<<unset $nameCheck>>
<<set $pc.hair.color to $pc.n.hair>>
<<set $pc.eye.color to $pc.n.eye>>
<<set $pc.skin.color to $pc.n.skin>>
<<set $noChar to true>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Dirty Hempen Smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "dirty hempen smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Torn Britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "torn britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<unset $playing>>
<<set $pc.pro to 1>>
<<set $pc.desc to "in dire circumstances">>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $noStats to true>>
<<set $pc.gender to "young man">>
You wake up with stiff, sore joints. For a moment you blearily look around the room, confused at why you'd be asleep somewhere so uncomfortable, before your memory catches up with you - you're still in jail.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\opening.jpg]]@@<br>
As you sit up in the stone cot, the only thing that you've been able to sleep on for the last fortnight, you think back to the events that led you to this place.<br><br>
<<link "I flirted with a noble scion, whose displeased father pulled strings for me to be unjustly arrested">>
<<goto opening2>>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<set $pc.background to "flirt">>
<<link "I started a bar brawl that got out of control and ended up causing considerable property damage">>
<<goto opening2>>
<<set $badger += 1>>
<<set $pc.background to "manly">>
<<link "I'm a heroic adventurer, wrongly implicated in crimes by evildoers seeking to get rid of me and evade justice">>
<<goto [[opening2]]>>
<<set $swallow += 1>>
<<set $pc.background to "hero">>
<<link "I was poor and hungry and stole a loaf of bread to survive">>
<<goto opening2>>
<<set $rabbit += 1>>
<<set $pc.background to "bread">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'bread'" "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'hero'">>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You smile bittersweetly at the memory of your brief lover's kiss upon your cheek, unsure if you'll ever be able to feel its like again.
<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>
Your eyes glance at the foodtray laying at the floor of your cell. At first you had naively looked on the bright side of your imprisonment; at least now perhaps you'd have steady food and a roof over your head. No such luck - the food here is so grim that you can barely keep it down, and the draft through the ice-cold stonework has made you begin to feel almost wistful about the ramshackle arrangements you had outside.
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
You can't help but smirk a little at the memory. It hadn't been the best idea, especially since he was the head of the biggest gang around and surrounded by goons, but it sure had been satisfying to sock that asshole right in the face.
<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>
You clench your fists in frustration at the thought of the villainy going on in the world outside, and of all the people whose suffering you could maybe be alleviating if you weren't trapped in this damn place.
You raise yourself to your feet, wincing the whole time. You're about halfway through stretching and easing out the stiffness in your limbs before it sinks in that something in the room is different, and it takes a few more still-half-asleep moments before you finally fully realize what it is:<br><br>
The normally-locked door to your cell is sitting wide open!<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\opening2.jpg]]@@<br><br>
<<link "Take the opportunity and try to slip out of jail">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto [[jailHallway]]>>
<<link "It's too risky, I'll stay here in my cell">>
<<goto [[jailStay]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $jails to "stay">>
<</link>>You nervously let yourself out of your cell. The heavy rusted bars creak loudly, making you wince, but luckily there's no sound of rushing footsteps or shouting guards - for now at least.<br><br>
The jail isn't very full, and most of the cells that you go past sit empty. You tense up every time you notice a figure in the cells that you pass, but luckily you seem to be the first person awake and they're all still soundly asleep.<br><br>
You consider trying to wake some of them up and maybe help them out, but unless you got your hands on the jailer's keys you wouldn't be much use to them at all, so for now it's probably for the best that they aren't up to cause a ruckus.<br><br>
You make careful but steady progress through the jail, following the vague memory of the route that you had been taken along when you were first imprisoned. Eventually you make it out of the long rows of cells and into the more general rooms used by the guards and staff.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\jailHallway.jpg]]@@<br>
Suddenly you hear the sound that you've been dreading this whole time - footsteps coming your way, and fast at that!<br><br>
With little time to do anything else you quickly hide behind a piece of furniture. You desperately hold your breath and hope not to be noticed.
/* To your surprise however the figure that you can see when you peek out of your hiding space isn't any of the guards that you're used to seeing here. Instead, it's a figure almost completely hidden by a floor-length richly detailed white hooded cloak. In fact - they're running full pelt as fast as they can, occasionally glancing behind them as they do.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\whitecloak.jpg]]@@<br>
The person comes to a gasping stop just feet away from your hiding place to catch their breath and glance at what looks like a hastily drawn map in their hand.<br><br> */
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
To your surprise however the figure that you can see when you peek out of your hiding space isn't any of the guards that you're used to seeing here. Instead, it's a figure almost completely hidden by a floor-length richly detailed white hooded cloak. In fact - they're running full pelt as fast as they can, occasionally glancing behind them as they do.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\whitecloak.jpg]]@@<br>
The person comes to a gasping stop just feet away from your hiding place to catch their breath and glance at what looks like a hastily drawn map in their hand.<br><br>
<<link "Stand up and approach them">>
<<goto [[jailKO]]>>
<<set $jails to "ko">>
<<link "Stay hidden">>
<<goto [[jailHide]]>>
<<set $jails to "found">>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\whitecloak.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top; text-align:justify">
To your surprise however, the figure that you can see when you peek out of your hiding space isn't any of the guards that you're used to seeing here. Instead it's a figure almost completely hidden by a floor-length richly detailed white hooded cloak. In fact - they're running full pelt as fast as they can, nervously glancing behind them as they do.<br><br>
The person comes to a gasping stop just feet away from your hiding place to catch their breath and glance at what looks like a hastily drawn map in their hand.<br><br>
<<link "Stand up and approach them">>
<<goto [[jailKO]]>>
<<set $jails to "ko">>
<<link "Stay hidden">>
<<goto [[jailHide]]>>
<<set $jails to "found">>
/* <<link "Stand up and approach them">>
<<goto [[jailKO]]>>
<<set $jails to "ko">>
<<link "Stay hidden">>
<<goto [[jailHide]]>>
<<set $jails to "found">>
<</link>> */<<set $princessSeen to true>>
You tentatively walk over to the jail door, at first peering at it, and then furtively glancing through it to the hallway beyond. It all seems... a little too perfect, right?<br><br>
You could have //sworn// that you remember the guard locking the gate after they had brought you your food last night. Maybe they just... did it wrong? Or the lock broke from rust? You squat down to look closer at the mechanism and find it in pristine condition, and simple enough that even an idiot couldn't get it wrong - suspicious.<br><br>
Besides, even if it //was// as perfect an escape opportunity as it seems, you'd still be smack dab in the middle of one of the most secure jails in the country. Your chances of escape are minimal, and you'd rather not be punished for a failed attempt.<br><br>
With a sigh, you push the door back into place. You can't lock it again without the keys, but the guards can hardly punish you for //not// escaping from an unlocked room, can they?<br><br>
You ease yourself back to the cold stone floor and prepare for another day of agonizing boredom. If anything, it might be all the more agonizing than before, you figure, with the open cell door taunting you with temptation.<br><br>
You hear the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. At first, you don't think much of them - probably just the jailer doing a morning patrol. When it gets closer though it's clear that that's not the case - whoever it is is running fast!
/* You stand up, just in time for the footsteps to arrive and the figure of a person, their entire body hidden by a long elegant hooded white robe, becomes visible through the bars, before turning directly towards you.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\whitecloak.jpg]]@@<br><br>
[[Continue->jailStay2]] */
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
You stand up, just in time for the footsteps to arrive and the figure of a person, their entire body hidden by a long elegant hooded white robe, becomes visible through the bars, before turning directly towards you.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\whitecloak.jpg]]@@<br><br>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\whitecloak.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top; text-align:justify">
You stand up just in time for the footsteps to arrive and the figure of a person, their entire body hidden by a long elegant hooded white robe, becomes visible through the bars. They turn directly towards you.<br><br>
</table><<unset $noChar>>
<<set $princess to {}>>
<<set $princess.name to "Woman in the white cloak">>
<<set $princess.desc to "A woman dressed in an elaborate white cloak who showed up in your jail cell">>
<<set $princess.facts to []>>
<<princess "What the //fuck// are you doing here?">> rudely accuses a boyish, but still feminine voice from under the hood. <<princess "I was assured that this cell would be //empty//.">><br><br>
She doesn't wait for you to respond, instead raising a leather-armored leg from under her cloak, kicking the cell door open with the surety of someone who knows full-well that it's unlocked, and barging in to poke a threatening finger in your face. <<princess "You're not going to fuck this up for me, kid. I've worked too hard for this.">><br><br>
Suddenly, a rattling sound of metal-on-metal rings out from the tiny barred window, and a man's voice calls out <<blue "One second, boss, I'll be through these in a jiffy!">><br><br>
<<link "Ask who she is">>
<<goto jailStay3>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $jailAsk to "who">>
<<link "Ask her to take you with her">>
<<goto [[jailStay3]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $jailAsk to "take">>
<</link>><<setter "jailAsk to 'who'" "jailAsk to 'take'">>
<<set $princess.desc to "A woman dressed in strappy studded leather armor who broke out through your jail cell">>
<<set $princess.img to "Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png">>
<<set $princess.profile to "Images/Character/Princess/Profile/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png">>
/* At first, the woman barely even acknowledges your <<if $jailAsk is "who">>question<</if>><<if $jailAsk is "take">>request<</if>>, instead she brusquely unclasps the white cloak from around her neck and lets it fall down around her body, revealing the figure of a fairly androgynous young woman about the same age as you (making her referral to you as a 'kid' seem particularly irksome), with short, messy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair and well-toned
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "brown">>golden-brown
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "pale">>suntanned pale
<</if>> skin under strappy brown studded-leather armor - as close to the opposite of the gaudy white cloak as you could imagine.<br>
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".jpg"]]@@<br>
<<if $jailAsk is "who">>
@@color:#F535AA;"I'm fucking nobody from now on"@@ comes her reply, her eyes shining excitedly at her own words. @@color:#F535AA;"That's the best bit, kid. Free fucking agent."@@
<<if $jailAsk is "take">>
She plants her hands on her hips and looks you over from head to toe amusedly, clearly enjoying the power she holds in the situation, before shrugging to herself. @@color:#F535AA;"Why the fuck not? Come on then!"@@
<</if>><br><br> */
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
At first, the woman barely even acknowledges your <<if $jailAsk is "who">>question<</if>><<if $jailAsk is "take">>request<</if>>, instead she brusquely unclasps the white cloak from around her neck and lets it fall down around her body, revealing the figure of a fairly androgynous young woman about the same age as you (making her referral to you as a 'kid' seem particularly irksome), with short, messy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair and well-toned
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "brown">>golden-brown
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "pale">>suntanned pale
<</if>> skin under strappy brown studded-leather armor - as close to the opposite of the gaudy white cloak as you could imagine.<br>
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<<if $jailAsk is "who">>
<<princess "I'm fucking nobody from now on">> comes her reply, her eyes shining with excitement at her own words. <<princess "That's the best bit, kid. Free fucking agent.">>
<<if $jailAsk is "take">>
She plants her hands on her hips and looks you over from head to toe, relishing the power she holds over you in this situation, before shrugging to herself. <<princess "Why the fuck not? Come on then!">>
With that the bars clatter out of place and she pushes past you to easily hoist herself up. Arms from above reach down from the window to clasp hers and help pull her out.<br><br>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
At first the woman barely even acknowledges your <<if $jailAsk is "who">>question<</if>><<if $jailAsk is "take">>request<</if>>, instead she brusquely unclasps the white cloak from around her neck and lets it fall down around her body, revealing the figure of a fairly androgynous young woman about the same age as you (making her referral to you as a 'kid' seem particularly irksome), with short, messy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair and well-toned
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "brown">>golden-brown
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "pale">>suntanned pale
<</if>> skin under strappy brown studded-leather armor - as close to the opposite of the gaudy white cloak as you could imagine.<br><br>
<<if $jailAsk is "who">>
<<princess "I'm fucking nobody from now on">> comes her reply, her eyes shining with excitement at her own words. <<princess "That's the best bit, kid. Free fucking agent.">>
<<if $jailAsk is "take">>
She plants her hands on her hips and looks you over from head to toe, relishing the power she holds over you in this situation, before shrugging to herself. <<princess "Why the fuck not? Come on then!">>
With that the bars clatter out of place and she pushes past you to easily hoist herself up. Arms from above reach down from the window to clasp hers and help pull her out.
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png"]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
Her body's half out, her muscular butt wriggling out the window, when you hear the clatter of footsteps coming your way down the jail corridor - she's being pursued! You urge her to go faster but can only wait anxiously for her legs to finish their exit, but just as you start moving to follow her two men round the corner and barrel into the cell.<<br>>
You can just about hear the woman shout <<princess "Sorry, kid. Looks like we're out of time!">> from the window before gruff hands grab you and you're slammed against the wall.<br><br>
[[Ouch!->jailStay4]]<<set $rob to {}>>
<<set $rob.name to "Two soldiers">>
<<set $rob.desc to "Two burly, thickset soldiers dressed in burgundy uniform. They seem to be working for the man dressed in black">>
<<set $rob.facts to []>>
<<set $merat to {}>>
<<set $merat.name to "Man dressed in black">>
<<set $merat.desc to "A tall, lithe, sadistic man dressed in fine black clothing.">>
<<set $merat.facts to []>>
<<unset $jailAsk>>
Your head clatters painfully against the wall as you're slammed into from behind and brawny arms twist your arms painfully behind you to hold you against the wall in arrest.<br><br>
It takes a moment before your vision stops spinning and you can fully take in the situation. The room's been taken over by two thickset men in burgundy soldier's uniform, both wielding heavy sabres, with matchlock rifles strapped to their backs. They're huge, and you could practically cut diamonds on their chiseled jawlines.<br><br>
One barks orders at you in a voice too loud for you to make sense of, while the other stands on tip-toes peering through the window-hole and bellowing at the retreating girl and her crew. With their huge bodies there's no way either of them could possibly pursue her through the gap.<<br>>
/* Then another figure slinks into the cell, looking surprisingly relaxed compared to the others. A tall, pale, slim man with immaculate posture and arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/merat.png]]@@<br>
His sharp voice, despite being much quieter than the soldiers, cuts through their bellows like ice as he commands @@color:#307D7E;"Shut up and see if there's another way through, would you?"@@, making both soldiers jump to attention and pour out of the cell as brashly as they entered, unceremoniously dropping you to the floor.<br><br>
You can't help but notice that with his slender frame this man would have a fairly easy time slipping out of the window, but something about his demeanor makes it clear that the notion of him doing something so undignified is utterly impossible.<br><br>
You stumble to your feet, but as you do so, with a lazy flick of his wrist, the man draws the glittering silver sabre from his waist and holds it against your throat. Though the soldiers were barely here for seconds, compared to their brutishness the room feels as silent and cold as the grave as the man casually holds you at his mercy.<br><br> */
/* <span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<br> */
Then another figure slinks into the cell, notably more relaxed than the others. A tall, pale, slim man with immaculate posture and arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail.<br><br>
/* @@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@<br> */
His sharp voice, despite being much quieter than the soldiers, cuts through their bellows like ice as he commands <<merat "Shut up and see if there's another way through, would you?">>, making both soldiers jump to attention and pour out of the cell as brashly as they entered, unceremoniously dropping you to the floor.<br><br>
/* </span>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:45%">
Then another figure slinks into the cell, notably more relaxed than the others. A tall, pale, slim man with immaculate posture and arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail.<br><br>
His sharp voice, despite being much quieter than the soldiers, cuts through their bellows like ice. <<merat "Shut up and see if there's another way through, would you?">> Both soldiers jump to attention and pour out of the cell as brashly as they entered, unceremoniously dropping you to the floor.
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@
</table> */
Compared to the others, with his slender frame this man would have a fairly easy time slipping out of the window, but something about his demeanor makes it clear that the notion of him doing something so undignified is utterly impossible.<<br>>
You stumble to your feet, but as you do so, with a lazy flick of his wrist, the man draws the glittering silver sabre from his waist and holds it against your throat. Though the soldiers were barely here for seconds, compared to their brutishness the room feels as silent and cold as the grave as the man casually holds you at his mercy.<<br>>
[[Oh no!->jailMerat]]<<set $princess to {}>>
<<set $princess.name to "Cloaked figure">>
<<set $princess.desc to "A person ran past you in the jail wearing an elaborate white cloak">>
<<set $princess.facts to []>>
<<unset $noChar>>
<<set $rob to {}>>
<<set $rob.name to "Two soldiers">>
<<set $rob.desc to "Two burly, thickset soldiers dressed in burgundy uniform that ran past you after the cloaked figure in the jail">>
<<set $rob.facts to []>>
<<set $badger ++>>
You figure that whatever troubles that this person has, you're better off without taking them on yourself, and decide to stay safely hidden behind the sideboard.<br><br>
The cloaked figure doesn't linger for long, just a few seconds to collect themselves and check the scrap of paper that they're holding and then they're off running again, scurrying along the route that you just came from.<br><br>
You breathe a sigh of relief at their departure, but the comfort only lasts a second before the rapidly approaching footsteps of the cloaked figure's pursuers sends you back into hiding.<br><br>
Two burly, thickset men come barrelling into the room, both hefting heavy glittering sabres and with long matchlock rifles on their backs. These certainly aren't the dopey, whiskey-nosed guards that you're used to seeing around here - they wear the burgundy uniform of crown soldiers. You could practically cut glass on their chiseled jawlines.<br><br>
<<blue "This way!">> bellows one of the pair, and the two men hurtle down the row of cells after the figure in white; waking up the prisoners in the process and causing a chaos of jeers and nuisances in their wake.<br><br>
With a sigh of relief at the danger having passed you stand back up. Whatever nonsense was going on there - it's none of your business. The ruckus will no doubt be drawing the attention of the guards, but maybe there'll be an opportunity to slip past in the hubbub.<br><br>
[[Continue your escape!->jailHide2]]<<set $merat to {}>>
<<set $merat.name to "Man dressed in black">>
<<set $merat.desc to "A tall, lithe, sadistic man dressed in fine black clothing.">>
<<set $merat.facts to []>>
Regathering your energy, you stand and renew your cautious escape. You turn left down one corridor, and then right down another, then left again, hoping against hope that you're going the right way. <br><br>
Suddenly, as you turn a tight corner, you find yourself almost running into someone.<<br>>
/* Before you stands a tall, pale, lean man with immaculate posture and an arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail. A gleaming silver sabre sits at his waist. For a lingering moment you both stand there taking in the other - your shocked surprise is met with impassive curiosity.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/merat.png]]@@<br>
At once you both start moving, your legs twisting as you desperately make your move to run away - to escape! However, he moves quicker, and before you can even turn around his sabre flicks forward with careless precision - stopping you in your tracks as it digs into your neck.<br><br> */
/* <span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<br> */
Before you stands a tall, pale, lean man with immaculate posture and an arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail. A gleaming silver sabre sits at his waist. For a lingering moment you both stand there taking in the other - your shocked surprise is met with impassive curiosity.<br><br>
/* @@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@<br> */
At once you both start moving, your legs twisting as you desperately make your move to run away - to escape! However, he moves quicker, and before you can even turn around his sabre flicks forward with careless precision - stopping you in your tracks as it digs into your neck.<br><br>
[[You're at his mercy->jailMerat]]
/* </span>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@
<td style="width:45%">
Before you stands a tall, pale, lean man with immaculate posture and an arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail. A gleaming silver sabre sits at his waist. For a lingering moment you both stand there taking in the other - your shocked surprise is met with impassive curiosity.<br><br>
At once you both start moving, your legs twisting as you desperately make your move to run away - to escape! However, he moves quicker, and before you can even turn around his sabre flicks forward with careless precision - stopping you in your tracks as it digs into your neck.<<br>>
[[You're at his mercy->jailMerat]]
</table> */<<set $outfit.over.Name to "White Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "white cloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "wcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $cloaked to true>>
<<set $princessSeen to true>>
<<set $princess to {}>>
<<set $princess.name to "Woman in leather">>
<<set $princess.desc to "A woman dressed in strappy studded leather armor who knocked you out in the jail">>
<<set $princess.facts to []>>
<<set $princess.img to "Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png">>
<<set $princess.profile to "Images/Character/Princess/Profile/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png">>
<<unset $noChar>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<setter "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'bread'">>
You stand up from your hiding spot with both hands raised. You're both people on the run in a jail - chances are you'll probably have something in common.<br><br>
Unfortunately, your sudden appearance seems to take them by surprise - though they're anything but caught flat footed. The cloak suddenly unfurls upwards, its elegant velvet cascading forward confusingly to reveal a firm, <<print $pc.n.skin>>-skinned leg clad in brown leather which //thwacks// into your side hard in a fierce instinctive kick.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "manly" or $pc.background is "hero">>
You're no stranger to combat, and while it's an effective blow it might not have taken you out - that is, if you weren't standing right next to to the wall of the prison. Your head painfully clatters against stone brickwork, sending you to your knees, your vision swaying disorientatingly.
<<elseif $pc.background is "flirt" or $pc.background is "bread">>
It hurts like hell, but what's worse is that the force of it sends your head straight into the bare-stone wall of the prison, making your teeth clatter painfully together and sending you to your knees, vision swaying.
<<princess "Fucking hell, watch the fuck out, would you?">> comes a boyish, but still feminine accusing rasp from beneath the cloak.<<br>>
She takes a careful glance back at the corridor that she came from. You can dimly hear the sound of more footsteps coming, she must have pursuers. She seems satisfied that they aren't too close on her heels and turns back to you, and though you can't see her face through her hood you can still hear the self-satisfied smirk in her voice as she gloats <<princess "I don't know who the fuck you are, kid, but at least you can be useful to me.">>
/* Unexpectedly she unclasps the cloak from around her neck and lets it fall down around her. You're still doubled-up trying to get your wits back about you, but you can just about make out the figure of a fairly androgynous young woman about the same age as you (making her referral to you as a 'kid' seem particularly irksome, not that you're in much of a position to do anything about it) with short, messy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair and well-toned
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "brown">>golden-ochre
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "pale">>pale
<</if>> skin under strappy brown leather armor - as close to the opposite of the gaudy white cloak as you could imagine. But what's most annoying is the cocky grin on her face as she looks down at you.<br>
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".jpg"]]@@<br>
With a @@color:#F535AA;"Good luck, kid"@@, she pulls the cloak over your hunched-over body and roughly clasps it under your neck, leaving you in darkness of the hood as the sound of her footprints rush away in one direction and the sounds of her pursuers get closer.<br><br>
[[It hurts!->jailKO2]] */
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
To your surprise, she unclasps the cloak from around her neck and lets it fall down around her.<<br>>
You're still doubled-up trying to get your wits back about you, but you can just about make out the figure of a fairly androgynous young woman. She's about the same age as you, making her referral to you as a 'kid' seem particularly irksome, with short, messy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair and well-toned
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "brown">>golden-ochre
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "pale">>pale
<</if>> skin. Under the cloak she's wearing strappy brown leather armor - a stark contrast to the gaudy white velvet. What's most annoying is the cocky grin on her face as she looks down at you.<br>
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
With a <<princess "Good luck, kid">>, she pulls the cloak over your hunched-over body and roughly clasps it under your neck, leaving you in darkness of the hood as the sound of her footprints rush away and the sounds of her pursuers get closer.<<br>>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png"]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<td style="width:50%">
To your surprise, she unclasps the cloak from around her neck and lets it fall down around her.<<br>>
You're still doubled-up trying to get your wits back about you, but you can just about make out the figure of a fairly androgynous young woman. She's about the same age as you, making her referral to you as a 'kid' seem particularly irksome, with short, messy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair and well-toned
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "brown">>golden-ochre
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $pc.n.skin is "pale">>pale
<</if>> skin. Under the cloak she's wearing strappy brown leather armor - a stark contrast to the gaudy white velvet. What's most annoying is the cocky grin on her face as she looks down at you.<br><br>
With a <<princess "Good luck, kid">>, she pulls the cloak over your hunched-over body and roughly clasps it under your neck, leaving you in darkness of the hood as the sound of her footprints rush away and the sounds of her pursuers get closer.
[[It hurts!->jailKO2]]<<set $rob to {}>>
<<set $rob.name to "Two soldiers">>
<<set $rob.desc to "Two burly, thickset soldiers dressed in burgundy uniform. They seem to be working for the man dressed in black">>
<<set $rob.facts to []>>
<<set $merat to {}>>
<<set $merat.name to "Man dressed in black">>
<<set $merat.desc to "A tall, lithe, sadistic man dressed in fine black clothing.">>
<<set $merat.facts to []>>
Once the incoming footsteps arrive you feel yourself hoisted up firmly by two sets of thickset arms. Through the darkness of the huge hood you can just about make out the figures of two muscular men in burgundy soldier's uniform, each with jawlines so chiseled that they could cut glass. What concerns you more however is the unmistakable clinking of sabres and muskets held on their persons.<br><br>
For a moment you're worried that they might kill you, but instead one of them self-satisfiedly remarks <<blue "Gotcha">>, only to be elbowed in the ribs by his fellow.<br><br>
You're held tautly in place a while longer, long enough for the world to stop spinning from your concussion at least, before another figure, this one dark, tall, and wiry, silently steps into your limited field of vision and the hood gets thrown upwards off of you.<br><br>
<<blue "It's not her!">> yells one of the soldiers in shocked surprise, but the tall figure barely even sighs at the reveal.<<br>>
<<merat "Scour the place, we can't let her get away.">> he commands them irritably. As he does so, he pulls a sabre from his waist and brings it to your neck in an effortlessly swift motion.<<br>>
/* @@color:#307D7E;"Scour the place, we can't let her get away"@@ he commands them irritably. As he does so, he pulls a sabre from his waist and brings it to your neck in an effortlessly swift motion.<br><br>
As the thick-set soldiers frantically bound down the passage that you came from, you take in your captor. He's tall, pale, and slender, with immaculate posture and an arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail. Dressed like that it's no wonder that he had looked almost like a long-legged black spider from the limited visibility of the hood.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/merat.png]]@@<br><br> */
/* <span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<br> */
As the soldiers frantically bound down the passage, you take in your captor. He's tall, pale, and slender, with immaculate posture and an arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail. Dressed like that it's no wonder that he had looked almost like a long-legged black spider from the limited visibility of the hood.<br><br>
/* @@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@<br><br> */
[[You're at his mercy->jailMerat]]
/* </span>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
As the soldiers frantically bound down the passage, you take in your captor. He's tall, pale, and slender, with immaculate posture and an arrogant, gaunt face. His black dress shirt and pants are as trim and close fitted as his dark hair, held in a tight ponytail. Dressed like that it's no wonder that he had looked almost like a long-legged black spider from the limited visibility of the hood.<<br>>
[[You're at his mercy->jailMerat]]
</table> */<<section "jailMerat">>
<<merat "Well well, what have we here?">><br><br>
The slender officer, still holding his sabre to your neck, reaches towards your face with his spare hand. You recoil away to avoid it, but before you can do so his arm whips forward to firmly clasp your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, holding your head firmly in place.<br><br>
With glacial calmness, the man twists his hand, firmly pulling your face around at his leisure. His eyes gleam with an emotion that you can't quite place as they inspect your <<print $pc.skin.color>> features, though his expression remains icily indifferent.<br><br>
He shifts his grip slightly to grasp your lower lip with his thumb, digging his sabre a little deeper against your throat as he does so to communicate that trying to twist free in that moment would be foolish, before gently putting a little pressure on your jaw as if to pry your mouth open - except unlike his previous firmness, he barely uses any force at all, as if he expects you to complete the action for him.<br><br>
<<link "Hold my jaw shut">>
<<goto jailMerat2>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $jailMerat to "shut">>
<<link "There's no use fighting it, he has me at his mercy, best to do what he wants and open my mouth">>
<<goto [[jailMerat2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $jailMerat to "open">>
<<set $sub +=1>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/merat.jpg"]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Hzenart)@@</div>
<<print _jailMerat>>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _jailMerat>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/merat.jpg"]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Hzenart)@@</div>
/* <<pst "Character/merat.jpg" "_jailMerat">> */<<set $rob.desc to "Two burly, thickset soldiers dressed in burgundy uniform. They seem to be working for the man dressed in black.">>
<<setter "jailMerat to 'open'" "jailMerat to 'shut'" "jails to 'found'" "jails to 'ko'" "jails to 'stay'">>
The man maintains his impassive expression, but you can see his ice-blue eyes twinkle with amusement <<if $jailMerat is "open">>at your compliance<<else>>at your resistance<</if>>.<br><br>
With a clatter the two soldiers that
<<if $jails is "found">>
you saw run past earlier
the man sent off earlier
return and salute the lithe figure, breaking the tension between the two of you. Their barrel chests heave almost in time with each other from the run as they stand at attention.<br><br>
<<if $jailMerat is "open">>
The hand holding your face quickly darts back, as if having been caught in the act. It takes you a second longer to realize that you're still standing there with your mouth dumbly gaping open and you quickly shut it, though you're sure that the soldiers must have noticed.
The hand holding your face quickly darts back as if having been caught in the act.
<<if $jails is "found">>
<<blue "She's //gone//, sir! Scoured the whole place. All we found was this - left in one of the cells">> reports one of the soldiers, thrusting out a thick arm holding the elegant white robe that you saw the figure wearing earlier.
<<if $jails is "ko">>
<<blue "She's //gone//, sir! Scoured the whole place, couldn't find her anywhere">> reports one of the soldiers, standing firmly at salute.
<<if $jails is "stay">>
<<blue "There's no way around, sir! At least, not in time. She's //gone//!">> reports one of the soldiers, standing firmly at salute.
<<merat "Yes, I rather thought that she might be">> sneers the man in black's reply. <<merat "A shame, of course.">><br><br>
<<if $jails is "found">>
He reaches out to the guard with his free hand and plucks the white cloak from their fingers before turning to you and once again giving you a penetrating stare. It seems to be analyzing you so deeply that you feel uncomfortably exposed in front of it.
<<if $jails is "ko">>
He once again turns his attention to you, as if wholly uninterested in the soldiers at his command. Again he reaches his spare hand towards you, and you shift uncomfortably after his humiliating inspection earlier, but instead of reaching for your face his narrow fingers trace thoughtfully along the fabric of the white robe that the woman placed on your person.
<<if $jails is "stay">>
With one foot he reaches out and hooks the white cloak that the girl left on the ground with one of his pointed cavalry boots, lifting it so that he can pick it up in his spare hand without his sabre shifting from your neck for a moment. He looks at the clothing thoughtfully, then at you, and then the clothing again.
<<merat "Losing her is a travesty. An unacceptable situation.">> He says finally, though his dry tone doesn't quite match the urgency of his words, in fact, he seems almost amused.<br><br>
<<merat "But what's most important today is the role that she was to play, and for that... we only need her image - a person wearing the cloak">><br><br>
His words hang in the air for a few seconds before you realize what he's implying. He couldn't possibly be saying that you should be taking her place for... whatever weird ritual that's going on, is he?<br><br>
This couldn't have been why he had been inspecting you so closely earlier, could it? Assessing your suitability for the role? You think back and shudder - no, he had been having too much fun for it to have been that alone, but you figure that it might have been //part// of it.<br><br>
The two soldiers seem to finally catch up with the implication, and you're relieved as the larger one blurts out the obvious. <<blue "But... This is a bloke.">><br><br>
[[Continue->jailMerat3]]/* You're not exactly the archetype of masculinity - your features trending more towards 'boyish' than 'manly'.
<<switch $pc.background>>
<<case "flirt">>
It's a fact that's sometimes played to your detriment in the game of romance, and at other times to your advantage. You've learnt to play to your strengths.
<<case "bread">>
<<case "manly">>
It's something that your drinking friends would frequently tease you about, and you'd find yourself overcompensating with brash behavior to shut them up and prove them wrong.
<<case "hero">>
It's a fact that's often played to your advantage as an adventurer - people seem to take you for granted and it's often the last mistake they make - though it's sometimes irritates you that your more classically heroic looking party members seem to get all of the praise after a mission.
But you're still a long way from looking like a //girl//, surely?<<br>> */
<<setter "jailMerat to 'open'" "jailMerat to 'shut'" "jails to 'found'" "jails to 'ko'" "jails to 'stay'">>
The tall man makes a chiding <<merat "tsk">> at the soldier's confusion before continuing as if patronizing an infant. <<merat "Same height, roughly the same build, and he'll be covered head to toe in the cloak. Nobody will be any the wiser, and it gives me plenty of time to fix this //error//.">><br><br>
He's not entirely wrong. With his lithe tallness and the soldiers' heaving muscles there's no chance that any of them would have any chance of imitating her figure.<<if $jails isnot "found">> Also, since you share the same skin and hair color with the girl that you saw before, if anyone were to catch a glance of you through the hood you might at least pass a glimpsed inspection.<</if>><br><br>
The man's sabre suddenly digs a millimeter deeper into your neck, making you gasp a little in spite of yourself as he turns to gesture at you. <<if $jailMerat is "open">><<merat "I'm sure that you'll find that he'll be quite... Pliant to our needs.">><</if>>
<<if $jailMerat is "shut">><<merat "And I'm sure you'll find that he's not in any position to disagree.">><</if>><br><br>
<<link "He's right, I'm at his mercy, it's too risky to disobey.">>
<<goto [[jailDress]]>>
<<set $sub +=1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $meratBargain to "no">>
<<link "Resist. I don't know what's going on but I don't want to be dragged into it.">>
<<goto [[jailDisobey]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<setter "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'bread'" "pc.background to 'hero'">>
<<set $meratName to true>>
<<set $merat.name to "Merat">>
<<set $rob.desc to "Two burly, thickset soldiers dressed in burgundy uniform. They seem to be working for Merat.">>
<<run $merat.facts.pushUnique("You made a deal with Merat to clear your criminal record.")>>
Fuck this whole situation! These people are insane and you firmly tell them as much. You have no idea who that woman was, and you don't want any piece of whatever weird schemes that they had planned for her whatsoever! You're already in jail for the gods' sake, life was //already// shitty, and now you're being threatened by creepy sadists? What the fuck?<br><br>
When you're done, breathing heavily from the exertion of your outrage, all three of the men are staring at you in surprise. For the first time the tall man in black seems to be at somewhat of a disadvantage, and you realize that at some point in your shouting he had taken his sword from your throat (whether it was from shock, pity, or just nervous that you'd accidentally skewer yourself in your fervor - it's difficult to say).<br><br>
You gain an important realization: they're just as much at your mercy as you are at theirs, if not more so. They //need// you to do this or they're in trouble. You're the one holding the cards in this stand-off.<br><br>
<<merat "Uh...">> the leader says after an awkward pause. <<merat "My apologies. My name is Merat, and these men are...">> He gestures towards the two soldiers, clearly realizes that he'd never bothered to learn their names himself, and finishes with <<merat "Honorable soldiers under the king.">><br><br>
The two barrel-chested men stand to attention and salute once more at his words. Mostly out of habit it seems.<br><br>
Merat's eyes flicker over you, and then to the jail walls, and he seems to pick up on the most obvious bargaining chip. <<merat "Your jail term - what charges am I to erase in return for this... Favor?">><br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You quickly explain the false charges that you were accused of by the noble family. When Merat hears the family name his eyes gleam in recognition and he responds <<merat "Ahh, yes, that certainly does sound like them. I'll see to it.">>
<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>
You explain your tragic tale of stolen bread to them. You could swear that you see the eyes of the two burly soldiers begin to moisten at your sad history. Merat, clearly expecting something more impressive, airily waves his hand to dismiss it. <<merat "I'll see to it">>
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
You explain how you got on the bad end of some ruffians at a bar. You make sure to leave how drunk you were and who started the fight out of the explanation, though from Merat's wry gaze you feel like he probably sees right through you. Nevertheless, after you finish he unconcernedly says <<merat "Consider it wiped from the records.">>
<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>
You passionately explain how you were so close to heroically stopping a band of ne'er-do-wells' schemes, before they pulled strings to have you sent here. Merat's gaze hardens at your words, and he says <<merat "Well, that sounds like something important - too important for some //vigilante//. We'll have to discuss this later. Nevertheless, consider it wiped from the records, so long as you help us.">>
<<link "Agree to help them on these terms">>
<<goto [[jailDress]]>>
<<set $meratBargain to "yes">>
<<link "Push my luck, maybe I can get more out of them">>
<<goto [[pushLuck]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $meratBargain to "pushed">>
<</link>><<run $merat.facts.delete("You made a deal with Merat to clear your criminal record.")>>
<<run $merat.facts.pushUnique("You made a deal with Merat to clear your criminal record, but after you pushed your demands you're worried about his intentions.")>>
You decide to get cocky and see how much more you can glean off of them. You start listing a longer series of demands - money, land, influence, maybe even a //pony//!<br><br>
You're so busy getting carried away that you realize too late that somewhere along the way Merat's expression has shifted from intently listening to something more... Predatory. You get the sinking feeling that you've made a mistake saying this much.<br><br>
<<merat "You know...">> says Merat somewhat vaguely, seeming to be enjoying himself all of a sudden. <<merat "I think that I might be able to help give you //exactly// what you ask for.">><br><br>
[[Oops!->jailDress]]<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "White Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "white cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "wcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<setter "meratBargain to 'yes'" "meratBargain to 'no'" "clocked to true" "clocked to undefined" "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
<<if $meratBargain is "yes">>
You wisely decide not to push your luck. An opportunity to get out of jail is already a dream come true.
<<if $meratBargain is "no">>
Grinding your teeth a little in frustration you voice your assent to their demands.
<<if $meratBargain is "no">>
The tall man seems content for now and with a swift movement scabbards his sabre. You let out a deep breath that you had been too scared of moving your neck until now to release. You consider making a break for it, but with both soldiers standing right there it's not like you'd be able to get very far.<br><br>
<<if $cloaked is true>>
<<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>The man in black<</if>> takes a step backwards, and gestures to the shorter burgundy-uniformed soldier. <<merat "Help him with the damn outfit, would you? Just like she had it.">><br><br>
The soldier steps forward and eyes you up and down. When the woman had unceremoniously draped the cloak over you she hadn't exactly bothered to get it fitted correctly, and the whole thing is completely lopsided.<br><br>
<<if ndef $cloaked>>
<<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>The man in black<</if>> reaches out the arm holding the white cloak. <<merat "Wear the damn cloak then.">>
You reach out and grab the garment, and as you do are surprised by how heavy it is. You realize that there's probably more insulation fit into the material than in any bed you've slept in in your life.<br><br>
Still anxious from the situation, you try to simply drape the material over you and secure the silver clasp under your neck, but when you try to reach your hands into the sleeves you realize that you can't find them.<br><br>
<<merat "Help him with it, would you already? Just like she had it.">> snaps <<if $meratName is true>>Merat's<<else>>the tall man's<</if>> chiding voice, and one of the soldiers obediently steps forward to help.
At the burly man's orders you maneuver the cloak around. You wouldn't have expected a cloak to ever be a complicated item of clothing, but the sheer amount of fabric makes it easy to get lost in. It doesn't help that its thick velvet underlayer ensures that it's impossible to feel any of the inside seams that could act as a guide.<br><br>
Finally the soldier gives up on you and with a gruff <<blue "For the gods' sake, I'll just do it">> he steps forward and roughly manhandles you the rest of the way.<br><br>
Once satisfied he takes a step back to give a final assessment, and all of a sudden you become uncomfortably aware of all three sets of eyes on you.<br><br>
It's just a cloak - there's nothing weird about a guy wearing a cloak after all, and the situation //does// demand it, but you find yourself shifting uneasily under their stares. They're just checking it would pass inspection, but you've never had any reason for anyone to make a weird scene of your clothing before.<br><br>
<<blue "Looks okay. All set up - just the hood now.">> says the soldier as he steps forward once again to lift the thick fabric over you. You find yourself shrouded in darkness as your face is hidden amidst the fabric.<br><br>
<<blue "Now nobody will be able to tell there's a guy under there.">> remarks the other soldier. Great, as if this situation wasn't weird enough already.<br><br>
[[You feel completely absurd->jailLeave]]<<unset $cloaked>>
<<setter "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
<<merat "It'll have to do. Come on, we're late.">> Snaps <<if $meratName is true>>Merat's<<else>>the leader's<</if>> voice, though you can barely see his darkly dressed figure through the hood's limited visibility.<br><br>
He taps his heel firmly against the floor and turns away. With practiced precision, though you can't help but be reminded of pet dogs being called to heel, the two soldiers close in to stand behind your left and right shoulder.<br><br>
At a second tap they start to march, firmly bustling you along in front of them until you get the message to match their pace. The hood shrouds your vision enough that the dim figure of <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the tall man<</if>> looks like an overgrown black spider as he leisurely strides ahead.<br><br>
You keep stumbling at first, unused to having to wade through so much material with every step - especially when the satin underside is so soft that it's impossible to accurately gauge how much give there is to the fabric. Soon however you realize that the unfamiliar sensation was making you overthink it, and if you just walk like normal it feels almost weightless, as if stepping through a cloud.<br><br>
Without looking back, <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the spider<</if>> imperiously orders the soldiers behind him as he walks. <<merat "We're going straight up to the walls. There you're to make sure that he's seen by the public and by all interested parties. Then move to the carriage and get him out of sight. Stay at his side at all times and if he so much as thinks of running then stop him. Discreetly.">><br><br>
You feel one of the soldier's arms firmly clamp on your shoulder for a second to make the point - with them standing so close that you're practically amid their chest hair it seems like it would be impossible to get even so much as out of their arms reach before getting grabbed and pulled back.<br><br>
[[Step outside the jail->jailCourtyard]]/* The group firmly escort you you outside the jail, though hidden in the darkness of your hood you can't exactly enjoy your first breath of fresh outside air in weeks.<br><br>
As you walk you become aware of a smell. <<if $princessSeen is true>>You can't imagine the woman you saw being the one to do it, but whomever<</if>><<if ndef $princessSeen>>Whomever<</if>> prepared the outfit must have sprayed it in perfume beforehand, and with the hood up you're completely surrounded by a fruity, citrusy aroma.<br><br>
A short walk later and you almost stub the toe of your bare feet against the first steps of a spiral staircase. Thankfully the soldiers seem amicable enough to your position as someone who can't see the floor well and slow down enough for you to walk safely, though you can see <<if $meratName is true>>Merat's<<else>>the tall man's<</if>> figure looking more and more impatient at the pace.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\jailCourtyard.jpg]]@@<br>
Finally you stand at the top of the staircase in front of a heavy wooden door. However, before opening it <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the black-dressed figure before you<</if>> turns back towards you and reaches his hand forward, plunging it into the hood that you're shrouded in.<br><br>
You're too backed up against the chests of the guards behind you to recoil as his slender fingers grasp onto the unkempt <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair on the back of your head and firmly directs your head to face his. The fact that being shrouded in the hood means that you still can't see much barely reduces the effect as he slowly sneers the words @@color:#307D7E;"Don't. Fuck. This. Up. For. Me."@@ directly at where your face would be before releasing you with one last hair-pulling flourish, turning around, and opening the door.<br><br> */
<<setter "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to undefined" "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
The group firmly escorts you out the jail, though hidden in the darkness of your hood you can't exactly enjoy your first breath of fresh outside air in weeks.<br><br>
As you walk you become aware of a smell. <<if $princessSeen is true>>You can't imagine the woman you saw being the one to do it, but whomever<<elseif ndef $princessSeen>>Whomever<</if>> prepared the outfit must have sprayed it in perfume beforehand, and with the hood up you're completely surrounded by a sweet, citrusy aroma.
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\jailCourtyard.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:60%">
A short walk later and you almost stub the toe of your bare feet against the first steps of a spiral staircase. Thankfully the soldiers seem understanding that you can barely see the floor and slow down enough for you to walk safely, though you can see <<if $meratName is true>>Merat's<<else>>the tall man's<</if>> figure looking more and more impatient at the pace.<br><br>
Finally you stand at the top of the staircase in front of a heavy wooden door. However, before opening it <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the black-dressed figure before you<</if>> turns back towards you and reaches his hand forward, plunging it into the hood that you're shrouded in.<br><br>
You're too backed up against the chests of the guards behind you to recoil as his slender fingers grasp onto the unkempt <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair on the back of your head and firmly directs your head to face his. The fact that being shrouded in the hood means that you still can't see much barely reduces the effect as he slowly sneers the words <<merat "Don't. Fuck. This. Up. For. Me.">> directly at where your face would be before releasing you with one last hair-pulling flourish, turning around, and opening the door.<<br>>
[[You're hit by a wave of noise->oTownSpectacle]]
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
A short walk later and you almost stub the toe of your bare feet against the first steps of a spiral staircase. Thankfully the soldiers seem understanding that you can barely see the floor and slow down enough for you to walk safely, though you can see <<if $meratName is true>>Merat's<<else>>the tall man's<</if>> figure looking more and more impatient at the pace.<br><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\jailCourtyard.jpg]]@@
Finally you stand at the top of the staircase in front of a heavy wooden door. However, before opening it <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the black-dressed figure before you<</if>> turns back towards you and reaches his hand forward, plunging it into the hood that you're shrouded in.<br><br>
You're too backed up against the chests of the guards behind you to recoil as his slender fingers grasp onto the unkempt <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair on the back of your head and firmly directs your head to face his. The fact that being shrouded in the hood means that you still can't see much barely reduces the effect as he slowly sneers the words <<merat "Don't. Fuck. This. Up. For. Me.">> directly at where your face would be before releasing you with one last hair-pulling flourish, turning around, and opening the door.<<br>>
[[You're hit by a wave of noise->oTownSpectacle]]
</span><<set $princess.name to "The Princess">>
<<if $princessSeen is true>>
<<set $princess.desc to "You briefly met the Princess dressed in strappy studded leather armor in the jail.">>
<<set $princess.desc to "You saw the figure of what must have been the Princess in the jail, running past dressed in an elaborate white cloak">><</if>>
<<setter "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
Shouting, screaming, cheering, laughing, applauding. It all comes cascading over you in a torrent of noise and splendor the moment the door opens. You don't have time to process it all before the soldiers begin hustling you forward.<br><br>
At first your limited eyesight can only make out a confusing kaleidoscope of color, so you have to rely on your other senses to get a grasp of your surroundings. You're standing up on the walls of the town's keep. Below you to your right comes the deafening sound of a sprawling crowd of hundreds of people all cheering and shouting in joy. They must be standing in the town square, below the walls, cheering up at the people in front of you on the parapets.<br><br>
The kaleidoscope in front of you begins to organize itself into recognizable shapes. Standing up ahead are roughly two dozen people, all facing down from the keep walls at the people spread out below them and waving. Every one of them is dressed in some of the most colorful and fancy outfits that you've ever seen. A few of them hold glasses of wine in their hands, but the angle of your hood means that you can't make out any of their faces.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownSpectacle.jpg]]@@<br>
Suddenly, the crowd below you seems to notice your arrival and a tremendous roar of cheering and applause begins. Some of the group up ahead turn toward you at the sound - a few beckoning you to come closer while others raise their glasses of wine to toast your arrival.<br><br>
You realize that you've been standing still in shock and that the soldiers behind you are trying to move you along. As you step forward everything feels incredibly awkward. How was walking supposed to work again? How was it that people held their hands? Everything seems so difficult in your stage-fright.<br><br>
With faltering steps you make your way over to the colorful group. To them the soldiers behind you must look like they're guarding you closely rather than keeping you captive. As you get close you're greeted by choruses of <<pink "Delighted that you could make it, dear">>, <<blue "My lady, you look wonderful today">>, and other platitudes from the expensively dressed nobles. <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>The man in black that led you here<</if>> moves on ahead, effortlessly mingling into the crowd and out of sight.<br><br>
Then a murmur starts up from the crowd, which grows into a hubbub, that grows into a clamor, and then into a roar, until all of the people below are chanting one word over and over. <<blue2>>"Princess!<</blue2>> <<pink2>>Princess!<</pink2>> <<blue2>>Princess!<</blue2>> <<pink2>>Princess!"<</pink2>><br><br>
You look around as urgently as you can from under the hood - there's a //princess// here? To your surprise though nobody in the group steps forward, instead many of them turn towards you. It's not until the soldiers behind you discreetly but firmly point you towards the crowd below that the penny drops: ''You're here imitating the Princess!''<br><br>
The crowd below quiets down in anticipation, eagerly awaiting your action.<br><br>
<<link "Wave at the crowd with one hand">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 1>>
<<link "Lift an arm up in a 'cheers' motion towards the crowd">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 2>>
<<link "Uhhhh... Raise both arms in the air I guess">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 3>>
<<link "Ummm.. Maybe try spreading both arms outward towards them?">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 4>>
<<link "Fuck, I guess I start pointing at random members of the crowd, maybe they'll like it?">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 5>>
<<link "Throw out a peace sign, people love the peace sign probably">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 6>>
<<link "Come to think of it, if we're doing signs then I could make a heart symbol with my hands">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 7>>
<<link "Heck, I could try blowing some kisses?">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 8>>
<<link "Start flossing.">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle2]]>>
<<set $crowd to 9>>
<</link>><<setter "crowd to 1" "crowd to 2" "crowd to 3" "crowd to 4" "crowd to 5" "crowd to 6" "crowd to 7" "crowd to 8" "crowd to 9" "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
<<if $crowd is 1>>Your dignified, gentle action is meet with coos of adoration from the assembled crowd before they break into loving applause<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 2>>Your action is met with a chorus of a hundred people shouting <<blue "Cheers!">> before a sloshing noise as a hundred drinks get quaffed at the same time, before breaking into applause.<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 3>>You make sure to hold onto your cuffs so that your sleeves don't fall down as you raise your arms. You can't make out much of the crowd from under your hood but you can see a wave of raised arms spread through the crowd from one end to the other, and then back again. While you can't see it you can even hear the ruffling of clothes as even the noble group behind you catches the return wave, creating a thrilled applause from the crowd in response.<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 4>>You spread your arms as if to welcome the whole crowd into the security of your bosom. The action elicits a wistful sigh of adoration in response for your heartfelt action before breaking out into loving applause<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 5>>You can't see who you're pointing to, but it doesn't seem to matter. Everywhere you point you hear a scream of overwhelmed adoration at having been personally chosen by the Princess.<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 6>>You raise one hand in front of you with two fingers extended in a sign of peace. The crowd gasp in surprise at what they take as a bold and principled stance on the ongoing wars between the nations to the east. Your breath hangs in your throat at perhaps having made a mistake, but thankfully a second later the public erupt into adoring cheers - looks like you were lucky enough to take a popular stance.<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 7>>You show how much the crowd means to you by putting both hands together and cupping them to make a heart directed towards the people below. This elicits a chorus of adoring applause at your loving and earnest nature to extend such an action to mere townspeople.<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 8>>You bring one hand up to where your mouth would be on the hood as if to kiss it before throwing it out to extend that kiss to the crowd, before doing it over again with the other arm, and then a few more times for good measure. With each kiss the crowd coos and cheers in adoration at having such a loving and gentle princess as to extend kisses to even lowly townspeople<</if>>
<<if $crowd is 9>>You dig deep into yourself and find something that you didn't know that you had in you. Starting off slowly you start moving your arms and torso in opposite directions, criss-crossing over each other as if your hands are holding dental floss and your torso is the tooth. You're met with only terrifying dead silence from the confused crowd. Not knowing what else to do, and too scared to stop, you start moving faster, then faster still, until your limbs are a blur of movement before finally you lose the rhythm and awkwardly come to a stop.<br><br>
The crowd is so silent that you could hear a penny drop, but then, as if finally coming to their senses after having seen something so incredible that it took their breath away, they erupt into rapturous applause. You can hear a voice from one of the nobles behind you saying <<pink "My word, that was one the most beautiful things I've ever seen">> and its met by murmurs of agreement. You can just about make out through the hood that a huge number of the crowd members are now trying to imitate your movements in wonder.<</if>><br><br>
You can't help but smile a little under your hood at your awkward spur-of-the-moment action getting such a positive reaction.<br><br>
After a short while for the crowd to settle down you feel the soldiers nudge your side to move you onwards, and you turn back towards the nobles.<br><br>
The figure of <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the man dressed in black<</if>> extracts himself from the crowd and makes his way over to you.<br><br>
<<merat "I've told the Queen that the Princess is feeling unwell and would like to retire for the afternoon. You can leave now.">> He murmurs in a low voice as he passes the three of you, and the two soldiers begin to walk you over to a set of stairs downwards off of the keep wall, opposite the side you came in on.<br><br>
[[Suddenly, a man steps into your way->oTownSpectacle3]]You're half-way to the exit when your path is blocked by a man. Both of the soldiers come to an awkward halt. Their bodies are so close behind you that you can feel them tense up with agitation at the unexpected obstacle.<br><br>
You can't get a clear look at the man's face through your hood, but you don't have to work out that he's stinking drunk. His wine glass is swaying so much it looks like it will spill at any moment, and some marks on his gaudy cravat imply that that might have been what happened to his last glass.<br><br>
<<blue "Your Highness, how positively //delightful// to see you again. When last I saw you you were but a child I dare say.">> waffles his slightly-slurred voice, directed right at you.<br><br>
Then his upper body crumples forward. The action is so foppishly sycophantic that it takes you a few moments to realize that he's //bowing// at you - just so low as to almost touch the floor with his forehead. His hand airily draws circles in the air in front of him as if punctuating the action.<br><br>
You feel a discreet elbow into your side from one of the soldiers, clearly something is expected from you in return.<br><br>
<<link "Bow in return">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle4]]>>
<<set $bowReply to "bow">>
<<link "Better look the part. Attempt to curtsy">>
<<goto [[oTownSpectacle4]]>>
<<set $bowReply to "curtsy">>
<<set $fem to 1>>
<</link>><<setter "bowReply to 'bow'" "bowReply to 'curtsy'">>
<<unset $crowd>>
<<if $bowReply is "bow">>
Acting on instinct more than anything, you bend your upper body forward in a bow in return, though you make sure to not bow quite so low as the noble's servile example.<</if>>
<<if $bowReply is "curtsy">>
You're not quite certain how to curtsy, but luckily the long cloak that you're wearing obscures your body enough that an awkward dip of your knees is probably sufficient.<</if>><br><br>
Half-way through the motion you're struck by an idea. The guards are keeping you in check mostly by arm's reach alone - if you could just dart out of the way enough to be out of their reach, you bet that they wouldn't know how to react without causing a larger scene than they'd feel comfortable doing.<br><br>
By letting you lower your body in a <<if $bowReply is "bow">>bow<<else>>curtsy<</if>>, the soldiers, both taller than you are, have already let you almost out of arms reach. If you wanted to you could probably dash away now.<br><br>
<<link "Take advantage of the opportunity and try to escape">>
<<goto [[oTownSpecEscape]]>>
<<set $oTownEscape to true>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "It's too risky. Stay where I am.">>
<<goto [[oTownLeave]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<</link>><<setter "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to undefined">>
You kick forward with your legs from your lowered position to leap forward into a run. You swear that you can feel the clumsy swipes of the soldiers' arms as they reach out to grab you and miss by a hairs-breadth.<br><br>
You take off running towards the exit as fast as you can, aiming to go just to the left of the noble who had waylaid you.<br><br>
To your surprise however, rather than standing there in shock like you'd expected, the noble steps to his right to intercept you. At the speed you're going you can't divert yourself in time and end up running straight into his open arms.<br><br>
The reek of alcohol assaults your nostrils as the man holds you tight in his arms in an embrace. He shouts out joyfully to his wife <<blue "My word, she //does// remember me, Maude! I told you that she might! Ran right into my jolly arms!">>.<br><br>
You try to struggle your way free before the soldiers can recapture you, but the noble somehow seems to take the action for playing - you feel the invasive sensation of his hands gripping your waist through the cloak. <<blue "Well, I'm sure you remember constantly asking me to pick you up like THIS then, dear girl!">> he cheers, and with a flourish he raises his arms upwards, attempting to lift you up into the sky like a child.<br><br>
However to his surprise you don't move at all - the weight of a young man being far heavier than he was expecting. For a moment you panic, thinking that the jig is up, but actually come to think of it you doubt that the <<if $princessSeen is true>>woman who you saw earlier<<else>>figure you had seen run past<</if>> would have been light enough to be picked up by the drunkard either.<br><br>
You gulp as you feel the blunt hands of the soldiers clasp onto your shoulders from behind and and firmly extract you from the over-familiar arms of the noble.<br><br>
<<blue "How droll, m'lord.">> you hear one of them say, with a practiced tone that could only have come with having spent far too much time dealing with drunk nobles in the past. <<blue "Now if you excuse us, I think the Princess might be tired and will want to be retiring.">><<br>>
The noble squeaks a mortified <<blue "A-ahh, is that so?">> in response, but by then your escort have already firmly pulled you away.<br><br>
[[Damnit!->oTownLeave]]<<set $rob.name to "Renart and Robiers">>
<<set $rob.desc to "Two huge manly soldiers who work for the crown. Usually known as 'Ren and Rob'.">>
<<setter "oTownEscape to true" "oTownEscape to undefined" "bowReply to 'bow'" "bowReply to 'curtsy'">>
<<if $oTownEscape is true>>
More firmly than ever the soldiers briskly march you off of the keep walls and down a set of stairs.<br><br>
You're dreading being punished for your escape attempt , but you're surprised when, instead berating you, one of the soldiers sheepishly asks <<blue "I dunno if he saw it, but if you don't tell our boss that we let you give us the slip, we won't tell him that you tried to escape. Deal?">> You can't help but laugh a little as you respond affirmatively, but despite the moment of comradery their firm grip on your shoulders doesn't weaken for a second.
<<if $bowReply is "bow">>
The noble looks a little perplexed as you rise from your bow, but doesn't seem too bothered by it.
The noble smiles warmly as you rise from your curtsy, clearly you managed to pull it off without it looking too weird.
There's an awkward moment of tension as the noble clearly expects you to say something, but there's no way for you to speak without revealing your masculine voice. Thankfully, one of the soldiers coughs to break the tension and tells the noble <<blue "Her Grace is feeling a little under the weather today. She's just retiring for the afternoon">> which thankfully seems to get the message across.<br><br>
Finally unobstructed the three of you make the rest of the way to the exit off of the keep walls. As you step down the stairs you move to try to take off the hood of the cloak but one of the soldiers stops you. <<blue "Best to keep it there for now. Take it off when we're at the carriage.">>
The three of you reach the bottom of the stairs and enter the courtyard of the keep. Its a vast space, but it feels very small right now - its currently home to at least two dozen huge and extravagant carriages, each larger than most houses that you've been into and led by a parade of horses. This must be the royal convoy on a tour of the local area!<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownLeave.jpg]]@@<br>
<<blue "This way">> motions one of the soldiers, both seeming to relax now that you're so close to the finish line. You look over to the gate and notice that the portcullis is down - <<if $oTownEscape is true>>even if you had managed to slip away earlier you would have been stuck here.<<else>>even if you had managed to slip away earlier you would have been stuck here.<</if>> No wonder they feel comfortable lowering their guard.<br><br>
[[Continue->oTownLeave2]]As you maneuver through the maze of parked carriages you occasionally walk past small groups of people. Their clothes are more fancy than most that you've seen in your life, but after the glamour of the group upstairs you feel comfortable identifying them as maids, cooks, grooms, and other servants. When they notice you approaching they tense up, often hiding whatever games they were playing among themselves or cigarettes they were smoking in their downtime to bow or curtsy your way.<<br>>
Finally you come across a carriage much more gaudily colored than the others. This one is bright pink. It's not difficult to imagine that this will be the Princess' one.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\princessCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
Your escorts motion for you to stop and one starts flicking through a keychain attached to his belt. <<blue "This is it. Wait here for a couple'a hours, then we'll swing back and escort you away. Can't get you out while the keep's still in lockdown - the townspeople outside will try anything to get in and see the royals up close. We'll make sure to lock the door so nobody can stumble in and find you. The windows are tinted so don't worry too much about being seen.">><br><br>
You can see the other soldier anxiously shifting from one foot to the other, having some kind of internal debate with himself. Finally, he comes to a conclusion - he takes his cap off his head in one meaty hand and holds it to his chest. <<blue "Listen, don't tell 'im we said this - but sorry about the boss. You didn't deserve to be treated like this. Name's Renart and this is Robiers. Ren and Rob they call us.">><br><br>
<<link "In spite of them holding me captive I can't find myself disliking them. Thank them and tell them my name">>
<<goto [[oTownCarriage]]>>
<<set $robPal to true>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "I can't wait to be out of here, just nod">>
<<goto [[oTownCarriage]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<unset $bowReply>>
<<unset $oTownEscape>>
<<set $pc.desc to "on his way to freedom">>
<<set $king to {}>>
<<set $king.name to "The King">>
<<set $king.desc to "The King of the country. A huge labrador of a man.">>
<<set $king.facts to []>>
<<set $queen to {}>>
<<set $queen.facts to []>>
<<set $queen.name to "The Queen">>
<<set $queen.desc to "The Queen of the country. A serious woman with a seductive dress-sense.">>
<<run $queen.facts.pushUnique("Presumably she was on the keep walls with you when you were pretending to be the Princess, but you couldn't tell through your hood.")>>
<<run $king.facts.pushUnique("Presumably he was on the keep walls with you when you were pretending to be the Princess, but you couldn't tell through your hood.")>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">><<set $king.skin to "brown">><<set $princess.skin to "dark">><<set $queen.skin to "dark">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "brown">><<set $king.skin to "tan">><<set $princess.skin to "brown">><<set $queen.skin to "dark">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "tan">><<set $king.skin to "pale">><<set $princess.skin to "tan">><<set $queen.skin to "brown">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "pale">><<set $king.skin to "pale">><<set $princess.skin to "pale">><<set $queen.skin to "tan">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "black">><<set $king.hair to "brown">><<set $princess.hair to "black">><<set $queen.hair to "black">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "brown">><<set $king.hair to "blonde">><<set $princess.hair to "brown">><<set $queen.hair to "black">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "blonde">><<set $king.hair to "blonde">><<set $princess.hair to "blonde">><<set $queen.hair to "brown">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "red">><<set $king.hair to "blonde">><<set $princess.hair to "red">><<set $queen.hair to "red">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "white">><<set $king.hair to "white">><<set $princess.hair to "white">><<set $queen.hair to "brown">><</if>>
<<set $princess.img to "Images/Character/Princess/" + $princess.skin + " " + $princess.hair + ".png">>
<<set $princess.profile to "Images/Character/Princess/Profile/" + $pc.n.skin + " " + $pc.n.hair + ".png">>
<<set $king.img to "Images/Character/King/" + $king.skin + " " + $king.hair + ".png">>
<<set $queen.img to "Images/Character/Queen/" + $queen.skin + " " + $queen.hair + ".png">>
<<setter "robPal to true" "robPal to undefined" "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to undefined" "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
<<if $robPal is true>>
<<run $rob.facts.pushUnique("You got along with the two of them.")>>
Renart's face lights up into a wide, earnest grin at you. <<blue "<<print $pc.name>> eh? I'll remember that. We're locals actually - based in Bregin, just up the valley. They brought us southern soldiers in to guard the convoy instead of the palace guard, so that the Capital doesn't go understaffed. Maybe once it's done and we're back in the area we can owe you a pint.">><br><br>
The other soldier, who you now know must be Robiers, finally finds the key that he's looking for and unlocks the door to usher you inside. As you step in it closes firmly behind you, and you hear the rattling of the lock being set again.<br><br>
The first thing you do is to push back the huge hood that you've been trapped in and take some deep breaths - the citrus perfume was fine at first, but had quickly become unbearably stuffy. Finally able to see fully again, you take in the room around you.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
The inside of the carriage is even pinker than the outside, and more fancy than anything you could have imagined. Everywhere you look you can see things that look more expensive than you could afford in a lifetime.<br><br>
Most of the room appears to be a sprawling bedroom, though you can see a few doors leading to smaller rooms off to the side. The absurd pièce de résistance of the carriage is a ridiculous rose-gold throne atop a pointless set of stairs.<br><br>
The extravagant wallpaper on the walls is obscured by dozens of royal portraits. In them you can see three figures appearing over and over:
/* <ul><li>
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/King/" + $king.skin + " " + $king.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
A tall regal-looking <<print $king.skin>>-skinned man with a huge proud grin on his face. He's huge and broad-chested and his thick <<print $king.hair>> hair cascades around his face like a lion's mane without even a hint of gray despite his age. He's dressed in fine clothing that leaves much of his broad chest exposed and is adorned in a huge crown in every picture. You recognize him from stories that you've been told as the @@color:#FDD017;King@@.
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Queen/" + $queen.skin + " " + $queen.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
A sensible looking <<print $queen.hair>>-haired woman wearing a tight-fitting dress over her <<print $queen.skin>> skin. Her dress leaves little to the imagination about her figure. A smaller crown on her head marks her as the @@color:#E56717;Queen@@. Despite her revealing outfit she's often pictured holding important ledgers and books, and you get the feeling that she might do more of the administrative work than her huge labrador of a husband.
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/Younger/" + $princess.skin + " " + $princess.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
<<if $princessSeen is true>>
Lastly there's another figure, and it takes you some time to realize that you recognize them - it's the woman who you saw in the jail earlier, who you now know is the @@color:#F535AA;Princess@@. No wonder you didn't recognize her at first! Instead of her short hair and the leather armor that she'd been wearing under the cloak, in all of these pictures her <<print $princess.hair>> hair is long and flowing, and her impressively toned <<print $princess.skin>>-skinned body is all but completely covered in huge billowing pink dresses with all manner of pretty jewelry and accessories. It seems like in every picture she's uncomfortable, scowling, or trying to get away.
Lastly there's another figure, a young woman about the same height as you, who looks like she's scowling, uncomfortable, or trying to get away in every picture. She has a toned, androgynous, physique, flowing <<print $princess.hair>> hair, and <<print $princess.skin>> skin, though you can hardly see it through the huge billowing pink dresses and mountains of feminine accessories she's trapped in in every picture. Something about her makes you think that this must have been the woman in the cloak that you saw run past earlier, which presumably makes this the @@color:#F535AA;Princess@@.
</ul> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/King/" + $king.skin + " " + $king.hair + ".png"]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
A tall regal-looking <<print $king.skin>>-skinned man with a proud grin on his face. He's huge and broad-chested and his thick <<print $king.hair>> hair cascades around his face like a lion's mane without even a hint of gray despite his age. He's dressed in fine clothing that leaves much of his broad chest exposed and is often adorned with a huge crown. You recognize him from stories that you've been told as the <<king2>>King<</king2>>.
<td style="width:50%">
A sensible looking <<print $queen.hair>>-haired woman wearing a tight-fitting dress over her <<print $queen.skin>> skin. Her dress leaves little to the imagination about her figure. A smaller crown on her head marks her as the <<queen2>>Queen<</queen2>>. Despite her revealing outfit she's often pictured holding important ledgers and books, and you get the feeling that she might do more of the administrative work than her huge labrador of a husband.
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Queen/" + $queen.skin + " " + $queen.hair + ".png"]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/Younger/" + $princess.skin + " " + $princess.hair + ".png"]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
<<if $princessSeen is true>>
Lastly there's another figure, and it takes you some time to realize that you recognize them - it's the woman who you saw in the jail earlier, who you now know is the <<princess2>>Princess<</princess2>>. No wonder you didn't recognize her at first! Instead of her short hair and the leather armor that she'd been wearing under the cloak, in all of these pictures her <<print $princess.hair>> hair is long and flowing, and her impressively toned <<print $princess.skin>>-skinned body is all but completely covered in huge billowing pink dresses with all manner of pretty jewelry and accessories. It seems like in every picture she's uncomfortable, scowling, or trying to get away.
Lastly there's another figure, a young woman about the same height as you, who looks like she's scowling, uncomfortable, or trying to get away in every picture. She has a toned, androgynous physique, flowing <<print $princess.hair>> hair, and <<print $princess.skin>> skin, though you can hardly see it through the huge billowing pink dresses and mountains of feminine accessories she's trapped in in every picture. Something about her makes you think that this must have been the woman in the cloak that you saw run past earlier, which presumably makes this the <<princess2>>Princess<</princess2>>.
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/King/" + $king.skin + " " + $king.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
A tall regal-looking <<print $king.skin>>-skinned man with a proud grin on his face. He's huge and broad-chested and his thick <<print $king.hair>> hair cascades around his face like a lion's mane without even a hint of gray despite his age. He's dressed in fine clothing that leaves much of his broad chest exposed and is often adorned with a huge crown. You recognize him from stories that you've been told as the <<king2>>King<</king2>>.
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Queen/" + $queen.skin + " " + $queen.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
A sensible looking <<print $queen.hair>>-haired woman wearing a tight-fitting dress over her <<print $queen.skin>> skin. Her dress leaves little to the imagination about her figure. A smaller crown on her head marks her as the <<queen2>>Queen<</queen2>>. Despite her revealing outfit she's often pictured holding important ledgers and books, and you get the feeling that she might do more of the administrative work than her huge labrador of a husband.
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Princess/Younger/" + $princess.skin + " " + $princess.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
<<if $princessSeen is true>>
Lastly there's another figure, and it takes you some time to realize that you recognize them - it's the woman who you saw in the jail earlier, who you now know is the <<princess2>>Princess<</princess2>>. No wonder you didn't recognize her at first! Instead of her short hair and the leather armor that she'd been wearing under the cloak, in all of these pictures her <<print $princess.hair>> hair is long and flowing, and her impressively toned <<print $princess.skin>>-skinned body is all but completely covered in huge billowing pink dresses with all manner of pretty jewelry and accessories. It seems like in every picture she's uncomfortable, scowling, or trying to get away.
Lastly there's another figure, a young woman about the same height as you, who looks like she's scowling, uncomfortable, or trying to get away in every picture. She has a toned, androgynous physique, flowing <<print $princess.hair>> hair, and <<print $princess.skin>> skin, though you can hardly see it through the huge billowing pink dresses and mountains of feminine accessories she's trapped in in every picture. Something about her makes you think that this must have been the woman in the cloak that you saw run past earlier, which presumably makes this the <<princess2>>Princess<</princess2>>.
<<if ndef $princessSeen>>Now that you see what she looks like without the cloak you begin to realize why <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the man in black<</if>> might have chosen you to do this absurd task, as you share the same hair and skin color as the Princess.<br><br><</if>>
You remember a tale you heard about the royal family and check the eye color of the three figures. Sure enough, all three of them have the famous dark-gray eye color of the royal lineage.<br><br>
It looks like you're going to be hanging out here in the carriage for a few hours. You wonder whether you should take off the Princess' cloak now or keep it on.<br><br>
<<link "Take it off. It feels weird wearing something so fancy, and something about having been seen as a girl while wearing it makes me uncomfortable">>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<link "The door may be locked, but I don't know how many servants have the key. Maybe it's best to keep looking like the Princess in case someone comes in. Besides, it's a lot more warm and comfortable than the rags I'm wearing underneath">>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<</link>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
You've got some hours to kill in the Princess' carriage until <<if $meratBargain is "no">>Ren and Rob come to collect you.<<else>>you can leave and start your life as a free man anew.<</if>><br>
<<if visited() is 1>><br>You have time for THREE activities.<br><br><</if>>
<<if visited() is 2>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageHang.jpg]]@@<br>
From outside you hear the crackling of distant thunder, and soon after that the carriage windows begin to be peppered with raindrops. It's odd - you thought that the weather was completely clear earlier.<br><br>
You have time for TWO more activities<br><br><</if>>
<<if visited() is 3>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageHang2.jpg]]@@<br>
From out of the tinted windows you can make out thick sheets of rain falling over everything and the air is thick with the sound of the downpour and frequent clashes of thunder. It's really bucketing it down now!<br><br>
You have time for ONE more activity.<br><br><</if>>
How would you like to spend your time?<br>
<<if visited("carriageBathe") is 0>>
<br><<link "I haven't been able to have a good wash for ages. Find a way to bathe">>
<<goto [[carriageBathe]]>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<if visited("carriageSteal") is 0>>
<br><<link "There's so much expensive stuff here. Try and steal some">>
<<goto [[carriageSteal]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<if visited("carriageThrone") is 0>>
<br><<link "I have a taste for extravagance. Sit on the throne">>
<<goto [[carriageThrone]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<if visited("carriageSearch") is 0>>
<br><<link "I want to learn more about the Princess. Thoroughly inspect the room to see what I can learn">>
<<goto [[carriageSearch]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<if visited("carriageWank") is 0>>
<br><<link "There's something kinda hot about being in the Princess' bedroom. Masturbate">>
<<goto [[carriageWank]]>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<</if>><<set $clean to true>>
You snoop around the carriage a little and quickly stumble on a door leading to a private bathroom. Inside the room there's an elegant rose-gold bathtub.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
You're covered in a disgusting layer of grime from having been in prison for weeks so you're relieved to finally have a chance to be free of it.<br><br>
Rapidly you strip yourself of the <<if $outfit.over.Name is "White Cloak">>Princess' white cloak, and then the torn rags that you had on underneath<<else>>torn rags you're wearing<</if>> until you're standing nude in the bathroom. Thankfully it doesn't take long for the bath to run and you can step into the water.<br><br>
The water feels INCREDIBLE against your body as you let it soak and you can feel the stress of the previous weeks lift from your shoulders. As steam fills the room you catch a smell of roses and realize that the water, wherever it's stored, must have been treated with perfume before use. It feels a little weird bathing with such a feminine scent but it's too relaxing for you to care.<br><br>
As you bask in the water you look down and realize that your <<print $pc.n.skin>> legs aren't as clean as the rest of you. It makes sense, you figure - the rags that the jailers gave you were torn at the knee, so while the rest of you has been covered by clothing your legs have been picking up all of the dirt from the cell unobstructed.<br><br>
You look around the steamy room and notice some lotion bottled along the side. That will probably help! With wet hands you remove the bottletop and run the liquid inside thoroughly over your legs and are pleased to see that it seems to do the job.<br><br>
While it's tempting to stay in the water forever you figure that you're plenty clean enough now, and you step out of the water and clothe yourself once more.<br><br>
''As you re-enter the main room you can feel your legs tingling strangely, but you don't think much of it.''<br><br>
<<link "Return">>
<<if visited("carriageHang") is 3>>
<<goto [[carriageScare]]>>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<</link>><<set $sluttyLeather to true>>
<<setter "jails to 'stay'" "jails to 'ko'" "jails to 'found'" "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to undefined">>
<<if $jails is "stay">>The woman you met in the jail, whom you're still struggling to think of as the Princess, really piqued your interest. Clearly she'd been planning this for a while, maybe she left something here that could teach you something about her? You decide to investigate the room to see what you can find.<</if>>
<<if $jails is "ko">>You can't stop thinking about the woman who knocked you senseless in the jail, whom you're still struggling to think of as the Princess. Maybe it's just irritation at having been made a fool of? Regardless, you want to learn more about her, and you decide to investigate the room to see what you can find.<</if>>
<<if $jails is "found">>You want to learn more about this Princess that you've been imitating. Why did she run away? Was it by her own volition or was she being manipulated? You decide to have a look around the place to see what you can find.<</if>><br><br>
You try looking in as many usual places as you can think of, places that the servants and cleaners might neglect to clean - places that something hidden might be stored. It's slow going, and you quickly start to appreciate how thorough the servants must be - even the most obscure nooks and crannies you can think to check are completely dust free.<br><br>
Finally you decide to try flipping the mattress of the elegant pink four-poster bed and at last find what you're looking for. From underneath the mattress you can see a fairly large hole crudely dug into the thick padding of the bed. This must be where she stored her secret things!<br><br>
<<if $princessSeen is true>>
The first thing that your hands drag out of the mattress hole is a bundle of leather straps. You recognize the material instantly: it's just like the Princess was wearing when you saw her in jail. Further inspection shows that it's a full set, but of a slightly different style than the one you saw on her. The outfit that she wore was strappy and showed her toned physique, but <<imgl1nk "this one" "sluttyLeatherArmor">> takes that to a whole other level with large gaps left uncovered, especially around the thighs, chest, and stomach. It's... kinda kinky! It seems that maybe this was a first draft at an escape outfit, possibly when she was more interested in looking hot than practical protection, though from your memory of the final outfit it doesn't look like she //completely// gave up looking hot as a priority.
The first thing that your hands drag out of the mattress hole is a bundle of leather straps. It takes you some time to identify that what you're holding is clothing. Each piece of leather is thick and reinforced with iron studs to make relatively sturdy armor. At first you don't think it's a full set as it doesn't seem like there's enough material, but after further assessment there doesn't seem to be anything missing, instead <<imgl1nk "the armor" "sluttyLeatherArmor">> leaves areas uncovered, especially around the thighs, chest, and stomach. It seems... kinda sexy to be honest? You find yourself blushing a little at the thought that the Princess might have been wearing something like this under her cloak when you saw her. At the very least, having a spare outfit makes it look like the escape was premeditated
You reach into the mattress again and find a rod shaped implement of some kind. When you pull it out you almost drop it in shock. You're holding the shaft of a large dildo! Attached to the back of the dildo is a set of straps to fit around someone's waist and butt. A strap on! There seems to be a bottle of lube with it too.<br><br>
Awkwardly you put it back where you found it. At least you've learnt //something// - it sure looks like the Princess is a top.<br><br>
You reach back into the mattress for one last rummage and find one more thing; a plain, unfurnished blade, too short to be a sword but too long to be a dagger. The blade is covered in nicks and scratches - either it was already damaged when the Princess acquired it or she's been sneaking out to practice with it for a long time.<br><br>
''You now know where to find slutty leather armor and a dagger, as well as some... other things.''<br><br>
<<link "Return">>
<<if visited("carriageHang") is 3>>
<<goto [[carriageScare]]>>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<</link>><<set $stashedStuff to true>>
Stealing is often a bad thing, you figure, but when someone lives in this level of opulence and would probably never notice that something's even missing then it feels like another issue entirely.<br><br>
The problem is, no matter how nice they were to you before, you're certain that Ren and Rob will be inspecting you closely when they come to take you out of here. Whatever you try to steal will have to be small enough that you could slip it past their pat-down.<br><br>
You begin to search the room intently, looking for anything which has a good size-to-price ratio.<br><br>
It's surprisingly difficult. Everything in the carriage must be worth a dizzying amount of money, but surprisingly little of it is small. Instead many things that would otherwise be quite palmable are so much bigger than the versions that you're used to, often to the point where they seem like they must be less usable than their cheaper counterparts. You wonder whether this is why rich people need so many servants - because all of their possessions are too impractical for one person to use alone.<br><br>
Eventually you find your way to a fancy pink dresser. At first all you find is drawer after drawer of makeup, which might well be expensive but you wouldn't know the first thing about how to evaluate or sell it. After a little rummaging however you find exactly what you're looking for: a jewelry box.<br><br>
All of the jewelry is as oversized and impractical as everything else in the carriage, but you manage to pry some sparkling jewels from their sockets. You don't know much about gemstone appraisal but they sure are shiny.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.over is "White Cloak">>You carefully assess the rags you're wearing underneath the white cloak.<<else>>You carefully assess the rags that you're wearing.<</if>> With a little work you manage to pull apart the seams of your hempen smock enough that you can hide the gemstones suspended between the stitching, firmly out of sight and hopefully small enough to pass a pat-down without being discovered.<br><br>
''You gained some expensive gems''<br><br>
<<link "Return">>
<<if visited("carriageHang") is 3>>
<<goto [[carriageScare]]>>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<</link>><<set $auth to 1>>
<<set $authBonus to 1>>
<<set $authTrain to 0>>
<<set $throne to true>>
<<set $throneAuthBonus to 3>>
<<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'bread'" "pc.background to 'hero'">>
It's silly, but you're never going to have a chance like this again.<br><br>
You step up the rose-gold staircase up to the throne in the corner of the room. It's very existence seems completely absurd - somewhere along the way someone thought the idea of the Princess not having a throne to sit on while she's on holiday was inconceivable. You wonder if the King and Queen might have even larger thrones in their own carriage.<br><br>
At the top you turn around and let yourself fall backwards into the throne. It's surprisingly comfortable! With a smile you indulge yourself a little, trying out a couple of sitting poses.<br><br>
You eventually find one that feels truly indulgent, relaxing back on the chair with your legs up over one side in a lazy, lethargic pose, as if too important to care about sitting correctly.<br><br>
You imagine yourself as a king, and in front of you come a parade of people seeking your favor. It starts off with everyone who ever treated you poorly; strict school teachers, girls who refused to date you, people who pissed you off. You grin as you imagine them groveling for aid - to which you imperiously decline. <<if $pc.background is "flirt">>You take special care to punish the noble who put you in jail for flirting with his daughter. Asshole.<</if>><<if $pc.background is "manly">>You take special care to punish the ruffians with whom you fought in the barfight that got you put in jail. Assholes.<</if>><<if $pc.background is "hero">>You take special care to punish the evildoers who pulled strings to get you put in jail. Assholes.<</if>><<if $pc.background is "bread">>You take special care to punish the rich people who would look down their noses at you when you were poor on the streets.<</if>><br><br>
Then you start to get a little more fanciful. The next people who you imagine vying for your attention are a crowd of buxom women begging to be allowed one night of passion with the handsome king.<br><br>
Eventually you're enjoying yourself so much that you find yourself just imagining more ordinary requests like land disputes or taxes. You try to judge them fairly and graciously, relishing the position of authority as you do.<br><br>
Finally you decide that you've had enough of your silly games and stand up from the throne. You enjoyed yourself more than you expected.<br><br>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Authority skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><br><br>
<<link "Return">>
<<if visited("carriageHang") is 3>>
<<goto [[carriageScare]]>>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<</link>><<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $bedding to true>>
<<setter "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to undefined" "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
Maybe it's that you're pent up from having been too depressed to masturbate while in jail; maybe it's that the citrus smell from the cloak got you in the mood; or maybe it's just how risqué it feels to be alone inside the Princess' bedroom. Either way you feel yourself becoming horny, and with a few hours to kill you might as well relieve yourself.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.over.Name is "White Cloak">>After discarding the white cloak onto the back of a chair, you sit yourself down onto the Princess' bed<<else>>You sit yourself down onto the Princess' bed<</if>> and reach under your torn britches to start to touch yourself. You're surprised at how quickly your average-length cock grows to its full size, clearly you were even more in the mood than you were expecting.<br><br>
With a sigh of pleasure you let yourself fall backwards to lie on the soft pink bed. You're greeted by a pleasant smell as you do - while the bed is clearly well kept, and even perfumed, you can still faintly make out a rich earthy scent lingering in the plush fabric. The Princess must have slept here last night.<br><br>
You find your grip on your cock tightening at the thought of <<if $princessSeen is true>>the woman you encountered in jail<<else>>the woman in the pictures<</if>> laying here vulnerable and naked. You allow your imagination to soar over her <<if $princessSeen is true>>firm, <<if $princess.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $princess.skin is "brown">>golden-ochre
<<elseif $princess.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $princess.skin is "pale">>suntanned pale
<</if>> thighs, over her tightly muscled rear, and up to the gentle curves of her small breasts<<else>><<if $princess.skin is "dark">>deep ebony
<<elseif $princess.skin is "brown">>golden-ochre
<<elseif $princess.skin is "tan">>rosy copper
<<elseif $princess.skin is "pale">>suntanned pale
<</if>>thighs, over her delicate butt and boyish hips, and up to her shapely exposed chest<</if>>.<br><br>
You let your imagination guide you into a frantic pace as your hands glide over your throbbing cock ever-faster. You imagine running your tongue up the Princess' thigh as she lies supine and exposed in her sleep. In your mind's eye she wakes, her dark gray eyes flickering open with surprise, only for her to turn her drowsy face to see you, smile, and open her legs wider to invite you forward.<br><br>
You lean forward, your tongue licking firmly along her eager cunt before tenderly lingering on the firm nub at its tip - which elicits a moan from your imaginary lover.<br><br>
You feel her hand on the back of your head, at first gently encouraging, but then firmly holding you in place against her pussy. This isn't how your fantasies usually go, but you're too deep in the throes of lust to think of doing anything other than following her lead, your tongue exploring every inch of her that you can reach.<br><br>
Suddenly you feel the imagined hand gripping the back of your head pull you upwards, hard, almost yanking your hair out as it does. You're panting from your exertion, both in your imagination and in real life, as the Princess firmly lifts your head to hold your face in front of her own.<br><br>
Gone is the sultry, drowsy expression she had before. Instead her features are impassive, judgmental, and cruel.<br><br>
You strain to stop masturbating in shock but your hands disobey you, rubbing against you faster than ever, reaching a fever pitch in their lust, leaving your imagination to do nothing but be held helpless and wide-eyed under the Princess' inspection.<br><br>
After seconds of thick tension the Princess' hand begins to twist and turn, pulling your head from side to side as if examining your features closely. You feel the terrible urge within you to open your mouth wide and allow her to inspect your gasping, obedient throat.<br><br>
Suddenly you're ripped from your fantasy by an earth-shattering orgasm. You lay gasping for air in the Princess' bed, sweat pouring off of your body. You were so trapped in lust that you hadn't been able to grab something to cover your cock in time so now there's long thick ropes of cum covering the pink bedding.<br><br>
Your mind races. That was weird! In all of your fantasies in the past you've always been the dominant partner by default, you've never been someone who might imagine being forced against someone's cunt, and certainly not held before them like you're being inspected.<br><br>
You try not worry about. It's been a weird day - surely that's why your imagination is strange. You desperately try not to think about how you can't remember another time that you've cum that hard before - nor that the way that the Princess in your dream was holding your head was //exactly// the same way that <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the man in black<</if>> had held you before.<br><br>
Not quite knowing what to do with the mess, you take off the sodden sheets and fold them into a little pile next to the carriage door as if in preparation to be washed. Hopefully the servants will clean it without inspecting it too closely. Luckily none of your cum got onto the duvet or pillows so when you make the bed you almost can't tell that it's sheetless underneath. <br><br>
''You try not to think about where your imagination took you''<br><br>
<<link "Return">>
<<if visited("carriageHang") is 3>>
<<goto [[carriageScare]]>>
<<goto [[carriageHang]]>>
<</link>><<set $crow to {}>>
<<set $crow.name to "Armored figure">>
<<set $crow.desc to "A terrifying androgynous figure in chitinous armor covered in blood that you saw from the Princess' carriage">>
<<set $crow.facts to []>>
Sometime in the hours you've spent in the carriage, despite it looking so clear and sunny before, it started thunderstorming. Now the carriage windows are being buffeted by thick, dense sheets of rain and every few minutes you're surprised by flashes of lightning closely followed by loud thunder - they must be striking close by.<br><br>
The sound of the whistling wind, cascading rain, and booming thunder are loud enough that it takes some time for you to notice that they're joined by new noises - but before long they swell in volume enough to be unmistakable.<br><br>
Screams of fear. Shouts of rage. The clashing of blades. The sharp //crack// of musketfire.<br><br>
They come from all around you. It must be happening all around the keep courtyard, along the walls, and even from the castle proper. You stop what you were doing and run to peer through the windows, but from every vantage point your visibility is blocked by the rain and closely parked carriages.<br><br>
Something terrible is happening. Some kind of attack or invasion - and you're trapped right in the epicenter of it. You strain your ears to try to identify any detail you can. You can hear so much shouting and screaming but the pouring rain obscures the details enough that you can't identify any of the words.<br><br>
Eventually you decide that you can't take it anymore. You move to the door of the carriage to maybe break free and... Help? Flee? You don't even know, you just know that you can't stay here alone any longer.<br><br>
As you reach for the door handle you almost fall to the floor in shock as suddenly it rattles furiously. There's somebody trying to get in!<br><br>
You look up through the door window - and find yourself face to face with a terrifying figure. Their body is completely covered in sleek red armor, unlike any that you've seen before. Instead of looking like a knight, it's attached together in unusual ways, giving the impression of a huge lean chitinous insect exoskeleton, or else something crafted from human bone.<br><br>
Most terrifying is the face, or lack thereof. It's obscured by a thick burlap sack, like a scarecrow. Symbols that you've never seen before are scrawled all over the material. In the figure's armored hands are two crude hatchets, both dripping in red liquid.<br><br>
That's... blood. The hatchets are covered in blood. With a start you realize that you were wrong - the figure isn't wearing red armor, instead their armor, like the hatchets, is dripping with huge swaths of thick red blood.<br><br>
You stand there entranced in terror before realizing that while you can see them, they probably can't see you through the tinted glass. True enough, when their eyes glance through the window pane they scan directly past you.<br><br>
The armored scarecrow looks around the alleyway between the carriages where they stand and seems satisfied with something. They probably think that nobody can see them.<br><br>
The figure lifts their gauntleted hand to their head and reaches around their hatchet to grasp the material of their mask and pull it off of them, giving you a clear view of their face.
/* @@.img; [img[Images/Character/crow.jpg]]@@<br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:45%">
Their ash-gray skin is marked by strikingly hawkish features, with a sharp chin, absurdly high cheekbones, and a forward brow ridge that hoods their piercing red-yellow eyes. Wait... red-yellow eyes? You do a double take but can only confirm it - the center of their irises, just around the black pupil, is a deep red which blends outwards through orange into yellow around the outer rim. Their eyes are punctuated by dark circles underneath as if the figure hasn't slept in weeks.<br><br>
You realize that despite clearly looking at their face you still have no idea if they're a man or a woman. Less because of a neutral androgyny, but rather that they have such strikingly unique features that you wouldn't feel confident saying either way. What's more clear is their age - they're about the same age as you, if not even younger. You wonder what could have happened to make someone so intimidating at such a young age.
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/crow.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Miyukiko)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
Their ash-gray skin is marked by strikingly hawkish features, with a sharp chin, absurdly high cheekbones, and a forward brow ridge that hoods their piercing red-yellow eyes. Wait... red-yellow eyes? You do a double take but can only confirm it - the center of their irises, just around the black pupil, is a deep red which blends outwards through orange into yellow around the outer rim. Their eyes are punctuated by dark circles underneath as if the figure hasn't slept in weeks.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/crow.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Miyukiko)@@</div>
You realize that despite clearly looking at their face you still have no idea if they're a man or a woman. Less because of a neutral androgyny, but rather that they have such strikingly unique features that you wouldn't feel confident saying either way. What's more clear is their age - they're about the same age as you, if not even younger. You wonder what could have happened to make someone so intimidating at such a young age.<<br>>
The chitin-clad androgyne spits out a wad of blood, and then another, this time with a guttural cough, before replacing the sack over their face and running out of sight.<br><br>
[[What the fuck was that???->carriageScare2]]All you can do for a while is stand there in shock at what you just witnessed. Eventually you manage to come to your senses and try the locked door - but it's so sturdy that it doesn't move an inch. You exhaust yourself against it but it's soon clear that you're getting nowhere.<br><br>
As the tense seconds stretch to minutes the sounds of shouting and screaming seem to decrease in volume. It seems like whatever was happening outside is calming down.<br><br>
As the minutes multiply in their dozens the thunderstorm fades into a drizzle, as if pulled away by an unnatural force now that the drama is over.<br><br>
You pace the room for a long time trying to ease your tension, but still to no avail. It's long past when Ren and Rob said that they were going to release you - but that's not exactly a surprise after whatever was going on outside.<br><br>
Eventually time drags on long enough that even your tension can't sustain itself and you find yourself becoming bored - abandoned and forgotten in a carriage not your own.<br><br>
As the time since the attack turns into hours, you begin to hear the sounds of people slowly repopulating the carriage-filled courtyard. You try shouting to alert someone to your presence but either the walls are so thick that nobody can hear your faint calls, or else they're all too busy either frantically working or crying in distress themselves to notice.<br><br>
As the hours extend onward you begin to wonder if maybe you just traded one jail cell for another. Still, someone could show up at any minute so you can't bring yourself to start doing anything with your time.<br><br>
[[Wait impatiently->carriageScare3]]The sun sets into the late evening. You're laying on your back on the carriage floor<<if $outfit.over is "White Cloak">>, the white cloak pooling around you,<</if>> when finally you hear the rattling of keys from the door.<br><br>
You can't make out much - but the small figure on the other side of the glass definitely isn't either of the soldiers who took you here, nor the armored figure from before.<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<if $outfit.over.Name is "White Cloak">>
<<link "Pull the hood back over my face. I'll pretend to be the Princess again">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simonePretend]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Hide!">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simoneHide]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">><br>
<<link "Stand up and greet them">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simoneHello]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
</span><<set $simone to {}>>
<<set $simone.name to "Maid">>
<<set $simone.desc to "The Princess' maid who joined you in the carriage">>
<<set $simone.facts to []>>
You figure that after whatever happened outside, it's probably for the best to be as direct as possible. You stand plainly in the center of the carriage.<br><br>
Despite being in clear sight, when the door opens the figure doesn't immediately notice you. Instead they carefully place their keys on a side counter next to the door and ensure the door is closed behind them before turning your way, allowing you to get a look at her before she sees you.<br><br>
She's short, young, and mousey, her copper-tan skin speckled by freckles. She's dressed in a maid uniform consisting of a short black dress with white apron, but it's clear that she's done some adjustments to it as the monochrome outfit is littered with cute and colorful accessories. Her modest bust, though given her short stature they might be larger than average, is framed by the low cut outfit, and her short skirt ends only inches below her ample behind. Her auburn hair is tied up into two plaits which hang over her shoulders and are adorned with pretty ribbons in addition to her white maid headpiece.<br><br>
She gives a yelp of surprise at you standing there and pulls a long knitting needle out from behind her, pointing it at you like a makeshift weapon.<br><br>
<<simone "Who are you, and what have you done with the Princess?">> She shouts bravely, though you can see her trembling.<br><br>
[[Try to explain yourself->simoneMeet]]<<set $simone to {}>>
<<set $simone.name to "Maid">>
<<set $simone.desc to "The Princess' maid who joined you in the carriage">>
<<set $simone.facts to []>>
<<setter "bedding to true" "bedding to undefined">>
You dash out of the main room of the carriage and into one of the adjoining rooms moments before the door swings open, finding yourself packed inside a cleaning cupboard.<br><br>
<<simone "Your Highness? Are you here?">> A spritely voice calls into the now-empty room. After a few seconds you hear her conclude <<simone "Makes sense, she must have been taken somewhere safe.">> to herself.<br><br>
As you the woman makes herself busy in the main room, you quickly find yourself sweating, partly from the nerves and partly from being stuck in such a small space.<br><br>
<<if $bedding is true>>
<<set $beddingHid to true>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Goodness"@@ comes the woman's voice from the main room again. @@color:#F9B7FF;"What's this sheet doing here?"@@<br><br>
Oh gods! She must have found the sheet that you came all over!<br><br>
A second later and you hear a little yelp from the woman and a disgusted voice ring out @@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh for heavens sake! She snuck another boy in again. I bet the poor thing doesn't know what hit him. Oh well, let's get this cleaned up."@@<br><br>
With a start you realize that her footsteps are coming straight towards the door that you're behind!<br><br>
<<if ndef $bedding>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Goodness"@@ comes the woman's voice from the main room again. @@color:#F9B7FF;"This place is a mess. I don't know what she gets up to."@@<br><br>
With a start you realize that her footsteps are coming straight towards the door that you're behind!<br><br>
The door opens, and you're left standing face to face with a woman. She's short, young, and mousey, her copper-tan skin speckled by freckles. She's dressed in a maid uniform consisting of a short black dress with white apron, but it's clear that she's made some adjustments to it as the otherwise-monochrome outfit is littered with cute and colorful accessories. Her modest bust, though given her short stature they might be larger than average, is framed by the low cut outfit, and her short skirt ends only inches below her ample behind. Her auburn hair is tied up into two plaits which hang over her shoulders and are adorned with pretty ribbons in addition to her white maid headpiece.<br><br>
For a second you both stare at each other, mutually too shocked to do anything, but the moment is shattered as she gives a little shriek of fear and pulls out a knitting needle from behind her, pointing it at you like a makeshift weapon!<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Who are you and what have you done with the Princess?"@@ She shouts bravely, though you can see her trembling.<br><br>
[[Try to explain yourself->simoneMeet]]You scrabble to put on the hood of your cloak and then scan the room. What would the Princess be doing? What would be princess-like?<span id="append2"></span>
<<if $auth is 1>>
<span id="remove2">
<<link "Use the skills you picked up from sitting on the throne to act princesslike">>
<<append "#append2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simonePretendGood]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
<<link "Do something else">>
<<append "#append2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simonePretendDumb]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
<<include [[simonePretendDumb]]>>
<</if>><<set $simone to {}>>
<<set $simone.name to "Maid">>
<<set $simone.desc to "The Princess' maid who joined you in the carriage">>
<<set $simone.facts to []>>
<<setter "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to undefined">>
You think about the roleplay that you did in the throne earlier and get back into that mindset. If you were the Princess you'd probably be sitting around regally.<br><br>
As the door begins to open you quickly dash over to a makeup stool and strain yourself to have the most prim and proper posture that you can muster.<br><br>
To your horror the moment the door opens a young woman's voice calls out in surprise @@color:#F9B7FF;"Who are you and what have you done with the Princess?"@@<br><br>
You think back to <<if $princessSeen is true>>the woman you saw in jail<<else>>the scowling tomboyish face in all of the Princess' pictures<</if>> and realize how out of character acting regal would be for her. Perhaps looking princesslike wasn't the right choice.<br><br>
The jig's up, so you reveal yourself and pull up the hood of the Princess' cloak.<br><br>
Now unobscured by the hood you can finally get a good look at the woman who's entered the carriage. She's short, young, and mousey, her copper-tan skin speckled by freckles. She's dressed in a maid uniform consisting of a short black dress with white apron, but it's clear that she's done some adjustments to it as the monochrome outfit is littered with cute and colorful accessories. Her modest bust, though given her short stature they might be larger than average, is framed by the low cut outfit, and her short dress ends only inches below her ample behind. Her auburn hair is tied up into two plaits which hang over her shoulders and are adorned with pretty ribbons in addition to her white maid headpiece.<<br>>
She's holding a long knitting needle out in front of her like a weapon, trembling but bravely standing firm.<br><br>
[[Try to explain yourself->simoneMeet]]<<set $simone to {}>>
<<set $simone.name to "Maid">>
<<set $simone.desc to "The Princess' maid who joined you in the carriage">>
<<set $simone.facts to []>>
Your brain reaches a blank. All you know is that she probably wouldn't be laying in the middle of the carriage floor doing nothing. You lift your upper body to sit forward on the floor just as the door begins to open. Not sure what else to do your brain stupidly goes to the only thing that you can think of: just keep on doing that motion over again and pretend that you're doing sit ups!<br><br>
Your brain is already screaming at you for being an idiot, but to your surprise you hear a young woman's voice cheerfully call out @@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh! Exercising again I see, your Highness!"@@ in an unsurprised tone.<br><br>
You almost give a reply before you realize that doing so would reveal your masculine voice. Thinking fast, you raise up to your feet and give a clear, obvious nod.<br><br>
You can't see her well through the hood, but you can feel the woman getting a little wary at your lack of response as the door closes behind her. @@color:#F9B7FF;"And, uh, how did you handle the attack, your Highness?"@@<br><br>
Knowing it's inadequate, but not seeing any other option, you raise up your arms in a shrug.<br><br>
That does it. The woman's stance becomes tense and guarded as she pulls a weapon out from behind her. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Who are you and what have you done with the Princess?"@@ Her voice has lost all trace of cheerfulness and is now scared and trembling, but she maintains her stance bravely.<br><br>
The jig's up. You reveal yourself, pulling up the hood of the Princess' cloak.<br><br>
Now unobscured by the hood you can finally get a good look at the woman. She's short, young, and mousey, her copper-tan skin speckled by freckles. She's dressed in a maid uniform consisting of a short black dress with white apron, but it's clear that she's done some adjustments to it as the monochrome outfit is littered with cute and colorful accessories. Her modest bust, though given her short stature they might be larger than average, is framed by the low cut outfit, and her short skirt ends only inches below her ample behind. Her auburn hair is tied up into two plaits which hang over her shoulders and are adorned with pretty ribbons in addition to her white maid headpiece.<<br>>
The thing in her hand that you thought was a weapon turns out to just be a long knitting needle, but she's still unwaveringly pointing it at you.<br><br>
[[Try to explain yourself->simoneMeet]]<<set $simone.name to "Simone">>
<<setter "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
You try to explain yourself - about how <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the tall man<</if>> dragged you into all this against your will; about how you pretended to be the Princess; and about being trapped in here all day despite the chaos that happened earlier.<br><br>
You decide to leave out the detail that you were imprisoned as a criminal when <<if $meratName is true>>Merat<<else>>the man in black<</if>> found you. You're better off sounding as benign as possible when the girl's pointing a knitting needle at you.<br>
/* @@color:#F9B7FF;"My name is Simone, I'm the Princess' personal maid. I've been at it for //two// whole months and she hasn't driven me away yet!"@@ She puts her hands on her hips and puffs her chest out proudly as she says it. Clearly other maids haven't made it this long. @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a pleasure to meet you, <<print $pc.name>>"@@<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/simone.png]]@@<br><br>
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 0>><<link "Ask what happened outside">>
<<goto [[simoneAssass]]>>
<<if $meratName is true>><<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>><<link "Ask about Merat">>
<<goto [[simoneMerat]]>>
<</link>><br><</if>><<else>><<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>><<link "Ask about the man in black">>
<<goto [[simoneMerat]]>>
<<if visited("simonePrincess") is 0>><<link "Ask about the Princess">>
<<goto [[simonePrincess]]>>
<</link>><</if>> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="vertical-align:top; text-align:justify; width:47%">
You realize half-way through that the story sounds completely absurd, and that only someone incredibly gullible would ever believe it.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh you poor thing! That sounds //awful//!"@@ says the girl finally, tears beginning to well up in the corners of her eyes at your tragic tale (which, come to think of it, wasn't even particularly sad).<br><br>
She seems to calm down and finally puts down her 'weapon'.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"My name is Simone, I'm the Princess' personal maid. I've been at it for //two// whole months and she hasn't driven me away yet!"@@ She puts her hands on her hips and puffs her chest out proudly - clearly other maids haven't made it this long. @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a pleasure to meet you, <<print $pc.name>>"@@<br><br>
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 0>><<link "Ask what happened outside">>
<<goto [[simoneAssass]]>>
<<if $meratName is true>><<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>><<link "Ask about Merat">>
<<goto [[simoneMerat]]>>
<</link>><br><</if>><<else>><<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>><<link "Ask about the man in black">>
<<goto [[simoneMerat]]>>
<<if visited("simonePrincess") is 0>><<link "Ask about the Princess">>
<<goto [[simonePrincess]]>>
<td style="width:53%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Simone/riia.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
You realize half-way through that the story sounds completely absurd, and that only someone incredibly gullible would ever believe it.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh you poor thing! That sounds //awful//!"@@ says the girl finally, tears beginning to well up in the corners of her eyes at your tragic tale (which, come to think of it, wasn't even particularly sad).<br><br>
She seems to calm down and finally puts down her 'weapon'.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"My name is Simone, I'm the Princess' personal maid. I've been at it for //two// whole months and she hasn't driven me away yet!"@@ She puts her hands on her hips and puffs her chest out proudly - clearly other maids haven't made it this long. @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a pleasure to meet you, <<print $pc.name>>"@@<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Simone/Riia.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 0>><<link "Ask what happened outside">>
<<goto [[simoneAssass]]>>
<<if $meratName is true>><<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>><<link "Ask about Merat">>
<<goto [[simoneMerat]]>>
<</link>><br><</if>><<else>><<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>><<link "Ask about the man in black">>
<<goto [[simoneMerat]]>>
<<if visited("simonePrincess") is 0>><<link "Ask about the Princess">>
<<goto [[simonePrincess]]>>
</span><<set $merat.name to "Merat">>
<<set $merat.desc to "The King's tall, lithe, and sadistic spymaster.">>
<<setter "meratName to true" "meratName to undefined">>
<<if ndef $meratName>>
As you describe the man in black Simone quickly responds with @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's Merat! He's the King's spymaster! He's always hurrying around the palace doing important stuff dressed in black. He's always really nice to the servants though, it's weird that it sounds like he's been really horrid to you."@@ She cocks her head in confusion as she thinks about it. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess I always got a weird vibe from him. Lots of the girls think he's dreamy though."@@
<<elseif $meratName is true>>
Simone cocks her head to one side in thought as you talk about the man who got you into this mess.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Merat's the King's spymaster. He's always hurrying around the palace doing important stuff dressed in black. He's always been really nice to the servants though, it's weird that he's been so horrid to you."@@ She rolls her head to cock to the other side as she thinks further @@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess I always got a weird vibe from him. Lots of the girls think he's dreamy though."@@
You find yourself frowning at the thought of the cruel man being in good standing.<br><br>
/* Somewhat out of irritation you posit a theory that maybe Merat could have been involved in the assassination attempt. You don't get much more than a shrug from Simone in return though as she ponders @@color:#F9B7FF;"Maybe! It sounds like he was up to //something//, making you pretend to be the Princess and all, but it's not like you princessing effected the assassination attempt at all. Maybe he just didn't want the King and Queen to be worried about their daughter?"@@<br><br> */
Somewhat out of irritation you suggest that maybe Merat could have been involved in the assassination attempt.<br><br>
Simone ponders this for a moment. <<simone "I guess it //could// be possible. All of the palace staff were meant to stay in the Capital so that things weren't understaffed there, so it //was// pretty weird that he suddenly announced that he was coming along at the last moment, and we didn't receive any notice of the matter. Come to think of it, I think that it was //his// idea to leave the palace team behind in the first place anyway.">> She muses, but soon her trusting nature overrides even this level of suspiciousness and she quickly concludes <<simone "But I'm //sure// that he was just trying to be helpful.">><br><br>
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 0>>
[[Ask what happened outside->simoneAssass]]<br>
<<if visited("simonePrincess") is 0>>
[[Ask about the Princess->simonePrincess]]
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 1 and visited("simonePrincess") is 1 and visited("simoneMerat") is 1>>
[[Looks like that's everything, say goodbye!->simoneStop]]
<</if>><<set $princess.desc to "The kingdom's tomboyish future ruler. Hated being the princess and having to do princesslike things, so ran away.">>
<<simone "I was always worried that she didn't //like// me very much, so when she //insisted// with the staff that I come along on the tour, instead of staying at the palace like I was supposed to, I was so happy. I simply can't believe the Princess would run away now!">><br><br>
You ask whether Simone thinks she was doing it willingly, or if the Princess might have been coerced somehow.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Gosh, probably! Do you think that's possible? I mean.. After the last //nine// times she tried to run away this year, the chances have gotta be like, a //zillion// to one she'd do it again, right?"@@<br><br>
You suppress a groan. It sounds like not only did the Princess //definitely// intend to escape, but also that she wouldn't have had to try very hard to do it without her maid noticing. That's probably why she insisted that Simone come along on the tour - so that she wouldn't be replaced by someone less credulous.<br><br>
You change tack and start asking more generally about the Princess.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"The Princess is //always// getting in trouble. All of the servants have to work //super// hard to keep her doing princess things, but whenever we turn our backs she's off doing boy stuff like working out (unladylike!), climbing trees (dangerous!), playing with weapons (super dangerous!), sneaking girls in at night (not allowed!), or sneaking boys in at night (SUPER NOT ALLOWED!). And she HATES dresses, even though she has //sooo// many and they're all //super// pretty and cute."@@<br><br>
A firm picture is beginning to develop in your mind. You ask why the court is so interested in keeping her in dresses and making her act ladylike if she seems so unwilling.<br><br>
Simone purses her lips in thought for a moment. Finally she says @@color:#F9B7FF;"I dunno, I think someone else decides it? Probably the Queen, she decides most things I think. But it's just like, the way things are? Princesses have gotta be princessy, you know?"@@<br><br>
You don't think that you //do// know, but you at least feel like you understand the situation now.<br><br>
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 0>>
[[Ask what happened outside->simoneAssass]]<br>
<<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>>
<<if $meratName is true>>
[[Ask about Merat->simoneMerat]]<br>
[[Ask about the man in black->simoneMerat]]<br>
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 1 and visited("simonePrincess") is 1 and visited("simoneMerat") is 1>>
[[Looks like that's everything, say goodbye!->simoneStop]]
<</if>><<set $crow.name to "The Scarecrow Killer">>
<<set $crow.desc to "An androgynous figure who attempted to assassinate the king.">>
<<run $crow.facts.pushUnique("You're the only one who saw what the assassin looks like under their mask.")>>
<<simone "It was really //really// scary">> explains Simone. <<simone "One minute there was the big parade, and then everyone had to go inside because of the rain, but inside there was this //person//. I didn't see them, I ran away as soon as I heard screaming and hid, but I heard it was 10 foot tall and used witchcraft and had demon horns and was covered in bone and ate corpses and could read your mind!">><<br>>
<<simone "It ran //straight// for the king and tried to kill him, but the soldiers got in the way and the king survived. But //so// many soldiers were killed, and now nobody can find the body so we think it got away! The servants are calling it the Scarecrow Killer, because nobody could see it's face through the sack they wore.">><br><br>
You look thoughtfully at Simone. For someone who was just a part of something so horrific she's seemed pretty chipper. However as you look closer though you can see the tell-tale lines of tension on her expression - she's really trying hard to stay happy and enthusiastic.<br><br>
As if reading your mind, she gives a weak smile. @@color:#F9B7FF;"No reason to get all teary about it. A smile helps people feel better. Even the ones who lost someone..."@@ You had begun to think that she was a little dim, but you make a mental note not to underestimate her.<br><br>
You think about what Simone told you about the assassin. Some of the details in the middle sounded pretty outlandish, probably a result of people over-exaggerating, or just that they were so scared that they were imagining things. The description seemed too similar to the androgynous figure you saw earlier to be chance, and a chill goes down your spine at the thought of having been so close to a murderer.<br><br>
Simone mentioned that nobody saw the assassin's face under the sack mask. If that's true, then you're the only person who knows what the Scarecrow Killer looks like. This information seems important and could save lives, or perhaps be used as a valuable bargaining chip.<br><br>
<<if visited("simoneMerat") is 0>>
<<if $meratName is true>>
[[Ask about Merat->simoneMerat]]<br>
[[Ask about the man in black->simoneMerat]]<br>
<<if visited("simonePrincess") is 0>>
[[Ask about the Princess->simonePrincess]]
<<if visited("simoneAssass") is 1 and visited("simonePrincess") is 1 and visited("simoneMerat") is 1>>
[[Looks like that's everything, say goodbye!->simoneStop]]
<</if>><<unset $meratName>>
<<setter "pc.background to 'hero'" "pc.background to 'bread'">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Goodbye, <<print $pc.name>>! It's been really lovely meeting you!"@@ says Simone sweetly as you stand up, a wide earnest smile on her face.<br><br>
However when you're half-way across the carriage a thought seems to strike her and she suddenly dashes over to stand in your way, arms outstretched to stop you.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Wait wait wait wait wait! Where are you going?"@@<br><br>
You're a little confused - you were just planning to leave now that the door's unlocked and you can start your life as normal again. You can see her eyes widen in shock as she mentally puts something together.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"No no no! You can't! Oh gosh, everything's super messed up! I... I don't know what you can do!"@@ She begins frantically, and you give her a moment to calm down and collect herself.<br><br>
Eventually she manages to explain. @@color:#F9B7FF;"The soldiers were saying that their superiors think that the Scarecrow Killer is hiding in the convoy and traveling with us! They're under //strict// orders to cut down //anyone// that they don't recognize! They're keeping close watch over the royal carriages in particular because that's where he might attack next!"@@<br><br>
You can't stop yourself from letting out a huge sigh of irritation at her words. Sure, this is a perilous situation, but by this point you're just sick and tired of your bad luck today.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "manly" or $pc.background is "hero">>
You're no stranger to fighting, and if these were your usual city guards you feel like you could probably scuffle your way free. But these are //royal guards//, probably a whole platoon of them - it wouldn't even be close.
Still, the situation doesn't seem too unworkable. You ask Simone if she could just vouch for you.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Umm... sorry, but, I wouldn't risk it if it were me."@@ Simone replies, wincing a little at having to tell you this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I'm always running after the Princess and getting in trouble because of her, you see. I don't think that people here think I'm very smart. They probably wouldn't listen and would assume that I've been tricked."@@<br><br>
You can understand where she's coming from. If you were on guard for an assassin and someone like Simone came up to you with a story as unlikely as yours then that's probably what you'd think as well, and with the Scarecrow Killer being so deadly you wouldn't have the confidence to try to arrest the stranger or give them time to explain themselves - the safest thing would be to take them out as quickly as possible.<br><br>
Luckily it's not //only// Simone who knows that you're here - Merat should be able to easily resolve the situation, or if not him, Renart and Robiers. Their story would be a lot more believable. If she can just get in contact with any of them you should be fine.<br><br>
Simone seems relieved at being able to do something to help, and excitedly salutes you like she's a soldier being sent on a mission. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I'll do that right away! Stay here where it's safe and I'll be back before you know it!"@@ she shouts as she hurries through the carriage door.<br><br>
[[You hope that she succeeds->simoneReturn]]<<run $merat.facts.pushUnique("Missing ever since the assassination attempt")>>
<<set $rob.name to "Robiers">>
<<set $rob.desc to "A burly, thickset soldier. Used to be partners with Ren, who was killed by the Scarecrow Killer.">>
<<run $rob.facts.pushUnique("Absent without leave ever since Ren died.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.pushUnique("You need him to vouch for you to get out of this situation.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.delete("You got along with the two of them.")>>
<<setter "robPal to true" "robPal to undefined">>
You've done a lot of waiting around today, but this time it passes a lot easier knowing that you've got someone on your side helping you out.<br><br>
Finally you hear the door open and you stand up in excitement - expecting to see Simone along with Merat or one of the soldiers. But the only person who comes inside is a lone Simone looking downcast.<br><br>
She starts rambling apologetically before you can ask her what happened. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I tried asking everywhere I can, but nobody's seen Merat ever since the attack, he's gone missing!"@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"As for Ren and Rob... Ren didn't make it, he was killed by the assassin."@@ she continues, her voice trembling a little.<br><br>
Your heart sinks at the words. <<if $robPal is true>>You had //liked// Ren, and the thought that he isn't around anymore is devastating.<<else>>You hadn't gotten along with Ren, but he had still reached out to you, the thought that he isn't around anymore hurts even more knowing that you had rejected his kindness.<</if>><br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Robiers is still alive, but the people who I asked said that he's taking it real badly. They were really close, you know. They didn't know where he went, only that he didn't want anyone to see him, so I didn't want to go looking..."@@<br><br>
You sit down and try to take in what you've learnt. Merat's disappearance is suspicious, right? Maybe you're still just irritated after hearing that he's well liked, but his absence sure sounds like it could mean that he was involved in the assassination attempt.<br><br>
Either way, it seems like you might have to just wait around the carriage a little longer. Chances are that Robiers will show up again tomorrow and Simone can remind him of your situation so he can vouch for you. After all that's happened, another night of waiting is hardly the end of the world.<br><br>
[[Continue->simoneNight]]<<setter "clean to true" "clean to undefined">>
You let Simone in on your thinking, to which she replies. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That makes perfect sense to me! You can just stay here overnight and in the morning everything will be okay. Do you need anything?"@@<br><br>
You're about to decline, but just as you're about to do so your stomach lets out a loud rumble audible to the both of you. Simone titters to herself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I can fix something up for us. You're welcome to take a bath for the evening if you'd like<<if ndef $clean>>, you look like you need it<</if>>."@@<br><br>
<<if $clean is true>>
You sheepishly tell the girl that you've already had one while you were waiting in the carriage.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Isn't it lovely water here?"@@ she says smiling warmly @@color:#F9B7FF;"They treat it with rosewater you know, and the Princess is always being given fancy soaps and things, and since we share the bathroom I get to use them too."@@<br><br>
You explain that you enjoyed the one that you used, the cream that you applied to your legs, but when you do so Simone freezes and looks at you funny.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"You mean the one in the jar?"@@ she asks, looking concerned. When you nod in agreement she suddenly seems to be unable to suppress her giggles, leaving you waiting unamused for her to calm down.<br><br>
Eventually she manages @@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh wow, thank goodness you only used it on your legs then!"@@ but then the look on your confused face sets her off again in giggles.<br><br>
Finally she seems to calm down and, still smiling, says @@color:#F9B7FF;"Look at your legs, then you'll get it."@@ <<if $outfit.over is "White Cloak">>You pull aside the white cloak you're wearing and inspect your legs poking out from the torn britches underneath.<<else>>You look down at your two legs, still exposed from your torn britches.<</if>> They look the same as ever, your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin covered in leg hair.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, now rub them."@@<br><br>
Not knowing what to expect, you do as she says and wipe your hand across your leg. As you do so you're shocked as your hand leaves a thick line of skin behind it now completely hairless. You look at your hand in shock and it's now covered in strands of leg hair.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's depilation cream"@@ explains Simone, once again having to speak through giggles at the look on your face. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Once it's put on it weakens the hair until it just kinda slips out. Don't worry, it'll grow back, you'll just have to deal with having girly legs for a little bit."@@<br><br>
You don't like the idea, but it looks like this is what you're stuck with. To be fair, it truly //was// a blessing that you only used it on your legs and not your whole body.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"You'll want to wipe your legs down in the bath, else you'll be leaving a trail behind you as they fall out by themselves. I'll get some dinner going."@@<br><br>
[[Do as she says->simoneLegs]]
She's right; the weeks in prison without water to bathe in have been rough, so you decide to take her up on the offer and leave her to go to the bathroom.<br><br>
Despite it being a mobile room on a carriage the bathroom is surprisingly spacious. The biggest feature is a huge rose-gold bathtub sitting in the center of the room.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
Eager to wash, you rapidly strip yourself of the <<if $outfit.over.Name is "White Cloak">>Princess' white cloak, and then the torn rags that you have on underneath<<else>>torn rags you're wearing<</if>> until you're standing nude in the bathroom. Thankfully it doesn't take long for the bath to run and you can step into the water.<br><br>
The water feels INCREDIBLE against your body as you let it soak and you can feel the stress of your bizarre day lift from your shoulders. As steam fills the room you catch a smell of roses, and realize that the water, wherever it's stored, must have been treated with perfume before use. It feels a little weird bathing with such a feminine scent but it's too relaxing for you to care.<br><br>
While it's tempting to stay in the water forever, you figure that you're plenty clean enough now, and you step out of the water and clothe yourself once more. <<if $outfit.over.Name is "White Cloak">>You decide to leave the Princess' cloak here, as it looks like pretending to be the Princess isn't going to be necessary anymore.
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<</if>><br><br><<set $clean to true>>
[[Walk back into the main room->simoneEat]]
<</if>><<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $pc.shave to "legs">>
<<set $legBed to true>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
Slightly embarrassed, you walk back into the bathroom and run the water for the bathtub again. Once it's filled you step inside and begin to furiously rub your legs with a sponge. With each stroke your legs become a little less hairy.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to get rid of all of it, and you look down to see the bathtub filled with dark leg hair. You had no idea that your legs had so much hair on them! As you pull the plug and watch the stream of hair slip down the plughole you can't help but feel wistful, like your masculinity is getting sucked away with it, but then you roll your eyes at yourself for being so melodramatic.<br><br>
As you step out of the bath you can't help but catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. You wince as you realize that if you saw a picture of your legs like they are now there'd be nothing to stop you thinking that they belonged to a cute girl.<br><br>
You shake your head to try to dispel the thought and make sure to turn your back to the mirror as you dress so you don't have to think about it. <<if $outfit.set.id is "wcloak">><<set $outfit.set.id to "jail">><<set $outfit.set.types to []>>You put back on the dirty hempen smock and torn britches from before but decide to leave the Princess' white cloak here as it doesn't look like you'll have to pretend to be the Princess any longer.<<else>>You put back on the dirty hempen smock and torn britches from before.<</if>><br><br>
[[Walk back into the main room->simoneEat]]<<run forget('peeked')>>
<<set $simone.sleepArray to []>>
<<set $dinnerTalk to []>>
<<set $simone.slept to 0>>
As you come back into the main room of the carriage Simone is just setting the table. <<if def $pc.shave>>Sadly your torn britches don't cover your legs, so you feel exposed as the maid looks over as you enter and giggles at how your legs look<</if>><br><br>
<<simone "It's not much, but you looked hungry so I wanted to be quick">> she explains as she brings over some plates of food. You have no idea what she's talking about - it's some of the most delicious looking food you've ever seen, but you suppose that Simone is used to cooking for royalty after all.<br><br>
You're even hungrier than expected. You demolish the food so quickly that you barely have time to notice that you're eating with golden cutlery on ivory plates. Your food is finished long before Simone's is.<br><br>
It looks like the polite thing to do is make some conversation while she finishes eating. What do you talk about?<br><br>
[[Ask if she likes being a maid->simoneEatMaid]]<br>
[[Ask about her family->simoneEatFamily]]<br>
[[Ask about the accessories covering her maid outfit->simoneEatAcc]]<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("acc")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh, these things?"@@ begins Simone between bites. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I've always loved colors and cute patterns and things, so I was super duper sad when they showed me the maid outfit and it was black and white"@@<br><br>
She smiles mischievously to herself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I cried a little to the head butler when he showed me, and then he felt sorry for me so let me add all the bits that I wanted."@@<br><br>
You're surprised at her mischievous tone - clearly the waterworks weren't //entirely// unintentional. You wouldn't have expected her sweet earnestness to have some cunning to it, and for the second time make a mental note not to underestimate her.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"What about you? What were you up to before this?"@@ she asks.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You pick your words carefully as you reply. You wouldn't want the girl to think of you as a flirtatious dandy after all. You merely mention that you're a popular figure at parties and occasionally dabbled in noble circles.<br><br>Simone smiles at your explanation. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Gosh that sounds like a lot of fun. I sometimes staff parties like that and it always looks like people are having a wonderful time.@@ Her face darkens as she thinks a little more <<simone "Other than the rude people who show up and try to take all of the ladies home. We sometimes have problems with them at the palace">><br><br>You cough uncomfortably and assure her that those people are truly awful.
<<if $pc.background is "bread">>
You admit that you weren't up to much at all - just trying to survive in a world that made it difficult for people like you to get by. Life's tough, but you just gotta keep your chin up and food in your belly and you can get through another day.<br><br>You can see her lower lip trembling as you describe your poverty. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's awful! I don't think anyone should ever have to live like that"@@ she says finally. You find yourself smiling at little to yourself at her earnest compassion, it really sounds like she means it.
<<if $pc.background is "manly">>
You're eager to regale the girl with stories about your epic pub crawls and street fights. The heroes (you and your mates), the villains (of which there were many, but you keep it to just the ones who really had it coming), and the poor dames who you saved from their clutches (which were rare, but you make sure to embellish one into every story).<br><br>Simone's eyes are glistening in admiration at your tales of daring-do, cheering and booing at all of the right points. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That sounds wonderful! A true hero of the public houses!"@@ she exclaims finally, sounding like she really means it. You find yourself smiling at her praise.
<<if $pc.background is "hero">>
You start talking about your adventuresome lifestyle. Always on the road, always vigilant for evildoers, trying to fix the world one feat of daring-do at a time. You're not one to brag about oneself, but Simone's glistening eyes of admiration and enthralled questions manage to drag one story out of you after another.<br><br>@@color:#F9B7FF;"Wow!"@@ says the maid finally, @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's amazing! You're so incredible!"@@ You find yourself blushing a little at her earnest praise, but you cough to try to hide it.
You look up after your conversation and realize how dark it's become. You've talked together well into the night.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess it's time for bed"@@ yawns Simone, stretching her arms out as she does.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I have a little bed that pulls out from the wall, you grab the Princess' one."@@ she insists.<br><br>
[[Gladly take the Princess' bed->simoneNBigB]]<br>
[[Insist that Simone take the Princess' bed, I can sleep in the smaller one.->simoneNSmallB]]<br>
[[I don't like the idea of either of us getting a larger bed. Insist that we both sleep in the Princess' bed together.->simoneNTogether]]<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("family")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"We're a comfortable family living in the Capital!"@@ begins Simone between bites @@color:#F9B7FF;"My mam's a seamstress, and dad's a merchant so is away a lot. There's seven of us siblings, all girls, and I'm the youngest."@@<br><br>
Simone pouts a little as she mentions her siblings. @@color:#F9B7FF;"They all think I'm just cute and little and try to spoil me, but now I'm the Princess' maid so I'm fancier than any of them!"@@<br><br>
It sounds like a busy family, but a warm one.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"What about you? What were you up to before this?"@@ she asks.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You pick your words carefully as you reply. You wouldn't want the girl to think of you as a flirtatious dandy after all. You merely mention that you're a popular figure at parties and occasionally dabbled in noble circles.<br><br>Simone smiles at your explanation. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Gosh that sounds like a lot of fun. I sometimes staff parties like that and it always looks like people are having a wonderful time."@@ Her face darkens as she thinks a little more @@color:#F9B7FF;"Other than the rude people who show up and try to take all of the ladies home. We sometimes have problems with them at the palace"@@<br><br>You cough uncomfortably and assure her that those people are truly awful.
<<if $pc.background is "bread">>
You admit that you weren't up to much at all - just trying to survive in a world that made it difficult for people like you to get by. Life's tough, but you just gotta keep your chin up and food in your belly and you can get through another day.<br><br>You can see her lower lip trembling as you describe your poverty. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's awful! I don't think anyone should ever have to live like that"@@ she says finally. You find yourself smiling at little to yourself at her earnest compassion, it really sounds like she means it.
<<if $pc.background is "manly">>
You're eager to regale the girl with stories about your epic pub crawls and street fights. The heroes (you and your mates), the villains (of which there were many, but you keep it to just the ones who really had it coming), and the poor dames who you saved from their clutches (which were rare, but you make sure to embellish one into every story).<br><br>Simone's eyes are glistening in admiration at your tales of daring-do, cheering and booing at all of the right points. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That sounds wonderful! A true hero of the public houses!"@@ she exclaims finally, sounding like she really means it. You find yourself smiling at her praise.
<<if $pc.background is "hero">>
You start talking about your adventuresome lifestyle. Always on the road, always vigilant for evildoers, trying to fix the world one feat of daring-do at a time. You're not one to brag about oneself, but Simone's glistening eyes of admiration and enthralled questions manage to drag one story out of you after another.<br><br>@@color:#F9B7FF;"Wow!"@@ says the maid finally, @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's amazing! You're so incredible!"@@ You find yourself blushing a little at her earnest praise, but you cough to try to hide it.
You look up after your conversation and realize how dark it's become. You've talked together well into the night.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess it's time for bed"@@ yawns Simone, stretching her arms out as she does.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I have a little bed that pulls out from the wall, you grab the Princess' one."@@ she insists.<br><br>
[[Gladly take the Princess' bed->simoneNBigB]]<br>
[[Insist that Simone take the Princess' bed, I can sleep in the smaller one.->simoneNSmallB]]<br>
[[I don't like the idea of either of us getting a larger bed. Insist that we both sleep in the Princess' bed together.->simoneNTogether]]<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("maid")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I like it nice enough."@@ begins Simone between bites. @@color:#F9B7FF;"The other maids are always really nice to me, a bunch of them call me their little sister, which is really sweet of them."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Things have been hectic ever since I became the Princess' maid. I don't even know why I got picked to be honest, it seems like such an important honor but for some reason they came to me even though I was only a newbie. It's tiring and difficult but it's a privilege to work for the royal family, and all of the staff ruffle my hair and tell me that I'm doing well."@@<br><br>
You wonder if the reason why Simone ended up the Princess' maid might be because nobody else wanted to do it and the other servants might feel sorry for her, but decide not to say anything.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"What about you? What were you up to before this?"@@ she asks.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You pick your words carefully as you reply. You wouldn't want the girl to think of you as a flirtatious dandy after all. You merely mention that you're a popular figure at parties and occasionally dabbled in noble circles.<br><br>Simone smiles at your explanation. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Gosh that sounds like a lot of fun. I sometimes staff parties like that and it always looks like people are having a wonderful time.@@ Her face darkens as she thinks a little more @@color:#F9B7FF;"Other than those rude people who show up and try to take all of the ladies home. We sometimes have problems with them at the palace"@@<br><br>You cough uncomfortably and try to assure her that those people are truly awful.
<<if $pc.background is "bread">>
You admit that you weren't up to much at all - just trying to survive in a world that made it difficult for people like you to get by. Life's tough, but you just gotta keep your chin up and food in your belly and you can get through another day.<br><br>You can see her lower lip trembling as you describe your poverty. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's awful! I don't think anyone should ever have to live like that"@@ she says finally. You find yourself smiling at little to yourself at her earnest compassion, it really sounds like she means it.
<<if $pc.background is "manly">>
You're eager to regale the girl with stories about your epic pub crawls and street fights. The heroes (you and your mates), the villains (of which there were many, but you keep it to just the ones who really had it coming), and the poor dames who you saved from their clutches (which were rare, but you make sure to embellish one into every story).<br><br>Simone's eyes are glistening in admiration at your tales of daring-do, cheering and booing at all of the right points. @@color:#F9B7FF;"That sounds wonderful! A true hero of the public houses!"@@ she exclaims finally, sounding like she really means it. You find yourself smiling at her praise.
<<if $pc.background is "hero">>
You start talking about your adventuresome lifestyle. Always on the road, always vigilant for evildoers, trying to fix the world one feat of daring-do at a time. You're not usually one to brag about oneself, but Simone's glistening eyes of admiration and enthralled questions manage to drag one story out of you after another.<br><br>@@color:#F9B7FF;"Wow!"@@ says the maid finally, @@color:#F9B7FF;"That's amazing! You're so incredible!"@@ You find yourself blushing a little at her earnest praise, and you cough to try to hide it.
You look up after your conversation and realize how dark it's become. You've talked together well into the night.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess it's time for bed"@@ yawns Simone, stretching her arms out as she does.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I have a little bed that pulls out from the wall, you grab the Princess' one."@@ she insists.<br><br>
[[Gladly take the Princess' bed->simoneNBigB]]<br>
[[Insist that Simone take the Princess' bed, I can sleep in the smaller one.->simoneNSmallB]]<br>
[[I don't like the idea of either of us getting a larger bed. Insist that we both sleep in the Princess' bed together.->simoneNTogether]]<<set $simone.offered to true>>
You announce that, since you're both equals, it feels absurd to have //either// of you take the uncomfortable bed, and it would make you uncomfortable to do anything other than share the Princess' bed together, especially since it's easily twice the size of any bed you've slept on before.<br><br>
Simone's eyes go so wide from shock at your proposal, and she begins to stammer @@color:#F9B7FF;"B-but you're a boy and I'm a girl. What if you t-take advantage and //ravish// me - and t-then no man will marry me after!?"@@<br><br>
You're shocked by Simone's outburst - it almost sounds like she views you like some kind of rapist! As you consider it though, you realize that her tone isn't accusational in the slightest, instead it sounds almost like she's even more worried that she //herself// might be the one caught up in the moment, or that by merely sleeping in a bed together you'll be struck by cupid's arrow and be unable to resist each other. You get the distinct impression that Simone probably hasn't been intimate with someone before, and that people in her life have been cautioning her to protect her little-sisterly innocence.<br><br>
True enough, you see a blush begin to rise to her panicking cheeks as her imagination gets carried away. You quickly interrupt her train of thought by firmly reassuring her that you'll be on opposite sides of the bed fully dressed, and won't even touch during the night.<br><br>
She calms down a touch. @@color:#F9B7FF;"W-what nightclothes will you be wearing? You'd need to be decent."@@ she says, still eyeing you suspiciously.<br><br>
You usually sleep naked, but you decide not to mention that - instead reminding her that you don't have any nightclothes, or any spare clothing at all. If you did then you wouldn't be choosing to wear these rags.<br><br>
Simone shifts nervously from one foot to the other. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I-I suppose that makes sense, and you can hardly wear any of my or the Princess' bedclothes because you're a boy."@@<br><br>
You're glad that she understands the situation. As you continue your reassurances though, you accidentally make a mistake; while talking about your clothing you let it slip that you're not wearing any underwear underneath.<br><br>
The moment it exits your mouth Simone is straight back on guard again. With her arms crossed in front of her she firmly declares @@color:#F9B7FF;"There's no //way// that I'm going to share a bed with a boy who's not wearing underwear! If you care about it so much you'll have to wear some of the Princess' or my-"@@ She seems to realize that a boy wearing her underwear might be even more indecent, so retracts @@color:#F9B7FF;"Some of the Princess' pairs."@@<br><br>
[[Give up, but make her take the big bed->simoneNSmallB]]<br>
[[Give up and accept the big bed for yourself->simoneNBigB]]<br>
[[Accept her terms and wear the Princess' underwear->simoneNTogether2]]<<run $simone.sleepArray.push("big")>>
<<if visited("simoneNTogether") is 1>>
You're definitely not going to do something like that, so begrudgingly you agree to sleep in the big bed.<br><br>
You find yourself stifling a yawn, so quickly say your goodnights to Simone and walk over to the Princess' bed.<br><br>
After weeks of sleeping on the cold stone floor you're grateful to Simone for giving you the larger bed.<br><br>
With a yawn of your own you stand from the table and make your way over to the large four-poster bed.<br><br>
<<if $bedding is true>>
<<if $beddingHid is true>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh, hang on!"@@ you hear from behind you, and Simone comes over with a spare sheet. @@color:#F9B7FF;"The Princess ruined the last one, let me get this set up for you."@@ says the maid as she sets to work. You wince a little as you remember that you're the cause of it. In a well-practiced moment she has it all set up. @@color:#F9B7FF;"There, perfect"@@ she says, sounding a little proud of her work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess I'll see you in the morning."@@<br><br>
With a grimace you remember that you previously ruined the bedsheets. You make a display of looking under the duvet and remark in a tone that you hope sounds convincingly innocent that the sheet seems to be gone.<br><br>
Simone cocks her head to the side quizzically for a few tense moments but you're relieved when she eventually replies @@color:#F9B7FF;"one of the other maids must have done it. Weird, usually they don't touch the place. Oh well"@@ and walks over to grab another sheet from the sideboard and pull it over. @@color:#F9B7FF;"There, perfect"@@ she says after a well-practiced sheet-covering, sounding a little proud of herself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I guess I'll see you in the morning."<br><br><</if>>@@
You sigh as you let yourself collapse into the bed. It's so soft and comfortable that it's absurd, and as soon you pull the duvet over you it feels like you're being embraced by a cloud.<<if $legBed is true>><<unset $legBed>> Though you'd never admit it, you're amazed at how incredible your hairless legs feel against the soft fabric.<</if>><br><br>
You aren't sure whether you'd sleep easily after the day you've had - a day of extremes of tension and boredom. However before you know it you find your eyelids becoming heavy and before Simone has even fully gotten herself to bed you fall into slumber.<br><br>
[[zzz->day2wakeBed]]<<run $simone.sleepArray.push("small")>>
<<if visited("simoneNTogether") is 1>>
You're definitely not going to do something like that, but you're not going to let Simone sleep on the smaller bed either, so manage to make her agree to take the Princess' one.
You insist to Simone that she should take the larger bed, as she has a greater claim to being here than you do. It takes some insisting, but eventually you get your way.<br><br>
Simone shows you how to pull out the servants bed, and then with a @@color:#F9B7FF;"Goodnight!"@@ she sleepily grabs her nightclothes and goes to change in the bathroom. While she's in there you settle yourself into the bed with a yawn.<br><br>
<<if $bedding is true>>
<<if $beddingHid is true>>
Simone emerges wearing a slightly childish green flannel nightie, the trim of which grazes just above the bottom of her butt revealing cute matching panties as she walks over to the Princess' bed. You hear her groan @@color:#F9B7FF;"oh yeah, she ruined the sheets."@@ as she lifts the duvet and finds it sheetless. You wince as you remember that you're the cause of it, but luckily it doesn't seem like too much of an issue and she quickly retrieves a new sheet and starts to set it up.<br><br>
Simone emerges wearing a cute green flannel nightie, the trim of which grazes just above the bottom of her butt revealing cute matching panties as she walks over to the Princess' bed. You hear her make a surprised noise as she notices that the sheets are missing, and you wince as you remember that you're the reason why. Luckily it doesn't seem like too much an issue as after a mumbled @@color:#F9B7FF;"weird, the other maids rarely come in here."@@ she retrieves a new sheet and starts to set it up.<br><br><</if>>
Compared to the Princess' lavish bed this pull-out one is very rudimentary, and while it's a lot nicer than sleeping on the jail floor you know that you're still going to be aching in the morning - clearly the designers viewed the comfort of servants as an afterthought.<<if $legBed is true>><<unset $legBed>> What //is// shockingly comfortable though is how incredible your hairless legs feel against the bedding, and despite yourself you find yourself idly kicking your legs to indulge in the sensation.<</if>><br><br>
You aren't sure whether you'd sleep easily after the day you've had, a day of extremes of tension and boredom. However before you know it you find your eyelids becoming heavy and before Simone has even fully gotten herself to bed you fall into slumber.<br><br>
[[zzz->day2wakeBed]]<<set $day to 2>>
<<unset $beddingHid>>
<<if visited("simoneNBigB")>>
<<include [[bigBedWake1]]>><br><br>
<<if visited("simoneNSmallB")>>
<<include [[smallBWake]]>><br><br>
You hear her light footsteps approach the door and open it.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh, hello sir!"@@ comes Simone's voice as she opens the carriage door<br><br>
For a moment you hope that the visitor might be Robiers and you might be free to go, but while the voice that replies is gruff and masculine it doesn't match his tone, maybe another soldier? @@color:#79BAEC;"'Morning miss. I'm here with instructions for the Princess, is she available?"@@<br><br>
Simone's voice doesn't hesitate for a moment as she replies @@color:#F9B7FF;"She's just in the bath right now, sir."@@ You breathe a sigh of relief at her quick thinking.<br><br>
You can tell the mental image of the Princess bathing catches the man by surprise a little as he replies @@color:#79BAEC;"Ahh... er, best not to interrupt then. Please could you pass this on."@@<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"The convoy is going to be moving on shortly, onwards to Bëlun. We'll be arriving at the building site of the citadel around five and the Princess will be attending a tour of the grounds while the King and Queen meet with the overseer."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"You mean that we're not going back to the Capital?"@@ says Simone, clearly shocked. @@color:#F9B7FF;"After all that happened yesterday?"@@<br><br>
You can hear the shrug in the man's voice as he replies @@color:#79BAEC;"Doesn't seem like it."@@ After a moment he continues in a more hushed, conspiratorial tone - @@color:#79BAEC;"It's //insane// if you ask me. But I think the crown's been worried about the southern nobles for a while - doesn't want to show weakness in front of them and all that. The King's too brave for his own damn good."@@<br><br>
The man's voice returns to his dutiful tone as he continues. @@color:#79BAEC;"To try to keep things safe we'll be doing a daily top-to-bottom carriage search, though to protect the Princess' modesty we'll only be searching this one while the Princess is out on daily activities. Wouldn't want to bother her and all that."@@<br><br>
Simone only manages a strained @@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh"@@ in response, clearly realizing how much this puts you in peril.<br><br>
Luckily from his tone it doesn't seem like the man notices. Instead his voice becomes rather sheepish as he says @@color:#79BAEC;"And err... the Queen instructed me to tell the Princess that she's not to be seen in that white cloak again. Said she's uuh... 'embarrassed to be seen with a daughter looking like a ghost and if she doesn't dress like a lady she'll have harsh words with her.' Sorry about that."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Uhh, thank you, I'll let her know."@@ says Simone quickly, before suddenly remembering your priorities. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh! by the way! Has Robiers shown up yet?"@@<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Not since the attack I'm afraid. He's around somewhere I'm sure."@@ Then the man's tone becomes a little teasing as he continues @@color:#79BAEC;"I heard that you were asking around yesterday too. Makes sense to me, lass, strike while the iron's hot and he's single for once - with a guy like that I can hardly blame you. Good luck!"@@<br><br>
You don't have to be able to see Simone to guess that she's turned bright red in embarrassment at the mix up, and she stammers out @@color:#F9B7FF;"Umm... umm... I guess that must be it! W-well thank you sir. I'll let the Princess know all of that."@@<br><br>
You wait until they've said their goodbyes and you hear the door shut before you throw the covers off of you and groan in frustration.<br><br>
[[Shit. You're done for!->day2plans]]You're awoken the next morning by a loud knocking at the door. You look up groggily from your bed and it takes you a moment to remember why you're sleeping in such a lavish environment. After all the weirdness of yesterday it would have been easier to believe that it had just been a bizarre dream.<br><br>
As you were expecting, you've got some aches from having slept in such a rudimentary bed.<br><br>
Simone, looking a little bleary-eyed herself, stands up from the Princess' bed and stretches herself awake. Perhaps she's forgotten that you're here because as she lifts her arms to stretch them her green nightie rides up and you catch a glimpse of her matching green panties and her slender navel, which you notice isn't spared the cute freckles covering the rest of her.<br><br>
As the knocking becomes more insistent she seems to suddenly remember the situation and quickly looks your way to motion for you to duck under the covers out of sight.You're awoken the next morning by a loud knocking at the door. You look up groggily from your bed and it takes you a moment to remember why you're sleeping in such a lavish environment. After all the weirdness of yesterday it would have been easier to believe that it had just been a bizarre dream.<br><br>
Simone, looking a little bleary-eyed herself, stands up from her smaller bed. You fell asleep too early to notice but she must have changed into a cute green flannel nightie to sleep in, and the trim of which grazes just above the bottom of her butt revealing cute matching panties as she stretches herself awake. From the strained look on her sleepy face it doesn't look like the smaller bed is very comfortable.<br><br>
As the knocking becomes more insistent she seems to suddenly remember the situation and quickly looks your way to motion for you to duck under the covers out of sight.<<unset $pantyChoice>>
<<unset $bedding>>
Simone turns back to you with a sigh of relieved tension at not having been found out by the soldier.<<if $simone.slept is 1>> You can still see a touch of flushed arousal on her cheeks from before, but if she'd rather not address it you decide to do the same.<</if>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"What do we do now?"@@ she asks, mostly rhetorically. You couldn't answer her even if you tried - just about everything that the soldier had announced had been awful news for your plan. Unless Robiers shows up before you get to Bëlun you're done for.<br><br>
Your worrying is cut short by the cracks of whips from outside and with a shake the carriage begins to move. You look out the window and soon see the houses of your hometown going past outside.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2plans.jpg]]@@<br>
You sit in depressed silence for a while before Simone breaks the melancholy mood by announcing @@color:#F9B7FF;"Well, I'll change out of my sleepclothes and then we'll have breakfast I guess."@@ as she stands and walks towards the bathroom.<br><br>
You find yourself wondering how she used to change with the Princess here instead of you, since the bathroom seems a strange place to do it if it's a regular thing. Maybe she just did it in front of her? You realize that you don't know much about how girls do stuff like that normally, let alone when one of them is royalty.<br><br>
/* <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>
You realize that if you wanted to slip out of the <<print $outfit.under.name>> that you're wearing, now would be the time to do so.<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Take them off. I feel weird wearing them">>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<hr>><<include [[day2removePanties]]>>
<<link "It's not like I have any mens underwear to change into, keep wearing them">>
<<goto [[day2plans2]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<else>> */
[[Get out of bed and start the day->day2plans2]]
/* <</if>> */<<set $outfit.under to {}>>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
You're dying to get out of the things so jump at the opportunity - quickly pulling down your torn britches so you can remove them.
