "encounters/olenkahead3" 0 0 20 $temp2 "jpg" volume2>>
<<cs mc "Does it feel good?">>
<<cs olenka "Yes. But I still feel ashamed.">>
<<cs mc "Don't be. This is needed in the fight against Satan.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 2720-2600 $temp volume2>>
<c>Novice Olenka's slit is fully lubricated now and it sounds like she is getting close to climaxing.
<p>You do your best to pleasure the young virgin by letting your hard manhood hit the sinful button above her slit.</p>
<<ev 2650>>
<<mv 2720-2650 $temp volume2>>
<c>When Novice Olenka raises and spreads her legs, allowing you to penetrate deeper into her, you understand that she is very close to orgasm. Time to drive this home.
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 2700-2700 $temp volume0>>
<<playsound female-orgasm 0.40>>
Finally, Novice Olenka reaches orgasm, her body shaking from the overwhelming pleasure, intensified by the lust potion.
<p>This pushes you over the edge. You can't stop the seed from coming. You told Novice Olenka that you would pull out and anoint her body, but that was to make her relax.</p>
<<c "Release your seed inside her slit">><<but "Pull out and release outside" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv 2700-2900 $temp volume2>>
<cc>You empty yourself inside Novice Olenka's wet slit. It feels so good.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<videoOverlayB "encounters/olenkacreampie2" "encounters/olenkahead3" 0 0 20 $temp2 "jpg" volume2>>
<<s olenka "You said wouldn't do it inside me.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but that was to make you relax, to improve your chances of reaching orgasm. Which you did. So then there was no need to pull out. Now I could anoint you with the Holy Seed inside your slit, giving you the strongest possible protection against the lust demon.">>
<<s olenka "I just hope I don't get pregnant.">>
<<creampie olenka>>
<<but "Get dressed" mc1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv olenkacumshot $temp2 volume2>>
<cc>You pull out of Novice Olenka and release the Holy Seed on her body, anointing her.</cc>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi olenkacumshotafter 100>>
<c><<s mc "This will give you a strong protection against the lust demon, but not as strong as when I anoint you inside your slit.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi olenkahead 30>>
<<s mc "You had an orgasm. How was it?">>
<<s olenka "It felt very good, but also scary. I feel relaxed now.">>
<<s mc "Now that you have experienced it, you should be able to relax more the next time we fornicate, allowing you to reach orgasm again.">>
<<s olenka "Yes, $fmc. Maybe I will.">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi olenkahalf 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I will send for you when your protection against the lust demon needs strengthening.">>
<<s olenka "I understand, Father.">>
Novice Olenka leaves your room.
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi olenkacum 90>>
<c>Thanks to the lust potion, you finally made Novice Olenka reach orgasm from fornicating with you. You think this will relax her enough in the future to reach orgasm without a lust potion.
<p>Novice Olenka's positive experience should also make her more willing to be intimate with you, coming whenever you send for her. This should mean that you can now strengthen Novice Olenka's protection against the lust demon whenever you feel it is needed.
<<qend olenkaq 2000>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 2800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 35 pnggg>>
You start reading Novice Clara's report.
<p>She lists a summary of the things she has secretly observed or overheard since the last report. It's the usual (more or less) innocent women's gossip. Nothing of importance to the investigation.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 36 pnggg>>
<c>Then Novice Clara writes that she once again overheard Sister Roberta talking to a couple of initiated novices about your holy rites. Sister Roberta appeared more upset this time.
<p>This is not good. Being the <<hovertip prioress prioress>> of the convent, Sister Roberta could pose a serious problem. You must go to Novice Clara in the laundry room as soon as possible and get the full story of what she heard.
<<q clarareport2 200>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<event 2900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "nuns/victoria/vic_small.png" 43.5 28 5 82>>
<c>A nun stands outside your room.
<<s Nun "$fmc. Sister Dana told me you should come to Novice Victoria's room. It's urgent.">>
She then leaves.
<<q victoriaq 200>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 3000 ann nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 35>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia's room and tell her to send Sister Ann to your room.
<<s sofia "Are you going to use the holy rites on Sister <<italics 'Ann'>>?">>
<<s mc "I want to talk to her. Whatever else happens, <<italics if>> anything else happens, that's between her and me, Novice Sofia.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, of course, Father, I apologize for prying. I was just surprised because... I didn't think the lust demon would come for her. I hope it doesn't.">>
Novice Sofia hurries away.
<<c "Return to your room and wait">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii "nuns/ann/face" 40 pnggg>>
<cc>After some time, you hear a knock on the door. It is Sister Ann.
<<cs mc "Welcome, Sister Ann. Come inside and we will talk.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "Have you thought more about the holy rites? Are you ready to accept that they are of God?">>
<<s ann "Yes, I have to believe it, Father. I can't deny the testimonies of Sister Dana and Novice Emma. And of Novice Victoria. She told me she didn't want you to use the holy rites, but then when the lust demon raged in her, you had to use them, and she is glad you did. It has helped calm the demon in her.">>
<<s mc "One day soon, I will reveal the holy rites to everyone in the convent. I will then call for a vote for me to take charge of the convent, temporarily, as the general in the fight against Satan. Mother Magda has agreed that this is the best course of action. I hope I can count on your support in this decision?">>
<<s ann "If Mother Magda is okay with it, I have no objections.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii "nuns/ann/face" 40 pnggg>>
Sister Ann has promised to support you at the Revelation, but you haven't yet used any holy rite on her, which makes her less involved than she could be.
<p>Anointing Sister with the Holy Seed would be enough to ensure that she has taken that last mental step to accept the holy rites. It doesn't seem necessary, but it also couldn't hurt. It's up to your preference. If you don't anoint her now, you could always do it later.
<<but "Not needed. Don't anoint Sister Ann." mc1 step:1000>><<but "Anoint Sister Ann" mc1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "You been told about the <<var circle,>> yes?">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Since the holy rites have been revealed to you, you are now a member. Normally, I ask to anoint the members with my seed, the Holy Seed, to protect them from Satan and the lust demon attacking you at night. But I don't think it is needed in your case.">>
<<s ann "I agree. I am too old for the lust demon.">>
<<s mc "Then we are done here. I will contact you if the situation changes and I think you need the protection.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father $mc.">>
Sister Ann leaves.
<<qend revelationann 1000>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",600)>>
/* need to check since can repeat event */
<<ev 1100>>
<<revsupport "Sister Ann" 600>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "You been told about the <<var circle,>> yes?">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then I think you should be properly initiated. I should anoint you.">>
<<s ann "Do you think it's needed? Am I not too old for the lust demon attacking us at night?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps, if you are lucky. But we can't take any chances. You are an attractive, well-shaped woman and we can't risk losing you to Satan. Besides, you could be targeted by another demon or minion of Satan.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii "nuns/ann/face" 40 pnggg>>
<<s ann "I understand from Novice Emma that the women usually start by using their mouth on you. And that you prefer to anoint the face. I would like to avoid that if I could. Can I use my hands instead like we did with Novice Victoria, and you anoint my hands?">>
<<s mc "That's fine. That should give a strong enough protection as well.">>
<<s ann "Then I will agree to it if you think it serves a purpose.">>
<<s mc "Then let's begin.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 3000-2200 90 "pause2 volume0.5">>
You sit down and Sister Ann kneels in front of you.
<<s mc "First, you must help get the Holy Rod ready. It's of flesh and blood like me. Since you don't want to use your mouth, you can lift your habit to show your bosom.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi 3000-2400 54>>
<<s ann "Oh. Won't my hands be enough?">>
<<s mc "Once the Holy Rod is ready, yes. But God made it so that the female body arouses the man, that he may perform in the marital bed.">>
<<s ann "Yes. It's just that... I feel ashamed to get naked before you.">>
<<s mc "I understand, but it's nothing I haven't seen before. You have already exposed your breasts to me, when you helped me finish at the end of the exorcism.">>
<<s ann "Oh, I hoped you didn't notice that. They sort of slipped out. Oh, well...">>
Sister Ann grabs the bottom of her habit.
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 3000-2600 96 "pause2">>
You watch as Sister Ann shows you her well-shaped breasts.
<<addlust 50>>
<<cs mc "Touch them for me. That should be enough.">>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 3000-2700 96>>
You watch as Sister Ann squeezes her breasts.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "The Holy Rod is ready. Now you can use your hands.">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 3000-2800 60 pause2>>
Sister Ann removes your underpants.
<p>Then she stares at your erect manhood. She looks hesitant.</p>
<<but "\"Go on. Use your hands.\"" mc1 "step:3000 doplay:temp=1">><<but "Say nothing" mc1 "step:3000 doplay:temp=2">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 3000-3000 58 pause2>>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<cs mc "Go on. Use your hands. Before the Holy Rod weakens.">>
<<cs ann "Yes, sorry, I'm still not used to... this.">>
Saying nothing, you let the nun take her time.
Sister Ann finally grabs your male organ.
<<c "Give her oil for lubrication">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 3000-3100 90>>
<cc>Sister Ann adds a generous amount of lubricating oil.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 3000-3200 90>>
<cc>Sister Ann is ready to pleasure you with her hands.
<<cs mc "You should have your habit pulled up. Seeing your breasts will make this go quicker.">>
<<cs ann "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Ann reveals her bosom, then gets to work on your manhood.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 3000-3400 90 volume1>>
<cc>Having some recent experience with this, Sister Ann does a good job of pleasuring you.</cc>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 3000-3600 52 volume1>>
<cc><<cs ann "Am I doing okay?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, you're doing excellent.">>
<<c "Tell her to massage your sack">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv 3000-3800 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Since you could only get Sister Ann to use her hands, you want to at least increase the level of perversity of the act. You tell the nun to gently massage your sack.
<p>Sister Ann obeys and uses her thumb.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 3000-4000 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>Sister Ann's hands soon bring forth your seed.
<<cs mc "Keep going. The Holy Seed is on the way.">>
<<c "Release the Holy Seed">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv 3000-4500 90 volume0.4>>
You release the Holy Seed on Sister Ann's hands and say the words to anoint her.
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi 3000-4700 72>>
<<cs mc "We are done. You are now a full member of the <<var circle.>>">>
<<cs ann "Do I have to do anything as a full member?">>
<<ev 4900>>
<<mi 3000-4900 60>>
<<cs mc "Only to support the fight against the Devil in whatever way you can. Alone you can't do much, but together, we will all stand strong.">>
<<cs ann "Yes, of course.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii "nuns/ann/face" 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "You are now blessed and protected from evil. I may call on you again to strengthen this protection if I deem it necessary. We can't risk anything happening to you.">>
<<s ann "Thank you for your concern, Father, though I don't think it's needed. But if I've done it once, I guess doing it again isn't a big deal.">>
Sister Ann leaves your room.
<<qend revelationann 1100>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",600)>>
/* need to check since can repeat event */
<<ev 6200>>
<<revsupport "Sister Ann" 600>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 3100 eva nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
You rest in your room while thinking about how to best lead the nuns using <<love punct.>> It doesn't seem hard. You just have to be kind and forgiving, loving them as Jesus loves them.
<p>But is that the best way to lead the nuns in these difficult times? It remains to be seen how they will love you back.
<<q leaderq 300>>
<<c "Continue to rest and think">>
<<ev 200>>
Tired from renovating the prison, you fall asleep...
You wake up from a noise.
<<trytbut2spec "There is a knock on the door" mc1 "ev:3100 step:1000 trust35 nobottom">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 3100-1000 28>>
<c>You open the door and see Novice Eva. You let her inside your room and close the door.
<<s eva "Hello, $fmc. I have thought about what you said at the Revelation, and I've come to offer my help in the war effort.">>
<<s mc "That's good. Did you have something special in mind?">>
<<s eva "Yes. You said that looking at young women would help you. And I thought, perhaps you would like to look at me.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi torso 30>>
<<s mc "When you're naked, you mean, yes?">>
<<s eva "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "That would help me, yes. It's very brave of you to offer yourself like this. God will bless you for it. May I ask you, Novice Eva, what prompted you to come to me like this? Can you explain how you came to the decision? Please be honest. It will help me going forward if I can understand what makes you and your sisters want to support the war this way.">>
<<ev 1200>>
/*<<mi torso2 36 right>>*/
<<mv 3100-1000 36 right>>
<<s eva "Well... I heard you opened the prison... and the torture chamber. It made me a little scared and I realized how serious things are now, with the holy war and everything. And I support the holy war, $fmc, I really do, but I felt bad because I haven't contributed anything. And because I haven't been attacked. I mean, I'm young and don't look too bad, I think. I've been lucky to escape the lust demon, so far. Many of my sisters haven't. I wanted to do my part. And I think you will be kind to me – treat me well – if I show myself to you. Won't you, Father?">>
<<s mc "Of course I will, my child. No one who supports the war effort needs to fear me or the torture chamber. You will do this as an act of love to your sisters, to me, and to the Lord, in the fight against evil. And you will be loved back by all of us.">>
<<s eva "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi torso 30>>
<<s mc "We will start easy this first time. If you come here again, perhaps we could do a little more, but only if you feel up to it. It's your decision what we will do. You can always say no if you think it's going too far.">>
<<s eva "Yes, Father. Should I start, then?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Show yourself to me, and I will just look.">>
<<c "Watch Novice Eva">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 3100-1300 40 pause2>>
<c>You watch quietly as Novice Eva pulls up her habit. She is nude underneath.
<<s mc "Are you a virgin, Novice Eva?">>
<<s eva "Yes, Father.">>
You stare at her virgin slit.
<<addlust 40>>
<<c "Tell her to lower her right hand">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv 3100-1400 40 pause2>>
<c><<s mc "Lower your right hand, so I can see your breasts.">>
<<s eva "I didn't mean to hide them. I just thought you wanted to see me down there.">>
<<s mc "Your slit is very attractive for a man to look at, and your young breasts are too.">>
<<addlust 30>>
<<c "Ask her to touch herself between the legs">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi 3100-1500 40>>
<c><<s mc "Can you touch yourself between the legs?">>
<<s eva "No. I mean, that feels wrong, Father.">>
<<s mc "I understand. It's too much. But if you could just place your hand down there for a moment, and then we'll stop.">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 3100-1600 40 "speed0.35 pause1">>
<c>Novice Eva hesitates, but then moves her hand down, letting it rest just above her slit.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "That's very good, Novice Eva. You've helped the war effort by showing yourself to me. Now you may leave, knowing God will bless you for your sacrifice.">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii nuns/eva/torso 30>>
Novice Eva pulls down her habit.
<<cs eva "Thank you, Father, for being nice to me.">>
She quickly leaves the room.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/eva/3100-1500 36>>
You treated Novice Eva well, not pushing her too much to do something she didn't feel comfortable with. You hope she will return soon and then maybe she will agree to something more.
<p>As long as you treat volunteers like Novice Eva well, chances are that more nuns will volunteer to offer themselves to you.</p>
/* Since volunteer events may not rely on quests and we can't show later volunteer events before preceding ones have been completed, we need a variable to keep track of which volunteer events have been played */
<<if ndef $qqvolunteereva>>
<<qinit volunteereva 100>>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun2 36>>
<<addlove 12>>
The word will spread that you are kind to nuns who willingly support the war efforts. More nuns will want to gain favor with you, hoping you will be loving and forgiving with them.
<c0><<tip love>></c0>
<<if $qqleaderq>=400>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii lab/patriarch2 44>>
You now have a better understanding of how your relationship with the nuns will evolve if you lead the nuns using <<love punct.>>
<p>When it comes to leading by <<punish verbform>> the nuns by sending them to the prison, you have yet to experience it. You want to see how you like it.</p>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Novice Eva")>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/face 36 pnggg>>
Sister Agnes could be just the person who can give you that experience.<br>
You should deal with her.
<<q leaderq 400 center>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 "ev:666">> /* player must reduce lust. check for this quest is made
to force player to supper afterwards */
<<ev 3000>>
/* after mortification */
<l>The bell chimes. It is time for supper.</l>
<<set $temp2 = "supperDoorsAlreadyOpen">>
<<but "Go to the refectory" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<event 3120 eva nuns>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 3100-1000 28>>
<c>There is a knock on the door. It's Novice Eva. You let her inside your room.
<<s eva "Hello, $fmc. I thought maybe you'd like to look at me again.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that would help me. We will start easy, and then perhaps we could try something new. But remember, you can always say no if you think it's going too far.">>
<<s eva "Yes, Father. Should I start, then?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Show yourself to me, and I will just look.">>
<<c "Watch Novice Eva">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 3100-1300 40 pause2>>
<cc>You watch quietly as Novice Eva pulls up her habit, exposing her naked body.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Stare at her virgin slit">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv 3100-1400 40 pause2>>
<cc>Novice Eva lowers her hand, knowing you want to see her young breasts as well.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 3100-1600 40 "speed0.35 pause1">>
<c>Novice Eva then moves her hand down, letting it rest just above her slit, knowing you like it when she does that.
<<set _newstuff = $qqvolunteereva < 150 ? "Now I'd like us to try something new." : "Now">>
<<s mc "That's very good, Novice Eva. _newstuff I want you to turn around and move your behind a little. And touch your behind with your hand.">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 40>>
<<s eva "Like this?">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<s mc "Yes, that's good. Now face me again, and touch your breasts for me. Just a little.">>
<<ev 1810>>
<<mv m 50>>
Novice Eva goes along with your request. You hope she is now ready to do what you wanted all along.
<<s mc "Now I want you to touch yourself down there, Novice Eva. I know it's normally a grave sin, but you're doing it to support the holy war against Satan. Then it becomes a blessed act.">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi m 36>>
<<s eva "But why do you want me to do it, Father?">>
<<s mc "Because it is very arousing for a man to see a pretty girl like yourself touch herself down there. Let's just try it. You may even feel aroused yourself, and that's perfectly okay now since it's a blessed act.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 40>>
<c>Novice Eva hesitates – but ultimately grants you your wish. She begins touching herself.
<<addlust 30>>
Your manhood has grown hard. You feel an urge to masturbate in front of Novice Eva.
<<but "Resist the temptation" mc1 step:2100>><<but "Take out your manhood and touch yourself" mc1 "step:3000 corr50 ttt15 fullWidth">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 3120-3200 40>>
<c>You manage to resist the temptation to expose your erect member and masturbate in front of Novice Eva. However, you can't take much more of this as Novice Eva keeps rubbing her slit, more eagerly now, getting into it.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Thank you, Novice Eva, that will be enough. You should get dressed.">>
<<qset volunteereva 150>>
<<set $temp="resisted">>
<<but "Continue" mc1 step:5000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
<l>You take out your hard member and begin to stroke it.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s eva "Wh-what are you doing, Father?">>
<<s mc "I understand if this comes as somewhat of a shock to you, but everything is fine. You have aroused me so much that my lust overflows. So I will do what you do – I will touch myself. And just as for you, this will not be a sin because it's all part of the blessed act to support the war efforts.">>
<<s eva "Maybe I should stop.">>
<<s mc "I won't force you to continue, Novice Eva, it's always your choice, but now that I have come this far, it's bad to stop. I must release my seed, or it would negatively affect my mental health and ability to concentrate.">>
<<s eva "Oh, I will continue, then.">>
<<set $temp="masturbated">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 44>>
<c>You can tell that Novice Eva is struggling with lust of her own as she keeps touching her slit. Her breathing is getting heavier and you can see that her slit is wet. You move your hand up and down your manhood, faster now.
<<s mc "Being a virgin, I take it you haven't seen a man release his seed.">>
<<s eva "No, I haven't.">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv m 44>>
<c>You could finish, but you want Novice Eva to finish first.
<<s mc "Relax and try to climax. That will help me the most, and it will be a reward to you from the Lord for your sacrifice.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 44>>
<c>Seeing you masturbate in front of her might be embarrassing to Novice Eva, but at the same time, you think it makes it easier for her to accept the shameful sin of Onan when you too are doing it, allowing her to relax.
<p>Likely never having climaxed before, once Novice Eva relaxes and lets herself go, the orgasm is not far away.
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv m 44>>
<cc>Soon after, it happens. Novice Eva cries out in ecstasy as she climaxes.
<p>This pushes you over the edge. Your seed is coming.</p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<div style="background:#ddd;width:48%;margin:auto;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="cum-image">
<<mi 3120-3000 100>>
<c>You moan from pleasure as you ejaculate.
<p>Novice Eva freezes and stares at your manhood spurting out seed on the floor in front of her.</p>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi torso 30>>
<<s mc "Are you okay, Novice Eva? Did it make you feel uncomfortable to see that?">>
<<s eva "A little perhaps, just because I'm not used to it. I'm fine. This is how God made our bodies work.">>
You and Novice Eva get dressed while carefully avoiding stepping in your spilled seed.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi torso2 30>>
<<s mc "You have done a great deed, offering your body to support the war effort. You may leave now with God's blessing.">>
<<s eva "Yes, $fmc. Thank you for being nice to me.">>
Novice Eva quickly leaves your room and you are once again alone.
<<if $temp=="resisted">>
<p>You wonder if you perhaps should have masturbated in front of Novice Eva, after all. You would risk upsetting her, but it might open her up to more things later on.</p>
<p>It felt great masturbating in front of Novice Eva. You wonder what this might lead to in the future.</p>
<<if $temp=="masturbated">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi m 40>>
<cc>You gave Novice Eva God's permission to have an orgasm.
<p>The heavenly experience – a first for her – has brought Novice Eva closer to you.
<<if $qqvolunteereva < 200>>
<<addtrust 5>>
<<qset volunteereva 200>>
<<event 3200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 60 pnggg>>
<c>You look through the mail to the monks.
<p>Two of the envelopes are addressed to Father Alvaro. You must see if one of them is from the benefactor that knows Brother Salvatore.</p>
<<but "Go to your lab" lab1 ev:2000>>
<<event 3220>>
<<ev 100>>
<l>You don't know at what time Novice Alonso will climb the wall – or if he does it tonight – but you doubt he will do it before everyone is well asleep. From speaking with the monks, you know that some of them like to stay up for quite some time after supper, almost to midnight.
<p>You lie down on your bed and try to get a few hours of sleep, setting your alarm clock to half an hour before midnight.</p>
<<c "Sleep >>>">>
<<ev 200>>
<l>It is $daytime on day $day.<<br>>
Your alarm sounds and you wake up.
<p>You managed to get some sleep. You hope it will be enough.</p>
<p>It is time to begin the stakeout of the wall.
<<q alonsoq2 500>></p>
<<but "Leave your room" hub>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii monks/alonso 32>>
<c>Once in your room, you think about what happened.
With your own eyes, you saw Novice Alonso trespassing on the nuns' side of the wall. And it was obvious this was not the first time.</p>
<p>You saw Novice Alonso spying on the novices and stealing from their wine cellar, presumably taking cider.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, none of this ties him to the attacks.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 44 left>><<mii monks/alonso2 46 left>></c2>
<c>What you saw also does not prove that Brother Salvatore has been completely honest with you. He could still be lying about something, and be more involved with Novice Alonso than you know.
<p>But for now, you will continue to take a bet on them not working together, more than just trading cider for silence.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
Though you want to face Novice Alonso and throw his lies in his face, you will not confront him yet. You have no evidence he has done anything more than sneaking over to spy on the nuns and steal their cider. He could just say that he did it, but was too ashamed to tell you about it.
<p>If Novice Alonso is involved in the attacks on the nuns, you need something more solid before confronting him. For now, you will keep an eye on him while thinking of what to do.
<<q alonsoq2 1000 center>>
<<qendversion alonsoq2 version0.7.0>>
<<ev 1800>>
<l>Tired from staying up all night, you need to sleep for an hour or two before starting the day.</l>
<<sleep "Sleep >>>">>
<<event 3300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",600)>>
You enter your room.
<p>Your eyes fall on your bed... where you detected the metallic scent the morning after you were attacked!</p>
<<c "Look under your bed">>
<<elseif !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",200) || !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",300) ||
You enter your room.
<p>You look at your bed under which you found the oily cloth. But before analyzing your findings, you should finish searching the rooms of the all nuns attacked since you got here.</p>
<<but "Leave your room" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:800">>
Having searched all the rooms, you sit down to think.
<<but "Analyze your findings" mc1 step:1000>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
You get down on the floor and look up under your bed. You immediately see it: a piece of cloth stuck between the mattress and the wooden slats.
<p>You retrieve the cloth. It feels oily.</p>
<p>Upon smelling it, you can detect a faint trace of the metallic scent. This is it. A physical piece of evidence, something used by the attacker.
<<qmess investBeds 600>></p>
<<set _investdone = false>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",200) || !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",300) ||
<p>You have found the evidence you were looking for, but before analyzing your findings, you should finish searching the rooms of the all nuns attacked since you got here.</p>
Since you have already searched the rooms of all the nuns attacked since you got here, it's time to analyze your findings.
<<set _investdone = true>>
<<if _investdone>>
<<c "Analyze your findings">>
<<but "Leave your room" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:800">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>You have solid evidence that an <<potionAmnesiaOil>> was used by someone, presumably the attacker, to destroy the victims' memories of the attacks.
<p>You only found an oily cloth under one bed – yours – but the metallic scent you smelled in the nuns' rooms the morning after the attacks proves the oil was used there too.</p>
<p>Additionally, the metallic scent seemed to come from their beds, which makes it likely that the delivery mechanism was an oily cloth hidden under the beds, just like in your room.
<<ev 1040>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Someone – the attacker or an accomplice – must have removed the oily cloths from the nuns' rooms at some point after the attacks to avoid the cloths being discovered.
<p>The answer to why the cloth wasn't removed from your bed is simple: you keep your door locked, and you have the only key.
<<qend investBeds 1000>></p>
<<ev 1060>>
<<mii blackdoor/doormonks 50>>
<cc>Yet, a locked door hasn't stopped the attacker from entering the convent at night.
<p>Of course, they don't need to enter if they are already here.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 66>>
<c>The discovery of the oily cloth is a major find and a solid physical piece of evidence. It may not be the breakthrough in the investigation that will allow you to solve the case, but it is something.
<p>Although it's been going slow, you have made significant progress since the investigation started. For one thing, there is no longer any question that the attacks are real. It is high time that you update your investigation notes.
<<invest oilycloth>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<investReward 5>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 60>>
<c>There are still too many unknowns to unravel the mystery.
<p>Are you dealing with only one culprit or several?</p>
<p>You are convinced at least one human is involved, likely at least one of the monks, but there is too much that can't be explained to rule out that a supernatural entity is also involved.</p>
<p>Whatever the case may be, your leadership and open use of the holy rites within the convent depends on the support of the nuns, and they believe you are facing demons. And so, for now, it is for the best if you let them think that.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Since you don't know who to trust, you must keep the details of your investigation a secret to others. You won't tell anyone that you found the oily cloth or figured out what the metallic scent was.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>Having pondered your recent progress in the investigation, your thoughts return to the Oil of Amnesia you made. You have to test it on someone - but who?
<<q amnesiaq 500>> /* Note, must be q, don't change to qmess */
<<if $qqvivienfornicate>=2400>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii misc/female 40 pnggg>>
<c>You can't think of someone suitable right now. Not to make it worth the risk. You have to keep this in mind and find someone to test the oil on later.
<<qmess amnesiaq 550>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
<c>Maybe you should test it on Vivien? You have been wanting to fornicate with her in her room for a long time now, but she still insists that you should get married first.
<p>You could do the test at night before Vivien goes to bed.
<<q vivienfornicate 2500>>
<<set $temp="mc">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 3400 eva nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi torso 30>>
<c>Novice Eva comes to visit you. You let her inside the room and close the door.
<<s eva "Do you want to look at me, Father? Perhaps you also want me to touch myself?">>
You wonder if Novice Eva is here in part because she desires another orgasm. But you have other plans for her today.
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 3100-1000 35 right>>
<l><<s mc "I'd like to anoint you with the Holy Seed today, Novice Eva. It will protect you from being attacked.">>
<<s eva "Oh, I don't know. Where will you anoint me?">>
<<s mc "On your face. That's how it's usually done. I've anointed many of your sisters, you know. This is part of my job as your leader – to protect you from Satan and his minions. Without the protection, it's only a matter of time before you are attacked. But you must want it. I won't force you.">>
<<s eva "What would I have to do?">>
<<s mc "You don't have to do anything if I bring forth the Holy Seed myself with my hands. But you could also use your mouth on me – on the Holy Rod. That's how your sisters usually do it. If you do that, things will go faster and you will then actively participate in the holy rite, which will make the Holy Seed protect you more.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi torso 35 right>>
<<s eva "Okay, I could try with my mouth.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. Then let's get ready.">>
You undress and sit down.
<p>Novice Eva removes her headpiece – you assume because she does not want your seed staining it – then she kneels before you, looking at your quickly growing member.
<<addlust 70>>
She grabs your manhood and lowers her head.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 3400-2000 66>>
<cc>Novice Eva uses her mouth on you. It feels wonderful.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 3400-2200 66>>
<cc>You say nothing and just enjoy her soft mouth.</cc>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 3400-2600 62 speed0.8>>
<cc>You don't want to take too long with the volunteering Novice Eva.
After a while, you reach orgasm.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">></cc>
<<c "Anoint Novice Eva">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 3400-3000 72 volume0.3>>
<cc>You ejaculate in Novice Eva's face, anointing her with the Holy Seed.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Novice Eva rests against your stomach for a moment – still holding your erect member – with your semen all over her face. You say nothing and let the girl be.
<p>Novice Eva soon lets go of your manhood and you both get dressed.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi eva 35 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Enjoy the blessing and protection of the Lord, Novice Eva. But remember that it will only last for a while.">>
<<s eva "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Eva leaves.
<<qset volunteereva 300>>
<<event 3440>>
<<ev 9200>>
/* quest redthread: discovering nightvision potion makes eyes red */
<<investReward 10>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 3500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 48>>
<c>You drink a <<potionNightVision>>– just as you think the attacker is doing before the attacks.
<p>Your eyes become glowing red causing your vision to have a faint red shimmer to it. But your brain soon adjusts, and you no longer notice the reddish tint.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/monkHabit 21 pnggg>>
<c>Finally, you dress in your monk robes to reduce the risk of being recognized by Novice Lara – or someone spotting you in the hallways.
<p>Now you are ready to leave your room and continue with the experiment.
<<q experimentAttacks 300>>
<<set $temp=1>>
<<ev 1000>>
/* morning after attack, returning from questioning lara */
<<experiment experimentAttacks 4>>
<<mv fireplace1 40>>
<c>Back in your room, you go through your notes from Novice Lara's testimony and compare them with what you know of the attacks by the lust demon.
<p>Based on the collected data, you find no fundamental differences between your recreated attack and the real attacks. The similarities, on the other hand, are too great to be coincidences.</p>
<<ev 1040>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 4>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig" 7 12 44 36 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You know you are correct about one drug used at the attacks: An <<potionAmnesiaOil ,>> soaked into a cloth hidden under the beds of the victims. You know this because you found such an oily cloth under your bed after you were attacked.
<<ev 1100>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 4>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>For the other drugs used, you can't be sure that the attacker uses salves like you did, but based on your experiment and what you know from before, it seems likely, and you will assume that to be the case for now.
<p>About the specific salves used, you are pretty sure that you were correct about the <<potionLethargy>> and the <<potionSleepSalve .>> Then you have the <<potionLustLiberationSalve .>>The <<potionLustOil>> part of the salve is a given, but the addition of the <<potionLiberationOil>> is something you feel uncertain about.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 4>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 22 pnggg>>
Given that the alchemist seems to know Ludolphus' recipes, coupled with the fact that the victims find it hard to resist touching themselves, there is a high probability that the attacker administers Ludolphus' <<potionLiberation>> to the victims in some form – presumably as an <<potionLiberationOil>> used in a salve.
<p>While your experiment on Novice Lara provides some support to this hypothesis, you have no data to compare with. You would have to conduct several more experiments – recreating attacks with and without a liberation drug – to test the hypothesis.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<experiment experimentAttacks 4>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 45 right>>
<l>But there is a lot of risk involved with recreating attacks. You would need a very good reason to conduct more such experiments.
Whether or not the attacker uses a liberation drug on the victims will have to remain unknown for now. But it doesn't seem that important.
And with that, you find this experiment to be concluded. It proved to be worth the risk, but you shouldn't push your luck.
<<qend experimentAttacks 2000>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<investReward 5>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mii nuns/lara/100-10400 70>>
<c>Novice Lara seemed ready to accept the holy rites. You should visit her tomorrow in her room, after supper.
<<q laraq 1000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/evie/fullwm 30 pnggg>>
Novice Evie has felt safe from the lust demon because the attacks stopped and the lust demon hasn't attacked anyone living on the west side of the hallway close to Novice Evie's room.
<p>But now, after your experimental attack on Novice Lara, that is no longer true, as far as Novice Evie knows. She might now agree to be properly anointed by using her mouth on you.
<<q evieq 1100>></p>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 4000>> /* reusing. coming from lara1 ev200 */
<<mii lab/potionVirility 4.4 "left pnggg nomargin-bottom">>Returning to your room, you drink a <<potionVirility>> and take a few of the potions with you.
<p>The potions should allow you to perform several times more if needed.</p>
<<but "Return to Lara" lara1 "ev:200 step:2750">>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 4000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 44 pnggg>>
You open the door and see Sister Roberta.
<p>She has dire news about Sister Agatha.</p>
<<ev 140>>
<<mii nuns/agatha/torso 50 pnggg>>
<c>After hearing a rumor of unchristian practices relating to Sister Agatha, Sister Roberta performed an inspection of Sister Agatha's room and found several pagan objects, including a crystal ball.
<p>Upon questioning, Sister Agatha admitted to having performed pagan rituals of scrying using the crystal ball.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv nuns/agatha/100 90>>
It is no secret that Sister Agatha used to be a soothsayer before becoming a devout Catholic. She traveled with a group of gypsies and told people their fortune in exchange for money.
<p>Those sinful, heathen practices had been put behind her when she joined the convent – she claimed – but now it seems that Sister Agatha has returned to her old ways. This could be the work of the Devil.</p>
<<qinit prisoneragatha 100>>/* silent quest to keep track outside her main quest */
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Roberta informs you that Sister Agatha defended herself by saying she had made a soothsayer dress from an old tunic and linen, and she always wore that dress when scrying – to temporarily suspend her status as a nun, to avoid violating her vows.
<<set _locktime = $daytime=="night" ? " right now" : " after supper">>
<<s mc "You have done well to discover this, Sister Roberta. Have Sister Dolores lock Sister Agatha up in one of the prison cells_locktime. And Sister Agatha will wear her soothsayer dress, as she did when sinning. I will interrogate her soon.">>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<s roberta "I will see to it at once, Father.">>
<<s roberta "I will see to it, Father.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii nuns/agatha/torso 50 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Agatha is one of the younger and more attractive of the professed sisters, yet the lust demon has not attacked her. You wonder if that is because Satan's minions do not attack their own.
<p>You must go to the dungeons <<if $daytime!="night">>after supper<</if>> to interrogate Sister Agatha and decide what to do with her.
<<prisonadd agatha>>
<<qstart agathaq 100>></p>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 2000>> /* reusing - simona asking about volunteering */
<<overlay "mc/room" "nuns/simona/torso" 56 17 63 55 "png">><</overlay>>
Sister Simona comes to ask about volunteering.
<p>This is a welcome development since you have lusted for Sister Simona's well-shaped body for some time, having caught glimpses of it in the bathroom. She is one of the shy nuns who quickly covers their naked bodies when you enter.</p>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Sister Simona")>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii nuns/simona/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>You learn that Sister Simona's reason for considering volunteering is similar to that of Novice Eva's.
<p>Sister Simona believes she is attractive to men and yet she has not been attacked by the lust demon. This makes her feel guilty for being spared when so many of her sisters have not been. She now considers offering herself to you to support the holy war.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/simona/head 36 pnggg>>
<c>But after talking with you for a few minutes, she is having second thoughts. It turns out that Sister Simona doesn't yet feel ready to take the step of showing herself to you. She needs time to think about it.
<<s mc "Are you a virgin, Sister?">>
<<s simona "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Good. Know that in the eyes of the Lord, your virginity will be intact no matter what you do with me – if done in a holy rite or to support the holy war. It will be a sacrifice, yes, but not of your virginity.">>
<<s simona "I understand, Father.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii nuns/simona/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Think about it and pray. Come to me when you're ready. We will only do what we both agree to. You can always say no.">>
<<s simona "Yes, Father. I will think and pray.">>
Sister Simona leaves your room. You hope you will see her again soon.
<<qinit volunteersimona 200>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 ev:666300>>
<<ev 3000>> /* reusing, simona first volunteer event */
<<overlay "mc/room" "nuns/simona/torso" 56 17 63 50 "png">><</overlay>>
Sister Simona visits you.
<<s simona "I have prayed a lot and I have decided to volunteer. To show myself to you. If you want to.">>
<<s mc "I would love that. And the Lord will love you for it. Your sacrifice will help me in the holy war. There is no time to waste. Let's do it.">>
<<qset volunteersimona 205>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3700>> /* visit 2, can get handjob */
<<overlay "mc/room" "nuns/simona/torso" 56 17 63 50 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Sister Simona comes to volunteer again.
<<s mc "Maybe we could try something a little more intimate today. But only if you allow it. You can always say stop if it becomes too much.">>
<<s simona "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then start by lying down naked in my bed.">>
<<qset volunteersimona 230>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii nuns/simona/4000-4000 60>>
<c>You suggest Sister Simona to use your bed.
Sister Simona shyly removes her habit – she was naked under – and lies down in your bed, under the cover.
<<if $qqvolunteersimona>=230>>
<<s mc "Now I will remove the cover and look at you. I will also touch you a little, and we will see what happens. You can always say stop if it becomes too much. Just know that the more you sacrifice yourself this way, the more you help the holy cause.">>
<<s mc "Now I will remove the cover and look at you. Perhaps also touch you a little. You can always say stop if it becomes too much. Just know that the more you sacrifice yourself this way, the more you help the holy cause.">>
<<set $temp = $temp2 = $temp3 = null>>
<<if $qqvolunteersimona < 230>>
<<but "Remove the cover" mc1 step:4200 >>
<<but "Remove the cover" mc1 step:4100 >>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-4400 80 pause2>>
<cc>You remove the cover, exposing Sister Simona's naked body.
<<addlust 20>>
<<set $temp="breasts">>
<<but "Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4600>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-4200 70 pause2>>
<cc>You remove the top of the cover, exposing Sister Simona's well-shaped breasts.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Uncover her entire body">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-4400 80 pause2>>
<c>You move away more of the cover, exposing Sister Simona's slit as well. You can't resist quickly touching it.
<<addlust 20>>
Since Sister Simona didn't protest, you think she is okay with more intimacy.
<<s mc "Your big breasts are very attractive to men. I will touch them now. Remember that you can say stop. But try to relax. You might even enjoy it, and you are allowed to since your sacrifice is a holy act.">>
<<but "Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4600>>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-4600 80>>
<cc>You eagerly touch Sister Simona's well-shaped breasts.
<<addlust 10 lh>>
Sister Simona says nothing, letting you enjoy her bosom.
<<but "Touch her breasts" mc1 "step:4600 temp==breasts">><<but "(Close) Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4620>><<but "Touch her slit" mc1 "step:5000 temp==breasts">>
<<if $qqvolunteersimona>=230>>
<<but "Show her your manhood" mc1 "step:6000 corr55 ttt10 temp==breasts">>
<<but "Stop and get dressed" mc1 step:5500>>
<<ev 4620>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-4620 76>>
<cc>You get in close with Sister Simona's luscious breasts.
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $temp==null>>
The nun doesn't seem too uncomfortable. She may be fine with even more intimacy.
<<set $temp="breasts">>
<<but "Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4600>><<but "(Close) Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4620>><<but "Touch her slit" mc1 "step:5000 temp==breasts">>
<<if $qqvolunteersimona>=230>>
<<but "Show her your manhood" mc1 "step:6000 corr55 ttt10">>
<<but "Stop and get dressed" mc1 step:5500>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-5000 80>>
<cc>You eagerly touch Sister Simona's womanhood, feeling the virgin slit between her legs.
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4600>><<but "(Close) Touch her breasts" mc1 step:4620>><<but "Touch her slit" mc1 "step:5000 temp==breasts">>
<<if $qqvolunteersimona>=230>>
<<but "Show her your manhood" mc1 "step:6000 corr55 ttt15">>
<<but "Stop and get dressed" mc1 step:5500>>
<<ev 5500>>
<<overlay "mc/room" "nuns/simona/torso" 56 17 63 50 "png">><</overlay>>
<<addlust 100>>
Bursting with lust, you tell Sister Simona to get dressed.
<<s mc "The Lord has seen your sacrifice. Pray tonight and sleep well, knowing you have done a great service in the fight against evil.">>
<<s simona "Yes, $fmc.">>
Sister Simona hurriedly leaves.
<<if $qqvolunteersimona == 205>>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mii nuns/simona/4000-6000 70>>
<c>You had a successful meeting with Sister Simona. You think you treated her nice enough that she will return to volunteer again.
<p>When you think she is ready for it, you can try something even more intimate with her.
<<qset volunteersimona 210>></p>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii nuns/simona/4000-6000 64>>
<c><<addlust 100>>
You take out your erect manhood and tell Sister Simona to open her eyes to see the positive result of her sacrifice.
<p>Sister Simona looks at you and spots the hard male organ in your hand. She looks frightened, not unexpected for a virgin who has never seen an aroused man like this before. You calm her down with a few words of encouragement.</p>
<<qset volunteersimona 250>>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mii nuns/simona/4000-6100 74>>
<<s mc "You would greatly serve the holy cause if you could help me release my seed. Would you be willing to do that, Sister Simona?">>
<<s simona "Novice Eva told me she helped you with her mouth. I don't think I want to do that, Father.">>
<<s mc "That's fine, Sister. Then we won't do it. It's up to you. Maybe another time you will feel better about it. But today, how about using your hands on me?">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii nuns/simona/4000-6000 60>>
<<s simona "Novice Eva said you used your hands on yourself. You can do that if you want, Father.">>
/*<<s mc "I could, but we know that is a sinful act, normally. If you – as the woman – would do it, it would also normally be sinful, but still closer to how God intended it. A man is supposed to only release his seed stimulated by a woman. The memory of you doing it will also help me later when I must perform the holy rites on a sister I'm not sexually attracted to. You would be supporting the war effort by using your hands on me, Sister Simona.">>*/
<<s mc "I could, but it would go against nature. A man is supposed to only release his seed stimulated by a woman. The memory of you doing it will also help me later when I must perform the holy rites on a sister I'm not sexually attracted to. I would appreciate it very much if you support the war effort by using your hands on me, Sister Simona.">>
<<s simona "Yes, Father. Show me what to do.">>
<<s mc "Just grab my manhood and move it up and down. Here, let me show you.">>
<<c "Place her hand on your manhood">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mii nuns/simona/4000-6400 76>>
You show Sister Simona how to stimulate you with her hand, then you reach for her breasts.
<<s simona "Will you anoint me when you release your seed?">>
<<s mc "No, this will be done only for my pleasure. The holy rites take concentration and we want to maximize my enjoyment of this experience to best help me perform future holy rites.">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-6600 74>>
<c>Following your instructions, Sister Simona quickly gets the hang of how to pleasure you.
<<s mc "Relax and try to enjoy my hands. You too are allowed to climax from this holy act.">>
Sister Simona is showing signs of being aroused from your touching. It would be good if you could make the virgin nun climax.
<<ev 6700>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-6700 80>>
<cc>Taking it easy at first, you eagerly get to work on Sister Simona's slit and breasts.
<p>She responds well.</p>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-6800 80>>
<cc>You go faster and apply more pressure.
<p>You can tell that Sister Simona's virgin slit is getting wet. The nun may climax soon.</p>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-7400 80>>
It looks like Sister Simona will climax any moment now. You could finish her off, or tell the nun to use her hand on herself.
<<c "Finish her off">><<but "She should use her hand" mc1 step:8000>>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-7600 76>>
<c>You tell Sister Simona to let go and allow herself to climax.
<p>The virgin nun seems to listen. She moans loudly as she orgasms before you.</p>
<p>You will soon climax too, but you could have a little more fun with Sister Simona first.</p>
<<but "Get in bed with Sister Simona" mc1 step:8600>>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-8000 88>>
<c>You tell Sister Simona to use her hand to make herself climax. A slave to her lust, the virgin nun quickly obeys.
<p>Soon after, Sister Simona moans loudly as she orgasms before you.</p>
<p>You will soon climax too, but you could have a little more fun with Sister Simona first.</p>
<<but "Get in bed with Sister Simona" mc1 step:8600>>
<<ev 8600>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-8600 48>>
<c>You get in bed and direct Sister Simona to sit beside you as she continues to pleasure you.
<p>Soon after, you can't hold back much more. Preparing to ejaculate over Sister Simona's naked body, you have her lie down.</p>
<<ev 8900>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-8900 78>>
<cc>Sister Simona continues to pleasure you. Your sack is touching her slit.
<p>A few moments later, your seed is coming.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate over Sister Simona">>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-9000 80 volume0.6>>
<cc>You moan loudly as you ejaculate your seed over Sister Simona's naked body.
<<ev 9200>>
<<mvv nuns/simona/4000-9200 80>>
Sister Simona removes some seed from her womanhood, perhaps afraid she will get impregnated. <<if $pregnancy>>That is impossible since you use the <<potionContraception>> – but<<else>>But<</if>> since the nun doesn't say anything about it, neither do you.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 9900>>
<<overlay "mc/room" "nuns/simona/torso" 56 17 63 55 "png">><</overlay>>
<<s mc "Your selfless sacrifice is much appreciated, Sister Simona. The Lord will reward you for it in heaven. Pray tonight and sleep well, knowing you have made a difference in the holy war.">>
<<s simona "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<qset volunteersimona 300>>
<<ev 10000>>
<<mii nuns/simona/torso 42 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s simona "But why did you tell me to climax, Father? I understand that you touched me down there to help you, but I could have resisted it.">>
<<s mc "As you said, touching you there helped me, and seeing you climaxing with me also helped me. Although not needed for procreation, God has granted women too the ability to climax. You should accept this gift from the Lord, Sister Simona. As you did it to support the holy war, it was not a sin.">>
<<s simona "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Simona leaves your room and closes the door behind her.
<<event 4100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/handswater 50>>
You feel happy and full of energy, having purified your soul of all sin and corruption. This should strengthen your holy powers as well as your resistance to evil.
<<ev 200>>
<<investReward 5 "You take a moment to review your investigation notes.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/codex 38 pnggg>>
You think you may be ready to continue reading the Book of Truth.
<<q chapter5 700 center>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing emmalustangel */
<l>You return to your room.
<p>You prefer the peace and quiet in down in the lab when writing your speech.</p>
<<but "Go down to your lab" lab2 "ev:2720 step:8000">>
<<ev 2000>>
<l>You return to your room, feeling satisfied but tired.
<p>You will now enjoy some well-deserved sleep.</p>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 4200 sofia nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv mc/fireplace1 54>>
<c>Back in your room, you sit down to compile a list of the most lustful nuns – as far as you know – with the help of your journal. Thankfully, you have added a lot of notes from your many intimate meetings with the nuns.
You start working on the list.
<<if setup.juliapath()>>
<<but "Continue" mc1 step:200>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii nuns/julia/700-9300 64>>
<c>Novice Julia would qualify for the list. She has shown that she is one of the most lustful nuns, being young and filled with sex hormones. But you have enjoyed keeping Novice Julia's lust under your control, deciding when to let her climax and when to keep her sexually frustrated, and you want to keep doing it that way.
<p>You also anoint Novice Julia regularly as it is, strengthening her protection against evil. You can make an exception with her. You will not put Novice Julia on the list.</p>
<<c "Keep working on the list">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv misc/angel 56>>
<c>Finally, your list is ready. You have come up with a list of the eight most lustful nuns. Using your <<holylust ,>> you must go to everyone on the list to make them climax and anoint them.
<p>Eight is a lot to do in a short time. You will start with five of the names on the list, then take a break before doing the rest.</p>
There is no reason to wait. You should get started on this right away.
<<qstart lustfulwomen 100>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing */
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",200)>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi 1000-502 54>>
Novice Sofia has shown her sinful lustfulness since you first met her, climaxing when you penetrate her slit and even her rectum. She has also been attacked several times – evidence that the lust demon is attracted to the most lustful nuns.
<<if setup.juliapath()>>
<p>Though you previously anointed Novice Sofia often, she has seen less protection from you after you also started using Novice Julia to satisfy your sexual needs.</p>
<<but "Get Novice Sofia" nuns1 "ev:2300 step:3000">>
<<ev 1200>> /* returning from step 1000 */
<<mv 1000-206 60>>
<c>Once in your room, you have Novice Sofia use her mouth on you to get you ready.
<<addlust 100>>
Then you tell her to get naked.
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Sofia">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 70 volume2>>
<c>You start thrusting into Novice Sofia's tight slit.
<p>While the young girl eventually gets wet, she doesn't seem as lustful as usual, at times even looking bored.</p>
<<c "Have her ride you">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 70 volume2>>
<c>Thinking that Novice Sofia may find it more lustful to be in control of how and how fast your manhood penetrates her slit, you have her perversely ride you.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70 volume2>>
<c>You think it might have worked. Novice Sofia seems to enjoy things more, getting closer to orgasm.
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv fuck3 70 volume2>>
You take back control and do your best to make her reach climax.
<p>Novice Sofia's moans get louder.</p>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv m 70 volume2>>
<c>Finally, Novice Sofia's young body tenses as she climaxes. She then relaxes, satisfied.
<p>You keep thrusting into Novice Sofia's wet slit. You must finish and anoint her.</p>
<p>Your seed is soon on its way.</p>
<<c "(Pull out) Anoint her body">><<but "Anoint inside her slit" mc1 step:3500>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 1000-400 70 volume0>>
<c>You pull out and shower Novice Sofia's naked body with the Holy Seed, saying the words to anoint her.
<<but "Continue" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3before 50 volume0>>
<c>You moan the words to anoint Novice Sofia as you release your seed inside her slit.
<<creampie sofia>>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie3 62 volume0.4>>
<cc>You watch your seed coming out of Novice Sofia's slit.</cc>
<<but "Continue" mc1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi 1000-502 60>>
<<s sofia "You said the words to anoint me this time.">>
<<s mc "I can't enjoy your slit as much when I say the words, but it was especially important to do my best this time. I want your protection as strong as possible.">>
<<s sofia "Thank you, Father.">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi 1420-1000 56>>
<c><<s mc "Was something wrong today? You didn't seem to enjoy it as much as usual.">>
<<s sofia "Nothing was wrong, Father. I just didn't feel as much... as much lust. Isn't that a good thing?">>
<<s mc "Well, yes. But it also depends. Why did your lust decrease? I haven't been with you much lately. Have you been touching yourself?">>
<<s sofia "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "Alright, good. Keep it that way.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4600>>
<l>You both get dressed.
Novice Sofia leaves your room.
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",200)>>
<<ev 4800>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi 1420-1004 54>>
<cc>You made Novice Sofia climax and anointed her.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 200 center>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen mc>>
<<ev 6000>> /* reusing for replaying lustfulwomen rumika event */
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 35>>
<c>You go to Novice Sofia's room and tell her to send Sister Rumika to your room.
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Return to your room and wait">>
<<ev 6100>>
<l>A couple of minutes later, there is a knock on the door. It is Novice Sofia.<br>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia_small 12 left>><<s sofia "Sister Rumika is about to go to bed, Father. She asks if she can visit you tomorrow instead.">>
<<s mc "No, it can't wait. You know what, I'll go to her room. Thank you, Novice Sofia. You may return to your room.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<set $temp2 = "rumikaupstairs">>
<<but "Go upstairs to Sister Rumika's room" upstairs>>
<<ev 7000>> /* reusing, had sex with all 8 nuns */
<l>After returning to your room, you decide to go down to your lab to be alone and to think.
<<but "Go down to the lab" lab2 ev:2800>>
/***************************** NUN LIST **********************************/
<<event 666000>> /* If changing, must check what other events use it, like returning player here after event instead of to mc */
<<ev 100>>
/*********** NOTE: Replaying events must always have extra parameter replayEvent and must end with resetting var replayingEvent to 0. The latter is done in widget endSendNun which must be added when ending an event that can/may at some point be replayable.
REMEMBER to check for additional ways to exit the event and add the widget there too, like if there is a choice to end event along the way, or a requirement that might not be filled. */
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:200%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Tend the flock</b></div>
<<mii "misc/under" 100% "noBorder png">>
<cc><bible>Anoint them with the Holy Seed. Eat their sins of fornication and sodomy.</bible></cc>
/* Resetting temp to fix bug with temp values carrying over from previous day's send for a nun event */
<<set $temp = $temp2 = $temp3 = "">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = true>> /* used to make nbuts smaller here to make events fit without linebreak */
<<if !($qqrumika==600)>>
<<nunlist sofia/sofiaHead sofia>>
<<nbut "Anoint" mc1 "ev:1300 req10">>
<<nbut "Anoint" mc1 "ev:1300 sofia#played500 replayEvent">>
<<nbut "Fornication" mc1 "ev:1100 qqsofia>=200 replayEvent">>
<<nbut "Fornication 2" mc1 "ev:2250 req29">>
<<nbut "Fornication 2" mc1 "ev:2250 replayEvent req30">>
<<nbut "Sodomy" mc1 "ev:1200 qqsofia>=200 replayEvent">>
<<nbut "<<actQuest rumikaSodomy>>" mc1 "ev:2020 req25">>
<<nbut "Reduce her lust" mc1 "ev:4200 step:1000 req38">>
<<nbut "Reduce her lust" mc1 "ev:4200 step:1000 lustfulwomen#played200 replayEvent">>
<<nunlist rumika/h1 rumika>>
<<nbut "Anoint" mc1 "ev:1050 qqrumika>=200 qqrumika!=600 replayEvent">>
<<nbut "Fornication" mc1 "ev:1420 req20">>
<<nbut "Fornication" mc1 "ev:1430 req21">>
<<nbut "Fornication" mc1 "ev:1440 req22">>
<<nbut "Fornication" mc1 "ev:1440 replayEvent qqrumika>>600">>
<<nbut "Fornication 2" mc1 "ev:2230 req27">>
<<nbut "Fornication 2" mc1 "ev:2230 replayEvent req28">>
<<nbut "Sodomy" mc1 "ev:2000 req23">>
<<nbut "Sodomy" mc1 "ev:2010 noVisit req24">>
<<nbut "Sodomy" mc1 "ev:2040 noVisit req26">>
<<nbut "Sodomy" mc1 "ev:2050 replayEvent qqrumikaSodomy>=500">>
<<nbut "Reduce her lust" mc1 "ev:4200 step:6000 replayEvent lustfulwomen#played300">>
<<if $qqdana>=2100>>
<<nunlist nuns/dana/dana_small dana custom "You have already been with Sister Dana tonight.">>
<<nbut "Threesome with Riley" dungeon1 "ev:1040 req31">>
<<nbut "Threesome with Riley" dungeon1 "ev:1040 req32 replayEvent">>
<<tip dana>>
<<if $qqolenkaq>=601>> /* set to 601 in mc when waking up */
<<nunlist misc/olenka_small olenka>>
<<nbut "Fornicating" mc1 "ev:2700 req33">>
<<nbut "Fornicating" mc1 "ev:2700 replayEvent req34">>
<<nbut "Lust potion" mc1 "ev:2720 replayEvent req35">>
<<if $qqrevelationann>=450 && setup.questCompleted("revelationms")>>
<<nunlist ann/ann_small ann>>
<<nbut "Talk to Sister Ann" mc1 "ev:3000 req36">>
<<nbut "Talk to Sister Ann" mc1 "ev:3000 replayEvent req37">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = false>>
/************ When adding more nuns: ******************
* 1. Make sure they can't be played when qqrumika==600
* 2. Make sure that quests aren't updating if they shouldn't. If it's ok for new quest step to complete, like player selecting different choice in quest, it may bug since not tested much, so check for that. Adding second qend in replay when quest is already completed should work and show as updating completed quest.
* 3. Adding trust/auth should work now, automatically not increasing stat in replay.
<<tip sendfornun>>
<<but "Return" mc>>
<<event 666100>> /* If changing, must check what other events use it, like returning player here after event instead of to mc */
<<ev 100>>
/*********** NOTE: See info on SendForNun above. Same here except using endEncounter instead of endSendNun */
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:200%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Encounters</b><span style="color:#f80; font-size:85%" class="print-dark-shadow"> (day)</span></div>
<<mii "misc/under" 100% "noBorder png">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = true>> /* used to make nbuts smaller here to make events fit without linebreak */
<<nunlist misc/olenka_small olenka>>
/* Note: Use encbutton here. It will make add replayEncounter and replayEvent (since encs can only be replayed) */
<<encbut "Fornication" encounterMcHall "qqolenkaq>=300 doplay:encID=1">>
<<encbut "Fornication2" encounterMcHall "qqolenkaq>=600 doplay:encID=3">>
<<if $qqevieq>=300>>
<<nunlist evie/face_small evie>>
<<encbut "Chapel" encounterInnerChapel "qqevieq>=300 doplay:encID=11">>
<<encbut "Chapel2" encounterInnerChapel "qqevieq>=500 doplay:encID=12">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = false>>
<<tip encounters>>
<<but "Return" mc>>
<<event 666200>> /* If changing, must check what other events use it, like returning player here after event instead of to mc */
<<ev 100>>
/*********** NOTE: See info on SendForNun above. Same here except using endEncounter instead of endSendNun.
*********** Also, using regular button here, not nbut, or it will display "Already visited a nun" after replaying */
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:200%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Encounters</b><span style="color:#f80; font-size:85%" class="print-dark-shadow"> (night)</span></div>
<<mii "misc/under" 100% "noBorder png">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = true>> /* used to make nbuts smaller here to make events fit without linebreak */
<<nunlist misc/judithSmall judith>>
<<encbut "Anoint" bathroom1 "ev:1100 qqjudithq>=1000">>
<<encbut "Fornication" bathroom1 "ev:1140 qqjudithq>=2000">>
<<encbut "Sodomy" bathroom1 "ev:1200 judithq#completed">>
<<encbut "Reduce her lust" bathroom1 "ev:1400 lustfulwomen#played400">>
<<if $qqmonksDrinking3>=300>>
<<nunlist "misc/crone4_small" crone>>
/*<<encbut "Dream?" dreaming "qqmonksDrinking3>=300 doplay:encID=2">>*/
<<encbut "Dream?" praybed "qqmonksDrinking3>=300 doplay:encID=2 specialSpecial">>
<<if $qqexperimentAttacks>=400>>
<<nunlist lara/face_small lara>>
<<encbut "Recreating attack" nuns1 "ev:2000 qqexperimentAttacks>=400 doplay:encID=13">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = false>>
<<tip encounters>>
<<but "Return" mc>>
/* NOTE: Replaying volunteer encounters will not affect quests because content is path specific.
When a vbut is a replayEvent, trust requirement and red heart will not be shown. Also no need for trustXX in that req */
<<event 666300>>
<<ev 100>>
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:200%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Volunteers</b></div>
<<mii "misc/under" 100% "noBorder png">>
<<set _smallernunbuttons = true>> /* used to make nbuts smaller here to make events fit without linebreak */
/* checking req6, same as in statbut */
<<if $qqvolunteersimona == null && setup.reqSuccess(setup.reqs.volunteers[6])>>
<<vbut "There is a knock on the door" mc1 "ev:4000 step:2000 req6">>
<<vnunlist misc/eva_small eva>>
<<vbut "Visit" mc1 "ev:3100 step:1000 replayEvent req1">>
<<vbut "Visit 2" mc1 "ev:3120 req2">>
<<vbut "Visit 2" mc1 "ev:3120 replayEvent req3">>
<<vbut "Visit 3" mc1 "ev:3400 req4">>
<<vbut "Visit 3" mc1 "ev:3400 replayEvent req5">>
<<if $qqvolunteersimona>=200>>
<<vnunlist simona/simona_small simona>>
<<vbut "Visit" mc1 "ev:4000 step:3000 req7">>
<<vbut "Visit" mc1 "ev:4000 step:3000 replayEvent req8">>
<<vbut "Visit 2" mc1 "ev:4000 step:3700 req9">>
<<vbut "Visit 2" mc1 "ev:4000 step:3700 replayEvent req10">>
<<if !$tips.includes("volunteers")>>
<<qadd leaderq 410>> /* To remove New from volunteer button. Also required to trigger eventID 23 */
<<set _smallernunbuttons = false>>
<<tip volunteers>>
<<but "Return" mc>>
<</events>><<if !setup.questCompleted("masters") && setup.checkqStage("masters", 200) && setup.checkqStage("masters", 300) &&
setup.checkqStage("masters", 400) && setup.checkqStage("masters", 500)>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 100>>
<c>You have spent enough time in the Distillery asking questions for now. If any of the master brothers is involved in the attacks, you can't let them suspect you are on to them.
<p>You will continue to keep an eye on them though.
<<qend masters 1000>>
<<but "Continue" mdistillery>>
<<elseif $qqinvestmurder==20>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 100>>
<<qset investmurder 30>>
Novice Pascal runs into the Distillery. You expected to see monks busy working, but you see no one at all.
<p>Novice Pascal continues toward the stairs down to the caves.</p>
<<but "Follow Novice Pascal down the stairs" mdistillery1 ev:600>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 100>>
<cc>The Distillery is a big building, containing a brewery, a distillery, and a winery.<br><<if $qqalonsodistillery>=500>>Several<<else>>A few<</if>> monks are here, busy working.</cc>
<<if $qqrileyThreesome==500>>
<<if ndef $qqmasters>>
/* Isnfo first time player enters distillery, if haven't played monksDrinking3 event where this info was given */
<cc>You know that this building is called "the Distillery" for historical reasons. The distillery was built here first, before the brewery and winery were added.</cc>
<<qset rileyThreesome 510>>
/* qqmasters>=100 below is because player may reveal distillery in rileyThreesome before monksDrinking3 */
<<set _brewergone = false>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<if $qqmonknightmares==220 && !setup.checkqStage("monknightmares",500)>>
<<set _brewergone = true>>
<<set $temp3 = "brewergone">>
<<if !_brewergone>>
<<specbut2 "brewer" mdistillery1 "ev:100 qqmasters>=100">>
<<specbut2 "distiller" mdistillery1 "ev:200 qqmasters>=100 qqinvestmurder<<1">>
<<specbut2 "winemaker" mdistillery1 "ev:300 qqmasters>=100">>
<<specbut2 "pascal" mdistillery1 "ev:400 qqmasters>=100 masters#notplayed200">>
<<specbut2 "pascal" mdistillery1 "ev:410 masters#played200 qqalonsoapprentice<<120">>
<<specbut2 "pascal2" mdistillery1 "ev:610 qqalonsoapprentice>=120">>
<<specbut2 "alonso" mdistillery1 "ev:520 step:1000 qqalonsodistillery==500">>
<<specbut2 "alonso" mdistillery1 "ev:520 qqalonsodistillery>=600 qqalonsoapprentice<<1010">>
<<specbut2 "alonso" mdistillery1 "ev:620 qqalonsoapprentice>=1010">>
<<but "Sneak to the laboratory" mdistillery1 "ev:20 qqrileyThreesome==510">>
<<but "Look for Brother Gino" mdistillery1 "ev:500 temp3==brewergone">>
<<event 20>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery2 80>>
<c>Using the big equipment as cover, you manage to move deeper into the building without being noticed.
<p>This place is quiet right now, and you don't see any people back here. You hope it stays that way.</p>
<<c "Go to the laboratory">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii mgarden/lab 63>>
You come to the laboratory. It's old-fashioned, but the equipment appears to be of good quality and quite modern.
<p>No one is here, and you don't see anyone else when looking around. But you have to hurry. Any moment, a monk could approach.</p></c>
<<c "Search for rubber gloves">>
<<ev 300>>
<<overlay "mgarden/lab" "lab/rubbergloves" 30 25 30 63 "png">><</overlay>>
You find a couple of boxes with thin, but strong transparent rubber gloves. Just what you wanted. You take a few pairs.
<p>While you are here alone, you might as well take a look around. God knows you could use more modern equipment in your own lab.</p>
<<c "Search the laboratory">>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "mgarden/lab" "lab/pipette" 18 25 45 63 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>In a drawer, you find a big box with pipettes with a rubber bulb. These would help a lot when moving small quantities of liquid.
<p>You take a bunch of pipettes with you. The monks won't mind since it's for a good cause. But you can't risk asking them. Your underground lab must remain a secret.</p>
<<c "Keep looking around in the lab">>
<<ev 420>>
<<overlay "mgarden/lab" "lab/tubecontainer" 18 25 45 63 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You find plastic containers with a lid. They are meant for test tubes, but if you fill a pipette with liquid, you could keep it inside one of these containers and carry it with you.
<p>You take a few test tube containers.</p>
<<c "Keep looking around in the lab">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mii mgarden/lab 63>>
<c>You don't see anything else that is worth taking right now. While basically everything in here would be an upgrade to your current lab, you can't risk detection by taking too much. Furthermore, Ludolphus' recipes are written specifically for the equipment in his lab – now your lab. It would not be worth the time and effort to convert the recipes to new equipment. You are doing fine as it is, so far.
<p>If you later have a special need for something in this lab, you could always come back.</p>
<<c "Leave the lab">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii lab/pipette 32 "pnggg">>
<c>The pipettes could open up new possibilities when it comes to giving the divine nectar to Sister Dana. You should explore this further when you get back to your lab.
<<q rileyThreesome 600>>
<<but "Leave the Distillery" monks>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/brewer 35>>
<cc><<cs brewer "How wonderful to see you, $fmc!">></cc>
<<but "Ask about his knees" mdistillery1 "step:200 masters#notplayed400">>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/brewer2 35 right>>
<l>You see Brother Gino carrying a sack and dropping it next to a big piece of equipment. The sack looks rather heavy.
<<s mc "How's the brewing going?">>
<<s brewer "Oh, fine. Just fine. In a minute, I'm about to add this sack of herbs to this batch.">>
<<s mc "How about your knees? They giving you problems?">>
<<s brewer "I told you about them, did I? Thanks for asking, but it's not a problem. I manage fine. Novice Pascal is helping me out when needed. It is really only the heaviest sacks I have to be careful with. I'm still as fit as ever when it comes to everything else.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/brewer 35>>
<c>Brother Gino says he has bad knees, but you wouldn't know just by looking at him. Perhaps he is lying about it, though that's pure speculation at this point.
<<qmess masters 400>>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/distiller 35>>
<cc><<cs distiller "Yes?">></cc>
<<but "Ask about his work" mdistillery1 "step:200 masters#notplayed300">>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/distiller2 34>>
<c>You strike up a conversation about Brother Gregor's work, asking general questions about this and that to get him to open up.
<<s mc "Impressive looking equipment you got here. Is it new?">>
<<s distiller "Yes. About five years. We replaced most of big equipment in here, for distillery, brewery, winery. Expensive, but quality is expensive.">>
<<s mc "What about the old equipment that you replaced? Is it still around here somewhere?">>
<<s distiller "No. We sell old equipment if we didn't still need it.">>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/angel 38 right>>
<l>You wonder if it is a coincidence that the monks upgraded their equipment five years ago. Could it be connected to the production of the lust drug used by the attacker?
<p>According to Brother Salvatore, the fake angel orchestrated the growing of the long pepper. And the fake angel – or an accomplice – probably took bat guano from the shed to fertilize the long pepper. Whoever is the mastermind behind the attacks, perhaps they are also responsible for upgrading the equipment in the Distillery. Everything needed to make a potent lust drug. And possibly other drugs.</p>
<p>But could the drugs really be produced in here without anyone noticing it?
<<qmess masters 300>>
<<but "Continue" mdistillery>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 35>>
<cc><<cs winemaker "The Lord's blessing upon you, $fmc.">></cc>
<<but "Ask about the recipes" mdistillery1 "step:200 masters#notplayed500">>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/winemaker2 35>>
<c><<s mc "Did you ask Father Alvaro about the recipes?">>
<<s winemaker "Pardon me, Father, what do you mean?">>
<<s mc "That thing we talked about at the sampling? That, since you don't have a vineyard, perhaps it would be fair that you instead would be allowed to know the recipes?">>
<<s winemaker "Hmm? Oh, that thing. I almost forgot. No, I haven't brought it up yet. Maybe I will.">>
<<qadd masters 500>>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/pascal 40>>
You approach Novice Pascal for a quick chat to get to know him a little better.
<p>If you're going to look closer at the master brothers, you will probably run into Novice Pascal, as he is their apprentice. And who knows, he too could be involved in the attacks.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/pascal2 35>>
<<s mc "How long since you joined this brotherhood, Novice Pascal?">>
<<s pascal "Oh, about three years now. I hope to take my vows soon, to be made a Brother for real.">>
<<s mc "I understand that you're an apprentice to the master brothers. Was that something you asked for?">>
<<s pascal "Yes, I very much enjoy being their apprentice. I was lucky to get the position when the previous apprentice's training was completed. I find brewing and distilling and everything fascinating, and I'm blessed to be allowed to learn the craft from the master brothers.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/pascal 40 right>>
<<s mc "So what happened with the previous apprentice? Does he still work here for the masters?">>
<<s pascal "Sometimes, yes. That's him over there, actually. Several brothers help out in here – work for the masters, as you say. Some of them have been apprentices before me. But it can be a demanding job, as they are the ones doing most of the heavy lifting, carrying all the heavy sacks of grains and everything, so they take turns, a few months at a time, and then do other work in the monastery, like working in the garden. Only the masters and their apprentice work in the Distillery all year round. That's how it goes. And now I'm the apprentice, learning the ropes. I sometimes help with carrying the heavy sacks too, but I'm more like a personal assistant to the masters, you could say. I help out Brother Gino a lot because of his bad knees.">>
<<qmess masters 200>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/brewer 30>>
<c>As you are talking to Novice Pascal, Brother Gino speaks up, asking Novice Pascal to get something from the laboratory.
<p>Novice Pascal excuses himself to you and then leaves for the lab. He invites you to follow him, which you do.</p>
<<c "To the laboratory">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii mgarden/lab 50>>
<c><<s mc "Nice lab. You help out in here too?">>
<<s pascal "Sometimes, yes. It's part of the craft I'm learning as an apprentice." ii>>
<<s mc "Everything looks pretty modern in here. I guess you need it to ensure the high quality of your products?">>
<<s pascal "Yes, we don't skimp on quality when it comes to the equipment in the Distillery. It's how we make our money after all." ii>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii monks/pascal2 35 right>>
<<s mc "With all this expensive equipment, aren't you afraid someone will come here to steal it?">>
<<s pascal "No, we have strong locks and reinforced doors and windows.">>
<<s mc "That's good. Not having to worry about thieves.">>
<<s pascal "Yeah. Well, actually, some stuff has been missing from the lab recently. Perhaps a delivery man or truck driver snuck inside and took it. The building is unlocked during the day, so it's possible.">>
<<s mc "What did they take?">>
<<s pascal "Nothing too expensive. Mostly basic lab equipment like test tubes and pipettes.">>
<<s mc "Could it have been a brother who took it? Perhaps someone has a small lab in their room?">>
<<s pascal "I doubt it. It wouldn't be allowed.">>
You thank Novice Pascal for his time.
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 1000>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii lab/tubecontainer 23 "left pnggg">><<space3>><<mii lab/pipette 23 "pnggg left">>
<c>Someone has been taking basic lab equipment. Basic, but modern, lab equipment sounds like something an alchemist could use when making the lust drug.
<<qmess masters 250>>
<<but "Continue" mdistillery>>
<<event 410>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/pascal 40>>
<cc><<cs pascal "Greetings, $fmc.">></cc>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 500 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/brewer2 28>>
<cc>You go to where the master brewer usually works.
<p>You look around, but you can't see him anywhere.</p>
<<c "Look for help">>
<<ev 110>>
<<mi distiller 40>>
<c>You see Brother Gregor, the master distiller, close by.
<<s mc "Brother Gregor, do you know where I can find Brother Gino?">>
<<s distiller "No.">>
Chatty guy, as always.
<<c "Look for someone else">>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi winemaker 40>>
<c>Brother William, the master winemaker, is working further away. You go to him.
<<s mc "Greetings, Brother William, I'm looking for Brother Gino.">>
<<s winemaker "He should be around here somewhere. I saw him a few minutes ago.">>
<<s mc "Thank you. I'll keep looking.">>
<<c "Keep looking around">>
<<ev 130>>
<<mi pascal 40>>
<c>You see Novice Pascal carrying a sack. He spots you looking around.
<<s pascal "$fmc, can I help you?">>
<<s mc "I'm looking for Brother Gino.">>
<<s pascal "He is in the caves. Follow me, and I'll take you to him.">>
<<c "Follow Novice Pascal">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery5 80>>
<c>You follow Novice Pascal down the nearby stairs.
<p><<bold "The caves">> as the monks call it is a system of tunnels where the monks store and age their alcoholic beverages.</p>
<<c "Follow Novice Pascal through the tunnels">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery4 90>>
<c>You have been told the monks call it <<italics "the caves">> because there used to be natural caves here back in medieval times when the original distillery was founded. Since then, the caves have been replaced with tunnels that have expanded considerably and today it is a well-maintained underground storage facility.
<p>Following Novice Pascal down a long tunnel, you soon turn and enter another long tunnel.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery6 45 right>>
<l>You meet a monk carrying a small crate. Judging from the clinking noise, it contains empty bottles.
If your sense of direction is correct, this tunnel is going in the direction of the monastery main building.
<<s mc "Is this tunnel leading in under the monastery?">>
<<s pascal "Yes, I believe so. The further reaches of the caves used to be part of the old dungeons. Or so I've been told." ii>>
You wonder if that potential secret passage between the monks and nuns that you have been searching for could perhaps be accessed from these underground tunnels.
<p>If an entrance to the hypothetical secret passage is around here somewhere, it is probably very hard to find or it would have been discovered by the monks working down here. Unless, of course, they are hiding this knowledge from you.</p>
<<ev 440>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery3 90>>
Eventually, the tunnel widens to contain barrels on both sides. Here you see a monk whom you recognize as Brother Gino.
<p>The master brewer appears to be doing some test on a barrel of beer.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi brewer 30>>
<<cs mc "Brother Gino, I would like a word if you have the time.">>
<<cs brewer "How can I help you, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "Novice Pascal, would you mind giving us some privacy?">>
<<cs pascal "Of course." ii>>
Novice Pascal bows slightly and returns the same way you came.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi brewer2 30>>
<c><<s mc "Are you testing the beer?">>
<<s brewer "Yes, I'm doing a routine quality control. As you know, we produce a range of aged beers here. Not the quickly-made beer most people drink. We give these beers time to develop their complex taste. They are all made from old recipes, of course.">>
Recipes that only the abbot and the head gardener know. You wonder if Brother Gino is as okay with this as he claims.
<<ev 620>>
<<mi brewer 35 right>>
<<s brewer "Did you come to ask about the beer production?">>
<<s mc "No. It's about the nightmare you told Father Alvaro about – the doctor by the bed, tapping on you. Father Alvaro wanted my help interpreting the dream.">>
<<s brewer "I see. Strange nightmare that. It felt so real.">>
<<s mc "You've only had the nightmare once, is that correct?">>
<<s brewer "Hmm, no. I've had it once more, but I didn't see any reason to tell Father Alvaro about it. He seemed interested in that tapping series, but I didn't remember it well in the second nightmare, so I didn't bother telling Father Alvaro.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi brewer2 30>>
<c>Upon your request, Brother Gino tells you what he remembers of the two nightmares, which occurred about a week apart.
When Brother Gino is done, you ask him a few follow-up questions. You don't learn anything new of note.
<p>You then thank him for his time.
<<qmess monknightmares 500>>
<<run setup.check_monknightmares()>>
<<c "Prepare to leave Brother Gino">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery3 90>>
<c>You look down the tunnel. Would it be worth the time to carefully explore all the tunnels hoping to find a secret entrance? It could take weeks to examine every part of this underground place – and the monks would notice it.
<p>You hear footsteps approaching behind you.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi pascal 40>>
<c>It is Novice Pascal. You get the impression he had been waiting close by.
<<s pascal "Are you ready to return upstairs, Father? I'll escort you. We don't want you to get lost down here.">>
<<s mc "Thank you. Lead the way.">>
<<s pascal "We can take the stairs to the storage building. They are closest.">>
Novice Pascal continues down the tunnel.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii mgarden/elevator 60>>
<c>You soon reach a wide set of stairs leading up. There is also an old, but sturdy-looking freight elevator here.
A couple of monks are loading the elevator with heavy crates, presumably containing bottles filled with alcoholic beverages to be stored in the storage building upstairs.</p>
<<c "Follow Novice Pascal up the stairs">>
<<ev 1230>>
<<mii mgarden/storageRoom2 82>>
<<s pascal "I'll get back to work. Don't hesitate to ask if there is anything else I can help you with." ii>>
<<s mc "Thank you, Novice Pascal.">>
Novice Pascal leaves.
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi pascal2 30>>
<c>As you watch Novice Pascal leave, you ponder what you know about him.
<p>He is only an apprentice to the master brothers, learning their craft, but Novice Pascal could have more technical expertise than he lets on. He also knows his way around here and can move about without arousing suspicion.</p>
<<ev 1260>>
<<mi pascal 36>>
<c>And what about Novice Pascal showing up so quickly after you were done talking with Brother Gino?
<p>Novice Pascal was probably waiting in the distance to escort you back, but was that all he was doing? Did Novice Pascal eavesdrop on you talking to Brother Gino?</p>
<p>Novice Pascal was not on Father Alvaro's list of monks having the nightmare.</p>
<<ev 1270>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 42>>
<c>Novice Pascal could fit the profile of being the mysterious alchemist.
<p>But there are many monks working in the Distillery. You don't have much reason to suspect Novice Pascal of being the alchemist – or being somehow involved in the attacks – before anyone else.</p>
<<but "Leave the storage building" mkgarden1 ev:300>>
<<event 520>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 34>>
You find Novice Alonso carrying sacks.
<<cs alonso "$fmc?">>
<<but "<<actQuest investmurder>>" mdistillery1 "ev:620 step:400 qqinvestmurder==1020 investmurder#notplayed2100">>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<ev 1000>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/alonso2 30 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/pascal2 30 "left nomarginRight">>
<c>You find Novice Alonso together with Novice Pascal, stacking sacks of grain. It looks like Novice Pascal is showing Novice Alonso what to do.
<p>You wait for Novice Alonso to see you before approaching, not wanting to ambush him. It is crucial that Novice Alonso maintains his cover and does not arouse suspicions about his sudden transfer.
<<s mc "Novice Alonso, are you working in here now?">>
You hope Novice Alonso is a good enough actor to act naturally.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc. The sun doesn't agree with me, so Father Alvaro let me work here.">>
Novice Alonso appears a little nervous, but that's how he usually comes off. You think that he did well enough. Novice Pascal doesn't seem to have noticed anything strange.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii monks/pascal2 36>>
<<s pascal "Can I help you with anything, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "No, thank you. I'm just taking a stroll, looking around. And to get away from the sun. On hot days like these, I understand why you would prefer to work in here.">>
<<s pascal "Yes, it's one of the perks. But it gets sweaty in here too, carrying sacks and other heavy things. The caves are nice though, cool even on the hottest days. A good place to store our wine and other beverages.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/alonso2 30 "left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii monks/pascal2 30 "left nomarginRight">>
Novice Pascal continues stacking sacks together with Novice Alonso.
<p>You have seen what you wanted. Novice Alonso should do okay working here.</p>
<p>You can't be seen too much with Novice Alonso, so you will keep meeting him in the bathroom when there is something to talk about. You just hope that he finds something of importance to the investigation. You have to wait and see.
<<q alonsodistillery 600>>
<<qendversion alonsodistillery version0.8.0>>
<<but "Continue" mdistillery>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 600 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery4 90>>
<cc>Novice Pascal runs through the tunnels.</cc>
<<c "Follow him">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery6 40>>
<c>You come to a group of monks standing together, blocking the entrance to another tunnel. You see Novice Alonso among them.
<p>Novice Pascal makes his way through the group and continues running through the new tunnel. Further ahead, you see a second group of monks.</p>
<<c "Follow Novice Pascal">>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "monks/corpseGregor" "mgarden/keg" -30 -3 36 60 "png rotate40">><</overlay>>
<c>Novice Pascal finally stops in front of the second group of monks. You see several senior monks here, including Father Alvaro.
<p>A few steps behind them, a body lies still on the ground. /*Judging from the dress, it is one of the monks.*/</p>
<p>A large wooden barrel lies on the ground near the head of the body.</p>
<p>Coming closer, you recognize who the person on the ground is...</p>
<<ev 300>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mi distiller2 34 left>><<mi corpseGregorHead 34 left>>
<<mii mgarden/keg 24 "left pnggg">>
<r>It is Brother Gregor, the master distiller. And he looks dead.
<p>Based on the blood on Brother Gregor's head, and the large barrel lying next to him, it looks like the barrel hit Brother Gregor in the head, killing him.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40 right>>
<l><<s abbot "$fmc, thank you so much for coming. Something terrible has happened, as you can see. Brother Gregor is dead. He was missing during Lauds and when work started, he was found here with the rack on top of him.">>
Father Alvaro gestures at one of the many storage racks with shelves pushed up against the walls. This particular rack is empty.
<<s abbot "That barrel was placed on the top shelf of the rack. Somehow, the rack had fallen on top of Brother Gregor. I assume the barrel hit his head. It's full of beer and very heavy. The brothers who found Brother Gregor removed the rack from him to check him for vital signs and help him, but it was too late. Other than that, we haven't touched anything, I think.">>
<<s mc "How could the rack fall over?">>
<<s abbot "That's what's so strange. It takes a lot of strength to tip the rack over. It's not something you do by mistake.">>
<<ev 540>>
<<mi corpseGregor 60>>
<c>You bend down and put your hand on Brother Gregor's cheek. His skin doesn't feel cold to the touch. You aren't an expert on the recently deceased, but you think it means he can't have been dead for many hours.
<<s mc "When was Brother Gregor last seen alive?">>
<<s abbot "I haven't had time to ask around, but I know he was present at Compline last night.">>
/*<<s mc "We'll find out later. The police will want to question everyone. Did you contact them yet?">>*/
<<ev 600>>
<<mii abbot/head 33>>
<c>Father Alvaro takes you away from the other monks, wanting to speak privately .
<<s abbot "I have sent one of the brothers to the town to alert the police. It will probably take an hour or two before they get here. I was thinking that perhaps you would want to look at Brother Gregor first in case you find something related to your case. Something that might paint our order in a bad light. And the Church...">>
<<s mc "You did the right thing, Father Alvaro. We will, of course, let the police do their thing when they come, but I will take a look. You should keep everyone away, out of sight, while I examine the scene. To give me privacy...">>
Father Alvaro nods, understanding your unsaid words. You may have to do something that should not be known. You have a duty to protect the reputation of the monastery and the Church. Sometimes, this may even trump the local laws, although you would not admit it openly.
<<ev 700>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40>>
<<s mc "You should also put guards at both entrances to the tunnel to keep the scene undisturbed until the police come.">>
<<s abbot "I will take care of it.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<overlay "monks/corpseGregor" "mgarden/keg" -30 -3 36 60 "png rotate40">><</overlay>>
<c>While Father Alvaro moves everyone away, you take a quick overview of the scene.
<p>You can see the faint, dusty traces on Brother Gregor's clothes from where the rack hit him. He probably also has bruises on his body from the blow.</p>
<p>Together with the barrel lying next to Brother Gregor's head, it seems obvious what happened. The rack fell over and the barrel hit Brother Gregor in the head. But how could the rack fall over?</p>
<<ev 1020>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mi distiller2 34 left>><<mi corpseGregorHead 34 left>>
<c>You suspect that this was not an accident. You suspect that Brother Gregor was murdered.
<p>The police may think the same. That would be most unfortunate. A murder investigation by the local authorities is the last thing you need.</p>
<p>Whatever happened here, you must make the police think this was just a tragic accident. That the rack and barrel somehow fell on Brother Gregor – with no one else involved – causing his death.</p>
<p>But you must be careful not to make the police suspect you of tampering with evidence. If you disturb the potential crime scene in a way that the police will notice, they have all the more reason to suspect foul play.
<<qstart investmurder 100>></p>
/* player can change fontsize for puzzle which will reset when leaving puzzle, so need to avoid backing out */
<<set $temp3 = "nohistory">> /* need temp3 here since called in js, so can't use temp3 in puzzel - using temp1 instead */
/* saving current font size for reset */
<<set $temp31 = setup.getCSSvariable("--base-font-size")>>
<<set $temp31 = $temp31.substring(0,$temp31.length-2)>>
<<but "Continue" mdistillery1 step:2000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<cc class="puzzle-text">Examine the corpse for clues and decide what to do.</cc>
<cc class="puzzle-text-extra">Make it look like an accident. The police must not suspect you of tampering with evidence.</cc>
<<set $temp=$temp1=$temp2=$temp4=$temp5=_salve=_mud1=_mud2=null>>
<<set _im = setup.mediaPath+"monks/corpseGregor.jpg">>
/*must resize everything for mobile etc or gregor image mismatches with grid and zooms wrong*/
<div style="position:relative;z-index:1">
<div id="puzzle" class="puzzle-4x5 murder-puzzle">
<div class="invest-zoom-container">
<img id="myimage" @src=_im>
<div id="puzzle-row1" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory100" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">>
<<run setup.examineGrid("100")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory101" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("101")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory102" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("102")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory103" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("103")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory104" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("104")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row2" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory200" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("200")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory201" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("201")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory202" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("202")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory203" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("203")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory204" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("204")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row3" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory300" class="invest-piece" >
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("300")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory301" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("301")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory302" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("302")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory303" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("303")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory304" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("304")>><</button>>
<div id="puzzle-row4" class="center-flex puzzle-button">
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory400" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("400")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory401" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("401")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory402" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("402")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory403" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("403")>><</button>>
<span class="murder-piece-base">
<span id="memory404" class="invest-piece">
<span class="invest-button" style="opacity:1">
<<button "">><<run setup.examineGrid("404")>><</button>>
<<set _puzzlesizemess = true>>
<div id="memory-check" class="memory-fail shadow2 nomargin-bottom" style="display:none;visibility:hidden">No match. Try again.</div>
<div id="puzzlesizemess" style="font-size:90%;margin-top:0.5rem;margin-bottom:-0rem;visibility:hidden"><<special "Any changes using + and – will change back when you leave.">></div>
<div id="puzzle-result">
<span id="puzzlesmaller" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "–">>
<<run setup.showPuzzleResizeMessage()>>
<<if $fontSizeBase > 5>>
<<set $fontSizeBase-->>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<div class="statbut inline">
<div class="bbox">
<<button "Execute your decisions">>
/* <<if !($temp==$temp2==$temp1==$temp4==$temp5==_salve!=null)>>*/
/* call grid 20 for ending successfully ending, 10 for wrong choices */
/*<<if true>>
<<run setup.examineGrid("10")>> */
/* change below to elseif when using above test */
<<if $temp==null || $temp2==null || $temp1==null || $temp4==null || $temp5==null || _mud1==null ||_mud2==null ||_salve==null || !_temp3show>>
<<run setup.examineGrid("1")>>
<<if !$temp && $temp2 && !$temp1 && !$temp4 && $temp5 && !_mud1 && _mud2>>
<<run setup.examineGrid("20")>>
<<run setup.examineGrid("10")>>
<span id="puzzlebigger" style="display:inline-block;margin-left:2rem" class="memory-size-change"><<button "+">>
<<run setup.showPuzzleResizeMessage()>>
<<set $fontSizeBase++>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px")>>
<<print 'fontsize: $fontSizeBase'>>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<if setup.gridID == 0>>
<<run setup.examineGrid("0")>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery4 70>>
<c>You walk through the tunnel in the direction you came from following Novice Pascal here.
<p>At the end, in the intersecting tunnel, a couple of monks stand guard as you instructed Father Alvaro, waiting for the police to arrive. They move aside to let you pass.</p>
<p>You continue through the tunnels toward the stairs. Here and there, you see monks working. Life goes on even when waiting for the police.</p>
<<set $fontSizeBase = $temp31>>
<<run setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.temp31+"px")>>
<<c "Return upstairs">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery5 60>>
/* free memory. setting to null or using unset will not work since will not delete variable */
<<set delete $temp1>>
<c>You start walking up the stairs. You find it unusually tiring. Your legs feel heavy. You realize that this may be because of the salve.
<p>Being cautious, you sit down on the stairs and wait. You concentrate on your body, and you test your muscle strength.</p>
<p>You quickly feel even weaker. Not much – you think you can still walk up the stairs – but you are certain that this is the work of the salve. If you had used more salve, you might not have been able to move at all.</p>
<p>Suddenly, you realize what this could mean...</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>This salve could be what the attacker and the doctor use to paralyze their victims.
<p>The salve is very possibly based on one of Ludolphus' recipes, in which case it is likely listed in your cataloged recipes.</p>
<p>But then why haven't you noticed the recipe? When cataloging Ludolphus' recipes, wouldn't you have reacted if you saw a recipe for something that paralyzes the victims, like the nuns – and now also the monks – has described to you?</p>
<p>You must go to your lab to see if you can find such a recipe.</p>
<<c "Stand up and try to walk up the stairs">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 100>>
<c>With some difficulty, you manage to walk up the stairs. If you just take it easy, watching your balance, you don't think you will have any problems moving around.
<p>Luckily, your cognitive abilities do not seem affected, as far as you can tell. You feel as clear-headed as before. You could go look for that recipe right now, but the police will probably want to speak with you today, and you should wait until then before spending much time down in your lab.</p>
<p>Hopefully, the police will grant your request to wait until after lunch before questioning you, giving time for the paralyzing salve to wear off.
<<q investmurder 500>>
<<c "Leave the Distillery">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mii monks/alonso 32>>
<c>Outside the Distillery, you see Novice Alonso waving at you from behind a pile of crates. You look around, worried about someone spotting you two together, but you see no one else. You quickly hide behind the crates together with Novice Alonso and sign for him to whisper when you talk.
<<s mc "We shouldn't talk now. Later, in the bathroom.">>
<<s alonso "But... Brother Gregor is dead. Do you think it was the counterfeiters? Was he murdered?">>
Novice Alonso sounds very upset. You better speak with him now to calm him down.
<<s mc "It's possible, but I don't know yet. Do you know anything about what happened?">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 30>>
<<s alonso "No, nothing. I have thought about hearing or seeing something connected to Brother Gregor or what happened, but nothing. I haven't been here that long...">>
<<s mc "Send for me if you think of something. Then we'll speak in the bathroom as usual. You can't approach me like this. It could be dangerous if someone sees us together.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, I'm sorry, $fmc. I just needed to talk to you now. It's so terrible what happened.">>
<<s mc "I understand, Novice Alonso. Keep your eyes and ears open, but be careful.">>
Novice Alonso nods gravely and leaves. You wait a little while before leaving too.
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<event 610>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/pascal 40>>
<cc><<cs pascal2 "Greetings, $fmc.">></cc>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",130)>>
<<if $qqalonsoapprentice < 500>>
From his differently colored monks' habit, you can tell that Novice Pascal is no more. He has taken his vow to become Brother Pascal. That must mean he is the new master distiller.
<<s mc "Congratulations, Brother Pascal... On taking the vows, and on becoming the new master distiller.">>
<<s pascal2 "Thank you, Father. It's for a tragic reason, but I will do my best to honor Brother Gregor's memory and his dedication to the craft.">>
<<qadd alonsoapprentice 130>>
<<if $qqalonsoapprentice < 500>>
<<qmess alonsoapprentice 150>>
<<but "Leave him" mdistillery>>
<<event 620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 34>>
<<if $qqalonsoapprentice>=1010 && !setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1400)>>
You see Novice Alonso speaking with Brother <<var winemaker,>> the master winemaker.
<<if setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1100) || setup.checkqStage("alonsoapprentice",1200)>>
Being their new apprentice, Novice Alonso will now work closely with the master brothers.
It might be because Novice Alonso has become the new apprentice to the master brothers. But this is not the place to speak to Novice Alonso about it.
<<qadd alonsoapprentice 1400>>
You find Novice Alonso carrying sacks to a big machine.
<<cs alonso "$fmc?">>
<<but "Continue" mdistillery>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
You wait until Novice Alonso is alone, and then you tell him to check if the lab is clear because you want to visit it without anyone knowing.
<p>You follow Novice Alonso from a distance as he leaves for the lab. Once at the lab, he looks inside and then gives you the "all clear" sign.</p>
<p>After telling Novice Alonso to keep guard outside in case someone comes, you turn to enter the lab.</p>
<<c "Enter the lab">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii mgarden/lab2 80>>
<c>You enter the lab with its fully functional and mostly modern equipment.
<p>Now you need to use the microscope.</p>
<<c "Go to the microscope">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii mgarden/microscope 34 pnggg>>
<c>You step up to the microscope. This piece of equipment looks advanced enough for your purposes.
<p>Now you must examine the mud sample you took from Brother Gregor's shoes.</p>
<<c "Prepare the mud sample">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii mgarden/mud 58>>
<c>You take the mud sample from your pocket and place some of the mud on a glass slide.
<p>You place the slide under the microscope and then look through the binoculars.</p>
<p>You want to see if there are traces of herbs that you wouldn't expect to find under the shoes of someone working in the Distillery – but that would be consistent with someone working in a lab making alchemical concoctions.</p>
<<c "Examine the mud in the microscope">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii mgarden/mudmagnified 55>>
<c>You take an initial look at the mud in the microscope.
<p>Nothing stands out at first glance. You see some organic matter from plants, as expected from someone walking on grass and in the Distillery where herbs and grains are handled. Unfortunately, you lack the knowledge to identify any of it.</p>
<<ev 940>>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 40 pnggg>>
<c>However, you have long pepper dust with you to compare with. You know that long pepper is used for the lust drug, but it is not an ingredient in any of the recipes used in the Distillery.
<p>You put a speck of long pepper dust on another slide.</p>
<<c "Examine the long pepper dust in the microscope">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii mgarden/longpeppermagnified 40>>
<c>You study the magnified long pepper dust, trying to commit to memory how it looks. The shape, color, and texture.
<p>Then you go back to the mud slide, trying to find traces of long pepper.</p>
<<c "Study the mud through the microscope">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii mgarden/mudmagnified 56>>
<c>You study the mud, this time taking your time with it, carefully searching for traces of long pepper dust.
<p>If you found a lot of long pepper dust in the mud sample, it means Brother Gregor has been somewhere where long pepper has been handled, which would be suspicious in his case.</p>
<p>Going into the garden shed could be enough to pick up traces of long pepper, but as far as you know, Brother Gregor would have no reason to visit the garden shed. Of course, he could have been in the garden shed for an innocent reason.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii mgarden/microscope 34 pnggg>>
<c>Sadly, your thoughts and hopes are for nothing. You find no traces of long pepper dust in the mud sample – or anything else that seems suspicious or out of the ordinary.
<p>The forensic experts at the police may find something of interest, but this is as far as you will come with your limited expertise in this area.</p>
<<c "Leave the lab">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 34>>
<c>After cleaning up in the lab, making it look like you weren't there, you leave the room. Novice Alonso is standing outside as ordered.
<p>You tell the young monk that he can return to work, and remind him to keep his eyes and ears open and report anything suspicious.</p>
<p>Novice Alonso nods and hurries away.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii mgarden/mud 55>>
<cc>The mud sample was a dead end.
<<qmess investmurder 2100 center>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("investmurder",2000) && setup.checkqStage("investmurder",2100)>>
<<but "Leave" monkevents1 "ev:300 step:2000">>
<cc>Now you must speak to the abbot to see if he has any news about the investigation.
<<qmess investmurder 1990 center>>
<</events>><<if setup.showgarden > 0>>
<<mi garden 100>>
<<set setup.showgarden = 0>>
<<set setup.showgarden = 1>>
<<mv garden 100>>
<cc>The monks are busy working in the herb garden.</cc>
<<specbut2 "gardener" mgarden1 "ev:100">>
<<specbut2 "alonso" mgarden1 "ev:200 qqalonsodistillery<<500">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgarden1 "ev:500 qqgiovanniq>=300 qqgiovanniq<<350">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgarden1 "ev:520 qqlongpepperguano==100">></cc0>
<<but "Garden center" mgardencenter>><<but "Garden edge" mgardenedge>>
<<but "Leave" monks>><<events>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi gardenerWorking 36>>
<cc>The old head gardener is busy working in the herb garden.
<<cs gardener "Yes?">>
<<but "\"The front line\"" mgarden1 "ev:300 monks3#played1001 monks3#notplayed1002">>
<<but "Ask about long pepper" mgarden1 "ev:400 qqlongpepper2==450 qqgiovanniq<<100">>
<<c Leave mgarden>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi alonsoWorking 36>>
<cc><<alonso>> is busy working in the herb garden.
<<cs alonso "$fmc?">></cc>
<<c Leave mgarden>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/gardener 35>>
<<s mc "I heard that you call this area the front line. If it's a battle, then who is the enemy?">>
<<s gardener "The enemy is time and laziness. We have much to do, but little time to do it.">>
<<s mc "I see.">>
That didn't sound too crazy. Nothing that says the old gardener is losing his mind. But it was worth a try, and you don't yet want to rule out that <<gardener "'s">> militaristic view on growing could be an indication of him going insane.
<<qadd monks3 1002>>
<<c Leave mgarden>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/gardener 30>>
<<s mc "Father <<abbot>> and I were discussing the many alcoholic beverages produced here, and I happened to mention that I saw a lot of long pepper grown in your garden. But then the abbot revealed that you didn't use long pepper in any of the recipes. That made me curious why you grow so much of it.">>
<<s gardener "What? Long pepper? Hmm... Ah, yes, that's <<giovanni \"'s\">> thing. He wanted it. I didn't pay much attention to it. That part of the garden is way behind the front line, so I let others take care of it as long as they don't mess with the herbs needed for the recipes.">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii monks/gardener 35 right>>
<<s mc "I see. I'm just surprised there was so much of it. Do you sell herbal products here too, like the nuns do? Or why else would <<giovanni>> grow so much long pepper?">>
<<s gardener "How would I know? Ask him. Can't you see I'm busy working the front line? And no, we don't sell anything except our alcoholic products. That's our livelihood.">>
<<q longpepper2 500>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 28>>
<<giovanni>> just became your prime suspect. Why would he need all the long pepper? You can think of one thing: to make a drug similar to Ludolphus' lust potions. <<giovanni>> could be the attacker, using the lust drug on the nuns somehow, making them have these erotic dreams and feelings of lust.
<p>But it could be a coincidence. <<giovanni>> could be innocent and grow the long pepper for some other reason. How do you best find out the truth about this without alerting him to your suspicions?
<<qstart giovanniq 100>>
<<suspectadd giovanni s2>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 50>>
You suspect that the long pepper could be used to make a lust drug, but you have no evidence that any of the monks possesses that knowledge. You should try to find out if the monks have a manuscript in their library containing such information.
<<qstart monkherbal 100>>
<<but "Continue" mgarden>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40>>
You want to confront <<giovanni>> about the long pepper he is growing, but not here where there are a lot of people nearby. It would be best to approach <<giovanni>> when he is working alone near the edge of the garden, where the patch of long pepper is.
<<q giovanniq 340>>
<<but "Continue" mgarden>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 520>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40>>
<<cs giovanni "Yes, $fmc?">></cc>
<<c Leave mgarden>>
<</events>><<mii mgarden/gardencenter 75>>
<<if $qqstefanoq==200 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("stefanoq",2)>>
<c>On your way to the garden shed, you hear an upset voice coming from that direction. It sounds like <<name gardener.>>
<p>Moving closer, you see the old gardener standing outside the shed. He is talking with <<name salvatore.>> <<name giovanni>> and <<name alonso>> are also there.</p>
<<but "Go to them" mgardencenter1 ev:500 >>
<cc>Near the center of the herb garden is a large storage shed.</cc>
<<specbut2 "salvatore" mgardencenter1 "ev:100">></cc0>
<<but "Look for long pepper in shed" mgardencenter1 "ev:300 qqlongpepper==200">>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>> /* invis block button with no padding/margin/fontsize to have location buttons on new line */
<<but "Garden entrance" mgarden>>
<<but "Garden edge" mgardenedge>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
<<cs mc "Brother Salvatore. How are you today?">>
<<cs salvatore "I'm good, $fmc. I'm watering the herbs.">>
<<if random(1,5)==1>>
<<cs mc "Yes, I can see that.">>
<<but "Ask about long pepper" mgardencenter1 "ev:320 qqlongpepper2>=300 qqlongpepper2<<320 longpepper#notplayed320">>
<<but "Ask again about long pepper" mgardencenter1 "ev:400 qqlongpepper2==600">>
/* Removing guano topic after attack3 to "clean up old stuff" because it has no effect on stefano quest */
<<but "Ask about bat guano" mgardencenter1 "ev:510 qqstefanoq>=300 stefanoq#notplayed310 qqdream4<<0">>
<<but "Confront him about the cider" mgardencenter1 "ev:600 qqcider==1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest dream4 colorAll>>" mgardencenter1 "ev:620 qqdream4==3000">>
<<but "<<actQuest alonsoq2>>" mgardencenter1 "ev:700 qqalonsoq2==200 salvatoreq#completed">>
<<c Leave mgardencenter>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 60>>
You enter the large shed. After looking around in the big room among all the herbs stored here, you find dried long pepper. A large amount of it. More than you hoped for. Enough that you probably could take a whole bunch of it without anyone caring, or noticing. Your future needs for long pepper seem to be taken care of.
<p>You put some dried long pepper inside your robe. No one can tell.
<<lab "Long pepper has been restocked.">>
<<qend longpepper 300>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii hall/300-200 30>>
Now that you have enough of the ingredients to make more lust potions, you can continue with your plan to help Novice Frances and Novice Zara see the error of their ways and accept the holy rites.
<p>The ideal time to use the lust potions in the kitchen would be during the Midday Prayer just before lunch is served.
<<q hallNovices 300>>
<<but "Think about all the long pepper in the shed" mgardencenter1 "fullWidth">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
The reason for the monks to grow this much long pepper must be investigated. You suspect that the attacker uses some kind of lust-inducing drug on the nuns, and long pepper is the main ingredient in Ludolphus' lust potion. Sister Jana didn't grow much of the herb, yet here at the monks, you find a whole bunch of it. You need to find out if all this long pepper is used for their alcoholic products or why else the monks would have this much of the herb.
<p>But you have to be careful. If someone here is using long pepper to make a lust drug, you can't reveal that you are on to them.</p>
<p>The person you think would be the easiest one to question without them catching on to you is Brother Salvatore. Maybe he knows what the long pepper is used for.
<<qstart longpepper2 300>></p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii mgarden/doorlock 36 "right pnggg">>
Before leaving the shed, you notice the lock on the door. It's a modern lock, showing that the monks don't trust God alone to protect their herbs.
/* Would be out of place to mention this now. Do it in v4 when the time comes.
The lock requires a key on the outside, but on the inside you only need to turn the switch under the handle to lock and unlock.
You doubt anything in the shed is worth much to thieves unless they have a buyer specialized in herbs, but to the monks, the herbs are very valuable. It's their livelihood.</p>
<<but "Leave shed" mgardencenter>>
<<event 320>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
<<s mc "You have a lot of long pepper in the shed. Do you really need all that long pepper for your alcoholic products?">>
<<s salvatore "I don't know. You should ask <<gardener .>> I just grow the herbs. God wants me to.">>
<<s mc "Sure He does.">>
<<c Leave>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/gardener 30>>
<<gardener>> could probably answer your questions about the long pepper, but the old head gardener is still a suspect in the attacks. And if anyone here has the skill and knowledge to make a lust drug using herbs, it could very well be the head gardener. At this stage of the investigation, you don't want to risk anything by asking him.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 30>>
<p>You could ask Father <<var abbot,>> as he must be privy to the recipes used in the manufacturing of the alcoholic products, but you are hesitant to do it. The abbot knows about your investigation because you almost had no choice but to tell him, but he could still be the attacker. If he is, you would tip your hand you are closing in on him by asking about the long pepper. You don't want to risk it right now. You will have to find another way to get to the bottom of what all the long pepper is used for. You have to think about this.
<<q longpepper2 320>>
<<c Continue mgardencenter>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40 right>>
<<s mc "<<salvatore ,>> I want to ask again about the long pepper. <<giovanni>> said he is growing the long pepper because you told him to. And that you were told by God.">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. God wants me to grow the long pepper.">>
<<s mc "You told me that earlier, but I didn't think you meant it literally. How do you know that God wants you to grow the long pepper?">>
<<s salvatore "He told me to. I saw the angel and God spoke through him.">>
<<s mc "<<salvatore ,>> this is very important. I'm from the Vatican and we take visits from angels very seriously. You must tell me exactly what happened when the angel appeared before you – what you saw and heard.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 30>>
<<s salvatore "I was sleeping and woke up. I was blinded by a light. Then I saw the angel. He said that God was speaking through him. And then God told me that He wanted the long pepper. He told me where to plant it.">>
<<s mc "Let's hold it there for a moment. How did you know it was an angel?">>
<<s salvatore "He said his name was Paulus and that he was an angel sent by God.">>
<<s mc "Paulus? Like Paul the Apostle in the Bible? Are you sure?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. He said his name was Paulus.">>
<<s mc "Hmm.... And how did he look?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 34 right>>
<<s salvatore "Very bright. It was hard to see. I felt dizzy. The angel told me that I should not look straight at him because it could hurt me. Human minds are not strong enough to see God's light. It is dangerous. But he said my mind was special. I will not get as hurt from seeing God's light because my mind is not as sharp as others. Because I am blessed by God to be able to see His light better. That's why the angel came to me.">>
<<s mc "And then what did the angel say?">>
<<s salvatore "His voice changed because God was speaking through him. And God said that He gave me a mission to grow long pepper in the garden, behind the crosswort plants. The long pepper patch should be three times the width and length of the crosswort patch. Then God told me that I should not grow or harvest it myself. I should ask <<giovanni>> to do it.">>
<<s mc "Why do you think God wanted you to ask <<giovanni>> to do it?">>
<<s salvatore "<<giovanni>> was working there. It was his area to work. The front line was close to that place then.">>
<<ev 330>>
<<mii misc/angel 32>>
You are almost sure that <<salvatore>> did not see a real angel, but an impostor, manipulating <<salvatore>> to do his bidding.<p>From what you have heard, this so-called angel seemed to know that <<giovanni>> was responsible for that part of the garden at the time, meaning that the angel must be someone with knowledge of the day-to-day work. Which doesn't help you much since that could be anyone here.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 34>>
/* old not used anymore
<<s mc "And <<giovanni>> was the first person who entered the shed?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. That's why I told him to grow the long pepper.">>
<<s mc "What more did the angel say about the long pepper?">>
<<s salvatore "He said it should be harvested and dried regularly to always keep a lot of it in the shed. God said it, through the angel.">>
<<s mc "Did God say what He wanted the long pepper for?">>
<<s salvatore "No.">>
<<s mc "Did the angel or God ever speak to you again?">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 34 right>>
<<s salvatore "Yes. The angel came back because <<giovanni>> didn't want to grow the long pepper. He said the patch was too big. But then the angel said to me that I must continue to ask <<giovanni>> to do it. I should tell him how God had ordered it, but to keep it a secret from anyone else. So I told that to <<giovanni>> and then he agreed to do it.">>
<<s mc "Have you seen anyone take long pepper from the shed?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. <<giovanni .>> When he came with harvested long pepper to the shed, he took some of the dried long pepper and threw it on the compost.">>
<<s mc "Can you show me this compost?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. It's over here...">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii mgarden/compost 80>>
<<salvatore>> takes you to a large compost heap near the shed. It is filled with different plant materials in various states of decomposition. And sure enough... when searching and digging, you find a bunch of partially decomposed dried long pepper here.
<<ev 520>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 34 right>>
<<s mc "What about that lock you have on the door to the shed? Do you keep the shed locked at night?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. We lock the shed when we stop working in the evening and then the first one to arrive in the morning unlocks it.">>
<<s mc "Where is the key during the night?">>
<<s salvatore "We hide it under a rock next to the shed.">>
You need to think. You take farewell of <<salvatore .>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
Unless <<salvatore>> is lying to you, he just followed the orders of the mystery angel when he asked <<giovanni>> to grow the long pepper. It appears you have come to a dead end.
<<q longpepper2 700>>
<<suspectadd salvatore s2 remove:s1>>
<<ev 650>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 35>>
Due to your recent progress in the investigation, your suspicions toward <<giovanni>> has decreased. You no longer consider him your prime suspect.
<<qend giovanniq 500>>
<<suspectadd giovanni s5 remove:s2>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii misc/angel 39 right>>
<p>Unless he is faking his low intelligence, you believe that <<salvatore>> is telling the truth, as far as he knows. It could have been a dream, but you think that <<salvatore>> really woke up to that bright light and was told to grow the long pepper.</p>
<p>But you don't think he was visited by an angel. It was someone pretending to be an angel. Someone who wants the long pepper to make a lust drug.</p>
<p>Currently, this is all conjecture based on circumstantial evidence and guesswork, but it fits too well to be just a coincidence. You would be very surprised if this mystery angel wasn't involved in the attacks on the nuns somehow. Likely, the angel and the attacker are one and the same, just looking differently. Showing up in people's rooms when they are sleeping... Yes, it all fits.
<<ev 800>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 65>>
Someone pretended to be an angel to fool <<salvatore .>> You strongly suspect that this someone is one of the monks, but what else can you tell of the fake angel?</p>
<p>The ruse of getting someone else to grow the long pepper suggests that the fake angel is concerned with putting some distance between themselves and the growing of the herb. They couldn't trust <<salvatore>> to grow the herb himself, so the fake angel got someone else to do it – <<giovanni .>></p>
<<ev 820>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
If someone were to ask about the long pepper, they would reach a dead end with<<salvatore .>> <<salvatore "'s">> credibility is not high due to his diminished intellect. The name of the angel, Paulus, like the apostle, seems chosen to make his credibility even lower. No one knowledgeable in such matters would believe that an angel was named Paulus. They would take it as evidence that <<salvatore>> hadn't been visited by an angel and brushed it off as something he had dreamt or imagined.
<<ev 850>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 60>>
<p>All this suggests that the fake angel is smart and organized. He is a careful planner, not an impulsive crazy person.
<p>At this point, with no other solid leads, you have to work on the assumption that the angel and the long pepper are connected to the attacks. If true, the fact that the angel wants the long pepper – presumably for a lust drug used by the attacker – proves that interaction with the physical plane is required to commit the attacks. Unfortunately, this does not mean that you can rule out the supernatural.
<<ev 870>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 55>>
<cc>You see three possible explanations here:</cc>
1) A supernatural being could be the mastermind behind it all, using human minions to carry out the attacks.
2) You could be dealing with a hybrid of some sort – a being who exists both on the spiritual and the physical plane at the same time, or who can shift between them.
3) There is nothing supernatural behind the attacks. One or more humans are responsible for it all.
<<ev 890>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 55>>
While you have no definitive proof for any of your suspicions about the long pepper, or the supposed lust drug used by the attacker, or the fake angel, you have strong enough circumstantial evidence that you see it all as very likely. It's a decent working theory.
<cc>You feel like you are finally getting somewhere in the investigation.
<<invest longpepper center>>
<<ev 895>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 56>>
<c>One thing strikes you as strange: If you are correct that the long pepper is used to make a very potent lust drug, that means someone knows the recipe for a lust drug similar to the one Ludolphus made. But how did they get this knowledge?
<p>Anyone could have found the recipe for that virility remedy in the herbal – and there are probably many copies of that herbal still existing in the world – but that remedy is weak. If someone used that recipe as a basis to learn how to make a strong lust drug, that would require advanced knowledge of herbalism, possibly even knowledge of alchemy on par with Ludolphus. Even then, it would require a lot of time and experimentation to get there.</p>
<<ev 897>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 65>>
But what if they already knew how to make a strong lust drug? Is it possible that the fake angel has gotten their hands on some of Ludolphus' alchemical texts? Of his recipe for the lust potion? What else could the fake angel know about Ludolphus and his research?
<<ev 898>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 40>>
<c>You don't know what to think of this train of thought. You get the eerie feeling that the fake angel is an alchemist who is very old – supernaturally old. An undead being – a revenant, a necromancer – someone capable of cheating death. But that is probably just your mind playing tricks.
<<ev 900>>
<<mii ms/ms1 25>>
You are still far away from solving the case, but with the latest findings pointing to the monks as being involved in the attacks, you should inform <<mms>> of your progress. She seemed eager to put the blame on the monks.
<<q longpepper2 800>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 33>>
<c>Before you get there, <<gardener>> leaves, still looking upset, shouting something about problems with the front line.
<p>Brother Salvatore goes back to tending to the herbs.</p>
<p>Brother Giovanno follows Brother <<var gardener.>> Novice Alonso is about to follow them when he spots you. He looks excited and signals that he must talk to you. You signal for Novice Alonso to follow you behind the shed.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii mgarden/compost 100>>
You go behind the shed and then continue to the big compost pile. This looks like a safe spot to talk.
<p>Novice Alonso follows you. He nervously looks around before starting to talk.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 40>>
<<s alonso "The bat guano is missing! A bag of it. That must be what Brother Stefano took! Yeah, now that I know it, it looked just like one of the bags. And it's not the first time that fertilizer has been missing. He's been stealing from us!">>
<<ev 330>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Don't they have a lot of fertilizer in the storage building in the kitchen garden?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, but this is a special fertilizer for the herbs. It's a special bat guano. From Madagascar. It's very expensive. Too expensive to use in the kitchen garden. Every time a new delivery comes, we bring it to our shed straight away. We only use it where it is needed the most at the front line. And now we may not have enough for the entire front line. <<gardener>> is furious.">>
<<ev 340>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 40>>
<<s mc "And you're sure a bag is missing?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, no question about it. The bags were delivered a few days ago. Three of them. Today, there were just two.">>
<<ev 345>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Can't you order more?">>
<<s alonso "Yes, but it takes weeks to get them delivered. We need to fertilize the herbs now. A few weeks is too late. And the bags are very expensive.">>
<<s mc "Could they use this bat guano in the kitchen garden?">>
<<s alonso "Sure they could. It's very good fertilizer. But it's very expensive.">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 40>>
<<s mc "And you're saying this particular type of fertilizer has been missing before?">>
<<s alonso "Yes. I remember a few months ago, some time after our last delivery of bat guano, there was some confusion about a bucket that didn't have as much bat guano left in it as it should. <<gardener>> was upset about it. This fertilizer is important to him. We only order a few bags of it at a time. Because it's so expensive. It's not ordinary bat guano, you see. It's... well, special.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "Is it possible to see where this bat guano has been used? If you knew where to look?">>
/*<<s alonso "Yes, if it wasn't too long ago. When you add the fertilizer to the soil, you want to water it, to make the fertilizer start to dissolve and mix in. But you don't want it all to dissolve at once. You want to take it slow. So you water it little by little, depending on how much it rains. It can take several weeks, maybe months before the guano has completely dissolved.">>*/
<<s alonso "Hmm... it would be hard. When you add the fertilizer to the soil, you want to water it, to make the fertilizer dissolve and mix in with the soil. Perhaps, if you find a part of the soil that wasn't watered enough when the bat guano was added, you could see the guano still there. But it would just take rain to dissolve it.">>
<<s mc "Hmm...">>
<<s alonso "But if you do find bat guano, you would recognize it. The shape and color of the bat guano are different from the bird guano we also use. It's like... uh, why don't you see for yourself. Look in the shed. I just filled a bucket with it. It's a white bucket, on the floor, just to the right inside the door.">>
<<ev 420>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 40>>
<<s mc "Thanks, I'll have a look. Great work, Novice Alonso. But the plan is still the same. You sleep here at night and send word for me if you have anything to report. Just a note saying 'To $fmc'.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<c "Go to the shed">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii mgarden/shed 70>>
<<c "Go inside and look for the white bucket">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii mgarden/guano 68>>
<c>You find the white bucket on the floor as described. You look at the pieces of bat guano in it. You're not too eager to touch it, knowing guano is dried excrement. Bat dung.
<p>After studying the guano for a while, you think you would recognize the particular color and form of the guano pieces. And you can see the undigested remains of the insects the bats have eaten.</p>
<<ev 650>>
<<mii mgarden/guanobag 20 pnggg>>
<c>Next to the bucket, you see an unopened bag with bat guano saying it's from a cave in Madagascar. If Novice Alonso is correct, a bag like this was taken from here by Brother Stefano in the middle of the night.
<p>In a trash bin, you see an empty bag of bat guano, evidently the bag that Novice Alonso emptied into the bucket.</p>
<p>The bags have a stamp with the date when they were produced. You write down the information in your notebook.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii mgarden/guano 68>>
<c>If Brother Stefano took the bat guano and used it to fertilize the soil somewhere, you would need to know where to look to have any chance of spotting the guano in the soil. But you don't need to find the guano. It's enough that you find the bag, with or without guano, to prove that it was taken from the garden shed.
<<q stefanoq 300>>
<<suspectadd stefano s3 remove:s2>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mvv monks/stefano200ms 45 right>>
<l>If Brother Stefano is the fake angel, or an accomplice, why would he take the bat guano? To use in the kitchen garden? Not likely. You strongly suspect that the fake angel uses herbs grown by the monks to make drugs. It would make sense that the fake angel would want the best fertilizer for those herbs. And Novice Alonso said bat guano had been missing a few months ago too.
<p>The monks only use bat guano for the front line. Thus, finding evidence of the recent use of bat guano on herbs far away from the front line would be a lead, strengthening the possibility of a connection between the bat guano, the fake angel, and Brother Stefano.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 60>>
<c>For now, you only know that the fake angel uses long pepper – which is grown at the edge of the garden – so that is where you should start looking for bat guano.
<<qstart longpepperguano 100>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii mgarden/guanobag 18 pnggg>>
<c>You have things to do:
1) Find the missing bag of bat guano.
2) Find evidence that the bat guano has been used in the soil where the long pepper grows.
<<event 510>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30>>
<c><<s mc "<<gardener>> sounded upset. I saw him talking to you, about some bat guano missing? What's going on?">>
<<s salvatore "A bag of bat guano has disappeared. We use it for the herbs. It was there before. Now it isn't. I told <<gardener>> I didn't take it. I would remember if I took it. I always look at the instructions and read. I can read. It didn't say bat guano, so I didn't take it. And I would remember if I took it.">>
<<s mc "I believe you. And you have no idea who took the bag?">>
<<s salvatore "No.">>
This didn't help you much.
<<qadd stefanoq 310>>
<<but "Leave" mgardencenter>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30>>
<<s mc "Brother Salvatore, I talked to Brother Stefano. He showed me the cider that he buys for you from town. But it wasn't the cider you drank at the sampling.">>
<<s salvatore "Yes, it was.">>
<<s mc "You shouldn't lie, Brother Salvatore. I know that you are hiding something about the cider. Don't make it worse by lying to me. We're alone here. Be honest and tell me the truth. Whatever you confess to me will stay between you and me, protected by the Seal of Confession. No one will know.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 35 right>>
<<s salvatore "But I promised not to tell. Breaking a promise is also a sin.">>
<<s mc "It can be. But since you're telling me in confession, whatever you say will stay between you and me. As a priest, I can't break the Seal of Confession. Confess to me, and you can keep your promise not to tell, and still be honest with me.">>
<<s salvatore "You can't tell anyone what I confess to you.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's right. No one else will know. So now confess to me about the cider.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30>>
<<s salvatore "It was Novice Alonso. One night, I was walking around the herbs because I couldn't sleep. I saw him come from the nuns. Over the wall. He said he would give me cider if I promised to not tell anyone.">>
<<s mc "Why was Novice Alonso at the nuns in the middle of the night?">>
<<s salvatore "He said he heard a scream. He climbed over the wall to see if a nun needed help. But he said it was probably a deer. He said deer can scream like women.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 35 right>>
<<s mc "Where did Novice Alonso get the cider he gave you?">>
<<s salvatore "I don't know. He said he would get a special cider just for me that I could drink at the sampling. Strong cider, but still with low alcohol like the cider Brother Stefano buys from town. Then I could also drink something strong when everyone else is drinking strong alcohol water.">>
<<s mc "I understand. And what about the bottle? When I asked you about the bottle at the sampling, you said it wasn't there. But I would like to see the bottle now. Or even better, a bottle filled with cider, if you have one.">>
<<s salvatore "Yes, I have a full bottle left. I've hidden it in my room. Novice Alonso said I couldn't show or tell anyone about it.">>
<<s mc "But now you have already told me about the bottle. I would like to see it too. Please get it for me. I'll wait here.">>
<<s salvatore "Okay, I will get it for you.">>
Brother Salvatore leaves.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30>>
<c>A few minutes later, Brother Salvatore returns with something hidden under his habit.
<<s salvatore "Here it is. But no one can see it.">>
You look around to make sure no one can see, since you also want to keep this a secret.
<<c "Look at the bottle of cider">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii misc/cider 10 pnggg>>
<c>There is no question about it. This looks exactly like one of the bottles of cider the nuns had in their wine cellar.
<p>The nuns don't sell their cider, but Novice Sara gave two to the delivery man. There is a small chance that Novice Alonso got his hands on those two bottles.</p></c>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 35 right>>
<<s mc "How many bottles like this has Novice Alonso given you?">>
<<s salvatore "I don't know. I'm not good with numbers.">>
<<s mc "That's alright. But you have this bottle, and then you had the bottle of cider you drank from at the sampling. So that's two bottles of cider, okay?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes, I can count to two.">>
<<s mc "Did you get any other bottles like this from Novice Alonso?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. More than two more. More than three too. When I want more, I tell Novice Alonso, and he gets more for me.">>
That's proof enough that Novice Alonso has taken them from the nuns.
<<ev 900>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30 right>>
<<s mc "How long ago was it that you saw Novice Alonso climb over the wall?">>
<<s salvatore "I don't know. I'm not good with days.">>
<<s mc "Do you remember the day you and I first met?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes, I was standing over there, watering the herbs.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's right. And did you see Novice Alonso climb the wall before or after the day I first talked to you?">>
<<s salvatore "Before. More than two days before. More than three too.">>
So Novice Alonso has been lying about this the whole time. The fool.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/alonso 35>>
<c>Novice Alonso has been scaling the wall, trespassing on the nuns' side. Probably to spy on them, wanting to see the novices for real, not just listening to them in the bathrooms. Who knows what disgusting things Novice Alonso has been doing over there. Touching himself more than likely.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii grounds/grounds_wall3night 60>>
<c>Then one night, Brother Salvatore caught Novice Alonso climbing back over the wall.
<p>To keep Brother Salvatore quiet, Novice Alonso stole cider from the nuns to use as a bribe. That alone shows that Novice Alonso must have been sneaking around a lot at the nuns, entering buildings, and whatnot.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 35>>
The question is if Novice Alonso has attacked the nuns too. Is he the culprit you are hunting? You thought he was too young to be involved in the attacks, but now you have to consider him a strong suspect.
<p>You can't trust anything Novice Alonso has been telling you. Did he see someone looking like the Crone? Did he see Brother Stefano take something from the shed? Or did he make it all up?</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii monks/alonso 35>>
You can't let Novice Alonso know that you know his secret about trespassing on the nuns' side of the wall. You have to pretend that everything is as before.
<<suspectadd alonso s3>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
<c>There is also the possibility, however unlikely, that Brother Salvatore is fooling you, telling you lies about Novice Alonso. Brother Salvatore could be the one climbing over to the nuns to steal their cider.
<p>All you can say with relative certainty, is that cider from the nuns ended up in Brother Salvatore's possession.
<<suspectadd salvatore s3>>
<<qend cider 1200>>
<<but "Continue" mgardencenter>>
<<event 620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 35>>
<<s mc "I spoke to Father Alvaro, and he said that he arranged the last beverage sampling because you insisted on it. Because God wanted it. Is this true?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes.">>
<<s mc "How did you know God wanted it?">>
<<s salvatore "The angel said it. He came to me again.">>
<<s mc "What exactly did the angel say? Tell me everything">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40 right>>
<<s salvatore "He said to tell Father Alvaro that God wanted another sampling and that you must be invited.">>
<<s mc "Did you say anything to the angel?">>
<<s salvatore "No. I just listened. Then I said I would do it.">>
<<s mc "Have you ever told the angel that you have told me about him?">>
<<s salvatore "No, should I?">>
<<s mc "No, you shouldn't. Not even if the angel asks you. Then say you haven't told anyone about seeing him.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 35>>
<<s salvatore "But I can't lie to an angel.">>
<<s mc "Angels are sent by God, and God knows everything. If the angel doesn't know you have been telling me about him, that means God doesn't want the angel to know. Or God would have passed that knowledge on to the angel. Do you understand?">>
<<s salvatore "I think so.">>
<<s mc "Good.">>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/angel 34 right>>
<l>The fake angel arranged the beverage sampling. Then someone drugged you at the monks, and something happened outside your room. Then someone was in your room when you were unconscious, presumably to gather information about you and your investigation, possibly also doing something perverse to you. Then someone attacked another nun.
<p>But is it one individual doing everything, or are you dealing with more than one individual? You have yet to find any strong evidence pointing in either direction. You can't even be sure the fake angel is the mastermind. Someone else could be giving the fake angel orders.</p>
<p>You think you have come as far as you can for now, investigating what happened that night. Again, everything stops at Brother Salvatore.
<<suspectadd salvatore s4d>> /* added in v7 */
<<qend dream4 5000>>
<<but "Continue" mgardencenter>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 700 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi salvatore 40>>
You look around to make sure no one is within hearing distance.
<<cs mc "Brother Salvatore, how are you today?">>
<<cs salvatore "I'm good. I'm watering the herbs.">>
<<cs mc "Yes. Listen... do you have any of that cider left?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi salvatore2 30>>
Brother Salvatore looks around before answering. He too wants to keep this discussion private.
<<s salvatore "Yes. I asked Novice Alonso for more and he got it for me.">>
<<s mc "Oh, when was that?">>
<<s salvatore "I'm not good with days.">>
<<s mc "Was it after you showed me the cider bottle?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. That was the last bottle. That's why I asked for more.">>
<<s mc "Was it more than three days since you asked Novice Alonso for more cider.">>
<<s salvatore "I think so. I can count to three.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi salvatore 40 right>>
<<s mc "I want you to tell Novice Alonso that you want more cider.">>
<<s salvatore "But I have cider.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but I want you to ask for more cider. As a favor to me. Because I also want cider. Could you do me that favor, Brother Salvatore?">>
<<s salvatore "I can tell him you want cider.">>
<<s mc "No. We don't want Novice Alonso to know you have told me about the cider. He is giving you the cider to keep quiet about what you saw, remember?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes, I saw him climb over the wall to the nuns.">>
<<s mc "Yes. And you promised Novice Alonso not to tell anyone what you saw, and he would give you cider.">>
<<s salvatore "Yes.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi salvatore2 26>>
<<s mc "You told me about Novice Alonso in confession, which is why it didn't count as breaking your promise. You didn't sin.">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. I didn't sin.">>
<<s mc "But we can't let Novice Alonso know you told me. Because that knowledge would hurt him. And then your act of telling me would become a sin. You can't sin, Brother Salvatore. Do you understand?">>
<<s salvatore "I would sin if I told Novice Alonso I told you about the cider?">>
<<s mc "Yes, exactly. You understand. So you just ask Novice Alonso for more cider, but you don't say anything about me. Just say you want more cider. And if he asks why you want more cider, you say that you drank everything you had.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi salvatore 40 right>>
<<s salvatore "But then I would be lying. I have cider.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but sometimes lies are allowed. If you lie to do good, the lie can be permitted. It's very important that I get this cider. I can't tell you why. But I'm from the Vatican. I follow God and do what God wants. And now God wants me to get that cider. And it must come from Novice Alonso. You will not sin if you do what I ask.">>
<<s salvatore "I will ask Novice Alonso for more cider.">>
<<s mc "Very good. And if he says he doesn't want to give you cider again so soon, say that you will not ask again for a long time, but this time you want more cider.">>
<<s salvatore "I will try to remember.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi salvatore2 30>>
<<cs mc "You will ask Novice Alonso today, yes?">>
<<cs salvatore "Yes, I will try. I don't want to ask if others are around.">>
<<cs mc "Yes, very good. Try to ask Novice Alonso today.">>
<<cs salvatore "Yes.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi salvatore 40 right>>
<<s mc "Now, about that time you saw Novice Alonso come climbing from the nuns... At what time during the night was it?">>
<<s salvatore "I don't know. I'm not good with time.">>
<<s mc "Was it very dark, like in the middle of the night, or had the morning light started to come?">>
<<s salvatore "It was not very dark. The sky had some light.">>
<<s mc "Good. And did the bell call for Lauds shortly after that? Do you know?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. I was staying in the garden until our bell rang. It was not long after. Their bell rang before I saw Novice Alonso.">>
<<s mc "Their bell? You mean the nuns' bell on the other side of the wall?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. It rang before I saw Novice Alonso.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel_outsideearly 44 right>>
<l>What Brother Salvatore said makes sense. The nuns gather for Lauds – the morning prayer – half an hour before the monks gather for theirs.
<p>You figured that Novice Alonso was entering the nuns' side of the wall to spy on the nuns, and what better time to spy than in the dim morning light when the nuns are going to the chapel to pray?</p>
<p>Since the monks' morning prayer starts half an hour later, there is plenty of time for Novice Alonso to get back to his side before the bell calls the monks to gather.</p>
<p>However, you still don't know at what time Novice Alonso climbed the wall to the nuns. He could have spent hours over there before the bell announced the morning prayer.</p>
<<ev 950>>
<<mi salvatore2 30>>
<<s mc "Where on the wall did you see Novice Alonso come climbing from the nuns?">>
<<s salvatore "Over there. He climbed down on that roof.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii mgarden/shed2 80>>
Brother Salvatore points to an open woodshed built along the wall. The shed is quite high. It makes sense that Novice Alonso chose that place to get down from the high wall.
<p>He probably got up that way too. There is a plank to the right of the shed, and on the other side of the plank, there is a barrel. Someone agile and strong enough should be able to get up on the roof of the shed via the barrel and the plank, and then grab the top of the wall, jump, and pull themself up.</p>
<<c "Leave Brother Salvatore">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii grounds/grounds_wall3night 60>>
<c>You have to spy on the wall tonight. If Novice Alonso scales the wall to get more cider from the nuns – and perhaps to do something else – you must be there to see it.
<p>Since you don't know when Novice Alonso will come – or if he comes – you may have to stay up the whole night. You should spend the hours after supper to get as much rest as you can.
<<q alonsoq2 400>></p>
<<but "Continue" mgardencenter>>
<</events>><<mii mgarden/gardenedge 75>>
<<if setup.giovanniLongPepper() == 1>>
<cc>This quiet area lies on the edge of the herb garden.
<<specialalert "<<giovanni>> is working by the patch of long pepper.">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgardenedge1 "ev:370">>
<cc>This quiet area lies on the edge of the herb garden.
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgardenedge1 "ev:100 monks3#notplayed1001">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgardenedge1 "ev:200 monks3#played1001 qqgiovanniq<<300">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgardenedge1 "ev:200 qqgiovanniq>=350 qqlongpepperguano<<100">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mgardenedge1 "ev:200 qqlongpepperguano>=300">>
<<but "Look for long pepper" mgardenedge1 "ev:300 qqlongpepper>=200 longpepper#notplayed310">>
<<but "Look for bat guano" mgardenedge1 "ev:500 qqlongpepperguano==100">>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>> /* invis block button with no padding/margin/fontsize to have location buttons on new line */
<<but "Garden entrance" mgarden>>
<<but "Garden center" mgardencenter>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40>>
<<cs giovanni "Yes, $fmc?">>
<<cs mc "I'm surprised to see you all the way over here. I thought you wanted to be close to <<gardener .>>">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40 right>>
<<s giovanni "He is busy working the front line. But these plants need tending too.">>
<<s mc "The front line?">>
<<s giovanni "Yes, the place where we currently are doing most of the planting and working with the soil. Every once in a while, we switch plants and let the soil rest in between to restore its fertility. At the moment, the front line is right outside the main building, where <<gardener>> and most of the others are working. The patches here where we stand now are relatively new and will remain undisturbed for several years to come.">>
<<s mc "\"The front line,\" that sounds militaristic, don't you think? How come you call it that?">>
<<s giovanni "You're not wrong. It was Brother <<var gardener's>> idea to call it that. He wants us to think of the work we do as a battle. He thinks it makes us more efficient.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/gardener 35>>
You wonder if this aggressive view on growing herbs, together with his hostility toward women, are signs that <<gardener>> has started to lose his sanity, making it more likely that he is the attacker. It's probably just wishful thinking, but you might as well make a note of it.
<<qadd monks3 1001>>
<<suspectadd gardener s3>>
<<c Leave mgardenedge>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40>>
<<cs giovanni "Yes, $fmc?">></cc>
<<but "Confront him about the long pepper" mgardenedge1 "ev:400 qqgiovanniq==350">>
<<but "<<actQuest monknightmares>>" mgardenedge1 "ev:600 qqmonknightmares==220 monknightmares#notplayed400">>
<<c Leave mgardenedge>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc>You look around for long pepper...</cc>
<<mii lab/longpepper 40>>
And you find a big patch of it. Bigger than the patches for the other herbs grown in this remote part of the herb garden. Some of the long pepper has been harvested.
<<if $qqlongpepper>=300>>
The find of this big source of long pepper is not surprising considering all the dried long pepper you found in the shed. This is more good news for your future needs of the herb, but it doesn't explain what all this long pepper is used for.
The find of this big source of long pepper is good news for your future needs, but right now you want the dried version. You should check out the shed in the garden center.
<<qmess longpepper 310>>
<<but "Continue" mgardenedge>>
<<event 370>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 30>>
Seeing <<giovanni>> tending to the long pepper gives you an opportunity to ask him about the herb without raising suspicion, in case <<giovanni>> is involved in the attacks.
<<s giovanni "Oh. Greetings, $fmc. Can I help you?">>
<<s mc "Just taking a stroll in this beautiful garden. You're busy here as usual, far away from the front line.">>
<<s giovanni "Yes. Someone has to tend to these plants too.">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 35 right>>
<<s mc "This is a lot of long pepper. Most other herbs in this part of the garden only have small patches. You need a lot of long pepper in your alcoholic products, huh?">>
<<s giovanni "It's more than I know.">>
<<s mc "You don't know? Are the recipes a secret even to you?">>
<<s giovanni "Yes. Only Father <<abbot>> and <<gardener>> know the recipes. This is how we make money to support ourselves. It's important that the old recipes remain a secret.">>
<<s mc "Of course.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 60>>
Unfortunately, you didn't learn much from <<giovanni .>> But now at least you know that only the abbot and <<gardener>> know how much long pepper is needed for the alcoholic products. You might have no choice but to ask them about the large amount of long pepper being grown. Since <<gardener>> is on your list of suspects, it would be wisest to start with the abbot. But you don't need to reveal your suspicions that the long pepper is used to make a lust potion.
<<q longpepper2 400>>
<<c Leave mgardenedge>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 35 right>>
<<s mc "While conversing with <<gardener>> I happened to learn that you asked to grow long pepper, even though it's not used in any of your alcoholic products. It made me curious. What are you using all this long pepper for?">>
<<s giovanni "I don't. I was asked by someone else to grow it.">>
<<s mc "Oh? Who?">>
<<s giovanni "Does it matter? I don't mean to be rude, $fmc, but it's not really your concern, is it?">>
<<s mc "No, I'm just curious. I don't see the harm in asking, though. You almost make it sound like you're doing something illegal, but I'm sure that can't be true.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 30>>
<<s giovanni "No, it's not anything illegal at all. But some things we want to keep within the monastery walls. Things may be misunderstood and cause rumors.">>
<<s mc "I understand, <<giovanni,>> but I assure you that anything you tell me will be in safe hands. Working for the Vatican, it is my duty to not do anything that could hurt the reputation of the Church and consequently also this monastery. But if it is something sensitive, I might be able to offer some guidance on the matter, since I've seen and heard a lot of unusual things.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 30 right>>
<<s giovanni "Forgive me for doubting you, $fmc. I will tell you. It's actually <<salvatore>> who asked me to grow the long pepper. He said God told him it should be done. <<salvatore>> was very adamant about it.">>
<<s mc "And what does he want the long pepper for? <<salvatore,>> I mean.">>
<<s giovanni "He didn't say. Nothing, as far as I can tell. Every time I bring a new batch of harvested long pepper to the shed, I have to throw out some of the old long pepper, or it would take up too much space. I told <<salvatore>> this, but he insisted that God wanted more long pepper and he begged me to keep growing and harvesting it. So this is what I have been doing.">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 35>>
<<s mc "Why you? Couldn't <<salvatore>> do it himself?">>
<<s giovanni "<<salvatore>> is not very good with managing something on that level, if you understand. He can water the plants and things of that nature. But growing something from the beginning, seed and all... That takes a certain level of skill.">>
<<s mc "Yes, I see.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 25>>
<<s giovanni "Now I hope you can see my reluctance to speak of this. I don't know what <<salvatore>> has seen or heard, but if word came out that he claims God speaks to him, people in the town might start to talk, and he could get a lot of attention. Some of it might not be good. He is a special man, and I want to protect him from the outside world.">>
<<s mc "Say no more, <<giovanni.>> I understand fully, and I can only commend you for your wish to protect <<salvatore.>> I will treat this very delicately, but you understand that I want to speak to <<salvatore>> about this. If he claims to have been in contact with the divine, this is not something I can ignore while I'm here.">>
<<s giovanni "I understand, $fmc.">>
<<c Leave>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 30>>
It warms your heart to see <<giovanni, >> a former spoiled fornicator, to show such compassion and care for <<salvatore .>> This is surely part of God's plan for <<giovanni .>>
<<q giovanniq 400>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 30>>
You have to speak to <<salvatore>> next.
<<q longpepper2 600>>
This long pepper business could all be just a coincidence, having nothing to do with any lust drug, but you can't ignore the possibility that <<salvatore>> is somehow involved in the attacks. His limited mental capacity could all be an act, a way to avoid suspicions. You have no choice but to put him on the list of suspects.
<<suspect salvatore>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii mgarden/gardenedge 65>>
<c>You wait until no monk is around to see you, then you search the patch with the long pepper, trying to find evidence of bat guano being used there.</c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 50>>
<c>Looking at the soil the long pepper is growing in, you can't find anything looking like the bat guano. If bat guano has been added to this soil, it has already dissolved.
<p>Novice Alonso suggested that you look for soil that hadn't been watered properly. It hasn't rained since the bat guano was taken from the garden shed, so if the guano was used here, there could be pieces of it in this patch somewhere, still intact.
<<c "Search the patch for dry soil">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mii mgarden/gardenedge 65>>
<c>Looking around at the edge of the patch of long pepper, you see a small amount of soil that has spilled outside, on one of the wooden planks surrounding the patch. Some of the soil is sheltered under the leaves of the long pepper. The soil looks very dry.
<<c "Investigate the dry soil">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii mgarden/guano 60>>
<c>Bingo! After sifting through the dry soil, you find what you are looking for. A few pieces of dried droppings. Partly dissolved, but you can still tell that it looks just like the bat guano from the garden shed.
<<ev 400>>
<<mii mgarden/gardenedge 50>>
<c>There would be no reason for the bat guano to be here. Brother Giovanni told you that this part of the garden hasn't been the front line for several years. Even when sheltered under the long pepper leaves, it would be impossible for the bat guano to avoid getting wet and dissolving during all that time. When the rain pours down enough, everything gets wet.
<p>But lately, it hasn't rained much, and given how very dry the soil with the bat guano is, you can tell that it must have ended up on the plank at least a few weeks ago, maybe months – long before Brother Stefano took the bag of bat guano from the garden shed. The bat guano in the dried soil can not be bat guano from the missing bag, but Novice Alonso said that bat guano also went missing a few months ago, and that fits with your estimated age of the dried soil.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii misc/angel 30>>
<c>Why was the bat guano used here relatively recently? You think you know: The fake angel.
<p>The fake angel wants the best fertilizer for the long pepper, the main herb used for the lust drug. This is further strengthening your working theory of the connection between the fake angel, the long pepper grown by the monks, and the lust drug used in the attacks.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mvv monks/stefano200ms 37>>
<p>The find of bat guano at the long pepper casts more suspicion on Brother Stefano, but the evidence is only circumstantial. If Brother Stefano indeed took the missing bag of bat guano from the garden shed, he could be wanting it for the kitchen garden and have nothing to do with the fake angel or the bat guano used earlier at the long pepper.
<<suspectadd stefano s4>>
<<qend longpepperguano 300>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 600 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi giovanni2 34>>
<c>You find Brother Giovanni alone near the edge of the garden.
<p>You tell him that it is Father Alvaro's wish that you help interpret the nightmare with the doctor, something Brother Giovanni seems to have no problem with.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi giovanni 40>>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro told me you've had the nightmare only once. Is that correct?">>
<<s giovanni "No. I've had it one more time, but I didn't tell Father Alvaro about it. I think our abbot, bless him, is making too big a deal of it. Nightmares happen. I'm not reading too much into them.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi giovanni2 36>>
<c>You ask Brother Giovanni to tell you about the nightmares, which he does.
<p>Brother Giovanni had the two nightmares a few days apart, and he remembered the sequences from both nightmares when he woke up.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi giovanni 40>>
<c>When Brother Giovanni is done, you ask him a few questions. You learn nothing new of note.
<p>You then thank him for his time.
<<qmess monknightmares 400>>
<<run setup.check_monknightmares()>>
<<but "Continue" mgardenedge>>
<</events>><<if $qqstefanoq == 100>>
<<mii mgarden/kgarden 70>>
You go to the kitchen garden. You see Brother Stefano in the distance, but you don't want to talk to him. Not yet, anyway. If Brother Stefano were up to no good visiting the garden shed at night, he could get suspicious if you suddenly approached him so close after.
<p>You are better off talking to someone else, trying to find omething of value in your investigation of Brother Stefano. But even then, you have to do it without arousing Brother Stefano's suspicion. It can't look like you have come here to question people.</p>
<<but "Continue" mkgarden1 ev:100>>
<<mii mgarden/kgarden 70>>
<cc>Not much is happening in the kitchen garden. You see monks working here and there.</cc>
<<specbut2 "stefano" mkgarden1 "ev:400 qqstefanoq<<300">>
<<specbut2 "stefano" mkgarden1 "ev:500 qqstefanoq>=300 qqcider!=1000">>
<<specbut2 "gaspar" mkgarden1 "ev:420">>
<<but "Go to storage building" mkgarden1 ev:300>>
<<event 100 mgarden media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi storage 70>>
<c>You go to the large storage building at the end of the kitchen garden, close to the entrance on this side of the monastery. The gravel path is wide enough to allow trucks to bring supplies, and to leave with crates of the alcoholic beverages the monks produce and sell.
<<c "Enter storage building">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi storageRoom 80>>
<c>If Brother Stefano took something from the garden shed, that something could be inside this building. But there is no point in searching the place since you don't know what to look for.
<<c "Leave building">>
<<ev 170>>
<<mi storage 70>>
<c>The large storage building at the end of the kitchen garden, close to the entrance on this side of the monastery. The gravel path is wide enough to allow trucks to leave with crates of the alcoholic beverages the monks produce and sell.</c>
<<c "Look around the kitchen garden">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi kitchengarden 45>>
<cc>You take a stroll around the kitchen garden. Things are quiet.</cc>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi kitchengarden2 45>>
<cc>The monks are working to put food on the table. You see nothing of interest.</cc>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi beets 35>>
<c>Suddenly, you see a monk accidentally tipping over a wheelbarrow with beets. It's Brother Gaspar. This provides you with an opportunity to talk to him without arousing suspicion.</c>
<<c "Help Brother Gaspar">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii monks/gaspar2 36>>
You help the monk put the beets back in the wheelbarrow.
<<s mc "That's a lot of beets. You're doing God's work, putting food on the table for your brothers.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/gaspar 40 right>>
<<s gaspar "Yes, it's good for the spirit. Or so they say.">>
<<s mc "Isn't it?">>
<<s gaspar "Oh, no, it is good for the spirit. It's just that sometimes it feels like our work here in the kitchen garden isn't appreciated as much as it should be. Not like the work they do in the herb garden.">>
<<s mc "But you're all in this together, working together for the common good.">>
<<s gaspar "Yes, of course we are. But some people may think their work is worth more than other people's work. Not to talk ill of any of my brothers.">>
<<s mc "What about Brother Stefano? As I understand it, he's not only in charge of the kitchen garden, he is also in charge of the storage building where you store your beverages waiting to be loaded on trucks?">>
<<ev 1220>>
<<mii monks/gaspar2 36>>
<<s gaspar "Yes, he is. What about it?">>
<<s mc "Even the brothers in the herb garden must think his job is very important, storing and handling the valuable products you sell?">>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mii monks/gaspar 40 right>>
<<s gaspar "You would think so. But I've seen the looks they give him. Brother Stefano works in the kitchen garden, and that is not the same as the herb garden to them. But I shouldn't talk like that, speaking ill of my brothers. Forgive me, Father. We are all good people here. I'm just a bit tired. Don't pay attention to anything I said.">>
<<s mc "Think nothing of it, Brother Gaspar. We're just making conversation. It's okay to vent frustrations sometimes. We're just human. Sinners all of us, trying to do the best we can.">>
<<s gaspar "Yes. You're right. Well, I better get back to work. Thanks again for the help, Father.">>
<<c "Go somewhere else in the kitchen garden">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi kitchengarden 45 right>>
<l>Brother Gaspar has verified what you have picked up on ever since you first spoke to the monks working outside: The monks working in the herb garden look down on the monks working in the kitchen garden, to some extent at least.
<p>You wonder how much friction this is causing among the brothers. Could there be a rivalry between the two groups of monks that is more serious than you realize? Could it explain what Brother Stefano was doing, getting something from the shed in the herb garden in the middle of the night?</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii monks/stefano 40>>
You are not done investigating Brother Stefano, but that's enough snooping around in the kitchen garden for now. What to do next?
<<q stefanoq 200>>
<<but "Continue" mkgarden>>
<<event 300 mgarden media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi storage 80>>
<c>The large storage building at the end of the kitchen garden, close to the entrance on this side of the monastery. The gravel path is wide enough to allow trucks to leave with crates of the alcoholic beverages the monks produce and sell.</c>
<<c "Enter building">>
<<but "Leave" mkgarden>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi storageRoom 75>>
<<if !($qqcider>=1000)>>
Inside the large storage building, you see many things: Crates, flasks of alcoholic beverages not yet put into the crates, tools for working the land, and a lot of other supplies needed by the monks.
Inside the storage building, you see flasks of alcoholic beverages, tools for working the land, fertilizer, and a lot of other things.
<cc0><<specbut2 stefano mkgarden1 "ev:600 qqcider>=1000 qqcider<<1100">></cc0>
<<but "Look for bag of bat guano" mkgarden1 "step:300 qqstefanoq>=300 stefanoq#notplayed350">>
<<but "Leave building" mkgarden1 step:100>>
<<ev 300>>
<<overlay "mgarden/storageRoom" "misc/magnifier" 22 22 66 80 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You start searching the building for the missing bag of bat guano.</cc>
<<c "Continue the search">>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "mgarden/storageRoom2" "misc/magnifier" 22 22 66 80 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You go to the loading area.</cc>
<<c "Continue the search">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii mgarden/guanobag 20 pnggg>>
<c>While digging through a container filled with trash, you find a bag of bat guano! It is empty.
<p>Checking the date stamp on the bag, it matches the date you saw on the two bags of bat guano left in the garden shed. The date is only a few weeks old, meaning it can't be from an earlier delivery of bat guano because Novice Alonso said the previous delivery was several months ago. That proves that this is the missing bag from the garden shed.
<<qmess stefanoq 350>>
<<c "Leave building">>
<<ev 600>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("stefanoq", 400)>>
<<mvv monks/stefano50ms 40>>
You found the missing bag of bat guano. But how did it end up here?<br>Was it Brother Stefano who took it from the garden shed?
<<but "Continue" mkgarden1 "ev:300 step:100">>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/stefano 40>>
<c>You shouldn't talk to Brother Stefano yet. If he indeed were up to no good taking something from the shed in the herb garden in the middle of the night, he could get suspicious if you approach him so soon after.</c>
<<but "Leave" mkgarden>>
<<event 420>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/gaspar 40>>
<cc><<cs gaspar "God bless you, $fmc.">></cc>
<<but "Ask for Brother Stefano" mkgarden1 "ev:600 step:1000 qqcider>=1000 qqcider<<1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest monknightmares>>" mkgarden1 "ev:700 qqmonknightmares==220 monknightmares#notplayed300">>
<<but "Leave" mkgarden>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/stefano 40>>
<cc><<cs stefano "Can I help you, $fmc?">></cc>
<<but "Ask about bat guano" mkgarden1 "step:200 qqstefanoq>=300 stefanoq#notplayed400">>
<<but "Leave" mkgarden>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/stefano2 35>>
<c><<s mc "How are the crops?">>
<<s stefano "Growing like ever before. We've had a good year so far. Praise the Lord.">>
<<s mc "Does that mean you will be more or less self-sustaining with food?">>
<<s stefano "Oh, no. Far from it. We would need more space to grow crops for that to happen. But we can buy the food we need. I hear our alcoholic drinks continue to sell well. That's one good thing about the herb garden.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/stefano 40 right>>
<<s mc "I hope you won't run out of product. I heard some special fertilizer is missing that they need. A bag of bat guano. <<gardener>> was very upset about it.">>
<<s stefano "Oh? I don't think we need to worry. <<gardener>> exaggerates. We have a lot of good fertilizer in the storage building.">>
<<s mc "Could someone from the kitchen garden have taken the bat guano, you think? Some sort of misunderstanding?">>
<<s stefano "No, no. We don't need that bat guano. They don't either. <<gardener>> wastes money on it because he is a perfectionist. And he's getting worse, I'm afraid. It's his age. God bless him.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/stefano2 35>>
<c><<s mc "I heard the bat guano is very expensive. Could it have been a thief from the town? Have you had things stolen from the storage building?">>
<<s stefano "No, no one comes here. Don't worry about it, $fmc. <<gardener>> probably misplaced the bag, or forgot he already used it. As I said, he's getting old. Now, can I help you with something, Father? If not, I want to finish this before prayer.">>
You let Brother Stefano go back to working the kitchen garden.
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mvv monks/stefano50ms 40>>
<c>You couldn't get a good read on Brother Stefano. If he took the bag of bat guano, he is doing a good job lying about it.
<<q stefanoq 400>>
<<ev 600>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("stefanoq", 350)>>
<<mii mgarden/guanobag 23 pnggg>>
<cc>Now you want to find that missing bag.
<<but "Continue" mkgarden>>
<<s mc "Maybe it is time for him to step down? For his health, I mean. Must be a lot of work and stress to be in charge of the front line.">>
<<s stefano "That's not up to me to decide.">>
<<s mc "Would you be interested in taking over the herb garden? Someone has to, eventually.">>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/stefano 35>>
<<s mc "Greetings, Brother Stefano. I was looking for you.">>
<<s stefano "How can I help you, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I tasted a cider that Brother Salvatore drank at the last sampling. I enjoyed it very much. He told me you ordered it from town?">>
<<s stefano "Yes, I order low-alcohol cider for Brother Salvatore. I think I have a few bottles around here. One second, Father.">>
Brother Stefano leaves around a shelf. Soon, he returns.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/cider2 10 pnggg>>
<c>Brother Stefano hands you a bottle with a clear, yellow liquid inside. You can also see that it is carbonated. Nothing like the cider you saw Brother Salvatore drink.</c>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/stefano2 35 right>>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, this is not the cider I meant. The cider Brother Salvatore drank at the sampling had a cloudy, olive-like color and it was not carbonated.">>
<<s stefano "Hmm... are you thinking about one of those short-fermentation ciders they make around here?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I believe so. Did you order something like that for Brother Salvatore?">>
<<s stefano "No. Only this cider. He must have gotten it from somewhere else.">>
<<s mc "I see. I'm sorry to bother you.">>
<<s stefano "Not at all, $fmc. Do you want this cider anyway, or perhaps something else? One of our products? I may be able to give you a taste. A little private sampling, if you catch my drift.">>
<<s mc "That's very kind of you. Perhaps another time.">>
<<c "Leave Brother Stefano">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 30>>
Brother Stefano claims he never bought a short-fermentation cider. Either he is lying or Brother Salvatore is. Considering how suspiciously Brother Salvatore behaved when you asked about the cider, you bet he is the liar.
<p>It's time to confront Brother Salvatore about the cider.
<<q cider 1100>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/gaspar2 35>>
<<s mc "Brother Gaspar, have you seen Brother Stefano?">>
<<s gaspar "Not for a while, but he should be around here somewhere.">>
<<s mc "I'll keep looking, then.">>
<<but "Leave him" mkgarden>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 700 monks media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi gaspar3 32>>
<c>You wait until Brother Gaspar is not close to anyone else before approaching him.
<p>You tell Brother Gaspar that Father Alvaro asked for your help interpreting the nightmares about the doctor. Brother Gaspar has no objections to talking about them.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi gaspar 36>>
<c><<s mc "Father Alvaro told me you've had the nightmare four times.">>
<<s gaspar "Yes. They were horrible. Two of them I didn't remember as well, thankfully.">>
You ask Brother Gaspar to tell you what he remembers of the nightmares, which he gladly does.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi gaspar3 35>>
<c>You listen carefully to Brother Gaspar as he recounts what he remembers of the nightmares with the doctor.
<p>Brother Gaspar verifies what you read about his nightmares and the tapping sequences in the list the abbot gave you: He remembered three of them well, and one not so well.</p>
<p>Brother Gaspar seems scared and nervous, talking about the nightmares. They have clearly affected him.</p>
<p>You have previously gotten the impression that Brother Gaspar is a nervous type, and this confirms it.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi gaspar 36>>
<c>When Brother Gaspar is done, you ask him a few follow-up questions. You don't learn anything new of note.
You then thank him for his time.
<<qmess monknightmares 300>></p>
<<run setup.check_monknightmares()>>
<<but "Leave him" mkgarden>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 4200>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include mlibrary1>>
<<elseif $qqmonkdocument == 100>>
<<mi librarynight 70>>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
<c>You enter the dark library. The monks have gone to bed. You should be able to move around undetected as long as you are quiet.
<p>Luckily, there is enough light to see reasonably well because the monks have dim lighting turned on at night in the library to avoid an accident in case someone enters here for some reason.</p>
<p>The document you are after is probably locked away in here somewhere, and you think you know where.</p>
<<qset monkdocument 110>>
<<but "Go to the locked cabinet" mlibrary1 ev:700>>
<<elseif $daytime=="night" && $qqrecipebook == 100>>
<<mi librarynight 70>>
<<playsound scary "volume0.08 noloop">>
<c>After walking through the dark hallways on the monks' side of the monastery, you enter their dimly lit library.
/*<p>Something about this place gives you the creeps at night. Perhaps it isn't the place as much as knowing what you will do here. Right now, your senses are alert and you are prepared for danger. But when you are reading a text, you tune out from the world. You become vulnerable.</p>
<p>Whatever the reason you feel creepy, you don't want to spend any more time here than necessary.</p>*/
<p>Something about this place gives you the creeps at night. You don't want to spend any more time here than necessary.</p>
<<but "Get the key to the cabinet" mlibrary1 ev:800>>
<<mi librarian1 70>>
<cc>You are in the library. Brother <<var librarian,>> the librarian, is here.</cc>
/*LATER check inventory bok for listing about herbal De Virtutibus Herbarum (note different name than older (viribus)) and find the printed and illustrated version from 1477 by Arnaldus de Bruxella in Naples
Maybe add treastise on corruption by ludolphus, written before coming here, maybe this was even the reason he was chosen or the nuns moved in here because he seemed to good at preventing men being corrupted by women */
<<but "Search the library" mlibrary1 "ev:200 mlibrarySearch<<200">>
<<but "Ask for record of abbots" mlibrary1 "ev:300 always qqsecretlab>=200 qqsecretlabrecords<<230">>
<<but "Watch Brother <<var librarian>> from a distance" mlibrary1 "ev:400 qqmonks3>=100 monks3#notplayed240">>
<<but "Look for a herbal" mlibrary1 "ev:500 qqmonkherbal==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest tunnel>>" mlibrary1 "ev:600 qqtunnel==100">>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi library 82>>
The monks' library is impressive. Books and old manuscripts fill the shelves from the floor to the beautiful ceiling. Several monks are here, writing, reading, and cataloging. Everyone is quiet.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi lib 40 right>>
Father <<var abbot>> approaches one of the monks.
<<s abbot "This is brother <<var librarian,>> our <<hovertip Armarius armarius>> and <<hovertip Archivist. archivist>> Brother <<var librarian,>> this is Father $mc, sent here by the Vatican to document the history of our monastery. Please assist him in any way you can.">>
<<s librarian "It will be my pleasure, Reverend Father.">>
<<s abbot "I'll leave you two. See you at lunch, Father $mc.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<s librarian "How can I be of service, Father $mc?" ii>>
<<s mc "I'd like to start with the oldest information you have about the building itself. Particularly, I'm interested in maps and other descriptions of the layout of the building.">>
<<s librarian "Hmm, I see. I believe you are in luck. Not so long ago, we had many of our oldest works sent away for restoration, and they look better than ever. Let me go get what I think could be of interest to you. Find a place to sit." ii>>
The monk leaves and you sit down at a table.
Brother <<var librarian>> soon returns with a wheeled cart, on which there are several old scrolls, manuscripts, and books.
<<s librarian "Here is everything we have from the first few hundred years. That includes the time this place was a fortress and a couple of centuries as a monastery. I have arranged everything in order from the oldest to the newest. Let me know if you want anything else. And if you want to look at our inventory, that book on that stand over there lists all of our documents from before the 17th century and where they are located." ii>>
<<c "Study documents">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii "misc/manuscript.jpg" 50 right>>
<p>You start to search through the old documents that Brother <<var librarian>> brought you, starting with the oldest. It would take days to read them all, so you concentrate on finding drawings and maps of the monastery.</p>
Hours pass as you continue to sift through the manuscripts and scrolls, of which the oldest ones date all the way back to the 9th and 10th centuries. As expected, they are all written in Latin, the language of the Church. It's medieval Latin, but being fluent in Latin, you have no problem understanding it. You find a few maps and layouts of the monastery, but careful examination of them reveals no hidden or forgotten passages between the monks and the nuns.</p>
<p>But then, while looking in a manuscript from the 13th century, you discover something curious...</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii "mc/secretroom.jpg" 55>>
<c>The drawn map shows a room you haven't seen in any of the other depictions of the monastery. A mention of the room a little earlier in the document seems to indicate that it was originally a wine distillery, but next to this drawing, the room is listed as a wine cellar. That, and the way it is drawn, suggests that the room was below ground, accessed via a staircase behind the thick wall in the room you are staying in over at the nuns.
<p>You have noticed that this wall is unusually thick, but you assumed it was because it was a load-bearing wall, supporting the upper floor, or maybe the remnants of an old tower. You have to go to your room and investigate this.
<<qstart secretlab 100>></p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii "mc/secretroom.jpg" 40>>
<p>But that has to wait until after lunch as the abbot is going to introduce you to the monks.</p>
<p>You go back and check the older layouts of the monastery, but none of them shows the wine cellar. You find one more layout of the monastery in the newer documents, showing the monastery after the nuns had moved in and taken over half of it. This map is from the 15th century, about two centuries younger than the drawing with the wine cellar, but it also doesn't show the room and the text doesn't mention anything about it, suggesting the wine cellar was gone or forgotten at that point.</p>
Aside from that particular room, you find no leads on hidden passages in the documents.</p>
<p>The lunch bell rings. You follow the other monks in the library as they leave for the refectory.</p>
<<c null monks>>
<<set $intro = 4140>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $mlibrarySearch == undefined>>
<<mi "codexgigas" 60>>
You look around among the old documents in the library, hoping to find something that will help you in the case.</p>
<<set $mlibrarySearch = 100>>
<p>You are surprised to find a 14th century handwritten smaller copy of the <<hovertip "Codex Gigas," codexgigas>> also known as the <i>Devil's Bible</i>.</p>
<p>You spend some time flipping through the copy of the Codex Gigas.</p>
<<set $mlibrarySearch = 200>>
<<mi library 70>>
<p>You look around among the old documents in the library, hoping to find something that will help you in the case.</p>
<p>But you find nothing of particular interest.</p>
<<c null mlibrary>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lib 40 right>>
<<s mc "Brother <<var librarian,>> I'm interested in the previous abbots. I assume you have records of them?">>
<<s librarian "Certainly. Sit down and I'll get them for you.">>
The librarian soon returns with a book and opens it for you.
<<s librarian "Here we have all the abbots, from the first one to the current one.">>
<<set _year = setup.herbalNoteYear>>
You look for the year from the recipe notes: the year _year...
<<ev 200>>
<<set _abbotstart = setup.lastAbbotStartYear>>
<<set _abbotend = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
You find a matching name: <<special "Ludolphus Saganesis,">> born <<var lastAbbotBornYear>> in Żagań in <<hovertip Silesia, silesia bottom>> dead _abbotend. Abbot from _abbotstart to his death in _abbotend.
<p>If the author of the Codex Veritatis and the notes with the recipes was the abbot at the time, it must have been this guy.</p>
<p>The record states that Ludolphus advanced through the ranks of the Church, working first in Silesia and then in Bohemia proper. Eventually, he crossed the Alps and came down here for a position as abbot.</p>
<p>The entry for Ludolphus is pretty detailed in his first years as abbot but becomes more sparse later. His death is mentioned, but no specifics. A note is written last. It looks like a reference to another document.
<<s mc "I'm staying in a room called the Last Abbot's room? This abbot here, Ludolphus Saganensis, am I correct in assuming that he is the one the nuns refer to as the last abbot?">>
<<s librarian "Ahh.... yes. Yes, probably." ii>>
<<ev 220>>
<<s mc "I heard he died mysteriously. I'm curious to know more about the story there. These records say nothing, but there is a note here... to another document?">>
<<s librarian "Hmm... yes, uh, you should ask the abbot. He might know more. Anything else? Some other abbot you are interested in?" ii>>
<<if $qqsecretlababbot >= 220>>
You couldn't resist asking for the document which probably reveals the dark secret the abbot told you about. But realizing the sensitivity of the matter, you decide to leave it alone and not bother the abbot with it again.
<<s mc "Not right now. I was curious about this man since I'm staying in his room.">>
The librarian picks up the book and hurriedly leaves to return it to its place.
<<qsub secretlab records 230 journal>>
<<if $qqsecretlab>=290>>
<<c null mlibrary>>
<<ev 300>>
<<ev 400>>
<<c null mlibrary>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi librarian1 40>>
<c>You spy on Brother <<var librarian>> from a distance, pretending to look at books. If anyone would know of a secret passage to the nuns mentioned in an old document, it would be the head librarian.
<p>After secretly watching Brother <<var librarian>> for about fifteen minutes, you give up. You had hoped to see something that looked suspicious, some odd behavior, anything that would give you a reason to <<if $qqmonks3>=300>>add the head librarian to your list of suspects.<<else>>make him a special person of interest in the investigation.<</if>> But nothing. It was a shot in the dark. You don't have time to spy on him for hours without no real reason.
<<qadd monks3 240>>
<<but "Continue" mlibrary>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/herbalPages 40 pnggg>>
<p>You want to see if the monks have a herbal with recipes for a lust potion or similar. Your findings so far suggest that the herbal you found in the secret laboratory – <<special "De Viribus Herbarum">> – actually belonged to the monks back in the 14th century. That's a place to start, so you go to the stand with the book containing the register of all the manuscripts in the library from before the 17th century.</p>
<p>And sure enough – in the register, you find an entry for "De Viribus Herbarum". It says it was added to the library in the year 1367. Then it is marked as lost in 1423. That's the year after Ludolphus died. So the herbal was discovered to be missing then. But then the next year, in 1424, the herbal was replaced with a different copy that has remained here ever since, if the register is correct.</p>
<<c "Find the herbal">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/herbal 80>>
<p>You go to the shelf where the book is supposed to be located, and there you find it. A worn but perfectly functional copy of the De Viribus Herbarum. Together with the one in your lab and the one in the nuns' library, that makes three copies of this herbal in the monastery.</p>
You know that the herbal contains a type of lust drug that uses long pepper – the virility remedy – but that remedy is weak and unlikely the cause of the erotic dreams and intense feelings of lust that the nuns have experienced. You could try to find a manuscript with a recipe for a stronger lust drug, but without knowing where to look, that could take forever. As it is, you have yet to look through more than a small part of De Viribus Herbarum.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi lib 38>>
<p>You also don't want to risk anything by revealing to Brother <<var librarian>> what you are looking for. For now, you have to be satisfied that you at least have evidence that the monks have access to the knowledge of how to use long pepper for a type of lust drug – the virility remedy, weak as it is. Someone might have found a way to improve it, just like Ludolphus did.
<<qend monkherbal 300>></p>
<<but "Continue" mlibrary>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi librarian 40>>
<c>You ask Brother Lutt about the document mentioning the escape tunnel.
<<s librarian "Oh, yes. Please sit down, and I will get it for you.">>
The librarian leaves, and soon returns with an old manuscript.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/manuscript 47>>
<c>You recognize it as one of the manuscripts you looked at the day you found the hidden laboratory under your room. The manuscript is one of the oldest documents in the library, written when this place was still a fortress. You only looked through the manuscript briefly, looking for drawings or maps.
<<s librarian "Here is the passage that speaks of the tunnel..." ii>>
The librarian carefully turns to one of the pages in the manuscript and then points.
<<c"Read the passage">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/notes 58>>
<c>You eagerly read the passage. The text doesn't reveal much. It only mentions the escape tunnel in passing when recounting how the fortress once was besieged, and the defenders managed to send a few men out through the escape tunnel, undetected, to carry out sabotage against the enemy. Nothing about where the tunnel was located.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi librarian 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "Too bad it doesn't give any clue where the escape tunnel was. And this is the only reference to it that you know of?">>
<<s librarian "Yes. I have not noticed it on any of the maps I've seen. Which is not surprising. The escape tunnel was supposed to be a secret, so it makes sense that it's not marked on any maps made when this place was as a fortress. The fact that the escape tunnel is also absent on the earlier maps from when this place had been turned into a monastery supports the idea that the tunnel was gone by then. Either filled with rubble or incorporated into the underground areas. The fortress lost its importance as a military base as borders expanded and a stable peace reigned in the land, which is why it was gifted to the monks, who then turned it into a monastery. There would be no need for an escape tunnel then.">>
You thank Brother Lutt for his help. The librarian takes the manuscript and leaves to return it to its place.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi library 70>>
<c>You haven't come any closer to figuring out a way for someone to enter the nuns' side of the main building during the night – except the possibility, however small, that the old escape tunnel still exists.
<<qend tunnel 1000>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi cabinetnight 34 pnggg>>
You approach a big, sturdy cabinet in the back of the library.<br>
If the document is in the library, you think it is kept in this cabinet.
<p>The cabinet is locked. You have to open it.</p>
<p>You hope the key is where you think it is.</p>
<<c "Go to the librarian's desk">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi libdesknight 50>>
<c>When you spied on the librarian earlier in your investigation, you saw him open a hidden door close to his desk, leading to a small room of some kind. You think he went in there to fetch a key to unlock something with. And then he returned with the key and put it back in the hidden room.
<p>You remember where the door was. Now you have to open it.</p>
<<c "Search for a way to open the hidden door">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi secretdoornight 70>>
<c>When you know the door is there, it is easy to open it. You just grab the wooden bookcase and pull.
<p>The dark space behind the door is small. On the wall inside, you feel a hook with a key hanging from it.</p>
<p>You get the key.</p>
<<c "Return to the locked cabinet">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi cabinetnight 34 pnggg>>
<c>You go to the cabinet and try the key in the lock.
<p>The key fits – and unlocks the cabinet.</p>
<p>There are many documents and books in here, but you are only interested in one right now: the document that was referenced in the entry for Ludolphus in the historical records about the abbots.</p>
<<c "Look for the document about Ludolphus">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi secretdocument 80>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
<c>You find the document that was referenced in the historical records.
<p>It is a copy of a report from AD _diedyear, written by the investigators sent by the Vatican after Ludolphus had died to investigate the rumors of sexual misconduct. You assume that the original is kept at the Vatican.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii nuns/misc/victim1 40 right>>
<l>The report details everything found in the investigation.
<p>There is a lot to read, but you don't have to read all of it. Most of it is interviews with nuns and the nuns seem to say what you already have heard. They accuse Ludolphus of forcing himself on them. Most likely lies to protect themselves. You believe Ludolphus was in reality helping them with the holy rites.</p>
<p>You quickly browse the report, looking for something like a summary of what the investigators found out.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi secretdocument 80>>
<c>You find it toward the end of the document – a detailed conclusion of the investigation. You read it all.
<p>From everything you have seen in the document, Father Alvaro told you the truth.</p>
<p>You find nothing that gives you any more insight into what really happened back then. Except for the fact that there is no mention of Ludolphus becoming the leader of the nuns – a patriarch, or anything like that. This is the proof you were looking for. </p>
<p>You need to go back to your room to think.
<<qend monkdocument 200>></p>
<<but "Return to your room" hub>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi secretdoornight 70>>
<c>You open the hidden door in the bookcase and get the key hanging from a hook inside the small, dark space.
<<c "Go to the locked cabinet">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi cabinetnight 34 pnggg>>
<cc>You go to the cabinet and unlock it with the key.
<p>You start looking for an inventory list for the cabinet.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi registernight 64 pnggg>>
<c>Your assumption that the inventory list would be easily accessible proves right.
<p>On top of one of the stacks of documents, you find a thin, leather-bound book. It's a register of everything in the "secret archive" – as the monks call it, and which is currently located in this cabinet.</p>
<p>The register also contains additions or removals to and from the secret archive, going back all the way to when the monks moved into the monastery.</p>
<<c "Search the inventory for anything related to Ludolphus" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi secretdocument 80>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
<c>You look through the current inventory listed in the register, searching for anything related to Ludolphus. Since the monks keep very secret and sensitive documents in here, there is no reason to think they would hide Ludolphus' name in this inventory list.
<p>And sure enough, listed in the register, you find this entry:<br>
<bible>AD _diedyear, December 14 – Vatican report (copy), AD _diedyear: Investigation of the death of Abbot Ludolphus Saganensis.</bible></p>
<p>This is the document you read earlier. Evidently, the copy was added to the secret archive on December 14, AD _diedyear.</p>
<<c "Keep looking through the inventory list">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi registernight 66 pnggg>>
<c>The inventory list isn't that long, and soon you have read all the entries. No other entry mentions Ludolphus' name.
<p>You do, however, find several manuscripts and documents concerning black magic, witchcraft, and other forbidden or controversial practices like alchemy.</p>
<<ev 720>>
<<mi keyofsalomon 40>>
<c>Some you are already familiar with, like a copy of a well-known grimoire from the 16th century: <<bold "Clavicula Salomonis">> – the Key of Solomon.
<p>The works you are unfamiliar with pique your interest enough to at least give them a quick look. You find them in the cabinet and quickly browse through their content. Several of the works contain recipes of various kinds, which is to be expected in books like this.</p>
<<ev 750>>
<<mi registernight 66 pnggg>>
<c>You find nothing that very closely resembles Ludolphus' recipes. And you wouldn't – if your suspicion turns out to be correct – since this is the current inventory in the cabinet.
<p>You eagerly turn to the section of the inventory register where additions and removals are documented. Perhaps the monks once had something of Ludolphus, something now gone. Something that was discovered missing and noted in the register.</p>
<<c "Look through the list of additions and removals" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi secretdocument 80>>
<c>You had high hopes, but you are disappointed to find nothing at all.
<p>Looking through the entire 700 years of additions and removals for something related to Ludolphus, the only entry of interest is that Vatican report.</p>
<p>Whoever the mysterious alchemist is that you are hunting, it seems they haven't gotten Ludolphus' recipes from this cabinet.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii crone/necromancer 40>>
<c>It was a good guess, but it didn't pay off.
<p>Evidence still suggests that a copy of Ludolphus' recipes is out there somewhere, in the hands of your rival alchemist. Where this copy came from will remain a mystery for now.</p>
<p>Or is there something else you could do to try to get to the bottom of this?
<<q recipebook 1000>>
<<but "Leave the library and return through the black door" hub fullWidth>>
<</events>><<if $qqmonks3 >= 100 && !setup.questCompleted("monks3")>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include monkevents1>>
<<mii monks/outsideEntrancebigger 100>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder == 10>>
<<qset investmurder 20>>
<c>You expected Novice Pascal to run to Father Alvaro's room, but instead he runs outside.
<p>You follow Novice Pascal as he keeps running, past the herb garden and the kitchen garden.</p>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/wall 45>>
<c>As you promised <<var mms,>> you start inspecting the wall separating the monks from the nuns. It would take ages to go over it with a magnifying glass, but you make a serious attempt at finding any hidden passages.
While not a carbon copy, the monks' side of the wall is not very different from the nuns' side. Indoors, rooms line most of the wall. The rooms are empty now as everyone is somewhere else, working or praying, but you have no problem entering the rooms to search the dividing wall because – just like on the nuns' side – most doors here have no lock.</p>
<<but "Take a break from searching the wall and go outside" monkevents1 "ev:100 step:120 fullWidth">>
<<ev 120>>
<<mii monks/outsideEntrance 100>>
You are not only interested in the wall. You also want to investigate the monks, when you are not drunk. You just have to remember to stick to your cover story of being here to document the history of the monastery. If you ask too many strange questions, the monks could get suspicious.
<p>At this time of the day, the monks are working, most of them outside.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv mgarden/garden 100>>
The monks are busy working in the garden. But contrary to the nuns, the monks are mainly occupied with growing herbs, not staple vegetables for eating. Their herb garden is bigger than their kitchen garden. This, you have learned, is because of the alcoholic beverages the monks produce, flavored with herbs of all kinds according to old recipes.
<p>As you look around, an old white-haired monk waves at you to come. You recognize him as <<gardener ,>> the head gardener. You go to him.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii monks/gardener 40>>
<c><<s gardener "$fmc, can I help you?">>
<<s mc "<<gardener ,>> as you know, I'm here to document the history of the monastery, and now I'm interested in this wall here.">>
<<s gardener "Ah, yes, the wall. Hmph!">>
<<s mc "Anything wrong?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 36 right>>
<<s gardener "You know why they put it up, right? All those centuries ago?... To keep us away from the nuns!">>
<<s mc "And you don't like that?">>
<<s gardener "Of course I like it! Why wouldn't I? We're here to be close to God. We don't need any women causing problems. But the wall is not good enough!">>
<<s mc "Why isn't it good enough?">>
<<s gardener "We can hear them! Laughing and playing around. No respect for this place. You'd think it's a schoolyard over there sometimes with all the noise. Thank God their actual school is far on the other side, or we would hear those girls too.">>
<<s mc "Where do you hear them? Indoors?">>
<<s gardener "No, right here! What are they doing over there? Having picnics and chasing butterflies?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii monks/gardener 40 right>>
<<s mc "I've been on the other side. I haven't heard any laughter or anything like that. Not out here, close to this wall. Are you sure it's the nuns you are hearing?">>
<<s gardener "Of course I am! Who else would it be? Just last week, I heard a woman laugh on the other side of this wall. I may be half-blind, but I'm not deaf.">>
<<s mc "And before that? How often do you hear the nuns?">>
<<s gardener "Too often! Women should not be heard, ever! That goes doubly in a place like this. I've told Father <<var abbot,>> but he won't do anything about it.">>
<<s mc "Do you hear them more than, say, a few times per month?">>
<<s gardener "I don't keep track of it! All I know is I can hear them and that is wrong.">>
You think the old gardener exaggerates the problem, but you can't ignore his hostility toward women. It's probably nothing, but it makes him a little more suspect than before.
<<q monks3 300>>
<<ev 540>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 30>>
Since <<mms>> wants to see progress with the investigation, it would be good to have a list of suspects to show her if she starts pressuring you again. Anything that could make her feel things are happening.
<<info "A new section has been added to the journal" "Suspects" center>>
<<set $suspects = []>>
<<set $suspectsAdded = []>>
<<suspect crone silent>>
<<suspect gardener center>>
<<c "Continue talking to <<gardener>>">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii monks/gardener 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "They have their kitchen garden a fair distance over in that direction. Maybe the wind sometimes carries a shout or laughter all the way over here.">>
<<s gardener "No, I'm telling you it was right on the other side of the wall!">>
<<s mc "You know, as a historian documenting this monastery, I am not only interested in the building itself, but also the experiences of the people living here. Would you mind if I quoted you in my report, about hearing the nuns? Anonymously, of course.">>
<<s gardener "You can quote me as much as you want. With my name too. <<gardener .>>">>
<<s mc "Maybe I will. Now, it's not that I don't believe you, but when writing history, you want to have access to primary sources. Witness statements. And if several witnesses say the same thing, it will mean a lot for the credibility of the statements. Can anyone here corroborate what you have told me about hearing the nuns?">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 34>>
<<s gardener "Yes. Talk to my assistants. They can verify everything. Giovanni! Alonso! Come over here!">>
The old gardener waves in a general direction behind him. A couple of monks drop what they are doing and approach you. You recognize the two men from your nights drinking with the monks, though you don't know much about them.
<<s mc "It's best if I speak with them alone, to ensure their statements are their own words.">>
<<s gardener "Just quote me in your report. Maybe then the Church will do something to stop this madness.">>
You leave the old gardener and meet up with his two assistants.
<<ev 800>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii monks/giovanni3 32 left>><<space3>><<mii monks/alonso2 32 left >>
<<s mc "Brother Giovanni and <<alonso ,>> did I remember that right?">>
<<s giovanni "Yes, $fmc. You remember correctly. How can we help you?">>
<<s mc "I'd like to speak with each one of you separately. It's for my documentation. I'm not only interested in the history of the monastery itself, but I'm also taking statements from the people living and working in these buildings. Can I start with you, <<giovanni ?>>">>
You take <<giovanni>> aside to a quiet spot.
<<ev 900>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 38>>
<c>You talk with <<giovanni ,>> and he can corroborate what <<gardener>> said about the nuns being loud on the other side of the wall. But as you thought, it is a rare thing – a few times a year.
<<s mc "Brother <<var gardener>> seems pretty hostile toward the nuns. Toward women. Have you noticed that?">>
<<s giovanni "He is getting old and grumpy, that's all.">>
<<suspectadd gardener s2>>
<<ev 920>>
<<mii monks/giovanni2 40 right>>
<<s mc "You like working with him, as his assistant?">>
<<s giovanni "I wouldn't call myself his assistant. I'm working under him like everyone else on garden duty. But yes, I like it. He knows a lot.">>/* and I wouldn't mind taking over after him one day.">>*/
<<s mc "Why does he call you and <<alonso>> his assistants, then?">>
<<s giovanni "He calls everyone working in the garden his assistants. But <<alonso>> and I are working more closely with <<gardener>> than most because <<alonso>> is the newest member to be assigned to permanent garden duty, and me, I like to stay close to <<gardener>> as he has much to teach us. I want to learn as much as I can from him before his time on this earth is up, and he joins the Lord in heaven. I hope to take over after him then.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 42 right>>
<<s mc "Wouldn't that position go to one of the more senior monks working in the garden?">>
<<s giovanni "Maybe, but I hope to prove myself and get the position.">>
<<s mc "This seems important to you. You like working in the garden that much?">>
<<s giovanni "It's important work, growing our herbs. It's needed for our beverages, that we enjoy and make money from. I want to be of service to my fellow brothers.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, are you only talking about the herb garden? Not the kitchen garden?">>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mii monks/giovanni2 36>>
<<s giovanni "Ah, yes. Sorry for the confusion. When we talk about the garden, we mean the herb garden. It's the important part of the garden. The kitchen garden is just for growing some of the food we eat. Much of the food we eat we buy with the proceeds from selling our beverages.">>
<<s mc "Is <<gardener>> in charge of the kitchen garden as well?">>
<<s giovanni "No, that is Brother Stefano. It's not a very enviable position. Working in the garden – the herb garden – is where you want to be.">>
<<ev 1040>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 44 right>>
<<s mc "How long have you been at the monastery?">>
<<s giovanni "About <<var giovanniYears>> years now.">>
<<s mc "Were you a monk or active in another order before coming here?">>
<<s giovanni "No. Why?">>
<<s mc "Just curious. As a historian, you never know when something of interest turns up just from talking with the people living in the buildings whose history you are documenting.">>
<<s giovanni "I see. If you have no other questions, $fmc, I should get back to work.">>
You send <<giovanni>> on his way.
<<ev 1060>>
<<mii monks/giovanni2 32>>
<<giovanni>> strikes you as very ambitious, wanting to become the head gardener although relatively young. Nothing wrong with being ambitious, but you get a feeling that there is something off about him. Arrogance? And he seemed overly suspicious when you asked him about his history before coming here.
<p>It's not much proof of anything, but it's enough to put him on the list of suspects. Having several names on the list looks better if <<mms>> wants a progress report.
<<q monks3 450 center>>
<<suspect giovanni>>
Next, you signal to Novice Alonso to come over.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40>>
<c>Novice Alonso looks young – in his early twenties. If that. Surely a boy like this can't be responsible for the attacks?
<<s mc "I was talking to Brother <<var gardener>> about the wall. Is it true that you can hear the nuns laughing?">>
<<s alonso "What? No, I haven't heard anything.">>
<<ev 1150>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 40 right>>
<<s mc "No? <<var gardener>> says you have all heard them over the wall.">>
<<s alonso "Oh, you mean out here? Yes, I've heard them. Like he said.">>
<<s mc "What did you think I mean?">>
<<s alonso "Nothing, Father. I forgot we've heard them out here. A few times. I've not been here long.">>
<<s mc "Have you heard them indoors?">>
<<s alonso "Oh, no. Never.">>
You get the feeling he is hiding something.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/alonso 40 right>>
<<s mc "How long have you been here?">>
<<s alonso "Two years and a few months.">>
<<s mc "Do you enjoy working with Brother <<var gardener?>>">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father. I like working in the garden.">>
<<s mc "He sounded angry at the nuns. Even downright hostile toward women in general. Have you noticed that?">>
<<s alonso "I wouldn't know, Father. I'm just doing my work in the garden.">>
<<s mc "What about <<giovanni ?>> Are you getting along well with him?">>
<<s alonso "Sure. We both like working in the garden.">>
<<s mc "Good. That's all, Novice Alonso. You can go back to work now.">>
<<s alonso "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 32>>
You could hardly get a word out of <<alonso ,>> and he behaved suspiciously. Maybe the young boy was just nervous talking to a dignitary from the Vatican, but your instincts tell you to keep an eye on him. As unlikely as it seems that he is responsible for the attacks on the nuns, they started not long after he came here.
<<q monks3 500 center>>
<<suspect alonso center>>
<<c "Continue in the herb garden">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii mgarden/herbgarden 90>>
<cc>You come to a quiet part of the herb garden.
<p>A heavyset monk is here. You know him as Brother Salvatore.</p></cc>
<<c "Go to Brother Salvatore">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 40>>
Brother Salvatore is gentle and kind-hearted, but not very bright. His presence here is surely a blessing from God, allowing the other monks the opportunity to show compassion and gain merit in the eyes of the Lord by treating someone well who is intellectually disadvantaged.</c>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 36 right>>
<<s mc "Brother Salvatore, how are you doing? Everything good?">>
<<s salvatore "Yes, $fmc. I'm watering the herbs. These ones over here require a lot of water.">>
<<s mc "Good. How come you know so much about herbs?">>
<<s salvatore "I like to grow herbs. And God wants me to grow herbs.">>
<<s mc "I'm sure He does. But who taught you which plants need a lot of water? <<gardener ?>>">>
<<s salvatore "Yes. And I read in the herb book. I can read.">>
<<s mc "Very good. Reading is good. What's the book you're reading? Can I see it?">>
<<s salvatore "It's in the shed. Over there.">>
Brother Salvatore points to a storage shed nearby.
<<c "Go to the shed">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii mgarden/gardencenter 65>>
<c>You enter the shed which is much bigger than Sister Jana's shed. It's full of garden tools, fertilizer, and dried herbs. On a small table, there is a big book. It's a modern-day book, with actual photographs of plants, not drawings. It has a lot of useful information for growing and tending herbs, including rarer herbs such as medicinal plants of old, but there is very little medicinal information here. And no recipes that you can find.</c>
<<c "Return to Brother Salvatore">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 33>>
<<s mc "Are you always working alone in this part of the herb garden?">>
<<s salvatore "No, other brothers help me. But now, I'm alone here.">>
<<s mc "Yes, I can see that. Is <<gardener>> in charge of this part of the herb garden too, or are you in charge here?">>
<<s salvatore "No, <<gardener>> is in charge of all the herbs. But I'm his right-hand man. He said so.">>
<<s mc "And I can see that you're doing a great job.">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 44 right>>
<<s mc "Brother Salvatore, I wonder... Is there anyone here who is interested in herbs and their uses? I mean for medicinal purposes, like making elixirs and things like that, not for making alcoholic drinks.">>
<<s salvatore "You mean like a witch?">>
<<s mc "Yes, you could say that. Or a wise man making herbal remedies to cure the sick.">>
<<s salvatore "I don't know. We put the herbs in the alcohol water and sell it. And drink it. But not me. It tastes terrible and I get dizzy in the head.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Well, have fun with the herbs, Brother Salvatore. I'm going to look around.">>
<<s salvatore "Bye, $fmc.">>
<<c "Take a walk around the herb garden">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii mgarden/herbgarden4 40>>
<c>A monk interested in herbalism would be a person of interest to you since you suspect that the attacker is using some kind of drug to sedate the victims. But so far, you have not found anyone matching that description. Everything here seems to be about producing herbs for their alcoholic beverages.</c>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii mgarden/gardenedge 75>>
Walking around the herb garden, you recognize several herbs from Ludolphus' recipes, including mandrake and deadly nightshade. It's good to know that you have this place as a possible backup if Sister Jana can't supply you with the ingredients you may need in your lab in the future.
<<c "Go to the kitchen garden">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii mgarden/kitchengarden 40>>
<cc2>You come to the kitchen garden. Compared to the herb garden, there is not much happening here.</cc2>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii mgarden/kitchengarden2 40>>
<cc2>You have a few words with the monks working in the kitchen garden, but you learn nothing of interest.</cc2>
<<c "Return to the herb garden">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii mgarden/garden 100>>
<cc>You have no proof anyone of the monks is involved in the attacks. The suspects you have added to the list are only marginally more suspect than anyone else here. But now at least you have something to show <<mms>> if she confronts you again.
<<q monks3 600 center>></cc>
<<if setup.checkMonks3Completed()>>
<<c Leave>>
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii monks/wall 45>>
After taking a break from inspecting the wall from the monks' side, you now return to finish the job. After several hours spent on it, you aren't closer to finding a hidden passage to the nuns. Without any lead on where a secret passage might exist, you don't want to waste any more time searching for one.
<p>Although you haven't made much progress, you feel you have done enough investigating of the monks to survive another confrontation with <<mms>> if she starts pressuring you again.
<<qend monks3 1000>></p>
<<ev 3050>>
<<mii monks/alonso 34>>
<c>But having more than mere suspicions would be good. Having something concrete on one of the suspects on your list would give you more favor the next time you have to report to <<var mms.>>
<p>Novice Alonso behaved the most suspiciously and is probably the easiest suspect to investigate, being young and low-ranked. You doubt he is the attacker, but you don't have any better suspect to focus on right now.
<<qstart alonsoq 50>></p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii refectory/outside_refectory 70%>>
The day has passed and it's just about time for supper. You return to the nuns and go to their refectory as usual.
<<but "Wait for the supper bell >>>" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<c>You have talked to everyone you wanted to talk to.
<p>There is nothing more to do about the nightmares and the doctor for now.
<<qend monknightmares 1000>>
<<ev 1000>> /* from monks hub */
<<mii library/librarian2 50>>
<c>But you still have those loose threads with Sister Palome and tracing a potential copy of Ludolphus' recipes.
<p>Sister Palome knows of the secret compartment in the nuns' library that contains a copy of the Vatican investigation of Ludolphus' death. What else does she know?</p>
<p>You should talk to Novice Francia, your asset in the library. Maybe she has learned something new about Sister Palome.
<<q palomeq 600>></p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii refectory/outside_refectory 70>>
It is almost time for supper.
<p>You return to the nuns to eat there.</p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 ev:300>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii monks/pascal 40>>
You see Novice Pascal waiting for you on the other side of the black door.
You close the door and lock it, then turn to Novice Pascal.
<<s pascal "Follow me, Father. The abbot is waiting for you.">>
Novice Pascal starts running.
<<but "Follow him" monks>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/police 45 "pnggg right">>
<l>As you thought, a police officer is waiting on the other side of the black door. You enter the monks' side of the wall to talk to the officer.
<p>He questions you about Brother Gregor and you tell him the same lie you told Father Alvaro:</p>
<p>Brother Gregor sometimes sleepwalked and found himself waking up by the beer racks down in the caves. Brother Gregor had a secret desire to destroy the beer barrels, and in his dream state, he probably acted out on this desire and ended up pulling down the rack on himself.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 50>>
The police officer seems to believe you, and you get the impression he considers an accident like that plausible, if unusual.
<p>The officer thanks you for your time and leaves.</p>
<p>Unless they discover something suspicious with the corpse, you think the police will close this case very soon.</p>
<<c "Return to the nuns">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii lab/salve 34 pnggg>>
<c>Returning to the nuns' side of the wall, you no longer feel the effect of the paralyzing salve. It took two-three hours for it to wear off. You are back to your old self.
<p>With the police having questioned you, you could now go to your lab to look for the recipe for the paralyzing salve.
<<q investmurder 600>></p>
<<set $noRefectoryBypass = 1>>
<<ev 2000>> /* reusing, ending investmurder quest */
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 50>>
You can conclude your investigation into Brother Gregor's death, for now.
<p>You have a good idea of how he died, but why it happened, and who used the salve on him, that you don't know. The police have already questioned the monks and you don't want to start your own round of questioning. For the moment, it is best that everyone thinks what happened was just a tragic accident.</p>
<p>Maybe in time, you will find out the truth about what happened when Brother Gregor died.
<<qend investmurder 2200>></p>
<<but "Continue" monks>>
<<set _showmonkhub = true>>
<<if $qqpalomeq==400 && setup.questCompleted("monknightmares")>>
<div style="padding-top:var(--passage-vertical-padding-top)">
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 66>>
<c>After questioning a few of the monks about the strange "nightmares" with the creepy doctor, you are not sure how to continue working this lead.
<p>Still, things are happening here at the monks, while not much is currently happening over at the nuns. It might be best to again concentrate your efforts on investigating the monks.</p>
<<but "Continue" monkevents1 "ev:200 step:1000">>
<cc style="margin-bottom:0px;">
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:260%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>The Monks</b></div>
/*<<mii "misc/under" 100% "noBorder png styling margin-bottom:1.5rem stylingend">>*/
<div style="position: relative">
<<mi "hub_monks2" "100%" "png noZoom">>
<<for _i to 0; _i < 1; i++>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking > 0>>
<<pop mrefectory>>
<<if $qqalonsoshed==600>>
<<pop mbathroom>>
<<if $intro < 4120>>
<<pop abbot>>
<<elseif $intro < 4140>>
<<pop mlibrary>>
<<elseif $intro < 4200>>
<<pop mrefectory>>
<<if $qqmonkdocument == 100>>
<<pop mlibrary>>
<<if $daytime=="night" && $qqrecipebook==100>>
<<pop mlibrary>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==10>>
<<pop monkevents>>
<<set _showmonkhub = false>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==20>>
<<pop mdistillery>>
<<set _showmonkhub = false>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==1010>>
<<qset investmurder 1020>>
<<pop abbot>>
<<pop mlibrary>>
<<pop mrefectory>>
<<pop mbathroom>>
<<pop monkevents>>
<<pop mgarden>>
<<pop mgardenedge>>
<<pop mgardencenter>>
<<pop mkgarden>>
<<pop mdistillery>>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==1020>>
<<if !(setup.checkqStage("investmurder",2000) && setup.checkqStage("investmurder",2100))>>
<<set _showmonkhub = false>>
<cc>You have things to do before returning to the nuns.</cc>
<<if $intro >= 4200 && _showmonkhub>>
<</nobr>><<if $intro < 4200>>
<<mi refectory 50>>
You join the monks for lunch in the refectory, and Father <<abbot>> introduces you to everyone, telling them the cover story that the Vatican has sent you here to document the history of the monastery. He asks the monks to assist you in any way they can.
<p>You can tell that the abbot is proud of the monastery and the order of monks. Even knowing it's a cover story, he appears flattered by your interest in their history.</p>
<p>So far, you don't get the impression that Father <<abbot>> is trying to hide anything from you. But it is too soon to exclude anyone from having something to do with the attacks.</p>
<<set $daytime = setup.afternoon>>
<<but "Eat lunch and then leave the monks" hub>>
<<set $intro = 4200>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking > 0>>
<<mi refectory 50>>
When you arrive to the refectory, the room is already filled with monks, eager to participate in tonight's event. The abbot invites you to sit next to him, and then the beverages are brought in for everyone to sample.
<<if $qqmonksDrinking3 > 0>>
<c>You have to do your best to drink as little as possible without disappointing the monks too much, but this time, you will not become drunk. The investigation must come first.</c>
<<but "Join the drinking" mrefectory1 "ev:300">>
<<elseif $qqmonksDrinking2 > 0>>
<<but "Join the drinking" mrefectory1 "ev:200">>
<<but "Join the drinking" mrefectory1 "ev:100">>
refectory is empty
<<but "Leave" monks>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi beer 43 rcl>>
<<mi drinking1 43 rcl>>
Wines, beers, liquors... the monks apparently produce a wide selection of alcoholic beverages. The abbot proudly explains the history behind them all as you and the monks sample them.
<p>Then the abbot declares the sampling to be over. Now it's free drinking, but only of selected wine and beer. The more expensive beverages are put away.</p>
<p>Normally, you would protest at this excessive drinking, but, as much as you dislike it, the drunker the monks get, the looser their lips will be. You have to pretend you are okay with all this while going around, listening and talking, without revealing your true purpose here. It's enough that the abbot knows of the investigation.</p>
<p>Not used to alcohol, you are slightly woozy. But it's a nice feeling.
<<drunk 1>>
<<tip alcohol>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi drinking2 35 right>>
<l>An hour passes as the monks keep drinking, clearly loving their own products. You eavesdrop on monks talking, and you engage in conversations, listening for anything that could be a lead in the investigation. After some time, the abbot waves at you to come sit next to him.
<<s abbot "$fmc. Let me fill your glass. Don't be shy. There is enough to go around." ii>>
<<s mc "I think I should stop now. Too much drinking is a sin.">>
<<s abbot "Ah, but God is merciful and forgives small sins. You pray for forgiveness when you go to bed and all is well. We aren't hurting anyone here. What do you say?" ii>>
The monks at the table are looking at you, waiting for your response. This is not the time to be a mood killer. You have no choice but to play along, even if it means that you will commit a sinful act, although minor.</p>
<<tip sin>>
<<but "Continue to drink" mrefectory1 "corr3">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi drinking3 40 right>>
<l><p>As time passes, many of the monks are getting very drunk. You try to drink moderately, just enough to keep the abbot and the monks happy, but you have a hard time saying no, and now you too are excessively intoxicated.
/*<<addsin 4>>*/
<<drunk 4>>
<p>This is not how God wants his servants to behave! You can stand it no longer. It's time to call it a night. Thanking them for the kind invitation and the tasty beverages, you manage to make a good exit, leaving the abbot and the monks in a good mood for treating a visitor from the Vatican to such a good time.</p>
Despite spending hours with the drunken monks, you haven't learned anything that strikes you as pertinent to the investigation.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 85>>
<<masteraudio stop>> /* in case player uses back history */
<c2>The night is dark and the hallways are silent as you make your way to your room on unsteady feet.</c2>
/*<<addcorr 5>>*/
<<but "Continue" mc1 "ev:670">>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi beer 43 rcl>>
<<mi drinking1 43 rcl>>
Things repeat themselves. Wines, beers, and liquors are brought in for you and the monks to sample while the abbot proudly, once again, explains the history behind them, though more briefly than the first sampling you attended.
<p>Then the abbot declares the sampling to be over. Now it's free drinking, but only of selected wine and beer. The more expensive beverages are put away.</p>
<p>You still dislike this excessive drinking, but you have to try to find out if the monks have something to do with the nocturnal attacks on the nuns, and you hope that getting the monks drunk will make someone's tongue slip. You do your best to drink as little as possible while not disappointing the monks.</p>
<p>Not used to alcohol, you are getting woozy. But it's a nice feeling.
<<drunk 1>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi drinking2 35 right>>
<l>An hour passes as the monks keep drinking. You eavesdrop on monks talking, and you engage in conversations, listening for anything that could be a lead in the investigation. After some time, the abbot waves at you to come sit next to him.
<<s abbot "$fmc. Let me fill your glass. Don't be shy. There is enough to go around." ii>>
The monks are looking at you, waiting for your response. You might as well play along, encouraging everyone else to drink more too.
<<s mc "Fill'er up!">>
The monks cheer and raise their glasses.
<<but "Continue to drink" mrefectory1 "corr3">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi drinking3 36 right>>
<l><p>As time passes, many of the monks are getting very drunk. You try to drink moderately, just enough to keep the abbot and the monks happy, but you have a hard time saying no, and now you too are excessively intoxicated.
<<drunk 4>>
<p>Eventually, you have had enough. It's time to call it a night. Thanking the monks, you manage to make a good exit, leaving the abbot and the monks in a good mood.</p>
Despite spending more hours with the drunken monks, you didn't learn anything that strikes you as pertinent to the investigation.</p>
<<qend monksDrinking2 300>>
<<but "Continue" mrefectory1 "ev:100 step:400">>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi beer 43 rcl>>
<<mi drinking1 43 rcl>>
Things repeat themselves. Wines, beers, and liquors are brought in for you and the monks to sample while the abbot proudly explains the history behind them, though more briefly than the first sampling you attended.
<p>Then the abbot declares the sampling to be over. Now it's free drinking, but only of selected wine and beer. The more expensive beverages are put away.</p>
<p>You couldn't avoid sampling the drinks with all the monks staring at you.
<<drunk 1>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi drinking6 43 right>>
<l>A couple of hours pass as you keep a low profile, engaging in polite conversation and eavesdropping on monks talking and gossiping, listening for anything that could be a lead in the investigation.
<p>The monks keep drinking their products, and with a simple ruse, you manage to fool the monks that you are doing the same.</p>
<p>You carry around a wooden mug with water, pretending it contains beer. If someone discovers that it's not beer, you say that you are taking a short break to cleanse your palate.</p>
<p>To complete the ruse, you pretend to be drunker than you are.</p>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi drinking7 45 right>>
<l>The ruse works perfectly. The monks pay little attention to you most of the time, concentrating instead on savoring their products.
Staying away from the alcohol, you feel your head returning to its usual clear state.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi drinking8 60>>
<c>With the monks drunk, and your senses sharp, you now turn your attention to the suspects on your list. You should speak to them, one by one. Perhaps you will learn something of interest talking to them when they are drunk.
<<set $temp = 300>>
<<q monksDrinking3 400>>
<<c "Talk to the suspects">>
<<ev 500>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 1000) && setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 2000) &&
setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 3000) && setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 4000) &&
setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 5000)>>
<<mi drinking10 60>>
Once you are finished with the list of suspects, you turn your attention to the rest of the monks, wanting to talk to many more of them before the night is over.
<<but "Keep talking to the monks" mrefectory1 "step:6000">>
<<mi drinking8 60>>
<cc>Talk to the suspects on your list.</cc>
<<specbut2 "alonso" mrefectory1 "step:1000 monksDrinking3#notplayed1000">>
<<specbut2 "gardener" mrefectory1 "step:2000 monksDrinking3#notplayed2000">>
<<specbut2 "giovanni" mrefectory1 "step:3000 monksDrinking3#notplayed3000">>
<<specbut2 "salvatore" mrefectory1 "step:4000 monksDrinking3#notplayed4000">>
<<specbut2 "stefano" mrefectory1 "step:5000 monksDrinking3#notplayed5000">>
/*<<but "test end" mrefectory1 step:6000>>*/
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii monks/alonso 33>>
<cc>Novice Alonso is drinking like everyone else despite his young age. He seems rather drunk.
You get him to a secluded corner where you can talk in private.
<<cs mc "How's it going, Novice Alonso? With seeing a demon and all...">>
<<cs alonso "I'm still scared at night. And I'm not sleeping in that shed anymore.">>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 1000>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 33>>
<c>You ask Novice Alonso to tell you again what happened during his nights sleeping in the shed. You also ask him to describe the demon nun again.
<p>Novice Alonso eagerly recounts his experiences, relieved to be able to talk to someone about it, as you still forbid him to tell anyone else. You listen carefully, hoping to learn something new or to notice inconsistencies that may indicate that Novice Alonso is lying. For one thing, Novice Alonso claims he saw Brother Stefano take the bag of bat guano in the middle of the night, while Brother Stefano denies knowing anything about the missing bag.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii monks/alonso 33>>
But you learn nothing new of interest. Novice Alonso repeats everything almost word for word. Does it sound too rehearsed? You can't say. Going over unusual and terrifying experiences in your head over and over is not uncommon.
<p>And now you have other monks to talk to.</p>
<<but "Leave Novice Alonso" mrefectory1 step:500>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii monks/gardener 40>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 2000>>
<c>Brother Fulgencio looks grumpier than usual as he sits with a mug of beer. You haven't spoken much to the old head gardener since you discovered his hostile stance toward women. You would like to explore that more now that he is drinking. Does Brother Fulgencio's misogyny stop with words or is he involved in the attacks?
<<s mc "Have you heard any more women laughing from across the wall?">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 35>>
<<s gardener "What? Oh, I don't know. I don't keep track of it. They shouldn't be heard at all. That wall is not good enough!">>
<<s mc "At least the wall keeps you apart physically from the nuns. You don't risk running into one of them.">>
<<s gardener "Hmpf, I wouldn't be surprised if one day one of them decided to climb over the wall. Maybe they saw a butterfly fly over the wall and wanted to catch it. Chasing butterflies, laughing, and climbing walls... Hmpf! You can't trust those young novices to behave.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii monks/gardener 35 right>>
<<s mc "How do you know it's the young novices that you've heard laughing?">>
<<s gardener "Who else would it be? Are you telling me the professed sisters run around laughing like little girls too?">>
<<s mc "No, you have a point. But at least you're safe from the novice nuns when you're indoors. I'm told only the Mother Superior has the key to the black door.">>
The old gardener takes another gulp of beer, but says nothing.
<<s mc "Unless the novices find a secret passageway. I know old important buildings like this often have them.">>
<<s gardener "Girls running through these halls. Over my dead body.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 35>>
<<s mc "I wouldn't worry about a secret passageway. It would be a good addition to my documentation of this monastery if I could include something like that, but I've been talking to the abbess and the abbot and they say there aren't any secret passageways.">>
<<s gardener "Thank the Lord for that!">>
You can't tell if Brother Fulgencio is hiding something. You tried to bait him, but if he knows of a secret passageway to the other side of the wall, he didn't take the bait.
<p>The grumpy gardener looks like he is not interested in any more talking.</p>
<<but "Leave him alone" mrefectory1 step:500>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 3000>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40>>
You sit down with Brother Giovanni. He drinks wine, and the alcohol appears to have shaved off that slightly arrogant attitude of his.
<<s mc "Enjoying the wine, Brother Giovanni?">>
<<s giovanni "Yes, this is the reward for all our hard work in the garden.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii monks/giovanni2 40 right>>
<<s mc "What about the long pepper you are growing for Brother Salvatore? No one is using it. Isn't that hard work going to waste?">>
<<s giovanni "Seeing Brother Salvatore happy is a reward on its own.">>
<<s mc "True. You're doing the Lord's work, Brother Giovanni.">>
<<s giovanni "I try. But I'm a sinner too. Aren't we all?">>
<<s mc "Yes, that is also true.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii monks/giovanni 40 right>>
<<s mc "You know that bag of bat guano that went missing from the shed? I happened to find old remains of bat guano by the patch of long pepper. But I also heard the bat guano is only used at the front line. So how can that be?">>
<<s giovanni "I don't know. Maybe you are mistaken. We use other guano as well. Bird guano. I've used it for the long pepper.">>
<<s mc "I'm pretty sure it was that bat guano. Could someone have used it by the long pepper by mistake?">>
<<s giovanni "Probably that's it, then. But why bother about things like our fertilizers, $fmc? Have you been sent to spy on us by a competitor?">>
The monk smiles and pretends to be upset. If Brother Giovanni knows more about the long pepper or bat guano than he lets on, he is doing a good job of hiding it.
<<s mc "You caught me. I was sent by Brother Stefano to learn your secrets.">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii monks/giovanni2 40>>
<<s giovanni "Hah, that wouldn't surprise me. The kitchen garden is doing the Lord's work too, but sometimes they are jealous of us in the garden because we make this place survive. But don't tell them I said so.">>
You wonder how severe the friction between the herb garden and the kitchen garden really is.
<<but "Leave him" mrefectory1 step:500>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 4000>>
<<mii monks/salvatore 34>>
<c>You find Brother Salvatore sitting alone in a corner. He seems to enjoy his drink like everyone else. But he told you earlier that he doesn't like alcohol.
<<s mc "Hello, Brother Salvatore. I thought you didn't like to drink.">>
<<s salvatore "I'm drinking cider. I get it from town. It doesn't make me dizzy like the alcohol water we make here.">>
<<s mc "I see.">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mii misc/mug 30 pnggg>>
<c>When you glance at the cider in Brother Salvatore's mug, you get curious. The cider looks just like the cider that Novice Gabriella was drinking in the kitchen. That cloudy olive-like color with no sign of carbonation, unlike the clearer carbonated cider people usually drink. Could that cider come from the nuns?
<<s mc "That cider looks tasty. Mind if a take a sip?">>
Brother Salvatore looks around – like he is about to do something in secret.
<<s salvatore "One sip. I don't have much.">>
He hands you the mug and you take a sip of the cider.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii misc/cider 10 pnggg>>
<c>The cider tastes just like the cider Novice Gabriella drank.
<p>It has that strong taste, a sour-sweet kind of bitterness that you earlier thought was from alcohol. Novice Gabriella assured you that their cider has a low alcohol content, and that explains why Brother Salvatore doesn't get dizzy from it. If he is indeed drinking cider produced by the nuns.</p>
<<ev 4230>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 40 right>>
<<s mc "That's tasty. I would love to buy myself a bottle or two. What's it called?">>
<<s salvatore "Uhm, I don't know. The bottle doesn't say. I tell Brother Stefano to order cider that doesn't make me dizzy and he does it.">>
<<s mc "Could I see the bottle?">>
<<s salvatore "Uhm.... I don't have the bottle here.">>
That sounds strange, but you decide to let the matter go to not reveal that you are on to him in case Brother Salvatore is trying to deceive you.
<<s mc "Okay. I'll ask Brother Stefano about it, then.">>
<<c "Leave Brother Salvatore">>
<<ev 4250>>
<<mii misc/mug 26 pnggg>>
<c>If the nuns sell their cider, there is nothing strange about that cider ending up at the monks. But what if the nuns' cider came here some other way? Brother Salvatore acted suspiciously when you asked for a sip and when you asked about the cider bottle. Why wouldn't he have an empty bottle close by if he had a mug full of the cider?
<p>This is a possible lead, and you can't ignore it. But investigating the cider can wait until tomorrow. You have other monks to talk to before this night is over.
<<qstart cider 100>>
<<but "Continue" mrefectory1 step:500>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 5000>>
<<mii monks/stefano 40>>
<c>You manage to get yourself alone with Brother Stefano and sit down for a chat.
<<s mc "How are things in the kitchen garden?">>
<<s stefano "Everything is just fine, thank you for asking, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "And it seems the herb garden is doing well too. Except for that missing bag of bat guano. Did they find out what happened to it?">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii monks/stefano2 35>>
<<s stefano "No idea. You should ask <<gardener>> about it. If he will admit making a mistake, but I doubt it.">>
<<s mc "I apologize for saying it, but you don't seem very fond of Brother <<var gardener.>>">>
<<ev 5150>>
<<mii monks/stefano 35 right>>
<<s stefano "You are not wrong, $fmc. But what do you expect of me? <<gardener>> has no respect for the kitchen garden. Just a few days ago, I even caught the old man sneaking around in the high grass behind the bushes lining the kitchen garden, spying on us.">>
<<s mc "Why would <<gardener>> spy on you?">>
<<s stefano "He said he wasn't, that he was looking for a good place to expand the herb garden, but he seemed to look an awful lot in our direction. I suspect he wants to claim some of the kitchen garden, taking our fertile soil.">>
<<s mc "Perhaps he was looking for the missing bag of bat guano? I heard rumors that someone from the kitchen garden took it. Someone even mentioned your name.">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii monks/stefano2 35>>
<<s stefano "What? That's a lie. Who said that?">>
<<s mc "Sorry, Brother Stefano, I don't want to get anyone in trouble. It's just gossip I happened to overhear when I was in the herb garden.">>
<<s stefano "Those darn bro... hrm, pardon me... the brothers in the herb garden should not spread mean rumors about us in the kitchen garden.">>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mii monks/stefano 35>>
<<s mc "Perhaps someone saw you enter the garden shed one night in some other errand and assumed you took the bag?">>
<<s stefano "Why would I go to that shed in the middle of the night? That's ridiculous. Lies, I tell you.">>
Either Brother Stefan is lying, or Novice Alonso is.
Brother Stefano mutters and gulps down some beer. You think you should leave him for now.</p>
<<but "Leave Brother Stefano" mrefectory1 step:500>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 6500) && setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 7000) &&
setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 7500)>>
<<mi drinking5 50>>
<c>You have spoken to the monks you have had the most contact with so far, but there are a lot of other monks living in this monastery. Any one of them could be involved in the attacks.
<<but "Find new faces to talk to" mrefectory1 "step:7900">>
<<mi drinking10 70>>
<cc>You want to talk to more monks before the night is over.</cc>
<cc0><<specbut2 "abbot" mrefectory1 "step:6500 monksDrinking3#notplayed6500">>
<<specbut2 "gaspar" mrefectory1 "step:7000 monksDrinking3#notplayed7000">>
<<specbut2 "librarian" mrefectory1 "step:7500 monksDrinking3#notplayed7500">></cc0>
/*<<but "testing continue" mrefectory1 step:7900>>*/
<<ev 6500>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 6500>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40>>
Father <<abbot>> is enjoying a glass of red wine. You find a quiet spot to talk privately with him.
<<cs abbot "How's the investigation going?">>
<<cs mc "I've made some progress but nothing conclusive.">>
<<ev 6510>>
<<mii abbot/head 35>>
<<s abbot "You've been investigating the attacks for quite some time now. Your cover story about documenting the history of the monastery could make the brothers start wondering what's up with all these seemingly unrelated questions. How long will this go on?">>
<<s mc "I had hoped to be done with the investigation by now. Unfortunately, I may have to remain for a long time still. Hmm... What if you tell the brothers that I have taken such a liking to the monastery and the way of living, on both sides of the wall, that I've decided to document the current life as well, which means spending time here for maybe a year or even longer?">>
<<s abbot "I think that should work. I could announce it right now if you want.">>
<<s mc "That would be great. I appreciate your cooperation, Father <<var abbot.>>">>
<<ev 6550>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 30>>
<c>The abbot stands up and announces to the assembled monks the new cover story, making it sound like you are especially impressed by the monks' way of living and their successful beverage business.
<p>The news is met with a cheer and everyone toasts.</p>
<p>No longer having to come up with excuses for being interested in their daily life, this should make it much easier to investigate the monks.</p>
The abbot sits down again to continue the private talk with you.
<<ev 6600>>
<<mii abbot/head 35>>
<<s abbot "So, what about Brother Giovanni? You wanted to know his background. Is he still a suspect?">>
<<s mc "I have a list of people of interest and Brother Giovanni is still on that list, but he is not currently my focus of attention.">>
<<ev 6650>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40 right>>
<<s abbot "You still think one of us could be involved in the attacks?">>
<<s mc "It's possible, yes.">>
<<s abbot "But you are not sure. Perhaps it's time that you look elsewhere. It seems to me that one of the nuns would be the most likely culprit.">>
<<s mc "Trust that I'm looking in other directions as well.">>
<<s abbot "I understand. Say no more. Let's leave that unfortunate business and enjoy this evening instead.">>
<<ev 6700>>
<<mii abbot/head 40 right>>
There is something you have been meaning to ask the abbot.
<p>You know that Brother <<var brewer>> is the master brewer, Brother <<var distiller>> is the master distiller, and Brother <<var winemaker>> is the master winemaker – informally, they are known as the three "master brothers". Yet, according to what you have learned, none of them knows the recipes of the products they are responsible for making.</p>
<<ev 6750>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "Is it true that only you and <<gardener>> know the recipes?">>
<<s abbot "Yes, that's correct.">>
<<s mc "But what about the master brothers? I thought they would need to know the recipes.">>
<<s abbot "It would make things easier, sure, but the secrets of the recipes are paramount. The more people that know them, the greater the risk. I'm overseeing everything we produce, making sure everything is done according to the recipes, while <<gardener>> oversees everything we grow, making sure we have the herbs needed for the recipes. This way, only two people need to know the recipes.">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mii abbot/head 40>>
<<s mc "You have the recipes written down somewhere too, I presume?">>
<<s abbot "Yes, that's a necessary evil, so to speak. But rest assured the recipes are kept safe.">>
<<s mc "Does any of the master brothers ever complain about not knowing the recipes?">>
<<s abbot "Rarely. You may hear a mutter about it when they are tired or things aren't moving fast enough for their liking. But overall, we are all in agreement that this is the best way to do it. To secure our livelihood.">>
<<ev 6900>>
<<mii abbot/abbot 40 right>>
<<s mc "I heard a bag of bat guano was missing from the shed in the herb garden. And I heard rumors that Brother Stefano or someone else from the kitchen garden had taken the bag. Do you know something about this?">>
<<s abbot "Brother Fulgencio told me about it. It's nothing. Probably a misunderstanding of some sort.">>
<<s mc "Well, I've sensed that there is some friction, even rivalry, between the herb garden and the kitchen garden. Am I wrong?">>
<<s abbot "It's nothing, $fmc. People banter, and sometimes we get tired from a long day of work and say things we don't mean. Think nothing of it.">>
Whatever the abbot may know of this, he isn't eager to talk about it. Not surprisingly. As the elected head of the monks, he is protective of the brothers who have chosen him to lead them.