You breathe a sigh of relief to yourself as you pull your britches back up sans panties. You can't stop it from feeling a little performative though - as much as you try to tell yourself that you're enjoying being able to be going commando again they really //were// comfortable in comparison.<br><br>
You shake your head to try to dispel the thought.<br><br>
[[Get up and start the day->day2plans2]]<<set $queen.facts to []>>
<<set $king.facts to []>>
<<set $simone.desc to "The Princess' maid, and your only ally helping you to survive.">>
<<run $king.facts.pushUnique("If he sees you he'll be able to tell that you're an imposter and you'll be done for")>>
<<run $queen.facts.pushUnique("Will come to tell you off if you've been acting insufficiently princesslike")>>
<<run $queen.facts.pushUnique("If she sees you she'll be able to tell that you're an imposter and you'll be done for")>>
You get out of bed and do the morning routine of yawning and stretching yourself into feeling ready for the day.<br><br>
Before long Simone pokes her head out the bathroom and comes out back in her revealing maid's dress. You're impressed at how quickly she had managed to reattach all of her accessories about her person.<br><br>
You're both silent while Simone cooks - too busy brooding about your dire situation and what you could do about it to make conversation. It's not until you've both finished your meals that Simone speaks up with an idea.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"So... I think I thought of something that might help."@@ She doesn't look enthusiastic though and bites her lip nervously as she continues @@color:#F9B7FF;"I don't think that you're going to like it though..."@@<br><br>
You're desperate for any lifeline whatsoever and are hardly in a position to turn down any plan.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Well, alright. But //promise// that you'll take it seriously, okay?"@@ After you agree she takes a deep breath in to prepare herself and then begins:<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"What if you pretended to be the Princess at the thing this evening? Then you'd be out of the carriage when they're doing the search and you could come back again afterwards."@@<br><br>
You have to strain yourself not to laugh at Simone's plan, you wouldn't want to break your promise after all, but the idea has a huge number of issues. For one thing, while you share some superficial features with the Princess like height, skin, and hair color, the similarities end there - you're both //easily// recognizable as different people.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"That's what I was thinking before, but I think it's possible. The Princess //never// does public appearances, not since she was just starting puberty - the Queen's //always// trying to get her to but she sneaks away to do boy things instead. None of the local nobles will know what she looks or acts like, and none of the carriage staff are from the palace team other than me, and Merat too, I guess. The tour's only just begun so nobody else has even seen her yet."@@<br><br>
You remind the maid that two very important people will still know what the Princess looks like - the King and Queen.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"You're right, they'd recognize you straight away if they saw you, but the soldier //did// say that they would be in a meeting. Maybe they'll be too busy?"@@ She thinks for a moment before continuing @@color:#F9B7FF;"Though you'd //definitely// have to make sure to avoid doing things that would upset the Queen. She's //always// coming over to scold the Princess when she hears that she's been acting boyishly - if she does that while you're here then everything's ruined."@@<br><br>
You finally state the obvious: You're a //guy// - there's no way that you could pretend to be a girl and get away with it. Even when you were completely covered in a white cloak, didn't have to talk, and had two soldiers and Merat covering for you it was a miracle that it worked.<br><br>
Simone sighs deeply and sits back in her chair @@color:#F9B7FF;"Yeah, you're probably right. It's pretty silly. And the white cloak trick won't work again - if the Queen hears that you're wearing it she'll make a scene. It helps that the Queen hasn't been able to //completely// suppress that the Princess is at least known for being //boyish// I guess - it's a different //kind// of boyish but the locals probably wouldn't know that."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I just..."@@ begins Simone before getting choked up. When you look over you can see tears beginning to glisten in her eyes. She manages to say @@color:#F9B7FF;"I just don't want you to die, <<print $pc.name>>"@@ before the emotion overtakes her completely and she runs to the bathroom to compose herself.<br><br>
You consider Simone's plan:<br>
<li>Crossdress as the Princess</li>
<li>Mingle with high society without being exposed</li>
<li>Avoid bumping into the King and Queen, or you're done for</li>
<li>Look and act feminine enough for the Queen not to come looking for you</li>
<li>For as many days as it takes for Robiers to finally come back from wherever he's gone</li>
<li>With almost no chance of escaping - the Princess is a known escape artist, and every guard is ready to stop her</li>
<li>While a royal-assassinating murderer is lurking among you waiting to strike</li>
<li>A chance at survival?</li>
You don't even know how to react. It's a million to one. It's //insane//. But she's right - a million to one is //still// a better chance than doing nothing.<br><br>
[[Fuck->day2plansHub]]<<set $cute to 0>><<set $cuteBonus to 0>><<set $cuteTrain to 0>>
<<set $grace to 0>><<set $graceBonus to 0>><<set $graceTrain to 0>>
<<if ndef $auth>><<set $auth to 0>><<set $authBonus to 0>><<set $authTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<set $voice to 0>><<set $voiceBonus to 0>><<set $voiceTrain to 0>>
<<set $slut to 0>>
<<set $pc.desc to "trapped in an absurd situation">>
Once Simone comes back you grimly let her know that you'll do it, and soon both of you are hurrying around the carriage. You have only 6 hours until the carriage will arrive at the citadel and there's a dizzying number of things to prepare.<br><br>
Simone takes your measurements and starts to work on adjusting some of the Princess' clothes. Soon half of the room is covered in heaps of fabrics, silks, needles, and thread. You offer to help but she waves you away. <<simone "You'd only get in the way. I'll have a couple of different options to choose from by the time we arrive. Nobles //know// fine clothing - if they see you in something poorly fitted they won't believe you're the Princess for a second. Leave this to me - you should start practicing everything else!">><br><br>
/* It looks like you're going to spend the day learning how to act princesslike. What do you prioritize?<br><br> */
You decide to take her advice and begin considering how you could start learning how to act princesslike.<<br>>
For a moment you consider trying to imitate how the Princess //really// is, tomboyish personality and all, but you quickly abandon that plan. <<if $princessSeen is true>>After meeting her in person you can still barely wrap your head around the idea that that girl could really have been the princess. If<<else>>You're still in half-disbelief yourself about how unladylike she is - if<</if>> these nobles know as little about her as Simone said then, despite being true-to-life, there's no way they'd believe that you're really her with your masculine features, and you'd be rumbled in moments.<<br>>
<<simone "Honestly, given how boyish the Princess actually //is//, I was expecting her to spend half the trip with people constantly accusing her of being an imposter or something herself!">> Simone brings up. <<simone "Only... she could get away with it because if they double-checked it then they'd find out that it was really her - but if you did the same you could be done for!">><<br>>
Frustratingly, if you're going to survive this then you'll have to do the task that the Princess has spent her whole life avoiding - actually acting princesslike.<<br>>
You have time for TWO activities.<br><br>
<<if $auth is 1>>After playing on the throne yesterday you already feel like you've learned something about ''authority'', but you could easily push it further.<<br>><</if>>
<<link "My commoner bearing will give me away - practice authority">>
<<goto [[authTrain1]]>>
<<link "My lack of poise and eloquence will give me away - practice grace">>
<<goto [[graceTrain1]]>>
<<link "My gruff, masculine demeanor will give me away - practice cuteness">>
<<goto [[cuteTrain1]]>>
<<link "My masculine voice will give me away - practice voice training">>
<<goto [[voiceTrain1]]>>
<<hovertip "You're not ready to train in this skill yet. Maybe that will change if you get more comfortable with your sexuality and find a trainer.">>@@color:#797979;==My sexuality is all I need to get ahead - practice sluttiness==@@<</hovertip>>Outside the windows of the carriage you can see the countryside go past.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2plansHub2.jpeg]]@@<br>
Simone makes some lunch for the two of you and you have a break together, but you're both so stressed trying to get everything ready that conversation is sparse.<br><br>
Soon you're both up and ready to continue your tasks.<br><br>
You have time for ONE more activity.<br><br>
<<if visited("authTrain1") is 0>><<link "My commoner way of talking with give me away - practice authority">>
<<goto [[authTrain1]]>>
<<if visited("graceTrain1") is 0>><<link "My lack of poise and eloquence will give me away - practice grace">>
<<goto [[graceTrain1]]>>
<<if visited("cuteTrain1") is 0>><<link "My gruff, masculine demeanor will give me away - practice cuteness">>
<<goto [[cuteTrain1]]>>
<<if visited("voiceTrain1") is 0>><<link "My masculine voice will give me away - practice voice training">>
<<goto [[voiceTrain1]]>>
<<hovertip "You're not ready to train in this skill yet. Maybe that will change if you get more comfortable with your sexuality and find a trainer.">>@@color:#797979;==My sexuality is all I need to get ahead - practice sluttiness==@@<</hovertip>><<include "cuteTraining">><br><br>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") is 0>><<link "Return">>
<<goto [[day2plansHub2]]>>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") gte 1>><<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day2plansFinish]]>>
<</link>><</if>><<include "authTraining">><br><br>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") is 0>><<link "Return">>
<<goto [[day2plansHub2]]>>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") gte 1>><<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day2plansFinish]]>>
<</link>><</if>><<include "voiceTraining">><br><br>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") is 0>><<link "Return">>
<<goto [[day2plansHub2]]>>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") gte 1>><<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day2plansFinish]]>>
<</link>><</if>><<include "graceTraining">><br><br>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") is 0>>
<<link "Return">>
<<goto [[day2plansHub2]]>>
<<if visited("day2plansHub2") gte 1>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day2plansFinish]]>>
<</if>>As the carriage makes a turn you check out the window and are greeted by the sight of a large defensible building jutting out the side of the mountain ahead, its structure supported by scaffolding. It looks like you're shortly going to be arriving at your destination.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2plansFinish.jpg]]@@<br>
You groan deeply to yourself at having run out of time to prepare. There's //so// much left to be done and you don't feel anywhere close to ready. Simone looks up at the noise and notices too, quickly jumping up to her feet.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh gosh"@@ she exclaims, picking up a few items of clothing from the floor as she speaks. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I didn't get as much done as I'd wanted, but I got a couple of options at least."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I thought it would be best to find things that covered as much skin as possible while enhancing a feminine silhouette."@@ She looks at your confused face for a moment before explaining @@color:#F9B7FF;"In at the waist, wide at the hips, basically."@@<br><br>
You think about it for a moment - it feels like something's missing from that list. Wouldn't your flat chest be a problem?<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Maybe! But a lot of girls have a pretty flat chest so I thought we could get away with it. The Princess was on the petite side herself, so luckily none of the outfits were too busty to begin with. I guess that if you're worried we could add some padding?"@@<br><br>
You consider the idea. It's completely optional but maybe you'd feel safer with a little bulk to your bust.<br><br>
<<link "I want padding.">>
<<goto [[day2outfitChoice]]>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
<<set $paddingCheck to true>>
<<link "If Simone says so then flat chested is fine.">>
<<goto [[day2outfitChoice]]>>
<<set $outfit.padding to false>>
<<set $paddingCheck to false>>
<</link>>@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok! One last thing to go!"@@ says Simone as she gathers a bunch of stray pieces of fabric from the floor and gathers them into two orbs of material and passes them to you. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Pop these down the top for padding."@@<br><br>
It's a slapdash solution, but the best you can do at the moment. With not much time left to go you quickly do what she says and slip them into the material. Luckily, the outfit is fitted to expect them and they remain in place without slipping.<<set $outfitsArray to []>>
Simone shows you the outfits that she's prepared. You have to admit that she's chosen them well - all of them are feminine and elegant while still leaving almost all of the body covered.<br>
/* [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]][img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]][img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]<br> */
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
The first is a green cloak that unfurls out into plantlike ruffles behind you. It doesn't quite cover the whole body - opening up at the chest and along one side of the legs to reveal a fairly tight top and leggings underneath, both in earthy brown tones.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I'm nervous putting you in a cloak again after the Queen said not to wear the white one, but hopefully this is feminine enough to make it okay."@@ explains Simone as you examine the outfit. You're a little more concerned about having your legs outlined by the tight clothing, but it does have the advantage of having a hood to hide in if necessary.<br><br>
The second is a peachy orange-brown colored dress. It's a little plain but makes up for it in layers which cascade over each other pleasingly. Under the skirt there's a few layers of extra fabric, adding enough bulk to make it bloom outwards at the waist.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"This one also comes with a little waist-cincher"@@ Simone comments. You wince at the idea - but you don't doubt that you could use the help to get a feminine silhouette. It seems like a fairly good all-around safe option.<br><br>
/* The third one is a lot more dramatic than the other two options. While the others stayed in earthy colors this one is a colorful array of pinks, purples, and blues. The fabrics fold over themselves like a beautiful tulip. The pink material halts below the shoulders like a shoulderless dress would, but then it continues in a darker purple in a different style that almost looks like a the top of a dashing waistcoat.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"This one's a lot more feminine in color than the others but other than the shoulder cut-outs it actually covers just as much, and you know that the Queen would be //thrilled// to hear that you, or rather, the Princess, wore something like this."@@ She's not wrong, and it might even help you pass as a girl to the nobles too - simply by wowing them with femininity that they'll have difficulty parsing your masculine features as such.<br><br> */
The third one is a lot more dramatic than the other two options. While the others stayed in earthy colors this one is a colorful array of pinks, violets, and blues. The fabrics fold over themselves like a beautiful tulip. Unlike the others, this one features a scoop-neckline at the front. It's hardly daring, stopping high enough not to create cleavage, but with your body even that glimpse of clavicle might be too daring.<<br>>
<<simone "This one's a lot more feminine in color than the others, and shows a little bit more, but it should be safe! And you know that the Queen would be //thrilled// to hear that you, or rather, the Princess, wore something like this.">> She's not wrong, and it might even help you pass as a girl to the nobles too - simply by wowing them with femininity that they'll have difficulty parsing your masculine features as such.<br><br>
<<link "Pick the green cloak">>
<<goto [[day2outfitPutOn]]>>
<<set $day2outfitChoice to 1>>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<link "Pick the peach dress">>
<<goto [[day2outfitPutOn]]>>
<<set $day2outfitChoice to 2>>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<link "Pick the tulip dress">>
<<goto [[day2outfitPutOn]]>>
<<set $day2outfitChoice to 3>>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<</link>>@@color:#F9B7FF;"Good choice! Now, let's see about getting you into it."@@ exclaims Simone as she suddenly steps forward and begins pulling at your top.<br><br>
You immediately recoil away in shock at the unexpected invasion of your personal space, leaving Simone blinking in surprise.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh wow!"@@ she says, finally realizing what's wrong. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I'm sorry, part of my job for the Princess is to help dress her and stuff. I guess I'm used to doing it."@@<br><br>
She steps away from you, but after she takes a moment to think she continues @@color:#F9B7FF;"But some of these outfits are //really// tricky to get into by yourself. Maybe you could use another set of hands?"@@<br><br>
She might be right - if a //girl// would have difficulty getting into this outfit, then a guy who's never worn women's clothing before definitely will.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>
You realize that you're wearing panties underneath your clothing. If Simone were to help dress you it would involve you standing in front of her dressed only in your panties. The idea is mortifying.<br><br>
[[I need her help. let Simone dress me->simoneDay2Dress]]<br>
[[Too scary. I'll dress myself privately->day2selfDress]]
Unfortunately you're not wearing any underwear under your clothing so letting yourself be dressed up by Simone would be far too scandalous for both of you.<br><br>
<<if $pantiesWorn is true>>
You could quickly put the panties that you slept in back on - then you could be dressed by Simone. The notion of letting her see you wearing only panties, even if just briefly, is terrifying though.<br><br>
[[Quickly put on the panties in the bathroom->simoneDay2Dress]]<br>
[[Way too embarrassing! I'll try to put the outfit on myself->day2selfDress]]
<<hovertip "You need to be wearing panties for this. Try asking Simone to sleep with you at night.">>@@color:#797979;==Get dressed by Simone==@@<</hovertip>><br>
[[I'll dress myself->day2selfDress]]
<</if>><<set $simone.dressedYou to 0>>
You can't accept Simone's offer so instead you grab the pieces that she's arranged and announce that you're going to change in the bathroom.<br><br>
After you close the door you pull off your dirty hempen smock and torn britches to stand
<<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>
wearing only your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
in the bathroom. You look at the pile of clothing in front of you and try to work out where to start.
<<if $day2outfitChoice is 1>>
<<include [[gcloakSelfChange]]>>
<<if $day2outfitChoice is 2>>
<<include [[peachSelfChange]]>>
<<if $day2outfitChoice is 3>>
<<include [[tulipSelfChange]]>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
<<include [[day2padding]]>><br><br>
Simone stands back to take in the whole picture. You feel a little anxious under her appraising eye, especially given how silly you feel wearing women's clothing, but soon her face breaks into an encouraging smile @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's perfect! You look cute!"@@<br><br>
You don't know how to feel about the statement. On one hand it's like a lance through your heart and you feel your masculinity crumble at her words, but on the other hand it's exactly what you need to survive right now.<br><br>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
Simone does one more check around the pile of garments on the floor to make sure that there's no details missing. While she does so you remember the gemstones hidden in your old clothing. When she's not looking you slip them out of their hiding place and palm them into a safe spot on this outfit.
[[Let's do this->simoneDay2DressEnd]]<<set $simone.dressedYou to 1>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>
You tell Simone that you'd appreciate her help putting on the outfit, and the girl happily pulls over a full-length mirror for you to stand in front of.<br><br>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.first() is "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.first() is "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.first() is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
You come clean about the situation to Simone who immediately blushes a little, clearly having forgotten about the underwear situation. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Wow... umm, I guess that you should put them on then"@@ she stammers, suddenly unable to meet your eyes.<br><br>
You're so desperate to break the tension that's suddenly emerged around the two of you that you don't need to be told twice and quickly run to retrieve the <<print $pc.pantiesWorn.first()>> that you wore last night and put them on in the bathroom.<br><br>
When you return to the main carriage room Simone has pulled out a full length mirror and gestures for you to stand in front of it.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Right. Lift your arms please"@@ says the maid briskly. You roll your eyes at her in response - you can at least //remove// your clothing by yourself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Sorry, force of habit. The Princess never let me do it either but I was told to always ask."@@<br><br>
As you lift your dirty hempen smock off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you in the mirror as she looks your masculine torso up and down. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body, especially given the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull down the waistband of your torn britches and soon you're left exposed in front of the mirror wearing only
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.first() is "black panties">>a pair of black brief panties with a cute bow adorning them.<</if>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.first() is "pink boyshorts">>a pair of pink polkadot boyshorts covered in ruffles and frills.<</if>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.first() is "lacy boyshorts">>a pair of sheer lace boyshorts, through which your trapped genitals are visible with only a little inspection.<</if>> <<if def $pc.shave>>The femininity is only continued down your sleek, hairless legs.<<else>>They look a little absurd next to your hairy legs, and you once again force yourself not to think about it being a shame that you don't have hairless legs.<</if>><br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just stares, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror, her face beginning to blush a tinge before she hurriedly breaks eyecontact with it and desperately tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.<br><br>
<<if $day2outfitChoice is 1>>
<<include [[gcloakChange]]>>
<<if $day2outfitChoice is 2>>
<<include [[peachChange]]>>
<<if $day2outfitChoice is 3>>
<<include [[tulipChange]]>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
<<include [[day2padding]]>><br><br>
Simone stands back to take in the whole picture, her work finally done. You feel a little anxious under her appraising eye, especially given how silly you feel wearing women's clothing, but soon her face breaks into an encouraging smile @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's perfect! You look cute!"@@<br><br>
You don't know how to feel about the statement. On one hand it's like a lance through your heart and you feel your masculinity crumble at her words, but on the other hand it's exactly what you need to survive right now.<br><br>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
Simone does one more check around the pile of garments on the floor to make sure that there's no details missing. While she does so you remember the gemstones hidden in your old clothing. When she's not looking you slip them out of their hiding place and palm them into a safe spot on this outfit.
[[Let's do this->simoneDay2DressEnd]]<<set $outfit.top.name to "tight dark-brown top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Tight Dark-brown Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Green Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "brown leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Brown Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["cloak", "hood", "leggings", "pants"]>>
The first thing that Simone grabs is the trousers of <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "gcloakImg">> - they seem simple enough - just like a guy's pair except much tighter. Simone holds the garment for you to step into and pulls them up your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs, hesitating for a moment as she gets to the top of your thighs before determinedly going the rest of the way, her hands brushing past the soft material of your panties as she does so.<br><br>
It feels really strange for your legs to be completely wrapped around with tight material. All of the trousers that you've worn have been fairly baggy in comparison, the sensation of being lightly squeezed on all sides is suffocating at first. Before long though you find yourself getting used to it - compared to mens trousers the material is a lot softer and stretchier so it's like your legs are in a stifling but comforting hug.<br><br>
Next comes a top which is thankfully normal enough. Like the trousers it's tighter than most that you've worn but luckily not nearly to the same extent. The cut feels strange on you, you're not used to having a turtleneck tickling your nape, nor such a high waist, but it's nothing //too// unusual.<br><br>
The next garment that Simone brings along is the elegant green cloak which Simone drapes over your shoulders. Rather than attaching at the neck like the white cloak you wore before this one secures at the chest.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There we go! See, that wasn't too harmful was it?"@@ She's right - while the trousers were a struggle and still feel really strange around you the rest had been very simple. You think about how weird you'd be feeling right now in a dress and thank the heavens that you picked this outfit of the three.<br><br>
Simone helps you put on the rest of the items. Black gloves; a belt that hangs aloofly off the hip; a handbag on a little strap across the chest; and a pair of black riding boots.<br><br>
You look in the mirror and see... yourself in women's clothing. You don't know whether it's reassuring or not that you're not magically transformed into a stranger.<<removedress>>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "tight dark-brown top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Tight Dark-brown Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Green Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "brown leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Brown Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["cloak", "hood", "leggings", "pants"]>>
The first thing that you grab is the trousers of <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "gcloakImg">>. They seem simple enough, just like a guy's pair except much tighter, and you quickly pull them up your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless <</if>>legs.<br><br>
You can't believe how weird it feels for your legs to be completely wrapped around with tight material. All of the trousers that you've worn have been fairly baggy in comparison, the sensation of being lightly squeezed on all sides is suffocating at first. Before long though you find yourself getting used to it - compared to mens trousers the material is a lot softer and stretchier so it's like your legs are in a stifling but comforting hug.<br><br>
Next comes a top, which is thankfully normal enough. Like the trousers it's tighter than most that you've worn but luckily not nearly to the same extent. The cut feels strange on you, you're not used to having a turtleneck tickling your nape, nor such a high waist, but it's nothing too unusual.<br><br>
The next garment is the elegant green cloak which you drape over your shoulders. Rather than attaching at the neck like the white cloak it takes you some time to work out that this one secures at the chest, leaving your tight brown under-top visible underneath.<br><br>
All in all it hasn't been too difficult. You think about how weird you'd be feeling right now in a dress and thank the heavens that you picked this outfit instead.<br><br>
As you reenter the main room Simone smiles widely at seeing you in the full outfit and helps you put on the rest of the accessories. Black gloves; a belt that hangs aloofly off the hip that holds a few pouches; a handbag on a little strap across the chest; and a pair of black riding boots.<br><br>
You look in the mirror and see... yourself in women's clothing. You don't know whether it's reassuring or not that you're not magically transformed into a stranger.<<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Peach Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the peach dress" "peachImg">> and goes to put it over you, only to realize that she's too short, so has to quickly gather a stool to stand on before she manages to get it on you.<br><br>
The moment it's flowing over you you realize that you made the right choice asking for Simone's help. There's so many layers of fabric pouring over each other that it would be very easy to get lost in.<br><br>
Even once it's firmly on you Simone has to spend some time checking every layer to affirm that it's falling the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered, and can see as much in the mirror, your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom is striking.<br><br>
You try walking around a little hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased- a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The layers of petticoats under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.<br><br>
Simone grabs the last part of the outfit: a matching peach-color waist cincher. It's a little like a corset but instead of reaching up over your chest it only sits around your stomach.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, so this is going to be weird. When I say three you've got to breathe in, okay?"@@ explains Simone while wrapping the item around you. You get the feeling that you're not going to like this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Ready? One. Two. //THREE//."@@<br><br>
It //hurts//. At first it feels less like a tightness and more like a punch in the gut as the material pushes all of the air out of your lungs leaving you as winded as if you'd just run a marathon. You desperately gasp for air to refill the void but it just doesn't come, instead you're gasping without being able to suck anything in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's okay, shallow breaths, <<print $pc.name>>, you can do it."@@ soothes Simone, patting your back encouragingly. You try to take her advice. It feels really weird to force yourself to take shallow breaths instead of the gasping ones that your brain is telling you that you need, but they seem to do the job. It's like you've got the tiny lungs of a bird and have to take three small breaths for every one that you had to do before.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There you go, you've got it!"@@ You still don't think that you do, but at least you don't feel like you're dying.<br><br>
You look in the mirror and see... yourself in women's clothing. You don't know whether it's reassuring or not that you're not magically transformed into a stranger.<br><br>
Simone brings over a pair of shoes and socks for you to slip into. Luckily your legs will be covered by the dress so you can use the most masculine of the Princess' footwear, but even //that// turns out to be a pair of little black pumps that leave the tops of your feet exposed.<<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Peach Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
You pick up <<imgl1nk "the peach dress" "peachImg">> from the bathroom floor and try to work out how to get into it. It's a difficult task - the outfit consists of so many layers of overlapping material draping over itself it takes a lot of work to even identify which end is the top and which is the bottom, let alone if you're meant to put it over your head or to step into it and pull it up.<br><br>
Eventually you decide to just try one and pull the soft fabric over you to let it fall over your body. It seems to get halfway and then things get really quite confusing - you can't see anything except peach-colored material and have no idea where you are in the garment. You can't even take it off again, let alone work out where you're supposed to be going.<br><br>
You see a hole of open air through the material and push your head towards it to pop out at, thankfully, the head hole. You look in the mirror and see that along your journey you managed to shift the entire thing to the wrong angle, though luckily you manage to shimmy it over until you can get your arms through it.<br><br>
Finally you come back into the main room, and Simone smiles at seeing you in the outfit before her eyes widen and she hurries over saying @@color:#F9B7FF;"Don't worry, I can fix it."@@ You can't help but feel a little disappointed - you had thought that you did a decent job, but Simone has to spend a long time carefully checking every layer of the material and making sure that it's falling the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered and can see as much in the mirror your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom being overwhelming.<<else>>You can't stop your mind from hyperfixating on the feeling of your bare genitals completely free and unconstrained under the clothing in what feels like quite an erotic juxtaposition with your clothed upper half. <</if>><br><br>
You try walking around a little - hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased - a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The layers of petticoats under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.<br><br>
Simone grabs the last part of the outfit: a matching peach-color waist cincher. It's a little like a corset but instead of reaching up over your ribs it only sits around your waist.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, so this is going to be weird. When I say three you've got to breathe in, okay?"@@ explains Simone while wrapping the item around you. You get the feeling that you're not going to like this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Ready? One. Two. //THREE//."@@<br><br>
It //hurts//. At first it feels less like a tightness and more like a punch in the gut as the material pushes all of the air out of your lungs leaving you winded like you'd tried to run a marathon. You desperately gasp for air to refill the void but it just doesn't come, instead you're gasping without being able to suck anything in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's okay, shallow breaths, <<print $pc.name>>, you can do it."@@ soothes Simone next to you, patting your back encouragingly. You try to take her advice. It feels really weird to force yourself to take shallow breaths instead of the gasping ones that your brain is telling you that you need but they seem to do the job. It's like you've got the tiny lungs of a bird and have to take three small breaths for every one that you had to do before.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There you go, you've got it."@@ You still don't think that you do, but at least you don't feel like you're dying.<br><br>
You look in the mirror and see... yourself in women's clothing. You don't know whether it's reassuring or not that you're not magically transformed into a stranger.<br><br>
Simone brings over a pair of shoes and socks for you to slip into. Luckily your legs will be covered by the dress so you can use the most masculine of the Princess' footwear, but even //that// turns out to be a pair of little black pumps that leave the tops of your feet exposed.<<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Tulip Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> and goes to put it over you, only to realize that she's too short. After she gathers a stool to stand on she manages to get it on you.<br><br>
The moment it's flowing over you you realize that you made the right choice asking for Simone's help - it's a hell of a thing to put on. The material is pseudo-rigid to keep the structure of it's delicate folding patterns, and it crinkles against your skin as it flows over you.<br><br>
/* The dress creates an interesting effect from the shoulders upwards - as the tulip-like pinks and blues fall away it looks like your upper torso is emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your shoulders feel strangely exposed in the skimpier waistcoat-like upper section.<br><br> */
The material up around the neckline and shoulders is so firm that it almost feels like a mantle, so carefully formed in tulip-like violets and blues that it looks like you're emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your upper-chest feels bizarrely exposed in the open air.<<br>>
Even once it's firmly on you Simone has to spend some time checking in on every layer of the material to check that it's folding the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered and can see as much in the mirror your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the contrast between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom is really striking.<br><br>
You try walking around a little hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased - a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The crinkly layers under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for. .<br><br>
Simone brings over a pair of shoes and socks for you to slip into. Luckily your legs will be covered by the dress so you can use the most masculine of the Princess' footwear, but even //that// turns out to be a pair of little black pumps that leave the tops of your feet exposed.<br><br>
You look in the mirror and see... yourself in women's clothing. You don't know whether it's reassuring or not that you're not magically transformed into a stranger.<<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Tulip Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
You pick up <<imgl1nk "the tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> from the bathroom floor and try to work out how to get into it. It's a difficult task - the material it's made from is semi-rigid to keep the structure of its delicate folding patterns in place so you're worried about breaking the material.<br><br>
Eventually you figure that it's probably safest to let it fall over your head rather than to step into it and pull it up. The feeling as it flows over you is truly weird - the material seems to crinkle over you as it washes across your naked body until it drapes all around you.<br><br>
/* The dress creates an interesting effect from the shoulders upwards - as the tulip-like pinks and blues fold away it looks like your upper torso is emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your shoulders feel strangely exposed in the skimpier waistcoat-like upper section.<br><br> */
The material up around the neckline and shoulders is so firm that it almost feels like a mantle, so carefully formed in tulip-like violets and blues that it looks like you're emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your upper-chest feels bizarrely exposed in the open air.<<br>>
Finally you come back into the main room and Simone smiles widely at seeing you in the outfit before her eyes widen and she hurries over saying @@color:#F9B7FF;"Don't worry, I can fix it."@@ You can't help but feel a little disappointed - you had thought that you did a decent job, but Simone has to spend a long time carefully checking every crease of the delicate patterning to make sure that it's falling the way that it's supposed to. While she does that, you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down - despite knowing full well that you're covered and can see as much in the mirror your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom being overwhelming.<<else>>You can't stop your mind from hyperfixating on the feeling of your bare genitals completely free and unconstrained under the clothing in what feels like quite an erotic juxtaposition with your clothed upper half. <</if>><br><br>
You try walking around a little hoping that it will resolve the sensation. It doesn't - instead the airiness is only increased. The crinkly layers under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.<br><br>
Simone brings over a pair of shoes and socks for you to slip into. Luckily your legs will be covered by the dress so you can use the most masculine of the Princess' footwear, but even //that// turns out to be a pair of little black pumps that leave the tops of your feet exposed.<br><br>
You look in the mirror and see... yourself in women's clothing. You don't know whether it's reassuring or not that you're not magically transformed into a stranger.<<unset $clean>>
<<unset $day2outfitChoice>>
You feel the carriage come to a stop and you can hear the sounds of people coming out of the nearby carriages.<br><br>
/* Simone just about has time to whisper @@color:#F9B7FF;"I won't be able to be in there with you. Please stay alive!"@@ before there's a knocking at the door.<br><br> */
You can see the panic rise to Simone's face, and she starts rambling <<simone "Oh gosh. I thought we had more time! I won't be able to be in there with you, I'm just a maid after all, so you'll be by yourself out there. Try to keep a low profile I guess, but if you can manage to make any strong bonds with other nobles that would be wonderful - that way they might stand up for you if someone else tries to accuse you of not being the Princess. Oh, and keep an eye out for the King and Queen, they-">><br><br>
Her words are interrupted by a loud knocking at the carriage door, and she quickly quiets herself so that she won't be overheard through the door. Through the tinted windows you can see an escort of soldiers waiting for you.<br><br>
After one last encouraging glance in your direction, Simone goes to open the door. As she does so, you're suddenly hit by the realization that this is it: In mere moments the soldiers will see you and that could very well be your life over. You can feel yourself sweating from the tension.<br><br>
There's not much time to decide, what demeanor do you take when the soldiers see you?<br><br>
<<if $auth gte 1>>
<<link "Confident; Superior; Regal. The kingdom's future ruler and absolute authority.">>
<<goto [[day2soldierSee]]>>
/* <<set $wolf ++>> */
<<set $day2demeanor to "authority">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 1 check - passed">>
<<hovertip "Authority 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Confident; Superior; Regal. The kingdom's future ruler and authority.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Serene; Kind; Elegant. The kingdom's beloved jewel.">>
<<goto [[day2soldierSee]]>>
/* <<set $swallow ++>> */
<<set $day2demeanor to "serene">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 1 check - passed">>
<<hovertip "Grace 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Serene; Kind; Elegant. The kingdom's beloved jewel.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
<<link "Enthusiastic; Naive; Innocent. The kingdom's adorable flower.">>
<<goto [[day2soldierSee]]>>
<<set $day2demeanor to "cute">>
/* <<set $rabbit ++>> */
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 1 check - passed">>
<<hovertip "Cuteness 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Enthusiastic; Naïve; Innocent. The kingdom's adorable flower.==@@<</hovertip>>
<span id="desk">(Hover over sections with <<hovertip "Just like this!">>dotted lines<</hovertip>> to see more information on skill checks. Be careful though - past this tutorial they will often not be so clearly indicated. A writer has to have //some// tricks up their sleeve after all.)</span>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">(Tap on sections with <<hovertip "Just like this!">>dotted lines<</hovertip>> to see more information on skill checks. Be careful though - past this tutorial they will often not be so clearly indicated. A writer has to have //some// tricks up their sleeve after all.)</span>
<</crow2>><<if $day2demeanor is "authority">>
You strike a haughty pose as Simone opens the door, looking down your nose at the three soldiers on the other side and admonishing them for being late. The fact that you have no idea whether they're actually late or not is irrelevant to the matter.<br><br>
All three of the soldiers stand straight to attention at the very sight of you before removing their caps and bowing low in respect. @@color:#79BAEC;"Our sincerest apologies, your Highness. We're here to escort you to the citadel."@@
<<if $day2demeanor is "serene">>
You adopt a welcoming pose as Simone opens the door, your shoulders behind you and your arms lifting outwards just like you practiced earlier. You smile and greet the three soldiers on the other side of the door pleasantly.<br><br>
All three of the soldiers remove their caps and hold them to their heart and you can see them smile a little at the sight of you before they bow. @@color:#79BAEC;"Good evening, your Highness. We're here to escort you to the citadel."@@ explains the leader of the three.
<<if $day2demeanor is "cute">>
You give a little hop of excitement as Simone opens the door, shooting a big earnest grin at the three soldiers assembled on the other side and remarking on how glad you are that they're here as you're so excited about this evening.<br><br>
All three of the soldiers remove their caps and bow slightly towards you with warm smiles on their faces at your sweetness. @@color:#79BAEC;"We're here to escort you to the citadel, your Highness. I'm glad that we can brighten your day"@@ says the leader of the three, and you can tell that he really means it.
<<if $voice is 0>>
Unfortunately, though you had managed your greeting well enough, your throat recoils from the attempt at speaking so femininely and you're shaken by a hoarse, rasping cough. The soldiers' eyes widen in shock, and for a horrible moment you think it's all over, but thankfully they don't rush forward to apprehend or kill you, just look at each other awkwardly in confusion.<<check "This could have gone better if you had practiced voice training">><br><br>
<<blue "Are you quite alright, your Highness?">><br><br>
Between coughs you just about manage to mention that you've just recovered from a nasty illness, so your throat is still a little sore. You thank your quick thinking and the soldiers seem to relax - you'll have to remember that line if it comes up later.
<<if $voice is 1>>
You can't help but be proud of the voice you'd used to greet the soldiers - it's a long way from perfect, but so long as it's for short bursts at a time you should be able to navigate conversations with relative confidence.<<check "Your voice training helped you to avoid embarrassment">>
As you step into the cool evening air the soldiers close ranks tightly around you. It feels silly to you at first to have three soldiers escort you when you can see the structure just up ahead not 100 meters away, but when you consider that there's an assassin supposedly lurking around suddenly you find yourself wishing that you had even more protection.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2soldierSee.jpg]]@@
The soldiers walk you along a short windswept bluff, and soon you're led through a doorway into the citadel itself.<br><br>
[[Enter the citadel->citadelEnter]]<<set $firmin to {}>>
<<set $firmin.name to "Citadel Tour Guide">>
<<set $firmin.desc to "A older gentleman in a faded red suit walking with a cane">>
<<set $firmin.facts to []>>
<<set $firmin.info to []>>
The heavy doors of the citadel slam shut behind you as you enter into an entrance hall. The space is large, mostly empty, and somewhat chilly. Since the citadel is still under construction it makes sense - none of the normal creature comforts that come with a space being lived in are present yet, and it feels somewhat desolate without them.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\citadelEnter.jpg]]@@<br>
Standing around in the room are about two dozen people. Half of them look like nobles who might be traveling along with the convoy - you can recognize some of the figures from the castle walls yesterday, whereas the other half are probably locals. You nervously scan the room looking for signs of the King and Queen but thankfully they seem to be elsewhere.<br><br>
Quite a few of the people in the room are staring directly at you and you shuffle awkwardly under their gaze, expecting that at any moment they'll shout at you in anger for being a weird crossdresser pervert imposter. You suddenly feel more aware than ever <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>><<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>of the airiness of your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs under the skirt, and the softness of the panties cushioning your genitals<<else>>of the airiness of your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs under the skirt, and the chilly air nipping at your exposed-feeling genitals<</if>><<else>>tightness of the women's clothing hugging your body, the pressure suddenly feeling claustrophobic as you panic that they might notice the tell-tale bulge in your tight trousers<</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $grace gte 1 and $cute gte 1>>You straighten your posture and fold your shoulders behind you like you practiced earlier, forcing a smile onto your face as you do so to try to look endearing. You can make out a few faces in the crowd smiling at you in return which eases your worries.<<check "Grace and Cute check - major success!">><</if>>
<<if $grace gte 1 and $cute is 0>>You straighten your posture and fold your shoulders backwards like you practiced earlier. A few of the more incredulous looking faces in the crowd seem a little more satisfied, but still keep staring.<<check "Grace and Cute check - minor success">><</if>>
<<if $grace is 0 and $cute gte 1>>You have no idea what to do with your body, but you think about what you learnt earlier and decide to let yourself express it rather than remain in the safety of impassivity by letting a shy smile reach your lips. While they still can't hide the fact that you're not what they were expecting you see traces of sympathy on a few of their faces, which is a lot better than the incredulousness from before.<<hovertip "Grace and Cute check - minor success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><</if>>
<<if $grace is 0 and $cute is 0>>You find yourself panicking in front of their gaze. You have no idea how to stand, where to hold your arms, what expression you're supposed to be making. You can feel cold sweat begin to bead on your skin out of nervousness. If the people staring at you might have had reason to be incredulous before then your reaction would give them all the more reason to be.<<hovertip "Grace and Cute check - fail">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><</if>><br><br>
/* <<section "firminFace1">>
The inspection lasts for what feels like minutes, but must only have been seconds. Finally a cough echoes through the hall and the gawking crowd find their attention drawn instead towards a stuffy-looking man dressed in a faded red suit and standing supported by a cane on the other side of the hall.
<<section "firminFace2">>
<<firmin "Privileged guests. I have been trusted with the honorable duty of leading you all through a stroll around the construction. If you would follow me, let us begin.">> he announces dryly.<br><br>
You can hear some murmurs of disappointment from the crowd as he stiffly turns and begins to lead the way. Clearly the nobles had been expecting something a little more exciting for the evening.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _firminFace1>><<br>>
<<print _firminFace2>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\firmin.png]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _firminFace1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\firmin.png]]@@<br>
<<print _firminFace2>><<br>>
</span> */
The inspection lasts for what feels like minutes, but must only have been seconds. Finally a cough echoes through the hall and the gawking crowd find their attention drawn instead towards a stuffy-looking man dressed in a faded red suit and standing supported by a cane on the other side of the hall.<<br>>
<<firmin "Privileged guests. I have been trusted with the honorable duty of leading you all through a stroll around the construction. If you would follow me, let us begin.">> he announces dryly.<br><br>
You can hear some murmurs of disappointment from the crowd as he stiffly turns and begins to lead the way. Clearly the nobles had been expecting something a little more exciting for the evening.<<br>>
<<pink "A walk around a building site? //Hardly// an occasion worthy of the royal tour, surely?">> Comes one voice close to you, to which another replies <<blue "Sounds like a //terrible// bore to me. I'm sure the King and Queen have some important meetings here tonight and their plans for the rest of us got ruined by the ruckus yesterday. Damned shame really.">><br><br>
In contrast to their irritation, you're relieved at the news. A boring tour of a boring place is //exactly// the kind of thing that you had been hoping for tonight - an event that will require as little socializing and scrutiny as possible!<br><br>
[[Begin the tour->citadel2]]<<unset $day2demeanor>>
The sound of the man's cane tapping against the stonework rings around the spacious hall as you follow him. The assembled group take your lead and begin to follow as well.<br><br>
The large echoing area together with your anxiety mean that every sound seems amplified, which makes it impossible not to notice the muttering brewing around you.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"I knew that she was boyish but //this//..."@@<br>
@@color:pink;"My goodness is //that// the hairstyle that people are wearing in the Capital? She looks like a man!"@@<br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Compared to her mother she's such a dog!"@@<br>
@@color:pink;"No //wonder// she never makes public appearances."@@<br><br>
You //know// that you shouldn't care - that you should be thinking yourself lucky just for still being alive by this point, but you still can't help but feel a little stung by the remarks. The thought confuses you a little - surely being thought of as unfeminine should be affirming your masculinity, right?<br><br>
You try to get rid of the thoughts. It //must// just be that you're sad that Simone put //all// of her effort into this outfit and they're not even appreciating it, that's all, right? You couldn't care about it //yourself//, surely.<<if $cute gte 1>> You notice your bottom lip start to tremble a little and quickly put a stop to it - you feel confident that that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't opened yourself up to your emotions earlier, and you immediately start regretting that you did so - it feels weird to have your innermost thoughts betrayed by your own body.<</if>><br><br>
The man walking with his cane ahead of you exits the hall and enters into a narrow corridor. You had hoped that you could remain aloofly distant for the entire tour, but you realize that the cramped walkway will force you to walk alongside someone else for the narrower section.<br><br>
Among the tour group there's two people walking alone.<br><br>
<<link "Walk with the young woman dressed in black lace">>
<<goto [[citadelElodieMeet]]>>
<<link "Walk with the young man with a roguish smile">>
<<goto [[citadelJacquesMeet2]]>>
<</link>><<set $elodie to {}>>
<<set $elodie.name to "Elodie">>
<<set $elodie.desc to "A young noblewoman who's into dark fashion and morbid interests.">>
<<set $elodie.facts to []>>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
You nervously step alongside a young woman who's walking alone. She's wearing a long black lace dress that cascades into ribbons around the hips as if imitating having been torn apart. The outfit's thin material does little to hide the curve of her ample breasts. Her youthful features are hidden under a wide brimmed black hat, from which a little lace drapes like a veil at a funeral. It's a pretty morbid look, but you hadn't noticed her staring or making comments before so she's still less scary than the others.<<br>>
@@color:#9370DB;"'Sup, Princess."@@ she says plainly as you draw near. You can just about make out two older nobles behind her suddenly tense up at her words - probably her parents reacting in shock to her referring to the Princess so casually.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>@@color:#9370DB;"Cool outfit. You look like you're a druid, about to do a sacrifice to dark gods or something."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond to the peculiar comment, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a peach. Peaches are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a flower. Flowers are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $voice is 0>>The girl bluntly asks @@color:#9370DB;"Is your voice okay? You sound weird."@@ You make a show of coughing and remark that you've picked up a cold. Luckily she seems to believe you, or perhaps just doesn't care, it's difficult to tell with her.<br><br><</if>>
@@color:#9370DB;"My name's Elodie. Good to meet you and stuff."@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodie.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
You nervously step alongside a young woman who's walking alone. She's wearing a long black dress with ornate lace detailing. The outfit's thin material does little to hide the curve of her ample breasts. Her youthful features are hidden under a wide brimmed black hat, from which a little lace drapes like a veil at a funeral. It's a pretty morbid look, but you hadn't noticed her staring or making comments before so she's still less scary than the others.<<br>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodie.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
@@color:#9370DB;"'Sup, Princess."@@ she says plainly as you draw near. You can just about make out two older nobles behind her suddenly tense up at her words - probably her parents reacting in shock to her referring to the Princess so casually.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>@@color:#9370DB;"Cool outfit. You look like you're a druid, about to do a sacrifice to dark gods or something."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond to the peculiar comment, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a peach. Peaches are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a flower. Flowers are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $voice is 0>>The girl bluntly asks @@color:#9370DB;"Is your voice okay? You sound weird."@@ You make a show of coughing and remark that you've picked up a cold. Luckily she seems to believe you, or perhaps just doesn't care, it's difficult to tell with her.<br><br><</if>>
@@color:#9370DB;"My name's Elodie. Good to meet you and stuff."@@<br><br>
<<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Introduce myself with the authority befitting a princess">>
<<set $elodieIntro to 2>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto [[citadelElodieTalk]]>>
<<hovertip "Authority 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Authority 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Introduce myself with the authority befitting a princess.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Introduce myself warmly">>
<<goto [[citadelElodieTalk]]>>
<<set $elodieIntro to 1>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "grace">>
<<hovertip "Grace 1 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<else>><<hovertip "Grace 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Introduce myself eloquently.==@@<</hovertip>><</if>><br>
<<link "Clam up, unable to think of what to say in response">>
<<goto [[citadelElodieTalk]]>>
<<set $elodieIntro to 0>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "none">>
/* <<crow2>>Often options which are unlocked with skill checks are generally better than other options, like these ones. Sometimes however they're just extra options, no better or worse than the others, depending on what your goals are and how you want to navigate the story. Think about your choices carefully.<</crow2>> */
/* @@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodie.jpg]]@@<br>
@@color:#9370DB;"'Sup, Princess."@@ she says plainly as you draw near. You can just about make out two older nobles behind her suddenly tense up at her words - probably her parents reacting in shock to her referring to the Princess so casually.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>@@color:#9370DB;"Cool outfit. I like the sickle. Is it real? You could totally stab someone with that."@@ When you tell her that it isn't she shrugs and responds @@color:#9370DB;"Shame. Weapons are neat."@@<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a peach. Peaches are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a flower. Flowers are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $voice is 0>>The girl bluntly asks @@color:#9370DB;"Is your voice ok? You sound weird."@@ You make a show of coughing and remark that you've picked up a cold. Luckily she seems to believe you, or perhaps just doesn't care, it's difficult to tell with her.<br><br><</if>>
@@color:#9370DB;"My name's Elodie. Good to meet you and stuff."@@<br><br> */
/* <<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Introduce myself with the authority befitting a princess">>
<<set $elodieIntro to 2>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "auth">>
<<goto [[citadelElodieTalk]]>>
<<hovertip "Authority 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Authority 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Introduce myself with the authority befitting a princess.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Introduce myself warmly">>
<<goto [[citadelElodieTalk]]>>
<<set $elodieIntro to 1>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "grace">>
<<hovertip "Grace 1 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<else>><<hovertip "Grace 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Introduce myself eloquently.==@@<</hovertip>><</if>><br>
<<link "Clam up, unable to think of what to say in response">>
<<goto [[citadelElodieTalk]]>>
<<set $elodieIntro to 0>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "none">>
<</link>> */<<if $elodieIntro is 2>>
<<unset $elodieIntro>>
You use everything that you learnt earlier to provide a dazzlingly authoritative introduction for yourself. Elodie seems somewhat immune to the effect, offering only a @@color:#9370DB;"cool"@@ in response, but you can hear some impressed noises from the nobles in earshot of you, and you can even make out one woman remarking @@color:pink;"Maybe we were wrong about her..."@@ You can't help but smile at having shut them up after all of the nasty things they they were muttering before.
<<if $elodieIntro is 1>>
<<unset $elodieIntro>>
You use what you learnt earlier to provide an eloquent self-introduction. You're quite proud of yourself, and you can sense that a few nobles in earshot are somewhat impressed, but Elodie's brief idiosyncratic reply makes it feel a little silly. @@color:#9370DB;"Cool."@@
<<if $elodieIntro is 0>>
<<unset $elodieIntro>>
You feel sweat begin to trickle down the back of your neck as you realize that you have absolutely no idea what to say. There's a few moments of awkward silence before Elodie rescues you. @@color:#9370DB;"Quiet, huh. That's cool."@@
The conversation between you lulls and the two of you walk in silence. Even though she's just a stranger you feel a little more comfortable next to Elodie compared to braving the muttering nobles alone.<br><br>
A short while later the tour guide leading the group comes to a stop and waits for the group to catch up with him, but to the nobles' audible disappointment it's only to give some boring speech about building materials and workforce statistics.<br><br>
While the group's attention is on the him you notice out of the corner of your eye that Elodie is trying to stealthily slip away down a side corridor.<br><br>
<<link "Follow Elodie and see what she's up to">>
<<goto [[elodieExplore]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Stay here with the tour">>
<<goto [[day2groupStay]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>>Your curiosity is piqued by the girl's escape and you can't help yourself from following her.<br><br>
Her dark figure slinks along the corridor ahead of you before turning down another passageway, and you hurry to catch up with her. However when you make the turn yourself you can't see her anywhere.<<br>>
It's weird, at her pace she couldn't have gotten far, could she? You make a few tentative steps along the corridor that you saw her turn down.<<br>>
Suddenly a black-lace-gloved hand reaches out from the darkness of a shady doorway and firmly //yanks// you into the recession.
/* [img[Images\Passage\elodieExplore.jpg]]<br>
You almost yell out in surprise but Elodie clasps one soft hand over your mouth to silence you, before moving one finger over her own mouth to signal you to be silent. She gestures with her eyes towards the way that you came, and you notice the sounds of a guard coming along the corridor, probably on a routine patrol. She must have pulled you away to stop the two of you from being caught!<br><br>
As the guard's lazy steps slowly go past, the two of you are pressed together as deep into the recession of the doorway as you can. You feel the heat of Elodie's breath on your cheek, and your body, quite of it's own accord, begins to document the places where you're touching. Your legs brushing together, her hand upon your face, her large breasts against your chest, their deep cleavage clearly within eyesight. As the tense moments linger you feel yourself becoming hard<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>> in your soft panties<</if>><<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>> under your dress<<elseif $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") and $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>><<else>>in your tight leggings<</if>> and panic that the gothic girl might notice, but you don't see any reaction from her.<br><br>*/
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\elodieExplore.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
You almost yell out in surprise but Elodie clasps one soft hand over your mouth to silence you, before moving one finger over her own mouth to signal you to be silent. She gestures with her eyes towards the way that you came, and you notice the sounds of a guard coming along the corridor, probably on a routine patrol. She must have pulled you away to stop the two of you from being caught!<<br>>
As the guard's lazy steps slowly go past, the two of you are pressed together as deep into the recession of the doorway as you can. You feel the heat of Elodie's breath on your cheek, and your body, quite of it's own accord, begins to document the places where you're touching. Your legs brushing together, her hand upon your face, her large breasts against your chest, their deep cleavage clearly within eyesight. As the tense moments linger you feel yourself becoming hard<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>> in your soft panties<</if>><<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>> under your dress<<elseif $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") and $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>><<else>> in your tight leggings<</if>> and panic that the gothic girl might notice, but you don't see any reaction from her.
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\elodieExplore.jpg]]@@<br>
You almost yell out in surprise but Elodie clasps one soft hand over your mouth to silence you, before moving one finger over her own mouth to signal you to be silent. She gestures with her eyes towards the way that you came, and you notice the sounds of a guard coming along the corridor, probably on a routine patrol. She must have pulled you away to stop the two of you from being caught!<br><br>
As the guard's lazy steps slowly go past, the two of you are pressed together as deep into the recession of the doorway as you can. You feel the heat of Elodie's breath on your cheek, and your body, quite of it's own accord, begins to document the places where you're touching. Your legs brushing together, her hand upon your face, her large breasts against your chest, their deep cleavage clearly within eyesight. As the tense moments linger you feel yourself becoming hard<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>> in your soft panties<</if>><<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>> under your dress<<elseif $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") and $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>><<else>> in your tight leggings<</if>> and panic that the gothic girl might notice, but you don't see any reaction from her.<br><br>
Finally the guard leaves and you both relax. @@color:#9370DB;"That was close!"@@ Elodie sighs in relief, before giving you an appraising look. @@color:#9370DB;"Why did you follow me?"@@<br><br>
You sheepishly admit that you didn't have any particular reason, you were just curious about where she was going.<br><br>
Unexpectedly she seems pretty unbothered. @@color:#9370DB;"Oh. Cool. I was going exploring. This place is pretty fucked up. You can come if you want."@@<br><br>
You weigh your options. You're pretty sure that the two of you managed to slip away without anyone noticing, so maybe you could afford to take a little time away from the group. It would certainly be a nice break from the anxiety of being surrounded by people to whom the slightest wrong move would expose you as an imposter. On the other hand, if word got to the Queen that you slipped away then you could be in serious trouble.<br><br>
For a moment you consider the idea of taking this opportunity to try to escape, but it doesn't seem likely. If the Princess had tried to escape nine times, and eventually only managed it <<if $jails is "stay">>with what looked like a heavily organized plan with accomplices<<else>>with what seemed like a heavily organized plan<</if>>, then your chances of escaping are minimal, and a failed attempt would spell disaster for you.<br><br>
[[Explore with Elodie->elodieHang][$swallow ++]]<br>
[[I can't risk it, return to the tour group->tourReturn][$day2route to "elodieHalf"]]<<run $firmin.info.pushUnique("elodieRoute")>>
<<run $firmin.facts.pushUnique("Presides over the Droarts' old citadel, where strange events occurred.")>>
Elodie isn't the most expressive person, but she seems to be pleased that you're coming with her.<br><br>
As she leads you through the corridors of the citadel she explains to you @@color:#9370DB;"I researched this place. It isn't a new build, they're just fixing it up. It used to be owned by the Droart family. Have you heard of them?"@@<br><br>
You hesitate for a moment, unsure whether the Princess you're imitating would have or not. Luckily Elodie is so interested to tell you about it that she doesn't wait for you to respond and turns to you, her dark brown eyes glistening with morbid interest as she explains @@color:#9370DB;"The Droarts were a noble family. They went mad and started kidnapping people before they got ousted. They'd do all kinds of torture and stuff to them. Isn't that cool?"@@<br><br>
You realize that she's expecting a reply from you. You don't get the sense that she's particularly murderous herself, but she definitely has macabre interests.<br><br>
<<link "Agree, dark stuff's pretty cool.">>
<<goto [[elodieHang2]]>>
<<set $elodieIntro to 1>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "Those poor people!">>
<<goto [[elodieHang2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $elodieIntro to 0>>
<</link>><<if $elodieIntro is 0>>
<<unset $elodieIntro>>
Elodie doesn't seem perturbed in the slightest at you not sharing her tastes, in fact she seems to revel in having drawn a shocked reaction from you. She takes the tone of someone telling a scary story at halloween as she continues @@color:#9370DB;"They say that nobody could even recognize the corpses they were so changed, even their family members. Really messed them up."@@
<<elseif $elodieIntro is 1>>
<<unset $elodieIntro>>
@@color:#9370DB;"Cool."@@ Says Elodie in reply, clearly looking at you with more respect than she did before. @@color:#9370DB;"I thought the Princess would be all prissy and stuff, but you're cool."@@
She turns back around and starts leading you through the citadel halls once more. @@color:#9370DB;"Come on. Let's see if we can find some skulls. Or some torture tools. Or something."@@<br><br>
The two of you explore the citadel for a while. You expect Elodie to be disappointed when you don't find anything particularly exciting - almost all of the doors that you come across are either firmly locked shut or blocked by building supplies, but she seems happy just to be exploring.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\elodieExplore2.jpg]]@@<br>
Eventually the two of you take a break, sitting side by side on the ledge of a balcony overlooking the cliff. Your legs hang over the side, with <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>the skirts of your dresses drifting together in the chill evening breeze<<else>>the skirt of Elodie's dress drifting in the chill evening breeze<</if>>. Elodie idly kicks her legs, her black flats hanging down suspended only by her toes to let her feet breathe - a feat which you daren't try to replicate with your unfamiliarity with wearing women's shoes.<br><br>
There's a soft, quiet intimacy to the scene that you're somewhat unfamiliar with. As your shoulders brush together you wonder if it's in part because Elodie thinks that you're a girl - if she knew that you were a guy the vibe would be ruined. A part of you can't help but feel a little glad that, for this moment at least, you've been able to experience it.<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"Jeez. You've got a complicated expression, Princess."@@ Exclaims Elodie suddenly. You quickly try to think of something to talk about to change the topic and divert Elodie's attention away from your conflicted thoughts.<br><br>
<<link "Ask about Elodie's family">>
<<goto [[elodieHang3]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $elodieHangAsk to 1>>
<<link "Ask what happened to the Droart family that used to live here">>
<<goto [[elodieHang3]]>>
<<set $elodieHangAsk to 2>>
<<link "Ask her cup size">>
<<goto [[elodieHang3]]>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $elodieHangAsk to 3>>
<</link>><<set $day2route to "elodieFull">>
<<if $elodieHangAsk is 1>>
<<unset $elodieHangAsk>>
You decide to talk about something relatively safe and normal, so ask about her family.<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"Ugh. They suck. All they want is power. We live a stable life. Rich, even. But all they want to do is curry favor with people more powerful. It's why they dragged me out here. Thinking that being next to royalty on a trip will make them royalty too."@@<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"I like to paint. Made some commissions. I'm good. I want to do it as my thing, but they think it would be a waste because it's not shit like mingling with people richer than us."@@<br><br>
There's a moments pause as she frowns at the thought, before turning towards you. @@color:#9370DB;"What about you? What are yours like?"@@<br><br>
You panic, not sure what to say, but to your surprise the words come easily to you. The queen, or rather, your 'mother' is such a tyrannical presence over your current predicament, and you have to change your behavior in order to appease her or be punished. It's effortless to channel some of that energy into a little rant about her.<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"Sounds rough. Being a princess must be weird."@@ Elodie replies once you've finished, and you find yourself oddly comforted by the words.
<<if $elodieHangAsk is 2>>
<<unset $elodieHangAsk>>
<<run $firmin.info.pushUnique("elodieAsk")>>
<<run $firmin.facts.delete("Presides over the Droarts' old citadel, where strange events occurred.")>>
<<run $firmin.facts.pushUnique("Presides over the Droarts' old citadel, where human experimentation occurred.")>>
You ask what happened to the Droart family that she mentioned used to live here.<br><br>
Elodie seems happy to talk more about morbid things. @@color:#9370DB;"They terrorized the area for ages, taking a person here or there every now and again. At least, some of the bodies they found were pretty old so that's what they think. Then one day 13 years ago they went psycho. Stole a whole lot of folks and went crazy on them. Like a ritual or something."@@<br><br>
She stretches relaxedly, seemingly completely at ease despite talking about something so grim. You can't help but notice her cleavage rising with the movement.<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"That caused a fuss. Too many people gone at once. Townspeople did the searching for themselves and by the time the officials from the Capital got here the locals had gathered together and sorted it out themselves. With fire and stuff. Pretty cool."@@
<<if $elodieHangAsk is 3>>
<<unset $elodieHangAsk>>
You were thinking so intently about Elodie's breasts that the words spew out of your mouth before you can stop yourself.<br><br>
You immediately feel like an idiot for asking something so stupid, but Elodie doesn't even blink. @@color:#9370DB;"Ugh. I know right? They're big aren't they? You wouldn't even know it to look at my parents, my grandmother on my father's side was stacked though - guess I got her genes. They're F-cup."@@ She explains casually.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
@@color:#9370DB;"I'm jealous of yours."@@ She continues, gesturing towards your padded bust. @@color:#9370DB;"A or B, right? Easy to find bras for. I can never find anything nice. Come to think of it I have a cute one on now though. Look."@@
@@color:#9370DB;"I'm jealous of yours."@@ she continues, gesturing towards your flat unpadded chest. @@color:#9370DB;"Petite is in right now. Do you even have to wear a bra?"@@<br><br>
For an awkward moment the world sits still as you wrack your brain wondering what the correct reply might be. Luckily she takes your momentary silence as a 'no' and continues @@color:#9370DB;"They're such a pain. Especially in summer. Come to think of it I have a cute one on now though. Look."@@
You feel like a pervert - hearing these kinds of intimate details under false pretenses feels like a crime, and it gets worse as Elodie hikes her lacy black dress forward to lower her neckline and lifts her bust to show you.<br><br>
Almost immediately, you have to shift awkwardly to hide your body's reaction. The bra is, predictably, black, though you're surprised to see highlights of violet in the lace. The thin black straps seem like they'd barely able to contain the large, heavy breasts that they snugly enclose. Patterns of lace criss-cross over the material, leaving some areas covered only by a sheer mesh through which Elodie's plump, curvy flesh can be seen. You can just about make out the shape of her wide, dark areolas through the see-through material, though the nipple is covered by lace.<br><br>
It takes several long seconds of dumb staring before you realize that Elodie awkwardly is sitting there waiting for some kind of response, and you awkwardly splutter out some kind of compliment about the material.<br><br>
As Elodie readjusts herself you could swear that you notice a little smile on her face at your flustered reaction, but you figure that you must have imagined it.
@@color:#9370DB;"Well."@@ Says your companion finally, turning around to step off of the balcony ledge. @@color:#9370DB;"They've probably noticed that we're gone by now. Better head back."@@<br><br>
[[Go with Elodie to find the tour group->tourReturn]]<<set $jacques to {}>>
<<set $jacques.name to "Jacques">>
<<set $jacques.desc to "A handsome young nobleman of carefree and slightly rakish manner.">>
<<set $jacques.facts to []>>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:45%">
You nervously move alongside a young man who's walking alone. He's a little taller than you and dressed in a patterned green shirt. A shortsword casually hangs in its scabbard from his hip. Unlike most of the other men in the group he's not wearing a jacket, and his shirt sleeves are folded up over his elbows to reveal his forearms. His shoulder-length dark brown hair tumbles around his youthfully handsome face. There's an athletic energy to his easygoing stride that reveals that there's a wiry strength to his fairly-slender body.<br><br>
He flashes you a carefree smile as you walk close. @@color:#3EA055;"Glad that you could join us. I was beginning to think that the crown princess had been taken out by that brigand yesterday and they hadn't had the guts to tell us."@@<br><br>
He gives a little shrug to himself as he continues. @@color:#3EA055;"At least then maybe you'd have the opportunity to skip out on all this. But..."@@ He flashes you another winsome smile. @@color:#3EA055;"It would have been a shame for me to have gone on this trip and not been able to meet the most sought-after woman in the nation herself. Though I imagine being such causes you all sorts of trouble."@@
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroque.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BaroqueMode)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
You nervously move alongside a young man who's walking alone. He's a little taller than you and dressed in a patterned green shirt. A shortsword casually hangs in its scabbard from his hip. Unlike most of the other men in the group he's not wearing a jacket, and his shirt sleeves are folded up over his elbows to reveal his forearms. His shoulder-length dark brown hair tumbles around his youthfully handsome face. There's an athletic energy to his easygoing stride that reveals that there's a wiry strength to his fairly-slender body.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroque.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BaroqueMode)@@</div>
He flashes you a carefree smile as you walk close. @@color:#3EA055;"Glad that you could join us. I was beginning to think that the crown princess had been taken out by that brigand yesterday and they hadn't had the guts to tell us."@@<br><br>
He gives a little shrug to himself as he continues. @@color:#3EA055;"At least then maybe you'd have the opportunity to skip out on all this. But..."@@ He flashes you another winsome smile. @@color:#3EA055;"It would have been a shame for me to have gone on this trip and not been able to meet the most sought-after woman in the nation herself. Though I imagine being such causes you all sorts of trouble."@@<br><br>
/* @@.img; [img[Images/Character/jacques.png]]@@<br>
He flashes you a carefree smile as you walk close. @@color:#3EA055;"Glad that you could join us. I was beginning to think that the crown princess had been taken out by that brigand yesterday and they hadn't had the guts to tell us."@@<br><br>
He gives a little shrug to himself as he continues. @@color:#3EA055;"At least then maybe you'd have the opportunity to skip out on all this. But..."@@ He flashes you another winsome smile. @@color:#3EA055;"It would have been a shame for me to have gone on this trip and not been able to meet the most sought-after woman in the nation herself. Though I imagine being such causes you all sorts of trouble."@@<br><br> */
You're a little surprised by the man's casual tone, and you can just about make out two older nobles in the distance looking quite mortified at his lack of airs - his parents you assume. It's somewhat of a relief to get to talk with someone who's treating you like a human.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"I'm Jacques. Pleasure to meet you."@@<br><br>
<<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Introduce myself with the authority befitting a princess">>
<<set $jacquesIntro to 2>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto [[citadelJacquesTalk]]>>
<<hovertip "Authority 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Authority 2 needed">>@@color:#797979;==Introduce myself with the authority befitting a princess==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Introduce myself warmly">>
<<goto [[citadelJacquesTalk]]>>
<<set $jacquesIntro to 1>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "grace">>
<<hovertip "Grace 1 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Grace 1 needed">>@@color:#797979;==Introduce myself warmly.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Clam up, unable to think of what to say in response">>
<<set $jacquesIntro to 0>>
<<set $nobleSpeak to "none">>
<<goto [[citadelJacquesTalk]]>>
<</link>><<if $jacquesIntro is 2>>
You use everything that you learnt earlier to provide a dazzlingly authoritative introduction for yourself. Jacques doesn't even blink as he gently inclines his head in a slight bow and replies @@color:#3EA055;"Charmed"@@, but you can hear some impressed noises from the nobles in earshot of you, and you can even make out one woman remarking @@color:pink;"Maybe we were wrong about her..."@@ You can't help but smile at having shut them up after all of the nasty things they they were muttering before.
<<if $jacquesIntro is 1>>
You use what you learnt earlier to provide an eloquent self-introduction. You're quite proud of yourself and you can sense that a few nobles in earshot are somewhat impressed. Jacques inclines his head slightly and replies @@color:#3EA055;"Charmed."@@
<<if $jacquesIntro is 0>>
You feel sweat begin to trickle down the back of your neck as you realize that you have absolutely no idea what to say. There's a few moments of awkward silence before Jacques rescues you. @@color:#3EA055;"I'm sure that you're quite tired from yesterday. I heard that you had felt unwell on the walls, and the disaster afterwards would make anyone worse-for-wear"@@ He flashes you a gentle smile and gives an encouraging wink, and you get the impression that the rescue was very deliberate.
<<if $voice is 0>><br><br>Thinking fast, you take the cue about being unwell yesterday to quickly stammer out that you had a bad cough, and that's why your voice is a little hoarse today as cover for your masculine voice.<</if>>
<<unset $jacquesIntro>>
As the conversation between you lulls you become aware again of the murmuring of the nobles around you. You can't make out what they're saying, but after they were so cruel earlier it's easy to believe that every half-heard whisper is saying awful things about you and you find yourself nervously biting your lip. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Jacques looking at you curiously.<br><br>
The tour guide up ahead comes to a stop and waits for the group to catch up with him, but to the nobles' audible disappointment it's only to give some boring speech about building materials and workforce statistics.<br><br>
While everyone's attention is elsewhere, Jacques takes a step closer and whispers under his breath @@color:#3EA055;"Isn't this place miserable? I wish I didn't have to be here."@@<br><br>
<<link "Nod.">>
<<goto [[jacquesExplore]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Reject his attempt at rapport.">>
<<goto [[day2groupStay]]>>
<</link>>You agree that you'd rather not be here either, to which he responds @@color:#3EA055;"Well then. In that case, I might be able to help-"@@<br><br>
Suddenly you feel his arm briskly wrap around your waist. You look up at him in shock, but he just has a warm smile on his face, as if amused by his own antics as he suddenly pulls you against himself.<br><br>
You're too confused to offer much resistance, but you're surprised at his strength as he lifts your body with relative ease - or perhaps he's just putting lots of effort into making the action look casual. With one arm already around you he hooks his other under your legs to hold you securely in a literal princess-carry.<br><br>
You can hear a few surprised gasps from the nobles around you as they notice his action. A woman exclaims @@color:pink;"Jacques, what are you-"@@ before being interrupted by an amused chuckle from Jacques as he suddenly bolts down an adjoining corridor.<br><br>
You're pressed up against his firm chest so can't quite see where you're being taken as he runs along the passageways, but the sound of the shocked nobles soon fades away behind you.<br><br>
Finally, after a minute or two, Jacques comes to a halt and releases you. He's giddy, both from the run while holding someone and from laughter at what he's done, and rests against the wall to gather himself.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\jacquesExplore.jpg]]@@<br>
You realize that in your surprise at being kidnapped so quickly and casually, you never made a noise or struggled for a moment, and you find a light blush reach your cheeks at the fact that he must think that you had been quite a willing captive. It also doesn't sit well with your masculinity that you were so easily manhandled.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Haha! Jeez, I'm sorry-"@@ He begins, but when he sees the look on your face he can't stop himself from a few more chuckles before continuing. @@color:#3EA055;"I'm sorry, but I grew up with as many fairy tales as anyone else - if I were to see a princess in as much distress as you were clearly in and didn't gallantly rescue her, then my whole moral compass would get out of whack. I brought you some time to calm down and relax away from the group."@@<br><br>
As Jacques undoes his top button to get his breath back, mainly from the laughter rather than the run at this point, you think about the situation that he's dragged you into with his foolish gallantry. After a little consideration though you realize that it might not be much of a problem - the Queen could //hardly// blame you for getting absconded with, could she? And he's not //wrong//, you //were// deeply uncomfortable. Plus, any time away from the nobles, where any small mistake could spell your ruin, is probably a blessing.<br><br>
For some reason the fact that he's actually helped you a little irritates you more than if he had gotten you into trouble. The blush on your cheeks and the pounding of your heart don't seem to be fading, which makes the situation even worse.<br><br>
You notice that Jacques has managed to recover himself and is looking at your complicated expression warmly. @@color:#3EA055;"Listen. I really am sorry, clearly I've caused issue for you. Please forgive my lack of restraint. But.. you could spare a few minutes, right? You still look like you could use a break."@@<br><br>
[[Let myself chill with Jacques for a bit->jacquesHang][$swallow ++]]<br>
[[Demand to return to the group->tourReturn][$day2route to "jacquesHalf"]]You hesitate, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your acceptance, but the thought of going back to the muttering nobles so soon is enough to make you bite back the snide remark that you had prepared and, with a sigh of resignation, let yourself relax against the wall next to him.<br><br>
As you settle in next to Jacques you see a smile flash across his face. Rather than the bravado of his previous roguish smiles though, this one seems almost bashful, like you accepting his invitation had been the //last// thing that he was expecting, and now he's flattered and doesn't quite know how to react.<br><br>
The little bashful smile disappears quickly when he catches you looking at him, and he coughs awkwardly to try to hide it.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"So, Princess."@@ He begins quickly. @@color:#3EA055;"Care to tell me why you were quite so anxious out there?"@@ The tone is conversational rather than accusatorial, but any trace of satisfaction that you had felt at having Jacques be the one at a disadvantage for once is wiped away by the tricky question.<br><br>
<<link "Lie and tell him that you're shaken by the attack yesterday">>
<<goto [[jacquesHang2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $jacquesHang to 1>>
<<link "Tell him that the nobles were a bunch of gossiping assholes.">>
<<goto [[jacquesHang2]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $jacquesHang to 2>>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
<<link "Try to play it off that you're just a shy and demure person">>
<<goto [[jacquesHang2]]>>
<<set $jacquesHang to 3>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<hovertip "Cuteness too low">>@@color:#797979;Try to play it off that you're just a shy and demure person@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $auth gte 1>>
<<link "Imperiously evade the question">>
<<goto [[jacquesHang2]]>>
<<set $jacquesHang to 4>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<hovertip "Authority too low">>@@color:#797979;Imperiously evade the question@@<</hovertip>>
<</if>><<set $day2route to "jacquesFull">>
<<if $jacquesHang is 1>>
<<set $jacques.protect to true>>
You explain that you're so shaken up by the assassination attempt yesterday that you were having difficulty keeping it together.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Jeez, how thoughtless of me."@@ Jacques remarks. @@color:#3EA055;"Of course, that was your father they were going for. No wonder you're messed up by it."@@<br><br>
You don't like the idea of the King being the topic of conversation - you've never met the man and it would be too easy for you to accidentally say the wrong thing. So you try to divert the topic to being about how scared you were for your //own// life. You can't avoid sounding a little self-centered, perhaps even a little ditzy, but you manage to shift the conversation.<br><br>
Luckily it seems like the idea of a princess in peril ignites something in Jacques' chivalrous spirit. He proudly rises from his lackadaisical lean against the wall and rests one hand on the pommel of the scabbarded sword at his hip.<br><br>
You're half expecting an absurd speech bragging about his prowess, but to your surprise what he says is fairly grounded. @@color:#3EA055;"I know it might not be all that comforting. After all, the attacker slew dozens of the royal guard and I'm just one man. But if it would ease your worries even a slightest, it would be a honor to try to find you and keep you safe should such an event happen again - if perhaps in only in making sure that you're not alone."@@<br><br>
The silence lingers after the man's words. You have absolutely no idea what you're supposed to //say// to something like this. Despite yourself, you find yourself more comforted by his words than you would have thought - the image of the Scarecrow Killer covered in blood mere feet away from you is still etched into your mind from yesterday. But on the other hand, if Jacques were to come find you at a time when you're not dressed up as the princess then he'll end up exposing you.
<<if $jacquesHang is 2>>
You explain that the nobles out there were being so judgmental towards you that you got quite overwhelmed.<br><br>
Jacques nods at your words. @@color:#3EA055;"I figured it might have been that. I heard that you avoid public appearances in the Capital. No small wonder, I only get dragged to these things every now and again and can't stand the two-faced cruelty of it all, I can only imagine how tough it must be right in the epicenter."@@<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Listen, I know it's tough but you shouldn't listen to those idiots. You're the Princess - any woman of noble birth will have had their every action held in comparison to you from the moment they're born. Any time they act improperly their parents will have been shouting at them that the //princess// would never do something like that. They've been primed to feel pretty spitefully towards you all their lives. It's not personal. They probably just can't get over that you're a real person and not an archetypical concept."@@<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Besides"@@ He continues, a touch awkwardly. @@color:#3EA055;"You look perfectly good to me."@@ The momentary hesitation and a slight stiffness to his posture makes the comment seem more bashful than anything, as if overstating his casualness on the matter.
<<if $jacquesHang is 3>>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>>Hiding behind the hood of your cloak, y<<else>>Y<</if>>ou channel some of what you learnt about being expressive and cute earlier today as you speak, and let your voice waver hesitantly as you explain your delicate sensitivity.<<hovertip "Cuteness check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>> You're surprised by how easy the acting comes to you, and realize that perhaps you //are// feeling kinda nervous and scared right now with everything that's happening, and you're just giving voice to a part of you that you would otherwise have suppressed in yourself.<br><br>
You feel a comforting arm on your shoulder, and look up to see Jacques smiling reassuringly at you. In spite of yourself you can't help but feel a little better from it.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"That makes sense. I'd heard that you avoided public events in the Capital."@@ Jacques comments, mostly to himself. You can see him deflating a little as he realizes that gallantly kidnapping someone of a nervous constitution probably only makes things more scary for them rather than giving them an opportunity to recover.<br><br>
He's clearly at a bit of a loss of what to say, and starts grasping at straws to keep the conversation going and cover for himself. @@color:#3EA055;"Uhh.. Books! I imagine you're bookish, right? All that time hiding away in the castle. I've read some books in my time."@@ Though not many, if his hesitation over the words is any tell.<br><br>
You nod in agreement, thinking that it's probably best to do so, though you hope that he doesn't catch you in the lie.<br><br>
Jacques lights up at your nod. @@color:#3EA055;"Have you perhaps read of the adventures of Guillaume le Beaumanoir? I've admired the man my whole life."@@<br><br>
You stifle a laugh at Jacques words. You //have// heard of Guillaume before, you'd struggle to find a boy in the country who hadn't. Even the illiterate would have it told to them by word of mouth. There's a great many stories featuring the courageous knight and his frequent, likely exaggerated, adventures.<br><br>
Of //course// Jacques would be infatuated with the stories. Now that he's mentioned it it's obvious from his behavior. Most kids grow out of playing Guillaume, it seems like Jacques might not have. It's irritating that he's clearly quite so //good// at playing the part, but you can't help but look at him in a slightly warmer light at this insight.<br><br>
However you doubt that a //girl// would have been told the stories, so once you calm yourself enough that you know that you won't laugh you tell him as innocently as you can that you haven't heard of the books, to Jacques' disappointment
<<if $jacquesHang is 4>>
You figure that the best reaction to the question is to avoid it entirely. A real princess would be //far// too important to have to deal with questions that they don't want to answer.<br><br>
Instead you hold your head high bark out a haughty retort at him - ignoring his question entirely in favor of berating the man for his uncouth behavior.<<hovertip "Authority check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
You see Jacques' casually-leaning spine straighten instinctively as your words wash over him - his posture stiffening obediently from your tone of voice alone. He tries not to let it show though, a grimace flashing momentarily on his face as he realizes that 'kidnapping' you may have been more than he'd bargained for.<br><br>
His reply comes back at you with exaggerated carelessness, as if verbally parrying your attempt to gain control over the conversation. @@color:#3EA055;"Well excuse me, Princess. Your humble subject is devastated to have inconvenienced you, I'm sure."@@<br><br>
You throw back another authoritative comment, and get another casual one in return. Soon you're both going at it, neither of you allowing the other to seize control of the conversation - you with overbearing dignity and him with lazy informality. Every strike is met with a fierce parry, and you can feel yourself straining in your efforts - though any passerby would think that the two of you were just having a conversation.<br><br>
Finally, just when you think that you'd struck a vital blow, with all of the flourish of a tournament winning swordthrust Jacques leisurely reaches into his waistcoat pocket and plucks a ripe red apple from it. As if not having heard what you said to him, he idly brings it to his lips and bites into the fruit, before offering it towards you.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Where are my manners? Care for a bite, Princess?"@@<br><br>
You find yourself scowling at the item in disgust. An ''//apple//'' for goodness sake?! What could you //possibly// do against such an implement of easygoing cunning? He has you completely checkmated and you know it. The flicker of a smile on his lips as he chews the bite of apple shows that he knows it too.<br><br>
What comes as a surprise is that you feel a smile on your own cheeks too. You hate to admit it but that had been kinda //fun//! You're a little giddy from the game, and can't bring yourself to feel a sore loser.
The mood between you lingers for a few long moments before it's interrupted by the loud noise of incoming soldiers.<br><br>
Jacques grimaces at the interruption, but you notice the confident smile from earlier return to his cheeks. Clearly he's more comfortable being impulsively adventuresome than talking.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Looks like our time is up, Princess. But I can at the very least buy you a few more moments of peace before having to go back. I'll divert their attention elsewhere."@@<br><br>
Before you can stop him he runs off in confident strides towards the sound of the soldiers. A few seconds later you can hear a chorus of shouting from that direction, which quickly fades as it gets further away.<br><br>
You're a little bewildered by his actions, and bristle a little at him presumptuously 'rescuing' you again, but you take what time he won you to breathe and settle down a little before, after a minute or so, standing up to head back to the group.<br><br>
<<if $jacquesHang is 1>>You realize that you never managed to reply to Jacques offer of protection from the Scarecrow Killer, which given his personality he'd probably take as assent. You hope that this won't cause issues for you later on.<br><br><</if>>
<<unset $jacquesHang>>
[[Go and find the tour group->tourReturn]]<<set $day2route to "stay">>
<<if hasVisited("citadelJacquesTalk")>>
Not wanting to show any vulnerability to the gentleman you tersely whisper under your breath that you're fine.<br><br>
In response Jacques lifts his arms in an exaggeratedly casual shrug at being denied as he steps away. @@color:#3EA055;"Guess I must be imagining things. Sorry, miss."@@
You can't help but be a little curious about where Elodie might be going, but you can't afford to investigate.
The rest of the tour passes awkwardly, but uneventfully. Every time you hear murmured conversation around you you find yourself tensing up, worried that they're gossiping about you. None of it seems as blatant as when you first arrived, at least.<br><br>
As the tour continues the group is passed along to a couple of different guides, specialists in various parts of the building process you learn, but you find their speeches too boring to focus on.<br><br>
You realize that you a have good opportunity to learn from the noblewomen around you, and start attempting to copy their posture as you walk.<br><br>
<<if $grace is 1>>
A lot of it is stuff that you already knew, but the variety of postures gives you plenty to learn compared to when you only had Simone as reference earlier today. After a hour or so, you feel like you've developed your skills.<</if>>
<<if $grace is 0>>
It's a little tricky, but after a hour or so you feel like you've developed your skills enough that you don't look like a total neanderthal in comparison.<</if>>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Grace skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><br><br>
<<set $grace += 1>>
<<set $graceBonus += 1>>
<<set $groupGraceBonus to 3>>
[[Continue->day2groupStay2]]The tour group comes to a halt in a large hall, and the guide announces that there's to be a short break before continuing. There's a few groans from nobles who had hoped that the dull tour might have been over at last.<br><br>
Not wanting to be caught in any awkward conversations you idle yourself off to the side<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>>, hiding yourself in the hood of your cloak as much as possible.<<else>> and try hard not to look too awkward.<</if>><br><br>
You hear his irregular steps coming closer down a nearby side corridor before you see him, as the older gentleman in the faded red jacket walking with a cane who had been the original tour guide approaches you.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Ahh. Princess."@@ He says as he gets near. @@color:#9F8C76;"I'm so happy that you could join us on our tour today. In fact, I was hoping that I might be able to speak with you in private for a moment, if you wouldn't mind..."@@<br><br>
Something about the man's demeanor sets you off about him, and the last thing that you want is to be trapped in a long conversation with anyone. You make an idle excuse and try to retreat away from him back to the safety of the group, but when you do so his hand suddenly reaches out and grabs you by the arm, stopping you where you stand.<br>
<<section "firminFace2">>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Now now, 'Princess'. The others might be too blinded by ambition to notice it, but I'm no fool."@@ His russet eyes seem to bore into you as he continues. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're not who you're pretending to be, miss."@@<br><br>
Your blood runs cold at the man's words and you look at him in shock. His intimating glare doesn't waver for a second. You glance over again to the crowd of nobles, but they're all too busy talking with each other to notice the affair happening nearby.<<br>>
Without releasing his grip he starts of pull you towards the corridor he came from. @@color:#9F8C76;"Why don't you come with me."@@
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _firminFace2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\firmin.png]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\firmin.png]]@@<br>
<<print _firminFace2>><<br>>
/* Something about the man's demeanor sets you off about him, and the last thing that you want is to be trapped in a long conversation with anyone. You make an idle excuse and try to retreat away from him back to the safety of the group, but when you do so his hand suddenly reaches out and grabs you by the arm, stopping you where you stand.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Now now, Princess. The others might be too blinded by ambition to notice it, but I'm no fool."@@ His russet eyes seem to bore into you as he continues. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're not who you're pretending to be, miss."@@<br><br>
Your blood runs cold at the man's words and you look at him in shock. His intimating gaze doesn't waver for a second as he glares at you. You glance over again to the crowd of nobles, but they're all too busy talking with each other to notice the affair happening nearby.<br><br> */
You hesitate as you consider your options. You could easily pull yourself out of his grasp, but he's clearly holding all of the cards in this situation. The fact that he hasn't told the soldiers and guaranteed your death by now is already a miracle - you're going to have to go along with him for now.<br><br>
As he leads you to a nearby doorway you weigh up how you should act around this man now that you're alone together. Should you keep pretending, or keep your dignity and drop the charade?<br><br>
<<link "Stop pretending. Now that the jig is up I can act like a guy again.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange1]]>>
<<set $day2eyeChange to "guy">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "Keep acting feminine but not princessy. I don't want to him to know I'm a guy.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange1]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day2eyeChange to "girl">>
<<link "Keep acting like the Princess. Maybe his evidence is circumstantial.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange1]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day2eyeChange to "princess">>
<</link>><<if previous() is "elodieExplore">>
Elodie seems a little disappointed in your response, but doesn't seem to take it personally. @@color:#9370DB;"That makes sense, you're a princess and all. Don't tell anyone where I went though, okay?"@@<br><br>
You take your leave of the girl and part ways, however as you attempt to retrace your steps back to the group you're surprised to see the tourguide in a faded red outfit waiting alone around the next corner.
@@color:#9F8C76;"Ahh, you're here sooner than I expected. Good."@@ says the older gentleman enigmatically.<br><br>
You look at him in confusion before trying to walk past him to catch up with the group that must be up ahead, but when you do so he flicks his wooden cane upwards to bar your way forward.<br>
<<if previous() is "jacquesExplore">>
You don't like the way that you feel around the man. Something about the way he had picked you up so smoothly makes your stomach feel weird, like butterflies are jumping around inside. You tell him that you're going back to the group.<br><br>
Jacques winces a little at your refusal, before exaggeratedly and lackadaisically lifting a hand to his breast, as if being shot in the heart by an arrow. @@color:#3EA055;"Ouch. A firm refusal."@@ He says, before flashing you a reassuring smile. @@color:#3EA055;"Don't worry, my pride can handle it."@@<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Though... maybe it would struggle with walking back into the room with you right away. Could you do me a favor and go alone and pretend that you fought me off?"@@ He winks mischievously at you. @@color:#3EA055;"I'll have a wander and a cigarette."@@<br><br>
Even when refusing him you still feel like you've being roguishly ran circles around by the man. You don't need to be asked twice to leave him behind you. Cheeks still burning a little, you turn on your heels back the way you came.<br><br>
However as you attempt to retrace your steps back to the group you're surprised to see the tourguide in a faded red outfit waiting alone around the next corner.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Ahh, you're here sooner than I expected. Good."@@ says the older gentleman enigmatically.<br><br>
You look at him in confusion before trying to walk past him to catch up with the group that must be up ahead, but when you do so he flicks his wooden cane upwards to bar your way forward.<br>
<<if previous() is "elodieHang3">>
As you wander through the halls with Elodie you're surprised to see the tour guide in the faded red outfit waiting alone around the next corner.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Took your time, didn't you?"@@ Says the man enigmatically, before addressing Elodie. @@color:#9F8C76;"I need to speak with the Princess, if you wouldn't mind leaving us. The tour group is up ahead somewhere."@@<br><br>
Something about the man's menacing tone seems to put Elodie on edge, and she takes a step in front of you protectively. You're a little flattered that she'd stand up for you.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"It's nothing worth making a scene about, I assure you."@@ He says at the look on Elodie's face. @@color:#9F8C76;"I'm sure the Princess is happy to speak with me, aren't you... '//Princess//'?"@@<br><br>
Your blood goes cold at the way he says the word. It's immediately clear from his tone that he knows your secret.<<br>>
You step forward and reassure Elodie that it's fine, despite it being anything but. Something about the time that you spent together makes the idea of being exposed in front of her seem awful to you.<br><br>
Elodie gives you a hesitant look, not quite believing you, but eventually nods and continues onwards down the corridor.<br><br>
Once she's out of earshot the man's demeanor shifts completely, all trace of pleasantly leaving him entirely.<br>
<<if previous() is "jacquesHang2">>
As you attempt to retrace your steps back to the group you're surprised to see the tourguide in a faded red outfit waiting alone around the next corner.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Took your time with the noble brat did you?."@@ the older gentleman sneers at you as you come close.<br><br>
You look at him in confusion before trying to walk past him to catch up with the group that must be up ahead, but when you do so he flicks his wooden cane upwards to bar your way forward.<br>
<<section "firminFace">>
@@color:#9F8C76;"The others might be too blinded by ambition to notice it, but I'm no fool."@@ His russet eyes seem to bore into you as he continues. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're not who you're pretending to be, miss."@@<br><br>
<<if previous() isnot "elodieHang3">> Your blood runs cold at the man's words and you look at him in shock. His intimating glare doesn't waver for a second.<br><br><</if>>
With a brisk @@color:#9F8C76;"Come in."@@ he pushes open the door next to him in the hallway with his spare hand and gestures for you to enter.<br><br>
You hesitate and consider your options, but he's //clearly// holding all of the cards in this situation. The fact that he hasn't told the soldiers and guaranteed your death by now is already a miracle.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _firminFace>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\firmin.png]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\firmin.png]]@@
<<print _firminFace>><<br>>
You realize that while he's clearly noticed that you're not the Princess, he hasn't mentioned that you're a guy yet.<<br>>
/* @@color:#9F8C76;"The others might be too blinded by ambition to notice it, but I'm no fool."@@ His russet eyes seem to bore into you as he continues. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're not who you're pretending to be, miss."@@<br><br>
<<if previous() isnot "elodieHang3">> Your blood runs cold at the man's words and you look at him in shock. His intimating gaze doesn't waver for a second as he glares at you.<br><br><</if>>
With a brisk @@color:#9F8C76;"Come in."@@ he pushes open the door next to him in the hallway with his spare hand and gestures for you to enter.<br><br>
You hesitate and consider your options, but he's //clearly// holding all of the cards in this situation. The fact that he hasn't told the soldiers and guaranteed your death by now is already a miracle.<br><br>
You realize that while he's clearly noticed that you're not the Princess, he hasn't mentioned that you're a guy yet.<br><br> */
<<link "Stop pretending. Now that the jig is up I can act like a guy again.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange1]]>>
<<set $day2eyeChange to "guy">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "Keep acting feminine but not princessy. I don't want to him to know I'm a guy.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange1]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $day2eyeChange to "girl">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<link "Keep acting like the Princess. Maybe his evidence is circumstantial.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange1]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $day2eyeChange to "princess">>
<<set $badger++>>
<</link>><<set $firmin.desc to "A older gentleman with an intense glare in a faded red suit and walking with a cane. He could tell that you're not the Princess.">>
<<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>
Despite this being a life-threatening disaster you almost feel relieved at having been found out. At least now you don't need to pretend anymore.<br><br>
You let your posture settle back into comfortable masculinity as you walk past the man into the room. For some reason it still feels weird though, the masculine gait feels unnatural in your women's <<if $outfit.set.types.includesAny("dress")>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>>.
<<if $day2eyeChange is "girl">>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
You maintain the feminine posture that you practiced in the carriage earlier as you nervously walk past the man and into the room.
You maintain your femininity as you meekly walk past the man and into the room.
<<if $day2eyeChange is "princess">>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
You gather all of the elegance that you can muster and walk past the man into the room with your head held high.
You gather all of the elegance that you can muster, but still end up stumbling over your feet a little as you try to walk past the man into the room with a princesslike demeanor
<</if>><<hovertip "grace check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2eyeChange.jpg]]@@<br>
The room seems older than the rest of the citadel, and compared to the spartan emptiness of the rest of the building site it's covered in a vast accumulation of somewhat mysterious looking items and texts, all covered in dust.<br><br>
<<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>
Your change of gait as you stop bothering to try to look feminine is enough for him to quickly realize your true gender. @@color:#9F8C76;"So the fraud is obscuring his gender in just as much deception and lies as he hides his identity, is it then? Both a charlatan and a pervert!"@@ he howls accusingly, full of spite and cruelty.<br><br>
You're about to offer a retort to his spiteful words, but he doesn't offer you a moments pause to do so in before his tirade continues.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"It's in your eyes, imposter!"@@ The man jeers as he walks up to the large desk in the center of the room. @@color:#9F8C76;"Maybe you're too stupid to realize it - the royal family don't have your common-born //<<print $pc.n.eye>>// eyes. You lack the revered dark-gray eyes of the regal lineage."@@<br><br>
You're shocked to realize that he's absolutely right! You and Simone were so busy getting ready this afternoon to realize it, but you've heard stories all of your life of the royal eyes, and had even noticed them in the portraits around the carriage yesterday. You curse yourself for having forgotten something so important.<br><br>
The man's intense gaze doesn't waver for a second. It feels like he hasn't blinked once since you met him, and you could almost swear that you notice his russet eyes glowing hungrily in the dim lighting of the room.<br><br>
<<link "Meekly try to appease the man to let me go.">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange2]]>>
<<set $day2eyeMood to "meek">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<link "Stay defiant">>
<<goto [[day2eyeChange2]]>>
<<set $badger++>>
<<set $day2eyeMood to "defiant">>
<</link>><<if $day2eyeMood is "defiant" and $day2eyeChange is "guy">>
<<include [[defiantGuy]]>>
<<if $day2eyeMood is "meek" and $day2eyeChange is "guy">>
<<include [[meek]]>>
<<if $day2eyeMood is "defiant" and $day2eyeChange is "girl">>
<<include [[defiantGirl]]>>
<<if $day2eyeMood is "meek" and $day2eyeChange is "girl">>
<<include [[meek]]>>
<<if $day2eyeMood is "defiant" and $day2eyeChange is "princess">>
<<include [[defiantPrincess]]>>
<<if $day2eyeMood is "meek" and $day2eyeChange is "princess">>
<<include [[meek]]>>
<</if>>You cross your arms together over your chest and hold your ground against the man. He may hold all of the cards in this situation but you're not going to let him take you for granted.<br><br>
<<if $voice gte 1>>
You staunchly defend yourself, explaining in a strong, feminine voice that he has no right to extort you like this.<<hovertip "voice check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
You staunchly defend yourself, explaining that he has no right to extort you like this.
However in your nervousness your voice breaks gruffly mid sentence, making the speech come off quite ineffective at maintaining your dignity.<<hovertip "voice check - fail">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
The man's intense glare doesn't waver for a second. You still haven't caught him blink yet. It's like your response is entirely expected and he's just waiting for you to finish.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"<<if $voice is 1>>You can speak as pretty as a lark but y<<else>>Y<</if>>our deceitful words won't work on me, wench."@@ he bellows as he rounds on you with all of the self-righteousness of a pastor condemning his flock. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're a conniver and a fiend, and deserve to rot forgotten in incarceration until your bones are picked apart by //vermin// for this vile transgression. Even //that// would be too good for you."@@<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"But..."@@ He continues, and his scornful expression changes to one more cunning. @@color:#9F8C76;"I don't owe the crown shit."@@ He spits on the ground at his feet to punctuate the point. @@color:#9F8C76;"I suppose that you can con them, or kill them, or whatever you're scheming - it makes little difference to me."@@ The rapid change in tone practically gives you whiplash.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"For that matter, it may even be in my interest to //help// you"@@ he sneers, seemingly amused at the concept. @@color:#9F8C76;"This place is my study, and I know some things about how to change a body. In fact I went to synthesize something useful just <<if visited("day2groupStay")>>after finishing my part of the tour<<else>>after you slipped away<</if>>."@@ He plucks a vial from his pocket and places it on the table.<br><br>
The words sound insane to you. There's no way such things could exist, even in wives tales about witchcraft.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I'll have you know that it's //science//. I've put too much research into this for it to be anything as convenient as magick. Certainly would have made my life easier if it was."@@ he snaps at your disbelief. @@color:#9F8C76;"I can give you the royal eyes and you'll be able to continue your ruse to its fruition, in fact I could even change you back if you come back here afterwards if you so choose. Or you can leave here without it and be found out the moment that anyone smart enough to trust what they see in front of them looks your way."@@<br><br>
You don't like anything about this situation, but he's right, leaving without that vial is a death sentence, but you doubt he'll just give it away for free.<br><br>
<<link "Exchange the vial for a favor.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeFavor]]>>
<<link "Beg him for the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBeg]]>>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Exchange the vial for the stolen gemstones hidden on my person.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeGems]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "If you use them here, you won't be able to use the gems elsewhere in the future">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Attempt to overpower the man and steal the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeOverpower]]>>
<</link>>You turn on the man as strongly as you can, shouting out words of outrage and intimidation. You can tell that the effect is somewhat reduced by the fact that you're still wearing <<if $outfit.set.types.includesAny("dress")>>a dress<<else>>women's clothing<</if>> but you try not to let that deter you as you defend yourself fiercely.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "hero">>
As you speak you find yourself entering into a combat-ready stance that you've developed from your years as an adventurer.
<<if $pc.background is "manly">>
As you speak you find yourself entering into the fight-ready stance that you've developed from your many barfights.
<<if $pc.background is "bread">>
As you speak you find yourself lowering onto the balls on your feet in the twitchy, fight-or-flight stance that you've developed from your years surviving on the streets in poverty.
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You're a lover, not a fighter, and don't know anything about combat, but you notice yourself entering what you think might be a battle-ready stance as you face off against the man.
The two of you glare daggers at each other, and though the fact that he has yet to even blink makes you feel like he might be getting the better of the stalemate, that just makes you more determined. After a tense few seconds you're surprised to see a look of begrudging acceptance cross his face, like you've earned his respect.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I don't know what you're playing at, and you deserve to rot in rightful incarceration until your bones are picked apart by vermin for this vile transgression."@@ he snarls warily. <br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"But..."@@ He continues, and his expression turns cunning. @@color:#9F8C76;"I don't owe the crown shit."@@ He spits on the ground at his feet to punctuate the point. @@color:#9F8C76;"I suppose that you can con them, or kill them, or whatever you're scheming - it makes little difference to me."@@<br><br>
You let your stance relax, mostly from surprise at his change in tone. As you do so the man plucks a vial of fluid from the desk in front of him.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"For that matter, it may even be in my interest to //help// you"@@ he sneers. @@color:#9F8C76;"This place is my study, and I know some things about how to change a body. In fact I went to synthesize something useful just <<if visited("day2groupStay")>>after finishing my part of the tour<<else>>after you slipped away<</if>>."@@<br><br>
The words sound insane to you. There's no way such things could exist, even in wives tales about witchcraft.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I'll have you know that it's //science//. I've put too much research into this for it to be anything as convenient as magick. Certainly would have made my life easier if it was."@@ he snaps at your disbelief. @@color:#9F8C76;"I can give you the royal eyes and you'll be able to continue your ruse to its fruition, in fact I could even change you back if you come back here afterwards if you so choose. Or you can leave here without it and be found out the moment that anyone smart enough to trust what they see in front of them looks your way."@@<br><br>
You don't like anything about this situation, but he's right, leaving without that vial is a death sentence, but you doubt that he'll just give it away for free.<br><br>
<<link "Exchange the vial for a favor.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeFavor]]>>
<<hovertip "You've acted a little too masculinely and defiantly to lose all of your bluster so easily">>==@@color:#797979;Beg him for the vial@@==<</hovertip>><br>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Exchange the vial for the stolen gemstones hidden on my person.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeGems]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "If you use them here, you won't be able to use the gems elsewhere in the future">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Attempt to overpower the man and steal the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeOverpower]]>>
<</link>>You fold your arms over your chest and do your best attempt at remaining dignified. You're a little surprised at yourself - he knows that you're not the Princess but in spite of that you're acting like one anyway. You decide to lean into it a little.<br><br>
<<if $auth gte 2>>
Thankfully you know exactly how to talk in an authoritative manner due to all that time practicing on the carriage's throne. It's effortless for you to give the man a regal tongue lashing so strong that you can see fear dawning on his face despite his superior position.<<if $voice is 1>> The effect is further magnified by your steady and confident feminine voice tone.<<else>> Your voice is a little shaky and masculine at parts, but your strong diction makes it almost irrelevant.<</if>><br><br>
Nevertheless, his self-righteousness wins out and he retorts @@color:#9F8C76;"You speak well for a commoner, deceiver, but you have no authority over the likes of me."@@<br><br>
Seeming to get into the swing of things, though you can see sweat pouring from his brow at having to go against your authoritative force of will, he continues @@color:#9F8C76;"You're... you're a conniver and a fiend, and deserve to rot forgotten in incarceration until your bones are picked apart by vermin for this vile transgression. Even that would be too good for you."@@<br><br>
<<elseif $auth is 1>>
Thankfully you practiced how to speak in an authoritative manner on the throne before, so manage to keep your dignity as you defend your position and your privacy.<<hovertip "authority check: pass">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<if $voice is 1>> Your voice is strong enough to maintain a feminine tone throughout, much to your relief.<<else>> Your voice gruffly breaks a little halfway through, which somewhat ruins the effect, but thankfully it looks like he didn't notice.<</if>><br><br>
The man hesitates a moment after your well-articulated words. You get the feeling that he wasn't expecting such grace from you and is rather taken aback. Finally he begrudgingly says @@color:#9F8C76;"You speak well for a commoner, deceiver, but you have no authority over the likes of me."@@<br><br>
Seeming to get into the swing of things, he rounds on you with all of the self-righteousness of a pastor condemning his flock. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're a conniver and a fiend, and deserve to rot forgotten in incarceration until your bones are picked apart by vermin for this vile transgression. Even that would be too good for you."@@<br><br>
Unfortunately you really can't think of any authoritative words to say to defend yourself so your dignified pose is compromised by you stuttering and mumbling a defensive response to the man.<<hovertip "authority check: fail">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<if $voice is 1>> At least your voice is strong enough not to give you away.<<else>> What's worse is that your voice breaks gruffly, making the attempt even more miserable.<</if>><br><br>
The man doesn't bother to hide his contempt at your attempt to appear princesslike. @@color:#9F8C76;"Your excuses are as feeble as your disguise, deceiver. You'll get no sympathy from me no matter how pitiable your posturing"@@ he bellows as he rounds on you with all of the self-righteousness of a pastor condemning his flock. @@color:#9F8C76;"You're a conniver and a fiend, and deserve to rot forgotten in incarceration until your bones are picked apart by vermin for this vile transgression. Even that would be too good for you."@@<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"But..."@@ He continues, and his scornful expression changes to one more cunning. @@color:#9F8C76;"I don't owe the crown shit."@@ He spits on the ground at his feet to punctuate the point. @@color:#9F8C76;"I suppose that you can con them, or kill them, or whatever you're scheming - it makes little difference to me."@@ The rapid change in tone practically gives you whiplash.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"For that matter, it may even be in my interest to //help// you"@@ he sneers. @@color:#9F8C76;"This place is my study, and I know some things about how to change a body. In fact I went to synthesize something useful just <<if visited("day2groupStay")>>after finishing my part of the tour<<else>>after you slipped away<</if>>."@@ He plucks a vial from his pocket and places it on the table.<br><br>
The words sound insane to you. There's no way such things could exist, even in wives tales about witchcraft.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I'll have you know that it's //science//. I've put too much research into this for it to be anything as convenient as magick. Certainly would have made my life easier if it was."@@ he snaps at your disbelief. @@color:#9F8C76;"I can give you the royal eyes and you'll be able to continue your ruse to its fruition, in fact I could even change you back if you come back here afterwards if you so choose. Or you can leave here without it and be found out the moment that anyone smart enough to trust what they see in front of them looks your way."@@<br><br>
You don't like anything about this situation, but he's right, leaving without that vial is a death sentence, but you doubt he'll just give it away for free.<br><br>
<<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Use your authoritative demeanor to demand the vial for free.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeDemand]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "Rare option for having high authority and remaining steadfastly dignified">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Exchange the vial for a favor.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeFavor]]>>
<<link "Beg him for the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBeg]]>>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Exchange the vial for the stolen gemstones hidden on my person.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeGems]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "If you use them here, you won't be able to use the gems elsewhere in the future">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Attempt to overpower the man and steal the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeOverpower]]>>
<</link>><<set $eyeChange to "beg">>
<<set $rabbit++>>
You're going to need that vial in order to survive, but can't think of anything that you can offer in return for it.<br><br>
<<if $day2eyeMood is "defiant">>
All your bluster and defiance leaves you as you grit your teeth and force yourself to placate the cruel man as much as possible.
Half intentionally, half collapse, you fall to your knees in front of the man as you beg him to let you take that vial.<br><br>
He rounds up his body towards you so he looms over you. A sneering smile is evident on his face as he jeers. @@color:#9F8C76;"Sniveling worm-slut. Precociously embroiling <<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>himself<<else>>herself<</if>> into vile self-serving schemes, but unprepared for the repercussions of <<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>his<<else>>her<</if>> abominable actions. Now look at you, worthless //bitch//!"@@<br><br>
You continue to supplicate yourself before him, saying whatever you can think of to try to gain his acceptance. You notice that tears are beginning to fall down your face unbidden, and move to wipe them away.<br><br>
As you do so, your eyeline lowered for a moment, you become aware of something. <<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>Despite having had so many vile words to shout at you for crossdressing, the bulge in the man's trousers is growing as he continues to throw insults down at you.<<else>>The bulge in the man's trousers is growing as he continues to throw insults down at you.<</if>> He's getting off on this! Worst of all, from your position on your knees in front of him it's mere inches away from you. You're probably imagining it, but you could //swear// that you can smell the rank odor of his sweaty growing erection.<br><br>
<<link "Try not to think about it. I can convince him without disgracing myself further.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBegNoSex]]>>
<<link "I can't afford to risk not using every advantage I can get. Try to appeal to the man's sexuality to get what I need.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBegSex]]>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<</link>><<if $begType is "vial">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
You plead to the man as hard as you can to //please// let you take the vial.<br><br>
Seeing the desperation in your eyes is enough to send the man over the edge. His face flushes and shudders a little. You realize that this is the first time that you've ever seen another man cum, and you look away as quickly as possible to try not to burn the image too deeply into your brain.<br><br>
It's not long before he gestures vaguely for you to take the vial and go - his interest in you gone, or perhaps he's just wracked by post-nut shame. You take it and leave as quickly as possible.
<<if $begType is "cum">>
<<set $sub += 2>>
<<set $vixen += 2>>
You plead to the man to cum for you. As you do so, you twist your body even more and stick your tongue out further still. A drop of saliva falls from the tip of your outstretched tongue to splatter <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>on the skirt of your dress between your thighs.<<else>>on the ground just between your thighs.<</if>><br><br>
Your enthusiasm seems to take the man off guard, and immediately sends him over the edge. His face flushes and he begins to gasp and shudder. You realize that this is the first time that you've ever seen another man cum, and you look away as quickly as possible to try not to burn the image too deeply into your brain.<br><br>
He collapses backwards into a chair, gasping from the exertion. After a little while of recovery he manages to vaguely gesture for you to take the vial and go. You don't need to be told twice and take it and leave as quickly as possible.
<<if $begType is "dog">>
<<set $sub += 3>>
<<set $vixen += 3>>
You don't know whether it's from not wanting to beg verbally; a ditzy misunderstanding of the man's order; a cunning trick to try to get this over with as quickly as possible; or if, deep deep down, you're kinda enjoying yourself and the power you hold over this man - but you find yourself leaning into the taboo.<br><br>
You lift both of your arms up in front of you, hands hanging limply to imitate the paws of a dog begging for food. At the same time you bounce your hips a few times from your kneeling position, as if a puppy jumping up excitedly for a treat. As you bounce, a drop of saliva falls from the tip of your outstretched tongue to splatter <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>on the skirt of your dress between your thighs.<<else>>between your thighs.<</if>><br><br>
The man's eyes open up for a moment in sheer shock at your audacious and shameless act. Then he's absolutely shattered by a mindblowing orgasm. His face flushes and he begins to gasp and shudder desperately. You realize that this is the first time that you've ever seen another man cum, and you look away as quickly as possible to try not to burn the image too deeply into your brain.<br><br>
He collapses backwards into a chair, wheezing from the exertion. You wait awkwardly for him to steady himself enough to continue the exchange. After a while though you realize that it doesn't seem to be happening - the power of your scandalous action really devastated him it seems. Soon you decide to just take it and let yourself out - you doubt that he'd complain after what you did to him.
[[Leave->eyeChangeBegLeave]]<<set $pc.eye.color to "dark gray">>
Once you're far enough away from the door to the man's study to feel safe you allow your legs give out beneath you and you stumble into sitting on the floor. That was... Intense.<br><br>
You just did things that you never imagined doing before - debasing yourself in front of a man for survival, all while crossdressing in women's clothing. The identity shock of having been a fairly normal guy just a day beforehand is staggering.<br><br>
Somehow, you realize that your cheeks are wet with tears, and let them pour. You'd never imagined crying being something positive before. It's always been something that you avoided as much as possible, you never really allowed yourself to feel //anything// deeply enough to let you do it. You'd bottle it up and it would either swirl inside of you causing damage over time or you'd let it explode out and hurt others. The gentle catharsis of letting yourself feel the emotions swimming inside of you is alien, but not unpleasant, and you're surprised to feel your strength of will returning to you much faster than you had imagined.<br><br>
Finally you feel better enough to really process what you did. You went into a situation where your very life was on the line, and despite everything you can't help but feel a little proud. What you did in there was //fighting//. It might not have been fighting in any way that you've thought of it before, but you refused to accept death and did what you needed to do to get through it, no matter what was necessary.<br><br>
Heck, you went above the call of duty and made the situation your //bitch//.<br><br>
A laugh escapes your lips at the idea. Making it your //bitch//. What a ridiculous thought. What does that even //''MEAN''// in a situation like this? All of your context around the word is so thrown off now that you can't help but laugh, soon uproariously and giddily. This too is cathartic.<br><br>
After you finally compose yourself you look at the vial in your hand. The liquid is viscous and opaque, and hardly looks appealing, but you figure that there's nothing else for it and after removing the stopper bring it to your lips to quaff it.<br><br>
As soon as the viscous liquid is past your throat your vision starts fading. Soon all you can see is flickering static. You panic, wondering if you've made the right move, but thankfully it's not long at all before your vision starts to recover again, and after a tense minute things seem to be back to normal.<br><br>
You stand up to peer into a nearby window. It's dark enough outside that it acts like a mirror and you can make out your reflection in the panes. You'll have to inspect it properly later but you're relatively certain that your eyes look a little different from before.<br><br>
You could do with a lot more time to process what you went through and how you dealt with it, but your situation doesn't afford you that luxury. If the Queen hears that you've been away from the group for this long then you're done for.<br><br>
As you begin to walk down the hallway to try to search for where the tour group might have gotten to you can't help but notice a slight swagger to your stride, even despite the <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>swishy dress<<else>>tight women's clothing<</if>> that you're dressed in. What you went through was scary and horrible, but you also had that guy wrapped around your little finger at the end there. Enough that you feel like //he// might be the one feeling more humiliated by the end of it - it's difficult to imagine any other way of approaching the event that would have turned the tables that effectively. It doesn't take away any of how weird you feel, but you can't help yourself from feeling a certain //power// from it.<br><br>
[[Rush to find the tour group->day2soldierSee2]]<<set $pc.eye.color to "dark gray">>
You stride confidently out of the room, the vial firmly held in your hand. You make it down the next corridor before the adrenaline gives out and you let out a breath that you didn't realize that you had been holding.<br><br>
That was a horrible situation, a situation where you were forced into compromising your own identity for your survival and humiliated yourself in terrible ways.<br><br>
... And then you turned it around.<br><br>
You're still not exactly sure how you did it. You just looked at his face and //knew// that he was powerless. De-fanged. Humbled.<br><br>
And you did it with your sexuality.<br><br>
And now you don't feel humiliated. You feel powerful.<br><br>
There's still a lot about that situation that was grotesque, and the memories of which will make you shiver in disgust... but somehow that doesn't make the power less potent. In fact it almost makes it richer - that it came from such adversity.<br><br>
You're going to have to think about this. For now, you inspect the vial which you won so daringly. The liquid is viscous and opaque, and hardly looks appealing, but you figure that there's nothing else for it and after removing the stopper bring it to your lips to quaff it.<br><br>
As soon as the liquid is past your throat your vision starts fading and you stumble to your knees. Soon all you can see is flickering static. You panic, wondering if you've made the right move, but thankfully it's not long at all before your vision starts to recover again, and after a tense minute things seem to be back to normal.<br><br>
You could do with a lot more time to process how you feel about the day's events, but your situation doesn't allow such luxury. If the Queen hears that you've been away from the group for this long you'll be in big trouble!<br><br>
[[Rush to find the tour group->day2soldierSee2]]You're disgusted by the idea of appealing to this man's base nature. You're already debasing yourself deeper than you would ever have imagined - you're not going to compromise your dignity further.<br><br>
Besides, even without resorting to such measures you think that the plan might be working. He's lulled into such a comfortable position from your miserable display - it's clear that he doesn't think of you as a threat in the slightest.<br><br>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
All it takes is one last push. You channel everything that you learnt about vulnerability in the carriage earlier and look up at him with the widest eyes that you can manage. Soon more tears begin to well up in them, leaving them dewy and sparkling.<<hovertip "Cuteness check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
No matter how awful this man is, or how hard he's getting off on this, even he's not immune to those eyes. He begins to fidget uncomfortably in front of them, clearly uncomfortable, before finally in an exasperated tone shouting @@color:#9F8C76;"Fine, whore! You can have the vial. Disarray within the royal family suits me anyway. Now get out of here!"@@<br><br>
Quickly, before he can change his mind, you grab the vial and get out of the room as soon as possible.<br><br>
You don't know how someone might look pitiable intentionally, so keep your gaze lowered to the floor and allow the man's desperate rambling tirades wash over you.<<hovertip "Cuteness check - failed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"-a wretched locust of a person, seeking only to ravage the crops of those who toil for honest gains. A slut-fool of a thing, too damned to trust in one's own guise so instead seeks to steal that of the noble and mighty. Truly the most-"@@<br><br>
The words quickly lose their sting, and soon the experience becomes quite boring. You're glad that you couldn't meet his gaze, because then it would be so much harder to hide your yawns as it goes on and on.<br><br>
Finally it seems like he runs out of steam. After a brief @@color:#9F8C76;"And... and... and..."@@ as he tries to think of more things to say it seems like he comes up blank.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Fuck it. You can have the vial. Disarray within the royal family suits me anyway. Now get out of here!"@@<br><br>
Quickly, before he can change his mind, you grab the vial and get out of the room as soon as possible.<br><br>
[[Get out of there!->eyeChangeLeave]]<<set $eyeChange to "tease">>
You're in too much of a perilous situation to leave anything to chance. This is too big of an opportunity to give up.<br><br>
You've always heard women mention how easy it is to get men to do what they want using their sexuality, or heard men complain about how their horniness gets them wrapped around women's little fingers. You suppose that this will be the test of that.<br><br>
How to go about it is a more difficult question. Clearly you're already doing something right by supplicating yourself before him - he clearly likes to feel powerful, or perhaps just loves to put down others. <<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>However it's not like you have any curves to flaunt, and though you being a crossdressing guy clearly hasn't put him off enough so far, you doubt that he'd be interested in your masculine body - not that you'd feel comfortable showing it to him anyway.<<else>>However you're still an imposter - you have no curves to flaunt and exposing yourself will make that clear to the man.<</if>><br><br>
You try to think of something that you can do, and quickly you find your mind focusing on Merat. The spymaster had done it with a lot more dignity, but he clearly shared this man's desire to see someone humiliated in front of them. Maybe they'd share other tastes?<br><br>
<<if $jailMerat is "open">>
You remember how Merat had made you open your mouth in front of him, and how his eyes had gleamed as he had watched you do it. You're not sure if the appeal was in being able to gaze at your pliant tongue and throat, or if it was in making someone do something so degrading - like a prize horse having it's teeth assessed before being sold. Probably both.<<else>>You remember how Merat had tried to make you open your mouth in front of him. You're not sure if the appeal is in being able to gaze at your pliant tongue and throat, or if it was in making someone do something so degrading - like a prize horse having it's teeth assessed before being sold. Probably both.<</if>><br><br>
You take a deep breath to steady your willpower enough to do something so humiliating, before opening your jaw and letting your wet tongue roll forward. You make sure to look up into the man's eyes, and then take it further, craning your body forward to exaggerate the angle.<br><br>
Any surprise that the man feels at your change of behavior is immediately swept away by deep, ravenous lust. One of his hands begins to massage the thick bulge of his member through his straining pants as he practically moans @@color:#9F8C76;"Oh yeah you slut. Show me that throat."@@<br><br>
You try to do as he says, arching your spine even further forward to give him the most clear view over your wet tongue and down your gaping throat as possible. This sends him into deeper frenzy and his hand starts to desperately and pathetically paw over his groin for more stimulation.<br><br>
You can't help but picture yourself in your minds eye - your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>dress pooling around your kneeling body<<else>>cloak furling out behind your kneeling body<</if>>, mouth agape, eyes still red from tears. The idea that that person is //YOU// is bizarre.<br><br>
Still, there's another part of you that feels somewhat //amused// by the whole situation. You'd gone into this so scared of what would happen, but now all your doing is opening your mouth to someone and they're like putty in your hands. If you had only done this to start off with then perhaps this whole situation could have been trivialized.<br><br>
Your thoughts are interrupted by a grunting from the man before you. Suddenly he shouts @@color:#9F8C76;"Beg for me. Beg for me!"@@, though the tone of his voice sounds more he's the one doing the begging.<br><br>
<<link "Beg him for the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBegBeg]]>>
<<set $begType to "vial">>
<<link "Beg for him to cum">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBegBeg]]>>
<<set $begType to "cum">>
<<link "Lift my arms up in front of me like paws and beg like a dog.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBegBeg]]>>
<<set $begType to "dog">>
<<link "I'm the one in control now. Demonstrate that fact to him - stop.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeNoBeg]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $vixen += 2>>
<</link>><<set $eyeChange to "begLeave">>
All at once, you close your gaping mouth and stand up.<br><br>
The man's stares at you, too caught up in horny bewilderment to even process what you're doing.<br><br>
You straighten out your clothing. Mainly to give him time to realize what's happening before you lock eyes with him again. Now it's you who gazes scornfully down at him, standing tall and proud as he's hunched over feebly grabbing his member through his pants, his eyes bulging pathetically in surprise.<br><br>
He's angry, clearly. There's no reason whatsoever that the situation should have flipped this quickly. He by all rights should still be the one holding the cards in this situation. He could get you arrested and killed on a moments notice.<br><br>
But somehow, you both know that he won't.<br><br>
You're the one in control of this situation now. His ego wouldn't have the //guts// to report you now. You're standing tall and he's nothing to you. Somehow you managed to twist this situation so that //he's// the humiliated one, not you. He'd rather forget this day ever existed than have to think enough about this event to punish you.<br><br>
The look on his face twists. Maybe he finally realized the situation. Maybe he just came - too close to the edge to stop himself in time. A pathetic, wasted orgasm. You couldn't care less at this point.<br><br>
With icy smoothness you grab the vial from the table and without even a glance his way you leave the room.<br><br>
[[You feel powerful->eyeChangeBegLeaveExit]]<<set $eyeChange to "demand">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
You see weakness in the man's demeanor and decide to jump on the opportunity. You rise up to your full height, <<if $outfit.set.types.includesAny("dress")>>even rising to your tip-toes a little since your feet will be covered by your dress anyway, <</if>>and glare down your upturned nose at him imperiously as you use the most royal phrasing that you can think of to demand that he give you the vial.<br><br>
The man squirms uncomfortably under the weight of your authority, flecks of spittle smattering his beard as he splutters in his rage, but seems like he still can't bring himself to say the no-doubt countless infuriated insults that he must be thinking of.<br><br>
Still, there's no way that he's going to simply admit defeat that easily either. For a few moments you both stand there in tense silence, staring each other down, then seconds, and soon it drags into what feels like minutes. Sweat pours down the man's face, and his veins are so protruded you can see them pump with every heartbeat. The man's eyes are bulging now - still unblinking despite how long it's been.<br><br>
To be honest, you're not sure what to do now. Doing //anything// would break the tension surrounding you and whatever spell your domineering tone of voice has cast on the man will be broken. You try not to let the tension show on your face.<br><br>
More time passes, and you can feel beads of sweat trickle down the back of your neck.<br><br>
Finally you can't stand it anymore. It feels stupid, but you don't have any better ideas. Still not letting your eyes waver for a second from the man's own, you make a step towards the table and pluck the vial from it's holder. You hear a crunching sound from the man that takes you a few moments to realize is his teeth grinding together in anger but he still can't seem to make a move to stop you as you take a tentative step backwards, and then another, before finally making a run for it out the door, slamming it behind you as you do so.<br><br>
[[eyeChangeDemand2<-Continue]]<<set $pc.eye.color to "dark gray">>
You beat a hasty retreat down the corridor. You can hear a howl of rage from the room behind you, but no footsteps come your way. It seems like the rage was at himself at having been unable to bring himself to stop you rather than a signal that he's coming after you.<br><br>
As you reach a bend in the corridor you hide behind it to gather yourself. That was incredible! With nothing but the authority of your words you'd managed to halt an enraged man - one who even knew that you weren't a real princess no less! As the tension leaves your body you can't stop yourself from laughing to yourself giddily at your success.<br><br>
After you finally compose yourself you look at the vial in your hand. The liquid is viscous and opaque, and hardly looks appealing, but you figure that there's nothing else for it and after removing the stopper bring it to your lips to quaff it.<br><br>
As soon as the liquid is past your throat your vision starts fading and you stumble to your knees. Soon all you can see is flickering static. You panic, wondering if you've made the right move, but thankfully it's not long at all before your vision starts to recover again, and after a tense minute things seem to be back to normal.<br><br>
You glance at a glass window nearby. It's dark enough outside that it acts like a mirror and you can make out your reflection in the panes. You'll have to inspect it properly later but you're relatively certain that your eyes look a little different from before.<br><br>
After a quick assessment that it's safe to go you start moving again. You don't have time to dawdle - if the Queen hears that you've been away from the tour group for this long you'll be in big trouble!<br><br>
[[Rush to find the tour group->day2soldierSee2]]<<set $eyeChange to "favor">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
The man smirks and relaxes a little at your suggestion - clearly getting a favor from you had been what he'd been trying to achieve all along.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I have a client traveling with the royal caravan. They need a top-up on their.. 'Medication'."@@ His cheeks crinkle for a moment after saying the word, as if amused at referring to it in those terms. @@color:#9F8C76;"But with how on-guard everyone is since the attack they couldn't make it inside the citadel to come see me. I need someone to deliver it to them."@@<br><br>
The request is //clearly// suspicious. You can tell that he's up to something unpleasant, else he wouldn't have to resort to such dire means to achieve it. Nevertheless, being a deliveryperson is hardly a difficult task and you count yourself lucky that his demand isn't something more risky.<br><br>
The gentleman picks up another vial, though the color of the fluid inside marks it as different to the one that he offered you. @@color:#9F8C76;"Place this on the back windowsill of the fourth carriage in the convoy tomorrow. I'll send word to my client that if they don't receive it they're to demand a full search of the Princess' carriage."@@<br><br>
You wince - before that detail you might have been able to get away with simply not carrying out his order, but this complicates matters.<br><br>
His bulbous eyes stare beadily at you for a moment longer as if judging your reaction. You still haven't seen him blink. Eventually he seems satisfied and gestures for you to take the vials, which you do.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Now get out of my sight."@@<br><br>
[[Leave the room->eyeChangeLeave]]<<set $eyeChange to "gems">>
<<set $stashedStuff to false>>
You remember that you still have some gems stashed about your person from yesterday, and offer them to the man in exchange for the vial.<br><br>
The man looks at you scornfully. @@color:#9F8C76;"So you're a thief then, are you? Squirrelling away whatever riches you can get your lowborn mitts on."@@ Despite his words he can't hide his interest in the gemstones and soon begins eyeing them intently.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Good hue. Decent clarity..."@@ He starts to mumble to himself as he inspects them. Soon he decides that his eyes alone aren't enough and picks up a telescopic lens from the table to peer at them through. @@color:#9F8C76;"Barely any cut marks, and of respectable size too. Must be from the Rothgard mines, though not recently, their standards have been lacking since their glory days..."@@<br><br>
It's a touch awkward holding the stones up to be examined so thoroughly, but it's a huge improvement over being the man's focus of frenzied attention yourself.<br><br>
Finally he concludes @@color:#9F8C76;"They're worth a pretty penny, but even more importantly I could do good work with them as a catalyst. I'll take your bargain, thief."@@<br><br>
He practically snatches the gems from your grasp before throwing the vial towards you with surprising nonchalance, which you thankfully manage to catch before it shatters on the ground.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"Imbibe it orally, and it won't hurt to be thinking about the royal eyes as you do so."@@ He says dismissively, seemingly bored with you now that something else has captured his attention.<br><br>
You don't want to be in the room any longer than you have to so quickly step outside now that it looks like you're in the clear.<br><br>
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeLeave]]>>
<</link>><<set $pc.eye.color to "dark gray">>
You leave the study, vial in hand. You try to walk with dignity, but soon your desire to be as far away from that awful man as possible overrides your ego and you hurry down the corridor.<br><br>
After you have enough distance away to feel comfortable you look at the vial in your hand. The liquid is viscous and opaque, and hardly looks appealing, but you figure that there's nothing else for it and after removing the stopper bring it to your lips to quaff it.<br><br>
As soon as the liquid is past your throat your vision starts fading and you stumble to your knees. Soon all you can see is flickering static. You panic, wondering if you've made the right move, but thankfully it's not long before your vision starts to recover again, and after a tense minute things seem to be back to normal.<br><br>
You glance at a glass window nearby. It's dark enough outside that it acts like a mirror and you can make out your reflection in the panes. You'll have to inspect it properly later but you're relatively certain that your eyes look a little different from before.<br><br>
After a quick assessment that you're safe to start moving again you get going. You don't have time to dawdle - if the Queen hears that you've been away from the tour group for this long then you'll be in big trouble!<br><br>
[[Rush to find the tour group->day2soldierSee2]]<<set $eyeChange to "overpower">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
You've learnt everything that you need to from the man and now you don't have to play along with his games a moment longer.<br><br>
You step forward and shove the man as hard as you can to try to send him sprawling to the floor.<<if $day2eyeChange isnot "guy">> The action comes as even more of a surprise because he's still under the impression that you're a girl, but despite catching him unawares he somehow manages to stay upright with only a step backwards to steady himself.<<else>> You're not expecting much resistance from an old man walking with a cane, but somehow he manages to stay upright with only a step backwards to steady himself.<</if>><br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"What are you playing at, fiend?!"@@ he shrieks in anger, his eyes bulging concerningly.<br><br>
Since your shove didn't send him backwards as far as you expected, there's too little space between you to do anything other than keep on shoving against him, using your body weight hoping to pin the man against a wall or something.<br><br>
However, instead of struggling against you he reels back and suddenly //thumps// his head forward in a heavy headbutt. You can't stop yourself from recoiling in pain and surprise as the world spins around you.<br><br>
Luckily you're not the only one damaged by the heavy blow you both spend a moment staggering in recovery. You got the worse end of the hit, but luck's on your side and you manage to steady yourself against the table. Your opponent is less lucky, and his teetering steps trip over his cane and with a clatter he goes sprawling to the floor.<br><br>
He's still conscious and raging - spluttering and bellowing on the floor as he tries to right himself. His skin has flushed almost purple in his anger and you can see veins protruding around his bulbous face. You're not foolish enough to miss the opportunity though and you manage to snatch the vial on the table.<br><br>
You've got what you need - now it's time to get out of here. Before the man can rise to his feet you run out the study door and back into the hallway. To your luck a sideboard is positioned just outside the door and you quickly prop it up in front of the doorway to block it from opening.<br><br>
The moment the blockade is set in place a deafening barrage of hammering begins from the inside. The old man is as strong as on ox and trying to clobber his way out! Luckily it seems to hold, but it won't for long.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"You'll regret this, you vile little creature!"@@ comes the man's shouts, barely muffled despite the thick oak door.<br><br>
You look around and once again thank your luck - this is a building site, after all, and there's a pile of bricks and mortar just along the corridor. As quick as you can you drag them over and manage to rest their weight across the door.<br><br>
The door is still being shoved against with great force, but you're confident that it'll hold for about a hour. You hope that that will be enough time for you to get out of here.<br><br>
<<link "Retreat and try to find the tour group">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeOverpower2]]>>
<</link>><<set $pc.eye.color to "dark gray">>
As you beat your retreat you remove the stopper from the vial that you worked so hard to get and empty the contents into your mouth.<br><br>
As soon as the viscous liquid is past your throat your vision starts fading and your escape is interrupted as you find yourself stumbling to your knees in confusion. Soon all you can see is flickering static. You panic, wondering if you've made the right move, but thankfully it's not long at all before your vision starts to recover again, and after a tense minute things seem to be back to normal.<br><br>
You glance at a glass window nearby. It's dark enough outside that it acts like a mirror and you can make out your reflection in the panes. You'll have to inspect it properly later but you're relatively certain that your eyes look a little different from before.<br><br>
As you renew your search for the tour group you think about your situation. If the man manages to break free before the tour leaves then you're done for. If he doesn't then you have some wriggle room.<br><br>
Best case scenario is that what he said and what you saw in that room is delicate enough information that he wouldn't feel comfortable sending messengers after the carriages. Even if he doesn't care and sends messengers right away, so long as they can't catch up with the carriage for a few days then either you'll have escaped from this situation already, or hopefully it'll just be taken as the ranting of a madman anyway as people will think that the Princess has been present and accounted for in the meantime.<br><br>
It's still a huge risk but what's done is done and you feel much better having gotten the vial without having to humiliate yourself or owe anything in return.<br><br>
[[Rush to find the tour group->day2soldierSee2]]It takes all of your effort not to lash out at the man for saying such shitty things to you, but he could have you arrested or killed at any moment. Clearly the fact that he hasn't done so already means that you have a chance of getting out of this, but you'll have to stay on his good side to get there.<br><br>
<<if $day2eyeChange is "princess" or $day2eyeChange is "girl">>
You bite your lip to keep yourself from scowling as you force yourself to bow your head submissively.
It feels humiliating and awful having to appease someone so hostile but you force yourself to bow your head submissively.
<<if $cute gte 1>>
You make sure to channel some of the skills that you learnt in the carriage earlier about being cute as you look up at him with wide eyes as you offer whatever apologies and excuses that you can think of.
You make sure not to meet his eerie gaze as you offer whatever apologies and excuses that you can think of.
<<if $day2eyeChange is "princess" or $day2eyeChange is "girl">>
The man makes a grunt of amusement at your actions. @@color:#9F8C76;"Typical wench. As submissive as a whore desperate for service the moment you're caught out. Well your fickle tongue won't get you anywhere with me, imposter."@@<br><br>
The man's voice is needling and cruel as he remarks of your behavior. @@color:#9F8C76;"So the impersonator even acts as wench too - shutting up and showing respect when a man's talking. As submissive a whore begging for service. Well your fickle ways won't get you anywhere with me, imposter."@@<br><br>
You've been insulted a few times in the past, but never so sneeringly. <<if $day2eyeChange is "princess" or $day2eyeChange is "girl">>You wonder if it's because he thinks that you're a girl, it's difficult to imagine him treating a man like this.<</if>> It would be so much easier to hear if you weren't doing //exactly// what he's accusing you of - humiliating yourself in front of him. You try to cling to the fact that you're doing it for an entirely important reason, but for some reason your brain snags on the fact that maybe the whores in this man's example might have just as important a reason themselves, and you might have more in common with them than you feel comfortable.<br><br>
Despite his jeers, you can tell that it's working. Since you started acting meek and passive his behavior has completely changed. Whereas before he was twitchy and menacing, he's now calmed down considerably and seems to be taking you for granted, letting down his guard. Despite the success it feels bittersweet - if this were truly a useless exercise then you could at least drop the act and hold yourself with dignity, but as it stands you can't afford to drop the submissive behavior and lose the progress you've made, even as he rains further abuse down on you.<br><br>
The man continues rambling at you with all of the self-righteousness of a pastor condemning his flock. <<firmin "You're a conniver and a fiend, and deserve to rot forgotten in incarceration until your bones are picked apart by vermin for this vile transgression. Even that would be too good for you, disgusting wretch.">> Occasionally you provide mumbled apologies and agreements to try to seal the deal, while the whole time biting your lip and clenching and unclenching your fists against your <<if $outfit.set.types.includesAny("dress")>>dress<<else>>leggings<</if>> in frustration. After a litany of other insults, he seems to finally run out of steam and comes to a stop, and for a few awkward moments you look at each other in silence.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"But..."@@ Says the man begrudgingly after some consideration, his tone very different to before. @@color:#9F8C76;"Since you're //clearly// not someone who could threaten me, I suppose that I won't impede you."@@<br><br>
You find yourself blinking in surprise at his change in tone. His eyes still stare at you with eerie intensity, but now his expression looks a little more appraisingly towards you, like he sees an opportunity. You try not to let your relief about his change in demeanor show on your face - you'd hate to ruin the opportunity that your humiliating appeasement has won you.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I don't owe the crown shit."@@ He spits on the ground at his feet to punctuate the point. @@color:#9F8C76;"You can con them, or kill them, or whatever you're scheming - it makes no difference to me."@@<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"For that matter, it may even be in my interest to //help// you"@@ he sneers, snorting in disgust at the idea. @@color:#9F8C76;"This place is my study, and I know some things about how to change a body. In fact I went to synthesize something useful just <<if visited("day2groupStay")>>after finishing my part of the tour<<else>>after you slipped away<</if>>."@@ He plucks a vial from his pocket and places it on the table.<br><br>
The words sound insane to you. There's no way such things could exist, even in wives tales about witchcraft.<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I'll have you know that it's //science//."@@ he snaps at your disbelief. @@color:#9F8C76;"I've put too much research into this for it to be anything as convenient as magick. Certainly would have made my life easier if it was."@@<br><br>
@@color:#9F8C76;"I can give you the royal eyes and you'll be able to continue your ruse to its fruition. In fact, I could even change you back if you come back here afterwards if you so choose. Or you can leave here without it, and be found out the moment that anyone smart enough to trust what they see in front of their eyes looks your way."@@<br><br>
You don't like anything about this situation, but he's right - leaving without that vial is a death sentence, but you doubt he'll just give it away for free.<br><br>
<<link "Exchange the vial for a favor.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeFavor]]>>
<<link "Beg him for the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeBeg]]>>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Exchange the vial for the gemstones hidden on my person.">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeGems]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "If you do this, you won't be able to use the gems elsewhere in the future">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Attempt to overpower the man and steal the vial">>
<<goto [[eyeChangeOverpower]]>>
<</link>><<unset $day2eyeMood>>
<<set $firmin.desc to "A despicable older man who gave you a potion to change your eyes.">>
It doesn't take you too long to hear the murmur of voices in the distance, and following the sound soon brings you to the hall where you all first arrived into the citadel, once again full of bored nobles.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\citadelEnter.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $day2route is "elodieFull">>
You catch a few odd glances from the nobles as you try to slide back into the group without causing a stir - clearly your absence didn't go //completely// unnoticed, but generally nobody seems alarmed.<br><br>
That is, other than Elodie, who comes over as soon as she notices you.<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"You good?"@@ she asks, as plainly as ever, though her look of concern tells you that she cares more than her curt words would imply.<br><br>
You make a vague excuse and say that you're fine. You're not sure if she believes you, but she doesn't call you out on it. Instead she puts her arms around you in a brief hug before being called away by her family.
<<if $day2route is "jacquesFull">>
There's quite a hubbub when you arrive - your 'kidnapping' by Jacques clearly caused a stir. Luckily it doesn't seem like much is required of you and your explanation that you parted ways and got lost on your way back seems to suffice with the royal guard.<br><br>
You can see Jacques on the other side of the hall getting a huge telling-off from another soldier, as well as getting an earful from his parents at the same time. Despite the situation he's in he doesn't seem to be particularly concerned. When he notices you looking towards him he even throws a friendly wave your way.
<<if $day2route is "elodieHalf">>
You catch a few odd glances from the nobles as you try to slide back into the group without causing a stir - clearly your absence didn't go //completely// unnoticed, but generally nobody seems alarmed.<br><br>
Elodie, who must have snuck back into the group before you, seems the most confused. Clearly she was expecting you to have gone straight back after parting ways with her earlier. She doesn't seem concerned enough to cause a fuss though, thankfully.
<<if $day2route is "jacquesHalf">>
There's quite a hubbub when you arrive - your 'kidnapping' by Jacques clearly caused a stir. Luckily it doesn't seem like much is required of you and your explanation that you parted ways and got lost on your way back seems to suffice with the royal guard.<br><br>
You can see Jacques on the other side of the hall getting a huge telling-off from another soldier, as well as getting an earful from his parents at the same time. Despite the situation he's in he doesn't seem to be particularly concerned, and you already get the impression that he'll get out of it unbothered. When he notices you looking towards him a confused expression crosses his face - clearly wondering why you took so long to return to the tour group. However he soon shrugs and throws a friendly wave towards you, despite the furious people around him.
<<if $day2route is "stay">>
You catch a few odd glances from the nobles as you try to slide back into the group without causing a stir - clearly your absence didn't go //completely// unnoticed, but thankfully nobody seems alarmed.
It isn't long before an official-looking gent calls out that the tour is over and everyone should get back to the carriages.<br><br>
The soldiers who escorted you into the Citadel step forward and once again take places around you.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"This way, your Grace."@@ Calls the soldier in charge, and the group of you start walking back out of the bleak Citadel and down the short path back to the carriages.<br><br>
<<if $eyeChange is "overpower">>With every step you take you expect to hear the sounds of the vile man that you overpowered coming to expose you, but thankfully it seems like he's either still trapped in his study, or he's disinclined to do something so overt when it could put him under closer scrutiny.<br><br><</if>>
As you get close to your pink carriage you notice a small gathering in front of the lead carriage. Other than a few unremarkable figures, likely servants, you can see two people who stand out: a broadchested man with a flowing mane of <<print $king.hair>> hair, and a <<print $queen.skin>>-skinned woman dressed in a halter-dress //far// too revealing for the chill weather - her heavy breasts practically spilling out of the slip of material.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>>
You feel your spine straighten in shock as you realize that it's the King and Queen! You desperately try to hide as deep in your hood that you can manage. You could have sworn that you saw the Queen looking your way! You can only hope that you look similar enough to the Princess at a glance that she can't notice the difference.
You realize with a start that it's the King and Queen! Desperately you stiffen your posture and try to look as 'normal' as possible. You could have sworn that you saw the Queen looking your way! You can only hope that you look similar enough to the Princess at a glance that she can't notice the difference.
Thankfully nobody calls out, and you practically leap into the safety of the carriage as soon as you get close.<br><br>
[[You made it!->day2carriageReturn]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
You could never have imagined how happy you'd be to see the bright pink interior of the Princess' carriage once more.<br><br>
You barely have time to catch your breath before Simone comes clattering out of a side room and leaps emotionally towards you, shouting @@color:#F9B7FF;"<<print $pc.name>>, you made it! You're alive!"@@ as she practically tackles you to the ground in a huge hug.<br>
You tell Simone all about the days events. About how rude all of the nobles were; about how you just about managed to convince them that you were the Princess;
<<if $day2route is "elodieFull">> and about how you befriended Elodie.<</if>>
<<if $day2route is "elodieHalf">>and about how Elodie wandered off and you lost track of the tour group following her.<</if>>
<<if $day2route is "jacquesFull">>and about getting 'kidnapped' by a foolhardy, but not unlikable noble.<</if>>
<<if $day2route is "jacquesHalf">>and about getting 'kidnapped' by a foolhardy noble.<</if>>
<<if $day2route is "stay">>and about how to stayed as close to the tour group as possible and learned a lot from watching people walk.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $eyeChange is "overpower">>You tell her about being trapped in that situation with that awful man, and how weirdly strong he had been when you tried to overpower him.<</if>>
<<if $eyeChange is "gems">>You tell her about being trapped in that situation with that awful man. You mention that you managed to weasel out of it with a cunning bargain, though avoid mentioning where you get them gems from. Luckily Simone doesn't seem to pick up on it.<</if>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>You tell her about being trapped in that situation with that awful man. You mention that you managed to weasel out of it with a cunning bargain, but avoid mentioning the specifics - you doubt that she'd be happy with you for doing anything to help that horrible man.<</if>>
<<if $eyeChange is "beg">>You tell her about being trapped in that situation with that awful man. You try to avoid mentioning how you had to act in order to get the vial, but somehow you feel like Simone sees through it anyway and she comes over to give you a comforting hug. You don't feel completely okay with Simone knowing about it, but the hug does make you feel better.<</if>>
<<if $eyeChange is "demand">>You tell her about being trapped in that situation with that awful man, and how you managed to completely flummox him using strength of will that you never could have imagined that you had in you just yesterday.<</if>>
<<if $eyeChange is "tease" or $eyeChange is "begLeave">>You mention, vaguely, about being trapped in that situation with that awful man, and about the vial that you acquired. You leave it as detail-free as possible, not wanting to get into how you acted in order to get your way. Simone cocks her head a little, clearly picking up on your evasiveness, but seems to notice that you're avoiding the details for a reason and doesn't pry on the matter.<</if>>
Simone listens in awed silence at your story, but when you mention the eye change potion she can't help herself from shouting @@color:#F9B7FF;"Goodness! You're right!"@@ in surprise. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Your eyes are a completely different color! You look just like a member of the royal family now!"@@<br><br>
You haven't had a chance to see them properly yourself yet, so you move over to a mirror and see that she's right - your bright <<print $pc.n.eye>> eyes are <<print $pc.n.eye>> no longer. Instead your irises are a striking dark gray.<br><br>
[[It worked!->day2carriageReturn2]]You can barely hide your grin as you realize that you can finally get out of this ridiculous outfit. You hope that you never have to wear women's clothing again.<<br>>
/* Finally, it's time to get out of these women's clothing, for what will hopefully be the last time you'll have to wear such things.<br><br> */
Simone steps forward and begins @@color:#F9B7FF;"Would you like me to help you to undre-"@@ before suddenly being unable to continue the sentence. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Un- Un- Undress-"@@ she attempts, her voice getting weaker and her face turning pinker as she realizes what she's saying before with a squeaked @@color:#F9B7FF;"I- I'll finish getting dinner ready."@@ she runs off to the kitchen.<br><br>
<<if $simone.dressedYou is 0>>She'd seemed comfortable with the idea of dressing you earlier, but //undressing//, despite being the same in reverse, seems like it must be too loaded a term for her.<<else>>She'd offered to dress you earlier pretty well, but the idea of offering to //undress// you must be too loaded a term for her.<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") isnot true>> That or she just remembered your lack of undergarments.<</if>><</if>><br><br>
You find the prisoners rags that you wore earlier folded neatly in the corner, which feels absurd given the torn and dirty state that they're in, and move to the bathroom to change.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>><<set $outfit.padding to false>>The first thing that you do is to reach down your front and take out the two lumps of padding used to add bust to your outfit, practically throwing them across the room as you heave a sigh of relief at your freedom. It wasn't that they had been particularly uncomfortable, but having something hanging at your chest made you feel weird every time that you noticed them.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail2">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Dirty Hempen Smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "dirty hempen smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Torn Britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "torn britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
You unhook the little accessories attached to the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> and lift the cloak off your shoulders before beginning the task of wriggling out of your tight brown leggings and top. You've never been so constrained so tightly before, but, while the cool air on your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is nice, you're surprised by how little relief you feel at being free. In fact, there isn't much to feel relief //from// - while it had felt weirdly tight to begin with, over time you'd grown quite used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body.<br><br>
You start to pull off the tight leggings, <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>revealing your average penis. You grimace at the sight of it - it doesn't look so average at the moment - constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it's pressed into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the word 'cute' from your mind as quickly as possible - you never want to hear //that// word applied to your junk ever again.
<<else>>revealing your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. The bulge of the panties looks smaller than usual for a moment, your junk having been constrained by the material tightly enough to press it into a little bundle, and for a second you can't help but notice how feminine and cute it looks. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>><br><br>As you wriggle further out of your leggings, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs, lightly pinkened by the tight fabric and soft to the touch, are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against the silky skin, and in turn feel yourself being rubbed against. You desperately try not to think about how good it feels.<<else>> You quickly manage to wriggle out of the rest of your leggings without issue.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail2">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Dirty Hempen Smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "dirty hempen smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Torn Britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "torn britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the Princess' <<imgl1nk "dress" "peachImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the sashes and zippers to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the soft fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon - your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the peach material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail2">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Dirty Hempen Smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "dirty hempen smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Torn Britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "torn britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the Princess' <<imgl1nk "dress" "tulipImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the crinkly fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, looks so delicate as it emerges from the violet material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
After undressing you slip your prison rags back on. You feel like you should be feeling a wave of relief at being in mens clothing again, but to be honest the state of the ratty items means that they just feel kinda scratchy and gross in comparison.<br><br>
[[Step back into the main room->day2carriageReturn3]]As you re-enter the main room you see Simone finishing setting the table, a beautiful dinner prepared in the center.
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Dinner's ready! Come along and get some food in you!"@@ she calls out happily, and you quickly go to join her.<br><br>
The food is delicious, and you tear through it so ravenously that you surprise yourself. You wonder if perhaps your change in eye color might have relied on your body's store of energy to work - you can't remember feeling this hungry in all of your life.<br><br>
Thankfully there's plenty of food to go around, and soon you're full and content. You look over to Simone and notice that you've finished eating long before her.<br><br>
Just like yesterday, it seems the prudent thing to do is to make some conversation.<br>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
<br>[[Talk about Elodie->simoneChatDay2][$simoneDay2chat to "elodie"]]
<<if def $jacques.name>>
<br>[[Talk about Jacques->simoneChatDay2][$simoneDay2chat to "jacques"]]
<br>[[Talk about my change in eye color->simoneChatDay2][$simoneDay2chat to "eyeChange"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("maid") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask if Simone likes being a maid->simoneChatDay2][$simoneDay2chat to "maid"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("family") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about her family->simoneChatDay2][$simoneDay2chat to "family"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("acc") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about the accessories covering her maid outfit->simoneChatDay2][$simoneDay2chat to "acc"]]
<</if>><<if $simoneDay2chat is "maid">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMaid]]>>
<<if $simoneDay2chat is "family">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkFamily]]>>
<<if $simoneDay2chat is "acc">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkAcc]]>>
<<if $simoneDay2chat is "elodie">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkElodie]]>>
<<if $simoneDay2chat is "jacques">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkJacques]]>>
<<if $simoneDay2chat is "eyeChange">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkEyeChange]]>>
<<unset $simoneDay2chat>>
[[Continue->simoneDay2SleepBegin]]It's begun to get dark in the carriage, so you and Simone begin thinking about turning in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Which bed will you be taking tonight?"@@ Simone asks, stifling a yawn.<br><br>
<<include [[sleepOptions]]>><<set $day to 3>>
After checking that you're safely hidden from view, Simone goes to open the door, and once again you overhear the morning's conversation.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Good morning miss."@@ comes the same masculine voice from yesterday morning. @@color:#79BAEC;"It's a wonderful day for-"@@<br><br>
Simone even doesn't let him finish the sentence. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Is he back? Has Robiers returned?"@@<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Uh, no. I'm afraid not. Still AWOL. I think the higher ups are beginning to get concerned, but he's earned some leeway for his years of service. I'm sure it won't be long now."@@<br><br>
You hear an audible sigh from Simone, but the soldier continues steadfastly, clearly a little put off at having been interrupted.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Anyway. The Queen wanted me to give the Princess a report. I take it that she's..."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"In the bath again."@@ Simone says quickly, and then, feeling that a little more might be necessary, she rambles on @@color:#F9B7FF;"Y-you know how //girls// are, always want to be umm... clean... you know."@@<br><br>
There's an awkward pause as the soldier considers this. Finally he concludes @@color:#79BAEC;"I suppose that's true. They don't tend to enjoy getting muddy like the boys do. Please pass this on with my regards."@@<br><br>
You hear a rustling of paper from the doorway. It sounds like he has a written report today, and his voice continues flatly as if reading verbatim.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen was delighted to hear that you wore something a little more appropriate yesterday, though wanted me to express that the clothes were still decisively out-of-fashion.
<<if $nobleSpeak is "auth">>She was overjoyed at least to hear that you spoke in a manner appropriate to the authority of the throne in front of the nobles<<if $voice is 0>>, though concerned of reports of 'gruffness'<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $nobleSpeak is "grace">>She was overjoyed to hear that you spoke gracefully in front of the nobles<<if $voice is 0>>, though concerned of reports of 'gruffness'<</if>>.<</if>>
<<if $nobleSpeak is "none">>She was disappointed however at hearing that you 'clammed up' in front of the nobles. Such a thing isn't appropriate for a princess and if she doesn't find a way to talk with the charisma the Queen knows she has then the Queen will have to have strong words with her.<<if $voice is 0>> The Queen was particularly concerned of reports of 'gruffness' at the few times that she cared to speak.<</if>><</if>>
<<if $voice is 0>> You figure that the 'gruffness' that was reported was probably your masculine voice pitch, and the queen didn't know how to interpret the vague description she was given.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $day2route is "jacquesFull">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease">>
@@color:#79BAEC;"While the Queen is sympathetic to the fact that you were absconded with, she knows quite well that with your capabilities you could still have come back //much// earlier than you did. She was at least glad to receive a glowing report that you spent at least //some// of that time with the citadel warden, who spoke highly of his chat with you."@@
@@color:#79BAEC;"While the Queen is sympathetic to the fact that you were absconded with, she knows quite well that with your capabilities you could still have come back //much// earlier than you did, and is outraged at your avoidance of your duties."@@
<<if $day2route is "jacquesHalf">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease">>
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen is sorry to hear that you were absconded with, and she was delighted to receive a glowing report that you spent time with the citadel warden, who spoke highly of his chat with you."@@
@@color:#79BAEC;"While the Queen is sympathetic to the fact that you were absconded with, she knows quite well that with your capabilities you could still have come back earlier than you did, and is displeased at your avoidance of your duties."@@
<<if $day2route is "elodieFull">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease">>
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen is //very// displeased to hear that you were notably absent for almost the whole tour, though glad to have received a glowing report that at least //some// of that time was spent with the citadel warden, who spoke highly of his chat with you."@@
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen was outraged at hearing that you were notably absent for almost the entire tour. Such avoidance of your duties is absolutely disgraceful and such disobedience will not be tolerated."@@
<<if $day2route is "elodieHalf">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease">>
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen is concerned to hear that you were absent for some of the tour, though glad to have received a glowing report that you managed to spend some time with the citadel warden, who spoke highly of his chat with you."@@
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen was disappointed at hearing that you were absent for some the tour, and is upset at your avoidance of duties."@@
<<if $day2route is "stay">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease">>
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen was happy to hear that you remained for almost the entirety of the tour, and overjoyed to receive a glowing report that you spent some time with the citadel warden, who spoke very highly of his chat with you."@@
@@color:#79BAEC;"The Queen was overall pleased to hear that you remained for almost the entirety of the tour, though notes that you still found a way to ruin it by disappearing near the end."@@
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "gems" or $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>You're happy to hear that the tour guide helped bail you out, though you're sure that it's just to secure your half of the bargain.<</if>><<if $eyeChange is "gems">>You're happy to hear that the tour guide was pleased enough with your stolen goods to send a recommendation.<</if>><<if $eyeChange is "beg">>You grimace at hearing that the tour guide sent a good report after you left. It feels like a power move - a way to sickeningly demonstrate that he still has power over you.<</if>><<if $eyeChange is "tease">><<if $begType is "vial">>You're shocked to hear that the tour guide sent a good report after you. It's like a gross power move, trying to exert his control over you.<</if>><<if $begType is "cum">>You're surprised to hear that the tour guide sent a good report after you. It's like a power move, desperately trying to establish that //he// was the one in control yesterday. You're not sure if he succeeded.<</if>><<if $begType is "dog">>You're surprised to hear that the tour guide sent a good report after you. It seems like you really managed to wrap him around your little finger, that or he's just currying favor to ensure that word of his shameful behavior doesn't get out.<</if>><</if>>
You grind your teeth in frustration at being reprimanded so severely for your absence when your time being held up by the tour guide wasn't your fault.<<hovertip "Maybe if the citadel warden had a better impression of you, he'd have spoken in your support here">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<set $day2score to 0>>
<<if $voice is 0>><<set $day2score += 1>><</if>>
<<if $nobleSpeak is "grace">><<set $day2score += 1>><</if>>
<<if $nobleSpeak is "none">><<set $day2score += 3>><</if>>
<<unset $nobleSpeak>>
<<if $day2route is "elodieHalf">><<set $day2score += 3>><</if>>
<<if $day2route is "elodieFull">><<set $day2score += 5>><</if>>
<<if $day2route is "jacquesHalf">><<set $day2score += 2>><</if>>
<<if $day2route is "jacquesFull">><<set $day2score += 4>><</if>>
<<if $eyeChange is "overpower" or $eyeChange is "demand" or $eyeChange is "begLeave">><<set $day2score += 2>><</if>>
<<if $day2score is 0>>
@@color:#79BAEC;"All in all, the Queen couldn't be happier about your performance today, and is so glad that you have turned around your wayward lifestyle so wonderfully!"@@
<<if $day2score gte 1 and $day2score lte 3>>
@@color:#79BAEC;"All in all, the Queen can see that you're clearly //trying// to improve at being princesslike, but still finds herself disappointed by your conduct."@@
<<if $day2score is 4 or $day2score is 5>>
@@color:#79BAEC;"All in all, though she appreciates that some //small// attempt is being made on your behalf, the Queen is disappointed by your performance and demands that you do better in the future."@@
<<if $day2score is 6 or $day2score is 7>>
@@color:#79BAEC;"All in all, the Queen is disappointed by your performance and demands that you do better in the future."@@
<<if $day2score is 8>>
@@color:#79BAEC;"All in all, the Queen is furious at how you acted today and demands that you start acting more princesslike from tomorrow onwards or you'll be truly sorry."@@
<<if $day2score gte 9>>
@@color:#79BAEC;"All in all, the Queen is outraged at your terrible and embarrassing conduct, and if she wasn't busy this morning arranging matters then she would have come over right this minute. A complete overhaul of your conduct is necessary if you want to avoid the full force of her punishments."@@
The soldier coughs awkwardly as he puts the piece of paper away, obviously uncomfortable at having been the Queen's voice on such a personal matter.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Today's outing should be a touch more exciting than the last one from the sound of it. We'll be arriving at a cadet training camp in the afternoon, and they've set up a couple of fun competitions for the nobles to have a go at."@@<br><br>
This definitely sounds a lot more challenging than yesterday - a set of physical activities provides all sorts of opportunities for you to slip up and act in a way that exposes you. You just hope that everyone will be too busy participating in the activities themselves to notice.<br><br>
@@color:#79BAEC;"Right"@@ the soldier finishes curtly. @@color:#79BAEC;"That's everything I think. Best of luck, Simone. And uhh, don't worry so much about Robiers - he'll show up, he's made of stiffer stuff than to fall apart."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"T-thank you, sir. Have a lovely day!"@@ replies Simone, and after a short moment you hear the door shut behind him.<br><br>
[[Continue->day3plans]]Simone gives you a weak smile as you emerge from hiding.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>. It looks like you're going to have to pretend to be the Princess for another day."@@<br><br>
You don't know what expression you made, but you see Simone's eyes twinkle with sympathy at you and she encourages @@color:#F9B7FF;"You did //so// good yesterday, and now you'll have even more experience to handle it today. I know you can do it!"@@<br><br>
At the very least, today might be easier than the last, you figure - now that you've spent one day with the nobles they already know that you're the Princess - you won't have to convince them all over again.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Umm, it might not be that easy, actually."@@ Simone grimaces sheepishly. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Different groups will be joining the caravan on different days, and a lot of the nobles are doing other important things on certain days instead of joining in with the activities, just like the King and Queen do. I'm afraid most of the people out there today will be new people who you'll have to convince all over again."@@<br><br>
Simone sees your face fall as you realize that your life will be in peril all over again. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I- I- guess at least //some// of the people will be able to vouch for you now, and you might even have made some allies who'll defend you no matter what!"@@<br><br>
You resign yourself to your fate, and start thinking about what needs to be done. There was a detail in the Queen's report that had been a surprise - what were the 'latest fashions' that she'd complained about?<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh! Right! Trends come and go - all of the outfits that I prepared for you are older sets from a few years ago. The Queen's //amazing// at fashion stuff, so I was worried that she might dislike it."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"The problem is that the trends in the Capital have been getting a little more, um, //risqué// recently. Since we needed the outfits to cover you up as much as possible I couldn't really use any of the modern ones."@@<br><br>
You sigh in exasperation. There's no way that you could pull off an outfit like that without exposing your male body.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Maybe it'll be fine as long as you look like you're //trying// to do better? I'll start working on some outfits that might show a //little// more skin than covering you completely, and you can see if you like them. It doesn't sound urgent right now, but I'm sure if you wear them then you'll be able to get away with being a little less princessy without making the Queen angry."@@<br><br>
<<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"The easiest area to show would be your legs. It's not like they're particularly different between boys and girls after all. The problem's that your legs are all hairy - you'll have to take some of the morning getting rid of your leg hair if you want to wear them."@@<br><br>
Simone cocks her head to one side in thought. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Come to think of it, there's a few other things that we could do to make you look more feminine if you feel like it - though we only have time to do one this morning or we won't have time to get prepared."@@
<<if def $pc.shave>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"The easiest area to show would be your legs. It's not like they're particularly different between boys and girls after all. Your legs are even already hairless from your accident the day before yesterday, so it should be easy to show them off if you feel comfortable."@@<br><br>
Simone cocks her head to one side in thought. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Come to think of it, there's a few other things that we could do to make you look more feminine if you feel like it - though we'll only be able to do one this morning or we won't have time to get prepared."@@
<<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
[[Remove my leg hair->legShave][$morningChange to "legs"]] <<hovertip "Necessary to unlock more clothing">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
@@color:#797979;==Remove my leg hair==@@
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]<br>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]<br><br>
<<linkreplace "I don't want to do //any// of these things." t8n>>
<<link "Practice Authority instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "auth">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<link "Practice Grace instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "grace">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<link "Practice Cuteness instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "cute">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<link "Practice Voice instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "voice">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<</linkreplace>><<set $fem -= 1>>
<<if $morningTrain is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $morningTrain is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $morningTrain is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $morningTrain is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<</if>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if ndef $morningTrain>>
You feel a little awkward about
<<if lastVisited("haircut") is 1>>
your new haircut,
<<elseif lastVisited("legShave") is 1>>
your hairless legs,
<<elseif lastVisited("nailPaint3") is 1>>
your painted nails,
but don't have the time to dwell on the matter. Putting things into practice yesterday has taught you so much about how to improve your femininity, but it also also taught you just how far away you are from that goal as you are. You were lucky to get out alive.<br><br>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
You would have time for focus your training on two areas today, but because you agreed to do a favor for the man yesterday, you'll only have time for ONE.
Today you have time to focus your training on TWO areas before the carriage arrives at today's activity.
<<if def $morningTrain>>
Simone makes some sandwiches for the two of you to snack on for lunch, and you take a break together while you eat. Conversation is sparse - both of you are so focused on your respective tasks to get you ready for today's activity to do little other than fret about what still needs to be done.<br><br>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
Soon you finish your meal and get ready for more training. You would usually have time to focus on two more areas before you arrive, but you agreed to do a favor for the man yesterday, so can only do ONE.
Soon you finish your meal and get ready for more training. You judge that you have time to focus on TWO more areas before you arrive.
<<if $morningTrain isnot "auth">>
[[Practice Authority->day3train1][$day3train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "grace">>
[[Practice Grace->day3train1][$day3train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "cute">>
[[Practice Cuteness->day3train1][$day3train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "voice">>
[[Practice Voice Training->day3train1][$day3train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<</if>><<if $day3train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day3train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day3train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day3train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
You have time for ONE more practice session.<br><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "auth" and $day3train isnot "auth">>
[[Practice Authority->day3train2][$day3train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "grace" and $day3train isnot "grace">>
[[Practice Grace->day3train2][$day3train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "cute" and $day3train isnot "cute">>
[[Practice Cuteness->day3train2][$day3train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "voice" and $day3train isnot "voice">>
[[Practice Voice Training->day3train2][$day3train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<</if>><<if $day3train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day3train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day3train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day3train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>><<set $outfit.over.Name to "White Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "white cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
It's the time of day where you should be training to be more feminine, but you can't focus on the task at all.<br><br>
The bargain that you made with the tour guide yesterday echoes around in your head. It's almost the time that you agreed to go deliver the package at, and you worry that you might have made the wrong choice.<br><br>
It's a simple sounding request, but when one step outside could be enough to have you killed it's still a terrifying one.<br><br>
What's really concerning you though is just how simple sounding the task is - you still don't know much about the man and what authority he holds, but surely they'd be a hundred different ways to achieve a simple delivery, all of which would be more simple and less risky than blackmailing you into doing it. There's clearly something suspicious afoot, but you're powerless to do anything about it but play your role.<br><br>
You've just about decided that the best way to carry out your task would be to ask Simone to dress you up as the Princess early, but just when you're about to ask her to do so a loud ''SNAP'' suddenly rings out from outside.<br><br>
You and Simone almost fall over as the carriage comes to a sudden halt, and within seconds you can see the shapes of servants and soldiers hurrying past. A moment later and there's a loud knocking on the carriage door, which Simone answers after checking that you're out of sight.<br><br>
<<pink "Begging your pardon">> comes a feminine voice as Simone opens the door. <<pink "But you'd better come help, Simone, if the Princess can spare you. The back carriage of the convoy's split it's axle, and now the plumbing's burst and it's going to ruin the Madame's things if we don't clean things up quick!">><br><br>
<<simone "It's not... the Scarecrow Killer, is it?">> Simone asks nervously.<br><br>
<<pink "Doesn't look like it, but the soldiers are all on guard nearby just in case.">><br><br>
<<simone "I suppose I'd better come then.">> Simone says, gathering a few things before calling out <<simone "Be back soon, umm, Princess!">> as she leaves.<br><br>
[[Come out of hiding->favorRoute2]]You gather your wits as you come out of hiding. The timing is too perfect to be mere coincidence - this is without question your mysterious blackmailer's plan.<br><br>
The fact makes you even more nervous - if he had the ability to pull off something like this, then he's even more capable of doing this task without you than you'd thought.<br><br>
You don't have time to dwell on the matter though. With the guards distracted at the back of the convoy you've got some time to manuever around in relative safety.<br><br>
You quickly grab the white cloak that Merat dressed you in when this all began and pull it over your shoulders, then step outside in the crisp afternoon air.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\favorRoute2.jpg]]@@
For a moment your heart leaps. With the soldiers all distracted, there's nothing to stop you from making your escape and putting this whole disaster behind you! However, after a careful glance over the awnings of the carriage you realize that not //all// of the guards are away from their posts - lookout posts are situated on the roofs of many of the carriages, and these important sentries look like they're still on high alert. So long as you say hidden under the eaves of the convoy you're safe from their glances, but the barren plains offer no hiding spots to evade their watch.<br><br>
With nothing else for it, you continue carrying out your task. Luckily the carriage that the man indicated is only a little while away. You keep a keen ear out for the sound of footsteps nearby, but what's even more scary are the tinted windows - someone could be watching you at any moment and you'd have no way of knowing. Your heart races and you duck as low as you can every time you need to pass one.<br><br>
Thankfully, you manage to make it to your destination without issue - a windowsill at the rear of the fourth carriage of the convoy. There's even a little velvet bag already there to help guide you, which you stuff the vial in.<br><br>
You hear the sound that you've most been dreading - footsteps coming your way! Thankfully they're coming from in front of you rather than back along the route you came, so you hurriedly retrace your steps back to your carriage. Your heart stops in panic as you hear a curious voice call out <<pink "Oh my, is anyone there?">>, but thankfully no alarm is raised.<br><br>
[[Back to the carriage->favorRoute3]]<<removeover>>
You hurry back to the carriage and breathe a deep sigh of relief. You did it!<br><br>
There's no time to relax though, Simone could be back at any moment. You still haven't told her the details of your bargain, and some part of you really doesn't want her to know.<br><br>
You wipe the soles of your bare feet to dislodge any dirt that may have gotten on them, and try to put the white cloak back exactly where it was sitting before.<br><br>
It's not long before Simone comes back, finding you nervously whistling to yourself in a way that you hope comes off nonchalant.<br><br>
<<simone "Sorry about that, <<print $pc.name>>. Looks like it wasn't as bad as we thought - just a little distraction">> and true enough, with a lurch the carriage starts moving again.<br><br>
Simone quickly settles back into her sewing, but try as you might you can't concentrate on your femininity training - you're too nervous. What scheme have you been a part of? Will getting detected by that woman come back to haunt you? All you can do is brood anxiously until you run out of time.<br><br>
[[Continue->day3dressup]]Simone's sewing seems to come to a finish, and with a dramatic last flourish she announces <<simone "There, perfect!">><br><br>
She stands up and stretches out her little body after having been hunched over working for so long. Suddenly she seems to realize what time it is. <<simone "Oh goodness! Just in time too! We must be almost there. Come on, let's get you dressed up!">><br><br>
<<if lastVisited("favorRoute3") is 1>>You shake your head to snap out of your brooding, and go to join the maid as she sets out the outfits for you to choose from.<<else>>As you finish up your practicing Simone arrays the outfits she's prepared out in front of you to choose from.<</if>><br><br>
<<simone "Of course, you can always wear either of the outfits that you didn't choose yesterday. They're both ready to wear!">>
/* <<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]<</if>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]<</if>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]<</if>><br> */
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
/* <table id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
</table> */
You're not sure why you couldn't just wear the same clothing as yesterday, since it worked so well last time.<br><br>
Simone looks almost offended at the idea. <<simone "The same outfit //twice//!? They'd //never// think you're a girl if you did that, let alone the //princess//.">><br><br>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $morningChange is "legs">>
<<simone "And there's also the outfits that I managed to prepare today - I tried to find ones which show a little more skin, just like you asked. Since you removed your leg hair this morning, you should have no problems showing off your legs a little.">>
<<simone "And these are the outfits that I managed to prepare today - I tried to find ones which show a little more skin, just like you asked. After your accident with the depilation cream two days ago, you should have no problem showing off your legs a little.">>
There's something that makes you nervous about the idea. Like it would be a betrayal of your masculinity to display your legs.<br><br>
Simone misjudges your hesitation for anxiety that your legs won't be feminine enough, and tries to encourage you. <<simone "It's not like boys legs and girls legs are all that different after all. Maybe in the thighs, but skinny thighs are in now anyway - your legs are so long and sleek, it would be a waste //not// to show them off!">>
<<simone "And these are the outfits that I managed to prepare today - I tried to find ones which show a little more skin, just like you asked. You won't be able to wear them until you shave your legs, but at least now you can see what you could wear if you did.">>
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
/* <table id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
</table> */
The first of these items is a gray dress that flows out from an ornate butterfly brooch, before billowing into blue ruffles and petticoats at the arms and hemline.<br><br>
<<simone "I thought that the color wouldn't be too feminine for you, and it even matches your eyes! Plus it only shows a little more leg than the other dresses.">> Simone explains. She's not wrong - at just past the knees it's no more scandalous than many pairs of shorts that you've worn, but the //poofiness// of it all is the real trouble.<br><br>
The second outfit is in many ways almost masculine. The upper body isn't too dissimilar to a men's suit - with double-breasted lapels over a conservative blouse. What's more concerning is the lower body - instead of trousers, there's a startlingly small skirt, leaving almost all of your legs completely exposed other than a pair of silk stockings. The jacket also takes a surprising turn - flowing out in elegant tails to brush the floor, revealing blue-purple inner-lining.<br><br>
<<simone "This is //kinda// like mens clothing, so I thought you might like it? I just hope that the skirt isn't too short...">> She's not the only one - you'll be inches away from revealing your <<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>><<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>>exposed junk<</if>> to everyone!<br><br>
<<simone "So, which do you fancy today?">> Simone asks.<<if def $pc.shave>> <<simone "If you really want to impress the Queen then you might be better of picking one of the new options, but you could always wear one of the older ones instead!">><</if>><br><br>
<span id="dressupAppend"></span>
<span id="dressupRemove">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day3outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day3outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day3outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day3outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day3outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day3outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day3outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day3outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day3outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day3outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you again today?">><<br>>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day3simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel like it today. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day3selfDress]]>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") is true and $firstSleepDressupToken isnot true>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day3simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day3selfDress]]>>
<<elseif $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") is true and $firstSleepDressupToken is true>>
<<unset $firstSleepDressupToken>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
The little maid hesitates for a moment, as if realizing something. Then, blushing a little, she suggests <<simone "C-come to think of it, since you're wearing panties, I guess that it wouldn't be too indecent for me to help dress you today. That way you won't risk tearing it or anything...">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day3simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day3selfDress]]>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
For a moment Simone looks like she's about to say something else - force of habit from helping the Princess dress every day. She stops herself and purses her lips, there's no way that she could help you dress while you're still not wearing underwear.<<br>>
<<hovertip "You'd need to be wearing panties for this. Try asking Simone to sleep with you at night.">>@@color:#797979;==Get dressed by Simone==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Just dress myself">>
<<goto [[day3selfDress]]>>
<</if>><<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
The idea of being so intimately attended to by Simone still makes you cringe. Maybe if you were wearing mens underwear instead of panties it would feel safer, but the idea of her seeing you wearing them and nothing else is deeply uncomfortable.<br><br>
You still don't have any underwear on, so while being dressed by Simone would certainly make your life easier, for now you'll still have to dress yourself.<br><br>
Grabbing the outfit, you go to the bathroom and take off your dirty hempen smock and torn britches.<br><br>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakSelfDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachSelfDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipSelfDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflySelfDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatSelfDressup">>
[[Continue->day3transformMaybe]]<<if $simone.dressedYou is 0>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
You tell Simone that you'd appreciate her help putting on the outfit, and the girl happily pulls over a full-length mirror for you to stand in front of.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Right. Lift your arms please"@@ says the maid briskly. You roll your eyes at her in response - you can at least //remove// your clothing by yourself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Sorry, force of habit. The Princess never let me do it either but I was told to always ask."@@<br><br>
As you lift your dirty hempen smock off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you in the mirror as she looks your masculine torso up and down. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body - especially given that your masculinity is about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull down the waistband of your torn britches and soon you're left exposed in front of the mirror wearing only
<<if $outfit.under.name is "black panties">>a pair of black brief adorned with a little bow.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts">>a pair of pink polkadot boyshorts covered in ruffles and frills.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>a pair of sheer lace boyshorts, through which you can just about make out your trapped genitals.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "white panties">>a pair of white brief panties adorned with a cute bow.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>> The femininity is only continued down your sleek, hairless legs.<<else>> They look a little absurd next to your hairy legs.<</if>><br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror, her face beginning to blush a tinge before she hurriedly breaks eyecontact with it and desperately tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.<br><br>
<<elseif $simone.dressedYou is 1>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
Simone sets up a mirror and begins dressing you like yesterday. She seems a little more comfortable being around your nudity now, which is both a blessing and a curse - it makes things easier, but the way that Simone had embarrassedly glanced at your body had been comfortingly affirming of your masculinity.<br><br>
Not all of the sexual tension in the act is lost though - whenever Simone's soft fingers brush against your bare skin, which happens more frequently now that she's a little more comfortable, you get shivers down your spine, and you can sense from her pauses that Simone feels the same.<br><br>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day3outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
[[Continue->day3transformMaybe]]As Simone finishes putting the final touches on your outfit she purses her lips together in confusion.<br><br>
<<simone "That's... Weird">> she muses.<br><br>
You ask her what's wrong.<br><br>
<<simone "It's nothing... just...">> She crosses her arms disappointedly. <<simone "I'm really sorry. The outfit's not sitting quite right on you. Hopefully it's fine for today, but I must have done something wrong. I'm //really// sorry for messing it up. Let me just check something.">><br><br>
She goes to get a roll of tape and starts measuring your body through the clothing.<br><br>
<<simone "Yeah, I //must// have gotten your measurements wrong - they're different to what I have written down from yesterday. A little narrower at the shoulders and wider at the hips, I must have measured them wrong. I'll write the new measurements down now and I'll try to adjust the outfits in time for tomorrow. Sorry!">><br><br>
You tell Simone that she doesn't need to worry, but she still seems somewhat perturbed by it. You can hear her mutter <<simone "I could have //sworn// I measured it right...">> to herself as she puts away the mirror.<br><br>
While she does that, you do one last double check to see if there's anything else you'd like to change.<br><br>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<link "Ready!">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
<<goto [[day3adventure]]>>
<</link>><<unset $day3outfitChoice>>
A commotion stirs outside, and you soon begin to feel the carriage slow down and come to a halt - you've arrived.<br><br>
After a brief <<simone "Good luck!">> from Simone you're escorted out of the carriage by the same soldiers as yesterday, and can take in the location of today's activity.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3adventure.jpg]]@@<br>
Deep in the middle of a forest, a wide encampment has been cut out. Looking around, there's tents //everywhere// - huge ones nearby, and then smaller and smaller the further out from the center you go. Despite being made up primarily of tents, there's plenty of wooden structures indicating that the encampment has been here for many years.<br><br>
<<blue "Harewood Miliary Camp, your Highness.">> Explains one of the soldiers, seeing you looking around. <<blue "Mostly a boot camp for cadets - did my own training here way back in the day. I think the King and Queen will be inspecting the facilities.">><br><br>
That makes sense - it sounds like exactly the kind of place that a King would choose to visit on his journey.<br><br>
As you walk with your escort you become aware of eyes on you. When you look around you notice dozens faces peering at you - military cadets watching from behind tents and structures in the distance.<br><br>
You swallow nervously. It's no surprise really - //anyone// would want to get a glance at the visiting royalty given the chance, you know that you would have done before this. However, the idea that so many people, all men from the looks of it, are staring at you is enough to make you nervous. Even a curiously masculine 'princess' is more than enough to ignite sexual instincts when they've gone months without contact with the opposite sex.<br><br>
[[Walk nervously, staying as close to the escort as possible->day3adventure2][$day3adventure to 1]]<br>
[[I won't let them get to me, walk normally->day3adventure2][$day3adventure to 2]]<br>
[[If they're going to objectify me against my will I'm at least going to make it be on my own terms. Act flirtatiously.->day3adventure2][$day3adventure to 3]]<<set $colette.name to "Beautiful Noblewoman">>
<<set $colette.desc to "A shockingly beautiful girl in the Harewood Military Camp tent">>
<<set $colette.facts to []>>
<<switch $day3adventure>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
The men's eyes make you deeply uncomfortable. <<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly" or $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>Your bare legs feel completely exposed and vulnerable in front of their ravenous gaze.<<else>>Every inch of your feminine outfit feels utterly exposing in front of their ravenous gaze.<</if>><br><br>
One of the guards seems to notice your anxiety, and steps closer to try to obscure you somewhat with his body. You offer a weak smile of thanks to the young officer.
<<case 2>>
<<set $badger ++>>
You're determined not to let them get to you, and walk proudly with your head held high.
<<case 3>>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
You give the cadets a treat and start reaching out to them - waving, blowing kisses, and winking as you walk.<br><br>
Whatever threats of disciplinary action had been instilled in the cadets to keep them so quiet are immediately forgotten when you gesture towards them, and the silence gives way to excited hooting and cheering for you. You're certain that if they were closer you'd be able to make out a few lewd comments too, but at least it's better than the eerie quiet and you can get a little confidence boost from this.
Thankfully the walk isn't far and you soon arrive at one of the larger tents. The soldiers escorting you give you a salute of farewell and take places around the entrance to the tent - not having orders to ward you any further.<br><br>
You slip past the tent flap and find yourself behind rows of temporary wooden seating. The hubbub of animated conversations happening around you tells you that the place must already be full, you must be one of the last to be brought along.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3adventure2.jpg]]@@
The only person still back here is a blonde girl of about the same age as you, dressed in a cutesy white crop-top and skirt with fluffy pink trim. She's about the same height as you, and her long flaxen hair twists in elegant spirals as it tumbles sweetly over her shoulders.<br><br>
<<colette "Princess! Lovely to see you">> She calls as she sees you enter the tent, her face opening into perhaps the most lovely smile that you've ever seen. She's //gorgeous//, perhaps the prettiest girl that you've ever seen, enough to make your brain go haywire as she reaches her hand out to attempt to clasp together with yours in greeting.<br><br>
<<link "Take her hand in greeting">>
<<goto [[day3adventure3]]>>
<<set $coletteIntro to "hand">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Hesitate">>
<<goto [[day3adventure3]]>>
<<set $coletteIntro to "hesitate">>
<</link>><<set $colette.desc to "A shockingly beautiful girl with a vicious streak who has some grudge with the Princess - and in the process, You.">>
<<if $coletteIntro is "hand">>
/* The moment your hand clasps hers, you're struck by a wave of shocking pain as the girl's perfectly manicured thumbnail, which you now notice is sharpened into a spike, pinches with practiced precision directly into a point at the base of your thumb - managing to put extreme pressure on both a tendon and a nerve at the same time. */
/* As your body twists in pain, the girl steps forward so her face is close to yours and sneers haughtily. <<colette "So you're //finally// back, //slut//. I always thought that you'd grow up into a mannish ogre, looks like I was //right//.">><br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/colette.png]]@@<br>
You can do little more than writhe painfully and try as hard as you can not to shout in pain. You know that if you did, you wouldn't have the control to do it in a feminine tone, but without it none of the nobles, mere feet away through the wooden bleachers, are any the wiser that this is happening.<br><br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:56%">
The moment your hand clasps hers, you're struck by a wave of shocking pain as the girl's perfectly manicured thumbnail, which you now notice is sharpened into a spike, pinches with practiced precision directly into a point at the base of your thumb - managing to put extreme pressure on both a tendon and a nerve at the same time.<<br>>
As your body twists in pain, the girl steps forward so her face is close to yours and sneers haughtily. <<colette "So you're //finally// back, //slut//. I always thought that you'd grow up into a mannish ogre, looks like I was //right//.">><br><br>
You can do little more than writhe painfully and try as hard as you can not to shout in pain. You know that if you did, you wouldn't have the control to do it in a feminine tone, but without it none of the nobles, mere feet away through the wooden bleachers, are any the wiser that this is happening.<<br>>
You can hear the smug smile on the girl's sickly sweet voice as she taunts <<colette "Cat got your tongue, //Princess//? You've lost your fire, how //pathetic//! But I won't forget our grudge. I'll never forget what you did eight years ago.">>
<td style="width:44%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/riia.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
The moment your hand clasps hers, you're struck by a wave of shocking pain as the girl's perfectly manicured thumbnail, which you now notice is sharpened into a spike, pinches with practiced precision directly into a point at the base of your thumb - managing to put extreme pressure on both a tendon and a nerve at the same time.<<br>>
As your body twists in pain, the girl steps forward so her face is close to yours and sneers haughtily. <<colette "So you're //finally// back, //slut//. I always thought that you'd grow up into a mannish ogre, looks like I was //right//.">><br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/riia.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
You can do little more than writhe painfully and try as hard as you can not to shout in pain. You know that if you did, you wouldn't have the control to do it in a feminine tone, but without it none of the nobles, mere feet away through the wooden bleachers, are any the wiser that this is happening.<br><br>
You can hear the smug smile on the girl's sickly sweet voice as she taunts <<colette "Cat got your tongue, //Princess//? You've lost your fire, how //pathetic//! But I won't forget our grudge. I'll never forget what you did eight years ago.">><br><br>
/* You can hear the smug smile on the girl's sickly sweet voice as she taunts <<colette "Cat got your tongue, //Princess//? You've lost your fire, how //pathetic//! But I won't forget our grudge. I won't forget what you did eight years ago.">><br><br> */
You have no idea what she's talking about, but you inwardly curse the Princess for whatever she did to gain this horrid woman's wrath. This is all //her// fault, but you're the one suffering for it.<br><br>
Just when you worry that she's going to cause permanent damage the girl releases her pinching nail and steps away, looking down her nose with a smile as you double over, wincing in pain. <<colette "Today's activity is a bunch of games and competitions, right? I'm going to enjoy humiliating you in every. Single. One, so //everyone// here can see just how //pathetic// their precious princess is compared to //me//.">><br><br>
With that, she strides confidently away from you, laughing to herself with the voice of an angel as she goes, leaving you alone in the darkness.<br><br>
For a few terrifying seconds your thumb remains bent back as far as it can go, twisted horribly and with no feeling or function, but thankfully it quickly regains its strength after a little massaging.<br><br>
[[Who the fuck was that?->day3adventure4]]
<<if $coletteIntro is "hesitate">>
You almost take the girl's hand, but something about her demeanor - too sickly sweet to be authentic, makes you hesitate.<br>
/* The moments pause gives you time to notice that a few of her perfectly-manicured fingernails on her outstretched hand are pointed into vicious spikes, poised and ready to strike. You shudder to think what she had been planning to do with them if you'd clasped her hand. */
/* As you recoil away from the danger the girl starts laughing at your expression, continuing to step forward until you're pushed up against the fabric wall of the tent.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/colette.png]]@@<br>
<<colette "I should have known that it wouldn't be that easy, //slut//.">> She sneers haughtily as she pushes her face close to yours until you're millimeters apart and her pretty face fills up your whole vision. <<colette "I was wondering why you hadn't come back sooner. Now it's obvious - you're too ashamed of what a mannish //ogre// you've grown up to be, //bitch//.">>
You move to shove her away from you but she dances backwards gracefully out of arms reach.<br><br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:56%">
The moments pause gives you time to notice that a few of her perfectly-manicured fingernails on her outstretched hand are pointed into vicious spikes, poised and ready to strike. You shudder to think what she had been planning to do with them if you'd clasped her hand.<<br>>
As you recoil away from the danger the girl starts laughing at your expression, continuing to step forward until you're pushed up against the fabric wall of the tent.<br><br>
<<colette "I should have known that it wouldn't be that easy, //slut//.">> She sneers haughtily as she pushes her face close to yours until you're millimeters apart and her pretty face fills up your whole vision. <<colette "I was wondering why you hadn't come back sooner. Now it's obvious - you're too ashamed of what a mannish //ogre// you've grown up to be, //bitch//.">><<br>>
You try to shove her away from you but she dances backwards gracefully out of arms reach.
<td style="width:44%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/riia.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
The moments pause gives you time to notice that a few of her perfectly-manicured fingernails on her outstretched hand are pointed into vicious spikes, poised and ready to strike. You shudder to think what she had been planning to do with them if you'd clasped her hand.<<br>>
As you recoil away from the danger the girl starts laughing at your expression, continuing to step forward until you're pushed up against the fabric wall of the tent.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/riia.jpg]]@@<br>
<<colette "I should have known that it wouldn't be that easy, //slut//.">> She sneers haughtily as she pushes her face close to yours until you're millimeters apart and her pretty face fills up your whole vision. <<colette "I was wondering why you hadn't come back sooner. Now it's obvious - you're too ashamed of what a mannish //ogre// you've grown up to be, //bitch//.">>
You move to shove her away from you but she dances backwards gracefully out of arms reach.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh, so the bitch //bites//, does she? How pathetic. But that's fine, we still have our grudge to settle after all, your //highness//.">> she taunts, though her sickly-sweet tone switches to one more spiteful as she continues <<colette "I won't forget what you did eight years ago. I'll never forgive you, and now that you're back I can make your life a living hell.">><<br>>
You have no idea what she's talking about, but you inwardly curse the Princess for whatever she did to gain this horrid woman's wrath. This isn't your fault, but you're the one suffering for it.<br><br>
Her message sent, she walks confidently away from you, calling back behind her as she goes. <<colette "Today's activity is a bunch of games and competitions, right? I'm going to enjoy humiliating you in every single one, so everyone here can see just how //pathetic// their precious princess is compared to me.">><br><br>
Then she reaches the aisle of the bleachers and walks out of sight, laughing so demurely that you almost can't believe that she really said all of those things.<br><br>
[[Who the fuck was that?->day3adventure4]]
<</if>>You take some moments to recover yourself, but you quickly start hearing murmurs from the nobles on the seating above wondering who's keeping up the show, and you realize that waiting any longer will draw unwanted attention.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3adventure4.jpg]]@@<br>
You nervously emerge out into the main area - a space half taken up by wide bleachers for the nobles to sit on and half by an open area, towards which all of the seats are faced. Your heart skips a beat at all of the people, still expecting some sort of offended outcry that you're //clearly// a crossdressing imposter, but thankfully it looks like most of the nobles are cheerfully talking together while facing the stage, and the few faces that do turn to see who's come in all dip their heads courteously.<br><br>
Out the corner of your eye you think you can make out the face of the girl who had just tormented you, but you force yourself not think about her.<br><br>
<<blue "Ahh, Princess!">> Coos a voice from one of the aisles. <<blue "Why don't you come sit with us my dear?">><br><br>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
You look around, and see a snooty-looking, bespectacled middle aged man waving furiously at you from one of the aisles at the front. You hesitate, not knowing if you should recognize this person and if the Princess should accept such a request, but when you notice Elodie sitting next to him you're so grateful to see a friendly face that you gladly take the opportunity.<br><br>
<<elodie "'Sup, Princes-">> begins Elodie, but she's quickly cut off by the man who had called out to you.<br><br>
<<blue "Absolutely chuffed to finally be able to meet you, your Highness.">> fawns the man, who you presume is Elodie's father. <<blue "Why, when I was most graciously given the title of 'vice-associate convoy manager's assistant' in honor of my distinguished patronage to the crown, being able to finally encounter the very jewel of the nation was the very //tip-toppiest// thing I was looking forward to. So when I saw you and El' chumming it up yesterday - why I was as pleased as punch, I was.">><br><br>
Elodie, clearly uncomfortable with her father's sycophantry, rolls her eyes at you so hard that you worry that they'll fall back into her sinuses. Worse still - he doesn't seem to shut up, yapping on about things that you couldn't begin to care about.<br><br>
Nevertheless, it does play to your advantage -
<<if ndef $elodie.name>>
You look around, and see a snooty-looking, bespectacled middle aged man waving furiously at you from one of the aisles at the front. You hesitate, not knowing if you should recognize this person and if the Princess should accept such a request, but the desperation of his waving is increasing by the second, and the last thing that you want to do is to make a scene and draw more attention than necessary, so you quickly move to take the proffered seat.<br><br>
<<blue "Absolutely chuffed to finally be able to meet you, your Highness.">> fawns the man cheerfully when you sit. <<blue "Why, when I was most graciously given the title of 'vice-associate convoy manager's assistant' in honor of my distinguished patronage to the crown, being able to finally encounter the very jewel of the nation was the very //tip-toppiest// thing on my wish list, if you don't mind me so saying my dear girl.">><br><br>
It doesn't take long to identify that this man //definitely// isn't important enough to have the Princess sitting next to him, and he doesn't //ever// seem to shut up, but sitting next to a sycophant does have its uses -
anyone who glances over at you sees that you're in the middle of a conversation, so doesn't pay too much attention to you. It's a lot better than being awkward in the corner, knowing that that girl's eyes would be on you the whole time, relishing your isolation. Also, since he isn't giving you any chance of getting a word in yourself, you don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing in the wrong pitch and exposing yourself.<br><br>
Eventually his neverending stream of minutia gets interrupted by a cough for attention from the stage.<br><br>
[[Look up->day3adventure5]]A man in soldier's uniform, a general judging from the number of stripes on his arm, waits for the assembled nobles to quiet down before starting his speech.<br><br>
<<blue "We here at Harewood Military Camp are most honored to welcome the royal convoy on its tour.">> Barks the man stiffly, saluting those present as he does. <<blue "The men were //appalled// at hearing that such noble peerage went without an appropriately enjoyable activity yesterday. Brought tears to the boys' eyes it did or strike me down as a liar if I may be so bold to say so, my Lieges.">><br><br>
<<blue "Thusforwardly - we've done //everything// that we can to assemble a bumper crop of recreational capers for you all.">> He continues, his saluting hand not moving an inch. <<blue "First of the day is a weapons demonstration - a duel between some of our best and brightest for your entertainment.">><br><br>
Two large men come onto the stage, each wearing heavy plate armor, and salute the assembled crowd. As they square up you hear a voice from behind you mutter <<pink "A little antiquated in an age of rifles and shot, isn't it?">> to the person sitting next to them, but their concern is quickly forgotten when the first strike is made and a //clang// of metal on metal resounds around the tent.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3adventure5.jpg]]@@<br>
The nobles are quickly enraptured by the display, gasping in awe with every thrust and parry. You, however, are much less impressed.
<<switch $pc.background>>
<<case "hero">>
You've seen more than your fair share of battle on your adventures - all real and deadly. This performance with blunted weapons, by people clearly more interested in putting on a show than truly trying to best the other, is simply //boring//.
<<case "manly">>
While only few of the tavern brawls that you've been in involved weapons, and never armor, every one of them was full of heart and spirit. This performative display comes off as inauthentic to your eye, and is simply //boring//.
<<case "flirt">>
You're a lover, not a fighter. The battlefields that you feel comfortable on are the treacherous routes to a woman's heart. This brutish display is simply //boring//.
<<case "bread">>
While you avoided them as much as you could, violent conflicts were common in the gutters that your poverty kept you in - all of which were real and deadly. This performance with blunted weapons, by people clearly more interested in putting on a show than truly trying to best the other, feels like a mockery of that authentic desperation - it's //boring//.
You consider your options. <<if def $elodie.name>>Elodie's father<<else>>The man you're sitting next to<</if>> is distracted by the bout, but based on how talkative he was before you have no doubt that it would be easy to get him talking again. Despite being in such an unimportant position, it still sounds like he'd be privy to some information that might be of value to you.<br><br>
You're confident that it won't be difficult to manipulate information from him, but you're not sure how long you'll be able to maintain a suitably feminine tone for.<br><br>
<<switch $voice>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 2>>
''You haven't trained your voice at all, and will only be able to bring up two topics. Choose wisely.''
<<case 1>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 3>>
''You've trained your voice in preparation, and will be able to speak for long enough to bring up three topics.''
<<case 2>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 4>>
''You've done plenty of voice training, and are confident that you can speak for long enough to bring up four topics.''
<<set $voiceLasts to 5>>
''Unexpected voice training level detected. You'll have no problem bringing up five topics.''
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information that I can use to escape with->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[Lives could be saved if people know what the Scarecrow Killer looks like. Use him to disperse that information.->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
<<set $elodie.dad to "unlectured">>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. Maybe I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been spotted when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<run $firmin.info.pushUnique("day3ask")>>
<<set $firmin.name to "Firmin Goux">>
<<run $firmin.facts.pushUnique("Led the peasant rebellion against the Droart family.")>>
You tell <<if def $elodie.name>>Elodie's father<<else>>the talkative gent<</if>> that you were absolutely fascinated by the tour of the citadel yesterday, and ask if he knows very much about the place.<br><br>
<<blue "Yes, they really have done a bang-up job turning things around after everything that happened there.">><br><br>
You probe a bit further - what happened there?<<if def $elodie.name>> Elodie gives you an appraising look to hear you curious about the matter.<</if>><br><br>
<<blue "Well, err...">> he begins, clearly a little uncomfortable talking about such a matter with you, but his gossiping nature wins out in the end and he can't help but confide. <<blue "It was rather a tricky situation really. Put the crown in a terribly bad spot I'm sure. It used to be Droart Castle, you know, but then the Droart family got a little... //Funny//.">><br><br>
He coughs uncomfortably before continuing. <<blue "All sorted in the end though, of course. Peasants rose up and dispensed justice and all that. In fact, we met the man who did it, if I'm not mistaken. That first tour guide - the funny looking chap with the cane. He was the one who roused the public interest and led the charge from what I hear. He was granted the role of custodian of the citadel in honor of it. Name's Firmin Goux, if I remember correctly">><br><br>
<<if $firmin.info.includesAny("elodieRoute", "elodieAsk")>>
The information comes as a surprise. From what Elodie had told you about the strange rituals that the Droart family were doing to the peasants, you had been nursing a theory that maybe the man who had changed your eyes had been a Droart himself that had avoided the peasant mob- to hear the opposite throws you off.
You wish that you had been able to get more information about whatever the Droart family had been doing to warrant such an uprising, but you still feel like you've learnt some vital information. It's difficult to imagine such an unpleasant man being a folk hero though...
''You've learnt more about Firmin Goux''<br><br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, I'd better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<set $escapeIdea to true>>
You pretend to be fascinated by the man's occupation in an attempt to glean as many useful details about the inner workings of the carriages as you can out of him.<br><br>
Luckily it doesn't take much provoking - he seems really overeager to brag about the 'important duties' that he has as vice-associate convoy manager's assistant.<br><br>
<<blue "Yes, it's a vital job, I'll have you know. It's up to me to oversee that all of the details that are absolutely important are all being done properly. For instance, we could have had an absolute //disaster// had I not noticed that we were almost about to procure //whole// milk for our tea instead of semi-skimmed - could you //imagine// the palaver that //that// could have caused?">><br><br>
You make sure to act suitably impressed, and try to point him towards something more vital.<br><br>
<<blue "Of course, the really tricky bit comes at 10 o'clock in the evening, when the guards' night shift changes with the day shift. There's ever such a hustle and bustle, and nobody knows what's what because they've all been asleep and need to get filled in. Terrible mess sometimes, especially when they have mud on their shoes and they're trampling it everywhere.">><br><br>
/* <<blue "Of course, the really tricky thing's going to be in three days, when the guard's changing at the end of the day.">> He says finally. <<blue "Lots of things that can go wrong in that hustle and bustle - all of the soldiers we have currently going on break and a new batch joining on, who won't know a single thing about how things are done around here.">><br><br> */
Your heart leaps - this is //exactly// the kind of information that you needed. While it quickly becomes clear that he doesn't know anything else helpful, you can't feel disappointed - this is already more than you had dared hope for.<br><br>
''You know the best time to start an escape attempt! If only you could find a way to arrange some kind of distraction, you might be able to escape!''<br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
<br>[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
<br>[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
<br>[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
<br>[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
<br>[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
<br>[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
<br>[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
<br>[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<set $crow.warned to true>>
<<run $crow.facts.delete("You're the only one who saw what the assassin looks like under their mask.")>>
<<run $crow.facts.pushUnique("You've warned the members of the royal convoy about the Scarecrow Killer's appearance")>>
You've been sitting on important information that could save lives - you're the only one who's seen what the Scarecrow Killer that attacked the caravan looks like under their hemp-sack mask.<br><br>
The only challenge has been dispersing the information in a way that wouldn't attract undue attention - and this man's chatty nature might have given you the perfect vehicle.<br><br>
You mention that you saw something absolutely awful the day that the carriages were attacked - a figure drenched in blood wielding two hatchets, who revealed their face which had gray-pale skin and red-orange eyes.<br><br>
To your surprise, you realize mid way through your explanation that you're shivering as you describe the event. Clearly it actually had affected you more deeply than you thought.<<if def $elodie.name>> Elodie sees your distress and moves close to put an arm around your shoulder in support. The kind gesture is barely undermined at all by her murmuring <<elodie "Badass">> to herself under her breath at your description of the assassin.<</if>><br><br>
For once, he seems to be at a loss for words, and splutters for a while before uttering. <<blue "Oh my! What an absolutely ghastly experience my poor girl.">><br><br>
Despite his politeness, you can see a twinkle in his eye at learning something that people will be so interested in hearing - you're confident that the whole caravan will know all about it by tomorrow.<br><br>
''You've helped the convoy stay better protected against the Scarecrow Killer''<br><br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<set $colette.name to "Colette Lavalette">>
<<set $colette.desc to "A childhood friend of the Princess, who has some cruel grudge against her.">>
<<set $coletteAsked to true>>
<<blue "Ah! Dear Colette. I'm sure that you're absolutely //overjoyed// to finally see each other again. Everyone knows that you two were thick as thieves when you were children. The press couldn't get enough of it - the royal family and the noble house of Lavalette both with children of the same age. Everyone was so overjoyed to see the two most high houses in the land so conjoined in joy.">><br><br>
<<blue "She's been so enthusiastic about seeing you again, don't you know dear? It's all she's been talking about all trip from what I hear, won't shut up about how much fun you're going to have together. You must be overjoyed to have your friend back, aren't you?">><br><br>
You force yourself to try to pretend that you're as pleased to see her as you're clearly expected to be. You want nothing to do with the psycho, but it sounds like claiming not to know her would completely compromise your disguise as the Princess.<br><br>
You're tempted to just come out and say that she's a total bully - it might get her off your back. However, you can already imagine all of the incredulous responses you'd get, and suspicion is the LAST thing that you want to attract.<br><br>
It looks like, unless she slips up and draws attention to her true nature, you're just going to have to deal with her spiteful ways. Sadly, everything about her tells you that she's probably not the type of person to make such a slip-up easily.<br><br>
<<blue "-this one detail I thought was so strange.">> rambles <<if def $elodie.name>>Elodie's father<<else>>the gent<</if>>, who hasn't shut up the entire time you've been deep in thought. <<blue "The press got it into their heads one year that dear Colette had a bedwetting problem, claimed they heard it from the maid. I never believed it of course, and was outraged at the suggestion...">><br><br>
As he continues his rambling, you make a mental note of that point - it sounds like it could prove useful.<br><br>
''You've learnt more about Colette, and have learnt a compromising detail about her.''<br><br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<set $marksmanship to true>>
That psycho's announcement that she'd beat you in the competitions is bothering you. It probably won't be important in the grand scheme of things, but your sense of competition has been ignited - you want to //win//.<br><br>
You start pushing the conversation towards the competitions today, maybe <<if def $elodie.name>>Elodie's father<<else>>this guy<</if>> will know something helpful.<br><br>
<<blue "They're going to be jolly good fun, aren't they?">> He says excitedly <<blue "Lots of fun for the whole family to have a little go at. I'm sure //nobody// will get competitive though, don't you worry dear.">><br><br>
You wish that you had his confidence on the matter.<br><br>
<<blue "I'm most excited for the Horseracing and the Archery if you ask me.">> he begins, before correcting himself <<blue "Though I should probably call it //marksmanship// actually. You see, I heard that they're letting people choose between using a bow or a rifle. Bit of a way to see which is better, hah hah.">><br><br>
<<blue "Though, from what I hear the General's a bit of an old-school chap. Prefers swords and armor to rifles and such">> You nod, that makes the duel going on right in front of you make more sense. <<blue "I rather wager that he'd only give us guns that have seen some wear and tear - won't shoot straight, you know. Only, it would ruin his pride to hide them completely, so I bet he threw the good ones to the back of the pile where nobody would think to look for them, the old dog.">><br><br>
''You've learnt a way to get ahead in the marksmanship competition''<br><br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<set $elodie.dad to "lectured">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
Elodie looks absolutely mortified at how her father's acting around you, and you can't blame her - his excessive fawning over your royalty comes off as slimy smarminess. The least you could do is try to influence him for the better - if nothing else then so that she doesn't hurt her eyes rolling them so much.<br><br>
Seeking a higher authority, you spin a tale about your 'mother', the Queen, and what traits she finds admirable in people. You make sure to emphasize independence and authenticity at every step.<br><br>
Elodie's father looks a little nervous as he nods along to what you're saying, making vague <<blue "Err.. hmm... gosh...">> noises as you go.<br><br>
Elodie herself seems to quickly realize what you're up to, and looks up at you in surprise. A moment later and she flashes you a weak smile which, coming from her usually-impassive face, you interpret as a deep and earnest thanks. You just hope that her dad will internalize some of it.<br><br>
''Elodie appreciates it''<br><br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<set $favorCover to true>>
You're still incredibly nervous about the arrangement that you made with <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux<<else>>the man from yesterday<</if>>.<br><br>
Someone had //definitely// heard your footsteps as you carried out your task, they might even have caught a glimpse of you in the white cloak. They clearly hadn't raised the alarm, so it shouldn't be an issue - but something about the weird task you were bade to do makes you uncomfortable. You want to tie up every loose end that you can think of and leave it as far behind you as you can.<br><br>
Making up a little lie, you explain how you were delighted to see a beautiful, white stag come up close to the carriages while everyone was distracted. You explain how you traced its movements past the back of your carriage, before it suddenly bolted away when it heard someone.<br><br>
<<blue "How lovely for you, your Highness. Sounds like a mighty brave deer to have wandered so close to the caravan.">><br><br>
You agree, and, thinking of a way to disperse the alibi, you pretend to wonder about what breed of stag would be so bold. Before long, you're imploring the gent to please ask around the caravan to see if anyone else had seen any sign of it, and might help to identify the beast. You know that nobody will have done, but this way the man with his chatty nature will be telling everyone in the caravan your tale.<br><br>
''You falsified a cover for your actions today''<br><br>
<<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
[[My voice is feeling hoarse, better stop here.->day3dateSorter]]
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts gte 2>><<print $voiceLasts>> more topics<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>1 more topic<</if>>.<br>
<<if visited("day3droart") is 0>>
[[See if I can gain information about the man who gave me the vial yesterday->day3droart]]<br>
<<if visited("day3escape") is 0>>
[[Maybe he'll have information I can use to get past the guards and escape this trap->day3escape]]<br>
<<if visited("day3crow") is 0>>
[[It's important that I get information out about what the Scarecrow Killer looks like, this is my chance to do so!->day3crow]]<br>
<<if visited("day3colette") is 0>>
[[Who the fuck was that girl who was just threatening me?->day3colette]]<br>
<<if visited("day3games") is 0>>
[[I don't want to lose to that bitch. See if I can learn how to beat her in today's competitions->day3games]]<br>
<<if visited("day3elodie") is 0>>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
[[Elodie's clearly uncomfortable with him being so sycophantic. See if I can convince him to act more dignified->day3elodie]]<br>
<<if visited("day3favor") is 0>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
[[I might have been seen when I was delivering the vial this afternoon. Secure an alibi to stay safe->day3favor]]
<</if>><<unset $voiceLasts>>
<<if def $jacques.name>>
<<include [[day3elodieMeet]]>>
<<elseif def $elodie.name>>
<<include [[day3jacquesMeet]]>>
<</if>><<set $day3route to "elodie">>
<<set $elodie.name to "Elodie">>
<<set $elodie.desc to "A young noblewoman who's into dark fashion and morbid interests.">>
<<set $elodie.facts to []>>
Your conversation is interrupted when a young woman comes to sit next to the two of you.<br><br>
The nobleman immediately starts showing signs of nervousness. <<blue "Err... this is my daughter, Elodie. Thrilled you could make it, dear.">> he says as introduction, despite his tone sounding anything but thrilled.
/* You take in the newcomer. She's about the same age as you and wearing a long black lace dress that cascades into ribbons around the hips as if imitating having been torn apart. The outfit is of thin enough material that you can make out enough of the curves of her ample breasts through it to tell that she's not wearing a bra. Her youthful features are hidden under a wide brimmed black hat, from which a little lace drapes like a veil at a funeral. All in all, it's a pretty gothic outfit.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodie.jpg]]@@<br>
<<elodie "'Sup, Princess.">> Elodie says dryly as greeting. You can see her father begin to sweat, nervous about his daughter using such an uncourteous introduction to a member of the royal family. You can just about make out the physical resemblance between the two, but her bluntness is a stark contrast to her father's toadishness.<br><br>
Before he can interject and cover for her, Elodie sharply states <<elodie "Mom said she needed you.">> Her father's jaw quivers for a moment, about to make an excuse, but the young woman briskly continues <<elodie "Urgently.">> before he has the chance.<br><br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:45%">
You take in the newcomer. She's about the same age as you and wearing a long black dress with ornate lace detailing. The outfit's thin material does little to hide the curve of her ample breasts. Her youthful features are hidden under a wide brimmed black hat, from which a little lace drapes like a veil at a funeral. All in all, it's a pretty gothic outfit.<br><br>
<<elodie "'Sup, Princess.">> Elodie says dryly as greeting. You can see her father begin to sweat, nervous about his daughter using such an uncourteous introduction to a member of the royal family. You can just about make out the physical resemblance between the two, but her bluntness is a stark contrast to her father's toadishness.<<br>>
Before he can interject and cover for her, Elodie sharply states <<elodie "Mom said she needed you.">> Her father's jaw quivers for a moment, about to make an excuse, but the young woman briskly continues <<elodie "Urgently.">> before he has the chance.<<br>>
He seems to realize that there's little he can do without making a scene in front of royalty. <<blue "Err, well. I suppose I'd better check up on her then. So charmed meeting you, your Highness.">> he says as he leaves, bowing low as he does.
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodie.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
You take in the newcomer. She's about the same age as you and wearing a long black dress with ornate lace detailing. The outfit's thin material does little to hide the curve of her ample breasts. Her youthful features are hidden under a wide brimmed black hat, from which a little lace drapes like a veil at a funeral. All in all, it's a pretty gothic outfit.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodie.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
<<elodie "'Sup, Princess.">> Elodie says dryly as greeting. You can see her father begin to sweat, nervous about his daughter using such an uncourteous introduction to a member of the royal family. You can just about make out the physical resemblance between the two, but her bluntness is a stark contrast to her father's toadishness.<br><br>
Before he can interject and cover for her, Elodie sharply states <<elodie "Mom said she needed you.">> Her father's jaw quivers for a moment, about to make an excuse, but the young woman briskly continues <<elodie "Urgently.">> before he has the chance.<<br>>
He seems to realize that there's little he can do without making a scene in front of royalty. <<blue "Err, well. I suppose I'd better check up on her then. So charmed meeting you, your Highness.">> he says as he leaves, bowing low as he does.<<br>>
Once he's out of earshot Elodie rolls her eyes and groans in disgust. <<elodie "Ugh. I hope you're okay, Princess. I'm sure you have to deal with enough without having him being such a greaseball. I figured you could use a break.">><br><br>
You feel a little awkward that you had just been exploiting his talkativeness for your own gain.<br><br>
<<link "Tell her that he'd been quite pleasant">>
<<goto [[day3elodie2]]>>
<<set $day3elodie2 to "pleasant">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Admit that he'd been getting grating">>
<<goto [[day3elodie2]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day3elodie2 to "grating">>
<</link>><<if $day3elodie2 is "pleasant">>
<<elodie "Good. You got lucky. He almost got arrested yesterday trying to chase after your mom. Said he saw a speck of dirt on her dress and wanted to clean it for her. Mortifying.">>
<<if $day3elodie2 is "grating">>
<<elodie "Ugh. He's so mortifying. You shouldn't have to deal with that stuff.">>
<<unset $day3elodie2>>
The young woman lets out a big sigh, her ample chest heaving with her frustration. <<elodie "He used to be okay. Or, fine, I guess. Getting invited on this posh trip's messed him up.">><br><br>
<<elodie "Anyway, good to meet you and stuff.">> She looks you up and down, not bothering to hide that she's doing so.
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
@@color:#9370DB;"Cool outfit. You look like you're a druid, about to do a sacrifice to dark gods or something."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond to the peculiar comment, so settle with just thanking her.
<<case "peach">>
@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a peach. Peaches are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.
<<case "tulip">>
@@color:#9370DB;"Nice dress. You look like a flower. Flowers are pretty cool I guess."@@ You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.
<<case "butterfly">>
<<elodie "Nice dress. All poofy and stuff. It's pretty cool I guess.">> You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.
<<case "longcoat">>
<<elodie "Cool outfit. I like the choker and the black jacket. Black clothing's always pretty cool.">> You aren't quite certain how to respond, so settle with just thanking her.
Her offbeat frankness comes as a surprise, but after being treated like royalty for a couple of days it comes as a relief to have someone talk to you without reservation.<br><br>
<<elodie "Oh, by the way. A blonde girl's been looking for you. Watch out - she's a total bitch.">><br><br>
You wince at her words<<if $coletteIntro is "hand">>, rubbing your sore thumb at the reminder<</if>>. If only her warning had managed to reach you a little earlier, you might have been better prepared for <<if $colette.name is "Colette Lavalette">>Colette's<<else>>the<</if>> ambush. Still, it's nice to know that Elodie would have warned you had she had the chance.<br><br>
With a loud //clang// one of the fighters tumbles to the ground, and the crowd erupts into cheers as the victor is declared.<br><br>
<<blue "Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you would follow me I'll lead you to the first of the activities we have prepared.">> Announces the General from before, and people begin to stream out of the tent.<br><br>
<<link "Leave">>
<<goto [[day3games1]]>>
<</link>><<set $day3route to "jacques">>
<<set $jacques.name to "Jacques">>
<<set $jacques.desc to "A handsome young nobleman of carefree and slightly rakish manner.">>
<<set $jacques.facts to []>>
The sparring display finally comes to a close when one of the men loses his footing after a clanging strike to his side, and goes sprawling onto the ground.<br><br>
The crowd goes wild as the adjudicator raises the winner's arm in victory, but the applause is quickly interrupted by confusion as one of the nobles vaults confidently over the wooden barrier between the audience and the stage.
/* He's a man, about the same age as you but a little taller, wearing a patterned green shirt casually rolled up at the elbows. His shoulder-length dark brown hair tumbles around his youthfully handsome face.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/jacques.png]]@@<br>
<<jacques "I was wondering if I could jump in.">> he quips roguishly as he approaches the General. <<jacques "Looked like fun, and I //think// I might have some pointers.">><br><br>
The general's clearly put off by the newcomer's insolence, but it looks like he can't reasonably refuse the request of a noble, and soon a second sparring match is arranged for the audacious man.<br><br>
The challenger is offered a suit of armor, but refuses it, which makes the General bristle even more.<br><br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:45%">
He's a man, about the same age as you but a little taller, wearing a patterned green shirt casually rolled up at the elbows. His shoulder-length dark brown hair tumbles around his youthfully handsome face.<br>
<<jacques "I was wondering if I could jump in.">> he quips roguishly as he approaches the General. <<jacques "Looked like fun, and I //think// I might have some pointers.">><br><br>
The general's clearly put off by the newcomer's insolence, but it looks like he can't reasonably refuse the request of a noble, and soon a second sparring match is arranged for the audacious man.<br><br>
The challenger is offered a suit of armor, but refuses it, which makes the General bristle even more.<<br>>
<<jacques "Ahh, just one thing before we begin.">> Says the man, before turning around to face directly towards you in the crowd. Unsheathing the shortsword hanging from his hip and holding it to his brow in a simple salute, he gives you a cheeky smirk and a wink, calling out <<jacques "I would like to request the Princess' blessing for this duel.">>
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroque.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BaroqueMode)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
He's a man, about the same age as you but a little taller, wearing a patterned green shirt casually rolled up at the elbows. His shoulder-length dark brown hair tumbles around his youthfully handsome face.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroque.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BaroqueMode)@@</div>
<<jacques "I was wondering if I could jump in.">> he quips roguishly as he approaches the General. <<jacques "Looked like fun, and I //think// I might have some pointers.">><br><br>
The general's clearly put off by the newcomer's insolence, but it looks like he can't reasonably refuse the request of a noble, and soon a second sparring match is arranged for the audacious man.<br><br>
The challenger is offered a suit of armor, but refuses it, which makes the General bristle even more.<br><br>
<<jacques "Ahh, just one thing before we begin.">> Says the man, before turning around to face directly towards you in the crowd. Unsheathing the shortsword hanging from his hip and holding it to his brow in a simple salute, he gives you a cheeky smirk and a wink, calling out <<jacques "I would like to request the Princess' blessing for this duel.">><br><br>
You feel every face in the crowd turn towards you expectantly.<br><br>
[[I can't afford to look unfeminine in front of everyone. Give him my blessing.->day3jacques2][$day3jacquesMeet to "bless"]]<br>
<<link "Roll my eyes at his trite request">>
<<set $day3jacquesMeet to "roll">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day3jacques2">>
<</link>><<if $day3jacquesMeet is "bless">>
With all eyes on you, you're certain that any move you make here will be reported to the Queen - you can't afford to look unfeminine.<br><br>
The only question is, how do you phrase your blessing?<br><br>
<span id="blessingAppend"></span>
<span id="blessingRemove">
<<if $auth gte 1>>
<<link "Sternly, making it clear that he shouldn't disappoint me">>
<<set $day3jacquesMeet to "auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<remove "#blessingRemove">>
<<append "#blessingAppend" t8n>>
<<include [[day3jacques3]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "authority 1 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "authority 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Sternly, making it clear that he shouldn't disappoint me==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Elegantly and sophisticatedly">>
<<set $day3jacquesMeet to "grace">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<remove "#blessingRemove">>
<<append "#blessingAppend" t8n>>
<<include [[day3jacques3]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "grace 1 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "grace 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Elegantly and sophisticatedly==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
<<link "With wide-eyed admiration">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day3jacquesMeet to "cute">>
<<remove "#blessingRemove">>
<<append "#blessingAppend" t8n>>
<<include [[day3jacques3]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "cuteness 1 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "cuteness 1 required">>@@color:#797979;==Wide-eyed admiration==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Awkwardly">>
<<set $day3jacquesMeet to "awk">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<remove "#blessingRemove">>
<<append "#blessingAppend" t8n>>
<<include [[day3jacques3]]>>
<<if $day3jacquesMeet is "roll">>
<<include [[day3jacques3]]>>
<</if>><<if $day3jacquesMeet is "roll">>
You can't believe how corny the man's request is. Even with everyone staring, you're not going to dignify it with a response.<br><br>
A few amused chuckles rise from the crowd at your reaction, but none seem more pleased than the man himself, whom it seems like can barely contain his mirth as he smiles warmly at you. It seems like he never expected you to accept in the first place.
<<if $day3jacquesMeet is "cute">>
You excitedly shout that you'll be cheering for the challenger.<br><br>
A few amused chuckles rise from the crowd at your adorable response. The man himself can't help himself from laughing warmly, before bowing and replying <<jacques "You do me a great honor, your Highness.">> with playful severity.
<<if $day3jacquesMeet is "grace">>
You elegantly wish the challenger good luck in his battle.<br><br>
You hear some impressed gasps from the crowd at your grace and dignity. The man seems unfazed though, and while all attention is focused on you he sends you a playful wink at your affectation.<br><br>
He doesn't let it show to the crowd though, and bows before you. <<jacques "You honor me, your Highness.">>
<<if $day3jacquesMeet is "auth">>
You icily look the man up and down, as if analyzing his potential, before commanding him to not disappoint you.<br><br>
He winces a little as he realizes that his request has ended up more serious than he'd bargained for. However, his smile doesn't budge, and you can see a twinkle of interest shine in his eyes.<br><br>
He brings his sword arm round in a sweeping arc from his forehead to his breast, before bending forward in an exaggeratedly elaborate bow that feels, if not quite mocking, certainly playful. <<jacques "I wouldn't dream of it, your Highness.">>
<<if $day3jacquesMeet is "awk">>
You desperately try to think of words that will feel appropriate, but they just don't come together in your mind. Every time you string something together you think about how many people are staring at you, and then it all falls apart.<br><br>
The challenger seems to be the first to notice your discomfort, and you see a look of concern flash over his face before he quickly announces. <<jacques "Alas, ignore me. How could I dare to make such a request before proving myself worthy of it? Allow me to do so for your entertainment first.">><br><br>
You feel the overbearing pressure of everyone's attention lift from you as the man's bravado draws all attention back towards himself. You find yourself blinking in surprise - he just //rescued// you. Your goodwill is cut short however when you remember that it was his bluster that got you into that mess in the first place.
The match begins soon after. The challenger adopts a relaxed combat stance, but watching him you notice that there's more wiry strength to his body than you'd presumed from his fairly slender frame.<br><br>
His opponent makes a determined first strike, but the blow is neatly sidestepped by the noble. This happens a few more times, each attack slinkily evaded with just enough energy to slip out the way while not expending any more than is necessary. Then, not wanting to drag things out or humiliate anyone, the noble taps his sword on the soldier's chest - a scoring blow, and the match is over.<br><br>
The crowd erupt in cheers, and the challenger continues his showboating for their amusement. You find yourself grinding your teeth in irritation. Sure, you suppose that he's pretty good, but so //tacky//.<br><br>
As the show closes and the crowd begins to file out of the tent, your irritation is only increased when you see him surrounded by fawning cadets eagerly seeking advice. You overhear him explaining <<jacques "It's nothing too special. My guess is that you train with the armor on, right? Makes sense, less injuries, but without practice against someone with full mobility you've got a giant weakspot there. With any luck the General will change his tune after watching that.">><br><br>
<<link "So irritating!">>
<<goto [[day3games1]]>>
<</link>><<set $colette.name to "Colette Lavalette">>
Once outside the tent, the gathered nobles are quickly directed towards another part of the camp.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3games1.jpg]]@@<br>
Here there's a row of wooden targets set up in lanes opposite a wooden structure with wide open bays to shoot from - to shade the marksmen from the elements. This must be where the cadets learn marksmanship.<br><br>
<<blue "Me and the boys figured that one thing that we're uniquely positioned to provide to all of y'all is an opportunity to get stuck in and experience some of the life of a soldier, that you might not get an opportunity to otherwise. And we thought a bit of friendly competition would really get people going.">> Explains the General once everyone has settled.<br><br>
<<blue "We'll be calling up everyone in pairs to have a bit of a go at marksmanship. To make it more interesting, and because the ladies will have difficulty with a bow, there's a choice between using one of these new-fangled rifles, or a good ol' bow and arrow.">><br><br>
The crowd begin to buzz with excitement. It's a little strange to you - the life of a soldier is hardly glamourous, and you know that it's often one that people only go into out of lack of any other options, but to the nobles who have never encountered hardship the concept must be quite romantic.<br><br>
<<blue "Now, the first pair:">> Announces the General, grabbing a piece of paper from a subordinate. As he looks at it, a charmed smile crosses his face. <<blue "How lovely. Looks like it's our Highness the Crown Princess and miss Colette Lavalette!">><br><br>
You can't help but groan at the announcement.<<if $coletteAsked isnot true>> Somehow, you already know //exactly// whom 'Colette' might be.<</if>> You don't know what she did to make this happen - not only is she up against you, but also the two of you will be going first, guaranteeing that absolutely everyone will be watching intently.<br><br>
<<colette "What a //delight//, your Grace!">> comes Colette's voice sweetly. All trace of malice selectively wiped from her tone - her speech so charming that even so soon after being victimized by her you already struggle to believe that she could hold even an ounce of spite within her. <<colette "What a charming little game. Let's have ever so much //fun// together.">><br><br>
<<link "Try to contest her social dominance">>
<<set $day3coletteReply to "contest">>
<<goto [[day3games2]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "It's not worth it, I can't risk a public display. Stay quiet and let Colette win.">>
<<set $day3coletteReply to "scowl">>
<<goto [[day3games2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<</link>><<if $day3coletteReply is "scowl">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
Colette lets out a sweet laugh at your subdued reaction.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh, poor thing. The Princess is feeling a little shy.">> She announces, loud enough for everyone to hear. <<colette "Don't worry, your Highness. I'll look after you.">><br><br>
She reaches out towards you. For a moment you recoil, expecting to feel her vicious claws, but it doesn't come. Instead, she sweetly holds your hand and moves to lead you towards the archery structure like a lost child. You're left in a position where the only way not to make a scene is to meekly follow after her.<br><br>
The nobles are clearly delighted by the cute scene, and a chorus of adoring <<pink "Aww">>s rise up from the crowd, which only adds to the humiliation.
The moment that you're safely out of sight in the building, her sweetness drops immediately and she turns to you with a scornful expression.<br><br>
<<colette "How //pathetic//. It's like you can't even bring yourself to resist. Or perhaps you just know that doing so would be hopeless - so your best bet is to roll over and hope that you'll get off easily.">><br><br>
<<colette "Well tough. It just gives me freedom to get my pay back However. I. Want. And I intend to //savor// your destruction, //Princess//.">><br><br>
<<if $day3coletteReply is "contest">>
How do you to attempt to contest Colette's control over the situation?<br>
<span id="games2append"></span>
<span id="games2remove">
<<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Try do outdo her in authority">>
<<set $day3coletteReply to "auth">>
<<remove "#games2remove">>
<<append "#games2append" t8n>><<hr>>
<<include [[day3gamesContest]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "authority 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "authority 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Try to outdo her in authority==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 2>>
<<link "Try to outdo her in grace">>
<<set $day3coletteReply to "grace">>
<<remove "#games2remove">>
<<append "#games2append" t8n>><<hr>>
<<include [[day3gamesContest]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "grace 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "grace 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Try to outdo her in grace==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Try to outdo her in cuteness">>
<<set $day3coletteReply to "cute">>
<<remove "#games2remove">>
<<append "#games2append" t8n>><<hr>>
<<include [[day3gamesContest]]>>
<</link>><<hovertip "cuteness 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "cuteness 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Try to outdo her in cuteness==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Realize that I can't beat her in any area">>
<<set $day3coletteReply to "fail">>
<<remove "#games2remove">>
<<append "#games2append" t8n>><<hr>>
<<include [[day3gamesContest]]>>
<</if>><<switch $day3coletteReply>>
<<case "cute">>
You loudly make a scene of how overjoyed you are at being placed together with Colette, whom you give a cute nickname. You even do a sweet little hop of excitement.<br><br>
It goes against every instinct that you have, you've seen what her nails are capable of after all, but you reach out and clasp Colette's hand in your own<<if def $pc.nails>><<if $pc.nails is "french">> french-manicured one<<else>> <<print $pc.nails>>-nailed one<</if>><</if>>, to try to lead her behind you to the archery structure like a girl dragging a puppy behind her.<br><br>
The nobles are clearly delighted by the cute scene, and a chorus of adoring <<pink "Aww">>s rise up from the crowd.<br><br>
Luckily, it seems like the gamble pays off - she's not going to hurt you so brazenly in public, and the moment that you're safely out of sight from the crowd you disentangle your hand from hers as quickly as possible before she gets any ideas.<br><br>
Colette scowls at you viciously, clearly wounded that you managed to flip her control over the situation on her. <<colette "So you think you're so fucking //adorable// now, do you? Well don't get used to it - soon //everyone// will see that under your cutesy demeanor you're just a pathetic mutt who's learnt that they get treats if it demeans itself.">>
<<case "grace">>
You serenely agree with Colette, matching her fake excitement with your own. However, you make sure to phrase your words just a //little// better than Colette.<br><br>
Colette can see what you're trying to to, and attempts to up the ante by saying <<colette "I just ever so hope that we don't get caught up in some beastly affair. You are such a delicate maiden, your Highness, and I hope that the spirit of competition isn't too much for you.">> However, you manage to one-up even this.<br><br>
You can see nervousness cross Colette's face as she realizes that she can't outdo you in grace.<br><br>
Not wanting to give you the opportunity to make her look any worse, she turns on her heel and makes for the archery structure - leaving you to leisurely follow after her in victory.<br><br>
Once safely out of sight, Colette turns to you with a scowl. <<colette "So you think you're so fucking //elegant// now, do you? Well don't get used to it - soon everyone will see that under your tacky demeanor you're still just an uncultured //slut//.">>
<<case "auth">>
You take the tone of a stern older sister and firmly tell Colette in front of the nobles to refrain from acting so unrefined.<br><br>
It's a risky manuever, especially since she hadn't been acting unrefinedly in the slightest, but the strictness of your voice really sells your words. If anything, the fact that you're calling her out for something so minor just sells your own courtliness as even greater.<br><br>
The nobles around you smile, clearly amused by the sisterly act. Colette tries to maintain her sickly-sweet expression, but you can see a trace of a grimace cross her face at your manipulation of the social situation, and with that you know that you've nailed it - now //she's// the one who looks foolish.<br><br>
As you finish, you even add a flourish - commanding Colette to come along and striding confidently towards the archery structure, leaving her no option but to sheepishly follow behind you.<br><br>
Once safely out of sight, Colette turns to you with a scowl. <<colette "So you think you're so fucking //dignified// now, do you? Well don't get used to it - soon //everyone// will see that under your haughtiness you're still just a stuck-up //bitch//.">>
<<case "fail">>
<<set $elodieSaveCount to 1>>
You try to think of some witty retort to Colette's casual and covert domination of the social situation, but your voice catches in your throat and you find yourself stuttering awkwardly.<br><br>
You catch a look of sadistic triumph cross Colette's face as she watches you make a fool of yourself in public, though she quickly hides it so none of the crowd will notice.<br><br>
<<colette "What's that, your Excellence?">> She teases, though you're sure that the onlookers will mistake it for concern. <<colette "You're going to have to speak up.">><br><br>
You feel your cheeks turning crimson at the public humiliation. The longer it goes on, the more difficult it is to think of the right words - and Colette seems interested in dragging out the moment as long as possible.<br><br>
<<colette "Cat got your tongue? Or are you playing a little //game// with us, your Highness? Yes, that's it, isn't it. I know that you're //ever// so fond of games, Princess. I'm sure that they'll be a lovely reveal at any moment - a silly //prank//. Let's all look closely for it, shall we, everyone?">><br><br>
For a few terrible seconds the entire crowd //stares// at you as you fumble your words and embarrass yourself.<br><br>
Suddenly there's a //crash// from the other side of the crowd that makes everyone look around in alarm. When they turn, they see Elodie standing next to a toppled table, with the snacks that had been on top of it scattered across the ground.<br><br>
<<elodie "Oops. It broke I guess.">> she says, indifferently, as if she couldn't care less, but from the way that she glances your way you get the feeling that the rescue had been intentional.<br><br>
Not wanting to waste the opportunity that Elodie's granted you, you quickly hurry over to the safety of the archery structure while everyone's distracted, slipping out of sight of the crowd.<br><br>
It's not long before Colette comes after you, prowling into the wooden building with a vicious grin on her face.<br><br>
<<colette "How pathetic. I knew that this would be easy, but I never imagined that you'd be such a //pushover//. It's almost like you //enjoy// being humiliated in front of everyone. Well I hope that you get used to it, Princess - I'm going to enjoy taking my time breaking you down until you're a miserable shell of a person begging for forgiveness for what you did.">>
[[Continue->day3games3]]<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<colette "So, //Princess//.">> Colette snarls. The way she says 'princess' makes it sound less like a noble title and more like a name you'd give to a dog. <<colette "I thought I'd make our little competition a bit more //interesting//.">><br><br>
The young woman reaches into her neckline and pulls out a sharp-looking pair of scissors that had been suspended between her breasts by her bra strap and brandishes it in front of you.
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3games3.jpg]]@@<br>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day3games3.jpg]]@@<br>
<<colette "So, //Princess//.">> Colette snarls. The way she says 'princess' makes it sound less like a noble title and more like a name you'd give to a dog. <<colette "I thought I'd make our little competition a bit more //interesting//.">><br><br>
The young woman reaches into her neckline and pulls out a sharp-looking pair of scissors that had been suspended between her breasts by her bra strap and brandishes it in front of you.<br><br>
<<colette "While embarrassing you in front of everyone will be enjoyable on it's own, I would never pass up the opportunity to make things even more //delectable//. The winner gets to make a single //slice// through the loser's clothing.">> She snips the scissors a few times for emphasis. <<colette "It's going to be fun watching everyone's reaction to your little 'accidental wardrobe malfunction'.">><br><br>
This is trouble - you can't afford to expose any more of your body without revealing your masculinity to everyone. Besides, you can't stop thinking about how Simone worked //so// hard on getting this <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>> ready for you, you hate the idea of ruining her hard work.<br><br>
/* <<colette "So, //Princess//.">> Colette snarls. The way she says 'princess' makes it sound less like a noble title and more like a name you'd give to a dog. <<colette "I thought I'd make our little competition a bit more //interesting//.">><br><br>
The young woman reaches into her neckline and pulls out a sharp-looking pair of scissors that had been suspended between her breasts by her bra strap and brandishes it in front of you.<br><br>
<<colette "While embarrassing you in front of everyone will be enjoyable on it's own, I would never pass up the opportunity to make things even more //delectable//. The winner gets to make a single //slice// through the loser's clothing.">> She snips the scissors a few times for emphasis. <<colette "It's going to be fun watching everyone's reaction to your little 'accidental wardrobe malfunction'.">><br><br>
This is trouble - you can't afford to expose any more of your body without revealing your masculinity to everyone. Besides, you can't stop thinking about how Simone worked //so// hard on getting this <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>> ready for you, you hate the idea of ruining her hard work.<br><br> */
Thankfully, while the circumstances mean that you can't directly call Colette out as the hateful bitch that she is in front of everyone without drawing more attention than you can handle, there's no reason at all why you'd have to go along with this //ridiculous// idea.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh, don't you even think about trying to wriggle out of this, //Princess//.">> Colette replies to your protests, a wicked grin on her face. <<colette "You see, I was thinking. Thinking about why you're such a fucking //pussy// now. I bet the Queen's got you //alllll// wrapped around her little finger, else you'd have never agreed to this trip, and now you can't even cause a fuss without getting in trouble. Well one of the things that I'm //oh so// good at is causing //ever// such a //fuss// if I want to - and if you don't play with me nicely then I'll do just that...">><br><br>
You wince. She's wrong - the Princess probably went on this trip as part of her plan to run away, and your situation is //much// more dire than a mere family squabble. However, correct or not, she's still identified your weakness - if she causes a fuss then you're done for.<br><br>
"Of course, if you're //really// so concerned about your
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
trashy little elf-costume
<<case "peach">>
garish little dress
<<case "tulip">>
stupid garish dress
<<case "butterfly">>
dumpy little pom-pom dress
<<case "longcoat">>
mannish little tailcoat
then I suppose that I can offer you an olive branch. If you agree to do a completely embarrassing shot in front of everyone then I'll let //you// choose where in your outfit I cut."
<</colette2>> She flashes a sadistic smile before turning around and walking towards a pile of weaponry. <<colette "Your choice, //Princess//. Do let me know if you want to take up my kind offer.">><br><br>
[[What a bitch!->day3games4]]On the other side of the shed from Colette you inspect the weapons and consider your options.<br><br>
It would be incredible to beat her - then her humiliating stipulation would be flipped back onto her. She seems confident, but you haven't gotten a good read on whether it's a deserved confidence or just arrogant bravado.<br><br>
On the other hand, if you lose and she decides to cut an area that exposes your masculinity then your life could be forfeit - and knowing her personality you doubt that she'll be charitable with where she cuts. It's a horrible risk to take.<br><br>
If you take her up on her offer and do an embarrassing shot then you should at least be able to pick an area that won't expose you too badly. You'd //hate// to give her the satisfaction of having you submissively let her do as she pleases though.<br><br>
As you think, you check through the weaponry. As the General said - they're divided into bows and rifles. You're no marksman, but to your eye the bows all look strong and well-kept, whereas the rifles are a total mess - some of them are even covered in rust from being left outside.<br><br>
You know enough about bows to know that they take a lot of strength to pull back and use properly - more than any woman of noble birth would have. Using one would be pretty suspicious and masculine, but you're confident that you'd be able to make a better shot if you did.<br><br>
<<if $marksmanship is true>>
<<unset $marksmanship>>
<<link "Check at the back of the pile of rifles to see if there's any better options there">>
<<goto [[day3marksmanGoodRifle]]>>
<<hovertip "This option is available because you asked about winning the games earlier">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "This option would be available if you asked about winning the games earlier">>@@color:#797979;==Find a better rifle==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Let myself reveal some masculinity and use the bow">>
<<goto [[day3marksmanBow]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "Stay feminine and use the rifle">>
<<goto [[day3marksmanRifle]]>>
<<link "Submissively take Colette's offer">>
<<goto [[day3marksmanColette]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<</link>><<set $day3marks to "bow">>
You decide to use a bow for your shot. You're certain that it'll arouse suspicion, but you just can't risk losing the match and getting exposed by Colette, and you're too proud to submit to her cruel 'offer'.<br><br>
<<if $pc.background is "hero">>
As a heroic adventurer, you're no stranger to weaponry, but ranged weapons weren't exactly your forte.
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
You've been in plenty of bar-room brawls where someone's pulled a weapon out, so you're not exactly a stranger to armed combat, but a ranged weapon is a completely different matter entirely.
<<elseif $pc.background is "flirt">>
You're a lover, not a fighter. More suited to socialite parties than to weaponry, so this isn't really your style.
Growing up on the streets, only idiots, or people with a gang to protect them, would stick around when fighting broke out. You were neither of these things, so you're a complete stranger to weaponry. Not that knowing the knives and blackjacks favored on the streets would help you with something as different as a ranged weapon.
You run your hands along a few bows carefully, checking their weight and bend, but you really don't know what you're supposed to be looking for.<br><br>
A voice from outside calls <<blue "Competitors to their stations!">>, and you realize you don't have enough time to learn. You grab the nearest one and a few arrows, and make your way to the firing position.<br><br>
Through the bay openings, both you and Colette are visible to the cheering crowd, though you notice the cheering die down a little and be replaced by surprised murmurs when they see your choice of weapon.<br><br>
The adjudicator announces <<blue "Ready your weapons!">>, and you cock an arrow and try to pull back the drawstring.<br><br>
You knew that it would take a lot of strength, but it still takes you by surprise just how difficult it is. You can feel every muscle in your arms and shoulders tense up to full capacity as you pull the drawstring back. You can barely manage it, and you're certain that the crowd must be able to easily see your straining masculine musculature.
The adjudicator shouts <<blue "Fire">> and the //crack// of Colette's gunshot and the //twang// of your drawstring echo around the woodland encampment, followed fractions of a second later by two //thunks// as they hit their respective targets. The crowd roar with excitement.
Two soldiers dash up the field to check whose shot was closest. There seems to be some sort of commotion down there, as soon a few more join them, scratching their head in confusion. The tension is unbearable.<br><br>
Finally, one runs up to the announcer to tell him the news, and he excitedly declares <<blue "Wow, what a result, ladies and gentlemen! This competition is ''a draw''!">><br><br>
The crowd cheer in celebration. You breathe a sigh of relief. You'd have loved to have won, but you can't complain about this result in the slightest.<br><br>
[[Turn back inside->day3marksmanBow2]]Back out of sight of the crowd, Colette gives you a disgusted glare.<br><br>
<<colette "What the fuck's up with those muscles, you //freak//? It's like you've been replaced by a gross man or something!">><br><br>
Your blood runs cold at her words, but thankfully it seems like Colette meant it as an insult rather than a serious accusation.<br><br>
<<colette "Looks like our little game to an inconclusive end. How //boring//.">> She pulls the scissors back out and snips them a few times. <<colette "Maybe we should both make cuts on each other, since we both lost? I'm //sure// that I can handle a little wardrobe malfunction better than you could, after all...">><br><br>
You can't help but flinch at her idea, which makes her laugh wickedly. <<colette "Well, that confirms it. Poor little //princess// so nervous about some little scissors.">>
She smirks at you menacingly, but to your surprise she slides the object back into her bra. <<colette "Oh well. It's no fun if you didn't deserve it, and they'll be plenty more opportunities to //tear// you to //ribbons//. You can escape this time, //bitch//.">><br><br>
And with that, she strides confidently outside, leaving you alone in the darkness to regather yourself.<br><br>
[[Steady yourself and leave->day3marksmanBowEnd]]<<if def $elodieSaveCount>><<set $elodieSaveCount += 1>><<else>><<set $elodieSaveCount to 1>><</if>>
When you emerge, you're greeted by a sea of faces looking at you strangely.<br><br>
A brave voice perks up <<blue "Ahh, congratulations, your Highness. What, err, //interesting// technique you have.">><br><br>
It seems like your use of the bow attracted some suspicion. You can see a lot of people eying up your shoulders and arms curiously.<br><br>
Suddenly, the tense scene is interrupted by Elodie walking up to you. As if completely unaware of all of the people looking at you, she indifferently stands in front of you and aloofly greets you with a <<elodie "'Sup, Princess. Good shot and stuff. Come look at this cool rock I found.">><br><br>
You're quite taken aback by the peculiar request, and you can tell that the nobles are too, but as you're directed off to the side by the darkly dressed girl the situation loses some of it's tension. You can still notice a few strange looks, but at least it doesn't seem like there's an accusation coming your way.<br><br>
<<elodie "There's not really a cool rock.">> Elodie states matter-of-factly, as if you were stupid to have thought as much. <<elodie "I just figured you needed a rescue. Cool muscles by the way. You're super ripped.">><<if $elodieSaveCount is 1>> Despite her ambivalent tone, you're deeply appreciative for having been saved by her twice in one day.<</if>><br><br>
The general announces the next round of competitors, and soon a steady stream of matches are happening. You're too distracted to pay them much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.<br><br>
[[Continue->day3betweenGames]]<<set $sub += 2>>
<<set $day3marks to "colette">>
You hate to give her the satisfaction, but you can't afford to risk getting exposed in front of everyone - you're going to have to accept Colette's offer.<br><br>
Colette actually seems surprised by your submission, looking you up and down with a disgusted expression on her face. However, it's quickly replaced by a wicked smirk as she thinks of what she's going to do with you.<br><br>
<<colette "Seeing reason, are you? I suppose it's good that you're not //delusional// enough to think that you could beat me.">><br><br>
She's about to gloat more, but is interrupted by the call of the adjudicator from outside, shouting <<blue "Competitors to their stations!">><br><br>
A look of annoyance crosses her face at the interruption, but she quickly shrugs and picks out a random rifle from the rack. You're about to do the same but she stops you. <<colette "Oh. No, //Princess//. You stay right here like a good little girl. I'll be back in a second.">><br><br>
She strides confidently to the bay openings, where she's clearly visible to the crowd of onlookers, and calls out in her sickly-sweet voice <<colette "The Princess is having some difficulty. The poor girl's gotten //ever// so overwhelmed by the competition. Would it be alright if we took our shots one at a time so that I can help guide her on her turn?">><br><br>
You find yourself blushing at the coos of adoration at Colette's kind generosity, and at your childlike incompetency.<br><br>
Colette seems to get permission, so quickly readies her gun and with a //crack// makes her shot. You can hear impressed cheers rise up from the crowd - clearly she did quite well.<br><br>
Colette prowls back into the shade, full of predatory glee. <<colette "Come along then, //Princess//. Let's take your shot together, shall we?">><br><br>
You gulp. This is more than you bargained for, but Colette's primed the situation perfectly so that backing down now would cause confusion and undue attention from the nobles.<br><br>
[[Grab a gun and go to the firing position->day3marksmanColette2]]You tensely walk up to the firing position and raise your rifle. Through the opening you're clearly visible to the crowd of onlookers cheering on one side of the range.<br><br>
As you take your position Colette slides in next to you, pressing her body against yours and running her manicured hands down your arms until she's matching your figure, guiding your limbs. She has all of the possessiveness of a horny drunk, drawn as close to your body as she can get, her breath against your neck, her breasts pressing into your back. To the crowd though, it'll look like she's simply guiding your body helpfully.<br><br>
Her breath begins to get a little ragged, and you can tell that she's relishing the experience of holding you pliant and obedient as she leans forward to whisper in your ear. <<colette "Be a good girl and don't shoot before I tell you to. I intend to //enjoy// this.">><br><br>
You're is standing side-on, facing towards the crowd to correctly hold the gun in firing position, so Colette's body is mostly out of sight to the crowd. She takes advantage of this by moving her face closer and //licking// with relish long and hard up the back of your neck. You can't stop yourself from letting out a quivering gasp at the unexpected sensation, and Colette giggles excitedly at the noise. <<colette "Poor thing. So //pathetic//. Let's see what else I can do - stay //still// now.">><br><br>
She draws one hand back down your arm and shifts around behind you. You stand transfixed and trembling, not sure what's about to happen out of your sight.<br><br>
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
You can feel your green cloak shift to the side, though you doubt that the motion is visible to the crowd, and then Colette's soft hand plunges down the back of the waistline of your tight leggings and run along your exposed behind.
<<case "peach">>
You can feel the back hemline of your dress being pulled upwards, though Colette is careful not to do so in a way that would be visible to the crowd. Then Colette's soft hands run along your exposed behind.
<<case "tulip">>
You can feel the back hemline of your dress being pulled upwards, though Colette is careful not to do so in a way that would be visible to the crowd. Then Colette's soft hands run along your exposed behind.
<<case "butterfly">>
You can feel the back hemline of your dress being pulled upwards, though Colette is careful not to do so in a way that would be visible to the crowd. Then Colette's soft hands run along your exposed behind.
<<case "longcoat">>
You can feel the long tails of your black tailcoat shift to the side, though you doubt that the motion is visible to the crowd, and then Colette's soft hand leisurely runs up your scandalously short skirt and onto your exposed behind.
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
She lets out a little gasp of surprise directly against the back of your neck. <<colette "No panties, //Princess//?">> she whispers <<colette "How //daring//.">>
Her manicured nails trace the material of your <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
Your breathing is ragged and loose now. You can feel cold sweat running down your body despite the chill autumn air. Colette is mere inches away from touching your genitals and spelling your doom. Not only that, but whatever combination of fear and tension that had been keeping your body from becoming erect from the sensations and humiliations of being cruelly molested in front of a crowd of unaware onlookers suddenly dispels itself. Even if she //doesn't// reach your genitals, you'll soon be quickly exposed to the expectant crowd as <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>the bulge of your swelling member lifts up the front of your dress<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>your swelling member lifts up your short skirt<<else>>the bulge of your swelling member becomes obvious through your tight trousers<</if>>.<br><br>
But her hand doesn't reach forward as you'd feared. Instead, <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
your <<print $outfit.under.name>> are pulled to the side and
<</if>>a probing finger runs firmly over your asshole.<br><br>
You let out a huge gasp of surprise, though it comes out as more like a moan of pleasure at the unexpected sensation. You tense up in response, and in the process accidentally pull the trigger of your rifle. It goes off with a loud //bang//.<br><br>
You can feel your cock swelling with even greater potency, so immediately drop to the ground to try to obscure your exposure. You hear gasps of surprise from the crowd and assume that you're done for.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh you poor //thing//. So delicate. She must have had a nasty shock from the nerves.">> Colette voice calls out from above you. You can hear some sympathetic noises from the crowd - and no revolted cries of accusation. It looks like you managed to cover yourself just in time!<br><br>
<<colette "Come along, Princess.">> She kneels down in front of you and practically drags you back into the shaded structure on all fours, though you're sure she's careful enough to make it look like she's kindly helping you along.<br><br>
[[Crawl back inside->day3marksmanColette3]]<<set $outfitTorn to "good">>
Back inside the hut, you're terrified that Colette will make you stand and notice your erection, but thankfully she throws a command at you. <<colette "Don't stand up. You're better on your knees anyway.">> You can do nothing but obey, which she no doubt takes for cowed obedience.<br><br>
She stands and looms over you victoriously. She doesn't seem to care in the slightest that from your lowered position you can see straight up her short skirt. In fact, she might even be part of the appeal.<br><br>
<<colette "How //pathetic//. When you fall apart //this// easily it's almost not even fun breaking you... but I'm sure I'll manage to find ways to make things //interesting//.">><br><br>
<<colette "Now...">> She takes the pair of scissors out from her bra again. <<colette "I suppose you upheld your part of the deal - nobody could ever pretend that quick shot was //anything// other than humiliating, and I, for one, keep my promises, //Princess//. Where should I cut your clothing?">>
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
Luckily, your green cloak has plenty of excess material to cut.<br><br>
Colette complains <<colette "ugh, //boring//">>, but when it comes to actually making the cut she gets unexpectedly serious, like it's an important ritual. When she slices a medium tear at the hem of the cloak, it's done so solemnly that it's almost tender.
<<case "peach">>
Luckily, Your long dress has plenty of excess material to cut. At best you'll be flashing an ankle.<br><br>
Colette complains <<colette "ugh, //boring//">>, but when it comes to actually making the cut she gets unexpectedly serious, like it's an important ritual. When she slices a medium tear at the bottom hemline of the dress, it's done so solemnly that it's almost tender.
<<case "tulip">>
Luckily, Your long dress has plenty of excess material to cut. At best you'll be flashing an ankle.<br><br>
Colette complains <<colette "ugh, //boring//">>, but when it comes to actually making the cut she gets unexpectedly serious, like it's an important ritual. When she slices a medium tear at the bottom hemline of the dress, it's done so solemnly that it's almost tender.
<<case "butterfly">>
Luckily, Your dress has plenty of excess material to cut in its many layers of petticoats..<br><br>
Colette complains <<colette "ugh, //boring//">>, but when it comes to actually making the cut she gets unexpectedly serious, like it's an important ritual. When she slices a medium tear in one of the petticoats, which is soon lost in the layers of fabric, it's done so solemnly that it's almost tender.
<<case "longcoat">>
Luckily, your long tailcoat has plenty of excess material to cut.<br><br>
Colette complains <<colette "ugh, //boring//">>, but when it comes to actually making the cut she gets unexpectedly serious, like it's an important ritual. When she slices off the end of one of your jacket-tails, it's done so solemnly that it's almost tender.
She takes one last lingering moment taking in the scene - you on your knees and her standing above you. <<colette "I hope that you get used to this position, //Princess//. You're going to be seeing a lot more of it.">><br><br>
With that, she turns on her heel and goes outside to meet the crowd, leaving you alone in the darkness to recover.<br><br>
[[Collect yourself and leave->day3marksmanColetteEnd]]It takes you some time to calm yourself down and dispel your erection, but luckily the next round of competitors aren't called yet. They must be giving you time in sympathy for what must have been seen as a public meltdown.<br><br>
When you finally head outside, you're greeted by polite clapping from the crowd. What's more humiliating though is the comments you get when you start mingling. Almost everyone you pass feels the need to give a sympathetic comment, which isn't too bad in of itself, but there's often an unpleasant insinuation that you're not all that capable, and perhaps even not very bright.<br><br>
Whenever you look around, you can see Colette out the corner of your eye, smirking at all of the comments that you're getting.<br><br>
Thankfully it doesn't seem like anyone notices the cut in your outfit, and if anyone does, then they don't think that it's worth mentioning.<br><br>
The general announces the next round of competitors, and soon a steady stream of matches are happening. You're too distracted to pay them much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.<br><br>
[[Continue->day3betweenGames]]<<set $day3marks to "goodRifle">>
Remembering what Elodie's father had told you earlier, you check around the back of the pile of rifles.<br><br>
You quickly manage to find what you were looking for - hidden behind all of the damaged ones are a collection of shiny new rifles! As you pick one out from its hiding place, you're impressed by its balance. You're definitely going to be a better shot with this than you would with any of the normal options!<br><br>
A voice from outside calls <<blue "Competitors to their stations!">>, and you confidently walk over to the firing positions.<br><br>
Through the bay openings, both you and Colette are visible to the cheering crowd as you steady the unfamiliar rifle with your shoulder and aim down the sights down the range. Colette, armed with a rifle herself, does the same.<br><br>
You take one last deep breath to calm your nerves, before the adjudicator announces <<blue "Fire!">> and you release your shot.<br><br>
Twin //cracks// of gunshot resound around, echoing around the woodland encampment, followed fractions of a second later by two //thunks// as the bullets hit their respective targets. The crowd roar with excitement.<br><br>
There's an achingly long period of tension as you wait for the results. From where you are, the two smoking bullet holes look almost identically well aimed, and two soldiers dash up to inspect them closely.<br><br>
Finally, one raises their hand to signal the winner, and the announcer excitedly declares <<blue "And that's it! Ladies and Gentlemen. The winner is... ''her Highness, the Princess!''">><br><br>
The crowd start cheering even louder in celebration at your masterful victory. You did it!<br><br>
[[Showboat a little to the crowd->day3marksmanGoodRifle2][$day3marksShowboat to true]]<br>
[[Just turn back inside->day3marksmanGoodRifle2]]<<if $day3marksShowboat is true>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
You can't help but show off your victory a little, and you take some time flaunting, calling out the crowd in excitement and doing some curtsies as if having just finished a performance.<br><br>
When you finally
<<set $swallow ++>>
As you
return to the enclosed space of the wooden structure, back out of vision from the crowd outside, you find Colette staring daggers at you resentfully.<br><br>
<<unset $day3marksShowboat>>
When she notices your shiny new rifle her face gets even more annoyed. The one that she's holding, while not a bad option given the selection, is clearly a lot more battered and well-used. All in all, she gave a really impressive shot given its condition.<br><br>
As you put your gun away, she throws hers unceremoniously on the pile in anger.<br><br>
<<colette "So you got //lucky// and found a better gun. Don't think that this means anything, //Princess//.">><br><br>
You're completely expecting her to go back on her half of the deal, but to your surprise she takes the scissors back out of her bra and asks.<br><br>
<<colette "So, where should the cut go?">><br><br>
<<link "Cut her top, exposing her bra to everyone">>
<<goto "day3marksmanGoodRifleTop">>
<<link "Cut her bra, which won't reveal much to people, but I might get to see her boobs">>
<<goto "day3marksmanGoodRifleBra">>
<<link "Cut her skirt, exposing her panties to everyone">>
<<goto "day3marksmanGoodRifleSkirt">>
<<link "Cut her panties, making her walk around exposed">>
<<goto "day3marksmanGoodRiflePanties">>
<<link "Spare her the humiliation. Make a small cut somewhere insignificant">>
<<goto "day3marksmanGoodRifleSpare">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<</link>><<set $coletteTorn to "top">>
Colette thrusts the scissors out towards you handle first.<<colette "Go on then.">><br><br>
You grab them, a little nervously despite yourself. You had been so bold declaring what you'd do, actually doing it is a different matter entirely.<br><br>
<<colette "Come on. Stop being a //bitch// and just do it already.">> She demands, glowering at you viciously. It seems like she's mistaking your nervousness for gloating.<br><br>
Not wanting to show how out of your element you are, you step close to the young woman. She's already wearing a crop-top, revealing her pristine pale tummy to the world, it'll be easy to make a cut that exposes her bra.<br><br>
You reach out to grab the hem of her top. In the process, your hands brush over her soft skin and feel a trace of goose-bumps. Despite how much of a death-glare she's directing at you, it seems like you're not the only one feeling the tension at the strange intimacy of the scene.<br><br>
You run the scissors up the bottom of her top, with one side brushing cold metal across her skin, before with a loud //snip// you make the incision.<br><br>
The fabric falls apart, creating a tear through which Colette's bra (a pretty white one with pink lace), as well as the curve of her breasts (not too large, but pristinely shapely, perfect orbs) can be seen.<br><br>
Your brain goes haywire at the sight, and it takes you a few seconds to realize that you're standing there like an idiot, scissors still against Colette's skin, being glared at unpleasantly. You hurriedly step away.<br><br>
Colette looks down to take in what state you've left her in.<br><br>
<<colette "Not a bad cut. I could have done better though.">> she says finally, and without hesitation she strides confidently outside seemingly without care for embarrassment at all.<br><br>
[[Gather yourself and leave->day3marksmanGoodRifleEnd]]<<set $coletteTorn to "bra">>
Colette looks a little surprised at your choice. <<colette "My bra? What's the point in that? Nobody's going to see it.">><br><br>
Still, she doesn't complain. You were expecting her to do it quickly and subtly, hoping to maybe snatch a small glance at a boob at best, but instead she lifts her entire top upwards, completely exposing her elegant, pale tummy and a cute white bra with pink lace.<br><br>
Your brain short-circuits a little at the most beautiful girl you've ever seen exposing herself in front of you so brazenly, particularly since that girl is giving you the most pointed death-stare you've ever experienced as she does it.<br><br>
Colette, however, seems surprised by your shock. <<colette "To the victor the spoils, //Princess//. You know that.">> You're not quite sure how to take the words.<br><br>
Colette bites onto her top to keep it from falling back down as she reaches down and runs her scissors between her breasts. For a moment your breath catches in your throat in anticipation of what's about to happen, before with a //snip// the strip of fabric between the cups is cut, and the cups themselves begin to fall away.<br><br>
Colette's breasts aren't huge, but they are //perfect//. Nary a blemish or mole marks her pale skin, and her orbs are shapely without any bulging or skin folds. They're crowned by cute pink nipples, rapidly hardening in the cool autumn air. You know instinctively that these are the type of boobs of which sonnets are sung and sculptures are made. They're breathtaking, though you can't help but feel annoyed at the sight.<br><br>
She makes a few more incisions to remove the cups completely so they don't hang awkwardly under her clothing. The whole time you can't stop staring, watching as her boobs rise with her breath, and sway as she twists her body from side to side. Eventually, however, the moment comes to a close as she opens her mouth, releasing her top, which falls gracefully over her chest.<br><br>
As she walks past you with a glare you force yourself to start making rational thoughts again.<br><br>
[[Gather yourself and leave->day3marksmanGoodRifleEnd]]<<set $coletteTorn to "skirt">>
Colette thrusts the scissors out towards you handle first.<<colette "Go on then.">><br><br>
You grab them, a little nervously despite yourself. You had been so bold declaring what you'd do, actually doing it is a different matter entirely.<br><br>
<<colette "Come on. Stop being a //bitch// and just //do// it already.">> She demands, glowering at you viciously. It seems like she's mistaking your nervousness for gloating.<br><br>
Not wanting to show how out of your element you are, you step close to the young woman and kneel down on the floor next to her. You find yourself so close to Colette's silky-smooth hairless thighs that you can see your breath linger on their milky-pale surface.<br><br>
Her skirt is already scandalously short, and just being down here is enough to give you a clear view under them. She's wearing a little white thong with a cute ruffle at the top, the strip of material barely covering her pussy. It'll be easy to make a cut that will expose them to the world.<br><br>
As you prepare the scissors you notice that despite the hateful glower she's raining down on you from above, her delicate skin has begun to raise up into little goose-bumps. Clearly you're not the only one feeling tension at the strange intimacy of the scene.<br><br>
With a loud //snip// you make an incision along the front of her skirt, and the fabric folds apart along it. Anyone who sees her will immediately notice her exposed panties.<br><br>
With a start, you realize that you'd been so enraptured that you'd been sitting there like an idiot, lingering tantalizingly close to Colette's barely-hidden snatch. You hurriedly stand up and step away.<br><br>
Colette looks down to take in what state you've left her in.<br><br>
<<colette "Not a bad cut. I could have done better though.">> she says finally, and without hesitation she strides confidently outside seemingly without care for embarrassment at all.<br><br>
[[Gather yourself and leave->day3marksmanGoodRifleEnd]]<<set $coletteTorn to "panties">>
Colette seems almost impressed at your choice <<colette "Panties huh? Gonna make me walk around exposed with a skirt this short? Smart choice, //Princess//.">><br><br>
You were expecting her to do it quickly and subtly, so you're completely thrown off guard when Colette raises one leg to place it stepped-up onto a side table, opening up her hips to give you the best visibility possible as she raises her pink-white skirt to completely reveal her underwear - a little white thong with cute ruffles at the top.<br><br>
Your brain short-circuits at the most beautiful girl you've ever seen exposing herself so vulgarly in front of you, particularly since that girl is giving you the most pointed death-stare you've ever experienced as she does it.<br><br>
Colette, however, seems surprised by your shock. <<colette "To the victor the spoils, //Princess//. You know that.">> You're not quite sure how to take the words.<br><br>
Colette places her skirt-edge into her mouth to hold it open as she reaches down and calmly slices along the top of the thong.<br><br>
Time seems to slow down as the fabric, now loose, slowly falls apart - unveiling Colette's perfect, shaved pussy to you.<br><br>
Colette makes one last cut along one hip, so that the panties aren't even attached anymore and fall into her hand, before standing back straight, neatening down her skirt, and walking past you to go outside. As she passes you, she reaches up and places the ribbon that was once her panties over your face.<br><br>
<<colette "Keep them, bitch. I don't need them anymore.">> she calls behind her as she leaves.<br><br>
You realize that you haven't moved an inch since she first exposed herself to you, and force yourself to start making rational thoughts again. It's very difficult, all the more so due to the smell from the tattered remains of her panties on your face - you don't know whether it's from tormenting you, exposing herself to you, or something else, but from the smell of it she had //definitely// been enjoying herself.<br><br>
[[Gather yourself and leave->day3marksmanGoodRifleEnd]]<<set $coletteSpare to true>>
<<set $coletteTorn to "big">>
You tell Colette to give you the scissors and close her eyes. She gives you a withering scowl in reply.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh, fuck off with your pigheadedness, //Princess//">> she sneers, but a second later she rolls her eyes irritably. <<colette "Fuck. //Whatever//. To the victor goes the spoils, just like old times.">><br><br>
You're not quite sure how to take the words, but she closes her eyes and holds out the scissors - somehow managing to make the action come off as sarcastic.<br><br>
You step forward towards her and grab the item, before inspecting her body closely, looking for an appropriate area to cut.<br><br>
You're up very close against Colette's body, which almost seems to glisten in the shade of the wooden building. Her pale skin is milky-smooth, completely unblemished no matter where on her body you look. With her eyes closed, she feels so soft and vulnerable - a far cry from what she's usually like to be around.<br><br>
As you inspect her clothing closely, you notice a smattering of goose-bumps emerge on her delicate skin. Clearly you're not the only one feeling the awkward tension from the weird intimacy of the scene.<br><br>
You force your mind to stop getting distracted and find a good spot - a little snip along the neckline. Not enough to reveal anything, but enough that the outfit will feel a little lopsided as a memory that she'd been beaten here.<br><br>
With a //snip// you make the incision and step away from her. It takes a few moments more for Colette to open her eyes, like she didn't believe that that was really it.<br><br>
The moment it sinks in what you've done, her face shifts from spiteful disdain to red hot rage. You weren't sure if you'd been expecting your action to be appreciated exactly, but this definitely comes as a surprise.<br><br>
<<colette "How fucking //dare// you disrespect our deal like this, you miserable fucking //shit//.">> She shrieks. <<colette "After all you've //fucking// done, now you have the fucking //indecency// to try to //fuck// with me like this? Did you think I'd be fucking //pleased//, you hateful //cow//?">><br><br>
Suddenly you're struck in the face with a vicious slap that leaves your cheek stinging in pain. <<colette "You know, I was thinking about going //easy// on you, bitch. Well now I'm going to make your life a fucking living //hell//. You're going to be licking my //toes// and //begging// for mercy and I'll //''never''// give it to you.">><br><br>
She stands there, chest heaving in rage at having been disrespected by your mercy. She's making so much noise that you're certain that the crowd outside must be able to hear the shouting, even if they can't make out the words.<br><br>
She reaches to her neckline, to where you made your cut, and begins to pull at the seams, dragging out the small incision until it reaches halfway down her sleeve, and the top hangs off her precariously, completely exposing her bra and torso.<br><br>
<<colette "//Fuck you//, Princess.">> she spits out finally, before storming out of the building - though a step before going outside she regathers herself, erases the anger from her face, and delicately steps out the rest of the way. You can overhear her calling out <<colette "Oh Daddy, you wouldn't //believe// what the Princess did with her //nasty// weapon, look at what she did to my top!">> in a voice that sounds on the verge of tears.<br><br>
[[Gather yourself and leave->day3marksmanGoodRifleEnd]]<<if lastVisited("day3marksmanGoodRifleTop") is 1>>
When you emerge you're greeted by a chorus of cheers for your victory, however when they die down the sound of Colette loudly explaining her state of undress to her father remains - as if she had to raise her voice to speak when everyone had been cheering and forgot to lower it again.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh daddy, there was a //beastly// little arrowhead in there that snagged on my top. Look at this //awful// tear! You can //totally// see my bra!">><br><br>
She's quickly shushed by her father, but not before every single noble has long forgotten everything about your victory, and is desperately shuffling their feet trying not to be thinking about Colette's exposure.<br><br>
As Colette's father tries to get her to go back to the carriage and change tops, and is flummoxed by Colette's refusal so do so, the General coughs awkwardly and calls out <<blue "And, ahh. And the next match on the list is between Herr Michail and the lady Genuvie.">><br><br>
The crowd get back into hubbubs of conversation as the next round of competitors get ready, and by the time things are back in full swing everyone's chatting as happily as ever - though you can't help but note more than a few heads occasionally glancing towards Colette's bust.<br><br>
Colette herself, after successfully getting her way to not have to change, is as lively and sickly-sweet as ever, without the remotest trace of embarrassment about having her bra visible. If anything she's being more indignant than ever - often standing with her hands on hair hips and her chest forward, giving as clear a view to everyone as possible. Somehow, you know that this is a barb directed towards you - attempting to show how little she cares about what you did. The movement makes you blush regardless.<br><br>
You're too distracted to pay the matches much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.
<<if lastVisited("day3marksmanGoodRifleBra") is 1>>
When you emerge you're greeted by a chorus of cheers for your victory, and as you walk around the crowd you receive many congratulations from happy nobles.<br><br>
You spot Colette in the crowd out the corner of your eye, acting as sickly-sweet as ever without the remotest trace of embarrassment about having no bra on. Not that having no bra on is really that much of an imposition for her - her boobs are too well-shaped to appear any the worse for not wearing one. Still, the image of those perfect mounds is etched into your brain, and you find yourself blushing at the memory.<br><br>
The general announces the next round of competitors, and soon a steady stream of matches are happening. You're too distracted to pay them much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.
<<if lastVisited("day3marksmanGoodRifleSkirt") is 1>>
When you emerge you're greeted by a chorus of cheers for your victory, however when they die down the sound of Colette loudly explaining her state of undress to her father remains - as if she had to raise her voice to speak when everyone had been cheering and forgot to lower it again.<br><br>
<<colette "Oh daddy, there was a //beastly// little arrowhead in there that snagged on my skirt. Look at this awful tear! You can //practically// see my little kitty!">><br><br>
She's quickly shushed by her father, but not before every single noble has long forgotten everything about your victory, and is desperately shuffling their feet trying not to think about Colette's exposure.<br><br>
As Colette's father tries to get her to go back to the carriage and change skirts, and is flummoxed by Colette's refusal so do so, the General coughs awkwardly and calls out <<blue "And, ahh. And the next match on the list is between Herr Michail and the lady Genuvie.">><br><br>
The crowd get back into hubbubs of conversation as the next round of competitors get ready, and by the time things are back in full swing everyone's chatting as happily as ever - though you can't help but note more than a few heads occasionally glancing towards Colette's body.<br><br>
Colette herself, after successfully getting her way to not have to change, is as lively and sickly-sweet as ever, without the remotest trace of embarrassment about having her panties visible. She's even daring enough to give a little twirl in whatever conversation she's a part of, making her skirt flare up and give an even more revealing glimpse to any onlookers. Somehow, you know that this is a barb directed towards you - attempting to show how little she cares about what you did. The movement makes you blush regardless.<br><br>
You're too distracted to pay the matches much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.
<<if lastVisited("day3marksmanGoodRiflePanties") is 1>>
When you emerge you're greeted by a chorus of cheers for your victory, and as you walk around the crowd you receive many congratulations from happy nobles.<br><br>
You spot Colette in the crowd out the corner of your eye, acting as sickly-sweet as ever without the remotest trace of embarrassment about having her cunt out. She's even daring enough to give a little twirl in whatever conversation she's a part of, her skirt riding up enough to reveal her snatch for the briefest second as if daring people to notice. Somehow, you know that this is a barb directed towards you - attempting to show how little she cares about what you did. The movement makes you blush regardless.<br><br>
The general announces the next round of competitors, and soon a steady stream of matches are happening. You're too distracted to pay them much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.
<<if lastVisited("day3marksmanGoodRifleSpare") is 1>>
By the time you've steadied yourself enough from Colette's outrage to go outside, she's had plenty enough time to butter the crowd up against you, and you're faced with a sea of angry faces, outraged that you'd be so mean to Colette.<br><br>
Well, maybe not a sea, you can see a few incredulous faces in the crowd - after all, it was //you// who had won, they'd be little reason for you being such a sore loser; and the shriek of rage that was audible from outside the shed had sounded more like //her// than you.<br><br>
However when you compare the two of you, you can understand why most people find Colette so believable. Just look at her - so pretty and perfect and sweet, compared to you - ungainly, awkwardly quiet, weirdly nervous, and curiously masculine. If you were in their position you'd probably believe the same thing.<br><br>
Luckily, although the energy of the crowd is tense, it doesn't boil up into hostility. Instead, the moment just lingers awkwardly until the General shouts out <<blue "What a... umm... good first match from our lovely ladies. Err. Next on the list is Herr Michail versus the lady Genuvie.">><br><br>
It takes some time, but eventually, the crowd gets caught up in the competition again, though for the rest of the day you can feel that they're treating you somewhat icily. You're too distracted to pay the matches much attention, but you notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.
[[Continue->day3betweenGames]]<<set $day3marks to "rifle">>
You decide to use a rifle for your shot. You can't risk revealing your masculinity with a bow, but you're also too proud to take Colette's cruel offer. Besides, she's just some stuck up noble, and will be using the same shoddy guns as you, you can beat her fair and square.<br><br>
You pick out the least damaged rifle that you can find. You're not exactly used to gunpowder weapons, so don't know exactly what to look for in a rifle, but this one at least has the fewest nicks and scratches.<br><br>
A voice from outside calls <<blue "Competitors to their stations!">> and you figure that this one will have to do.<br><br>
As you step forward both you and Colette become visible to the cheering crowd through the bay openings. You steady the unfamiliar rifle with your shoulder and aim down the sights down the range. Colette, armed with a rifle herself, does the same.<br><br>
You take one last deep breath to calm your nerves, before the adjudicator announces <<blue "Fire!">> and you release your shot.<br><br>
Twin //cracks// of gunshot resound around, echoing around the woodland encampment, followed fractions of a second later by two //thunks// as the bullets hit their respective targets. The crowd roar with excitement.<br><br>
There's an achingly long period of tension as you wait for the results. From where you are, the two smoking bullet holes look almost identically well aimed, and two soldiers dash up to inspect them closely.<br><br>
Finally, one raises their hand to signal the winner, and the announcer excitedly declares <<blue "And that's it! Ladies and Gentlemen. The winner is... ''Lady Colette Lavalette!''">><br><br>
The crowd cheer excitedly at the result, but you feel your blood drain from your face as you realize that you've lost, and that your life may now be forfeit.<br><br>
[[Turn back inside and meet your fate->day3marksmanRifle2]]<<set $outfitTorn to "bad">>
Colette prowls back into the shade with a wicked grin on her face.<br><br>
<<colette "Looks like I won, //Princess//.">> She taunts, before howling with laughter at the look on your face. <<colette "Ahh, I'm going to remember that scowl for the rest of my life. Not just this one either, but every single face of anguish and rage that I'll make you do, //Princess//, until every //inch// of my brain is //covered// with that delishious expression and I can't think of //anything// else. I'm going to //immerse// myself //complethely// into your agony, //Princess//, and I'm going to enjoy every //second// of it.">><br><br>
Her words are delirious with glee, even lisping in her cackling bliss. You're a little taken aback, you knew that she hated the Princess, but this is crazy!<br><br>
She pulls back out her pair of scissors from her bra, and idly starts snipping them through the air while she muses to herself. <<colette "Sooo~. Where should I cut, I wonder?">><br><br>
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
She runs the scissors lightly over your body, not enough to cut through yet, but enough that you can feel the cold metal through your tight clothing as she teases it over you, pondering aloud. <<colette "Maybe your leggings could use a //slice// through them... maybe I should tear through your crotch, exposing your little cunny to //everyone//...">><br><br>
You're terrified that she'll notice your bulge as she runs them up your body, but it seems like she's so caught up in her excitement imagining every outcome to notice such things.<br><br>
The scissors rise up your stomach to hover around your neckline<<if $outfit.padding is true>>, between the mounds of your padded bust<</if>>. <<colette "Or should I go //higher//, and expose your pathetic tiny little //tits/ for everyone to see? Won't that be //fun//?">><br><br>
<<colette "But //no//, why allow myself to spoil the tension and unwrap my present before it's time? This is your first loss of //oh so many// to come, my dear //Princess//. Any enjoyment I could have //breaking// my new toy here and now is //nothing// compared to the succulent pleasure of //finally// ripping you apart after //weeks// of edging myself on your humiliation.">><br><br>
She twists her hold on the scissors so that they're held wide open, and wields it now like a sharp dagger, holding it up above her head.
<<colette "No, today I intend to //indulge// myself in quite a more... //Ferocious// way.">><br><br>
And with that her face twists to a wide, feral grin, and she //swipes// her weapon downwards like she's trying to kill you.<br><br>
The scissor blade passes a hairs-breadth away from your face as it travels, before //slicing// through the front of your outfit in a huge swipe, tearing a huge gash through the fabric.<br><br>
<<colette "I said one slice, //Princess//, I never said how the slice would be done.">> She cackles in glee.<br><br>
A bead of blood runs down your stomach, she must have snagged you a little. Her eyes light up in excitement, and she immediately checks the blade. True enough - there's a trace of blood along the sharp metal surface. Unable to contain her excitement, she immediately brings her tongue to the blade, ravenously licking along the surface to take your blood into herself, her face flushing with excitement. You can only stare in shocked awe at the scene - this bitch is crazy!<br><br>
Finally she seems to collect herself from her rapturous joy, and fixes one one final mocking glance as she muses to herself. <<colette "So much to look forward to.">> And with that, she strides confidently outside into the crowd, who cheer for her victory, leaving you alone.
<<case "peach">>
You're relieved that you decided to wear the least revealing clothing possible today, as it doesn't give Colette many options, but any hope that she won't be able to find somewhere damaging is wiped away as she immediately focuses on your neckline. <<colette "I know~. Why don't I expose your pathetic tiny little //tits// for everyone to see? Won't that be //fun//?">><br><br>
You can't help but grimace, and that reaction seems to make Colette's decision for her. <<colette "//Perfect//! Your exposed pre-pubescent buds-that-never-grew will be all that the gossips will be talking about before long, //Princess//. What a thing to look forward to!">><br><br>
She traces the scissors lightly around your neckline, the cold metal running against your skin as she works out the best angle with which to cut from. Soon, she picks the place where she thinks will expose you the most and with a <<colette "Here!">> makes the incision with a loud //snip//.<br><br>
You close your eyes in anticipation of what's about to happen, but to your surprise you don't hear a cry of revolted betrayal, nor even a cackle of victory.<br><br>
Tentatively, you open your eyes and take in what happened. Colette's staring at your chest disappointed scowl on her face. Her cut had sliced through layers of fabric, and many pieces now lie in tatters on your chest, but there was even more to the complex web of interwoven material than had been visible, and while it looks like a tattered mess, and your neckline is a few inches more exposed than before, it still has the strength to cover your breasts - or lack thereof.<br><br>
One of pieces of fabric, now barely a ribbon, detaches itself from the rest of the dress and drifts through the air between you. Colette snatches it out of the air angrily.<br><br>
<<colette "I'll take this.">> She spits out angrily, clearly upset that she didn't get her way. <<colette "As a trophy of your first loss of many.">> And with that she storms outside, leaving you alone.
<<case "tulip">>
You're relieved that you decided to wear a long dress today, as it doesn't give Colette many options, but any hope that she won't be able to find somewhere damaging is wiped away as she immediately focuses on your neckline. <<colette "I know~. Why don't I expose your pathetic tiny little //tits// for everyone to see? Won't that be //fun//?">><br><br>
You can't help but grimace, and that reaction seems to make Colette's decision for her. <<colette "//Perfect//! Your exposed pre-pubescent buds that never grew will be all that the gossips will be talking about before long, //Princess//. What a thing to look forward to.">><br><br>
She traces the scissors lightly around your neckline, the cold metal running against your skin as she works out the best angle with which to cut from. She makes the decision to cut along one side of the firm upper-layers, and with a <<colette "Here!">> makes the incision with a loud //snip//.<br><br>
You close your eyes in anticipation of what's about to happen, but to your surprise you don't hear a cry of revolted betrayal, nor even a cackle of victory.<br><br>
Tentatively, you open your eyes and take in what happened. Colette's staring at your chest disappointed scowl on her face. Her cut had managed to slice completely through the section in question, but instead of making one side of the dress droop down far enough to expose one half of your chest as she had hoped, the rigid, crinkly fabric maintains enough tension to remain mostly in place with just one strap.<br><br>
You breathe a sigh of relief that Colette hadn't taken note of the material, and had expected a softer textile. You're a little more exposed than you were before, and the neckline has lowered a few inches, but you managed to escape unexposed.<br><br>
<<colette "You got lucky, //Princess//">> She spits out angrily, clearly upset that she didn't get her way. <<colette "But it doesn't matter. You lost today - don't you //dare// forget that.">> And with that she strides outside, leaving you alone.
<<case "butterfly">>
You're somewhat relieved that you decided to wear the dress that you did today, as it means that your lower half is so hopelessly covered in petticoats that no single cut will manage to achieve anything. However, any hope that she won't be able to find somewhere damaging is wiped away as she immediately focuses on your neckline. <<colette "I know~. Why don't I expose your pathetic tiny little //tits// for everyone to see? Won't that be //fun//?">><br><br>
You can't help but grimace, and that reaction seems to make Colette's decision for her. <<colette "//Perfect//! Your exposed pre-pubescent buds that never grew will be all that the gossips will be talking about before long, //Princess//. What a thing to look forward to.">><br><br>
She traces the scissors lightly around your neckline, the cold metal running against your skin as she works out the best angle with which to cut from. She's spoilt for choice - your dress is attached to the butterfly broach holding it up with such thin threads that severing any one of them would likely make the dress fall apart. With a <<colette "Here!">> makes the incision with a loud //snip//.<br><br>
You close your eyes in anticipation of what's about to happen, but to your surprise you don't hear a cry of revolted betrayal, nor even a cackle of victory.<br><br>
Tentatively, you open your eyes and take in what happened. Colette's staring at your chest disappointed scowl on her face. Her cut had managed to slice completely through the thread in question, but instead of falling cleanly down as she had hoped, the slip of silky material had managed to snag itself on the bottom tip of the butterfly's wing. One side of your neckline has shifted noticeably down a few inches, and is hanging precariously, but you're lucky enough that it still covers you well enough.<br><br>
You completely expect Colette to pull the thread free, it would be effortless, but for some reason she doesn't. Instead she just shrugs disappointedly. <<colette "You got lucky, //Princess// But it doesn't matter. You lost today - don't you dare forget that.">> And with that she strides outside, leaving you alone. You're struck by how unexpectedly fair she is with her rules.
<<case "longcoat">>
She runs the scissors lightly over your body, not enough to cut through yet, but enough that you can feel the cold metal as she teases it over you, pondering aloud. <<colette "Maybe your skirt could use a //slice// through it, exposing your little //cunny// to everyone...">><br><br>
The scissors rise up your stomach to hover around your neckline<<if $outfit.padding is true>>, between the mounds of your padded bust<</if>>. <<colette "Or should I go higher, and expose your pathetic tiny little //tits// for everyone to see? Won't that be //fun//?">><br><br>
<<colette "But no, why allow myself to spoil the tension and unwrap my present before it's time? This is the first loss of //oh so many// to come, my dear //Princess//. Any enjoyment I'll have //breaking// my new //toy// here and now is //nothing// to the succulent pleasure of //finally// ripping you apart after weeks of //edging// myself on your humiliation.">><br><br>
She twists her hold on the scissors so that they're held wide open, and wields it now like a sharp dagger, holding it up above her head.
<<colette "No, today I intend to //indulge// myself in quite a more... //Ferocious// way.">><br><br>
And with that her face twists to a wide, feral grin, and she //swipes// her weapon downwards like she's trying to kill you.<br><br>
The scissor blade passes a hairs-breadth away from your face as it travels, before //slicing// through the front of your blouse in a huge swipe, tearing a huge gash through the fabric.<br><br>
<<colette "I said one slice, //Princess//, I //never// said how the slice would be done.">> She cackles in glee.<br><br>
A bead of blood runs down your stomach, she must have snagged you a little. Her eyes light up in excitement, and she immediately checks the blade. True enough - there's a trace of blood along the sharp metal surface. Unable to contain her excitement, she immediately brings her tongue to the blade, ravenously licking along the surface to take your blood into herself, her face flushing with excitement. You can only stare in shocked awe at the scene - this bitch is crazy!<br><br>
Finally she seems to collect herself from her rapturous joy, and fixes one one final mocking glance as she muses to herself. <<colette "//So much// to look forward to.">> And with that, she strides confidently outside into the crowd, who cheer for her victory, leaving you alone.