<<but "Continue" mrefectory1 step:6000>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 7000>>
<<mii monks/gaspar 35>>
Brother Gaspar was the first one to verify that there is friction between the herb garden and the kitchen garden.
<p>This friction seems to be caused by the herb garden being bigger and bringing in the money, making the monks in the herb garden feel their work is more important while the monks in the kitchen garden feel looked down upon.</p>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mii monks/gaspar2 35>>
<c>You try to get Brother Gaspar to tell you more about this friction and if there have been any incidents because of it.
<p>Regarding the cause of the friction, you don't learn anything new. You do learn that there have been some minor incidents in the form of heated arguments, but nothing has ever turned violent.</p>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mii monks/gaspar 35 right>>
<<s mc "What about that bag of bat guano that went missing from the shed in the herb garden? I heard rumors that it was taken by Brother Stefano.">>
<<s gaspar "Rumors from the herb garden, of course. They put the blame on Brother Stefano without any shred of evidence. That's typical of them.">>
<<s mc "Well, to be fair, I did happen to find the missing bag in the storage building. It was empty.">>
<<s gaspar "Oh? How do you know it was the missing bag?">>
<<s mc "The production date on that bag was only a few weeks earlier, meaning the bag couldn't be from the delivery before that which was months ago.">>
<<ev 7250>>
<<mii monks/gaspar2 35 right>>
<<s gaspar "So you found the missing bag in our storage building. How does that prove that Brother Stefano, or anyone else of us, took the bag? Someone from the herb garden could have planted it there.">>
Brother Gaspar's eyes dart back and forth, a common symptom of anxiety. Coupled with other non-verbal signs, you get the feeling that Brother Gaspar knows more than he lets on. That he is hiding something. Or he could just be upset about the rumors.
<<s mc "Doesn't that seem a little too extreme? Are things really that bad between the two gardens?">>
<<s gaspar "You tell me. You seem to know more of this than I do. Look, I don't want to speak ill of my brothers. We should all work together. And we do. But we're only human. You shouldn't read anything into it. We have a good community here.">>
<<c "Leave him">>
<<ev 7300>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
You got Brother Gaspar to speak frankly for a while, then again he backtracked and played everything down.
<p>You are still not certain how serious the friction between the herb garden and the kitchen garden is. Could it be serious enough to explain why Brother Stefano would take the bat guano from the herb garden in the middle of the night, as Novice Alonso claims?</p>
<<but "Continue" mrefectory1 step:6000>>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi drinkinglib 40>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 7500>>
<cc>Brother <<var librarian>> reads while sipping on a glass of wine.<br>Apparently, the librarian can't keep away from his books even now.
<<cs mc "Brother Lutt, what are you reading?">>
<<ev 7550>>
<<mii mlibrary/politeia 53>>
<<s librarian "Plato's Republic. Or Politeia, as it's called in this original Greek text. Though sadly, the book itself is merely a modern reproduction of a 9th-century manuscript.">>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mi drinkinglib 40>>
<<s mc "You know Greek, then. What other languages do you know?">>
<<s librarian "Oh, a little of this and that. You pick up a few things when reading.">>
Is he modest or hiding his knowledge? You have to be careful. If Brother Lutt is involved in the attacks – possibly even the mastermind behind it all – he could be a formidable opponent.
<<ev 7620>>
<<mi drinkinglib2 40>>
<<s mc "Lutt... the name doesn't ring a bell. Where is it from?">>
<<s librarian "It's Old English. It means 'little'. But my family left England generations ago. I do speak English, but not as a native.">>
<<ev 7640>>
<<mi drinkinglib 35>>
<c>Until now, you haven't wanted to risk revealing your true purpose here by asking Brother Lutt about secret passageways. But you have had no success in explaining how a monk could possibly enter the nuns' side of the main building to carry out the attacks.
<p>You feel you have no choice. If there is a mention or drawing of a secret passage somewhere in the library material that you have yet to find, Brother Lutt would be the person most likely to know about it.</p>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mi drinkinglib2 38>>
<<s mc "As you know, I've been studying some of the old maps and documents in your library, and it's been a gold mine. But I haven't seen anything about a secret exit or passageway. I thought there could be one, maybe an escape tunnel, since this was once a fortress. Do you know if something like that ever existed?">>
<<s librarian "Hmm... Yes, I believe the old fortress indeed had an escape tunnel. As I recall, it is mentioned in one of the oldest manuscripts I gave you. You didn't see it? If you want, I would be happy to look it up tomorrow.">>
<<ev 7740>>
<<mi drinkinglib 35>>
<<s mc "That would be great. Do you know if the tunnel still exists?">>
<<s librarian "Possibly, but I doubt it. As far as I know, the tunnel is never mentioned after the monks took over the fortress and it's not on any of the maps I've seen. More likely, the tunnel was either filled with rubble or opened up to be part of the underground areas.">>
<<c "Leave Brother Lutt">>
<<ev 7800>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 75>>
<c>This is exciting news. If the old escape tunnel still exists, it could explain how the attacker gains entrance into the nuns' side of the monastery.
<p>You should pay a visit to Brother Lutt tomorrow.
<<qstart tunnel 100>>
<<but "Continue" mrefectory1 step:6000>>
<<ev 7900>>
<<mii monks/brewer_drink 50>>
<c>As you look around for your next target, your eyes fall on Brother <<var brewer,>> the master brewer. Then you are also reminded about the master distiller and the master winemaker. You haven't given any of them much thought as possible suspects, but with your progress in the investigation, things have changed.
<<ev 7940>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 80>>
<c>You are looking for someone skilled in herbal drug making – someone who makes the lust drug used in the attacks, and possibly other drugs as well. Furthermore, that individual must have some kind of laboratory where the drugs are made.
<<ev 7960>>
<<mii mgarden/distillery 100>>
<c>The three master brothers are competent enough to handle the production of the beer, wine, and liquor. In the main production building – called "the Distillery" because the distillery was there first – they also have access to the equipment used in the production of their beverages, including lab equipment for quality control. Thus, one of the master brothers could very well be the chemist – or alchemist – who is making the lust drug.
<p>Fortunately, taking an interest in the work of the master brothers goes well with your amended cover story – that you are now also documenting the current life in the monastery.
<<qstart masters 100>></p>
<<ev 8000>>
<<set $temp2 = null>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 8500) && setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 9000) &&
setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 9500) >>
<<set $temp2 = 8000>>
<<mi drinking11 57>>
After talking to the three master brothers, you start to think...
<p>On the surface, things seem peaceful and quiet among the monks. But you just heard some differences of opinion on how things are run here. And you know there is friction between the monks in the herb garden and the kitchen garden.</p>
<p>Maybe you could do something to shake things up a bit in the monastery – which could serve your purposes. You never know what a little disorder can do to bring something of interest to the surface. It would be a long shot, but you need things to happen. You need more leads.</p></c>
<<mi drinking5 43>>
<cc>Talk to the three monks in charge of making the alcoholic beverages.</cc>
<<specbut2 "brewer" mrefectory1 "step:8500 monksDrinking3#notplayed8500">>
<<specbut2 "distiller" mrefectory1 "step:9000 monksDrinking3#notplayed9000">>
<<specbut2 "winemaker" mrefectory1 "step:9500 monksDrinking3#notplayed9500">>
<<if $temp2 == null>>
<<but "Continue" mrefectory1 "step:11000 temp2==8000">>
<<ev 8500>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 8500>>
<<mii monks/brewer_drink 48>>
<c>You go to Brother <<var brewer.>> He is the master brewer, responsible for brewing the beer. He is currently drinking white wine.
<<s brewer "$fmc, sit down! Have a drink with me.">>
You sit down with your mug of "beer", keeping it away from the brewer so he won't notice it is just water.
<<ev 8600>>
<<mii monks/brewer2 32>>
<c><<s mc "You don't grow the grains used to make the beer, but everything else is done inside the walls, did I get that right?">>
<<s brewer "Almost, $fmc. Like most brewers, we buy malted barley from maltsters. Malting our own barley would take up too much space and require a lot of work. But other than that, yes, we do everything here, including growing the hops and the other herbs used to flavor the beer.">>
<<ev 8640>>
<<mii monks/brewer 35 right>>
<<s mc "I understand that you don't know the recipes. Only Father <<abbot>> and <<gardener>> do. Is that a problem, you think?">>
<<s brewer "Not at all. I'm just adding the sacks of herbs to the batch. I don't need to know exactly what's in the sacks, I just need to know when to add them. These days I often don't even add the herbs myself. I let Novice Pascal do it. Because of my bad knees.">>
<<s mc "Novice Pascal, he is your apprentice?">>
<<s brewer "That's right. He works with the three of us master brothers in the Distillery – learning our craft.">>
<<ev 8700>>
<<mii monks/brewer2 32>>
<<s mc "How much of the herbs grown here would you say are used to make the beer?">>
<<s brewer "Let me think... Hmm, we use a lot of hops... I would say about a third. Less if you measure it based on the space we take up in the garden. Hop plants grow big, but they grow high, so they don't require that much space.">>
Brother Gino is very friendly and talkative, but you don't want to sit here too long, or he might discover that you are drinking water. And you have other monks to talk to.
<<but "Leave him" mrefectory1 step:8000>>
<<ev 9000>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 9000>>
<<mii monks/distiller 34>>
<c>You go to Brother <<var distiller.>> He is the master distiller, responsible for producing the liquors and liqueurs. He is currently drinking beer.
<<s mc "Having a good time, Brother <<var distiller?>>">>
<<s distiller "Good enough. I prefer <<italics pálenka,>> stronger stuff, but my products are too valuable for us to feast on. Beer will have to do.">>
<<s mc "What about wine?">>
<<s distiller "There is reason women like wine and men like beer. That's all I will say on matter.">>
Brother Gregor has a strong Slavic accent and a tendency to <<hovertip "drop the articles." droppingarticles>>
<<ev 9050>>
<<mii monks/distiller2 35>>
<<cs mc "Where do you hail from, Brother Gregor?">>
<<cs distiller "Slovakia.">>
<<cs mc "I've been there. A beautiful place.">>
Brother Gregor does not seem the most chatty guy, even when drinking. Perhaps asking him about his work will open him up a bit.
<<ev 9100>>
<<mii monks/distiller 35 right>>
<<s mc "You don't grow the grains used to make the liquors yourself, only the herbs to flavor them, am I right?">>
<<s distiller "Yes.">>
<<s mc "Could you tell me a little about the process from grains to finished product, and the difference between liquor and liqueur?">>
<<s distiller "We buy grains from farmers and have it sent here. Then we ferment grains, and then distill liquid to make spirit – strong alcohol. Then we flavor spirit according to recipes. That's <<italics pálenka>> – liquor. If we add sugar to sweeten, then it becomes liqueur. You can say liqueur is liquor too, just sweetened and usually with more herbs. I prefer liquor not sweetened. But we make both.">>
<<s mc "I understand. But Father <<var abbot>> has to add the herbs, because you don't actually know the recipes?">>
<<s distiller "Yes.">>
<<s mc "How do you feel about that? If you don't mind me asking?">>
<<ev 9200>>
<<mii monks/distiller2 35>>
<<s distiller "I not like it. I understand if Brother <<var brewer>> and Brother <<var winemaker>> not know recipes for their products, but I think I should know recipes for mine. Flavoring process can be complicated with several steps. And most of herbs we grow are used for my products.">>
<<s mc "Have you expressed this to Father <<var abbot?>>">>
<<s distiller "Yes. He not listen. If he lets me know recipes of my products, Brother <<var brewer>> and Brother <<var winemaker>> want to know recipes for their products as well, he said. So tell them, I said – or not tell them you told me. But no...">>
This topic loosened Brother Gregor's tongue. You make a mental note of it.
<<but "Leave him" mrefectory1 step:8000>>
<<ev 9500>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 9500>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 40>>
<c>You go to Brother <<var winemaker.>> He is the master winemaker, responsible for making the wine. He is currently drinking red wine.
<<s mc "Mind if I join you for a chat, Brother <<var winemaker?>>">>
<<s winemaker "Be my guest, $fmc.">>
<<ev 9600>>
<<mii monks/winemaker2 35 right>>
<<s mc "<<var winemaker,>> that's an English name. Your home country?">>
<<s winemaker "No need to be polite, $fmc. I'm sure you can tell from my accent.">>
<<s mc "I wouldn't expect someone from England to become the master winemaker in these lands of old wine traditions. England isn't exactly known for its wine industry.">>
<<s winemaker "That is the reason I wanted to join this brotherhood. The winemaking in this monastery goes back all the way to the foundation of the order, 700 years ago. But grapes for wine have been grown on these hills since Roman times, perhaps even longer. And now, I have been lucky to become the master winemaker.">>
<<s mc "I'm sure you've earned it.">>
<<ev 9700>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 35 right>>
<<s mc "I understand that you don't grow grapes anymore? You don't have your own vineyard?">>
<<s winemaker "Sadly, yes. For many hundreds of years, the monastery used to grow their own grapes on the hills outside the walls, but these days, we buy the grapes from a big vineyard in the area. I wish we would have our own vineyard still, but with our focus being on growing herbs, a vineyard would be too much work, splitting our focus. Or so I've been told when I've proposed that we should have our own vineyard again. The hills outside our walls are just perfect for it. That's why the Romans and the monks used to grow grapes there!">>
You nod in support, encouraging him to get things off his chest.
<<ev 9740>>
<<mii monks/winemaker2 35>>
<<s winemaker "You know, winemaking is supposed to start with growing the grapes. It's not like the grains Brother <<var distiller>> and Brother <<var brewer>> use for their spirits and beer. They don't care about the grains, it's all the same to them. But for wine, the grapes have a big importance for the end product. I should have a vineyard!">>
The monk quickly calms down.
<<s winemaker "Hmm... that came out wrong. My apologies. It's the alcohol. I have no reason to complain. Except for not having a vineyard, all the wine manufacturing takes place within the walls, so that's great.">>
Despite his assurance, that question clearly touched a nerve.
<<ev 9800>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 35 right>>
<<s mc "How much of the herbs produced here would you say are used for your wines?">>
<<s winemaker "Oh, I don't know. Maybe a third, or a quarter, something like that. It may sound much, but our herbal wines are selling well. People like the old traditional recipes we use to make them. That goes for the recipes of all the beverages we produce here, of course. It's what we are known for.">>
<<s mc "I heard that only Father Alvaro and <<gardener>> know the recipes. Does that complicate things?">>
<<s winemaker "I would lie if I said it didn't, but you get used to it.">>
<<but "Leave him" mrefectory1 step:8000>>
<<ev 11000>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 76>>
The attacker and possible accomplices are obviously lying in wait, keeping a low profile, aware that you are here. You are less certain whether or not they know that you are here to investigate the attacks.
<p>In any case, you may have come as far as you can with the few leads you have, and every day, the trail is getting colder.</p>
<<ev 11050>>
<<mi drinking8 60>>
Thus, for the greater good, you have to be more proactive in your investigation. There may be monks who have seen or heard something incriminating about one or more of their brothers – but are keeping quiet about it out of loyalty to the brotherhood. But if that loyalty were to falter...
<<qstart stirring 100>>
<<ev 11100>>
<<mi drinking7 45 right>>
You continue talking to monks you haven't spoken much with before.
<p>But now, you are not only fishing for interesting information. You also subtly bring up the friction between the monks in the herb garden and the kitchen garden. Using what you have learned, you poke at the friction with gossip and innuendo, and by twisting the truth, hoping this will inflame the rivalry a little bit. Enough to possibly make things happen.</p>
<p>It's not the nicest thing to do, it's even crossing into sinfulness, but God will understand and forgive this minor sinning because you are ultimately doing it to protect the nuns – to stop the attacks.</p>
<<ev 11200>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 35>>
<c>You see <<gardener>> alone in a corner and take the opportunity to have another private talk with him. He looks even more grumpy now, and sleepy too. You better make it quick.
<<s mc "I spoke to Brother Stefano and he sounded upset because he saw you walking around in the high grass outside the kitchen garden. He thought you were up to no good.">>
<<s gardener "Of course he did. He doesn't understand that you have to plan for the future.">>
<<ev 11250>>
<<mii monks/gardener 35 right>>
<<s mc "So you're thinking of expanding the herb garden?">>
<<s gardener "Maybe. I could use more space.">>
<<s mc "And the kitchen garden has fertile soil that you could put to better use?">>
<<s gardener "Nah, I don't need their soil. Plenty of land available to cultivate for someone willing to do the work.">>
<<s mc "I thought maybe you were also in that high grass around the kitchen garden because you were looking for that missing bag of bat guano?">>
The old gardener says nothing and looks down into his mug of beer.
<<ev 11300>>
<<mii monks/gardener2 35>>
<<s mc "Because I heard rumors that Brother Stefano took the bag from the shed.">>
<<s gardener "I bet he did! He's probably using it on his carrots or cabbage. Like that will make any difference. He doesn't understand that herbs require more finetuning than carrots.">>
Brother Fulgencio looks like he wants to be left alone.
<<c "Leave Brother Fulgencio">>
<<ev 11500>>
<<mi drinking5 40>>
<c>Before the night is over, you also want to stir the pot with the three master brothers. One of them could be responsible for making the lust drug.</c>
<<ev 12000>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 13000) && setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 14000) &&
setup.checkqStage("monksDrinking3", 15000)>>
<<mi drinking11 57>>
Having finished talking to the three master brothers, you feel you have done enough tonight to sow the seeds of discord within the ranks of the monks. You don't want them to catch on to you.
<<mi drinking5 40>>
<cc>Stir the pot with the three master brothers.</cc>
<<specbut2 "brewer" mrefectory1 "step:13000 monksDrinking3#notplayed13000">>
<<specbut2 "distiller" mrefectory1 "step:14000 monksDrinking3#notplayed14000">>
<<specbut2 "winemaker" mrefectory1 "step:15000 monksDrinking3#notplayed15000">>
<<ev 12100>>
<<mi gossip 70>>
You have started stirring the pot among the monks, and going forward, you should continue to look for opportunities to sow the seeds of discord even more. You never know when it may pay off and produce a lead in the investigation.
<<qend stirring 200>>
<<but "Go back to listening and innocent small-talking" mrefectory1 "step:18000">>
<<ev 13000>>
<<mii monks/brewer_drunk 40>>
<c>The master brewer looks very sleepy, but he is not giving up just yet, hugging a glass of beer.
<<s brewer "$fmc, come drink my beer! It's good.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("stirring", 110)>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 13000>>
You sit down to talk to Brother Gino.
You try to think of something to say to the jolly Brother Gino that might stir the pot, but you come up short. Perhaps you will think of something soon.
<<but "Leave the drunk brewer" mrefectory1 step:12000>>
<<ev 13100>>
<<mii monks/brewer_drunk2 40>>
<<s mc "I hear you used to be a priest.">>
<<s brewer "Yes! But it was a looong time ago.">>
<<s mc "Is it true that you had to give up being a priest because of... your love of beer?">>
<<s brewer "What? No, why would you think that, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I just spoke to another of the ordained brothers and he led me to believe that was the case. Maybe he was joking and I didn't get it.">>
<<ev 13150>>
<<mii monks/brewer_drunk 40 right>>
<<s brewer "Who was it?">>
<<s mc "I don't want to get anyone in trouble. He was very drunk when he said it. Too much red wine. I think I misunderstood him actually. I could barely hear what he said.">>
The brewer looks around. There aren't many ordained brothers among the monks, and with the other clues you have given him, Brother Gino should be able to figure out that you may be talking about Brother William who is sitting a couple of tables away, clearly very drunk, with a glass of red wine in his hand.
<<ev 13200>>
<<mii monks/brewer_drunk2 40 right>>
<<s brewer "Brother William said it?">>
<<s mc "I don't want to cause any problem. I think he was just upset about not having a vineyard, and he said something about you. I thought he said something about how you were a drunk and a priest, but now I think I may have misheard it, or misunderstood. Please don't tell him I said anything. ">>
<<s brewer "Don't worry about it, $fmc. I won't say anything. Brother William thinks <<italics I>> am a drunk? He should look at himself in a mirror, hah!">>
Brother Gino seems to have taken the slander you attributed to Brother William very well. Be that as it may, you did what you could.
<<but "Leave the drunk brewer" mrefectory1 step:12000>>
<<ev 14000>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 14000>>
<<mii monks/distiller 40>>
<c>You sit down to talk to Brother Gregor.
<p>Wise from your previous chat with him, you ask about his work to get him to open up a bit. And it works this time too.</p>
<p>You spend a few minutes in Brother Gregor's company. He has the same stern expression as before, and you can't tell if he is drunk. Some people are like that with alcohol, you have learned.</p>
<<ev 14100>>
<<mii monks/distiller2 35 right>>
<l>While asking about the flavoring process, you innocently make a reference that a "third" of the herbs from the herb garden is used in Brother Gregor's products, knowing that he previously claimed it was "most" of the herbs.
<<s distiller "Excuse me, $fmc, but more than half of herbs are used in my products.">>
<<s mc "Oh? I spoke to Brother Gino and Brother William, and they both claimed that about a third of the herbs were used for their respective products. Which would leave a third for yours.">>
<<s distiller "They are wrong. I use most. Everyone knows it. My products are flagship products. Worldwide known.">>
You spend some time on this subject, making it sound like Brother Gino and Brother William tried to overestimate their use of the herbs and downplay Brother Gregor's. As you hoped, Brother Gregor seems annoyed about this.
<<but "Leave the master distiller" mrefectory1 step:12000>>
<<ev 15000>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 34>>
<<qadd monksDrinking3 15000>>
You sit down with the master winemaker. He looks sleepy. You think he is very drunk.
<<s mc "Brother <<var winemaker,>> it's not my place to meddle in how you do things here, but I had a thought. Perhaps it is the alcohol talking – I'm not used to drinking – so forgive me if I'm overstepping. Anyway, I thought that since you don't have a vineyard, wouldn't it be fair that you instead get to know the recipes for your wines? That way, you would do all the winemaking, except for growing the grapes.">>
<<s winemaker "You know, $fmc, I like that idea. I shall think about it. Maybe I'll talk to Father <<abbot>> about it. Yes...">>
<<ev 15200>>
<<mii monks/winemaker2 40>>
<c>Brother William leans in closer to you. You can tell from his breath that he is indeed very drunk.
<<s winemaker "You know, $fmc, I used to be a priest. I left my congregation to come here. To make wine. And you make wine from grapes! You have a vineyard! But I'm not complaining...">>
<<s mc "Right. So... I didn't know you are an ordained priest. Maybe I should call you Father William, then?">>
<<s winemaker "Oh no, we are all brothers here. Only Father Alvaro is called Father. And the novices are called novices, obviously.">>
Brother William looks like he is about to fall asleep soon. His speech is getting very slurred.
<<ev 15230>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 40 right>>
<<s mc "But your brothers can come to you for confession?">>
<<s winemaker "Sure. It doesn't happen often, mind you. There is not much to confess here. We do our work in God's honor, and sometimes we drink a little. That's it.">>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro told me you had ordained priests here, aside from him, but you're the first one to mention it to me.">>
<<s winemaker "There are several of us, but we don't like to announce it. We're all equals here, so no need to show off. Our past lives are over. But it's not like it's a secret either.">>
Brother William is so drunk you have to concentrate to understand him.
<<ev 15300>>
<<mii monks/winemaker2 34>>
<<s mc "You're not entirely equal, though, are you? Take you... You're the master winemaker.">>
<<s winemaker "Sure. But in the eyes of the Lord, we're all equal.">>
<<s mc "Of course.">>
<<s winemaker "You know, Brother Gio is also ordained.">>
<<s mc "Brother Giovanni? Really?">>
<<qadd stirring 110>>
<<ev 15400>>
<<mii monks/winemaker 40 right>>
<<s winemaker "What? No, I meant Brother Gino. Slip of the tongue. I'm getting a little tired.">>
<<s mc "Oh, Brother Gino. I see. Any reason you mention that Brother Gino is an ordained priest?">>
<<s winemaker "No, no reason... But you said I was a priest and now I'm the master winemaker. So I'm just saying, he was a priest too and now he's the master brewer. And look at him over there. He is drunker than I am!">>
<<ev 15500>>
<<mii monks/winemaker2 34>>
Brother William sounds defensive. Perhaps he feels guilty about drinking too much, being an ordained priest and having the responsibility of being one of the master brothers, and now he's pointing the finger at Brother Gino as being worse than he is.
<p>Perhaps there is some previous hostility between them. Or it could just be the drunken talk of a drunken monk. You wonder if Brother William will even remember this tomorrow.</p>
<<but "Leave the drunk winemaker" mrefectory1 step:12000>>
<<ev 18000>>
<<mi drinking3 36 right>>
By now, many of the monks are very drunk. But except for one or two monks that have passed out, all of them are still having a good time.
Father Alvaro stands up and waves at you to come sit next to him.
<<s abbot "$fmc! I'm pleased to see you are still here, enjoying our beverages. Taking a liking to them, haven't you? Good, because now that you will be here for a long time, there will be plenty more opportunities to sample our products. Let me fill you a glass. I have something special for you." ii>>
/* Let me fill your glass. I have something special for you. Don't be shy.*/The monks are looking at you, waiting for your response. Since you are sober, and the end of the evening is probably close, you might as well go along with it. One drink can't do any harm, and refusing could hurt your standing with the monks.
<<ev 18700>>
<<mii misc/mug 32 "pnggg">>
You quickly gulp down the remaining water in your mug, and slam down the empty container on the table.
<<s mc "Fill'er up!">>
The monks cheer and raise their glasses.
<<ev 18800>>
<<mi liqueur 20 "pnggg">>
/*<<s abbot "Oh no, not beer. You're having a glass of our most expensive wine. Here!">>
Father Alvaro pours you a glass of red wine.*/
<<s abbot "Oh no, not beer. You're having a glass of our most expensive liqueur. I had Brother Gregor go get a bottle of it especially for you. A special treat for our guest from the Vatican. Here!" ii>>
Father Alvaro pours you a small glass of green liqueur, and then one for himself.
<<s abbot "I can't let you drink alone.">>
<p>You sip the strong drink while the abbot is in your face, talking to you with a slightly slurred speech from his drunken state.
<<ev 18900>>
<<mii misc/mug 32 "pnggg">>
Eventually, after finishing the liqueur, you manage to get away from the abbot before he offers you another drink. You again fill your mug with water.
<p>You feel nice and relaxed from the alcohol, but just a bit. As long as you don't drink any more, you should be fine.
<<drunk 1>>
<<ev 19000>>
<<mi beer 90>>
But not long after, you start to feel dizzy and very tired. Did you drink too much after all? It doesn't matter. You have had a productive evening and it's getting very late.
<<ev 19100>>
<<mi drinking4 65>>
Most of the monks are still enjoying their drinks, while a few have passed out on the spot or retired to their rooms. For you, it's time to call it a night. Thanking your hosts for a great evening, you manage to make a good exit, leaving the abbot and the remaining monks in a good mood.
<<q monksDrinking3 800>>
<<c "Go to your room">>
<<ev 19400>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 85>>
<c>The night is dark and the hallways are silent as you make your way to your room on unsteady feet. You must be more drunk than you thought.</c>
<<c "Enter your room">>
<<ev 19500>>
/*<<hubShowMcRoom 85>>*/
<<mii mc/doornight 30>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<cc>With fumbling fingers, you take the key to your room and try to insert it into the lock.
<p>Suddenly, you hear something behind you.</p>
<p>Then everything goes black...</p>
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 3000>>
<<but "... Darkness ..." dreaming>>
<</events>>/*<<set $intro = 9999>>*/
<<if $intro < 1400>>
<<set $intro = 1200>>
<<setev ms 100>>
<<include ms1>>
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 600>>
/* perhaps use pic of ms room/bedroom */
<<overlay "ms/doorms" "nuns/roberta/torso" 8 10 96.3 36 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You knock on the door and prepare to enter. But then the door opens and Sister Roberta steps out from the room, blocking your way.
<<s roberta "I'm afraid the Reverend Mother is not feeling quite well. She is not to be disturbed.">>
<<s mc "But I can help. I think I know what's wrong with her. Please, let me pass.">>
<<s roberta "Very well.">>
<<but "Enter the room" ms1 ev:1440>>
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 800>>
/* perhaps use pic of ms room/bedroom */
<<overlay "ms/doorms" "nuns/roberta/torso" 8 10 96.3 36 "png">><</overlay>>
You knock on the door and prepare to enter. The door opens and you see Sister Roberta in the doorway.
<<s roberta "Good that you came, Father. The Reverend Mother has taken a turn for the worse again. You must help her. Please come in.">>
<<but "Enter the room" ms1 ev:1460>>
<<mv ms2 58 "setMuted speed0.5">>
<<if random(1,2) < 2>>
<<cs ms "Yes, Father?">>
<<cs ms "Father $mc, how can I help you?">>
<<if $msConfused>>
She looks tired and confused.
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("ms1", 1800, 3400, 1)>>
<<set _magdaShowFornicated = true>>
<<elseif setup.checkqStage("motherfucker",2000)>>
/* Need check for qstep 2000 since can complete q by saying no to fornication */
You have fornicated with Mother Magda today.
<<if def $qqmotherfucker && $qqmotherfucker < 500>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom" style="margin-top:-0.5rem"><<specbut "Consider the future for Mother Magda" ms1 "ev:1800">></cc>
<<but "Question the nuns" ms1 "ev:300 qqtalknuns>=100 qqtalknuns<<200">>
<<but "Ask about your room" ms1 "ev:200 always qqsecretlab>=200 qqsecretlabms<<210">>
<<but "Question the nuns" ms1 "ev:400 qqtalknuns==300">>
<<but "Offer to be a Father Confessor" ms1 "ev:500 qqsexDrive==100">>
<<but "Moving Novice Sofia" ms1 "ev:700 qqsofia==200">>
<<but "Approve of Julia joining the convent" ms1 "ev:800 qqjulia>=1400 qqjulia<<1500">>
<<but "Investigation update" ms1 "ev:900 qqlongpepper2==800">>
<<but "Investigation update" ms1 "ev:1000 qqalonsoshed==1000">>
<<but "Ask about smoking" ms1 "ev:1100 qqsmoking==100">>
<<but "Ask about cider" ms1 "ev:1300 qqcider==100">>
<<but "Ask about cider bottles" ms1 "ev:1300 step:1000 qqcider==500">>
<<but "<<actQuest protecting>>" ms1 "ev:1400 qqprotecting==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelation>>" ms1 "ev:1700 qqrevelation==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelation>>" ms1 "ev:1720 qqrevelation==1200">>
<<but "<<actQuest recipebook>>" ms1 "ev:1850 qqrecipebook==2000">>
/*<<but "TEST" ms1 ev:9999>>*/
/* putting this last (before leave) for now */
<<if _magdaShowFornicated>>
<<but "Fornicate with her" ms1 "ev:1820 motherfucker#completed">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
You knock on the door.
<<say ms "Come in, it's open." center>>
You enter the room.
<<divider "styling margin-bottom: 1rem stylingend">>
/*<<mi ms3 30 "left gif">>*/
<<mv ms2 30 "left setMuted speed0.5">>
<<say ms "It's a good thing that you knocked. We are not used to having men around here, and we might not be properly dressed if you do not give us time to make ourselves ready to receive you.">>
<<say mc "Of course. I will try to avoid any embarrassing situations. But there might come a time during the investigation when some stealth will be required.">>
<<mi "ms1" 20% lclear>>
The abbess closes the book and gives you her full attention.
<<say ms "I understand. I trust you will use your good judgment to only do what is necessary to get to the bottom of this and make it stop, whatever it is.">>
You nod solemnly.
<<say ms "Speaking of which, it's time I tell you why I've summoned you.">>
<<ev 130>>
<<var mms>> tells you that, starting over a year ago, many nuns in the monastery claim to have been attacked by someone, or something, in the middle of the night while sleeping in their beds.
<p>The victims think they might have been sexually assaulted, maybe even raped, but they can't remember much from the attacks, and the descriptions of the attacker are vague and varied, ranging from a dark shape to a devil with red eyes. No obvious, physical signs of an intruder or assailant have been <<lbut found. crone1 showdiv>></p>
<<div crone1>>
<<mii "crone/crone" 38% right>>
Beginning as whispers, the talk among the sisters is that an old, disfigured nun they call <<bold "the Crone">> is responsible for the attacks. They believe the Crone is a demon who has come to haunt them. The crooked nun has been seen stalking the hallways at night according to several witnesses. Not much is known about the Crone as everyone spotting her has fled in terror.
The abbess concludes the briefing by saying that, so far, most of the attacked sisters have been <<hovertip novices. novices -10rem>> And everyone attacked has been around thirty years old or younger.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi "ms1" 20 left>>
<<say mc "And what do you make of that? The young age of the victims...">>
<<say ms "I can't help but think that they are just imagining things. Could it be mass hysteria? Maybe it all started as a bad dream, a nightmare, and now it has spread among these girls, in their age group, with their young, impressionable minds, causing them to have nightmares where they think they are attacked. Granted, some of them are not that young, but I still hope the answer is that simple. The alternative explanations are... worse.">>
<<say mc "I have to talk with them first, but it's certainly within the realm of possibility that mass hysteria could be the answer. There are <<hovertip \"documented cases\" masshysteria top>> similar to this one that turned out to be just that.">>
<<say ms "That gives me hope. Now, how can I help you with your investigation, Father?">>
<<say mc "You could start by giving me a quick tour of the place and tell me whatever you think could be relevant to the case, such as where an intruder might try to enter.">>
<<say ms "Of course. Follow me, please.">>
<<q intro 200>>
<<ev 300>>
<div class="center" style="position: relative; width:65%;">
<<set _path = "hub/layout.jpg">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path class="imgBorder" style="width:100%; position:relative; top:0; left:0">
<<set _path2 = "misc/marker.png">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path2 style="border-radius:0.7rem; width:3%; position:absolute; top:75%; left:78%">
/****** Could CHANGE TO hubShowRoom here, should work with correct args ***/
You walk with the abbess through the hallway past your room. You come to a sturdy door leading outside while the hallway continues to the left.
<<say ms "This door is locked at night, as are all the doors leading into our part of the monastery main building. Windows have been bolted shut as well, on all floors. There have been no signs of a break-in." ii>>
/*She opens the door and you <<lbut follow ms>> her outside.*/
She opens the door and you follow her outside.
<<ev 400 0>>
<<set $intro = 1400>>
<<mvv "grounds/entranceBottom" 50 "pause3">>
You exit the main building next to the outer wall. Thick ivy is growing on the old wall.
<p>A couple of nuns approach. <<mms>> quickly introduces you to each other, mentioning your names, but nothing more. It appears the abbess wants to get on with the tour.</p>
The abbess continues straight ahead, following the outer wall.</c>
<<ct hub>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<s mc "I'm curious about the room I'm staying in. What can you tell me about it? Why is it called the Last Abbot's Room?">>
<<s ms "I don't know much more than I've already told you. The abbots used to live there before the nuns moved in and took over this half of the monastery in the 15th century. Legend says that the last abbot who lived in the room died a horrible death in there and that's why the room has been used as a storage room ever since. Except when we have visitors staying there. Much time has passed since that abbot died, so I'm sure that whatever evil came over him is long gone." ii>>
<<s mc "How did he die?">>
<<s ms "I think he was poisoned. But all this is based on what I've been told by other nuns when I first came here. We don't have any historical documents to verify any of these rumors. You should ask the abbot. He might be able to help you if you want to know more." ii>>
<<qsub secretlab ms 210 journal>>
<<c null ms>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<s mc "I would like to question the nuns now. Did you have a list?">>
<<s ms "Yes, here it is. That's everyone I know of that has been attacked or has witnessed the old nun, the Crone, as they call her. I have marked the names with A for Attack, if they have been attacked, and C for Crone, if they have seen the old nun in the hallways. I've ordered the names with regards to the date it happened to them, starting with the earliest date, but don't count on it to be 100% accurate, as many of them didn't come forward with their experiences until much later and couldn't remember the exact date." ii>>
You take a look at the list. There are many names. Too many to go through in a day. Most of the names on the list are marked with an A for having been attacked. Only a few are marked with a C. None have both marks, but several names have more than one A.
/*<<s mc "Excellent. Hmm... has anyone been attacked more than once?">>
<<s ms "No, not to my knowledge. That's a small blessing, I suppose." ii>>*/
<<s mc "Excellent. You can keep the list, I'll make my own. I won't be questioning everyone on the list today. I have to work this case from several angles, which means taking the time to get a feel for the place and the people here, nuns and monks. To find out if the attacks are real, and if someone in the monastery is responsible for what's happening.">>
<<s ms "I understand perfectly. Feel free to move around and talk to the sisters and partake in our daily life. Thank God, no one has been hurt so far, we're all just scared. We're so relieved to have you here, looking out for us." ii>>
<<ev 120>>
<<s mc "I will do my best to see that no harm will come to any of you. However, I might not make much headway with the case until I can be there while an attack is happening, or shortly thereafter. That is especially true if there is something supernatural at play here. I must be notified as soon as possible when something happens. ">>
<<s ms "Yes, of course." ii>>
<<s mc "I'll start with the names on the list now. Can you send a few of them to wait outside my room where I will be conducting the questioning? You can start at the top of the list and go down. I'll notify you if I want you to send more.">>
<<s ms "I will take care of it right away." ii>>
<<c "Go to your room" mc1 "ev:500">>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 left>>
<<s mc "I would like to question the nuns now. Will you send the next few names on the list to wait outside my room, and then keep sending the rest? I will probably finish questioning them all today.">>
<<s ms "Certainly. I will take care of it right away.">>
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 "ev:600">>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "I'm thinking that, since the town priest so rarely comes here, I could offer my services as a Father Confessor to you, the nuns, in your chapel. Would that be of interest?">>
<<s ms "Yes, if you had time to spare for that, I'm sure the sisters would love it.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then so be it.">>
Perhaps if you let the nuns come to you, some of them will confess to having sexual urges since the attacks. It's worth a try.
<<set $nunsConfessor = 1>>
<<q sexDrive 200>>
<<c null ms>>
<<event 600>> /* playEventID == 2 */
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Mother Superior, you wanted to see me?">>
<<s ms "Yes. I'm wondering about the state of the investigation. I know you've been busy, visiting the monks, talking to the sisters. Even spying on us in the bathroom, trying to get somewhere. You've also been helping out, taking confessions. This is appreciated, but it's not the reason you're here. I have not heard of much progress with the case. If the investigation isn't going well, maybe it's time to contact the police, or get more help from the Church.">>
<<s mc "Granted, it's a difficult case. But these things take time. It is not clear yet what we are dealing with here. In the vast majority of cases where people claim something supernatural is going on, it turns out not to be the case. Which is why I'm spending so much time interacting and, yes, spying on people. This is best done working alone. People get used to having me around and let down their guards.">>
<<s mc "And if some supernatural entity is indeed responsible for the attacks, the more people running around here looking for it, the less chance of this entity showing itself. If Satan wanted to show himself to the world, he could have done so openly. Even God Almighty chooses not to show Himself openly to the world.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<s mc "I was sent here to make sure this is all kept from the public until we know what is going on and can deal with it. You have to trust that I know what I'm doing. And I am making progress. More than you might think because I can't tell you everything. To be frank, even you are a suspect at this point. This is how a professional investigation must be conducted. I assure you that I am still more than capable to handle this on my own. Bringing in outside people or more people from the Church would only complicate things.">>
<<s ms "I will take your word on it and let you continue alone, then. But please understand that I have a duty to protect my girls. If I think more help is needed, I will have to make arrangements." ii>>
<<s mc "I understand.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
You understand <<var "mms's">> concerns. The case has not progressed much. The lack of any real evidence of what you're dealing with is making it impossible to focus your attention in any direction.</cc2>
/*<<mii mrefectory/beer 51>>*/
<c>If the attacks are real and a human is responsible, the most likely culprit is still one of the nuns or one of the monks. You haven't had much contact with the monks yet, because you haven't found any way for them to get into the nuns' part of the monastery. But with the abbess putting pressure on you, you have to do something./*it might be time to ask the abbot for another "beverage sampling", which you suspect is happening more often over there than just when they have distinguished guests.*/
<<qstart monksDrinking2 100>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 650>> /* playEventID == 4 */
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Mother Superior, you wanted to see me?">>
<<s ms "Yes. I want another update on the state of the investigation. Since I last spoke to you about it, another attack has occurred, but I have not heard of any further progress with the case.">>
<<s mc "I'm slowly getting there, but without much to go on, it's hard to make progress. Isn't it true that the frequency of the attacks has decreased since I got here? Only two attacks in $day days.">>
<<s ms "Yes, though that could be temporary. What's your point, Father?">>
<<s mc "I believe the attacker is aware of my presence here. They are being careful. This makes it even harder for me to progress with the case.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "So you now think the attacks are real then? Not a case of mass hysteria or a prank?">>
<<s mc "I'm leaning more and more toward them being real, yes.">>
<<s ms "Do you still think one of the sisters could be behind the attacks?">>
<<s mc "It's possible. I can't rule it out.">>
<<s ms "It's not impossible in theory, but I can't see it. If you really think one of us could be involved, I should consider asking for help. A female detective. Someone better suited than a man to get close to the sisters.">>
You have to stop this from happening. Having another investigator here snooping around could ruin everything you have going with the holy rites.
<<s mc "It's not needed, Mother Superior. As a detective, I can't technically rule it out yet, but I highly doubt any of you sisters are involved. My working theory is that it is someone else.">>
<<s ms "Good. Let's stick to your working theory, then.">>
You saved the situation. When speaking with <<var "mms,">> you should stick to talking about suspects other than the nuns themselves to avoid her sending for a female detective.
<<ev 250>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "The girls are convinced the attacker is a demon, a lust demon. That's what you've been suggesting, isn't it? I've not told them otherwise, but I'm not so sure we're dealing with a demon. The fact that the attacker seems to target the younger and, frankly, more attractive among us makes me think it is a human.">>
<<s mc "We know that the Devil likes to target the young and beautiful, as they represent the beauty of God and His creation. The attacker is a minion of Satan, an agent of evil. Whether it's a demon serving the Devil, or a human doing the same, calling the attacker a lust demon underscores that we are dealing with an attack by Satan in this house of God.">>
<<s ms "I see. But you're saying the attacker is being careful. Would an actual demon be careful?">>
<<s mc "A demon would have reason to be careful around someone like me, a priest with God on his side. Any minion of Satan should fear me, demon or human.">>
<<s ms "What do you think we are dealing with? A demon or a human?">>
<<but '"Most likely a demon"' ms1 "step:300">><<but '"Most likely a human"' ms1 "step:400">><<but '"I\'m not sure"' ms1 "step:500">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Most likely, we're dealing with a demon. The main reason for my belief is that I have yet to find a way for a human to get inside this part of the monastery at night. A demon would not be restricted by physical barriers like a human would.">>
<<s ms "I see. Yes, that points to a demon. Unless there is something we have missed. Some hidden passage.">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<but "Continue" ms1 step:600>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Most likely, we're dealing with a human. The main reason for my belief is the metallic scent I detected at the crime scenes. It points to some kind of substance, like a drug, being used – probably to sedate the victims. A supernatural being can also leave distinct scents behind, but that is less likely to be the case.">>
<<s ms "I see. Yes, that points to a human. It could be one of the monks.">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<but "Continue" ms1 step:600>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "I'm not sure. The lack of any way for a human to enter this part of the monastery at night points to a demon. On the other hand, I've found traces of some kind of substance at the crime scenes, a metallic scent – probably a drug used to sedate the victims. But nothing is definite proof in either direction.">>
<<s ms "I see. So you still think it could be one of the monks.">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "Have you inspected the monks' side of the wall as carefully as you have our side?">>
<<s mc "No, I have only taken a cursory look, but I have been to the monk's library and studied the old documents with plans of the monastery, and there is nothing indicating a hidden passage.">>
<<s ms "I still think you should focus more on the monks instead of spending so much time on this side of the wall.">>
<<s mc "I will do as you ask and spend more time investigating the monks.">>
<<s ms "Thank you, $fmc. I don't want to seem ungrateful. I just want the attacks to stop.">>
<<s mc "I understand.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi ms1 15 left>>
<r>Another round of interrogation by the Mother Superior. She wants you to focus more on the monks. You have to admit to yourself that, lately, you have been mostly occupied with the women here. Some might even call it being sidetracked, spending time on things that, on the surface, have nothing to do with the case.</r>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma3 15 rclear>>
<l>But look at what happened when you set aside time trying to help Emma with her nightmares. You learned the truth about the ancient sacraments. Now you are armed with two powerful rites to help the nuns. And Novice Emma will serve the Lord and you by spreading the word of these holy rites.</l>
<<ev 900>>
The Lord has sent you on a path, and everything you have done so far has led you forward. Only God knows the final destination, but you feel that you have His approval.</c>
<<mii ms/ms1 20 right>>
<l>But you also need the approval of <<mms>> to keep handling the investigation by yourself, or she will call for more help. So you will do as she asks and look into the monks more. It's not a bad idea. Your previous attempts at getting closer to them ended with you being drunk and the attacker striking again. The timing of the attacks is suspicious but may have been a coincidence. In any case, this time, you will investigate the monks while being sober.
<<qstart monks3 100>></l>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "I want Novice Sofia to move to that empty room near my room. I've been helping her with counsel and prayer, and she feels much better, but her spirit is still weak from the repeated attacks by Satan's lust demon and she needs my protection until she is fully recovered.">>
<<s ms "Now that you mention it, I have noticed that Novice Sofia seems happier and more relaxed than in a long time... since the attacks started. Very well, I'll have a few sisters get the room ready for Novice Sofia.">>
<<q sofia 300>>
<<c null ms>>
/*********************** v 3 *********************************/
<<vv 3>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s mc "Julia is ready to join the convent now. I have made sure that her faith in God is strong, and that her spirit is strong enough to deal with what's going on here.">>
<<s ms "If you say it is so, $fmc, I believe it. I will let her join, providing that she is still adamant in her wish to join when I tell her about the attacks.">>
<<s mc "She will be.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii school/julia/450-2200 40>>
<c>You have come a long way with Julia since you met her the first time – a doubt-ridden girl with strong temptations to sin with a man. Thanks to the holy rites, that has changed. Being cleansed of sin, and with a strong spirit to help her resist Satan's temptations, she is ready to cast aside her earthly desires and give herself only to God.
<p>With your approval, Julia can now join the convent as soon as she is finished with her courses. You have no more reason to visit her at the school.
<<qend julia 1500 center>></p>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<c>Without going into details, you tell <<mms>> that new findings suggest that at least one of the monks is involved in the attacks on the nuns. You can't prove it yet, and you still don't know how any of the monks would be able to enter the nuns' side of the monastery, but you are working on it.
<p>As you suspected, the abbess seems pleased with your report. You think this will keep her off your back for a while, allowing you to conduct the investigation as you see fit, and without her sending for help.</p>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii misc/angel 35>>
<cc2 class="nomargin-bottom">
You found out why the monks grow the long pepper. Now you need to find out who the fake angel is and who really is behind it all.
<cc><<qend longpepper2 1000 center>></cc>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<c>You inform <<mms>> that you want to update her on the investigation.
<p>First, you tell her that you have several suspects, all monks, but without mentioning any names. The Mother Superior is pleased that you are focusing on the monks and not the sisters.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
You then tell <<mms>> that one of the monks reported seeing a demon nun, without mentioning Novice Alonso by name.
<<s ms "Then the Crone really exists and it's a demon?">>
<<s mc "Possibly, but not necessarily. We don't know if the monk saw the real Crone. It could have been someone disguised as the Crone. Someone who knows that the nuns have seen a demon nun and wants to misdirect anyone investigating the attacks.">>
<<s ms "Are you saying you suspect a nun to be involved, after all?">>
A nun could be involved, but you have learned to keep <<mms>> happy by denying any such suspicions.
<<s mc "No, but whoever is behind the attacks, they may have done more than just coming here to attack. They could have spied on you, as well, gathering information.">>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s ms "I see. But, demon or a disguised human, is the Crone the attacker?">>
<<s mc "I still don't know. The Crone hasn't been seen on this side of the monastery since the last attack which makes it more likely that the Crone is indeed the attacker. Too bad the victims can't remember enough of the attacker to answer that question.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "Hmm... I just had a thought... Even if the Crone is a supernatural being, how do we know it is a demon? What if the Crone is a good spirit? What if it's here to help us, to warn us, or to scare away the attacker? That would explain why the Crone started appearing when the attacks began. And why it only appears at night, because that is when the attacks take place.">>
<<s mc "It is possible, anything is possible. Good spirits usually don't appear hideous and terrifying. Though the nuns could have misinterpreted what they saw because they got scared.">>
<<s ms "I pray I am correct, that the Crone is a good spirit, sent by the Lord to protect us. It gives some hope. A potential light in the darkness.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<c2>You have said all you want to say to the abbess. She doesn't need to know about things like the lust drug or the fake angel.</c2>
<c>As you are about to leave, <<mms>> opens her mouth.
<<s ms "I have something I want to mention, now that you are here. I've heard some strange rumors about you, what you are doing with my girls. I wanted to hear what you have to say about it.">>
<<s mc "Oh? What have you heard?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "Things that would be inappropriate conduct between a priest and a nun.">>
You have prepared for this moment. You explain to <<mms>> that you have been talking a lot with the attacked nuns, both as part of the investigation, and when taking their confessions. In your talks with them, the victims have told you about the lustful sins they committed while under the influence of the attacker. Sins they wanted and needed to repent of, and you did your best to help them.
<p>You subtly let <<mms>> understand that the increased lust that the victims experienced during the attacks sometimes stayed with them for a day or more, causing them to commit lustful sins even while being in control of themselves. More grave sins that they needed to repent of.</p>
<p>If someone overheard you talking to these lustful sinners, or overheard the sinners talking to each other with your name being mentioned, things might be misunderstood – taken out of context.
<<ev 700>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<c>The Mother Superior seems to accept your explanation of the strange rumors about you. But you have to be careful. If word of the holy rites reaches her ears, you could be in big trouble.
<<but "Leave and return to your room" mc1 ev:2200>>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Do you allow tobacco smoking?">>
<<s ms "No. We do not allow tobacco and we're very careful with alcohol. Why do you ask?">>
<<s mc "I thought I smelled tobacco smoke while walking in the park, and it got me curious as I didn't think you allowed smoking. But I was close to the wall. It probably came from the monks' side.">>
<<s ms "Yes, that must be it. I understand they consume a fair amount of alcohol too. Their own products.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Quite a lot of it, to be honest.">>
<<s ms "Not here. We don't poison our bodies.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/cigarette 35 pnggg>>
<cc>You confirmed that Novice Sara is indeed breaking the rules of the convent by smoking.
<<qend smoking 1000 center>>
<<c "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Mother Superior, you wanted to see me?">>
<<s ms "Yes, $fmc. Julia, the student you approved of joining our convent, has finished her courses and is about to join us as a novice. When talking to her earlier, I understood she initially had some doubts about joining because of certain temptations of the flesh, common in a girl her age. And she said you helped her erase those doubts.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that is correct.">>
<<s ms "Before Julia joins the convent, I'd appreciate it if you would speak with her again, to make sure those doubts are still gone.">>
<<s mc "A very wise decision, Reverend Mother. With a lust demon lurking in the shadows, we can't let an easy target inside the walls. I will make sure that Julia is still ready to join the convent.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s ms "Then I will await your final approval for Julia to join us. I have already sent word to Julia that she is to meet with you. She said you could meet in the relaxation room, as you used to do.">>
<<qstart juliajoining 100>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii school/julia/450-2600 24>>
<c>Just when you are about to give <<mms>> the news of your approval of Julia to join the convent, you get second thoughts. Is Julia really ready to join? Or is Satan trying to fool you into sending a compromised young woman into the monastery as another potential victim for the lust demon?
<<but "Julia is not ready to join the convent" ms1 step:1100>><<but "Julia is ready to join the convent" ms1 step:1200>>
<<ev 1100>>
<cc>You changed your mind. You don't think Julia is ready to join the convent yet.</cc>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s ms "Yes, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I was just going to tell you that I'm still working with Julia, to come to a final decision if she is ready to join the convent.">>
<<s ms "If you are still unsure, I think it's perhaps better if we take the safest approach and let Julia return home. Maybe you will stop the attacks and find the culprit. If Julia is still interested in joining us then, we will revisit her application.">>
<<but "Continue" ms1 "ev:1230 step:200 doplay:temp=1200">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s ms "Yes, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "I have spent some time with Julia. I'm confident that she is ready to join your convent.">>
<<s ms "Then I will send word to Julia that she is welcome to join us as a novice. I thank you for your help in settling this matter, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii school/julia/450-2200 40>>
<c>You have come a long way with Julia. You helped the doubt-ridden young student to overcome her doubts by making her experience being with a man. If it weren't for you, Julia would probably have ended up marrying some man instead of dedicating her life to God.
<p>Julia will move into her room in the monastery tomorrow. You should welcome her.
<<q juliajoining 1000>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1230>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25 right>>
<<s mc "Mother Superior, you wanted to see me?">>
<<s ms "Yes, $fmc. I'm concerned that you still haven't approved of Julia joining our convent. Is there a problem?">>
<<s mc "No. I just want to make sure she is ready, that's all.">>
<<s ms "If you aren't sure yet, perhaps it's better if Julia returns home. Maybe you will stop the attacks and find the culprit. If Julia is still interested in joining us then, we will revisit her application.">>
<<set $temp=1230>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<mms>> seems determined to get this sorted right now. You have to make a final decision. If you don't approve of Julia joining the convent, she will go home and you will probably never see her again.
<<but "Let Julia go home" ms1 step:1000>><<but "Approve of Julia joining the convent" ms1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii school/julia/450-2600 25>>
<c>It might be best for Julia to leave for home since she isn't ready to join the convent.
<p>But are you sure? It means you would never feel the touch of her young body again.</p>
<<special "Warning: This will be the end of Julia's story in this game">>
<<but "Yes, Julia should go home" ms1 step:1100>><<but "Wait, you are not sure..." ms1 step:200>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s mc "I agree with your assessment. The best thing for Julia is for her to return home.">>
<<s ms "Then it's settled. I will let Julia know. I thank you for your help in this matter, $fmc.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii school/julia/450-2200 45>>
<c>Julia will return home and you will likely never see her again. Too bad, but she wasn't ready to join the convent, and this was the best decision for her. She could marry some man instead of dedicating her life to God.
<<qend juliajoining 700>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<if $temp==1200>>
<<s mc "Well, to be honest, since you put me on the spot, I was going to approve of Julia as I walked in here. Then I just thought, maybe I need another day to think about it. But really, she is ready. I was just being extra cautious. Too cautious. I approve of Julia. She is ready to join you. I apologize for saying otherwise.">>
<<s mc "I apologize for taking my time, Reverend Mother, but Julia is ready to join the convent. I was almost ready to give you my approval yesterday, I just wanted to sleep on it first. And now I give you my approval for Julia to join.">>
<<s ms "Very well. If you think she is ready, I will trust your decision. I will send word to Julia that she is welcome to join us as a novice. I thank you for your help with settling this matter, $fmc.">>
<<but "Leave" ms1 "ev:1200 step:1300">>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s mc "The cider you make here, do you sell it?">>
<<s ms "No. Not that I know of. Why do you ask?">>
<<s mc "I have a possible lead, pointing to the monks, but I won't bother you with the details in case it turns out to be nothing.">>
<<s ms "I see. You should speak with Sister Mari in the kitchen garden. She handles the cider production.">>
<<q cider 200>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s mc "About your cider. Have you ever given a bottle to the monks, perhaps as a gift?">>
<<s ms "No. The abbot and I are not in the habit of exchanging gifts. We rarely communicate, and when we do, it's only out of necessity because we occupy the same building, like when we renovated the wall between our bathrooms. Aside from that, we might as well live in different countries. Even if I would send him something, I wouldn't send him cider. If I did, the abbot might send one of their products in return, and I don't want to encourage him. I have no wish to poison my body or my sisters' with their alcohol.">>
<<s mc "I understand. No further questions.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<c>That was a more elaborate answer than you asked for. It seems <<mms>> is harboring more negative feelings toward the monks, or at least the abbot, than you thought.
<p>Whether this is because she thinks a monk is responsible for the attacks, or it goes back even further, you don't know. But it is yet another reminder that you will please the Mother Superior as long as she thinks you are focusing your investigation on the monks.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii misc/cider 10 pnggg>>
<c>You are about ready to look for that bottle Brother Salvatore's cider came from. But isn't there something you have forgotten – something you should do first?
<<q cider 600>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1320>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 20>>
<<s ms "I want to ask you for a favor, Father. Will you celebrate Mass in the chapel with us? We could use it right now. I could send for the town priest if you are too busy.">>
Celebrating Mass with the nuns is an opportunity you can't turn down.
<<s mc "I will be happy to do it.">>
<<s ms "Thank you, Father. Ask Sister Roberta to help you with the arrangement. She is very busy during the day – it's best you visit her in her room after supper.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/standing 25 "right pnggg">>
<l>Sister Roberta is the <<hovertip prioress prioress bottom>> of the convent.
<p>You haven't had much contact with the prioress since she has not been attacked by the lust demon, nor have you considered her a likely target. Although, despite her being older than all of the victims so far, she isn't as old as her strict demeanor might fool you into thinking. You imagine that Sister Roberta might not look all that bad under the habit.</p>
<p>You should visit her after supper.
<<set $nchapelMass = 0>> /* just to make sure correct hub image is shown for nchapel as player might not have entered nchapel to restore value since added fix for this in nchapel */
<<qstart mass 100>></p></l>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms5 70>>
<<s mc "I spoke with Sister Roberta about the investigation she is conducting about inappropriate talk among the novices. I ask that you stop this investigation as it will do more harm than good. We need to stand united against the forces of evil.">>
<<s ms "Did Sister Roberta tell you that she has heard your name mentioned more than once regarding perverse actions?">>
<<s mc "Yes. What Sister Roberta heard may be fantasies or misunderstandings because Sister Roberta doesn't know the full story. I can't tell you more without breaking the Seal of Confession, but I assure you that everything I do is approved by the Lord.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms7 40>>
<<s ms "No, this has gone too far. I can't in good conscience let this be. I'm responsible for the girls and I must get to the bottom of these rumors. I'm sorry, Father $mc, but I can't trust your word on this. Now that you have found out about my investigation, I can no longer delay. I will contact the Vatican and ask for help.">>
<<s mc "I'm closing in on the mastermind behind the attacks. I suspect it is one of the monks. But this progress is thanks to my working alone. Having more people coming here could scare whoever is responsible for the attacks. They could leave the monastery and continue their evil deeds somewhere else. We can't risk that. You can't send for more people.">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s ms "You have been here a long time, and still the progress with your investigation is limited. With these perverse rumors of you going around, I can no longer sit around and just wait. I will send for help. My decision has been made.">>
<<s mc "Then I have to respect your decision, Mother Magda. But before you send for help, I ask that you at least give me a few days to try to advance with my investigation. I have a few very promising leads over at the monks that I've been sitting on to see if they would pay off in time, but if more people are coming here, I need to work on those leads right now, do the best I can with them, before the ones responsible for the attacks get scared and leave the monastery.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms7 40>>
<<s ms "Fine. I'll give you today and two more days. Then I'm sending the letter to the Vatican.">>
<<s mc "Thank you. Then I must get to work.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 34 pnggg>>
The time you feared has come. You have to stop Mother Magda from sending that letter to the Vatican. If they sent people here, it would not be long before they would learn of the holy rites you have been performing. They would not understand.
<p>You have to make a decision what to do, and quickly.</p>
<<c "Think...">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi ms1 20>>
You come up with two ways to stop Mother Magda from contacting the Vatican.
1) Drugging Mother Magda to make her confused. To make her compliant with your wishes. You recall a recipe in Ludolphus' notes that may be suitable here.
2) Drugging Mother Magda to make her aroused to such a degree that she will be forced to agree to sexual intercourse with you as part of a holy rite. Then she couldn't risk exposing the holy rites without exposing herself.
<p>You have to think about this. But first, you should go down to your lab to look up that confusion drug.
<<q protecting 300>>
<<event 1440>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms4 58>>
<cc>Sister Roberta follows you inside.</cc>
The abbess is sitting at her usual place behind the desk. But she looks tired. Confused.
<<s mc "Mother Magda, I heard you aren't feeling well. I think you may have been targeted by Satan. How is your head?">>
The abbess slowly gets up from the desk.
<<ev 140>>
<<mi ms6 50>>
<<s ms "Everything is a mess. I can't think. Maybe we should send for a doctor from town.">>
<<s mc "If I'm right, a doctor can't help. I had a vision from the Lord, warning me that Satan is coming for you. I think I know what this is all about. I will attempt to drive away the demon that is clouding your mind. I have this holy oil that may help. I want to apply it to your skin and perform an exorcism. Do you agree to it?">>
<<s ms "Yes, whatever you say.">>
<<ev 160>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Before we start, I would like to invite a couple of people: Sister Dana and Novice Emma. It's good to have several people present during an exorcism in case the demon fights back. Sister Dana and Novice Emma have been very helpful in my fight against the Evil One and his minions. Together with Sister Roberta, we would stand strong if the demon becomes violent.">>
<<s ms "Whatever you think is necessary. I just want to be able to think again.">>
<<s mc "Sister Roberta, will you be so kind as to get Sister Dana and Novice Emma while I prepare for the exorcism?">>
<<s roberta "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Roberta leaves.
<<ev 170>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 "left pnggg nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/emma/emma11 26 "left pnggg nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii hjana/janahead 27 "left pnggg nomarginRight">>
While waiting for Sister Dana and Novice Emma, you think about your choice to invite them, and if you should have invited Sister Jana too.
<p>Thanks to their personal experiences with the holy rites, the three nuns have fully accepted the truth of the holy rites – although you had to use some trickery to convince them. You can trust them to support you at the Revelation.
</p>If you let them witness you cure Mother Magda's confusion with the "holy oil", it will confirm that which they believe, strengthen their trust in you and the holy rites, and bind them even closer to you. You need people you can trust fully.
<<ev 180>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 "left pnggg nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/emma/emma11 26 "left pnggg nomarginRight">>
Sister Dana and Novice Emma you feel very safe with. Inviting them to the exorcism is a good way to make them feel valued and helpful in your fight against Satan.
<p>In addition, inviting Novice Emma, your most trusted ally, should help elevate her standing in the convent, especially with Mother Magda and Sister Roberta, which could be useful in the future.</p>
<<ev 190>>
<<mii hjana/janahead 30 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Jana, however, has been very skeptical of you, and still is to some degree. She is also knowledgeable in herbalism. It's too risky to have her present when you use the "holy oil". She may catch on to what you're doing.
<p>It was the right call not to invite her.</p></c>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 pnggg>>
A few minutes pass before Sister Dana arrives.
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 22 pnggg>>
Shortly after, Sister Roberta returns together with Novice Emma.
<<ev 230>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
You explain Mother Magda's situation to Sister Dana and Novice Emma, and how you will try to exorcise the demon muddling the abbess' mind.
<p>Everything is ready for the exorcism.
<<but "Perform an exorcism using the <<potionConfusionAntidote>>" ms1 "step:260 fullWidth">>
<<ev 260>>
<<mi ms8 40 pnggg>>
<c>You start performing the exorcism by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
<p>Then you take the vial containing the <<potionConfusionAntidote>> and open it. The distinct scent of the antidote reaches your nose. You make sure that Mother Magda and everyone else present also see the vial up close, to make them remember the color as well as the scent of the oil which you explain is a powerful holy anointing oil specifically meant for exorcisms.</p>
<p>Then you apply the <<potionConfusionAntidote>> on Mother Magda's forehead, rubbing it into her skin.</p>
<<ev 280>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
After a minute, you end the exorcism.
<<cs mc "How do you feel now, Mother Magda?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms7 45 right>>
Mother Magda almost jumps up from the chair.
<<s ms "I feel reborn. It's all gone. I can think again. What is going on, Father? What happened?">>
Sister Roberta, Sister Dana, and Novice Emma make the sign of the cross and praise Jesus.
<<s mc "Satan sent a demon to possess you. Since it happened so recently, the demon hadn't had time to entrench itself deeply into your mind and I believe I was able to exorcise it.">>
<<s ms "I'm in your debt, Father, but why did it happen? Do you know?">>
<<s mc "I believe I do. The Evil One has become aware of your plan to send for more help from the Vatican. This was an attempt to stop you from doing so.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi ms5 64>>
<<s ms "Perhaps you are right. All the more reason to send for help. I will draft a letter to the Vatican immediately.">>
<<s mc "No, that is exactly what you shouldn't do. If you do, I fear the next attack on you could be deadly.">>
<<s ms "But we must act. If the evil here is so strong, we need to do everything we can to stop it.">>
<<s mc "And that's what I'm doing. That's what I've been trying to tell you, but I can't go into details about what I do because I'm bound by the Seal of Confession. Our best course of action is to let me handle this. I have a way to fight the evil that will protect us from harm while doing it.">>
<<ev 430>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<<s ms "If you don't tell me what you're doing, it's hard for me to agree to it.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't, Mother. Not now. I don't believe you are ready to hear it. You just have to trust me. Sister Dana and Novice Emma can back me up on this. They know things you don't.">>
<<s dana "He is telling the truth, Reverend Mother. You can trust Father $mc." ii>>
<<s emma "Yes, Reverend Mother. Father $mc is sent by the Lord to help us. I have seen visions of this, and I can testify to $fmc's holy work. I know it to be true." ii>>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi ms5 64>>
<<s ms "I'm sorry, sisters, but I can't just take your words for it. I have a responsibility to protect all of you. I'm very grateful for your help with the exorcism just now, Father $mc, but my decision stands.">>
<<s mc "Satan's influence is so strong within these walls that he may very well have the capability to kill you. One of the sisters could be in league with the Devil, or become possessed – if they aren't already – and come for you. You may even die by your own hand">>
<<s ms "That's a risk I have to take. May the Lord protect me.">>
<<s roberta "I will do my best to protect you too, Reverend Mother." ii>>
You thank Sister Dana and Novice Emma and send them on their way.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<c>When Sister Dana and Novice Emma have left, you are once again alone with Mother Magda and Sister Roberta.
<<s mc "Mother Magda, you promised me two more days to work on my leads over at the monks.">>
<<s ms "Very well. I will stick to our deal. You have two more days, then I will send the letter.">>
<<s mc "I will pray that you are still here with us then, Reverend Mother.">>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi ms5 52>>
<c>That didn't exactly go as planned. Mother Magda is more determined than ever to send for help from the Vatican. You will have to try again tomorrow. She should be back to her confused state by then.
<p>You have to make sure things go better tomorrow. You should go to your lab.
<<q protecting 650>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1460>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms4 58>>
<cc>Sister Roberta follows you inside.</cc>
The abbess is sitting at her usual place behind the desk. She looks tired and confused again.
<<s mc "Mother Magda, how are you feeling?">>
The Mother Superior slowly gets up from the desk.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms6 46>>
<<s ms "When I woke up this morning, everything was a mess in my head again. I think we need to send for a doctor from the town, after all.">>
<<s mc "A doctor can't help you. Your affliction isn't medical, it's spiritual – demonic. Either I didn't succeed in exorcising the demon – it is not unusual that you have to try several times – or Satan had you possessed again. This is how strong the Devil's influence is within these walls. I will attempt to exercise the demon again, but I fear this may only be a temporary solution.">>
<<s ms "Yes, Father, do what you can.">>
<<ev 230>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 "left pnggg nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/emma/emma11 26 "left pnggg nomarginRight">>
<c>Once again, you ask to invite Sister Dana and Novice Emma to the exorcism, which the abbess agrees to.
<p>You send Sister Roberta to get the two nuns while you prepare for the exorcism.</p>
<<ev 260>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 pnggg>>
A few minutes pass before Sister Dana arrives.
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 22 pnggg>>
Shortly after, Sister Roberta returns together with Novice Emma.
<<but "Perform an exorcism using the <<fake>> <<potionConfusionAntidote>>" ms1 "step:300 fullWidth">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/antidote 14 pnggg>>
<c>You start performing the exorcism by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel. You take the vial of <<fake>> <<potionConfusionAntidote>> from your bag and apply the oil on Mother Magda's forehead, rubbing it into her skin. You say that it is the holy anointing oil you used on the previous exorcism, and since it looks and smells the same, no one has any reason to suspect that it is a different oil.
<p>You then return the vial to the bag before continuing the exorcism.</p>
After a couple of minutes, you end the exorcism.
<<cs mc "How do you feel now, Mother Magda?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<<s ms "I don't feel any better. My head is still a mess.">>
<<s mc "I was afraid of that. The demon is more entrenched this time, possibly stronger too. I want to try something else. Something more powerful. But it may be an unpleasant experience. Will you agree to it, Mother Magda?">>
<<s ms "Do what you can, Father. I can't think.">>
<<s mc "I will need you to step out of the room for this, Sister Roberta.">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 36 pnggg>>
<<s roberta "Why? What are you going to do? Why only me?">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. Sister Dana and Novice Emma know things you don't. This is to protect Mother Magda. You must trust me.">>
<<s roberta "As you wish. Are you okay with me leaving you, Reverend Mother? I will wait outside.">>
<<s ms "Yes, thank you, Sister Roberta. I will be okay." ii>>
Sister Roberta leaves the room.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I will try something that will appear perverse, Mother Magda, but it may work. It's complicated and it would take time to explain, but remember that Satan has sent a lust demon to attack the convent. Lust being the keyword here. Because of this, I want to place my hand on your breast, on the outside of your clothes, while trying to exorcise the demon. I will touch you a little bit. Would that be okay with you?">>
<<s ms "If you think it may help. I don't know what to think... I can't think.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi ms8 40 pnggg>>
<c>Placing your hand on one of Mother Magda's breasts, you start performing another exorcism by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
<p>You perversely squeeze the abbess' breast a little, enough that Sister Dana and Novice Emma can see it.</p>
<<ev 720>>
<<mii lab/antidote 14 pnggg>>
This time you pick up the <<coltext "weak" "aa5">> <<potionConfusionAntidote>> from your bag. Looking and smelling just like the oil you used a few minutes ago, no one will notice that it is a different oil.
<p>You then apply the oil on Mother Magda's forehead, rubbing it into her skin. This should make her regain some of her cognitive capabilities, clearing up her mind somewhat, but not as much as the first time. Mother Magda will hopefully also experience some increase in lust because of the weak lust potion you added to this weak version of the antidote.</p>
<p>After returning the vial of oil to the bag, you go back to squeezing Mother Magda's breast.</p>
After a couple of minutes, you end the exorcism.
<<cs mc "How do you feel now, Mother Magda?">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi ms7 45>>
<<s ms "I feel something. I'm a little better. But not like yesterday. It's still hard to think.">>
<<s mc "Do you feel a sense of lust too? Be honest.">>
<<s ms "Yes, I believe I do.">>
<<ev 820>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<<s mc "That tells me I was correct. Satan's evil influence in this place is connected to the sin of lust. Every time the lust demon strikes, this influence grows stronger. Every time a sister commits sinful acts of lust, the influence grows stronger.">>
<<s mc "The demon inside you is not a lust demon per se, but it draws power from this evil influence connected to lust, which makes the demon inside you also feed on lust, in essence.">>
<<ev 830>>
<<mi ms9 36 pnggg>>
<<s mc "This may be too complicated for you to understand in your current confused state, but to explain it simply, the reason touching your breast had an effect is that it was a perverse act of lust. This allowed me to connect with the demon entrenched deep inside you, bringing it closer to the surface, and then I could make the demon weaker. But it requires something much more extreme to fully exorcise the demon. Something much more extreme relating to the sexual – to lust – than touching your breast. Do you understand what I'm saying, Mother Magda?">>
<<ev 840>>
<<mi ms7 45 right>>
<<s ms "I think I do. But I hope you are not suggesting we do something like that?">>
<<s mc "No. And because of this, I can't do anything else to help you right now.">>
<<s ms "Then I must send the letter to the Vatican.">>
<<s mc "No, then your mind will stay confused forever. I'm from the Vatican. Other priests from the Vatican cannot offer anything more than I just told you about. And having more people from the Vatican coming here would scare the ones responsible for the attacks and they would stay away or even leave the monastery, but the demon in you would remain.">>
<<ev 860>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<<s ms "Then what do you suggest I do?">>
<<s mc "You have two other options, Reverend Mother.">>
<<s mc "1) Seek help from the medical profession. The best they can do is to stuff you full of drugs, trying to treat you. But it won't help.">>
<<s mc "2) You can let me continue my investigation unhindered while doing what I need to do to help and protect the other nuns. Once I've found the minions of Satan responsible for the attacks, I will take care of them and banish the evil back to hell, the demon inside you with it. Your mind will be clear again.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<<s ms "You think you will manage to do it? Help us?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I'm closing in on the ones responsible for the attacks. But it takes time. This is a fight against Satan. While conducting the investigation, I also need to help and protect the victims of the lust demon and the ones the lust demon may come for. To avoid them ending up like you, or worse.">>
<<s mc "I have certain holy rites I can use, powerful but dangerous in the wrong hands. And I have people like Sister Dana and Novice Emma to help me. They know what this is about and have accepted to do what needs to be done to fight back against the evil.">>
<<ev 950>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<<s ms "What you are saying now, does that have something to do with the novices talking inappropriately, and those rumors about you? Doing things with the novices?">>
<<s mc "Yes. You have seen yourself today the difference my hand on your breast did. I can't say anything else because I'm prohibited by the Seal of Confession. Like I am prohibited from telling Sister Roberta what you and I did in here now. I asked Sister Roberta to leave because she doesn't know what this is about. Sister Dana and Novice Emma know, and we can trust them. Many other sisters know too, mostly victims of the lust demon.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<div class="center-flex">
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 "left pnggg nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/emma/emma11 26 "left pnggg nomarginRight">>
<<s mc "I'm not permitted to reveal to you, Reverend Mother, what Sister Dana and Novice Emma have experienced, but perhaps they would like to share something with you, to give you a better idea of what is going on, without going into details?">>
You turn to Sister Dana and Novice Emma. They nod in agreement.
<<ev 1020>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 pnggg>>
<<s dana "Reverend Mother, as you know, I had grave sins from my past. Terrible, perverted sexual sins. I believe the lust demon fed on this, perhaps I even caused it to appear in the first place. Father $mc performed holy rites on me, and I felt Jesus reach down from heaven to forgive me and cleanse me of my sins. There is no doubt I experienced the divine.">>
<<s dana "But my penance was severe, Reverend Mother. To be forgiven for my perverted sexual sins, I had to perform perverted sexual acts. That was the price the Lord required of me. It was what made Father $mc's holy rites work. It was what I had to do, and now I feel stronger than ever in my faith. We will fight back against Satan and the lust demon, Reverend Mother.">>
Sister Dana goes quiet. Novice Emma prepares to speak next.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 20 pnggg>>
<<s emma "Reverend Mother, as you know, I had visions from God telling me I was to join the convent. Then the nightmares started, telling me I was going to hell because I once was intimate with a man and we weren't married. Father $mc tried to help me and then the nightmares got even worse until Father $mc performed the holy rites with me.">>
<<s emma "Similar to Sister Dana, I had to pay a severe price of lust to make up for my sin of lust. But after doing it, like a miracle, the nightmares were gone. God spoke to me again, telling me I was meant to join the convent to help Father $mc in his fight against Satan. I understand now that it was Satan who caused my nightmares in an attempt to prevent me from joining the convent.">>
Novice Emma goes quiet.
<<ev 1160>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<<s mc "Reverend Mother, this is war, and in war, things get ugly. In war, you have to take extreme actions to prevent the enemy from destroying you. The holy rites are such extreme actions. They are of God, but we have to keep them a secret from anyone who isn't ready to hear about them, because it could hurt your convent and everyone here. You understand? All I'm doing is trying to help and protect you from the evil that is here.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi ms7 40>>
<<s ms "I think I understand, Father, as hard as it is to think. So the rumors were true, after all, about you and the novices?">>
<<s mc "I haven't heard them myself, but there may be some truth to them. Again, I'm prohibited from confirming anything specific. One day very soon, I hope to be able to reveal to everyone in the convent the truth of the powers I use in the fight against the Devil.">>
<<s mc "Until then, know this, Mother Magda: In effect, I'm a holy warrior. I'm fighting a holy war against Satan and his minions, and I have sisters like Sister Dana and Novice Emma by my side as soldiers in this holy war. In wars, as I said, things are taken to an extreme. But I have God on my side, and I act in accordance with His will. That's all I can say right now.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi ms1 24>>
<<s ms "I have to trust you all on this, then, that the Lord is with you in this. I give you my approval to do what you need to do. May God forgive me if I'm wrong.">>
<<s mc "Thank you for your trust in me, Reverend Mother. In us.">>
<<s ms "I'm so tired... Will I get confused again tomorrow? Even more than I am now, I mean.">>
<<s mc "Yes, I'm afraid so. Perhaps even sooner than tomorrow.">>
<<s ms "I will put my faith in the Lord that you will be able to help us. Now I have to lie down to rest. I'm tired from thinking.">>
You politely sign to Sister Dana and Novice Emma that they should leave, which they do.
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I will leave you too, Reverend Mother, but can I ask for one more favor before you rest? Please tell Sister Roberta that you approve of my doing what I need to do. And that she should stop her investigation about the novices talking inappropriately, now that you understand more of what I'm doing here.">>
<<s ms "Of course. Send her in.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<overlay "ms/doorms" "nuns/roberta/torso" 8 10 96.3 36 "png">><</overlay>>
Sister Roberta is still waiting outside the room. You tell her that Mother Magda wants to have a word with her.
Sister Roberta enters the room and closes the door behind her.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi ms8 40 pnggg>>
<c>With Mother Magda under your control, stopping her from sending for help from the Vatican, and neutralizing her as a threat to you and the holy rites, you seem to have resolved the situation.
<p>Hopefully, this will also get Sister Roberta off your back, getting her to stop her investigation, and you can continue with your holy rites undisturbed.
<<set $msConfused = true>>
<<qend protecting 1000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<c>You could keep the Mother Superior in a confused state for as long as you want. But you also have the option of fornicating with her in a holy rite. You think that would work as a way to keep her under your control while not needing her to be confused.
<p>This is something you could consider for the future, but right now you have more important things to think about. Like your plan to one day tell all the nuns about the holy rites.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mii misc/think 70>>
<c>With Mother Magda no longer a threat, you are one big step closer to revealing the holy rites to everyone in the convent. If you could be open about the rites, it would make everything so much easier.
<p>But you would need enough support among the nuns to dare reveal the existence of the holy rites, and you are not there yet. You don't have much choice but to keep building support, which could take a long time.</p>
<p>What if there was a way to move things forward faster?</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii lab/codex 40 "right pnggg">>
<l><<br>>It has been a while since you read another chapter in the Book of Truth. Each new chapter has allowed you to move things forward with the nuns. Perhaps the next chapter will do the same?
<p>It feels like a chance you can't ignore. But at the same time, you are hesitant to read further in the codex, knowing the powerful effect the previous chapters have had on you and your mind.</p>
<p>Can you handle reading the next chapter in the Codex Veritatis? You should go to your lab to find out.
<<qstart chapter4 100>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms9 38 pnggg>>
<c>You can tell that the Mother Superior is suffering from the <<potionConfusion .>> You feel sorry for her, but this is for the best, for now.
<<s mc "There is something else I need from you, Reverend Mother. Soon, I want to call a meeting where I will ask the convent to vote for me to become your patriarch, acting temporarily as your de facto leader. I ask that you give me your blessing in this. With your support and the vote of the sisters, I can assume command of the forces of good to fight back against the forces of evil. That is how we will win: Together, under my leadership and with the faith of the Lord.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 22>>
<<s ms "You have my blessing, Father $mc. If you are sent by the Lord to lead us, I must accept it.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Reverend Mother. Now, I just want to be clear on something, as I know that the demon makes thinking hard for you. You understand that to fight Satan and his minions, I will sometimes have to perform rites, such as exorcisms, that require me to be intimate with the sisters? Like when I touched your breast, but much more intimate. Things normally only allowed in the martial bed, and some things not even allowed there because they are of Satan. Since we're dealing with demons feeding on lust, I have to take drastic measures like that to fight the forces of evil, and God allows it. Do you understand and accept this, Reverend Mother?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms9 38 pnggg>>
<<s ms "I can't say I understand it all. It hurts thinking about it. But I have to trust you, $fmc. As long as you are sure that what you do is allowed by God, I will not object.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Reverend Mother. If I am elected patriarch, I hope to return the leadership to you before long. Once the demon that is clouding your mind is exorcised from you.">>
<<s ms "I pray for that day to come soon. I want to be able to think again.">>
<<qend revelationms 1000>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
<<revsupport "Mother Magda" 400>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying480 36>>
<c>Securing the additional support of Mother Magda, Sister Roberta, Sister Viola, and Sister Catarina will probably be enough, but still, you want at least one more professed sister on your side to feel safe about the voting going your way at the Revelation. But who?
<p>Perhaps Novice Emma can help.
<<q revelationsupport 100>></p>
<<event 1720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Reverend Mother, everything is prepared for the Day of the Revelation where I will reveal the truth of holy rites I'm using to fight Satan. And if the sisters vote for me, I will take command of the convent as your patriarch, your temporary leader in the holy war against Satan and his minions.">>
<<s ms "Yes, I remember. I will support you, as I promised.">>
<<s mc "Before the Revelation, I want to celebrate Mass, having us all come together and join with Christ.">>
<<ev 130>>
<<mi ms1 22>>
<<s ms "Yes, I like that. You go ahead, Father. We are ready.">>
<<s mc "One last thing: At the Revelation, I need your help to demonstrate the truth of the holy rites, and that lust is the key to defeating Satan. I want to perform an exorcism on you, or two rather. One where I don't touch your breast, and then one where I do, to show the difference to the sisters. Hopefully, the second exorcism will again weaken the demon clouding your mind. I hope you agree to this. It's very important.">>
<<s ms "Yes, I agree to it.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Reverend Mother. I hope to be able to exorcise the demon in you before long.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel 70>>
<cc>Everything is ready for the Revelation.
You can now go to the chapel during the day and ring the bell.
<<set $nunsConfessor = 0>> /* keeping chapel empty until ringing bell (set in mc when sleeping also) */
<<q revelation 1500 center>></p>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 20>>
Before the Revelation, you considered fornicating with Mother Magda in a holy rite as a way to control her. Instead, you went with the option to keep the abbess in a confused state, convincing her she was possessed.
<p>Fornicating is still an option. To ensure that Mother Magda will feel she consented to the sexual act, you can use the <<potionConfusionAntidote>> on her before convincing her to fornicate with you.</p>
<p>Afterward, you could remove the cloth drenched with <<potionConfusion>> from under her bed, and she would stop being confused. You promised Mother Magda to return the leadership to her once you had exorcised the demon clouding her mind, so you could say that she is still possessed but the demon has temporarily been weakened.</p>
<p>You could always return the oily cloth under her bed if she starts challenging your leadership.</p>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<c>There is also the option to forget about ever fornicating with Mother Magda.
<p>It shouldn't negatively impact your investigation if she stays confused forever. It would be harder for the abbess to think, but she would still function, albeit with much difficulty, and she would still have access to all her memories in case you wanted to ask her something.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv undress1 66 pause1>>
<c>Not keeping Mother Magda confused could be seen as the more humane thing to do. On the other hand, she may suffer mentally from knowing she had sexual intercourse.
<p>It comes down to your preference which option to go for. To help you decide, you think back to when you saw the abbess remove her headpiece. Do you want to see more than that? Do you want to fornicate with Mother Magda?</p>
<<but "No. Keep her confused." ms1 "step:1000 fullWidth">>
<<but "Maybe. You will decide later." ms1 "step:1700">>
<<but "Yes. Do it now." ms1 "step:2000 fullWidth">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi ms8 40 pnggg>>
<c>Are you sure never want to fornicate with Mother Magda?
<p>If you are sure, the option to fornicate with the abbess will never appear in her room, and she will continue to stay confused for the foreseeable future.</p>
<<but "You are sure" ms1 "step:1300 fullWidth">><<but "\"Wait, let me think...\"" ms1 step:200>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi ms4 56>>
You know you will never want to fornicate with the old abbess, so you may as well scrap that option and not think about it again. Keeping Mother Magda confused works and is the way to go.
<<qend motherfucker 500>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi ms8 40 pnggg>>
<c>You don't want to make a decision right now. You will decide later if you want to fornicate with Mother Magda or not.
<<q motherfucker 200>>
<<but "Continue" ms>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii lab/antidote 14 pnggg>>
<c>You want to go ahead with fornicating with Mother Magda.
<p>You have already prepared a "holy anointing oil" consisting of a strong <<potionConfusionAntidote>> and a strong mix of <<potionLust ,>><<potionVirility>> and <<potionLiberation .>></p>
<p>You thought it best to include the virility potion. The abbess is no longer a young woman, unlike most of the girls you have used the lust drug on previously. Her old body may need help to get the "juices flowing" again.</p>
<p>Once the Mother Superior is aroused, the Potion of Liberation should make it easier to convince her to fornicate with you, breaking down some of her inhibitions.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Mother Magda, have you thought more about what I said – that an act of sexual nature, of lust, might enable me to exorcise the demon clouding your mind?">>
<<s ms "I have been tempted to try it, yes. I am so tired. I just want to be able to think. But... what would be required? How sexual does it have to get?">>
<<s mc "The more, the better. I'm afraid fornication is likely the only way we could exorcise this powerful demon, and even then there is no guarantee. But, even if we don't manage to exorcise the demon, it could be considerably weakened for more than just a day.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi ms8 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s ms "I feel disgusted at the thought, but I shouldn't. I know you have to perform these acts with the sisters who need it. It's what we voted on. But to do it myself... I'm an old woman. Will my body even work for something like that?">>
<<s mc "You're not that old. The demon inside you could make you experience lust you've never felt before. It is that powerful. Which is why fornication is our best option.">>
<<s ms "I don't know... I can't think. What if I regret it?">>
<<s mc "You don't have to decide right now. I could perform an exorcism where I touch you, just a little more than before. Enough to attract the demon, allowing me to weaken it enough for you to think clearly. Then you can decide.">>
<<s ms "Do it, then, Father.">>
<<c "Perform an exorcism">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi ms9 40 pnggg>>
<c>You perform the exorcism, using the special anointing oil you made just for the abbess.
<p>You rub the oil on Mother Magda's forehead, then you move down and touch her breast. This time, you don't just place your hand on her breast. You squeeze it.</p>
<p>You place your other hand on the inside of her thigh and caress it.</p>
<<c "Keep chanting the prayers">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi ms1 20>>
<<s ms "I feel it. It's strong. It's taking over my body.">>
<<s mc "Do you feel lust?">>
<<s ms "Yes, more than I expected. And I can think again. As good as at the Revelation. Can you exorcise it now?">>
<<s mc "If we fornicate, maybe. The demon is fighting back at my attempt to exorcise it, but it's still entrenched deeply inside of you. It will require a lot more lust to draw it out enough for me to exorcise it. But the demon has never been this close to the surface before. If we fornicate now, I think we have a good chance of exorcising it, or at least weaken it enough that your mind will remain clear for several days, maybe even weeks.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi ms7 40>>
<<s ms "I want you to do it, Father. I give you my permission to try your best to exorcise this spawn of Satan inside of me.">>
<<s mc "Then we must get started right away. You should begin by using your mouth on my manhood. It will make me ready to perform, and being a perverted sexual act, it will also help attract the demon buried deep inside you.">>
<<c "Get naked and lie down on the bed">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv undress1 70>>
<cc>While you get ready on the bed, Mother Magda removes her headpiece.
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
<<cs ms "I pray the Lord forgives us for what we're about to do.">>
<<cs mc "He will.">>
<<cs ms "I've never been with a man before.">>
<<cs mc "Don't worry. It will be fine.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 3400>> /* Don't change: used in check in ev1820 */
<<mi bj100 58>>
<cc>The Mother Superior has accepted what has to be done.<br>She prepares to take your manhood in her mouth.
<<addlust 50>>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv bj200 58>>
<cc>Mother Magda gets to work.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv bj300 80>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
You enjoy being pleasured by Mother Magda.
<p>There is something pervertedly delightful about being with a Mother Superior.</p>
You enjoy being pleasured by the Mother Superior.
<p>As usual, there is something special about being with a virgin, even one as old as Mother Magda.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv bj400 80>>
<<s mc "It is time. Get naked and lie on your back.">>
<<s ms "But could this not be enough?">>
<<s mc "No, you are not lustful enough. We must fornicate and then you should try to climax.">>
Mother Magda says a prayer, asking for forgiveness for what she is about to do. Then she removes her clothes, lies on her back in the bed, and spreads her legs.
<<c "Penetrate Mother Magda with your manhood">>
<<ev 4450>>
<<mi fuck10 100>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
Even with only a simple lust potion affecting her, the abbess moans with lust as you enter her slit. She is wet. Her old body is still fully functioning sexually.
<<s mc "Remember that it's good if you climax. That's when the demon will be the most vulnerable.">>
<<s ms "I will try.">>
The abbess cries out in euphoria as you enter her slit, unprepared for the intense pleasure. She is wet. Her old body is still fully functioning sexually.
<<s mc "Remember that it's important that you climax. That's when the demon will be the most vulnerable.">>
<<s ms "I'm not sure I can at my age.">>
<<s mc "Sure you can. I can feel how wet you are and the demon is flooding you with lust. Relax and try to enjoy it. It's for the best.">>
<<c "Fornicate with the Mother Superior">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv fuck100 90 speed0.6>>
<c>You fornicate with the abbess, taking it slow at first, letting her get used to it.
<<s mc "Don't be ashamed to use your hands to help you climax. It will make things easier for me, as I need to concentrate on exorcising the demon while we fornicate.">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv fuck200 90>>
<cc>Saying nothing, Mother Magda starts touching herself. Her breathing is getting heavy.</cc>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv fuck300 90 volume0.9>>
<c>Soon after, the abbess climaxes. You chant an exorcism prayer, pretending to attack the demon Mother Magda thinks is possessing her.</c>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mv fuck100 90 speed0.6>>
<c>You go slow, giving Mother Magda some time to catch her breath.
<<s mc "The demon is still fighting. Do you think you can climax again?">>
<<s ms "Maybe. It still feels good.">>
<<s mc "Try to, if you can. I will finish this soon. When I release my seed, I will try to exorcise the demon a final time.">>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 4900>>
<<mv fuck100 90>>
<c>You rapidly slide your hard manhood in and out of Mother Magda's slobbery hole.
<p>The abbess is building up to another orgasm.</p>
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv fuck400 90 volume0.5>>
<cc>You pound Mother Magda's slit, pushing the both of you closer to climax.
<p>When you hear that the abbess has another orgasm, you are getting there too.</p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv fuckcum 60 volume0.5>>
<c>You pull out and squirt your seed over Mother Magda's naked body, chanting a prayer of exorcism.
<<ev 5300>>
<<mi fuckafter 100>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
<<s ms "I didn't feel too much lust at the start, and still I experienced this intense pleasure, climax, twice.">>
<<s mc "It's partly fueled by the demon inside you. But, of course, the Lord put these feelings in us to procreate, and they can stay with us even as we get older.">>
<<s ms "I never expected to experience pleasure like this. Now I understand why people commit mortal sins to feel like I did.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but what you felt was fueled by the demon. Not everyone will enjoy the act that much, certainly not all the time.">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mi fuckafter2 100>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
<<s ms "Even without a demon inside them, I can imagine that the experience can be even greater for the young girls that you are intimate with, Father.">>
<<set _possible = "Sometimes, quite possibly.">>
<<s ms "Still, I felt like this, and I'm old. Is the experience even greater for the young girls that you are intimate with, Father?">>
<<set _possible = "Sometimes, possibly.">>
<<s mc "_possible Their young bodies naturally will have a higher libido, generally speaking. The sisters attacked in their room by the lust demon also seem to retain a demonic imprint from the attack, like a scar on their soul, fueling their lust even though they are not possessed. Novice Victoria, though, as you know, is not only possessed by a demon, but a lust demon. With her young age, you can imagine how hard it is to resist it.">>
<<s ms "Yes. Poor girl.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("motherfucker")>>
<<but "Get dressed" ms1 "ev:1820 step:2000">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi ms7 44 right>>
<<s mc "How do you feel now? Is your mind restored?">>
<<s ms "Yes, it's amazing to be able to think clearly again. Did you do it? Is the demon gone?">>
<<s mc "I strongly doubt it. Powerful demons like this are rarely exercised in one try, although I definitely managed to strike a heavy blow at it. Most likely, the demon is still there, but it has retreated, hiding deep inside you, and will do so until it has regained enough strength to attack your mind again. My guess is it will take at least a few days before you will notice a deterioration of your mind. Much longer if we are lucky.">>
<<s ms "What if we repeat this tomorrow? Could we banish the demon from my body then, now that it is hurt?">>
<<s mc "Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. The demon has had time to entrench itself deep into you, and I can't reach it unless it surfaces. That doesn't change even when it is weak. The demon is so strongly anchored in your body because of Satan's influence in the monastery. That's why we need to fight the holy war to reduce that influence. Only then will it be significantly easier to exercise this demon.">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mi ms1 25>>
<<s ms "I see. How about if we repeat this when my mind gets worse? Will it work as well again?">>
<<s mc "I believe so. And that's what I suggest we do. I will fornicate with you when needed – if that is your wish.">>
<<s ms "I will consider it. It's a heavy price to pay, as you say.">>
<<s mc "I trust that you understand the necessity of my continuing to be the patriarch, to lead the convent, even though we may be able to keep your mind clear?">>
<<s ms "Yes, $fmc. I'm still fully behind your leadership until you have led us to victory. I will stick to my administrative duties, and they will be so much easier now.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then I will leave you for now.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi fuck10 90>>
<c>You fornicated with the Mother Superior.
Just before supper, when Mother Magda has left for the refectory, you will sneak into her room and remove the oily cloth from under her bed. She will no longer be confused.</p>
<p>Even so, if you should want to fornicate with her again, you are sure you can convince her it is for the best.
<<qend motherfucker 2000>>
<<set $msConfused = false>>
<<event 1820>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms7 40>>
<<s mc "I want to perform another exorcism on you, touching you, to see how strong the demon is. We must stay vigilant.">>
<<s ms "As you wish, Father.">>
<<s mc "I want to warn you that if the demon is strong, we should fornicate at once, trying to strike the demon while it has surfaced. It's how we will eventually manage to exorcise it.">>
<<s ms "I understand. I accept what has to be done.">>
<<c "Begin the exorcism">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
You have prepared a holy anointing oil based only on <<potionLust .>> It should be enough since Mother Magda has already consented to fornication if you think it's needed.
<p>You rub the oil on her forehead, then you move down and place your hand on her breast. You squeeze it.</p>
<p>You place your other hand on the inside of Mother Magda's thigh and caress it.</p>
<<c "Keep chanting the prayers">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms6 40>>
<<s ms "I feel it. It's coming. It's taking over my body.">>
<<s mc "Do you feel lust?">>
<<set _multiforni = "">>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("mc1", 1820, 500,0)>>
<<set _multiforni = "first">>
<<s ms "Yes, but not as much as the _multiforni time we fornicated.">>
<<s mc "As expected. It's weaker, but still strong enough that we must take action. We must fornicate now and I will try to exorcise it.">>
<<s ms "I am prepared, Father. Do what you can to exorcise this spawn of Satan.">>
<<s mc "You should begin by using your mouth on my manhood.">>
<<but "Get naked and lie down on the bed" ms1 "ev:1800 step:3300">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi ms7 44>>
<c><<s mc "I will return to check on you. It may take a long time, but with God's help, we will exorcise this demon.">>
<<s ms "I pray for it, Father. Thank you for your help.">>
<<event 1850>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 20>>
<<s mc "The 'last abbot' was named Ludolphus and died in 1422. Do you know anything about him that you haven't told me? I need you to be honest.">>
<<s ms "No, I don't know anything. Why do you ask?">>
<<s mc "It has to do with the investigation. It's probably nothing. It's a possible lead, but that's all I can say.">>
<<s ms "I see.">>
<<s mc "Something else I need to know: are you aware of a secret compartment, of old documents hidden somewhere in the monastery? Or something like that that you haven't told me about?">>
<<s ms "No, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, that's all I wanted to know.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii library/librarian2 50>>
<c>You believe Mother Magda was telling you the truth. This means she doesn't know of the Vatican report – or any other documents that may have been in the secret compartment.
<p>But perhaps Sister Palome does. You have to be patient and see what you will learn from that investigation.
<<q recipebook 2200>>
<<qendversion recipebook version0.7.0>></p>
<</events>>/* This was an ugly way to do it. nchapelMass is set to 1 or more whenever a mass is taking place. This will show the hub icon with the priest in the chapel. Once entering the chapel, setting nchapelMass to 0 here to reset this. Could have done some other way but might as well keep it as it is unless problems */
<<set $nchapelMass = 0>>
<<if $intro < 1650>>
<<set $intro = 1650>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include nchapel1>>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<mi chapelNight 80>>
The chapel is dark and quiet.
<<if setup.questCompleted("mass") && !setup.questCompleted("chapter4")>>
<<specbut "Drink consecrated wine" nchapel1 "ev:600 corr47 nobottom">>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject==240>>
<<specbut "Drink consecrated wine" nchapel1 "ev:800 corr50 nobottom">>
<<if $qqchapter5==720 && $corr<60>>
<<specbut "Drink consecrated wine" nchapel1 "ev:900 nobottom">>
<<if $temp2 == "drunk">>
You feel unsteady on your feet. Perhaps you drank a little more than necessary.
<<set $temp2=null>>
/* Note: this button is also added further down for day */
<<but "<<actQuest revelation>>" nchapel1 "ev:700 qqrevelation==1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest praychapel>>" nchapel1 "ev:800 step:3000 qqpraychapel==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest emmalustangel>>" nchapel1 "ev:900 step:1000 qqemmalustangel==700">>
<<if $nchapel<1>>
<<set $nchapel = 1>>
<<if $nunsConfessor == 1>>
<<mi praying 75>>
Many of the nuns are praying in the chapel.</cc>
<<but "Enter the confessional" nchapel1 "ev:200 daily nunsConfessed<<30">>
/* nunsConfessed = 30 is triggered in js nchapel */
<<but "Enter the confessional" nchapel1 "ev:300 daily nunsConfessed>=30 nunsConfessed<<40">>
<<but "Enter the confessional" nchapel1 "ev:400 daily nunsConfessed>=40">>
<<mi chapel 80>>
The chapel is empty right now.
<<if setup.questCompleted("mass") && !setup.questCompleted("chapter4")>>
<<specbut "Drink consecrated wine" nchapel1 "ev:610 corr47 nobottom">>
<<if $qqamnesiaproject==240>>
<<specbut "Drink consecrated wine" nchapel1 "ev:800 corr50 nobottom">>
<<if $qqchapter5==720 && $corr<60>>
<<specbut "Drink consecrated wine" nchapel1 "ev:900 nobottom">>
<<if $qqrevelation==1500>>
<<specbut "Ring the bell" nchapel1 "ev:750 nobottom">>
<<but "Look for the bread and wine for Mass" nchapel1 "ev:500 qqmass==200">>
<<but "Celebrate Mass with the nuns" nchapel1 "ev:520 qqmass==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest praychapel>>" nchapel1 "ev:800 step:3000 qqpraychapel==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest lustfulwomen>>" nchapel1 "ev:1000 qqlustfulwomen==3200">>
<<but "<<actQuest revelation>>" nchapel1 "ev:700 qqrevelation==1100">>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi mass 40 right>>
You enter the chapel and watch as it is being filled with nuns. You attend the Mass, sitting next to the abbess.</p>
<p>The town priest looks very old and the altar boys appear to be there for physical support as much as for ritual assistance.</p>
When the Mass is over, you exchange a few words with the priest, Father Piero. He appears to be almost blind. No wonder the two altar boys had to be there for him. Father Piero is led away by his assistants.
<<s ms "I have much left to show you, $fmc. Shall we continue the tour?">>
<<set $nchapelMass = 0>>
<<ct hub>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $nunsConfessor = 2>> /* reset to 1 in the morning */
<<mi nunconfessing 35 right>>
<<if $nunsConfessed < 3>>
<<set $nunsConfessed += 1>>
<p>You spend some time in the confessional. A few nuns come to confess.</p>
<<switch $nunsConfessed>>
<<case 1>>
One of them is a novice that you questioned in your room earlier. She then said that she didn't have an erotic dream when being attacked.</p>
<p>When you now suggest that she might have something to confess about that, the novice admits that she did indeed have lustful feelings when waking up to the Crone. And she experienced an unusually strong carnal desire in her flesh when later waking up that morning. But it soon went away.</p>
<p> You make another suggestion, but the nun vehemently denies having any strong desires to touch herself inappropriately since that day.</p>
<<case 2>>
Two of them are nuns you questioned about being attacked in their rooms. One of them admits to having an erotic dream when it happened, and also lustful feelings for a while when waking up later in the morning.
<p>The other nun denies experiencing anything lustful around the time of the attack, or later, even when being pressured about it.</p>
<<case 10>> /* triggered in js emma room */
<p>One of them, a novice who has been attacked by the Crone and now suffers from nightmares, asks if it is true that you cured Novice Emma of her nightmares. When you tell her that it is indeed true, the nun wants to know how, but you tell her that this is between you and Novice Emma, and refers any further questions about that to Emma.</p>
<p>When you lightly pressure her on the matter, the novice admits she had a lustful, sexual experience surrounding the attack in her bed. She fears she has unwittingly committed a mortal sin while in this half-conscious state. But she denies having had unusually strong sexual urges after that day. So far, it seems that Sister Jana is the only one this has happened to.</p>
Being their confessor increases your authority over the nuns.
<<addauth 1>>
<<set $nunsConfessed = 20>>
<<q sexDrive 300>>
<<qendversion sexDrive "center version0.1.0">>
You don't learn anything new.
<<but "Exit the confessional" nchapel>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $nunsConfessor = 2>> /* reset to 1 in the morning */
<<mi nunconfessing 35 right>>
<p>You spend some time in the confessional. A few nuns come to confess.</p>
<<if $nunsConfessed == 30>> /* triggered in js nchapel */
/* <<mii nuns/anika/head1 20 "left png styling background:var(--color-head-anika-confess) stylingend">>*/
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 20 "left">>
One of the attacked nuns, Novice Anika, confesses today for the first time. She admits that, one day, a few months after being attacked, she experienced intense lust for most of the day, but she doesn't know why. When you question Novice Anika about it, she tells you that she worked with Sister Jana in the herb garden that day, which is something she hasn't done before or since.
<p>This can't be a coincidence!
/*Either something in the herb garden is causing the lust curse that is afflicting Sister Jana, or Novice Anika was temporarily affected by the lust curse by working close to Sister Jana for several hours.*/
You have to investigate if anyone else working in the herb garden has also felt the lust curse.
<<q sexDrive 400>></p>
<<set $nunsConfessed = 40>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/anika/head2 25 "png styling background:var(--color-head-anika) stylingend">>
As it happens, Novice Anika has already been inititated into the <<var circle>> – but you have not heard from her since, until now. Seeing that she has been subjected to the lust curse, she could be extra sensitive to temptations of the flesh. Thus, it is important that she is anointed as soon as possible before being targeted by Satan.
<p>When bringing up the topic, Novice Anika declines the offer of the holy rite. But after you insist, she agrees to meet later to talk more about it.</p>
<p>Like all the nuns, Novice Anika is usually busy with either work or prayer during the day, but she can take a break from work when you want to see her in her room.
<<qstart anikaq 100 center>></p>
<<but "Exit the confessional" nchapel>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set $nunsConfessor = 2>> /* reset to 1 in the morning */
<<mi nunconfessing 35 right>>
<p>You spend some time in the confessional. A few nuns come to confess.</p>
<p>You don't learn anything new.</p>
<<if $nunsConfessed == 40>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 30 left>>
Being their confessor has increased your authority over the nuns.
<<addauth 1>>
<<set $nunsConfessed = 41>>
/** NOTE: If adding more confession events, make sure that above addauth +1 has been played, so player don't miss it. So check like nunsconfessed >= 41
v6: adding mass event after nunsconfessed==41, thereby disabling confessing after 41 for time being
quest sexDrive (started nun confessions) is completed in v0.4 but it should be unrelated to whether above addauth has been played or not.
<<but "Exit the confessional" nchapel>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>You find the sacramental bread and the sacramental wine that Sister Roberta had delivered.
<p>She sent a lot of wine. You doubt you need that much for one Mass, but better safe than sorry.</p>
<p>You are ready to celebrate Mass.
<<q mass 300>></p>
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
<<event 520>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi mass2 100>>
At the arranged time, you ring the bell to call for Mass.
<p>Nuns drop what they are doing and join you in the chapel.</p>
<p>Since there are no other males here, a couple of young novices act as altar servers to assist you.</p>
<<c "Celebrate the Eucharist">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>You celebrate the Eucharist.
<p>When the time comes, you consecrate the sacramental bread and the sacramental wine, changing them into the body and blood of Christ.</p>
<p>You then distribute the consecrated bread and consecrated wine to the nuns.</p>
<p>As you thought, Sister Roberta delivered a lot more sacramental wine than needed. The remaining sacramental wine can be stored here for a later Mass.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi chapel 70>>
Once Mass is over, everyone leaves to return to their work.
<<addtrust 2>>
<<addauth 2>>
<<qend mass 1000 center>>
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $corr==51>>
<<mi wineglass 18 pnggg>>
You drink more consecrated wine.
<<drunk 1>>
That's enough.
<<but "Stop drinking" nchapel>>
<<elseif $corr>51>>
<<mi wine 8 pnggg>>
<cc>You have drunk enough.</cc>
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
<<mi wine 8 pnggg>>
<c>Your eyes fall on the sacramental wine.
<p>There is no point in drinking the wine as it is. If you want to get drunk, you have wine and distilled ethanol in your lab.</p>
<p>However, if you consecrated the wine, it would change into the body and blood of Christ. Drinking that consecrated wine would be something else.</p>
<p>Normally, it would be a grave sin for a priest to consecrate wine outside of the Eucharistic celebration. And it would be a grave sin to drink consecrated wine to get drunk from the alcohol. But consuming the consecrated wine would mean consuming the body and blood of Christ, and you could use Jesus' help in your fight against Satan and his minions.</p>
<p>Would it be so wrong for a holy warrior to draw strength from Jesus to fight the forces of evil?</p>
<<if $qqchapter4 == 120>>
<<but "Continue" nchapel1 step:180>>
<<ev 110>>
<<mii misc/praying2 58>>
<c>Under the right circumstances, you think you are allowed to do this.
<p>But you hesitate. Right now, you don't feel an immediate need for Jesus' help.</p>
<p>Until you feel burdened and need strength to continue, it would not be right to consecrate the wine and drink it. It would be too much of a sin.</p>
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
<<ev 180>>
<<mii lab/codex 28 pnggg>>
<c>Under the right circumstances, you think you are allowed to do this.
<p>And you feel you could use some extra strength right now to continue reading in the Codex Veritatis.</p></c>
<<but "Drink the consecrated wine" nchapel1 "step:200 corr47">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi wineglass 18 pnggg>>
<cc>You consecrate the wine.
<p>Then you drink some of the consecrated wine to draw strength from Jesus.
<<drunk 1>>
You feel Jesus strengthening your resolve.
You feel ready to continue reading in the Book of Truth.
<<qmess chapter4 150 center>></p>
<<if $corr>51>>
You have drunk enough.
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
<<but "Stop drinking" nchapel>><<c "Drink more">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi wineglass 18 pnggg>>
You drink more consecrated wine.
<<drunk 1>>
That's enough.
<<but "Stop drinking" nchapel>>
<<event 610>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi wine 10 pnggg>>
Your eyes fall on the sacramental wine. Perhaps, if you consecrated it, it could be put to good use in the fight against Satan? But drinking during the day like a common drunk? No.
<p>Perhaps after supper...</p>
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>You prepare the sacramental wine that will be used for the coming Mass by spiking it with the <<potionLiberation .>>
<p>Everything is set in the chapel. Next, you should visit Mother Magda and announce your wish to celebrate Mass with the nuns before revealing the truth of the holy rites.
<<q revelation 1200>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 750>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi chapel_outside 46>>
<c>You go to the chapel right after lunch, when everyone is fed and have free time before the workday continues.
<p>You repeatedly ring the bell in the chapel tower, calling for a meeting.</p></c>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi chapel2 80>>
<c>Within a minute, the nuns start arriving. You see them looking at each other, wondering what's going on. When they see you standing at the altar, they quietly sit down in the pews.
<p>You wait until everyone has arrived, and then you go to the pulpit, preparing to address the nuns.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi mass2 100>>
<c>You explain that you have gathered the nuns for an important meeting that will decide the future of the convent and the fight against Satan and his minions. But first, you will be celebrating Mass.</c>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>You celebrate Mass and prepare to distribute the Eucharist to the nuns.
<p>You consecrate the bread and the wine. Everyone eats a piece of the consecrated bread and takes a sip of the consecrated wine spiked with the <<potionLiberation .>>
When Mass is finished, you prepare to address the nuns.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi chapel2 68>>
<c>You announce that this meeting will henceforth be known as the Revelation. You hope that today, the convent will come together to fight against Satan and his minions – using the necessary weapons for this fight.
<p>You explain how the truth of these weapons, these holy powers, has been a secret to everyone but a select few in this convent. As the number of these select few has grown, the time has come to reveal the secret rites to everyone.
<<s mc "Only by joining forces, to stand as one against the Devil, will we be victorious.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii lab/rape 45 right>>
<l>You go on to explain how Satan is using lust as the method of attack to try to corrupt the nuns, leading them away from God.
<p>The lust demon attacking the nuns at night is only one way this is done. Satan's influence in the convent has grown so strong – feeding on lustful sins – that even demons that aren't lust demons will feed on lust. Lust has become the power from which evil draws its strength in the monastery. And as you fight fire with fire, you have to fight lust with lust.</p>
<<ev 1150>>
<<mii lab/vaticanarchives 76>>
<c>Thankfully, you continue, the Lord Almighty provides. There exist powerful, ancient sacraments to help in situations like this.
<p>The secret of the ancient sacraments, the holy rites, are hidden in the Vatican, known only to a few. The knowledge of the holy rites is forbidden because of the danger it poses to the Church – and to humankind, who is not ready to handle this knowledge.</p>
<p>Only in special circumstances are you allowed to make an exception and pass along this forbidden knowledge. To reveal the truth of the holy rites. This is such a time. The day of the Revelation.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<c><<s mc "Words can only do so much to convince someone. To show the truth of the holy rites, I will demonstrate it. Reverend Mother, please join me. With your permission, I will perform an exorcism on you.">></c>
<<mii ms/ms1 24>>
Mother Magda stands up and joins you at the altar. She sits down on the chair you have prepared for her.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii ms/ms9 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "As you all should know by now, a demon is possessing the Reverend Mother. It's not a lust demon. It's a demon clouding her mind. Satan sent the demon to stop Mother Magda from sending for outside help.">>
<<s mc "This shows the power and influence of the Devil within these walls, how dangerous he has become. We're lucky that the Reverend Mother survived. Anyone else attempting to send for outside help may face an even worse fate – perhaps death, perhaps by their own hands. We must not let this happen. We must deal with the evil on our own. No one can attempt to seek outside help.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<c><<lineheight>><<s mc "Now I will try to exorcise the demon clouding the mind of the Reverend Mother. Watch.">></c>
<<mii lab/antidote 12 pnggg>>
You perform a standard exorcism by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel. Using the <<fake>> <<potionConfusionAntidote>> as the anointing oil, you apply the oil on Mother Magda's forehead and rub it into her skin.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii ms/ms9 40 pnggg>>
When the exorcism is completed, you ask Mother Magda how she feels.
<p>The abbess says there is no difference. The exorcism didn't help.
<<s mc "The demon possessing the Reverend Mother is powerful and deeply entrenched. It resists my attempt to exorcise it because I cannot reach it.">>
<<s mc "I will perform the exorcism again, but this time, I will use lust against the demon to draw it out, that I can shine God's light on it. Watch carefully.">></p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii lab/antidote 12 pnggg>>
You perform another exorcism, this time using the real <<potionConfusionAntidote>> as the anointing oil. And not the weak version, but the strong one. This should completely clear Mother Magda's mind for several hours.
After anointing her with the oil, you touch Mother Magda's breast. You make sure that everyone in the audience can see what you are doing. You hear murmurs from the crowd.
Shortly after, when the exorcism is completed, you ask Mother Magda how she feels.
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii ms/ms1 24>>
<c><<s ms "Praise Jesus, I can think again. It's like the first time you tried it, $fmc, not like the second. My mind feels as sharp as ever.">>
<<s mc "Lo and behold! By touching her breast, I tapped into the sin of lust that the demon draws its strength from, even though it is not a lust demon. The demon could not resist feeding on the lust, coming up to the surface, allowing me to shine God's light on it. This was enough to considerably weaken the demon, making it lose its grasp on the Reverend Mother's mind and her mind was returned to her.">>
<<s mc "The demon is too powerful to exorcise even by doing this, but it should give Mother Magda a few hours of being herself. It would require something much more extreme to exorcise this demon, but this is not the time nor place for it.">>
<<ev 1750>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
<<s mc "Thank you, Reverend Mother. Please return to your seat.">>
You wait until the abbess has returned to her place in the front row.
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi chapel2 70>>
<c><<s mc "As you heard the Reverend Mother say, I have done this before with her, touching her breast in an attempt to exorcise the demon. The first time turned out like you just saw, returning Mother Magda's mind to her for some hours. The second time, however, the result was not as good, only clearing up her mind a little bit. This happened because the demon inside Mother Magda had learned from the previous exorcism and had grown even stronger. It could avoid the temptation to surface enough for me to considerably weaken it.">>
<<ev 1850>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
<<s mc "But now, here, I again managed to strike a serious blow at the demon. How come? Well, look around you. We are all here, together in the house of God, a force of the Lord's most faithful servants, capable of striking at the strongest evil. Our presence here, our combined faith in the Lord, was enough to reach down and shine God's light on that powerful demon.">>
<<s mc "This is how we will win the holy war: by joining forces under one leader of faith. I will be that leader, if you let me. I will be the general leading our forces to victory in the holy war against Satan, and I will use the holy rites as our weapons.">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi chapel2 70>>
<<s mc "What are these secret holy rites about, then? Well, there are several of them, and you will learn them all in time, but for now, I will only speak of two. The holy rite of Sin Eating and the holy rite of Holy Rod, Holy Seed. I will explain them in more detail later.">>
<<s mc "To quickly describe them... The first one, Sin Eating, can be used to \"eat\" any sin that can be repeated with the priest, who can then cleanse the sinner by sending the sin up to the Lord.">>
<<ev 1920>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
<<s mc "The second one, Holy Rod, Holy Seed, is about providing a powerful blessing and protection against evil by anointing a woman with the Holy Seed. This seed being the male seed, made holy by the priest in this secret holy rite.">>
A soar is heard from the nuns. Many look shocked.
<<ev 1950>>
<<mi chapel2 70>>
<<s mc "I understand if this sounds wrong. The knowledge of these holy rites is forbidden for good reason. But I urge you to keep an open mind, and remember what you just witnessed. How a hand on a breast could weaken a powerful demon.">>
<<s mc "We face a formidable enemy. The enemy attacks you with lust. Only by turning Satan's chosen weapon against him and his minions, can we win this. This is what allows us to use the forbidden holy rites. They are of God, but it takes the strongest faith to accept and handle them.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 22 pnggg>>
<c>Having revealed the truth of the holy rites, the short version of it, you now have Novice Emma join you at the pulpit. You know that Novice Emma is only happy to be able to speak freely about the holy rites and her own experiences with them.
<p>With Novice Emma's help, using her experiences of the holy rites, and her visions from God, you now spend some time explaining the two holy rites more in depth to the assembled nuns, to convince them that the holy rites are of God.
<<ev 2020>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
<c>Without being too explicit, you make the nuns understand that eating their sins of lust means performing intimate activities with you, the priest, to replicate the sins as closely as possible.
<p>You also explain the power of the Holy Rod and the Holy Seed.</p>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mi chapel2 74>>
When you are finished, you think you have managed to get the message through to at least calm the worst opposition to the holy rites.
<p>Now comes the hard part: to make the majority of the professed sisters accept the truth, and to vote for you as their new leader.</p>
<<ev 2080>>
<<mi chapel4 100>>
One by one, you will now call the names of the sisters that will bear witness to the truth of the holy rites, and who will support you as the new leader.
<<c "Call Mother Magda">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii ms/ms9 45 pnggg>>
<c>You call Mother Magda to stand in front of the assembled nuns.
<p>The abbess is visibly moved, thankful for being able to think again, albeit only for a few hours. As you hoped, she is so grateful for your help that she wholeheartedly supports you and the use of the holy rites, even though this is the first time she has heard about them in more detail.</p>
<p>You were worried she would have a hard time accepting the use of the Holy Seed, but she has evidently seen the truth of the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 2120>>
<<mii ms/ms8 45 "pnggg right">>
<l>The abbess then says that it is her wish to effectively step down as the leader of the convent and for you to become their new leader, their patriarch, for as long as it is needed.
<p>To keep up appearances with the outside world, and to keep things running smoothly, she will remain the Mother Superior in name and title, and keep doing the minimum administrative work required, possibly needing some help due to her reduced cognitive abilities.</p>
<<c "Call Sister Roberta">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>Next, you call Sister Roberta to testify.
<p>As you promised the prioress, you haven't said anything about her personal experiences with the holy rites, and you won't. Sister Roberta doesn't want anyone but you and Novice Emma to know that you have been intimate with her, and you will let the prioress have that secret, as it will bind her closer to you.</p>
<<ev 2250>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 36 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Roberta announces her full support for you and the holy rites.
<p>As the prioress, she has seen and heard many things, and she is convinced that the sisters are attacked by demons using lust against them as a weapon and that the holy rites are their weapons to fight back against Satan.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi chapel2 74>>
<c>With the abbess and the prioress having given you their full support, you tell the audience about the <<var circle.>> <p>You explain how the Circle started as a secret group within the convent, meant to protect the secret of the holy rites. Everyone in the convent is now a member of the Circle. The secret of the holy rites must stay within these walls.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<c>Next, you have the novices testify. Those of them that have been anointed with the Holy Seed or have had their lustful sins eaten by you.
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 28 "pnggg">>
Of the novices testifying, Novice Victoria stands out as she talks about the powerful lust demon possessing her, and how you have helped calm the demon with the holy rites.
When the novices have testified, you prepare to address the audience again.
<<ev 2420>>
<<mi chapel2 60>>
<c>You speak about the novices gathered in the chapel. None of them can vote and they don't have much influence, but since most of them are young, they are the ones most in danger of being targeted by the lust demon.
<p>You remind the nuns that, as Christians, they must help and protect the weak and those in need. <bible>Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. <tipsx>[Galatians 6:2]</tipsx></bible></p>
<<ev 2440>>
<<mi chapel3 70>>
<c>You specifically address the older nuns, almost all of them being professed sisters. They may not fear for their own safety, since the lust demon prefers the young, but you ask them to do what is right.
<<s mc "If any of you can't find it in yourself to vote Yes because you don't think the lust demon will come for you, and you won't need the holy rites, at least consider voting blank and let the decision fall to those who do need, or may need, the holy rites.">>
<<ev 2470>>
<<mii ms/ms8 34 pnggg>>
Lastly, you remind everyone that the lust demons attacking the younger sisters aren't the only demons Satan has sent for them. Mother Magda has been possessed by a demon, and it could happen to anyone.
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi chapel4 100>>
<c>Next, as the final witnesses before the voting, you start calling the professed sisters to testify. The ones you expect will support you and the holy rites.
<<c "Call Sister Rumika">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 28>>
<c>Sister Rumika gives you her support.
<p>She testifies that you have on several occasions performed the holy rites with her to eat the sins of lust that the lust demon made her commit.</p>
<<c "Call Sister Viola">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mii kgarden/violahead 36 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Viola gives you her support.
<p>She doesn't testify about your use of the holy rites on her, and you don't pressure her about it, but she says that she believes they are of God.</p>
<<c "Call Sister Catarina">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Catarina gives you her support.
<p>After putting some pressure on her, subtly threatening to reveal her lesbian sins, Sister Catarina testifies that you have used the holy rites on her to eat her grave lustful sins – sins that Satan made her, a professed sister, commit.</p>
<p>You allow Sister Catarina to keep the lesbianism a secret, for which she appears thankful.</p>
<<c "Call Sister Ann">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Ann gives you her support.
<p>She testifies that she has personally witnessed your attempts to exorcise the powerful lust demon that is possessing Novice Victoria, and how the lust demon could only be calmed by the use of the holy rites involving very intimate acts of lust. </p>
<<c "Call Sister Jana">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii hjana/janahead 34 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Jana gives you her support.
<p>As she promised, Sister Jana tells the assembled nuns how you helped her remove a terrible lust curse from her using the holy rites. She says that she was skeptical of the holy rites at first, but she can't deny that they worked. Sister Jana says she is now convinced they are of God.</p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi chapel3 68>>
You have saved the strongest witness for last, to make the greatest impression on the nuns before they are about to vote.
<p>While removing Sister Jana's lust curse is one of your biggest achievements so far – turning a strong skeptic into a believer – Sister Jana could have shown more enthusiasm. You made the right decision to not call Sister Jana last.</p>
<p>Instead, you will call Sister Dana last. Not only have you made her experience the divine entering her body – with the help of the divine nectar – but Sister Dana has also fully embraced the holy rites and you trust her almost as much as Novice Emma.</p>
<<c "Call Sister Dana">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 34 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Dana gives you her support.
<p>Sister Dana tells the audience how you saved her soul, cleansing her from her grave sins of lust of the past. She recounts how it felt when Jesus came down to save her, and that nothing short of the divine can explain what happened.</p>
<p>Knowing she is the last of your witnesses, Sister Dana then does her best to rally everyone to accept the holy rites and vote for you as their new, to come together and fight back against Satan and his minions.</p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi chapel2 78>>
<cc>Sister Dana returns to her place in the audience.
<<cs mc "Does anyone have anything to say before we vote?">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/head1 40 pnggg>>
Sister Agnes stands up to face the crowd.
<<s agnes "This is wrong. These so-called holy rites are an abomination. We must look to God for help. Not the Devil.">>
There are murmurs among the nuns. You think some of them agree with Sister Agnes. You have to respond to their concerns.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/head2 40 pnggg>>
You spend some time in a dialog with Sister Agnes. Bringing up the evidence put forth by the witnesses testifying, you rebut her claims that the holy rites are of Satan instead of God.
<<ev 4150>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/head3 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Agnes eventually sits down, but she is still upset. You can see that a few other nuns seem to show approval of her heretic claims. You hope this won't affect the vote too much.
<p>After Sister Agnes, several other nuns raise questions and concerns. A couple of them outright say they will vote No.</p>
<p>It is not surprising. You can't expect everyone to fully embrace the holy rites or to vote for you. You still think that this election will go your way.</p>
<<ev 4180>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
When there are no more nuns with questions or concerns, the time has come to vote.
<<c "Prepare for the election">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/head2 40 pnggg>>
<c>As the nuns prepare for the election, you think about Sister Agnes. She was a harsh critic and could become a problem. You have to keep an eye on her.
<p>But first you have an election to win.</p>
<<c "Start the election">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi chapel4 90>>
<c>Each professed sister comes forward, one after the other, and votes by putting a folded paper in an urn. The allowed votes are Yes, No, or to leave the paper blank.
<<c "Wait for the voting to be done">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mii ms/ms9 40 pnggg>>
<c>When everyone eligible has voted, Mother Magda picks up the votes one by one, and opens the paper for everyone to see.
<p>Sister Roberta writes down the votes to keep track of them.</p>
<p>When all the votes have been counted, the final standing of the votes is announced. This is it. Requiring only a simple majority, as long as there are more Yes votes than No votes, you have won.</p>
<<c "And the result is...">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii lab/patriarch 40>>
<c>The votes are 58% Yes, 26% No, and 16% blank.
<p>You have won the election.</p>
<p>You are the new leader of the nuns and the holy rites are now your weapons to use openly in the holy war against Satan.</p>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii misc/praying 50>>
<c>As you first order of business as the new leader of the convent, you announce that your title as leader is Patriarch. But since you are still a priest, you will be addressed as Father as before.
<<ev 5250>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 40 pnggg>>
Next, you declare that Sister Roberta will remain the prioress, responsible for upholding order and discipline, and protecting the secret of the holy rites. Sister Roberta will be your second-in-command when it comes to the practical, only answering to you.
<<ev 5300>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 22 pnggg>>
You then announce that Novice Emma will become your spiritual advisor. She will speak for you in all matters concerning the holy rites. She will also be responsible for educating the sisters about the holy rites. Novice Emma will be your second-in-command when it comes to the spiritual, only answering to you.
<<ev 5400>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
<c>Next, you prepare the nuns for life under a new leadership and the new reality where you are fighting a holy war against demons that feed on lust.
<p>You explain how you, as a man, are subjected to the rules of the flesh. To perform the holy rites, you must satisfy the primal urge put in you by God, meant to facilitate procreation, to multiply, but which is now used for another holy purpose.</p>
<<ev 5450>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 30>>
Young and attractive women are Satan's favorite targets. They invite lust into the hearts of men, leading them into temptation. But now this can be used by you to fight in the holy war against Satan and his minions, to allow you to perform the holy rites.
<p>You repeat your point to the assembled nuns, talking about the young and attractive of them. They shouldn't be embarrassed if you show up when they are undressed. Normally, it would be very inappropriate, very sinful, for a priest to see a nun naked and not turn away his gaze. But not now, because seeing them naked, the young and attractive, will recharge your batteries. The batteries you need to perform the holy rites – to save and protect the nuns.</p>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi chapel3 90>>
<c>You explain that a young woman being naked in front of you, the patriarch, is helping the war efforts and so is something blessed by God, not a sin.
<p>You hear murmurs in the crowd – some of it supporting and understanding, but you also hear a lot of disapproval. That is to be expected. Many of them didn't vote for you. In time, everyone will have to accept the new reality. Rome wasn't built in one day.</p>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mi mass2 90>>
<cc>You end the meeting. The Revelation is over, and you are the patriarch.</cc>
<<ev 8000>>
<<revimage 40 completed>>
You are now the de facto leader of the convent of nuns.
<<qend revelation 2000>>
<p>Your <<trust>> and <<auth>> with the nuns don't mean what it used to since the nuns are now duty-bound to obey you – for as long as you are their chosen leader. Your relationship with the nuns has changed...
<<ev 8100>>
<<mii misc/bible 44 png>>
The nuns have chosen you as their new leader, but what kind of leader do you want to be?
<p>You are appointed by God to lead the nuns in His name, to act according to His will to the best of your abilities. But it's impossible for a mere human to fully grasp the Lord and the divine. You have to rely on your faith, your connection to God, and your interpretation of the Holy Scripture.</p>
<ul><li><<italics "The Lord is merciful and loving.">><br>
While this is also true in the Old Testament, it is best exemplified in the New Testament.</li>
<li><<italics "The Lord is jealous and vengeful.">><br>
This is best exemplified in the Old Testament.
<<ev 8200>>
<<set $love = $trust>>
<<set $punish = $auth>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun2 34>>
/*If you follow the examples of the loving God of the New Testament and <<love>> the nuns as Jesus loves them, forgiving them for their sins and missteps, they would be more likely to spread their legs for you because they want to, not because they fear what will happen if they refuse to accept the holy rites.*/
<bible>The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in loving devotion.<br>
<tipsx> – Psalms 145:8</tipsx></bible></c0>
If you follow the examples of the merciful and loving God of the New Testament – forgiving the nuns for their sins and missteps, making them love you as you <<love>> them – they would be more likely to willingly offer their bodies to you.
<<ev 8250>>
<<mii dungeon/pillory-blackwhite 80>>
<bible>The LORD is a jealous and avenging God.<br>
<tipsx> – Nahum 1:2</tipsx></bible></c0>
If you follow the examples of the jealous and vengeful God of the Old Testament – choosing to <<punish>> the nuns for their sins and disobedience, making them fear you – perhaps you will find a use for that medieval prison and torture chamber in the dungeons.
<<ev 8300>>
<<mii misc/bible 44 png>>
Do you want to lead the nuns by <<love verbform>> them or by <<punish verbform>> them?
Of course, just as God, you may do both.</p>
<<special "Note: The new stats, their names and how they will work, are tentative (temporary/undecided) as of v0.6 and may change in a coming update.">>*/
<<tip lovepunish>>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 40>>
As the patriarch, the leader of the nuns, you can do things you couldn't before. But you should wait until tomorrow, letting the women have a night's sleep, before starting to exercise your new power.
<<qstart patriarchq 100>>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi wine 10 pnggg>>
<c>There is still a lot of sacramental wine in the chapel, enough for another Mass or two.
<p>If you consecrate some of it to drink, you can draw strength from Jesus – like you did when you wanted to read chapter four in the Codex Veritatis.</p>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<but "Consecrate and drink the wine" nchapel1 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 66>>
<c>But it is night. There is no point in drawing strength from Jesus now.
<p>If you want Jesus' help to continue with your plan to test the <<potionAmnesia ,>> you have to wait until tomorrow and drink the wine during the day – before taking confessions from the townspeople.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi wineglass 18 pnggg>>
<cc>You consecrate the wine.
<p>Then you drink some of the consecrated wine to draw strength from Jesus.
<<drunk 1>>
<<c "Drink more">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi wineglass 18 pnggg>>
<cc>You drink more, then wait a few minutes.
<p>You repeat this a few times until you feel you have drawn enough strength from Jesus to do what has to be done.
<<drunk 1>>
You feel ready to continue with your plan. You must go to the chapel at once and take confessions, trying to find test subjects to test the <<potionAmnesia>> on.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii chapel/ava1 76>>
You can probably use Ava, but you want at least three more test subjects – specifically townswomen – in addition to her.
<<q amnesiaproject 300 center>>
<<set $chapelConfession=0>> /* needed or game will break if player already taken confessions because player must take confessions while drunk or can't eat supper */
<<ev 3000>> /* reusing */
<<mii misc/praying 50>>
<cc>You pray to God to restore and strengthen your spiritual connection.</cc>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii lab/priestchannel 30 right>>
<<set _maxlove = 99>><<set _maxpunish = 99>>
<<set _minlove = 60>><<set _minpunish = 60>>
You feel how your spiritual connection with God is starting to repair, increasing your overall resolve and well-being.
/* If player has less points that theoretically possible (ie due to bugs), then restore those lost points.*/
<<if !($qqvolunteereva>=200)>>
/* adjust min possible if player hasn't played love event 2 */
<<set _maxlove -= 5>><<set _minlove -= 5>>
<<set _restorelove = 0>>
<<if $love < _minlove>>
<<set _restorelove += _minlove - $love>>
<<if !($qqprisoneragnes>=300)>>
<<set _maxpunish -= 5>><<set _minpunish -= 5>>
<<set _restorepunish = 0>>
<<if $punish < _minpunish>>
<<set _restorepunish += _minpunish - $punish>>
<<if $love < $punish>>
<<set _restorelove += 5>>
<<set _restorepunish += 5>>
<<if _restorelove > 0 || _restorepunish > 0>>
Your repaired connection with God has an immediate effect on your resolve.
<<addlove _restorelove>>
<<addpun _restorepunish>>
<<set _totpoints = $love + $punish>>
<<set _totdiff = 164 - _totpoints>>
/* Love+Pun should be 164 when coming here (else adding to reach 164). Current value: _totpoints => diff _totdiff */
<<if _totdiff > 0>>
You feel that your connection with God needs more repair than you thought. Through meditation and prayer, you manage to restore your lost resolve. How do you want to rebuild it?
<<set _splitdiff1 = Math.round(_totdiff / 2)>>
<<set _splitdiff2 = _totdiff-_splitdiff1>>
/* Since eg 2.5 rounding to 3, splitdiff1 will always be equal or higher than splitdiff2, so giving 1 to lowest value */
<<if $love < $punish>>
<<set _splitLoveAdd = _splitdiff1>>
<<set _splitPunishAdd = _splitdiff2>>
<<set _splitLoveAdd = _splitdiff2>>
<<set _splitPunishAdd = _splitdiff1>>
<<set $temp=null>>
<div id="choices" class="menu-button choice-button">
<<mii misc/trust 4.3 'pnggg left styling margin-right:0.3rem stylingend'>>
<<button "Love (+_totdiff)">>
<<replace "#prayresult">><<addlove _totdiff>><</replace>><<replace "#contbut">><<specbut "Continue praying" nchapel1>><</replace>><<replace "#choices">><<br>><<br>><</replace>>
<<mii misc/trust 4.3 'pnggg left styling margin-right:0.3rem stylingend'>><<mii misc/authority 4 'pnggg left styling margin-right:0.45rem stylingend'>>
<<button "Love (+_splitLoveAdd) / Punish (+_splitPunishAdd)">>
<<replace "#prayresult">><<addlove _splitLoveAdd>><<addpun _splitPunishAdd>><</replace>><<replace "#contbut">><<specbut "Continue praying" nchapel1>><</replace>>
<<replace "#choices">><<br>><<br>><</replace>>
<<mii misc/authority 4 'pnggg left styling margin-right:0.3rem stylingend'>>
<<button "Punish (+_totdiff)">>
<<replace "#prayresult">><<addpun _totdiff>><</replace>><<replace "#contbut">><<specbut "Continue praying" nchapel1>><</replace>><<replace "#choices">><<br>><<br>><</replace>>
<<replace "#contbut">><<specbut "Continue praying" nchapel1>><</replace>><</done>>
<div id="prayresult">
<div id="contbut">
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii misc/praying 50>>
Having restored your strong spiritual connection with God, you feel invigorated both mentally and physically. You have new energy to go forward with the investigation and the holy war.
<<addtrust 5>><<addauth 5>>
<<qend praychapel 1000>>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi wine 10 pnggg>>
<<set $temp=null>>
<<if $daytime == "day">>
<c>You could draw strength from Jesus by drinking consecrated wine, but you hesitate to do it right now, during the day.
<p>Considering the warning from Ludolphus about what is next in the Book of Truth, you should wait until after supper, when people are returning to their rooms and you have a lot of time to yourself.
<<qmess chapter5 730>></p>
There is still a lot of sacramental wine in the chapel, enough for another Mass or two.
<p>If you consecrate some of it to drink, you can draw strength from Jesus. With His help, you should be able to continue reading the Codex Veritatis.</p>
<<c "Consecrate and drink the wine">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi wineglass 18 pnggg>>
<cc><<if $temp==null>>You consecrate the wine. Then you drink it to draw strength from Jesus.
<<set $temp=1>>
You drink more consecrated wine.
<<drunk 1>>
You feel Jesus strengthening your resolve.
<<if $corr>=60>>
You feel ready to continue reading in the Book of Truth.
<<qmess chapter5 750 center>>
<<set $mcRoomOnly = 1>> /* to prevent doing 60+ corr event like gabriella and chloe */
AFTER THIS, keep option to drink wine in chapel ALL THE TIME to follow idea that mc gets more depraved/reckless abusing alcohol. maybe it should just give +3 though so player cant use the +3 to anything as long as next corr req is +5. but if want another +3 event like in this update, 55->58->60? figure something out: mc stops drinking before. making it +4 event. making alcohol work less. out of wine and dont want to get more from kitchen to arise suspicions*/
<<if $corr<65>>
/* Allowing to drink more, advancing alcohol abuse */
<<but "Keep drinking" nchapel1 step:200>>
<<set $temp2="drunk">>
<cc>That's enough wine.</cc>
<<but "Stop drinking" nchapel>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing emmalustangel */
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>Before speaking to the nuns, you have one final thing to prepare.
<p>You want to help the nuns accept the truth of what they will hear, and so, you will first celebrate Mass as an excuse to give them wine – which will be spiked with potions.</p>
<p>A combination of the <<potionLiberation>> and <<potionNectar>> mixed in the wine should do the trick, making the nuns more liberated – more open to new things – as well as experiencing a pleasant feeling – a sense of mild euphoria.</p>
<<c "Prepare the wine">>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi wine 10 pnggg>>
You have already prepared the potions. Now you must add them to the wine. In the right dosage. Not too much. You don't want to make the nuns suspect they are drugged. They should think they are feeling God's light.
<p>You carefully measure the amount of wine that you have calculated would be the optimal mix for the potions you have prepared. Then you add the potions to the wine.</p>
<p>You then consecrate the spiked wine. You might as well. The Mass will be real, though performed in a shortened, rapid version.</p>
<p>Now you are ready to gather the nuns.</p>
<<c "Ring the bell">>
<<ev 1160>>
<<mi chapel 72>>
<c>You turn on the lights in the chapel and repeatedly ring the bell in the chapel tower, calling for a meeting.
<p>The nuns soon start to arrive.</p></c>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi mass2 100>>
<c>You wait until everyone has arrived, and then you announce that you have something important to share. But first, there will be a quick celebration of Mass to invite the Holy Spirit into everyone and to keep Satan away.</c>
<<c "Quickly celebrate Mass">>
<<ev 1220>>
<<mii chapel/communion 50>>
<c>Since the potions in the wine will start affecting the nuns relatively quickly, you want to get the celebration of Mass over as fast as possible. To save time, you will simply skip most of the ritual.
<p>You quickly administer the consecrated bread and wine to the nuns.</p>
<p>Then you say just a few quick words to conclude the Mass.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi chapel2 70>>
<c>Now the meeting can start for real.
<p>Reading from your prepared speech, you talk to the nuns, explaining everything they should know about lust angels and lust demons.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mvv misc/angel 52>>
<c>You then announce that you indeed are a lust angel, appointed by the Lord to fight the lust demon using your holy lust.
Among other things, you mention that because of your holy lust making all your intimate acts holy, you can fornicate with the nuns without using any holy rites such as Sin Eating or Holy Wedding.</p>
<p>You will still continue to use the holy rites when needed. Your holy lust is an added holy weapon. It will not replace the other weapons, such as the holy rites, but is to be used as a complement.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi chapel2 63>>
<c>Finally, you finish your speech. You think you got the message across well.
<p>Some nuns look more filled with the Holy Spirit than others. They raise their arms up to heaven and bow reverently before you to accept your title as a lust angel sent by the Lord. The <<potionLiberation>> and <<potionNectar>> in the wine probably helped.</p>
<p>There are still whispers here and there, maybe some concerns, perhaps even some opposition, but nothing you didn't expect from such a revelation. The nuns need time to get used to your new status as a lust angel.</p></c>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi chapel3 80>>
<c>You ask the gathered nuns if they have any questions about what you have just told them.
<p>A few have, expressing some concerns and doubts, and you answer them patiently by repeating and stressing things you have already told them in the speech.</p>
<p>You then tell the nuns to speak with Novice Emma if they have any further questions about what they have just learned.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi chapel2 80>>
<c>Having been the leader of the convent for some time now, you take the opportunity to address all the nuns and ask if there are any other questions or concerns about the convent or your leadership.
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii dungeon/prison 80>>
<c>One of the nuns has concerns about the prison and the punishment of prisoners.
<p>You currently have <<if $prisoners.length>0>>$prisoners.length prisoner<<if $prisoners.length>1>>s<</if>>, and <<else>>no prisoners, but if you do decide to imprison someone, <</if>> the nun suggests that before punishing <<if $prisoners.length>0>>a<<else>>the<</if>> prisoner, you should perform an exorcism on her. If the prisoner turns out to be possessed, you could exorcise the demon and then there would be no need to punish the prisoner for the things she did because of the demon.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii misc/exorcism 60>>
You answer the nun that an exorcism is not something that should be done without good reason because opening the spiritual door to expel a potential demon from the body also opens the door for something wanting to slip in.
<p>But, as it happens, punishing prisoners will act like a probatory exorcism. It doesn't open the door trying to expel any demon, but the punishment will tempt any demon possessing the body to show itself. If there are no such signs, one should not lazily perform an exorcism.</p>
<p>Only a very powerful demon would be able to stop itself from lashing out in aggression – and instead feign submission – when being severely punished. If the punished prisoner isn't showing signs of demonic possession, she is likely just corrupted.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi chapel3 80>>
<c>A few other nuns also stand up to speak, but about trivial and unimportant matters that you quickly answer.
<p>You then tell the nuns that the knowledge about lust angels – and that you are one – should stay a secret inside the convent, for now. The students at the school should not be told about this, not even the ones who are initiated into the Circle.</p>
<p>And so, with no more questions from the nuns, and nothing else to say, you end the meeting.</p>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",1200)>>
/* if anika returned to old version */
<<but "Continue" nchapel1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii nuns/anika/sitting2 33>>
<c>Tomorrow, you can visit Novice Anika and tell her that <<if $qqanikacrazy>>if she gets pregnant, you would be the father, not the Holy Spirit.<<else>> you are the father of her unborn child, not the Holy Spirit.<</if>>
<<if $qqanikacrazy>>
<<q anikacrazy 900>>
<<q anikapreg 900>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mvv misc/angel 48>>
<c>It might take some time for the nuns to accept your new status as a lust angel, and what it means, but with Novice Emma's help, it will be fine.
<p>Now you should sleep. You are excited about tomorrow and spending your time with the nuns as a lust angel. You should have an easier time getting your way with them – to push boundaries when needed – but even when being a lust angel, you still have to remain careful not to push the nuns too much and get a bad reputation, as the sisters can elect a new leader if you mistreat them.
<<qend emmalustangel 1000>></p>
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 "ev:4100 step:2000">>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi nunconfessing 34>>
<c>You enter the confession booth to wait for the seven lustful nuns you asked Novice Sofia to send here.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hjana/janahead 32 pnggg>>
<c>One after the other, the seven lustful nuns heed your call and come to confess: Novice Clara, Sister Rumika, Novice Judith, Novice Francia, Sister Sandra, Novice Victoria, and finally, Sister Jana.
<p>You take their confessions and then question them about their lust – if they have experienced any change in lust lately, and if so, what the explanation for that could be.</p>
<p>You keep Novice Sofia's lustful dreams in mind and investigate if the confessing nuns have experienced something similar recently.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi chapel 64>>
<c>After Sister Jana has confessed, you leave the confessional. A couple of other nuns want to confess, but you politely turn them away, saying they have to wait until another time.
<p>You have more important things to do now. You must return to your room to analyze the results of the seven confessions. Down in the lab, where you do your best thinking.
<<q lustfulwomen 3400>></p>
<<but "Continue" nchapel>>
ending of lustfulwomen, had sex with all nuns
here something about strange, several nuns not as lustful as expected. so doiong confession round with them all. AFTER that, mc suspects lust demon again or whatever. at some point mc then want to check if it's the same at school so he choose the most lustful girl he knows, vivien. so quest to fuck her. after that, mc concluded lust demon is back when seems so far not be in school from the little research you did. then update can end. shorter 10.1
NOTE: mc wants to keep the new attacks of lust demon a secret because it could still cast doubt on the truth of the holy rites like anointing holy seed. although he can reason that he hadn't anointed the attacked women very recently/recently enough (player could have done that though), and that anointing with the holy seed does not give 100% protection, it is still better to not risk telling the nuns*/
<</events>><<if $intro<1000>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include nuns1>>
<<elseif $playEventID > 0>>
<<switch $playEventID>>
<<case 1>>
<<setev 666>>
<<include nuns1>>
<<case 2>>
/*<<mii hub/layout 80>>*/
<<hubShowRoom ms/ms3 35 64 10 85 gif>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. The Reverend Mother wants to speak with you in her room.">>
She then leaves.
<<but "Go to <<var mms's>> room" ms1 "ev:600">>
<<case 3>>
<<hubShowRoom chapel/chapel 57 86 10 85>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. Emma is waiting in the chapel outside. She says she has to see you.">>
The nun then leaves.
<<qset emma 920>> /* silent */
<<but "Go to outside to the chapel" chapel1 "ev:900">>
<<case 4>>
<<hubShowRoom ms/ms3 35 64 10 85 gif>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. The Reverend Mother wants to speak with you in her room.">>
She then leaves.
<<but "Go to <<var mms's>> room" ms1 "ev:650">>
<<case 5>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 72 60 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<c>When you return to your room, you see that Novice Sofia has moved to the room you arranged for her.</c>
<<but "Visit her" nuns1 ev:700>>
<<case 6>>
<<hubShowRoom school/school_small 28 88 10 85>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. Julia has asked to speak with you. She said you would know where to find her.">>
She then leaves.
<<but "Go to the school" school1 "ev:1400">>
<<case 7>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 59 57 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<c>You leave your quarters when Novice Sofia approaches you.
<<s sofia "$fmc. I have news from Novice Emma.">>
<<s mc "Come inside.">>
<<but "Enter your room" mc1 "ev:1900">>
<<case 8>>
<<mii hub/layout 90>>
<c2>As you walk through the hallways, you ponder about the mysterious fake angel and all that long pepper grown by the monks.</c2>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:800">>
<<case 9>>
<<mii lab/holymarriage2 34>>
<c>You have successfully married two more nuns, consummating the marriages to reduce your lust before dissolving them. This proves that you can convince other nuns than Novice Emma to accept the Holy Marriage rite.
<<qend holymarriage 1200>></c>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<case 10>>
<<hubShowRoom blackdoor/doormonks 65 -2 10 85>>
<c>Shortly after leaving your room, you hear the bell at the black door chiming in the distance. On your way there, a nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. A strange note for you at the black door. Only your name.">>
The nun then leaves.
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:900">>
<<case 11>>
<<hubShowRoom ms/ms3 35 64 10 85 gif>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. The Reverend Mother wants to speak with you in her room.">>
She then leaves.
<<but "Go to <<var mms's>> room" ms1 "ev:1200">>
<<case 12>>
<<hubShowRoom ms/ms3 35 64 10 85 gif>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. The Reverend Mother wants to speak with you in her room.">>
She then leaves.
<<but "Go to <<var mms's>> room" ms1 "ev:1230">>
<<case 13>>
<<mvv crone/dream4-300 100 "speed0.45 volume0.25 notMuted">>
<cc>You wake up.
<<addlust 100>>
You can't move.</cc>
<<but "Try to move" mc1 ev:2600>>
<<case 14>>
/*<<hubShowRoom "hgarden/herb_garden" 20 9.5 10 85 "gif noBorder">>*/
<<mii lab/opium 20 pnggg>>
<c>You have to go to the herb garden to collect the dried opium latex before Sister Jana gets there.
<p>There is no hurry, as the morning prayer is about to start which should give you plenty of time to do your thing.</p>
<<qset rileyThreesome 310>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<case 15>>
<<hubShowRoom blackdoor/doormonks 65 -2 10 85>>
<c>You hear the bell at the black door chiming in the distance. On your way there, you meet a nun.
<<s Nun "$fmc. A letter for you from the monks.">>
The nun then leaves.
<<but "Read the letter" nuns1 "ev:1250">>
<<case 16>>
<<mii monks/outsideEntrance 100>>
<c>With your recent progress with the investigation over at the monks, you should leave the monks alone for a few days to let things calm down before continuing your investigation into them. You don't want to arouse suspicion.
<<qstart monksDrinking3waiting 100>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<case 17>>
<<hubShowRoom ms/ms3 35 64 10 85 gif>>
<c>A nun approaches you.
<<s Nun "$fmc. The Reverend Mother wants to speak with you in her room.">>
She then leaves.
<<but "Go to <<var mms's>> room" ms1 "ev:1320">>
<<case 18>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 40 right>>
<l>It is important that you establish your authority as the new leader of the nuns. At the same time, you should ease them into it by not doing anything too extreme this early on.
<p>You should take a look around the convent and exercise your power as patriarch a few times while enjoying the benefits of being a leader.
<<q patriarchq 150>>
<<special "Look for the <span class='words-border border-flash-new-event-quest-words'>purple flashing locations</span> for clues on where to exercise your authority at this time.">>
<<case 19>>
<<mii lab/patriarch 44>>
<c>You have a lot of things to do, but first, you must carefully consider how to lead the nuns, as that will determine your relationship with them going forward.
<p>Will you lead with love and forgiveness, <<love verbform>> the nuns even when they misbehave?<br>
Will you lead by fear and discipline, <<punish verbform>> them if they disobey?<br>
Or will you do both?</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1500>>
<<case 20>>
<<mii ms/ms8 34 pnggg>>
<c>Leaving your room, you think about Mother Magda.
<p>You have been keeping the Mother Superior in a confused state for some time. Should you keep doing that?</p>
<p>Earlier, you had the idea to fornicate with the abbess, to control her that way. Now that things have calmed down, it is something you should consider.
<<qstart motherfucker 100>></p>
<<case 21>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 28>>
<c>The response to Father Alvaro's letter asking about Brother Salvatore could arrive at the town church today. Since you want to read the letter before it reaches Father Alvaro, you must go to the town church today to not risk missing out on intercepting it.
<p>You know that the mail to the monastery is not delivered early in the morning, so there is no hurry if you leave now. Because of this, you decide to walk down to town. It would give you some much needed exercise as well as giving you an excuse why you are making a quick visit to the church so early in the morning.
<<q salvatoreq 300>></p>
<<case 22>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 80>>
<c>Novice Alonso could be scaling the wall tonight to get cider for Brother Salvatore.
<p>You must be prepared to stay up all night to catch him in the act. Because of this, you must rest now.
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 ev:3220>>
<<case 23>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 40>>
Having dealt with Sister Agnes – for the time being – you have gotten some practical experience with using the prison and leading by <<punish verbform>> offenders.
<p>You also have a decent understanding of what it will mean to lead the nuns using <<love punct.>></p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1520>>
<<case 24>>
<<hubShowRoom grounds/grounds 82.3 8 16 85>>
<c>Now that lunch is over, you hope that Novice Sara will want to smoke under that tree. You have to get there without her seeing you.
<<but "Hide near the tree" grounds1 ev:750>>
<<case 25>>
<<mii lab/circlednumber 30 pnggg>>
<c>Returning to your quarters, you think of your success using the <<potionParanoia>> on Novice Gabriella. You could use this potion thanks to finding the code sheet for Ludolphus' recipes in the herbal.
<p>When thinking about the other recipes that were also encoded, one in particular comes to mind: a recipe for an Oil of Amnesia that would make a person forget several hours of their life. It occurs to you that such an oil could be extremely useful if someone saw or heard something they shouldn't. Such an oil could save you.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1600>>
<<case 26>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 30>>
<cc>You see a pretty nun walking by in the hallway.
<p>She reminds you a little of Sister Catarina, which gets you thinking.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:1700>>
<<case 27>>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("nuns1",1800,100)>>
/* only v0.8 beta testers could have played this before this encounter, so doing this to prevent them from using v0.8 content saves prior to fixing replay/lost stat points bug */
<c>replayingEvent: $replayingEvent
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>><<br>>
Hey, beta tester! You can't use this v0.8 beta save because it may be bugged. There was a message about this in the Discord beta-releases channel.
<p>Either play from a save from before v0.8, or give this save to me (Alcahest) and I'll see if you can use it.</p>
<<mii misc/praying 50>>
/*replayingEvent: $replayingEvent*/
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>> /* resetting bugged saves from missing endSendNun for Sister Ann */
<c>You have done a lot of good in the name of the Lord to help the nuns and fight evil, but you must also think of your own spiritual health.
<p>You should spend some time in the chapel to commune with God.
<<qstart praychapel 100>></p>
<<case 28>>
<<mvv misc/angel 50>>
<c>You are a lust angel, armed with <<specialalert2 "holy lust.">> Now you must get used to what this means.
<p>One amazing aspect about your holy lust is that it will allow you to push boundaries without sinning – without corrupting your soul. To understand and embrace the power of your holy lust, use it six times to do something that you previously hesitated to do.
<<qstart holylustq 100>>
<c0><<tip holylust>></c0>
<<case 29>>
<<questupdate holylustq>>
<<mvv misc/angel 66>>
<c>You have embraced your holy powers as a lust angel. Your <<specialalert2 "holy lust">> will be useful in your fight against the lust demon.
<<qend holylustq 200 center>>
<<but "Return to your room to think" lab2 "ev:2760">>
<<case 30>>
<<mii lab/patriarch4 48>>
<c>You think you have things under control. You feel secure in your position as the leader of the nuns.
<p>However, you can't let yourself become complacent and lazy, expecting problems to reveal themselves and nuns to come to you with everything. You must look for the things that need to be dealt with.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 ev:2200>>
<<case 1000>>
<cc class="new-event shadow">Leading the nuns</cc>
<<mii lab/patriarch4 45 right>>
Walking through the hallway, you see two nuns discussing something. The conversation must be light-hearted as they appear to be enjoying themselves.
<p>As you come closer, you hear one of the nuns say "Thank God" while smiling, clearly taking the Lord's name in vain. The nun then notices you and looks down in shame, realizing what she has done.</p>
<p> What do you do?</p>
<l>You smile at the nun and shake your head, kindly gesturing to her to please think about what she is saying.
<p>The nun nods and smiles back, looking relieved as you continue on your way.</p>
<<d>><l>You stop to give the nun an angry look, shaking your head in disappointment. You then sternly gesture for the two nuns to leave and do some good instead of standing here wasting time.
<p>The nuns hurry away.</p>
<<qset juliajoining 4020>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("juliajoining",700)>>
<<set _juliastat = "addStat10">>
<<set _juliastat = "addStat5">>
<<tbut "Be kind to her" null _juliastat>>
<<abut "Rebuke her" null _juliastat>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<case 1001>>
<cc class="new-event shadow">Leading the nuns</cc>
<<mii lab/patriarch4 45 right>>
Walking through the hallway, you meet a nun who is whistling a merry tune. Such frivolities are not allowed in the convent.
<p>When the nun sees you, she immediately stops whistling and looks ashamed, knowing she was caught behaving inappropriately.</p>
<p> What do you do?</p>
<l>You smile at the nun and put your index finger to your mouth, kindly gesturing for her to not whistle.
<p>The nun smiles back, looking relieved as she continues on her way.</p>
<<d>><l>You stop to give the nun an angry look, shaking your head in disappointment. Then you point for her to continue on her way.
<p>The nun hurries away, quiet as a mouse.</p>
<<qset anikaq2 1400>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikaq2",1200)>>
<<set _anikastat = "addStat10">>
<<set _anikastat = "addStat5">>
<<tbut "Be kind to her" null _anikastat>>
<<abut "Rebuke her" null _anikastat>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<case 9999>>
<h2>Bugged save</h2>
You have loaded a save from v0.2.0.7 that is bugged.
<p>In v0.2.0.7, there was a game-breaking bug when Emma moved into the convent. Unfortunately, this bug happened to you. Your game is broken and can't be fixed.</p>
<p>If you want to load a save from v0.2.0.7, the save must be from before Emma moved into the convent. Saves from any other version of the game should work. Or start a new game.</p>
switch default in passage nuns, should not happen
<<set $playEventID = 0>> /* resetting */
passage nuns, should not happen
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi ms1 20% left>>
Just as you enter the monastery, a nun arrives to greet you.
<<say ms "Father $mc, welcome. I'm Mother <<var ms.>> The abbess of this convent.">>
You greet her with a nod.
<<say mc "Reverend Mother...">>
<<say ms "You must be tired after your long journey. Let me show you to your quarters, and when you feel ready, come seek me out in my room.">>
You follow the abbess as she starts walking down the hallway.
<<mii "ms/doorms" 30% right>>
She soon stops at a door.
<<say ms "This is my room. You can recognize it by the big wooden cross on the door and the keyhole. It's one of the few rooms in this place with a lock. Your room also has a lock. It is close by. Follow me, please, Father.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii "mc/door" 35% right>>
You pass a few doors before the abbess stops again.
<<say ms "This is where you will stay. It's known as the Last Abbot's Room. The abbots used to live here before the monastery was divided and the nuns took over this part, and legend has it that the last abbot who lived here died under mysterious circumstances. I hope the room won't be too drafty. We use it for storage nowadays, not to live in. But there is a bed in there and on the rare occasions that we have a guest in need of private accommodations, we can move a few things out of the way to make room. You're welcome to use the fireplace if it gets cold.">>
<<say mc "Thank you. I'm sure the room will suit me just fine. I'm here to investigate, not to relax in a comfortable bedroom.">>
<<say ms "Of course. Here is the key to the door. It's the only key, so please be careful with it.">>
She hands you the key.
<<say ms "There is a chest in the room. Feel free to use it to store any belongings you want to keep secure. I'll be in my room while you rest. Take your time, then come see me.">>
The abbess leaves.
<<but "Open the door" mc>>
<<set $intro = 1000>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 80>>
An agitated nun stands outside the door.
<<s Nun "Follow me!">>
She runs away, and you run after her.
<<ev 150>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunsrunning 80 volume1.6>>
<c2><p>You have to stop to let a horde of nuns pass. Most of them are still wearing their nightgowns.</p>
<p>The nun you are following then continues in the same direction as the running nuns.</p></c2>
<<if $croneAttack2 <1>> /* ie first attack */
<<but Continue nuns1 ev:300>>
<<ev 160>>
<<hubShowRoom "hall/stairs" 10 25 9 85>>
<c2>The nun leads you to the stairs, and you follow her as she runs upstairs.</c2>
<<ev 200>>
/*<<hubShowRoom "hall/hallMorning" 18 25 15 72>>*/
<<mii "hall/hallMorning" 60>>
You run through an empty hallway. Eventually, you turn around the corner and see a long corridor packed with nuns. <<mms>> is waving at you.
<<s ms "$fmc, over here!" ii>>
The nuns move aside to let you pass.
<<set _vic = setup.victim1>>
<<s ms "$fmc, thank God you're here. Novice _vic says someone attacked her. She is in there." ii>>
<<s mc "Everyone, stay out of the room! There may be traces left of the attacker.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi "misc/victim1" 35 right>>
<p>You enter the bedroom and see a scared nun sitting on the bed. It's Novice <<var victim1.>> You ask her to tell you briefly what happened.</p>
<p>It's the usual statement you've heard many times by now: She woke up and saw the Crone by her bed. The demon might have done something to her, and then Novice <<var victim1>> fell asleep again before she could scream or do anything. She woke up five minutes ago and alerted the other nuns.</p>
<p>There's nothing new in her story. But this time the crime scene is fresh and might provide clues.</p>
<p>First you do a quick inspection of the room, looking for any obvious signs of an intruder or an attack, but nothing catches your eye. Then you meticulously begin to search the room, starting with the bed.</p>
<p>Soon you pick up a scent. A faint metallic smell. It seems to come from the bed and the area around it. Novice <<var victim1>> can't explain it as she doesn't wear any perfume or makeup that smells like that. Sniffing her nightgown, her hair, even her breath, you do think you detect faint traces of the metallic smell, but nothing indicates that the scent emanates from her. It could be a clue. A trace of the attacker.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi "misc/victim1" 35 right>>
<p>Your search of the room reveals nothing further of interest. You close the door to get privacy and ask Novice <<var victim1>> to recount what she remembers, going into details this time.</p>
<p>But still, you learn nothing new of interest. Even this soon after the incident, <<var victim1>> can only describe the presence as a dark, fuzzy shape, the approximate size of a human. She admits to having felt aroused around the time of waking up to the mysterious being by her bed, but she can't say for sure if someone actually touched her "down there" or anywhere else. She felt very drowsy, couldn't focus her eyes, and had trouble moving. Novice <<var victim1>> thinks the Crone must have put a spell on her.</p>
<p>Everything she says is consistent with what you've already heard before, and it fits with your working theory that if the attacker is supernatural, it is likely a succubus or an incubus, locking the victims in a sleep paralysis.</p>
<p>If – on the other hand – the attacker is human, some type of drug is probably used to sedate and paralyze the victims, and this could explain the metallic smell. But even supernatural beings may leave smells behind.</p>
<p>With that, you have done all you can here.
<<invest attack1>></p>
<<c "Leave room">>
<<ev 500>>
You exit the room and see that the hallway is still filled with nuns. They whisper between each other and look scared. Then the hall gets silent and everyone looks at you, waiting for you to speak.
<<s mc "Novice <<var victim1>> is fine. She is scared but unharmed. I'm making some progress with the case, but I can't say yet if we're dealing with something supernatural or not. It could be a demon, it could be the Crone, it could be a human. Nothing is certain as of yet. I'm still working from every angle, suspecting everyone and everything. And I ask that you cooperate fully with the investigation.">>
<<s ms "Thank you, $fmc. I'll take it from here." ii>>
<<s ms "You heard him, sisters. $fmc needs all the help he can get from us. Now go finish your morning routines before prayer." ii>>
The nuns return to what they were doing and you return to your room.
<<but "Enter your room" mc1 "ev:700">>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "hall/stairs" 70 32 8 90>>
<c2>The nun leads you to the stairs closest to your room, and you follow her as she runs upstairs.</c2>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi ms1 20 right>>
<l>You see a lot of nuns gathered in the hallways. <<mms>> is standing outside a room. She spots you and tells the nuns to let you through.
Not wasting any time, you <<lbut "enter the room" div1 showdiv>> and close the door behind you.</l>
<<div div1>>
<<mii nuns/misc/victim1 35 rclear>>
<p>Once again, you find a scared nun sitting on the bed. It's Novice Theodora.</p>
<p>The first thing you do is to smell. And yes, you can detect that strange metallic scent, seemingly being concentrated at the bed, but that's all you can tell.</p>
<p>You then interrogate Novice Theodora, hoping to learn something new from her fresh memories. But just like with Novice <<var victim1,>> the previous victim, you only get the same statements you have heard so many times now. It's frustrating.</p>
<p>You carefully search through the room, but find nothing of interest to the case. There is nothing more to do here.
<<invest attack2>></p>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi ms1 20 right>>
<l><p>You inform the nuns that everything is okay now and you assure them that the investigation is continuing. Your words calm the nuns some, but you also get disappointed looks, hoping for more than that. <<mms>> also looks like she was hoping for more.</p>
<p>The nuns return to what they were doing and you return to your room.</p>
<<but "Enter your room" mc1 "ev:800">>
<<event 666>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 85>> /* playEventID ==1 */
<c2>Sinful lust overwhelms your body and mind. You must do something about it! You quickly make your way to your room.
<<but "Continue" mc1 "ev:666">>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 30 right>>
<<s mc "Good, you're living here now. Then I can protect you from Satan better. Occasionally, I may also require your assistance to send word to a sister to come to my room.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, $fmc. Will you be performing the holy rites with them?">>
<<s mc "If necessary. Whatever the Lord authorizes me to do to fight the Devil. But remember your sacred oath. You can't tell anyone about this unless they're a member of the Circle.">>
<<s sofia "You can trust me, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. And how are you feeling now, my child? Are you still scared?">>
<<s sofia "Not much. I'm a little nervous. Moving to a new room. Things feel different. But I'm sure this will feel like home very soon.">>
<<s mc "If you feel in need of another holy rite to drive Satan away, you know where to find me.">>
<<q sofia 400>>
/* quest curseserpent: Successfully released seed required nr of times same day */
<<event 720>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc style="color:#b9e; font-size:150%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Completed: The Curse of the Serpent</b></cc>
<<mii misc/serpent 47>>
/*<<mvv misc/c 60>>*/
<cc>Without being visited by the snake, you have released your seed enough times today to prove that the virility potions are a working cure for the serpent's curse.
You can feel how the potions invigorate your flesh, helping your male organ grow and then making it stay stiff. <<var lastabbot>> might have become mad in the end, but no one can deny that he was a skilled herbalist and alchemist.
<<qend curseserpent 600 center>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 55>><<mii lab/longpepper 25 right>>
Assuming that only one individual is responsible for the attacks on the nuns, the fake angel must be the attacker, and the long pepper in the monks' garden shed is used by the fake angel to make a lust drug, used in the attacks on the nuns. This could be the key to identifying the fake angel, and thus the attacker, solving the case.
<p>Ever since you got here though, the attacks have occured much less frequently, reducing the need to make more of this supposed lust drug. But even if the fake angel is being careful right now because of your presence here, you get the feeling they could still be experimenting and working on any number of drugs, just like Ludolphus did. Drugs that would likely require ingredients from the shed.</p>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mii mgarden/doorlock 26 pnggg>>
Unfortunately, anyone could sneak out to the shed in the middle of the night, unlock the door with the key hidden under the rock, and then take long pepper or whatever else they needed from there to make their drugs.
<p>To find out who the fake angel is, you would need to spend the nights out there spying on the shed. But even if you are correct, it could take many nights before this mystery individual shows up next. This is not time you can spare while having your hands full during the day.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii monks/alonso 30>>
But what about <<alonso ?>> Maybe he could spy on the shed at night? He owes you for keeping secret his perverted actions – listening to the nuns in the bathroom. You have to take a chance that <<alonso>> is not involved in the attacks.
<p>But do you really want to tell another person the real reason you are here? No, you need to come up with something else to tell <<alonso .>> You have to think about this.
<<qstart alonsoshed 100>>
<<qendversion alonsoshed version0.3.1>>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 50 pnggg>>
The note says:</cc>
<cc>"<b>To $fmc!!</b>"</cc>
That is the message you told Novice Alonso to use when he had something to report. But with two exclamation points. That seems urgent. You better go look for Novice Alonso in the bathroom right away.
<<q alonsoshed 600>>
<<set $blackDoorOnly = 1>>
/* quest creampie: Successfully released seed inside nun pussy required nr of times same day */
<<event 966>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc style="color:#b9e; font-size:150%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Completed: <<actQuest creampieq>></b></cc>
<<mii misc/cum/creampie 75>>
<<set $creampieCounter = -1>> /* init variable to -1 since adding 1 when calling creampie widget to show message 5/5 */
<<set _creampieOneLess = $qqcreampieq - 1>>
<<qset creampieq _creampieOneLess allowLess>> /* To show 5/5 message */
<<creampie questEnding>>
You have planted your seed between the legs of the nuns enough times to feel satisfied. For now. You can always give in to the primal urge and release your seed in their slits, knowing there is <<preggorisk>> risk of making them pregnant.
<<if $pregnancy>> But if a nun does get pregnant, then surely that is the will of the Lord.<</if>>
<<qend creampieq 1000>>
<<set $creampieSofia = null>> /* not needed any more */
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sara/face2 35 png>>
<cc>You kept an eye on Novice Sara during supper, and now when supper is over, you follow her from a distance, hoping she will go to her room to pray like all the other nuns.
<<q saraq 300 center>>
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 21.6 33 3 85 "png noBorder">>
Most of the novices leave the refectory through the right exit, but Novice Sara leaves through the left exit.</cc2>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 23.7 20 3 85 "png noBorder">>
<cc>Most of the nuns leaving through the left exit live upstairs, so they immediately turn left toward the stairs, but Novice Sara continues straight down the hallway.
<<ev 500>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 20 9.5 3 85 "png noBorder">>
<cc>Novice Sara then turns left.
<<ev 600>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 4 14 3 85 "png noBorder">>
<cc>The few remaining nuns drop off one by one as they enter their rooms, except for Novice Sara. She turns left at the end of the hallway, following the outer wall of the monastery.<br>
You are surprised. You didn't know any of the novices had a room down in that direction.
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nunhallway 64>>
<cc2>Novice Sara continues all the way along the wall. Does she really live down here or has she some other business?</cc2>
<<ev 800>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 6 58 3 85 "png noBorder" "7 43 4">>
<cc>You sneak after Novice Sara and then peak around the corner.
<p>You catch a glimpse of Novice Sara just as she enters a room. Is that her room?</p>
<<c "Sneak to the room">>
<<ev 850>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 4 58 3 85 "png noBorder" "8.3 61.5 4">>
<cc2>You sneak to the room.
<p>The door is closed, but there is a small gap between the door and the doorframe, allowing you to peek inside.</p>
<<c "Peek through the gap">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii nuns/sara/roomNight 50>>
With your limited view, you don't see much more than a desk, but this sure looks like a room someone lives in. But why does Novice Sara live all the way over here and not with the other nuns?
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/sara/face2 35 png>>
<c>Now you know the location of Novice Sara's room, but it is getting late. You should continue your investigation into Novice Sara tomorrow, during the day.
<<q saraq 600>>
<<event 1020>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sara/face2 35 png>>
<cc2>With supper over, Novice Sara should spend most of the remaining awake time in her room. While there, you hope to catch her smoking.
<<ev 300>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 20 9.5 3 85 "png noBorder">>
<cc2>You follow Novice Sara as the leaves the refectory through the left exit then turns left at the end of the corridor, presumably going to her room.
<<ev 600>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 4 15 3 85 "png noBorder">>
<cc2>Novice Sara continues in the direction of her room, following the outer wall of the monastery.<br>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nunhallway 64>>
<cc2>You keep a safe distance, hiding behind the corners until the coast is clear to follow her.</cc2>
<<ev 800>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 6 58 3 85 "png noBorder" "7 43 4">>
<cc>Quickly but quietly going after her, you catch a glimpse of Novice Sara just as she enters her room. Now let's see if you can catch her succumbing to her addiction.
<<if $temp == "lunch">>
<<but "Peek into her room" sara1 ev:200>>
<<c "Peek into her room">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii nuns/sara/roomNight 50>>
<c>You sneak to Novice Sara's room and peek inside through the small gap between the door and the doorframe.
<p>With your limited view, you don't see much more than the desk, but that's all you need to see.</p>
<<c "Wait and watch">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/sara/roomNight 50>>
<c>You wait and wait, but nothing of interest happens. Eventually, you hear the silent mumblings of prayer. You think Novice Sara is preparing to go to bed.
<p>You have to try catching Novice Sara smoking in her room another time.
<<q saraq 1100>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 80>>
An agitated nun stands outside the door.
<<s Nun "Follow me!">>
She runs away, and you run after her.
<<ev 150>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunsrunning 80 volume1.6>>
<c2><p>You have to stop to let a horde of nuns pass. Most of them are still wearing their nightgowns.</p>
<p>The nun you are following then continues in the same direction as the running nuns – towards the stairs.</p>
<p>Once upstairs, you soon come to a hallway packed with upset sisters. They move aside to let you pass as the nun leads you to a room.</p></c2>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii school/catarina/victim 44 right>>
For a third time, you find a scared nun sitting on the bed in her room.
<p>This time it is Sister Catarina. Most of the victims so far have been young novices. Sister Catarina is one of the younger professed sisters, and she doesn't look bad. You can understand why the lust demon came for her.</p>
<p>Upon inspection, you notice that strange, faint metallic smell from the bed. As expected. Is it from the lust drug used by the attacker? Possibly, but not certain.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, interrogating Sister Catarina and searching the room provides no new leads. If anything, this victim's memories of what happened are even worse than normal.</p>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:2620 step:1000">>
/* Coming back from town when it is supper */
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii area/wall-dirt-road 50>>
<<set $daytime = "day">> /* restoring real time for proper hub image*/
<c><<if $temp2 == "marryviviendana">>Together with Sister Dana and Vivien, you<<elseif $temp2=="marryvivien">>Together with Vivien, you<<else>>You<</if>> hitch a ride back to the monastery.
<p>You are dropped off by the dirt road leading up to the monastery and walk the last part on foot.</p>
<<set $temp2 = "reset">>
<<if $temp3=="gotmail">>
<<set $temp3 = "reset">>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "step:500">>
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom2 refectory 12 90>>
You get back to the monastery just in time for supper.</cc>
<<but "Go to the refectory" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<c>When you get back to the monastery, you set course for the Mother Superior's room to deliver the mail for the nuns. After that, you mean to go to the abbot to deliver the mail for the monks.
<p>But before you get to the Mother Superior's room, you stop to think. What if there is something in these letters that could be of interest to the investigation? What if someone involved in the attacks is communicating with an accomplice outside the monastery?</p>
<<ev 550>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 40 pnggg>>
<c>You look at the envelopes. If you went down to your lab, you think you could use your equipment there to open the envelopes, read the letters, then put them back and reseal the envelopes without anyone noticing that they have been tampered with.
/* <<addcorr 10>> TEST */
<p>But that would be a serious violation of privacy. Though it would be for a good cause.</p>
<<c "Don't open the envelopes">><<but "Open the envelopes" lab1 "ev:1600 corr45">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<c>You can't justify opening the envelopes. It would be a violation of privacy and the chances that someone involved with the attacks is communicating with an accomplice seems low.
<p>Still, you can't shake the thought that perhaps there is something incriminating in one of these letters. And you need all the help you can get in the investigation. But can you really justify opening people's mail to potentially stop a great evil?
<<q delivermail 200>>
<<c "Deliver the mail to the nuns and the monks">>
<<ev 700>>
<<hubShowRoom2 refectory 12 90>>
<cc>You deliver the mail to Mother Madga and Father Alvaro.
<p>When you are done, it's time for supper.</p>
<<but "Go to the refectory" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma2 35 right>>
<l>Since it is after supper, Sister Catarina is probably in her room, and getting mail this late would be strange.
<p>You seek out Novice Emma in her room and ask her to deliver the letter to Sister Catarina tomorrow when Sister Catarina is working in the school kitchen.</p>
<p>You tell Novice Emma that Sister Catarina must think that this letter was delivered from the town as usual, and not via you. You tell Novice Emma that you cannot reveal the reason for the secrecy, but you make her understand that Sister Catarina is in some kind of trouble and that this is to protect everyone involved.</p>
<p>Novice Emma promises to do as you ask. With that, you consider the matter taken care of.</p>
<<mii hub/layout 60>>
<c>You make a quick visit to the school kitchen to see if you can find Sister Catarina. As you thought, you find her busy working in the kitchen.
<p>Then you return to the monastery main building and deliver the mail to Sister Catarina by sliding it under the door to her room. She shouldn't think twice about finding a letter waiting for her when she returns. With that, you consider the matter taken care of.</p></c>
<<but "Continue the day" hub>>
<<event 1250>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 34 pnggg>>
<c>The letter is an invitation from Father Alvaro to join them for another sampling of their alcoholic beverages, tomorrow, after supper.
<p>"Sampling"? More like drunken orgies, but you will keep that thought to yourself. This could be what you need right now. Another attempt to learn more by talking to drunk monks.</p>
<p>But this time, you will make sure not to drink too much. You must use this opportunity to spend as much time as possible talking to the drunk monks with a clear head. You have a number of suspects you want to talk to more, but there are also many monks you haven't talked to at all, or just a little, and any one of them could be involved in the attacks.
<<qstart monksDrinking3 100>>
<<if def $qqmonksDrinking3waiting>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii monks/outsideEntrance 100>>
<c>The beverage sampling is an opportunity you can't miss. Your temporary suspension of the investigation into the monks is over.
<<qend monksDrinking3waiting 200>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "ms/ms3" 37 64.5 8 90 "gif" "53.7 72.7 4">>
<c>When the supper bell rings, you go out into the hallway and peek around the corner of the long corridor. You can see the door to Mother Magda's room.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 350>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 40 56 3 85 "png noBorder" "53.7 72.7 4">>
You wait for a few moments to give Mother Madga time to leave for supper.
<p>The door to her room never opens, but you didn't think it would. Mother Magda's room also has a door leading to the corridor on the other side of her room, making for a shorter way to the refectory. She should have left by now.</p>
<<c "Go to her room">>
<<ev 500>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 40 56 3 85 "png noBorder hideRoom" "38 77 4">>
But then, when you are about to enter Mother Magda's room, you hesitate. Preparing to do something is one thing, actually doing it is another. And now, the reality of what you are about to do hits you. Can you really go through with this?
<<but "Enter the room of the Mother Superior" nuns1 "step:1000 corr48">><<c "You have to think...">>
<<ev 600>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 40 56 3 75 "png noBorder hideRoom" "38 77 4">>
You think about what you are about to do, and what happens if you don't do it.
<p><<colvar "Fear" "corruption-color">> and <<colvar "anxiety" "corruption-color">>grip you, strengthening your resolve that you must take action to protect yourself and the secret of the holy rites. You are about to do something extreme, but it has to be done. There is no way around it. God will understand that it's for the greater good.
<<addcorr 4 temporary>>
<<but "Enter the room of the Mother Superior" nuns1 "step:1000 corr48">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 6 58 3 75 "png noBorder hideRoom" "38 67 4">>
<c>Submitting to your fate, you feel the door to the Mother Superior's living quarters. It is open.
<p>You enter.</p>
<p>As expected, the abbess is nowhere to be seen.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 6 58 3 80 "png noBorder hideRoom" "45 66 4">>
Mother Magda's "room" actually consists of two rooms, the work room and the bedroom.
<p>You enter the bedroom and hide the oily cloth under the bed by wedging it between the wooden planks supporting the mattress. Unless someone puts their head on the floor and peeks up under the bed, the cloth should not be discovered.</p></c>
<<c "Leave the same way you came">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 6 58 3 70 "png noBorder hideRoom" "38 77.2 4">>
<c>Once outside, you calm down. You did what you had to do.
That's all you can do for now. You should wait until tomorrow to see if the Oil of Confusion has had any effect on the abbess.
<<q protecting 500>></p>
<<set $temp2 = "supperDoorsAlreadyOpen">>
<<but "Leave for supper" refectory1 ev:300>>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc style="font-size:200%" class="nomargin-bottom"><<bold "The Revelation">></cc>
<cc>Everything is ready for the Revelation. Almost. You have a few things left to do.
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 16 pnggg>>
<c>Although you believe you have enough support from the nuns for the Revelation to be a success, there is too much at stake to just hope for the best. If you make the nuns drink a <<potionLiberation ,>> you should significantly increase the chance of everything going as you want to. As God wants to.
<p>You should go to your lab and make the potion of liberation.
<<q revelation 1000>>
<<event 1420>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/patriarch 40>>
<c>It's good to be the patriarch.
<p>Now that you have established yourself as the new leader of the nuns, you can go forward and lead the nuns as you see fit.<<qend patriarchq 1000>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii dungeon/prison-dusty 90>>
<c>In case you want to <<punish>> the nuns, the medieval prison and torture chamber in the dungeons could be useful. It may seem extreme, but you should at least check it out to know what you have to work with.
<<qstart leaderq 100>>
/* setting trust/auth equal to love/punish for people using prev0.7 saves */
<<addlove 0>><<addpun 0>>
<<event 1520>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/praying2 70>>
You pray to God for wisdom and guidance and take a deep, hard look into your inner self. What kind of leader do you want to be? You feel that you have the capacity to change, to rebalance your mindset – if that is your desire.
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/patriarch 30>>
<cc>How will you lead the nuns? You have the capacity to rebalance your mindset.</cc>
<<set _statpoints = 15>>
<<set _startlove = $love>><<set _startpunish = $punish>>
<div style="float:left; width:50%;">
<<love>> <span id="lovestat">$love</span><<space>>(Max: 74)
<span class="bbox">
<<button "Love them more">>
<<if $love < 74 && (_statpoints>0 || $love < _startlove)>>
<<addlove 1>><<addpun -1>><<replace "#lovestat">>$love<</replace>><<replace "#punishstat">>$punish<</replace>>
<<if $love > _startlove>>
<<set _statpoints -= 1>>
<<set _statpoints += 1>>
<<replace "#statpoints">>_statpoints<</replace>>
<div style="float:left; width:50%">
<<punish>> <span id="punishstat">$punish</span><<space>>(Max: 74)
<span class="bbox">
<<button "Punish them more">>
<<if $punish < 74 && (_statpoints>0 || $punish < _startpunish)>><<addlove -1>><<addpun 1>><<replace "#lovestat">>$love<</replace>><<replace "#punishstat">>$punish<</replace>>
<<if $punish > _startpunish>>
<<set _statpoints -= 1>>
<<set _statpoints += 1>>
<<replace "#statpoints">>_statpoints<</replace>>
Available points: <span id="statpoints">_statpoints</span>/15
<<specialalert "Rebalancing: Note that if you raise one stat, you lower the other.">>
<<tip rebalance>>
<<c "You are satisfied">>
<<ev 300>>
<<addlove 10>><<addpun -10>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 40>>
<c>You have set your mind on the kind of leader you want to be. You are ready to go forward as patriarch, leading the nuns as you see fit.
<<qend leaderq 900>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii misc/satan 50>>
Now you can again turn your attention to the Devil and the holy war.
<p>No longer having to hide your use of the holy rites, at least not within the convent, you must do your best to save and protect the nuns, to unify them as a strong force against Satan and his minions.</p>
<p>To this end, there are things you have put off that you should now take care of.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii refectory/1000-600 40>>
Novice Gabriella is left alone in the kitchen and you fear for her safety. She may need more than just a regular anointing to protect her from Satan and his minions.
<p>You should try to anoint her inside her slit. Having sexual intercourse with Novice Gabriella could also bring her closer to you and it's good to have allies working in the kitchen.
<<q gabriellaq 2100>></p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii nuns/sara/200-600 40>>
<c>Novice Sara has old sins of fornication and shows signs of Satan's corruption by smoking, stealing from the convent, and being a temptress. You must cleanse her sins.
<<q saraq 2100>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("juliajoining",700)>>
/* julia was sent home */
/* v8: BUGFIX! Below used to be step:2000 which would break the game since vivienquest wasn't updated. Haven't found anyone running into this bug so can't be many people sending julia home */
<<but "Continue" nuns1 step:1600>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii nuns/julia/face4 40>>
<c>You want to strengthen Novice Julia's protection against evil by anointing her inside her slit.
<<if $qqjuliaanoint>=550>>
<p>She has refused, but now the time has come to enforce your will.
<<q juliaanoint 1000>></p>
<p>However, you still haven't sodomized her more than once. You should sodomize Novice Julia one more time, to make her get used to it, before anointing her slit.
<<qmess juliaanoint 600>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 36>>
You remind yourself to be careful when leading the nuns. As their leader, the nuns have to obey you, but your leadership depends on their continued support. There is already opposition to your rule and your use of the holy rites. If you abuse your power as their patriarch, the nuns may elect a new leader.
<p>Because of this, you have to be careful not to come on too strong when enforcing your will. It is especially important now, early on, that you show yourself to be a fair leader. You can't just force yourself on the nuns.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<c>The nuns aren't the only women you have to take care of. The girls at the school are also threatened by Satan and his minions.
<<mii school/vivien/head1 20>>
Vivien is someone you are concerned about. You have not had any progress with her for a while. You want to fornicate with her to eat her sins of fornication, but so far Vivien has only allowed you to have sexual intercourse with her when you consummate a Holy Marriage.
<p>The best time to convince Vivien to move things forward is when catching her masturbating in her room.
<<q vivienfornicate 2000>></p>
<<ev 2000>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "Moving on with the investigation">></cc>
<<mii ms/ms8 30 pnggg>>
<c> Helping and protecting the nuns and students is one thing. There is also the investigation.
<p>No longer having to worry about Mother Magda, you can continue your investigation into the nocturnal attacks undisturbed.</p>
<p>To placate the abbess, you had to focus your attention on the monks. But now, you are free to pursue any leads, even those pointing to nuns being involved in the attacks.</p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii mgarden/garden 90>>
But as it happens, your only real leads so far point to at least one of the monks being involved in the attacks, one way or the other, while nothing substantial points to any nuns being involved in the attacks.
<<c "Ponder the current state of the investigation">>
<<ev 3140>>
<<mii lab/longpepper 60>>
<li>It seems the attacker is using some sort of lust drug made from long pepper.
<p>Brother Giovanni is growing a lot of long pepper at the request of Brother Salvatore who in turn says he acted on orders from the fake angel.</p></li>
<<ev 3170>>
<<mii mgarden/guano 56>>
<li>Several times, bat guano has gone missing from the garden shed, and you found that someone has used bat guano to fertilize the long pepper, even though that guano is only supposed to be used at the frontline.
<p>This connects the missing bat guano to the production of the lust drug and thus the attacks.</p></li></ul>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mvv monks/stefano200ms 40>>
<li>Novice Alonso claims Brother Stefano took a bag of bat guano from the shed in the middle of the night, but you cannot prove this to be true.
<p>Furthermore, the bat guano you found at the long pepper must have been used there before Brother Stefano allegedly took the bag.</p></li></ul>
<<ev 3250>>
<<mii crone/crone4 34>>
<li>Novice Alonso saw someone matching the description of the Crone take bat guano from the garden shed.
<p>This connects the Crone, or someone disguised as the Crone, with the long pepper and the fake angel.</p></li>
<<ev 3280>>
<<mii mrefectory/beer 70>>
<li>Since you arrived at the monastery, there have been three nocturnal attacks – not counting what happened to you – and they all happened on a night you had visited the monks for a beverage sampling.
<p>The last time, you think you were drugged. That sampling was arranged at the request of Brother Salvatore, who in turn said the fake angel told him God wanted the beverage sampling to happen and that you must be invited.</p></li>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 44 left>><<mii monks/alonso2 46 left>></c2>
<c>The connection between all these leads relies on witness statements from Brother Salvatore and Novice Alonso. Without their testimonies, you don't have much left.
<li>The fake angel could be the mastermind behind it all, but you only have Brother Salvatore's word that the fake angel even exists.</li>
<li>Bat guano has gone missing from the garden shed, but you only have Novice Alonso's word that Brother Stefano and someone looking like the Crone took bat guano from the shed.</li>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mii misc/cider 12 pnggg>>
As if this wasn't enough of a connection between Brother Salvatore and Novice Alonso, they are connected in other ways:
<p>– Brother Salvatore says that he has seen Novice Alonso come climbing over the wall from the nuns's side at night.</p>
<p>– To keep Brother Salvatore quiet, Novice Alonso has stolen bottles of cider from the nuns and given them to Brother Salvatore as a bribe.</p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mii monks/alonso2 46 left>><<mii monks/salvatore2 44 left>></c2>
This makes Novice Alonso very suspect. He could have fed you lies from the start.
<p>But what about Brother Salvatore? Could he have been feeding you lies?</p>
<p>What if they both have been lying to you? What if Brother Salvatore and Novice Alonso are behind the attacks, working together?</p>
<<ev 3550>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 35 right>>
<l>But if they are working together, why would Brother Salvatore snitch on Novice Alonso?
<p>He wouldn't.</p>
<p>Unless... Brother Salvatore tried to do the best of the situation when you pressured him about the cider. Realizing you had found out that the cider was taken from the nuns, he blamed Novice Alonso, thinking that between the two of them, they could contain this and make you think you have reached a dead end in the investigation.</p>
<p>Assuming they are working together, Brother Salvatore would know that you have already caught Novice Alonso eavesdropping on the nuns in the bathroom. If you confront Novice Alonso about climbing over the wall, Novice Alonso could just say he wanted to see the nuns with his own eyes, apologize for lying about it, and you couldn't prove anything else.</p>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 step:3600>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 44 left>><<mii monks/alonso2 46 left>></c2>
<c>This is all speculation, but you have to consider it a possibility.
<p>In any case, you can no longer refrain from acting on your suspicions about Brother Salvatore and Novice Alonso. You must learn more about them.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 34>>
<c>Is Brother Salvatore acting – faking a cognitive disability? You must try to find out if he is smarter than he appears.
<p>You should start by asking Father Alvaro.
<<qstart salvatoreq 100>></p>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii monks/alonso 30>>
<cc>/*But it's too late to worry about that now. You have been busy over at the nuns, taking care of things. You can only hope the two monks are not working together. */
You must investigate Novice Alonso.
<p>You should start by talking to the abbot.
<<qstart alonsoq2 100 center>></p>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mii monks/salvatore2 44 left>><<mii monks/alonso2 46 left>></c2>
You must try to investigate Brother Salvatore and Novice Alonso without tipping them off you are on to them, or they could take precautions.
<p>If they really are working together, they have probably already taken precautions, but it's too late to worry about that now. You have been busy over at the nuns, taking care of things. You can only hope the two monks are not working together.</p>
<<but "Get on with it" hub>>
<<event 1550>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 40>>
<<s mc "Sister Dolores. Excellent, you've moved in. I trust then that you are prepared to assist me in the prison when needed?">>
<<s dolores "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. You go along with your regular duties as usual, and I will let you know when I require your assistance. It should only be after supper.">>
<<but "Go to the prison" dungeon1 ev:1310>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 24 pnggg>>
<c>You can't wait until you need the Oil of Amnesia before making it. Then it might be too late. You must have the oil ready to be used in case of an emergency.
<p>You should go to your lab and make some Oil of Amnesia.
<<qstart amnesiaq 100>>
<<but Continue mc>>
<<ev 790>>
<<hubShowRoom2 upstairs>>
<c>You leave your room and think of where the rooms of the victims are located.
<p>You then remember that they are all upstairs.</p>
<<c "Run upstairs">>
<<ev 800>>
<<run setup.setUpstairsRooms()>>
<div style="position: relative;">
<<hubShowMcRoom 90>>
<span style="position: absolute;z-index:5; width:70%; height:24.5rem;left:7%; top:0%;background:#0005;border: 0.06rem solid black;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="upstairs-title-button shadow2" style ="left:40%;">Upstairs</span></span>
<<set _cl = "pop-room-base upstairs-button">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBedsxx",200)>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAlma>
<<but "Novice Alma<br>(Victim 1)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:1000 upstairsRoom">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBedsxx",300)>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomTheodora>
<<but "Novice Theodora<br>(Victim 2)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:2000 upstairsRoom">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBedsxx",400)>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomCatarina>
<<but "Sister Catarina<br>(Victim 3)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:3000 upstairsRoom">>
<<if $qqinvestBeds==100>>
<cc>You excitedly run upstairs and out into the hallway. Where to begin?
<<qset investBeds 110>>
<<elseif !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",200) || !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",300) ||
You have more rooms left to search for evidence.
<cc>You have searched the beds of all the nuns attacked since you got here.
<<qmess investBeds 500 center>>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 ev:3300>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 68>>
<cc>You enter Novice Alma's room.
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",150)>>
<p>As expected, it is empty, since the nuns have been called to prayer.
<<qadd investBeds 150>></p>
<<c "Search under the bed">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii misc/bedslats 68>>
<cc>You carefully search the bed, but find nothing of interest.
<<qmess investBeds 200 center>>
<<but "Leave the room" nuns1 step:800>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 68>>
<cc>You enter Novice Theodora's room.
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",150)>>
<p>As expected, it is empty, since the nuns have been called to prayer.
<<qadd investBeds 150>></p>
<<c "Search under the bed">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii misc/bedslats 68>>
<cc>You carefully search the bed, but find nothing of interest.
<<qmess investBeds 300 center>>
<<but "Leave the room" nuns1 step:800>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 68>>
<cc>You enter Sister Catarina's room.
<<if !setup.checkqStage("investBeds",150)>>
<p>As expected, it is empty, since the nuns have been called to prayer.
<<qadd investBeds 150>></p>
<<c "Search under the bed">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii misc/bedslats 68>>
<cc>You carefully search the bed, but find nothing of interest.
<<qmess investBeds 400 center>>
<<but "Leave the room" nuns1 step:800>>
<<event 1620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 50 pnggg>>
<c>With that out of the way, you must deliver the mail.
<p>First you go to Mother Magda to deliver the mail addressed to the nuns, then you go to the monks to deliver their mail to Father Alvaro.</p>
<<but "Continue" abbot1 "ev:830 step:2000">>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 1700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/catarina/talk12 40>>
<c>You still haven't fornicated with Sister Catarina in the school kitchen. You feel an urge to do that.
<p>It would bring Sister Catarina even more under your control, and another ally at the school is worth much for any future plans you might have for the girls there.
<<qstart catarinakitchen 100>>
<<vv 8>>
/* Note: reusing this event for other smallish event parts. This should keep save game size down some since each new event takes up space */
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 34 pnggg>>
<c>The message is from Father Alvaro. He requests that you visit him at your earliest convenience.
<p>That doesn't sound too urgent, but you should visit the abbot soon.
<<qstart abbotmessage 100>>
/* from mc julialust widget*/
<<ev 1000>>
<<hubShowRoom misc/marker 74.1 69 3.3 88 "png noBorder" "63.4 60.7 4">>
<cc>You need Novice Julia's young body. You hurry toward her room.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 69.3 60.4 5.7 90 "png sofiaHeadRoom" "64.5 60.7 4">>
<c>Then you see Novice Sofia exiting her room. You stop to greet her.
<<s sofia "Hello, $fmc. Were you coming for me?" ii>>
<<s mc "No, I was going to see Novice Julia.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 40>>
<<s sofia "Oh. Did you move Novice Julia closer to your room for the same reason you moved me closer?">>
<<s mc "No. I moved you closer since you need to be regularly anointed – and since I wanted an assistant. Novice Julia has moved here to support the holy war by offering her body to me when I need to reduce my lust. It's her official role now.">>
<<s sofia "Oh... Does that mean you will anoint me less?">>
<<s mc "How do you mean, my child?">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 40>>
<<s sofia "I thought that maybe you have been anointing me more often than the bare minimum because you wanted to be with me. To sleep with a young girl like myself.">>
You are surprised by Novice Sofia's impudent accusation – and the fact that she figured it out. Maybe she isn't as innocent and naive as she appears. You also wonder if her question is related to that hint of jealousy you feel you have picked up on earlier with her.
<<s mc "Perhaps you are correct, Novice Sofia. The Lord put this lust in me to perform the holy rites, and it is true that I enjoy performing the rites more with some of you girls because I'm more attracted to you and your bodies. This attraction, or lack thereof, could affect how often I anoint specific nuns. Does this bother you?">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 40>>
<<s sofia "I don't know, Father. I haven't thought much about it. But you seem to like being with me, so... that's why I had these thoughts.">>
<<s mc "I see. So to answer your question: Novice Julia moving here could mean I will anoint you less. But let's not forget that there is a reason I enjoy your slit and your other holes so much, Novice Sofia, and that reason is the same reason you have been attacked several times by the lust demon: Your young body is attractive. Which is why you need a lot of protection – and I will strengthen your protection against Satan whenever I think it's needed.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "You can always come to me if you have any more questions or concerns, but now, my child, I must go to Novice Julia.">>
Novice Sofia nods and continues on her way.
<<but "Enter Novice Julia's room" julia1 "ev:700 step:1000">>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 1850 evie nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi fullwm 36 pnggg>>
<c>You haven't had much contact with Novice Evie. She has not been attacked by the lust demon, and, as far as you know, she does not cause any problems or behave inappropriately.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi strip 50 " right pnggg">>
You have seen Novice Evie almost fully naked in the bathroom.
<p>When the novice nuns bathe, and you enter the bathroom unannounced, some novices have more or less accepted that you can see their naked bodies, and they do little to cover themselves.</p>
<p>However, many novices always quickly cover themselves when you enter, and Novice Evie is one of them. But one time, you managed to get a good peek at her just as she was undressing, before she noticed you.</p>
<p>The memory makes you feel a desire for Novice Evie's young and voluptuous body – especially her tight slit, which you never saw.
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi striptorso 52 "pnggg">>
<c>You are surprised that the lust demon hasn't come for Novice Evie yet, but it is only a matter of time. Or at least, it would have been, until you came to the monastery and the lust demon more or less stopped the attacks.
<p>But that might not last. The lust demon might start up the attacks again, and if Novice Evie isn't protected with the Holy Seed, she could soon be a victim.</p>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>But Novice Evie still hasn't reached out to you, wanting to be anointed. Because of this, you doubt she would agree to be anointed if you asked her.
<<but "Continue" nuns1 step:500>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi strip 50 "right pnggg">>
<l>Once again, you remember when you saw Novice Evie almost fully naked in the communal bathroom.
<p>As usual, the voluptuous, young novice quickly covered herself when you entered the bathroom, but you still managed to get a good peek at her. You never saw that tight slit though.
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>Novice Evie has never been attacked by the lust demon, but if the lust demon starts attacking the nuns again, Novice Evie could soon be a victim.
<p>Novice Evie needs the Holy Seed for protection, but she still hasn't reached out to you, wanting to be anointed. Because of this, you doubt she would agree to be anointed if you asked her.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi sweep2 70>>
<c>You notice a cider bottle and a drinking cup on the altar. It seems that Novice Evie drinks cider to refresh herself while working – as Novice Gabriella does in the kitchen.
<p>You poured a <<potionLust>> in Novice Gabriella's cider to make her agree to be anointed. Perhaps you could do the same with Novice Evie.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi sweep3 40 right>>
<l>Novice Evie still hasn't noticed you, and now she starts sweeping with her back to you.
<p>There is a good chance you will be able to sneak inside the small chapel, empty a lust potion into Novice Evie's cup, and then sneak out of the room without anyone seeing you.</p>
<p>But you hesitate. You should be careful using your alchemical concoctions out in the open like this. There is always a risk of detection.
<<qstart evieq 100>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("evieq",220)>>
/* tempt check only the first time */
<<but "(Sneak inside) Pour <<potionLust>> in cup" nuns1 "step:1000 corr55 ttt10">>
<<but "(Sneak inside) Pour <<potionLust>> in cup" nuns1 "step:1000 corr55">>
<<c "Do nothing">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
<c>You don't feel like risking anything right now.
<p>You may be able to convince Novice Evie to be anointed just by talking to her, using your authority as her patriarch.</p>
<p>On the other hand, you are still new as the leader of the nuns, and you don't want to push things with Novice Evie when it doesn't feel too urgent. Perhaps using the lust potion on Novice Evie is the better option after all.</p>
<p>You have to think about this. You should leave Novice Evie alone until you have come to a decision.
<<qmess evieq 120>>
<<if $qqevieq>=300>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
You sneak inside and move to the altar. Novice Evie is still sweeping with her back to you.
<p>You look inside the cup on the altar and see that it is about half-full of cider. That should be enough for your purposes.</p>
<p>Keeping an eye on Novice Evie in case she turns around, you quickly empty a <<potionLust>> into the cup.</p>
<p>You then sneak out of the room. Novice Evie doesn't seem to have noticed anything.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv sweep 78 pnggg>>
<c>Standing in the hallway outside the inner chapel, you spy on Novice Evie. She keeps sweeping the room. It seems that your stealth mission was a success. Now you just have to wait.
<<c "Keep spying on Novice Evie">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 66 pause1.5>>
<cc>Eventually, Novice Evie lets go of the broom and moves to the altar.
<p>She picks up the cup of cider.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi m 84>>
Novice Evie drinks the cider.
<p>You are lucky. She is emptying the cup. Then it should only be a couple of minutes until she feels the full effect of the <<potionLust .>></p>
<<c "Keep spying on Novice Evie">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi sweep2 70>>
<cc>Novice Evie continues sweeping, this time in front of the altar.
Some time passes, then Novice Evie puts away the broom. What is she doing now?</cc>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 70>>
<c>Novice Evie succumbs to the lustful desire caused by the <<potionLust .>> She says prayers, asking for strength and to ward off evil, but she can't resist touching her slit.
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<q evieq 200>>
<<set $temp="spying100">>
<<c "Keep spying">><<but "Confront her" nuns1 step:3000>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 37 volume2>>
<cc>The nun picks up a crucifix in a desperate attempt to resist the temptation, but to no avail.<br>It looks like she is close to climaxing.
<<set $temp="spying200">>
<<c "Keep spying">><<but "Confront her" nuns1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 38 "pause2 volume2">>
<cc>Before long, Novice Evie climaxes – with a grin of pleasure.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi sweep4 40>>
It looks like the orgasm was enough to reduce Novice Evie's lust to a level she can handle. The nun catches her breath, then picks up the broom and continues sweeping.
<<set $temp="spying300">>
<<but "Confront her" nuns1 step:3200>><<c "Leave">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You have seen enough, and quietly sneak away in the hallway not to alert Novice Evie.
<p>Using a <<potionLust>> on Novice Evie was enough to make her masturbate. You could probably make it happen again another time if you wanted.
<<qmess evieq 220>>
<<if $qqevieq>=300>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c>You enter the chapel.
<p>Novice Evie looks terrified as she spots you. The nun raises her leg to block your view of her sinful slit<<if $temp=="spying200">> and then puts the crucifix on the altar.<<else>>.<</if>> She then looks down in shame, not knowing what to do.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi face2 42 pnggg>>
<<if $temp=="spying300">>
You enter the chapel.
Novice Evie looks scared as she spots you.
<<s mc "Novice Evie, I felt evil forces gathering and God led me here. Satan sent a demon to attack you with lust, didn't he? Be honest.">>
<<s mc "Novice Evie, I felt evil forces gathering and God led me here. Satan sent a demon to attack you, didn't he?">>
<<s evie "Yes, $fmc. It came so suddenly. I couldn't resist it.">>
<<s mc "You are lucky that it was only a temporary demon – invisible and weak – that Satan sometimes sends to attack during the day, and not the powerful, corporeal lust demon attacking you in bed. But this was a warning that the lust demon may come for you next, Novice Evie. I must anoint you with the Holy Seed to protect you.">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi torso 44 "pnggg">>
<<s evie "But the attacks by the lust demon have stopped, Father. You keep it away from us. This weak demon was all that Satan could do to attack me. I will pray harder. I will be fine.">>
<<s mc "Do not be fooled into thinking the war is already won. Satan is cunning and is gathering strength in the shadows. You require protection. I must anoint you.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi 3 40 pnggg>>
<<s evie "Please, no, $fmc. I can't do it. I can't be intimate with you like that. I will pray hard every day. The Lord will protect me.">>
Novice Evie is refusing to obey. You could force her, but Novice Evie's need for protection isn't urgent enough to warrant the hit your reputation could take from it.
<p>Your desire to see Novice Evie's slit is strong though.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "If you refuse to be anointed, we must do something else to drive away the evil from you. You must get naked, right now, to let God's light shine on you. This may be enough protection to repel another demonic attack.">>
<<s evie "No, Father. Don't make me do this. Praying will be enough. You will see.">>
Novice Evie is irritatingly disobedient, but you will grant her wish this time. You have learned to take it slow instead of rushing or forcing things.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi torso 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Very well. It will have to do for now. We will talk more another time.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
Novie Evie looks very relieved to avoid the holy rites and getting naked.
<p>Perhaps she will come around if you try again another time.
<<q evieq 300>>
<<addEncounter evie>>
<<if $replayingEvent>0>>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<event 1860 evie nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi sweep3 40 right>>
<l>Novice Evie hasn't noticed you peeking into the room, and now she starts sweeping with her back to you.
<p>You see Novice Evie's drinking cup and the cider bottle on the altar.</p>
<p>You could take this opportunity to slip Novice Evie another <<potionLust .>> Perhaps then will she agree to be anointed.</p>
<<but "(Sneak inside) Pour <<potionLust>> in cup" nuns1 "step:500">><<c "Do nothing">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
<c>You don't feel like risking anything right now. Maybe you will use another lust potion on Novice Evie some other time.
<<if $qqevieq>=500>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
You sneak inside and move to the altar. Novice Evie is still sweeping with her back to you.
<p>You look inside the cup on the altar and see that it is about half-full of cider. That should be enough for your purposes.</p>
<p>Keeping an eye on Novice Evie in case she turns around, you quickly empty a <<potionLust>> into the cup.</p>
<p>You then sneak out of the room. Novice Evie doesn't seem to have noticed anything.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv sweep 78 pnggg>>
<c>Standing in the hallway outside the inner chapel, you spy on Novice Evie. She keeps sweeping the room. It seems that your stealth mission was a success. Now you just have to wait.
<<c "Keep spying on Novice Evie">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 1850-1300 84>>
Eventually, Novice Evie lets go of the broom and moves to the altar and the cider.
<p>You are lucky. Again, she is emptying the cup. From what you have seen of Novice Evie and her cider, you think she doesn't sip the cider, but waits until she is thirsty enough to drink it all.</p>
<p>Now it should only be a couple of minutes until Novice Evie feels the full effect of the <<potionLust .>></p>
<<c "Keep spying on Novice Evie">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi sweep4 38>>
<cc>Novice Evie goes back to sweeping.
Some time passes, then Novice Evie puts away the broom. Is it happening now?</cc>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 1850-1600 70>>
<c>Yes. Novice Evie succumbs to the lustful desire caused by the <<potionLust .>>
<p>She says prayers, asking for strength and to ward off evil, but she can't resist touching her slit.</p>
<p>This time, you will wait and then confront Novice Evie just before she reaches climax.</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv 1850-1800 38 volume2>>
<cc>The nun picks up a crucifix in a desperate attempt to resist the temptation, but to no avail.
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 1850-2000 38 "pause0.6 volume2">>
<cc>Novice Evie soon appears to be about to climax. This is your queue.
<<c "Confront Novice Evie">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 1850-3000 80>>
<c>Before Novice Evie climaxes, you quickly enter the chapel and walk straight up to her.
<p>Novice Evie looks terrified. The nun raises her leg to block your view of her sinful slit.</p>
<p>While she looks down in shame, you can also sense severe sexual frustration from Novice Evie since you interrupted her just before she reached orgasm.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi face2 50 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Novice Evie, I felt evil forces gathering again and God led me here. I can tell that Satan sent another demon to attack you.">>
<<s evie "Yes, $fmc. It came so suddenly. I couldn't resist it.">>
<<s mc "We can't wait any longer. I must anoint you with the Holy Seed to protect you.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi 3 40 pnggg>>
<<s evie "Please, no, $fmc. I was weak this time. I didn't pray enough. I will pray harder every day. The Lord will protect me.">>
Novice Evie again refuses to obey. You could force her, but Novice Evie's need for protection is not urgent enough to force her to submit to an anointing. You have your reputation to think of.
<p>Your desire to see Novice Evie's slit is strong though.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi face 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "If you refuse to be anointed, we must do something else to drive away the evil from you. You must get naked – completely naked – right now, to let God's light shine on you. This time, I won't take no for an answer. It's this or anointing.">>
Novice Evie's eyes move around as she desperately tries to think of something that will make you leave her alone.
<<s evie "It's not needed, Father. The lust demon won't come for me. It doesn't come over here.">>
<<s mc "What do you mean?">>
<<ev 3710>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 90 "pnggg" "18.7 4 6.6 innerchapel/innerchapel_small.png">>
<<s evie "I live in the room next door, which is on the west side of the hallway outside this chapel leading straight to the refectory. The lust demon always attacks on the east side." ii>>
<<ev 3750>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "13.23 4.2 5.2 nuns/evie/face_small.png">>
For a moment, you are stunned by Novice Evie's surprising statement. Can it be true that the lust demon only attacks on the east side of the hallway leading from this chapel to the refectory?
<p>You think about Novice Evie's room, and the rooms closest to it– to the west of the hallway in question.</p>
<<ev 3820>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "7.9 18 5 nuns/lara/face_small.png">>
Thinking quickly, going through the nearby rooms – and who lives there – you stop at Novice Lara's room. Her room is west of that hallway – and she <<italics has>> been attacked.
<<ev 3900>>
<<mii nuns/lara/face 36 pnggg>>
<<cs mc "Novice Lara has been attacked by the lust demon.">></cc>
<<mi face 45 "pnggg left">>
<<s evie "Yes, but she didn't live over here then. She lived in the room Novice Emma lives in now.">>
<<s mc "Oh... hmm.">>
This might be important, but you don't have time to think about it right now. You must deal with Novice Evie first.
<<qstart attacklocations 100>>
<<ev 3920>>
<<mi 4 40 "pnggg right">>
<l><<s mc "Whatever the case, no one is safe. We don't know where the lust demon will attack next. You need to be protected. I gave you a choice: get naked and I will shine God's light on you – or... I will anoint you with the Holy Seed. What's it going to be?">>
<<s evie "God's light, if I had to choose. But please, Father. It's not necessary, I will pray harder.">></l>
<<s mc "I can feel God looking down on us right now. He is waiting to shine His light upon you. Will you truly deny His light, my child?">>
Novice Evie gets quiet for a moment, then she sighs in defeat.
<<s evie "No, Father. I will undress.">>
<<s mc "I can feel God looking down on us right now. He is waiting to shine His light upon you. If you deny the holy, you side with evil, and God will smite you. Is that what you want, Novice Evie?">>
Novice Evie gets quiet for a moment, then she sighs in defeat.
<<s evie "No, Father. I will undress.">>
<<tbut "Make her accept God's light" null "addStat3">>
<<abut "Make her fear God's wrath" null "addStat3">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 37 "pause2">>
<cc>Novice Evie drops the habit down to her stomach, exposing her big breasts.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi m 48 right>>
Novice Evie then bends down and fumbles under her habit. She removes her panties and drops them on the floor. But you still can't see her slit.
<<s mc "Drop the habit all the way down.">>
<<s evie "Can you look away, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. I must see you. Through me, the Lord will shine His light upon you.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father.">>
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 50>>
<<ev 4160>>
<<mi m 42 right>>
<l>Novice Evie pulls down the habit, but only far enough that you can just barely see the hair on her female sex.
<<s mc "All the way means to the ground, Novice Evie.">>
<<ev 4230>>
<<mv m 80 pause3>>
Novice Evie sighs and drops the habit to the ground. For a moment, you can see her slit.
But in the end, Novice Evie's shyness wins, and she covers her slit with her hand.
<<s mc "Remove your hand, Novice Evie.">>
Novice Evie slowly removes her hand.
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>>
<<addlust 100>>
Your manhood gets hard from seeing the naked novice. You don't try to hide it. Instead, you demonstratively grab the bulge in your pants, squeezing your erection.
<<s mc "The Holy Rod is ready. It will not take long to anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi m 80>>
<cc><<cs evie "I did what you asked... instead of you anointing me, Father.">>
The shy nun once again covers her slit, still refusing to accept your seed.
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi torso 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Very well. It will have to do for now. We will talk more another time.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
Novie Evie looks relieved to avoid being anointed. Perhaps she will come around if you try again another time. The shy nun might also be more receptive if you talk to her in the privacy of her room.
<<set $evieroom=1>>
<<q evieq 500>>
<<addEncounter evie>>
<<if $replayingEvent>0>>
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<event 1870 evie nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom innerchapel/innerchapel_small 18.9 4 6.5 100 png>>
<<c "Follow Novice Evie into the chapel">>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "innerchapel/innerchapel" "nuns/evie/full" 24 12.2 49 64 "png">><</overlay>>
<<cs mc "Now undress and God's light will shine on you through me.">>
<<cs evie "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 1860-4000 37 "pause2">>
<cc>Novice Evie drops the habit down to her stomach, exposing her big breasts.
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi 1860-4100 48 right>>
Then Novice Evie bends down and fumbles under her habit. She removes her panties and drops them on the floor, but she doesn't drop the habit.
<<s mc "Drop the habit all the way down.">>
<<s evie "Can you look away, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. I must see you. Through me, the Lord will shine His light on you.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 4230>>
<<mv 1860-4230 80 pause3>>
Novice Evie sighs and drops the habit to the ground. For a moment, you can see her slit.
But in the end, Novice Evie's shyness wins, and she covers her slit with her hand.
<<s mc "Remove your hand, Novice Evie.">>
Novice Evie slowly removes her hand.
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi 1860-4300 80>>
<<addlust 40>>
Your manhood gets hard from seeing the naked novice. You don't try to hide it. Instead, you demonstratively grab the bulge in your pants, squeezing your erection.
<<s mc "The Holy Rod is ready. It will not take long to anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi 1860-4400 80>>
<c><<s evie "I did what you asked... instead of you anointing me, Father.">>
The shy nun once again covers her slit, still refusing to accept your seed.
<p>You nod to Novice Evie, and she starts dressing. But are you really going to let her get away with it that easily?</p>
<<if $qqevieq<1000>>
<<but "Anoint her by masturbating" nuns1 "step:4800 corr55 ttt10">>
<<but "Anoint her by masturbating" nuns1 "step:5100">>
<<c "Let her go">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mi 1860-4160 42 right>>
<<s mc "You still need protection, but we will talk more another time.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
Novie Evie looks relieved to avoid being anointed. <<if $qqevieq<1000>>Perhaps she will come around if you try again another time.<</if>>
<<if $qqevieq<1000>>
<<qmess evieq 550>>
Watching Novice Evie dress makes you start regretting your decision to let her go.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi 1870-4700 66>>
<<addlust 100>>
You can't avoid taking a last look at her luscious breasts, and your lust becomes unbearable.
<p>But you told Novice Evie she could go. Going back on your word would not be good for your reputation.
<<ev 4800>>
<<mi 1860-4160 41 right>>
<<s mc "Wait. I didn't say we were done here. Tell me, Novice Evie, why are you so adamant in your refusal to be anointed? Do you doubt the truth of the holy rites?">>
Novice Evie looks scared.
<<s evie "No, Father. I believe you are sent here by God to help us with the holy rites. I do. But I don't want to be anointed. It's too much for me. And you have scared away the lust demon. I will manage with prayers.">>
<<s mc "Do you refuse to be anointed because you will be asked to use your mouth on the Holy Rod to bring forth the Holy Seed? Be honest.">>
<<s evie "I admit, that is one reason, Father.">>
<<s mc "Very well. Then I will make an exception this time and use my own hands to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 4900>>
<<mi 1870-4700 60>>
<<s evie "But... then you would still be intimate with me, in a way.">>
<<s mc "It can't be avoided since we're talking about the Holy Seed. I will anoint you on your legs, to make it even easier for you, but you must be anointed, Novice Evie. It is time.">>
<<s evie "Please, Father, no.">>
You won't take no for an answer this time.
<<tbut "Be kind to her" nuns1 doplay:temp=love>>
<<abut "Rebuke her" nuns1 doplay:temp=punish>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<if $temp=="love">>
/* quick, ugly solution to avoid a linebreak between the love/punish icon and the test because it doesn't fit with the right pic. should have done it as a dd event in last step but cant be bothered now. */
<<addlove 3>>
<<addpun 3>>
<<mi 1860-4160 39 right>>
<<if $temp=="love">>
<<s mc "I'm doing this not only to protect you, Novice Evie, but also your sisters. We can't allow a weak point in our defenses against Satan, and right now, you are one. If you will not accept it for your own sake, find it in your heart to accept it for your sisters'. This has to be done, my child.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father. Do what you must, then.">>
<<s mc "I'm doing this not only to protect you, Novice Evie, but also your sisters. We can't allow a weak point in our defense against Satan, and right now, you are one. I've given you much consideration so far, not forcing you to obey, but if you are that selfish not to think of your sisters, I have to question if Satan has already gotten to you. This has to be done, Novice Evie.">>
<<s evie "Yes, Father. I will do it for my sisters.">>
<<s mc "Then I will retrieve the Holy Rod. Show me your slit to help bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<but "Pull down your pants" nuns1 step:5200>>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi 1860-4160 41 right>>
<<s mc "Wait. I didn't say we were done here. Seeing your naked body, God tells me the lust demon is a threat to you. I must anoint you again. You must use your mouth, or I can make another exception and use my own hands to bring forth the Holy Seed and anoint you on your legs.">>
<<s evie "Please use your hands, Father.">>
<<s mc "Very well. Then you must get naked and show me your slit. You know the drill.">>
<<but "Pull down your pants" nuns1 step:5200>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi 1870-5200 48 right>>
<l>Novice Evie lowers the habit, allowing you to see her slit.
<p>Staring at her exposed womanhood, you pull down your pants and grab your erect male organ. Novice Evie gives your manhood a nervous look, then keeps her eyes off it.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Begin to masturbate">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi 1870-5500 76>>
<cc>You stare at Novice Evie's naked body and begin to masturbate.