[[Recover and head outside->day3marksmanRifleEnd]]As you leave the wooden shelter you're greeted by polite clapping for your loss by the crowd of nobles, though that's quickly interrupted by confused murmurings at the state of your clothing.<br><br>
Before you can say anything, Colette loudly speaks up. <<colette "It's really //ever// so dangerous in there, it's a total //outrage// really! The Princess accidentally snagged her pretty outfit on an arrowhead, //didn't// you, your Highness?">><br><br>
She puts her arm around you protectively, like you're great friends. Despite knowing that she won't do anything in front of people, you can't help but flinch a little at the possessive movement. <<colette "Luckily it's only a //little// cut, so since we're //soooo// interested in the marksmanship we decided to stay instead of going to grab her a new outfit, //didn't// we, Princess?">><br><br>
You grind your teeth in frustration at having the narrative immediately spun in Colette's favor. Put on the spot, you can do little more than nod your head.<br><br>
The nobles act suitably appalled, and you're quickly on the receiving end of a litany of apologies from the General. Colette happily slinks off, leaving you to awkwardly deal with them.<br><br>
Soon the competition continues with the next round of contestants. You're too distracted by the glances at your chest that you keep receiving to pay much attention - you're not much more exposed than you were beforehand, but something about the fact it's a wardrobe malfunction seems to ignite the voyeuristic instincts of the people around you.<br><br>
You just about notice that Jacques manages to irritatingly nail a bullseye with a bow in his round, and Elodie doesn't do too bad herself - shooting like she doesn't care in the slightest.<br><br>
[[Continue->day3betweenGames]]<<unset $elodieSaveCount>>
Eventually the last round of the marksmanship matches finishes up, and the General leads the group of cheerful nobles along to the next area of the camp.<br><br>
<<blue "The lads were so eager to make some fun activities for all of you ladies and gentlemen. They all had so many ideas for little games, and we didn't have the heart to reject //any// of them - so we've prepared the whole bunch. Damn near tore apart the encampment infrastructure getting the materials necessary, but we'll be damned if it's not worth it for you worthy personages if I do say so myself.">><br><br>
What comes into view is a wide area dotted with many stalls and tents - each of which seems to house a small game of some description. You can spy games of hit the target, whack-a-mole, a tombola, guess the weight of a cake, a coconut shy (with helmets instead of coconuts), hoopla, and more.<br><br>
All in all, it's an awful lot like a street carnival - except instead of a colorful cast of characters manning the stalls there's rows of stern-faced soldiers standing stiffly at attention.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3betweenGames.jpg]]@@<br>
You glance nervously at Colette, but it seems like these small games are beneath her attention with regards to any more stipulations. You breathe a sigh of relief that you'll have some time to relax.<br><br>
<<if $day3route is "elodie">>
<<elseif $day3route is "jacques">>
[[Explore the stalls with Elodie->day3elodieHang]]<br>
[[Explore the stalls with Jacques->day3jacquesHang]]
<</if>>The nobles happily disperse around the area, attracted to whichever games take their fancy.<br><br>
You make yourself scarce. Maybe on an ordinary day you'd find the games interesting, but your situation is far from ordinary. Any wrong move could spell disaster for you - you're just trying to pass the time as uneventfully as you can manage.<br><br>
You find a nice secluded area behind some crates where you'll be mostly out of sight, and allow yourself to relax. This situation was already scary, but the addition of Colette actively trying to undermine and humiliate you has elevated today to outright terrifying.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3xHang.jpg]]@@<br>
You're part way through calming your breathing and easing out some tension in your body when someone else slips into your hiding spot. The girl dressed in black who you met earlier today - Elodie.<br><br>
For a moment you both just look at each other, neither of you expecting anyone else to come back here.<br><br>
<<elodie "'Sup, Princess.">> Elodie says bluntly, looking somewhat amused. <<elodie "You hiding away in here?">><br><br>
You're not sure how to reply.<br><br>
[[Admit that I am->day3elodieHang2][$day3elodieChatReply to "admit"]]<br>
[[Pretend that I have some other reason->day3elodieHang2][$day3elodieChatReply to "reason"]]<<switch $day3elodieChatReply>>
<<case "admit">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
You admit that you've been hiding away from the games.<br><br>
<<elodie "//Ugh//, thank the gods for that. At least there's someone here who isn't boring.">> she groans appreciatively. <<elodie "All this fake fairground stuff is so //tacky//. I can't stand it.">><br><br>
Now at ease with your presence, she takes a seat on one of the larger crates, before gesturing for you to join her.
<<case "reason">>
<<set $badger ++>>
You don't want to look like you were antisocially avoiding people, so claim that you just stepped away for a moment to avoid the sun.<br><br>
Elodie gives you an incredulous look, but doesn't call you out on it. Instead, she reaches into her handbag. <<elodie "Well, I've got just the thing then.">><br><br>
She pulls out a lace parasol, and opens it up. The material is covered in covered in holes in the patterning, enough to look less like a sunshield and more like a spiderweb, and under it Elodie's skin becomes covered in patterns of spiky shadows.<br><br>
<<elodie "Come on then.">> Beckons the young woman, making space for you under the parasol with her as she sits up on one of the larger crates. <<elodie "This can help you stay cool.">><br><br>
With no reason not to, you slip into the spot. At first you try to give Elodie some personal space, and sit a distance from her<<if $day3elodieChatReply is "reason">>, so that her parasol barely covers half of you<</if>>, but Elodie immediately shifts over so that the two of you are right next to each other, her warm body directly against yours.<br><br>
You're a little surprised by how close she's getting to you. But then, that's normal for girls, isn't it? You're very used to seeing gaggles of them happily chatting away in a much more casually intimate way than they'd be with guys. Any contact with boys would be too full of sexual and romantic tension to be that casual.<br><br>
Some part of you feels a little weird about the lack of tension - like your masculinity should feel wounded at being seen as anything other than a potential mate - but mainly it just feels really comfortable and calming, a nice relief from the stressful day as you relax together, legs kicking idly in the autumn breeze.<br><br>
@@color:#9370DB;"Jeez. You've got a complicated expression, Princess."@@ Exclaims Elodie suddenly. You quickly try to think of something to talk about to change the topic and divert Elodie's attention away from your conflicted thoughts.<br><br>
<<link "Ask what Elodie does for a living">>
<<goto [[day3elodieHang3]]>>
<<set $elodieHangAsk to 1>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Ask about Elodie's dark clothing">>
<<goto [[day3elodieHang3]]>>
<<set $elodieHangAsk to 2>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Ask her cup size">>
<<goto [[day3elodieHang3]]>>
<<set $elodieHangAsk to 3>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<</link>><<unset $day3elodieChatReply>>
<<switch $elodieHangAsk>>
<<case 1>>
You rely on the most normal question that you can think of, and ask what Elodie does for a living. However, you realize a moment later that perhaps that was a bad idea. She's a noblewoman - she doesn't need to do //anything// for a living.<br><br>
Elodie gives you a thoughtful expression, but to your surprise she actually seems pleased. <<elodie "Weird. Nobody's asked me that this whole trip. Everyone thinks that all I must do is sit around waiting to be married.">><br><br>
<<elodie "I like to paint. Made some commissions. I'm good. I want to do it as my thing, but my family think it would be a waste because it's not about social capital. All they want to do is curry favor with assholes. So now I get dragged to things like this instead.">><br><br>
There's a moments pause as she's lost in thought, before she turns towards you. <<elodie "What about you? Do your parents let you do the stuff you want to do?">><br><br>
You panic, not sure what you should say, but to your surprise it comes easily to you. There's so much that you want to do, but you're trapped in this weird role as the Princess, and the Queen, or rather, your 'mother', claustrophobically looms over your every action. It's effortless to channel some of that frustration into a little rant.<br><br>
<<elodie "Sounds rough. Being a princess must be weird.">> Elodie replies once you've finished, and you find yourself oddly comforted by the simple words.
<<case 2>>
<<run $firmin.info.pushUnique("elodieAsk")>>
Elodie seems somewhat amused when you talk about her dark clothing. Clearly she gets asked this a lot.<br><br>
<<elodie "Everything else feels garish. On me at least. Some people make it work, but I'd feel like a clown in anything else. And I'm not into clowns.">><br><br>
She contemplates the concept for a second, before correcting herself. <<elodie "At least, I'm not //stylewise// I guess. I suppose clowns are interesting. Anything that makes people have that kind of instinctual fear has some potential I suppose. I should explore that idea sometime.">><br><br>
You can't help but ask about what she means by 'potential'.<br><br>
<<elodie "Oh, I'm into stuff like that. Any books about dark shit - murders and rituals and terrors and stuff - I read them all.">><br><br>
Elodie's eyes gleam, clearly she's excited to be talking about the matter. <<elodie "Like that place yesterday, the Droart Citadel. Some real fucked up stuff used to happen there. Kidnappings and stuff - they'd do all of these experiments on them. Mess up their bodies somehow.">><br><br>
You can't help but flinch a little at Elodie's words. The tale of someone changing someone's body in that citadel feels too similar to your experiences to be coincidence.<br><br>
Elodie takes your flinch of recognition as one of fear, but instead of stopping the story she seems to revel in having drawn a shocked reaction from someone. As she continues she takes the tone of someone telling a scary story at halloween. <<elodie "They terrorized the area for ages, taking a person here or there every now and again. At least, some of the bodies they found were pretty old so that's what they think. Then one day 13 years ago they went psycho. Stole a whole lot of folks and went crazy on them. Like a ritual or something.">><br><br>
<<elodie "//That// caused a fuss. Too many people gone at once. Townspeople did the searching for themselves and by the time the officials from the Capital got here the locals had gathered together and sorted it out themselves. With fire and stuff. That's why it was a construction site, because they needed to fix it back up after the damage.">><br><br>
<<if $firmin.info.includesAny("day3ask")>>
That matches what you learnt from asking Elodie's father about Firmin Goux earlier. Looks like you've managed to find out the grizzly details that he didn't feel comfortable telling you.
You're surprised to hear about the downfall of the Droart family. You had begun to suspect that it was some of the fruits of their 'experimentation' that was used on you - but if the Droarts were all killed then who was the person who you got the potion from? A family member that survived, or someone else following in their footsteps?
<<case 3>>
You were thinking so intently about Elodie's breasts that the words spew out of your mouth before you can stop yourself.<br><br>
You immediately feel like an idiot for asking something so stupid, but Elodie doesn't even blink. @@color:#9370DB;"Ugh. I know right? They're big aren't they? You wouldn't even know it to look at my parents, my grandmother on my father's side is stacked though. Guess I got her genes. They're G-cup."@@ She explains casually.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
@@color:#9370DB;"I'm jealous of yours."@@ She continues, gesturing towards your padded bust. @@color:#9370DB;"A or B, right? Easy to find bras for. I can never find anything nice. Come to think of it I have a cute one on now though. Look."@@
@@color:#9370DB;"I'm jealous of yours."@@ she continues, gesturing towards your flat unpadded chest. @@color:#9370DB;"Petite is in right now. Do you even have to wear a bra?"@@<br><br>
For an awkward moment the world sits still as you wrack your brain wondering what the correct reply might be. Luckily she takes your momentary silence for denial and continues @@color:#9370DB;"They're such a pain. Especially in summer. Come to think of it I have a cute one on now though. Look."@@
You feel like a total pervert - hearing these kinds of intimate details under false pretenses feels like a crime. It gets even worse as Elodie hikes her lacy black dress forward to lower her neckline and lifts her bust to demonstrate.<br><br>
Her bra is, predictably, black, though there are some violet highlights sewn into the lace. The thin black straps seem like they shouldn't be able to contain the large, heavy breasts that the bra seems to barely be able to snugly enclose. Patterns of lace criss-cross over the material, leaving some areas covered only by a sheer mesh through which Elodie's plump, curvy flesh can be seen. You can just about make out the shape of her wide, dark areolas through the see-through material, though the nipple itself is covered by lace.<br><br>
It takes several long seconds for you to realize that Elodie is awkwardly sitting there waiting for some kind of response, and you quickly splutter out some kind of compliment about the material.<br><br>
As Elodie readjusts herself you could swear that you notice a little smile on her face at your flustered reaction, but you decide that you probably mistook it.
The conversation between you ebbs, but neither of you seem to feel much pressure to fill the gap. <<if $elodieHangAsk is 2>>Despite her morbid interests, <</if>>Elodie's presence is just... Chill. As you sit relaxing together, basking in the autumn sun, her body naturally leans against yours, and you find yourself doing the same. As <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>the fabric of your dresses drift together in the crisp breeze<<else>>the fabric of Elodie's dress drifts in the crisp breeze<</if>>, a part of you can't help but feel a little glad that, for this moment at least, you've been able to experience this kind of casual intimacy between girls.<br><br>
<<unset $elodieHangAsk>>
[[Relax->day3backToGroup]]The nobles happily disperse around the area, attracted to whichever games take their fancy.<br><br>
You make yourself scarce. Maybe on an ordinary day you'd find the games interesting, but your situation is far from ordinary. Any wrong move could spell disaster for you - you're just trying to pass the time as uneventfully as you can manage.<br><br>
You find a nice secluded area behind some crates where you'll be mostly out of sight and allow yourself to relax. This situation was already scary, but the addition of Colette actively trying to undermine and humiliate you has elevated today to outright terrifying.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3xHang.jpg]]@@<br>
You've just about managed to calm your breathing and ease out some tension in your neck, when Jacques goes past your hiding spot. Since his showboating earlier today he's been going everywhere surrounded by a group of young cadets eagerly asking for advice, or else just fawning over him.<br><br>
Something about that really irritates you. By rights, someone who acts that impulsively foolhardy should have embarrassed themselves - anyone who has the skills to back it up should also have the restraint to not flaunt it so showily. Not only that, but even if he //did// manage to succeed, everyone should at least be able to recognize his boastful bravado as tacky enough to think less of him. Instead, Jacques won not only the adoration of the nobles, but also the respect of the soldiers.<br><br>
You can't help but sigh in irritation, but to your dismay the sound is louder than you intended, and Jacques stops in front of your spot and looks around. A moment later, and his eyes lock with yours though a gap in the crates.<br><br>
He gathers his little group around him and announces. <<jacques "Lads, I'm parched, I'd love a flask of water right now.">><br><br>
The cadets quickly scatter, each wanting to be the first one to get their new idol what he wants. It seems like even Jacques is surprised at how immediate the response is, as he makes a bemused whistle to himself, before turning around and slinking into your hiding spot behind the crates with you.<br><br>
[[Damnit!->day3jacquesHang2]]As Jacques joins you behind the crates, you desperately try to look like you were doing something less embarrassing than hiding from everyone.<br><br>
Annoyingly, he flashes you a little smirk that reveals that he sees right through it.<br><br>
<<jacques "The officer I knocked on his ass must have been unpopular around here - all of a sudden everyone wants to know me. It's nice for the ego, but they'll sap the life out of me by the end of the day.">><br><br>
He winks at you as he continues <<jacques "I'm sure you know the feeling, you must have people following you around getting in your way everywhere you go. A little time away from things is probably good for both of us.">><br><br>
You blink in surprise at his unexpectedly gracious words - indirectly giving you an excuse to be hiding by talking about himself. However your feelings harden when you notice that, graciously or not, he's still kinda calling you out as hiding away.<br><br>
<<jacques "Anyway, I was hoping to talk to you. I wanted to apologize if me calling you out earlier was boorish. I just-">> Jacques' expression changes to a mischievous smile. <<jacques "I was raised on as many fairy tales as anyone else, all about knights and princesses. If I didn't do something gallant then my childhood self would never forgive me.">><br><br>
Despite his apologetic words, the roguish grin on his face has too much mirth to it for it to come off as completely sincere. He's still clearly very amused by his own antics.<br><br>
Jacques leisurely leans against a crate next to you. It seems like his easygoing nature is too strong to worry about putting on airs, even in front of royalty.<br><br>
<<jacques "So, what's bugging you?">> He asks, so bluntly that it takes you by surprise.<br><br>
<<link "Tell Jacques that noblewomen can be total bitches sometimes">>
<<goto [[day3jacquesHang3]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day3jacquesHang to "bitches">>
<<link "Lie and tell him that you're shaken by the risk of assassination">>
<<goto [[day3jacquesHang3]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day3jacquesHang to "assass">>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
<<link "Try to play it off that you're just a shy and demure person">>
<<goto [[day3jacquesHang3]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day3jacquesHang to "shy">>
<<hovertip "Cuteness too low">>@@color:#797979;Try to play it off that you're just a shy and demure person@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $auth gte 1>>
<<link "Imperiously evade the question">>
<<goto [[day3jacquesHang3]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day3jacquesHang to "evade">>
<<hovertip "Authority too low">>@@color:#797979;Imperiously evade the question@@<</hovertip>>
<</if>><<switch $day3jacquesHang>>
<<case "bitches">>
You try to leave it light on details, but you complain about how you've learnt today how bitchy and vile some noblewomen can be.<br><br>
Jacques nods at your words. @@color:#3EA055;"I figured it might have been that. I heard that you avoid public appearances in the Capital. No small wonder, I only get dragged to these things every now and again and can't stand the two-faced cruelty of it all, I can only imagine how tough it must be right in the epicenter."@@<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Listen, I know it's tough but you shouldn't let them get to you. You're the Princess - any woman of noble birth will have had their every action held in comparison to you from the moment they're born. Any time they act improperly their parents will have been shouting at them that the //princess// would never do something like that. They've been primed to feel pretty spitefully towards you all their lives. It's not personal. They probably just can't get over that you're a real person and not an archetypical concept."@@<br><br>
You consider his words. They're more considerate than you'd been expecting from the casually impulsive man. You're not quite sure if they apply to Colette - she's clearly running on a whole new level of weirdness, but you feel a little better about having been the target of so many mean whispers at the citadel yesterday.<br><br>
<<jacques "They're a mess, but you have to be careful. If you get caught up in trying to show them how awful they are, you just end up getting dragged into their games until you're just the same. You seem cool, Princess - I'd hate for them to get to you.">>
<<case "assass">>
<<set $jacques.protect to true>>
You explain that you're shaken up by the assassination attempt two days ago, and that you're having difficulty keeping it together.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Jeez, how thoughtless of me."@@ Jacques remarks. @@color:#3EA055;"Of course, that was your father they were going for. No wonder you're messed up by it."@@<br><br>
You don't like the idea of the King being the topic of conversation - you've never met the man and it would be too easy for you to accidentally say the wrong thing. So you try to divert the topic to being about how scared you were for your //own// life. You can't avoid sounding a little self-centered, perhaps even a little ditzy, but you manage to shift the conversation.<br><br>
Luckily it seems like the idea of a princess in peril ignites something in Jacques' chivalrous spirit. He proudly rises from his lackadaisical lean against the wall and rests one hand on the pommel of the scabbarded sword at his hip.<br><br>
You're half expecting an absurd speech bragging about his prowess, but to your surprise what he says is fairly grounded. @@color:#3EA055;"I know it might not be all that comforting. After all, the attacker slew dozens of the royal guard and I'm just one man. But if it would ease your worries even a slightest, it would be a honor to try to find you and keep you safe should such an event happen again - if perhaps in only in making sure that you're not alone."@@<br><br>
The silence lingers after the man's words. You have absolutely no idea what you're supposed to //say// to something like this. Despite yourself, you find yourself more comforted by his words than you would have thought - the image of the Scarecrow Killer covered in blood mere feet away from you is still etched into your mind. But on the other hand, if Jacques were to come find you at a time when you're not dressed up as the princess then he'll end up exposing you.
<<case "shy">>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("cloak")>>Hiding behind the hood of your cloak, y<<else>>Y<</if>>ou channel some of what you've learned about being expressive and cute as you speak, and let your voice waver hesitantly as you explain your delicate sensitivity.<<hovertip "Cuteness check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>> You're surprised by how easy the acting comes to you, and realize that perhaps you //are// feeling kinda nervous and scared right now with everything that's happening, and you're just giving voice to a part of you that you would otherwise have suppressed in yourself.<br><br>
You feel a comforting arm on your shoulder, and look up to see Jacques smiling reassuringly at you. In spite of yourself you can't help but feel a little better from it.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"That makes sense. I'd heard that you avoided public events in the Capital."@@ Jacques comments, mostly to himself. You can see him deflating a little as he realizes that since you're of a delicate disposition, calling you out earlier in front of everyone might have been quite unpleasant.<br><br>
He's clearly at a bit of a loss of what to say, and starts grasping at straws to keep the conversation going and cover for himself. @@color:#3EA055;"Uhh.. Books! I imagine you're bookish, right? All that time hiding away in the castle. I've read some books in my time."@@ Though not many, if his hesitation over the words is any tell.<br><br>
You nod in agreement, thinking that it's probably best to do so, though you hope that he doesn't catch you in the lie.<br><br>
Jacques lights up at your nod. @@color:#3EA055;"Have you perhaps read of the adventures of Guillaume le Beaumanoir? I've admired the man my whole life."@@<br><br>
You stifle a laugh at Jacques words. You //have// heard of Guillaume before, you'd struggle to find a boy in the country who hadn't. Even the illiterate would have it told to them by word of mouth. There's a great many stories featuring the courageous knight and his frequent, likely exaggerated, adventures.<br><br>
Of //course// Jacques would be infatuated with the stories. Now that he's mentioned it it's obvious from his behavior. Most kids grow out of playing Guillaume, it seems like Jacques might not have. It's irritating that he's clearly quite so //good// at playing the part, but you can't help but look at him in a slightly warmer light at this insight.<br><br>
However you doubt that a //girl// would have been told the stories, so once you calm yourself enough that you know that you won't laugh you tell him as innocently as you can that you haven't heard of the books, to Jacques' disappointment
<<case "evade">>
You figure that the best reaction to the question is to avoid it entirely. A real princess would be //far// too important to have to deal with questions that they don't want to answer.<br><br>
Instead you hold your head high bark out a haughty retort at him - ignoring his question entirely in favor of berating the man for his uncouth behavior.<<hovertip "Authority check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
You see Jacques' casually-leaning spine straighten instinctively as your words wash over him - his posture stiffening obediently from your tone of voice alone. He tries not to let it show though, a grimace flashing momentarily on his face as he realizes that he may have bitten off more than he could chew.<br><br>
His reply comes back at you with exaggerated carelessness, as if verbally parrying your attempt to gain control over the conversation. @@color:#3EA055;"Well excuse me, Princess. Your humble subject is devastated to have inconvenienced you, I'm sure."@@<br><br>
You throw back another authoritative comment, and get another casual one in return. Soon you're both going at it, neither of you allowing the other to seize control of the conversation - you with overbearing dignity and him with lazy informality. Every strike is met with a fierce parry, and you can feel yourself straining in your efforts - though if anyone were to see it they'd think that the two of you were just having a conversation.<br><br>
Finally, just when you think that you'd struck a vital blow, with all of the flourish of a tournament winning swordthrust Jacques leisurely reaches into his waistcoat pocket and plucks a ripe red apple from it. As if not having heard what you said to him, he idly brings it to his lips and bites into the fruit, before offering it towards you.<br><br>
@@color:#3EA055;"Where are my manners? Care for a bite, Princess?"@@<br><br>
You find yourself scowling at the item in disgust. An ''//apple//'' for goodness sake?! What could you //possibly// do against such an implement of easygoing cunning? He has you completely checkmated and you know it. A flicker of a smile on his lips as he chews the bite of apple shows that he knows it too.<br><br>
What comes as a surprise is that you feel a smile on your own cheeks too. You hate to admit it but that had been kinda //fun//! You're a little giddy from the game, and can't bring yourself to feel a sore loser.
<<unset $day3jacquesHang>>
The mood between you lingers for a few long moments, before the sound of incoming footsteps indicates that Jacques' groupies have returned, each running with a flask of water.<br><br>
Jacques lazily peers through a gap between the crates for a moment, before shrugging to himself.<br><br>
<<jacques "Looks like this is my stop. I doubt you'd want a bunch of trainees searching all over the place.">><br><br>
He stands up straight, turns to you, and dips forward in an exaggeratedly elaborate bow. <<jacques "Enchanté, your Highness.">><br><br>
Then, after another wink in your direction, he reaches up over his head and pulls himself up over the crates to vault out of the hiding space into the crowd of his fans. You can't help but roll your eyes - he can't even //leave// in a normal way.<br><br>
[[Try to relax->day3backToGroup]]<<if previous() is "day3jacquesHang3">>
Alone again, you do what you can to get comfortable and relaxed. It's more difficult than you'd expected - after having been interrupted once you find yourself tensing up every time footsteps come close. When the General loudly calls everyone together, you barely feel more rested than when you started.<br><br>
By the time you hear the General loudly call the group of nobles together, you're barely barely managing to keep your eyes open.<br><br>
<<elodie "Come on, let's head back.">> Says Elodie, lifting herself up from your comfy spot.<br><br>
As you slip back into the crowd of nobles, the General announces <<blue "Only one game to go, I'm afraid to say, lords and ladies. We just hope that it'll be a corker.">><br><br>
He leads the group away from the encampment, almost into the forest. You quickly come across a wooden structure surrounded by a pasture.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3backToGroup.jpg]]@@<br>
<<blue "This here's the stables, where many of her Majesty's finest learn how to ride in cavalry.">> Announces the General proudly. <<blue "And over that way -">> he gestures to a path worn into the ground leading into the forest. <<blue "Is a route that leads to the front gates of the camp. All neatly signposted.">> He turns back and beams at the group. <<blue "We thought you all might want a little horse race to close out the day!">><br><br>
You're a little confused. Horses are huge terrifying animals, more prone to send out bone-crunching kicks than be ridden by the untrained - but the crowd of nobles seem excited rather than terrified by the idea. It takes you a moment to realize that they must all have had horses themselves while growing up, and are probably experienced riders. You begin to feel a little out of your depth as the only person who won't know how to ride.<br><br>
<<blue "We thought that three competitors at a time would work best for the game.">><br><br>
Somehow, you feel like you can already anticipate who at least two of the people who'll be called into the first round are going to be.<br><br>
As expected, the General glances at his notes and turns to the crowd with a wide smile. <<blue "What're the chances of this, ladies and gentlemen? It's our beloved Princess and the lovely Colette Lavalette in the first round again! And joining them is...">><br><br>
Colette flashes you a sadistic smirk though the crowd. You find yourself hoping that a certain person might be the third participant in your race.<br><br>
<<link "I hope it's Jacques">>
<<set $day3racePartner to "jacques">>
<<goto [[day3race1]]>>
<<link "I hope it's Elodie">>
<<set $day3racePartner to "elodie">>
<<goto [[day3race1]]>>
<</link>><<setter "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "day3racePartner to 'jacques'">>
<<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">>
<<blue "And joining them is... Miss Elodie! What a charming trio of maidens.">><br><br>
You can see Elodie roll her eyes at the idea of participating in a horse race. She looks like she's about to decline, but then her eyes meet yours in the crowd. You don't know what face you were making, but it seems like your desperation not to be left alone with Colette is communicated to her.<br><br>
With a shrug of resignation, she concedes. <<elodie "Fine. Whatever.">> You breathe a sigh of relief.
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
<<blue "And joining them is... Master Jacques!">><br><br>
The young man cheers out from the crowd nearby, and flashes you a smile as he steps forward through the crowd. <<jacques "Looks like fate's thrown us together again, your Highness.">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3race1.jpg]]@@<br>
As you enter the building, the three of you are saluted by a middle-aged gentleman, whose military fatigues are marked by years of horse manure and hay-stains. You assume that he's the stablemaster.<br><br>
<<blue "You're welcome to any of the horses you see here.">> States the man frankly. <<blue "I can help if you need anything">> And with that he leaves the three of you to make your choices.<br><br>
/* You're grateful that he and <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> are here. If this stable were as isolated as the marksman's shed was earlier, you have no doubt that Colette would be acting just as indignantly as she had been then.<br><br> */
For a moment you dare to let yourself think that the presence of <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> and the stablemaster will be enough to stop Colette from making a move. Unfortunately, Colette is well versed in getting what she wants.<<br>>
Full of fake pleasantness, the vile girl exclaims <<colette "What //fun//, Princess! Let's have a //wonderful// race!">> and as if she's so excited that she can't contain herself, she suddenly swoops over you in a feminine, clasping embrace. The closeness gives her ample opportunity to whisper in your ear <<colette "Don't think that you can wriggle out of our competition, //Princess//. The loser of this little race will have to endure a punishment - a //truly// degrading act towards the winner. I hope that you're looking forward to it~!">><br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
Content that her point has been made, Colette turns to Jacques, switching seamlessly back into her sickly-sweet demeanor as if nothing had happened. <<colette "And it's going to be //wonderful// to see such a //dashing paragon// demonstrate his prowess so closely.">> she coos, her eyes glistening with admiration.<br><br>
Jacques smiles confidently, looking thrilled to have his ego stroked. He takes Colette's hand in his own and makes a show of leaning down to kiss it. <<jacques "It will be my pleasure to share the race with you both, dear lady.">><br><br>
Colette flashes you a smug glare at Jacques' words. You know immediately that Colette's deliberately attempting to draw your only ally here under her influence, or at least to make you feel more alone.<br><br>
You find yourself bristling with irritation. Something about Jacques' reaction pisses you off to no end. To your surprise though, the moment that Colette turns her back to skip merrily down the stalls, Jacques' expression twists briefly into a grimace, as if bothered by her and grateful not to be the subject of her attention anymore. However, it disappears the moment that he realizes that you're looking at him.<br><br>
<<jacques "Is the weather treating you alright, your Highness? You're looking a little pink.">><br><br>
Mortified at having been noticed, and yourself not quite sure why you're quite so affected either, you abruptly hurry off along the hall of stalls instead of giving him a reply.
Content that her point has been made, Colette turns to Elodie. There's a moment's pause while she looks the darkly dressed maiden up and down, clearly unimpressed by what she sees, but she plows on with her cloying manipulation anyway.<br><br>
<<colette "And it's going to be //wonderful //sharing a race with such an... //upstanding// young noblewoman! I love your... //fun// outfit!">><br><br>
You grind your teeth in frustration. It's not difficult to tell that Colette's deliberately attempting to draw your only friend here under her influence, or at least trying to make you feel more alone. However, Elodie's inexpressive features don't even flinch at Colette's attempt at praise.<br><br>
<<elodie "Fuck you.">><br><br>
The statement is so blunt and to-the-point that you do a double take. You can hear the stablemaster let out a large gasp of surprise. Colette is at first completely speechless, but her expression rapidly turns to a burning rage that can only come from someone so used to getting her own way.<br><br>
<<colette "How //dare// you speak to me that way, you morbid little low-class //bitch//! My family can destroy yours and send you //straight// back to the gutter where you belong in an //instant//!">><br><br>
Elodie maintains the same bored expression as ever. <<elodie "Do that then. I won't mind.">><br><br>
Colette seems to realize that such a threat means nothing to the young woman, so attempts a different tract. <<colette "You're just //sooo// ugly and vile that you put on this //grotesque// little show of indifference. Only pretending that you don't care because you know full well that if you //ever// let yourself try at //anything//, everyone would see you fail miserably. It's so //pathetically// laugha-">><br><br>
But her words are cut short when, seemingly tired of the conversation, Elodie simply turns around and walks away down the aisle of stalls, leaving Colette stammering angrily at nothing. You find yourself incredibly jealous that she's in a position to be able to treat Colette like you've been wishing you could get away with this whole time.<br><br>
Colette scowls fiercely, realizing that there's little that she can do in this situation. She gives you one last glare as if to say 'don't think that this means anything', and turns around to the stablemaster, suddenly back to her sickly-sweet demeanor and putting on a desperate show of fragility to make sure that his witnessing of her outburst is quickly forgotten. You take the opportunity to follow Elodie down the stalls and find a horse to ride.
[[See the horses->day3race2]]<<setter "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "day3racePartner to 'jacques'">>
You walk along the stalls, assessing the horses available to choose from.<br><br>
You don't know the first thing about horse riding, but you don't have to to identify the placid, well-behaved look to most of the horses here. Some even look almost beaten-down. You suppose it makes sense - these are training horses who have to put up with a whole new batch of cadet trainees every year, it must be exhausting for them. You begin to feel a little more confident that you won't end up killing yourself trying to ride one.<br><br>
To your inexperienced eye, the horses all look much the same, at least, all up until the last stall. There stands proudly a huge and terrifying black stallion, pacing around his enclosure menacingly. When you enter into view, it locks eyes and squares its body towards you, as if threatening to charge right through the gate and trample you.
/* [img[Images\Passage\day3race2.jpg]]<br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">>The stablemaster, now free of Colette after having been smooth-talked completely to her side, notices where your attention is focused and comes on over.<<else>>The stablemaster notices where your attention is focused and comes on over.<</if>><br><br>
<<blue "You wouldn't want this'n, yer Highness. Not for a delicate flower like yus'self.">> He explains in a country drawl. <<blue "Ol' Thunder there don't let no-one ride 'im. Not unless ya' can break 'im. A couple'a cadets try ev'ry year, but few do it. Takes a lotta willpower, I reckon'.">><br><br>
You look over the beast. It's not difficult to tell that he's stronger than the rest of the horses by a good margin. Winning the race would be easy, if only you had the authority to tame him.<br><br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:45%">
<<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">>The stablemaster, now free of Colette after having been smooth-talked completely to her side, notices where your attention is focused and comes on over.<<else>>The stablemaster notices where your attention is focused and comes on over.<</if>><br><br>
<<blue "You wouldn't want this'n, yer Highness. Not for a delicate flower like yus'self.">> He explains in a country drawl. <<blue "Ol' Thunder there don't let no-one ride 'im. Not unless ya' can break 'im. A couple'a cadets try ev'ry year, but few do it. Takes a lotta willpower, I reckon'.">><br><br>
You look over the beast. It's not difficult to tell that he's stronger than the rest of the horses by a good margin. Winning the race would be easy, if only you had the authority to tame him.<<br>>
[[Attempt to ride Thunder->day3raceThunder]]<br>
[[Ride a normal horse instead->day3raceNormal]]
<td style="width:55%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3race2.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3race2.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">>The stablemaster, now free of Colette after having been smooth-talked completely to her side, notices where your attention is focused and comes on over.<<else>>The stablemaster notices where your attention is focused and comes on over.<</if>><br><br>
<<blue "You wouldn't want this'n, yer Highness. Not for a delicate flower like yus'self.">> He explains in a country drawl. <<blue "Ol' Thunder there don't let no-one ride 'im. Not unless ya' can break 'im. A couple'a cadets try ev'ry year, but few do it. Takes a lotta willpower, I reckon'.">><br><br>
You look over the beast. It's not difficult to tell that he's stronger than the rest of the horses by a good margin. Winning the race would be easy, if only you had the authority to tame him.<br><br>
[[Attempt to ride Thunder->day3raceThunder]]<br>
[[Ride a normal horse instead->day3raceNormal]]
</span>You're not going to let yourself be intimidated by a horse, and part of you wants to prove to the Stablemaster wrong for assuming that you wouldn't be capable of it. You demand that the stablemaster open the gate and let you into the stall.
<<if $auth gte 1>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Use my Authority to try to break Thunder">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3raceThunderAppend]]>><</append>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "I'm too nervous">>
<<set _noAuth to true>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3raceThunderAppend]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Only a glutton for humiliation would choose such a thing.">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<include [[day3raceThunderAppend]]>>
<</if>><<if _noAuth isnot true>>
<<switch $auth>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $day3raceHorse to "mule">>
You hesitantly step towards the huge animal. He's even larger up close - a mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves.<br><br>
For the life of you, you can't force yourself to meet his huge, dark eyes. Thunder tosses his head angrily a few times, making a noise almost as if scoffing at you for your pathetic attempt.<br><br>
Then he turns away from you. For a moment your heart soars, thinking that maybe he's backing down from his intimidation in your presence - but then Thunder turns his whole body, facing his rear legs directly towards you in preparation for a bone-shattering, possibly life threatening kick.<<hovertip "Authority check - fail">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
<<blue "Watch out!">> Shouts the stablemaster, and you feel the soldier's strong arms wrap around your waist and //YANK// you backwards, out of the stalls.<br><br>
He'd clearly been expecting this to happen, but he's still not quite quick enough. A metal-shod hoof still manages to graze one of your thighs at the very end of it's kick. It's barely a hundredth of what you would have experienced if the stablemaster hadn't pulled you in time, but it's still enough to send a lance of pain through your body.<br><br>
The man tries to set you back down on your feet, but you immediately stumble and fall to your knees, your thigh still reeling from the terrifying blow. <<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly" or $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Your <<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>dress<<else>>skirt<</if>> shows enough thigh for you to notice a big red bruise already appearing.
Down the aisle, you can see Colette grinning maliciously at you, as if she's never seen anything funnier. You're thankful that <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> is busy in another stall and didn't notice your mistake.<br><br>
<<case 1>>
<<set $day3raceHorse to "t1">>
You attempt to maintain an authoritative demeanor as you step towards the huge animal. It's difficult - he's even larger up close - a mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves.<br><br>
You force yourself to maintain eye contact with his huge, dark pupils. You just about manage it, until Thunder tosses his head angrily a few times, making you waver.<br><br>
The moment your eye contact is broken Thunder starts bristling with anger again, and you're forced to step backwards, out of range of any kicks coming towards you.<br><br>
You're about to leave the stall, convinced that you've failed, but the stablemaster encouragingly calls out <<blue "Ya' almost had it, yer 'ighness. Try it again!">><br><br>
You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and try to capture Thunder's gaze once more. It takes a little while for him to calm down, but you try not to let yourself waver and eventually he settles down. Despite your best efforts though, he never stays completely still, and frequently tosses his head irritably.<<hovertip "Authority check - minor success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The stablemaster makes an impressed whistle under his breath. <<blue "He's still got some life in 'im fer sure, but I reckon' he'd bear you. I'll fetch the saddle.">><br><br>
[[You did it!->day3race3]]
<<case 2>>
<<set $day3raceHorse to "t2">>
After a deep breath to steady your nerves, you try to channel every ounce of authoritative energy that you can muster and step into the stall. The mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves in front of you rears up in challenge, as if about to bear its mighty buck down on you.<br><br>
From behind you, you hear the stablemaster gasp and move to try to pull you away from the beast, but you gesture behind you to leave you be, while desperately trying to maintain eye contact with the horse.<br><br>
Thunder seems surprised by your lack of cowering, and as much out of confusion than anything lowers himself down from his hind hooves to snort and toss his head angrily at you.<br><br>
You try not to let a smile cross your face as he backs down. Now that he's given up once, more will follow - it's just a waiting game to get it out of his system. You keep as stern an expression on your face as you can manage as Thunder paces aggressively around the stall. It takes a long time - long enough that your cheeks are numb from stiffly holding them in place, but eventually the beast bows his head in submission.<<hovertip "Authority check - strong success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The stablemaster makes an impressed whistle under his breath. <<blue "Well fancy that - as gentle as a gelding. Never reckon'd ah'd see the day. Yuh sure are summin', yer 'ighness. I'll fetch the saddle.">><br><br>
[[You did it!->day3race3]]
<<case 3>>
<<set $day3raceHorse to "t3">>
You don't even hesitate as you step into the stall with the mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves. You don't need to - you're confident that you can do this.<br><br>
Thunder locks eyes with you in anger at being challenged. For a few long seconds you both stand there - you with quiet confidence, and it with rage.<br><br>
That's all it takes for the beast to see that he won't win against you. Without even a whinny or a tossed head, Thunder bows his head in submission to strength of your will.<<hovertip "Authority check - great success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The stablemaster is absolutely flabbergasted at the sight. <<blue "Damn me...">> He exclaims. <<blue "As gentle as a gelding jus' from lookin' at 'cha. Yuh sure are summin', yer 'ighness. I'll fetch the saddle.">><br><br>
[[You did it!->day3race3]]
<<set $day3raceHorse to "t3">>
You don't even hesitate as you step into the stall with the mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves. You don't need to - you're confident that you can do this.<br><br>
Thunder locks eyes with you in anger at being challenged. For a few long seconds you both stand there - you with quiet confidence, and it with rage.<br><br>
That's all it takes for the beast to see that he won't win against you. Without even a whinny or a tossed head, Thunder bows his head in submission to strength of your will.<<hovertip "Authority check - great success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The stablemaster is absolutely flabbergasted at the sight. <<blue "Damn me...">> He exclaims. <<blue "As gentle as a gelding jus' from lookin' at 'cha. Yuh sure are summin', yer 'ighness. I'll fetch the saddle.">><br><br>
[[You did it!->day3race3]]
<<set $day3raceHorse to "mule">>
You hesitantly step towards the huge animal. He's even larger up close - a mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves.<br><br>
For the life of you, you can't force yourself to meet his huge, dark eyes. Thunder tosses his head angrily a few times, making a noise almost as if scoffing at you for your pathetic attempt.<br><br>
Then he turns away from you. For a moment your heart soars, thinking that maybe he's backing down from his intimidation in your presence - but then Thunder turns his whole body, facing his rear legs directly towards you in preparation for a bone-shattering, possibly life threatening kick.<<hovertip "Authority check - fail">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
<<blue "Watch out!">> Shouts the stablemaster, and you feel the soldier's strong arms wrap around your waist and //YANK// you backwards, out of the stalls.<br><br>
He'd clearly been expecting this to happen, but he's still not quite quick enough. A metal-shod hoof still manages to graze one of your thighs at the very end of it's kick. It's barely a hundredth of what you would have experienced if the stablemaster hadn't pulled you in time, but it's still enough to send a lance of pain through your body.<br><br>
The man tries to set you back down on your feet, but you immediately stumble and fall to your knees, your thigh still reeling from the terrifying blow. <<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly" or $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Your <<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>dress<<else>>skirt<</if>> shows enough thigh for you to notice a big red bruise already appearing.
Down the aisle, you can see Colette grinning maliciously at you, as if she's never seen anything funnier. You're thankful that <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> is busy in another stall and didn't notice your mistake.<br><br>
<</if>><<blue "Ah'am sorry, yer Highness, but I did warn ya.">> Chides the stablemaster, as if giving a lesson to a child.<br><br>
His strong hands grab you again, and firmly help you to stand up. You find that you can just about manage to walk, though you'll have a limp for a while. You stumble a little at first while you get your bearings, so the stablemaster doesn't release his grip for fear you'll fall down again. You feel your cheeks begin to flush<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">> again<</if>> at being manhandled so closely.<br><br>
<<blue "This way, yer Highness. Ya wouldn't want a normal horse with that nasty bruise, but I know just the beast.">><br>
/* He leads you back down the aisle to a stall that you had thought was empty earlier. At first it still looks unoccupied, but at the stablemaster's whistle a horse stands up from behind a pile of hay. */
/* It's significantly smaller than the other horses - no wonder you hadn't noticed it before! Compared to the sleek, elegant forms of the other horses, this one looks positively dumpy.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceThunder.jpg]]@@<br>
<<blue "This here's a mule. Won't be fast, but it'll be the smoothest ride of your life, you won't even notice the bruise.">><br><br>
You grind your teeth in frustration, but there's no way that you'll be able to ride anything else with your leg like this.<br><br>
[[Accept the mule->day3race3]] */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:50%">
He leads you back down the aisle to a stall that you had thought was empty earlier. At first it still looks unoccupied, but at the stablemaster's whistle a horse stands up from behind a pile of hay.<<br>>
It's significantly smaller than the other horses - no wonder you hadn't noticed it before! Compared to the sleek, elegant forms of the other horses, this one looks positively dumpy.<br><br>
<<blue "This here's a mule. Won't be fast, but it'll be the smoothest ride of your life, you won't even notice the bruise.">>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceThunder.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
He leads you back down the aisle to a stall that you had thought was empty earlier. At first it still looks unoccupied, but at the stablemaster's whistle a horse stands up from behind a pile of hay.<<br>>
It's significantly smaller than the other horses - no wonder you hadn't noticed it before! Compared to the sleek, elegant forms of the other horses, this one looks positively dumpy.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceThunder.jpg]]@@<br>
<<blue "This here's a mule. Won't be fast, but it'll be the smoothest ride of your life, you won't even notice the bruise.">><br><br>
You grind your teeth in frustration, but there's no way that you'll be able to ride anything else with your leg like this.<br><br>
[[Accept the mule->day3race3]]<<set $day3raceHorse to "normal">>
You're not foolish enough to take a chance on a beast as terrifying as Thunder. Maybe if you knew how to ride it would be different, but you're nervous enough at the thought of riding //any// horse, let alone that mountain of muscle, sinew, and hooves.<br><br>
You walk back along the row of stalls and choose a horse that you think is appropriate. You still don't really know what to look for, but you manage to find one that at least looks friendly and healthy.<br><br>
<<include [[day3race3]]>><<setter "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 't2'" "day3raceHorse to 't3'">>
As the stablemaster saddles up
<<switch $day3raceHorse>>
<<case "normal">>
your horse,
<<case "mule">>
the pathetic looking mule,
<<case "t1">>
<<case "t2">>
<<case "t3">>
he asks you <<blue "So, yer Highness. Will ya be riding sidesaddle or no'?">><br><br>
You try not to let your surprise at the unexpected question show. You hadn't thought of that.<br><br>
You'll definitely have more control over <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> if you sit straight, which definitely sounds favorable as someone whose never ridden before, but it might come off as masculine. You're sure that the Queen would prefer you to ride sidesaddle.<br><br>
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
Your tight leggings will be perfectly suited for riding.
<<case "peach">>
Unfortunately, your long dress is completely unsuitable for sitting straight in the saddle. At least, not without hiking it up to your waist, which would look very undignified.
<<case "tulip">>
Unfortunately, your long dress is completely unsuitable for sitting straight in the saddle. At least, not without hiking it up to your waist, which would look very undignified.
<<case "longcoat">>
Your short skirt could just about cover you either way.
<<case "butterfly">>
Your poofy dress flares out so far at the waist that it should be unobstructive enough for either way of sitting to be possible.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach" or $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<hovertip "You won't be able to ride like this with your outfit">>@@color:#797979;==Ride straight==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Ride straight">>
<<goto "day3race4">>
<<set $day3sideSad to 1>>
<<link "Ride sidesaddle">>
<<goto "day3race4">>
<<set $day3sideSad to 0>>
<</link>><<setter "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 't2'" "day3raceHorse to 't3'" "day3sideSad to 0" "day3sideSad to 1">>
The stablemaster busies himself finishing up the final preparations for the three of you to race, and soon your horses are lined up in a row at the gates of the stable.<br><br>
At the man's signal the gates are opened, and as it does so the three of you are revealed to the crowd of excited nobles.<br><br>
Colette, beautifully beaming next to a sleek, white mare;<br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques, smirking next to a sturdy steed;<<else>>Elodie, as unperturbed as ever next to a gloomy dark steed with a shaggy black mane that droops over it's eyes;<</if>><br>
<<switch $day3raceHorse>>
<<case "normal">>
And you, trying not to let your nervousness show next to a speckled-brown horse.
<<case "mule">>
And you, feeling absolutely absurd next to a wimpy little mule that's dwarfed by the ones next to it.
<<case "t1">>
And you, absolutely dwarfed by the intimating black stallion snorting angrily next to you.
<<case "t2">>
And you, absolutely dwarfed by the intimating black stallion next to you.
<<case "t3">>
And you, absolutely dwarfed by the intimating black stallion standing perfectly obediently next to you.
<<blue "Saddle up!">> Shouts the stablemaster, and Colette and <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> climb up into their saddles with ease. You can feel the eyes of the crowd on you expectantly as you hurry to attempt the same -- just about making it up onto the beast without getting caught in a tangle of straps and stirrups.<br><br>
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
<<if $day3sideSad is 0>>
Once you're up, it's a difficulty not to fall right back down again. You weren't expecting just how strange sitting on something alive would be - every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes the entire thing shifts terrifyingly. Sitting sidesaddle feels completely unsteady, and you feel liable to be flung off at a moments notice even while it's standing still.<br><br>
Sitting so bow legged on a seat which shifts every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes is profoundly strange, enough that it's difficult to stay balanced even sitting straightly. You're glad that you decided not to sit sidesaddle.<br><br>
<<case "peach">>
Once you're up, it's a difficulty not to fall right back down again. You weren't expecting just how strange sitting on something alive would be - every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes the entire thing shifts terrifyingly. Sitting sidesaddle feels completely unsteady, and you feel liable to be flung off at a moments notice even while it's standing still.<br><br>
<<case "tulip">>
Once you're up, it's a difficulty not to fall right back down again. You weren't expecting just how strange sitting on something alive would be - every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes the entire thing shifts terrifyingly. Sitting sidesaddle feels completely unsteady, and you feel liable to be flung off at a moments notice even while it's standing still.<br><br>
<<case "longcoat">>
<<if $day3sideSad is 0>>
For a terrifying moment, you think that you might have flashed the nobles on your way up. Sitting sidesaddle so high up on <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> in such a short skirt is absolutely scandalous! You quickly shut your legs as tightly as they can go and nervously scan the crowd for anyone reacting negatively. After a short moment, you breathe a sigh of relief - looks like nobody noticed.<br><br>
Even once you're up, it's a difficulty not to fall right back down again. You weren't expecting just how strange sitting on something alive would be - every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes the entire thing shifts terrifyingly. Sitting sidesaddle feels completely unsteady, and you feel liable to be flung off at a moments notice even while it's standing still, especially when you have to keep your legs to firmly closed.<br><br>
Sitting so bow legged on a seat which shifts every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes is profoundly strange, enough that it's difficult to stay balanced even sitting straightly. You're glad that you decided not to sit sidesaddle.<br><br>
Your short skirt feels absolutely absurd - sitting so bow-legged makes it barely cover you.
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
For some reason, the taut leather of the saddle feels scandalous against the soft silk of your <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
What's most scandalous is your bare naked groin pressed up against the taut leather of the saddle - your genitals perched against the pommel.
<<case "butterfly">>
<<if $day3sideSad is 0>>
Once you're up, it's a difficulty not to fall right back down again. You weren't expecting just how strange sitting on something alive would be - every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes the entire thing shifts terrifyingly. Sitting sidesaddle feels completely unsteady, and you feel liable to be flung off at a moments notice even while it's standing still.<br><br>
Your dress was far too poofy for you to sit on, so instead it blooms out from your sitting position so much that you feel like a flower. Every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> moves it bounces along with it.<br><br>
Sitting so bow legged on a seat which shifts every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> breathes is profoundly strange, enough that it's difficult to stay balanced even sitting straightly. You're glad that you decided not to sit sidesaddle.<br><br>
Your poofy dress blooms out from your sitting position so much that you feel like a flower. Every time <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> moves it bounces along with it.
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
The taut leather of the saddle feels scandalous against the soft silk of your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, especially where your bulge perches against the pommel.
What's most scandalous is your bare naked groin pressed up against the taut leather of the saddle - your genitals perched against the pommel.
The general calls out <<blue "The path through the woods should be obvious. Just follow the signs! You'll end up back at the camp in a jiffy - and the whole platoon will be waiting at the finish line to cheer for you!">><br><br>
You try not to grimace - you had been hoping that going first would at least mean that the finish line would be empty. No luck - it looks like your success, or failure, will be visible to everyone.<br><br>
<<blue "Alright then, ladies and gentlemen. Looks like we're ready. Racers - on your marks... get set...">><br><br>
[[Go!->day3race5]]<<setter "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 't2'" "day3raceHorse to 't3'" "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "day3sideSad to 1" "day3sideSad to 0">>
For a split second you realize that you have no idea how to make this beast go, but thankfully <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse is well-accustomed to inexperienced riders and does the work for you.<<case "mule">>a second after the call your mule seems to get the hint, placidly trotting along the track.<<default>>you don't need to - Thunder knows all by himself, and shoots forward so quickly that you have to hold on for dear life.<</switch>><br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
Both of your race partners take the opportunity of being in front of the cheering crowd to showboat a little. Jacques expertly pulls back on the bridle to pull his steed into a mighty rear, standing out of the saddle as he does to whoop show-offishly to the crowd. Colette's showboating is less ostentatious, but in your view no less tacky - slowing down to gracefully prance along the track to demonstrate her elegance and control over the horse. You can see that her control over the beast is coming from digging her high heels into her horses flanks, and that the horse's eyes are wide and painstruck, but you suspect that the crowd are too overjoyed by the display to notice.<br><br>
<<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>You feel a little awkward being the only one not showing off, but their grandstanding means that your horse is the first to make it to the treeline.<<case "mule">>Their grandstanding means that, to your surprise, and from the feel of it to the surprise of your mule too, you're the one who makes it to the treeline first.<<default>>Their grandstanding means that Thunder easily leaps past them, reaching the treeline far before them.<</switch>><br>
Colette doesn't miss the opportunity to showboat a little to the cheering crowd, slowing down to gracefully prance along the track to demonstrate her elegance and control over the horse. You can see that her control over the beast is coming from digging her high heels into her horses flanks, and that the horse's eyes are wide and painstruck, but you suspect that the crowd are too overjoyed by the display to notice.<br><br>
The crowd roar with excitement. You and Elodie share a look of annoyance at her ostentatious display and reach the treeline long before Colette.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3race5.jpg]]@@<br>
You race out of sight of the cheering crowd and into the forest. As branches and leaves fly past, you try to take stock of the situation.<br><br>
<<switch $day3raceHorse>>
<<case "normal">>
Despite not knowing what to look for, it seems like you managed to choose a fine horse. <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques, being a superior horseman, manages to catch up after his showboating and just about overtake you<<else>>Elodie keeps about pace with you, though as a more experienced rider she's rapidly gaining the lead<</if>>. Colette remains out of sight behind you - not that you dare look back to check.
<<case "mule">>
Even though it's small and wimpy, your mule is endearingly determined to try it's hardest. Despite it's best efforts though, it's clearly no match for it's competition. <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques manages to catch up with ease after his showboating and calls <<jacques "See you at the finish, your Highness">> behind him.<<else>>Elodie, despite seeming to care so little about the race that she barely attempts to make her dour horse go any faster than it wants to, quickly leaves you behind.<</if>> To your surprise though, Colette remains out of sight behind you. Either she's showboating even more than you were expecting, or she's such a bad rider that you perhaps have a chance to beat her!
<<case "t1">>
Thunder is incredibly fast - but he has a will of his own, and as an inexperienced rider you have no idea how to change that. When the mood takes him you rocket forward with incredible speed, but half the time he gets distracted or irritable and you're forced to slow down. You judge that with the degree that you managed to break him, while he helped you make a striking impression, you're overall not much faster than any normal horse. <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques, being a superior horseman, manages to catch up after his showboating and just about overtake you<<else>>Elodie keeps about pace with you, though as a more experienced rider she's rapidly gaining the lead<</if>>. Colette remains out of sight behind you - not that you dare look back to check.
<<case "t2">>
Thunder is incredibly fast - enough that it's all that you can manage to cling on for dear life. It's no doubt that you're making incredible pace - <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> remains a good stint behind you, and Colette is completely out of sight.
<<case "t3">>
Thunder is incredibly fast - swiftly galloping through the trees as if wanting to make you proud. It's no doubt that you're making incredible pace, and both of your race partners are quickly out of sight behind you - not that you dare look back to check.
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") isnot true>>Every step that <<switch $day3raceHorse>><<case "normal">>your horse<<case "mule">>the mule<<default>>Thunder<</switch>> takes makes your bare genitals //bounce// on the firm leather saddle.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $day3raceHorse isnot "mule">>
As you go, you try to learn on-the-fly how to stay balanced and steer. Being so unused to riding, it's quite a struggle!<br><br>
<<switch $grace + $day3sideSad>>
<<case 0>>
Unfortunately, you lack the physical dexterity to do anything more than hold on for dear life. You're certain that you're slowing <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> down by forcing it to adjust to an unbalanced load, but there's little that you can do about it!
<<case 1>>
With some difficulty, you just about manage to stay upright and steady, and at least avoid dragging down one side of <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>>'s back.
<<case 2>>
The practice that you've put into moving femininely proves useful for helping you to remain balanced in the saddle. <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> clearly appreciates your efforts, and can move faster without an imbalanced load.
<<case 3>>
All of the practice that you've put into moving femininely proves invaluable for helping you to remain balanced in the saddle. <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> clearly appreciates your efforts, and can move faster without an imbalanced load.
<<case 4>>
You're so used to moving femininely that keeping your balance on <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your steed<<else>>Thunder<</if>> is second nature. With smooth, elegant movements you lean into every turn to help guide it along.
You're so used to moving femininely that keeping your balance on <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your steed<<else>>Thunder<</if>> is second nature. With smooth, elegant movements you lean into every turn to help guide it along.
<<if $day3sideSad is 0>><<hovertip "Grace check, with penalty for riding sidesaddle">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<else>><<hovertip "Grace check, with bonus for not riding sidesaddle">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><</if>>
[[Continue->day3race6]]<<setter "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 't2'" "day3raceHorse to 't3'" "coletteAsked to true" "coletteAsked to undefined">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3race6.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "mule">>
You notice the sound of rustling leaves to one side of the course, and a moment later something comes crashing out of the undergrowth ahead of you.<br><br>
You look up to see Colette, eyes gleaming, atop a steed that looks in such a panic at being forced through the woods that you can imagine that if it had a moment's break from being tortured by Colette it might collapse from exhaustion.<br><br>
<<colette "Found you! //Princess//!">> She shrieks gleefully.<br><br>
You curse under your breath. You had been foolish to hope that Colette might have been too slow to catch up. She must have manipulated the route for the race from someone, and leisurely took a shortcut through the forest after showing off to the crowd as much as she wanted at the starting line.<br><br>
Colette clearly enjoys the expression on your face, and starts cackling wildly. <<colette "Aww, did the litthle //princess// think that they could beat me?">> she manages to call out between cackles, a trace of a lisp appearing in her words as all trace of dignity leaves her.<br><br>
With ease she pulls her white horse up next to your tiny mule so that the two of you are less than a foot apart from each other. As she's sitting sidesaddle, this puts her in perfect position to torment you - with a grin she lashes out with her legs, stabbing forward with her high-heels into your side, trying to distract and unbalance you, shouting out insults the whole time.<br><br>
<<colette "//So// thrilled that you chose a mount that's almost as //pathetic// as you are, //Princess//. I'm almost disappointed that this won't even be a challenge - //almost//.">><br><br>
<<colette "I just //loved// watching you get kicked by that horse, after you had the //arrogance// to try to ride it. So //very// like you, and so //very// like you too to have to be coddled by the stablemaster. He must think that you're //such// a petulant little shit - and of course he's absolutely //right// about that, //Princess//">><br><br>
You desperately hold on and grit your teeth through the pain and humiliation, trying to think of anything that could distract Colette from attacking you.<br><br>
<<if $coletteAsked is true>>
<<link "Shout out that she's a bedwetter">>
<<set $bedwetter to true>>
<<goto [[day3race7]]>>
<</link>><<check "Available because you asked for information about Colette earlier">><br>
<<link "Just endure it">>
<<set $bedwetter to false>>
<<goto [[day3race7]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<fail "Shout something to try to distract Colette" "Available if you asked for information about Colette earlier">><br>
<<link "Just endure it">>
<<set $bedwetter to false>>
<<goto [[day3race7]]>>
You notice the sound of rustling leaves to one side of the course, and a moment later something comes crashing out of the undergrowth ahead of you.<br><br>
You look up to see Colette, eyes gleaming, atop a horse that looks in such a panic at being forced through the woods that it might collapse if Colette eased up on torturing it for even a second.<br><br>
<<colette "Found you! //Princess//!">> She shrieks gleefully.<br><br>
You curse under your breath. You had been foolish to hope that Colette might have been too slow to catch up. She must have manipulated the route for the race from someone, and leisurely took a shortcut through the forest after showing off to the crowd as much as she wanted at the starting line.<br><br>
Colette clearly enjoys the expression on your face, and starts cackling wildly. <<colette "Aww, did the litthle //princess// think that they could beat me? Let me show you just how //wrong// you were!">> she manages to call out between cackles, a trace of a lisp appearing in her words as all trace of dignity leaves her.<br><br>
She pulls her white horse up next to yours, so that the two of you are less than a foot apart from each other. As she's sitting sidesaddle, this puts her in perfect position to torment you - with a grin she lashes out with her legs, stabbing forward with her high-heels into your side, trying to distract and unbalance you.<br><br>
You desperately hold on and grit your teeth through the pain, trying to think of anything that could distract Colette from attacking you.<br><br>
<<if $coletteAsked is true>>
<<link "Shout out that she's a bedwetter">>
<<set $bedwetter to true>>
<<goto [[day3race7]]>>
<</link>><<check "Available because you asked for information about Colette earlier">><br>
<<link "Try and endure it">>
<<set $bedwetter to false>>
<<goto [[day3race7]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<fail "Shout something to try to distract Colette" "Available if you asked for information about Colette earlier">><br>
<<link "Try and endure it">>
<<set $bedwetter to false>>
<<goto [[day3race7]]>>
<</if>><<setter "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "bedwetter to true" "bedwetter to false" "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 't2'" "day3raceHorse to 't3'" "day3sideSad to 1" "day3sideSad to 0">>
<<if $bedwetter is true>>
For a moment Colette is, for once, completely speechless at your outburst.<br><br>
Then her face twists into an enraged scowl and she shouts <<colette "How //DARE// you bring that up - you //KNOW// how much those rumors hurt me! That was //years// ago, we were //little//, it didn't-">><br><br>
And then it happens. Her horse was held in such a finely-tuned state of pain, terror, and control that Colette's momentary distraction is enough to shatter her domination over the animal. With a loud cry, the horse rears up on it's hind legs to try to buck off it's sadistic rider. It's all Colette can manage to cling desperately in place and try to stay in her saddle.<br><br>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "mule">>
You urge your little steed to go as fast as it can and not squander the opportunity, but the poor mule is already plodding along the track as fast as it can manage.<br><br>
You take the next curve in the path while Colette is still wrestling for control of her horse, and around the corner you can see the wooden gates of the encampment, with crowds of cheering soldiers gathered around it - you're in the final stretch!<br><br>
Your heart leaps - you might be able to do it!<br><br>
The mule seems to match you're excitement, and at seeing the goal so close pushes itself for one last sprint, or at least, as close to a sprint as the poor thing can manage.<br><br>
You're about half-way across the final stretch when Colette barrels down the corner behind you, having regained control of her horse. For a split second you see an expression of pure rage of her face, before she realizes that other people are in sight, and she forces it into a false smile.<br><br>
You clench your teeth nervously as Colette bares down on you. She's much faster than you are, but you have a lead on her - you just hope it's enough.<br><br>
50 feet from the finish line - then 40. However, By the time you hit 30 feet away you can already see that it's not going to be enough, and sure enough - before you can get to 20 Colette thunders past on her white steed, leaving you and your mule lamely following in her dust.
<<set $day3raceWin to false>>
You urge <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> to go as fast as it can and not squander the opportunity. You get a snort in reply, which you hope is horse for assent. They do seem to be going faster.<br><br>
You take the next curve in the path while Colette is still wrestling for control of her horse, and around the corner you can see the wooden gates of the encampment, with crowds of cheering soldiers gathered around it - you're in the final stretch!<br><br>
You can't help but grin at the sight - you've got this in the bag!<br><br>
With one last drive, you spur <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> down the track. Colette barrels down the corner behind you, having regained control of her horse. For a split second she has an expression of pure rage on her face, which twists into horror as she realizes that she can do nothing to snatch victory from you. However, by the time she rides past the goal herself she's composed herself back into a false smile at the crowd.
<<set $day3raceWin to true>>
You cling onto the saddle and weather the storm of Colette's heeled kicks as best you can.<br><br>
Every jab is not just painful, but threatens to push you straight off of <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your horse's back<<elseif $day3raceHorse is "mule">>your little mule's back<<else>>Thunder's back<</if>>. If you were to fall and be struck by a stray hoof your life could be in peril!<br><br>
Colette completely ignores the danger, cackling at the top of her lungs at your predicament. Either she thinks that you're a much better rider than you really are, or she's just having too much fun at your expense to care.<br><br>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "t1" or $day3raceHorse is "t2" or $day3raceHorse is "t3">>Thunder snorts angrily at being contested, but as you cower from Colette's blows you're such a dead weight on his back that he can't flex his power and plow on ahead of the white horse.<br><br><</if>>
The two of you reach the next bend of the forest track, and around the corner you can see the wooden gates of the encampment, with crowds of cheering soldiers gathered around it - you're in the final stretch!<br><br>
Colette gives you one last scowl at having been interrupted, before bringing back her legs into the saddle and putting on a dainty fake-smile for the sake of the crowd. You hastily regather yourself and urge <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>your horse<<elseif $day3raceHorse is "mule">>your little mule<<else>>Thunder<</if>> forward for one last push. It all comes down to this!<br><br>
<<set $raceResult to 0>>
<<switch $day3raceHorse>>
<<case "mule">>
<<set $raceResult -= 10>>
<<case "normal">>
<<set $raceResult += 1>>
<<case "t1">>
<<set $raceResult += 2>>
<<case "t2">>
<<set $raceResult += 3>>
<<case "t3">>
<<set $raceResult += 4>>
<<set $raceResult += $grace>>
<<if $day3sideSad is 0>><<set $raceResult -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $raceResult gte 4>><<set $day3raceWin to true>><<else>><<set $day3raceWin to false>><</if>>
<<switch $raceResult>>
<<case -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0>>
As expected, Colette rockets past you with ease, leaving you lamely riding in her dust as she easily breezes forward to the finishing line.<<hovertip "race result: total failure">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> makes a valiant effort, holding pace with Colette's white horse for a few meters - but you're too inexperienced a rider to keep that speed all of the way to the finish line. Colette quickly pulls ahead, and by the time you reach the finish line she's far ahead of you.<<hovertip "race result: major failure">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<case 2>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> makes a determined effort, holding pace with Colette's white horse for half of the finishing stretch - but you're too inexperienced a rider to keep that speed all of the way to the finish line. Colette slowly pulls ahead, and by the time you reach the finish line she's a fair bit ahead of you.<<hovertip "race result: moderate failure">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<case 3>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> gallops forward, keeping perfect pace with Colette's white steed. You remain neck-and-neck the whole way down the finishing stretch, neither of you managing to make any headway over the other. It's only in the last few feet that Colette pushes forward, and as you both cross the finishing line you realize to your dismay that she'd managed to squeak a victory over you by a hair.<<hovertip "race result: minor failure">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> gallops forward, keeping perfect pace with Colette's white steed. You remain neck-and-neck the whole way down the finishing stretch, neither of you managing to make any headway over the other. In the last few feet, with a shout, you urge your steed forward. <<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> seems to get the message, and makes one last desperate push, and as you reach the finishing line you manage to surge forward and end a hair ahead of Colette.<<hovertip "race result: minor success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> gallops forward confidently. Colette's white steed holds pace with you, keeping neck and neck for half of the finishing stretch - but you can see that it can't keep up the speed, and exhaustion eventually steals it's energy. You slowly pull forward, and by the time you reach the finish line you're a fair bit in the lead.<<hovertip "race result: moderate success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<case 6 7 8 9 10>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "normal">>Your horse<<else>>Thunder<</if>> gallops forward confidently. Colette's white steed holds pace with you, keeping neck and neck for some of the finishing stretch - but you can see that it can't keep up the speed, and exhaustion soon steals it's energy. You quickly pull forward, and by the time you reach the finish line you're far ahead of her.<<hovertip "race result: major success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<if $day3raceWin is true and $day3raceHorse is "normal" and $bedwetter isnot true>>
A fraction of a second before you reach the finish line, a nagging thought crosses your mind.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Hesitate.">>
<<set $day3raceWin to false>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You don't even understand why you're doing it, but you pull up the reins at the very last moment, and inches away from the finish line Colette overtakes your miniscule lead, beating you.<br><br>
<<include [[day3race72]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</link>><<hovertip "There's no reason to do this, unless of course, you //wanted// to lose...">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Ignore it.">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You pay it no heed and gallop over the finish line before Colette.<br><br>
<<include [[day3race72]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<include [[day3race72]]>>
<</if>><<setter "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "day3raceWin to true" "day3raceWin to false">>
A soldier waves a flag at the finish, and gleefully announces: <<blue2>>"And the winner is... <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Master Jacques!<<else>>the Lady Elodie!<</if>> With <<if $day3raceWin>>Her royal Highness the Princess in second, and Lady Colette Lavalette in third!<<else>>Lady Colette Lavalette in second, and Her royal Highness the Princess in third!"<</if>><</blue2>><br><br>
It takes you a moment to register the announcement - you'd been so caught up in your struggle with Colette that you had completely forgotten that they'd been a third person in the race! <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> must have had an easy time getting the lead while the two of you were at each others throats. When you glance at Colette, she seems just as surprised as you are by the news.<br><br>
<<unset $raceResult>>
<<unset $coletteAsked>>
<<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">>
Elodie doesn't seem excited about her victory in the slightest - her face as impassive and bored as ever. You can't help but be amused by the contrast between her indifference and the excitement of the trainees all cheering for her. From across the crowd, your eyes meet and you worry that your amusement will offend her, but instead she takes the opportunity to roll her eyes at all of the hubbub at you.
Jacques is trotting around the cheering soldiers on his horse, talking cheerfully with <<if $day3route is "elodie">>some of the crowd.<<else>>his groupies amongst the crowd.<</if>> Occasionally you can hear snippets of conversation - mainly cadets playfully jeering that a race against two girls is hardly a competition. You find yourself unexpectedly annoyed by the suggestion. You can't quite hear Jacques' reply - it looks like he's disagreeing, but it rings a little false as his smile never falters for a second.
<</if>><<if $day3raceWin is true>><<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">><<check "Due to Colette's interference, the two of you always lose to Elodie no matter how well you race">><<else>><<check "Due to Colette's interference, the two of you always lose to Jacques no matter how well you race">><</if>><</if>><br><br>
[[Dismount->day3raceEnd]]<<setter "day3sideSad to 1" "day3sideSad to 0" "outfit.set.id to 'longcoat'" "outfit.set.id to 'peach'" "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 't2'" "day3raceHorse to 't3'" "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "day3raceWin to true" "day3raceWin to false">>
<<if $day3sideSad is 0 and $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Making sure not to flash anyone this time, you step down from your steed.<br><br>
You step down from your steed.
<<switch $day3raceHorse>>
<<case "mule">>
Despite losing you the race, the poor mule really had tried its hardest, and you can't bring yourself to be angry at the poor thing. You pause to communicate an unspoken thankyou to the wheezing animal.
<<case "normal">>
<<if $day3raceWin>>
Despite losing you the race, you can't help but feel glad that you chose the horse that you did - it had raced valiantly and had bared you well, despite your inexperience.
You feel immensely proud of your choice of horse - you hadn't known what you were looking for, but your instincts had steered you towards a wonderful animal, who had bared you well despite your inexperience.
You pause to communicate an unspoken thankyou to the beast.
<<case "t1">>
Thunder tosses his head angrily the moment you do so, as if angry at having let you ride him in the first place. Despite <<if $day3raceWin>>not winning the race<<else>>his displeasure<</if>>, you can't help but feel grateful to the powerful beast.
<<case "t2">>
Thunder snorts irritably the moment you do so, but then turns it's huge dark head towards you. For a few moments, the two of you look at each other. You could swear that you can see begrudging respect on his face<<if $day3raceWin is false>> despite your loss<</if>>, as if it well understood the battle that you had with Colette - and then he tosses his head and the moment is broken.
<<case "t3">>
After you do so, Thunder lumbers his broad body around to face you. A few cadets, fearing for the worst, step forward in case the infamously uncontrollable animal is about to attack you - but instead it calmly locks eyes with you. For a few moments the two of you look at each other, and then, as if bowing to your royalty, he submissively dips his huge head forward. The crowd can't believe their eyes at the sight of Thunder acting so meekly.
As cadets take the horses away, the officer in charge steps forward to greet the three of you.<br><br>
<<blue2>>"Now, <<if $day3racePartner is "elodie">>Ladies<<else>>your Graces<</if>>, if you would care to come this way. There's a tent prepared with refreshments for you to wait in while the other races finish."<</blue2>><br><br>
<<switch $day3racePartner>>
<<case "jacques">>
Jacques cheerfully takes the man's lead and goes inside the tent, but before you can follow him
<<case "elodie">>
Elodie wastes no time taking the opportunity to get out of the sun and away from the excited crowd, and steps inside the tent. You're about to follow her when
Colette grabs your arm.<br><br>
<<colette "Me and the Princess are just going to powder our noses!">> She announces loudly, leaving the guide bewildered as she pulls you away.<br><br>
<<if $day3raceWin is true>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day3raceEndWin]]>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day3raceEndLose]]>>
<</if>><<setter "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'">>
Colette doesn't go far - the moment you're out of sight behind a tent she releases your arm and turns toward you.<br><br>
<<colette "Don't forget about our little game, //Princess//.">><br><br>
You're mostly just confused - neither of you won the race, shouldn't that invalidate the deal?<br><br>
Colette can't help but laugh at you for your confusion. <<colette "You really are //stupid//, aren't you? I never said that one of us had to //win// the race - only that the //loser// would have to do something degrading towards the //winner//.">> She cackles so shrilly that you're sure that some of the cadets must be able to hear it. <<colette2>>"I would have //loved// to see your piggish face twist in anguish myself, but it looks like <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> went and won instead - so now all little me can do is decide what I want you to do for //<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>him<<else>>her<</if>>// instead."<</colette2>><br><br>
You stare at her in shock. For a moment you wonder if this might have been her plan the whole time - to let <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> win so that you'd have to humiliate yourself in front of your friend - but the look of surprise on Colette's face as the victor was called was too sincere for that. It seems like it was purely by chance that the terms were set up like this, and now she's giddy with amusement at the situation that it's happened to put you into.<br><br>
<<link "Complain. This is ridiculous!">>
<<goto day3raceEndLose2>>
<<set $day3raceEndLoseChat to "complain">>
<<link "I don't want to show weakness to her. Accept it with dignity.">>
<<goto day3raceEndLose2>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day3raceEndLoseChat to "accept">>
<</link>><<setter "day3raceEndLoseChat to 'complain'" "dau3raceEndLoseChat to 'accept'" "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'">>
<<if $day3raceEndLoseChat is "complain">>
You can't help but show your dismay at Colette's absurd stipulation. It's one thing for her to drag you into a perverse revenge-game, but it's quite another to pull <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>> into it!<br><br>
The moment you start complaining Colette's frantic giggling gives way to something much weirder. Her eyes suddenly open as wide as saucers, as if wanting to drink in every minute detail of this moment, etching the scene in her mind. Her mouth freezes in place, suspended creepily while twisted in mid-chuckle - too enraptured watching you to allow it to move. The eerie motionlessness is broken only by her breathing becoming heavier and heavier, coming out in thick gasps as her face begins to flush - intoxicated by your whining protests.<br><br>
The change is so drastic that your complaints soon falter and dwindle down to stunned silence. It's only once you've completely stopped speaking that the moment is broken and, giddy with delight, she exclaims <<colette "Holy //shit//! You're //breaking// already!">> She grins wickedly. <<colette "Destroying you is going to be even more fun than I'd thought!">><br><br>
You're so thrown off by her behavior that all you can do is stare as she regathers herself.<br><br>
You're obviously perturbed by Colette's absurd stipulation, but you try not to let it show. Colette wants to see the Princess ashamed and humiliated, and even though you're //not// the Princess, you still don't want to give her the satisfaction of giving her what she wants.<br><br>
Colette seems to see through your intentions and smirks at your reaction, seemingly just as amused by your stubbornness as she would have been by your weakness. However, you do note a trace of begrudging respect in her expression at being met on her own terms.<br><br>
<<unset $day3raceEndLoseChat>>
<<colette "Here's what's going to happen, //Princess//.">> She declares. <<colette2>>"You're going to go into that tent, go straight up to <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>your little //crush//<<else>>that bitch<</if>>, and...<</colette2>> Her lips purse together in thought as she schemes up a task for you. A second later she seems to come to a decision.<br><br>
<<colette2>> "... And dance for <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>him<<else>>her<</if>>!"<</colette2>> Her grin widens like a cheshire cat. <<colette2>> "Yes, show <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>him<<else>>her<</if>> your //''moves''//! I'm sure that <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>he'll<<else>>she'll<</if>> just //love// to see you exhibiting that '//healthy//' body of yours, don't you agree? For at //least// a minute, without saying a word, else what's the fun?"<</colette2>><br><br>
You consider her stipulation. In a way, you lucked out - if she had picked anything as blatant as making you expose yourself for <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>>, then that could have been it for you.<br><br>
On the other hand, Colette has clearly chosen well. While there might be be more shocking tasks out there, with most of them you'd at least be able to get it over and done with as soon as possible and have it be finished with quickly before the embarrassment hits. By keeping you in a sustained activity she's forcing you to stay trapped at your most vulnerable state even as wave after wave of cringing humiliation washes over you.<br><br>
<<colette "And I'd go //quickly// if I were you, //Princess//. I'm sure the next racers will be here any second now - and it would be a shame for this private showing to become //public//.">><br><br>
With no time to waste you push past the noblewoman, who quickly hurries after you, not wanting to miss a moment of the show.<br><br>
As the two of you go back past the officer in charge, he seems surprised to see you both returning so soon. Without missing a beat, Colette sweetly explains <<colette "Turns out that we like, didn't need to go. False alarm!">><br><br>
[[Enter the tent->day3raceLoseStipulation]]<<setter "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'">>
Colette doesn't go far - the moment you're out of sight behind a tent she releases your arm and turns toward you.<br><br>
<<colette "Don't forget about our little game, //Princess//.">><br><br>
You're mostly just confused - neither of you won the race, shouldn't that invalidate the deal?<br><br>
She gives you an odd look, as if she doesn't believe you, and is judging to see what trick you're trying to play by pretending ignorance. Eventually she explains <<colette "I never said that either of us had to win the race. Only that the //loser// would have to do something degrading for the //winner//.">><br><br>
<<colette2>>"Neither of us won, <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>your stupid prince charming<<else>>that stuck up goth bitch<</if>> did instead. So that means the loser has to do something for <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>him<<else>>her<</if>> instead."<</colette2>> She shrugs, trying not to let how irritated she clearly is by the situation show. <<colette "And that loser is me.">><br><br>
You're a little taken aback by her words. It's one thing to get caught in a technicality, and quite another to be the one to bring it up yourself. It's so fair-minded that it feels out-of-character for someone whose acted so unfairly all day. You're struck that there's more to this girl than you'd thought.<br><br>
Colette maintains a stubborn expression, but a slight movement of her jaw betrays that she's grinding her teeth in frustration underneath it. Finally she spits out <<colette2>>"Go on then. What should I do for <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>Jacques<<else>>Elodie<</if>>?"<</colette2>><br><br>
You consider your options.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
<<link "Make Colette give Jacques a striptease">>
<<goto [[day3raceWinStripStip]]>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<link "Make Colette be pleasant and helpful to Jacques for the rest of the day">>
<<goto [[day3raceWinJacquesHelpful]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Make Colette give Elodie a striptease">>
<<goto [[day3raceWinStripStip]]>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<link "Make Colette apologize to Elodie for what she said during their fight in the stables">>
<<goto [[day3raceWinElodieApologize]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<</if>><<setter "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceStipTent.jpg]]@@<br>
<<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie">> looks up when the two of you enter, and you see <<jael "his" "her">> eyes narrow suspiciously at the two of you returning together so conspiratorially. You don't like the idea of being lumped in with Colette, but there's not much that you can do much about it.<br><br>
Colette wastes no time taking charge of the situation. <<colette2>>"Me and the Princess were just having a little chat. We were both //sooo// impressed by how well you raced that she decided that you deserved a reward, didn't you, //Princess//?"<</colette2>><br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
With the sarcasm oozing from her words, she isn't even bothering to hide her sadistic personality this time - her manipulative deception all but forgotten in her excitement at being able to watch you suffer. Jacques doesn't seem particularly surprised at finding out her true nature.<br><br>
Elodie looks like she's already sick of this shit, and wants no part of it. However, until Colette makes her move she doesn't even know if she's to be the target or an unwilling accomplice, let alone how to deal with it.<br><br>
With a self-satisfied grin on her face, Colette lounges into a seat where she has a clear view of both your performance and <<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie's">> reaction. <<colette "Well, go on then, //Princess//.">><br><br>
Looks like this is happening. You consider your options.<br><br>
<<link "I just want this over and done with. Do the bare minimum.">>
<<goto [[day3raceLoseStipNoTry]]>>
<<link "I won't give Colette the joy of seeing me be anything other than confident and capable. Put effort into dancing well.">>
<<set $day3raceLoseStipTryType to "spite">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto [[day3raceLoseStipTry]]>>
<<link "I don't want to make Colette angry by giving a disappointing performance. Put effort into dancing well.">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $day3raceLoseStipTryType to "sub">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto [[day3raceLoseStipTry]]>>
<</link>><<setter "day3raceLoseStipTryType to 'spite'" "day3raceLoseStipTryType to 'sub'">>
<<if $day3raceLoseStipTryType is "spite">>
You clench your jaw in determination. Colette wants to smugly watch you disgrace yourself in front of your friend, does she? Well she's got another thing coming.<br><br>
Colette has you wrapped around her little finger - if you make her angry she'll go straight to the Queen, or else drag enough attention to you that your exposure is inevitable. You can't afford to half-ass this.<br><br>
Besides, some part of you just wants Colette to //like// you. Despite knowing full well that you're just the misdirected target of her hatred, and that it's the //Princess// who she //really// hates, you're still so unused to being hated that your first reaction is to try to prove to her that you might be able to get along. And if appeasing her whims is your only way to do that, then it's worth trying.<br><br>
You take a deep breath and prepare to dance.
<<unset $day3raceLoseStipTryType>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<if $grace gte 2>>
<<link "Dance beautifully and femininely, if a little by-the-numbers">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3raceLoseStipTryGrace]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Grace 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Grace 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Dance beautifully and femininely, if a little by-the-numbers==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Dance clumsily, but with such spirited self-expression that it doesn't matter">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3raceLoseStipTryCute]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Cuteness 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Cuteness 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Dance clumsily, but with such spirited self-expression that it doesn't matter==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $grace gte 2 and $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Dance wonderfully, with both elegance and enthusiasm">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3raceLoseStipTryBoth]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Grace 2 and Cuteness 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Both Grace 2 and Cuteness 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Dance wonderfully, with both elegance and enthusiasm==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Try my hardest, despite having no idea what I'm doing.">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3raceLoseStipTryFail]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span>You're still only just learning how to move femininely - any real woman would blow you out of the water in comparison, and even they would probably struggle to dance competently in such an awkward position.<br><br>
Nevertheless, you're determined to try. You just hope that some of what you've learnt about moving gracefully comes out in the performance.<br><br>
The //last// thing that you want is to see Colette and <<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie's">> face while you perform, so you shut your eyes tightly and try to pretend that they're not here - that you're safely back in the carriage practicing how to move femininely in front of the mirror.<br><br>
And then you start to dance.<br><br>
The first few steps are clumsy - too busy overthinking how you're supposed to hold your body to let yourself move smoothly. You can feel the panic begin to rise up inside of you, but you push it back down - if //thinking// about it isn't working, then all that's left is to just //feel// what to do. To let the minutia fall away and to operate on whatever //instinct// you've been able to gain.<br><br>
You find yourself rising onto the balls of your feet, and naturally you find yourself leading into a spinning movement<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>> - your dress rising a little from the momentum as you turn<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>> - your skirt rising a little from the momentum as you turn<</if>>. From there, it's easy - somehow your body does the rest.<br><br>
It's all about curves. No movement is //just// a movement, with a clear start and stop - instead they all follow through each other, each delicately catching the momentum of what came before it. The rotation of a hip; a finger gracefully tracing through the air, your <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>shaggy hair<<else>>cute haircut<</if>> bouncing with every step.<br><br>
It's like all of your lessons in grace were just looking at trees, and now you've stepped into the forest and it's all around you, effortless.<br><br>
Suddenly, shouting erupts from outside as the next riders reach the finish line, ripping you out of your trance. You come to a halt and for a moment you're left blinking in surprise, having to remember where you were and what you were doing before the dancing began.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
Jacques still looks a little confused at the sudden performance, but it doesn't stop him from breaking out into applause at the display.<br><br>
<<jacques "Wow... that was amazing, your Highness!">> he cheers, his eyes twinkling with sincere wonder.<br><br>
You find yourself blushing, which you immediately resent - you hate the idea that he might think that it's in response to his compliment rather than just out of embarrassment.
Elodie is standing closer than when you started dancing. She must have gotten up to try to put a stop to things when she figured out what Colette was making you do. However, from the look of surprised wonder on her face, and the arm frozen mid-way through reaching out to stop you, it looks like your performance was impressive enough to freeze her in her tracks.<br><br>
After a moment she comes back to her senses and lowers her arm a little sheepishly. <<elodie "Uhh... nice dance, Princess. You looked good and stuff, I guess.">> she hurriedly says in her usual blunt tone, as if overcompensating for her sudden bashfulness.
Colette's reaction is more difficult to read. She's definitely surprised and angry - this isn't the humiliating display that she'd been anticipating from you, you've practically stolen her victory from her. However, under the surface you think that you can tell that she's almost intrigued, though whether it's out of re-evaluating you as a person, or just taken aback that you actually did her bidding so whole-heartedly it's impossible to tell. For once, she's speechless.<br><br>
Then the moment is broken by the next riders entering the tent, giddy from their race. <<jael "You and Colette seem eager for the distraction from the weird mood. After a wink in your direction, Jacques quickly draws all attention to himself like usual, leaving the two of you to awkwardly avoid each others gaze." "All three of you seem eager for the distraction.">><br><br>
[[Wait patiently->day3finishUp]]Even as a guy, you had no idea how to dance without looking like an idiot - you have no confidence whatsoever about pulling it off as a girl.<br><br>
Nevertheless, you're determined to try. You just hope that some of what you've learnt about expressing yourself comes out in the performance.<br><br>
Despite the nervousness swimming inside of you, you force yourself to smile directly towards <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">>.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
Still trying to grasp the situation, it looks like the last thing that he'd been expecting was to see you looking cheerful.<br><br>
He remains concerned, but he seems to recognize in your face the determined look of someone who's willing to commit to a bit past the point of foolishness - a trait which he seems to share and respect.<br><br>
His curiosity wins out over his concern, and with a conspiratorial wink he sinks back in his chair. <<jacques "Any performance from her Highness is enough to make me the luckiest man in the kingdom, I'm sure.">><br><br>
The response seems so groanworthily //tacky// to you that you almost laugh out load at him, and for a moment your anxiety is forgotten, and for a fleeting second instead of a fake smile you're wearing a sincere one, full of suppressed laughter. You can feel the anxiety flooding back, but you seize the moment with all that you can and throw yourself into the sensation with giddy abandon.
Still trying to work out what Colette's playing at, it looks like the last thing that she'd been expecting was to see you looking cheerful.<br><br>
After a moment's hesitation she calls out in concern <<elodie "Only if you're sure about this, Princess.">><br><br>
Her sincere worry for you, despite only having met you <<if $day3route is "elodie">>today<<else>>yesterday<</if>>, is enough to break through your nerves and, for a fleeting moment, make your smile a genuine one.<br><br>
Any other time and the anxiety would return in seconds, but you seize the moment with all that you can and throw yourself into the sensation with wild abandon.
You start to dance.<br><br>
It's clumsy and you know it, with almost every move you throw yourself out of balance, and though the music that you're dancing to is only in your head you still somehow manage to be completely off-beat. But now that you've started, it's easy - you'd have more difficulty stopping<br><br>
Your smile widens into a grin, and then bursts open as laughter as giggles bubble up out of you. You laugh at how silly this is. You laugh at how nervous you were. You laugh at Colette's expression. You laugh at how much fun you're having. You don't even spare the concern to worry that your laughter might sound masculine, but even if you did, you'd find that it's so unrestrained and full of childlike glee that that's not the case in the slightest.<br><br>
You quickly run out of breath, but you barely notice the exhaustion - pushing through it effortlessly. It's only when your legs tangle on each other and you stumble to the ground into a giddy exhausted heap that you come to a stop.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
Somewhere along the way, Jacques had started laughing and cheering along with you - your joy must have been infectious. At this climax, he breaks into applause.<br><br>
<<jacques "Princess, that was incredible! I've never seen anything like it">> he cheers. You find yourself blushing, but you're both absolutely certain that it's from exertion, and mortified to think that he might think that it's anything but.
For a split second, you think that you can see a wide smile on Elodie's ever-impassive face, however she quickly hides it before you can say for certain.<br><br>
<<elodie "Uhh... nice dance, Princess. You looked good and stuff, I guess.">> she hurriedly says in her usual blunt tone, as if overcompensating.
Colette's reaction is more difficult to read. She's definitely surprised and angry - this isn't the humiliating display that she'd been anticipating from you, you've practically stolen her victory from her. However, under the surface you think that you can tell that she's almost intrigued, though whether it's out of re-evaluating you as a person, or just taken aback that you actually did her bidding so whole-heartedly it's impossible to tell. For once, she's speechless.<br><br>
Then the moment is broken by the next riders entering the tent, cheerfully chatting together about their race. <<jael "You and Colette seem eager for the distraction from the weird mood. After a wink in your direction, Jacques quickly draws all attention to himself like usual, leaving the two of you to awkwardly avoid each others gaze." "All three of you seem eager for the distraction.">><br><br>
[[Wait patiently->day3finishUp]]You've only been learning how to move and express yourself femininely for two days. You're lucky that your studies have been perfectly focused towards this kind of thing, but compared to a real woman who'd have a lifetime of experience under her belt you're still stumbling blindly.<br><br>
And yet, some part of you deep inside knows that you can do this. You just have to let it out.<br><br>
You flash your audience a confident smile, your anxiety forgotten.<<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> is already halfway to <<jael "his" "her">> feet, ready to put a stop to whatever's going on. The sight of you looking so self-assured seems like the last thing that <<jael "he'd" "she'd">> been expecting, and it stops <<jael "him" "her">> in <<jael "his" "her">> tracks.<br><br>
And then you dance.<br><br>
Rising onto the balls of your feet, you lead into a spinning movement<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>> - the hemline of your dress rising as you turn<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>> - your skirt rising a little as you turn<</if>>. You follow the gentle arcs of the action further - carrying the momentum around with whatever flows naturally - the rotation of a hip; a finger tracing gracefully through the air; your <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>shaggy hair<<else>>cute haircut<</if>> bouncing along with every step.<br><br>
Somewhere along the way, your smile breaks into a grin, and then bursts open as laughter as giggles bubble up out of you. You laugh at how silly this is. You laugh at how nervous you were. You laugh at Colette's expression. You laugh at how much fun you're having.<br><br>
The sound of cheering erupts from outside, signaling that the next riders have arrived, so you bring things to a close - slowing your movements down until you come to a stop and, with a curtsy, signal the end of your performance.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
There's a moment of awed silence, and then Jacques starts an uproarious applause.<<br>>
<<jacques "Princess, that was incredible! I've never seen anything like it">> he cheers. You find yourself blushing, but you're both absolutely certain that it's from exertion, and mortified to think that he might think that it's anything but.
For a split second, you think that you can see a wide smile on Elodie's ever-impassive face - your joy too infectious for even her - however she quickly hides it before you can say for certain.<br><br>
<<elodie "Uhh... nice dance, Princess. You looked good and stuff, I guess.">> she hurriedly says in her usual blunt tone, as if overcompensating.
Colette's reaction is more difficult to read. She's definitely surprised and angry - this isn't the humiliating display that she'd been anticipating from you, you've practically stolen her victory from her. However, under the surface you think that you can tell that she's almost intrigued, though whether it's out of re-evaluating you as a person, or just taken aback that you actually did her bidding so whole-heartedly it's impossible to tell. For once, she's speechless.<br><br>
Then the moment is broken by the next riders entering the tent, cheerfully chatting together about their race. <<jael "You and Colette seem eager for the distraction from the weird mood. After a wink in your direction, Jacques quickly draws all attention to himself like usual, leaving the two of you to awkwardly avoid each others gaze." "All three of you seem eager for the distraction.">><br><br>
[[Wait patiently->day3finishUp]]You have no idea what you're doing in the slightest, but you still want to give it a try.<br><br>
You rise up onto the balls of your feet and raise your arms slightly in what you hope might be a feminine starting position for a dance. For a moment you let yourself feel a glimmer of hope, but then it's shattered a moment later by a grating cackle from Colette - clearly you misjudged your positioning.<br><br>
For a few awkward seconds you lamely try to adjust yourself - as if it's constructive criticism and if you only get it right then she'll stop - before you realize how foolish you're being. With Colette's laughter still filling the room, and your confidence already in shatters, you begin to dance.<br><br>
It's clumsy. You've danced with women before, but to be honest you had always spent too much time focused on whether you had been dancing well yourself to pay much attention to what the women had been doing - you can recall that it's smooth graceful, but the specifics of how they manage it are alien to you. Everything you do seems too awkward, tense, and abrupt.<br><br>
"Oh wow, look at the bitch //go//! Wriggling like a demented overgrown //worm//. What a treat for your little victory, <<jael "soldier boy" "witch girl">>.
The words are enough to snap <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> out of <<jael "his" "her">> confusion, and try stand up from their seat, intent on putting a stop to this. Colette immediately does the same, matching <<jael "his" "her">> movements to block them from doing so. <<jael "Jacques is clearly strong enough to push past, but seems reluctant to use force against a woman, so is forced to awkwardly try to move her carefully to the side" "Elodie is bigger than Colette, so might be capable of pushing her to one side, but you see her hesitate as she realizes that she can't risk injuring someone as powerful as Colette, and is forced to awkwardly try to move her carefully to the side">>.<<br>>
Colette had clearly been counting on that hesitation, and does a good job firmly entangling herself in <<jael "the man's" "Elodie's">> way, but despite that her attention doesn't turn from your performance for a moment, her eyes hungrily and sadistically devouring every detail of your humiliation. Under that gaze, there's no way you could get away with taking advantage of the distraction and stopping prematurely.<<br>>
Trying not to think about it, you try going into a spin<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>, and as your dress rises a little from the momentum<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>, and as your skirt rises a little from the momentum<<else>>, and<</if>> it suddenly starts making sense. The movement is so sweetly simple and smooth that you know that you're onto something.<br><br>
You change how your moving and try to focus more on //flow// than anything else, carrying the momentum of the spin into gentle gestures, while maintaining the rotation. It's still ungainly, you're certain, but you feel like you've found a spark of an ember in the cold wilderness, and if you could only build upon it you could turn it into a roaring flame. If only Colette's sadistic giggles didn't ring out every time you make an awkward misstep, you could almost see yourself beginning to have //fun//!<br><br>
<<if $grace lte 1 and $cute lte 1>>
<<set $grace += 1>><<set $graceBonus += 1>><<set $danceGraceBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Grace skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><br><br>
And then it all falls apart.<br><br>
It starts as you try to twist your body around for another spin, and one foot snags against your leg, sending you stumbling forward. You desperately try to steady yourself, but you had already put enough rotational energy into your spin that when you step forward to catch yourself your ankle twists painfully before buckling, doing nothing to halt your momentum.<<br>>
<<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> finally manages to extract <<jael "himself" "herself">> from Colette, and rushes forward. The moment could almost be sweet, a hero coming to your rescue, if the timing wasn't so awful. Unable to stop yourself, you go careening straight into <<jael "him" "her">>. There's a loud //thud//, followed by a sickening //crack// as your skull goes straight into <<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie's">> chin, making <<jael "his" "her">> teeth clatter together as <<jael "his" "her">> jaw is slammed shut. The collision takes <<jael "him" "her">> by surprise, and the two of you go sprawling to the floor.<br><br>
Naturally, Colette is delighted by the development. She practically collapses back into her chair, a blissed-out expression on her face, before her legs start kicking happily in the air and she squeals out <<colette "Holy //shit//. That was just, so, fucking, //pathetic//! Way to headbutt your little-">> Her jeering is interrupted by an inelegant snort of laughter before she can continue again <<colette "Way to headbutt your little crush, //Princess// - you really do fucking deserve each other.">><<br>>
For some reason, her accusation that you have a //crush// stings the most, and you desperately hope that <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> knows that your beet-red blush is from the humiliation rather than them.<br><br>
You don't have time to dwell on it. You fell on <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> face first, your body sprawled on top of <<jael "him" "her">>, your face against <<jael "his broad chest" "her ample chest">>. You quickly try to scrabble off of <<jael "him" "her">> before <<jael "the young man" "the young woman">> has time to clock that your intimately-close body has lumps in all of the wrong places.<br><br>
However, whether the blow to the head was too severe for you to be moving again so quickly, or that your brain is practically shutting down from embarrassment, your limbs don't quite move the way you intend, and instead you end up uselessly flailing around. <<jael "Jacques is the one who has to do the work for you, his hands firmly grabbing your waist as he easily lifts you off of him." "All your wriggling manages is to wedge yourself deeper into Elodie's cleavage, until she ends up having to do it for you, supporting you off of her.">><br><br>
You look to <<jael "his" "her">> face, dreading the disgust you expect to see there. To your surprise though, <<jael "he" "she">> mainly just looks concerned.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
<<jacques "What's your deal, your Highness? Why'd you do something like that? Do you two have some kink thing or-">>
<<elodie "Why are you doing all this stuff, Princess? I don't get it. Do you two have some kink thing or-">>
<<jael "He's" "She's">> interrupted by the tent entrance opening up as the next racers arrive, cheerfully chatting about their result, though they hesitate as they try to process what they've walked in on. You stand up awkwardly, trying to do everything you can to hide your flushed face. <<jael "Jacques seems to pick up on your fear, and casually helps cover for you by making himself the center of attention as always, though his expression whenever he glances at you is still confused and uneasy." "Elodie seems to pick up on your fear, and even helps cover for you in her dry, aloof way, though her expression whenever she glances at you is still confused and uneasy.">><<br>>
It //hurts// to be lumped in with Colette, and to be seen as complicit in your own torment, but there's nothing you can do. You spend the rest of the time trying to calm your agitation and look as normal as possible.<<br>>
[[Wait til the event's over->day3finishUp]]It's too risky to back out of the stipulation and risk Colette causing a fuss, but you'd at least rather give her as little of a show as possible.<br><br>
You try to hide your grimace, but you're sure that the set of your jaw is unmistakable as you awkwardly stand out in the open.<br><br>
Your obvious discomfort is enough to send Colette into a fit of giggles, but she quickly recovers and calls out <<colette "Oh my, waiting so obediently for my command are you? Very well, you may begin.">><br><br>
You hate that she's already managed to twist your hesitation into obedience, and that <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> might think that it's true. To make things worse, with the threat that she has hanging over you, you can't afford not to submissively follow her wretched order.<br><br>
At the very least, you hope that you can make it a disappointing showing for her. Instead of a true performance, you just sort of shuffle - barely moving your body from side to side, arms lightly swaying. Nobody could accuse it of not being a dance, you've seen plenty of reluctant dancers forced onto the dancefloor by their friends do it in ale houses after all, but by simply not //trying// it's one that exposes the least vulnerability.<br><br>
At least, that was what you'd thought, but when you glance at Colette's face, instead of disappointment you see an expression of pure glee, her eyes shining with perverse excitement.<br><br>
"Oh my gosh, just //look// at her, <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">>! Doesn't she look soooooo stupid! A demented fucking //worm// wriggling about. Like the little reject you bring along to the party who's so //thrilled// to have //friends// that she'll shyly //debase// herself for your amusement."
<</colette2>> Colette howls with laughter.<br><br>
You suppress a grimace, feeling silly that you'd dared to think that you were getting one over on Colette by not dancing properly. Of //course// she wouldn't have been expecting you to try to put effort into this - your awkward, stiff, uncomfortable shuffling is //exactly// what she'd been hoping to see.<br><br>
A part of you had been hoping that perhaps <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> might intervene and rescue you - Colette could hardly penalize you if you're not the one putting a stop to it after all, but when you glance at <<jael "his" "her">> face all you see is confusion. You can't blame <<jael "him" "her">>, while Colette's words are definitely cruel, they do nothing to explain why you'd suddenly decide to do a little dance. Dancing isn't exactly a common bullying tool after all. You wonder if this is something that Colette had been bargaining on.<br><br>
Maybe if you had danced properly you might have had something to distract you, but standing out in the open doing a stupid wriggle means that for the whole minute you can do nothing but stare in embarrassment at your tormenter and her captive audience.<br><br>
Colette's face is alight with spite - full of hateful sneers, cackling laughter, and snide remarks. <<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie's">> is full of bewilderment and concern, but as you keep dancing, it's easy to your self-conscious mind to conjure other things in that look - is that a flicker of a sneer in that mouth? A barely-hidden microexpression of disgust in those eyes?<br><br>
Time goes painfully slowly, and the longer your torment goes on the more you can feel the heat rising inside you, ashamed and humiliated, manifesting in a flushed face, and cold sweat. As you continue, your ability to focus drops in the face of your anxiety, and even a task as simple as your stupid simple jig becomes out-of-time and clumsy, which Colette can't help but use to insult you further.<br><br>
<<colette "Wow, she can't even do //this// correctly, look at her awful fucking timing. And the look on her //face//! Oh it's just-">><<br>>
Suddenly, Colette's seems shocked by something, her hands rising to her face in surprise, followed by a look of malicious glee. It takes you a moment before you find out what happened.<br><br>
<<blue "Err, are you quite alright, your Highness?">> Comes a meek voice behind you. The shock makes you jump in surprise. As you turn around you find three faces staring back at you strangely - they must be the next competitors having finished their race! You were so lost in your anxious thoughts that you didn't even notice.<br><br>
You try to open your mouth to offer an explanation, but nothing comes out, you can't think of anything to say.<br><br>
Luckily, <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> comes to your rescue. <<jael "He" "She">> might not have known what to do while you were dancing, but now that it's over <<jael "he leaps up to support you" "she quickly comes to your aid">>.<br><br>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
<<jacques "Oh! The Princess was just helping me out, actually.">> He calls out, stepping forward past you to greet them, and in the process block their view. <<jacques "I was foolish enough to fall off my horse during the race">> he lies <<jacques "and she was showing me how to move your body to roll after a dismount and not get hurt.">><br><br>
The trio seem to believe him, and soon he's embellished the tale with so many larger-than-life details that they quickly forget the state that they found you in.
<<elodie "None of your business.">> She calls out, as blank faced as ever. The trio seem absolutely appalled at having been spoken to in such a way, and quickly set to complaining to each other in hushed voices, but you notice that because of it they've already long forgotten about what you might have been up to.
It isn't long before the next three competitors also join you in the tent, and the place becomes soon lively. When it's busy enough that nobody will notice, <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> slides up to you and asks <<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
<<jacques "What's your deal, your Highness? Why'd you do something like that? Do you two have some kink thing or-">>
<<elodie "Why are you doing all this stuff, Princess? I don't get it. Do you two have some kink thing or-">>
It //hurts// to be lumped in with Colette, and to be seen as complicit in your own torment, but there's nothing you can do without drawing attention. You spend the rest of the time trying to calm your agitation and look as normal as possible.<br><br>
[[Wait til the event's over->day3finishUp]]<<setter "coletteTorn to 'top'" "coletteTorn to 'skirt'" "coletteTorn to 'panties'" "coletteTorn to 'bra'" "coletteTorn to 'big'" "coletteTorn to undefined">>
<<set $day3stripStip to true>>
Honestly, you're more motivated by the thought of seeing Colette do a striptease yourself than you care about this being a good stipulation. Despite being a huge bitch, she's unquestionably incredibly hot, and it's been difficult to tear your eyes away from
<<if $coletteTorn is "top">>
the tear you made in her top, through which flashes of her bra are frequently visible.
<<elseif $coletteTorn is "skirt">>
the tear you made in her skirt, through which her supple thighs can be seen, as well as frequent glimpses of her white panties.
<<elseif $coletteTorn is "panties">>
her short white and pink skirt, under which you know full well her pussy is completely bare and exposed.
<<elseif $coletteTorn is "bra">>
her white crop top, under which you know full well her breasts are exposed after you cut away her bra earlier.
<<elseif $coletteTorn is "big">>
the huge gash that Colette made in her clothing, through which both her panties and bra, as well as huge swaths of supple pale flesh, are clearly visible.
her skimpy white crop top and skirt, which do little to hide her slender pale body.
Sure, in theory the striptease will be 'for' <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">>, but that won't stop you enjoying the show.<<br>>
Colette grins wider than you had thought possible at your stipulation.<<br>>
With the smug satisfaction of someone whom you've fallen straight into the trap of, she jeers <<colette "Oh you stupid //idiot//! Do you //really// think that a task this basic has //any// chance //whatsoever// of making me even //flinch//? I'm going to enjoy every moment of this, of proving to you that even if you're lucky enough to get a //cheap// win over me I'll //still// come out on top.">><<br>>
She doesn't seem to have an inkling that you might be doing this for your own satisfaction, and that this isn't really an attempt to humiliate her at all. You're somewhat relieved, but it still manages to irk you that she thinks that she's the one who's gained the upper hand.<<br>>
<<colette "Come on then, let's do this.">><<br>>
She confidently steps past you and heads back to the tent with her head held high, leaving you to follow in her wake. As the two of you sweep back past the officer in charge he seems surprised to see you both returning so soon. Without missing a beat Colette sweetly explains <<colette "Turns out that we like, didn't need to go. False alarm!">>.<br><br>
[[Enter the tent->day3raceWinStripStip2]]<<setter "day3racePartner to 'jacques'" "day3racePartner to 'elodie'" "coletteTorn to 'top'" "coletteTorn to 'skirt'" "coletteTorn to 'panties'" "coletteTorn to 'bra'" "coletteTorn to 'big'" "coletteTorn to undefined">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceStipTent.jpg]]@@<br>
<<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie">> is sitting down on a comfortable sofa, and looks up when the two of you enter, and you see <<jael "his" "her">> eyes narrow suspiciously at the two of you returning together so conspiratorially, especially when Colette has such a smug smile on her face.<<br>>
Colette wastes no time taking charge of the situation. <<colette2>>"Well then, count yourself lucky, <<jael "whatever-your-name-was." "you morbid cow.">> Looks like you just earned a once in a lifetime show that you'd otherwise //never// be able to get, even in a million years."<</colette2>><<br>>
Then she begins, curving her body to the beat of a song that doesn't exist, but which her movements evoke so clearly that within seconds you could swear that you can hear it yourself. Her nubile body rolls and grinds against the air. <<if $coletteTorn is "panties">>The movements frequently expose tantalizing glimpses of her bare pussy, completely open to the air after the marksmanship game earlier.<</if>><<br>>
Either she's incredibly gifted, or else she's come fully prepared, well practiced for the day that she'd find the Princess once more and might be forced to do this. Your mind spins trying to picture the twisted relationship that the two of them must once have had.<<br>>
The first item gets lost - <<if $coletteTorn is "top">>her torn white crop top, and though you've caught glimpses of it throughout the day through the tear as it's thrown across the room you can finally see her exposed bra and torso in all of it's glory.<<elseif $coletteTorn is "big">>the tattered remains of her top. Since the events earlier, it's done very little to obscure any of Colette's torso and bra, and yet the action of removing it still comes off as erotically charged.<<elseif $coletteTorn is "bra">>her crop top, finally revealing what you've secretly known all day - that under that thin white fabric the small orbs of her perfect chest have been bare and unconstrained.<<else>>her white crop top, which gets thrown across the room, revealing Colette's supple, pale torso, and the small cups of her delicate white and pink bra.<</if>><<br>>
Suddenly you realize the danger, and almost trip over your feet as you rush over to a seat. You quickly sit down, stooped forward as you desperately try to hide your erection as it swells, <<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>your cock straining against your <<print $outfit.under.name>>,<</if>> <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>making an unmistakable tent in your dress that you only just manage to hide in time.<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>making an unmistakable tent in your skirt that you only just manage to hide in time.<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("leggings")>>it's shape unmistakably clear through your tight leggings, though you hope that you managed to hide it in time.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
<<if $coletteTorn isnot "bra">>
The distraction is enough to make you miss some of Colette's show, and when you next look up her bra is gone. Her breasts aren't that large, but they are strikingly //perfect// - nary a blemish or mole marks her pale skin, they even seem identical in size, more like that a marble statue than a person. It only makes the fact that the person that they're attached to is currently shamelessly flaunting them seem all the more erotic. They're crowned by cute pink nipples, which rapidly harden in the cool air.
When you refocus your attention on Colette she's moved to one of the poles keeping the tent in place, swinging around it topless, grinding her hips into it. Her chest is still a pristine as before, more like that a marble statue than a person, which only makes the fact that the person that they're attached to is currently flaunting them so shamelessly seem all the more erotic.
<<if $coletteTorn isnot "panties">>
Colette reaches around to hook a finger under her panties and slowly pull the slip of fabric down her slender thighs, leaving her covered only by <<if $coletteTorn isnot "skirt">>her skimpy white skirt, which frequently give tantalizing glimpses at a perfectly bare shaved pussy and pert behind.<<else>>if $coletteTorn is "skirt">> what little remains of her torn skirt, which does little to hide her perfectly bare shaved pussy and pert behind.<</if>>
Colette's dancing reaches a new level of intensity, constantly flaunting her lack of panties with moves that flip up her short skirt to give tantalizing glimpses of her shaved pussy.
Despite the show, you can't help but notice <<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie's">> reaction to the show unfolding in front of <<jael "him" "her">>.
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
You'd been expecting him to be boorishly salivating over the display, and he doesn't disappoint - he seems to be one step away from hooting and hollering.<<br>>
Despite enjoying the display plenty yourself, you still manage the hypocrisy of rolling your eyes at him. However just as you do so he glances over at you, and sends a conspiratorial wink in your direction. You're taken by surprise, partly because he seemed far to enraptured to pay you any attention, but before you can work out what he meant by it Colette pulls the attention back to herself.
She's confused, and somewhat uncomfortable. Some part of you could swear that you can see her focus keep settling on a part of the display and linger, hungrily, before being dragged away by willpower - but you're sure that you must be imagining things.<<br>>
She glances your way and for a moment the two of you are locked in eye contact. She stares daggers at you, clearly understanding that she's just a pawn in someone else's power play and not liking it one bit. Before you can give any response, Colette pulls the attention back to herself.
Brazenly, Colette drops to all fours in front of <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> so that she can //crawl// up <<jael "his" "her">> body, audaciously rubbing her body into <<jael "him" "her">>, clad only in a tiny <<if $coletteTorn is "skirt">>torn<</if>> skirt, now hiked up so far it's basically a belt. She keeps going until her hips are pressing against <<jael "Jacques'" "Elodie's">> own, and then starts bucking and grinding her lithe body with furious intensity.<<br>>
Despite it being <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> who's getting the lapdance, you feel anything but left out. Colette clearly couldn't care less about her subject as anything other than a prop to prove her point, and every few seconds she sends another sneer and glance towards you to let you know who this is //really// about.<<br>>
Suddenly the mood is shattered as the tent flap opens and, to your horror, the three next riders come into the tent. For a moment they're too busy chatting excitedly about the result of their race to fully take in scene that they've just walked in on, and then they're absolutely aghast. <<pink "L-lady Colette! What do you think you're //doing//?">><<br>>
Colette doesn't even stop. Instead she just stares straight at you while keeping up her gyrations, forcibly making her point of how little she cares about your 'humiliating' stipulation. It's only when a stern faced noblewoman storms over and tries to drag the almost nude young lady off of <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> that she ceases her movements to slap the woman's hands away. <<colette "Oh fuck off, you hag! Don't ruin the fun, or my family will //destroy// yours.">><<br>>
The woman stumbles back, offended beyond belief at Colette's rudeness, but the words seem to work on her and she doesn't move to stop Colette again.<<br>>
Regardless, it seems like the fun's been ruined for Colette, and with a displeased <<colette "Just when things were getting good...">> she stands up off of <<jael "Jacques, who quickly straightens out his outfit" "Elodie, who looks incredibly relieved">>.<<br>>
Colette doesn't seem in a hurry to dress herself, slowly walking around the room to pluck the pieces of her scattered clothing off of the floor, seemingly as shameless about being seen nude around the nobles, who are desperately trying not to look, as she was around you and <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">>.<<br>>
[[Try to look innocent while Colette dresses->day3finishUp]]Your words seem to hit Colette like a lightning bolt. For a few seconds all she does is stare at you, her mouth opening and shutting like a fish as she processes your stipulation.<<br>>
<<colette "You... how dare... this... you can't really...">> She splutters. You can't help but grin a little at the sight. Whether it was your intention or not, it seems like you've found the one thing that's capable of stealing the wind from her sails.<<br>>
Your smile seems to be enough to shake Colette from her shock. <<colette "//Fuck you// for this, //Princess//. I'll get you back for this so bad that you'll be begging for mercy. I'll make you wish that you were-">><<br>>
You interrupt to remind her that the clock is ticking, and if she flounders any longer then the next set of racers will arrive and this apology will become a public display. You're pleased to see Colette turn pink at the concept.<<br>>
With one last <<colette "Fuck you.">> she pushes past you and storms back towards the tent, leaving you hurrying in her wake. As the two of you sweep back past the officer in charge he seems surprised to see you both returning so soon, and almost gets shoved onto his ass as Colette rudely barges him to the side, leaving you to quickly apologize.<<br>>
[[Enter the tent->day3raceWinElodieApologize2]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceStipTent.jpg]]@@<br>
Elodie looks up as the two of you enter the tent, quickly frowning as she sees the expression on Colette's face. She can see trouble when it's brewing.<<br>>
She doesn't get an immediate response. Instead Colette just //scowls//, her hands balled up so tightly into fists at her sides that you're sure that she must be hurting herself against her sharpened nails.<<br>>
<<colette "I-...">> She begins, but has difficulty getting the words out. You can see her face getting pinker and pinker at the humiliation of the situation.<<br>>
<<colette "I'm sorry, okay.">><<br>>
Elodie seems pretty nonplussed by the apology. One of her eyebrows raises incredulously, and her arms cross in front of her.<<br>>
You would have already been satisfied by this alone, but Colette keeps on going, unwilling to compromise the sanctity of the competition by leaving it at just that.<<br>>
<<colette "I'm sorry for being so mean. I'm sorry for calling you a- a morbid litthle low class bitch. I'm sorry for.. all that stuth.">><<br>>
Something about the agitation of the situation is enough for Colette's lisp to return, too caught up in the emotion to maintain her lessons. Every single time it comes out you can see her face turn a little more scarlet.<<br>>
She has such a huge personality that it's difficult to see it sometimes, but you're struck by how childish she is. It comes from spoiled immaturity, so it's difficult to feel too sorry for her, and you're sure the moment she's tormenting you again it'll be quickly forgotten, but it's difficult not to feel a //little// sorry for her even despite the little scowls she keeps sending your way.<<br>>
Elodie sighs. <<elodie "Well, I obviously can't accept this apology or anything. You clearly don't mean any of this shit. You're just being forced into it.">><<br>>
She shoots you a displeased glance that manages to chill you.<<br>>
<<elodie "But... I have to admit, it feels pretty nice watching you like this and stuff.">> She admits with a shrug. <<elodie "So whatever. Just leave me alone.">><<br>>
As Elodie dismissively turns away, Colette seems to decide that the stipulation is over. She turns to you with such an intense scowl that you worry that she's about to attack you, but she just pushes past you to sulk moodily in the corner of the tent, completely emotionally overwhelmed at having had to receive a comeuppance for her actions for once.<<br>>
The mood in the tent is soon broken by the next three nobles arriving after finishing their race, and thankfully they're too excited by their result to take much notice of the sullen girl in the corner.<<br>>
You take the opportunity to go over to Elodie and try to explain that you didn't participate in Colette's competition willingly, but she stops you before you even start.<<br>>
<<elodie "Listen. I don't want to hear it. This was fine. I don't want to be involved again, but it's whatever. Just-">> She looks at you, and you can see concern on her face. <<elodie "Just don't get sucked into that world, okay? You're better than that.">><<br>>
You can do nothing but nod and go back to waiting.<<br>>
[[Wait til the races finish->day3finishUp]]<<setter "coletteSpare to true" "coletteSpare to undefined">>
<<if $coletteSpare is true>>
Colette is completely outraged at your suggestion.<br><br>
<<colette "First you //mock// me with that tiny cut earlier, and now //this//? You're really such a hateful //bitch// that you won't even let me //lose// with dignity?">><br><br>
Then, with a resigned groan she answers her own question. <<colette "What am I even talking about, of //course// you're this much of a bitch - nothing ever changes, does it?">><<br>>
Regardless of your actual reason, she doesn't give you an opportunity to explain yourself, instead pushing past you to head back towards the tent.
Colette gives you an odd look when you tell her your stipulation. Clearly she'd been expecting something sadistic and cruel - one like she'd certainly have given you if she'd been the one to win.<br><br>
<<colette "What the fuck are you playing at with this basic shit? I //know// that you hate this stuff.">> She complains incredulously, before shrugging. <<colette "Whatever. Let's do this.">><br><br>
She pushes past you to head back towards the tent.
As the two of you sweep back past the officer in charge he seems surprised to see you both returning so soon. Without missing a beat Colette sweetly explains <<colette "Turns out that we like, didn't need to go. False alarm!">>.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day3raceStipTent.jpg]]@@<br>
Jacques is leaning casually against a tentpost when the two of you step inside. For a moment you think you see his eyes narrow suspiciously at the two of you entering together so conspiratorially, but it's quickly replaced by his ever-present easygoing smile.<<br>>
<<jacques "Glad that you two could make it, I was beginning to worry that I was going to have to toast my victory all by myself.">> He calls out to greet you. <<jacques "It was a good race, but even in victory a man can't help but be disappointed when it feels like neither of his lovely competitors even spared him a glance. Who knows //how// the race might have ended if you weren't so focused on each other.">><<br>>
Colette doesn't even acknowledge his barely-disguised probing, instead focusing on the most simple part of his words. <<colette "Oh yes! A toast! What a //wonderful// idea, Master Jacques! I'll grab some wine.">><<br>>
True to her words, she quickly goes over to a side-table where some refreshments are waiting. <<colette "Would you like red or white?">><<br>>
<<jacques "Oh! Red, if you wouldn't mind...">> Jacques replies, clearly surprised at being served by someone so important.<<br>>
<<colette "Lovely idea, I think I'll have that too!">><<br>>
Colette brings back a bottle and glasses, sets them down in front of Jacques, and begins to pour. You can't help but notice that she only brought //two// glasses instead of three, but you suppose if she //had// brought three it would only have been so that she could spit in yours.<<br>>
She doesn't even let Jacques pick up the glass, instead placing it into his hand herself as she settles into the spot right next to the young man, shifting to close that she's pressed into his side as they clink glasses.<<br>>
<<colette "Oh Jacques, I think I feel a knot in your muscles here, you must have gotten it from the ride! Let me get that out for you.">> She exclaims, gently massaging his biceps with her free hand.<<br>>
It continues for some time, with Colette all-but dangling off of Jacques' arm, fussing constantly over him. You're a little impressed, at first you'd assumed that Colette would go to this task with malicious compliance, overacting her part so hard that it's obvious that she's not doing this sincerely and it becomes an insult. However, instead Colette diligently adjusts her affect, staying as dutiful as possible while never letting it become too blatant. Despite being a completely unfair person in so many ways, she seems to takes the fairness of these competitions really seriously.<<br>>
Nevertheless, as Colette obsequiously monopolizes Jacques' attention you find yourself unable to enjoy the victory you've earned. If anything, as she fawns over him, sitting closely at his side, you almost feel irritable at the scene for some reason.<<br>>
The next set of nobles arrive after finishing their race, but the presence of a larger audience doesn't deter Colette in the slightest. If anything, it just makes the fact that she's so solely focused on him all the more obvious, and you see some bemused glances sent in their direction which don't help your mood in the slightest.<<br>>
After Jacques mentions something about an object on the other side of the tent, and Colette hurries off to fetch it for him, you're surprised when the young man shuffles closer.<<br>>
<<jacques "I take it this is your doing?">><<br>>
You don't know what face you made, but it seems to confirm the matter. <<jacques "I don't mind playing along for now, but try not to get me caught up in your games again. I like to win my battles myself, your Highness.">><<br>>
You try to reply that it's not like that, and you wouldn't be doing this if you had a choice in the matter, but before you can Colette comes back and all-but shoves you out of the way.<<br>>
<<colette "Oh, don't bother with //her//, Jacquesy. Look, it was a grubby little tent-spike! How funny!">><<br>>
[[Grind your teeth in frustration->day3finishUp]]<<if $day3stripStip is true>>
You try to look like you're completely uninvolved in whatever was happening before, but in the awkward aftermath of Colette's stipulation you still manage to catch some nasty glances from the three nobles who entered.<<br>>
It's only when the next three nobles arrive, ignorant of what happened before, that the energy of the tent begins to return back to normal. When it does, <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> makes <<jael "his" "her">> way over.<<br>>
<<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">>
<<jacques "Listen. I can see a wager when it's in front of me, and I can tell when everyone want me to act along and not ruin the moment, even if getting something I haven't earned myself isn't my style.">><<br>>
<<jacques "But you shouldn't be getting caught in the games of people like that, and you //especially// shouldn't be giving them opportunities to play to their strengths and win the argument. Okay?">>
<<elodie "Hey. That sucked, Princess.">> She says, curtly. <<elodie "I thought you were better than to get sucked into her games.">><<br>>
You try to tell her that you wouldn't be doing this if you had any choice in the matter, but after the stipulation that you gave Colette you know that it wouldn't be very convincing. <<elodie "Whatever. Just don't ever get me caught up in it again. And don't give her opportunities to win the argument like that - that was a shit choice.">>
You nod, and that seems to be enough to get <<jael "Jacques" "Elodie">> to leave you be, but as the memory of Colette's almost-naked body dances in your minds eye, you're really not sure if you can agree that it was a bad choice.<<br>>
The tent slowly fills up with more and more nobles as they finish up their races, happily chatting away and telling each other stories of each other's performances. Luckily, all of them seem too busy having fun to bother you so you're left to yourself.<br><br>
Eventually, the last nobles make their way inside, and soon after the General follows them.<br><br>
<<blue "Ladies and Gentlemen!">> He calls with a salute, and the tent quiets down.
<<blue "I just wanted to tell you all what a pleasure it's been for the boys, and us staff too.">> You swear that you can see tears of joy welling up in his eyes. <<blue "Servin' noble graces like yus'selves... why, it's what being a soldier's all about.">><br><br>
As the General finally breaks out into open weeping, another soldier delicately steps around him, seamlessly picking up where he left off.<br><br>
<<blue "We wish that you could stay for longer, your honors, but I'm sure you'll want to be getting back to your carriages. If you'd care to follow me...">><br><br>
The nobles begin to follow along behind the soldier out of the tent. As they do so, they stream past the trembling figure of the General, still holding a perfect salute even as tears pour relentlessly down his face.<br><br>
People are //weird// about nobility, you figure.<br><br>
[[Head back to the carriages->day3favorCarriageReturn]]<<setter "firmin.name to 'Firmin Goux'" "firmin.name to 'Citadel Tour Guide'" "favorCover to true" "favorCover to false" "eyeChange to 'favor'" "eyeChange to 'overpower'">>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
<<run $firmin.facts.pushUnique("Used you as an assassin.")>>
As the group nears the carriages, it's quickly apparent that something is amiss. Everywhere you look you see soldiers either hurrying around urgently or barking orders at each other. All excitement from the day's activities is quickly lost, and the cheerful hubbub of conversation around you subsides into an uneasy silence<br><br>
One of the more senior nobles in the group grabs a soldier as he's going past and demands <<blue "What the bloody hell is going on around here?">><br><br>
<<blue "It's the Count of Alivon, your excellencies...">> He takes off his cap and twists it in his hands, clearly uncomfortable at being the one to break the news. <<blue"He... he was found dead in the carriage.">><br><br>
One of the noblewomen lets out a shriek of surprise and faints clean away. The rest of the group erupt into scared murmurs, which are only interrupted when a bold noblewoman shouts out <<pink "Was it the Scarecrow Killer?">>, and the nobles' focus turns back onto the soldier.<br><br>
He shifts nervously under their gaze. <<blue "Could be. The medics reckon it's poison - there was a vial next to the body, and the spilled contents damn near burned a hole through the carriage floor. Right now the only lead we have is that one of the maids says she saw figure dressed in a white poking around the carriages earlier.">><br><br>
You immediately break out into a cold sweat at the man's words, that vial could only be one thing - the concoction that <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux<<else>>the Tour Guide<</if>> had ordered you to deliver this afternoon. Suddenly everything clicks into place, no wonder the task had seemed so simple - you hadn't been delivering medicine, you had been the //assassin//, and now all the evidence will point towards you instead of him!<br><br>
<<if $favorCover is true>>
<<pink "A figure in white...">> muses a nearby noblewoman out loud. <<pink "Why, couldn't that have been the white stag you mentioned earlier, dear?">><br><br>
The soldier immediately perks up. Plucking a crumpled piece of paper and a pencil from his back pocket he inquires <<blue "A white stag? This is the first I've heard of it, are you sure?">><br><br>
Another noble pipes up with <<blue "Yes, I'm sure I've heard something like that...">>, and then another calls <<pink "Yes, a brave white deer I heard, odd for the season!">>, and soon everyone in the group is joining in, supporting the statement. You almost can't believe it - you had been bargaining on Elodie's chatty father maybe telling a //couple// of people, but it looks like he was such a gossip that he must never have shut up about it all day.<br><br>
None of the nobles claim to have been the one to see the stag themselves, but luckily the sheer number of corroborators obscures that fact, and soon the soldier concludes. <<blue "Seems like that's what the maid must have seen then. I'll let the boss know.">> You can barely hide your sigh of relief - there'll be more evidence for certain, but you hope that this will at least obscure matters somewhat.<br><br>
Some manservants arrive and start to direct the nobles out the way of the soldiers and into their carriages. The gentry are still shaken, but seem glad to have been able to do something to help as they're dispersed and soon you're briskly led back into the Princess' carriage.
<<set $favorCover to false>>
<<pink "A figure in white...">> muses a nearby noblewoman out loud. <<pink "Can't be any of us from the Capital then. White hasn't been in fashion for //years//.">> Then, realizing her faux-pas, she abruptly adds <<pink "Oh! Other than the cloak that her Highness wore two days ago, which was err, quite lovely of course.">> She corrects herself, trying to disguise that she clearly didn't think it lovely at all.<br><br>
The comment hadn't been accusatorial at the slightest, but it still attracts attention towards you.<br><br>
You desperately try to calm down and look respectable, but you can't manage it. The thought of having murdered someone fills your head with so much dread that you can barely string thoughts together. Already your body is covered in clammy cold sweat, but as more attention is drawn toward you you find yourself unable to keep your breathing regular, and can't help yourself from darting your eyes around frantically.<br><br>
The nobles who glanced your way can't hide their shock at your condition, which causes others to follow their gaze. Eventually one inquires <<blue "Umm, are you alright, your Grace?">> Even Colette, who would never miss a chance to gloat at your weakness, seems taken aback by the intensity of your reaction.<br><br>
<<elodie "This sucks.">> Elodie's voice rings out from the crowd, and a moment later she undignifiedly pushes her way through the throng of nobles to stand in front of you protectively. <<elodie "There's an assassin coming after her and her family. Of course she's freaking out.">>
Without even checking how the nobles react, she turns to face you. <<elodie "This is a panic attack.">> She calmly explains to you. <<elodie "My friend used to get them all the time. Take deep breaths, okay?">><br><br>
Elodie reaches out to hold you steady, and the moment she touches you it's like a spell is broken - your legs crumple beneath you and you find yourself falling forward into her.<br><br>
Luckily, she manages to catch you and holds you firmly against herself. Your vision becomes blurry, and it takes you a moment to realize that it's because tears are welling up in your eyes. Once they start, the floodgates open and soon you're pathetically ugly-crying on the young woman - the terror and anguish of the situation cathartically crashing like waves upon Elodie's calming aloofness.<br><br>
You don't notice that you're cushioned against Elodie's sizable bust. You don't notice that the nobles are now all a hubbub trying to work out what to do about a crying princess. You don't notice that the man you were just three days ago would think their masculinity in tatters to be publicly crying. But what you //can't// help but notice is the cruelty of the situation - you're getting this sympathy under false pretenses, you're not afraid of the assassin, you //were// the assassin. Even this moment of compassion is twisted and soured.<br><br>
The thought is enough to make you pull away from Elodie guiltily the moment that your nerves are steady enough to manage it and, on shaky legs, detach yourself from the group back to your carriage with nary a glance behind you.
<<include [[day3commonCarriageReturn]]>>
<</if>><<setter "favorCover to true" "favorCover to false" "outfitTorn to 'bad'" "outfitTorn to 'good'" "outfitTorn to undefined">>
<<if $favorCover is true>>
The moment the carriage door is safely shut Simone dashes out of the kitchen and leaps towards you, grabbing you in a hug.<br><br>
<<simone2>>"Oh, <<print $pc.name>>. I'm so glad that you're alright. When all of the soldiers started rushing around I was so scared that they'd caught you."<</simone2>><br><br>
You try to behave comfortingly, but your heart's not quite in it - your mind is too caught up thinking about how you've played a part in a murder. If you hadn't agreed to go along with <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux's<<else>>that man's<</if>> deal, then the Count would still be alive right now.<br><br>
Somehow, what feels even worse is that Simone has been your one confidant through this whole situation, the one person who you didn't have to lie to, but now you have something that you can't afford to tell her about. If she found out that you've killed someone, she could hate you forever, and would probably call the soldiers to arrest you right away.<br><br>
However, when Simone detaches from you and looks up at you with concern etched across her face, you wonder if you even have the strength to deceive her.
Simone's busy in the kitchen when you stagger through the door, but upon hearing the latch she dashes out.<br><br>
<<simone2>>"Oh, <<print $pc.name>>. I'm so glad that you're alright. When all of the soldiers started rushing around I was so scared that they'd caught-."<</simone2>><br><br> But her voice hangs in her throat in surprise as she sees you standing there<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>: eyes red from tears and your clothing tattered in rags<<else>>, dishevelled and with eyes red from tears.<</if>><br><br>
<<simone2>>"W-what happened to you, <<print $pc.name>>?"<</simone2>><br><br>
You realize to your dismay that you're going to have to lie to Simone - your one confidant in this whole situation who you'd been able to be honest with. You wonder if you even have the strength to do so.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<if $favorCover is true>>
<<link "Play it smart and lie - it would be completely stupid for me to falter now">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3favorSimoneHide]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "If she finds out she'll tell the guards and hate me forever. Make an excuse.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3favorSimoneHide]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "I can't do it. Cave in and tell the truth">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day3favorSimoneConfess]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<set $favorRoute to "hide">>
<<setter "favorCover to true" "favorCover to false">>
For the last few days you've been clinging desperately to survival, fighting fiercely to keep that glimmer of hope alive - no matter how far you've had to degrade and humiliate yourself. If you gave up now, all of it would have been for nothing.<br><br>
You force a comforting smile on your face, hoping that Simone doesn't notice that behind it your jaw is clenched in determination, and try to suppress the emotions roiling inside of you enough to <<if $favorCover is true>>calmly reassure her that everything is alright, even when things are anything but.<<else>>make a convincing lie. Luckily, Colette's treatment of you today acts as a perfect scapegoat.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $favorCover is true>>
Simone hesitates a moment, something about your reaction reading as strange to her, but luckily she seems to quickly dismiss the doubt.<br><br>
<<simone "I'm just glad that you managed to get through another day. You're amazing, <<print $pc.name>>! So, what happened out there today?">>
Simone hesitates a moment, something about your reaction reading as strange to her, but luckily her upset on your behalf quickly overwhelms her distrust.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh, <<print $pc.name>>, that sounds awful! You poor thing! I can't believe that someone would act like that, how on earth did it happen?">>
<<link "Explain the days events">>
<<goto [[day3carriageRecount]]>>
<</link>><<set $favorRoute to "confess">>
<<setter "favorCover to true" "favorCover to false">>
Simone can tell that something is very wrong long before you're ready to confess to her.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh gosh, <<print $pc.name>>, it's really as bad as all that, is it?">> She asks nervously, her eyes wide and already on the verge of tears just from the look on your face.<br><br>
The carefully-worded statement that you were arranging in your head falls to pieces in the face of her sweetness, and instead the truth just tumbles out of you, raw and unguarded.<br><br>
For a long terrifying moment all Simone does is blink, frozen in place as her brain processes what you've just told her.<br><br>
When she finally speaks, it's a simple weak <<simone "Oh">> followed by slumping to the floor, like a marionette with it's strings cut.<br><br>
You try to think of something to say, but there isn't anything. For a few minutes the silence stretches between you, both privately weighing the guilt that hangs over the two of you.<br><br>
By the time Simone finally speaks up, you're so caught up in your reverie that it catches you by surprise. <<simone "This sucks.">><br><br>
You look up and see an expression of grim determination on her face. It looks absurd on her petite features - like a child wearing a suit too large for them, but you don't let that affect your assessment of her words in the slightest.<br><br>
<<simone "I didn't mean for this to happen...">> She starts, her voice breaking with emotion, before correcting herself. <<simone "I mean, //we// didn't mean for this to happen.">> She pauses for a moment and then continues <<simone "But.. we're still responsible. It wouldn't have happened without us.">><br><br>
Her words seem insane to you - surely //she// doesn't have any of the blame, it's //you// acting out of selfish self-preservation that's led to this happening! But you resist the urge to call her out - it wouldn't help, if she feels that she responsible for this by taking you in, then that's her battle. Telling her otherwise would fall on deaf ears - you're not in charge of someone else's feelings of guilt, you're not even in charge of your own, if it's felt then it exists.<br><br>
<<simone "So... I guess that we have a duty now.">><br><br>
You're absolutely convinced that she's about to call the guards to arrest both of you - you wouldn't have stopped her if she did. But instead, her eyes meet yours and she says with conviction.<br><br>
<<simone "... We have to do everything we can to help catch the guy who did this, right? Giving ourselves in might satisfy us, but it wouldn't help anyone else at all - just make us feel better. It would be selfish... at least, that's what I think.">><br><br>
You find yourself staring at her in surprise. This isn't what you were expecting from her at all - whether you agree with her or not, her words are wiser than her naivete would suggest.<<br>>
<<link "She's right, let's commit to solving this together">>
<<goto "day3favorSimoneConfess2">>
<<set $favorRoute to "together">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "She's wrong, we don't have that responsibility. However, I can't just come out and say that - go along with it for now.">>
<<goto "day3favorSimoneConfess2">>
<<set $favorRoute to "lie">>
<</link>><<if $favorRoute is "together">>
You nod at Simone's words. It's obvious who the culprit of this is - <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux, the man who changed your eyes yesterday<<else>>the man who changed your eyes yesterday<</if>>, but there's still so much that's a mystery<<if $firmin.name isnot "Firmin Goux">>, after all you don't even know his name!<</if>>.<br><br>
Who is the Count who was murdered? Why did he want him dead? Was this personal or politics? What poison was used? Was this related to the Scarecrow Killer, or a separate murder?<br><br>
Compared the numbness of guilty shame, having a goal to work towards is a huge relief and your mind quickly latches onto the task ahead of you.<br><br>
<<simone "You'll still be out there fighting for your life every day, but maybe you'll be able to get some information along the way too. I'll try to see what I can find out while you're out doing the daily activities.">><br><br>
<<simone "Oh gosh! Come to think of it, I don't even know what happened to you out there today yet!">>
This was all a horrible mistake - this had been your problem alone, but now because of your stupid outburst you've saddled the poor girl with guilt that she never deserved.<br><br>
Even worse, now she's concocting some foolish plan to keep her morals in the clear.<br><br>
You don't agree with it, but, either out of not wanting to pop her naive bubble, or out of fear that if you call her out she'll call the soldiers on you, you bite your tongue and pretend to go along with it.<br><br>
<<simone "Perfect! In that case, here's what I think would be the best place to start...">><br><br>
She soon manages to distract herself with her guilt with all sorts of plans to catch the real culprit. You mentally clock out of most of it - nodding along whenever it seems appropriate to do so.<br><br>
You're finally pulled from your reverie when she concludes <<simone "Well then, with that all sorted - I still haven't heard about what happened to you today yet!">>
<<link "Explain the days events">>
<<goto [[day3carriageRecount]]>>
<</link>>The group is swiftly led back to the convoy, and it's not long before you finally step back into the safety of the Princess' carriage.<br><br>
Simone's in the kitchen when you return, but the moment she hears the door close you can hear a clatter as she puts down whatever she was doing and runs out to meet you.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh, <<print $pc.name>>, you did it! You're alive!">> She calls out when she comes in vision, but she doesn't stop, instead she barrels into you with a huge hug.<br><br>
Were she a little larger, she might have pushed you off clean off your feet in her enthusiasm. Even as it is, you have to step backwards to steady yourself.<br><br>
For a lingering moment she just embraces you.<br><br>
<<link "Embrace her back">>
<<goto [[day3commonCarriageReturn2]]>>
<<set $day3simoneEmbrace to true>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Just leave it.">>
<<goto [[day3commonCarriageReturn2]]>>
<<set $day3simoneEmbrace to false>>
<</link>><<setter "day3simoneEmbrace to true" "day3simoneEmbrace to false">>
<<if $day3simoneEmbrace is true>>
On instinct, you wrap your arms around the little maid and hold her close.<br><br>
The moment between you lasts less than a second before she wriggles away, looking flustered and embarrassed at having gotten carried away, unable to meet your gaze, but you already feel like the worries from the day have fallen away from you.
The unexpected intimacy takes you off guard, and you just stand there a little awkwardly as Simone holds you tight.<br><br>
The moment between you lasts less than a second before she wriggles away, looking a little embarrassed at having gotten carried away
<<unset $day3simoneEmbrace>>
<<simone "I- I'm sorry, it's just so difficult waiting for you here, not knowing what's going on, or if you'll come back...">> She mumbles.<br><br>
Changing topics to avoid the awkwardness, she asks <<simone "So what happened out there? Did everything go okay?">><<br>>
<<include [[day3carriageRecount]]>><<setter "outfitTorn to 'good'" "outfitTorn to 'bad'" "outfitTorn to undefined" "eyeChange to 'favor'" "eyeChange to 'overpower'" "favorRoute to 'hide'" "favorRoute to 'together'" "favorRoute to 'lie'">>
<<if $favorRoute is "hide" or $favorRoute is "lie">>
Awkwardly at first, though with ever increasing strength as you <<if $favorRoute is "hide">>get back into the swing of things<<else>>manage to distract yourself from your thoughts<</if>>, you explain all of the days events.<br><br>
You quickly describe to Simone everything that happened to you today.<br><br>
Simone is a good listener, her rapt attention frequently interrupted by cheers of delight and exclamations of dismay at the day's successes and failures.
<<if def $outfitTorn>>
She is particularly upset when you get to the part where Colette cut your outfit, showing a rare flash of anger at having her hard work be defaced.
When you finish, you realize that more time has passed than you were expecting, and yet you're still standing there in women's clothing. Feeling slightly sheepish at having felt so comfortable wearing them that you had barely noticed it, you decide to go and change.<br><br>
<<simone "Uhm... A-About that...">> Simone stutters nervously, suddenly unable to meet your gaze.<br><br>
She grabs a sad wet bundle of loose hemp twine from a table behind her and holds it forward for you to see. <<simone "I tried washing your clothing while you were out, since it was all so mucky and all. But... it looks like the grime was all that was keeping it together, they fell to pieces the moment the water hit it. I'm really sorry, <<print $pc.name>>.">><br><br>
After the day you've had, the situation seems almost funny. You had //hated// that clothing - it was scratchy, uncomfortable, and a grim reminder of your unjust imprisonment. You've spent many nights dreaming of finally getting rid of them for good - and yet, the rags were the last remaining vestiges of your masculinity.<br><br>
You notice Simone nervously gauging your reaction, absolutely mortified at having ruined something of yours.<br><br>
<<link "I hate this. I don't like the idea of having to wear women's clothing any more than I already have to.">>
<<goto [[day3carriageNightwearDressup]]>>
<<set $clothingMood to "hate">>
<<set $fem -= 1>>
<<link "I don't care. I have bigger things to worry about than what I'm wearing.">>
<<goto [[day3carriageNightwearDressup]]>>
<<set $clothingMood to "mid">>
<<link "I quite like this. They were grubby anyway, and maybe I'll enjoy wearing something else instead.">>
<<goto [[day3carriageNightwearDressup]]>>
<<set $clothingMood to "love">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<</link>><<setter "clothingMood to 'hate'" "clothingMood to 'love'" "clothingMood to 'mid'" "outfitTorn to 'bad'" "outfitTorn to undefined">>
<<switch $clothingMood>>
<<case "hate">>
This //sucks//! It's bad enough having to dress like a woman half the day - now even the //other// half has been taken from you.<br><br>
You can feel your masculinity crumble away every day you go out there as the Princess. Somewhere deep inside of you, you can tell that it's close to a breaking point - a point where even after escaping you won't be able to go completely back to normal again.<br><br>
It's all you can manage to cling desperately to what masculinity you still have.<br><br>
Though you try to hide it, it seems like Simone manages to pick up on the tension in your tone. Unable to meet your gaze, she mutters <<simone "I'm sorry... <<print $pc.name>>...">>
<<case "love">>
You look on the bright side of the situation. Though you've been slow to admit it, the Princess' clothing you've been wearing for the last three days has been MUCH comfier than anything you wore before this, likely due to the expensive fabric and good tailoring.<br><br>
At some point, the need to change back to uncomfortable masculine clothing began to feel kinda performative. If anything, you're almost relieved to be put in a situation where you can wear something else without having to have done the mortifying task of having to ask for it.<br><br>
Though you try to hide it, your enthusiasm leaves Simone blinking in surprise for a moment. <<simone "Gosh... I was so worried that you'd be upset! I'm so happy to find you so, umm... flexible.">>
<<case "mid">>
Losing your male clothing certainly isn't //ideal//, but after today you're just relieved to have even survived.<br><br>
Your days have been so perilous that it's become difficult to feel //anything// that isn't a fight or flight reaction anymore. Something like this barely shows up on your radar.<br><br>
You don't know what expression you made, but Simone seems to detect how burned out you are. <<simone "Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter too much...">>
THIS IS AN <<error>>
<<unset $clothingMood>><br><br>
Pushing on through the weird mood, Simone rambles on <<simone "I went looking through some of the Princess' nightwear trying to find things that might be appropriate for you to wear around the carriage, but most of it was so pink and //risqué//.">><br><br>
You're a little confused, why can't you just keep wearing what you have on now?<br><br>
"I'm really proud of the adjustments that I managed to get done, but they were done in a rush.
<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>
With how badly Colette sliced them up, I don't think they're going to last much longer.
I'm amazed that they managed to hold up - I wasn't expecting you to end up //horse racing// in them!
Besides, even if it //wasn't// sewn up in a rush, people toss and turn //loads// when they're in bed - if you try to sleep in anything fitted then you'll rip it apart from the seams.
You groan. It's not like you could wear some of Simone's clothing either - the little maid is so much smaller than you that you'd never fit in them.<br><br>
<<simone "Let me show you the best that I could find.">>
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwdress.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwcrop.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwgown.jpg]]@@
The first option is a feminine white nightdress with a little bow at it's center. It's held up by two small straps, leaving your shoulders uncovered. Down below, the hemline is dangerously short - leaving you just inches away from exposing yourself. You're just glad it's not made of sheer fabric!<br><br>
The second option is a cute set of a crop top and shorts. They're a little skimpy - leaving your legs and belly exposed, and the lower hemline of the outfit sprouts into pretty ruffles.<br><br>
The last is a plush white dressing gown. It's a little feminine, but all things considered it isn't far from being something that a guy might wear.<br><br>
The first two outfits each feel as bad as each other, in their own ways. The dressing gown, on the other hand, has some potential - it's both less feminine and exposes less of you than the other two options. The only problem is that it's so plush and thick that trying to sleep in it would be a disaster - you'd overheat in minutes!<br><br>
<<link "Wear the dressing gown all the time, even to bed.">>
<<goto "day3carriageNightwearDressup2">>
<<set $nightwear to "gown">>
<<link "Wear the nightdress in bed, and the dressing gown around the carriage">>
<<goto "day3carriageNightwearDressup2">>
<<set $nightwear to "dressgown">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<link "Wear the crop top and shorts in bed, and the dressing gown around the carriage">>
<<goto "day3carriageNightwearDressup2">>
<<set $nightwear to "cropgown">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<link "Wear the nightdress all the time, even around the carriage">>
<<goto "day3carriageNightwearDressup2">>
<<set $nightwear to "dress">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<link "Wear the crop top and shorts all the time, even around the carriage">>
<<goto "day3carriageNightwearDressup2">>
<<set $nightwear to "crop">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<</link>><<setter "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "morningChange to 'legs'" "morningChange to undefined" "pc.shave to 'legs'" "outfit.padding to true" "outfit.padding to false">>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
There's no way that you're going to wear the skimpier nightwear. Even if it means a few sweaty, uncomfortable nights, you'll resolutely wear the dressing gown the whole time.
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
You don't want to wear the skimpier nightwear, but you're not exactly going to force yourself to sleep in the stuffy dressing gown either. The <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>crop top and shorts<<else>>nightdress<</if>> will work perfectly well for sleeping in - after all, you'll be hidden under the covers anyway, chances are Simone won't even see you wearing them!
Just a few days ago the idea of dressing in the skimpier items would have been completely abhorrent to you, but after having been dressed up in such elaborate clothing the stuffy dressing gown just looks so... underwhelming.<<br>>
Before you even realize what you're saying, you blurt out that you'd like to wear the <<if $nightwear is "crop">>crop top and shorts<<else>>nightdress<</if>> around the carriage.<br><br>
In panic, your eyes flicker to Simone's face, terrified of what her reaction will be to your accidental admission. There, you find a warm, encouraging smile. <<simone "I think that's a lovely idea, you'll look so cute in it!">><br><br>
Part of you wishes that she'd call you a pervert instead. That encouraging expression, like she's already worked out something that you're only just beginning to grasp, somehow feels even more accusatory in comparison. However, despite that, you still find yourself feeling deeply grateful to her.
Your choice made, Simone explains <<simone "It's probably best to put them on now. That way if they need to be adjusted I'll have time to do it before bed. In the meantime, I'll finish getting dinner ready - you must be hungry!">><br><br>
She's right, you're ravenous, so you waste no time hurrying to the bathroom to change.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to false>>
Once inside, you quickly reach down your front to pull out the two lumps of padding you used to add bust to your outfit, and set to work taking off the rest.
Once inside, you quickly set to work undressing.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
/* The cloak of your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> lifts off easily, and you start wriggling your way out of the tight brown leggings and top. The constraining material has left your skin a little pinkened underneath<<if def $pc.shave>>, most obvious on your hairless legs<</if>>, though to your surprise it's not a huge relief to be free of them - over the day, you must have gotten used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body. */
You unhook the little accessories attached to your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> and lift the cloak off your shoulders before beginning the task of wriggling out of your tight brown leggings and top. You've never been so constrained so tightly before, but, while the cool air on your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is nice, you're surprised by how little relief you feel at being free. In fact, there isn't much to feel relief //from// - while it had felt weirdly tight to begin with, over time you'd grown quite used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body.<br><br>
You start to pull off the tight leggings, <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>revealing your average penis. You grimace at the sight of it - it doesn't look so //average// at the moment; constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it's pressed into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
<<else>>revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. The bulge of the panties looks smaller than usual for a moment, your junk having been constrained by the material tightly enough to press it into a little bundle, and for a second you can't help but notice how feminine and cute it looks. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>><br><br>As you wriggle further out of your leggings inch after inch of of your smooth, hairless legs, lightly pinkened by the tight fabric and soft to the touch, are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against the silky skin, and in turn feel yourself being rubbed against. You desperately try not to think about how good it feels.<<else>> You quickly manage to wriggle out of the rest of your leggings without issue.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You're relieved to finally be free of the waist-cincher, and quickly pull it off of you, taking a few deep breaths before starting on the rest.
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") is true>>
Thankfully, you learnt how to take off a dress yesterday, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little longer for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "peachImg">> off of you. After a while you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the sashes and zippers to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the soft fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon - your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the peach material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") is true>>
Thankfully, you learnt how to take off a dress yesterday, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "tulipImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the bouncy fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, looks so delicate as it emerges from the violet material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the delicate layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Luckily, <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "longcoatImg">> is similar enough to mens clothing that you don't have too much trouble taking it off. The most confusing part is when you fumble on the blouse, forgetting that the buttons are on the other side.
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "peach") is true>>
Thankfully, you learnt how to take off a dress yesterday, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "butterflyImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the billowing fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, looks so delicate as it emerges from the poofy material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing petticoats, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<link "Put on the nightwear">>
<<goto "day3carriageNightwearDressup3">>
<</link>>Now that you're undressed, <<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>standing in the bathroom wearing only your <<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>>standing in the bathroom nude<</if>>, you start thinking about the nightwear.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Since you plan to change when getting into bed, you decide that wearing the <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>crop top and shorts<<else>>nightdress<</if>> underneath your dressing gown is going to be best - that way you can take off the gown in bed, and you'll never have to be seen wearing <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>them<<else>>it<</if>>!<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
You pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
The thick material is soft and plushy, snugly wrapping around you like a hug. You feel like a sheep that's overdue a shearing - it'll be really difficult to sleep in this. Despite that, you can't deny that it's incredibly comfortable.<br><br>
Despite being such a simple dressing gown the overall effect is more feminine than you were expecting. The material is cut to slim down at the waist and gives more space at the chest and hips, and though you don't exactly fill out those areas it still ends up creating a feminine silhouette.
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You set about putting on the <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your head and pulling up the little bottoms. The soft flannel gently tickles your body.<br><br>
The outfit is definitely skimpy. You've never worn anything in your life that showed your tummy before, but now your navel is exposed for all to see. The lower hemlines of the clothing flow out with subtle fluting, so that as you move they shift, revealing glimpses of skin underneath. This is most alarming at the shorts, which are already very short - you're sure that you'll spend half the day with the bottom of your butt clearly visible!
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
Uncomfortable seeing yourself like this, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
The thick material is soft and plushy, snugly wrapping around you like a hug. You feel like a sheep that's overdue a shearing - you probably made the right choice not sleeping in this. Despite that, you can't deny that it's incredibly comfortable.<br><br>
Despite being such a simple dressing gown, the overall effect is more feminine than you were expecting. The material is cut to slim down at the waist and gives more space at the chest and hips, and though you don't exactly fill out those areas it still ends up creating a feminine silhouette.
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You slip the <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and let it fall loosely over your body.<br><br>
The fabric is so thin and light that it feels practically immaterial on your body, like wearing a silken spiderweb. Despite that, it's incredibly soft - its surface so sleek that it glistens in the light.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>You can't help but look in the mirror<<else>>You look in the mirror<</if>>, and immediately find yourself blushing at the sight. The slip of material is so dainty and feminine that it almost completely overrides the masculinity of your body, and makes you look small and delicate.<br><br>
Most alarming of all is the short length. With your every movement, the light material shifts, tantalizingly revealing inches of <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek, hairless<</if>> thigh. Despite it being your //own// body, you have to force yourself not to stare hypnotized by the dancing hemline of the nightdress, threatening to reveal your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> at any moment. You assure yourself that it's just because your healthy red-blooded masculinity is drawn in by the similarity to a //real// woman's hemline.
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Uncomfortable seeing yourself like this, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
The thick material is soft and plushy, snugly wrapping around you like a hug. You feel like a sheep that's overdue a shearing - you probably made the right choice not sleeping in this. Despite that, you can't deny that it's incredibly comfortable.<br><br>
Despite being such a simple dressing gown, the overall effect is more feminine than you were expecting. The material is cut to slim down at the waist and gives more space at the chest and hips, and though you don't exactly fill out those areas it still ends up creating a feminine silhouette.
[[Head back to the main room->day3dinner1]]Simone is setting the table as you shuffle sheepishly back into the main room.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "crop" or $nightwear is "dress">>
You're a little nervous about what her reaction might be, but she gives you a huge, earnest smile and calls out <<simone "I love it! It suits you so well - you look great!">> Despite yourself, you notice a blush reach your cheeks from her compliment, and you have to hide your face so that she won't notice.
She quickly looks you over. <<simone "Looks good to me! The gown's a nice fit - I was worried that it would be a little tight around the shoulders.">>
The maid ushers you into a seat and goes to get today's dinner.<br><br>
The moment it's set down and you can smell how nice it is, you find yourself tearing through it ravenously.<br><br>
Simone frowns a little in concern. <<simone "Gosh, you really have been hungry recently, haven't you? I made some extra today just in case. I've never seen anything like it.">><br><br>
She's not wrong. It wouldn't be so bad if you were at least putting on a little weight, or even felt bloated afterwards. Instead, if anything you could swear that your stomach almost seems to look //smaller// today - a little less muscular and little more sleek. Maybe it's just the stress.<br><br>
<<simone "It must be the eye change potion that's doing it, right? But then, you'd think that'd all be finished by now. It's not like you're changing any more than they already have!">><br><br>
Even with the extra portions you're finished eating long before Simone is, and you try to think of something to talk about while she finishes eating.<br>
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("elodie") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Elodie->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "elodie"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("jacques") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Jacques->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "jacques"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("eyeChange") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about my change in eye color->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "eyeChange"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("colette") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Colette->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "colette"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("maid") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask if Simone likes being a maid->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "maid"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("family") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about her family->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "family"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("acc") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about the accessories covering her maid outfit->simoneChatDay3][$simoneDay3chat to "acc"]]
<</if>><<if $simoneDay3chat is "maid">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMaid]]>>
<<if $simoneDay3chat is "family">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkFamily]]>>
<<if $simoneDay3chat is "acc">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkAcc]]>>
<<if $simoneDay3chat is "elodie">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkElodie]]>>
<<if $simoneDay3chat is "jacques">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkJacques]]>>
<<if $simoneDay3chat is "eyeChange">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkEyeChange]]>>
<<if $simoneDay3chat is "colette">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkColette]]>>
<<unset $simoneDay3chat>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwdress">>
Wearing such a short nightdress, you're terrified that you might be flashing Simone with every movement<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>, especially since you're not wearing any underwear<</if>>. She's so easily flustered that you're sure that an indecent exposure would be too much for her. However, she doesn't have any odd reactions the entire meal. Either the dress is subtly cut so that it merely //looks// like it'll reveal you at any moment, but won't actually; or your masculinity is so neutered by wearing such a feminine dress that even <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>your exposed junk<<else>>the sight of your panties<</if>> isn't a blip on her radar. You desperately hope that it's the former.<br><br>
It's begun to get dark in the carriage, so you and Simone begin thinking about turning in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Which bed will you be taking tonight?"@@ Simone asks, stifling a yawn.<br><br>
<<include [[sleepOptions]]>><<set $day to 4>>
<<setter "morningChange to 'hair'" "morningChange to 'nails'" "morningChange to 'legs'" "day3adventure to 1" "day3adventure to 2" "day3adventure to 3" "day3route to 'jacques'" "day3route to 'elodie'" "day3jacquesMeet to 'awk'" "day3jacquesMeet to 'roll'" "day3jacquesMeet to 'cute'" "day3coletteReply to 'scowl'" "day3coletteReply to 'fail'" "day3coletteReply to 'cute'" "day3marks to 'colette'" "day3marks to 'bow'" "day3marks to 'goodRifle'" "day3marks to 'rifle'" "coletteSpare to true" "coletteSpare to undefined" "day3raceHorse to 'mule'" "day3raceHorse to 't1'" "day3raceHorse to 'normal'" "day3sideSad to 1" "day3sideSad to 0" "day3raceWin to true" "day3raceWin to false" "eyeChange to 'favor'" "eyeChange to 'gems'">>
<<unset $day3racePartner>>
<<unset $coletteIntro>>
<<unset $outfitTorn>>
<<unset $day3jacquesHang>>
<<unset $bedwetter>>
<<unset $day2route>>
<<unset $day2score>>
<<unset $begType>>
<<unset $coletteTorn>>
After checking that you're safely hidden from view, Simone goes to open the door, and once again you overhear the morning's conversation.<br><br>
<<blue "G'morning miss. Is the Princess, erm, in the bath again?">> Greets the same soldier's voice as always.<br><br>
<<simone "No actually!">> Simone replies abruptly, trying not to be suspicious by saying the same thing three days in a row. However, you can hear the panic rise in her voice as she desperately thinks up some other excuse. <<simone "Well... she's err... actually... she's... she's in the kitchen!">><br><br>
The soldier seems pleased at the news. <<blue "Good! She can come out and hear the report in person today then. I suppose-">><br><br>
Simone quickly cuts him off. <<simone2>>"No! She's... err... she's sulking! <<if $day3raceWin is true>>She was so proud of beating her friend in the race yesterday, she was so sad that she was unlucky enough to go first so none of the nobles could see her at the finishing line. Uhh... she's a bit of a bad winner, I think.<<else>>She was so upset that she lost the race yesterday, she's been //inconsolable// since.<</if>> She's locked herself in the kitchen so she didn't have to be seen for a bit."<</simone2>><br><br>
You can barely keep yourself from groaning at Simone's blundering, but luckily the soldier seems to buy it. <<blue "Poor thing. I guess that must be normal for royalty - they have such high expectations and all. I hope she perks up by tonight.">><br><br>
<<blue "Well then, in that case could you please pass this on as usual.">>
After a cough and some rustling of papers, the soldier begins reciting. He goes on for some time, but you essentially sum it up as follows:<br>
<<set $day3score to 0>>
<<if $morningChange is "hair" or $morningChange is "nails">>
<<set $day3score += 1>>
<<if $morningChange is "hair">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;likes@@'' your new haircut.
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;likes@@'' that you painted your nails.
<<if $outfitsArray.last() is "butterfly" or $outfitsArray.last() is "longcoat">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wore something more fashion appropriate.
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't wear something more fashion appropriate.
<<if $day3adventure is 1>>
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you acted so meekly in front of the cadets.
<<elseif $day3adventure is 2>>
The Queen thought that your behavior in front of the cadets was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@''.
<<set $day3score += 1>>
Interestingly, the Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you behaved confidently and flirtatiously in front of the cadets.
<<unset $day3adventure>>
<<if $day3route is "jacques">>
<<if $day3jacquesMeet is "awk">>
Luckily, Jacques managed to cover for your awkward response when he asked for your blessing enough that the Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't notice it@@''.
<<elseif $day3jacquesMeet is "roll">>
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't bless Jacques' sparring match.
<<set $day3score += 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' your response to Jacques' request to receive your blessing for his sparring match.
<<unset $day3route>>
<<unset $day3jacquesMeet>>
<<if $day3coletteReply is "scowl">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you scowled so blatantly at Colette before the marksmanship match.
<<elseif $day3coletteReply is "fail">>
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that Colette socially embarrassed you in front of everyone before the marksmanship match.
<<set $day3score += 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wrested control over the social situation from Colette before the marksmanship match.
<<unset $day3coletteReply>>
<<if $day3marks is "colette">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you had an outburst in front of everyone during the marksmanship match. However, it sounds like she ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed so cute, demure, and helpless in your failure. You figure the two probably ''@@color:#AF9B60;even out@@''.
<<elseif $day3marks is "bow">>
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you flexed your masculine muscles and used a bow during the marksmanship competition.
<<elseif $day3marks is "goodRifle">>
The Queen, rudely, ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' that you won the marksmanship competition.
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' that you lost the marksmanship competition, but ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' your wardrobe malfunction afterwards.
<<unset $day3marks>>
<<if $coletteSpare is true>>
<<set $day3score -= 2>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' hearing that you cruelly bullied Colette after beating her in marksmanship.
<<unset $coletteSpare>>
<<if $day3raceHorse is "mule">>
<<set $day3score -= 2>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you rode a mule in the race.
<<elseif $day3raceHorse is "normal">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't mind@@'' your choice of horse in the race.
<<set $day3score += 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you impressed everyone by riding Thunder.
<<if $day3sideSad is 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't ride sidesaddle.
<<set $day3score += 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you rode sidesaddle.
<<unset $day3sideSad>>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' that you <<if $day3raceWin is true>>beat Colette in<<else>>lost<</if>> the race.
<<unset $day3raceWin>>
<<if $day3stripStip is true>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' hearing that improper behavior was occurring in the tent after the race, even if it's not immediately clear whether you were involved.
<<unset $day3stripStip>>
<<set $day3score -= 2>>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor" and $favorCover isnot true>>
<<set $day3score -= 1>>
<<unset $favorCover>>
The Queen, quite callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you had a panic attack in front of everyone when you heard about the murder.
<<if $day3score lte -2>>
Overall, the Queen is ''@@color:#6960EC;disappointed@@'' by your behavior, and warns that she will come and lecture you if it continues like this.
<<elseif $day3score lte 1>>
Overall, the Queen thought that your behavior yesterday was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@'' for now, but demands better of you in the future.
Overall, the Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your obvious efforts to improve yourself, though stresses that you still have a long way to go.
<<blue "Right.">> Finishes the soldier, folding away the document. <<blue "Going to be a pretty long ride until today's destination I think, but it's going to be worth it.">><br><br>
<<simone "Oh, what's tonight?">><br><br>
<<blue "A real treat from the sounds of it. Some of the nobles are already calling it the social event of the decade. We're heading to the Baron's manorhouse down in Cintaús. He puts on a regular get-together, biggest soirée in the south of the kingdom or something like it - the idea of the royals attending has gotten everyone pretty excited.">><br><br>
This is bad news. A social event like this is exactly what you've been dreading this whole time. You've been lucky enough to get a few easy activities up til now, but now it's time for the real deal - an event where you'll have to be looking and acting princesslike the whole time and there'll be no distractions to keep peoples' attention away from you.<br><br>
Either Simone doesn't realize the peril that this puts you in, or she's just too enchanted by the idea of a soirée to notice. <<simone "Oh that sounds absolutely magical! I'm sure that they'll have //such// a good time!">><br><br>
<<blue "Gods willing. It'll be a long night for the boys on the night watch I'm sure.">><<if $escapeIdea isnot true>><<hovertip "Maybe if you knew more about the guard's schedules, this might have given you the opportunity to escape">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><</if>><br><br>
<<if $escapeIdea is true>>
A realization hits you like a lance. When you managed to ply the information that the guard changes at 10 o'clock from Elodie's father, you'd figured that it might be days until you got the chance to use it, but this seems like the perfect opportunity!<br><br>
<<blue "Right. That's it for me this morning">> finishes the guard, but he lingers for a few seconds before adding <<blue "I'm surprised you're not eager for news of Robiers like usual.">><br><br>
Simone sounds mortified at having forgotten. You can't blame her, the idea that Robiers will come back and rescue you has seemed less and less likely with every passing day, and with every passing mile away from where he'd last been seen. <<simone "Oh! Yes of course! Is he back??">><br><br>
<<blue "No such luck, sadly, but we've finally heard some news! A pigeon arrived early this morning from the backup we're expecting to join with us soon, more guards against the Scarecrow Killer and all that. Said they bumped into him and he'll be coming along with them.">><br><br>
<<simone "Oh! Thank goodness! That's //wonderful// news!">> Chirps Simone happily. You can't help but grin, soon this will all be over!<br><br>
<<blue "I'd be careful if you're thinking about making a move though, lass.">> Warns the soldier somberly. <<blue "They didn't add many details, but they said he might have, err, come out of the experience a little funny...">><br><br>
Soon after those ominous words, Simone and the Soldier say their goodbyes and soon you hear the door shut again.<br><br>
[[Come out of hiding->day4plans]]<<setter "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "escapeIdea to true" "escapeIdea to undefined">>
<<unset $morningTrain>>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
You quickly grab your dressing gown from next to the bed and slip it on before getting out of bed, so that Simone won't see you wearing only your skimpy <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>>.<br><br>
As you get out of bed, Simone turns to you, a beaming smile on her face.<br><br>
<<simone "Did you hear, <<print $pc.name>>? By tomorrow Robiers will be back and this will all finally be over!">> Then, realizing that she's getting ahead of herself, she corrects <<simone "Well, I guess it could be the day after instead... umm, I probably should have asked, shouldn't I? Either way, it'll be soon!">><br><br>
You're too happy about the prospect yourself to feel let down by Simone's mistake. For the first time the end seems to be in sight.<br><br>
<<if $escapeIdea is true>>
<<include [[day4mornEscapePlans]]>>
<<include [[day4plans2]]>>
<</if>>However, that doesn't mean that you can get complacent - you don't want to be ruined at the last hurdle. You'll have to survive another day as an imposter.<br><br>
It's going to be a tall order. It's one thing imitating being the Princess while on a boring citadel tour, or being led through a few fairground games, it's quite another to pretend to be her at a social event. They'll be so many more people, and they'll all be expecting charming conversation and pretty femininity from you.<br><br>
<<simone "I believe in you, <<print $pc.name>>.">> Simone calls out sweetly. <<simone"You've managed everything so far, even stuff like dealing with Colette. I just know that you'll be able to handle this!">><br><br>
You wish that you had her confidence.<br><br>
<<simone "Ok, let's start getting ready then. What would you like to have done this morning?">><br><br>
<<include [[day4morningChangeAsk]]>>What's even better is that you don't even have to wait for it to happen. You learnt yesterday that the soldiers change shifts at 10 o'clock, and will be totally disorganized at that time. The Baron's party will still be in full swing by then - if you could only create some kind of distraction, you're sure that you'll be able to escape unnoticed.<br><br>
<<if $favorRoute is "together">>
You suddenly remember the deal you made with Simone last night. Running away in the middle of everything is //far// from maintaining the responsibilities of the promise that you made, but you can practically hear the siren call of freedom calling to you - you don't know if you have the will to resist it.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Betray Simone and try to escape without her knowing">>
<<set _betraySimone to true>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
Screw it. All of the platitudes of yesterday seem completely unimportant now that a real chance of escape has landed in your lap, you're not going to let this slip through your fingers.<br><br>
<<include [[day4mornEscapePlans2]]>>
<<set $favorRoute to "togetherLie">>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "I'll keep my promises and give up on escaping today.">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You shake your head to dispel the temptation. You had meant what you said - you have a responsibility to the man you helped murder, and you're not going to back down on your promises. You'll just have to wait until Robiers comes back.<<br>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<elseif $favorRoute is "lie">>
Trying to escape would definitely count as breaking the promise that you made with Simone last night to try to find justice for the man you helped murder. But then, you had never really meant your words anyway, it was an empty promise as far as you're concerned.<br><br>
<<include [[day4mornEscapePlans2]]>>
<<include [[day4mornEscapePlans2]]>>
<</if>>You consider your options:<br><br>
<<if _betraySimone isnot true>>
<<link "It's too risky. I won't try to escape today.">>
<<goto [[day4plans2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<if $favorRoute is "lie" or $favorRoute is "together">>
<<hovertip "Simone would never help you break your promise with her">>@@color:#797979;==I'll get Simone to make a distraction, she's more capable than she looks==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "I'll get Simone to make a distraction, she's more capable than she looks.">>
<<set $escapePartner to "simone">>
<<set $badger ++>><<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $escaping to true>>
<<goto [[day4mornEscapePlansSimone]]>>
<<link "Elodie's been so chill with me, I'm sure I can trust her to help me out.">>
<<set $escapePartner to "elodie">>
<<set $badger ++>><<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $escaping to true>>
<<goto [[day4mornEscapePlans3]]>>
<<link "It seems like Jacques is always down for a shenanigan. Maybe I can get him to help.">>
<<set $escapePartner to "jacques">>
<<set $badger ++>><<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $escaping to true>>
<<goto [[day4mornEscapePlans3]]>>
<<link "I hate to admit it, but nobody causes chaos like Colette.">>
<<set $escapePartner to "colette">>
<<set $badger ++>><<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $escaping to true>>
<<goto [[day4mornEscapePlans3]]>>
<</link>><<setter "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to 'jacques'" "escapePartner to 'colette'">>
<<switch $escapePartner>>
<<case "elodie">>
Underneath her impassive exterior, you've seen enough of Elodie to tell that she's quite caring. It's difficult to imagine her being loud and drawing attention, but she's smart enough to think of other ways to make a distraction. Besides, it seems like she doesn't care about nobility at all, and wouldn't lose any sleep over ruining their evening.
<<case "jacques">>
You don't know if you completely understand Jacques yet, but he's demonstrated that he doesn't care in the slightest about making a scene or being the center of attention, and would probably relish the excuse.
<<case "colette">>
Colette is a force of nature - if you can direct her towards causing havoc then they'll be no stopping her. There's no question that if you can get her to cause a distraction, it'll be much more potent than your other options - the only problem will be getting her to do it.
THIS IS AN <<error>>
<<simone "Uhh, are you okay, <<print $pc.name>>?">> Simone calls, snapping you from your thoughts. <<simone "You suddenly got all thoughtful.">><br><br>
You snap back to reality, and suppress a grimace. You like Simone, she's sweet and endearing, and the idea of leaving without telling her hurts, but she's far from reliable. You're going to be risking your life on this escape attempt tonight, and while you're confident that she won't //intend// to put you in peril, if she knew about your plans tonight she'd still be the weak link. You'll have to leave without telling her.<br><br>
You make some excuse about being tired, which seems to suffice.<br><br>
<<simone "Well then, I guess we should start getting ready for today. What would you like to get done this morning?">><<br>>
<<include [[day4morningChangeAsk]]>>Simone's had your back this whole time, and there's no way that you'd still be alive if it wasn't for her help. She's definitely naive, but underneath it you can tell that she's a lot smarter than most people would expect. You decide that you can put your trust in her.<br><br>
It takes some reassurance to convince Simone that trying to escape is a good idea - that the danger is no less perilous than trying to stay and hope that your disguise keeps working. Finally you think that she agrees.
<<simone "But <<print $pc.name>>, what can I even do to help you? I won't even be allowed inside the mansion, and if I try to run in they'd stop me easily. Even if I got in there, I'm so small, what could I //possibly// do to cause a big distraction?">><br><br>
You two of you fall into a dejected silence for a while. However, just when you're about to offer some words of encouragement, Simone starts rambling. <<simone "Well, I guess none of the soldiers //really// pay that much attention to the serving staff... and Emée from the Countess' carriage //does// owe me a favor for stitching up her undies, and all the girls will want to see what the party's like so it won't be too suspicious to ask to be a part of it... but once I'm in there what would I even //do//?">><br><br>
You're about to suggest something, but before the words exit your mouth Simone answers her own question. <<simone "Well, I //suppose// that once I'm inside it doesn't have to be //me// that causes a fuss. I'll have access to the food and drink and stuff, if I could do something to them that would make the //nobles// make a scene then that would work. But what could //possibly// do something like that?">><<br>>
It's amazing watching someone's wits so rapidly outpace their anxiety. Trusting that she'll once again find an answer herself, all it takes this time is an encouraging smile from you to get her rambling to continue. <<simone "Come to think of it, my mam used to make this tincture for my older sister when she had bad constipation. Brandy, turpentine, and oil, mainly - used to knock her out for a week, but her pipes would be all cleared out by the end of it. She always makes me take some in my medicine bag just in case. Just a few drops would be enough, and if I pretend to get panicked about poison once once people start to feel funny it won't half cause a fuss.">><br><br>
You can't help yourself from grinning - it's a wonderful plan, better than anything that you could have come up with, and all it took was a little encouragement.<br><br>
Simone's eyes are wide from exhilaration as the task that she has tonight fully hits her. <<simone "I... I guess we're doing this.">> She mumbles to herself in muted disbelief.<br><br>
To stop her own anxiety from getting the better of her, she abruptly changes topic. <<simone "But it'll all be pointless if you get found out at the party today! Just because the end is in sight, we can't get complacent - we need to make sure that you can look and act like the Princess in front of all of the Baron's guests!">><br><br>
You groan, but she's right. Today will be your most challenging day yet.<br><br>
<<simone "So, what would you like to get done this morning?">><br><br>
<<include [[day4morningChangeAsk]]>><span id="append"></span>
<span id="delete">
<<if ndef $pc.shave>>
[[Remove my leg hair->legShave][$morningChange to "legs"]] <<hovertip "Necessary to unlock more clothing">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
@@color:#797979;==Remove my leg hair==@@
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $pc.shave isnot 'legs'>>
@@color:#797979;==Shave my pubic hair==@@
<<link "Shave my pubic hair">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
Simone looks surprised at your suggestion. <<simone "Oh! That's... well, I //guess// it would help - there's no way that the Princess would have unshaved erm, privates, and all. I'm really not sure if it's something that will come up though. Are you sure that you want to do it, even though it might go unnoticed?">><br><br>
[[I want to do it anyway->pubicShave][$morningChange to "pubic"]]<br>
[[On second thought, I'll do something else->day4morningChangeAsk]]
<<remove "#delete">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Available because you have hairless legs">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Need hairless legs">>@@color:#797979;==Remove my pubic hair==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]
@@color:#797979;==Get a haircut==@@
<<if ndef $pc.nails>>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]
@@color:#797979;==Paint my nails==@@
<<if def $pc.makeup>>
@@color:#797979;==Suggest putting on some makeup==@@
[[Suggest putting on some makeup->makeup1][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<linkreplace "I don't want to do //any// of these things." t8n>>
<<link "Practice Authority instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "auth">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<link "Practice Grace instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "grace">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<link "Practice Cuteness instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "cute">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<link "Practice Voice instead">><<goto [[morningTrain]]>><<set $morningChange to "refuse">><<set $morningTrain to "voice">><</link>> - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
</span>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if ndef $morningTrain>>
You feel a little awkward about
<<if lastVisited("haircut") is 1>>
your new haircut,
<<elseif lastVisited("legShave") is 1>>
your hairless legs,
<<elseif lastVisited("nailPaint3") is 1>>
your painted nails,
<<elseif lastVisited("pubicShave") is 1>>
your hairless body,
<<elseif lastVisited("makeup1") is 1>>
your new makeup,
but don't have the time to dwell on the matter. There's still so much that you have to do to prepare for the Baron's party today.<br><br>
You have time to focus your training on TWO areas before the carriage arrives at the Baron's manor.
<<if def $morningTrain>>
Simone makes some sandwiches for the two of you to snack on for lunch, and you take a break together while you eat. Conversation is sparse - both of you are so focused on your respective tasks to get you ready for the Baron's party to do little other than fret about what still needs to be done.<br><br>
Soon you finish your meal and get ready for more training. You judge that you have time to focus on TWO more areas before you arrive.
<<if $morningTrain isnot "auth">>
[[Practice Authority->day4train1][$day4train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "grace">>
[[Practice Grace->day4train1][$day4train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "cute">>
[[Practice Cuteness->day4train1][$day4train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "voice">>
[[Practice Voice Training->day4train1][$day4train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<</if>><<if $day4train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day4train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day4train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day4train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
You have time for ONE more practice session.<br><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "auth" and $day4train isnot "auth">>
[[Practice Authority->day4train2][$day4train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "grace" and $day4train isnot "grace">>
[[Practice Grace->day4train2][$day4train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "cute" and $day4train isnot "cute">>
[[Practice Cuteness->day4train2][$day4train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $morningTrain isnot "voice" and $day4train isnot "voice">>
[[Practice Voice Training->day4train2][$day4train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<</if>><<if $day4train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day4train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day4train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day4train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>><<setter "morningChange to 'legs'" "morningChange to 'nails'" "pc.shave to 'legs'" "pc.shave to 'hairless'" "pc.shave to undefined">>
<<unset $day4train>>
Simone lets out a groan from her pile of fabrics. <<simone "Ugh, I've only managed to get one outfit finished today, and we're almost there! I'm sorry for letting you down.">><br><br>
Honestly, you don't mind the change. Having more outfits to choose from has been nice. (The idea of //enjoying// choosing what to wear is still weird to you, but it's at least been helpful to be able to avoid outfits which have features that you aren't comfortable with.) But it was obviously unsustainable - Simone had clearly been pushing herself ragged to get them all ready in time. In comparison, the energy in the carriage today has been much more relaxed, and it's not like you don't still have a fair few options to choose from.<br><br>
Simone smiles. <<simone "I'm glad you aren't mad, at least. Come on, let's get you all dressed up in time for the Baron's party.">>
/* <<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]<</if>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]<</if>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]<</if>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]<</if>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>[img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]<</if>><br> */
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
"First there's the outfits that you haven't worn yet.
<<if $morningChange is "legs">>
Because you shaved your legs this morning, you'll be able to wear the dress with the butterfly broach and the outfit with the long tailcoat too today.
<<elseif def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true and $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
the Queen might like it if you wore the dress with the butterfly broach or the outfit with the long tailcoat today, since they show off your hairless legs.
<<elseif $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") is true and $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
the Queen liked that you wore the dress that showed off your legs yesterday, so she'd probably like the outfit with the long tailcoat too over the other options, because it has a short skirt.
the Queen liked that you wore a skirt that showed off your legs yesterday, so she'd probably like the dress with the butterfly broach too, over the other options.
<<elseif ndef $pc.shave>>
You still haven't shaved your legs though, so I guess the only one that you can wear today is
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
the outfit with the green cloak.
<<elseif $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
the peach dress.
<<elseif $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
the purple dress.
/* <<simone2>>
"And here's the outfit I managed to get done today. <<if def $pc.shave>>It also shows off your legs a little, so the Queen will like it too<<else>>You won't be able to wear it until you shave your legs, but it's something for the future I guess<</if>>."
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@<br>
Simone proudly displays a cute white and pastel pink outfit. It consists of a couple of layers - first a little brown-gray strapless dress that wraps around your torso; then a pink overdress, decorated with ribbons, that fits over the underdress; and lastly a white hood that slides over the top which is decorated with gold-leaf at the chest, and with sweet little pointy ear-like adornments atop the head. Finishing off the outfit is a pair of snug pink arm-warmers, and soft satin thigh-high stockings.<br><br>
<<simone "This one's //super// adorable, right?">> She's not wrong, the rounded shapes, pink color, and little ears all give off a cutesy energy.<<br>> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
"And here's the outfit I managed to get done today. <<if def $pc.shave>>It also shows off your legs a little, so the Queen will like it too<<else>>You won't be able to wear it until you shave your legs, but it's something for the future I guess<</if>>."
Simone proudly displays a cute white and pastel pink outfit. It consists of a couple of layers - first a little brown-gray strapless dress that wraps around your torso; then a pink overdress, decorated with ribbons, that fits over the underdress; and lastly a white hood that slides over the top which is decorated with gold-leaf at the chest, and with sweet little pointy ear-like adornments atop the head. Finishing off the outfit is a pair of snug pink arm-warmers, and soft satin thigh-high stockings.<br><br>
<<simone "This one's //super// adorable, right?">> She's not wrong - the rounded shapes, pink color, and little ears all give off a cutesy energy.<<br>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
"And here's the outfit I managed to get done today. <<if def $pc.shave>>It also shows off your legs a little, so the Queen will like it too<<else>>You won't be able to wear it until you shave your legs, but it's something for the future I guess<</if>>."
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@<br>
/* Simone proudly displays a cute white and pastel pink outfit. It consists of a couple of layers - first a little brown-gray strapless dress that wraps around your torso; then a pink overdress, decorated with ribbons, that fits over the underdress; and lastly a white hood that slides over the top which is decorated with gold-leaf at the chest, and with sweet little pointy ear-like adornments atop the head. Finishing off the outfit is a pair of snug pink arm-warmers, and soft satin thigh-high stockings.<br><br> */
Simone proudly displays a cute white and pastel-pink outfit. An ornate and flowery halter-neck dress that leaves the shoulders exposed is matched with a stylish white hood, which splits down the back to unfurl into two flowing tassels, and is decorated with golden pointy ear-like adornments atop the head. Finishing the outfit is a pair of sheer arm-warmers, and soft satin thigh-high stockings.<<br>>
<<simone "This one's //super// adorable, right?">> She's not wrong - the rounded shapes, pink color, and little ears all give off a cutesy energy.<<br>>
<span id="dressupAppend"></span>
<span id="dressupRemove">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day4outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day4outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day4outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day4outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day4outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day4outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day4outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day4outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<hovertip "Hairless legs needed">>@@color:#797979;==Pick the Butterfly Dress==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day4outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day4outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<hovertip "Hairless legs needed">>@@color:#797979;==Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the White-hooded outfit">>
<<set $day4outfitChoice to "whitehood">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("whitehood")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day4outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<hovertip "Hairless legs needed">>@@color:#797979;==Pick the White-hooded outfit==@@<</hovertip>>
</span><<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you again today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day4simoneDress]]>>
/* <<link "I don't feel like it today. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day4selfDress]]>>
<</link>> */
<<hovertip "You've gotten used to being dressed by Simone.">>@@color:#797979;==I'll dress myself today==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") is true and $firstSleepDressupToken isnot true>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day4simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I still don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day4selfDress]]>>
<<elseif $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") is true and $firstSleepDressupToken is true>>
<<unset $firstSleepDressupToken>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
The little maid hesitates for a moment, as if realizing something. Then, blushing a little, she suggests <<simone "C-come to think of it, since you're wearing panties, I guess that it wouldn't be too indecent for me to help dress you today. That way you won't risk tearing it trying to put it on or anything...">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day4simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day4selfDress]]>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
For a moment Simone looks like she's about to say something else - force of habit from helping the Princess dress every day. She stops herself and purses her lips, there's no way that she could help you dress while you're still not wearing underwear.<br><br>
<<hovertip "You'd need to be wearing panties for this. Try asking Simone to sleep with you at night.">>@@color:#797979;==Get dressed by Simone==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Just dress myself">>
<<goto [[day4selfDress]]>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
The idea of being so intimately attended to by Simone still makes you cringe. Maybe if you were wearing mens underwear instead of panties it would feel safer, but the idea of her seeing you wearing them and nothing else is deeply uncomfortable.<br><br>
You still don't have any underwear on, so while being dressed by Simone would certainly make your life easier, for now you'll still have to dress yourself.<br><br>
Grabbing the outfit, you go to the bathroom and slip out of your
<<switch $nightwear>>
<<case "gown">>
dressing gown.
<<case "cropgown">>
dressing gown and nightclothes.
<<case "dressgown">>
dressing gown and nightdress.
<<case "crop">>
crop top and shorts.
<<case "dress">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakSelfDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachSelfDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipSelfDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflySelfDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatSelfDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodSelfDressup">>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
<<goto [[day4transformMaybe]]>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou is 0>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
You tell Simone that you'd appreciate her help putting on the outfit, and the girl happily pulls over a full-length mirror for you to stand in front of.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Right. Lift your arms please"@@ says the maid briskly. You roll your eyes at her in response - you can at least //remove// your clothing by yourself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Sorry, force of habit. The Princess never let me do it either but I was told to always ask."@@<br><br>
<<switch $nightwear>>
<<case "gown">>
As you lift off your plush dressing gown, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle, but just before you have time to get a confidence boost from it, her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "dressgown">>
As you grasp your plush dressing gown, you realize a problem - you'd been so determined to avoid showing Simone what you look like in the skimpy nightdress, but now it looks like it's unavoidable.<br><br>
After a deep breath, you pull off the dressing gown, exposing your body in the light nightwear to the mirror and Simone.<br><br>
Simone clasps her hands together gleefully, and though she desperately holds her tongue so that she doesn't upset you, it's not difficult to tell by how much her eyes are glistening that she thinks it's adorable.<br><br>
You grimace, and try to set to taking off the rest as quickly as possible. As you do so, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is suddenly exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle, but just before you have time to get a confidence boost from it, her gaze falls to pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "cropgown">>
As you grasp your plush dressing gown, you realize a problem - you'd been so determined to avoid showing Simone what you look like in the skimpy crop top and shorts, but now it looks like it's unavoidable.<br><br>
After a deep breath, you pull off the dressing gown, exposing your body in the light nightwear to the mirror and Simone.<br><br>
Simone clasps her hands together gleefully, and though she desperately holds her tongue so that she doesn't upset you, it's not difficult to tell by how much her eyes are glistening that she thinks it's adorable.<br><br>
You grimace, and try to set to taking off the rest as quickly as possible. As you lift your crop top off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is fully exposed. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body - especially given that your masculinity is about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull your little pajama shorts down, and any trace of interest that Simone might have had in your torso is immediately sucked away as your bulge, contained in their <<print $outfit.under.name>>, is exposed.<br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "crop">>
As you lift your crop top off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is fully exposed. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body - especially given that your masculinity is about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull your little pajama shorts down, and any trace of interest that Simone might have had in your torso is immediately sucked away as your bulge, contained in their <<print $outfit.under.name>>, is exposed.<br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "dress">>
Not wanting the moment to linger, you pull off your nightdress as quickly as possible. As you do so, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is suddenly exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle, but just before you have time to get a confidence boost from it, her gaze falls to pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
As you lift your dirty hempen smock off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you in the mirror as she looks your masculine torso up and down. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body - especially given that your masculinity is about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull down the waistband of your torn britches and soon you're left exposed in front of the mirror wearing only
<<if $outfit.under.name is "black panties">>a pair of black brief adorned with a little bow.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts">>a pair of pink polkadot boyshorts covered in ruffles and frills.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>a pair of sheer lace boyshorts, through which you can just about make out your trapped genitals.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "white panties">>a pair of white brief panties adorned with a cute bow.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>> The femininity is continued down your legs, which are sleek and hairless.<<else>> They look a little absurd next to your hairy legs.<</if>><br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror, her face beginning to blush a tinge before she hurriedly breaks eyecontact with it and desperately tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.<br><br> */
<<elseif $simone.dressedYou is 1 or $simone.dressedYou is 2>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
Simone pulls up the mirror and begins undressing you like <<if $simone.dressedYou gte 2>>normal<<elseif $simone.dressedYou is 1>>yesterday<</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $simone.dressedYou is 2>>You've become so used to being undressed by Simone over the last few days that<<elseif $simone.dressedYou is 1>>Maybe you're just tired from practicing femininity all day, but for whatever reason<</if>> you don't notice the danger until it's too late, and before you know it <<if $simone.dressedYou is 2>>she<<elseif $simone.dressedYou is 1>>simone<</if>> cheerfully pulls off your plush dressing gown, completely exposing your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>flimsy nightdress<<else>>skimpy crop top and shorts<</if>>.<br><br>
She's seen you wearing only panties before, so it shouldn't be anything new, but you can't help yourself from blushing deeply at the reveal, and covering yourself with your hands. You'd really been hoping to avoid being seen wearing the feminine nightwear.<br><br>
Your reaction is so sudden and embarrassed that Simone, in spite of herself, can't help but start giggling. Her hands rise to cover her mouth, as if trying not to let it show, but, like a dam breaking, she can't help the mirth from pouring on out.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh gosh, <<print $pc.name>>. I'm sorry.">> She manages to say between titters. <<simone "You just looked so cute trying to cover up like that, in your cute little nightwear... and oh gosh the look on your //face//!">><br><br>
You try to muster up the willpower to assert yourself - to tell her off for laughing at you, reclaim your dignity, or to remind her of your masculinity - but for some reason it just doesn't come together. Instead you just stand there, blushing and humiliated. What's worst is that you're standing directly in front of a mirror, so you're forced to watch yourself, meek and ashamed. You find yourself noticing a bratty pouting scowl on your face, and wonder when you might have started making faces like that.<br><br>
Simone thankfully realizes that she's upset you, and tries to contain her laughter as best as she can. When she finally helps you out of your nightclothes, despite now only wearing only your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, you feel much more secure.
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 2>>You've quickly become used to being undressed by Simone over the last few days, but always while you've been dressed in male clothing<<elseif $simone.dressedYou is 2>>You've been dressed by Simone before, but it feels completely different when you're not wearing male clothing<</if>>. For some reason, just standing in front of the mirror wearing your <<if $nightwear is "gown">>plush dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>flimsy nightdress<<else>>skimpy crop top and shorts<</if>> feels weirdly exposed. <<if $nightwear is "gown">>It's just a dressing gown, but simply knowing that it's a //women's// dressing gown completely changes it's context.<</if>><<br>>
Simone, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be bothered in the slightest - if anything, she seems more comfortable than ever. Previously she'd seemed nervous about helping a boy to undress, but now she takes it in her stride, confidently supporting you with none of the tension that you had surrounding the two of you before. You try not to let it get to you - it's no wonder that she's more used to helping people undress from women's clothing than mens after all - but it's difficult not to feel a little emasculated by being overlooked so casually. The little maid seems completely flustered by men and intimacy usually, and yet she barely even blinks as she gently removes your nightclothes.<br><br>
When you're finally stripped of your clothing and stand there in only your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, it's practically a relief.
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodDressup">>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
<<goto [[day4transformMaybe]]>>
<</link>><<set $firmin.desc to "A despicable older man who gave you the potion that's changing your body.">>
As Simone double-checks the final details of your outfit, you see her face scrunch up in frustration.<br><br>
<<simone "That's... Weird.">> She remarks, baffled. <<simone "It's just like yesterday - it's not quite fitted correctly. But... I //swear// that I measured you right yesterday, you saw me do it //twice//, right?">><br><br>
To prove her point she double checks the piece of paper that she's been using to keep track, before gesturing with it crossly. <<simone "See? I did it //three// times yesterday, and they all came back with the same results! There's no //way// that I could have gotten it wrong again.">><br><br>
It's a little cute watching the little maid get so flustered, but with the Baron's party looming tonight, it's difficult to share her fixation - you have bigger fish to fry. It's only once Simone's face falls as she finishes doing another set of measurements that you begin to get concerned.<br><br>
<<simone "It's so... //Weird//! It doesn't make any sense. Your shoulders were 16.5 inches across the day before yesterday, then yesterday they were 16.1. Now they're 15.7! Other things too - your chest and waist circumference are coming back as less broad, your hips are a little wider, even your //height// is a teeny bit shorter - and that can't be true, right? People don't just //shrink// one day!">><br><br>
You feel your breath catch in your throat. She's right, people don't.<br><br>
But they don't just change eye color either.<br><br>
[[... Shit.->day4transform2]]<<simone "Oh wow...">> Simone mutters weakly.<br><br>
You try to process what you've learned, but you can't muster the ability to do so rationally. You glance in a mirror - now that you know what to look for, you //do// look a //little// different, right? It's your body, you've had it all your life, but all of a sudden it feels alien, wrong, misshapen. Everywhere you look you manage to find differences that scare and disgust you.<br><br>
On strange instinct you cross your arms across your body and grip your sides, as if your hands alone could hold your body in place, stop any changes from happening further. It doesn't help - you swear that you can feel your flesh and bones shift and squirm under your fingers. It's probably not true, it's probably just paranoia, but you feel a wash of nausea flood through you at the idea.<br><br>
All of a sudden, your legs give way beneath you and you find yourself stumbling to the ground. For a terrifying moment you fear that they might have been twisted and altered into something else, something no longer legs. They look and feel the same, but you don't even know if you can trust your senses any more.<br><br>
Simone rushes over to help hold you steady. <<simone "Goodness, you've gone so pale. It's okay, it's fine, probably. It's just a few inches, I'm sure you won't even notice the difference!">><br><br>
Her words only manage to make things worse, but despite that you find yourself clinging to her body for support.<br><br>
It quickly becomes clear that Simone is someone who babbles in situations like this. <<simone "It's not like it's a big enough difference that you noticed it before now, right? And we don't know for //certain// that it's going to keep happening. B-besides, it's almost //lucky// in a way, I guess all the stuff that changed is things that'll make it easier to look like a girl, right?">><br><br>
Despite how disorientated you feel, her last words pierce through the nausea like a lance. You look at her in wonder.<br><br>
She's absolutely right, all of the changes she mentioned follow sexual dimorphism - it's like all the changes that happened in your male puberty are being re-written, and replaced with what you'd get from a female one.<br><br>
You realize with horror that there's something that you need to check.<br><br>
[[Rush to the bathroom->day4transform3]]You force yourself to your feet and push past Simone to try to get to the bathroom. As you stagger, your adrenaline and your nausea fight against each other, one keeping you steady, the other making the world swirl precariously, but luckily your adrenaline wins out and you manage to make it without falling.<br><br>
Simone is confused and concerned, but you have neither the capacity nor the guts to explain what you're up to. Instead you just close the door on her and lock it.<br><br>
After one last gasping breath to steel yourself you
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "gcloak">>
pull down your tight leggings<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">> and <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
<<case "peach">>
pull up your peach dress to your chest<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>, yank down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
<<case "tulip">>
pull up your purple dress to your chest<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>, yank down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
<<case "longcoat">>
pull up your tiny blue skirt<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>, yank down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
<<case "butterfly">>
pull up your billowing dress to your chest<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>, yank down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
<<case "whitehood">>
pull up your white and pink dress to your chest<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>, yank down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
THIS IS AN <<error>>
<</switch>> and inspect your cock.<br><br>
It's still there, that much is for certain at least. As for if it's the same size... that's a little more difficult to work out. When you're completely flaccid it's not like you could be able to tell the difference between shrinkage and it just being a chilly day.<br><br>
You give it an experimental tug, but between the nausea and Simone anxiously waiting just outside you know that there's no way that you'll be able to get hard in these conditions. Even if you managed it, it's not like you've ever actually sat down and measured it before. You try searching your brain for a mental image of what it looked like but you draw a blank, it's not the kind of thing you focused on, your dick being there had felt like one of life's constants.<br><br>
Resigned to not being able to check for now, you put your junk back out of the way. As you do so, you catch your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Simone had been right, you really have gone pale, but that's not what captures your interest. Your facial structure remains mostly intact (or at least, that's what you have to tell yourself. Your paranoia makes your features look bizarre and misshapen, but objectively they're probably more or less the same) but your skin is the real difference. You've never thought of your skin as 'coarse' before, but compared to what you have now it was like sandpaper. Everywhere you look your skin is plush and smooth and, somehow, feminine. And not only that, shouldn't you have had to shave by now?<br><br>
You feel one last rush of nausea hit you, and this time you don't fight it, instead you bend over the toilet bowl and let it happen.<br><br>
[[Vomit->day4transform4]]<<setter "eyeChange to 'favor'" "eyeChange to 'overpower'" "escaping to true" "escapePartner to 'simone'" "escapePartner to 'elodie'">>
At some point Simone had called through the door asking if you needed your hair pulled back while you were sick. Being invited into something so feminine only made things worse, and yet eventually, whether because you just wanted her to stop asking or because being alone right now was too painful to bear, you had let her in. Now the two of you sit over the toilet bowl, her hand gently rubbing your back, both of you trying to process it all.<br><br>
<<simone "... I'm sorry, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She says finally. <<simone "This must be so horrible for you.">><br><br>
You glance over at her face, but when you do so you're quickly struck by how similar her soft, supple skin is to your own, and you quickly turn back to the toilet bowl as another wave of nausea hits.<br><br>
Simone keeps talking, partly to give you something to focus on other than your own spiraling thoughts. <<simone "I- I guess that it must be that man's doing, right? The one that gave you the potion. I just don't know what he'd gain from something like this though...">><br><br>
<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>
You know he'd been hoping to use you to carry out his bidding yesterday, and like a fool you had fallen for his trap. Maybe he just made the potion in a hurry, and didn't care about what the long term effects would be, since you'd have already done your job by the next day. The thought is oddly reassuring, if only because the idea that he still might have plans for you is too terrible to bear.
You don't either. His motives for helping you change your eyes were already difficult to imagine, let alone THIS. Sure, these changes might make things a little easier for you to pass as the Princess, but this goes far beyond a mild inclination to cause some chaos for the royal family. You wonder whether he perhaps just did a shit job, and didn't think, or care, about the side effects of the potion before he offered it to you, or whether this is all still part of a greater elaborate scheme. You hope that it's the former.
You wish you knew more about what's happening to you. Everything lines up too closely to some kind of //feminization// for you to dismiss it, but how far as it going to go? Is it going to run out of steam in a few days, or is it going to keep on going forever? Hell, if it goes on forever, what's to stop it once it reaches the point where real women naturally are? What if it pushes you further and further, hips still widening, chest still inflating far past natural limits?<br><br>
Suddenly the carriage shakes as it comes to a halt, saving you from your thoughts. Simone looks up nervously.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh no, we must have arrived. Can you stand, <<print $pc.name>>?">><br><br>
You give it a try, and are relieved to find that you can. You're a little wobbly at first, but it seems like the nausea has mostly passed.<br><br>
Simone quickly gets to work freshening you up - smoothing out your hair<<if $pc.makeup is 1>>, outfit, and makeup<<else>> and outfit<</if>> where things had gotten askew.<br><br>
<<if $escaping isnot true or $favorRoute is "lie" or $favorRoute is "togetherLie">>
<<simone "Good luck in there. Just... try not to think about it for now I guess. You can get through tonight, I know you can.">> Simone encourages.<<br>>
Before she can say anything more there's a firm knocking on the carriage front door, and your time is up.<<br>>
[[Open the door->day4guardTime]]
<<if $escapePartner is "simone">>
The maid suddenly seems to remember her nervousness now that she has nothing else to distract her. <<simone "So, the plan is for me to sneak in, spike the drinks with my mam's tincture, and then play along with the chaos and try to get people's attention.">> She takes a deep breath, clearly terrified of getting something wrong, but you can see a little excitement in the twinkle of her eyes too. <<simone "I think I can do it. I'll try not to let you down, <<print $pc.name>>.">><br><br>
You see a realization dawn in her eyes. <<simone "Oh! I- I guess that this is going to be goodbye for the last time then.">>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Hug her">>
<<set _hug to true>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4transform4append]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "I need to focus">>
<<set _hug to false>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4transform4append]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<simone "Good luck in there. Just... try not to think about it for now I guess. You can get through tonight, I know you can. I'll see you back here afterwards.">> Simone encourages.<br><br>
You realize suddenly that, since you're planning to escaping tonight, this will be the last time that you see the little maid.
<span id="append2"></span>
<span id="remove2">
<<link "I need to focus and not give anything away.">>
<<set _hug to false>>
<<append "#append2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4transform4append]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
<<link "Hug her">>
<<set _hug to true>>
<<append "#append2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4transform4append]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
<</if>><<if $escapePartner is "simone">>
<<if _hug is true>>
After everything you've been through together, and how much she's helped you over the last few days, you and Simone have gotten truly close.<br><br>
More on instinct than anything else you put your arms around her and pull her close. She's a little surprised at first, but soon you feel her arms slip around you too.<br><br>
<<simone "It's... well, it's been an intense couple of days, full of assassins and stuff, but I'm really happy that I could meet you, <<print $pc.name>>.">> she says, her body so close to your own that you can feel her breath on your neck as she talks. <<simone "I hope everything goes okay. You deserve better than all this stuff.">><<br>>
And then a knocking starts at the front door of the carriage and the moment is broken. Awkwardly,the two of you step away from each other, though her warmth lingers for a while afterwards.
You're already way off your game after all this, you can't afford to get sappy now. All of your focus needs to be on getting through tonight and successfully escaping.<<br>>
Simone looks like she has more to say, but before she can there's a firm knocking on the carriage front door, and your time is up.
<<if _hug is true>>
After everything you've been through together, and how much she's helped you over the last few days, you and Simone have gotten truly close.<br><br>
More on instinct than anything else, you put your arms around her and pull her close.<br><br>
At first she seems surprised and confused, but soon you hear her murmur <<simone "You- You're not coming back, are you?">>, somehow effortlessly figuring out what you'd been trying to hide. A moment later, and you feel her arms slip around you too.<br><br>
<<simone "It's... well, it's been an intense couple of days, full of assassins and stuff, but I'm really happy that I could meet you, <<print $pc.name>>.">> she says, her body so close to your own that you can feel her breath on your neck as she talks. <<simone "I hope everything goes okay. You deserve better than all this stuff.">><<br>>
And then a knocking starts at the front door of the carriage and the moment is broken. Awkwardly, the two of you step away from each other, though her warmth lingers for a while afterwards.
You're already way off your game after all this, you can't afford to get sappy now. All of your focus needs to be on getting through tonight and successfully escaping.<<br>>
Simone looks like she has more to say, but before she can there's a firm knocking on the carriage front door, and your time is up.
[[Open the door->day4guardTime]]As always there's a small group of soldiers gathered outside, all standing at attention ready to escort you.<br><br>
<<blue "Good evening, your Highness. We've just arrived at the manorhouse. We're here to escort you to the evening's festivities-">> The soldier at the front reports cheerfully, before stopping suddenly. You can tell that he probably had more to say, but can't help hesitating as he takes in your appearance.<br><br>
You realize that while Simone might have managed to smooth out some parts of your appearance, you probably still look as white as a sheet. Not only that, but their arrival was so sudden that you completely forgot to put on your affect, and were just staring at them, blank-faced and nervous.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Try to reassure them that I'm alright">>
<<set _guardResponse to "smile">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4guardTime2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<link "Whatever. These guys are small fry, I'll save my energy for the people who matter.">>
<<set _guardResponse to "whatever">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4guardTime2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
</span><<if _guardResponse is "smile">>
<<if $cute + $grace is 0>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 0>>
You try your hardest to seem reassuring to the soldiers, but that kind of emotional labor really isn't in your wheelhouse, so when you try to fake-smile you can tell from their reactions that it just comes out creepy and forced.<<hovertip "grace and cuteness check - failure">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
<<blue "Err...">> stammers the soldier, forgetting whatever he was supposed to say in his confusion. There's an awkward moment as the group shuffle nervously, their salutes drooping as they glance at each other.<br><br>
It's only a moment though, and soon they regain their composure. <<blue "Please follow us, your Highness.">>
<<elseif $cute + $grace gte 1 and $cute + $grace lte 2>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 1>>
You're still a little dazed, but you at least manage to flash them a weak smile.<<hovertip "grace and cuteness check - minor failure">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
<<blue "Err, are you feeling alright, your Highness? Are you sure you're well enough to attend the party?">><br><br>
You'd love the chance to not have to do this, but it's not really an option. Being here for the carriage inspection would be just as dangerous, and there's no way that the Queen would let you get away with playing hooky.<<if $escaping is true>> Besides, if you don't escape tonight then who knows how long it'll be before there's another opportunity.<</if>><<br>>
Instead, you manage to just about mumble out a weak excuse, thankfully which seems to placate their worries.<br><br>
<<blue "If you're certain, your Highness. In that case, please follow us to the venue.">>
<<elseif $cute + $grace gte 3 and $cute + $grace lte 4>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 2>>
You quickly adjust yourself, throwing them a bright smile and offering them a weak excuse.<<hovertip "grace and cuteness check - success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<br>>
The soldiers immediately look relieved. <<blue "My apologies, your Excellency. You just looked... well, it doesn't matter, I'm sure it was nothing.">><<br>>
<<blue "If you'd like to follow us, we can take you to the venue.">>
<<elseif $cute + $grace gte 5>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 3>>
It's effortless to readjust your affect and give a warm and reassuring smile and greeting to the soldiers.<<hovertip "grace and cuteness check - major success">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<br>>
The looks of concern on the soldiers faces immediately turn to cheerful smiles in reaction. It's almost as if the sheer force of your charisma is enough to wipe any trace of the memory from their minds, and all that they can think about in your presence is delight. It's a level of power that's almost scary, and you can't help but be impressed at yourself for getting so good at this in such a small stretch of time.<<br>>
<<blue "Wonderful, your Highness. If you'd just like to follow us, we can take you to the venue.">>
<<if $auth lte 0>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 0>>
You're not great at looking dismissive, so instead you just stand there awkwardly, a deer in the headlights, pale and scared.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
<<blue "Err...">> stammers the soldier, forgetting whatever he was supposed to say in his confusion. There's an awkward moment as the group shuffle nervously, their salutes drooping as they glance at each other.<br><br>
It's only a moment though, and soon they regain their composure. <<blue "Please follow us, your Highness.">>
<<elseif $auth is 1>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 1>>
You roll your eyes at the soldiers, as if remarking that whatever's going on is none of their business.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
You're sure that it comes off as rude, and you can see one of the soldiers at the rear looking a little offended, but it does the trick.<br><br>
The soldier in charge coughs awkwardly to dismiss the tension. <<blue "Right. Please follow us, your Highness. We'll take you to the venue.">>
<<elseif $auth is 2>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 2>>
You give the soldiers your most withering glare, making it abundantly clear that whatever's going on is none of their business.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
It seems to do the trick, now it's the soldiers who feel awkward, shuffling nervously under your gaze.<br><br>
<<blue "So sorry for disturbing you, your Highness. If you'd like to follow us, we'll take you to the venue.">>
<<elseif $auth gte 3>>
<<set $day4guardResponse to 3>>
You're certainly not someone who's going to put that kind of emotional labor in for mere soldiers. Instead, you twist the situation around on them, barking a clear and powerful order to the soldiers, finding some minor fault in their demeanor.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
Immediately any awkwardness about your appearance is forgotten, instead it's them who nervously shuffle around, apologetic for the imagined slight.<br><br>
<<blue "We're so sorry about that, your Excellency. We'll sort that out as soon as possible. In the meantime, please follow us - we'll take you to the venue.">>
You're led through the lavish front gardens towards a huge and ostentatious manorhouse.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4guardTime2.jpg]]@@<br>
In addition to the house-sized carriages of the royal convoy, as you walk you can see dozens of smaller carriages scattered around the grounds. Most seem to be empty, you must be among the last to arrive, but you can still spy a few groups of expensively dressed latecomers hurrying along the grounds.<br><br>
The walk outside seems to do you some good, and the chill evening breeze rejuvenates you. You can almost feel your color rise back to your cheeks as you take deep breaths of air. By the time one of the soldiers pushes open the ornate front door you feel more or less back to normal.<br><br>
[[Enter the mansion->day4mansionEnter]]<<set $ruthe to {}>>
<<set $ruthe.name to "Madame de la Ruthe">>
<<set $ruthe.desc to "An extremely cunning older noble">>
<<set $ruthe.facts to []>>
<<set $day4hub to []>>
As you step into the mansion you're greeted by a wall of noise, splendor, and perfume. There must almost a hundred people already gathered in the lavish entrance hall and you imagine that the other rooms that you can see must be just as full. Everyone is dressed in such expensive finery that your brain can hardly take it all in. Navigating carefully around the colorfully dressed nobles are a smattering of black-uniformed valets and maids, ensuring that every guest has a drink in hand.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionEnter.jpg]]@@<br>
You find yourself jumping in surprise when the soldier next to you clears his throat loudly and bellows out <<blue "Ladies and gentlemen!">><br><br>
You watch in horror as the conversation in the hall goes from a raging hubbub to silence, and every single face in the crowd turns towards you.<br><br>
<<blue "It's my honor and privilege to herald to you all; Her royal Highness the Princess!">> finishes the soldier, bowing and stepping away from you as he does.<br><br>
It's your worst nightmare made manifest. You had hoped to be a subtle presence at the gathering, lurking in the background and remaining as unscrutinized as you could manage. To have every eye in the place firmly directed towards you is not only putting your life in peril, but is also just plain petrifying!<br><br>
There's a terrible pause as the nobles take you in. You anxiously await an appalled outcry to ring out, that you're clearly a crossdressing pervert imposter, but it doesn't come - any confusion about your appearance is completely overwhelmed by the importance of your role as Princess.<br><br>
A few people dip into bows and curtseys towards you. Those people are fools, wasting their time. The smarter ones are already rushing, already reaching out, already complimenting your dress, already reaching to kiss your hand. Trying to get you to hear their name, to remember them, to mention them to your parents, to bring prestige and honor to their noble house. It's like you're pure, crystallized social capital - and if they could only be seen by you, touch you, grab you, consume you, then they'll be able to be richer and prettier and more powerful than ever before. The last thing that any of them could possibly care about is if you're oddly mannish.<br><br>
/* Luckily it doesn't seem to matter and after a moment to register your existence every figure in the entrance hall stoops low into bows and curtseys and the moment that they straighten you're suddenly accosted by a small horde of people desperately trying to make their way towards you, each and every one vying for your attention - to kiss your hand; to compliment your dress; to bring their family to royal attention; to curry favor with power no matter what. Any trace of incongruity about your appearance is the last thing that they could possibly care about.<br><br> */
You can do nothing but stare as the tidal-wave of people crests before you. However, the person who reaches you first comes from behind instead of in front, a latecomer who strides in after you. As a result, it comes as a surprise when you're suddenly yanked backwards off of your feet to fall into a smothering, possessive embrace.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Darhling, how wonderful to finally meet you, gal.">> comes a husky voice right next to your ear. Trapped in her arms, you find yourself watching as the wave of people crashing down over you seem to miraculously find you a lot less interesting and, all of a sudden, awkwardly try to look like they were doing something else.
/* Just as the wave of people is about to crash over you you feel a tug on your sleeve as you're suddenly yanked to one side and into an embrace that stinks of cigarettes. @@color:#C36241;"Darhling, how wonderful to finally meet you, gal."@@ comes a husky voice right next to your ear as suddenly the people rushing towards you suddenly seem to find you a lot less interesting and, a touch awkwardly, find their attention gathered elsewhere.<br><br> */
/* You find yourself coughing in the cigarette fumes as you look around at your savior. She's a woman, decisively middle-aged but you know instinctively that if you asked she'd say that she wasn't a day over thirty. She's wearing a long mink scarf (you can tell it's mink because the taxidermied heads are still attached) and smoking a cigarette through a cigarette holder well over a foot long. Her face is long, crows-footed, and elegantly gaunt, but what strikes you most is her cunning, shrewd, eyes.<br>
She gives you a conspiratorial wink and then scans the room. <<ruthe "Looks like they scattered, gal. They know better than to mess with me, I know who half of them are cheating on their spouses with, and those are just the ones with the //dull// secrets.">> She smiles dryly at you and for some reason you're struck with the image of a fox in a hen coop, not eating any of the chickens, just enjoying the thrill of being where it can cause some chaos.<br><br>
<<ruthe "I saw you looking quite pale on the way here and thought you could use the help. I'm Madame de la Ruthe. I won't keep you long dear, the ghouls won't swamp you now that they know you've been talking to me - too dangerous - so please do enjoy the Baron's little get-together, but do come find me before you go.">><br><br> */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:52%">
You find yourself coughing in the cigarette fumes as you look around at your savior. She's a woman, decisively middle-aged but you know instinctively that if you asked she'd say that she wasn't a day over thirty. She's wearing a long mink scarf (you can tell it's mink because the taxidermied head is still attached) and smoking a cigarette through a cigarette holder well over a foot long. Her face is long, crows-footed, and elegantly gaunt, but what strikes you most is her cunning, shrewd, eyes.<br><br>
She gives you a conspiratorial wink and then scans the room. <<ruthe "Looks like they scattered, gal. They know better than to mess with me, I know who half of them are cheating on their spouses with, and those are just the ones with the //dull// secrets.">> She smiles dryly at you and for some reason you're struck with the image of a fox in a hen coop, not eating any of the chickens, just enjoying the thrill of being where it can cause some chaos.<<br>>
<<ruthe "You looked as pale as a ghost on the way here - I figured you could use the help. I'm la Madame de la Ruthe. I won't keep you long dear, the ghouls won't swamp you now that they know you've been talking to me - too dangerous - so please enjoy the Baron's little get-together, but do come find me before you go. I'm sure that we have //ever// so much to talk about.">>
<td style="width:48%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\ruthe.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by jeskabrucker)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
You find yourself coughing in the cigarette fumes as you look around at your savior. She's a woman, decisively middle-aged but you know instinctively that if you asked she'd say that she wasn't a day over thirty. She's wearing a long mink scarf (you can tell it's mink because the taxidermied heads are still attached) and smoking a cigarette through a cigarette holder well over a foot long. Her face is long, crows-footed, and elegantly gaunt, but what strikes you most is her cunning, shrewd, eyes.<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by jeskabrucker)@@</div>
She gives you a conspiratorial wink and then scans the room. <<ruthe "Looks like they scattered, gal. They know better than to mess with me, I know who half of them are cheating on their spouses with, and those are just the ones with the //dull// secrets.">> She smiles dryly at you and for some reason you're struck with the image of a fox in a hen coop, not eating any of the chickens, just enjoying the thrill of being where it can cause some chaos.<br><br>
<<ruthe "You looked as pale as a ghost on the way here - I figured you could use the help. I'm la Madame de la Ruthe. I won't keep you long dear, the ghouls won't swamp you now that they know you've been talking to me - too dangerous - so please enjoy the Baron's little get-together, but do come find me before you go. I'm sure that we have //ever// so much to talk about.">><<br>>
Still a touch overwhelmed, you can only thank her and say that you will. The woman gives you one more wink before sauntering off to another room, leaving you alone at the party.<br><br>
[[You can still smell cigarettes long after she's left->day4mansionHub]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionEnter.jpg]]@@<br>
You're standing in the entrance hall of the mansion. Many groups of people are gathered talking together with drinks in hand.<br><br>
<<if visited("day4mansionHub") is 1>>
The nobles seem less eager to approach you now, but you can still feel many eyes on you. You're sure that if you were to allow yourself to look idle, then you'd be swamped again in moments.<<br>>
/* While you can feel many eyes on you, the nobles seem less eager to approach you now, but you're sure that if you allow yourself to look idle then you'll be swamped again.<br><br> */
As you move around the room you look around nervously to see if you can see the King or Queen anywhere. Bumping into them would spell your doom, knowing that they could be lurking behind any corner is terrifying. Luckily as you pass a group you overhear a man mention @@color:#79BAEC;"No, I'm afraid not dear. Father and the other important lords are locked up in the Baron's office talking about taxes and levies and things as usual. I hear that things get quite heated in there, they won't be out until well after the party's finished."@@<br><br>
That sounds like exactly where the King and Queen would be! Looks like hopefully you don't have to worry too much about being seen by them tonight.<br><br>
As you stand around idly, you can see nobles eagerly glancing your way. You're sure that if you allow yourself to get caught up in a conversation with one of them, others will flock to you until you're completely swamped. It looks like your best bet will be to try to keep moving and look busy.<<br>>
<<if lastVisited("day4mansionDrinks2") isnot 1>>
<<if ndef $drinks>>
<<link "Grab a drink from a servant">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks]]>>
<<elseif $drinks is 1>>
<<link "Grab another drink from a servant">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks]]>>
<<elseif $drinks is 2>>
<<link "Grab yet another drink from a servant">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks]]>>
<<if $day4hub.includes("jacques") isnot true>>
<<link "Check out the crowd that's gathered in the parlor.">>
<<goto [[day4mansionJacques]]>>
<<if $day4hub.includes("elodie") isnot true>>
<<link "Get some fresh air out on the veranda">>
<<goto [[day4mansionElodie]]>>
<<if $day4hub.includes("ruthe") isnot true>>
<<link "Find Madame de la Ruthe">>
<<goto [[day4mansionRuthe]]>>
<<if $day4hub.includes("king") isnot true>>
<<link "Check out the Baron's library">>
<<goto [[day4mansionKing]]>>
<<if $day4hub.includes("colette") isnot true>>
<<link "See what's going on upstairs">>
<<goto [[day4mansionColette]]>>
<<if $elodie.dad is "lectured">>
<<if $day4hub.includes("eldad") isnot true>>
<<link "Wander past the drawing room">>
<<goto [[day4mansionElDad]]>>
<<if $day4hub.includesAll("colette", "king", "ruthe", "jacques", "elodie")>>
<<if $escaping is true>>
<<link "It's time. Put my escape plan into motion">>
<<goto [[day4mansionEscape]]>>
<<link "Go to the grand hall for the last dances and close off the night">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDance]]>>
<</if>><<run $day4hub.push("colette")>>
You go up one of the elegant staircases to see what's going on upstairs.<br><br>
It seems like most of the doorways lead to lavish bedrooms. Due to the personal nature of the spaces there's much fewer guests milling around up here. In fact, it seems like most of the people up here have retreated from the hustle and bustle of below to relax and get their social energy back.<br><br>
A relieved smile touches your face at having found a place to hide away from the party, but before you can get comfortable the vibe is completely shattered by a shrill //cackling// from nearby.<br><br>
You freeze, your breath catching in your throat in shock. You've only known that voice for a day and it's already enough to unnerve you - Colette Lavalette.<br><br>
You look around warily, scared that she's already smugly striding towards you with another cruel game prepared. However as the sound rings out again it becomes clear that she's in one of the nearby bedrooms.<br><br>
It looks like the upstairs bedrooms won't be very suitable to hide out in at all - if Colette found you in such an isolated position who knows what tricks she'd pull. However, before you retreat downstairs you can't help but peer into the room that she's in.<br><br>
[[Look inside->day4mansionColette12]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionColette.jpg]]@@<br>
The bedroom is full of soft pink and red hues, clearly that of a young woman. Colette is sitting in a circle of people on the floor facing away from you, surrounded by a small group of startlingly young noblewomen.<br><br>
Colette is undoubtedly the center of attention and all of the girls are intently hanging on her every word. While everyone in the group is dressed in elaborate finery, even you can tell that Colette's outfit, another sickeningly-saccharine crop top and skirt, this time with plenty of glitter, is a step above the rest - she must be the most high-ranking noble by a good margin, and from the way she's indulging in their attention she //adores// the power she holds over them.<br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<colette "-oh //yes//, Louise.">> She condescends to one of the girls in her sugary-sweet voice. <<colette "//All// of the girls in the Capital have things like this done, frankly it's absurd and //ugly// to //not//! Whenever any of us visit the south I //always// hear them talk about how //silly// the noblewomen are here to not have //any//!">><br><br>
<<colette "You know, come to think of it, my mother, the Countess Lavalette, said to me that she's //desperate// to get more noblewomen from the south into the elite social clubs, but she can't //stand// it when they're so //boring//. She's //always// asking if I know of any //in-fashion// noble families down here that might be worth inviting, so I've been keeping an eye out, but I'm sure she'd //hate// anyone who is too prudish for something as //fun// as this!">><br><br>
You can't help yourself from craning your neck to try to get a look at what she's trying to fleece these poor girls with. When you see it your blood runs cold - she must have found a sewing kit in one of the servant's rooms, because she's brandishing around a metal sewing needle.
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/sip.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Sip)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<colette "-oh //yes//, Louise.">> She condescends to one of the girls in her sugary-sweet voice. <<colette "//All// of the girls in the Capital have things like this done, frankly it's absurd and //ugly// to //not//! Whenever any of us visit the south I //always// hear them talk about how //silly// the noblewomen are here to not have //any//!">><br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/sip.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Sip)@@</div>
<<colette "You know, come to think of it, my mother, the Countess Lavalette, said to me that she's //desperate// to get more noblewomen from the south into the elite social clubs, but she can't //stand// it when they're so //boring//. She's //always// asking if I know of any //in-fashion// noble families down here that might be worth inviting, so I've been keeping an eye out, but I'm sure she'd //hate// anyone who is too prudish for something as //fun// as this!">><br><br>
You can't help yourself from craning your neck to try to get a look at what she's trying to fleece these poor girls with. When you see it your blood runs cold - she must have found a sewing kit in one of the servant's rooms, because she's brandishing around a metal sewing needle.
/* <<colette "-oh //yes//, Louise.">> She condescends to one of the girls in her sugary-sweet voice. <<colette "//All// of the girls in the Capital have things like this done, frankly it's absurd and //ugly// to //not//! Whenever any of us visit the south I //always// hear them talk about how //silly// the noblewomen are here to not have //any//!">><br><br>
<<colette "You know, come to think of it, my mother, the Countess Lavalette, said to me that she's //desperate// to get more noblewomen from the south into the elite social clubs, but she can't //stand// it when they're so //boring//. She's //always// asking if I know of any //in-fashion// noble families down here that might be worth inviting, so I've been keeping an eye out, but I'm sure she'd //hate// anyone who is too prudish for something as //fun// as this!">><br><br>
You can't help yourself from craning your neck to try to get a look at what she's trying to fleece these poor girls with. When you see it your blood runs cold - she must have found a sewing kit in one of the servant's rooms, because she's brandishing around a metal sewing needle.<br><br> */
<<colette "If you're too nervous about your nose, dear, we could always try your pretty //tongue//, or your cute belly button would look good with one - though come to think of it, I know there's a secret place we can do it that makes sex //sooooooo// much fun. Just look at Emée over there-">> She gestures with the needle over to a shape off to one side that you hadn't noticed before, but now recognize is a girl crouched, quivering, in the corner. <<colette "Sure she's crying //now//, but that's just because she's a total //wuss//, and you're //obviously// not a wuss are you, Louise? You're //much// cooler than that. Besides, even //she'll// look soooo pretty by tomorrow, //trust// me.">><br><br>
<<colette "Either that, or I can do a cute little stick-and-poke.">> She continues, holding up an inkwell she must have pilfered from the study. <<colette "I have //so// many //cute// designs I've wanted to try out on someone! It'll be a surprise what I'll give you, of course, but I'm sure you'll just //love// it!">><br><br>
You're infuriated. You're sure that everything that Colette is saying is a lie, and she's just toying with these poor girls for her own sadistic amusement. However, as you look around the room you can see that most of them are so blinded by social ambition, or perhaps just their fear of seeming uncool to Colette, that they could easily fall for her tricks.<br><br>
<<if $escapePartner is "colette">>
<<link "I need to get Colette's help making a distraction tonight, and hopefully I can help these girls while I'm here.">>
<<goto "day4mansionColette2">>
<<link "I don't want to get caught up in this. Give up on escaping tonight and get out of here - it's not worth it to try to get Colette's help.">>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteLeave">>
<<unset $escaping>>
<<unset $escapePartner>>
<<link "Try to stop Colette.">>
<<goto "day4mansionColette2">>
<<link "I don't want to get caught up in this. Just get out of here.">>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteLeave">>
<</if>><<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
You step into the bedroom and quickly catch the attention of Colette's audience.<br><br>
Colette turns around to see what everyone's looking at, and her eyes narrow when she sees you, conflicted emotions crossing her face. There's glee at having her favorite plaything show up, but it's mixed with a wariness that you'll ruin her fun. A main course that's arrived when she's barely begun her starter - delicious but untimely.<br><br>
Nevertheless, simply by being here your presence has already changed the dynamic of the room. Colette is no longer the most important person here, and you can practically feel the energy shift as the focus and admiration of the young girls is spread between you. You'd hoped to eclipse her immediately by prestige alone, but she's had more than enough time to ingratiate herself - this won't be that easy.<br><br>
<<colette "Goodness! If it isn't the //Princess//. How wonderful to see you, your Highness!">> Colette greets you pleasantly, still hiding her thorns from the audience.<br><br>
You consider your reply. You suspect that if you responded authoritatively it'd easily convince the girls that you're more important, but you'd also come off as intimidating and unrelatable. On the other hand, if you replied cutely you'd immediately ingratiate yourself with the girls, but Colette would seem more powerful and influential. It seems like grace will be the best option here.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 2>>
<<link "Gain the upper hand by gracefully responding to Colette's greeting">>
<<set $day4coletteReply to "grace">>
<<goto [[day4mansionColette2ap]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<hovertip "Grace 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Grace 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Gain the upper hand by gracefully responding to Colette's greeting==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $auth gte 1>>
<<link "Greet them authoritatively">>
<<set $day4coletteReply to "auth">>
<<goto [[day4mansionColette2ap]]>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<hovertip "Authority too low">>@@color:#797979;==Greet Colette authoritatively==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
<<link "Greet them cutely">>
<<set $day4coletteReply to "cute">>
<<goto [[day4mansionColette2ap]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<hovertip "Cuteness too low">>@@color:#797979;==Greet Colette cutely==@@<</hovertip>>
<</if>><<if $day4coletteReply is "auth">>
You greet the group in a stern, authoritative manner. In reply you receive a chorus of cowed, nervous responses.<<br>>
You can see Colette smile wickedly at the exchange, confident that she's secured the upper hand.
<<elseif $day4coletteReply is "cute">>
You greet the group in a sweet, endearing manner. In reply you receive a chorus of adoring, delighted responses, but you can detect that you've made little headway with them.<<br>>
You can see Colette smile wickedly at the exchange, confident that she's secured the upper hand.
<<elseif $day4coletteReply is "grace">>
You greet the group with the grace and poise befitting a Princess. In reply you receive a chorus of delighted, smitten responses.<<br>>
You can see Colette barely manage to hide a scowl as she feels her influence over the group falling away.
THIS IS AN <<error>>
<<if $escapePartner is "colette">>
You decide to get straight to the heart of the matter, with the hope that by offering Colette a tempting enough morsel she'll forget all about these girls. You've had some time to consider how to trick Colette into doing what you want, and it's time to put that in motion.<<br>>
You tell Colette that you had so much fun playing with her yesterday, and you're dying for the opportunity to try to beat her today.<<br>>
Your words have immediate effect on her. It's like you've plugged pure bliss into her veins, or perhaps even a powerful aphrodisiac, given the expression she makes. <<colette "Oh my, //Princess//! I thought you'd //never// ask. An opportunity for me to //utterly// destroy you is //everything// I could have //possibly// wanted.">> If the audience thought you were weird for asking something so strange, it's quickly forgotten in the wake of Colette's gasping, giggling, indecent reaction.<<br>>
You're just about to congratulate yourself for getting her hook line and sinker, when you can see a realization dawn in her eyes, and she forces herself out of her fervor. <<colette "But, here's the problem!">> She exclaims, back in her falsely-sweet voice. <<colette "A competition will take up //sooo// much time, and these girls are so eager to get a little... //Enhancement// from me.">> She gestures to the crowd, and while a lot of them are unnerved nobody contradicts her, much to your chagrin.<<br>>
She must have realized that, while it's everything that she wants in the world, if //you're// the one making the request then you must want it bad enough that she can get something else in the deal too. And now she has the assembled girls as 'hostages'. What a crafty bitch.<<br>>
<<colette "Since you'd like me to play with you, I'll only have time to do //one// person here - and dear Louise here was next in line.">> She possessively drapes an arm over the young girl's shoulder. Some of the other girls even look at Louise with jealousy in their eyes. <<colette "Though, come to think of it, if the crown Princess was so //eager// to get one done that she'd want to jump in line and take her place, as well as dragging me away afterwards for her silly games, then I could hardly refuse royalty, could I? And then I suppose that I wouldn't even have time for Louise at all!">><<br>>
Ugh, so this is how it's going to be. In exchange for keeping Louise safe, you've got to offer yourself up as tribute and allow Colette to fuck with your body for her own amusement.<<br>>
<<colette "So, what brings you here, your Highness?">> She asks sweetly. <<colette "Did you happen to see how much //fun// we were having, and couldn't bear to let these lovely ladies have it all to themselves?">><<br>>
It seems like Colette quickly managed to identify that you came in here to try to save them from her. Not only that, but from the look on her face, she's just been struck by an idea.<<br>>
<<colette "Oh my!">> She exclaims suddenly. <<colette "Come to think of it, I must have //completely// lost track of time!">><<br>>
She gives an exaggerated shrug, overselling her acting so that you can easily tell just how performative it is, but still wouldn't seem too odd to the girls. <<colette "I have //ever// such an important appointment to make tonight. In fact, I think it's going to happen somewhat soon. What terrible luck! It looks like I won't be able to help you all with a little //enhancement// after all.">><<br>>
You watch her warily. Everything that she's saying is good for you, but the look on her face tells you that it's anything but.<<br>>
<<colette "I think that I'll only have time to do //one// person here - and dear Louise here was next in line.">> She possessively drapes an arm over the young girl's shoulder. Some of the other girls even look at Louise with jealousy in their eyes. <<colette "Though, come to think of it, if the crown Princess is really so //eager// to get one done, then who am //I// to say no to her? I'll //happily// let you jump the queue and take dear Louise's spot if you'd like, your Excellency.">><<br>>
Ugh, so this is how it's going to be - she's using the girl as a hostage! In exchange for keeping Louise safe, she's trying to make you offer yourself up as tribute and allow her fuck with your body for her own amusement.<<br>>
<<if $day4coletteReply is "grace">>
<<link "Use the influence that I've gained over these girls so that nobody has to get hurt">>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteCompete">>
<<set $day4louiseRescue to true>>
<<unset $day4coletteReply>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<hovertip "Available if you responded gracefully to colette">>@@color:#797979;==Use your influence you've gained over these girls so that nobody has to get hurt==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Agree to take Louise's place so that only I have to get hurt.">>
<<if $day4coletteReply is "grace">>
<<set $sub += 2>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<unset $day4coletteReply>>
<<set $day4louiseRescue to true>>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteSubmit">>
<<link "I don't want to risk it. Let Colette hurt her.">>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteSac">>
<<unset $day4coletteReply>>
<</link>>Colette looks so happy as you agree to her bargain that you think she might pop. A horrible grin rises to her face, one so nasty that you can see the girls shrink away from her as they see it.<<br>>
Colette notices too, and snaps at the lot of them. <<colette "Leave us! I want this to just between me and the Princess.">><<br>>
Something about the way that she's acting is enough to convince them that complaining is a bad idea, so they obediently scramble out. As they go you notice Louise, the girl who was next in line, look back at you. She seems conflicted, but there's unmistakably an expression of relief on her face at not having to do something that she was scared of. You try to give her a reassuring smile as she leaves, though you barely have it in you.<<br>>
The moment that the two of you are alone Colette is free to be as heartless as she wants to be. <<colette "Oh //Gods//, what a bunch of //idiots//!">> She shrieks, loud enough that you're sure that they'll still be able to hear.<<br>>
She gives you an odd, appraising look. <<colette "Since when have you ever given a single //shit// about dumb sluts like that? It's like I don't even know you any more, //Princess//.">> You worry that she's on the brink of realizing your secret, but the look is quickly replaced by a devilish smirk. <<colette "It's like you've spent the last years making yourself into the //perfect// little victim for me to //desecrate//. I can't thank you enough, //bitch//.">><<br>>
<<colette "Now, let's see you hold up your end of the deal, //Princess//. To the victor the spoils, //remember//?">> She says, flourishing the needle in front of her and, to your incredible surprise, licking all the way up the thin length of it. A moment later, and she's opened her mouth to take it completely inside of her. You're certain that she must be about to prick herself, but instead with impressive precision she rubs it along each tonsil on either side of her uvula, her mouth so wide and gaping that you can see the whole thing.<<br>>
Then she holds it in front of her, glistening and wet, a thick drop of saliva falling from the tip. <<colette "To sanitize it, of course.">> She explains at your bewildered expression, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. <<colette "Now. Where should I pierce you I wonder...">><<br>>
You're terrified that she'll try to piece you somewhere awful, or else tattoo something horrible onto you permanently. To your surprise however, she quickly decides <<colette "There's an order to these things, and you're such a mannish //ogre// that you haven't even had your //ears// done!">><<br>>
<<colette "Ugh, it's such a bore, the other places are //much// more fun, but I've got all the time in the world, //Princess//. In a few years, I'll have every inch of you so clearly marked as my property that you'll clink whenever you move, and your body will be a tapestry to my dominance over you.">><<br>>
You're glad that she picked somewhere so simple, but from the look on her face it's difficult to feel truly relieved about it.<<br>>
<<colette "Very well then.">> She says, giggling at your unease. <<colette "Let's //do// this. Come here!">><<br>>
She pulls over a little pink pillow for you to sit on. You hesitate, not comfortable being bossed around like this, but she just rolls her eyes. <<colette "Stop being a fucking //coward//, //Princess//, or I'll run right after the lot of them and they'll be //soooo// happy to get more attention from me that they'll be //begging// me to pierce every single one of their filthy little clits.">><<br>>
You grind your teeth in hatred and disgust, but she's got you.<<br>>
<<link "Sit down on the cushion">>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteSubmit2">>
<</link>>You can't do anything but sit down obediently on the cushion like a prized thoroughbred at a show.<<br>>
<<colette "Good //girl//.">> She says, smugly, enjoying every microexpression that crosses your face at the words. <<colette "Now let's see what I'm working with, shall we?">><<br>>
All of a sudden Colette reaches out and grabs your head with her spare hand, grabbing you by the back of your skull and firmly rolling your head to one side. She puts a lot of force into the grip, and while she's not all that strong the fear that if she misses then she'll be stabbing your face is enough to keep you under her control.<<br>>
You can feel her breath against your face as she closely inspects the area. Though with your head held so securely, she's just outside of your vision, leaving you to operate on guesswork as to what precisely she's up to. <<colette "I see, should be simple. I'll do it on the count of three. One-">><<br>>
She doesn't get any further. Instead, you're struck by a lightning bolt of sharp pain from your earlobe. <<colette "Oops, looks like I went too early!">><<br>>
The pain is deeply unpleasant, but what's worse is that the needle is still inside of you. It's just a thin sewing needle, but it feels as thick as a rivet - invasively //inside// your flesh. You find yourself feeling nauseous.<<br>>
Colette doesn't hurry in the slightest. With one hand still firmly holding you in place she reaches behind her own ear and plucks out one of her earrings. Then, with a flourish, the needle is //yanked// out of you.<<br>>
You can't help but let out a gasp at the sensation of the needle dragging it's way out of your body. A moment later and you can feel wetness, from what can only be blood seeping out of the gaping hole.<<br>>
Colette gives out a little squeal of glee at the sight. Her free hand cups your bleeding lobe, bringing it closer to her face. It takes you a moment to identify the next sensation - Colette //licks// up the wound, sucking up the blood you're spilling as if not wanting to waste a drop. The feeling of the tip of her tongue prodding at the hole in your flesh as if threatening to penetrate it is almost enough to make you retch.<<br>>
Then, suddenly, the warmth of her tongue is replaced by cold metal as Colette's piercing slides in place. A moment later and there's a //thunk//, or at least what feels like one, as the earring is locked in place by the clasp at the back.<<br>>
[[Shudder from the sensation->day4mansionColetteSubmit22]]<<colette "Oh //Princess//, you've gone so //pale//.">> Colette coos, her lips still red from your blood. She's right - you've had much worse pain, but the horrible sensation of being //penetrated// has left you seeing stars. As Colette stands up to move to the other side of you, changing her grip on the back of your head to her other hand and rolling your head to the other side as she does, you're as limp and placid under her firm control that you're sure that if she were to let go you'd just collapse.<<br>>
This time you're barely aware of what Colette is up to just outside of your vision. It's not until she suddenly shouts <<colette "Ready! One-">> that you even process what's about to happen, and you find yourself tensing, terrified. To your surprise though, no pain comes, not even after she follows though with a <<colette "Two- Three!">><<br>>
You're so tightly wound-up in fear of the pain that you're trembling, but the only thing that comes is a cascade of giggling. <<colette "Oh my //gods//! That's //soooo// funny! Your shtupid //face//!!">> Colette jeers eventually when the laughter subsides, so excited that her lisp returns.<<br>>
Feeling stupid for flinching at an obvious ruse you force yourself to relax. It's a stupid move, one that you wouldn't have done if you had your wits about you - the moment that Colette sees you let down your guard she makes her move.<<br>>
The needle stabs into you once more, making you grit your teeth in pain.<<br>>
<<colette "So //easy//...">> Colette taunts, clearly proud of herself. Then she does something horrible - with the long shaft of the needle still inside of you, she //flicks// one end.<<br>>
The sensation of the force of the flick being transmitted through the metal, reverberating //inside// you, is grotesque. Maybe if you weren't already nauseous and weak from the last piercing you might have been able to react with dignity, but you aren't, and your body's natural reaction in this situation is to //whimper// like a pathetic animal.<<br>>
Colette laughs the loudest yet at the noise, and you can feel your cheeks getting warm from the humiliation of being the one to have made it.<<br>>
The rest of the experience is a blur, you're too spacey from it all to even notice it happening. Surprisingly, Colette doesn't add any more painful flourishes to the experience, maybe she's feeling charitable, or perhaps she just knows that they wouldn't have their full effect and is saving them for the future. If you didn't know better, you'd almost say that she's treating you tenderly.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day4mansionColetteSubmit3">>
<</link>><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("coletteStud")>>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to false>>
<<colette "Wake up, bitch!">><<br>>
Colette clicks her fingers directly in front of your face, snapping you from your stupor. It feels like it's been ages, but it was probably only thirty seconds or so while Colette finished piercing your other ear.<<br>>
She's grinning at you with an expression of satisfied malice, clearly overjoyed at your stunned state. <<colette "You look so //stupid// with that glazed look in your eyes. Not a single fucking thought in your silly little brain. It //suits// you. Eventually I'll keep you that way all the time.">><<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "colette">>
Her words manage to get you angry enough wipe away the last of the grogginess, though that only makes her giggle at your grumpy expression.<<br>>
<<colette "Now.">> She says eventually, and as she does her face shifts to one of intense seriousness. <<colette "Tell me about this competition of yours.">>
You hasten to remember your plan, just about managing to weave what you hope is a convincing story about a competition at 10 o'clock, one where the goal is, essentially, to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible, with all the time until then to prepare.<<br>>
You're terrified that she'll realize that it's a trick, but luckily she seems so thrilled to compete with you once more that she falls for it. After a few pointed questions to work out the fine details she nods and extends her hand to shake on it.<<br>>
As you clasp her hand her face breaks out into a cruel smile. <<colette "You're //done for//, bitch! You're a fucking //idiot// for playing to my strengths. I know that you must have some plan already set up to give you what you //think// is a huge advantage, I'm not a fool you know, but it's not going to make a //bit// of difference, other than to make my victory all the more //sweet//. I can't believe that I'll get to destroy you twice in one night! Good luck, //Princess//.">><<br>>
And with that, she dashes away to prepare whatever mayhem she can think of, leaving you alone.
<<colette "But for now, I'll let you stew in your resentment. I'd hate to break you //too// quickly after all.">><<br>>
And with that, she strides smugly from the room, leaving you alone.
After a moment to collect yourself you stand uneasily to your feet. As you do you can't help but glance in the mirror on the dresser and catch your reflection.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\coletteStud.jpg]]@@<br>
You're now wearing Colette's pair of pink-jeweled stud earrings. Your ears seem a little pink and swollen, but if Colette managed to completely mangle them then it's at least subtle enough to be covered by the earrings themselves.<<br>>
You've half-a-mind to remove them immediately and try to wipe any trace of the encounter from you, but they still sting so badly that you don't have the will to fiddle around with them any more.<<br>>
You're tempted to stay here for a while, since it's an isolated haven from the party below, but the room seems tainted by everything that just happened and you quickly find yourself wanting to be anywhere else.<<br>>
[[Go back downstairs->day4mansionHub]]It's a gamble, but between your status as princess<<if $escapePartner isnot "colette">> and how well your graceful greeting went down<<else>>, your graceful greeting, and Colette's indignant response to your offer<</if>>, you bet that you could defuse this hostage situation without anyone having to get hurt.<<br>>
You all-but ignore Colette for now. Instead, trying to sound as sensible and sophisticated as possible you greet each of the girls in turn, as if replying to Colette without first meeting everyone else here would be too rude for you to consider.<<br>>
You try to remember each of the girls' names, and after meeting them all you make sure to find some compliment that you can offer each of them. You really don't know what to praise, and just pick something random - a piece of jewelry, a haircut, someone's complexion, a turn of phrase that one of the girls had used. You feel a little silly doing it, but luckily the girls are too flattered at having received a compliment from the Princess to care if theirs was a little odd, and soon every single one of the girls has gone pink and flustered from the attention.<<br>>
The whole time Colette can do little other than resentfully watch you. Even though this implicit rule about greeting everyone before replying was just something that you made up on the spot - if she were to interrupt you before you're finished it would just make her look even more impolite than ever.<<br>>
The moment you've finished she wastes no time before trying to undermine you. <<colette "So you //finally// came, your Highness. All of these wonderful ladies had been //so// excited to see you, and were //distraught// to find that you were far more interested in talking with hateful //witches// like the Madame de la Ruthe instead. I suppose that they didn't know that as the royal heir you must think all of them as beneath your concern, as is your right and privilege, of course. But don't worry - the Lavalette estate has not the heavy weight of the crown to bear, so has all the time in the world for petty nobility, and can welcome them to our bosom with open arms.">><<br>>
You can see the girls shift uneasily as Colette manages to make you look unapproachable and intimidating, and herself seem warm and reassuring. You desperately try to think of what to say in response - to simply deny everything that she says seems so petty a retort that you're worried that it wouldn't work. Instead, it's better to 'yes, and..' here - taking everything Colette said as true but spinning it to your favor.<<br>>
You nod gravely, as if agreeing with everything that Colette said, and then declare how sad and lonely it is being the Princess. Forever forced into talking with //awful// people instead of the ones who you //really// care about. You confide in the girls, who now surround you, eyes shimmering with tears, how precious and wonderful it would be to, for a moment at least, be able to finally relate to other young girls like yourself.<<br>>
The response is immediate. The girls shower you with attention and adoration, completely won over by the earnestness of your graceful confession. Colette barely even bothers to disguise her venomous scowl - it's already clear that she's lost, and when you seal the deal by calmly remarking that you've never been fond of that kind of body modification anyway, she stomps out of the room angrily, leaving you alone with the group.<<br>>
In some ways, being surrounded by adoring young women is pleasant, particularly when you're already glowing from the feeling of having beaten Colette. However, you can already feel the strain of putting on this act wearing at you - and no matter how besot the girls are, you can't think of a crowd that might more easily tell that you're not actually one of them. So before long you're forced to disentangle yourself, give them what you hope is a graceful thankyou for this brief moment of respite, apologize for having to leave, and make a quick exit.<<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "colette">>
Once you're out of the room you're about to let out some deep breaths that you had been keeping bottled up behind your affect, when you notice that you're not alone.<<br>>
Colette's standing there, looking bitter and humiliated. The way she's looking at you, you're almost reminded of a kicked puppy.<<br>>
<<colette "So... what's this game?">> She says, and you could swear that you can detect a hint of nervousness in her tone. Or maybe it's just embarrassment at having lost to you already, but being too desperate for a rematch to have to linger humiliatingly and ask for it.<<br>>
You weave what you hope is a convincing story about a competition at 10 o'clock, one where the goal is, essentially, to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible, with all the time until then to prepare.<<br>>
Luckily, she seems to fall for it. After a few pointed questions to work out the fine details she nods and extends her hand to shake on it.<<br>>
As you clasp her hand, seeming to forget her humiliation, her face breaks out into a cruel smile. <<colette "You're //done for//, bitch! You're a fucking //idiot// for playing to my strengths. I know that you must have some plan already set up to give you what you //think// is a huge advantage, I'm not a fool you know, but it's not going to make a //bit// of difference, other than to make my victory all the more //sweet//. Good luck, //Princess//.">><<br>>
And with that, she dashes away to prepare whatever mayhem she can think of, leaving you alone.<<br>>
[[Go back downstairs->day4mansionHub]]Colette gives a wry shrug, regretful that her little scheme didn't work, but unable to truly feel bad about it since her consolation prize is so good.<<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "colette">>
<<colette "Very well. Wait out in the hallway for a moment, would you? I'll come and play your little games in a moment.">><<br>>
You don't need to be told twice, and beat a hasty retreat from the room. You feel awful leaving Louise to Colette's devises, but despite that you're still grateful for the opportunity to not have to be there while it happens.<<br>>
You don't have to wait long before a sharp scream rings out, followed by a taunting <<colette "Oh Louise, how //pathetic//! I thought you wouldn't be like Emée, but it looks like you're a total //wuss// too!">> in a voice that you're certain is deliberately loud enough for you to still hear.<<br>>
Colette slips out soon after to join you in the hallway, giggling to herself about whatever transpired inside.<<br>>
<<colette "So, what's this game that you'd like to play?">><<br>>
You weave what you hope is a convincing story about a competition at 10 o'clock, one where the goal is, essentially, to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible, with all the time until then to prepare. You realize midway through that you're sweating, hoping that she won't realize that it's a ruse.<<br>>
Luckily, she seems to fall for it. After a few pointed questions to work out the fine details she nods and extends her hand to shake on it.<<br>>
As you clasp her hand, her face breaks out into a cruel smile. <<colette "You're //done for//, bitch! You're a fucking //idiot// for playing to my strengths. I know that you must have some plan already set up to give you what you //think// is a huge advantage, I'm not a fool you know, but it's not going to make a //bit// of difference, other than to make my victory all the more //sweet//. Good luck, //Princess//.">><<br>>
And with that, she dashes away to prepare whatever mayhem she can think of, leaving you alone.
<<colette "Very well. Leave us then, if you're not interested in joining in.">><<br>>
You don't need to be told twice, and beat a hasty retreat from the room. However, it's not soon enough to not hear a sharp scream as you walk away, followed by a taunting <<colette "Oh Louise, how //pathetic//! I thought you wouldn't be like Emée, but it looks like you're a total //wuss// too!">> in a voice that you're certain is deliberately loud enough for you to still hear.
[[Go back downstairs->day4mansionHub]]Colette is terrifying, and every moment spent with her drags you deeper into her crazy world. You're sure that if you intervened then she'd manage to string you along into some nonsense, and you can't afford to take those kind of risks.<br><br>
You feel bad for the girls, but you have to prioritize your own life right now.<br><br>
[[Beat a hasty retreat back downstairs->day4mansionHub]]<<if ndef $drinks>>
<<set $drinks to 1>>
<<set $drinksArray to []>>
<<set $drinks += 1>>
<<if $drinks is 1>>
You flag down a nearby servant to try to grab a drink.<br><br>
It ends up being a small young man, barely more than a boy, who comes over. He's holding a silver platter upon which a variety of different drinks are arrayed. The moment he realizes who you are, his eyes start swimming with nervousness.<br><br>
<<blue "Y-your Highness! Err, what would you like?">><br><br>
You survey your options.
<<elseif $drinks is 2>>
Your glass is empty, and while you feel a little buzzed from the last drink, it's still a long way from drowning out your anxiety. You feel like you could use another.<br><br>
You flag down another servant, and are surprised when you see the same young valet as before stepping through the crowd towards you. He's even more surprised than you are, and you can see the nervousness wash over his face at having to interact with royalty again.<<br>>
<<blue "Y-your Highness! It-it's a honor to serve you again.">> He says dutifully, though he's clearly struggling. <<blue "What would you like?">><<br>>
As you survey your options, you find yourself a little bored by the concept of having the same drink again, and for some reason feel a little more adventurous.
<<elseif $drinks is 3>>
You're definitely tipsy, perhaps a little more than is wise, but that just makes the idea of having another drink all the more tempting.<br><br>
You spy a black-suited servant in the crowd and reach out to stop them. To your surprise though, the face that turns around to greet you is none other than the same fresh-faced lad as before.<br><br>
You're not totally comfortable seeing him after his embarrassing confession earlier, but any awkwardness you feel is blown away in comparison to his terrified shock. It's difficult not to feel sorry for his awful luck this evening, getting picked out by you three times in a row.<br><br>
<<blue "Y- your Highness!">> he stammer out, quivering. <<blue "What would you like this time?">><br><br>
As you survey your options, you find yourself a little bored by the concept of having the same drink again, and for some reason feel a little more adventurous.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("wine", "punch", "mojito", "sex") isnot true>>
<<link "Something reassuring and heavy, a pint of beer.">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "beer">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "That sounds much too heavy after what you've already drunk">>@@color:#797979;==Something reassuring and heavy, a pint of beer.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("punch", "mojito", "sex") isnot true>>
<<link "What most other people are drinking, a glass of wine">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "wine">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "That sounds too heavy after what you've already drunk">>@@color:#797979;==What most other people are drinking, a glass of wine==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("mojito", "sex") isnot true>>
<<link "Something fun and fruity, some punch">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "punch">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "After trying some cocktails, the idea of drinking punch feels too boring now">>@@color:#797979;==Something fun and fruity, some punch==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $cocktails isnot true>>
<<link "What are these brightly colored ones?">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4mansionDrinksCocktails]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("beer", "wine", "punch") is true>>
<<link "I'll have a mojito cocktail">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "mojito">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<link "I'll have a sex on the beach cocktail">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "sex">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "Too intense for me, at least while I'm sober">>@@color:#797979;I'll have a mojito cocktail@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<hovertip "Too intense for me, at least while I'm sober">>@@color:#797979;I'll have a sex on the beach cocktail@@<</hovertip>>
</span><<set $cocktails to true>>
The young man stammers out an explanation.<br><br>
<<blue "Ahh, umm, they're cocktails. The green one, that's a err, mojito. It's minty, I think.">><br><br>
He's about to move to the next option when you see his eyes begin to tremble from nervousness from what he has to say next.<br><br>
<<blue "Oh gosh. The next one, it's... it's a...">> He takes a deep breath to gather his nerves before, saying the rest in one long terrified ramble. <<blue "It's called a sex on the beach!">><br><br>
Immediately he blushes a deep crimson at having to say such an undignified thing to royalty. His eyes desperately scan your face, looking for signs that he might be thrown in the dungeons just for mentioning it.<br><br>
It's oddly reassuring to not be the most scared person in a conversation for once.<br><br>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("wine", "punch", "mojito", "sex") isnot true>>
<<link "Something reassuring and heavy, a pint of beer.">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "beer">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "That sounds much too heavy after what you've already drunk">>@@color:#797979;==Something reassuring and heavy, a pint of beer.==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("punch", "mojito", "sex") isnot true>>
<<link "What most other people are drinking, a glass of wine">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "wine">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "That sounds too heavy after what you've already drunk">>@@color:#797979;==What most other people are drinking, a glass of wine==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("mojito", "sex") isnot true>>
<<link "Something fun and fruity, some punch">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "punch">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "After trying some cocktails, the idea of drinking punch feels too boring now">>@@color:#797979;==Something fun and fruity, some punch==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("beer", "wine", "punch") is true>>
<<link "I'll have a mojito cocktail">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "mojito">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<link "I'll have a sex on the beach cocktail">>
<<set $drinksChoice to "sex">>
<<goto [[day4mansionDrinks2]]>>
<<hovertip "Too intense for me, at least while I'm sober">>@@color:#797979;I'll have a mojito cocktail@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<hovertip "Too intense for me, at least while I'm sober">>@@color:#797979;I'll have a sex on the beach cocktail@@<</hovertip>>
<</if>><<if $drinksChoice is "beer">>
<<run $drinksArray.push("beer")>>
<<if $drinksArray.count("beer") is 1>>
You're aware that it's not a very feminine choice, but it's the one that you have the most experience with by a long shot. You'd rather stick to what you know than accidentally find yourself getting drunker than you intend and making trouble for yourself.<br><br>
The young valet looks surprised at your choice, and he's not the only one - your decision is incongruent enough to attract the attention of a group of nearby noblewomen who look at you with bewilderment.<br><br>
Not knowing what else to do under the scrutiny, you bring the pint glass to your lips, gulping down a mouthful of the cool, refreshing liquid.<br><br>
<<pink "Oh! How modern!">> Cries out one of the ladies, desperate to not look behind the times. <<pink "Yes, having a beer is oh so fashionable nowadays, isn't it? I'm sure //all// the girls in the Capital drink it. I think that I might have one too!">><br><br>
She takes a glass from the platter for herself. You can see her eyes bulge in surprise at the bitter taste as it reaches her lips, but it's enough to break the tension of the moment and soon the whole group is hiding their wine glasses behind themselves and trying to force down gulps of beer.
You successfully resist the urge to try something more adventurous, simply grabbing another beer from his platter instead.
<<elseif $drinksChoice is "wine">>
<<run $drinksArray.push("wine")>>
<<if $drinksArray.count("wine") is 1>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("beer") is true>>
You enjoyed the drink that you had before, but now that it's later in the night, you're feeling a little more adventurous.<br><br>
You don't want to stand out in the crowd here, so pick the drink that seems most popular - a glass of red wine.<br><br>
The young valet breathes an almost audible sigh of relief, clearly appreciating the encounter with royalty going as planned as he passes you your drink.<br><br>
You give it an experimental sip. You've heard that wine drinkers go mad for the stuff, and can spend thousands on the right vintage. At an event as fancy as this, you're sure that just one sip is worth more than you've ever earned in your life, but to your unrefined pallet it just tastes more or less the same as any other that you've tried.<br><br>
You realize that the valet is looking at you expectantly, anticipating some kind of reaction. All you can think to remark is that it tastes grapey, but thankfully he nods his head as if you said something insightful and replies <<blue "G-great, I'll give the sommelier your compliments.">>
You successfully resist the urge to try something more adventurous, simply grabbing another glass of wine from his platter instead.
<<elseif $drinksChoice is "punch">>
<<run $drinksArray.push("punch")>>
<<if $drinksArray.count("punch") is 1>>
<<if $drinksArray.includesAny("beer", "wine") is true>>
You enjoyed your drink earlier, but you know that you if spend the whole night drinking something so heavy you'll be feeling stodgy by the end. Besides, now that you're a little more tipsy, the idea of something so fun and fruity is somehow appealing.
You get the feeling that you'll need some liquid courage to get through tonight, and if you try to do that with beer or wine you'll be weighed down by hops and tannins - punch seems the smart option. Besides, the idea of drinking something so fun and fruity certainly has an appeal.
When you bring the glass up to your lips, you're surprised by how strong it is. For a moment you wonder whether someone might have spiked the punch, but this isn't a commoner's house party - the idea of the nobles doing something so undignified doesn't track.<br><br>
Still, it //is// strong. When you look around the crowd see that while most people are drinking wine, it's almost exclusively women who are drinking the punch and men who are on the beer. There's something odd about that - by the end of the night the men drinking beer will be pretty buzzed, but a lot of the women will be totally wasted.<br><br>
You can't help but notice a few packs of men looking hungrily down at the women from the balconies, not approaching yet, just biding their time. You feel a twinge of discomfort from the scene, but then you take another deep sip of punch, and find yourself distracted by the fruity taste and pleasant buzz.
You successfully resist the urge to try something more adventurous, simply grabbing another glass of punch from his platter instead.
<<elseif $drinksChoice is "mojito">>
<<run $drinksArray.push("mojito")>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<if $drinksArray.count("mojito") is 1>>
<<if $drinksArray.includes("sex") is true>>
The sex on the beach that you had last time was wonderful, so not even your ever-increasing level of drunkenness is enough to stop you from being excited to try out the other cocktail on offer.
Maybe you're a little tipsier than you thought, but the cocktails that seemed far too dangerous and feminine earlier are starting to look pretty tempting.<br><br>
That said, you're not going to be picking something with a name as absurd as sex on the beach, so you decide to grab the mojito instead.
You give it an experimental sip, a little nervous about how it's going to taste. However the moment it runs over your tongue you find yourself immediately going back for more - it's delicious! The citrus and mint blend together into something light and refreshing.<br><br>
<<if $drinksArray.includes("sex") is true>>
Like the sex on the beach, you're sure that under the surface there's a hard alcoholic kick, but honestly at this point you're beyond caring.
It's only after you take a deep, long gulp, grateful for the refreshment, and feel the world spin a little afterwards, that you realize that almost completely obscured by the great taste is a vicious kick of alcohol. You immediately consider stopping, you wouldn't want to get too drunk after all, but it tastes you good that even while you're considering the idea you find yourself going back for more. You don't think that you could put it down if you tried.
The mojito that you had earlier was delicious, so not even your ever-increasing level of drunkenness is enough to stop you from grabbing another.
<<elseif $drinksChoice is "sex">>
<<run $drinksArray.push("sex")>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<if $drinksArray.count("sex") is 1>>
<<if $drinksArray.includes("mojito") is true>>
The mojito that you had last time was wonderful, so neither the terrible name, nor your ever-increasing level of drunkenness, is enough to stop you from being excited to try out the other cocktail on offer.
Maybe you're a little tipsier than you thought, but the cocktails that seemed far too dangerous and feminine earlier are starting to look pretty tempting.<br><br>
As terrible as the name is, something about the bright pink drink is calling to you. You really want to know what it tastes like!
The young servant <<if $drinks is 3>>somehow manages to blush even deeper than he previously was<<else>>blushes a deep crimson<</if>> at hearing royalty use such language, but obediently passes the drink over.<br><br>
You give it an experimental sip, a little nervous about how it's going to taste. However the moment it runs over your tongue you find yourself immediately going back for more - it's delicious! The sharp cranberry and smooth peach blend together into something bright and lively.<br><br>
<<if $drinksArray.includes("mojito") is true>>
Like the mojito, you're sure that under the surface there's a hard alcoholic kick, but honestly at this point you're beyond caring.
It's only after you take a deep, long gulp, grateful for the refreshment, and feel the world spin a little afterwards, that you realize that hidden under the great taste is a vicious kick of alcohol. You consider stopping, you wouldn't want to get too drunk after all, but it tastes you good that even while you're considering the idea you find yourself going back for more. You don't think that you could put it down even if you tried.
The sex on the beach that you had earlier was delicious, so not even your ever-increasing level of drunkenness is enough to stop you from grabbing another.
<<if $drinks is 1>>
Content with your choice, you resume wandering around the party.<br><br>
<<elseif $drinks is 2>>
Your choice made, you're about to resume wandering around the party when you notice that the young servant is still looking at you as if he has something to say.<br><br>
<<blue "I- I just wanted to apologize if my demeanor has been... nervous, your Excellency.">> He manages to say eventually. <<blue "It's just... well nobody really expects to end up talking with a crown Princess after all, especially not one who's so nice and beautiful-">><br><br>
Suddenly he turns a deep crimson. Clearly he hadn't meant to say the last part out loud. He quivers awkwardly for a moment, trying to think of something to say to fix the situation but coming up blank. The best he can do is beat a hasty embarrassed retreat.<br><br>
You're as shocked by the situation as he was. You've been desperately trying to look female for the last few days, but the idea of being //attractive// isn't something that you've ever considered. Whenever you look in the mirror all you can see is a man in women's clothing, you're so used to looking at your own body that the idea that anyone could perceive this as feminine, let alone //desirable//, feels completely alien.<br><br>
It feels really weird to be seen as beautiful, let alone by a //boy//. You should be feeling revolted right now, but somehow you just can't bring yourself to mind. After all, being 'beautiful' probably helps with your disguise, right? As you take another sip though, you wonder how much the alcohol might be twisting your perception.<br><br>
[[Continue wandering around the party->day4mansionHub]]
<<elseif $drinks is 3>>
Before resuming your wandering around the party, you find yourself glancing over at the young valet. He's sweating nervously in your presence, but what really strikes you is that you're not doing the same in his. When he had first accidentally confessed it had felt like a mutually embarrassing situation, but now it's difficult to imagine why you'd mind in the slightest.<br><br>
You're sure that being on your third drink is part of it, but the idea that someone being into you should be an awkward imposition feels absurd. In fact, shouldn't it just play to your advantage? You have the social initiative on him, and you have a strange urge to take advantage of it.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Indulge in the newfound power and tease him a little.">>
<<set $day4drinksHarass to true>>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
A smile plays on your lips as you decide to indulge yourself.<br><br>
You beckon with one finger for the boy to come closer. He nervously //gulps// so hard that you can almost hear it, but obediently follows your order.<br><br>
You put your mouth so close to his ear that he must be able to feel your warm breath against it, and describe in tantalizing whispered detail <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>about how you're not wearing //any// underwear right now<<else>>//exactly// what underwear you're wearing right now, even how it feels around your body<</if>>. You obviously leave the exact details of your genitals themselves vague, but are explicit about everything else.<br><br>
The young man is sweating so hard that, your face being so close to his, you can feel the heat rising from it. Your message sent, you stand back from him, but he doesn't do the same - like a marionette frozen in motion, he remains stiffly in place, eyes bulging in shock, his brain all but shut down in its inability to process the mental image you've given him. You're sure that if you poked him he'd fall over with no resistance like a tin soldier.<br><br>
And then you leave him like that, sauntering away with a confident swagger in your hips.<br><br>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Leave the poor guy alone">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
Your better self wins out, and you resist the urge.<br><br>
You shake your head to dispel the dangerous thought. What's happening to you? A few days ago and you would never have imagined having ideas like this, but recently you feel your brain twisting in directions that are alien to you.<br><br>
You realize that the young man is looking at you strangely, and with shock you realize that you've just been //staring// at him while you've been trying to process things. You mumble out an apology and disappear into the crowd.<br><br>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<else>><<error>><<br>>[[Return->day4mansionHub]]<</if>><<run $day4hub.push("elodie")>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionOutside.jpg]]@@<br>
You step out onto the veranda to get some of the crisp evening air in your lungs. There's a couple of smaller groups of people gathered here, many of them smoking pipes or cigarettes, but you happen to spy a secluded corner where it looks like you'll be hidden from them.<br><br>
You step into the space, only to find out that the bench is already occupied. At first all you see is Elodie's darkly-dressed body and for a moment you're happy to have found a friend until you realize that she's not alone - she has a young noblewoman completely sprawled across her.<<br>>
You make a hurried apology and quickly turn around to leave, embarrassed to have caught someone in a compromising position. However, before you can do so Elodie calls out to stop you. <<elodie "Yo, Princess. Can I get a little help here?">><<br>>
As you turn back you get a second look at the scene. While the woman is completely draped over Elodie, she's also not looking too great. She's pale and looks like she's having difficulty staying awake, her head drooping and her eyelids barely staying open. If Elodie wasn't supporting her she'd probably be collapsed on the ground.<<br>>
<<elodie "I found her like this. Totally wiped out. Dunno if she drank too much or what.">> Elodie explains, looking concerned. <<elodie "Listen, I need to go grab her some water. You look after her until I get back.">><<br>>
Before you can think of a response Elodie untangles the young woman's limp limbs from around herself and stands up. When you see the girl swaying precariously you quickly move forward to catch her, and before you know it you're in much the same position as Elodie was a moment ago.<<br>>
<<elodie "Cool. I'll be back in a sec.">> Elodie says, before leaving the two of you alone in your alcove.<<br>>
[[Wait awkwardly->day4mansionElodie2]]<<pink "Mmh...">> Mumbles the noblewoman dreamily. She's so close that you're sure that she must be able to feel your incongruous anatomy through your clothing, but it doesn't seem like she's in much position to be noticing //anything//.<<br>>
As she shifts around, you can't help but notice that the opposite is true as well - you can feel every contour of her slender, nubile form. You feel a little warmth reach your cheeks at the sensation, but try not to think about it.<<br>>
From around the corner you can hear a pair of loud footsteps. A moment later you overhear a man's brash voice saying <<blue "I //know// I saw her going this way. You check that side, I'll check this one. She should be well and truly ripe for the plucking by now.">><<br>>
Your stomach churns at the words, and it isn't long before it's owner rounds the corner to find you.<<br>>
He must be in his early thirties, with well groomed hair and a blunt, rounded face. His smug leer at having found his mark is quickly mixed with a sneer of displeasure at her not being alone, before both are smoothly replaced by a false smile.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahh, great! I'm her friend, thanks for looking after her. Sorry, she gets so //stupid// at these things, doesn't know how to hold her drink. Let me grab her from you.">> He says, full of fake charm as he steps forward.<<br>>
On instinct, you put your arm around the girl protectively.<<br>>
His eyes narrow at your reaction, and he seems to realize that it won't be so easy. Changing tack to intimidation, he sneers in a low voice <<blue "Now listen here. I'm going to be taking this girl with me, do you understand?">><<br>>
Either he doesn't recognize that you're the Princess, or he just doesn't care. You know the mindset, you've met the type before - even a princess is ultimately just some chick, and chicks aren't worth worrying about.<<br>>
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Use my charm to defuse the situation">>
<<set $day4girlProtecc to "cute">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day4mansionElodie3">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Cuteness 2 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Cuteness 2 required">>@@color:#797979;==Use my charm to defuse the situation==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Divert his attention by acting flirtatiously">>
<<set $day4girlProtecc to "flirt">>
<<goto "day4mansionElodie3">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<link "Get surly and standoffish, even if it'll seem masculine. He won't expect a chick to stand up to him.">>
<<set $day4girlProtecc to "manly">>
<<goto "day4mansionElodie3">>
<<set $badger ++>>
/* <span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Oh yeah? Then what's her name?">>
<<set _day4mansionElodie to "name">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<include [[day4mansionElodie2append]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "No way. She's staying here with me.">>
<<set _day4mansionElodie to "noway">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<include [[day4mansionElodie2append]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<if _day4mansionElodie is "name">>
Your question makes the man hesitate for a moment, but it doesn't last long.<<br>>
<<blue "It's Emily.">>
<</if>> */<<setter "day4girlProtecc to 'cute'" "day4girlProtecc to 'flirt'" "day4girlProtecc to 'manly'">>
<<if $day4girlProtecc is "cute">>
A guy like this has a script in his head about how this 'should' play out. If you can just twist the situation away from that script then you're sure that you'll be able to completely throw him off his game.<<br>>
Luckily you know exactly what you need to do so smoothly and without embarrassing yourself - disarming earnestness.<<br>>
As if you hadn't noticed his intimidation at all, you look up at him with wide eyes and explain in a small, sincere voice how scared you are for your friend.<<br>>
Even a guy as awful as this has some internal justification as to why he's the good guy - some twisted narrative where he's just making the best out of an unfair situation, but when confronted with such sweetness all of the wind and bluster gets sucked out of his sails. <<blue "Err, well I'm sorry to hear that, I guess... I-I guess that I can help?">> He mumbles awkwardly, not sure what he needs to say to stop being looked at with those innocently-accusing eyes.<<br>>
Before long, you've 'recruited' the would-be rapist into being your lookout, to keep an eye out for anyone who might try to harm the unconscious girl.<<br>>
He's constantly shifting from one leg to the other, clearly deeply uncomfortable and feeling like a total idiot. Every now and again he turns back around to face you, having made an internal decision to stop this stupidity and push you aside once and for all, but every time that determination fizzles away again the moment that he sees the look on your face, and he returns to his charge.<<br>>
You continue acting out the role of an earnestly concerned friend, and start anxiously rambling out a list of the things that you're so worried about. A tirade about how there's awful men out there who spike girls' drinks and then take advantage of them afterwards.<<br>>
You're under no illusions that you have any chance of actually convincing him to change his ways.This is all just about twisting the knife, making him feel awkward and stupid. With every sentence you can see his shoulders wince with the 'accidental' accusation. If you were doing this any other way then he'd either completely disregard you or start calling you a bitch - but like this all he can do is try to placate you.<<br>>
It doesn't take long for Elodie to return with a glass of water. When she does, her eyes narrow suspiciously at your sweating 'protector'.<<br>>
He all but jumps at the opportunity her arrival affords him. <<blue "Ahh, here's a lovely friend now. H-how marvelous! Well, I guess you won't need me any longer! Bye!">> He says as quickly as possible, stumbling over his words in his haste to get it all out before you can say anything to make him stay any longer. Then he bolts from the shaded area as fast as he can.<<br>>
Elodie pauses for a moment, caught between wariness and surprise. It's difficult to tell with Elodie's blank expressions, but when she finally turns to you she almost looks impressed. <<elodie "You're really something else, Princess.">>
/* The man's posture relaxes when he realizes that you're not going to be a threat to him. However, in the face of such adorable charms not even he can push you aside. Even a guy like this will have some internal justification as to why he's the good guy - some twisted narrative where every girl is just a bitch who needs to be shown their place, and he's a righteous guy who's just making the best out of the social situation. By putting on this show you're not allowing him to maintain that illusion.<<br>>
<<blue "Err, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't worry, I'm here to help.">> He lies, shifting uncomfortably. He's should still be the one holding the cards - if anything all that you've done so far is to confirm that he's completely dominant in this situation by negating yourself as competition. However, that dominance doesn't mean shit if doesn't feel comfortable utilizing it. <<blue "Just give her here, I'll take care of her, trust me.">><<br>> */
<<if $day4girlProtecc is "flirt">>
This guy just wants to get his dick wet. The best thing that you can do is make this poor girl look less appealing in comparison.<<br>>
You make a show of looking the girl in your arms up and down with false-disdain. Then, after propping her up as best as you can, you make your move - standing up to run a finger teasingly over the man's chest. Remarking as you do so that you'd be a much better partner than that girl ever could.<<br>>
The man visibly relaxes, clearly feeling comfortable about where this is going. <<blue "Oh I see how it is.">> He says smugly, looking up you and down distastefully. <<blue "You're just some //slut// then, are you? Jealous that someone else is getting some? I don't usually care for your sort, but I //suppose// I can hear what you have to offer.">><<br>>
You try not to let your disgust show on your face. He was about to force himself on someone and now he's calling you a slut - it's feels like to him merely being a willing participant is enough to make you a whore.<<br>>
No matter what he says, your actions are still having just as strong of an effect as you had hoped - he's too busy radiating in the ego trip of having someone to put down to pay any attention to his original target. However, what takes you by surprise is how //handsy// he gets.<<br>>
One of his arms reaches around you to both pull you close to him and also to grope your ass through your <<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>tight leggings<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>skirt<<else>>dress<</if>>. The other hand threatens to grab at your chest.<<br>>
This is trouble. If he makes his mark then they'll be nothing stopping him from feeling <<if $outfit.padding is true>>that your bust is nothing but fabric padding.<<else>>that under your clothing there's nothing but the notable absence of a bust.<</if>><<br>>
You attempt to free yourself, but all that you manage to do is wriggle in his grasp. You at least manage to evade the hand at your chest, but with every squirm your ass slides further and further into his grip until you can feel the shape of his his thumb pressing against your asshole through your clothing.<<br>>
Luckily or unluckily, the man doesn't seem deterred by your change in behavior. You don't know if it's that he's mistaken your movement for arousal, or if he's happy to have drawn some nonconsent out of you for him to fetishize, but your seduction seems to work all the better and he doesn't let up in the slightest. <<blue "Ha! I knew that you were all talk. So poised and superior one moment, and then thrashing about like a cow in heat the moment that you're in a real man's hands.">><<br>>
He finally gives up on pawing at your chest, and for a moment you think that you can relax a little, but a second later his hand reaches up to grab your face and pull it closer, and soon his wet, squirming tongue sickeningly invades your mouth.<<br>>
When you finally manage to extract yourself from him he looks at you with unrestrained derision. <<blue "Come on then, slut. Don't tease without putting out, or else I'll take the girl after all and you'll have to remain unfucked.">><<br>>
Then a dark figure looms behind the man. Seeing you react to what's behind him, he turns around too. <<blue "Who the fuck are you? Can't you recognize a private fucking conversation when you see one? Get out of here!">><<br>>
<<elseif $day4girlProtecc is "manly">>
Your life might depend on looking feminine, but some things are important enough to be worth risking it.<<br>>
You prop up the girl as best as you can on the bench and then square up on the man, firmly putting your body between him and his victim.<<br>>
The man sneers in disgust at your behavior. <<blue "Gods, how absolutely //putrid//. To think that the Princess ends up being some //bull dyke// who wants to claim all the girls to herself. Get out of my way!">><<br>>
He attempts to push straight past you, but you firmly shove him back.<<br>>
For a moment he looks shocked, clearly not expecting a girl to be strong enough to repel him so easily, or perhaps simply offended that you'd even have the guts to try, but he quickly regathers himself. <<blue "You're making a mistake, wench. Allow me to show you your place.">><<br>>
You clench your teeth as the man goes into a ready posture, but you aren't too worried. <<if $pc.background is "bread">>While you've mainly tried to avoid them, you've been in enough scuffles from growing up on the streets to recognize from his stance that he's all bark and no bite. Unless your body's changed a lot more than you thought, you should have a good shot at being able to take him.<<elseif $pc.background is "manly" or $pc.background is "hero">>You've been in plenty enough <<if $pc.background is "manly">>brawls<<else>>combat<</if>> to recognize immediately from his stance that he's all bark and no bite. Unless your body's changed a lot more than you thought, you should be able to take him easily.<<elseif $pc.background is "flirt">>You don't know the first thing about fighting, but you've attended enough noble soirees to recognize his type - he'll be all bark and no bite. Unless your body's changed a lot more than you thought, even you have a good shot of taking him.<<else>><<error>>.<</if>> The bigger problem is how much attention that will attract.<<br>>
Then a dark figure looms behind the man. Seeing you react to what's behind him, he turns around too. <<blue "What's this then, some other dyke? Get out of here!">><<br>>
THIS IS AN <<error>>
Elodie wastes no time. With sharp precision her knee stabs upwards, jamming straight into the man's groin.<<br>>
You try to hide the wince you make at the sympathy pain of knowing what that must feel like.<<br>>
After what could only be described as a whimper, the man slumps to his knees.<<br>>
<<blue "Y-you //bitch//. H-how //dare// you, I'll make you pay for this you-">><<br>>
Elodie doesn't let him finish. Instead she kicks him away, sending him sprawling on his ass out of the little hiding spot and back in view of the public.<<br>>
The man's face is bright red in anger and pain, and for a second he splutters incoherently, too angry to settle on saying just one outraged retort. However, all the fuss quickly attracts the attention of a crowd of curious onlookers.<<br>>
You can see the realization dawn on his face that if he wants to keep up the offensive he'll have to reveal to everyone that he's being bested by a pair of girls, and perhaps invite the question of what he was planning to do with the unconscious girl.<<br>>
With a spiteful <<blue "Fucking //psycho// bitches!">> he gives up and cowardly makes an escape, hobbling away while massaging his tender balls.<<br>>
The crowd are clearly curious about what was going on, but something about the look on Elodie's face manages to convince them to move on quickly.
[[Continue->day4mansionElodie4]]<<run $elodie.facts.push("Into girls")>>
The two of you manage to get the girl to drink some water, and it's not long before some color begins to return to her cheeks.<<br>>
Soon after that her real friends peek their heads around the corner, relieved to have found their companion. You briefly notice an expression of suspicion and anger cross their faces when they see Elodie with her, but it's quickly forgotten when they recognize that the Princess is also there, and when they help support their friend away they're all apologizing for having been a bother.<<br>>
Elodie makes a dissatisfied click with her mouth once they've gone, and slides onto the bench next to you.<<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "elodie">>
Seeing your opportunity, you make your move and ask for her help making a distraction later, spinning some excuse about wanting a moment to investigate the Baron's paperwork without suspicion.<<br>>
You're pretty proud of your excuse, you'd been wracking your brains trying to think of a good one to use all afternoon, but Elodie seems to see through it immediately. <<elodie "Looking to run away, huh?">><<br>>
You panic, but the young woman is anything but accusing. <<elodie "Nah, don't worry. I'm sure you've got your reasons. You haven't looked comfortable at all the last few days, so I can't blame you. I'll help out.">><<br>>
You can't contain your relief. You were right, Elodie really was a good choice to rely on.<<br>>
<<elodie "Looks like that's another girl I'm helping out tonight.">> Elodie muses to herself.<<br>>
The two of you settle into a comfortable silence for a while, before Elodie seems to have something on her mind.<<br>>
<<elodie "I've been doing stuff like this at parties for a while now.">> She explains. <<elodie "I was never one for drinking, and then when I saw how gross guys can be at these things I decided to start protecting people. Girls can be real shit at saying no sometimes, you know?">><<br>>
You're a little surprised at what she's saying, but she continues unabashed. <<elodie "It's like... In painting, some artists get real good at... let's say sunny vistas or whatever. They get all these fancy new pigments and oils and stuff. Some of that stuff costs loads, it's a huge investment, and it's only worth getting the stuff that you'll end up using. But then they only have pigments for sunny vistas, and if you ask them to paint some dark stuff then it'll be shit, 'cuz it's not what their tools are for.">><<br>>
She leans back on the bench, one elbow propped up on the backrest. <<elodie "Girls are like that, I think. Some of them at least. They're so good at being friendly and nice and sociable and everything. And don't get me wrong, that stuff rules - it's a lot better than whatever the fuck guys are doing anyway. But it means they're shit at putting their foot down and being firm - it's not in their pigments. Some guys know that and intentionally exploit it, put them into situations where they have to make a stand - and they just can't do it, not strong enough to deter them at least. Too busy trying to find a compromise, or worrying about insulting him with their refusal or whatever.">><<br>>
She makes a wry smile and jabs at herself with her thumb. <<elodie "But me? I don't have that problem. I'm all prickly and weird and shit. My pigments are all dark and gloomy. 'Means I'm real bad at a lot social stuff, but at times like these, someone who can act shitty and stay firm is helpful, you know? I can say it for them.">><<br>>
You're not sure if you totally agree with her analogy, but you can at least easily imagine how having someone like Elodie around could make things feel safer.<<br>>
<<if $day4girlProtecc isnot "flirt">>She gives you an appraising look. <<elodie "Honestly, I kinda thought you'd be someone I'd have to keep an eye out for. You've got that 'deer in the lamplight' look that creeps go crazy for, but I guess you're actually pretty capable.">><<br>>
After a pause as you try to process her depiction of you, she<<else>>She<</if>> shrugs and changes topic. <<elodie "Anyway, sorry to leave you alone with her like that. It's just... when some girls wake up feeling all vulnerable and whatever, or their friends arrive, they can get real weird when I'm the only one there and I'm so visibly...">><<br>>
She pauses for a moment, searching for the right words to use, before giving up with a shrug. <<elodie "Whatever. You're into girls too, I'm sure you know what I mean.">><<br>>
Her words take you off guard.<<br>>
<<link "Hesitate, unsure if agreeing might compromise my disguise.">>
<<goto [[day4mansionElodie5]]>>
<<set $day4mansionElodie5 to "hesitate">>
<<link "Just nod. She's right, in a way. No sense in making a fuss about it.">>
<<goto [[day4mansionElodie5]]>>
<<set $day4mansionElodie5 to "agree">>
<</link>><<setter "day4mansionElodie5 to 'hesitate'" "day4mansionElodie5 to 'agree'">>
<<if $day4mansionElodie5 is "hesitate">>
As you nervously hesitate you notice Elodie's searching your expression with concern, and she clearly doesn't like what she sees.<<br>>
For the first time the usually unflappable Elodie looks flustered. <<elodie "Shit. Umm, sorry. That was rude of me, I didn't mean to-">><<br>>
She swallows her words a few times, before settling on a way to put things. <<elodie "Listen, I know that having someone say that before you're ready can feel really invasive and accusing and stuff or whatever but-... well, just know that it doesn't have to be like that, I genuinely didn't mean it that way, and err, you can choose your own narrative about it and stuff...">><<br>>
Clearly unhappy about how it's coming out, before you can get a word in edgeways Elodie stiffly stands and with a <<elodie "I'm sorry, I'll let you be.">> she makes a hasty exit.<<br>>
You're kind of bewildered by the response. To be honest, you'd never really thought about lesbianism other than it being kinda hot thing for girls to do. It feels like there's a whole world of complexity to the experience that you'd never really considered.<<br>>
You'd never really clocked Elodie as anything other than just a girl, if a weird one, but if the reaction that the drugged girl's friends had to her is anything to go by then girls must have a whole way to tell that has gone completely over your head up til now, a way of telling that you must have accidentally set off yourself to some degree. Plus, Elodie's reaction to you looking anxious at her statement spoke to a depth of experience that you hadn't really considered.<<br>>
You feel weird for accidentally getting caught up in something that's not really your business, but it's not like you've exactly had a choice in the matter. You take a short rest on the bench, considering the situation, but it isn't long before a group of smokers turn the corner looking for somewhere quiet to hang out and you're forced to move elsewhere, or else get trapped in an awkward conversation.
A flicker of a pleased smile crosses Elodie's usually-impassive face at your reply.<<br>>
<<elodie "Yeah, I figured as much.">> She says with a nod <<elodie "You don't dress like it or anything, but the way your eyes settle on guys compared to girls and stuff made it pretty obvious, at least to someone who knows what to look for. Don't worry though, I don't think the straights notice.">><<br>>
<<elodie "I hope you don't have too much of a shit time with your parents and stuff. My family are so weird about lineage and marriage and stuff - I bet being the Princess must be even worse.">><<br>>
<<elodie "Not that I'm just into girls or anything. But mostly I guess. I'm another one of the ones who are into like three guys ever but like every girl. And even those guys are like-">><<br>>
She's about to say something else, but as if she just accidentally said something she didn't mean to blurt out she hesitates for a moment, her eyes flickering towards you and back again. <<elodie "Err, not //every// girl I guess. I mean, that's just a turn of phrase. Don't worry, It's...">><<br>>
She seems uncharacteristically flustered, much to your confusion, and stands up. <<elodie "Anyway">> She says stiffly. <<elodie "I'd better do another check around the place, make sure that guy isn't up to anything else. See ya.">><<br>>
She leaves you alone in the secluded area, and you take a short break and consider the conversation. To be honest, you'd never really thought about lesbianism other than it being kinda hot. It feels like there's a whole world of complexity to the experience that you'd never really considered. You'd never really clocked Elodie as anything other than just a girl, if a weird one, but if the reaction that the drugged girl's friends had to her is anything to go by then girls must have a whole way to tell that has gone completely over your head up til now.<<br>>
You feel a little weird for accidentally getting caught up in an experience that's not really your business, but it's not like you've exactly had a choice in the matter.<<br>>
It isn't long before your break is interrupted as a group of smokers turn the corner looking for somewhere quiet to hang out and you're forced to move elsewhere or else get trapped in an awkward conversation.