<<cs mc "Move for me a little. It will help bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv 1870-5600 51 volume0>>
<c>You keep staring at Novice Evie's naked body, focusing on her tight slit. You desire to penetrate it with your erect manhood. One day...
<<s mc "Now crouch with your legs wide and use your fingers to spread your slit for me.">>
<<ev 5800>>
<<mi 1870-5800 50>>
<c>Novice Evie doesn't look like she is enjoying this, but she does as you say. Staring at her exposed slit makes you very lustful.
<<s mc "Now turn around and show me your slit from behind.">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi 1870-5900 44>>
<c>Wanting to get this over with, Novice Evie quickly obeys your command and gives you a good view of her slit from behind.</c>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi 1870-6200 74>>
<c>You stare at Novice Evie's exposed intimate parts and imagine thrusting your hard rod into her tight slit. This pushes you over the edge. Your seed is about to come.
<<c "Prepare to release your seed">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mi 1870-6600 62>>
<cc>You move into position to release your seed on Novice Evie's legs. You feel an urge to aim high, close to her slit, but she would probably not like that.</cc>
<<set $temp="low">>
<<c "Ejaculate (aim low)">><<but "Ejaculate (aim high)" nuns1 "doplay:temp=high">>
<<ev 6700>>
<div style="background:#ddd;width:34.3vw;height:35.7vw;margin:auto;border-radius:1rem;">
<span class="cum-image">
<<set _cumh = $temp=="high" ? 38 : 56>>
<<overlay "nuns/evie/1870-6600" "misc/cum/cumpic3" 20 _cumh 18 100 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Moaning loudly with pleasure, you squirt your seed $temp onto Novice Evie's legs<<if $temp=="high">>, close to her slit,<</if>> while uttering the words to anoint her.
<<if $temp=="high">>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 step:6900>>
<<ev 6800>>
<<overlay "nuns/evie/1870-5900" "misc/cum/cumpic3" 16 66.5 14.3 50 "png right">><</overlay>>
<l>Novice Evie looks at you to see if you are done. Then she looks down at the sticky seed clinging to her skin. She can't see it all as some of the seed reaches up to her butt.
She looks scared when she realizes how close you came to her slit.
<<s evie "You almost hit me down there, Father! You must be more careful!">>
<<s mc "Relax, Novice Evie. The Holy Seed will not crawl into your slit. Besides, nothing sinful can come from something holy.">>
<<ev 6900>>
<<mi 1870-6900 45 right>>
<l><<if $temp!="high">>Novice Evie turns around to face you. She looks down at your sticky seed clinging to her legs.<</if>>
<<s evie "Can I wipe it off now?">>
<<s mc "Yes. You have been anointed with the Holy Seed, and the blessing and protection of the Lord have been bestowed upon you. I will speak more with you later, Novice Evie. My work here is done.">>
<<if $qqevieq<2000>>
<<c "Leave the chapel">>
<<but "Leave the chapel" hub>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 3 40 pnggg>>
<c>Novice Evie didn't use her mouth on you, but by taking the matter into your own hands – literally and figuratively – you at least got to anoint her.
<p>This could make it easier to convince Novice Evie to use her mouth on you another time, allowing you to properly anoint her. Though you may need something more to finally convince her.
<<q evieq 1000>></p>
<<event 1900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunsrunning 66>>
Further ahead, you see several nuns running in your direction. They wave when they see you.
<<s Nun "$fmc! We were looking for you. A monk wants to speak with you at the black door. He said it's very urgent.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom blackdoor/doormonks_small 66 -4 7 90>>
<<qset investmurder 10>>
You start running.
<<but "Run to the black door" blackdoor>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing */
<<event 2000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/lara/face 40 pnggg>>
<c>You want to recreate an attack, and you will use Novice Lara as your test subject in this experiment.</c>
<<c "Start the experiment">>
<<ev 140>>
<<mii crone/mc-redeyes 48>>
You drink a <<potionNightVision>>– just as you think the attacker is doing before the attacks.
<p>Your eyes become glowing red causing your vision to have a faint red shimmer to it. But your brain soon adjusts, and you no longer notice the reddish tint.</p>
<<ev 160>>
<<mii misc/monkHabit 21 pnggg>>
<c>Finally, you dress in your monk robes to reduce the risk of being recognized by Novice Lara – or someone spotting you in the hallways.
<p>Now you are ready to leave your room and continue the experiment.
<<set $temp=1>>
<<but "Go to Novice Lara's room" hall>>
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/arrow_down.png" 24.3 15.85 2 88 "pnggg" "7.9 18 5 nuns/lara/face_small.png">>
<c>But tonight, someone will be attacked on the west side of that hallway. Only, the attack won't be carried out by the lust demon, but by you. It will be an experiment, a necessary evil, to try to catch the attacker. Whoever – or whatever – that is.</c>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<but "Enter Novice Lara's room" lara>>
<<ev 1000>>
/* mc returning to his room after lara attack */
<<hubShowRoom mc/room 58 67 10 85 null "3.5 38 4">>
<c>You quickly, but silently, make your way back to your quarters through the deserted hallways, the same way you came.
<p>You arrive safely at the door to your room, having seen no one but Novice Lara since you left your room for the experiment. Now the bed awaits.</p></c>
<<but "Enter your room" mc1 ev:200>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 80>>
An agitated nun stands outside the door.
<<s Nun "There's been another attack! Follow me, Father!">>
She runs away, and you run after her.
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunsrunning 80 volume1.6>>
<c2><p>You have to stop to let a horde of nuns pass. Most of them are still wearing their nightgowns.</p>
<p>The nun you follow continues in the same direction as the running nuns.</p></c2>
<<ev 2200>>
<<hubShowRoom "nuns/lara/face_small.png" 7.9 18 5 82 null>>
<c>As you expected, the nun leads you to Novice Lara's room.
<p>Many nuns are already in the hallway outside. <<if $msConfused>>You don't see Mother Magda. It is no wonder she hasn't arrived yet since you keep her in a confused state.<<else>>You see Mother Magda waving for you to pass through the crowd.<</if>></p>
<p>The nuns move aside as you make your way to Novice Lara's room.</p></c>
<<but "Enter Novice Lara's room" lara1 "ev:100 step:10000">>
<<ev 2400>>
/* returning from lara's room */
Outside Lara's room, the hallway is filled with nuns, looking at you.
<p>You inform them that the lust demon has indeed struck again, and you urge everyone to stay strong and stand together in the holy war against Satan and his minions.</p>
You also remind them that Novice Lara had not been anointed with the Holy Seed.
<<mii ms/ms1 26 left>>
<<if $msConfused>>Mother Magda has arrived, and although she looks tired, she is alert enough to grasp the seriousness of the situation.<</if>>
<<s ms "We stand behind you, $fmc. You must lead us through this.">>
<<s mc "I will, Mother Magda. With God's help.">>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:3500 step:1000">>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 2200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying 36>>
<c>For one thing, you could secure your leadership even more. The professed sisters are key to this since their votes keep you in charge – as long as enough of them support you as their leader.
<p>Being intimate with a woman is a good way to bind her closer to you, and you can use this to strengthen your grip of the convent.</p>
<p>You should take some time to patrol the monastery looking for more professed sisters that you are interested in getting intimate with.
<<qstart roamingq 100>></p>
<<ev 300>>
<<questupdate roamingq>>
<<mii grounds/800-1200 32>>
You have found four professed sisters that you want to get intimate with.
<p>You have already been somewhat intimate with Sister Darcie as she has shown you her breasts. For the others, it might take some time to get somewhere. You have to work on it.</p>
<<ev 330>>
<<mii innerchapel/100-500 40>>
<c>Sister Jessica is the oldest and most influential of the four nuns, and so you should work extra hard on her.
<p>Sister Jessica seemed to respond well to flattery. You should keep that in mind and visit her again in the chapel after supper.
<<q roamingq 1000>></p>
<<if !setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",700,100)>>
<<but "Continue patrolling the hallways" hall1 ev:700>>
<<ev 1000>> /* quest stage 1000 finished */
<<questupdate roamingq bigmargin>>
<div class="center-flex center" style="width:78%">
<<mii nuns/sandra/sandra_small 100 "png left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/darcie/face_small 100 "left nomarginRight png">><<space2>><<mii nuns/tonina/tonina_small 100 "left nomarginRight png">><<space2>><<mii nuns/jessica/jessica_small 100 "png left nomarginRight">>
You have been intimate with the four professed sisters you identified as being of interest.
<p>The sexual acts would bring a lot of shame to the nuns if they were to be known to the outside world. This fact ensures that the four sisters will support you as their leader in the holy war against Satan.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii innerchapel/100-500 40>>
<c>But you are not quite satisfied yet. Sister Jessica is the oldest and most influential of the four professed sisters, and because of this, you want to fornicate with her one more time to bind her even closer to you.
<p>This time, you want to fornicate with Sister Jessica without using a lust drug.
<<q roamingq 1500>></p>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 2300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/letter 40 pnggg>>
<c>You read the letter.
<p>It is from the Father Alvaro. He wants to see you when you have time.</p>
<p>That doesn't sound too urgent.
<<qstart abbotreport 100>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing */
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 56>>
<c>If the abbot is correct and the doctor has stopped his strange nocturnal visits to the monks' bedroom, what will happen next?
<p>There is no reason to think the evil forces will just stop terrorizing the monastery. Whatever the doctor did to the monks, whatever the purpose of the strange tapping on their paralyzed bodies, it was surely part of some plan that didn't end there.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii misc/think 78>>
<c>First, the nuns were attacked by the lust demon. The attacks stopped – probably thanks to you.
<p>Then the monks started having the "nightmares" with the doctor.</p>
<p>Will the nuns, or the monks, or both, be targeted next?</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii crone/darkfiguretap 56>>
<c>You consider the fact that the doctor could be a benevolent being who was trying to help the monks. The strange tapping could have been a treatment for some type of affliction.
<p>It is theoretically possible, but it seems unlikely. The doctor is most likely evil – and the same individual as the one you call the alchemist and possibly the same individual as the one you call the attacker.</p>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 60>>
<c>You have identified the attacker of the nuns as a lust demon – probably a human lust demon, not a demonic one.
<p>It is hard to imagine that the lust demon was trying to help the nuns when it attacked them. That is not what demons do.</p>
<<ev 1270>>
<<mii crone/darkfigure 56>>
With all the evidence put together, there is no reason to think that everything will just end with the disappearance of the mysterious doctor – that the evil forces will just stop.
<p>No, you are convinced that the holy war will continue. The question is where.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun 35>>
<c>You will fight the evil forces no matter on which side of the monastery they are terrorizing, but your duty is first and foremost to protect the nuns.
<p>If the doctor is done visiting the monks at night, it could mean that the evil forces will again focus their attention on the nuns by sending the lust demon to attack them. You have to prepare for this.
<<qend abbotreport 1000>></p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mvv misc/angel 54>>
<c>You have learned from chapter five that lust demons feed on lust, and that lust angels fight lust demons by reducing the lust in the area the lust demons roam, thus starving them.
<p>Since the lust demon feeds on lust, it stands to reason that the lust demon is attracted to the most lustful nuns. And so these women need the strongest protection.</p>
<p>Thus, if you are intimate with the most lustful nuns, you can kill two birds with one stone: You can make the nuns climax to reduce their lust, thus starving the lust demon, and then finish by anointing them to further protect them from being attacked.</p>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying480 42>>
<c>So, not knowing on which side of the wall the evil forces will strike next, you will strengthen the defenses of the convent. You will do this by identifying the most lustful nuns and then going to them.
<p>Thankfully, you have included a lot of information in your investigation notes, including your sexual activities with women. You never know when a detail may come in handy.</p>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:4200">>
<<ev 3000>> /* reusing */
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 72 60 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<cc>You leave your room to get Novice Sofia.</cc>
<<c "Knock and enter her room">>
<<ev 3050>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 40>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Sofia, the lust demon may strike again soon. I must strengthen your protection, and you should climax to reduce your lust. We'll do it in my room.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Sofia obediently follows you to your room.
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:4200 step:1200">>
<<ev 4000>> /* reusing */
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mii nuns/misc/nun2 38>>
You have been with five of the nuns on your list of the most lustful nuns.
<<lh>>There is no point in delaying. Now you will take care of the remaining three: <<print setup.lustfulwomenleft("names",100)>>
<<q lustfulwomen 2000>>
<<ev 4400>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen completed>>
<<mii nuns/misc/intercourse 60>>
<c>You have visited everyone on your list of the eight most lustful nuns in the convent, reducing their lust and anointing them.
<<q lustfulwomen 3000>>
Now you will return to your room for a well-deserved break.
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:4200 step:7000">>
<<ev 4800>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 72 60 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<cc>You return upstairs and then leave your room to visit Novice Sofia.</cc>
<<c "Knock and enter her room">>
<<ev 4830>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 42 right>>
<l><<s mc "Novica Sofia, I want to talk about our time in bed together recently. I asked why you weren't as lustful as before, and suggested you might have been touching yourself. You said you hadn't touched yourself. Do you remember this conversation?">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father, I remember it.">>
<<s mc "That's good, but you didn't answer the original question. Can you explain why you felt less lustful with me?">>
Novice Sofia gets quiet for a moment and you think she looks afraid.
<<s sofia "I don't know, Father. But I haven't been touching myself, that I know of. Not on purpose anyway.">>
<<s mc "What does that mean? Speak up, Novice Sofia.">>
<<ev 4860>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia2 43 right>>
<<s sofia "Maybe I had a lustful dream once or twice. I'm not sure. Once when I woke up, a few days ago, I think my bed had gotten wet between my legs and... I felt nice and relaxed. Like I do after climaxing with you.">>
<<s mc "Are you saying the lust demon attacked you again?">>
<<s sofia "No, Father. Not that I know of. I don't remember it. I think it was just a lustful dream. But nothing scary.">>
<<s mc "Why didn't you tell me about this? Be honest, Novice Sofia.">>
<<s sofia "Because I was ashamed of having a sinful dream, and possibly climaxing from it. And I didn't want to be punished for it.">>
<<s mc "My child, you will not be punished for something you didn't do on purpose. You must come to me with things like this. It is important to save your soul and even more important now when we're fighting a holy war. Satan may attempt to reach for us in our dreams.">>
<<ev 4880>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 43 right>>
<<s sofia "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it, Father. I'm just afraid of the prison.">>
<<s mc "You shouldn't be. We are all sinners, Novice Sofia. No one will be going to prison for being a sinner or telling a lie because they are ashamed. Only if you turn your back against God's light and willingly invite Satan's darkness should you fear the prison. But that's not you, Novice Sofia. Is it, my child?">>
<<s sofia "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then you have nothing to fear from me. On the contrary, I'm doing my best to protect you from the darkness. To protect all of us. This is why I need to know things like this...things concerning sinful lust. It's especially important since we're fighting a lust demon.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father. I'm sorry. I will do better.">>
You question Novice Sofia more about the lustful dreams and her lust in general.
<<ev 4900>>
<<mii misc/think 78>>
<p>When you are done questioning Novice Sofia, you take a moment to reflect on what you have just learned.</p>
<p>Novice Sofia's lust has been lower than usual recently which seems to have been caused by lustful dreams. But were they only dreams? What if the other lustful nuns on your list also had these dreams? Could the lust demon be back?</p>
<p>You have to find out. But Novice Sofia lied – or at least hid the truth – the first time you asked about her reduced lust. You must make sure that the other nuns are truthful.</p>
<<ev 4920>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel 70>>
<c>It would also be convenient to meet them in one place, one after the other, instead of running around looking for them.
<p>The confession booth in the chapel is the answer to this.</p>
<<ev 4950>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1light 38>>
You rip a page from your notebook and jot down the names of the seven most lustful nuns – excluding Novice Sofia since you have already talked to her. You give the list of seven names to Novice Sofia.
<<if $daytime=="night">>
<<set $temp = " tomorrow">>
<<set $temp = "">>
<<s mc "I want to take confessions from everyone on this list. Run away now. Find them and tell them to come to the chapel$temp to confess.">>
<<s sofia "What's this list about, Father?">>
Novice Sofia is, as before, too curious about private matters, but since you have already had to assure her she does not need to fear prison, you will not rebuke her.
<<s mc "I've been intimate with them recently and I want to see how they are doing. That's all.">>
<<s sofia "Yes, Father. I will run away now.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii nchapel/chapel 70>>
<<if $temp==" tomorrow">><<set $temp = " tomorrow during the day">><</if>>
<c>Novice Sofia will send the nuns on the list to the chapel to confess. You should go there$temp.
<<q lustfulwomen 3200>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<hubShowRoom nuns/sofia/sofiaHead 72 60 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<cc>You quickly return upstairs and then leave your room.
<p>Without knocking, you open the door to Novice Sofia's room.</p></cc>
<<c "Enter her room">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 60>>
<cc>Novice Sofia isn't here, which suits you well.
<<c "Look under Novice Sofia's bed">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 44 pnggg>>
<c>You look under Novice Sofia's bed, and you are surprised to see a cloth hidden there.
<p>You take the cloth and sniff it. You can smell the vague scent of an <<potionAmnesiaOil .>></p>
<p>Just as you were afraid of. The lustful dreams were not dreams. Someone has been visiting the lustful nuns at night.</p>
<p>But why is the oily cloth still here? It has been days since Novice Sofia last had a lustful dream.</p>
<<ev 6500>>
<<mii hjana/janahead 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You want to check another bed.
<p>Sister Jana also had a lustful dream, about a week ago. Her room is close by.</p>
<<ev 6600>>
<<hubShowRoom hjana/jana_small 72 52 7 85 "png sofiaHeadRoom">>
<cc>You hurry to Sister Jana's room. It should also be empty this time of the day.
<<c "Enter Sister Jana's room">>
<<ev 6700>>
<<mii misc/bedroom 60>>
<cc>You enter Sister Jana's room.
<p>As you thought, no one is here.</p>
<<c "Look under the bed">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 44 pnggg>>
<cc>You look under Sister Jana's bed and see an oily cloth.
<p>Sniffing the cloth, you can smell the vague scent of an <<potionAmnesiaOil .>></p>
<p>This is strange. Why have the oily cloths not been removed this time?</p>
<p>You must go back to your lab to think.</p>
<<but "Return to your lab" lab2 "ev:2800 step:1500">>
<</events>><<if $intro > 1500 && $intro < 2500>>
<<set $intro = 2500>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include outside1>>
<<elseif $intro < 9000>>
<<mi "outside-nuns" 80>>
<<if $school < 100 || $chapel < 100>>
You are standing outside the entrance to the monastery. But before entering, you want to have a quick look around the place.
<br><br>A small <<lbut chapel>> is built adjacent to the high wall, close to the entrance.
Opposite the monastery, there is a large building complex. That must be the <<lbut school>> for young women that the nuns are running.
<<if $intro<1000>>
/* NOTE: moving to nuns not hub here */
You are standing outside the entrance to the <<lbut monastery. nuns>>
You are standing outside the entrance to the <<lbut monastery. hub>>
A small <<lbut chapel>> is built close to the entrance. The <<lbut school>> for young women is located here.
There is also a market stall here where the nuns sell their wares. It is not manned right now, but there
is a sign on the wall saying to press a button for service.
/* only one visit, at night, currently */
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<mi outside-nuns-night 60>>
<c>The area outside the monastery is deserted this time of day. You could visit the school and try to enter the buildings, but you don't want to disturb the students.
<p>Only the area around the entrance to the monastery and the school is lit. You have no wish to fumble around in the darkness along the long wall of the monastery, looking for potential intruders. If you are to patrol somewhere, it should be inside the walls.</p></c>
<<set $outside = 1>>
Outside<br>Should not be seen.<br>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<say ms "I have shown you everything I can think of inside. Do you want to continue the tour outside?" ii>>
<<say mc "Yes, in a second. But first, I wonder what you know of any secret passages that could exist between you and the monks?">>
<<say ms "I have thought about it and looked through our records and old documents in the library, the little we have, but I can't find anything that suggests the existence of any secret passages on our side that aren't already since long discovered. We have a couple of 'secret passages' connecting some of our rooms, but they aren't secret to anyone today, even if they perhaps once were. And none of the passages we know of lead into the monks' side, obviously." ii>>
<<say mc "I will bring up the matter when I visit the monks. Maybe they know something.">>
<<say ms "Yes, do that. You might find something interesting in their library. I hear they have several manuscripts from the very early days of the monastery." ii>>
<<but "Continue tour" school qq>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("patriarchq") && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",1100)>>
<<qadd patriarchq 1100>>
<<mii lab/notes4 70>>
<c>Before going to bed, you spend some time cataloging Ludolphus' recipes stuck in the herbal.
<p>For a while now, you have been almost done cataloging the recipes, but with everything else going on, you have neglected to finish it. Even though you only list the names of the recipes, a short description of what they do, and their locations in the herbal, it takes time and energy to interpret and translate Ludolphus' hasty handwriting.</p>
<p>But now you have finally come to the very end. You pick up the final loose sheet of paper inserted between the last page and the book cover.</p>
<<but "Look at the sheet of paper" lab1 ev:2050>>
<<mii "misc/praying" 40 right>>
<<if $temp5=="quickToBed">>
<<set $temp5=null>>
<<specialalert2 "(Going straight to bed)">>
Before going to bed, you kneel and pray, asking God to protect you and to forgive you for your sins.
<<if $qqguidinghand==200>>
You pray long to the Lord for guidance, focusing on Novice Cindy and the – yet unknown – special role you think she will play in the holy war.
<<q guidinghand 300>>
<<if $qqcindyq==2000>>
Repenting in an act of <<hovertip "perfect contrition," perfectcontrition bottom>> you are sure that God will forgive the mortal sin of fornication you committed with Novice Cindy. That would remove the black spot on your soul, thereby purifying your soul – cleansing it of any corruption.
<<if setup.questCompleted("cindyq") && setup.checkPlayedEver("cindy1",300,7000) && !setup.daysAfterPlayed("cindy1",300,7000,1)>>
You repent in an act of perfect contrition for the mortal sin of fornication you committed today using Novice Cindy. This should remove the black spot on your soul, thereby purifying your soul – cleansing it of any corruption.
<<set _perfectcontrition = true>>
Once in bed, you soon fall asleep...
<<if $sin <= 0>>
God listens to prayer. Any minor sins you may have committed during the day are forgiven.<br>
/*<<if _perfectcontrition>>
God may possibly forgive even mortal sins if the sinner repents in an act of perfect contrition.
<<elseif $monksNightDrinking > 0>>
God listens to prayer, even from drunken fools who may have succumbed to the temptations of the Devil.<br>
<<addsin -5>>
God listens to prayer, but the Lord only forgives minor sins without penance and absolution.<br>
<<if $qqcindyq==2000>>
/* God listens to prayer and may forgive even mortal sins if the sinner repents in an act of perfect contrition.*/
<<qset cindyq 2100>>
Current sin: $sin<br>
Current corruption: $corr<br>
<<set _addcorr = $sin - $corr>>
<<if _addcorr > 0>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow converting-corruption">=> Sin converted to corruption: _addcorr</span>
/*SECOND monk drinks, also reduce perm res with -5 or wait till later update?*/
<<addcorr _addcorr permanent>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow not-converting-corruption">=> Corruption: No change</span>
<<addsin $sin subtract>>
<<set $isSleeping = true>>
<<if $encID == 2>>
<span class="sleep-crone-button">
<<but "Go to sleep >>>" dreaming>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking > 0>>
<<but "Go to sleep" dreaming>>
<<elseif $qqjanacurse == 1000 && setup.checkqStage("janacurse", 800) &&
setup.questCompleted("holymarriage") && setup.questCompleted("longpepper2") &&
setup.checkPlayedEver("hjana1",1000,2000) && setup.checkqStage("anikaq", 300)>>
<<qset janacurse 1100>>
<<but "Sleep" dreaming>>
<<elseif ndef $qqjanamarry && setup.checkqStage("amnesiaproject",700)>>
/* setting qq variable with doplay since cant do qinit janamarry in case player goes back and plays crone dream */
<<but "Sleep" dreaming "doplay:qqjanamarry=10">>
<<elseif setup.questCompleted("alonsoq2") && def $qqjanamarry && $qqalonsoq2<3200>>
<<but "Sleep" dreaming "doplay:qqalonsoq2=3100">>
<<but "Sleep" mc>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 3500>>
<<set $intro = 3500>>
<<setev 100>>
<<include refectory1>>
<<elseif def $qqinvestmurder && $qqinvestmurder<600>>
<cc>It is lunch time.</cc>
<<qset investmurder 580>>
<<set $blackBellOnly = true>>
<<elseif $qqspanking==1900>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face 30 pnggg>>
When you go to the refectory for a snack, one of the novices catches up with you.
<<s Novice "$fmc, Sister Syren wants to meet you at the school right now.">>
The novice then leaves.
<<set $noRefectoryBypass = 1>>
<<set $syrenschool=0>>
<<q spanking 2000>>
<<elseif $qqgabriellaanal == null && $qqroamingq != null>>
<<mv 1000-100 50 volume0.7>>
<c>Passing the refectory, you see a nun leaving the door to the kitchen.
<p>Before the door closes, you catch a glimpse of Novice Gabriella preparing food for the upcoming lunch.</p></c>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 ev:1900>>
<<if $daytime != "night">>
<<mi outside_refectory 70>>
You go to the refectory. The doors are closed because it isn't time to eat yet.
<<if $day==3 && $qqtalknuns < 400>>
You have not questioned the nuns yet.
<<if $qqhallNovices >= 300>>
<<if $qqhallNovices == 300>>
<<but "Wait until Midday Prayer >>" refectory1 "ev:1000 doplay:gabriellaLunch=1">>
<<elseif !($gabriellaLunch>0) && !($lunch>0)>>
<<specbut2 "gabriella" refectory1 "ev:1020 qqhallNovices<<600 doplay:gabriellaLunch=1">>
<<specbut2 "gabriella" refectory1 "ev:1100 qqhallNovices>>600 qqgabriellaq<<200 doplay:gabriellaLunch=1">>
<<specbut2 "gabriella" refectory1 "ev:1600 qqgabriellaq>=200 qqgabriellaq<<400 doplay:gabriellaLunch=1">>
<<specbut2 "gabriella" refectory1 "ev:1600 step:2000 qqgabriellaq>=400 qqgabriellaq<<1000 doplay:gabriellaLunch=1">>
<<specbut2 "gabriella" refectory1 "ev:1620 qqgabriellaq>=1000 doplay:gabriellaLunch=1">>
/* Note: if wanting more use of 'wait for lunch bell' here, make sure to not get double buttons. */
<<but "Wait for the lunch bell >>>" refectory1 "ev:1700 qqsaraq>=1000 qqsaraq<<1200 lunch<<1">>
<<but "Wait for the lunch bell >>>" refectory1 "ev:1700 qqsaraq==2400 lunch<<1">>
<<if $qqprotecting == 200>>
<cc><<actQuest protecting>>– Before supper, you should talk to Mother Magda about Sister Roberta's investigation.
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 300>>
<cc><<actQuest protecting>>– Before supper, you should go to your lab to look for Ludolphus' recipe for a drug that confuses people.
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 600>>
<cc><<actQuest protecting>>– Before supper, you should visit Mother Magda to see how the <<potionConfusion>> has affected her.
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 650>>
<cc><<actQuest protecting>>– Before supper, you should go to your lab and decide what to do with Mother Magda.
<<elseif $qqprotecting == 800>>
<cc><<actQuest protecting>>– Before supper, you must deal with Mother Magda.
<<elseif $qqamyq == 900>>
<cc><<actQuest amyq>>– Before supper, you must go upstairs to remove the oily cloth from under Sister Amy's bed.
<<elseif $qqjanamarry==1000>>
<cc><<actQuest janamarry>>– Before supper, you must go to Sister Jana's room and remove the oily cloth from under her bed.</cc>
<<elseif $qqadriannaq==300>>
<cc><<actQuest adriannaq>>– Before supper, you must go to the school dormitory and remove the oily cloth from under Adrianna's bed.
<<elseif $qqamnesiaproject>=300 && $qqamnesiaproject < 500>>
<cc><<actQuest amnesiaproject>>– You are drawing strength from Jesus, but it won't last long. Before supper, you must take confessions in the outside chapel to find test subjects for Project Amnesia.
<<elseif $qqinvestmurder < 1000 && $qqinvestmurder>=600>>
<cc><<actQuest investmurder>>– Before supper, you must go to your lab and continue your investigation of the murder.
<<elseif $qqspanking==2000>>
<cc><<actQuest spanking>>– Sister Syren is waiting for you at the school. You should go there.
<<elseif $qqemmalustangel==100>>
<cc><<actQuest emmalustangel>>– You must tell Novice Emma what you have learnt about lust angels and lust demons.
<<elseif $qqcarolinaq==150>>
<cc><<actQuest carolinaq>>– You must inform Novice Emma about Carolina.
<<elseif $qqabbotreport==10>>
<cc><<specialalert2 "Someone rang the black bell. It might be a message for you. You should go there.">></cc>
<<elseif $qqlustfulwomen==3400>>
<cc><<actQuest lustfulwomen>> – You must go to your lab to think about your recent findings.</cc>
<<elseif $qqlustfulwomen==4000>>
<cc><<actQuest lustfulwomen>> – You must investigate if the lust demon has attacked the school.</cc>
<<but "Wait for the supper bell >>>" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<mi outside_refectory 70>>
<cc>The doors to the refectory is closed. You leave.</cc>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv supper 70%>>
<p>When you arrive, the refectory is already packed with nuns, but everyone is quiet, as is expected. Not even a whisper is heard. You see a single chair and a small table in a corner, which must be for you since sitting close to a nun would be inappropriate.</p>
<p>You see <<var mms>> nodding at you as you sit down at the small table. She then makes a gesture to someone. Soon after, you are served the meal.</p>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi outside_refectoryNight 70>>
<p>You eat supper in silence together with the nuns.</p>
<p>When you are finished, it is dark outside. Everyone leaves the refectory and goes to their rooms to pray. You are yet again alone.</p>
<<if $autosavingTip != true>>
<<tip autosaving>>
<<set $autosavingTip = true>>
<<set $daytime = "night">>
<<but Leave hub>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if setup.isMobileUser()>>
<<mi supper 70>>
<<mv supper 70%>>
/* Check if mc comes here after bell has already rung, as part of an event */
<<if $temp2 != "supperDoorsAlreadyOpen">>
The doors to the refectory open, and the bell rings.<br>
You join the nuns for supper, everyone eating in silence.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi outside_refectoryNight 80>>
When you are finished, it is dark outside. Everyone leaves the refectory and goes to their rooms to pray.
<<if setup.monksNightDrinking1Day()>>
<<but "Leave" refectory1 "ev:400">>
<<elseif $qqmonksDrinking2 == 200>>
<<set $qqmonksDrinking2 = 210>>
<<elseif $qqmonksDrinking2 == 210>>
<c2><<linediv>><cc>You have arranged to meet with the monks tonight.</cc></c2>
<<but "Leave" refectory1 "ev:400 step:300">>
<<elseif setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("emma", 200, 100) > 0 && $day >= setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("emma", 200, 100) + 1 && $qqemma2 < 350>>
/* The day after first initiating into circle, mc initiates Sofia */
<<but "Leave" refectory1 "ev:500">>
<<elseif !($qqrumika > 0) && $qqemma2 >= 350 && !($qqjanacurse == undefined)>>
<<qinit rumika>>
<<qset rumika 1>>
<<but "Leave" refectory1 ev:600>>
/* NOTE: Adding more initiations is done in eatsupper widget after celine is added. This is because if someone visits celine, they will be sent to hub, missing the initiation. Besides pushing the initiation forward in time potentially forever if player keeps visiting celine, it can also bug. In quest judithBathroomNight, the quest is inited in Mc when waking up and bathroom+quest would be activated at night even if player hasn't seen the initiation yet. */
/* NOTE: If wanting to add an event after supper, and it doesn't have to be immediately after leaving refectory (ie mc has time to visit Celine first), the easiest way is to just add the event in override hub in js for daytime==night */
<<vv 2>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi outside_refectoryNight 80>>
When you are finished with supper, it is dark outside. Everyone leaves the refectory and goes to their rooms to pray.
<<if $qqrevelationroberta==600>>
<cc>Sister Roberta could be using the lust salve tonight. You must spy on her.
<<qset revelationroberta 700>>
<<but "Go to the storage room next to Sister Roberta" roberta1 "ev:500 fullWidth">>
<<elseif $qqmonksDrinking3 == 100 && !($temp2==$day)>>
<<set $temp2 = $day>>
<c>You have been invited to have another beverage sampling with the monks tonight. However, you plan to spend many hours talking to the monks. If you think you aren't up for a lot of talking tonight, you can send a message to the monks via the Black Door and postpone the meeting until you feel ready.</c>
<<but "(Send message) Postpone the meeting" refectory1 "step:300">><<but "Meet with the monks tonight" refectory1 "ev:400 step:300">>
<span class="celine-kitchen"><<mi celineHead_small 100 "png noZoom">></span>
<span style="display:inline-block">
<<but "Novice Celine" refectory1 "ev:640 special qqceline<<500">>
<<but "Novice Celine" refectory1 "ev:800 special qqceline>=500 qqceline<<700">>
<<but "Novice Celine" refectory1 "ev:1300 special qqceline>=700">>
<<but "Follow Novice Sara" nuns1 "ev:1000 qqsaraq==200">>
<<but "Follow Novice Sara" nuns1 "ev:1020 qqsaraq>=1000 qqsaraq<<1200">>
/* NOTE: Adding more initiations is done in aftersupper widget after celine is added. See comment in step 200 above */
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowMcRoom 85>>
<c2>You are on your way back to your room when a bell is heard in the distance. You think it is the bell at the black door. Curious, you turn around to go there.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii "misc/letter" 45 "right png noBorder">>
On the way to the black door, you are approached by a nun who hands you an envelope.
<<s Nun "This was left for you, Father.">>
The nun leaves as you inspect the envelope. It simply says "$fmc" on it. You open it and find a letter inside.</p>
<p>It's an invitation from the abbot to meet with the monks tonight in their refectory. There will be a sampling of the alcoholic beverages produced by the monks, which includes wine, beer, as well as stronger products.</p>
<p>Though you normally stay away from alcohol, as it corrupts one's mind, you can't pass up on this opportunity to get closer to the monks. They are all suspects in the strange nocturnal attacks on the nuns, and with alcohol comes loose lips.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii "misc/monkHabit" 23 pnggg>>
As usual, before you visit the monks, you go to your room and change into the monk's habit.
<<set $monksNightDrinking = 1>>
<<vv 1.1>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set _circle = setup.circle>>
<<mvv nuns/emma/200-500 80 volume2.0>>
<cc>Today you visited Novice Emma and initiated two more nuns into the _circle.</cc>
<<tip initiateMembers>>
<cc><<lbut Continue ediv1 sss>></cc>
<<div ediv1>>
<<mvv nuns/emma/200-509 80 volume1.5>>
<cc>After watching you anoint Emma with the Holy Seed, the two nuns left the room, bound by their oath of secrecy that they swore to God and the Virgin Mary to not tell anyone outside the Circle about the holy rites.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/sofia/sofia1 45>>
One of the two new initiates was Novice Sofia. She is the first reported victim of the unknown night stalker, and she claims to have been attacked several times. Novice Sofia is also one of the youngest victims. You are not surprised that she was ready to join the Circle.</c>
<<qset emma2 350>> /* triggering sofia coming to mc room tonight */
<<vv 2>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set _circle = setup.circle>>
<<mvv nuns/emma/200-500 80 volume2.0>>
<cc>Today you visited Novice Emma and initiated two more nuns into the _circle.</cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue ediv1 sss>></cc>
<<div ediv1>>
<<mvv nuns/emma/200-509 80 volume1.5>>
<cc>After watching you anoint Emma with the Holy Seed, the two nuns left the room, bound by their oath of secrecy that they swore to God and the Virgin Mary to not tell anyone outside the Circle about the holy rites.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 30>>
One of the new initiates was Sister Rumika. She is the first professed sister to be initiated into the Circle – all the other initiates have been novices. Having a professed sister as a member is important, as it will improve the legitimacy of the Circle in the eyes of the other nuns, especially the novices. It would mean even more if Sister Rumika would let you perform the holy rites on her.</c>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head2 35>>
<c><p>Sister Rumika has been attacked twice by the lust demon, and she is afraid she has committed lustful sins while under the demonic influence. Like all the nuns deciding to join the Circle, Sister Rumika is desperate for help with her fears and nightmares. But there was something about Sister Rumika's desperation that stood out to you. She had a look on her face just before she left Novice Emma's room, as if she was staring into empty space.</p>
<<ev 320>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head2 30>>
While having supper with the nuns, you kept an eye on Sister Rumika. Several times you saw that same empty stare.
<p>After everyone left the refectory to go to their rooms to pray, something in your gut told you to follow Sister Rumika.</p>
<<ev 350>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 34.4 33 3 85 "png noBorder">>
And here you are now, in the hallway, following her.<br>
Sister Rumika continues straight ahead, together with many of the other nuns.</cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom "bathroom/bathroomHubNight" 33 3 13 85>>
<c>Sister Rumika enters the bathroom. All the other nuns continue either left or right. To avoid anyone noticing that you are following Sister Rumika, you turn right. You stop after a while, pretending to think while keeping an eye on the bathroom.
<<ev 500>>
<<hubShowRoom "bathroom/bathroomHubNight" 33 3 13 65>>
<c>The hallways are silent as all the nuns have returned to their rooms to pray. Except for Sister Rumika who is still inside the bathroom. There is no obvious reason to enter the bathroom right after supper. The washing of hands would be done
/* at the <<hovertip lavatorium, lavatorium>> */ along the wall just outside the refectory to the right, and the latrines are outdoors.<br>
You had a hunch something was up with Sister Rumika, and now you must follow your gut feeling.</c>
<<but "Sneak to the bathroom" bathroom1 "ev:800">>
<<event 620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 36.5 32.3 3 75 "png noBorder">>
On the way back to your room, you pass the refectory when you suddenly hear a loud noise. It sounds like it's coming from the kitchen. This must be investigated.<br>
You could go through the refectory to reach the kitchen, but the quickest way would be the kitchen side door that leads out to the hallway, just ahead of you. You sneak to the door.</cc>
<<c "Peek into the kitchen">>
<<ev 200>>
<div style="width:37%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mi m 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 80% 0% 80% stylingend">></span>
<c>You push the door open slightly and peek inside. You don't see anyone. However, you hear something. Someone is in there, doing something. Could it be an intruder? </c>
<<c "Open the door more and look inside">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 56>>
<c>False alarm. It's only a nun, cleaning up after supper, doing the dishes. She must have had a minor accident, maybe dropping something on the floor. That was the loud noise you heard.
<p>While you are here, you might as well take a better look. You have only visited the kitchen briefly, once, during the tour the day you arrived at the monastery. You step inside the room.
<<s mc "Greetings, Sister...">></p>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi 620-300 60>>
<cc>There is no reaction from the nun. She must not have heard you over the noise from the clanking of tableware, the scrubbing, and the splashing of water. You move a little closer.
<<s mc "Sister?" center>></cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 30>>
<cc>The nun finally reacts by screaming and turning around.<br>She calms down when she recognizes you.
<<s Nun "Oh... $fmc, thank God, it's you. I thought the Crone was coming for me." center>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Now you recognize the nun." div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1 noLine>>
<<mi celineHead 30 right>>
<l>It's Novice Celine! You initiated her together with Novice Sofia. This must be a sign from God. Novice Sofia came to you willingly to be anointed, and now you were sent here by the Lord to convince Novice Celine to accept the holy rites.
<<s mc "I'm sorry I scared you. I called out to you, but you made a lot of noise with the dishes.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi celine1 30 right>>
<<s celine "Yes, it's not your fault. I want to get the dishes done quickly. It can get pretty loud when I get going.">>
<<s mc "You're alone on kitchen duty? Everyone else is gone praying?">>
<<s celine "Yes, it's only me. I'm doing the dishes and all the cleaning up after supper, including scrubbing the kitchen down.">>
<<s mc "Sound like hard work for one person when you are so many that can help out.">>
<<s celine "Yes, it's a lot of work, but it's part of the assignments they give to us novices. We have to prove to the others and ourselves that we are serious with our commitment to become professed sisters. I'm happy to do it. And once I'm done, I can enjoy my soup and biscuit. The biscuit is a treat I'm allowed for working hard and missing prayer.">>
<<s mc "That's nice. Listen, Novice Celine. I don't want to pressure you, but I wonder if you've thought about the holy rites. Now that you're initiated, you should get anointed. It's the best way to protect you from Satan and his demons. Novice Sofia has already been anointed. ">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi celine2 30 right>>
<<s celine "It's not that I doubt what you and Novice Emma are saying about the holy rites. I just find it too extreme. I haven't even seen a grown man naked and now I'm supposed to use my mouth on you. It's unthinkable to me.">>
<<s mc "Everyone feels like that at first. But remember, the Devil has sent a lust demon to terrorize you and the other sisters. If you aren't protecting yourself, you may be forced to do extreme things against your will by the lust demon. Satanic, perverted things. The Lord has sent me to fight Satan's evil scheme. Unfortunately, this requires sacrifices and penance for the lustful sins already committed. That's where the holy rites come in.">>
<<s celine "I believe you. But I can't see myself doing it. I hope you will be able to drive Satan and his demon away before I get attacked again.">>
<<s mc "It's your choice. But I urge you to at least consider it.">>
<<s celine "Yes, Father. I will">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi celineHead 44>>
<cc>Novice Celine is not ready to be anointed. That's a shame. But you won't give up that easily. God wants you to convince Novice Celine to change her mind. You just have to figure out how.
<<qstart celine 100 center>>
<<event 640>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 620-300 56>>
<<if $qqceline < 200>>
<c>You enter the kitchen and see a nun doing the dishes. It must be Novice Celine.
<<s mc "Novice Celine?">>
<p>No reaction from the nun. She probably can't hear you over the noise she makes from doing the dishes. You don't want to scare her again, so you wait for the noise to die down.</p>
<c>You enter the kitchen and see Novice Celine. She is making a lot of noise doing the dishes. You don't want to scare her, so you say nothing.
<<but "Look at soup and tea" refectory1 "step:500 lustpotion#notplayed440">>
<<but "Look at soup and tea" refectory1 "step:1000 lustpotion#played440 qqceline<<300">>
<<but "Wait to speak to her" refectory1 "step:400 qqceline<<300">>
<<but "Wait to speak to her" refectory1 "ev:700 qqceline>=300 qqceline<<500">>
/*<<but "Wait to speak to her" refectory1 "ev:800 qqceline>=500">>*/
<<ev 200>>
<<mi soup 22>>
<p>While you are waiting, you notice the bowl of soup and the tea with biscuit waiting for Novice Celine when she is finished with her chores. An idea pops into your head – to mix some nightmare tea into the soup and try something like you did with Emma. If you make Novice Celine's nightmares worse, she might agree to be anointed. But is this what God wants?</p>
<<c "Ponder the situation">>
/*<<but "God does not approve" refectory1 step:300>><<but "God approves (use nightmare tea)" refectory1 step:400>>*/
<<ev 300>>
<<mi soup 26 right>>
<l>No. After careful consideration, you decide not to give nightmare tea to Novice Celine. Drugging her with the tea is something <<var lastabbot,>> the last abbot, would have done. He spiraled out of control, lost his mind. You're not him, and you won't become him. You follow the path the Lord has set out for you, and in this case, you don't feel God's approval. It feels wrong.
<p>Emma had nightmares that stopped her from joining the convent. It was obviously God's plan all along for you to help Emma get rid of the nightmares the way you did, seeing how well everything turned out. It was a special case. Novice Celine also has nightmares – this you know from when you questioned her during your first days in the monastery – and she must be desperate for help since she agreed to be initiated, but the nightmares are just a symptom of what the lust demon has done to her, showing that the Devil has Novice Celine in his grip.</p>
<p>You will have to find another way for Novice Celine to realize that she needs to be anointed to be protected from Satan.
<<if !($qqlustpotion>=440)>>
But short of her being attacked again, you don't know what else would convince her.
<<q celine 200>>
<<ev 400>>
<<if $qqceline < 200>>
<<mi celine1 26 right>>
<l>Novice Celine finally turns around. She flinches when she sees you.
<<s celine "Oh! $fmc. You almost scared me. I didn't hear you come in.">>
<<s mc "I was waiting for you to finish.">>
<<s celine "Can I help you, Father?">>
<<s mc "I just wanted to check on you. It's not good that you're going around being scared of the Crone. The Devil senses weakness.">>
<<s celine "I feel more secure now, knowing you're around to protect us, and looking out for me.">>
<<s mc "Good, but you should still consider being anointed.">>
<<s celine "I have thought about it, but I can't see myself doing it. I'm sorry.">>
Novice Celine goes back to the dishes. There is nothing more to do here.
<<mi celine1 20>>
<c>Eventually, Novice Celine takes a break from the dishes, and you can talk to her. You bring up the anointing with the Holy Seed, but she still refuses to accept the holy rite. You must make her see reason somehow.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi soup 22>>
<p>While you are waiting, your eyes fall on the bowl of soup and the tea with biscuit waiting for Novice Celine when she is finished with her chores. Once again, you think about mixing some nightmare tea into the soup and try something like you did with Emma.</p>
<p>But no. This is not what God wants. You're not a madman like <<var lastabbot.>>You will have to find another way for Novice Celine to realize that she needs to be anointed to be protected from Satan. But short of her being attacked again, you don't know what else would convince her.</p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:400>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi soup 22>>
<p>While you are waiting, your eyes fall on the bowl of soup and the tea with a biscuit waiting for Novice Celine when she is finished with her chores.</p></c>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:400>><<but "Pour <<potionLust>> in soup" refectory1 "corr30">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi soup 20>>
<c>Surely it is not a coincidence that you have learned how to make a lust potion shortly after asking the Lord for guidance on how to convince Novice Celine to be anointed. The nightmare tea was for Emma, and now God has given you another tool to use to spread the holy rites.
<p>You pour the lust potion into the soup waiting for Novice Celine. With only a tablespoon in volume, the potion mixes in nicely with the soup. Novice Celine is too busy with the dishes to notice anything.</p>
<<c "Leave the kitchen">>
<<ev 1200>>
<div style="width:65%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mi 620-300 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 100% 0% 100% stylingend">></span>
<c>You quietly leave the kitchen and close the door, leaving only a small crack.</c>
<<c "Spy on Novice Celine">>
<<ev 1300>>
<div style="width:35%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mi m 100 "pause4 styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 90% 0% 90% stylingend">></span>
<c>Novice Celine is soon done with the dishes. It looks like that was the last of her chores in the kitchen. She goes to the table and sits down to eat.</c>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 1400>>
<div style="width:35%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mv m 100 "pause4 styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 90% 0% 90% stylingend">></span>
<c>Novice Celine finishes the soup, the tea, and the biscuit. She then places a tablecloth on the table, making the kitchen proper and ready for tomorrow, no doubt.
<p>No sign yet of anything special happening with her. You wonder how long time it takes for the lust potion to start working. Ludolphus' notes didn't say.</p></c>
<<ev 1500>>
<div style="width:45%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mv m 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 80% 0% 80% stylingend">></span>
<c>Novice Celine picks up a candle. You expect her to place it in a holder somewhere, but she is just standing there, looking lost. Or is she making sure no one is around to see her? She hasn't spotted you though.</c>
<<ev 1600>>
<div style="width:55%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mv m 100 "pause2 styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 80% 0% 80% stylingend">></span>
<cc>It looks like the lust potion worked. Is she going to use the candle to defile herself?
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<<ev 1700>>
<div style="width:55%;display:block; margin: 0 auto;">
<span style="height:100%;"><<mv m 100 "styling height:100%;border-radius:0% 80% 0% 80% stylingend">></span>
You are not surprised that Novice Celine couldn't resist the effect of the potion. It shows how weak her spirit has become from the attack by the lust demon. A sure sign she requires protection from Satan's influence. She has to be anointed.</c>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 75>>
You better let her continue with her perverted action for a little while to make her realize how much she needs your help.
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mv m 80 pause1>>
<cc>One candle apparently isn't enough to satisfy her filthy needs of fornication. Anointing Novice Celine likely won't be enough. You may have to fornicate with her to eat her sins.</cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 80>>
<cc>This outrageous perversion has gone on long enough.
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<<c "Confront Novice Celine">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 42 pause4>>
<cc>You enter the kitchen. Novice Celine is so lost in pleasure that she doesn't notice you.
<<cs mc "Novice Celine...">>
<<cs celine "Oh! $fmc... I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it.">>
<<cs mc "I knew something like this could happen. You are too weak to resist Satan's temptations.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi celine2 27 right>>
<<s celine "I don't know what came over me. It was so strong...">>
<<s mc "Satan is pulling you toward him, toward corruption. You must let me anoint you to protect you from him. Although I fear it is too late to undo what you have done.">>
<<s celine "No, it's not too late. I will resist Satan if you anoint me. I will be stronger.">>
<<s mc "Let's hope so. Then we shall start the holy rite at once. There is no time to lose. You will have to use your mouth.">>
<<s celine "Yes, $fmc.">>
You start to get undressed.
<<s mc "On second thought, there is something I have to take care of first...">>
<<ev 2240>>
<<mi m 30>>
With the lust potion coursing through Novice Celine's veins, anointing her will have to wait.
<<cs mc "First, I should take care of this. You must reach the climax to relax.">>
<<cs celine "But... What if I do it myself, and then you can eat my sins?">>
<<cs mc "Normally, yes, that would work, but you're under attack from the Devil. He is raging in your body as we speak. This needs the hands of a priest.">></cc>
<<c "Finger her">>
<<ev 2260>>
<<mv m 66>>
<cc>It is almost unthinkable to go on with the perverse act of touching her sinful slit, wet from her lust juices, but you have to do this.
<<addlust 100>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Finger her to climax" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 640-2270 46>>
<cc>With the lust potion opening her to Satan's corrupting temptations, Novice Celine soon reaches the pleasure peak, her sinful juices dripping over your hands.</cc>
<<ev 2280>>
<<mi 640-2240 28>>
<cc><<cs mc "That should do it. Now I can anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<cs celine "Can we wait a moment? I have to rest. My legs are weak.">>
<<cs mc "No. You aren't meant to feel the pleasures you just felt. You have to shake it off and not enjoy the lingering feeling in your body. That leads to Satan. Choose the path to God and get to work with your mouth right now.">>
<<cs celine "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 80>>
<<if $qqceline < 600>>This must be the first time Novice Celine has seen a fully grown manhood.<br>
You let her get used to it.
<<addlust 100>>
Novice Celine is still not used to seeing a fully grown manhood.<br>
You give her some time.
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 640-2304 80>>
<cc>But you don't have all night.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Tell her to go faster" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 640-2308 60>>
<cc>You tell her to go faster and Novice Celine listens.<br>You are getting closer to releasing the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 45>>
<cc><<cs mc "For the best effect, I will anoint the most sinful parts of your naked body. When the time comes, you must lie down on your back and I will sprinkle the Holy Seed over you.">></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 640-2404 50>>
<cc>Novice Celine does her best to help you finish the holy rite.<br>
Before long, the Holy Seed is ready to be released.</cc>
<<c "Anoint Novice Celine">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv cum1 80 volume0.2>>
<cc>You sprinkle the Holy Seed over Novice Celine's sinful slit, anointing her.</cc>
<<if $qqceline < 600>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:800 step:2600">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi cumafter 66>>
<cc><<cs mc "We can only hope this will be enough. But the holy rite of Sin Eating may be required to cleanse you of the lustful sins you have committed.">>
Novice Celine says nothing, finally being allowed to rest. You leave her on the table, covered with your seed.
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi celineHead 40>>
<cc>Using the new tool the Lord has granted you – the <span class="potion-lust shadow2"> – </span> you convinced Novice Celine to be anointed with the Holy Seed. But you doubt this will be enough. You witnessed her committing what looked like a sin of fornication. This is an indication that she committed the same sin when under the influence of the lust demon the night she was attacked. Only the rite of Sin Eating can cleanse her sins of fornication.
<cc><<q celine 300 center>></cc></cc>
<<ev 2800>>
<<lustpotionTest "Novice Celine">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head1 35>>
<cc>The lust potion could be the solution you are looking for to convince Sister Rumika to let you eat her sins of fornication. You just have to make her drink the potion somehow, at the right time, and without her knowing it.
<<q rumika 450 center>></cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 700-1400 62>>
<c>Novice Celine was overcome by intense lust when she consumed the lust potion. Seeing this reminded you of Sister Jana's curse. Could there be a connection?
<p>You have speculated for some time that the nocturnal attacker could be using some kind of drug to sedate the nuns in their beds. What if the attacker also uses something similar to the lust potion that causes the victims to defile themselves at the time of the attacks, as the victims have described?</p>
<<ev 3030>>
<<mii crone/nighthag 50>>
<c>If the attacker uses some kind of lust drug, this would further point to the attacker being human in nature.
<p>But, with some signs pointing to a human attacker, others to a demonic attacker, you have to consider that the answer could be both. Something like a possessed human. Someone who can appear and think much like an ordinary human, but has some demonic powers, maybe even the ability to shift to demonic form.</p></c>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii hjana/800-600 35>>
<cc>None of that answers the question of why Sister Jana continues to feel this intense lust several times a week, but the similarities in reaction to the lust potion are too great to just ignore.
<<qmess janacurse 720 center>></cc>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi celine1 29 right>>
<l>Novice Celine is finished with the dishes and you can talk to her.
<<s mc "How do you feel after being anointed?">>
<<s celine "I'm better. Not as scared, knowing I have received the Lord's blessing and protection.">>
<<s mc "Good. What about what you did in the kitchen before I stopped you? Have you had any such temptations since then?">>
<<s celine "No, $fmc. I don't know what came over me. It was a one-time thing.">>
<<s mc "You may think so, but the way you used those candles to penetrate yourself suggests you've had those urges before. Do you deny ever thinking about being with a man, or putting something inside you like that?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi celineHead 33>>
<<s celine "Not like that. Maybe... a fleeting thought sometimes about how it would feel. Just innocent thinking, you know.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but we've seen that it stopped being just innocent thinking. If the lust demon's attack is behind this change in you, the same thing can happen again as long as the lustful sins you have committed aren't cleansed. I must perform the holy rite of Sin Eating on you to do this.">>
<<s celine "But I haven't felt it again. And with the Lord's blessing and protection, it will never happen.">>
<<s mc "I hope so. But I have to make sure that what you are saying is true.">>
<<s celine "What do you mean, Father?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 640-2240 30>>
<<cs mc "I have to confirm that you are not getting wet.">>
<<cs celine "$fmc! You're embarrassing me.">>
<<cs mc "A small price to pay to protect us all from evil and corruption.">>
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi 640-2240 28>>
<<cs celine "Please, Father. I'm so ashamed.">>
<<set _tsay = "You must be strong, my child. Have faith that the Lord is with us in this. We're fighting a holy war.">>
<<set _asay = "We're fighting a holy war and you must do your part. Don't let Satan speak through you.">>
<<d 800>>
<<cs mc _tsay>>
<<cs celine "Yes, $fmc. Do it, then.">>
<<d 800>>
<<cs mc _asay>>
<<cs celine "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<d 500>>
<<cs mc _tsay>>
<<cs celine "But I assure you that it's not necessary. Please stop, $fmc.">>
<<d 500>>
<<cs mc _asay>>
<<cs celine "But I assure you that it's not necessary. Please stop, $fmc.">>
<<trytbut '"Have faith in the Lord."' "trust24 ccenter">>
<<tryabut '"You must do your part."' "auth24 ccenter">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi celineHead 40>>
<<cs mc "I will stop this time, but it is my duty to protect you all. That involves doing things that may be uncomfortable or downright perverse. Satan is not playing by our rules.">>
<<cs celine "Yes, Father.">>
You will have to respect her wishes for now, but you must make sure that Novice Celine is free of the lustful temptations you have witnessed earlier.
<<qmess celine 400 center>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv m 38>>
<cc>You stimulate her between the legs to see if any lustful juices appear.
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<cc><<lbut Continue div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 640-2260 60>>
<<cs mc "As I suspected. You are getting wet.">>
<<cs celine "Because you are touching me.">>
<<cs mc "If I can make it happen this easily, Satan can too.">>
<<lbut Continue div2 sss>>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 640-2270 40 right>>
<<s mc "This is unacceptable. I must cleanse your sins by eating them. We must fornicate.">>
<<s celine "No, please. I'm a virgin. I have only committed the sin of Onan.">>
<<s mc "In your mind and through your simulated actions, you have performed the sin of fornication in spirit. And who knows what sins you committed when you were attacked – sins you may not remember.">>
<<s celine "What if I use the candles again? Then I would be repeating that sin and you could channel it up to God during the holy rite. Wouldn't that work?">>
You can't deny that request. It could work.
<<s mc "Get the candles, then, and I will perform the holy rite of Sin Eating.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 640-1500 50>>
<<cs celine "But what if someone comes?">>
<<cs mc "Everyone is in their rooms praying. You know this.">>
<cc><<lbut Continue div1 sss>></cc></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 640-1600 50 pause1>>
<cc><<lbut Watch div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 640-1700 50>>
<cc><<cs mc "You have to put it inside you. Like you did earlier.">>
<<cs celine "I will...">></cc>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 640-1800 70>>
<cc><<addlust 20 center>>
<<cs mc "You used two candles... It has to be the same.">>
<<lbut Continue div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 640-1900 70>>
<<cs mc "Does it feel good?">>
<<cs celine "Yes. Forgive me, Jesus.">>
<<cs mc "Do it fast until you climax. Let it all out now, so I can send this perverted sin up to God.">>
<<if $qqceline < 600>>
<<lbut Continue div2 "sss addLust100">>
/* making you end up with 70 if starting on 0. If choosing to leave, this is a way to raise lust */
<<lbut Continue div2 "sss addLust10">>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 640-2000 70>>
<cc><<cs celine "Jesus, I'm yours!">>
The nun has an orgasm in front of your eyes. <<if $qqceline < 600>>You are overcome by desire.<</if>>
<<but "Pull down your pants and grab your erect manhood" refectory1 "step:1100 fullWidth">>
<<if $qqceline >= 600>><<c "Just watch">><</if>>
<<ev 1030>>
<<mv 640-2100 40 pause2>>
<c>After calming down, Novice Celine throws away the candles with a yell.
<<s celine "I can't believe I did that again. Forgive me, Jesus.">>
<<s mc "You're lucky I was here to eat your sins, but these lustful feelings of yours must be properly addressed sooner or later. I will return to check on you.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 70>>
<<cs celine "Father, what are you doing?!">>
<<cs mc "Relax. I will finish this by anointing your naked body.">>
Filled with lust, you quickly move your hand up and down your thick flesh rod. Your sack is bouncing against Novice Celine's wet slit. The Holy Seed is soon ready to be released.
<<c "Spray her with your seed">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv cum1 75 volume0.2>>
<cc>You anoint Novice Celine.</cc>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi cumafter 60>>
<cc><<cs mc "We have done what we can for now. I will have to check back on you later, to see if this was enough to cleanse you of all your lustful sins.">>
<<cs celine "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $qqceline < 600>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi m 60>>
<cc>You almost lost control of your actions after watching Novice Celine use the candles to defile herself. It turned out well since you could get relief from your intense feelings of lust by anointing her.<br>You think the virility potions are the cause of what happened to you, showing how potent they are. A valuable lesson that you should be careful with Ludolphus' recipes.
<<q celine 500 center>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 620-300 56>>
<cc>You enter the kitchen and see Novice Celine. She is making a lot of noise doing the dishes.
<<c "Wait for a chance to talk to her">><<but "Leave" hub>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi celine2 23>>
<cc>Eventually, Novice Celine takes a break from the dishes, and you can talk to her.
<<cs mc "How are you, Novice Celine? Have you felt the need to defile yourself again?">>
<<cs celine "Oh, no, Father. That desire is gone. My spirit is strong.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi celine1 26 right>>
You bring up the sins of fornication she may have committed, but Novice Celine insists that she doesn't feel the lustful need to defile herself, proving she doesn't have any sins of fornication that you have to cleanse.
<p>You don't know if you trust Novice Celine. You have to keep checking up on her.</p>
<<q celine 600 center>>
<<if $qqholymarriage >= 1100 && $qqceline < 700>>
You get hot from thinking about making Novice Celine your wife, penetrating that slit between her legs with your hard rod of flesh.
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" refectory1 "ev:1200 qqholymarriage>=1100 corr35 ttt10">>
<<but "Inspect her slit" refectory1 step:400>>
<<but "Anoint her" refectory1 step:2000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 640-2240 30>>
<<cs mc "I want to believe you, Sister Celine, but I'm afraid I can't take any chances. I have to confirm that you are not getting wet.">>
<<cs celine "$fmc! You're embarrassing me.">>
<<cs mc "A small price to pay to protect us all from evil and corruption.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "Finger her" refectory1 "ev:700 step:800">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi celine2 21>>
<<cs mc "I want to anoint you again to protect you from the Evil One and his minions.">>
<<cs celine "I don't think it's necessary. I'm feeling better now. Safer.">>
<<cs mc "You have already been attacked by Satan in this very room, lust raging through your body. I saw it with my own eyes. I can't take any chances. Anointing you again will strengthen your protection. You must use your mouth on me now, Sister Celine.">>
<<cs celine "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:640 step:2300">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi cumafter 66>>
<cc><<cs mc "I can only hope this will be enough to protect you from the Devil. But only the holy rite of Sin Eating can cleanse you of the sins of fornication you may have committed.">>
Novice Celine says nothing. You leave her on the table, covered with your seed.
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma3 20 left>><<mii nuns/rumika/head1 25 right>>
<w>You see that Novice Emma has managed to sit next to Sister Rumika. Everything is going according to plan so far.</w>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv pulpit 60 volume0.3>>
<c>During the supper, one of the sisters is reading from a pulpit as usual. The critical moment for Novice Emma is when the reading ends with a short prayer. Then everyone is expected to stop eating and close their eyes.</c>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi praying 45>>
<c>The moment comes when the sister on the pulpit stops reading and says a prayer. Everyone sits still with their eyes closed.
<p>Except for Novice Emma, and you. Squinting, you see how she quickly pours the lust potion into Sister Rumika's bowl of soup. No one seems to notice anything.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv supper 70>>
<c>Everyone goes back to eating. It looks like Novice Emma's stealth mission was a success. Now you have to use this to your advantage.
<<but "Finish eating supper >>>" refectory1 "autosaving">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi outside_refectoryNight 80>>
When you are finished, it is dark outside. Everyone leaves the refectory and goes to their rooms to pray.
<p>Now you must go to your room to make yourself ready and then send for Sister Rumika.
<<q rumika 600 center>></p>
<<but "Go to your room" mc>>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mi outside_refectory 80>>
<c>You go to the side door of the kitchen and listen. You hear voices inside. The nuns must be preparing lunch. But before lunch is served, the nuns will gather for Sext, the Midday Prayer, and you hope the kitchen will be empty then.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 60>>
<<mi outside_refectory 80>>
Soon the bell chimes, announcing the hour of Sext. The side door opens, and several nuns leave. Now is your chance to enter the kitchen to see if you can do your thing with the lust potions.
<<c "Enter the kitchen">>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv m 54 volume0.7>>
Apparently, not all the nuns left for Midday Prayer.<br>
You see Novice Gabriella busy preparing food.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-200 40>>
<<s mc "Oh, hello, Novice Gabriella. I thought I heard someone, which surprised me. I thought everyone would be leaving for Sext.">>
<<s gabriella "Everyone except me. I have to get lunch ready. Most of the work is already done – food is cooking on the stove and in the oven – but some things are best served as fresh as possible.">>
<<s mc "I see. Aren't you afraid of being alone here with the Crone around?">>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi m 40>>
<<s gabriella "$fmc, you are scaring me.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, my child, that wasn't my intention. I just thought you would prefer company.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 1000-100 40 volume0.7>>
<<s gabriella "Yes, I don't like being alone. But this is my assignment as a novice. I do this every day.">>
<<s mc "I could keep you company if you want. I have time to spare until lunch.">>
<<s gabriella "Thank you, Father. I would like company.">>
<<s mc "So what's on the menu today? Tell me all about it. It will be good for my appetite.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1000-200 40>>
Novice Gabriella describes everything being served for lunch. Aside from a small amount of butter, no dairy products are being used.
<p>But it is just as well. Now that you have been spotted in here, it would be too risky to do anything. Word could get out that several nuns suddenly had an increased lust after lunch the one day you were in the kitchen.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 1000-100 50 volume0.7>>
<c>Instead, since Novice Gabriella will be alone here every day before lunch, you could make it a habit to come here and keep her company. Then, when the time is right, you could use the lust potions. It would make it less likely that someone suspects you had anything to do with any increased lust among some nuns one day after lunch. And then you should keep coming here now and then before lunch to further make it seem normal.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You keep Novice Gabriella company until the nuns return from Midday Prayer. You promise to keep her company again.
<<q hallNovices 400>>
<<c "Eat lunch">>
<<ev 700>>
<<but "Return to your room" mc1 "ev:1600">>
<<event 1020>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mi outside_refectory 70>>
You stand outside the side door to the kitchen when the bell chimes to announce the hour of Sext.
<p>Several nuns leave the kitchen to go to the chapel for Midday Prayer.</p>
<<c "Enter the kitchen">>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 1000-100 54>>
You enter the kitchen and see Novice Gabriella busy preparing lunch.
<p>You keep her company, which she seems to appreciate.</p>
<<if $qqhallNovices >= 502>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "step:1000">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-200 40>>
You ask Novice Gabriella what will be served for lunch today. You learn that some cheese and butter will be consumed by the nuns, but not that much. It would be best to wait until another day when the nuns will consume more dairy products before using the potions.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1000-600 50>>
<cc>You keep Novice Gabriella company until the nuns return from Midday Prayer.
<<if $qqhallNovices < 500>>
<<addtrust 1>>
<<q hallNovices 500 center>>
<<set $qqhallNovices = $qqhallNovices + 1>>
<<c "Eat lunch with the nuns">>
<<ev 700>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi gratin 50>>
You ask Novice Gabriella about today's lunch menu. You learn that the nuns will be served a creamy brussels sprout gratin. It contains a lot of butter, cheese, and heavy cream.
<p>This sounds perfect. All that dairy product should delay the effect of the lust potions, provided Ludolphus was correct in his notes.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi carafe 40>>
The carafe has already been filled with wine and is waiting in the kitchen to be carried out to the refectory when lunch begins. Now you have to pour several lust potions into the carafe without Novice Gabriella noticing it.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 1000-100 50>>
<c>Novice Gabriella is very busy finishing up the last of the lunch preparations. You wait for an opportunity to pour the lust potions into the wine carafe.
<p>When she moves to the storage room to fetch something, you get your chance...</p>
<<but "Pour <<colvar 'Potions of Lust' color-potion-lust potions>> in wine" refectory1 step:1250>><<c "Don't do it today">>
<<ev 1220>>
<<mi 1000-600 50>>
<cc>For some reason, you get second thoughts. Maybe today isn't the best day to do it.</cc>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:600>>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mi carafe 40>>
You quickly pour several lust potions in the wine carafe and shake it a little. That should do it.</cc>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 1000-600 50>>
<cc>You continue to keep Novice Gabriella company until the nuns return from Midday Prayer. Lunch is about to be served any minute now.
<<q hallNovices 600 center>></cc>
<<c "Eat lunch with the nuns">>
<<ev 1400>>
<cc>You keep a close eye on Novice Frances and Novice Zara to see how much wine they drink today.
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi praying 35>>
<c>Aside from the two novices, a few other nuns also drink from the wine, as expected. You don't worry about them. They will probably be too ashamed to tell anyone of their temporary feelings of intense lust.
<p>To your disappointment, Novice Frances does not drink much wine today. She should still feel some effect of the lust potions, but it might not be enough.</p>
<p>At least Novice Zara is drinking the usual amount of wine. She should soon feel an intense lust. The only question is how long it will take before that happens. Ludolphus' notes weren't clear on how long the dairy products would delay the effect.</p>
<<but "Finish lunch" zara1 ev:200>>
<<event 1100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 1000-100 50>>
<<if !($qqgabriellaq >= 50)>>
You enter the kitchen and see Novice Gabriella preparing lunch.
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:120>>
You enter the kitchen to keep Novice Gabriella company while she prepares lunch.
<<but "Bring up the Crone" refectory1 "step:200 qqgabriellaq==50">> /* for v4.2 */
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:1000>>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi 1000-600 40>>
You poured lust potions into the wine to drug Novice Frances and Novice Zara, and now you should keep Novice Gabriella company in here for another few days, at least, so that no one will make the connection with you being here and several nuns feeling strange after lunch.
<p>Being here often will serve you for the same reason if you one day – in your fight against Satan and his minions – have something else you want to slip the nuns without them knowing it.</p>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi 1000-200 40>>
Novice Gabriella has not been attacked, and you have not seen any indications of her falling prey to Satan's corrupting influence, but you must still be vigilant in her presence. You should take this time in the kitchen to get to know her better. As innocent as Novice Gabriella is, she may still need protection from the Devil.
<<qstart gabriellaq 50>>
<<qendversion gabriellaq version0.3.1>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:1000>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-250 43 right>>
<<s mc "Are you still afraid of the Crone when you're alone here?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes. Please don't bring it up, Father. I'm trying to put it out of my mind.">>
<<addlust 10>>
Seeing the scared little novice makes your blood hotter. You feel drawn to the young woman – you want to hold her fragile body against your body, to protect her like a man should protect his woman. You wonder if this is a sign from the Lord that you are supposed to protect Novice Gabriella from evil by anointing her with the Holy Seed.
<<ev 250>>
<<mi 1000-600 45>>
You could send Novice Gabriella to Novice Emma to get educated about the holy rites, but you shouldn't increase Novice Emma's workload without a good reason. She is busy enough as it is. Novice Gabriella may be scared, but there doesn't seem to be an urgency for her to be anointed. Just that possible sign from the Lord.
<p>You could be right about that sign though, so you should try to anoint Novice Gabriella. But she is not initiated into the Circle, so you have to be careful.
<<q gabriellaq 100>>
<<c "Keep talking to Novice Gabriella">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 1000-250 43 right>>
<<s mc "As you know, I'm not sure the Crone and the lust demon attacking the sisters are one and the same. That means there could be two of them skulking around here.">>
<<s gabriella "$fmc, please, you're scaring me.">>
<<s mc "But it's the truth, and you should be aware of it.">>
<<s gabriella "But I am. More than I'd like to. Every night before going to bed, I pray I will be spared. But that makes me feel guilty. Why should I be spared? Many of my sisters have been attacked, some more than once, while I never have.">>
<<s mc "Since I got here, the attacks have occurred much less frequently. The lust demon is afraid of me – of the holy powers I wield thanks to the Lord. And I can protect you and your sisters from the lust demon. But you have to be willing to do what it takes, as holy protection is not granted to anyone.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1000-200 43>>
<<s gabriella "What must I do to be granted holy protection?">>
<<s mc "I know of a powerful holy rite that can protect you, but it comes with a heavy price. I can't go into detail because only someone desperate would do what it takes, and secret holy rites such as this are not to be revealed unless necessary. If you aren't prepared to do almost anything, this holy rite will be unavailable to you. So the question is: How desperate are you?">>
<<s gabriella "I think I can manage. I just need to stop thinking about it.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 1000-600 43>>
<c>Novice Gabriella is not ready to accept the Holy Seed. You may have to use special measures to make her desperate enough. But is this what God wants? You would need another sign to confirm this.
<<q gabriellaq 200>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/cider 10 pnggg>>
<c>Talking with Novice Gabriella in the hot kitchen has made you thirsty. The young nun has a glass she drinks from while preparing lunch. A bottle with the liquid stands on the counter. You think it is cider. You ask for a taste, and Novice Gabriella pours you a glass.
<p>As you thought, it's cider – made by the sisters, Novice Gabriella informs you. The cider tastes pretty strong, but when you ask about it, Novice Gabriella assures you that the alcohol content is low, and she only drinks half a glass of it.</p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 1000-600 50>>
<cc>You keep Novice Gabriella company until the nuns return from Midday Prayer.
<<c "Eat lunch with the nuns">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<event 1200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi celine1 26 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Celine, you have been told about the Holy Marriage rite by Novice Emma, yes?">>
<<s celine "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "We all need to chip in to help in the fight against Satan. Now the time has come for you, Novice Celine. I ask that you marry me with the Holy Marriage rite.">>
<<s celine "I don't know, $fmc. Then you want to be with me, as a husband with his wife?">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's the purpose here. God has put all this lust in me to help me perform all the anointing and the sin eating required to save and protect you sisters from the Devil and his lust demon. But between performing the holy rites, the lust can become unbearable without a way to lessen it.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi celineHead 35>>
<<s celine "But... can't you do it yourself? I mean... with your hands?">>
<<s mc "Novice Celine, that's a grave sin!">>
<<s celine "Then, how about you anoint me instead? I can use my mouth on you.">>
<<s mc "That can help in other situations, but not now. This particular lust will only be removed by being with a woman as God intended it.">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mi celineHead 35>>
<<s celine "I see, but... can you ask someone else to marry you? I don't feel good about it.">>
<<set _tmess = "I need your help to fight Satan, Novice Celine. We all have to do what we can, or we may lose this battle. Think of your sisters, and yourself... What you did with the candles. Please help me fight back. I'm trying to save us all from the Devil.">>
<<set _amess = "I'm giving you an opportunity to serve the Lord by helping his holy warrior fight evil. You, if anyone, should want to do all you can in this fight, considering want I saw you do with the candles. But perhaps you are too far gone and pose a danger to us all. Do you want me to tell the Mother Superior about your grave sinning and let her decide your future here?">>
<<d 500>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say celine "Yes, $fmc. If you need this help that badly, I will marry you.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we should begin at once and then consummate the marriage.">>
<<d 500>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s celine "You would tell her?">>
<<s mc "I may have no choice if I can't trust that you are still on God's side.">>
<<s celine "I am, Father. If that's what I have to do to prove it, I will marry you.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we should begin at once and then consummate the marriage.">>
<<d 300>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say celine "I'm sorry, Father. I just can't do it.">>
<<s mc "Hmm. As you wish. But think about what I told you.">>
<<d 300>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s celine "You would tell her?">>
<<s mc "I may have no choice if I can't trust that you are still on God's side.">>
<<say celine "I'm sorry, Father. I just can't do it. Please don't tell the Mother Superior.">>
<<s mc "Hmm. As you wish. I won't tell her, for now. But think about what I told you">>
<<trytbut "\"I need your help." "trust28 center">>
<<tryabut "\"Do it, or else.\"" "auth28 center">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi celine2 23>>
<cc>Novice Celine must do her part in the fight like everyone else.
<br>You will have to try again with her another time.
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 700-800 30>>
<<marry celine>>
<c>After a brief wedding ceremony, you make yourself ready to consummate the marriage with your new wife. Your manhood quickly gets hard.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Consumate the marriage">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 1200-600 70 "pause1 volume0.3">>
<c><<cs celine "But what about protection?">>
<<cs mc "I will pull out and release the seed on your body.">>
<<cs celine "I don't want to get pregnant.">>
<<cs mc "You won't. Trust the Lord.">>
<<set $temp=null>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 1200-700 75 "volume0.2">>
<<if $temp==null>>
This is your reward for all your hard work fighting evil.
This is your reward for all your hard work fighting evil.
<<cs celine "Again? Are you finished soon?">>
<<trytbut2 "\"Be strong.\"" refectory1 "step:800 trust37 doplay:temp=t">>
<<but "\"Be patient.\"" refectory1 "step:800 doplay:temp=nothing">>
<<tryabut2 "\"Be quiet.\"" refectory1 "step:800 auth35 doplay:temp=a">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv 1200-800 75 "volume0.2">>
<<if $temp=="t">>
<<cs mc "Be strong, my child. It will soon be over.">>
Your words seem to give her comfort.<br>
<<elseif $temp == "a">>
<<cs mc "Quiet, woman! I'm getting there.">>
Your words seem to have an effect as she says nothing more.<br>
<<elseif $temp== "nothing">>
<<cs mc "Be patient.">>
You enjoy Celine's tight hole.</cc>
<<ev 860>>
<<mv 1200-860 75 volume0.2>>
<cc>You place Celine on her back, getting closer to finishing this.</cc>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 1200-900 75 volume0.2>>
<<set $temp="init">>
<cc>You could finish. Or you could enjoy your wife some more. You have earned it.</cc>
<<but "Take her from behind" refectory1 step:700>>
<<but "Release your seed inside" refectory1 "step:1000 qqcreampieq>=100">>
<<but "Release your seed" refectory1 "step:2000 qqcreampieq<<100">>
<<but "Pull out and release your seed" refectory1 "step:2000 qqcreampieq>=100">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv celinecreampie 70>>
<c>You keep thrusting your swollen manhood into Novice Celine's sinful slit. Your legs go weak as you climax inside her, planting your seed deep into her tight hole. Still, your load is so great that most of it gush out of her.
<<creampie celine>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi celinecreampieafter 65>>
<c><<s celine "Father, did you finish inside me? What if I get pregnant?!">>
<<s mc "What we did was something holy since we consummated a Holy Marriage. The Lord will see to it that nothing happens that would bring shame to you, a devout nun serving God. That which is holy cannot be wrong or do wrong. Have faith in the Lord, Novice Celine.">>
<<s celine "Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, please don't make me pregnant.">>
<<but "Get dressed" refectory1 "step:2200 doplay:temp3=creampie">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv cum1 75 volume0.2>>
<cc>You pull out and cover Celine with your seed.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv cumafter2 75 volume0.2>>
<cc>You have enjoyed the favor of the Lord and consummated the marriage. /*Unlike you, *//*Celine didn't seem to reach the same levels of pleasure as you*//*pleasure peak*/Celine didn't seem to enjoy it as much as you did, but that was not the purpose of this.
<<ev 2200>>
<<if $temp3 == "creampie">>
<<mi celineHead 40>>
<cc>With that, the temporary marriage is over. In the eyes of the Lord, Novice Celine and you are once again unmarried.
<<marry stop>>
<<cs mc "You have done your duty in the holy war, Novice Celine. God is pleased.">>
<<mi cumafter 75>>
<cc>With that, the temporary marriage is over. In the eyes of the Lord, Novice Celine and you are once again unmarried.
<<cs mc "You have done your duty in the holy war, Novice Celine. God is pleased.">>
You leave the nun lying on the table covered in your seed.
<<if $qqceline < 700>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<if $qqceline < 900>>
<<but "Leave" refectory1 step:2400>>
<<else>> /* if having fornicated, ending celine quest */
<<but "Leave" hub>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi celineHead 30>>
<<married celine>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi celineHead 35>>
<c>You had sexual relations with Novice Celine while being her husband, something God approves of. However, this doesn't change anything regarding the sins of fornication you suspect Novice Celine of having committed. You can't rest until you have made sure that Novice Celine is completely cleansed of her lustful sins. Only by performing the Sin Eating rite while you fornicate with her can you accomplish this.
<<q celine 700>>
<<qendversion celine version0.3.1>> /* need it here too (aside from in event 1300 step100) to trigger check for end of version */
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi celine1 23 right>>
<<if !($qqcreampieq >= 100)>>
<l>You visit Novice Celine in the kitchen.
<<s mc "How are you, Novice Celine? Have you felt the need to defile yourself again?">>
<<s celine "No, $fmc. That desire is still gone. My spirit is strong.">>
You pressure her about the sins of fornication she may have committed, but Novice Celine insists that she doesn't feel the lustful need to defile herself, proving she doesn't have any sins of fornication that you have to cleanse.
<p>You don't know if you can afford to trust Novice Celine.
<<qendversion celine version0.3.1>></p>
<<if $qqceline < 800>>
When you see Novice Celine in the kitchen, you get a vision of her naked body under the habit, particularly her sinful slit.
<p>You feel a strong desire to fornicate with Novice Celine and plant your seed between her legs. This could be a sign from God that the time has come to eat Novice Celine's sins of fornication.
<<q celine 800>>
You visit Novice Celine in the kitchen. She should not be in any immediate danger from the Devil for now. But if you feel uncertain, you can always perform another holy rite on her.
<<s mc "How are you doing, Novice Celine? Any more sinful feelings of lust?">>
<<s celine "No, $fmc. Everything is under control. I assure you.">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" refectory1 "step:200">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" refectory1 "ev:1500 qqceline>=800">>
<<but "Inspect her slit" refectory1 "ev:800 step:400">>
<<but "Anoint her" refectory1 "ev:800 step:2000">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi celineHead 35>>
<<s mc "The Lord wants you to do your duty in the holy war, Novice Celine. I want to get married to you now.">>
<<s celine "Would you want to be with me as a husband when we are married?">>
<<s mc "Yes, that is the purpose. Get yourself ready and we will begin the wedding ceremony.">>
<<s celine "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<but "Marry Novice Celine" refectory1 "ev:1200 step:500">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 1400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<set _circle = setup.circle>>
<<mvv nuns/emma/200-500 80 volume2.0>>
<cc>Earlier today you visited Novice Emma and initiated two more nuns into the _circle.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii bathroom/nightnuns 45 right>>
<l>The new initiates were Novice Olenka and Novice Judith, the two novices you saw naked in the bathroom one night, praying and asking for protection against the Crone.
<p>This initiation was special, as neither Novice Olenka nor Novice Judith has been attacked by the lust demon, being relatively new members of the convent, joining shortly before you arrived to the monastery. But knowing that the lust demon comes for the young and attractive, they were so scared that they agreed to be initiated.</p>
<p>You hope this means you get to use the holy rites on them soon.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/emma/200-509 80 volume0>>
<cc>After watching you anoint Emma with the Holy Seed, the two novices seemed uncomfortable and not very eager to submit to the holy rites. This is not an unusual first reaction when nuns get initiated into the circle, so you hope the novices will get used to the idea soon.
<p>Novice Olenka and Novice Judith then left the room, bound by their oath of secrecy that they swore to God and the Virgin Mary to not tell anyone outside the Circle about the holy rites.</p></cc>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:300 step:300">>
<<event 1500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi celine2 22>>
<c><<if $qqceline < 900>>
<<s mc "We can't put this off any longer. Satan's power is growing stronger. I must eat the sins of fornication that you might have committed.">>
As usual, Novice Celine protests, claiming she doesn't feel the lustful need to defile herself, proving she doesn't have any sins of fornication. But this time, you will not let her get away with excuses.
<p>Saying nothing more, you lift Novice Celine's habit, exposing the sinful slit between her legs.</p>
<<s mc "You say that, but I'm worried you still have sins of fornication in you. We must fornicate, that I may eat your sins.">>
Novice Celine protests as usual, but you are adamant.
<p>Saying nothing more, you lift Novice Celine's habit, exposing the sinful slit between her legs.</p>
<<c "Touch her sinful slit">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 700-800 38 right>>
<<if $qqceline < 900>>
You finger her slit. Novice Celine doesn't protest, probably thinking you are just doing another inspection to see if she gets wet, but you are doing it to get hard.
<<addlust 100>>
<p>When you take out your fully erect manhood and tell her that you will fornicate now, Novice Celine protests. But you are adamant.
<<s mc "No more excuses, Novice Celine. This must be done. Turn around and bend over.">>
You finger her slit to make your male organ grow. Novice Celine doesn't protest, having resigned to your will.
<<addlust 100>>
<p>When ready, you take out your fully erect manhood and tell her to turn around and bend over.</p>
<<c "Prepare to fornicate with Novice Celine">>
<<ev 300>>
<<if $qqceline < 900>>
<<mi m 45>>
When Novice Celine resigns and turns her back to you, you start to think...
<p>Novice Celine is not wet between her legs and you doubt she will be, seeing how she dislikes the idea of fornicating. In your pocket, you have a vial with long pepper dust. If you wanted, you could blow some pepper dust over her without her noticing.</p>
<p>Since Novice Celine has been exposed to the lust drug used by the attacker, making her breathe pepper dust should make her lust go up. If she enjoys fornicating with you, it could bring her closer to you. On the other hand, making her submit to your will when she doesn't feel lust would instead assert your authority over her.</p>
<<tbut "Blow pepper dust on her" refectory1 "step:320">><<abut "Don't blow pepper dust on her" refectory1 "step:350">>
<<mi m 55>>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 8 "left pnggg">>Novice Celine is not wet between her legs and you doubt she will be, seeing how she dislikes the idea of fornicating.
While she has her back to you, you could take the opportunity to use some long pepper dust on her to make her lust go up. Or you could just fornicate with her and she wouldn't enjoy it as much.
<p>Either way, you doubt it will make much difference to how Novice Celine feels about you since you have fornicated with her before.</p>
<<but "Blow pepper dust on her" refectory1 "step:320">><<but "Don't blow pepper dust on her" refectory1 "step:350">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mv 1200-600 56 "pause1 volume0.2">>
<c><<mii lab/longpepperdust 8 "left pnggg">>
You quickly pour the long pepper dust into the palm of your hand, then blow the dust over Novice Celine's head as she bends over the table. She doesn't notice anything.
<<set $temp="trust">>
<<cs celine "$fmc, you can't put it inside me! We haven't gotten married.">>
<<cs mc "This is about eating your sins of fornication. Then we can't get married.">>
<<cs celine "I don't want to get pregnant.">>
<<cs mc "You won't. Trust the Lord.">>
<<but "Fornicate with Novice Celine" refectory1 step:500>>
<<ev 350>>
<<mv 1200-600 56 "pause1 volume0.2">>
You don't use the pepper dust. Novice Celine doesn't need to enjoy it. You are fornicating with her to cleanse her sins, not to pleasure her.
<<set $temp="auth">>
<<cs celine "$fmc, you can't put it inside me! We haven't gotten married.">>
<<cs mc "This is about eating your sins of fornication. Then we can't get married.">>
<<cs celine "I don't want to get pregnant.">>
<<cs mc "You won't. Trust the Lord.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 1200-700 75 "volume0.2">>
<<if $temp=="trust">>
You fornicate with Novice Celine, enjoying the feeling of your hard member moving in and out of her tight slit. Novice Celine says nothing, but she should feel the lust growing right now.
You fornicate with Novice Celine, enjoying the feeling of your hard member moving in and out of her tight slit. But she doesn't seem to enjoy it.
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 1200-800 75 "volume0.3">>
<<if $temp=="trust">>
You can tell that Novice Celine is starting to enjoy it because her slit is getting wet.
Novice Celine is not wet, but it still feels good to fornicate with her.
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 75 "volume0.3">>
<<if $temp=="trust">>
Novice Celine is starting to moan from pleasure. You don't think she will last long.
You keep sliding your hard rod in and out of Novice Celine's hole.
<<c "Change position">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.3>>
<cc><<if $temp=="trust">>
You keep pounding Novice Celine's wet slit. You sense that she is close to climaxing.
<<cs celine "Are you done soon, Father?">>
<<cs mc "Patience. This needs to be done properly.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp=="trust">>
Novice Celine throws back her head as she reaches orgasm. Her tight hole grabs your swollen male organ, squeezing it to bring forth your seed. But you are not done yet.
<cc>Novice Celine grimaces slightly, going through the motions without any desire in her body.</cc>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi m 75>>
<c><<s mc "There is another thing we must do to cleanse your sins of fornication.">>
<<s celine "What do you mean?">>
You pick up a candle.
<<s mc "You have defiled yourself with one of these. We must repeat it.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 75>>
You put the candle against Novice Celine's tight hole, already occupied by your erect member.
<<s celine "Please be gentle with me, Father.">>
<<c "Insert the candle into Novice Celine's slit">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 75 "pause0.3 volume0.3">>
<cc>Novice Celine lets out a yell when you insert the candle, tightly squeezing it between your hard rod and the wall of her birth canal.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 75 "volume0.3">>
<cc>You keep thrusting alongside the candle inside Novice Celine's hole,<br>eating her sins of fornication.
<<c "Stop using the candle">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 1200-900 75 volume0.3>>
<cc>It's time to finish this. The Holy Seed is on its way.
<<if $qqceline<900>><br>You feel an irresistible desire to plant your seed between her legs.<</if>></cc>
<<but "Release your seed inside her" refectory1 step:3000>><<but "Pull out and anoint her" refectory1 "step:2100 qqceline>=900">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv cum1 75 volume0.3>>
<cc>You pull out of Novice Celine's sinful slit and anoint her with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv cumafter2 70 volume0.3>>
<c><<s celine "Did you eat all the sins of fornication this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps. I will pray on it, you should too. If required, we will fornicate again.">>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv celinecreampie 70>>
<c>You keep thrusting your swollen manhood into Novice Celine's sinful slit. Your legs go weak as you climax inside her, planting your seed deep into her tight hole. Still, your load is so great that most of it gush out of her.
<<creampie celine>>
<<if $qqceline<900>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi celinecreampieafter 65>>
<<s celine "Father, did you finish inside me again? Now I could get pregnant!">>
<<s mc "I anointed you with the Holy Seed from within. The Lord will see to it that nothing happens that would bring shame to you. Have faith in the Lord, Novice Celine.">>
<<s celine "Please don't make me pregnant, Lord.">>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi celinecreampieafter 65>>
<c><<s celine "Father, did you finish inside me? What have you done?! Now I will get pregnant!">>
<<s mc "I anointed you with the Holy Seed from within. The Lord will see to it that nothing happens that would bring shame to you. That which is holy cannot be wrong. Have faith in the Lord, Novice Celine.">>
<<s celine "Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, please don't make me pregnant.">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi celineHead 38>>
<<if $temp=="trust">>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 8 "left pnggg">> Thanks to the long pepper dust you made her inhale, Novice Celine had an orgasm while fornicating with you, bringing her closer to you.
<<addtrust 1>>
Deciding not to use the long pepper dust on Novice Celine, you made her spread her legs for you and endure the act of fornication without any lust.
<<addauth 1>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi celinefornicated 65>>
<c>You finally fornicated with Novice Celine, eating her sins of fornication. You may have to repeat the holy rite if you think Novice Celine is not properly cleansed, but that shouldn't pose a problem, now that she has submitted to you once.
<<qend celine 900>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 1600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 1000-100 40 volume0.7>>
<c>You visit Novice Gabriella in the kitchen. You think she needs to be anointed for protection, but you must be sure that is what the Lord wants before you use unorthodox measures to make the young nun accept the Holy Seed.</c>
<<if $qqgabriellaq==300>>
<<but "Look for a sign from the Lord" refectory1 step:500>>
<<c "Look for a sign from the Lord">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-600 40>>
<c>While keeping Novice Gabriella company, you look for a sign that God wants you to anoint her.
<p>But you see nothing of the sort. Perhaps the Lord doesn't want you to anoint Novice Gabriella, after all. Time will tell.
<<q gabriellaq 300>></p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 1600-500 55 "volume0.3 pause3">>
<c>Suddenly, when chopping greens, Novice Gabriella cuts her finger.
<<s mc "Are you alright?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, I think so. It just hurts.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 40 "volume0 pause3">>
<c>Seeing the little novice clutching her hand in pain makes you feel protective of her. You want to hold her young body against yours, shielding her from danger.
<<but "Take her hand" refectory1 step:1000>>
<<c "Do nothing special">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 1000-200 45>>
<cc>A small cut is not that big of a deal.
<p>Novice Gabriella continues to prepare lunch.</p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 30 "volume0.5 pause2">>
When you take her small, delicate hand in yours, you feel very close to the young novice. Almost intimate.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Comfort her">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 35 "right pause1">>
You gently caress Novice Gabriella's finger. The knife only scratched the skin. She will be okay.
<<s mc "Does it feel better now?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, thank you, $fmc. I'm fine.">>
<<addlust 10>>
This is the sign from God that you were looking for. Novice Gabriella only had a minor accident, but the message is clear: She needs your protection. You must anoint her with the Holy Seed.
<p>Instead of bothering Novice Emma, you will take care of Novice Gabriella yourself, making her accept the holy rite. But it's soon lunch. You will have to do it another time.
<<q gabriellaq 400>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 1000-100 40 volume0.7>>
<c>You visit Novice Gabriella in the kitchen.
<p>God has told you that the young novice needs the Holy Seed to protect her from evil. But Novice Gabriella has not been initiated. Before anointing her, you must make sure that she is ready to accept the holy rite.
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 1000-600 45>>
<c>A lust potion could help here. You may have no other choice – unless you want to send Novice Gabriella to Novice Emma to learn about the holy rites. But that could take a long time, and Novice Emma has enough to do as it is, spreading the word of the holy rites.
<p>That cider Novice Gabriella drinks has a strong taste and a cloudy olive-like color. If you mix a lust potion in her glass without her seeing it, you doubt she would detect anything.</p>
<<but "Pour <<potionLust>> in glass of cider" refectory1 "step:2300 corr35 ttt10">>
<<but "Maybe another time" refectory1 "step:2200">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>But does getting a chance to anoint Novice Gabriella, justify pouring a lust potion in her cider? Does God truly approve of this?
<p>You want some time to think about this to avoid making a mistake.
<<q gabriellaq 500>></p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<c>God told you that you must anoint Novice Gabriella with the Holy Seed to protect her. You haven't gotten a sign saying you shouldn't use the lust potion. This tells you that God approves of your plan of action.
<p>Novice Gabriella is busy preparing lunch, and you have no problem pouring a lust potion into her glass of cider without her noticing.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi 1000-600 45>>
<c>You continue to keep the nun company.
<p>Eventually, Novice Gabriella has consumed all the cider in the glass without noticing anything strange. She should feel the full effect of the lust potion about now. And you can indeed see that she appears uncomfortable. Most likely, she is fighting the urge to touch herself down there.</p>
<<c "Confront her">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi 1000-250 40>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Gabriella, I sense that something is not right. The forces of evil are closing in on you. Tell me, are you having unusual, sinful feelings in your body?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father. It's so strong... Down there...">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi 1000-200 45 right>>
<<s mc "I was afraid of that. The Devil is attacking you as we speak. But instead of sending the lust demon as a physical entity, the demon is attacking you in spirit. You will touch yourself and commit a grave sin. But I can help you, as I've done with several of your sisters already. Do you remember how I said there was a powerful holy rite that could protect you, but that came with a heavy price only someone desperate would pay? Well, that time has come for you, Novice Gabriella. You must accept the holy rite I can offer you, even though the price is terrible.">>
<<s gabriella "What is it? What's the price?">>
<<s mc "I will tell you only if I think you are desperate enough to pay it. First, you must touch yourself. You can't resist it, so do it.">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 1600-3000 28 right>>
Given permission to do the unthinkable, Novice Gabriella lowers her hand and touches herself between the legs.
<<s gabriella "I can't resist it...">>
<<s mc "That's good. Now you must spread your legs and show me that sinful place. I need to see the evil to fight it.">>
<<s gabriella "No, please, Father. Don't make me do that.">>
<<s mc "You must, or I can't prevent this grave sin you're committing. If you spread your legs, I can let God's light shine upon the evil, cleansing it. But you must do it now, or your soul will be tainted by the stain of Satan's corruption. Quickly, Novice Gabriella, get up on the counter, into the light, so I can see.">>
With lust overwhelming her body, Novice Gabriella weakly staggers to the counter, trying to get up.
<<c "Help her up on the counter">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<l>You help Novice Gabriella up on the counter. Then you spread her legs and pull aside her panties. With the potion affecting her, the young nun is too weak from lust to do anything but follow your lead.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "Your slit is wet. Satan has you in his grasp. Using an ancient holy rite, I can release your lust while keeping you free of sin. Do you accept the holy rite, Novice Gabriella? It is now or never.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father. I accept it. Just do it. I can't stand this temptation to touch myself.">>
<<s mc "Then I will drive Satan out of you.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi m 42 right>>
<l><<s mc "Novice Gabriella, are you a virgin?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "That's good. Unfortunately, your purity also makes you more attractive to the lust demon.">>
<<c "Finger her wet slit">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv 1600-3300 37 "right volume0.3">>
<l>Using your hand, you pleasure Novice Gabriella.
<p>While you're at it, you insert your finger into her wet slit, proactively preparing the virgin nun in the event that you have to penetrate her with your manhood in the future.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 1600-3400 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Soon, Novice Gabriella reaches the pleasure peak.
<<cs gabriella "It's coming, Father! Don't stop!">>
<<c "Keep pleasuring her through the orgasm">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi 1600-3100 42>>
After climaxing, the novice slumps down on the counter, exhausted but relieved.
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi 1600-3600 45 right>>
<<s mc "It's not over. Now you must use your mouth on me like I used my hand on you.">>
<<s gabriella "Use my mouth on you? You mean... down there?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I must anoint you with the Holy Seed to protect you from Satan, or he will do this to you again, and the next time, I might not be around to save you.">>
<<s gabriella "Holy Seed? I don't understand, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "There is no time to explain. You will understand later. You must use your mouth on my manhood to bring forth the Holy Seed. It will protect you from the lust demon. You must do it now. Kneel before me.">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi 1600-3100 45 right>>
<<s gabriella "I'm feeling so weak...">>
Novice Gabriella is still recovering from the massive orgasm fueled by the lust potion. Apparently, it drained her of energy.
<p>You help the exhausted nun down from the counter.</p>
<<c "Take out your hard manhood">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi 1600-3700 46>>
<<s mc "Quickly, you must use your mouth on me to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<s gabriella "I'm confused... I need time to think.">>
<<s mc "There is no time! The holy rite needs to be completed before the moment has passed. Open your mouth, Novice Gabriella.">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.2>>
<c>Still dazed from the orgasm, Novice Gabriella opens her mouth.
<<s mc "Now you must take my manhood and stimulate it with your mouth to bring forth my seed. It will protect you from evil. Do it now, Novice Gabriella!">>
<<c "Push her head down on you">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv m 75 "volume0.35">>
<c>When you put your hand on her head and push, Novice Gabriella is too weak to resist. She closes her mouth around the Holy Rod. You help her get going by thrusting into her.</c>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.35>>
<cc>The young novice eventually understands what she is supposed to do.</cc>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.35>>
<c>Novice Gabriella's mouth soon brings you close to orgasm.
<<s mc "The Holy Seed is almost ready. You must undress, that I may anoint you properly.">>
You help Novice Gabriella undress, preparing her to receive the Holy Seed.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "Now I will anoint you. Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.35>>
<c><<s mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv m 75 volume0.35>>
<cc>Following your instructions, Novice Gabriella makes the most of your valuable seed, covering her face with it and swallowing it.</cc>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.35>>
<<s mc "Now you have received the blessing of the Lord and protection against the lust demon. Can you feel it?">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi m 55>>
<c>Finally allowed to catch her breath, Novice Gabriella rests her head on your stomach.
<<s gabriella "I don't know what I feel. I'm calm and relaxed, but also confused, and scared I have committed grave sins.">>
<<s mc "That's understandable. There was no time to explain, but rest assured that all sins you committed have been forgiven. And now you know just how strong Satan's presence is in the monastery. You and your sisters need protection and God sent me here armed with holy rites that few know about. Now you will also learn of them. You must go to Novice Emma. She will teach you about the holy rites and answer any questions you have.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi 1000-250 40>>
<<s gabriella "I still don't understand what happened. I think I'm dreaming. This is a nightmare.">>
<<s mc "Unfortunately not. This is how the fight against the Devil looks like within these walls. The lust demon is just one of Satan's ways to attack you. But Novice Emma will explain everything to you. Go to her right after lunch. Tell her I sent you and tell her what happened here in the kitchen. You can trust her completely.">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mi 1000-200 40>>
<c><<s gabriella "I will go to Novice Emma, Father. But you won't tell anyone else about what we did, will you?">>
<<s mc "No. And you shouldn't tell anyone either, unless they are part of the Circle. Novice Emma will tell you about the Circle too. You will find that you share this experience with several of your sisters. You are not the first one I have anointed. This war against Satan has been going on for some time since I arrived at the monastery.">>
<<s gabriella "I didn't know any of this. I will speak to Novice Emma.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 1000-600 40>>
<cc>You exit the kitchen as lunch is soon served and Novice Gabriella still has things to do.
<p>You should leave Novice Gabriella alone for a couple of days before returning to check on her.
<<q gabriellaq 1000 center>>
<<c "Eat lunch">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<event 1620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 1000-100 50 volume1>>
<<if $qqgabriellaq==1000 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("gabriellaq",2)>>
<cc2>You should leave Novice Gabriella alone for a couple of days while Novice Emma educates her on the holy rites.</cc2>
<<but "Eat lunch" refectory1 "ev:1700">>
You visit Novice Gabriella in the kitchen.
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=2000>>
<<qendversion gabriellaq version0.4.2>>
<<if $qqgabriellaq==5200 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("gabriellaq",2)>><p><<specialalert2 "You should wait another day or two before fornicating with her again.">></p><</if>>
<<but "Ask about the holy rites" refectory1 "step:200 qqgabriellaq==1000">>
<<but "Talk about protection against evil" refectory1 "ev:1780 qqgabriellaq==2100">>
<<but "Use the <<potionParanoia>>" refectory1 "ev:1800 qqgabriellaq==5000">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" refectory1 "ev:1820 qqgabriellaq==5200 gabriellaq#stageDay+2">>
<<but "<<actQuest gabriellaanal>>" refectory1 "ev:1900 step:200 qqgabriellaanal>=100 gabriellaanal#notcompleted">>
<<but "Inspect her slit" refectory1 "step:3120 qqgabriellaq>=2000">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" refectory1 "ev:1820 gabriellaq#completed">>
<<but "Sodomize her" refectory1 "ev:1900 step:1900 gabriellaanal#completed">>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-600 45>>
<<s mc "How's it going with Novice Emma? Has she told you about the holy rites?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father. I understand what you did now. When you anointed me, and ate my sins. I just don't understand how it could happen, the way I felt... so intensely. Novice Emma said you would know more than her about the specific episode.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 1000-200 40 right>>
<<s mc "I don't know the full truth of what happened, only the Lord Almighty does, but I have a pretty good idea. As we all know, Satan and his minions prey on our weaknesses, but they fear God's light. They also fear me because I wield God's light through the holy rites. Satan was coming for you, through his lust demon. It was only a matter of time. I arrived at the monastery and forced the lust demon into hiding. But eventually, it would have struck, attacking you. That time was fast approaching and the Lord showed me that you needed protection, that I should spend time with you in the kitchen.">>
<<s gabriella "Oh, so that's why you started coming here so often. I admit, I wondered about that.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1000-head 33>>
<<s mc "Yes. And then, through some means, the Lord forced the minions of evil to act, causing the lust demon's spirit to attack you in the kitchen instead of attacking you physically in your bedroom at night. The spirit form and the fact that all physical attacks have occurred at night could be because the lust demon is by its nature a night demon, not having corporeal form during the day. So when the Lord forced the lust demon to manifest, it had to do it in its weaker spiritual form.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, that would explain it.">>
Though you elaborated some on the truth, your speculation about the lust demon's spiritual and corporeal form being bound to day and night could very well be true.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 1000-250 40 right>>
<<s mc "Anyway, my presence in the kitchen allowed me to stop the attack, saving you from grave sins and showing you the truth of the holy rites that will protect you.">>
<<s gabriella "I'm so grateful that you could do this for me, Father. I apologize for doubting you.">>
<<s mc "No need to apologize. The extreme measures I've had to take in this war between good and evil go beyond what is normally accepted, but it is all approved by the Lord. However, as I'm sure Novice Emma has told you, you cannot reveal anything about this to anyone outside the Circle. Not even the Mother Superior.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1000-200 40 right>>
<<s gabriella "Yes, $fmc. I understand. But I ask that you don't tell anyone what happened between us, even if they are a member of the Circle. Except for Novice Emma.">>
<<s mc "Don't worry, Novice Gabriella. I won't reveal anything without your permission. Just like I won't reveal to you sensitive details about other members of the Circle. But know this, you are far from alone in having benefited from the holy rites.">>
<<s gabriella "I assumed as much. I haven't even been attacked, and many of my sisters have.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 1000-600 40 right>>
<<s mc "Speaking of the holy rites. I think we should be on the safe side and anoint you again to strengthen your protection. The lust demon will not give up just from one defeat.">>
<<s gabriella "You may be correct, $fmc. But could we wait a few more days at least?">>
<<s mc "It depends. I will have to determine the threat level to you.">>
<<s gabriella "How will you determine that?">>
<<s mc "By estimating how strong the lustful desires are in you. The lust demon will be attracted to such desires. And seeing how easily you climaxed from my hand, we should repeat that.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 1000-250 40>>
<<cs gabriella "Oh. But... isn't there some other way?">>
<<cs mc "Are you suggesting I use my manhood?">>
<<cs gabriella "No, I meant... I don't know what I meant.">>
<<cs mc "Hand it is then. Hop up on the counter.">>
<<c "Help her up on the counter">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi 1600-3600 45 right>>
<l>You help Novice Gabriella up on the counter. Then you spread her legs and pull aside her panties.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s gabriella "So I should try to not feel lust when you touch me?">>
<<s mc "That's up to you. Try to resist, or just relax and see what happens. Either way, I will estimate the level of the lustful desires existing within you. Compare it to if I were to estimate how much you desire to eat a particular food by observing how you react to that food. Even if you successfully resist eating the food, you may salivate or show other symptoms that tell me you very much desire to eat it. Likewise, even if you eat all the food, I could see that you did so without enjoying it or showing other signs of eating it because you desired the taste.">>
<<s gabriella "I understand. I will try to resist it. I'm not supposed to feel lust.">>
<<s mc "Then I will begin.">>
<<but "Touch her slit" refectory1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3120>>
<<mi 1000-200 45 right>>
<<s mc "I have to inspect you between your legs to determine if you require another anointing with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s gabriella "I don't have any lustful feelings, Father, if that's what you mean.">>
<<s mc "And if you pass the test, it means you are fine. If not, I have to strengthen your protection against the lust demon. Up on the counter, please.">>
<<c "Help her up on the counter">>
<<ev 3140>>
<<mi 1600-3600 45 right>>
<l>You help Novice Gabriella up on the counter. Then you spread her legs and pull aside her panties.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s gabriella "Do you want me to try to resist feeling lust this time?">>
<<s mc "That's up to you. Either way, I will estimate the level of the lustful desires existing within you.">>
<<s gabriella "Then I will try to resist it. I'm not supposed to feel lust.">>
<<s mc "Let's begin.">>
<<but "Touch her slit" refectory1 step:3200>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 1600-3200 40 right>>
<l>You begin by stroking her slit and the area around it, trying to summon the lustful desires hiding inside Novice Gabriella.
<p>After some time of doing this, you apply saliva to your fingers, preparing to take it up a notch.
<<addlust 30>></p>
<<c "Finger her slit">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv 1600-3300 37 "right volume0.3">>
<l>You attempt to pleasure Novice Gabriella by rubbing that sinful little Devil's doorbell on top of her slit.
<p>You mix it up by inserting your finger into Novice Gabriella's hole to simulate a man entering her and to see if you have managed to bring forth her lustful juices.<<if $qqgabriellaq<2100>><<lineheight>>As a bonus, this will also prepare the virgin nun in the event that you have to penetrate her with your manhood in the future.<</if>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 1600-3400 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Novice Gabriella tries to resist it, but your finger inside her slit tells you she is getting wet.
<<cs mc "As I thought. Even when you try to resist it, your lustful juices are coming. And they are coming from lustful desires. That's it. We need to anoint you with the Holy Seed, to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s gabriella "Forgive me, Lord. I tried to resist it...">>
<<but "Prepare the anointing" refectory1 step:3440>><<but "Finger her to climax first" refectory1 step:3500>>
<<ev 3440>>
<<mi 1600-3700 46>>
<c>Novice Gabriella gets down from the counter and kneels before you. You take out your erect male organ.
<<s mc "Look how hard the Holy Rod is. A clear sign from the Lord that must use your mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 1600-3300 32 "volume0.3">>
<<s mc "We might as well drive the sin out of you while we're at it. Relax and let the climax come.">>
Novice Gabriella looks like she wants to protest, but she gives in as you finger her slit.
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi 1600-3100 45 right>>
<l>Being a virgin with a lot of pent-up lustfulness, Novice Gabriella soon climaxes.
<<s mc "I have eaten your lustful sins. Now the anointing can take place.">>
You help Novice Gabriella down from the counter.
<<s gabriella "Maybe you don't need to anoint me now that I have expelled the lust from my body?">>
<<s mc "The Lord wants this to happen. How do I know? Because of this...">>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi 1600-3700 46>>
<<s mc "Look how hard the Holy Rod is. A clear sign from the Lord. You must use your mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 1600-4000 75 volume0.2>>
<c>Novice Gabriella opens her mouth, but she doesn't seem eager to close it around your member.
<<s mc "It has to be done, Novice Gabriella. Stimulate the Holy Rod to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Push her head down on you">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv 1600-4100 75 "volume0.35">>
<c>You put your hand on Novice Gabriella's head and helpfully push it down on your manhood. When she closes her mouth around you, you provide additional help by thrusting into her.</c>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 1600-4200 75 volume0.35>>
<cc>Novice Gabriella eventually does what she is supposed to do to get it over with.</cc>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv 1600-4300 75 volume0.35>>
<c>Novice Gabriella's mouth soon brings you close to orgasm.
<<s mc "The Holy Seed is almost ready. You must undress, that I may anoint you properly.">>
You help Novice Gabriella undress, preparing her to receive the Holy Seed.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 1600-5000 75 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "Now I will anoint you. Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv 1600-5200 75 volume0.35>>
<c><<s mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv 1600-5400 75 volume0.35>>
<cc>Following your instructions, Novice Gabriella makes the most of your valuable seed.</cc>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 1600-6000 70 volume0.35>>
<<cs mc "We have strengthened your protection against the lust demon.">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi 1600-6200 55>>
<c>Finally allowed to catch her breath, Novice Gabriella rests her head on your stomach.
<<s mc "Let's hope this will last you for a while. I have to check on you later to make sure of it. We can't take any chances with the lust demon still on the loose.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi 1000-250 40>>
<<s gabriella "Could you at least wait for... a week or two before you check on me?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't make any promises. I go where I feel I'm needed as guided by the Lord.">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 1000-600 40>>
<cc>You exit the kitchen as lunch is soon served and Novice Gabriella still has things to do.
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=2000>>
<<qendversion gabriellaq version0.4.2>>
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=2000>>
<<but "Leave" refectory1 step:8000>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi 1600-6200 55>>
<cc>Novice Gabriella has submitted to letting you inspect her slit. You can now anoint her whenever she needs it. Once she has gotten used to it, you may consider alternatives to further strengthen her protection against evil.
<<addauth 1>>
<<q gabriellaq 2000 center>>
<<qendversion gabriellaq version0.4.2>>
<<c "Eat lunch">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<event 1700>>
/* Used in saraq quest. Do not remove!
Can be used for any event as standard going to lunch, so don't add anything else here! */
<<ev 100>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 1720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma3 20 left>><<mii encounters/olenkahead 30 "right pnggg">>
/*<<mvv misc/dream2b 30 left>><<mvv misc/dream2b 30 "right">> test*/
<w>You see that Novice Emma has managed to sit next to Novice Olenka.
<p>This should allow Novice Emma to slip the lust potion into Novice Olenka's bowl of soup when the time comes.</p></w>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv pulpit 60 volume0.3>>
<c>During the supper, one of the sisters is reading from a pulpit as usual. The critical moment for Novice Emma is when the reading ends with a short prayer. Then everyone is expected to stop eating and close their eyes.</c>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi praying 45>>
<c>The moment comes when the sister on the pulpit stops reading and says a prayer. Everyone sits still with their eyes closed.
<p>Except for Novice Emma, and you. Squinting, you see how she quickly pours the lust potion into Novice Olenka's bowl of soup. No one seems to notice anything.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv supper 70>>
<c>Everyone goes back to eating. It looks like Novice Emma's mission was a success. Now you have to use this to your advantage.
<<but "Finish eating supper >>>" refectory1 "autosaving">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi outside_refectoryNight 80>>
When you are finished, it is dark outside. Everyone leaves the refectory and goes to their rooms to pray.
<p>Now you must have Novice Olenka come to your room.
<<q olenkaq 1200 center>></p>
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 ev:2720>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 1780>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 1000-200 40 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Gabriella, I think we should strengthen your protection against evil. With you being alone in the kitchen, I fear the lust demon could be closing in on you.">>
<<s gabriella "You're scaring me again, Father. Okay, we will do it. Should I use my mouth, then?">>
<<s mc "To begin with, yes, but this time I want to strengthen your protection even more than earlier. You see, you're a virgin and your two virgin holes down there are very attractive to the lust demon. But if we let God's light shine into your holes, that will keep the lust demon away.">>
<<s gabriella "Oh... you mean doing it with your finger again?">>
<<s mc "No. I mean using the Holy Rod.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-250 40 right>>
<<s gabriella "But Father... you can't do that.">>
<<s mc "Novice Gabriella, you were at the Revelation. You understand the special circumstances we are facing, with the holy war and Satan's strong influence in this place, do you not?">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, but I think the anointing we've done is enough. I think I'm pretty safe in here after all, even if I'm alone.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid you shouldn't feel too safe. A pretty, young virgin like yourself. You are attractive to a man as well as a demon.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 1000-scared 34>>
<<s gabriella "This is terrible. I'm so scared now, Father. But wouldn't it be enough if you anoint me as before? We could do it right now.">>
<<s mc "It may be enough, but it would not protect you as well as shining God's light into your virgin holes with the Holy Rod.">>
<<s gabriella "It will have to be enough, Father. Please, let it be enough.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 1000-250 36>>
You pause to think.
<p>You may be able to make Novice Gabriella submit to your will by demanding it as her patriarch, but you don't want to be seen as a bad leader by unfairly mistreating the young nun.</p>
<p>Novice Gabriella has neither sinned nor been attacked by the lust demon, and the risk of her being attacked in the kitchen during the day should be low. You only have a feeling that she needs your protection. That's not a good enough reason to force your will in the matter.</p>
<p>You must change Novice Gabriella's mind somehow. You have to think of something.
<<ev 950>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
<c>You could try pouring a lust potion into Novice Gabriella's cider when she is working in the kitchen, but you have already done that once.
<p>Aside from that time, you have used a lust potion in the kitchen many times more – directly, or indirectly through Novice Emma. Every time you use a lust potion in the kitchen, you increase the risk of the nuns getting suspicious that something in their food or drink is causing the increased lust. For this reason, you should avoid using a lust potion this way unless you have no other option.</p>
<p>You should find another way to make Novice Gabriella agree to spread her legs for you.
<<q gabriellaq 2200>>
<<c "Back to Novice Gabriella">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 1000-200 40>>
<<s mc "As you wish, Novice Gabriella. We can talk more about protecting your virgin holes another time.">>
<<s gabriella "Thank you, Father. So, what about now? Do you still want me to use my mouth on you? To strengthen my protection?">>
<<but "Yes" refectory1 step:2000>><<c "No">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 1000-head 30>>
<<s mc "No, I think that protection is still strong enough. What you need is protection down there, but as said, we'll talk more about that another time. I will leave you to your duties.">>
<<s gabriella "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<but "Leave and wait for lunch" refectory1 ev:1700>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<cs mc "Give me a moment. I will pray to the Lord, seeking guidance on how to proceed.">>
<<mi gabriella_bj 64>>
The thought of Novice Gabriella's mouth around your manhood quickly makes you hard.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "Kneel before me, and observe the will of the Lord.">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" refectory1 "ev:1620 step:3700">>
<<event 1800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 1000-600 40>>
<c>You engage in small talk with Novice Gabriella. As usual, she has a glass of cider she drinks from.
<p>A minute later, the novice enters the storeroom to fetch something, giving you the opportunity you have been waiting for.</p>
<<c "Mix the <<potionParanoia>> into the cider">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/potionParanoiaBig 14 pnggg>>
<cc>You empty the vial into the cider and give it a stir.
<p>Soon after, Novice Gabriella returns and continues chopping vegetables.</p>
<<c "Keep her company">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 1000-200 40 right>>
<l>You keep Novice Gabriella company as she works. It takes a while, but eventually, she has consumed all the cider.
You bring up the lust demon and the Crone, saying that they may be one and the same, or it could be that at least two demons are stalking the convent.
<<s gabriella "It's so scary to think about, but... even if I'm alone in here, a demon wouldn't attack me in the kitchen in the middle of the day, would it, Father?">>
You can tell that the Potion of Paranoia has affected her. She appears more frightened than usual.
<<s mc "As a matter of fact, Novice Celine has been attacked in this very kitchen. It was after supper, but still well before bedtime. I didn't want to mention her name without her permission, but since I fear you are in such grave danger, you should know it. There are other sisters too who have been attacked by a lust demon during the day. And I have proof that minions of Satan have been skulking around outside, in the monastery grounds, during the day, hiding in the vegetation to spy on you and your sisters.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1000-250 40 right>>
<<s gabriella "I wish you didn't tell me that, Father. Now I'm afraid for real. I've never been so scared of the lust demon.">>
<<s mc "The Lord is trying to tell you something. You must let me insert the Holy Rod between your legs to shine God's light in there. That will protect your slit from evil.">>
<<s gabriella "I'm a virgin, Father. Novice Emma said I will still be a virgin even if I lie with you. Is that true?">>
<<s mc "Yes, because we will do it as part of a holy rite. Nothing can become less pure from something holy.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 1000-scared 34>>
You can tell that Novice Gabriella considers your request, but although frightened by your talk about demons, she is still very hesitant.
<p>You don't want to wait any longer. It's time to make this happen.</p>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
You make Novice Gabriella understand that this is not just about her. She must sacrifice her intimacy for her sisters, and she will be loved for it.
<p class="nomargin-bottom">The frightened novice gives in and accepts your offer to penetrate her slit with the Holy Rod.
<<s gabriella "But you must be quick, Father. I have things to finish up before lunch.">>
<<s mc "I will be quick.">></p>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
You admonish Novice Gabriella for putting her sisters at risk by refusing to do her part in the holy war. You suggest that a night alone down in the prison might make her change her mind.
<p class="nomargin-bottom">Your threat makes the already frightened novice even more scared. She apologizes for only thinking of herself and accepts your offer to penetrate her slit with the Holy Rod.
<<s gabriella "But you must be quick, Father. I have things to finish up before lunch.">>
<<s mc "I will be quick.">></p>
<<tbut "Be gentle" null "addStat3 center">>
<<abut "Threaten with prison" null "addStat3 center">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" refectory1 1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 1600-4200 60 volume0.3>>
<c>You have Novice Gabriella use her mouth to activate the Holy Rod.
<<addlust 100>>
When the Holy Rod is ready, you tell Novice Gabriella to stand up and remove her panties. Then you have her bend over the counter.
<<c "Pull up her habit">>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mi m 70>>
You pull up Novice Gabriella's habit, exposing her naked nether regions.
<p>Her virgin slit is ready for you.</p>
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 70 "volume0.3 pause1">>
<cc>First, you inspect her slit. As expected, she is not wet<<if $qqgabriellaq>=5200>>. You could try to raise Novice Gabriella's lust before penetrating her, but you rather spend what time you have enjoying her body.<<else>>, but you don't have time to care about that right now.<</if>>
<p>You penetrate Novice Gabriella's slit with the Holy Rod and begin to fornicate.</p>
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=5200>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:1200>>
<<ev 1120>>
<<mv m 70 "volume0.3">>
Since you came to the kitchen relatively early, you don't have to hurry to finish. Still, you have a limited amount of time and shouldn't waste it.
<p>You eagerly slide your manhood in and out of her sinful hole.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 78 volume0.3>>
<cc>Novice Gabriella's tight virgin slit feels very good even when not wet.<<if $qqhabriellaq < 5200>><br>This shouldn't take long.<</if>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 78 volume0.3>>
<<s gabriella "It's so fast. Can't you go slower, Father?">>
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=5200>>
<<s mc "God made your slit feel good to help the man release his seed, and we don't have all day.">>
<<s mc "You wanted me to be quick because you have things to do. This is how a man finishes fast with a woman.">>
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=5200>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:1800>>
<<ev 1710>>
<<mv m 70 "volume0.3">>
<cc>Novice Gabriella says nothing more, only moaning as she takes your manhood between her legs.
<p>You don't think it is moans of pleasure, but this isn't about her pleasure.</p></cc>
<<ev 1720>>
<<mv m 70 "volume0.3">>
<cc>You on the other hand, greatly enjoy her tight hole.</cc>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Your seed is coming soon.
<p>Wanting to enjoy Novice Gabriella in new ways first, you change position.</p>
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=5200>>
<<but "Keep going" refectory1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1840>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<c>You enjoy Novice Gabriella's naked body, grabbing her breasts and playing with her slit.
<<s gabriella "Are you done soon, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>Novice Gabriella stares at your manhood sliding in and out of her, waiting for you to finish.
<p>You feel the climax slowly building up. You are almost there.</p>
<<c "Keep going">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>The Holy Seed is coming. You must choose where to anoint Novice Gabriella.
<p>You never said you would release your seed inside her slit. She might be upset if you do.</p>
<<but "Anoint her inside her slit" refectory1 step:3000>><<but "Pull out and anoint her face" refectory1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie7 48>>
You moan with pleasure as you release your seed inside Novice Gabriella, anointing her from within.
<<set $temp6 = $creampied.contains("gabriella")>> /* previously used qflag 5300 in next step for this but switched to this to fix some flag bug that probably happened during development */
<<creampie gabriella>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<if $temp6>>
<<s gabriella "Oh, no! You did it again. Was it an accident this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, I anointed your slit with the Holy Seed. As I've said, it is the most effective way to shine God's light into you, keeping the lust demon away.">>
<<s gabriella "I know you say you won't impregnate us if we're with you in a holy rite, even if you finish inside us, but I still feel uneasy about it.">>
<<s mc "You must have faith. Only a miracle from the Lord will allow you to become pregnant.">>
<<s gabriella "Oh, no! Was it an accident, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, I anointed your slit with the Holy Seed. It is the most effective way to shine God's light into you, keeping the lust demon away.">>
<<s gabriella "Novice Emma says you won't impregnate us if we're with you in a holy rite, even if you finish inside us. Is that true?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Only a miracle from the Lord will allow you to become pregnant. Don't worry about it, Novice Gabriella.">>
<<but "Get dressed" refectory1 step:6000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 1600-5200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You choose to pull out and anoint Novice Gabriella's face.</cc>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi 1600-6200 70>>
<c><<s mc "The Holy Rod will strengthen your protection inside your slit. Of course, the Holy Seed would strengthen it even more, but I settled with anointing your face this time.">>
<<s gabriella "I'm glad you did. I don't want to get pregnant. Novice Emma told me we won't if we're with you in a holy rite, but it feels safer this way.">>
<<but "Get dressed" refectory1 step:6000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 1000-100 44 volume0.8>>
You both get dressed.
<p>Novice Gabriella returns to her duties, hurrying to finish things before lunch starts very soon.</p>
<<if $qqgabriellaq>=5200>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:6500>>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi m 66>>
<c>You fornicated with Novice Gabriella, but you had to do it very quickly. The next time you visit Novice Gabriella, you should fornicate with her again, and then you don't have to wait for her to drink her cider.
<p>You should give her some time though, waiting at least a couple of days.
<<q gabriellaq 5200>></p>
<<qinit amnesiaq 1>> /* to trigger js override */
<<but "Eat lunch with the nuns" refectory1 ev:1700>>
<<ev 6500>>
<<mi 1800-6200 66>>
<c>You again fornicated with Novice Gabriella. You can repeat this when you feel it is needed.
<<if $qqgabriellaanal>>
<p>If you want to strengthen Novice Gabriella's protection further, you could shine God's light into her other hole down there.</p>
<p>If you want to strengthen her protection against evil even further, Novice Gabriella has another hole that you can shine God's light into. You might consider sodomy in the future, once Novice Gabriella has gotten more used to your manhood inside her slit.
<<qend gabriellaq 6000>></p>
<<but "Eat lunch with the nuns" refectory1 ev:1700>>
<<event 1820>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 1600-1400 28>>
Watching her work, you remember that time you took Novice Gabriella's hand to comfort her when she cut her finger. How strong you felt the need to protect her from evil. And you remember how good it felt to penetrate her virgin slit.
<<addlust 100>>
This is a sign from the Lord that Novice Gabriella needs your Holy Rod between her legs.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-200 44>>
<<s mc "Novice Gabriella, I fear for your safety alone in the kitchen. I want to use the Holy Rod to shine God's holy light between your legs to strengthen your protection against evil.">>
<<s gabriella "Again? I don't think we need to do that.">>
<<s mc "We do. Do you know how I know? Kneel and observe God's will.">>
<<c "Take out your hard manhood">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 1600-3700 40>>
<c>You show your hard manhood to Novice Gabriella.
<<s mc "This has to be done. Stand up and remove your panties.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Gabriella obeys. You then turn her around.
<<but "Pull up her habit" refectory1 "ev:1800 step:1050">>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 1900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi showass 86>>
<c>An image of Novice Gabriella's exposed behind flashes in your mind. Suddenly, you feel a strong desire to penetrate the nun with your manhood.
<p>But it is not Novice Gabriella's slit you desire. It is her forbidden hole – Satan's favorite hole.</p>
<p>This sudden desire may be a sign from the Lord that you are to shine His light into Novice Gabriella's rectum. You should not ignore it.</p>
<<c "Enter the kitchen">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1000-200 45>>
<<s mc "Greetings, Novice Gabriella. How are things?">>
<<s gabriella "I'm fine, Father. Thank you for asking.">>
<<s mc "Have you felt safer lately, after I've anointed you?">>
<<s gabriella "Oh, yes, Father. I think I have a strong protection now.">>
You get a sense that Novice Gabriella is trying to avoid another anointing. But that's not up to her to decide.
<<if $qqgabriellaanal >=200>>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:300>>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi 1000-head 35>>
<c><<s mc "Have you thought more about protecting your behind too? Being alone is always dangerous, and you are alone here every day. I think we should strengthen your protection even more by using the Holy Rod to shine God's holy light in the other hole down there.">>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 step:600>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 1000-head 35 right>>
<l><<s mc "You are correct that without my anointings, you may have been attacked by now. However, protection or not, you are still at risk. Being alone is always dangerous, and you are alone here every day. I think we should strengthen your protection even more by using the Holy Rod to shine God's holy light in the other hole down there.">>
<<s gabriella "In my... behind? But I don't think the lust demon is interested in that. I haven't heard much talk about it.">>
<<s mc "That's not quite correct, Novice. Several sisters have had concerns about it happening, and more than one sister has clear memories of it. They have told me this in confidence, thus I can't mention any names.">>
Novice Gabriella doesn't need to know that you have no solid evidence of any sodomizing taking place during the attacks by the lust demon. The "clear memories" of sodomy materialized in a few victim's minds only after you suggested that that was what happened when they were attacked.
<p>But the Lord has given you a sign and it does no harm to protect against the eventuality.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 1000-200 45>>
<<s gabriella "I see, but I'd like to pass on that, Father. Please. I don't want it back there.">>
<<s mc "If you're afraid it will hurt very much, don't be. I will be careful and if you just relax, you might even like it.">>
<<s gabriella "It's not just that. It feels so wrong. It's not natural for a man to do that with a woman. Even for married couples.">>
<<s mc "That's true. It is depraved. But that is why Satan likes it, and we must protect against it.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1000-250 45>>
<<s gabriella "Please, no, Father. You can do it down there, but not in the back, please.">>
Novice Gabriella is very much against sodomy. Normally, you would applaud it, but her safety is at stake.
<<qstart gabriellaanal 100>>
/*<<addcorr 5>>
<<addlust 100>>*/
<<c "Grant her wish">>
<<if !$readChapter5>>
<<but "Force your will" refectory1 "step:990 corr60 ttt10">>
<<but "Force your will" refectory1 "step:1000 corr60 ttt10">>
/*<<but "<<actChapter 5>>Force your will" refectory1 "step:1000 corr60 lll50">>*/
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 1000-head 40>>
<c>It is not worth it to force your will on Novice Gabriella and go against her strong resistance to sodomy. She is not in enough danger to warrant the potential hit to your reputation.
<<s mc "Very well. I'll leave the topic for now.">>
<<s gabriella "Thank you, Father.">>
<<q gabriellaanal 200>> /* required to continue cindy quest leading to chapter 5, lust angels */
<<but "Inspect her slit" refectory1 "ev:1620 step:3120 qqgabriellaq>=2000">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" refectory1 "step:800">>
<<but "Wait for lunch" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 1000-200 44>>
<<s mc "If you don't want me to shine God's light in your rectum, I will do it in your slit.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, Father.">>
It seems Novice Gabriella is so relieved to get out of sodomy that she accepts fornication without the usual protesting.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Then kneel and we will begin.">>
<<but "Take out your hard manhood" refectory1 "ev:1820 step:300">>
<<ev 990>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 1600-3000 33 right>>
<<s mc "I can no longer risk your safety, Novice Gabriella. You don't seem to realize the danger you are in. But I know, and I won't let you risk the safety of everyone else by leaving you unprotected to let Satan advance. I must shine God's light in your behind, and now. End of discussion.">>
<<s gabriella "Yes, $fmc.">>
You are pleased to see Novice Gabriella submitting to your authority.
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 1600-3600 35>>
<c>While helping Novice Gabriella undress, you take a close look at her slit to activate your male organ. It has the desired effect.
<<addlust 100>>
You take out your hard manhood.</c>
<<but "Penetrate Novice Gabriella" refectory1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1900>> /* replaying */
<<mi showass 90>>
<c>You feel a desire for Novice Gabriella holes. Mostly her forbidden hole – Satan's favorite.
<<ev 1920>>
<<mi 1000-200 45>>
<c><<s mc "I've felt danger closing in on you, Novice Gabriella. And it's your rectum that is most at risk. I must shine God's light into it again.">>
<<s gabriella "Could we do it another time? I have much to do.">>
<<s mc "It must be done now. I'll be quick. Get naked.">>
Novice Gabriella sighs but starts undressing.
<<c "Warm up using her slit">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 1800-1900 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You start by using Novice Gabriella's slit to warm up your manhood.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 76>>
<c>When satisfied, you prepare to enter Novice Gabriella's rectum. You tell her to relax.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<cc>You start slow. Novice Gabriella seems to take it well enough, able to relax.</cc>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<c>When you go faster, the nun shows some signs of pain, but she doesn't say anything, wanting this to be over. She will learn to relax better and get used to your manhood in her rectum.</c>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 77 volume0.3>>
<c>Novice Gabriella seems to take it better now, showing pleasure mixed with some slight pain. She may be ready for something more advanced.
<<s mc "I must use different positions to best reach everywhere inside you to shine God's light. I will lie down and you will get on top of me.">>
<<c "Take the position">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<c>While in this position, you enjoy grabbing Novice Gabriella's breasts and playing with her nipples.</c>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<c>You think that Novice Gabriella is ready for the last position you had in mind. The most advanced and perverted position with her so far: doing it like a dog.</c>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<cc>You sodomize Novice Gabriella like a dog would.
<p>It feels very good. Your seed is coming soon.</p>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<cc>Thrusting into Novice Gabriella's rectum, your seed is brought forth.</cc>
<<but "(Pull out) Ejaculate in face" refectory1 step:5000>><<c "Ejaculate in rectum">>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal1 60>>
<cc>You ejaculate inside Novice Gabriella's rectum.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" refectory1 step:5200>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 1600-5200 80 volume0.3>>
<cc>You ejaculate in Novice Gabriella's face.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi 1000-head 40>>
<<s mc "I have shined God's light into your behind to protect you against evil. I will return to repeat this if needed.">>
Novice Gabriella says nothing, glad that it is over.
<<qend gabriellaanal 1000>>
Novice Gabriella's lustfulness wasn't high enough to climax from the sodomy, which is good news as it means she hasn't been feeding the lust demon.</p>
<<but "Continue" refectory1 "ev:1100 step:1000">>
<<ev 8000>> /* reusing emmalustangel */
<<mi outside_refectoryNight 80>>
When you are finished with supper, it is dark outside. Everyone leaves the refectory and goes to their rooms to pray.
There is no reason to delay. You will go to the chapel and prepare for the meeting.
<<q emmalustangel 700 center>>
<</events>><<if $qqrevelationroberta>=1100 && $qqrevelationroberta<=1500>>
<<set _dayspassed = $day - setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("roberta1",500,100)>>
<<if $qqrevelationroberta==1500 && _dayspassed>=2>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 36 pnggg>>
You visit Sister Roberta.
<<s mc "Are you ready to talk about what happened? Maybe you have some questions?">>
<<s roberta "Yes.">>
<<but "Talk with Sister Roberta" roberta1 ev:600>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/500-2800 90>>
<c>Before visiting her again, you should give Sister Roberta some time alone to think about – and come to terms with – what happened when you fornicated with her.
<<if $qqrevelationroberta==1100>>
<p>And also, you have things to do in your laboratory.</p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<elseif $daytime=="day">>
<<mii nuns/roberta/room 70>>
<c>When all of the nuns are gathered in the chapel for one of their daily prayers, you enter Sister Roberta's room.</c>
<<but "Look around in the room" roberta1 "ev:400 qqrevelationroberta==200">>
<<but "Switch the anti-rash salve" roberta1 "ev:410 qqrevelationroberta==500">>
<<overlay "nuns/roberta/room" "nuns/roberta/torso" 10 11.2 57.3 70 "png">><</overlay>>
<<if !($qqmass > 100)>>Sister Roberta lives next to Mother Magda, and like the living quarters of the Mother Superior, Sister Roberta's room actually consists of two rooms,<<else>>Sister Roberta's living quarters consist of two room,<</if>> befitting her station as the prioress. But aside from a mirror and a nice bureau against one of the walls, the rooms are very spartan.
<<s roberta "Yes, Father $mc?">>
<<but "<<actQuest mass>>" roberta1 "ev:100 qqmass==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest protecting>>" roberta1 "ev:200 qqprotecting==100">>
<<but "Ask about her investigation" roberta1 "ev:300 qqrevelationroberta==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest agnesq>>" roberta1 "ev:800 qqagnesq==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest juliamoving>>" roberta1 "ev:900 qqjuliamoving==300">>
/* add new events above this */
<<set _extext = setup.questCompleted("revelationroberta") ? "Perform another exorcism" : "Perform exorcism">>
<<but _extext roberta1 "ev:700 qqrevelationroberta>=1600 daily">>
<<event 100 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Mother Magda asked me to celebrate Mass with you. She said you would help me with the arrangements.">>
<<s roberta "Yes, of course, Father. I will arrange for the sacramental bread and wine to be delivered to the chapel tomorrow.">>
<<q mass 200>>
<<event 200 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "I have heard rumors that you are investigating inappropriate talk among the novices. Talk of a sexual nature. Is that true?">>
<<s roberta "I'm afraid it is, Father $mc. I had hoped you wouldn't learn of it.">>
<<s mc "I ask that you stop this investigation as it may interfere with my investigation into the attacks by the lust demon.">>
<<s roberta "How so?">>
<<s mc "You know that some of the victims think they may have been molested by the lust demon. Well... you don't know the full story. You don't know what I know. I can't say more without blatantly violating the Seal of Confession.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi torso 40 "right png">>
<<s roberta "This is very troubling to hear, but I don't see how that answers my question.">>
<<s mc "The victims need to process what happened to them. Talking to me in confession can only do so much and not every victim wants to open up to me. Talking among themselves about their experiences can help them. It will bring them together to stay strong against the evil instead of succumbing to it. This is now a fight against Satan and his minions, and my investigation is closing in on the culprit behind this. I need help from all of you in this, to stay strong while I continue my investigation. Your investigation is a source of conflict and division that will harm us.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s roberta "If this was only a matter of them talking inappropriately, I might agree to your request, but I suspect that more than talk is going on here. To be frank, your name has been coming up in very inappropriate contexts, perverse even. Something which is not just talk, if you understand my meaning. Are you saying this is fantasies I've been hearing?">>
<<s mc "As I can't reveal anything bound by the Seal of Confession, I can't deny nor confirm. What I can say is that everything I'm doing is in accordance with God's will. You have to trust me on this. I was sent here by the Vatican. Please give me the proper respect to believe that I know what I'm doing.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi torso 40 "right png">>
<<s roberta "I'm sorry, Father $mc, but I answer to the Reverend Mother before I answer to you or the Vatican. Unless she tells me otherwise, I will continue my investigation.">>
<<s mc "How much does Mother Magda know about your investigation?">>
<<s roberta "She knows everything. I'm working on her orders. Any further questions, you should take up with the Reverend Mother. But I would advise against disturbing her this late.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. I thank you for your time, Sister Roberta.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii ms/ms1 24>>
You must stop this investigation before it is too late. You should speak with Mother Magda tomorrow.
<<q protecting 200>>
<<event 300 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Did Mother Magda tell you to stop your investigation?">>
<<s roberta "She did.">>
<<s mc "And will you stop?">>
<<s roberta "Yes. As I have been ordered.">>
<<s mc "Good. Did she tell you why you should stop?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi torso 45 "right pnggg">>
<<s roberta "She hinted that the rumors about you are related to your investigation and the attacks by the lust demon. That you have to do things with the sisters that may be misunderstood unless you know the full truth.">>
<<s mc "Yes. And I want you to know the full truth. I'm waging a war against Satan and his minions, and I need you on my side in this.">>
<<s roberta "So tell me.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid you may not be ready to accept the truth. It is hard to do unless you have personally experienced the evil forces of Satan. Like the attacked victims have. Like Mother Magda has.">>
<<s roberta "I see.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "That said, I came here to warn you. The fact that Mother Magda was attacked by a demon could mean that you are next, as the second-in-command. If that happens, you must send for me immediately, or you may end up worse than Mother Magda did.">>
<<s roberta "Thank you for the warning, Father. I hope you are wrong, but I will keep that in mind.">>
<<s mc "The attack could start without you noticing it at first. You should be wary of anything unusual in your mental or physical state. Like feeling increasingly confused, or aroused, for no reason.">>
<<s roberta "I understand.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Roberta needs to experience the evil forces and the need for the holy rites. By using a lust potion on her, you could make that happen. But how do you give her the lust potion without arousing suspicion?
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii refectory/supper 70>>
<c>You don't see how you could do it via the food. Sister Roberta consumes the same food and drink as everyone else. You also can't have Novice Emma sit next to Sister Roberta in the refectory. Sister Roberta sits next to Mother Magda, together with a few other senior nuns. It would appear very strange if Novice Emma sat down with them.
<p>No, you have to find another way to drug Sister Roberta.
<<q revelationroberta 200>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 400 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>You find a small glass jar containing a salve. You recognize it at one of the salves Sister Jana sells. It's meant for rashes and other skin conditions. According to the instructions, it should be applied twice daily on the rash – morning and evening.
<p>The jar is placed on top of Sister Roberta's bureau and it is about half full, which suggests that Sister Roberta is currently using the salve to treat herself.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
<c>If you could switch out the salve for a salve with a lust potion mixed in it, that should do the trick. You haven't yet tried to make the lust potions into an oil, but you think you could make it work using cutahest, just like with the divine nectar. The lust oil could then be used to make a lust salve.
<p>But switching the salve won't do any good unless you know exactly when Sister Roberta puts on the salve. Is there a way you could spy on her?</p>
<<c "Look for a way to spy on the room">>
<<ev 300>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 40 56 3 85 "png noBorder hideRoom" "20.3 67 3.5">>
<c>After some looking around, you finally find something.
<p>In the storage room next to Sister Roberta's quarters, you notice that there is a crack in a wooden wall through which you can look straight into Sister Roberta's room on the other side. It seems that these two rooms originally were one room and the wall was put in place as a divider without too much care.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 40 56 3 85 "png noBorder hideRoom" "21 67 3.5">>
<c>Looking through the hole gives you a good view of the bureau where Sister Roberta keeps her salve. This spot is perfect for your spying needs.</c>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
With that problem taken care of, now you have to replace Sister Roberta's salve with a lust salve. You could try to add a lust oil to Sister Roberta's jar of salve. It could work, but you would have to make the modified salve look and feel similar enough to Sister Jana's original salve that Sister Roberta won't notice anything. Chances are you wouldn't get it right when you only have one shot at it.
<p>Additionally, you might want to use the lust salve again in the future, so everything considered, it is best to learn to do it from scratch.</p>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii hjana/jana3 26>>
<c>Making a lust salve that will fool Sister Roberta shouldn't be too hard since you have access to all the ingredients Sister Jana has. You also know that Sister Jana keeps a recipe book in the shed, containing the recipes for the products she makes and sells.
<p>Finally, you need the same type of glass jar with label, and you have seen that Sister Jana keeps a stash of empty, pre-labeled jars for her anti-rash salve in her shed, ready to fill. Apparently, that salve is a big seller.</p>
<p>You just have to get into that shed undetected.
<<q revelationroberta 300>>
<<event 410 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
You replace the anti-rash salve on Sister Roberta's bureau with the <<potionRashSalve .>>
<p>You must spy on Sister Roberta tonight after supper.
<<q revelationroberta 600 center>></p>
<<event 500 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 31 64 3 80 "png noBorder" "21 67 3.5">>
You stand by the wall, peeking through the crack that lets you spy on Sister Roberta.
<p>Sister Roberta spends most of the time in the bedroom, praying or reading.</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi standing 24 "right pnggg">>
<l>After about an hour, the bell chimes to call the nuns to the chapel for Compline, the night prayer – the last hour in the <<hovertip "Liturgy of the Hours." liturgy bottom>> The last fixed prayer time before going to bed.
<p>Sister Roberta leaves the room carrying a prayer book.</p>
<p>You use the time she is away to walk around the hallways to get some exercise.</p>
<<ev 180>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 31 64 3 80 "png noBorder" "21 67 3.5">>
<c>When Compline is over, you stand ready in the storage room to spy on Sister Roberta.
<p>When Sister Roberta returns from Compline, she sits down in her bedroom to read.</p>
<<ev 190>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>After a short time reading, Sister Roberta leaves her quarters carrying toiletries, presumably to do her nightly routine before going to bed.
<p>You wait, and eventually Sister Roberta returns.</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 25.6 62.6 3 80 "png noBorder" "21 67 3.5">>
Sister Roberta puts on a nightgown. Then she comes over to the bureau. She picks up the jar with the <<potionRashSalve >> and rubs some salve on her arms. Then she starts brushing her hair in front of the mirror.
<p>Thanks to the cutahest you used in the salve, it should only take a minute or two before Sister Roberta feels the full effect of it.</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 66>>
Something is definitely happening with Sister Roberta. She looks like she is struggling with something. You know what it is. She is overcome by lust and fights the urge to touch herself.
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 66>>
Sister Roberta opens her nightgown, seemingly in an attempt to cool down.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 54>>
As you suspected, Sister Roberta has a body that looks like it was meant to arouse men and produce children. You wonder if being a nun really was what God had planned for her.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 80 speed0.66>>
<c>With both the <<potionLustOilSimple>> and the <<potionLiberationOil>> affecting her, Sister Roberta can't resist the temptation any longer. She starts committing the grave sin of Onan.
<<addlust 20>>
That's it. Time to confront Sister Roberta.
<<qset revelationroberta 800>>
/* v0.7.1: MAJOR BUG DETECTED. Player can get 100 lust here and then are sent to room. If then going to sleep, he will wake up to an empty hub, stuck. Fixing it this particular event by not sending mc to hub but to just continue this event, but other scripted events may still have this bug. */
/*<<but "Exit the storeroom" hub>> this could bug in this event! */
<<c "Exit the storeroom">>
<<ev 700>>
<<hubShowRoom "nuns/roberta/roberta_small" 24 65 6 90 pnggg>>
<<c "Knock on the door to Sister Roberta's room" null fullWidth >>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/500-900 56>>
<c>Knocking quietly on the door, you only wait a second before entering.
<p>You see Sister Roberta desperately grabbing her nightgown to get dressed. She doesn't say anything. She can't even face you.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 500-1000 56>>
<c>Finally, Sister Roberta speaks, still not looking at you as she fights the lust raging between her legs.
<<s roberta "Father $mc, what are you doing? I wasn't dressed.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry to burst in, but I had a vision from God that Satan was close. That a lust demon was here to attack. The vision led me to you. Are you alright? You look red in your face.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 500-900 56>>
<<s roberta "I'm fine. But what sort of attack? I haven't seen a demon.">>
<<s mc "Lust demons are typically night demons, but it's not that late yet. Then such a demon may attack without being corporeal, without being visible. I have seen this before in this very monastery. Tell me the truth, Sister Roberta. Are you experiencing any unusual feelings of lust?">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 500-300 56>>
<<s roberta "I must admit that I am. It just came suddenly when I was about to go to bed. You think the lust demon is attacking me?">>
<<s mc "That's what I fear, yes. Have you been doing anything to yourself? Have you succumbed to the lust in any sinful way?">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 500-900 52>>
<<s roberta "I couldn't help myself. Yes.">>
<<s mc "That's not good. If you touched yourself, it means the demon owns a part of your soul now. Ordinary repentance and penance won't help against this corruption of your soul. But I have a way for you to do penance right now, while I'm eating your sins, sending them up to the Lord Almighty. Your soul will be cleansed. I don't have time to explain it. We must act quickly while the demon is here to stop it from attacking you again any time soon.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 500-1400 45 right>>
<<s roberta "Please do what you can to help me, Father. The desire to touch myself is getting stronger again.">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid your penance will have to be a penance of lust, like the sin you committed. It's the only way for me to stop the demon and save your soul.">>
<<s roberta "What is a penance of lust?">>
<<s mc "You have to fornicate with me. I understand if it sounds insane, but you have to trust me. We will fornicate as part of a holy rite that will send your sins up to the Lord. This will also allow God's holy light to reach into you and banish the demon from your mortal body.">>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mi 500-1000 52>>
<<s roberta "Fornicate? What are you saying, Father? Is this a sick joke?">>
<<s mc "I assure you I'm deadly serious. It's either fornication or you have to resist the demon as it's forcing you to touch yourself again, forcing you to climax by your own hands. A grave sin for a nun. To add to the grave sin you have already committed.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi 500-1500 45 right>>
<<s roberta "But fornicate? How can I do such a thing?">>
<<s mc "You are not the first one to ask me this, Sister Roberta. This lust demon is strong, fueled by Satan's growing influence in this place. As you fight fire with fire, we have to fight this lust demon with lust. But it's all done with God's approval, using holy rites. You have a decision to make now, Sister Roberta. Do you want to do what is required, that the Lord's holy light may cleanse you of your sins and stop you from committing more, or do you give yourself to the lust demon, to Satan's darkness? Light or darkness. What's your choice?">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi 500-300 54>>
Sister Roberta tenses as she tries to fight her impulse to touch herself. But the <<potionRashSalve>> is very potent. Finally, she slumps down, admitting defeat.
<<s roberta "Light...">>
<<s mc "Then we have no time to lose. You must start by getting naked. I am but a man and I have to look at you to get ready to do what I have to do.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 500-400 56>>
<c>Without another word, Sister Roberta opens her nightgown. You pull down your pants and grab your already hard manhood. You are ready.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Lie down on the bed and I will perform the holy rite while we fornicate.">>
<<but "Replace the salve when Sister Roberta isn't looking" roberta1 "fullWidth" >>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii lab/salve 30 pnggg>>
<c>When Sister Roberta moves to the bed, you deftly switch the jar of lust salve with the jar you previously took from the bureau. Sister Roberta doesn't notice anything.
<p>With that out of the way, you can concentrate on the sexual act. Not wanting to give Sister Roberta time to change her mind, you quickly get down to business.</p>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Roberta">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 94 volume0.4>>
Sister Roberta shyly lies on her stomach. You say nothing, and push aside her legs, allowing you to penetrate her slit from behind. It is dripping wet.
<p>Sister Roberta immediately becomes lost in a fog of pleasure, reaching orgasm within only a few seconds. But you are far from done.</p>
<<c "Turn her around">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 94 "pause3 volume0.4">>
<<s roberta "Is it over now?">>
<<s mc "No. We must purge all the lust from you to force the lust demon to leave your body. You must let go and let the lust come. Any sexual sins we commit will be sent up to heaven to be cleansed. Do you understand?">>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mi 500-2350 94>>
<<s roberta "I think so.">>
You give her a moment to rest. You want the prioress to have time to think, to feel, to better make her remember the experience and the details of what she did with you.
<<c "Tell Sister Roberta to spread her legs">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 94 "pause2 volume1">>
<c>Sister Roberta has submitted to her fate and spreads her legs for you. With lust still raging through her body, she can't avoid an eager look on her face, desiring your hard manhood inside of her.
<<c "Enter her wet slit">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
You enter her wet slit again, this time as God intended it: The man lying on top of the naked woman and between her legs.
<<c "Continue to fornicate with Sister Roberta">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 500-2600 96 volume0.4>>
<c>It sounds like Sister Roberta will have another quick orgasm.
<p>You perversely squeeze her big breast, pushing the prioress even closer to climax.</p></c>
<<c "Keep thrusting into her slit">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 500-2700 100 volume0.4>>
Not long after, Sister Roberta reaches her second orgasm.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi m 100>>
<c><<s roberta "Are we done now?">>
<<s mc "Not yet. You climaxed fast again and the lust demon is still very much present in your body. Perhaps the next climax will be the one to exorcise it. We should try something else now. Using different perverse positions will have the best effect. Get up on your hands and knees with your behind to me.">>
<<c "">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv m 90 "pause1 volume1.3">>
Out of breath from her two orgasms, the prioress obeys without a word.
<p>You grab Sister Roberta's buttocks and prepare to enter her.</p>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Roberta like a dog">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>You enter Sister Roberta's wet slit from behind and begin to thrust.</cc>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.4>>
The next orgasm Sister Roberta has will be the important one.
<p>Her first orgasms came fast, fueled by the lust salve. Some of that fuel still remains, but the third orgasm will take more time to build up to – it will come from Sister Roberta's core, drawing lust from her repressed sexual drive and sexual fantasies from all the years as a chaste nun. The third orgasm will be the truly sinful one – the one bringing the prioress over to your side.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.4>>
<c>It takes a few minutes, but eventually, Sister Roberta is close to climaxing again. You have her get up from the bed for the final position.</c>
<<c "Make her climax">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.4>>
<c>You pound her slobbery slit. Soon after, Sister Roberta has her third orgasm. A big one.
<p>When she has finished, you can't hold back any longer.</p>
<<c "Pull out and release your seed">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv cum1 100 volume0.4>>
<c>Since Sister Roberta may still be fertile, and you don't want to upset the prioress during her first holy rite, you don't release your seed inside her slit. Instead, you pull out and cover her behind with it.</c>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv cum1after 100>>
<<s mc "That's all I can do tonight. I'm not sure I managed to exorcise the demon, but it should have weakened enough to not cause any problems for a while. We will have to repeat this if needed. You must contact me if you feel the lust becoming a problem again.">>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi 500-900 56>>
<<s roberta "I would like to be left alone now. I need time to think.">>
<<s mc "Of course. I advise you to talk to Novice Emma tomorrow. She has been a big help to me in this fight against Satan and his lust demons. You can trust Novice Emma and be open about everything we've done here tonight. She can educate you more about the holy rites and answer any questions. You and I will talk again later.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi face 34 pnggg>>
<c>That went very well. You have one more thing to do to ensure that Sister Roberta has to accept the truth of the holy rites and submit to your leadership.
<p>That requires another visit to your laboratory. But it's too late for that now. It can wait until tomorrow.
<<q revelationroberta 1100>>
<<event 600 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face 34 pnggg>>
<c>You spend some time with Sister Roberta to talk about what happened and answer a few questions.
<p>You also learn that Sister Roberta has spoken with Novice Emma and has been given a basic education of the holy rites, particularly about Sin Eating – the holy rite you used on the prioress. That means Novice Emma thought Sister Roberta was ready to learn the truth, which is good news. You trust Novice Emma's judgment in these matters.
<p>Novice Emma also told Sister Roberta about the <<var circle ,>> which the prioress is now a member of. Now you need to make sure that Sister Roberta fully accepts the truth of the holy rites and that she submits to your leadership.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi torso 45 "right pnggg">>
<l>Sister Roberta has no further questions and you move on to the next order of business.
<<s mc "As you may recall, I said we may have to repeat the holy rite, since the lust demon may not have been exorcised, only weakened. With your permission, I will perform a quick, probative exorcism. It should reveal if you are still possessed.">>
<<s roberta "What do you think will happen if I'm still possessed and don't do the exorcism?">>
<<s mc "The lust demon within you will grow stronger with each day, feeding on Satan's influence in this place. Eventually, it will lash out from inside you, fueling you with intense lust. Its goal is to make you commit grave sins of lust, corrupting your soul. We can't allow it, Prioress.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face 34 pnggg>>
<<s roberta "If the lust demon is still inside me, would that mean my sisters are safe from being attacked?">>
<<s mc "No. If you think you can sacrifice your soul to save your sisters by keeping the lust demon in your body, that won't work. Even if this is the same demon that has carried out all the nocturnal attacks, which I doubt, demons are just an extension of the Devil, like his tentacles. We can see demons as evil manifested rather than completely independent beings. As long as Satan's influence in this place is strong, he can send a lust demon to attack your sisters. Only by removing Satan's influence from this place, can we force him to leave. The last thing we should do is allow Satan's influence to grow by letting him corrupt you and your sisters further. Which is my we must perform this probative exorcism.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi torso 45 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s roberta "I understand. How will you do the exorcism?">>
<<s mc "By prayer and the holy oil, just like the exorcism I attempted with the Reverend Mother. I may have to place my hand on you to provoke the lust demon, but I shouldn't need to do anything more intimate than that, if that was what you were wondering. However, if you are indeed still possessed by the lust demon, I'm afraid the best course of action is again to perform the same holy rite of Sin Eating, where we have to fornicate to drive out the lust demon. But let's not jump ahead of time. Will you agree to the exorcism, Sister Roberta?">>
<<s roberta "I feel I don't have any choice. I agree. But could we not do it tonight? I need time to pray to prepare myself.">>
<<s mc "Of course. I will give you some more time, then I will return to perform the exorcism.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face 34 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Roberta's support is critical for the Revelation. You should visit the prioress again soon to perform the exorcism and fornicate with her.
<<q revelationroberta 1600>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 700 roberta nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
<c><<if setup.questCompleted("revelationroberta")>>
<<s mc "Prioress, I think we should perform another exorcism. And if the lust demon is still inside you, we may have to fornicate again to weaken the demon and hopefully exorcise it.">>
<<s roberta "Can't it wait a few more days? *sigh* Fine, go on with it, then. Do what you must.">>
<<s mc "Are you ready for the exorcism? We shouldn't wait...">>
<<s roberta "I am ready.">>
<<s mc "If the demon is still inside you, you may experience strange or unusual feelings, perhaps of lust. It is important that you are truthful when I ask you about it.">>
<<s roberta "I understand.">>
<<c "Start the exorcism">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face 40 pnggg>>
You start performing a standard exorcism on the prioress by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
<<ev 220>>
<<mii lab/antidote 18 pnggg>>
<c>Then you prepare to apply the <<potionLustOil>> on Sister Roberta's forehead.
<p>You tell the prioress it's the holy oil you used on Mother Magda, making sure she can see and smell it before rubbing it into her skin. This should fool Sister Roberta that it is the same oil you used on Mother Magda to temporarily cure her confusion.</p>
<p>Then you continue with the exorcism. About a minute passes...</p>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi face 36 pnggg>>
<<addlust 50>>
Since you didn't protect your finger when you applied the lust oil on Sister Roberta's skin, your body is flooded with lust. It should affect Sister Roberta even more since she got a bigger dose. And yes, you can tell that something is happening with the prioress.
<<s mc "How do you feel now, Sister Roberta? Be honest...">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi torso 45 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s roberta "It's back... that lust. It's hard to resist.">>
<<s mc "That means the lust demon is still inside you. The exorcism has forced it to surface. It is now fighting back against God's light, trying to stay in your body by tempting you to lustful sinning by your own hand. We can't let it win or it will corrupt your soul and become even stronger. We must strike back by fornicating in a holy rite. Then I can eat your sins and let God's light purify you and banish the demon.">>
<<s roberta "I am ready, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we begin by removing our clothes.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
Sister Roberta starts to undress.
<<addlust 10>>
<<s roberta "This feels so wrong, like a sacrilege, going from my nun's habit to being naked and being intimate. Can I change into my nightgown first, and we take it from there?">>
<<s mc "Of course. I'll wait.">>
Sister Roberta hides in the other room while she changes to the nightgown.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 370>>
<<mi m 50>>
Soon, the prioress returns. Without a word, she opens the nightgown, exposing her naked body to you.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 500-400 60>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelationroberta")>>
<<s mc "As you know, I can anoint you with the Holy Seed to bless you and protect you from evil, but I want to check with you first. The anointing is most effective if done in the face, or inside the body, like in the mouth or between your legs.">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma has told you the basics about the Holy Rod and the Holy Seed, how anointing you with the Holy Seed will bless you and protect you from evil. I want to anoint you this time, but I ask you first if you agree to it. The anointing is most effective if done in the face, or inside the body, like in the mouth or between your legs.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 500-500 56 right>>
<<s roberta "Ooh, I don't think I can stomach that... in my face or mouth, that's so perverted.">>
<<s mc "Yes, which only works in our favor when using the Holy Seed to let God's light cleanse and purify that which is evil and corrupt. But I understand your hesitation. How about between your legs, then?">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 500-400 56>>
<<s roberta "No, I have still not passed the age where it's safe to do something like that. I still bleed...">>
<<s mc "I see. But since it's part of a holy rite, you shouldn't worry about getting pregnant. God wouldn't allow something tainted to come from a holy rite. Unless He lets it happen as a miracle.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 500-500 56 right>>
<<s roberta "I'm sorry, I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "That's fine. Then I will anoint you somewhere on your body, not in your face.">>
<<s roberta "If you must.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelationroberta")>>
<<s mc "Lie down and we shall begin. And remember to not hold back. Don't try to avoid climaxing. That will only hinder our attempt at exorcising the lust demon.">>
<<s mc "Lie down and we shall begin. We should try some new things this time as it could help. And remember to not hold back. Don't try to avoid climaxing. That will only hinder our attempt at exorcising the lust demon.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Roberta">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 500-2200 94 volume0.4>>
Sister Roberta shyly lies on her stomach. That's fine. <<if setup.questCompleted("revelationroberta")>>You will start easy with her before moving on to other positions.<<else>>You will start easy with her before moving on to positions you haven't tried yet.<</if>>
<p>Saying nothing, you push aside her legs, allowing you to penetrate her slit from behind. It is wet.</p>
<p>Sister Roberta moans softly, but she doesn't climax. Not yet.</p>
<<c "Turn her around">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 500-2300 94 "pause3 volume0.4">>
Sister Roberta turns around halfway, still shy.
<<c "Have her turn around completely">>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mi 500-2350 94>>
Saying nothing, the prioress obeys.<br>You take a second to admire her naked body stretched out before you.
<<c "Have Sister Roberta spread her legs">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 500-2400 94 "pause2 volume1">>
<c>Sister Roberta has submitted to her fate and spreads her legs for you. With lust raging through her body, she can't avoid an eager look on her face, desiring your hard manhood inside of her.
<<c "Enter her wet slit">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 500-2500 100 volume0.5>>
You enter her wet slit again, this time as God intended it: The man lying on top of the naked woman and between her spread legs.
<<c "Continue to fornicate with Sister Roberta">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 500-2600 96 volume0.4>>
<c>It sounds like Sister Roberta is getting close to orgasm.
<p>You perversely squeeze her big breast, pushing the prioress even closer to climax.</p></c>
<<c "Keep thrusting into her slit">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 500-2700 100 volume0.4>>
Not long after, Sister Roberta reaches orgasm.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi 500-2800 100>>
<c><<s roberta "Are we done now?">>
<<s mc "No, you climaxed fast and I can tell that the lust demon is still present in your body. Perhaps the next climax will be the one to exorcise it. We should try something else now. Using different perverse positions will have the best effect.">>
<<c "Push her to the side">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.4>>
<cc>You fornicate with Sister Roberta sideways, squeezing the nun's breast to enhance her pleasure.</cc>
<<c "Place her on top">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv m 34 volume0.4>>
<cc>You have the nun perversely ride you. Sister Roberta being more in command seems to help her get closer to orgasm.</cc>
<<c "Tell her to get down on all fours">>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv 500-2900 96 "pause1 volume1.3">>
Tired after riding you, she obeys without a word.
<p>You grab Sister Roberta's buttocks and prepare to enter her.</p>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Roberta like a dog">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 500-3000 96 volume0.4>>
<cc>You enter Sister Roberta's wet slit from behind and begin to thrust.</cc>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv 500-3100 96 volume0.4>>
Sister Roberta is getting closer to her second orgasm. This orgasm will be the important one.
<p>Her first orgasm came fast, fueled by the lust oil. Some of that fuel still remains, but the second orgasm is taking more time to build up to – it will come from Sister Roberta's core, drawing lust from her repressed sexual drive and sexual fantasies from all the years as a chaste nun. The second orgasm will be the truly sinful one – the one ensuring that the prioress remains under your control.</p>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv 500-3700 100 volume0.4>>
<c>It takes a few more minutes, but eventually, Sister Roberta is very close to climaxing again. You have her get up from the bed for the final position.</c>
<<c "Make her climax">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 500-4000 100 volume0.4>>
<c>You pound her slobbery slit. Soon after, Sister Roberta has her second orgasm. A big one.
<p>When she has finished, you let go and quickly climax.</p>
<<c "Pull out and release your seed">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mv cum1 100 volume0.4>>
<c>As you promised, you don't release your seed inside Sister Roberta's slit. Instead, you pull out and sprinkle the prioress' behind with the Holy Seed, anointing her in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv cum1after 100>>
<<s mc "That's all I can do tonight. I'm not sure I managed to exorcise the demon, but it should have weakened enough to not cause any problems for a while. We will have to repeat this if needed. You must contact me if you feel the lust coming again.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelationroberta")>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi 500-300 50>>
<<s roberta "I feel so ashamed for what we've done. I ask that you don't tell anyone about it. I asked Novice Emma the same, and she promised she wouldn't tell anyone unless you told her to.">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma and I won't tell anyone else any specifics without your permission. Only that you are now initiated into the <<var circle.>> Which means you know about the holy rites, and have either watched me anoint Novice Emma as part of your initiation, or you have been initiated because you have participated in a holy rite.">>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mi 500-900 50>>
<<s roberta "I have to live with the shame, then. Everyone will know I may have been intimate with a man.">>
<<s mc "The same goes for everyone in the Circle. But none of you should feel shame. That is what the Devil wants. No, those of you who have participated in a holy rite have offered up your intimacy to resist evil, to fight back against Satan. You should be proud and strengthened, knowing God is with you in this.">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi 500-300 50>>
<<s roberta "I will try to see it that way. I will pray on it.">>
Seeing Sister Roberta's fear of being shamed gives you an idea. Being the prioress and used to discipline the girls, Sister Roberta could be useful to you when you are the patriarch, just as she is useful to the Mother Superior now.
<<s mc "Sister Roberta, what I said is true, but there are other considerations as well. The day will come very soon when I will become the leader of this convent, and then I could use your help.">>
<<ev 6300>>
<<mi 500-1000 50>>
<<cs roberta "You, the leader? I don't understand.">>
You tell Sister Roberta of the coming day of the Revelation.
<<ev 6320>>
<<mi 500-1400 45 right>>
<<s mc "I ask that you vote for me to become your patriarch, to lead the war against Satan and his minions using the holy rites as our main weapons. This is the way to stop the evil within these walls.">>
<<s roberta "What about the Reverend Mother?">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",400)>>
<<s mc "She has already promised to support me at the Revelation, giving me permission to do what I need to do. I will return the leadership to her as soon as peace is restored in the monastery.">>
<<s mc "She has already given me permission to do what I need to do. I will return the leadership to her as soon as peace is restored in the monastery.">>
<<s roberta "Then you have my vote, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Sister Roberta.">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi 500-1000 40>>
<c><<s mc "Now, back to what I said about you helping me. I want you to remain as the prioress, the second-in-command, but then to me, your new leader. Keeping order and discipline will be more important than ever, as Satan will try to sow the seeds of discord within the convent, and I'm sure there will be some opposing opinions of the holy rites in the beginning.">>
<<s mc "If you promise to keep doing your job as the prioress, supporting my leadership and upholding and enforcing the new doctrine of the holy rites, I don't have to mention your personal involvement with the holy rites to anyone. I will tell Novice Emma the same. Only she and I will know about it. Do you agree to my proposal? If not, I would have to take on another sister as prioress when the time comes.">>
<<ev 6440>>
<<mi 500-1400 45 right>>
<<s roberta "I agree to it, $fmc. I will serve as your prioress.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. Now, I want to be clear on something. You will be my second-in-command in the field, in practical matters, as my prioress. However, Novice Emma will be my second-in-command when it comes to the spiritual side and the holy rites.">>
<<s mc "Novice Emma has been with me from the beginning since I came here and started using the holy rites to fight back against Satan. She is close to God and I trust her completely. She must be respected. Despite her only being a novice, you must see Novice Emma as your equal, only answerable to me. Do you accept this?">>
<<s roberta "Yes, Father. I accept it.">>
<<c "Leave Sister Roberta">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi face 34 pnggg>>
You have gained a powerful ally in Sister Roberta.
<p>You could repeat the exorcism with Sister Roberta now and then if you so wish. Later, when you have become patriarch, it wouldn't appear strange if you visited the room of your prioress, your second-in-command, after supper. You could keep Sister Roberta's personal experience with the holy rites a secret to anyone else but you and Novice Emma, as she wishes.
<<qend revelationroberta 2000>></p>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 7900>>
<<revsupport "Sister Roberta" 500>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 38 pnggg>>
<c>Following the deal you made with Sister Roberta before the Revelation, she will remain prioress and serve you by upholding and enforcing the doctrine of the holy rites.
<p>In turn, you will keep her personal involvement with the holy rites a secret between you, her, and Novice Emma. Sister Roberta's shame about having fornicated with you will ensure her loyalty.</p>
<<ev 150>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 40 "pnggg">>
You tell Sister Roberta about your plans for the prison. How you will mainly use it for interrogations, scaring offenders straight.
<p>In serious cases, you may also have to imprison the offenders for some time – though not during the day – or use corporal punishment. Perhaps, if things are grave enough, you might even be forced to use the torture chamber.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 38 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Do you have any objections to using the threat of prison and the torture chamber when doing your job as the prioress?">>
<<s roberta "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Let's hope there will be no need to use the torture chamber.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/torso 40 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s mc "This brings me to the other reason I wanted to see you: Sister Agnes. Do you remember how she spoke up at the Revelation? Do you think she will be a problem? We can't tolerate heretic views to weaken our united stand against the Devil and his minions.">>
<<s roberta "Since the Revelation, Sister Agnes has been openly opposing your leadership and the holy rites, but I haven't heard anything too worrying yet, or I would have informed you. Should I have taken disciplinary action against Sister Agnes, Father? I thought you would allow for a certain degree of opposition.">>
<<s mc "Yes, you are correct, Sister Roberta. We can't expect everyone to quietly fall in line at once. Opposing views are fine. However, we can't allow dissent to become a growing problem. For this reason, we must be wary of sisters who are actively trying to undermine the holy war by spreading heretic views. Sister Agnes may be such a person. I have to think about how to deal with her. I may have to send her to the prison for interrogation.">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 40 "pnggg">>
<<s roberta "Let me know, and I will send her there.">>
<<s mc "Hmm... you have much to do as it is. Perhaps I could use an assistant for this. Yes, an assistant to help me out with the prison when needed. If needed. It would have to be someone who fully supports the doctrine of the holy rites, and who isn't too squeamish about disciplining offenders using physical punishment – if such a thing will ever become necessary. Do you know of anyone who would be a good fit for the job description? They would only need to assist me after supper, not during the day.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/head 34 pnggg>>
<<s roberta "Sister Dolores would be my choice. I sometimes delegate disciplinary matters to her. She is loyal to me and she supports you and the holy rites." ii>>
<<c "Think about Sister Dolores">>
<<ev 410>>
<<mii nuns/dolores/torso 40 pnggg>>
<c>You don't have much experience with Sister Dolores. She hasn't been attacked by the lust demon, that's about all you know about her.
<<ev 420>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "I trust your judgment on this, Sister Roberta. Now, Sister Dolores lives upstairs and a long way from the dungeons. If she is to assist me in the prison, it will be better if she lives close by.">>
<<ev 440>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 19 24.8 3 90 "png noBorder">>
<<cs mc "The room between the refectory and Novice Zara is empty...">>
<<ev 460>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Inform Sister Dolores that she should move to that room and be ready to assist me in the prison.">>
<<s roberta "It will be done, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Sister Roberta.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/agnes/face 32 pnggg>>
<cc>Tomorrow, you should interrogate Sister Agnes in the prison.
<p>Following your decision to not use the prison during the day, you should do the interrogation after supper.
<<q agnesq 200 center>></p>
<<vv 8>>
<<event 900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/roberta/face 38 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Julia is helping me reduce my lust when it becomes a hindrance in my important work. This is what God has intended for her. For this reason, I want to move Novice Julia closer to me. The room that Sister Mari lives in would be ideal. She has to move to some other room. Please make the arrangements.">>
<<s roberta "I will take care of it, Father.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 200>>
<<hubShowRoom misc/marker 74.1 69 3 82 pnggg>>
Tomorrow, you should visit Novice Julia in her new room close to you.
<<q juliamoving 500 center>>
<</events>><<if !($qqsaraq>=1000) && !($sararoom>0)>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
After keeping an eye on Novice Sara, you just saw her enter her room.
<p>You sneak to the room and peek through the gap in the doorway.</p>
<<if $qqsaraq<650 || !(setup.questCompleted("smoking"))>>
<<but "Wait and watch" sara1 "ev:50 doplay:sararoom=1">>
<<elseif $qqsaraq==650>>
<<but "Wait and watch" sara1 "ev:50 step:1000 doplay:sararoom=1">>
/* No doplay:sararoom=1 here since player can go to lunch and then return to continue quest (elseif below this) */
<<but "Wait and watch" sara1 "ev:100">>
<<elseif $qqsaraq>=1000 && $qqsaraq<1200>>
<<if !($lunch>0) || ($lunch>0 && setup.checkqStage("saraq", 1140))>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<cc>You go to Novice Sara's room. She isn't there right now.</cc>
<<mii nuns/sara/face2 35 png>>
<cc>After lunch is over, you decide to follow Novice Sara. Knowing that nicotine addicts like to smoke after a meal, you hope to catch her doing just that in her room.
<<set $temp = "lunch">>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:1020 step:300 doplay:sararoom=1">>
<<elseif $sararoom>0>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<cc>You go to Novice Sara's room. She isn't there right now.</cc>
<<mii nuns/sara/200-600 40>>
<<cs sara "Yes, $fmc?">>
<<nunbut "sara" sara1 "ev:280 qqsaraq>=1200 buttontext:Bring out the scourge:: useimage:mc/scourge2::">></cc>
<<but "Ask about cider" sara1 "ev:400 qqcider==600">>
<<but "Bring up sins of fornication" sara1 "ev:500 qqsaraq==2100">>
<<but "Bring up what you saw at the tree" sara1 "ev:520 qqsaraq==3000 doplay:sararoom=1">>
<<but "Anoint her" sara1 "ev:200 step:950 qqsaraq>=1200 qqsaraq<<1500 doplay:sararoom=1">>
<<but "Anoint her" sara1 "ev:300 qqsaraq==1500 doplay:sararoom=1">>
<<but "Anoint her" sara1 "ev:300 step:300 qqsaraq>=2000 doplay:sararoom=1">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" sara1 "ev:520 step:6000 saraq#completed doplay:sararoom=1 ">>
<<event 50 sara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<c>You wait for a while, but you see nothing of interest with your limited view.
<p>Eventually, you have to leave because you hear a few nuns approaching. You can't be seen hanging around Novice Sara's room.
You have to try again another time.
<<q saraq 650>></p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<<playsound flagellate 0.22>>
<c>You don't see anything. But soon you hear something. A very familiar sound. The sound of someone flogging themselves.
<p>If Novice Sara is busy mortifying her flesh, as it seems, she might not notice if you crack open the door just a little bit, enough to stick your head inside to look. However, violating someone's privacy when they are repenting before the Lord is not something you take lightly.</p>
<<but "Crack open the door and peek inside" sara1 step:2000>><<c "Respect her privacy when repenting">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii mc/scourge 25 png>>
<cc>Novice Sara's privacy should be respected when she is repenting of her sins.
<p>You leave her alone.
<<q saraq 670 center>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunFlagellate 30 volume0.65>>
<cc>Peeking inside the room, you see Novice Sara.<br>She is repenting of her sins by mortifying her flesh.</cc>
<cc>Nothing wrong with that, it's a sacred act. The question is what sins she is repenting of.</cc>
<<c "Keep looking">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunFlagellate2 70 volume0.65>>
<<addlust 20>>
With the vigor Novice Sara is flogging herself, you wonder if the smoking is enough of a sin to explain it. She is breaking the rules of the convent, but still, you get the sense there is something worse.
<p>Perhaps Novice Sara is indeed involved in the attacks?</p>
<<c "Leave her alone">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii mc/scourge 25 png>>
<c>You leave Novice Sara alone, allowing her to complete her penance before God.
<p>Novice Sara is a sinner, but how much of a sinner? You have to keep investigating her.
<<q saraq 680>>
<<event 100 sara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv m 60 pause2>>
<cc>Suddenly, Novice Sara comes into view. She looks like she has something to hide.<br>What is she up to?</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv m 60 pause2>>
<cc>She picked up something from the drawer. And now she's taking something else.<br>What is she doing?</cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 60 pause2>>
<cc>Novice Sara closes the drawer and then suddenly moves toward the door.
<p>You quickly move away and hide behind the corner near the main entrance of the monastery.</p>
<<c "Peek around the corner">>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 9 56 3 85 "png noBorder" "12 77 4">>
<cc>You see Novice Sara exiting her room. Luckily, she leaves in the opposite direction from you.
<p>She seems to be in a hurry.</p>
<<c "Watch her">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 60 pause2>>
<c>That's odd. Novice Sara runs up the stairs close to her room. But there is nothing up there but a small balcony overlooking the countryside and the town below the hill. Sure, the view is nice, but why the hurry?</c>
<<ev 600>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 2 45 3 85 "png noBorder" "12 77 4">>
<c>You would run a high risk of detection if you tried to sneak up the stairs to spy on Novice Sara on the small balcony.
<p>You have no choice but to wait.</p>
<<c "Wait for Novice Sara to come down">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 60 pause2>>
<c>A few minutes later, Novice Sara descends the stairs. She is in no hurry this time. On the contrary, she looks very calm.
<p>Novice Sara returns to her room. You quickly sneak to the door.</p>
<p>What is that you smell? Is it tobacco smoke?</p>
<<c "Peek into her room">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 44>>
<c>You peek inside just to witness Novice Sara putting something in that drawer. And this time, with the faint smell of tobacco smoke in your nose, you understand what it is: A lighter!
<p>Suddenly everything makes sense. You just witnessed Novice Sara succumbing to her nicotine addiction, taking a lighter and a cigarette from the desk and then running up to the balcony to smoke.</p>
<<ev 830>>
<<mii nuns/sara/face1 35>>
Her drug addiction is worse than you imagined. Not only does Novice Sara smoke out in the garden, but also here, inside the house of God. Or rather on the balcony of the house of God, but the difference is negligible.
<<ev 900>>
<<mi m 45>>
<c>Novice Sara must be keeping a stash of cigarettes in the desk.
<p>But where does she get the cigarettes? This could be worse than just a drug addiction. Novice Sara could be involved in the attacks. Perhaps she is letting the attacker inside the monastery in exchange for the cigarettes? Is this why she lives so close to the main entrance – to let the attacker inside? She could also help someone enter via that small balcony by lowering a rope.</p>
<p>Or Novice Sara could be involved in the attacks in some other way. You can never trust an addict.
<<q saraq 700>></p>
<<ev 920>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<cc>After putting the lighter in the desk, Novice Sara disappears from your view.
<<c "Keep looking">>
<<ev 940>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<<playsound flagellate 0.22>>
<c>Not more than a minute later, you hear a very familiar sound. Novice Sara is flogging herself.
<p>Your investigation is more important than respecting Novice Sara's privacy when she is repenting. You have to peek inside as you never know what you might learn from it.</p>
<<c "Crack open the door and peek inside">>
<<ev 950>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunFlagellate 30 volume0.65>>
<cc>Peeking inside the room, you see Novice Sara. She is repenting of her sins.
<p><<if setup.checkqStage("saraq",670)>>Nothing wrong with that, it's a sacred act. <</if>>The question is what sins she is repenting of.</p></cc>
<<c "Keep looking">>
<<ev 980>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunFlagellate2 70 volume0.65>>
<<addlust 20>>
The fact that Novice Sara is flogging herself right after smoking suggests that this is the sin she is repenting of. However, with the vigor she is flogging herself, you <<if setup.checkqStage("saraq",680)>>still <</if>>wonder if the smoking alone is enough of a sin to explain it.
<p>Novice Sara is breaking the rules of the convent by smoking, but has she done something even worse? Is she indeed involved in the attacks?</p>
<<c "Keep looking">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 4 58 3 85 "png noBorder" "20 86 4">>
<c>A bell chimes. It is time for the nuns to gather in the chapel for prayer. You quickly leave the door and head for the main entrance. Then you step outside the monastery in case Novice Sara will take the route past your room to reach the chapel.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<hubShowRoom "misc/marker" 88 25 3 85 "png noBorder" "8 62 4">>
<c>After a few minutes of waiting outside the entrance to the monastery, you enter and go to Novice Sara's room. She should be at the chapel by now, but just to be sure, you knock on the door. There is no answer.
<<c "Enter Novice Sara's room">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/sara/room 54>>
<c>There is nothing special about Novice Sara's room. Nothing that interests you. Except for the desk.
<p>You open the drawer, and just as you thought, you find a lighter and a stash of cigarettes. You want to take it and throw it away, but there are better ways to deal with the situation.</p>
<p>Novice Sara will have to answer for this, and her possible involvement in the attacks.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii nuns/sara/face2 35 png>>
<c>You are ready to confront Novice Sara. But you want to do it at the best possible time – when you can catch her succumbing to her nicotine addiction. And you want it to be here, in her room, giving you the privacy you need to be alone with her.
<p>Figuring out when Novice Sara usually smokes on the balcony would help your chances of catching her.
<<q saraq 1000>>
<<event 200 sara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi room 54>>
<c>You sneak to Novice Sara's room and peek inside through the small gap between the door and the doorframe.
<p>With your limited view, you don't see much more than the desk, but that's all you need to see.</p>
<<c "Wait and watch">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 100-100 60 pause2>>
<cc>Suddenly, Novice Sara comes into view. She is opening the drawer.<p>Is she going to smoke?</p></cc>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 100-200 60 pause2>>
<cc>Novice Sara picks up a lighter and then a cigarette. You caught the drug addict!
<p>It's time to confront this slave to the nicotine.
<<q saraq 1200 center>></p></cc>
<<c "Enter Novice Sara's room">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 100-800 44>>
<cc>You burst into the room.
<p>Novice Sara desperately puts the drug items back into the drawer.</p>
<<cs mc "You were going to smoke, weren't you? Do you deny it?">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 40>>
<<s sara "I can't deny it, $fmc. You have caught me. How did you know?">>
<<s mc "It's my job to find things out. I've been observing you. I'm here to investigate the attacks, and right now, you are a suspect in the attacks.">>
<<s sara "What? How can that be? I admit, I smoke cigarettes, and tobacco is not allowed in our convent. But I have nothing to do with the attacks.">>
<<s mc "No? Then how do you get the cigarettes?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
<<s sara "I get them from the delivery man from town. I take him aside sometimes when he comes to deliver the things we have ordered for the monastery, and I ask him to get me cigarettes for the next time he comes.">>
<<s mc "In exchange for what? Everything you have belongs to the convent.">>
<<s sara "I pay him... with... different things we produce here.">>
<<s mc "So you steal things that are meant to be sold to provide funds for the convent?">>
<<ev 620>>
<<mi 200-500 35>>
<<s sara "Stealing is a strong word... But... It is the correct one. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't do it, but the craving for cigarettes is so bad. I flog myself to repent of my sins, hoping God will forgive me.">>
<<s mc "You're a drug addict, a slave to the nicotine.">>
<<s sara "Yes, $fmc. I am.">>
<<ev 650>>
<<mi 200-600 35 right>>
<<s mc "Is smoking and stealing to support your addiction the only sins you repent of when mortifying your flesh?">>
<<s sara "The most serious ones, at least.">>
<<s mc "How about letting the delivery man inside at night? Allowing him to attack your sisters?">>
<<s sara "What? Why would I do that?">>
<<s mc "In exchange for him giving you cigarettes.">>
<<s sara "No, Father. I would rather leave the convent than do something that despicable to support my addiction. I have nothing to do with the attacks. You must believe me.">>
<<q saraq 1220>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 200-500 32>>
<<s mc "So why do you live in this room, away from everyone else?">>
<<s sara "Because... I wanted access to the balcony. To smoke anytime I wanted without anyone noticing. So I asked for this room, saying I preferred to live more isolated, to be alone with God.">>
<<s mc "You're involving God in your lies to support your drug addiction. How low you have sunk.">>
<<s sara "Yes, I have.">>
<<ev 740>>
<<mi 200-600 37 right>>
<<s mc "Why do you smoke in the park if you can smoke on the balcony?">>
<<s sara "I guess I wanted a change in scenery. And I thought no one would see me behind the tree.">>
<<s mc "You got careless. That's what happens when you give in to Satan's temptations. It corrupts your mind and it just gets worse. Hmm... I still wonder what else you give in exchange for the cigarettes. Perhaps you also sell your body?">>
/*<<s sara "Oh no, Father. I would never do that. I'm a virgin. I have never been with a man and I will never be.">>*/
<<s sara "Oh no, Father. I would never do that.">>
<<s mc "But perhaps you used your female attributes to seduce the delivery man into giving you cigarettes. To lead him on.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 200-700 40>>
<<s sara "Perhaps I smiled and was more friendly to him than I should have. Perhaps I lead him on just a little, to make him not tell anyone about the cigarettes, but that's it. He knew it wasn't meant seriously. I mean, I hope he did. But I can see that it was inappropriate of me. I fell back into my old ways, just a little.">>
<<s mc "Old ways, what do you mean?">>
<<ev 805>>
<<mi 200-500 40>>
<<s sara "I'm... not a virgin, Father. When I was in my teens, I met a man, he was older than me and... I let him have his way with me. I wanted it, I encouraged him to do it. And we were together for a few months. That's when I started smoking. The man smoked, and he gave me cigarettes. Then, my father found out about the affair and said I had to marry the man, to start a family with him. I refused, I wanted to be free. Eventually, my father gave in, but he forced the man to leave. I felt lost.">>
<<ev 810>>
<<mi 200-600 40 right>>
<<s sara "That's when I found Jesus. He saved me. I stopped smoking and vowed to leave my sinful life behind me. I grew closer to God and finally, I joined this convent. It gave me the peace and stability I needed, away from temptations, to keep me from sinning. Everything was fine. But then... the attacks started...">>
<<s mc "Go on.">>
<<s sara "We soon realized that the Crone went for the younger sisters, most of them novices, like me. It was only a matter of time before I too would be attacked. I was so afraid, a nervous wreck. That's when the craving to smoke came back. I remembered how calm it used to make me. So one day I asked the delivery man to bring me some. And the cigarettes calmed my nerves – it was wonderful. Soon, I was hooked on them. That's when I asked the Mother Superior to let me move to this room, so I could smoke on the balcony. Even though it meant being more isolated, making me more afraid of being attacked. But the addiction was stronger than the fear.">>
<<ev 820>>
<<mi face1>>
<<s mc "I see. But let me back up for a moment. That affair you had in your youth... How did you sin with this man? Did you fornicate? Did you do something else? Did he sodomize you?">>
<<s sara "You mean... in my behind? No, we never did that. We... fornicated.">>
<<s mc "Did you use your mouth on him?">>
<<s sara "No, Father.">>
<<ev 830>>
<<mi 200-700 40 right>>
<<s mc "Hmm... So you fornicated with him. You never got pregnant?">>
<<s sara "No, he... finished outside of me.">>
<<s mc "He spilled his seed to not impregnate you?">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father. I think that's why he did it.">>
<<s mc "Do you still desire to be with a man?">>
<<s sara "No, Father. I belong to Jesus now. I may have crossed the line, flirting with the delivery man, but that was just to get the cigarettes. Not because I desired to be with him.">>
<<s mc "I'm not so sure about that. I have seen you being a temptress out in the park. That's a road leading to Satan.">>
<<ev 850>>
<<mi 200-600 40>>
<<s sara "A temptress in the park? What do you mean, $fmc?">>
<<s mc "While investigating you, secretly observing you, I happened to see you sitting by that tree in the park. I saw you smoking, but I also saw something else. Something no man should see on a nun.">>
<<s sara "Oh, do you mean...?">>
<<s mc "Yes, down there...">>
<<ev 860>>
<<mi 200-500 37 right>>
<<s sara "Father in heaven, forgive me. I didn't know someone would see that. I'm sitting behind the tree to avoid it.">>
<<s mc "That speaks in your favor, but it doesn't excuse your behavior. You should at least wear underwear if you expose your body like that.">>
<<s sara "It's just that it's so hot under the habit on these warm summer days. I prefer to not wear underwear. And I like to cool down, as you have seen. It's not meant to tempt anyone, certainly not a man. But now that you are here, I will stop sitting by the tree like that.">>
<<ev 880>>
<<mi 200-700 35>>
A sinking feeling in your stomach tells you that this is not what is supposed to happen. God allows you to look at naked nuns to recharge the sexual energy you need to perform the holy rites.
<<s mc "No. I have other plans for you. I will allow you to keep smoking and exposing your nether regions by that tree. But only there. Until I have removed Satan's corruption from you, I can't risk putting you in a position where you may do something even worse if I completely cut you off from a way to give in to your sinful hedonistic desires.">>
<<q saraq 1250>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 200-500 37>>
<<s sara "I thank you for that kindness, $fmc. It's more than I expected, to be honest, after what I've done – stealing to support my addiction.">>
<<s mc "<bible>Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.<tipsx> (Luke 6:36)</tipsx></bible>">>
<<addtrust 1>>
<<ev 920>>
<<mi 200-600 37 right>>
<<s sara "Father, will you report me to the Mother Superior?">>
<<s mc "No, not if you do as I say. I have my own way of dealing with you, of cleansing you of your sins and loosening Satan's grip on you. First, you must show humility to God, and to me. Strip down naked, right now.">>
<<s sara "Naked? Completely naked?">>
<<s mc "Yes. This is a suitable punishment for your desire to expose your naked body. For being a temptress.">>
<<s sara "But I didn't mean to be a temptress.">>
<<s mc "Being careless is not an excuse to invite sin, to invite the Devil. There is a time for mercy and a time for penance. Accept your penance.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
<<set $temp2 = "firstanoint">>
<<but "Continue" sara1 step:1000>>
<<ev 950>>
<<mv 200-1000 30 pause2>>
<<s mc "It's time for your penance. Strip down naked.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Sara soon stands naked before you, except for the coif and veil still covering her head.
<<set $temp2 = "repeating">>
<<but "Look at her" sara1 step:1200>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 25 pause2>>
<cc>Novice Sara removes the habit, except for the coif and veil covering her head.<br>
As she doesn't wear underwear, her breasts and her slit are now in plain view.</cc>
<<c "Look at her">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi cover 65>>
<c>Novice Sara uses her hands to cover the most intimate parts of her body.
<<s mc "No. The penance is to expose yourself. Remove your hands.">>
<<s sara "Please, Father. Isn't this enough?">>
<<s mc "No. You must do as I say.">>
Novice Sara removes her hands, allowing you to see it all.
<<c "Look at her slit">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv slit 70>>
<<if $temp2 == "repeating">>
You look at Novice Sara's slit to get your manhood ready to perform the holy rite. You feel the desire to penetrate that slit. But it won't be today.
You look at Novice Sara's slit. You have seen it many times before, but not this close. You wonder if God has plans for you to one day penetrate that slit with your hard manhood.
<<addlust 30>>
<<c "Look at her breasts">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv breasts 70 pause1>>
<<if $temp2 == "repeating">>
<cc>Next, you look at her breasts.
<<addlust 30>></cc>
<c>You look at her big breasts. They appear to be made for breeding, for suckling a baby. But it seems that God has other plans for Novice Sara.
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv breasts2 73>>
<<if $temp2 == "repeating">>
<cc><<addlust 100>>
Your male organ is fully grown, ready to perform.
<<but "Continue" sara1 step:1720>>
<c><<addlust 100>>
Your male organ is growing hard. A clear sign that Novice Sara must be anointed with the Holy Seed, for a start. You might as well prepare her for what's to come, so you grab your manhood.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi sideboobfull 50>>
<<s mc "Look what happens when you're a temptress. My male body reacts to your female body, as a man does when he sees a naked young woman fit to receive his seed. Is this what you want when you expose your slit by the tree?">>
<<s sara "No, Father. I promise it isn't.">>
<<s mc "I hope not. But this is the result. Witness what happens when you walk the road toward Satan.">>
<<ev 1650>>
<<mi face3 32>>
<<s mc "Let's recount the sins you have committed as a novice.">>
<<s mc "You have sinned as a temptress, leading the delivery man on and carelessly exposing your slit in the park.">>
<<s mc "You have sinned as a drug addict, committing theft to support your addiction and polluting the house of God with your tobacco smoke, breaking the rules of the convent.">>
<<s mc "As a result of these sins, you have invited Satan's corrupting influence to spread in the convent, which is another sin. And this while a lust demon is here, a minion of Satan. Consequently, you have put yourself and your sisters in danger, which is another sin. All this you have done as a novice nun, as a member of this convent dedicated to God, which makes the sins ten times worse.">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi m 48>>
<<s sara "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Father.">>
<<s mc "To be forgiven, you must confess to your sins, show repentance, and do penance.">>
<<s sara "I confess to everything, Father. I don't want to sin anymore. I will do anything you tell me.">>
<<s mc "Only an extreme penance will allow me to absolve you of sins as grave as yours. A lust demon is attacking the convent, and you have confessed to being a temptress. It's fitting that with lust you shall do penance. First, by helping me anoint you in a special holy rite of protection. The anointing will protect you from the Devil and his corrupting influence, to allow you to return to the light.">>
<<but "Look at her breasts" sara1 "step:1750 doplay:temp=breasts">><<but "Look at her slit" sara1 "step:1750 doplay:temp=slit">>
<<ev 1720>>
<<mi 200-1700 60>>
<c><<s mc "Now you must perform the next part of your penance. You must use your mouth on me, that I may anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<but "Look at her breasts" sara1 "step:1800 doplay:temp=breasts">><<but "Look at her slit" sara1 "step:1800 doplay:temp=slit">>
<<ev 1750>>
<<if $temp=="breasts">>
<<mi sideboobfull 67>>
<<mi sideslitfull 79>>
<<s sara "I will do whatever you want, Father. But how will I do penance with lust?">>
<<s mc "There is a special holy power bestowed upon the male seed when performing a certain ancient holy rite, unknown to most. By anointing you with this Holy Seed, you will be granted the blessing of the Lord and protection from evil. Since your penance is lust, you will use your mouth on me, to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<if $temp=="breasts">>
<<mv breasts2 60>>
<<mv slit 60>>
<<if $temp2 == "repeating">>
Novice Sara protests, thinking you ask too much of her.
Novice Sara looks shocked and can't believe what you are asking of her.
You explain it to her a few times, emphasizing that a nun sinning as she has done requires something extreme as penance. She eventually seems more open to doing her part, but she hasn't agreed to it yet.
<<set _tmess = "It's the only way you will be forgiven. Have faith in the Lord, that he may save your soul despite your grave sinning.">>
<<set _amess = "You have violated something sacred by committing theft in the house of God. God demands that you pay this price for your grave sinning.">>
<<d 3000>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
/*<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say sara "You leave me with no choice. I will do what you ask.">>*/
You finally make Novice Sara understand that this is how she will be forgiven. She must have faith in the Lord, that He may save her soul despite her grave sinning.
<<d 3000>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
/*<<say mc _amess>>
<<say anika "I deserve it for what I have done. I will do as you ask.">>*/
You finally make Novice Sara understand that this penance is what she deserves for what she has done. The Lord demands that she pays this price for her grave sinning.
<<d 2000>>
You try to make Novice Sara understand that this is the only way she will be forgiven, but you fail to make her accept her penance.
<<d 2000>>
You try to make Novice Sara understand that this is the penance she deserves for what she has done, but you fail to make her accept it.
<<trytbut "\"You will be forgiven." "trust44 center">>
<<tryabut "\"God demands this.\"" "auth44 center">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 42>>
<c><<s mc "I have other things to do. We will continue this discussion another time. You may get dressed, but remember what I told you. You may continue to smoke and expose your slit behind the tree, but nowhere else.">>
<<s sara "Yes, $fmc. I will remember it.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 200-1700 60>>
<cc>You failed to convince Novice Sara to accept the Holy Seed. You have to try again another time.
<<q saraq 1300 center>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 45>>
<c>After undressing, you lie down and direct Novice Sofia to use her mouth on your manhood.
<p>You can tell this is a first for her, using her mouth to pleasure a man. At least when it comes to the practical. As for what lustful sins she has committed in her mind, that is another matter.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv bj100 50 volume0.3>>
<c>Since it is Novice Sara's first time stimulating a man orally, you show her how to do it.
<p>As you expected from this hedonistic temptress, she quickly understands the basics of how to pleasure a man with her mouth.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv bj200 70 volume0.3>>
<c><<s sara "How long will this take?">>
<<s mc "As long as it takes for you to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv bj300 40 volume0.3>>
<c>It might be the drug addict in Novice Sara craving her next fix, but she is a little too good at this. The Holy Seed is almost ready to come, but Novice Sara's penance is not completed yet.
<p>You tell her to take it easy for a while, giving you some time to hold back the seed.</p>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv bj400 64 volume0>>
<c>With Novice Sara going slower for the moment, you think of the slit between her legs. She has not been attacked by the lust demon, but in her youth, she sinned by fornicating with a man. Those sins of fornication may need to be cleansed.
<p>Additionally, Novice Sara needs severe penance for the grave sins she has committed as a nun, and having her slit penetrated by your manhood would be severe penance. You have to consider it for another time.</p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv bj500 60 volume0.3>>
<c>It comes as no surprise that Novice Sara seems to enjoy this, pleasuring a man with her mouth. It's a good thing you got to her before she gave herself away to lustful sinning with the delivery man.</c>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv bj1000 60>>
<cc>When Novice Sara goes for the finish, you can't hold back any longer.
<<cs mc "The Holy Seed is coming. Prepare to be anointed.">>
<<c "Prepare to release the seed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv cumpre 60 volume0.3>>
<c>You attempt to stand up to be able to anoint Novice Sara, but being so close to climax makes you too weak. It's up to God and Novice Sara now. You might as well just enjoy the orgasm.
<<c "Release the Holy Seed">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv cum 60 volume0.3>>
<cc2>You release the Holy Seed, but you fail to anoint Novice Sara with it. Instead, it ends up on your stomach.</cc2>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv cumafter 60 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "The Holy Seed didn't reach you. Lick it up.">>
Novice Sara takes some of your seed in her mouth.
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi cumafter2 55>>
<<s mc "The anointing didn't go well. The Holy Seed is not meant to be spilled. ">>
<<s sara "I'm sorry, Father.">>
<<s mc "These things happen. We will have to redo it another time.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 200-600 40>>
<<s mc "Though the anointing failed, you at least completed your penance for today. I will leave you now. Remember what I said. You may continue to smoke and expose your slit behind the tree, but nowhere else.">>
<<s sara "Yes, $fmc. I will remember it.">>
<<s mc "Good. I will return to anoint you properly.">>
<<c "Leave Novice Sara">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi cumafter2 50>>
<c>The anointing was not a success, but you think you have Novice Sara under control.
<p>You have to return another time to anoint her, and then think about what to do with her next.
<<q saraq 1500>></p>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 280>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sara/200-500 40>>
<<s mc "I want you to do penance by repenting to God before me. Use the scourge.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/sara/cover 65>>
Novice Sara gets the scourge, pulls down the habit to expose her back, and then kneels.
<<c "Watch her do penance">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunFlagellate 30 volume0.65>>
<cc>You watch as Novice Sara mortifies her flesh.</cc>
<<c "Keep looking">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mvv nuns/misc/nunFlagellate2 70 volume0.65>>
You wait until you think she has suffered enough.
<<if !setup.checkqStage("saraq",1280)>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<c "Tell her to stop">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/sara/cover 65>>
<<s mc "You have completed this act of penance. But mortifying your flesh is not enough to absolve you of your sins.">>
<<s sara "I understand, Father.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("saraq")>>
<<qadd saraq 1280>>
<<qmess saraq 1280>>
<<event 300 sara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 200-700 40>>
<<s mc "It's time to continue your penance. You will use your mouth on me and I will anoint you with the Holy Seed, properly this time.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "You must get naked first, as part of your penance, but also so I can get ready to perform the holy rite. My manhood is of flesh and blood.">>
<<but "Continue" sara1 step:1200>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 200-700 40>>
<<s mc "It's time for today's penance. You will use your mouth on me and I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Sara starts to undress.
<<but "Continue" sara1 step:1200>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi cover 65>>
<c>Novice Sara gets naked, but she uses her hands to cover the most intimate parts of her body.
<<s mc "Remove your hands.">>
Novice Sara obeys, allowing you to see it all.
<<c "Look at her slit">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv slit 70>>
You look at Novice Sara's slit to get your manhood ready to perform the holy rite. You feel the desire to penetrate that slit. But it won't be today.
<<addlust 30>>
<<c "Look at her breasts">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv breasts 70 pause1>>
<cc>Next, you look at her big breasts. They appear to be made for breeding, for suckling a baby. But it seems that God has other plans for Novice Sara.
<<addlust 30>></cc>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv breasts2 73>>
<cc><<addlust 100>>
Your male organ is fully grown, ready to perform.
<<cs mc "The Holy Rod is ready. Let's begin the holy rite.">>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 200-3000 45>>
<c>After undressing, you lie down. Knowing what is expected of her, Novice Sofia lowers her head toward your erect manhood.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv bj100 50 volume0.3>>
<c>Not surprising for a hedonistic temptress, Novice Sara has quickly become skilled at pleasuring a man with her mouth.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv bj200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You might as well enjoy it while waiting for the Holy Seed.
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv bj300 40 volume0.3>>
<c>It might be the drug addict in Novice Sara craving her next fix, but she is a little too good at this. The Holy Seed is almost ready to come, but Novice Sara's penance is not completed yet.
<p>You tell her to take it easy for a while, giving you some time to hold back the seed.</p>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv bj400 64 volume0>>
<c>You think of the slit between her legs.
<p> In her youth, Novice Sara committed sins of fornication that may need to be cleansed. And having her slit penetrated by your manhood would be severe penance, fitting for the grave sins she has committed. You have to consider it for another time.
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv bj500 60 volume0.3>>
<c>Novice Sara seems to enjoy this, pleasuring a man with her mouth. It's a good thing you got to her before she gave herself away to lustful sinning with the delivery man.</c>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv bj1000 60>>
<cc>When Novice Sara goes for the finish, you can't hold back any longer.
<<cs mc "The Holy Seed is coming. Prepare to be anointed.">>
<<but "Get up in preparation" sara1 step:6000>><<c "Remain sitting and relax">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv cumpre 60 volume0.3>>
<c>Feeling weak in your legs from being so close to climax, you remain sitting. The anointing is up to God and Novice Sara now. You might as well just enjoy the orgasm.
<<c "Release the Holy Seed">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv cum 60 volume0.3>>
<cc2>You release the Holy Seed, but you fail to anoint Novice Sara with it. Instead, it ends up on your stomach.</cc2>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv cumafter 60 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "The Holy Seed didn't reach you. Lick it up.">>
Novice Sara takes some of your seed in her mouth.
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi cumafter2 53>>
<<s mc "The anointing didn't go well. The Holy Seed is not meant to be spilled. ">>
<<s sara "I'm sorry, Father.">>
<<s mc "These things happen. We will have to redo it another time.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 200-600 40>>
<<s mc "Though the anointing failed, you at least completed today's penance. I will leave you now. Remember what I said. You may continue to smoke and expose your slit behind the tree, but nowhere else.">>
<<s sara "Yes, $fmc. I will remember it.">>
<<s mc "Good. I will return another time to anoint you properly.">>
<<if $qqsaraq >= 2000>>
<<qendversion saraq version0.4.2>>
<<but "Leave Novice Sara" hub>>
<<c "Leave Novice Sara">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi cumafter2 50>>
<cc2>You have still not succeeded in anointing Novice Sara. You have to return another time to anoint her properly.
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv cumfacepre 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You get up in preparation for the anointing.
<p>Stimulating your manhood, you finally bring forth the Holy Seed.</p>
<<c "Anoint Novice Sara">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mv cumface 70 volume0.2>>
<<s mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
Novice Sara eagerly receives the Holy Seed.</c>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mv cumfaceafter 70 volume0.2>>
<c>You wonder how much of Novice Sara's eagerness to receive the Holy Seed is because she hopes it will bless her and how much of it is because she at heart is a promiscuous, lustful woman, eager to sin with a man.
<p>Regardless, you get the feeling that, had she not been saved by Jesus, this is likely what Novice Sara would have ended up doing with men, perhaps as the town harlot.</p>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi cumfaceanoint 60>>
<<s mc "The anointing was successful. You have completed today's penance and received the blessing of the Lord, protecting you from the lust demon. Pray hard for forgiveness before going to bed.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father. I will.">>
<<if $qqsaraq >= 2000>>
<<qendversion saraq version0.4.2>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi 200-600 35>>
<c><<s mc "Now you must seek out Novice Emma. Tell her I have anointed you with the Holy Seed and that she must educate you of the Circle and the holy rites. She will know what it means. When you are ready, you and I will talk about performing another holy rite that may cleanse you of your sins.">>
<<s sara "I will go to Novice Emma, Father.">>
<<s mc "I may return to anoint you again, as part of your penance.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi cumfaceanoint 50>>
<c>You have successfully anointed Novice Sara, giving her some protection from evil, halting the corruption of her soul.
<p>Now she must get educated about the holy rites by Novice Emma. Then you will think about eating Novice Sara's sins of fornication.
<<q saraq 2000>>
<<qendversion saraq version0.4.2>></p></c>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/sara/200-600 34>>
<<s mc "About the cider your convent makes. Have you every given this cider to the delivery man?">>
<<s sara "Yes, once I gave him a couple of bottles. For the cigarettes.">>
<<s mc "When was this?">>
<<s sara "Hmm... about 7 months ago, I think.">>
<<s mc "Have you given cider to anyone else?">>
<<s sara "No, $fmc. I have not been giving things to anyone else but the delivery man.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/cider 10 pnggg>>
<c>Did the delivery man sell the bottles of cider and they ended up at the monks? It seems unlikely, but you can't rule it out.
<p>Now you should find out more about the cider that Brother Salvatore drinks.
<<q cider 1000>></p>
<<but "Continue" sara>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 500 sara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 200-700 40 right>>
<<s mc "It is time we do something about your sins of fornication.">>
<<s sara "You mean from my youth? But that was a long time ago, $fmc. I have left that life behind me.">>
<<s mc "It doesn't matter. Remember what I said at the Revelation. Your old sins of lust are feeding Satan's influence in the convent. It may be why you are still being a temptress, using your feminine charms to get cigarettes from the delivery man, and exposing your slit by the tree. Satan has his claws in you because of your old sins.">>
<<s sara "I assure you he doesn't, not anymore. Except for the cigarettes. I'm an addict – but to nicotine. It made me steal from the convent and manipulate the delivery man. But I'm chaste and I don't suffer from lustful feelings. Please don't make me be with a man after all these years, Father.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 200-500 40 right>>
You could press the issue – command it – as her leader. But, although Novice Sara has confessed to stealing from the convent and being a temptress, her sins of fornication are old and she doesn't have a problem with lustful feelings – or so she claims.
<p>At this point, forcing Novice Sara to fornicate with you against her will could reflect badly on you. You want something more to hold over her, to make her submit and agree to fornicate with you.
<<s mc "We'll leave this for now, then. But I'll keep my eye on you. We can't let Satan dig his claws in you even deeper. Your nicotine addiction could be just the beginning, leading you down a road to lustful sinning.">>
<<s sara "I understand your concern, Father. I assure you that won't happen.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 200-600 36>>
<cc>What to do with Novice Sara?
<p>You need a good reason to convince her to fornicate with you.
<<q saraq 2300 center>></p></cc>
<<event 520 sara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Novice Sara, I saw what you did by the tree. Satan reached out for you and you succumbed to temptation.">>
Novice Sara looks horrified.
<<s sara "You saw that? But I didn't see you.">>
<<s mc "I'm a detective. Spying is sometimes what I do. I sensed that you were in danger and kept an eye on you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 200-500 40>>
<<s sara "It came over me so strongly. I tried to resist – but failed. Did the lust demon attack me, Father?">>
<<s mc "Not the lust demon attacking your sisters at night, no. That demon exists as a physical entity, able to manifest to the naked eye and interact with the material plane. Very powerful. Based on what I saw at the tree, you experienced another type of demon: One that was invisible and probably not very powerful, existing only for a short time as an intense localized evil as Satan reached out for you with his tentacles. That is good news since it means you aren't possessed.">>
<<s sara "Why did it happen? What if it happens again?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face2 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "I warned you, didn't I? Satan has his claws in you with the nicotine. This is your old sins of fornication coming back to haunt you. I wanted to cleanse you of those sins. When you refuse, they become more powerful, attracting Satan. I must eat your sins of fornication to stop this.">>
<<s sara "Please, no, $fmc. Couldn't we try something else?">>
<<say mc "I'm afraid it must be done, my child. The Lord is forgiving and your contribution to the war effort by offering your body will go a long way to absolving you of your sins.">>
<<say sara "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Then you must get naked.">>
<<say mc "With all the serious sins you've committed, you still refuse to make up for it? Perhaps you're an agent of Satan, after all. Do you want me to interrogate you in the prison?">>
<<say sara "No, Father, I'm sorry. I will undress and you can do it.">>
<<tbut "Make her accept it" null addStat3>>
<<abut "Threaten with the prison" null addStat3>>
<<c "Grab your manhood">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv breasts2 70>>
<c>Watching Novice Sara get naked in front of you, you grab your manhood, getting it ready to perform.
<<addlust 50>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv slit 70>>
<cc><<if !setup.questCompleted("saraq")>>
You will finally penetrate the slit of this hedonistic sinner.
You will once again penetrate the slit of this hedonistic sinner.
<<addlust 100>>
You remove your robe.
<<cs mc "I'm ready. Bend over.">>
<<ev 640>>
<<mi m 60>>
Novice Sara leans against the desk and presents her slit to you.
<<c "Prepare to mount her">>
<<ev 730>>
<<mv m 70 pause2>>
<cc>You take your time, enjoying the thought of what is to come.</cc>
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 810>>
<<mv m 76>>
<cc>You begin to fornicate with Novice Sara.</cc>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 76>>
<cc>You enjoy the view of her swaying breasts.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv m 76>>
<cc>You go faster.
<<cs sara "Are you almost done, Father?" ii>>
<<cs mc "Not yet. It takes time to eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c><<if !setup.questCompleted("saraq")>>
<<s sara "I've lived in celibacy for so long. Will it be sinful if I have lustful feelings?">>
<<set _butquestion ="Yes, but">>
<<s sara "You arouse lustful feelings in me, Father. Can I let them come?">>
<<set _butquestion ="Yes.">>
<<s mc "_butquestion I will eat any sins you and I commit. If you can, you should take the opportunity to get rid of sinful lust from your body by having an orgasm.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 44>>
<cc>Soon after, you feel her slit getting wet.
<p>You are not surprised that the hedonistic Novice Sara enjoys your manhood inside her.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("saraq")>>
Perhaps in part due to a lingering, long-lasting effect of the lust potion Novice Emma slipped her a lunch.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.5>>
<cc>Since Novice Sara is quickly building up to an orgasm, you let her do the job.</cc>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.5>>
<cc>Novice Sara is close to climaxing. You are not far behind.</cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 50 volume0.5>>
<cc>Soon after, Novice Sara has an orgasm. You feel your seed coming.</cc>
<<c "Pull out and release your seed">><<but "Release your seed inside her" sara1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cum1 50>>
<cc>You pull out and squirt your seed all over Novice Sara's naked behind.</cc>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi cover 50>>
<c>Novice Sara stands up. Even though you just fornicated with her, she shyly covers herself. Perhaps she is more embarrassed about orgasming than anything else.
<<but "Get dressed" sara1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie6 60>>
<cc>You moan as you squirt your seed inside Novice Sara's wet slit.
<p>You pull out and see your sperm oozing out of her hole.
<<creampie sara center>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi cover 50>>
<c>Novice Sara jumps up and looks at the seed running down her legs.
<<s sara "What did you do, Father? Now I could get pregnant.">>
<<s mc "Fear not, Novice Sara. This was a holy rite. The Lord will not allow a nun to get pregnant, or it would be a miracle.">>
<<s sara "You could have asked me first...">>
Novice Sara gets dressed and says nothing more.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 200-600 40>>
<c><<s mc "I ate as much of your sins of fornication as I could, but I doubt I got it all. As long as Satan has his claws in you, any remaining sins will keep regenerating and growing in strength.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi fuck 42>>
You have fornicated with Novice Sara, eating her sins of fornication.<br>You can repeat this when needed.
<<qend saraq 4000 center>>
/* repeating event */
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi 200-600 40>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Sara, I want to try to eat any sins of fornication still remaining in you.">>
<<s sara "I rather you don't, Father. Could we wait?">>
<<s mc "With everything you've done, I'm afraid I can't take any chances. We will do it. Remove your clothes.">>
<<s sara "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Watch her undress" sara1 step:500>>
<</events>><<if $intro < 2000>>
<<if $school < 100>>
<<setev 100>>
<<setev 200>>
<<include school1>>
<<elseif $intro < 2600>>
<<setev 300>>
<<include school1>>
<<elseif ndef $qqamyq && $qqcatarinakitchen==200>>
<<overlay "school/school3" "nuns/amy/amy" 0 32.5 40 70 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>When you exit the kitchen and enter the courtyard, you see a nun standing close by. She looks at you. You recognize her as Sister Amy. She works as a teacher at the school.
<p>It seems Sister Amy has been waiting for you.
<<s amy "Can we talk, $fmc? Somewhere private?" ii>>
<<s mc "Of course.">>
Sister Amy leaves and you follow her.</p>
<<but "Continue" school2 ev:3650>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<mi schoolnight 75>>
<<if $schoolnightActivity == 0>>
<<set $schoolnightActivity = 1>>
<cc>The schoolyard is dark and empty.
/*The students should be in their dormitory rooms by now.*/
<<if !($vivienschoolnight>0)>>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2100 qqvivienq==500 doplay:vivienschoolnight=1 buttontext:Go to Vivien's room::">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2700 qqvivienq>=1000 qqamnesiaq<<600 doplay:vivienschoolnight=1">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school2 "ev:3300 qqamnesiaq>=600 doplay:vivienschoolnight=1">>
<<if !($chloeschoolnight>0)>>
<<nunbut "chloe" school2 "ev:3700 qqchloeq==200 doplay:chloeschoolnight=1 buttontext:Go to Chloe's room::">>
<<nunbut "chloe" school2 "ev:3710 qqchloeq==300 doplay:chloeschoolnight=1">>
<<nunbut "chloe" school2 "ev:3710 step:1000 qqchloeq>=500 qqchloeq<<700 doplay:chloeschoolnight=1">>
<<nunbut "chloe" school2 "ev:3800 qqchloeq>=700 doplay:chloeschoolnight=1">>
<<if !($carolinaschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "carolina" school2 "ev:4400 qqcarolinaq>=200 doplay:carolinaschool=1">>
<<but "<<actQuest adriannaq>>" school2 "ev:3900 qqadriannaq==100">>
<<if $schoolvisit == 0 && !(setup.permanentCorr() >= 30)>>
<<set $schoolvisit = 1>>
<<mod2 $day>>
<<if _mod2result == 1>>
<<mv studentsoutside 70>>
You take a walk around the school area when a bell is heard. Students arrive for class.<br> Seeing the young women makes you hot.
<<addlust 10>>
<<mi girl 45 left>><<mi girllook 45 right>>
<l>It's that girl again.
<<s mc "Hello, Carolina.">>
<<s carolina "Hello, Father.">>
Something about her young body makes your blood hot.
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $qqjulia >= 200>>
<<but "School building" school>>
<<but "Enter school building" school1 "ev:400">>
<<but Leave hub>>
<<elseif $qqjulia >= 200 && ($rileyschool==0 || $juliaschool==0 || $vivienschool==0 || $catarinaschool==0 || $carolinaschool==0)>>
<<if $qqcarolinaq>=100>>
/* image with lower height to fit second wrong better */
<<mi school4 76>>
<<mi school3 66>>
You stand in the empty schoolyard outside the main building of the school.<br>Everyone must be in class or in their rooms.