<<unset $day4mansionElodie5>><<br>>
[[Continue->day4mansionHub]]<<run $day4hub.push("eldad")>>
You're wandering through the hallways of the mansion, trying not to draw any attention to yourself, when you hear a voice that you think that you recognize.<br><br>
You pause, frowning. You thought you'd recognized it for a moment - but the next second you're not certain. There's something odd about it...<br><br>
Unable to contain your curiosity, you peer into the room next to you.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionElDad.jpg]]@@<br>
Inside you see a sophisticated sitting room, where a group of middle-aged ladies and gentlemen are sat around a table playing cards together. It takes you a moment to identify which of the group you recognize, but when you do you can barely keep yourself from laughing.<br><br>
It's Elodie's father, who you met yesterday! However, it's no wonder that you had struggled to identify him from voice alone - yesterday he had waffled on and on incessantly, but today he seems a lot more restrained, only occasionally making his presence at the table felt. He must be trying to follow the advice that you gave him yesterday!<br><br>
The conversation at the table suddenly changes topic to the royal convoy, and for a moment you can see a look of desperation in Elodie's father's eyes at having his special interest be mentioned. As the discussion continues, you can see his face begin to turn red, and then bright purple, as he struggles to maintain the willpower necessary not to interject and waffle on forever.<br><br>
Finally, when a noblewoman curiously wonders aloud about what kind of infrastructure the convoy must have to deliver piping hot cups of tea on the road, he can bear it no longer. With all the desperate release of a dam breaking, out pours a gigantic tirade of EVERYTHING that Elodie's dad had been keeping to himself. His tablemates look on in shocked awe as the fellow that they'd thought was so suave and restrained suddenly gabbing away like a man submerged under water finally being allowed to breathe again.<br><br>
You smile, and continue along your way. It'll take a while for him to get it, but the fact that he's trying to do better means he'll get there eventually, and you're sure that Elodie will be deeply appreciative that her father is less of an embarrassment.<br><br>
[[Continue exploring the party->day4mansionHub]]<<run $day4hub.push("jacques")>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionParlor.jpg]]@@<br>
It looks like most of the younger nobles are gathered together lively drinking and chatting in the mansion's parlor. The most lively of the bunch by a large margin is Jacques, whose roguish antics have made him the center of attention as usual, as well as the object of more than a few admiring looks.<br><br>
All in all, it's not unlike many youthful drinking parties that you've been a part of in alehouses or sometimes just gathered together outside with a bottle of spirits. The fact that they're wearing expensive silks and drinking from goblets changes less than you'd have expected. Maybe if circumstances were different then you might be happy to join in with everyone, but dressed as the Princess it's the last thing that you want to get caught up in.<br><br>
You attempt to slip past the group, trying to look like you're busy, but before you're even half-way across the room the voice that you were dreading calls out. <<jacques "Hey, your Highness! Come on over!">><br><br>
You turn around and find Jacques beckoning you over with a warm smile on his face. All conversation in the room quickly dies down, and you find every young man and woman's eyes looking up at you with interest. You hesitate, trying to think of an excuse, but under all this scrutiny you can't think of anything that wouldn't just provoke questions.<br><br>
You suppress a groan, this is exactly the kind of thing that you'd been trying to avoid, but it looks like there's nothing for it now. Jacques shuffles up to make space in the circle for you next to him. You're not thrilled about the idea of being next to Jacques, but when you look around the room of hopeful faces, all wishing that you'd sit next to them instead, it rapidly seems like the safest place to be.<br><br>
The moment you settle down you can see every young noble in the circle lean forward, desperate to catch your attention. You brace yourself, but before the words can leave their lips Jacques bombastically starts another story.<br><br>
<<jacques "Come to think of it, what Antoine said earlier about swordplay reminds me of something that happened to me once...">><<br>>
You can tell that the group would much rather focus on the crown princess in their midst, but now they can't without interrupting Jacques, and somehow his force of personality is strong enough to make doing so tricky. You can see a few annoyed faces, but he's charismatic enough that nobody seems to stay mad for long.<br><br>
Once it's over Jacques' story inspires a few topics of conversation in the group, but it's clear that most are still much more interested in you. However, just like before, the moment that they're about to pester you Jacques suddenly swings into boisterous action, this time with an obnoxious physical demonstration.<br><br>
It's when it happens for the third time that it becomes clear to you that it's no accident, though you're sure that the rest of the group are none the wiser.<br><br>
<<link "Ask him what he's doing">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $jacquesConvo to "ask">>
<<goto "day4mansionJacques2">>
<<link "Let it happen">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $jacquesConvo to "let">>
<<goto "day4mansionJacques2">>
/* [[Ask him what he's doing->day4mansionJacques2][$badger += 1][$jacquesConvo to "ask"]]<br>
[[Let it happen->day4mansionJacques2][$swallow += 1][$jacquesConvo to "let"]] */<<if $jacquesConvo is "ask">>
When the conversation drifts elsewhere you slide closer to Jacques and, in a low voice so that you're not overheard, ask him what he thinks he's playing at.<br><br>
An awkward smile crosses his face at being called out. After a <<jacques "tsk">> of disappointment he whispers back <<jacques "So you noticed did you? I should have expected that, you're smart.">><br><br>
With a shrug he confesses <<jacques "You're interesting, your Highness. Kinda fascinating to be honest, and I want to know more.">><br><br>
You glance at him warily, scared that he's onto you, but that doesn't seem to be what he meant.<br><br>
<<jacques "You're not like all the other noblewoman I've met on this trip - you've got this spark to you. It's refreshing to be honest. The problem is that you're so damn nervous all the time. Anytime anyone tries to talk to you you get this look on your face like you're carefully choosing how to react and picking the safest option.">><br><br>
He gestures around the circle. <<jacques "If I let these guys at you you'd be squirming uncomfortably and beating a hasty retreat in moments, and I'd dislike that because I happen to think that you're damn better company than you seem to think you are.">><br><br>
You find yourself infuriated by his words. How //dare// he pretend to know what's going on with you, and then have the arrogance to presume what's best for you.<br><br>
You're just about to tell him off when a boy across the circle, who looks like he might have had too much wine, calls out <<blue "oooh~, the //lovers// are whispering to each other!">><br><br>
He's immediately elbowed in the ribs by the girl next to him, but the damage is done - now the two of you are the focus of everyone's attention. To make matters worse, you can feel the warmth on your face that can only mean that you've flushed red. You're //sure// that it must be from anger, but //they// don't know that.<br><br>
<<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>
The last thing that you want to do is to stay in this situation any longer, but you still need to ask jacques for his help making a distraction tonight. Unfortunately, the only way that you'll be able to do so now is to remain in this awkward situation.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Stay here and ask Jacques for help">>
<<goto [[day4mansionJacquesEscape]]>>
<<link "I can't handle it. Give up on escaping tonight and get out of here">>
<<unset $escaping>>
<<unset $escapePartner>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>There's no way that you're going to stick around here, so after a moment of squirming uncomfortably you stiffly stand up beat a hasty retreat.
[[Get out of there->day4mansionJacquesComplain]]<</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
The last thing that you want is to stay in this situation any longer, so after a moment of squirming uncomfortably you stiffly stand up and beat a hasty retreat.<br><br>
[[Get out of there->day4mansionJacquesComplain]]
<<run $rob.facts.pushUnique("A heroic soldier saved the town from disaster the day after the royal tour left. Could it have been Robiers?")>>
You don't know what he thinks he's playing at, but you're not exactly going to cause a fuss about it either. Instead you just let it happen.<br><br>
Every time he pulls attention towards himself more and more people end up getting distracted by smaller conversations, and your presence in the circle becomes less and less of a novelty. Over time you're less and less a princess among mere nobles and, instead, simply 'the girl who's been sitting there for a while'.<br><br>
Before long Jacques doesn't even need to distract people any more. Like a frog in a pot, they've acclimated to your presence without noticing that it was happening. In fact, the energy that had felt so stifling before is now so diffused that when the pair sitting next to you mention your hometown in conversation, you find yourself comfortably listening in.<br><br>
"Yes, it's just a small place. My father was the last in line, so it's lucky we were given titles to //anywhere// really. It has it's
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
troubles - a couple of dandies keep on managing to get into the galas to flirt with the petty noblewomen, for one. But
<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>
troubles - lots of poverty, for one. There's a lot of beggars in the streets, especially after the last few bad harvests. But
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
troubles - all sorts of drunks lining the public houses and making a ruckus at night, for one. But
<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>
troubles, but
it's not too bad, all things considered."
<<blue "I guess that the royal tour visiting three days ago must have been exciting then.">><br><br>
<<pink "Sure, at //first//. But if assassins attacking comes with it, then it's an excitement that we'd better off without! Those weirdos who came the next day too - what a nightmare!">><br><br>
The nobleman nods, clearly already familiar with the weirdos in question. You, on the other hand, have no idea what she's talking about, and are too concerned to stop yourself from interjecting into their conversation to ask about them.<br><br>
The pair seem completely taken aback by the crown princess suddenly addressing them. They must have all but forgotten that you were there.<br><br>
<<pink "Your Grace! Umm... well, it was all rather strange really. The day after the royal convoy left we had another attack, of a sort. A bunch of black-hooded ne'er-do-wells slipped into the keep that night, carrying all sorts of strange vials and chemicals. We've no idea what they were up to - nothing good I fear.">><br><br>
<<blue "It's so lucky that they were taken out before they could do any harm.">><br><br>
<<pink "That's the wonder of it! It was a single soldier that did it - not even a local, some royal guardsman who stayed behind after the rest of the tour left. He managed to single handedly take down every one of them, and there were over a dozen! He even helped us work out how they had come in - through a cell in the jail that had had it's bars removed. Then he stole a horse and rode off before we could properly thank him...">> You notice that the noblewoman's face has blushed a light pink as she thinks about the soldier. <<pink "He was... well, he was wonderful really. Truly handsome too...">><br><br>
Her friend teases her for her little crush, and you can't help but smile at the sweet exchange. However, when you glance around the room, you find Jacques looking at you with an annoyingly smug smile on his face.<br><br>
<<jacques "Well well.">> He says when he sees you notice him. <<jacques "I didn't know that you had it in you, Princess.">><br><br>
<<jacques "I've been traveling with you for two days now, and not //once// have I seen you join a conversation that you weren't forced into. It's nice to see you come out of your shell a little.">><br><br>
His words immediately piss you off. How dare he speak to you like this? What's worst is that something about his self-satisfied expression makes you think that he might think that //he's// the cause of your change in behavior.<br><br>
You don't know what expression you made, but something about your reaction is enough to make Jacques' eyes wrinkle with mirth - like your scowl comes off as //cute// to him. You feel your face heat up as you go red at the situation, though you're absolutely //certain// that it's from anger rather than anything else.<br><br>
Seeming not to notice the tension between you (or perhaps because of it), your two new acquaintances stumble into the conversation in the worst way possible. <<pink "Umm, so, how long have you two been courting?">><br><br>
The words hit you like a shot to the chest, leaving you spluttering and rushing to deny the accusation. However, in your flustered hurry the words don't manage to form correctly, and what comes out of your mouth is more like a loud squeak than a calm response.<br><br>
<<jacques "Oh, I haven't the honor of courting her Highness. We just met the other day.">> Jacques calmly but firmly replies.<br><br>
However the damage is already done, after the noise you made everyone around the circle is looking your way. The faces seem mainly surprised, but there's a few wryly amused expressions out there. One girl even whispers something to the one sitting next to her, and they both giggle.<br><br>
<<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>
The last thing that you want to do is to stay in this situation any longer, but you still need to ask jacques for his help making a distraction tonight. Unfortunately, the only way that you'll be able to do so now is to remain in this awkward tension.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Stay here and ask Jacques for help">>
<<goto [[day4mansionJacquesEscape]]>>
<<link "I can't handle it. Give up on escaping tonight and get out of here">>
<<unset $escaping>>
<<unset $escapePartner>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>There's no way that you're going to stick around here, so you stiffly stand up and beat a hasty retreat.<br><br>
[[Get out of there->day4mansionJacquesComplain]]<</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
The last thing that you want is to stay in this situation any longer, so you quickly stand up and beat a hasty retreat.<br><br>
[[Get out of there->day4mansionJacquesComplain]]
<</if>>You awkwardly stay in place, your cheeks burning. Luckily, it doesn't take too long for the conversation to move on, and as it does you lean over to whisper your request in Jacques' ear.
He gives you an appraising look, clearly surprised. <<jacques "This isn't like you, Princess...">> he wonders to himself.<br><br>
For a second you worry that he won't do it, but a moment later his face creases into his characteristic easygoing, mischievous smirk.<br><br>
<<jacques "Fuck it, I'm in. I don't know what you're planning to do with this distraction, but it must be //real// interesting to get even //you// to act so foolishly. I'll do it.">><br><br>
You can't help but smile, convincing him was as easy as you'd hoped. However, as you turn your attention back to the wider circle, you realize that more than a few of them are glancing at your unsubtle conspiratorial whispering, and you're sure that you look even more like lovers than you did before.<br><br>
Your face flushes red again. This time, at least, there's nothing stopping you from beating a hasty retreat<br><br>
[[Get out of there->day4mansionJacquesComplain]]You stiffly leave the room, but even afterwards your flushed face shows no sign of fading. Something about that really got to you.<br><br>
It feels like what you //really// need is just someone to complain to. You look around and quickly see a young girl in the corner who looks like she might have already had a little much to drink. With any luck she'll be too wasted to notice that you're meant to be the Princess.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Complain to her">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<include [[day4mansionJacquesComplain2]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
[[Don't bother->day4mansionHub]]
</span>You slide in next to the girl, who blearily looks up at you without recognition flickering in her eyes, in fact, they're having difficulty focusing on you at all.<br><br>
<<pink "Mmm... hey, whassup?">> she mumbles drunkenly in greeting.<br><br>
You immediately begin a tirade of complaints about Jacques. About that stupid lackadaisical smirk. About how weirdly strong he is. About how he //always// seems to know the right thing to say. About how everywhere he goes he seems to be surrounded by friends in moments. About how he keeps on //rescuing// you. About how he keeps doing stupidly audacious things, and then somehow afterwards people think it's //charismatic// instead of annoying.<br><br>
<<pink "I- I don't think I get it.">> Says your captive audience after you've been talking for some time. <<pink "Like, I can tell that you're //really// angry about this dude. Like, your tone of voice is //super// pissed off and stuff. But everything that you're actually saying is, like, talking about how cool and strong and witty he is? None of this is stuff that would make someone upset, you know? It's all about how much he's looking out for you and is good at words and stuff. If it wasn't for your tone of voice, I'd think that you were president of his fan club.">><br><br>
Ugh. This is //useless//. She doesn't understand at //all//.<br><br>
[[Storm off in a huff->day4mansionHub]]<<run $day4hub.push("king")>>
More to get away from other people than anything you find your way over to the open door of the mansion's library, figuring that people might not think to bother you if you look studiously engrossed in a book.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionKing.jpg]]@@<br>
The Baron's library is well stocked and the stacks of paper notes around the place indicate that he's probably a bit of a scholar himself. You find that you don't have to force yourself very hard to quickly find yourself interested in some of the tomes.<br><br>
You take down one of the books and start leafing through the pages and soon you're learning about far away places and things that you've never heard of before. Which is why you don't notice that other people have entered the room until it's too late.<br><br>
With a slam, the door to the library shuts, leaving the room in relative darkness compared to the well lit hallway. You're reading in an alcove out of sight but you suddenly realize that five people had made their way into the room and closed the door behind them, of which two are talking together in serious tones.<br><br>
<<king "Why did you drag me here, Baron? Surely you can say everything in front of the lords. I can't stand secrecy.">> comes the first voice, loud and earnest.<br><br>
<<blue "Of course, your Highness, of course.">> comes the second voice, this one reedier and weaseling. <<blue "I simply wanted to //implore// you to reconsider. The independence of the southern nobles from the viceroy laws has long been held sacrosanct, to erase such a precedent would-">><br><br>
<<king "Would be exactly what will stop monsters like the Droarts from torturing their townspeople for fun in the future, Baron.">> interrupts the loud voice tersely.<br><br>
In spite of yourself, you find that you're leaning forward towards the conversation in order to overhear what they're saying better. However, as you do so you accidentally knock against a candlestand which makes a metallic ringing noise as it falls to the floor.<br><br>
The room goes deathly silent for a moment, then there's the chilling sound of swords being drawn. Five figures walk carefully around the corner which you were situated behind - three soldiers in the now familiar burgundy uniform, all with their swords raised towards you, a thin bald man, the baron you presume, and last of all the person that you wanted to see the least - the tall, regal figure of the King.<br><br>
[[Panic->day4mansionKing12]]<<run $king.facts.delete("If he sees you he'll be able to tell that you're an imposter and you'll be done for")>>
<<blue"State your name, Miss!">> barks one of the soldiers.<br><br>
You know that you can't pretend to be the Princess in front of the King, but your brain turns to mush as you quickly try to think of a name that might give you a chance of survival.<br><br>
Luckily it doesn't prove necessary. The Baron gestures airily towards you as if dismissing your existence. <<blue "Some minor-noble brat I'm sure, they're always snooping around at these things - like rats. They're lucky I permit their presence at all, especially one so... homely. Kick her out of here, guards!">><br><br>
Suddenly the King seems to erupt with anger, his thick manelike <<print $king.hair>> hair seeming to almost stand on end as he hears the Baron's words. <<king "You will //not// refer to this girl in such a rude tone, Baron! Even if you can't bring yourself to care for the sake of basic human dignity, you should at least remember that she is my //subject//, and an insult towards her is as rude as one towards me. I think that it is //you// who should leave, not her. And for the gods' sake put down your weapons, men, can't you see that you're scaring the poor girl?">><br><br>
The Baron stands aghast at the King's outrage. He splutters awkwardly for a moment trying to think of a retort but then defeatedly storms out of the library. The soldiers obey the King's orders and sheathe their weapons.<br><br>
<<king "Follow him, would you?">> the King asks the soldiers wearily. When they tense up at the idea of leaving the King alone and unguarded he reassures them <<king "It's him that I really need to watch out for, not this young woman. Make sure that he doesn't embarrass himself anymore than he already has.">>
With a salute, the soldiers follow his command, leaving the King alone as he finally turns all of his attention towards you.<br><br>
His face breaks into a kind comforting smile, and the way his gray eyes crease lets you immediately know that it's an expression that comes naturally to him. He's taller than you - taller than most men that you've met in your life, so stoops down a little to put you both at the same eyeline as to try not to scare you. It's a silly action and he looks a little funny doing it but it comes off as more earnestly sweet than patronizing - more interested in making you feel safe than preserving his own dignity.<br><br>
<<king "I'm so sorry about him. He's what we in the Capital would call an //asshole//. What's your name, miss?">><br><br>
<<link "Make up something simple. I'm Susan">>
<<goto [[day4mansionKing2]]>>
<<set $king.nameLie to "susan">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Make up something that sounds fancy. I'm Madeleine de lâ Félicitÿé">>
<<goto [[day4mansionKing2]]>>
<<set $king.nameLie to "maddie">>
<<link "Make up something smart. I'm miss de la Ruthe, the madame's daughter">>
<<goto [[day4mansionKing2]]>>
<<set $king.nameLie to "ruthe">>
<</link>><<run $king.facts.push("He saw you at the Baron's party, and thinks that you're <<if $king.nameLie is 'ruthe'>>miss de la Ruthe<<elseif $king.nameLie is 'maddie'>>called Madeleine de lâ Félicitÿé<<elseif $king.nameLie is 'susan'>>called Susan<<else>><<error>><</if>>.")>>
<<if $voice is 0>>
In your nervousness, your voice comes out gruff and masculine. You start to panic, coughing a little to try to cover for it, but the King doesn't even blink at the incongruity.
<<elseif $voice is 1>>
In your nervousness, your voice breaks a little as you reply. You search his face for a sign of danger, but the King doesn't even blink at the incongruity.
<<elseif $voice is 2>>
Your well-trained voice responds clearly and eloquently as you give your false-name.
<<elseif $voice is 3>>
Your well-trained voice responds clearly and eloquently as you give your false-name.
<</if>><<hovertip "voice check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
<<if $king.nameLie is "ruthe">>
<<king "Ahh">> says the King <<king "I know your mother, a wonderful lady of unwavering dignity, a trait that I'm sure you share.">>
<<if $king.nameLie is "susan">>
<<king "A beautiful name for a girl in the flower of her youth.">> remarks the King.
<<if $king.nameLie is "maddie">>
<<king "Ahh, Maddie, is it? A beautiful name.">> Remarks the King, immediately shortening your attempt at fanciness into something short and cute.
He holds his hand out in front of him and you stare at it for a second before instinctively and stupidly putting yours forward to meet it in a handshake. Your eyes bulge with horror at the impending faux-pas, but instead of hesitating the broad-chested man smoothly plucks your hand up into his, dwarfing yours in his own as he gracefully leans forward to plant a kiss upon it before you can even understand what's happening.<br><br>
It's just a kiss on the hand, a perfectly normal greeting for nobles, but you're so in shock from being face to face with the king whose daughter you're impersonating that the gentle action makes you gasp.<br><br>
<<king "You know, I have a daughter about the same age as you. She should be here tonight, and I don't doubt she's already causing a ruckus. Come to think of it, she has a dress just like yours. I'm sure you'd get along well and she really could use a friend, could I ask you to keep an eye on her for me?">><br><br>
You're too scared to do anything but nod. As you do so his face opens up into a broad smile again. <<king "That's a load off my mind. Now, I must go deal with the assholes some more, I hope that you have a great evening.">><br><br>
As he stands up to full height he reaches over and ruffles your hair a little before he leaves. Okay - //now// it's patronizing, but something about his sincere uncomplicated demeanor makes it a little endearing, like he hasn't worked out how to have talks like this but is trying //really// hard.<br><br>
[[Return to the foyer->day4mansionHub]]<<run $day4hub.push("ruthe")>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionRuthe.jpg]]@@<br>
You go and find Madame de la Ruthe, she //did// rescue you at the beginning of the party after all, it would be rude to deny her request.<br><br>
When you see a dimly lit room with thick smoke billowing out of it you know that you found the right place. As you enter you can't help but cough as you're assaulted by the cigarette fumes. You wade through the haze and find her reclining alone.<br><br>
The scene could be quite lonely, an older woman sitting by herself in an empty room, but something about it seems anything but sad. Instead, you're struck by the image of a spider in the middle of a web, only rather than spider-silk she's surrounded by threads of wispy smoke drifting through the air. You're sure that you're not the only important visitor she's 'booked' to visit her this evening.<br><br>
<<if $day4hub.length is 1>>
The woman arches her brow when she sees you. <<ruthe "Came straight here, gal? Hardly reputable behavior for the young to be so keen to spend time with the old, but I'll take it as a compliment. Join me!">>
<<elseif $day4hub.length gte 5>>
The woman arches her brow when she sees you. <<ruthe "Took your damn time, didn't you gal? I was about to give up on you. Oh well, it's reputable behavior for the young to have their fun before spending time with the old I suppose. Join me!">>
The woman gestures towards you with her pipe when she sees you. <<ruthe "Ahh, there she is, our future ruler in the flesh.">> she says, though her tone is more amused than respectful. <<ruthe "Join me!">>
/* The way she says the last two words is rich with meaning. Intentionally or not, it definitely flirts with being an order, rather than a suggestion. If it was said with any */
She gestures vaguely to a chair nearby, but doesn't even wait for you to sit down properly before she's already continuing. <<ruthe "The Baron is ever such an //arse//, but it always plays to one's benefit to remain on good terms with anyone willing to ply you with brandy. Care for a glass, dear?">>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Have some brandy with the Madame">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<ruthe "Go help yourself then, gal. The bottle's on the table.">> You can't help but be a little impressed at her gumption to make royalty serve themselves as you make yourself a drink.<br><br>
As you bring it to your lips you're awed by the flavor. <<ruthe "Good, isn't it? The man knows how to keep me content enough not to mention his bastards.">> says the Madame, with a conspiratorial wink.<br><br>
<<include [[day4mansionRutheAppend]]>>
<<link "Best not to let my guard down, refuse.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
The woman laughs at your refusal. <<ruthe "Your loss then gal, I'll gladly have the lot!">> True to her words she leans forward to refill her glass, giving a little sigh of contentment as she brings it to her lips.<br><br>
<<include [[day4mansionRutheAppend]]>>
</span><<ruthe "Now, let's get to business then shall we? Would you care to explain why the crown princess happens to be a young boy all dolled up in criss-cross-dress, my dear?">><br><br>
/* Your eyes widen with shock as you try to parse what the Madame just said. You've definitely heard people use the word before, but only as a children's playground insult - the way she says the words makes it clear that it's not something quite that simple, but you don't really understand //what//. More pressing, however, is that it //definitely// doesn't sound like something you'd say to someone who you think is a girl. You feel yourself tense up nervously at your cover likely being blown.<br><br> */
Your eyes widen with shock at having your secret be blurted out so flippantly.<br><br>
The Madame de la Ruthe is watching your anxious face with wry amusement. <<ruthe "Oh those expressions do bring me back. Why, in my youth I had half a dozen of you sweet little things locked up, and you'd all come lapping at my heels like //puppies// when I got home in the evening.">><br><br>
You don't fully understand what 'locked up' might imply, but that doesn't stop a light blush from reaching your cheeks as your brain struggles to find a suitable mental image.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Don't worry, gal, I can smell a scandal when I see one but I understand why you don't want to tell me, lord knows //I'm// not to be trusted with why the crown Princess is some sort of //delicate hobbledehoy//. I'm sure that these yokels are too head-over-heels about meeting royalty to notice but frankly my dear you're doing the court a disservice looking like you are. You //must// be new at this whole thing.">><br><br>
You can't help but be reminded of when <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux<<else>>the man who gave you the potion<</if>> confronted you in the citadel. Back then he'd noticed that you weren't the Princess, but hadn't realized that you were a guy. In comparison, the Madame //definitely// seems to have clocked that you're not a girl, but, weirdly, nothing in her tone seems to suggest that she thinks that you couldn't be the Princess. But... that doesn't make any sense, surely? You can't wrap your head around any situation in which those facts could possibly align.<br><br>
<<link "I don't like this situation - stand up and take a ready stance. Fight or Flight.">>
<<set $rutheAct to "fight">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto [[day4mansionRuthe2]]>>
<<link "She hasn't done anything yet - try my hardest to get on her good side first. Freeze and Appease.">>
<<set $rutheAct to "appease">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto [[day4mansionRuthe2]]>>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<</link>><<setter "rutheAct to 'fight'" "rutheAct to 'appease'">>
<<set $ruthe.desc to "A cunning older woman who views feminisation as an area of expertise of hers.">>
<<if $rutheAct is "fight">>
You rise to your feet and take a ready stance. Your eyes scan the room nervously in case this is all a trap, making sure that there's no figures hiding in ambush in the mists of the smoke-filled room, but none seem to be there.<br><br>
You weren't planning on attacking the older woman, it's more about being ready to bolt at a moment's danger, but you had at least been bargaining on being //somewhat// intimidating by taking such a surly stance. Instead, the Madame doesn't seem phased in the slightest.<br><br>
<<ruthe "My //word//. Still throwing silly little hissy fits, are you? Heaven knows what your mother must be doing with you, leaving you so half-trained. My heart goes out for you, it really does - stuck in the bratty middle-stage where you're still resisting it all enough to hate yourself for it. Terrible shame, but then, your Mother was never one for the //compassionate// route, was she?">> She pauses for a moment, smiling mischievously to herself at some conjured memory.<br><br>
<<ruthe "But, pitiable or not...">> Suddenly, her relaxed expression shifts and she locks eyes with you with an intensity that takes the breath out of your lungs. <<ruthe "I will //NOT// tolerate such tiresome indignities in my presence. Do you understand, //child//?">><br><br>
<<if $auth is 0>>
You feel your spine straighten at her words. There's power to them, nothing supernatural or anything, just the power of someone who's spent a lifetime getting her own way and has learnt how to use her voice to command others. You're powerless in the face of it, and all of your bluster immediately leaves you. Feeling immature and foolish, you meekly find yourself sitting back down<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
At your reaction, her stern expression once again returns to a relaxed smile. <<ruthe "Good //girl//">>.
<<elseif $auth is 1>>
You feel your spine straighten at her words. There's power to them, nothing supernatural or anything, just the power of someone who's spent a lifetime getting her own way and has learnt how to use her voice to command others. You've trained in it yourself over the last few days, but it suddenly becomes clear that you've only learnt how to //use// it, not //resist// it. You at least manage to contain the urge to sit back down obediently, but it's still more than enough to make you bow your head meekly, and for your defiance to feel immature and foolish.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
At your reaction, her stern expression once again returns to a relaxed smile. <<ruthe "Good //girl//">>.
<<elseif $auth is 2>>
You feel your spine straighten at her words. There's power to them, nothing supernatural or anything, just the power of someone who's spent a lifetime getting her own way and has learnt how to use her voice to command others. You can't help but grimace as you try to force yourself to do anything other than obediently sitting back down. You just about manage it, but not before your brow is wet with cold sweat from the exertion.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The Madame raises an eyebrow in surprise at your defiance, but she seems more amused than frustrated by how much you're struggling to resist.
<<elseif $auth is 3>>
You feel your spine straighten at her words. There's power to them, nothing supernatural or anything, just the power of someone who's spent a lifetime getting her own way and has learnt how to use her voice to command others. Luckily, you've trained in the same over the last few days. Every fiber of your being is telling you to obediently sit back down, but you just about manage to resist the urge.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The Madame wrinkles her nose in displeasure at your defiance. <<ruthe "So //this// is what your mother has been teaching you, has she? What a waste.">>
<<elseif $auth gte 4>>
You feel your spine straighten at her words. There's power to them, nothing supernatural or anything, just the power of someone who's spent a lifetime getting her own way and has learnt how to use her voice to command others. Luckily, you've trained in the same over the last few days. Every fiber of your being is telling you to obediently sit back down, but you manage to force yourself to resist the urge. Instead, you make sure to keep firm eyecontact with the woman, so she can see the defiance in your eyes.<<hovertip "authority check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The Madame wrinkles her nose in displeasure at your resistance. <<ruthe "So //this// is what your mother has been teaching you, has she? What a waste.">>
She has the advantage over you, but she hasn't exposed you yet. In fact, you have no idea what she seems to want from you at all. For now, it's in your best interests to get on her good side.<br><br>
<<if $cute is 0>>
You try your hardest to look nonthreatening, doting, and perhaps even a little pitiable. However, to be honest you don't even know where to start. You can feel your eyes bulging from stress as you falter nervously, knowing that you're making a bad impression but lacking the knowledge to do anything better.<<hovertip "cuteness check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The madame wrinkles her nose in distaste at your ungainly behavior. <<ruthe "Oh my, you //are// a wretched little thing, aren't you? What a mess.">>
<<elseif $cute is 1>>
You try your hardest to look nonthreatening, doting, and perhaps even a little pitiable. You're still new at this kind of thing, so all that you can manage is to smile sweetly.<<hovertip "cuteness check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br><br>
The Madame doesn't seem particularly impressed at the display. <<ruthe "Well, it's a start, but you've got a lot further to go if you really want be //presentable//.">>
<<elseif $cute is 2>>
You use what you've learned over the last few days to try to look nonthreatening, doting, and perhaps even a little pitiable. You make your eyes wide and earnest, and even leave your mouth slightly agape, as if you're hanging on her every word so hard that you don't think to close it.<br><br>
The madame smiles at the display, clearly pleased. <<ruthe "Now //that's// more like it. I knew that you had some appeal in you, if you only put some effort into it.">>
<<elseif $cute gte 3>>
You use what you've learned over the last few days to try to look nonthreatening, doting, and perhaps even a little pitiable. You make your eyes wide and earnest, your mouth slightly agape, as if you're hanging on her every word so hard that you don't think to close it, and crane your body forwards towards her.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Ahh, //there// you go, that's what I like to see.">> Praises the Madame at your behavior, leaning forward in her chair so that she can reach over, hook a finger under your chin, and lightly scratch the soft skin underneath with a beckoning motion, as one would a cat. The effect might be slightly nicer if she cared to avoid blowing smoke in your face now that she's closer to you.
<<ruthe "You don't have to worry about little old me.">> the Madame says, completely unconvincingly. <<ruthe "Epicene gender-rascals like yourself just so happen to be an area of //expertise// of mine. Expertise that you're //sorely// lacking in, from the look of you.">><br><br>
She looks you up and down with a look of displeasure on her face, in a way that feels so penetrating that you feel like she's looking straight through your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>dress<<else>>clothing<</if>> and inspecting your body underneath. You find yourself shifting uneasily under her gaze.<br><br>
The woman rattles off a list of deficiencies, gesturing towards you with her cigarette holder as she goes, leaving paintstrokes of white smoke lazily drifting through in the air in its wake.
"<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>Your hair is as messy as a birdsnest. <</if>><<if ndef $pc.nails>>Your nails are as grubby as a farmer's. <</if>><<if ndef $shave>>You're covering so much skin that you look like you've got something to hide. <</if>><<if $pc.makeup isnot 1>>You're not wearing makeup, and I can see every damnable inch of your damn-near pockmarked skin. <</if>><<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>I bet you're not even wearing //panties// under there. <</if>><<if $grace lte 1>> You move around as inelegantly as a boar. <</if>><<if $voice lte 1>>Your voice is disgustingly deep. <</if>>You're gangly. You're //ugly//. You're too nervous and it's making you //sweaty//. And to make matters worse, from the way you're standing I can tell that you're not even locked up!"
You find yourself mentally reeling from the rapid-fire berating. You don't even know what she means by //locked up//. However, before you can offer a retort she admits <<ruthe "But... I suppose I can see the //potential// in you... If you started taking the whole thing //seriously//, and with a bit of help from me, I could see you becoming quite the debutante.">><br><br>
<<ruthe "So...">> Her eyes twinkle as she makes her offer. <<ruthe "Care to let an old madame show you the ropes?">><br><br>
<<link "I don't like it, but I could really use her help. Agree.">>
<<goto "day4mansionRutheAccept">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "I want nothing to do with this, I'm getting out of here!">>
<<goto "day4mansionRutheLeave">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<setter "stashedStuff to true" "stashedStuff to false" "stashedStuff to undefined">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
The Madame smiles foxily at your acceptance.<br><br>
She gestures at you imperiously with her pipe. <<ruthe "Well, go on then, let's look at you properly.">><br><br>
You're a little confused. Hasn't she already inspected you very thoroughly? What else would she need to see?<br><br>
"Oh come now, silly little thing. Do you really think that I could help you without at least seeing //everything// that you have to offer? I suppose I don't need you //completely// naked to know what I'm working with, but at the very least I'll need you to
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>
lift that dress for me."
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
pull down those leggings for me."
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
lift that skirt for me."
Your eyes immediately flicker to the doorway, which is still standing completely open. You can see partygoers happily chatting away in the well lit hall - she can't really expect you to expose yourself in these conditions, can she? However, when your gaze returns to the Madame she seems as relaxed as ever. Jeez, she absolutely //does// - this room is so dim compared to the hallway, and the smoke so thick, that while you have a clear view outside, anyone looking in would only be able to see a misty haze, or at least you hope as much.<br><br>
Something about the way that she's looking at you makes you think that this striptease might be less essential than she's letting on.<br><br>
<<link "Expose myself, but only after closing the door to the hallway">>
<<set $rutheAct to "closed">>
<<goto "day4mansionRutheAccept2">>
<<link "Just do it with the door open. I can't risk the attention that being seen closing the door might draw.">>
<<set $rutheAct to "open">>
<<goto "day4mansionRutheAccept2">>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Offer the gems I have stashed on my person to avoid having to degrade myself">>
<<goto "day4mansionRutheGems">>
<</link>><<hovertip "If you do this, you won't be able to use the gems elsewhere in the future">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<elseif $stashedStuff is false>>
<<hovertip "You've already used the gems.">>@@color:#797979;==Offer the gems I have stashed on my person to avoid having to degrade myself==@@<</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "You don't have anything that the Madame would want">>@@color:#797979;==Offer the Madame de la Ruthe something in exchange for not exposing myself==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "I'm not going to do this. Get out of here.">>
<<goto "day4mansionRutheLeave">>
<</link>><<setter "rutheAct to 'closed'" "rutheAct to 'open'">>
<<if $rutheAct is "closed">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
Even if the people out there can't see through the haze there's no way you'll expose yourself with the door wide open.<br><br>
You murmur an excuse to the Madame and go to close it. The older woman makes a chiding noise and mutters <<ruthe "What a //fussy// thing you are, worrying about frivolous things like that...">>, clearly bemused that //anyone// would worry about such matters.<br><br>
As you close the ornate doors, you notice more than a few partygoers outside glance over with interest. You're sure that rumors about your oddly illicit behavior will be spreading throughout the party before you know it.<br><br>
Once the doors are shut you turn around, and find that the Madame has changed her seating in her chair. Gone is the disdainful languish, she's now leaning forward eagerly in her seat. <<ruthe "Well, go on then!">> She calls out, gesturing at you with her cigarette holder impatiently.
<<elseif $rutheAct is "open">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
If you were seen closing the door, who knows what people might think you were up to. It feels terrifyingly exposed, but you reassure yourself that nobody will be able to see into the room through the smoke.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Good choice, gal!">> The Madame all but cheers at your response. <<ruthe "It's very important to get used to doing things in front of people. Whether it's attracting stares as a good piece of arm candy, or well-and-truly allowing yourself to be used for public consumption, you'll be at your best when on display for all to see. Treat this as a first lesson!">><br><br>
Her scandalous words are shocking enough to knock you completely off your game, and you find yourself hesitating nervously.
<<ruthe "Well, go on then!">> she calls out impatiently, gesturing at you to start undressing with her cigarette holder.
You force yourself not to get dissuaded and set about the task.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
Your hands reach for the tight stretchy waistband of your brown leggings and, after a moments pause to steel yours nerves, start to lower your leggings - exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You kneel down to clasp the patterned hem of your long dress with both hands, and then stand to your feet, revealing inch after inch of your <<if def $pc.shave>>supple, hairless<<else>>hairy<</if>> legs as your hands rise with the motion. Soon you're standing there with your hands barely below your pelvis, and with one last movement you pull the hemline upwards, exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
You kneel down to clasp the purple hem of your long dress with both hands, and then stand to your feet, revealing inch after inch of your <<if def $pc.shave>>supple, hairless<<else>>hairy<</if>> legs as your hands rise with the motion. Soon you're standing there with your hands barely below your pelvis, and with one last movement you pull the hemline upwards, exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Your blue skirt is so short that it's on the brink of exposing you anyway, so all it takes is to grab the hem with one hand and, after a moment's pause to steel your nerves, pull it upwards - exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
You reach down to the hem of your dress, clasping bunches of bouncy petticoats in your hands in order to keep them under control as you start to pull them upwards. The manuever is tricky enough that you can't go quickly without losing your grip, so you're forced to slowly unveil inch after inch of your supple hairless thighs almost as if intended to titillate, until finally you get a good enough hold to take it the rest of the way - fully exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
Your pink and white dress is so short that it's mere inches away from exposing you anyway, so all it takes is to grab the hem with one hand and, after a moment's pause to steel your nerves, pull it upwards - exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>.
THIS IS AN <<error>>
Instead of hungrily examining your exposed <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>nudity<<else>>panties<</if>> as you'd expected, you're surprised to see that for a few long moments the Madame's focus remains firmly affixed to your face, scanning intently for every microexpression you make. For a surprisingly tender moment, a smile crosses her face, as if //proud// of you, before she quickly hides it, draws a pair of miniature opera glasses out of her bag, and uses them to peer unscrupulously at your crotch in earnest.<br><br>
<<ruthe "What a //nasty// little jumble you have going on.">> She spits out sharply.
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>
"At least you're wearing appropriate underwear - those <<print $outfit.under.name>> suit you well,
<<if $pc.shave is "legs">>
if only there wasn't horrid hair //sprouting// around the sides.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "hairless">>
and you're all neatly shaved up like you should be.
<<elseif def $pc.shave>>
and you've tidied your pubic hair up nicely.
but you've completely ruined it by not even shaving your legs - you're as furry as a horrid little ferret!
"I thought you had a promiscuous little glint in your eye, to think that you're //filthy// enough to be outside without even //panties// on!
<<if $pc.shave is "legs">>
And with your naughty bits still covered in horrid hair, no less!
<<elseif $pc.shave is "hairless">>
At least you've shaved yourself properly, though I'll bet it's just so you can feel the air against your naughty bits, little slut.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">>
At least you've tidied up your bush a little, though I'll bet it's just so you can feel the air against your naughty bits, little slut.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
At least you've shaved yourself properly, though I'll bet it's just so you can feel the air against your naughty bits, little slut. The heart is a nice touch.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
At least you've shaved yourself properly, though I'll bet it's just so you can feel the air against your naughty bits, little slut, with even a guideline left to help suitors along the way.
And without even shaving your legs - you're a furry as a horrid little ferret!
Her words sting, but to your surprise and embarrassment, your body's reaction to them isn't what you expect. You can feel a stirring in your groin, and a moment later your average cock (or at least, you hope that it's still average) begins to harden.<br><br>
The Madame wrinkles her nose in distaste <<ruthe "Oh heavens! How wretchedly //turgid//. Put that thing away immediately!">><br><br>
You don't need to be told twice and quickly cover yourself up. You're absolutely mortified, but some part of you is confused about her response - she's certainly been looking at you sexually, you'd been expecting stuff like that to be exactly the kind of thing that she'd been trying to see.<br><br>
[[Continue->day4mansionRutheLesson]]<<set $stashedStuff to false>>
The Madame hoots with laughter as you show her the jewels that you have stashed on your person. <<ruthe "Oh my heavens, gal. I have more jewels than I care to as it is. I don't need your //bribes//.">><br><br>
However, after a moments pause she starts to reconsider <<ruthe "Hmm, but... the novelty of a clandestine exchange with a crown-princess-nancy-boy - what a //delectable// offering. I'll do it for the sake of having done it if nothing else. Give them here.">><br><br>
She practically snatches the gemstones from your hand and puts them into her handbag without even looking at them to check their quality.<br><br>
<<include "day4mansionRutheLesson">><<ruthe "So, let's get on with this then, shall we?">> The Madame announces, leaning back into her chair again. <<ruthe "You've got //some// natural talent, undoubtedly. An uncut gem, a diamond in the rough, but my word, what awful //rough//. You're absolutely //drowning// in incompetency...">><br><br>
You're half-expecting the advice that the Madame has to offer to be nothing more than sexualized displays of promiscuity, but you're to surprised to find it unexpectedly mundane. For some time, she has you sit in front of her simply making faces, pretending to look shocked, happy, confused, dejected, and every emotion in between. With every expression you make she points out little details in your micro-expressions with pinpoint accuracy.<br><br>
<<ruthe "It's all about 'brightening' it all up, you see, gal?">> She explains as you go. <<ruthe "Some people live their whole lives trying to shirk out of people's attention, not wanting anyone to notice them - the less animated they look the better. You don't have that option available to you, you're going to be the center of attention no matter what - but nor should you gods-damned want anything else! Brighten up every room you enter! Inspire boring men to write sonnets about you! Be unapologetically radiant! You'll have a much richer life for it, believe me.">><br><br>
Next she has you walk around in front of her, correcting you in much the same way, and then simple actions like standing up and sitting down. It's awkward at first, and you feel tense under the Madame's intense gaze, but before you know it you might even be //enjoying// yourself a little.<br><br>
<<set $cute += 1>>
<<set $cuteBonus += 1>>
<<set $rutheCuteBonus to 3>>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Cuteness skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><br><br>
[[Continue->day4mansionRutheLesson2]]<<run $ruthe.facts.push("Gave you a small package containing something to open later")>>
Then <<if $rutheAct is "closed">>the door of the room is suddenly opened, and a rather plain woman peers inside sheepishly<<else>>a figure suddenly enters the room, a rather plain woman looking around nervously<</if>>. You quickly stop what you were doing, nervous about being seen, but luckily you're certain that her eyes haven't adjusted to the smoky darkness yet.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Ah, my next appointment is here I see!">> Calls out the Madame. <<ruthe "I'll be with you in a moment, girl. Just give us a second!">><br><br>
She turns back to you and leans forward, clasping your hands with hers. The closeness does mean that she ends up breathing a deep exhale of cigarette smoke directly into your face, but somehow you find it less unpleasant than you'd expected. <<ruthe "Let me tell you, gal - it's been a delight. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed this sort of thing. Here, take this, I always try to keep one on me, you never know when you might need one. Open it after the party.">><br><br>
When she leans back in her armchair, you find that she's left a black velvet pouch, about palmsized, in your hands when she clasped them. You're curious as to what's inside, but obediently stow it safely hidden away in your clothing.<br><br>
The Madame waves you away with one last flourish with her cigarette holder, and with a <<ruthe "Now come over here, girl, and tell me //everything//.">> she summons the woman nervously waiting at the doorway.<br><br>
[[Leave the Madame's room->day4mansionHub]]<<run $ruthe.facts.push("Gave you a small package containing something to open later")>>
The Madame doesn't bother to hide her displeasure at being rejected in the slightest.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Tsk, very well. It's //you// who has to go around looking like an embarrassment, not me. You're doing yourself a disservice, but I'm not going to force you.">> she chides, clearly miffed.<br><br>
<<ruthe "Still, at the very //least// I demand that you take a little something. That way I can rest easy knowing that you'll be able to use it when the time finally comes for you and you grow out of this tiresome state.">><br><br>
She reaches into her handbag and pulls out a black velvet pouch, about palmsized, and idly chucks it in your direction, leaving you to scramble to catch it.<br><br>
<<ruthe "I try to keep one on hand for emergencies, you never know when you might need one. Open it after the party.">><br><br>
You're mostly concerned with getting out of this smokey room with this strange woman, so you barely pause as you hastily get out of there.<br><br>
Upon leaving, you've half a mind to throw the little pouch away and not have to think about that experience again. However, you notice a few faces in the crowd watching you with interest now that you're back in the limelight of the soiree, and you'd rather not have an intrigued partygoer pick it up and look inside (not that you'd even know what to expect they'd find if they did). Reluctantly, you stow the little bundle so that it's safely hidden away in your clothing.<br><br>
[[Return to mingling->day4mansionHub]]
/* : : day4mansionRutheAccept {"position":"2275,2100","size":"100,100"}
<<set $sub += 1>>
You don't feel quite comfortable with the lens through which you're being viewed by the older woman, but right now you're in a state where your life depends on your ability to pass as a girl and it sounds like she has experience in such things - it's worth trying to get along with her to get advice.<br><br>
<<if $cute gte 1>>
You think about the practice that you did earlier being cute and expressive and decide to give it a try to get on her good side. You let yourself lean against the woman's nylon-clad legs from your low stool and look up at her with your eyes wide open, hoping that it looks endearing.<br><br>
The Madame seems to like the attention and reaches out to stroke your unkempt hair as if petting a dog. You feel demeaned and humiliated by the position but hopefully it's going to be worth it.
You do your best to try to look respectful and friendly towards the Madame, leaning against the woman's nylon-clad legs as you look up at her. You don't really know what you're doing though and
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Use the jewels that I have hidden on me to get help from her without degrading myself.">>
<<goto [[day4mansionRutheBribe]]>>
: : day4mansionRutheBribe {"position":"2375,2100","size":"100,100"}
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<unset $stashedStuff>>
The Madame hoots with laughter as you show her the jewels that you have stashed on your person. <<ruthe "Oh my heavens, gal. I have more jewels than I care to as it is. I don't need your bribes.">><br><br>
However after a moments pause she starts to reconsider <<ruthe "But... The novelty of a clandestine exchange with a crown-princess-sissy - what a delectable offering. I'll do it for the sake of having done it if nothing else. Give them here.">><br><br>
She practically snatches the gemstones from your hand and puts them into her handbag without even looking at them. Then, she gestures at you with her cigarette holder to stand in front of her. <<ruthe "Come on, let's have a good look at you then.">><br><br>
Not wanting to be seen presenting yourself for inspection you quickly glance at the door to the room. While you can just about make out that the door is still open luckily the smoke is thick enough that anyone entering wouldn't be able to see through the dimly-lit room enough to make you out easily so you do as she asks, standing in front of her.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>
<<ruthe "You're wearing panties. Good!">> she says after a few seconds of inspection. She laughs at your confused face <<ruthe "color:#C36241;"I don't need to see them to know that they're there. It's how you carry yourself, darhling. Keep wearing them, you'll learn a lot.">>
<<ruthe "You're not wearing underwear, are you?">> she says after a few seconds of inspection. You can't stop yourself from reacting in surprise, which elicits an amused chuckle from her <<ruthe "I don't need to see it to know that they're not there. It's how you carry yourself, darhling. <<if def $outfit.dress.name>>Being loose and free under your dress<<else>>Going without<</if>> has it's appeal I suppose, but if you're hoping to be believable you need to get used to wearing them first - learning how they feel on your body, how they make //you// feel wearing them.">>
You're more than a little incredulous that it would make all that much of a difference, but she //did// correctly guess that you <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>were wearing them<<else>>aren't wearing any<</if>> so you can't completely discount the idea.<br><br>
Suddenly she starts rattling off a bunch of stinging criticisms like bullet points. <<ruthe2>>
"Your hair's a mess but you probably don't need me to tell you that;
<<if $voice is 1>>your voice is decent but I can hear you straining now that we've been talking a while;<<else>>you've got the voice of a bull;<</if>>
<<if $grace is 1>>you're holding your shoulders well but your hips are a mess;<<else>>you hold your arms like a gorilla;<</if>>
<<if $cute gte 1>>you keep looking me like some kind of wounded animal and while it's cute it's also quite kickable;<<else>>you keep leering at me like brute;<</if>>
<<if $auth is 2>>and lastly... Well, credit where it's due you're at least speaking like a true lady of high society.<<elseif $auth is 1>>and lastly whenever you're about to talk your face scrunches up while you think of what to say.<<else>>and lastly your vocabulary belongs in an alehouse not in high society.<</if>>
All in all you've got potential but it's all going to waste right now.
: : day4mansionRutheLeave {"position":"2175,2100","size":"100,100"}
You stand up from the stool stiffly, not wanting to be here for any more of the Madame's crude words. Just being looked at through the lens of such a gaze feels suffocating - all your internal complexity ironed out into a flat sexualized image. What makes it worse is that you know that even your refusal to engage with it will be written off as some kind of proof of your sissihood.<br><br>
True enough the Madame laughs uproariously at you as you stand up. <<ruthe "Oh goodness! She's having a little fussy fit is she? Prissy little thing.">> she says between cackles.<br><br>
As you walk away she calls to your retreating back <<ruthe "Fix your damn hair next time, gal. You look like a brick, my dear!">><br><br>
The moment you escape from the smoke-filled room you make a beeline to the nearest waiter to pick up a drink from their tray and practically down it, desperate to get rid of the taste of smoke in your mouth and wipe all trace of that room from you.<br><br>
[[Return->day4mansionHub]] */<<setter "escapePartner to 'jacques'" "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to 'colette'" "escapePartner to 'simone'">>
You've done everything you can to set up your escape attempt, now you just have to hope that <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>Jacques does a good job.<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>Elodie does a good job.<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>Colette holds up her part of the scheme.<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>Simone succeeds in her task.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
As the hour draws near you find a secluded corner near one of the exits in which to sit in wait. A few guests give you odd looks as they go past, wondering why you'd be somewhere so odd, but your freedom is too close at hand to worry about them.<<br>>
Peering through the window, you see what you had been hoping for - the soldiers which had previously been standing resolutely in place around the manorgrounds are looking less and less resolute by the second. Some are nodding as if fighting sleep, some have already met with their night shift replacements and are chatting away with them instead of paying attention to their posts, and others haven't even waited for their replacements to show up and are strolling through the grounds back to the carriages, puffing on cigarettes as they go. It's perfect, now all you need is a distraction.<<br>>
You don't have to wait long. A loud scream rings out from somewhere in the mansion, and quickly you can hear the rushing of feet as both guards and guests go to investigate the noise. You take the opportunity to slip out the exit and into the chill night air.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionEscape.jpg]]@@<br>
The area offers plenty of cover, and you quickly hide yourself behind a bush. You can't rush this - the grounds are still crawling with soldiers, and while the scream means that nobody will be thinking to look for an escaping princess, it will have given them plenty of reason to all look towards the manor. The best plan will be to dart between cover whenever you have a moment of safety and make slow but steady progress before eventually you can steal away into the night.<<br>>
True enough, a small group of soldiers soon rush past your hiding spot to investigate the noise. In their wake, you take the opportunity to push forward and slip behind an ornate fountain.<<br>>
The night is punctuated by a new set of screams, these ones even louder than the first. You can't help but grin at the noise, <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>Jacques has managed to completely outdo himself.<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>Elodie has managed to completely outdo herself.<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>you have no idea what twisted plan Colette put into motion, but you can't help but be impressed.<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>You had expected Simone to do better than she'd dare hope, but she's really outdone herself.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
You continue making slow but steady progress through the gardens, patiently waiting for the perfect gaps when you're sure that no soldiers are looking your way. It's frustrating work - you make good progress navigating around the side of the manorhouse, but every time you plan to make much headway outwards further away from the building you're thwarted by rushing, disorganized soldiers.<<br>>
Still, at least you're working your way towards the back of the manor where it seems like there's less guards. You keep on nervously checking if your distraction is still in place - more screaming, thank goodness.<<br>>
Finally you see your opening - a huge gap with no guards to be seen whatsoever, and a treeline off in the distance that will make your escape all but certain if you manage to reach it.<<br>>
You take a deep breath to prepare yourself, and after a brief prayer for your safety you make a mad dash forward out of your hiding spot...<<br>>
Just as a soldier turns around the corner directly in front of you!<<br>>
[[Fuck!->day4mansionEscape2]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionEscape2.jpg]]@@<br>
You can't help but gasp at the soldiers sudden appearance. He's too close to slip past, you're done for!<<br>>
You raise your arms and bow your head in surrender, knowing that your fate is sealed.<<br>>
<<blue "By the gods...">> The soldier mutters under his breath.<<br>>
It's not the reaction you were expecting, and you look up at him in surprise, only to find that he's not even looking at you. Instead, he's looking wide-eyed at something behind you, too distracted to even acknowledge your presence.<<br>>
He draws his sabre, and you flinch, but he just pushes past you towards the manorhouse, leaving you alone in the garden.<<br>>
You look back to stare his back in awe at your luck, and in doing so finally notice what had captured the man's attention.<<br>>
The window directly behind you is stained red. Blood red. A huge splatter of deep crimson. Freshly spewed, still dripping down the glass.<<br>>
Suddenly, you take in the sounds around you properly. You'd been so focused on your escape that you had barely internalized the noise from the manor as anything other than reassurance that your distraction was still working, but now that you take it in fully it's unmistakable - screams and shouts of terror, alarm, anger, bloodshed, the clatter of weaponry.<<br>>
Just like three days ago when the Scarecrow Killer attacked.<<br>>
It's happening again.<<br>>
[[Shit->day4mansionEscape3]]<<setter "escapePartner to 'jacques'" "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to 'colette'" "escapePartner to 'simone'">>
For a while you just stand there, transfixed by the events in front of you. All thoughts of escape replaced by terrified wonder.<<br>>
Then you see a figure that you recognize, silhouetted in one of the ground floor windows. <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>
It's Jacques, confidently leading a ragtag group of terrified nobles and servants along a corridor.
<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>
It's Elodie, coolheadedly leading a ragtag group of terrified nobles and servants along a corridor.
<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>
It's the unmistakable figure of Colette, all of her bluster and smugness gone, walking terrified and alone down a corridor.
<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>
You'd recognize it anywhere - it's the small figure of Simone, terrified and alone, walking shakily down a corridor.
And behind <<if $escapePartner is "colette" or $escapePartner is "simone">>her<<else>>them<</if>>, seemingly unnoticed, is the shape of someone who you'd hoped to never have to see again - the Scarecrow Killer.<<br>>
If you don't do something you're sure that <<if $escapePartner is "colette" or $escapePartner is "simone">>she'll<<else>>they'll<</if>> be slaughtered. But if you were to intervene not only would your escape plan be ruined but you'll also be throwing yourself directly into danger.<<br>>
You have mere moments to make your decision.<<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>
<<link "Go back and save Jacques">>
<<goto "day4mansionEscape4">>
<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>
<<link "Go back and save Elodie">>
<<goto "day4mansionEscape4">>
<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>
<<link "Go back and save Colette">>
<<goto "day4mansionEscape4">>
<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>
<<link "Go back and save Simone">>
<<goto "day4mansionEscape4">>
<<link "Leave them to their death and get out of here while I still can">>
<<goto "day4endings">>
<</link>><<setter "escapePartner to 'jacques'" "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to 'colette'" "escapePartner to 'simone'">>
Your body reacts on instinct before you even realize that you've made a decision. <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>You're not going to let anyone die if you can help it, even a braggart like Jacques.<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>You're not going to let Elodie die after how much she's helped you.<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>Colette may be a terrifying monster, but not just going to let her die.<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>Simone's helped you so much, and she already means so much to you. There's no way that you're going to let her die.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
You rush back towards the manor, desperately scanning for a way back inside. You find one - a window that must have smashed during the altercation that you're sure that you can fit through. You clamber through the jagged glass as quick as you can manage without skewering yourself.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionEscape4.jpg]]@@<br>
The window takes you behind the Scarecrow Killer, on the other side of the corridor from <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>Jacques. You can see that his group are still unawares, too wary that the killer might be behind the next corridor to consider that it could be right behind them.<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>Elodie. You can see that her group are still unawares, too wary that the killer might be behind the next corridor to consider that it could be right behind them.<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>Colette. Her shaking, terrified figure is too scared that the killer might be behind the next corner to imagine that it could be right behind her.<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>Simone. Her shaking, terrified figure is too scared that the killer might be behind the next corner to imagine that it could be right behind her.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
The ashen figure is maskless, and much like the last time you saw it's already dripping with blood - blood that you doubt is it's own. It stalks hunched over so far that it's almost crawling on all fours like an animal, it's steps eerily silent despite it's thick armor.<<br>>
You shout out an alarm, and <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>Jacques'<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>Elodie's<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>Colette's<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>Simone's<<else>><<error>>'s<</if>> head turns to see the danger behind <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>him<<else>>her<</if>>.<<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>He's<<else>>She's<</if>> not the only one - with terrifying quickness the Scarecrow Killer's neck twists around, and you see the full force of those terrifying eyes directed straight towards you.<<br>>
Then, without saying a word, it starts running. It's previous prey seemingly forgotten - it barrels straight towards you with horrible speed.<<br>>
[[Run!->day4mansionEscape5]]All you can do is run. There's no way that you could go out the way you'd came, it would be on you before you were even half-way through the opening.<<br>>
There's no doubt at all that it's faster than you. Continuing mindlessly down the corridor is a death sentence, you'd be run down in seconds - you have to take your chance on the nearest doorway.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionEscape5.jpg]]@@<br>
You push open the door and almost get a blade in your face for your troubles - there's soldiers inside, nervously making their way through a dim servant's corridor. They're so jumpy so the tension that they immediately point their weapons towards you, and with your momentum you almost run straight into them.<<br>>
<<blue "Oi, watch it, would y-">> One of the soldiers begins, before the terrified look on your face tells them the situation better than your words ever could.<<br>>
You don't even pause, you're already scrambling past them, desperately running down the corridor. From the sounds behind you they meet their death well - none beg or try to flee, even as they're slaughtered to a man.<<br>>
They win you enough time to hurtle out the door on the other end of the corridor but you don't have time to stop and thank them. You take the first left, then a right, then all the way through the little parlor, then a right again, until finally you think that your pursuer has lost you.<<br>>
[[You hope you're correct->day4mansionPeril]]<<setter "crow.warned to true" "crow.warned to undefined" "day4louiseRescue to true" "day4louiseRescue to undefined">>
The hubbub of conversation in the main hall is interrupted by an announcement.<<br>>
<<blue "What a wonderful evening it's been so far, Ladies and Gentleman!">> Calls out an important looking man. <<blue "But now I must interrupt the merriment to herald the very pinnacle of the night. Would you all please follow me to the ballroom for the grand dance?">><<br>>
The announcement is met with resounding cheers of excitement from the assembled nobles. You can't share their enthusiasm - this sounds like trouble, you don't know the first //thing// about how to dance properly.<<br>>
The man opens the large doors on one side of the hall, and the nobles around you surge forward eagerly. Before you know it you're caught in the swell of people, unable to stop even if you wanted to, drawn forward into the ballroom.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionDance.jpg]]@@<br>
The room is grand and pristine and a small band of musicians are already waiting inside ready to provide the music.<<br>>
As the ballroom quickly fills up thankfully it seems like the nobles are too excited chatting away with their friends at the prospect of the dance to pay you much attention.<<br>>
That is, until you see the gent who summoned everyone to the ballroom push his way through the crowd. The moment he notices you his face lights up. <<blue "Ahh, there you are, your Highness! Please accept my apologies, I was expecting you at the front next to the band. Now that I've found you we can begin!">><<br>>
<<blue "May I have everyone's attention please!">> He calls out suddenly, loud enough to pierce above the hubbub. The room soon quiets down in anticipation.<<br>>
<<if $crow.warned isnot true>>
<<blue "Now, I'm sure that you all know that it's traditional for the Baron to have the first dance of the night, but wouldn't you know it, ladies and gentlemen - for the first time since we've been running these soirees we have the distinguished privilege of hosting an even greater peerage, indeed, the most noble of them all - the royal family!">><<br>>
The crowd let out a cheer.<<br>>
<<blue "Unfortunately I've been made aware that the King and Queen will be indisposed until later. However, we are still left anything but lacking for in their absence, for we still have the very jewel of the nation in our presence, and it would be an honor to us all to welcome her to begin the first dance with a suitor of her choice.">><<br>>
This is your worst nightmare made manifest. You can't imagine this going any worse. Your eyes frantically scan the room and you can see a few noteworthy faces in the crowd.
<li><<jacques2>>Jacques<</jacques2>>, surrounded by suitors himself but nevertheless looking your way with an easygoing smile.</li>
<li>The darkly dressed figure of <<elodie2>>Elodie<</elodie2>>, lurking off to the side rolling her eyes at the proceedings.</li>
<li><<colette2>>Colette<</colette2>>, looking at you with a smug expression like she has some twisted plan.</li>
<li>A haze of smoke in one corner of the room, signalling <<ruthe2>>La Madame de la Ruthe<</ruthe2>>'s presence</li>
<<if $day4louiseRescue is true>><li>The nervous face of <<pink2>>Louise<</pink2>>, the girl you rescued from Colette.</li><</if>>
<li>And lastly, the terrifying intensity of the <<crow2>>Scarecrow Killer<</crow2>>'s red-yellow eyes as they stalk maskless through the crowd towards you, hatchets already drawn.</li>
Wait... What?<<br>>
[[Shout in alarm->day4mansionDance2]]
However, before the gent can say anything else, a different shout fills up the silence instead.<<br>>
<<blue "Wait, stop!">> Comes a gruff, panicked shout from the other side of the ballroom's grand doors <<blue "Stop right there! By the Gods, you're-">><<br>>
The voice is interrupted by sickening //crunch//, and then the doors are kicked open, revealing an ashen figure, maskless but with unmistakably intense red-yellow eyes, pulling a heavy hatchet from a soldier's skull.<<br>>
At the sight of the Scarecrow Killer the nobles' terrified silence is broken by screams of terror, and in moments the ballroom is a chaotic frenzy of panicking nobles. A chaotic frenzy that the Scarecrow Killer wades through without hesitancy, its hatchets hewing through everyone in its path.<<hovertip "The Scarecrow Killer couldn't infiltrate the ballroom because you let people know what it looked like. But will it be enough to let you survive?">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<br>>
[[Try to escape->day4mansionDance2]]
<</if>><<setter "crow.warned to true" "crow.warned to undefined">>
<<if $crow.warned isnot true>>
Your shout is like a trigger for the Scarecrow Killer, marking the moment that stealth stops being an option and making wholesale slaughter the default. Immediately it swings it's hatchets at the nobles around it.<<br>>
<<if $voice is 0>>
Unfortunately, your gruff yell was so incongruous that it drew attention towards //you//, rather than the killer in your midst. The nobles nearby are helpless as the wicked blades slice through their flesh with such inhuman strength that they seem to barely even snag as they crunch through bone.
<<elseif $voice is 1>>
Your yell was loud, but in your panic it came out more like a strangled cry. The couple of nearby nobles manage to look around in time to see their death slicing towards them, but none manage to escape - the wicked blades slice through their flesh with such inhuman strength that they seem to barely even snag as they crunch through bone.
<<elseif $voice is 2>>
Your yell was strong enough to alert the nearby nobles that something's wrong, and a few figures even have the reflexes to try to twist their bodies away from their impending death. It doesn't work, the wicked blades swing out quicker than you could have imagined, slicing through their flesh with such inhuman strength that they seem to barely even snag as they crunch through bone.
<<elseif $voice is 3>>
Your yell was at least strong and clear, and the nobles nearby look around at the killer in their midst instantly. A couple even manage to dart out of the way in time, but the others are not so quick. The wicked blades slice through their flesh with such inhuman strength that they seem to barely even snag as they crunch through bone.
<</if>><<hovertip "Voice Training Check">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
The screams begin, screams of pain, screams of terror. In moments the ballroom is a chaotic frenzy of panicking nobles. A frenzy which the Scarecrow Killer wades through without hesitancy, its hatchets hewing through everyone in its path.<<br>>
The Scarecrow Killer strides forward into the room, swinging its hatchets before it. The wicked blades hew through the flesh of anyone unlucky enough to get close with such inhuman strength that they seem to barely even snag as they crunch through bone.<<br>>
Then you lose sight of it, the swell of terrified nobles are so dense and confusing as they mill around in terror that it's lost in the crowd. Even the constant noise of its murderspree becomes difficult to track amidst the clamor and screams. You can only hope that it's finding it as confusing as you are and not unwaveringly carving a path towards you.<<br>>
Not that it will likely make much difference, you're like fish in a barrel. <<if $crow.warned isnot "true">>The soldiers must have opted to wait outside instead of disrupting the dance, leaving all the nobles<<else>>All the nobles are<</if>> gathered together in one room - a room with only one doorway. Even if you were pouring out in an orderly manner it would take a while for everyone to be able to pass through the bottleneck - in the chaotic stampede you're more likely to be trampled to death than get out, and it makes any chance of any soldiers themselves getting in to rescue you hopeless<<if $crow.warned is true>> (if any are even left alive to try)<</if>>.<<br>>
This isn't an assassination, it's a slaughter. Like a thresher going through a field of wheat, all the Scarecrow Killer has to do is advance while swinging to harvest everything in its path.<<br>>
A dark shape emerges from the crowd and pushes towards you. You flinch, scared that your end has come, but a moment later you recognize that it's Elodie, the determination on her face a stark contrast to the panic all around her.<<br>>
<<elodie "Snap out of it, Princess.">> She urges. <<elodie "Come on, I need your help.">><<br>>
She thrusts an object into your hands - the wooden stool that the pianist had been sat at, and hoists up her own implement - a beautiful brass tuba. She must have grabbed them from where the band had been set up.<<br>>
<<elodie "Quickly. We need to make a way out.">> She pulls you over to the huge windows across one side of the ballroom and, without warning, brings the tuba up over her head to //slam// it against the glass.<<br>>
The glass is thick, and the tuba seems to take more damage in the exchange, but you get her plan. Before long the two of you are clubbing away at it with your makeshift battering rams. A couple of gentlemen nearby notice the two of you and run to your aid, kicking and shoulder bashing at the barrier, all of you desperately trying to ignore the screams, wails, and murder coming from behind.<<br>>
A crack slowly develops, and then finally the glass panel shatters outwards. The gentlemen who had been shoulder bashing it falls through, unable to stop his momentum, and you see a huge shard of glass go straight into his stomach. Maybe it kills him, maybe he got lucky, you don't have the time to check - you're pushed onwards by a crowd of people behind you.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionDance2.jpg]]@@<br>
Like a dam breaking the trapped nobles flood through, and soon there's a steady stream of terrified would-be victims pouring out. It's as much of a bottleneck as the main door was, in some ways even worse because of the serrated glass around the sides, but at least now there's another way out.<<br>>
The window leads to an enclosed courtyard rather than to the outside as you'd hoped, but at least it has plenty of exits so the fleeing crowd can disperse around the mansion instead of staying in one easily-butchered group.<<br>>
[[Pick a direction and run for it->day4mansionPeril]]<<setter "escaping to true" "escaping to undefined">>
<<run $crow.facts.delete("You're the only one who saw what the assassin looks like under their mask.")>>
<<run $crow.facts.delete("You've warned the members of the royal convoy about the Scarecrow Killer's appearance")>>
Time quickly becomes a chaotic blur. <<if $escaping isnot true>>You quickly lose track of Elodie in the confusion, though you're anything but alone - wherever<<else>>Wherever<</if>> you go you find terrified nobles and servants, along with confused, disorganized soldiers.<<br>>
Every time that you dare to think that you're safe to take a breather, the sounds of screaming, fighting, or rifleshot erupts from nearby and you're forced to flee to another wing of the mansion. You're sure that some of them are false alarms from people so scared that they're jumping at shadows, but you can't afford to take that chance - particularly because the number of scared figures you stumble across seem to decrease more and more over time, and the number of corpses littered around seem to ever increase to match them.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionPeril.jpg]]@@<br>
It becomes clear that for every room, corridor, or stairway that you'd explored during the party there's at least another three that you never came across, and that's not even counting the claustrophobic servants corridors which wind through everything. It doesn't help that so many of them have identical decorations - every time you think that you've found your bearings and know where you are you find yourself mistaken, or else another scream will come from nearby and you're forced to flee back into unfamiliar territory.<<br>>
At some point a new element joins the mayhem - the smell of smoke and burning slowly fills the mansion. It's no surprise really, with all of the candelabras dotting the place it was inevitable that some would get knocked over. You haven't seen any flames yet, and you have no idea which direction the danger is in, but it seems inevitable that the fire will soon consume the whole damn place. You just hope that you won't still be in it when it does.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4mansionPeril2]]As you turn a corner you see a group up ahead. It's hasn't been an uncommon sight - people naturally seek the comfort of a crowd, and you've frequently found yourself caught up in a terrified herd being shepherded around by the threat of the wolf in the pen, but this is the first group you've seen that seem to have their regathered their wits about them. They must have been lucky enough to not have any nearby incidents for a while.<<br>>
It's about a dozen people. Servants and nobles intermingled, all rules of social difference thrown out the window in the face of danger - there's even a couple soldiers, but now that the chain of command has been lost in the chaos they're just simple scared survivors like the rest of you.<<br>>
A serious-looking servant, a cook from the stains on her apron, seems to have taken charge. She looks up and does a double take when she sees you. <<pink "Y- your Highness! By the //gods//, come over here, your Grace. Thank the heavens you're still alive!">><<br>>
You grimace at being referred to as the Princess. You've been so caught up in trying to survive that you'd almost forgotten the absurd circumstances that brought you here.<<br>>
You're about to correct her, as this hardly seems the time to care about maintaining the disguise, but then you notice the looks on everyone's faces. Where moments ago all you saw was fear and nervousness, as they turn your way you can see hope, wonder, and determination dawn on their features.<<br>>
<<link "Accept the mantle and responsibilities of being a Princess. Inspire and lead them to survival">>
<<set $day4peril to "ruler">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day4mansionPeril3">>
<<link "I'm just a person, but I guess that I can keep up the pretense of being the Princess to not dash their hopes">>
<<set $day4peril to "agree">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day4mansionPeril3">>
<<link "They'll probably want to keep the Princess safe. Keep up the disguise to exploit their goodwill">>
<<set $day4peril to "exploit">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day4mansionPeril3">>
<<link "I can't keep this up. Confess that I'm just an imposter">>
<<set $day4peril to "confess">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto [[day4mansionPerilConfess]]>>
<</link>><<setter "day4peril to 'ruler'" "day4peril to 'agree'" "day4peril to 'exploit'" "day4peril to 'confess'">>
<<if $day4peril is "ruler">>
You're tired and afraid, the only thing you want to do is survive and get away, but the look on the faces of these people is enough to awaken something in you.<<br>>
Despite your aches and pains you find your back straightening, and before you know it you've greeted them as your royal subjects and started issuing orders.<<br>>
You feel like a buffoon taking charge when you have no idea what you're doing, but the effect is immediate. The seed of hope planted by your presence blossoms into determination. Some of the crowd even manage to look even more starstruck around you than they are scared for their lives, their respect and adoration seeming a more pressing concern to them even despite the perilous situation.
<<elseif $day4peril is "agree">>
You begrudgingly hold your tongue and let the group think that you're the Princess. However, you try not to let them make a big deal about it. Ultimately you're just a person, no more capable than anyone else, and your life shouldn't be seen as any more valuable.<<br>>
You're not sure how convinced the crowd are - if anything their eyes shine all the more adoringly at you for your display of humbleness. At least the woman in charge seems to be the least starstruck, and she promptly replies <<pink "If you say so, your Highness. Regardless, it's good to see you in one piece.">>
<<elseif $day4peril is "exploit">>
Your biggest priority right now is survival. It's not //just// that you'll be given preferential treatment for being the Princess, it's also that if you tell everyone that you're an imposter then you'll be sure to gain everyone's suspicion, and you can't afford to be without friends in a situation like this.<<br>>
That said, you're not above putting on a show of it, and you make a display of how vulnerable and scared you are. It comes easier than you'd been expecting, less like a performance and more like you're just allowing yourself not to put on a brave face - after all, there's plenty to feel vulnerable and scared about right now.<<br>>
The reaction is even more striking that you'd expected - the entire group seem absolutely won over by your words.<<br>>
It's the servant woman in charge who takes the first move, drawing you against her chest in a huge mama-bear hug. <<pink "Oh bless ya', 'ighness.">> She wails. <<pink "You poor little mite. Don't worry, you'll be safe with us, we'll make sure of it.">>
<<include [[day4mansionPeril4]]>>You've had more than your fill of lies and deception for a whole lifetime. Even if it plays only to your detriment you're not going to keep up this farce.<<br>>
You let everyone know that you're not really the Princess, you're just an imposter. You try to say it with dignity, proudly discarding the lies, but frustratingly your nerves get the better of you and you can only manage the confession haltingly.<<br>>
At first all you get is bewildered expressions of disbelief, but it soon sours into rage.<<br>>
It's one of the soldiers who's the first to make a move. <<blue "You //knave//!">> He yells, and before you know it his fist socks you straight in the face, sending you staggering. <<blue "How //dare// you besmirch the name of the royal family?">><<br>>
He rears back for another strike, but a nobleman grabs his arm to stop him. <<blue "Now look here, Richart. She's a scoundrel but that doesn't mean that you can just //punch// a young lady like this.">><<br>>
There are some noises of agreement in the crowd, and it seems like the soldier's going to back down, but then a voice perks up from a wry-faced young servant at the back of the group. <<pink "You know, I'm not even sure if they even //are// a lady after all...">><<br>>
You wince. You hadn't meant to hide it, but getting punched in the face mid-explanation has taken the chance to confess this delicately away from you. All at once, everyone assembled is looking you up and down skeptically, their eyes unsavorily scouring every inch of your person. You find yourself flinching under the weight of those cold stares.<<br>>
Finally the icy mood is broken by the stern faced cook stepping in front of you, her stocky body blocking their view. <<pink "Stop this right now, you //oafs//.">> She barks. <<pink "I don't care a bit if they're a royal, a peasant, nor an imposter, and I don't even care if they're a boy or a girl neither. Frankly, I don't give a //single rat's ass// right now about anything other than getting out of here without getting us all killed. We can argue about this once we're out of here.">><<br>>
There's a moment of strained tension as the group weigh up her words. Finally you hear the soldier who punched you mutter <<blue "Fine, for now, but if that rogue had //anything// to do with this attack I'll be the //first// one to settle the score with them.">><<br>>
Then another scream rings out, and everyone's attention is drawn elsewhere, at least for now.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4mansionPeril4]]<<setter "day4peril to 'ruler'" "day4peril to 'agree'" "day4peril to 'exploit'" "day4peril to 'confess'">>
<<if $day4peril is "ruler">>
You start issuing orders. While most of the group are guests here just like you, you quickly find out that one of the gathering, a skittish manservant who'd been so nervous that he'd barely spoken, is part of the staff here and knows the mansion like the back of his hand. With a few quick, efficient commands, he's soon leading the rest of you towards the nearest exit.
<<if $day4peril isnot "confess">><<hr>><</if>>
Your group make steady progress through the mansion's halls. While most of them are guests here like you, luckily one of the gathering, a skittish black-suited manservant, knows the mansion like the back of his hand and can guide everyone towards the nearest exit.<<br>>
It ends up being a longer journey than you'd expected, you must have unintentionally been stumbling your way deeper and deeper into the huge mansion this whole time.<<br>>
<<if $day4peril is "confess">>
At first you try to linger at the back of the group, not wanting to be subject to those suspicious stares, but the soldier from before follows you like a bloodhound, not letting you stray too far away for fear you'll try to bolt.
The pair of soldiers seem to have undergone a marked transformation. Whereas before they'd looked as lost and confused as the rest of you, having found a member of the royal family - theoretically the pinnacle of their chain of command - they soon find their confidence again.
<<if $day4peril is "ruler">>You regally allow them to flank you, one on either side, weapons drawn and keeping an eye out for danger.
<<elseif $day4peril is "agree">>As you walk you keep noticing them draw closer and closer to you, all but ignoring the rest of the group. You keep having to give them pointed looks to fan out and protect //everyone//, and not just you.
<<elseif $day4peril is "exploit">>They draw in close to you, flanking you with one on either side, weapons drawn and keeping an eye out for danger. You can't help but smile at the preferential treatment.
The acrid smell of smoke becomes harder and harder to ignore: either the fire in the mansion is spreading towards you, or else <<if $day4peril is "ruler">>your route<<else>>the route you're taking<</if>> is heading straight towards the inferno. <<if $day4peril is "ruler">>After a little consideration you decide to<<else>>The group deliberate for some time, but eventually decide to just<</if>> keep pressing forward, after all, there's no guarantee that any other way will be any less dangerous.<<br>>
[[Nervously advance->day4mansionPeril5]]After some time <<if $day4peril isnot "confess">>your<<else>>the<</if>> group step into a wide, two-storey-tall meeting room, and your fears are confirmed - it's an inferno.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4mansionPeril5.jpg]]@@<br>
Your eyes sting from the smoke, but while the fire hungrily laps at the walls and furniture it looks like it hasn't yet spread to the open floor. There's still a route through the center!
<<if $day4peril is "ruler">>You almost lead the group back into the mansion, not comfortable going somewhere so dangerous, but the manservant frantically tells you that rather than leading further into the flames, the doors on the other side of the room exit straight into safety of the gardens. It seems worth the risk.<<else>>The group almost head back into the mansion, not comfortable going somewhere so dangerous, but the manservant frantically tells everyone that rather than leading further into the flames, the doors on the other side of the room exit straight into safety of the gardens. It seems worth the risk.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day4peril is "ruler">>
You look around at the nervous faces, and quickly know what you have to do to inspire them. You grit your teeth to try not to show how scared you are and step out into the room. One of the soldiers calls out in alarm, saying that someone else should be the first to test the unstable flooring, but you ignore him. You need to lead by example.<<br>>
As expected, your followers don't hesitate to fall in behind you, and whereas before the scared group might have moved so slowly that it could give the fire time to grow further, instead you make confident and rapid progress.
The leader of the group, the cook, helps guide everyone forward, making sure nobody gets left behind,<<if $day4peril is "confess">> even you, <</if>> while also ensuring everyone keeps a keen eye out for parts of the floor that might be unstable. Together you make slow but steady progress across the room.
Suddenly a huge crash rings out, loud even despite the roaring inferno blazing around you. A big chunk of the ceiling gives way and comes crashing down in front of you all, barely a meter away from <<if $day4peril is "ruler">>you from your position at the head of the pack.<<else>>the person in the lead.<</if>><<br>>
It's not the only thing that tumbles down. It takes you a moment to recognize the shape, but you quickly realize that it's a corpse, or at least, it is by the time it hits the ground, twisted beyond recognition by the fall.<<br>>
<<blue "By the gods... damn it all!">> Moans a voice from above.
You look up. There's a man desperately hanging onto the edge of the collapsed ceiling - he must have been on the storey above when the ground gave way beneath him.<<br>>
<<blue "No! Oh my... please... get back!">> He babbles pathetically as a silhouette comes into view through the hole.<<br>>
/* Then he's dead, not by falling, but by being torn apart by a crude hatchet as, impossibly, the Scarecrow Killer leaps straight //down// the hole, murdering in-transit before landing directly in your midst seemingly unharmed, the dismembered remains of it's victim falling in pieces around it.<<br>> */
In an instant, he is dead, but not by falling: impossibly, the Scarecrow Killer leaps //down// through the hole, its hatchets tearing through the man's body as it descends, before landing seemingly unharmed in your midst - the dismembered remains of it's victim falling in pieces around it.<<br>>
[[Fuck->day4mansionPeril6]]The Scarecrow Killer is looking different from before. Soot and blood cover its face, along with what looks like the beginning of some burn-marks. Clumps of its hair are singed or missing. <<if $escaping isnot true>>Almost nothing remains of the 'disguise' it'd been wearing in the ballroom other than some tattered remnants, revealing underneath the same chitinous armor it'd been wearing when you first saw it. Even that seems damaged - there's a nasty hole where a bullet's pierced though the metal near its stomach.<<else>>It's chitinous armor seems worn and damaged too - there's even a nasty hole where a bullet's pierced through the metal near its stomach.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day4peril isnot "confess">>
The two soldiers spring to action, their combat instincts kicking in despite their fear, and rush forward to engage the androgynous monster. You doubt that they have much chance of success.<<br>>
The rest of the group scatter, screaming in terror. Some head back towards the mansion while others try to get past the melee to get outside.<<br>>
On instinct you make a start off towards a side corridor, mainly because nobody else is doing so and you fear that the Killer will be attracted towards the largest crowd. However it proves to be a mistake - the flames have all but engulfed it.<<br>>
<<pink "Princess! This way!">> Calls out a noblewoman from the other side of the hall. You wish that she hadn't - the moment that the word 'princess' leaves her lips the Killer's face //whips// around like a shark tasting blood in the water. It's finally found its target.<<br>>
Completely disregarding everyone else it dashes straight in your direction. It doesn't even care that it invites attack from the remaining surviving soldier, but the blow just scrapes along its armor without penetrating.<<br>>
Looks like you're out of options. <<include [[day4mansionPeril62]]>>
Barely even registering the impact of it's landing, the Killer moves forward with hatchets raised. Luckily the soldier's battle instincts kick in, and one leaps forward to meet it in combat. It's a brave, hopeless battle but it buys you time. The other soldier, the one who'd been keeping an eye on you, moves to cover the group's escape. <<blue "Come on, this way, as quick as possible!">><<br>>
His urging snaps the group out of their terrified stillness, and soon everyone's running back the way you came. He forms a rearguard, helping the stranglers in their escape while also being in position to intercept the monster once it inevitably takes out his companion.<<br>>
You don't need to be told twice, but when the woman next to you stumbles you find yourself stopping to help her get back to her feet, leaving you near the back of the pack.<<br>>
The soldier looks your way. <<blue "Come on, you too. Get the fuck out of here!">><<br>>
As a result, he doesn't see the Killer dispatch his partner behind him and advance, hatchet raised.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Push him out of the way of the incoming attack">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<set $confessSoldier to "alive">>
He may have punched you earlier, but he's still a person. You're not going to let him die if you can avoid it.<<br>>
Instead of running away you push yourself forward, physically shoving the soldier out of the way. The Killer's hatchet whistles through the air straight between your bodies, barely missing both of you.<<br>>
<<blue "P-Princess?">> The soldier gasps at your unexpected action.<<br>>
It's a stupid mistake. He //knows// you're not the Princess, but the freudian slip tumbles out of his mouth anyway, perhaps in some small way out of respect for the thing you just did for him.<<br>>
You wish that he hadn't. The moment that the words leave his mouth the reaction from the Scarecrow Killer is immediate. It's face //whips// around towards you like shark tasting blood in the water. It's finally found it's target.<<br>>
You need to get away. You turn to run, and make a quick decision - if you run after the others you'll be bringing the Killer straight after them, you need to go elsewhere. Regrettably, the only available option has a problem - the doorway is completely engulfed in flames.<<br>>
<<include [[day4mansionPeril62]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Just run away. I need to prioritize myself.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<set $confessSoldier to "dead">>
He's dead. Even if you could rescue him from this strike then they'd been another following directly after it, and then the one after that would be coming for you. He's doing an incredible act of heroism - to not try to escape while he's given you the opportunity would be a waste of that effort.<<br>>
That said, it's not like that opportunity gets you very far. You've barely stepped a meter before the sickening crunch of hatchet through bone rings out from behind you. A scan of the room confirms that you're the next closest to the Killer - it'll be coming for you next.<<br>>
Fuck it. Your chances of survival are next to nil - the one thing that you can do is try to at least draw the monster away from the others.<<br>>
You see a way and turn for it - a doorway off to the side of the room. It's closer than the one everyone's running for, but there's a good reason nobody went for it - it's completely engulfed in flames.<<br>>
<<include [[day4mansionPeril62]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</if>><<if def $confessSoldier>>You grit your teeth and push through it anyway.
<<else>>You grit your teeth and force your way forward through the flames that cover the doorway.
<</if>> For a moment all you can feel is pain, and a heat stronger than you could ever have imagined, but soon you emerge out the other side, panting for air - the fire having sucked the very oxygen from your lungs.<<br>>
As if on cue the timber woodframe suddenly gives way, blocking the gap you just came through. Despite that, you don't have any time to catch your breath - the Scarecrow Killer collides with the surface, making the fire-weakened timbers heave. Heedless of the flames that engulf it, it scrabbles desperately at the blockade with inhuman strength - it won't buy you much time.<<br>>
[[Run for your life!->day4mansionPeril7]]<<run $jacques.facts.push("You saw him get mortally wounded. He's probably dead.")>>
You run.<<br>>
You run.<<br>>
You run.<<br>>
And then, before you even make it halfway across the hallway, like an idiot, you try to glance back behind you.<<br>>
Your foot snags on something and you go sprawling forward to the floor, hitting your head on the way. A quick look reveals that what you fell over was a corpse. You try not to think about it, nor the ringing in your ears, but when you attempt to rise back to your feet your twisted leg gives way beneath you, unable to hold your weight.<<br>>
The Scarecrow Killer tears through the blockade and rushes after you, but after seeing that you're not going anywhere anytime soon it slows into a prowl. You try to crawl away but it's hopeless.<<br>>
And then a figure dashes out of a doorway between the two of you.<<br>>
<<jacques "Stop right the fuck there you //brigand//. You'll go no further, the Princess is under my protection!">><<br>>
It's Jacques!<<if $escapePartner is "jacques">> He must have circled back for you after helping his group escape.<</if>> He's covered in soot and sweat and his clothing is torn and ragged, but he's alive and pointing his shortsword directly at the Scarecrow Killer - every bit the hero he's clearly always thought himself to be.<<br>>
Something about his stance is enough to make the Killer hesitate, and it drops into a low, animalistic combat stance in preparation for this combat.<<br>>
Blade meets hatchet as they exchange blows. Despite having the size advantage, every time their weapons meet Jacques practically gets thrown backwards and has to regather his footing, but somehow he keeps up his guard enough that the Killer can't take advantage of the stumble.<<br>>
And then their weapons meet once more, but instead of the gritted teeth from the impact that you've seen before, Jacques //smirks//.<<br>>
It's over in a second. The coup de grace is ingeniously creative, lightning-quick, gracefully smooth, and yet as vicious as a striking viper. Jacques spins his body, using the impact momentum from the blow to propel his blade all the way back around, twisting like a dancer to swiftly make a sharp cut at the exposed flesh of the bullet-hole in the side of Killer's armor. Then, to take advantage of the flinch that his opponent will make in pain, Jacques directs his next blow directly at its neck.<<br>>
Only, his adversary doesn't flinch.<<br>>
Before Jacques has time to make his second strike the Scarecrow Killer crudely swipes it's rugged hatchet upwards towards his head.<<br>>
Jacques tries to twist away, but caught in the momentum of his own maneuver he isn't fast enough. The blade cleaves its way up through his face.<<br>>
A huge splatter of blood erupts into the air like an explosion of rose petals. His body falls limp to the floor.<<br>>
And the Scarecrow Killer steps towards you, seemingly heedless of the blood now pouring from the wound in its side.<<br>>
[[Shout for it to stop->day4mansionPeril8]]<br>
[[Try to scrabble away->day4mansionPerilBadEnd]]You desperately try to push your body away from your impending doom but it's a hopeless endeavor.<<br>>
The Scarecrow Killer leisurely prowls towards you until it looms directly over your frantic body.<<br>>
It raises one hatchet high above its head. Jacques' blood drips over it from the weapon.<<br>>
And then the hatchet falls.<<br>>
And you die.<<br>><br>
''BAD END GET!''<<br>>
[[Return to the last option->day4mansionPeril7]]<<run $crow.facts.pushUnique("Stopped attacking you when you shouted at it to stop.")>>
You desperately try to push your body away from your impending doom but it's a hopeless endeavor.<<br>>
The Scarecrow Killer leisurely prowls towards you until it looms directly over your frantic body.<<br>>
It raises one hatchet high above its head. Jacques' blood drips over it from the weapon.<<br>>
You don't know why you do it. It's a foolish thing, like a child's reaction to when playtime has gotten too serious. You scream for it to stop.<<br>>
And for some reason, it does.<<br>>
Like they've been roused from sleepwalking and are surprised at needing to carry their own body weight they stagger in place. Their red-yellow eyes blink and refocus, and you realize that this whole time they've been completely dilated, blank orbs. Their face, which has up til now you've only seen with a look of blank impassivity, suddenly flinches and looks around.<<br>>
Their expression quickly rounds through confusion, and then fear. They stare directly at you, their pupils mere pinpricks in comparison to before, and they scream.<<br>>
It's not the scream of an adult, it's not even the scream of a child. It's the scream of a lost, confused animal.<<br>>
And then the scream is interrupted. The Scarecrow Killer bends forward as huge, guttural coughs wrack their body. As they spew out the sickening black liquid of bile mixed with blood you're reminded of how they'd coughed much the same way back when you first saw them.<<br>>
When they're finally capable of looking up at you again their face is a mask of fear and pain. And then with a whimper they bolt, staggering pathetically away into the mansion.<<br>>
You try to maintain your focus, to perhaps drag yourself over to Jacques' bloody body, but now that the source of your terror is no longer looming above you you're forced to notice the way that the walls are swirling around you from the knock on your head that you received earlier. With your last thought, you find yourself wondering what the fuck is going on.<<br>>
[[Fall unconscious->day4returnWake]]<<setter "escapePartner to 'simone'" "escapePartner to 'jacques'" "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to 'colette'">>
Unarmed and defenseless there's no way that you're going to go in there. After all, as the 'princess' you'll be one of the Scarecrow Killer's main targets - chances are you'd be going straight to your death.<<br>>
Nevertheless, no matter how much you internally scream at your body to move you just can't bring yourself to stop staring at
<<switch $escapePartner>>
<<case "simone">>
Simone's small figure, helplessly unaware of the killer stalking her.
<<case "colette">>
Colette's figure, which had seemed so larger-than-life before but now is just small, afraid, and helplessly unaware of the killer stalking her.
<<case "jacques">>
Jacques' small group through the window.<<br>>
Through the glass you can see him say something, and through you can't make out the words you can tell that he's making a stupid boast to lighten peoples spirits - though all it does is draw attention even further away from the killer stalking them.
<<case "elodie">>
Elodie's small group through the window.<<br>>
Even in this situation Elodie seems as unflappable as ever, and the scared group huddle around the comfort of her fearlessness. But fearlessness will do nothing to save them from the killer stalking at their heels.
The last thing that you want to do is see <<if $escapePartner is "jacques" or $escapePartner is "elodie">>their deaths<<else>>her death<</if>>, but try as you might you're helplessly unable to avert your gaze.
<<switch $escapePartner>>
<<case "simone">>
The small maid finally notices too late to do anything - her scream of fear at finding herself face to face with death reaching you all the way out here. It's cut short - turning into a choking gurgle as a hatchet blade embeds itself into her throat.<<br>>
Like a woodcutter taking another swing at a stubborn log, the Scarecrow Killer wrenches the weapon free from her neck - the action making her esophagus rasp as air pushes back through her vocal chords - before striking once more, this time with enough force to cut clean through the remnants of her spine. Her decapitated head flies through the air, landing out of sight.
<<case "colette">>
The young noblewoman finally notices too late to do anything - her scream of fear at finding herself face to face with death reaching you all the way out here. It's cut short- turning into a choking gurgle as a hatchet blade embeds itself into her throat.<<br>>
Like a woodcutter taking another swing at a stubborn log, the Scarecrow Killer wrenches the weapon free from her neck - the action making her esophagus rasp as air pushes back through her vocal chords - before striking once more, this time with enough force to cut clean through the remnants of her spine. Her decapitated head flies through the air, landing out of sight.
<<case "jacques">>
The Scarecrow Killer reaches the back of the group before any of them notice, and the first deaths happen before they even have a chance to scream. The hatchets cleave through them so effortlessly that it doesn't even need to slow it's pace, smoothly pushing forwards to swing at the next targets.<<br>>
Jacques' reaction speed is impressive, spinning around to face his foe and taking a ready combat stance. Maybe he could even have beat it, but he's not given a chance - the people he's protecting prove to be his own undoing. The remnants of the group stream past him to escape, one nobleman even barging against him, and Jacques is forced to hesitate for fear of striking one of them. The Killer doesn't share such a concern - it's hatchet's swing forth with such power that they go straight //through// the back of a woman - plunging into Jacques' belly along with an explosion of gore.
<<case "elodie">>
The Scarecrow Killer reaches the back of the group before any of them notice, and the slaughter begins before they even have a chance to scream. The hatchets cleave through them so effortlessly that it doesn't even need to slow it's pace, smoothly pushing forwards to swing at the next targets.<<br>>
Elodie's cool head can prevail against a lot, but not this. She just becomes another frantically running target, but the Killer is faster - practically propelling itself forward through the press of bodies like it's hatchets are climbing picks, leaving spurts of blood and dismembered limbs in its wake as it reaches closer and closer to Elodie at the head of the pack. Then it gets to her - the first strike hits her in the side and goes straight through the bone of her arm, leaving it attached only by a few strands of ligament. The next goes through her skull, causing an explosion of blood and brain matter.
You vomit<<if $drinks gte 1>> a small puddle of what you drunk at the party at your feet<</if>>, unable to contain yourself at the gruesome sight.<<br>>
Then you're off running into the night. You doubt that any soldier would stop you now, but now you're more worried about being killed yourself, either by the Killer or by possible accomplices lurking in the darkness.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4endings2]]<<set $day +=1>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Simple Smock">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Farmer's Overalls">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Stolen Boxer-shorts">>
<<set $customOutfit to "You've stolen some clothing from a farmhouse. You're grateful to have something masculine to wear.<<br>>You're covered in mud from your travels, but glowing with the liveliness of freedom.">>
<<set $pc.desc to "who's finally escaped the trap that he was caught in">>
<<if $day5ending is true>>
You run as fast as your tired, sore body can manage away from the inn. You're certain that Merat wouldn't do anything as indignant as fight the soldiers to get to you or anything, but it won't take long for the spymaster to summon more soldiers and bring the whole chain of command to break the insubordination.<<br>>
With every step your dislocated arm is painfully jolted around, flopping helplessly from side to side in a way that would almost have been funny if it weren't so excruciating. It's not until you reach a densely packed woodland and your sight of pursuers and the inn in the distance is completely lost in the foliage that you feel comfortable leaning your painful body against a tree, grasping your arm with your good hand, and //thrusting// it back into position.<<br>>
The pain is so shocking that you lose consciousness, and when you wake up you have no idea if you were out for seconds or hours - only that thankfully the scream that you made wasn't enough to draw your pursuers to you.<<br>>
Still, you can't afford to be complacent, and are soon off running again through the woods.<<br>>
After a few hours you're grateful that the rain subsides, and you can see the waxing moon through the gaps in the foliage. It's been a long time since you've heard trace of pursuers - and you're still unconvinced that it wasn't just a badger making it's way through the bushes last time. You allow yourself to slow down to a tired walk.<<br>>
At first you curse the bright full moon for making you more visible, but once you hit the treeline you soon learn to appreciate just how much running in pitch blackness would be a deathtrap. You only narrowly avoid tripping and hurting yourself as it is.<<br>>
When you look back you see that the distant shape of the mansion is now ablaze in fire, dyeing the night sky orange. You're glad that you left when you did.<<br>>
The night is cold but the heat of your running, and the desperate desire to put as much distance between you and the mansion as possible, is enough to keep you going throughout the night.<<br>>
By the next morning you're muddy and tired. After so long traveling the wilderness you finally stumble upon a small sign of civilization - a farmhouse.<<br>>
The last thing that you want is to leave a trail of witnesses, so you sneak into the house without being seen. Luckily the farmers must be already out in the fields as the house is empty.<<br>>
You change out of the Princess' <<if $day5ending is true>>sodden<</if>> clothes and into the farmer's heavy overalls, relieved to be finally back in something respectable. You also make a sack of provisions from their well-stocked larder, and even take a coinpurse that you find hanging on a hook. You don't feel bad for stealing - you're certain that <<if $day5ending is true>>even though<</if>> the clothing that you're leaving in its place is <<if $day5ending is true>>muddy and torn from your escape, it's still<</if>> worth more than the whole farm put together.<<br>>
After you sneak out of the house and onto the road you realize that you have to make a choice about where to go.<<br>>
<<link "Go back to the Citadel to get the antidote to my transformation">>
<<goto [[day4endingsCitadel1]]>>
<<link "Don't risk it, I'll start a new life somewhere else">>
<<goto [[day4endingsTavern1]]>>
<</link>>You don't trust that man in the slightest. By going back there you'd just be inviting your own death. The best bet is to get the hell out of here - out the whole country if possible.<<br>>
You embark on your journey - trudging along the country roads, navigating by signposts. You try to avoid other travelers if you can, sleeping alone in whatever shelter you can find along the sides of the road.<<br>>
It's hard going, but you eventually find your rhythm and make good progress towards the border.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4endingsTavern2]]<<set $day to 8>>
<<set $customOutfit to "The clothing that you stole from a farmhouse. You're grateful to have something masculine to wear.<<br>>You've managed to get yourself clean and presentable at the inn.">>
After days of travel the provisions that you managed to take from the farmhouse are either running low or beginning to spoil, and you realize that your relative self-sufficiency isn't going to last much longer.<<br>>
Just when you're beginning to consider stopping for the night you come across a warm inn. You've been avoiding them up til now, but it seems like the only smart option.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day4endingsTavern.jpg]]@@<br>
Inside you find lively tavern, bustling with locals. A few of them seem interested in the newcomer but you keep to yourself, going straight to the innkeeper - a friendly man in his early thirties - and asking for a room.<<br>>
When he refers to you as a girl you look at him with in shock - you're wearing farmers overalls, what does he think he's saying? However when you're safely in front of the mirror in your room you understand immediately.<<br>>
The potion has continued it's work on your days on the road, leaving your body altered. It's not that you're //feminine// per se, but all trace of your masculinity certainly seems to have left you. In a vacuum you probably look no more like a boyish girl than a girlish boy, but any boy who'd take enough care in his appearance to look like this probably isn't the type to also be trudging along muddy roads in a pair of overalls.<<br>>
You grimace, but this is the choice that you made. When you strip down for the night and take your first bath in what feels like a lifetime, and find that your nipples have grown <<if $day5ending is true>>even more<</if>> into puffy lumps that make you flinch when you touch them, you can only feel glad that you at least still have a cock - even if it //is// a fraction of it's previous size.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4endingsTavern3]]<<set $day to 9>>
The next morning you go to the innkeeper to pay your fare, only to find to your horror that you'd never cared to check how much was inside the coin pouch you took from the farmers - it's only a few coppers, not even enough to pay for the night!<<br>>
The last thing that you want right now is problems with the law. You're about to make a run for it, but the innkeeper just smiles warmly and suggests you spend the day working as a barmaid to work it off.<<br>>
You really don't want to be doing anything as feminine as barmaiding, but it seems like the best option available to you.<<br>>
Luckily it ends up being less stressful than you anticipated. While you get a few unsubtle looks and a couple of raunchy comments, you have to admit that compared to just about every bar in your hometown people here are fairly respectful. The work is satisfyingly honest, and it rapidly becomes clear to you just how isolated you'd felt traveling on the road without realizing - as you keep on finding yourself happily getting caught up in lively conversation.<<br>>
Just when you're about to head back onto the road in the evening, feeling rejuvenated, suddenly a roaring crash rings out. When you check outside you find that the <<if $day5ending isnot true>>lucky spell of clear weather has broken<<else>>bad weather has returned<</if>> - it's a thunderstorm out there!<<br>>
You really want to keep moving but this weather makes it impossible - any progress you'd make, you'd lose again right afterwards to the illness you'd get from being soaked to your skin.<<br>>
The innkeeper suggests you take another night here and work it off again the next day, and you can only agree.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4endingsTavern4]]<<set $day to 12>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Torn Smock">>
<<set $customOutfit to "The clothing that you stole from a farmhouse. The top is torn at the middle, leaving the budding nubs of your chest visible in a way that's a little flirty.<<br>>You've managed to get yourself clean and presentable at the inn.">>
The locals seem pleased to see you again the next day. A few are interested in continuing the conversations you'd had yesterday, and others are happy to turn some comments said before into lively in-jokes.<<br>>
You make a few more tips than yesterday - not a lot, but more than enough to pay for your room. The thunder has subsided to a drizzle by then, but you figure that it wouldn't be the worst thing to stay here, at least until you can purchase another bunch of provisions.<<br>>
As the days pass you find your list of things to buy growing ever-larger. A raincoat, some new clothing, a backpack to replace the sack you'd been using before, flint and tinder - it all adds up and seems important enough to delay your journey. One of the regulars points out to you that a young woman traveling by herself is under a lot of risk, and you begrudgingly admit that you'll probably need a weapon to be able to protect yourself with too. Progress towards your goals is achingly slow.<<br>>
One evening you accidentally make a tear in the front of your outfit. To your horror, inches of your bare <<print $pc.skin.color>> body are clearly visible, as well as the limited cleavage of your meager mounds - not even close to an A-cup, but nevertheless definitely present. With nothing else to change into you're forced to finish off your shift like that, red-faced with embarrassment, but when you check your tips afterwards you realize that you've made considerably more than you had any other night.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4endingsTavern5]]<<set $day to 19>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Low-cut Blouse">>
<<set $pc.gender to "barmaid">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Clean leggings">>
<<set $customOutfit to "You've decided to invest in some nicer clothing. You're certain that the fact that this clothing shows so much more of your figure is pure coincidence.<<br>>You're covered in mud from your travels, but glowing with the liveliness of freedom.">>
You go back to dressing conservatively - but now the thought is in your head. One day you notice that the patrons which give the biggest tips are also the ones which ogle you the most when they think that you're not looking. After noticing it you can't help but find yourself feeling pleased when you catch them doing it rather than upset.<<br>>
As your body gradually changes more and more you realize that there's a part of you that feels impatient at the slow pace of transformation, looking forward to getting more attention.<<br>>
The next outfit you buy is more low-cut than the last, and you while it takes you a long time to start flirting with the customers yourself, you're soon responding to their comments encouragingly - which only leads to more daring comments, and even more tips.<<br>>
Weeks pass and you finally amass everything that you've been saving up for, as well as a few less necessary trinkets that took your eye and you decided were worth delaying your journey to purchase.<<br>>
You stand at the doorway to the inn, stocked up with bags and provisions, ready to leave. You expect to be relieved to finally be off, but somehow a part of you is dissatisfied.<<br>>
The innkeeper who's been so generous and kind to you all this time comes up to you. He tells you how he's enjoyed having you here, and pulls you into a warm hug which you find yourself returning.<<br>>
As he releases you, you can't help but notice how handsome he looks.<<br>><br>
''Barmaid End Get!''<<set $day += 1>>
There's no way that you're going anywhere else while you still have that man's damn potion running through your veins. You don't want to be any more transformed than you already are - you still have no idea if any of it is permanent.<<br>>
You embark on your journey - trudging along the country roads, navigating by signposts. You try to avoid other travelers if you can, sleeping alone in whatever shelter you can find along the sides of the road.<<br>>
It's hard going. You hadn't appreciated just how fast the caravan was traveling until now - it takes days just to pass by Harewood Military Camp.<<br>>
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of walking, you see the familiar shape of the citadel on the horizon.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2plansFinish.jpg]]@@<br>
[[Enter the citadel->day4endingsCitadel2]]<<setter "eyeChange to 'begLeave'" "eyeChange to 'demand'" "eyeChange to 'overpower'" "eyeChange to 'favor'" "eyeChange to 'beg'" "eyeChange to 'tease'" "eyeChange to 'gems'">>
<<if $eyeChange is "begLeave" or $eyeChange is "demand" or $eyeChange is "overpower">>
After the way you <<if $eyeChange is "overpower">>overpowered<<else>>demonstrated your power over<</if>> him last time, you know that he probably won't take kindly to your return. You'll have to sneak in and either get the antidote yourself, or else force him to do it against his will.<<br>>
<<include [[day4endingsCitadel2sneak]]>>
<<elseif $eyeChange is "favor">>
You're torn on how to approach the situation. You hate the man - he used you as an assassin against your will. By all rights you should sneak in there and either get the antidote yourself, or else force him to do it against his will. However, doing so might invite all sorts of trouble. Perhaps if you went in honestly and asked for it then he'd help you out - you //did// obediently do his bidding as he'd asked after all.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Sneak in">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4endingsCitadel2sneak]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Ask him">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4endingsCitadel2ask]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<elseif $eyeChange is "beg" or $eyeChange is "tease" or $eyeChange is "gems">>
You hated every moment with the man, but you didn't end your conversation with him //too// unfavorably - it felt like you both ended up getting what you wanted from each other<<if $eyeChange isnot "gems">>, even if what he'd wanted was <<if $eyeChange is "beg">>to see you on your knees<<else>>disgusting<</if>><</if>>. You figure the best idea will be to go in and ask him directly, but you briefly consider taking a different route.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Ask him">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4endingsCitadel2ask]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Sneak in and take it by stealth or by force">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4endingsCitadel2sneak]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</if>><<setter "firmin.name to 'Firmin Goux'" "firmin.name to 'something else lol'" "day5ending to true" "day5ending to undefined">>
He's an asshole, but asking him nicely still seems like the safest option.<<br>>
You wait until right in the middle of working hours, when the citadel is crawling with builders, and then stride straight up to the main entrance.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2soldierSee.jpg]]@@<br>
You're quickly intercepted by guardsmen. <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>At first they think that you're just a local yokel from your outfit, but when you say Firmin Goux's name their demeanor immediately changes.<<else>>It takes some trouble to be taken seriously, especially because you don't even know the name of the man you're here to see. At first they look at your outfit and assume that you're just some local yokel, then they worry that you're a foreign spy here to learn the citadel's secrets. Once you manage to convince them to at least ask him if he's expecting you, you immediately start getting somewhere.<</if>><<br>>
Soon you're being whisked along the stone corridors of the structure, taken to the fateful study where you were given the potion last week.<<if $day5ending is true>> However, oddly, they stay a respectful distance from the study itself, ordering you to go the last distance by yourself.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day5ending is true>>
[[Enter the study->day5endingCitadelRob]]
[[Enter the study->day4endingsCitadel2ask2]]
<</if>><<setter "firmin.name to 'Firmin Goux'" "firmin.name to 'something else lol'" "eyeChange to 'favor'" "eyeChange to 'beg'">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2eyeChange.jpg]]@@<br>
To your surprise, <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux<<else>>the man<</if>> seems //pleased// to see you. <<firmin "Come in! You must have had some adventures since I saw you last. Sit here opposite me and tell me all about it.">><<br>>
You feel uncomfortable at his unexpected enthusiasm, especially when it soon becomes clear by his questions that his real purpose is information - prying out details about the caravan, it's defenses, it's weaknesses, it's routines<<if $eyeChange is "favor">>, he's even unscrupulous enough to enquire as to how effective his own poison was<</if>>. You don't want to help him in the slightest, but something about the energy in the room makes it difficult to refuse or lie. For some reason you feel almost enthusiastic to tell him everything, even details that he doesn't ask for.<<br>>
After he's finished wringing you out for information he leans back in his chair with a satisfied look on his face. <<firmin "Perfect. It looks like everything's going to plan.">><<br>>
He looks back at you. <<firmin "I suppose that's everything I need from you, chimæra. Stand.">><<br>>
The idea sounds wonderful. You hadn't noticed until this instant, but you're so incredibly uncomfortable sitting down, and you eagerly leap up, relishing the sensation of standing on your own two legs.<<br>>
<<include [[day4endingsCitadel3]]>><<setter "firmin.name to 'Firmin Goux'" "firmin.name to 'something else lol'" "day5ending to true" "day5ending to undefined">>
You wait until nightfall before making your move. Luckily the citadel is still mostly a building site, so there's plenty of holes in the structure for you to easily slip into.<<br>>
It takes you some time to find your bearings inside. You had received a tour just last week, but you had been paying more attention to staying alive rather than your surroundings. Occasionally you have to duck out of the way as guards and builders go past - you'd rather not get arrested as a spy.<<br>>
Eventually you find a place you recognize and make your way towards the room that had served as <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux's<<else>>the man's<</if>> study.<<br>>
<<if $day5ending is true>>
[[Sneak inside->day5endingCitadelRob]]
[[Sneak inside->day4endingsCitadel2sneak2]]
<</if>><<setter "firmin.name to 'Firmin Goux'" "firmin.name to 'something else lol'">>
After a deep breath to steel your nerves, you carefully turn the doorknob and step cautiously inside.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day2eyeChange.jpg]]@@<br>
You almost gasp in surprise at what you see. He's here! Luckily he's facing away from you - looming over bubbling chemistry apparatus against the wall on the other side of the room.<<br>>
You thank the gods he didn't hear you enter. You consider turning and coming back another time, but you have no idea if the antidote is something you'd be able to find lying about or synthesize yourself, and you might never again get an opportunity to get the jump on him like this.<<br>>
Stepping as lightly as you can you make your way across the room. On your way you pluck an empty cauldron from the table, it's small but made of thick hardened metal - a perfect weapon.<<br>>
He only realizes that you're there when your shadow appears on the wall in front of him, and by then it's too late - you're already swinging your weapon to knock him unconscious, there's nothing he could possibly do to stop you in time.<<br>>
<<firmin "Stop!">><<br>>
You're suddenly struck by an idea - isn't it wonderful to be still? Wouldn't it be everything that you could possibly want and more to halt your strike - to stand like a statue, pliant and ready and obedient. Within a fraction of a second it's all you can think about - your brain blank of any thoughts other than the sublime bliss of stillness.<<br>>
<<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin<<else>>The man<</if>> doesn't even turn around at first. He leisurely takes his time finishing what he was doing, carefully measuring the experiment's results. His neglect //hurts// - you want so badly for him to turn around and see you, see how perfectly still you're being, you're sure that he'd be //so// proud, but somehow the lack of attention just makes you all the more determined to be even stiller than before, if such a thing is possible.<<br>>
When he finally turns around he doesn't seem particularly surprised by who he finds. <<firmin "Lucky thing you were just a chimæra. If you had been one of my rivals, or perhaps even that damnable royal guardsman on the loose who's been causing me problems, then that could have been the end of me. If only they were as easy to trick as //you// were.">><<br>>
[[All you can think about is pleasing him with your stillness->day4endingsCitadel3]]<<setter "day2eyeChange to 'guy'" "day2eyeChange to 'princess'">>
<<firmin "I'd been wondering when you'd be back. I'd been hoping not for a while - a sleeper agent right next to the monarchy, what a prize! So much the pity. No matter, we'll find a use for you.">><<br>>
He makes an unexpected request. <<firmin "Show me your chest">><<br>>
You're so enthusiastic to obey. It's all you ever wanted. You don't think you've ever needed anything more than the joy of showing him your chest, not even eating, not even breathing - you know which you'd choose if it came to it, and you'd die with a smile on your face. You're so excited to do what he says that you don't even bother taking off the clothing properly, instead you rip and tear the fabric from you until your bare naked chest is exposed to the room.<<br>>
/* With no warning he reaches forward and grabs the front of your clothing, pulling forward with unexpected strength until the fabric rips and your chest is naked and bare.<<br>> */
<<if $day2eyeChange is "guy">>
<<firmin "Hmm... changes are progressing, but it'll be a while before you'll make good livestock.">> He reaches forward and brushes against your chest. You're surprised by the sensation - you'd been too busy traveling to notice, but in the days since your escape your nipples have become large, puffy, and sensitive.
He seems surprised by what he finds. <<firmin "So you weren't even a //female//! How grotesque.">> He sneers.<<br>>
<<firmin "Still...">> He reaches forward and brushes against your chest. You're surprised by the sensation - you'd been too busy traveling to notice, but in the days since your escape your <<if $day5ending is true>>puffy nipples have swollen into small but sensitive breasts.<<else>>nipples have become large, puffy, and sensitive.<</if>> <<firmin "It looks like the potion's effects aren't weakened by your sex. The idea to change //that// might never had occurred to me otherwise, how fortuitous. Eventually you'll even be in a state ready to become livestock, I'm sure.">>
<<firmin "In the meantime I can think of at least //one// use for you.">> He says, unbuttoning his belt. <<firmin "Perform fellatio on me.">><<br>>
Your mouth starts salivating more than it ever has before. You want this, as far as you can remember you've //always// wanted this. Frantically you fall to your knees, nuzzling, licking, sucking - desperate to smother yourself with your master's sweaty, turgid, perfect cock.<<br>>
Deep inside, some small part of you stares at what you're doing with horror and revulsion. You don't let it bother you, it's helpless to do anything about it, and eventually even that part will learn it's place.<<br>><br>
''Livestock End Get!''<<setter "firmin.name to 'Firmin Goux'" "firmin.name to 'some weirdo'">>
You nervously twist the doorknob in your hand and step into the study, completely unprepared for what waits for you inside.<<br>>
The first thing that you see is a wall of red, and it takes you a few moments to understand what you're looking at - blood. It hasn't coagulated yet, still bright red and watery - in fact, as your brain registers the scene, it's still gushing forth.<<br>>
The lifeless body of <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux<<else>>the citadel tour guide<</if>> lays sprawled on it's back across the middle of the floor, like he'd fallen directly backwards.<<br>>
That is, most of his body. He's missing his head, and his neck is still pumping a steady stream of blood across the stone floor.<<br>>
It takes longer for your eyes to to find the missing piece of the man - it's placed neatly neck-down on his own desk, creating a puddle of blood underneath it that drips down onto the floor. Already it's flesh sags disgustingly now that there's no force to hold its muscles in place.<<br>>
And its not alone - a man sits at the desk, his hulking posture hunched over as he stares into those swollen, bulging, dead eyes of the decapitated head in deep contemplation.<<br>>
<<link "Take in the man">>
<<goto day5endingCitadelRob2>>
<</link>><<setter "robPal to true" "robPal to false">>
<<section "robDesc">>
The living occupant of the room is dressed in red clothing, but unlike your previous encounter with bloodstained killers, this one looks like it was already red to begin with. It is, however, still covered in blood just the same. Not all of it new - the number of fresh splatters are easily matched by the the browning stains of stale, old blood. From the wounds that litter the man's skin, you guess that at least some proportion of it is his own.
<<section "robDesc2">>
The clothing is torn and ragged, stained by mud and grime in addition to the blood, and it just so happens to be an outfit that you've seen more than your fair share of over the last few days - the burgundy soldier uniform of the royal guard.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _robDesc>><<br>>
<<print _robDesc2>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\rob.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _robDesc>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\rob.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _robDesc2>><<br>>
Sensing your presence, the man achingly lumbers himself up to his feet, supporting his weight by hoisting himself up by the hilt of a sword so large that at first you'd presumed it to be just a slab of metal.<<br>>
He stares at you with tired, haunted eyes, not moving yet, just taking you in. You're about to run as fast as you can away from this terrifying murderer, but then his words stop you in your tracks.<<br>>
<<rob "You. You're... you're the boy from the jail.">> He mutters in disbelief, his voice growling and raspy. <<if $robPal is true>><<rob"<<print $pc.name>>, right?">><</if>><<br>>
You freeze in surprise, he's right! You recognize him now - it's Robiers, one of the soldiers who was with Merat when all this started! No wonder you didn't recognize him - he looks... well, he looks like shit.<<br>>
You thought that your week had gone as poorly as you could imagine, but it's clear that it's been nothing compared to what he's been going through. His clean-shaven face is now covered in thick stubble, and the dark circles under his eyes are so thick that you wonder if he's even slept at all since you last saw him. His body is now a patchwork of fresh bruises and scars.<<br>>
He moves towards you, limping on a bad leg that visibly oozes blood and pus into a makeshift tourniquet with every step. His sword screeches along the ground behind him as it's dragged along. <<rob "I did it.">> He growls in a daze. <<rob "The bastard's dead.">><<br>>
<<link "Stare at him">>
<<goto "day5endingCitadelRob3">>
<</link>>You're frozen in place, unable to know how to react to the scene. As he comes closer you become aware of just how huge he is. He'd been brawny before, but it had been a benign bulk - in fact, next to the equally buff Renart it had almost seemed comedic. He's no larger, but with his tense, dangerous posture his looming muscles now seem anything but nonthreatening.<<br>>
And then the scene shifts, and it's Robiers who freezes in place in disbelief, blinking as he stares at your face. It only lasts a moment, and the expression that follows is tired - the hopeless, resigned tiredness of a man who is completely past his breaking point, but who understands that he still has miles and miles to go until he can sleep.<<br>>
<<rob "Last time I saw you, you had <<print $pc.n.eye>> eyes.">> He says, in a tone that just sounds sad at the realization. <<rob "You're one of his chimæras.">><<br>>
You're already running - your feet moving from the moment that he froze in place. The first blow misses you completely - the huge sword swinging through the space where you just were with enough force that you can feel the displaced air against your back.<<br>>
Between his huge size, his heavy weapon, and how exhausted and wounded he clearly is, you figure that you should by all rights be able to outpace him - but it doesn't play out that way. He bears down on you like a rampaging ox, and his next swing doesn't find you as lucky.<<br>>
It's not a sharp weapon to begin with, and he hasn't been maintaining it's edge, but it doesn't have to be. It's bludgeons into your shoulder with enough force to shatter directly through the bone and keep going, pushing the splinters and marrow deeper and deeper into your torso to cascade into your vital organs. It doesn't even hurt, it's too much for your brain to even process, it's just death.<<br>>
Then, with a sickening crunch, the third blow shatters your skull.<<br>><br>
''Robiers' Slaughter End - Get!''Your eyes flicker open. You have no idea how long you were out. You look around and find yourself alone, but to your horror you realize that you're not where you fell asleep - you must have been physically //dragged// elsewhere in the burning mansion.<<br>>
Before you have time to reorient yourself an ear-stinging screech of hatchet blades grinding against the panelled walls rings out from just around the corner. You can't see the source - your tormentor lurking just out of sight - but it makes its presence known.<<br>>
You scrabble back to your aching legs and soon you're off running again - fleeing the shadow that lurks in the darkness. Your predator follows you relentlessly, running it's blades across the walls with every step to make it clear that it's right behind you, while never actually getting close enough for you to see it. Toying with its prey.<<br>>
Everywhere you look there's blood, corpses, limbs, and flames. Occasionally you see something you recognize - is that Elodie's pale leg lying dismembered on the floor? Colette's dress adorning that mangled, unrecognizable corpse? You don't have time to check.<<br>>
At some point you must have circled back to where you were before, because when you turn the next corner you find Jacques' body laying on the ground. It's only from his clothing that you can tell it's him - his face is a bloody misshapen lump.<<br>>
He's still breathing, but from the wound it's difficult to believe that that will last long. You move to support him, but as you draw close the grinding of the hatchet on the wall twists into a loud crash, warning you away, and you don't have to willpower to do anything other than flee.<<br>>
The moment you turn the next corner and lose sight of Jacques, there's a sickening //crunch// as the Scarecrow Killer finally finishes him off.<<br>>
[[Flee->day4returnWake2]]The fiend harries you around the halls. With every passing minute you can feel yourself losing your wits to terror and fear, becoming less and less a human capable of rational thought and more and more of an animal deliriously running on instincts.<<br>>
Eventually you're pursued into a large main hall. When you push open the large doors, you're shocked by what you see - an impossible scene of two figures locked in struggle. One is small, androgynous, and scared, their ashen skin covered by mere rags and scraps. They scrabble pitifully on the ground. In their red-yellow eyes you can see only the same animal terror that you're experiencing.<<br>>
The other figure is... themselves. A terrifying figure in blood-drenched armor with a hemp sack covering its face, looming over them. It kicks forward with one foot, pinning its victim helplessly to the floor.<<br>>
As the pathetic Scarecrow Killer desperately tries to free themselves, whimpering and bleating like an animal caught in a trap, their eyes meet with yours. Somehow you get the feeling that they're imploring you to help them.<<br>>
It doesn't do them any good. Their mirror image cleaves its hatchets down, effortlessly slaughtering them.<<br>>
Then it turns your way, and you realize that you don't have the strength to run any more. It prowls forward until it's inches away from you and you can see its red-yellow eyes, dilated and absent through a hole in the sack.<<br>>
It opens its mouth. <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
You blink in surprise.<<br>>
<<simone "Come on, <<print $pc.name>>! Please wake up.">> implores the Scarecrow Killer, in a cute and earnest voice that feels completely unsuitable.<<br>>
[[Wake up->day4returnWake3]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
You wake up in the big bed in the Princess' carriage to find Simone holding your hand, her eyes glistening with tears.<<br>>
When she sees your eyes flicker open she gives you a huge smile of relief. <<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>! Thank goodness you're okay!">><<br>>
You blink. You must have been dreaming ever since you fell unconscious in the manor. Despite it just being a dream, something about the mental image of the Scarecrow Killer locked in a desperate struggle with themselves, scared and imploring you to help, still lingers in your mind.<<br>>
Simone is babbling. <<simone "I was worried that you'd never wake up again! Some soldiers carried you back here when they found you, but when they called for the physicians to come make sure that you were alright I had to make up all //sorts// of lies to keep them from inspecting you and working out your secret. But then that meant that you could have been //dying// and I'd have no way of knowing! What if I'd accidentally //killed// you?">><<br>>
You groggily try to reassure her that you're fine. It's a small lie - you don't //feel// fine at all. You have so many aches and pains, there's not a single part of you that isn't hurting somehow. You feel dizzy from all of the smoke you must have inhaled, but you're at least still alive.<br>
<<set $day4returnWake to []>>
<<if $day4peril isnot "confess">>
<<run $day4returnWake.push("confess")>>
<<include [[day4returnConvoChoices]]>><<run $day4returnWake.push("attack")>>
<<setter "escapePartner to 'simone'" "escapePartner to undefined" "crow.warned to true" "crow.warned to undefined">>
<<simone "Gosh, it was so scary. Just when the last attack was beginning to feel like it was just a bad memory, it happens all over again!">><<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "simone">>
<<simone "The Scarecrow Killer must have gotten the same information that we had - its attack was //perfectly// timed for the changing of the guard. The soldiers are saying that it's proof that it must be traveling with us somehow, but they have no idea where it must be hiding!">>
<<simone "The soldiers are saying that the attack was timed at the //exact moment// that that guard was changing and they were least prepared. They think it's proof that it must be traveling with us somehow, to know the guard patterns and stuff, but they have no idea where it must be hiding!">>
"It snuck into the mansion with a suit over its armor and without its mask on.
<<if $crow.warned is true>>
Luckily, because of you, the soldiers knew what the Killer looked like and managed to intercept it. Who //knows// how many people would have been killed if it had been able to get in unimpeded!"
Everyone was so on guard for someone in a mask that nobody paid it any mind, and it managed to get straight past the defenses. If only people had known what the Scarecrow Killer had looked like then maybe it wouldn't have been able to do so much damage."
<<if $crow.warned is true>>
You can't hide the expression you make at the idea. If //that// wholesale slaughter was everyone getting off //lightly// then you can hardly imagine the other option. It had felt like a waste of time yesterday, but you're glad that you decided to get the information out there.
You gulp nervously. You had the opportunity to disperse that information yesterday, but had decided against it. You can't help but feel like you have people's blood on your hands.
<<simone "After that, well, you must have seen what happened - it went around killing everyone in its path... then it suddenly stopped, and we don't know what happened to it. No corpse has been found, or at least I haven't heard anyone say as much. Maybe it got burned in the fire or something, but that seems a little optimistic. E-even for me...">><<br>>
You remember the face that the Scarecrow Killer had made when you told it to stop. It's easy to imagine that that was the moment when it stopped murdering, but who knows what it ended up doing after that.<<br>>
<<simone "Luckily the King and Queen were successfully evacuated. Come to think of it though, I heard someone talking about how weird that was. It would probably have had an easy time if it just went straight for them, but instead it just rampaged around, almost like it barely even knew what it was really looking for.">><br>
<<include [[day4returnConvoChoices]]>><<run $day4returnWake.push("simone")>>
<<setter "escapePartner to 'simone'" "escapePartner to undefined">>
<<if $escapePartner is "simone">>
Simone flinches at the question, as if she'd been relying on trying not to think about it.
<<simone "It was so scary. I'm so lucky that I survived.">> She manages, her voice wavering a little.<<br>>
She firmly clasps your hand. <<simone "It was all because of you, you know. If you hadn't drawn the Killer's attention when you did then I //know// I'd be dead. I owe you my life, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
You smile. It had cost you your chance at freedom, but somehow you can't think that it wasn't worth it to save her.
Simone seems a little flustered that you'd worry about her.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh, I'm just fine, silly! It was only the mansion that was attacked - I was completely safe here in the carriages.">><<br>>
<<simone "It was scary, and I got so worried because I didn't know what was happening, but compared to what you went through it was fine.">><<br>>
You're relieved that she didn't have to go through that hell.
<<include [[day4returnConvoChoices]]>><<run $day4returnWake.push("jacques")>>
Simone can only offer you a weak smile.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm sorry, <<print $pc.name>> but... well...">> You can see tears glisten in her eyes <<simone "Maybe he'll be alright, but... lots of people died. I'd be prepared for the worst, e- especially after a blow like that...">><<br>>
You can feel pain prickling at the corners of your eyes, and you try to wipe away the stinging tears before Simone can see them but it's hopeless. Whenever you're around Jacques he manages to piss you off, but to think that he's dead...<<br>>
<<simone "From the sound of it, a lot of people owe their lives to him. He got out early, but kept on going back into the mansion to save people. He's a hero!">><<br>>
You almost ask if there's any word about any of the others - Elodie; Colette; La Madame de la Ruthe; any of the members of the group you tried to escape the mansion with - but you stop yourself, you know that it would be impossible for her to know.<br>
<<include [[day4returnConvoChoices]]>><<run $day4returnWake.push("confess")>>
You mention to Simone how you confessed that you were an imposter to the group in the mansion.<<br>>
Simone smiles <<simone "Oh! That's wonderful! I'm glad that you weren't pretending to be the Princess //and// running for your life at the same time. They must have really appreciated your honesty!">><<br>>
You wince at her naivety. Despite all your other aches and pains, the sting from where the soldier had punched you still manages to hurt the most.<<br>>
<<simone "Wait, come to think about it, isn't that wonderful? All this time we've needed someone else to vouch that you're not the Scarecrow Killer. Now these people can do that - after all, they saw both of you in the same place!">><<br>>
You wish that you had her optimism. You're much more worried about them telling others that you're an imposter, and bringing the soldiers straight to you. Just because you aren't the Scarecrow Killer doesn't mean that you aren't dangerous and possibly involved, and even if they let you live you can still expect a lifetime's imprisonment just for impersonating a princess.<<br>>
No, what seems much more likely is you've added a bunch of dangerous wildcards to the situation, ones that could spell your doom at any moment. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but you find yourself regretting your spur-of-the-moment confession.<br>
<<include [[day4returnConvoChoices]]>><<if $day4returnWake.includes("attack") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask about the attack">>
<<goto [[day4returnConvoAttack]]>>
<<if $day4returnWake.includes("simone") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask if she's okay">>
<<goto [[day4returnConvoSimone]]>>
<<if $day4returnWake.includes("jacques") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask about Jacques">>
<<goto [[day4returnConvoJacques]]>>
<<if $day4returnWake.includes("confess") isnot true>>
<<link "Talk about how you confessed that you were an imposter">>
<<goto [[day4returnConvoConfess]]>>
<<if $day4returnWake.includesAll("attack", "simone", "jacques", "confess") is true>>
<<link "Finish catching up on events">>
<<goto [[day4undress01]]>>
<</if>>Simone smiles warmly, happy to see you getting stronger by the moment.<<br>>
<<simone "Come to think of it, you haven't had any food yet. You must be absolutely //starving// after having such a scary evening! I'll get something ready.">><<br>>
She briefly tries to get you to let her feed you in bed, but while your aches give the idea some appeal you really don't feel comfortable being babied like that. Besides, under the covers you're still wearing your uncomfortable dayclothes.<<br>>
Simone helps guide you unsteadily to your feet, and you just about manage to stand by yourself. It hurts, but it actually feels pretty good to stretch your aching muscles.<<br>>
Simone doesn't like the idea of leaving you to yourself, but you shoo her away and she reluctantly busies herself making food. Meanwhile, you stagger to the bathroom to undress.<<br>>
[[Continue->day4undress]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to false>>
Once in the bathroom, you waste no time reaching down your front to pull out the two lumps of padding you used to add bust to your outfit, and set to work taking off the rest.
Once in the bathroom, you quickly set to work undressing.
You try to focus on your body as little as possible as you undress. You're barely keeping it together as it is, the last thing that you want is to have to think about the changes your body has been experiencing. You can save that until tomorrow.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
/* The cloak of your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "tulipImg">> lifts off easily, and you start wriggling your way out of the tight brown leggings and top. The constraining material has left your skin a little pinkened underneath<<if def $pc.shave>>, most obvious on your hairless legs<</if>>, though to your surprise it's not a huge relief to be free of them - over the day, you must have gotten used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body. */
You unhook the little accessories attached to your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "tulipImg">> and lift the cloak off your shoulders before beginning the task of wriggling out of your tight brown leggings and top. You've never been so constrained so tightly before, but, while the cool air on your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is nice, you're surprised by how little relief you feel at being free. In fact, there isn't much to feel relief //from// - while it had felt weirdly tight to begin with, over time you'd grown quite used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body.<br><br>
/* You start to pull off the tight leggings, <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>revealing your average penis. You grimace at the sight of it - it doesn't look so //average// at the moment; constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it's pressed into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
<<else>>revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. The bulge of the panties looks smaller than usual for a moment, your junk having been constrained by the material tightly enough to press it into a little bundle, and for a second you can't help but notice how feminine and cute it looks. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>><br><br>As you wriggle further out of your leggings inch after inch of of your smooth, hairless legs, lightly pinkened by the tight fabric and soft to the touch, are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against the silky skin, and in turn feel yourself being rubbed against. You desperately try not to think about how good it feels.<<else>> You quickly manage to wriggle out of the rest of your leggings without issue.<</if>> */
The leggings are tight enough that instead of just pulling them off, you have to wriggle your way loose of them. The hip movements feel decisively <<if def $pc.shave>>feminine, and you can't help but notice how good your silky smooth skin feels as you're forced to rub them together<<else>>feminine.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You're relieved to finally be free of the waist-cincher, and quickly pull it off of you, taking a few deep breaths before starting on the rest.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "butterfly") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little longer for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "peachImg">> off of you. After a while you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the sashes and zippers to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the soft fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon - your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the peach material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach", "butterfly") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "tulipImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the bouncy fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, looks so delicate as it emerges from the violet material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the delicate layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Luckily, <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "longcoatImg">> is similar enough to mens clothing that you don't have too much trouble taking it off. The most confusing part is when you fumble on the blouse, forgetting that the buttons are on the other side. When you pull off the short skirt you almost can't believe that this tiny slip of fabric was all that you had to protect your modesty with.
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "peach") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "butterflyImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the billowing fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being no less masculine than before, looks so delicate as it emerges from the poofy material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing petticoats, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
The many layers of your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">> mean that it takes some time to take off. First there's the ornate headpiece, which you have to take care of for fear of damaging the gold leaf; then the hood and little armwarmers, and then you can start on the dress itself.<<br>>
Any worry that it'll be tricky to remove is quickly forgotten - it's so short that it's barely almost more like taking off a top than a dress.
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
You set to putting on your dressing gown and quickly find yourself groaning at the thought. The thick material had been so uncomfortable to sleep in last night. It had felt worth it at the time so that you didn't have to wear anything skimpier, but that was before you had a brush with death - the last thing you want tonight is any more restless sleep.<<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Stick to my guns. I'm not going to wear that stuff">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day4undressGown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Give up and wear some skimpier nightwear under the gown, ready to sleep in.">>
<<goto [[day4undressGownChoice]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
Now that you're undressed, <<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>standing in the bathroom wearing only your <<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>>standing in the bathroom nude<</if>>, you start thinking about the nightwear.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You set about putting on the <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your head and pulling up the little bottoms. The soft flannel gently tickles your body.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Then you pull the plush dressing gown over you. It's thick soft material feels so gentle on your aching body compared to the outfit you were wearing before.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You slip the <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and let it fall loosely over you. The thin, silky material gently grazes over your body like comfortable spiderwebs.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Then you pull the plush dressing gown over your shoulders. It's thick soft material feels so gentle on your aching body compared to the outfit you were wearing before.<<br>>
[[Head back to the main room->day4eveningEat]]
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
You decide to tough out another night in the swelteringly warm dressing gown. In theory you might be able to sleep better wearing something else, but in practice you know that you'd be tossing and turning, unable to feel comfortable in something so feminine.<<br>>
You quickly pull the plush gown over your body. The thick soft material feels so gentle on your aching body compared to the outfit you were wearing before.<<br>>
[[Head back to the main room->day4eveningEat]]<<set $gown2nite to true>>
You glance around the room and notice that, unexpectedly, the two sets of nightclothes that Simone had picked out for you yesterday are placed carefully next to the sink. Almost as if Simone anticipated that you'd do this and had them prepared ready for you.<<br>>
You wince at being read like this but you can't blame her, but she is a maid after all - being thoughtful is part of her job. You just wish that the idea of you wearing this stuff seemed as incongruent to her as it does to you.
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwdress.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwcrop.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
You assess the outfits carefully, trying to work out which is the better choice to wear under your gown. The only time you won't have the gown over the top is when you're in bed - there's every chance that Simone will never even see you in it, let alone anyone else, but it still feels like a huge choice.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the nightdress">>
<<set $nightwear to "dressgown">>
<<goto [[day4undressGownChoice2]]>>
<<link "Pick the crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "cropgown">>
<<goto [[day4undressGownChoice2]]>>
<</link>><<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You set about putting on the <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your head and pulling up the little bottoms. The soft flannel gently tickles your body.<br><br>
The outfit is definitely skimpy. You've never worn anything in your life that showed your tummy before, but now your navel is exposed for all to see. The lower hemlines of the clothing flow out with subtle fluting, so that as you move they shift, revealing glimpses of skin underneath. This is most alarming at the shorts, which are already very short - you're sure that you'll spend half the day with the bottom of your butt clearly visible!<<br>>
Not wanting to see yourself wearing this any more than you already have, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You slip the <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and let it fall loosely over your body.<br><br>
The fabric is so thin and light that it feels practically immaterial on your body, like wearing a silken spiderweb. Despite that, it's incredibly soft - its surface so sleek that it glistens in the light.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>You can't help but look in the mirror<<else>>You look in the mirror<</if>>, and immediately find yourself blushing at the sight. The slip of material is so dainty and feminine that it almost completely overrides the masculinity of your body, and makes you look small and delicate.<br><br>
Most alarming of all is the short length. With your every movement, the light material shifts, tantalizingly revealing inches of <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek, hairless<</if>> thigh. Despite it being your //own// body, you have to force yourself not to stare hypnotized by the dancing hemline of the nightdress, threatening to reveal your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> at any moment.<<br>>
Not wanting to see yourself wearing this any more than you already have, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
[[Head back to the main room->day4eveningEat]]<<removeMakeup>>
As you head back into the main room of the carriage your vision begins to blur as a wave a nausea hits you.<<br>>
You stumble forward, but the foot that you had been trying to stabilize yourself with buckles under you - you'd forgotten about the ankle you'd twisted trying to get away from the Scarecrow Killer.<<br>>
When Simone comes out of the kitchen to see what the noise was she finds you collapsed on the floor.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh you poor thing! I //told// you that you should have stayed in bed!">> She chides as she helps you up again.<<br>>
After that she doesn't take no for an answer. Before long you're propped up in bed with Simone helping to feed you your dinner.<<br>>
It's humiliating, you feel like a baby being looked after by its mother. After seeing how much your hand shakes when you try to lift a glass of water to your lips Simone doesn't even let you do that. Your cheeks burn from the treatment, but you can't deny that she's helpful.<<br>>
It's become a routine for the two of you to talk about something while you eat, but despite the intimacy of the scene the two of you remain in brooding silence. All that you can think about is the ordeal you went through and the possible demise of your friends, which both seem far too depressing to bring up in conversation. You're sure that Simone is feeling the same - she must have had friends who were trapped in there.<<br>>
Eventually you both finish eating, and you find yourself having difficulty keeping your eyes open.<<br>>
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<simone "You're //definitely// taking the big bed tonight, after everything you've been through. W-would you like company again?">> Simone asks, blushing a little at the words.<<br>>
[[Despite my exhaustion, sleeping together with Simone again sounds lovely->day4togetherBed]]<br>
[[I'll sleep by myself, Simone can take the small bed->day4bigBed]]
<<simone "Let's finish up for tonight, shall we? You're //definitely// taking the big bed tonight though, after everything that you've been through!">><<br>>
You don't have the strength to argue the matter.<<br>>
<</if>><<run $simone.sleepArray.push("big")>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.count("big") is 3>>
<<set $auth += 1>>
<<set $authBonus += 1>>
<<set $bedAuthBonus to 3>>
You've slept in the larger bed quite a few times now, and have gotten used to being in a superior position compared to Simone.<br><br>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Authority skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><br><br>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
You settle into the opulent bedding and get comfortable<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>, slipping out of your dressing gown so you're just wearing your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>><</if>>.
<<if $gown2nite is true>>
You hate to admit it, but you made the right choice - compared to how stuffy and suffocating sleeping in the dressing gown was, sleeping in <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>the flimsy nightdress<<else>>the soft flannel co-ord<</if>> is incredibly comfortable, and you quickly find yourself falling into a deep slumber.
After the days events you find yourself inescapably pulled to sleep practically the moment you close your eyes.
You settle into the opulent bedding and try to get comfortable, but despite how sleepy you are it's not easy - like last night you quickly find yourself overheating in your plush dressing gown. Still, after the exhausting ordeal you've been through today you still find yourself quickly drifting to sleep.
[[zzz->day5bigBedWake]]<<include "bonusCountdown">>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
A couple of times in the night your sleep is interrupted by more nightmares about being stalked through the hallways of the manor. Despite that, the bed is so comfortable and your tiredness so intense that you quickly fall back into slumber again.<<br>>
By the next morning you're grateful to find that many of your aches and pains have eased. You won't be back to full strength for a while, but at least it's a start.
Between the horrible nightmares that haunt your sleep, and the suffocating heat of the dressing gown, your rest is fitful and feverish.<<br>>
Nevertheless, by the next morning you're grateful to find that many of your aches and pains have eased. You won't be back to full strength for a while, but at least it's a start.
<<include [[day5wake]]>><<run $simone.sleepArray.push("together")>>
<<if $simone.slept is 1>>
You're a little nervous asking to sleep with Simone again, since you ended up in such a compromising position together last time. However, to your relief she actually seems //pleased// by the idea.
<<if $simone.slept gte 2>>
Simone smiles happily at your choice. You get the impression that she's happy that you accepted.
<<simone "Come to think of it, we should get you another pair of panties for tonight.">> She remarks, before going rummaging in the Princess' wardrobe.
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\black panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink boyshorts") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\pink boyshorts.jpg]]@@
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("lacy boyshorts") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\lacy boyshorts.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("white panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\white panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 2>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("french knickers") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\french knickers.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 3>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("red briefs") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\red briefs.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept is 1>>
As well as two sets of underwear that you've seen before, Simone manages to find a new item - a pair of white panties.<br><br>
<<simone "These are just like, plain panties, so I thought they might work?">><br><br>
You appraise the pair carefully. In some ways, these white panties are the worst of the bunch - covering less than the boyshorts, and with a color that will do nothing to disguise the shape of your junk. However, there is some appeal to wearing something so plain, like it's making less of a fashion statement.
<<elseif $simone.slept is 2>>
As well as the two sets of underwear that you've already seen, Simone manages to find a new item.<br><br>
<<simone "These ones might do! These are called french knickers. I was considering offering them to you earlier, because they have good coverage, but I thought that they might be a little bit too feminine...">><<br>>
You understand what she means. In some ways they're not too different to a pair of baggy boxers, but the thin, sleek, light pink material just //screams// femininity, and that's to say nothing of the delicate lace trimming, which includes teasing cut-outs. While the lack of tightness might mean less bulging from your genitals, without the containment that the other panties offer your junk will be free to bounce around, which considering the paper-thin silk somehow feels even more lewd, and will leave little to the imagination.
<<elseif $simone.slept is 3>>
As well as two sets of underwear you've already seen, Simone finds a new item - a red pair of briefs.<<br>>
<<simone "Sorry, but we're running out of panties that aren't like, super feminine. I hope that these ones are okay...">><<br>>
They're bright red, in a way that you're sure a shop seller would advertise as 'passionate'. To make matters worse, bar a modesty cover at the front that you're very thankful for, the rest is covered only by teasingly immaterial lace. You're not thrilled about the idea of wearing them, but some part of your brain thinks that they look pretty sexy, before being quickly shouted down by the rest of you.
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the black panties">>
<<set $pantyChoice to "black panties">>
<<goto [[day4pantyChange]]>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink boyshorts") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the pink boyshorts">>
<<set $pantyChoice to "pink boyshorts">>
<<goto [[day4pantyChange]]>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("lacy boyshorts") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $pantyChoice to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<goto [[day4pantyChange]]>>
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("white panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the white panties">>
<<set $pantyChoice to "white panties">>
<<goto [[day4pantyChange]]>>
<<if $simone.slept gte 2>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("french knickers") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the french knickers">>
<<set $pantyChoice to "french knickers">>
<<goto [[day4pantyChange]]>>
<<if $simone.slept gte 3>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("red briefs") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the red briefs">>
<<set $pantyChoice to "red briefs">>
<<goto [[day4pantyChange]]>>
<</if>>Injured as you are, there's no way that you're going to be able to go to the bathroom to change. Instead it's Simone who goes into the other room, leaving you to change in bed.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
First you slip out of your plush dressing gown, leaving you just wearing your <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>skimpy crop top and shorts<<else>>skimpy nightdress<</if>>, then you
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
quickly pull down the little shorts and change into the new pair.
reach under <<if $nightwear is "gown">>your dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is $dress>>your skimpy nightdress<<else>>it<</if>> and quickly change into the new pair.
<<if $pantyChoice is "black panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("black panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The black panties fit snugly around you.
<<if $pantyChoice is "pink boyshorts">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("pink boyshorts")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
It feels odd wearing something with so many frills, but despite that they're very comfortable.
<<if $pantyChoice is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("lacy boyshorts")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The lacy boyshorts fit snugly around you.
<<if $pantyChoice is "white panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("white panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The white panties fit snugly around you.
<<if $pantyChoice is "french knickers">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("french knickers")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The thin silk of the french knickers shifts with every movement and rubs against you tantalizingly.
<<if $pantyChoice is "red briefs">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("red briefs")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The red briefs fit snugly around you.
<<unset $pantyChoice>><<br>>
For a fraction of a second you could have sworn that you saw a flicker of movement from the door to the bathroom, but you figure that you must have been imagining things.<<br>>
<<if $simone.slept is 1>>
When Simone emerges from the bathroom you notice that she's wearing different pajamas to before. Whereas last time she'd covered herself in as many layers of pajamas that she could to try to avoid any potential mishap, tonight you're happy to see that she's down to just one set of pajamas - a set of cute pink flannel pajama top and bottoms. She's still covered from neck to ankle with little chance of exposed flesh, but at least this time she won't have to worry about overheating.
<<if $simone.slept is 2>>
When Simone emerges from the bathroom you notice that she's wearing different pajamas to before. Last time she'd been wearing a set of pajama top and bottoms that completely covered her, but today she's wearing a cute yellow set that shows a little more skin. Instead of trousers, she's wearing shorts that completely reveal her curvy, freckled, copper-tan thighs. The top isn't too dissimilar from last night's, if a little shorter - enough that you can see a sliver of belly occasionally when she moves.<br><br>
She blushes when she notices how your attention is drawn to her thighs, stuttering <<simone "I-I just didn't want to overheat at night, that's all...">> with a pout.
<<if $simone.slept is 3>>
When Simone emerges from the bathroom you notice that she's wearing different pajamas to before. Last time she'd worn a flannel top and shorts, but today she's switched to a little crop top that leaves her cute copper-tan belly exposed, alongside a pair of tight yoga pants. Technically you can see less of her legs than you could before, but it sure doesn't feel that way - both her shapely thighs and her gentle curves of her pelvis are clearly visible, and as she turns around to close the bathroom door you can see the shape of her butt so well that it's like she's wearing nothing at all.<<br>>
You quickly try to avert your gaze, but the sight is so arresting that you're late to do so, and you're sure that she caught you checking her out. You brace yourself for a negative reaction, but instead a little blush rises to her cheeks.
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Night night, <<print $pc.name>>"@@ she murmurs sleepily as you both settle in on other sides of the plush pink bed.<br><br>
<<if $gown2nite is true>>
You hate to admit it, but you made the right choice - compared to how stuffy and suffocating sleeping in the dressing gown was, sleeping in <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>the flimsy nightdress<<else>>the soft flannel co-ord<</if>> is incredibly comfortable, and you quickly find yourself falling into a deep slumber.
After the days events you find yourself inescapably pulled to sleep practically the moment you close your eyes.
/* Briefly back into the sleep matrix */
[[zzz->togetherBedWake][$simone.slept += 1]]<<set $day to 5>>
<<run $rob.facts.push("Will be meeting with the convoy at noon.")>>
<<unset $day4hub>>
<<unset $drinksChoice>>
<<unset $drinks>>
<<unset $cocktails>>
<<unset $drinksArray>>
<<unset $jacquesConvo>>
<<unset $day2eyeChange>>
<<unset $day3stripStip>>
<<unset $day3train>>
<<set $day4morningChange to $morningChange>>
<<unset $morningChange>>
After checking that you're out of sight, Simone goes to open the door.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahh, Simone.">> Sighs the soldier in relief. <<blue "//Damn// if it isn't good to see that you're still with us. I wasn't sure whether you were serving in the mansion when it all happened.">><<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "simone">>
<<simone "I //was//, actually! I was... well, I wasn't supposed to be, but err, I suddenly got called in at the last moment">> Replies Simone, choosing her words carefully.<<br>>
<<blue "My word! To think a sweet young lady like yourself had to go through all that...">> Remarks the soldier, genuinely perturbed at the concept. <<blue "Thank the gods you made it out alive.">><<br>>
<<simone "I- I got lucky I guess. I almost got //got//! Thankfully there was someone - someone really special - who saved me. Else I'd just be another name on the list...">><<br>>
<<simone "No, luckily I was still here in the carriages. I can't imagine how horrible it must have been for everyone over there...">>
Simone hesitates as she dwells on the bad thought for a moment, before pushing onwards. <<simone "It's so wonderful to see you safe too, Aubin!">><<br>>
<<blue "I got off <<if $escapePartner is 'simone'>>easy compared to you, from the sounds of it.<<else>>pretty easy too.<</if>> Damn near ran myself ragged running all around the mansion chasing shadows, but I didn't see hide nor hair of the bloody thing. It was frustrating at the time, but now that we know how many people didn't make it I can't help but be glad I //didn't//, if you permit my frankness, Simone.">><<br>>
<<blue "Anyway, can't dawdle - we don't have long before we're off.">> Says the soldier, his voice stiffening back into his official manner.<<br>>
<<blue "I'm sure that it'll come as no surprise that the royal tour is getting called off. Cancelled the whole thing. We're splitting off from most of the minor dignitaries and heading back where it's safer.">><<br>>
<<blue "It'll be a day of hard riding from the looks of it. If we stop at all today it'll only be to stretch our legs and reprovision. We'll be meeting up with reinforcements at noon, but with any luck they'll be ready to ride and we won't even need to stop. Come to think of it, Robiers will be part of that group.">><<br>>
Your eyes widen at the news, and you can hear Simone let out a gasp. With everything that had happened yesterday you had all-but forgotten that Robiers was on his way. Your freedom is close at hand!<<br>>
<<blue "Don't get too excited, lass.">> The soldier chides Simone. <<blue "No time for flirting in a situation like this.">><<br>>
You can only imagine the expression that Simone just made.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5wake2]]<<blue "And that's all. No report from the Queen today obviously, not given the circumstances.">><<br>>
You find yourself straining in your hiding place. The report can't be //over// yet!? You still have no idea about what happened to Jacques and the others!<<br>>
You inwardly urge Simone to ask, but instead she just replies <<simone "Of course. Thank you for the news, Aubin. Goodbye!">><<br>>
You can hear the soldier turn to leave, leaving your questions unanswered. <<blue "Have a good day, lass. See you!">><<br>>
Finally you can't bear it any longer. Before he can close the door you burst out of your hiding place under the covers, the questions pouring out of you before you can stop them.<<br>>
Your sudden appearance seems to take him completely by surprise. He must have gotten so used to reporting to Simone that he'd all but forgotten about the Princess - he hadn't even asked after you today.<<br>>
For a few seconds he just stares. You find yourself flushing pink, terrified that in your urgency you might have made a mistake by letting yourself be seen.<<br>>
<<link "Try to cover myself with my hands">>
<<goto "day5wake3">>
<<set $day5wake to "cover">>
<<link "Try to strike a princessy pose">>
<<goto "day5wake3">>
<<set $day5wake to "pose">>
<</link>><<setter "day5wake to 'cover'" "day5wake to 'pose'" "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "gown2nite to true" "gown2nite to undefined">>
<<run $jacques.facts.delete("You saw him get mortally wounded. He's probably dead.")>>
<<run $jacques.facts.push("Last you heard he was still clinging to life after being injured. You hope that he makes it.")>>
<<if $day5wake is "pose">>
You hurriedly try to strike a dignified, regal pose, but that's difficult to do when you're only wearing
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
a feminine dressing gown
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>
a skimpy crop-top and shorts
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
a flimsy nightdress
and standing on bright pink bedding. Your find your cheeks blushing <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>crimson - you didn't even think to put your dressing gown back on!<<else>>crimson.<</if>><<br>>
You hurriedly try to cover yourself.
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
Your plush dressing gown covers most of your skin, but they're still just bedclothes after all!
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
After all, you're only wearing a skimpy crop top and shorts, with most of your skin uncovered!
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>
After all, you're only wearing a flimsy nightdress that barely reaches your thighs!
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
In your urgency you didn't even pull your dressing gown back around you, leaving you dressed only in the flimsy nightdress that barely reaches your thighs!
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>
In your urgency you didn't even pull your dressing gown back around you, leaving you dressed only in a skimpy crop top and shorts, with most of your skin uncovered!
Your arms fly to your crotch and chest, as they're the most incongruent areas. You feel ridiculous doing such a feminine pose, and your cheeks quickly blush crimson, but you suppose that that will only help the disguise.
<<unset $day5wake>>
<<blue "Princess! Err, blimey!">> The soldier stammers. <<blue "Wow, erm, sorry for not reporting to you directly, your Highness!">><<br>>
His eyes desperately track around the room to keep them from rudely staring at the crown princess in her nightwear in front of him. You hope that it's enough to stop him from noticing any physical incongruities.<<br>>
<<blue "Umm, let me check that for you, your Excellency.">>
He scrabbles for a crumpled piece of paper in his pocket, thankful for having something to focus on. <<blue "Let's see, Jacques... Oh! You mean the young lad!">><<br>>
He swipes his cap off his head and holds it to his chest in respect. Your breath hangs in your throat - that's not a good sign.<<br>>
<<blue "He did an incredible job out there last night. Half the men have stories about him. He's- well, I'm afraid it's not good. When the royal carriages were departing the physicians were hard at work doing what they could. He's still with us, but it's gonna be touch-and-go.">><<br>>
<<blue "From what I've heard he doesn't seem the type to go easy, so hopefully he'll be able to pull through. It'll leave a mark, and they won't be able to save the eye, but if he makes it he'll go far, a guy like that.">><<br>>
The relief is so palpable that you can't help but slump back down onto the bed.<<br>>
<<blue "The lady Colette is going strong I hear. As for a miss Elodie...">> He inspects the list closely. <<blue "Ahh. Here she is, she's marked as safe.">><<br>>
You can only thank the gods that they made it. Even Colette, who you have nothing but animosity with, comes as a relief.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $gown2nite is true>>
<</if>>The soldier says his farewells and leaves soon after.<<br>>
You're absolutely mortified about having been seen by Simone and the soldier wearing only your skimpy nightwear, with no dressing gown over the top.<<br>>
And yet in a way it also feels like a relief. You'd been so scared about the idea, terrified that if it ever happened then something horrible would occur, but now that it's actually happened and the world hasn't collapsed you begin to feel a little foolish.<<br>>
Your <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>skimpy crop top and shorts<<else>>skimpy nightdress<</if>> is still humiliating, but as you glance over at the dressing gown you wonder if perhaps staying like this might have a certain appeal.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Stop considering such foolish things and put the dressing gown back on">>
<<goto [[day5morning]]>>
<<link "Wear my nightwear around the carriage without the dressing gown">>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $nightwear to "dress">>
<<set $nightwear to "crop">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You resolutely try to convince yourself that the only reason why you're doing this is that you'll be comfier without the gown on - but considering how plush and soft the dressing gown was it's a little unconvincing.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head at you when she sees you step down off of the bed without putting anything else on. You wince, prepared for a horrified reaction, but instead a moment later she just gives you a warm, encouraging smile.<br><br>
Part of you wishes that she'd call you a pervert instead. That knowing expression, like she's already worked out something that you're only just beginning to grasp, somehow feels even more accusatory in comparison. However, despite that, you still find yourself feeling deeply grateful to her.<<br>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<if lastVisited("day5wakeGown") isnot 1>>
The soldier says his farewells and leaves soon after. <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>Embarrassed at having been seen without your dressing gown on, you hurriedly cover yourself up.<</if>><<br>>
Simone beams at you <<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>, isn't it wonderful! Robiers will be here by noon, it's finally over!">><<br>>
You find yourself grinning too. The last four days have been the worst of your life, you're thrilled at the idea of finally starting your life as a free man anew.<<br>>
Then you remember about the state of your body - what if you're not even qualified to be a free //man// any more?<<br>>
There's something that you need to check.<<br>>
[[Head to the bathroom->day5morningCheck]]<<setter "pc.background to 'hero'" "pc.background to 'flirt'">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $pantyStore to $outfit.under.name>>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
Simone gives you an odd look as you march grim-faced to the bathroom, but she probably just thinks that you really need the loo.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
After making sure that the door is firmly locked, you take off your nightwear so that you can get a good look at your body.<<br>>
You're covered in marks and bruises from last night, but you've at least still got a cock. You breathe a sigh of relief deeper than you thought capable of.<<br>>
While you're still terrified of the changes that your body has been undergoing, at least this time you're not actively freaking out. You feel like you can be a little more objective and take a more rational catalogue of the changes compared to yesterday.<<br>>
Honestly, if Simone hadn't been making precise measurements you doubt that you'd have noticed it by yourself yet. There's nothing too major that's changed - however, once you know what you're looking for the differences are obvious.<<br>>
Any changes to your bone structure seem fairly subtle for now, the more obvious differences are in the soft tissue. <<if $pc.background is "hero" or $pc.background is "manly">>Your previously not-unimpressive muscles are a shadow of their former selves.<<else>>You weren't exactly buff before, but it's clear that you still had a fair amount of baseline-muscle that you hadn't really considered before, as it's now all-but completely absent.<</if>> Despite that, you don't come off as scrawny - your flesh has gotten more rounded and soft to smooth out the incongruity. It's not that you're //fat// or anything, it's just that your skin itself has an added plushness to it that it didn't before.<<br>>
You run your hand over your skin to test the difference in texture - finding it soft and plushy, compared to the waxy coarseness from before - but when your hand reaches your chest you're suddenly struck by an alien sensation that makes you straighten up sharply in surprise. It takes you a few moments to realize the source of the sensation, but once you do you feel stupid for not having expected it - it's your nipples.<<br>>
It's not like you have //tits// or anything - your chest is as flat as it ever has been, if not even more so now that your pecs are smaller, but the same can't be said for the nipples themselves. The only word that you can think to describe them with is //puffy//, with a softer texture to them than they ever had before.<<br>>
When you touch them you don't recognize the sensation. They're sensitive, enough that you almost can't bear to poke at them. You obviously understand how they're supposed to work - it's a sexual sensation for girls, so you always just assumed that they must feel a bit like jacking off, or at least getting your balls played with or something, but instead it just feels... different, alien. You don't recognize it as sexual at all, enough so that when your legs begin to quiver beneath you, you assume it must be sleepiness and almost go stumbling to the floor when your continued prodding makes them buckle and spasm. The experience is enough to dissuade you from further experimentation.<<br>>
It's not like you look like a girl or anything. Without your disguise on you still look more male than female to your eyes, but nevertheless your slight, epicene body has an undeniable femininity to it that it hadn't just days ago.<<br>>
You grimace. You can't procrastinate any longer - you need to focus on what's //really// preying on your mind.<<br>>
You grab your limp cock in your hand and slowly work it to erectness. You brace yourself for it to take a little time, you are anxious and horrified by all this after all, but to your surprise it swells up to full size almost over-enthusiastically. It's helpful, but you can't help but feel like there's been some kind of internal betrayal.<<br>>
Now that you're hard, you carefully assess your member to see if it's shrunk.<<br>>
The results are subtle. Subtle enough to make you second-guess yourself and worry that your anxiety is making you catastrophize, but after some awkward shimmying around to look at it from different angles you're pretty certain that it's a //little// smaller than it was before.<<br>>
Your body sags depressively - everything that you feared is coming true. And yet, standing nude with your swollen cock in your hand a nagging temptation haunts you. After all, what //else// are you supposed to do when you're depressed?<<br>>
<<link "Jack off">>
<<goto [[day5morningWank]]>>
<<set $day5morningWank to true>>
<<link "Resist the temptation">>
<<goto [[day5morningChange]]>>
<</link>><<set $vixen ++>>
You allow the hand holding your now-smaller-than-average cock to glide along its length indulgently.
As you do so, your brain tries to decide on what to imagine as material to wank to.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Think about Elodie">>
<<set $day5morningWankGirl to "elodie">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningWank2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Think about Simone">>
<<set $day5morningWankGirl to "simone">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningWank2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Think about Colette">>
<<set $day5morningWankGirl to "colette">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningWank2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Think about la Madame de la Ruthe">>
<<set $day5morningWankGirl to "ruthe">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningWank2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<hovertip "You can't even begin to think about a guy that way - for now.">>@@color:#797979;==Think about Jacques==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<hovertip "You can't even begin to think about a guy that way - for now.">>@@color:#797979;==Think about the King==@@<</hovertip>>
</span><<setter "day5morningWankGirl to 'elodie'" "day5morningWankGirl to 'simone'" "day5morningWankGirl to 'colette'" "day5morningWankGirl to 'ruthe'">>
<<switch $day5morningWankGirl>>
<<case "elodie">>
Your mind naturally settles on Elodie. She's an odd one for sure, but the two of you quickly became good friends, and every now and again you feel a glimmer of perhaps something more.<<br>>
Besides - she's super hot. You've always kinda been into the gothic look, and her boobs are absolutely //huge//. If she ever chose to act less abrasively to people then you're sure that she would be surrounded by suitors. In a way, you're thankful that she is, so that you can feel like you have her to yourself.
<<case "simone">>
Your mind naturally settles on your carriagemate, Simone. It's no wonder, really - sharing the space with her has led to so much casual intimacy between the two of you that even though she's never intended to she's been a constant cock-tease.<<br>>
Besides - she's cute as hell. Between her petite proportions and curvy behind it's been difficult not to stare the whole time you've been together.
<<case "colette">>
Your mind goes to Colette. You hate her guts, but in a twisted way jacking off to her kinda feels like payback for the stuff she makes you do.<<br>>
She's a bitch, but she's also perhaps the prettiest person you've ever seen. She absolutely knows it too, and exploits it for everything she can get out of it - constantly posing her supple, nubile body in the way that makes for maximum impact. It's no wonder you can't get her out of your head.
<<case "ruthe">>
She's the last person who you'd expect to come to mind, but for some reason you find yourself thinking about la Madame de la Ruthe.<<br>>
Despite her age, and the bizarre way in which she viewed you, she still had a sleek, elegant body. Between her foxy demeanor and how direct she was with her intentions she had a personality that you can't help but be interested in - even if the exact nature of her intentions kind of scares you.
As you imagine her naked figure you start to reach a fever pitch in your lust. Your breath soon coming in heavy gasps as the warmth inside you swells.<<br>>
After all of the sexually charged events of the last few days you're well and truly pent up, and your body soon needily calls for release. And yet for some reason the peak of your pleasure evades you.<<br>>
Sometimes it can be a nice thing when that happens, and you get to luxuriate in the sensations for longer, but this doesn't feel that way at all - instead you just get more and more frustrated and unsatisfied with every moment that passes.<<br>>
You want to cum so bad, but you just can't manage it. In your lust, you desperately try to think of something that could help.
<span id="append2"></span>
<span id="remove2">
<<link "Touch my nipple again">>
<<set _day5morningNipple to true>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<append "#append2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningWankEnd]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
<<link "Force myself to just keep jackin'">>
<<set _day5morningNipple to false>>
<<append "#append2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningWankEnd]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
</span><<setter "day5morningNipple to true" "day5morningNipple to false">>
<<if _day5morningNipple is true>>
Unable to resist the temptation, your free hand snakes up your body until it hovers hesitantly over your chest<<br>>
You swallow nervously, and then allow your hand to run across the curve of your ribcage until your nipple is held between index and middle finger. Even that's enough to make you quiver - your skin is warm, sensitive, and glistening with sweat from masturbating.<<br>>
Then you do it, closing the gap with a 'snipping' motion with your nipple still suspended in the center - //tweaking// the little nub.<<br>>
You still don't recognize the sensation as pleasure (a part of you tries to add the word 'yet', but you don't let it) - to your brain it just feels alien and invasive. However, your body seems to get a different memo.<<br>>
From your brief experimenting earlier you'd already expected your legs to wobble, but what takes you blindsided is what it does to your voice. Your panting gasps, which were previously almost grunts, immediately twist into feminine little moans. At the peak of the sharp sensation you even let out a cowed //whimper//.<<br>>
The shock of hearing the noise come from your own mouth is enough to get you to try to stop masturbating in horror. However, the damage is already done - you're already cumming.<<br>>
It pours out of you in waves so strong that you can barely stand - your prostate clenching in kegels with each one. You don't have time to cover your dick, but thankfully it only splatters into the bathtub.
The last thing that you want is to get carried away and do something that you regret. You've jacked off like this all your life, you're not just going to change things up now.<<br>>
You try to find a rhythm that works but nothing feels quite right. Every time you feel like relief is finally just around the corner it seems to fade back into wearisome nothing.<<br>>
Way later when you finally manage to coax it out of yourself, even the orgasm itself is lacking - dripping weakly out of you.
As you clean up the mess, you can't help but notice something different. Whereas before your cum was thick, viscous, and cloudy-white, you could swear that it's now thinner, watery, and more translucent. You try not to overthink it though.<<br>>
[[Head back into the main room of the carriage->day5morningChange]]<<setter "day5morningWank to true" "day5morningWank to undefined">>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>
<<if $pantyStore is "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<unset $pantyStore>>
<<if $day5morningWank is true>>
Simone, dressed once again in her maid uniform, gives you an intense look when you return to the main room of the carriage.<<br>>
<<simone "I know what you were doing in there.">> She says grimly.<<br>>
You freeze in horror. Did- did she hear you from out here?<<br>>
<<simone "It's okay. It's normal, I'd be surprised if you //didn't//, given everything that's happened. Honestly, it's been all I can think about too...">><<br>>
All you can do is blink, a blush rising to your face.<<br>>
<<simone "I mean, there's //so// much that we don't know about your transformation, so of //course// we need to keep track of all of the changes as they happen!">><<br>>
You breathe a sigh of relief - she must have just guessed that you went to inspect your body, and is still none the wiser that you also took the opportunity to masturbate.<<br>>
Simone, dressed once again in her maid uniform, gives you a weak smile as you reenter the room.<<br>>
<<simone "So... how are the changes?">> She asks gently.<<br>>
You wince, she must have seen right through you.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She responds, once you give her the brief rundown of the least humiliating bits. <<simone "How horrid! It's what we thought then - it definitely sounds like you're getting //girlier//.">><<br>>
You grimace at the words being said so directly, but at this point you can't deny it - your body is getting more and more feminine by the day.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5morningChange2]]<<simone "So. I guess that by noon you'll be finally free of this whole situation.">> Simone mentions brightly. <<simone "All we need to do is wait for it to all be over.">><<br>>
The thought is a huge relief, and yet some part of you is still pinching yourself, unable to believe that it's going to be that easy.<<br>>
It feels silly to ask Simone to help you look more feminine this morning, but if you wanted to be extra prepared for every eventuality it could be worth it.
<<unset $morningChange>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Chill out and spend the morning chatting with Simone">>
<<set $fem -= 1>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5morningChat]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<set $morningChange to "chat">>
<<if ndef $pc.shave>>
[[Remove my leg hair->legShave][$morningChange to "legs"]] <<hovertip "Necessary to unlock more clothing">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
@@color:#797979;==Remove my leg hair==@@
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
@@color:#797979;==Shave my pubic hair==@@
<<link "Shave my pubic hair">>
<<goto [[pubicShave]]>>
<<set $morningChange to "pubic">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Available because you have hairless legs">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Need hairless legs">>@@color:#797979;==Remove my pubic hair==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]
@@color:#797979;==Get a haircut==@@
<<if ndef $pc.nails>>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]
@@color:#797979;==Paint my nails==@@
<<if def $pc.makeup>>
@@color:#797979;==Suggest putting on some makeup==@@
[[Suggest putting on some makeup->makeup1][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
@@color:#797979;==Get my ears pierced==@@
[[Get my ears pierced->earPierce][$morningChange to "ears"]]
<<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.acc>>
[[Add some accessories to my hair->hairAcc][$morningChange to "hairAcc"]]
@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@
<<hovertip "Need styled hair">>@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@<</hovertip>>
</span>You tell yourself to stop being such a worrywart, and allow yourself to relax with Simone for the morning.<<br>>
The two of you get comfortable. It's odd, all the time you've been together there's been a looming threat over it all, you've never really been in a position to just enjoy each other's company fully.<<br>>
While it's nice, it quickly becomes clear that neither of you really know how to act in this novel and alien situation together. The conversation quickly becomes full of awkward, pregnant pauses.<<br>>
You soon find yourself racking your brain for something to talk about.<<br>>
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("elodie") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Elodie->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "elodie"]]
/* <<if $dinnerTalk.includes("jacques") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Jacques->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "jacques"]]
<</if>> */
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("eyeChange") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about my transformation->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "eyeChange"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("colette") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Colette->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "colette"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("crow") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about the Scarecrow Killer->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "crow"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("maid") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask if Simone likes being a maid->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "maid"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("family") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about her family->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "family"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("acc") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about the accessories covering her maid outfit->simoneChatDay5morn][$simoneDay5chatMorn to "acc"]]
<</if>><<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "maid">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMaid]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "family">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkFamily]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "acc">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkAcc]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "elodie">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkElodie]]>>
/* <<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "jacques">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkJacques]]>>
<</if>> */
<<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "eyeChange">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkEyeChange]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "colette">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkColette]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatMorn is "crow">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkCrow]]>>
<<unset $simoneDay5chatMorn>><<br>>
[[Continue->day5reinforcements]]<<run $rob.facts.push("Probably among the slaughtered reinforcements.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.delete("You need him to vouch for you to get out of this situation.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.delete("Absent without leave ever since Ren died.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.delete("Will be meeting with the convoy at noon.")>>
The sound of shouting erupts from outside, and you can feel the carriage begin to slow down.<<br>>
You and Simone share an excited look - it's just past noon, this should be the reinforcements arriving, with Robiers in tow!<<br>>
You both rush to the windows but you can't get a good angle. <<if $nightwear is "crop" or $nightwear is "dress">>It's not until Simone thinks to go and get your dressing gown for you<<else>>It's not until Simone thinks to open the window<</if>> so that the two of you lean out that you can finally see what's going on properly.<br><br>
What you see makes your breath hang in your throat.<br>
Instead of reinforcements that you're expecting, all that you see is a massacre. The corpses of dozens of burgundy-uniformed soldiers are strewn across the barren landscape.<<br>>
They were all killed.<<br>>
And Robiers, your one lifeline, must have been killed with them.<<br>>
The soldiers traveling with the convoy seem to be mostly in disarray, but one officer glances over and roughly barks <<blue "By the gods, get those women away from the windows! They shouldn't have to see this.">> and a younger soldier obediently urges the two of you back into the carriage.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5reinforcements2]]Back inside, the two of you fall into a depressed slump together.<<br>>
<<simone "My heavens... they... they're //dead//!">> Simone wails, tears already flowing freely down her face.<<br>>
You're stunned. Just when you thought you were safe your freedom gets plucked from your fingers once more.<<br>>
You'd naively thought that perhaps the Scarecrow Killer was just a lone agent, but it seems like whatever's going on is much larger than that.<<br>>
The two of you sit in brooding silence for some time, interrupted only by Simone's sobs. It isn't long before you can feel the carriage start moving again, rushing away from the scene as if scared of catching something.<<br>>
Since your chance at escape has been snatched away, you'll have to keep on pretending to be the Princess. You jaw clenches - you'll be thrown straight back into your struggle for survival, with femininity as your only weapon to stay alive.<<br>>
/* <<simone "Goodness, you're right, <<print $pc.name>>.">> Simone manages weakly. <<simone "In the report this morning he said that we'd only be stopping for a reprovision, but even that's terribly risky for you, to say nothing of whatever comes after that!">><<br>> */
<<simone "I guess... I guess it's just another day of sewing and training like usual...">><<br>>
[[Practice Authority->day5train1][$day5train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
[[Practice Grace->day5train1][$day5train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
[[Practice Cuteness->day5train1][$day5train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
[[Practice Voice Training->day5train1][$day5train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
/* eTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>> */<<unset $morningTrain>>
<<if $day5train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day5train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day5train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day5train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
You're taking a brief break from your training when Simone suddenly perks up with <<simone "Hey <<print $pc.name>>, what's this?">><<br>>
You glance over and see Simone at work on the clothing that you wore to the Baron's party yesterday, fixing any scuffs and tears and adjusting them to fit your new figure. She's holding a little velvet pouch in her hands.<<br>>
Wait... a velvet pouch?<<br>>
In moments you're up and running across the room to stop her from opening up the 'present' that you received from the Madame de la Ruthe. You don't know what to expect to be inside, but it probably won't be good!<<br>>
You don't get there in time. To your horror Simone's curious fingers beat you to it - undoing the clasp and taking out the object inside, peering at it in surprise. <<simone "Oh my word! It's... umm... well, actually... What //is// it?">><<br>>
You slow yourself down. You don't recognize it either, and your urgency is quickly replaced by confusion.<<br>>
[[Inspect it closely->day5pouchCheck2]]<<run $ruthe.facts.delete("Gave you a small package containing something to open later")>>
<<run $ruthe.facts.push("Gave you a metal cock cage")>>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Accessories\Sex\metalcage.jpg]]@@<br>
Simone holds out the odd item in her palm, and you both peer at it suspiciously.<<br>>
<<simone "It's quite well made.">> Remarks the little maid, twisting her hand around to look at it from different angles. <<simone "Like jewelry. Do you think that it's a hairpiece, perhaps?">><<br>>
Experimentally she tries to attach it to one of her plaits. Personally you doubt that it's anything that simple, the Madame doesn't seem the type.<<br>>
A phrase that the Madame had used yesterday crosses your mind. <<ruthe "Why, in my youth I had half a dozen of you little things locked up, and you'd all come lapping at my heels like //puppies// when I got home in the evening, desperate for release.">><<br>>
Your eyes widen in horror. You think that you know //exactly// where that thing is supposed to go.<<br>>
You quickly snatch it from Simone's hands, where - after failing to attach it to her hair - she'd been trying to wear it as an ornate thumb-ring.<<br>>
She looks up at you with an innocent smile. <<simone "What's up, <<print $pc.name>>? Have you worked it out?">><<br>>
You have, but as you stare at her naive face you're not sure if you even have the heart to tell her.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Smoothly divert her attention elsewhere">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $cageSimone to "grace">>
<<goto "day5pouchCheck3">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - Passed">>
<<fail "Smoothly divert her attention elsewhere" "Grace 3 required">>
<<link "Tell her what it is">>
<<set $cageSimone to "tell">>
<<goto "day5pouchCheck3">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Just get out of here">>
<<set $cageSimone to "run">>
<<goto "day5pouchCheck3">>
<</link>><<setter "cageSimone to 'grace'" "cageSimone to 'tell'" "cageSimone to 'run'">>
<<if $cageSimone is 'grace'>>
It's a vulgar, indignant item, but you have the tact and decorum to defuse the situation cleanly, without Simone having to learn what it is.<<br>>
It doesn't take much, the little maid doesn't exactly have the longest attention span after all, it just needs to be executed smoothly. You neatly divert her focus elsewhere - towards a piece of the Princess' clothing.<<br>>
It works even better than you'd hoped. <<simone "Oh I know, isn't it pretty? I know that there's no way you could wear it for now, since it has so many cut-outs, but it's one of my favorite items in the Princess' collection. I've been dying to try it out myself.">> She says excitedly.<<br>>
You remind her that there's nothing stopping her from trying it on now that the Princess isn't here. You can go hide out in the bathroom while she dresses up.<<br>>
You can see joy dawn over her features at the concept. <<simone "G-gosh! You're right, <<print $pc.name>>, I could! Would you mind terribly if I did?">><<br>>
With that you're off to the bathroom with the incriminating item. A part of you wants to linger and catch a glimpse of Simone in the scandalous outfit, but you've got to dispose of this first.
<<elseif $cageSimone is 'tell'>>
No matter how pure and naive Simone might be, you're not rude enough to withhold the truth from her. You just hope that she won't see you as guilty by association.<<br>>
<<simone "... Oh... oh goodness...">><<br>>
<<simone "I don't understand why they would-">> She begins, but then her eyes go wide. <<simone "Oh heavens! It gets //big// doesn't it? It's to stop-... gosh!">><<br>>
You warily assess her reaction. She's definitely surprised, but at least she isn't screaming as you'd expected.<<br>>
<<simone "Well, I guess that it's not //too// weird, actually...">> Simone continues. You're taken aback - it certainly seems weird to you!<<br>>
<<simone "Like, girls wear bras because we've got all these floppy bits and stuff. And if they were flopping about everywhere then it would be ever such a bother. I shouldn't be too surprised that it's normal for boys to have a similar thing, really.">><<br>>
You're torn, on one hand the idea that Simone thinks that this might be normal and everyday is too weird to let continue - who knows what misunderstandings might arise - but at the same time you're not sure if you can bear to explain the perverse true intentions of the item either.<<br>>
Before you can make a choice, Simone curtly hands you the little pouch with a <<simone "Well, this is yours then">>, and your window of opportunity is lost.<<br>>
You're not sure if you're relieved or not. As much to escape the odd situation as anything else you make an excuse and rush to the bathroom to dispose of the thing.
You freeze in place, unable to think of a way to navigate the situation without having to tell her what it is.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head at your reaction. <<simone "What's up, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
Unable to meet her gaze, you simply retreat - rushing off to the bathroom to dispose of the thing before it can cause any more trouble.<<br>>
Simone seems completely perplexed by your retreating figure. You just hope that she doesn't work out the true nature of the device while you're gone.
[[Lock the bathroom door->day5pouchCheck4]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
Once in the bathroom, you find yourself staring at the cock cage in your hands.<<br>>
It's... small. It's not particularly undersized, you figure that most guys would fit okay while flaccid, but that's kind of the point - nobody really focuses on dicks when they're flaccid. The only time they're ever relevant is when they're erect. Just the existence of an object that dwells on the flaccidity of the thing makes it seem small, silly, defanged.<<br>>
Whatever, just don't think about it, you just need to be rid of the thing. However, when you push open the bathroom window you freeze in place. You'd presumed that you'd just be able to chuck it out, but come to think of it there's soldiers riding all around the carriage, warily on the lookout for anything odd. You daren't imagine how they'd react to something as bizarre as a cock cage getting thrown out the Princess' window, but you know that it wouldn't be good for your disguise.<<br>>
Ugh, you'd hoped to just duck into the bathroom to get away from Simone and get rid of it quickly, but this is going to be more complicated than you thought. To make matters worse, the carriage will be thoroughly inspected daily - if it was found hidden away then things could go poorly.<<br>>
The whole time that you're assessing the situation, you're also just standing there with a cock cage in your hands, and as much as you try to keep your mind off of it you can't help but consider the matter.<<br>>
It's a horrible idea, but you //are// in a situation where being found to have a penis would spell your death. You can think of a couple of situations over the last few days where an unexpected erection almost ruined everything - there is a //slight// appeal to an item that would mean that you no longer need to worry about such a thing. Plus, it's technically //one// way to hide the item so it won't be found.<<br>>
You blink, you couldn't really be considering this, could you?<<br>>
[[ABSOLUTELY NOT->day5pouchCheckRefuse]]<br>
[[ABSOLUTELY NOT->day5pouchCheckRefuse]]<br>
[[ABSOLUTELY NOT->day5pouchCheckRefuse]]<br>
[[ABSOLUTELY NOT->day5pouchCheckRefuse]]<br>
[[ABSOLUTELY NOT->day5pouchCheckRefuse]]<br>
[[ABSOLUTELY NOT->day5pouchCheckRefuse]]<br>
[[well, maybe...->day5pouchCheckCage]]<<check "This won't be the only time that becoming caged will become possible. Of those opportunities, this is the most eager.">><<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $pantyStore to $outfit.under.name>>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<set $caged to "day5">>
You don't want to do this. You want to throw this horrible item away and never have to think about such awful things ever again, but you just can't do it.<<br>>
Every day you go out there with your life on the line and desperately hope that you'll be able to survive til nightfall. It's only by miraculous chance that you've managed to make it this far. So long as you're caught in this terrible trap, you can't afford to pass up an opportunity for safety, even one as humiliating as this.<<br>>
For the second time today you strip out of your nightwear until you're standing in the bathroom nude - there's no time like the present. You want to wear it for as little time as possible, so the idea of quickly putting it on just before leaving has its appeal, but you're also certain that you don't want your first few minutes wearing a cock cage to also be ones where you're out in public at risk of being found out and killed for, say, freaking out in sexual agony, or whatever this thing is supposed to do to you!<<br>>
For some reason that you don't quite understand - you're not completely soft. You're left blinking at the realization. It //MUST// just be a random erection, some fluctuation of blood pressure, <<if $day5morningWank is true>>especially after you masturbated so recently,<<else>>or else lingering arousal from when you didn't jack off this morning,<</if>> but you'd expect that the horror of what you're about to do - the sheer fight-or-flight of it - would be more than enough to dispel such a thing. Instead it just disobediently hangs there, semi-erect - in fact, getting more swollen by the second.<<br>>
You grimace and try not to let your mind get carried away with what that might mean. Instead, you resolutely carry out a sequence of lunges and squats to try to calm it down. You feel like an idiot the whole time, and it takes much longer than you expect.<<br>>
Once you finally manage to exercise your rebellious member into submission, you set to your grim task anew.<<br>>
The cage consists of two parts, connected together by the metal bar of the padlock. It's not difficult to work out where the cage itself is supposed to go, but the metal ring is more confusing. It takes you some time before you realize that it's meant to fit snugly against your groin, and even longer before you work out how to get it there - by sliding one ball at a time through the tiny gap, then threading your flaccid shaft after them. The act feels so stupid and emasculating that you wonder if you'll ever be able to think of yourself as a sexual being again.<<br>>
The comes the part that you're dreading - the cage itself. It looked absurdly small at first, but to your marked disappointment you slip inside without any issues at all.<<br>>
The firm steel feels ice-cold against your body, enough to make you flinch as it slides into place. However that doesn't last long - the conductive metal rapidly absorbs your body heat, quickly matching your body temperature until it feels stiflingly warm compared to the crisp air. Over time though, the heat stops feeling weird and starts feeling almost snug.<<br>>
It's... less uncomfortable than you feared. Certainly, compared to how much your imagination was getting carried away with itself it feels almost mundane. You don't allow yourself to get carried away thinking that this will be easy - this is just the beginning, the real terror of will happen when you experience an erection, but you can't exactly control when that's going to happen. You'll just have to hope that it'll turn out okay.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5pouchCheckCage2]]<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>
<<if $pantyStore is "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<unset $pantyStore>>
You're halfway through putting your clothing back on when suddenly the carriage shakes from hitting a hole in the road. In your surprise you lose your grip on the little key.<<br>>
Time seems to freeze as you watch it fly through the air, helpless as it falls... safely onto the floor.<<br>>
You let out a deep sigh of relief - if that had fallen out the window, down the plughole, or even just down a gap in the floorboards, you can't even imagine what you'd do. You snatch it up quickly and begin searching for the safest place you can find to hide it away in. It's tempting to take it with you, but it's not like anything you wear now ever has any pockets, and you'd rather not stow it somewhere insecure and risk it falling out somewhere.<<br>>
Eventually you manage to find a little jar of moisturizer with almost nothing left inside. You rinse it out, place the key carefully inside, and stow it away carefully at the back of the cupboard.<<br>>
Content that you've done everything that you can, you finish dressing and head back out into the main room of the carriage.<<br>>
<<if $cageSimone is "grace">>
You're greeted by a grumpy-looking Simone, back in her maid uniform.<<br>>
<<simone "It was too big for me in the end, none of it fit right at all!">> She grumbles in disappointment.<<br>>
You're very glad that she's been too distracted by her own woes to worry about what you were doing in there.
<<elseif $cageSimone is "tell">>
Simone greets you happily. <<simone "Hey, <<print $pc.name>>. Did you put your thingie on?">><<br>>
You freeze in shock, your mind going blank at the sudden statement. But of course, as far as she thinks then that's //normal//.<<br>>
Every inch of you wants to tell her that you //absolutely// did //NOT//, horrified that she'd think otherwise - even if she's actually //completely// correct. However, you're sure that if you did then she'd only ask more questions that you're not sure if you'd be able to take.<<br>>
The only sensible decision is to turn away so that she can't see the expression that you're making, and mumble something vague and indistinct.
Simone greets you, smiling cheerfully. <<simone "Hey, <<print $pc.name>>! You must have really needed the loo, running off all of a sudden like that. Anyway, I should probably get back to my sewing - but please do let me know if you work out what that thingie was.">><<br>>
You watch her warily as she returns to her work. It suits you perfectly, but you can't help but find her reaction a little odd.<<br>>
You suddenly running off like that was unquestionably unusual. She //must// at least be //somewhat// suspicious that you realized what it was, and that it was something awful, right? She may be naive, but she's certainly not stupid. But from the way that she's reacting you'd think that nothing happened at all.<<br>>
The idea crosses your mind that she might just be being //polite// and giving you space, and you feel your blood run cold at the thought. If she worked out what it was for and is tactfully avoiding the matter, then surely she'd think that it was //yours//, right? And then after seeing you run to the bathroom with it, might she have concluded that you'd gone to put it on?<<br>>
You can feel yourself sweating at the possible mix-up, but at the same time there's no way that you could possibly ask for clarification. Even if covered yourself well, there's no way that you'd get through the conversation without blushing so deeply that she'd quickly work out that something was amiss. Instead you just have to hope that you're overthinking things.
<<include [[day5train2choice]]>><<setter "cageSimone to 'grace'" "cageSimone to 'tell'" "cageSimone to 'run'">>
<<set $caged to false>>
You shake your head, laughing to yourself at the absurd idea. Of //course// you're not going to do something like that. Even if it's the 'smart' thing to do or whatever, the idea is completely absurd!<<br>>
Which means that you just need to find a suitable hiding place for it, preferably one right here in the bathroom - you'd rather not go back into the main room with it with Simone still out there.<<br>>
You spend some time poking around the bathroom looking for a perfect spot. It's tricky - the metal cage is an awkward shape and size for hiding, and the bathroom doesn't exactly have many hiding places.<<br>>
Eventually you manage to find a likely candidate - a huge mason jar full of moisturizer. The indecent cage satisfyingly sinks out of sight into the thick white cream.<<br>>
Content that it's safely out of your life, at least until an awful lot of moisturizer gets used, you finally unlock the door and head back out.<<br>>
<<if $cageSimone is "grace">>
You're greeted by a grumpy-looking Simone, back in her maid uniform.<<br>>
<<simone "It was too big for me in the end, none of it fit right at all!">> She grumbles in disappointment.<<br>>
You're very glad that she's been too distracted by her own woes to worry about what you were doing in there.
<<elseif $cageSimone is "tell">>
Simone greets you happily. <<simone "Hey, <<print $pc.name>>. Did you put your thingie on?">><<br>>
You freeze in shock, your mind going blank at the sudden statement. But of course, as far as she knows wearing stuff like that's //normal//.<<br>>
Every inch of you wants to tell her that you //absolutely// did //NOT//, offended that she'd think otherwise. However, you're sure that if you did then she'd make a confused comment about 'flopping about', and that's the last thing that you want by now.<<br>>
Instead you just have to accept the well-meaning comment, your cheeks stinging with indignity as you continue on with your day.
Simone greets you, smiling cheerfully. <<simone "Hey, <<print $pc.name>>! You must have really needed to loo, running off all of a sudden like that. Anyway, I should probably get back to my sewing - but please do let me know if you work out what that thingie was.">><<br>>
You watch her warily as she returns to her work. It suits you well, but you can't help but find her reaction a little odd.<<br>>
You suddenly running off like that was unquestionably unusual. She //must// at least be //somewhat// suspicious that you realized what it was, and that it was something awful, right? She may be naive, but she's certainly not stupid. But from the way that she's reacting you'd think that nothing happened at all.<<br>>
The idea crosses your mind that she might just be being //polite// and giving you space, and you feel your blood run cold at the thought. If she worked out what it was for and is tactfully avoiding the matter, then she'd think that it it was //yours//, right? And then what would she think that you ran into the bathroom to do?<<br>>
You can feel yourself sweating at the possible mix-up, but without knowing what she actually thinks you can't do anything other than desperately hope that you're just overthinking things.
<<include [[day5train2choice]]>><<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
You have time for ONE more practice session.<br><br>
<<if $day5train isnot "auth">>
[[Practice Authority->day5train2][$day5train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $day5train isnot "grace">>
[[Practice Grace->day5train2][$day5train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $day5train isnot "cute">>
[[Practice Cuteness->day5train2][$day5train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<if $day5train isnot "voice">>
[[Practice Voice Training->day5train2][$day5train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<</if>><<if $day5train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day5train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day5train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day5train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<unset $day5train>>
<<goto "day5dress1">>
<</if>>There's a rapping at the window and a soldier calls in <<blue "We'll be stopping briefly at the next traveler's inn to requisition some supplies, your Highness. The Queen's ordered us to do a thorough carriage check while we're there, so you'll have a good opportunity to stretch your legs.">><<br>>
You and Simone lock eyes from across the carriage - it's time to get ready. It won't be a long stop, but it's still a period where you could be killed for slipping up.<<br>>
Simone sets out the clothing that she's been working on. <<simone "Here's the choices for today. First off all, the three outfits from yesterday that you haven't worn yet.">><br>
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<<if $morningChange is "legs">>
"Because you shaved your legs this morning, you'll be able to wear the dress with the butterfly broach, the outfit with the long tailcoat, and the white hooded dress too today."
<<elseif def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAll("gcloak", "peach", "tulip") isnot true>>
"Remember, the Queen said that she didn't like the first set of outfits because they didn't show enough skin, but you could still wear one if you'd like to risk it."
<<elseif ndef $pc.shave>>
"You still haven't shaved your legs, so you still can't wear any of these, sadly. Thankfully, today's one has trousers, or we'd be in real trouble!"
<<section "day5dressMobileFriendly1">>
<<simone "And this is the outfit that I managed to get done today! Isn't it so cool?">><<br>>
You have to agree. The simple outfit consists of just a top and pair of tight leggings, both adorned with a fancy rose insignia. It screams 'casual and flirty'.
In many ways it's less feminine than anything that you\'ve worn before, but it's easy to see why Simone didn't present it to you until now - the top both hangs off the shoulders and is cropped at the midriff, exposing your shoulders and belly to the world!<<br>>
<<simone "It's scary, I know, but I think that you could totally get away with showing that such skin. Especially with all your changes and stuff.">><<br>>
You wince at the reminder, but she's right - now that your skin is so much more feminine it really will be safer to show more of it.
/* <<simone "And this is the outfit that I managed to get done today! Isn't it so cool?">><<br>>
You have to agree. The simple outfit consists of just a top and pair of tight leggings, both adorned with a fancy rose insignia. It screams 'casual and flirty'.
In many ways it's less feminine than anything that you've worn before, but it's easy to see why Simone didn't present it to you until now - the top both hangs off the shoulders and is cropped at the middle, exposing your shoulders and belly to the world!<<br>>
<<simone "It\'s scary, I know, but I think that you could totally get away with showing that such skin. Especially now that you're changing and stuff.">><<br>>
You wince at the reminder, but she's right - now that your skin is so much more feminine it really will feel a lot safer showing more of it. */
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
<<print _day5dressMobileFriendly1>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _day5dressMobileFriendly1>>
<span id="dressupAppend"></span>
<span id="dressupRemove">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<hovertip "Hairless legs needed">>@@color:#797979;==Pick the Butterfly Dress==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<hovertip "Hairless legs needed">>@@color:#797979;==Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the White-hooded outfit">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "whitehood">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("whitehood")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<hovertip "Hairless legs needed">>@@color:#797979;==Pick the White-hooded outfit==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Outfit adorned with Roses">>
<<set $day5outfitChoice to "rose">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("rose")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day5outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
</span><<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you again today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day5simoneDress]]>>
<<hovertip "You've gotten used to being dressed by Simone.">>@@color:#797979;==I'll dress myself today==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") is true and $firstSleepDressupToken isnot true>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day5simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day5selfDress]]>>
<<elseif $outfit.under.types.includes("panties") is true and $firstSleepDressupToken is true>>
<<unset $firstSleepDressupToken>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
The little maid hesitates for a moment, as if realizing something. Then, blushing a little, she suggests <<simone "C-come to think of it, since you're wearing panties, I guess that it wouldn't be too indecent for me to help dress you today. That way you won't risk tearing it trying to put it on or anything...">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day5simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day5selfDress]]>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
For a moment Simone looks like she's about to say something else - force of habit from helping the Princess dress every day. She stops herself and purses her lips, there's no way that she could help you dress while you're still not wearing underwear.<br><br>
<<hovertip "You'd need to be wearing panties for this. Try asking Simone to sleep with you at night.">>@@color:#797979;==Get dressed by Simone==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<<link "Just dress myself">>
<<goto [[day5selfDress]]>>
<</if>><<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
The idea of being so intimately attended to by Simone still makes you cringe. Maybe if you were wearing mens underwear instead of panties it would feel safer, but the idea of her seeing you wearing them and nothing else is deeply uncomfortable.<br><br>
You still don't have any underwear on, so while being dressed by Simone would certainly make your life easier, for now you'll still have to dress yourself.<br><br>
Grabbing the outfit, you go to the bathroom and slip out of your
<<switch $nightwear>>
<<case "gown">>
dressing gown.
<<case "cropgown">>
dressing gown and nightclothes.
<<case "dressgown">>
dressing gown and nightdress.
<<case "crop">>
crop top and shorts.
<<case "dress">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakSelfDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachSelfDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipSelfDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflySelfDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatSelfDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodSelfDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseSelfDressup">>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
<<goto [[day5coletteEars]]>>
<<goto [[day5innArrival]]>>
<</link>><<if $simone.dressedYou is 0>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
You tell Simone that you'd appreciate her help putting on the outfit, and the girl happily pulls over a full-length mirror for you to stand in front of.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Right. Lift your arms please"@@ says the maid briskly. You roll your eyes at her in response - you can at least //remove// your clothing by yourself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Sorry, force of habit. The Princess never let me do it either but I was told to always ask."@@<br><br>
<<switch $nightwear>>
<<case "gown">>
As you lift off your plush dressing gown, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle. The confidence boost that you get from it is dampened only by how much you still had the body you had just a few days ago, but it quickly disappears when her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "dressgown">>
As you grasp your plush dressing gown, you realize a problem - you'd been so determined to avoid showing Simone what you look like in the skimpy nightdress, but now it looks like it's unavoidable.<br><br>
After a deep breath, you pull off the dressing gown, exposing your body in the light nightwear to the mirror and Simone.<br><br>
Simone clasps her hands together gleefully, and though she desperately holds her tongue so that she doesn't upset you, it's not difficult to tell by how much her eyes are glistening that she thinks it's adorable.<br><br>
You grimace, and try to set to taking off the rest as quickly as possible. As you do so, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is suddenly exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle. The confidence boost that you get from it is dampened only by how much you still had the body you had just a few days ago, but it quickly disappears when her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "cropgown">>
As you grasp your plush dressing gown, you realize a problem - you'd been so determined to avoid showing Simone what you look like in the skimpy crop top and shorts, but now it looks like it's unavoidable.<br><br>
After a deep breath, you pull off the dressing gown, exposing your body in the light nightwear to the mirror and Simone.<br><br>
Simone clasps her hands together gleefully, and though she desperately holds her tongue so that she doesn't upset you, it's not difficult to tell by how much her eyes are glistening that she thinks it's adorable.<br><br>
You grimace, and try to set to taking off the rest as quickly as possible. As you lift your crop top off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is fully exposed. The confidence boost you feel at her reaction is dampened only by the wish that she'd been able to see the body that you had just days before - not that it makes much difference, it's about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull your little pajama shorts down, and any trace of interest that Simone might have had in your torso is immediately sucked away as your bulge, contained in their <<print $outfit.under.name>>, is exposed.<br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "crop">>
As you lift your crop top off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is fully exposed. The confidence boost you feel at her reaction is dampened only by the wish that she'd been able to see the body that you had just days before - not that it makes much difference, it's about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull your little pajama shorts down, and any trace of interest that Simone might have had in your torso is immediately sucked away as your bulge, contained in their <<print $outfit.under.name>>, is exposed.<br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "dress">>
Not wanting the moment to linger, you pull off your nightdress as quickly as possible. As you do so, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your bare masculine torso is suddenly exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle. The confidence boost that you get from it is dampened only by how much you still had the body you had just a few days ago, but even that quickly disappears when her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
As you lift your dirty hempen smock off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you in the mirror as she looks your masculine torso up and down. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body - especially given that your masculinity is about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull down the waistband of your torn britches and soon you're left exposed in front of the mirror wearing only
<<if $outfit.under.name is "black panties">>a pair of black brief adorned with a little bow.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts">>a pair of pink polkadot boyshorts covered in ruffles and frills.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>a pair of sheer lace boyshorts, through which you can just about make out your trapped genitals.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "white panties">>a pair of white brief panties adorned with a cute bow.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>> The femininity is continued down your legs, which are sleek and hairless.<<else>> They look a little absurd next to your hairy legs.<</if>><br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror, her face beginning to blush a tinge before she hurriedly breaks eyecontact with it and desperately tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.<br><br> */
<<elseif $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
Simone pulls up the mirror and begins undressing you.<br><br>
<<if $gown2nite is true>>
You're a little uncomfortable taking off your dressing gown and revealing to Simone that you're wearing <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>crop top and shorts<<else>>a nightdress<</if>> underneath. However, Simone doesn't even blink at the reveal. You shouldn't be surprised really - she saw you wearing it earlier during the morning report, but you still wish the idea of you wearing it seemed at least a //little// incongruent to her.<br><br>
As you take off your nightwear you catch Simone watching carefully, no doubt assessing your body for further changes.<<br>>
You've noticed her staring before, but back then you had a body that you were proud of - even though your body changes are subtle, you still find yourself nervously shifting from one foot to the other from her gaze<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>, especially because you're terrified that she'll notice the shape of the cage in your bulge<</if>>.
/* Before when you'd caught her throwing glimpses your way you'd been pleased about it - after all, you had a body that you were rather proud of - but now that you've transformed you feel yourself nervously shifting from one foot to the other from her gaze<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>, especially because you're terrified that she'll notice the shape of the cage in your bulge<</if>>. */
Besides, back then she'd been blushing at your nudity in a way that you could get a confidence boost from, but now her face is much more analytical, carefully appraising whether your body changes will necessitate some last-minute adjustments - seemingly completely unfazed by your nudity.
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodDressup">>
<<if $day5outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseDressup">>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
<<goto [[day5coletteEars]]>>
<<goto [[day5innArrival]]>>
<</link>><<run $pc.ears.owned.push("pearlStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("onyxStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("daisyStud")>>
Simone glances at your ears, and her head cocks to one side in thought. <<simone "Come to think of it, you got your ears pierced yesterday by Colette, didn't you?">><<br>>
You grimace at the reminder.<<br>>
<<simone "I know it happened in bad circumstances, but I think the Queen will actually really like to see that you're wearing earrings. Besides, they're such a cute and feminine thing to add to an outfit!">><<br>>
Her eyes light up with an idea. <<simone "I know! Why don't I go and find some other earrings from the Princess' collection? That way you can replace those ones with something with fewer bad memories. You won't be able to wear anything dangly until it's a bit more healed over, but studs can be really pretty too!">><<br>>
She quickly hurries over to the dresser and soon returns with three sets of earrings for you to choose from.<br>
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\pearlStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\onyxStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\daisyStud.jpg]]@@
You assess the options carefully.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the pearl earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<goto [[day5coletteEars2]]>>
<<link "Pick the onyx earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<goto [[day5coletteEars2]]>>
<<link "Pick the daisy earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<goto [[day5coletteEars2]]>>
<<link "Actually, I don't want to take off Colette's earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<goto [[day5coletteEars2]]>>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<</link>><<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
You can't work out why, but for some reason when you think about taking off the earring that Colette forced on you, you find yourself flinching at the very thought.<<br>>
Before you know what you're doing your hands have moved up to cover your ears protectively, and you take a step back warily.<<br>>
Simone gives you an incredibly odd expression at the sight. <<simone "Umm... are you okay, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
You can feel yourself turning pink. You should want these horrid things gone from you as soon as possible, right? And yet, somehow you can't bear to do it.<<br>>
You feel embarrassed and start stuttering an excuse - something about not wanting to disturb the piercing wounds too soon for fear of damaging your ears. You're impressed by your own quick thinking, but you're sure that it's utterly unconvincing given how you suddenly can't hold her gaze.<<br>>
Simone's head cocks to one side thoughtfully. <<simone "I- I guess I'll leave you to it then. Sorry if I upset you, I didn't realize that you, umm, thought that way about them.">><<br>>
You don't know what she means by that, but when she turns around to put the earrings away you find yourself tenderly touching the little pink studs in your ears, getting little thrills of tension from the memory of getting them put in. How odd!
You're wary about the idea of messing with your ears after getting them was such a traumatic experience, but Simone quickly shushes your worries. <<simone "It's easy! It was only nasty yesterday because that horrid woman was being such a meanie about it.">><<br>>
Thankfully she proves to be correct - you wince when Simone comes close, but switching out the earrings proves to be almost laughably easy. You barely feel the sensation as the old pair are carefully removed and the new ones are gently put in their place.<<br>>
You look over to the mirror on the dresser and see that your ears are now adorned with <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>handsome onyx circles<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>elegant pearls<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>cute little daisies<<else>><<error>><</if>>.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day5innArrival]]>>
<</link>><<unset $gown2nite>>
It isn't long before the carriage comes to a halt, and soon afterwards a knocking comes from the door of the carriage and a group of soldiers escort you outside.<<br>>
It's not too late in the day, but you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise from how dark it is outside. As if to reflect the sombre mood after Scarecrow Killer's attack yesterday, the rainclouds are so thick and gloomy that almost none of the sunlight manages to penetrate them.<<br>>
Through the rain you make out the shape of an inn in the distance, and are ushered towards it by the soldiers around you.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day5innArrival.jpg]]@@<br>
It's a large and well-maintained travelers inn, though you can't help but feel that the scenery makes it look ominous.<<br>>
<<blue "Just this way, your Highness.">> Urges the lead soldier. <<blue "We won't be here long, but it's warm and toasty inside.">><<br>>
<<link "Thank him">>
<<goto "day5innArrival2">>
<<set $day5innArrival2 to "thank">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Just keep my head down">>
<<goto "day5innArrival2">>
<<set $day5innArrival2 to "noThank">>
<</link>><<if $day5innArrival2 is "thank">>
<<if $voice lte 1>>
You haven't trained your voice <<if $voice is 1>>much<</if>>, so when you try to give them thanks your voice breaks alarmingly.<<hovertip "voice check - fail">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<br>>
Your eyes widen in surprise, you'd gotten complacent - after everything that's happened to you the idea that you could be ruined by something as simple as this feels absurd.<<br>>
You glance around the soldiers to check their reaction, but while they definitely seem surprised, to your relief the sergeant's expression just hardens. <<blue "Damn this whole thing, your Highness. For you to have had to breathe in all of that smoke yesterday, what a mess. Here take this.">><<br>>
He passes you his white handkerchief to cough into. Grateful for the cover, you take it and mime a few coughs.<<br>>
<<include "day5innArrival2conclude">>
You thank the soldiers for their hard work with a strong, clear voice.<<hovertip "voice check - pass">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><<br>>
There's a few polite smiles from the group, but they don't seem too enthusiastic. The sergeant replies <<blue "That's mighty sweet of you to say, your Highness. It's tough to believe it right now though - every man in the convoy's been feeling like a mess after the Scarecrow Killer managed to do so much damage yesterday. If we'd only been more careful maybe it could all have been avoided...">><<br>>
You're not surprised that morale is low after everything that's happened.<br><br>
You try to assess whether you could do anything to help. Grace is helpful for navigating social events with tact and poise, and deftly avoiding social faux-pas, but lacks the passion to truly inspire people. You could certainly instill obedience with authority, but that's a long way from genuinely lifting their spirits. Oddly, it feels like what this situation really demands is the earnest sincerity that <<if $cute gte 3>>you've learned<<else>>you could learn<</if>> from cuteness.<br>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Try to lighten their spirits and inspire them back to readiness">>
<<set $day5soldiersInspired to true>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5innArrival2inspireAppend]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<</link>><<hovertip "cuteness 3 check - passed">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>><br>
<<hovertip "Cuteness 3 required">>@@color:#797979;==Try to lighten their spirits and inspire them back to readiness==@@<</hovertip>>
<<link "Walk solemnly onwards">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You can't think of anything to say, and decide that the best thing to do is just to allow them to walk in glum silence.
<<include "day5innArrival2conclude">>
<<remove "#remove">>
After everything that happened yesterday, the last thing that you want to do is to get caught up in this kind of formality. Besides, you get the feeling that the soldiers feel much the same - you're sure that they must have lost friends and peers yesterday, they shouldn't have to do the extra emotional labor of keeping conversation going. Keeping quiet can be a kindness.<<br>>
<<include "day5innArrival2conclude">>
<<unset $day5innArrival2>>They all look so hopeless and sad that you almost can't bear it. How awful! They deserve to feel better than this.<<br>>
Suddenly you trot ahead of your escorts so that you can turn back around and face them all. They halt themselves to look at you in surprise at the sudden action.<<br>>
Content that you've gotten their attention you start a little speech, your voice ringing with sincerity. You tell them how scared you were yesterday, and how you wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the help of soldiers like themselves. You tell them that the Scarecrow Killer is an inhuman monster, and nobody should ever feel ashamed for not being able to take it down. You tell them that their lost friends would only want the best for all of them and would want them to be happy and proud - so even if it's difficult to feel it yourself, to try for the sake of their memories.<<br>>
You feel a little foolish saying such things, but you push through the embarrassment - you don't have energy to waste worrying about such things, not when these people are feeling so horrid. Instead you focus on keeping your tone earnest and empathic.<<br>>
You worry that your words might be dismissed as mere platitudes, but you're surprised to find that they find their mark - you can see many of the soldiers' eyes glisten with tears and determination.<<br>>
<<blue "T-thank you, your Highness.">> One of them says after a few seconds pause for your words to really sink in and be felt. <<blue "You're right, damn it. We can't let ourselves lapse into despair now can we? Thank you. Really.">><<br>>
They're not exactly smiling and cheering, but you can at least feel reassured that they're holding themselves with a little more confidence. You just hope that you managed to nurture a seed of hope in them.<<br>>
<<include "day5innArrival2conclude">>They lead you the rest of the way to the inn and push open the door for you to head inside.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5innEnter1]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day5innEnter1.jpg]]@@<br>
The inn is warm and bright, especially compared to the cold darkness of outside.<<br>>
The room is filled to the brim with burly soldiers lugging around sacks of supplies. However, they aren't the only people here - there's also a few groups of travelers dotted around the place who must have been here before the convoy arrived. They're either staring at the invasion of soldiers or steadfastly trying to keep their conversations going through the clattering.<<br>>
With all of the soldiers ransacking the place you almost feel sorry for the owners, if not for that you can see a rotund man behind the bar with a huge sack of gold and an even larger grin on his face at the transaction.<<br>>
For now the soldiers seem too busy to pay you much attention, and you're left to your own devices.<<br>>
<<link "See what I can learn lingering near the soldiers.">>
<<goto "day5innEnterSoldiers">>
<<link "Wander over to the travelers">>
<<goto "day5innEnterTravelers">>
<</link>>You walk over to the where the travelers are grouped together on one side of the inn. Most are just staring at the dozens of soldiers which have invaded in the inn, but one pair are talking animatedly.<<br>>
Before this week you might have described their clothing as fancy and expensive, but after seeing so much extravagance they look tawdry in comparison - they must be traders or some such.<<br>>
They're so interested in having their conversation that they don't immediately notice you drawing close.<<br>>
<<blue "-you think? It could be worth a lot, you know.">><br><br>
<<pink "God I hope so. The twerp was //desperate// to keep it with her. Took everything I had to haggle it off of the little shite without scaring her off.">><<br>>
<<blue "It's rare, that's for bloody certain. Never seen anything as intricate. That doesn't mean we'll have much luck pawning it though - who knows if there's a market for stuff like this.">><<br>>
<<pink "We got it for an absolute steal. Even if we can't get rid of it quick just think of it as an investment - we'll keep it stowed in the wagon for as long as it takes to find a rich eccentric buyer. It's not like we're hurting for funds.">><<br>>
<<blue "I wonder how she even ended up with such an odd thing.">><<br>>
<<pink "She said that she //inherited// it, but I doubt it - nobody whose in a position to inherit //anything// would be scrounging around trying to pawn their possessions for food and shelter. She probably stole the thing. Means that I don't have to feel bad for swindling her for all she's worth anyway.">><<br>>
Her partner glances around warily as she mentions 'swindling', and his eyes widen as he notices you lingering in earshot. He quickly shushes his companion and tucks the object that they were looking at into a pocket before you can identify what it is.<<br>>
Then he turns to you, a smarmy smile on his face. <<blue "You there, girl-">> He addresses, only to notice your elaborate clothing and switch his phrasing. <<blue "I mean, //my Lady//. Do you happen to know what's going on here? I haven't seen this many soldiers since the //war//.">><<br>>
You try to think of a response.<<br>>
<<link "I have no idea, I'm just a poor traveler trying to get by.">>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersReply to "travel">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelers2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<link "Just a routine mission that they forgot to take enough supplies for. Don't worry about it.">>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersReply to "routine">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelers2]]>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "We're the royal convoy, on the run from a terrifying assassin. I'm the Princess.">>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersReply to "royal">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelers2]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<setter 'day5innEnterTravelersReply to "royal"' 'day5innEnterTravelersReply to "routine"' 'day5innEnterTravelersReply to "travel"' 'stashedStuff to true' 'stashedStuff to false' 'stashedStuff to undefined'>>
<<if $day5innEnterTravelersReply is "travel">>
<<set _cuteMod to 4>><<set _graceMod to 5>><<set _authMod to 5>>
You explain that you have nothing to do with all of the soldiers, you're just a humble traveler.<<br>>
You can see the woman eye you up and down, wondering what kind of humble traveler would be wearing such finery, but they seem to believe you.
<<elseif $day5innEnterTravelersReply is "routine">>
<<set _cuteMod to 5>><<set _graceMod to 4>><<set _authMod to 5>>
They seem to believe your lie immediately.<<br>>
<<pink "Gods, I bet they'll get a hell of a bollocking from their superiors when they get back, what a laugh!">> cackles the woman.
<<elseif $day5innEnterTravelersReply is "royal">>
<<set _cuteMod to 5>><<set _graceMod to 5>><<set _authMod to 4>>
You expect the response to be immediate, but slightly disappointingly he just raises one eyebrow. The woman looks you up and down, incredulous that someone so masculine could be the Princess.<<br>>
Instead of worrying about being disbelieved, to be honest you just feel relief. There's something kind of reassuring about the fact that your body hasn't changed enough yet to make these people believe you immediately.<<br>>
Nevertheless, the pair seem to decide that the prudent thing to do is to go along with it, at least while there's so many soldiers around who could arrest them for not being polite enough. <<pink "Well, err, your Highness. It's an honor to meet you.">>
<</if>><<check "Sometimes the actions you take can improve your chances at passing skill checks">><<br>>
The three of you exchange a little strained conversation, but it's clear that you're not going to be able to get much from them.<<br>>
However, you can't help but find yourself intrigued by what they were talking about before you arrived. It could be entirely useless, but you wonder if you might be able to get that item away from them.<<br>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<if $auth gte _authMod>>
<<link "Use my authority to take it from them">>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersTake to "auth">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelersTake]]>>
<</link>><<check "Authority _authMod check - Passed">>
<<fail "Use my authority to take it from them" "Authority _authMod required">>
<<if $grace gte _graceMod>>
<<link "Use my grace to take it from them">>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersTake to "grace">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelersTake]]>>
<</link>><<check "Grace _graceMod check - Passed">>
<<fail "Use my grace to take it from them" "Grace _graceMod required">>
<<if $cute gte _cuteMod>>
<<link "Use my cuteness to take it from them">>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersTake to "cute">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelersTake]]>>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness _cuteMod check - Passed">>
<<fail "Use my cuteness to take it from them" "Cuteness _cuteMod required">>
<<if $stashedStuff is true>>
<<link "Offer the gems I have stashed on my person in exchange for the item">>
<<goto [[day5innEnterTravelersTake]]>>
<<set $day5innEnterTravelersTake to "gems">>
<</link>><<check "This is the last opportunity to use the gems. After this they are useless.">>
<<elseif $stashedStuff is false>>
<<fail "Offer the gems I have stashed on my person in exchange for the item" "You've already used the gems elsewhere">>
<<fail "Offer to trade them something for it" "You don't have anything that they might want.">>
<<link "Give up and leave">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5innEnterTravelersLeave]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<setter 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "gems"' 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "auth"' 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "cute"' 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "grace"' 'day5innEnterTravelersReply to "royal"' 'day5innEnterTravelersReply to "routine"' 'day5innEnterTravelersReply to "travel"'>>
<<if $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "gems">>
You make your intentions as plain as possible, stating clearly that you want that item and are willing to offer something valuable in exchange. After all - they're merchants, bargaining is their whole thing.<<br>>
As expected, as soon as you make your offer they noticeably relax, and their eyes gleam greedily.<<br>>
You start off by offering something small. It's not actually anything that you have to give, but you're confident that it has no chance of being accepted.<<br>>
True enough, the merchants make a display of mock-offense at the offer, and in return demand an amount so eye-watering that you're certain that you wouldn't be able to afford it even if you really //were// the Princess.<<br>>
You enter a back-and-forth of dueling counter-offers. They're clearly good at it, skillfully trying to bamboozle you with cunning tricks, but you can tell that the presence of the soldiers within earshot keeps them from behaving too outrageously.<<br>>
It's only once you've been going for a while that you truly play your hand and reveal the jewel that you have hidden on your person.<<br>>
You can see the two of them exchange an excited glance together. Then the woman announces <<pink "If you'll excuse me, I'll have to briefly discuss with my business partner.">><<br>>
The two of them go off into a huddle together. You can't hear much, but can just about make out <<blue "Sure, we //might// be able to do better on the market, but one in the hand is worth two in the bush - it's a decent trade.">><<br>>
They come back having made their decision. <<pink "You've got yourself a deal. Our item for that pretty jewel of yours.">>
<<elseif $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "cute">>
It feels a little rude to try to take something from the pair, but it also doesn't sound like they have much claim to have gotten it legitimately themselves. In fact, you feel quite terribly for the poor girl that they mentioned swindling, and you're certain that you can use your cuteness to get revenge for her.<<br>>
You adjust your posture to maximize your adorable innocence, and then make your move - explaining with eyes glistening with almost-tears about the tragic tale of your 'dear friend', the young duchess of Amarres.<<br>>
You weave the tale of the poor girl, separated from her noble family by a bandit attack, forced to scrounge on the streets for survival for days before she was finally found, rescued, and reinstated back into the noble role she was always meant for.<<br>>
The tales of her terrible ordeals are many, and you regale them all before circling around to the coup de grace - how she was awfully exploited by rapscallions who stole the ornate keepsake of her late father in exchange for food and shelter. You tell her that soldiers are scouring the place trying to fix the matter, but to no avail so far.<<br>>
This hits the mark. Up til then they were enthralled by your sweet performance and deeply sympathetic to this girl's woes, but suddenly you see them exchange a look of horror, and then wary glances at the soldiers surrounding them.<<br>>
You try not to let your smile show as you finish your sad story by flying to the chest of the woman for support in your overemotional state.<<br>>
You can't see what expressions they're exchanging, but you're certain that they're having an entire frantic unspoken conversation just above you. You don't rush them - giving them as much time as you can to come to a decision before lifting your head.<<br>>
<<blue "W-well! Umm, wouldn't you know it. We, err, happened to get into quite an encounter just yesterday.">> The man flusters.<<br>>
The woman picks up from him. <<pink "YES! Yes, an encounter. It was so strange, a pair of absolute fiends came across our path.">><<br>>
<<blue "Yes, right shitheads!">> Supplies the man, only to get elbowed in the ribs for using such language. <<blue "I mean, really bad people! Why, the most detestable and //ugly// woman I've ever seen.">><<br>>
This causes a displeased look from the woman. <<pink "Actually I think that it was the //man// who was the worst - a revolting odious wretch if I remember. They were //bragging// about some terrible deed they conspired together, and playing with a little device.">><<br>>
<<blue "We knew that something was up, and sorted them out right and proper - took the ill-gotten thing from their clutches for safekeeping.">><<br>>
<<pink "We still have it now, we were just trying to work out how to get it back to its rightful owner, and it sounds like we've found one!">><<br>>
<<blue "Please. For the gods' sake, we implore you! Take this and return it, would you dear?">><<br>>
You graciously accept.
<<elseif $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "grace">>
It feels a little rude to try to take something from the pair, but it also doesn't sound like they have much claim to have gotten it legitimately themselves. You're confident that you can use the grace and tact that you've learnt since traveling with the royal convoy to extract it from their clutches.<<br>>
You heighten your affect to greater heights, pushing your poise and elegance to such an overwhelming degree that all of your words come with almost divine gravitas. You can see wonder dawn on their expressions at your brilliance.<<br>>
You start weaving a little tale. It's pure fabrication, but you know that there's no way that anyone could believe that you could tell a lie. You explain the peculiar tale of the duke of Amarres, who had a beautiful and intricately made heirloom that was the pride of the duchy.<<br>>
One day, the duke was awoken during the night by clattering, and awoke to find his manor being ransacked by a vicious young robber. The duke nobly tried to defend his home, but in the scuffle the young woman drew a knife and butchered the duke in his nightclothes.<<br>>
She ran away into the night when the servants arrived on the scene soon after, but not before stealing the prized heirloom.<<br>>
Ever since, the Duke's heir has dedicated all of his efforts to finding the thief that killed his father and bringing her to justice, and squadrons of soldiers have been sent throughout the country, looking for a trace of the killer, but not only that - anyone who might have been assisting her, including any vile fences who the ruffian could have pawned the item too, because it is through their absence of morals that such behavior is profitable in the first place.<<br>>
You're pleased to notice the pair sweating more and more as you talk, sending furtive glances between each other and to the soldiers all around you.<<br>>
The man's nerves are the first to break.<<blue "W-well! Umm, wouldn't you know it. We, err, happened to get into quite an encounter just yesterday.">> The man flusters.<<br>>
The woman picks up from him. <<pink "YES! Yes, an encounter. It was so strange, a TERRIBLE young woman crossed our path.">><<br>>
<<blue "Yes, a right fucker!">> Supplies the man, only to get elbowed in the ribs for using such language. <<blue "I mean, a really bad person!">><<br>>
<<pink "As nightmarish as they come, covered in bloodstains if I remember correctly. She were muttering to herself about some //murder// and and playing with a little device in her hands.">><<br>>
<<blue "We knew that something was up, and sorted her out right and proper - took the ill-gotten thing from her clutches for safekeeping.">><<br>>
<<pink "We still have it now, we were just trying to work out how to get it back to its rightful owner, and it sounds like we've found one!">><<br>>
<<blue "Please. For the gods' sake, we implore you! Take this and return it, would you dear?">><<br>>
You graciously accept.
<<elseif $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "auth">>
It feels a little rude to try to take something from the pair, but it also doesn't sound like they have much claim to have gotten it legitimately themselves. You're confident that you can use the authority that you've learnt since traveling with the royal convoy to extract it from their clutches.<<br>>
You switch up your affect from friendly into assertively superior. Before you've even said a word, your posture alone is enough to make them sit up straight in their seats like they've been caught slacking off by a teacher.<<br>>
You start weaving a little tale. <<if $day5innEnterTravelersReply is "royal">>You explain languorously that the reason why the royal family is in the area is due to some tiresome business with taxes. Something about local merchants not paying their fair due, and draining the royal budget as a result<<else>>You explain languorously that you're the daughter of the local nobles, and complain to them about the latest issue that's been plaguing your family - that of local merchants not paying their fair due of taxes.<</if>><<br>>
It's a total lie, but everything you've seen about the pair makes you think that they might not be completely above board. You're pleased to note from the nervous expressions that they keep on exchanging that you're right on the money.<<br>>
<<pink "Well that's... that's just rotten! We bloody hate merchants like that, we do. Give the whole profession a bad name and that's for sure!">> The woman says, completely unconvincingly.<<br>>
You decide to start twisting the knife. You make sure not to quite accuse them outright, but you let them know quite clearly that you're suspicious of them, and start to witheringly list of all manner of penalties or sanctions that you could enact.<<br>>
The man's the first to break. <<blue "Oh gods, ma'am. Please, is there anything you could do for such humble servants as us? We didn't mean to do it, we swear!">><<br>>
You allow a wry smile to reach your face. Perfect. You play your hand - letting them know that you'd be willing to look the other way just this once in exchange for a generous gift. Perhaps the item that they have on their person?<<br>>
You can see the relief on their faces as they release that there's hope for them in corruption.
[[Continue->day5innEnterTravelersTake2]]<<setter 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "gems"' 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "auth"' 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "cute"' 'day5innEnterTravelersTake to "grace"'>>
<<set $skeletonKey to true>>
They take out the package that you'd seen them hide away earlier. It's about palm-sized, and wrapped in a little pouch. For a terrible moment you worry that you've ended up with another obscene item like the one that the Madame de la Ruthe gave you, but thankfully they open it up and show you what's inside.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\skeletonKey.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink "Here you are, my lady. It's a, err- well, it's a mechanical doohickey of some kind, that's for sure.">><<br>>
You take the thing from them and pass it around in your hands. As your finger brushes over one section, you're surprised when a prong shoots out from one end of the device to whirr around in the air for a moment before retracting again.<<br>>
"Yeah, it does that. Gods know what it's for, but it's a wonderfully constructed item for certain!
<<if $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "gems">>
No refunds!"
<<elseif $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "cute" or $day5innEnterTravelersTake is "auth">>
We're so glad to be able to return it.""
A- and I'm overjoyed to give it as a generous gift, my lady."
You're not certain what it might be yourself, but you think that you might have an idea - the way that the prongs went out, it looks like it'll be perfectly positioned to slot into a keyhole.<<br>>
<<unset $day5innEnterTravelersReply>>
<<unset $day5innEnterTravelersTake>>
[[Continue->day5innQueenBegin]]<<unset $day5innEnterTravelersReply>>
<<unset $day5innEnterTravelersTake>>
Unable to get anything more from them, you say some brief goodbyes and head elsewhere.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5innQueenBegin]]<<run $rob.facts.delete("Probably among the slaughtered reinforcements.")>>
/* <<run $rob.facts.push("Suspiciously, wasn't among the corpses of the reinforcements as he was meant to be.")>> */
<<run $rob.facts.push("Suspiciously, wasn't among the corpses of the reinforcements. Could he still be alive?")>>
You look around and quickly manage to find what you're looking for - a group of younger soldiers lurking behind a corner chatting away together and hoping not to be noticed by their superiors.<<br>>
You slip into a spot where you can hear their conversation while not being seen by the slackers.<<br>>
<<blue "-just the thing, Hugo.">> Whispers one of the group in a boisterous tone. <<blue "Sure, they were all dressed up in burgundy uniform just like the rest of us, but I'm pretty damned certain that half of those corpses weren't //soldiers// at all.">><<br>>
<<blue "What do you mean, Claude?">> Replies another soldier, his voice nervous and reedier. <<blue "How could they not be soldiers?">><<br>>
<<blue "Well, I was riding next to Maurice, and he was saying that he was trained in the same city as the reinforcements were coming from. He claimed he knew every man in service in the whole damn place, and knowing what he's like I think I believe him. But he only recognized //half// of them, the rest were complete strangers - never seen them in his life he said.">><<br>>
<<blue "So what does that mean? That they took in some mercenaries?">><<br>>
<<blue "Naw, you gotta be //daft// thinking they'd pull something like that. No chance, not with the royals on the convoy and betrayal in the air and shit. Not without sending messages about it certainly, you know how paranoid the General's gotten. No, here's my theory: it was an ambush. Group of traitors catch word that reinforcements are linking up, and think to themselves that they can ambush them first, take their place, and then slit all our throats in the night.">><<br>>
<<blue "That doesn't make a lick of sense and you know it, Claude.">> Groans a third soldier snippily. <<blue "If an ambush happened then who won the battle? If the reinforcements won then the survivors would still be waiting to meet with us, and if the ambushers won then they'd hide the bodies and carry out their imposter scheme.">><<br>>
The boastful soldier, Claude, doesn't like his plan being dismissed so easily. <<blue "W- well what if they both killed each other? What about that then?">><<br>>
However he's quickly cut off again <<blue "Don't be an //idiot//, Claude. That just doesn't fucking happen in real life. They'd at least be some //wounded//.">><<br>>
[[Continue->day5innEnterSoldiers2]]<<run $rob.facts.push("To be arrested on sight by the soldiers guarding the royal convoy.")>>
The two young soldiers get into a hushed argument together.
However just when you think that you've learnt everything that you can, the argument cut off by a new voice, one that's gruff and rumbling. <<blue "They weren't all killed.">><<br>>
<<blue "W- what do you mean?">> Responds one of the two arguers, clearly surprised.<<br>>
<<blue "I can think of one fucker who's still alive that was part of that band. Robiers was meant to be traveling with them, and I don't know about you lads but I didn't see his face on any of the corpses.">><<br>>
<<blue "So you think that Robiers fought off the attackers and then fucked off afterwards?">><<br>>
<<blue "Could be, could be. That or he was in league with the ambushers and didn't have the guts to carry out the plan once his new friends were killed off. No matter which way you spin it he's a fucking coward, that's for sure.">><<br>>
The gruff man's words cause some distress. <<blue "You can't //seriously// be implying that //Robiers// could be-">><<br>>
<<blue "I bloody well //can//, squirt. We all know that Ren was the better half of the two of them - if you ask me he was the only thing that was keeping 'im stable - and now he's gone, god bless 'im. We all know that he's a loose cannon, the question is just how //loose// he's gotten.">><<br>>
<<blue "Listen, Rob was a good man. I won't listen to this kind of-">><<br>>
<<blue "Believe what you like, I don't care, but I'm not the only one who thinks so. The general's gonna make the call tonight, I'm certain, just you see. If Robiers shows his face here again he's to be arrested on sight. They can't trust 'im any more, and they're right for it.">><<br>>
Suddenly the group's huddled conversation is interrupted by one of their superiors stumbling upon them, and they're quickly pushed out of hiding by barked orders.<<br>>
As they hurry past you, you try to look like you weren't just listening in on them and process everything that you just learnt.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5innQueenBegin]]One the attendants from the convoy wanders past, and almost does a double take at seeing you idling around in the common room.<<br>>
<<blue "Your Highness! My word. Please come this way - you shouldn't have to be down here with all of the hustle and bustle.">> He ushers.<<br>>
You don't really want to attract undue attention by causing a fuss, and besides - what could go wrong with just going upstairs? You step in behind him as he leads you up to the lodging rooms.<<br>>
The man shows you to around the corner of a hallway and gently gestures ahead of you. <<blue "Yes, the room at the end there has been prepared for your use, your Excellency. We hope that it meets your needs.">><<br>>
As the attendant turns around to return downstairs, you step forwards into the proffered room.<<br>>
[[Enter->day5innQueenBegin2]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day5innQueenBegin2.jpg]]@@<br>
The master suite is dark and spacious, lit only by a smoldering fireplace which sends long amber shadows flickering across the room.<<br>>
It takes you a moment for your eyes to adjust, but when they do you can barely stop yourself from yelling out in shock.<<br>>
A woman sits reclining luxuriously on an elegant chaise lounge in front of the fire. She wears a seductively low-cut black dress which leaves most of her <<print $queen.skin>> skin exposed, and seems to barely be able to contain her curvaceous body.<<br>>
You recognize her immediately, it's the person you've been dreading seeing this whole time - the Queen.<<br>>
You can feel your heart sink in despair, but instead of turning your way and recognizing that you're an imposter, for now her <<print $queen.hair>>-haired head remains steadfastly focused on a book of important-looking ledgers in her hands.<<br>>
However, that doesn't mean that she doesn't acknowledge your presence. Instead, she gestures in the air with one hand and calls out in a voice is smooth and thick as syrup <<queen "Is that the maidservant? Come this way. My feet are //aching// from these shoes.">><<br>>
Her hips wriggle as she shifts her legs, using one foot to peel off one of her her perilously-high heels, and then same with the other foot, to leave her shoeless without having to stop reading for a moment. Her nylon stockings tighten as she stretches out and wriggles her toes in the air, grateful at the relief.<<br>>
You desperately try to work out what to do. Now that she knows that you're here you can't afford to act strangely - she can have you imprisoned or killed within moments.<<br>>
You remember what happened yesterday when the King saw you in the Baron's library. It was scary, but you were saved by him simply not realizing that you were imitating the Princess. Maybe you could have the same luck once more?<<br>>
On the other hand, it feels like a foolish endeavor to hope that she'd spend the whole time without looking up. Perhaps you're better off just getting out of here, no matter how suspicious it would seem.<<br>>
<<link "Play the role of the maidservant for now and hope that it works out fine">>
<<goto [[day5innQueenQueen]]>>
<<set $day5innRoute to "queen">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Retreat is the smart option. Get out of here as fast as I can">>
<<goto [[day5innQueenMerat]]>>
<<set $day5innRoute to "merat">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>>You're not going to stick around. It's //plausible// that you might have better odds of survival if you stayed, but you're not going to let your fate be decided by awkwardly hoping that things go well - you much prefer the odds that you can make yourself, with your own fleet of foot.<<br>>
You barge your way back out of the door that you came in through and rush onwards through the corridor.<<br>>
You linger at the top of the stairs, but you don't like your chances - the way to the front door of the inn is so densely packed with soldiers carrying heavy barrels and crates that there's no way that you'll be able to push through them quick enough. Instead you keep running along the second floor corridor, hoping to find a window big enough to jump out of.<<br>>
For a moment you think that you see something out the corner of your eye - a dark shape lurking in the shadow of a recessed doorway, but you're too busy frantically inventing an escape plan on the fly to process it. That is, until slender, leather-gloved hands snake their way around your neck from behind.<<br>>
You almost get whiplash from how suddenly your forward momentum is //yanked// away from you by the icy-cool grasp. You struggle and writhe, desperately trying to punch and kick behind you at assaulter who suddenly holds you in place. It's no use, they remain elusively out of your reach and all of your efforts merely tire you out.<<br>>
It's frustrating to be so helpless against such a light grip from such wiry hands. It's almost as though only enough force is being put into holding you as absolutely necessary and not a fraction more - enjoying the sport of your impotent struggle. Every instinct you have says that you should be easily capable of breaking free, but then - you're used to having the strength of masculinity, and you're sure that almost dying from smoke-inhalation yesterday isn't helping.<<br>>
With every passing moment the hold around your neck tightens, slowly choking you out. You can feel your protestations get more and more pathetic - your limbs suddenly too limp and drowsy to sustain the effort. As your attacker detects your weakness they draw you backwards further and further into their clutches, no longer concerned for any feeble elbows or kicks you could throw, until you're held taut against their body.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5innQueenMerat2]]Once you're truly placated you feel yourself be twisted in your captor's grasp as they roughly force your head around, as if unsatisfied at not being able to see your expression.<<br>>
You find yourself staring at a face you recognize - the cold blue eyes of Merat, the spymaster.<<br>>
Then the image blurs and distorts as you find yourself unable to focus your vision any longer. The last thing you see is Merat's eyes gleaming with pleasure at watching the life fade from your own, and then even that fades into darkness.<<br>>
In your hazy, disorientated state you could swear that you can //feel// the last remnants of your consciousness rising up inside you like bubbles. One by one they begin to pop, and each time they do the darkness is interrupted by fizzles of light, a fraction of a thought erupting like sparkling electricity, and then nothing, without even the awareness of nothingness - just the void.<<br>>
/* It's only when the darkness is disrupted by flashes and sparkles of flickering lightning as the last of the bubbles of your consciousness pop one after the other that the pressure on your throat is suddenly released. You feel your limp body be roughly picked up and brought back to the room that you were running away form.<<br>> */
It's only when the bubbles have gone from a steady stream to almost completely run dry, and the absences in between have gone from terrifying to comfortable, that the grip is released. Everything floods back, so immediate and disorganized that you can't even begin to make sense of any of it, a cacophony of useless noise - the soreness of your throat; the urge to escape; the smell of oiled leather; the paleness of Merat's skin - it's all too much to take in. You're woozy, drunk, and pliant.<<br>>
<<merat "Fascinating">> Remarks a smudge of sensations that must be Merat, inches away from your face. Then he scoops you under one arm and drags your limp, helpless body back to the room that you ran away from.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5innQueenMerat3]]<<merat "I found the mutt.">> Merat says, throwing you forward into the center of the room. <<merat "He was trying to run away.">><<br>>
<span class="drunk">@@font-size:70%;You slump pathetically on the floor like a dead mouse brought in by a cat.@@</span><<br>>
<<queen "You didn't leave marks again, did you Merat?">> The Queen responds, leisurely closing her book and rising to her feet. She doesn't sound terribly concerned. <<queen "We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened at Vescourt, would we?">><<br>>
<span class="drunk">@@font-size:70%;You stare blankly at the wood grain of the floorboards.@@</span><<br>>
<<merat "You wound me, Sir.">> Merat replies in a wry tone. <<merat "Vescourt was for //pleasure// - I was as unaware that she was the //target// as the rest of us were until the day after. This was merely a blood-choke - worst case scenario he'll have a little brain damage, and it's not like you'll need him to be //smart//. He'll come to shortly.">><<br>>
<span class="drunk">@@font-size:70%;A stupid smile reaches your face, somehow amused by the tickling of sensations beating against your skull.@@</span><<br>>
Her Majesty the Queen makes a disappointed //tsk// sound with her mouth. <<queen "I've taught you better methods than //that// to take someone down, but I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised by your proclivities. Show me.">><<br>>
/* Merat steps forward, painfully grabs the hair on the top of your head in a tight handful, and pulls your head back from where you were slumped forwards.*/
Merat steps up and roughly grasps your jaw from behind, hoisting your head back from where you were slumped forwards.<<br>>
<span class="drunk">@@font-size:70%;You're too dizzy to do anything other than wince and whimper at the pain as you're forced to arc your spine back, exposing your tender neck for inspection.@@</span><<br>>
He holds you there for a few seconds as the Queen carefully inspects your throat for markings, the warmth of her hand seems red-hot against your raw skin. <<queen "Yes, they'll fade within the hour. Your aptitude is as precise as ever.">><<br>>
<<merat "I learnt from the best.">> Merat responds, with a nod of respect towards the Queen, before releasing you with one last painful wrench.<<br>>
The pain is enough to bring you back to your senses a little, and you fully take in the fact that you're directly in front of the Queen - slumped at her feet as she looms over you, an unamused expression on her face.<<br>>
<<queen "So, //boy//. Did you //really// think that you could imitate my daughter and I wouldn't notice?">><<br>>
[[Fuck!->day5innConvo]]You grit your teeth. If you ran then the Queen would almost certainly cry out in alarm about the mysterious assailant who stole into her room. The inn is so densely packed with soldiers that there's no way that you'd be able to escape. You hate to admit it, but your best chance is to just play out the role of the Queen's maidservant and hope that she doesn't turn around from her book to see that instead of a servants uniform you're wearing her daughter's clothing.<<br>>
You nervously draw closer to the Queen's luxuriating body, unsure how to begin. The very idea of touching her body - the full-figured reclining form of the very Queen of the nation - is enough to make your brain go haywire.<<br>>
<<queen "Come along, I don't suffer //idleness// lightly.">> The Queen snaps sharply at your hesitation. <<queen "Get on with it, or else we'll have to have some //serious// words about your role here.">> <<br>>
You gulp, take a deep breath to steel your nerves, and then set about your task - kneeling at the foot of the chaise lounge and bringing your trembling hands to her feet. As soon as you make contact she shifts suddenly, and you panic that she might have looked up and seen you, but to your relief it's only to wriggle deeper into the pillows to get comfortable in preparation for what's to come.<<br>>
You tentatively wrap your fingers around her foot, your thumbs naturally settling into the divot where the curve of her arches meets the balls of her feet. You quickly realize that you have no idea at all how you're supposed to give a foot massage, but to your surprise that alone draws a low appreciative sigh from the reclining monarch.<<br>>
However, that isn't to say that she takes it lying down, so to say. In a voice that somehow manages to be both a husky purr and a sharp criticism she calls out.
/* <<queen "Really now, how distastefully //hasty// of you to try to skip straight to the main course. Don't disappoint me like this - start at the heel and move up.">> */
<<queen "Ugh, how //eager//... but //wrong//. Don't skip to the main course like an amateur - start at the heel and move up.">><<br>>
[[Quickly adjust->day5innQueenQueen2]]You hurriedly rush to comply with her stern commands, cradling the heel of her foot in your palms and rubbing your thumbs in little circles against her supple flesh.<<br>>
It isn't long before the Queen has more pointers. <<queen "I suppose that's //passable//, though your grip is practically //trembling//. I don't pay you to be //cold// or //nervous//, get on with it and hold me correctly.">><<br>>
You scarcely have time to adjust to meet one of her demands before she levels another your way, throwing command after command while never bothering to look up from her book for a moment. It's exhausting, especially because every time she does you flinch in fear that you've finally done a bad enough job that she's about to turn around to chastise you properly.<<br>>
And yet she doesn't so much as glance over. Like you're beneath her notice as anything other than a tool to be firmly controlled, she manipulates you to her every behest with stern precision, forever finding fault in your slightest action.<<br>>
As your hands push and rub and squeeze every slightest knot and discomfort from her warm, svelte feet - your fingers gliding across the delicate nylon that acts as a barely-substantial barrier between the two of you - you become aware of something terrible.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>
Under your dress,
<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>
Under your scandalously short skirt,
Within your leggings,
<</if>> there's a stirring. You have no idea what might be causing it, but you're powerless to stop yourself as your now-smaller-than-average cock begins to swell.
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
As it does so, it's quickly suppressed by the metal of your cock cage. The sensation of your delicate flesh pressing impotently against the unyielding bars is intense, and your breath soon comes in thick gasps from the stinging pain of your imprisonment. Despite your efforts to stay still, the feeling is enough to make your body squirm and writhe in place. You find yourself second-guessing your decision to wear this thing.
You urgently hunch your body forwards to hide your erection. You're done for if you're seen anyway, but the idea of being seen //with an erection// is too awful to imagine.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood" or $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
You can feel the hem of your short <<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>dress<<else>>skirt<</if>>lift as your member <<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>escapes from the silk prison of your panties and<</if>> pushes up the material.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "peach" or $outfit.set.id is "tulip" or $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
You feel a tent forming as your member <<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>escapes from the silk prison of your panties and<</if>> pushes up against the material of your dress.
You can feel your junk straining against the tight, stretchy material of your leggings<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">> as it escapes from the silk prison of your panties<</if>>, making a clear imprint.
You find yourself second-guessing your decision earlier today not to wear the cock-cage.
Despite the distraction you force yourself to keep up your tender massage. At the Queen's no-nonsense behest your fingers run up and down her sensitive soles with ever-increasing pressure.<<br>>
<<queen "There we are, thats a //little// better at least. But still //unsatisfying//. Remember what I instructed yesterday, Girl? Do that again.">><<br>>
Your brain goes haywire. You have no idea what she's asking for, but if you get it wrong then she'll catch you for sure!<<br>>
However, as you rack your brain for solutions you notice her wriggling her toes through the nylon almost teasingly. It's a ridiculous and humiliating idea, but you can at least think of //one// option that it could be.<<br>>
<<link "Lick her toes">>
<<goto [[day5innQueenQueen3]]>>
<<set $day5innRoute to "queenLick">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<link "It couldn't be that. Try something else instead.">>
<<goto [[day5innQueenQueen3]]>>
<<set $day5innRoute to "queenNoLick">>
<</link>><<setter "day5innRoute to 'queenLick'" "day5innRoute to 'queenNoLick'" "jailMerat to 'open'" "jailMerat to 'shut'">>
<<if $day5innRoute is "queenLick">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
If she's wriggling her toes, it //must// be something to do with stimulating them, and one thing comes straight to mind.<<br>>
Or at least, that's what you tell yourself after the fact. The odd truth of the matter is that the stretch of time spent desperately following her every snapped command on reflex has dulled your brain into such a cowed, dutiful state, desperate to obey, that the moment you see her toes wriggle your face moves forward on instinct - craning forward to lap pathetically at her feet. Your wet tongue soon becomes filled with the taste of her tights, and as well as a trace of something deeper and richer from underneath.<<br>>
For a moment you freeze in horror at what you've just done, but any regret that you feel is wiped away the moment the Queen's reaction meets your ears. She lets out a deep, breathy groan of appreciation, almost a moan. After such a long time desperately trying to appease her wants and desires, the sound of such raw and sincere pleasure is like music to your ears, and you set to licking with even greater fervor, like a dog lapping at a treat, all trace of higher thinking disappearing in the wake of pure instinct.<<br>>
This seems to please the Queen even more. Luxuriantly, her body shifts and twists at the sensation you're giving her, her hips wriggling in bliss. You don't know if it's an unintended side-effect of this motion that does it, or if she knows full well what she's doing, but the toes that you're so eagerly lapping against curl forwards, pushing past your wet tongue and into your mouth, and without missing a beat your licking seamlessly shifts into enthusiastic suckling.<<br>>
No, there's no way that she could seriously be telling you to suck her toes, this is the //Queen// for the gods' sake. Instead, you take a stab in the dark and try to think of something on the fly.<<br>>
You end up doing more or less what you were doing before, only with greater intensity. You redouble your grip and push the base of your thumb //hard// into the area of her foot where you had felt the most tension - deeply pressing into her soft flesh in an effort to grind out any remaining aches.<<br>>
The maneuver has a greater effect that you were expecting. Your harsh jab directly into most tender area takes the woman by surprise, and she lets out a sudden, sharp yell.<<br>>
You immediately stop what you're doing in shock, but as you do so she yell is interrupted by a gasping <<queen "Don't you //dare// stop, girl, or it'll be //over// for you.">><<br>>
Scared beyond your wits, you try to do the same thing over again. This time you're met with another yell, but one that quickly shifts into a heavy, breathy moan.<<br>>
<<queen "Not what I intended.">> She says finally. <<queen "But not bad either.">><<br>>
Suddenly you hear the sound of the door opening and the footsteps of someone else stepping into the room. This is bad news! You <<if $day5innRoute is "queenLick">>pull the Queen's supple digits out from your mouth and<</if>> quickly duck your head down as far as you can for fear of being recognized by the newcomer.<<br>>
The voice that calls out is sneering and cold, and you feel like you recognize it. <<merat "Ahh, so you found the mutt then, I see.">><<br>>
<<queen "Indeed.">> Comes the Queen's reply.
<<if $day5innRoute is "queenLick">>
<<if $jailMerat is "open">>
<<queen "I had assumed that you were //exaggerating//, but it's true - he really is as //obedient// as you said. You have a keen eye for such things, Merat.">>
<<queen "Your predictions were correct, he's become quite //obedient//, hasn't he? You have a keen eye for such things, Merat.">>
<<if $jailMerat is "open">>
<<queen "You were quite correct - he is //obedient//, or at least //stupid//. Though there's a lot of work to be done. Still, do have a keen eye for such things, Merat.">>
<<queen "He's just as you said he was. His //obedience// will need some work, but at least he has good instincts. I can work with this. You do have a keen eye of such things, Merat.">>
You look up sharply at her words, only to find her dark grey eyes staring directly at you cowering at her feet with an expression that makes you think that she's been doing so for some time. Her eyes narrow in cruel amusement at the expression that you make.<<br>>
<<merat "I learnt from the best.">> Responds the man from behind you in a tone of respect towards the Queen. He steps forward and you see the familiar thin, lithe, black-dressed figure of Merat, the spymaster who forced you into this whole situation in the first place.<<br>>
<<queen "So, //boy//. Did you //really// think that you could imitate my daughter and I wouldn't notice?">><<br>>
[[Oh no!->day5innConvo]]<<set $queen.desc to "The Queen of the country. A serious, manipulative, and cruel woman with a seductive dress sense.">>
<<set $merat.desc to "The Queen's machiavellian spymaster. Tall, lithe, and sadistic.">>
<<set $queen.facts to []>>
<<run $queen.facts.pushUnique("Has been manipulating you all along.")>>
<<run $merat.facts.delete("Missing ever since the assassination attempt")>>
<<run $merat.facts.pushUnique("Working with the Queen's schemes")>>
<<if $day5innRoute isnot "merat">>
All you can do is stare in shock as the Queen leisurely puts her book down and rises to her feet.<<br>>
You realize that you're still huddled on your knees and you try to rise up. However, when she sees you move to do so the Queen raises one of her still-bare feet to your shoulder. You see a brief glimpse of black lace suspenders from under her dress, and then she pushes forward, sending you sprawling backwards to the floor.<<br>>
<<queen "No, I think you're better off where you are.">> She explains.<<br>>
Merat's dark figure begins to pace languidly from side to side behind you, always remaining out of vision so that you can only see him by turning around and putting the Queen in your blind spot - something that you're not comfortable doing. With his light steps it's difficult to keep track of exactly where he is at any time. It's so well-practiced that you get the impression that this isn't the first interrogation that they've conducted together.<<br>>
<<queen "When my daughter left us to go entertain her //frivolities//, I was upset, naturally.">> The Queen lectures you. <<queen "But after the first attack it quickly became clear that it was going to be the safest place for her to be.">><<br>>
<<merat "We've had agents following her ever since.">> Supplies Merat's voice from behind. <<merat "They've managed it, as best they can, she's not an easy person to follow...">><<br>>
<<queen "Of //course// she isn't. She's my //daughter//.">> States the Queen firmly.<<br>>
You hear the crinkling of leather from behind you as Merat bows. <<merat "Of course, Sir.">><<br>>
<<queen "However, to continue the tour without a daughter to display simply wasn't an option. In addition, it suited our needs to have someone //expendable// around to take an assassin's blow.">><<br>>
<<merat "Like a canary in a coal mine, brought along to be snuffed out.">> Adds Merat. <<merat "And as luck would have it, a suitable candidate had already landed in my lap.">><<br>>
<<link "But I'm a boy!">>
<<goto [[day5innConvo2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day5convoBoy to true>>
<<link "Keep my head down and don't say anything">>
<<goto [[day5innConvo2]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<setter "day5convoBoy to true" "day5convoBoy to undefined" "day4morningChange to 'legs'" "day4morningChange to 'pubic'" "day4morningChange to 'hair'" "day4morningChange to 'nails'" "day4morningChange to 'makeup'" "day4morningChange to 'refuse'" "day4outfitChoice to 'gcloak'" "day4outfitChoice to 'butterfly'"
"day4guardResponse to 0" "day4guardResponse to 1" "day4guardResponse to 2" "day4guardResponse to 3" "day4drinksHarass to true" "day4girlProtecc to 'manly'" "day4girlProtecc to 'flirt'" "day4louiseRescue to true" "rutheAct to 'closed'" "rutheAct to 'open'" "day4peril to 'exploit'" "day4peril to 'ruler'" "day4peril to 'agree'" "day4peril to 'confess'">>
<<if $day5convoBoy is true>>
That sounds absurd! There's no way that //you// could have been the sensible choice - any servant girl would do //much// better than you, purely by virtue of being female!<<br>>
At your outburst the Queen arches on eyebrow, as if intrigued that you'd have the guts to say anything. You wince in preparation of being punished, and you can sense Merat stir from behind you in anticipation of being permitted to discipline you, but she lets it pass.<<br>>
<<queen "I've never found that to be a //significant// problem. In fact, an old schoolfriend of mine viewed the matter as a specialty of hers. No, the servants lack the //willpower// for the task. For them it would just have been a job - the moment things got difficult they'd give up.">><<br>>
<<queen "No, I almost never rely on //willing// hands if I can avoid it. Too unreliable. I needed someone who would set to the task like their life depended on it, and the best way to achieve that is to find someone for whom it //would// - that elevated you //far// above the other options, even accounting for minor biological details. And if you happened to be unsuitable and slipped up somewhere, then what of it? Another criminal back in jail.">>
The words sound ridiculous to you - you're a //boy// after all, it doesn't make sense for you to have been the most suitable candidate - but you force yourself to hold your tongue and not say anything.<<br>>
<<queen "I needed someone who would set to the task like their life depended on it. And if you were unsuitable and slipped up, then what of it? Another criminal sent back to jail.">>
<<queen "It was //easy// to set up the rest. Arranging the daily searches to run during the activities to draw you out from hiding; sending a soldier in the morning to 'report' instructions for how to behave. The only part that's been a bother is ensuring that me and my husband stay out of your way. He does fret about how his daughter is doing...">> For a moment her harsh gaze is interrupted by an unexpectedly warm smile at the thought, but it's quickly hidden again. <<queen "But he has far too much on his plate right now for these kinds of //distractions// to be worth bringing to his attention.">><<br>>
<<queen "Oh, and speaking of your daily 'reports'.">> She remarks, idly picking up the ledger that she had been reading before and turning back a few pages. <<queen "I hope that you didn't think that all of the drama of yesterday would be enough to keep you from one today.">><br>
<<set $day4score to 0>>
<<switch $day4morningChange>>
<<case "legs">>
<<if $day4outfitChoice isnot "peach" and $day4outfitChoice isnot "tulip" and $day4outfitChoice isnot "gcloak">>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you finally wore an outfit that showed your legs yesterday.</li>
<<case "pubic">>
<<case "hair">>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you had a new hairstyle yesterday.</li>
<<case "nails">>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you had painted nails yesterday.</li>
<<case "makeup">>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wore makeup yesterday.</li>
<<case "refuse">>
<<set $day4score -= 2>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you didn't have any body changes yesterday.</li>
<<if $day4outfitChoice is "peach" or $day4outfitChoice is "tulip" or $day4outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<set $day4score -= 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you wore an outfit that showed off less of your body yesterday.</li>
<<if $voice is 0>>
<<set $day4score -= 2>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice was so masculine yesterday.</li>
<<elseif $voice is 1>>
<<set $day4score -= 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your voice was masculine yesterday.</li>
<<switch $day4guardResponse>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $day4score -= 2>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' how you reacted to the guards when they escorted you to the Baron's party.
<<case 1>>
<<set $day4score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' how you reacted to the guards when they escorted you to the Baron's party.
<<case 2>>
The Queen thought that the way you treated the guards when they escorted you to the Baron's party was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@''.
<<case 3>>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' how you treated the guards when they escorted you to the Baron's party.
<<if $day4drinksHarass is true>>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
The Queen, unexpectedly, ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' how you treated the young valet who brought you your drinks
<<if $day4girlProtecc is "manly">>
<<set $day4score -= 2>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' hearing that you acted masculinely to deter the nobleman away from the girl who's drink had been spiked.
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud")>>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about whatever you and Colette got up to, but ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you got some pierced ears out of it.</li>
<<if $day4louiseRescue is true>>
<li>The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' that you managed to protect the girls from Colette.</li>
Interestingly, the Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't mention@@'' the encounter that you had with the King. Perhaps she didn't know that it happened.
<<set $day4score -= 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you had an encounter with la Madame de la Ruthe, describing her as 'frivolous'. <<if $rutheAct is "closed">><<set $day4score -= 1>>She particularly ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you were seen sneakily closing the door to the room.<</if>>
<<switch $day4peril>>
<<case "exploit">>
<<set $day4score += 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you assumed the role of the Princess during the attack. She doesn't know that you only did it to exploit their goodwill, but you doubt that she would care.
<<case "ruler">>
<<set $day4score += 2>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you assumed the role of the Princess during the attack.
<<case "agree">>
The Queen thought that the way that the assumed the role of Princess during the attack was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@'', though wishes that you had put more effort into it.
<<case "confess">>
<<set $day4score -= 3>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;despises@@'' that you told people that you were an imposter while trying to escape during the attack.
<<unset $day4morningChange>>
<<unset $day4outfitChoice>>
<<if $day4peril is "confess">>
<<merat "That was a bothersome move.">> supplies Merat from behind you. <<merat "Though I believe that I've managed to convince your little band of //confidants// to hold their tongues.">><<br>>
To be honest, you're just relieved to hear that they made it.<<br>>
<<if $day4score lte -3>>
<<queen "Overall, your conduct yesterday was //abysmal//. Were the situation any different it would be enough to //discard// you as a failed experiment and send you straight back to whichever jail cell is most convenient for you to rot in, but for now I still have uses for you.">><<br>>
<<queen "But-">> The Queen continues with a begrudging sigh. <<queen "I suppose even your miserable efforts are greater than not having a daughter to present at all.">><<br>>
<<elseif $day4score gte -2 and $day4score lte 0>>
<<queen "Overall, your conduct yesterday was //sufficient//, though disappointing. Clearly lacking, but we can always fix that. You're at least better than not having a daughter to present at all.">><<br>>
<<elseif $day4score gte 1>>
<<queen "Overall, your conduct yesterday was //admirable//. You've taken to your duties with an //enthusiasm// beyond even Merat's appraisal. You're still managing to be a //disappointment//, but you've certainly been better than not having a daughter to present at all.">><<br>>
<<merat "Or indeed, whatever disasters the //Princess// would have been causing were she here.">> Adds Merat from behind you. This draws him a sharp glare from the Queen, but she doesn't seem to actually disagree.<<br>>
<<queen "Thus so far I've afforded you the luxury of being on a //long leash//, one where you could have free-rein of your foolish diversions and silly little //crushes// and I could test the mettle of you.">> Your mind boggles at the concept of the hell of the last few days being her letting you off easily.<<br>>
<<queen "Unfortunately, the attack yesterday has forced our hand. You will be called to //heel//.">> She states with frightening firmness. <<queen "I can't afford another rogue agent at a time like this. From now on, I will be assuming //direct// control over your activities, do you understand?">><<br>>
<<link "Show defiance. This is ridiculous, she can't do this!">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoComplain]]>>
<<set $day5convoMood to "complain">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<link "What's in it for me?">>
<<goto [[day5innConvo3]]>>
<<set $day5convoMood to "bargain">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "Submissively plead with her for leniency">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto [[day5innConvoPlead]]>>
<<set $day5convoMood to "plead">>
<<if $day5convoBoy isnot true>>
<<link "Keep silent with my head bowed">>
<<goto [[day5innConvo3]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day5convoMood to "silent">>
<<fail "Stay silent with my head bowed" "You've already made too much of a scene to be silent now">>
<</if>>You can't believe this. The sheer audacity of putting you through all this shit, and then asking for even more - it makes your blood boil, and you firmly let her know as much.<<br>>
At first the Queen seems almost amused by your tirade, but her expression quickly shifts to becoming weary of it. Subtly, she makes a motion with her hands at Merat.<<br>>
Your speech is so passionate that you don't notice him drawing closer until it's too late, and the blow takes you completely by surprise. The palm of his hand strikes your cheek from behind with a firm, dismissive slap. Briefly you see stars, and the force is enough to send you from your knees back to sprawled out on the floor.<<br>>
<<merat "You need to learn your //place//, mutt.">> Merat sneers. <<merat "Sit down and stay //quiet//.">><br>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Fuck this. Start throwing hands.">>
<<set $day5convoMood to "fight">>
<<set $fem -= 1>>
<<set $sub -= 1>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto [[day5innConvoComplainHands]]>>
<<link "Obey his command">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
Your face stings from where he struck you, and you feel your resistance falter. Pinpricks of pain and frustration sting your eyes, and you realize with horror that you're about to start crying. You desperately try to hold it in, though you're sure that your eyes are red and puffy.<<br>>
The whole time, Merat looms over you, his eyes twinkling with interest at your expressions. <<merat "Good boy.">> He says, simply, and you clench your teeth in humiliation.<<br>>
The Queen gestures for Merat to step aside, and he reluctantly prowls back into the shadows.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvo3]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<setter "day5innRoute to 'merat'" "day5innRoute to 'queenLick'" "day5innRoute to 'queenNoLick'" "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'bread'" "princessSeen to true" "princessSeen to false">>
<<set $outfit.wrists to "Metal Handcuffs">>
<<if $day5innRoute isnot "merat">>
You're not going to be disrespected like this. Sure, they have leverage over you, but you still have your guts and your fists on your side<<if $pc.background is "hero" or $pc.background is "manly">>, and you're no stranger to fighting.<<else>>. You don't know much about fighting, but you're not going to back down either.<</if>><<br>>
As you scramble to your feet you start by spitting directly in the Queen's face. You expect her to be appalled and horrified, but she doesn't even flinch, instead a //smirk// rises to her face<<if $princessSeen is true>>, a mirror image of the one that the Princess flashed you in jail<</if>>.<<br>>
You don't have time to consider it. You're already squaring up on the true threat - Merat. He raises an eyebrow wryly, as if bored, but it's an expression that seems forced, inauthentic - you can see the excitement sparkling in his eyes at your insolence.<<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "hero" or $pc.background is "manly">>
You adopt a confident fighting stance. Merat's probably a decent fighter, you figure, but no amount of skill nor wiriness under the surface is enough to cover for the fact that he's skinny as hell - you can take him.<<br>>
You lash out with a firm jab, which Merat blocks with ease. That's fine - it's just a testing blow, the real strike is from the next one: an undercut which exploits the man's rigid blocking stance.<<check "Thanks to your character background you managed to at least put up a fight">><<br>>
Only, it doesn't do anything. Instead the attack falters pathetically against the spymaster's guard.
You adopt what you hope is a capable combat stance, but you really don't have any idea what you're doing. Merat's almost certainly a better fighter than you - you'll have to make up for that skill difference with scrappiness.<<check "Character background - not a fighter.">><<br>>
Merat doesn't seem particularly threatened, and instead of going into a stance himself he merely smirks mockingly. Good, his complacency gives you an advantage - now to exploit it.<<br>>
Trying to take him by surprise, you lower your center of gravity and propel yourself forwards. If you can get under his guard then his skills won't count for much, and no amount of wiriness is enough to cover for the fact that he's skinny as hell - you can knock him down.<<br>>
You expect to take an opportunistic blow or two as you push past Merat's guard, but he doesn't even do that, and your shoulder collides directly into his abdomen without issue.<<br>>
But instead of sprawling to the floor together he remains standing in place. It's like you went straight into a brick wall. You strain further, pushing against his rigid body, but all your efforts manage is to get him to place one leg behind him to brace himself.<<br>>
You realize your mistake too late - you had assumed that you had the strength that you had four days ago, but you're not that person any longer. Your muscles have atrophied from the effects of the potion, and your body is still sore and aching from your ordeal yesterday, not to mention all of the smoke you inhaled. You're powerless.<<br>>
Merat calmly grabs onto your wrist and twists it around behind your back, and you can do nothing but wince as he subdues you.
It's a stupid move. You're still so dizzy from getting choked out that you can barely focus your eyes, but this isn't about succeeding - it's about pride and not backing down.<<br>>
You well up some saliva in your mouth and spit it at your Ruler indignantly. You expect her to be appalled and horrified, but she doesn't even flinch, instead a //smirk// rises to her face<<if $princessSeen is true>>, a mirror image of the one that the Princess flashed you in jail<</if>>.<<br>>
Uneasily, you try to scramble to your feet. The world lurches precariously around you as you try to gather your balance, but you're determined to not let the disorientation show on your face - maintaining a steel mask of defiance.<<br>>
Merat makes a 'tsk' sound with his mouth. <<merat "To think that you're really so desperate for more. You truly are a //glutton// for //punishment//, aren't you?">><<br>>
You grind your teeth together at his taunts, but don't allow him to goad you into making a mistake. You force your weary body into the closest that you can approximate to a combat-ready stance, but you can feel your limbs trembling from the effort. Merat raises an eyebrow wryly, as if bored, but it's an expression that seems forced, inauthentic - you can see the excitement sparkling in his eyes at your insolence.<<br>>
You wish that you could claim that you put up a decent fight. You don't. Instead, you're so groggy that you don't even know which of the double-visioned Merats in front of you is the real one as he calmly sweeps past your guard, grasps your shaking wrist, and twists it painfully behind your back.
You have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from whimpering from the pain. Then there's a clattering sound, and you feel the familiar sensation of cold metal handcuffs locking in place, holding your arms behind you.<<br>>
<<queen "Are you quite finished?">> Asks the Queen calmly. <<queen "Your resistance is becoming //tiresome//.">><<br>>
A sharp kick from Merat to the back of your knees is enough to get you kneeling back onto the floor as the Queen steps forward, until her face looms only inches above yours.<<br>>
Then, she purses her lips and spits directly in your face. A clump of wet saliva strikes your cheek, and with your arms trapped behind your back you don't have a way to wipe it away. <<queen "In return for your //indignity//.">><br>
<span id="append2"></span>
<span id="remove2">
<<link "Screw it, spit straight back again!">>
<<set $sub -= 1>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day5convoMood to "muzzle">>
<<append "#append2" t8n>>
It's petty and stupid, but even after all this you've still got fight in you. You throw another wad of spit in her direction. This one is a little wimpier than the last - falling short of her face to strike impotently against her dress.<<br>>
She raises an eyebrow at you, and even without her saying it you can almost hear the 'really?' in your head. <<queen "Why, aren't you a //feisty// one.">><<br>>
<<merat "Sir.">> Merat piques up. The Queen looks a little disappointed by the interruption. <<merat "I think I have just the thing.">><<br>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
<<link "Just scowl at her">>
<<append "#append2" t8n>>
You hate it, but it's clear that you're powerless. All you can do is stare hatefully up at your captor full of frustration and resentment.<<br>>
For a moment the Queen just returns your glare in silence, a cruel smile emerging on her face as she basks in your expression. The saliva glistening on your face begins to slide pathetically down your cheek.<<br>>
<<queen "You were right, Merat.">> She says finally. <<queen "He is //stimulating//, isn't he?">><<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvo3]]>>
<<remove "#remove2">>
</span><<set $outfit.gag to "Leather Dog Muzzle">>
<<queen "I can't believe that you carry this with you, Merat.">> Remarks the Queen, clearly amused.<<br>>
<<merat "Hounds can be a problem //anywhere//, Sir.">> Replies Merat dryly, pulling the brown leather strap so tight against your cheek that you can't help but wince. <<merat "I seem to find unruly //mongrels// wherever I go. It always helps to be prepared.">> You're amazed that the Queen manages to keep a straight face.<<br>>
He steps away, content that it's attached securely. You try to swear at him, but the leather is so tight under your jaw that you can't open it in the slightest - you can just about force the word out through your clenched teeth, but it's muffled, lisping, neutered.<<br>>
In front of your face the excess leather of the muzzle, where a dog's long snout should be, hangs loosely, forever in vision - a constant and humiliating reminder that you've been restrained like a wild beast.<<br>>
<<queen "It will help with unseemly behavior, at least. If he behaves like an animal, then he'll be treated like one. An animal that will be //broken// into good behavior. A good suggestion, Merat.">><<br>>
Merat inclines his head in a small bow. <<merat "A pleasure, Sir.">> From the hungry look in his eyes, you're sure that it was.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvo3]]>>This is the Queen of the nation - so powerful that your mind boggles to even comprehend it, and she holds your very life in her hands. This isn't time for defiance or bargaining, the only sensible option is to desperately try to appease her.<<br>>
You try to wipe any trace of anger and disobedience from your demeanor and force yourself into a position of meek servility - desperately pleading her for leniency.<<br>>
She doesn't reply immediately, not before basking indulgently in your timid begging, though you do notice her eyes glance briefly over to where Merat must be behind you to raise an amused eyebrow at your behavior. You wince in embarrassment, but try not to let it deter you.<<br>>
At least your efforts aren't completely in vain - you can see her stern, cold expression soften at your submissive actions, changing, at least a little bit, to one more gentle and motherly.<<br>>
<<queen "My.">> She finally interjects, just when you were beginning to run out of steam. <<queen "It's so rare to encounter a subject who so //clearly// understands their position in life. However, no matter how //pretty// your pleading is - it's nothing but mere //platitudes//. Pathetic //bleating// in the hope that it'll get you better treatment.">><<br>>
You suppress a grimace at her words. She's not wrong - that's exactly what you had been thinking. Nevertheless, you try to assure her that it's not the case at all.<<br>>
The Queen steps forward to where you're kneeling and reaches a hand towards your face. You force yourself not to flinch as she leisurely, almost possessively, runs her fingers across your cheek. <<queen "Come now. If you //really// want me to be able to put any //trust// in you whatsoever, I need more than honeyed words. I think that something a little more //substantive// is in order - a //demonstration// of //subservience//.">><<br>>
You gulp nervously. This might be more than you'd bargained for.<<br>>
<<queen "Strip for me, boy.">> She demands, with terrifying firmness.<<br>>
<<link "I'm not going to do something like that!">>
<<goto "day5innConvo3">>
<<link "Comply with her demand">>
<<set $day5convoMood to "strip">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day5innConvoStrip">>
<</link>><<setter "outfit.under.name to 'black panties'" "outfit.under.name to 'none'" "outfit.set.id to 'gcloak'" "outfit.set.id to 'butterfly'" "outfit.set.id to 'tulip'" "outfit.set.id to 'peach'" "outfit.set.id to 'whitehood'" "outfit.set.id to 'longcoat'" "outfit.set.id to 'rose'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'coletteStud'" "pc.makeup to 1" "pc.makeup to undefined" "outfit.cage.name to 'metal cage'" "outfit.cage.name to undefined" "pc.shave to 'strip'" "pc.shave to 'legs'" "pc.shave to undefined" "pc.hair.style to 'bangsbob'" "pc.hair.style to undefined" "pc.hair.acc to 'darkHeadpiece'" "pc.hair.acc to undefined" "pc.nails to 'french'" "pc.nails to 'red'" "pc.nails to undefined">>
It's awful, but you desperately need to get on the Queen's good side, even if it means humiliating yourself in front of her. You just wish that Merat didn't also have to be here.<<br>>
A pleased smile emerges on the Queen's face as you give your assent to her demands, and her eyes narrow with interest. <<queen "I'm so glad that you understand.">><<br>>
You keep your head bowed, more to avoid her seeing your blushing face than to show deference, as you set to work undressing.<<br>>
<<set $day5outfitStore to $outfit.set.id>>
<<set $day5pantyStore to $outfit.under.name>>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<if $day5outfitStore is "peach" or $day5outfitStore is "tulip" or $day5outfitStore is "butterfly">>
<<if $day5outfitStore is "peach">>
You quickly untie the little waist-cincher that's been keeping you captive for so long. Despite the overbearing tension of the scene, you can't help but ease out a little sigh of relief at being able to breath unrestricted again. Then you
<<else>>You<</if>> hesitantly cross your arms to hold the sides of your dress and lift upwards, pulling the <<if $day5outfitStore is "peach">>layered peach<<elseif $day5outfitStore is "tulip">>crinkly purple<<else>>poofy<</if>> fabric over your head<<if $day5outfitStore is "butterfly">>, along with your many petticoats,<</if>> leaving you <<if $day5pantyStore is "none">>completely naked<<else>>wearing only your <<print $day5pantyStore>><</if>>.
<<if $day5outfitStore is "gcloak">>
You hesitantly pull your cloak off of your shoulders, feeling naked and exposed already just from no longer having a hood to cower within. Then comes the tight top underneath, exposing your bare <<print $pc.skin.color>> chest. And then you can't avoid it any longer - with trembling fingers you take off your leggings.
<<if $day5outfitStore is "longcoat">>
You hesitantly pull your tailcoat off of your shoulders and set to unbuttoning your blouse. It takes you some time as your trembling fingers keep slipping - each time an embarrassing display of how scared you are in front of her. Finally you manage to do it, pulling it off of you to reveal your <<print $pc.skin.color>> chest.<<br>>
You start fussing with your silk stockings, but the Queen interrupts you. <<queen "No need to remove those. You've taken long enough already. Continue with the skirt, will you?">> You clench your jaw - to be nude all but for stockings feels even more vulnerable and perverse than to be completely nude.<<br>>
The skirt barely needs to be removed - it's so skimpy that a single push is enough to send it fluttering to the floor.
<<if $day5outfitStore is "whitehood">>
You hesitantly pull your hooded white mantle over your head, careful not to damage the delicate golden 'ears'.<<br>>
Rather than take off the dress, you start fussing with your silk stockings instead, but the Queen interrupts you. <<queen "No need to remove those. You've taken long enough already. Continue with the dress, will you?">> You clench your jaw - to be nude all but for stockings feels even more vulnerable and perverse than to be completely nude.<<br>>
Bitterly, unhook the little straps of your dress off of your shoulders, making the material fall fluttering off of your body.
<<if $day5outfitStore is "rose">>
Your outfit isn't difficult to remove. First you nervously pull the flowy, spacious top off of your shoulders, and then set your hands to peeling your tight leggings down your thighs - a task made all the more frustrating by your trembling hands.
<<if $day5pantyStore isnot "none">>
You glance at the Queen, scared of the reaction that she'll have that you're wearing women's underwear - her daughter's underwear no less. However her expression is as austere as ever, as if she'd be surprised if you weren't.<<br>>
She gestures plainly to the slip of fabric. <<queen "That too.">><<br>>
You bite the inside of your lip to keep from grimacing, grab the waistband of the last thing preserving your modesty, and pull them down, revealing everything.<<br>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
<<set $queen.cageKnow to "day5">>
When you look back up at the Queen's face you find her blinking in surprise, her calm demeanor broken for once. It takes you a moment longer before you realize what's made her react like that - and your face flushes a deep crimson when you do.<<br>>
With the dire situation you'd all-but forgotten that it was there - but you've just revealed that you're wearing a metal cock cage to your captors.<<br>>
As your brain floods with horror, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. The Queen glowers at you with a look so implacable that you have no idea what she might be thinking underneath.
Finally, the silence is broken. <<queen "Well, that's //one// mystery solved I suppose. I should have known that //this// is why Ruthie would connive her way into an audience with you.">> The Queen sighs, in a tone of such resignation that somehow you get the impression that this isn't even the first time that this has happened to her.
<<queen "Oh well, I suppose it only plays to our benefit that she's gotten herself involved. //This// little thing-">><<br>>
She steps forward to tap at the offending item with <<if $day5innRoute is "merat">>the toe of her heels<<else>>her toes, still shoeless since earlier<</if>>. <<queen "-will at least help you to avoid some missteps.">><<br>>
You can't help but make a pathetic little noise at the sensation. The hot metal of the cage, warmed by your body-heat, feels almost scalding as it's pressed into your sensitive genitals.<<br>>
And yet - your body reacts in turn. To your dismay, like she's pressed a button, your now-smaller-than-average penis begins to strain impotently against its cage. The pain is enough to make you wince and wriggle in place at its painful, stinging, pointless struggle. And yet because of your entrapment, were you not so obviously struggling you're not sure if your captors would even realize that anything is happening at all.<<br>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Despite your squirms of sexual frustration, the<<else>>The<</if>> Queen's reaction to your nudity is as calm and collected as ever. After learning about la Madame de la Ruthe's interests yesterday a part of you had wondered if your ruler shared some of her perversions, but you don't see any trace of sexual interest in her expression.<<br>>
Instead, she remains icily professional. No time for frivolities, there's a singular purpose to this - to express her power over you, to make you feel small and ridiculous, to rub in your submission to her will.<<br>>
Well, it's fucking working. You //do// feel small and ridiculous. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>You're wearing a cage in front of her for fuck's sake.<</if>> Maybe if you still had the body you had a few days ago it might be a little better, at least it had been //yours// - but now your figure is slight, lissom, and humiliating.<<br>>
<<set _day5innConvoStripArray to []>>
<<if $voice gte 2 or $grace gte 2>>
<<if $voice gte 2 and $grace gte 2>><<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push("the voice training and feminine mannerisms that you've instilled in yourself")>>
<<elseif $voice gte 2 and $grace lte 1>><<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push("the voice training that you've learnt")>>
<<else>><<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push("feminine mannerisms that you've instilled in yourself")>>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">><<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push("your shaved lower body")>><</if>>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
<<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push("your ears - where you're proudly displaying Colette's piercings")>>
<<elseif $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud") isnot true>>
<<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push("your pierced ears")>>
<<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
<<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push('your hair - styled and decorated with <<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>cute clips<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>a gothic headpiece<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>regal chains<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>silver clasps<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>tassels<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>bows<</if>>')>>
<<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push('your feminine hairstyle')>>
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>><<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push('the makeup covering your face')>><</if>>
<<if def $pc.nails>><<run _day5innConvoStripArray.push('your <<if $pc.nails is "french">>french<<else>><<print $pc.nails>>-painted<</if>> nails')>><</if>>
<<if _day5innConvoStripArray.length gte 2>>
To make matters worse, it only draws even more attention towards the other changes that you've experienced, ones which you can't dismiss as being completely against your will -
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _day5innConvoStripArray.length; _i++>><<if _i gte 1>>; <</if>><<if _i is _day5innConvoStripArray.length - 1>>and <</if>><<print _day5innConvoStripArray[_i]>><<if _i is _day5innConvoStripArray.length - 1>>.<<br>><</if>><</for>>
You're at least grateful that Merat is lurking out of sight behind you instead of in front -
/* you're not quite sure what face he'd be making, but you don't think you'd like it. */
you don't think you could bear seeing whatever face he must be making right now.<<br>>
For what feels like long minutes the Queen just holds you suspended in her impassive, judgemental gaze. You're forced to dwell in your anxious thoughts, ruminating in your vulnerability.<<br>>
In your nudity you have nothing to hide behind, and your feelings are completely betrayed by your body - first by cold sweat, which covers your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin with a wet sheen; then by a trembling in your limbs which you can't completely blame on the chill. Finally, irrepressibly, the frustration becomes too much to bear and, to your horror, you can feel stinging sensation from the corners of your eyes as your vision becomes hazy and glistening.<<br>>
It's only then that the Queen breaks the tension. She steps forward towards you, and while you can't see it fully from behind the tears welled up in your eyes that you're desperate not to let shed, you could swear that she has a gentle, motherly smile on her face. Her hands once again reach to your face and she gently wipes her thumb across your cheek, rubbing away the wet line where a tear had escaped and fallen down.<<br>>
<<queen "Your supplication is noted and appreciated. Thank you. And for this task your body really is quite //ideal//, you know. You certainly are going to be a //good boy// for me, aren't you?">> She says calmly, then smirks a little. <<queen "Or, as the case may necessitate - a good //girl//, perhaps.">><<br>>
At the Queen's words, you find your brain flooding with an instinctive reaction.<<br>>
<<link "Humiliation">>
<<goto "day5innConvoStrip2">>
<<link "Joy">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $day5convoMood to "subspace">>
<<goto "day5innConvoStrip2">>
<</link>><<if $day5convoMood is "subspace">>
It's a trick, you're sure of it - to drag you into such a state of such grim anxiety, fear, and humiliation that even the slightest bit of positive reinforcement, even one as backhanded and manipulative as this, is enough to affect you.<<br>>
And yet, despite your brain screaming at you to stay calm, it can't help itself from flooding with endorphins at the praise. The idea that she thinks that you're //good// is incredible. Even your body, which you had felt so awful about moments ago, feels right and blessed and wonderful - despite the only thing that she said on the subject being the fact that it suited her own uses. You can feel your face warm up as it flushes pink from her attention.<<br>>
You try to turn away in embarrassment, but she gently but firmly holds your head in place so that she can fully take in your involuntary expression. Her smile still analytical, but pleased and contented. <<queen "Wonderful. You're really so sweet, aren't you?">> You're sure that she's speaking rhetorically, but you can't help yourself from nodding enthusiastically nevertheless.<<br>>
You wince as her words ring around your head. You're already so low from being embarrassingly inspected that they hit you like a punch in the gut - taunting you for your pathetic, emasculated obedience and your feminine body.<<br>>
You desperately try to turn away in shame, but the Queen firmly maintains her grip on your face, not letting you hide yourself. She inspects your humiliated microexpressions closely and impassively, like she's ticking checkmarks off a list with every one - your eyes flicking from side to side, unable to hold her gaze; the sweat dripping from your brow; your gritted teeth; your helpless squirming; the little winces that flicker across you like lightning as your brain dwells inescapably on your anguish and traitorously notices another humiliating detail to torment you with. With every item she inwardly ticks off, she appears more and more pleased by the result.<<br>>
Finally she releases you. <<queen "Very well. You've well demonstrated that you know your place, and earned some leniency. Now, when you're imitating my daughter tomorrow you can expect-">>
The words hit you like a punch in the gut. Wasn't the whole point of this that you didn't have to imitate her daughter anymore? You can feel a panic rising within you.<<br>>
At the look on your face, the Queen pauses in confusion.<<br>>
<<merat "I believe that the brat hoped that his little //display// would have been enough to earn him his freedom.">> Explains Merat with dry amusement.<<br>>
His words are enough to draw rich, sparkling laughter from the Queen, her heavy chest rippling from the chuckles spilling out of her. <<queen "//Really//? How //funny//! Heavens no - absolutely not.">><<br>>
<<queen "Oh, wipe away that despairing face. I was already being so //generous// - it's not my fault if you developed some foolish ideas. You really must grow out of such tiresome hopes of being simply //let free//.">><<br>>
<<queen "Listen. You've demonstrated that some of the more... //unpleasant// aspects of your instruction //might// be unnecessary, and for that I'm provisionally willing to spare you //some// of them. That's //more than enough//, don't you think? Come now, thank me properly for my generosity.">><<br>>
<<if $day5convoMood is "subspace">>
Even in the grips of your swooning, adoring brain, the frustration of having freedom dangled in front of your face only to be pulled away, after you stripped yourself in front of her like an animal, is enough to send you spiraling.
You clench your fists so tightly in frustration that you risk drawing blood. You feel completely tricked. To think that you stripped yourself in front of her like an animal for such a small thing!