<<set _schooldivider = false>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
<<set _schooldivider = true>>
<<set _olle = "<span style='color:#4b0;font-size:85%;'>completed</span>">>
<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:1600 buttontext:Riley: Sex Ed _olle:: rileyschool<<1 doplay:rileyschool=1">>
<<if _schooldivider>>
<<nunbut "dana" school1 "ev:800 qqdana>=400 qqdana<<500 doplay:rileyschool=1">>
<<if !($rileyschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:900 qqdana>=500 qqriley<<200 doplay:rileyschool=1">>
<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:1000 qqriley>=200 qqriley<<400 doplay:rileyschool=1">>
<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:1610 qqdana==700 doplay:rileyschool=1">>
<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:1920 qqrileySexEd==600 doplay:rileyschool=1">>
<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:1600 qqriley>=400 qqdana!=700 qqrileySexEd!=600 riley#notcompleted doplay:rileyschool=1">>
/*<<nunbut "riley" school1 "ev:1920 buttontext:Riley's room:: doplay:rileyschool=1">>*/
/*<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:500 qqjulia>=200 qqjulia<<500">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:600 qqjulia>=500 qqjulia<<700">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:700 qqjulia>=700">>*/
<<if !($juliaschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:500 qqjulia>=200 qqjulia<<500 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:600 qqjulia>=500 qqjulia<<700 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:700 qqjulia>=700 qqjulia<<730 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<if $qqjulia==800 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("julia",4)>>
<<qset julia 810>>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:750 qqjulia>=730 qqjulia<<810 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:1100 qqjulia>=810 qqjulia<<1200 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:1200 qqjulia>=1200 qqjulia<<1300 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:1300 qqjulia>=1300 qqjulia<<1400 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:2400 qqjuliajoining==100 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "julia" school1 "ev:2400 step:430 qqjuliajoining>=200 qqjuliajoining<=300 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<if !($vivienschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2000 qqvivienq>=100 qqvivienq<<200 doplay:vivienschool=1 buttontext:Look for Vivien's room::">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2000 step:2000 qqvivienq>=200 qqvivienq<=400">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2000 step:4000 qqvivienq==450">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2200 qqvivienq==600">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2600 qqvivienq==700 vivienq#stageDay+3 doplay:vivienschool=1">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2600 qqvivienq>=1000 vivienq#notcompleted doplay:vivienschool=1">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2600 qqvivienfornicate>=100 vivienmarry#notcompleted doplay:vivienschool=1">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2750 qqvivienfornicate==1000 vivienfornicate#stageDay+2 doplay:vivienschool=1">>
/*<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2750 qqvivienfornicate==1000 vivienfornicate#stageDay+3 doplay:vivienschool=1">>*/
<<nunbut "vivien" school1 "ev:2800 qqvivienfornicate>=1050 qqvivienfornicate<<2000 doplay:vivienschool=1">>
<<nunbut "vivien" school2 "ev:3200 qqvivienfornicate>=2000 qqamnesiaq<<600 doplay:vivienschool=1">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaq")>>
/* v0.8.0.3: Adding "vivien's room is empty" event for times when we want to avoid player bypassing refectory supper checks by marrying Vivien in town */
<<if ($qqamnesiaproject>=300 && $qqamnesiaproject < 500) || $qqamyq==900 || $qqjanamarry==1000 || $qqadriannaq==300 || ($qqlustfulwomen!=null && $qqlustfulwomen<4000) || $noRefectoryBypass>0>> /* add all exceptions here. */
<<nunbut "vivien" school2 "ev:3400 step:9000 doplay:vivienschool=1">> /* "vivien's room is empty, try again tomorrow" */
<<nunbut "vivien" school2 "ev:3400 amnesiaq#completed doplay:vivienschool=1">>
<<if !($catarinaschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "catarina" school1 "ev:2900 qqcatarinaq>=100 qqcatarinaq<<300 doplay:catarinaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "catarina" school1 "ev:2920 qqcatarinaq>=300 qqcatarinaq<<2000 doplay:catarinaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "catarina" school1 "ev:2950 qqcatarinaq>=2000 qqcatarinaq<<2400 doplay:catarinaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "catarina" school2 "ev:3000 qqcatarinaq==2400 doplay:catarinaschool=1">>
/* Note: it's possible to never play ev:3050 before revelation is completed */
<<nunbut "catarina" school2 "ev:3050 qqcatarinaq>=2500 revelation#notcompleted doplay:catarinaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "catarina" school2 "ev:3100 qqcatarinaq>=2500 qqpatriarchq>=150 doplay:catarinaschool=1">>
<<if !($chloeschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "chloe" school2 "ev:3690 qqchloeq==100 chloeq#stageDay+1 doplay:chloeschool=1 buttontext:Meet with Chloe::">>
<<if !($adriannaschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "adrianna" school2 "ev:3920 qqadriannaq==1200 doplay:adriannaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "adrianna" school2 "ev:3940 qqadriannaq==1500 doplay:adriannaschool=1">>
<<nunbut "adrianna" school2 "ev:3940 qqadriannaq>=2200 doplay:adriannaschool=1">>
<<if !($syrenschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "syren" school2 "ev:4100 qqspanking==300 doplay:syrenschool=1">>
<<nunbut "syren" school2 "ev:4100 step:4000 qqspanking==1000 doplay:syrenschool=1">>
<<nunbut "syren" school2 "ev:4100 step:8000 qqspanking==1200 doplay:syrenschool=1">>
<<nunbut "syren" school2 "ev:4200 qqspanking>=1600 doplay:syrenschool=1">>
<<if !($carolinaschool>0)>>
<<nunbut "carolina" school2 "ev:4280 step:900 qqcarolinaq==100 doplay:carolinaschool=1">>
/* Event 420 is diff than 410 because cannot remove school from map. */
/* However, removing this for now because it risks making it too grindy when people want to enter the school all the time to see if there is a new event.
<<but "Enter school building" school1 "ev:420">>*/
<<but "<<actQuest catarinabreaks>>" school1 "ev:2980 qqcatarinabreaks==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest adriannaq>>" school2 "ev:3900 qqadriannaq==300 step:1000">>
<<mi school 75>>
The schoolyard is empty.
/* <<but "Enter school building" school1 "ev:xxx">> need new ev here if doing this. Going to ev400 like earlier will result in no button because julia quest is >= 200 */
<<but "Enter school building" school1 "ev:410">>
<<but Leave hub>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi "girl" 60% center>>
You see a girl sitting by a tree. You feel an urge to <<lbut look school>> at her.
<<tip infoclickmedia>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi "girllook" 50% right>>
You feel lust when you look at her young but fully developed body, ready to receive the seed of a man. But that is not for you. You only serve God and you shan't be tempted by the Devil to sin and break your celibacy.
Yet, you can't resist the urge to look at her again.
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "Leave school" "outside" qq>>
<<set $school=100>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi "girl" 50% center>>
You see a girl sitting by a tree. But you have other things to do than to stare at her.
<<but "Leave school" "outside" qq>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii "outside/outside-nuns" 80>>
You follow the abbess outside. She crosses the dusty road, heading for the big buildings you recognized as the school for young women that the nuns are running.
<<but "Continue tour" school>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi school 60 center>>
<<say ms "This is our school. We accept female students in the range of ages 18 to 30. They don't have to be devout Catholics, but most are. Compared to traditional schools, we are more focused on personal and spiritual growth than pure academic results. We do have a set curriculum that will provide for a good education, but students come here because they want to combine studying with developing their religiosity, spirituality, and closeness to God. Because of this, we give them a lot of freedom such as setting aside hours for free study." ii>>
<<ev 170>>
<<mi trees 50 rclear>>
<<s ms "Many of our students later end up joining our convent, though that is entirely their choice. We don't actively promote it or try to recruit members." ii>>
<<but "Look around" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi "girl" 40% right>>
You see that girl again, sitting under the tree. It must be a favorite spot.
<<say mc "The students don't wear school uniforms?">>
<<say ms "Yes, they do. But they aren't required to wear them outside of class. <b><i>Carolina, don't you have a class?</i></b>">>
The girl looks up from her notebook and sees you.
<<say carolina "No, Mother Superior, we have free study for the rest of the day. I'm studying right now.">>
<<say ms "That's good, Carolina. Carry on. I'm showing $fmc around.">>
<<mi ms1 15 left>>
The abbess turns to you again.
<<say ms "As I mentioned, Father, we don't run a traditional school here. We give the students freedom to wear what they want outside of teacher-lead classes even if it is technically school hours right now.">>
<<say mc "I understand. Sounds good.">>
<<say mc "I don't like it. Students should wear a uniform. It teaches them discipline and encourages good behavior.">>
<<say ms "We think it works well with our students. Maybe it is different with other types of schools.">>
<<tbut "\"I understand.\"">>
<<abut "\"I don't like it.\"">>
<<but "Continue tour" chapel qq>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $schoolinside == 0>>
<<set $schoolinside = 1>>
<<mi enteringschool 45>>
<p>Standing in the empty schoolyard, you enter the main building of the school. The hallways are as deserted as the yard. Everyone must be in class or in their rooms.</p>
<<if $qqjulia > 0>>
/* enter building */
<p>You continue down a long hallway and find a luxuriously decorated room at the end of it.</p>
<<if $qqjulia > 0>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:450 step:500 qqjulia<<200 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
/** moved to school.tw and remade as nunbut ***
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:500 qqjulia>=200 qqjulia<<500">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:600 qqjulia>=500 qqjulia<<700">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:700 qqjulia>=700">> ***/
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:450 doplay:juliaschool=1">>
<<mi studentsinside 35>>
<<if $schoolBusyStudents < 1>>
/* to make player see this at least once before removing it in detective mode */
<<set $schoolBusyStudents = 1>>
<cc>You enter the main building of the school.
<p>Students are going to class. Everyone seems busy. You don't want to disturb them.</p></cc>
<<but "Exit" school>>
/* made into separate event after making julia work with buttons and juliaschool */
<<event 410>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $schoolinside == 0>>
<<set $schoolinside = 1>>
<<mi studentsinside 35>>
<<if $schoolBusyStudents < 1>>
/* to make player see this at least once before removing it in detective mode */
<<set $schoolBusyStudents = 1>>
<cc>You enter the main building of the school.
<p>Students are going to class. Everyone seems busy. You don't want to disturb them.</p></cc>
<<but "Exit" school>>
/* Event 420 is diff than 410 because does not set variables which can remove school from map. Used after making julia events with buttons, to make sure school is not removed when ev buttons aren't played yet */
<<event 420>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi studentsinside 35>>
<cc>You enter the main building of the school.
<p>Students are going to class. Everyone seems busy. You don't want to disturb them.</p></cc>
<<but "Exit" school>>
<<event 450 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi m 35 left>>
<r><p>Paintings hang on the wall, and there are couches and armchairs to sit in. A room for relaxation and reflection.</p>
<p>A young girl is sitting in a chair. She looks troubled and deep in thoughts. She doesn't look up when you arrive.</p></r>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc>You don't want to disturb her, so you quietly close the door behind you and say nothing.</cc>
<<c "Sit down">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 35 left>>
<r><<br>>The girl finally notices you.
<<s Girl "Oh, hello. Are you that priest the nuns said would come... $fmc?">>
<<s mc "Yes, and you are?">>
<<s Girl "My name is Julia.">>
<<s mc "Hello, Julia. Shouldn't you be in class now? You're all alone here.">>
<<s julia "No, we have free study time. Everyone else is in their rooms probably.">>
<<s mc "Everything alright? You look thoughtful.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:900">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 450-100 28 left>><<mi 450-200 65 "left noside">>
<c2>You enter the relaxation room at the end of the long hall, and find Julia deep in thought in a chair. You close the door behind you and approach her.</c2>
<<c "Sit down">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 50 left>>
<r><<br>>Julia finally notices you.
<<s julia "Oh, hello, $fmc." ii>>
<<s mc "Good to see you, Julia. How are you, my child? You look troubled again.">>
<<if $qqjulia >= 100>>
<<s julia "Yes, I'm still thinking about... what we spoke about." ii>>
<<s mc "Come and sit down here with me. Let's talk.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:2500">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 450-600 50 right>>
<<s julia "I'm... thinking about something.">>
<<s mc "Something you want to talk to a priest about? Maybe in confession?">>
<<s julia "Mmm, no, I haven't sinned. That's kind of the problem.">>
<<s mc "How so?">>
<<s julia "Uh... I shouldn't say something. It's private...">>
<<set _tmess = "I'm a priest, and anything you say to me stays between us. You can trust me.">>
<<set _amess = "I'm the priest here while I'm staying at the monastery. It's my job to care for your spritual well-being.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say julia "Yes, I trust you, Father. I suppose I could tell you, then.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say julia "Oh, right. I suppose I should tell you, then.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say julia "I'm sure I can, but this is something I have to think about for myself.">>
<<s mc "I understand. Let me know if you change your mind.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say julia "Hmm, yes, but this is something I have to think about for myself.">>
<<s mc "I understand. Let me know if you change your mind.">>
<<trytbut '"Trust me."' "trust16">>
<<tryabut "\"I'm your priest while I'm here.\"" "auth13">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 65>>
<c>You decide to leave the girl alone and get up from the couch. Julia resumes her thinking. You wish you could help her, but until she tells you what's troubling her, you can't.
<<qstart julia 50 center>></c>
<<but "Leave building" school>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 32 "right pause5">>
<l>Julia sits down next to you on the couch. Only a short dress is between you and her young, busty body.
<<addlust 10>>
<<s julia "Thing is... I have been applying to the convent, to join as a novice. And they will accept me when I'm finished with my courses here. And I want to give myself to God. But, that means I will never get to experience... being with a man." ii>>
<<say mc "Virgins are the purest of God's servants. You don't need to be with a man.">>
<<s julia "I know, and I want to remain a virgin. But I'm afraid that this urge won't go away, and then I won't be able to fully give myself to God. I'm thinking if... if I could just be with a man once, that would be it, and I could put it behind me. Except, I wouldn't be a virgin anymore." ii>>
<<s mc " And you would have to have sexual relations outside marriage.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 30 right>>
<<s julia "Oh, yes. That's not good. I know it's a sin. That's why I'm sitting here, not knowing what to do. What should I do, Father?">>
<<s mc "Don't you think you will outgrow this feeling once you join the convent, living closer to God – and getting a little older?">>
<<s julia "What if I don't? I don't know if can join the convent until I know.">>
<<s mc "Sometimes in life we just have to put our trust in God. He will lead you through it.">>
<<s julia "Mmm, I hope so. I have to think about it...">>
<<s mc "You do that. And you can always talk to me.">>
<<s julia "Thank you, Father.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi m 60>>
<cc>You feel sorry for Julia. You wish you could help her more.
<<if $qqjulia > 0>>
<<q julia 100 center>>
<<qstart julia 100 center>>
<<but "Exit building" school>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 450-2000 32 right>>
<l><<br>>Julia sits down next to you on the couch. You feel the warmth from her young body as her bare arm and leg touch you.
<<addlust 10>>
<<s mc "Have you come any closer to finding the answer on what to do?">>
<<s julia "No. I wish I wouldn't feel such a need to be with a man once. But I feel it in my bones.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 30 right>>
<<set _teenager = "And that means you are full of hormones making you feel this way. God made it so to make humans procreate when they are the most fertile. But the worst of it will pass once you get older.">>
<<if $qqjulia >= 110>>
<<set _teenager = "You're 19, still a teenager. "+_teenager>>
<<qset julia 110>>
<<s mc "It's your hormones. How old are you?">>
<<s julia "19">>
<<set _teenager = "See, you're still a teenager. "+_teenager>>
<<s mc _teenager>>
<<s julia "But what if it doesn't? I can't become a novice until I know I can resist the temptation to seek out a man. I don't want to sin by having sex outside marriage, but sinning as a nun would be even worse. I see no way out of this!">>
<<c "Assure her of God's providence">>
<<but "Tell her about sin eating" school1 "step:3000 corr15 readChapter1>=100">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi m 25>>
<<s mc "If you put your faith in God, things will work out in the end.">>
<<s julia "I hope so.">>
<<s mc "I'll check up on you later, see how you're doing?">>
<<s julia "Thank you, Father.">>
<<but "Exit building" school>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 450-2100 30 right>>
<<s mc "There could be a solution to your dilemma, in theory. But it comes with a hefty price.">>
After swearing her to secrecy, you tell Julia about the old practice of sin eating – how it can also be performed as a rite on living individuals by a priest, and that this requires the sinner to repeat the sin with the priest to get rid of the sin.
<<s julia "But I haven't sinned. That's the problem, sort of.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but if you sin by having sexual relations with someone outside marriage, then a priest can perform the sin eater rite to remove the sin from you. And in the eyes of God, this will be like you didn't sin at all – the sin is forgiven. And spiritually, you would still be a virgin.">>
<<s julia "So you're saying that, after I've been with a man, I can go to a priest, and then I would have to be with him too doing this rite, and that would fix it?">>
<<s mc "Yes, in theory.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mi 450-2600 30 right>>
<<s julia "Oh, I don't know if I could do that. It would be very awkward.">>
<<s mc "And that's the penance, the price you have to pay to get absolution for your sin. If it would be easy, it wouldn't be a penance.">>
<<s julia "Hmm.... that makes sense. Maybe I could do it, then.">>
<<s mc "Then the problem is that the knowledge of this rite is kept hidden by the Vatican because it's so powerful and extreme. Only a few people alive would know about it.">>
<<s julia "Oh. Where did you learn of it then?">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 450-2100 30 right>>
<<s mc "I have a special role within the Vatican. I can't tell you any more about it but think of me as a historian with special access to old documents. I know many secrets.">>
<<s julia "I see. Maybe I could do the rite with you then. After I've been with a man... But... I would prefer a priest my age.">>
<<s mc "I'm probably the youngest one alive to know the truth about this rite.">>
<<s julia "Then... I don't think I can pay that price.">>
<<s mc "That's why I hesitated to even mention it.">>
<<s julia "I need to think...">>
<<q julia 200>>
<<but "Leave her to her thoughts" school>>
<<event 500 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28 left>><<mi 450-1000 65 "left noside">>
<c>You enter the relaxation room at the end of the long hall, and find Julia deep in thought in a chair.
<<if $qqjulia >= 350>>
You close and lock the door behind you.
<<s julia "Oh, hi, $fmc">>
<<if $qqjulia < 350>>
<<s mc "Hello, Julia. Want to talk?">>
<<s mc "Hello, Julia. Have you prayed on what we did?">>
<<s julia "Yes. I still feel the need to sin with a man.">>
<<s mc "Come, let's talk. I have locked the door, so no one will disturb us.">>
<<c "Sit down">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 450-2000 32 left>>
<w><<br>>Julia sits down next to you on the couch.
<<addlust 10>>
<<s julia "I've been thinking about that rite.">>
<<s mc "Yes?">>
<<s julia "So, I could sin with a man, and then I could come to you and we'll... do things and you can perform that sin eating rite?">>
<<s mc "In theory, yes, it's possible.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 450-2700 30 right>>
<<s julia "I don't think I can do it.">>
<<s mc "I understand. Not many people could. It's kept a secret for a reason.">>
<<s julia "So now I'm back to the same situation. Not knowing what to do. I want to join the convent, but then I will never be with a man. But I also don't want to sin by having sex outside marriage. It's a mess in my head.">>
<<if $qqjulia < 305>>
<<qset julia 300>> /* helps open up for second monk drinking*/
<<but "Suggest touching her breasts" school1 "step:500 corr15 ttt5">>
/* no tempt required when repeating after successful*/
<<but "Suggest touching her breasts" school1 "step:550 corr15">>
<<but "Assure her of God's providence" school1 "ev:450 step:2700">>
<<ev 500>>
<<qset julia 305>> /* successful */
<<mi 450-2100 30 right>>
<<s mc "Julia, I want to help you. What if I were to put my hand on your bosom? Maybe you will be satisfied then, having felt the touch of a man on your breasts, and then you can join the convent.">>
<<s julia "Is it okay for a priest to do that?">>
<<s mc "I'm trying to prevent you from sinning. Unorthodox methods are allowed then.">>
<<s julia "Well... Okay, we could try it. If it helps, it would be great.">>
<<s mc "Good, then I'm going to put my hand on your breasts now">>
<<but "Touch her breasts" school1 "step:600">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi 450-2100 30 right>>
<<s mc "We should try touching your breasts again. Maybe it will satisfy you enough this time, so you can join the convent...">>
<<s julia "Well... Okay, we could try it. If it helps, it would be great.">>
<<s mc "Good, then I'm going to put my hand on your breasts now.">>
<<but "Touch her breasts" school1 "step:600">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 27 "right speed0.5">>
<l>You grab her breasts and squeeze them.
<<addlust 10>>
<<if $qqjulia < 400>>
<<s mc "How is it? Is this what you want to feel?">>
<<s julia "It's feels nice, I guess, but it's not enough.">>
<<s mc "I'll squeeze some more... How about now?">>
<<s julia "No, I don't think this will be enough to make me stop wanting to be with a man.">>
<<s mc "Then we have to try harder. Pull down your dress. Skin against skin will feel better.">>
<<s julia "Show you my breasts? Oh... No, that feels too weird.">>
<<set _tmess = "This will be the best way to try to fix this. Trust me on this.">>
<<set _amess = "I'm your priest and I'm know what I'm doing.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<s mc _tmess>>
<<s julia "Okay, I trust you, Father. Let's try it, then.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s julia "Oh... Well, okay, do it, then.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<s mc _tmess>>
<<s julia "No, it doesn't feel right.">>
<<s mc "Okay, we won't do it, then.">>
<<d 1000>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s julia "No, it doesn't feel right.">>
<<s mc "Okay, we won't do it, then.">>
<<trytbut '"Trust me."' "trust21">>
<<tryabut "\"I know what I'm doing.\"" "auth16">> /* note: can't use ' because of ' in I'm */
<<but "Continue">>
<<s mc "How is it this time? Is this what you want to feel?">>
<<s julia "It's nice, but... it won't enough to make me stop wanting to be with a man.">>
<<s mc "Then we have to try harder. Pull down your dress.">>
<<s julia "I still feel weird about letting you see my breasts.">>
<<s mc "I understand, but this is something a man would do if you sinned with him. We're trying to prevent that from happening.">>
<<s julia "Yes... well... go ahead, then.">>
<<but "Pull down the top of her dress" school1 "step:2000">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 450-2600 30 left>>
<<s mc "Pray on what we did today and maybe this will be enough for you, and you can join the convent without wanting to sin with a man.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father, I will pray on it.">>
<<qset julia 350>>
<<but "Leave the building" school>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<qset julia 400>>
<<mv 500-2001 18 "speed0.2">>
<<mv m 22 "rclear speed0.6">>
<l>You grab her naked breasts and squeeze them.
<<addlust 10>>
<<s mc "How about now then? Does this feel better?">>
<<s julia "Yes... I'm feeling it... a lot. But it only makes me want it even more. Down there.">>
<<if $lust >= 100>>
You consider touching Julia between her legs, but squeezing her young but fully-developed breasts gets too much for you. You need to get back to your room right now.
<div class="saying stat-change">Your <<stat lust>> is too high to continue!</div>
<<s mc "Good, then maybe this helped you. Pray on it tonight and see how you feel about everything tomorrow.">>
<<s julia "Yes, $fmc. I will pray on it.">>
<<but "Leave the school" hub>>
<<s mc "Then we have to try it down there too.">>
<<s julia "Are you sure we can do that?">>
<<s mc "We're trying to prevent you from sinning with a man. We have to try this too.">>
<<s julia "I don't know if we should... Are you really sure it's allowed?">>
<<but "Stop touching her" school1 "step:2100">>
<<but "Touch Julia between her legs" school1 "step:2200 corr15 ttt15">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 30 right>>
<<s mc "Maybe you're right. We should stop now. You pray on this tonight and see how you feel about everything tomorrow. Maybe this was enough.">>
<<s julia "Yes, $fmc. I will pray on it.">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 2200>>
/*<<mv 500-2200 30 "right">>*/
<<mv m 30 right>>
<<s mc "We have to stop you from sinning. Extreme measures are allowed then. Just relax...">>
<<s julia "Aaah... It feels so good... ">>
<<s mc "Let yourself go. Let it come.">>
<<s julia "No, Father, we can't do it. It will be a sin.">>
<<s mc "We have to try it. Or you will sin with a man. God will understand.">>
<<s julia "Okay.... do it, then...">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Pull aside her panties">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 500-2300 55 speed0.4>>
<cc><<lbut "Stick a finger inside her" jdiv1 "sss">></cc>
<cc><<addlust 20>></cc>
<<div jdiv1>>
<<mv 500-2301 70>>
<cc><<s mc "I will use my finger to simulate a man being inside of you." center>>
<<lbut "Continue" jdiv2 "sss addLust100">></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mv 500-2302 70>>
<cc><<s julia "Faster..." center>>
<div>Sticking your finger inside the naked young girl makes your male organ grow hard, and the Devil enters your mind for a moment, tempting you with sinful desires.</div>
<<lbut "Go faster" jdiv3 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv3>>
<<mv 500-2303 70>>
<cc><<s julia "It's happening! Don't stop!" center>>
<<lbut "Make her climax" jdiv4 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv4>>
<<mv 500-2304 70>>
<cc><<s mc "The man is releasing his seed inside you now." center>><<s julia "Aaahh!" center>></cc>
<<if $qqjulia >= 750>>
<<but "Inspect her" school1 "ev:750 step:2400">>
<<c "Inspect her">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 45 pause5>>
<c><<s mc "You reached the climax. You are fully lubricated. Everything seems to work as it should for a fertile woman receiving the seed of a man. Now you know how it feels. This was close to everything that a woman experiences when being with a man.">>
<<s julia "It felt like God touched me. Is this how heaven feels like?">>
<<s mc "Now you pray on this before bed and get those sinful thoughts about being with a man out of your head.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi m 45>>
<c>You helped Julia experience something close to being with a man. Hopefully, this will be enough to stop her sinful urges to be with a man for real, allowing her to join the convent and give herself to God for a life as a chaste nun.
<<q julia 500 center>></c>
<<but "Leave building" school>>
<<event 600 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28 left>><<mi 450-300 28 left>><<mv 450-2000 28 left>>
<l>You find Julia in the relaxation room. She looks deep in thought. You close and lock the door.
<<s mc "Hello, Julia. Do you have good news for me about your problem?">>
<<s julia "I don't think so...">>
<<s mc "Hmm... come here, let's talk.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2700 28 right>>
<<if $qqjulia < 600>>
<<br>><<s mc "So... What are you thinking?">>
<<s julia "It feels like half of the problem is solved. But the other half is missing.">>
<<s mc "What do you mean?">>
<<s julia "When you touched me down there, I had a... it felt very good, and it was better than I had dreamed of. So I'm satisfied that I got to experience that. But... I was not with a man, not for real.">>
<<s mc "But you were. You were touched by a man and a man made you reach the pleasure peak.">>
<<s julia "Yes, but I did not have his... inside me">>
<<s julia "The situation hasn't changed. I'm still feeling that I've not been with a man for real, but maybe if I touch him when he is aroused, it will be enough.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:400">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 450-2100 28 right>>
<<s mc "I used a finger. That's almost the same.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<s julia "It is? But I thought men got bigger than that when they put it inside.">>
<<s mc "Size doesn't matter much. It's how they use it.">>
<<s julia "Hmm, okay... but I still haven't seen it... their thing when it gets big. It feels like it's missing, to experience that.">>
<<s mc "Is that all that's missing then? To see a man when he is aroused?">>
<<s julia "I think so. Oh, if I could just touch it too. I think it could be enough.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 450-2600 28 right>>
<<s mc "Do you mean stimulating a man with your hands until he spills his seed?">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<s julia "Oh no, just touch it. To know how it feels.">>
<<s mc "If you touch a man there when he is aroused, he will expect to get pleasure. To release his seed one way or another.">>
<<s julia "Oh... okay. Well... you too? I mean, could I do it with you, then? Just the touching...">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<q julia 600>>
<<but "We better not" school1>><<but "You should use your mouth" school1 "step:1000 corr20 ttt10">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 450-2100 28 right>>
<l><<br>><<s mc "We better not. It's hard for any man to stop it once he has gotten to that point with a woman. It could lead to grave sinning. I don't want to risk it.">>
<<s julia "Oh, yes, I understand. I just hope this won't be the thing that stops me from joining the convent. Maybe I will feel I'm good anyway tomorrow. I'll pray on it tonight.">>
<<s mc "Yes, you do that. Have faith in God.">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 28 right>>
<<s mc "Julia, you are asking me to get aroused in front of you, and you also want to touch me. It's a big ask of a man, and even the most strong-willed, God-fearing man could succumb to the temptations of the Devil if placed in that situation.">>
<<s mc "This is a dangerous path you are on, acting as a temptress. Seeing as you can't rid yourself of these urges to sin with a man, we should try to do the best out of a bad situation. If you use your mouth on me, you can be with a man and fulfill your stated wish.">>
<<s julia "My mouth? Do you mean... all the way until you... spill the seed?">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<s mc "Yes. It's the only solution I can think of. You will be sinning in doing so, but I will perform the holy rite of <<var chapter1,>> saving you by channeling the sin up to God where it will vanish.">>
<<s julia "But you're saying I should satisfy you with my mouth. What if I don't like it?">>
<<if $qqjulia < 690>>
<<c "<<actChapter 2>>">>
<<but "<<actChapter 2>>" school1 "step:1700">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 450-2600 25 right>>
<<if $qqjulia >= 660>>
<<s mc "I have already told you about the secret sacrament of the anointing with the Holy Seed from the Holy Rod. This is what we need to do to stop your sinful desire to have a man between your legs. Do you deny these urges?">>
<<qset julia 660>>
<l>After swearing her to secrecy, you tell Julia about another rite kept secret by the Vatican – the ancient sacrament of the anointing with the Holy Seed from the Holy Rod. Being Julia's priest, you have the power to perform this sacred rite on her.
<<s julia "Is that really true? Even if it is, taking you in my mouth is more than I was thinking about doing.">>
<<s mc "But you're saying you want to be with a man. And then you mean a man being inside you, between your legs, not just your mouth. Do you deny these urges?">>
<<s julia "No, you are right, I have them. But I think maybe if I just touch a man with my hands when he is aroused, that will be enough.">>
<<s mc "But it won't be, will it? And I have already told you about the dangers of tempting men by doing that, thinking it will end there. No, this must be stopped, and using your mouth is the way to do it.">>
<<s julia "I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Can we really do it?">>
<<set _tmess = "You can do it. We can do it. I have the power to anoint you with the Holy Seed and you must pay the price to the Lord. This will be your penance for your sinful thoughts. Have faith in God's forgiveness.">>
<<set _amess ="As your priest, I'm telling you that this is what we must do. I have the power to anoint you with the Holy Seed and you must pay the price to the Lord. This will be your penance for your wicked thoughts.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<s mc _tmess>>
<<s julia "I will do it, then. May God forgive me for my sinful thoughts.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s julia "If you say I have to do it, I will accept it. May God forgive me for my wicked thoughts.">>
<<d 1400>>
<<s mc _tmess>>
<<s julia "I can't do it. It's too much. I need time to think.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. It's your choice. I just hope I can save you before it's too late.">>
<<d 1400>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<s julia "I just can't do it. It's too much. I need time to think.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. It's your choice. I just hope I can save you before it's too late.">>
<<trytbut "\"We can do it.\"" trust24>>
<<tryabut "\"This is your penance.\"" auth18>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 450-2200 50>>
<cc>You leave Julia to her thoughts. You want to help her, but she isn't willing to accept the solution and her penance.
<<q julia 650 center>></cc>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi 450-2100 28 right>>
<<s mc "I have already told you about the secret sacrament of the anointing with the Holy Seed from the Holy Rod, and you did accept this as your penance. I didn't want to rush things, but now you've had some time to think about it all, and this is what you have to do. You're not supposed to enjoy the penance, that's the point.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father. I accept my penance, then.">>
<<s mc "Good. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed at the end and everything will be okay. Let's begin.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 500-2100 28 right>>
You pull down the top of her dress.
<<s mc "You understand that you will have to get naked for this to happen? It's how a woman makes a man aroused and helps to make him release his seed.">>
<<s julia "Yes, I understand.">>
<<brdiv >>
Julia is about to pleasure you with her mouth as part of her penance. But now when you're facing the reality of the situation, you are questioning if your lust-driven feelings of temptations have clouded your mind. Will God approve of this? What if the Devil is the one making you do this?
<<but "This could be a mistake" school1 "step:2100">><<but "God will see that your cause is just" school1 "step:3000 corr20 ttt30">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 500-2100 28>>
<c><<s mc "On second thought, we shouldn't rush things. Let's take some more time to think about this.">>
<<s julia "Okay, Father, that's fine with me.">>
<<q julia 690 center>></c>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 500-2000 28 right>>
God will understand that you have a just cause for doing this. It's a heavy price to pay for both you and Julia, but it is your duty as her priest to save Julia from her sinful urges that threaten to cut her off from a life dedicated to God.
<<s mc "I will touch your breasts to make me aroused.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $lust < setup.maxPoints>>
/* currently can't reach here without lust 100 but adding this in case replaying event later */
<<s mc "Do you know how to pleasure a man with your mouth?">>
<<s julia "Put my mouth around it?">>
<<s mc "Yes, but you also have to suck and move. Think of it like sucking on a lollipop while moving back and forth.">>
<<s julia "I'll do my best.">>
<<c "Pull aside her panties">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 500-2300 45 "right speed0.5">>
<l><<s mc " I must see you naked down here. This is where a man should release his seed, inside you. Anything else would normally be a sin.">>
<<s julia "Yes, I know. But you will release it outside, on me, to bless me?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I will sprinkle your face with my Holy Seed, anointing you. Combined with the <<var chapter1>> rite, this will cleanse you of all sins and you shall walk out of here as pure as you were before.">>
<<s julia "I'm looking forward to it.">>
<<s mc "I'm ready, so let's begin. Open my pants and do your penance for your wicked thoughts.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<set _vwidth = 64>> /* 57 */
/* Since changing speed, need to explicitly set notMuted and supporterOnly */
<<mv m _vwidth "speed0.50 notMuted supporterOnly">>
<cc><<s julia "Tell me if I'm doing it right or not..." center>>
<<s mc "That's good. Just like that. You can use your hands too." center>>
<<lbut "Touch her slit" jdiv "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv>>
<<mv 600-3302 _vwidth>>
<cc><<s mc "Touching you will arouse me further, helping me finishing this faster." center>>
<<s julia "It feels so good down there." center>>
<<s mc "That's the sinful desire in you speaking. I'm only touching you to get this over with. Not for you to enjoy it. Focus on your penance." center>>
<<s julia "Yes, $fmc." center>>
<<lbut "Continue" jdiv2 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv2>>
<<mv 600-3304 _vwidth>>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" jdiv3 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv3>>
<<mv 600-3306 _vwidth>>
<cc><<s mc "Prepare to be anointed by the Holy Seed. Any second now." center>>
<<lbut "Anoint Julia with your semen" jdiv4 sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv4>>
<<mv 600-3308 _vwidth>>
<cc><<lbut '"Quickly, lick up the Holy Seed."' jdiv5 "sss">></cc>
<<div jdiv5>>
<<mv 600-3310 _vwidth>>
<cc0><<s mc "Feel the power of Christ cleansing you of sin as you lick the Holy Seed from the Holy Rod." center>>
<<s julia "I feel it, Father." center>></cc0>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv m 64>>
<cc><<s mc "Clean the Holy Rod of all the Holy Seed and your penance is completed." center>>
<<s julia "Yes, Father." center>>
<<lbut "Continue" jdiv sss>></cc>
<<div jdiv>>
<<mi 600-3402 55>>
<cc><<s julia "I'm done." center>>
<<s mc "Julia, I have anointed you with the Holy Seed and you have fulfilled your penance. I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Now pray before going to bed and expel the wicked thoughts from your mind, once and for all." center>>
<<s julia "Yes, Father. I will." center>>
<<if $qqjulia >= 750>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:750 step:3500">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi m 50>>
<cc>Julia used her mouth on you and you anointed her with the Holy Seed, absolving her of all sins and blessing her. Together with her prayers, this should rid her of the wicked thoughts and allow her to join the convent. You should check up on her later.
<<q julia 700 center>>
<<qendversion julia "center version0.1.0">></cc>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<event 700 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi emptyroom 30>>
<cc0>You don't find Julia in the usual place. She is probably at class or in her room.</cc0>
<<qset julia 730>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<vv 2>>
<<event 750 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You find Julia back in her usual place.
You sit down to talk with her.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2100 22>>
<<s mc "How do you feel now, Julia?">>
<<s julia "Better, $fmc. I think the holy rites worked. I haven't had a man inside me, but I think I could live with that.">>
<<s mc "Are you sure?">>
<<s julia "I think so... But how can anyone be sure of something like that?">>
<<s mc "That kind of doubt tells me your spirit is still too weak to resist the temptations of the flesh.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 450-2600 22>>
<<s julia "I need a little more time to think about it. To make up my mind if this will be a problem or not after I join the convent.">>
<<s mc "Yes, you must think carefully and pray hard to God for guidance. If there is any doubt, we must do something about it. You can't live in the house of the Lord if your spirit isn't strong enough to resist Satan's temptations.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<q julia 750 center>>
<<c "Touch her breasts">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 500-600 22 speed0.7>>
<<s mc "Since you are expressing doubt, it is my obligation as your priest to test you to see if you are ready to join the convent. Does this make you excited?">>
<<s julia "No, Father. Not much.">>
<<s mc "But you feel some lust, even for this. That's worrying. Pull down your top.">>
<<s julia "Why? What will you do to me, Father?">>
<<s mc "I have to test you.">>
<<c "Expose her breasts">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 500-2000 22 speed0.7>>
<<s mc "Does this make you feel more excited?">>
<<s julia "A little bit maybe.">>
<<s mc "As I thought. You must get naked, and I will test you more.">>
<<s julia "Do I have to?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I must test your spirit, your resistance to the temptations of the flesh. I will use my hand between your legs.">>
<<but "Remove her panties" school1 "ev:500 step:2300">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 500-2400 45>>
<<cs mc "Your hole has been lubricated and you reached the climax again. Let this experience drive away your wicked thoughts of being with a man, that you may join the convent with a pure and strong spirit.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, $fmc. But why does it have to feel so good?">>
<<cs mc "It's the reward for creating life. But people like us are not meant to experience it. We have a higher calling, that of serving God.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mi 500-2500 45>>
<<cs julia "And I want to serve God.">>
<<cs mc "Good. Then you must be prepared to forsake the earthly pleasures. They are of Satan when misused.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, that's true.">>
<<cs mc "And now, because of your wicked thoughts still remaining in you, you will have to do penance. You will use your mouth on me, so that I may anoint you to protect you and bless you. That will complete your penance.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:600 step:3300">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi 600-3500 40>>
<cc>Julia once again used her mouth on you and you anointed her with the Holy Seed, absolving her of all sins and blessing her. Together with her prayers, you hope this will completely rid her of the wicked thoughts and make her spirit strong enough to resist the temptations of the flesh, allowing her to join the convent. You should check up on her later.
<<q julia 800 center>>
<<qendversion julia version0.2.0>>
<<event 800 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv m 90>>
You look for the classroom Sister Dana said she uses for detention.
As you enter the room, you see Sister Dana and a girl. That must be the problem student.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi m 65>>
<<cs dana "Good to see you, $fmc.">>
<<cs dana "Riley, $fmc would like to speak with you.">>
<<cs Riley "I don't need to speak to a priest. It's enough having you on my back.">>
<<cs mc "Could we have the room, Sister Dana? It won't take long.">>
<<cs dana "Of course, Father. I will wait outside.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 85>>
<<cs dana "You will do well to listen to him, Riley. We are not your enemies. We only want you to succeed in life.">>
<<cs riley "Yeah, whatever...">>
Sister Dana leaves the room.
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>Riley looks like someone who wants to sin with boys. You understand why Sister Dana thinks Riley reminds her of that flirtatious pupil of her past, seeking the attention of men.
<<addlust 10 center>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi twirl1 50>>
<c><<s mc "Sister Dana tells me you're thinking of going down to the town to meet with boys.">>
<<s riley "So what? This isn't a prison.">>
<<s mc "No, but guys only want one thing, Riley. And then you will get pregnant and be cast aside because you are not married. Do you want to be a young mom, raising a baby all by yourself? All your freedom will be gone.">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi twirl2 50>>
<<s riley "They could use a condom.">>
<<s mc "Condoms, out here in the countryside, in Catholic country? The Church is strongly against condoms. For a reason. Birth contraceptives are not of God. Men and women are only supposed to be together to procreate... Unless special circumstances apply.">>
<<ev 570>>
<<mi twirl1 50>>
<<s riley "What special circumstances?">>
<<s mc "If a couple is married, and the woman is too old to bear children, it does not mean they have to stop being together in bed. As long as they don't use any contraceptives, then it's up to God and nature, and then it is allowed.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 800-400 60>>
<<s riley "I don't care what the Church thinks. If I'm with a guy, he can pull out and I won't get pregnant.">>
<<s mc "You can't be sure of that. How can you even trust that the man will not release his seed inside you? When a man reaches that stage, all he wants is to keep going. It's how God made us men, because we are meant to impregnate women. But in a marriage, of course.">>
<<s riley "Whatever...">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi twirl1 45 right>>
<<s mc "I don't think you want to run to the boys in town. You want to rebel and provoke Sister Dana, but that's all there is to it. You are not ready to be with a man.">>
<<s riley "No, I'm ready. I will do it. As soon as I find someone to take me to town. I don't want to walk all the way down there and then back again.">>
<<s mc "If you want to be with boys, they will want to see you naked. Are you sure you are ready to let them?">>
<<s riley "Yes.">>
<<s mc "I don't believe it. It's easier said than done.">>
<<s riley "I will do it.">>
<<s mc "So you say. If you think that, then you wouldn't have any problems being without panties under the skirt the next time I meet you here.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 720>>
<<mi twirl1 50>>
<<s riley "No. I could do it. No problem.">>
<<s mc "So you say. Again, it's easy to say it. Harder to do it. You think about that. I will see you again soon.">>
Saying nothing more, you turn away from the young girl and leave.
<<c "Exit the room">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana 40 "png left">>
<r>Sister Dana is waiting outside.
<<s mc "I want to meet with Riley regularly in this room. I can help this girl, and you. And thus all of the women here. This was meant to be.">>
<<s dana "As you wish. I will see to it.">>
<<s mc "Have you spoken to Novice Emma yet?">>
<<s dana "Yes. She has been as cryptic as you, but I think she is sincere, and you too. If I feel that God wants what you two are planning, whatever it is, I will go along with it.">>
<<s mc "You will know the truth soon, when you are ready. Have faith in God, and all will be well.">>
<<q dana 500 center>></cc>
/*<cc><<qendversion dana version0.2.0>></cc>*/
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi twirl1 48>>
Riley is meant to play the part of the problem student in Sister Dana's past, allowing you to recreate Sister Dana's original sin while performing the holy rite of Sin Eating. You will have to convince Riley to go along with this. You also must prevent Riley from running to the town to meet with boys, possibly getting pregnant and ruining her life.
<<qstart riley 100 center>>
<<c "Continue" school>>
<<event 900 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
You go to the empty classroom where Sister Dana has arranged for you to meet with Riley.
<p>Riley must have changed her school uniform into... this. She is dressed far too scantily for your liking, and she has an attitude to go with it.
<<addlust 20>></p>
<p>This is a provocation for sure. But Sister Dana said the problem student in her past was rebellious, so this is a good sign that Riley is the right person to play the part in the recreation of Sister Dana's original sin.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face1 45>>
<c><<s mc "Well? Have you thought about coming here without panties, as we talked about at the end of our last meeting?">>
<<s riley "Yeah, I'm not wearing any panties now. It wasn't hard to do.">>
<<s mc "Really? Let me see then.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face2 50>>
<<s riley "What? I won't show you!">>
<<s mc "Why not?">>
<<s riley "Because... you're a priest. And you're old.">>
<<s mc "I told you it was easy to say it. Harder to do it. If you can't even show yourself here in the safety of this room, how are you going to do it with a guy you've just met? Are you even naked under there? Drop the charade, Riley. You're just being provocative.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi face3 50>>
<<s riley "No, I am naked. But you're a priest! Are you even allowed to ask me that? To see my... between the legs.">>
<<s mc "What someone reveals to a priest will not leave the room. No one but us will know of this. That's why it's allowed. But you can't do it, can you?">>
<<s riley "I can too...">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv pussy 85 pause1>>
<c><<s riley "See?">>
<<addlust 40>>
<<s mc "You were telling the truth. I'm surprised. Now let's see if you pass the test.">>
<<s riley "What test?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv pussy2 60 right>>
<l><<s mc "First you have to show me your breasts too. That is what a man will expect when you're with him.">>
<<s riley "I didn't think a priest could do this with a girl.">>
<<s mc "You would be surprised how much is permitted to stop people from sinning. Are you prepared to show your breasts to a man, or not?">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv breasts 85 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<c><<s riley "What about... this?">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Good. Now, Riley, you know what happens when a man sees you naked, don't you? His male organ grows. And now we will test if you can handle seeing that.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 75>>
<<s riley "Wait, are you going to take it out?">>
<<s mc "No, you are. This is a test to see if you have what it takes to be with a man. Or you can stop talking about running to the boys in town.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 85 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<c>Hesitating for a few moments, Riley eventually gets down on her knees in front of you and opens your pants. Then she stops, staring silently at your fully grown manhood.
<<s mc "What are you waiting for?">>
<<s riley "What do you mean?">>
<<s mc "In a situation like this, a man will expect you to use your mouth on him.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face3 50 right>>
<<s riley "I can't do that on you! That's gross.">>
<<s mc "As I thought. You failed the test.">>
<<s riley "No, you said to be naked, and I am! This was something you added later.">>
<<s mc "You passed the first test. There are more tests you will have to pass to show you are ready to be with a man.">>
<<s riley "I don't need to prove anything to you! I can go to the town and get a guy without doing your stupid tests.">>
<<s mc "And do what with the guy when you can't even touch it?">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 75>>
<<s riley "See? I can touch it. But no way I'm gonna suck it. But I could suck a guy if I liked him.">>
<<s mc "Again, easy to say. More likely, you will act like you do now. Then the guy will laugh at you, or worse, get angry and force himself on you. And all this to risk getting pregnant and being labeled a harlot, looked down and spit upon by people. Not to mention your parents and their shame, and what they will do to you.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<s riley "I will do what I want. You can't stop me.">>
<<s mc "I'm not stopping you. I'm only trying to help you. As is Sister Dana. So, do you want to use your mouth?">>
<<ev 1240>>
<<mi face3 53>>
<<s riley "Eww, how about no? Forget it.">>
<<s mc "Your call. You should at least take some time to think about what I've said. Let's end for today, and we will meet here again soon.">>
<<s riley "Whatever...">>
<<c Leave>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi face4 45>>
<cc>Riley is proving a challenge, but that was to be expected. Your next meetings with Riley will prove crucial.
<<q riley 200 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>> /* will always have 100 lust here so go hub */
<<event 1000 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 900-100 30>>
<c>You go to the classroom where Sister Dana has arranged for you to meet with Riley.
<p>Riley is waiting for you with the same provocative attire and defiant attitude as earlier. But she is here, and that's what matters.
<<if $qqriley < 350>>
You can tell that your earlier sessions with her have made Riley respect you more – if only a little. You will have to work hard to make her submit to you.
<<addauth 1>>
<<qset riley 350>>
<<ev 130>>
<<mi face4 40>>
Your priority now is to get that rebellious side of hers under control. When you can control Riley, you can keep her away from the boys in the town and you can work on convincing her to play the part of the student when recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<qset riley 300>> /* no longer used */
<<qendversion riley version0.3.0>>
/*<<c "Sneak peek on the next update with Riley">>*/
<<ev 200>>
/*<cc><<coltext "Sneak peek on the next update with Riley" "ed3">></cc>*/
<cc>Going forward with Riley, you have to be consistent with her. She needs stability and a firm hand to guide her down a path that will save her from Satan's rebellious influence. But which path? You see two options with Riley:</cc>
<<mi face2 22 left>>
<r><div class="banner"><<trust>> <span class="shadow">path</span></div>Build on trust and kindness to <<colvar calm "trust-color" noItalics>> Riley's rebellious attitude.
/* to make her into a good and subservient girl. */
<<mi badgirl 22 left>>
<r><div class="banner"><<auth>> <span class="shadow">path</span></div>
Build on authority and tough love to <<colvar crush "auth-color" noItalics>> Riley's rebellious attitude.
/* to make her into a tough but subservient girl.*/
<<ntrytbut2 "Trust path" school1 "ev:1500 step:500 trust34">>
<<ntryabut2 "Authority path" school1 "ev:1500 step:2000 auth34">>
<<but "Decide path later" school1 "ev:1500 step:300">>
/****************** v3 **********************/
<<vv 3>>
<<event 1100 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You find Julia in her usual place.
You sit down to talk with her.</cc>
<<if $qqjulia>=1000>>
<<if $qqjulia<=1010>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:1300>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<s julia "I think I'm ready to join the convent, $fmc. You have helped me get rid of my wicked temptations. I have experienced what it is to be with a man. Not everything, but it's enough.">>
<<s mc "You must be sure about this before I can allow you to join the convent. You don't seem very sure.">>
<<s julia "Yes, I am sure. I wasn't, but now I am. I have prayed hard on it. My spirit is strong now. I spoke to the Mother Superior today and told her I was ready to join the convent. She said the timing wasn't the best, but that I could join if you approved of it. I told her you've been giving me spiritual guidance.">>
<<s mc "I see. <<mms>> is a wise woman. And if I allow you to join the convent, when will this be?">>
<<s julia "When I finish my current courses. Soon.">>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi 450-2600 22>>
Can you be sure that Julia's spirit will stay strong enough to resist her wicked thoughts about being with a man? She has not yet had a man penetrate her slit with his hard manhood, and you fear that desire in her will grow stronger with time.
<p>No, you can't risk it. The nuns are under attack from the Devil. You can't send someone weak in spirit in there. Unless Julia experiences fornicating with a man, fulfilling her desire, you can't trust that her spirit will be strong enough to resist Satan's temptations.</p>
<p>There is still some time before Julia finishes her courses. You must decide what to do with her until then.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<if $qqjulia==1010>>
<<s mc "How is your spirit now, Julia?">>
<<s julia "It's strong, $fmc. I'm ready to join the convent. Honest.">>
<<s mc "You may think so, but I can't risk it. Not until you have experienced having a man between your legs. That desire is strong in you.">>
<<s julia "But how will I experience it, then?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't allow you to join the convent, Julia. Your spirit is not strong enough to resist Satan's temptations of the flesh.">>
<<s julia "But it is. I can feel it.">>
<<s mc "You may think so, but I can't risk it. Not until you have experienced that which you covet most of all when being with a man.">>
<<s julia "You mean... having him inside me?">>
<<s mc "Yes. If you experienced that, maybe I will trust that you can purge those wicked thoughts once and for all.">>
<<q julia 1000>>
<<s julia "Hmm. Okay, but how will I experience it, then?">>
<<c "\"I'll think about it\"">><<but "\"You must fornicate with me\"" school1 "step:1400 corr35 ttt10">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 450-2600 25>>
<<cs mc "I'll think about it. We will return to this later.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father.">>
You could perform the holy rite of Sin Eating while fornicating with Julia. That would allow her to experience being with a man, yet be free of that sin. But would God approve if you were to lie down with the young virgin to let her join the convent?
<<q julia 1010 center>>
<<ev 1300>> /* when repeating */
<<mi 600-1000 25>>
<<s mc "Have you thought about what we discussed? I can't allow you to join the convent until we have fornicated during the holy rite of Sin Eating.">>
<<s julia "But I was thinking of doing it with someone my own age. I mean, if I ever did it.">>
<<s mc "But that won't happen. You have to do it with me.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:1500>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 600-1000 25>>
<<qset julia 1020>>
<<s mc "I will perform the holy rite of Sin Eating while we fornicate.">>
<<s julia "But I was thinking of doing it with someone my own age. I mean, if I ever did it.">>
<<s mc "But then you would commit such a grave sin that I couldn't allow you to join the convent. The Devil would come for you. No, you have to do it with me, that I may eat the sin.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi 450-2700 29 right>>
<<s julia "I don't know if I can do it with you, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "You must. Or I can't allow you to join the convent.">>
<<s julia "I've used my mouth on you, but more than that feels wrong.">>
<<set _tmess = "I'm trying to save you from Satan, Julia. There are things you don't know yet that will be clear to you when you join the convent. You have to trust me on this.">>
<<set _amess = "I'm trying to save you from the Devil, Julia. There are things you don't know yet that will be clear to you when you join the convent. As your priest, I command you to let me protect you from Satan's grasp. This must happen.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say julia "Yes, Father. I have to trust you, then. I will do it.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we must get naked.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say julia "Yes, Father. If you tell me it must happen, I will have to obey.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we must get naked.">>
<<d 1600>>
<<say mc _tmess>>
<<say julia "I'm sorry, Father. I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "I understand. But then I can't let you join the convent. Think about it until we meet again.">>
<<d 1600>>
<<say mc _amess>>
<<say julia "I'm sorry, Father. I can't do it.">>
<<s mc "Then I can't let you join the convent. You will have to think about this until we meet again.">>
<<trytbut "\"You have to trust me on this." "trust31">>
<<tryabut "\"As your priest, I command you.\"" "auth23">>
<<but "Continue">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi 450-2200 40>>
Until you are sure that Julia will be able to resist Satan's temptations, you can't let her join the convent. The Devil is attacking the nuns and you can't send a compromised soldier to join the battle.
<<q julia 1050>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 600-3300 65>>
<<cs mc "Start by polishing the Holy Rod.">>
<<addlust 100>></cc>
<<c "Get ready to fornicate">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<s mc "Now I will penetrate you with the Holy Rod.">>
<<s julia "Will it hurt? It's so big, and my... is so narrow.">>
<<s mc "The hole between your legs is meant to receive the grown manhood. It will be okay. This is what you wanted.">>
<<s julia "I know, but...">>
<<s mc "This has to be done. But all the talking has weakened the Holy Rod. You must use your mouth again.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70>>
<<cs mc "Good girl. Now I'm ready. Spread your legs for me.">>
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her virgin slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2203 70>>
<<cs julia "Father, it hurts. But it feels good too.">>
<<cs mc "Relax and enjoy this. It's important that you climax. You must get this filthy desire out of your system.">>
<<c "Use her mouth again">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
You have to pull out from Julia's tight hole or you will spill the Holy Seed too soon. Her mouth will service you until you are ready to continue.
<cc><<lbut "Re-enter her teenage slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2300 65>>
<cc>You are a priest from the Vatican. You are not supposed to lie with young virgins. But this is what you have to do now. And you are successfully pushing Julia closer to the pleasure peak.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 1100-2304 70>>
<cc>Julia's slit is slippery wet as she finally reaches climax. She moans in ecstasy. You almost spill your seed, but you pull out in time. You can't risk impregnating her.</cc>
<<c "Use her mouth">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
<cc>You use Julia's mouth again to get ready to release the Holy Seed. But you can't resist the temptation of entering her tight teenage slit again.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2400 65>>
<<cs julia "I did it, Father. I climaxed. You can stop now.">>
<<cs mc "A man can't stop when he has started. You should know this by now. I must finish by releasing the Holy Seed.">>
<<cs julia "Inside me?">>
<<cs mc "No, I will pull out and anoint you. Be ready soon.">>
<cc><<lbut "Go faster" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 1100-2404 65>>
You pound the young girl, waiting for the sweet release of the Holy Seed. And soon it comes.</cc>
<<c "Anoint her">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 600-3308 65>>
You anoint Julia with your seed.
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 600-3310 65>>
<<cs mc "Now you have been with a man for real. You must pray hard on this. You must be sure that this will be enough, for your spirit to stay strong enough to resist your desires of the flesh.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father. I'm sure I can join the convent now, but I will pray hard.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi m 60>>
<cc>Julia is no longer a virgin according to cultural rules – though thanks to the holy rites, she is still a virgin in the eyes of the Lord. You hope that by fulfilling Julia's desire to be with a man, she will finally be ready to join the convent. You should visit Julia again tomorrow.
<<q julia 1200 center>>
Fornicating with Julia without releasing your seed inside her has increased her trust in you.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1200 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You find Julia in her usual place.
You sit down to talk with her.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<s mc "How are you feeling now? Have you gotten rid of the sinful thoughts about being with a man?">>
<<s julia "Oh, yes. I won't lie... It was amazing to experience that. It felt so good, like heaven. But now that I have experienced it, I know I can put it behind me and go forward, giving myself only to God.">>
<<s mc "I'm glad to hear it.">>
<<s julia "I'm almost finished with the courses. Then I can join the convent. So could you tell the Mother Superior that you give your approval?">>
<<s mc "Yes, as soon as I am confident that you indeed are ready to join.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 450-2600 27 right>>
<<s julia "When will that be?">>
<<s mc "Very soon, I hope. I have to consider this carefully and pray to God for guidance.">>
<<s julia "Yes, of course.">>
You should think about this and visit Julia again tomorrow.
<<q julia 1300>>
<<event 1300 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You find Julia in her usual place.
You sit down to talk with her.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<s mc "Are you still absolutely certain that you have gotten rid of the sinful thoughts about being with a man?">>
<<s julia "Oh, yes. Now that I have experienced it, I know I can put it behind me and go forward, giving myself only to God.">>
This is not a decision you can take lightly. You must be sure before you approve of Julia joining the convent. If her spirit is not strong enough, she will be easy prey for Satan.
<<c "Julia is ready to join">><<but "You must fornicate with her again" school1 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 450-2600 27 right>>
<<s mc "Julia, I think you are ready. I will go to <<mms>> and tell her that you have my approval to join the convent.">>
<<s julia "Oh, thank you, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "I have much to do, so I will not be visiting you again here in the school, unless you call for me. But I'm looking forward to seeing you soon, once you have joined the nuns.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father. I'm looking forward to it too.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 500-2500 40>>
<<if $qqjulia==1410>>
You have finally allowed Julia to join the convent.
You have successfully helped Julia get ready to join the convent.
You almost feel sorry to see her go. You will undoubtedly meet Julia in the monastery after she has joined, but now that she is of strong spirit and cleansed of sin, there may be no need to see her naked again, to perform any more holy rites on her.
<p>On the other hand, with Satan targeting the nuns in the convent, you can't be sure. At the very least, you may have to strengthen Julia's protection against the Devil by anointing her again.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii ms/ms1 20>>
But now you must visit <<mms>> to inform her of your approval to let Julia join the convent.
<<if $qqjulia==1410>>
<<q julia 1420 center>>
<<q julia 1400 center>>
<<but "Leave the school" hub>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 450-2600 23>>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I can't trust that you are ready yet, Julia.">>
<<s julia "But why?">>
<<s mc "I still sense that you have sinful desires toward men. Your young body lusts for sexual relations.">>
<<s julia "I will admit that I feel some lust, but that is natural. What's important is that I am strong enough to not give in to the lust. My spirit is strong now.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 600-1000 23>>
<<s mc "You are correct. Having lust is not a sin in itself. But I can't trust that your spirit is strong enough. Not yet. I think we have to fornicate again. We need to take care of that itch of yours, your lust to be with a man, before you join.">>
<<s julia "If you think it will help, I will do it again. But can you let me join then?">>
<<s mc "Hopefully. I can't promise anything. I must be sure before I can let you become a nun.">>
<<s julia "Yes, $fmc. Shall I get naked then?">>
<<s mc "Yes. And then you can get the Holy Rod ready with your mouth.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 600-3300 65>>
<cc>Having done this several times before, Julia quickly gets the Holy Rod ready for action.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Get ready to fornicate">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 1100-2100 65>>
<<cs mc "Now I will penetrate you with the Holy Rod.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father. I'm ready. Will it hurt in the beginning this time too?">>
<<cs mc "Maybe. It will pass. But now you made me lose focus. You have to use your mouth again.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
<<cs mc "Good girl. Now I'm ready. Spread your legs for me.">>
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her teenage slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2203 70>>
<<cs julia "Father, it hurts. But it feels good too.">>
<<cs mc "Relax and enjoy this. It's important that you climax. You must get this filthy desire out of your system.">>
<<c "Use her mouth">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
You have to pull out from Julia's tight hole or you will spill the Holy Seed too soon. Her mouth will service you until you are ready to continue.
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her tight hole again" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2300 65>>
<cc>With your big rod of flesh going in and out of Julia's tight hole, you are successfully pushing her closer to the pleasure peak</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 1100-2304 70>>
<cc>Julia's slit is slippery wet as she finally reaches climax. She moans in ecstasy. You almost spill your seed, but you pull out in time. You can't risk impregnating her.</cc>
<<c "Use her mouth">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
<cc>You use Julia's mouth again to get ready to release the Holy Seed. But you can't resist the temptation of entering her tight teenage slit again.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2400 65>>
<<cs julia "I did it, Father. I climaxed. But you can continue until you are ready to finish too.">>
<<cs mc "Yes, I will finish by anointing you. Be ready soon.">>
<cc><<lbut "Go faster" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 1100-2404 65>>
You pound the young girl, waiting for the sweet release of the Holy Seed. And soon it comes.</cc>
<<c "Anoint her">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 600-3308 65>>
You anoint Julia with your seed.
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 600-3310 65>>
<<cs mc "Now you have been with a man again. You must pray hard on this. You must be sure that this will be enough, for your spirit to stay strong enough to resist your desires of the flesh.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father. I'm sure I can join the convent now, but I will pray hard.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi 1100-2700 65>>
<cc>You hope that by once again fulfilling her desire to be with a man,<br>
Julia will finally be ready to join the convent.
<<q julia 1340 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 1400 julia>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You find Julia in her usual place.
You sit down to talk with her.</cc>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<s mc "You wanted to see me, Julia?">>
<<s julia "Yes. I've been thinking. If you don't think I'm ready to join the convent, even with everything we've done, perhaps that is a sign that I'm not meant to give myself only to God. Maybe I'm meant to live a normal life. Find a man to marry and start a family. That would explain why I had these desires to be with a man. It's what I'm meant to do.">>
Hearing Julia's thoughts about finding a man to marry make you upset. No man should be where you have been. That's just wrong. This can't be what God wants. You have to prevent this from happening.
<<c "Tell Julia she is ready to join the convent">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 450-2600 27 right>>
<<s mc "No, Julia. You are meant to become a nun. You are ready to join the convent.">>
<<s julia "I am? But I have these doubts now, because of what I told you.">>
<<s mc "That is the Devil trying to stop you from becoming a nun. I can see this now. That's why you've had these temptations to sin with a man. Satan has been trying to prevent a soldier from joining the enemy. You have a purpose, and your purpose is to fight on God's side.">>
<<s julia "It is? I mean, it sounds good, but I didn't know Satan's presence was so strong here, at the monastery.">>
<<s mc "I understand why you think that. Many think like you, and that is dangerous. When you stop being vigilant against evil, evil may sneak past your defenses.">>
<<s julia "That is true.">>
<<s mc "Things are happening right now. Here at the monastery. I can't say more. All will be clear to you when you join the convent. And you must join the convent, Julia. Clear the doubts out of your mind. Don't let Satan confuse you.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 450-2100 25>>
<<cs julia "Yes, $fmc. Your words have given me confidence again. I'm ready to join the convent.">>
<<cs mc "Good.">>
<<qset julia 1410>> /* checked in ev1300 st400 */
<<but "Leave her" school1 "ev:1300 step:400">>
<<vv 3.1>>
/* Jumping from event 1000 to get to the section for v3.1 */
<<event 1500 riley>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi face1 40>>
You don't want to rush your choice on how to proceed with Riley. Though time is of the essence, you have to make sure that your trust and authority with Riley are strong enough for the path you choose or you are doomed to fail.
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 800-400 63>>
You spend some time with Riley in the classroom, taking a neutral stance, just getting to know the girl, and making sure she is not doing anything stupid with the boys in the town until you are ready to decide on how to proceed with her.
<p>When you ask her about it, Riley defiantly shows you that she is naked under her skirt. You challenge her to keep wearing nothing under her skirt when she meets with you. </p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi face2 45>>
<cc>You have decided to calm Riley's rebellious attitude by building on trust and kindness.
<<set $rileyPath = "trust">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:2100">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi badgirl 45>>
<cc>You have decided to crush Riley's rebellious attitude by building on authority and tough love.
<<set $rileyPath = "authority">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:2100">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi face1 40>>
/*<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<set _rileychoice = "calm">>
<<set _rileychoice = "crush">>
<c>You can't be too successful, yet, as you need Riley to perform as the rebellious student from Sister Dana's past. Right now, you just need to tame the rebel in Riley enough to be able to control her.
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<q riley 401>>
<<q riley 402>>
<<set $rileyRebel = 100>>
<<set $rileySpendTime = 0>>
<<but "Start taming Riley" school1 "ev:1600">>
<<event 1600 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "Taming Riley">><<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>><div class="rotate-20" style="width:7rem"><<space>></div><</if>></cc>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 22 left>>
<<mi badgirl 22 left>>
<div class="banner">
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<span class="shadow">path</span><div class="shadow" style="float:right; margin-top:0.3rem">Rebel: <<if $rileyRebel>50>><<coltext "$rileyRebel" f00 noItalics>><<else>><<coltext "$rileyRebel" 0f0 noItalics>><</if>> Goal: <<coltext "50" 0f0 noItalics>></div>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
Build on trust and kindness to <<colvar calm "trust-color" noItalics>> Riley's rebellious attitude.
Build on authority and tough love to <<colvar crush "auth-color" noItalics>> Riley's rebellious attitude.
<<set _rileytame = "">>
<<set _rileysexed = "">>
<<set _rileyconvince = "">>
<<set _rileycstyle = "color:#606678">>
<<if $qqriley >= 600>>
<<set _rileysexed = "strike-through">>
<<if $rileyRebel<=50>>
<<set _rileytame = "strike-through">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
<<set _rileyconvince = "strike-through">>
<<set _rileycstyle = "">>
<<elseif _rileysexed != "" && _rileytame != "">>
<<set _rileycstyle = "">>
<div @class=_rileytame>
1) Tame the rebel in Riley enough to get her under control.<br>
<div @class=_rileysexed>
2) Get Riley ready to perform her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.<br>
<<if _rileycstyle == "" && !setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
<div class="green-glow"><<but "3) Convince Riley to participate in a threesome with Sister Dana" school1 "ev:2500 special">></div>
<div @style=_rileycstyle @class=_rileyconvince>
3) Convince Riley to participate in a threesome with Sister Diana.
<<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
<div style="color:#db8">
You have gotten Riley to where you want her.<br>You may repeat the sex lessons, but Riley's rebel level will stay the same.</cc>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 100>>
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:120%; padding-bottom:0.6rem" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Sex Education</b></div>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
<<nunlist school/riley/riley_small riley custom "You have already had sex ed with Riley today">>
<<nbut "Start sex education" school1 "ev:1600 step:2100 qqrileySexEd<<200 special specialNew">>
<<nbut "Oral sex" school1 "ev:1700 qqrileySexEd>=200 qqrileySexEd<<400 special">>
<<nbut "Oral sex" school1 "ev:1710 qqrileySexEd>=400 special">>
<<nbut "Vaginal sex" school1 "ev:1800 qqrileySexEd>=400 qqrileySexEd<<500 special specialNew">>
<<nbut "Vaginal sex" school1 "ev:1900 qqrileySexEd>=500 qqrileySexEd<<800 special">>
<<nbut "Vaginal sex" school1 "ev:1900 step:150 qqrileySexEd>=800 special">>
<<nbut "Anal sex" school1 "ev:2300 qqrileySexEd>=700 qqrileySexEd<<800 special specialNew">>
<<nbut "Anal sex" school1 "ev:2300 qqrileySexEd>=800 qqrileySexEd<<1000 special">>
<<nbut "Anal sex" school1 "ev:2300 step:150 qqrileySexEd>=1000 special">>
/*<<nbut "Anoint" mc1 "ev:1300 sofia#played500 special specialReplay">>
<<nbut "Fornication" mc1 "ev:1100 qqsofia>=200 special specialReplay">>
<<nbut "Sodomy" mc1 "ev:1200 qqsofia>=200 special specialReplay">>*/
<<nunlist school/riley/riley_small riley custom "need custom for correct image path">>
/* changing from nbut to but here to avoid "already played", allowing replaying as many times as want */
<<but "Oral sex" school1 "ev:1710 qqrileySexEd>=400 special">>
<<but "Vaginal sex" school1 "ev:1900 step:150 qqrileySexEd>=800 special">>
<<but "Anal sex" school1 "ev:2300 step:150 qqrileySexEd>=1000 special">>
<<if $qqrileySexEd == 600>>
<<qendversion rileySexEd version0.3.1>>
<<but "Spend time talking with Riley" school1 "step:1000 qqrileySexEd<<100 doplay:rileySpendTime=1 rileySpendTime<<1">>
<<but "Spend time talking with Riley" school1 "step:1200 qqrileySexEd>=100 qqrileySexEd<<400 doplay:rileySpendTime=1 rileySpendTime<<1">>
<<but "Spend time talking with Riley" school1 "step:1300 qqrileySexEd>=400 qqrileySexEd<<600 doplay:rileySpendTime=1 rileySpendTime<<1">>
<<but "Spend time talking with Riley" school1 "step:1400 qqrileySexEd>=600 riley#notcompleted doplay:rileySpendTime=1 rileySpendTime<<1">>
<<if $qqrileySexEd == 200>>
<<but "Quit for today" school1 step:200>>
<<but "Quit for today" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi lick2 46 right>>
<l>You have started educating Riley about sex to prepare her for her role in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<p>To tailor the sex ed lessons for this recreation, you need to know the specifics about the sexual sins that Sister Dana committed with her boyfriend when they seduced that young female student all those years ago.</p>
<p>You have to talk to Sister Dana about it. She might not be willing to go into detail. Your best bet to make her talk is to visit her in the dungeons when she offers herself to the lust demon.
<<q dana 700>>
<<qset rileySexEd 210>> /* To not trigger the special "Quit for today" again */
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 800-400 60>>
<c>You talk with Riley about her parents, especially her strict dad who is the one who forced Riley to go to this school to learn to behave like a good girl.
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
You take Riley's side and make her feel validated.
<<rebel trust oral>></p>
<p>You inform Riley about your high position within the Catholic church, and the sway you have over the authorities, and her dad. You don't overtly threaten her, but you make Riley understand that you have the power to make her life much worse than it is.
<<rebel authority oral>></p>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 800-400 60>>
<c>You talk with Riley about her parents, especially her strict dad who is the one who forced Riley to go to this school to learn to behave like a good girl.
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
You take Riley's side and make her feel validated.
<<rebel trust oral>></p>
<p>You remind Riley of your high position within the Catholic church, and the sway you have over the authorities, and her dad. You don't overtly threaten her, but you make Riley understand how easy it would be for you to make her life much worse than it is.
<<rebel authority oral>></p>
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyOralLowest && $qqrileySexEd >= 310>>
<p>You think Riley is ready to move on to a more advanced sex ed lesson.
<<q rileySexEd 400>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:100>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 800-400 60>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd < 500 && $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyOralLowest - setup.rileyRebelReduce>>
<c>You have yet to start the vaginal sex education with Riley. Until you do that, you don't want to risk your plans for Riley by taming the rebel in her too much. She must still be rebellious to play the role of the problem student from Sister Dana's past.
<p>Because of this, you just have a short conversation with Riley about nothing in particular.</p>
<c>You talk with Riley about God.
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
You make Riley feel loved by the Lord, and you as well.
<<rebel trust vaginal>></p>
<p>You make Riley fear God as a good Christian should. You also make her understand that your authority comes from the Lord Almighty.
<<rebel authority vaginal>></p>
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyVaginalLowest && $qqrileySexEd >= 510>>
<p>You think Riley is ready to move on to a more advanced sex ed lesson.
<<q rileySexEd 600>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:100>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv 800-400 60>>
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyAnalLowest>>
<c>You have already tamed the rebel in Riley just enough to reach your goal. You don't want to risk your plans for Riley by taming her too much. She must still be rebellious to play the role of the problem student from Sister Dana's past.
<p>Because of this, you just have a short conversation with Riley about nothing in particular.</p>
<c>You talk with Riley about Satan.
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
You instill the fear of Satan in Riley, and then you make her trust that you are protecting her from Satan.
<<rebel trust anal>></p>
<p>You instill the fear of Satan in Riley, making her understand that Satan is coming for her if she misbehaves too much.
<<rebel authority anal>></p>
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyAnalLowest>>
<p>You think you have tamed the rebel in Riley just enough.
<<but "Continue" school1 step:100>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi face1 36>>
<c>Talking is one thing, but you must also educate Riley about sex to prepare her for her role in recreating Sister Dana's original sin. Riley doesn't know what you are planning for her, and she doesn't need to know, not until the time is right to tell her.
<p>As a bonus, the practical sex ed classes will provide you with good opportunities to tame the rebel in Riley.
<<qstart rileySexEd 100>>
<<ev 2020>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 40>>
<<mi badgirl 36>>
<c>Your course of action for Riley has been decided. With a combination of talks and sex education, you will tame her and make her ready for her role in recreating Sister Dana's original sin. But you must be consistent and stay true to the path of $rileyPath you have chosen to take with her. If you give Riley mixed signals, you risk losing progress with her, making it take longer to reach your goal.
<<q riley 500>>
<<qendversion riley version0.3.1>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:100>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi face4 40 right>>
<<s mc "Riley, you've shown that you are very inexperienced when it comes to sex. Which is a good thing because sex should not take place outside of marriage. But you say you want to be with the boys in town. Well, then I must first educate you about sex or the boys will laugh at you.">>
<<s riley "What's there to know? We get naked and he puts it in there.">>
<<s mc "Sex involves much more than that. For instance, boys want you to use your mouth on them. But as we've seen, you can hardly touch a grown male organ.">>
<<s riley "Sure I can. If I like the guy.">>
<<s mc "Yes, you keep saying that. It's easy to say things. Having experience is another thing.">>
<c>You have continued to challenge Riley to wear nothing under her skirt when she meets with you, but you haven't done any more "tests" with her. That will change now.</c>
<<c "Tell her to sit on your desk">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi m 48>>
<c>After grumbling about it, Riley finally sits down on the desk.
<<s mc "Lift your skirt.">>
<<s riley "Why? You know I'm naked.">>
<<s mc "How can I know if you don't show me?">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv pussy2 40 right>>
<<s riley "See?">>
<<addlust 40>>
<<s mc "Now show me your breasts.">>
<<s riley "What for? I've shown them to you already.">>
<<s mc "I have to see if you pass the first test before I continue with the next one. I don't want the boys to laugh at you.">>
<<s riley "I don't want to do your stupid tests. They don't prove anything. I want to be with boys my age, not with old geezers like you.">>
<<s mc "So you fail the test, then.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv breasts 85 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<<s riley "Want to see them? Here. Happy?">>
<<addlust 40>>
<<s mc "That's better. Now comes the hard part. Literally and figuratively.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi 900-800 60>>
<<s riley "I'm not gonna suck on it. I told you.">>
<<s mc "I bet you won't touch it either. That's good. Sex is not for you. You're too young and immature.">>
<<s riley "I'm not. But I'm not interested in your thing.">>
<<s mc "You're scared of it because it's so big. But this is how the boys will look down there too. And you will run away, and they will laugh at you.">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 900-900 100 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<<cs riley "I can handle it.">>
<<cs mc "Prove it.">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi 900-1200 83>>
<<s riley "There... I can do this, no problem. And if I like the guy, I could suck it too.">>
<<s mc "How do you know if you haven't even tried it once? Not even licked it. Your lack of experience will show when you're with the boys.">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mi lick 47>>
<cc><<cs mc "What's that? You're barely touching it.">></cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi lick2 52 right>>
<<s mc "That's better. Now put it in your mouth.">>
<<s riley "No! I could do it, but I don't want to.">>
<<s mc "Sometimes we have to do things we rather not do to make things work out for the best later. You must get used to this if you want to be with boys. If you can do it with me, you know you can do it with the boys and you will feel relaxed about it. The boys will see this and they won't make fun of you.">>
<<s riley "I will do it just to stop you pestering me about it.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv suck1 100 volume0.5>>
<cc><<cs mc "That's good. Keep going.">></cc>
<<tbut "Approve of her efforts" school1 step3200>>
<<abut "Show her who's the boss" school1 step:3300>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv sucktrust1 100 volume0.5>>
<cc><<cs mc "You're doing very good for being your first time.">>
<<cs riley "I am?">>
<<rebel trust "oral center">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv suckauth1 90 volume0.5>>
You press Riley's head down on your hard manhood. She resists, but you keep the pressure until she relaxes.
<<s mc "Too much for you? I understand if you can't handle it. The boys won't though.">>
<<s riley "No, I'm fine. I just wasn't prepared.">>
<<s mc "Exactly. Because you didn't know what to expect. You're learning.">>
<<rebel authority oral>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv suck2 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Riley continues to use her mouth on you, more eagerly now. Your seed is coming soon.
<<cs mc "The last part is the hardest.">>
<<cs riley "What part?">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<<s mc "The boys will want to release their seed in your face and mouth. And you want that too, because the other place they want to release it is between your legs, and that will make you pregnant.">>
<<s riley "They can finish on my stomach or something.">>
<<s mc "But they don't want that. No, you must get used to this. I will finish in your face.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv suck2 100 volume0.5>>
<c>Without answering, Riley continues to use her mouth on you. Maybe she wants this to be over. But you aren't finished with her just yet.
<<tbut "Let her rest for a moment" school1 step3700>>
<<abut "Establish your authority" school1 step:3800>>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv sucktrust2 66 volume0.5>>
<c><<s mc "Catch your breath for a moment. You've earned it.">>
Riley looks thankful and keeps stimulating you with her hands while she takes a break.
<<rebel trust oral>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:3900>>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv suckauth2 100 volume0.5>>
<c>You spank her butt. Not too hard, just enough to establish that you are in charge. Riley whimpers when you hit her, but she says nothing.
<<rebel authority oral>></c>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:3900>>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv m 45 volume0.35>>
<cc>You tell Riley to continue. Then you move around to get a better reach of her butt and the slit between her legs. It's important that you make her get used to being touched down there.</cc>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv suck3 85 volume0.2>>
<cc>You can't take any more of her sweet mouth. It's time to finish this.
<<cs mc "Open your mouth and prepare to receive the seed. It's coming now.">>
<<c "Release your seed in Riley's face">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv cum1 86>>
<cc2>Riley looks uncomfortable as you unload your seed on her tongue, but she does her best to put on a brave face.
<<rebel null "oral center">></cc2>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv cum1after 90>>
<<s mc "Swallow some of it to get used to the taste. The boys will like it if you swallow.">>
Riley does as you say. Most of your massive load is still on her face or drooling out of her mouth.
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi cum1after 85>>
<<cs mc "How do you feel now? Was all this too much for you?">>
<<cs riley "No, I'm fine. So now you see that I can do this with the boys in town.">>
<<cs mc "Perhaps. But there is much for you to learn yet.">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi 1700-4500 50>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Oral sex lesson:">></div>
You have finished the first oral sex lesson with Riley. You have to repeat this lesson with her until she is ready to move on to a more advanced lesson.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi m 60>>
<c>As you get dressed, Riley lets you know with her middle finger that she is far from submitting to your authority. The rebel in her is still strong. And that's fine. Riley still needs much more sex education before she is ready to play her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<q rileySexEd 200>>
<<but "End sex ed lesson" school1 step:100>>
<<event 1610>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 77>>
<c>You have not yet spoken to Sister Dana about the sexual details of her original sin. You should do that before you continue your work with Riley.
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 1700 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 800-400>>
<<s mc "Riley, you still need experience if you are going to be with boys. I want us to repeat the oral sex lesson.">>
<<s riley "Why? I've proven I can do it.">>
<<s mc "With more experience, you will get better at it. The boys will appreciate it.">>
<<s riley "Whatever.">>
<<c "Tell her to sit on your desk">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi 1600-2300 48>>
<c>After grumbling about it, Riley finally sits down on the desk.
<<s mc "Lift your skirt.">>
<<s riley "Why? If we're gonna do this, just pull down your pants and let's do it.">>
<<s mc "I need to see you naked. That's how a man gets hard.">>
<<ev 2350>>
<<mv pussy 80>>
<cc>Riley shows you her slit without another word.
<<addlust 40>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv pussy2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Now take out your breasts.">>
<<s riley "You must see them too to get hard?">>
<<s mc "It helps, yes. God created the naked female body to entice men. And this is what the boys will expect too.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv breasts 85 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<<s riley "Fine...">>
<<addlust 40>>
<<s mc "Good. Now you can get down on your knees and we can start the lesson.">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 900-900 100 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<cc>Rather than protesting, Riley just sighs and gets down on her knees.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi lick2 52 right>>
<<s mc "It's okay to tease a little. But do it too long and it looks like you're hesitating.">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv suck1 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Riley quits stalling and takes your hard manhood in her mouth.
<<cs mc "That's good. Keep going.">></cc>
<<tbut "Approve of her efforts" school1 step:3200>>
<<abut "Show her who's the boss" school1 step:3300>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv sucktrust1 100 volume0.5>>
<cc><<cs mc "You're doing great, Riley. Good girl.">>
<<rebel trust "oral center">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv suckauth1 90 volume0.5>>
You press Riley's head down on your swollen member. She instinctively resists, but only for a second. You keep the pressure for a little while before you let her go.
<<rebel authority oral>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv suck2 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Riley continues to use her mouth on you, more eagerly now. Your seed is coming soon.
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 1600-3500 100 volume0.5>>
<<s mc "Get ready soon. I will release the seed in your face.">>
<<s riley "Why must you do it there? It smells and tastes weird.">>
<<s mc "You must get used to it. You want the boys to do it there instead of between your legs which will make you pregnant.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv suck2 100 volume0.5>>
<c>Without answering, Riley continues to use her mouth on you. Maybe she wants this to be over. But you aren't finished with her just yet.
<<tbut "Let her rest for a moment" school1 step:3700>>
<<abut "Establish your authority" school1 step:3800>>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv sucktrust2 66 volume0.5>>
<c><<s mc "Catch your breath for a moment. You've earned it.">>
Riley looks thankful and keeps stimulating you with her hands while she takes a break.
<<rebel trust oral>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:3900>>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv suckauth2 100 volume0.5>>
<c>You spank her butt. Not too hard, just enough to establish that you are in charge. Riley whimpers when you hit her, but she says nothing.
<<rebel authority oral>></c>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:3900>>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv 1600-3900 45 volume0.35>>
<cc>You move around to get a better reach of her butt and the slit between her legs. It's important that you make her get used to being touched down there.</cc>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv suck3 85 volume0.2>>
<cc>You can't take any more of her sweet mouth. It's time to finish this.
<<cs mc "Open your mouth and prepare to receive the seed. It's coming now.">>
<<c "Release your seed in Riley's face">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv cum1 86>>
<cc2>Riley looks uncomfortable as you unload your seed on her tongue, but she does her best to put on a brave face.
<<rebel null "oral center">></cc2>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv cum1after 90>>
<<s mc "Swallow some of it to get used to the taste. The boys will like it if you swallow.">>
Riley does as you say. Most of your massive load is still on her face or drooling out of her mouth.
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi cum1after 85>>
<<cs mc "How was it this time? Are you getting used to it or do you want to practice more?">>
<<cs riley "No, I'm all good. I could do this with boys now, no problem.">>
<<cs mc "Perhaps. But you could still do with more experience.">>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 400>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi m 50>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd == 300>>
/* Flag to mark doing oral lesson at least twice; requirement to advance to vaginal. That check is needed to prevent mc from advancing by just talking to riley after first oral lesson */
<<qset rileySexEd 310>>
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyOralLowest + (setup.rileyRebelReduce * 2)>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Oral sex education: Completed">></div>
You think you have come as far as you can with this sex ed lesson when it comes to taming the rebel in Riley. Repeating it again would likely not help much. To further tame Riley, you should continue with a more advanced lesson.
<<q rileySexEd 400>>
<<elseif $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyOralPreLowest>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Oral sex lesson:">></div>
You have repeated the oral sex lesson with Riley.
<p>You are making good progress with her. Repeating this sex ed lesson with Riley can only take you so far in taming the rebel in her, but as long as you stick to your path of $rileyPath, Riley should soon be ready to move on to a more advanced lesson.
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Oral sex lesson:">></div>
You have repeated the oral sex lesson with Riley.
<p>You still haven't tamed the rebel in Riley enough to advance to the next sex ed lesson. You should stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath and you will get there.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 1600-5000 60>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("rileySexEd")>>
<c>You have finished another sex ed lesson with Riley. As you get dressed, she lets you know with her middle finger that she has still not fully submitted to your authority. <<if !setup.questCompleted("riley")>>And you don't want her too. Not until she has played her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.<<else>> But she has submitted enough that you feel you can control her.<</if>>
<c>You have finished another sex ed lesson with Riley. As you get dressed, she lets you know with her middle finger that she is far from submitting to your authority. The rebel in her is still strong. And that's fine. Riley still needs more sex education before she is ready to play her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<q rileySexEd 200>>
<<but "End sex ed lesson" school1 "ev:1600 step:100">>
<<event 1710 riley>> /* played when finished oral sex education */
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 1700-4500 55>>
<c>Riley has already completed the oral sex education. She could still use the extra practice, but if you don't stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath, it could hurt your progress with her.
<<set _rolowest = setup.rileyOralLowest>>
<<special "(Note that oral sex lessons can only tame the rebel in Riley down to _rolowest)">>
<<but "Repeat the oral sex lesson" school1 "ev:1700">>
<<event 1800 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 900-100 35 right>>
<l>You have convinced Sister Dana and yourself that Riley must be the girl who is supposed to help recreate Sister Dana's original sin by playing the role of the problem student. This role does not require normal sexual intercourse, only oral sex and sodomy, but you would be a bad teacher if you only taught Riley the unnatural ways for a man and woman to have sexual relations.
<p>There is also the pressing matter of stopping Riley from running away to town to fornicate with strange men. By making her accept to be educated on sexual intercourse, you could keep her from seeking out "the boys in town" for the time being. It's better that she does it with you in a controlled environment than offering herself as a harlot to men in town.</p>
<<ev 140>>
<<mi face4 40 right>>
But now that you are about to start educating Riley about sexual intercourse, you get second thoughts. Does God approve of this?
<p>You have taken a vow of chastity. Previously, you have had sexual relations with women when using the holy rites, and this has kept your chastity intact in the eyes of the Lord. But with Riley, you will not use a holy rite. The ancient sacraments should not be abused and should ideally only be performed on someone with their knowledge and consent. And you can't trust the forbidden knowledge of the holy rites to the wild Riley.</p>
<p>However, you will be doing this an act of <<hovertip charity charity>> to Riley. Since charity is the greatest of the <<hovertip 'seven virtues,' SevenVirtues>> greater than the virtue of chastity, this should mean that you will not break your vow of chastity as long as what you do is an act of charity. It also means you will not commit an act of fornication, as an act of the greatest virtue cannot possibly be a grave sin.</p>
<p>Yes, that makes sense. But still, can you be sure of this?</p>
<<c "You should think about it">><<but "Yes, this is the path forward" school1 "step:500 corr35">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi twirl1 50>>
<c>Although you had everything planned out, you hesitate. You are about to deflower a young girl. For a good reason, yes, but you have to be sure that God approves. You need to think about this.
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 800-400 65>>
<c>You spend some time talking with Riley, touching on the topic of sexual intercourse in vague terms, warning her about the risks of getting pregnant.
<p>You doubt boring talk like this will have much of an effect on Riley.</p>
<<but "Continue" school1 ev:1600>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 800-400 65>>
<c>Educating Riley about normal sexual intercourse is the best thing for her. God will understand that you are doing this as an act of charity to Riley, allowing you to remain chaste in His eyes.</c>
<<c "Tell her to sit on your desk">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 1600-2300 48>>
<cc>Riley sits down on the desk without any fuss, getting used to it.
<<cs mc "You know the drill. Lift your skirt.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv pussy2 48 right>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "Riley, you are a virgin, right?">>
<<s riley "Yes, because Dad won't let me see boys. But I'm gonna go to town and soon I won't be a virgin anymore.">>
/*<<s mc "If you are going to be with boys, it's time you learn about sexual intercourse and what you have between your legs – your... ahem, vagina. And the man with his... penis.">>*/
<<s mc "If you are going to be with boys, it's time you learn about sexual intercourse and what you have between your legs.">>
<<ev 720>>
<<mv pussy2 48 right>>
<<s riley "I know all that already.">>
<<s mc "I doubt that. I will teach you.">>
<<s riley "What do you know? You're a priest.">>
<<s mc "I know more than you, that's for sure. With age comes knowledge and wisdom. Now spread your legs wide for me.">>
<<s riley "What are you gonna do?">>
<<s mc "I will teach you important things about sex. You'll see. Are you afraid of spreading your legs for me?">>
<<s riley "No...">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv pussylook 44 "right pause2 volume0">>
<l>You have Riley lie down on the desk.
<<addlust 40>>
/*<<s mc "We'll start with your vagina. Have you gotten wet down there when thinking about having sex?">>*/
<<s mc "Have you ever gotten wet down here when thinking about having sex?">>
<<s riley "Yes. And when... it feels good, I get wet.">>
<<s mc "Touching yourself for pleasure is a grave sin. But let's forget that now. The reason you get wet is to lubricate the man when he enters you.">>
<<s riley "I knew that.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi m 76>>
<<s mc "Your hole is much smaller than the fully grown male organ. That means it can hurt when he enters you, if you are not used to it. If you learn to relax, it will not hurt. It will feel good. Do you understand?">>
<<s riley "Yeah, I got it.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we'll try it now. I will be careful.">>
<<ev 950>>
<<mi 900-800 70>>
<<s riley "Wait, what do you mean? Do you want to have sex with me?">>
<<s mc "I don't <<italics want>> it, but you need to learn this. It's for your own good. It's better that your first time is with me than some strange man in town who will treat you badly because you want to stop when it hurts.">>
<<ev 970>>
<<mi face3 42 right>>
<<s riley "But you're a priest! Aren't you supposed to be, like, chaste or whatever?">>
<<s mc "Yes, you are correct. I have taken a vow of chastity. And I will remain chaste in the eyes of the Lord because I am doing this as an act of charity to you. You have learned about the seven virtues, right? So you know that to do an act of charity means I'm doing an act of love for my neighbor, my fellow human – in this case, you. Charity is the greatest of the seven virtues, greater than the virtue of chastity. That means I will not break my vow of chastity as long as what I do is an act of charity. This also means what we do is not fornication, which would be a grave sin. Doing an act of virtue is the opposite of sinning. Do you understand now?">>
<<ev 980>>
<<mi face3 40>>
<<s riley "If you say so. I think it's weird that you can have sex with me and it won't count. Do priests often do this?">>
<<s mc "Not often. Only when it's really needed, like saving someone from committing a grave sin or getting hurt. But if it does happen, no one will know of it, since it will stay between the priest and the woman.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face2 42 right>>
<<s riley "But I don't want to have sex with you. I want it to be with someone I choose, someone I like.">>
<<s mc "Good. It should be your choice. But think of this not as sex, but as training, as a lesson that will make you enjoy sex better once you find someone you like. Preferably someone you marry first. Sex outside of marriage is fornication, a grave sin. But I will not go into that now. This is about preparing you for being with a man, let's leave it at that for now. We should get started...">>
<<s riley "I still think this feels wrong. Are you really allowed to do this?">>
<<s mc "Yes. The Lord allows it. Now help me get hard with your mouth so we can begin. I don't have all day.">>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mv 900-900 100 "pause1 volume0.4">>
<cc>Still looking hesitant, Riley resigns with a sigh and opens your pants.
<<ev 1040>>
<<mv suck1 96 volume0.5>>
<cc>Riley's mouth and hands quickly get you hard.
<<addlust 100 center>></cc>
<<ev 1060>>
<<mi m 43>>
<c2>You let Riley stimulate you for a while to make sure that your lust will remain high while you teach her.</c2>
<<c "Lay her down on the desk">>
<<ev 1080>>
<<mv pussylook 40 "pause1 volume0">>
<<s mc "Now I'm ready to continue. But first, let's prepare you down here. Spread your legs wide for me again.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 1800-900 90>>
<<cs mc "I'll use my finger first to prepare you for my male organ. Try to relax.">>
<<c "Finger her slit">>
<<ev 1150>>
<<mv pussyfinger 70 volume0>>
<<s mc "Does this feel okay?">>
<<s riley "It feels a bit weird, but it doesn't hurt.">>
<<s mc "Good. You're ready. Now keep your legs spread and I will enter you.">>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>
<<c "Enter her slit with your hard manhood">>
<<c "Enter her virgin slit with your hard manhood">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc>Riley gasps as you carefully enter her tight hole.
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>
<<cs mc "Does it still hurt a little when I enter you?">>
<<cs riley "I'm fine. Maybe just a little.">>
<<cs mc "Does it hurt?">>
<<cs riley "No, I'm fine. Only a little.">>
<<cs mc "That's normal. Now I will move it back and forth.">>
<<c "Have intercourse with Riley">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv fuck1 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>Riley whimpers as you slide your manhood in and out of her.
<<cs mc "Does it hurt now?">>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>
<<cs riley "A little. Because I don't feel excited about having sex with you.">>
<<cs mc "You thought the same the last time, then you relaxed and started to enjoy it.">>
<<cs riley "Uh... I'm not used to it.">>
<<cs mc "Exactly. Relax and you will enjoy it more.">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv fuck2 90 volume0.4>>
<c><<s mc "Aren't you getting used to it yet? Maybe you can't handle the boys after all...">>
<<s riley "No, I can. It feels better now. It doesn't hurt.">>
<<s mc "Then we take it to the next level.">>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv fuck3 86 volume0.4>>
<c>Taming the rebel in Riley requires some force.
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>
You pound her hole violently.
You pound her virgin hole violently.
<<s riley "Not so fast!">>
<<s mc "This is how the boys will do it. You must get used to it if you want to be with them.">>
<<s riley "Okay, but not now.">>
<<tbut "Slow down" school1 step:1700>>
<<abut "Keep going fast" school1 step:1800>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv fuck1 90 volume0.4>>
<<cs mc "Then we take it easy. Is this better, Riley?">>
<<cs riley "Yes. Thank you, Father.">>
<<rebel trust "vaginal center">>
<<but "Take a break" school1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv fuck3 86 volume0.4>>
<c><<s mc "If you want to be with boys, you have to deal with the consequences. There is no backing out with them once you let them between your legs. Let this be a lesson.">>
You keep pounding her fast for a little while before slowing down.
<<rebel authority vaginal>>
<<c "Take a break">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 86>>
<<s mc "Are you ready for the next sex position? Guys like to do it from behind. Or maybe you're giving up, seeing now that being with a man is too much for you to handle.">>
<<s riley "No, I'm not giving up!">>
<<s mc "Then turn around and show me your behind.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 82 pause1.5>>
<c>You inspect Riley's slit. As you thought, she is getting wet. Making her enjoy sex is good for your plans for her, but also increases the risk that she will seek out other men, as she has threatened to do. You have to be careful.
<<c "Press your male organ against her wet slit">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<c>There is something very tempting with nudging the lips and entrance of the young <<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>girl's<<else>>virgin's<</if>> sinful slit with your hard manhood.
<<s riley "What are you waiting for?">>
<<c "Enter her wet slit">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>You can tell from Riley's lustful moaning that she is definitely enjoying it now.</cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv behind1 96 volume0.4>>
<c2>You think she is getting close to climaxing. You are too. But you are not done with Riley just yet.</c2>
<<tbut "Show her affection" school1 step:2700>>
<<abut "Spank her" school1 step:2800>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv fucktrust2 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You take Riley in your arms and cuddle her. In her excited state of mind, she seems to enjoy your warm embrace. Then you continue to pound her wet hole.
<<rebel trust vaginal>>
<<but "Continue the intercourse" school1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv fuckauth2 100 volume0.4>>
<c>You slap her behind to remind her of who is in charge. Riley winces in pain and lets out a cry, but she says nothing.
<<rebel authority vaginal>>
<<c "Continue the intercourse">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv behind2 90 volume0.5>>
<c><<s riley "Father, it feels so good. Don't stop.">>
<<s mc "You will soon reach climax <<if $qqrileySexEd < 500>> – the orgasm – <</if>>if I let you. Do you want to climax?">>
<<s riley "Yes, please.">>
<<c "Pound her tight slit hard and fast">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv behind3 90 volume0.5>>
<c>Riley reaches orgasm as you pound your hard manhood into her tight, wet hole. She screams from pleasure. This pushes you over the edge. You feel your seed coming.
<p>You push Riley down on the floor and grab your erection.</p>
<<c "Release your seed in Riley's face">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv cum1 86>>
<cc>Riley silently waits with her mouth open while you release your seed on her tongue.
<<rebel null "vaginal center">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv cum1after 90>>
<c>You command her to not let the seed spill on the floor. Training Riley to get used to the taste of your seed seems to have worked well, as she does her best to obey.
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi cum1after 77>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>
<<s mc "Now you have more experience with being with a man. How was it this time?">>
<<s riley "I didn't like it much at first, this time either. But then I did. It felt so good.">>
<<s mc "Now you know how it feels to be with a man. How was it?">>
<<s riley "I didn't like it much at first, but then I did. It was the best experience I've ever had. It felt so good.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but that's because I was treating you well. The boys in town will see you as a harlot, a whore, and treat you badly.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi 1700-4500 50>>
<<s riley "You don't know that.">>
<<s mc "Yes, I do. People here are very conservative. Good Catholics. If you aren't married to them, men will see you as a whore if you let them have sex with you.">>
<<s riley "Now you sound like my dad. You're just trying to stop me from having sex.">>
<<s mc "No, I'm trying to help you. To keep you from getting hurt and ruining your future.">>
<<s riley "Whatever...">></c>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi 1700-4500 44>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd < 500>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Vaginal sex lesson:">></div>
You have finished the first vaginal sex lesson with Riley. You have to repeat this lesson with her until she is ready to move on to a more advanced lesson.
/* Making it completed before reaching lowest to make (most) players see the completed message here instead of in talking*/
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyVaginalLowest + (setup.rileyRebelReduce * 2)>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Vaginal sex education: Completed">></div>
You think you have come as far as you can with this sex ed lesson when it comes to taming the rebel in Riley. Repeating it again would likely not help much. To further tame Riley, you should continue with a more advanced lesson.
<<q rileySexEd 600>>
<<qendversion rileySexEd version0.3.1>>
<<elseif $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyVaginalPreLowest>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Vaginal sex lesson:">></div>
You have repeated the vaginal sex lesson with Riley.
<p>You are making good progress with her. Repeating this sex ed lesson with Riley can only take you so far in taming the rebel in her, but as long as you stick to your path of $rileyPath, Riley should soon be ready to move on to a more advanced lesson.
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Vaginal sex lesson:">></div>
You have repeated the vaginal sex lesson with Riley.
<p>You still haven't tamed the rebel in Riley enough to advance to the next sex ed lesson. You should stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath and you will get there.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 1600-5000 60>>
<c><<if $qqrileySexEd >= 500>>
You have successfully given Riley more experience with having intercourse.
<<qset rileySexEd 510>> /* Check in talk with Riley; Must play vagina lesson at least twice before completing */
You convinced Riley to let you teach her about intercourse.
But she lets you know with her middle finger that she is still not fully submitting to your authority.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
And you don't want her to, yet. Not until she has played her part as the rebellious student when recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<if !(setup.questCompleted("rileySexEd"))>>But first, Riley requires more sex education.<</if>>
<<q rileySexEd 500>>
But she has submitted enough that you feel you can control her.
<<but "End sex ed lesson" school1 "ev:1600 step:100">>
<<event 1900 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 800-400 65>>
<c>Before moving on to the vile, unnatural practice of sodomy, you want to give Riley a good education on the natural, proper way for a man and woman to have sexual relations.</c>
<<but "Tell her to sit on your desk" school1 step:200>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mv 800-400 56>>
<c>Riley has already completed the vaginal sex education, but now that you have taught her about the vile and unnatural practice of sodomy, you want to give the young girl another lesson in the natural and proper way for a man and woman to have sexual relations.
<p>But if you don't stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath, it could hurt your progress with her.</p>
<<set _rvlowest = setup.rileyVaginalLowest>>
<p><<special "(Note that vaginal sex lessons can only tame the rebel in Riley down to _rvlowest)">></p>
<<but "Tell her to sit on your desk" school1 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1600-2300 48>>
<cc>Riley sighs, but obediently sits down on the desk.
<<cs mc "Go on, then... Lift your skirt.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv pussy2 48 right>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "You need another lesson about sexual intercourse. Lie down and spread your legs for me.">>
<<s riley "What if I don't want to have sex with you?">>
<<s mc "As I have explained, this is not about sex. This is training for when you are with a man, boys, as you claim you want to be. Or have you changed your mind about that?">>
<<s riley "No, I haven't!">>
<<s mc "Then do as I say. Lie down and spread your legs for me.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv pussylook 42 "pause2 volume0">>
<<cs mc "Now hold your legs spread...">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 1800-900 75>>
You look at Riley's sinful slit. Blood rushes down to your manhood.
<<addlust 40>>
<<s riley "What are you doing?">>
<<s mc "I'm preparing for the act. Seeing the woman naked helps the man get hard. And now you can use your mouth on me before we begin.">>
<<ev 1020>>
<<mv 900-900 100 "pause1 volume0.4">>
<cc>Riley sighs and opens your pants.
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:1800 step:1040">>
<<vv 4.1>>
<<event 1920 riley>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 800-100 90>>
You go to meet with Riley in the classroom where she serves detention with Sister Dana.
As you enter the room, you see that Sister Dana is still here.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 800-200 65>>
<<cs dana "$fmc, I would like to speak with you before you talk with Riley. Riley, you wait here.">>
Sister Dana gets up and you follow her out of the classroom.
<<ev 800>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana2 40 "png">>
<c><<s dana "How is it going with Riley? What have you been doing with her?">>
<<s mc "What I need to do. I'm preparing her to play the part of the student in your original sin. And we have come a long way.">>
<<s dana "Are you saying you've had sexual relations with her?">>
<<s mc "I'm training her, preparing her. But yes, that is what I have to do with her.">>
<<s dana "I can't believe we're doing this. It's so wrong. How did I let you talk me into this?">>
<<s mc "We must cleanse your grave sins of the past to stop the lust demon. Have faith in the Lord. Sometimes, we have to take extreme measures to fight Satan and his minions. Everything will be forgiven in the end.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana2 40 "png right">>
<<s dana "But Riley... she hasn't done anything sexual, before you. She is just threatening to do it. What if we... hmm... No, that's just as bad.">>
<<s mc "What is just as bad?">>
<<s dana "Nothing, I was just thinking of another student. Forget it.">>
<<s mc "No, there is a reason you thought of this other student. Tell me about her. Why did you think of her?">>
<<s dana "This student, she is not a problem student like Riley, on the contrary. She is a good student, a good Catholic. She wanted to go here, got her parents to enroll her here. But we've caught her doing things to herself in her room. Touching herself... down there. Not just once. She seems to have a problem in that area. More than what you would expect from a devout Catholic girl. I think it's just that age, full of lust hormones. I hope she will grow out of it.">>
<<s mc "I must speak with this girl. Perhaps I'm meant to help her.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana3 30 "pnggg">>
<<s dana "What are you saying? Help her how?">>
<<s mc "Depends on what the problem is. But you know as well as I do that we have a lust demon here. This student could be in danger because of her lustful sinning. I have to deal with it in whatever way necessary to protect and save her from the Devil. Now, what is her name?">>
Sister Dana says nothing for a moment, but then reluctantly sighs.
<<s dana "Her name is Vivien.">>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
You know who Vivien is. A cute Catholic girl. You have spoken briefly with her. You had no idea she was a sexual deviant.
<p>Sister Dana tells you where to find Vivien's room. After you inquire about it, Sister Dana also tells you at what times Vivien has been caught masturbating.
/* OLD: It has been after class, before supper.
Better to not mention a time if wanting to do this daytime. If night, say it's after supper
<<qstart vivienq 100>>
<<set $vivienschool = 0>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana2 40 "png right">>
<<s mc "I will talk to Vivien later. But now I'm here for Riley. As a matter of fact, I'm about to start the last part of the training. The sodomy. That's what you did to that poor student, Sister Dana. And soon, with Riley's help, you can be granted forgiveness for those grave sins of old. Your sins may be cleansed.">>
<<s dana "This is terrible. You are going to violate that young girl.">>
<<s mc "Everything will be consensual, I assure you. Riley will learn the act, as she must if she is going to play the part of the rebellious student.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana3 30 pnggg>>
<<s dana "I don't want to hear any more. Just tell me when you're ready. I pray this will be over soon.">>
<<s mc "Have faith in the Lord. Pray for strength and forgiveness, and all will be well in the end. Trust me.">>
Sister Dana hurries away.
<<q rileySexEd 700>>
<<but "Enter the classroom" school1 ev:1600>>
<<event 2000 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi head1 24>>
You enter the school's dormitory building to look for Vivien around the time Sister Dana said the young student had been caught masturbating.
<p>Follow Sister Dana's instructions, you soon arrive at Vivien's room. The door to her room is closed.</p>
<p>Putting your ear to the door, you hear something from inside. Someone is moaning softly. From pleasure, you think. Is Vivien masturbating again?</p>
<<c "Look at the door">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
The door to Vivien's room is closed but it has no lock. As far as you have seen, none of the doors to the dormitory rooms has locks, just like it is with most rooms in the monastery. Even so, trying to spy on the students in their rooms by cracking their doors open would carry a high risk of detection. Not to mention the immoral aspect of it.
<p>But in this case, you have a good reason for trying to spy on Vivien, as you think the young student needs your help. There is a lust demon on the loose.</p>
<<c "Slowly crack open the door and peek inside">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.4>>
<c>The door silently opens, and you peek inside.
<p>Yes, that is Vivien. And she is indeed touching herself pervertedly. This is an invitation for the lust demon to come after her.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 64 volume0.4>>
Vivien is not only putting herself in danger – she is putting everyone at the school in danger by potentially attracting the lust demon. You have to put a stop to this outrageous behavior.
<<addlust 20>>
There is no point in waiting. The time for action is now.
<<c "Enter the room">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 45>>
<c>You open the door and enter. Vivien sees you and freezes, her legs still spread and her hand on her wet slit.
<<s mc "I apologize for barging in on you like this, but you are doing something very dangerous, and you must understand it. And I can help you.">>
Vivien regains control of her body and quickly covers her most intimate parts.
<<s vivien "$fmc. I... I don't know what to say.">>
<<s mc "How about you begin by explaining why a devout Catholic girl like yourself would do something like this? Please, I want to understand.">>
<<ev 560>>
<<mi m 54>>
<<s vivien "I can't resist the desire in my body. I've tried. I've prayed. But... I'm too weak to resist it. That's why I enrolled at this school, away from temptations. Boys, I mean. Maybe even girls. But even when being here, I still can't resist it. At least, it's better that I spend the time alone doing this than something worse. Like losing my virginity. I want to wait until I marry. I hope God will understand and forgive me for what I'm doing.">>
<<s mc "God understands and will forgive you if you do penance. Your sinning is less grave since you have chosen the least bad option out of several bad ones. But doing this, here at the monastery, is very dangerous. I can't reveal to you why, not now, but it is a fact. I can give you protection against this danger, and perhaps I can even stop your lustful desires.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 45>>
<c><<s vivien "That sounds great, but how can you help me?">>
<<s mc "The help I can offer you comes with a heavy price. It is only for people who desperately need it, like yourself. But you are not ready to learn the details yet. You don't know me well, so it's natural that you don't trust me much. When you trust me enough, we will talk more about the help I can offer you.">>
<<s vivien "Okay, Father. I have heard good things about you, but you're right, I don't know you.">>
<<s mc "Try your best to resist your lustful urges until we talk again. As I said, it is dangerous to sin like this here. If you knew what I know, you would understand.">>
<<s vivien "I will try my best, $fmc.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 2000-560 48 right>>
<l>Just as you are about to leave, Vivien speaks again.
<<s vivien "Father, am I a nymphomaniac?">>
<<s mc "I'm not an expert on things of that nature, but if you are asking if you have a stronger sexual drive than normal, then yes, I believe so. But this could be a passing thing because of your age. Your young female body is the most fertile now and God wants us to procreate. Sometimes the lustful desires become too much. Believe me, I also have some experience with this. We have to do our best to cope with it, and to not sin.">>
<<s vivien "It's so hard...">>
<<s mc "Sometimes we experience challenges like this because God is testing us. Or because it is part of His plan. Maybe I was meant to meet you here, to help you with your problem. And maybe you in some way will help me with... fighting this danger I can't speak of, as strange as that may sound to you right now. We have to be strong and trust in the Lord.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. Thank you. I feel better now.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi masturbate 65>>
<c>You have verified Sister Dana's claim that Vivien has a serious problem with the depraved sin of Onan. The young girl needs the holy rites, but she isn't ready to learn of them yet. She needs to trust you first, and you need to trust that she can handle the truth.
<<q vivienq 200>>
<<if !$tips.includes("questhover2")>>
<cc0><<tip questhover2>></cc0>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<<if $qqvivienq == 200>>
<cc>It is too early to perform the holy rites on Vivien. First, you must build trust with her.</cc>
<<elseif $qqvivienq == 300>>
<cc>It is too early to anoint Vivien with the Holy Seed. First, you must make her accept the holy rites.</cc>
<<elseif $qqvivienq == 400>>
<cc>It is too early to anoint Vivien with the Holy Seed. First, Novice Emma must educate Vivien about the holy rite, then you should visit Novice Emma for an update.</cc>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<c>You go to Vivien's room. Putting your ear to the closed door, you hear nothing.
<p>You quietly knock on the door, and a moment later, Vivien opens it. It looks like she has been expecting you. She invites you into her room.</p>
<<c "Enter Vivien's room">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi talkday 40 right>>
You sit down on the bed to talk.
<<s vivien "I think I know why you are here, $fmc. Sister Dana and Emma... I mean Novice Emma, have spoken with me.">>
<<s mc "And what do you think about what they said?">>
<<s vivien "If it's true that a lust demon is terrorizing the nuns and that I may be in danger because of my lustful desires... I don't see what choice I have if you say you can help me. The anointing with the Holy Seed. I would think it crazy and perverted if I hadn't spoken to Sister Dana and Novice Emma. But now I have to trust that you can help me this way.">>
<<s mc "The holy rite will bless you and protect you against evil. Are you prepared to be anointed with the Holy Seed, even knowing what the holy rite is and what you are required to do?">>
<<ev 4120>>
<<mi talkday2 40>>
<<s vivien "I would have to use my mouth on you, the Holy Rod, to bring forth the Holy Seed?">>
<<s mc "Yes.">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv talkday 35 "volume0.4 pause4">>
<<s vivien "If that is what it takes to protect me from the lust demon, I have to do it. Will it stop my lustful desires as well?">>
<<s mc "Perhaps, perhaps not. The Holy Seed will bless and protect you. Any other effect is for the Lord to know.">>
<<s vivien "I will pray to the Lord that my lustful desires will be no more.">>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi talkday 40 right>>
<<s mc "I promised Sister Dana that she would be present when I anointed you. Is that acceptable to you?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, I would like that. I trust you, but it would make me feel safer to have her there.">>
<<s mc "Then we will arrange it as soon as possible. It would be good if we anointed you when your lust is normally the highest, when you most often touch yourself. What time would that be, would you say?">>
<<s vivien "When it's late, after supper.">>
<<s mc "Then we should do it tonight, if I can get Sister Dana on board. I will talk to her.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi talkday2 35 right>>
You look around the small student room.
<<s mc "We need more space if we are going to be three. We could use that relaxation room you have, down that hallway. That door can be locked, ensuring our privacy.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, that would be good.">>
<<s mc "I should speak with Sister Dana right away. Do you know where I can find her now?">>
Vivien gives you the location of the classroom where Sister Dana will be teaching in about ten minutes.
<<ev 4430>>
<<mi talkday 35>>
<<cs mc "I will let you know when the holy ritual will take place. Be prepared.">>
<<cs vivien "I will be, Father.">>
<<cs mc "And try your best to resist your lustful desires.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mii school/enteringschool 40 right>>
<l>You go to the classroom that Vivien told you about. The room is currently empty. You wait.
<p>A few early students are coming to sit down for the class that is soon starting.</p>
<p>Then you see Sister Dana arriving in the distance. You approach her.</p>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana3 30 pnggg>>
<c>You inform Sister Dana that everything is ready for the anointing of Vivien to take place.
<p>Sister Dana reluctantly agrees to meet in the relaxation room after supper on the day you are to perform the anointing.</p>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<c>Everything is ready for the anointing of Vivien to take place. You should visit Vivien after supper when you are ready to anoint her.
<<q vivienq 500>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 2100 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room and softly knock on the closed door.
<p>Vivien opens and lets you inside.</p>
<<c "Enter Vivien's room">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<c><<s mc "Are you ready to be anointed with the Holy Seed?">>
<<s vivien "Yes. I'm ready.">>
<<s mc "Then we should go to the relaxation room. Sister Dana will meet us there. But first, there is something I think we should do...">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk2 40 right>>
<<s vivien "What, Father?">>
<<s mc "You are a virgin. You have never seen a man aroused, or been naked with a man, right?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, I have never seen or done that.">>
<<s mc "You know what you must do during the holy rite – using your mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed – but being intimate with someone for the first time, or just being naked before them, can be difficult. That's why I think we should start with something easier for you.">>
<<s vivien "Like what?">>
<<s mc "You could pull down your dress and show me your breasts.">>
<<s vivien "Oh... but, they have grown so big. What if you don't like them?">>
<<set $temp = "Some men prefer smaller breasts, others bigger, but all men like to see a girl's naked breasts no matter the size.">>
<<set $temp2 = "This is about you getting used to being intimate with a man before we perform the holy rite. Seeing you naked will also help me get the Holy Rod ready. Now, Vivien, go ahead and show me your breasts.">>
<<c "\"It's not about what I like\"">><<but "\"I like big breasts\"" school1 step:600>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<s mc "$temp I'm sure I will like them, but it's not about what I like. $temp2">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:1000>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<s mc "$temp I happen to like big breasts. Most men do. But it's not about what I like. $temp2">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv showtits 38 "volume0.5 pause2">>
<c>You watch as Vivien exposes her well-developed bust.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s vivien "Like this?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Now pull the dress all the way down and don't cross your arms to hide your breasts.">>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv showtits2 38 "volume0.5 pause2">>
<c>Vivien obeys, giving you a good look at her breasts.
<<addlust 20>>
<<s mc "That's good. And now that you have done this, shown yourself naked to me, you are better prepared to do your part in the holy rite. Get dressed and we will go to the relaxation room.">>
Vivien gets dressed and stands up to follow you.
<<c "Go to the relaxation room">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi relaxRoom 28>>
You walk through the hallways, and soon you arrive at your destination. You enter the dimly lit relaxation room.
<<if $qqvivienq>=1000>>
Vivien is here, waiting for you.
Vivien follows you.
<<if $qqjulia>=700 && $qqvivienfornicate<3200>>
<p>Upon entering, you feel a tinge of excitement when you remember the things you have done with Julia in this room.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<c><<if $qqvivienq>=1000>>
<<s mc "Good, everyone is here. Then we can start the holy rite.">>
You see Sister Dana sitting in a chair.
<<s mc "Sister Dana, good, you are here. Anything you want to say before we start the holy rite?">>
<<s dana "Vivien, are you sure you want to do this? It's not too late to back out if you feel uncomfortable.">>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<<s vivien "No, I want to do this. I want protection against the lust demon.">>
<<s dana "Then I have no objections to starting the holy rite. But remember that I'm here to support you, Vivien. Don't be afraid to stop if you can't do it anymore." ii>>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Sister Dana.">>
You sit down in a chair and open your pants.
<<s mc "Vivien, you know what to do.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv suck10 50 volume0.3>>
<c>Vivien kneels before you and takes your manhood in her mouth. She appears rather relaxed, having done this before.
<<if $qqvivienq>=1000>>
Since she has never been with a man before, you tell her what to do. She obediently follows your instructions.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv suck20 50 volume0.3>>
<c>Sister Dana watches quietly from the chair as Vivien pleasures you with her mouth.
<p>Vivien doesn't look uncomfortable, but she sometimes glances at Sister Dana, maybe for support.
<<s dana "Is everything okay, Vivien?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Sister Dana.">></p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv suck31 50 volume0.3>>
<cc>Vivien's soft mouth pushes you closer to climax.</cc>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv suck40 80 volume0.3>>
<cc>Vivien continues to pleasure you under the watchful eye of Sister Dana.</cc>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv suck50 50 volume0.3>>
<<s dana "Are you done soon, $fmc?">>
You get the feeling Sister Dana is concerned that you are taking advantage of the young girl for your sexual pleasure.
<<s mc "I think so. Be patient. The Holy Seed can't be hurried.">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv suck60 55 volume0.5>>
<c>Not long after, you are getting close to climax. Vivien looks up when she notices it and increases her effort to pleasure you.</c>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv suck80 55 volume0.5>>
<c>Vivien's sweet mouth and hand finally summon your seed.
<<s mc "The time has come, Vivien. Open your mouth and prepare to be anointed with the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Release your seed in her face">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv suck1cum 55 volume0.4>>
<c><<s mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv suck1cumafter 55 volume0.3>>
<cc>You instruct Vivien to lick up and swallow your valuable seed.
<<ev 3800>>
<<mi suck1cumafter 55>>
Vivien enjoys the promise of the blessing of the Lord and protection against evil.
<<if $qqvivienq>=1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi suck1cumafter2 52>>
<<s mc "Before going to bed tonight, you must pray hard to the Lord for forgiveness of your sins and for His blessing. You have some protection from the lust demon now, but that doesn't mean you are free of danger. We have to repeat this later to strengthen your protection.">>
<<s vivien "I understand, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Vivien, the next time I anoint you with the Holy Seed, it could be just the two of us, without Sister Dana present. Would that be okay with you?">>
<<s vivien "Yes. I guess so. If it's alright with you, Sister Dana?">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/dana3flip 30 pnggg>>
<<s dana "It's up to you, Vivien. If you are fine with it, then I'm okay with it. But if you want me present when the time comes, don't hesitate to say so. That must be your decision.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Sister Dana." ii>>
<<s mc "Good. Then we're done here. Remember what I said about praying tonight, Vivien. I will check up on you tomorrow to see how you are doing.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, $fmc." ii>>
<<c "Leave them">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<c>You successfully anointed Vivien.
<p>Though she now has some protection against the lust demon, you doubt the anointing did much to calm her lustful feelings. You should visit Vivien tomorrow to check up on her.
<<q vivienq 600>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi suck1cumafter2 52>>
<<s mc "Before going to bed tonight, you must pray hard to the Lord for forgiveness of your sins and for His blessing. You have a strong protection from the lust demon now, but we have to repeat this later to keep your protection strong.">>
<<s vivien "I understand, $fmc.">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<<cs vivien "Thank you for coming, Sister Dana.">>
<<cs dana "It's not a problem, Vivien. Whenever you want me present for an anointing, don't hesitate to say so. I will come.">>
<<but "Leave them" school1 "ev:2700 step:4200">>
<<event 2200 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.
<p>You put your ear to the closed door, but you hear nothing.</p>
<<c "Knock on the door">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<c>You softly knock on the door. Vivien opens and lets you inside.
<<s mc "How are you feeling now?">>
<<s vivien "I feel hopeful, somehow. That I have the Lord's blessing and protection from the lust demon. But...">>
<<s mc "But what?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talkday2 35 right>>
<<s vivien "The anointing didn't help my lustful feelings. If anything, it made it worse. Being with you like that... being with a man. After you anointed me, when I returned to my room, I couldn't resist it and had to touch myself. I would probably have done it today too if I didn't expect you to come by.">>
<<s mc "I'm not surprised the anointing with the Holy Seed didn't reduce your lust. But there may be another holy rite that could help with your problem, loosening Satan's grip on you that makes you feel this irresistible lust. Tell me, have you committed the sin of fornication in your mind when touching yourself? Be honest, Vivien.">>
<<s vivien "If you mean, have I fantasized about having a man inside me... Yes, I have done that. Is it a severe sin? Even if I fantasized that it was with my husband after I married? Because I want to do it with my future husband, no one else.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talkday 35 right>>
<<s mc "Fantasizing about doing it with your husband makes it less severe, but since you aren't married, it could still be a sin of fornicating in your mind. And such sins make you weak to Satan's temptations. But there are ways to remove such sins, much more effectively than a simple confession and absolving of sins would. Has Novice Emma taught you about any holy rites other than the anointing with the Holy Seed?">>
<<s vivien "She mentioned there were other holy rites, but she hasn't told me about them yet. But she is going to, she says, when I'm ready to hear the truth.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Then we will talk more about this when you have been educated.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talkday2 35>>
<<s mc "But maybe I should anoint you with the Holy Seed to strengthen your protection against the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "Already?">>
<<s mc "No, we can wait a while. But we shouldn't wait too long. If you can't keep your hands away from yourself, your protection needs to be strong.">>
<<s vivien "I understand. We will do it soon, then.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<c>You don't want to push Vivien too much. It's best to take it slow with the young virgin.
<p>You should return to Vivien in a few days to anoint her again, and to see if she has learned about Sin Eating. If she has committed sins of fornications in her mind, eating those sins could help lessen Satan's grip on the young girl, allowing her to resist her sexual urges.
<<q vivienq 700>>
<<qendversion vivienq version0.4.1>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 2300 riley school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv 800-400 65>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd < 800>>
<c>It's time to move on to the vile, unnatural practice of sodomy. Riley must get experience with this depraved act to be able to perform it when recreating Sister Dana's original sin.</c>
<<but "Tell Riley to sit on your desk" school1 step:200>>
<c>It's time for another lesson in the vile, unnatural practice of sodomy. Riley must get experience with this depraved act to be able to perform it when recreating Sister Dana's original sin.</c>
<<but "Tell Riley to sit on your desk" school1 step:700>>
<<ev 150>>
<<mv 800-400 65>>
Riley has already completed the anal sex education. She could still benefit from more experience, but if you don't stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath, it could hurt your progress with her.
<<but "Tell Riley to sit on your desk" school1 step:700>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 1600-2300 48>>
<cc>Riley sighs, but obediently sits down on the desk.
<<cs mc "Guess what we will do today...">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv pussy2 48 right>>
Riley sighs and spreads her legs, showing you her slit.
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "No, we will not have another lesson about sexual intercourse today. We are moving on to the final thing that boys want to do with girls.">>
<<s riley "What? What do you mean?">>
<<s mc "They want to put it in your behind. Sodomy.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi face3 40>>
<<s riley "Eww! That's disgusting. I don't want to do that.">>
<<s mc "But the boys will. Do you want them to laugh at you?">>
<<s riley "I don't care. I'm not letting them put it back there.">>
<<s mc "That's good. That's what I wanted to hear. Sodomy is a perverted act. When you're with the boys, you will behave properly. Doing things the Christian way.">>
<<s riley "No... I'm not. I'm gonna have sex with them, without being married and stuff.">>
<<s mc "At least you will be a prude when doing it. Boys want to perform sodomy with you, but you won't let them.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi face2 40>>
<<s riley "I'm not a prude! But... why would they want to put it back there?">>
<<s mc "Because it's forbidden. It's exciting to them. And it can also feel good, both for the boy and the girl. But it's not for good Christians. So I understand that you don't want me to teach you about it. You don't want to be experienced in it and you will tell the boys 'No'.">>
<<s riley "Maybe I could try it... to see...">>
<<s mc "That's what I was thinking, but it seems that being with a man is too much for you to handle, after all. You want the wholesome Christian version. And that's good.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi face4 40 right>>
<<s riley "No, I can handle it. I just didn't know boys wanted to do that, that's all. But I'm up for it!">>
<<s mc "If you say so. Then you need the experience. I will teach you. But not here. We need a better place – a bed – because it's important to be careful when you're not used to it. We should go to your room.">>
<<s riley "Now?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Let's go. Lead the way.">>
Riley stands up and you follow her out of the classroom.
<<but "Go to Riley's room" school1 step:1000>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 1600-2300 48>>
<cc>Riley sighs, but obediently sits down on the desk.
<<cs mc "Guess what we will do today...">>
<<cs riley "Do you want to put it up my butt again?">>
<<cs mc "We will have another lesson in sodomy, that's correct. Let's go.">>
<<ev 730>>
<<mv pussy2 48 right>>
Riley sighs and spreads her legs, showing you her slit.
<<s riley "Can't we train intercourse instead? I like that better.">>
<<addlust 30>>
<<s mc "No, you must learn about sodomy too. Boys will want to put it in your behind.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi face3 40>>
<<s riley "But it's kinda gross.">>
<<s mc "Yet you climaxed from it.">>
<<s riley "Yeah... but... still.">>
<<s mc "It's good that you prefer the Christian way to do it. Sodomy is of Satan. But that's how it is out there in the world, with the boys. If you want to be with boys, I must teach you this. End of discussion. Now, let's go to your room.">>
<<s riley "Fine, whatever...">>
<<c "Go to Riley's room">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi face10 50>>
<c>When you arrive at Riley's room, you get right down to business.
<p>You tell Riley to strip and lie down on her bed. She protests again, but when you insist, she soon gives up and begins to undress.</p>
<<ev 930>>
<<mi anal10 90>>
<c><<s riley "Please take it easy, Father. Sometimes it hurts.">>
<<s mc "I will be careful, but most of the discomfort is because you need to get used to taking a man in your behind. You must learn to relax. It also helps if you are aroused.">>
<<but "Touch her slit" school1 step:1140>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face10 50>>
<c>When you arrive at Riley's room, you get right down to business.
<p>You tell Riley to strip and lie down on her bed. She still puts up resistance to taking you in her behind, even questioning why it wouldn't be a grave sin for you to do this – to commit the act of sodomy.</p>
<p>You explain that, just like when you had sexual intercourse with Riley, you are doing this as an act of <<hovertip charity charity>> (love) – the greatest of the <<hovertip 'seven virtues.' SevenVirtues>> An act of the greatest virtue cannot possibly be a grave sin. Eventually, Riley gives up and begins to undress.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi anal10 90>>
<c><<s riley "Will it hurt?">>
<<s mc "It can if you're not used to it, or if the man is not careful. That's why it's good that you're doing it with me first. It also helps if you relax and are aroused.">>
<<c "Touch her slit">>
<<ev 1140>>
<<mv anal20 80 volume0.5>>
<cc>You touch Riley between the legs to arouse her and to get your manhood ready for the act.
<<addlust 70>>
<<c "Lubricate her behind">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi anal25 90>>
<cc>You spit on her forbidden hole, making it ready for penetration.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "Now I will enter your behind. Just relax.">>
<<c "Penetrate her behind">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv anal30 90 volume0.3>>
<c>You penetrate Riley's forbidden hole. Your spit allows your manhood to slide inside her behind without too much resistance.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv anal40 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You take it easy, thrusting your hard member into her butt in a slow and steady rhythm.</cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv anal50 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You thrust faster and deeper. So far, Riley seems to handle it well.</cc>
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv analfast 90 volume0.7>>
<<cs riley "Can you slow down, Father? It's too fast.">></cc>
<<tbut "Slow down" school1 step:2300>>
<<abut "Spank her instead" school1 step:2400>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv analtrust1 90 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "Is that better?">>
<<cs riley "Yes. Thank you.">>
<<rebel trust "anal center">>
<<but "Continue the lesson" school1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv analauth1 90 volume0.3>>
<c>You slap her butt to remind her of who is in charge. You decide when to slow down, not her.
<p>Riley winces in pain and lets out a cry, but she says nothing.
<<rebel authority anal>></p>
<<c "Continue the lesson">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv analenjoy 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>Eventually, you notice that Riley is starting to enjoy your manhood in her butt. It would be good if she had an orgasm from it.
<<s mc "Keep relaxing and you will climax. Touch yourself if you want. If you sin with the boys like this, you might as well enjoy it.">></cc>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv analBeforeRileyCum 90 volume0.3>>
<c>The combination of Riley's hand on her wet slit and your hard manhood in her butt makes Riley soon reach orgasm.
<<s riley "It's coming! Don't stop, Father!">>
<<c "Pound her hard">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv analRileyCum 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>Riley moans with pleasure as she climaxes.</cc>
<<c "Place her on all fours">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv anal90 90 volume0.3>>
<<s riley "That felt good, but can we stop now?">>
<<s mc "I'm not done yet. The boys will want to release their seed before they stop, and the same goes for me.">>
<<s riley "But could you do it in the normal hole now?">>
<<s mc "No. This lesson is not about sexual intercourse. You must get used to this.">>
<<ev 4050>>
<<mv anal100 80 volume0.3>>
<cc2>Riley doesn't seem too happy, but she resigns and lets you continue thrusting your manhood into her slobbery behind.
<<c "Go faster">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv analdoggyfast 90 volume0.3>>
<<cs riley "Can you slow down, Father? I like it better when you go slow.">></cc>
<<tbut "Slow down" school1 step:4300>>
<<abut "Spank her instead" school1 step:4400>>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv analtrust2 90 volume0.3>>
<cc><<cs mc "Is that better, Riley?">>
<<cs riley "Yes. Thank you.">>
<<rebel trust "anal center">>
<<but "Continue the lesson" school1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv analauth2 90 volume0.3>>
<<cs mc "But this is how <<italics I>> like it.">>
You slap her butt to punish her for not knowing her place.
<p>Riley lets out a cry but takes the punishment without protesting.
<<rebel authority "anal center">></p>
<<c "Continue the lesson">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv anal120 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>Being in no hurry, you enjoy Riley's young butt.</cc>
<<c "Continue the lesson">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv anal200 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>Eventually, you can't hold back the seed much longer. You prepare to finish this.</cc>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mv analPreCum 90 volume0>>
<cc>Feeling your seed coming, you pound Riley's behind hard and fast.</cc>
<<c "Release your seed in her butt">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mv analcum1 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>You empty yourself into Riley's young butt.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 6500>>
<<mv analcum1after 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>Your seed flows out of Riley's forbidden hole.
<<cs riley "Did you finish inside me, Father?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. That's how men like to do it.">></cc>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi analcum1after2 100>>
Having taken Riley in her behind, you lie down next to the young girl<br>as you both catch your breath.
<<rebel null "anal center">>
<p>But only for a short time. You have other things to do.</p>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 900>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<but "Get dressed" school1 step:7400>>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mi analEndLesson 55>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Anal sex education: Completed">></div>
<<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
You have given Riley more experience with anal sex.
You have given Riley more experience with anal sex to prepare her for her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<but "Continue" school1 step:8100>>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mi analEndLesson 48>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd < 800>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Anal sex lesson:">></div>
You have finished the first anal sex lesson with Riley. You have to repeat this lesson with her until you think she is ready to perform her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
/* Making it completed before reaching lowest to make (most) players see the completed message here instead of in talking*/
<<if $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyAnalLowest + (setup.rileyRebelReduce * 2)>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Anal sex education: Completed">></div>
You think you have given Riley enough experience with anal sex to prepare her for her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<q rileySexEd 900>>
<<elseif $rileyRebel <= setup.rileyAnalPreLowest>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Anal sex lesson:">></div>
You have repeated the anal sex lesson with Riley.
<p>You are making good progress with her, but Riley still needs more experience with anal sex to prepare her for her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.</p>
<<if $rileyRebel>setup.rileyAnalLowest>>
<p>Furthermore, you still haven't tamed the rebel in Riley enough to reach your goal. You should stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath and you will get there.
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Anal sex lesson:">></div>
You have repeated the anal sex lesson with Riley.
<p>Riley still needs more experience with anal sex to prepare her for her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.</p>
<<if $rileyRebel>setup.rileyAnalLowest>>
<p>Furthermore, you still haven't tamed the rebel in Riley enough to reach your goal. You should stick to your chosen path of $rileyPath and you will get there.
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:8100>>
<<elseif $qqrileySexEd >= 900>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:8000>>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi face10 50>>
<<if $qqrileySexEd >= 800>>
You have completed another anal sex lesson with Riley.
<<qset rileySexEd 810>> /* Check in talk with Riley; Must play anal lesson at least twice before completing */
You convinced Riley to let you teach her about anal sex.
But she lets you know with a defying look that she has still not fully submitted to your authority. And you don't want her to, yet. Not until she has played her part as the rebellious student when recreating Sister Dana's original sin. But first, Riley requires more anal sex education.
<<q rileySexEd 800>>
<<but "End sex ed lesson" school1 "ev:1600 step:100">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi lick2 36>>
<div style="font-size:140%"><<bold "Sex Education: Completed">></div>
You have successfully completed the sex education of Riley, teaching her about taking a man in her three sinful holes. While doing this, you also significantly tamed the rebel in Riley by building on
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
trust and kindness.
<<addtrust 1>>
authority and tough love.
<<addauth 1>>
<<qend rileySexEd 1000>>
<<ev 8100>>
<<mi face10 50>>
<p>From the defying look she gives you when you leave, you can tell that Riley has still not fully submitted to your authority.<<if !setup.questCompleted("riley")>>And you don't want her to, yet. Not until she has played her part as the rebellious student when recreating Sister Dana's original sin.<<else>> But she has submitted enough that you feel you can control her.<</if>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
<<but "End sex ed lesson" school1 "ev:1600 step:100">>
<<ev 8200>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 40>>
<<mi badgirl 40>>
With her sex ed completed, you must also make sure that you have tamed the rebel in Riley just enough to reach your goal. Then you have to convince Riley to play her part in a threesome with Sister Dana and you, allowing you to recreate Sister Dana's original sin.
<<q riley 600 center>>
<<qendversion riley version0.4.1>>
<<but "End sex ed lesson" school1 "ev:1600 step:100">>
<<vv 4.2>>
<<event 2400 julia school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You go to the relaxation room at the time you used to meet with Julia there.
You find Julia in her usual spot.</cc>
<<c "Tell her to sit down next to you">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<s mc "Do you know why I'm here, Julia?">>
<<s julia "Yes. The Mother Superior wants to be sure my doubts about joining the convent are still gone. And they are. I want to join.">>
<<s mc "The Mother Superior has told you about the horrible things happening in the monastery for some time now, right?">>
<<s julia "Yes. About the lust demon. And the attacks.">>
<<s mc "You understand now why it's so important that you don't have any desire to sin with a man? That you can't join the convent if you have any doubts like that?">>
<<s julia "Yes, I think so.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 600-1000 27 right>>
<<s mc "Tell me why it's important. I must be sure you understand it.">>
<<s julia "Because... if I have a desire to be with a man... to do lustful things, the lust demon could sense it and come for me.">>
<<s mc "Yes, very good. You understand it. Now, having a strong spirit that allows you to resist Satan's lustful temptations will give you some protection from the lust demon. What will help you even more is, of course, having the blessing and protection of the Lord. Which is what you are granted when you are anointed with the Holy Seed. I couldn't tell you then, but when I anointed you, I wanted to protect you from the lust demon. Which is why I pushed for it to be your penance for your wicked desires. I feared the lust demon would enter the school to attack you.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 450-2100 27 right>>
<<s julia "Thank you, $fmc. I didn't know that. But it all makes sense now why you wanted to anoint me so many times.">>
<<s mc "Yes. And the lust demon stayed away. But now you're going to live inside the monastery where the lust demon has carried out its attacks. God may not help you if you join the convent when you aren't strong enough to resist Satan's temptations. We can't expect to be saved by the Lord if we invite the Devil into our minds.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father, I understand. But my spirit is strong. The things I desired to do with a man, I did them with you. I don't have any doubts.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:500>>
<<ev 430>>
<<mi 450-100 28>>
<cc>You go to the relaxation room for another meeting with Julia.
You find Julia in her usual spot.</cc>
<<c "Tell her to sit down next to you">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi 450-2100 28>>
<<cs mc "How do you feel after our last meeting? Do you have any doubts about joining the convent?">>
<<cs julia "No, $fmc. I'm still sure I want to join. All my doubts are gone.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 600-1000 28>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining == 100>>
<cc>Julia claims she is ready to join the convent. But you remember how lustful she was once you got intimate with her. Before you can let Julia join the convent, you must be sure that her desire to be with a man won't become a problem as a nun.
<p>You haven't tried many variations when fornicating with Julia previously. You may want to try something new.</p></cc>
<<c"She is ready to join">><<but "Fornicate with her in new ways" school1 step:1000>>
<cc>Julia claims she is ready to join the convent. Before you can let Julia join the convent, you must be sure that her desire to be with a man is low enough that it won't become a problem as a nun.</cc>
<<c"She is ready to join">><<but "Fornicate with her again" school1 step:1000>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 450-2100 27>>
<<s mc "After careful consideration, I'm convinced that you are ready to join the convent. I will go to the Mother Superior at once and let her know.">>
<<s julia "Thank you, $fmc. This makes me so happy. I can finally live close to God.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 700>>
<<hubShowRoom ms/ms3 35 64 10 85 gif>>
<<but "Go to <<var mms's>> room" ms1 "ev:1200 step:1000">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 450-2600 27 right>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining == 100>>
<<s mc "I'm afraid I will have to fornicate with you again, Julia. It's the best way to judge how strong that desire still is in you.">>
<<s julia "Oh. But how will you judge it? Will I fail if it feels good?">>
<<s mc "No, not necessarily. It's natural that your body will react and give you pleasure once we start. I will try to judge you by how you handle it. To get an overall sense of how much is coming from a desire to be with a man and how much is just from a God-given biological response to having your husband between your legs. Or in this case, a man you're not married to.">>
<<s julia "Okay... I think I understand.">>
<<s mc "Now show me your breasts. As a man, I do need to feel lust to perform.">>
<<s mc "I'm still unsure if you are ready to join the convent, Julia. I'm afraid I will have to fornicate with you again to help me come to a decision.">>
<<s julia "Oh. Well... okay.">>
<<s mc "I'm glad you understand. So, begin by showing me your breasts to help me get ready to perform.">>
<<ev 1040>>
<<mi 500-2100 27 right>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining == 100>>
<<s julia "But what if I climax? Will I fail then?">>
<<s mc "Again, not necessarily. I will judge you, the way I just told you. Now, a woman doesn't have to climax to produce offspring, unlike the man she is with, but the Lord has still seen fit that she can climax. It is, of course, only meant for when she is in the marital bed with her husband. But if a woman sins with a man she's not married to, that doesn't change the biological response put there by the Lord.">>
<<s julia "But should I try to avoid feeling lust and climaxing? To prove to you that I'm ready to join the convent?">>
<<s julia "How do you want me to do it this time, Father?... to prove to you that I'm ready to join the convent? Do you want me to avoid feeling lust and climaxing, or to just let it happen.">>
<<but "She should try to avoid climaxing" school1 "step:1100 doplay:temp=1">><<but "She should not try to avoid climaxing" school1 "step:1100 doplay:temp=2">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 500-2000 25>>
<<addlust 30>>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<s mc "You should try to avoid <<if $qqjuliajoining>100>>climaxing this time.<<else>>climaxing.<</if>> The better you can resist feeling lust, the less you will attract the lust demon.">>
<<s julia "I will try to avoid it, then.">>
<<s mc "You should not try to avoid <<if $qqjuliajoining>100>>climaxing this time.<<else>>climaxing.<</if>> Whatever happens, let it happen. I am to judge where your pleasure is coming from – sinful desire or God-given biological response. This can not be done as effectively if you try to avoid the pleasure from occurring.">>
<<s julia "I will not try to avoid it, then.">>
<<s mc "Good. Let's begin. First, you must use your mouth on me to get me ready.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 600-3300 65>>
<cc>Julia gets your manhood ready for action.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Get ready to fornicate">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 1100-2100 65>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining>100>>
<<s mc "I will start by fornicating with you the way we used to do it. Then I will also try those other things we tried last time, to see how you react.">>
<<s mc "I will start by fornicating with you the way we used to do it. But I will also try something new this time. Seeing how you react to different things will help me judge you.">>
<<s julia "Yes, Father. I'm ready.">>
<<s mc "I should have said this before we began. Now it made me lose focus. You have to use your mouth again.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
<<cs mc "I'm ready again. Spread your legs for me.">>
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her teen slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2203 70>>
<cc2>It feels wonderful to once again penetrate Julia's slit. But you must last much longer than this.</cc2>
<<c "Use her mouth again">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
You have to pull out from Julia's tight hole or you will spill your seed too soon. Her mouth will service you until you are ready to continue.
<cc><<lbut "Penetrate her slit" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 1100-2300 65>>
<cc>As you continue to thrust your manhood into Julia's tight hole, <<if $temp==1>>you have yet to see her display any signs of lust. So far, she is succeeding in resisting it.<<else>>you can tell that she is starting to get wet, and not doing anything to fight it, as instructed.<</if>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 1100-2304 70>>
<<if $qqjuliajoining>100>>
<<s mc "Let's move on to the other things. They are perverse, but it must be done. I will sit down and you will sit down on my manhood like on a horse.">>
<<s mc "Now we will try something new. Something perverse, but it must be done. I will sit down and you will sit down on my manhood like on a horse.">>
<<c "Sit down">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 2400-2400 65>>
<cc>You sit down and Julia gets on top of you.
<<if $qqjuliajoining>100>>
<<cs mc "Sure, we can do it this way first.">>
<<cs mc "I meant the other way. But we can do it this way first.">>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 2400-2405 65>>
<cc2><<if $temp==1>>You squeeze her breasts, but even then, Julia is still resisting getting lustful, as far as you can tell.<<else>>Julia's slit is slippery wet by now. You squeeze her breasts.<</if>>
<<cs mc "Now turn around and face me.">></cc2>
<<c "Help her turn around">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 2400-2500 60>>
<<if $temp==1>>
When straddling your manhood this way, you think you sense lust in Julia.
<<cs mc "You seem to enjoy it. Does it feel too good to resist?">>
<<cs julia "No, it was just for a moment. It's almost gone now.">>
<<cs mc "Then let's try this...">>
<<cs mc "You seem close to the pleasure peak now. Are you?">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father.">>
<<cs mc "Then let's try this...">>
<cc><<lbut "Slap her behind" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 2400-2505 65>>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<cs mc "Do you like this? Be honest.">>
<<cs julia "Maybe a little. I'm not sure.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2600>>
<<cs mc "Do you like this? Be honest.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, it's happening now. Don't stop!">>
<<but "Watch her climax" school1 step:2700>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 2400-2600 60>>
<cc>You continue having Julia on top of you for a little while. Her slit has clearly become wet, though not that much.
<<cs mc "I am close to releasing the seed. Get down and use your mouth on me.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2800>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 2400-2700 60>>
<cc>You watch as Julia climaxes. Her female juices run down your shaft.
<<cs mc "I am close to releasing the seed. Get down and use your mouth on me.">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 1100-2200 70>>
<cc>You use Julia's mouth again to prepare to release your seed. But the temptation to enter her slit again is strong.</cc>
<<but "Penetrate her slit" school1 step:2830>><<but "Anoint her now" school1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2830>>
<<mv 1100-2400 65>>
<<cs julia "Are you going to release the Holy Seed inside me, Father?">>
<<cs mc "No, I will finish by anointing your face. I just wasn't ready yet.">>
<cc><<lbut "Go faster" div2 sss>></cc>
<<div div2>>
<<mv 1100-2404 65>>
You pound the young girl, enjoying the last moments before the sweet release of the seed. Soon it comes.</cc2>
<<c "Anoint her">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 600-3308 65>>
You anoint Julia with your seed.
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 600-3310 65>>
<<cs mc "Now you have been with a man again. You must pray hard on this. You must be sure that this is not something you will desire to repeat. That your spirit will stay strong enough to resist Satan's temptations of the flesh. And I will pray to the Lord and ask for His help to judge if you are ready to join the convent.">>
<<cs julia "Yes, Father. I'm sure I'm ready to join the convent, but I will pray hard.">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 600-3402 54>>
<<cs julia "Father?">>
<<cs mc "Yes, my child?">>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<cs julia "Did I do well with resisting lust? I didn't climax...">>
<<cs mc "You did well, but not perfect. I could feel your slit getting wet when we did the most perverse things.">>
<<cs julia "Yes... I couldn't stop it. I tried to.">>
<<cs mc "Your young female body is supposed to get wet down there when a man is inside you. Don't worry about it. Overall, you did a good job.">>
<<cs julia "I did as you said and let everything happen, and I climaxed. But I think it was just my body reacting to what we did, not because I desired it. Don't you think so?">>
<<cs mc "Some of it was definitely due to a biological response in your young female body from being penetrated by a man, as God intended it. But I also sensed some desire there. Even during the most perverse part, when I spanked you. It doesn't mean you failed. Some desire is natural and acceptable even for a nun, as long as you can resist it. I have to pray on it.">>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi 1100-2700 65>>
<cc>Is Julia ready to join the convent? You have to think about it before giving your verdict.
<<if $qqjuliajoining <200>>
<<q juliajoining 200 center>>
<p>But if you take too long, Julia might start having doubts about joining.
<<q juliajoining 300 center>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 2500 riley school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 40>>
<<mi badgirl 40>>
<<if $qqriley==990>>
<c>Riley promised to participate in the threesome if Sister Dana confirmed that you have had intercourse with Vivien. You go straight to the point.
<<s mc "Has Sister Dana talked to you about Vivien and me?">>
<<s riley "Yeah... I can't believe it. She said she was there when you had sex with Vivien. Intercourse.">>
<<s mc "As I told you. Now... you promised, for real...">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:5000>>
<<elseif $qqriley>=970 && $qqriley<990 >>
<<if setup.questCompleted("vivienmarry")>>
<c>Riley won't agree to the threesome unless you prove that you have had intercourse with Vivien.
<<s mc "I've had intercourse with Vivien. And I'm ready to prove it, if my word is not good enough.">>
<<s riley "You have to prove it because your word is not good enough. You could be trying to trick me for real this time.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:4000 doplay:temp=rileydanaproof">>
<c>Riley won't agree to the threesome unless you prove that you have had intercourse with Vivien.
<<s mc "I just wanted to inform you that I'm still working on proving to you that I have had intercourse with Vivien.">>
<<s riley "I'm waiting...">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<elseif $qqriley>=950>>
<c>Riley promised to participate in the threesome if you could prove that Vivien has been intimate with you. You go straight to the point.
<<s mc "You saw Vivien using her mouth on me.">>
<<s riley "Yeah... I can't believe it. She's so... religious.">>
<<s mc "We all have our personal demons to fight. Vivien, you, and me. Now, you made a promise to participate in the threesome...">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2700>>
<c>You think Riley is ready to participate in the threesome with Sister Dana, playing the role of the rebellious student. Now you just have to convince Riley to agree to it.
<<if $qqriley>=800>>
<<if $qqriley>=900>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2500>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:1200>>
<<ev 120>>
<<mii misc/praying2 50>>
<c>But then you think about the holy rites you will perform during the threesome. You will eat Sister Dana's sins and you will anoint her and Riley with the Holy Seed. And then there is no way around it – you have to tell Riley about the holy rites.
<p>That is a risky thing to do with someone like Riley. You think you have her under control, but she is still rebellious to a degree, just like you need her to be to play the role of the rebellious student from Sister Dana's past.</p>
<p>Do you dare to tell Riley about the holy rites?</p>
<<but "You are not sure about this" school1 step:140>><<but "You have Riley under control" school1 "step:160 corr40">>
<<ev 140>>
<<mii lab/rape 40 right>>
<l>You thought you had it figured out, but now you hesitate. If Riley disobeys you by telling people she shouldn't about the holy rites, you could be in big trouble. The world is not ready to hear about the holy rites. They would likely be seen as satanic rather than holy.
<p>You think Riley won't betray you. You think you have her under control. But what if you don't?</p>
<p>You don't want to make a wrong decision. You must be sure about this before you continue.
<<q riley 700>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:1600">>
<<ev 160>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 40>>
<<mi badgirl 40>>
<c>After thinking about it, you feel confident that you have Riley under control enough that she won't betray you.
<p>But that doesn't mean she will just agree to participate in the threesome with Sister Dana. You have to convince Riley to do it – and convince her in a way that doesn't ruin your relationship with her.</p>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<trytbut2 "You are ready to convince her" school1 "step:1000 trust$trust doplay:temp=1">>
<<tryabut2 "You are ready to convince her" school1 "step:1000 auth$auth doplay:temp=2">>
<<c "You are not ready yet">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi face1 40>>
<c>You feel that
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
Riley doesn't trust you enough yet.
Riley doesn't respect your authority enough yet.
<</if>> Trying to convince her too soon could backfire and make your relationship worse.
<p>You have to wait until your <<if $rileyPath == "trust">>trust<<else>>authority<</if>> with Riley has improved.
<<qmess riley 750>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:1600">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face4 45 right>>
<l>Though still rebellious to a degree, Riley has come to <<if $temp==1>>trust you a great deal,<<else>> respect your authority a great deal,<</if>> though she would never admit it.
You tell Riley about Sister Dana's grave sexual sins in her past. Then you make Riley understand that it would be in her best interest to agree to the threesome you have planned.
<p>Not only will Sister Dana be indebted to Riley, but you will also put in a good word with Riley's Dad – when Riley has finished her education here – which should get him to back off and give Riley more freedom to live as she wants.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<mi face2 45>>
<c>Furthermore, you draw on your lectures about God's love and Satan's evil to make Riley see how her rebelliousness and sinful thoughts tarnish her soul, driving her away from God and toward Satan. Helping Sister Dana will go a long way to save Riley from the fiery pits of hell.
<<mi face3 45>>
<c>Furthermore, you draw on your lectures about God and Satan to make Riley fear for her soul with her rebelliousness and sinful thoughts. Helping Sister Dana will go a long way to save Riley from the fiery pits of hell.
<c>Having no choice, you also tell Riley about the holy rites you will perform during the threesome, briefly educating her about them.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi face4 35>>
<c><<if $qqriley>=800>>
You again spend some time trying to convince Riley.<<linediv>>
<</if>>Riley hesitates. She hasn't agreed to participate in the threesome, but she isn't refusing either. You feel that she is close to saying yes.
<p>Hoping to finally convince her, you make the threesome sound tempting, as it will allow Riley to participate in an advanced and perverse sex act that would make her more experienced than most people her age.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi face1 35>>
<<s riley "I'm already more experienced than most people my age with everything we've done. Definitely in this school. Unmarried virgin Catholic girls all around. They have never seen a man naked.">>
<<s mc "You may think so, but then you are mistaken. You might not even be the most experienced girl in this school.">>
<<s riley "Who could be more experienced than me?">>
<<s mc "I don't want to mention any names. It's private, you understand.">>
<<s riley "Whatever. I think you're just making it up to get me to do the threesome.">>
<<but "Tell Riley about Vivien" school1 "step:2000 qqvivienq>=700">><<but "\"We'll talk more about this later\"" school1 step:1400>>
<<ev 1400>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 40>>
<<mi badgirl 40>>
<<set _julianun = $qqjuliajoining >= 1010>>
<c>You give up the attempt to convince Riley. For now. But you think that if you could convince Riley that she has some competition when it comes to being the most experienced girl in the school, she might agree to the threesome.
<p><<if _julianun>>Novice <</if>>Julia has some experience with sex, but <<if _julianun>>she is a nun now. <<else>>she will become a nun soon.<</if>> Whatever you did with <<if _julianun>>Novice <</if>>Julia should stay a secret between the two of you. You can't tell Riley about it.</p>
<p>You have to find another student with enough sexual experience to make Riley think she might not be the most experienced girl in school.
<<q riley 800>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 34>>
<<mi badgirl 34>>
<<s mc "Because helping Sister Dana is so important, I will make an exception and mention a name. Vivien.">>
<<s riley "Yeah? What? Vivien is a virgin. She's not gonna have sex before she marries. She told me so herself.">>
<<s mc "That's what she said, yes. This must stay between you and me, Riley, but Vivien also has experience with men. With me. I've been helping her. Like I have been helping you, but not for the same reason. I can't mention any details, but Vivien may beat you when it comes to having the most experience. But she hasn't done a threesome. Maybe I should ask her instead, if you can't handle a threesome.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi face4 35 right>>
<<s riley "No, I can do the threesome. If I wanted to. But I think you're trying to trick me. Vivien is a total virgin. She has no experience with sex.">>
<<s mc "But she has. What if I prove it to you?">>
<<s riley "How?">>
<<s mc "You could watch when she uses her mouth on me.">>
<<s riley "Hmm... Alright. Let me watch, or I won't believe you.">>
<<s mc "Then you have to promise to participate in the threesome. I'm taking a big risk letting you watch me with Vivien.">>
<<s riley "Fine, I promise.">>
<<s mc "I will let you know when the time comes.">>
<<but "Leave Riley" school1 step:2600>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
<c>You told Riley that Vivien also had experience with men, with you, trying to make Riley feel like she had competition, possibly not being the most experienced girl at school.
<p>Riley didn't believe you, but she promised to participate in the threesome if you could prove to her that you have been intimate with Vivien.</p></c>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
<c>You should get Vivien to use her mouth on you in her room when you visit her in the evening. Then Riley should be able to open the door to spy on you, hopefully without Vivien noticing anything.
<p>If Vivien sees Riley, you could just pretend you didn't know anything about it. Riley is a known troublemaker in the school, so Vivien probably wouldn't suspect that you had anything to do with it.
<<q riley 900>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi face1 45>>
<cc>To your disappointment, Riley still doesn't agree to participate in the threesome
<<cs mc "Riley, you made a promise.">>
<<cs riley "Yeah, but I couldn't believe it. I thought you were lying about Vivien.">>
<<cs mc "But I wasn't. And you have to honor your promises.">>
<<ev 2750>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 34>>
<<mi badgirl 34>>
<<s riley "But I've done much more than using my mouth on you. So I'm the most experienced here. Vivien wouldn't agree to a threesome, so why should I?">>
<<s mc "I think Vivien might agree to it. I guess I have to ask her, then, since it's too much for you.">>
<<s riley "Have you had sex with Vivien? For real, not just her mouth?">>
<<but "(Lie) \"Yes, I've had intercourse with Vivien\"" school1 "step:2800 vivienmarry#notcompleted">><<but "\"Yes, I've had intercourse with Vivien\"" school1 "step:4000 vivienmarry#completed">><<but "\"No, but I will have soon.\"" school1 "step:2800 vivienmarry#notcompleted doplay:temp=vivienintercoursesoon">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi face4 40>>
<<if $temp == "vivienintercoursesoon">>
<<cs mc "No, but I will have soon. And then I'll prove it to you.">>
<<cs mc "Yes, I've had intercourse with Vivien.">>
<<cs riley "I don't trust you. You could be trying to trick me for real this time.">>
<<cs mc "Well, I'll prove it to you. Soon.">>
<<cs riley "Until you do, I won't agree to the threesome.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
<cc><<if $temp == "vivienintercoursesoon">>
You must have intercourse with Vivien. The sooner, the better.
<<else>>You took a shot at lying, but Riley didn't believe you.
<p>You have no choice but to prove that you have had intercourse with Vivien.</p>But you haven't... yet.
<<q riley 970 center>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi face4 40>>
<<if $temp!="rileydanaproof">>
<<s mc "Yes, I've had intercourse with Vivien.">>
<<s riley "I don't trust you. You could be trying to trick me for real this time.">>
<<s mc "How about if Sister Dana confirms that Vivien and I have had intercourse? Would you trust Sister Dana?">>
<<s riley "Yeah, but... how would she know?">>
<<s mc "Sister Dana is aware of my activities with Vivien, just as she is aware of what you and I are doing. Sister Dana is responsible for you students. She is looking out for all of you.">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<mi face2 34>>
<<mi badgirl 34>>
<<s riley "Yeah, sure. But you could be lying to Sister Dana.">>
<<s mc "What if Sister Dana said she saw it with her own eyes?">>
<<s riley "You would let her watch? Hmm.. Okay, if Sister Dana says she has seen you have sex with Vivien for real, not just her mouth, I would believe it.">>
<<s mc "Good. But no point in you asking Sister Dana about it. She won't reveal such private things about other people. I will talk to Sister Dana and convince her to tell you about it. But only if you promise, for real this time, that you will agree to participate in the threesome then.">>
<<s riley "Fine, I promise, for real.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 70>>
<cc>You have to talk to Sister Dana. You should visit her in the dungeons.
<<q riley 980 center>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 5000>> /*finally... */
<<mi face1 40>>
<<s riley "Yeah, yeah... but...">>
Riley hesitates to honor her promise.
<p>But this time you don't let her get away with it. In the end, after talking with her, you get Riley to agree to the threesome.
<<s riley "Fine. I'll do it.">>
<<if $rileyPath == "trust">>
<<addtrust 1>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<but "Success!" school1 step:6000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi face4 40>>
<c>You have convinced Riley to play the role of the rebellious student in the threesome.
<p>You inform Riley that she should be prepared to perform the threesome soon. When the time comes, she should wear her school uniform.
<<ev 6100>>
<<mi face1 40>>
<c>You tell Riley that you may still want to meet with her after class to repeat the sex lessons.
<p>Riley sighs but agrees to it. Though she acts as if she is unhappy about it, you think Riley has come to enjoy your private times together in the classroom.</p>
<p>You think you have enough control over Riley now that you don't have to worry about her running off to town to meet with boys behind your back.
<<qend riley 1000>></p>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 36 "pnggg">>
Everything is ready for the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley to take place. Almost.
<p>The threesome is supposed to allow you to cleanse Sister Dana of her grave sins of the past using the holy rite of Sin Eating. It is crucial that Sister Dana feels that the sin eating worked, to get her to fully accept the holy rites and to support your fight against Satan.</p>
<p>This should make Sister Dana allow you to fornicate with Vivien, but more than that, having Sister Dana on your side would mean a lot to convince more nuns – and students – to accept the holy rites.</p>
<p>To this end, you must make sure that the threesome goes like you want it to. Somehow.
<<qstart rileyThreesome 100>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<event 2600 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.
<p>You put your ear to the closed door...</p>
<p>You hear something. It sounds like Vivien is masturbating again.</p>
<<but "Knock and wait" school1 step:2000>>
<<but "Knock and enter" school1 step:1000>>
<<but "Spy on her" school1 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 2000-400 64 volume0.4>>
<cc>You weren't mistaken. Vivien is doing it again.
<<if $qqvivienq<1000>>
/* easy way to allowing replaying of this event while not giving players a huge repeatable lust bonus event */
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<but "Knock and wait" school1 step:2000>>
<<but "Knock and enter" school1 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 2000-300 64 volume0.4>>
She is a slave to her sexual urges.
<<if $qqvivienq<1000>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<but "Knock and wait" school1 step:2000>>
<<but "Knock and enter" school1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 2000-500 40>>
<c>You knock on the door, then you open the door and enter, giving Vivien barely any time to cover herself. Her legs are still spread and her hand is on her wet slit.
<<s vivien "$fmc, you shouldn't enter like that! I couldn't help myself. I didn't mean for you to see this.">>
<<s mc "It's alright. We know you have this problem. You don't have to be ashamed of showing your weakness to me.">>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Father, but I do feel ashamed when you see me like this.">>
Vivien gets dressed and you sit down to talk to her.
<<if $qqvivienfornicate>=1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2800 step:1000">>
<<elseif $qqvivienq<1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2200>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2300>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<cc>You softly knock on the door.<br>It takes a few moments, then Vivien opens the door – red in her face – and lets you inside.
<<cs mc "Did I catch you at a bad time? You look like you were doing something...">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, $fmc. I admit, I was touching myself again. I couldn't resist it.">>
<<cs mc "We know you have this problem. You don't have to be ashamed of telling me about it.">>
<<cs vivien "Thank you, Father, but I do feel ashamed of what I'm doing.">>
<<if $qqvivienfornicate>=1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2800 step:1000">>
<<elseif $qqvivienq<1000>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2300>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi talkday2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Have you spoken with Novice Emma?">>
<<s vivien "She has taught me about Sin Eating. I think I understand how it works.">>
<<s mc "Good. Now, you may have committed sins of fornication when touching yourself down there. Those are grave sins. It's something we should try to cleanse, or you could attract the lust demon to the school. Even if you are protected against evil thanks to being anointed, other students are not, and the lust demon may eventually strike at them instead when it fails to attack you.">>
<<s vivien "How would we do it then? I would touch myself when you are here?">>
<<s mc "That's how sin eating works, normally. But unfortunately, in the case of sins of fornication, the sin is too grave. We would have to do that act your mind thought of doing. We would have to fornicate.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<if def $qqvivienmarry>>
<<if $qqvivienmarry < 200>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<c>You bring up Vivien's sins of fornication and your idea to use the Holy Marriage as a loophole. It would allow her to have sex while being married, and then after the temporary marriage is over, you could fornicate with Vivien without her breaking her promise to God to not have sex before marriage.
<<but "Continue" school1 step:4100>>
<<elseif $qqvivienmarry >= 300>>
<<mi talkday4 40>>
<<if $qqviviendana < 300>>
<<s mc "I just wanted to update you about our wedding plans. I'm working on it, but I still have some things to take care of before we can marry in the town church.">>
<<s vivien "Remember that I want to marry in a white wedding dress.">>
<<s mc "I remember.">>
You have made arrangements to marry Vivien in the town church, but the wedding won't happen until Sister Dana has approved of it.
<<if $qqviviendana<150>>
<<qmess vivienmarry 330>>
<<qmess vivienmarry 350>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<s mc "I have made arrangements for us to marry in the town church according to your wishes. Then afterward, we could consummate the marriage in a private room there. What do you say, Vivien?">>
<<s vivien "But I would need a white wedding dress.">>
<<s mc "All taken care of. The church has a few wedding dresses for rent, for you to choose from.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:6000>>
<<else>> /* if $qqvivienmarry >= 200 && < 300 */
<<mi talkday4 40>>
<<s mc "I just wanted to update you about our wedding plans. I haven't been to the town church to make arrangements for us to marry yet, but I will do it soon.">>
<<s vivien "Remember that I want to marry in a white wedding dress.">>
<<s mc "I remember.">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<mv talkday 40 "volume0.4 pause5">>
<<if $qqvivienq>=1000>>
<<s mc "Vivien, we need to talk about the sins of fornication you have committed in your mind when touching yourself. I could cleanse these sins with the holy rite of Sin Eating.">>
<<s vivien "I can't agree to it. I will never have sex before marriage. Or I would break my promise to God.">>
<<if ndef $qqvivienfornicate>>
<<elseif setup.questCompleted("holymarriage")>>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" school1 step:3500>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<cs vivien "But that's impossible. I will never have sex before marriage. That's a promise I have made before God.">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi talkday 40 right>>
<<s mc "Let's leave that thought for now – we can talk more about it later. Right now, what's urgent is that you need more protection from the lust demon since you can't keep yourself from committing the sin of Onan. I must anoint you again.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, I want to be protected. I want to be anointed. But could we do it in the evening? Then we could ask Sister Dana to watch. I feel safe when she is there.">>
<<s mc "Yes, we will do it in the evening. Then we can decide if we should invite Sister Dana to watch, or if we should do it only you and me in this room.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, that sounds good. I will see you later, then.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<c>Vivien isn't ready to fornicate with you yet. Until she is, you should anoint Vivien whenever you think it's needed to strengthen her protection against the lust demon. You should do this in the evening.
<<if $qqvivienq>=1000>>
<<qmess vivienfornicate 130>>
<<q vivienq 1000>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi talkday2 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "Has Novice Emma told you about the Holy Marriage rite?">>
<<s vivien "Yes. Why do you ask?">>
<<s mc "You say you will never have sex before marriage. But what about after marriage? If we got married with a Holy Marriage rite, we could consummate the marriage – have sex as husband and wife. Then, after we have ended the Holy Marriage, I could fornicate with you in the holy rite of Sin Eating, eating your sins of fornication.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:4000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi talkday 40 right>>
<<s vivien "But... then we wouldn't be married anymore.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's the point. If we were married, it wouldn't be fornication. And we must fornicate, or I won't be able to eat your sins of fornications. But you will fornicate with <<italics me,>> someone you already had sex with while being married. I know it's not ideal, but you wouldn't break your promise to God to not have sex before marriage. It's a sort of loophole we can use to allow me to eat your sins of fornication, saving your soul as well as preventing the lust demon from being attracted to the school.">>
<<ev 4030>>
<<mi talkday2 40 right>>
<<s vivien "Will God allow such a loophole?">>
<<s mc "Yes, since we will be using the holy rites every step of the way. I will marry you with a holy rite, we consummate this Holy Marriage by having sex as husband and wife, and then, when we are no longer married, I will eat your sins of fornication with a holy rite. And through all this, you will even keep your virginity in the eyes of the Lord. Something holy cannot be wrong or cause impurity. It's all coming from the Lord. Do you see?">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi talkday4 40>>
<<s vivien "I think maybe you could be right. But... I've always dreamed of a wedding in a church, wearing a white wedding dress and all that. Not just saying a few words to get married and then we have sex. That feels wrong. No, I will only marry someone in a proper wedding ceremony. I want to get married wearing a wedding dress, in a church, by a priest, with witnesses. And the priest can't be the same priest I'm marrying!">>
/* <<addlust 100>> TEST LUST */
<<c "Talk more about this later">>
<<but "Offer to marry her in town" school1 "step:4500 corr40 ttt10">>
<<ev 4140>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<<cs mc "I have to think about this. We will talk more about it later.">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii area/townwedding 50>>
<c>You consider offering to marry Vivien in the church in town in front of witnesses, combining it with Holy Marriage to still make the special rules of the holy rite apply.
<p>But that would be very risky as it would draw a lot of unwanted attention to you. What if someone recognizes you or Vivien – now or later? A priest from the Vatican marrying a young girl? You are supposed to be chaste. Rumors could start.</p>
<p>You have to think about this.
<<q vivienfornicate 200 center>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi talkday3 40>>
<cc>You have to eat Vivien's sins of fornication. You have to take the risk of marrying Vivien in the town church. God will protect you.
<<cs mc "What if we have the wedding you want, in the town church?">>
<<cs vivien "We could do that? With a priest and witnesses and everything?">>
<<cs mc "Yes. I think I could make it work.">>
<<ev 4520>>
<<mi talkday4 40 right>>
<<s vivien "But we wouldn't be married for real? I mean, it would be a temporary Holy Marriage, right?">>
<<s mc "Yes. The Holy Marriage will be a real marriage, but I will annul it after we consummate it. Then it's like it never happened, and you will still be a virgin in the eyes of the Lord.">>
<<s vivien "But... aren't the holy rites supposed to be a secret?">>
<<s mc "Yes. We won't tell anyone about it. I will perform the Holy Marriage rite when we are alone, after the priest has wed us.">>
<<s vivien "I don't understand. How can you marry us if the priest marries us first?">>
<<s mc "I will tell the priest that the wedding ceremony will be a rehearsal for your future wedding. I'm just standing in for your future groom.">>
<<ev 4540>>
<<mi talkday 40 right>>
<<s vivien "But then it won't be a real wedding.">>
<<s mc "Not the rehearsal wedding, no, but the Holy Marriage rite I perform on you afterward will be a real wedding. One which God later allows us to annul. And you will have everything else you wanted, the wedding dress in a church and so on. You have to compromise a little, Vivien. This is about your soul and preventing the lust demon from being attracted to the school. I need to cleanse your soul of your sins of fornication. Compromising with your wedding dreams will be part of the penance you have to pay to be absolved of your grave sins of Onan. And your sins are grave.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, they are.">>
<<ev 4560>>
<<mi talkday2 40>>
<<s vivien "But you're a priest... From the Vatican. Aren't you required to be chaste and not marry?">>
<<s mc "Yes. But as Novice Emma maybe has told you, the temporary Holy Marriage is allowed for me as an exception as I am currently a holy warrior fighting the evil in this place.">>
<<ev 4580>>
<<mi talkday4 40>>
<<s vivien "So be it, then. I will agree to the marriage, Father. But only if all my conditions are met. I want to be married in a church, wearing a white wedding dress, with witnesses. And the priest who marries us can't be you.">>
<<s mc "I will try to make it happen. I will get back to you.">>
<<q vivienfornicate 300>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<c>You have promised Sister Dana to let her be present the first time you perform a new holy rite with Vivien. Since it is important that you have the support of Sister Dana, you must keep your promise.
<p>You should visit Sister Dana in the dungeons at night to inform her about your plans to marry Vivien in a Holy Marriage.
<<qstart viviendana 100>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii area/townwedding 60>>
<cc>You also have to travel to the town to arrange the wedding in the town church.
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii area/hub_town 100>>
<cc>You don't have a car, but getting to the town and back shouldn't be a problem.</cc>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii area/wall-dirt-road 50>>
The main road is only a few minutes away by foot on the dirt road leading up to the monastery.
<p> From the main road, you could either take the bus that passes on its way to and from the town a couple of times a day, or you could hitch a ride with a car going in the same direction. And then you could return to the monastery in the same manner.
<<if ndef $qqvivienmarry>>
<<qstart vivienmarry 200 center>>
<<q vivienmarry 200 center>>
<<info "New destination added" "Town">>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi talkday3 40 right>>
<<s vivien "What about witnesses? Should we ask Sister Dana?">>
<<s mc "I have already spoken with Sister Dana. She will be a witness, along with some of the townspeople. Sister Dana will also be present when you and I consummate the marriage. I promised her that.">>
<<s vivien "Then... I am ready to marry you, $fmc.">>
<<c "Marry Vivien another day">><<but "Marry Vivien now" school1 step:6080>>
<<ev 6030>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<<s mc "Good. We will marry soon, but not today. I will get back to you.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father, I'll be waiting.">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 6080>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<<s mc "Good. I will go to Sister Dana. Her last class for today should finish about now, making her available to come with us. If so, we will leave for the town right away.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Seek out Sister Dana">>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 35 pnggg>>
<c>You find Sister Dana as she finishes a class. As it was her last class for today, she can accompany you to the town to marry Vivien.
<<ev 6300>>
<<mii area/wall-dirt-road 50>>
<c>You wait outside the entrance to the monastery. You are soon joined by Sister Dana and Vivien.
<<set $temp2="marryviviendana">>
<<q vivienmarry 400>>
<p>Together, you go down to the main road. Just a minute later, you manage to get a ride with a truck going to the town.
<<c "To the town">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<hubShowRoom2 tchurch 12 90 townhub>>
<cc>The truck driver is nice enough to drop you off just outside the church.</cc>
<<but "Enter the church" tchurch>>
<<event 2700 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.
<<but "<<actQuest riley>>" school1 "step:110 qqriley==900">>
<<but "Knock and enter" school1 step:200>><<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 110>>
<<mii school/riley/face10 45>>
<c>You go to Riley's room and inform her that Vivien will be using her mouth on you. Riley should come to Vivien's room in a few minutes to see for herself. You will leave the door slightly open, making it easier for Riley to peek inside. You caution Riley to be careful so Vivien won't see her.
<p>Riley says she will be there.
<<qset riley 920>>
<<c "Return to Vivien's room">>
<<ev 140>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You return to Vivien's room.</cc>
<<c "Knock and enter">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk 45 right>>
<l class="nomargin-bottom">Vivien looks up from a book she was reading. You sit down with her to talk. <<if $qqriley==920>><br><<special2 "You left the door slightly open for Riley to spy.">><</if>>
<<s mc "Are you ready to be anointed with the Holy Seed?">>
<<s vivien "Yes. I'm ready.">>
<<if $qqriley==920>>
<<s mc "I think we should perform the anointing in your room this time, only you and me. It's important that you get used to this because Sister Dana may not always be available to watch.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. I'm okay with that.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:300>>
<<s mc "Do you want to do it here, just the two of us, or should I get Sister Dana and we will meet in the relaxation room?">>
<<s vivien "Well... what do you think?">>
<<but "We should do it here" school1 step:400>><<but "We should do it with Sister Dana" school1 step:5000>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Don't do anything tonight" school1 step:240>>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi talk3 40>>
<<s mc "On second thought, we should do it another time. I will return.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk3 40>>
<<cs mc "Then we should get started. First, show me your breasts to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:500>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk3 40>>
<<cs mc "We could do it here this time. Alright?">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, Father. If that's what you want.">>
<<cs mc "Good. Then first, show me your breasts to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:500>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv showtits 38 "volume0.5 pause2">>
<cc>You watch as Vivien exposes her well-developed bust.
<<addlust 30>>
<<cs mc "Good. You can pull the dress all the way down.">>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv showtits2 38 "volume0.5 pause2">>
<cc>Vivien does as you say.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "That's good. The Holy Rod is ready. Now you must bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 42 volume0.4>>
<c>Vivien grabs your stiff member. Seeing that she appears to be aroused from touching your hard manhood, you tell her that it is okay if she pleasures herself during the holy rite.
<p>Vivien says nothing but her hand moves down between her legs.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 42 volume0.8>>
<cc>You watch as Vivien touches herself. But this is not about her pleasure.
<<cs mc "You should use your mouth on the Holy Rod.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 2700-1300 50 volume0.8>>
Vivien obeys, taking your manhood in her mouth.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 2700-1600 60 volume0.7>>
<c>Vivien glances at you. She seems to enjoy this, giving you pleasure. You find this inappropriate for such a devout Catholic girl since you aren't married, but you say nothing.
<<if $qqriley==920>>
However, Riley will come to spy on you – maybe she is already here. If Vivien keeps looking up, she could spot Riley.
<<s mc "The Holy Rod is tired tonight. Please focus extra hard on using your mouth. Don't slow down to look up.">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv 2700-1700 72 volume0.6>>
<<if $qqriley==920>>
Vivien does as you say, concentrating on pleasuring you with her mouth.<br>If Riley is going to spy, you hope she will do it now.
<<c "Look at the door">>
<cc>Vivien continues to pleasure you with her mouth. The Holy Seed will soon be on its way.</cc>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mii school/riley/spying 28 right>>
<l>You turn your head to look at the door.
<p>You see that Riley has cracked open the door a bit more and is spying on you. Excellent. Now you have proven to Riley that Vivien has experience with men.</p>
<p>Riley meets your eyes. You signal to her that this is what she wanted to see, but now she should leave or Vivien could see her.</p>
<p>Riley doesn't move for a few seconds, but then her head disappears and the door is returned to how it was.</p>
<p>If Riley keeps her word, she should now agree to participate in the threesome.
<<q riley 950>>
<<c "Return to looking at Vivien">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.8>>
<cc>Vivien's mouth drives you to climax. The Holy Seed is ready to be released.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Anoint Vivien">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.4>>
<cc>You anoint Vivien, sprinkling her with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c>Having accepted the truth of the holy rites, Vivien feels the warmth of God's blessing, protecting her against evil.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<s mc "You now have a strong protection against the lust demon. But if you keep committing the sin of Onan, we must also keep strengthening your protection.">>
<<s vivien "I understand, Father. I will do my best to resist it, but I fear I will need to be anointed again soon.">>
<<c "Leave Vivien">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<cc>You successfully anointed Vivien again,<br>and you can keep doing it whenever you see fit.
<<qend vivienq 1100 center>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("vivienmarry")>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi masturbate 50>>
<c>Anointing Vivien will strengthen her protection against evil, but you must also attempt to eat the sins of fornication you suspect that Vivien has committed in her mind when touching herself.
<<if ndef $qqvivienmarry>>
<p>However, Vivien has refused to fornicate with you. You should try to catch her masturbating again, as that may be the best time to change her mind.
<<qstart vivienfornicate 100>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi talk4 40>>
<<s mc "We could do it with Sister Dana tonight. I will go get her and we will all meet in the relaxation room.">>
<<s vivien "Okay, Father. I will meet you there.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<c>You go to the monastery and seek out Sister Dana in her room. She agrees to supervise your anointing of Vivien.
<p>You leave the monastery together.</p>
<<but "Go to the relaxation room at the school" school1 "ev:2100 step:1200">>
<<event 2750 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.
<p>You put your ear to the closed door...</p>
<p>You have caught Vivien masturbating around this time of the day,<br>but now you hear nothing like that.</p>
<<c "Knock on the door and wait">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talkday 30>>
<c>A few seconds later, Vivien opens the door and lets you inside.
<<s mc "How do you feel now after we got married?">>
<<s vivien "I feel better. The desire to touch myself is not as strong. I have not touched myself since we... married. I can resist it. But I fear the desire will grow again. I can already feel it.">>
<<s mc "That desire may not go away for some years since it was put there by the Lord to make you procreate when your body is the most fertile. If you continue to touch yourself, we must also continue to anoint you to protect you from the lust demon. I will check in on you to see how you're doing, if you need more protection.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talkday2 30>>
<<s mc "But then there are the sins of fornication I suspect you have committed in your mind. We have talked about them before. That's why we married and had sexual relations as husband and wife. Now you can fornicate with me without breaking your promise to God to not have sex before marriage. And I can eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<s vivien "Yes. But it still feels wrong to do it.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("dana")>>
<<s mc "I understand. But you should try to get used to the idea. Sooner or later, it must be done. For your own safey, and everyone else's.">>
<<s mc "I understand. And as Sister Dana said, she and I have agreed to not ask this of you yet. But you should try to get used to the idea. Sooner or later, it must be done. For your own safey, and everyone else's.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, $fmc. I will try to get used to the idea.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi talkday3 35>>
<<s mc "When you touch yourself, you increase the risk of attracting the lust demon to you and to the school. Anointing you will protect you, but reducing your lust without sinning is also something we can do to not attract the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "I understand, $fmc.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("dana")>>
<<q vivienfornicate 1060>>
<<q vivienfornicate 1050>>
<<if $qqvivienfornicate==1300>>
<<qendversion vivienfornicate version0.5.0>>
<<but "<<actQuest vivienfornicate>>" school1 " step:1100 vivienfornicate#played1080 qqvivienfornicate<<1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest vivienfornicate>>" school1 " step:1200 qqvivienfornicate==1200">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" school1 step:1000>><<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi talkday4 30>>
<<s mc "I have arranged another wedding for us in the town church, with wedding dresses and everything. Then we can consummate the marriage to reduce the sinful lust in your body.">>
<<s vivien "Will Sister Dana be a witness this time?">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("dana")>>
<<s mc "Yes. For now, Sister Dana will be present every time we marry.">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("dana")>>
<<but "Get Sister Dana" school1 "step:2100 doplay:temp2=marryviviendana">>
<<but "Invite Sister Dana to the wedding" school1 "step:2000 doplay:temp2=marryviviendana">><<but "Do not invite Sister Dana to the wedding" school1 "step:2000 doplay:temp2=marryvivien">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi talkday4 30>>
<<s mc "Good news. Sister Dana and I think you are ready to fornicate with me, allowing me to eat your sins of fornication.">>
<<s vivien "Oh, well... it still feels wrong to have intercourse with you, outside of marriage. Even though I'm no longer breaking my promise to not have sex before marriage.">>
<<s mc "It's understandable that this isn't easy for you. I will give you some more time to get used to the idea.">>
Vivien might be easier to convince if she gets used to having intercourse with you. You should marry her again before bringing up the topic of fornication.
<<s mc "I will give you some more time to get used to the idea. We'll talk more about this later.">>*/
<<q vivienfornicate 1100>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:800>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi talkday4 30>>
<c>You again bring up Vivien's sins of fornication. But she still doesn't sound very willing to fornicate with you. You think she is getting there though. She just needs more time to accept what has to be done.
<<s mc "I will give you some more time to get used to the idea. We'll talk more about this later.">>
<<q vivienfornicate 1300>>
<<qendversion vivienfornicate version0.5.0>>
<<but "Continue" school1 step:800>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi talkday 30>>
<<if $temp2 == "marryvivien">>
<cc><<cs mc "No, Sister Dana has a lot to do. We shouldn't bother her this time.">>
<<cs vivien "Oh. Okay, Father. I understand.">>
<<but "Travel to the town" school1 step:3000>>
<<cs mc "Yes, I will go and get Sister Dana. We will all go together.">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, Father, I like that.">>
<<c "Get Sister Dana">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 35 pnggg>>
<c>You find Sister Dana as she finishes a class. As it was her last class for today, she can accompany you to the town to marry Vivien and watch you consummate the marriage.
<<ev 6300>>
<<mii area/wall-dirt-road 50>>
<cc>Together, <<if $temp2 == "marryvivien">>Vivien<<else>>Sister Dana, Vivien,<</if>> and you go down to the main road.
<p>You soon manage to hitch a ride into town.</p>
<<c "To the town">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<hubShowRoom2 tchurch 12 90 townhub>>
<cc>The driver drops you off close to the church.</cc>
<<but "Enter the church" tchurch>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<event 2800 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.</cc>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("protecting") && $qqprotecting>=200>>
<cc>The door is open and inside you see Vivien and another student. They are praying together. You shouldn't disturb them.</cc>
<cc>You put your ear to the closed door...
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("tchurch1",300,3400,3)>>
<cc>You hear the unmistakable sound of Vivien masturbating.<br>She has yet again failed to resist her urges.</cc>
<<but "Knock and wait" school1 "ev:2600 step:2000">>
<<but "Knock and enter" school1 "ev:2600 step:1000">>
<<but "Spy on her" school1 "ev:2600 step:200">>
<cc>You have caught Vivien masturbating around this time of the day,<br>but now you hear nothing like that.
<<c "Knock on the door and wait">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talkday4 40>>
<c>Vivien opens the door and lets you inside.
<p>Vivien tells you that she has managed to resist touching herself thanks to the sexual relations you had with her when you got married in the town church. But she fears she will soon again succumb to the lustful desires.</p>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2750 step:800">>
/* Note: step 1000 is called from ev:2600 depending on stuff, do not remove */
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi talkday4 40>>
<c><<s vivien "I could resist it after we married and... consummated. But after a couple of days, the desire became too great again.">>
<<s mc "I understand.">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2750 step:800">>
<<event 2900 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 64>>
<c>You go to the kitchen to look for Sister Catarina.
<p>You find her and a couple of other nuns cleaning the kitchen after the last meal that was served. When you say that you wish to speak with Sister Catarina in private, the other two nuns leave.
<<s catarina "Yes, $fmc? Why do you want to speak with me?">>
/* Need to do this since player reading letter and catarina attack could both have happened. Thanks to 110 and 210 being qmess, this should work. Player can only choose one talk option, then returns to school. */
<<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",200) || setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",210)>>
<<but "Talk about the attack" school1 "step:200">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",100) || setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",110)>>
<<but "Bring up her \"struggle\"" school1 "step:2000">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv talk 60>>
<c>You ask Sister to tell you again about the attack by the lust demon.
<p>Sister Catarina remembers nothing more, but you learn that she is still very shaken and scared. Though she doesn't want to go into specifics, she is afraid of having committed lustful sins during the attack. You do your best to reinforce these thoughts of hers, making her believe she did commit grave sins of lust.</p>
<<ev 250>>
<<mi talk12 50>>
<c>Finally, you let Sister Catarina know that you can help her – to cleanse her grave sins and also to protect her from the lust demon, from being attacked again.
<p>When Sister Catarina wants to know more, you give her the usual speech that your help will require extreme measures and only someone desperate would be willing to pay the price.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv talk2 40 pause2>>
<<set $temp = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",300) || setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",350)>> /* check if mc has talked to cata about struggle yet */
<<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",1000)>> /* has done this before */
But again, understanding that something intimate may be required of her, Sister Catarina declines your offer.
In the end, when Sister Catarina realizes something intimate may be required of her, she declines your offer.
You then offer to take Sister Catarina's confession, suggesting that she tell you more in detail about the lustful sins she may have committed during the attack. But even this, Sister Catarina declines.
<<if $temp && $qqcatarinaq < 1000>><<qmess catarinaq 400 center>><</if>>
<<if $qqcatarinaq <= 210>>
<<elseif $temp>>
/* if both talked about struggle and cata's attack, go to final event step */
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:5000">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2920">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk14 46>>
<c>Too bad, but Sister Catarina isn't yet ready to accept the holy rites or open up to you. Perhaps in time, she will be.
<p>Explaining to Sister Catarina that you would like to speak in private with her again, she tells you at what times she will be alone in the kitchen. You can return then.
<<q catarinaq 400>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi talk14 45>>
<<set $temp = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",400) || setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",450)>> /* check if mc has talked to cata about attack yet */
<<set $temp2 = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",300) || setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",350)>> /* check if mc has talked to cata about struggle yet */
<c>Careful not to make Sister Catarina suspect that you have read the letter addressed to her, you<<if $temp2>> again<</if>> talk about hard times in life, and how it is good to have someone to talk to. And even better, to have a priest you can confess to, knowing that what you say will stay with the priest.
<p>Finally, you say that you have noticed something weighing on Sister Catarina,<<if $temp>> even before she was attacked,<</if>> and you urge her to lighten her heart and confess.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi talk13 50>>
<c><<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",1000)>> /* done this before */
Sister Catarina again admits that something has been on her mind, but she doesn't want to talk about it.
<<else>>Sister Catarina is surprised that you could tell something has been on her mind, but even when admitting this, she doesn't want to confess and tell you what it is.
<p>You ask Sister Catarina to reconsider, but to no avail.
<<if $temp && $qqcatarinaq < 1000>><<qmess catarinaq 300>><</if>>
<<if $qqcatarinaq <= 210>>
<<elseif $temp>>
/* if both talked about struggle and cata's attack, go to final event step */
<<but "Continue" school1 "step:5000">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2920">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi talk12 50>>
<c>That's a shame. Sister Catarina is a tough nut to crack.
<p>Explaining to Sister Catarina that you would like to speak in private with her again, she tells you at what times she will be alone in the kitchen. You can return then.
<<q catarinaq 300>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi talk12 46>>
<c>Even after being attacked and admitting to also having something else weighing on her mind, Sister Catarina refuses to accept any offer of help.
<p>You offer to take her confession, but Sister Catarina declines. Even when you say she could only tell you about any lustful sins she is afraid of having committed while under the lust demon's spell, she refuses to confess.</p>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi head 34>>
<cc> Is Sister Catarina hiding something?<br>Her defiance and secrecy could be an indication that something serious is going on.
<p>You can't let this pass. You have to investigate Sister Catarina closer. Spying on her to learn more about her activities when she is not working in the kitchen would be a good start.
<<q catarinaq 1000 center>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<event 2920 catarina school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk 64>>
/*<<qmess catarinaq 210>> TEST */
<<if $temp2 == "catareturn">>
<<set $temp2 = "reset">>
<cc>You are sitting with Sister Catarina in the school kitchen.</cc>
<cc>You seek out Sister Catarina in the kitchen when she said she would be alone.
<p>You sit down to talk with her.
<<set _readletter = setup.questCompleted("delivermail")>>
<<set _wasattacked = setup.questCompleted("monksDrinking3")>>
<<set _talkedstruggle1 = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",300)>>
<<set _talkedstruggle2 = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",350)>>
<<set _talkedattack1 = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",400)>>
<<set _talkedattack2 = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",450)>>
<<set _showfinalstruggle = false>>
<<set _showfinalattack = false>>
<<if _readletter && (_talkedattack1 || _talkedattack2)>>
/*<<but "Bring up her \"struggle\"" school1 "ev:2900 step:2000 catarinaq#played110">>*/
<<but "Bring up her \"struggle\"" school1 "ev:2900 step:2000">>
<<set _showfinalstruggle = true>>
<<if _wasattacked && (_talkedstruggle1 || _talkedstruggle2)>>
/*<<but "Talk about the attack" school1 "ev:2900 step:200 catarinaq#played210">>*/
<<but "Talk about the attack" school1 "ev:2900 step:200">>
<<set _showfinalattack = true>>
NOTE: Had to recode and add if conditions to account for special situation when both player reading letter and catarina attack happens BEFORE player first speaks with catarina here.
One of below buttons will show first time playing this event, depending on if talked about struggle or attack at first visit (either 300 or 400 will be set then). If first talked about attack, then attack will show below. This will continue until the second topic becomes available. Then that topic will be one of the above buttons. That button will then lead to final queststep in v0.5, and qendversion.
Note, in order to use daily for buttons, I must make new events for them */
<<if _readletter && (_talkedstruggle1 && !_showfinalstruggle)>>
<<but "Bring up her \"struggle\"" school1 "ev:2960 daily">>
<<if _wasattacked && (_talkedattack1 && !_showfinalattack)>>
<<but "Talk about the attack" school1 "ev:2940 daily">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<event 2940 catarina school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv talk 54>>
<c>You once again bring up the attack and the lustful sins Sister Catarina may have committed while under the influence of the lust demon. You offer your help, including protection against the lust demon.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi head2 40>>
<c>But again, understanding that something intimate may be required of her, Sister Catarina declines your offer. You then offer to take her confession about the lustful sins she thinks she may have committed during the attack, but Sister Catarina declines that too.
<p>Sister Catarina isn't yet ready to accept the holy rites or to open up to you. You must find a way to change her mind.
<<if $qqcatarinaq < 1000>>
<<qmess catarinaq 450>>
<<set $temp2 = "catareturn">>
<<but "Continue" school1 "ev:2920">>
<<event 2960 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk12 45>>
<<set $temp = setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",210)>> /* check if cata has been attacked by lust demon yet */
<c>Careful not to make Sister Catarina suspect that you have read her letter, you once again talk about hard times in life, and how it is good to have someone to talk to. And even better, to have a priest you can confess to, knowing that what you say will stay with the priest.
<p>Finally, you repeat that you have noticed something weighing on Sister Catarina,<<if $temp>> even before she was attacked,<</if>> and you urge her to lighten her heart and confess.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv talk 54>>
<c>Sister Catarina again admits that something has been on her mind for some time, but she doesn't want to tell you what it is.
<p>You ask Sister Catarina to reconsider, but to no avail. If only you could find a way to change her mind.
<<if $qqcatarinaq < 1000>>
<<qmess catarinaq 350>>
<<set $temp2 = "catareturn">>
<<but "Continue" school1 ev:2920>>
<<event 2980>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi kitchen 90>>
<c>With your knowledge of when the school meals are served and the nuns' prayer times, you have a pretty good idea of when the kitchen should be empty. It takes a while, but eventually, you manage to enter the kitchen when no one is there.
<p>But someone could come at any moment.</p>
<<c "Look for the work schedule">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 30 pnggg>>
<c>The work schedule isn't hard to find. It is displayed on one of the walls. You check Sister Catarina's schedule.
<p>Her lunch breaks are shown. They are one hour each, but at different times depending on the day of the week. You think back to the days you saw Sister Catarina around the stable. And sure enough, the times you saw her match when she had her lunch breaks those days.</p>
<p>You see no dates on the work schedule, so this seems to be the schedule they use week after week. Perfect.
<<qend catarinabreaks 200>>
<<c "Leave the school kitchen">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii stable/lofts 80>>
<c>Now that you know the exact time of the day that Sister Catarina has her lunch breaks – and her secret meetings – you can safely go to the haylofts before the meetings to lie in wait.
<<q catarinaq 1500>>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom2 refectory 12 90>>
<cc>It's getting late when you are done in the school kitchen. Supper will be served soon.
<<but "Go to the refectory" refectory1 "ev:300">>
<<event 2950 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 64>>
<cc>You seek out Sister Catarina in the kitchen when she is alone.
<<if $qqcatarinaq==2200>>
<<qendversion catarinaq version0.5.0>>
<<but "Talk to her" school1 "step:200">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv talk2 40 pause2>>
<c>To not make Sister Catarina suspect that you know of her secret meetings and suspected lesbianism, you talk about the usual things with her, asking about the attack and the lustful sins Sister Catarina may have committed while under the influence of the lust demon.
<p>You offer your help, including protection against the lust demon, but she again declines.</p>
<p>You learn nothing new from Sister Catarina.</p>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
/******* continued in school2.tw ******************/
/******** continuing from school1.tw **************/
<<vv 6>>
<<event 3000 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 64>>
<c>You seek out Sister Catarina in the kitchen when she is alone.
<<s mc "Have you talked to Novice Emma?">>
<<s catarina "Yes. I understand more now. Of what we did. Of the holy rites. I don't understand all of it, but if you can undo what I have done by eating my sins, I want your help.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv talk2 40 pause2>>
<<s mc "Good. I will cleanse your sins and protect you from Satan. Trust me on this and have faith in the Lord, and all will be well in the end. Now, let's talk about what happened with Alyssa...">>
<<s catarina "It's never happened before. I tried to resist it, but suddenly, I felt it so strongly, I just couldn't resist.">>
<<s mc "Have you been intimate with a woman before this?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk13 40>>
<<s catarina "Oh, no. I've never even kissed someone before, man or woman. I thought I never would. I'm married to Jesus.">>
<<s mc "Have you had feelings toward women before you met Alyssa? You must be honest now, Sister Catarina. God is listening.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk15 45 right>>
<<s catarina "Yes. I admit I've had a sinful attraction to women since before I became a nun. But I have never acted on the sinful feelings before – before Alyssa. I didn't think it would ever be a problem. But with Alyssa, it became hard to resist.">>
<<s mc "When did you first meet Alyssa? Was it before or after the nocturnal attacks started?">>
<<s catarina "Before, I think. Yes. But in the beginning, it was nothing. I thought Alyssa was attractive, but she was just a stranger delivering things for the kitchen. Then over time, we started talking more and more... and one day, she suggested we meet on the haylofts to have some privacy. And I think it was then that I started developing more serious feelings for her. Some kind of hope of another life, an impossible dream of being with her. Because I still wanted to be a nun. I wanted both.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk14 45 right>>
<<s mc "Did the meetings on the hayloft start after the attacks started?">>
<<s catarina "Yes. The attacks had been going on for some time, maybe a year.">>
<<s mc "As I suspected. You must understand, Sister Catarina, that Alyssa is an agent of Satan. She might not know it, but she is. Think about it. Just the idea of trying to seduce a nun, what does that tell you of Alyssa?">>
<<s catarina "I think she just couldn't help herself. Like me. I know that what we did is wrong, but I don't want to believe that Alyssa is a bad person.">>
<<s mc "Alyssa is influenced by Satan, as are you. That's why this is happening. The Devil has grown stronger with the attacks, and his influence was enough that it made Alyssa want to seduce you. Seducing a nun, that's something that can only come from the Devil. Do you not agree?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi talk15 45 right>>
<<s catarina "I don't know what to think. My head says you are correct, but my heart doesn't want to believe it. Not about Alyssa.">>
<<s mc "Satan does that. Love comes from the Lord, but Satan corrupts it. He tries to turn love into something sinful to lead us away from God. We must not let Satan win.">>
<<s catarina "You are right, Father. I will stop seeing Alyssa.">>
<<s mc "No. You must continue to meet with Alyssa. Yes, even continue to be intimate with her. If you don't, you may alert Satan that we are on to him. Secrecy is one of our weapons against the Devil because he is not omniscient like God. Satan works through his minions and agents. They are like his tentacles in this world. Fool them and you fool Satan.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi talk13 42>>
<<s catarina "You want me to have sinful relations with Alyssa?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Because of the extraordinary circumstances, I'm giving you permission to sin that way. Don't worry, I will cleanse you of your sins when needed. This will keep your soul safe for the time being. I'm fighting a holy war against Satan, together with many of your sisters, and when we win, we can revisit your meetings with Alyssa.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi talk14 45 right>>
<<s catarina "A holy war with my sisters? Novice Emma mentioned something about a secret group – the <<var circle.>> Is that what you mean?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Many of the sisters who have been attacked, and some that haven't, have joined me in a holy war against Satan. They support me and my use of the holy rites as a way to protect you all and to fight back against the Devil. You are now part of that secret group within the convent because you have been told of the holy rites and you have participated in a holy rite. Novice Emma can tell you more about the Circle and answer any questions you may have.">>
<<s catarina "Oh, I see. I will talk to her.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi talk12 45 right>>
<<s mc "You and I will talk more later. I should also anoint you with the Holy Seed to protect you from Satan. Has Novice Emma told you about the Holy Seed yet?">>
<<s catarina "Yes. It's what you talked about in the stable? That you wanted to anoint me with your seed someday...">>
<<s mc "Yes. We should do that soon. But now, you should get back to your duties. And as I said, keep meeting Alyssa on the hayloft as usual. Sin with her if that feels like something you would have done if I hadn't interfered. The important thing is that Alyssa doesn't suspect something is wrong. We can't alert Satan that we are on to him.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father. I will do as you say.">>
<<ev 950>>
<<mi head 42 pnggg>>
Sister Catarina appears more pleased than she should, but it is not surprising. You gave her permission, even encouraged her, to have lesbian sex with Alyssa.
<p>You should spy on Sister Catarina and Alyssa meeting on the haylofts now and then to eat those grave lesbian sins of Sister Catarina. Sin eating is best done when the sins are fresh.</p>
<p>You should also visit Sister Catarina again soon to anoint her. That would be best to do in the kitchen where she spends most of her time.
<<q catarinaq 2500>>
<<set $catarinastable = 1>> /* this will prevent player from spying on haylofts today */
<<ev 970>>
<<mi talk13 42>>
<<s catarina "Will you spy on us at the hayloft? I prefer if you didn't. I don't know if I can be intimate with Alyssa then. It would be so embarrassing.">>
<<s mc "I will spy on you if I have the time and I think it's needed to cleanse your sins. Eating sins is best done right after the sinful act. Me watching you will also be part of your penance. You have to go through with it. Just remember to not let Alyssa know anything is different.">>
<<s catarina "I will try my best, Father.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi talk14 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "One last thing before I leave...">>
You tell Sister Catarina about the day of the Revelation that is soon coming. You ask for her support of the holy rites and for her vote to accept you as the temporary leader of the convent.
<p>You ensure Sister Catarina that as long as she supports you, and until the war on Satan has been won, her part of the war effort will be to continue to have lesbian sex with Alyssa to not alert the Devil that you are on to him. Doing her part in the war will go a long way for her to repent for her grave sins.
<<s catarina "I will support you, $fmc. I will do what I can to repent for the grave sins I've committed.">>
<<qend revelationcatarina 1000>>
<<c "Leave the kitchen">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<revsupport "Sister Catarina" 700>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 3050 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 64>>
<cc><<if $qqcatarinaq>=2600>>
You seek out Sister Catarina in the kitchen when she is alone.
<<else>>You seek out Sister Catarina in the kitchen shortly before the work schedule of the kitchen calls for her to be alone. You wait for the other nuns to leave, and ask them not to disturb you as you need privacy with Sister Catarina.<</if>>
<p>You talk with Sister Catarina for a minute to get updated on her situation.</p>
<<but "Anoint her" school2 "step:200 qqcatarinaq<<2600">><<but "Anoint her" school2 "step:1000 qqcatarinaq>=2600">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk15 40>>
<<s mc "I want to anoint you with the Holy Seed. This will protect you from the Devil.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father. Should we go to the haylofts?">>
<<s mc "I want to anoint you here, in the kitchen. This is where you spend most of your time and the blessing will be strongest where the anointing takes place. I can anoint you on the haylofts too, but I will do that after I fornicate with you to eat your sins. After you've been intimate with Alyssa.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk13 45 right>>
<<s catarina "But what if someone enters the kitchen and sees us? The door doesn't lock.">>
<<s mc "I asked for privacy. The sisters will leave us alone. And all the students should be in class now.">>
<<s catarina "But what if one of the other sisters wants to get something? They would come in without knocking.">>
<<if ndef $qqpatriarchq>>
<<s mc "Then how about this?... I will ask Novice Emma to guard the door.">>
<<if def $qqpatriarchq>>
<<but "Leave it for now" school2 step:1800>><<but "Insist as her patriarch" school2 step:2000>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:400>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk15 45 right>>
<<s catarina "But Father $mc, then Novice Emma will understand that we are doing something. I would be so ashamed. Please, don't make me do this.">>
You don't want to upset Sister Catarina as you need her support for the Revelation. You have to go along with her wishes, for now.
<<s mc "I hear you, Sister Catarina, and I respect your wishes. We can talk more about anointing you some other time.">>
<<s catarina "Thank you, Father.">>
<<c "Leave the kitchen">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi head 30>>
<c><<if $qqcatarinaq>=2600>>
<<special "Sister Catarina doesn't want you to anoint her in the kitchen because she is afraid someone will see you.">>
There is no hurry to anoint Sister Catarina in the kitchen. The important thing now is to get her vote at the Revelation.
<p>Once you have become the patriarch of the convent, you can return to the matter of anointing Sister Catarina in the kitchen.
<<q catarinaq 2600>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi talk15 45>>
<cc><<cs mc "We can leave this discussion for today. I will talk more to you later.">>
<<cs catarina "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi talk15 45 right>>
<<s mc "If a sister should happen to see us, they will understand what is going on. They were all at the Revelation, remember? We are all together in this now, the entire convent, in the holy war against Satan. You need protection and I've waited long enough. The Devil already has his claws in you, and I won't allow further corruption of your soul. This will happen now. I'm your patriarch. Do I need to command you, Sister Catarina?">>
<<s catarina "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must use your mouth on me. First, I will activate the Holy Rod. Stand up.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 3050-2200 60 "pause2 volume0.75">>
<<s catarina "What will you do to me?">>
<<s mc "I will just look at your behind to get the blood flowing to the Holy Rod.">>
The look and feel of Sister Catarina's shapely rear has the desired effect on you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Drop your pants">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 3050-2300 80>>
<c>Wanting to get this over with before you are discovered by someone entering the kitchen, Sister Catarina quickly gets to work on your erect member.
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 3050-2400 80>>
<cc>You enjoy her mouth.</cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 3050-3000 80 volume0.8>>
<cc>Saying it will make you finish faster to see her naked,<br>you convince Sister Catarina to remove her habit.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 3050-3200 80 volume0.8>>
<cc>Sister Catarina does a good job of bringing forth your seed. You don't last very long.
<<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed!">>
<<if $qqamnesiaq >= 800>>
<<c "Anoint Sister Catarina's face">><<but "Anoint Sister Catarina's breasts" school2 step:4700>>
<<c "Anoint Sister Catarina">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 3050-4000 92 volume0.34>>
<c>Trying to make the best of the situation, Sister Catarina eagerly receives your seed, hoping it will protect her from the Devil.</c>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 3050-4200 92 volume0.34>>
You let Sister Catarina finish sucking the seed from your manhood.
<<ev 4500>>
<<mi 3050-4500 80>>
Finally, Sister Catarina is done.
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:5000>>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv 3250-2100 80 volume0.34>>
<c>Trying to make the best of the situation, Sister Catarina eagerly receives your seed, hoping it will protect her from the Devil.</c>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mi 3250-2200 88>>
<cc>When you are done, Sister Catarina goes to the big sink to wash the off the seed.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi talk12 40>>
<<s mc "The Holy Seed will protect you for now. I will return to strengthen your protection.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Catarina looks relieved that it's over without anyone discovering you.
<<if setup.questCompleted("catarinaq")>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<dopatriarch catarina>>
<<ev 5200>> /* referenced elsewhere, dont change */
<<mi 3050-4500 66>>
You anointed Sister Catarina in the kitchen to protect her from further corruption by Satan.
<p>You will continue to keep an eye on Sister Catarina and Alyssa, and you can use the holy rites on Sister Catarina when needed, but your investigation into the nun and her "struggle" can be closed.
<<qend catarinaq 3000>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 3100 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 64>>
<<if def $qqcatarinakitchen>>
You visit Sister Catarina in the kitchen shortly before she is scheduled to work alone.
<p>Soon after, the other nuns leave. You tell them not to disturb you and Sister Catarina.</p>
You seek out Sister Catarina in the kitchen shortly before the work schedule of the kitchen calls for her to be alone. The nuns acknowledge you <<if !setup.questCompleted("catarinaq")>>– their leader – <</if>>with a respectful greeting.
<p>You wait for the other nuns to leave, and tell them not to disturb you as you need privacy with Sister Catarina.</p>
<<but "<<actQuest amnesiaq>>" school2 "ev:3250 qqamnesiaq==600">>
<<but "<<actQuest catarinakitchen>>" school2 "ev:3600 qqcatarinakitchen==100">>
<<but "<<actQuest catarinakitchen>>" school2 "ev:3600 step:3000 qqcatarinakitchen==200 catarinakitchen#stageDay+1">>
<<but "<<actQuest catarinastudent>>" school2 "ev:3620 qqcatarinastudent==200">>
<<but "Anoint Sister Catarina" school2 "ev:3050 step:200 catarinaq#notcompleted">><<but "Anoint Sister Catarina" school2 "step:200 catarinaq#completed">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" school2 "ev:3600 step:2700 catarinakitchen#completed">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk15 45 right>>
<<s mc "I want to anoint you again to strengthen your protection against Satan.">>
<<s catarina "We should do it quickly in that case. I don't want anyone to see us.">>
<<s mc "Then you must use your mouth on me. First, I will activate the Holy Rod. Stand up.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 "ev:3050 step:2200">>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 3200 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.</cc>
<cc>You put your ear to the closed door...
<cc>You hear the unmistakable sound of Vivien masturbating.<br>She has yet again failed to resist her urges.</cc>
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 "step:1000">>
<<but "Spy on her" school2 "step:200">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv 2000-400 64 volume0.4>>
<cc>You weren't mistaken. Vivien is doing it again.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 2000-300 64 volume0.4>>
She is a slave to her sexual urges.
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 2000-560 56>>
<c>You knock on the door, then you open the door and enter, giving Vivien barely any time to cover herself. Her legs are still spread and her hand is on her wet slit.
<<s vivien "I did it again, $fmc, as you can see.">>
<<s mc "It's alright. We know you have this problem. You don't have to be ashamed of showing your weakness to me.">>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Father, but I do feel ashamed when you see me like this.">>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<but "Let her get dressed" school2 "step:6000 amnesiaq#notcompleted">>
<<but "Let her get dressed" school2 "ev:3400 step:1000 amnesiaq#completed">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" school2 "step:1200 vivienfornicate#notplayed2450 corr50 ttt10">><<but "Take out your manhood" school2 "step:1200 vivienfornicate#played2450">>
<<but "Reduce her lust" school2 "ev:4500 step:700 lustfulwomen#completed">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 2000-500 44>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("vivienfornicate",2450) && !setup.questCompleted("amnesiaq")>>
Perhaps if you try something new, you can push Vivien in the right direction.
<<addlust 100>>
Your manhood is already hard when you take it out. Vivien stares at your erect male organ.
<<addlust 100>>
Your manhood quickly grows hard as you take it out. Vivien stares at your erect male organ.
<<s vivien "Did you come to anoint me, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I thought it would be good to do it right when you have sinned with yourself. You should use your mouth.">>
<<s vivien "What about Sister Dana? Will she come?">>
<<s mc "No, we would lose time waiting for her. This should be done right now.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
<<qadd vivienfornicate 2450>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Vivien quickly gets to work on your manhood, being used to it by now.</cc>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 48 volume0.3>>
<c>Vivien doesn't even ask for permission to touch herself, trusting that you will eat any sins she commits while being intimate with you.
<p>She squeezes her breasts, lust still raging through her body since you interrupted her masturbating.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi m 54>>
<c>Viven goes on to touch her slit.
<p>When Vivien takes a second to breathe, you feel an urge to kiss the young girl.</p>
<<if setup.checkqStage("vivienfornicate", 2460)>>
You have done it before, and Vivien seemed to take it well then, but other people could object to it if they found out. People like Sister Dana. Kissing is only for husband and wife and you are not currently married to Vivien.
Perhaps in her excited state, she wouldn't mind. There's always a risk that she would mind afterward – and that other people would mind. People like Sister Dana. Kissing is only for husband and wife and you are not currently married to Vivien.
<<set $temp2 = null>>
<<but "Don't kiss Vivien" school2 step:1700>><<but "Kiss Vivien" school2 step:1800>>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You resist the urge to kiss Vivien, to not risk making her and Sister Dana upset.
<<but "Continue" school2 step:2000>>
<<ev 1800>> /* Don't change. Can use to check if kissed. */
<<mv m 54 volume0.3>>
<cc>You kiss Vivien, and she returns the kiss.
<p>You squeeze her breast and she seems to enjoy that too.</p>
<p>You hope this kiss won't become a problem later.</p>
<<set $temp2 = "kiss">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
Vivien continues to stimulate you with her mouth. You are getting close to orgasm.
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
Soon after, Vivien climaxes from fingering her slit. This pushes you over the edge.
<<c "Prepare to release your seed">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
You have Vivien lie down, and then you run your hard manhood between her big breasts.
<p>The Holy Seed is coming.</p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>You moan as you release your seed, sprinkling it over Vivien's face and breasts.</cc>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>Vivien sucks the last of the sperm off your manhood like a good girl.</cc>
<<set $temp = "bj">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
<<if $temp2 == "kiss">>
You get dressed and sit down to talk.
You get dressed and sit down to talk.
<p>You bring up Vivien's obsessive masturbation that you caught her doing yet again today.</p>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaq")>>
<<but "Continue" school2 "ev:3400 step:1000">>
<<but Continue school2 step:6000>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi talkday4 40 right>>
<<if $temp2 == "kiss">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("vivienfornicate", 2460)>>
<<s vivien "You kissed me again, Father.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry. Did it make you feel uncomfortable?">>
<<s vivien "Not when it happened. But I still think it's strange that you kiss me. Are you sure you aren't in love with me, Father $mc?">>
<<s vivien "Why did you kiss me, Father? We weren't even married.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry. Did it make you feel uncomfortable?">>
<<s vivien "Not when it happened. I was so into... being with you. But now it feels strange that you did it. We're not lovers. We were together because you would use the holy rites on me. Are you in love with me, Father $mc?">>
True or not, you can't admit to having romantic feelings for Vivien. If you do, people may question your motives for being intimate with her.
<<ev 5300>>
<<mi talkday 40 right>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("vivienfornicate", 2460)>>
<<s mc "I assure you I'm not, my child. But being a man, I once again, in the heat of the moment, succumbed to my earthly desire to kiss a beautiful, naked girl because my focus was on the holy rites. But because it happened during the holy rite of Sin Eating, that sin was sent up to the Lord, like it never happened.">>
<<s vivien "I understand. Then I'm fine with it.">>
<<s mc "No, but I understand your concern. Let me explain. You see, Vivien, you must understand that you are a very pretty and attractive young girl, especially when you are naked. The Lord made you this way for men to be attracted to you – to impregnate you. Only in a marriage, of course, but when I'm concentrating on the holy rites, it can be hard to resist temptations because my focus is elsewhere. And so, in the heat of the moment, I succumbed to my earthly desire to kiss a beautiful girl. But because it happened during the holy rite of Sin Eating, the sin was sent up to the Lord, like it never happened.">>
<<s vivien "I understand. Then I'm fine with it.">>
<<qadd vivienfornicate 2460>>
<p>With that out of the way, you bring up Vivien's obsessive masturbation that you caught her doing yet again today.</p>
<<if setup.questCompleted("amnesiaq")>>
<<but "Continue" school2 "ev:3400 step:1000">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi talkday4 42 right>>
<<if $temp != "bj">>
Vivien gets dressed and you sit down to talk to her.
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2", 3200,6100,0)>>
/* cutting down repeated text by not repeating same stuff every time */
<p>Vivien laments that she can't resist touching herself even after you made her climax in the town church.</p>
<p>You remind her that God put this desire in her for the purpose of procreation, but that she must resist touching herself.</p>
<<s vivien "I could resist it for a few days after we married and you made me climax, but I don't think even that helps much anymore. It's like my body wants to be with a man every day.">>
<<s mc "Because it does. You are the most fertile now and God put this desire in you for you to let your husband lie between your legs and impregnate you. But you chose not to marry yet, and that is perfectly fine – God also gave us free will. In time, you will marry, or the desire will lessen with age. But until then, you have to fight this desire, and in doing so, you are staying true to God.">>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mi talkday 42 right>>
<<s vivien "But I'm failing. I can't resist the desire. I'm dishonoring God. Perhaps I should leave the school and find a man to marry.">>
You feel distressed at the thought of Vivien leaving you when you haven't fornicated with her yet. This is not what the Lord wants.
<<if $qqvivienfornicate >=2400>>
You manage to convince Vivien that she must stay in school as she may already be corrupted by Satan's influence and you can't risk spreading that corruption elsewhere.
<p>You then again suggest eating her sins of fornication, but Vivien continues to refuse intercourse unless you marry her first.</p>
<<s mc "Ordinarily, that would be an option, but not now. We can't risk spreading Satan's influence, you see. The lust demon may not have attacked any of you students yet, but Satan's corrupting influence has for sure already reached the school. Any one of you could be potential agents of the Devil without knowing it. No, you must stay here Vivien. But there is something else we can do about your lustful desires.">>
<<if $qqvivienfornicate >=2400>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:6800>>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi talkday2 38>>
<<s vivien "What, Father?">>
<<s mc "I can fornicate with you in a holy rite of Sin Eating. Not only will this reduce your lust, but I can also eat your sins of fornication, reducing Satan's influence in the school. You would be doing both yourself and everyone else here a favor.">>
<<ev 6300>>
<<mi talkday4 38>>
<<s vivien "I know you want to do this, Father, but it just feels wrong. I wouldn't be married.">>
<<s mc "Fornicating could perhaps be more effective at reducing your lust than when we marry in the church. I don't know. In any case, fornicating with you will be much quicker. We don't have to arrange the wedding, go to the town and back, and all that.">>
<<s vivien "I like the wedding ceremony, to stand there in the wedding dress. It makes it feel like I'm not sinning when you are with me afterward. But fornicating... the word... It's a sin. Even if you say it won't be because of the holy rite. I don't like it.">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 34 pnggg>>
<<set _vivmess = false>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("vivienfornicate", 2450) && !setup.checkqStage("vivienfornicate",2470)>>
Even after trying something new with Vivien, she is still not ready to submit to you, to fornicate with you.
<<set _vivmess = true>>
Vivien is still not ready to submit to you, to fornicate with you.
You could try to push her into doing it, enforcing your will, but Sister Dana would not like that.
<p>You could already be seen as going behind Sister Dana's back by trying to fornicate with Vivien without having Sister Dana present the first time you do it.</p>
<p>No, you must respect Vivien's wishes. You must make her come around somehow.
<<if _vivmess && $qqvivienfornicate>=2400>>
<<qmess vivienfornicate 2470>>
<<q vivienfornicate 2400>>
<<if $qqamnesiaq == 500>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
Or maybe there is a way you could fornicate with Vivien without Sister Dana knowing about it.
<p>You could test the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> on Vivien. You could do it at night before she goes to bed.
<<q vivienfornicate 2500>>
<<set $temp = "school">>
<<ev 7100>>
<<ev 7200>>
<<event 3250 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>You want to secretly add a potion of contraception to the food served to the students today, meaning you must distract Sister Catarina.
<p>You will do it by anointing her. Instead of anointing Sister Catarina's face, which makes the seed easy to wash off, you will spray your semen over her breasts, making as much of a mess as possible. Then, when she washes it off, you will have your opportunity.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi head2 40>>
You inform Sister Catarina that you have come to anoint her.
<p>She asks you to please be quick about it.</p>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv 3050-3000 80 volume0.8>>
<<addlust 100>>
Sister Catarina goes to work on you, wasting no time.
<p>Seeing no reason to drag this out, you don't hold back.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 3050-3200 80 volume0.8>>
<cc>Soon, your seed is on its way.</cc>
<<c "Spray your seed over her breasts">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 86 volume0.34>>
<c>Unaware of your plan, Sister Catarina looks surprised as you spray your seed over her bosom instead of over her face, but she goes along with your decision to anoint her there.
<p>She turns her chest to receive your sperm on both of her breasts.</p></c>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi m 86>>
<c><<s mc "The Holy Seed has blessed you. You may now wash it off.">>
Sister Catarina hurries to the big sink where she can easily wash her upper body.
<<c "Pour the <<potionContraception>> into the food" null fullWidth>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 26 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Catarina has her back to you as she washes off your semen.
<p>You pour the <<potionContraception>> into the food cooking on the stove and quickly mix it in.</p>
<<ev 2440>>
<<mi head 40>>
<cc>You bid farewell to Sister Catarina and leave the kitchen.
<<ev 2460>>
<<mii lab/potion_bigger 26 pnggg>>
The contraceptive effect of the potion you mixed into the food should last a week or so. You might as well make a habit of repeating this regularly to keep the students on the same contraceptive regimen as the nuns.
<p>The thought of all the girls at school and the young slits between their legs make you feel an urge to look for more students that may need your help and protection.
<<addlust 20>></p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii nuns/misc/pregnant 40 right>>
<<if $pregnancy>>Because you use the weak contraceptive potions, there is still a small chance that your seed will make a student pregnant, but you don't feel too concerned about it.<<else>>Because you use the strong contraceptive potions, you won't make either nun or student pregnant with your seed. But even if you used the weak potions, you wouldn't feel too concerned about making a student pregnant.<</if>> Sure, it could complicate things, but it wouldn't be as bad as if one of the nuns got pregnant.
<p>If a nun gets pregnant, you, as the only man around, will be the prime suspect, but with the girls at school, they could have run away to town, or met with some farmer or other local boy on their free time, roaming around the countryside near the school. For all you would know, that might even be true. Regardless, you should be able to get away with it.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mii school/vivien/head1 24>>
<p>With the contraceptives taken care of, you are ready to test the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> on Vivien by fornicating with her. You should visit her after supper.
<<q amnesiaq 800>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 3300 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 "step:200 qqamnesiaq<<1000">>
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 "ev:3340 qqamnesiaq==1000">>
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 "step:200 qqamnesiaq>=1200">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<if $temp2 == "vivientalking">>
You are talking with Vivien in her room.
Vivien looks up from a book she was reading. You sit down to talk.
<<if $qqvivienfornicate==3000 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("vivienfornicate",3)>>
<cc><br>You recently fornicated with Vivien. You should wait one or two more days before attempting it again.</cc>
<<set _waitfornication = true>>
<<but "<<actQuest amnesiaq>>" school2 "step:500 qqamnesiaq==800">>
<<but "Anoint her" school2 step:300>>
<<but "Fornicate with her" school2 "ev:3340 step:2000 amnesiaq#completed qqvivienfornicate<<3000">>
<<if !_waitfornication>>
<<but "Fornicate with her" school2 "ev:3340 step:1700 qqvivienfornicate>=3000 qqvivienfornicate<<3200">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" school2 "ev:3340 step:1800 qqvivienfornicate>=3200 qqvivienfornicate<<3300">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" school2 "ev:3340 step:1900 qqvivienfornicate>=3300">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Are you ready to be anointed with the Holy Seed?">>
<<s vivien "Yes. I'm ready.">>
<<s mc "Do you want to do it here, just the two of us, or should I get Sister Dana and we will meet in the relaxation room?">>
<<s vivien "Well... what do you think?">>
<<but "We should do it here" school1 "ev:2700 step:400">>
<<but "We should do it with Sister Dana" school1 "ev:2700 step:5000">>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<but "Don't do anything tonight" school1 "ev:2700 step:240">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi talk2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Are you going to bed soon, Vivien?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, I was about to, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Before you do, I feel strongly that we should fornicate. The Lord has given me a sign that it must be done now as you are in danger of being attacked by the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "Not fornicate, Father. You must marry me first.">>
<<s mc "No, I must eat your sins of fornications. The ones you've committed in your mind touching yourself.">>
<<addlust 10>>
<<s vivien "But what you're asking is something I don't want to do, Father. It feels wrong.">>
<<ev 650>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>Vivien continues to resist you, but if you wanted, you could probably force your will without her making too much of a scene here and now. Vivien might become upset, but if the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> works as well as you hope, there would be no problem, because tomorrow she wouldn't remember much, if anything, of what happened.
<p>The worst case scenario, you hope, is that you could convince Vivien she dreamt it all.</p>
<p>But what if the Oil of Amnesia doesn't work well enough? Then Sister Dana would probably find out what happened. Not only that you fornicated with Vivien without inviting Sister Dana the first time as you have sort of promised, but even worse, that you more or less forced Vivien to fornicate with you. Sister Dana would not like it. You would take a risk.</p>
<<but "Leave Vivien alone tonight" school2 step:700>><<but "Force your will" school2 "step:800 corr50 ttt10">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<c>You don't feel like risking it. Perhaps you will manage to convince Vivien to fornicate with you another night.
<p>You say goodnight to Vivien.
<<qmess amnesiaq 900>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii area/300-consummated 60>>
Thinking of Viven's tight slit helps you make up your mind. The Lord is with you. This is the way to go. Upsetting Sister Dana a little wouldn't be the end of the world.
<<s mc "I'm afraid this can't wait. The Lord has told me it's very urgent that I eat your sins of fornication. It has to be done right now, Vivien, or Satan will come for you, and as a priest from the Vatican, this I can't allow. Remove your clothes.">>
Using your most authoritative voice, Vivien feels compelled to go along with your request. She starts undressing.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv showtits2 38 "volume0.5">>
<cc>You too undress. Seeing Vivien's naked body quickly activates your manhood.
<<addlust 50>>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 2700-1700 66 volume0.6>>
<cc>First, you tell Vivien to use her mouth on you to get you ready. She obeys.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "That is enough. Now turn around and show me your behind, and we will fornicate.">>
Vivien obeys again. Despite her earlier objections, you can tell that she is aroused, a slave to her high libido.
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your erect manhood">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 50 "volume0.5">>
<c>It feels amazing to slide your erect manhood into Vivien's already wet slit.
<p>This feels better than when you're married to her, maybe because now it is sinful and Satan is tempting you. But the holy rite of Sin Eating will cleanse any sins committed during the act.</p>
<<c "Continue to fornicate with Vivien">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.5">>
<cc>You enjoy your manhood inside Vivien's tight slit. She apparently does too.
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.5">>
<cc>Vivien sounds close to climaxing. You are not far behind.</cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 66 "volume0.5">>
<cc>Eventually, Vivien has an orgasm. This is a good time to finish it.
<p>Your seed is soon on its way. You have to decide where to ejaculate.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate inside Vivien's slit">><<but "Pull out and ejaculate in her face" school2 step:4000>>
<<ev 3000>> /* checked in later event, so don't change */
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie8 50 volume0.3>>
You ejaculate inside Vivien's young slit. It feels so good.
<<creampie vivien center>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi m 40>>
<<s vivien "Father, what have you done?">>
<<s mc "Don't worry. This was a holy rite. God wouldn't allow anything impure to come from it. You won't get pregnant, or it would be a miracle from the Lord.">>
<<s vivien "Are you sure? If I get pregnant, I won't have an abortion. I rather live with the shame than go against my faith.">>
<<s mc "Of course you shouldn't have an abortion. But you won't get pregnant. Have faith in the Lord.">>
<<s vivien "Okay, Father. I have to.">>
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:5000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 2700-3000 60 volume0.5>>
<cc>You pull out and ejaculate over Vivien's face and breasts.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi m 30>>
<<s mc "You should go and wash. I'll wait here and we will talk a minute before I leave.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father.">>
Vivien quickly leaves her room, heading for the communal bathroom on this floor of the school building.
<<q vivienfornicate 2600>>
<<c "Prepare the <<potionAmnesiaOil>>">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>You take the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> and let it soak into a cloth you brought with you for this purpose.
<p>Then you lie down under Vivien's bed and stick the oily cloth between the mattress and one of the wooden slats supporting the mattress.</p>
<<c "Leave Vivien's room">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>You quickly leave Vivien's room.
<p>When Vivien returns from the bathroom, she will be confused when you are not waiting in her room as you said you would. That is good, because tomorrow, if Vivien still retains some memory of what happened tonight, you want her to think it was all a dream.</p>
<p>You should avoid Vivien tomorrow during the day and visit her again tomorrow night to see what she remembers.
<<q amnesiaq 1000>>
<<event 3340 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 20 pnggg>>
<c>When you enter Vivien's room, you instinctively sniff the air to see if you can detect that metallic scent from the cloth soaked in <<potionAmnesiaOil>> hidden under Vivien's bed.
<p>You don't think you can. Whatever metallic scent you think you might smell, it is so faint it is probably your imagination. That's good news. It would be bad if you could smell the oily cloth this long after you put it under the bed.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<c>You sit down to talk with Vivien.
<<s mc "I just wanted to come and check on you since I'm worried about your safety with the lust demon around. How are you doing?">>
<<set _forniday = setup.lastStageDay_checkNote2("amnesiaq")>>
<<if $day == _forniday + 1>>
<<set _text = "last night">>
<<elseif $day > _forniday + 2>>
<<set _text = "a few nights ago">>
<<set _text = "two nights ago">>
<<s vivien "I'm fine, I think. But... I had this dream _text. I dreamt you came to me to eat my sins of fornication. And we were together in my bed. Was it a dream or did that really happen?">>
<<s mc "It didn't happen. Tell me more about this dream, Vivien. It could be important.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk4 40 right>>
<<s vivien "I don't remember it well. It's bits and pieces. But what I remember is that I didn't want to fornicate – I wanted to get married in church. But you didn't take no for an answer this time, and you had me go along with it. So we fornicated.">>
It seems Vivien remembers well the broad strokes of what happened, so far.
<<s mc "Go on.">>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3300,3000,0)>>
<<s vivien "I remember I got upset because you finished inside me. But you said I wouldn't get pregnant.">>
So she remembered this rather detailed information.
<<s vivien "I remember you finished by anointing my face as usual.">>
She remembered it almost correctly. You didn't actually anoint her.
<<s mc "Then what happened?">>
<<s vivien "I'm not sure. I think I looked away and then you were just gone. And then I went to bed, I think. That's all I remember.">>
The last part of her "dream" must be from when you said you would wait for her in her room as she went to wash, and then you were gone when she returned. So she didn't remember the details of it. That's good.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 18 pnggg>>
<c>The <<potionAmnesiaOil>> worked well enough. Vivien thinks it was all a dream.
<p>She remembered a lot though. If you want someone to not remember anything at all, you probably have to increase the dose significantly, though a complete blackout may not be realistic to count on.</p>
<<ev 1030>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman 70>>
<c>You have questioned all of the nuns attacked in their beds, and their memories of the attacks are generally worse than Vivien's memories of when you fornicated with her. The attacker probably uses a higher dose than you did – or a more effective Oil of Amnesia.</c>
<<ev 1050>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaOilBig 18 pnggg>>
<c>This experiment has been successfully completed, proving the usefulness of the Oil of Amnesia. You may want to experiment more with the effectiveness and dosage of the oil some other time – perhaps on another student.
<<qend amnesiaq 2000>>
<<c "Back to Vivien">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi talk 40 right>>
<<s mc "This dream of yours is a sign from the Lord, a warning, that you are in grave danger. Your sins of fornication need to be cleansed.">>
<<s vivien "Maybe you are right, Father. You have been warning me, but I don't want to fornicate. I want to only have sex with my husband.">>
<<s mc "Just like in the dream. But in the dream, you accepted what had to be done and let me eat your sins of fornication. This is what God wants for you. He wants to protect you from Satan and his lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "I didn't really accept it. I mean, you forced me, it felt. I felt like I had to do it.">>
<<s mc "Because that's what the Lord made you feel. You can't dismiss this sign from God, Vivien. The Lord is speaking to you. You must listen.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi talk4 40 right>>
<<s vivien "Hmm, I think I have to accept it, then. If that is what God wants. But when we do it, could we ask Sister Dana to watch?">>
<<s mc "Sister Dana was not in the dream, was she?">>
<<s vivien "No.">>
<<s mc "Then we shouldn't invite her when we fornicate, at least not the first time. The Lord wants just the two of us to do it. We can invite Sister Dana some other time.">>
<<s vivien "Okay, Father.">>
Finally, Vivien has willingly agreed to fornicate with you. You can come up with some explanation to Sister Dana later as to why you didn't invite her. You don't want to risk Sister Dana putting a stop to it or changing Vivien's mind.
<<q vivienfornicate 2900>>
<<set $temp2 = "vivientalking">>
<<but "Continue" school2 "ev:3300 step:200">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi talk4 40 right>>
<<s mc "I'm worried for your safety, Vivien. I want to eat your sins of fornication now, to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "Will Sister Dana come this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, I haven't talked to her yet.">>
<<if $qqvivienfornicate >= 3100>>
<<s vivien "But you promised you would.">>
<<s mc "I know, but I've been busy with other things, and now I felt this urgency to fornicate with you. I promise I'll speak to Sister Dana very soon.">>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Father. I feel safer with her.">>
<<s vivien "Could you, Father? She doesn't have to watch us every time, but sometimes. I feel safer with her.">>
<<s mc "Okay, Vivien. I promise I will talk to Sister Dana. She can join us the next time we fornicate.">>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Father.">>
If you want to keep your promise to Vivien, you should talk to Sister Dana soon.
<<q vivienfornicate 3100>>
<<ev 1710>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<cs mc "But tonight it will be just the two of us.">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, Father. I accept it.">>
<<cs mc "Then show me your breasts to activate my manhood.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:2100>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi talk4 40>>
<<s mc "I'm worried for your safety, Vivien. I want to eat your sins of fornication now, to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "Will Sister Dana come this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I have invited her, as I promised you. I will go get Sister Dana, and we will all meet in the relaxation room.">>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Father.">>
<<but "Leave" school2 ev:3500>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi talk4 40>>
<<s mc "I'm worried for your safety, Vivien. I want to eat your sins of fornication now, to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "Will Sister Dana come this time, Father?">>
<<but "No, it will be just the two of us" school2 step:1920>><<but "Yes, Sister Dana will be present" school2 step:1940>>
<<ev 1920>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<cs mc "No. Tonight, it will be just the two of us.">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, $fmc">>
<<cs mc "Then show me your breasts to activate my manhood.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:2100>>
<<ev 1940>>
<<mi talk 40>>
<<s mc "Yes, I have invited her. We will go to the relaxation room. Sister Dana will be there.">>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Father.">>
<<but "Go to the relaxation room" school2 ev:3500>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi talk4 40>>
<<if $qqvivienfornicate >= 3000>>
<<s mc "I'm worried for your safety, Vivien. I want to eat your sins of fornication now, to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s mc "We shouldn't waste any more time, Vivien. I want to eat your sins of fornication now, to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. I accept it.">>
<<s mc "Then show me your breasts to activate my manhood.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv showtits 40 "right volume0.5 pause2">>
<<s vivien "You said manhood, not Holy Rod. Does that mean you will not anoint me?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I want all my focus to be on eating your sins of fornication as that is the urgency now. I can always anoint you another time.">>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,2400,0) || setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,5200,0)>>
<<s vivien "I understand. But if you finish, you will pull out of me first, yes? I know you said I won't get pregnant, but I still worry about it.">>
<<s vivien "I understand. But if you finish, you will pull out of me first, yes? I can't get pregnant.">>
<<addlust 50>>
<<set $temp3 = setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,2400,1)>> /* used in step 2400 */
<<but "\"Yes, I will pull out.\"" school2 step:2200>><<but "\"Maybe I will pull out. We'll see.\"" school2 step:2400>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 3300-5000 32>>
<<set $temp = "yes">>
<<cs mc "Yes, I will pull out. Don't worry about it.">>
Vivien looks calmed by your assurance.
<<but "Continue" school2 step:3000>>
<<ev 2400>> /* checked elsewhere, so don't change */
<<mi 3300-5000 35 right>>
<<set $temp = "maybe">>
/* if setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,2400,1) -- v0.7.1: can't check in step we're checking for! step is already marked played today. Using solution with temp3 in step 2100 */
<<if $temp3 || setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,5200,1)>>
<<s mc "I will be focusing on eating your sins of fornications, Vivien. We'll see what happens. But regardless, have faith in the Lord. You won't get pregnant.">>
<<s vivien "I hope you are right, Father.">>
<<s mc "I am. ">>
<<s mc "Maybe I will pull out, maybe I won't. I can't say for sure what happens. I'm supposed to eat your sins of fornications, Vivien. The man releasing his seed inside the woman is what the Lord intended with their sexual relations, ultimately leading to a child. But don't worry. Even if I do release my seed inside you, God won't allow anything impure to come from a holy rite. You won't get pregnant, or it would be a miracle from the Lord.">>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3300,3000,0)>>
<<s vivien "I think you said the same thing in my dream after you finished inside me. Yes, I remember it now. Then it must be true, because the dream was from God. Yes?">>
<<s mc "Yes. So just relax and everything will be alright.">>
<<s vivien "I hope you are right, Father.">>
<<s mc "I am. Have faith in the Lord. He will protect you, as will I.">>
Vivien looks calmed by your assurance.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 36>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "I'm ready. Turn around and show me your behind, and we will fornicate.">>
Vivien eagerly obeys, already being aroused, a slave to her high libido.
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your erect manhood">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 3300-1200 50 "volume0.5">>
<c>You slide your erect manhood into Vivien's already wet slit.
<p>Again, this feels better than when you're married to her, maybe because now it is sinful and Satan is tempting you. But the holy rite of Sin Eating will cleanse any sins committed during the act.</p>
<<c "Continue to fornicate with Vivien">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 3300-1500 66 "volume0.5">>
<cc>You enjoy your manhood inside Vivien's tight slit. She does too.
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv 3300-1700 66 "volume0.5">>
<cc>Vivien sounds close to climaxing. You are not far behind.</cc>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv 3300-2400 66 "volume0.5">>
<cc>Eventually, Vivien has an orgasm. This is a good time to finish it.
<p>Your seed is soon on its way. You have to decide where to ejaculate.
<<if $temp == "yes">><br><<specialalert2 "You promised you would not ejaculate inside her.">><</if>></p>
<<c "Ejaculate inside Vivien's slit">><<but "Pull out and ejaculate in her face" school2 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>> /* might be checked in some later event, so don't change */
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie8 50 volume0.3>>
<<if $temp == "yes">>Breaking your promise to Vivien, you ejaculate inside her tight slit.<<else>> You ejaculate inside Vivien's tight slit.<</if>> It feels very good.
<<creampie vivien center>>
<<if $temp == "yes">>
<<if !(setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,2400,0) || setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3340,5200,0))>>
/* every time (including replays) that player chooses "yes, I will pull out" and then doesn't pull out, check if pregnancy thing has ever been explained to vivien
-- not counting testing oil of amnesia since she thinks that was a dream */
/* mc said he would pull out, but didn't... but has previously explained why she won't get pregnant */
<<but "Continue" school2 step:5400>>
/* mc said maybe he will pull out and explained why she won't get pregnant. */
<<but "Continue" school2 step:5400>>
<<ev 5200>> /* checked elsewhere, so don't change */
<<mi 3300-3200 40 left>>
<<s vivien "Father, what have you done? You said you wouldn't...">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. But don't worry. This was a holy rite. God wouldn't allow anything impure to come from it. You won't get pregnant, or it would be a miracle from the Lord.">>
<<if setup.daysAfterPlayed("school2",3300,3000,0)>>
<<s vivien "I think you said the same thing in my dream after you finished inside me. Yes, I remember it now. Then it must be true, because the dream was from God. Yes?">>
<<s mc "Yes. So just relax and everything will be alright.">>
<<s vivien "I hope you are right, Father.">>
<<s mc "I am. Have faith in the Lord. He will protect you, as will I.">>
Vivien calms down and accepts your seed in her slit.
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:7000>>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mi 3340-3000 34>>
<<if $temp == "yes">>
/* vivien doesn't get very upset that mc broke promise because mc has previously explained she will not get pregnant */
<<cs vivien "You said you wouldn't finish inside me.">>
<<cs vivien "I hoped you wouldn't finish inside me. I prefer if you don't.">>
<<cs mc "I know, but I was so focused on eating your sins of fornication. But remember what I told you. You don't have to worry about getting pregnant.">>
<<cs vivien "Yes, I remember. It just feels safer if you pull out.">>
Although reluctantly, Vivien accepts your seed in her slit.
<<but "Continue" school2 step:7000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 2700-3000 60 volume0.5>>
<cc><<if $temp == "yes">>You keep your promise to not release your seed inside Vivien's slit.<<lineheight>><</if>>You pull out and ejaculate over Vivien's face and breasts.</cc>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 3300-5000 36 left>>
<<s mc "Your sins of fornication will keep piling up if you don't stop masturbating. Even if you do stop, it will likely take several attempts for me to eat all those sins from you.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. I understand. I will try my best to stop touching myself.">>
<<s mc "Now that I'm here to take care of you, it's okay if you do it if you can't resist it. But yes, you should at least try to resist it.">>
<<s vivien "I will, Father. Thank you for helping me.">>
<<if $qqvivienfornicate < 3400>> /* before invited dana */
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" school2 step:7500>>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi fornication 70>>
<c><<if $qqvivienfornicate < 3000>>Now you can fornicate with Vivien at night whenever you want to.<</if>>
<p>You still haven't informed Sister Dana that you have fornicated with Vivien. Sister Dana might have objections, especially since you haven't invited her to keep Vivien company.</p>
<p>You should think about inviting Sister Dana to a future fornication session with Vivien<<if $qqvivienfornicate==3100>>, as you have promised Vivien<</if>>.
<<q vivienfornicate 3000>>
<<qendversion vivienfornicate version0.7.0>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi fornication 70>>
<cc>You ate more of Vivien's sins. You can repeat this when necessary.</cc>
<<but "Continue" school>>
/* after amnesiaq completed */
<<event 3400 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen==4000>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<c>The lust demon has returned and is once again attacking the nuns, but has it also attacked the students this time?
<p>Based on your findings, you are certain that the lust demon would seek out the most lustful students first. Since none of the students have been previously attacked by the lust demon – as far as you know – the evil forces would likely use the information in your journal to find lustful students.</p>
<<mi head1 20 left>>
And then there is no doubt who the lust demon would target first: Vivien. She is the most lustful student you know.</p>
<p>You must investigate if Vivien has been visited by the lust demon.</p>
<<but "Continue" school2 "ev:4500">>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.</cc>
<cc>You put your ear to the closed door...
<cc>You hear the unmistakable sound of Vivien masturbating.<br>She has yet again failed to resist her urges.</cc>
<<but "Knock and enter" school2 "ev:3200 step:1000">><<but "Leave" school>>
/* after completing Oil of Amnesia quest, player comes here instead of step 6000 */
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi talkday 40>>
Vivien laments that she can't resist touching herself.
<p>You remind her that God put that desire in her. She should try to resist it, but it's not the end of the world if she fails, now that you are here to take care of her.</p>
<p>Then you give Vivien some encouraging words and quote a few passages from the Bible to put her in a better mood.</p>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" school1 "ev:2750 step:1000">><<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 9000>> /* v0.8.0.3 see comment in school.tw */
<<mi head1 20>>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room, but it is empty.
<p>You can try again tomorrow.</p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 3500 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<c>You go to the monastery and seek out Sister Dana in her room. You invite her to watch as you will eat Vivien's sins of fornication.
<p>You leave the monastery together.</p>
<<c "Go to the school and the relaxation room">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi relaxRoom 28>>
You walk through the school hallways, and soon you arrive at your destination. You enter the dimly lit relaxation room.
<p>Vivien is here, waiting for you.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Good, everyone is here. Then we can start the holy rite.">>
<<s dana "Vivien, are you sure you want to do this? It's not too late to back out if you feel uncomfortable.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi head1 24>>
<<s vivien "No, I want to do this. I want to get rid of my sins.">>
<<s dana "Fine, but remember that I'm here to support you, Vivien. Don't be afraid to stop if you can't do it anymore." ii>>
<<s vivien "Thank you, Sister Dana.">>
You sit down in a chair and open your pants.
<<s mc "Vivien, you can begin by getting me ready with your mouth.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv suck10 50 volume0.3>>
<c>Vivien kneels before you and takes your manhood in her mouth.
<<addlust 100>>
You are soon ready to continue. You instruct Vivien to get down on all fours on the sofa with her behind to you.
Vivien eagerly obeys, looking forward to your hard member.
<<c "Penetrate Vivien's slit from behind">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.5>>
<c>You start to fornicate with Vivien.
<p>She looks happy that Sister Dana is watching. It makes her feel safe and relaxed.</p>
<<c "Keep fornicating">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.5>>
<c>You think Vivien is taking the situation too lightly, even commenting to Sister Dana about the positive experience, and that she looks forward to having her sins cleansed.
<p>However, you say nothing, as Sister Dana seems pleased that the young girl feels okay with everything.</p></c>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.5>>
<c>Not wanting to take too long, now that Sister Dana is present, you pound Vivien's slit hard and fast.
<p>You see Sister Dana frown – she does not like what she sees – but she understands this is how things are done when a man is with a girl.</p>
<p>Vivien quickly orgasms. She will probably have time for another one before you are done.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.5>>
<cc>Giving Vivien time to catch her breath after climaxing, you have her lie down.</cc>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 64 volume0.5>>
Relaxed after the orgasm, Vivien exchanges some words with Sister Dana. Again, you find such casual behavior inappropriate in the situation, but you keep focusing on your thing.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 64 volume0.5>>
<c>Even with Sister Dana present – and while talking to the nun – Vivien has no shame about squeezing one of her big breasts for pleasure. Perhaps you have walked in on Vivien masturbating so many times that she has become used to this deviant behavior in the presence of others.</c>
<<c "Squeeze her breast">><<but "Ignore her breasts" school2 "step:2600 doplay:temp=ignore">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 64 volume0.5>>
<<set $temp="squeeze">>
You feel the urge to squeeze Vivien's juicy breast too.
<p>When you reach out to grab her breasts from her, Vivien instead focuses on her wet slit.</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv m 68 volume0.5>>
<<if $temp=="ignore">>
You ignore Vivien's breasts.
<p>Vivien is quickly closing in on another orgasm. You are too, but not as fast as her.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 56 volume0.5>>
<c>The young girl reaches her second orgasm.
<p>You pump Vivien's wet slit, but you are not yet ready to release your seed. Very soon though.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.5>>
<c>Very relaxed and satisfied, Vivien starts chatting with Sister Dana in the most casual manner and topics of conversation. There is even talk of the weather.
<p>You find this quite rude, to add to the inappropriateness.</p>
<p>With the women seemingly ignoring you, you keep thrusting your manhood into Vivien's slit. Your seed is almost here.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.5>>
Vivien's tight, wet slit feels very good, and soon your seed is coming.
<p>With Sister Dana present, you don't want to ejaculate inside Vivien's slit.</p>
<<c "Pull out and anoint Vivien in the face">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv suck1cum 60 volume0.5>>
<c>You grab your manhood and place it near Vivien's face. She understands what's happening, and opens her mouth to receive your seed.
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv suck1cumafter 60 volume0.5>>
<c>Although you didn't anoint her, Vivien licks the seed off your manhood. Which is just as well or it might spill on the fabric of the sofa.</c>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 30 pnggg>>
The holy rite is over and Vivien and you get dressed.
<<s dana "Vivien, do you feel okay with what happened?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, and I liked that you were here." ii>>
<<s dana "If you want me present again, just say so, and $fmc will come and get me. Right, Father?">>
<<s mc "Sure.">>
Everyone leaves.
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi head1 20>>
<c> You can keep eating Vivien's sins of fornication, and if she requests Sister Dana to be present, you have promised to grant that request. This should get Sister Dana off your back when it comes to Vivien.
<<qend vivienfornicate 3400>>
<<event 3600 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv talk2 45 "right pause3">>
<<s mc "Satan is growing stronger and I'm afraid you are in his crosshair. I want to eat your sins of fornication here, in the kitchen, where you spend much of your time. This will protect you from further corruption.">>
<<s catarina "But I haven't been with Alyssa since you ate my sins. I haven't committed any new sins of fornication since then.">>
<<s mc "That may be so, but the holy rite of Sin Eating needs to be repeated several times to ensure that all sins are cleansed.">>
<<s catarina "I could meet with Alyssa again soon, then you can do it.">>
<<s mc "No, I must do it now. Until I do, I forbid you from meeting Alyssa again. Do you prefer to cut all ties with her?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk15 45 right>>
<<s catarina "No... I mean, I don't know. Doing it on the haylofts is one thing, but here someone can see us. I would die from shame if someone saw us doing that.">>
<<s mc "You shouldn't, Sister Catarina. That is close to blasphemy to say you are ashamed of the holy rites.">>
<<s catarina "Not of the holy rites per se... but to... do it with a man, and people seeing it. That's not... appropriate.">>
<<s mc "I hear what you're saying. Under normal circumstances, of course, you are right. But we're fighting a holy war now. Satan will try to use our faith and modesty against us. If you won't let me protect yourself – and all of us – by eating your sins, then you're playing into Satan's hand.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk13 45 right>>
<<s catarina "We could do it in your room. You have a lock on the door.">>
<<s mc "This is where you work. It's not just about eating your sins but also where the holy rite is performed. God's light will shine in this room, providing some protection.">>
<<s catarina "Can you let me think about it, $fmc? I don't feel ready.">>
<<s mc "I will give you a day to think about it. I suggest you speak with Novice Emma and tell her of your worries. She may provide the support you need to accept what needs to be done.">>
<<s catarina "I will speak with Novice Emma, Father.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi head2 35>>
<cc>You should return to Sister Catarina tomorrow.
<<q catarinakitchen 200 center>>
<<but "Leave the kitchen" school>>
/* day 3, repeating fornication */
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi talk3 40>>
<<s mc "It's time to eat more of your sins of fornication, here in the kitchen, where you work.">>
<<s catarina "Again? Then please hurry. You know I don't want anyone to see us.">>
<<s mc "I know, but you shouldn't worry about it.">>
<<but "Turn Sister Catarina around against the table" school2 step:3400>>
/* day 2, havent fornicated yet */
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi head2 30>>
<<s mc "It's time, Sister Catarina. I need to eat your sins of fornication. Have you spoken to Novice Emma about it?">>
<<s catarina "Yes. She assured me I should not be ashamed of what you're asking me to do with you. But I still have doubts. I'm just so afraid that someone will see us. I can't help it.">>
<<s mc "Your instincts are to be modest and to be chaste, and God loves that you want to do the right thing. But in this case, you must ignore your instincts because Satan is counting on them. Going against your instinct will show how strong your faith is and the Lord will see it. It will go a long way to absolving you of your sins. Your sins are severe. But they are not unforgivable.">>
<<s catarina "I will do this as part of my penance for my grave sins, then.">>
<<say mc "This is Satan turning you away from the holy, throwing filth and suspicion on the pure. With all the grave sins you have committed, you should want to submit to the holy rites and God's light, if nothing else to do penance. Is this how I should interpret it, that you're turning away from the Lord?">>
<<say catarina "No, $fmc, I'm sorry if it came off like that. I'm just a prude... Forget what I said. You can eat my sins of fornication.">>
<<tbut "God loves her" null "addStat3 center">>
<<abut "She is on the path to Satan" null "addStat3 center">>
<<c "Turn her around against the table">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 3050-2200 62 "volume0.75 pause1">>
<cc>You have Sister Catarina bend over the table.
<p>You pull up her habit, exposing her panties.
<<addlust 20>></p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi m 62>>
<c>You excitedly grab Sister Catarina's round hips, preparing to pull down her panties. You pause to think.
<p>You told Sister Catarina you would eat her sins of fornication, but as her patriarch and being a holy warrior, the Lord allows you to fornicate with the nun just for pleasure, if that is your desire. Sister Catarina doesn't need to know.</p>
<<but "Eat her sins of fornication" school2 "doplay:temp=eating">><<but "Fornicate for pleasure" school2 "doplay:temp=pleasure">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc><<if $temp=="eating">>
Sister Catarina has sins of fornication, and you will perform the holy rite to eat them.
Sister Catarina may still have sins of fornication, but there is no immediate need to eat them. You will fornicate with her for pleasure.
Pulling down Sister Catarina's panties, you then squat and look at her slit, making blood flow down to your male organ.
<<addlust 60>></p>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi m 80>>
<cc>You take out your erect manhood.
<<addlust 100>>
You are ready to fornicate. Sister Catarina is still, waiting for you to mount her.</p>
<<c "Penetrate Sister Catarina's slit">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 88 "pause0.6 volume0.86">>
<cc>You lubricate Sister Catarina's slit with your saliva, then you enter her.</cc>
<<c "Fornicate with Sister Catarina">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 88 volume0.7>>
<cc>You begin thrusting your erect manhood into Sister Catarina's slit. It feels great.
<p>It is exciting doing it like this in the kitchen, knowing there is no lock on the door.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv m 88 volume0.7>>
<cc>Sister Catarina sometimes moans. You are not sure if it is from pleasure.
<<if $temp=="eating">>
<p>It doesn't matter. This has to be done to eat her sins of fornication.</p>
<p>It doesn't matter right now. This is about your pleasure, not hers.</p>
<<c "Keep fornicating">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv m 88 volume0.7>>
<cc>Things are getting heated as you get closer to orgasm.
<p>Luckily, the table is sturdy, or it would wobble.</p>
<<if $temp=="eating">>
You do your best to eat Sister Catarina's sins of fornication.</p>
<<c "Turn her around">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 88 "volume0.7 pause0.4">>
<cc>Your seed is coming soon.
<p>You turn Sister Catarina around and prepare to finish this.</p>
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.6>>
<cc>You go for the finish, wildly thrusting your manhood into Sister Catarina.
<p>You are almost there.</p></cc>
<<c "Keep going">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.6>>
<c>The table creaks loudly as you pound Sister Catarina's slit. You are about to climax.
<p>Sister Catarina's hole feels so good that you don't want to pull out. But the nun might get upset if you ejaculate inside her.</p>
<<set $temp2 = "no">>
<<but "Ejaculate inside her slit" school2 step:5600>><<but "(Pull out) Ejaculate in her face" school2 step:6600>>
<<but "(Pull out) Ejaculate on her breasts" school2 step:6800>>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.6>>
<cc>You moan as you ejaculate inside Sister Catarina's tight slit.
<<set $temp2 = "creampie">>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie4 66>>
<cc>You watch your seed flowing out of Sister Catarina's slit.
<<creampie catarina center>>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii misc/cum/creampie4after 58>>
<<s catarina "Why did you do it inside me, $fmc?!" ii>>
<<s mc "I felt that the Lord wanted me to anoint your slit. This will give you extra protection.">>
A little white lie never hurt anyone.
<<s catarina "You didn't tell me this. Now I will worry about getting pregnant." ii>>
<<s mc "Only a miracle would make a nun pregnant from a holy rite. Put it out of your mind, Sister Catarina.">>
<<s catarina "I will try to." ii>>
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:7000>>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mv 3050-4000 78 volume0.6>>
<cc>You pull out of Sister Catarina's slit and tell her to kneel.
<p>You moan from pleasure as you ejaculate in her face.</p>
<<ev 6700>>
<<mv 3050-4200 78 volume0.7>>
<c>Sister Catarina licks and swallows your seed, probably thinking it is Holy Seed. You never said you were going to anoint her, but you let her continue until she is done.
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:7000>>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mv 3250-2100 78 volume0.5>>
<cc>You pull out of Sister Catarina's slit and tell her to kneel.
<p>You moan from pleasure as you ejaculate over her breasts.</p>
<p>Sister Catarina moves her chest to get your seed all over her, probably thinking it is Holy Seed. You never said you were going to anoint her, but you let her do her thing.</p>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi talk 54>>
You sit down with Sister Catarina for a moment to rest after the <<if $temp=="eating">>holy rite.<<else>>sex act.<</if>>
<<s catarina "Did you manage to eat my sins of fornication?">>
<<s mc "Some of them, yes. You will be good for a while.">>
<<if $temp2 == "creampie" && $temp != "eating">>
Two little white lies never hurt anyone.
<<elseif $temp!="eating">>
A little white lie never hurt anyone.
The break is over. Time to move on.
<<qend catarinakitchen 300 center>>
<<but "Leave the kitchen" school>>
<<event 3620 catarina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk2 45 right>>
<<s mc "I need your assistance, Sister Catarina. I fear that Satan and his minions are closing in on the girls at the school. I am already aware of several students who show signs of being influenced by the Devil. I don't have to mention what such things can lead to, not to you, Sister Catarina.">>
Sister Catarina looks meek, fully aware that you are referring to her grave lesbian sins.
<<s mc "I need to identify other students who may need my help. Can you think of any girls that show possible signs of being corrupted by the Devil? Something related to lust most likely. Anything that I could look into?">>
At first, Sister Catarina fails to come up with a name. But you don't take no for an answer, and pressure her for at least one name.
<<s catarina "Hmm... maybe I have someone. Chloe. Do you know her?">>
<<c "Think about Chloe">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii school/chloe/body 48 "pnggg">>
You picture Chloe in your mind.
<<but "Chloe will do, but you had hoped for someone younger" school2 "step:220 fullWidth">>
<<butinvis "">>
<<but "You like that Chloe is not one of the very youngest students" school2 "step:250 fullWidth">>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii school/chloe/face2 40 pnggg>>
<cc>You had hoped for someone younger, but Chloe will do. She is pretty enough to attract Satan.
<<cs mc "I know who Chloe is, not much more. Please tell me about her.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:300>>
<<ev 250>>
<<mii school/chloe/face2 40 pnggg>>
<cc>You like that Chloe is not one of the youngest students. And she is pretty enough to attract Satan.
<<cs mc "I know who Chloe is, not much more. Please tell me about her.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:300>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii school/chloe/face 40 pnggg>>
<<s catarina "Chloe may not be as devoutly religious as many other of the girls who study here, but she is a good Catholic who follows the Catholic faith. For one thing, she will not have sex before marriage. Overall she is a normal girl, and she thinks about having a career in business or maybe finance. After she graduates from the school, she plans to move back home and marry her boyfriend whom she is currently engaged to." ii>>
Sister Catarina pauses for a moment before continuing.
<<ev 400>>
<<mii school/chloe/face2 40 "pnggg right">>
<<s catarina "I shouldn't tell you this, as it has been told to me in confidence, but I'll make an exception for you, $fmc." ii>>
<<s catarina "Chloe has revealed to me that she feels impatient. She feels that there are too many months left until she graduates and can move home to marry, and to have sexual relations with her then-husband. Chloe feels strongly that she wants to be with her boyfriend... feelings of lust. Now she is thinking of quitting school, abandoning her education here, to go home and marry her boyfriend. Just so she can be intimate with him." ii>>
<<s catarina "It's probably nothing serious – she is lusting for her boyfriend. But it feels short-sighted to give up your education like that. She could always continue studying later somewhere, of course, but still." ii>>
<<s mc "No, you are right, Sister Catarina – and you did the right thing, telling me about this. This must be looked into. Lustful decisions like this, impatience, is very much something the Devil could be behind. Not only may Chloe be in danger of further corruption, but the demonic forces Satan has unleashed in the monastery may very well possess Chloe, and she would then carry this evil to her hometown. We must do our best to contain the evil in the monastery and the school.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk3 40>>
<<s catarina "What do you plan on doing with Chloe, Father?">>
<<s mc "I'll just talk to her, to start with. Then I will probably need to do some testing related to lust. Nothing very intimate, just touching. To see if there is something to be concerned about. But if there is, I may need to use the holy rites on her at some point. You must help me to prepare Chloe for all this, but very carefully.">>
You give instructions to Sister Catarina detailing what she is to say to Chloe. For one thing, you give Sister Catarina permission to tell Chloe about the lust demon terrorizing the convent, to make Chloe understand the seriousness of the situation.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi talk2 45>>
<cc>Finally, you tell Sister Catarina to arrange a meeting between you and Chloe.
<p>What that, you are done here for now.
<<qend catarinastudent 300 center>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii school/chloe/face 40 pnggg>>
<cc>You are to meet Chloe tomorrow, during the day, after one of her classes.
<<qstart chloeq 100 center>>
<<set $chloeschool = 1>> /* prevent chloe button to appear today */
<<but "Leave the kitchen" school>>
<<event 3650 amy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mv talk 56 pause5>>
Sister Amy takes you to a quiet place behind a dense bush. She looks around to make sure no one is within view.
<<s amy "I will be quick, Father. I don't want anyone to see us talking.">>
She lowers her voice even more.
<<s amy "I've seen you meeting with Sister Catarina, and maybe you've used the holy rites on her? Well, it got me thinking and... I think maybe I need the holy rites.">>
<<s mc "Why do you think that?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk3 40 right>>
<<s amy "As a young girl, in my teens, I had these thoughts. Sexual thoughts, of lust. Sins I committed in my mind. Unwillingly. I couldn't help it. It's something that can happen in that age, right, Father?">>
<<s mc "Certainly. God put these strong desires in adolescent boys and girls for the purpose of procreation. But only in a marriage, of course.">>
<<s amy "Yes. I never acted out on my thoughts, or my fantasies. I'm a virgin, Father. I've never even seen a man naked. But lately, I've been having nightmares that the sinful thoughts from my past are putting me in danger. And all of my sisters. The sins of my mind are haunting me, Father. I've spoken to Novice Emma about it, and she said you could help me.">>
<<s mc "Yes. It sounds like you need the holy rites. You have to be more specific about what sins you have committed in your mind before I can help you.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk2 40 right>>
<<s amy "I have to leave to teach a class now, but could we talk more about this later?">>
<<s mc "Of course. Should I come to your room?">>
<<s amy "No, Father. I don't want anyone seeing us together inside the walls. I want no one to know. It's bad enough Novice Emma already knows. It would have to be outside somewhere. I'm thinking I could meet you when I have some free time before the Midday prayer. The students have class then, and most of the sisters will be busy with work. Somewhere close to the school would be best. Perhaps in this spot, but I'm afraid someone will see us. We're not protected from all sides. Some from outside could come and see us.">>
<<s mc "I have a good place we can meet: Behind the stable. For even more privacy, we can climb up on the haylofts.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk3 40 right>>
<<s amy "Yes, that should work. Oh, but I'm still worried someone will see us together back there.">>
<<s mc "I'll wait there for you, and I'll be dressed as a farmer. That way no one will recognize me unless they come close. That should be enough to fool anyone.">>
<<s amy "Yes, Father, it will have to do. I'm still not sure I want to go through with this, but I had to talk to you. Novice Emma said I should.">>
<<s mc "That's fine. You don't have to commit to anything. We'll meet behind the stable tomorrow to talk more, and decide what to do. If I'm not already there, I couldn't come and we'll try again the next day.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk4 40>>
<<s amy "Thank you, $fmc. I must go now. The class begins soon, and I need to prepare for it.">>
Sister Amy hurries away. You are once again alone.
<p>You should go to the stable tomorrow to meet with Sister Amy
<<qstart amyq 100>></p>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<event 3690 chloe school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi couch 88>>
<c>You go to the place where Sister Catarina arranged for you to meet with Chloe, close to the classroom Chloe should be in right now.
<p>Chloe's class should end any minute.</p>
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi chloefull 23 "pnggg">>
<c>The door to the classroom opens and girls in school uniforms emerge. You finally see Chloe. She is joking with a friend – but turns serious when she sees you.
<<c "Wait for Chloe to sit down next to you">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You talk with Chloe, asking her what she has been told by Sister Catarina.
<p>From what Chloe tells you, it appears that Sister Catarina did a good job of relaying the information you told her to tell Chloe.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 50 pause5>>
<<s chloe "It's true that I have been thinking of quitting school and returning home to marry. And now I think it would be for the best... since it's dangerous here. Sister Catarina told me about the lust demon...">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid it isn't that simple, Chloe. While the school is still pretty safe compared to the monastery, there are signs that Satan's corruption has already spread here. You could already be tainted, possibly even possessed. I can't allow you to quit school and spread this evil further. And you wouldn't want to do that, without anyone that can help you. I can help you – if it turns out you need help. If Satan already has his claws in you.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 3690-300 45 right>>
<<s chloe "How do we know if he has? Sister Catarina said you could do some tests?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Now, as Sister Catarina told you, a lust demon is terrorizing the convent. There has been no definitive proof the demon has been to the school – yet – but the way Satan spreads his corruption here is likely through lust. Because of this, I have to do some tests related to lust.">>
<<s chloe "What are the tests, then?">>
Chloe looks concerned.
<<s mc "We can talk more about it later, in your room, where we have privacy. You shouldn't worry too much about it, my child. Remember Sister Catarina saying you should trust me.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 40>>
<<cs chloe "Yes, Father. When should we meet?">>
<<cs mc "I will come to your room after supper.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi couch 88>>
<cc>You send Chloe on her way.
<p>You should go to her room after supper.
<<q chloeq 200 center>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<event 3700 chloe school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 26 pnggg>>
<cc>You seek out Chloe's room.
<p>You knock on the door, and a moment later, Chloe lets you inside.</p>
<p>You sit down to talk to her.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 3700-200 70>>
<c>The makeup and clothes that Chloe has put on make her look older, you think. You wonder if she did that on purpose, thinking that if she looks more adult and responsible, you will let her leave the school. But you won't be fooled by such trickery.
<p>You remind Chloe how Satan is spreading his corrupting influence, evidence of it being detected even at the school.</p>
<p>You do your best to scare Chloe, and it seems to work. You then say that until you are sure that Chloe hasn't been tainted by this corruption, you can't allow her to quit school and return home.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 50 right>>
<<s mc "Now, about those tests we talked about, Chloe... Because Satan is spreading his corruption through lust, the tests have to be about lust. There is unfortunately no way around it.">>
<<s chloe "What does that mean, tests about lust?">>
<<s mc "You will see. Don't worry, you can always say stop if you think it's going too far. Now, please answer me, Chloe. Do you feel attracted to me? Be honest.">>
<<s chloe "No, not really, Father.">>
<<s mc "Do you feel lust thinking of me?">>
<<s chloe "No.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then we can use this knowledge to test if Satan has his claws in you.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 50>>
<<s mc "Sister Catarina told me you are a virgin. That's good. But have you ever been physical with a man, Chloe? Like kissing or touching?">>
<<s chloe "I have kissed my boyfriend, Father. He touched me a little. Outside, on the clothes. I stopped anything else.">>
<<s mc "That's good. Now I'm going to touch you a little too, as a test. To see how you react. How you feel. Just relax and trust me. I will start with your shoulders. Remember, you can always say stop if you think it's going too far. Alright, Chloe?">>
<<c "Put your hand on her shoulder">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 80 pause3>>
<<cs chloe "Okay...">>
Chloe is tense. You wait a few moments to give her a chance to relax.
<<if $qqchloeq < 700>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<cs mc "Now I will massage your shoulders.">>
<<c "Gently massage her shoulders">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 80 pause3>>
<cc>You massage her shoulders for a little while.
<<cs mc "Do you feel lust now, Chloe?">>
<<cs chloe "No, Father.">>
<<cs mc "Then I'm going to move down. I'm going to be a little intimate.">>
<<c "Gently touch Chloe's breasts">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>You gently touch Chloe's firm breasts.
<<if $qqchloeq < 700>>
<<addlust 40>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<cs mc "Do you feel any lust from this, Chloe? Any tingling? Anything at all? Be honest.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<cs chloe "I feel something. I don't know if it's lust.">>
<<cs mc "Is it a pleasant feeling?">>
<<cs chloe "Maybe both. Pleasant and unpleasant. I don't know.">>
<<if $qqchloeq == 200>>
<<set _firsttime = true>>
<<set _firsttime = false>>
<<if _firsttime>>
<<cs mc "I will stop for today, but I have to investigate this further.">>
<<cs mc "I have to investigate this further. Sit down on the bed.">>
<<if _firsttime>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:2200>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 3700-300 45 right>>
<l><<s chloe "How will you investigate it further?">>
<<s mc "We can talk about that the next time. I will meet you here after supper in a day or two. Until then, it is important that you talk to Novice Emma. Seek her out as soon as possible tomorrow. Tell Novice Emma I sent you and that you are not yet ready, but that she is to prepare you for what might come.">>
<<s chloe "You're making me scared, Father. It sounds like you are planning to do something unpleasant to me.">>
<<s mc "It sounds worse than it is, and I won't do anything without your consent, Chloe. It's just that these things are kept secret for a reason, and I can't speak openly about them until you are ready to hear it. Speak to Novice Emma.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<cc>You should soon make another visit to Chloe in her room after supper.
<<q chloeq 300 center>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
/* on visit 2, event continues here */
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<cs chloe "I feel something. I don't know if it's lust.">>
<<cs mc "Is it a pleasant feeling?">>
<<cs chloe "Maybe both. Pleasant and unpleasant. I don't know.">>
<<if $qqchloeq >= 300>>
<<set _firsttime = true>>
<<set _firsttime = false>>
<<if _firsttime>>
<<cs mc "This is a warning sign. I will stop for today, but I have to investigate this further.">>
<<cs mc "There's that warning sign. We have to investigate further. Sit down on the bed.">>
<<if _firsttime>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:2200>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70 pause4>>
<cc>Chloe obeys, sitting down on the bed.
<p>You place your hand on her breast.</p>
<<c "Squeeze her breast">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 84>>
<cc>You squeeze Chloe's breast. She still seems tense.
<<if $qqchloeq < 700>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<cs mc "Is the pleasant feeling getting stronger?">>
<<cs chloe "I don't know. Maybe. But it's unpleasant too. Uncomfortable.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 92>>
<<s mc "We have to try harder. If you pull down your top to your stomach, I will continue the testing.">>
<<if $qqchloeq >=800>>
<<s chloe "Could we skip it this time, Father? I don't like to be naked in front of you.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Chloe, but it has to be done. The Devil forces our hands.">>
<<s chloe "But... then I'll be naked.">>
<<s mc "It's unfortunate, but the Devil forces our hands.">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi m 80>>
<<if $qqchloeq >= 700>>
<<s chloe "I don't feel comfortable about doing this, but Sister Amy said I should. Sister Catarina too. But this will be the end of the testing, right, Father?">>
<<s mc "Maybe. It depends on my findings. But there's no point in thinking about possible futures. Now, stand up, and we'll do this.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:3500>>
<<s chloe "No, Father. I'm saying stop.">>
<<s mc "Sister Catarina and Novice Emma tried to prepare you for this, Chloe. It's not easy, I understand, but it has to be done.">>
<<s chloe "You said I could say stop.">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi m 86>>
<<s mc "And you can. We will stop now, if that is your wish. But I can't let you move home until I'm sure you're not corrupted by Satan. I can't let Satan's evil spread to the outside world, to your hometown. You understand that, Chloe?">>
<<s chloe "Yes. But I can't do this.">>
<<s mc "We will talk more later, then. Pray on it, Chloe. And talk to Novice Emma. Sister Catarina too. They know what has to be done.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 3700-800 60>>
The fact that Chloe refuses to comply with your tests is in itself suspicious. If Satan has his claws in her, he wouldn't want you to discover it.
<p>With Chloe's tough resistance, you are afraid she won't easily come around. But she must – because the intense lust you feel for Chloe just by touching her could be a sign from the Lord that Chloe is in danger. She probably needs to be anointed with the Holy Seed at the very least.</p>
<p>You must convince Chloe to submit to further testing, and ultimately, if necessary, to submit to the holy rites. But how?
<<q chloeq 500>></p>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi m 90>>
<cc>Chloe stands up, and you stand behind her.
<<cs mc "Now I'll pull down the top a bit.">>
<<c "Pull down the straps">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv m 88 pause2>>
<cc>You pull down the straps on Chloe's top.
<p>You see her firm breasts.
<<addlust 40>>
<<c "Grab her breasts">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv m 88 volume0>>
<cc><<cs mc "Let's see how you feel about this...">>
You grab Chloe's breasts and begin to squeeze them.
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Keep squeezing her breasts">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv m 88 volume0>>
<c>You keep squeezing her breasts.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "Do you feel any lust now? More or less than before?">>
<<s chloe "A little more maybe, not much. It still feels mostly uncomfortable.">>
<<c "Give her breasts a long, good squeeze">><<but "Let her put the top back on" school2 step:4300>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 90>>
<c>Not wanting to let go of Chloe's firm breasts just yet, you give them a long, good squeeze. You also pinch her nipples.
<p>Your manhood is throbbing from intense lust.</p>
<<c "Let her put the top back on">>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<cs mc "You may put the top back on.">>
Chloe quickly pulls up the top, covering her breasts.
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi m 66>>
<<s mc "I expected you to feel more lust. You want to marry your boyfriend to have sexual relations with him. Why do you want that if you don't feel lust?">>
<<s chloe "But you're not my boyfriend. I don't feel like I do with him.">>
<<s mc "Still, you're young and your body should react when a man touches your breasts like this. It's like you're not allowing yourself to feel. Satan may be behind this. He thinks I will let you leave the school if you seem prude and chaste. But I'm not fooled that easily. I want to do one last test before we quit for today. Give me your hand.">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv m 80 pause3>>
<c>You take Chloe's hand and put it on your hard manhood.
<<s mc "This is how my body has reacted from being intimate with you. This is normal for a male being with a female. You're not my girlfriend, and still, this happened. A female's body would similarly also react. She may get wet down there and have other lustful symptoms. Has anything like that happened to you here tonight with me?">>
<<s chloe "No, nothing has happened.">>
<<c "Tell her to squeeze your manhood">><<but "Stop the testing" school2 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv m 88>>
<cc>You tell Chloe to squeeze your manhood. She obeys.
<p>It feels very good. Your seed will come soon if this continues.
<<cs mc "Does this make you feel anything?">>
<<cs chloe "No.">>
<<cs mc "Hmm...">></p>
<<c "Stop the testing">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi 3700-2600 80>>
<c><<s mc "We will stop for tonight. I have to pray on this and consider what it means. If Satan has you in his claws, we can't let him fool us. I will return. Until then, you must remain at the school. You should pray to the Lord for protection from the Devil and his minions.">>
<<s chloe "I will pray, Father.">>
Chloe seems relieved that the testing is over.
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mi 3700-800 60>>
<c>Once outside the school, you consider Chloe and what to do with her.
Is it possible that Chloe has <<italics not>> been corrupted by Satan? Yes... You suppose her lack of lust could be because she just isn't attracted to you at all. But what if it isn't?</p>
<p>Chloe wants to drop her education to have sex with her boyfriend. That sounds like something someone with a high sex drive would do.
<<ev 6800>>
<<mi talk 54>>
Other girls you have been with have felt lust from your touching even when claiming not to be particularly attracted to you. But Chloe – despite apparently having a high sex drive – says she doesn't feel lust from your touching – and you believe her.
<p>This is suspicious. Satan may be behind this. Can you take the risk of letting Chloe quit school and leave? You have to think about this.
<<q chloeq 800>>
<<qendversion chloeq version0.7.1>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 3710 chloe school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 3700-200 80>>
<c>You visit Chloe in her room.
<p>Chloe tells you that she has spoken to Novice Emma. It sounds like Novice Emma tried her best to prepare Chloe for more intimate acts in the future – without mentioning the holy rites.</p>
<p>Chloe sounds skeptical of what she has been told by Novice Emma. You have to be careful and not push Chloe too hard.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 3700-400 50>>
<<s mc "You may need to speak more with Novice Emma. Now, I must continue with the tests to see if Satan has corrupted you. As you remember, because Satan is spreading his corruption through lust in the convent and the school, the tests have to be about lust. There is unfortunately no way around it. But you can always say stop if you think it's going too far. Okay, Chloe?">>
<<but "Put your hand on her shoulder" school2 "ev:3700 step:500">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 3700-200 70>>
<c>You visit Chloe in her room.
<p>Chloe tells you that she has spoken more with Novice Emma, and also with Sister Catarina. Though it sounds like both of them tried to convince Chloe to submit to your testing, Chloe still sounds very skeptical. You have to be careful and not push Chloe too hard.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 3700-400 50>>
<<s mc "Continue to speak with Novice Emma and Sister Catarina. Now, I will try again to see if Satan has corrupted you. As you remember, because Satan is spreading his corruption through lust in the convent and the school, the tests have to be about lust. There is unfortunately no way around it. But you can always say stop if you think it's going too far. Okay, Chloe?">>
<<but "Put your hand on her shoulder" school2 "ev:3700 step:500">>
<<event 3800 chloe school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk 74>>
<cc>You visit Chloe in her room.</cc>
<<but "<<actQuest chloefornication>>" school2 "ev:4300 qqchloefornication==100">>
<<but "Test Chloe's slit" school2 "ev:4300 step:350 qqchloefornication>=200">>
<<but "<<actQuest chloeq>>" school2 "step:300 qqchloeq==700">>
<<but "<<actQuest chloeq>>" school2 "step:1000 qqchloeq==1100">>
<<but "<<actQuest spanking>>" school2 "ev:4000 step:3000 qqspanking==100">>
<<but "Anoint Chloe" school2 "step:1900 qqchloeq>=1200">>
<<but "Test Chloe again" school2 "step:400 qqchloeq>=800 qqchloeq<<2000">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 3700-300 50>>
<<s mc "Has Sister Amy spoken with you, Chloe?">>
<<s chloe "Yes, $fmc. She said I should agree to your tests.">>
<<s mc "And will you?">>
<<s chloe "We can try it again. I can't promise I will agree to everything. I don't know what you will do.">>
<<s mc "That's fine, I don't know exactly either. It depends on what I find. Now, we should get started. I will take it slow. Are you ready, Chloe?">>
<<but "Put your hand on her shoulder" school2 "ev:3700 step:500">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 3700-400 50>>
<c><<s mc "I'm still considering what to do with you, Chloe. Perhaps testing you again will help me decide.">>
You stand behind Chloe.
<<s mc "Just relax. Are you ready?">>
<<but "Put your hand on her shoulder" school2 "ev:3700 step:500">>
<<vv 8>>
<<ev 1000>> /* reusing chloe event */
<<mi 3700-400 58>>
<<s mc "Has Sister Amy spoken with you, Chloe?">>
<<s chloe "Yes, $fmc. She made me scared.">>
<<s mc "You should be scared. Satan is here to attack us all. His influence is strong in the monastery and the school. Without protection, you are at his mercy. You need the protection of the Lord, Chloe.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 3700-300 50>>
<<s chloe "Sister Amy said you would have to do something with me. That it was very important that I go along with it, and that it would be very intimate. She tried to explain why but she didn't want to reveal too many details. Why does it have to be intimate, Father?">>
<<s mc "Because Satan is attacking us with lust. He tries to use our strong morals against us by making us commit sinful sexual acts. Once we do, he can use that to further corrupt us. But there is a way to defend ourselves and ultimately strike back at the Devil. We must accept that lust is his weapon and use the weapons given to us by the Lord to fight back. That means using holy rites with require intimate rituals. It is the only way.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 3700-400 50>>
<<s chloe "What will you do to protect me?">>
<<s mc "I have to anoint you with the Holy Seed. The blessed seed coming from my manhood will protect you from Satan.">>
<<s chloe "Sister Amy mentioned the Holy Seed. But you mean it symbolically, right? You will use oil or something?">>
<<s mc "No. It must be the seed coming from me, from my lust. And we should not wait. We should do it today, now.">>
Chloe says nothing for a moment, thinking about what to do.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 3700-600 66>>
<<s chloe "I trust Sister Amy, and I feel I can trust you too, $fmc. And I fear Satan. I just want to get it over with.">>
<<s mc "Good. You've made the right choice, Chloe. Now, you have to participate in the holy rite, as it will give the strongest protection. You can use your mouth to give me the lust needed to release the Holy Seed.">>
<<s chloe "I don't know how to do that.">>
<<s mc "I'll tell you. You can begin by using your hand.">>
<<but "Place Chloe's hand on your manhood" school2 step:2000>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mi 3700-2800 78>>
<<s mc "Your protection against evil needs strengthening. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s chloe "Do I have to use my mouth?">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloeq")>>
<<s mc "Yes, my child. Now, let's start.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Why, didn't you like it?">>
<<s chloe "It felt weird.">>
<<s mc "You should try to feel lust. It is natural when being intimate with a man. Now, let's start.">>
<<but "Place Chloe's hand on your manhood" school2 step:2000>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 3700-4700 96>>
<cc>You place Chloe's hand on your manhood. It quickly grows.
<<addlust 60>>
<<c "Tell her to squeeze">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 3700-5000 86>>
<c>Following your command, Chloe squeezes your growing male organ.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "My manhood is ready. Before using your mouth, you should show me your breasts. This will help me release the Holy Seed faster.">>
<<s chloe "Okay, Father.">>
<<c "Help Chloe pull down her top">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 3700-3700 96>>
<cc>You pull down the straps on Chloe's top, exposing her firm breasts.
<<cs mc "There. Now kneel and prepare to use your mouth on me.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi 3800-2300 86>>
<c>Chloe kneels before you and stares at the bulge in your dress. She feels your hard manhood through the soft fabric.
<<c "Expose your erect manhood">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 3800-2500 86>>
<c>You present your erect manhood to Chloe. She stares at it.
<<if $qqchloeq > 1100>>
<<s chloe "I'm not good at this.">>
<<s mc "You did fine last time. Grab it with your hand and place your mouth over it. Like a popsicle.">>
<<s chloe "I don't know what to do.">>
<<s mc "Grab it with your hand and place your mouth over it. Like a popsicle.">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 3800-2600 90 pause1>>
<c><<if $qqchloeq > 1100>>
Chloe closes her mouth around your swollen member, but she needs some encouragement to really get started.
Chloe closes her mouth around your swollen member, but she looks lost on what to do next.
<<c "Help her with your hand">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 3800-2700 90 pause1>>
<cc>You push Chloe's head down on your manhood.
<p>Then you tell her to go all the way back up.</p>
<p>Chloe obeys.</p>
<<c "Tell her to repeat everything">>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 3800-2800 90>>
<c>You tell Chloe to keep going down and up.
<p>The young woman slowly moves along your manhood. Too slow – but also rather deep down her throat, which feels good, so you don't say anything to discourage her.
<<s mc "You can add saliva to make it slide better.">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 3800-3000 90>>
<c>Chloe again does as you say.
<p>With your manhood lubricated, Chloe pushes it all the way down her throat. It feels very good.</p>
<<c "Tell her to go faster">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 3800-3400 90>>
<c>You tell Chloe to go faster.
<p>Eventually, Chloe gets the hang of it and uses her hand and mouth to pleasure you.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv 3800-3700 90>>
<c>You are getting close to orgasm. Chloe seems to pick up on this and looks up at you. You tell her to keep going.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 3800-4000 94>>
<cc>You feel your seed coming, and you think it is best to end it now.
<<cs mc "Open your mouth and prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 3800-6000 96>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure while anointing Chloe with the Holy Seed.
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi m 76>>
<<s mc "The holy rite is completed. You are protected from evil, but it will wear off with time.">>
Chloe says nothing, but she looks relieved that the holy rite is over.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi 3700-2800 76>>
<<s mc "Did you feel any lust during the holy rite? Anything at all?">>
<<s chloe "No, Father.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloeq")>>
<<s mc "Well, we know now that it is part of God's plan for you. I will return later to strengthen your protection.">>
<<s mc "Hmm. This is suspicious. Being this intimate with a man should bring forth some lust in a girl. I have to pray on this. Remember that you can't leave the school until I say so. The Devil may have his claws in you already. Keep praying to the Lord for protection from Satan and his minions">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloeq")>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mi body 40 pnggg>>
<c>You have yet to figure Chloe out. Her lack of lust can't be ignored. You may need to fornicate with her to get to the bottom of this.
<p>For now, you can anoint Chloe again when you feel it is needed.
<<q chloeq 1300>>
<<qendversion chloeq version0.8.0>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 3900>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>You want to put an oily cloth under Adrianna's bed to further your plans for her – using the recently developed recipes for the <<potionFumingLustOil>> and the <<potionNightmareOil .>>
<p>For the best effect, this should be done right before Adrianna goes to bed, or has already fallen asleep, but you don't want to take any unnecessary risks. You will make it simple, although slightly less effective.</p>
<p>Since the school serves supper later than in the convent, you can take the opportunity to sneak into Adrianna's room when she is away to eat.</p>
<<c "Find Adrianna's room">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi door 20 pnggg>>
<c>In your talks with Adrianna, she mentioned in what part of the building she lives. Now all you have to do is look for the door marked with her name.
<p>You soon find the door. You look around to make sure the hallway is empty. And it is. The students are in the dining hall, eating supper.</p>
<<c "Enter Adrianna's room">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 50 pnggg>>
<c>Carrying it with you in an airtight glass container, you have prepared a cloth soaked with <<potionFumingLustOil>> and <<potionNightmareOil .>> You used very strong potions.
<p>Hopefully, this will make Adrianna have nightmares mixed with lustful feelings – ideally something resembling the attacks on the nuns in their beds.</p>
<p>You hide the oily cloth under Adrianna's bed. If everything goes to plan, you may be able to perform the exorcism ruse on her tomorrow when she comes to the confessional.
<<q adriannaq 200>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
/* daytime, removing cloth */
<<mii lab/oilycloth 48 pnggg>>
<c>You go to Adrianna's room at a time you know she has class. Looking around to make sure that the hall is empty, you sneak into her room and remove the oily cloth from under her bed.
<p>Tomorrow, you can start testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on Adrianna when she comes to the confessional.
<<q adriannaq 400>>
<<ev 1100>>
<c>With four test subjects now at your disposal, it is time to focus your attention on finishing Project Amnesia.
<p>All test subjects will likely not come every day, so if you don't go to the chapel every day, you risk missing them when they do come.
<<q amnesiaproject 1000>></p>
<<tip projectamnesiasleep>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<vv 9>>
<<event 3920 adrianna school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 26 pnggg>>
<c>You go to Adrianna's room when you know she is on a long break between classes.
<p>The door is closed and you hear nothing from inside.</p>
<<c "Knock on the door">><<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talkbed 72>>
<c>Adrianna opens the door and lets you inside her room.
<p>You sit down to talk about when you will finally reveal to Sister Dana that Adrianna is her biological daughter.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk 54>>
<c>Adrianna still doesn't know the truth about what's going on at the monastery. Before telling Sister Dana that Adrianna is her biological daughter, you want to initiate Adrianna into the <<var circle>> – telling her about the holy war, the holy rites and to anoint her with the Holy Seed.
<p>But now when you are here, you hesitate. You are taking a risk sharing the secret with Adrianna.</p>
<<but "Go ahead with the anointing" school2 "step:1000 corr55 ttt10">><<c "You have to think about it...">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talkbed 72>>
<c>You decide to think more about this and don't rush into something you can't undo.
<p>You will visit Adrianna again another day.
<<qmess adriannaq 1250>>
<<if $qqspanking == null>>
<<but "Leave the dormitory building" school2 ev:4000>>
<<but "Leave the dormitory building" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 34 pnggg>>
<c>After thinking about how to best deal with Sister Dana and Adrianna, you have concerns about how Sister Dana will react when learning that she has a biological daughter.
<p>What if Sister Dana gets too strong motherly feelings and wants to leave the monastery to have a family, to be a mother to Adrianna?</p>
<p>That would be unacceptable. Sister Dana is one of your most important allies. You have to do what you can to reduce the risk of her leaving.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi talk 56>>
<c>And so, before telling Sister Dana that Adrianna is her biological daughter, you want to initiate Adrianna into the <<var circle>> – telling her about the holy war, the holy rites and to anoint her with the Holy Seed.
<p>This would bind Adrianna closer to you and also to the convent of nuns, sharing in their secret. Sister Dana could then speak freely and honestly with Adrianna.</p>
<p>You want to keep Adrianna here for the time being, but if she eventually decides to move home, she seems trustworthy enough to keep the secret.</p>
<<c "Tell Adrianna the truth">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi talk3 60>>
<c>You explain to Adrianna that you have something important to tell her. Something she must know before you can tell Sister Dana that Adrianna is her daughter.
<p>You have already told Adrianna that Satan is attacking the convent using lust demons, and that you feared she was possessed by a lust demon as a way for Satan to further infiltrate the school and the convent. Now you tell Adrianna the whole truth about the holy war and the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi talk2 60>>
<c>You don't have time to go into every detail, but you explain the basics of it all to Adrianna, and then tell her that Novice Emma will explain the rest.
<<s mc "Novice Emma will come to your room and educate you. But we don't have to wait for that to happen. I could reveal the truth about you to Sister Dana today. But there is one thing left to do: I must anoint you with the Holy Seed. This will officially initiate you into the Circle, but more importantly, it will give you a strong protection against Satan. This is necessary if you are to reveal yourself to Sister Dana, as you two will be most attractive targets to the Devil.">>
<<ev 3250>>
<<mi talk3 60>>
<<s adrianna "What will we do when you anoint me?">>
<<s mc "It will be very similar to what we have already done. You will use your mouth on me, on the Holy Rod, and then, instead of exorcising a demon, I will anoint you with my seed, the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi talk 60>>
<<s adrianna "I see. Then I will do what it takes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then you must show me your breasts to stir the lust in me. I am but a man and the Holy Rod is made of my flesh.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
Adrianna exposes her breasts to you.
<<addlust 100>></c>
<<set $temp3 = null>> /* reset to be sure, temp3 is set in later event calling this event */
<<c "Undress and lie down">>
<<ev 3400>> /* later events are calling this step */
<<mv bj100 90>>
<c>You undress and lie down on Adrianna's bed.
<p>Knowing what she is supposed to do, Adrianna goes to work on your manhood which quickly gets hard as a rock.
<<addlust 100>> /* needed here for later events */
<<c "Enjoy the experience">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv bj200 90 volume2.0>>
<cc>You relax and enjoy Adrianna's mouth around your erect member.
<p>Adrinna does her best to bring forth the Holy Seed.</p>
<<if $temp3 =="watch">>
<p><<specialalert2 "Adrianna doesn't know that Sister Dana is just outside the door, possibly hearing you.">></p>
<<set $temp = "Now spread your legs and show me your slit to finally bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<but "Tell Adrianna to massage your sack" school2 step:3800>><<c "Do nothing">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv bj200 90 volume2.0>>
<cc>You quietly enjoy the experience, letting Adrianna handle it on her own.
Eventually, you are very close to orgasm.
<<cs mc $temp>></cc>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:4400>>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv bj300 90>>
<cc>You tell Adrianna to massage your sack, and she does as you say.
<<c "Use your hand to press down her head">><<but "Do nothing" school2 step:4000>>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv bj400 90 volume2>>
<cc>You help Adrianna by putting your hand on her head and pressing down.
For a moment, Adrianna coughs, having difficulty breathing, but she soon adjusts.
<<cs mc $temp>></cc>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:4400>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv bj300 90>>
<cc>You lie still, enjoying Adrianna's mouth and hands.
<<cs mc $temp>>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv bjprecum 90 volume1.4>>
<c>Removing her panties, Adrianna lies on her back and spreads her legs for you.
<p>You grab your hard manhood and jerk it right over Adrianna's slit. This pushes you over the edge.</p>
<<if $qqadriannaq < 1300>>
<<c "Ejaculate">>
<<elseif $temp3 =="watch">> /* temp3 is set in later event calling this event */
<c><<specialalert2 "You remember that Sister Dana is watching outside..." colorAll>></c>
<<but "Ejaculate (quietly)" school2 "step:7000 doplay:temp3=quiet">><<but "Ejaculate (moan loudly)" school2 "step:7000 doplay:temp3=loud">>
<<but "Ejaculate" school2 "step:7000">>
<<ev 4800>>
<<mv bjcum 90 volume1.4>>
<cc>You ejaculate on Adrianna's naked body, saying the words to anoint her.
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi bjpostcum 86>>
<c><<s adrianna "I thought you were gonna anoint me on the head.">>
<<s mc "Usually I do it in the face, but it varies depending on the situation. This time I wanted to quickly bring forth the Holy Seed, and this was how I did it.">>
<<s adrianna "I see.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi talk3 45 right>>
<l><<s adrianna "So will you tell Sister Dana about me now, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I will. But I have one more condition, Adrianna. You see, Sister Dana is very important in the holy war against Satan, and I hope that your presence here will strengthen her... But if you decide to leave and move back home, it might make Sister Dana want to leave the convent to be closer to you. That would be a serious loss for our holy war. Can you promise me that you will stay at the school, for the time being, if that is what Sister Dana needs?">>
<<s adrianna "I promise, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then I will tell Sister Dana about you tonight, or one of the coming days – when the moment is right to bring this revelation to her. Just be patient, and it will happen very soon.">>
<<s adrianna "Thank you, Father.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 74>>
<c>You should visit Sister Dana in the dungeon after supper and tell her the truth about Adrianna.
<<q adriannaq 1300>>
<<if $qqspanking == null>>
<<but "Leave the dormitory building" school2 ev:4000>>
<<but "Leave the dormitory building" school>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<if $temp3 == "quiet">>
<<set _moanvol = "volume0.35">>
<<set _moanvol = "volume1.6">>
<<mv bjcum 90 _moanvol>>
<cc>You ejaculate on Adrianna's naked body, <<if $temp3 != null>>
<<if $temp3=="loud">>moaning loudly, while<<else>>moaning quietly, while<</if>>
<</if>> saying the words to anoint her.
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi bjpostcum 86>>
<<s adrianna "I thought you were gonna anoint me in the face this time.">>
<<s mc "I have other things to do, so I wanted to quickly bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<s adrianna "I understand.">>
<<but "Get dressed" school2 "ev:3940 step:7400">>
<<event 3940 adrianna school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 26 pnggg>>
<c>You go to Adrianna's room when you know she is on a long break between classes.
<p>The door is closed and <span style="color:#d0bb00">you hear voices from inside the room</span>.</p>
<<but "Knock on the door" school2 "step:200 qqadriannaq==1500">>
<<but "Knock on the door" school2 "step:1000 qqadriannaq>=2200">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi roomdana 90>>
<c>Adrianna opens the door and lets you inside. You see Sister Dana in the room.
<<s mc "I'm sorry, am I disturbing? I don't want to intrude on your first meeting.">>
<<s dana "Don't worry, Father. We finished our first meeting. And now we are meeting again. We have much to talk about.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk 52>>
<<s mc "Yes, of course. I just wanted to speak with you, Adrianna, to hear your thoughts, but we will talk another time, then.">>
<<s dana "I was about to leave, Father. You two can talk now if you want to." ii>>
<<s adrianna "Sure, we can talk now, Father.">>
<<s mc "Good. And I want to speak with you too, Sister Dana. Another time.">>
<<s dana "You know where to find me, Father." ii>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 40 pnggg>>
When Sister Dana passes you on her way out of the room, she whispers in your ear:
<<s dana "Remember what you promised me.">>
She then leaves the room. You are alone with Adrianna.
<p>Sister Dana reminded you of your promise to speak with her again before performing any more intimate acts with Adrianna.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk 52>>
You ask how Adrianna feels now that she has met and spoken to Sister Dana – her biological mother – for real.
<p>Adrianna says she wants to stay here, to finish her courses and get to know Sister Dana better. Something you are happy to hear as it should mean Sister Dana will stay here too.</p>
<<c "Leave Adrianna">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii dungeon/dana2 76>>
You want to anoint Adrianna again to strengthen her protection, but you must keep your promise to Sister Dana to speak with her first.
<p>You should visit Sister Dana in the dungeons soon.
<<q adriannaq 2000>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<if $qqadriannaq < 2400>>
<<mi roomdana 76>>
<c>Adrianna opens the door and lets you inside. You see Sister Dana in the room.
<<s mc "I hope I'm not disturbing you two. I was hoping to speak with Adrianna.">>
<<s dana "It's fine, Father. We have a lot to talk about, so we meet between classes when we both are free.">>
If you want to anoint Adrianna, you could ask Sister Dana to leave, but you know that she is not entirely comfortable with you being intimate with her daughter.
<<mi roomdana 90>>
<c>Adrianna opens the door and lets you inside. You see Sister Dana in the room.
<<s dana "We were just talking. Do you want me to leave, Father?">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("adriannaq")>>
<<but "Anoint Adrianna now" school2 "step:1400 corr55 ttt10">>
<<but "Anoint Adrianna" school2 "step:1500">>
<<c "Meet with Adrianna another time">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi talk 50>>
<<if $qqadriannaq < 2400>>
<<s mc "I'll leave you two alone, then. I'll talk to you another time, Adrianna.">>
<<s mc "That's not necessary. I will leave you two alone. I'll talk to you another time, Adrianna.">>
<<s adrianna "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<if $qqadriannaq < 2400>>
<<c "Leave them">>
<<but "Leave them" school>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 34 pnggg>>
It seems that Sister Dana and Adrianna spend a lot of time together between classes when they both are free. You understand that they have a lot to talk about, but a small part of you wonders if Sister Dana is always with Adrianna to try to keep you from being intimate with her daughter.
<p>You could have tried to catch Adrianna alone after supper, but unfortunately, Adrianna will be in town until late to take care of business at home. You have to try again to catch her alone during the day.
<<qmess adriannaq 2300>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 40 pnggg>>
<c>Your high lust tells you that the time has come to anoint Adrianna again to strengthen her protection against Satan.
<<s mc "Sister Dana, I have important matters to discuss with Adrianna, if you wouldn't mind.">>
<<s dana "I see. Can I speak with you outside first, Father?">>
You nod and follow Sister Dana out into the hallway. You close the door to Adrianna's room.
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<<s dana "Do you mean to anoint her now, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I need to strengthen her protection.">>
<<s dana "Could it wait a few days? Adrianna and I have been praying together. I feel that the Lord is with us.">>
<<s mc "The Lord is with you, yes. But we can't rely on His grace to save us. We need to do our part in this war, or we are undeserving of His help. We need to fight. Strengthening our defenses is a crucial part of this.">>
<<ev 1630>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s dana "You are right, Father. I know you are. It's just hard to accept that my daughter will be part of this. The holy rites... She's an outsider, only dragged into this because she came to find me, the mother who abandoned her.">>
<<s mc "This was meant to be, Sister Dana. The Lord has seen your humble repentance in the dungeons and answered by sending Adrianna to you. She is here to strengthen you. But we must protect her.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father. Do what you have to do. I will say no more. But I ask you to remember your promise to talk to me before more extreme intimate acts.">>
Sister Dana is again worried that you will penetrate Adrianna's slit with your manhood.
<<s mc "Don't worry, Sister Dana. I will only perform regular anointings on Adrianna for now. If things change, I will speak with you before doing anything more.">>
<<s dana "Thank you, Father. I will leave you alone with Adrianna.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:1900>>
<<ev 1400>> /* repeat event */
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Sister Dana, I need to be alone with Adrianna, if you wouldn't mind.">>
<<s dana "I see. Can I speak with you outside first, Father?">>
You nod and follow Sister Dana out into the hallway. You close the door to Adrianna's room.
<<ev 1420>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 40 pnggg>>
<<s dana "Do you mean to anoint her now, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I need to strengthen her protection.">>
<<s dana "I understand. I just want to remind you of your promise to talk to me before more extreme intimate acts.">>
Sister Dana is again worried that you will penetrate Adrianna's slit with your manhood.
<<s mc "Don't worry, Sister Dana. I will only perform regular anointings on Adrianna for now. If things change, I will speak with you before doing anything more.">>
<<s dana "Thank you, Father. I will leave you alone with Adrianna now.">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:1900>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mii school/door 24 pnggg>>
When Sister Dana turns to leave, you wonder if you should ask her to keep watch outside the room while you anoint Adrianna. Since the doors to the dormitory rooms have no locks, it would prevent anyone from walking in on you.
<p>On the other hand, Sister Dana standing just outside the room while you anoint Adrianna with the Holy Seed could be seen as perverse since they are mother and daughter.</p>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<but "Ask Sister Dana to keep watch" school2 step:2000>><<but "Say nothing and return to Adrianna" school2 step:2200>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Wait! I want you to keep watch out here while I anoint Adrianna. Since the door has no lock...">>
<<s dana "Uhm... As you wish, Father.">>
You don't know how Sister Dana feels about it, but she doesn't protest.
<<set $temp3 = "watch">>
<<c "Return to Adrianna">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi talkbed 70>>
<<if $temp3=="watch">>
You enter Adrianna's room and close the door.
You let Sister Dana leave. You then enter Adrianna's room and close the door.
<<s mc "Adrianna, I need to strengthen your protection against Satan and his demons. I must anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s adrianna "Okay, Father.">>
<<but "Undress and lie down" school2 "ev:3920 step:3400">>
<<ev 7400>> /* returning from ev 4000 */
<<mi talkbed 70>>
<cc><<cs mc "I'll return when your protection needs strengthening.">>
<<cs adrianna "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave Adrianna">>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mi bjpostcum 70>>
<c>Though you feel a desire to penetrate Adrianna's slit, normal anointings will have to do for now.
<p>You have promised Sister Dana to talk to her before having sexual intercourse with Adrianna, giving Sister Dana a chance to decide if she will want to leave the convent to take Adrianna away from this place and the holy war.</p>
<p>If you want to penetrate Adrianna's slit, you must find a way to make Sister Dana accept it. You can't risk losing Sister Dana. You will take your time to think about this.
<<qend adriannaq 3000>>
<<if $temp3 != null>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 40 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Dana is standing outside the door, keeping watch as you requested. <<if $temp3=="loud">>She must have heard your loud moans when you ejaculated your seed on her daughter, but she doesn't say anything.<<else>>Since you were quiet in there, Sister Dana probably didn't hear much, if anything.<</if>>
<<s mc "The anointing went well. Adrianna's protection against evil has been strengthened.">>
<<s dana "Thank you, Father.">>
Sister Dana knocks on the door to Adrianna's room. She then enters and closes the door behind her. You hear the muffled sound of voices.
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<event 4000 syren nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 4000-100 68>>
<c>Approaching the exit from the dormitory building, you see Sister Syren talking with a young girl whom you have never seen before. You hear Sister Syren call the girl by the name of Casey.
<p>But how is Casey dressed? She is probably one of the problem students that sometimes are sent here by their parents – such as Riley.</p>
<p>There is a loud knocking on the front door. Sister Syren goes to open it.</p>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv 4000-400 90 "volume0.6 pause2">>
<c>What is this? Sister Syren welcomes three more scantily clad young girls. They giggle loudly as they enter the building.
<p>"What did I do to deserve this?" one of them laughs.</p>
<p>From their clothes and disrespectful attitude, you can tell that these are wild girls. But they can't all be new students, can they? They don't carry any luggage, so maybe they are just here for a visit.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi 4000-700 90>>
<c>You listen to Sister Syren talking to the newcomers. It appears they are indeed new students, here to stay. They brought luggage but left it outside to pick it up later.
<p>Sister Syren finally tells the three girls that Casey will take them to their rooms.</p>
<p>Casey leaves up the stairs and the newcomers follow her. You are alone with Sister Syren.</p>
<<c "Talk to Sister Syren">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<c>You don't know Sister Syren well, but you haven't heard anything bad about the senior nun. As far as you know, she has accepted your leadership and the truth of the holy rites.
<<s mc "Sister Syren, are all those girls going to be students here? They look like problem students... like Riley.">>
<<s syren "Yes, you are correct on both accounts, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "It's not a good idea to accept problem students when a lust demon is around. And so many of them...">>
<<s syren "I'm sorry, Father, but we have many students graduating now and we can't afford to turn down new students to replace them. We need the income and problem students like those girls bring us more money than other students. We have a few more coming soon. They will all be my responsibility.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi torso 45 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "But look at how they are dressed. I can only imagine what they will do in their rooms... and elsewhere. Those girls need protection from evil, and quickly. Satan's influence is spreading into the school as we speak.">>
<<s syren "I understand your concern, Father, but what can we do? You can't use the holy rites on them. You can't trust girls like this to keep quiet about it when they leave.">>
<<s mc "Not unless I take my time with them, like with Riley, no. Hmm...">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii school/riley/1800-900 66>>
Sister Syren is right. What can you do to protect all the problem students?
<p>You think about Riley and how you took your time with her, teaching her about sex and the sinful female body. You don't have time to do that with all the problem students. You require something faster.</p>
<p>The main problem with young girls like that is the sinful slits between their legs. That would be the most effective place to attack the problem. And this gives you an idea.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi torso 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s mc "If the girls misbehave, we can use that as an excuse to use mild physical punishment in the most effective way to reduce the girls' lust and their attractiveness to the lust demon. I'm talking about spanking their naked behinds – an old practice that is proven effective. That way, we could drive out some evil from their sinful place down there and give them a short-time protection. I know you sisters normally don't use corporal punishment, but we have to do something to protect problems students like that. I can help with the spanking, to get it going, but I can't be around all the time.">>
<<s syren "We could make an exception with using physical punishment if you think it is needed, Father. Special circumstances and all that. I'm sure we can find excuses to spank them sooner or later. New problems girls will misbehave. But what you said... spanking their naked behinds... I don't know if they will go along with it. Girls like that can be tough and disobedient. They are also vulnerable under their tough shell. If we drive them too hard, they might run away.">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii school/riley/1600-2300 50>>
Sister Syren may be correct, and then the problem remains: The problem students need protection fast, but you don't have the time to handle them all like you handled Riley, and you can't just force the girls to obey.
<p>So how do you convince the problem students to let you spank their naked butts?</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi 4000-2100 20 png>>
<<s mc "What about that girl – Casey? I don't recognize her. She was helping you with the new problem students, but she looked like one of them.">>
<<s syren "Yes, Casey arrived here a couple of days ago. I gave her the task of introducing the new girls to this place. We try to involve the problem students, giving them responsibility, to make them feel valued and good about themselves." ii>>
<<s mc "I see. I'll think about what to do, Sister Syren. I might get back to you later.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii misc/female 40 pnggg>>
<c>Spanking the problem girls would give them some protection against evil and sinful lust – if you could only make it happen.
Maybe you should recruit someone to help you with this. But who could help you?
<<qstart spanking 100>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 3000>> /* reusing: from chloe room */
<<mii school/chloe/3690-300 43>>
<c>The first time you met Chloe in her room, you noticed that she appeared older than when you previously met her after class in the school hallway – when she wore a school uniform. You have noticed this age difference in look with Chloe later too.
<p>You believe this is something Chloe does on purpose – using makeup, clothes, and even adopting different mannerisms to appear younger or older. She might be able to look even younger if she wanted.</p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mii nuns/syren/4000-700 80>>
<c>You could try to use this social skill of Chloe by making her pretend to be one of the problem students – in essence planting her as an undercover agent.
<p>You would let Sister Syren in on your plan. You could then try to manipulate the real problems students using Chloe.</p>
<<c "Talk to Chloe">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-400 50>>
<<s mc "Chloe, I understand now why you don't experience lust when I'm intimate with you. It's because God has other plans for you. I need your help with an important mission.">>
<<s chloe "What mission?">>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-200 70>>
<c>You remind Chloe about the lust demon and Satan's strong influence at this place, threatening the convent and everyone at the school. You then bring up the problem students, who are already on the path to Satan, and thus are even more at risk of being further corrupted by him.
<p>You tell Chloe that there is an old, proven method that works to drive out evil from sinful people, especially younger ones – and that is spanking. It may seem old-fashioned, but spanking a girl on her naked behind can not only drive out evil from her but also give her some protection – from sinful desires of lust in particular.</p>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-400 50>>
<c>You then tell Chloe of your plan to have her pretend to be a problem student. You will use her undercover role to make the problem students agree to be spanked on their naked behinds.
<p>You explain to Chloe what she is supposed to do – and not to do – and how to behave with the problem students to make them feel that she is one of them.</p>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-200 66>>
To make it believable, Chloe must keep up her new role as a problem student at all times outside of her room, starting right now.
<p>The other students, especially Chloe's friends, could wonder about this sudden rebellious change in her. You explain to Chloe how she will in turn explain this to the other students if they ask, staying as close to the truth as possible.</p>
<p>Chloe will say that she wanted to quit her education to go home to marry her boyfriend, but her wealthy parents then threatened to cut her off and disinherit her. So she must stay in school. Chloe will obey, but as a protest, she will stop being a good girl, like she pretended to be until now, hoping her parents would soon let her move home to marry.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-400 50>>
<c>The nuns give students grades for their good – or bad – behavior, and Chloe will say to the other students that her parents won't like her getting bad grades for behavior, but they will accept it as long as Chloe passes the actual courses with good grades – which means she must still study.
<p>The last part is important. You don't want Chloe to influence the other students – especially not the problem students – to study less. Chloe will still be a good student, just wilder than before, especially outside of class.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-300 47 right>>
<l><<s mc "This is God's plan for you, Chloe, it has become clear to me now. You will help me protect these vulnerable girls, to save them from being lost to Satan. You will do a great service for these girls and everyone else here by joining this fight against Satan and his corrupting influence. Do you accept your mission, Chloe?">>
<<s chloe "Can I leave the school when I've helped you with this?">>
<<s mc "Probably, yes – when you have played your part set out to you by the Lord.">>
<<s chloe "And while I help you with this, you no longer need to anoint me?">>
<<s mc "I'm afraid you still need the protection of the Holy Seed – even more so, because you will be close to these problem students who are already corrupted by Satan.">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-400 47 right>>
<<s chloe "But you don't need to test me again, because now you understand why I don't feel lust with you.">>
<<s mc "That is correct, Chloe. The testing can stop for now, providing you show that I am right in my understanding of God's plan for you. So will you help me with this mission?">>
<<s chloe "Yes, $fmc. I'll do it.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. I will speak to Sister Syren to let her in on my plan. You will start your mission by welcoming the next few problem students who should arrive any day now. Use the time until then to get into your role. Be prepared. You will be sent for when the time comes.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<hubShowRoom "hall/stairs" 10 25 9 85>>
<c>You should inform Sister Syren about your plan right away in case the new problem students arrive tomorrow.</c>
<<c "Go upstairs to Sister Syren's room">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mi torso 40 pnggg>>
You find Sister Syren in her room and tell her your plan for Chloe and the problem students. Sister Syren agrees to do as you say, playing along with it.
<p>Sister Syren will work with Chloe to come up with some misbehaving of hers. It should be something bad that Chloe will do – that would involve the new problem girls soon arriving – giving you a reason to spank her.</p>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi face2 40 pnggg>>
<c>You explain to Sister Syren that it is important to have a good excuse to spank the girls because you don't want the students to think you are randomly spanking them, making them distrust you or rebel. Students who behave shouldn't need to be worried, only misbehaving ones.
<p>Finally, you tell Sister Syren that you want to be present when Chloe welcomes the new students.</p>
<<c "Leave Sister Syren">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi 4000-700 70>>
<c>Chloe and Sister Syren are on board with your plan. You don't know if this will work, but it will be an interesting experiment.
<p>You should see Sister Syren at the school during the day to get the latest news on when the new problem students will arrive.
<<q spanking 300>></p>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mii school/chloe/3800-6200 70>>
<c>As you promised Chloe, you will stop testing her, and stick to anointing her for protection.
<p>You feel a sudden desire for Chloe's virgin slit, which you still haven't seen. Perhaps it is a sign that you are meant to anoint her there. But for now, you must focus on Chloe's mission with the problem students.
<<qend chloeq 2000>></p>
<<event 4100 chloe school>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 pnggg>>
Sister Syren has informed you that two more problem girls, both <<if setup.teens()>>19<<else>>21<</if>> years old, will most likely arrive by bus today.
<p>The bus should be here soon, so you go to the dormitory building.</p>
<<c "Enter the dormitory">>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 4100-100 80>>
<c>You find Sister Syren waiting just inside. Chloe is with her, appropriately inappropriately dressed, playing the role of a problem student.
<<s syren "You're right on time, $fmc. The new girls should be dropped off by the bus any minute. Chloe, you should go out now to be there to greet them.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Sister Syren.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi wildtorso 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Good girl, Chloe. Just remember to try to be one of them. We have to do some acting, even lying, all of us here, but it's for a holy cause. We must protect these girls from Satan.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, $fmc.">>
Chloe leaves through the front door to go to the bus stop and meet the new students.
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face2 40 pnggg>>
<c>You quietly wait inside the dormitory together with Sister Syren.
A few minutes pass, and then you hear the unmistakable sound of loud laughter and chatter of young females coming closer.
<p>The front door soon opens.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 4100-1000 64>>
<c>Chloe enters first, dragging a suitcase, apparently offering a hand to the newcomers.
<p>A couple of girls follow Chloe inside. They are cute <<if setup.teens()>>teenagers<<else>>young women<</if>>, but that's not a good thing when there is a lust demon around. And they sure look and sound like problem girls.</p>
<<set $temp = "volume0.3">>
<<set $temp2 = "volume0.3 pause2">>
<<set $temp4 = "volume0.3 pause4">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 4100-1100 90 $temp4>>
<c>Sister Syren welcomes the new girls to the school but also scolds them for their provocative outfits.
<p>The girls put up the expected disrespectful attitude – Chloe included, playing her role.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 4100-1300 86>>
<c>The girls sit down and Sister Syren talks with them.
<p>You learn that the girl in the middle is named Vicki, and the girl to the right is Giselle.</p>
<p>Finally, Sister Syren tells Chloe to show the new girls to their rooms. Chloe directs the newcomers up the stairs. Sister Syren follows them. You follow too.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 4100-1600 90 volume0.5>>
<c>Playing her role, Chloe makes a rude remark to you about not staring at her "ass". Hearing it, Vicki covers her behind to block your view – which would be appropriate except for the offensive assumption that you, a priest from the Vatican, would leer at the behind of a female.
<p>But going upstairs, your eyes naturally fall on the shapely behind of the <<if setup.teens()>>teenager.<<else>>young lady.<</if>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Follow the females">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 4100-2000 90 $temp4>>
<c>You follow the females into one of the rooms.
<p>Sister Syren speaks more with the girls, reminding them that they are here for a reason and that the better they behave, the better their chances of going back home soon.</p>
<p>Chloe makes another rude remark, this time at Sister Syren. Giselle and Vicki laugh. That's good. Chloe is doing her job, making the newcomers like her.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 4100-2200 100>>
<c>Sister Syren gets ready to leave.
<p>You should leave too. Chloe needs time to get to know these problem students before you can move on to the next phase: spanking their naked behinds.</p>
<<c "Leave the room with Sister Syren">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face2 40 pnggg>>
<c>Back downstairs, you turn to Sister Syren.
<<s mc "We'll give Chloe a few days to build rapport with the new girls before we start with the spanking. And then we'll start with Chloe. Now, as we've previously discussed, you must make a plan together with Chloe, something that gives us an excuse to spank her, some kind of violation, but nothing too serious.">>
<<s syren "I remember, Father. I will come up with something with Chloe. It shouldn't take too long. These problem girls do all kinds of things.">>
<<s mc "Good. Let me know when Chloe is ready to be spanked – and with Giselle and Vicki as witnesses.">>
<<s syren "Yes, $fmc. I pray this plan of yours works. Chloe is a good Catholic and I hope she won't be influenced negatively by playing this role.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 4100-100 70>>
<c>In a few days, everything should be set for Chloe to be spanked. You should meet with Sister Syren at the school when the time comes.
<<q spanking 1000>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 4000>> /* reuse: next event */
<<if $qqspanking==1000 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("spanking",2)>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face2 38 pnggg>>
<cc>You should give Sister Syren another day or two to arrange things with Chloe.
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "pnggg">>
<cc>You seek out Sister Syren at the school.
<<cs mc "Have you arranged something with Chloe?">>
<<cs syren "Yes, we did it yesterday.">>
Sister Syren tells you what happened...
<<c "Listen to Sister Syren">>
<<ev 4020>>
<<hubShowRoom "school/chloe/wildfullflip.png" 23 21 20 100 "pnggg bgroom:school/kitchen.jpg" "75 36.9 28 nuns/syren/torso.png pngnobg">>
<c>Yesterday, Sister Syren caught Chloe stealing cookies from the kitchen. At the time, Chloe was together with the new problem students, Giselle and Vicki, who were keeping watch outside.
<p>Unbeknownst to Giselle and Vicki, the theft of the cookies was theater, arranged by Sister Syren together with Chloe as part of your plan to start spanking the problem students.</p>
<<ev 4050>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "right pnggg">>
<<s syren "If you are ready, $fmc, we can go to the dormitory now. Chloe and the girls are waiting in one of our offices.">>
<<s mc "Good. And Chloe will play along when I blame her for stealing the cookies?">>
<<s syren "Yes, she knows you are in on it.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. You should do the spanking today, Sister Syren, this first time. It will be less threatening with a woman than a man. And you need to get used to it, to help me with the spanking going forward.">>
<<s syren "Yes, Father, I'm okay with that.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then lead the way.">>
<<if !setup.soundVideo()>><cc0><<tip soundspanking>></cc0><</if>>
<<set $temp = "volume0.3">>
<<set $temp2 = "volume0.3 pause2">>
<<set $temp4 = "volume0.3 pause4">>
<<c "Follow Sister Syren to the office">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi 4100-4200 80>>
<c>Inside the office, Chloe, Giselle and Vicki are waiting.
<p>You sit down and watch as Sister Syren presents the charges against the girls: Chloe stole cookies from the kitchen and the two other girls kept watch.</p>
<p>Chloe, being caught red-handed, plays her role by not denying it. Standing on the right, Giselle looks down, saying nothing and looking uncomfortable. In the middle, Vicki puts on an arrogant attitude and denies doing anything wrong. As much as you would like to spank Vicki to teach her manners, today is not the day.</p>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mi 4100-4300 80>>
<c>You explain to the three girls that spanking is a new form of punishment that will today be introduced at the school on your recommendation.
<<s vicki "No one is spanking me.">>
<<s mc "Not today, no.">>
<<s vicki "Not ever!">>
You again look forward to spanking the rebellious Vicki, but it must wait.
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi 4100-4400 90>>
<c><<s syren "Giselle and Vicki, being new here, you will only receive a verbal warning this time. Chloe, as the one taking the cookies, and <<italics not>> being new here, you will be punished today. You will be spanked on your naked behind. Do you accept the punishment, Chloe?">>
<<s chloe "I accept my punishment, Sister Syren.">>
<<s vicki "What? Are serious? Spanking? Chloe, say no!">>
<<s chloe "I just want to get it over with.">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mv 4100-4600 80 "pause4 volume0.5">>
<<if $qqspanking < 1600>>
Following the script she rehearsed with Sister Syren, Chloe now turns to you to get spanked.
<<s mc "Sister Syren, you should do the spanking today, this first time.">>
<<s mc "Chloe, you will get spanked today. Sister Syren, I want you to do the spanking.">>
<<s chloe "You're not gonna spank me, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, I think that Sister Syren should do it today. I will be around to spank at times, but I'm a guest here. The sisters run this school and they will do most of the spanking.">>
<<c "Switch places with Sister Syren">>
<<ev 4900>>
<<mi 4100-4950 60>>
<c>Sister Syren sits down at the desk. Chloe pretends to have second thoughts, so you grab her arm and lead her to Sister Syren.
<p>Sister Syren then starts unbuttoning Chloe's pants, preparing to pull them down. <<if $qqspanking < 1600>>As instructed,<<else>>Playing her role as instructed,<</if>> Chloe now puts up some resistance.</p>
<<ev 4950>>
<<mv 4100-4900 60 $temp4>>
<<s syren "You didn't resist when you thought you would get spanked by $fmc. You were looking forward to getting spanked by him, didn't you?">>
<<s chloe "No, I didn't!">>
Sister Syren places the semi-naked Chloe over her lap and gives Chloe a hard spank, close to her slit<<if $qqspanking < 1600>> – which you for the first time now get a peek of<</if>>. Chloe cries in pain.
Hopefully, this little charade will plant a seed in the minds of Giselle and Vicki that it is preferable to be spanked by you than by Sister Syren.
<<if $qqspanking < 1600>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 4100-5000 80 $temp>>
<c>Sister Syrens gets on with the spanking.
<p>Chloe cries out in pain and begs Sister Syren to stop, but to no avail.</p>
<p>Sister Syren gives Chloe a good smacking, and you wonder how much of Chloe's cries of pain are real. In any case, Chloe does a good job of making it seem like it hurts. This may make it easier for Vicki and Giselle to accept being spanked by you instead of Sister Syren.</p>
<<ev 5210>>
<<mi 4100-5100 92>>
<c>You notice that Giselle and Vicki have turned away their gazes. You tell them that they must watch Chloe getting punished, or they will be spanked too.
<p>This time, both Giselle and Vicki do as you say without protesting.</p>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mv 4100-5300 88 "volume0.5 pause3">>
<c>You hand a paper to Sister Syren.
<<s mc "This is Psalm 73. I would like Chloe to read that while you punish her.">>
Sister Syren gives the paper to Chloe who sighs, but takes the paper.
<<set $temp5 = null>>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mv 4100-5400 90 $temp>>
<<if $temp5==null>>
Sister Syren regularly looks at you for guidance on how hard to spank Chloe.
<p>Sister Syren is currently spanking Chloe with medium force.</p>
<<set $temp5 = 1>>
<cc>You signal to Sister Syren to spank medium hard.</cc>
<<set $temp5++>>
<<but "Spank (soft)" school2 step:5600>><<but "Spank (medium)" school2 "step:5400">><<but "Spank (hard)" school2 step:5800>><<but "End punishment" school2 "step:6000 temp5>=5">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv 4100-5600 70 $temp>>
<cc>You signal to Sister Syren to spank softly.</cc>
<<set $temp5++>>
<<but "Spank (soft)" school2 step:5600>><<but "Spank (medium)" school2 "step:5400">><<but "Spank (hard)" school2 step:5800>><<but "End punishment" school2 "step:6000 temp5>=5">>
<<ev 5800>>
<<mv 4100-5800 86 $temp>>
<cc>You signal to Sister Syren to spank hard.</cc>
<<set $temp5++>>
<<but "Spank (soft)" school2 step:5600>><<but "Spank (medium)" school2 "step:5400">><<but "Spank (hard)" school2 step:5800>><<but "End punishment" school2 "step:6000 temp5>=5">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 4100-6000 80 $temp2>>
<cc>You signal to Sister Syren to end the punishment.
<<cs mc "Chloe, you can stand up and get dressed.">>
Chloe looks relieved to finally get off Sister Syren's lap.
<<c "Watch Chloe dress">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mv 4100-6200 86 pause2>>
<c>Chloe performed her role very well. This proves that casting her in this role was a correct interpretation of God's will. Chloe will help prevent other girls from lustful sinning.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
But now, having gotten a peek at Chloe's slit, your desire to penetrate it has only grown stronger. Surely that is a sign from the Lord.
<p>But you have to be careful with Chloe. She has been very reluctant to be intimate with you, and you can't risk upsetting her now when she has this important role to play. Penetrating her slit will have to wait.</p>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi 4100-4400 90>>
Sister Syren tells the girls that they are free to go, but if they misbehave they will end up here again.
<<if $qqspanking < 1600>>
<c>The girls quietly leave the room. You are alone with Sister Syren.
<<set $temp = "leave">> /* used in replay since reusing end of giselle event */
<<but "Get oral sex from Chloe" school2 "step:13000">>
<<if $qqspanking>=2700>>
/* no req once done it, so ppl can do it without having lust since chloe event doesnt give lust */
<<but "Use Chloe's slit" school2 "ev:4280 step:100">>
<<but "Let the girls leave" school2 step:15000>>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 37 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s mc "It is of course good if they behave, but Giselle and Vicki are problem girls and we can't expect to catch them every time they do something sinful. They need to get spanked for their protection, so we need excuses to spank them. You must make sure of it, Sister.">>
<<s syren "I don't think we will have any problems finding excuses, Father. They might lay low for a day or two, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they act out.">>
<<s mc "One or two days is the most we can afford. Time is of the essence. If needed, you could work with Chloe to make something \"happen\" that gives us an excuse to spank them. But Giselle or Vicki this time, not Chloe.">>
<<s syren "As you wish, $fmc. But what if one of the other problem students gives us an excuse to spank them?">>
<<s mc "They will probably be harder to spank, putting up more resistance. We should use the advantage we have with Chloe being friends with Giselle and Vicki, so we should concentrate on spanking them. When we've done that, it will be easier to spank other problem students.">>
<<s syren "I understand, Father.">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You should check back with Sister Syren in a day or two. Hopefully, you will then have an excuse to spank Giselle or Vicki.
<<q spanking 1200>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 8000>> /* reusing. spanking giselle */
<<if $qqspanking==1200 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("spanking",2)>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face2 40 pnggg>>
<c>You seek out Sister Syren at the school.
<<s mc "Do we have a reason yet to spank Giselle or Vicki?">>
<<s syren "No, Father, but I'm working on it. Come back tomorrow.">>
<<s mc "I will. Please do what you can to make it happen. Thank you, Sister.">>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "right pnggg">>
<l>You have been informed that Sister Syren is expecting you at the dormitory. When you enter the front door, she stands inside, waiting for you.
<<s syren "Hello, $fmc. I caught Giselle smoking cigarettes. Apparently, she had them with her when she arrived at the school. Chloe helped me catch Giselle in the act, and Vicki was also with them. The girls are waiting in the office. We can go see them now.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then lead the way.">>
<<set $temp = "volume0.3">>
<<set $temp2 = "volume0.3 pause2">>
<<set $temp4 = "volume0.3 pause4">>
<<c "Follow Sister Syren to the office">>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mi 4100-4400 80>>
<c>Once inside the office, you sit down, and Sister Syren explains the charges she just told you about.
<p>Giselle looks down, seemingly not comfortable, perhaps even ashamed, of being caught smoking cigarettes.</p>
<<ev 8300>>
<<mi 4100-4300 88>>
<c><<s mc "This is a serious violation and you must be punished. You will be spanked.">>
You look at Giselle, but also at Vicki.
<<s vicki "You can't spank me! I didn't even smoke.">>
<<ev 8400>> /* replaying spanking giselle from here, setting temp6 to giselle */
<<mi 4100-8400 40 right>>
<<if $temp6=="giselle">>
<<s mc "Giselle, you will be spanked today.">>
Giselle whines, but her protest is weak. She has resigned to her fate.
<<s mc "You will not be spanked today, Vicki. But Giselle, you will.">>
<<s giselle "Will you spank me, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes, I will do it today.">>
<<if $temp6!="giselle">>
It seems that Chloe has done a good job of making Giselle accept that she will be spanked.
<p>Giselle appears pleased that it is you and not Sister Syren who will spank her. She might change her mind soon.</p>
<<ev 8500>>
<<mi 4100-8500 90>>
<c>You give a suitable passage from the Bible to Giselle that she is meant to read while being spanked.
<p>You ask her to read it once before the spanking begins.</p>
<<set $temp = "volume0.3">>
<<set $temp2 = "volume0.3 pause2">>
<<set $temp4 = "volume0.3 pause4">>
<<ev 8600>>
<<mv 4100-8600 74 $temp2>>
<c>Giselle reads the psalm, but she does so mockingly<<if $temp6=="giselle">>, showing again that she is indeed a problem student.<<else>>. If you had any doubt that Giselle was a problem girl, that doubt is now gone.<</if>>
When you have had enough, you stand up and grab the paper from Giselle.
<<s mc "Now you can remove your pants, Giselle.">>
<<ev 8800>>
<<mv 4100-8800 80 $temp2>>
<c>Giselle has accepted that she will be spanked and begins to remove her shorts.
<<s mc "Sister Syren, make sure it is a bare-bottom spank.">>
Giselle hesitates to pull down her panties, but Sister Syren makes sure they go down all the way.
<<ev 9000>>
<<mv 4100-9000 90 $temp2>>
<c>When Sister Syren pushes Giselle down on your lap, you <<if $temp6=="giselle">>again see that disturbing image<<else>>see something disturbing<</if>> on Giselle's naked behind. A perverted, Satanic sign – a Devil's pitchfork.
<p>You point out the abomination to Sister Syren, who makes the sign of the cross. Giselle, on the other hand, laughs madly – corrupted by Satan's rebellious influence. But it is you who will have the final laugh. It is time to spank the sin out of Giselle.</p>
<<ev 9100>>
<<mi 4100-9100 86>>
<c>You again give the paper with the Bible passage to Giselle to read while you spank her. <<if $temp6=="giselle">>She sighs, but takes the paper.<<else>>She reluctantly takes the paper, having seen Chloe do the same.<</if>>
Your blood gets hot from seeing and feeling the bottoms-naked Giselle across your lap, with only a thin layer of fabric between your manhood and her exposed <<if setup.teens()>>teen <<else>>young<</if>> slit.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<set $temp5 = null>>
<<but "Spank Giselle" school2 step:9600>>
<<ev 9200>>
<<mv 4100-9200 90 $temp>>
<cc><<if $temp5 == null>>
Using medium force, you spank Giselle while she reads aloud from the paper.
<<set $temp5 = 1>>
You spank Giselle medium hard.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<but "Spank (soft)" school2 step:9600>><<but "Spank (medium)" school2 "step:9200">><<but "Spank (hard)" school2 step:9800>>
<<if $qqspanking>=2000 || $lust>=100>>
<<but "End punishment" school2 step:11000>>
<<ev 9600>>
<<mv 4100-9600 90 $temp>>
<<if $temp5 == null>>
Starting softly, you spank Giselle while she reads aloud from the paper.
<<set $temp5 = 1>>
You spank Giselle softly.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<but "Spank (soft)" school2 step:9600>><<but "Spank (medium)" school2 "step:9200">><<but "Spank (hard)" school2 step:9800>>
<<if $qqspanking>=2000 || $lust>=100>>
<<but "End punishment" school2 step:11000>>
<<ev 9800>>
<<mv 4100-9800 90 $temp>>
<cc>You spank Giselle hard.
<<addlust 10>></cc>
<<but "Spank (soft)" school2 step:9600>><<but "Spank (medium)" school2 "step:9200">><<but "Spank (hard)" school2 step:9800>>
<<if $qqspanking>=2000 || $lust>=100>>
<<but "End punishment" school2 step:11000>>
<<ev 11000>>
<<mi 4100-11000 87>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<if $qqspanking>=2000>>
You spank Giselle until your lust becomes too tempting. You
That should be enough spanking of Giselle, for today. Or you
could have Sister Syren spank Giselle a little before ending the punishment.
<<c "Tell Sister Syren to spank Giselle">><<but "End the punishment" school2 step:12000>>
<<ev 11200>>
<<mv 4100-11200 92 $temp>>
<c>Sister Syren could use this opportunity to gain authority with the girls. You tell her to finish the punishment.
<p>Sister Syren spanks Giselle until you signal that it is enough.</p>
<<c "End the punishment">>
<<ev 12000>>
<<mv 4100-12000 90 pause4>>
<cc>The punishment of Giselle is over. You let her get up from your lap.
<p>Giselle's bottom is red from the spanking. Vicki giggles when she sees it.</p>
<p>Vicki won't laugh when it is her turn. And that day will come.</p>
<<if $qqspanking==2000>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:12800>>
<<ev 12400>>
<<mi 4100-12400 80>>
When Giselle is again fully clothed, you address the three girls.
<<if $temp6=="giselle">>
<<s mc "The punishment is over for today, Giselle, but as you girls have been told before: For serious transgressions like Giselle's, you will be spanked again if we think it is necessary.">>
<<s mc "The punishment is over for today, but you should know something, Giselle – and you too, Chloe: Your transgressions were so severe that one spanking might not be enough punishment. You will be spanked again if we think it is necessary.">>
<<ev 12600>>
<<mi 4100-12600 70>>
<<if $temp6=="giselle">>
<<s giselle "That's not fair. I thought this would be the last time.">>
<<s giselle "That's not fair. And you didn't say that before.">>
Chloe also protests, playing her role – but perhaps also because she doesn't want to be spanked again.
<<s mc "But now you know. Sister Syren and I will decide if and when you need another spanking. We're done for today. Sister Syren, you can take it from here.">>
<<ev 12800>>
<<if $qqspanking>=2000 && $qqspanking<2700>>
<<set _suddendesire = true>>
/* reducing height to fit buttons better */
<<mi 4100-4400 74>>
<<set _suddendesire = false>>
<<mi 4100-4400 80>>
<<if $temp6=="giselle">>
Sister Syren tells the girls that they are free to go, but if they misbehave they will end up here again sooner or later.
Sister Syren tells the girls that they are free to go, but if they misbehave they will end up here again.
<p>You wouldn't mind it. It felt nice spanking Giselle's bare bottom and having her exposed slit close to your manhood.
<<if _suddendesire>>
<<specialalert2 "You feel a sudden strong desire to penetrate Giselle's <<if setup.teens()>>teen <<else>>young<</if>> slit with your erect manhood. You can't do that, so you consider using Chloe's slit instead.">>
<<set $temp = "leave">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
/* v10: removing the (C60) marker after chapter 5 */
<<but "Get oral sex from Chloe" school2 "step:13000">>
<<but "Get oral sex from Chloe" school2 "step:13000 corr55 ttt15">>
<<if $qqspanking>=2000>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
<<if $qqspanking>=2700>>
/* remove req once done it, so ppl can do it without having lust since chloe event doesnt give lust */
<<but "Use Chloe's slit" school2 "ev:4280 step:100">>
<<but "Use Chloe's slit" school2 "ev:4280 step:100 corr60 ttt10">>
<<but "Use Chloe's slit" school2 "ev:4280 step:12900 corr60 ttt40">>
<<if $qqspanking!=2000>> /* forcing oral sex for stage2000 */
<<but "Let the girls leave" school2 step:15000>>
<<ev 12900>>
<<ev 13000>>
<<mi 4100-12400 66>>
<<if $qqspanking < 1600 && $temp6=="giselle">>
Fueled by lust from spanking Giselle, you feel the urge to penetrate her slit with your manhood – right now. You can't do that, but there is something you could do right now: Feeling a girl's mouth around your manhood. Chloe can help you with that.
<<if $temp6=="giselle" && $qqspanking>=2000 && $qqspanking<2500>>
<<if $qqholylustq != null>>
Though you desire Chloe's slit, you should first penetrate it in her room after supper before attempting it here. Her mouth will have to do.
Now is not the time to try to penetrate Chloe's virgin slit. Her mouth will have to do.
<<s mc "Wait, I thought of something. Chloe, I want to speak with you alone, please. Giselle and Vicki, you can leave. Sister Syren, please wait outside while I speak with Chloe.">>
<<s syren "As you wish, Father. Okay, girls, let's leave $fmc and Chloe alone.">>
Giselle and Vicki leave the room. Sister Syren follows them and then closes the door behind her. You are alone with Chloe.
<<ev 13200>>
<<mi wildfull 45 "right pnggg">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("school2",4100,13500)>>
<<s mc "Good work in there, Chloe, but you know being with girls like that is dangerous. You need more protection from Satan's corrupting influence. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s mc "You are doing a good job working undercover as a problem student, Chloe. Sister Syren and I are very pleased with you. But being with girls like that is dangerous. You need more protection from Satan's corrupting influence. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s chloe "Now? But Sister Syren is waiting just outside.">>
<<s mc "She knows about the holy rites. And I will be quick. Now let's go... Remove your top. Seeing your breasts will allow me to finish faster.">>
Chloe sighs but begins removing her top.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 13500>>
<<mv 4100-13500 70 volume2>>
<c>Your male organ quickly grows hard from the thought of Chloe's mouth around it – and from seeing her perky breasts. You whip out your manhood and present it to Chloe.
<p>Chloe, being a good girl, obeys your wish and takes your erect member in her mouth.</p>
<p>She proceeds to give you oral sex.</p>
<<ev 13800>>
<<mv 4100-13800 80 volume2>>
<c>Promising her to get it over with quickly, you instruct Chloe to go deep on you to bring forth the Holy Seed.
<p>Chloe does her best to follow your instructions, and soon you feel the orgasm coming.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate in her face">>
<<ev 13900>>
<<mv 4100-13900 90 volume2>>
<cc>You splash Chloe's face with your seed, moaning out the words to anoint her.</cc>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 14200>>
<<mi wildtorso 40 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Your protection has been strengthened. Thank you, Chloe. You may go.">>
Chloe leaves and so do you.
<<set $temp = "cum">>
<<ev 14800>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "pnggg">>
<c>Sister Syren is waiting in the hallway outside.
<p>You wouldn't be surprised if she heard your moans of pleasure when you ejaculated your seed in Chloe's face. But if Sister Syren did, she doesn't reveal it.</p>
<<but "Tell Sister Syren that you anointed Chloe" school2 "step:15000 doplay:temp=anoint">><<but "Don't tell her" school2 "step:15000 doplay:temp=notell">>
<<ev 15000>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face2 40 "right pnggg">>
<<if $temp=="leave">>
You let the girls leave, and you are alone with Sister Syren.
<<elseif $temp=="anoint">>
<<s mc "I feared for Chloe's safety, being so close with the problem girls. I had to anoint her with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s syren "I understand, Father.">>
<<elseif $temp=="notell">>
Sister Syren may already know that you anointed Chloe, but you say nothing about it.
<<elseif $temp=="lieanoint">>
<<s mc "I feared for Chloe's safety, being so close with the problem girls. I had to anoint her with the Holy Seed.">>
<<s syren "I understand, Father.">>
If Sister Syren suspects you of lying, she doesn't show it.
<<elseif $temp=="fornicate">>
<<s mc "I feared for Chloe's safety, being so close with the problem girls. I had to be very intimate with her in a holy rite to test her resistance to the flesh. She did good.">>
<<s syren "Oh... I understand, Father.">>
If Sister Syren understands you fornicated with Chloe, or has an opinion on it, she doesn't reveal it. She probably bought your white lie about using a holy rite though.
<<elseif $temp=="notellanything">>
Sister Syren may understand that you were intimate with Chloe, but you say nothing about it.
<<if $qqspanking<1600>>
<<s mc "We should spank Vicki too, but it is not as urgent now when we can spank Chloe and Giselle regularly. You should give both of those girls a good spanking a couple of times a week or so – if I'm not around to do it. All three of them should be present at the spanking. Other problem students will hear of the spankings and the threat of getting spanked should make them less prone to misbehaving – for some time, at least – making them less easy targets for Satan.">>
Sister Syren nods.
<<elseif $qqspanking>=1600>>
<<s mc "We should meet again soon. But continue spanking the girls regularly when I'm not around.">>
<<s syren "Yes, Father. You can count on me.">>
<<if $qqspanking<2000>>
<<s mc "And while there is no rush, we should find an excuse to spank Vicki too someday soon.">>
<<s syren "Yes, Father. I understand.">>
<<elseif $qqspanking>=2000 && $qqspanking<3000>>
<<s mc "And we should find an excuse to spank Vicki too someday soon.">>
<<s syren "Yes, Father.">>
<<q spanking 2200>>
<<if $qqspanking<1600>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:15200>>
<<elseif $qqspanking==2200 && $temp6=="giselle">>
<<but "Leave Sister Syren" school2 "ev:4280 step:400">>
<<but "Leave Sister Syren" school2 step:16000>>
<<ev 15200>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "pnggg">>
<c><<s mc "To be clear, we can wait for a good reason to spank Vicki, but if it takes too long, we must make sure that something \"happens\" with Vicki that requires a spanking.">>
<<s syren "I understand, Father.">>
<<but "Leave Sister Syren" school2 step:15500>>
<<ev 15500>>
<<mi 4100-4200 80>>
<c>You should meet with Sister Syren at the school regularly to spank the girls.
<p>You want to spank Vicki too, but until you have a good excuse to spank her, you will have to do with Chloe and Giselle.
<<if $qqspanking < 1600>>
<<q spanking 1600>>
<<q spanking 1800 center>>
<<qendversion spanking version0.9.0>>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 16000>>
<<if $temp6=="giselle">>
<<mi 4100-11000 80>>
You spanked Giselle today.</cc>
<<elseif $temp6=="chloe">>
<<mi chloespanked 86>>
Sister Syren spanked Chloe today. </cc>
<<if $qqspanking<2000>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:15500>>
<<elseif $qqspanking==2500 && $temp6=="giselle" && $temp5=="fornicated">>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:16500>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 16500>>
<<mi 4280-1200 70>>
<c>You fornicated with Chloe after spanking Giselle.
<p>Since Chloe agreed to it once, you could probably do it with her again, regardless of who is spanked and who is doing the spanking.</p>
<<ev 16700>>
<<mi vicki 28>>
<c>You are getting a bit frustrated that Vicki hasn't been caught causing problems yet. You want to spank her naked behind too.
<p>If you can't find an excuse to spank her, you may need to arrange something to make it happen.
<<q spanking 2700>>
<<qendversion spanking version0.10.0>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 4200 chloe school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "pnggg">>
<<set $temp = "volume0.3">>
<<set $temp2 = "volume0.3 pause2">>
<<set $temp4 = "volume0.3 pause4">>
<<if $qqspanking==2000>>
<c>You find Sister Syren waiting for you inside the dormitory.
<<s syren "Greetings, Father. I caught Giselle smoking again. She should be spanked for such a repeat transgression and I thought you wanted to do it.">>
<<s mc "Yes. Good thinking, Sister Syren. Let's go.">>
<<set $temp6="giselle">>
<<but "Follow Sister Syren" school2 "ev:4280 step:300">>
<c>You have arranged to meet with Sister Syren at the school for another spanking.
<<s syren "Greetings, Father. The girls have been told to wait for us in Giselle's room. They understand they may get spanked.">>
<<s mc "Good. Let's go see them.">>
<<but "Follow Sister Syren to Giselle's room" school2 step:200>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 4100-2200 90>>
<c>Chloe, Giselle, and Vicki sit on Giselle's bed. They don't look too happy at the prospect of possibly getting spanked.
<p>Who will get spanked today, and who will do the spanking?
<<if $qqspanking<3000>>
<div style="font-size:70%; margin-top:-0.05rem;"><<specialalert2 "You currently have no good excuse to spank Vicki.">></div>
<<set $temp6 = null>>
<<but "Sister Syren will spank Chloe" school2 "step:1000 doplay:temp6=chloe">><<but "You will spank Giselle" school2 "step:1000 doplay:temp6=giselle">>
<<but "(Leave) No spanking today" school2 step:300>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/syren/face2 40 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "I apologize, Sister Syren, but I just thought of something I have to do – which had slipped my mind. You can do whatever you think is needed with the girls, but I must leave.">>
<<s syren "As you wish, $fmc.">>
You can meet with Sister Syren at the school to spank the girls another time.
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 4200-1000 80>>
<<if $temp6=="chloe">>
Sister Syren should spank Chloe today. This will increase Sister Syren's authority with the girls. While it would be nice to spank Chloe's naked bottom yourself, you can always anoint Chloe if you lust for her body.
You feel like spanking Giselle today. But to avoid scaring her away, you don't reveal your decision.
You signal to Sister Syren to move to the office.
<<s syren "Okay, girls, let's go to the office.">>
The girls don't look too pleased, not looking forward to possibly getting spanked.
<<but "Go to the office to spank Chloe" school2 "step:1200 temp6==chloe">>
<<but "Go to the office to spank Giselle" school2 "step:1200 step:8400 temp6==giselle">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 4100-4200 80>>
<c>Sister Syren lines up the three girls. They look nervous, anxious to hear your decision about what will happen.
<<but "Tell Sister Syren to spank Chloe" school2 "ev:4100 step:4700 temp6==chloe">>
<<but "Say you will spank Giselle" school2 "ev:4100 step:8400 temp6==giselle">>
<<vv 10>>
<<event 4280 chloe school>>
<<ev 50>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 4300-1000 80>>
<<addlust 40>> /* to avoid having 0 lust here when spanking chloe */
<<if $temp6=="giselle">>
Filled with lust from spanking Giselle, you feel the urge to penetrate her slit with your manhood – right now. You can't do that, yet, so you will use Chloe's slit instead.
<p>Using Chloe's slit will also allow you to test if her resistance against lust is still strong.</p>
You desire Chloe's slit, and this would be a good opportunity to use it for your pleasure.
<p>Then you can also test if Chloe's resistance against lust is still strong.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 4100-12400 66>>
<<s mc "Wait, I thought of something. Chloe, I want to speak with you alone, please. Giselle and Vicki, you can leave. Sister Syren, please wait outside while I speak with Chloe.">>
<<s syren "As you wish, Father. Okay, girls, let's leave $fmc and Chloe alone.">>
Giselle and Vicki leave the room. Sister Syren follows them and then closes the door behind her. You are alone with Chloe.
<<but "Continue" school2 step:1000>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 4100-7000 50>>
Sister Syren takes you to the room where the three girls are waiting.
<<s mc "Giselle, you will be spanked today for smoking – again.">>
Giselle looks down and doesn't even protest this time. She has resigned to her fate.
<<if !setup.soundVideo() && !$tips.includes("soundspanking")>><cc0><<tip soundspanking2>></cc0><</if>>
<<c "Proceed with the spanking">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi 4100-9100 86>>
<c>You give Giselle a paper with a Bible passage to read while you spank her.
Then you get on with the spanking. Your blood gets hot from seeing and feeling the bottoms-naked Giselle across your lap, with only a thin layer of fabric between your manhood and her exposed <<if setup.teens()>>teen <<else>>young<</if>> slit.
<<set _lustdiff = 50-$lust>>
<<set _lustdiff = _lustdiff < 10 ? 10 : _lustdiff>>
<<addlust _lustdiff>> /* setting it to 50 or +10 if 50+ */
<<set $temp5 = null>>
<<but "Spank Giselle" school2 "ev:4100 step:9600">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 4100-9100 80>>
Leaving the dormitory, your thoughts return to Giselle and Chloe, and their tight young slits.
<p>You wanted to penetrate Giselle's slit after spanking her, but Giselle is nowhere ready to be that intimate with you.</p>
<<ev 420>>
<<mi sucking 66>>
<c>Chloe, on the other hand, might be ready to be that intimate. If you could fornicate with her after spanking the girls, that would be great. Chloe's mouth is nice and all, but you want her slit too.
<p>It is a fact that your desire to penetrate Chloe's slit has become very strong lately. That could be a sign from the Lord. However, the first time with Chloe should be in her room. You should visit Chloe after supper.
<<qstart chloefornication 100>></p>
<<if $qqcarolinaq == null>>
<<c "Leave the school">>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii school/girl 62>>
<c>On your way across the schoolyard, you see Carolina as you have seen her so many times before: sitting under that tree, reading or writing. She briefly looks up at you as you pass her.
<p>It occurs to you that Carolina might have seen more than she should have. Or if she hasn't yet, she might in the future. It is easy to miss her sitting by the tree, and even if you do spot her, you're so used to it, you hardly think of it.</p>
<<ev 520>>
<<mii school/girllook 45 right>>
<l>While Carolina can't see the stable from her position by the tree, she has a good view of who is coming and going to the school and who is leaving around corners with whom. If Carolina repeatedly sees you leaving for private meetings with a nun or a student, she could start to suspect things.
<p>She might even decide to spy on you one day and see you being intimate with someone.</p>
<p>You may want to get to know Carolina better – to get her on your side before she becomes a threat.</p>
<<ev 540>>
<<mii school/girl 68>>
<c>It is not a bad idea, either way. You can't just pay attention to the nuns and the convent. Satan's influence is spreading at the school too, and the more students you know, the better.
<p>Furthermore, Carolina is, as far as you know, a model student. It would be good to have a connection with the model students.</p>
<<ev 550>>
<<mii school/girllook 45>>
<c>The other students you are involved with are problem students or have other issues of some kind, increasing their risk of being targeted by Satan. But the Devil is cunning and may strike where you least expect it. Also, you think that Carolina is still 18 years old, and Satan favors the young.
<p>You have to be vigilant. Carolina could be targeted by Satan. </p>
<<ev 580>>
<<overlay "school/girllook" "school/carolina/pussy" 50 60 30 45 "opacity0.82">><</overlay>>
<<addlust 30>>
Suddenly, you picture Carolina's <<if setup.teens()>>teen<<else>>young<</if>> slit between her legs and feel a strong desire for it.
You remember feeling lust for Carolina when you first arrived at the monastery – she was the first girl you noticed. The Lord was guiding you then, and He is guiding you now.
<<c "Talk to Carolina">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii school/carolina/head 34 "pnggg">>
<<s mc "Hello, Carolina. What are you doing?">>
<<s carolina "Oh, hello, $fmc. I'm studying.">>
You spend some time talking to Carolina.
You talk about the courses she is taking. Some of them relate to topics you know well, such as Christian history, and you use your knowledge to befriend Carolina.
<p>You learn that Carolina is a devout Catholic hoping to find a good man to marry and raise a family once she has completed her studies.</p>
<p>You also confirm that Carolina indeed hasn't turned 19 yet.</p>
<<set $temp3 = null>>
<<ev 650>>
<<mii school/carolina/head2 28 "pnggg">>
<c>While speaking to Carolina, you subtly insert casual questions and small-talk to determine if she has seen – or suspects – something she shouldn't, sitting out here by the tree.
<p>You learn that when sitting by the tree, Carolina is usually occupied with her studies or reading a book, but she does look up now and then if something catches her eye – which people clad in black tend to do. People like the nuns, and you.</p>
<p>Carolina has indeed seen you move around the school on numerous occasions, but she seems to think nothing of it.</p>
<<ev 670>>
<<mii school/carolina/head3 30 "pnggg">>
<p>You don't think Carolina knows or suspects something she shouldn't. Yet. That could change.</p>
<p>If you initiate Carolina into the Circle, you could stop worrying about her finding something out. </p>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii school/carolina/head2 28 "pnggg">>
<c>Potentially being targeted by Satan, Carolina could use the holy rites for protection, but it might be hard to convince her. And, more importantly, once you tell Carolina about the lust demon and the holy war, including the holy rites, there is no going back.
<<ev 750>>
<div class="center-flex center" style="width:34%">
<<mii nuns/dana/head 100 "pnggg left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/amy/amy 80 "left nomarginRight pnggg">>
<c>All things considered, there is a high probability that you need to take some action to convince Carolina to accept the holy rites.
<p>You may need to involve one or more of the nuns that Carolina trusts. Sisters like Sister Dana or Sister Amy – who are teachers at the school. But they might not like that you want to be intimate with an innocent model student, even if it is for a good cause.</p>
<p>Another option would be to use a drug – perhaps a lust drug – on Carolina to make her easier to convince.</p>
<p>Either way, you would take a risk.</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii school/carolina/head 34 "pnggg">>
<c>You have to be ready to do what it takes to convince Carolina to be anointed before telling her about the holy war.
<<set $carolinaschool=1>>
<<if $qqcarolinaq != null && $temp3 != "thinkslit">>
<<but "Think again about her slit" school2 step:820>>
/*<<addlust 100>>*/
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "<<actChapter 5>> Tell her about the holy war" school2 "step:930 corr60 lll60">>
<<but "Tell her about the holy war" school2 "step:50 corr60 ttt10">>
<<but "Leave Carolina alone for now" school2 step:850>>
<<ev 820>>
<<overlay "school/girllook" "school/carolina/pussy" 50 60 30 45 "opacity0.82">><</overlay>>
<cc>You think again about Carolina's <<if setup.teens()>>teen<<else>>young<</if>> slit and feel a strong desire for it.
<<set $temp3 = "thinkslit">>
<<addlust 20 lh>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:800>>
<<ev 850>>
<<mii school/carolina/head2 28 "pnggg">>
<c>Given that you don't have any evidence Satan would target Carolina specifically, you hesitate to tell her about the holy war. You have to think about it.
<<qstart carolinaq 100>></c>
<<ev 900>> /* when seeing her again sitting by tree */
<<mii school/girl 62>>
<c>You see Carolina sitting by the tree.
<p>It would be good to get to know a model student better. Perhaps you should speak to her.</p>
<<but "Leave her alone" school>><<but "Talk to Carolina" school2 step:910>>
<<ev 910>>
<<mii school/carolina/head 34 "pnggg">>
You spend some time talking to Carolina, getting to know her better.
<<ev 920>>
<<overlay "school/girllook" "school/carolina/pussy" 50 60 30 45 "opacity0.82">><</overlay>>
<c>When Carolina looks down for a moment, you again picture her <<if setup.teens()>>teen<<else>>young<</if>> slit between her legs and feel a strong desire for it. It could be a sign from the Lord.
<<set $temp3 = "thinkslit">>
<<addlust 20 lh>>
Maybe you should initiate Carolina into the Circle, after all. But it might take some convincing.
<<but "Continue" school2 step:750>>
<<ev 930>>
<<mii school/carolina/head2 30 "pnggg">>
<p>Knowing her next class won't start for some time, you tell Carolina that you have something important to talk to her about, something which should be done in private, and you ask to do it in her room.</p>
<p>Carolina agrees to your proposal and she leaves for the dormitory.
<<holylustquest 150 center>>
<<c "Follow Carolina to her room">>
<<ev 940>>
<<mii school/carolina/talk1 70>>
<c>Once in her room, you sit down to talk.
<p>After swearing Carolina to secrecy, you tell her that there is an evil at the monastery, putting you all at risk, and you want Carolina to know about it to be able to protect her.</p>
<<ev 945>>
<<mii school/carolina/talk3 73>>
<c>You briefly tell Carolina about the holy war and the lust demon, without mentioning the intimate holy rites in detail. You then ask her to talk to Novice Emma who will explain everything she should know.
<p>Carolina and you will talk again later.</p>
<<ev 950>>
<<mii school/carolina/talk4 50>>
<<s carolina "But why are you only telling me this and not everyone at the school?">>
<<s mc "I have told several of the students, whom I'm also protecting, but this must be kept secret as much as possible. Only those that need to know should know. Just trust me on this, Carolina. Now, I can't tell you exactly why – as it would put you at even more risk – but I have reason to believe that you may be targeted by Satan. But don't worry, I'm here to protect you. And nothing at all might happen to you. I'm just being cautious. ">>
<<ev 960>>
<<mii school/carolina/talk3 80>>
Your words make Carolina scared. She asks a few more questions and you answer them as well as you can without revealing too many details. You want Novice Emma to take her time with Carolina first.
<<ev 970>>
<<mii school/carolina/talk4 50>>
<c>Carolina's next class soon starts and you must wrap things up.
<p>You tell Carolina that you will ask Novice Emma to contact her as soon as possible. Carolina promises to talk to Novice Emma then.</p>
<<c "Leave Carolina">>
<<ev 980>>
<<mii nuns/emma/emma10 26 pnggg>>
<cc>You must visit Novice Emma before supper to inform her about Carolina.
<<q carolinaq 150 center>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 1000>> /* Using Chloe's slit */
<<mi wildfull 45 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s mc "You continue to do a good job working undercover as a problem student, Chloe, but you know being with girls like that is dangerous. I will use the holy rite of Sin Eating and test your slit with my manhood to see that your resistance against Satan's corrupting influence is strong enough.">>
You again use the white lie of using a holy rite because you must not tell Chloe that you are a lust angel.
<<s chloe "But Sister Syren is just outside.">>
<<s mc "She knows about the holy war against Satan, and what I have to do to protect us all. And I will be quick. Now let's go... Remove your clothes, including your top and panties. Seeing you naked will make this go faster, and you want this to be over with, don't you?">>
Chloe sighs but begins to undress.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 4100-13500 70 volume2>>
<c>You tell Chloe to use her mouth to get your manhood erect and ready for penetration.
Chloe obeys and your member quickly becomes hard in her mouth.
<<s mc "That's good. Now sit on this chair and spread your legs for me.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 75>>
<cc>Chloe sits down on the chair and presents her slit for you.
<p>You move in to penetrate.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 63>>
<c>You know Sister Syren is waiting outside, but you don't let that stop you from moaning with pleasure as you penetrate Chlo's slit with your erect manhood. It feels very good.
<p>You begin to fornicate.</p>
<<set $temp5="fornicated">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 63>>
<cc><<cs mc "Does it feel good? Do you feel lust?">>
<<if $temp6=="chloe">>
<<cs chloe "A little. I think.">>
<<cs mc "It could be because you were spanked. This is a warning sign.">>
<<cs chloe "No, Father.">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mv m 94>>
<c>You enjoy Chloe's slit.
<p>You don't want to rush it, but you should not take too long since Sister Syren is waiting for you.</p>
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 91>>
<c>You tell Chloe to stand up and bend over, and you proceed to pump her slit from behind.
<p>Soon after, your seed is coming.</p>
<<c "(Pull out) Ejaculate in her face">><<but "Ejaculate in her slit" school2 step:3000>>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 4100-13900 95>>
<cc>You pull out of Chloe's slit and tell her to kneel before you.
<p>You proceed to ejaculate in her face while moaning with pleasure.</p>
<<set $temp="fornicateface">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c>Afterward, you inspect Chloe's slit. There is some minor wetness, but you can't tell if it's from Chloe or pre-ejaculate from your manhood.
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:4000>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie14 100 volume0.4>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate inside Chloe's tight slit.
<<if $creampied.contains("chloe")>>
<<set $temp3 = true>>
<<set $temp3 = false>>
<<creampie chloe center>>
<<set $temp="fornicateslit">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie14after 90 volume0.4>>
<<if $temp3>>
<<s chloe "Father, did you finish inside me again?">>
<<s mc "Yes, seed shouldn't be spilled without a good reason. But you won't get pregnant. Trust me. Now, let's analyze the test.">>
<<s chloe "Father, did you finish inside me?!">>
She sounds upset.
<<s mc "Yes, but don't worry, my child. The Lord will not make you pregnant from a holy rite. That would be a miracle. Now, let's analyze the test.">>
You inspect Chloe's dripping slit, but it's hard to tell if any of the wetness is from her lust.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi wildfull 45 "right pnggg">>
<<if $temp6=="chloe">>
<<s mc "You thought you felt a little lustful earlier. Did your lust increase?">>
<<s chloe "I don't know, maybe a little. I just waited for you to finish the test.">>
<<s mc "Did you feel any lust at all?">>
<<s chloe "Maybe a little after a while, I don't know. I just waited for you to finish the test.">>
<<s mc "You don't seem to be in any immediate danger of Satan's lustful corruption. Nothing more needs to be done right now, but we have to stay vigilant. You may go.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mii nuns/syren/torso 40 "pnggg">>
<c>Sister Syren is waiting in the hallway outside.
<p>You wouldn't be surprised if she heard your moans of pleasure when fornicating with Chloe. But if Sister Syren did, she doesn't reveal it.</p>
<<but "(Lie) Tell her you anointed Chloe" school2 "ev:4100 step:15000 doplay:temp=lieanoint">>
<<but "Hint that you fornicated with Chloe" school2 "ev:4100 step:15000 doplay:temp=fornicate">>
<<but "Don't tell her anything" school2 "ev:4100 step:15000 doplay:temp=notellanything">>
<<event 4300 chloe school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 3700-800 68>>
<<s mc "Chloe, I have to do another test on you. A different test.">>
<<s chloe "But you said you wouldn't do any more tests.">>
<<s mc "I know, but we have to adapt to how things evolve, Chloe. Satan's influence is still growing at the school and his minions are crafty. We have to be vigilant. You're spending time with Giselle and Vicki, two sinful girls, and the lust demon is out there. Because of this, I must test again if you get aroused with me.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 3700-300 48 right>>
<<s chloe "How will you test it?">>
<<s mc "You've shown you have a strong resistance to sinful lust, which is good, but I've only tested you by touching your breasts. I must verify that your slit is as resistant.">>
<<s chloe "Why? No one will touch me there. And I'm not touching myself.">>
<<s mc "You never know what those girls will do, Chloe. And you're forgetting that you are touching yourself there... when washing.">>
<<s chloe "But that's different. It's not for pleasure.">>
<<s mc "That's good. I want to make sure it stays that way. So I should test you. Please remove your skirt.">>
Chloe looks unwilling, but she still obeys. She begins to remove her tight shorts.
<<but "Continue" school2 step:400>>
<<ev 350>> /* replaying */
<<mi 3700-300 45 right>>
<<s mc "I fear for your safety, Chloe. We should test the lust resistance of your slit again.">>
<<s chloe "Why? No one will touch me there. And I'm not touching myself.">>
<<s mc "You never know what those girls will do, Chloe. And you're forgetting that you are touching yourself there... when washing.">>
<<s chloe "But that's different. It's not for pleasure.">>
<<s mc "That's good. I want to make sure it stays that way. So now I will test you. Please remove your skirt.">>
Chloe looks unwilling, but she still obeys. She begins to remove her tight shorts.
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
<<c "Fornicate with Chloe">>
<<but "Use your fingers first" school2 step:400>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:400>>
<<ev 370>>
<<mi 4300-2100 35 right>>
<<s mc "I will test your slit with my manhood tonight.">>
<<s chloe "But no one will do that to me. There is no man around except you.">>
<<s mc "As I've explained, Chloe, being with the sinful problem students is dangerous. You don't know what they will do. Maybe they will play with you and insert something down there and you will like it. The lust demon would sense it, and it may also lead you down a path of lustful corruption. I must know if you are at risk to know how to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Now remove your top, then lie down on the bed and spread your legs for me.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<but "Continue" school2 step:6000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 40 "right pause1.5">>
<l>Chloe looks embarrassed as she undressed before you, but she pulls down the shorts all the way, exposing her young slit.
<p>You can't resist briefly touching it.
<<addlust 20>></p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
<l>You tell Chloe to sit down on the table.
<<s mc "I'm gonna test your slit now. Just with my hands. Remember that you can say stop if you think it's going too far, but we have to do this sooner or later, so I suggest we just get it over with.">>
<<s chloe "I want to get it over with.">>
<<s mc "Good. Now, spread your legs for me.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 58>>
<<if $qqholylustq==null>>
<c>Chloe spreads her legs, showing you her slit.
<<s mc "Now I will start the testing. Just relax.">>
You feel the desire to take out your manhood and ram it into Chloe's exposed slit, but this is not the time for that. Instead, you kneel before her.
<cc>Chloe spreads her legs, showing you her slit.
<<cs mc "Now I will start the testing. Just relax.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi m 94>>
<c>You spread the lips of Chloe's slit, revealing the pink entrance.
<<addlust 20 lh>>
<<if $qqholylustq==null>>
One day you will penetrate that hole with your erect manhood. You are sure that God wants you to, but Chloe isn't ready for it yet. She must get used to being intimate with you.<</if>>
<<c "Touch her">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 94>>
<c>You start gently, touching Chloe's inner thigh.
<<s mc "How does this feel? Do you feel any lust down here? Any pleasant tingle?">>
<<s chloe "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "That's good. But we must test if it stays that way. Now I will touch your slit.">>
<<c "Touch her slit">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 94>>
<cc>You eagerly touch Chloe's pink slit.
<<addlust 20>>
<<cs mc "Now I will stimulate you down here. Relax and see if it feels good.">>
<<c "Rub her slit">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 94>>
<cc>You eagerly rub Chloe's slit.
<<addlust 20>>
<<cs mc "Does it feel good? Do you feel any lust?">>
<<cs chloe "No, I don't think so.">>
<<cs mc "Good. Then I will insert a finger and simulate a man being inside you.">>
<<c "Insert a finger into Chloe's slit">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mi m 100>>
<cc>You insert a finger into Chloe's slit.
<<cs mc "Now I will do it like a man would. In and out. Just relax.">>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<set $temp2 = 0>>
<<c "Finger her">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 94>>
<cc><<if $temp==null>>You begin<<else>>You continue<</if>> to finger Chloe, simulating a man thrusting his hard manhood into her.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mi 4300-1600 90>>
<<cs mc "Do you feel any lust now, Chloe?">>
<<cs chloe "No, Father.">>
<<set $temp = "finger">>
<<set $temp2++>>
<<if $temp2>2>>
You don't think fingering her more will make any difference.
<<but "Finger her more" school2 step:1700>><<c "Move on with the test">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 4300-500 38>>
<cc><<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<cs mc "We're almost done with the testing. You can stand up, Chloe.">>
<<cs mc "You can stand up, Chloe.">>
<<c "Stand close to Chloe">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 31>>
<<s mc "I will touch your slit again, a little more intimately this time, with my body close to yours.">>
<<c "Touch Chloe's slit">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 66>>
<c>You put your hand on Chloe's slit and begin to touch it.
<<addlust 100 lh>>
Standing close to Chloe like this, the desire to take out your erect manhood and ram it into her tight, pink hole is almost irresistible.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("holylustq") && !setup.checkqStage("holylustq",110)>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chapter5")>>
<<but "<<actChapter 5>>Take out your erect manhood" school2 "step:5000 corr60 lll100">>
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" school2 "step:3000 corr60 ttt30">>
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" school2 "step:5000">>
<<but "Stop touching her" school2 "step:3200 minWidth">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 3700-4700 80>>
<c>You take Chloe's hand and put it on your crotch – on your erect manhood.
<<s mc "Feel that, Chloe. This is what happens to a man when he is with a woman. Now, did you feel any lust at the end, or at any time during this test?">>
<<s chloe "No, Father. I didn't.">>
<<c "Tell her to squeeze your manhood">><<but "End the test" school2 step:4000>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 3700-5000 80>>
<c><<s mc "Squeeze my manhood and see if you feel anything.">>
Chloe squeezes your hard male organ a few times. You almost ejaculate, but you manage to hold it back.
<<s chloe "I don't feel any lust, Father.">>
<<c "End the test">>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi 3700-2800 80>>
<c><<s mc "Then this test is concluded. You did well, Chloe. It seems you still manage to resist feeling lust. That's good. But we can't let down our guard. I may have to test you again soon. I will let you know.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
Chloe looks relieved that the testing is over.
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",110)>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi 4300-2100 28>>
<c>You want to fornicate with Chloe, but you don't feel she is quite ready for it. And you don't feel quite ready to force your will to take that step with her. You can try again later.
<<q chloefornication 200>>
<<if $qqguidinghand == null>>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mii misc/think 77>>
<c>Leaving Chloe, you feel frustration about not being able to fornicate with her when you so badly want to.
<p>Then you realize that your frustration goes much deeper than that. You feel like you have hit a roadblock with several women, Chloe being one of them. You can't see yourself progressing with them any time soon.</p>
<<ev 4350>>
<<mii lab/patriarch4 50>>
<c>Another part of your frustration stems from the fact that you are a patriarch and the leader of the nuns, yet you still can't do as you please with them. As much as you would want to, you can't just go around forcing your will. You have to think about your reputation or the nuns could elect a new leader.
<p>Your ability to force your will is even worse with the students as you are not their leader, and most of them are not initiated into the Circle. You have to tread even more carefully with them.</p>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mii misc/think 77>>
<c>You feel like you have your hands tied behind your back. It is annoying and frustrating.
<p>How do you move forward and gain more power to do what you need to do with the women?</p>
<p>You feel you could use the Lord's guiding hand, right now. Or perhaps... Ludolphus' guiding hand?</p>
<<ev 4440>>
<<mii lab/codex 32 "pnggg">>
<c>Perhaps the next chapter in the Codex Veritatis is what you need? But you are not sure you feel ready to continue reading the Book of Truth. The powerful but dangerous knowledge in the codex should not be your go-to solution every time you feel stuck. Is there something else you can do?
<p>Has God given you the sign you need, but you haven't understood it? Is there something you are missing? Is there someone who can help you?
<<qstart guidinghand 100>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi m 45>>
<cc><<addlust 100>>
You take out your erect manhood.
<<s mc "And now look at this, Chloe. You have aroused me, which is natural when a man is with a naked pretty girl. Seeing the man like this may also arouse the girl.">>
<<holylustquest 110 center>>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi m 44>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
<cc>Chloe stares down at your fully grown male organ.
<<cs mc "Do you feel aroused, Chloe?">>
<<cs chloe "No, Father.">>
But you do, and now you will fornicate with Chloe.
<<but "Continue" school2 "step:370">>
<c>Chloe stares down at your fully grown male organ.
<<s mc "Do you feel aroused, Chloe?">>
<<s chloe "No, Father.">>
But you do, and now you will finally penetrate Chloe's slit with your manhood. You are allowed to, as a lust angel.
<<ev 5120>>
<<mvv misc/angel 60>>
<c>Satan's corruption has already spread at the school and his lust demon is threatening to attack the students. That means the school is definitely "within the boundaries of the holy war" that Ludolphus talked about in chapter five.
<p>Thus, as a lust angel, you are justified to indulge in your holy lust on the students at the school – as long as it is not done maliciously.</p>
<<ev 5130>>
<<mi 4300-1000 90>>
<c>You don't know if your strong desire for Chloe's slit is a sign from God or just the desire of a man wanting to penetrate the slit of a young woman. It doesn't matter. You are justified in pursuing Chloe's slit for your pleasure.
<p>To begin with, it is for the greater good because Chloe's slit is occupying your mind, keeping you from focusing on the holy war.</p>
<<ev 5140>>
<<mi 4300-2100 35 right>>
<l>Secondly, while Chloe doesn't feel lust with you – which in itself is suspicious – she wants to quit her education because of lust for her fiance. This unfulfilled, repressed lustful desire will risk attracting the lust demon. You may be able to reduce this risk by fornicating with Chloe.
<p>However, you cannot tell Chloe that you are a lust angel. That secret should stay with the nuns for now. You have to pretend to use the holy rites on Chloe.</p>
<<c "Touch Chloe's slit again">>
<<ev 5150>>
<<mv 4300-2300 66>>
<<s mc "Do you feel any lust from this or did you at any time during today's test?">>
<<s chloe "No, Father.">>
<<s mc "That's good. You've done very well on the test. But we've only tested it with my hand. To properly test you, I would have to enter you with my manhood, as a man does with a woman.">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi 4300-2100 35 right>>
<<s chloe "But why? No one will try to do that with me. There is no man here except you.">>
<<s mc "You're with sinful problem students, Chloe. Giselle and Vicki. You don't know what they will do. Maybe they will play with you and insert something down there and you will like it. That would be dangerous. For one thing, the lust demon would sense it. It may also lead you down a path of lustful corruption. I must know if you are at risk to know how to protect you from the lust demon.">>
<<s chloe "But I'm a virgin and I'm saving myself for my boyfriend until we marry.">>
<<s mc "Of course. As you should. But if I am intimate with you down there, it won't make you less of a virgin because it wouldn't count. I know Novice Emma has told you about the Holy Rod and the Holy Seed, but has she told you about any other holy rites?">>
<<ev 5250>>
<<mi 4300-500 40 right>>
<<s chloe "Yes, she told me about sin eating. And that you can be with women by marrying them for a short time, but she didn't explain exactly why. Only that it was for the good of the holy war.">>
<<s mc "Yes. In this case, I can use the holy rite of Sin Eating to have intimate relations with you, or I can marry you with the holy rite of Holy Marriage. If I eat your sins, any sins we commit will be sent up to the Lord to be erased. If we instead marry, it wouldn't be a sin to be intimate, so nothing further is required. In both cases, your virginity will remain intact because I'm using the holy rites. Something holy cannot corrupt or make less pure.">>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mi 4300-5100 40>>
<<s chloe "But even if that is true, I would know I've been with you. And I would have to lie to my boyfriend that I have never been with a man before him. I have to continue to lie to him when he becomes my husband because I'm not allowed to tell him of the holy rites.">>
<<s mc "You can't tell anyone, that's true. But it wouldn't count as a lie because the Lord will approve of you keeping this information from people, including your husband. In war, special rules apply. You're a good Catholic, Chloe. You're proving that by wanting to remain pure for your future husband. The Lord wants you to do your part in the holy war. And that means letting me protect you from the lust demon. And then I need to know how to protect you.">>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mi 4300-2100 35 right>>
<<s chloe "I don't know what to think, Father.">>
<<s mc "I understand that this may seem very strange, but the convent is fighting a holy war against Satan and his minions. The lust demon is here and it is real. It threatens the school and surrounding area too. We must protect ourselves. You've met with Novice Emma several times. Don't you trust her? Do you think she is lying to you about the holy rites?">>
<<s chloe "No. She is nice. I trust her.">>
<<s mc "She told you about the holy rites to prepare you for a moment like this – if it were ever to come. And now it has. This has to be done, Chloe. We must ensure that you are properly protected from the lust demon and Satan's corruption. It's best just to get it over with, okay?">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi 4300-500 43 right>>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father. What should I do?">>
<<s mc "Seeing your breasts will make this go quicker, so remove your top, and your bra if you have one – remove everything – then lie down on the bed on your back and spread your legs.">>
Chloe sighs but starts to undress. You do too. Your manhood is erect and ready to go.
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c><<addlust 100>>
Chloe removes her top and gets on the bed. Turning toward you, she spreads her legs.
<<s mc "Instead of Holy Marriage, I'll use the holy rite of Sin Eating. Then your boyfriend, your future husband, will be the only man you have ever married, okay?">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi m 92>>
<c>You place your erect manhood against Chloe's slit, preparing to enter her.
<<s chloe "Be careful, Father.">>
<<s mc "Don't worry and just relax. You might like it. Don't be ashamed to tell me if you feel lust. I need to know.">>
<<c "Penetrate Chloe's slit">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mv m 90>>
<c>You penetrate Chloe's tight slit with your erect manhood. It feels heavenly to <<if setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>again<<else>>finally<</if>> experience the inside of her virgin hole.
<p>Chloe moans as you enter her. It sounds like she is unused to the feeling – surprised – more than anything else.</p>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mv m 90>>
<<s mc "How does it feel? Do you feel any lust?">>
<<s chloe "I don't know. Maybe a little. It hurts a little too.">>
<<s mc "You're not used to something big in your slit, and you're not wet. It's natural to feel some discomfort. Just remember to relax.">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mv m 90>>
<c>You keep fornicating with Chloe. Her tight virgin slit feels very good even when not wet.
<<c "Pull out and lie down on the bed">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi m 66>>
<c><<s chloe "Are you finished, Father?">>
<<s mc "No, we will try a more perverse position. Perhaps it will bring out your lust.">>
You lie down next to Chloe and guide your manhood to her slit.
<<c "Penetrate her">>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mv m 100>>
<c>You re-enter Chloe's slit, a little rougher this time.
<p>Chloe whimpers, but shows no indication that she wants you to stop. She is obediently waiting for you to finish the "test".</p>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mv m 90>>
<c>You thrust into Chloe's virgin slit. You also fondle her firm breast. Chloe is making more noise now.
<<s mc "I'm finished soon, Chloe. Are you okay?">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father. I'm not used to it, but go ahead.">>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>You spend the remaining time doing nothing but enjoying Chloe's slit.
<p>Soon, you are climaxing.</p>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
<p style="font-size:100%"><<specialalert2 "Being Chloe's first time, you will not ejaculate in her slit.">></p>
<<set $temp=null>>
<<c "(Pull out) Ejaculate in her face">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
<<but "Ejaculate in her slit" school2 "step:9000 disableButtonColor">>
<<but "Ejaculate in her slit" school2 "step:9000">>
<<ev 8300>>
<<mv m 94>>
<c>You pull out of Chloe's slit and tell her to kneel on the floor.
<p>You proceed to ejaculate in her face. You didn't say you would anoint her, but being used to it, Chloe opens her mouth to accept your seed.</p>
<<ev 8700>>
<<mi 3800-6200 75>>
<cc>You squeeze out every drop of seed onto Chloe's face.
<<cs mc "Now, let's analyze the test.">>
<<but "Inspect Chloe's slit" school2 step:9800>>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie4before 80>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you ejaculate your semen into Chloe's tight virgin slit.
<<set $temp="creampie">>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 9200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie4 74>>
<cc>Your seed runs out of Chloe's slit.
<<if $creampied.contains("chloe")>>
<<set $temp3 = true>>
<<set $temp3 = false>>
<<creampie chloe center>>
<<ev 9400>>
<<mi headnaked 40 pnggg>>
<<if $temp3>>
<<s chloe "Father, did you finish inside me again?">>
<<s mc "Yes, seed shouldn't be spilled without a good reason. But you won't get pregnant. Trust me. Now, let's analyze the test.">>
<<s chloe "What?! Did you finish inside me, Father?">>
Chloe sounds upset.
<<s mc "Yes, I didn't want to spill the seed. But don't worry, my child. The Lord will not make you pregnant from a holy rite. That would be a miracle.">>
<<s chloe "I hope you are right.">>
<<s mc "I am. Trust me on this. Now, let's analyze the test.">>
<<c "Inspect Chloe's slit">>
<<ev 9800>>
<<mv m 86 pause2>>
You inspect Chloe's slit, including inserting a finger into it. <<if $temp=="creampie">>There is some wetness, but since you ejaculated inside her, you can't tell if she is wet from lust.<<else>>There is some minor wetness, but that could be pre-ejaculate from your manhood.<</if>> It doesn't matter. You wanted Chloe's slit, and you got it.
<<s mc "You didn't feel wet when we fornicated. Did it feel good? Be honest.">>
<<s chloe "Maybe a little. I had mixed feelings. I waited for it to be over with.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 10000>>
<<mi 3700-2800 80>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
<<s mc "You did well, Chloe. I think we can be satisfied with your level of protection against Satan for now. But we have to be vigilant.">>
<<s chloe "Yes, Father.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("chloefornication")>>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<qend chloefornication 1000>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 10200>>
<<mi 4100-9100 78>>
<c>Leaving Chloe, you look forward to penetrating her slit again.
<p>That makes you think about the problem student Giselle, and the urge to penetrate her slit you have experienced after spanking her. Chloe and her slit might be able to help you with that frustrating feeling now.</p>
<p>You could try that out the next time you spank Giselle.
<<q spanking 2500>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<event 4400 carolina school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi talk1 74>>
<cc><<if $temp4=="arevisitingcarolina">>
You are visiting Carolina in her room.
<<set $temp4 = null>>
You visit Carolina in her room.
<<but "<<actQuest carolinaq>>" school2 "step:200 qqcarolinaq==200">>
<<but "<<actQuest carolinaq>>" school2 "step:2000 qqcarolinaq==300">>
<<but "<<actQuest carolinaq>>" school2 "step:7000 qqcarolinaq==400">>
<<but "<<actQuest carolinaq>>" school2 "step:10000 qqcarolinaq==500">>
<<but "Anoint her" school2 "step:12000 carolinaq#completed">>
<<but "Leave" school>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi talk4 46>>
<c>Wanting to convince Carolina to accept the holy rites, you visit her in her room and ask what she has learned from Novice Emma.
Carolina gives you a summary of what Novice Emma told her. This includes the basics of the holy rites – that they require intimate acts.
<<s mc "So you understand that if I were to use a holy rite on you to protect you, it would require you to be intimate with me, one way or another. How do you feel about this?">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi talk3 60>>
<c>As is usual when the females learn of the intimacy required for the holy rites, Carolina has a problem with it.
<p>However, on a positive note, she seems to understand and believe the danger she and everyone else is in, with Satan and his minions threatening the school.</p>
<p>With a little encouragement, one way or another, Carolina may soon be ready to use her mouth on you to let you anoint her.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk4 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "It is important that I anoint you with the Holy Seed to protect you from the lust demon. The sooner, the better.">>
<<s carolina "But why would the lust demon come for me? I'm a good girl.">>
<<s mc "I need you to be honest with me now, Carolina. Remember that everything you say stays with me. Now, it is natural for girls your age to have a lot of sex hormones. This leads to temptations. Have you ever succumbed to this temptation and touched yourself?">>
<<s carolina "No, Father. Never. That is a sin. I'm a good, Catholic girl.">>
<<s mc "I'm sure you are, Carolina, and that's very good, but the Devil is very cunning. He has to be to fight someone like me who knows his tricks. And I have reason to believe Satan may be targeting you soon.">>
<<s carolina "Why do you think that?">>
<<s mc "I can't tell you the details. It's for your own protection. But I can say that God is guiding me and I'm listening to his warnings.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk3 78>>
<c>Carolina then has concerns about remaining a virgin if she is intimate with you, even if it is just an anointing. Novice Emma has already addressed this with her, but Carolina doesn't seem entirely convinced – or she is using it as an excuse not to be intimate with you.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi talk4 45 right>>
<l><<s mc "How about this: To prepare you, we'll start easy. You will just get naked before me – and before the Lord Almighty – humbly showing yourself as God created you. Then you will get used to being naked with me and that it is not something scary.">>
<<s carolina "But I'm too shy to do that.">>
<<s mc "You'll be fine. It's just you and me here. I won't do anything but look at your naked body for a moment. Then you can dress again.">>
But Carolina again says she is too shy to undress for you.
You need something to convince Carolina to do as you say.</p>
<<ev 700>>
<div class="center-flex center" style="width:34%">
<<mii nuns/dana/head 100 "pnggg left nomarginRight">><<space2>><<mii nuns/amy/amy 80 "left nomarginRight pnggg">>
<c>Previously, you considered asking Sister Dana or Sister Amy to talk to Carolina, them being teachers to Carolina, but you rather not involve those two if you can avoid it.
<<ev 800>>
<<overlay "lab/oilycloth.png" "lab/potionFumingLustOilBig" 7 12 44 48 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Instead, you think using drugs is the best course of action here.
<p>A cloth soaked in <<potionFumingLustOil>> placed under Carolina's bed could be the answer.</p>
<p>When you wanted to place an oily cloth under Adrianna's bed, you used the fact that the students have supper later than the nuns to accomplish this. You could do the same with Carolina.</p>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Having already prepared for this, you have the oily cloth with you in an airtight glass container. Now all you need is to be alone in Carolina's room. And supper is about to be served to the students.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi talk4 50>>
<c><<s mc "I'll leave you now so you can eat supper. We will talk again because I must make sure you are protected from Satan.">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii school/door 20 pnggg>>
<c>You leave Carolina's room. She follows you out in the hallway, then she heads for the school refectory to eat supper. Several other students also leave in that direction.
<<lh>>You slowly walk in the opposite direction and find an empty room to wait inside.
After a few minutes, the hallways become quiet. All the students have left for supper. You return to Carolina's room.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 45 pnggg>>
You hide the oily cloth under Carolina's bed. This should make her have lustful feelings tomorrow.
<p>Hopefully, that should be enough to convince Carolina to accept your help. If need be, you can replace the cloth under her bed every day when she is away eating supper.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi head2 28 pnggg>>
<cc>You should visit Carolina in her room tomorrow, after supper.
<<q carolinaq 300 center>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 2000>> /* second meeting in room, caro getting naked */
<<mii lab/oilycloth 45 pnggg>>
<c>With a cloth of <<potionFumingLustOil>> hidden under Carolina's bed, she should have experienced lustful feelings during the day.
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi talk3 60>>
<c>You again tell Carolina how you fear for her safety and that Satan may be targeting her soon. You bring up the lust demon and pay close attention to Carolina. You see a worried expression on her face.
<<s mc "Is something bothering you, my child?">>
<<s carolina "I couldn't concentrate in school today because I felt something... something dirty.">>
<<s mc "Do you mean you had unusual lustful feelings? You must tell me if you had.">>
<<s carolina "Yes. I did have that.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi talk4 45 right>>
<<s mc "Satan may be striking sooner than I thought. Did you touch yourself at any time?">>
<<s carolina "No, I could resist it. But it was hard.">>
<<s mc "This tells me I was correct. Satan is targeting you and when you denied my help, you unconsciously invited the Devil into your mind. You must be anointed with the Holy Seed as soon as possible.">>
<<s carolina "Isn't there something else we can do? Something that is not intimate. Can't we just pray? Or maybe do an exorcism?">>
<<s mc "I don't think you are possessed, but even if you were, the ritual to exorcise a demon causing lust would likely require intimacy. That is how this holy war is fought. Satan is using lust as a weapon against us all. Anointing you is the best course of action now.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi talk3 70>>
<<s carolina "But I'm so shy.">>
<<s mc "Then I again suggest that we start easy: You will just get naked before me – and before the Lord Almighty – humbly showing yourself as God created you. Then you will get used to being naked with me and that it is not something scary. It's that, or I could anoint you right now.">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi talk4 45 right>>
Carolina doesn't know what to do.
<<s mc "You must choose, Carolina, or tomorrow you may succumb to temptation and touch yourself, and then even more intimate holy rights may be required to save you from Satan's claws. Get naked before me, or be anointed. What do you choose?">>
Finally, Carolina sighs.
<<s carolina "Get naked.">>
<<s mc "As you wish. Then undress and I will just watch.">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi m 50>>
Carolina stands up. She looks shy.
<p>She grabs the bottom of her shirt...</p>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 88 pause2>>
Carolina removes her shirt, exposing her soft teen breasts.
<<addlust 30>>
<<cs mc "That's good. And now the bottom.">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv m 88 pause2>>
<cc>Carolina removes her pants, and finally, her panties.
<p>The young student is standing nude in front of you.
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c><<s mc "How does it feel?">>
<<s carolina "I'm embarassed.">>
<<s mc "Nothing wrong with that. It's a healthy reaction when showing yourself naked to a man who is not your husband. It is healthy even with your husband as it shows your modest nature. But try to get used to being naked with me. Let's sit down and talk a little.">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi m 60>>
<cc>Carolina sits down, looking tense and uncomfortable with the situation.
<p>You engage in small talk with her.</p>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi m 60>>
<c>When she seems more relaxed, you want to make the best of the situation.
<<if setup.questCompleted("carolinaq")>>
<<s mc "The Holy Rod is ready for action, but before we begin the holy rite, spread your legs and show me your female slit. This will bring forth the Holy Seed quicker.">>
<<s mc "You're doing very well, Carolina. Now, before I leave, you should push yourself even further. A final push to get used to being naked with me. Spread your legs and show me your female slit.">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mi m 50>>
<<s carolina "But you're never going to do anything down there, are you, Father?">>
<<s mc "No. Not now, and probably never. It depends on how much protection you need... and other things.">>
<<ev 4700>>
<<mi m 50 right>>
<l><<s carolina "I feel so embarrassed to do what you ask me.">>
<<s mc "Because you are a good Catholic girl, not a loose woman with no morals. You just have to overcome it with me. This is what the holy war requires of us, and unfortunately, you have been dragged into this war without a fault of your own.">>
<<s carolina "What should I do?">>
<<s mc "Spread your legs, and I will just sit here looking at you.">>
<<ev 4900>>
<<mv m 98 pause2>>
<c>Giggling nervously, Carolina finally spreads her legs for you, exposing her <<if setup.teens()>>teen<<else>>young<</if>> slit.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc>You again engage in small talk with Carolina to relax her.
<p>It seems to work. Carolina soon looks less uncomfortable.</p>
<<c "Stare at her slit">>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mi m 100>>
<c>You pictured Carolina's <<if setup.teens()>>teen<<else>>young<</if>> slit in your mind when you saw her sitting under that tree. And now you are staring at it.
<<if setup.questCompleted("carolinaq")>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mi 4400-5100 70>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("carolinaq")>>
<<s mc "Good girl, Carolina. That will do. The Holy Rod is ready to release the Holy Seed. You just have to use your mouth on it for a little bit.">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" school2 step:7400>>
<<cs mc "Good girl, Carolina. That will do for today. You can get dressed.">>
<<cs carolina "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 5700>>
<<mi 4400-3000 48 right>>
<l>Carolina quickly gets dressed.
<<s mc "How was it today? Do you feel better now about being naked in my presence?">>
<<s carolina "I think so. It got better.">>
<<s mc "Very good. The next time, maybe you will be ready to be anointed. We will see, okay?">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Tonight you must pray and ask the Lord to protect you. Until you are anointed, you are in grave danger.">>
With those final words putting the fear of Satan in Carolina, you leave her before she can respond.
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi head 36 pnggg>>
<cc>You have to visit Carolina again soon to see if she is ready to be anointed.
<p>Until she is, you will keep replacing the oily cloth under her bed to make her lustful.
<<q carolinaq 400 center>></p>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 7000>> /* third meeting in room, bj */
<<mi talk4 50>>
<c><<s mc "How is your lust, Carolina?">>
<<s carolina "It's still bad. It's hard to resist. I almost touched myself today.">>
<<s mc "Satan keeps attacking you. Which is why I must anoint you. Today. The Holy Seed will protect you against evil and that should return your lust to normal.">>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mi talk3 60>>
<<s carolina "I don't know if I can do it, Father. I'm so embarrassed to be with a man like that.">>
<<s mc "That's because you're a good Catholic girl who doesn't want to commit perverse sins. But this is a holy rite. Keep reminding yourself of that and things will be fine. Okay?">>
<<s carolina "I will try. But maybe the lust will leave because I resist it. Maybe tomorrow, it will be easier.">>
<<s mc "It will likely only get harder. We can't risk you falling for the temptation and touching yourself. I have to anoint you now, Carolina. You must use your mouth on my manhood to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi talk4 45 right>>
<<s carolina "Can't you use your hands?">>
<<s mc "No, it won't be as effective. You need to participate actively in the holy rite to make the Holy Seed potent. And your mouth will make it go faster too. The other option is for you to spread your legs for me, for the Holy Rod to enter your slit, but you don't want to do that, do you?">>
<<s carolina "No, Father. You would never need to do that with me, would you?">>
<<s mc "No, never. Unless it is absolutely necessary. But now, it is your mouth we need. Let's do this. I will now show you my manhood. Be warned: It will be fully grown. You must use your mouth on it to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mv m 80>>
<cc>You take out your erect manhood.
<<if setup.questCompleted("carolinaq")>>
<p>You remind Carolina how to use her mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.</p>
<p>You then explain how Carolina should use her mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.</p>
<p>The young student follows your instructions.</p>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>You don't want to drag this out with the inexperienced virgin.
<p>Enjoying Carolina's mouth, your seed is soon coming.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed!">>
<<c "Anoint Carolina">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mv m 90>>
<cc>You anoint Carolina with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<if setup.questCompleted("carolinaq")>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<but "Get dressed" school2 step:8400>>
<<ev 8200>>
<<mi 4400-3000 48>>
<<s mc "Your protection against Satan has been strengthened. I will return to check up on you. To keep you safe.">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father. Thank you.">>
<<but "Leave her" school>>
<<ev 8400>>
<<mi 4400-3000 46 right>>
<<s mc "Now you're protected against Satan. That wasn't too bad, was it?">>
<<s carolina "No, Father. I don't know... Do we have to do it again?">>
<<s mc "The protection will wear off eventually. I may need to strengthen it. It depends on what happens. But tomorrow, you should see an improvement in your lustful feelings. I will return to check up on you. Okay?">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "School supper is about to be served. I will leave you to it.">>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 8600>>
<<mii school/door 20 pnggg>>
<c>You find an empty room to wait inside while the students leave for the school refectory to eat supper.
<p>When everything is quiet in the hallways, you return to Carolina's room and remove the oily cloth from under her bed. You do not replace it this time.</p>
<p>Tomorrow, the effect of the <<potionFumingLustOil>> on Carolina should have worn off, and her lustful feelings should be back to normal.</p>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi head2 30 pnggg>>
You should return to Carolina tomorrow after supper to check up on her.
<<q carolinaq 500 center>>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<ev 10000>> /* return to check up on her */
<<mi talk2 56>>
<<s mc "How are you feeling? Is your lust back to normal?">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father. It really helped, what we did. I didn't think it would.">>
<<s mc "Now you see the power of the holy rites and that Satan's evil is real. I will protect you from him. You just need to trust in me and the holy rites.">>
<<s carolina "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 10100>>
<<mi head2 30 pnggg>>
<c>Carolina has accepted the truth of the holy rites. This should make it easier to get even more intimate with her.
<p>You want to penetrate Carolina's <<if setup.teens()>>teen<<else>>young<</if>> slit, but you should not rush it. You will give the student some time, then you can think of fornicating with her.
<<qend carolinaq 1000>>
<<set $temp4="arevisitingcarolina">>
<<but "Continue" school2 "ev:4400 step:100">>
<<ev 12000>>
<<mi talk4 50>>
<<s mc "We should not take any risks. You must use your mouth on me again and I will anoint you to strengthen your protection against Satan.">>
<<s carolina "How often do we have to do this?">>
<<s mc "Probably not too often. Time will tell. If I sense that you are in danger of being attacked by Satan, I have to act decisively. ">>
<<but "Watch her strip naked first" school2 step:12100>><<but "Straight to oral sex" school2 step:12200>>
<<ev 12100>>
<<mi 4400-3000 52>>
<<s mc "Let's begin by removing your clothes, Carolina, to activate the Holy Rod.">>
<<s carolina "Oh... okay.">>
<<but "Watch her" school2 step:3200>>
<<ev 12200>>
<<mi 4400-5100 62>>
You tell Carolina to remove her clothes and spread her legs to activate the Holy Rod.
<<addlust 100>>
Seeing her slit has the desired effect.
<<but "Take out your erect manhood" school2 step:7400>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 4500 vivien school>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/door 20 "pnggg">>
<cc>You go to Vivien's room.</cc>
<cc>You put your ear to the closed door...
<cc>You hear the unmistakable sound of Vivien masturbating.<br>She has yet again failed to resist her urges.</cc>
<<c "Knock and enter">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 2000-560 60>>
<c>You have once again caught Vivien masturbating.
<<s vivien "I'm sorry, $fmc. I couldn't resist it.">>
<<s mc "Keep doing your best. Now, how has your lust been the last few weeks? Has it been easier to resist?">>
<<s vivien "No. It's the same.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 2000-600 45 right>>
<l>You ask Vivien more questions about her lust. Then you subtly steer the topic into dreams, especially recent lustful dreams.
<p>You are not surprised to hear that the lustful Vivien often has lustful dreams. Sometimes she even has lustful dreams about you, which is also not strange since you are the only man she has been intimate with.</p>
<p>However, none of Vivien's more recent lustful dreams remind you of the lustful dreams the six lustful nuns have had, and with Vivien also not experiencing a general lust reduction, you feel confident that the lust demon has not visited Vivien.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 60>>
That is a relief. The lust demon has yet to expand its feeding ground to the school. The students are safe, for now.
<p>But that could change any day. You should reduce Vivien's lust to make her a less attractive target to the lust demon.
<<ev 500>>
<<mi 2000-500 48>>
<<s mc "I want to fornicate with you now to reduce your sinful lust.">>
<<s vivien "Shouldn't we go to town and get married?">>
<<s mc "Not today. That takes time and I have other things to do. We will fornicate now, but I won't attempt to eat your sins of fornication because I want to focus on reducing your lust.">>
<<s vivien "But then... wouldn't that be a sin?">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mi 2000-600 45 right>>
You don't want to tell Vivien you are a lust angel. You still think that should remain a secret within the convent, for now.
<<s mc "It would still be a holy act because we are fornicating to protect you from the lust demon. Trust me, Vivien. I know what I'm doing.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. I am ready to do it, then. Should we get Sister Dana?">>
<<s mc "There is no need to disturb her. Now, I will start by trying something new today. I will use my mouth on you down there.">>
<<s vivien "Oh... Does it feel good?">>
<<s mc "I think it will. Spread your legs and you will find out.">>
<<but "Use your mouth on Vivien" school2 step:1000>>
<<ev 700>> /* replaying */
<<mi 2000-600 45 right>>
<<s mc "I want to fornicate with you now. I won't attempt to eat your sins of fornication because I want to focus on reducing your sinful lust.">>
<<s vivien "Are you sure this will not be a sin?">>
You don't want to tell Vivien you are a lust angel. You still think that should remain a secret within the convent, for now.
<<s mc "It would still be a holy act because we are fornicating to protect you from the lust demon. Trust me, Vivien. I know what I'm doing.">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. I am ready to do it, then. Should we get Sister Dana?">>
<<s mc "There is no need to disturb her. Now, I want to start by using my mouth on you down there. Would you like that?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, Father. I enjoy that.">>
<<s mc "Then spread your legs.">>
<<but "Use your mouth on Vivien" school2 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 68 volume0.3>>
<c>You start licking Vivien's slit, focusing on her sinful button. The young student clearly loves what you are doing. It shouldn't take long before she orgasms.
<<addlust 100>>
Filled with lust, you take out your manhood and start stroking yourself. Your male organ quickly gets hard.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<c>When Vivien is close to climaxing, you start thrusting your hand into her wet slit.
<<lh>>Vivien soon has an orgasm.
<<s mc "Now we will fornicate.">>
Your manhood is already hard as a rock. There is no need to use Vivien's mouth.
<<c "Penetrate Vivien's slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You grab your manhood and begin to thrust it into Vivien's wet slit.
<p>You couldn't tell that the girl just had an orgasm. Vivien is as lustful as ever.</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mv m 60 volume0.3>>
<cc>You enjoy Vivien's young body and her tight slit.
<p>Vivien soon has another orgasm.</p></cc>
<<c "Let her ride you">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.3>>
<c>Sensing that the girl has more lust to get rid of, you tell her to sit down on your manhood.
<p>Vivien quickly catches on and is soon perversely riding you.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.3>>
<cc>Vivien has her third orgasm.
<<cs mc "I can continue for a while more. Can you climax again?">>
<<cs vivien "Maybe.">>
<<cs mc "Get up on all fours.">>
<<c "Take Vivien from behind">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 74 volume0.3>>
<cc>Vivien presents her behind to you and you pervertedly mount her like a dog would.</cc>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
You pound Vivien's slit.
<<lh>>Eventually, she climaxes for a fourth time. That is it for you. Your seed is coming.
<<s mc "Lie down on your back.">>
<<c "Ejaculate on Vivien's breasts">>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 72 volume0.3>>
<cc>You ejaculate your seed on Vivien's big breasts.</cc>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi m 64>>
<<s mc "How do you feel now?">>
<<s vivien "I feel great, Father. Relaxed and drained of lust.">>
<<s mc "Let's hope it will last for some time.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("lustfulwomen")>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" school>>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 64>>
<c>Leaving Vivien, your thoughts return to the holy war and the lust demon.
<p>You currently have the advantage because you know that the lust demon has started the attacks again – and the evil forces don't know that you know.</p>
<p>You must keep this advantage. You must not tell anyone that the lust demon is back. For all the nuns will now, the lustful dreams are just dreams.</p>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/cumafter 56>>
<c>There is another – just as important – reason you must keep the return of the lust demon a secret: To protect the faith in the holy rites.
<p>The six lustful nuns who have had the lustful dreams have all been anointed with the Holy Seed to protect them from the lust demon, yet the lust demon has now attacked them. This can't be known or it could seriously undermine the faith in the holy rites.</p>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mii misc/holdcross 38>>
<c>Your faith in the holy rites is still strong. You know that a protection against evil wears off over time and that even a newly anointed nun is not entirely safe from being attacked by the lust demon. You hope the nuns will understand that.
<p>But you can't risk it. No one will know the lust demon is back. Not even Novice Emma.
<<ev 7000>>
<<mii school/school4 70>>
Crossing the schoolyard, disturbing thoughts linger in your mind.
<p>Based on the testimonies from the six lustful nuns who have now been attacked by the returning lust demon, evidence suggests they were all having orgasms during the attacks – the "lustful dreams". But in the previous attacks by the lust demon, not all of the victims had orgasms.</p>
<p>A lust drug was for sure used in many of the previous attacks – very possibly all of them – and many nuns remembered touching themselves, and some also climaxed. But as far as you could tell when questioning all the victims, not all of them climaxed.</p>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mii lab/incubus 58>>
<c>Since the new victims likely all climaxed, it suggests that the returning lust demon is more aggressive in its craving for lust.
<p>Perhaps because it has been starving for so long – since you scared it off from attacking the nuns. Then, when the lust demon recently returned, armed with an improved Oil of Amnesia, it went on a frenzied lust-feeding spree.</p>
<p>This feeding frenzy may be temporary and the lust demon may calm down now that it has fed. But you are disgusted to think of what perverted things the lust demon may have subjected the poor nuns to.</p>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mii lab/rape 40 right>>
<l>And this leads to the most disturbing thought of all: Is the lust demon raping the nuns this time around?
<p>In the previous attacks, you don't have much evidence of the lust demon doing much physically to the victims except applying various salves on their naked skin. It could still be classified as sexual assault, but you have no strong evidence that the lust demon was actually sexually intimate with the victims.</p>
<p>But now, for all you know, the lust demon could be more sexually active with the victims, even penetrating their slits and raping them, making them climax in the process. Since the nuns hardly remember anything, you just don't know.</p>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mii crone/mysteryman_red40 60>>
<c>You are suddenly filled with an enormous hatred toward the lust demon. You are the only one allowed to penetrate the slits of the nuns.
<p>Then you calm down. The evil forces are cunning and dangerous. You can't afford to be emotional and lose the rational thinking you need to fight them.
<<qend lustfulwomen 5000>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<</events>><<if $emmastable==0 || $catarinastable==0 || $amystable==0>>
<<mi stable 60>>
The stable is empty except for a few horses. The students must be busy in class.
<<if !($emmastable>0)>>
<<nunbut "emma" stable1 "ev:100 qqholymarriage==200 doplay:emmastable=1">>
<<nunbut "emma" stable1 "ev:200 qqholymarriage>>200 qqcreampieq<<100 doplay:emmastable=1">>
<<nunbut "emma" stable1 "ev:300 qqcreampieq>=100 doplay:emmastable=1">>
<<if !($catarinastable>0)>>
<<nunbut "catarina" stable1 "ev:720 qqcatarinaq>=2000 catarinaq#notplayed2200 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<nunbut "catarina" stable1 "ev:800 qqcatarinaq>=2200 qqcatarinaq<<2400 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<nunbut "catarina" stable1 "ev:840 qqcatarinaq>=2500 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<if !($amystable>0)>>
<<nunbut "amy" stable1 "ev:880 qqamyq==100 lunch==0 amyq#stageDay+1 doplay:amystable=1 buttontext:Meet with Sister Amy::">>
<<nunbut "amy" stable1 "ev:900 qqamyq==200 doplay:amystable=1">>
<<nunbut "amy" stable1 "ev:900 step:600 qqamyq==800 doplay:amystable=1">>
<<nunbut "amy" stable1 "ev:900 step:5000 qqamyq==940 doplay:amystable=1">>
<<nunbut "amy" stable1 "ev:920 qqamyq>=1000 doplay:amystable=1">>
<<but "Look for Sister Catarina" stable1 "ev:400 qqcatarinaq==1000 catarinastable==0 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<but "Look for Sister Catarina" stable1 "ev:500 qqcatarinaq==1100 catarinastable==0 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<but "Stake out the haylofts" stable1 "ev:600 qqcatarinaq==1200 catarinastable==0 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<but "Stake out the haylofts" stable1 "ev:700 qqcatarinaq==1500 catarinastable==0 doplay:catarinastable=1">>
<<mi stable 60>>
You are at the stable. A few students are here, tending to the horses.
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi m 66>>
<<if $qqholymarriage<1000>>
Novice Emma arrives at the stable. She is no longer wearing the habit.
<p>You prepare the stall where you will perform the wedding ceremony and then consummate the marriage. The stall will provide cover if someone enters the stable during the sexual act. You let Emma keep the horse there for company and a silent witness to the marriage.</p>
<<c "Marry Emma with the rite of Holy Marriage">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi wedding 75>>
<c>The wedding is a ceremony where you both agree to marry for this encounter and then go your separate ways again. After consummating the marriage, Novice Emma can not have sex with anyone else for the next few months to ensure paternity in case of a pregnancy.
<p>Though you can be certain that Emma will not willingly be with another man while she is a nun, it nevertheless makes you feel good to know that no one but you are allowed to have sexual relations with her for the next few months, by the law of God.</p>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi wedding2 75>>
<c>The rest of the ceremony is quickly over, as just a few words are needed to bless this temporary union between a holy warrior and his wife.
<p>Once Emma and you are married in the eyes of the Lord, it is time to consummate the marriage.</p>
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 44>>
Emma uses her mouth to help you get ready. Then she sits down and spreads her legs for you.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Prepare to enter Emma">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi m 70>>
<cc><<cs emma "Please be gentle with me, $fmc.">></cc>
<<c "Look at her pink slit">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi m 90>>
<c>You take a moment to enjoy the sight of Emma's pink slit that you are about to penetrate.
<<cs emma "You will not finish inside me, will you, Father?">>
<<cs mc "No. The Lord will understand if I will release the seed outside. But I will not anoint you. What we are doing now is a sacred act between husband and wife, not an anointing.">></c>
<<c "Consummate the marriage">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 100 pause2>>
<cc>You press your hard manhood into Emma's tight hole.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 100-602 100>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 100>>
<cc>You take your time to enjoy this sacred act between a man and his wife. There is no reason to hurry things.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 100-702 100>>
<cc>Eventually, Emma seems to enjoy the act too. But you cannot wait for her to finish. Your seed is on the way!</cc>
<<c "Pull out and release the seed on your wife">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Emma helps you make the release as pleasurable as possible.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 100-1002 100>>
<cc>Although you didn't anoint her, you instruct Emma to not let the seed spill on the floor and go to waste. She dutifully obeys.</cc>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c>With the consummation of the marriage between Emma and you taken care of, the marriage can be declared no longer in effect. In the eyes of the Lord, Emma is still an unmarried novice and you are still an unmarried priest. You can continue your lives as faithful servants to God.
<<if $qqholymarriage < 1000>>
<<but "Continue" stable1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi emma1 40>>
<<set $holymarriages = 0>> /* init var here */
<<married emma>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 100-100 60>>
You get dressed and return everything to how it was.</cc>
<<if $qqholymarriage<1000>>
<<s emma "I miss coming here to the stable, taking care of the horses and maybe going for a ride.">>
<<s mc "What's stopping you?">>
<<s emma "Us nuns aren't supposed to do this. It's for the students.">>
/* <c>You leave Novice Emma in the stable after reminding her to continue to educate the other members of the Circle about the rite of Holy Marriage.</c> */
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi m 40 right>>
<<s mc "You are a holy warrior as well as a nun, Novice Emma. God rewards His holy warriors with special favors and exceptions to the rules. If He allows us to marry and join flesh for only an encounter, He will allow you to come here as a holy warrior and spend some time with the horses. If this gives you strength and energy to fight against evil, it is almost your duty. If you do it when the students are in class, no one else needs to know.">>
<<s emma "Then I will do it. I just need a short time with the horses. It calms me down and I would enjoy it so much.">>
<<s mc "Then I give my blessing for you to do it whenever you feel the need, Novice Emma.">>
<<s emma "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi emma1 40 right>>
<<s emma "About the others in the Circle... I will do my best to educate them about the Holy Marriage rite, but I think it could be a hard sell, especially to the many virgins among us. Perhaps you could be satisfied with using my body when the need becomes too great and let the others be.">>
<<s mc "It's important that others also contribute to the fight against Satan and his minions. I will make them see reason.">>
<<s emma "As you wish. But with your permission, I will not tell Sister Jana about the Holy Marriage. She is already having strong doubts about the holy rites and I fear this new one could make her turn away from them all.">>
<<s mc "Yes, I agree. Better keep Sister Jana out of it. Send word to me with your progress on educating the others.">>
<<s emma "Yes, Father.">>
<<q holymarriage 1000>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 100-100 70>>
You find Novice Emma at the stable, not wearing her habit. She is tending to a horse.
<<addlust 10>>
<<but "Marry her" stable1 "step:1000">><<hub>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 100-2100 42 right>>
<<qadd holymarriage 1001>> /* removes stable from map for detectives until new event with emma */
<<s mc "I would like to marry you with the holy rite again, Novice Emma. My flesh is aching from lust and I need a wife to keep Satan's temptations away.">>
<<s emma "Yes, $fmc. If that is what you require, I will do as you ask.">>
<<but "Continue" stable1 "ev:100 step:100">>
<<vv 4>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 50>>
<<mi 100-100 70>>
You visit Novice Emma in the stables.</cc>
<<but "<<actQuest emmafuck>>" stable1 "ev:1000 qqemmafuck>=400 emmafuck#notcompleted">>
<<but "Fornicate outside" stable1 "ev:1000 emmafuck#completed">>
<<but "<<actChapter 3>>" stable1 step:100>><<but "Leave her" stable>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi wedding 80>>
You tell Novice Emma that you wish to get married and lie with her.
<p>After a quick wedding ceremony, you remove your clothes.
<<addlust 100>></p>
<<c "Have sex with your wife">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv m 53>>
<cc>Emma seems more relaxed and appreciative of the sexual congress,<br>now that you have been with her a few times.
<<ev 300>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Emma is clearly getting wet, which makes her tight slit feel even better.</cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mv m 53 volume0.5>>
<cc>You think Emma is building up to an orgasm,<br>which is good as it would bring her even closer to you.</cc>
<<c "Face your wife">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.5>>
<cc>You pleasure your wife, and yourself.</cc>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<<c "Sit her down">>
<<but "Make her climax" stable1 step:1000>>
<<ev 830>>
<<mv 100-602 100>>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 100-700 100>>
<<ev 850>>
<<mv 300-800 100>>
<<but "Stand her up" stable1 step:600>>
<<c "Make her climax">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 20 volume0.5>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("janacurse")>>
<cc>Emma is climaxing.<br>You feel a strong desire to join her and release your seed inside her wet slit.
<<but "Release your seed inside her" stable1 step:2000>>
<cc>Emma is climaxing.<br>
You feel a strong desire to join Emma and release your seed inside her wet slit, but it might upset her. She is too important to risk turning against you. Perhaps if you could show Emma more proof that the Lord is working through you, will you dare to plant your seed inside her.
<<c "Release your seed on her breasts" >>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 100-1000 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Emma helps you make the release as pleasurable as possible.</cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 "sss">></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mv 100-1002 100>>
<cc>Although you didn't anoint her, you instruct Emma to not let the seed spill on the floor and go to waste. She dutifully obeys.</cc>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 100-1100 80>>
The marriage is consummated, and you declare it null and void.
<p>It felt good to be inside Novice Emma once again, but it would have felt even better to release your seed inside her.
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie4before 90>>
<cc>You moan as you release your seed into Emma's wet slit.</cc>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie4 86 pause0.5>>
<cc>Satisfied after emptying yourself between the legs of Emma,<br>you look at the result of your work.
<<creampie emma center>>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi m 60>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("creampieq", 110)>>
Emma looks down at the seed running out of her wet slit, but she says nothing.
<<s mc "When you climaxed, I felt a strong desire to release my seed inside you. It felt too good to pull out. I didn't anoint you, so that is not the Holy Seed. But according to my vision, it should still not impregnate you since it was done as part of a holy ritual, the consummation of the Holy Marriage.">>
<<s emma "God is working through you. Through us both. I know that, Father.">>
Emma looks down at the seed running out of her wet slit, but she says nothing. She has accepted that you release your seed inside her when you consummate the marriage.
<<but "Get dressed" stable1 step:2300>>
<<ev 2240>>
<<mii misc/cum/creampie4after 70>>
As you hoped, Novice Emma now trusts you enough to accept your seed between her legs without question.
<<qadd creampieq 110>>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi 100-2100 44>>
The marriage is consummated, and you declare it null and void.
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<vv 5>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
You check out the buildings around the school grounds when you think Sister Catarina is not needed in the school kitchen.
<p>You come to the stable. You pass the stalls with the horses, then go around to the back of the building. There are no animals here, only rooms for storage, including a few lofts with hay for the horses.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Suddenly, you see Sister Catarina climbing down a ladder from one of the haylofts. She hasn't seen you. You quickly hide.
<p>What business does Sister Catarina have up there? None as far as you know.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina disappears around the corner, likely returning to the school kitchen. But what was she doing on the hayloft?
<p>This could be a clue to finding out what Sister Catarina is hiding from you.</p>
<<c "Climb up to the hayloft">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi loft 54>>
You climb the ladder to check out the hayloft.
<p>It's an ordinary hayloft, although pretty small compared to other haylofts you have seen. You see nothing suspicious.</p>
<<c "Climb down">>
<<ev 450>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>If Sister Catarina returns to the hayloft, you may be able to spy on her. But then you would need to be up there too.
<p>There are three lofts in total here – one big in the middle, and two smaller ones on either side of the big loft, with walls separating them. Sister Catarina came down from the bigger, middle one. Maybe one of the adjacent haylofts would work to spy from?</p>
<<c "Climb up to one of the adjacent haylofts">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi loft2 34>>
<c>You are in luck. There are windows in the walls between the three haylofts, allowing you to spy on the adjacent lofts.
<p>And the ladder was sturdy and didn't make any noise. You should be able to climb up here without alerting anyone in the other lofts.</p>
<<c "Climb down">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You have a lead on finding out what Catarina is hiding. You have to keep an eye on the haylofts to see if Sister Catarina returns.
<p>Since you know the time the school is serving meals, you can work out roughly at what times Sister Catarina is likely to be able to be away from the kitchen.
<<q catarinaq 1100>></p>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
You quietly go around the stable to check out the haylofts.
<p>You see no one. But you hear someone. Someone is humming a tune. It sounds like a woman. You think it comes from that bigger, middle hayloft – the one you saw Sister Catarina climb down from earlier. You have to check this out.
<p>Having climbed the ladder to one of the adjacent lofts before without making a sound, you should go for that loft this time too.</p>
<<c "Carefully climb up to the adjacent loft">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi loft2 34>>
<c>Once on the loft, you sneak toward the window between your loft and the middle loft you think the humming is coming from.
<<c "Spy through the window">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 76>>
You see... Sister Catarina?
<p>You hardly recognize her first without the habit, but yes, that is Sister Catarina. But what is she doing up here, scantily clad like that? Is she waiting for someone?</p>
<p>As she hums the tune, she changes between looking happy and thoughtful.</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 72 pause2>>
<cc>Sister Catarina stands up and turns to a crate of apples.
<p>Seeing her behind as she bends over in her short dress makes you hot.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv m 50>>
<c>Sister Catarina looks at the apples, checking their quality, you think. Seeing her handle produce makes sense, but why is she doing it up here and not wearing her habit? Very strange.
<<ev 700>>
<<mv m 90>>
<c>At least Sister Catarina has the decency to turn away from the windows on either side of the loft in case someone happens to look inside. Or that someone could look down her dress, seeing her naked breasts.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv m 90>>
<c>As Sister Catarina begins to put the apples in a basket, she turns away from the window opposite your window, and toward you, giving you a full view down her naked bosom.
<p>How inappropriate. Even up here, a woman should make the best effort to be modest. Anyone could be working in these lofts, taking a peek through the windows. You are the only man around here, but still...
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c>When Sister Catarina has finished putting the apples in the basket, she covers them with a towel, then she disappears from your view behind a stack of hay bales. You can hear that she is doing something.
<p>A minute later, Sister Catarina reappears, now wearing her nun's habit. Ah, so she was getting dressed. Good, now she looks like a nun should look again.</p>
<p>Sister Catarina then leaves down the ladder with the basket of apples.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You spy on Sister Catarina as she leaves in the direction of the school main building and her kitchen.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You think about what happened. At first, you thought Sister Catarina was waiting for someone, but what if she had already met someone? Someone who delivered the apples? With what you saw, that makes sense.
<p>There wouldn't be much cause for concern except for the fact that the delivery was made to the hayloft, and Sister Catarina was out of her habit. Is Sister Catarina fornicating with a delivery man? That could very well be what Sister Catarina is hiding.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 46 pnggg>>
<c>You have to intensify your investigation into Sister Catarina.
<p>Specifically, you should intensify your surveillance of these lofts. If Sister Catarina is meeting someone here regularly, you want to catch them together.</p>
<p>You may be in luck. You have seen Sister Catarina back here twice now, at the same time of the day. Perhaps she has a fixed time she is meeting whoever she is meeting. You should come back here another day, but an hour or so earlier, to stake out the place.
<<q catarinaq 1200>>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<event 600>>
<<ev 100>>
<<overlay "stable/stable" "school/catarina/head" 58 16 40 60 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>As you move toward the side of the stable, someone suddenly comes around the corner. It's Sister Catarina! She is carrying a basket.
<p>You quickly stop and turn toward the open stable doors, pretending to be here to visit the horses.</p>
<p>Then Sister Catarina spots you.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 40 pnggg>>
<<s catarina "Oh, hello again, $fmc. What are you doing here?">>
<<s mc "I had an errand at the school, and before returning to the monastery, I just thought I'd take a quick look at the horses. Fine animals.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, they are. Well, I was getting some things for the kitchen from one of the storage rooms. Work awaits. Nice to see you, Father.">>
Sister Catarina hurries toward the school.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi stable 60>>
<c>Sister Catarina was clearly nervous about seeing you here, and she carried that same basket you saw her put apples in up on the hayloft. Since the basket was covered, you couldn't see what was in it, but you strongly suspect that Sister Catarina had another meeting up on the hayloft, and you just missed it. You were too late.
<<ev 400>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 30 pnggg>>
<c>This is not good. You had hoped that all of Sister Catarina's secret meetings would take place at the same time of the day, but if she had another meeting just now, it appears this one started some hour earlier than before.
<p>And now Sister Catarina has seen you around here. If you run into her again here or – even worse – by the haylofts, she could get so worried her secret meetings might be discovered that she moves them someplace else.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi lofts 72>>
<c>You can't risk spooking Sister Catarina any more than you already have. You have to find a way to spy on her at the haylofts without risking running into her.
<p>You could come here in the middle of the night and then camp out on the hayloft, staking out the place during the day, but that would require a lot of man-hours, and you don't even know how often Sister Catarina has her meetings.</p>
<p>You can't afford to waste so many hours. And you don't yet know enough to confront Sister Catarina. No, you need to learn more about these secret meetings without attempting another stake-out. But how?
<<q catarinaq 1300>>
<<but "Continue" stable>>
<<event 700>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You go to the haylofts a good thirty minutes before Sister Catarina's lunch break starts. You don't know how early the person she is meeting may show up, and you don't want to take any chances.
<p>Now you can just hope that Sister Catarina will have one of her secret meetings today.</p>
<<c "Stake out the middle, big hayloft">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi loft2 30>>
<c>You climb up to the smaller hayloft you spied on Sister Catarina from. You are fairly confident that Sister Catarina always has the meetings in the big hayloft in the middle. It has a lot of free space, contrary to the smaller haylofts.
<<c "Begin the stake-out">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You find a comfortable position, and peek out from the hayloft, looking in all directions for anyone approaching.
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina's lunch break should start about now. She could be here any second. And whoever she is meeting.
<<c "Keep looking for anyone approaching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 0 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Suddenly, you see someone coming around the corner from the school.
<p>It's Sister Catarina!</p>
<p>You quickly retreat into your hayloft, taking position by the window facing the middle hayloft.
<<c "Spy through the window">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi loft 50>>
<c>Your view is blocked by bales of hay, but you can hear someone climbing up the ladder to the middle hayloft.
<<c "Keep spying through the window">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi loftclothes 35 right>>
<l>Sister Catarina comes into view. She hangs a white dress on a ladder. You recognize it. It's the dress she wore when you spied on her up here.
<p>Sister Catarina then returns out of sight.</p>
<p>It appears like she is going to change into that dress. Does that mean you will see Sister Catarina in her underwear?
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi m 30>>
<c>Oh, Good Lord. Sister Catarina shows up completely nude. You didn't expect this. Why isn't she wearing underwear like decent people?
<<addlust 30>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv m 30 "pause1">>
<c>You have no choice but to watch as the naked Sister Catarina puts on the dress.
<p>At least you should be happy that Sister Catarina is dressing for the meeting. Perhaps she isn't going to fornicate after all. Maybe all this is about something much more innocent.</p>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv m 70 pause1>>
<c>Sister Catarina is in no hurry. She sits down before putting on the dress.
<p>This is unfortunate as Sister Catarina is now much closer to you, giving you a much better view of her naked body. But you have no choice but to keep looking. You can't afford to miss any detail that might explain what is going on.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mi m 68>>
<c>Once dressed, Sister Catarina remains sitting, presumably waiting for someone she is meeting.
<p>She starts humming that tune you heard the first time you saw her here. She appears happy and excited.</p>
<p>Not wanting to risk being detected by making a noise, you remain where you are.</p>
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi lofts 80>>
<c>After a few minutes, you hear someone from below the haylofts calling out "Cat?" in a loud whisper. It sounds like a boy, not a man. That's strange. Does Sister Catarina have a secret love child she is meeting with, the result of fornication in her youth?
<p>Sister Catarina responds to the whisper with a "Yes", and then you think someone is climbing up the ladder to Sister Catarina.</p>
<p>Curious, you peer intently through the window, trying to get a look at this mystery boy Sister Catarina is meeting with.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 58 pause3>>
<cc>Someone is entering your view.
<p>It's... not a boy. It's a girl!</p>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You quickly learn that the girl's name is Alyssa when Sister Catarina greets the mysterious visitor. Who is that girl?
<p>You notice that Alyssa is dressed almost identically to Sister Catarina with that thin, white dress. Hardly a coincidence.
<<c "Listen to them talking">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 90 volume0>>
<c>The girls don't say much useful at first, merely casual talk about the weather and other uninteresting things.
<p>Alyssa sure seems friendly with Sister Catarina. A little too friendly? Or is this just girls being girls with each other? Except, Sister Catarina is a nun, not a silly girl. What is going on with her?
<<c "Keep watching and listening">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 90 volume0>>
<c>You have a hard time concentrating on what they say when Alyssa keeps touching Sister Catarina very inappropriately. Several times, you think Alyssa is about to unbutton Sister Catarina's dress, but to your relief, she doesn't.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 700-1800 90 volume0>>
<c>Still, it is clear from Sister Catarina's unashamed acceptance of what is happening that she is far from behaving as a nun should. She even seems to enjoy – if not encourage – Alyssa's improper displays of affection. The only question now is how deep Sister Catarina's descent into immorality is. Could she really be a lesbian, as you are beginning to suspect?
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi m 86>>
<c>The girls keep talking, and eventually, you manage to piece together some interesting information.
<p>It seems that Alyssa is working on a farm nearby, and she really is bringing deliveries to Sister Catarina for use in the kitchen. But it is also evident that this is not how the farm or Alyssa usually deliver goods – in clandestine meetings up on a hayloft.</p>
<<ev 2250>>
<<mi 700-1700 46>>
<c>You think Alyssa started coming to the school just as a regular delivery girl from the farm, but then she and Sister Catarina started using these deliveries as an excuse to meet each other up here.
<p>And for what other reason than an immoral, homosexual one, going against the natural order of things?</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 700-2000 82 volume0>>
<c>If these two women are engaged in unnatural relations, it would be a scandal, but also a danger. Such wickedness could spread to the other nuns. It could also attract the lust demon, and this already happened to Sister Catarina, who was recently attacked, further reinforcing your suspicion that she is indeed a lesbian in hiding.
<p>Though you have not yet seen definitive proof of lesbianism from Sister Catarina – merely a strong indication – you can't let this behavior stand. You have to keep Sister Cararina's immoral behavior from spreading and putting everyone else here in danger.</p>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mi 700-2400 76>>
<c>But it's too early to confront Sister Catarina. Your experience in matters such as these tells you that the best time to confront a sinner is when they have committed the sin and can't deny it, preferably while they are in the act of committing said sin.
<p>Sister Catarina may have committed sins of lesbianism in her mind and body language, but from what you are seeing now, she has not yet advanced to lesbian sex. Maybe you can stop her before she does, maybe you can't. Maybe you don't want to, as then she couldn't deny sinning that way. Either way, you will have to think carefully about how to best proceed.</p>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 700-1800 84 volume0>>
<c>If Sister Catarina is going down a path of lesbianism, it would certainly explain all the secrecy. It would also fit with the "struggle" that Sister Catarina is going through, which you learned about in the letter from that nun and which Sister Catarina has confirmed, although she has refused to say what it is.
<p>You suspect that the real struggle is Sister Catarina trying to resist the desire to engage in full-blown lesbian sex. She knows what a grave sin it is.</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi m 80>>
<c>Alyssa is about to leave. The girls hug and say goodbye.
<p>Then Alyssa leaves out of view, going for the ladder.</p>
<p>Still not wanting to risk making a sound, you remain by the window and keep watching Sister Catarina.</p>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 500-300 66>>
Sister Catarina sits down and hums that tune again. This is just like when you first spied on her up here.
<p>That time, you must have just missed Sister Catarina's meeting with Alyssa, and Sister Catarina sat down to think, and to hum that tune.</p>
<p>And now, like the first time, she changes between looking happy and thoughtful. Like someone who is struggling with her emotions.</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 500-500 72 pause2>>
<cc>Sister Catarina stands up and turns to the crate with the latest delivery.
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 500-600 50>>
<cc>Sister Catarina looks at the fruit, checking their quality.
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv 500-700 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina has the decency to turn away from the windows on either side of the loft in case someone happens to look inside, to avoid anyone accidentally seeing her naked breasts.
<p>But given her inappropriate, downright immoral behavior that you just witnessed with Alyssa, Sister Catarina's possible attempt at modesty comes off as hypocritical.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv 500-800 90>>
<c>As Sister Catarina begins to put the fruit in her basket, she doesn't even try to be modest, turning toward your window, giving you a full view down her naked bosom.
<<addlust 100>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi 500-1000 36>>
<c>When Sister Catarina has finished putting the fruit in the basket, she covers them with a towel, then she disappears from your view behind a stack of hay bales. You can hear that she is doing something, probably getting dressed.
<p>A minute later, Sister Catarina reappears, now wearing her nun's habit. Now she looks like a nun should look again.</p>
<p>Sister Catarina then leaves down the ladder with the basket of fruit.</p>
<<ev 4100>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You spy on Sister Catarina as she leaves in the direction of the school main building and her kitchen.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 46 pnggg>>
<c>Now you have to consider your next steps carefully. You can't reveal to Sister Catarina that you are on to her. Until you have decided what to do with her, you should act like everything is as before.
<p>You should try to spy on more secret meetings, to see what else you can learn.
<<q catarinaq 2000>>
<<but "Leave the hayloft" hub>>
<<event 720>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You go to the haylofts a good twenty minutes before Sister Catarina's lunch break starts. You don't know how early Alyssa may show up, and you don't want to take any chances.
<p>Now you can just hope that Sister Catarina will have one of her secret meetings today.</p>
<<c "Begin the stake-out">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi loft2 30>>
<c>You climb up to the smaller hayloft you used before and take your position, peeking out from the hayloft, looking in all directions for anyone approaching.
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina's lunch break should start about now. She and Alyssa could arrive any second.
<<c "Keep looking for anyone approaching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 0 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Suddenly, you see someone coming around the corner from the school.
<p>It's Sister Catarina, right on time.</p>
<p>You quickly retreat into your hayloft, taking position by the window facing the middle hayloft.
<<c "Spy through the window">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi loftclothes 28>>
<c>After climbing up to the middle hayloft, Sister Catarina hangs that white dress on a ladder. Then she disappears out of sight, presumably getting out of her nun's habit
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 700-1100 30>>
<c>Yes, once again, you are forced to look as the nude Sister Catarina gets ready to change into the white dress. Why can't she wear underwear like decent people?
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 700-1200 30 "pause1">>
<cc>You watch as the naked Sister Catarina puts on the dress.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 700-1300 70 pause1>>
<c>Sister Catarina is in no hurry. She sits down before putting on the dress.
<p>This is unfortunate as Sister Catarina and her naked body is now much closer to you. But you have no choice but to keep looking, to not miss out on something important.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mi 700-1350 68>>
<c>Once dressed, Sister Catarina remains sitting, waiting for Alyssa.
<p>She starts humming that tune again. It seems to be something she does when she thinks of Alyssa, and right now, Sister Catarina is looking forward to the meeting.</p>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 30 pnggg>>
<c>Sister Catarina sitting so close to your window gives you the idea to use long pepper dust on her.
<p>Sister Catarina was recently attacked, which means the lust demon probably used the lust drug on her, like with the other victims. This means that making Sister Catarina inhale long pepper dust should have roughly the same effect on her as giving her a lust potion.</p>
<p>All you have to do is put some long pepper dust in the palm of your hand and then blow it through the window and it would fall down on Sister Catarina. With her humming of the tune, you doubt she would hear anything.</p>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mi 700-2400 72>>
<c>If you made Sister Catarina feel intense lust, perhaps she would no longer be able to resist the temptation to give in to her repressed lesbianism.
<p>And if Sister Catarina did cross the line to engage in physical homosexuality, you would have an easier time getting her to admit her wicked sinfulness when confronting her about it. And after that, you could think about using the holy rites on Sister Catarina, starting by anointing her.</p>
<p>But you don't want to do anything drastic today. You must think about it carefully first. And you may yet learn interesting things just by eavesdropping on Sister Catarina and Alyssa talking.</p>
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi lofts 80>>
<c>After a few minutes, you hear someone from below the haylofts calling out "Cat?" in a loud whisper. You recognize the voice of Alyssa.
<p>Sister Catarina responds with a "Yes", and then you hear someone climbing up the ladder to Sister Catarina.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 700-1600 58 pause3>>
<cc>You watch as Alyssa enters into view. She is happily greeted by Sister Catarina.
<<c "Listen to them talking">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv 700-1800 90 volume0>>
<c>You listen intently for any more information that may be of interest to you.
<p>As usual, Alyssa behaves inappropriately with Sister Catarina, and Sister Catarina allows it.</p>
<p>Had it been two normal girls touching each other like this, it could be seen as relatively innocent, as silly girl behavior, but Sister Catarina is a nun!
<<c "Keep watching and listening">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv 700-2000 90 volume0>>
<c>Several times, you think Alyssa is about to unbutton Sister Catarina's dress, but to your relief, she doesn't. Not yet. But you wonder how many more meetings that will last.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv 700-1800 84 "volume1.5 pause4 notMuted">>
<c>Suddenly, while talking about relatively innocent, silly girl things, Alyssa asks if Sister Catarina has ever kissed a girl.
<p>Alyssa makes it sound like she is joking, but you think you know what she is doing. She is trying to seduce Sister Catarina!
<p>Sister Catarina answers "No", which is as you suspected – Sister Catarina has yet to sin physically with a girl.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 700-2000 94 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<c><<s alyssa "Did you ever think that there was any girl that was cute?">>
<<s catarina "You are cute.">>
<<s alyssa "You ever think about kissing me?">>
Sister Catarina doesn't immediately answer. You think it looks like she is fighting off a desire to kiss Alyssa right here and now.
<<ev 2350>>
<<mi 700-2400 90>>
<c>You eagerly wait for Sister Catarina's response. She drags it out, but eventually, she answers:
<<s catarina "I shouldn't talk about such things.">>
Sister Catarina is clearly still fighting the desire to admit she wants to engage in lesbianism with Alyssa.
<<ev 2600>>
<<mi 700-2200 100>>
<c>Alyssa leaves the tense topic there, not pressing Sister Catarina any further. But you think it is only a matter of time before she succeeds in breaking down Sister Catarina's resistance.
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi 700-1700 40>>
<c>Alyssa is trying to seduce Sister Catarina, there is no longer any doubt in your mind. What a shameful girl, trying to corrupt a respectable nun for her own deviant sexual pleasure.
<p>Alyssa is probably the reason that she and Sister Catarina are wearing the white dresses. Convincing Sister Catarina to wear the dress when they meet is something Alyssa did as a step in her plan to seduce the nun. And now Alyssa has moved on to talking about kissing.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mi 700-2600 100>>
<cc>The meeting is over as the girls hug and say goodbye.</cc>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi 500-300 80>>
When Alyssa has left down the ladder, Sister Catarina sits down and hums that tune again.
<p>As before, she changes between looking happy and thoughtful. Like someone who is struggling with her emotions. How long can Sister Catarina resist giving in to her repressed lesbianism?</p>
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 500-500 80 pause2>>
<cc>Sister Catarina stands up and turns to the crate with the latest delivery.
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 500-600 50>>
<cc>Sister Catarina looks at the fruit, checking their quality.
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv 500-700 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina has the decency to turn away from the windows on either side of the loft in case someone happens to look inside, to avoid anyone accidentally seeing her naked breasts.
<p>But given her inappropriate, downright immoral behavior that you just witnessed with Alyssa, Sister Catarina's possible attempt at modesty comes off as hypocritical.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv 500-800 90>>
<c>As Sister Catarina begins to put the fruit in her basket, she doesn't even try to be modest, turning toward your window, giving you a full view down her naked bosom.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mi 500-1000 36>>
<c>When Sister Catarina has finished putting the fruit in the basket, she covers them with a towel, then she disappears from your view behind a stack of hay bales, presumably to get dressed.
<p>A minute later, Sister Catarina reappears, now wearing her nun's habit. Now she looks like a nun should look again.</p>
<p>Sister Catarina then leaves down the ladder with the basket of fruit.</p>
<<ev 4100>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You spy on Sister Catarina as she leaves in the direction of the school main building and her kitchen.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 46 pnggg>>
<c>You have to consider your next steps carefully. Until you have decided what to do with Sister Catarina, you should act like everything is as before.
<<q catarinaq 2200>>
<<qendversion catarinaq version0.5.0>>
/*<<but "Leave the hayloft" stable>>*/
<<endReplayEvent "Leave the hayloft" stable>>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 800>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if ndef $qqrevelation>>
<<overlay "stable/700-2400" "lab/longpepperdust" 2 2 20 70 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You have prayed on the idea to use long pepper dust on Sister Catarina to force her to act on her sinful lesbian urges...
<p>But you don't feel ready to take that step yet. There is a risk of being detected when blowing the long pepper dust, and you might learn something more of importance if you just keep spying.</p>
<p>You will continue to pray for the right time to use the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina.
<<qmess catarinaq 2220>>
<<info "Blowing dust on Sister Catarina" "You will be notified when you have come to a final decision.">>
<<but "Spy on Sister Catarina and Alyssa" stable1 "ev:720 replayEvent">><<but "Skip spying today" stable>>
<<mi 700-2400 70>>
<c>You have prayed on it, and you have come to the conclusion that Sister Catarina's descent into perverted lesbianism is something that you have to do whatever it takes to fight.
<p>Sister Catarina needs the holy rites, and you need her support at the Revelation. And the most effective way to make that happen is to make Sister Catarina sin so gravely that she has no choice but to accept your help – and accept the holy rites.</p></c>
<<ev 120>>
<<mii lab/longpepperdust 40 pnggg>>
<c>The long pepper dust is your secret weapon here. With the dust, you can hopefully make Sister Catarina <<if !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",2300)>>finally<<else>>again<</if>> take that step into fullblown lesbianism that she so desires. Then you can save her from herself and from Satan's grasp by bringing her back into the light.
<p>If you blow the fine long pepper powder over Sister Catarina, it should slowly fall down on her. As long as you don't blow too much of it, it would look just like some dust falling from the ceiling or from a high stack of hay. Nothing that would look suspicious to the girls.</p></c>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You go to the haylofts in good time before Sister Catarina's lunch break starts. You don't know how early Alyssa may show up, and you don't want to take any chances.
<<ev 180>>
<<mi workerneedvidai 50>>
<c>To further decrease the risk of detection, you have decided that it is too conspicuous to move around back here as a priest. Even from far away, your black dress is a dead giveaway in case someone spots you.
<p>So instead, you will dress as a local farmhand while spying on the haylofts. You know that the nuns sometimes hire men from nearby farmers to do heavy labor like carrying the haystacks up to the lofts.</p>
<p>Now you can just hope that Sister Catarina will have one of her secret meetings today.</p>
<<c "Begin the stake-out">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi loft2 30>>
<c>You climb up to the smaller hayloft you used before and take your position, peeking out from the hayloft, looking in all directions for anyone approaching.
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina's lunch break should start about now. She and Alyssa could arrive any second.
<<c "Keep looking for anyone approaching">>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 0 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Suddenly, you see someone coming around the corner from the school.
<p>It's Sister Catarina, right on time.</p>
<p>You quickly retreat into your hayloft, taking a position by the window facing the middle hayloft.
<<c "Spy through the window">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi loftclothes 28>>
<c>After climbing up to the middle hayloft, Sister Catarina hangs that white dress on a ladder. Then she disappears out of sight, presumably getting out of her nun's habit.
<<c "Keep spying">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 700-1100 30>>
<c>Yes, once again, you are forced to look as the nude Sister Catarina gets ready to change into the white dress. <<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>Why can't she wear underwear like decent people?<</if>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 700-1200 30 "pause1">>
<cc>You watch as the naked Sister Catarina puts on the dress.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv 700-1300 70 pause1>>
<c>Sister Catarina is in no hurry. She sits down before putting on the dress.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<p>This is unfortunate as Sister Catarina and her naked body are now much closer to you. But you have no choice but to keep looking, to not miss out on something important.
<<addlust 10>></p>
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 1350>>
<<mi 700-1350 68>>
<cc>Once dressed, Sister Catarina remains sitting, waiting for Alyssa, humming that tune.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<<but "Wait" stable1 step:1500>>
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 1380>>
<<mi 800-7950 54>>
<c>Sister Catarina looks in your direction, probably wanting to find out if you are spying on her again. There is no point in trying to hide it, so you wave at her through the window.
<<s catarina "$fmc, do you have to watch us?">>
<<s mc "Yes, it will help me eat your sins afterward. And it's part of your penance. But remember, you can't let Alyssa know anything is wrong. Just do what you would do if I hadn't discovered you.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father, I will try my best.">>
<<c "Go back to waiting">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi lofts 80>>
<c>After a few minutes, you hear someone from below the haylofts calling out "Cat?" in a loud whisper. You recognize the voice of Alyssa.
<p>Sister Catarina responds with a "Yes", and then you hear someone climbing up the ladder to Sister Catarina.</p>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv 700-1600 58 pause3>>
<cc>You watch as Alyssa enters into view. She is happily greeted by Sister Catarina.
<<c "Listen to them talking">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv 700-1800 90 volume0>>
<c>You listen intently for any more information that may be of interest to you.
<p>As usual, Alyssa behaves inappropriately with Sister Catarina, and Sister Catarina allows it. But so far, it is relatively innocent. You have to wait until the right time to use the long pepper dust.
<<c "Keep watching and listening">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 700-2400 90>>
<c>Things heat up as Alyssa looks like she is about to unbutton Sister Catarina's dress. She doesn't, but you can tell that Sister Catarina finds it exciting, even looking like she wants to kiss Alyssa.
<<lineheight>>/*<<mii lab/longpepperdust 8 "left pnggg">>*/
This would be the moment you have been waiting for.
<<imbut "lab/potionLongpepperdust.png" "Blow long pepper dust through the window" stable1 step:2100>>
<<but "Don't use the dust this time" stable1 step:2020>>
<<ev 2020>>
<<mi 700-2200 90>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<c>You decide you want more time to think before using the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina.
<p>You just keep watching.</p>
<c>You decide not to use the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina this time. There is always a risk that you are discovered doing it, and you don't want to take that risk this time.
<p>You just keep watching.</p>
<<ev 2050>>
<<mi 700-2600 60>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<c>Nothing interesting happens that you haven't seen or heard before. The girls keep talking and enjoying each other's company until Alyssa leaves.</c>
<c>Nothing interesting happens. Without the long pepper dust, Sister Catarina can resist her urges to sin with Alyssa. When Alyssa tries to kiss her, Sister Catarina pulls back, saying it's too soon. She needs more time to think and pray.
<p>You thought Sister Catarina would jump at the opportunity to be intimate with Alyssa again since you gave her permission to do it, but knowing you are there to spy on them probably made her too embarrassed to go through with it.</p>
<p>You think Alyssa accepts Sister Catarina's excuse without getting suspicious. Alyssa understands the predicament Sister Catarina is in, Sister Catarina being a nun.</p>
<p>The girls just keep talking until Alyssa leaves.</p></c>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<<but "Continue" stable1 step:2070>>
<<ev 2060>>
<<mi 800-7950>>
<c><<s catarina "I couldn't do it, Father. Be intimate with Alyssa. But you said I should do what felt natural, yes? As if I didn't know you were here. And I tried to.">>
<<s mc "Yes, that's alright. The important thing is that Alyssa doesn't get suspicious that something is wrong.">>
<<s catarina "Then I may leave?">>
<<s mc "I don't need to use the holy rites on you right now. You may leave.">>
<<ev 2065>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Sister Catarina quickly puts on her habit and leaves.
<p>Nothing more to do here.</p>
<<but "Leave the haylofts" stable>>
<<ev 2070>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Sister Catarina then gets dressed and leaves too.
<p>Nothing more to do here today.
<<if $qqcatarinaq<2300>>
/* if hasn't used long pepper yet */
<<qmess catarinaq 2250>>
<<but "Leave the haylofts" stable>>
<<ev 2100>>
<<videoOverlay "stable/700-2000" "lab/longpepperdust" 1 1 20 90 "png volume1 notMuted">>
<c><<mii lab/potionLongpepperdust 8 "left pnggg">>You carefully pour some long pepper dust into the palm of your hand, then blow it through the window, aiming high above Sister Catarina.
<p>Your blow was successful. Much of the dust slowly falls down over Sister Catarina. A small amount falls down over Alyssa, but since she hasn't been exposed to the lust drug used by the attacker, it shouldn't make any difference.</p>
<p>It should only take a couple of minutes for the long pepper dust to work.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi 700-2200 90>>
<c>A few minutes later, Alyssa brings up the topic of kissing girls, like in the previous meeting you spied on. Alyssa says that maybe she would like to try it one day.
<p>Sister Catarina doesn't say anything. She has gotten an odd stare. It must be the long pepper dust. It should have drastically increased her lust by now.</p>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 700-2000 82 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",2300)>>
<<s alyssa "Did you ever think that there was any girl that was cute?">>
<<s catarina "You are cute.">>
<<s alyssa "You ever think about kissing me?">>
The foolish Alyssa plays right into your hand as she continues her despicable attempt to seduce Sister Catarina.
Alyssa, the seductress, brings up kissing. She liked it when they kissed and now she asks if they could do it again.
<p>Sister Catarina doesn't immediately answer. She is again fighting the desire to kiss Alyssa. <<if setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>Knowing you are spying on them probably has something to do with it. But Sister Catarina's lust should be almost unbearable right now.<<else>> But this time, Sister Catarina's lust should be almost unbearable.<</if>></p>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 800-2500 90 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<c>Suddenly, Sister Catarina can't resist her depraved desire any longer. She goes in for the kiss.
<p>Alyssa eagerly returns the kiss.</p>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 800-2600 90 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<c><<if setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>You are forced to watch<<else>>You watch in shock<</if>> as the two women engage in ungodly relations, only meant to happen between a man and his wife – and even then it is questionable. Kissing doesn't produce children.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 800-2700 60 "volume1.5 pause2 notMuted">>
<c>The despicable seductress Alyssa doesn't waste any time. She does the unthinkable and exposes Sister Catarina's breast for her sexual pleasure.
<p>For a moment, you hope that Sister Catarina will at least attempt to protest, but the nun's willpower seems gone.</p>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 800-2800 90 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<c>The depravity worsens as Alyssa goes on to violate Sister Catarina's exposed nipple.
<<addlust 20>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
You consider if you should put a stop to this, but they might commit even graver sins – which will later make it easier to convince Sister Catarina that she needs your help.<</if>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv 800-2900 90 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<cc>Sister Catarina then becomes the violator as she sucks on Alyssa's breast.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 800-3000 90 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
Sister Catarina keeps sucking that nipple like a baby.
<p>Could the source of Sister Catarina's lesbianism be some kind of unresolved mother issue? You don't know much about the young nun's life history. Perhaps her mother died when she was still breastfeeding, and Sister Catarina's unconscious desire to once again be suckled by her mother manifested as a twisted desire to be intimate with women who then act as mother surrogates.</p>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv 800-3200 86 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
Whatever the case with any unresolved mother issues, what Alyssa does next is not something a mother would do.
<p>As Sister Catarina willingly spreads her legs, Alyssa reaches in under the nun's dress and touches her slit.
<<addlust 20>></p>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi 800-3300 92>>
<c>You are forced to see Alyssa's sinful slit as she bends over to commit her despicable act.
<p>So Alyssa traveled to the haylofts with nothing on under her thin dress. What a harlot.
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi 800-3400 100>>
<c>Alyssa eagerly moves in closer to Sister Catarina's exposed nether region.
<p>Sister Catarina does nothing to stop it. She has surrendered – a slave to her lust and lesbianism.</p></c>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mv 800-3500 90 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<c>Without shame, Alyssa goes for her target.
<p>You can see that Sister Catarina's slit was already wet from intense lust, and now Alyssa violates it with her hands and tongue.
<<addlust 100>></p></c>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 800-3600 90 "volume0.5 notMuted">>
Sister Catarina doesn't last more than a few seconds. She moans loudly as she climaxes before your eyes.
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 800-4000 60 "volume1.5 pause2 notMuted">>
<cc>Now Alyssa wants Sister Catarina to do the same to her. As if violating a nun wasn't enough.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 800-4200 82 "volume0.8 notMuted">>
<cc>Sister Catarina gets to work, committing another grave sin.</cc>
<<ev 4300>>
<<mv 800-4300 96 "volume1.2 notMuted">>
<c>Sister Catarina keeps licking Alyssa's slit for a minute or two. Although Alyssa enjoys it greatly, she hasn't climaxed yet, not surprisingly for a depraved girl like her. For all you know, she touched herself to orgasm before coming here, fantasizing about the vile things she had planned for Sister Catarina.</c>
<<ev 4500>>
<<mv 800-4500 96 "volume1.5 notMuted">>
<c>And another part of Alyssa's wicked plan comes to fruition as she sits up to touch herself between the legs, and tells Sister Catarina to do the same.
<p>Sister Catarina, who is far from satisfied yet, obeys without question. You almost expect a bolt of lightning to strike the two girls, turning them into stone for their wicked act. They are laughing in the face of God with their legs spread open like harlots from hell.</p>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 800-5000 80 "volume0.7 notMuted">>
<cc>The shameful display doesn't last long as the girls climax together.
<p>Will this be the end of it or do you have to suffer even more depravity?</p>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv 800-5200 80 "volume1.5 pause2 notMuted">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",2300)>>
<cc>Next, Alyssa picks up a rolling pin.</cc>
<c>Alyssa picks up a rolling pin. You have no doubts about what she plans to do with it.
<p>Sister Catarina, however, doesn't seem to get it yet, asking Alyssa what she is going to do.</p>
<<ev 5400>>
<<mi 800-5400 100>>
<c>Alyssa shows Sister Catarina what she wants to do, putting the end of the pin against the nun's sinful hole.
<<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",2300)>>
<<s catarina "Maybe it will hurt this time.">>
<<s catarina "But won't it hurt?">>
<<s alyssa "You're so lubricated it will slide in and out just fine. And I'll be careful. Just relax.">>
Sister Catarina says nothing more.
<<ev 5500>>
<<mv 800-5500 90 "volume1 notMuted">>
<c>Alyssa presses the rolling point into Sister Catarina's slit. The nun seems to enjoy it greatly.
<p><<if !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",2300)>>You wonder if this a first for Sister Catarina, having her slit penetrated for sexual pleasure. She could already have done it to herself while committing the sin of Onan.<</if>></p></c>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv 800-5600 90 "volume1 notMuted">>
<c>As Alyssa said, no lubrication is needed. The rolling pin easily slides in and out of Sister Catarina's slobbery slit.</c>
<<ev 5700>>
<<mv 800-5700 90 "volume1 notMuted">>
<cc>With the additional help from Alyssa's hand, Sister Catarina quickly gets closer to climax.
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 800-6000 90 "volume0.7 notMuted">>
<c><<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>This is good. Now Sister Catarina can't deny she has committed the sin of fornication. It will make it easier to convince her she needs the holy rites.
Sister Catarina can't deny she has committed the sin of fornication when you talk to her after Alyssa has left. You should have no problems eating her sins.
<p>It looks like Sister Catarina will orgasm any moment now.</p>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mv 800-6200 90 "volume0.5 notMuted">>
<cc>Soon after, Sister Catarina climaxes.</cc>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mi 800-6400 86>>
<c>Sister Catarina catches her breath, exhausted after climaxing three times. Now that the lust has been driven from her body, she finally comes to her senses.
<<s catarina "What have I done? This is so wrong. I'm a nun.">>
<<s alyssa "Love between two consenting adults can never be wrong.">>
<<s catarina "But this was... for pleasure. Lust.">>
Then Alyssa makes a move.
<<ev 6500>>
<<mv 800-6500 54 "volume1 notMuted">>
<c>Alyssa goes in for the kiss, and Sister Catarina can't resist returning it.
<<s alyssa "What about this?">>
<<s catarina "This is wrong too.">>
<<s alyssa "It's all love. God is love. It's just you and me. No one is hurt from this.">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mi 800-6600 70>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",2300)>>
<<s catarina "But I took a vow of chastity. And now I've broken it. Again.">>
<<s catarina "But I took a vow of chastity. And now I've broken it.">>
<<s alyssa "No one will know but us and God. And God will forgive you because He is love.">>
You manage to resist the urge to shout at Alyssa for spouting such hippie nonsense. God loves us, but His love is not unconditional. He demands penance for grave sins, and Sister Catarina has committed several grave sins.
<<s catarina "I don't know... I have to pray on this.">>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 700-1100 30>>
<c>The girls get dressed. Sister Catarina has the good sense to wear the white dress. Going straight for the nun's habit would be too much of a mockery in God's face after what she just did.
<<q catarinaq 2300>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<<but "Continue" stable1 step:7100>>
<<ev 7020>>
<<mi 800-7200 66>>
<cc>When Alyssa leaves, Sister Catarina sits down to think, and wait for you, probably.
<<c "Go to Sister Catarina's hayloft">>
<<ev 7040>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You climb down the ladder.
<p>Then you climb up the ladder to the hayloft where Sister Catarina is.
<<ev 7060>>
<<mi 800-7700 60>>
<<s catarina "You saw it all?">>
<<s mc "Yes. You did what you had to do. Alyssa didn't suspect anything. But now, I must cleanse you of your grave sins. I must eat your sins of lust, including your sin of fornication. This will also be part of your penance.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father. I accept my penance. I deserve it for what I've done.">>
<<s mc "Then you will start by using your mouth on me, like you used your mouth on Alyssa.">>
<<but "Take out your manhood" stable1 step:8100>>
<<ev 7100>>
<<mi 800-7200 66>>
<cc>When Alyssa leaves, Sister Catarina sits down to think.
<p>Now that she is alone again, you could confront her.</p>
<<but "Confront Sister Catarina" stable1 step:7500>><<but "Don't confront Sister Catarina" stable1 step:7200>>
<<ev 7200>>
<<mi 800-5400 76>>
You decide not to confront Sister Catarina at this time. Perhaps you will see something even more incriminating in a future meeting between them.
<<qmess catarinaq 2350>>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<ev 7500>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You quickly climb down the ladder.
<p>Then you climb up the ladder to the hayloft where Sister Catarina is.
<<ev 7600>>
<<mi 800-7600 50 right>>
When you get up to the hayloft, it looks like Sister Catarina is just about to leave.
<<s catarina "Father $mc? What are you doing up here? Why are you dressed like that?">>
<<s mc "I'm dressed like this to avoid detection. I'm an investigator, and sometimes wearing a disguise is a good idea. Like when you are spying on people and don't want to get recognized.">>
<<s catarina "Are you spying on someone?">>
<<s mc "Yes. On you and Alyssa. I've seen everything.">>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mi 800-7700 60>>
<c>Sister Catarina sits down in shock.
<<s catarina "You saw everything?">>
<<s mc "Yes. I've investigated you for some time, and I suspected you were meeting a man up here. I thought maybe you let him inside the monastery at night. That he was the lust demon. As bad as that would have been, I didn't expect to see you meet with a woman and have sexual relations. You're a nun, Sister Catarina!">>
<<ev 7800>>
<<mi 800-7800 60>>
<<s catarina "I know. I have failed God and myself. My life is over. I'm going to hell.">>
<<s mc "No. You must have faith in the Lord, Sister Catarina. He sent me to this monastery for a reason. To protect you and your sisters from Satan. The Evil One has his claws in you, Sister Catarina, but I can save your soul by eating your grave sexual sins. But we have to act fast.">>
<<ev 7900>>
<<mi 800-7900 60>>
<<s catarina "Eat my sins? How?">>
<<s mc "You have to repeat the sins with me, as closely as possible. You had sexual relations with Alyssa, using a rolling pin to simulate a man inside you. Now you have to repeat that, but with a real man this time. Me.">>
<<ev 7950>>
<<mi 800-7950 60>>
<<s catarina "What are you saying, Father $mc? I should be with you?">>
<<s mc "Yes. It's the only way to fix the mess you've created for yourself. It's your penance as well as your salvation. You don't expect the penance for your grave sinning with Alyssa to be something easy, do you?">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mi 800-7700 60>>
<<s catarina "I don't think there is a penance for what I've done.">>
<<s mc "But there is. I'm a priest from the Vatican. I know of things you don't. I will be using the holy rite of Sin Eating while you are intimate with me. That will cleanse you of your grave sins. I don't have time to explain it better than that right now. Any questions you have can wait until later. Do you want me to save your soul or not, Sister Catarina?">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father. I will accept my penance. I deserve it for what I've done.">>
<<s mc "Then you will start by using your mouth on me, like you used your mouth on Alyssa, then I can eat those sins too.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 8100>>
<<mi 800-8100 98>>
<c>You present your hard member to Sister Catarina. She grabs it surprisingly fast. It is clear that the nun has accepted her penance in spirit as well as with words.
<<ev 8200>>
<<mv 800-8200 76 volume0.7>>
Sister Catarina takes your manhood in her sweet mouth.
<p>Having spent all that time watching her and Alyssa naked together, you almost climax. But you hold it back. You have sins to eat and Sister Catarina is not done with her penance yet.</p>
<<ev 8300>>
<<mv 800-8300 90 volume0.5>>
<c>Sister Catarina diligently works your manhood. If you didn't know it, you would never have guessed she was a nun.
<<ev 8400>>
<<mv 800-8400 90 volume0.5>>
<<s catarina "Am I doing it right? You said I should repeat what I did with Alyssa as closely as possible. Should I use my tongue more? ">>
<<s mc "Using your mouth is the most important thing, but using your tongue more wouldn't hurt.">>
<<ev 8600>>
<<mv 800-8600 90 volume0.5>>
<c>Sister Catarina seems very eager to have her sins cleansed. Rarely have you seen someone embrace the holy rites this fast. You wonder if she is a suppressed hedonist as well as a lesbian.
<<s mc "That's enough. Now for the gravest sin: fornication. That rolling pin was a substitute for a man. Now you must face the real deal. Lie down and spread your legs.">>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi 800-9000 72>>
<c>Without a word, Sister Catarina obeys. Her slit is glistening, still wet from when she sinned with Alyssa.
<<c "Penetrate her sinful slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 9200>>
<<mv 800-9200 76 volume0.6>>
<cc>Sister Catarina moans as you enter her. She just had three orgasms and she still lusts for more?</cc>
<<ev 9400>>
<<mv 800-9400 76 volume0.6>>
<c><<s mc "You're moaning. Does it give you pleasure?">>
<<s catarina "Not much, but I try to sound like I did with Alyssa. Shouldn't I?">>
<<s mc "You could if you want, but the most important thing is that you enjoy the sinful act and reach climax like you did with Alyssa, or I can't eat those sins.">>
<<s catarina "Then I will try to like it.">>
<<ev 9500>>
<<mv 800-9500 80 volume0.4>>
<c>You keep thrusting into Sister Catarina's wet slit, giving her some time to try to enjoy it before you move on. It's important to give the nun an orgasm while you are inside her. It would be an even bigger win than usual, seeing that Sister Catarina is a lesbian.
<p>It seems to work. You can tell that her slit is getting even wetter.</p></c>
<<set $temp = 0>><<set $temp2 = 0>>
<<but "Mount her like a dog" stable1 step:9700>><<but "Use her mouth again" stable1 step:10000>>
<<ev 9700>>
<<mv 800-9700 90 volume0.6>>
<<if $temp2 == 0>>
<<cs catarina "I didn't do it like this with Alyssa.">>
<<cs mc "Doing the sinful act in different ways will help me eat it all.">>
<<set $temp2 = "diddoggy">>
You do Sister Catarina like a dog.
<<but "Keep pounding her" stable1 step:9800>><<but "Use her mouth again" stable1 step:10000>>
<<ev 9800>>
<<mv 800-9800 86 volume0.45>>
<<if $temp!="catarinaclimax">><c>You keep pounding Sister Catarina from behind, trying to make her climax.
<p>And eventually, it happens. Sister Catarina moans loudly as she has her fourth orgasm.
<<set $temp="catarinaclimax">>
<<else>><cc>You keep pounding Sister Catarina from behind.</cc>
<<c "Use her mouth">>
<<ev 10000>>
<<mv 800-10000 90 volume0.6>>
<cc>You have Sister Catarina use her mouth on you again.
<<if $temp!="catarinaclimax">>
<p>But you should make her climax before you release your seed.</p>
<<but "Mount her like a dog" stable1 step:9700>><<but "Prepare to release your seed" stable1 "step:10800 temp==catarinaclimax">>
<<ev 10800>>
<<mv 800-8400 90 volume0.5>>
<c><<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<<s mc "As the final part of your penance, I will release my seed in your face. It will be good practice for you, because I should also do this some other day as part of another holy rite, to anoint you.">>
Sister Catarina says nothing. She has accepted this part of her penance too.
<<s mc "Now be ready. My seed is coming.">>
<<s mc "As the final part of your penance, I will anoint you by releasing my seed in your face. This will protect you from Satan.">>
Sister Catarina says nothing. She has accepted this part of her penance too.
<<s mc "Now be ready. The Holy Seed seed is coming.">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 11000>>
<<mv 800-11000 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>You release your seed in Sister Catarina's <<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>face.<<else>>face, anointing her.<</if>>
<<ev 11200>>
<<mi 800-11200 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina stares at the milky, sticky substance on her hand. She has likely never seen a man's seed <<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>before.<<else>>before she met you.<</if>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationcatarina")>>
<<but "Tell Sister Catarina to get dressed" stable1 step:12000>>
<<c "Tell Sister Catarina to get dressed">>
<<ev 11300>>
<<mii school/catarina/head2 40>>
<c>You wait until Sister Catarina has put on her habit.
<<s mc "That should cleanse most of your grave sins and protect you against evil. You will keep meeting Alyssa here. Just pretend I'm not here spying on you, if I am.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father. I will do it.">>
<<but "Leave the haylofts" stable>>
<<ev 12000>>
<<mii school/catarina/head2 40>>
You wait until Sister Catarina has put on her habit.
<<s mc "This should be enough for now. Your sins are too grave to be cleansed without repeated holy rites, but that's for later. First, we should find some time to talk. I will seek you out in the kitchen tomorrow when you are alone.">>
<<s catarina "I'm so confused.">>
<<s mc "I understand. You should speak with Novice Emma. She will answer your questions. Tell her I sent you to be educated on the holy rites. She will know what it means. You can be completely honest with Novice Emma.">>
<<s mc "I will talk to her.">>
<<ev 12200>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 32>>
<<s mc "Until I speak with you again, you must not meet with Alyssa in secret. But she can't suspect that something is wrong. Will this be a problem?">>
<<s catarina "No, no problem. Alyssa knows I'm not coming to the haylofts every day. If she calls my name and I don't answer, she will just go to the kitchen and leave her wares like she usually does. That's how we met...">>
<<s mc "Good. If you see her in the kitchen, avoid talking to her. Be friendly but pretend you are too busy or something. She probably understands that you need some time to think about what happened. But Alyssa can't know I have seen you two. Do you understand?">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father $mc. I understand.">>
<<ev 13000>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "school/catarina/head" 66 56 30 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You send Sister Catarina away.
<p>You should seek her out in the kitchen tomorrow to talk.
<<set $catarinaschool=1>> /* to remove her from school in case player hasn't visited her there today */
<<q catarinaq 2400>></p>
<<c "Leave the haylofts">>
<<ev 13400>>
<<mi fornication 90>>
<c>Now that you have finally used the holy rites on Sister Catarina, you can talk to her about the Revelation. You should visit her in the kitchen tomorrow.
<<q revelationcatarina 200>></c>
<<but "Continue" stable>>
<<event 840>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>You go to the haylofts in good time before Sister Catarina's lunch break starts. You don't know how early Alyssa may show up, and you don't want to take any chances.
<<c "Skip the stake-out today">><<but "Continue with the stake-out" stable1 step:180>>
<<ev 120>>
<<mi 700-2200 70>>
<c>On second thought, you don't feel like staking out the haylofts today. You can spy on Sister Catarina and Alyssa another day.</c>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<ev 180>>
<<mi workerneedvidai 50>>
<c>To further decrease the risk of detection, you once again dress as a local farmhand.
<p>Now you can just hope that Sister Catarina will have one of her secret meetings today.</p>
<<c "Begin the stake-out">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi loft2 30>>
<c>You climb up to the smaller hayloft you used before and take your position, peeking out from the hayloft, looking in all directions for anyone approaching.
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi lofts 90>>
<c>Sister Catarina's lunch break should start about now. She and Alyssa could arrive any second.
<<but "Keep looking for anyone approaching" stable1 "ev:800 step:400">>
<<vv 7.1>>
<<event 880 amy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii stable/lofts 90>>
<c>You go behind the stable, to the haylofts, a few minutes before you are scheduled to meet with Sister Amy.
<<c "Wait >>>">>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "nuns/amy/amy" 0 54 22 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>Soon, you see a nun coming around the corner.
<p>It is Sister Amy. She looks scared when she sees you, then she relaxes.</p></cc>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv talk 54 pause4>>
<<s amy "Oh, $fmc. I didn't recognize you. You said you would dress differently, but I still wasn't prepared to see you like this.">>
<<s mc "It's a good disguise. We'll get even more privacy when we climb up on the haylofts.">>
<<s amy "Yes, hmm... We can talk down here first. I...I've been having second thoughts. The thought of the holy rites... I don't think I can go through with it. What would you do with me, Father?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi talk2 40 right>>
<<s mc "It depends on the help you need. About the sinful thoughts you had. Did you fornicate with men in your fantasies?">>
<<s amy "Yes, Father. I did.">>
<<s mc "Then I need to eat those sins of fornication. We would have to fornicate to allow me to use the holy rite of Sin Eating.">>
<<s amy "I know I shouldn't feel that it is wrong, but it's hard for me to accept that.">>
<<s mc "I understand, Sister Amy, but the holy rites are how the Lord can help us fight Satan. You should try to accept them. You will feel better when I've eaten your old sins of fornication.">>
<<s amy "I have to think about it. I can't promise anything. Maybe the nightmares will pass.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk3 40 right>>
<<s mc "That's fine, Sister Amy. I will give you some time to think about it but every day that goes and you let those sins fester in your mind, Satan grows stronger. Don't underestimate the danger.">>
<<s amy "Yes, Father. I won't.">>
/*<<s mc "We should meet back here regularly, same time. I must keep an eye on you. It's my responsibility as your leader to protect you all.">>*/
<<s mc "Based on what you've said, we should start meeting regularly, as I want to keep an eye on you, for your protection and everyone else's.">>
<<s amy "Yes, Father. I understand.">>
<<s mc "Since you want to keep our interactions a secret, we will continue meeting behind this stable. I will be here at the same time every day – if I want to meet you. You should get back to the school now. I will wait a minute before leaving.">>
<<s amy "Thank you, Father.">>
Sister Amy scurries away.
<<c "Ponder the situation">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi amy 30 pnggg>>
Sister Amy doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger from Satan, but she is a professed sister, and any professed sister that submits to the holy rites is an important win.
<p>Furthermore, Sister Amy working at the school means the students know her well and may listen to her, and that could come in handy.<<if $qqchloeq >= 500>> For one thing, Sister Amy may be able to help you with Chloe.<</if>></p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 34 pnggg>>
<c>You are already on thin ice with Sister Dana regarding using the holy rites on the students. You rather not bother her with such matters unless absolutely necessary.
<p>That currently leaves you with only Sister Catarina as a resource at the school. Sister Amy would be a good addition.</p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi amy 30 pnggg>>
<c>In conclusion, it is important that you use the holy rites on Sister Amy to bind her to you.
<<if $qqchloeq >= 500>>
Perhaps the next time you meet with Sister Amy behind the stable, she will agree to let you eat her sins of fornication.
<<qset amyq 200>>
<<qmess amyq 210>>
<p> But how are you going to convince her? You have to think about this.
<<q amyq 200>>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<event 900 amy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "nuns/amy/amy" 0 54 22 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You go to the haylofts a few minutes before Sister Amy is supposed to come here looking for you.
<p>She soon arrives.</p>
<<ev 120>>
<<mv talk 50 pause4>>
<<s mc "Have you changed your mind, Sister Amy? Will you let me eat your sins of fornication?">>
<<s amy "I have not changed my mind, Father. I pray and hope the nightmares will stop in time.">>
Sister Amy seems to have made up her mind. You will not convince her otherwise today.
<<c "End the meeting">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii stable/lofts 86>>
Sister Amy leaves and you are once again alone.
How will you convince Sister Amy to submit to the holy rites?</p>
<<but "<<actQuest chloeq>>" stable1 "step:300 qqchloeq==500">><<but "Leave" stable>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii school/chloe/face2 40 pnggg>>
<c>You must convince Chloe to submit to further testing in her room, and you probably need to anoint her later as well.
<p>Novice Emma and Sister Catarina are backing you in this, but it still isn't enough to make Chloe obey. You think that if Sister Amy also backed you, that would be enough to convince Chloe.</p>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi amy 32 pnggg>>
<c><p>But Sister Amy must first submit to the holy rites herself. So how do you make things happen here?</p>
Because of the necessity to get to the bottom of the Chloe situation, getting Sister Amy on your side is more important than ever.
<p>You must find a way to make Sister Amy submit to the holy rites.
<<q amyq 300>></p>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<ev 600>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "nuns/amy/amy" 0 54 22 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>You go behind the stable and wait for Sister Amy.
<p>A couple of minutes later, Sister Amy arrives. She hurries forward when she sees you.</p>
<<ev 650>>
<<mv talk 50 pause4>>
<<s mc "How are you feeling, Sister Amy? You look tired.">>
<<s amy "I didn't sleep well, $fmc. My nightmares have gotten much worse.">>
<<s mc "I warned you about this. Those sins of fornication in your mind are festering. As they grow, Satan is drawn to you. And now the Lord is giving you a sign. You must let me cleanse your grave sins.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi talk3 36>>
<<s amy "Maybe I should do it. That is what I was thinking earlier, but then I changed my mind.">>
<<s mc "The Lord was guiding you to me, but then Satan tried to stop you. This time, you must follow the path to the light. To God's light.">>
<<s amy "Yes, $fmc. Do what you need to do. But please get it over with quickly. And no one can know about it.">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii stable/lofts 80>>
<<cs mc "We can use this hayloft. Be careful with the ladder.">>
Sister Amy slowly scales the ladder.
<<c "Climb up after her">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi amy 40 "pnggg right">>
Before starting the holy rite, you ask Sister Amy to tell you more details about the sinful fantasies in her youth.
<<s mc "Did the men release their seed inside you in your fantasies?">>
<<s amy "Yes, sometimes. But you won't do that, will you, Father?">>
<<s mc "It would be the best way to eat those sins. You don't have to worry about pregnancy. Only a miracle from the Lord will make you pregnant during a holy rite.">>
<<s amy "I ask that you don't do it though, Father.">>
<<s mc "I will try not to. But I have to concentrate on eating your sins.">>
<<but "Continue" stable1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 70>>
<c>Sister Amy goes quiet for a moment. She then lies down on the hay and spreads her legs, exposing her white panties.
<<s amy "Do what you must, Father. Just do it.">>
<<s mc "I will, Sister Amy. Just relax and it will soon be over. First, I must get my flesh ready.">>
<<c "Pull aside her panties">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 64 "speed0.5 pause3">>
<c>You pull aside Sister Amy's panties, exposing her slit. Then you apply saliva to your fingers and gently rub her slit, lubricating Sister Amy for what is to come.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "The flesh is ready. I will now enter you. Just relax.">>
<<c "Penetrate her slit with your manhood">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 68 pause1>>
<cc>You enter Sister Amy. Her slit feels wonderful.</cc>
<<ev 2150>>
<<mi 900-1000 70>>
<c>Sister Amy says nothing as you begin to fornicate with her.
<p>She closes her eyes, but you are not sure if it is because she enjoys it, finds it painful, or just doesn't want to see it.</p></c>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 42>>
<cc>You get into a steady rhythm, wanting to get this over with fast, for Sister Amy's sake.</cc>
<<ev 2250>>
<<mv m 60 volume0>> /* maybe use sound in later events when using der alte kardinal for all clips*/
<c>Sister Amy appears more relaxed now, having gotten used to it perhaps.
<p>You don't think she enjoys the act, but that's not important. She wants you to eat her sins, and that you will do.</p>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv m 44>>
<cc>You plow her forcefully, trying to reach the sins of fornication deep inside her slit.</cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 40>>
<cc><<cs amy "Will it take much longer?">>
<<cs mc "I don't know. Not too long, I think.">></cc>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 70>>
<cc>You keep thrusting your hard manhood into Sister Amy's slit. It feels very good.</cc>
<<c "Do her like a dog">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 50>>
<c>Changing position to be able to eat more of her lustful sins of the mind, you tell Sister Amy to turn around and get down on all fours.
<p>Then you perversely mount her like a dog.</p>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv m 56 volume0>>
<c>Sister Amy looks back at you, maybe hearing your increased moans and heavy breathing and trying to gauge how long you have until you finish.
<p>Which isn't long.</p></c>
<<c "Go for the finish">>
<<ev 3200>>
<<mv m 68>>
<c>Your seed is coming.
<p>You know that Sister Amy doesn't want you to ejaculate in her slit, but ultimately, it is your decision.</p>
<<but "Ejaculate in her slit" stable1 step:4000>><<but "Pull out before ejaculating" stable1 step:3600>>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv cumass 70>>
<cc>You pull out and moan with pleasure as you ejaculate on Sister Amy's buttocks.</cc>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi m 50>>
<cc>Sister Amy looks back, but says nothing.
<p>She seems pleased that you didn't release your seed inside her.</p>
<<but "Get dressed" stable1 step:4200>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie7 44>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you release your seed inside Sister Amy's slit.
<<creampie amy center>>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mi m 44>>
<c><<s amy "Oh, no! I mean, I hoped you wouldn't, Father.">>
<<s mc "I did the best I could to eat our sins – as you told me to, and you were correct in that. But you shouldn't worry about becoming pregnant.">>
<<s amy "I will try not to.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi amy 40 "pnggg">>
<<if $qqamyq < 900>>
<<cs amy "Did you eat all the sins?">>
<<cs mc "Likely not. Grave sins and old sins aren't easily cleansed. But I should have gotten the worst of it. I'm sure you will sleep better now. Hopefully, your nightmares will be no more. We should meet again tomorrow and you can tell me how the night went.">>
<<cs amy "Yes, Father. I'll be here.">>
<<cs amy "Did you eat all the sins this time, Father?">>
<<cs mc "Likely not. Grave and old sins aren't easily cleansed. But this should last for a while. We will repeat it if I think it's needed. ">>
<<cs amy "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mii stable/lofts 90>>
You watch as Sister Amy climbs down the ladder and then hurries away.
<<if $qqamyq >= 900>>
<<but "Wait a minute, then leave" stable>>
<<ev 4630>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>Now you must remove the oily cloth from under Sister Amy's bed. You should do it as soon as possible, definitely before supper.
<<q amyq 900>>
<<but "Leave the lofts" stable>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mii stable/lofts 90>>
<cc>You go behind the stables to meet with Sister Amy.
<<c "Wait">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "nuns/amy/amy" 0 54 22 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<c>Sister Amy soon arrives. She smiles when she sees you, and quickens her pace.
<<s amy "$fmc, it worked! The nightmares are gone.">>
<<s mc "Praise the Lord! Satan has been dealt another blow. Do you now fully accept the truth of the holy rites, Sister Amy?">>
<<ev 5300>>
<<mi talk4 40 right>>
<<s amy "Yes, Father, I do. I wasn't sure before, but now I do. But I would still ask that we keep our meetings between you, me, and the Lord. Would that be okay, Father?">>
<<s mc "If that is your wish, Sister Amy, I will respect it, as much as I can. But now that you have seen the truth, I may need your help to further spread God's light here at the school, to drive away Satan's darkness and stop his influence from corrupting the students.">>
<<s amy "I will help if I can, Father. Have the lust demon come for the students?">>
<<s mc "Not yet. Not that I know of, but it may only be a matter of time. Satan's corrupting influence has definitely spread here already, and we have to prevent it from growing in strength. We can talk more about how you may help later. I will give you a day to enjoy your cleansed soul. Pray to the Lord and thank Him.">>
<<s amy "I will, $fmc. And I will pray for your blessings.">>
Sister Amy hurries away.
<<ev 6000>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-800 60>>
<c>With her nightmares gone, Sister Amy has seen the truth of the holy rites, convinced they are from the Lord.
<p>Sister Amy should now be available to you as a useful resource at the school and with the students.</p>
<p>The next time you meet up with Sister Amy, you should ask her to help you with Chloe.
<<q chloeq 600>></p>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mi amy 34 pnggg>>
<c>You should meet with Sister Amy tomorrow – To talk about Chloe and perhaps also to fornicate with Sister Amy once more to bind her even closer to you.
<<q amyq 1000 center>>
<<but "Leave the haylofts" stable>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mii stable/lofts 90>>
<cc>Sister Amy climbs down the ladder and hurries away.
<<but "Wait a minute before leaving" stable>>
<<event 920 amy nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii stable/lofts 90>>
<cc>You go behind the stables to meet with Sister Amy.
Sister Amy soon arrives from around the corner.
<p>She hurries toward you when she sees you.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<overlay "stable/lofts" "nuns/amy/amy" 0 54 22 90 "png">><</overlay>>
<cc>You are meeting with Sister Amy behind the stable.
<<but "<<actQuest chloeq>>" stable1 "step:500 qqchloeq==600">>
<<but "<<actQuest chloeq>>" stable1 "step:2000 qqchloeq==1000">>
<<but "Fornicate with her" stable1 step:300>><<but "End the meeting" stable>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv talk 50 pause3>>
<<s mc "I want to repeat the holy rite of Sin Eating with you, trying to cleanse you of your sins of fornication.">>
<<s amy "Do you think you will get it all this time, Father?">>
<<s mc "Maybe, but not likely. These are old sins, buried deep in your mind. We can't take any chances.">>
<<s amy "I understand. I will get up on the loft.">>
Sister Amy starts climbing the ladder.
<<c "Follow her up on the hayloft">>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi amy 40 pnggg>>
<<set _creamed = $creampied.contains("amy")>>
<<if _creamed>>
<<s amy "I ask that you do not finish inside me this time, Father. If I get pregnant, everyone will know of my shame.">>
<<s amy "I ask that you finish outside me this time too, Father. If I get pregnant, everyone will know of my shame.">>
<<s mc "I will try not to. But I have to concentrate on eating your sins. Trust in the Lord and the holy rites that you will not get pregnant.">>
<<but "Continue" stable1 "ev:900 step:1000">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi talk2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Sister Amy, I have an important mission from God and I need your help. It's about a student: Chloe. Do you know her well?">>
<<s amy "I'd like to think so, Father. She is a good student. And well-behaved. Is she in danger, Father?">>
<<s mc "You could say that. Chloe wants to give up her education and quit school. Did you know that?">>
<<s amy "Hmm, no, I don't. Why would she do that?">>
<<s mc "She wants to move home to her boyfriend, so they can marry and have sexual relations. It's a decision made from lust. But I fear it is much worse than that. The Devil has gotten his claws in Chloe, and if Chloe leaves, Satan's corruption threatens to spread away from the monastery and the school. We can't allow it, Sister Amy.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi talk3 40 right>>
<<s amy "What do you want me to do, Father?">>
<<s mc "Chloe may not be corrupted enough yet to need the holy rites. On the other hand, she may very well be. I need to find out the truth, and if needed, use the holy rites on her. Sister Catarina has already spoken with Chloe, but it is it not enough. I need your help to convince Chloe to agree to what needs to be done. Chloe does not know of the holy rites yet – Novice Emma will educate Chloe when she is ready. What I need from you now is to convince Chloe to let me test her level of corruption. It will involve certain intimate physical contact, but only touching. I think that if you give your approval of this, Chloe will accept it.">>
<<s amy "I will speak with Chloe, Father. I will do it later today.">>
<<s mc "Thank you, Sister Amy.">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii school/chloe/3700-800 60>>
<c>You should visit Chloe in her room after supper. She may be ready to let you test her then.
<<q chloeq 700>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi talk3 40>>
<c>It looks like Sister Amy will be a valuable asset at the school. You will keep meeting her behind the stable when you want to speak with her. And if needed, to eat more of her sins of fornication.
<<qend amyq 1200>>
<<but "Continue" stable1 "ev:920 step:200">>
<<vv 8>>
<<ev 2000>> /* reusing event */
<<mi talk3 40>>
<c>You tell Sister Amy that you fear for Chloe's safety and that she must be anointed with the Holy Seed.
<p>You further explain to Sister Amy that while the attacks on the nuns have decreased a lot since you got here, the danger is far from over. Without going into details, you let Sister Amy understand that the monks are also under attack from Satan, in their own ways.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mi talk2 40>>
<<s mc "We must not get complacent. We have to stay vigilant and keep the protection strong against Satan and his minions. And now I need your help with Chloe. To make her accept the extreme measures that have to be taken. What has to be done.">>
<<s amy "I understand. I will speak to her, Father. I'll try to do it today.">>
You thank Sister Amy.
<<q chloeq 1100>>
<<but "Continue" stable1 "ev:920 step:200">>
<<event 1000>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if $qqemmafuck==400 && !setup.daysSinceLastStage("emmafuck",1)>>
<<mi emma1 45>>
<cc>You already had sex with Novice Emma today in her room. Return tomorrow.
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<mi m 50>>
<c>You want to have sex with Novice Emma outside the stable.
<p>The nuns sometimes hire a farmer to do work with a tractor. The tractor is currently parked outside the stable.</p>
<p>If you have sex with Novice Emma behind the tractor, you should be relatively safe from being discovered. To be even safer, you could ask a nun to keep watch. You think that Sister Catarina has a break right about now.</p>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<but "Ask Sister Catarina to keep watch" stable1 step:200>><<but "Have sex without a watch" stable1 step:300>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii school/catarina/talk2>>
<c>You go to the school kitchen. A few nuns are working in there, Sister Catarina being one of them. And just as you thought, she is about to go on a break.</c>
<<set $temp = "watch">>
<<if !setup.daysAfterPlayed("stable1",1000,220,0)>>
/* only first time getting cata to watch*/
<c>You tell her to follow you outside.</c>
<c>You tell her you need her to keep watch while you are with Novice Emma. Sister Catarina raises her eyebrows, realizing you plan to be intimate with Novice Emma.
<p>Whatever she thinks of it, Sister Catarina obeys. She follows you outside and takes up a position close to the stable where she has a good view of anyone approaching.</p>
<<but "Go to Novice Emma" stable1 step:300>>
<<ev 220>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 44 "right pnggg">>
<l>Once alone, you tell Sister Catarina that you need her to keep watch while you are with Novice Emma in case a student or outsider comes.
Sister Catarina raises her eyebrows, realizing you plan to be intimate with Novice Emma.
<<s mc "Is there a problem, Sister Catarina?">>
<<s catarina "No, Father. I just wondered why you wouldn't go somewhere private with Novice Emma.">>
<<s mc "That I spend time with Novice Emma is nothing that needs to be kept a secret within the convent, but the exact reasons why we do things do not need to be questioned. You just accept it. We all have different life stories and reasons to do things. If one of your sisters saw you and me on the hayloft, you wouldn't want them to pry, do you, Sister Catarina? That's not to suggest that Novice Emma has committed grave sins – as you have.">>
<<s catarina "Yes, Father. I didn't mean to pry. I was just curious. Forget I said anything. I will keep watch.">>
<<c "Go to Novice Emma">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi emma1 45 right>>
You approach Novice Emma.
<<s mc "Novice Emma, I feel a strong desire to reduce my lust with you. I want us to join flesh again, as holy warriors, without marrying.">>
<<if $qqemmafuck==400>>
<<s emma "Then we will do it, Father. I will undress.">>
<<s mc "Wait. I want to do it out in the open, not hiding. By being outside, we will be closer to God, and by not hiding, we will show to the world that we belong together.">>
<<s emma "But, Father... What if someone sees us?">>
<<s mc "We will be reasonable and not do it near people. We can do it behind the tractor. Then I can keep an eye on the school. The students should all be in class now, but if anyone comes, I will see it and we can cover ourselves before they come close.">>
<<s emma "Then we will do it, Father. Where do you want to do it?">>
<<s mc "I want to do it out in the open, behind the tractor. By being outside, we will be closer to God and we will show to the world that we belong together.">>
<<s emma "If that is your command, I will follow it.">>
<<s mc "It is.">>
<<if $temp=="watch">>
<<c "Go outside to the tractor">>
<<but "Go outside to the tractor" stable1 step:1000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<overlay "stable/1000-400" "school/catarina/head" -2 0 32 76 "png border100">><</overlay>>
<c>In the distance, on the other side of the tractor, you see Sister Catarina keeping watch.
<<s mc "As an extra precaution, I have asked Sister Catarina to keep watch, as you can see.">>
Novice Emma looks surprised – and you think excited – that Sister Catarina will know you are having sex. Hopefully, this will make Novice Emma feel even stronger that you belong to her – reducing any jealousy she might feel because you have sex with other women.
<<but "Get ready" stable1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 1000-1000 90>>
<p><<if $temp!="watch">>Once outside behind the tractor, <</if>>Novice Emma and you get ready for the act.
<<addlust 60>></p>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 1000-1200 22 pause1>>
<cc>Novice Emma continues to undress behind the tractor.
<<addlust 100>>
You stroke your manhood, enjoying the view.</p>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 1000-2200 90>>
<cc>You tell Novice Emma to first use her mouth on you.
<p>She obeys without hesitation.</p>
<<ev 3400>>
<<if $temp=="watch">>
<<overlay "stable/1000-3400" "school/catarina/head" -2 0 40 50 "png border100">><</overlay>>
<<mi m 50>>
<cc>You tell Novice Emma to stand up and bend over, which she does.
<p>Novice Emma looks at your erect manhood, knowing what is to come.</p>
<<if $temp=="watch">>
<p>Over the hood of the tractor, you see Sister Catarina. She can only see your heads.</p>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Emma's slit">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 1000-3600 90>>
<cc>You penetrate Novice Emma's slit with your manhood and start to fornicate with her.</cc>
/*(maybe mc will even tell sister catarina to come by (without emma knowing) to make emma feel you've been spotted having sex, mc belongs to her etc)*/
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 1000-4000 90>>
<cc>Her slit is wet and tight. It feels very good.</cc>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv 1000-4200 90>>
<cc>Novice Emma is clearly enjoying the act. You think doing this was a wise decision.</cc>
<<c "Switch position">>
<<ev 4400>>
<<mv 1000-4400 90>>
<cc>You want to finish this face-to-face.</cc>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv 1000-4600 90>>
<cc>Novice Emma is soon reaching orgasm. So are you.</cc>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 1000-5000 90>>
<cc>Novice Emma uses her hand, and soon after, she climaxes.
<p>You join her.</p>
<<c "Ejaculate on her breasts">><<but "Ejaculate in her slit" stable1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mv 100-1000 90 volume0.8>>
<cc>You moan loudly as you ejaculate on Novice Emma's breasts.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" stable1 step:7000>>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 1000-6000 90>>
<cc>You moan loudly as you ejaculate in Novice Emma's tight slit.
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie13 60>>
<cc>You watch your sperm oozing out of Novice Emma's slit.
<<creampie emma center>>
<p>She quietly waits.
<<but "Get dressed" stable1 step:7000>>
<<ev 7000>>
<<if $temp=="watch">>
<<overlay "stable/1000-7000" "school/catarina/head" -4 0 45 45 "right png border100">><</overlay>>
<<mi 1000-7000 40 right>>
You both get dressed. <<if $temp=="watch">>You see Sister Catarina still watching in the distance.<</if>>
<p>Novice Emma seems pleased. You think this was a good experience for her, making her feel closer to you<<if $temp=="watch">>, and showing to the world that you belong to her.<<else>>.<</if>></p>
<p>If you repeat this once in a while, you will hopefully avoid feelings of jealousy becoming a problem with Novice Emma.
<<qend emmafuck 1000>></p>
<<but "Leave" stable>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<playsound start "volume0.2 noloop">>
<<mii "title/titledissolve" 100% "center noBorder png">>
<div style="font-style:italic">Southern Europe, Mediterranean Region, AD 1979.</div>
You are a priest. For years now, you have worked for the Vatican as an investigator, a sort of clerical detective. You take on special cases that are sensitive to the Church because of their religious significance or because they could potentially damage the Church's reputation. This means being sent away, often far, to investigate reports of everything from crimes on church property to miracles, demonic possessions, and devil worshippers.
And now you are yet again being called to serve.
Your name is:
Father <<textbox "$mc" "Umberto" autofocus>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/misc/praying480 35 right>>
The Vatican has another mission for you. You will travel to a monastery, to a convent of nuns, to investigate a series of strange incidents at the request of the Mother Superior – the abbess and head of the nuns.
These incidents, involving nightly attacks on the nuns, may turn out to be mundane in nature – perhaps some type of criminal activity – but rather than involving the police and disturbing the peace in the monastery, the Mother Superior has asked the Church to look into the matter first.</p>
<p>As these attacks may be sexual in nature, the Church has reminded you of the importance of keeping any rumors of what is going on from spreading outside of the monastery. The last thing the Vatican and the good Christians at the monastery want is to have their good names dragged through the mud.</p>
<<qstart intro 100 center>>
/* doing separate cc0 here because journal message having cc will make hover message look more centered (at least on my pc). Also, getting some distance between journal message and tip looks good*/
<<tip questhover0>>
<<c "Travel to the monastery">>
<<ev 300>>
<<set $fmc = "Father $mc">>
<<mii "area/valley" 65>>
After a long journey, first by plane and then by taxi, you are getting close to your destination. You travel through a valley in a mountainous rural landscape of small villages and towns. Olive trees and fields of crops are all around.
<<if !setup.isMobileUser()>>
<<tip spacecontinue>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii "area/walls-view" 70% "center">>
Finally, you see it. The monastery is perched atop a hill overlooking a small town. You have been told that the nuns share the monastery with an order of monks, each group occupying one half of the place, with a wall that separates them, to prevent the celibate men and women from mixing.
<p>Two paved roads allow transport by car from the town all the way up the hill to the monastery. One of the roads leads to the nuns while the other road leads to the monks on the other side.</p>
<c0><<tip infotip>></c0>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii "area/wall-dirt-road" 45% right>>
A dirt road leaves the paved road and you can see the entrance to the monastery not far in the distance. You tell the taxi driver to drop you off here.
<<br>>Walking the last part on foot on the dirt road, carrying your luggage, you arrive at the imposing structure with its massive, high walls. You don't know much about this place and its history because you prefer to go in with fresh eyes when you investigate, but you do know that this used to be a medieval fortress for a few centuries before the monks took over some 700 years ago.
<<c "Follow the dirt road">>
<<ev 600>>
<<set $intro = 600>>
<<mii "area/wall-closer2" 60>>
The outer wall looks like it's in good shape for being more than a thousand years old. It obviously has been well maintained by the nuns.
You approach the entrance to the monastery. You see several buildings near the entrance.
<<but "Go to the entrance" "outside">>
<</events>><<if $qqvivienmarry<300>>
<<mii area/church 50>>
You enter the town church. It's quiet and peaceful.
<p>A couple of people sit silently by themselves in the pews.</p>
<p>You see a man near the altar. He is not dressed like a priest, but he looks like he works here.</p>
<<but "Go to the man" tchurch1 ev:100>>
<<elseif $qqvivienmarry==400 || $temp2=="marryvivien" || $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<mii area/church 50>>
<c>You arrive at the church well before the time you had arranged with Carmine.
<<s carmine "There you are. Father Piero will soon be here. I will step outside the church to get a few more witnesses for you." ii>>
<<but "Wait for the priest" tchurch1 ev:300>>
<<elseif $qqsalvatoreq == 300>>
<<mii area/church 45>>
<<mii area/oldpriesthead 24 right>>You don't see Carmine when you enter the church, but you see Father Piero by the altar, arranging things. You recognize him because he performed Mass when you first arrived at the monastery.
<p>Since the old priest is supposedly both half-blind and going deaf, you doubt he will spot you if you sneak into the side door to look for the mail. If there is no mail, you don't see any point in announcing your visit here.</p>
<<but "(Stealth) Look for mail to Father Alvaro" tchurch1 ev:500>>
<<mii area/church 50>>
<cc>You are in the town church.</cc>
<cc><<specbut2 "carmine" tchurch1 ev:200>></cc>
<<but "(Stealth) Look for mail to Sister Catarina" tchurch1 "ev:400 qqcatarinaq==1300">>
<<but "(Stealth) Look for mail to Sister Catarina" tchurch1 "ev:420 qqcatarinaq==1320 catarinaq#stageDay+1">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("delivermail")>>
<<but "Leave the church" tchurch1 "ev:220">>
<<but "Leave the church" town>>
<<event 100 area media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi carmine 40>>
<c>You greet the man. He introduces himself as Carmine, the sexton of the church.
<p>A sexton's duty generally consists of taking care of the church and the graveyard, but being a small church, Carmine also assists the priest, Father Piero, with the day-to-day work.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi carmine2 40>>
<c><<s carmine "We have already met once before, $fmc. I don't know if you remember.">>
You realize now that you met Carmine at Mass at the nuns, the first day you arrived at the monastery. It turns out that Carmine is the one who drives the Father Piero around, acting as his private chauffeur as the old priest's bad sight prevents him from driving.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi carmine 40 right>>
<<s mc "I have a special request. I would like to arrange a wedding ceremony in this church. It would not be an actual wedding, more like a rehearsal wedding, except I will stand in for the groom. It would just be the ceremony with a priest, and a few witnesses – any townspeople will do. It should be very quick. Would that be possible?">>
<<s carmine "Yes, we could do that. I could help you arrange it.">>
<<s mc "Splendid. And after the wedding, I would like a private room in the church for me and the bride, for us to pray in. Would that work?">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi carmine2 40>>
<<s carmine "We could close off the chapel for you.">>
<<s mc "That would be fine. Now, the bride wants to wear a white wedding dress. Is there a place in town where I could rent one just for the day?">>
<<s carmine "We have a few wedding dresses for rent here in the church. And suits for the groom.">>
<<s mc "Excellent. So, about the cost...">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii area/church 50>>
<c>Having a sizeable allowance as an investigator from the Vatican, you pay the cost of the wedding, including the renting of the wedding dresses. When you mention wedding rings, Carmine offers to lend you a couple of rings, free of charge, that you can exchange with the bride during the ceremony.
<p>Now you can marry Vivien here.
<<q vivienmarry 300>>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi carmine2 34>>
<<s carmine "Since you're staying at the monastery, perhaps you want to bring the mail with you? I understand you have access to both the monks and the nuns? It's been a few days since the last delivery up there.">>
<<s mc "Do you get the mail meant for the monastery? I thought it was delivered to the post office in this town?">>
<<s carmine "Yes, the mail for the monastery gets delivered to the post office, but the postmen don't deliver the mail to the monastery, it's not part of their route. So the postmen deliver the mail to this church, and then one of the delivery trucks that go to the monastery every few days to deliver supplies swings by here first to pick up any mail.">>
<<but "Take the mail" tchurch1 step:600>><<but "Don't take the mail" tchurch1 step:1000>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<cc>You accept the mail for the monastery. Carmine leaves into an open door, and five seconds later, he returns with two small stacks of mail – kept together with rubber bands – that he hands to you.
<p>It's a bunch of letters. One stack of letters is for the monks, the other is for the nuns.
<<if ndef $qqdelivermail>>
<<qstart delivermail 100 center>>
<<qmess delivermail 100 center>>
<<set $temp3 = "gotmail">>
<<but "Leave the church" town>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<c>You politely decline taking the mail with an excuse that you have other business to take care of and you may not return to the monastery for a few days.
<<if ndef $qqdelivermail>>
<<qstart delivermail 150>>
<<but "Leave the church" town>>
<<event 200 area media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi carmine 40>>
<cc><<cs carmine "It's an honor to have a visitor from the Vatican.">>
<<but "<<actQuest franciawedding>>" tchurch1 "ev:600 qqfranciawedding==100">>
<<but "Leave" tchurch>>
<<event 220>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii area/carmine2 34>>
When you are about to leave the church, Carmine speaks.
<<s carmine "$fmc, I have some mail here waiting to be delivered to the monastery. Perhaps you want to bring the mail with you?">>
<<but "Take the mail" tchurch1 "ev:100 step:600">><<but "Don't take the mail" tchurch1 "ev:100 step:1000">>
<<event 300 area media>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mv m 40>>
<c>Several townspeople are willing to witness the wedding. They sit down in the pews<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>, as do Sister Dana<</if>>. Once Father Piero arrives, the wedding ceremony begins.
<p>Vivien and you say the words you would say when you marry, knowing this is like a rehearsal wedding, not a real one.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c>But Vivien seems happy enough with the arrangement.
<p>When you finally have exchanged the rings, supplied by Carmine, the wedding ceremony is over. The priest and the witnesses leave.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi churchchapel 50>>
Carmine shows you to the chapel where you will have your privacy. <<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>Sister Dana follows you.<</if>>
<<s mc "Please make sure that no one disturbs us.">>
<<s carmine "I will see to it, $fmc." ii>>
Carmine leaves and closes the doors to the chapel.
<<ev 600>>
<<mi m 18 right>>
Alone with Vivien<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">> and Sister Dana<</if>>, you now perform the real wedding ceremony, where you marry Vivien with the Holy Marriage rite, temporarily making you husband and wife.
<p>The thought of entering Vivien's virgin slit makes you hard.
<<addlust 100>>
<<s mc "We should not wait. It's time to consummate the marriage.">>
<<c "Take out your erect manhood">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mi m 66>>
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<s dana "I will be over here, Vivien, if you need me. Remember that you can stop at any time. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." ii>>
<<s vivien "I know. But this will be for the best." ii>>
<cc>Vivien looks at your stiff rod. You may now consummate the marriage.</cc>
<<set $temp = 100>>
<<but "Penetrate Vivien's virgin slit" tchurch1 step:1000>><<but "Tell Vivien to use her mouth first" tchurch1 step:800>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv m 72 volume0.4>>
<<if $temp == 100>>
<c>Although your manhood is ready to penetrate Vivien between her legs, you tell the young girl to use her mouth on you first. With all the sexual desires in her body, this is an opportunity for Vivien to live out her obscene fantasies in the least sinful way possible – as a wife pleasuring her husband.</c>
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<s dana "$fmc, aren't you supposed to consummate the marriage?" ii>>
<<s mc "I want to give Vivien more time to get fantasies of this obscene act out of her system.">>
<cc2>Vivien's mouth feels very good. You might as well give her more time to get fantasies of this obscene act out of her system.</cc2>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv m 20 volume0.5>>
<cc>Vivien dutifully keeps using her mouth on you, waiting for your next command.
<p>This is enjoyable, but it's not why you are here.
<<set $temp = 200>>
<<but "Penetrate her virgin slit" tchurch1 step:1000>><<but "Let her keep going" tchurch1 step:800>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.3>>
<c>You tell Vivien to get naked and lie down.
<p>Then you lie behind Vivien and enter her virgin slit. She is already wet. That and Vivien's lustful moaning tell you that <<if !setup.questCompleted("vivienmarry")>>this is something her young body has desired for a long time.<<else>>her fertile young body is primed to receive the seed of a man.<</if>></p>
<<c "Tell Vivien to get on top">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You let Vivien do most of the work.<br>
This should let her live out more of her lustful desires.
<p>She soon climaxes.</p>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>While Vivien catches her breath, you take back command by changing to a new position.<br>Touching Vivien's breasts will help her reach a second orgasm.
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<cs dana "Are you okay, Vivien?" ii>>
<<cs vivien "Yes, it felt so good. And it still feels good.">>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<c><<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<s dana "How long will this take, $fmc?" ii>>
<<s mc "It depends on Vivien. Vivien, you should climax at least once more to drive the lust out of your body.">>
<<s mc "It would be good if you climaxed at least once more to drive the lust out of your body.">>
<<s vivien "I think I will do it again soon.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("vivienmarry")>>
<cc>Before long, Vivien has another orgasm. This pushes you over the edge.
<p>You pull out to release your seed in Vivien's face.<br>Since you haven't summoned the Holy Seed, you will not anoint her.</p>
<<but "Release your seed in her face" tchurch1 step:3000>>
<c>Vivien was right. It doesn't take long before she has another orgasm. You feel that you are ready to join her. But you could also do something else.</c>
<<but "Release your seed" tchurch1 step:3000>><<but "Penetrate Vivien's forbidden hole" tchurch1 step:2300>>
<<ev 2300>>
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<mi m 64>>
<c>You put the tip of your hard member at Vivien's forbidden hole and begin to slowly push inside her.
<<s dana "What you are doing, $fmc? We haven't talked about this." ii>>
<<s mc "Sodomizing Vivien could drive out lust that won't be driven out the other way.">>
<<but "Continue" tchurch1 step:2330>>
<<mi m 60>>
<c>Placing the tip of your manhood at Vivien's forbidden hole, you begin to slowly push inside her.
<<s mc "Sodomizing you could drive out lust that won't be driven out from your slit.">>
<<s vivien "But isn't sodomy a grave sin?">>
<<s mc "It can be, yes, but this is to protect you from the lust demon and it's your husband doing it which lessens the sin considerably. God will understand this.">>
<<s vivien "Okay, Father, but please be careful.">>
<<but "Sodomize Vivien" tchurch1 step:2400>>
<<ev 2330>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s dana "Vivien, do you want to do this?" ii>>
<<s vivien "I'm not sure..." ii>>
<<s dana "Then you won't do it, Father." ii>>
<<s mc "As you wish. I'll keep going the normal way.">>
<<c "Penetrate Vivien's wet slit again">>
<<ev 2360>>
<<mv 300-2200 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You go back to thrusting your manhood into Vivien's wet slit.
<p>Soon you reach orgasm.</p></cc>
<<but "Release your seed" tchurch1 step:3000>>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You move your hard member in and out of Vivien's tight rectum.</cc>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.3>>
<cc>You continue to sodomize Vivien until you can't stop the seed from coming.
<<but "Release seed in her face" tchurch1 step:3000>><<but "Release seed in her butt" tchurch1 step:2600>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mvv misc/cum/cumanal3 40 "speed0.75 pause1">>
<cc>You release your seed in Vivien's young butt.</cc>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mi 300-2330 45 right>>
<l>You take a moment to rest.
Then, as the Holy Marriage with Vivien has been consummated, you annul it.
<<cs mc "Hopefully, this will ease your sinful desires for a while.">>
<<cs vivien "I think it will. But not for long, I'm afraid." ii>>
<<but "Get dressed" tchurch1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 300-cum 70 volume0.2>>
<cc>You release your seed in Vivien's face.</cc>
<<ev 3100>>
<<mv 300-cumafter 70 volume0.2>>
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<cs dana "Did you anoint her, Father?" ii>>
<<cs mc "No, this was about consummating the marriage. A sacred act between a husband and wife.">>
Though your seed is just regular seed this time, it feels good to rub it across Vivien's face using your manhood. As her husband, you feel a duty to make her get used to this for the times when you will anoint her with the Holy Seed.
<<ev 3200>>
<<mi 300-cumafter2 60>>
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>
<<s dana "Then why was it necessary to do it in her face? You could have done it on the floor or anywhere else." ii>>
<<s mc "I must anoint Vivien with the Holy Seed regularly to protect her from the lust demon. If she gets used to receiving the seed this way from her husband doing it, that's a good thing.">>
<<cs mc "How do you feel now, Vivien?">>
<<cs vivien "It felt so good. I am so relaxed now.">>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mi 300-consummated 60>>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">
As the temporary marriage with Vivien has been consummated, you annul it.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("vivienmarry")>>
<c><<qend vivienmarry 1000>></c>
<<s mc "Hopefully, this will ease your sinful desires for a while.">>
<<s vivien "I think it will. But not for long, I'm afraid." ii>>
<<but "Continue" tchurch1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3330>>
<<mi 300-600 20 right>>
<l>Before leaving the chapel, you remind Vivien of why you married and had sexual relations. She can now fornicate without breaking her promise to God to never have sex before marriage, allowing you to eat her sins of fornication.
<<s vivien "Yes, I know, $fmc. I will... have to think about it." ii>>
<<s dana "Yes, you do that, Vivien. It must be your decision. And take your time. $fmc and I have agreed that, for the time being, it is best that you only have intercourse with $fmc like you had now, consummating the marriage. Isn't that right, $fmc?" ii>>
<<s mc "Yes, that's correct.">>
<<ev 3350>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 34 pnggg>>
<<s dana " We hope this will reduce your lust, Vivien, making it easier to resist sinning in your room. But when you have intercourse here in the church, consummating the marriage, I want to be present every time you do that, for the time being. Would you like that, Vivien?">>
<<s vivien "Yes, that would make me feel safe." ii>>
<<s mc "So be it. We will talk more later, Vivien.">>
You should leave Vivien alone for a couple of days.
<<q vivienfornicate 1000>>
<<ev 3380>>
<<mii dungeon/500-900 70>>
<c>Sister Dana has approved of you marrying Vivien as long as she is present, but that's it. Until Sister Dana is convinced that the holy rites are of God, she will not allow you to fornicate with Vivien, or even marry her without Sister Dana present.
<p>You have to find a way to make Sister Dana come around. The upcoming threesome with her and Riley is your big chance to make Sister Dana accept the truth of the holy rites. But first, you have to get Riley to agree to participate in the threesome.
<<if $qqriley == 970>>
<<but "Continue" tchurch1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3390>>
<<mii school/riley/face4 40>>
Riley promised to agree to the threesome if you could prove you have had intercourse with Vivien.
<p>Having now had intercourse with Vivien, you should speak with Riley about how to prove it.
<<q riley 975>></p>
<<ev 3400>> /* Don't change. Referenced in school to see how long it was since vivien had sex here */
<<mi church 50>>
You leave the chapel and return the wedding dresses and the rings to Carmine.
<<if $qqvivienfornicate == 1100>>
<p>Now that you repeatedly have had intercourse with Vivien, perhaps she will be more willing to fornicate with you. You should talk to Vivien in her room during the day.
<<q vivienfornicate 1200 center>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("delivermail")>>
<<but "Leave the church" tchurch1 step:3500>>
<<but "Leave the church" town>>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi carmine2 34>>
<<if $temp2=="marryviviendana">>Sister Dana and Vivien leave the church. As you are about to follow them,<<else>>
Vivien leaves the church. As you are about to follow her,<</if>> Carmine speaks.
<<s carmine "$fmc, I have some mail here waiting to be delivered to the monastery. Perhaps you want to bring the mail with you?">>
<<but "Take the mail" tchurch1 "ev:100 step:600">><<but "Don't take the mail" tchurch1 "ev:100 step:1000">>
<<event 400 area media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 30>>
<c>You didn't want to take the risk of opening mail to the monastery again, but intercepting mail to Sister Catarina might be the only way for you to get to the bottom of what is going on with her. And since you will only open mail meant for Sister Catarina, no one else, the risk will be much smaller than when opening them all.
<<ev 120>>
<<mii misc/letter 34 pnggg>>
<c>It was thanks to a letter to Sister Catarina from a nun in another convent that you learned of Sister Catarina's "struggle", which you think is related to the secret meetings. But the nun didn't seem to know much about it.
<p>If you are lucky, however, Sister Catarina has told about her secret meetings and her "struggle" to someone else she communicates with via mail. Someone who knows more than that nun.</p>
<<c "Look for an opportunity to find the mail">>
<<ev 150>>
<<mi carmine2 34>>
When Carmine got the mail for you, he entered an open door and returned in just a few seconds. That door is open now too.
<p>When Carmine is busy with something else away from the door, you casually walk through the doorway.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<cc>Just inside the door, you see two stacks of mail on a table – one for the monks, one for the nuns.
<p>You look around, but you see no one. The coast is clear.</p>
<p>Now you must search the mail for anything addressed to Sister Catarina.</p>
<<c "Look through the mail to the nuns">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi church 50>>
<c>But you don't find anything addressed to Sister Catarina. You quickly return to the main room to avoid detection.
<p>You had no luck this time, but it could take many days before Sister Catarina gets another letter.</p>
<p>And even then, you might not learn anything of value. But maybe you will...
<<q catarinaq 1320>>
<<but "Continue" tchurch>>
<<event 420 area media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi carmine2 34>>
You want to take another shot at intercepting mail to Sister Catarina.
<p>When Carmine is busy with something else away from the room where the mail is kept, you casually walk through the doorway.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 74 pnggg>>
<cc>Again, you see two stacks of mail on a table.
<p>You look around, but you see no one. The coast is clear.</p>
<p>Now you must search the mail for anything addressed to Sister Catarina.</p>
<<c "Look through the mail to the nuns">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii misc/letter_closed 40 pnggg>>
<c>This time, you are in luck. You find an envelope addressed to Sister Catarina.
<p>Now you have to return to the monastery and your lab to open the envelope. Then you have to reseal the envelope and deliver the letter to Sister Catarina's room when she is not there. It should be easy enough.
<<q catarinaq 1350>>
<<but "Continue" tchurch>>
<<vv 7>>
<<event 500 area media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii misc/envelopes 50 pnggg>>
<c>You enter the door to look for the mail.
<p>You find two small stacks of mail on the table. So there is mail, but you don't know if today's mail has already been delivered.</p>
<p>In any case, you can't just take the mail. You must talk to Father Piero.</p>
<<ev 200>>
<cc0>Before you have time to leave, Carmine arrives from further inside the church.</cc0>
<<mi carmine2 28>>
<<s carmine "Good morning, $fmc. Can I help you?">>
<<s mc "Good morning, Carmine. I was just looking around to see if there was any mail for the monastery. I thought I could bring it back with me. I didn't want to disturb Father Piero as he was busy by the altar.">>
<<s carmine "I understand. Yes, we have some mail as you can see. Please take it. Do you have a car waiting for you?">>
<<s mc "No, I'm taking the bus.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi carmine 40 right>>
<<s carmine "Oh? But it's morning. Did you take the bus to town just for the mail?">>
<<s mc "Not exactly. I took a morning stroll down the hill. Getting some exercise. While I'm in town I thought I might as well swing by and bring back the mail.">>
<<s carmine "I see. But then let me drive you. I have some time to spare.">>
<<s mc "That's very kind of you. But before we leave, I wonder, has today's mail been delivered here yet?">>
<<s carmine "Yes, it arrived just before you came here.">>
<<s mc "Good. Then there is no point for me to wait. We can leave now if you want.">>
<<s carmine "Right away, then. Follow me.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<hubShowRoom area/church_small 80 33 10 80 townhub>>
<c>You follow Carmine outside and enter a black car that is parked in a reserved parking space.
<p>Carmine starts the car and off you go.</p>
<p>You tell Carmine to drive you to the nuns' side of the monastery. If there is mail for Father Alvaro, you must use your lab to open it.</p>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi carmine 40 right>>
<l>Sitting in the car with Carmine, you take the opportunity to get to know him a little better.
<<s mc "Do you often use the car by yourself like this?">>
<<s carmine "It happens, yes. Father Piero sends me on errands and sometimes I visit parishioners.">>
<<s mc "Have you been the sexton for long? Did you work for the previous town priest?">>
<<s carmine "Yes, I became the sexton before Father Claudio, the former priest, left and Father Piero took over the church. Before I became the sexton, I worked as a youth worker for the church, spreading the word among the younger generations.">>
<<s mc "Ever considered becoming a priest?">>
<<s carmine "I did once, but I don't think it's for me. I'm not that big on ceremony and leading. I like the relative freedom of my current and previous jobs at the church.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi carmine2 38>>
With free use of the car, Carmine could drive to the monastery at night. But so could anyone with a car, a scooter, or a bike. Or they could just walk there if they don't live too far away. You have no good reason to single out Carmine as a suspect of all the people living in the area.
<p>Still, he is one of the few men who has been inside the nuns' walls several times, driving the town priest there for Mass. Is it possible Carmine found a secret entrance or similar while being there?</p>
<p>But that's just pure speculation.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii outside/outside-nuns 80>>
<cc>When you approach the monastery, Carmine enters the dusty road and drives you all the way to the entrance. He drops you off and bids you farewell.
<p>Now you have mail to take care of.</p>
<<but "Go to your room" mc1 ev:3200>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 600 area media>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi carmine2 38>>
<c><<s mc "I would like to rent a bridal gown for an extended amount of time – to take with me, as the weddings will be officiated elsewhere. Would that be possible? I could perhaps buy one if that is preferable to you. The cheapest one you have would be fine enough.">>
<<s carmine "I think we can arrange something.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii misc/bridalgown 40 pnggg>>
<c>You spend a few minutes with Carmine coming to an agreement about buying a bridal gown. While you have a decent allowance from the Vatican at your disposal, you don't want to use too much money on something like this.
<<lh>>In the end, you make a deal with Carmine. In exchange for a substantially reduced cost when buying the bridal gown – and a couple of cheap rings – you will spend the rest of the day working in the church, meeting with the congregation and leading the prayers. Carmine says the town folk will be delighted to have a Vatican priest in their church.
<<ev 300>>
<<mi oldpriesthead 40>>
<c>As per your agreement with Carmine, you start now.
You spend the rest of the day in the church, working alongside Father Piero, the aging church priest.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi church 50>>
<c>Eventually, it is getting late and you have fulfilled your part of the deal.
<<s carmine "Would you like me to drive you to the monastery, $fmc?" ii>>
<<s mc "That would be much appreciated.">>
<<c "Follow Carmine to his car">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mi carmine2 40>>
<cc>Carmine drives you to the monastery.</cc>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii outside/outside-nuns 80>>
<c>When you approach the monastery, Carmine enters the dusty road and drives you all the way to the entrance. He drops you off and bids you farewell.
<<q franciawedding 200>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:1200 step:200">>
<</events>><<qinit gabriellaq 2300>>
<<qinit amnesiaq 300>>
amnq: $qqamnesiaq
<<but "test puzzles" lab1 "ev:2100 step:300">><<nobr>>
<cc style="margin-bottom:0px;">
<div style="color:#f80; font-size:260%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>Town</b></div>
/*<<mii "misc/under" 100% "noBorder png styling margin-bottom:1.5rem stylingend">>*/
<div style="position: relative">
<<mii "area/hub_town" "100%" "noZoom">>
<<if $daytime!="supper">> /* only one "townupdate" event per town visit */
<<for _i to 0; _i < 1; i++>>
<<pop tchurch>>
<<if ndef town>>
<<set $town = 100>>
<<set _allowLeave = true>>
<<if $qqsalvatoreq == 300>>
<<set _allowLeave = false>>
<<if _allowLeave>>
<<if $daytime=="supper">>
<cc>It's getting late. Time to return to the monastery.</cc>
<<but "Return to the monastery" nuns1 ev:1200>>
<<but "Return to the monastery" hub>>
<</nobr>><<run setup.setUpstairsRooms()>>
<div style="position: relative;">
<<hubShowRoom "hub/upstairs" 1 1 82 100 "png noBackground">>
<span class="upstairs-title-button shadow2">Upstairs</span>
<<set _cl = "pop-room-base upstairs-button">>
<<set _showDownstairs = true>>
<<if $qqamyq==600>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAmy>
<<but "Sister Amy" upstairs1 "ev:100 upstairsRoom">>
<<if $qqamyq==900>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAmy>
<<but "Sister Amy" upstairs1 "ev:100 step:1000 upstairsRoom">>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen>=100 && !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",300)>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomRumika>
<<but "Sister Rumika" upstairs1 "ev:200 upstairsRoom">>
<<if $temp2=="rumikaupstairs">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomRumika>
<<but "Sister Rumika" upstairs1 "ev:200 upstairsRoom">>
<<set _showDownstairs = false>>
<<if _showDownstairs>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomDownstairs>
<<specbut "Downstairs" hub>>
/** To avoid overlapping locations, uncomment to see all locations as set in setup.setUpstairsRooms */
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomDownstairs>
<<specbut "Downstairs" hub nonreactiveButton>>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAlma>
<<but "Novice Alma<br>(Victim 1)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:1000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomTheodora>
<<but "Novice Theodora<br>(Victim 2)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:2000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomCatarina>
<<but "Sister Catarina<br>(Victim 3)" nuns1 "ev:1600 step:3000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomAmy>
<<but "Sister Amy" upstairs1 "ev:100 step:1000 upstairsRoom nonreactiveButton">>
<div @class=_cl @style=_roomRumika>
<<but "Sister Rumika" upstairs1 "ev:200 upstairsRoom">>
/* Note that the room values are related to the passage width/top, and so values far from the middle (like alma's room) will become more displaced the less the width of the layout pic, so use a width of preferably like 85 or more. This will look and scale the same regardless of font size etc. */
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>When the nuns are in the chapel for Compline, you sneak into Sister Amy's room and hide a cloth soaked with <<potionNightmareOil>> under her bed.
<p>Tomorrow, you should meet with Sister Amy behind the stables. Maybe you can finally convince her to submit to the holy rites.
<<q amyq 800>>
<<but "Leave the room" upstairs>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii lab/oilycloth 40 pnggg>>
<c>When the nuns are gathered for prayers in the chapel, you sneak into Sister Amy's room and remove the cloth soaked with <<potionNightmareOil>> from under her bed.
<p>Tomorrow, you should meet with Sister Amy behind the stables. Hopefully, she will sleep well, without any nightmares, thanks to the holy rite of Sin Eating – and Sister Amy's belief that you cleansed her of her sins.
<<q amyq 940>>
<<but "Leave the room" upstairs>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 200 rumika nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",300)>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi head3 33>>
Sister Rumika has admitted, both in words and in action, that she is lustful above what's normal – and appropriate – for a nun. She has been attacked twice by the lust demon, again showing that the lust demon is attracted to lustful targets to feed on.
You have anointed Sister Rumika and made her climax, but lately, you have been so busy with other women that Sister Rumika may have a lot of pent-up lust.</p>
Now you stand at the door to her room.</p>
<<set $temp2 = null>> /* used in send for a nun replay */
<<c "Knock and quickly enter">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi torso 48 "pnggg">>
<c>You knock on the door to Sister Rumika's room and quickly enter.
<<addlust 20 lh>>
Inside, you see Sister Rumika half-naked – her well-shaped breasts exposed as she is bending down to remove her panties. It seems you happened to enter when she was undressing for bed.
<<s rumika "$fmc, what are you doing here?">>
She leaves her panties on and quickly covers her breasts.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi head4 44 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "My holy lust desires your slit, Sister Rumika. It has been some time since I anointed you and made you climax. The lust demon will be attracted to your pent-up lust. So I will lie with you to make you climax, and then anoint you to strengthen your protection against the lust demon.">>
<<s rumika "Can we do it another day, Father? I was just about to go to bed.">>
<<s mc "What better time, then? You will climax and sleep well.">>
<<s rumika "If you want to do it, Father, I will not stop you.">>
<<s mc "Good, then remove your panties and use your mouth on me to get me ready.">>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.8>>
<c>Sister Rumika drops her panties as ordered. Seeing her slit quickly makes your male organ hard. You present your erect manhood to the nun, and she dutifully takes it in her mouth.
<<addlust 100 lh>>
Sister Rumika stimulates you with her mouth. You say a few words of encouragement.
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 70 volume0.8>>
<c>Sister Rumika's mouth feels very good, but you are here to make the nun climax.
<<s mc "I am ready. Lie down and spread your legs for me.">>
Sister Rumika obediently does as you say.
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.8>>
<c>You penetrate Sister Rumika's slit with your erect manhood. It feels wonderful as usual.
You fornicate with Sister Rumika.
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.8>>
<c>You keep thrusting into Sister Rumika's slit which soon gets wet.
<p>The nun enjoys the act, but she appears far from climaxing yet. Trying something more perverted might help.</p>
<<c "Do it like a dog">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.8>>
<c>You fornicate with Sister Rumika like a dog. She seems to like it, but you expected her to have climaxed by now.
<<s mc "Does it feel good, Sister? You're taking longer than usual.">>
<<s rumika "I am ashamed to admit it feels good, Father. If I'm taking longer than usual, I will see that as a good thing.">>
<<s mc "But it is important that you climax to reduce the lust available to the lust demon.">>
<<s rumika "Lie on top of me between my legs. I think that will do it.">>
<<c "Lie between Sister Rumika's legs">>
<<ev 3300>>
<<mv m 84 volume0.8>>
<c>Sister Rumika spreads her legs for you. Lying on top of the nun, you re-enter her wet slit.
<p>Sister Rumika seems to enjoy joining flesh with you in the position God intended this to be done. You grab the nun's delicious breasts to further enhance her pleasure.</p>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv m 84 volume0.8>>
<c>Eventually, Sister Rumika has an orgasm.
<p>You are not far behind. A few more thrusts into her wet slit, and your seed is on its way.</p>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",300)>>
<c>Since it has been a while, you decide to anoint the nun in her face and not her slit.</c>
<<c "(Pull out) Anoint in her face">><<but "Anoint inside her slit" upstairs1 "step:5000 lustfulwomen#played300">>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mv m 86 volume0.8>>
<cc>You pull out and anoint Sister Rumika with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<but "Get dressed" upstairs1 step:6000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie1before 70 volume0.5>>
You ejaculate inside Sister Rumika's slit, saying the words to anoint her.
<<creampie rumika>>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie1 70 volume0.5>>
<c>You look at the Holy Seed coming out of Sister Rumika.
<p>The nun says nothing, having accepted your seed between her legs and enjoying the afterglow of her orgasm.</p></c>
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi head4 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Your lust is reduced and you have been anointed. My work here is done. Now you can go to sleep. Good night, Sister Rumika.">>
<<s rumika "Good night, $fmc.">>
<<if !($replayingEvent > 0)>>
<<info "Sister Rumika" "This event can now be replayed in your room (Send for a nun)" "encounter">>
<<set $sendForNuns.push("Sister Rumika")>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",300)>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mii nuns/rumika/head3 34>>
<cc>You made Sister Rumika climax and anointed her.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 300 center>>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<</events>>/*<<q lustfulwomen 2000>> TEST*/
<<if $qqvictoriaq == 200>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/100-40 90>>
<c><<s dana "Thank you for coming, Father $mc. We found Novice Victoria like this on the bed. She was trying to resist the urge to sin with herself. But she won't agree to your help. Maybe if you talk to her...">>
<<set $victoriaExorcism = 1>>
<<but "Continue" victoria1 ev:50>>
<<elseif $qqvictoriaq >= 300 && $qqvictoriaq < 1000>>
<<if $qqvictoriaq==400>>
/* victoriaq 500 is set using qmess, so check for daysSinceLastStage etc is for stage 400 */
<<if !setup.checkqStage("victoriaq", 500)>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 28 pnggg>>
<c>Before attempting another exorcism on Novice Victoria, you should investigate her possible demonic possession.</c>
<<elseif !setup.daysSinceLastStage("victoriaq",2)>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 35 pnggg>>
<cc>You should give Sister Ann some more time to get educated about the holy rites before attempting another exorcism on Novice Victoria.</cc>
<<set $victoriaExorcism = 1>>
<<mvv nuns/victoria/200-202 74 volume0.3>>
<c>Approaching Novice Victoria's room, you see a strange scene.
<p>Novice Victoria acts like she is under attack by the lust demon you said is possessing her. Her lust must have returned and she believed it was the demon.
<<s ann "Father $mc, thank God you are here. I went with Novice Victoria to the bathroom to wash up before bed and then this started. ">>
<<but "Continue" victoria1 ev:200>>
<<else>> /* qqvictoriaq == 300 */
<<if $victoriaExorcism == 0>>
<<set $victoriaExorcism = 1>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 28 pnggg>>
<cc>You want to check in on Novice Victoria. She might be ready for another exorcism.
<<but "Continue" victoria1 ev:100>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 28 pnggg>>
<cc>Sister Ann is keeping a close eye on Novice Victoria.<br>You should leave them both alone tonight.</cc>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen>=100 && $qqlustfulwomen<3000>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",500)>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic 28 pnggg>>
<c>You have been using an <<potionLustOil>> on Novice Victoria when performing the exorcisms on her. But even when taking the lust oil into account, Novice Victoria has proven she is very lustful. So lustful, you have at times wondered if she may in fact be possessed by a demon.
<p>But analyzing the situation calmly, that is incorrect. She may be experiencing a lingering effect of the lust drug the lust demon used on her when she was attacked, but Novice Victoria is not possessed. She may believe she is, or she is using it as an excuse to climax.</p>
<p>Either way, Novice Victoria has already been attacked, and her high lust will surely continue to attract the lust demon. You must reduce her lust and anoint her.</p>
<p>You go to Novice Victoria's room.</p>
<<but "Continue" victoria1 ev:300>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/300-6000 90>>
<c>You have already been intimate with Novice Victoria recently. You should take care of the other women on your list.</c>
<<elseif $qqlustfulwomen>=3000>> /* everything new now added here */
<<if setup.checkPlayedToday("victoria1",300,300) || setup.checkPlayedToday("victoria1",300,100)>>
<<mii nuns/victoria/vic2 30 pnggg>>
<cc>You have already visited Novice Victoria today. You should leave her alone.</cc>
<<mii nuns/victoria/walking 30>>
<c>You see Novice Victoria going toward her room, probably coming from the bathroom.
<p>For a moment, you think she looks unsteady on her feet. You wonder if she is "possessed" again.</p>
<<but "Approach Novice Victoria" victoria1 "ev:300 step:300">>
<<elseif $victoriaExorcism < 3>> /* can exorcise every second day */
<<mii nuns/victoria/50-1000 60>>
<cc>You recently performed an exorcism on Novice Victoria.<br>
You should leave her alone tonight.</cc>
<<set $victoriaExorcism = 1>>
<<mvv nuns/victoria/200-202 74 volume0.3>>
<c>Approaching Novice Victoria's room, you see that she is in trouble again.
<p>Novice Victoria acts like she is under attack by the lust demon you said is possessing her. Her lust must have returned and she believed it was the demon.
<<s ann "Father $mc, thank God you are here. I went with Novice Victoria to the bathroom to wash up before bed and then this started. ">>
<<but "Don't perform an exorcism tonight" victoria1 "ev:200 step:260">><<but "Perform an exorcism" victoria1 ev:200>>
<<event 50 victoria nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face10 36>>
<<s mc "Sister Ann, may I ask that you leave the room? There are things I can't talk about with you present.">>
<<s ann "I will leave for a little while, Father $mc, but I want to be present if you perform an exorcism.">>
<<s mc "I can't promise anything. I'll know more after I talk with Novice Victoria.">>
Sister Ann leaves the room.
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 50-200 90>>
<<s mc "Novice Victoria, I understand you have some problems with lustful feelings. Know that you are not alone in this. I've helped several other victims of the lust demon with this problem.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mi 50-300 80>>
<<s victoria "But I don't want to sin like that... with the holy rites. I don't want to be anointed.">>
<<s mc "To be honest, I'm not sure an anointing will be enough. I may need to eat your sins of lust. But let's start with your lustful feelings. Did they increase after the attack?">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 50-400 45 right>>
<<s victoria "Yes. The first days after the attack, I couldn't stand it. I had to sin with myself. Then it became a little better, but it never went away. I can stand a few days of not sinning, but then I have to do it again, to get release.">>
<<s mc "The sin of Onan is a grave sin for a nun.">>
<<s victoria "I know. Which is why I haven't told anyone about it. Except Sister Ann. But I think the holy rites are even more sinful. That's how I feel about them.">>
<<s mc "I understand. You haven't accepted the truth, that they are of God. But Sister Dana can confirm that they are. Right, Sister Dana?">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mi 50-600 84>>
<<s dana "They are of God, Novice Victoria. I have experienced it myself. I was cleansed of very grave sins thanks to the holy rites.">>
<<s victoria "I'm sorry, I can't do it. I'd rather sin with myself than what you want me to do.">>
<<s dana "We won't force you, Novice Victoria. We only want to help you.">>
<<s victoria "I know, but I can't accept your help. I'm sorry.">>
<<ev 620>>
<<mi 50-400 45 right>>
<<s mc "Then I want to try an exorcism, Novice Victoria.">>
<<s victoria "You think I'm possessed by a demon?">>
<<s mc "Very possibly. A lust demon. It would explain your increased lust.">>
<<s victoria "We could try it as long as you promise we won't do anything intimate.">>
<<s mc "If it's a lust demon, I may have to use the holy rites to weaken it. I won't do anything unless I have your consent, but if you are indeed possessed, we have to act or your soul is doomed. You don't want your soul to be lost to Satan, do you, Novice Victoria?">>
<<s victoria "No. But I'm afraid what you will do during the exorcism, if it's a lust demon.">>
<<s mc "You have to be strong and have faith in the Lord. I will be here with you, and Sister Dana and Sister Ann.">>
<<ev 640>>
<<mi 50-600 84>>
<<s dana "You must let Father $mc try to help you. We want to save you from Satan, Novice Victoria.">>
<<s victoria "You can do the exorcism if you promise to only use the holy rites if I'm possessed by a demon.">>
<<s mc "That's a wise decision, Novice Victoria, and I promise.">>
<<ev 660>>
<<mi 50-300 80>>
<c><<s mc "I will step out to talk to Sister Dana for a minute. I will send in Sister Ann to be with you. Then we'll do the exorcism. But remember that Sister Ann doesn't know about the holy rites yet, and you can't tell her about them.">>
<<s victoria "I know, Father. I won't.">>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso 50>>
Sister Dana follows you out into the hallway.
<p>Sister Ann is waiting outside. You tell her that you are going to perform an exorcism and ask her to wait inside. Sister Ann enters Novice Victoria's room and closes the door. You are alone with Sister Dana.</p>
<<ev 720>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 34 pnggg>>
<<s mc "It's only been a day since we spoke. Have you had a chance to talk more with Sister Ann, to prepare her for what she might see?">>
<<s dana "Yes, and I think that Sister Ann is ready to witness the holy rites. As I said, I had already hinted about the holy rites to her before. She understands it will be something extreme, but necessary considering the circumstances. Although... I'm not sure Sister Ann would be convinced unless the holy rite proved very successful. Like it was with me.">>
<<s mc "Let's hope it is, then. If Novice Victoria is indeed possessed by a lust demon, I may need to use the holy rites to fornicate with her to weaken the demon, depending on how strong it is. Performing an exorcism without doing the necessary things could risk empowering the demon, causing it to entrench even deeper.">>
<<ev 740>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head2 34 pnggg>>
<<s dana "Then you must do whatever is necessary.">>
<<s mc "Yes. I need your help with Novice Victoria as well as Sister Ann when I'm busy with the rites.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father, I will do my best.">>
<<s mc "Then we should begin.">>
<<c "Enter Novice Victoria's room">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mi 100-40 70>>
You doubt a lust demon has possessed Novice Victoria. She may be experiencing a lingering effect of the lust drug you believe the attacker uses on the victims. Perhaps the lust drug changed something in Novice Victoria's young body, making her libido go into overdrive.
<p>However, demonic possessions are real and you have yet to determine if a real demon is involved in the attacks or not. You can't rule out that Novice Victoria is in fact possessed by a demon. You should perform a real exorcism and see what happens.</p>
<<c "Get on with the exorcism">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mi 100-900 90>>
<<s mc "Sister Ann, have you ever been present at an exorcism before?">>
<<s ann "No, Father.">>
<<ev 920>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face10 40 right>>
<<s mc "If Novice Victoria is possessed, you should know that things can get very ugly when the demon fights back. If the demon is a lust demon, you have to be prepared to witness perverted acts of lust. You must understand that I, as the exorcist, may have to fight the lust demon with very extreme measures. As you fight fire with fire, I must fight the lust demon with lust. You must be prepared for this to happen, or you have to leave now.">>
<<s ann "I am prepared, Father $mc. Sister Dana has given me an idea of what I can expect. I am ready to assist.">>
<<s mc "Then we will begin.">>
<<c "Start the exorcism">>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi 50-1000 60>>
First, you prepare a bowl with water that you bless.
<p>Then you perform a standard exorcism on Novice Victoria by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel. Sister Ann and Sister Dana are holding Novice Victoria in case she is possessed and the demon fights back.</p>
<<c "Keep performing the exorcism">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mi 100-900 82>>
<c>You perform the exorcism for a few minutes.
<<s mc "How are you feeling, Novice Victoria? Anything changing?">>
<<s victoria "No, I feel the same.">>
<<s mc "Then either you are not possessed, or the demon is too strong and clever to show itself. In that case, we need to do something more extreme to get to it.">>
<<ev 1150>>
<<mi 50-1000 60>>
<<s victoria "I don't want to do anything too extreme. I don't consent to... what we talked about.">>
That's still a No from Novice Victoria on using the holy rites.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 34 pnggg>>
<<s dana "What about the holy anointing oil, Father? I saw you using it in an exorcism.">>
Sister Dana refers to the oil you used on Mother Magda, which was in reality <<potionConfusionAntidote>> to temporarily cure Mother Magda's confusion.
<<s mc "I may have to use it, yes, but it's a powerful holy oil. It shouldn't be used lightly.">>
You need time to think about how to proceed.
<<ev 1300>>
<<mi 50-1000 60>>
<c>You end the exorcism. There was no sign of a demon, but what you told them is true: it's still possible that Novice Victoria is possessed but the demon is hiding from you.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 100-900 70>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Victoria, if your lust continues to be a problem, we have to repeat the exorcism at some point. If you are possessed, the demon will try to make you commit the sin of Onan. You mustn't give in to the temptation. Sister Ann and Sister Dana will keep an eye on you. Ask them for help if you need it. Send for me if the situation gets critical.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1450>>
<<mi 100-40 80>>
<<s ann "I will be by your side, Novice Victoria.">>
<<s dana "Have faith in the Lord and we will get through this, Novice Victoria.">>
<<q victoriaq 300>>
<<c "Leave them">>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face10 40>>
<c>You have to make Sister Ann witness the holy rites, but you shouldn't push Novice Victoria too much too soon.
<p>Since you couldn't help Novice Victoria with her lust, her lust will likely continue to be a problem for her, and then you will get more chances to try to help her using the holy rites.
<<q revelationann 200>></p></c>
/******************* later exorcism when having lust post ***/
<<event 100 victoria nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi 100-40 70>>
<c>When you arrive, you see Sister Ann and Sister Dana on the bed with a Novice Victoria in her underwear.
<<s dana "It's a good thing you showed up, Father $mc. We were thinking about sending for you. Novice Victoria's problem hasn't gotten any better. She is struggling not to commit the sin of Onan.">>
<<s mc "Novice Victoria, I want to perform another exorcism on you. If you are possessed, we must exorcise the demon before it corrupts your soul.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi 100-900 70>>
<<s victoria "Okay, Father, but you can't do anything too extreme unless you are sure I'm possessed.">>
That's a No to using the holy rites unless she is possessed.
<<s mc "I won't.">>
<<but "Prepare the exorcism" victoria1 "ev:50 step:1000 doplay:temp=victoriarepeat">><<but "Prepare the exorcism using the <<potionLustOil>>" victoria1 "step:1100 qqrevelationroberta>=1500">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii lab/antidote 18 pnggg>>
<c>You made the lust oil to use on Sister Roberta, but it could help you with Novice Victoria too, to make her agree to the holy rites.
First, you prepare a bowl with water that you bless. Then you take out the <<potionLustOil .>> With its distinct color and scent, exactly like the <<potionConfusionAntidote ,>>Sister Dana will believe it is the same oil you used to temporarily cure Mother Magda of her confusion.
<<ev 1150>>
<<mi 100-900 70>>
<c><<s mc "Novice Victoria, I'm going to use this holy anointing oil on you during the exorcism. It has very powerful antidemonic properties and is not to be used lightly. But it should tell us if you are possessed. Sister Dana, you have seen me use the holy oil before...">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father. I have seen how powerful the holy oil is. Just relax Novice Victoria. You're in good hands.">>
<<s victoria "I'm scared.">>
<<s mc "Trust in the Lord, Novice Victoria. We will get through this.">>
<<c "Start the exorcism">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 50-1000 50>>
You perform the exorcism on Novice Victoria by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
<p>Then you apply the <<potionLustOil>> on Novice Victoria's forehead, with everyone else present believing it's a powerful holy anointing oil made for exorcisms.
<<c "Continue the exorcism">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 100-1400 70>>
<<addlust 50>>
Since you didn't protect your finger when you applied the lust oil on Novice Victoria's arm, your body is flooded with lust. But you only got a small dose. It should affect Novice Victoria even stronger, and her libido was high to begin with.
<<s mc "How does it feel, Novice Victoria?">>
<<s victoria "It's... growing stronger. I can feel it. It's the lust demon! I can't resist it.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 100-2300 60 volume0.4>>
Novice Victoria starts thrashing around. Sister Ann and Sister Dana do their best to restrain her.
<p>It seems that Novice Victoria now believes she is indeed possessed by a lust demon and this has caused her to enter into a trancelike, hysterical state fueled by lust from the lust oil. This should make things easier.
<<s mc "It's a lust demon and it's fighting back. I will attempt to exorcise it.">></p>
<<c "Spank her sinful slit">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 100-2400 100 volume0.4>>
<c>You spank Novice Victoria's sinful slit and chant prayers.
<<addlust 20>>
If the young nun's slit wasn't wet before you used the lust oil on her, it is now. You can feel the humidity through Novice Victoria's panties.
<<c "Continue to spank her slit">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 100-2500 90 volume0.4>>
<c>As you continue to spank Novice Victoria, the wet spots on her panties provide clear evidence of her intense lust.
<<addlust 20>>
<<s mc "The lust demon is strong. I have no choice but to use the holy rite of Sin Eating to attempt to subdue it. Sister Dana, help Novice Victoria use her mouth on me.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father." ii>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 100-2600 90 volume0.4>>
Sister Ann's eyes grow as she realizes what you are about to do with Novice Victoria.
<<s ann "Is this really necessary?" ii>>
<<s dana "Yes, Sister Ann. This is how it must be done. We must not fail now. The fate of Novice Victoria's soul depends on us." ii>>
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 100-2700 90 volume0.4>>
Novice Victoria's resistance to being intimate with you seems to have decreased significantly. She doesn't put up much resistance as you thrust your manhood into her mouth.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 100-2800 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>Doing what needs to be done, you keep using Novice Victoria's mouth.</cc>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi 100-3400 90>>
<c>Novice Victoria manages to break her right arm free and immediately reaches down her panties.
<p>You grab Novice Victoria's arm and pull it away from her slit.
<<s mc "She can't touch herself, or the demon will corrupt her soul!">>
<<s dana "We tried Father $mc, but she is so strong." ii>>
<<ev 3450>>
<<mi 100-3450 45 right>>
<l>You help Sister Dana restrain Novice Victoria's arm again.
<p>With Novice Victoria hysterically playing the role of a possessed victim, you take the opportunity to show Sister Ann how serious the situation is. You grab the wild girl by her throat.
<<s mc "Demon, minion of the Evil One, be gone! In the name of Jesus Christ, I banish you from this girl.">>
Novice Victoria wheezes and drools as she grins madly at you. She growls like a deranged wolf. For a moment, you wonder if Novice Victoria could actually be possessed.</p>
<p>Sister Ann mumbles prayers to the Virgin Mary.</p>
You let go of Novice Victoria's throat.
<<s mc "It's no use. The demon is too strong.">>
You grab onto Novice Victoria's panties and pull them off her.
<<c "Push Novice Victoria down on her back">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi 100-3500 90>>
<c><<s mc "We must purge Novice Victoria's lust to weaken the demon. She must climax, and the best way to do it is as God intended. I hoped I could avoid this, but I have to enter her with my manhood.">>
<<s ann "No, Father. You can't! She's a virgin." ii>>
<<s mc "I have to, or the Devil will win. Novice Victoria will stay a virgin because this will be part of a holy rite.">>
<<ev 3520>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face10 40>>
<<s ann "But what if I use my hands to do it?">>
<<s mc "As you wish, you can try. Sister Dana, you can sprinkle the holy water on Novice Victoria.">>
<<ev 3550>>
<<mv 100-3550 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Sister Ann gets into position with Novice Victoria to finger her. The possessed girl seems to look forward to it, hardly putting up any resistance.
<p>When Sister Dana sprinkles the holy water, the mad girl growls and winces from pain as the water hits her. It looks very convincing. But is it an act? You wonder if Novice Victoria is aware of what she is doing at this point.</p></c>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 100-3600 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You watch as Sister Ann fingers Novice Victoria's wet slit, trying to make her climax.
<p>This is good. You should try to make Sister Ann participate in the sex act even more. The more she does it, the easier it should be to get her support for the Revelation, but you must be careful not to push her too hard or it could backfire.</p>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi 100-3700 58>>
<c>Novice Victoria tries to reach with her hand to pleasure herself. You think she is very close to climaxing. Sister Ann gets on top of the mad girl, trying to control her. This is your cue.
<<s mc "The demon is fighting back. We can't let Novice Victoria touch herself. I must act now. Keep her down, Sister Ann. I have no choice but to use my manhood.">>
Sister Ann looks desperate, trying to come up with something, but as she can no longer control Novice Victoria, she gives in. Sister Ann says nothing more as you lie down, preparing to enter the young virgin.
<<set $temp = 0>>
<<c "Ask Sister Ann to help you">><<but "Don't ask Sister Ann to help you" victoria1 "step:3900 doplay:temp=1">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv 100-3800 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You ask Sister Ann to help you enter the wild Novice Victoria, thinking Sister Ann will want to prevent you from hurting the young virgin when you penetrate her.
<p>Sister Ann hesitates for a moment, but then grabs your hard manhood and steers it toward Novice Victoria's wet hole.</p>
<p>It feels very good to penetrate Novice Victoria's tight virgin slit.</p>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Victoria">>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv 100-3900 100 volume0.4>>
<<if $temp == 1>>
Not wanting to push Sister Ann too much, you penetrate Novice Victoria's wet slit without asking for help. You start to fornicate with the young virgin.
You fornicate with the young virgin.
<p>Novice Victoria sounds very close to orgasm.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 100-4000 90 volume0.4>>
<c>And suddenly, the mad girl lets out a mighty growl as she climaxes.
<<s mc "The lust demon is weaker now, but it's still there. We need to make her climax at least once more.">>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv 100-3900 90 volume0.4>>
As you hoped, Novice Victoria still appears possessed, snarling silently as she catches her breath. You continue to thrust your manhood into her slobbery, wet slit.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi 100-4200 86>>
<c>You massage Novice Victoria's sinful button, sending waves of pleasure through the young girl's body. Her moaning gets more intense.
<p>Then you tell Sister Ann to help get Novice Victoria on all fours.</p>
<<c "Take Novice Victoria from behind">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 100-5000 70 volume0.4>>
<c>You start to thrust into Novice Victoria from behind.
<p>You insert a finger in Satan's favorite hole to help drive out Novice Victoria's sinful lust. You can tell that the girl is building up to another orgasm.</p>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mv 100-5100 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You keep pumping Novice Victoria's slit, wanting to get this done before Sister Ann thinks it's gone on for too long.
<p>Your steady rhythm proves successful. Eventually, Novice Victoria is ready for her second orgasm. This will be the last one.</p>
<<c "Finish her">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv 100-5600 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>Novice Victoria roars madly as she climaxes.
<<ev 5800>>
<<mi 100-5800 80>>
<c>Novice Victoria gets limp and goes silent, exhausted.
<<s mc "We won this battle. The lust demon has retreated. I doubt I managed to exorcise it though. It usually takes several attempts to exorcise powerful demons.">>
You pull out of Novice Victoria and sit up.
<<s mc "Now I will finish this by anointing Novice Victoria with my seed, using another holy rite. You should help me, Sister Ann. Use your hands to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
<<ev 5900>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso2 50>>
<<s ann "I have taken vows not to be intimate with a man. I've already done things I shouldn't.">>
<<s mc "This will be a holy rite, you can't sin then. But if it makes you feel better, you can remove your habit and act as my wife, closer to how God intends sexual relations to happen. This theater will weaken the demon. Please, we must act forcefully to save Novice Victoria from evil.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father. I will help.">>
Sister Ann removes her habit. You move the exhausted Novice Victoria into position to be anointed.
<<ev 6000>>
<<mi 100-6000 90>>
Sister Ann grabs your manhood.
<<s ann "Like this?">>
<<s mc "Yes, now move down, then up, down, up, down. Do it fast, and the Holy Seed will come soon.">>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mv 100-6200 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>You relax and enjoy it as Sister Ann pleasures you with her hand.
<p>Your seed is coming.</p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 6400>>
<<mv 100-6400 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Between your moans of pleasure, you say the words to anoint Novice Victoria with the Holy Seed, though much of it ends up on Sister Ann's hand.</c>
<<c "Use your hand to sprinkle the last drops">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mv 100-6600 90 volume0.4>>
<c>As you squeeze out the last drops of seed, you notice that Sister Ann's well-shaped breasts have popped out of her brassiere. You don't think she has noticed with everything else going on.</c>
<<ev 6700>>
<<mv 100-6700 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You are done. Sister Ann cleans up Novice Victoria as you take a moment to rest.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso2 46>>
<<s mc "Now we must wait and see how things develop with Novice Victoria and her lust. Sister Ann, will you keep a close eye on her? We must not let Novice Victoria commit the sin of Onan. We can't rest until we are sure that the lust demon has been properly exorcised.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father. I will look after her.">>
<<s mc "You should also talk to Sister Dana about what we did here tonight. You need more education on the holy rites to understand. You should also speak with Novice Emma. She knows everything you need to know.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father, I will talk to them.">>
<<s dana "I understand if you are confused and worried about what we did, Sister Ann, but we did God's work today. You will understand." ii>>
<<c "Leave them">>
<<ev 6900>>
<<mi 100-6900 46>>
<c>Tonight was another great success. Now you should give Sister Ann some time to accept what happened and to learn more about the holy rites.
<p>Then, if you can get Sister Ann to participate in another exorcism like this, that should be enough to get her support at the Revelation.
<<q revelationann 300>></p>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mi 100-3450 40>>
<c>Before having another exorcism with Novice Victoria, you should investigate her strange behavior. Could she really be possessed by a demon?
<<q victoriaq 400>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 200 victoria nuns>>
<<ev 250>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso 50>>
<<s mc "We must perform an exorcism immediately. I will get Sister Dana.">>
<<s ann "No need, she should be here any moment. I sent word for Sister Dana when I noticed the first signs something was wrong with Novice Victoria. I wanted to ask for Sister Dana's advice. But now there is no question. The lust demon is back.">>
<<but "Continue" victoria1 step:300>>
<<ev 260>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso 40>>
<c><<s mc "I'm sorry, but I can't help you tonight. Performing exorcisms and holy rites on Novice Victoria is draining and I need to rest. You will have to manage on your own. I'll perform an exorcism on Novice Victoria some other time.">>
<<s ann "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, $fmc. We'll have to do the best we can without you, then.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 38 pnggg>>
<c>Just then, Sister Dana arrives.
<<s mc "Sister Dana, you came just in time. The lust demon is attacking Novice Victoria again. I must perform another exorcism and we need your help.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father. I'm ready to assist.">>
<<c "Enter Novice Victoria's room">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi 100-40 80>>
<c>While Sister Ann and Sister Dana hold the hysterical Novice Victoria, you prepare for the exorcism.
<p>You bless a bowl with water and take out the <<potionLustOil .>> </p>
<<c "Start the exorcism">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi 100-1200 66>>
You perform the exorcism on Novice Victoria by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus and reciting the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel.
<p>Then you apply the <<potionLustOil>> on Novice Victoria's forehead. Maybe you don't need the oil this time, since the hysterical Novice Victoria plays her part good enough as it is, but better be safe than sorry. Besides, you could use the help yourself.
<<c "Continue with the exorcism">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi 100-1400 78>>
<<addlust 50>>
Since you didn't protect your finger when you applied the lust oil on Novice Victoria's skin, the oil floods your body with lust. But you only got a small dose. It should affect Novice Victoria even stronger, and her lust was high to begin with.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mv 100-2300 70 volume0.4>>
<<s mc "Novice Victoria, can you hear me?">>
But there is no answer from Novice Victoria except for deranged laughter and snarling.
<<c "Spank her sinful slit">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 100-2400 100 volume0.4>>
<c>You spank Novice Victoria's sinful slit and continue to chant prayers.
<<addlust 20>>
If the young nun's slit wasn't wet before you used the lust oil on her, it is now. You can feel the humidity through Novice Victoria's panties.
<<c "Continue to spank her slit">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mv 100-2500 90 volume0.4>>
<c>As you continue to spank Novice Victoria, the wet spots on her panties provide clear evidence of her intense lust.
<<addlust 20>>
<<s mc "The lust demon has grown strong again. I have to use the holy rite of Sin Eating to attempt to subdue it. Sister Dana, help Novice Victoria use her mouth on me.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father." ii>>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 100-2600 90 volume0.4>>
Sister Ann stares at your crotch, but this time she doesn't protest. She has accepted this use of the holy rites.
<<addlust 10>>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mv 100-2700 90 volume0.4>>
Novice Victoria doesn't resist as you thrust your manhood into her mouth. You think she is looking forward to being intimate with you, hoping it will lead to her having orgasms.
<<addlust 10>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 100-2800 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>Doing what needs to be done, you keep using Novice Victoria's mouth.</cc>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mi 100-3400 90>>
<c>Novice Victoria manages to break her right arm free and immediately reaches down her panties.
<p>You grab Novice Victoria's arm and pull it away from her slit.
<<s mc "She can't touch herself, or the demon will corrupt her soul!">>
<<s dana "We tried Father $mc, but she is so strong." ii>>
<<ev 3450>>
<<mi 100-3450 45 right>>
<l>You help Sister Dana restrain Novice Victoria's arm again.
<p>You grab the wild girl by her throat to show Sister Ann how serious the situation is.
<<s mc "Demon, minion of the Evil One, be gone! In the name of Jesus Christ, I banish you from this girl.">>
Novice Victoria wheezes and drools as she grins madly at you. She growls like a deranged wolf.</p>
<p>Sister Ann mumbles prayers to the Virgin Mary.</p>
<<ev 3470>>
<<mi 100-3470 45 right>>
For a moment, you wonder if Novice Victoria could actually be possessed, after all. You have exorcised real demons, and Novice Victoria could have fooled you if you didn't think she was delusional and suffering from long-term after-effects of the lust drug the attacker used on her.
You let go of Novice Victoria's throat.
<<s mc "It's no use. The demon is too strong.">>
You grab onto Novice Victoria's panties and pull them off her.</p>
<<c "Push Novice Victoria down on her back">>
<<ev 3500>>
<<mi 100-3500 90>>
<c><<s mc "We must remove Novice Victoria's lust for her. She must climax, and the best way to do it is as God intended. I will enter her with my manhood.">>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelation")>>As you hoped, <</if>>Sister Ann now chimes in.
<<s ann "What if I use my hands to do it? Could we try that first?" ii>>
<<s mc "Fine, you can try it. Sister Dana, you can sprinkle the holy water on Novice Victoria.">>
<<ev 3550>>
<<mv 100-3550 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Sister Ann gets into position with Novice Victoria to finger her. The possessed girl seems to look forward to it, hardly resisting.
<p>When Sister Dana sprinkles the holy water, the mad girl growls and winces from pain as the water hits her. Again, it looks very convincing. But is it an act? Is Novice Victoria even aware of what she is doing at this point?</p></c>
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 3600>>
<<mv 100-3600 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You watch as Sister Ann fingers Novice Victoria's wet slit, trying to make her climax.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelation")>>
<p>This is good. The more Sister Ann actively participates in the sex act, the easier it should be to get her support for the Revelation.</p><</if>>
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mi 100-3700 58>>
<c>Novice Victoria tries to reach with her hand, pleasuring herself. You think she is very close to climaxing. Sister Ann gets on top of the mad girl, trying to control her.
<<s mc "The demon is fighting back. It's getting stronger again. We can't let her touch herself. I must act now. Keep her down, Sister Ann. I have no choice but to use my manhood.">>
Sister Ann looks like she is trying to come up with something else, but as she can no longer control Novice Victoria, she gives in. Sister Ann says nothing more as you lie down, preparing to enter the young virgin.
<<c "Ask Sister Ann to help you">>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mv 100-3800 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You ask Sister Ann to help you enter the wild Novice Victoria, thinking Sister Ann will want to prevent you from hurting the young virgin when you penetrate her.
<p>With only a slight hesitation, Sister Ann grabs your hard manhood and steers it toward Novice Victoria's wet hole.</p>
<p>It feels very good to penetrate Novice Victoria's tight slit.</p>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Victoria">>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mv 100-3900 90 volume0.4>>
You fornicate with the young girl.
<p>Novice Victoria sounds very close to orgasm.</p>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mv 100-4000 90 volume0.4>>
<c>And suddenly, the mad girl lets out a mighty growl as she climaxes.
<<s mc "The lust demon is weaker now, but it's still there. We need to make her climax at least once more.">>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv 100-3900 90 volume0.4>>
Novice Victoria still appears possessed, snarling silently as she catches her breath. You continue to thrust your manhood into her slobbery, wet slit.
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi 100-4200 86>>
<c>You massage Novice Victoria's sinful button, sending waves of pleasure through the young girl's body. Her moaning gets more intense.
<p>Then you tell Sister Ann to help get Novice Victoria on all fours.</p>
<<c "Take Novice Victoria from behind">>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 100-5000 70 volume0.4>>
<c>You start to thrust into Novice Victoria from behind.
<p>You insert a finger in Satan's favorite hole to help drive out Novice Victoria's sinful lust. You can tell that the girl is building up to another orgasm.</p>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 5100>>
<<mv 100-5100 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You keep pumping Novice Victoria's slit.
<p>Your steady rhythm proves successful. Eventually, Novice Victoria is ready for her second orgasm.
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv 100-5600 100 volume0.4>>
<cc>Novice Victoria roars madly as she climaxes.
<<ev 5800>>
<<mi 100-5800 80>>
<c>Novice Victoria gets limp and goes silent, exhausted.
<<s mc "I suspect the demon has retreated trying to fool us that the exorcism was successful. I will try to make Novice Victoria climax a third time. Perhaps that will be enough.">>
<<c "Continue to fornicate">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<mv 200-6000 80 volume0.4>>
You continue to thrust into Novice Victoria's slit.
<p>It doesn't take long before she begins to silently snarl. Soon, she is back to her wild state, worse than ever.
<<s mc "Sister Ann, hold her steady. Sister Dana, sprinkle the holy water.">></p>
<<ev 6100>>
<<mv 200-6100 80 volume0.4>>
Sister Ann does her best to restrain the mad Novice Victoria while Sister Dana keeps sprinkling holy water at regular intervals.
<p>You do your best to push the wild girl to another orgasm.</p>
<<ev 6200>>
<<mv 200-6200 80 volume0.4>>
<cc>Novice Victoria tries to pleasure herself. You slap at her hand to keep it away.
<<ev 6300>>
<<mv 200-6300 80 volume0.4>>
<c>When Novice Victoria doesn't give up, you grab her, restraining her until she calms down a bit.
<<c "Get her on top of you">>
<<ev 6600>>
<<mv 200-6600 80 volume0.4>>
<cc>Wanting some rest, you let Novice Victoria do the job.<br>She rides you eagerly as she closes in on her third orgasm.
<<ev 6700>>
<<mv 200-6700 80 volume0.4>>
<c>And soon after, she gets there.
<p>With a roar, Novice Victoria climaxes. This is all you can take. You have to release your seed.</p>
<<c "Tell Sister Ann to help you">>
<<ev 6800>>
<<mi 100-6000 70>>
<c>Novice Victoria slumps down on the bed, completely drained. You position yourself by her head and tell Sister Ann to use her hand on you.
<p>Sister Ann does as you command.</p>
<<ev 7000>>
<<mv 100-6200 90 volume0.4>>
<cc>You relax and enjoy it as Sister Ann pleasures you with her hand.
<p>Your seed is coming.</p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 7400>>
<<mv 100-6400 90 volume0.4>>
<c>Between your moans of pleasure, you say the words to anoint Novice Victoria with the Holy Seed.</c>
<<c "Use your hand to sprinkle the last drops">>
<<ev 7600>>
<<mv 100-6600 90 volume0.4>>
<c>As you squeeze out the last drops of seed, you notice that Sister Ann's well-shaped breasts have popped out of her brassiere. You think she has noticed, but didn't care to adjust it with everything else going on. That's good.</c>
<<ev 7700>>
<<mv 100-6700 90 volume0.4>>
<c>You are done. Sister Ann cleans up Novice Victoria as you take a moment to rest.
<<c "Get dressed">>
<<ev 7800>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face10 40>>
<<s mc "Now we must wait and see if this was enough. But I'm afraid it won't be. This is a powerful demon. It may take many attempts to exorcise it. Sister Ann, continue to keep a close eye on Novice Victoria. We must not let the poor girl commit the sin of Onan. We can't rest until we are sure that the lust demon has been properly exorcised.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father. I will look after her.">>
<<s mc "Then I'm done here. Thank you for your help, the both of you.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("victoriaq")>>
<<ev 7900>>
<<mii nuns/dana/head 30 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Sister Dana, could you please keep an eye on Novice Victoria for a moment? I want to speak alone with Sister Ann before I leave.">>
<<s dana "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Leave the room with Sister Ann">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso 40>>
Sister Ann follows you as you enter the hallway outside Novice Victoria's room.
<<s mc "Do you feel you have accepted the truth of the holy rites?">>
<<s ann "It still feels very strange to me, Father, but Sister Dana and Novice Emma have been very helpful in making me understand. If you say this is what you have to do to save and protect us from the lust demon, I may have to accept it.">>
<<s mc "It's important that I have your support going forward, but it must be your choice. Why don't you take another day to get used to the idea of the holy rites and we will talk again.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father, thank you.">>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 9000>>
<<mi 100-3500 80>>
<c>As you walk through the hallways on the way to your room, you think about Novice Victoria.
<p>You still doubt she is – or was – possessed. Novice Victoria's heightened libido after the attacks is likely some long-lasting reaction to the lust drug the attacker used on her. And if this is true, Novice Victoria's lust may continue to be a problem for her for a long time, meaning you may need to repeat the exorcism now and then. But it's all good since it will keep Sister Ann and Sister Dana close to you.
<<qend victoriaq 1000>>
<<ev 9100>>
<<mi 100-6900 46>>
<c>You should meet with Sister Ann soon. You must be sure that she will support you at the Revelation.
<<q revelationann 400>>
<<vv 11>>
<<event 300 victoria nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi walking 30>>
<c>You see Novice Victoria going toward her room, probably coming from the bathroom.
<p>For a moment, you think she looks unsteady on her feet. You wonder if she is "possessed" again.</p>
<<c "Approach Novice Victoria">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi vic2 32 pnggg>>
<c>Coming closer to the young nun and meeting her gaze, you see that she appears normal, after all.
<<s mc "Greetings, Novice Victoria. Are you going to bed soon?">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father. I've done my routine in the bathroom. I will pray together with Sister Ann and then go to bed.">>
<<s mc "Good. But first, there is something we must do. As you know, I'm a lust angel and I'm fighting the lust demon. The lust demon feeds on lust and you are very lustful. I will use my holy lust tonight to make you climax, reducing the lust available to the lust demon. I will also anoint you.">>
<<ev 240>>
<<mi vic 26 pnggg>>
<<s victoria "But it's the demon that's possessing me that's making me lustful.">>
<<s mc "Sure, but it is your body that is feeling the lust. So it makes no difference. We will go inside your room and we will fornicate.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father.">>
<<but "Continue" victoria1 step:400>>
<<ev 300>> /* replaying */
<<if $victoriaExorcism > 3>> /* can exorcise every third day */
<<set $victoriaExorcism = 1>>
<<mvv nuns/victoria/200-202 74 volume0.3>>
<c>You saw correctly. Novice Victoria acts like she is under attack by the lust demon you said is possessing her. Her lust must have returned and she believed it was the demon.
<<lh>>Sister Ann comes running, apparently knowing what is going on.
<<s ann "Father $mc, thank God you are here. I went with Novice Victoria to the bathroom to wash up before bed and then this started.">>
<<but "Don't perform an exorcism tonight" victoria1 "ev:200 step:260">><<but "Perform an exorcism" victoria1 ev:200>>
<<mi vic2 30 pnggg>>
<c>Coming closer to the young nun and meeting her gaze, you see that she appears normal, after all.
<<s mc "Greetings, Novice Victoria. Are you going to bed soon?">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father. I've done my routine in the bathroom. I will pray together with Sister Ann and then go to bed.">>
<<but "Leave her alone" victoria1 step:320>><<but "Fornicate with her" victoria1 step:350>>
<<ev 320>>
<<mi vic 28 pnggg>>
<cc><<cs mc "That's good. Good night, Novice Victoria.">>
<<cs victoria "Good night, $fmc.">>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi vic 28 pnggg>>
<<s mc "Good. But first, I will reduce your lust and anoint you. Whether or not the demon possessing you is gone, your lust is still abnormally high for a nun and this attracts the lust demon. We will go inside your room and we will fornicate.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<c>Just then, Sister Ann arrives from the direction of the bathroom. Knowing she is keeping an eye on Novice Victoria, you assume she was with Novice Victoria in the bathroom.
<<s ann "$fmc, is there a problem?">>
<<s mc "Everything is fine. Novice Victoria, you can go inside and get ready. Undress and wait for me. I will speak a moment with Sister Ann.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father." ii>>
Novice Victoria enters her room and closes the door. You are alone in the hallway with Sister Ann.
<<ev 500>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 38 "right pnggg">>
<l><<s ann "Undress? What will you do with her, Father?">>
<<s mc "I'm trying to starve the lust demon, so I will use my holy lust to reduce Novice Victoria's abnormal lust by making her climax.">>
<<s ann "Will you perform an exorcism? Do you need help?">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",500)>>
<<s mc "I don't think so. It should be fine. I will just fornicate with her. Even if Novice Victoria is still possessed, I don't think the demon will become a problem. I spoke with Novice Victoria just now and she seemed calm. And my holy lust should keep the demon from emerging.">>
<<s ann "I have my hopes up the demon is gone from her. She still tells me she doesn't feel the demon tempting her like she used to.">>
<<s mc "My last exorcism might have been successful. But demons can be cunning, Sister Ann. It may lie in wait inside Novice Victoria, trying to fool us it is gone. Continue to keep an eye on Novice Victoria, as you have.">>
<<s mc "I don't think so. It should be fine. I will just fornicate with her. I don't think the demon possessing her will become a problem. I spoke with Novice Victoria just now and she seemed calm. And my holy lust should keep the demon from emerging.">>
<<s ann "You know, I think the demon is weakened, possibly even gone. Lately, Novice Victoria hasn't had any lustful attacks. I've been with her every evening. She tells me she doesn't feel the demon tempting her like she used to.">>
<<s mc "Is that so? My exorcisms may have finally been successful. But demons can be cunning, Sister Ann. It may lie in wait inside Novice Victoria, trying to fool us it is gone. Continue to keep an eye on Novice Victoria, as you have.">>
<<ev 550>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso 42>>
<<s ann "Yes, Father. I will trust your judgment on the matter. I was going to pray with Novice Victoria, but I will go to my room, then. Maybe I will return later when you are done. Good night, Father.">>
You wonder if you should tell Sister Ann to stay, after all. She could wait outside, or even come inside to watch as you fornicate with Novice Victoria.
<<set $temp = null>>
<<but "Let her leave" victoria1 step:700>><<but "She will wait outside" victoria1 step:800>><<but "She will watch inside" victoria1 step:900>>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<<cs mc "Good night, Sister Ann.">>
Sister Ann leaves and you are all alone.
<<but "Enter Novice Victoria's room" victoria1 step:1000>>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii nuns/ann/face 40 pnggg>>
<<s mc "On second thought, you should wait outside the room just in case the demon does emerge.">>
<<s ann "Oh... If you say so, $fmc. Will it take long?">>
<<s mc "Probably not.">>
<<set $temp="waiting">>
<<but "Enter Novice Victoria's room" victoria1 step:1000>>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 38 "right pnggg">>
It could be good to have Sister Ann watch to make her get used to it. Sister Ann is influential in the convent, and so it would help normalize being intimate with the nuns.
<<s mc "On second thought, you should follow me inside. Just in case the demon does emerge.">>
<<s ann "But... can't I wait outside?">>
<<s mc "I want you to keep an eye on Novice Victoria. You can warn me if the demon appears to surface.">>
<<s ann "Oh... If you say so, $fmc. Will it take long?">>
<<s mc "Probably not.">>
<<set $temp="watching">>
<<but "Enter Novice Victoria's room" victoria1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mi m 40>>
<c>Entering the room<<if $temp=="watching">> together with Sister Ann<</if>>, you find Novice Victoria naked, praying.
<<set _annwill = $temp=="watching" ? "Sister Ann will be ready to help if the demon surfaces." : "">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",500)>>
<<s mc "Good, you have undressed. Then we will soon begin. _annwill But first, I want to ask about your lust. Sister Ann said you still don't feel the demon inside you as before.">>
<<s mc "Good, you have undressed. Then we will soon begin. _annwill But first, I want to ask about your lust. Sister Ann said you don't feel the demon inside you as before.">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mi m 45 right>>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father. Do you think it has left me?">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",500) &&
( (setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("victoria1",200,250) > setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("victoria1",300,1400)) ||
(setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("victoria1",200,260) > setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("victoria1",300,1400)) )>>
/* See if victoria had a "demon attack" since last time mc talked to her */
<<if (setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("victoria1",200,250) > setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("victoria1",200,260))>>
/* mc tried to exorcise */
<<s mc "Maybe. My last attempt at exorcising it may have been successful.">>
/* mc didn't try to exorcise */
<<s mc "Since I haven't tried to exorcise the demon after your last attack, I doubt the demon has left on its own. But time will tell.">>
<<s victoria "Even if it is still there, I think it is weaker.">>
<<s mc "Maybe. Have you not felt any abnormal lust at all?">>
<<s victoria "I have... some. But not as much as I used to. I have been able to control the demon – if it is still inside me.">>
<<if $temp=="watching">>
<<s mc "We'll see what happens. Sister Ann will continue to keep an eye on you. Right, Sister Ann?">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father." ii>>
<<s mc "Now, Novice Victoria, it is time to give you an orgasm. Stand up and let me see your slit to awaken my holy lust.">>
<<s mc "We'll see what happens. Sister Ann will continue to keep an eye on you in the days to come. Now, Novice Victoria, it is time to give you an orgasm. Stand up and let me see your slit to awaken my holy lust.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father.">>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mi m 35 "right pnggg">>
<l>Novice Victoria gets up.<<if $temp=="watching">> You notice that Sister Ann turns away her gaze.<</if>>
<<s victoria "Will I still be a virgin afterward, Father?">>
<<s mc "Of course, my child. Remember what I said at the meeting in the chapel? My holy lust makes every lustful act holy. And a holy act can't make something less pure. Now let me look at you.">>
You take a good look at Novice Victoria's naked body and especially her slit. You grab and squeeze your male organ. It has the desired effect.
<<addlust 60>>
<<s mc "Good. Now get in bed, and you will begin by using your mouth on my manhood to get it ready.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father.">>
Novice Victoria gets up on the bed.
<<c "Get naked">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mv m 66 volume0.7>>
<c>You get naked and lie down on the bed. Novice Victoria then uses her mouth on you.
<<if $temp=="watching">>Sister Ann still averts her gaze.
<<s mc "Sister Ann, you must watch to warn me if the demon surfaces. I may not notice it.">>
<<s ann "I'm sorry, Father. It's hard to watch... but I will do better." ii>>
<<c "Penetrate Novice Victoria's slit">>
<<ev 1800>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
<c>You direct Novice Victoria to lie on her back and then you take position between her legs.
<p>You rub your erect manhood on the girl's slit – then you enter her.</p>
<p>Novice Victoria groans with pleasure, not trying too hard to hide that she likes it.</p>
<<if $temp=="watching">>
<<but "Continue" victoria1 step:2000>>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 38 "pnggg">>
<c>You glance at Sister Ann. She is standing by the wall, watching. She looks uncomfortable with the situation. That's fine. She will get used to it.
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
<c>You fornicate with Novice Victoria.
<p>If she has felt less lustful recently, as she claims, you couldn't tell by her behavior now.</p>
<p>Novice Victoria touches herself without shame, further strengthening your suspicion that she uses the supposed demonic possession as an excuse to have sex.</p>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
<cc>You keep thrusting into Novice Victoria's wet slit.
<p>The girl soon climaxes.</p></cc>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
<c>Wanting to drain her lust, you change position and pound Novice Victoria hard from behind.
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
Your onslaught on her slit soon makes Novice Victoria climax a second time. She roars in ecstasy.
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv m 90 volume0.6>>
<c>With Novice Victoria catching her breath, you get ready to release the Holy Seed.
<p>After sliding in and out of her wet slit, you finally reach orgasm.</p>
<<set $temp2 = null>>
<<but "(Pull out) Anoint her body" victoria1 step:3400>><<but "Anoint inside her" victoria1 step:4000>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv m 80 volume0.6>>
<c>You pull out and release the Holy Seed on Novice Victoria's chest, moaning the words to anoint her.
<<if $temp=="watching">><<lh>><<mii nuns/ann/ann_smallii 6 "left png">>You hear Sister Ann mumble a prayer.<</if>>
<<set $temp2 = "chest">>
<<but "Get dressed" victoria1 step:5000>>
<<ev 4000>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie7 48>>
<c>You release the Holy Seed inside Novice Victoria's slit, moaning the words to anoint her.
<<creampie victoria>>
<<if $temp=="watching">><<lh>><<mii nuns/ann/ann_smallii 6 "left png">>You hear Sister Ann gasp. Turning to look, you see the nun making the sign of the cross and mumbling a prayer while staring at the seed running out of Novice Victoria's slit.<</if>>
<<set $temp2 = "creampie">>
<<but "Get dressed" victoria1 step:5000>>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mi m 30 "right pnggg">>
<<if $temp=="watching">>
<<if $temp2=="chest">>
Sister Ann helps Novice Victoria wipe away your seed, then Novice Victoria gets dressed.
When Novice Victoria gets dressed, Sister Ann whispers to you:
<<s ann "Aren't you afraid you will make her pregnant, Father? The Lord may let it happen." ii>>
<<s mc "And then it was ordained. We are performing holy acts here, Sister.">>
You turn to address Novice Victoria.
Novice Victoria wipe away your seed. Then she gets dressed.
<<s mc "This will protect you from the lust demon. The real lust demon, the one that was attacking you and your sisters at night. Not the demon that may or may not be possessing you.">>
<<if $temp=="watching">>
<<s victoria "Thank you, $fmc.">>
<<s ann "You can't say if she is still possessed, Father?" ii>>
<<s mc "No. She still has a lot of lust, as you noticed. It may be a lingering effect caused by the lust demon attacking her earlier, but it could also be that she is still possessed by a demon that tempts her with lust.">>
<<s victoria "Thank you, $fmc. But what do you think? Am I still possessed?">>
<<s mc "I don't know. You still have a lot of lust, as we noticed. It may be a lingering effect caused by the lust demon attacking you earlier, but it could also be that you are still possessed by a demon that tempts you with lust.">>
<<ev 5200>>
<<mi vic2 32 pnggg>>
<c><<s mc "Pray now and go to bed. I will return to strengthen your protection and reduce your lust. Until I do, you must resist the temptation of committing the sin of Onan.">>
<<s victoria "Yes, Father.">>
<<if $temp==null>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",500)>>
<<but "Leave the room" victoria1 step:6000>>
<<elseif $temp=="watching">>
<c><<s mc "Sister Ann, follow me outside.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father." ii>>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<c "Leave the room">>
<<ev 5500>>
<<mii nuns/ann/leaning 40 "right pnggg">>
<l>Together with Sister Ann, you enter the hallway outside Novice Victoria's room. You close the door behind you.
<<if $temp=="watching">>
<<s mc "Are you okay with what you saw, Sister Ann?">>
<<set _annwhat = "see it with my own eyes">>
<<s mc "Are you okay with what I did in there, Sister Ann?">>
<<set _annwhat = "accept it">>
<<s ann "I don't know, Father. I think so. I want to be, I know you are doing it to fight the lust demon and protect us all, but it's hard to _annwhat. It's hard enough with the exorcisms when you are intimate with Novice Victoria... but then we can see the demon. We can see the evil we are fighting. Now she was just an innocent young novice and you were naked with her. You did perverse things with her. I'm sorry to say it, Father, but you asked. I don't mean to say you did anything wrong.">>
<<s mc "No need to apologize, Sister. I understand how you feel, but we must all get used to this until we have won the holy war against the evil in the monastery. What I did in there just now was fighting evil just as when I'm trying to exorcise the demon inside Novice Victoria. It is ugly and perverse, but it has to be done. We must take solace in the fact that these are holy acts done with a holy purpose.">>
<<ev 5600>>
<<mii nuns/ann/torso 50>>
<<s ann "Yes, Father. I understand.">>
<<s mc "I need your help to make others understand this too. The more we unite against the evil, the stronger we will be.">>
<<s ann "Yes, Father.">>
Sister Ann bids you good night and enters Novice Victoria's room to pray with her.
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",500)>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<ev 6000>>
<<questupdate lustfulwomen>>
<<mi m 90>>
Novice Victoria's lustful feelings are still inappropriately intense for a nun, but they seem to be under her control for now – or so she claims.
<p>It remains to be seen if this will last or if Novice Victoria will have another lustful attack from the demon she thought – or pretended – was possessing her.
<<lustfulwomenupdate 500>></p>
<<checkEndQuest lustfulwomen>>
<<set setup.chars = {
abbot : { name: "The Abbot", color: "#a63", image: "abbot/abbot_small"},
adrianna : { name: "Adrianna", color: "#8ab", imagepng:"school/adrianna/adrianna_small", imagecustom: true },
agatha : { name: "Sister Agatha", color: "#a6b", imagepng:"nuns/agatha/agatha_small"},
agnes : { name: "Sister Agnes", color: "#ab0", imagepng:"nuns/agnes/agnes_small" },
alonso: { name: "Novice Alonso", color:"#ca6", image: "monks/alonso_small" },
alyssa : { name: "Alyssa", color:"#f60" },
amy : { name: "Sister Amy", color:"#4a1", imagepng: "nuns/amy/amy_small", imagepngii: "nuns/amy/amy_smallii" },
anika: { name: "Novice Anika", color:"#2d5", image:"nuns/anika/room_small" },
ann : { name: "Sister Ann", color:"#2d7", imagepng:"nuns/ann/ann_small", imagepngii: "nuns/ann/ann_smallii" },
ava : { name: "Ava", color: "#f40", imagepng:"chapel/ava_small" },
brewer : { name: "Brother <<var brewer,>> the brewer", color: "#b82", image:"monks/brewer_small" },
clara : { name: "Novice Clara", color:"#3bf", imagepng:"bathroom/clara_small" },
carmine : { name: "Carmine", color:"#8ac", imagepng:"area/carmine_small" },
celine : { name: "Novice Celine", color:"#5d2", imagepng:"refectory/celine_small"},
carolina : { name: "Carolina", color:"#abd", imagepng:"school/carolina/carolina_small" },
catarina : { name: "Sister Catarina", color:"#691", image:"school/catarina/head_small" },
chloe : { name :"Chloe", color:"#7bc", imagepng:"school/chloe/chloe_small" },
cindy : { name: "Novice Cindy", color:"#893", imagepng:"nuns/cindy/cindy_small" },
crone: { name: "The Crone", color: "#e00",image: "crone/crone_headSmallRedEyes"},
dana: { name: "Sister Dana", color: "#7b2", imagepng:"nuns/dana/dana_small", imagepngii:"nuns/dana/dana_smallii"},
darcie : { name: "Sister Darcie", color:"#3c0", imagepng:"nuns/darcie/face_small" },
distiller : { name: "Brother <<var distiller,>> the distiller", color:"#d72", image: "monks/distiller_small"},
dolores : { name: "Sister Dolores", color: "#b40", imagepng:"nuns/dolores/dolores_small" },
emma0: { name: "Emma", color: "#f99", image: "chapel/emma0_small"},
emma: { name: "Novice Emma", color:"#f99", image: "nuns/emma/emma_small"},
eva : { name: "Novice Eva", color:"#384" },
evie : { name: "Novice Evie", color:"#4b6", imagepng: "nuns/evie/face_small" },
frances: { name: "Novice Frances" },
francia : { name: "Novice Francia", color: "#8f7", imagepng:"library/francia_small" },
gabriella: { name: "Novice Gabriella", color:"#5d5", imagepng:"nuns/gabriella/head_small" },
gardener : { name: "<<gardener ,>> the gardener", shortname: "<<gardener>>", color: "#c86", image: "monks/gardener_small" },
gaspar : { name: "Brother Gaspar", color:"#db9", image: "monks/gaspar_small" },
general: { name: "noname"},
giovanni: { name: "Brother Giovanni", color:"#cb3", image: "monks/giovanni_small" },
giselle : { name: "Giselle", color:"#d86" },
jana: { name: "Sister Jana", color: "#0f0", image: "hjana/jana_small", imagepng:"hjana/jana_small"},
jessica : { name: "Sister Jessica", color:"#8b2", imagepng:"nuns/jessica/jessica_small" },
julia : { name: "Julia", color: "#8ad", image: "school/julia_small" },
julia2 : { name: "Novice Julia", color: "#8ad", image: "nuns/julia/juliaheadsmall" },
judith : { name: "Novice Judith", color: "#ade", imagepng: "nuns/misc/judithSmall2" },
lara : { name: "Novice Lara", color:"#0d5", imagepng:"nuns/lara/face_small" },
librarian : { name: "Brother <<var librarian,>> the librarian", color: "#fb8", image: "mlibrary/librarian_small"},
mari : { name: "Sister Mari", color: "#3d0", image:"nuns/mari/mari_small" },
mc: { name: "You", color: "#fa0", image: null},
monk: { name: "Monk", color: "#da7", image: "monks/monk.jpg"},
ms: { name: "Mother Superior", color: "#8e8", image: "ms1"},
nena : { name: "Nena", color: "#48b", imagepng:"chapel/nena_small1"},
nunlib : { name: "Sister "+setup.nunlib, color: "#0b0", image: "library/librarian_small"},
olenka: { name: "Novice Olenka", color: "#3fb", image:"encounters/encounterOlenka" },
pascal : { name: "Novice Pascal", color:"#8b4", image:"monks/pascal_small" },
pascal2 : { name: "Brother Pascal, the distiller", color:"#d72", image:"monks/pascal_small" },
raylene : { name: "Raylene", imagepng:"chapel/raylene_small" },
riley: { name: "Riley", color:"#4ae", image:"school/riley/riley_small" },
roberta : { name: "Sister Roberta, the prioress", color:"#5a7", imagepng:"nuns/roberta/roberta_small" },
rumika: { name: "Sister Rumika", color:"#6dd", imagepng:"nuns/rumika/head_small"},
salvatore: { name: "Brother Salvatore", color:"#cc9", image: "monks/salvatore_small" },
sara : { name: "Novice Sara", color:"#ad2", imagepng:"nuns/sara/sara_small", imagecustom: "nuns/sara/sara_small.jpg" },
sandra : { name: "Sister Sandra", color:"#5d9", imagepng:"nuns/sandra/sandra_small" },
simona : { name: "Sister Simona", color:"#af7", imagepng:"nuns/simona/simona_small" },
sofia : { name: "Novice Sofia", color:"#4f5", image:"nuns/sofia/sofia_small", imagepng:"nuns/sofia/sofiaHead"},
stefano: {name: "Brother Stefano, the gardener", shortname: "Brother Stefano", color: "#ca5", image: "monks/stefano_small" },
syren : { name: "Sister Syren", color:"#090", imagepng:"nuns/syren/face_small", imagepngii:"nuns/syren/face_smallii" },
tonina : { name: "Sister Tonina", color:"#3ac", imagepng: "nuns/tonina/tonina_small" },
winemaker : { name: "Brother <<var winemaker,>> the winemaker", color: "#f77", image:"monks/winemaker_small" },
viola : { name: "Sister Viola", color: "#2d6", image: "kgarden/viola_small"},
victoria : { name: "Novice Victoria", color:"#092", imagepng:"nuns/victoria/vic_small", imagepngii:"nuns/victoria/vic_smallii" },
vicki : { name: "Vicki", color:"#b50"},
vivien : { name: "Vivien", color: "#aad", imagepng: "school/vivien/vivien_small"},
zara : {name: "Novice Zara", color:"#8b3", image:"nuns/zara/head_smallii" }
<<set setup.visions = {
cindy : "Novice Cindy's blessed purity",
testvision : "Test vision here"
<<widget cs>>
/* Short for doing say <<s who "stuff" center>>, for use in a centered label, under centered images etc.
Do not use with side aligned labels, <l> etc */
<<set _sayextra = $args[2]+" center">>
<<s $args[0] $args[1] _sayextra $args[3]>>
<<widget s>>
<<say $args[0] $args[1] $args[2] $args[3]>>
<<widget say>>
<<set _sayextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _class = "saying">>
<<if _sayextra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _class += " saying-center">>
<div @class=_class> /* need this up here to include <<mi image */
<<set _sayextra += " saying">>
<<name $args[0] _sayextra>> $args[1]</div>
<<widget name>>
<<set _nameextra = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _arg0 = $args[0]>>
<<run setup.punctuate("arg0", "lastcharname")>>
/* First checking if giving a name like "Old nun" in which case we will use a general type name */
<<if _arg0.indexOf(" ") == -1>>
<<print '<<set _char = setup.chars.'+_arg0+'>>'>>
<<if _char == null>> /* if giving name with no char, like Nun */
<<set _char = setup.chars.general>>
<<set _name = _arg0>>
<<if $isMarried ==_arg0>>
<<set _name = _arg0.toUpperFirst()>>
<<set _name = _char.name>>
<<set _char = setup.chars.general>>
<<set _name = _arg0>>
/* If wanting to turn on thumb images always -- can possibly making this optional in settings */
/*<<set _nameextra += " ii">> */
<<if _nameextra.indexOf("ii") != -1>>
<<print '<<set _image = _char.image>>'>>
<<if _image != null>>
<<mi _image 3rem "leftii saying">>
<<print '<<set _image = _char.imagepngii>>'>>
<<if _image != null>>
<<mi _image 3rem "leftii saying png">>
<<print '<<set _image = _char.imagepng>>'>>
<<if _image != null>>
<<mi _image 3rem "leftii saying png">>
<<if _char.color == null>>
<<set _char.color = "#38e">>
<<print '<<set _style = "color: "+_char.color+"; ">>'>>
<<set _nameID = _name == "info" ? "" : _name>>
<span @style=_style class="print-dark-shadow">_nameID<<if _nameextra.indexOf("saying") != -1>>:<</if>></span>_lastcharname
<<widget cname>>
<<if _args[2] == null || _args[2] != "nobr">>
<div style="line-height:0.7"><<space>></div>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<div style="margin-bottom:0.2rem">
/* In-game character name in Credits */
<<if _arg1 != null>>
<span style="color:#faa">_args[0]: </span>
<span style="color:#8d8">_args[0]: </span>
/* Actress name in Credits */
<<if _arg1>>
_arg1 <br>
/* tab/list notation for listing media under actresses in Credits */
<<widget ctab>>
<<space>><span style="color:#5cf">¤</span><<space>>
/* media listed in Credits */
<<widget cinfo>>
<<set _creditmedia = _args[0]>>
<<set _creditlink = _args[1] ? _args[1] : null>>
<<if _creditlink != null>>
<span class="credits-link">
<span style="color:#aaa">
<<widget version>>
<<set _version = setup.version>>
<<set _beta = setup.beta ? "beta" : "">>
v_version _beta
<<widget showversion>>
<span style="color:#743; font-size:80%; display:block; text-align: center"><<version>>
<<if $endOfVersion>0>><span style="color:#0f0;">100%</span><</if>>
<<widget vv>>
/* Marker that content for new version is added after this. For potential use for spellchecking.
Usage: <<vv 2>> before new events, then search for vv 2 when spellchecking*/
/*<<set _anewversion = _args[0]>>*/
<<widget color>>
<<set _col = "color:#"+$args[1]>>
<span @style=_col>$args[0]</span>
<<widget setvar>>
<<set $vars[$args[0]] to $args[1]>>
/* $args[] are strings so to do math operations we need to do parseFloat(var) when retrieving value, like this:
<<set $testt = parseFloat($vars[$varname]) + 3>> */
<<widget printvar>>
<<print $vars[$args[0]]>>
<<widget playsound>>
/* can add options like looping:yes/no later */
<<set _sound = $args[0]>>
<<set _soundinfo = $args[1] ? $args[1] + " " : null>>
<<print '<<set setup.currentSoundPlaying = "sound:'+_sound+' soundinfo:'+_soundinfo+'">>'>>
<<if $soundGeneral < 1>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<<if _soundinfo == null>>
<<set _soundvolume = 1.0>>
<<set _soundvolume = _soundinfo.indexOf("volume")>>
<<if _soundvolume == -1>>
<<set _soundvolume = _soundinfo>>
<<set _soundvolume = _soundinfo.substring(_soundvolume+6, _soundinfo.indexOf(" ", _soundvolume))>>
<<set _noloop = _soundinfo.indexOf("noloop")>>
<<if _noloop != -1>>
<<set _noloop = true>>
<<set _noloop = false>>
<<set _soundvolume *= $soundGeneral/100>>
<<if _soundvolume > 3.0>>
/* to be safe though a total of 1.0 (eg 1.0 * 100% soundGeneral or 0.5 * 200% soundGeneral) seems to be max here as it is for video volume1 */
<<set _soundvolume = 3.0>>
<<print '<<set _sound = setup.mediaPath + "sound/'+_sound+'.mp3">>'>>
/*sound: _sound volume: _soundvolume */
<<cacheaudio "playsound" _sound>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
<<if _noloop>>
<<audio "playsound" volume _soundvolume play>>
<<audio "playsound" volume _soundvolume play loop>>
<<widget playpotion>>
<<playsound potionSuccess "volume0.1 noloop">>
<<widget playbell>>
<<playsound bell "volume0.08 noloop">>
<<widget playblackbell>>
<<if !setup.playedBlackBell>>
<<playsound blackbell "volume0.06 noloop">>
<<set setup.playedBlackBell = true>>
<<widget stopsound>>
<<masteraudio stop>>
/* this will make it impossible to restart current track if you turn off sound (setting volume to 0), and try to turn it on by increasing volume again, but so be it. It's an effective fix to avoid having a track being stored that could start playing when it shouldn't when player later switches volume off/on */
<<set setup.currentSoundPlaying = null>>
<<widget journal>>
setup.journalLoadingHelp = 0;
Dialog.setup("Journal", "journal");
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Journal contains showdiv buttons, so need to reset after open */
/*<<set setup.usingShowDivs=false>> MOVED to setup.dialogWasOpened */
<<widget settings>>
Dialog.setup("Settings", "settings");
$(document).ready(function() {
<<widget support>>
<<widget credits>>
<<widget expertname>>
<<set _xnarg0 = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<if _xnarg0.indexOf("plural") != -1>>
<<set _expertName = setup.expert+"s">>
<<set _expertName = setup.expert>>
<<run setup.punctuate("xnarg0", "xnamechar")>>
<<widget supportUnlockButton>>
<<set _xdivbutton = $args[0]>>
<span class="menu-button support-button unlock-button">
<<button "Unlock <<expertname>>">>
/* Since opened showdivs in hover info don't close when stop hovering, we close all opened hint divs so that player is forced to click expert button again to update hint div and possibly show hints (if player has unlocked expert mode)*/
for (var key in setup.buttons) {
var xbut = setup.buttons[key];
var teststring = "expertqdiv"+xbut.id;
if (xbut.dest == teststring) {
var thisxdiv = document.getElementById(xbut.dest);
if (thisxdiv != null && thisxdiv.style.display != "none") {
var xbutelement = document.getElementById(xbut.id);
<<widget abbot>>
<<var abbot $args[0]>>
<<widget mod2>>
<<set _modvar = $args[0]>>
State.temporary.mod2result = State.temporary.modvar % 2;
<<widget changeTime>>
<<button "Advance time" mc>>
<<if $daytime=="day">>
<<set $daytime="night">>
<<set $daytime="day">>
<<widget clicknext>>
<<set _delay = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "12s">>
<div class="center" style="text-align: center; font-family: Georgia">
/* Invis text to get the proper taken space - which affects margin behavior for other elements. Without this, other elements "jump" when Click to continue appears if they have margin relations to this. */
<span style="visibility:hidden">k</span>
<<timed _delay>>@@.fade-in-out;Click to continue@@<</timed>>
<span id="next" style="display:none">
<a @data-passage=$args[0] class="link-internal" tabindex="0" id="NextLink">$args[0]</a>
<<widget listitem>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow" style="font-weight:700; color:#ba8">¤</span>
<<widget bold>>
<<set _bold0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _boldclass = "">>
<<set _boldstyle = "font-weight:700">>
<<set _lastcharbold = undefined>> /* in case several calls in same passage */
<<if !_args[1] || _args[1].indexOf("colorAll") == -1>>
<<run setup.punctuate("bold0", "lastcharbold")>>
<<if _args[2] && _args[2].indexOf("normalbold") != -1>>
/* normal bold */
<<if _args[1] && _args[1].indexOf("shadow2") != -1>>
<<set _boldclass += " shadow2">>
<<set _boldclass += " shadow">>
<<set _boldstyle += "; color:#bac">>
<span @class=_boldclass @style=_boldstyle>_bold0</span><<if _lastcharbold != undefined>>_lastcharbold<</if>>
<<widget bold2>>
<<bold _args[0] _args[1] "normalbold">>
/* To add within " around words inside strings without breaking the string, ie <<quote help>> or <<quote 'help her'>> would give "help" and "help her" */
<<widget quote>>
/* for quoting what people said verbally. Use <<note>> for written quotes from text, eg Ludolphus' notes */
<<widget quote2>>
<span style="font-style:italic;color:#aaa796">"_args[0]"</span>
<<widget holylust>>
<<set _arg0 = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<print '<<specialalert2 "holy lust'+_arg0+'" '+_args[1]+'>>'>>
/* Maybe should redo as colvar/coltext to avoid repeated code. */
<<widget special>>
<<set _arg0special = $args[0]>>
<<set _specialextra = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<run setup.punctuate("arg0special", "lastcharspecial", "specialextra")>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow" style="font-style: italic; color:#bde">_arg0special</span>_lastcharspecial
/* Maybe should redo as colvar/coltext to avoid repeated code. */
<<widget special2>>
<<set _arg0special = $args[0]>>
<<set _arg1special = $args[1]>>
<<set _arg2special = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "color:#bde">>
/* "color:#bde" */
<<set _stylespecial2 = _arg2special>>
<<if _arg1special != null>>
<<set _stylespecial2 += "; font-size:"+_arg1special>>
<<run setup.punctuate("arg0special", "lastcharspecial")>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow" @style=_stylespecial2>_arg0special</span>_lastcharspecial
/* Displayed special text with same color as quest */
<<widget specialq>>
<<colvar _args[0] "color-quest-name" noItalics>>
/* Called with eg <<questupdate roamingq>> to show "Quest: Sister Patrol" in fitting colors */
<<widget questupdate>>
<<print '<<set _questupdatename = setup.quests["'+_args[0]+'"].name>>'>>
<<set _questupdatestyle = "font-size:205%;margin-top:-1rem">>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<if _arg1.indexOf("bigmargin") != -1>>
<<set _questupdatestyle += ";margin-bottom:0.5rem">>
<<set _questupdatestyle += ";margin-bottom:0.1rem">>
<cc @style=_questupdatestyle class="shadow"><span style="color: var(--color-journal-headline);">Quest:</span><span class="quest-name" style="position:relative;"><<print _questupdatename>><<if _arg1.indexOf("completed") != -1>><span class="rotate-20 completed" style="position:absolute; height:3rem;width:8rem;margin-top:0.5rem;right:-8.5rem"></span><</if>></span></cc>
<<widget specialtext>>
<span style="font-style: italic;">$args[0]
<<widget specialalert>>
<<coltext _args[0] "e8d700" "noShadow noItalics">>
<<widget specialalert2>>
<<set _specialalert2extra = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<set _specialalert2extra += " noShadow noItalics">>
<<coltext _args[0] "d0bb00" _specialalert2extra>>
/* Used in help section */
<<widget specialhelp>>
<<coltext _args[0] "d0bb44" "noItalics colorAll">>
<<widget helpsection>>
<cc0 class="print-dark-shadow" style="font-weight:700; color:#ca4; font-size:130%">_args[0]</cc0>
<<widget italics>>
<<set _it0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _italicsAll = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<run setup.punctuate("it0", "lastcharitalics", "italicsAll")>>
<span style="font-style: italic;">_it0</span>_lastcharitalics
/* When wanting to highlight particular comments/notes in Ludolphus' writings */
<<widget note>>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<set _arg1 += " noShadow">>
<<if _arg1.indexOf("notColorAll") == -1>>
<<set _arg1 +=" colorAll">>
<<coltext _args[0] d0b799 _arg1>>
<<widget colvar>>
<<set _arg2 = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _arg2 += " colvar">>
<<coltext $args[0] $args[1] _arg2>>
<<widget coltext>>
<<set _coltext0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _color = $args[1]>>
<<set _coltextextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _lastcharcoltext = undefined>> /* in case several coltext calls in same passage */
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("colorAll") == -1>>
/* pass "colorAll" to color punctuation too, if we want to color a whole sentence for instance */
<<run setup.punctuate("coltext0", "lastcharcoltext")>>
<<set _coltext0before = "">>
<<set _coltext0after = "">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("colvar") != -1>>
<<print '<<set _style = \"color: var(--'+_color+')\">>'>>
<<print '<<set _style = \"color:#'+_color+'\">>'>>
<<set _class = "">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("potions") != -1>>
<<if _coltext0 == setup.potionNightmareOil>>
<<set _class += " nightmare-colors">>
<<set _style = "">>
<<elseif _coltext0 == "Nightmare tea">>
<<set _class += " nightmaretea-colors">>
<<set _style = "">>
<<elseif _coltext0 == setup.potionNightVision>>
<<set _class += " nightvision-colors">>
<<set _style = "">>
<<set _class += " print-dark-shadow2">>
<<elseif _coltextextra.indexOf("chapter") != -1>>
<<set _class += " print-dark-shadow2">>
<<elseif _coltextextra.indexOf("shadow2") != -1>>
<<set _class += " print-dark-shadow2">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("noShadow") == -1>>
<<set _class += " print-dark-shadow">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("noItalics") == -1>>
<<set _class += " italic-style">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("boldText") != -1>>
<<set _class += " bold-text">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("fontsize80") != -1>>
<<set _class += " font-size-80">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("paranthesis") != -1>>
<<set _coltext0before = "(">>
<<set _coltext0after = ")">>
<<if _coltextextra.indexOf("usage") != -1>>
<<set _coltext0before = "<span class='color-usage'>[</span>">>
<<set _coltext0after = "<span class='color-usage'>]</span>">>
_coltext0before<span @class=_class @style=_style>_coltext0</span>_coltext0after<<if def _lastcharcoltext>>_lastcharcoltext<</if>><<if _coltextextra.indexOf("addPeriod") != -1>>.<</if>>
<<widget completed>>
/* Think width over 4 will only add margin to right because image is about 4 in width. Lower than 4 will make image smaller */
<<set _completedwidth = _args[0] ? _args[0] : 4>>
<<set _completedpic = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "completed">>
<<print '<<set _compwidth = "width:'+_completedwidth+'rem">>'>>
<div @class=_completedpic @style=_compwidth><<space>></div>
<<widget completed2>>
<<completed _args[0] "completed2">>
<<widget fake>>
<<coltext Fake f4f noItalics>>
<<widget actHerbal>>
<<colvar 'De Viribus Herbarum' "color-herbal">>
<<widget actCodex>>
<<colvar 'Codex Veritatis' "color-codex">>
<<widget actPersonal>>
<<set _record = setup.record>>
<<if _args[0]>>
/* adding punctuation */
<<set _record += _args[0]>>
<<colvar _record "color-personal" "boldText">>
<<widget actChapter>>
<<switch $args[0]>>
<<case 1>><<set _chname = setup.chapter1>>
<<case 2>><<set _chname = setup.chapter2>>
<<case 3>><<set _chname = setup.chapter3>>
<<case 4>><<set _chname = setup.chapter4>>
<<case 5>><<set _chname = setup.chapter5action>>
<<set _chname = "["+_chname+"]">>
<<colvar _chname "color-action-chapter" chapter>>
<<widget actQuest>>
<<set _actqname = setup.quests[_args[0]].name>>
<<colvar _actqname "color-quest-name" _args[1]>>
<<widget info>>
<<set _what = $args[0]>>
<<set _text = $args[1]>>
<<set _infoextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<if _infoextra.indexOf("encounter") != -1>>
<<set _encMarker = " > ">>
<<set _infoclass = "print-dark-shadow">>
<<set _infotextclass = "">>
<<set _cpp = _infoextra.indexOf("quest")>>
<<if _infoextra.indexOf("quest") != -1>>
<<set _infoclass += " quest-name">>
<<elseif _infoextra.indexOf("encounter") != -1>>
<<set _infoclass += " encounter-name">>
<<set _infoclass += " general-info-color">>
<<if _infoextra.indexOf("croneInfo") != -1>>
<<set _infotextclass += " shadow crone-color">>
<<set _infodivclass = "saying general-info">>
<<if _infoextra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _infodivclass += " saying-center">>
<<if _infoextra.indexOf("qonhold") != -1>>
<<set _infodivclass += " qonhold">>
<<if _infoextra.indexOf("journalQuest") != -1>>
<<set _infodivclass += " center-quest-version-end">>
<div @class=_infodivclass>
<<if _what != null>><<if def _encMarker>><span style="color:#07d; font-weight:700;font-size:110%">_encMarker</span><</if>><span @class=_infoclass>_what:</span> <</if>><span @class=_infotextclass>_text</span>
<<set _encMarker = undefined>> /* necessary if having eg 'end of version' info and encounter info on same page */
<<widget lab>>
<<set _text = $args[0]>>
<<set _labx = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _labclass = "saying lab-info">>
<<set _labstyle = "">>
<<if _labx.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _labstyle += " display: inline-block;">>
<div @class=_labclass @style=_labstyle>
<span class="print-dark-shadow lab-color">The Alchemist's Lab: </span>_text
<<widget lineheight>>
<div class="my-line-height"> </div>
<<widget lh>>
<<widget lineheight2>>
<div class="my-line-height2"> </div>
<<widget lineheight3>>
<div class="my-line-height3"> </div>
<<widget settingsbr>>
<div class="settings-line-height"> </div>
<<widget settingsbr2>>
<div class="settings-line-height2"> </div>
<<widget settingsbr3>>
<<if _landscapeMode == true>>
<div class="settings-line-height3mobile"> </div>
<div class="settings-line-height3"> </div>
<<widget settingsbr4>>
<div class="settings-line-height4"> </div>
<<widget settingsbrfont>>
<div class="settings-line-height-font"> </div>
<<widget settingsbrcode>>
<div class="settings-line-height-code"> </div>
<<widget divider>>
<<set _style = "center png noBorder nomargin-bottom">>
<<if $args[0]>>
<<set _style += " "+$args[0]>>
<<mii "misc/divider" 22% _style>>
<<widget brdiv>>
<<widget brdiv2>>
/* same as brdiv but somewhat less space before divider, used after <l> etc */
<<widget brdiv3>>
/* similar to brdiv but less space before AND after divider, used after <l> etc and when there is text after divider. Use brdivmess for when there are messages after divider */
<<widget brdiv4>>
/* similar to brdiv but less space before AND after divider, used after <l> etc (and with a <p> for best fit) when there is text after divider. Use brdivmess for when there are messages after divider */
<<widget brdivmess>>
/* Like brdiv3 but used after messages (journal etc) where the element starts directly instead with text where there will be some distance to the text actually starts. Used after <l> etc */
<<widget linediv>>
/* Not sure, but seems to have same end result as brdiv3 although some small diffs in css. */
/* same as brdiv but with somewhat less space between lines */
<div class="my-line-height-bottom"><<divider>></div>
<<widget linediv2>>
/* same as linediv except skipping the last lineheight. This is useful when used after a section without <p> or any other marker, and before a part with <p> as <p> adds a lineheight. An alternative to using this, is to add a <p> to the section above, but that also means that section gets a top margin. */
<div class="my-line-height-bottom"><<divider>></div>
<<widget linediv3>>
/* When you can't use linediv2 because the previous <c> or <p> comes from a widget. So like this:
<<married celine>> (this widget ends with </c> which gives extra vertical space)
<<widget linediv4>>
/* like linediv but even less space before and after divider */
<<widget clear>>
/* Empty line which makes everything added after not
show up above this line */
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<<widget clearleft>>
<div style="clear:left"></div>
<<widget space>>
<<widget space2>>
<<widget space3>>
<<widget qbr>>
/* Space between quest updates in journal */
<div class="center" style="clear:both; line-height:0.5"></div>
<<widget br>>
/* to make sure we get an empty line (but can be alongside other elements) */
<div> </div>
<<widget br2>>
<<widget indent>>
<div style="text-indent: 2rem;">$args[0]</div>
/* NOTE: When using eg a comma directly after this or other widgets, there normally is a space added between them, which looks ugly. But when using this var widget AND using <<say>>, this space is not added for some reason, so eg this will work fine: "<<s mc "<<var abbot>>, are you busy?">> -- same with using <<abbot>> instead since it calls <<var abbot>>*/
<<widget var>>
<<set _var0 = $args[0]>>
<<run setup.punctuate("var0", "lastcharvar")>>
<<print '<<set _varsetup = setup.'+_var0+'>>'>>
<<widget mms>>
<<var mms>>
<<widget lastabbot>>
<<var lastabbot>>
<<widget alonso>>
<<set _ala = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<set _alonso = "Novice Alonso"+_ala>>
<<widget giovanni>>
<<set _gio = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<set _giovanni = "Brother Giovanni"+_gio>>
<<widget salvatore>>
<<set _sal = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<set _salvatore = "Brother Salvatore"+_sal>>
<<widget gardener>>
<<set _gard0 = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<set _gardener = "Brother "+setup.gardener+_gard0>>
<<widget preggorisk>>
<<if $pregnancy>>
/* Do eg <<drunk 4 custom>> to add -4 res and +4 corr */
<<widget drunk>>
<<set _units = $args[0]>>
<<if _args[1] == "custom">>
<<set _tempres = -_args[0]>>
<<set _tempcorr = _args[0]>>
<<set _tempres = _units * -3>>
<<set _tempcorr = _units * 3>>
<<addres _tempres temporary>>
<<addcorr _tempcorr temporary>>
<<widget sober>>
<<if $tempstats.res != 0 || $tempstats.corr != 0>>
Your temporary effects are removed...
<<if $tempstats.res != 0>>
<<addres $tempstats.res subtract>>
<<set $tempstats.res = 0>>
<<if $tempstats.corr != 0>>
<<addcorr $tempstats.corr subtract>>
<<set $tempstats.corr = 0>>
<<widget toLab>>
<<set _labButtonClass = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<but "<<coltext \"The Alchemist's laboratory\" ff9600>>" lab _labButtonClass>>
/* Show eye example: "7 43 4" for xpos, ypos, width of eye. Note it's a string, so must use " */
<<widget hubShowRoom>>
<<set _layout = "layout">>
<<set _room = $args[0]>>
<<set _leftpos = $args[1]>>
<<set _toppos = $args[2]>>
<<set _imwidth = $args[3] ? $args[3] : 10>>
<<set _mapwidth = $args[4] ? $args[4] : 75>>
<<set _hubshowextra = $args[5] ? $args[5] : "">>
<<set _showEye = $args[6] ? $args[6] : null>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<set _layout = "layout_night">>
<<macroHubShowRoom _layout _room _leftpos _toppos _imwidth _mapwidth _hubshowextra _showEye>><</macroHubShowRoom>>
/* (Use hubShowRoom3 instead. Keeping this since used in game)
Using default values in populate (but they will usually not align well).
Example: <<hubShowRoom2 refectory 12 90>> */
<<widget hubShowRoom2>>
<<set _hr = setup.rooms[$args[0]]>>
<<set _room = null>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<set _room = _hr.imageNight>>
<<if _room == null>>
<<set _room = _hr.image>>
<<set _leftpos = _hr.x>>
<<set _toppos = _hr.y>>
<<set _toppos = _toppos.substring(0,_toppos.length-1)>>
<<hubShowRoom _room _leftpos _toppos $args[1] $args[2] $args[3] $args[4]>>
/* Automatically supplies the room, with correct image for day and night.
Example: <<hubShowRoom2 refectory 45 30 10 90 "extra">> ie room name, x,y, roomimage width, layout width, extra
Note that must give roomimage width because using _hr.w will not give same size as on hub because image size on hub is calculated in populate based on several things */
<<widget hubShowRoom3>>
<<set _hr = setup.rooms[$args[0]]>>
<<set _room = null>>
<<if $daytime == "night">>
<<set _room = _hr.imageNight>>
<<if _room == null>>
<<set _room = _hr.image>>
<<set _leftpos = _args[1]>>
<<set _toppos = _args[2]>>
<<hubShowRoom _room _args[1] _args[2] _args[3] _args[4] _args[5]>>
<<widget hubShowMcRoom>>
<<set _mcRoomSize = $args[0] ? $args[0] : null>>
<<hubShowRoom "mc/room" 58 67 10 _mcRoomSize>>
<<widget mcroomImages>>
<<mii "mc/lastabbotroom" 76% "noBorder png">>
<<mii "misc/under" 90% "noBorder png styling margin-bottom: 1.5rem stylingend">>
<<mii "mc/room" 40% "right styling margin-top: 1rem stylingend">>
<<widget hub>>
<<set _leavemess = _args[0] || "Leave">>
<<but _leavemess hub $args[1]>>
<<widget chub>>
<<but "Continue" hub $args[0]>>
<<widget mhub>>
<<but "Leave" monks $args[0]>>
<<widget cmhub>>
<<but "Continue" monks $args[0]>>
<<widget tapSideBar>>
If you can't see the sidebar, tap on <span style="font-size:120%;font-weight:700; color:var(--color-ui-bar-top-buttons)"> > </span> in the upper left corner.
<<widget bibleAnoint>>
<bible>Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.<br>
<tipsx> – Psalm 105:15</tipsx></bible>
<<widget bibleFornicate>>
/* original: For on that day shall the priest make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the LORD. */
<bible>For on that day shall the priest <biblecodex>eat your sins</biblecodex>, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the LORD.<br>
<tipsx> – Leviticus 16:30 <span style="font-size:60%;vertical-align: top;font-style:italic"><biblecodex>CV</biblecodex></span></tipsx></bible>
<<widget bibleSodomy>>
<<widget dialogCloseButton>>
<div class="menu-button close-button">
<<set _buttname = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "Close">>
<<button "_buttname">>
<<widget head>>
<<set _charname = _args[0]>>
<<set _headpath = _charname+"/"+_args[1]>>
<<print '<span class="character-head head-'+_charname+'"><<mii nuns/'+_headpath+' 100 "png noZoom">></span>'>>
<<widget videoOverlay>>
<<set _arg6 = _args[6] ? _args[6] : "">>
<<set _arg6 += " source:video">>
<<overlay _args[0] _args[1] _args[2] _args[3] _args[4] _args[5] _arg6>><</overlay>>
/* Use this from now on. Saving original videoOverlay for compatibility in case there is some issue with just switching all to version B.
Note: Using videoOverlayB instead of videoOverlay2 because when using a number, color coding in VSCode stops working */
<<widget videoOverlayB>>
<<set _arg6 = _args[6] ? _args[6] : "">>
<<set _arg6 += " source:video">>
<<set _arg7 = _args[7] ? _args[7] : "">> /* for video extra */
<<overlayVideo _args[0] _args[1] _args[2] _args[3] _args[4] _args[5] _arg6 _arg7>><</overlayVideo>>
/* Lifted out this from buttons since used in several places. the req is removed to avoid being checked again later
<<addreqs _extra>>
<<set _extra = _reqsextra>>
<<widget addreqs>>
/* Later if want to use for normal room events, then can do eg reqr2 (instead of req2) and then it will check which room (counting mc1 as mc) and call reqs for mc */
<<set _addreqsextra = _args[0] + " ">>
<<set _reqindex = _addreqsextra.indexOf("req")>>
<<if !(_reqindex>0) || _addreqsextra.charAt(_reqindex-1) != " ">>
/* Filtering out false positives of req, like salvatoreq==100. Will disable valid req if req is added first instead of ev: or st: - but that shouldn't be done anyway */
<<set _reqsextra = _args[0]>>
<<set _regend = _addreqsextra.indexOf(" ", _reqindex)>>
<<set _reqid = _addreqsextra.substring(_reqindex+3, _regend)>>
/* removing reqxx from extra */
<<set _addreqsextra = _addreqsextra.substring(0,_reqindex) + " " + _addreqsextra.substring(_regend)>>
<<if _addreqsextra.indexOf("volunteerEvent") != -1>>
<<set _reqwhat = "volunteers">>
<<elseif _addreqsextra.indexOf("prisonEvent") != -1>>
<<set _reqwhat = "prisoners">>
<<set _reqwhat = "sendnun">>
<<print '<<set _addedreqs = setup.reqs.'+_reqwhat+'['+_reqid+']>>'>>
/* removing name which is in beginning of reqs */
<<set _addedreqs = _addedreqs.substring(_addedreqs.indexOf(" "))>>
<<set _reqsextra = _addreqsextra + _addedreqs + " ">>
<<widget vnunlist container>>
<<set _arg2 = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "">>
<<set _arg2 += " volunteering ">>
<<nunlist _args[0] _args[1] _arg2>>
<<widget pnunlist container>>
<<set _arg2 = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "">>
<<set _arg2 += " prisoners ">>
<<nunlist _args[0] _args[1] _arg2>>
<<if setup.imprisoned(_args[1])>>
is currently not <<hovertip imprisoned. imprisoned>>
/* Might be called when prisoner is already added, so don't remove check */
<<widget prisonadd>>
<<if !setup.imprisoned(_args[0])>>
<<set $prisoners.push(_args[0])>>
<<widget prisonremove>>
<<set $prisoners.delete(_args[0])>>
<<widget prisoner-numbers>>
<span id="prisoners-number">
You currently have
<<if $prisoners.length>0>>
$prisoners.length prisoner<<if $prisoners.length>1>>s<</if>>.
no prisoners.
/*Called from Imprison/release button */
<<widget imprison>>
<<if setup.imprisoned(_args[0])>>
<<prisonremove _args[0]>>
<<prisonadd _args[0]>>
<<set _prisoner = "prisoner"+_args[0]>>
<<print '<<replace "#'+_prisoner+'">><<'+_prisoner+'>><</replace>>'>>
<<print '<<replace "#prisoners-number">><<prisoner-numbers>><</replace>>'>>
<<widget prisoneragnes>>
<<set _noSpaceContinue = true>>
<<pnunlist agnes/agnes_small agnes>>
/*<<tortbutfirst "Visit" mc1 "ev:3100 step:1000 replayEvent req1">>*/
<<prisonbut agnes "Interrogation" dungeon1 "ev:1350 replayEvent req1">>
<<prisonbut agnes "Interrogation 2" dungeon1 "ev:1400 req2">>
<<prisonbut agnes "Pillory" dungeon1 "ev:1400 noCheckEvent step:8000 req3">>
<<prisonbut agnes "Sister Dolores" dungeon1 "ev:1600 req4">>
<<prisonbut agnes "Holy cross" dungeon1 "ev:1600 step:200 noCheckEvent req5">>
<<widget prisoneragatha>>
<<set _noSpaceContinue = true>>
<<pnunlist agatha/agatha_small agatha>>
/*<<tortbutfirst "Visit" mc1 "ev:3100 step:1000 replayEvent req1">>*/
<<prisonbut agatha "Interrogation" dungeon1 "ev:1800 noCheckEvent req6">>
<<prisonbut agatha "Interrogation" dungeon1 "ev:1800 step:2000 req8">>
<<prisonbut agatha "Interrogation" dungeon1 "ev:1800 step:2000 replayEvent req9">>
<<prisonbut agatha "Punishment" dungeon1 "ev:1800 step:3000 req10">>
<<prisonbut agatha "Flogging" dungeon1 "ev:1800 step:3000 noCheckEvent req11">>
<<widget prisonerdolores>>
<<pnunlist dolores/dolores_small dolores>>
/*<<tortbutfirst "Visit" mc1 "ev:3100 step:1000 replayEvent req1">>*/
<<prisonbut dolores "Visit" mc1 "ev:3100 step:1000 req100">>
<<widget listgirl>>
<<print '<<set _listgirl = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.shortname>>'>>
<<if ndef _listgirl>>
<<print '<<set _listgirl = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.name>>'>>
<<print '<<set _headpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.imagepng>>'>>
<<if def _headpic>>
<<set _headpic += ".png">>
<<print '<<set _headpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.image>>'>>
<<set _headpic += ".jpg">>
<<set _headpic = "media/"+_headpic>>
<<if _args[0] == "crone">>
<<set _headpic = "media/nuns/misc/crone4_small.png">>
<<set _listgirl = "<span class='crone-color'>The Crone (?)</span>">>
/* If wanting to use their own colors, but feels too busy...
<<print '<<set _listc = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.color>>'>>
<<print '<<set _listcolor = "color:'+_listc+'">>'>>*/
<div style="display:inline-block; height:7rem;width:8rem;">
<img @src=_headpic class="center imgBorder nomargin-bottom" style="height:4.5rem;border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%;">
<div class="shadow special-nun-button2" style="font-size:80%;text-align:center;margin-left:-100%;margin-right:-100%;">
<<if _args[1] && _args[1].indexOf("buttondata") != -1>>
<<set _butdataend = _args[1].indexOf("buttondataend")>>
<<set _listgirlbuttonlocation = _args[1].substring(_args[1].indexOf("buttondata"), _butdataend)>>
<<set _listgirlbuttonlocation = _listgirlbuttonlocation.split(" ")>>
<<set _listgirlbuttonlocation = _listgirlbuttonlocation[1]>>
<<set _listgirlbuttonextra = _args[1].substring(_butdataend)>>
<<set _listgirlbuttonextra += " special">>
<span class="statbut bbox" style="margin-top:0.20rem">
<<but _listgirl _listgirlbuttonlocation _listgirlbuttonextra>>
<<widget listgirlbutton>>
<<print '<<set _listgirl = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.shortname>>'>>
<<if ndef _listgirl>>
<<print '<<set _listgirl = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.name>>'>>
<<print '<<set _headpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.imagepng>>'>>
<<if def _headpic>>
<<set _headpic += ".png">>
<<print '<<set _headpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.image>>'>>
<<set _headpic += ".jpg">>
<<set _headpic = "media/"+_headpic>>
<<if _args[0] == "crone">>
<<set _headpic = "media/nuns/misc/crone4_small.png">>
<<set _listgirl = "<span class='crone-color'>The Crone (?)</span>">>
/* If wanting to use their own colors, but feels too busy...
<<print '<<set _listc = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.color>>'>>
<<print '<<set _listcolor = "color:'+_listc+'">>'>>*/
<div style="display:inline-block; height:7rem;width:8rem;">
<img @src=_headpic class="center imgBorder nomargin-bottom" style="height:4.5rem;border-radius:100% 100% 100% 100%;">
<div class="shadow special-nun-button2" style="font-size:80%;text-align:center;margin-left:-100%;margin-right:-100%;">
<<specbut Ava chapel1 ev:100>>
<<widget alchemyLevel>>
<<set $alchemyLevel = _args[0]>>
<<set _alchskill = setup.alchemist[$alchemyLevel]>>
<<if $alchemyLevel == 1>>
<<info "_alchskill Alchemist" "You took your first baby steps in practicing alchemy.">>
<<info "_alchskill Alchemist" "Your skill as an alchemist has advanced to a new level!" _args[1]>>
<<widget personal>>
<span class="personal shadow">_args[0]:</span>
<<widget persstat>>
/*<span style="font-size:90%;color:#aabb50">_args[0]</span>*/
/*<span style="font-size:90%;color:#7b5">_args[0]</span>*/
<span style="font-size:90%;color:#987">_args[0]</span>
<<widget butinvis>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>> /* used like <<clear>> for bottom buttons, ie to make next button appear below */
<<widget categorytitle>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><div style="font-size:150%;"><<bold _args[0]>></div></cc>
<<widget addEncounter>>
<<if !($replayingEvent > 0)>>
<<print '<<set _encchar=setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.name>>'>>
<<if _args[1] == null>>
<<set _encdaynight = "">>
<<elseif _args[1].indexOf("day") != -1>>
<<set _encdaynight = " (day)">>
<<elseif _args[1].indexOf("night") != -1>>
<<set _encdaynight = " (night)">>
<<set _specialEnc = "">>
<<if _args[2] && _args[2].indexOf("special") != -1>>
<<set _specialEnc = "<span class='print-dark-shadow' style='color:#f00'>special</span>">>
<<info _encchar "This _specialEnc encounter can now be replayed in your room_encdaynight" "encounter">>
<<widget endEncounter>>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<if $daytime == "day">>
<<but "End replay" mc1 "ev:666100">>
<<if $encID == 2>>
<<set $temp = "replayedDream4">>
<<but "End dream(?)" mc>>
<<but "End replay" mc1 "ev:666200">>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>>
<<set $replayingEncounter = 0>>
<<set _endEncGo = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "hub">>
<<set _endEncButton = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "Leave">>
<<but _endEncButton _endEncGo>>
<<set $encounterIDs = []>>
<<set $encID = -1>>
<<widget encError>>
/* arg0 is just a value to keep track of which part of the code sent the error */
<cc>[Error:_args[0]] Encounter failed for $encounterRoom.<br> Encounter IDs: $encounterIDs <p>
<p>You may see this message if you reloaded the browser page. Everything should be fine. Keep playing.<br>
You may also see this message if you used the top left corner back/forward history button. Then DON'T click Continue, instead go back or forward in history, and everything should be fine.</p>
If you didn't reload the page or used the back/forward button, this is a bug. Please make a save to disk if possible and make a bug report with the save.</p>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>> /* must reset variable */
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<widget endVolunteer>>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<but "End replay" mc1 "ev:666300">>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>>
<<set $replayingVolunteerEvent = 0>>
<<set _endEncGo = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "mc">>
<<set _endEncButton = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "Continue">>
<<set _endEncExtra = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "">>
<<but _endEncButton _endEncGo _endEncExtra>>
<<widget endSendNun>>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<but "End replay" mc1 "ev:666000">>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>>
<<set _endSNButton = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "Continue">>
<<set _endSN = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "mc">>
<<but _endSNButton _endSN>>
<<widget endPrison>>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<but "End replay" dungeon1 "ev:666000">>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>>
<<set $replayingPrisonEvent = 0>>
<<but "Continue" dungeon1 "ev:666000">>
/* Can be used anywhere as it does not send mc back to "send a nun" screen */
<<widget endReplayEvent>>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
<<but "End replay" _args[1]>>
<<set $replayingEvent = 0>>
<<set _endSNButton = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "Continue">>
<<set _endSN = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "mc">>
<<but _endSNButton _endSN>>
<<widget revimage>>
<cc style="font-size:200%" class="nomargin-bottom"><<bold "The Revelation">><<if _args[1] && _args[1] .indexOf("completed") != -1>><div class="rotate-20" style="width:7rem"><<space>></div><</if>></cc>
<<if _args[1] && _args[1].indexOf("rev1") != -1>>
<cc><bible>“They will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and He will be accompanied by His called and chosen and faithful ones.”<br>
<tipsx> – Revelation 17:14</tipsx></bible></cc>
<<mii lab/patriarch _args[0] right>>
<<mii lab/patriarch _args[0]>>
<<widget revsupport>>
<<revimage 44>>
<cc><<if _args[2]>>
You have secured the support of _args[0].
<p>The day of the Revelation is growing closer.
<<qadd revelation _args[1]>>
/*<<info "<<actQuest revelation>>" "The quest has been updated" center>>*/
<<qmess revelation 100 "center updateAlways">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",350) && setup.checkqStage("revelation",400) &&
setup.checkqStage("revelation",500) && setup.checkqStage("revelation",600) &&
setup.checkqStage("revelation",700) && setup.checkqStage("revelation",800)>>
<<set _checkzararev = true>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelationzara",100) || setup.checkqStage("revelationzara",200)>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("revelation",850)>>
<<set _checkzararev = false>>
<<if _checkzararev>>
<<set _specialEvent = "passageSpecial:nuns1 evSpecial:1400">>
<<widget dopatriarch>>
<<mii lab/patriarch3 40>>
<<set _arg0 = _args[0]>>
<<switch _arg0>>
<<case "bathroom">>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">You entered the bathroom when the novices were bathing.
<<qmess patriarchq 200 center>></cc>
<<case "catarina">>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">Enforcing your will as the patriarch, you finally anointed Sister Catarina in the kitchen.
<<qmess patriarchq 300 center>></cc>
<<case "zara">>
<cc2 class="nomargin-bottom">Eercising your authority over the nuns, you took Novice Zara between the legs to reduce your lust.
<<qmess patriarchq 400 center>>
<<case "cindy">>
<c class="nomargin-bottom">You punished Novice Cindy for not properly covering her hair, making an example of her to show that –as the patriarch – you do not take lightly on transgressions of the rules.
<<addauth 1>>
<<qmess patriarchq 550 center>>
<<case "viola">>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">Using your authority as patriarch, you finally fornicated with Sister Viola.
<<qmess patriarchq 600 center>>
missing patriarchq widget data
<<set _patbath = setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",200) ? 1 : 0>>
<<set _patcata = setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",300) ? 1 : 0>>
<<set _patzara = setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",400) ? 1 : 0>>
<<set _patcindy = setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",550) ? 1 : 0>>
<<set _patviola = setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",600) ? 1 : 0>>
<<set _dopats = _patbath + _patcata + _patzara + _patcindy + _patviola>>
<<info "Patriarch" "Exercise your power as the new leader of the nuns. (_dopats/5)" center>>
<<if _dopats >= 5>>
<<set _specialEvent = "passageSpecial:nuns1 evSpecial:1420">>
<<widget rebel>>
<<set _rpath = _args[0] ? _args[0] : $rileyPath>>
<<set _rebelextra = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<set _rebelBefore = $rileyRebel>>
<<set _reduce = setup.rileyRebelReduce>>
<<set _pathname = $rileyPath.toUpperFirst()>>
<<if setup.questCompleted("riley")>>
State.temporary.rinfo = '<span class="print-dark-shadow2" style="color:#0b0">Already completed</span>';
<<info "_pathname path" _rinfo _rebelextra>>
<<elseif $rileyPath == _rpath>>
<<set $rileyRebel -= _reduce>>
<<set _lowest = null>>
<<if _rebelextra.indexOf("oral") != -1>>
<<set _lowest = setup.rileyOralLowest>>
<<elseif _rebelextra.indexOf("vaginal") != -1>>
<<set _lowest = setup.rileyVaginalLowest>>
<<set _lowest = setup.rileyAnalLowest>>
<<if _lowest != null>>
<<if _rebelBefore <= _lowest>>
/* specific sex lesson can only go down to lowest limit, so if already at lowest or lower, don't reduce further */
<<set $rileyRebel = _rebelBefore>>
<<elseif $rileyRebel < _lowest>>
/* if rebel was higher than lowest limit, then make sure it doesn't go down below lowest limit */
<<set $rileyRebel = _lowest>>
/* finally update the actual reduce value */
<<set _reduce = _rebelBefore - $rileyRebel>>
State.temporary.rinfo = '<span class="print-dark-shadow2">Rebel => '+State.variables.rileyRebel+' (<span style="color:#0f0">-'+State.temporary.reduce+'</span>)';
/* <<print '<<set _rinfo = "<span class=\"print-dark-shadow2\">Rebel '+$rileyRebel+'<span style="color:#0f0">-'+_reduce+')</span>\">>'>>
<<print '<<set _style = \"color: var(--'+_color+')\">>'>>
<<print '<span class="character-head head-'+_charname+'"><<mii nuns/'+_headpath+' 100 "png noZoom">></span>'>>
<<info "_pathname path" "_rinfo" _rebelextra>>
<<set $rileyRebel += _reduce>>
<<if $rileyRebel >= 100>>
<<set $rileyRebel = 100>>
/* Showing actual increase up to 100, ie from 99 to 100 will show +1 */
<<set _reduce = $rileyRebel - _rebelBefore>>
<<if $rileyRebel == _rebelBefore>>
<<set _reduce = 0>>
State.temporary.rinfo = '<span class="print-dark-shadow2">Rebel => '+State.variables.rileyRebel+' (<span style="color:#f00">+'+State.temporary.reduce+'</span>)';
<<info "_pathname path" "_rinfo" _rebelextra>>
<<widget batguanoQuestEnd>>
<<mvv monks/stefano200ms 45 right>>
<l>You found the missing bag of bat guano in the storage building, but finding the bag doesn't prove it was Brother Stefano who took it. He denies knowing anything about the missing bag. Either Novice Alonso is mistaken about seeing Brother Stefano taking the guano bag, or one of them is lying.
<p>But even if one of them is lying, you don't know why. It could have to do with the fake angel, but it could also be related to the rivalry between the monks working in the herb garden and the monks working in the kitchen garden. You need evidence to connect the missing bag of bat guano to the fake angel. And you have none, yet. For now, this lead has gone cold. But you should keep an eye on Brother Stefano.</p>
<p>Novice Alonso sleeping in the garden shed at night still feels like your best bet at finding out more about the fake angel.
<<qend stefanoq 500>>
<<widget danaParkFollow>>
<<if !($danapark == 1)>>
<<if $qqdana >= 100 && $qqdana < 200 >>
You see Sister Dana coming out from the distant parts of the park.<br>
<<nunbut "dana" grounds1 "ev:300">>
<<elseif $qqdana == 200>>
<<if $qqemma2 >= 300 && $qqjulia >=200 && setup.daysSinceLastStage("dana",2)>>
/* requirements for emma and julia here for story consistency (emma) and to change school events to starting directly in school.tw and using nunbuttons (julia) */
You see Sister Dana in the distance. She is walking further into the park with determined steps.<br>
<<nunbut "dana" grounds1 "ev:350">>
<<set $danapark = 1>>
<<widget mortification>>
<<if setup.sensitiveDetective()>>
<<set _lustloss = setup.flogValueSensitiveDetective>>
<<set _lustloss = setup.flogValue>>
<<but "Mortification of the flesh" mc1 "ev:200 always special">>
<<statbutadd _lustloss lust>>
<<widget creampie>>
<<if !($replayingEncounter > 0 || $replayingVolunteerEvent > 0)>>
<<set _allowAffectsQuests = true>>
<<if _allowAffectsQuests>>
<<if _args[0]>>
/* Not allowing this for replays to be consistent with them not affecting quests.
Could possibly reconsider this: To give people more chances to preg someone than just in the original encounter, and it can be argued that creampied (possibly) actually happened since replaying is like remembering the event, and if mc creampies in replay, means he then remembered it like that... so it might have happened like that.
But, if wanting to give more chances to preg for girls with preg content, can make other ways to give players chances to do this, like add girl to "send for a nun" or whatever*/
<<print '<<set _checkcreamgirl = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'>>'>>
<<if _checkcreamgirl != null>>
<<if !$creampied.contains(_args[0])>>
<<set $creampied.push(_args[0])>>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1]>>
<<pregalert _args[0] _arg1>>
<<set $creampieCounter += 1>>
<<if $qqcreampieq >= 99 && $qqcreampieq < 500>>
/* Special sofia check to make sure she only counts one time even if mc creampies her in replaying event and reducing lust event */
<<if ndef $creampieSofia>>
<<set $creampieSofia = "">>
<<set _qcream = setup.quests["creampieq"].name>>
<<set _allowcreampie = true>>
<<if _args[0] != null && _args[0] == "sofia">>
<<if $creampieSofia != "sofia">>
<<set $creampieSofia = "sofia">>
<<set _allowcreampie = false>>
<<info "_qcream" "You have already planted your seed in Novice Sofia today." "center quest">>
<<if _args[0] != null && _args[0] == "questEnding">>
<<set _creampieQuestEnding = true>>
<<if _allowcreampie>>
<<set _creamtoday = $qqcreampieq+1>>
<<qset creampieq _creamtoday>>
<<if ndef _creampieQuestEnding>>
<<if _creamtoday >= 105>>
<<set _specialEvent = "passageSpecial:nuns1 evSpecial:966">>
<<set _qcream = setup.quests["creampieq"].name>>
<<set _qcreamcums = _creamtoday-100>>
<<if ndef _creampieQuestEnding>> /* no div when showing completed passage */
<<info "_qcream" "Plant your seed in five nuns during the same day. (_qcreamcums/5)" "center quest">>
<<widget cum>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<<addlust _args[0]>>
<<addlust setup.cumValue>>
<<if !($replayingEncounter > 0 || $replayingVolunteerEvent > 0)>>
<<set _allowAffectsQuests = true>>
<<if _allowAffectsQuests>>
<<set $cum += 1>>
<<if $qqcurseserpent >= 500 && $qqcurseserpent < 510>>
<<set _cumtoday = $qqcurseserpent+1>>
<<qset curseserpent _cumtoday>>
<<if _cumtoday >= 504>>
<<set _specialEvent = "passageSpecial:nuns1 evSpecial:720">>
<<set _qcurse = setup.quests["curseserpent"].name>>
<<set _qcursecums = _cumtoday-500>>
<<info "_qcurse" "Release your seed four times during the same day. (_qcursecums/4)" "center quest">>
<<widget married>>
<<print '<<set _wifename = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.name>>'>>
<c>After briefly being _wifename's husband and uniting with her in sexual congress, your trust and authority with her has increased.
<<addtrust 1>>
<<addauth 1>>
<<set $holymarriages += 1>>
<<if $qqholymarriage == 1100>>
<<set _holym = setup.quests["holymarriage"].name>>
<<set _holymnuns = $holymarriages - 1>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("holymarriage",1108)>>
<<if _args[0] == "celine">>
<<qmess holymarriage 1104>>
<<elseif _args[0] == "anika">>
<<qmess holymarriage 1105>>
<<qmess holymarriage 1106>>
<<qadd holymarriage 1108>>
<<info "_holym" "You married another nun using the Holy Marriage rite. (_holymnuns/2)" "center quest">>
<<if $holymarriages == 3>>
<<qset holymarriage 1110>> /* trigger end of quest in hub */
<<widget marry>>
/* var checked in <<name>> and using marryname, so ie Francia instead of Novice Francia while married */
<<if _args[0]=="stop">>
<<set $isMarried = null>>
<<set $isMarried = _args[0]>>
<<widget secretlabSolved>>
<<mii misc/darkmonastery 48 right>>
You think you have it all figured out now.
<p>The so-called last abbot, a man named <<var lastabbot,>> was conducting more or less secret experiments on the monks and the nuns, testing and improving his recipes and alchemical formulas, for whatever purposes. When it came to the nuns, it probably included something sexual, maybe even rape.</p>
<p>Ludolphus had turned the wine cellar into an alchemist's laboratory – which probably was what the room was originally used as. It is unclear why the room was abandoned and left untouched when he died. It could be that no one else knew about the old wine cellar – it could have been forgotten and the abbot discovered it by accident one day. Or he made sure no one but him knew about the room, maybe going as far as killing people. Another explanation is that the monks simply left the laboratory alone, keeping it closed and stricken from the records, hoping it would be forgotten in time together with the evil that took place there.</p>
<<widget secretlabSolved2>>
<<mii misc/deathbed 60>>
You can't prove what happened, but you suspect that one day, Ludolphus either accidentally poisoned himself, or someone poisoned him to put a stop to his abuse of power. The abbot become ill, hid his manuscripts in the hidden compartment, and returned to his bedroom where he died. Then people finally dared to speak, and the truth of what had been going on was revealed.
<<q secretlab 500 questEnd>>
<<widget sofialust>>
<<set _lustloss = setup.cumValue>>
<<statbut inline>>
<<if $qqjuliamoving>=1000>>
<<but "Novice Sofia" mc1 "ev:1800 special">>
<<but "Get Novice Sofia" mc1 "ev:1800 special">>
<<statbutadd _lustloss lust>>
<<widget julialust>>
<<set _lustloss = setup.cumValue>>
<<if $qqjuliamoving == 1000>>
<<set _flashstatbut = true>>
<<statbut inline>>
<<but "Novice Julia" nuns1 "ev:1800 step:1000 special">>
<<statbutadd _lustloss lust>>
<<set _flashstatbut = false>>
<<statbut inline>>
<<but "Novice Julia" julia1 "ev:700 step:1000 special">>
<<statbutadd _lustloss lust>>
<<widget studentdanger>>
<<mii school/girllook 45 right>>
But there is a danger with having sexual intercourse with the girls at the school: they could get pregnant.
<p>You have already taken measures to <<if $pregnancy>>drastically reduce<<else>>eliminate<</if>> the risk of making a nun pregnant by having Novice Emma regularly add <<potionContraception plural>> to the food the nuns eat. You could do the same with the students.</p>
<<widget studentdangerTwo>>
<<mii school/catarina/head 38 "pnggg">>
Since you have a reason to visit Sister Catarina in the school kitchen, you think you can manage it on your own, without the help of Novice Emma.
<<q amnesiaq 600>>
<<if $temp=="school">>
<<but "Continue" school>>
<<but "Continue" mc>>
<<widget lunch>>
<<mv supper 80>>
<cc>You eat lunch with the nuns as usual.
<<set $lunch = 1>>
<<if $qqsaraq>0 && $qqsaraq<1000 && setup.checkPlayedEver("nuns1",1000,100)>>
<<qadd saraq 1140>>
<<elseif $qqsaraq==2400>>
<p>When the nuns close their eyes for prayer, you see Novice Emma mix the lust potion into Novice Sara's bowl of food. No one notices.</p>
<p>As it happens, today's lunch includes a decent amount of dairy products, which suits you well as it should slow the effect of the lust potion.
<<q saraq 2500 center>>
/* NOTE: If wanting to add an event after supper, and it doesn't have to be immediately after leaving refectory (ie mc has time to visit Celine first), the easiest way is to just add the event in override hub in js for daytime==night */
<<widget eatsupper>>
<<if ndef $qqanikaq2 && def $qqamyq>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikaq",555)>>
<<run setup.v10AnikaPregBugfix()>>
<cc><<mii nuns/anika/head1 18 "pnggg right">>It looks like Novice Anika isn't feeling very well, and you recall seeing her like this a few times lately. You should check in on her tomorrow during the day.
<<qstart anikaq2 100 center>>
<<if $intro < 9000>>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:200 autosaving">>
<<elseif $qqrumika==500>>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:900">>
<<elseif $qqolenkaq==1100>>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:1720">>
<<elseif $qqceline>=100>>
/* All new initiations after celine shows up should be added here. See comment in refectory1 ev300 step200 */
<<if $qqjudithBathroomNight == 10>>
<<qinit judithBathroomNight>>
<<qset judithBathroomNight 20>>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:1400 autosaving">>
<<elseif $qqemmalustangel==500>>
<cc><<linediv3>>You inform the nuns that there will be an important meeting in the chapel after supper. You will ring the bell to announce it.</cc>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:1900 step:8000 autosaving">>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:300 step:300 autosaving">>
<<but "Eat supper >>>" refectory1 "ev:300 autosaving always">>
<<widget aftersupper>>
/* using a widget so can use this if wanting to eat supper from another event/location and be sure everything stays the same */
<<set $daytime = "night">>
<cc><<sober>></cc> /* v0.6: sober after sleeping and after supper. Shouldn't cause any problems with earlier content (hoping) */
<<widget sleep>>
<<set _sleepmess = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "Sleep until morning >>>">>
<<but _sleepmess praybed "ev:100">>
<<widget afterSleep>>
/*<<set _lustloss = -($lust * setup.sleepValue)>>
<<if _lustloss > -10>>
<<set _lustloss = -10>>
<<if setup.sensitiveDetective()>>
<<set _lustloss = setup.sleepLustLossSensitiveDetective>>
<<set _lustloss = setup.sleepLustLoss>>
<<addlust _lustloss>>
/** v0.7: Wanting to add less space after decreased lust/tempt messages. Havent tested if it looks good in all situations. */
<<set _skipLinebreaks = true>>
<<widget pregnant>>
<<set _girl = _args[0]>>
<<set _gname = setup.chars[_girl].name>>
<<set _gimage = _args[1]>>
<<set _gimagesize = _args[2]>>
<cc style="font-size:240%"><<coltext "Pregnant:" "f90" noItalics>><<coltext "_gname" "9b0" noItalics>></cc>
<<mii _gimage _gimagesize>>
<cc><<info "Pregnancy alert" "You have impregnated _gname." center>></cc>
/*<<set $creampied.delete(_girl)>> DO NOT DELETE. Want to keep track of all creampied girls forever, even after preg.
Can still filter out those who are potential pregnancies by comparing to preg list etc. See ev:667 step:200 in lab1 */
<<set $pregnancies.push(_girl)>>
/* Call in (daytime) town events when we want it to be evening (supper) when player to returns from town. Use this to avoid playing doing too much in a single day, like arranging a marriage in town and then go back to monastery and then back to town to marry, all in same day */
<<widget townupdate>>
<<set $daytime = "supper">>
<<widget setev>>
<<if !$args[1]>>
<<set _dest = passage()>>
<<set _phase = $args[0]>>
<<set _dest = $args[0]>>
<<set _phase = $args[1]>>
setup.setEvent(State.temporary.dest, State.temporary.phase);
<<widget c>>
<<set _butt_text = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "Continue">>
<<set _pass = $args[1] ? $args[1] : passage()>>
<<set _cextra = $args[2]>>
<<but _butt_text _pass _cextra>>
/* Like <<c>> but for <<but>> so automatically calling same passage, so in mc1 can do <<b "open door" step:300>> instead of <<but "open door" mc1 step:300>> can do */
<<widget b>>
<<set _pass = passage()>>
<<but _args[0] _pass _args[1]>>
<<widget ct>>
<<c "Continue tour" $args[0]>>
<<widget pregalert>>
<<if _args[0] == null>>
<<set _preg0 = "[Name]">>
<<set _preg0 = setup.chars[_args[0]].name>>
<<set _potpregmax = setup.potpregmax()>>
<<set _potpregs = setup.potpregs()>> /* returning array with all pot pregs*/
<<if _args[0] == "crone">>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1] + " croneInfo">>
<<info "Pregnancy alert (?)" "_preg0 is now at risk of becoming pregnant! (_potpregs.length/_potpregmax) (?)" _arg1>>
<<info "Pregnancy alert" "_preg0 is now at risk of becoming pregnant! (_potpregs.length/_potpregmax)" _args[1]>>
<<widget updateProjectAmnesia>>
<<run setup.setPoints($avapoints, setup.projectAmnesiaMaxava, "avabar", true)>>
<<run setup.setPoints($nenapoints, setup.projectAmnesiaMaxnena, "nenabar", true)>>
<<run setup.setPoints($raylenepoints, setup.projectAmnesiaMaxraylene, "raylenebar", true)>>
<<run setup.setPoints($adriannapoints, setup.projectAmnesiaMaxadrianna, "adriannabar", true)>>
<<widget pamnesiatitle>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom project-amnesia-style" style="font-size:280%;font-weight:700;"><<coltext "Project:" "f90" noItalics>><<coltext "Amnesia" "f60" noItalics>><<if $qqamnesiaproject>=3900>><div class="rotate-20" style="position:absolute;width:14rem;margin-top:1rem;margin-left:-20rem"><<space>></div><</if>></cc>
<<widget pamnesia>>
<<if _args[0] == null>>
<<mii lab/potionAmnesiaBig 12 pnggg>>
<div class="project-list">
<<nunbut _args[0] null "setInvis project-list">>
<<setprogressbar _args[0] "list-bkg">>
<<print '<<run setup.setPoints($'+_args[0]+'points, setup.projectAmnesiaMax'+_args[0]+', "'+_args[0]+'bar", true)>>'>>
<<print '<<set $'+_args[0]+'points += setup.projectAmnesiaStage>>'>>
<<print '<<run setup.setPoints($'+_args[0]+'points, setup.projectAmnesiaMax'+_args[0]+', "'+_args[0]+'bar", true)>>'>>
<<run setup.projectAmnesiaIncrease(_args[0])>>
<<widget setProjectAmnesiaWomen>>
<<checkProjectAmnesiaWoman ava>>
<<checkProjectAmnesiaWoman nena>>
<<checkProjectAmnesiaWoman raylene>>
<<if def $qqadriannaq>>
<<checkProjectAmnesiaWoman adrianna>>
<<widget checkProjectAmnesiaWoman>>
<<set _capname = _args[0].toUpperFirst()>>
<<print '<<set $'+_args[0]+'chapel = 1>>'>>
/*<<print '<<if setup.confessionDay'+_capname+'()>>'>>*/
<<if setup.confessionDay(_args[0])>>
<<print '<<set $'+_args[0]+'chapel = 0>>'>>
<<if setup.getRandomInt(2) == 0>>
/* extra chance each day (regardless of check in setup.confessionDay) to vary which women come each day */
<<print '<<set $'+_args[0]+'chapel = 0>>'>>
/* Adding events with IDs that will be used as playEventIDs in js override */
<<widget newEvent>>
<<set _newevID = _args[0]>>
<<switch _newevID>>
<<set _newevReq = "">>
<<case 1000>>
<<set _newevReq = "daytime==day">>
<<case 1001>>
<<set _newevReq = "daytime==day">>
<<set _newev = { id: _newevID, req: _newevReq}>>
<<set $newEvents.push(_newev)>>
<<widget findunsure>>
You are not yet sure how to interpret this find. Maybe a continued investigation of the scene will provide a clue.
<<widget experiment>>
<<print '<<set _expn = setup.quests["'+_args[0]+'"].name>>'>>
<cc class="shadow experiment-name nomargin-bottom" style="font-size:78%;margin-top:-1rem">_expn</cc>
<<if _args[1]==1>>
<<planningStage _args[2]>>
<<elseif _args[1]==2>>
<<executionStage _args[2]>>
<<elseif _args[1]==3>>
<<followupStage _args[2]>>
<<evaluationStage _args[2]>>
<<widget planningStage>>
<<if _args[0]==null>>
<cc class="experiment experiment-headline shadow2 nomargin-top"> — Planning stage —</cc>
<span style="font-size:110%" class="experiment shadow2">Step _args[0]:</span>
<<widget executionStage>>
<cc class="experiment experiment-headline shadow2 nomargin-top"> — Execution stage —</cc>
<<widget followupStage>>
<cc class="experiment experiment-headline shadow2 nomargin-top"> — Data collection stage —</cc>
<<widget evaluationStage>>
<cc class="experiment experiment-headline shadow2 nomargin-top"> — Evaluation stage —</cc>
<<widget planningFailure>>
<span style="color: #d11" class="shadow2">Failure!</span><span class="experiment shadow2"> This is not how you should do it. You have to rethink your planning.</span>
<<set $temp7++>>
<<if $temp7>1>>
<<qmess experimentAttacks 350>>
<<widget planningSuccess>>
<span style="color: #1f1" class="shadow2">Success!</span><span class="experiment shadow2"> This is how you should do it. And now it is time to execute your plan.</span>
<<widget cheating>>
<<special "ERROR! You shouldn't be able to see this.">>
<<special "If you haven't cheated, this is a bug. Then please report it.">>
<<special "Note: If you raise corruption by cheating, you will break the game sooner or later. Then you must load a save before you cheated, or restart the game. Tip: If you cheated after the last autosave, you can use the autosave.">>
<<widget vision>>
<<if !$visions.contains("_args[0]")>>
<<set $visions.push(_args[0])>>
<cc class="vision shadow2 nomargin-top">
<span style="color:#9cf">Vision:</span>
<<print '<<set _vname = setup.visions["'+_args[0]+'"]>>'>>
<<if _args[0]=="cindy">>
<<mii nuns/cindy/cindy_lightbig 20 png>>
Missing vision pic.
<cc class="nomargin-bottom">You had a vision from the Lord.</cc>
<<widget endVisionReplay>>
<<but "Stop remembering" lab1 "ev:667 step:200 rememberedVision">>
<<set _endRememberedVision = true>> /* checked in js setup.move */
<<widget holylustquest>>
<<set _holylustcheck = setup.checkqStage("holylustq",_args[0])>>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("holylustq") && !_holylustcheck>>
<<qadd holylustq _args[0]>>
<<set _qholylustnew = $qqholylustq+1>>
<<qset holylustq _qholylustnew>>
<<set _qusedholylust = $qqholylustq-100>>
<<set _qholylust = setup.quests["holylustq"].name>>
<<if _args[1] && _args[1].indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _docenter = "center">>
<<set _holylustclass = "centertext">>
<<set _docenter = null>>
<<set _holylustclass = "">>
<<info "_qholylust" "Use your <<specialalert2 'holy lust'>> to do what you previously hesitated to do. (_qusedholylust/6)" _docenter>>
<<if _qusedholylust >= 6>>
<<qset holylustq 190>>
<div @class=_holylustclass style="font-size:85%">
<<specialalert2 "You have embraced your holy lust. You will reflect on this when you are done here.">></div>
<<widget checkEndQuest>>
<<if _args[0]=="roamingq">>
<<if $qqroamingq < 1000>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200) && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",250) && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",300) && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",400)>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:2200 step:300">>
<<if passage()=="innerchapel1" && !setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1",700,100)>>
<<but "Continue patrolling the hallways" hall1 ev:700>>
<<else>> /* roamingq == 1000 */
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201) && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",251) && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",301) && setup.checkqStage("roamingq",401)>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:2200 step:1000">>
<<elseif _args[0]=="lustfulwomen">>
<<set _checkenddest = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "hub">>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen < 2000 && setup.lustfulwomendone(100).length >=5>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:2300 step:4000">>
<<elseif $qqlustfulwomen >= 2000 && $qqlustfulwomen < 3000 && setup.lustfulwomendone(2000).length >=3>>
<<but "Continue" nuns1 "ev:2300 step:4400">>
<<but "Continue" _checkenddest>>
<<set _arg0 = _args[0]>>
<cc><<special "Error: wrong arg0 for checkEndQuest. arg0: _arg0">></cc>
<<widget chapter5warning>>
<div class="notesbg imgBorder" style="margin-bottom:1rem">
<cc class="shadow5" style="font-size:270%;font-weight:700"><<note WARNING>></cc>
<c class="shadow5" style="font-size:130%;font-weight:400">
On the first loose sheet of paper, you see the word 'WARNING' written in big letters. Then there is a single line:
<p><<print setup.chapter5warning()>></p>
<<widget lustfulwomenupdate>>
<<if !setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",_args[0])>>
<<qadd lustfulwomen _args[0]>>
<<set _lustwup = "updateAlways">>
<<if _args[1]=="center">>
<<set _lustwup += " center">>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen == 100>>
<<qmess lustfulwomen 100 _lustwup>>
<<qmess lustfulwomen 2000 _lustwup>>
<<widget add>>
<div class="fakeadd"></div>
<<widget "addlust">>
<<addp $args[0] "lustbar" $args[1]>>
<<widget maxlust>>
<<addlust setup.maxPoints>>
<<widget "addres">>
<<addp $args[0] "resbar" $args[1]>>
<<widget "addcorr">>
<<addp $args[0] "corrbar" $args[1]>>
<<widget "addsin">>
<<addp $args[0] "sinbar" $args[1]>>
<<widget "addtrust">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelation")>>
<<set _addtruststat = "love">>
<<set _addtruststat = "trust">>
<<addp $args[0] _addtruststat "the nuns">>
<<widget "addlove">>
<<addtrust _args[0]>>
<<widget "addauth">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("revelation")>>
<<set _addauthstat = "punish">>
<<set _addauthstat = "auth">>
<<addp $args[0] _addauthstat "the nuns">>
<<widget "addpun">>
<<addauth _args[0]>>
<<widget trust>>
/* text-indent: 0 needed for situations like in help where the text indent in the parent div is passed to the children */
<span style="display:inline-block; text-indent:0rem;"><<printStatChange trust 0 0 printStatName noBackground>></span>
<<widget auth>>
<span style="display:inline-block;text-indent:0rem;"><<printStatChange auth 0 0 printStatName noBackground>></span>
<<widget love>>
<<set _lovearg = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<span style="display:inline-block; text-indent:0rem;"><<print '<<printStatChange love 0 0 printStatName noBackground "'+_lovearg+'">>'>></span>
<<widget punish>>
<<set _punisharg = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "" >>
<span style="display:inline-block; text-indent:0rem;"><<print '<<printStatChange punish 0 0 printStatName noBackground "'+_punisharg+'">>'>></span>
/******************* addp ******************/
<<widget addp>>
<<set _val = $args[0]>>
<<set _what = $args[1]>>
<<set _addpextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _who = null>>
<<if _addpextra.indexOf("subtract") != -1>>
<<set _val = -_val>>
<<set _alreadyAddedStatToday = false>>
/* changing from checking if always is not passed to checking of daily is passed */
<<if _addpextra.indexOf("daily") != -1>>
<<set _abortAddingStat = false>>
<<if _alreadyAddedStatToday == true ||
($replayingEvent > 0 && (_what == "trust" || _what == "auth" || _what == "love" || _what == "punish"))>>
<<set _abortAddingStat = true>>
<<if _abortAddingStat == false>>
<<if _what == "trust" || _what == "auth" || _what == "love" || _what == "punish">>
<<set _who = _addpextra>>
<<if _what == "trust">>
<<set _before = $trust>>
<<run setup.setStat("trust", _val)>>
<<set _after = $trust>>
<<elseif _what == "love">>
<<set _before = $love>>
<<run setup.setStat("love", _val)>>
<<set _after = $love>>
<<elseif _what == "auth">>
<<set _before = $auth>>
<<run setup.setStat("auth", _val)>>
<<set _after = $auth>>
<<elseif _what == "punish">>
<<set _before = $punish>>
<<run setup.setStat("punish", _val)>>
<<set _after = $punish>>
<<switch $args[1]>>
<<case "lustbar">>
<<set _what = "lust">>
<<set _before = $lust>>
<<run setup.setStat("lust", _val)>>
<<set _after = $lust>>
<<case "resbar">>
<<set _what = "res">>
<<set _before = $res>>
<<run setup.setStat("res", _val)>>
<<set _after = $res>>
<<case "temptbar">>
/* already calculated when changing lust/res */
<<set _before = $tempt>>
<<set _after = $tempt>>
<<case "corrbar">>
<<set _what = "corr">>
<<set _before = $corr>>
<<run setup.setStat("corr", _val)>>
<<set _after = $corr>>
<<case "sinbar">>
<<set _what = "sin">>
<<set _before = $sin>>
<<run setup.setStat("sin", _val)>>
<<set _after = $sin>>
<<if _addpextra.indexOf("sidebar") == -1>>
/*<div style="margin-top: 0.2rem; margin-bottom:0.2rem">*/
<<if _before != _after>>
<<printStatChange _what _before _after _who _addpextra>>
<<if _addpextra.indexOf("temporary") != -1>>
<<print '<<set $tempstats.'+_what+' += (_after - _before)>>'>>
/*setup.addedStat(); */
setup.addedStat(State.temporary.what); /* v2.0 */
<<if _addpextra.indexOf("lh") != -1 && _before==_after>>
/* Used to automatically add an empty line if stat change didn't cause a message, like when raising lust when already having 100. So do eg <<addlust 30 lh>> */
<<widget printStatChange>>
<<set _stat = $args[0]>>
<<set _oldvalue = $args[1]>>
<<set _newvalue = $args[2]>>
<<set _who = $args[3]>>
<<set _printextra = $args[4] ? $args[4] : "">>
<<set _printtext = $args[5] ? $args[5] : "">>
<<set _statchange = _newvalue-_oldvalue>>
<<if _printextra.indexOf("permanent") != -1>>
<<set _permmess = '<span class="print-dark-shadow permanently">permanently </span>'>>
<<elseif _printextra.indexOf("temporary") != -1>>
<<set _permmess = '<span class="print-dark-shadow permanently">temporarily </span>'>>
<<set _permmess = "">>
<<if _statchange < 0>>
<<set _change = _statchange>>
<<set _changeMess = _permmess+"decreased">>
<<set _change = "+"+_statchange>>
<<set _changeMess = _permmess+"increased">>
<<set _stattot = State.getVar("$"+_stat)>>
<<set _cl = "">>
<<set _im = null>>
<<if _stat == "trust" || _stat == "auth" || _stat == "love" || _stat == "punish">>
<<set _relstyle = "png noBorder ">>
<<if _stat == "trust" || _stat == "love">>
<<set _im = "misc/trust">>
<<if _who == "sidebar">>
<<set _imsize = "90%">>
<<set _relstyle += "styling margin-top: 0.60rem stylingend">>
<<elseif _who == "printStatName">>
<<set _imsize = "90%">>
<<set _relstyle += "styling margin-top:0.50rem;margin-right:-0.07rem stylingend">>
<<set _imsize = "100%">>
<<set _relstyle += "styling margin-top: 0.40rem stylingend">>
<<set _im = "misc/authority">>
<<if _who == "sidebar">>
<<set _imsize = "90%">>
<<set _relstyle += "styling margin-top: 0.45rem stylingend">>
<<elseif _who == "printStatName">>
<<set _imsize = "85%">>
<<set _relstyle += "styling margin-top: 0.45rem;margin-right:-0.07rem stylingend">>
<<set _imsize = "100%">>
<<set _relstyle += "styling margin-top: 0.3rem stylingend">>
<<set _cl = "relation-notify-anchor">>
<<set _printstatblockstyle = "display: block; ">>
<<if _who == "sidebar">>
/* Giving some extra padding between stat bars in sidebar to match with buttons etc. */
<<set _printstatblockstyle += "margin-top: 0.2rem; margin-bottom:0.2rem">>
/*<div style="display: block; margin-top: 0.2rem; margin-bottom:0.2rem">*/
<div @style=_printstatblockstyle>
<<if _im != null>>
<span @class=_cl style="display:inline-block">
<<mii _im _imsize _relstyle>>
<<set _style = "display:inline-block;">>
<<if _who == "sidebar">>
<<set _class = "hzbarbkg">>
<<set _style += "width:11em; background-color:var(--color-relation-bg);">>
<<elseif _printextra.indexOf("noBackground") != -1>>
<<set _class = "">>
<<set _class = "saying stat-change">>
<span @class=_class @style=_style>
<<if _stat == "trust" || _stat == "auth">>
<<set _charMess = " with "+_who>>
<<elseif _stat == "love" || _stat == "punish">>
<<set _charMess = _who>>
<<set _charMess = "">>
<<if _who == "sidebar">>
<<stat _stat "cap colon sidebar">>
<<elseif _who == "printStatName">>
<<set _statargs = "cap noBottom ">>
<<set _statargs += _printtext>>
<<stat _stat _statargs>>
<<elseif _printextra.indexOf("max") != -1>>
/* Disabled further up. See comment there. */
Your <<stat _stat>>_charMess is already at max.
<<if _stat == "love" || _stat == "punish">>
/*Your <<stat _stat>> level _charMess has _changeMess to _stattot (_change).*/
/*The nuns <<stat _stat>> you more: _stattot (_change).*/
Your willingness to <<stat _stat>> _charMess has changed to _stattot (_change).
Your <<stat _stat>>_charMess has _changeMess to _stattot (_change).
<<if _stat == "lust" || _stat == "res">>
<<widget calcTempt>>
<<set _tempt = $tempt>>
<<set $tempt = $lust-$res>>
<<if $tempt lt 0>>
<<set $tempt = 0>>
<<if _tempt != $tempt>>
<<printStatChange "tempt" _tempt $tempt>>
<<run setup.Points($tempt, setup.maxPoints, "temptbar", true)>>
<<widget stat>>
<<set _stat = $args[0]>>
<<set _statextra = $args[1] ? $args[1] + " ": "">>
<<set _capitalize = _statextra.indexOf("cap") != -1 ? true : false>>
<<set _useshortname = _statextra.indexOf("short") != -1 ? true : false>>
<<if _stat.indexOf(".") != -1>>
<<set _stat = _stat.substring(0, _stat.length-1)>>
<<set _period = true>>
<<set _period = false>>
<<if _stat.indexOf(",") != -1>>
<<set _stat = _stat.substring(0, _stat.length-1)>>
<<set _comma = true>>
<<set _comma = false>>
<<set _statval = "">>
<<if _stat == "lust">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--lust-color)">>
<<set _statname = "lust">>
<<set _shortname = "lust">>
<<elseif _stat == "res">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--res-color)">>
<<set _statname = "resistance">>
<<set _shortname = "res">>
<<elseif _stat == "corr">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--corruption-color)">>
<<set _statname = "corruption">>
<<set _shortname = "corr">>
<<elseif _stat == "sin">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--sin-color-dark)">>
<<set _statname = "sin">>
<<elseif _stat == "trust">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--trust-color)">>
<<set _statname = "trust">>
<<set _statval = $trust>>
<<elseif _stat == "love">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--trust-color)">>
<<set _statname = "love">>
<<set _shortname = "love">>
<<if _statextra.indexOf("verbform") != -1>>
<<set _statname = "loving">>
<<set _statval = $love>>
<<elseif _stat == "auth">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--auth-color)">>
<<set _statname = "authority">>
<<set _statval = $auth>>
<<elseif _stat == "punish">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--auth-color)">>
<<set _statname = "punish">>
<<set _shortname = "punish">>
/*<<set _statname = "fear">>*/
<<if _statextra.indexOf("verbform") != -1>>
<<set _statname = "punishing">>
/*<<set _statname = "fearful">>*/
<<set _statval = $punish>>
<<set _style = "color: var(--temptation-color)">>
<<set _statname = "temptation">>
<<set _style += "; font-weight: 700;">>
<<set _class = "">>
<<if _statextra.indexOf("border") != -1>>
<<set _class = "saying saying-even-border print-stat stat-change">>
<<if _stat == "sin">>
<<set _class +=" print-sin-colors">>
<<set _class +=" print-dark-shadow">>
/* for when showing in tips (which use italics) */
<<set _style += "; font-style: normal">>
<<if _useshortname>>
<<set _statname = _shortname>>
<<if _capitalize>>
<<set _statname = _statname.toUpperFirst()>>
<<if _statextra.indexOf("colon") != -1>>
<<set _statname+= ": ">>
<<if _statextra.indexOf("colon") != -1>>
<span @class=_class @style=_style>_statname<span style="color: #999">_statval</span></span>
<<set _statpuncttext = "">>
<<if _statextra.indexOf("punct") != -1>>
<<set _pind = _statextra.indexOf("punct")>>
<<set _statpuncttext = _statextra.substring(_pind+5, _statextra.indexOf(" ", _pind))>>
<span @class=_class @style=_style>_statname</span>_statpuncttext<<if _period>>.<<elseif _comma>>,<</if>>
<<widget updateBar>>
<<run setup.Points($args[0], setup.maxPoints, $args[1], true)>>
<<widget "updateSidebar">>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<include "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<widget updateStatbars>>
<<updateBar $lust lustbar>>
<<updateBar $res resbar>>
<<updateBar $tempt temptbar>>
<<updateBar $corr corrbar>>
<<updateBar $sin sinbar>>
<<widget setbar>>
<<set _name = $args[0]>>
<<set _stat = $args[1]>>
<<set _tempstat = "">>
<<print '<<set _haveTempStats = $tempstats.'+_stat+'>>'>>
<<if _haveTempStats != null && _haveTempStats != 0>>
<<print '<<set _tempval = $tempstats.'+_stat+'>>'>>
<<if _tempval >= 0>>
<<set _valsign = "+">>
<<set _valsign = "">>
<<print '<<set _tempstat = " ('+_valsign+_tempval+')">>'>>
<<print '<<color "'+_name+': $'+_stat+_tempstat+'" 999>>'>>
<<set _bar = _stat+"bar">>
<<set _bartemp = _stat+"bartemp">>
<div id="hbarbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div @id=_bartemp class="hzbar"></div><div @id=_bar class="hzbar"></div></div>
/* Keeping for project amnesia. Dont use this for new content. use addprogressbar below */
<<widget setprogressbar>>
<<addprogressbar _args[0] _args[1] "project-amnesia" "projectamnesia">>
<<widget addprogressbar>>
<<set _name = $args[0]>>
<<set _progbarextra = _args[1] || "">>
<<set _minigame = _args[2] || "">>
<<set _barid = _name>>
<<set _bar = _name+"bar">>
<<set _bartemp = "mybar">>
<<if _progbarextra.indexOf("vertical") != -1>>
<<set _projclass = "vertbarbkg">>
<<set _bar0class = "vertbar">>
<<set _barclass = "vertbar">>
<<set _projclass = "hzbarbkg">>
<<set _bar0class = "hzbar">>
<<set _barclass = "hzbar">>
<<if _progbarextra.indexOf("list-bkg") != -1>>
<<set _projclass += " list-bkg">>
<<set _projstyle = "">>
<<if _minigame=="project-amnesia">>
<<set _projclass += " project-bkg">>
<<set _barclass += " project-amnesia-bar">>
<<run setup.projectAmnesiaBar(_name)>> /* will add class for new color if bar completed */
<<elseif _minigame=="climaxgame">>
<<set _projclass += " climaxbar">>
<<if _name=="climaxright">>
<<set _projclass += " climaxbarright">>
<div @id=_barid @class=_projclass @style=_projstyle><div @id=_bartemp @class=_bar0class></div><div @id=_bar @class=_barclass></div></div>
<<widget addClimaxBar>>
<<if _args[0]=="right">>
<<set _id = "climaxright">>
<<set _id = "climaxleft">>
<<addprogressbar _id vertical climaxgame>>
<</nobr>><<if $hallInvestigatedNovices>>
<<mii hall/hallDay 80 center>>
You go to Novice Zara's room, but no one is there.
<<if !($qqhallNovices >=100)>>
<<mii hall/hallDay 70>>
Walking down the hallway, you hear laughter and giggling coming from Novice Zara's room. She must be with Novice Frances again. Is it your imagination or are they getting louder? If <<mms>> isn't doing anything about them, you may have to.
<<but "Peek inside at their inappropriate behavior" zara1 "ev:100 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<elseif !($qqzaraq >= 100)>>
<<mii hall/hallDay 70>>
Walking in the hallway, you hear laughter and giggling coming from Novice Zara's room. She must be with Novice Frances again. You have to help them see the error of their ways.
<<but "Peek inside at their inappropriate behavior" zara1 "ev:100 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara1 70>>
<c><<cs zara "Yes, Father?">></c>
<<but "Tell her to get naked" zara1 "ev:300 qqzaraq<<200 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<but "Ask about the holy rites" zara1 "ev:400 qqzaraq==200 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
/* Putting ev500 after later events to have button show last */
<<but "Ask about the holy rites" zara1 "ev:600 qqzaraq==250 zaraq#stageDay+4 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
/* Putting below button before Anoint to make it appear first, easier to spot. When repeating event, that button can maybe be after Tell her to get naked */
<<but "Bring up sins of fornication" zara1 "ev:700 qqzaraq==600 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<but "Anoint her" zara1 "ev:620 qqzaraq>=400 zaraq#notcompleted doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<but "Tell her to get naked" zara1 "ev:500 qqzaraq>=220 qqpatriarchq<<150 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
/* moving buttons to new order after zaraq completed */
<<but "Anoint her" zara1 "ev:620 zaraq#completed doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<but "Eat her sins of fornication" zara1 "ev:700 step:350 zaraq#completed doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<but "Claim your right as patriarch" zara1 "ev:740 qqpatriarchq>=150 doplay:hallInvestigatedNovices=true">>
<<vv 3>>
<<event 100>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hall/400-400 40>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = true>>
When you look inside, the two novices have calmed down to pray. Naked. This is not how nuns should behave.
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hall/500-400 44 right>>
<l>Novice Zara places the cross most inappropriately on her naked womanhood again. It doesn't seem like she is doing it to pleasure herself, thank God, but that's the only redeeming thing about it. It's like she is oblivious to how wrong it is to rest the cross between her legs like that.
<<addlust 10>>
<p>You wonder if this amoral behavior could be the result of Satan's influence. Neither Novice Frances nor Novice Zara has been attacked, but there could be other ways that they have been subjected to the Devil's corruption. The sacred rituals could be needed here.</p>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii hall/400-100 35>>
The novices are getting dressed again. Finally, this shameful display is over. But you can't let their sinful behavior continue. It's time to put a stop to this.
<<c "Knock and enter the room">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii hall/100-200 45>>
<c>You knock and enter without waiting for an answer.
<<s zara "$fmc, please don't barge in like that. What if we weren't properly dressed for a man to see us?">>
<<s mc "Why wouldn't you be properly dressed? It's in the middle of the day.">>
<<s zara "Sometimes we like to try out clothes. Like, underwear.">>
<<s mc "Nuns shouldn't be vain. What is that you're wearing? Fishnet stockings? Let me see.">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mii hall/300-200 45 right>>
<l>The two novices do as you say with some hesitation.
<<addlust 10>>
<<s mc "That's not how nuns normally dress. You are inviting Satan and his corrupting influence if you dress like that.">>
<<s frances "It's just for fun. We like to look pretty. Jesus and the angels are looking at us from heaven.">>
<<s mc "Yes, but remember that we have a lust demon attacking your sisters. You two are lucky you haven't been attacked yet with this provocative attire. You should stop this and dress modestly. It's for your safety. I don't want the Devil to reach out for you.">>
<<s frances "We appreciate your concern, Father, but I don't see the harm.">>
<<s zara "We are praying hard that God will protect us from the lust demon, Father.">>
<<s mc "I hope that will be enough.">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii hall/100-200 50>>
<c>You have to do something about Novice Frances and Novice Zara. Their behavior is inappropriate for nuns, and you think it's getting worse. They may already be corrupted by the Devil.
<p>But they don't see the harm in what they do, which means you won't be able to straight away convince them to submit to the sacred rites. You may have no choice but to use unorthodox methods to help them see the error of their ways, so that you can save and protect them from Satan.</p>
<<if $qqhallNovices < 100>>
<<c "Leave">>
<<but "Leave" zara1 "step:1100">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 24 pnggg>>
You have just the tool to use: the lust potion. It has proven it can get the job done in a situation like this.
<p>However, drugging Novice Frances and Novice Zara to ultimately make them submit to the holy rites is an extreme measure to take. Neither of them has been attacked by the lust demon.</p>
<p>It is true that their behavior together is inappropriate, especially for nuns, but is it serious enough to warrant using the lust potions on them?</p>
<<c "Don't use the lust potions on them">><<but "Use the lust potions on them" zara1 "step:1000 corr30 ttt20">>
<<ev 800>>
<<mii hall/100-300 70>>
Using the lust potions on the two novices doesn't feel warranted right now. But you should keep an eye on their continued behavior to make sure they aren't falling deeper into sin. The Devil is around and you have to be vigilant.
<<q hallNovices 70>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii hall/300-200 42 right>>
<l>You hesitate. Then you think of anointing the two novices. Their mouths around your hard manhood – the sweet release of your seed.
<<addlust 100>> /* to make sure they have to go to room to whip, which is referenced x days later at emma
in holy marriage quest */
The urge to experience this is so strong, it must be a sign from God that you should take this path. You must make Novice Frances and Novice Zara submit to the holy rites, and you can use the lust potions to this end.</p>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii lab/potionLust_big 20 pnggg>>
<<if $qqhallNovices<100>>
You have to come up with a way to make Novice Frances and Novice Zara consume a lust potion.
You have just the tool to use: the lust potion. It has proven it can get the job done in a situation like this.
<p>You could get Novice Emma to drug the two novices when they eat in the refectory, but you don't want to use that method too often as it increases the risk of detection. Additionally, the nuns could wonder why Novice Emma is changing places to sit all the time.
<<if !($qqhallNovices>=180)>>
You should try to come up with something else.
<<if !($qqhallNovices>=100)>> But right now you must run to your room. You have more pressing matters to take care of.
Instead, you should work on your plan to drug the two novices by pouring lust potions into their wine before lunch.
<<q hallNovices 100>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 200>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii hall/hallDay 70>>
<<set $hallInvestigatedNovices = true>>
After lunch, you follow Novice Frances and Novice Zara from a distance as they leave the refectory.
<p>As you hoped, they go to Novice Zara's room. Good thing the door to her room is still not fixed and doesn't close properly.
<<q hallNovices 700>>
<<c "Spy on them">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii hall/400-200 70>>
It seems like they are going to try out underwear again. Good. You hope the lust potions in their systems will cause this to lead to something very perverse. Perverse enough that they have to realize the error of their ways and accept and submit to the holy rites.
<<c "Keep watching">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii hall/400-400 43>>
<cc>They pause for some praying, naked and all.</cc>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii hall/500-400 40>>
<c>Novice Zara just happens to rest the holy cross on her naked womanhood again. You wonder if she experiences pleasure from this now with the lust potions in her blood.</c>
<<ev 500>>
/* Naming zXXX to add last of zara+frances pics to hall to keep things separate between before and after this event */
<<mii hall/z200-500 48>>
<c>Finally! You see a lustful sin that no one can deny. Novice Zara clearly touches herself for pleasure. Is she even aware of it? Does Novice Frances notice it?</c>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii hall/z200-600 45 right>>
<l>Novice Frances removes her habit, probably to try on some underwear. She seems oblivious to the fact that Novice Zara touches herself most perversely.
<<addlust 20>></l>
<<ev 700>>
<<mii hall/z200-700 84>>
<c>At last, Novice Frances reacts.
<<s frances "Haha, what are you doing? Stop fooling around. That's gross.">>
Poor thing. She thinks Novice Zara is just joking. Even if she were, it shows how depraved they have become already, to see this as a joke. It's up to you to save them from further corruption.
<<ev 800>>
<<mii hall/z200-800 95>>
<c>Novice Zara is eager to help Novice Frances remove her panties. Too eager. By now, there is no doubt that Novice Zara feels an intense lust. The spiked wine did the job on her.</c>
<<ev 900>>
<<mii hall/z200-900 70>>
<c><<s frances "Zara, what are you doing?">>
<<s zara "You're so soft...">>
<<s frances "Stop playing around. What's gotten into you today?">>
Unbelievable. Novice Frances still doesn't take this seriously. And she doesn't seem to respond much to the perverse touching of her nether regions. You are beginning to fear that the lust potions in the wine didn't affect Novice Frances enough, unlike Novice Zara.
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii hall/z200-1000 70>>
<<s zara "I want you to try this. Something happened. It's amazing.">>
<<s frances "What are you talking about?">>
<<s zara "You must feel it to understand...">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mii hall/z200-1100 41>>
<c><<s frances "What is that? What are you doing?">>
<<s zara "It's the cross. It feels so good. Can you feel it too?">>
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii hall/z200-1200 58>>
<c>Novice Zara rubs the cross up and down on Novice Frances' bare slit. You expect to hear a scream of disgust, but instead, you hear a soft moan of pleasure. It's coming from Novice Frances. Maybe the wine did the job on her, after all.
<<s zara "You can feel it, right? I don't understand it. It must be God.">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii hall/z200-1300 76>>
<c>Novice Frances turns around. Novice Zara uses her hand to violate Novice Frances between her legs, and Novice Frances lets her do it! You can't stand much more. It may be time to enter and put a stop to this madness. The holy rites are needed here.
<<addlust 20>>
But then something happens with Novice Frances. She suddenly screams 'NO!' and jumps up from the couch.
<<ev 1400>>
<<mvv hall/nunRunning 80 "volume1 pause2">>
<c>Novice Frances throws on her habit and rushes for the door you are peeking through.
<p>Making a split-second decision, you count on Novice Frances running to her room, so you throw yourself against the wall on the side of the door in the opposite direction from her room.</p>
<p>You manage to avoid detection as Novice Frances enters the hall and runs in the direction of her room, just as you hoped.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mii hall/hallDay 70>>
What happened?
<p>Novice Frances must have come to her senses, realizing the grave sinning they were doing. Perhaps this will be enough of a lesson for Novice Frances to stop her inappropriate behavior.</p>
<p>Be that as it may, right now you have more pressing matters: Novice Zara.
<<q hallNovices 800>></p>
<<c "Enter Novice Zara's room">>
<<ev 1600>>
<<mii nuns/zara/stand1 84>>
<c>Novice Zara must have been scared by the commotion and had the common sense to quickly get dressed. You enter just as she pulls down the habit over her legs.
<<s zara "$fmc, what are you doing here?">>
<<s mc "God has sent me to stop the perversities going on in this room. Satan has corrupted your mind. He is attacking you as we speak. Don't deny it! I can see how the sinful lust flows in your body.">>
<<ev 1700>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara1 45 right>>
<<s zara "I... I thought it was God.">>
<<s mc "God?! It's from the Devil! Satan! How can you not see this? You're a novice. You're supposed to be chaste – to crucify the flesh, not give in to it.">>
<<s zara "But it's so strong. It feels so good. I thought only God could make someone feel that good.">>
<<s mc "This feeling of pleasure is coming from your flesh – Satan's domain. We must hurry to purge the Devil from your body or you may be lost to him. Quickly, I must eat your sin. There is no time to explain. Finish what you were doing. Use your hands to pleasure yourself to the climax. I will channel your sins up to the Lord and save you.">>
Novice Zara is too confused and ashamed to question you. With the intense lust still coursing through her body, she accepts this chance for relief by climaxing.
<<ev 1800>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/200-1800 80 volume0.5>>
<cc>You have no choice but to watch this depraved act as you channel the sins up to God.
<<addlust 20>></cc>
<cc><<lbut "Continue" div1 sss>></cc>
<<div div1>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/200-1804 80 volume0.4>>
<cc>Novice Zara quickly reaches the pleasure peak as she frantically rubs herself.</cc>
<<ev 1900>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/200-1900 90 "pause1.5 volume0.6">>
<c>As if it wasn't bad enough, Novice Zara commits what looks like an act of fornication at the end, penetrating her slit with a finger. That sin could be hard to eat just by watching her.
<<addlust 20>>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mii nuns/zara/200-2000 80>>
<<s zara "What have I done?">>
<<s mc "It's too late to get second thoughts. You have invited the Devil with your immoral acts with Novice Frances, trying out underwear and praying naked. That's not how one should behave in the house of the Lord.">>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mii nuns/zara/stand1 85>>
<c>Novice Zara dresses in silence. You give her some time to catch her breath and think.
<<s zara "How do you know all this, $fmc? Have you been spying on us?">>
<<s mc "God sees all and He keeps me informed. And I may have happened to catch a glimpse of you through the crack in the door. It's even more immoral that you did these things when anyone could walk by and see you.">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zarahead 35 right>>
<<s zara "We didn't think we did any harm. We were just trying out underwear.">>
<<s mc "And praying naked. And you even placed the holy cross between your legs in that condition. That's sacrilege.">>
<<s zara "I didn't mean anything with it.">>
<<s mc "I warned the Mother Superior about your inappropriate behavior when I first met you and saw how you wore makeup and dressed. Warning her that it could lead to the Devil. And here we are.">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara2 36 right>>
<<s zara "Please don't tell the Mother Superior what I did, $fmc. Or anyone else.">>
<<s mc "I won't. But then you must let me help you. I have the tools to try to undo what you have done in the eyes of the Lord. Holy rites that I can use. Let's just hope you haven't sinned more gravely than I know.">>
<<s zara "No, I haven't done anything else. Just what you already know. And I regret it so much. Forgive me, Lord.">>
<<s mc "Take comfort in that you aren't the first nun I have caught falling prey to Satan's temptations since I arrived here. This convent is under attack from the Devil. The lust demon is just one of his tools to corrupt the sisters. You and Novice Frances invited Satan to come for you with your inappropriate behavior, clinging to the temptations of the flesh and being vain. This must stop.">>
<<s zara "Yes, Father. I will do anything you say. Just help me undo what I have done.">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zarahead 30>>
<<s mc "First you must go to Novice Emma and get educated on the holy rites. Tell her I sent you and that it's urgent. She will know what it's about. You can trust Novice Emma and tell her everything, even what we did in here. Later, when you are ready, I will cleanse you of your sins with the rites, but it will require much of you – your penance for committing these grave sins of lust.">>
<<s zara "I will do anything.">>
<<s mc "Let's hope so, for your soul's sake. Remember that you can't tell anyone about what we just did, except for Novice Emma. Not even Novice Frances. Or else I will be forced to tell the Mother Superior what I saw you doing with Novice Frances, and send a report to the Vatican as well.">>
<<ev 2500>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara2 35 right>>
<<s zara "I won't tell anyone, I promise.">>
<<s mc "One last thing... When you are in your room, you must keep dressing yourself the same way you have been. Wear the makeup and the jewelry. This may sound strange, but it's how I will be able to help you. You'll understand later. As a bonus, we will not alert Satan of our plan to rid you of his corrupting influence. But you can't commit any further sinning. And no more hanging out with Novice Frances alone. Do you understand?">>
<<s zara "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mii hall/100-200 44>>
Finally! You have successfully put a stop to the two novices meeting and behaving inappropriately in Novice Zara's room.</cc2>
<<ev 2700>>
<<mii nuns/zara/franceshead 25>>
You can keep an eye on Novice Frances, but you doubt she will cause any more problems in the near future. She appeared genuinely scared of what she had done, and you have seen to it that she will not spend time alone with Novice Zara anymore.
<<qend hallNovices 1000 center>>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zarahead 33>>
You have done all you can for Novice Zara, for now. When she has been educated about the holy rites from Novice Emma, you will continue your work with her. Until then, you could still visit her. She could do with some penance for her sins.
<<qstart zaraq 100>>
<<but "Continue" hub>>
<<event 300>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara2 27>>
<<if $qqzaraq > 100>>
<<cs mc "Remove your habit and your underwear. It's time for your penance.">>
<<cs zara "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<s mc "Remove your habit and your underwear.">>
<<s zara "But then I'll be naked.">>
<<s mc "Until Novice Emma tells me you are ready for the holy rites, this is your penance for your wicked sinning. You said you would do everything I say.">>
<<s zara "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/stripping 100 pause2>>
<c2>After some hesitation, Novice Zara finally strips down naked. She shyly turns away, waiting for you to speak.</c2>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" zara1 "step:300">><<but "\"Show me your rear\"" zara1 "step:400">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/zara/tits1 74>>
Novice Zara obediently shows her breasts to you.
<<addlust 10 daily>>
<<but "\"Show me your rear\"" zara1 step:400>>
<<but "\"Good. You may dress again.\"" zara1 step:1000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/zara/behind1 77>>
<<cs zara "Like this?">>
<<addlust 10 daily>>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" zara1 "step:300">>
<<but "\"Good. You may dress again.\"" zara1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/zara/stand1 85>>
<cc>You watch as Novice Zara quickly gets dressed.
<<cs mc "Now your penance for today is complete.">>
<<cs zara "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<q zaraq 200 center>>
<<qendversion zaraq version0.3.0>>
<<vv 3.1>>
<<event 400>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zara2 27>>
<<s mc "How is it going with Novice Emma and the holy rites?">>
<<s zara "She hasn't explained them in detail yet. She's teaching me a lot of things I didn't know about ancient sacraments.">>
<<s mc "Then you will have to do your usual penance while I wait for you to be ready for the holy rites. Remove all your clothes.">>
<<s zara "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<ev 200>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/stripping 100 pause2>>
<c2>Novice Zara strips down naked without a word. She then waits for your command.</c2>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" zara1 "step:300">><<but "\"Show me your rear\"" zara1 "step:400">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/zara/tits1 74>>
Novice Zara obediently shows her breasts to you.
<<if $temp == null>>
<<set $temp = "breasts">>
<<but "\"Show me your rear\"" zara1 step:400>>
<<but "\"Sit down and spread your legs.\"" zara1 step:1000>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/zara/behind1 77>>
Novice Zara obediently shows her behind to you.
<<if $temp == null>>
<<set $temp = "behind">>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" zara1 "step:300">>
<<but "\"Sit down and spread your legs.\"" zara1 step:1000>>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread 85>>
<c><<s mc "Remove your hand.">>
<<s zara "But then you'll see my most intimate...">>
<<s mc "You are disobeying me? You must spread your legs and the lips of your slit to show your sinful hole where Satan resides. This is your penance. I'm trying to save you from the Devil!">>
<<s zara "Yes, Father...">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/spread 100 "pause2.5 volume0">>
<<cs zara "Please save me from the Devil, Father.">>
<<cs mc "Hold it there...">>
<<c "Look closer at her sinful hole">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread2 100>>
<cc>You take a good look at her pink hole. Later someday, you will probably have to use your Holy Rod to root out the evil in there.
<<addlust 10 daily>>
<<c "Look even closer">>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread3 50>>
<<cs zara "This is so embarrassing, Father. Why do you have to look so close? ">>
<<cs mc "Being close to the power of God will weaken the evil the Devil planted in you – until I can remove it with the holy rites. This is also part of your penance. It should not be easy. Now, spread it as wide as you can.">>
<<c "Look very close">>
<<ev 1270>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/spread4 100 "pause2 volume0">>
<cc>You stare at Novice Zara's sinful hole for a moment.
<<addlust 10 daily>>
<<cs mc "Good. Now your penance for today is complete.">>
<<qset zaraq 220>> /* silent */
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<event 500>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/stripping 100 pause2>>
<cc>Novice Zara strips down naked without a word.<br>She then waits for your command.</cc>
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" zara1 "step:300">><<but "\"Show me your rear\"" zara1 "step:400">><<but "\"Spread your legs\"" zara1 step:600>>
<<but "Complete her penance quickly" zara1 "step:200 qqzaraq>=400">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread2 94>>
<cc>You have Novice Zara spread her legs and you take a good, close look at her pink hole. Only the Holy Rod can root out the evil in there.
<<addlust 20 daily>>
This completes Novice Zara's penance for today.
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 300>>
<<mii nuns/zara/tits1 74>>
Novice Zara obediently shows her breasts to you.
<<but "\"Show me your rear\"" zara1 step:400>>
<<but "\"Spread your legs\"" zara1 step:600>>
<<ev 400>>
<<mii nuns/zara/behind1 77>>
Novice Zara obediently shows her behind to you.
<<but "\"Show me your breasts\"" zara1 "step:300">>
<<but "\"Spread your legs\"" zara1 step:600>>
<<ev 600>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread 96>>
<cc>Novice Zara shyly covers her slit with her hand.
<<cs mc "The Devil resides in your sinful hole. You know what to do. ">>
Novice Zara lowers her gaze in submission.
<<c "Watch">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/spread 100 "pause2.5 volume0">>
<<cs zara "Please save me from the Devil, $fmc.">>
<<c "Look closer at her sinful hole">>
<<ev 1200>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread2 100>>
<cc>You take a good look at her pink hole. Only the Holy Rod can root out the evil in there.
<<addlust 10 daily>>
<<c "Look even closer">>
<<ev 1250>>
<<mii nuns/zara/spread3 50>>
<<cs mc "Now spread it as wide as you can, so God's light can reach the evil hidden deep in there.">>
<<cs zara "Yes, Father.">>
<<c "Look very close">>
<<ev 1270>>
<<mvv nuns/zara/spread4 100 "pause2 volume0">>
<cc>You stare at Novice Zara's sinful hole for a moment.
<<addlust 10 daily>>
<<cs mc "Good. Now your penance for today is complete.">>
<<if $qqzaraq < 250>>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<qendversion zaraq version0.3.1>>
<<but "Leave her" hub>>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zarahead 36>>
<<if $qqzaraq < 250>>
Having Novice Zara expose the most intimate parts of her body as part of her penance has made her more submissive to you. This will be useful later.
<<addauth 1>>
<<q zaraq 250 center>>
<<qendversion zaraq version0.3.1>>
<<vv 4.1>>
<<event 600 zara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi zara2 40 right>>
<l><<s mc "Have you learned about the holy rites yet?">>
<<s zara "Yes, Father. But can it be true that God would allow such things? Sexual things...">>
<<s mc "It is true. Luckily for you. You have become so corrupted by the Devil that only something as extreme as the holy rites can save you. We should waste no time. I will anoint you with the Holy Seed now.">>
<<s zara "Now? Oh... But it seems too extreme. Perverse.">>
<<s mc "Your sinning was perverse. This will be a holy rite. You can commit perverse sins but not participate in a holy rite?">>
<<s zara "No... But... will you pleasure yourself, or do I have to?">>
<<s mc "You must use your mouth. But first, get naked and spread your legs to get the Holy Rod ready. Do it now.">>
<<s zara "Yes, $fmc.">>
<<ev 300>>
<<mv spread 100 "pause2 volume0.5">>
<cc>Novice Zara removes her habit and spreads her legs for you.
<<addlust 50>>
<<c "Look at her open slit">>
<<ev 400>>
<<mi spread2 94>>
<<if $qqzaraq < 400>>
One day you may have to penetrate that hole to eat her sins, but not today.
You could penetrate that hole to attempt to eat her sins, but you won't do it today.
<<addlust 100>>
<<cs mc "The Holy Rod is ready. Now you must use your mouth to bring forth the Holy Seed.">>
You pull down your pants, revealing your erect manhood.
<<ev 500>>
<<mv m 100 volume0.5>>
<cc><<if $qqzaraq < 400>>
Having degraded herself by exposing the most intimate parts of her body to you several times, Novice Zara submits to your authority. She takes your manhood in her mouth.
Having submitted to your authority, Novice Zara takes your manhood in her mouth without hesitation.
<<ev 600>>
<<mv bj20 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Novice Zara does a good job of pleasuring you with her hand and mouth.
<<if $qqzaraq < 400>>
<<cs mc "Have you been with a man like this before?">>
<<cs zara "No, Father. I'm a virgin.">>
<<cs mc "Are you sure you have never been with a man like this before me?">>
<<cs zara "I'm sure, Father. I'm a virgin.">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv bj30 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Her soft mouth pushes you closer to orgasm.</cc>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv bj50 100 volume0.5>>
<cc><<cs mc "The Holy Seed is almost ready. Keep going.">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv bj80 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>Novice Zara does her best to pleasure you, and she finally pushes you over the edge.
<<cs mc "Prepare to receive the Holy Seed.">>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv cum1 100 volume0.5>>
<cc><<cs mc "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I anoint you with the Holy Seed.">></cc>
<<ev 2100>>
<<mv cum1after 100 volume0.5>>
<cc>You instruct Novice Zara to swallow some of the Holy Seed for best effect.</cc>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mi cum1after2 80>>
Novice Zara looks relieved that the holy rite is over.
<<if $qqzaraq < 400>>
<<cs zara "Am I cleansed of my sins now?">>
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi cum1head 57>>
<<if $qqzaraq < 400>>
<<s mc "No. This was only a start – to bless you and to protect you from further corruption by Satan, weakening his hold on you. To cleanse you of your sins, I have to channel them up to God with the holy rite of Sin Eating. That was what I was attempting to do that time when you pleasured yourself to climax in front of me. But to eat your most grave sins, to root out the evil in you, I fear that more extreme rituals are required. We will speak more about that another time. Tonight, you should pray hard to the Lord for forgiveness and protection from evil.">>
<<s mc "This will bless you and protect you from further corruption, weakening Satan's hold on you. Tonight, you should pray hard to the Lord for forgiveness and protection from evil.">>
<<s zara "I will do that, $fmc.">>
<<c "Leave her">>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mi zarahead 40>>
<<set $temp = 0>>
<<if $qqzaraq >= 400>>
You anointed Novice Zara again.
<<set $temp = 1>>
<p>Anointing Novice Zara with the Holy Seed won't be enough to remove Satan's corrupting influence on her. You have to root out the evil in the nun, exposing it to God's light.</p>
<p>For one thing, Novice Zara penetrated her slit with her finger that day you used the lust potion on her. That looked like a sin of fornication. You must attempt to eat it.</p>
<<if !setup.questCompleted("zaraq")>>
<p>But first you want Novice Zara to get used to being anointed.
<<if $temp == 0>>
<<q zaraq 400>>
<<q zaraq 500>>
<<qendversion zaraq version0.4.1>>
<<event 620>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mii nuns/zara/zarahead 40>>
<c><<s mc "It's time to anoint you again to protect you from the lust demon. Get naked and spread your legs to stiffen the Holy Rod.">>
<<s zara "Oh... Okay, $fmc. If you think it's necessary.">>
<<but "Continue" zara1 "ev:600 step:300">>
<<vv 6>>
<<event 700 zara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi zarahead 40>>
<<s mc "I have anointed you with the Holy Seed to protect you from further corruption by Satan. Now the time has come to eat your most grave sins. Your sins of fornication.">>
<<s zara "What do you mean, Father? I'm a virgin.">>
<<s mc "I saw you stick your fingers in your slit that day I confronted you.">>
<<ev 200>>
<<mi zara2 40 right>>
<<s zara "But... you told me I should finish.">>
<<s mc "And you chose to simulate a man inside you. I never told you to do that.">>
<<s zara "I did it at the end, to be able to finish faster.">>
<<s mc "So you admit it. Now I must eat those sins. I have no choice but to fornicate with you. Get naked.">>
<<s zara "But $fmc, you can't. I'm a novice nun.">>
<<s mc "Which makes your sinning even graver, and your penance harsher. This act will be your penance as well as your salvation. Now remove your clothes, Novice Zara.">>
Novice Zara finally gives in and starts to undress.
<<but "Continue" zara1 step:400>>
<<ev 350>>
<<mi zarahead 40>>
<<s mc "I don't think your sins of fornication have been properly cleansed yet. We will fornicate now and I can eat your sins.">>
<<s zara "Please, not again, $fmc. I'm a novice nun.">>
<<s mc "Which makes your sinning even graver, and your penance harsher. This act will be your penance as well as your salvation. Now remove your clothes, Novice Zara.">>
Novice Zara finally gives in and starts to undress.
<<ev 400>>
<<mi spread 90>>
<c>Looking at Novice Zara's naked body, you drop your pants and grab your growing manhood.
<<addlust 50>>
<<c "Tell her to bend over the table">>
<<ev 500>>
<<mv 700-500 88 "pause1.5 volume0.6">>
<c><<s mc "Remove the rest of your clothes and then bend over the table and spread your legs.">>
Novice Zara groans with dissatisfaction as she removes her stockings and then bends over the table as instructed.
<<addlust 100>>
<<c "Move in to mount her">>
<<ev 600>>
<<mv 700-600 88 "pause1 volume0.6">>
<c>You mount Novice Zara from behind.
<<s mc "Now I will attempt to eat your sins of fornication. You should try to climax, and I can cleanse that sin too.">>
<<c "Fornicate with Novice Zara">>
<<ev 700>>
<<mv 700-700 88 "volume0.6">>
<cc>You fornicate with Novice Zara. It feels very good.
<p>The nun sounds like she is trying to enjoy it. Maybe she is – it wouldn't surprise you.</p>
<<ev 800>>
<<mv 700-800 88 "volume0.6">>
<cc>You continue to eat her sins of fornication.</cc>
<<c "Tell her to lie down on her back">>
<<ev 850>>
<<mv 700-850 92 volume0>>
<c>Novice Zara quickly obeys as she lies down on her back and spreads her legs. It sure seems like the nun is enjoying your manhood inside of her.</c>
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 900>>
<<mv 700-900 92 "volume0.4">>
<p>Moments later, you again penetrate her with your erect manhood.</p>
<<ev 1000>>
<<mv 700-1000 92 "volume0.4">>
<cc>There is no doubt that Novice Zara is enjoying it now, considering how wet her slit has gotten.
<<cs mc "You can use your hand to help yourself to climax.">>
<<ev 1100>>
<<mv 700-1100 86 "volume0.4">>
<cc>You hear a squishy sound as Novice Zara rubs her wet slit and sinful button.
<<ev 1200>>
<<mv 700-1200 86 "volume0.4">>
<cc>Soon after, Novice Zara climaxes.
<p>You are not far behind. You pound her tight slit fast.
<<cs mc "Prepare to be anointed!">></p>
<<c "Pull out and release your seed in her face">>
<<ev 1300>>
<<mv cum1 98 "volume0.4">>
<cc>You anoint Novice Zara with the Holy Seed.</cc>
<<ev 1400>>
<<mv cum1after 98 "volume0.4">>
<cc>Novice Zara seems satisfied now, having orgasmed with your manhood inside her slit.
<p>She enjoys the promise of the Holy Seed.</p>
<<ev 1500>>
<<mi cum1head 60>>
<cc><<s mc "I have eaten your sins of fornications, as much as I could. I may have to repeat this later until I'm sure your grave sins are properly cleansed.">>
Novice Zara says nothing, returning to her submissive state.
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mi 700-2000 100>>
<cc>You fornicated with Novice Zara, eating her sins.<br>You can repeat this whenever you feel it is needed.
<<qend zaraq 1000 center>></cc>
<<if def $qqrevelationzara && !setup.questCompleted("revelationzara")>>
<<ev 4200>>
<<mi zarahead 40>>
<cc>You have finally fornicated with Novice Zara.
<<qend revelationzara 1000 center>>
<<ev 4300>>
<<revsupport "Novice Zara" 850 "You have strengthened the support of Novice Zara.">>
<<event 740 zara nuns>>
<<ev 100>>
<<mi zara2 40 right>>
<<s mc "Novice Zara, you must do your duty to support the war against Satan. I need to reduce my lust with a woman to be able to concentrate on my important mission. Undress and I will lie with you.">>
<<s zara "You mean you will eat my sins of fornication?">>
<<s mc "No, that's what I can't do. The holy rite takes too much concentration. I need to lie with you purely for sexual pleasure.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("patriarchq")>>
<<s zara "Can you marry me first this time, though?">>
<<s zara "You will marry me first, then?">>
<<ev 200>>
<<set _mczaramess = "No, I don't have time for such ceremonies. This will be a quick affair. And no marriage is needed in the eyes of the Lord. As patriarch, I have the right and a duty to do what's in the best interests of my people – of you and your sisters.">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("patriarchq")>>
<<mi zarahead 34>>
<<s mc _mczaramess>>
<<s zara "Yes, Father.">>
<<s mc "Get naked and I will finish this quickly.">>
<<but "Continue" zara1 step:2000>>
<<mi zarahead 28>>
<<s mc _mczaramess>>
<<s zara "But... it feels wrong. Please don't do it, Father.">>
<<tip lovepunish2>>
<<set _tmess = "I will tell the Lord of your selfless sacrifice for the cause, and the Lord will reward you for it in heaven. It's time to do your duty, my child.">>
<<set _amess ="The Lord will punish you if you refuse to support the war against Satan. And as God's chosen leader of the convent, it falls to me to mete out the punishment. Now do your duty, Novice Zara, or face the wrath of the Lord.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<s mc _tmess>>
<<s zara "Yes, Father. I will sacrifice myself for the cause.">>
<<s mc "Then get naked and I will finish this quickly.">>
<<d 2000>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s zara "I'll do it, Father. I don't want to be punished.">>
<<s mc "Then get naked and I will finish this quickly.">>
<<d 200>>
<<s mc _tmess>>
<<s zara "I want to help the cause, Father, but not like this. Can't you marry me at least?">>
<<d 200>>
<<s mc _amess>>
<<s zara "Please don't punish me, Father. I want to help the cause, but not like this. Can't you marry me at least?">>
<<trytbut "\"Obey and the Lord will reward you.\"" "trust30 center">>
<<tryabut "\"Obey or the Lord will punish you.\"" "auth30 center">>
<<ev 2000>>
<<mv stripping 90>>
<cc>You watch Novice Zara undress while you rub your growing manhood.
<<addlust 50>>
<<cs mc "Now bend over and I will enter you from behind.">></cc>
<<c "Take out your manhood">>
<<ev 2200>>
<<mv 740-2200 90 pause1.5>>
<cc>Novice Zara shows you her behind and her waiting slit
<<addlust 100>>
Your member is erect and ready for action.
<<ev 2300>>
<<mi behind1 72>>
<<s zara "You will not finish inside me, will you, Father?">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("patriarchq")>>
<<s mc "We'll see. I could, because the Lord would not let something sinful come from your sacrifice.">>
<<s zara "I don't want to get pregnant.">>
<<s mc "You won't. If God were to let it happen, it would be a miracle.">>
<<s mc "No, I won't. But I could, because the Lord would not let something sinful come from your sacrifice.">>
Patriarch or not, it's your first day. You don't want to push things too far. There will come more days...
<<c "Penetrate her slit">>
<<ev 2400>>
<<mv 740-2400 90 volume0.7>>
<cc>You claim your right as patriarch and penetrate Novice Zara's tight slit with your hard manhood.</cc>
<<ev 2600>>
<<mv 740-2600 90 volume0.7>>
<cc>With no holy rites to bother with, you can just enjoy the feeling of her hole.</cc>
<<ev 2800>>
<<mv 740-2800 90 volume0.7>>
<cc>Novice Zara is patiently waiting for you to do your thing.
<p>Since she isn't aroused, her slit isn't wet, but it feels good anyway.</p>
<<set $temp = null>>
<<c "Tell her to lie down on her back">>
<<ev 2900>>
<<mv 740-2900 90 volume0.7>>
<<if $temp == "nipples">>
You continue to fornicate with Novice Zara.
Novice Zara turns around and lies down on her back as instructed.
You continue to fornicate with her.
<<specbut "Pinch her nipples" zara1 "step:3000 nobottom">>
<<but "Continue" zara1 step:3400>>
<<ev 3000>>
<<mv 740-3000 90>>
<<set $temp = "nipples">>
<cc>You want to enjoy all of Novice Zara's body, so you reach out to grab her massive breasts.
<p>Novice Zara says nothing as you pinch her nipples.</p>
<<but "Continue" zara1 step:2900>>
<<ev 3400>>
<<mv 740-3400 90 volume0.6>>
<cc>Your seed is coming soon. You move faster.</cc>
<<if setup.questCompleted("patriarchq")>>
<<but "Continue" zara1 step:4100>>
<<ev 3700>>
<<mv 740-3700 90 volume0.3>>
<cc>The orgasm is very close.
<p>Novice Zara asked you not to finish inside her slit, but as her patriarch, that decision is up to you.</p></cc>
<<but "Finish inside her slit" zara1 step:3800>><<but "Pull out and finish on her body" zara1 step:4100>>
<<ev 3800>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie1before 80 volume0.3>>
<cc>You moan with pleasure as you release your seed inside Novice Zara's tight slit.
<<creampie zara center>>
<<c "Look at the result">>
<<ev 3900>>
<<mvv misc/cum/creampie1 80 volume0.5>>
<cc><<cs zara "Did you finish inside me, Father?" ii>>
<<cs mc "Yes. That's where the man is supposed to plant his seed, which is why God made it feel so good. It's the best way to reduce the lust of the man.">>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<ev 4100>>
<<mv 740-4100 90 volume0.6>>
<cc>You pound the nun's tight slit.
<p>Your seed is on its way. You pull out of Novice Zara.</p>
<<c "Release your seed">>
<<ev 4600>>
<<mv 740-4600 90 volume0.6>>
<cc>You enjoy the feeling of squirting your seed over Novice Zara's naked body.</cc>
<<ev 5000>>
<<mv 740-5000 90 pause2>>
<cc>The seed-covered Novice Zara gets up, looking relieved that it is over.
<<ev 5600>>
<<mv 740-5600 90 pause1>>
<<s zara "Did it help with your lust, Father?">>
<<s mc "Yes. Now I can get back to fighting Satan and his minions. The Lord and I appreciate your sacrifice.">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",400)>>
<<but "Get dressed and leave" hub>>
<<c "Get dressed and leave">>
<<ev 8000>>
<<dopatriarch zara>>
<<widget endspecevbut>>
<<but Continue $suspendedPassage "endSpecial">>
<<widget imbut>>
/* using code/class names from pbut for now */
<<set _imbutpath = _args[0]>>
<<set _imbuttext = _args[1]>>
<<set _imbutdest = _args[2]>>
<<set _imbutextra = _args[3] ? _args[3] : "">>
<<set _imbutextra += " special">>
<<set _imbextra = "left noBorder styling height:3rem; margin:0rem; margin-top:0.36rem; margin-left: 0.35rem; width:auto stylingend">>
<<if _imbutpath.indexOf(".png") != -1>>
<<set _imbutpath = _imbutpath.substring(0,_imbutpath.length-4)>>
<<set _imbextra += " png">>
<div class="statbut">
<span class="bbox potionbox">
<<mii _imbutpath 100 _imbextra>>
<<but _imbuttext _imbutdest _imbutextra>>
/*Pass "nobottom" to remove bottom margin */
<<widget specbut>>
/* Doing if else here because (don't know why) I can't use ? : here because then bb part isn't shown when doing primer test */
<<if ndef _args[2]>>
<<set _arg2 = "">>
<<set _arg2 = _args[2]>>
<<set _arg2 = _arg2 + " special">>
/* NOTE: If using several specbut, in certain cases, only the last will work. see more in macros for specbut */
<<statbut _arg2>>
<<statbutbut _arg2>>
<<if _args[1].indexOf("chapel") != -1>>
<<set _chapeltest = _args[0]+"chapel">>
<<set _chapeltest = _chapeltest.toLowerCase()>>
<<if _arg2.indexOf(_chapeltest) != -1>>
<<set _arg2 += " projectAmnesiaStyle">>
<<but _args[0] _args[1] _arg2>>
/* Used for character buttons.
NOTE: Because numbers in widget name break color coding in VSCODE, use nunbut for nuns to avoid this (specbut2 and nunbut is same button just different text color) */
<<widget specbut2>>
<<set _arg2 = _args[2] + " specbut2 inline nobottom">>
<<butReqCheck _args[0] _args[1] _args[2]>>
<<if _reqSuccess>>
<<print '<<set _specbutchar = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.shortname>>'>>
<<if ndef _specbutchar>>
<<print '<<set _specbutchar = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.name>>'>>
<<set _headpic = null>>
<<print '<<set _customheadpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.imagecustom>>'>>
<<if _customheadpic == true>>
/* set _headpic if requirements are satisfied. image must be png */
<<run setup.setCustomHeadPic(_args[0])>>
<<if _headpic==null>>
<<print '<<set _headpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.imagepng>>'>>
<<set _sbut2extra = "noZoom">>
<<if _arg2.indexOf("useimage:") != -1>>
<<set _useimind = _arg2.indexOf("useimage:")>>
<<set _headpic = _arg2.substring(_useimind+9, _arg2.indexOf("::", _useimind))>>
/* specify image to show instead of headpic, eg useimage:mc/scourge2:: - only png for now */
<<set _sbut2extra += " png">>
<<elseif def _headpic>>
<<set _sbut2extra += " png">>
<<print '<<set _headpic = setup.chars.'+_args[0]+'.image>>'>>
<<set _sbut2class = " character-head">>
<<if _arg2.indexOf("usebackground") != -1>>
<<set _usebgind = _arg2.indexOf("usebackground:")>>
<<set _usebgcolor = _arg2.substring(_usebgind+14, _arg2.indexOf("::", _usebgind))>>
/* Passing # to set color would conflict with checking # for req, ie quest#StageDay+1, so # is set here */
<<set _sbut2extra += " styling background:#"+_usebgcolor+" stylingend">>
<<if _arg2.indexOf("disablePortrait") != -1>>
<<set _sbut2class += " disable-portrait">>
<<set _arg2 += " disableButton disableButtonColor">>
<div style="display:inline-block; margin-right:1.5rem;">
<span @class=_sbut2class style="margin-right:0.3rem"><<mii _headpic 100 _sbut2extra>></span>
<<if _arg2.indexOf("setInvis") == -1>>
/* setInvis is used elsewhere for normal buttons, but need special code for specbut2 */
<<if _arg2.indexOf("buttontext") != -1>>
/* Set custom button text with eg buttontext:Go to Novice Sofia's room:: */
<<set _tind = _arg2.indexOf("buttontext:")>>
<<set _specbutchar = _arg2.substring(_tind+11, _arg2.indexOf("::", _tind))>>
<<specbut _specbutchar _args[1] _arg2>>
<<widget nunbut>>
<<set _nunbutarg2 = _args[2] + " specnunbut2">>
<<specbut2 _args[0] _args[1] _nunbutarg2>>
/* For buttons in list of nuns to send for (Anoint, Fornicate, Sodomy */
<<widget nbut>>
<<set _nbutextra = _args[2] ? _args[2] + " special sendForNunButton"+setup.nunToSend+"!" : "">>
<<set _nbutclass = "">>
<<if _smallernunbuttons>>
/* Smaller buttons in mc1 "send for a nun" etc to try to allow more buttons without linebreaks */
<<set _nbutclass = "smaller-buttons">>
<span @class=_nbutclass>
<<but _args[0] _args[1] _nbutextra>>
/* Naming to vbutfirst instead of vbut2 or whatever since using digits ruins code coloring */
/* dont think needed anymore. think I used this to remove red heart and showing req but doing that in ntrytbut2 instead now
<<widget vbutfirst>>
<<set _vbutextra = _args[2] ? _args[2] + " volunteerEvent" : "">>
<<nbut _args[0] _args[1] _vbutextra>>
<<widget vbut>>
<<set _vbutextra = _args[2] ? _args[2] + " special volunteerEvent" : "">>
/* Not needed here yet
<<if _smallernunbuttons>>
<<set _nbutclass = "smaller-buttons">>
<span @class=_nbutclass>
<<ntrytbut2 _args[0] _args[1] _vbutextra>>
<<ntrytbut2 _args[0] _args[1] _vbutextra>>
<<widget prisonbut>>
<<set _prisbutextra = _args[3] ? _args[3] + " special prisonEvent" : "">>
<<ntryabut2 _args[1] _args[2] _prisbutextra>>
<<widget ntrytbut2>>
<<set _ntrybut2extra = _args[2] ? _args[2] + " sendForNunButton"+setup.nunToSend+"!" : "">>
<<if _args[2].indexOf("volunteerEvent") != -1 && _args[2].indexOf("replayEvent") != -1>>
<<but _args[0] _args[1] _ntrybut2extra>>
<<trytbut2 _args[0] _args[1] _ntrybut2extra>>
<<widget ntryabut2>>
<<set _ntryabut2extra = _args[2] ? _args[2] + " sendForNunButton"+setup.nunToSend+"!" : "">>
<<if _args[2].indexOf("replayEvent") != -1 || _args[2].indexOf("noCheckEvent") != -1>>
<<but _args[0] _args[1] _ntryabut2extra>>
<<tryabut2 _args[0] _args[1] _ntryabut2extra>>
/* replaying encounters */
<<widget encbut>>
<<set _encbutextra = _args[2] ? _args[2] + " special replayEvent replayEncounter" : "">>
<<if _smallernunbuttons>>
/* Smaller buttons in mc1 "send for a nun" etc to try to allow more buttons without linebreaks */
<<set _nbutclass = "smaller-buttons">>
<span @class=_nbutclass>
<<but _args[0] _args[1] _encbutextra>>
<<widget lbut>>
<<set _dest = $args[1] ? $args[1] : $args[0]>>
<<set _extra = "linkbutton donthidebutton "+$args[2]>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("nodiv") != -1 && _extra.indexOf("nodivider") == -1>>
/* so can use nodiv for short */
<<set _extra += " nodivider">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("sss") != -1>>
<<set _extra += " showdiv nodivider showsexscene">>
<<but $args[0] _dest _extra>>
<<widget jbut>>
<<set _arg0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _title = _arg0.toUpperFirst()>>
<<print $journal_pages.push(_arg0)>>
<<set _extra = "showdiv journalbutton donthidebutton "+$args[1]>>
<<but _title _arg0 _extra>>
<<widget monkbut>>
<<set _arg0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2] + " monkbutton">>
<<but _arg0 _dest _extra>>
/* Used when adding images and stuff next to button, so need to know if button will be added or not.
Usage: <<butReqCheck _args[0] _args[1] _args[2]>> and then do <<if _reqSuccess == true>> */
<<widget butReqCheck>>
<<set _pbid = 666>>
<<set _buttonid = "internalCheckReqsButton">>
/* Temp button used for check. It is not actually added to the page. */
<<set setup.buttons[_pbid] = {}>>
<<set setup.buttons[_pbid].id = _buttonid>>
<<set setup.buttons[_pbid].text = _args[0]>>
<<set setup.buttons[_pbid].dest = _args[1]>>
<<set setup.buttons[_pbid].extra = _args[2]>>
<<set _reqSuccess = false>>
/* buttons for making potions */
<<widget pbut>>
<<set _arg0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _pbutextra = $args[2] + " potionbutton">>
/* Note: Need another name for extra or else mi's extra will be used for button too since
mi is added before button */
<<butReqCheck _args[0] _args[1] _args[2]>>
<<if _reqSuccess == true>>
<<set _knownRecipes = true>>
<<switch _arg0>>
<<case "sleepTea">>
<<if _pbutextra.indexOf("listpotions") != -1>>
<<set _potion = "lab/teaListPotions">>
<<set _potion = "lab/tea">>
<<case "nightmareTea">>
<<if _pbutextra.indexOf("listpotions") != -1>>
<<set _potion = "lab/teaListPotions">>
<<set _potion = "lab/tea">>
<<case "lust">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionLust">>
<<case "virility">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionVirility">>
<<case "asafoetida">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionAsafoetida">>
<<case "longpepperdust">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionLongpepperdust">>
<<case "nectar">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionNectar">>
<<case "cutahest">>
<<set _potion = "lab/cutahest_small">>
<<case "confusionAntidote">>
<<set _potion = "lab/antidote_small">>
<<case "rashSalve">>
<<set _potion = "lab/salve_small">>
<<case "lustOil">>
<<set _potion = "lab/antidote_small">>
<<case "paranoia">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionParanoia">>
<<case "amnesiaOil">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionAmnesiaOil">>
<<case "amnesia">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionAmnesia">>
<<case "nightmareOil">>
<<set _arg0 = _arg0.toUpperFirst()>>
<<set _potion = "lab/potion"+_arg0>>
<<case "fumingLustOil">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionFumingLustOil">>
<<case "nightVision">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionNightVision">>
<<case "lethargy">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionLethargy">>
<<case "sleepSalve">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionSleepSalve">>
<<case "lustLiberationSalve">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potionLustLiberationSalve">>
<<set _potion = "lab/potion">>
<<set _arg0 = _arg0.toUpperFirst()>>
<<print '<<set _arg0 = "<<potion'+_arg0+'>>">>'>>
<<set _pbutstyling = "styling height:3rem; margin:0rem; margin-top:0.36rem; margin-left: 0.35rem; margin-bottom:0.1rem;width:auto; ">>
<<set _pbutclass = "statbut">>
<<if _pbutextra.indexOf("listpotions") != -1>>
<<set _pbutextra += " special pbutinline">>
<<set _pbutstyling += "height:4.3rem; margin-top:0.25rem; margin-left: 0.25rem;">>
<<if _pbutextra.indexOf("pbutinline") != -1>>
<<set _pbutclass += " inline">>
<<set _pbutstyling += "stylingend ">>
<div @class="_pbutclass">
<span class="bbox potionbox">
<<print '<<mii _potion 100 "left noBorder png '+_pbutstyling+'">>'>>
<<but _arg0 _dest _pbutextra>>
/* To make added stat appear centered, just pass "center", eg <<trytbut "\"Please, help me." "trust26 center">> */
<<widget trytbut>>
<<set _dest = "">>
<<set _extra = $args[1]+" ">>
<<set _val = 10>> /* failsafe */
<<if _extra.indexOf("req") != -1>>
/* adding reqs to allow stuff like trust check in reqs... */
<<addreqs _extra>>
<<set _extra = _reqsextra>>
<<set _ind = _extra.indexOf("trust")>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("destination:") != -1>>
<<set _destind = _extra.indexOf("destination:")>>
<<set _dest = _extra.substring(_destind+12, _extra.indexOf(" ", _destind))>>
<<if _ind == -1>>
alert("trust req not found in widget trytbut");
<<set _valind = _extra.indexOf(" ",_ind)>>
<<set _trustReq = _extra.substring(_ind+5,_valind)>>
/* Need parseint here, otherwise doing ie "trust_variable" like in hjana1 ev920 will produce a value which is not considered a value */
<<print '<<set _trustReq = parseInt('+_trustReq+')>>'>>
<<if _trustReq < 0>>
<<set _trustReq = "??">>
<<set _extra += " tryActionFailed">>
<<elseif $trust < _trustReq>>
<<set _extra += " tryActionFailed">>
<<set _extra += " tryRelationAction trustAction">>
<<tbut $args[0] _dest _extra>>
/* Combo of trytbut and reqbutton. Shows trust req to left, moves to event/step, or disables button if fail */
<<widget trytbut2>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2]+" ">>
<<set _extra += " failureDisables destination:"+_dest>>
<<trytbut $args[0] _extra>>
<<widget trytbut2spec>>
<<set _args2 = $args[2]+" specbut">>
<<trytbut2 $args[0] $args[1] _args2>>
/* To center stat message, pass "center", eg <<trytbut "\"Please, help me." "trust26 center">> */
<<widget tryabut>>
<<set _dest = "">>
<<set _extra = $args[1]+" ">>
<<set _val = 10>> /* failsafe */
<<if _extra.indexOf("req") != -1>>
/* adding reqs to allow stuff like auth check in reqs... */
<<addreqs _extra>>
<<set _extra = _reqsextra>>
<<set _ind = _extra.indexOf("auth")>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("destination:") != -1>>
<<set _destind = _extra.indexOf("destination:")>>
<<set _dest = _extra.substring(_destind+12, _extra.indexOf(" ", _destind))>>
<<if _ind == -1>>
alert("auth req not found in widget tryabut");
<<set _valind = _extra.indexOf(" ",_ind)>>
<<set _authReq = _extra.substring(_ind+4,_valind)>>
<<print '<<set _authReq = parseInt('+_authReq+')>>'>>
<<if _authReq < 0>>
<<set _authReq = "??">>
<<set _extra += " tryActionFailed">>
<<elseif $auth < _authReq>>
<<set _extra += " tryActionFailed">>
<<set _extra += " tryRelationAction authorityAction">>
<<abut $args[0] _dest _extra>>
/* Combo of tryabut and reqbutton. Shows auth req to left, moves to event/step, or disables button if fail **
Example: <<tryabut2 "Sodomy" mc1 "step:240 auth15">> */
<<widget tryabut2>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2]+" ">>
<<set _extra += " failureDisables destination:"+_dest>>
<<tryabut $args[0] _extra>>
<<widget tryabut2spec>>
<<set _args2 = $args[2]+" specbut">>
<<tryabut2 $args[0] $args[1] _args2>>
/* To center increased stat output, do like this: <<tbut "Allow it" null center>> -- or ccenter for <cc> */
<<widget tbut>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _extra += " choiceTrust">>
<<if _showDivsButtons == true>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("tryActionFailed") != -1>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("oneChoice") == -1>>
/* div3 for failed trust actions */
<<set _dest = "div3">>
/* unless only choice */
<<set _dest = "div2">>
/* div1 for normal tbuttons and succeeded trust actions */
<<set _dest = "div1">>
<<set _extra += " showdiv">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("specbut") != -1>>
<<specbut $args[0] _dest _extra $args[3]>>
<<but $args[0] _dest _extra $args[3]>>
/* To center increased stat output, do like this: <<abut "Forbid it" null center>> -- or ccenter for <cc> */
<<widget abut>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _extra += " choiceAuthority">>
<<if _showDivsButtons == true>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("tryActionFailed") != -1>>
/* div4 for failed auth actions */
<<set _dest = "div4">>
/* div2 for normal abuttons and succeeded auth actions */
<<set _dest = "div2">>
<<set _extra += " showdiv">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("specbut") != -1>>
<<specbut $args[0] _dest _extra $args[3]>>
<<but $args[0] _dest _extra $args[3]>>
<<widget invisbut>>
<<but "invis" null setInvis>>
<<widget but>>
<<set _text = $args[0]>>
<<set _dest = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2] ? $args[2]+" " : "">>
<<set _mess = $args[3] ? $args[3] : "none">> /* not used atm */
<<set _showReplayMarker = false>>
<<if def _specialEvent>>
/* _specialEvent set in current step, with info on which spec ev to play
eg: "passageSpecial:nuns1 evSpecial:720" */
<<set _extra += " "+_specialEvent>>
<<set _style = "">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("right") != -1>>
<<set _style += "float: right;">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("left") != -1>>
<<set _style += "float: left;">>
/* normal center button; nothing to be added */
<<if _extra.indexOf("customwidth") != -1>>
<<set _wind = _extra.indexOf("customwidth")>>
<<set _cwidth = _extra.substring(_wind+11, _extra.indexOf(" ", _wind))>>
<<print '<<set _style += "width:'+_cwidth+'rem;">>'>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("req") != -1>>
<<addreqs _extra>>
<<set _extra = _reqsextra>>
<<set _bid = setup.getNewButtonID()>>
<<set _buttonid = "button"+_bid>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("journalbutton") != -1>>
<<set _buttonid = "journal_page_"+_dest>>
<<if ndef _thisdiv>>
<<set _thisdiv = "div0">>
<<set _buttonid += "_"+_thisdiv>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid] = {}>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].id = _buttonid>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].text = _text>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].dest = _dest>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].extra = _extra>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].stats = "">> /* macro div/showdivs */
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].sinValue = 0>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("showdiv") != -1>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("showsexscene") == -1 && _extra.indexOf("keepdynmarg") == -1>>
/* Disabling dynamicMargins when using showdivs to display eg trust/auth choices (ie not sex scenes) because it looks better then to start at top and not having content scroll when showing div.
Note that for sex scenes, dynMargs often fails because vid fails to load in time */
<<set setup.usingShowDivs=true>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("donthidebutton") == -1>>
/* Storing buttons to hide when showing divs */
<<set _buttonid = "show"+_buttonid>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].id = _buttonid>> /* need to update now */
<<if setup.buttonShowDivs[_showDivsIndex] == null>>
/* _showDivsIndex is set in js showdiv macro */
<<set setup.buttonShowDivs[_showDivsIndex] = _buttonid>>
<<set setup.buttonShowDivs[_showDivsIndex] += " "+_buttonid>>
<<print '<<set _but_action = \"SugarCube.setup.showDiv(SugarCube.setup.buttons['+_bid+'])\">>'>>
<<if _showDivsButtons == true>>
<<set _extra += " aftershow">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("aftershow") != -1>>
/* Storing buttons to show after showing divs */
<<set _buttonid = "aftershow"+_buttonid>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].id = _buttonid>> /* need to update now */
/* Have to add proper side margins to center button */
<<set _style += "margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; display:none;">>
<<if setup.buttonAfterShowDivs[_showDivsIndex] == null>>
<<set setup.buttonAfterShowDivs[_showDivsIndex] = _buttonid>>
<<set setup.buttonAfterShowDivs[_showDivsIndex] += " "+_buttonid>>
<<print '<<set _but_action = \"SugarCube.setup.move(SugarCube.setup.buttons['+_bid+'])\">>'>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("linkbutton") != -1>>
<<set _lbutclass = "link-internal linkbutton">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("retractable") != -1>>
<<set _lbutclass += " retractable">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("expanded") != -1>>
<<set _lbutclass += " expanded">>
/* default is collapsed */
<<set _lbutclass += " collapsed">>
<<if _buttonid.indexOf("showbutton") != -1>>
/* No class def in css. Only purpose is to be able to filter out these by class when clicking space.
Note: Since selecting for link-internal in js checkContinueButtons(), just not adding link-internal here would also work, but keeping link-internal since not 100% sure if can remove it without causing issues */
<<set _lbutclass += " not-space-click-button">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("showsexscene") != -1>>
<<set _lbutclass += " linkbutton-big">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("expertQuestButton") != -1>>
<<set _lbutclass += " expert-quest-button not-space-click-button">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("listAllQuestEntries") != -1>>
<<set _lbutclass += " list-all-quest-entries">>
<button @id=_buttonid @onclick=_but_action @class=_lbutclass>$args[0]</button>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("journalbutton") != -1>>
<button @onclick=_but_action
class="journal-button print-dark-shadow" @id=_buttonid>$args[0]</button>
/******** req and normal buttons *****/
<<if _extra.indexOf("choiceAuthority") != -1>>
<<set _relationclass = "relation-button authority-button">>
/*<<if _extra.indexOf("buttonPrison") != -1>>
<<set _relationclass += " prison">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("choiceTrust") != -1>>
<<set _relationclass = "relation-button trust-button">>
<<set _relationclass = "none">>
<<set _basebutton = "link-internal">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("potionbutton") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " potionbutton">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("specbut2") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " special-button2 shadow">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("specnunbut2") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " special-nun-button2">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("codex-glow-button") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " codex-glow-button">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("quest-glow-button") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " quest-glow-button">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("purified-glow-button") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " purified-glow-button">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("projectAmnesiaStyle") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " project-amnesia-style">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("rememberingVision") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " vision-style">>
<<set _showReplayMarker = true>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("upstairsRoom") != -1>>
<<set _extra += " special">>
<<set _basebutton += " upstairs-room">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("special") == -1>>
/* Buttons that are not special are wrapped in bb tag in
PassageDone. Class bottombutton also sets width in css */
<<set _basebutton += " bottombutton">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("fullWidth") != -1>>
/* allow button to be wide enough to fit all text, over normal max allowed, up to button in maxWidth */
<<set _basebutton += " fullwidth-button">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("minWidth") != -1>>
/* makes button just wide enought to fix text */
<<set _basebutton += " minwidth-button">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("maxWidth") != -1>>
/* makes button to cover (almost) entire passage width regardless of text */
<<set _basebutton += " maxwidth-button">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("singleButton") != -1>>
/* make button only one on line */
<<set _basebutton += " single-button">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("noSpaceClick") != -1>>
<<set _basebutton += " not-space-click-button">>
<<set _disable_this_button = false>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("disableButton") != -1>>
<<set _disable_this_button = true>>
<<set _reqSuccess = false>>
<<if _reqSuccess == true>>
<<set _corr = _extra.indexOf("corr")>>
**** Nothing below this will be done if checkReqs failed ***
<<set _validCorrReq = false>> /* must reset since if more buttons, this var will carry over */
<<if _corr != -1>>
/* Check to see if there is a reqbutton corrcheck, like corr20, displaying 20 on button,
or a variable corr check, like corr>=20, only showing button if $corr is >= 20.
Only one of these checks can be in a button because we only check the first occurence of "corr" */
<<set _corr=_extra.substring(_corr+4, _extra.indexOf(" ",_corr))>>
<<if !(isNaN(_corr.charAt(0)))>>
<<set _validCorrReq = true>>
/************** req button *************************/
<<if _validCorrReq>>
<<set _tempt = "none">>
<<set _ttt = _extra.indexOf("ttt")>>
<<if _ttt != -1>>
<<set _tttend = _extra.indexOf(" ", _ttt)>>
<<if _ttt + 3 == _tttend>>
/* if passing just 'ttt' */
<<set _tempt=_corr>>
/* passing eg ttt20 */
<<set _tempt = _extra.substring(_ttt+3,_tttend)>>
/* v10: adding lust req for some events (Lust angel). Since lust req will replace tempt req, we can use the tempt variables. */
<<set _lustreq = false>>
<<set _lll = _extra.indexOf("lll")>>
<<if _lll != -1>>
<<set _lllend = _extra.indexOf(" ", _lll)>>
<<if _lll + 3 == _lllend>>
/* if passing just 'lll' */
<<set _tempt=_corr>>
/* passing eg lll20 */
<<set _tempt = _extra.substring(_lll+3,_lllend)>>
<<set _lustreq=true>> /* Just need to remember that it is a lust req */
<<set _reqCorr = true>>
<<set _reqTempt = true>>
<<set _baseclass = "reqbutton-reqbase">>
<<set _corrclass = _baseclass+" reqbutton-corr">>
<<if $corr < _corr>>
<<set _corrclass += " reqbutton-fail">>
<<set _reqCorr = false>>
<<set _permCorr = setup.permanentCorr()>>
<<if _tempt != "none">>
<<set _checkCorr = parseInt(_corr,10) + 5>>
<<if _permCorr >= _checkCorr>>
/* If permanent corr is equal or higher than corr req + 5 for this button, we skip the tempt requirement and set req to just the corr req + 5, ie for a C10 T10 action if mc has 15 or more perm corr, the action will be changed to a C15 action.
Exception: if perm corr is not more than 5 higher, a T20+ action will be still have a T5 requirement, so a C10 T20 would for a C15 player be a C15 T5 action because T20+ actions are corrupting actions where mc is pushing his boundaries, so they require more. While for a C20+ player, the action would now be a C15 action (no T required).*/
<<set _corr = _checkCorr>>
<<if _tempt >= 20 && !(_permCorr > _checkCorr)>>
<<set _tempt = 5>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("forceTempt") != -1>>
/* If wanting a tempt check but corr doesn't matter, then can call with eg "corr0 ttt10 forceTempt"
and button will show current corr plus the given temptation req, so eg C50 T10 if corr is 50. Could remove corr from showing completely but then need to add additional code. This seems simple and functional enough */
<<set _corr = $corr>>
<<set _tempt = "none">>
<<if $replayingEvent > 0>>
/* Removing tempt requirements when replaying events */
<<set _tempt = "none">>
<<if _tempt != "none">>
<<if _lustreq>>
<<set _temptclass = _baseclass+" reqbutton-lust ">>
<<if $lust < _tempt>>
<<set _temptclass += " reqbutton-fail reqbutton-fail-lust">>
<<set _reqTempt = false>>
<<set _temptclass += " reqbutton-lust-success">>
<<set _temptToSin = _tempt >= 20 ? 5 : 0>>
<<if _temptToSin > 0>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].sinValue += parseInt(_temptToSin, 10)>>
<<set _temptclass = _baseclass+" reqbutton-tempt">>
<<if $tempt < _tempt>>
<<set _temptclass += " reqbutton-fail">>
<<set _reqTempt = false>>
<<set _temptclass = "none">>
/* finally, adding the corr value (unless small sins like drinking), so total sin will be corr on button plus extra sin from T20+ buttons */
<<if _corr > 5>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].sinValue += parseInt(_corr, 10)>>
<<set _reqbutton = _basebutton + " reqbutton">>
<<if $testbut == true>>
<<set _sin=_corr>>
<<set _sinclass = _baseclass+" reqbutton-sin">>
<<set _sin = "none">>
<<set _sinclass = "none">>
<<set _reqbutton += " reqbutton-nosin">>
<<set _corrclass += " reqbutton-req-nosin">>
<<if _temptclass != "none">>
<<set _temptclass += " reqbutton-req-nosin">>
/*<<set $divnr += 1>> only used for fail messages, which aren't used
<<set _divname = "div"+$divnr>>*/
<<if _reqCorr == true && _reqTempt == true>>
/* Success - do action */
<<set _reqbutton += " reqbutton-ok">>
/* Failure/can't do action */
<<set _but_action = "">>
<<set _reqbutton += " reqbutton-notok">>
/* No mess for now. Save for possible use later.
<<print '<<set _but_action = "SugarCube.setup.myActionButton2(\''+_divname+'\')">>'>>*/
<<if _relationclass != "none">>
<<set _reqbutton += " reqbutton-relation-space">>
<<if _disable_this_button>>
<<disableButton "req">>
<button @onclick=_but_action @class=_reqbutton @style=_style @id=_buttonid>$args[0]
<<if _sinclass != "none">>
<span @class=_sinclass>S_sin</span>
<<if _corr > 0>>
<span @class=_corrclass>C_corr</span>
<<if _temptclass != "none">>
<span @class=_temptclass><<if _lustreq>>L<<else>>T<</if>>_tempt</span>
<<if _relationclass != "none">>
<span @class=_relationclass></span>
<<if _mess != "none">>
<div class="saying reqbutton-message"
/*********** End of req button ***************/
/********* Normal button *****************/
<<set _normalbutton = _basebutton + " normalbutton">>
<<set _hideRelationTry = _extra.indexOf("hideRelationTry") != -1>>
<<if _relationclass != "none">>
<<set _normalbutton += " button-relation-space">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("trustAction") != -1 || _extra.indexOf("authorityAction") != -1>>
<<if !_hideRelationTry>>
<<set _normalbutton += " button-relation-try-space">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("tryActionFailed") != -1 && _extra.indexOf("failureDisables") != -1>>
<<set _disable_this_button = true>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("monkbutton") != -1>>
<<set _normalbutton += " monkbutton">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("listpotions") != -1>>
/*<<set _extra += " disableButton ">>*/
/* Changed to make these buttons completely non-reactive, including not changing the pointer, meaning players wont notice it is a button at all, instead of potentially confusing buttons that do nothing */
<<set _extra += " nonreactiveButton">>
<<set _normalbutton += " listpotions">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("nonreactiveButton") != -1>>
/* Changed to make these buttons completely non-reactive, including not changing the pointer, meaning players wont notice it is a button at all, instead of potentially confusing buttons that do nothing */
<<set _but_action = "">>
<<set _normalbutton += " nonreactiveButton">>
<<if _disable_this_button>>
/* v10: added widget to both normal and req buttons */
<<disableButton "normal">>
/* Invis button that makes a 'new line' of buttons */
<<if _extra.indexOf("setInvis") != -1>>
<<set _normalbutton += " invisibleBlockButton">>
<button @onclick=_but_action @class=_normalbutton @id=_buttonid @style=_style>
<<if _relationclass != "none">>
<span @class=_relationclass>
<<if !_hideRelationTry>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("trustAction") != -1>>
<<set _trycolor = "try-mc-value">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("tryActionFailed") != -1>>
<<set _trycolor += " try-req-fail-color">>
<<set _trycolor += " try-req-ok-color">>
<span class="relation-try-action">
<span @class=_trycolor>$trust</span><span class="try-req-divider">—</span><span class="try-req">_trustReq</span>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("authorityAction") != -1>>
<<set _trycolor = "try-mc-value">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("tryActionFailed") != -1>>
<<set _trycolor += " try-req-fail-color">>
<<set _trycolor += " try-req-ok-color">>
<span class="relation-try-action">
<span @class=_trycolor>$auth</span><span class="try-req-divider">—</span><span class="try-req">_authReq</span>
<<if _extra.indexOf("replayEvent") != -1 || _showReplayMarker>>
/* can trigger replayMarker if just want the R and not trigger the whole replayevent system */
<span class="button-replay-marker">R</span>
<<if _extra.indexOf("specialNew") != -1 || _extra.indexOf("tagNew") != -1>>
<span class="button-new-marker shadow2">
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("specialButtonNew") != -1 || _extra.indexOf("tagButtonNew") != -1>>
<span class="button-new-marker shadow2">
New button
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("specialQuest") != -1>>
/* if new quest, just New should be shown */
<span class="button-quest-marker shadow2">
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("specialSpecial") != -1>>
<span class="button-special-marker">
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("specialVolunteer") != -1>>
/* if new volunteer event available, show heart, but only in mc room */
<<if _extra.indexOf("mcRoomVolunteer") != -1>>
<span class="button-volunteer-marker">
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("specialPrisoner") != -1>>
/* if new prisone event available, show fist, but only in dungeon and map */
<<if _extra.indexOf("observePrisonEvents") != -1>>
<span class="button-prisoner-marker">
/*<<if _relationclass != "none">>
<span @class=_relationclass></span>
/************ End of normal button *********************/
<<widget failmess>>
<<if $args[0] == "Corruption">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--corruption-color)">>
<<set _style = "color: var(--temptation-color)">>
Your <span @style=_style>$args[0]</span> is not high enough.
<<widget reqfailed>>
$args0 = $args[0]
<<set document.getElementById($args[0]).style.display = "table">>
<<widget disableButton>>
/* using a mix of normal and reqbutton here */
<<set _but_action = "">>
<<if _args[0]=="normal">>
<<set _normalbutton += " reqbutton-notok">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("disableButtonColor") != -1>>
/* if using disableButtonColor, don't need to also use disableButton since both will be triggered by the extra.indexOf() */
<<set _normalbutton += " disable-button-color">>
<<set _reqbutton += " reqbutton-notok">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("disableButtonColor") != -1>>
<<set _reqbutton += " disable-button-color">>
<</nobr>><div id="dialog-credits" class="general-info credits-style">
<c0>Info about actresses and media you have encountered in the game. Usually added after the first nude/sex scene.
<<mii misc/divider 40 "png noZoom noBorder">>
/* to move first name a little higher, avoiding a gap */
<div style="margin-bottom:-2rem"><<space>></div>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1680,7100)>>
<<cname "Adrianna" "Adrianna Luna">>
<<cinfo "Gloryhole Confessions 6" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=a6abb244-25e4-44bc-8733-dadce4b96c87">>
<<if $qqadriannaq>=1300>>
<<cinfo "A Mother's Love 2" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=d1c76899-1e25-4b8e-8157-28c7abd13eb3">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("agathaq")>>
<<cname "Agatha" "Unknown">>
<<cinfo "Die Wahrsagerin Episode 1" "https://shop.inquisitionlive.com/die-wahrsagerin-episode-1-inquisitionlive-p-28994.html">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("agnesq")>>
<<cname "Agnes" "Unknown">>
<<cinfo "Die Kasteiung" "https://shop.inquisitionlive.com/interrogatio-die-kasteiung-inquisitionlive-p-26471.html">>
<<if $qqprisoneragnes>=320>>
<<cinfo "Die Entflohene" "https://shop.inquisitionlive.com/interrogatio-die-entflohene-inquisitionlive-p-30753.html">>
<<if $qqamyq >= 900>>
<<cname "Amy" "Amy Wilson">>
<<cname "Amy (sex scene)" "Laure Sainclair" nobr>>
<<cinfo "La Ruée Vers Laure" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=355c0521-81fd-4e26-b7af-483b11598957">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikaq", 200)>>
<<cname Anika "Peggy Summer / Anika">>
<<cinfo "Kloster Der Sunde" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=kloster+der+sunde/year=2003/kloster-der-sunde.htm">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("anikapreg",200) || setup.checkqStage("anikacrazy",200)>>
<<cname "Anika (pregnant)" "Angelica">>
<<cinfo "Anal Nun Confessions " "https://xxxhorror.com/anal-nun-confessions/">>
<<if $qqrevelationann >= 300>>
<<cname "Ann" "Julia Ann">>
<<cinfo "Ministry of Evil" "https://www.evilangel.com/en/movie/Ministry-Of-Evil/77642">>
<<if $qqrevelationann>=1100>>
<<cinfo "My Handiwork 4" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=02bc8e1f-b1b1-4a24-91bb-1036d9268339">>
<<if $qqavaq>=500>>
<<cname "Ava" "Ava Dalush">>
<<cinfo "I confess" "https://www.private.com/scene/i-confess-files-scene-7/23973">>
<<if $qqcarolinaq >= 400>>
<<cname "Carolina" "Keelie Kameron">>
<<cinfo "Catholic School Girl First Porn" "http://www.naughtymidwestgirlsxxx.com/fhg-keelie-kameron.html">>
<<if $qqcarolinaq >= 500>>
<<cinfo "(Lainna White) Remember me?" "http://www.naughtymidwestgirlsxxx.com/fhg-lainna-white.html">>
<<if $qqcatarinaq>=2000>>
<<cname "Catarina" "Sweet Cat">>
<<cinfo "Lustful distractions" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=lustful+distractions+%28ii%29/year=2014/lustful-distractions-%28ii%29.htm">>
<<if $qqcatarinaq >= 2400>>
<<cinfo "Farm Girl's Fantasy" "https://pornworld.com/watch/52192/farm_girl_s_fantasy">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("catarinaq")>>
<<cinfo "The Naughty Nun">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("celine",300)>>
<<cname "Celine" "Celine Kasia">>
<<cinfo "Blondes Gift (Il Segreto del Monsignore)" "https://www.jeedoo.com/product/499800-Blondes-Gift/">>
<<if $qqchloeq>=300>>
<<cname "Chloe" "Chloe Amour">>
<<cinfo "Beauty and the Priest Vol 2" "https://tour.purgatoryx.com/view/135/beauty-and-the-priest-vol-2-e1?trilogy=47">>
<<if $qqspanking>=1200>>
<<cinfo "Halfway House Spanking Day 2">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("school2",4100,13900)>>
<<cinfo "Nervous school girl" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=99053eaa-0ef1-4d40-bd4f-98be2273ba1e">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",550)>>
<<cname "Cindy" "Cindy">>
<<cinfo "God forgives, nuns don't" "https://www.egafd.com/films/details.php/id/t00091">>
<<if $qqchapter5 >= 300>>
<<cinfo "Russian Sexmachine Rasputin 2" "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11144850/">>
<<if $qqclaraq>=1000>>
<<cname "Clara" "Sophie Roche">>
<<cinfo "Clausura (2001)" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=clausura/year=2001/clausura.htm">>
<<if setup.daysSinceLastStage("dana",0)>>
<<cname Dana "Dana Vespoli">>
<<cinfo "Ministry of Evil" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=ministry+of+evil/year=2019/ministry-of-evil.htm">>
<<if $qqdarcieq >= 100>>
<<cname "Darcie" "Darcie Dolce">>
<<if setup.daysSinceLastStage("emma",0)>>
<<cname Emma "Emma Leigh">>
<<cinfo "I Confess" "https://www.private.com/scene/busty-babe-emma-leigh-gets-laid-in-i-confess/24314">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("emma2",300)>>
<<cinfo "Welcome To The Convent" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=welcome+to+the+convent/year=2013/welcome-to-the-convent.htm">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("holymarriage",1000)>>
<<cinfo "Posh Girl Emma Leigh Takes a Big Farmer’s Cock for a Ride" "https://www.private.com/scene/posh-girl-emma-leigh-takes-a-big-farmers-cock-for-a-ride/24328">>
<<if $qqemmafuck>=400>>
<<cinfo "Big and Real 8" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=17d3ff8a-16db-4fea-a317-f7ea3873ccd6">>
<<if $qqleaderq >= 400>>
<<cname "Eva" "Eva Henger">>
<<cinfo "Mistero del convento" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=8f91cd50-1d9f-406f-970a-ea16cb59d2d3">>
<<if $qqvolunteereva>=300>>
<<cinfo "Peccati di gola" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=bd8c5f4a-37c1-465d-9679-ad8bba28e6b8">>
<<if $qqevieq>=200>>
<<cname "Evie" "Evie Delatosso">>
<<cinfo "Dirty Bible Teacher" "https://xxxhorror.com/dirty-bible-teacher/">>
<<if $qqevieq>=2000>>
<<cinfo "Young Ripe Mellons 9" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=b51db063-8466-4f1d-8fc5-25329a4a1e2e">>
<<cinfo "110% Natural 15" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=45b3d2e2-8268-4f73-8f21-4c80b797d4d7">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1", 200,200)>>
<<cname "Frances" "Frankie Babe">>
<<cinfo "Naughty nuns" "https://www.lucyzara.com/tour2/free_tour_updates.php">>
<<if $qqrecipebook>=2000>>
<<cname "Francia" "Carole Tredille / Miss Francia">>
<<cinfo "Concept 2" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=fd2e346a-5434-421b-882a-950497a10c42">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",600)>>
<<cinfo "Concept 1" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=f0d253ca-f5c5-4779-a753-1e3d817fb71d">>
<<if $qqgabriellaq >= 1000>>
<<cname "Gabriella" "Gabriella Dani">>
<<cinfo "Der verbotene Apfel" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=mela+proibita/year=2000/mela-proibita.htm">>
<<if $qqspanking>=1600>>
<<cname "Giselle" "Giselle Mari">>
<<cinfo "Halfway House Spanking Day 2">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("hgarden", 100,100)>>
<<cname Jana "Jana Cova">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("janacurse",600)>>
<<cname Jana "Sunrise Adams" nobr>>
<<cinfo "My Dreams of Shay" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=my+dreams+of+shay/year=2002/my-dreams-of-shay.htm">>
<<if $qqjanamarry>=1000>>
<<cinfo "Puritan Magazine 35" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=b6a7c17e-1dd6-4dfc-9cbb-0e4251c95ab3">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("janalustful")>>
<<cinfo "Shane's World 29" "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0350112/">>
<<cinfo "Sleep Walker" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=9dd532b5-6187-4531-a53d-848ba0e07da8">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",301)>>
<<cname "Jessica" "Jessica Rizzo">>
<<cinfo "Monaca di Monza" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=73f575e0-9950-4185-87fb-bdac49d06963">>
<<if $qqjudithBathroomNight >= 200>>
<<cname "Judith" "Judith Kostner">>
<<cinfo "Clausura / La monaca lussuriosa (1999)" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=la+monaca+lussuriosa/year=1999/la-monaca-lussuriosa.htm">>
<<if $qqjulia > 300>>
<<cname "Julia" "Julia Taylor">>
<<cinfo "K.K.K.: Storie violente dell' America di ieri" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=k.k.k.%3a+storie+violente+dell%27+america+di+ieri/year=2000/k.k.k.%3a-storie-violente-dell%27-america-di-ieri.htm">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliajoining")>>
<<cinfo "Der verbotene Apfel" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=mela+proibita/year=2000/mela-proibita.htm">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("juliamoving")>>
<<cinfo "Leggenda del pirata nero" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=da5ad5a5-1c8d-4159-9d15-0d04a97e4af5">>
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500>>
<<cname "Lara" "Lara Brookes">>
<<cinfo "Bad Nun" "https://www.adultfilmdatabase.com/video/106139/bad-nun/">>
<<cname "Lara (night scene)" "<<space>>">>
<<cinfo "Immagini di un convento (1979)" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=eef6c971-8d01-47d2-a1bb-9ddd15bc46db">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("intro",200)>>
<<cname "Magda" "Magdalene St. Michaels">>
<<cinfo "Mother Superior movies (1 and 3)">>
<<if $qqmotherfucker>=2000>>
<<cinfo "Bad Nun" "https://www.adultfilmdatabase.com/video/106139/bad-nun/">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1640,400)>>
<<cname "Nena" "Courtney Cummz">>
<<cinfo "Gloryhole Confessions 4" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=ead9c552-69af-4c57-bfd2-2101f9180456">>
<<if $qqolenkaq >= 300>>
<<cname "Olenka" "Various models">>
<<cinfo "Cum lovers" "https://www.pornhub.com/model/cum-lovers">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("chapel1",1660,400)>>
<<cname "Raylene" "Raylene">>
<<cinfo "Gloryhole Confessions 4" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=ead9c552-69af-4c57-bfd2-2101f9180456">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("riley",200)>>
<<cname Riley "Riley Steele">>
<<cinfo "Axel Braun's School of Fuck" "https://www.adultdvdempire.com/1742031/axel-brauns-school-of-fuck-porn-movies.html">>
<<if $qqrileySexEd>=800>>
<<cinfo "Don't ask me where I've been" "https://www.deeper.com/videos/dont-ask-me-where-ive-been">>
<<if $qqrevelationroberta >= 1100>>
<<cname "Roberta" "Roberta Gemma">>
<<cinfo "Faccetta nera" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=9e23f9ca-25c7-4574-afaa-d27857ccbd0d">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("rumika",200)>>
<<cname Rumika "Rumika Powers">>
<<cinfo "Die Versuchung" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=sotto+l%27abito+talare+si+nasconde+un+grande...+affare/year=2001/sotto-l%27abito-talare-si-nasconde-un-grande...-affare.htm/">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("lustfulwomen",300)>>
<<cinfo "Divina" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/id=b7a8caf2-e4f5-45e7-8557-b35d74f41de6">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201)>>
<<cname "Sandra" "Sandra Kay">>
<<cinfo "Nonnen Geheimnisse" "https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Nonnen-Geheimnisse-Erotic-Collection/dp/B0CM2PKT3R">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("grounds1", 200,500)>>
<<cname Sara "Sara Nice">>
<<cinfo "Kloster Der Sunde" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=kloster+der+sunde/year=2003/kloster-der-sunde.htm">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("emma2",400)>>
<<cname Sofia "Sofia Mutti">>
<<cinfo "Peccatoribus" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=sue%C3%B1os+%C3%ADntimos+de+7+novicias/year=1999/sue%C3%B1os-%C3%ADntimos-de-7-novicias.htm">>
<<if $croneAttack3 > 0>>
<<cname "The Crone" "Silvia Rubi (sex scene)">>
<<cinfo "The Whoring files: Penance" "https://www.cumlouder.com/porn-video/the-whoring-files-penance/">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",401)>>
<<cname "Tonina" "Unknown">>
<<cinfo "Nonnen Ohne Gnade" "https://www.wikiporno.org/wiki/Nonnen_Ohne_Gnade">>
<<if $qqvictoriaq>=400>>
<<cname Victoria "Victoria Voxxx">>
<<cinfo "Ministry of Evil" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=ministry+of+evil/year=2019/ministry-of-evil.htm">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("victoria1",300,5000)>>
<<cinfo "Obsessed" "https://www.sweetsinner.com/scene/4414888/obsessed-scene-3">>
<<if $qqvivienq >= 200>>
<<cname Vivien "Vivien Martines">>
<<cinfo "Böse Mösen 3" "https://www.jeedoo.com/product/1731885-Boese-Moesen-3/">>
<<if $qqvivienq>=600>>
<<cinfo "Petits plaisirs en famille / Famiglia (1998)" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=famiglia/year=1998/famiglia.htm">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("vivienmarry")>>
<<cinfo "Confessionale" "https://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=confessionale/year=1998/confessionale.htm">>
<<if setup.questCompleted("violaq")>>
<<cname Viola "Unknown">>
<<cinfo "Nonnen Ohne Gnade" "https://www.wikiporno.org/wiki/Nonnen_Ohne_Gnade">>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("hall1", 200,200)>>
<<cname "Zara" "Lucy Zara">>
<<cinfo "Naughty nuns" "https://www.lucyzara.com/tour2/free_tour_updates.php">>
<<if setup.checkqStage("hallNovices",1000)>>
<<cinfo "Naughty Nun BG Fun" "https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/40907/19330291/naughty-nun-bg-fun-full-hd-18-mins">>
<<if $qqzaraq>=220>>
<<cinfo "Pay The Fine or Get Fucked">>
<<mii misc/divider 40 "png noZoom noBorder">>
<cc0 style="font-size:110%">Other media</cc0>
<div style="margin-bottom:-2rem"><<space>></div>
<<if setup.checkPlayedEver("bathroom", 100,100)>>
<<cname Bathroom>>
<<cinfo "Convent of Sinners" "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091539/">>
<<if $croneAttack > 0>>
<<cname "Nightmare">>
<<cinfo "Damned Nun" "https://horrorporn.com/tour/preview/damned-nun/">>
<<if $croneAttack2 > 0>>
<<cinfo "The Nun" "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5814060/">>
<<cinfo "The Devils" "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066993/">>
<<set setup.investigation = {
longpepper : "Circumstantial evidence suggests that someone posing as an angel is using long pepper grown by the monks to make a lust drug used in the attacks. That points to the involvement of at least one human – or someone who can access both the spiritual and the physical plane.",
attack1 : "Another attack happened. The first one since you got here. You detected a faint, metallic smell by the victim's bed. This could be from a drug used on the victims, or traces of a supernatural being. It is your first physical evidence in the case.",
attack2 : "Attack number two since you got here. Same metallic smell by the victim's bed. Again the attack happened after drinking with the monks. Coincidence?",
attack3 : "Attack number three. Same metallic smell by the nun's bed, and the attack again happened after drinking with the monks. This can't be a coincidence. Also, you think someone drugged you and then attacked you outside your room. Everything went black, and after an eerily realistic sex dream about the Crone, you awoke naked on the bed – which had that metallic smell, suggesting the attacker was in your room and possibly did something to you.",
questioning1 : "Initial questioning of the victims suggests that a lust demon – a succubus or an incubus – could be the attacker.",
cronealonso : "Novice Alonso saw a being matching the description of the Crone take bat guano from the garden shed. Crone or not, you are sure it was not a real demon, but the red glowing eyes and deformed body could mean that it was another type of supernatural being. If Novice Alonso really saw the Crone, it strongly points to a connection between the Crone, the attacker, and the fake angel.",
oilycloth : "You proved that the metallic smell came from an <<potionAmnesiaOil>> used in the victims' rooms. That explains why the victims can't remember much of the attacks. The alchemist making the oil likely uses Ludolphus' recipe, even following Ludolphus' recommendation to hide an oily cloth under the beds of the victims. You found the oily cloth hidden under your bed – but no cloth under the attacked nuns' beds. Someone must have removed them.",
tapping : "Father Alvaro informed you that many monks have had disturbing \"nightmares\" recently. In reality, a dark figure with red glowing eyes – whom the monks call \"the doctor\" – is performing some unknown experiment or treatment on the monks in their beds by drugging them and then repeatedly tapping on their bodies. The incidents have many similarities with the attacks on the nuns, and may be carried out by the same individual.",
nightvision : "You proved that the red glowing eyes of the attacker and the doctor could be caused by a <<potionNightVision>> made from Ludolphus' recipe. Likewise, the demon nun that Novice Alonso saw outside the garden shed was probably someone in disguise using such a night vision potion. This could be true for other sightings of the Crone, meaning the Crone might not be a real demon.",
lustfulwomen : "Evidence suggests the lust demon is back attacking the nuns, now armed with a more potent <<potionAmnesiaOil>> causing the victims to only remember vague lustful dreams. The doctor, who is most likely the alchemist, secretly used Father Alvaro's detailed diary to improve the Oil of Amnesia by tapping sequences on the monks to see what they later remembered."
<<widget showInvestigation>>
<div class="invest-info invest-details"><div style="margin-top:0.5rem"></div><span class="invest-title print-dark-shadow3"><cc>The nocturnal attacks</cc></span><div class="invest-text">
<<if $intro < 3900>>
<cc>You have been sent to the monastery to investigate a series of nighttime attacks.</cc>
<cc0>The investigation is underway, and important questions need answers.</cc0>
<<if setup.questCompleted("investBeds")>>
<span id="invest-list">
<ul class="nomargin-bottom"><<investspecial "Who is behind the attacks on the nuns?">></ul>
<ul class="invest-ul">
<li>Is one culprit behind it all, or are there more than one culprit?
<ul style="margin-block-start: 0rem">
<li>If more than one, what roles do they have? You have evidence of several roles:</li>
<ul style="margin-block-start: 0rem">
<li>The attacker: Carries out the attacks.</li>
<li>The fake angel: Manipulates Brother Salvatore into carrying out tasks.</li>
<li>The alchemist: Makes the drugs used in the attacks.</li>
<li>The Crone: Unclear role and importance. Seen on both sides of the wall, but may not be the same being. Could be supernatural, a human in disguise, or both. Possibly the attacker.</li>
<<if setup.questCompleted("abbotmessage")>>
<<if $qqlustfulwomen>=3900>>
<li>The doctor: Experimented on the monks in their beds to develop an improved Oil of Amnesia. Most likely the alchemist.</li>
<li>The doctor: Drugs the monks in their beds and performs some type of experiment or treatment by tapping on them. Likely the attacker and/or the alchemist.</li>
<li>If one or more humans are involved, are they nuns, monks, or someone else?
<ul style="margin-block-start: 0rem">
<li>If a nun is not the attacker, how do they get in?</li>
<li>If something supernatural is involved in the attacks, is it 'the Crone' or something else?
<ul style="margin-block-start: 0rem">
<li>How to stop this supernatural being?</li>
<<investspecial "Are the attacks real?">>
<ul><li>The victims could be lying.</li>
<li>The victims could be imagining things due to nightmares or mass hysteria.</li>
<<investspecial "If real, are the attacks made by a human or something supernatural?">>
<li>If a human is responsible, is it a nun, a monk, or someone else?<ul style="margin-block-start: 0rem">
<li>If not a nun, how do they get in?</li>
<li>If something supernatural is behind the attacks, is it 'the Crone' or something else?
<ul style="margin-block-start: 0rem">
<li>How to stop this supernatural being?</li>
<<for _i to 0; _i<$investigation.length; _i++>>
<<investnote "Day $investigation[_i].day: ">>
<<set _data = setup.investigation[$investigation[_i].data]>>
<<widget invest>>
<<set _what = $args[0]>>
<<set _invextra = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<if _what != null>>
<<print '<<set $investigation.push( { day:'+$day+', data:"'+_what+'" } )>>'>>
<<set _text = " Your <span class=\"print-dark-shadow invest-color\">investigation</span> notes have been updated.">>
<<if _invextra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _style = "display: inline-block;">>
<<set _style="">>
<div class="saying invest-info" @style=_style>
<span class="print-dark-shadow journal-color">Journal:</span>_text
<<widget investspecial>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow2 invest-special">$args[0]</span>
<<widget investnote>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow2 invest-special2">$args[0]</span>
<<widget investReward>>
<<set _reward = _args[0] ? _args[0] : 1>>
<<mvv mc/fireplace1 45>>
<<if _args[1]>>
You review your investigation notes.
<<divider useBottom>>
<<if $qqinvestBeds == 1000>>
Your find of the oily cloth has given you renewed energy to work on the case, and a stronger determination to solve it.
<<qset investBeds 1010>>
<<elseif $qqlustfulwomen==3900>>
The lust demon is secretly back. The evil forces tried to fool you, but you are now on to them. You are more determined than ever to solve this case.
<<elseif $qqcindyq==2100>>
Having been granted a vision from God, and having purified your soul, you feel a great resolve to continue the holy war and the investigation.
<<qset cindyq 2200>>
<<elseif $qqholylustq==200>>
With the revelation that you are a lust angel armed with <<specialalert2 "holy lust,">> you feel more motivated than ever to fight the lust demon.
<<qset holylustq 210>>
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==2000>>
Having completed the recent experiment succesfully, you feel that you are closing in on the evil forces behind the attacks. This fills you with new energy and determination to solve this case.
<<qset investBeds 2010>>
<<elseif $qqredthread==2000>>
Your extraordinary discovery of the <<potionNightVision>> has given you renewed energy to work on the case, and a stronger determination to solve it.
Your efforts to help the nuns have increased your standing with them.
<<addtrust _reward>>
<<addauth _reward>>
<</nobr>>/*<span id="journal-top"></span> */
<<jbut quests>><<jbut investigation investigationbutton>>
<<if def $suspects>>
<<jbut "suspects" suspectsbutton>>
<<jbut help helpbutton>>
/*<<jbut characters>>*/
<div id="quests" style="display:block">
<<if $qqintro >= 100>>
<div><cc><<brdiv>>Nothing yet.</cc></div>
<div id="characters" style="display:block; min-height: 70vh !important;">
<div id="investigation" style="display:none">
<div id="suspects" style="display:none">
<div id="help" style="display:none">
/*<<showhelp>> v0.4.1 performance improvement. Loaded when first clicked. */
/* For nuns who have their own location, we can call mi/mv and /nun/ will be added. For other nuns, we have to use mii/mvv nuns/name/ */
<<set setup.mediaNunsPath = [ "emma" ]>>
<<widget mi>>
<<set _path = $args[0]>>
<<set _width = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "45%">>
<<set _miextra = $args[2] ? $args[2]+" " : "">>
<<if _miextra.indexOf("ii") == -1 && _miextra.indexOf("ppp") == -1>>
<<if _path == "m">>
<<set _path = $currentPhase+"-"+$currentStep>>
<<if $currentFolder != null>>
<<set _path = $currentFolder+"/"+ _path>>
<<if _miextra.indexOf("pnggg") != -1>>
<<set _miextra += "noBorder allowZoom">>
<<if _miextra.indexOf("png") != -1>>
<<set _path = _path+".png">>
<<elseif _miextra.indexOf("gif") != -1>>
/*<<set _path = $args[0]+".gif">> */
<<set _path = _path+".gif">>
<<elseif _path.indexOf(".jpg") == -1>>
/* This will bug if giving a name such as 2 (without putting it inside ""), probably because it is then interpreted as a number. Avoid this by eg using a letter, eg: i2. A name like 100-1 works though without "" */
<<set _path = _path + ".jpg">>
<<showMedia _path _width _miextra "image">>
<<widget mii>>
<<set _path = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<set _width = $args[1]>>
<<set _miiextra = $args[2] ? $args[2]+" ppp " : "ppp">>
<<mi _path _width _miiextra>>
<<widget mvv>>
<<set _path = $args[0] ? $args[0] : "">>
<<set _width = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _mvvextra = $args[2] ? $args[2]+" ppp " : "ppp">>
<<mv _path _width _mvvextra>>
<<widget mv>>
<<set _path = $args[0]>>
<<set _width = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "50%">>
<<set _mvextra = $args[2] ? $args[2]+" " : "">>
<<if _mvextra.indexOf("ppp") == -1>>
<<if _path == "m">>
<<set _path = $currentPhase+"-"+$currentStep>>
<<if $currentFolder != null>>
<<set _path = $currentFolder+"/"+ _path>>
<<set _path +=".mp4">>
<<showMedia _path _width _mvextra "video">>
<<widget showMedia>>
<<set _path = $args[0]>>
<<set _width = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2]+" ">>
<<set _type = $args[3]>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("ppp") != -1>>
/* using passed path */
<<elseif _path == "ms1.jpg">>
/* for often used media, not having to type in custom path */
<<set _path = "ms/"+_path>>
<<elseif $currentFolder2 != null>>
<<if $currentFolder2 != "media">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("leftii") == -1>>
/* to make ii images work when event path is specified, like <<event 100 nuns victoria>> */
<<set _path = $currentFolder2 +"/"+ _path>>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("saying") != -1>>
/* using path as is (need to be separate from ppp to catch ms1) */
<<else>> /* setting path based on current location/passage */
<<set _prev = previous()>>
<<set _pass = passage()>>
/* _prev returns last passage that does not match current */
<<if _prev.length > 0 &&
_pass.substring(0,_prev.length) == _prev>>
/* Uses mc instead of mc1 when prev is mc */
<<set _basepath = _prev>>
<<set _lastchar = _pass.substring(_pass.length-1)>>
<<if !isNaN(parseInt(_lastchar, 10))>>
/* Uses mc instead of mc1 when prev is eg chapel.
NOTE that this will bug with higher than mc9 */
<<set _realpass = _pass.substring(0,_pass.length-1)>>
<<set _basepath = _realpass>>
<<set _basepath = _pass>>
<<set _path = _basepath+"/"+$args[0]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < setup.mediaNunsPath.length; _i++>>
<<if _path.contains(setup.mediaNunsPath[_i]+"/")>>
<<set _path = "nuns/"+_path>>
/* Make it a string in case arg1 didn't include '%' character */
<<set _width = _width + "">>
<<if _width.indexOf("%") == -1 && _width.indexOf("rem") == -1>>
<<set _width = _width + "%">>
<<set _style = "width: "+_width>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("noside") != -1>>
<<set _style += "; margin-left: 0px; margin-right:0px">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("imprisoned") != -1>>
<<set _style += "; position:absolute; left:0%; top:0%;width:100%;background:none !important">>
<<set _stind = _extra.indexOf("styling ")>>
<<if _stind != -1>>
<<set _stendind = _extra.indexOf("stylingend")>>
<<set _style += "; "+_extra.substring(_stind+8, _stendind)>>
/* remove styling data from _extra to avoid having that match other things further down, like left/right */
<<set _extrabefore = _extra.substring(0, _stind)>>
<<set _extraafter = _extra.substring(_stendind+10)>>
<<set _extra = _extrabefore + _extraafter>>
<<set _zoomindex = _extra.indexOf("zoom")>>
<<if _zoomindex != "-1">>
<<set _extra = _extra+" ">> /* so can search for it later */
<<set _data = _data+" zoom"+_extra.substring(_zoomindex+4, _extra.indexOf(" ",_zoomindex))+"zend">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("right") != -1>>
<<set _class = "right">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("leftii") != -1>>
/* leftii must be before left!! */
<<set _class = "left leftii">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("left") != -1>>
<<set _class = "left">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("centerHub") != -1>>
<<set _class = "centerHub">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _class = "center">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("lclear") != -1 ||
_extra.indexOf("lcl") != -1>>
<<set _class = "lcl">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("rclear") != -1 ||
_extra.indexOf("rcl") != -1>>
<<set _class = "rcl">>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("noalign") != -1>>
/* Bugfix, sort of. The problem is several widgets using same variables, in this case _class for widgets mi/mv and widget tip. So if trying to show an image inside a tip, the _class data from tips will come here containing "tips center" which messes up the way the pic is displayed, like linebreak. So using noalign to clear _class and show image inline.
ALWAYS name variables unique to widgets. Like should have done _showmediaclass here or something, but dont wanna risk messing things up by changing media (or tip widget) now. Perhaps another time when I have time to test it. */
<<set _class = "">>
<<set _class = "center">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("nomargin-bottom") != -1 &&
_extra.indexOf("useBottom") == -1>>
<<set _class += " nomargin-bottom">>
/* Need to name it nomarginLeft (ie case sensitive) and not nomargin-left, otherwise "left" will be found in check further up. */
<<if _extra.indexOf("nomarginSides") != -1>>
<<set _extra += " nomarginLeft nomarginRight">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("nomarginLeft") != -1>>
<<set _class += " nomarginLeft">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("nomarginRight") != -1>>
<<set _class += " nomarginRight">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("hubClass") != -1>>
<<set _borderClass = "imgBorderHub">>
<<set _borderClass = "imgBorder">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("noBorder") == -1>>
<<set _class = _class+" "+_borderClass>>
<<elseif _extra.indexOf("noZoom") == -1>>
/* for images with noBorder, we disable zoom unless
explicitly set to allow it */
<<if _extra.indexOf("allowZoom") == -1>>
<<set _extra = _extra+" noZoom">>
<<if _type == "video">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("noRepeat") == -1>>
<<set _looping = true>>
<<set _looping = false>>
/* Default is muted on all vids */
<<set _muting = true>>
/* NOTE: current implementation of _muting is only working for the first video added, because when adding more vids, they must be set to muted, or they will play with sound as soon as page loads. Then all vids after first are set to muted=true in showdiv macro when opened.This means currently setMuted only works on first video on page. */
<<if setup.addedVideoNr == null>>
/* Sound turned on in cheat menu. If for some reason want to mute vid anyway, pass setMuted.
Only doing this check for first video because when adding more vids, they must be set to muted, or they will play with sound as soon as page loads. Then all vids after first are set to muted=true in showdiv macro when opened, unless they have setMuted */
<<if setup.soundVideo() && _extra.indexOf("setMuted") == -1>>
<<set _muting = false>>
<<set setup.addedVideoNr = 0>>
<<set setup.addedVideoNr += 1>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("setMuted") != -1>>
/* Saving which vids are to remain muted when opening div */
<<set setup.mutedVideos.push(setup.addedVideoNr)>>
<<set _datavidnr = setup.addedVideoNr>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("speed") != -1>>
<<set _ind = _extra.indexOf("speed")>>
<<set _videoSpeed = _extra.substring(_ind+5, _extra.indexOf(" ",_ind))>>
/* muting sound when changing speed */
<<if _videoSpeed != "1.0">>
<<set _muting = true>>
<<set _videoSpeed = 1.0>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("setMuted") != -1>>
<<set _muting = true>>
/* Vid is not muted unless player turns off sounds in general settings (so allowing sound even if not supporter).
Can for instance use this for vids that sound ok even when played with changed speed.*/
<<if _extra.indexOf("notMuted") != -1>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("supporterOnly") == -1 ||
(_extra.indexOf("supporterOnly") != -1 && setup.soundVideo() == true)>>
<<set _muting = false>>
/* Note that setup.mainVolume is 0.5, and player can sett main volume to 200% == 1.0 which is max allowed by system */
<<if _extra.indexOf("volume") != -1>>
<<set _ind = _extra.indexOf("volume")>>
<<set _videoVolume = setup.mainVolume * _extra.substring(_ind+6, _extra.indexOf(" ",_ind))>>
<<set _videoVolume = setup.mainVolume>>
<<set _videoVolume *= $soundGeneral/100>>
<<if $soundGeneral < 1>>
/* final check if player has turned off sound */
<<set _muting = true>>
<<if _videoVolume > 1.0>>
<<set _videoVolume = 1.0>> /* more than 1 will give error in browser */
<<set setup.afterVideoData[_datavidnr] = "">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("pause") != -1>>
<<set _ind = _extra.indexOf("pause")>>
<<set setup.afterVideoData[_datavidnr] += _extra.substring(_ind, _extra.indexOf(" ",_ind)) + " ">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("afterVideoDest:") != -1>>
<<set _ind = _extra.indexOf("afterVideoDest:")>>
<<set setup.afterVideoData[_datavidnr] += _extra.substring(_ind, _extra.indexOf(" ",_ind)) + " ">>
/*<<set setup.afterVideoData[7] = "dhej">>*/
<<if setup.afterVideoData[_datavidnr].length > 0>>
<<set _looping = false>> /* or endaction will never be called */
/* Used in dreaming -> afterVideo:mc will send player to mc passage after video */
/*<<print '<<set _endaction = \"SugarCube.setup.afterVideoAction(SugarCube.setup.afterVideoData)">>'>>*/
<<print '<<set _endaction = \"SugarCube.setup.afterVideoAction('+_datavidnr+')">>'>>
<<set _endaction = "">>
<<print '<<set _startaction = "this.volume='+_videoVolume+', this.muted='+_muting+', this.playbackRate='+_videoSpeed+', this.loop='+_looping+'">>'>>
<<if _extra.indexOf("noZoom") != -1>>
<<if _type == "image">>
<img @src=setup.mediaPath+_path @data-info=_data @width=_width @class=_class @style=_style>
<video @onloadstart=_startaction @onended=_endaction
autoplay @data-info=_data @class=_class @width=_width>
<source @src=setup.mediaPath+_path type="video/mp4">
<<else>> /*************** Zoomable images and videos here **************/
<<if _extra.indexOf("noBorder") == -1>>
<<set _class = _class+" "+_borderClass>>
<<set _style = _style+"; cursor: pointer">>
/** images **/
<<if _type == "image">>
<img id="myImg" @data-info=_data @src=setup.mediaPath+_path @style=_style @class=_class>
<<set _cl = "modal "+_borderClass>>
<div id="myModal" @class=_cl>
<img class="modal-content imgBorder" id="modal-img">
/** videos **/
<video @onloadstart=_startaction @onended=_endaction autoplay id="myVideo" @data-info=_data @data-vidnr=_datavidnr @class=_class @width=_width @style=_style>
<source @src=setup.mediaPath+_path type="video/mp4">
<div id="myModal" class="modal imgBorder">
<video autoplay loop muted id="modal-img" class="modal-content imgBorder">
<source type="video/mp4">
<<set _dialogMessClass = "general-info div-message">>
<<set _dialogMessStyle = "padding:2rem; padding-bottom:0.2rem">>
<<if setup.showMessageId == "primer-alembic">>
<<set _dialogMessStyle += ";padding-top:0.5rem">>
<<if setup.showMessageId == "v9murder">>
<<set _dialogMessClass +=" investigation-message shadow">>
<<set _dialogMessStyle += ";font-size:100%">>
<div id="dialog-message" @class=_dialogMessClass @style=_dialogMessStyle>
<<if setup.showMessageId == "primer-alembic">>
<cc style="color:#b9e; font-size:150%" class="print-dark-shadow"><b>The Alembic</b></cc>
<<mi alembic 50>>
The distillation apparatus called <<italics "the alembic">> consists of three parts: First, the cucurbit – the pot containing the liquid to distill. It is heated by the fire in the furnace. On top of it you place the head, also called the alembic like the entire apparatus. Vapor rises from the cucurbit into the head where it cools down and condenses on the walls. Then, via a long, tube-like spout, the distilled liquid finally runs down into the receiver vessel placed on the side of the furnace.</p>
<<dialogCloseButton "Return">>
<<elseif setup.showMessageId == "v9murder">>
<<switch setup.gridID>>
<<case "0">>
<<mii misc/magnifier 70 pnggg>>
<cc0 class="puzzle-text">Examine the corpse for clues and decide what to do.</cc0>
<cc0><<tip minigamecorpse "max-width:100%">></cc0>
<<set setup.gridID = 1>>
<<case "1">>
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 100>>
<cc>You haven't finished investigating the scene.
<p>You must examine the corpse and decide what to do.
<<set setup.minigameAttempts++>>
<<if setup.minigameAttempts > 9>> /* in case some dont even manage to look at all grid cells */
<span style="display:inline-block; margin-top:0rem;margin-bottom:-1rem"><<button "<<special 'Too hard?' italicsAll>>">><<set setup.examiningGrid=false>><<run setup.examineGrid("15")>><</button>></span>
<<case "10">>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==100>>
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 64>>
<<run setup.clearGrid()>>
<<qset investmurder 110>>
<<set setup.minigameAttempts=0>>
You have investigated the corpse, but you are not confident that your current decisions on how to proceed are the correct ones.
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 90>>
You are not yet confident that your current decisions are the correct ones. You should think again.
<<specialalert2 "You must make it look like an accident. You may have to destroy or tamper with some of the evidence, but only if you can do it without it being obvious – or the police may suspect foul play.">>
<<set setup.minigameAttempts++>>
<<if setup.minigameAttempts > 3>>
<span style="display:inline-block;float:right; margin-top:0rem"><<button "<<special 'Too hard?' italicsAll>>">><<set setup.examiningGrid=false>><<run setup.examineGrid("15")>><</button>></span>
<<if setup.minigameAttempts<666>>
<br><span style="font-size:70%"><<special2 "Failed attempts: <<print setup.minigameAttempts>>">></span>
<<qmess investmurder 200>>
<<case "15">>
<<mii misc/magnifier 70 pnggg>>
<<special2 "Do you want to skip this minigame? If you choose to continue, you can always later choose to skip the minigame.">>
<<button "<<special 'Skip this minigame' italicsAll>>">><<set setup.examiningGrid=false>><<set setup.minigameAttempts=666>><<run setup.examineGrid("20")>><</button>>
<<case "20">>
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 80>>
<<if setup.minigameAttempts==666>>
<cc0 style="font-size:85%;margin-bottom:-0.08rem"><<special "[Skipping the minigame]">></cc0>
Feeling satisfied with your decisions, you execute them.
Before leaving the corpse to the police, you have one last thing to do. You must remove any remains of that salve from Brother Gregor's collar and neck – and test the salve on yourself.
<p>But first, you must talk to Father Alvaro. You think that Brother Gregor was murdered, but it is best that the abbot believes this was just an accident. You will have to make up a story to convince him of that.
<<qset investmurder 220>></p>
<<case "30">>
<<mii abbot/head 40>>
You take a moment to come up with a believable story to tell Father Alvaro. You then leave the corpse and walk down the hallway.
<p>You turn around the corner and find Father Alvaro waiting for you. A few monks stand behind him.</p>
You whisper with Father Alvaro, telling him your made-up story of how a drunk Brother Gregor had confided to you that he didn't like that the monk stored beer in barrels.
<<qset investmurder 260>>
<<case "35">>
<<mii abbot/head 40 right>>
<div style="text-shadow:none;">
<<s mc "Barrels are for spirit and wine, not beer, Brother Gregor told me. He said he sometimes had dreams about smashing the beer barrels. And these dreams didn't stay at just dreams. Sometimes Brother Gregor woke up in the Distillery. It seems he had sleepwalked there while dreaming about smashing the beer barrels.">>
<<s abbot "Really? I never heard of this.">>
<<s mc "I think he was ashamed to tell any of you that he harbored these feelings – and that they got to him even in his dreams.">>
<<s abbot "Hmm...">>
<<s mc "Father Alvaro, I think I understand what happened here. Brother Gregor was sleepwalking to the Distillery again, dreaming about smashing the beer barrels. And this time, in his semi-lucid dream state, he acted out. He pulled down the rack. It fell over him and the barrel hit his head.">>
<<case "40">>
<<mii abbot/head 40>>
<div style="text-shadow:none">
<<s abbot "What a tragedy. I wish he would have come to me. If he had talked to me about his feelings, perhaps we could have avoided what happened.">>
<<s mc "I'm sorry, Father Alvaro. I didn't realize it was this bad, and with my mind on the investigation, I didn't think that much of it. I saw no reason to pass on what he told me in confidence.">>
<<s abbot "No blame shall fall on you, $fmc. You're our guest. But for the rest of us... it's our collective failure that Brother Gregor didn't feel he could confide in his brothers.">>
<<case "42">>
<<mii abbot/abbot 50>>
<div style="text-shadow:none">
<<s mc "The police will be here soon. Keep this area blocked off until they do. Tell the police what I told you about Brother Gregor. Please summon me at the black door when the police want to speak with me. And ask that they wait until after lunch as I have things to do.">>
<<s abbot "As you wish, Father.">>
<<s mc "I have one final thing to take care of, then I will leave.">>
<<q investmurder 280>>
<<case "45">>
<<mii monks/corpseGregor 100>>
<c0>Now you must remove any remains of that salve from Brother Gregor's collar and neck – and test the salve on yourself.
<p>You are taking a risk, not knowing what the salve does, but you figure that a small amount can't do any serious damage.</p></c0>
<<case "104">>
<div id="myresult104" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if $temp==null>>
<<set $temp=true>>
<c0>You see what appears to be fresh drag marks on the ground. Either someone dragged Brother Gregor here, or he dragged himself.</c0>
<label><<radiobutton "$temp" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(104,1)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$temp" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(104,2)>></label>
<<case "204">>
<div id="myresult204" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if _mud1==null>>
<<set _mud1=true>>
<<set _mud2=true>>
<c0 style="font-size:95%">You see some dried mud on the soles of Brother Gregor's shoes.
<p>The police might take mud samples from Brother Gregor's shoes, but you can't see what they might learn from the mud that would make them suspect foul play.</p>
<p>You, however, might find something of interest if you examined the mud in a microscope. For instance, if you found a lot of long pepper dust in the mud, it could implicate Brother Gregor as being involved in the manufacturing of the drugs used in the attacks. Brother Gregor could be the alchemist, for all you know.</p>
1) <label><<radiobutton "_mud1" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(204,1)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_mud1" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(204,2)>></label>
2) <label><<radiobutton "_mud2" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(204,3)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "_mud2" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(204,4)>></label>
<<case "300">>
<div id="myresult300" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if $temp2==null>>
<<set $temp2=true>>
<c0>When examining the top of Brother Gregor's head, you see clotted blood and you feel what appears to be a wound – or several.
<p>You conclude that Brother Gregor has received one or more forceful blows to his head, but your skill in forensic pathology is not good enough to tell if the barrel could have caused the damage or if someone hit Brother Gregor with something.</p>
<label><<radiobutton "$temp2" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(300,1)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$temp2" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(300,2)>></label>
<<case "301">>
<div id="myresult301" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if $qqinvestmurder==280>>
Using your fingers, you remove the salve from Brother Gregor's collar.
<p>You sniff the salve. The smell does remind you of cutahest, but other than that, there is nothing distinct about it. You doubt you will recognize the salve by smell if you encounter it again in the future.</p>
<p>You rub the salve into your skin. If it is one of Ludolphus' cutahest salves, it should work quickly, within a minute or two, but the small amount of salve might not be enough to noticeably affect you.</p>
<p>You wipe away any remaining traces of the salve, as well as you can, including the smudges on Brother Gregor's neck. You don't think the police will notice anything.
<<q investmurder 300>>
<<if _salve==null>>
<<set _salve=true>>
When examining Brother Gregor's neck, you see smudges on his skin. They remind you of the residue left behind when using a cutahest salve.
<p>Someone may have used one of Ludolphus' salves on Brother Gregor. But which salve?</p>
<p>Continuing your examination of the neck area, you find some salve on Brother Gregor's collar. Cutahest salves are quickly absorbed into the skin, but clothing is something else.</p>
You found evidence of a cutahest salve possibly being used on Brother Gregor's neck. You also found remains of the salve on Brother Gregor's collar.
<p>You have to test the salve to find out what it does, and the best way is to test it on yourself. But not now. You have to finish everything else here first.</p>
<<case "303">>
<div id="myresult303" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if $temp1==null>>
<<set $temp1=true>>
<c0 style="font-size:90%">When examining Brother Gregor's hand, you detect the metallic smell of an <<potionAmnesiaOil .>>
<p>Upon further inspection of Brother Gregor's hand, you see stains of the oil, both in the palm of his hand and on the backside./* ( wiped away with backside) */</p>
<<set _temp3show = true>>
<<if $temp4==null || $temp5==null>>
<<set _temp3show = false>>
<p>The oil on the back of the hand seems consistent with Brother Gregor wiping the oil from his mouth. So he used both his hand and arm to try to wipe off the oil. There must have been a lot of it.</p>
<p>Did Gregor use the Oil of Amnesia, or did he try to stop someone from using the oil on him? You don't see any defensive wounds on either of his hands. Whatever happened, it didn't leave any obvious signs of a fight. At least not on the hands.</p>
<<if _temp3show>>
<label><<radiobutton "$temp1" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(303,1)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$temp1" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(303,2)>></label>
<<case "401">>
<div id="myresult401" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if $temp4==null>>
<<set $temp4=true>>
<c0>When inspecting Brother Gregor's face, you detect the distinct metallic smell of an <<potionAmnesiaOil .>>
<<lineheight>>Upon closer examination – after turning Brother Gregor's head to get a better look – you see traces of the oil around his mouth and in his beard.
Did someone try to smother Brother Gregor with a cloth soaked in Oil of Amnesia? Or did Brother Gregor use the oil on himself for some reason – perhaps by mistake?
However he got exposed to the Oil of Amnesia, in his confused state, Brother Gregor could have stumbled down here and had an accident.
<<radiobutton "$temp4" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(401,1)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$temp4" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(401,2)>></label>
<<case "403">>
<div id="myresult403" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<<if $temp5==null>>
<<set $temp5=true>>
<c0 style="font-size:90%">Lifting Brother Gregor's left arm, you find a big dark stain on the sleeve on the side of the arm facing the ground. The stain appears to be an oil stain.
<p>Sniffing the stain, you detect the familiar metallic smell of an <<potionAmnesiaOil .>></p>
<<if $temp4==null>>
<p>After doing a test with your own arm and mouth, you conclude that the shape and placement of the stain seem consistent with Brother Gregor wiping the oil from his mouth.</p>
<p>You consider getting rid of the oil stain, but how? The police are soon here and you want to make this look like an accident. Instead of risking making a mess of things, perhaps it is best to leave the oil stain and hope the police won't pay it much attention.</p>
<<if $temp4!=null>>
<label><<radiobutton "$temp5" false autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(403,1)>></label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$temp5" true autocheck>><<- setup.inv1(403,2)>></label>
<div id="myresult0" class="invest-zoom-result center"></div>
<cc0>You find nothing of interest here.
<div class="menu-button close-button close-button-invest shadow-button">
<<if $qqinvestmurder==300>>
<<button "Leave the corpse">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run Engine.play("mdistillery1")>><</button>>
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 15>>
<<button "Continue with the minigame">><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>>
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 20>>
/*<<button "Leave the corpse">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run Engine.play("mdistillery1")>><</button>>*/
<<button "Leave the corpse">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("30")>><</button>>
/*<<button "Look at the neck">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("301")>><</button>>*/
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 30>>
<<button "Continue">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("35")>><</button>>
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 35>>
<<button "Continue">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("40")>><</button>>
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 40>>
<<button "Continue">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("42")>><</button>>
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 42>>
<<button "Return to the corpse">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("45")>><</button>>
<<elseif parseInt(setup.gridID) == 45>>
<<button "Look at Brother Gregor's neck">><<run Dialog.close()>><<run setup.examineGrid("301")>><</button>>
<<button "Continue">><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>>
<<if parseInt(setup.gridID) > 99>>
<<elseif setup.showMessageId == "v10-anikapreg-bugfix">>
<<mii nuns/anika/head3 30 "left">>Dear player,
<<lh>>A bug has been detected on your save. You have incorrectly ended up on Novice Anika's questline meant only for players who have disabled pregnancy.
This bug happened because you didn't ejaculate inside Novice Anika before triggering her pregnancy questline and I forgot to account for that. <<bold "My bad, sorry!" colorAll>>
To fix this bug, you will replay Novice Anika's pregnancy questline from the start.<br>
<<bold 1)>> Eat supper in the refectory, and the questline should start over.<br>
<<bold 2)>> Visit Novice Anika in her room every day and do the sexiest thing you can with her until there is nothing new for 1-2 days, and you should be up to speed with Novice Anika's current content.<br>
<<bold 3)>> Because you are going back in time for her questline only, you might be told to do things with other characters that you have already done. Unless you get a quest update, you can ignore it.
<<button "Continue">><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>>
<<elseif setup.showMessageId == "v4supportMessage">>
<<set $v4supportMessage = 1>>
Hey everyone!
<div style="font-size:100%">
<p>This message is to let you know that if you like The Monastery, you will make a real difference by supporting the development.</p>
<p>I'm making The Monastery primarily because I enjoy it. But with my current situation in life, working on the game cuts into the time I have to make a living – to earn money – so your financial support means a great deal as it allows me to spend more time working on the game.
<p>Thank you to all supporters, past, present, and future!
You make this possible.
<<mii misc/trustbig 8 pnggg>>
<span class="menu-button support-button support-button-code">
<div style="text-align:center">
<<button "Go to Support">><<support>><</button>>
<<dialogCloseButton "Close">>
<<elseif setup.showMessageId == "v5checkFalseMessage">>
<<set $checkFalseMessage = 1>>
<<set _currCheckFalse = setup.currentCheckFalse>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "Detective Mode">></cc>
<cc0>Right now, <<coltext "_currCheckFalse" "0f0">> locations will be hidden when Detective Mode is turned on.</cc0>
<<hovertip null detectiveMode "max-width:100%" "showAsTip repeatable">>
Only <<special "Veteran detectives">> have access to Detective Mode.
<<if !setup.checke()>>
Become a Veteran detective by supporting the game development.
<span class="menu-button support-button">
<div style="text-align:center">
<<button "Go to Support">><<support>><</button>>
<div class="menu-button close-button">
<<button "Close">>
<<elseif setup.showMessageId == "v7-1update">>
A new button – <<actPersonal>> – has been added down in the lab. You will there see some information and statistics about your game.
<p>The <<actPersonal>> button is added after you make the improved sleep tea to Emma early in the game, but even if you play from a save after that point, most* data should be loaded and up to date to the current progress.<br>
*<span style="font-size:90%;color:#ba3"> Exceptions: Ejaculations and Mortifications will start from 0</span>
Go to your lab and check it out.
Some other things have been added as well. If you have thought about replaying the game from the start, now might be a good time to do it.*/
<<dialogCloseButton "Close">>
<<elseif setup.showMessageId == "v8checkFalseMessage">>
<<set $checkFalseMessage = 1>>
<<set _currCheckFalse = setup.currentCheckFalse>>
<cc style="font-size:200%"><<bold "Detective Mode">></cc>
<cc0>Right now, <<coltext "_currCheckFalse" "0f0">> locations are hidden with Detective Mode enabled.</cc0>
<cc0>/*If you play with Detective Mode enabled, you may notice that <<if def $qqamyq>>several more locations have been hidden in this update (v0.8)<<else>>more locations will become hidden as you progress in the game<</if>>, reducing the grind.*/ Remember that you can make these locations visible by disabling Detective Mode – if you for instance want to replay an old event.
Toggle Detective Mode off and on by simply clicking the Watchful Eye on top of the map.
<<lbut "Read the Detective mode tip" divdm "showdiv retractable">>
<<div divdm noLine>>
<<hovertip null detectiveMode "max-width:100%" "showAsTip repeatable">>
<<if !setup.checke()>>
Only <<special "Veteran detectives">> have access to Detective Mode.
Become a Veteran detective by supporting the game development. You will then get the needed game code.
<span class="menu-button support-button">
<div style="text-align:center">
<<button "Go to Support">><<support>><</button>>
<<dialogCloseButton "Close">>
<div id="dialog-mobile" class="general-info div-mobile" style="padding:2rem; padding-bottom:0.2rem; padding-top:0.5rem">
<<set _showRestart = "Show restart button">>
<<set _hideRestart = "Hide restart button">>
<<if $settingShowRestartButton == true>>
<<set _restartToggle = _hideRestart>>
<<set _restartYesNo = "Yes">>
<<set _restartToggle = _showRestart>>
<<set _restartYesNo = "No">>
<div class="menu-button preview-button" id="togglerestart">
<cc0><span style="font-size:70%">(Any change in this section is saved and effective immediately.)</span></cc0>
<<special2 "Show RESTART button on sidebar:">> <span id="showRestartButton">_restartYesNo</span><<space2>>
<<button "_restartToggle">>
var tog = document.querySelector("#menu li:not(:first-child)");
var tdiv = document.getElementById("togglerestart");
var tbut = tdiv.getElementsByClassName("macro-button")[0];
var mess = document.getElementById("showRestartButton");
if (tbut.innerText == State.temporary.showRestart) {
tbut.innerText = State.temporary.hideRestart;
mess.innerText = "Yes";
tog.style.display = "block";
State.variables.settingShowRestartButton = true;
else {
tbut.innerText = State.temporary.showRestart;
mess.innerText = "No";
tog.style.display = "none";
State.variables.settingShowRestartButton = false;
<cc0 class="nomargin-bottom"><span style="font-size:70%"><<special2 "(Any change in this section is saved and effective immediately.)">></span></cc0>
/*<a style="color:#6c3;margin:0.5rem;margin-top:0;padding:0.5rem" class="linkbutton" href="#mobilerecsettings">Jump down to suggested settings</a><br>*/
Suggested settings, as a starting point, for playing in landscape mode.
<div class="menu-button preview-button">
<<special2 "Activate the suggested settings">> <<button "12px 70% 180px">>
State.variables.fontSizeBase = 12;
State.variables.fontSizeSidebar = 70;
/*var h = document.querySelector('html');
h.style.setProperty('font-size', State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px");*/
setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px");
setup.setCSSvar("--uibar-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeSidebar+"%");
State.variables.marginLeftPassages = 180;
State.variables.settingUseCustomizedMarginLeft = true;
setup.setCSSid("story", "margin-left", State.variables.marginLeftPassages+"px");
After activating the suggested settings, if needed, go to Settings and adjust the settings to fit your device better.
<<special2 "Return to default settings">> <<button "16px 100% --">>
State.variables.fontSizeBase = 16;
State.variables.fontSizeSidebar = 100;
/* var h = document.querySelector('html');
h.style.setProperty('font-size', State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px"); */
setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px");
setup.setCSSvar("--uibar-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeSidebar+"%");
setup.setCSSid("story", "margin-left", ""); /*resetting to default */
State.variables.settingUseCustomizedMarginLeft = false;
Consider playing the game in landscape mode with settings adjusted for your device to give you the best user experience. That way, you can have the sidebar with all the stats visible while playing. Even if you prefer to play in portrait mode, you may need to temporarily switch to landscape mode to see all locations in the monastery.
<p style="font-size:80%">
<<italics "If playing in landscape mode on mopoga.com, play the desktop version, since their regular version has been modified for portrait mode.">></p>
<p>When playing in landscape mode, you probably want to lower the main font size, the sidebar font size, and the left margin.</p>
<<mii misc/landscapeMode 100%>>
<div style="font-size:80%"><<italics "This is how it looks on a Samsung Galaxy A10 with main font size 12px, sidebar font size 70%, and left margin 180px.">></div>
/*<div id="mobilerecsettings"></div>*/
<p>Be advised that if you play online, your settings may have reverted to default when you return to the game the next time. To solve this, save the game before you quit and then load the save when you continue.</p>
<div class="menu-button close-button">
<<button "Go to Settings">>
<<button "Close">>
<<widget populateMonastery>>
<<set $encounterIDs = []>>
<<set $encounterRoom = null>>
<<for _i to 0; _i < 1; _i++>>
<<if $monksNightDrinking > 0 || $blackDoorOnly > 0>>
<<pop monkdoor>>
<<if $blackBellOnly > 0>>
<<pop encounterBlackBell>>
<<if $mcRoomOnly > 0>>
/* Can be used eg after mc drinks wine in chapel to temp increase corr to read next chapter. This to avoid player doing a corr event he shouldnt be able to do until after permanently increasing corr */
<<pop mcroom>>
<<if $qqrileyThreesome==310>>
<<pop hgarden>>
<<if $qqmonkdocument==100>>
<<set _showmonkdoor = 1>>
<<pop monkdoor>>
<<if $qqmonkdocument==200>>
<<pop mcroom>>
<<if $qqvictoriaq == 200>>
<<pop victoria>>
<<if ($qqpatriarchq == 150 && setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",500) && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",550)) ||
$qqcindyq == 700>>
<<pop cindy>>
<<if $qqsalvatoreq == 300>>
<<pop town>>
<<if $qqalonsoq2==500>>
<<pop grounds>>
<<if $qqexperimentAttacks==300>>
<<if $temp==1>>
<<pop hall>>
<<pop lara>>
<<if $qqemmalustangel==200>>
<<pop emma>>
<<if $qqemmalustangel==700>>
<<pop nchapel>>
<<if $intro < 9000>>
<<if $intro < 1400>>
<<pop ms>>
<<elseif $intro < 1500>>
<<pop hgarden>>
<<elseif $intro < 1600>>
<<pop kgarden>>
<<elseif $intro < 1650>>
<<set $nchapelMass = 100>>
<<pop nchapel>>
<<elseif $intro < 1700>>
<<set $nchapelMass = 0>>
<<pop grounds>>
<<elseif $intro < 1900>>
<<pop monkdoor>>
<<elseif $intro < 2100>>
<<pop bathroom>>
<<elseif $intro < 2400>>
<<pop hall>>
<<elseif $intro < 2450>>
<<pop dungeon>>
<<elseif $intro < 2500>>
<<pop exit>>
<<elseif $intro < 3500>>
<<pop refectory>>
<<elseif $intro < 3700>>
<<pop mcroom>>
<<elseif $intro < 4000>>
<<pop ms>>
<<elseif $intro < 4100>>
<<pop monkdoor>>
<<elseif $intro < 4300>>
<<pop mcroom>>
<<pop exit>>
<<pop school>>
<<pop refectory>>
<<pop mcroom>>
<<pop bathroom>>
<<pop monkdoor>>
<<pop hall>>
<<pop hall2>>
<<pop emma>>
<<pop nchapel>>
<<pop innerchapel>>
<<pop dungeon>>
<<pop roberta>>
<<pop victoria>>
<<pop upstairs>>
<<pop janaroom>>
<<pop evie>>
<<pop lara>>
<<if $daytime != "night">>
<<pop ms>>
<<pop grounds>>
<<pop kgarden>>
<<pop stable>>
<<if $qqjanafornicate > 100>>
<<pop hjana>>
<<pop hgarden>>
<<pop laundry>>
<<pop sara>>
<<pop chapel>>
<<pop town>>
<<pop anika>>
<<pop julia>>
<<pop julia2>>
<<pop zara>>
<<pop cindy>>
<<pop library>>
/* putting encounters last to make them always on top */
<<pop encounterMcHall>>
<<pop encounterStairs>>
<<pop encounterBathroom>>
<<pop encounterBlackBell>>
<<pop encounterInnerChapel>>
/* NOTE: if room name and destination is not the same, checkFalse may break game when loading a save, making location hidden even when turning off detective mode (happened in v8 when having mother/ms and adding checkFalse). So for new locations, don't have different name for destination. For any locations still having different names, like mcroom/mc, must change that if ever want to use checkfalse for that location! */
/* x is calced further down, so not using %. y must be given as % */
<<set setup.rooms = {
exit: { name: "Exit", w: 6, h: 4, x: "17.15", y: "81%", image: "outside/outside-nuns_small.jpg", imageNight: "outside/outside-nuns-night_small.jpg", destination: "outside"},
encounterMcHall : { name: "Encounter", w: 4.7, h: 4.7, x:"52", y: "60%", image: "encounters/encounter.png" },
encounterStairs : { name: "Encounter", w: 4.7, h: 4.7, x:"8", y: "32%", image: "hall/stairs.jpg" },
encounterBathroom : { name: "Encounter", w:7, h: 4, x:"33", y:"13%", image: "bathroom/bathroomHub.jpg" },
encounterBlackBell : { name: "The black bell", w: 3.7, h: 3.7, x:"60", y: "-2%", image: "blackdoor/blackbell.png" },
encounterInnerChapel : { name: "Encounter", w:4.5, h:4.5, x:"17.4", y:"5%", image:"encounters/encounter.png" },
dungeon: { name: "Dungeons", w: 9.6, h: 6, x: "7", y: "29%", image: "dungeon/dungeon_small.jpg",
image2:"dungeon/dungeon-light_small.jpg" },
anika : { name: "Novice Anika", w: 4, h: 4, x: "41", y: "28%", image: "nuns/anika/room_small.jpg", imagePregnant: "nuns/anika/room_pregnant.png" },
chapel: { name: "Chapel", w: 8.5, h: 6, x: "57", y: "86%", image: "chapel/chapel_small.jpg", destination: "chapel"},
innerchapel : { name: "Chapel", w:5.5, h:5.0, x:"18.5", y:"4%", imageNight:"innerchapel/innerchapelnight_small.png" },
cindy : { name: "Novice Cindy", w:4.44, h:4, x: "0.85", y: "4.3%", image:"nuns/cindy/room_small2.jpg", image2:"nuns/cindy/cindy_smallroom.png"},
evie : { name: "Novice Evie", w:4, h:4, x:"11.1", y:"4.3%", image:"nuns/evie/face_small.png" },
lara : { name: "Novice Lara", w:4, h:4, x:"5.5", y:"18%", image: "nuns/lara/face_small.png"},
nchapel : { name: "Chapel", w:10.65, h:6, x: "85", y: "27%", image: "nchapel/chapel_small.jpg", image2: "nchapel/mass_small.jpg", image2reqs: "nchapelMass>=1", image3: "nchapel/nuns_small.jpg", imageNight: "nchapel/chapelNight_small.jpg", destination: "nchapel"},
school: { name: "School", w: 9, h:6, x: "30", y: "89%", image: "school/school_small.jpg", imageNight: "school/schoolnight_small.jpg", destination: "school"},
stable: { name: "Stable", w: 6.45, h: 5, x: "42", y: "90%", image: "stable/stable_small.jpg" },
upstairs: { name: "Upstairs", w: 5.5, h: 5.6, x:"69", y: "33.5%", image: "hall/stairs.jpg", imageNight: "hall/stairsnight.jpg" },
mcroom: { name: "Your quarters", w: 7, h: 5.5, x: "57", y:"70%", image: "mc/room.jpg", destination: "mc" },
ms: { name: "Mother Superior", w: 6.56, h: 5, x: "34", y: "66%", image: "ms/ms3.gif", destination: "ms"},
roberta: { name: "Sister Roberta", w:4.7, h:4.7, x:"21.2", y:"66%", image:"nuns/roberta/roberta_small.png", imageDay: "nuns/roberta/room_small.jpg" },
abbot: { name: "The Abbot", w: 6.6, h: 8, x: "5", y: "35%", image: "abbot/abbotlocation.jpg", destination: "abbot"},
mdistillery : { name: "The Distillery", w:28, h:10, x: "40", y: "1%", image:"mgarden/distillery_small.jpg" },
mlibrary: { name: "The library", w: 15, h: 10, x: "20", y: "25%", image: "mlibrary/library.jpg", imageNight: "mlibrary/librarynight.jpg", destination: "mlibrary"},
mgarden: { name: "Garden entrance", w: 22.3, h: 10, x: "70", y: "75%", image: "mgarden/garden_small.jpg" },
mgardencenter: { name: "Garden center", w: 15, h: 10, x: "75", y: "45%", image: "mgarden/gardencenter_small.jpg" },
mgardenedge: { name: "Garden edge", w: 10, h: 10, x: "77", y: "15%", image: "mgarden/gardenedge_small.jpg" },
mkgarden: { name: "Kitchen garden", w:18, h:12, x:"50", y:"32%", image:"mgarden/kgarden_small.jpg" },
mrefectory: { name: "Refectory", w: 15, h: 9, x: "60", y: "65%", image: "mrefectory/refectory.jpg"},
jana: { name: "Sister Jana", w: 6.5, h: 5, x: "70", y:"60%", image: "misc/bedroom.jpg", destination: "jana"},
julia: { name: "Novice Julia", w: 4, h: 4, x:"52", y: "16%", image:"nuns/julia/juliaheadsmall.jpg", destination: "julia" },
julia2: { name: "Novice Julia", w: 4, h: 4, x:"70.4", y: "70.5%", image:"nuns/julia/juliaheadsmall.jpg", destination: "julia" },
emma: { name: "Novice Emma", w: 4, h: 4, x: "56.5", y:"28%", image:"nuns/emma/emma_small.jpg"},
sara : { name: "Novice Sara", w:4, h: 4, x:"0", y:"60%", image:"nuns/sara/sara_small.jpg"},
grounds: { name: "Monastery grounds", w: 12.5, h: 6, x: "83", y:"8%", image: "grounds/grounds.jpg", imageNight: "grounds/groundsNight.jpg", destination: "grounds" },
kgarden: { name: "Kitchen garden", w: 10.5, h: 6, x: "85", y:"48%", image: "kgarden/work1_small.jpg", destination: "kgarden" },
hgarden: { name: "Herb garden", w: 10.5, h: 6, x: "85", y:"68%", image: "hgarden/herb_garden.gif", destination: "hgarden" },
hjana: { name: "Sister Jana", w: 6, h: 6.45, x: "85", y:"68%", image: "hjana/jana_small.jpg", destination: "hjana" },
janaroom : { name: "Sister Jana", w: 4, h: 4.3, x: "71.2", y:"53.3%", image: "hjana/jana_small.png", empty:"misc/bedroom_small.png", destination: "janaroom" },
bathroom: { name: "Communal bathroom", w: 9.7, h: 5.5, x: "33", y:"3%", image: "bathroom/bathroom.gif", image2: "bathroom/bathing.gif", image2reqs: "bathroomHasBathed==true", imageInnerLaundry: "bathroom/bathroomHub.jpg", imageNoPeek: "bathroom/bathroomHub.jpg", imageNight: "bathroom/bathroomHubNight.jpg", destination: "bathroom" },
laundry: { name: "Laundry", w:6, h:5.3, x:"26", y:"3.25%", image: "bathroom/laundry_small.jpg", imageClara: "bathroom/clara_small.png" },
monkevents : { name: "The monks", w:26.35, h: 10, x: "35", y:"70%", image: "monks/monkevents.jpg"},
mbathroom: { name: "Communal bathroom", w: 7, h: 8.2, x:"12", y:"75%", image: "bathroom/well_monks.jpg", destination: "mbathroom" },
hall: { name: "Hallway", w: 7.5, h: 5, x: "10", y:"8%", image: "hall/hallwayDay.jpg", imageNight: "hall/hallwayNight.jpg", destination: "hall" },
hall2: { name: "Hallway", w: 7.5, h: 5, x: "26", y:"10%", image: "hall/hallwayDay.jpg", imageNight: "hall/hallwayNight.jpg", destination: "hall" },
victoria : { name: "Novice Victoria", w:4, h:4, x:"35.7", y:"28%", image:"nuns/victoria/vic_small.png" },
zara: { name: "Novice Zara", w: 4, h: 4, x: "15.5", y:"17.5%", image:"nuns/zara/head_small.jpg" },
refectory: { name: "Refectory", w: 9.7, h: 6.5, x: "23", y:"44%", image: "refectory/refectory_eating.jpg", destination: "refectory" },
library : { name:"Library", w: 7, h:6, x:"55", y:"45%", image: "library/library_small.jpg", destination: "library"},
town : { name: "<span class='print-dark-shadow2' style='font-size:100%; color:#e80;'>\u27A4</span> Town", w: 8, h:8, x:"0", y:"85%", image: "area/town_small2.jpg", destination: "town"},
tchurch: { name: "Church", w: 10, h:10, x:"80", y:"33%", image: "area/church_small.jpg", destination: "tchurch" },
monkdoor: { name: "The Black Door", w: 5, h: 5, x: "65", y:"-2%", image: "blackdoor/doormonks_small.jpg", destination: "blackdoor" }
<<widget pop>>
<<set _roomName = $args[0]>>
<<set _doShowRoom = 0>>
State.temporary.doShowRoom = setup.checkShowRoom(State.temporary.roomName);
<<if _doShowRoom > 0>>
<<popRoom _roomName _doShowRoom>>
<<widget popRoom>>
<<set _theroom = $args[0]>>
/* show location or set display none if arg1 is 2 (detective mode on) */
<<set _displayArg = $args[1]>>
<<if _displayArg == 2 && setup.detectiveMode()>>
<<set _displayStatus = "none">>
<<set _displayStatus = "block">>
/* stupid print trick */
<<print '<<set _roomDesc = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.name>>'>>
<<print '<<set _path =setup.mediaPath+setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.image>>'>>
<<print '<<set _imNightPath = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.imageNight>>'>>
<<if _imNightPath != null && $daytime == "night">>
<<print '<<set _pathnight = setup.mediaPath+_imNightPath>>'>>
<<set _path = _pathnight>>
<<print '<<set setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.display = '+_displayArg+'>>'>>
<<print '<<set _x = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.x>>'>>
<<print '<<set _y = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.y>>'>>
<<print '<<set _w = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.w>>'>>
<<print '<<set _h = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.h>>'>>
<<print '<<set _destination = setup.rooms.'+_theroom+'.destination>>'>>
<<if _destination == undefined>>
<<set _destination = _theroom>>
/*console.log("room:"+State.temporary.theroom+", destination:"+State.temporary.destination);*/
/* setting destination variable for the rooms depending on vars */
/* setting media path for the rooms depending on vars,
ie night, bathroomHasPeeked etc */
<<if _destination == null>>
<<set _destination = _roomDesc>>
/* default in case script fails */
<<set _passageWidth=1200>>
var pass = document.getElementById("passages");
/* 1360 is about passwidth on maxwindow 1080p screen */
<<set _rel = _passageWidth/1360>>
<<set _rel = _rel < 1 ? _rel + (1-_rel)/30 : _rel>>
<<set _relw = _rel * _w>>
<<set _relh = _rel * _h>>
<<set _relbradius = _rel * 1.0>>
/* Rooms are too far to the right when window is smaller (phones). Don't want to waste time on getting exact placement now, so this is a quick fix which gives decent placement with different widths */
<<set _relx = _x - ((1 - _rel) * 7)>>
/* 2022-04-23: adjusting from 10 to 7 to place them a little more to the right. */
/*<<set _relx = _x>> /* TEMP testing this */
<<set _csl = "left: "+_relx+"%; top: "+_y+"; z-index: 10;
display: "+_displayStatus+";
font-family: var(--room-font-family); width: auto;
font-size:80%; text-align: center; position: absolute; cursor:pointer;">>
<<print '<<set _roomStyle = "width: '+_relw+'rem;
height: '+_relh+'rem; margin:0px;
border-radius: '+_relbradius+'rem !important;
background-color: #000;
background-image: url('+_path+');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
cursor: pointer;
border: 0.125rem solid #100603">>'>>
<<destbutton _destination _csl _roomStyle _roomDesc _theroom>>
<<widget destbutton>>
<<set _dest = $args[0]>>
<<set _csl = $args[1]>>
<<set _roomStyle = $args[2]>>
<<set _roomDesc = $args[3]>>
<<set _roomid = _args[4]>>
/* v8: changing from room+dest since using dest will give same id for two rooms with same dest */
<<set _roomDiv = "room-"+_roomid>>
<<set _roomImageClass = "">>
<<if $qqpatriarchq==150 && $daytime=="day">>
<<if (_dest == "bathroom" && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",200)) ||
(_dest == "school" && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",300)) ||
(_dest == "zara" && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",400)) ||
(_dest == "encounterStairs" && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",500)) ||
(_dest == "kgarden" && !setup.checkqStage("patriarchq",600))>>
<<flashevent quest>>
<<elseif $qqlaraq==1 && _dest=="hall">>
<<flashevent encounter>>
<<elseif $qqexperimentAttacks==200 && _dest=="lara">>
<<flashevent quest>>
<<elseif _dest.indexOf("encounter") != -1>>
<<set _showAsEncounter = true>>
<<if ($encounterIDs.includes(6) || $encounterIDs.includes(7)) && _dest == "encounterStairs">>
/* Can choose to not make the event appear like an encounter, eg finding cindy in windy ruins second time */
<<set _showAsEncounter = false>>
<<set _roomDesc = "To the ruins">>
<<if _showAsEncounter>>
<<if _dest == "encounterBlackBell">>
<<set _roomImageClass += " bell-ringing">>
<<set _roomStyle += "; background-color:#777;border-width:0.29rem;">>
<<flashevent encounter>>
<<elseif $qqsaraq==10 && _dest == "grounds">>
<<elseif $qqjuliajoining==1010 && _dest == "julia">>
<<elseif $qqvivienmarry==200 && _dest == "town" && ndef $town>>
<<elseif $qqdarcieq==1 && _dest == "grounds">>
<<set _specialRoomCode = "">>
<<if _dest=="dungeon">>
<<if $daytime=="night" && setup.checkNew("prisoners") == "specialPrisoner">>
<<set _specialRoomCode += "<span class='button-prisoner-marker'> </span>">>
<<elseif _dest=="mc">>
<<if $daytime=="day" && setup.checkNew("volunteers") == "specialVolunteer">>
<<set _specialRoomCode += "<span class='button-volunteer-marker'> </span>">>
<<elseif _dest=="upstairs">>
<<if $qqamyq == 600>>
<a data-passage=_dest class="link-internal">
<div @id=_roomDiv class="pop-room-base" @style=_csl>
<button type="button" tabindex="0" @class=_roomImageClass @style=_roomStyle>_specialRoomCode
/* Note: setting position: relative on location name label to make it appear in front of room image (diff z-index didn't work here) */
<div style="padding: 0 0.3rem 0 0.3rem; position: relative;
margin: -0.1rem 1rem 0 1.0rem; border: 1px solid #000;
border-radius: 0.2rem; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #111;
background-color: var(--room-bg-color);">_roomDesc</div>
<<widget flashevent>>
<<set _flashevclass = "border-flash-new-event">>
<<if _args[0]>>
<<set _flashevclass += "-"+_args[0]>>
<<if _args[0]=="encounter">>
<<set _roomStyle += "; background-color:#638;">>
<<set _roomImageClass += _flashevclass>>
/* Lower border width here than in border-flash-new event in css, which makes the image size vary a little while flashing, looking similar to a button press, which makes it pop more, even easier to see.*/
<<set _roomStyle += "; border-width:0.29rem">>
<<widget makePotionOld>>
<<set _potion = _args[0]>>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<if _arg1.indexOf("typeTea") != -1>>
<<set _potmess = "a batch of">>
<<elseif _arg1.indexOf("typeSingle") != -1>>
<<set _potmess = "a">>
<<set _potmess = "a batch of">>
/*<<lab 'You made _potmess <<potion _potion>>' _arg1>>*/
<<print '<<lab "You made '+_potmess+' <<'+_potion+'>>" "'+_arg1+'">>'>>
<<widget makePotion>>
<<set _potion = _args[0]>>
<<set _arg1 = _args[1] ? _args[1] : "">>
<<if _arg1.indexOf("typeTea") != -1>>
<<set _potmess = "a batch of">>
<<elseif _arg1.indexOf("typeSingle") != -1>>
<<set _potmess = "a">>
<<set _potmess = "a batch of">>
<<if !$potions.contains(_potion)>>
<<set $potions.push(_potion)>>
<<set _potion = _potion.toUpperFirst()>>
<<print '<<lab "You made '+_potmess+' <<potion'+_potion+'>>" "'+_arg1+'">>'>>
<<widget potion>>
/*<span class="print-dark-shadow" style="color:#9d6">$args[0]
<<set _potion0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _potionType = $args[1]>>
<<set _potionextra = _args[2] || "">>
<<set _potionextra += " potions">>
<<if _potionType == null>>
<<set _potionType = "herbal">>
<<print '<<set _potionColor = "color-potion-'+_potionType+'">>'>>
/*<<run setup.punctuate("potion0", "lastcharpotion")>>*/
<<colvar _potion0 _potionColor _potionextra>>
<<widget potionv>>
<<print '<<potion "<<var '+_args[0]+'>>">>'>>
<<widget potionLongpepperdust>>
<<potion "Long pepper dust" herbal>>
<<widget potionAsafoetida>>
<<potion "Silphium grade asafoetida">>
<<widget potionAlkahest>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-alkahest shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionAlkahest>>" alkahest>>
<<widget potionCutahest>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-cutahest shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionCutahest>>" cutahest>>
<<widget potionContraception>>
<<set _arg0 = _args[0] ? _args[0] : "">>
<<set _plural = _arg0.indexOf("plural") != -1 ? "s" : "">>
<<if !$pregnancy>>
<<potion "Strong Potion_plural of Contraception" contraception _arg0>>
<<potion "Weak Potion_plural of Contraception" contraception _arg0>>
<<widget contraceptionStrength>>
<<if $pregnancy>>
<<widget potionSleepTea>>
<<potion "Improved sleep tea" herbal>>
<<widget potionNightmareTea>>
<<potion "Nightmare tea" nightmareTea>>
<<widget potionNightmareOil>>
<<set _potname = setup.potionNightmareOil>>
<<if _args[0]>>
/* This allows you to call with <<potionNectar ,>> to add non-colored , after potion name.
Used together with .potion-nectar::before -- see CSS */
<span class="potion-nightmareOil"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion _potname nightmareOil>>
<<widget potionVirility>>
<<set _potname = setup.potionVirility>>
<<potion _potname virility _args[0]>>
<<widget potionLust>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-lust shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionLust>>" lust>>
<<widget potionNectar>>
<<if _args[0]>>
/* This allows you to call with <<potionNectar ,>> to add non-colored , after potion name.
Used together with .potion-nectar::before -- see CSS */
<span class="potion-nectar shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionNectar>>" nectar>>
<<widget potionConfusion>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-confusion shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionConfusion>>" confusion>>
<<widget potionLiberation>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-liberation shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionLiberation>>" liberation>>
<<widget potionLiberationOil>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-liberationOil shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionLiberationOil>>" liberationOil>>
<<widget potionRashSalve>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-rash-salve shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionRashSalve>>" rashSalve>>
<<widget potionLustLiberationSalve>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-rash-salve shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionRashSalve>>" lustLiberationSalve>>
<<widget lustSalve>>
<<addlust 100>>
<<addres -20 temporary>>
<<addcorr 6 temporary>>
<<widget potionConfusionAntidote>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-confusionAntidote shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionConfusionAntidote>>" "confusionAntidote">>
/* Remember to it looks like the oil of clear mind (potionConfusionAntidote), so use antidote.png */
<<widget potionLustOil>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-lustOil shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionLustOil>>" lustOil>>
<<widget potionLustOilSimple>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-lust shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionLustOilSimple>>" lust>>
<<widget lustpotionTest>>
/* Made it as widget because thought maybe let player test it on rumika first too, but changed to only on celine */
<<mii lab/potionLust_bigSquare 23 "png noBorder">>
After testing the <<potionLust>> on $args[0], you can verify that Ludolphus' description of the effect was correct. Anyone consuming such a potion is overcome with intense feelings of lust.
<<qend lustpotion 500 center>></cc>
<<widget potionParanoia>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-paranoia shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionParanoia>>" paranoia>>
<<widget potionAmnesiaOil>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-amnesiaOil shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionAmnesiaOil>>" amnesiaOil>>
<<widget potionAmnesia>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-amnesia shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionAmnesia>>" amnesia>>
<<widget potionFumingLustOil>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-fumingLustOil shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion "<<var potionFumingLustOil>>" fumingLustOil>>
<<widget potionNightVision>>
<<set _potname = setup.potionNightVision>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-nightvision shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion _potname nightvision>>
<<widget potionLethargy>>
<<set _potname = setup.potionLethargy>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-lethargy shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion _potname lethargy>>
<<widget potionSleepSalve>>
<<set _potname = setup.potionSleepSalve>>
<<if _args[0]>>
<span class="potion-sleep-salve shadow2"><span style="text-shadow:none">_args[0]</span></span>
<<potion _potname sleepSalve>>
/*** BUG ALERT: Don't add comments inside quest widgets. It can fuck up the displaying of the quest, breaking it off somewhere. Put comments with added quest flags before widget */
1) Whenever a quest with new content will not be completed in upcoming release, there must be added eg <<qendversion questname versionx.x.x>> in the event step where quest ends in release vx.x.x.
2) When that quest gets new content, that release version must be added here, again in the form vx.x.x. So if next release with new quest content is v0.3.0, then v: "0.3.0" is added.
3) If quest is still not completed and then continues in v0.5.0, then v: "0.3.0" is updated to v: "0.5.0".
This should be all that's needed to ensure that quests are correctly marked "end of version" when they should.
Note: If a quest does not continue in an update, the last qendversions from earlier version need NOT be changed to the current(new) version. This is because qendversion checks the latest value of the v variable given to the quest in setup.quests, and if no higher v is given, it will display end of version.
/* NOTE: The "optional" attribute should be set to "yes" for quests not counting toward end of version, or, for specific split paths, a keyword should be used. Eg, all julia events after juliajoining must add optional: "julia" to not have them count toward end of version for when mc sent julia home */
<<set setup.quests = {
aaapercentTest : { name: "Testing percent completed", optional: "yes" },
abbotmessage : { name: "Talk to Father Alvaro", pinned:true },
abbotreport : { name: "Visit Father Alvaro", pinned:true },
adriannaq : { name: "Adrianna", pinned:true, pinnedstop: "qqadriannaq>=1000", v:"0.9.0" },
agnesq : { name: "Sister Agnes", pinned:true },
agathaq : { name: "Sister Agatha"},
alonsoq: { name: "Novice Alonso" },
alonsoq2 : { name: "Investigating Novice Alonso", v:"0.8.0" },
alonsoshed: { name: "Spying on the shed", v:"0.4.0", pinned:"qqalonsoshed>=200", pinnedstop:"qqalonsoshed>=500" },
alonsodistillery: { name: "Spying in the Distillery", v:"0.9.0" },
alonsoapprentice : { name: "Master and apprentice", pinned:true },
amnesiaq : { name: "The Oil of Amnesia", },
amnesiaproject : { name: "Project Amnesia", pinned:true },
amyq : { name: "Sister Amy"},
anikaq : { name: "Novice Anika", v:"0.4.0" },
anikaq2 : { name: "Checking in on Novice Anika" },
anikapreg : { name: "Novice Anika's pregnancy", optional: "anikapregnant", v:"0.10.0" },
anikacrazy : { name: "Novice Anika's delusion", optional: "anikacrazy", v:"0.10.0" },
attacklocations : { name: "The location of the attacks", pinned:true },
avaq : { name: "Ava, the adulteress", v:"0.7.1" },
bathroom : { name: "Spying on the bathing nuns" },
carolinaq : { name: "Carolina: The model student" },
catarinaq : { name: "Sister Catarina", v:"0.6.0" },
catarinabreaks : { name: "Sister Catarina's lunch breaks" },
catarinakitchen : { name : "Sister Catarina: kitchen rites" },
catarinastudent : { name: "Students in need" },
celine : { name: "Novice Celine", v:"0.4.0" },
chapter4 : { name: "Chapter IV", pinned:true },
chapter5 : { name: "Chapter V", pinned:true },
chloeq : { name: "Chloe: The impatient student", v:"0.9.0" },
chloefornication : { name: "Chloe's slit" },
cider : { name: "Brother Salvatore's cider" },
cindyq : { name : "Novice Cindy", v:"0.10.0", pinned:"qqcindyq>=1200" },
claraq : { name: "Novice Clara" },
claramarry : { name: "Bedding Novice Clara" },
clarareport1 : { name: "Novice Clara's report", pinned:true },
clarareport2 : { name: "Novice Clara's report (2)", pinned:true },
creampieq : { name: "Planting the seed", pinned:true },
curseserpent : { name: "The Curse of the Serpent", pinned:true },
dana : { name: "Investigate Sister Dana", v:"0.5.0"},
darcieq : { name: "using quest in grounds but silent for now", optional:"yes" },
delivermail : { name: "Mail for the monastery"},
dream4 : { name: "What happened last night?", },
emma : { name : "Emma's nightmares", pinned:true },
emma2: { name : "Emma's mission", v: "0.2.0" },
emmafuck : { name: "Novice Emma" },
emmalustangel : { name: "Lust angel: Announcing the news"} ,
evieq : { name: "Novice Evie" },
experimentAttacks : { name: "Experiment: Recreating the attacks", pinned:true },
franciawedding : { name: "A bridal gown for Novice Francia" },
gabriellaq: { name: "Novice Gabriella", v:"0.7.0" },
gabriellaanal : { name: "Sodomizing Novice Gabriella" },
giovanniq: { name: "Brother Giovanni" },
guidinghand : { name: "A guiding hand", pinned:true },
holylustq : { name: "Holy lust", pinned:true },
holymarriage : { name: "Holy Marriage", pinned: true },
hallNovices : { name: "Novice Frances and Novice Zara" },
investHallNovices : { name : "Investigate the two novices" },
intro : { name : "The monastery" },
investJana: { name: "Investigate Sister Jana"},
investBeds: { name: "Investigate the beds of the victims" },
investmurder : { name: "Investigate Brother Gregor's death", pinned:true },
janacurse: { name: "Sister Jana's curse", v:"0.4.0" },
janafornicate: { name: "Cleansing Sister Jana" },
janalustful : { name: "A late meeting with Sister Jana" },
janamarry: { name: "Marrying Sister Jana", pinned:true, pinnedstop: "qqjanamarry>=1100" },
judithBathroomNight : { name: "Bathroom prayers" },
judithq : { name: "Novice Judith", v:"0.5.0"},
julia : { name: "Julia: The troubled student", v:"0.3.0"},
juliaanoint : { name: "Anointing Novice Julia", optional: "julia", v:"0.7.0" },
juliajoining : { name: "Julia: Joining the convent" },
juliamoving : { name: "Reducing your lust: Novice Julia", optional: "julia" },
laraq : { name: "Novice Lara" },
leaderq : { name: "Leading the nuns", pinned: true },
longpepper : { name: "Restocking long pepper" },
longpepper2 : { name: "The Curious Case of the Long Pepper" },
longpepperguano : { name: "Find bat guano at the long pepper", pinned:true },
lustfulwomen : { name: "The lustful nuns", pinned:true },
lustpotion : { name: "Testing the Potion of Lust" },
mass : { name: "Celebrating Mass" },
masters : { name : "The three master brothers" },
monks3 : { name: "Another look at the monks", pinned:true},
monksDrinking2 : { name: "Getting closer to the monks" },
monksDrinking3 : { name: "Drinking with the monks" },
monksDrinking3waiting : { name: "Keeping a low profile with the monks", optional: "yes" },
monkdocument : { name : "The secret document" },
monkherbal : { name: "A herbal for the monks" },
monknightmares : { name: "Investigate the monks' nightmares" },
motherfucker : { name: "The future of Mother Magda" },
olenkaq : { name: "Novice Olenka", v:"0.5.0" },
palomeq : { name: "Sister Palome", v:"0.8.0" },
patriarchq : { name : "It's good to be the patriarch", pinned:true },
prisoneragnes : { name: "Prisoner: Sister Agnes", optional: "yes" },
prisoneragatha : { name: "Prisoner: Sister Agatha", optional: "yes" },
praychapel : { name: "Communion with God", pinned:true },
procreation : { name: "Spreading the seed", v: "0.4.0", pinned:"qqprocreation>=200" },
protecting : { name : "Protecting the secret", pinned:true },
recipebook : { name : "Ludolphus' recipes", v: "0.8.0"},
redthread : { name: "The Red Thread" },
revelation : { name : "The Revelation", pinned:true },
revelationann : { name: "The Revelation: Sister Ann" },
revelationcatarina : { name : "The Revelation: Sister Catarina" },
revelationjana : { name: "The Revelation: Sister Jana" },
revelationms : { name: "The Revelation: Mother Magda" },
revelationsupport : { name : "The Revelation: Another sister for the Revelation" },
revelationviola : { name: "The Revelation: Sister Viola" },
revelationzara : { name: "The Revelation: Novice Zara", optional: "yes" },
riley : { name: "Riley: The problem student", v: "0.5.0" },
rileySexEd : { name: "Riley: Sex Education", v: "0.4.1" },
rileyThreesome : { name: "Riley: Preparing the threesome" },
rileyThreesome2 : { name: "Riley: Repeating the threesome" },
roamingq : { name: "Sister patrol", pinned:true, pinnedstop: "qqroamingq>=1000" },
revelationroberta : { name: "The Revelation: Sister Roberta" },
rumika : { name: "Sister Rumika" },
rumikaSodomy : { name: "Sister Rumika: Sodomy" },
salvatoreq : { name: "Investigating Brother Salvatore" },
saraq : { name: "Novice Sara", v:"0.7.0" },
sofialustreduce : { name: "Reducing your lust" },
sofia : { name: "Novice Sofia" },
sexDrive : { name: "The lustful nun", v:"0.4.0" },
secretlab : { name : "The Last Abbot's Room" },
smoking : { name: "Smoking in the convent" },
spanking : { name : "Spanking the schoolgirls", v:"0.10.0" },
stefanoq : { name: "Brother Stefano", pinned:true },
stirring : { name : "Stirring the pot", },
talknuns : { name: "Question the nuns" },
tunnel : { name: "The escape tunnel"},
victoriaq : { name: "Novice Victoria" },
violaq : { name: "Sister Viola" },
vivienq : { name: "Vivien: The lustful student", v:"0.5.0" },
vivienmarry : { name: "Vivien: The church wedding" },
viviendana : { name: "Vivien: Sister Dana at the wedding" },
vivienfornicate : { name: "Vivien: Sins of fornication", v:"0.8.0" },
volunteereva : { name: "Volunteer: Eva", optional: "yes" },
zaraq: { name : "Novice Zara", v:"0.6.0" }
/* possible later quests:
abbotevil : { name: "Medieval evil" }, */
<<set setup.expertMessages = {
intro : "As <<expertname ,>> you find ways to progress with an investigation when others get stuck. Reading through your journal will sometimes give you an idea of what to do next.",
adriannaq : "You could give Adrianna lustful nightmares. After supper, go to her room at the school.",
amnesiaq250: "<<mii lab/copper 16 pnggg>>",
amnesiaq350 : "<<mii lab/gold 16 pnggg>>",
amnesiaq450 : "<<mii lab/sulphur 16 pnggg>>",
amnesiaproject : "Go to the nuns' chapel inside the walls and drink the sacramental wine.",
amyq : "Focus on other women than Sister Amy for now. Eventually, you will think of something.",
amyq2 : "Maybe you could use one of Ludolphus' recipes in the herbal.",
amyqpuzzle : "<<mii lab/nightmarePuzzle 24 nomargin-bottom>>Click to enlarge.",
abbotlabtruth: "Maybe the truth can be found in the alchemy lab.",
alonsoq: "If <<alonso>> is making a habit of listening to the nuns in their bathroom, he has probably figured out when the young novices are bathing – because they do it at a fixed time every day and they are the loudest.<br>Go to the nuns' bathroom to find out when the young novices are bathing. Then go straight to the monks' bathroom.",
alonsoq2a: "Maybe Brother Salvatore can help you investigate Novice Alonso. But first, you should finish investigating Brother Salvatore.",
alonsoq2b: "Now that you've finished investigating Brother Salvatore, you should see if he can help you investigate Novice Alonso. ",
catarinaq : "Keep an eye on the buildings closest to the school.",
catarinaq2 : "It's possible that Sister Catarina has told of her meetings to someone she communicates with via mail. If you go to the town church, you may be able to intercept another letter to Sister Catarina.",
catarinastudent : "You should visit Sister Catarina in the school kitchen.",
chapter4 : "You could draw strength from Jesus by drinking consecrated wine in the chapel.",
chapter5: "You could draw strength from Jesus by drinking consecrated wine in the chapel.",
chloeq : "Sister Amy might be able to convince Chloe. But first you must make Sister Amy submit to the holy rites. You should have another meeting with Sister Amy behind the stable. Maybe this time, you will think of something.",
chloeqb: "Sister Amy might be able to convince Chloe. But first you must make Sister Amy submit to the holy rites.",
cider : "Visiting the Mother Superior would be a good start.",
cider20: "You should ask <<mms>> if she has given cider to the monks.",
cider30: "Perhaps Novice Sara gave the delivery man cider in exchange for cigarettes.",
cider40: "Brother Salvatore said Brother Stefano ordered the cider from town. You should talk to Brother Stefano in the kitchen garden.",
cider50: "You have evidence of someone trespassing on the nuns' side of the wall. This could be the thing that convinces Sister Viola to accept the holy rites. You should visit her in the kitchen garden.",
cindyq : "You should go to the stairs close to Novice Cindy's room and then seek out Novice Cindy upstairs when she is visiting the ruins there. With some luck, the wind will make her hair come undone again.",
creampieq : "For this quest, you can – at the minimum – release your seed inside the following nuns: Novice Sofia, Sister Rumika, Novice Anika, Novice Celine, Novice Emma, and Novice Olenka.<br>You may be required to advance quests to release your seed inside the listed nuns.",
curseserpent : "<<lastabbot>> might have left a useful recipe in the herbal.",
dream4: "You should ask the Abbot about last night.",
emma : "The recipe for the nightmare tea in your herbal might be the solution",
emmafuck : "Visit her at the stables.",
experimentAttacks : "1) Salve of Lethargy<br>2) Lust Salve of Liberation<br>3) Salve of Sleep<br>4) Oil of Amnesia",
gabriellaq : "One of Ludolphus' encoded recipes may be useful.",
gabriellaq2 : "<<mii lab/lead 12 pnggg>>",
gabriellaq3 : "<<mii lab/alcali 16 pnggg>>",
gabriellaq4 : "<<mii lab/arsenic 16 pnggg>>",
giovanniq: "You need to find out everything you can about him. The abbot should know more about <<giovanni>> and his background.",
guidinghand : "There is something special about Novice Cindy. Go to her.",
holylustq : " <<bold ¤>> Sister Tonina (Kitchen garden)<br> <<bold ¤>> Sister Jessica (Chapel, night)<br> <<bold ¤>> Sister Sandra (Monastery grounds) <br> <<bold ¤>> Carolina (School) <br> <<bold ¤>> Chloe, testing her slit (School, night)<br> <<bold ¤>> Enter room of pretty nun (patrolling hallways, night)<br>Note: The events require high lust, but you get some lust from the events themselves.",
holymarriage: "Novice Emma is your loyal servant and closest ally. You should tell her of this holy rite.",
holymarriage2: "Novice Anika, Novice Celine.",
hallNovices: "Looking again at Ludolphus' notes might give you an idea.",
investmurder: "<<bold 'Ground at the feet:' shadow2>> <<-setup.inv1(104,1)>><br><<bold 'Shoes:' shadow2>> 1) <<- setup.inv1(204,1)>>, 2) <<print setup.inv1(204,4)>><br><<bold 'Top of the head:' shadow2>> <<-setup.inv1(300,2)>><br><<bold 'The hands:' shadow2>> <<- setup.inv1(303,1)>><br><<bold 'The face:' shadow2>> <<- setup.inv1(401,1)>><br><<bold 'The sleeve:' shadow2>> <<- setup.inv1(403,2)>>",
janamarry : "This problem might require an alchemical solution. Go to your lab.",
janarite : "You have a hold on Sister Jana and have promised to help her with her curse.",
janacurse: "You should confront Sister Jana when she is at her weakest – defiling herself in the garden, succumbing to the curse.",
janacurse2: "If you keep watching before confronting her, Sister Jana might commit even more serious sins.",
janacurse3: "You must keep spying on Sister Jana to see if she will defile herself again.",
janacurse4: "Keep confronting Sister Jana. Her resistance will get lower each time you confront her.",
juliamoving: "Raise your lust (40+) and go to your room to use Novice Julia.",
laraq : "<div style='text-align:left; font-size:90%'>Select speed and click Execute to change left and right bar.<<lh>>¤ Lara's bar will only go up if you select the correct speed for her current status.<br>¤ Lara's bar will never go down.<<lh>>¤ Your bar will always go up with the following exceptions:
<br><<space>>– Your bar will remain still on speed 2 (unless your status is one of the two lowest)
<br><<space>>– Your bar will go down on speed 1 (unless your status is the lowest)
<br>¤ Your bar moves twice as fast as Lara's<<lh>>
Tip 1: To avoid premature ejaculation, use speed 1 to make your bar go down<br>
Tip 2:<<if !setup.checkqStage('laraq',1400)>> (unlocked at phase 2)<<else>> (Phase 2) To avoid Lara climaxing before you on speed 5, set the speed to 3 or 4 to only make your bar go up a bit before switching back to 5.<</if>></div>",
longpepper2 : "Detective work takes time. You won't solve the case in one day. You should keep returning to the monks to snoop around.",
lustcursecause : "Novice Anika has also experienced the lust curse when working in the herb garden. She might be able to help you prove your theory.",
lustcurseemma: "Sister Jana promised to tell Novice Emma about the success with the holy rites. You should visit Novice Emma tomorrow.",
lustfulnuns : "You should talk to the Mother Superior.",
lustfulwomen : "<<print setup.lustfulwomennotes()>>",
lustfulwomen2 : "<<print setup.lustfulwomennotes(true)>>",
lustfulwomen3 : "Go to the school and talk to Vivien",
olenkalust: "Talking to Novice Olenka will give you some lust, but to get the required lust/temptation, you must get your lust high before going to bed – to have enough lust remaining when waking up.",
olenkaq: "Novice Emma could give Novice Olenka a lust potion at supper.",
procreation : "A visit to the library where the herbal is located might give you an idea of how to learn the recipes.",
procreation2 : "You saw some large plants with yellow flowers one day when you were looking around behind the kitchen garden. They could have been giant fennels.",
monksdrink2 : "You should speak with the abbot.",
recipebook: "As unlikely as it may seem, the nuns' library might hold some answers.",
rileythreesome: "Perhaps Ludolphus has a recipe in the herbal that could help.",
rileythreesome2: "You know that the monks have basic lab equipment for quality control of their products. They might have rubber gloves. The lab is in their production building called 'the Distillery'.",
rumika : "Talk to Novice Emma.",
revelation : "Securing Mother Magda's support should be your first priority. Visit her.",
revelationroberta : "Looking around in Sister Roberta's room during the day when she is not there might give you an idea.",
roamingq : "Patrol the following locations:<br>1) Monastery grounds 2) Kitchen garden 3) Hallway (night)",
saraq: "Novice Emma might know. She is the only one you trust enough to reveal that you are investigating Novice Sara.",
spanking: "Talk to Chloe after supper",
support : "Sister Dana may be able to help you. Talk to her in the dungeons.",
stefanoq: "Someone might discover that there is something missing from the garden shed. Go to the <span style='font-weight:700'>garden center</span> every day to keep an eye on the shed.",
vivienq : "Sister Dana could help you build trust with Vivien. You should talk to Sister Dana at night in the dungeons when she is the most vulnerable.",
saraq2: "Follow Novice Sara after supper, when all the nuns are going to their rooms to pray.",
saraq3: "You have heard that nicotine addicts often want to smoke after a meal. You could try catching Novice Sara smoking in her room right after lunch or supper.",
saraq4: "You might have better luck going to Novice Sara's room after lunch.",
saraq5: "You could use Novice Emma's help.",
victoriaq : "Perhaps Novice Emma knows something of relevance.",
viviendana: "Perhaps Sister Jana could convince Sister Dana to accept the holy rites.",
viviendana2: "If you could get the skeptical Sister Jana to accept the truth of the holy rites, that would go a long way to convince Sister Dana to do the same.",
vivienfornicate : "You should ask Sister Dana for help.",
vivienq2 : "You should ask Novice Emma for help."
<<widget qstage>>
/* call this widget then _stage to get quest stage */
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<if $quests[_quest] != null>>
<<set _stage = $quests[_quest].stage>>
<<set _stage = 0>>
/* Call q to update journal and inform player.
Call qset to update quest variables silently. */
<<widget q>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<set _newstage = $args[1]>>
<<set _extra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("questStart") != -1>>
<<if $quests[_quest] != null && $quests[_quest].shownInJournal == true>>
/* Quest already started (ie is in mc's journal), so do nothing. Can still init a quest before starting it if wanting to do it silently to use the qq variable. */
<<qinit _quest>>
<<updateQuestMessage _quest _newstage _extra>>
<<qset _quest _newstage>>
<<set _currstage = $quests[_quest].stage>>
<<if _newstage > _currstage>>
<<updateQuestMessage _quest _newstage _extra>>
<<qset _quest _newstage>>
<<widget qstart>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<set _qsextra = $args[2] ? $args[2]: "">>
<<set _qsextra += " questStart">>
<<q _quest $args[1] _qsextra>>
<<widget qend>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<set _qendextra = $args[2] ? $args[2]: "">>
<<set _qendextra += " questEnd">>
<<q _quest $args[1] _qendextra>>
<<widget updateQuestMessage>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<set _newstage = $args[1]>>
<<set _uqextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<if _uqextra.indexOf("updateAlways") != -1>>
/* Used with qmess to show update message for stage even if stage has been played. Can be used when having several items that needs to be completed on the stage, like revelation quest. So call that same stage again with qmess */
<<set _qaddSuccessful = true>>
<<qadd _quest _newstage>>
<<if _qaddSuccessful == true>> /* continue if quest step hasn't already been added */
<<if _uqextra.indexOf("questStart") != -1>>
<<set _text = ' A new <span class="print-dark-shadow quest-color">quest</span> has been added:'>>
<<set $quests[_quest].shownInJournal = true>>
<<set $questsActive.push(_quest)>>
<<elseif _uqextra.indexOf("questEnd") != -1 && $quests[_quest].completed != 1>>
/* v0.6: adding check for completed != 1 in line above to enable having more than one qend when replaying events when selecting different choices. New qend will then show as "updating (completed) quest". But like always, only if the stage is higher than last stage will the update happen.
See quest revelationann stage 1100 */
<<set _text = " A <span class=\"print-dark-shadow quest-color\">quest</span> has been <span class=\"print-dark-shadow\">completed</span>:">>
<<set $quests[_quest].completed = 1>>
<<set $questsCompleted.push(_quest)>>
<<set $questsActive.delete(_quest)>>
<<set $questEndVersion = true>> /* Checked in hub passage to see if should display end of version popup*/
<<if $questsCompleted.indexOf(_quest) != -1>>
<<set $questsCompleted.delete(_quest)>>
<<set $questsCompleted.push(_quest)>> /* placing it first in list */
<<set _ifcomp = "(completed)">>
<<set $questsActive.delete(_quest)>>
<<set $questsActive.push(_quest)>> /* placing it first in list */
<<set _ifcomp = "">>
<<set _text = " A _ifcomp <span class=\"print-dark-shadow quest-color\">quest</span> has been updated:">>
<<print '<<set _qname = setup.quests.'+_quest+'.name>>'>>
/* showing new quest update when hovering on the quest update message */
<<set _hoverquest = _newstage>> /* checked in quest macro */
<<print '<<'+_quest+'>>'>>
<<set _hoverstyle = "bottom:3.3rem; top:auto;">>
/*<<set _hoverstyle = "bottom:3.3rem; top:auto; width: calc(var(--passages-max-width)*0.6);max-width:50vw">>*/
<<set _questmessageClass = "tooltip-quest noHover">>
<<set _questinfoClass = "saying quest-info">>
/* _displayQuestStep is set in quest macro */
<<if _displayQuestStep.indexOf("expertq") != -1>>
<<set _hoverstyle += "padding-bottom:0px;">>
<<if !setup.checke() || $showHintButtons > 0>>
<<set _questinfoClass += " expertq-glow">>
<<if _uqextra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _style = "display: inline-block;">>
<<set _hoverstyle += "left:10%;">>
<<set _style = "">>
<<set _hoverclass = "tooltiptext-quest">>
<<if _uqextra.indexOf("topmargin") != -1>>
<<set _style += "margin-top:var(--margin-bottom);">>
<div @class="_questmessageClass" id="quest-tooltip">
/*<span class="print-dark-shadow">*/
<div @class="_questinfoClass" @style=_style id="quest-tooltip-info">
<span class="print-dark-shadow journal-color">Journal:</span>_text <span class="print-dark-shadow quest-name">_qname</span>
<span @class=_hoverclass @style=_hoverstyle>_displayQuestStep</span>
/* Resetting to keep track of hover messages and journal messages */
<<set _hoverquest = -1>>
<<set _displayQuestStep = null>>
/* Can start a quest with only qinit if wanting to make it silent. For instance, be able to check if quest has started, ie (if ndef $qqname) before notifying player about quest start */
<<widget qinit>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
/* Set to 0 as default */
<<set _queststage = $args[1] ? $args[1] : 0>>
<<if $quests[_quest] == null>>
<<set $quests[_quest] = {}>>
<<set $quests[_quest].id = _quest>>
<<set $quests[_quest].stage = -1>>
<<set $quests[_quest].stageDay = -1>>
<<set $quests[_quest].events = []>>
<<set $quests[_quest].shownInJournal = false>>
<<set $quests[_quest].completed=0>> /* 1 is completed, 2 is end of current version */
<<print "<<set $qq"+_quest+" = "+_queststage+">>">>
/* Set new value of quest. Note that qset does not save the value in the quest array, so checkqStage will not work on values set directly with qset */
<<widget qset>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<set _newstage = $args[1]>>
<<set _qsetextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _currstage = $quests[_quest].stage>>
/*allowLess if want to be able to reduce value, for instance if using quest stage as a flag switching between 0 or 1 depending on something before starting quest to player later */
<<if _newstage > _currstage || _qsetextra.indexOf("allowLess") != -1>>
<<set $quests[_quest].stage = _newstage>>
<<set $quests[_quest].stageDay = $day>>
/* Using a separate (READ-ONLY!) qq variabel for each quest
to easily be able to check values for if-statements and
setting reqs in buttons. */
<<print "<<set $qq"+_quest+" = "+_newstage+">>">>
/* AVOID ADDING NEW QSUB if can use QMESS or QADD instead, see widgets below. (OLD QSUBs ARE STILL USED SO DON'T REMOVE)
If qmess or qadd is not good for some reason can use eg checking <<if setup.checkPlayedEver(room, ph, st)>> to check if step has been played */
<<widget qsub>>
<<set _quest = $args[0]>>
<<set _sub = $args[1]>>
<<set _newvalue = $args[2]>>
<<set _extra = $args[3] ? $args[3] : "">>
<<set _subname = "qq"+_quest+_sub>>
<<print "<<set _currvalue = $"+_subname+">>">>
<<if ndef _currvalue>>
<<set _currvalue = 0>>
<<if _newvalue > _currvalue>>
/*** We are NOT setting stage/stageday in qsub. This way we can add stuff to the journal quest log without it affecting check for stageday in buttons, ie emma#stageDay+1 ...
<<set $quests[_quest].stage = _newstage>>
<<set $quests[_quest].stageDay = $day>>*/
<<print "<<set $"+_subname+" = "+_newvalue+">>">>
<<if _extra.indexOf("journal") != -1>>
<<updateQuestMessage _quest _newvalue _extra>>
/* Do eg <<qmess monks3 220>> to add entry 220 to journal (without setting a variable or changing current quest stage), which can then be checked in buttons with monks3#played220 OR monks3#notplayed220. Or call directly, <<if setup.checkqStage(qname, stage)>>.
Also, stageDay is not changed when using qmess/qadd.
This way, can use qmess instead of qsub, not having to add qqsubvariables. */
<<widget qmess>>
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>> /* v0.9 added */
<<set _qmessquest = $args[0]>>
<<set _qmessnewvalue = $args[1]>>
<<set _qmessextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<updateQuestMessage _qmessquest _qmessnewvalue _qmessextra>>
/* NOTE: Don't remember, but may still sometimes cause bug with journal as it counts as a message when showing last 2 messages, leading to only 1 message showing. Should be fixed for some cases, but don't remember if always. */
/* Works like qmess except no message is shown to player, or in journal. Also called in updatequestmessage.
* (Actually, message WILL show in quest log (but not to player) if adding a step for it. Can be kept like that.) */
<<widget qadd>>
<<set _qaddquest = $args[0]>>
<<set _qaddnewstage = $args[1]>>
<<if !$quests[_qaddquest].events.contains(_qaddnewstage)>>
<<set $quests[_qaddquest].events.push(_qaddnewstage)>>
<<set _qaddSuccessful = true>> /* checked in updatequestmessage */
<<set _qaddSuccessful = false>>
<<widget BUGqadd>>
<<if !($replayingEvent>0)>> /* v0.9 added -- after release: BUGS quests like curse of serpent! returning to old (saving this to remember), but now sure why I added this check. Will removing it cause a bug in some v0.9 content??
My guess is I first added this check for qmess (because I didnt want messages to pop up in replay) and then also just added it to qadd without realizing it could bug. Qmess shouldn't bug because you dont complete quests with qmess but qadd is involved everytime you end a quest*/
<<set _qaddquest = $args[0]>>
<<set _qaddnewstage = $args[1]>>
<<if !$quests[_qaddquest].events.contains(_qaddnewstage)>>
<<set $quests[_qaddquest].events.push(_qaddnewstage)>>
<<set _qaddSuccessful = true>> /* checked in updatequestmessage */
<<set _qaddSuccessful = false>>
<<widget expertq>>
/* show hint buttons to everyone unless they are supporter and have turned them off */
<<if !setup.checke() || $showHintButtons > 0>>
<<print '<<set _expertMess = setup.expertMessages.'+$args[0]+'>>'>>
<<set _expextra = "showdiv keepdynmarg expertQuestButton retractableCenter noScrolling noMargin expertq:"+$args[0]+" ">>
<<if $args[1]>>
<<set _expextra += $args[1]+" ">>
<<if !$args[1] || $args[1].indexOf("noBreak") == -1>>
/* NOTE: Don't change name of expertqdiv since it is searched for in supportUnlockButton when clicking button */
<<lbut "<<expertname>>" expertqdiv _expextra>>
<<set _qxdiv = "expertqdiv"+setup.buttons[_bid].id>>
<<set setup.buttons[_bid].dest = _qxdiv>>
<<div _qxdiv>>
/* div id is used to add data in showdiv js */
<div style="height:0.36rem"></div>
/* Added in showdiv function, passing button id as arg0 */
<<widget expertqdivWidget>>
<<if setup.checke()>>
/* passing button id */
<<supportUnlockButton $args[0]>>
<<widget qendversion>>
<<set _qev0 = $args[0]>>
<<set _qendvextra = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
<<set _qendvextra += " quest center">>
<<set _showQuestEndVersion = true>>
<<set _qind = _qendvextra.indexOf("version")>>
<<set _qendver = _qendvextra.substring(_qind+7, _qendvextra.indexOf(" ", _qind))>>
/*console.log("checking q end version");*/
if (setup.showQuestEndOfVersion(State.temporary.qev0, State.temporary.qendver)) {
State.temporary.showQuestEndVersion = false;
/*console.log("Not showing quest end of version for quest "+State.temporary.qev0);*/
<<print '<<set _qendvname = setup.quests.'+_qev0+'.name>>'>>
<<print '<<set _qendversion = setup.quests.'+_qev0+'.v>>'>>
<<if _showQuestEndVersion == true>>
<<set $quests[_qev0].completed = 2>> /* 1 is completed, 2 is end of version */
/***************************** new in vers v0.2 ***************************/
<<set $quests[_qev0].completedVersion = _qendversion>>
<<set $questEndVersion = true>> /* Checked in hub passage to see if should display end of version popup*/
/* Can pass "show" as extra to show message somewhere, but this message has to be manually removed in later update */
<<if _showQuestEndVersion == true || _qendvextra.indexOf("show") != -1>>
<<set _endQuestVersionMessage = setup.endQuest>>
<<info _qendvname _endQuestVersionMessage _qendvextra>>
/* In quest widget, add eg <<qonhold 1100>> in stage 1000 to show message in stage 1000 until stage 1100 is reached. Have to add 1100 manually since might use qmess etc and this is the easy way to handle it. Special considerations for some quests can be added in below widget */
<<widget qonhold>>
/* NOTE: parameter for name is inserted in macro quest */
<<set _onholdname = _args[0]>>
<<set _onholduntilstage = _args[1]>>
<<set _onholdcurrentstage = State.variables["qq"+_onholdname]>>
<<if _onholdcurrentstage < _onholduntilstage>>
<<set _showonhold = true>>
<<if _onholdname == "juliaanoint" && ($qqjuliaanoint < 550 || setup.checkqStage("juliaanoint",600))>>
/* Do not show on hold until second time sodomy where stage is set to 550 */
<<set _showonhold = false>>
<<if _showonhold>>
<<set _showonhold = setup.questOnHold>>
<<if _displayQuestStep>>
/* Centering onhold message, but only in hover message */
<<info null _showonhold "qonhold center">>
<<info null _showonhold "qonhold">>
<<widget intro>>
<<quest intro>>
<<st 100>>
The Vatican has given you a new mission. Travel to the monastery, talk to the abbess, and get ready to start the investigation.
<<st 200>>
Follow the abbess as she shows you around the place.
<<st 300>>
You have been introduced to the monastery and the case. Now it's up to you to solve this.
<<expertq intro>>
/* 101 is silent, 101 is tracking if player has gone to nun bathroom when novices are bathing; reset to 100 in morning until catches alonso in the act */
<<widget alonsoq>>
<<quest alonsoq>>
<<st 50>>
You have started a list of suspects, and of the suspects added so far, Novice Alonso behaved the most suspiciously and is the easiest suspect to investigate, being young and of low rank. You should try to find out something concrete about him to report to <<mms>> if needed.
<<st 100>>
You caught <<alonso>> in the bathroom, seemingly eavesdropping on the bathing nuns on the other side, indicating an unhealthy fixation with the nuns. You have to investigate this to see if he does it again.
<<st 220>>
If <<alonso>> is eavesdropping on the nuns in their bathroom, your best shot of catching him is figuring out when he usually does the eavesdropping.
<<expertq alonsoq>>
<<st 300>>
You confirmed that <<alonso>> is eavesdropping on the nuns in their bathroom. You decided to not confront him about it. Instead, you will keep a close eye on him to see what else you may learn about the young monk.
<<widget curseserpent>>
<<quest curseserpent>>
<<st 100>>
Satan has managed to curse you, making your flesh and spirit weaker, in turn making the Holy Rod more prone to turning into a flimsy serpent after repeated use. This will seriously hinder your use of the holy rites. You must find a cure for this curse.
<<expertq curseserpent>>
<<st 200>>
Finding a suitable recipe in the herbal could take ages when you don't know where to look. Maybe Sister Jana can help you.
<<st 300>>
Sister Jana thought the herbal has a recipe that could be of use, in the entry for long pepper. There is no time to lose.
<<st 330>>
You found a recipe for a virility remedy in the herbal and two stronger versions in Ludolphus' notes: a <<potionLust>> and a <span class="potion-virility shadow2">.</span> However, the recipes require an understanding of alchemical processes that you don't have.
<<st 340>>
You made an amazing discovery in the secret lab. Another, even bigger room. It looks like the main part of Ludolphus' laboratory, and it contains many manuscripts.
<<st 350>>
<<set _primername = setup.primer>>
While searching through the old manuscripts in the old lab, you found an alchemy primer: <<special "_primername">> by Raymundus Lullius. Just what you needed.
<<st 360>>
With the help of the primer, you should be able to follow the recipe. But first, you have to clean the equipment needed. It will take most of the day.
<<st 400>>
You did a thorough cleaning and dusting of the desk and the main working area in the new-found lab room, and also of the distillation furnace and the equipment needed for making the potion of virility. You are ready to get started with the potion making... tomorrow, once you have slept.
<<st 410>>
After making sure you fully understand the alchemical terms and processes used in the recipe, you are ready to make a potion of virility. And with your new knowledge, you can also make a potion of lust.
<<st 420>>
You made a batch of <<potionVirility>> and you will follow Ludolphus' recommendation to drink one potion every day, hoping it will counteract the curse of the serpent.
<<st 500>>
Release your seed at least four times on the same day without your rod turning into a snake to prove that the potions of virility are strong enough to counteract the curse of the serpent.
<<st 600>>
The virility potions worked. You have beaten the curse of the serpent.
/* 350 silent flag */
<<widget riley>>
<<quest riley>>
<<st 100>>
You must meet with the problem student Riley regularly. You need her to recreate Sister Dana's original sin, and you want to prevent her from running to the town to meet with boys.
<<st 200>>
As expected, the problem student Riley will be a challenge. Your next meetings with her will prove crucial.
<<st 401>>
You have decided to tame Riley's rebellious attitude by building on trust and kindness. But just enough to be able to control her, as you still need her to perform as the rebellious student from Sister Dana's past.
<<st 402>>
You have decided to tame Riley's rebellious attitude by building on authority and tough love. But just enough to be able to control her, as you still need her to perform as the rebellious student from Sister Dana's past.
<<st 500>>
With a combination of talks and lessons in sex education, you will tame Riley and prepare her for her role in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<st 600>>
With Riley having completed the sexual education, she should be ready to perform her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin. First you must tame her enough, and then you must convince her to participate in the threesome.
<<st 700>>
You were ready to convince Riley to participate in the threesome, but then you had second thoughts. You would have to tell her about the holy rites. Can you trust Riley with that information? You have to be sure before telling her.
<<st 750>>
You think you have Riley under control, enough that she won't betray you if you tell her about the holy rites, but now you have to convince her to participate in the threesome. And you feel that <<if $rileyPath == "trust">>Riley doesn't trust you enough yet.<<else>>Riley doesn't respect your authority enough yet.<</if>> Trying to convince her too soon could backfire and make your relationship worse.
<<st 800>>
You almost convinced Riley to agree to the threesome. You think you would get there if you could convince Riley that she might not be the sexually most experienced girl in the school. You don't want to bring up <<if _julianun>>Novice <</if>>Julia to Riley since <<if _julianun>>Novice <</if>>Julia <<if _julianun>>is a nun now. <<else>>will become a nun. <</if>> You have to find another student with enough sexual experience to make Riley think she might not be the most experienced girl in school.
<<st 900>>
You told Riley that Vivien also has experience with men – with you. Riley didn't believe you, but she promised to participate in the threesome if you could prove it. You should get Vivien to use her mouth on you the next time you visit her in the evening. Then Riley can spy on you.
<<st 950>>
Vivien used her mouth on you in her room, and Riley spied on you. Thus, you have proven to Riley that Vivien has experience with men. You hope that Riley will now agree to participate in the threesome, as she promised.
<<st 970>>
Riley backed out of her promise, claiming she couldn't believe you were telling the truth about Vivien using her mouth on you. You think you could make Riley change her mind if you could prove that you have had intercourse with Vivien. But you haven't.... yet.
<<st 975>>
You had intercourse with Vivien. You should speak to Riley about how to prove it to her.
<<st 980>>
Riley backed out of her promise, claiming she couldn't believe you were telling the truth about Vivien using her mouth on you. You got Riley to promise, for real this time, to participate in the threesome if Sister Dana confirms that she has seen with her own eyes that you have had intercourse with Vivien. You should seek out Sister Dana in the dungeons to talk to her about it.
<<st 990>>
You spoke to Sister Dana. She promised to talk to Riley, telling her you have had intercourse with Vivien. You should visit Riley at the school tomorrow.
<<st 1000>>
You convinced Riley to participate in the threesome with Sister Dana, and you think you have enough control over Riley that you don't have to worry about her running off to town to meet with boys behind your back. Riley has agreed to repeat the sex lessons after class when you see fit.
<<widget rileySexEd>>
<<quest rileySexEd>>
<<st 100>>
You must educate Riley about sex to prepare her for her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<st 200>>
You have started sex ed with Riley, but there is much to do before she is ready to play her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<st 300>>
You learned from Sister Dana that Riley doesn't have to fornicate while recreating Sister Dana's original sin. However, when the time comes, you should still teach Riley about regular intercourse, as this is the correct way for a woman to be with a man.
<<st 400>>
You have come as far as you can with the oral sex lesson. Riley is ready to move on to a more advanced sex ed lesson.
<<st 500>>
You have completed the first vaginal sex lesson with Riley.
<<st 600>>
You have come as far as you can with the vaginal sex lesson. Riley is ready to move on to a more advanced sex ed lesson.
<<st 700>>
You told Sister Dana that you are ready to train sodomy with Riley. Sister Dana had no choice but to accept it, as it is the only way to cleanse her original sin. Now you must train Riley to get her ready for her part as the rebellious student in the threesome.
<<st 800>>
You have completed the first anal sex lesson with Riley.
<<st 900>>
You have given Riley enough experience with anal sex to prepare her for her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<st 1000>>
You have completed Riley's sexual education, teaching her to take a man in her three holes.
/* moving over from curseserpent, that's why starting at 440 */
<<widget lustpotion>>
<<quest lustpotion>>
<<st 440>>
You made a batch of <<potionLust .>> You would have to test them on someone to see their effect, but you rather not do it on yourself.
<<st 500>>
You tested the <<potionLust>> on Novice Celine and you can verify that Ludolphus' description of the effect was accurate. Anyone drinking a lust potion will be overcome with intense feelings of lust.
/* st 2000 flag to show fornication2 button */
<<widget sofia>>
<<quest sofia>>
<<st 100>>
You anointed Novice Sofia and performed the holy rite of Sin Eating on her when you fornicated. You must check on Novice Sofia later to see if Satan's grip on her is gone.
<<st 200>>
You have tried to remove all traces of evil from Novice Sofia by eating any sins of sodomy from her. It would be convenient if she moved to the empty room close to your room – for her continued protection and then she can also assist you.<br>You need permission from <<var mms.>>
<<st 300>>
The Mother Superior gave her permission to move Novice Sofia to the empty room.
<<st 400>>
Novice Sofia has moved to the room close to you. Now you can keep an eye on her, and she can assist you with sending word to any nuns that you want to visit your room.
<<st 500>>
Novice Sofia has accepted her role as your assistant, and your role as her protector, allowing you to perform the holy rites on her as needed.
/* st 2000, silent flag for showing button in "send for a nun" */
<<widget rumika>>
<<quest rumika>>
<<st 100>>
On a hunch that something was up with her, you followed the newly initiated Sister Rumika after supper, and discovered that she took a bath. A cold water bath late in the evening. Why would she do that?
<<st 200>>
The mystery soon was resolved when Sister Rumika came to be anointed. Her empty stare was her resigning to this fact, and then she took a bath to be clean before coming to you. But it remains to be seen if the Holy Seed alone will be enough to ease her sufferings.
<<st 300>>
You anointed Sister Rumika. But will it be enough, and will she accept your offer to eat her sins?
<<st 400>>
Sister Rumika refuses to lie down with you, meaning you can't eat her sins of fornication. You must find a way to make her see reason.
<<st 450>>
The <<potionLust>> could be the solution to convince Sister Rumika to let you eat her sins of fornication. If you can find a way to make her consume the potion without her knowing it.
<<expertq rumika>>
<<st 500>>
Novice Emma agreed to pour the lust potion into Sister Rumika's soup at supper, thinking it is blessed wine meant to let the Holy Spirit enter Sister Rumika's body.
<<st 600>>
Novice Emma successfully completed her stealth mission, and Sister Rumika unknowingly consumed the lust potion.
<<st 700>>
Sister Rumika finally agreed to the rite of Sin Eating to cleanse her of her sins of fornication. But even with the holy rite completed, she may still need further holy rites in the future to completely cleanse her sins.
<<widget rumikaSodomy>>
<<quest rumikaSodomy>>
<<st 100>>
A vision of Sister Rumika touching herself in the bathroom has made you afraid that the Devil is going to target her soon. You should perform the vile act of sodomy on Sister Rumika to try and root out the evil in her once and for all.
<<st 200>>
Sister Rumika refused to perform the act of sodomy, not believing she had committed such a sin while under the influence of the lust demon. She might change her mind if she knew that another victim remembers being sodomized. Unfortunately, no victim has admitted to such a thing.
<<st 300>>
You have a strong hold over Novice Sofia, and she may have been sodomized by the lust demon although she has no memory of it. If you help Novice Sofia remember, you may be able to convince Sister Rumika to agree to the depraved act.
<<st 400>>
You helped Novice Sofia remember being sodomized by the lust demon. She will tell of her experience to Sister Rumika, which may help Sister Rumika agree to the holy rite she needs.
<<st 500>>
Your plan worked, and Sister Rumika let you attempt to eat any sins of sodomy that she might have had. It remains to be seen if this will be the last time she will need a holy rite.
/* st 920: flag set when playing the triggered event day after st 900 */
<<widget emma>>
<<quest emma>>
<<st 100>>
Emma, one of the students at the school, suffers from nightmares where she is going to hell because she is not a virgin and she had sex outside of marriage. This stops her from joining the convent of nuns. Absolving her of her sins hasn't helped. Emma is getting some relief from the nightmares from a herbal tea made by Sister Jana.
<<st 200>>
Sister Jana told you the recipe for the herbal tea which she found in a medieval herbal in the library. If you found some way to improve the recipe, it might be the solution to Emma's nightmares. You should look in the herbal in your lab.
<<st 205>>
In Ludolphus' notes stuck inside the herbal, you found an improved version of the recipe that Sister Jana used as the basis for her sleep tea. You should be able to make an improved sleep tea from this recipe.
<<st 210>>
You have made <<potionSleepTea>> for Emma. Now you just have to give it to her.
<<st 240>>
You have made <<potionNightmareTea>> for Emma. You plan to give it to her without telling her, hoping it will benefit her in the long run.
<<st 400>>
You gave the <<potionSleepTea>> to Emma. Now you'll have to wait for her to come back and tell you the result.
<<st 500>>
The <<potionSleepTea>> was indeed an improvement compared to the herbal tea Sister Jana made, but Emma still has nightmares.
<<st 600>>
You told Emma about sin eating as a possible solution to her problems, but that it would require her to perform sex acts with the sin eater. As expected, Emma found this unacceptable.
<<st 650>>
You again brought up sin eating to Emma, but she continues to refuse the holy rite. She is unlikely to change her mind – unless you can somehow make her.
<<expertq emma>>
<<st 700>>
You gave Emma a dose of the <<potionNightmareTea>> to Emma, but she thinks she got the same tea as usual.
<<st 750>>
You convinced Emma to let you perform the holy rites on her, but is this really the will of the Lord?
<<st 800>>
You finally convinced Emma to accept your help. By performing the ritual of <<var chapter1>> and the anointing with the Holy Seed, you have done everything you can. Emma said she would come back tomorrow. Then you will know if it worked.
<<st 900>>
The holy rites had the desired effect. Emma's nightmares are gone and she is ready to join the convent.
/* st310, s350 silent steps */
<<widget emma2>>
<<quest emma2>>
<<st 100>>
Emma is convinced that she has received a mission from God to spread the word about your holy powers to the sisters who are in need of your help. This could prove a blessing, but if Emma tells the wrong person, it could mean the end of your career as a priest.<br>
Visit Emma in her room in the convent tomorrow.
<<st 200>>
Having joined the convent, Novice Emma is already working on a few "candidates" – nuns who could use your help with the holy rites. You should check in with Novice Emma regularly to get updated on her progress.
<<st 300>>
Together with Novice Emma, you are initiating members into the <<var circle.>> You have yet to perform a holy rite on any nun other than Novice Emma.
<<expertq janarite>>
<<st 400>>
You anointed Novice Sofia with the Holy Seed.
<<st 600>>
You performed the holy rite of Sin Eating with Novice Sofia. You now feel confident that Novice Emma's mission to spread the word of the holy rites is working, and it is only a matter of time before you can administer the ancient sacraments to more nuns.
<<widget talknuns>>
<<quest talknuns>>
<<st 100>>
You must question the nuns who say they have been attacked, and also the witnesses who say they saw the Crone. The abbess can help with this.
<<st 200>>
You have finished questioning them for today, but there are still more nuns to question.
<<st 300>>
A new day and more nuns to question.
<<st 400>>
You have questioned all of the nuns on the list the abbess had compiled. The investigation continues.
<<widget secretlab>>
<<quest secretlab>>
<<st 100>>
An old drawing of the monastery suggests that there is a room below the room you're staying in. This must be investigated.
<<st 200>>
<<set _year = setup.herbalNoteYear>>
You found an old, forgotten alchemy lab. Maybe the abbess or the abbot knows more about the history of the room upstairs from it – the last abbot's room. You should ask them, but without revealing your discovery. Additionally, checking the records in the monks' library could tell you who was abbot around the year _year, as this year was mentioned on a sheet of paper inserted in a herbal you found.
<<st 210>>
The abbess couldn't tell you much about the room or the "last abbot".
<<st 220>>
The abbot revealed that the "last abbot" had committed horrible, shameful acts against the nuns and this is the reason the monastery was divided in half by a wall.
<<st 225>>
You have discovered the dark history of the monks and the last abbot. The curious side of you wonders what really happened since the monks' records weren't explicit.
<<expertq abbotlabtruth>>
<<st 230>>
<<set _year = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
When visiting the monks' library, you found that the "last abbot" was a man named <<lastabbot>> who died in _year. Everything points to him being the one who wrote the Codex Veritatis and the notes with the recipes.
<<st 240>>
Notes inserted in the herbal indicate that the author experimented on the monks and the nuns.
<<st 290>>
You have learned a lot about what the last abbot did. But you don't know much about his person. You still haven't been to the monks' library to look him up.
The monks will probably have records of who the last abbot was in their library.
<<st 500>>
The so-called last abbot, a man named <<var lastabbot,>> was conducting experiments on the monks and the nuns to improve his recipes. He likely sexually molested or even raped the nuns using his drugs, and one day he either poisoned himself to death by accident or someone murdered him to put a stop to him. Either no one knew there was a room under the bedroom, or the monks left the room alone to be forgotten by time. Consequently, the lab remained abandoned until you found it.
<<widget investHallNovices>>
<<quest investHallNovices>>
<<st 100>>
Two novices, Novice Frances and Novice Zara, are having a lot of fun in their room. It's probably nothing, but you can't rule out that they could be involved in some prank related to the case. This could be worth investigating.
<<st 200>>
Barging in on them in their rooms didn't reveal anything suspicious. But you still feel it could be worth investigating the two novices more.
<<st 300>>
Spying on them in their room, you saw the novices behave unbecoming of nuns, but you didn't find out anything related to the case. Not that time.
<<st 400>>
Your investigation of the two novices has led nowhere related to the case. You should focus your attention elsewhere.
/* 3000 flag for send for a nun */
<<widget dana>>
<<quest dana>>
<<st 100>>
While looking around in the dungeons late in the evening, you saw Sister Dana flagellating herself, all naked. What sin has she committed that requires such penance? This must be investigated.
<<st 200>>
You saw Sister Dana coming out from the park. It's unusual to see a teacher like Sister Dana there during school hours. You should keep an eye on the park to see if Sister Dana goes there again.
<<st 300>>
You eavesdropped on Sister Dana and Sister Silvia having a secret meeting in the park. Sister Dana seems to be responsible for the attacks happening, or so she thinks. Something to do with sexual sins. Time to confront her at night in the dungeons.
<<st 400>>
Sister Dana committed a grave sin in her past life as a teacher when she and her boyfriend seduced one of her female pupils. She thinks the lust demon is punishing her for that sin now. True or not, you have to eat Sister Dana's grave sin, but then you must recreate the original sin. For this, you need another girl, and Sister Dana mentioned a problem student who could be the solution. She serves detention with Sister Dana after school hours. You should visit them.
<<st 420>>
Novice Emma thinks it won't take long before Sister Dana is ready to learn about the holy rites.
<<st 500>>
While Novice Emma is working on introducing Sister Dana to the holy rites, you have to meet with the problem student Riley regularly in the classroom to make her ready to play her part in recreating Sister Dana's original sin.
<<st 600>>
Sister Dana continues to flagellate herself in the dungeons at night, but to no avail. Nothing will save her but the holy rites.
<<st 700>>
You have started educating Riley about sex to prepare her for the recreation of Sister Dana's original sin. Now you need to get the sexual details about that sin from Sister Dana. You should seek her out in the dungeons when she offers herself to the lust demon.
<<st 800>>
You learned from Sister Dana that she and her boyfriend never fornicated with the female student from Sister Dana's past, but they performed oral sex and sodomy with her.
<<st 1000>>
You performed the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley, eating Sister Dana's grave sins while also giving her a dose of <<potionNectar>> to help her accept the truth of the holy rites. You should visit her in the dungeons tomorrow night to see how she feels about what happened.
<<st 2000>>
Thanks to the successful threesome, Sister Dana has accepted the truth of the holy rites and will support you going forward. If the day comes that you will openly reveal the truth of the holy rites to all the nuns, you can count on Sister Dana to back you.
<<widget bathroom>>
<<quest bathroom>>
<<st 100>>
What are the bathing nuns whispering about in the bathroom? It could be something important to the investigation, but the abbess won't even let you eavesdrop on them.
<<st 200>>
Eavesdropping wasn't enough. You have to get closer to the bathing nuns to hear, but the abbess won't allow it.
<<st 210>>
What are the bathing nuns whispering about in the bathroom? It could be something important to the investigation. Eavesdropping proved fruitless. You have to get closer to the bathing nuns to hear, but the abbess won't allow it.
<<st 300>>
Even when you stuck your head inside the room, you couldn't hear what the nuns whispered. You would have to sneak even further inside to get close enough.
<<st 400>>
You snuck inside and heard what they were whispering about, but it was just meaningless gossip. This might be a dead end.
<<st 500>>
Further fieldwork in the bathroom proved as fruitless as before, except for convincing yourself that you should focus your energy somewhere else.
/* 310 holy marriage, silent. */
<<widget anikaq>>
<<quest anikaq>>
<<st 100>>
An initiated member of the Circle, Novice Anika, felt the lust curse when working in the herb garden. Only for a day, but it's enough that you worry about her succumbing to temptations of the flesh. She needs to be anointed to be protected from Satan. You should meet up with her in her room.
<<st 120>>
Novice Anika refused to be anointed. You have to try again another day.
<<st 200>>
She was hesitant about it, but you managed to convince Novice Anika to be anointed. Now you want to eat the sins of fornication she may have committed when she was attacked. But first, you should make her get used to being anointed.
<<st 300>>
You want to eat Novice Anika's potential sins of fornication, but Novice Anika refuses to fornicate with you. You need to find a way to convince her somehow.
<<st 400>>
Secretly using "pepper dust" to make her convinced her sudden intense lust was an attack by the Devil, you finally fornicated with Novice Anika, eating her sins of fornication. But you strongly suspect you didn't get them all. You have to meet her another day to try again.
<<st 500>>
You met again with Novice Anika to her eat sins of fornication and she submitted to you. If you feel that she isn't completely cleansed, you can repeat the holy rite with her.
<<widget sexDrive>>
<<quest sexDrive>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Jana has had uncontrollable sexual urges ever since she was attacked, causing her to touch herself. Do the other victims have these urges too? You have to investigate this, but it's such a sensitive topic that you can't go around asking the victims if they touch themselves. You will have to find some other way to learn the truth.
<<expertq lustfulnuns>>
<<st 200>>
You talked to the Mother Superior and offered to be a Father Confessor to the nuns. If you visit their chapel regularly to take confessions, you might learn of any increased sexual urges amongst them.
<<st 300>>
Several of the attacked nuns have confessed to having had erotic dreams related to the attack, and a heightened lust when they later woke up in the morning, but so far, Sister Jana is the only one who has admitted to having experienced unusually strong lust after that day.
<<st 400>>
Novice Anika confessed to having felt the lust curse one day when she worked in the herb garden. That can't be a coincidence. You have to investigate if anyone else who has worked in the herb garden has felt the lust curse.
<<st 500>>
The curse seems to only afflict attacked nuns that work in the herb garden. But is this the truth and the whole truth? You need more evidence to say for sure.
<<st 1000>>
With the mystery of the lust curse solved, you have the answers you sought when you started taking confessions from the nuns. But taking their confessions could still prove useful.
/* 3010, flag, set day after completed, checked in jana and emma
3020, set in jana */
<<widget janacurse>>
<<quest janacurse>>
<<st 100>>
You want to lift Sister Jana's curse by using the holy rites. But she refuses to take a man in her mouth. Novice Emma has proven very resourceful. She might be able to convince Sister Jana of what needs to be done.
<<st 200>>
Novice Emma promised to talk to Sister Jana. You should visit Sister Jana tomorrow to see if she has changed her mind.
<<st 300>>
Even with Novice Emma speaking to her, Sister Jana won't see reason. How do you convince her to accept your help?
<<expertq janacurse>>
<<st 350>>
Confronting her when she defiled herself in the garden didn't help. How do you make Sister Jana understand that she can't continue like this?
<<expertq janacurse2>>
<<st 400>>
You caught her desecrating the holy cross most pervertedly. Though she still refuses your help, Sister Jana was so shaken by being caught in the act that she has promised to reconsider your offer if she is not strong enough to fight the curse.
<<expertq janacurse3>>
<<st 490>>
You caught Sister Jana defiling herself again, but you failed to convince her to be anointed. You have to keep trying. The more you confront Sister Jana when she is sinning behind the bushes, the easier you think she will be to convince.
<<expertq janacurse4>>
<<st 600>>
You anointed Sister Jana and tried to eat all of her sins of Onan. You have to return later to see if this was enough to lift the curse from her.
<<st 700>>
The curse wasn't lifted. You think Sister Jana has committed the sin of fornication with the holy cross. You could attempt to eat that sin if she fornicated with you, but she refuses to give up her virginity.
<<st 720>>
Sister Jana overcome by lust reminds you of someone affected by the <<potionLust .>> There could be something similar affecting her, causing her curse, although you have no idea what that would be.
<<st 800>>
Sister Jana is still refusing to give up her virginity. You must find a way to convince her to give it up.
<<st 1000>>
You had a breakthrough in the investigation of the lust curse, suggesting that something in the herb garden is the source of the curse.
<<st 1150>>
You had a dream, possibly a vision from God, of evil taking over the herb garden. You must cleanse Sister Jana of evil before it is too late. But first you have to investigate the idea you got from the dream: Could the long pepper in Sister Jana's garden shed be causing the curse?
<<st 1170>>
Upon investigating Sister Jana's shed, you discovered that a hole in the wall caused the long pepper to be hit by the door, spraying "pepper dust" on anyone inside. You think this is causing the lust curse. You want to prove it without letting Sister Jana know of your theory. But how?
<<expertq lustcursecause>>
<<st 1200>>
Novice Anika has experienced the lust curse while working in the herb garden. You have made preparations to test your theory about the "pepper dust" on her, in her room, without her knowing about it. Now you just have to meet with Novice Anika to start the experiment.
<<st 1230>>
With the help of Novice Anika, you successfully proved that the long pepper in Sister Jana's shed is the source of the lust curse in the herb garden, affecting anyone previously exposed to the lust drug used by the attacker.
<<st 1250>>
Thanks to the dream, you found the source of the lust curse. Now you must take care of the evil that the dream warned you about: the evil festering in Sister Jana, meaning her sins of fornication.
<<st 1300>>
Sister Jana agreed to let you eat her sins of fornication, but on the condition that you will use a sheep condom and she is allowed to use a herbal contraceptive. You could not accept this. Could you? You have to think about it.
<<st 1350>>
Sister Jana agreed to let you eat her sins of fornication, but on the condition that you will use a sheep condom and she is allowed to use a herbal contraceptive. You agreed to use a sheep condom, but you hesitated to let Sister Jana also use a herbal contraceptive, fearing you are straying too far away from the path leading to God. You must pray and think about this.
<<st 1400>>
Sister Jana has agreed to let you eat her sins of fornication on the condition that she is allowed to use herbal contraceptives. You are willing to allow this, but first you want to learn the recipes for those herbal contraceptives, or that chance may be lost.
<<st 1500>>
You gave Sister Jana the go-ahead to make the herbal contraceptives and a few sheep condoms. It could take a few days before she is done.
<<st 1600>>
Sister Jana should be ready with the contraceptives about now.
<<st 2000>>
Using the sheep condom and herbal contraceptives, you fornicated with Sister Jana in the bushes behind the herb garden. When she left for her room to pray, you nailed down the loose board on the garden shed, which should end the lust curse. You should visit Sister Jana in the herb garden tomorrow to verify this.
<<st 3000>>
You verified with Sister Jana that the lust curse is gone.
<<expertq lustcurseemma>>
<<st 3401>>
test 3401
<<st 3444>>
test 3444
<<st 4000>>
Sister Jana told Novice Emma how you removed the lust curse by fornicating with her to eat her sins. This should make Novice Emma even more trusting and loyal to you.
<<widget investJana>>
<<quest investJana>>
<<st 100>>
You get the feeling that Sister Jana is hiding something. What is she doing behind the bushes for so long? It could be just nature calling. Or it could be something worth investigating.
<<st 150>>
You are curious to know what Sister Jana is doing behind the bushes, but if you are wrong and she isn't doing anything unusual, this could put you in a bad spot in case you are discovered.
<<st 200>>
You have discovered that Sister Jana has succumbed to carnal desires and has committed a <<hovertip4 "mortal sin" mortalsin>> by touching herself very inappropriately behind the bushes in the herb garden. You need some time to think about what to do with her.
<<st 250>>
It might be time to confront Sister Jana with what you have seen. You should sleep on it.
<<st 400>>
Sister Jana thinks the Crone has cursed her, causing her to have uncontrollable sexual urges. You have promised to do your best to help her and not tell the other nuns about her shameful affliction. You should still keep her under observation to learn more about her curse.
<<st 500>>
Sister Jana is at the mercy of a satanic curse. While not definite proof, this is strong evidence that evil, supernatural forces are at play. You can close your investigation into Sister Jana for now.
/* st 810 silent */
/* 1020 silent */
/* 1410 silent */
<<widget julia>>
<<quest julia>>
<<st 50>>
Julia seems to have some kind of problem. You wish you could help her, but until she tells you what's troubling her, you can't.
<<st 100>>
The student Julia wants to join the convent, but she is afraid she will regret being a virgin, never having experienced sex with a man. You wish you could help her somehow.
<<st 200>>
You told her about the ritual of sin eating, and how it could be a solution to her problem. She needed to think about it.
<<st 500>>
You helped Julia experience something close to being with a man. You have to return later to see if this solved her problem.
<<st 600>>
Julia didn't feel it was enough. She wants the whole experience when being with a man. She claims she could be content with just touching, but you don't trust she will stop there. What to do with her?
<<st 650>>
You came up with a suitable penance for Julia that you think would also stop her from going further with her sinful thoughts and temptress ways, but she wouldn't accept it.
<<st 690>>
You convinced Julia to pleasure you with her mouth as part of her penance, but at the last moment, you had second thoughts. Maybe this was a mistake. You have to think about it.
<<st 700>>
Julia used her mouth on you and you anointed her with the Holy Seed, absolving her of all sins and blessing her. Together with her prayers, this should rid her of the wicked thoughts and allow her to join the convent.
<<st 750>>
The holy rites seem to have worked, but you still sense doubt in Julia. You must ensure that her spirit is strong enough to resist Satan's temptations of the flesh before she joins the convent.
<<st 800>>
You anointed her again and cleansed the sins of her wicked thoughts. But will it be enough?
<<st 1000>>
You have felt that Julia's spirit isn't strong enough to resist Satan's temptations. You can't trust that her spirit will be strong enough until she has experienced that which she covets the most – to have a man penetrate her slit.
<<st 1010>>
You couldn't answer Julia when she asked how she would be able to experience having a man between her legs. Would God approve if you were that man, eating her sin while you fornicated? You'll have to think about it.
<<st 1050>>
Julia must fornicate with you in a holy rite of Sin Eating, but she refuses. You must convince her to let you protect her from Satan's temptations before she can join the convent.
<<st 1200>>
You fornicated with Julia, granting her wish to be with a man. Now it remains to be seen if this will be enough – if she can join the convent. You should visit Julia again tomorrow.
<<st 1300>>
Julia says she is ready to join the convent now and wants you to approve of it, as <<mms>> has requested. You should think about this and visit Julia again tomorrow.
<<st 1340>>
You didn't think Julia was ready yet to join the convent. You fornicated with her again, hoping this will rid her of her filthy desires to be with a man.
<<st 1400>>
You are confident that Julia is ready to join the convent. What's left for you to do is to visit <<mms>> to give her your approval of Julia joining them.
<<st 1420>>
Julia threatened to leave and find a man to marry if you wouldn't approve of her joining the convent. You couldn't accept that, so you told her that she is now ready to become a nun. What's left for you to do is to visit <<mms>> to give her your approval of Julia joining them.
<<st 1500>>
You told <<mms>> that you approve of Julia joining the convent. It should not be long before Julia is finished with her courses. Then she is ready to become a nun. You have no more reason to visit Julia at the school.
<<widget monksDrinking2>>
<<quest monksDrinking2>>
<<st 100>>
<<mms>> is putting pressure on you to progress with the investigation. You have to do something, and you haven't spent much time looking at the monks.
<<expertq monksdrink2>>
<<st 200>>
The abbot agreed to your suggestion to arrange another beverage sampling. You are to join the monks after supper tomorrow.
<<st 300>>
Another night drinking with the monks. But despite all the alcohol consumed, loosening their tongues, you didn't learn anything of interest to the case.
<<widget celine>>
<<quest celine>>
<<st 100>>
You found out that Novice Celine is on kitchen duty after supper, all alone. She has been initiated into the Circle, but she is not ready to accept the holy rites. God wants you to change her mind.
<<st 200>>
You considered using the nightmare tea on Novice Celine, but God does not want you to become another madman like <<var lastabbot.>> You have to find another way to convince her to accept the holy rites.
<<st 300>>
By using a <<potionLust>> on Novice Celine, you convinced her to be anointed. But you think she has committed sins of fornication. Only the rite of Sin Eating can cleanse that.
<<st 400>>
Because she resisted, you had to abort your attempt to make sure Novice Celine was free of the lustful temptations you witnessed earlier. You will have to try again later.
<<st 500>>
You performed the rite of Sin Eating on Novice Celine as you watched her pleasure herself to climax with two candles, repeating her earlier sin. You will have to check back on her later to see if this was enough to cleanse her of all her lustful sins.
<<st 600>>
Novice Celine assured you that she no longer feels the urge to pleasure herself, proving she doesn't have any sins of fornication that need to be cleansed. You don't know if you trust her. You will have to keep checking up on her.
<<st 700>>
You used the Holy Marriage rite to lie with Novice Celine, then your wife, but you still need to cleanse her of any sins of fornication she may have committed. You must use the Sin Eating rite on her while fornicating.
<<st 800>>
When visting Novice Celine, you felt a strong desire to plant your seed in her, likely a sign from God that the time has come to <<bold 'fornicate with her'>> to eat her sins.
<<st 900>>
You finally fornicated with Novice Celine, planting your seed in her while also eating her sins of fornication. If you feel Novice Celine is not properly cleansed, you can always fornicate with her again.
/* silent flag: 240 librarian */
/* silent flags: 1001, 1002 */
<<widget monks3>>
<<quest monks3>>
<<st 100>>
<<mms>> is putting pressure on you again. When you couldn't rule out that the nuns are involved in the attacks, she threatened to send for a female detective. You prevented that from happening by assuring <<mms>> that your working theory is that the nuns are not involved. Now she wants you to look into the monks more, including the inspection of the wall from their side. You have agreed to do it to get her off your back, but it is not a bad idea. It could lead to something important to the case.
<<st 150>>
You spoke to the abbot and offered to be a Father Confessor to the monks, hoping to learn more about the monks that way just as you're doing with the nuns. Unfortunately, the monks have ordained priests within their order and the abbot politely declined.
<<st 200>>
The well in the monks' bathroom must have been renovated at the same time as the well over at the nuns. Could a secret passage have been installed during the renovation? The fact that you could hear the nuns laughing in their bathroom on the other side of the wall could be an indication of this. You should talk to the abbot.
<<st 220>>
You asked the abbot about the well and the new part of the wall there. He said he would have noticed if anything like a hidden doorway had been added during the renovation. You got the information about the contractors doing the job. You believe the abbot is telling the truth. Another dead end.
<<st 300>>
The head gardener, <<gardener ,>> is upset because he can hear the nuns on the other side of the wall. He is hostile toward women.
<<st 450>>
<<giovanni>> is ambitious for being a relatively young brother, wanting to become head gardener. There is something off about him, and he seemed overly suspicious when you asked about his past.
<<st 500>>
Another garden worker, the young <<alonso ,>> acted suspiciously when you asked him if he could hear the nuns on the other side of the wall. You think he is hiding something. The attacks started not long after he came to the monastery, some two years ago.
<<st 600>>
Your investigation into the monks didn't reveal much of interest this time either. You have started a list of suspects, mostly to have something to show <<mms>> if she confronts you again about the progress of the case.
<<if !setup.checkMonks3Completed()>>
<br>You have a list, but you are not yet done investigation the monks.
<<st 1000>>
You have spent many hours inspecting the wall and investigating the monks. You are not done with the monks, but you feel confident that you can survive another round with <<mms>> without her calling for additional help.
<<widget longpepper>>
<<quest longpepper>>
<<st 200>>
Sister Jana is almost out of long pepper. You would need an additional source if you want to make more lust potions. Maybe the monks have long pepper in their herb garden.
<<st 300>>
You found enough dried long pepper in the monks' storage shed that you could take some without bothering to ask for permission.
<<st 310>>
You found a big patch of long pepper in the monks' herb garden. This should be enough for any future needs you have for the plant.
<<widget longpepper2>>
<<quest longpepper2>>
<<st 300>>
You found a lot of dried long pepper in the monks' storage shed. Too much to not raise your suspicion. You need to find out if all this long pepper is used by the monks for their alcoholic products or if someone is using it for a lust drug. But you have to be careful not to alert the potential attacker. Brother Salvatore seems the safest person to ask.
<<st 320>>
Brother Salvatore didn't know if all the long pepper is used for the alcoholic products. He suggested that you talk to <<gardener ,>> but the head gardener is still a suspect in the attacks. You don't want to risk anything by asking him at this point. You also don't want to ask the abbot in case he is the attacker. You have to find another way to get to the bottom of this.
<<expertq longpepper2>>
<<st 400>>
You found <<giovanni>> tending to the long pepper. When asking him about the herb, he told you that the only people knowing the recipes are <<gardener>> and the abbot. You might have no choice but to ask them about the large amount of long pepper. It would be wisest to ask the abbot first.
<<st 450>>
The abbot told you that long pepper is not used in any of the alcoholic products. You have to ask <<gardener>> why they grow so much long pepper.
<<st 500>>
<<gardener>> said <<giovanni>> was the one who wanted the long pepper, but the head gardener didn't know what for. This is most curious. Why does <<giovanni>> grow all this long pepper? You have to investigate <<giovanni>> further.
<<st 600>>
<<giovanni>> said that <<salvatore>> was the one who wanted the long pepper. <<giovanni>> didn't know what the pepper was for, only that Salvatore said it was what God wanted. Most curious. You have to talk to <<salvatore>> about this.
<<st 700>>
<<salvatore>> said that an angel told him that God wanted the long pepper and that <<giovanni>> should grow it, confirming what <<giovanni>> told you earlier.
<<st 800>>
You should update <<mms>> about your progress on the case.
<<st 1000>>
You found out that <<giovanni>> grows the long pepper because <<salvatore>> claims that God wants it. <<salvatore>> was told this by someone pretending to be an angel. Now you need to find out who really is behind it all.
<<widget giovanniq>>
<<quest giovanniq>>
<<st 100>>
<<giovanni>> has become your prime suspect. Why is he growing all this long pepper if not to make some kind of lust drug to use on the nuns?
<<expertq giovanniq>>
<<st 200>>
The abbot was reluctant to tell you what he knows about <<giovanni ,>> not wanting to betray a trust. He wanted time to think about it. You should return later.
<<st 300>>
Father <<abbot>> revealed that <<giovanni>> joined the order of monks to get away from a life of sinning with women and to escape a rape charge from a jealous husband. It's time to confront <<giovanni>> about the long pepper.
<<st 340>>
<<giovanni>> was working the front line like most other monks. You want to confront him when he is working alone near the edge of the garden.
<<st 400>>
<<giovanni>> says he grows the long pepper because <<salvatore>> begged him to. If you can verify that this is true, you may have to drop <<giovanni>> as your prime suspect.
<<st 500>>
After investigating <<giovanni>> closer and confirming his stated reason for growing the long pepper, you no longer consider him your prime suspect.
<<widget monkherbal>>
<<quest monkherbal>>
<<st 100>>
You have no evidence that the monks know how to use long pepper to make a lust drug. Look for a herbal with a recipe for a lust potion in the monks' library.
<<st 300>>
You find another copy of <<special "De Viribus Herbarum">> in the monks' library proving that the monks have access to the recipe for the virility remedy which uses long pepper. While the remedy is too weak to be used as a lust potion, it is at least possible that someone could have improved on that recipe, making it stronger, just as Ludolphus did.
/* 101 flag */
<<widget hallNovices>>
<<quest hallNovices>>
<<st 50>>
You had a disturbing dream about Satan watching Novice Frances and Novice Zara once again behaving inappropriately in Novice Zara's room. That could be a sign you should do something about those two.
<<st 70>>
You considered using the lust potions on the two novices to make them submit to the holy rites, but decided that kind of extreme measure isn't warranted. You should keep an eye on them though.
<<st 100>>
The inappropriate behavior of Novice Frances and Novice Zara is getting worse. This could be the work of the Devil. You have to help them see the error of their ways so that you can use the holy rites on them. The lust potions could help here, but you want to find another way than using Novice Emma to drug them at supper, to reduce the risk of detection. You have to come up with something.
<<expertq hallNovices>>
<<st 150>>
Ludolphus wrote that dairy products will delay the reaction of the lust potions.
<<st 180>>
Your plan is to drug the two novices by pouring lust potions in the wine that some of the nuns drink at lunch, and do this on a day when they consume a lot of dairy products to delay the effect of the potions. But this plan requires you to use most of your current stock of lust potions. Before doing that, you must make sure that you have access to ingredients to replace the lust potions, and then some. You should visit Sister Jana's garden shed.
<<st 200>>
Sister Jana is almost out of long pepper. You need to find more long pepper before you can use so many of your lust potions.
<<st 300>>
You found enough long pepper over at the monks' that your future needs of lust potions are taken care of. You can now move on with your plan to help Novice Frances and Novice Zara see the error of their ways. You should go to the kitchen before lunch is served, during Midday Prayer.
<<st 400>>
Novice Gabriella is working every day in the kitchen during Midday Prayer. You should keep her company for a few days before using the lust potions to make your presence there less suspicious if word got out that several nuns experienced an intense lust after lunch the one day.
<<st 500>>
You kept Novice Gabriella company in the kitchen before lunch. You should keep doing it until a lot of dairy products will be consumed by the nuns, to delay the effect of the lust potions.
<<st 600>>
You poured several lust potions into the wine that is about to be served to lunch. Now you have to keep an eye on Novice Frances and Novice Zara.
<<st 700>>
The two novices drank from the spiked wine, though you are concerned that Novice Frances didn't drink that much today. Now you should spy on them in their room.
<<st 800>>
Novice Zara and Novice Frances eventually engaged in grave sexual sinning, touching each other, but Novice Frances came to her senses and ran away. Now you must deal with Novice Zara.
<<st 1000>>
You doubt Novice Frances will cause any more problems anytime soon.<br>You made Novice Zara see reason and put a stop to her spending time alone with Novice Francis, ending their inappropriate behavior together.
<<widget alonsoshed>>
<<quest alonsoshed>>
<<st 100>>
You think the fake angel is secretly taking herbs from the monks' garden shed at night to make a lust drug, and possibly other drugs as well. If you could get <<alonso>> to spy on the shed for you when everyone should be sleeping, you might learn who this mysterious individual is. But you don't want to reveal to <<alonso>> that you are here to investigate the attacks on the nuns, so you need to come up with something else to tell him. You have to think about this.
<<st 200>>
After thinking about it for some time, you are ready to approach <<alonso>> with your idea about spying on the garden shed. You should seek him out when he is in the bathroom, eavesdropping on the bathing nuns.
<<st 300>>
<<alonso>> agreed to hide and sleep in the monks' garden shed at night to spy on whoever comes in, thinking you are investigating a counterfeit operation that makes and sells counterfeit versions of the alcoholic beverages the monks produce. You should meet with <<alonso>> in the monks' bathroom when the novice nuns bathe to see if he has something to report.
<<st 400>>
Novice Alonso reported after sleeping in the garden shed, but he had nothing interesting to tell. He will continue to sleep in the shed and you must continue to meet with him in the monks' bathroom when the novice nuns are bathing.
<<st 500>>
Novice Alonso saw Brother Stefano enter the garden shed during the night, taking something with him. Brother Stefano is in charge of the kitchen garden. You don't need to meet with Novice Alonso anymore. If he wants to report something, he will send for you.
<<st 600>>
You received a note from Novice Alonso to meet in the bathroom. It sounded urgent.
<<st 1000>>
According to Novice Alonso, a demon nun entered the shed and took bat guano. It could have been the Crone. This is a breakthrough in the investigation. You should update the Mother Superior with your progress on the case.
<<st 2000>>
<<mms>> seemed content with your update on the investigation. You have more investigation to do, but with <<mms>> off your back for now, there is no hurry. You also have holy rites to perform to help the nuns.
/* flags: 1108, 1110.
Note that only one of step 1104, 1105, and 1106 will be played, depending on the first nun is that mc marries after emma: celine/anika or someone else (as of v0.6, don't think mc can marry anyone else but them two). Flag 1108 is then set, regardless of who mc married after emma. See married widget. */
<<widget holymarriage>>
<<quest holymarriage>>
<<st 100>>
You have learned a new holy rite: Holy Marriage, allowing you to marry a woman for short time. You are not yet sure if you will find a use for it.
<<expertq holymarriage>>
<<st 200>>
Novice Emma will educate the members of the Circle about the holy rite. You also got her permission to wed her using the holy rite to have sexual relations with her to reduce your lust. You are to meet with her at the stable at the school during classes.
<<st 1000>>
The first performance of the holy rite of Holy Marriage was successful. You wed Novice Emma, consummated the marriage, then ended the marriage. Now Novice Emma will educate the other members of the Circle about the holy rite (except Sister Jana who distrusts the holy rites). It may take some time. Novice Emma will send word to you about her progress.
<<st 1100>>
Novice Emma has educated the other members of the Circle about the holy rite of Holy Marriage (except Sister Jana who distrusts the holy rites). You should marry at least two more nuns to prove that this holy rite is useful for more than just marrying Novice Emma.
<<expertq holymarriage2>>
<<st 1104>>
You married Novice Celine. You must marry yet another nun that isn't Novice Emma to prove the usefulness of the Holy Marriage rite.
<<st 1105>>
You married Novice Anika. You must marry yet another nun that isn't Novice Emma to prove the usefulness of the Holy Marriage rite.
<<st 1106>>
You married a nun. You must marry yet another nun that isn't Novice Emma to prove the usefulness of the Holy Marriage rite.
<<st 1200>>
You married two more nuns and consummated the marriages before dissolving them. This proves the usefulness of the Holy Marriage rite.
/* 310 silent flag to only show new message once after completing quest (mc1 ev:1800 step 100) */
<<widget sofialustreduce>>
<<quest sofialustreduce>>
<<st 100>>
You felt an intense lust from watching two naked novices in the bathroom, and you reason that this could be a sign from God that it is okay for you to use Novice Sofia's young body to reduce your lust from now on. Now you must test this with her.
<<st 300>>
After having sexual relations with Novice Sofia and releasing your seed on her, your lust was remarkably reduced and you felt satisfied. You think this means you correctly interpreted God's will that you may use Novice Sofia's body to reduce your lust from now on. But only when you really need it, and not too often.
/* 220 silent */
<<widget zaraq>>
<<quest zaraq>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Zara has behaved inappropriately for a nun, being vain and mishandling the holy cross, among other things. After catching her committing a grave sexual sin, you have made her see the error of her ways. Now you have to wait for Novice Zara to be educated on the holy rites by Novice Emma. Until then, she could do with some penance for her sins.
<<st 200>>
While waiting for Novice Emma to finish educating her about the holy rites, you visited Novice Zara and had her do penance for her wicked sins.
<<st 250>>
Novice Zara is not yet ready for the holy rites, but thanks to the penance you have her do, she is submitting to your authority, which will come in handy later.
<<st 400>>
You anointed Novice Zara with the Holy Seed. She may have committed a sin of fornication when she penetrated herself with her finger that day you used the lust potion on her. You have to attempt to eat that sin, but first you want her to get used to being anointed.
<<st 500>>
You anointed Novice Zara again. You have to do it until you think she is ready to fornicate with you, that you may root out the evil in her, such as the sin of fornication you think she has committed.
<<qonhold 600>>
<<st 600>>
It is time to fornicate with Novice Zara to root out her potential sins of fornication. You should visit her in her room.
<<st 1000>>
You fornicated with Novice Zara, eating her sins. You can repeat this again when needed.
/* step 2500,2600,2700 only used as qset flags */
<<widget gabriellaq>>
<<quest gabriellaq>>
<<st 50>>
After drugging the wine with lust potions at lunch to stop the inappropriate behavior of Novice Frances and Novice Zara, you should keep Novice Gabriella company in the kitchen for a few more days to avoid any suspicions coming your way about drugging people. This will give you time to get to know Novice Gabriella better. Although she hasn't been attacked, she may need protection from the Devil.
<<st 100>>
Seeing Novice Gabriella scared of the Crone made you hotter. This could be a sign that Novice Gabriella needs protection. You should try to anoint her, but she is not initiated into the Circle and you don't want to bother Novice Emma with even more work when it's not urgent.
<<st 200>>
You can tell that Novice Gabriella isn't desperate enough to accept the holy rites. Before taking measures to remedy that, you need another sign that this is what God wants.
<<st 300>>
You kept Novice Gabriella company and looked for a sign that God wants you to anoint her. But you didn't see any. Perhaps you will another time.
<<st 400>>
While talking to you, Novice Gabriella cut her finger. It wasn't serious, but it was a sign from God that the nun indeed needs to be anointed to protect her against evil. You must do it as soon as possible.
<<st 500>>
Secretly pouring a lust potion in Novice Gabriella's cider might allow you to anoint her, but before using a lust potion this way, you want some time to think about it, to be sure that God approves of it.
<<st 1000>>
You slipped Novice Gabriella a lust potion, and this allowed you to anoint the young nun. Afterward, you instructed her to go to Novice Emma to learn about the Circle and the holy rites. You should leave Novice Gabriella alone for a couple of days before returning to check on her.
<<st 2000>>
When visiting Novice Gabriella, you determined that she still had lustful desires in her, attracting the lust demon. You anointed her to strengthen her protection. You may repeat this when needed. When Novice Gabriella has gotten used to it, you may consider further ways to strengthen her protection against evil.
<<qonhold 2100>>
<<st 2100>>
It is time to strengthen Novice Gabriella's protection against evil in new ways. You should have intercourse with her.
<<st 2200>>
Novice Gabriella refused to let you penetrate her virgin holes with your manhood. Forcing your will on the innocent novice could give you a reputation as a bad leader. You need to make Novice Gabriella change her mind somehow.
<<expertq gabriellaq>>
<<st 2300>>
Among Ludolphus' encoded reipces, there a recipe for a Potion of Paranoia that could come in handy here. First, you must restore the symbols used in the recipe. You can do this by puzzling together the pieces you saved from the code sheet that fell apart.
<<st 2400>>
You gave up trying to solve the first symbol. You have to try again later.
<<expertq gabriellaq2>>
<<st 2520>>
You gave up trying to solve the second symbol. You have to try again later.
<<expertq gabriellaq3>>
<<st 2620>>
You gave up trying to solve the third symbol. You have to try again later.
<<expertq gabriellaq4>>
<<st 4000>>
You reconstructed the symbols and have all the ingredients used in the recipe. Now you can make the Potion of Paranoia.
<<st 5000>>
You made a <<potionParanoia>> to use on Novice Gabriella. You should visit her before lunch.
<<st 5200>>
After using the Potion of Paranoia on Novice Gabriella, she agreed to let you penetrate her slit with your Holy Rod to shine God's light in there, protecting her from evil.<br>
You should fornicate with Novice Gabriella again before lunch. You should give her a couple of days before doing that.
<<st 6000>>
You again fornicated with Novice Gabriella, strengthening her protection against evil. One day, when you think she has gotten used to your manhood inside her slit, you may consider sodomizing her too, strengthening her protection even further.
<<widget procreation>>
<<quest procreation>>
<<st 100>>
Recent sexual events have brought to your attention the risk that you might accidentally impregnate one of the women. That could potentially be a disaster. You have to think about this.
<<st 200>>
Sister Jana knows of a couple of recipes for herbal contraceptives listed in the medieval herbal. They may be of use to you, but she won't tell you where in the herbal they are. You don't have time to search for them.
<<expertq procreation>>
<<st 250>>
Sister Palome, the librarian, couldn't help you as she hadn't read much in the medieval herbal. You should keep looking around in the library.
<<st 300>>
Sister Francia is always in the library. You have recruited her to spy on Sister Jana in the library to learn where the recipes are written down. Now you should return to Sister Jana.
<<st 400>>
You told Sister Jana to prepare the herbal contraceptives, hoping she would look up the recipes in the herbal at the library. You should return to Novice Francia tomorrow to see if her spying mission was successful.
<<st 500>>
Novice Francia saw Sister Jana look in the herbal and noted the name listed: Asafoetida – also known as Devil's dung. You should look it up in the herbal in your lab.
<<st 900>>
In Ludolphus' notes, you found his recipes for two potions of contraception based on his silphium-grade asafoetida: a weak potion and a strong potion.
<<if !$pregnancy>>
You decided to make the strong potion of contraception,
not wanting to risk making anyone pregnant.
You decided to make the weak potion of contraception,
leaving the matter of pregnancy up to God.
<<st 1000>>
You must find a large source of giant fennel to produce all the silphium-grade asafoetida needed to make the potions of contraception.
<<expertq procreation2>>
<<st 1100>>
You found giant fennels in a deserted area behind the kitchen garden. Now to extract the latex and make the asafoetida needed for the potions of contraception.
<<st 1200>>
You have started the extraction of latex from the giant fennels. You should wait a day or two before returning to collect it.
<<st 1300>>
You successfully extracted enough latex to last for a while. Now you must purify the asafoetida in your lab.
<<st 1400>>
You purified the asafoetida into very potent, silphium-grade asafoetida. Now to make the potion of contraception.
<<st 1500>>
You made a batch of <<contraceptionStrength>> potion of contraception. Now to make the nuns consume the potion without their knowledge. You should ask Novice Emma for help.
<<st 1600>>
Novice Emma said she would take care of secretly adding the content of the vial to the food the nuns eat. You should visit her tomorrow to see how it went.
<<st 2000>>
Novice Emma had no problem following your orders. This means you have done all you can. All the nuns will be given the <<contraceptionStrength>> potion of contraception once a week via supper. <<if !$pregnancy>>That should stop the nuns from getting pregnant even if you release your seed inside of them, barring a miracle from God.<<else>>That should greatly reduce the risk of the nuns getting pregnant even if you release your seed inside of them, though you have accepted that there is still a small risk.<</if>>
<<widget avaq>>
<<quest avaq>>
<<st 100>>
The married woman Ava from town confessed to committing adultery. This is not the first time. You have given her a penance that must be completed before you will grant her absolution. She will return to report on the progress of her penance.
<<st 200>>
Ava keeps committing adultery. All you can do is rebuke her and give her another penance to complete. You considered using the holy rites on Ava to lessen Satan's grip on her, but saving an adulteress is not a good enough reason to share the forbidden knowledge of the ancient sacraments with someone.
<<st 300>>
You have started giving the Holy Communion to Ava. You will do this regularly, hoping it will be enough to protect her from Satan. Though you don't think she is possessed by a demon, you have made Ava think she could be possessed to keep her coming to you for help.
<<st 400>>
Though repentant, Ava continues to be unfaithful to her husband. To save her from Satan's influence, you considered using a lust potion and the holy rites on her. But you couldn't risk it. Holy Communion will have to do for now.
<<st 500>>
You had to do something about Ava. With her weakness for committing the mortal sin of adultery, she invites Satan to come for her. Ava is a danger not only to herself but everyone at the monastery. You slipped her a lust potion and told her you were performing an exorcism to get rid of a lust demon in her. Ava used her mouth on you, allowing you to use the holy rites to eat her sins and anoint her. You will have to repeat this to eat all of Ava's mortal sins of lust.
<<st 600>>
You once again had Ava use her mouth on you through the hatch in the confessional. The next time, you should do something else with Ava, to eat more of the lustful sins she has committed while being unfaithful.
<<st 1000>>
You had Ava get naked and come over to your side of the confessional where she used her mouth on you. You ate more of her grave sins of lust, but she is far from cleansed. You have to do it again.
<<st 1100>>
You once again had Ava come over to your side of the confessional where she used her mouth on you. To eat all of her grave sins of lust, you need to fornicate with her, but doing that with a woman from outside would mean increased risk. You have to think about it. Meanwhile, you can continue to eat Ava's sins by having her use her mouth on you.
<<qonhold 1200>>
<<st 1200>>
It may be time to eat the sins of fornication Ava committed while being unfaithful to her husband. The next time Ava comes to confess, you should think about fornicating with her.
<<st 1400>>
You used another <<potionLust>> on Ava – and a <<potionContraception>> – and then fornicated with her, eating her sins of fornication while pretending to perform an exorcism. You should fornicate with Ava again – without using a lust potion – the next time you see her.
<<st 1600>>
You ate more of Ava's sins of fornication. Ava will return, and you can perform the holy rites on her again, but it will likely take many tries to eat all of Ava's many lustful sins.<br>
Until something new of note happens with Ava, you know what to do.
/*110: silent, showing jana on map instead of herb garden
200: silent, showing new text when repeating fornication event */
<<widget janafornicate>>
<<quest janafornicate>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Jana has accepted the truth of the ancient sacraments, though still with some reluctance. She must now agree to repeat the holy rites with you until you are sure that she is fully cleansed of all her grave sins of lust. You should fornicate with Sister Jana again soon.
<<st 3000>>
You have fornicated again with Sister Jana, eating her sins. She has grudgingly accepted to do her part in undoing what she has done to invite Satan into herself and the herb garden. For now, you are content with the fact that you can anoint and fornicate with Sister Jana whenever you think it's needed.
<<widget judithBathroomNight>>
<<quest judithBathroomNight>>
<<st 100>>
After initiating Novice Olenka and Novice Judith – the two novices you saw naked in the bathroom at night, praying for protection against the Crone – you once again saw them praying naked in the bathroom. Neither of the two young and attractive novices has been attacked by the lust demon, yet. You want to use the holy rites on the girls, to bless and protect them from Satan, but you didn't want to approach them when they were naked and together.
<<st 200>>
You decided to enter the bathroom after all. Novice Olenka ran away, but you managed to anoint Novice Judith.
<<widget judithq>>
<<quest judithq>>
<<st 1000>>
You anointed Novice Judith in the bathroom. You had a feeling the Lord wants this to happen again at this time and place. Novice Judith promised to occasionally return to the bathroom late in the evening to pray, that you may anoint her again if needed.
<<st 2000>>
You found Novice Judith praying in the bathroom again. Disapproving of her makeup and long nails, you showed her the consequences of her heart's desire by making her fornicate with you. Until you deem her ready to shed her earthly desires for good, you will continue to teach her the error of her ways.
<<st 2100>>
You once again visited Novice Judith in the bathroom when she was there to pray. You decided to teach her another lesson about her sins of vanity and being a temptress by fornicating with her. But Novice Judith is still not ready to shed her earthly desires. You have to visit her again to do what needs to be done.
<<st 3000>>
You have shown Novice Judith the way to absolution, by doing the severe penance of sodomy. With Novice Judith now having submitted to your decisions, you can continue to do whatever needs to be done with her, for her own good and for the good of the convent, for as long as you deem it necessary.
<<widget olenkaq>>
<<quest olenkaq>>
<<st 100>>
You met Novice Olenka outside your room when she was on her way to the morning prayer. Novice Olenka was the novice that prayed naked in the bathroom at night with Novice Judith, but she ran away when you tried to anoint them. Novice Olenka has been initiated into the Circle, and you have to anoint the young and attractive virgin before she is attacked by the lust demon. But the girl is rarely alone.
<<st 150>>
You felt a strong urge to fornicate with Novice Olenka, perhaps a sign from God that you should anoint the young virgin inside the sinful slit between her legs. But you were unsure and decided to let her go.
<<expertq olenkalust>>
<<st 200>>
You felt a strong urge to fornicate with Novice Olenka, perhaps a sign from God that you should anoint the young virgin inside the sinful slit between her legs. But instead, you tried to anoint her using her mouth. Novice Olenka resisted and you let her go, not wanting to press the matter and potentially make her avoid you in the future. The novice promised she would think about agreeing to be anointed.
<<expertq olenkalust>>
<<st 300>>
You took Novice Olenka to your room and fornicated with her, finishing by anointing the young virgin between her legs to protect her from evil. The novice seemed to take it well, perhaps because she didn't know much about the sexual act to begin with. You told her you should talk more in a few days since you want to make sure her protection from evil is strong.
<<st 400>>
You saw Novice Olenka outside your room in the early morning. You wanted to anoint her, but she didn't seem willing. Since Novice Olenka was together with Novice Fabiana – a nun who isn't initiated – you let them both go. You have to anoint Novice Olenka another time.
<<expertq olenkalust>>
<<st 600>>
You had to accept the small but real risk that Novice Fabiana will start rumors about improper conduct between you and Novice Olenka. You took Novice Olenka to your room and fornicated with her, anointing her inside her slit.<br>Novice Olenka agreed to come to your room when you send for her. But she doesn't like the sexual act.<br>You must change this, making Novice Olenka feel lust and reach orgasm. That could be enough to make her warm up to being intimate with you.<br>You should wait at least a day before sending for Novice Olenka.
<<st 1000>>
You had Novice Olenka come to your room in the evening, and you anointed her between her legs. You tried to make Novice Olenka appreciate the sexual act, but she didn't. You have to keep trying. You must make Novice Olenka have an orgasm when you are inside her.
<<expertq olenkaq>>
<<st 1100>>
You asked Novice Emma to slip Novice Olenka a lust potion at supper. Immediately after supper, you must send word for Novice Olenka to come to your room, that you may anoint her.
<<st 1200>>
Novice Emma added the lust potion to Novice Olenka's soup without anyone noticing. Now you must send for Novice Olenka to come to your room while she is affected by the lust potion.
<<st 2000>>
Thanks to the lust potion, Novice Olenka finally had an orgasm from fornicating with you. You think this should relax her enough in the future that she can reach orgasms without a lust potion. Novice Olenka should also be more willing to be intimate with you, meaning you can now send for her to strengthen her protection against the lust demon whenever needed.
/* 310 silent, speaking with salvatore */
<<widget stefanoq>>
<<quest stefanoq>>
<<st 100>>
According to Novice Alonso, Brother Stefano visited the shed in the herb garden in the middle of the night and took something. Could Brother Stefano be the fake angel, getting things to make drugs? You have to investigate Brother Stefano and find out what he took from the shed.<br>Brother Stefano works in the kitchen garden.
<<st 200>>
You went to the kitchen garden and spoke with Brother Gaspar. He verified what you had felt: There is some sort of rivalry between the monks working in the herb garden and the monks working in the kitchen garden. This could possibly explain why Brother Stefano visited the shed in the herb garden in the middle of the night. You have to continue your investigation into Brother Stefano. But how?
<<expertq stefanoq>>
<<st 300>>
Novice Alonso found out that a bag of expensive bat guano is missing from the garden shed. This is probably what Brother Stefano took in the middle of the night. Find the missing bag of bat guano.
<<st 350>>
You found the missing bag of bat guano in the storage building in the kitchen garden. The bag was empty.
<<st 400>>
You innocently asked Brother Stefano about a bag of bat guano missing from the garden shed, but he said he didn't know anything about it. You couldn't tell if he was lying or telling the truth.
<<st 500>>
You found the missing bag of guano but failed to prove that Brother Stefano was the one who took it from the garden shed. He denies knowing anything about the bag. Either Novice Alonso was mistaken when he thought he saw Brother Stefano take the bag, or one of them is lying.
<<widget longpepperguano>>
<<quest longpepperguano>>
<<st 100>>
The monks use a special bat guano, the best fertilizer for herbs. It is only used at the front line. See if you can find evidence that the bat guano has been used in the soil where the long pepper grows – at the edge of the garden – which would connect the guano to the fake angel.
<<st 300>>
You found evidence of bat guano being used to fertilize the long pepper patch relatively recently, which points to the fake angel being behind it. You could tell that it happened before Brother Stefano allegedly took the bag of bat guano from the garden shed.
/* 110, flag for planting seed in emma in stable, changing descr with replay */
/* Note that creampieing the crone counts even though mc doesn't know if it really happened and not a dream, or if the crone technically is a nun as the quest requires... though a demon nun is still a nun? */
<<widget creampieq>>
<<quest creampieq>>
<<st 100>>
With the nuns now on contraceptives, you can no longer resist the strong primal urge to plant your seed between their legs, knowing there is <<if !$pregnancy>>no<<else>>only a slight<</if>> risk of making them pregnant. To reduce the urge to an acceptable level, plant your seed in five different nuns in a single day.<br>
(Events available in "Send for a nun" will count toward quests like this, even when replaying.)
<<expertq creampieq>>
<<st 1000>>
You planted your seed between the legs of the nuns enough times to feel satisfied. For now. You can always give in to the primal urge and release your seed in their slits again, knowing there is <<if !$pregnancy>>no<<else>>little<</if>> risk of making them pregnant thanks to the <<contraceptionStrength>> potions of contraception you are giving them. <<if $pregnancy>>If a nun does get pregnant, then surely that is the will of the Lord.<</if>>
<<widget claraq>>
<<quest claraq>>
<<st 100>>
You met Novice Clara in the inner laundry room. She seemed bothered by something. Since she is shy, you should help her with the laundry to get her to open up before questioning her.
<<st 200>>
You helped Novice Clara with the laundry. The shy novice seemed more relaxed in your presence afterward. You should help her again before questioning her.
<<st 300>>
Thanks to your helping her with the laundry, you think Novice Clara is ready to be questioned the next time you come to help her.
<<st 400>>
Novice Clara was bullied growing up and had few friends. Even now she often feels alone and ignored by the other nuns, although no one is mean to her on purpose.
<<st 500>>
Novice Clara says she often overhears the other nuns talking about private things because they don't notice her.
<<st 600>>
Novice Clara didn't want to reveal to you the private conversations she overhears. You hope you can change her mind. Such information could be valuable in your investigation.
<<st 700>>
You convinced Novice Clara that she was in danger of being attacked by the lust demon, and that you can help her. She is to speak with Novice Emma. You should return to Novice Clara in a few days to see if she is ready to accept the holy rites.
<<st 1000>>
You anointed Novice Clara and then you recruited her to make reports of the private conversations she overhears. If she has something to report, she will slip a summary of it under your door in the morning. If there is something urgent, she will let you know through Novice Sofia.
<<widget vivienq>>
<<quest vivienq>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Dana told you about Vivien, a devout Catholic student at the school. But despite her religiousness, this girl has a problem with masturbating. You have to speak with Vivien. Maybe you are meant to help her.
<<st 200>>
You caught Vivien masturbating. She could attract the lust demon to the school with that behavior. Vivien needs the holy rites, but you don't trust each other well enough for that. First, you have to build trust.
<<expertq vivienq>>
<<st 300>>
Sister Dana agreed to speak to Vivien first thing tomorrow. Sister Dana will tell Vivien about the lust demon and make her trust that you can protect her from it. But before anointing Vivien, you must make sure that she accepts the holy rites.
<<expertq vivienq2>>
<<st 400>>
Novice Emma will urgently educate Vivien about the holy rites, starting with the anointing with the Holy Seed. You should speak with Novice Emma again tomorrow.
<<st 450>>
Novice Emma told you that Vivien has learned about the anointing with the Holy Seed. You should speak with Vivien now.
<<st 500>>Vivien agreed to let you anoint her with the Holy Seed. The anointing will take place in the relaxation room in the school after supper. Sister Dana will also be present.
<<st 600>>
You anointed Vivien with the Holy Seed and Sister Dana watched. You should seek out Vivien tomorrow to see how she feels.
<<st 700>>
Vivien felt hopeful now that she has protection from the lust demon, but she still can't resist touching herself. You should return to Vivien in a few days to anoint her again, and to see if Novice Emma has educated her about Sin Eating. Vivien may have committed sins of fornication in her mind, and eating those sins may help loosen Satan's grip on the young virgin.
<<st 1000>>
When visiting Vivien, you caught her masturbating again. You also learned that Novice Emma has educated Vivien about Sin Eating, but Vivien isn't ready to fornicate with you yet. Until she is, you should strengthen her protection against the lust demon by anointing her when you see fit. You should do this in the evening when Sister Dana is available to watch if so needed.
<<st 1100>>
You anointed Vivien again. You will keep doing this when you think it's needed, to strengthen her protection against the lust demon.
<<widget claramarry>>
<<quest claramarry>>
<<st 100>>
After anointing Novice Clara, you felt a strong urge to also penetrate her virgin slit. But you are not aware of any sins of fornications that Novice Clara may have committed, that you may attempt to eat. Until you have a reason to do it, you can't lie with the virgin.
<<st 200>>
After anointing Novice Clara, you felt an urge to also penetrate her virgin slit. You are not aware of any sins of fornications that Novice Clara may have committed, that you may attempt to eat, but if you married her with the Holy Marriage rite, you could lie with the virgin to consummate the marriage.
<<st 300>>
You asked Novice Clara to marry you with the Holy Marriage rite, but she wouldn't agree to it. However, you think she will agree to it once you have married a few other nuns.
<<st 1000>>
You convinced Novice Clara to marry you with the Holy Marriage rite, and you consummated the marriage with her, finally penetrating her virgin slit.
/* flag 1140, added if mc had lunch before seeing sara smoking on balcony first time */
<<widget saraq>>
<<quest saraq>>
<<st 100>>
While spying on her, you saw Novice Sara smoking a cigarette. That, together with her perverse exposing of her slit, tells you that Novice Sara has fallen prey to Satan's corrupting influence. Before confronting Novice Sara, you should investigate her. Finding out where her room is would be a good start. <<mms>> must know, but you don't trust her enough to reveal that you are investigating Novice Sara.
<<expertq saraq>>
<<st 200>>
Novice Emma didn't know where Novice Sara's room is, and you don't trust anyone else to ask. You have to find some other way to learn the location of Novice Sara's room.
<<expertq saraq2>>
<<st 300>>
You are following Novice Sara after supper, hoping she will lead you to her room.
<<st 600>>
It seems that Novice Sara lives close to the entrance of the monastery, far from the other novices. You wonder why. You should continue your investigation into Novice Sara during the day.
<<st 650>>
You spied on Novice Sara in her room, but you didn't see anything of interest. You have to try again another time.
<<st 670>>
When spying on Novice Sara in her room, you heard her flogging herself. Did she only repent of her sin of smoking, or something worse too? In any case, you respected her privacy when repenting of her sins and left her alone.
<<st 680>>
When spying on Novice Sara in her room, you saw her flogging herself. She must be repenting of some sins. But is it only for the smoking of tobacco, or something worse?
<<st 700>>
You discovered that Novice Sara's addiction to nicotine is much more serious than you thought. She could even be involved in the attacks, letting the attacker inside in exchange for cigarettes.
<<st 1000>>
You should confront Novice Sara in her room, but you want to do it when you catch her succumbing to her nicotine addiction. Figuring out when she usually smokes on the balcony would help your chances of catching her.
<<expertq saraq3>>
<<st 1100>>
You followed Novice Sara to her room after supper, hoping you would catch her smoking, but you didn't. You have to try catching Novice Sara smoking in her room another time.
<<expertq saraq4>>
<<st 1200>>
After following Novice Sara to her room after lunch, you finally caught her as she was about to smoke. Time to confront this addict.
<<st 1220>>
Novice Sara claims she practices self-flagellation to repent of her sins of breaking the rules of the convent by smoking, and stealing to support her addiction. She claims she has nothing to do with the attacks.
<<st 1250>>
Novice Sara has committed several sins, including: Being a temptress by exposing her slit in the garden and leading the delivery man on to get cigarettes; stealing from the convent to pay for the cigarettes; breaking the rules of the convent by smoking; and fornicating with a man in her youth. She needs to do severe penance for her grave sins. Until then, to give her some room to breathe and prevent her from doing something worse, you will let her smoke and expose her slit by the tree, but only there.
<<st 1280>>
You watched as Novice Sara did penance by mortifying her flesh before you.
<<st 1300>>
As part of her penance, you wanted Novice Sara to use her mouth on you, allowing you to anoint her with the Holy Seed, but she wouldn't go along with it. You have to try again another time.
<<st 1500>>
As part of her penance, Novice Sara used her mouth on you and you attempted to anoint her with the Holy Seed. However, the anointing failed. You have to return later to do it properly.
<<st 2000>>
You successfully anointed Novice Sara with the Holy Seed. She is to see Novice Emma to get educated about the holy rites. When she is educated, you may decide to cleanse Novice Sara's sins of fornication by eating them.
<<qonhold 2100>>
<<st 2100>>
It is time to cleanse Novice Sara's sins of fornication. You should visit her in her room.
<<st 2300>>
Novice Sara refuses to fornicate with you. You don't want to enforce your will without a good enough reason as it could reflect badly on you. What to do with Novice Sara?
<<expertq saraq5>>
<<st 2400>>
You gave Novice Emma a lust potion and told her to mix it into Novice Sara's food the next time you eat lunch with the nuns.
<<st 2500>>
You ate lunch with the nuns and Novice Emma mixed the lust potion into Novice Sara's food.
<<st 3000>>
As you hoped, Novice Sara couldn't resist the temptation and masturbated by the tree. You should visit her in her room.
<<st 4000>>
You finally fornicated with Novice Sara. You can repeat this when needed.
<<widget smoking>>
<<quest smoking>>
<<st 100>>
You saw Novice Sara smoking. You don't think smoking is allowed in the convent, but to be sure, you must check with <<var mms.>>
<<st 1000>>
The Mother Superior confirmed what you thought: Smoking is not allowed in the convent. This means Novice Sara is violating the rules of the convent.
<<widget clarareport1>>
<<quest clarareport1>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Clara has slid her daily report under your door. Perhaps she has finally heard or seen something that will interest you.
<<st 200>>
Novice Clara overheard some novices talking about the holy rites with Sister Roberta, the prioress of the convent. The novices have been initiated into the Circle, but Sister Roberta has not. This is bad. You have to seek out Novice Clara in the laundry room to get more information.
<<st 1000>>
It seems there is no immediate cause for concern. Sister Roberta probably did overhear the novices talking about the holy rites, but, not being initiated, she didn't understand what she was hearing and the novices got away with it. You were lucky, this time. But it's only a matter of time before word of the holy rites spreads outside the Circle. You hope you will find a way to deal with it before it's too late.
/* To check if julia has left the game: if setup.checkqStage("juliajoining",700)
Later, qqjuliajoining will be set to 4000 then 4010 then 4020 for eventID 1001 */
<<widget juliajoining>>
<<quest juliajoining>>
<<st 100>>
Julia has finished her courses and is about to join the convent as a novice. But first, on the request of the Mother Superior, you must make sure that Julia is still ready to join the convent – that her doubts and her desire to be with a man have not returned. Julia will meet you at school in the relaxation room.
<<st 200>>
You met with Julia and decided to fornicate with her to judge if she is ready to join the convent. When fornicating with her, you tried new things to better judge her. Now you have to think carefully before giving your verdict.
<<st 300>>
You weren't sure that Julia was ready to join the convent, so you fornicated with her again to try to come to a decision. But if you take too long, Julia might start having doubts about joining.
<<st 700>>
After <<mms>> put you on the spot on approving Julia or not, you decided it was best for Julia to leave for home, as she wasn't ready to join the convent. You will likely never see Julia again.
<<st 1000>>
You have approved of Julia joining the convent. You should welcome her tomorrow when she has moved into her room.
<<st 1200>>
You visited Novice Julia in her room and told her about the Circle. You wanted to anoint her again to protect her from the lust demon, but Novice Julia hesitated. You told her to speak with Novice Emma. Perhaps then Novice Julia will change her mind about getting anointed.<br>You should inform Novice Emma about Novice Julia joining the Circle.
<<st 1300>>
You informed Novice Emma that Novice Julia is now a member of the Circle.<br>You should try to anoint Novice Julia after she has spoken to Novice Emma.
<<st 1500>>
Novice Julia still refused to be anointed. But maybe she will accept that it is okay for a nun to be anointed with the Holy Seed if you initiate her together with Sister Dana. You should speak with Sister Dana when she is in the dungeons.
<<st 1600>>
Sister Dana agreed to participate in the initiation together with Novice Julia. The initiation will take place in Novice Emma's room.
<<st 2000>>
You anointed Novice Emma, initiating Sister Dana and Novice Julia. You should give Novice Julia a day to think about your offer to anoint her.
<<st 2500>>
Finally, Novice Julia agreed to it, and you successfully anointed her with the Holy Seed, strengthening her protection against the lust demon. You should return to her later to check on her.
<<st 3000>>
Novice Julia has been initiated into the Circle and anointed. Now you have to do your best to protect her from the lust demon.
/* flags: 350, 550 */
/* st 600 is qmess which is why qonhold points to st 1000. Check for this quest is also made in qonhold widget */
<<widget juliaanoint>>
<<quest juliaanoint>>
<<st 100>>
After inspecting Novice Julia's slit, you found that she was still easily aroused, so you decided to anoint her again.
<<st 300>>
You anointed Novice Julia to strengthen her protection. But considering all the sinful lust in Novice Julia's young body, normal anointings may not be enough to protect her from the lust demon. You have to think of other ways, but first, you should anoint Novice Julia at least once more, and give her time to get used to the idea of being anointed as a novice nun.
<<st 360>>
You anointed Novice Julia a second time. She may soon be ready to be anointed in other ways.
<<st 400>>
You wanted to anoint Novice Julia in her slit. When she refused, you tried to compromise, offering to anoint her inside her rectum instead, but she refused that too. You have to try again with Novice Julia later.
<<st 500>>
You wanted to anoint Novice Julia in her slit, but when she refused, you compromised and sodomized her to be able to anoint her inside her rectum instead, the second favorite hole of Satan. However, you fear this won't be enough. You may need to anoint Novice Julia in her slit, but first you should let her get used to being sodomized.
<<qonhold 1000>>
<<st 600>>
You want to anoint Novice Julia in her slit, but first you should sodomize her again to make her get used to it.
<<st 1000>>
It is time to anoint Novice Julia's slit. You should visit her in her room.
<<st 1200>>
You had a change of heart. Instead of anointing Novice Julia's slit, you just fornicated with her for your pleasure. You ejaculating before Novice Julia climaxed, leaving her filled with lust. You should wait a couple of days before giving her another chance to climax with you.
<<st 2000>>
You fornicated with Novice Julia again to little protest. She has accepted that you will use her young slit for your pleasure – that this is her duty in the holy war. By choosing to let Novice Julia climax or not, you can keep her lust low or high, which will affect her the next time you are intimate with her.
<<widget monksDrinking3>>
<<quest monksDrinking3>>
<<st 100>>
You have been invited to another beverage sampling with the monks tomorrow after supper. This time, you plan to stay mostly sober and spend many hours talking to many of the monks.
<<st 400>>
You should talk to the suspects on your list. You may learn something of interest talking to them when they are drunk.
<<st 800>>
Shortly after drinking a green liqueur offered by the abbot, you felt dizzy and very tired. But you have had a productive evening, and it's getting very late anyway. Time to retire to your room to sleep.
<<st 30000>>
Spending another evening drinking with the monks (mostly sober this time) didn't break the case, but it was not a complete waste of time either. You consider it a moderate success.
<<widget cider>>
<<quest cider>>
<<st 100>>
You discovered that Brother Salvatore was drinking a cider that looks and tastes just like the cider the nuns make. He acted suspiciously when you asked for a sip. Brother Salvatore said that Brother Stefano orders the cider from town. Do the nuns sell their cider? You have to investigate this tomorrow.
<<expertq cider>>
<<st 200>>
The Mother Superior told you to speak with Sister Mari in the kitchen garden.
<<st 500>>
Sister Mari said this type of "short-fermentation cider" was common in the area. However, if the cider bottle and the cap both match the ones the nuns use for their cider, it would be strong evidence that the cider came from the nuns. But you aren't yet ready to look for the bottle that Brother Salvatore's cider came from.
<<expertq cider20>>
<<st 600>>
The Mother Superior had not given any cider bottles to the monks. It's about time to find out where Brother Salvatore's cider came from. But haven't you forgotten something – something you should do first?
<<expertq cider30>>
<<st 1000>>
Novice Sara gave two bottles of cider to the delivery man 7 months ago. They could have ended up at the monks. Now you should find out more about the cider that Brother Salvatore drinks.
<<expertq cider40>>
<<st 1100>>
Brother Stefano claimed he never bought a cider like the one Brother Salvatore drank at the sampling. One of them is lying, and you bet it is Brother Salvatore because of his suspicious behavior when you asked him about the cider. It's time to confront him.
<<st 1200>>
According to Brother Salvatore, one night he saw Novice Alonso come climbing over the wall, from the nuns' side. This happened before you arrived at the monastery. Novice Alonso then started giving Brother Salvatore the cider as a bribe to keep him quiet. This has happened several times, so Novice Alonso must have taken the bottles from the nuns.
<<if $qqviolaq == 200>>
<<expertq cider50>>
<<widget tunnel>>
<<quest tunnel>>
<<st 100>>
Brother Lutt said that one of the old manuscripts in the library mentioned the existence of an escape tunnel back when the monastery was a fortress. Brother Lutt will look it up tomorrow. You should visit him then.
<<st 1000>>
Brother Lutt showed you a passage in an old manuscript that mentioned the escape tunnel in passing. There was no clue to its location and it's not marked on any of the maps. Brother Lutt believes the escape tunnel is long gone, either filled with rubble or incorporated into the underground areas. But if the tunnel still exists, it could be how the attacker enters the nuns' side of the main building to carry out the attacks.
<<widget masters>>
<<quest masters>>
<<st 100>>
One of the three "master brothers" – competent enough to be responsible for the production of the beer, wine, and liquor – could be the chemist or alchemist who is making the lust drug. They also have access to equipment to make the drug. The time has come to pay more attention to them. They work in the Distillery.
<<st 200>>
Except for the three masters, only their apprentice, Novice Pascal, is working in the Distillery all year round. Other brothers help out a few months at a time.
<<st 250>>
Basic lab equipment has gone missing from the Distillery. Something an alchemist could use when making the lust drug.
<<st 300>>
Much of the equipment in the Distillery was upgraded about five years ago. Could the mastermind behind the attacks have arranged this to produce the lust drug? But if so, how is the lust drug made in here without anyone noticing?
<<st 400>>
Seeing Brother Gino carrying a heavy sack made you wonder if he really has bad knees as he says. But you currently have no good reason to suspect he may be lying.
<<st 1000>>
You have spent enough time getting closer to the master brothers, asking questions, for now. If one of them is involved with the attacks, you can't let them suspect you are on to them. You will continue to keep an eye on them though.
/* add flags: 110 */
<<widget stirring>>
<<quest stirring>>
<<st 100>>
You want to stir the pot in the brotherhood of monks, hoping things will happen that will produce a lead in the investigation. The more you sow the seeds of discord among the monks, the more their loyalty to each other may falter, causing someone to reveal something suspicious about a brother that they have seen or heard.
<<st 200>>
You have done enough stirring of the pot for tonight. You have to be careful or the monks might catch on to what you're doing. Going forward, you should continue to look for opportunities to sow the seeds of discord among the monks. Sooner or later, it may pay off and produce a lead in the investigation.
<<widget dream4>>
<<quest dream4>>
<<st 100>>
You were drinking with the monks but left because you felt ill. When returning to your room, you heard a sound and everything went black. Then you had an eerily real sex dream about the Crone. Then you woke up naked on your bed. What happened last night?
<<st 1000>>
You think someone drugged you last night. You couldn't find any evidence of someone being in your room other than a faint trace of that metallic smell left in the victims' rooms after the attacks, plus the fact that you woke up naked on your bed with no memory of how. The eerily realistic sex dream about a clearly female version of the Crone could be a warning from your subconscious that you shouldn't rule out that a nun could be involved in the attacks.
<<expertq dream4>>
<<st 3000>>
You spoke to Father Alvaro. Apparently, Brother Salvatore asked for the sampling to be arranged, saying God wanted it. It sounds like the fake angel may have visited Brother Salvatore again.<br>You have to talk to Brother Salvatore.
<<st 5000>>
Brother Salvatore confirmed that the angel visited him again, telling him that God wanted another sampling and that you must be invited. You were drugged and someone was in your room, probably gathering information about you and doing God knows what else. And again, your investigation into the matter stops at Brother Salvatore.
<<widget violaq>>
<<quest violaq>>
<<st 100>>
You saw Sister Viola going to water the tree in the back of the kitchen garden. Sister Viola needs to be anointed for her protection. Earlier, you told her to talk to Novice Emma about how to strengthen one's protection, but you haven't heard from Sister Viola since then.
<<st 200>>
You spoke to Sister Viola. Apparently, Novice Emma could tell that Sister Viola was not ready to learn of the holy rites. Until Sister Viola fears more for her safety, that is unlikely to change.
<<st 300>>
Without mentioning Novice Alonso by name, you told Sister Viola that you have found evidence of an intruder on their side of the wall. She agreed to speak with Novice Emma again. You should return to Sister Viola later to see if she is ready to be anointed.
<<st 400>>
Novice Emma thought Sister Viola may be ready to pay the price for the holy rites. You should return to Sister Viola soon to see if she is ready to be anointed.
<<st 500>>
Novice Emma doesn't think that Sister Viola is ready to be initiated into the Circle. You think Sister Viola will be ready once the support for the holy rites has grown among the professed sisters.
<<st 1000>>
Once Sister Viola learned that both Sister Dana and Sister Jana have fully accepted the holy rites, she agree to be anointed with the Holy Seed, not even feeling the need to be initiated the usual way. You may return to strengthen Sister Viola's protection from the lust demon when you see fit.<br>Since Sister Viola has already been attacked, she may have committed serious sins of lust that you should eat, but for now, that doesn't seem urgent.
/* silent flags 830, 850, 870 */
<<widget rileyThreesome>>
<<quest rileyThreesome>>
<<st 100>>
Riley is ready to perform her part in the threesome. But first, you have to make sure things will go as you want them to. During the threesome, you are supposed to eat Sister Dana's grave sins of the past. It is crucial that Sister Dana feels that the holy rite of Sin Eating worked, to make her accept the truth of the holy rites. You must ensure it, somehow.
<<expertq rileythreesome>>
<<st 200>>
You found a recipe for divine nectar, which is Ludolphus' version of heroin. You also found recipes for alkahest and cutahest, which you can use to make the divine nectar work topically – through the skin. To make divine nectar, you need to extract opium latex from poppies in the herb garden. You should make the cuts after Sister Jana has stopped working for the day.
<<st 300>>
You made the cuts in the poppies. You have to return early tomorrow, before the workday starts, to collect the opium latex.
<<st 400>>
You have the opium latex. Now you can make the divine nectar in the lab.
<<st 500>>
Once in the lab, you were unsure how to make the cutahest – as an oil or as a salve. Before you make anything else in the lab, you should decide how to add the divine nectar onto Sister Dana's skin during the threesome. For one thing, you need something to protect your finger to avoid being affected by the drug yourself.
<<expertq rileythreesome2>>
<<st 600>>
You found thin rubber gloves in the laboratory in the Distillery. You also found some pipettes that could open up new possibilities when it comes to giving the divine nectar to Sister Dana. You should test this in your lab.
<<st 800>>
You found that you could use the pipette to store a dose of oily divine nectar which could then easily be applied to Sister Dana's skin during the threesome with a rubber-covered finger. Now you must make the divine nectar. But before that, you should make cutahest and for that, you first need to make alkahest.
<<st 1000>>
You made an oily cutahest and a batch of <<potionNectar .>> After mixing the divine nectar with cutahest, the resulting substance is liquid enough that you can suck it up with a pipette. Everything is ready for the threesome in the dungeons at night.
<<st 1100>>
You were about to arrange for the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley, but you had doubts about giving Sister Dana divine nectar which is similar to heroin. You have to pray on this.
<<st 1200>>
Any doubts you may have had are gone. You have decided to use divine nectar on Sister Dana during the threesome.
<<st 3000>>
You successfully completed the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley, eating Sister Dana's grave sins and anointing them both with the Holy Seed.
<<widget rileyThreesome2>>
<<quest rileyThreesome2>>
<<st 100>>
The threesome allowed you to cleanse some of Sister Dana's grave sins, but one time is not enough. You have to repeat the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley.
<<st 200>>
You repeated the threesome with Sister Dana and Riley, eating more of Sister Dana's grave sins. But her grave sins go deep. You can repeat the threesome if you deem it necessary.
<<widget viviendana>>
<<quest viviendana>>
<<st 100>>
You have promised Sister Dana to be present every time you perform a new holy rite with Vivien. To keep this promise, you must inform Sister Dana of your intention to marry Vivien with the Holy Marriage rite. You should seek out Sister Dana in the dungeons at night.
<<st 150>>
Sister Dana didn't approve of your marriage with Vivien because she still doubts the truth of the holy rites. You must convince Sister Dana to fully accept the holy rites.
<<if $qqjanacurse>=3000>>
<<expertq viviendana>>
<<expertq viviendana2>>
<<st 160>>
You spoke with Sister Jana. She agreed to tell Sister Dana how you removed the lust curse. You hope that this will make Sister Dana accept the truth of the holy rites.
<<st 300>>
You reached a compromise with Sister Dana. She will allow your Holy Marriage with Vivien, and your consummation of the marriage, but until Sister Dana has accepted the truth of the holy rites, you are not allowed to fornicate with Vivien. Also, Sister Dana must be present whenever you consummate a marriage.
<<widget viviendana2>>
<<quest viviendana2>>
<<st 100>>
<<st 200>>
Sister Dana didn't approve of your marriage with Vivien because she still doubts the truth of the holy rites. If Sister Dana feels that the upcoming threesome with Riley is a success, that would go a long way to convince her that the holy rites are of God. For this reason, you must do your best to ensure that the threesome is a success.
<<st 300>>
Sister Dana has accepted the truth of the holy rites and had to approve of your plan to marry Vivien and to later eat her sins of fornication. Sister Dana will be a witness at the wedding ceremony and she will be present when you consummate the marriage with Vivien.
/* flags: 2450: took out manhood when catching her masturbating - blowjob
2460: kissed her */
<<widget vivienfornicate>>
<<quest vivienfornicate>>
<<st 100>>
You suspect that Vivien has committed sins of fornication in her mind when touching herself. You must attempt to eat these grave sins since they may attract the lust demon to the school. However, Vivien has refused to fornicate with you. You should try to catch her masturbating again, as that may allow you to change her mind.
<<st 130>>
You caught Vivien masturbating again, but she still refused to fornicate with you. You should keep trying to catch Vivien masturbating now and then until she is ready to fornicate.
<<st 200>>
Speaking with Vivien, you suggested using the Holy Marriage rite as a loophole to allow Vivien to later fornicate with you without breaking her promise to God to not have sex before marriage. Vivien was open to the idea but she had demands on the wedding that you couldn't immediately accept. You need time to think.
<<st 300>>
Vivien agreed to use the Holy Marriage rite as a loophole. She will have sex with you as your temporary wife, consummating the marriage, and then, after the marriage is annulled, you can fornicate, and Vivien will not break her promise to God to not have sex before marriage. Now you have to make this wedding happen.
<<st 1000>>
You married Vivien with the Holy Marriage rite and consummated the marriage. Now Vivien can fornicate with you without breaking her promise to not have sex before marriage, thus allowing you to eat her sins of fornication. But for this, you need Sister Dana's approval. For now, you should leave Vivien alone for a couple of days.
<<st 1050>>
Vivien's lust was reduced after consummating the marriage with you, but she thinks it's only a matter of days before the lust will again grow to an uncontrollable level. Unless you keep having intercourse with her regularly to prevent this. Marrying Vivien is the only way to do this until you get Sister Dana's approval to fornicate with Vivien.
<<st 1060>>
Vivien's lust was reduced after consummating the marriage with you, but she thinks it's only a matter of days before the lust will again grow to an uncontrollable level. Unless you keep having intercourse with her regularly to prevent this. Marrying Vivien is one way to do this. But now that you have the approval of Dana, you can also fornicate with Vivien.
<<st 1080>>
Sister Dana has finally accepted the truth of the holy rites. Because of this, she has accepted that you fornicate with Vivien to eat her sins of fornication. You may also marry Vivien without inviting Sister Dana to the wedding.<br>
You should talk to Vivien in her room during the day.
<<st 1100>>
Vivien is not keen on the idea of fornicating with you. Maybe if she gets used to having intercourse with you, she will change her mind. You should marry her again.
<<st 1200>>
You married Vivien and consummated the marriage. Perhaps now, repeatedly having had intercourse with you, she will be more willing to fornicate with you. You should talk to Vivien in her room during the day.
<<st 1300>>
Vivien is still not very willing to fornicate with you. But she will come around. You should give her some more time to get used to the idea.
<<qonhold 2000>>
<<st 2000>>
You want to make another attempt at getting Vivien to agree to fornicate with you. You should approach her when you catch her touching herself. She usually does that after class, but before supper.
<<st 2400>>
Vivien still doesn't want to fornicate with you. You could try to enforce your will, but Sister Dana wouldn't like that. You have to come up with something else to make it happen.
<<st 2470>>
You tried something new by anointing Vivien directly after catching her masturbating, but even after that, she continued to refuse to fornicate with you. You have to come up with something else.
<<st 2500>>
You want to fornicate with Vivien to test the Oil of Amnesia. Visit her after supper before she goes to bed.
<<st 2600>>
You finally fornicated with Vivien as part of your experiment with the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>> You should finish the experiment before trying to fornicate with her again.
<<st 2900>>
You convinced Vivien that she only dreamt that you fornicated with her, and that it was a sign from the Lord. She then agreed to let you eat her sins of fornication. You should do it.
<<st 3000>>
You fornicated with Vivien and you are sure she will accept it again.<br>
You haven't yet told Sister Dana that you are now fornicating with Vivien. You should think about doing it later. But first, you want to fornicate with Vivien after supper again, cementing that act with her. You should give her a few days before doing that.
<<st 3100>>
You promised Vivien that you would invite Sister Dana the next time you fornicate. If you want to keep your promise, you should talk to Sister Dana – after supper in the dungeons.
<<st 3200>>
You spoke with Sister Dana. You promised she would be present the next time you fornicate with Vivien.
<<st 3400>>
You fornicated with Vivien and Sister Dana was present. You promised Sister Dana to get her if Vivien requested it when you fornicate with Vivien in the future.
<<widget vivienmarry>>
<<quest vivienmarry>>
<<st 200>>
Vivien has agreed to marry you in the town church, providing certain conditions are met. You must travel to the town church to arrange the wedding according to Vivien's wishes.
<<info "New destination added" "Town" center>>
<<st 300>>
You have made the arrangements for a rehearsal wedding in the town church according to Vivien's wishes.
<<st 330>>
Vivien is ready to marry you in the town church, but before the wedding can take place, you have to talk to Sister Dana.
<<st 350>>
Vivien is ready to marry you in the town church, but Sister Dana won't allow it. She doubts that the holy rites are of God. You must make Sister Dana accept the truth of holy rites before you can marry Vivien.
<<st 370>>
Sister Dana has approved of your marriage with Vivien. Now you must make the arrangements for the wedding in the town church.
<<st 390>>
You have arranged the wedding in the town church according to Vivien's wishes, and you have Sister Dana's approval. You should visit Vivien during the day when you are ready to get married.
<<st 400>>
You are going with Vivien to the town to get married. Sister Dana is also coming with you.
<<st 1000>>
You had the rehearsal wedding ceremony with Vivien and then you married her with the Holy Marriage rite. After successfully consummating the marriage, you annulled it.
<<widget delivermail>>
<<quest delivermail>>
<<st 100>>
When visiting the town church, you were asked by Carmine to deliver the mail left there for the monastery. You accepted to deliver the mail to the nuns and monks.
<<st 150>>
When visiting the town church, you were asked by Carmine to deliver the mail left there for the monastery. You politely declined, but perhaps that was a mistake. Helping out could be to your advantage. If Carmine asks you again, you should reconsider it.
<<st 200>>
You considered opening the envelopes to read the letters to the nuns and the monks, hoping you would learn something of interesting to the investigation. But you couldn't do it as it would be a grave violation of privacy. Still, you wonder if you made the right decision. You need all the help you can get in the investigation. But can you really justify opening other people's mail?
<<st 1000>>
Sometimes, you have to make hard decisions when fighting evil. You went down to your lab and opened the envelopes. Unfortunately, aside from discovering that Sister Catarina might need the holy rites, you didn't find anything of interest. You risked opening the mail sent to the monastery, but you can't keep doing it. At least you got some peace of mind seeing that what happens inside the walls seems to be staying here.
<<widget catarinaq>>
<<quest catarinaq>>
<<st 100>>
You happened to read a letter addressed to Sister Catarina. It appears Sister Catarina is going through some kind of struggle. It sounded like it could be something sexual. Sister Catarina is not initiated into the Circle. She might need the holy rites. Sister Catarina works in the school kitchen.
<<st 110>>
You happened to read a letter addressed to Sister Catarina. It appears Sister Catarina is going through some kind of struggle. It sounded like it could be something sexual. This might be something you can use to convince Sister Catarina that she should open up to you.
<<st 200>>
Sister Catarina has been attacked by the lust demon. As she isn't initiated into the Circle, you should seek her out. She could use the holy rites, and getting more professed sisters initiated into the Circle is important. Sister Catarina works in the school kitchen.
<<st 210>>
Sister Catarina has been attacked by the lust demon. She could use the holy rites, and getting more professed sisters initiated into the Circle is important. And also, the attack might make her more willing to talk to you about her struggle.
<<st 300>>
You spoke with Sister Catarina. Without revealing that you had read the letter addressed to her, you tried to get her to confess about the "struggle" that was talked about in the letter to her. Sister Catarina admitted to having something weighing her mind, but she refused to talk about it. <<if !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",400)>>You can find her in the school kitchen if you want to try again.<</if>>
<<st 350>>
You again tried to get Sister Catarina to confess about the "struggle" that was talked about in the letter to her – without revealing you had read the letter – but with no success. If only you could find a way to change her mind.
<<st 400>>
You spoke with Sister Catarina about the attack and offered to help her, including protecting her against the lust demon. But when Sister Catarina understood that something intimate might be required of her, she refused your offer. She also declined your offer of taking her confession. <<if !setup.checkqStage("catarinaq",300)>>You can find her in the school kitchen if you want to try again.<</if>>
<<st 450>>
You again spoke with Sister Catarina about the attack and offered your help and to take her confession, but no success. You must find a way to change her mind.
<<st 1000>>
Even though Sister Catarina has been attacked by the lust demon, and has had some kind of personal struggle since before the attack, she refuses your help. She won't even let you take her confession about the night she was attacked. Is she hiding something? This could be more serious than you thought. You should try to spy on Sister Catarina when she is not working in the kitchen.
<<expertq catarinaq>>
<<st 1100>>
You saw Sister Catarina climbing down from one of the haylofts back of the stable building. What was she doing there? You should keep an eye on the haylofts to see if Sister Catarina returns.
<<st 1200>>
You spied on Sister Catarina on the haylofts through a window in an adjacent hayloft. You saw her in a white dress putting apples in a basket. You think she had just met someone, possibly a deliveryman that she fornicates with. This could be the secret she is hiding. You should come back to the haylofts an hour earlier the next time to stake out the place.
<<st 1300>>
You were about to go around the stable to stake out the haylofts when you ran into Sister Catarina. You think she just had another secret meeting, and she got visibly nervous when she saw you. You can't risk spooking her again or she might move her secret meetings someplace else.<br>You must find another way to learn more about Sister Catarina's meetings at the haylofts. But how?
<<expertq catarinaq2>>
<<st 1320>>
Hoping Sister Catarina has confided about her secret meetings to someone she communicates with via mail, you went to the town church to intercept another letter for her. But there was no mail for Sister Catarina this time. You should try again later.
<<st 1350>>
This time, while in the town church, you found a letter to Sister Catarina. Now you must go back to the monastery and your lab to open the letter.
<<st 1400>>
From reading the letter to Sister Catarina, you learned that she has her secret meetings during her lunch breaks. Now you have to find out at what times her lunch breaks are.
<<st 1500>>
You learned when Sister Catarina has her lunch breaks. Thanks to this, you know when to stake out the haylofts to spy on Sister Catarina's secret meetings.
<<st 2000>>
You spied on Sister Catarina when she had a secret meeting with a girl, Alyssa, who delivers produce from a nearby farm. You suspect they have some kind of lesbian thing going on. But you can't let Sister Catarina know you are on to her. You should spy on more secret meetings to see what else you can learn.
<<st 2200>>
You spied on Sister Catarina's meeting with Alyssa on the haylofts behind the stable again. And there can be no doubt: Alyssa is trying to seduce Sister Catarina into lesbian sex. And Sister Catarina is trying to resist, which is part of her "struggle".<br>
To make Sister Catarina confess to you, you had the idea to use long pepper dust on Sister Catarina when she is meeting with Alyssa, to make the nun succumb to her lesbian urges, thereby making it impossible for her to deny her sinful thoughts. You have to think about this.
<<st 2220>>
After praying on the possibility of using the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina, you do not yet feel the time is right for such drastic action, with the risk of being detected and everything. You will continue to pray on it.
<<if $qqrevelationcatarina >= 100>>
Needing to gather support for the Revelation, the time has come to use long pepper dust on Sister Catarina.
<<qonhold 2250>>
<<st 2250>>
You spied on another meeting between Sister Catarina and Alyssa. You thought about using the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina, but in the end, you didn't, wanting more time to think before taking such an action.
<<st 2300>>You spied on another meeting between Sister Catarina and Alyssa. You used the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina. This made her finally act on her urge to kiss Alyssa, and the two girls ended up having deeply sinful lesbian sex.
<<st 2350>>
In the end, you decided not to confront Sister Catarina. Not this time. But you should do it soon, and you should do it right after she has had sex with Alyssa.
<<st 2400>>
After witnessing the shameful lesbian sex act, you confronted Sister Catarina and made her repent by fornicating with you in a holy rite of Sin Eating. You have to repeat it to cleanse all her sins.<br>
You should talk to Sister Catarina in the kitchen one of the coming days. Meanwhile, Sister Catarina will talk to Novice Emma to get educated on the holy rites.
<<st 2500>>
You told Sister Catarina to continue having lesbian sex with Alyssa to not alert Satan you are on to him. You may eat Sister Catarina's lesbian sins on the hayloft whenever you feel it's needed.<br>
You should visit Sister Catarina in the kitchen again soon to anoint her.
<<st 2600>>
You wanted to anoint Sister Catarina in the kitchen, but she was afraid of someone seeing you. Not wanting to upset the nun as you need her vote for the Revelation, you decided to leave this matter until after the Revelation.
<<st 3000>>
You anointed Sister Catarina in the kitchen to protect her from further corruption by Satan. You may continue to use the holy rites on her when needed, and to keep an eye on her and Alyssa, but your investigation into Sister Catarina and her "struggle" can be closed.
<<widget revelationcatarina>>
<<quest revelationcatarina>>
<<st 100>>
You want Sister Catarina's support at the Revelation. For this to happen, you should make her accept the holy rites.
<<st 120>>
Needing to gather support for the Revelation, the time has come to use long pepper dust on Sister Catarina. You could do it the next time you spy on her and Alyssa on the hayloft. Then, hopefully, you can use the holy rites on Sister Catarina.
<<st 200>>
You used the long pepper dust on Sister Catarina which made her have lesbian sex with Alyssa. After confronting Sister Catarina about it, she let you eat her grave sins of lust. You should talk to her in the kitchen tomorrow.
<<st 1000>>
Sister Catarina agreed to support you at the Revelation.
<<widget catarinabreaks>>
<<quest catarinabreaks>>
<<st 100>>
You want to learn when Sister Catarina has her lunch breaks. Sneak into the school kitchen when no one is there. The kitchen is locked at night, so you have to do it during the day.
<<st 200>>
You managed to sneak into the school kitchen to look at the work schedule without being detected. Now you know when Sister Catarina has her lunch breaks.
<<widget monksDrinking3waiting>>
<<quest monksDrinking3waiting>>
<<st 100>>
With your recent progress with the investigation over at the monks, you should leave the monks alone for a few days to let things calm down before continuing your investigation into them.
<<st 200>>
You got invited to another sampling with the monks. No more leaving the monks alone. The investigation into the monks is continuing.
<<widget clarareport2>>
<<quest clarareport2>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Clara has slid her daily report under your door. You better read it.
<<st 200>>
Novice Clara once again overheard a couple of initiated novices talking about the holy rites with the prioress, Sister Roberta. Sister Roberta appeared more upset this time. This is bad. You have to seek out Novice Clara in the laundry room as soon as possible to get more information.
<<st 1000>>
It seems Sister Roberta is investigating inappropriate sexual talk among the novices in the convent. She told them she would report what happened to Mother Madga before letting the two novices go. This could be a problem.
<<widget protecting>>
<<quest protecting>>
<<st 100>>
With Sister Roberta investigating sexually inappropriate talk among the novices, it could be a matter of days before she learns of the holy rites. You must act now to protect the secret, to allow you to continue to use the holy rites in your fight against Satan. You should start by talking to Sister Roberta to see how much she knows.<br>
Being the prioress, Sister Roberta is very busy during the day. You should visit her in her room after supper.
<<st 200>>
Sister Robert said she was conducting the investigation on orders from the Mother Superior. You should speak with Mother Magda tomorrow.
<<st 300>>
Mother Magda would not listen to you. Instead, she said she was going to write to the Vatican, asking for help investigating the rumors about you and the novices. You have to find some way to stop the abbess. You recall a recipe for a confusion drug in Ludolphus' notes. You should go to your lab to look it up.
<<st 400>>
You have decided to make Mother Magda confused with an <<potionConfusion .>> Now to make the oil.
<<st 500>>
You made the <<potionConfusion>> and soaked a cloth with it. Then you went to Mother Magda's room and hid the oily cloth under her bed. You must wait until tomorrow to see the effect it had.
<<st 600>>
You should visit Mother Magda before supper to see how the <<potionConfusion>> has affected her.
<<st 650>>
The <<potionConfusion>> worked, but when you cured Mother Magda using the antidote, the <<potionConfusionAntidote ,>> she was more determined than ever to send for help from the Vatican. You must make sure things go better tomorrow. You should go to your lab.
<<st 700>>
You made a weak <<potionConfusionAntidote >> with a weak <<potionLust>> added to it. You also made a <<fake>> <<potionConfusionAntidote ,>> looking and smelling like the genuine version but without any medicinal effects.<br>
Mother Magda should be confused again tomorrow. You have to visit her then.
<<st 800>>
You must visit Mother Magda before supper to make sure she doesn't contact the Vatican.
<<st 1000>>
You seem to have resolved the situation. Keeping Mother Magda confused will stop her from sending for help from the Vatican, and Sister Roberta will hopefully obey Mother Magda's wish to end the investigation into the rumors surrounding you and the novices. The secret of the holy rites should be safe for now.
<<widget chapter4>>
<<quest chapter4>>
<<st 100>>
Perhaps reading the next chapter in the Book of Truth will help you with your plans to one day reveal the truth of the holy rites to everyone in the convent. But can you handle reading more in the Codex Veritatis? You should go to your lab and find out.
<<st 120>>
You tried, but you couldn't continue reading the codex. You were not sure you were strong enough to handle the potential power of the forbidden knowledge, making you afraid of losing your sanity.
<<expertq chapter4>>
<<st 150>>
You drank consecrated wine in the chapel to draw strength from Jesus. Now you feel ready to continue reading the Book of Truth.
<<st 200>>
You finished reading chapter four – "The Patriarch". God will let you know when the time has come to continue reading the Book of Truth.
<<widget mass>>
<<quest mass>>
<<st 100>>
The Mother Superior has asked you to celebrate Mass in the chapel. You should visit the prioress, Sister Roberta, in her room after supper for help with the arrangement.
<<st 200>>
Sister Roberta said she would have the bread and wine ready in the chapel tomorrow.
<<st 300>>
The sacramental bread and the sacramental wine have been delivered to the chapel. You are ready to celebrate Mass.
<<st 1000>>
You celebrated Mass with the nuns.
/* flag 420 making salve, 460 testing salve */
<<widget revelationroberta>>
<<quest revelationroberta>>
<<st 100>>
You must make Sister Roberta support you and the holy rites. You should start by speaking to her.
<<st 200>>
Sister Roberta stopped her investigation by order of Mother Magda. Now you need to get the prioress to support you at the Revelation. If you use a lust potion on her, you think you could convince her that she needs the holy rites. You have to find a way to give Sister Roberta the lust potion without arousing suspicion.
<<expertq revelationroberta>>
<<st 300>>
You want to make a lust salve to replace the salve Sister Roberta uses. You should go to Sister Jana's shed to get the things needed.
<<st 400>>
You found everything you needed in Sister Jana's shed. Now you can make the lust salve in your lab.
<<st 500>>
You made a <<potionRashSalve>> and now you have to switch it with the anti-rash salve in Sister Roberta's room.
<<st 600>>
You switched Sister Roberta's salve with your lust salve. You must spy on Sister Roberta after supper.
<<st 1100>>
Your plan worked and you fornicated with Sister Roberta to eat her sins. To ensure that she accepts the truth of the holy rites, you should visit your laboratory again tomorrow.
<<st 1500>>
You made an <<potionLustOil>> looking and smelling just like <<potionConfusionAntidote>> to use in a fake exorcism with Sister Roberta.
<<set _dayspassed = $day - setup.lastDayPlayed_checkNote2("roberta1",500,100)>>
<<if _dayspassed<2>>But first you should leave the prioress alone for at least another day.<<else>>And now that you have given her some time to think about what happened, you should visit Sister Roberta again.<</if>>
<<st 1600>>
Sister Roberta seems ready to let you perform an exorcism on her, but she needed some time to pray first.
<<st 2000>>
You performed a fake exorcism on Sister Roberta, using the lust oil, and fornicated with her. Sister Roberta may need some time to pray and come to terms with the situation, but she seems to have accepted her fate and the holy rites.
<br>Also, taking advantage of Sister Roberta's shame, you recruited her as your future prioress on the condition that you keep her personal experiences with the holy rites a secret to anyone else but you and Novice Emma.
<<widget revelation>>
<<quest revelation>>
<<st 100>>
The time has come to prepare for <<bold "The Revelation" ,>> where you will reveal the holy rites to the entire convent. You will also ask the nuns to vote for you to take command of the convent as their patriarch, leading the nuns in the holy war. Before the grand event can be held, you need to gather enough support for yourself and the holy rites, concentrating on the professed sisters.
<cc style="margin-bottom: -0.4rem;margin-top:-0.5rem"> ——————————————— </cc>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",350)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> The skeptical Sister Jana must do her part at the Revelation.
<br><<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",400)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> Secure the support of Mother Magda.
<br><<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",500)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> Secure the support of Sister Roberta, the prioress.
<br><<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",800)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> Secure the support of Sister Viola.
<br><<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",700)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> Secure the support of Sister Catarina.
<br><<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",600)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> You want the support of at least one more professed sister.
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelationzara",100) || setup.checkqStage("revelationzara",200)>>
<br><<if setup.checkqStage("revelation",850)>><<completed2>><</if>><<bold ¤>> You should fornicate with Novice Zara to strengthen her support.
<<st 1000>>
You are almost ready for the Revelation. First, you must make a <<potionLiberation>> in your lab.
<<st 1100>>
You have made a <<potionLiberation .>> Now you must mix it with the sacramental wine in the chapel.
<<st 1200>>
You added the potion of liberation to the sacramental wine. Now you must talk to Mother Magda about gathering for the Revelation.
<<st 1500>>
Everything is ready for the Revelation. All you have to do is go to the chapel during the day and ring the bell.
<<st 2000>>
The Revelation is over and you won the election. You are now the patriarch, the leader of the convent of nuns.
<<widget revelationsupport>>
<<quest revelationsupport>>
<<st 50>>
You want to find more professed sisters who will vote for you at the Revelation. But first, you should make sure that Mother Magda will support you at the Revelation.
<<st 100>>
With Mother Magda's support secured, you want to find at least one more professed sister who will vote for you at the Revelation, aside from the nuns you're already working on. But who? Perhaps Novice Emma can help.
<<st 300>>
Novice Emma will help prepare the professed sisters for the Revelation, but she couldn't help you find another professed sister who will vote for you.
<<expertq support>>
<<st 1000>>
Sister Dana told you about Sister Ann and a way you may be able to convince Sister Ann of the truth of the holy rites. Securing Sister Ann's vote at the Revelation will provide that extra support you need.
<<widget revelationjana>>
<<quest revelationjana>>
<<st 100>>
You must visit the skeptical Sister Jana and make sure that she will do her part at the Revelation, testifying to the truth of the holy rites.
<<st 1000>>
Sister Jana agreed to support you at the revelation and to tell everyone how you removed her lust curse using the holy rites.
<<widget revelationann>>
<<quest revelationann>>
<<st 100>>
When asking for another professed sister who might need the holy rites, Sister Dana told you about Sister Ann. Sister Ann is worried about a novice, Novice Victoria, who may need the holy rites. We should look into this to try to get Sister Ann's support at the Revelation.
<<st 200>>
Sister Ann seems ready to witness the holy rites if you use them when performing an exorcism on Novice Victoria. But you don't want to push things too much with Novice Victoria. You have to think about how to proceed.
<<st 300>>
With help from Sister Ann and Sister Dana, you performed an exorcism on Novice Victoria and had sex with her. You got Sister Ann to use her hands on both you and Novice Victoria.<br>You should give Sister Ann some time to learn more about the holy rites from Sister Dana and Novice Emma, and then you should try to repeat what happened this night to secure Sister Ann's support at the Revelation.
<<st 400>>
With help from Sister Ann and Sister Dana, you performed another exorcism on Novice Victoria and had sex with her. Sister Ann seems to have accepted your use of the holy rites. But you must make sure of it. You should meet with Sister Ann soon to talk about it.
<<if !setup.questCompleted("revelationms")>>
<br>But first, you should secure Mother Magda's support.
<<st 1000>>
Being confident that Sister Ann will support you at the Revelation, you didn't care to anoint her.
<<st 1100>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("revelationann", 1000)>>
You changed your mind and decided to anoint Sister Ann, after all.
You anointed Sister Ann, making sure she will support you at the Revelation.
<<widget victoriaq>>
<<quest victoriaq>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Dana told you that Sister Ann is worried about Novice Victoria who seems to struggle with lustful feelings. Novice Victoria has been initiated but then you haven't heard from her. Helping Novice Victora with the holy rites could be a way to get Sister Ann to support you at the Revelation.
<br>Sister Dana will talk to Sister Ann and Novice Victoria to prepare them for what's to come. You should give Sister Dana some time before approaching Novice Victoria.
<<st 200>>
You got a message from Sister Dana to come to Novice Victoria's room. You should go there at once.
<<st 300>>
Sister Dana and Sister Ann found Novice Victoria almost naked on the bed, fighting the urge to touch herself. Promising to Novice Victoria that you wouldn't use the holy rites on her unless she was possessed by a demon, you performed an exorcism on her. No demon surfaced, this time. You should try another exorcism on Novice Victoria later.
<<st 400>>
You used the <<potionLustOil>> on the girl and performed an exorcism where you fornicated with her.<br>
During the exorcism, Novice Victoria got hysterical, acting like she was really possessed by a demon. Could she be? Before performing another exorcism on Novice Victoria, you should investigate this.
<<expertq victoriaq>>
<<st 500>>
After speaking with Novice Emma, you believe Novice Victoria may be acting hysterically, as if she is possessed, as a way out for her to get sexual stimulation Novice Victoria could be faking it, but you think she really believes she is possessed and her unconscious mind was taking over during the exorcism. When you think Sister Ann and Novice Victoria are ready, you should perform another exorcism on Novice Victoria.
<<st 1000>>
You performed another exorcism on Novice Victoria. You may need to repeat the exorcism now and then as long as Novice Victoria's lust continues to come back, which it probably will since you doubt she is possessed. But it's all good since it will keep Sister Ann and Sister Dana close to you.
<<widget revelationms>>
<<quest revelationms>>
<<st 100>>
You must secure Mother Magda's support at the Revelation by making sure that she understands what the holy rites are about. You should visit her first thing tomorrow.
<<st 1000>>
Mother Magda promised to support you at the Revelation even after you told her you would sometimes have to be very intimate with the sisters in your holy war against Satan.
<<widget motherfucker>>
<<quest motherfucker>>
<<st 100>>
You should decide what to do with Mother Magda. Go to her room.
<<st 200>>
You couldn't decide if you want to fornicate with Mother Magda or not. When you are ready to make a decision, you should go to her room.
<<st 500>>
You decided you never want to fornicate with Mother Magda. You will keep her confused.
<<st 2000>>
You decided to fornicate with Mother Magda and to no longer keep her in a confused state. After using an anointing oil that included some of your drugs – causing her to experience intense lust and also clearing her mind – you performed a fake exorcism on the Mother Superior. She then agreed to fornicate with you, and you did.<br>When the abbess has left for supper, you will remove the cloth drenched in <<potionConfusion>> from under her bed. If you want to fornicate with Mother Magda again, you are sure could convince her it is for the best.
<<widget revelationzara>>
<<quest revelationzara>>
<<st 100>>
You want to fornicate with Novice Zara before the Revelation, to strengthen her support. But first, you have to anoint her again, making her get used to it.
<<st 200>>
You still haven't fornicated with Novice Zara. You should do it before the Revelation to strengthen her support.
<<st 1000>>
You finally fornicated with Novice Zara.
<<widget revelationviola>>
<<quest revelationviola>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Viola seems to have accepted the holy rites, but you have never fornicated with her. This would be a good time to eat Sister Viola's possible sins of fornication as well as ensuring her support at the Revelation.<br>
You should visit her when she is alone in the back of the kitchen garden.
<<st 1000>>
Sister Viola refused to fornicate with you, but she agreed to support you at the Revelation. You can revisit the thought of fornicating with her after you have become patriarch.
/* Note: All stages after 150 must be added using qmess or qadd etc until end of quest.
flag: 1100 mess in praybed about finding alchemy code sheet */
<<widget patriarchq>>
<<quest patriarchq>>
<<st 100>>
As the patriarch, you can do things you couldn't before. You should wait until tomorrow before starting to exercise your new power.
<<st 110>>
It's your first morning as patriarch. You have a feeling this will be a good day.
<<st 150>>
Take a look around the convent and exercise your authority as patriarch 5 times to establish yourself as the new leader of the nuns.<br>
<<coltext "Look for the <span class='words-border border-flash-new-event-quest-words'>purple flashing locations</span> for hints on where to exercise your authority at this time." ace "noItalics shadow2">>
<<st 200>>
You walked straight into the bathroom when the novices were bathing. Aside from initial screams of surprise from the nude girls, no one protested at your presence there.
<<st 300>>
Sister Catarina didn't want to be anointed in the school kitchen, afraid you might be discovered, but she couldn't refuse the wish of the patriarch.
<<st 400>>
You fornicated with Novice Zara purely for the purpose of reducing your lust, not having to concentrate on any holy rites, or wasting time getting married.
<<st 550>>
You saw Novice Cindy without her hair covered. To set an example for this blatant transgression of the rules, you watched as Novice Cindy prayed naked before you and God as her penance.
<<st 600>>
Sister Viola didn't want to fornicate with you, but in the end, she couldn't say no to the patriarch.
<<st 1000>>
You have established yourself as the leader of the nuns. Now you will go forward to lead the nuns as you see fit.
<<widget cindyq>>
<<quest cindyq>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Cindy is a pure and innocent virgin. The Lord has protected her from being attacked by the lust demon, but now that duty falls to you. You must anoint Novice Cindy soon, but first, you should let her get used to being naked with you.
<<qonhold 500>>
<<st 500>>
It might be time to anoint the pure and innocent virgin Novice Cindy to protect her from Satan. You should visit her.
<<st 600>>
Novice Cindy is resisting your attempts to anoint her. You don't want to force your will too hard on the innocent young virgin, but you must somehow make her submit to you.
<<expertq cindyq>>
<<st 650>>
You went to the windy ruins upstairs, hoping to once more catch Novice Cindy there with her hair undone, giving you an opportunity to chastise her. Unfortunately, the wind wasn't very strong today. You have to try again another day.
<<st 700>>
You found Novice Cindy in the windy ruins upstairs. Her hair had come undone in the strong wind. You will follow her to her room to punish her for this repeated transgression of the dress code.
<<st 800>>
You anointed the pure and innocent young virgin Novice Cindy to protect her from Satan and his minions. You should leave her alone for some time, then return to anoint her again.
<<st 1000>>
You anointed Novice Cindy again. Once she has gotten used to it, you may consider doing something more with her. Ultimately, you feel the need to thrust your erect manhood into the young slit of the pure and innocent virgin.
<<qonhold 1200>>
<<st 1200>>
You woke up thinking about Novice Cindy. Something seems strange about your strong desire for her. You should give this more thought – down in the lab where you do your best thinking
<<st 1250>>
The next chapter in the Codex Veritatis may help you with Novice Cindy.
<<st 1500>>
According to a vision from God, Novice Cindy's blessed purity can cleanse your soul of any minor sins you may have committed during your stay in the monastery – if you fornicate with her. You should visit Novice Cindy.
<<st 1600>>
You went to fornicate with Novice Cindy, but in the end, you didn't feel confident in your ability to repent with perfect contrition. You have to think about this and try again soon.
<<st 2000>>
You fornicated with Novice Cindy and replaced the black spot on your soul with a black spot consisting only of the mortal sin you just committed. You can use her blessed purity whenever you want to cleanse your soul. This is Novice Cindy's purpose – what God intended for her.
/* cindyq: after completed, set to 2100 then to 2200 in investreward for chapter 5 quest.*/
<<widget monkdocument>>
<<quest monkdocument>>
<<st 100>>
You want to find out if Ludolphus ever became the leader of the nuns, their patriarch, and anything else Father Alvaro might not have told you about Ludolphus. You must read the document about Ludolphus that the monks keep locked away. You think it is kept in their library.
<<st 200>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
You found the key and opened the locked cabinet where the monks kept the document about Ludolphus. The document was a copy of a report from AD _diedyear, written by investigators sent by the Vatican after Ludolphus died. The report confirmed that Father Alvaro was telling the truth about what happened to Ludolphus. You found no evidence that Ludolphus ever became the leader of the nuns. Which is proof enough that he never became their patriarch.
/* set to 3100 then 3200, praybed triggering dream */
<<widget alonsoq2>>
<<quest alonsoq2>>
<<st 100>>
If Brother Salvatore is telling the truth, Novice Alonso has scaled the walls to the nuns, you guess to spy on them, but possibly something worse. Novice Alonso has also stolen cider from the nuns. You have to investigate him again. You should start by talking to the abbot.
<<st 200>>
Father Alvaro didn't have much of interest to share about Novice Alonso. You have to keep investigating Novice Alonso.
<<if setup. questCompleted("salvatoreq")>>
<<expertq alonsoq2b>>
<<expertq alonsoq2a>>
<<st 400>>
You instructed Brother Salvatore to ask Novice Alonso for more cider. You must spy on the wall tonight, to catch Novice Alonso in the act and see what he does. You may have to stay up all night, so you should rest in the evening.
<<st 500>>
After supper, you slept in your room to prepare for the stakeout during the night. Now it is time to begin the stakeout.
<<st 1000>>
During the stakeout, you saw Novice Alonso climb over the wall. He stole cider from the nuns, then spied on them gathering for Lauds. You still don't have enough evidence to tie him to the attacks to confront him. You will continue keeping an eye on Novice Alonso while thinking of what to do.
<<qonhold 2000>>
<<st 2000>>
You want to ask Novice Alonso about the nightmares about the doctor, and you must also confront him about scaling the wall to the nuns. You should speak to Novice Alonso in the bathroom in the morning, when the female novices bathe.
<<st 3000>>
After confronting Novice Alonso, you no longer place him high up on the list of suspects. You will take a chance that he is not involved in the attacks. As penance for his grave sinning across the wall, he agreed to further assist you if you want his help.
<<widget salvatoreq>>
<<quest salvatoreq>>
<<st 100>>
Too much in the investigation relies on Brother Salvatore's word to ignore him as a potential suspect in the attacks. He also has secret dealings with Novice Alonso. You have to investigate Brother Salvatore and try to find out if his cognitive disability is real or if he is faking it. You should start by talking to the abbot.
<<st 200>>
Father Alvaro said he would send a letter to a benefactor of the monks who knows more about Brother Salvatore. Suspecting that Father Alvaro may be hiding something, you want to intercept and read the response from the benefactor. You must go to the town church in two days to be sure not to miss it.
<<st 300>>
The response to Father Alvaro's letter asking about Brother Salvatore could have arrived at the town church. You must go there to intercept it.
<<st 1000>>
You managed to intercept the letter from the benefactor, one Antonio Magliani. He confirmed that Brother Salvatore's cognitive disability is real and with him from birth. You still can't rule out that Brother Salvatore could be lying about things, but you don't see him as knowingly involved in the attacks. This concludes your investigation into Brother Salvatore, for now.
/* flag: 410 to show volunteer "new" button
1100 set when triggering follow-up event (playEventID 23) about taking care of stuff you put on hold.
<<widget leaderq>>
<<quest leaderq>>
<<st 100>>
You have to think about how to lead the nuns. If you want to lead by <<punish verbform>> the nuns when they disobey, you could find a use for that medieval prison and torture chamber in the dungeons. You should go there to inspect it.
<<st 180>>
You should renovate the prison, including the torture chamber.
<<st 200>>
You renovated the prison. If you want to <<punish>> a nun, you can send her here. You will only make use of the prison after supper.
<<st 300>>
You still are not sure what it will mean to lead the nuns by using <<love punct.>> If you give it some time, perhaps you will understand it better.
<<st 400>>
Novice Eva volunteered to offer her naked body for you to look at, giving you a better idea of how it will be to lead the nuns by <<love verbform>> them. However, you have no practical experience with leading by <<punish verbform>> them. Maybe dealing with Sister Agnes will give you that experience.
<<st 900>>
Dealing with Sister Agnes gave you the practical experience you needed to decide how to lead the nuns going forward as their patriarch.
<<widget agnesq>>
<<quest agnesq>>
<<st 100>>
You wonder what's been going on with Sister Agnes – the nun who spoke so defiantly against you at the Revelation. Your prioress, Sister Roberta, might know. You should speak with her about it after supper when you update her on your plans for the prison.
<<st 200>>
As per Sister Roberta's recommendation, you want to recruit Sister Dolores to assist you in the prison dungeon. As for Sister Agnes, you should interrogate her. You should do it tomorrow in the prison, after supper.
<<st 300>>
Sister Dolores is ready to assist you in the prison when needed. Your first order of business is to deal with Sister Agnes. She is a potential problem that you can't afford to ignore. You should interrogate her as soon as possible.
<<st 1000>>
You found Sister Agnes guilty of heresy and undermining the war efforts, but you showed clemency by letting her go free after she humbled herself before the Lord, mortifying her flesh naked in front of Sister Agnes and you.<br>
You warned Sister Agnes that she may get thrown into prison without warning – or get an even harder sentence – if she continues to spread her heretic views, but she defiantly said she would not stop. It's up to you what to do with her going forward.
<<st 1100>>
You found Sister Agnes guilty of heresy and being a traitor to the war efforts. You sentenced her to spend some time in prison. Sister Agnes defiantly stated that she would not stop opposing you and the holy rites. It's up to you what to do with her going forward.
<<widget amnesiaq>>
<<quest amnesiaq>>
<<st 100>>
Now being able to decode Ludolphus' encoded recipes, you remember a recipe that could be very useful: a recipe for an Oil of Amnesia. Such an oil could save you if someone saw or heard something they shouldn't. You should make this oil in your lab as soon as possible.
<<st 200>>
Reconstruct the alchemical symbols used in the recipe from the pieces of the code sheet that you stored in the glass vials.
<<st 250>>
You gave up trying to solve the first symbol. You have to try again later.
<<expertq amnesiaq250>>
<<st 350>>
You gave up trying to solve the second symbol. You have to try again later.
<<expertq amnesiaq350>>
<<st 450>>
You gave up trying to solve the third symbol. You have to try again later.
<<expertq amnesiaq450>>
<<st 480>>
You solved all the symbols for the recipe. Now you can make the Oil of Amnesia.
<<st 490>>
You made the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>> You have to test it to make sure it works.
<<st 500>>
You want to test the Oil of Amnesia on someone. You have to find someone suitable.
<<st 550>>
You can't think of someone to test the Oil of Amnesia on. You have to keep it in mind.
<<st 600>>
You want to test the oil on Vivien, but first, you should visit Sister Catarina in the school kitchen. You want to add a potion of contraception to the food the students will eat to <<if $pregnancy>>reduce<<else>>eliminate<</if>> the risk of making the girls at school pregnant.
<<st 800>>
You distracted Sister Catarina in the school kitchen and added a <<potionContraception>> to the food the students will eat. Now you can visit Vivien after supper to test the <<potionAmnesiaOil>> by fornicating with her.
<<st 900>>
You tried to convince Vivien to fornicate with you, but she refused. You considered forcing your will, but you didn't feel like taking the risk of upsetting her and Sister Dana in case the Oil of Amnesia didn't work well enough. You have to visit Vivien again another night and try to convince her to fornicate.
<<st 1000>>
You fornicated with Vivien and then hid a cloth soaked with <<potionAmnesiaOil>> under her bed. You should visit Vivien again tomorrow after supper
<<st 2000>>
Vivien had a lot of memories from the night you fornicated with her, but you convinced her it was a dream. On the whole, the experiment was a success and proved the usefulness of the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>> You may want to experiment more with the effectiveness and dosage of the oil some other time – perhaps on another student.
<<widget recipebook>>
<<quest recipebook>>
<<st 100>>
You suspect that the alchemist making the lust drug has a copy of Ludolphus' recipes, maybe as a recipe book. You want to find out where the alchemist got the recipes from.<br>
If the monks had a copy of Ludolphus' recipes, they would most likely have kept it in the locked cabinet in the library. Visit the monks' library at night and try to find an inventory list for the cabinet.
<<st 1000>>
When you visited the monks' library at night, you found an inventory list in the locked cabinet – the "secret archive", as the monks call it. However, you failed to find anything related to Ludolphus' recipes ever being in the secret archive. If the mysterious alchemist uses Ludolphus' recipes, the recipes must come from somewhere else.
<<expertq recipebook>>
<<st 1100>>
As unlikely as it may seem, the recipes could come from the nuns' libraries. You have to at least investigate the possibility. You don't want to ask Sister Jana to avoid making her more suspicious of you than she already is. You should speak with Sister Palome.
<<st 1200>>
You went to the nuns' library and, with help from Sister Palome, you looked for any evidence that the nuns ever had in their possession anything that could be of interest to the investigation. Nothing new of interest turned up.
<<st 1300>>
It seems that Novice Francia has something to say, but she doesn't want to do it with Sister Palome in the library. You must get rid of Sister Palome.
<<st 2000>>
When Sister Palome left, Novice Francia helped you find a secret compartment in the nuns' library. The discovery of the compartment means there is a possibility that a copy of Ludolphus' recipes was kept there before ending up in the hands of the alchemist. You should see if Mother Magda knows anything about this secret compartment and its contents.
<<st 2200>>
Mother Magda said she doesn't know anything about Ludolphus or secret compartments with hidden documents. You are confident she was being honest with you. Your investigation into Sister Palome might provide a lead.
<<qonhold 3000>>
<<st 3000>>
Sister Palome didn't get you any closer to tracing the source of a potential copy of Ludolphus' recipes. With nothing more to go on, you have to shelf this lead.
/* flags: 210;
qq var set to 2100 some days after step2000 to keep library visible for some time after completing quest for repeat forni) */
<<widget palomeq>>
<<quest palomeq>>
<<st 100>>
<<set _diedyear = setup.lastAbbotEndYear>>
Through Novice Francia, you learned that Sister Palome knows of a secret compartment in the nuns' library. In the compartment, you discovered a copy of the summary part of the Vatican report about Ludolphus from _diedyear. What else could have been hidden down there, and what more does Sister Palome know? You should investigate her. Novice Francia could help you.
<<st 200>>
After anointing Novice Francia to make her easier to control, you enlisted her to spy on Sister Palome for you. You should return to Novice Francia in a day or two to get a report.
<<st 400>>
You talked to Novice Francia but she had nothing to report. You must be patient. You should give it time before talking to Novice Francia again
<<qonhold 600>>
<<st 600>>
It has been a while since you spoke to Novice Francia. You should visit her in the library. Perhaps she has learned something new about Sister Palome.
<<st 700>>
Novice Francia had nothing new to report about Sister Palome. It is time to confront Sister Palome.
<<st 1000>>
Sister Palome said she found the hidden compartment some years ago – before the attacks started. She never told anyone about it because of the shame and potential reputational damage. The document will remain where it is and Sister Palome will report any suspicious activity near the hidden compartment on the small chance that the document is somehow related to the attacks. Sister Palome promised she didn't know of any other old documents or hidden compartments, and you believed her.
<<st 1200>>
Although Sister Palome is no longer in your spotlight, Sister Francia – your asset in the library – should continue to keep an eye on her.<br>Assets are very valuable. You should fornicate with Sister Francia to bind her closer to you.
<<st 2000>>
You fornicated with Novice Francia, assuring she will continue to be your asset in the library. She will keep an eye on Sister Palome and report anything suspicious to you.
/* flag: 150, 1010 */
<<widget investBeds>>
<<quest investBeds>>
<<st 100>>
Ludolphus' Oil of Amnesia gives off that metallic scent you detected in the rooms of the attacked victims. If the attacker uses an Oil of Amnesia made from following Ludolphus' recipe, perhaps Ludolphus' recommended use is also followed. Look for evidence of an oily cloth being used under the beds of the victims.
<<st 200>>
You didn't find anything in Novice Alma's room.
<<st 300>>
You didn't find anything in Novice Theodora's room.
<<st 400>>
You didn't find anything in Sister Catarina's room.
<<st 500>>
You searched the beds of all the nuns attacked since you arrived at the Monastery, but you found nothing of interest.
<<st 600>>
You found an oily cloth stuck underneath your bed. You detected a faint trace of the metallic scent.
<<st 1000>>
You proved that the metallic scent after the attacks came from an <<potionAmnesiaOil>> that was used in the victims' rooms. This explains why the victims can't remember much of the attacks. You found the oily cloth used for this purpose hidden under your bed, but someone had removed the cloths from the attacked nuns' beds
/* If ending with 1000,1200 or 1300, later changing to 1400 then 1410 for eventID 1000 */
<<widget anikaq2>>
<<quest anikaq2>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Anika didn't look very well at supper today. You have seen her like this more than once lately. You should check in on her during the day to see how she is doing.
<<st 200>>
It turned out that Novice Anika had been a little sick, probably from a stomach flu or similar. It seems she was quite disappointed that she wasn't pregnant. You have told her it would be a miracle to get pregnant from a holy rite, and Novice Anika must have wished for this to happen. You should check in on Novice Anika again in a day or two.
<<st 300>>
Novice Anika thinks she is pregnant, and this would explain why she has felt a bit sick lately. You are not sure she is pregnant though. You should check in on Novice Anika again in a day or two.
<<st 1000>>
Novice Anika believes she is pregnant. She thinks the Lord put the child in her, making her a "blessed virgin". Perhaps she is pregnant, perhaps not. You will find out eventually.
<<st 1100>>
Novice Anika went crazy, blindfolded herself, and thought God would make her pregnant if she stayed pure. You put her in her place and told her things were to go back to normal. You were harsh, but it was for the best, and you think you got through to her. You should check in on Novice Anika again soon to see how she is.
<<st 1200>>
You snapped Novice Anika out of her delusion. Things are now back to how they used to be. And this is how you want it to remain.
<<st 1300>>
Novice Anika has lost it. She has blindfolded herself and thinks God will make her pregnant if she stays pure. You decided to play along with her delusion, thinking that it might lead to new intimate experiences with her in the future. But you have to handle her carefully.
/* in hjana1 ev2100, stage 5000 is currently used to know if anika's preg has become known. Have to revisit this when that time come */
<<widget anikapreg>>
<<quest anikapreg>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Anika thinks she is pregnant, that she is a "blessed virgin", impregnated by the Holy Spirit like the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. Perhaps she is. In time, you will learn the truth. In any case, she is very reluctant to let you be intimate with her again. Since Novice Anika could be fragile and her reaction unpredictable if you push her, you will take it easy with her. As a compromise, you suggested that she could use her hands instead of her mouth on you when you anoint her. You also wanted to see her breasts to help you finish. Novice Anika said she would pray on it. You should visit her again soon.
<<st 200>>
After massaging her changed breasts, you concluded that Novice Anika was indeed pregnant. She refused to be anointed, but perhaps she will come around if you give her some time to get used to the idea.
<<st 240>>
Novice Anika still refused to let you anoint her. You decided to give her some more time to pray on it. Hopefully, she will come around.
<<st 260>>
You gave Novice Anika another breast massage but she still refused to let you anoint her. What to do with her?
<<st 300>>
Novice Anika still refused to let you anoint her. You considered giving her a <<potionParanoia>> to make her realize the danger she is in, but you instead decided to give her more time to pray on it.
<<st 400>>
After slipping Novice Anika a <<potionParanoia>> while administering Holy Communion to her, you managed to make her scared enough of Satan that she agreed to be anointed, and she used her hands on you. You should return later to anoint Novice Anika again.
<<st 440>>
Novice Anika used her hands and you anointed her once more. Eventually, you want to penetrate her slit with your manhood again.
<<qonhold 600>>
<<st 600>>
Novice Anika has had enough time to accept being penetrated while being a "blessed virgin". You should talk to her.
<<st 700>>
By convincing Novice Anika that it was a holy act, you finally fornicated with her again. She also agreed not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until you say otherwise.
<<qonhold 800>>
<<st 800>>
Following your discovery that you are a lust angel capable of siring lust angels, you can tell Novice Anika the more believable story that you are the father of her child, not the Holy Spirit.
<<st 900>>
You informed the nuns that you are a lust angel. Now you can speak with Novice Anika.
<<st 1000>>
You told Novice Anika that you are the father of her child, not the Holy Spirit. She had to accept the truth. Having a good explanation for her pregnancy, you can relax. Eventually, you will have to announce Novice Anika's pregnancy to the convent.
<<widget anikacrazy>>
<<quest anikacrazy>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Anika suffers from a delusion that God has chosen her to become a blessed virgin, meant to be impregnated with the Holy Spirit. She will then become a blessed virgin mother. But this can only happen if she stays pure. That means not being intimate with you in any way. You managed to convince her to at least think about being anointed and to use her hands on you.<br>
Because of Novice Anika's fragile mental state, you must handle her carefully. You should check in on her soon.
<<st 200>>
You gave Novice Anika a breast massage and it seems her delusion of thinking she will be pregnant is so strong that her breasts have already started to grow. Novice Anika refused to be anointed, but perhaps she will come around if you give her some time to get used to the idea.
<<st 240>>
Novice Anika still refused to let you anoint her. You decided to give her some more time to pray on it. Hopefully, she will come around.
<<st 260>>
You gave Novice Anika another breast massage but she still refused to let you anoint her. What to do with her?
<<st 300>>
Novice Anika still refused to let you anoint her. You considered giving her a <<potionParanoia>> to make her realize the danger she is in, but you instead decided to give her more time to pray on it.
<<st 400>>
After slipping Novice Anika a <<potionParanoia>> while administering Holy Communion to her, you managed to make her scared enough of Satan that she agreed to be anointed, and she used her hands on you. You should return later to anoint Novice Anika again.
<<st 440>>
Novice Anika used her hands and you anointed her once more. Eventually, you want to penetrate her slit with your manhood again.
<<qonhold 600>>
<<st 600>>
Novice Anika has had enough time to accept being penetrated while being a "blessed virgin". You should talk to her.
<<st 700>>
By convincing Novice Anika that it was a holy act, you finally fornicated with her again. She also agreed not to tell anyone she is trying to become pregnant through the Holy Spirit until you say otherwise.
<<qonhold 800>>
<<st 800>>
Following your discovery that you are a lust angel capable of siring lust angels, you can tell Novice Anika the more believable story that you would be the father if she becomes pregnant, not the Holy Spirit.
<<st 900>>
You informed the nuns that you are a lust angel. Now you can speak with Novice Anika.
<<st 1000>>
You told Novice Anika that you would be the father if she becomes pregnant, not the Holy Spirit. You hope this news might take the edge off Novice Anika's delusional craziness and eventually make her accept that she will never become pregnant. Time will tell.
<<widget catarinakitchen>>
<<quest catarinakitchen>>
<<st 100>>
You felt an urge to fornicate with Sister Catarina in the kitchen. It will bring her even more under your control, and another ally at the school is worth much for any plans you might have for the girls there.
<<st 200>>
Sister Catarina had concerns about fornicating in the kitchen. You told her to speak with Novice Emma and you will return to Sister Catarina tomorrow.
<<st 300>>
You fornicated with Sister Catarina in the school kitchen. This will bind her closer to you.
<<widget amyq>>
<<quest amyq>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Amy – who teaches at the school – approached you, saying she suffers from nightmares because of lustful fantasies in her teens. She told Novice Emma about this, and Novice Emma told her to talk to you. Though still a virgin, Sister Amy thinks she may need your help with the holy rites to get rid of those old sins of the mind.<br>
Sister Amy was adamant that no one should see you together, especially not inside the walls. You agreed to meet behind the stable tomorrow.
<<st 200>>
Sister Amy's lustful fantasies in her teens included sinful thoughts of fornication. You wanted to eat those sins of fornication, but Sister Amy didn't want to submit to the holy rites. You agreed to keep meeting behind the stables. How will you convince Sister Amy to change her mind?
<<expertq amyq>>
<<st 210>>
Sister Amy's lustful fantasies in her teens included sinful thoughts of fornication. You wanted to eat those sins of fornication, but Sister Amy didn't want to submit to the holy rites. You will keep meeting Sister Amy behind the stables. Perhaps the next time, she has changed her mind.
<<st 300>>
Sister Amy still refuses to submit to the holy rites, but you need Sister Amy's help with Chloe. You must find a way to make Sister Amy change her mind.
<<expertq amyq2>>
<<st 400>>
You want to make Sister Amy's nightmares worse, hoping it will make her accept your help. You want to take the nightmare tea and make it into a nightmare oil similar to the Oil of Confusion and the Oil of Amnesia in that it would work through its potent fumes. Ludolphus' notes don't have such a recipe, so you must figure out how to make these potent nightmare fumes yourself. This will test your alchemical skills.
<<st 450>>
You failed to figure out how to make the potent fumes. You have to try again another time.<br>
<<expertq amyqpuzzle>>
<<st 500>>
Putting your alchemical skills to the test, you figured out how to make the potent fumes. Now you can make the <<potionNightmareOil .>>
<<st 600>>
You made the <<potionNightmareOil>> and are ready to test it on Sister Amy. After supper, you will put an oily cloth under her bed. The best time to do this is during Compline - the night prayers. Sister Amy lives upstairs.
<<st 800>>
You soaked a cloth with the nightmare oil and hid it under Sister Amy's bed. You should meet Sister Amy behind the stables to see if her nightmares have gotten worse, and maybe then you can convince her to submit to the holy rites.
<<st 900>>
The nightmare oil worked. You met with Sister Amy and because of her nightmares getting worse, she let you eat her sins of fornication. Now you must go to Sister Amy's room, upstairs, to remove the oily cloth from under her bed.
<<st 940>>
You removed the cloth soaked with <<potionNightmareOil>> from under Sister Amy's bed. Tomorrow you should meet her behind the stable to see if her nightmares are gone.
<<st 1000>>
Thanks to the eating of Sister Amy's sins of fornication, and her faith in the Lord, Sister Amy's nightmares are gone. She has promised to help you fight Satan at the school. You should meet with Sister Amy behind the stable tomorrow. Then you can ask for her help with Chloe and perhaps eat more of her sins of fornication.
<<st 1200>>
Sister Amy agreed to help you with Chloe. Sister Amy will be a valuable asset at the school. You will keep meeting with her behind the stable, and if needed, to eat her sins of fornication.
<<widget catarinastudent>>
<<quest catarinastudent>>
<<st 100>>
You have helped a few girls at the school, but potentially many more students need your help and the holy rites. You should talk to Novice Emma to see if she has any suggestions.
<<st 200>>
Novice Emma couldn't help you. You have to keep looking for a student in need of the holy rites.
<<expertq catarinastudent>>
<<st 300>>
You spoke to Sister Catarina and she suggested that the student Chloe might need help. You have to investigate this.
<<widget chloeq>>
<<quest chloeq>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Catarina revealed that the student Chloe is growing impatient with being at the school studying because she has lustful desires for her boyfriend whom she plans to marry when she moves back home. Chloe is now thinking of quitting her education here because of this desire. This could be a sign that Satan has gotten his claws in Chloe. Sister Catarina will arrange for you to meet with Chloe tomorrow after one of Chloe's classes.
<<st 200>>
You met with Chloe and told her you wanted to perform tests related to lust to see if Satan had gotten to her. Chloe agreed to meet with you in her room after supper.
<<st 300>>
You tested Chloe for signs of corruption by Satan. The testing was about lust – since that is how the Devil spreads his corruption in the convent and the school. Afterward, you told Chloe to speak with Novice Emma.<br>
You should visit Chloe again after supper to continue the testing.
<<st 500>>
You continued to test Chloe for signs of Satan's corruption. The testing ended prematurely when Chloe refused to show her naked breasts. You told her to speak more with Novice Emma and Sister Catarina, hoping she would come around, but with Chloe's strong resistance, you doubt that alone will be enough. How will you convince Chloe to let you continue the testing?
<<if $qqamyq >=200>><<expertq chloeq>><<else>><<expertq chloeqb>><</if>>
<<st 600>>
Sister Amy may now be able to help you with Chloe. You should bring it up the next time you meet with Sister Amy behind the stable.
<<st 700>>
Sister Amy agreed to speak with Chloe about letting you test her. You should visit Chloe in her room after supper.
<<st 800>>
Chloe agreed to let you see and touch her naked breasts to test her level of Satan's corruption. The result of the test was inconclusive. Chloe claimed to experience almost no lust, something you didn't expect from someone with a sex drive high enough to want to give up her education to have sexual relations with her boyfriend. This might be a trick from the Devil to fool you into letting Chloe leave the school. You have to pray and think about this to decide what to do with Chloe. Meanwhile, she is not to leave the school.
<<qonhold 1000>>
<<st 1000>>
After a dream, you fear for Chloe's safety and want to anoint her. You should speak with Sister Amy behind the stable.
<<st 1100>>
Sister Amy promised to speak with Chloe. You should visit Chloe in her room after supper to see if she agrees to be anointed.
<<st 1300>>
After Chloe used her mouth on you, you anointed her with the Holy Seed. Chloe didn't feel any lust this time either, which is suspicious. You may have to fornicate with her to get to the bottom of this. Until then, you can anoint her again.
<<qonhold 1500>>
<<st 2000>>
You concluded that Chloe's lack of lust is because God has another plan for her: she will help you with the problem students. You can stop the testing on Chloe, but she still needs to be anointed for protection. You had a sudden desire for her slit which could be a signal from God that Chloe must some day be anointed there.
<<widget janamarry>>
<<quest janamarry>>
<<st 100>>
Your unfulfilled desire to penetrate Sister Jana's slit without a condom is becoming a problem. Holy Marriage could be the solution. You should talk to Novice Emma about it.
<<st 200>>
Novice Emma had little progress with convincing Sister Jana to accept Holy Marriage. You have had enough of this. You will marry Sister Jana and have sex without a condom. You must confront Sister Jana about it.
<<st 300>>
Sister Jana refused to marry you and to not use contraceptives. Since you don't want to do it against her will, you have to somehow change Sister Jana's mind.
<<expertq janamarry>>
<<st 400>>
If Sister Jana thinks the lust curse has returned, you might be able to convince her to marry you. For this purpose, you decided to make a fuming lust oil, and then put an oily cloth under Sister Jana's bed. Now you just have to make the oil.
<<st 500>>
You made a <<potionFumingLustOil>> in your lab. Now you must hide an oily cloth under Sister Jana's bed. You should do this after supper, during Compline – the night prayer.
<<st 600>>
You hid a cloth soaked with the <<potionFumingLustOil>> under Sister Jana's bed. Tomorrow, you should visit Sister Jana in the herb garden.
<<st 1000>>
You married Sister Jana and consummated the marriage without using any contraceptives. Before supper, you must remove the oily cloth from Sister Jana's room. Sister Jana's room is pretty close to your room.
<<st 1100>>
You removed the oily cloth from under Sister Jana's bed. Now you must wait a few days, then you should try to marry Sister Jana again when she is not under the influence of any lust drug.
<<st 1400>>
Sister Jana submissively had to accept the truth of the Holy Marriage since it saved her from the lust curse. Without using any lust drugs, you married Sister Jana again and consummated the marriage without using contraceptives. You can marry her again when you feel like it.
<<widget abbotmessage>>
<<quest abbotmessage>>
<<st 100>>
A message was left at the black door saying the abbot wants to speak with you. You should visit him.
<<st 200>>
Father Alvaro informed you that many monks have had disturbing "nightmares" recently. In reality, a dark figure with red glowing eyes – whom the abbot calls "the doctor" – is performing some unknown experiment or treatment on the monks in their beds by drugging them and then repeatedly tapping on their bodies. The incidents have many similarities with the attacks on the nuns – and may be carried out by the same individual.
<<widget monknightmares>>
<<quest monknightmares>>
<<st 100>>
Father Alvaro gave you a list with dates and the names of monks who have been visited by "the doctor" while sleeping. You want to question a few monks about it – the ones you know the best. You should start by speaking with Novice Alonso in the bathroom.
<<st 200>>
You questioned Novice Alonso about the nightmares. He said he had a few more nightmares about the doctor that he didn't tell Father Alvaro about, either because he didn't remember them well or because he thought they were just nightmares. Other than that, you didn't learn anything new.
<<st 220>>
Next, you should speak with Brother Gaspar (kitchen garden), Brother Giovanni (herb garden), and Brother Gino (distillery).
<<st 300>>
You talked to Brother Gaspar. As the list from the abbot said, Brother Gaspar remembered three of his four nightmares well, and one not so well. You confirmed your impression that he is a nervous type, but other than that, you didn't learn anything new of interest.
<<print setup.talkNightmares(300)>>
<<st 400>>
You talked to Brother Giovanni. He has had the nightmare two times – and remembered them both well – but he doesn't care much about their meaning, so he never bothered telling Father Alvaro about the second nightmare. Aside from that, you didn't learn anything new of interest.
<<print setup.talkNightmares(400)>>
<<st 500>>
You talked to Brother Gino. He has had the nightmare two times, but he never bothered telling Father Alvaro about the second nightmare because he didn't remember the tapping sequence. Aside from that, you didn't learn anything new of interest.
<<print setup.talkNightmares(500)>>
<<st 1000>>
You talked to everyone you wanted to talk to. There is nothing more to do about the strange "nightmares" and the doctor for now.
<<widget alonsodistillery>>
<<quest alonsodistillery>>
<<st 100>>
You want Novice Alonso to become a spy in the Distillery. Talk to him at the usual time and place in their bathroom.
<<st 200>>
Novice Alonso agreed to start working in the Distillery and be your spy there. Now you must ask Father Alvaro to arrange for Novice Alonso's transfer.
<<st 300>>
Father Alvaro agreed to transfer Novice Alonso to the Distillery. It should be done by tomorrow.
<<st 500>>
Visit Novice Alonso in the Distillery.
<<st 600>>
You saw Novice Alonso in the Distillery. He will work there, and spy for you, but you will keep having your secret meetings in the bathroom. Novice Alonso will send you a message if he has something to report.
<<qonhold 1000>>
<<st 1000>>
Having installed Novice Alonso as the new apprentice in the Distillery, he is in the best position possible to learn of any secrets there, short of being a master. You trust that he will contact you if he learns something. You can still keep in touch with him in the bathroom from time to time.
/* Using doplay in button to set to 310 in chapel when using corr55 button, then qset to 320
Qsets after completing: 4100, 4200 - used in chapel.tw */
<<widget amnesiaproject>>
<<quest amnesiaproject>>
<<st 100>>
The time has come to do more testing on the <<potionAmnesiaOil .>> This is a priority since the oil could save you one day. You should go to your lab to think.
<<st 200>>
Instead of testing the Oil of Amnesia, you decided to focus on the <<potionAmnesia>> as it could potentially be even more useful than the oil. You came up with the idea to test the Potion of Amnesia on the townswomen coming to confess in the chapel by adding the potion to the wine when administering Holy Communion to them.<br>
First, you must make the potion.
<<st 210>>
You made a first batch of the <<potionAmnesia .>> Now you must find more test subjects among the townswomen coming to confess in the outside chapel.
<<st 240>>
Realizing what you are planning to do, your courage failed you. You must find the strength to start Project Amnesia with the townswomen coming to confess in the chapel outside the walls.
<<expertq amnesiaproject>>
<<st 300>>
After drawing strength from Jesus by drinking consecrated wine, you feel ready to start looking for test subjects among the townswomen coming to confess in the outside chapel. You can probably use Ava, but you want at least three more townswomen to test the <<potionAmnesia>> on.
<<st 400>>
After speaking with Ava, you have locked her in as a test subject for the project.
<<st 420>>
You have started testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on test subject Ava.
<<st 450>>
You have completed the testing on Ava.
<<st 500>>
You have added test subject Nena to the project.
<<st 520>>
You have started testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on test subject Nena.
<<st 550>>
You have completed the testing on Nena.
<<st 600>>
You have added test subject Raylene to the project.
<<st 620>>
You have started testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on test subject Raylene.
<<st 650>>
You have completed the testing on Raylene.
<<st 700>>
You now have three test subjects. You want at least one more. You must keep taking confessions.
<<st 730>>
You have begun testing modified recipes of the <<potionAmnesia>> – hoping to eventually be able to improve Ludolphus' original recipe.
<<st 750>>
Your unfulfilled desire to marry Sister Jana is playing tricks on your mind. Until you have married Sister Jana, you can't trust yourself to add a fourth test subject.
<<st 800>>
You have added test subject Adrianna to the project. That makes it four test subjects, which should be enough. You can stop taking confessions to look for more test subjects.
<<st 830>>
You have started testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on test subject Adrianna.
<<st 850>>
You have completed the testing on Adrianna.
<<st 1000>>
You should visit the chapel every day to work on the project since you don't know which days the test subjects will come. Click on the calendar <<mii misc/calendar 3.3 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.46rem stylingend'>> in the top right corner of the monastery map to go straight to bed, allowing you to quickly return to the chapel for a new day of testing.
<<st 2000>>
You have finished the testing of the <<potionAmnesia>> on all the test subjects. Tomorrow, you can begin the final phase of the project.
<<st 2300>>
You gave the new and (hopefully) improved <<potionAmnesia>> to all the test subjects. Tomorrow, you will evaluate the result.
<<st 4000>>
Project Amnesia was successfully completed. You managed to develop a significantly improved version of the <<potionAmnesia .>> It may save you one day.
<<widget adriannaq>>
<<quest adriannaq>>
<<st 100>>
Adrianna is a new trial student at the school, and she is Sister Dana's daughter who Sister Dana gave away after birth and has not seen since then. The Lord has given you this opportunity to bind Sister Dana even closer to you. Before presenting Adrianna to Sister Dana, you must prepare Adrianna to accept the holy rites. You want to use the exorcism ruse on Adrianna, but spiking the wine would be too suspicious since you haven't administered Holy Communion to her before. You have to find another way to make Adriana believe she is possessed by a demon.
<<expertq adriannaq>>
<<st 200>>
You placed a cloth soaked with a mix of <<potionFumingLustOil>> and <<potionNightmareOil>> under Adrianna's bed in her room at the school. Talk to Adrianna tomorrow, in the confessional.
<<st 300>>
Adrianna had a lustful nightmare, and after spiking the wine you gave her, you convinced her she is possessed by a lust demon, and you could add her to the project. Now you must remove the oily cloth from under her bed.
<<st 400>>
You removed the oily cloth from Adrianna's room. Tomorrow you can start testing the <<potionAmnesia>> on her.
<<st 500>>
You started the testing on Adrianna. You will finish Project Amnesia before moving on to your plans for Adrianna and her biological mother Sister Dana.
<<st 600>>
You had Adrianna perform oral sex on you. You didn't give her a <<potionAmnesia>> because you wanted her to remember everything, as it will serve your plans for her.
<<st 1000>>
With Project Amnesia completed, you will take some time to plan how to move forward with Adrianna and her biological mother, Sister Dana.
<<qonhold 1200>>
<<st 1200>>
The time has come to move on with your plans for Adrianna. Visit her in her room in the school dormitory before supper.
<<st 1250>>
You spoke with Adrianna and considered anointing her, but in the end, you needed more time to think. You should meet with Adrianna again later.
<<st 1300>>
You met with Adrianna and anointed her with Holy Seed. Now you should talk to Sister Dana in the dungeons after supper.
<<st 1500>>
Sister Dana didn't know how she felt about you being intimate with her daughter. Sister Dana will talk with Adrianna and then again with you. You promised not to be intimate with Adrianna again until then. You should visit Adrianna in her room at the school during the day.
<<st 2000>>
You talked to Adrianna who said she would stay at school to finish her courses and get to know Sister Dana better. You want to anoint Adrianna again, but you should speak with Sister Dana in the dungeons first.
<<st 2200>>
Meeting with Sister Dana, you promised not to have sexual intercourse with Adrianna before Sister Dana has a chance to decide how she feels about that. Sister Dana did accept that you will anoint Adrianna when needed. You should visit Adrianna in her room during the day.
<<st 2300>>
You wanted to anoint Adrianna, but she was with Sister Dana again. Knowing Sister Dana's reluctance to you being intimate with her daughter, you could try catching Adrianna alone another time. Since she will be in town after supper, you must visit her in her room during the day.
<<st 3000>>
You anointed Adrianna again. You want to penetrate her slit, but that has to wait until you can find a way to make Sister Dana accept it or she may leave the convent – which you can't risk. You will take your time to think about this.
/* qset to 2010 for investreward after completion */
<<widget redthread>>
<<quest redthread>>
<<st 100>>
You had a dream about the case. You only remember one thing clearly: the phrase "the red thread". You feel it is important. You should go to your lab to think.
<<st 200>>
You think you may have discovered an important clue or connection in the dream. Something about a red thread. You must try to remember what it was.
<<st 220>>
You took a break from trying to make sense of the clues and the dream about the red thread. When you are ready to continue, you should go to your lab to think.
<<st 1000>>
The red thread in the dream was a trail of clues that led to a final epiphany: that the glowing red eyes of the attacker, the Crone, and the doctor could be the result of a potion. A night vision potion. Ludolphus has a recipe for such a potion. You must make it.
<<st 1200>>
You made the <<potionNightVision .>> Now you must test it by drinking it.
<<st 2000>>
You tested the <<potionNightVision .>> Your eyes became glowing red, proving that the attacker, the Crone, and the doctor could have been using such a potion.
<<widget juliamoving>>
<<quest juliamoving>>
<<st 100>>
You want to move Novice Julia closer to your room to get quick access to her body when you need to reduce your lust.
<<st 300>>
Sister Mari is currently living in the room you want to move Novice Julia to. This is something for Sister Roberta to sort out. Speak with her after supper.
<<st 500>>
Sister Roberta will make the arrangements for the relocation of Sister Mari and Novice Julia. Tomorrow, you should visit Novice Julia in her new room close to you.
<<st 1000>>
You visited Novice Julia in her new room. She seems to like it there. You don't expect any problems, but time will tell if Novice Julia will be okay in her official role of being there to support your sexual needs.
<<expertq juliamoving>>
<<st 2000>>
You used Novice Julia's body to reduce your lust. It went well. The young girl seems to have accepted her official role.
<<widget emmafuck>>
<<quest emmafuck>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Emma is your close and loyal ally. You should talk to her to make sure she is doing okay with everything.
<<st 200>>
You sensed that Novice Emma might be jealous because you continue to have sex with other women after having had sex with her. To decrease Novice Emma's potential jealousy, you will have sex with her in her room. But your lust must be high enough to make it apparent to Novice Emma that you desire her body.
<<st 400>>
After fornicating with Novice Emma in her room, you think she needs more assurance that you belong to her. Find a good opportunity to have sex with Novice Emma in a more public place than her room.
<<expertq emmafuck>>
<<st 1000>>
You fornicated with Novice Emma outside the stable, showing to the world that you belong to her. If you repeat this once in a while, you will hopefully avoid feelings of jealousy becoming a problem with Novice Emma.
<<widget praychapel>>
<<quest praychapel>>
<<st 100>>
You must take care of your spiritual health. Visit the nuns' chapel to pray.
<<st 1000>>
After communing with God, your spiritual connection was strengthened. You are ready to continue with the investigation and fighting the holy war.
/* 510 set in nuns1 ev:1860 st:6200 */
<<widget evieq>>
<<quest evieq>>
<<st 100>>
You saw Novice Evie sweeping in the small indoor chapel. Thinking she could use the protection of the Holy Seed, you considered using a <<potionLust>> to make her agree to be anointed.
<<st 120>>
You hesitated giving a lust potion to Novice Evie. Perhaps another time. You will think about it.
<<st 200>>
After drinking the spiked cider, Novice Evie succumbed to temptations and masturbated.
<<st 220>>
You decided not to interfere. After watching Novice Evie, you left without confronting her. You could probably make this happen again if you wanted to.
<<st 300>>
You confronted Novice Evie after seeing her masturbate. You wanted to anoint her, but she refused. Perhaps if you try again another time, she will come around.
<<st 500>>
You gave Novice Evie another <<potionLust .>> She still refused to let you anoint her, but desiring to see the slit of the voluptuous girl, you convinced Novice Evie to get naked in front of you.<br>
You should visit Novice Evie in her room another day to talk more.
<<st 520>>
You talked to Novice Evie in her room, wanting to anoint her. She refused, repeating that she doesn't need to be anointed because the lust demon has stopped attacking the sisters.
<<st 550>>
After Novice Evie refused to be anointed, you got her to strip naked for you instead. But you want more than that. You will try again later.
<<st 1000>>
In a compromise with Novice Evie, you used your hands to bring forth the Holy Seed while staring at the naked nun. This could get you closer to having Novice Evie use her mouth on you, but you probably need something more to finally convince her.
<<qonhold 1100>>
<<st 1100>>
After your experimental attack on Novice Lara, which occurred to the west of that north-south corridor, Novice Evie may now be more willing to let you anoint her properly, using her mouth.
<<st 2000>>
Novice Evie finally agreed to use her mouth on you, and you could anoint her properly. Now you desire her slit, a sign that the Lord wants it to happen, but there is no rush. You will keep it in mind while letting Novice Evie get used to the anointings.
<<widget attacklocations>>
<<quest attacklocations>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Evie claimed that the lust demon didn't attack the nuns living on the west side of the north-south hallway close to her room. Can it be true? You must go down to your lab to think.
<<st 1000>>
It seems that Novice Evie was correct. None of the attacks have happened on the west side of the north-south hallway. Although you doubt the hallway itself is of significance, its location in the west part of the monastery may be a clue: If the attacker uses a secret passage to enter the nuns' side of the monastery, the passage is most likely in the east part of the building. It makes sense that the attacker wouldn't want to move too far away from it.
<<widget investmurder>>
<<quest investmurder>>
<<st 100>>
Brother Gregor has been found dead in the caves in the Distillery. Whatever happened, you must make it look like an accident before the police arrive. But you must be careful not to make the police suspect you of tampering with evidence.
<<st 200>>
You must make Brother Gregor's death look like an accident.<br>
<<expertq investmurder>>
<<st 280>>
Examining Brother Gregor's corpse made you suspect he was murdered. You tampered with evidence to make sure it looked like an accident. You also told Father Alvaro a made-up story that Brother Gregor was sleepwalking and used to dream of smashing the beer barrels. You convinced Father Alvaro that what happened was a tragic accident where Brother Gregor acted out in his dream, pulling the rack down on himself.
<<st 300>>
Lastly, you rubbed the suspected cutahest salve you found on Brother Gregor's collar into your skin to test it. You are not sure you will notice any effect, due to the small amount of the salve.
<<st 500>>
The salve appeared to be some kind of paralyzing salve. The police will probably want to speak with you soon, hopefully after lunch, giving time for the paralyzing salve to wear off.
<br>Eat lunch in the refectory.
<<st 600>>
You told the police your lie about Brother Gregor sleepwalking and probably pulling the rack down on himself. The police seemed to believe you. Now you can go to your lab to look for the paralyzing recipe.
<<st 800>>
You found a recipe for a Salve of Lethargy in Ludolphus' notes. This salve could be the salve you found on Brother Gregor's neck. You should make the salve.
<<st 820>>
You made a <<potionLethargy>> and tested it on yourself. It felt just like the salve on Brother Gregor's neck.
<<st 1000>>
Tomorrow you have things to do over at the monks: Talk to the abbot for news about the investigation. Get Novice Alonso to help you in the Distillery to examine the mud sample.
<<st 1990>>
Talk to the abbot for news about the investigation.
<<st 2000>>
The abbot said the police seem to think Brother Gregor's death was an accident and they will probably close the investigation soon. If the abbot hears otherwise, he will contact you.
<<st 2090>>
Now you must examine the mud sample you took from Brother Gregor's shoes. Go to the Distillery and talk to Novice Alonso.
<<st 2100>>
You examined the mud sample in the microscope in the lab of the Distillery. You found no abnormally high traces of long pepper dust – or anything else of interest.
<<st 2200>>
You decided to conclude your investigation into Brother Gregor's death, for now.
<<widget experimentAttacks>>
<<quest experimentAttacks>>
<<st 100>>
You think you may have figured out all the drugs the attacker uses when attacking the nuns in their beds. To test your hypothesis, you want to recreate such an attack.
First, you must make a sleep salve. You will do it in your lab tomorrow.
<<st 140>>
You must make the sleep salve you think the attacker – and the doctor – use on their victims.
<<st 160>>
You made a <<potionSleepSalve>> using Ludolphus' recipe. Now you will make a red version of the <<potionRashSalve .>>
<<st 200>>
With the final salve made, you have everything you need to try to recreate an attack on a nun.<br>
After careful consideration, you chose Novice Lara as the test subject for your experiment. You will visit her room late at night when everyone is asleep.
<<st 300>>
Affected by a <<potionNightVision>> and dressed in your monk's robe, you are ready to visit Novice Lara's room.
<<st 350>>
You must find the correct order in which to use the drugs.<br>
<<expertq experimentAttacks>>
<<st 400>>
You successfully recreated an attack on Novice Lara. In a few hours, you expect to be summoned to her room to investigate the attack.
<<st 2000>>
In the morning, you were called to Novice Lara's room to investigate the attack on her. After interrogating the poor girl, you returned to your room to analyze your findings. You concluded that your experiment supported your theory of which drugs are used by the lust demon during the attacks – apart from the potential use of a Salve of Liberation, or similar, which is possible but remains unknown.
/* flag: 1900 (giselle caught smoking again) */
<<widget spanking>>
<<quest spanking>>
<<st 100>>
You want to start spanking some of the problem girls at the school to prevent Satan's corruption from spreading there. To make this happen, you may need to recruit someone to help you. But who?
<<expertq spanking>>
<<st 300>>
You recruited Chloe as an undercover agent infiltrating the problem students. Tomorrow, you should talk to Sister Syren at the school.
<<st 1000>>
You briefly met the new problem students, Giselle and Vicki. Before trying to spank them, you will spank Chloe. Sister Syren will work with Chloe to arrange some kind of violation that will give you a reason to spank Chloe. Wait a few days and then talk to Sister Syren at the school.
<<st 1200>>
Chloe was caught stealing cookies – which was staged by her and Sister Syren. You watched as Sister Syren spanked Chloe in front of Giselle and Vicki. Next, you want to spank Giselle or Vicki. Visit Sister Syren at the school in a couple of days.
<<st 1600>>
Sister Syren caught Giselle smoking cigarettes. You used this transgression as an excuse to spank Giselle. Next, you need an excuse to spank Vicki, but there is no hurry. You should meet with Sister Syren again soon to give Chloe or Giselle another spanking.
<<st 1800>>
Together with Sister Syren, you arranged another spanking of the problem students. You still only have good excuses to spank Chloe and Giselle. Sister Syren will let you know if you have a good enough excuse to also spank Vicki.
<<qonhold 2000>>
<<st 2000>>
Sister Syren wants you meet you at the school. You should go there right away.
<<st 2200>>
It turns out that Sister Syren caught Giselle smoking again. As a punishment, you spanked Giselle.<br>You are still waiting for an excuse to spank Vicki.
<<st 2500>>
Having fornicated with Chloe, you could perhaps use her slit after spanking Giselle. You should try it.
<<st 2700>>
You attended a spanking and then fornicated with Chloe afterward. It went well.
<br>You are still waiting for an excuse to spank Vicki, and the wait is getting frustrating. Soon, you may need to consider arranging something to make things happen.
<<qonhold 3000>>
<<st 3000>>
/* Silent for now for event in grounds1. Using qset */
<<widget darcieq>>
<<quest darcieq>>
/* flags: 130, 1400 */
<<widget alonsoapprentice>>
<<quest alonsoapprentice>>
<<st 100>>
With Brother Gregor dead, the monks need a new master distiller. It will likely be Novice Pascal, the current apprentice, in which case the masters would need a new apprentice. And then you would want it to be Novice Alonso. Visit the monks tomorrow to find out if Novice Pascal becomes the new master distiller.
<<st 150>>
You visited the Distillery and spoke with former Novice Pascal, now Brother Pascal. He is now also the new master distiller. You should speak with Father Alvaro.
<<st 500>>
Brother Pascal is the new master distiller, and now you want Novice Alonso to become the new apprentice. Father Alvaro will speak to the masters. You should speak with Novice Alonso in the bathroom to let him know of your plans.
<<st 600>>
You told Novice Alonso about your plan to make him the new apprentice. He reluctantly accepted. Now you must speak with Father Alvaro.
<<st 1000>>
Father Alvaro said he managed to convince the masters to let Novice Alonso become the new apprentice. Return to the monks tomorrow to verify this.
<<st 1100>>
You verified with the abbot that Novice Alonso is now the apprentice. Speak with Novice Alonso in the bathroom.
<<st 1200>>
You verified with Novice Alonso that he is the new apprentice. Speak with the abbot.
<<st 2000>>
All is set with Novice Alonso as the new apprentice in the Distillery. Now it remains to be seen if Novice Alonso learns something of interest while spying for you in the Distillery.
/* flag: 1400 (climax phase 2 minigame) */
<<widget laraq>>
<<quest laraq>>
<<st 100>>
Novice Lara has been attacked by the lust demon, but you haven't had much contact with her. Tonight, you felt a desire for Novice Lara – a sign from the Lord that she needs the holy rites. Novice Lara refused your offer of help, and you didn't want to push the matter. In time, you may get her to change her mind.
<<st 200>>
You visited Novice Lara wanting to anoint her, but she still refused. Maybe you will be able to come up with a way to change her mind, but it currently doesn't feel too urgent.
<<qonhold 300>>
<<st 300>>
As part of an experiment, you will recreate an attack on Novice Lara in her bed. This should make it easier to later anoint her.
<<st 1000>>
After you recreated an attack on Novice Lara, she seems ready to accept the holy rites. Visit her tomorrow in her room, after supper.
<<st 1200>>
Novice Lara wouldn't let you anoint her or eat her sins unless you first married her once and consummated the marriage. She requested that you climax together. You should do your best to make this happen.
<<st 1300>>
You tried, but failed, to climax together with Lara, your temporary bride. <<if $qqlaraq<1500>>You should try again.<</if>><br>
Help for the minigame:
<<expertq laraq>>
<<if $qqlaraq>=1500 && $qqlaraq<2200>>
But more importantly right now, you should anoint Novice Lara.
<<st 1500>>
You successfully satisfied Novice Lara by making you climax together. You must return to her soon to anoint her and eat her sins of fornication.
<<st 2000>>
Upon Novice Lara's request, you agreed to stick to anointings with her to let her get used to the idea of fornicating with you. Now you must anoint her.
<<st 2200>>
You anointed Novice Lara and will redo it whenever you think her protection needs strengthening. Novice Lara committed sins of fornication during your experiment on her, but dealing with those sins can wait.
<<widget agathaq>>
<<quest agathaq>>
<<st 100>>
Sister Agatha has confessed to performing pagan rituals of scrying with a crystal ball. You ordered her to be locked up in the prison. You must go there to interrogate her.
<<st 1000>>
Sister Agatha said she turned to her old pagan ways in an attempt to fight the Devil and his minions. While she may have had good intentions, she is an instrument of Satan and witchcraft cannot be allowed in the house of God. You have to take this into account when deciding how to deal with her going forward.
<<widget chapter5>>
<<quest chapter5>>
<<st 20>>
You need guidance, and reading the next chapter in the Codex Veritatis might help. However, you are not confident that you are ready to read more in the Book of Truth. Perhaps if you just read the title of the next chapter, you will know how to proceed.
<<st 300>>
To read the next chapter in the Book of Truth, your soul must be pure. You had a vision from the Lord that seemed to suggest that Novice Cindy could help you cleanse your soul. You must interpret the vision to fully understand the message God sent you.
<<st 400>>
You failed to interpret the vision. You have to go down to your lab, where you do your best thinking, and try again soon.
<<st 500>>
You interpreted the vision. Once you have purified your soul using Novice Cindy, you are ready to read chapter five.
<<st 600>>
You fornicated with Novice Cindy and the black spot on your soul now consists of the single mortal sin of fornication. To cleanse your soul, you will repent with perfect contrition. Tonight, when going to bed.
<<st 700>>
You purified your soul. You may be ready to continue reading the Book of Truth.
<<st 720>>
Remembering Ludolphus' warning, your courage failed you when attempting to continue reading the codex. You were afraid you may have made a mistake and your heart and soul aren't pure, after all. What to do?
<<expertq chapter5>>
<<st 730>>
You want to drink consecrated wine to draw strength from Jesus, but you best do it after supper.
<<st 750>>
Drinking consecrated wine in the chapel to draw strength from Jesus, you felt ready to continue reading the Book of Truth.
<<st 1000>>
You read chapter five and learned that you are a lust angel. You should sleep on this amazing revelation.
<<widget gabriellaanal>>
<<quest gabriellaanal>>
<<st 100>>
You felt a sudden desire to penetrate Novice Gabriella's rectum, a sign that the Lord wants you to shine His light in there.
<<st 200>>
Novice Gabriella refused, and you didn't think it worth the risk to your reputation to force your will. Perhaps in time, she will agree to take you in her rectum.
<<st 1000>>
You forced your will on Novice Gabriella and penetrated her rectum, sodomizing her in the kitchen. She responded well enough and you should be able to repeat this when you so wish.
<<widget chloefornication>>
<<quest chloefornication>>
<<st 100>>
Lately, you have felt a strong desire to penetrate Chloe's slit. That could be a sign from the Lord. You should visit Chloe in her room after supper.
<<st 200>>
You visited Chloe and touched her slit to test her resistance to lust. You wanted to penetrate her slit with your manhood, but in the end, you hesitated, thinking Chloe is not yet ready for it. You can try again later.
<<st 1000>>
You finally fornicated with Chloe. You can repeat this with her when you so desire.
/* possible later quest */
<<widget abbotevil>>
<<quest abbotevil>>
<<st 100>>
ask abbot about evil around ludolphus' time
<<st 200>>
talked to abbot
<<widget emmalustangel>>
<<quest emmalustangel>>
<<st 100>>
Tomorrow, you will announce to the nuns that you are a lust angel. You must prepare a speech for this. But first, you should talk to Novice Emma.
<<st 500>>
You told Novice Emma that you are a lust angel and she will help convince the nuns to accept your new title and your holy lust. Now you should go to your lab to write your speech for tonight.
<<st 700>>
Supper is over and your speech is ready. You will go to the chapel to prepare for the meeting.
<<st 1000>>
You announced to the nuns that you are a lust angel wielding <<holylust . shadow2>> Tomorrow, you will start using your new holy power.
<<widget carolinaq>>
<<quest carolinaq>>
<<st 100>>
Feeling a strong desire for the model student Carolina's slit, you considered initiating her into the Circle, but having no indication Satan is targeting her, you hesitated. You have to think about this. Carolina can often be found by a tree outside the school.
<<st 150>>
You briefed Carolina about the holy war and then asked her to speak with Novice Emma. You must go to Novice Emma and tell her to educate Carolina.
<<st 200>>
Novice Emma will prepare Carolina for initiation into the Circle. Talk to Carolina tomorrow after supper.
<<st 300>>
Carolina didn't want to be anointed, so to change her mind, you hid a cloth soaked in <<potionFumingLustOil>> under her bed. Visit Carolina in her room tomorrow after supper.
<<st 400>>
After supper, you made Carolina naked strip before you in her room. Return tomorrow to see if she is ready to be anointed.
<<st 500>>
You anointed Carolina with the Holy Seed. You then removed the cloth soaked with <<potionFumingLustOil>> from under her bed. Visit Carolina tomorrow after supper to check up on her.
<<st 1000>>
You visited Carolina in her room. As expected, her lust is back to normal. You can keep anointing her when needed. Eventually, you can think of fornicating with her.
<<widget holylustq>>
<<quest holylustq>>
<<st 100>>
To understand and embrace the power of your <<holylust , shadow2>> use it six times to do what you previously hesitated to do.
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",140)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You decided to anoint Sister Tonina in the kitchen garden.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",130)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You took out your erect manhood to fornicate with Sister Jessica in the inner chapel.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",120)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You decided to fornicate with Sister Sandra in the park.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",150)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You decided to tell Carolina about the holy war.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",110)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You took out your erect manhood to penetrate Chloe's slit.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("holylustq",160)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You entered the room of a pretty nun as she undressed to go to bed.<</if>>
<<expertq holylustq>>
<<if $qqholylustq==190>>
<<lh>><<italics "You have done what you set out to do. Return to your room to think.">>
<<st 200>>
You embraced your <<holylust null shadow2>> to understand its power.
<<widget guidinghand>>
<<quest guidinghand>>
<<st 100>>
You feel that your hands are tied behind your back, preventing you from progressing with the women. You could use a guiding hand to show you how to proceed. Perhaps God has already given you a sign? Is there something you are missing? Is there someone who can help you?
<<expertq guidinghand>>
<<st 200>>
You suspect that Novice Cindy could be the key that will unlock the chains tying your hands behind your back. When going to bed, you will pray hard for guidance. Maybe by tomorrow, you will have an answer.
<<st 300>>
You prayed for guidance about Novice Cindy.
<<st 400>>
You woke up thinking you maybe had a dream about Novice Cindy. Go to your lab to think about this.
<<st 500>>
The next chapter in the Codex Veritatis may be the answer you seek.
<<st 1000>>
The Lord sent you a vision to guide you. You know what you must do.
<<widget roamingq>>
<<quest roamingq>>
<<st 100>>
You want to get intimate with more professed sisters to strengthen your grip of the convent. Patrol the monastery and find <<bold four shadow2>> professed sisters that could be of interest to you.
<cc style="margin-bottom: -1.8rem;margin-top:-0.5rem"> ——————————————— </cc>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",200)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You saw Sister Sandra working alone in the monastery grounds. You desired to fornicate with the virgin. It could be a sign from the Lord.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",250)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> Sister Darcie is reluctantly supporting the war by showing you her breasts in the park. You want to anoint her to bind her closer to you.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",400)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You found Sister Tonina praying alone at the outer edge of the kitchen garden. She has recently taken her vows and anointing her would secure her support.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",300)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You found Sister Jessica late at night in the inner chapel. You felt a desire to penetrate her mature virgin slit. It would bind her closer to you.<</if>>
<<expertq roamingq>>
<<st 1000>>
You want to get intimate with four professed sisters – Sister Sandra, Sister Darcie, Sister Tonina, and Sister Jessica – to secure their votes. There is no hurry, but you should try to make it happen, somehow, sooner or later. Sister Jessica is the most influential of the nuns, and so the most important one to get intimate with.
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",201)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You fornicated with Sister Sandra in the park.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",251)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You anointed Sister Darcie using your hands.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",401)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You anointed Sister Tonina when she prayed alone in the kitchen garden.<</if>>
<<if setup.checkqStage("roamingq",301)>><br><<lineheight2>><<bold ¤>> You fornicated with Sister Jessica late at night in the inner chapel.<</if>>
<<st 1500>>
You have been intimate with the four professed sisters, but before being satisfied, you want to fornicate with Sister Jessica again to bind her even closer to you as she is the oldest and most influential of the four sisters.
<<st 2000>>
You were intimate with the four professed sisters. That should secure their votes, strengthening your grip of the convent.
<<widget abbotreport>>
<<quest abbotreport>>
<<st 100>>
The abbot wants to see you.
<<st 1000>>
Father Alvaro reported that the doctor seems to have stopped visiting the monks at night to perform the strange tapping procedure. But there is no reason to think the evil forces will stop terrorizing the monastery. The nuns may be next. You must strengthen your defenses.
<<widget lustfulwomen>>
<<quest lustfulwomen>>
<<st 100>>
You must strengthen the defenses of the convent and reduce the lust available to the lust demon. You have made a list with eight of the most lustful nuns. Go to <<bold "five" shadow2>> of them for starters. Make them climax and anoint them.
<cc style="margin-bottom: -1.8rem;margin-top:-0.5rem"> ——————————————— </cc>
<<print setup.lustfulwomencheck(100)>>
The list:<<expertq lustfulwomen noBreak>>
<<st 2000>>
Take care of the remaining nuns on the list: <<print setup.lustfulwomenleft("names",100)>>
<cc style="margin-bottom: -1.8rem;margin-top:-0.5rem"> ——————————————— </cc>
<<print setup.lustfulwomencheck(2000)>>
<<expertq lustfulwomen2 noBreak>>
<<st 3000>>
You have taken care of all the nuns on your list. You deserve a break.
<<st 3200>>
Many of the nuns on the list seemed less lustful than usual. You learned that Novice Sofia's lust was reduced after having lustful dreams. This is suspicious. You will meet the other nuns on the list in the chapel and take their confessions.
<<st 3400>>
You have spoken with all the eight nuns on your list. Now you should go down to your lab to think.
<<st 4000>>
You have concluded that the lust demon is back and is attacking the nuns using an improved <<potionAmnesiaOil>> developed by the doctor, i.e. the alchemist. Now you must investigate if the lust demon has attacked the school too.
<<expertq lustfulwomen3>>
<<st 5000>>
After talking to Vivien, the most lustful student you know, you are pretty certain that the lust demon has not attacked the school yet. But that may change any day. The holy war against the lust demon continues and you must stay vigilant.
<<widget franciawedding>>
<<quest franciawedding>>
<<st 100>>
You plan to marry Novice Francia in the monastery, officiating your own wedding. But you need a wedding dress for Novice Francia. Go to the town church and get her a bridal gown.
<<st 200>>
You got the bridal gown. Now you can marry Novice Francia in the library.
<<st 300>>
You went to the library to marry Novice Francia.
<<widget janalustful>>
<<quest janalustful>>
<<st 100>>
You went to Sister Jana in the herb garden and wanted to reduce her lust. She requested that you visit her after supper instead of doing it in the open. Go to Sister Jana's room after supper.
<<st 200>>
You went to Sister Jana's room after supper to reduce her lust and anoint her. You can visit Sister Jana in her room after supper if you want to do it again.
/* To make new volunteer and prison events show up on hub as heart/fist, need to add specialVolunteer/specialPrisoner for that req */
<<set setup.reqs = {
sendnun : {
10: "sofia qqsofia>=400 sofia#notplayed500 specialNew",
20: "rumika qqrumika<<400 specialQuest",
21: "rumika qqrumika>=400 qqrumika<<600 specialQuest",
22: "rumika qqrumika==600 specialQuest",
23: "rumika qqrumikaSodomy==10 specialNew",
24: "rumika qqrumikaSodomy>>10 qqrumikaSodomy<<300 specialQuest",
25: "sofia qqrumikaSodomy==200 sofialustreduce#completed specialNew",
26: "rumika qqrumikaSodomy==400 specialQuest",
27: "rumika rumika#completed rumika#notplayed2000 qqcreampieq>=100 specialNew",
28: "rumika rumika#played2000",
29: "sofia sofia#notplayed2000 qqcreampieq>=100 specialNew",
30: "sofia sofia#played2000",
31: "dana qqdana>=2100 dana#notplayed3000 specialNew",
32: "dana dana#played3000",
33: "olenka qqolenkaq>=601 olenkaq#notplayed1000 specialQuest",
34: "olenka olenkaq#played1000",
35: "olenka olenkaq#completed",
36: "ann qqrevelationann==450 revelationms#completed specialQuest",
37: "ann revelationann#completed",
38: "sofia qqlustfulwomen>=100 lustfulwomen#notplayed200 specialQuest"
volunteers : {
0: "eva qqleaderq>=400 leaderq#notplayed410 specialButtonNew",
1: "eva qqvolunteereva>=100",
2: "eva qqvolunteereva>=100 qqvolunteereva<<200 specialVolunteer trust75",
3: "eva qqvolunteereva>=200",
4: "eva qqvolunteereva==200 specialVolunteer trust110",
5: "eva qqvolunteereva>=300",
6: "simona qqvolunteereva>=300 qqvolunteersimona<<100 specialVolunteer trust150",
7: "simona qqvolunteersimona==200 specialVolunteer trust160",
8: "simona qqvolunteersimona>=210",
9: "simona qqvolunteersimona>=210 qqvolunteersimona<<250 specialVolunteer trust170",
10: "simona qqvolunteersimona>=250"
prisoners : {
1: "agnes qqprisoneragnes>=100",
2: "agnes qqprisoneragnes==200 specialPrisoner auth75",
3: "agnes qqprisoneragnes>=300",
4: "agnes qqprisoneragnes==300 specialPrisoner auth110",
5: "agnes qqprisoneragnes>=320",
6: "agatha qqprisoneragatha==100 specialPrisoner specialQuest",
7: "agatha qqprisoneragatha>=200",
8: "agatha qqprisoneragatha==200 specialPrisoner auth160",
9: "agatha qqprisoneragatha>=300",
10: "agatha qqprisoneragatha==300 specialPrisoner auth170",
11: "agatha qqprisoneragatha>=400",
100: "dolores auth100"
mc : {
44: "testmc==44"
/* 9: "agatha qqprisoneragatha==300 specialPrisoner auth200", */
<div style="float:right"><<lbut " <<coltext ' Mobile devices >> ' ec0 noItalics>> " dialogMobile "showdiv right">></div>
<div id="dialog-settings" class="general-info div-settings" style="clear:both; padding:2rem; padding-bottom:0.2rem">
<<set _updatesetting = "Preview">>
<<set _settingsSaveNow = false>>
<<set _settingsSoundGeneral = $soundGeneral>>
<<set _settingsSoundGeneralPreview = null>>
<<set _settingsFontSizeBase = $fontSizeBase>>
<<set _settingsFontSizeSidebar = $fontSizeSidebar>>
<<set _settingsFontSizePassages = $fontSizePassages>>
/*<<set _settingsMaxWidthPassages = $maxWidthPassages>>*/
<<set _settingsFontFamilyMain = $fontFamilyMain>>
<<set _settingsFontFamilyPassages = $fontFamilyPassages>>
<<set _settingsDetectiveMode = $detectiveMode>>
<<set _settingsSensitiveDetective = $sensitiveDetective>>
<<if $soundGeneral < 1>>
<<set _soundToggle = "Turn on">>
<<set _soundToggle = "Turn off">>
var elhtml = document.querySelector('html');
/*var stylehtml = window.getComputedStyle(elhtml, null).getPropertyValue('font-size');
State.temporary.baseFontSize = parseFloat(stylehtml);*/
var basestyle = getComputedStyle(elhtml);
var basesize = basestyle.getPropertyValue("--base-font-size");
State.temporary.baseFontSize = parseFloat(basesize);
var elroot = document.querySelector(":root");
var elstyle = getComputedStyle(elroot);
var elsize = elstyle.getPropertyValue("--passages-font-size");
State.temporary.passagesFontSize = parseFloat(elsize);
elsize = elstyle.getPropertyValue("--uibar-font-size");
State.temporary.uibarFontSize = parseFloat(elsize);
if (!tags().includes("noSideBar")) {
var elitem = document.getElementById('story');
var elstyle= getComputedStyle(elitem);
var elmarg = elstyle.marginLeft;
State.temporary.settingsMarginLeftPassages = parseInt(elmarg);
elitem = document.getElementById("passages");
elstyle= getComputedStyle(elitem);
var elmaxw = elstyle["max-width"];
State.temporary.settingsMaxWidthPassages = parseInt(elmaxw);
setup.settingMarginLeftPassages = true;
else {
setup.settingMarginLeftPassages = null;
<<set _landscapeMode = false>>
<<if setup.isMobileUser() && window.matchMedia("(orientation:landscape)").matches>>
<<set _landscapeMode = true>>
<<set _col1 = "column1">>
<<if _landscapeMode == true>>
/* For mobile users, special consideration for landscape mode only.
For portrait mode, Settings will look messed up anyway */
<<set _col1 += " column1mobile">>
<div class="row">
<div @class=_col1>
Main volume (0-200%)<<settingsbr>>
Font size main (px)<<settingsbr>>
Font size sidebar (%)<<settingsbr>>
Font size passages (%)<<settingsbr>>
<<if setup.settingMarginLeftPassages == null>>
<<hovertip4 "Max width passages (px)" leftMarginStart dontsave>>
<<hovertip4 "Left margin (px)" leftMarginStart dontsave>>
Max width passages (px)<<settingsbr>>
Left margin (px)
<div class="column1 column2">
<<numberbox "$soundGeneral" $soundGeneral>><<settingsbr2>>
<<numberbox "$fontSizeBase" _baseFontSize>><<settingsbr2>>
<<numberbox "$fontSizeSidebar" _uibarFontSize>><<settingsbr2>>
<<numberbox "$fontSizePassages" _passagesFontSize>><<settingsbr2>>
<<if setup.settingMarginLeftPassages != null>>
<<numberbox "$maxWidthPassages" _settingsMaxWidthPassages>><<settingsbr2>>
<<numberbox "$marginLeftPassages" _settingsMarginLeftPassages>>
<<set _col3 = "column1 column3 menu-button preview-button">>
<<if _landscapeMode == true>>
/* For mobile users, special consideration for landscape mode only.
For portrait mode, Settings will look messed up anyway */
<<set _col3 += " column3mobile">>
<div @class=_col3>
<<button "_updatesetting">>
/* checking preview volume when exiting setting to pick up changes since last preview */
State.temporary.settingsSoundGeneralPreview = State.variables.soundGeneral;
<<button "_updatesetting">>
/* var h = document.querySelector('html');
h.style.setProperty('font-size', State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px");*/
setup.setCSSvar("--base-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeBase+"px");
<<button "_updatesetting">>
setup.setCSSvar("--uibar-font-size", State.variables.fontSizeSidebar+"%");
<<button "_updatesetting">>
setup.setCSSvar("--passages-font-size", State.variables.fontSizePassages+"%");
<<if setup.settingMarginLeftPassages != null>>
<<button "_updatesetting">>
console.log("1 setting maxw", State.variables.maxWidthPassages);
setup.setCSSvar("--passages-max-width", State.variables.maxWidthPassages+"px");
/*console.log("preview temps.resetMarginLeft: "+State.temporary.resetMarginLeft);*/
<<button "_updatesetting">>
setup.setCSSid("story", "margin-left", State.variables.marginLeftPassages+"px");
/*console.log("preview temps.resetMarginLeft: "+State.temporary.resetMarginLeft);*/
<div class="column1 column4">
<span class="menu-button preview-button" id="togglesound">
<<button "_soundToggle">>
var tog = document.getElementById("togglesound");
var tbut = tog.getElementsByClassName("macro-button")[0];
if (tbut.innerText == "Turn on") {
State.temporary.settingsSoundGeneralPreview = State.variables.soundGeneral = 100;
document.getElementById("numberbox-soundgeneral").value = 100;
tbut.innerText = "Turn off";
else {
State.temporary.settingsSoundGeneralPreview = State.variables.soundGeneral = 0;
document.getElementById("numberbox-soundgeneral").value = 0;
tbut.innerText = "Turn on";
<<hovertip4 "Help" customFontBase dontsave>>
<<if setup.settingMarginLeftPassages != null>>
<label><span class="option-padding"><<checkbox "$settingUseCustomizedMaxWidth" false true autocheck>></span></label><<hovertip4 "Enable" customMaxWidth dontsave>><<settingsbr>><<lineheight2>>
<label><span class="option-padding"><<checkbox "$settingUseCustomizedMarginLeft" false true autocheck>></span></label><<hovertip4 "Enable" customMarginLeft dontsave>>
<div class="row" style="font-size:80%">
<div class="column1 columnfont1">
Font main:
Font passages:
<div class="column1 column2 columnfont2">
<label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyMain" "Georgia" autocheck>> Georgia</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyMain" "Trebuchet MS" autocheck>> Trebuchet</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyMain" "Arial" autocheck>> Arial</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyMain" "Consolas" autocheck>> Consolas</label><<space2>>
<span class="menu-button preview-button">
<<button "_updatesetting">>
setup.setCSSvar("--main-font-family", State.variables.fontFamilyMain);
<label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyPassages" "Georgia" autocheck>> Georgia</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyPassages" "Trebuchet MS" autocheck>> Trebuchet</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyPassages" "Arial" autocheck>> Arial</label><<space2>><label><<radiobutton "$fontFamilyPassages" "Consolas" autocheck>> Consolas</label><<space2>>
<span class="menu-button preview-button">
<<button "_updatesetting">>
setup.setCSSvar("--passages-font-family", State.variables.fontFamilyPassages);
<label><span class="option-padding"><<checkbox "$settingSpaceToContinue" false true autocheck>></span></label><<hovertip4 "Space to continue" spaceContinue dontsave>><<space3>><label><span class="option-padding"><<checkbox "$settingDynamicMargins" false true autocheck>></span></label><<hovertip4 "Passage centering" passageCentering dontsave>><<space3>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><<special2 "Options for <<expertname plural>>" 120%>><br>
<<coltext "Hover over/tap the options for info" 9d9 "noItalics fontsize80">></cc>
<<if !setup.checke()>>
<cc0><<hovertip4 "¤ Option to enable <span style='color:#fc0'><<var dmode>></span>" detectiveMode "dontsave settingshtip">><br>
<<hovertip4 "¤ See the quest hints (or disable the hint buttons)" questhoverSettings "dontsave settingshtip">><br>
<<hovertip4 "¤ Option to enable Sensitive Detective" sensitiveDetective "dontsave settingshtip">><br>
<<hovertip4 "¤ Option to enable sound on all videos" detectiveSound "dontsave settingshtip">>
<<set _col1code = "column1code">>
<<if _landscapeMode == true>>
/* For mobile users, special consideration for landscape mode only.
For portrait mode, Settings will look messed up anyway */
<<set _col1code += " column1codemobile">>
<div class="row">
<<if !($eyeTip>=2)>>
<<hovertip4 "Enable <<var dmode>>" detectiveMode>><<space3>><<space3>><<space3>>(Progress in the game to unlock)<br>
<div @class=_col1code>
<<if $eyeTip>=2>>
<<hovertip4 "Enable <<var dmode>>" detectiveMode>><<settingsbrcode>>
<<hovertip4 "Show hint buttons" questhoverSettings dontsave>><<settingsbrcode>>
<<hovertip4 "Enable Sensitive Detective" sensitiveDetective dontsave>><<settingsbrcode>>
<<hovertip4 "Enable sound on all videos" detectiveSound dontsave>><<settingsbr>>
<div class="column2code">
<<if $eyeTip>=2>>
<label><<radiobutton "$detectiveMode" 1 autocheck>> Yes</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<label><<radiobutton "$showHintButtons" 1 autocheck>> Yes</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<label><<radiobutton "$sensitiveDetective" 1 autocheck>> Yes</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<label><<radiobutton "$soundVideos" 1 autocheck>> Yes</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<div class="column3code">
<<if $eyeTip>=2>>
<label><<radiobutton "$detectiveMode" 0 autocheck>> No</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<label><<radiobutton "$showHintButtons" 0 autocheck>> No</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<label><<radiobutton "$sensitiveDetective" 0 autocheck>> No</label><<settingsbrcode>>
<label><<radiobutton "$soundVideos" 0 autocheck>> No</label>
<div style="font-size:80%">* Note: Some changes may not take effect until you continue the game</div>
<div class="menu-button close-button">
<<button "Save and close">>
State.temporary.settingsSaveNow = true;
<</nobr>><div id="dialog-support" class="general-info" style="padding:2rem; padding-bottom:0.2rem">
<<if setup.endVersion == true>>
<cc>You have reached the end of the current version of the game.
<<if setup.beta == true>><<lh>><div style="color:#ed0"> Beta testers: Please report in #beta-testing, or send me a PM. Even if you have no bugs to report, just let me know you finished the update (that is also very useful information). Thank you!</div><</if>>
<cc0>If you like this game and want to see more updates, please consider supporting the development if you aren't already. Your support means a lot.</cc0>
<<if ndef $v4supportMessage>>
<<set $v4supportMessage = 1>>
<span class="menu-button support-button codex-glow">
<div style="text-align:center">
<<button "A message from Alcahest">>
<span class="menu-button support-button">
<div style="text-align:center">
<<button "Go to Support">><<support>><</button>>
<<elseif setup.eyeMessage == true>>
<cc0>The Watchful Eye (located at the top of the monastery map) will tell you if Detective Mode is enabled. Detective Mode is available to <<special "Veteran detectives,">> and they can click the Watchful Eye to quickly toggle Detective Mode instead of opening Settings to do it.</cc0>
<<if !($eyeTip >= 2)>>
<<special "The Watchful Eye has not been activated yet. You will be notified when it happens.">>
<<elseif $eyeTip == 2>>
<<coltext "The Watchful Eye has now been activated for Veteran detectives and can be used to toggle Detective Mode on/off." "fd0">>
<<if setup.detectiveMode()>>
<<coltext "Detective Mode is currently turned ON" "6d6">>
<<coltext "Detective Mode is currently turned OFF" "d66">>
<<set $eyeTip = 3>>
<cc>Support the game to become a Veteran detective</cc>
<span class="menu-button support-button">
<div style="text-align:center">
<<button "Go to Support">><<support>><</button>>
<cc>Read more about Detective Mode in Settings.</cc>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<span class="menu-button support-button">
<<button "Go to Settings">><<settings>><</button>>
<<set _expert = setup.expert>>
<<mii "title/titleborder3" 65 "noBorder png">>
<cc2 style="float:right; margin-top:-0.9rem"><div style="font-size:80%"><<coltext " – by Alcahest" f90>></div></cc2>
<div style="font-size:90%">
If you like this game and want to see more updates, please consider supporting the development. Patreon supporters get access to the latest game updates and the game code to unlock <<special "_expert">> which will give you optional settings such as enabling <<var dmode>> and seeing quest hints.
<div class="menu-button support-button">
<div style="text-align:center;">
/* <<divider "styling width:34% stylingend">>*/
<cc class="support-title shadow2">Support on Patreon</cc>
<span class="support-button-support">
/* Note that text "Support" is transparent and just to get height on the button. Don't make it longer or it could wrap causing weird top margin */
/*<span style="font-size:110%"><<special2 "Step 1. ">> </span> <<button "Support">><<script>>setup.menuPatreon()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
<<button "Support">><<script>>setup.menuPatreon()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
<span class="support-button-code">
/*<span style="font-size:110%"><<special2 "Step 2. ">> </span><<button "Get the code">><<script>>setup.menuPatreonCode()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>*/
<<button "Get the code">><<script>>setup.menuPatreonCode()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
/* <<linediv>>
<cc class="support-title shadow2">Support on SubscribeStar
<span class="support-button-subscribestar">
<<button "Support">><<script>>setup.menuSubscribestar()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
</span><span style="font-size:90%;text-align:left"><<lbut "Learn more" ssdiv "showdiv retractable">>
<<div ssdiv noLine>>
<<indent "Note that no game updates or anything else will be posted on my SubscribeStar page, only the detective code.">>
<span class="menu-button support-button">
<div style="text-align:center;">
<span class="support-button-support">
<<button "Support">><<script>>setup.menuPatreon()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
<span class="support-button-code">
<<button "Get the code">><<script>>setup.menuPatreonCode()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
<<if setup.checke()>>
<cc><span class="print-dark-shadow" style="color:#0d0; font-size:120%">_expert is unlocked.</span></cc>
/*<<if setup.beta == true>><div style="color:yellow"><cc>Code for beta testers: </cc></div><</if>>*/
<div class="center" style="display:table">
<span id="check-input-code" class="menu-button support-button">
<<set _supportPlayerCode = $playerCode>>
<<textbox "$playerCode" "" autofocus>>
<<button "Check code">>
/* If player entered correct code but closed dialog without clicking Enter code, we don't accept the code (because we're setting stuff in setup.checkCoInput when successful). So we set temp var here to see in dialogclosing js if player clicked enter */
State.temporary.supportPlayerCode = State.variables.playerCode;
<div id="support-dialog-input-result"> </div>
<div style=" display: flex; justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span class="support-button-discord">
/* Note that text "Support" is transparent and just to get height on the button. Don't make it longer or it could wrap causing weird top margin */
<<button "Discord">><<script>>setup.menuDiscord()<</script>><<stopsound>><</button>>
<span style="margin-left:1rem; font-size:85%">For bug reports, please "Save to Disk" if possible, then join the Alcahest Discord (click icon) and report the bug with the save in #bug-reports. Or just send me a message wherever you find me.<<if setup.beta == true>><span style="color:yellow"> Beta testers: Please report in #beta-testing, or send me a PM.</span><</if>></span>
/*<<mii "misc/discord20" 10 "left png noBorder">>*/
/*<div class="menu-button close-button">
<<button "Close">>
<<set setup.suspects = {
crone: { image2: "crone/crone_smallRedEyes.jpg", s1: "Several sisters claim to have seen the hideous nun stalking the hallways at night. If real, the Crone is likely the attacker – but not necessarily. You need evidence to prove this. Then the question remains whether the Crone is human or supernatural.", s2: "<br>Novice Alonso saw someone matching the description of the Crone taking bat guano from the garden shed, connecting the Crone to the fake angel and the lust drug used in the attacks. But it could have been someone disguised as the real Crone.", s3: "Several sisters claim to have seen the hideous nun stalking the hallways at night.", s4 : "<br>Evidence suggests that the Crone is not the attacker. It is still unclear whether the Crone is a real supernatural entity, someone disguised as one, or both." },
gardener: { s1: "He appears too old and fragile to be the attacker, but looks can be deceiving. He is hostile toward women.", s2: "Brother Giovanni thinks the hostility is just him being old and grumpy.", s3: "<br>Brother <<var gardener's>> militaristic view on growing herbs could be a sign he is losing his mind." },
alonso: { s1: "The young novice joined the monks about two years ago. The attacks started not long after. You get the feeling he is hiding something.", s2: "The young novice joined the monks about two years ago. The attacks started not long after. He is eavesdropping on the bathing novice nuns through the bathroom wall.", s3: "<br>According to Brother Salvatore, Novice Alonso has been climbing over the wall to the nuns at night"},
salvatore : { s1: "Salvatore appears intellectually incapable of being responsible for the attacks, but is it just an act? It seems he asked <<giovanni>> to grow the long pepper.", s2: "Salvatore appears intellectually incapable of being responsible for the attacks, but is it just an act?<br>He claims an angel told him to grow the long pepper – which could be used for a lust drug.", s3: "<br>Brother Salvatore had a bottle of cider from the nuns, which he claimed was given to him by Novice Alonso.", s4a: "Salvatore appears intellectually incapable of being responsible for the attacks, but is it an act?", s4b: "A benefactor of the monks' assures that Salvatore has had this cognitive disability since birth.", s4c: "<br>Salvatore claims an angel told him to grow the long pepper – which could be used for a lust drug.", s4d: "<br>Someone drugged you at a beverage sampling. Salvatore was the one asking for the sampling to be arranged, and you invited, claiming he was told so by the angel.", s4e: "<br>Brother Salvatore had a bottle of cider from the nuns, which he claimed was given to him by Novice Alonso."},
stefano : { s1: "Stefano is in charge of the kitchen garden.", s2: "According to Novice Alonso, Brother Stefano visited the garden shed in the middle of the night and took something.", s3: "According to Novice Alonso, Brother Stefano visited the garden shed in the middle of the night and took a bag of bat guano meant only for use in the herb garden.", s4: "Evidence suggests that bat guano is used by the fake angel." },
giovanni : { s1: "Giovanni has been here about <<var giovanniYears>> years. He wants to be in charge of the garden. There is something off about him, and he seemed overly suspicious when being asked about his past.", s2: "<br>Brother Giovanni is growing a lot of long pepper – which could be used for a lust drug.", s4: "Giovanni has been here about <<var giovanniYears>> years. He wants to be in charge of the garden.<br>Brother Giovanni comes from a wealthy family with servants, which explains his slightly arrogant attitude. He had at least two sinful affairs with women, and he is on the run from a rape charge, falsely accused.", s5: "<br>Brother Giovanni is growing a lot of long pepper (which could be used for a lust drug) because <<salvatore>> begged him to.", },
pascal : { s1: "You have only suspicions, but many things fit with Novice Pascal being involved in the attacks and the probable murder of Brother Gregor. For instance:<br>
Novice Pascal works in the Distillery, which fits your suspicion that the alchemist works – or has worked – there.<br>
You suspect there is a secret passage from the Distillery to the nuns, and Novice Pascal is one of the few monks with a key to enter the Distillery at night. He will lose the key soon when his apprenticeship is over. By killing Brother Gregor and taking his place as the new master distiller, Novice Pascal would keep the key." }
<<widget showSuspects>>
<<if def $suspectsAdded>>
<div class="invest-info invest-details">
<div style="margin-top:0.5rem"></div>
/*<span class="invest-title print-dark-shadow3"><cc style="margin-bottom:0.5rem">The suspects</cc></span>*/
<div class="invest-text">
/* for _i to 0; _i<$suspectsAdded.length; _i++*/
<<for _i to $suspectsAdded.length-1; _i>=0; _i-->>
<div style="border-top: black solid 1px; padding-top:0.5rem">
/*<<investnote "Day $investigation[_i].day: ">>
<<set _data = setup.investigation[$investigation[_i].data]>>
<<set _suspect = $suspectsAdded[_i]>>
<<print '<<set _suspname = setup.chars[_suspect].name>>'>>
<<if _suspect == "crone" && $qqalonsoshed>=990>>
<<set _suspimage = setup.suspects[_suspect].image2>>
<<print '<<set _suspimage = setup.chars[_suspect].image>>'>>
/*<<mii _suspimage 14 "left styling margin-right:1rem stylingend">>*/
<<mii _suspimage 13 "left styling margin-right:0rem stylingend">>
<r style="margin-bottom:0"><span class="shadow4 suspect-title-color">_suspname</span><br>
<<print '<<set _suspinfo = $suspects[_i].'+_suspect+'.info>>'>>
<<for _k to 0; _k<_suspinfo.length; _k++>>
<<print '<<set _showinfo = setup.suspects.'+_suspect+'.'+_suspinfo[_k]+'>>'>>
<<widget suspectadd>>
<<set _suspect = $args[0]>>
<<set _susadd = $args[1]>>
<<set _susextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] + " ": "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i < $suspects.length; _i++>>
<<print '<<set _testob = $suspects['+_i+'].'+_suspect+'>>'>>
<<if _testob>>
<<set _susremove = _susextra.indexOf("remove:")>>
<<if _susremove != -1>>
<<set _susremovestr = _susextra.substring(_susremove+7, _susextra.indexOf(" ",_susremove))>>
<<print '<<set $suspects[_i].'+_suspect+'.info.delete( "'+_susremovestr+'" )>>'>>
/* placing add after remove to be able to remove and add at once, ie <<suspectadd name s10 remove:s1>> */
<<if _susadd != null>>
<<print '<<set $suspects[_i].'+_suspect+'.info.push( "'+_susadd+'" )>>'>>
<<if _susextra.indexOf("silent") == -1>>
<<suspect _suspect updating>>
<<widget suspect>>
<<set _suspect = $args[0]>>
<<set _suspextra = $args[1] ? $args[1] : "">>
/* <<set $suspects.push( { olle : { day: 99, info: 33 } } )>>*/
<<if _suspextra.indexOf("updating") == -1>>
<<print '<<set $suspects.push( {'+_suspect+' : { name: "'+_suspect+'", day:'+$day+', info: ["s1"] }} )>>'>>
<<print '<<set $suspectsAdded.push( "'+_suspect+'") >>'>>
<<if _suspextra.indexOf("silent") == -1>>
<<set _suspdivclass = "saying invest-info">>
<<if _suspextra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _suspdivclass += " saying-center">>
<<if _suspextra.indexOf("updating") == -1>>
<<set _text = " A new <span class=\"print-dark-shadow invest-color\">suspect</span> has been added to the list: <span class=\"shadow suspect-color\">"+setup.chars[_suspect].name+"</span>">>
<<set _text = " A <span class=\"print-dark-shadow invest-color\">suspect</span> has updated info: <span class=\"shadow suspect-color\">"+setup.chars[_suspect].name+"</span>">>
<div @class=_suspdivclass>
<span class="print-dark-shadow journal-color">Journal:</span>_text
/*questhover has 2 versions because added info about hint flashing. V2 is used now, but keeping old to work with old saves. */
<<set setup.tips = {
questhover0 : "Hovering over/tapping a quest message will show the entry that was added to the journal.",
credits : "Check the <<bold Credits>> button for info about the actresses and the media you have seen in the game. This info is often added after the first nude scene with the actress/media.",
clara : "You will be notified if Novice Clara has learned of something that may interest you.",
dana : "The threesome with Sister Dana and Riley has been added to your room (Send for a nun). Sister Dana will still be available in the dungeons at night and you may need to visit her there for future interactions that will not show up in your room.",
sendfornun : "Here you will find new events with nuns visiting you, and you can replay (R) completed events. Note that when replaying an event, there is no guarantee that the event will be consistent with the current game progress. Other than lust and temptation, no stat will be affected by replaying events.",
encounters : "Here you can replay some of the events you encounter while roaming the monastery. You will always be notified at the end of an event if it has been added here.<p>This section is different from 'Send for a nun' in that you can only <<bold replay>> encounters – no new events or quest events will be added here. Another difference is that replaying encounters will not affect quests. For instance, replaying encounters won't increase the counter for releasing your seed a certain number of times per day in a quest like <<var quests['curseserpent'].name.>> However, lust will still be affected.</p>",
lovepunish : "<<trust>> and <<auth>> have been replaced with <<love>> and <<punish punct>> to better reflect your relationship with the nuns going forward as their leader.",
lovepunish2 : "The more you show the nuns your <<love>> for them, the more they will love you back, doing what you want. The more you <<punish>> or threaten the nuns, the more they will do what you want out of fear.",
punish : "The <<punish>> stat reflects your willingness to punish the nuns. Since word spreads fast within the community, the <<punish>> stat also tells you how much the nuns fear being punished by you.",
love : "The <<love>> stat reflects your willingness to love the nuns. Since word spreads fast within the community, the <<love>> stat also tells you how much the nuns love you back.",
prisoners : "The dungeons and the <<colvar Prison button-fg-color>> button will show a <<mii misc/authority 2.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.18rem stylingend'>> when you can play a new <<punish>> event in the prison.",
prisonersdrafttex : "When a new <<punish>> event is available to play with an imprisoned nun, the <<colvar Dungeons room-fg-color>> button on the map of the monastery will show a <<mii misc/authority 2.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.18rem stylingend'>> to notify you of this.<br>Imprisoning nuns is optional. If you have no interest in <<punish verbform>> the nuns, you can ignore this room unless you get a quest saying otherwise.",
ppp : "The dungeons and the <<colvar Prison button-fg-color>> button will show a <<mii misc/authority 2.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.18rem stylingend'>> when you can play a new <<punish>> event in the prison.",
projectamnesiasleep : "To speed things up until Project Amnesia is completed, a calendar icon <<mii misc/calendar 4.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.52rem stylingend'>> has been added in the top right corner of the monastery map. Click on the calendar to go straight to bed, and you can quickly return to the chapel for a new day of testing.",
calendargone : "With Project Amnesia completed, the calendar <<mii misc/calendar 4.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.52rem stylingend'>> is no longer available.",
rebalance: "If you want to play both paths, go for a value close to the middle. It may lock you out of path-specific content until a later update, but it should allow you to play both paths to the end before the game completes.",
res60 : "You now only need 70 <<stat lust>> to get 10 <<stat temptation >> and you can reach up to 40 temptation without modifiers.",
makepotion : "Whenever you make something in the lab for the first time, you will automatically make more as needed, unless notified otherwise.",
julialust : "Novice Julia's lust status will now affect all current events available in her room.",
julialust2 : "Reducing your lust via Novice Julia's button in your room will not affect Novice Julia's lust status (displayed in <<specialalert2 yellow>> when visiting her room).",
questhover : "In the journal entries, <<expertname plural>> are sometimes provided with hints.<br>Quest updates that contain such a hint will flash when shown during play.<br>Remember that you can hover over/tap a quest message to see the entry that was added to the journal.",
questhover2 : "In the journal entries, <<expertname plural>> are sometimes provided with hints.<br>Quest updates that contain such a hint will flash when shown during play.<br>Remember that you can hover over/tap a quest message to read the entry that was added to the journal.",
hidingLocations : "A number of locations may disappear from the overview map when nothing interesting is happening there. With Detective Mode enabled, this number increases greatly, allowing you to focus your attention where it matters.",
sin : "<<stat sin cap>> is a temporary effect that is caused by sinful acts. Sin may be converted into permanent <<stat corr.>> However, minor sins will not register to you as they are forgiven before going to bed. See Help in the journal for more info about how stats work.",
alcohol : "Intake of substances such as alcohol can cause temporary effects, such as increasing your <<stat corr.>> These effects will typically last until the next time period (day/night), so until after supper or until you wake up the next day.",
infoMsTrustOnly : "As the head of the nuns, the abbess (Mother Superior) is the highest authority here. You can only change her mind by making her trust you.",
spacecontinue : "You can press the space bar to continue when there is only one option.",
autosaving : "The game will autosave every time after supper.",
temptation : "You have gained <<stat tempt.>> This will happen whenever your <<stat lust>> gets higher than your <<stat res>> (temptation = lust - resistance).<br>See the Help section in the Journal for more info about your stats.",
holylust : "As a lust angel wielding <<specialalert2 'holy lust,'>> some actions now require <<stat lust>> (e.g. <span class=' reqbutton-lust-text reqbutton-lust-success shadow3' style='font-size:85%'>L80</span>). Since <<stat temptation>> is not relevant for such actions, you will not see them as grave sins. Thus, they will not raise your <<stat sin,>> and thus not raise your <<stat corr.>>",
infolustfix : "Whenever you reach 100 in <span class=\"print-dark-shadow\" style=\"color:var(--lust-color);font-weight: 700\">lust</span>, you have to do something about it. Consequently, you will be forced to go to your room as soon as possible.",
infosaving : "During events, saving will be disabled and the save button will say ''$loadOnlyText''.",
infozoom : "Clicking on images and videos is optional and has no effect on the gameplay.",
infoclickmedia : "You can click on images and videos to view them, the size depending on the source. Click on them again to close.",
landscapeMode : "Switch to landscape mode here or some locations may be hard to see. Consider always playing in landscape mode. Open Settings and the <<lbut 'Mobile devices' dialogMobile showdiv>> section for more info and additional settings. <<tapSideBar>>",
minigamecorpse : "This minigame can be hard to complete, but don't worry if you can't figure it out. After a certain number of failed attempts, you will see a button <<special 'Too hard?' italicsAll>> that will allow you to skip the minigame.",
procreationSoup : "This will be done automatically from now on.",
record : "In <<actPersonal>>, various information and statistics will be added as you progress in the game and depending on the choices you make.",
pregriskmessage : "When a woman is added to this list, you will see this message:<<pregalert>>",
savepersonal : "Your toggle settings for the lists on this page are saved.",
initiateMembers : "You will automatically visit Emma's room to initiate new members, even if you aren't notified about it.",
visiontip : "You can remember your vision in your Personal notes.",
soundspanking : "If you are a veteran detective, you can go to <<specialalert2 Settings>> and 'enable sound on all videos' if you want to hear the sound of Sister Syren's hand smacking Chloe's butt and Chloe's cries of pain.",
soundspanking2 : "If you are a veteran detective, you can go to <<specialalert2 Settings>> and 'enable sound on all videos' if you want to hear the sound of your hand smacking Giselle's butt and her cries of pain.",
infotip : "Hover over/tap words looking like <<hovertip this hovertips styleNormal short>> for additional information about things. Any 'hovertips' you encounter during gameplay are listed in the journal Help section.",
volunteers : "When a nun on the list is ready to show you more love, your room, and the <<colvar Volunteers button-fg-color>> button will show a <<mii misc/trust 2.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.18rem stylingend'>> to notify you of this.",
volunteersbackup : "When their love for you is high enough, some nuns will seek you out to \"volunteer\" – supporting the war effort by offering their bodies to you. Once a nun has volunteered, she will be added to this list and you can replay the encounter.<br>When a nun on the list is ready to show you more love, your room and the <<colvar Volunteers button-fg-color>> button will show a <<mii misc/trust 2.8 'noalign pnggg noZoom styling margin-bottom:-0.18rem stylingend'>> to notify you of this."
/* Use appropriate names for hovertips since they will be listed to players in Help! */
<<set setup.hovertips = {
silesia : 'The province of Silesia was located in the southwest region of the Kingdom of Poland, bordering the Kingdom of Bohemia. After times of conflict and war, Poland lost all control of Silesia to Bohemia at the Treaty of Trentschin in 1335. Today, most of the region belongs to Poland while a small part belongs to the Czech Republic.',
droppingarticles : "Dropping the articles: Not using words like <<italics the,>> <<italics a,>> <<italics an>> – saying \"I saw bird\" instead of \"I saw a bird\". Common among Slavs when speaking foreign languages that use articles since most Slavic languages lack articles.",
asafoetida : "Although mostly forgotten in much of the world, asafoetida is still common in Indian cooking where it's called <<italics hing.>>",
Azoth : "Azoth is a Medieval Latin form of the Arabic word <span style='font-style:italic'>al-zā'ūq</span> which means 'the mercury'. Azoth was also the name of a mythical alchemical substance, thought to be a universal medication or universal solvent.<br>The alchemical symbol for Azoth comes from the caduceus, the staff with two entwined serpents carried by the messenger of the gods – Hermes in Greek mythology and Mercury in Roman mythology. The staff is not to be confused with the single-snaked Rod of Asclepius associated with medicine.<<mii lab/caduceusCoin 20 pnggg>>Roman coin from 140 AD depicting the caduceus",
Almagest : "The Almagest was written in Greek by the Roman mathematician and astronomer Claudius Ptolemy (AD 100-170). The original Greek title was Mathēmatikē Syntaxis. After a change in title to Hē Megalē Syntaxis (The Great Treatise), later followed by a translation into Arabic and then to Latin, the work finally became known as the Almagest (from Arabic al-majisṭī, from Greek for 'the greatest')",
Alkahest : "The earliest known mention of the term alkahest was by the Swiss alchemist Philippus Paracelsus (1493-1541). The origin and etymology of the word is unknown. The alkahest is supposed to break down a substance into its base elements. In its ideal form, the alkahest should be able to dissolve any substance this way – a universal solvent (like Azoth). Paracelsus' recipe for alkahest consisted of caustic lime, alcohol, and carbonate of potash, but was not meant to be a universal solvent.",
imprisoned : "If you want to play the <<punish>> path, you should imprison people – and keep them imprisoned – as imprisonment may lead to new events. Releasing a prisoner will effectively disable new events for that person, and possibly the entire <<punish>> path.",
prioress : "The prioress is the second-in-command in the convent, taking orders only from the abbess (The Mother Superior). Since the abbess has administrative duties that take up much of her time, she can delegate more practical duties for the prioress to handle. These duties can involve dealing with disciplinary issues or various routine business.",
latex : "Latex is different from sap. Sap is like the blood of a plant, transporting water and nutrients, while latex is a milky fluid that is usually seen as a result of an injury on the plant with the primary purpose of defending against insects. Natural rubber is made from latex from the rubber tree.",
gumresin : "Today, asafoetida is called a <<italics latex,>> or a <<italics 'gum oleoresin'>> (oleo meaning oil). Typical asafoetida contains about 40–64% resin, 25% gum, 10–17% oil, and 1.5–10% ash.",
pinned : "Some quests will be pinned to the top of the quest log. Make it a priority to progress in such quests as they may hold up progress for a lot of other quests.<br>Note, however, that all quests you get must be completed one way or the other, sooner or later, or the game will get stuck.",
silphium : "Silphium was a plant whose identity is unknown today, though it was likely a species related to fennel. The gum resin (latex) extracted from silphium was widely used in the Mediterranian region in the first millennium before Christ until the plant disappeared from history in the first centuries after Christ.",
silphium2 : "Today, no one knows why silphium disappeared from history. Perhaps the plant was harvested to extinction because it was so widely used and couldn't be grown anywhere else than in Cyrene. Another theory is that the silphium resin was just a high-quality version of the asafoetida resin – and that the term silphium for this high-quality asafoetida eventually simply went out of favor.",
cyrene : "Cyrene was an ancient Greek (later Roman) city located in North Africa in the north-east of present-day Libya. Silphium was the city's main export, and the plant was depicted on their coins. <<mii lab/silphiumCoin 24>>",
SevenVirtues : 'The seven virtues are: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience, and Humility.',
charity : 'The virtue of charity is also called the virtue of love. The words charity and love are different translations of the same original Greek word agapē used in the New Testament. The virtue of charity was declared "the most excellent of the virtues" by Saint Thomas Aquinas, the highly influential and revered 13th-century theologian. The Catholic Church defines charity as "the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God".',
concubine : "In polygamous societies, a concubine is a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than a wife.",
moors : "The medieval, European name for Muslims and Arabs.",
pseudonym : "Ramon Llull (Latin: Raymundus Lullius) was a philosopher and theologian from the Kingdom of Majorca (East coast of today's Spain) who lived from 1232 to 1316. Several important medieval alchemical works have been attributed to Llull after his death, all probably falsely. Because of this, instead of listing the author of these works as Ramon Llull, the author is today often listed as \"Pseudo-Llull\", and the works themselves are called \"Pseudo-Llulls\". The general term for literary works falsely attributed to someone is pseudepigrapha (false titles).",
nikahmutah : "Nikah mut'ah is a temporary marriage contract that is practiced and allowed within the majority branch of Shia Islam to this day. The proponents claim that Muhammad sanctioned this practice which can be traced back to pre-Islamic times.",
nineangels : "Views on angels in Christianity are highly influenced by <<italics 'De Coelesti Hierarchia,'>> a work on angelology from the 5th to 6th century by the unknown author Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. In the work, the nine orders of angels are given. Highest to lowest, the orders are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Only the two lowest orders – angels and archangels – ever interact with humans.",
cambion : "Changeling, or cambion, goes back to European folklore where it was believed that supernatural entities like demons and trolls would secretly switch a human child with one of their own. Later, the terms were also used for human-demon hybrids. In the 15th century work <<italics 'Malleus Maleficarum,'>> dealing with witchcraft, human-demon hybrids are called changelings or campsores.",
liturgy : 'Certain psalms, recitals and other forms of prayers are prayed at fixed times each day, known as the "canonical hours".',
lavatorium : "A long trench basin filled with fresh (usually running) water, placed against the wall.",
detectiveMode : "Detective Mode<br>As a <<var expert,>> you have a knack for knowing where to focus your attention. With <<var dmode>> enabled, more locations will disappear from the map when nothing important is happening there.<br><span style='font-size:80%;font-style:italic'>The Watchful Eye on top of the monastery map shows if Detective Mode is activated, and by clicking the eye, you can easily toggle Detective Mode off and on.</span>",
sensitiveDetective : "Sensitive Detective<br>Your heightened senses aid you in your detective work, but they also make you more sensitive to temptations of the flesh. You will lose 10 less lust when mortifying your flesh and when sleeping.",
detectiveSound : "Enable Video Sound<br>A few videos have sound enabled for everyone, but this option will turn on sound for all videos when possible (not all videos have audio). The volume on the clips have been normalized, trying to avoid disturbing noises and big differences in volume.<br><span style='font-size:80%;font-style:italic'>Note that changing the volume in Settings will not change the volume of the video currently playing.</span>",
questhoverSettings : "Quest Hints<br>In the journal entries, <<expertname plural>> are sometimes provided with hints on what to do next.<br>Quest updates that contain such a hint will flash when shown during play.<br><span style='font-size:80%;font-style:italic'>Remember that you can hover over/tap a quest message to see the entry that was added to the journal.</span>",
spaceContinue : "Spacebar can be pressed to continue when there is only one option.",
leftMarginStart: "Available when game has started",
passageCentering : "The game will attempt to center the passages (the game feed) vertically if there is room, instead of always starting at the top. Disable if causing issues (like content ending up too far down)<br><<coltext 'This feature has been disabled for videos on Firefox due to issues' db0>>",
customMaxWidth : "Enable this option to set the width of all the passages (the game feed), including the monastery hub. Note that when this option is not enabled, the hub is about 20% wider.",
customMarginLeft : "Enable this option to set the minimum left margin of the passage (the game feed). This is useful if you don't want to have so much space between the sidebar and the passage, or if the passage slides in under the sidebar.",
customFontBase : "Changing the main font size affects the entire user interface since it is based on this value, making it a good place to start when customizing the UI. The font sizes for sidebar and passages are % of the main font size.",
sleepparalysis : "This phenomenon is known from many cultures, and the demons encountered during this state are known by many names. These names often share the same root as the word for <<italics nightmare>> in their respective languages, as in the English word <<italics nightmare,>> where <<italics mare>> is an old Germanic and Slavic word for an evil supernatural entity riding on people when they sleep.",
morphine : "Opium contains several opiates with <<bold morphine>> being the primary one. Morphine is named after Morpheus, a god that in the medieval period was associated with dreams and sleep.",
potentialpregs : "The first time you ejaculate inside a woman you think is fertile, she will be listed here. It doesn't mean that she is pregnant (or will be), just that it is now a possibility – as far as you know.<br>The more women on this list, the higher the risk that one or more of them get pregnant.<<lh>>\"Potential pregnancies: X/Y\" is the current number of potential pregnancies and the maximum number you can currently achieve in this version of the game.",
remembervision : "Here you can remember your visions.<br>This does not affect the game in any way.",
stigmata : "Stigmata are wounds resembling the wounds of Jesus Christ when he was crucified. The wounds inexplicably manifest in a matter of hours or days on the body of the affected individual – usually a devout Catholic woman.",
succubus : "A succubus is the female version of this night demon of lust, and an incubus is the male version.",
armarius : "Responsible for the books, including the maintenance and (historically) the copying of them.",
archivist : "Responsible for maintaining the records and documentation of the monastery.",
janhus : "Jan Hus (1372–1415) was a Bohemian (Czech) theologian and philosopher who became a Church reformer and the inspiration of Hussitism – a key predecessor to Protestantism. Burned at the stake for his heretical ideas.",
codexgigas : "The Codex Gigas (Giant Book) is the world's largest medieval illuminated manuscript in existence, with a height of 92 cm (36 in). Created in the 13th century in a Bohemian monastery and written in Latin, it contains various then-popular works, including the Bible.<br>It is currently located at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm as it was taken by the Swedes in 1648 as spoils of war during the Thirty Years' War.<br>The codex is known as the Devil's Bible because of its full-page portrait of the Devil, and the legend that says the codex was created in one night after the author prayed to Satan for help.",
wells : "A so-called <i>artesian well</i> gets its water from groundwater under positive pressure. If water is trapped and surrounded by impermeable rock or clay, this pressure can build up enough for the water to reach the top of a hill if someone opens a channel for the water by drilling a hole down to it. To get that kind of pressure, the well must be close to hills or mountains higher than the well.",
masshysteria : "The Hammersmith Ghost hysteria in 1803 was one such case, where many people claimed to have seen and been attacked by a ghost in the Hammersmith area of London.",
novices : "Before a woman can take the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to become a professed nun and full member of the convent, she is a novice – training and preparing for her coming life close to God.",
hovertips : "Reading these messages is completely optional and won't affect anything in the game.",
mortification : "Mortify – from <i>mortificare</i>, Latin for \"to put to death\"<<br>><bible>“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.”<br>
<tipsx> – Romans 8:15</tipsx></bible><<br>>
<bible>“Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”<br>
<tipsx> – Colossians 3:5</tipsx></bible>",
discipline : "A discipline is a small whip, also known as a scourge, used as an instrument of penance, specifically to flog oneself – the act of self-flagellation.",
perfectcontrition : "Perfect contrition (also called contrition of charity) is a repentance motivated by faith and the love of God. It contrasts with imperfect contrition, which arises from a less pure motive, such as common decency or fear of hell. Catholicism teaches that perfect contrition still requires the person to receive absolution from a priest to escape eternal punishment for a mortal sin.",
mortalsin : "A mortal sin is a sin so grave that the sinner is separated from God's saving grace. Thus the sinner will go to hell unless they confess and repent of the sin before they die. Sins not grave enough to be mortal are called venial sins."
<<widget showhelp>>
<div style="margin-bottom:0.5rem"> </div>
<<helpsection "Quick guide and FAQ">>
The only stat you can easily change yourself is the <<stat lust>> stat, so the game mechanic is about managing your lust.
When your lust is higher than your <<stat res,>> you will get <<stat temptation >> (temptation = lust - resistance). Actions requiring 20 temptation (T20) or more are key actions to progress in the game as they will increase your <<stat sin>> which will then permanently increase your <<stat corr.>>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><<lbut "How do I get 10 or 20 temptation?" tempt10 "showdiv noScrolling retractable">></cc>
<<div tempt10 noLine>>
Your resistance is usually fixed at 70, so, since temptation equals lust minus resistance, you need 80 lust to get 10 temptation (80 - 70 = 10). And you need 90 lust to get 20 temptation (90 - 70 = 20).
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><<lbut "How do I get my lust high without reaching 100?" lusthigh "showdiv noScrolling retractable">></cc>
<<div lusthigh noLine>>
You will have different options as you progress in the game, but the one way that should always work is to increase your lust in small increments (+10 or +20).
There are several locations that give +10 or +20 lust once per day, so remember these locations. For instance, visiting Sister Jana in the herb garden gives +10 lust (once per day). These locations usually add up to a combined +60 lust per day.
If you start from 0 lust, gaining 60 lust will not be enough for you to reach 80 or 90 lust, but you can sleep and continue the next day because you only lose 40 lust (30 with Sensitive Detective enabled) when sleeping. If you start the day with 20 lust, then gaining 60 lust will give you 80 lust, which is enough to give you 10 temptation.
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><<lbut "Any tips or tricks?" tricks "showdiv noScrolling retractable">></cc>
<<div tricks noLine>>
Right after you have ejaculated, your lust will be 30. Once you have the option to choose when to have sex, you can use this to your advantage. So, if you start the day by having sex, you will have 30 lust. Add the +60 lust mentioned in "How do I get my lust high...", and you are able to reach 90 lust (20 temptation) in one day.
<<helpsection "More information">>
<cc class="nomargin-bottom"><<lbut "Trust and Authority" trustdiv "showdiv noScrolling retractable">>
<<div trustdiv noLine>>
<cc0 style="font-size:110%" class="nomargin-bottom"><<bold "Relationship stats: Trust and Authority">></cc0>
<<indent "In certain interactions, you can build your relationship with the community of nuns. By being friendly, helpful, and accepting of the nuns' views and way of life, you can get them to <<trust>> you more. By having a commanding presence, being conservative and strict with rules, and enforcing your will as a high-ranking member of the Church, you can improve your <<auth>> with the nuns.">>
<<indent "Depending on your relationship with the nuns, you can convince them to do things and to change their minds. Being a seasoned investigator, you know that with some individuals, building trust will get you further while others respond better to authority.">>
<<indent "Because words and sentiments spread quickly in the tight-knit covenant, improving your relationship with one nun improves it with them all, also including the students at the school.">>
<c0 class="nomargin-bottom" style="font-size:115%;margin-left:2.3rem"><<bold "Personal stats">></c0>
<li>Your <<stat lust>> can fluctuate a lot depending on your actions. Sleep will reduce lust.</li>
<li><<stat res cap>> is your resistance against temptation.</li>
<li>You will feel <<stat tempt>> whenever your lust is higher than your resistance. Temptation makes you susceptible to committing sinful, corrupting actions.</li>
<li><<stat sin cap>> is gained by doing sinful actions. Grave sins can increase your corruption.<br>
<<lbut "More info about Sin" sindiv "showdiv retractable">>
<<div sindiv noLine>>
<<indent "How much you can <<stat sin>> depends on your <<stat corr.>> <<stat temptation cap>> can make you commit more sinful actions. Usually, you will consider any sinful action a minor (forgivable) sin, and you will not pay much notice to it since the sin will be forgiven when you pray before going to bed. However, if the temptation required for the action is <<special2 '20 or more,'>> you will consider the action a grave sin.">>
<<indent "If – after praying before bed – the remaining sin is higher than your corruption, the difference will be converted into <span class='print-dark-shadow permanently'>permanent</span> <<stat corr.>>">>
<li><<stat corr cap>> is a measure of your capability to sin.</li>
<<stat res cap>> and <<stat corr>> are permanent stats that don't easily change, but they can be temporarily affected, for instance by using alcohol.
<<lbut "List all unlocked tips" tipdiv "showdiv retractable noScrolling noRetractableBackground">>
<<div tipdiv noLine>>
<<for _i to $tips.length-1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.tips."+$tips[_i]+">>">>
<<printtip _info "tips center-journal">>
<<lbut "List all unlocked hovertips" hovertipdiv "showdiv retractable noScrolling noRetractableBackground">>
<<div hovertipdiv noLine>>
<<if $hovertips.length >= 1>>
<<for _i to $hovertips.length-1; _i >= 0; _i-->>
<<set _htterm = $hovertips[_i]>>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.hovertips."+_htterm+">>">>
<<set _htterm = "hovertip:"+_htterm>>
<<printtip _info "tips center-journal" null _htterm>>
<cc>Nothing here yet.</cc>
<<widget tip>>
<<set _class = "tips">>
<<set _style = "">>
<<set _text = $args[0]>>
<<set _arg2 = _args[2] ? _args[2] : "">>
<<if !$tips.includes(_text) || _arg2.indexOf("repeatable") != -1>>
<<if _arg2 == "" || (_arg2.indexOf("repeatable") == -1 && _arg2.indexOf("dontsave") == -1)>>
<<set $tips.push(_text)>>
<<if _arg2.indexOf("isHoverTip") != -1>>
<<set _text = "hovertips."+_text>>
<<set _text = "tips."+_text>>
<<print "<<set _info = setup."+_text+">>">>
<<set _arg1 = $args[1]>>
<<if !_arg1>>
/* standard centered tip */
<<set _class += " center">>
<<set _style = _arg1>>
/*<div @class=_class @style=_style><span style="font-weight:700">Tip:</span> _info</div>*/
<<printtip _info _class _style>>
<<widget printtip>>
<<set _info = $args[0]>>
<<set _class = $args[1]>>
<<set _style = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _printtipextra = $args[3] ? $args[3] + " ": "">>
<<set _tipterm = "Tip">>
<<set _tiptermstyle = "">>
<<if _printtipextra.indexOf("hovertip") != -1>>
<<set _htind = _printtipextra.indexOf("hovertip:")>>
<<set _tipterm = _printtipextra.substring(_htind+9, _printtipextra.indexOf(" ",_htind+9))>>
<<set _tipterm = _tipterm.toUpperFirst()>>
<<set _class += " print-dark-shadow">>
<<set _tiptermstyle = "color:var(--tooltip-text-color);">>
<div @class=_class @style=_style><span @style=_tiptermstyle>_tipterm</span>: _info</div>
/* Note: For punctuation, add the punctuation on the term, not the infoid, ie like this <<hovertip alkahest, alkahest>> */
<<widget hovertip>>
<<set _term = $args[0]>>
<<set _infoid = $args[1]>>
<<set _hovertipextra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<set _arg3 = _args[3] ? _args[3] : "">>
<<if _arg3.indexOf("showAsTip") != -1>>
<<set _hovextra3 = _arg3 + " isHoverTip">>
<<tip _infoid _hovertipextra _hovextra3>>
<<run setup.punctuate("term", "lastnamehovertip")>>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.hovertips."+_infoid+">>">>
<<if !$hovertips.includes(_infoid)>>
<<set $hovertips.push(_infoid)>>
/*<<set _tipstyle = $args[2] ? $args[2].indexOf("top") != -1 ? "top: -10rem" : "top: "+$args[2] : "">>*/
<<set _tipstyle = _hovertipextra.indexOf("bottom") != -1 ? "top: 0.3rem" : "bottom:1rem; top:auto">>
<<set _termclass = "">>
<<if _hovertipextra.indexOf("styleNormal") != -1>>
<<set _termclass += " styleNormal">>
<<set _questionclass = _termclass>> /* adding everything down to here to question style. Not wanting shadow */
<<set _questionclass += " print-dark-shadow3">>
<<if _hovertipextra.indexOf("hovertip4journal") != -1>>
<<set _termclass += " print-dark-shadow3">>
<<set _termclass += " print-dark-shadow">>
/*<<set _tipstyle = "bottom:1rem; top:auto;">>*/
<<set _class = "tooltiptext">>
<<if _arg3.indexOf("short") != -1>>
<<set _class += " short">>
<<set _termlastchar = _term.substring(_term.length-1)>>
<<set _qchars = [ 'l', 'd', 'i', 'I']>>
<<if _qchars.contains(_termlastchar)>>
/* Move ? a little to the right to not get too close to some characters */
<<set _questionclass += " hover-tip-question-mark-special">>
<<set _questionclass += " hover-tip-question-mark">>
<div class="tooltip noHover"><span @class=_termclass>_term</span><span @class=_class @style=_tipstyle>_info</span>
<<if _hovertipextra.indexOf("noQuestion") == -1>>
<span @class=_questionclass>?</span>
<<widget hovertip2>>
/* Made this to be relative to main window (dialog window if used in dialog) to allow center it etc for use when want to make sure it doesn't fall outside window */
<<set _term = $args[0]>>
<<set _infoid = $args[1]>>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.hovertips."+_infoid+">>">>
<<if !$hovertips.includes(_infoid)>>
<<set $hovertips.push(_infoid)>>
<<set _style = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<div class="tooltip noHover" style="position: static"><span class="print-dark-shadow3">_term</span><span class="tooltiptext short" @style=_style>_info</span></div>
/* Used for hovertips in Dialog windows (ie Journal, Settings), centering the hovertip
Note: can remove all calls with argument 'center' still remaning in Settings etc */
<<widget hovertip4>>
<<set _term = $args[0]>>
<<set _infoid = $args[1]>>
<<set _h4extra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.hovertips."+_infoid+">>">>
<<if !$hovertips.includes(_infoid) && _h4extra.indexOf("dontsave") == -1>>
<<set $hovertips.push(_infoid)>>
<<if _hoverquest > 0>>
/* When using a hovertip4 in a journal quest entry, we show a normal hovertip when hovering over the journal quest message in the passage because hovertip4 for some reason will pop up directly there */
<<set _h4extra += " hovertip4journal">>
<<hovertip _term _infoid _h4extra>>
<<if _h4extra.indexOf("settingshtip") != -1>>
<<set _hover4style = "top:40%; margin-top:2rem;left:0%; width:96%">>
<<set _hover4class = "tooltiptext-quest tooltiptext-settings">>
<<set _hover4style = "top:40%; margin-top:2rem;left:10%; width:75%">>
<<set _hover4class = "tooltiptext-quest tooltiptext-settings">>
<div class="tooltip-quest tooltip-settings" style="position:static">
<span class="print-dark-shadow3">_term</span>
<span @class=_hover4class @style=_hover4style>_info</span>
<<if _h4extra.indexOf("noQuestion") == -1>>
<span class="print-dark-shadow3" style="font-size:85%; font-family:Courier;color:#cb1; position:relative; top:-0.6rem; right:0.44rem">?</span>
<<widget hovertip3testNotUsed>>
<<set _term = $args[0]>>
<<set _infoid = $args[1]>>
<<set _h3extra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.hovertips."+_infoid+">>">>
<<set _hoverstyle = "top:45%; margin-top:2rem;">>
containerwidth = _containerWidth<br>
<<if def _containerWidth>>
<<set _tipwidth = (_containerWidth * 0.5) + "px">>
<<set _tipwidth = "20rem">>
tipwidth = _tipwidth<br>
<<if _h3extra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _hoverstyle +=";left:10%;width:"+_tipwidth>>
<<set _style = "">>
<<set _hoverclass = "tooltiptext-quest tooltiptext-settings">>
<div class="tooltip-quest tooltip-settings" style="position: static">
<span class="print-dark-shadow3">_term</span>
<span @class=_hoverclass @style=_hoverstyle>_info</span>
<<widget hovertip3noLongerUsed>>
<<set _term = $args[0]>>
<<set _infoid = $args[1]>>
<<set _h3extra = $args[2] ? $args[2] : "">>
<<print "<<set _info = setup.hovertips."+_infoid+">>">>
<<set _hoverstyle = "top:auto; margin-top:2rem;">>
<<if _h3extra.indexOf("center") != -1>>
<<set _hoverstyle +=";left:10%; width:75%">>
<<set _style = "">>
<<set _hoverclass = "tooltiptext-quest tooltiptext-settings">>
<div class="tooltip-quest tooltip-settings" style="position: static">
<span class="print-dark-shadow3">_term</span>
<span @class=_hoverclass @style=_hoverstyle>_info</span>