<<link "Obediently thank her">>
<<set $queen.lenient to true>>
<<goto "day5innConvoStrip3">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<link "Hesitate">>
<<set $queen.lenient to false>>
<<goto "day5innConvoStrip3">>
<</link>><<if $queen.lenient is true>>
<<run $queen.facts.pushUnique("Has agreed to give you preferential treatment for being so obedient.")>>
The Queen doesn't even smile at your assent, seeming to have already taken it as a given.<<br>>
<<queen "Good. Then we can continue.">>
Despite everything, you can't bring yourself to thank her for this.<<br>>
The Queen raises an eyebrow at your silence, and graciously waits three whole seconds for you to change your mind.<<br>>
Then she shrugs. <<queen "Very well. If you can't even be grateful for this then I suppose that you don't deserve it. Consider the deal off - I can't afford to offer such liberties to someone so //insolent//.">><<br>>
Your eyes widen in shock. No way! After doing so much to prove yourself, after stripping //naked// for her, she takes it away so quickly! How dare she?<<br>>
You try to scrabble forward to plead at her feet, but the Queen makes a small gesture with her hand towards Merat.<<br>>
Your urgency is so strong that you don't notice him drawing closer until it's too late, and the blow takes you completely by surprise. The palm of his hand strikes your cheek from behind with a firm, dismissive slap. Briefly you see stars, and the force is enough to send your nude body back to being pathetically sprawled out on the floor.<<br>>
<<merat "You need to learn your //place//, mutt.">> Merat snarls. <<merat "Sit down and stay //quiet//.">><<br>>
You can feel the desire to fight back rise up in you, but naked and humiliated you can't bring yourself to follow up on it. Besides, the way that Merat is looking at you makes it clear that he would want nothing more than for you to try something and give him an excuse.<<br>>
After a moment's tense pause, the Queen continues as if nothing had happened. <<queen "If you're quite finished - let's continue.">>
The conversation over, you move to put your clothing back on, only to find that <<if $queen.lenient isnot true>>Merat remains where he's standing, his leather cavalry boot still firmly<<else>>Merat's stepped forward, and now his leather cavalry boot is firmly<</if>> stepping on top of the sad little pile of fabric, trapping it.<<br>>
<<queen "No, not yet.">> The Queen explains. <<queen "I think that you're fine as you are for now.">> <<if $day5convoMood is "subspace" and $queen.lenient>>You blush, but obediently nod your head.<<else>>You try not to let the expression on your face show.<</if>><<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvo3]]>><<setter "day5convoMood to 'complain'" "day5convoMood to 'fight'" "day5convoMood to 'muzzle'" "day5convoMood to 'bargain'" "day5convoMood to 'plead'" "day5convoMood to 'strip'" "day5convoMood to 'subspace'" "day5convoMood to 'silent'" "meratBargain to 'no'" "meratBargain to 'pushed'" "outfit.cage.name to undefined" "outfit.cage.name to 'metal cock cage'">>
<<if $day5convoMood is "complain" or $day5convoMood is "fight" or $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
<<queen "I think that you'll find that despite your clear //frustrations//, you don't have a choice in the matter.">> The Queen states plainly, now that the excitement is over. <<queen "Either do as I say, or else find yourself back in jail. Though I think that you'll find that the jail term for //impersonating royalty// will be significantly greater than whatever petty concerns you were in jail with in the first place. And it's not like anyone would //possibly// believe you were forced into it, nor would it matter even if they did - after all, who do you think that the courts //work for//?">>
<<elseif $day5convoMood is "bargain">>
<<run $queen.facts.pushUnique("Has agreed to give you money and prestige if you do her bidding.")>>
The Queen smiles at your bargaining, clearly comfortable where the conversation is going.<<br>>
<<queen "For starters - your continued freedom. I'm sure that you're well aware that the penalty for the crime of impersonating royalty is a large one, much larger than whatever petty terms you were in jail with to begin with. And it's not like anyone would //possibly// believe you were forced into it, nor would it matter even if they did - after all, who do you think that the courts //work for//?">><<br>>
You can feel sweat trickling down the back of your neck at her threats.<<br>>
<<queen "However, if you're really so //desperate// for //motivation//, then you can have it. As you might imagine, someone in my position has the means to offer just about anything your mind could dream of. I hear that a mere //signature// alone can get you far in this world, for a commoner. A man like you could stand to gain an awful lot - money, obviously, but also titles and prestige if you so chose. I'm sure that we can find a loose barony around the place somewhere for you.">><<br>>
It's a horrible situation that you're trapped in, but despite that you can't help but see opportunity in all of this. If you pull off the Queen's bidding then you'll never have to work a day for the rest of your life, you'll live in luxury. Sure, it's perilous, but it's still an opportunity that many people would kill to have.<<br>>
<<queen "Just don't think for a moment that this //deal// will gain you any clemency for failure. If you prove to be a //disappointment// then you'll simply be discarded.">>
<<elseif $day5convoMood is "plead">>
You're willing to do a lot to get on this woman's good side, but you're not about to expose yourself to her gaze<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> when you're wearing a cock-cage under your clothing<</if>> - and //especially// not to Merat's!<<br>>
The Queen just smirks at your refusal, looking almost smug. <<queen "See? Nothing but platitudes. I admire your instincts - it's a valuable skill to understand when //appeasing// will get you further than //resistance//, but it will grant you no favors from me.">><<br>>
<<queen "Now, you will do what I ask of you, or else I shall call the guards to take you away. I'm sure that you're well aware that the penalty for the crime of impersonating royalty is a large one, much larger than whatever petty terms you were in jail with to begin with. And it's not like anyone would //possibly// believe you were forced into it, nor would it matter even if they did - after all, who do you think that the courts //work for//?">>
<<elseif $day5convoMood is "strip" or $day5convoMood is "subspace">>
<<queen "The terms are simple.">> The Queen continues. <<queen "You're to do everything I ask, or else be discarded and sent back to jail where you belong. Only, I think that you'll find that the penalty for the crime of impersonating royalty is a large one, much larger than whatever petty terms you were in jail with to begin with. And it's not like anyone would //possibly// believe you were forced into it, nor would it matter even if they did - after all, who do you think that the courts //work for//?">>
<<elseif $day5convoMood is "silent">>
This is a terrifying woman, and you're sure that nothing that you could do would appease her. Instead of allowing your words to get you into trouble, you just remain stonily silent.<<br>>
<<queen "He's //quiet//, isn't he?">> She remarks to Merat, with a raised eyebrow. <<queen "Is he //dumb//?">><<br>>
Merat laughs from behind your back - a dry, cruel, mirthless thing, like he learnt to do it from a book. <<merat2>>"He may well be, Sir, but he can certainly //speak//.<<if $meratBargain isnot "no">> Rather too much, if I remember correctly.<</if>>"<</merat2>><<br>>
He can't hide the eagerness in his tone as he continues <<merat "I could always //make// him talk if you so desired, Sir.">> You hear his cavalry boots stepping closer behind you, as well as the //clink// of something metal on his person, and a shiver goes down your spine.<<br>>
<<queen "No need.">> Dismisses the Queen with a wave of her hand. You swallow a sigh of relief. <<queen "It's not like we actually care for anything that he has to say or anything. Besides, this kind of meek servility //suits// him. You don't punish behavior that you want to see, remember Merat.">><<br>>
<<merat "Of course, Sir.">> And he withdraws back to prowling from side to side in the shadows.<<br>>
<<queen "It's quite simple, really.">> The Queen lectures to your muteness. <<queen "You're to do everything I ask, or else be discarded - sent back to jail where you belong. Only, I think that you'll find that the penalty for the crime of impersonating royalty is a large one, much larger than whatever petty terms you were in jail with to begin with. And it's not like anyone would //possibly// believe you were forced into it, nor would it matter even if they did - after all, who do you think that the courts //work for//?">>
<<if $day5innRoute is "merat" and $day5convoMood isnot "subspace" and $day5convoMood isnot "naked" and $outfit.cage.name is "metal cage">>
As you kneel in front of the queen, <<if def $outfit.wrists>>handcuffed<<if def $outfit.gag>>, muzzled,<</if>> and ashamed, <</if>> you find yourself distracted by an odd sensation.<<br>>
You're still reeling from the effects of Merat's blood-choke, so at first it's disguised as just another one of the ripples of pins and needles that keep criss-crossing your extremities as blood recirculates through your veins. But it grows into a tingling, a stirring in your body, that you don't notice until it's almost too late.<<br>>
You're getting hard.<<br>>
Or at least, your body's trying to. It's quickly suppressed by the metal of your cock cage. The sensation of your delicate flesh pressing impotently against the unyielding bars is intense, and your breath soon comes in thick gasps from the stinging pain of your imprisonment. Despite your efforts to stay still, the feeling is enough to make your body squirm and writhe in place. You find yourself second-guessing your decision to wear this thing.
You desperately assure yourself that it's only the blood pressure that's causing this, there's nothing else about this scene that could be erotic, right?<<br>>
To make matters worse, you're sure that the Queen can tell. Certainly, you could swear that her expression as she looms over you becomes a little more wry. However, she doesn't acknowledge it. In fact, you almost get the impression that she was //expecting// it.<<br>>
<<queen "Besides, I'm sure that you're //eager// to continue your role, given how much you've clearly been //enjoying// yourself. Playing with my daughter's things, wearing her dresses, acting her role - your enthusiasm has been almost //perturbing//.">><<br>>
<<link "Wait, what?">>
<<goto day5innConvo4>>
<</link>><<setter "outfit.gag to 'leather dog muzzle'" "outfit.gag to undefined">>
You blink in surprise at the Queen's statement. You've been desperately fighting to survive, and it's forced you to do things that you'd never feel comfortable doing normally, but you haven't //wanted// to do any of it!<<br>>
You didn't mean to let it show, but the Queen notices your reaction immediately. <<queen "What, don't you agree? You've been so //eager// that it almost made me wonder if perhaps you'd just been waiting for the //opportunity//.">><<br>>
<<queen "I was so prepared for it to take //days// of you trying whatever other //tricks// and //plots// you could think of before I'd be able to finally //coax// you into impersonation, but then you appeared all dressed up at the citadel before I'd even played my hand.">><<br>>
<<merat "I told you that he would be //easy//, Sir.">> Remarks Merat, almost pridefully.<<br>>
<<queen "True, and I value your judgement, Merat, but in all my years utilizing unwilling agents I've never seen anything like it. There's an order to these things, a process, it takes //time// to wear them down to willingness. For someone to simply skip over the difficult parts straight to //pliancy//...">><<br>>
You find yourself more disturbed by her words than you'd expected - she's //wrong//, she must be! Before you can stop yourself you <<if def $outfit.gag>>muffle through your clenched teeth<<else>>snap defensively<</if>> that it's only because your very life was on the line, and that Simone had anticipated that other options wouldn't have worked anyway, that you ended up crossdressing so quickly.<<br>>
The Queen looks perplexed for a moment. <<queen "Simone?">> She asks with a raised eyebrow, before seeming to remember. <<queen "Oh, you mean the //help// do you? The half-wit maid that I sent to fuss over my daughter. Goodness knows why you would ever follow the advice of //anyone// as //stupid// as //that//.">><<br>>
You can feel your blood pressure rising at her insults.<<br>>
<<link "Stand up for Simone">>
<<set $day5simoneDefend to true>>
<<goto "day5innConvo5">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Stay silent and let her say it">>
<<set $day5simoneDefend to false>>
<<goto "day5innConvo5">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<</link>><<setter "day5simoneDefend to true" "day5simoneDefend to false" "escapePartner to 'simone'" "escapePartner to undefined">>
<<if $day5simoneDefend is true>>
<<if def $outfit.gag>>
It doesn't matter that you're muzzled and cuffed - you're not going to sit there and let Simone be insulted like this. You have to squeeze the words out of your clenched teeth, but you firmly defend her.
You refuse to sit there and let Simone be insulted like this!
Sure, she's definitely had overprotective family and friends, who've ensured that she's started adulthood with all of her trusting naivete still intact, but she's anything but //stupid//! She's incredibly smart once she gets going, and has a staggering sense of empathy and emotional intelligence.<br><br>
What's more: she's funny; she's sweet; she's loyal; she's caring - and maybe with all of the bitter people out there in the world being naive like her is a blessing rather than something to be mocked for.<br><br>
You brace yourself as you finish, prepared for a cruel snap-back. However, the Queen remains icily calm, watching you with interest rather than outrage.<<br>>
You get the impression that your outburst is being carefully logged in her appraisal of you, almost like she was deliberately goading you along to judge your reaction. You have no idea whether you've passed or failed in her assessment.<br><br>
You don't want to hear Simone be talked about so cruelly, but you're also not about to make a scene about it either. Instead you just grit your teeth and let it pass.<<br>>
There's a pause as the Queen waits for a moment, as if giving you space to say something. Her eyes narrow at you. You get the distinct impression that your silence is being carefully logged in her appraisal of you. You have no idea whether you've passed or failed in her assessment.<<br>>
<<queen "Regardless, it wasn't just the //speed// of your compliance. For the gods' sake, at Harewood they even gave you a //horse// to ride off on and you just ran the race instead of trying to get away.">> You find yourself blinking at her words. Come to think of it they did, but at the time you'd been so focused on whether or not you could beat Colette that the thought had barely crossed your mind.<<br>>
<<if def $escapePartner>>
You almost blurt out that you //did// try to escape yesterday, and only didn't in order to save <<if $escapePartner is "jacques">>Jacques'<<elseif $escapePartner is "elodie">>Elodie's<<elseif $escapePartner is "simone">>Simone's<<elseif $escapePartner is "colette">>Colette's<</if>> life, but you manage to hold your tongue just in time. It's frustrating for her to think that you've been so complicit, but you don't want to give her any more information to use against you.<<br>>
<<queen "It's like you haven't even been trying other options, what else am I to take that as other than //enthusiasm//? You've taken to femininity with a //baffling// intensity.">><<br>>
<<if $fem lte 3>>
You bristle with malcontent. You're very confident that she's completely //wrong//. The only times that you've behaved femininely is when it felt absolutely necessary... right? The only reason others might take a longer time than you would be because they didn't value their own life as much in comparison - you simply didn't hesitate to pick the safest option.<<check "Femininity check, based on previous decisions - Low femininity">>
<<elseif $fem lte 6>>
You grind your teeth in frustration. Sure, you've done //some// feminine things, but every single one had felt like it was just the sensible decision at any point. You'd never want to do //any// of it if your life wasn't on the line... right? But even you can't deny that the timeframe looks somewhat odd - it hasn't been weeks or months of pressure, it's been //days//, and yet you've found yourself engaging in behavior that you would never have imagined before. You try not to let the doubt get to you - you firmly resolve that that just means that you're a more adaptable person than most.<<check "Femininity check, based on previous decisions - Medium femininity">>
In spite of the frustration and humiliation, for some reason you don't feel angry at the Queen's accusation. Instead, your cheeks burn with embarrassment rather than rage. In the last few days you've done things that you never imagined before. The whole way you've been able to legitimize your every decision as important enough for your survival to compromise your ego, but you can't deny that from an outsider's perspective it must seem odd. Even to yourself, those legitimizations seem an awful lot like //excuses// in hindsight.<<check "Femininity check, based on previous decisions - High femininity">>
<<queen "Anyway. It makes no matter to me - what's important is that you fulfil your role correctly.">><<br>>
<<queen "Tell me, boy. Do you have any questions for me?">><<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>><<if ndef $day5innConvoTopics>>
<<set $day5innConvoTopics to []>>
<<if def $outfit.gag>>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includesAny("tour", "merat", "crow", "conspiracy") is true>>
You don't have the willpower to force out another question through the muzzle.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave]]>>
You're sure that she's asking half in jest - with the muzzle attached to your face it's not like you can speak well enough to ask much.<<br>>
Still, you think that you'll be at least able to ask //''one''// thing though your clenched teeth, if it seems important enough for you to do so.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics2]]>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics2]]>>
<</if>><<if $day5innConvoTopics.includes("conspiracy") isnot true>>
<<link "Isn't all this conspiracy kind of excessive?">>
<<goto "day5innConvoConspiracy">>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includes("crow") isnot true>>
<<link "What's going on with the attacks? What's the Scarecrow Killer's goal?">>
<<goto "day5innConvoCrow">>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includes("merat") isnot true>>
<<link "Where's Merat been this whole time?">>
<<goto "day5innConvoMerat">>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includes("tour") isnot true>>
<<link "But isn't the tour over?">>
<<goto "day5innConvoTour">>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includes("sir") isnot true>>
<<link "Why does Merat call you Sir?">>
<<goto "day5innConvoSir">>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includesAll("tour", "merat", "crow", "conspiracy", "sir") isnot true>>
<<if $day5innConvoTopics.includesAny("tour", "merat", "crow", "conspiracy", "sir") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Don't ask anything">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave]]>>
<br><<link "Don't ask anything else">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave]]>>
<br><<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave]]>>
<</if>><<run $day5innConvoTopics.push("conspiracy")>>
The Queen crosses her arms over her chest and raises one eyebrow as if offended.<<br>>
<<queen "//Excessive//? You make it sound like it was //difficult//. I happen to be quite efficient in what I do. Anticipating a few of your foolish actions and ensuring that they would be //impotent// took all of a few minutes. Even with the attacks requiring so much to be done it was hardly even a diversion. And it's not like you didn't make it //easy// for me.">><<br>>
<<merat "I do wish that you had allowed me to take the lead on the operation">> Remarks Merat from the shadows behind you. <<merat "I would have appreciated the distraction, and I have ever so many //ideas// I'd like to demonstrate.">><<br>>
You wince at the suggestion, you don't like the sound of that in the slightest. To your dismay, instead of reproaching him, the Queen smiles at the thought.<<br>>
<<queen "A sweet idea, Merat. You always manage to //impress// me with your methods. But there's plenty time for that in the future, and I enjoyed the break that dealing with this offered me from the accounts.">><<br>>
<<merat "Until the future, then.">> States Merat, a wolfishly predatory tone to his voice.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>><<run $day5innConvoTopics.push("merat")>>
You hear a disdainful scoff from Merat behind you.<<br>>
<<queen "He's a //spy//.">> Replies the Queen dryly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. <<queen "He happens to be very good at making himself //scarce// when the situation demands it.">><br>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "What if he's the one behind the attacks?">>
<<set $day5meratTheory to true>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You've heard only suspicious things about Merat, and you've been privately nursing the theory that perhaps he could be the one behind everything. You'd never expected to be explaining it to the Queen, while he lurks behind you, but it's worth mentioning.<<br>>
The Queen doesn't interrupt you as you explain your case, but a wry smile on her face gets wider and wider. You can only imagine what expression Merat must be making behind you.<<br>>
<<queen "Well then, Merat.">> She says once you've finished. <<queen "Are you the one sending assassins after us?">><<br>>
<<merat "I wouldn't dream of it, Sir.">> Sneers Merat's voice mockingly.<<br>>
<<queen "Well, there we go then.">> Remarks the Queen with a chuckle, her laugh rich and warm despite her cruelty.<<br>>
<<queen "Merat is a snake, of that I'm in firm agreement. Betrayal runs in his nature.">> She says plainly. You're surprised that she's being so direct about it when he's in the room. <<queen "But snakes are //animals//, just like everyone else. If you can identify their needs and supply them readily then they'll be as useful as any other //pet//. I do a good job ensuring that his proclivities are //sated//.">><<br>>
<<merat "And why would I kill someone whom I still have so much to learn from?">> Merat calmly adds.<<br>>
The Queen laughs again, her voice thick like honey. She's enjoying this. <<queen "So you'll kill me once you've learned everything you can?">><<br>>
<<merat "Everything //worth knowing//, at least.">><<br>>
<<queen "Then I'll look forward to the attempt.">> She says, with a wide, earnest grin at the idea. <<if $princessSeen is true>>You're <<if $outfit.wrists is "Metal Handcuffs">>once again<</if>> struck by the similarity between that smile and the one that the Princess flashed you in jail - roguish and eager.<</if>><<br>>
Then she seems to remember herself and shifts back to her cruel, austere expression.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Hold my tongue">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You know better than to try to accuse someone who's standing directly behind you and could kill you in moments. Best to keep your suspicions to yourself.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<run $day5innConvoTopics.push("crow")>>
<<section "hitBefore">>
At your questions, you notice the Queen make another gesture with her hands.<<br>>
You recognize that signal from last time, and brace yourself for the blow that's about to come, focusing on the direction that you last heard Merat in.<<br>>
To your surprise though, he must have silently masked his footsteps to be somewhere other than you were expecting. Instead, he drifts forward like smoke through your blind-spot. You don't even notice his presence until his slender fingers entwine themselves in your hair on the back of your head and sharply pull backwards, dragging your skull painfully backwards until you can see his pale, gaunt face upside-down looming above you.
<<if $day5convoMood is "complain" or $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
<<print _hitBefore>>
<<elseif $day5convoMood is "strip" and $queen.lenient isnot true>>
<<print _hitBefore>>
The Queen's eyes narrow at your questions, and you notice her make a small gesture with her hands.<<br>>
Unfortunately, you don't hear Merat's light footsteps drawing closer until it's too late, and the blow takes you completely by surprise. The palm of his hand strikes your cheek from behind with a firm, dismissive slap. Briefly you see stars, and the force is enough to send you from your knees back to being sprawled out on the floor.
<<merat "Do not be fooled by having an audience with royalty into thinking that you're some kind of //main character// in this affair.">> Merat spits scornfully. <<merat "You are merely a //pawn//, and had better learn your place.">><<br>>
<<queen "We know our enemies, their plans, and their resources - but gain //nothing// from sharing that information with anyone so //insignificant//.">> States the Queen plainly.<<br>>
The point made, she makes a gesture for Merat to <<if $day5convoMood is "complain">>release you<<else>>return to the shadows<</if>>. He seems reluctant to cease his fun, but does as she commands.
You wince in pain. You'd been considering the idea of sharing whatever limited information that you've been able to gather over the last few days with the pair, but now you don't feel remotely inclined.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>><<run $day5innConvoTopics.push("tour")>>
You're thrown off by the Queen's requests. The tour's been completely called off and all the nobles sent home - now it's just a carriage ride back to the Capital, surely?<<br>>
<<queen "Wrong.">> Contradicts the Queen plainly. <<queen "The tour is //over//, but we're certainly not heading back to the Capital - not yet at least. It's both the most dangerous route to take, and also precisely where our enemies expect us to go. Besides, why on //earth// did you think that we elected to go on this trip in the //first// place, if not to get us away from there while we can nip this //insolent// affair in the bud?">><<br>>
<<queen "No, tomorrow we'll be arriving at the fortress city of Saint-Joules.">> She continues. <<queen "A distasteful place, but one where I will still require a daughter to display.">><<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>><<run $day5innConvoTopics.push("sir")>>
The Queen seems a little surprised by your question. <<queen "Why, because I'm his //superior//, of course.">><<br>>
<<queen "Being addressed as 'your majesty' is important for the rabble, of course, but it's too much of a mouthful for my agents to be using all the time. 'miss' is diminutive, 'ma'am' is //annoying//, and 'mistress'...">> A small smirk crosses her face at the word. <<queen "Has its appeal, but I prefer to save it for special occasions.">><<br>>
You're a little relieved. With all the genderfuckery of the last few days a part of you had worried that something like that might have been going on here - a strange idea, given her... //womanliness//. But it seems like she's just an assertive woman with some very precise ideas about how to wield her authority.<<br>>
<<include [[day5innConvoTopics]]>><<if $day5innConvoTopics.includesAny("tour", "merat", "crow", "conspiracy") isnot true and ndef $outfit.gag>>
<<set _noAsks to true>>
The Queen raises an eyebrow in surprise.<<br>>
<<queen "Really? You have nothing to ask? How very foolish. If your lack of information leads to any mistakes in the coming days don't expect to be let off lightly. But I'll respect your decision for now - I tire of this matter anyway.">><<br>>
Merat coughs to draw attention to himself. <<merat "Sir, I believe that the reprovisioning is nearing completion<<if _noAsks is true>> anyway<</if>>.">><<br>>
The Queen makes a disappointed 'tsk' with her mouth. <<queen "About time. We've lingered far longer than I had intended. The solders are clearly getting //complacent//. I'll have to see about instilling some discipline. <<if def $outfit.gag>>Take that muzzle off of him, would you?<</if>>">><<br>>
<<if def $outfit.gag>>
<<set $outfit.gag to undefined>>
Merat steps forward, grabs onto the loose leather straps in front of your face, and casually pulls them upward. Your head is yanked up with them, firmly dragging you into position.<<br>>
With a smoothness that could only have come with experience, he barely has to look at you to unclasp the metal clips holding the muzzle against your face. Within moments it's off of you.<<br>>
Any residual resistance still bubbling away within you is, for now at least, outvoted in favor of nursing your tender jaw. It //hurt// to have it pulled shut for so long, and you keep dumbly opening and shutting your mouth to ease back into the sensation. It feels good to be able to move it again, but even after such a short time the sensation already feels alien, like it's not something that you should be doing. You shudder to imagine how it might feel wear it even longer - it's easy to imagine it soon feeling //wrong// to have any freedom over your jaw at all.<<br>>
The Queen
turns once more to you. <<queen "Well, do you understand what I demand of you?">> The Queen asks, in a tone that makes it clear that she expects a reply.<br>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Yes">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
The Queen smirks at your assent.<<br>>
<<queen "Yes, //who//?">><<br>>
<<link "Yes, you spiteful bitch">>
<<set $sub -1>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day5queenCall to "bitch">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave2]]>>
<<link "Yes, your Highness">>
<<set $day5queenCall to "highness">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave2]]>>
<<link "Yes, Sir">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day5queenCall to "sir">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave2]]>>
<<link "Yes, 'Mother'">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $day5queenCall to "mother">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave2]]>>
<<link "Yes, Mommy">>
<<set $sub += 2>>
<<set $rabbit += 2>>
<<set $day5queenCall to "mommy">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave2]]>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Fuck you">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day5queenCall to "fuck">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave2]]>>
</span><<switch $day5queenCall>>
<<case "fuck">>
The Queen seems more amused that offended by your words.<<br>>
<<queen "Very well, if that's how you want to be then be my guest - at least it's //interesting//. Just don't get any foolish ideas about //disappointing// me, because you'll soon find that the only person who you'll end up hurting is yourself.">>
<<case "bitch">>
The Queen seems more amused that offended by your words.<<br>>
<<queen "Very well, if that's how you want to be then be my guest - at least it's //interesting//. Just don't get any foolish ideas about //disappointing// me, because you'll soon find that the only person who you'll end up hurting is yourself.">>
<<case "highness">>
The Queen's eyes crease in amusement. <<queen "That's a good start. Now don't fail me - because you'll find that the only person who you'll end up hurting is yourself.">>
<<case "sir">>
You try copying the word that Merat has been using for her.<<br>>
The Queen frowns in displeasure. <<queen "That term is restricted to my agents. You haven't earned the //right// to refer to me so candidly... Not yet.">><<br>>
Merat scoffs from behind you, clearly finding the idea absurd and assuming that the Queen is joking, but her expression is as stonily appraising as ever.
<<case "mother">>
The Queen's face creases into a haughty, superior smile.<<br>>
<<queen "//There// you are. You're picking things up quickly. Let's have a positive relationship together, shall we, //daughter//?">>
<<case "mommy">>
You never meant to say it. You even have time to recognize that it's about to happen, but can only watch helplessly as the words bubble up in your throat and escape despite your efforts. It's purely instinctual.<<br>>
For a moment you could swear that the enthusiasm of your accidental utterance is enough to make her harsh gaze waver for a second - A flicker of humanity escaping past her mask. However, it's quickly covered again by an amused smirk.<<br>>
<<queen "Goodness, aren't you //sweet//?">> She chides, mockingly. You grit your teeth in embarrassment.
<<if $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
<<if $day5innRoute isnot "merat">>
She quickly steps back into her black heels, calling out <<queen "I must go meet with my husband. Get the boy back in his carriage, Merat.">> as she does so.
<<queen "Well then. I must go meet with my husband. Get the boy back to his carriage, Merat.">>
Merat inclines his body forward in a small bow. <<merat "Of course, Sir. Just one thing though - the leather from the muzzle has left some marks.">> With his free hand he grabs you by the hair at the back of your neck and directs your face towards the Queen as proof. <<merat "They'll only last a few hours. Would you prefer that I extract him away from prying eyes?">><<br>>
<<queen "I don't see why that would be important. In fact, it would only //help// matters if rumors spread that I've been enacting cruel and demeaning punishments on my daughter.">> The Queen explains, gathering her ledgers. <<queen "It might explain any odd behaviors if he slips up, and I'm sure that it will play to our advantage if the soldiers might feel //sympathetic// to him. Besides, they already think I'm a- What was that term you said they used again, Merat?">><<br>>
<<merat "A cold-hearted bitch, Sir.">> Supplies Merat.<<br>>
A wryly amused smile crosses her lips. <<queen "Wonderful. I can only see the benefit to maintaining such a reputation.">><<br>>
<<if $day5innRoute isnot "merat">>
She quickly steps back into her black heels, calling out <<queen "I must go meet with my husband. Get the boy back in his carriage, Merat.">> as she does so.
<<queen "Well then. I must go meet with my husband. Get the boy back to his carriage, Merat.">>
And with that she's gone, gracefully gliding past you out the door, leaving you in Merat's clutches.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day5innConvoLeave3]]>>
<</link>>You glance nervously at Merat, but to your relief he seems less like a beast who finally has his prey in his clutches and more like someone assigned to taking out the trash - like he thinks this kind of chore is beneath him.<<br>>
<<if $day5convoMood is "strip" or $day5convoMood is "subspace">>
<<switch $day5outfitStore>>
<<case "gcloak">><<weargcloak>>
<<case "peach">><<wearpeach>>
<<case "rose">><<wearrose>>
<<case "tulip">><<weartulip>>
<<case "whitehood">><<wearwhitehood>>
<<case "longcoat">><<wearlongcoat>>
<<case "butterfly">><<wearbutterfly>>
<<switch $day5pantyStore>>
<<case "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<case "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<case "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<case "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<case "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<case "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<unset $day5pantyStore>>
He disdainfully hooks the toe of his cavalry boot under <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>your dress<<else>>your pile of clothing<</if>> and kicks it towards you.<<br>>
<<merat "Put some clothing on, already.">> He demands.<<br>>
You don't need to be told twice. You quickly pull the clothing that you were wearing before back over yourself, grateful to not be nude any longer.<<br>>
Merat taps his foot impatiently the whole time that you're getting dressed, bored at the wait. You count yourself lucky - you much prefer boredom to hungry staring.<<br>>
Just as you're distracted putting the final touches on your outfit you suddenly freeze in place as you feel Merat's cold leather-gloved hand grip onto the back of your neck - his slender fingers long enough to wrap around and his thumb and forefinger to press lightly but threateningly against the jugular veins on either side of your throat. You feel like a kitten being picked up by its mother.
<<elseif $day5convoMood is "fight" or $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
<<merat "Stand.">> He demands suddenly, and despite how much fire you had in you earlier you find your limbs obeying all by themselves.<<br>>
It's an awkward, indignant thing to stand while your arms are twisted in handcuffs behind your back, but you manage it.<<br>>
You can feel the heat rise to your face as Merat snidely quips <<merat "Good boy.">> at your quick response.<<br>>
He waits for a moment, to give you enough time for your flash of anger to smoulder impotently into self-loathing, before grasping onto the handcuffs behind your back. You can feel yourself tense up, expecting him to twist them around and hurt you again, but it doesn't happen - instead he just lets you simmer in the threat.
His lack of enthusiasm is enough to let you take him for granted, and when you stand you take a moment to ease out your legs, which had gotten cramped for kneeling for so long. A foolish mistake. You suddenly freeze in place as you feel Merat's cold leather-gloved hand grip onto the back of your neck - his slender fingers long enough to wrap around and his thumb and forefinger to press lightly but threateningly against the jugular veins on either side of your throat. You feel like a kitten being picked up by its mother.
<<if $day5convoMood is "fight" or $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
<<merat "I'm going to take these off.">> He tells you firmly. <<merat "And here's what's going to happen, mutt: you're not going to fight, because you know I'll win; you're not going to resist, because you know that it will be pointless - you're going to walk with me back to your stupid pink carriage with all of the obedience of a pedigree at a show.">>
<<merat "Here's what's going to happen now, //mutt//. You're going to walk with me back to your stupid pink carriage with all of the obedience of a pedigree at a show. You're not going to run, because you won't get away; you're not going to fight, because you know I'll win; you're not going to resist, because you know that it will be pointless.">>
<<merat "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm so confident about that. Well, here's why:">> The dull scraping sound of Merat's sabre being pulled from its scabbard rings around the room, and a moment later you feel the familiar sensation of his blade against your throat. <<merat "The Queen values your life enough to merely send you back to jail for failing her. A disappointing weakness of hers. I suffer from no such qualms.">><<br>>
<<merat "If you make a single move out of line then I'll run this blade across your body as softly and precisely as a violin player with his bow. I'll carve //symphonies// into your flesh until there won't be a single inch of you that hasn't been marked according to my whims. And that will only be the beginning.">> He mimes the action as he talks, pulling the blade up and down in front of you, clearly enjoying how much you tense up with every motion.<<br>>
<<merat "When the Queen finds out what I've done then I'm sure that she'll be upset - but she'll just chalk it up to just another //occupational hazard// of having me on her staff. And it will be a deal she's comfortable making because she values how //useful// I can be. I'll remain as her agent, with a small and temporary dock to my pay, and you'll be //maimed for life//.">>
<<if $day5convoMood is "silent">>
He laughs again, just as false and inauthentically as he had before.
He laughs - a dry, cruel, mirthless thing, like he learnt to do it from a book.
<</if>> It makes your skin crawl.<<br>>
<<merat "Currently you're //interesting// enough to make me want to keep you around a little longer. But if through disobedience you become tiresome to me, then I'll have to re-evaluate my opinion on the matter. Do you understand?">><<br>>
With his naked blade at your throat you don't feel comfortable opening your mouth to speak, for fear of slicing yourself open without him even having to move a muscle. No doubt that's the point, as a second later he continues <<merat "Perfect. Now come along.">><<br>>
The blade is removed from your neck and you breathe a sigh of relief.
<<if $day5convoMood is "fight" or $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
<<set $outfit.wrists to undefined>>
It's followed a moment later by a //click// as the spymaster deftly unlocks the handcuffs with his other hand and pulls them off of you. Despite the situation, it feels good to have full arm motion again.
Merat steps forward to lead you back through the inn, confident that you'll step in behind him.<<br>>
<<link "Hurry after him, desperate not to upset him">>
<<set $day5followMood to "hurry">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day5innConvoLeave4">>
<<link "Bitterly follow, stewing in resentment">>
<<set $day5followMood to "bitter">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day5innConvoLeave4">>
<<link "Screw his threats. Run for it!">>
<<set $day5followMood to "window">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto [[day5window]]>>
<</link>><<setter "day5followMood to 'hurry'" "day5followMood to 'bitter'" "day5convoMood is 'muzzle'" "day5convoMood is 'bargain'">>
<<if $day5followMood is "hurry">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
You're absolutely terrified of the man. Something about his tone makes you think that he means every bit of what he says, and his undisguised sadism makes it clear that he'd enjoy every moment of it. You can't afford to upset him!<<br>>
You hurry to match his pace. Your enthusiasm gets you a wry smirk from the spymaster. <<merat "Good boy.">><<br>>
You flinch at the words, but hold your tongue.
You clench your fists with barely-suppressed anger. He's just a creepy fucking sadist with stupid ideas. Even if he genuinely meant his threats - and based on what you know of him already it's certainly not implausible - then there's no way that it would really play out that way. You'd find a way out before he could hurt you, you'd beat him, somehow.<<br>>
However, despite your confidence on the matter, you're not stupid enough to try and risk it. You can curtail your pride until a better opportunity presents itself.<<br>>
You fall in behind him, levelling a bitter death-glare at the back of his head. Your reluctance gets you a wry smirk from the spymaster. <<merat "Good boy.">><<br>>
It takes all the self-control you have not to try to punch him then and there. Maybe that's the point - you're sure he'd love for you to try. You don't give him the satisfaction.
He leads you back out into the corridor and down the stairs.<<br>>
<<if $day5convoMood is "muzzle">>
As you're paraded past the soldiers downstairs, the two of you are briefly halted by an important looking soldier. <<blue "Spymaster. Aren't you meant to be //missing//?">><<br>>
<<merat "I come and go at the King's will.">> Sneers Merat at the interruption. <<merat "I was just debriefed. Her highness bade me escort the Princess while I was here.">><<br>>
<<blue "Ahh yes, when she went past her Majesty did mention that she had shared some words with the Princess...">> Remarks the soldier, unable to keep his eyes away from the marks on your face from where the leather dog muzzle dug into the flesh as he does so.<<br>>
He's not the only one. Being held up by the soldier means that the whole inn gets plenty of opportunity to notice the evidence of your humiliation. There's a few looks of concern, though when you glance around the room none care enough to meet your gaze.<<br>>
Merat doesn't miss the opportunity to twist the knife. <<merat "More than //words// I think, Captain. I believe that her royal Highness takes discipline //very// seriously.">> You can hear a few sniggers from behind you from soldiers who like the idea of someone as important as the Princess being taken down a peg, and probably think you're out of earshot.
As you're paraded past the soldiers downstairs you can see a few odd glances thrown in Merat's direction. Someone mutters <<blue "Isn't he supposed to be //missing//?">> only to be elbowed in the ribs by the man next to him.
You're led out the front of the inn and back to your bright pink carriage.<<br>>
<<link "Return inside">>
<<goto "day5carriageReturn">>
<</link>>Fuck this - he's not going to threaten you into obedience. You don't like the odds of your escape, but the situation has now gotten so far over your head that sticking around in this awful trap is seeming more and more perilous by the second. Even bad odds are looking decent in comparison.<<br>>
Besides, while the Queen was going on with her megalomaniacal lectures you noticed something important - the wide bay windows sitting ajar in the corner of the room.<<br>>
You linger for a few moments to give Merat time to take a few more steps away, before making your move - running over to the windows and pushing the shutters wide open. The action seems to take Merat completely by surprise, because when he turns to see what the noise is he barely manages to utter <<merat "Oh for fuck's-">> before you throw yourself completely out the widow into the wet, dark sky.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day5window2">>
<</link>><<setter "confessSoldier to 'alive'" "confessSoldier to 'dead'" "confessSoldier to undefined">>
You land like a sack of shit.<<br>>
The window is higher up than you expected, and it's not like you gave yourself time to work out the best way for you to descend - you just threw your body out as quick as you could. You twist yourself around in the air to try to land into a roll - but completely misjudge it, spinning helplessly through the rain to land before with a sickening //crunch// on the wet ground. Your skull clatters against the dirt, mere inches away from a paving stone.<<br>>
You can feel the bone of your arm get wrenched out of its socket by the impact to hang limply out of your shoulder. Then, operating on instinct and adrenaline, you're stupid enough to immediately try to use it to lift yourself back to your feet. All you get for your efforts is agonizing pain.<<br>>
You manage to scrabble back up with your other arm, but by then it's too late - the sound of your fall is enough to draw the attention of a pair of soldiers.<<br>>
<<blue "Oi! That's her 'ighness!">> Bellows one of them. They don't hesitate in their pursuit - they know full well that the Princess is a flight risk, and are completely prepared for the eventuality.<<br>>
You try to force yourself to run, and you manage a desperate attempt, but after your fall there's no way that you're capable of outpacing them. They reach you in seconds and you're pulled into arrest.<<br>>
<<blue "Shit">> Shouts one over the whistling wind when he sees the state of you. <<blue "That was a nasty fucking fall. Look at the state of her! We need to get her straight to a physician.">><<br>>
<<merat "That won't be necessary.">> Snaps the icy-cold voice that you were dreading.<<br>>
The soldiers both look around in surprise and see the darkly-dressed figure of Merat striding towards them through the rain, seeming as unaffected as ever despite the fact that he must have had to run down two flight of stairs to get here so quick - though you notice a shakiness to his breath from suppressing the fatigue that he's too 'dignified' to let show.<<br>>
<<merat "Pass her here, would you?">> He asks, though his tone of voice makes it clear that it's a demand rather than a request.<<br>>
<<if $confessSoldier is "alive">>
You wince, expecting it all to be over, but unexpectedly you can feel the posture of the soldier next to you stiffen.<<br>>
<<blue "No.">> He replies, firmly.<<br>>
You look over at him, and are surprised to recognize the strong features of the soldier whose life you saved yesterday - the one who punched you in the face.<<br>>
Merat blinks in surprise, completely taken off guard by his refusal. <<merat "What?">><<br>>
His soldier companion seems equally as confused. He whispers under his breath so that Merat can't hear. <<blue "What are you doing, Richart? We're completely outranked. You don't want to piss him off...">><<br>>
<<blue "I'm not passing her over.">> Richart states firmly. <<blue "She's a good person. Saved my life during the attack. And I don't trust you one bit, Merat - aren't you're meant to be //missing// anyway?">><<br>>
Merat's posture shifts from irritation to anger. <<merat "I'm a //spy//, you //dolt//! Going undetected is the //point//! Now stop this stupid insubordination and pass her //here//.">><<br>>
Instead of a response, Richart releases you from his grip and steps forward, putting himself protectively between you and Merat.<<check "Only possible because you were honest about your real identity and saved his life yesterday">><<br>>
<<blue "Fuck. Are you bloody sure about this, mate?">> The other soldier murmurs nervously, but even though all he receives in reply is a stiff nod, it's still enough for him to let you go too and stand at his companion's side.<<br>>
<<merat "You //idiots//.">> Complains Merat. <<merat "How //dare// you stand against me? Stop this foolishness right now.">><<br>>
Richart ignores him. Instead, he shouts behind his back at you <<blue "Listen, girl- or whatever you are. I don't know what's going on, but I owe you - and I'm guessing that if the spy's after you then you're in trouble. Get out of here, we'll buy you some time.">><<br>>
You don't need to be told twice. You shout a quick and earnest thanks to your savior and flee off into the night.<<br>>
<<link "Run for freedom">>
<<set $day5ending to true>>
<<goto [[day4endings2]]>>
You can feel the soldier's postures tighten warily. One whispers to the other <<blue "Isn't he meant to be //missing//?">><<br>>
However, all he gets in reply is <<blue "He's the bloody spymaster, mate. We're completely outranked - he works straight for the King. You don't wanna piss him off.">><<br>>
You can feel the last shreds of your hope leave you as they make their choice - passing you over to Merat.<<check "Maybe if you had a soldier who knew about your predicament, and owed you a life debt, then he might stand up for you here.">><<br>>
Merat allows a thin smile to reach his face as he plucks you into his clutches. <<merat "Thank you. You can return to your work - I'll take her from here.">><<br>>
He directs you firmly back towards the inn, barely even bothering to disguise to fact that he has one hand painfully placed under your dislocated arm, threatening to twist it at the slightest provocation. The soldiers warily watch you leave for a few seconds, but soon do as Merat asks, going back to their duties.<<br>>
You can do nothing but wince through the pain.<<br>>
<<link "Fuck!">>
<<goto [[day5window3]]>>
<</if>>Merat doesn't take you to the nearest door back into the inn. Instead, you're dragged around to the side - to a dark and empty doorway to the tradesmen's entrance - safely out of way of any witnesses.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day5window3.jpg]]@@<br>
You try to shout out for help, but he anticipates such a thing and the moment you open your mouth he muffles your cries with his hand. You can taste the leather of his gloves.<<br>>
<<merat "No, I don't think so, mutt.">> He taunts, his mouth just inches away from your ear. Even his breath against your face seems ice-cold, but it's probably just from the sweat that covers you from the pain and adrenaline. <<merat "They'll be no hope of escape for you. None at all. The carriages will be departing shortly, and then it'll just be the two of us.">><<br>>
<<merat "I was planning on letting you //mature// into all this before //culling// you when it would be even more enjoyable, but one really shouldn't complain when one's prey walks so //willingly// into the trap.">><<br>>
<<merat "What was the promise that I made again?">> Merat asks rhetorically. <<merat "Ahh yes. A //symphony// drawn through your flesh. Not one of my more innovative ideas, almost disappointing, but I keep my promises, and it does help to indulge in the classics sometimes.">><<br>>
<<merat "Oh, but think of the //scarring//. I won't even need to keep you shackled - you'll be able to let you roam free for days, weeks, maybe even months at a time, because I'll know that whenever I take the fancy it will be //effortless// to find you once more, just by asking around for the ugly disfigured boy.">> The cold monotone of the false-mask of impassivity that Merat wears slowly drops away, his voice becoming more and more sharp and animated as the excitement of being able to indulge in his sadistic nature gets the better of him. <<merat "People will be so revolted by the sight of your injuries that they won't hide you. You'll never know how long it'll be before I come hunting for you once more - living in fear, hiding where you can, awaiting the game of cat-and-mouse that will inevitably come for you. And when you're back in my clutches I'll punish you once again for //daring// to disobey me on this day.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day5window4">>
<</link>>The whole time he's talking, whether intentionally or not, his grip on your wounded arm tightens and tightens. You can't help yourself from crying out in pain, but even that's muffled to nothingness by the hand clamped over your mouth. Between the nausea from the pain, the claustrophobia from not being able to breathe correctly, and the horrible vision of the future that Merat's painting for you, you're barely keeping it together.<<br>>
Suddenly the dark alcove is flooded with light as the door next to you is thrown open.<<br>>
Merat seems just as surprised as you are as the two of you blinkingly look over - to find the figure of the Queen silhouetted in the doorway.<<br>>
<<queen "Merat. Can you explain to me what's going on here?">> She asks, in the tone of a schoolmistress who's found two students goofing off.<<br>>
<<merat "Sir, I...">> Merat begins, before having to stop to force the bloodlust from his tone and wrangle it back into its usual affected indifference. <<merat "The mutt tried to run. I //apprehended// him.">><<br>>
The Queen sighs. <<queen "Yes, of //course// he did. He's - in fact, the //both// of you are - really quite predictable. I'm to assume that this shaded corner just happened to be the most appropriate route to take then, am I Merat?">><<br>>
Merat's eyes flash with enough anger that you think that he might lunge at her, but he holds his tongue.<<br>>
<<queen "Let's deal with this quickly, shall we? You're keeping me from my husband. That arm - is it broken or merely dislocated?">><<br>>
<<merat "Dislocated, sir.">> Merat replies, not wasting to opportunity to demonstrate the fact to her by showing how it twists in his grasp. You have to choke back stomach acid as your body reels from the sensation.<<br>>
<<queen "Good. Resolve it swiftly then.">> The Queen commands.<<br>>
It takes you a moment to realize what she's asking - too slow to brace yourself in time. With mechanical precision Merat releases the hand at your mouth, uses it to firmly brace your shoulder in place, pulls your limp arm as far forward as it can go - and then //slams// it backward.<<br>>
Without the hand at your mouth you're sure that the whole inn must hear the scream that you make as the bone //crunches// back into its socket. Your vision goes from seeing stars at having your arm extended, to an avalanche of white static as the pain completely overrides your senses.<<br>>
<<link "It hurts!">>
<<goto "day5window5">>
<</link>><<setter "day5meratTheory to true" "day5meratTheory to undefined" "day5convoMood is 'muzzle'" "day5convoMood is 'bargain'">>
You must have briefly lost consciousness, because when you come to you find that you're slumped backwards, held up only by Merat's hand at the back of your neck.<<br>>
<<queen "-isn't he?">> Finishes the Queen, though you didn't get to hear the rest of what she said.<<br>>
<<merat "Indeed.">> Agrees Merat. <<merat "Shall I take him back to the carriage now?">><<br>>
<<queen "No, you've done //quite// enough, Merat. I'll deal with you later - pass him here for now.">><<br>>
Merat passes you forward. You expect the Queen to support your groggy, aching body, but you're not so lucky. Instead, she reaches one hand around your face and sharply //pinches// your ear.<<br>>
Compared to the pain that the rest of your body in, an ear pinch really shouldn't be such a big deal - but that doesn't stop your body from twisting around in reaction.<<br>>
The Queen doesn't even pause to check whether you can carry your own weight. Instead, she just drags your wincing face behind her as she strides purposefully through the inn.<<br>>
Along your journey you're forced past dozens of guards. None of them say anything - wisely keeping out of the affair between royalty, but you can see the smirks on the faces at the familiar scene of a daughter being told off by her mother.<<if $day5convoMood is "muzzle">> You think that you can see a few faces notice that you also have leather muzzle-marks still visible on you, and their smiles falter as they realize it might not be something quite so benign, but you doubt that any signs of abuse could possibly be enough to get them to stop what's happening - she's the Queen, she can do what she likes.<</if>><<br>>
You're indignantly paraded in front of everyone past the bar and back out the front of the inn. The moment that you're safely out of sight you can hear the soldiers erupt into laughter behind you. You can feel your blood boiling - here you are in a desperate struggle for your life, but everyone just thinks that it's foolish youthful disobedience.<<br>>
When you're just in front of the carriage, safely away from prying ears, the Queen stops and releases your ear. You rub the tender cartilage.<<br>>
<<queen "Did he hurt you?">> She asks suddenly.<<br>>
For a moment you almost imagine a note of genuine concern in her voice, but you quickly dismiss the idea when, after the way you can't hold her gaze is enough to tell her that your injuries are solely your own fault, she concludes <<queen2>>"Too bad. That was very stupid. <<if $day5meratTheory is true>>I told you that he was a snake. If you're foolish enough to provoke him then you'll have to learn that it will just end with you getting bitten.<<else>>Merat is a simple asset - he's a snake, and if you're foolish enough to provoke him then you're going to have to learn that it will just end with you getting bitten.<</if>> I hope that this was enough to teach you that."<</queen2>><<br>>
Her point made, she pulls open the door to the Princess' carriage and gestures for you to enter.<<br>>
You clench your fists in anger, but you're in no state to argue.<<br>>
<<link "Enter the carriage">>
<<goto "day5carriageReturn">>
<</link>><<setter "day5followMood to 'window'" "day5followMood to 'hurry'" "day5followMood to 'bitter'">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<simone "How wonderful, <<print $pc.name>>! You survi-">> Simone shouts in glee, rushing excitedly to meet you as usual as you walk through the door. However, her momentum is quickly stopped in its tracks as she notices the person standing right next to you.<<br>>
<<if $day5followMood is "window">>
The Queen raises an eyebrow at the outburst. <<queen "Simone, I presume. You really must work on your operational security. Get him fixed up - I need him ready for the public by noon tomorrow.">><<br>>
And then she closes the door behind you, leaving you with a completely bewildered Simone.<<br>>
<<simone "T-that was the //queen//, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
Then she seems to notice the state of you. <<simone "Oh my word. What happened?! I'll grab the medical box.">><<hr>>
Simone fusses over your injuries, managing to be more concerned about you than the state of your outfit, though you notice the mournful glances that she keeps making towards the stains and tears you picked up from the fall. Luckily other than the shoulder, which is still painful and inflamed from being re-socketed, the wounds aren't too sizable. Simone still insists on putting plasters on each and every one, even the bruises, and you don't have the strength to stop her, so you soon covered in brightly colored fabric. You can see the excitement dawning in her eyes as she sees its potential as a new accessory to wear.<<br>>
Merat gives her a withering look at the outburst.<<br>>
<<merat "So you must be //Simone//, I presume.">> He sneers, looking the little maid up and down with undisguised disdain. <<merat "Your reputation precedes you.">><<br>>
Simone cocks her head nervously, unsure how to take his words. You grind your teeth angrily, remembering what the Queen said about her earlier.<<br>>
He shoves you firmly into the carriage. <<merat "Do your job and get him patched up. He'll be needed by noon tomorrow.">> And with that he closes the door behind him, leaving you with a completely bewildered Simone.<<br>>
<<simone "W-what's going on, <<print $pc.name>>? If you managed to finally find Merat, then why aren't you free yet?">><<br>>
With a sigh,
you explain everything that happened while you were out. You couldn't have been away for much longer than half an hour, but in that time everything seems to have changed. Or at least, your knowledge of the situation has - it seems like the Queen's been pulling the strings this whole time.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn2]]>>
<</link>><<setter "day5convoMood to 'bargain'" "day5convoMood to 'muzzle'">>
Simone listens in sheer amazement at the revelation.<<br>>
<<simone "I-I can scarcely believe it, <<print $pc.name>>! The Queen is... well, I knew that she was really //serious// all the time, and super strict and stuff, but to think that she'd do something like //this//.">><<br>>
You can understand what she means. She's quickly gone from a worrying overseer, all the way to a manipulative tyrant. Merat might hold the title of spymaster, but it looks like it's the Queen who might be the real subtle presence behind the throne.<<br>>
<<simone "Gosh, it's kind of a relief though, isn't it?">><<br>>
You can only stare at her in confusion at the unexpected comment.<<br>>
Simone hesitates at your expression. <<simone "Well, I just mean that up until now we thought that your //life// depended on passing as the Princess. Now we know that if you mess things up, instead of dying you'll just have to deal with, umm, lifelong imprisonment...">><<br>>
You groan and throw a cushion at her. You admire her attempt at optimism but that doesn't exactly sound appealing. Besides, with the Scarecrow Killer still at large it's not like being the Princess doesn't come with a looming threat of imminent death all by itself.<<br>>
<<simone "Yeah, I suppose you're right.">> Simone concludes glumly <<simone "What do you make of it, anyway?">><<br>>
You consider the matter.<<br>>
<<link "I hate it - I'll do everything that I can to make her plan blow up in her face.">>
<<set $day5concludeMood to "hate">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn3]]>>
<<link "The situation hasn't changed - I still just need to keep on trying to find a way to escape.">>
<<set $day5concludeMood to "escape">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn3]]>>
<<link "I'm terrified - I'll do whatever I can not to upset her.">>
<<set $day5concludeMood to "scared">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn3]]>>
<<if $day5convoMood is "bargain">>
<<link "A business opportunity - I'll do what she wants and reap the rewards.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day5concludeMood to "bargain">>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn3]]>>
<<link "An opportunity - maybe this could be lucrative.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day5concludeMood to "bargain">>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn3]]>>
<<link "Relieved - I was worried that I was going to have to stop being the Princess.">>
<<set $day5concludeMood to "relief">>
<<goto [[day5carriageReturn3]]>>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<</link>><<setter "day5concludeMood to 'hate'" "day5concludeMood to 'escape'" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'" "day5concludeMood to 'bargain'" "day5concludeMood to 'relief'" "day5convoMood to 'bargain'" "day5convoMood to 'muzzle'" "pc.background is 'flirt'" "pc.background is 'manly'" "pc.background is 'bread'" "pc.background is 'hero'" "day4peril to 'confess'" "day4peril to 'ruler'">>
<<switch $day5concludeMood>>
<<case "hate">>
Fuck that bitch. Her and her creepy sadist disciple.<<br>>
If they think that they can get away with this then they'll have another thing coming. You won't let yourself be manipulated.<<br>>
She thinks that you're just a pawn in her game, does she? Well you'll show her how wrong she is. You don't know how you're going to do it yet, but they're going to regret this.<<br>>
Honestly, you're not even sure if you're that interested in escaping anymore. Sure, freedom would be //nice//, but you're //much// more interested in using the position that she's put you into to ruin her - and perhaps drag the whole royal family down with it.<<br>>
By placing you in position as the 'princess', she's given you the perfect chance to embarrass her in front of the whole royal court. You'll play along for now, while you get in her good graces and gather allies, but when the time comes you'll flip the whole script on her.<<br>>
Simone's expression looks more and more nervous as you rant and rage to yourself. <<simone "G-gosh, <<print $pc.name>>. Are you sure that that's wise?">><<br>>
You try to dismiss her worries, but she still doesn't seem like she likes the idea at all.
<<case "escape">>
The exact nature of the trap that you're caught in might have shifted, but ultimately it doesn't make much difference to you. You still just need to keep up appearances as the Princess for however long it takes for you find an opportunity to get the fuck out of here.<<br>>
You clearly won't be able to rely on the idea of Robiers or Merat showing up and rescuing you anymore. You won't win your freedom with passivity - you'll have to grasp it with your own two hands.<<br>>
<<if $day4peril is "confess">>
It didn't escape your notice how frustrated the Queen was at the fact that you'd confessed that you were an imposter to the group of people you tried to escape the mansion with yesterday. You doubt that you could get away with doing something like that again without dire repercussions, but if they came out of last night alive, and without thinking of you too negatively, then the people you told could be valuable accomplices. Merat had ominously mentioned that he'd managed to get them to hold their tongues - you hope that it wasn't too severe.<<br>>
Simone's expression hardens into one that seems uncharacteristically serious as you tell her your plan. <<simone "Gosh. You're right. We've just got to do whatever we can to get you out of here safely, don't we? I'll try to help out with whatever I can.">> You're deeply grateful to the little maid.
<<case "scared">>
Both Merat and the Queen are so intimidating that even now you're so jumped up with anxious energy that you keep catching yourself quivering. They're horrible people and you hate the task that they've forcing onto you, but attempting to defy them would only give them reasons to punish you - and that's the //last// thing that you want.<<br>>
No, the best plan is to just keep your head down and hope that the Queen will be finished with you soon. Whatever she wants, you'll do it.<<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
You've already earned her leniency. Sure, it took your humiliating yourself by stripping nude in front of her, but she's at least demonstrated that she can be reasoned with. Maybe all it'll take to get out of this situation is to keep doing stuff like that?<<br>>
Simone sees the nervous, haunted look on your face and before you know it she's jumped forward and you're enveloped into a warm, encouraging hug. <<simone "I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>. It's absolutely //horrid//, but you're right - there's nothing else for it, is there?">><<br>>
You try to take it bravely, but you're powerless to resist the tears that pour down your face, coming out in deep sobs. The little maid gently rubs your back, reassuring you that things will turn out fine.<<br>>
By the time the wellspring inside of you dries up and the tears stop, for some reason, instead of feeling awkward and humiliated by the outburst you just feel relieved, grateful for the catharsis.
<<case "bargain">>
<<if $day5convoMood is "bargain">>
The Queen offered you a deal. The terms were wildly against your favor,
The Queen may be forcing you to do this against your will, but once it's all over it stands to reason that there might be some hush money at the end of the trail. She wouldn't give you any thing she'd miss,
but she's literally //royalty// - even an offer that seems completely insignificant to her is worth more than you dare to even try to imagine.<<br>>
And that's not even all of it - you're making contacts. Elodie's family might be minor compared to many of these nobles, but even they're obscenely rich and influential to the rest of the world. If you can get in the good books of just a couple of the nobles you're spending every day with, then you could be set for life.<<br>>
Besides, you're pretty sure that once this is over it won't be too much difficulty to slip out a bagful of priceless items with you when you go.<<br>>
Simone grins at your enthusiasm (though you ensure not to mention the stealing). <<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>, that sounds wonderful!">>
<<case "relief">>
There's no way that you'd ever say it out loud, but to be honest you'd noticed something weird today. When the Queen revealed her hand you were absolutely terrified, but you weren't scared of getting punished - you were scared that you'd have to stop.<<br>>
You can't really understand it. The last days have //sucked//, right? They've been terrifying ordeals with your very life on the line, where you've been forced to do things that you would have thought horrifying just a few days ago. However, when you think about going back to how life was before you can't help but feel anxious at the prospect.<<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
In hindsight, it feels like you could barely think about anything other than the next soiree, the next charming flirtation, the next clandestine kiss. It was all that motivated you. Whenever you were forced to be alone you just got irritable and lethargic. You didn't like your own thoughts, your own self - you filled your life with women whenever possible. Their grace, their beauty, their dresses, it was all so much more exciting than your mundane everyday existence.<<br>>
And yet, it's not like any of your flirtations ever got you anywhere. You were masterful at attracting their attention and securing yourself a few dates, but then they'd make some excuses and move on, leaving you alone in darkness - deprived of their radiance.<<br>>
You wonder what drew them away. Was it that they could tell that you were hollow? That under your affect you were just using them to cover for the hopelessness that you felt about your own self?
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
You had thought of yourself as powerful, a man who took no quarter and had the adoration of all of your mates. But in hindsight, a man who spends all this time getting in fights down the pub just kind of sounds like a man with chronic alcoholism. And while you thought of those people as your friends, it's not like you ever actually sat down with any of them and chatted about anything other than drinking. In just a few days you've already gotten closer to Simone or Elodie than you were with any of them, really.<<br>>
You briefly allow your mind to wonder why you were so keen to drink all the time. What about your life made the notion of facing it sober seem so terrifying? And in comparison, why have you barely considered alcohol in the past few days?
<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>
It should be no small wonder, really. After all, isn't not like your life was any good before either. That was also a struggle for survival, of a sort - an eternal battle to secure another day's worth of food and shelter. At least now you're sheltered, fed, and clothed in luxury - even if those clothes are for girls.<<br>>
And yet, something about that rings a little false to you. Sure, you might be in comfortable digs now, but you're also in more peril than you ever were on the streets. Maybe it's just the adrenaline of it all, but somehow you feel more comfortable and grounded than you ever did before.<<br>>
Your mind briefly wonders back to when, even during times of relative comfort, you'd find yourself tossing and turning at night, struggling with some malaise about the future that couldn't be explained by mere poverty alone. In fact, that was the struggle, the uncomfortable feeling that even if things //did// turn up for the better, you'd still be somehow trapped with yourself. It's a sensation that, for some reason, you haven't felt at all over the last few days.
<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>
You were a heroic adventurer, unquestionably laudable. You were proud of what you did, but in hindsight the way that you refused to ever stay in one place for too long, to ever let yourself put down roots, seems just a little bit desperate.<<br>>
It's not like you never tried, but no matter how comfortable the lodgings were or how much good you were in a position to do there, you'd quickly become irritable and lethargic. Too much time to yourself with your own thoughts - you'd quickly be off again, cresting the next horizon, desperately searching for someone in trouble, someone you could help.<<br>>
You can't help but wonder what it was about yourself that made you run away. What underlying hopelessness lingered in you that you couldn't see any solution for - that made you so desperate for the escapism of solving other people's problems that seemed so simple and actionable in comparison.
<</if>><<check "Based on player background">><<br>>
<<simone "Earth to <<print $pc.name>>!">> Simone calls out. <<simone "What's up? You suddenly got a really weird look on your face.">><<br>>
Suddenly feeling flustered, you quickly try to change the topic.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day5carriageReturn4">>
<</link>>Simone cocks her head in thought for a moment. <<simone "Come to think of it, did you mention the weird changes that you've been experiencing to the Queen? Maybe she'd be able to help.">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at the suggestion. It hadn't crossed your mind - you'd been too busy just trying to get through it all, but even if it had there's no way that you'd have said anything. 'Helping' you seemed like the //last// thing that they'd want to do. They'd probably just decide that it's another weapon that could be used against you to keep you in line - you'd rather not give them the ammunition.<<br>>
Simone bites her lip at your decision, looking like she doesn't agree, but you try not to let that bother you - she wasn't there to see how they were.<<br>>
[[Continue->day5carriageUndress]]<<setter "outfit.cage.id to 'metalcage'" "outfit.cage.id to undefined">>
<<simone "Right then. Come to think of it I'm sure you'll want to get out of your dayclothes. I'll get dinner sorted.">><<br>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
She doesn't know the half of it - you'd hoped to be able to get out of your cock cage the moment that you got back, but all the events of the evening made that difficult. You're desperate to remove the thing.<<br>>
It's all you can manage not to run full-pelt to the bathroom<br>
She's right. You quickly make your way to the bathroom to change.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to false>>
Once in the bathroom, you waste no time reaching down your front to pull out the two lumps of padding you used to add bust to your outfit, and set to work taking off the rest.
Once in the bathroom, you quickly set to work undressing.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
You unhook the little accessories attached to your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> and lift the cloak off your shoulders before beginning the task of wriggling out of your tight brown leggings and top.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("futureThing") isnot true>>
Your chest never been so constrained so tightly before, but, while the cool air on your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is nice, you're surprised by how little relief you feel at being free. In fact, there isn't much to feel relief //from// - while it had felt weirdly tight to begin with, over time you'd grown quite used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("rose", "gcloak") isnot true>>
You start to pull off the tight leggings,
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
revealing your cock. For a moment you despair, thinking that it's shrunk even more while you were out, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. For a moment you despair, thinking that you've shrunk again as the bulge in your panties seems smaller than ever, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
It's similar enough to other things that you've worn that it's no trouble at all to pull the tight clothing off of you.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "rose", "longcoat", "whitehood") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
The leggings are tight enough that instead of just pulling them off, you have to wriggle your way loose of them. The hip movements feel decisively <<if def $pc.shave>>feminine, and you can't help but notice how good your silky smooth skin feels as you're forced to rub them together<<else>>feminine.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You're relieved to finally be free of the waist-cincher, and quickly pull it off of you, taking a few deep breaths before starting on the rest.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "butterfly", "whitecloak") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little longer for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "peachImg">> off of you. After a while you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the sashes and zippers to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the soft fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon - your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being not being much less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the peach material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as so feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach", "butterfly") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "tulipImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the bouncy fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being not being much less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the violet material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as so feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the interweaved layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Luckily, <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "longcoatImg">> is similar enough to mens clothing that you don't have too much trouble taking it off. The most confusing part is when you fumble on the blouse, forgetting that the buttons are on the other side. When you pull off the short skirt you almost can't believe that this tiny slip of fabric was all that you had to protect your modesty with.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "rose", "longcoat", "whitehood") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "peach") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "butterflyImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the billowing fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being not being much less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the poofy material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as so feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing petticoats, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
The many layers of your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">> mean that it takes some time to take off. First there's the ornate headpiece, which you have to take care of for fear of damaging the gold leaf; then the hood and little armwarmers, and then you can start on the dress itself.<<br>>
Any worry that it'll be tricky to remove is quickly forgotten - it's so short that it's barely almost more like taking off a top than a dress.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "whitehood", "rose", "longcoat") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
You set to taking off your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "roseImg">> - smoothly lifting the flowy top up off of your head before moving on.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("rose", "gcloak") isnot true>>
You start to pull off the tight leggings,
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
revealing your cock. For a moment you despair, thinking that it's shrunk even more while you were out, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. For a moment you despair, thinking that you've shrunk again as the bulge in your panties seems smaller than ever, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "rose", "longcoat", "whitehood") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
The leggings are tight enough that instead of just pulling them off, you have to twist and ease your way loose of them. The hip movements feel decisively <<if def $pc.shave>>feminine, and you can't help but notice how good your silky smooth skin feels as you're forced to rub them together<<else>>feminine.<</if>>
You're no stranger to tight leggings, so don't hesitate to peel them off of your body, your hips wriggling the whole time to help them along their way.
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
<<set $outfit.cage to {}>>
<<set $outfit.cage.types to []>>
Now you can finally get rid of this awful cage you've had to put up with all day. <<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>You pull your <<print $outfit.under.name>> down around your knees and <<else>>You<</if>> go rummaging around the toiletries drawer where you left the key hidden in a little jar.<<br>>
However, when you reach the spot where you left it, your fingers pass only through empty air...<<br>>
Though only for a moment. Your nimble digits quickly find it nearby - what a relief! It makes sense after all - the soldiers just finished a thorough inspection, they must have moved things around a bit.<<br>>
You deftly pluck the little key out from the pot and unlock the miniature padlock that holds your manhood at bay. It falls away with a //click//, and you set to extracting yourself from cock jail.<<br>>
As if sensing its freedom, your cock victoriously swells into a semi. Despite the fact that you're still processing its smaller-than-before size, the sensation is still enough to make you feel virile and powerful. Fuck yeah.<<br>>
You quickly hide the cage at the back of a bathroom cabinet. It would be quickly found by a through search, but so long as you're wearing it out and about while the carriage is being inspected, you'll just need to keep it out of the way enough that Simone doesn't stumble on it.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
You glance over to your thick dressing gown and find yourself groaning at the thought of sleeping in it again. You'd dismissed the idea yesterday, but that was when you still thought that Robiers would soon be coming to rescue you. The notion of toughing things out for just a couple more days had felt manageable - but it's becoming clear that you'll be here for a long haul. Sure you could handle tonight, but what about the one after that, and the one after //that//? Maybe it's better to get it over and done with and take the blow to your pride on the chin.<<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "I'm still not going to wear that stuff">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day5undressGown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Give up and wear some skimpier nightwear under the gown, ready to sleep in.">>
<<goto [[day5undressGownChoice]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
Now that you're undressed, <<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>standing in the bathroom wearing only your <<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>>standing in the bathroom nude<</if>>, you start thinking about the nightwear.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You set about putting on the <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your head and pulling up the little bottoms. The soft flannel gently tickles your body.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Then you pull the plush dressing gown over you. It's like being hugged by a cloud.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You slip the <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and let it fall loosely over you. The thin, silky material gently grazes over your body like comfortable spiderwebs.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Then you pull the plush dressing gown over your shoulders. It's like being hugged by a cloud.<<br>>
[[Head back to the main room->day5eveningEat]]
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
You decide to tough out another night in the swelteringly warm dressing gown. Even if you did decide to sleep in something more feminine, it wouldn't mean that you'd even necessarily sleep better - you bet that you'd be tossing and turning, unable to feel comfortable in something so skimpy.<<br>>
You quickly pull the plush gown over your body. It's like being hugged by a cloud - if a particularly warm and humid one.<<br>>
[[Head back to the main room->day5eveningEat]]<<set $gown2nite to true>>
You glance around the room and notice that, unexpectedly, the two sets of nightclothes that Simone had picked out for you yesterday are placed carefully next to the sink. Almost as if Simone anticipated that you'd do this and had them prepared ready for you.<<br>>
You wince at being read like this but you can't exactly blame her, but she is a maid after all - being thoughtful is part of her job. You just wish that the idea of you wearing this stuff seemed as incongruent to her as it does to you.
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwdress.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwcrop.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
You assess the outfits carefully, trying to work out which is the better choice to wear under your gown. The only time you won't have the gown over the top is when you're in bed - there's every chance that Simone will never even see you in it, let alone anyone else, but it still feels like a huge choice.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the nightdress">>
<<set $nightwear to "dressgown">>
<<goto [[day5undressGownChoice2]]>>
<<link "Pick the crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "cropgown">>
<<goto [[day5undressGownChoice2]]>>
<</link>><<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You set about putting on the <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your head and pulling up the little bottoms. The soft flannel gently tickles your body.<br><br>
The outfit is definitely skimpy. You've never worn anything in your life that showed your tummy before, but now your navel is exposed for all to see. The lower hemlines of the clothing flow out with subtle fluting, so that as you move they shift, revealing glimpses of skin underneath. This is most alarming at the shorts, which are already very short - the bottom of your butt is clearly visible!<<br>>
Not wanting to see yourself wearing this any more than you already have, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You slip the <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and let it fall loosely over your body.<br><br>
The fabric is so thin and light that it feels practically immaterial on your body, like wearing a silken spiderweb. Despite that, it's incredibly soft - its surface so sleek that it glistens in the light.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>You can't help but look in the mirror<<else>>You look in the mirror<</if>>, and immediately find yourself blushing at the sight. The slip of material is so dainty and feminine that it almost completely overrides the lingering masculinity of your body, and makes you look small and delicate.<br><br>
Most alarming of all is the short length. With your every movement, the light material shifts, tantalizingly revealing inches of <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek, hairless<</if>> thigh. Despite it being your //own// body, you have to force yourself not to stare hypnotized by the dancing hemline of the nightdress, threatening to reveal your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> at any moment.<<br>>
Not wanting to see yourself wearing this any more than you already have, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
[[Head back to the main room->day5eveningEat]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
By the time you're dressed and head back into the main room of the carriage, Simone is bringing two plates of piping hot food in from the kitchen.<<br>>
You're as ravenous as ever. It makes you a little uncomfortable, now that you know that it's probably fueling your transformation, but you're not exactly going to starve yourself either.<<br>>
You're quickly finished with your portion, even despite the extra helping that Simone had prepared. You try to decide what to talk about while she finishes hers.<br>
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("elodie") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Elodie->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "elodie"]]
/* <<if $dinnerTalk.includes("jacques") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Jacques->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "jacques"]]
<</if>> */
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("eyeChange") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about my transformation->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "eyeChange"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("colette") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Colette->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "colette"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("crow") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about the Scarecrow Killer->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "crow"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("queen") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about the Queen->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "queen"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("merat") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Merat->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "merat"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("maid") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask if Simone likes being a maid->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "maid"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("family") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about her family->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "family"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("acc") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about the accessories covering her maid outfit->simoneChatDay5eve][$simoneDay5chatEve to "acc"]]
<</if>><<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "maid">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMaid]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "family">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkFamily]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "acc">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkAcc]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "elodie">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkElodie]]>>
/* <<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "jacques">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkJacques]]>>
<</if>> */
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "eyeChange">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkEyeChange]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "colette">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkColette]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "crow">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkCrow]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "queen">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkQueen]]>>
<<if $simoneDay5chatEve is "merat">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMerat]]>>
<<unset $simoneDay5chatEve>><<br>>
Simone visibly yawns as she puts her knife and fork down, and you suggest that the two of you head to bed.<<br>>
/* <<if $simone.sleepArray.includesAny("together") isnot true>> */
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
<<set $bedDestroyed to true>>
Suddenly her eyes widen. <<simone "Oh gosh! I haven't mentioned it yet! There might be a problem with that.">><<br>>
You wince. This can't be good.<<br>>
Simone leads you over to the little corner where the small servant's bed folds out from the wall. <<simone "All of the soldiers were //really// overenthusiastic when they were searching the carriage for trace of the Scarecrow Killer. It takes sense I guess, after the attack yesterday, but I was //so// worried that they'd find some evidence that you've been here or something.">><<br>>
<<simone "Anyway, one of them got in //such// a fuss about the spare bed, thinking that maybe it could be hiding in the mattress or something - could you believe such a thing? Before I knew it he was whacking away at it and, well...">> She touches the little mechanism that makes the bed fold out. Instead of slowly extending like usual, it collapses down so suddenly that it almost hits you.<<br>>
It's an absolute disaster. The bedding is practically ripped apart, with springs poking out everywhere. Half of the slats underneath are broken, you doubt that it would support even Simone's body weight without her falling through midway through the night.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm really sorry about this, <<print $pc.name>>, but I don't think that either of us can sleep in it tonight - we'll have to share the big bed together.">><<br>>
<<if $simone.offered is true>>
You already feel like you might be able to guess the answer, but you ask her if her previous stance about underwear still stands.<<br>>
Simone looks sincerely apologetic. <<simone "I was thinking about it earlier and... well, I'm sorry, but I think so.">><<br>>
<<simone "It's not like I don't //trust// you or anything, <<print $pc.name>>, it's just that I know that if I ever told my mam about it she'd be //so// upset. Even with you in your nightclothes and all, it's the principle of the thing. Sorry.">><<br>>
You barely suppress the groan you make, but it looks like you don't have a choice in the matter.<<br>>
<<link "Reluctantly agree">>
<<goto "simoneNTogether2">>
<<link "Damn">>
<<goto "day5bedDestroyed">>
<<simone "Good idea.">> She mumbles sleepily. <<simone "Which bed would you like to sleep in tonight?">><<br>>
<<include [[sleepOptions]]>>
<</if>>You're not exactly enthusiastic about the idea. The idea of getting even more intimate with Simone than you already are is awkward, but it looks like you don't have much choice in the matter.<<br>>
It's not like it's the worst thing in the world. The Princess' bed is almost three times the size of any bed you slept in before - so big that honestly it's kind of silly for only one person to be sleeping in it anyway. Chances are you won't even touch during the night.<<br>>
However, from regretful look on Simone's face you get the impression that it won't be quite that easy.<<br>>
<<simone "There's kind of a problem with both of us being in the same bed though...">> She says nervously, clasping and unclasping her hands at her waist. <<simone "And... well, it's //me//. I'm the problem I'm afraid.">><<br>>
She forces herself to meet your gaze. <<simone "You see, my mam, when I went to go stay at the palace she made me absolutely //promise// to her that I won't get all //silly// with a man.">><<br>>
You try to assure her that no //silliness// will be going on between you, but she doesn't budge. <<simone "At first she wasn't even going to let me //look// at boys, but I managed to talk her down to a couple of rules, and the most important rule of them all was that I was to absolutely not, under no circumstances, allow myself to sleep in a bed with a boy without his undies on.">><<br>>
You roll your eyes. How ridiculous! However, that shouldn't be a problem anyway, it's not like you're going to be nude - you'll be wearing the Princess' nightclothes all night.<<br>>
<<simone "I know that!">> Simone replies urgently. <<simone "I trust you completely. But here's the thing - I made a promise, and the promise didn't talk about the rest of the clothing at all - it was just about the //undies//, and you're still not wearing any...">><<br>>
Oh for fuck's sake.<<br>>
<<simone "We don't have any men's underwear around or anything, so I'm afraid that the only thing that you could wear would have to be, well, the Princess' panties...">><<br>>
So that's what this was leading up towards, is it? The universe coalescing to get you dressed up in even more women's clothing, as if there wasn't more than enough of that going on already.<<br>>
Part of you wants to cuss Simone out and refuse anyway, but she doesn't look like she's going to budge. Besides, as much as she's become your friend over the last few days, she still holds your life in her hands - you wouldn't get anywhere without her helping you. You doubt that she'd call the guards on you or anything, but even if it just made the relationship between you awkward and difficult then that would still be enough to put your life in peril.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
You try to make the case that your white flannel shorts will completely cover everything anyway - after all, to someone who's worn boxers all his life these seem much more like underwear than shorts. Simone just looks apologetic - no dice.<<br>>
<<link "Reluctantly agree">>
<<goto "simoneNTogether2">>
<</link>><<setter "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to cropgown" "simone.slept to 2" "simone.slept to 3" "day5convoMood to 'silent'" "day5convoMood to 'plead'" "day5convoMood to 'bargain'" "day5convoMood to 'complain'" "day5convoMood to 'fight'" "day5convoMood to 'muzzle'" "day5convoMood to 'strip'" "day5concludeMood to 'bargain'" "day5concludeMood to 'hate'" "day5concludeMood to 'escape'" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'" "day5concludeMood to 'relief'" "day5soldiersInspired to true" "day5soldiersInspired to undefined">>
<<set $day to 6>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
Simone doesn't even get halfway across the room before the carriage door is suddenly thrown open.<<br>>
She can't help but squeak in surprise as the figure who sweeps dramatically inside isn't the kindly soldier the two of you are used to, but none other than the Queen herself.<<br>>
<<queen "Where is he?">> She demands. <<queen "Where is my '//daughter//'?">><<br>>
Simone stammers, too thrown off by unexpectedly being thrown into conversation with someone so important to make a quick response. You save her the effort - <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>pulling your dressing gown around your shoulders and<</if>> rising from your hiding place.<<br>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.last() is "small">>
The Queen makes an expression of distaste at seeing you emerging from the smaller bed.<<br>>
<<queen "Ahh, there you are - still abed so late in the morning, and to make matters worse sleeping in the //servants// cot. Unacceptable - I expect you to be awake and ready by this time.">>
<<elseif $simone.sleepArray.last() is "together">>
<<if $simone.slept is 2 or $simone.slept is 4>>
The Queen makes an expression of distaste at seeing you emerging from bed.<<br>>
<<queen "Ahh, //there// you are - still abed so late in the morning. Unacceptable. I expect you to be awake and ready by this time.">>
The Queen raises an eyebrow at seeing you emerging from the larger bed, seeming to put something together from the blush that must still be present on Simone's face. You don't know what expression you make at that accusing brow-raise, but it seems to be enough to confirm her suspicions, as a wry smirk crosses her lips. You get the feeling that she's just gotten ammunition to use against you.<<br>>
<<queen "Ahh, //there// you are - still abed so late in the morning. Unacceptable. I expect you to be awake and ready by this time.">>
<<elseif $simone.sleepArray.last() is "big">>
The Queen makes an expression of distaste at seeing you emerge from bed.<<br>>
<<queen "Ahh, //there// you are - still abed so late in the morning. Unacceptable. I expect you to be awake and ready by this time.">>
<<queen "Simone.">> The Queen continues, suddenly addressing the little maid. Her hand reaches out to gently cup her cheek. <<queen "I trust that I can rely on you to ensure that such a thing happens, and he keeps to his duties. You were so exemplary with my daughter, after all.">><<br>>
You bristle at her treating Simone so well after saying those things yesterday, but if Simone remembers what you told her then it's soon forgotten in the face of such overpowering charm. You can see her face blush a deep crimson and though she's too flustered to speak she's soon nodding her head furiously.<<br>>
The response is enough to draw a pleased smile to the Queen's cheeks. <<queen "Good //girl//.">> She gently utters, before losing interest in her entirely and turning back to you, her face as stern as ever.<<br>>
"Now, I won't waste both of our time by giving a full report - I'm sure that we both know //quite// well what I thought of everything that transpired yesterday.
<<switch $day5convoMood>>
<<case "silent">>
Your compliance is not optional."
<<case "plead">>
Your pleading was admirable, but //lacking//."
<<case "bargain">>
Rest assured that you'll get your half of the bargain - but only after meeting my needs."
<<case "complain">>
Your compliance is not optional."
<<case "fight">>
Your resistance was tiresome, and it is required for you to learn that such efforts will always be //futile//."
<<case "muzzle">>
Your resistance was tiresome, and it is required for you to learn that such efforts will always be //futile//."
<<case "strip">>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
Your //sweetness// was really quite admirable."
Your submission was admirable, but //lacking//."
<<case "subspace">>
Your //sweetness// was really quite admirable."
<<switch $day5concludeMood>>
<<case "hate">>
You clench your fists angrily at the memory.
<<case "escape">>
You grimace at the memory.
<<case "scared">>
You feel nervous sweat run down the back of your neck at the memory.
<<case "bargain">>
You nod in acceptance.
<<case "relief">>
You bite your lip nervously at the memory.
<<if $day5soldiersInspired is true>>
<<queen "Though I shall commend you for the words that you had with the soldiers outside. From what I hear, the whole platoon has been abuzz with news of how the charming 'Princess' helped to lift their spirits. Impressive.">><<br>>
<<queen "We'll soon be arriving at Saint-Joules. It'll be safe enough for our purposes - it's a fortress-city, built around the Bastille de la Sainte. A fortification that's been //obsessively// maintained by the local duchess. Who happens to be my //aunt//.">> She pauses for a moment, her features briefly clouded by an expression of deep distaste. <<queen "If you're forced into conversation with her, make sure to refer to her as 'great-aunt'. The bitch //hates// to be reminded of her age.">><<br>>
<<queen "Be prepared to leave by noon. I won't have you wasting time - there'll be a list of obligations delivered, and then you'll be escorted to your first destination the moment we arrive. You will attend to those duties and not disappoint me.">><<br>>
<<switch $day5concludeMood>>
<<case "hate">>
You bristle at having your actions be so clearly dictated to you, but you hold your tongue.
<<case "escape">>
Escaping from a fortress-city sounds daunting, but the fact that you're being sent off to do things bodes well for your chances. You make sure to hide your determined expression behind a mask of false-nervousness.
<<case "scared">>
You wince. This is bad news - being sent off on 'obligations' means that you'll have plenty of opportunities to slip up, fail, and get punished by the Queen. She's not letting you off easily.
<<case "bargain">>
You bite your lip nervously at the prospect of tasks, but you don't let it get to you - you'll get through this and be //rich//.
<<case "relief">>
You find yourself feeling a little relieved at the news. A part of you had been worried that the only thing that the Queen would keep you around for was just a sacrificial lamb to be the first target of the Scarecrow Killer. You still don't fully understand it, but you can't help but feel glad that you get to keep on going out there doing things as the Princess.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6wake2">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.shave to 'legs'" "pc.shave to undefined" "day5concludeMood to 'escape'" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'" "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined">>
The Queen gazes around the carriage. <<queen "Tell me, how will you be spending the morning?">><<br>>
Simone steps forward, seeming to have recovered from being quite so red-in-the-face but nevertheless instilled with a <<if $day5concludeMood is "hate" or $day5concludeMood is "escape">>frustrating<</if>> desire to please the monarch in your midst. <<simone "Umm, well... we usually start by having a bit of a makeover to help make <<print $pc.name>> a little bit more feminine and stuff. And then he does some practicing while I-">><<br>>
The Queen cuts her off before she can finish. <<queen "While you adjust some clothing, I imagine. Your work has been admirable.">><<br>>
You watch the expression on Simone's face at having her work be complimented, and get the distinct feeling that your one ally and confidant is being stolen from you.<<br>>
<<queen "In fact, may I advise that today you work on the outfit that I gave my daughter last month?">><<br>>
Simone goes a little pink at the mention. <<simone "Oh! Y-you mean the one with all the... gosh...">><<br>>
You don't like the look of the smile on the Queen's face as she replies <<queen "Yes, that's the one.">><<br>>
<<if ndef $pc.shave>>
<<queen "As for your 'makeover' - I won't accept another day of you hiding your legs behind skirts and trousers. This morning you're shaving your legs.">><<br>>
You bristle at the order, but have to concede that she has a point. You've avoided shaving your legs so far, and as a result have had more than a few odd looks from nobles at how stuffy your outfits have had to been to hide your legs.<<br>>
<<section "ending">>
And with that the Queen turns on her heel and leaves the carriage.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6wake3">>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
<<queen "Very well - I can't stay and guide you any more than this. I know that I can trust you to attend to my will adequately.">> The Queen concludes.<<check "The Queen trusts you, after you submitted to her will yesterday">><<br>>
<<queen "Know that this level of independence isn't something that I grant lightly. If you fail me, be assured that your punishment will be all the richer for it.">> She states coldly, before putting one hand out in front of her, her expression softening a little. <<queen "Now thank me for my leniency.">><<br>>
You glance at her hand, not quite knowing how to respond.<br>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Shake her hand">>
<<set $day6morningHand to "shake">>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<set $badger ++>>
Your masculine instincts kick in, and before you even fully realize what you're doing you're already halfway across the room and clasping her hand in yours in a firm handshake.<<br>>
Without missing a single beat the Queen's spare hand rises up and strikes you directly across the face so hard that for a moment you hear ringing in your ears.<<br>>
The Queen's expression could curdle milk. <<queen "You should thank the gods that your //stupidity// makes you useful to me. If you insult me like this again then jail will be the least of your worries - I'll throw you straight to Merat.">><<br>>
<<print _ending>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Kiss her hand">>
<<set $day6morningHand to "kiss">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You step forward to lift your palm into yours and plant a deferent kiss across her knuckles.<<br>>
She nods, pleased with your compliance. <<queen "Good. Now don't disappoint me.">><<br>>
<<print _ending>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Nuzzle into her palm">>
<<set $day6morningHand to "nuzzle">>
<<set $sub += 2>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
It's an outside chance that this is what she's expecting of you, but in your position you can't afford to risk anything other than the most submissive thing that you can think to do.<<br>>
You lower yourself down so that you're level with her hand and move forward, practically crawling across the room to reach her. Then you gently press your face against her palm like an animal desperate to be praised.<<br>>
Your cheeks burn red. It's one thing to do this for the Queen - it's quite another to do it while Simone, your friend and equal, watches your humiliating submission from the sidelines.<<br>>
For a moment her hand is stiffly held in place, as if unsure or unbelieving of what you're doing, but then she opens her hand to let you nuzzle further into her grip. Her palm gently cups your face.<<br>>
<<queen "My, how very //sweet// you are.">> She remarks, with a voice that's rich, warm, and gentle, before seeming to remember herself.<<br>>
Her hand is firmly, but not callously, removed from your face. As if for appearances sake, she snaps <<queen "Don't disappoint me.">><<br>>
<<print _ending>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<queen "Very well.">> The Queen dismisses. <<queen "I don't have the time nor the patience to micromanage you any more than this. If you're too //dumb// to infer what I need of you, then you aren't worth keeping around in the first place - and you know what will happen to you if that's the case.">><<br>>
<<print _ending>>
<</if>>The moment the Queen leaves, you and Simone both noticeably deflate as the tension leaves the two of you.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh my //goodness//. What a shock first thing in the morning!">> She sighs dramatically. You can't help but notice that she's still looking a little flustered from being complimented by the Queen, but you're not sure if you have the heart to remind her that the same woman insulted her yesterday. <<simone "She certainly is a //lot//, isn't she?">> She continues, with the understatement of the century.<<br>>
<<simone "Gosh. We really can't let her down! I'll go get some breakfast going.">> She exclaims, hurrying over to the kitchen.<<br>>
Now that you're alone and the Queen's sudden presence has shaken all trace of drowsiness from you, there's one nagging thought that soon dwells on your mind - you quickly find yourself heading towards the bathroom.<<br>>
<<link "Inspect your body for changes">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck">>
<</link>><<if $vixen * 0 isnot 0>>
<<set $vixen to 0>>
<<elseif $sexy * 0 is 0>>
<<set $vixen to $sexy>>
<<unset $sexy>>
<<if $child * 0 isnot 0>>
<<set $child to 0>>
<<if $swallow * 0 isnot 0>>
<<set $swallow to 0>>
<<set $legacySave to true>>
<<if $badger * 0 isnot 0>>
<<set $badger to 8>>
<<if $rabbit * 0 isnot 0>>
<<set $rabbit to 5>>
<<if $wolf * 0 isnot 0>>
<<set $wolf to 3>>
<<set $pc.penis to 1>>
<<set $pc.frame to 1>>
<<set $pc.hands to 1>>
<<set $pc.butt to 1>>
<<set $pc.face to 1>>
<<set $pc.boobs to 1>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $pantyStore to $outfit.under.name>>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
You quickly pull off your <<if $nightwear is "gown">>dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>dressing gown and pajamas<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>pajamas<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>dressing gown and nightie<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>nightie<<else>><<error>><</if>> and inspect your body closely for changes.<<br>>
The differences are subtle. For a moment you allow hope to take seed in your heart as you think that the transformation might be slowing down, but then you remember that yesterday was the first time you'd been able to rationally catalogue the differences - this is probably just the speed it's been going at the whole time. No wonder it had gone unnoticed for the first few days.<<br>>
You make sure to check everywhere carefully nevertheless. Your frame a fraction more dainty; your complexion a smidgen less ruddy; your cheeks a little less gaunt - every individual piece is so minor that you can barely tell the difference, but even if the pieces are insignificant they add up to something greater when taken as a whole.<<br>>
You take yourself in in the mirror and try to work out what you'd clock yourself as. A guy, probably, you figure, but you also don't think you'd say it with a lot of confidence. The kind of man you'd warily avoid gendering until you hear someone else do it first, for fear of saying the wrong thing. Add feminine clothing to the mix and it gets even worse.<<br>>
Suddenly your thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on the bathroom door, and Simone's voice calls in <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, can I come in?">><<br>>
A moment later and you're horrified to see the door sliding open, while you're still nude and exposed. Your body acts on instinct.<<br>>
<<link "Cover my chest as well as my crotch">>
<<set $day6morningCover to "both">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck2">>
<<link "Just cover my crotch">>
<<set $day6morningCover to "crotch">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck2">>
<<link "Don't bother covering anything">>
<<set $day6morningCover to "neither">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck2">>
<</link>><br><<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<if $gown2nite isnot true>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $gown2nite isnot true>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>
<<if $pantyStore is "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<elseif $pantyStore is "dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Dotted Pink Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<unset $pantyStore>>
<<if $day6morningCover is "crotch">>
You quickly yank your <<print $outfit.under.name>> up from around your ankles to cover your crotch.
<<elseif $day6morningCover is "both">>
It feels like a humiliatingly feminine motion, but right now you feel just as awkward about your puffy, swollen nipples as you do your junk - you don't want either of them go exposed. One hand dives to cover your genitals, while the other arm sweeps over your chest.
<<elseif $day6morningCover is "neither">>
Despite your brain screaming the opposite at you, your instincts seem convinced that you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. If anything, you present yourself almost pridefully - your hands resting on your hips.
<<if $day6morningCover isnot "neither">>You barely manage to do it in time - you<<else>>You<</if>> must have forgotten to lock the door, as Simone comes tumbling directly into the room.<<br>>
She seems as surprised as you are that the door gave way when she leaned against it, and her face blushes red at the sight of you. For a moment she just stares. <<simone "Oh my heavens! I- I'm so sorry!">> She splutters awkwardly, before abruptly turning away from you to give you privacy.<<br>>
<<simone "I just- I just finished breakfast and I guessed that you'd be checking for changes and stuff so I thought I'd try to be helpful and besides if there's big changes I'd need to know for your clothing measurements and stuff so I knocked on the door but then it just gave way and then you were in here and my timing was awful and I'm so so sorry <<print $pc.name>>!">> She flusters out in one breath.<<br>>
While she looks away you hurry to put your nightclothes back on.<<br>>
<<simone "So, err. What changes //are// there?">> She probes nervously.<<br>>
You try to reassure her that there aren't really any, nothing big anyway, but unexpectedly she gives you a confused look. <<simone "Well, umm, are... are you //sure// about that, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
<<if ($nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown") and ($gown2nite isnot true)>>
You freeze in place, having only put on your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>pajamas<</if>>, your dressing gown still in a bundle on the floor. This doesn't sound good.
You freeze, this doesn't sound good.
<<simone "Well, maybe it's just because I'm so small and all. I get used to how big people are compared to me - I couldn't help but maybe think that perhaps you might be shorter.">><<br>>
<<if ($nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown") and ($gown2nite isnot true)>>
You quickly try
<<if $nightwear is "dress">>You quickly rush to pull your nightdress over yourself
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>You quickly rush to pull on the rest of your pajamas
<<else>>You quickly rush to tie your dressing gown together<</if>>
<</if>> to check. In the end, the two of you end up standing back to back to make sure. She's absolutely right - you've definitely lost some inches.<<br>>
<<link "Damnit">>
<<goto day6bodyCheck22>>
<</link>>You feel yourself deflate at the realization. No wonder you didn't notice it yourself - you'd visually checked everywhere on your body, but you never thought to consider how big your body was overall compared the rest of the world around you. You're at least still considerably taller than Simone - tall for a girl, but definitely short for a guy, somewhere in the indeterminate middle.<<br>>
<<simone "It's kinda funny, really.">> Simone muses. <<simone "One of the reasons why you were picked to do this because you were the same height as the Princess and stuff - but now that's not even the case anymore.">><<br>>
She's right. You may look more traditionally feminine than before, but if any of the people you're encountering knew what the Princess actually looked like then you might even do a worse job passing as her than when you started.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm surprised that you're taking it so well, <<print $pc.name>>. Maybe it's just 'cuz I'm short, but if someone stole some of my height I'd hate it!">><<br>>
You can't help but smile a little at the idea of an even smaller Simone. Losing your height sucks - but it's not exactly the thing that you've been dreading the most. All things considered you got off easily.<<br>>
Simone's curiosity gets the better of her. <<simone "That's kinda interesting, <<print $pc.name>>. What do you think is the least terrible thing for you then, the thing that you would mind changing the least?">><<br>>
You consider the odd question.<<check "This choice will have ramifications on your body">><<br>>
<<link "My hands and feet getting daintier">>
<<set $day7change to "hands">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck3">>
<<link "My face becoming more feminine">>
<<set $day7change to "face">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck3">>
<<link "My shoulders and waist getting slighter">>
<<set $day7change to "frame">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck3">>
<<link "My hips and butt growing">>
<<set $day7change to "butt">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck3">>
<<link "Developing boobs">>
<<set $day7change to "boobs">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck3">>
<<link "My junk shrinking">>
<<set $day7change to "penis">>
<<goto "day6bodyCheck3">>
<</link>><<switch $day7change>>
<<case "hands">>
It's easy. The least invasive and troublesome part of sexual dimorphism has gotta be the hands and feet. Everything else is so socially, emotionally, or sexually charged, but nobody would really care if a guy had small feet except perhaps a little playful ribbing from his mates.<<br>>
Simone nods. <<simone "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense!">>
<<case "face">>
Weirdly enough, it's probably your face. It's no secret that a lot of women prefer fresh-faced young men to grizzled beardy ones. Changing your face to be a little less masculine would be a weird adjustment, but you probably wouldn't actually be that much worse off.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding. <<simone "Yeah, I guess that makes sense.">>
<<case "frame">>
You deliberate for a moment, before coming to a decision which surprises you - you feel like you wouldn't mind having a slighter frame. There's nothing that you particularly //dislike// about broad shoulders and fat-distribution that favors your gut, but it's not like you're that fond of them either. Something about having a body that's more rounded and svelte has its appeal.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding. <<simone "Yeah, I guess that makes sense.">>
<<case "butt">>
The words pour out of you before you can think of why it's the first thing that came to mind, and you have to awkwardly stammer to justify your choice. The only explanation that you can come up with on such short notice is that having a bigger behind would make it easier sit down on chairs and stuff for longer without getting sore.<<br>>
Simone seems a little perplexed by your choice. <<simone "Umm... //sure//, I //think// I get what you mean.">> She replies, unconvincingly.
<<case "boobs">>
You manage to stop the words from pouring out of you just in time. It's too embarrassing to admit, but it's gotta be the boobs to be honest. You're a healthy, red-blooded guy - of //course// you like boobs. The idea of being stuck with them yourself is a little daunting, but part of you is deeply curious about how they feel.<<br>>
You quickly change the topic to cover for your yourself, but you can't shake the feeling like Simone's looking at you somewhat strangely for it.
<<case "penis">>
You abruptly change the topic. There's no way that you'd ever have the guts to tell Simone what your real answer is - that actually what you've been hoping for is that your junk takes the brunt of the changes.<<br>>
You desperately try to convince yourself that it's just because it's in many ways the least obvious change - safely hidden in your pants, where only sexual partners will be invited to see it anyway. You're not sure if you can believe yourself.
<<if ($nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown") and ($gown2nite isnot true)>>
<<set $gownCheck to true>>
<<simone "Right, I'll leave you to it then. Sorry again for bursting in when you weren't decent.">> Simone announces, before turning to you once again. <<simone "And by the way - your nightwear's really cute on you.">><<br>>
You flinch at the words. You'd been so flustered over the fact that you'd changed height that you never ended up pulling the dressing gown back over yourself, and you've spent the whole conversation dressed only in the skimpy <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>crop top and shorts<<else>>nightdress<</if>>.<<br>>
As Simone leaves you can't help but dwell on that. Sure, you hadn't intended it, but it's not like you felt uncomfortable at all. In fact, it had been kinda airy and enjoyable to be dressed so lightly. You allow yourself to consider whether you should remain this way.<<br>>
<<link "Resist the urge and stay as I am.">>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<goto "day6makeoverChoice">>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my flannel crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "crop">>
<<goto "day6makeoverChoice">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my nightdress and panties">>
<<set $nightwear to "dress">>
<<goto "day6makeoverChoice">>
<<simone "Right">> She concludes. <<simone "No sense dwelling on it any longer, I guess. Come on, let's get some breakfast in us!">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6makeoverChoice">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $gownCheck is true>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
You think that you notice Simone seem a little disappointed when you emerge from the bathroom a little later with the dressing gown still resolutely wrapped around you.
When Simone sees you come out the bathroom a little later, still only wearing your <<if $nightwear is "crop">>pajamas<<else>>nightie<</if>> she gives you a warm, encouraging smile.<br><br>
Part of you wishes that she'd call you a pervert instead. That knowing expression, like she's already worked out something that you're only just beginning to grasp, somehow feels even more accusatory in comparison. However, despite that, you still find yourself feeling deeply grateful to her.
<<unset $gownCheck>>
The two of you share a quick breakfast together, too anxious about the tasks ahead of you to talk much.<<br>>
<<if ndef $pc.shave>>
After you finish, you don't have any option about what you should spend the morning doing. The Queen gave you a task that you can't easily wriggle out of without repercussions - shaving your legs.<<br>>
<<simone "There's a depilatory cream in the bathroom.">> Simone explains. <<simone "It weakens the hair enough that they fall out without having to shave or anything. Shaving is often better for maintaining it, but since your legs are fully grown in it's easier to depilate - saves you from blunting razors on them. Just slop it on your legs for five minutes and then you should be able to rub the hair off.">><br><br>
She smiles gently at the wince you make. <<simone "Come on, I'm sure that it won't be half as bad as you think.">><<br>>
Oh well, there's nothing for it.<<br>>
<<link "Head to the bathroom to shave my legs">>
<<goto "legShave">>
<<set $morningChange to "legs">>
<<simone "So">> Simone asks finally. <<simone "What makeover do you want this morning?">><<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<if ndef $pc.shave>>
[[Remove my leg hair->legShave][$morningChange to "legs"]] <<hovertip "Necessary to unlock more clothing">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
@@color:#797979;==Remove my leg hair==@@
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
@@color:#797979;==Shave my pubic hair==@@
<<link "Shave my pubic hair">>
<<goto [[pubicShave]]>>
<<set $morningChange to "pubic">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Available because you have hairless legs">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<hovertip "Need hairless legs">>@@color:#797979;==Remove my pubic hair==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]
@@color:#797979;==Get a haircut==@@
<<if ndef $pc.nails>>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]
@@color:#797979;==Paint my nails==@@
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>>
[[Take my makeup to the next level->makeup2][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
@@color:#797979;==Take my makeup to the next level==@@
[[Suggest putting on some makeup->makeup1][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
@@color:#797979;==Get my ears pierced==@@
[[Get my ears pierced->earPierce][$morningChange to "ears"]]
<<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.acc>>
[[Add some accessories to my hair->hairAcc][$morningChange to "hairAcc"]]
@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@
<<hovertip "Need styled hair">>@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@<</hovertip>><br>
<br><<linkreplace "I don't want to do //anything//">>
Simone shoots you an uncharacteristically firm expression at your complaints. <<simone "I know it sucks, <<print $pc.name>>, but I don't think that you can get away with avoiding this stuff anymore.">> She states, a little nervous at putting her foot down on the matter. <<simone "The Queen would //hate// it. And you wouldn't be the only person in trouble - I bet she'd be angry at //me// too now, she did ask me to make sure you're presentable and all.">><<br>>
Damn, looks like you won't be able to avoid a makeover today.
<</if>>Suddenly there's a loud knocking at the door of the carriage.<<br>>
Both you and Simone freeze in place, spooked after this morning, but instead of the Queen bursting back into the carriage the polite knocking just becomes more insistent.<br>
<<section "birdBoy">>
You hesitantly open the door and find yourself face to face with a young lad, perilously perched on the doorstep of the moving carriage. He's gangly - all knobbly knees and elbows - and dressed in the familiar burgundy soldiers uniform that you're used to seeing, except for some reason it's absolutely covered in so much hardened bird poo that you can hear it crinkle when he moves.
<<section "birdBoy2">>
He snaps to a sharp salute, almost knocking himself off the doorstep as he does so. <<blue "Your Highness! I'm very excited to announce that you've received a missive!">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:70%">
<<print _birdBoy>><<br>>
<<print _birdBoy2>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6elodieLetter.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _birdBoy>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6elodieLetter.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _birdBoy2>><<br>>
You blink at the announcement, but his enthusiasm doesn't seem deterred by your lack of response. <<blue "Percy brought it in just a moment ago, and I thought you'd want to know ASAP!">><<br>>
Simone peers around your shoulder at the odd young soldier. <<simone "Percy?">><<br>>
<<blue "Why, Percival the Second, of course!">> He all-but shouts in reply, presenting forward the arm which had been behind his back all along to reveal Percy - a beady eyed carrier pigeon - perched on top of it. <<blue "Don't tell the rest of the flock, but he's one of my favorites, he is. I don't think I'd be where I am today without his hard work, your Highness!">><<br>>
You nod absent-mindedly, still not quite certain how to deal with the odd lad.<<br>>
For some reason he just nods back eagerly in return, his beer-bottle-thick spectacles wobbling with the motion. It take you a few bewildered seconds to realize that the pigeon has a piece of paper still wrapped around its foot, with the words "To the Princess" scrawled on the side.<<br>>
As you take the letter the pigeon-keeper beams at you. <<blue "Great! Now I must go and put Percy to sleep, he's right tuckered-out as you can clearly see.">><<br>>
You peer into the bird's panicked eyes, which are darting pathetically around the place. You're really don't think that you can.<<br>>
Nevertheless, he leaves you be with the letter.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter2">>
<</link>><<setter "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to 'jacques'" "escapePartner to undefined">>
You unfurl the letter out on the Princess' desk.<<br>>
The handwriting is quick and scratchy, like it was written with barely a care in the world, but you see by the shape of the cursive lettering the signs of a practiced artistic hand.<<br>>
/* <blockquote><<elodie2>>
To the Princess<<br>>
I hope that you weren't injured and stuff from the attack. The scarecrow killer was fucking brutal.<br>
<<if $escapePartner is "elodie">>
You saved my life during the attack. thanks.
<<elseif def $escapePartner>>
I tried to find you when things were going down, but i couldn't see you in the crowd at all. sorry.
Im sorry i lost track of you after we knocked down the window. There was a lot of people.
I got out fine. No issues or anything.<<br>>
Now that the royal tour is over i'm back at home. Its chill here, Im painting pictures of what
the attack was like and they're pretty good. Wish I'd gotten a better view.<br>
Its weird that im out of there and safe and your probably still getting attacked and i cant help though. So I sent a letter.<<br>>
oh yeah I checked on jacks because you two looked close. hes alive. Sick scar.<<br>>
Hope your good. stay alive. It would suck if you died.<br>
Elodie ෴
<</elodie2>></blockquote><br> */
/* <blockquote><<elodie2>>
To the Princess<<br>>
I hope that you weren't injured from the attack. The Scarecrow Killer was fucking brutal.<br>
<<if $escapePartner is "elodie">>
You saved my life during the attack. Thanks.
<<elseif def $escapePartner>>
I tried to find you when things were going down, but I couldn't see you in the crowd at all. Sorry.
I'm sorry that I lost track of you after we knocked down the window. There was a lot of people.
I got out fine. No issues or anything.<<br>>
Now that the royal tour is over I'm back at home. It's chill here, I'm painting pictures of what
the attack was like and they're pretty good. I wish I'd gotten a better view.<br>
It's weird that I'm out of there and safe and you're probably still getting attacked and I can't help though. So I sent a letter.<<br>>
Oh yeah, I checked on Jacques because you two looked close. He's alive. Sick scar.<<br>>
Hope you're good. Stay alive. It would suck if you died.<br>
Elodie ෴
<</elodie2>></blockquote><br> */
/* <blockquote><<elodie2>>
Dear her royal Highness the Princess.<<br>>
I hope that you made it out of the attack safely. The Scarecrow Killer's carnage was incredible.<br>
<<if $escapePartner is "elodie">>
I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't been there to draw its attention away from us. I can't thank you enough for doing so, and I hope that my carelessness didn't cause you pain or injury.
<<elseif def $escapePartner>>
I tried my hardest to seek you out in the crowd, but in all the commotion I couldn't find you anywhere in the chaos. I hope that my failure didn't cause you pain or injury.
You were the only one I could trust to have the wherewithal to help me with the window, thank you. I'm so sorry that we lost each other in the press of people afterwards - I tried in vain to find you after but it was hopeless in the chaos. I hope that my failure didn't cause you pain or injury.
Thankfully, I managed to get out without damage.<<br>>
Now that the Royal Tour has been cancelled, I've returned back to our home with my family. It's been chill. I've been returning to my painting, focusing on expressionist oil work depicting the attack. They're my favorite pieces yet - I just wish that I had gotten a better view.<br><br>
It's so odd to think that I'm here safe, and your life is still likely in peril. I've been thinking of you often, and decided to send a letter.<<br>>
Hope that you're keeping well. Stay alive - it would suck if you died.<br>
Elodie ෴<<br>>
P.S. You and Jacques always looked close, so I thought I'd check up on him for you. He's still alive, not awake yet but is recovering well. Sick scar.
<</elodie2>></blockquote><br> */
/* <section class="elPaper">
<article class="paperheader"></article>
<div class="papertext"><br>Dear her royal Highness the Princess.<<br>>
I hope that you made it out of the attack safely. The Scarecrow Killer's carnage was incredible.<br><br>
<<if $escapePartner is "elodie">>
I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't been there to draw its attention away from us. I can't thank you enough for doing so, and I hope that my carelessness didn't cause you pain or injury.
<<elseif def $escapePartner>>
I tried my hardest to seek you out in the crowd, but in all the commotion I couldn't find you anywhere in the chaos. I hope that my failure didn't cause you pain or injury.
You were the only one I could trust to have the wherewithal to help me with the window, thank you. I'm so sorry that we lost each other in the press of people afterwards - I tried to find you after but it was hopeless in the chaos. I hope that my failure didn't cause you pain or injury.
Thankfully, I managed to get out without damage.<<br>>
Now that the Royal Tour has been cancelled, I've returned back to our home with my family. It's been chill. I've been returning to my painting, focusing on expressionist oil work depicting the attack. They're my favorite pieces yet - I just wish that I had gotten a better view.<br><br>
It's so odd to think that I'm here safe, and your life is still likely in peril. I've been thinking of you often, and decided to send a letter.<<br>>
Hope that you're keeping well. Stay alive - it would suck if you died.<br>
Elodie ෴<<br>>
P.S. You and Jacques always looked close, so I thought I'd check up on him for you. He's still alive, not awake yet but is recovering well. Sick scar.<<br>><<br>>
</section><br> */
<<letter "elPaper">>
Dear her royal Highness the Princess.<<br>>
I hope that you made it out of the attack safely. The Scarecrow Killer's carnage was incredible.<br><br>
<<if $escapePartner is "elodie">>
I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't been there to draw its attention away from us. I can't thank you enough for doing so, and I hope that my carelessness didn't cause you pain or injury.
<<elseif def $escapePartner>>
I tried my hardest to seek you out in the crowd, but in all the commotion I couldn't find you anywhere in the chaos. I hope that my failure didn't cause you pain or injury.
You were the only one I could trust to have the wherewithal to help me with the window, thank you. I'm so sorry that we lost each other in the press of people afterwards - I tried to find you after but it was hopeless in the chaos. I hope that my failure didn't cause you pain or injury.
Thankfully, I managed to get out without damage.<<br>>
Now that the Royal Tour has been cancelled, I've returned back to our home with my family. It's been chill. I've been returning to my painting, focusing on expressionist oil work depicting the attack. They're my favorite pieces yet - I just wish that I had gotten a better view.<br><br>
It's so odd to think that I'm here safe, and your life is still likely in peril. I've been thinking of you often, and decided to send a letter.<<br>>
Hope that you're keeping well. Stay alive - it would suck if you died.<br>
Elodie ෴<<br>>
P.S. You and Jacques always looked close, so I thought I'd check up on him for you. He's still alive, not awake yet but is recovering well. Sick scar.
There's a little scribble after her name, like she wrote a x on instinct and tried to cross it out.<<br>>
/* You can't help but smile at the letter. It's good to know that your friend is safe and thinking of you.<<br>> */
You blink at the letter in surprise. If it weren't for a few tells you'd struggle to believe it was really from her - Elodie sure seems a lot more eloquent in writing than she ever did in person. You can't decide which you think is more likely: that some of her blunt affect in person could be due to awkwardness, and this is how she'd speak otherwise; or that she's so out-of-her-element writing letters that she's slipped into an inauthentic mode of speaking.<<br>>
Regardless, you quickly find a somewhat-bashful smile rising to your face at Elodie having thought of you.<<br>>
Simone had been tactfully avoiding looking over your shoulder and reading what it says, though you can see the curiosity burning in her. However, when she sees the expression you make she quickly gathers a bundle of paper, pens, and inkwells from one of the drawers and places it in front of you.<<br>>
<<simone "You should totally send a reply!">> She suggests eagerly, and you can't help but agree.<<br>>
You look through the stationery looking for an appropriate set to write on. You're not thrilled with the options.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the yellow piece of paper decorated with flowers">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $day6letterPaper to "flowers">>
<<set $day6letterCode to "pcYellowPaper">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter3">>
<<link "Pick the red piece of paper decorated with cartoon hearts">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day6letterPaper to "hearts">>
<<set $day6letterCode to "pcRedPaper">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter3">>
<<link "Pick the pink piece of paper decorated with unicorns">>
<<set $child += 1>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day6letterPaper to "unicorns">>
<<set $day6letterCode to "pcPinkPaper">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter3">>
<<link "Use a creased and ink-blotted piece of scrap paper">>
<<set $day6letterPaper to "scrap">>
<<set $day6letterCode to "pcScrapPaper">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter3">>
<</link>><<if $redo is true>>
You scrunch up the piece of paper you've been writing on and start over again.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterPaper is "scrap">>
You're not going to pick any of the more feminine options, but they seem to be the only ones available. It's not until you dig to the very bottom of the pile and find a messy piece of white paper that had been used to dab up an inkspill that you find anything that you'd feel comfortable using. It's creased, frayed around the edges, and torn in a way that makes you nervous about whether it would survive the pigeon-flight, but you figure that it'll have to do.
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "flowers">>
You roll your eyes inwardly at the choice, but decide to go with the flowers. You have no idea which flowers they are, and hope that you're not making a total faux-pas in flower language.
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "hearts">>
You wince at sending something so embarrassing to Elodie, but you figure that hearts are at least less overtly feminine than flowers or unicorns. You just hope that she doesn't get the wrong idea.
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "unicorns">>
You groan at the options, but end up picking the one with unicorns on it. Sure, it's childish in a way that you're not sure Elodie will like, but at least it'll have the structural integrity to survive the journey, and you won't risk making a faux-pas in flower language nor an incidental flirt with the hearts. Besides, the unicorns are kinda cute.
You pick up a pen, get it inked up, and start thinking about what to write.<br><br>
<span id="appendIntro"></span>
<span id="removeIntro">
<li><<link "Dear Elodie">>
<<set $day6letterIntro to "dear">>
<<append "#appendIntro" t8n>>
<<include [[day6elodieLetter4]]>>
<<remove "#removeIntro">>
<li><<link "To Elodie, my good friend">>
<<set $day6letterIntro to "friend">>
<<append "#appendIntro" t8n>>
<<include [[day6elodieLetter4]]>>
<<remove "#removeIntro">>
<li><<link "Heya, El'">>
<<set $day6letterIntro to "heya">>
<<append "#appendIntro" t8n>>
<<include [[day6elodieLetter4]]>>
<<remove "#removeIntro">>
</span><<letter $day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "friend">>
To Elodie, my good friend
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "dear">>
Dear Elodie
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "heya">>
Heya, El'
<span id="appendP1"></span>
<span id="removeP1">
<li><<link "I'm so glad to hear that you're okay after the attack. I managed to learn that you'd at least survived, but it's been worrying me that you might have been injured. I'm also mostly alright, still some aches and pains but I'm getting through it. It was so scary! I can hardly believe that I survived it, and the memories have been keeping me up at night.">>
<<set $day6letterP1 to "ok">>
<<goto day6elodieLetter5>>
<li><<link "It's awesome to hear that you're working on your art. I bet it's really good - drawing something so scary and intense is perfect for you. I bet that you have the skills to express it perfectly! I really hope that I'll be able to see it in person someday.">>
<<set $day6letterP1 to "art">>
<<goto day6elodieLetter5>>
<li><<link "Help me! I'm not the real Princess, I'm an imposter. I never meant for all this, but I've been forced to pretend to be royalty. Now the Queen and her spymaster are keeping me here and are forcing me to keep up this act or else they'll jail me, or worse! I need your help to get out of here.">>
<<set $day6letterP1 to "help">>
<<goto day6elodieLetter5>>
</span><<letter $day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "friend">>
To Elodie, my good friend
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "dear">>
Dear Elodie
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "heya">>
Heya, El'
<<if $day6letterP1 is "ok">>
I'm so glad to hear that you're okay after the attack. I managed to learn that you'd at least survived, but it's been worrying me that you might have been injured. I'm also mostly alright, still some aches and pains but I'm getting through it. It was so scary! I can hardly believe that I survived it, and the memories have been keeping me up at night.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "art">>
It's awesome to hear that you're working on your art. I bet it's really good - drawing something so scary and intense is perfect for you. I bet that you have the skills to express it perfectly! I really hope that I'll be able to see it in person someday.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "help">>
Help me! I'm not the real Princess, I'm an imposter. I never meant for all this, but I've been forced to pretend to be royalty. Now the Queen and her spymaster are keeping me here and are forcing me to keep up this act or else they'll jail me, or worse! I need your help to get out of here.
<span id="appendP2"></span>
<span id="removeP2">
<li><<link "We're on the way to Saint-Joules to try to stay safe from the Scarecrow Killer in the Bastille. It sounds like the Queen has a whole situation going on with her family there which will make things weird.">>
<<set $day6letterP2 to "saint">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter6">>
<li><<link "Thank you for being such an incredible person. I've been so scared this whole trip but being around you is so reassuring and safe - it's helped me get through a lot. Even just getting a letter from you makes me feel better. You're amazing.">>
<<set $day6letterP2 to "compliment">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter6">>
<li><<link "I'm not really a girl. I'm just a guy in disguise. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I've felt bad the whole time and I totally understand if you hate me for it, but please know that I never wanted any of this to happen.">>
<<set $day6letterP2 to "guy">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter6">>
</span><<letter $day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "friend">>
To Elodie, my good friend
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "dear">>
Dear Elodie
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "heya">>
Heya, El'
<<if $day6letterP1 is "ok">>
I'm so glad to hear that you're okay after the attack. I managed to learn that you'd at least survived, but it's been worrying me that you might have been injured. I'm also mostly alright, still some aches and pains but I'm getting through it. It was so scary! I can hardly believe that I survived it, and the memories have been keeping me up at night.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "art">>
It's awesome to hear that you're working on your art. I bet it's really good - drawing something so scary and intense is perfect for you. I bet that you have the skills to express it perfectly! I really hope that I'll be able to see it in person someday.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "help">>
Help me! I'm not the real Princess, I'm an imposter. I never meant for all this, but I've been forced to pretend to be royalty. Now the Queen and her spymaster are keeping me here and are forcing me to keep up this act or else they'll jail me, or worse! I need your help to get out of here.
<<if $day6letterP2 is "saint">>
We're on the way to Saint-Joules to try to stay safe from the Scarecrow Killer in the Bastille. It sounds like the Queen has a whole situation going on with her family there which will make things weird.
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "compliment">>
Thank you for being such an incredible person. I've been so scared this whole trip but being around you is so reassuring and safe - it's helped me get through a lot. Even just getting a letter from you makes me feel better. You're amazing
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
I'm not really a girl. I'm just a guy in disguise. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I've felt bad the whole time and I totally understand if you hate me for it, but please know that I never wanted any of this to happen.
<span id="appendEnd"></span>
<span id="removeEnd">
<li><<link "Yours sincerely;">>
<<set $day6letterEnd to "sincerely">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter7">>
<li><<link "Keep it real;">>
<<set $day6letterEnd to "real">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter7">>
<li><<link "With love;">>
<<set $day6letterEnd to "love">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter7">>
</span><span id="appendSign"></span>
<span id="removeSign">
<<letter $day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "friend">>
To Elodie, my good friend
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "dear">>
Dear Elodie
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "heya">>
Heya, El'
<<if $day6letterP1 is "ok">>
I'm so glad to hear that you're okay after the attack. I managed to learn that you'd at least survived, but it's been worrying me that you might have been injured. I'm also mostly alright, still some aches and pains but I'm getting through it. It was so scary! I can hardly believe that I survived it, and the memories have been keeping me up at night.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "art">>
It's awesome to hear that you're working on your art. I bet it's really good - drawing something so scary and intense is perfect for you. I bet that you have the skills to express it perfectly! I really hope that I'll be able to see it in person someday.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "help">>
Help me! I'm not the real Princess, I'm an imposter. I never meant for all this, but I've been forced to pretend to be royalty. Now the Queen and her spymaster are keeping me here and are forcing me to keep up this act or else they'll jail me, or worse! I need your help to get out of here.
<<if $day6letterP2 is "saint">>
We're on the way to Saint-Joules to try to stay safe from the Scarecrow Killer in the Bastille. It sounds like the Queen has a whole situation going on with her family there which will make things weird.
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "compliment">>
Thank you for being such an incredible person. I've been so scared this whole trip but being around you is so reassuring and safe - it's helped me get through a lot. Even just getting a letter from you makes me feel better. You're amazing
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
I'm not really a girl. I'm just a guy in disguise. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I've felt bad the whole time and I totally understand if you hate me for it, but please know that I never wanted any of this to happen.
<<if $day6letterEnd is "sincerely">>
Yours sincerely;
<<elseif $day6letterEnd is "real">>
Keep it real;
<<elseif $day6letterEnd is "love">>
With love;
<li><<link "her royal Highness the Princess">>
<<set $day6letterSign to "highness">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter8">>
<li><<link "the Princess">>
<<set $day6letterSign to "princess">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter8">>
<li><<if $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
<<link "$pc.name">>
<<set $day6letterSign to "deadname">>
<<goto "day6elodieLetter8">>
<<fail "$pc.name" "You haven't confessed anything">>
</span><<unset $redo>>
<<letter $day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "friend">>
To Elodie, my good friend
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "dear">>
Dear Elodie
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "heya">>
Heya, El'
<<if $day6letterP1 is "ok">>
I'm so glad to hear that you're okay after the attack. I managed to learn that you'd at least survived, but it's been worrying me that you might have been injured. I'm also mostly alright, still some aches and pains but I'm getting through it. It was so scary! I can hardly believe that I survived it, and the memories have been keeping me up at night.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "art">>
It's awesome to hear that you're working on your art. I bet it's really good - drawing something so scary and intense is perfect for you. I bet that you have the skills to express it perfectly! I really hope that I'll be able to see it in person someday.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "help">>
Help me! I'm not the real Princess, I'm an imposter. I never meant for all this, but I've been forced to pretend to be royalty. Now the Queen and her spymaster are keeping me here and are forcing me to keep up this act or else they'll jail me, or worse! I need your help to get out of here.
<<if $day6letterP2 is "saint">>
We're on the way to Saint-Joules to try to stay safe from the Scarecrow Killer in the Bastille. It sounds like the Queen has a whole situation going on with her family there which will make things weird.
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "compliment">>
Thank you for being such an incredible person. I've been so scared this whole trip but being around you is so reassuring and safe - it's helped me get through a lot. Even just getting a letter from you makes me feel better. You're amazing!
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
I'm not really a girl. I'm just a guy in disguise. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I've felt bad the whole time and I totally understand if you hate me for it, but please know that I never wanted any of this to happen.
<<if $day6letterEnd is "sincerely">>
Yours sincerely; <<if $day6letterSign is "highness">>her royal Highness the Princess<<elseif $day6letterSign is "princess">>the Princess<<else>><<print $pc.name>><</if>>
<<elseif $day6letterEnd is "real">>
Keep it real; <<if $day6letterSign is "highness">>her royal Highness the Princess<<elseif $day6letterSign is "princess">>the Princess<<else>><<print $pc.name>><</if>>
<<elseif $day6letterEnd is "love">>
With love; <<if $day6letterSign is "highness">>her royal Highness the Princess<<elseif $day6letterSign is "princess">>the Princess<<else>><<print $pc.name>><</if>>
[[Redo->day6elodieLetter3][$redo to true]]<<if $day6letterSign is "highness">><<set $wolf ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterSign is "princess">><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterEnd is "love">><<set $vixen ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterEnd is "real">><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterP2 is "guy">><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterP2 is "compliment">><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterP2 is "saint">><<set $badger ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help">><<set $badger ++>><<set $wolf ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "art" or $day6letterP1 is "ok">><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "heya" or $day6letterIntro is "friend">><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
You set down your pen and sit back in your chair.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
You don't know what good it will do, but it feels good to finally be able to confess your deception to Elodie<<if $day6letterP1 isnot "help">>, at least somewhat<</if>>.
You didn't feel comfortable confessing anything to Elodie. You value the friendship that you've made together highly enough that the idea of telling her that it's based on nothing but lies feels like it would be ruining everything. Even if she took it well (which isn't impossible, given how chill she's been with most things), it would still make things weird.<<br>>
Besides - there's so much that you want to say to her that a part of you feels like it would almost be a //waste// to focus on your ridiculous situation and not your close friend.
You wrap the letter up in a little envelope and manage to flag down a soldier riding alongside the carriage to deliver it to the odd pigeonmaster.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterPaper is "scrap">>
You hope that the ramshackle scrap paper that you used manages to survive the journey all the way to Elodie.<<br>>
Then it's time to practice how to be princessy. Due to the Queen's harsh scheduling, you'll only have time for ONE session this morning.<<br>>
<<set $statOrder to []>>
[[Practice Authority->day6train][$day6train to "auth"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
[[Practice Grace->day6train][$day6train to "grace"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
[[Practice Cuteness->day6train][$day6train to "cute"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
[[Practice Voice Training->day6train][$day6train to "voice"]] - Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>><<unset $day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day6train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day6train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day6train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>><<unset $day6train>>
Your training is interrupted by an announcement from alongside the carriage.<<br>>
<<blue "We'll be coming into Saint-Joules shortly, your Highness.">> Relays a soldier. <<blue "The Queen requires your choice of activity for this afternoon.">><<br>>
You exchange a worried glace with Simone - you don't like the sound of that. However, when you receive the note that the soldier delivers you're thrown off by what you read.<<br>>
<<set _letterBreaker to true>>
<<letter "roryPaper">>
Attend whichever you like this afternoon. Do not disappoint me.<<br>>
<ul><li>Dancing in the Bastille's famous ballroom</li>
<li>A matinee performance at La Paonne Theatre</li>
<li>Peruse Saint-Joules' luxury boutique district</li>
<li>Relaxing massage session at the spa</li></ul>
You frown. You don't know what you were expecting now that the Queen has '//dragged you to heel//', as she put it, but it certainly wasn't anything as benign sounding as these. They feel less like terrible ordeals and more like some noble's holiday plans.<<if $queen.lenient>> She couldn't be rewarding you for your obedience, could she?<</if>><<br>>
Simone's eyes light up so wide that you can practically see the sparkles in them as she reads the note.
<<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>, these sound wonderful!">> She coos. <<simone "Gosh, what an unexpected treat! I //bet// the Queen was just having a bad day yesterday, being so mean to you and all. She must be feeling rotten about it, and is giving you a treat to try to make it up to you!">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at her boundless optimism. No, to you it seems much more likely that these tasks are nowhere near as nice as they first appear - you'll have to make your choice carefully, who knows what horrors could be hidden behind each one?<<br>>
<<set $saintChoiceArray to []>>
<<link "Pick the ballroom">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("dance")>>
<<goto "day6choices2">>
<<link "Pick the theatre">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("theatre")>>
<<goto "day6choices2">>
<<link "Pick the boutiques">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("boutiques")>>
<<goto "day6choices2">>
/* <<fail "Pick the boutiques" "Coming in a future update">><br> */
<<link "Pick the spa">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("spa")>>
<<goto "day6choices2">>
<</link>><<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">>
You decide to attend the dance ball this afternoon. Unlike the other options, this one's safely within the walls of the Bastille. If the Queen wants you to be the sacrificial canary in a coalmine, you'll at least make yourself as difficult a target as you can.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">>
You decide to go to the theatre this afternoon. Theatres will have the safety of hundreds of people watching intently - you doubt that even the Queen will be comfortable planning something completely horrible with so many witnesses around.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
You decide to go visit the boutiques this afternoon. The Queen may be obscenely powerful, but if there's any checks-and-balances against her it'll certainly be the merchants and burghers who value coin over crown. Maybe there'll be some protection from the worst of her schemes there.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>
You decide to go to the spa this afternoon. It's a daunting option considering your incongruous anatomy, but at least there the only people who'll be around will be an odd masseuse or two - an oasis of safety compared to the public humiliation possible in the other options.
Simone nods at your choice. <<simone "That's so smart, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
Then she claps her hands together. <<simone "Gosh, we should probably get you all dressed up, now that you know where you're going.">><<br>>
/* Fix 0.2.0 legacy save problem */
<<if ndef $caged>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.types>>
<<set $caged to false>>
<<set $caged to "day5">>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You try not to make the wince on your face obvious - it's time.<<br>>
You interrupt Simone to announce that you need the loo before getting dressed, and then make a quick exit to the bathroom - where your cock-cage is stashed.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
Once there, you rummage around at the back of the bathroom cabinet until you find the obscene item. For a moment you just stare at it in your hand,
<<if $queen.cageKnow is "day5">>your cheeks burning from the memory of the Queen seeing you in it. The last thing you want to do is to be back in the horrible thing all over again, but alas - the situation hasn't changed, it's still the only sensible option available to you, no matter how humiliating.
<<else>>remembering how torturous it had been when it had suppressed your erection yesterday. The idea of putting yourself through that all over again is almost too much to bear, but then you spare a thought to how it would have gone if you //hadn't// been wearing it, and resign yourself to your fate.
You once again slip yourself into the cage. Compared to yesterday's efforts it goes on incredibly easily. It's hypocritical after how frustrated you were with your cock at being so disobediently hard yesterday, but now you can't help but feel betrayed by how easy it is - like it shouldn't let itself go without a struggle. You groan at yourself at the thought - it's not like there was ever going to be a //dignified// way to trap your cock in a silly little jail.<<br>>
You make sure that your panties are well and truly covering it from sight, readjust your nightwear, and head back out to the main room of the carriage.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6dressup">>
<<include [[day6dressup]]>>
<</if>>Simone leads you over to the dresser, where the outfits are arrayed. Like usual, she starts with the clothing that you've seen before.<br>
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@
<<if $morningChange is "legs">>
<<simone "It's a good thing that the Queen made you shave your legs this morning, really.">> Explains Simone. <<simone "Else you'd have nothing to wear - all these options show off your legs a bit.">><<br>>
You wince, looks like you're going to have to reveal more than you'd like.<<br>>
Then she reveals the choice for the day:<br>
<table id="desk" style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@
It's... Daunting. Combining both the dangerously short length of some of the more daring skirts, with a top section that will reveal even more of you than the rose outfit you <<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") is true>>wore yesterday<<else>>were offered yesterday<</if>>. It'll show not only your shoulders and belly, but also even a little cut-out at the chest.<<br>>
That said, a part of you can't help but be a little relieved. When the Queen had demanded that her choice of outfit was prepared for you today, you had been terrified of being forced out in little more than a string-bikini. You suppose it makes sense - if she really had done so then you'd be revealed in seconds, and she doesn't seem to want that. This outfit is chosen with frightening precision - showing exactly as much restraint as is necessary, while still revealing as much as you can get away with.<<br>>
And, of course, it's pink. As if there any chance of it being anything else.<<br>>
Simone is watching your face nervously. <<simone "So, what do you think? Technically, just because the Queen asked me to prepare it today, that doesn't mean that you necessarily have to wear it, I guess.">><<br>>
You weigh up the options carefully.<<br>>
<span id="dressupAppend"></span>
<span id="dressupRemove">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the White-hooded outfit">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "whitehood">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("whitehood")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Outfit adorned with Roses">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "rose">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("rose")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Blossom Dress that the Queen chose">>
<<set $day6outfitChoice to "blossom">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("blossom")>>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<include [[day6outfitAsk]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
</span><<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you again today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day6simoneDress]]>>
<<hovertip "You've gotten used to being dressed by Simone.">>@@color:#797979;==I'll dress myself today==@@<</hovertip>>
<<if $firstSleepDressupToken isnot true>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone. <<simone "Would you like me to help dress you today?">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day6simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day6selfDress]]>>
<<elseif $firstSleepDressupToken is true>>
<<unset $firstSleepDressupToken>>
<<simone "Good choice!">> exclaims Simone.<br><br>
The little maid hesitates for a moment, as if realizing something. Then, blushing a little, she suggests <<simone "C-come to think of it, since you're wearing panties, I guess that it wouldn't be too indecent for me to help dress you today. That way you won't risk tearing it trying to put it on or anything...">><br><br>
<<link "Simone can help me dress.">>
<<goto [[day6simoneDress]]>>
<<link "I don't feel comfortable being so vulnerable in front of Simone. I'll dress myself">>
<<goto [[day6selfDress]]>>
<</if>><<if $simone.dressedYou is 0>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
You tell Simone that you'd appreciate her help putting on the outfit, and the girl happily pulls over a full-length mirror for you to stand in front of.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Right. Lift your arms please"@@ says the maid briskly. You roll your eyes at her in response - you can at least //remove// your clothing by yourself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Sorry, force of habit. The Princess never let me do it either but I was told to always ask."@@<br><br>
<<switch $nightwear>>
<<case "gown">>
As you lift off your plush dressing gown, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your svelte, willowy torso is exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle. You manage to draw some confidence from it, despite how awkward you feel about your changing body, and the way your puffy nipples harden now that they're exposed to the air - but that small amount of confidence drains from you the moment her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "dressgown">>
As you grasp your plush dressing gown, you realize a problem - you'd been so determined to avoid showing Simone what you look like in the skimpy nightdress, but now it looks like it's unavoidable.<br><br>
After a deep breath, you pull off the dressing gown, exposing your body in the light nightwear to the mirror and Simone.<br><br>
Simone clasps her hands together gleefully, and though she desperately holds her tongue so that she doesn't upset you, it's not difficult to tell by how much her eyes are glistening that she thinks it's adorable.<br><br>
You grimace, and try to set to taking off the rest as quickly as possible. As you do so, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your svelte, willowy torso is exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle. You manage to draw some confidence from it, despite how awkward you feel about your changing body, and the way your puffy nipples harden now that they're exposed to the air - but that small amount of confidence drains from you the moment her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "cropgown">>
As you grasp your plush dressing gown, you realize a problem - you'd been so determined to avoid showing Simone what you look like in the skimpy crop top and shorts, but now it looks like it's unavoidable.<br><br>
After a deep breath, you pull off the dressing gown, exposing your body in the light nightwear to the mirror and Simone.<br><br>
Simone clasps her hands together gleefully, and though she desperately holds her tongue so that she doesn't upset you, it's not difficult to tell by how much her eyes are glistening that she thinks it's adorable.<br><br>
You grimace, and try to set to taking off the rest as quickly as possible. As you lift your crop top off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your svelte, willowy torso is fully exposed. You manage to draw some confidence from it, despite how awkward you feel about your changing body, and the way your puffy nipples harden now that they're exposed to the air - but you know that that small amount of confidence will be sucked away immediately after the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull your little pajama shorts down, and any trace of interest that Simone might have had in your torso is immediately pulled away as your bulge, contained in their <<print $outfit.under.name>>, is exposed.<br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "crop">>
As you lift your crop top off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your svelte, willowy torso is fully exposed. You manage to draw some confidence from it, despite how awkward you feel about your changing body, and the way your puffy nipples harden now that they're exposed to the air - but you know that that small amount of confidence will be sucked away immediately after the next thing that you have to do<br><br>
You pull your little pajama shorts down, and any trace of interest that Simone might have had in your torso is immediately sucked away as your bulge, contained in their <<print $outfit.under.name>>, is exposed.<br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<case "dress">>
Not wanting the moment to linger, you pull off your nightdress as quickly as possible. As you do so, you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you as your svelte, willowy torso is exposed. For a moment you notice a little blush rise to her cheeks at the spectacle. You manage to draw some confidence from it, despite how awkward you feel about your changing body, and the way your puffy nipples harden now that they're exposed to the air - but that small amount of confidence drains from you the moment her gaze falls to your pelvis.<br><br>
You feel absolutely absurd standing there in just your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
As you lift your dirty hempen smock off of your body you can see Simone's eyes widen a little from behind you in the mirror as she looks your masculine torso up and down. It's nice to get a little confidence boost about your body - especially given that your masculinity is about to be shattered by the next thing that you have to do.<br><br>
You pull down the waistband of your torn britches and soon you're left exposed in front of the mirror wearing only
<<if $outfit.under.name is "black panties">>a pair of black brief adorned with a little bow.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts">>a pair of pink polkadot boyshorts covered in ruffles and frills.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>a pair of sheer lace boyshorts, through which you can just about make out your trapped genitals.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "white panties">>a pair of white brief panties adorned with a cute bow.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.shave>> The femininity is continued down your legs, which are sleek and hairless.<<else>> They look a little absurd next to your hairy legs.<</if>><br><br>
For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//, her gaze firmly aimed towards your bulge through the mirror, her face beginning to blush a tinge before she hurriedly breaks eyecontact with it and desperately tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.<br><br> */
<<elseif $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
Simone pulls up the mirror and helps you to undress.<br><br>
<<if $gown2nite is true>>
You're a little uncomfortable taking off your dressing gown and revealing to Simone that you're wearing <<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>crop top and shorts<<else>>a nightdress<</if>> underneath. However, Simone doesn't even blink at the reveal. You kinda wish that you wearing such a thing seemed at least a //little// incongruent to her.<br><br>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of the cock-cage through your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, but she politely tries to avoid looking at the area altogether- though you can see her face get pinker when she has to draw close to it.<<br>>
/* As you take off your nightwear you catch Simone watching carefully, no doubt assessing your body for further changes.<<br>>
You've noticed her staring before, but back then you had a body that you were proud of - even though your body changes are subtle, you still find yourself nervously shifting under her gaze<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>, especially because you're terrified that she'll notice the shape of the cage in your bulge<</if>>.
Before when you'd caught her throwing glimpses your way you'd been pleased about it - after all, you had a body that you were rather proud of - but now that you've transformed you feel yourself nervously shifting from one foot to the other from her gaze<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>, especially because you're terrified that she'll notice the shape of the cage in your bulge<</if>>.
Besides, back then she'd been blushing at your nudity in a way that you could get a confidence boost from, but now her face is much more analytical, carefully appraising whether your body changes will necessitate some last-minute adjustments - seemingly completely unfazed by your nudity. */
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "blossom">>
<<include "blossomDressup">>
<<include "day6outfitEndChecks">>The thought of being so intimately attended to by Simone still makes you cringe. Maybe if you were wearing mens underwear instead of panties it would feel safer, but the idea of her seeing you wearing them and nothing else makes you deeply uncomfortable.<br><br>
Grabbing the outfit, you go to the bathroom and slip out of your
<<switch $nightwear>>
<<case "gown">>
dressing gown.
<<case "cropgown">>
dressing gown and nightclothes.
<<case "dressgown">>
dressing gown and nightdress.
<<case "crop">>
crop top and shorts.
<<case "dress">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakSelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachSelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipSelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflySelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatSelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodSelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseSelfDressup">>
<<if $day6outfitChoice is "blossom">>
<<include "blossomSelfDressup">>
<<include "day6outfitEndChecks">><<unset $gown2nite>>
<<if $skeletonKey is true>>You remember the odd mechanical item you manipulated from the traders yesterday, and make sure to stow it carefully in a hidden spot in the outfit. Maybe it'll be useful today.<<br>><</if>>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "hairAcc">>
/* Sanitize hairAcc for frontend */
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">><<set _hairAccOption to "Gothic headpiece">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">><<set _hairAccOption to "Regal head chain">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">><<set _hairAccOption to "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">><<set _hairAccOption to "Velvet bows">>
Hair Accessories: <<listbox "_hairAccOption" autoselect>>
<<option "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<option "Gothic headpiece">>
<<option "Regal head chain">>
<<option "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<option "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<option "Velvet bows">>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "ears">>
/* Sanitize earrings for frontend */
<<set _pcEarOwn to []>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("onyxStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Round Onyx Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("pearlStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Elegant Pearl Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("daisyStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Cute Daisy Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("redStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Red Vortex Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("blueStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Blue Hibiscus Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("greenStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Green Stone Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Blue Hibiscus Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Red Vortex Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Green Stone Studs">>
Earrings: <<listbox "_pcEarWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcEarOwn>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
/* unsanitize hairAcc */
<<if def _hairAccOption>>
<<if _hairAccOption is "Cute colorful hair clips">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "cuteClips">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Gothic headpiece">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "darkHeadpiece">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Regal head chain">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "regalChain">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Cool silver hair clasps">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "silverClasps">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Colorful ribbon tassels">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "tassels">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Velvet bows">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "velvetBows">>
/* unsanitize earrings */
/* <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<</if>> */
<<if _pcEarWear is "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Round Onyx Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Elegant Pearl Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Cute Daisy Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<if $colette.earringsRemoved is false and $pc.ears.wearing isnot "coletteStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<goto "day6activityStart">>
<</link>>The bustling sounds of a lively city draw you to the windows of the carriage, and soon both you and Simone are peering out the windows at the city of Saint-Joules.<br><br>
The streets and people aren't all that dissimilar to that of your hometown, all except one detail that sticks out like a sore thumb - the looming presence of the Bastille de la Sainte.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6activityStart.jpg]]@@<br>
From the name you'd been expecting something grand, with elegant spires and parapets, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Instead it's squat, utilitarian, dark, and brooding - less a beautiful monument and more like the hull of a great capsized boat that's been pulled out onto the land, and to which the rest of the city clings to like limpets.<<br>>
As the convoy winds its way into the structure, you can see that the stone reinforced walls are meters thick.<<br>>
<<simone "Wow">> Simone gasps, as taken aback as you are. <<simone "Well, at least it'll be //safe// - nobody's going to be able to break into here!">><<br>>
You grimace - you doubt that it'll be possible to break //out// either, even in an emergency. It feels less like safety and more like locking yourself in a huge stone coffin.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6activityStart2">>
<</link>><<set $drusilla to {facts:[]}>>
<<set $drusilla.name to "Great-aunt Drusilla">>
<<set $drusilla.desc to "The Queen's aunt, and the duchess of Saint-Joules. A real bitch.">>
The convoy comes to a halt deep in the bowels of the bastille, after traveling through what felt like a labyrinth of claustrophobically small passageways - though you figure that to anything other than the huge house-sized carriages of the royal convoy they must be quite spacious.<<br>>
True to the Queen's word, within minutes of arrival a group of soldiers come to escort you to the afternoon's activity.<<br>>
The soldiers maneuver you carefully through the press of servants outside, having to go slow enough that you can't help but notice the commotion going on nearby.<br>
<<section "druSection">>
<<drusilla "Good heavens, dear.">> Shrieks the shrill, piercing voice of a woman in elegant clothing. <<drusilla "You're so very //late// to arrive, aren't you? No //wonder// you're being harried by ruffians if //this// is the pace you keep at. You really must strive to do better, dear.">><<br>>
<<queen "Ahh, aunt Drusilla. Wonderful to see you again.">> Replies the Queen, refinedly stepping down from her carriage. <<queen "I see that you still haven't fixed those potholes in the main thoroughfare - even despite the funds you requested for such a purpose. Do you mean to tell me that it got just as 'misplaced' as the last payment?">><<br>>
Whatever the woman has to say in return doesn't reach your ears, as the two share a perfunctory kiss on either cheek that neither seems to welcome.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<print _druSection>>
<td style="width:45%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\drusilla.png]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\drusilla.png]]@@
<<print _druSection>><<br>>
<<drusilla "Well come along, then. I'll show you to your chambers.">> The woman ushers sourly. You presume that she must be the duchess of the city that the Queen mentioned this morning.<<br>>
<<queen "That won't be necessary.">> Dismisses the Queen with a wave of her hand. <<queen "We'll be remaining in our carriages. It's safer this way.">><<br>>
The woman's eyes nearly bulge out of her head at the news. <<drusilla "What, like some kind of //nomadic savage//? If you really intend to-">> But then her dark-grey eyes notice you in the crowd and she stops mid-sentence, a thin triumphant smile crossing her face.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Oh my, look who it is. If it isn't the //Princess// herself.">> The woman coos, and you can see the Queen's posture stiffen at the unexpected encounter. <<drusilla "I haven't seen you for an //ungodly// length of time. Come here, girl, let's have a look at you.">><<br>>
You feel completely exposed under her gaze, closely inspected for every nugget of ammunition she can glean to use against her niece. <<drusilla "Tell me, are you looking forward to your stay here at Saint-Joules?">><<br>>
You get the impression that a reply is expected.<<br>>
<<link "Yes, Duchess.">>
<<set $day6druRefer to "duchess">>
<<goto "day6activityStart3">>
<<link "Yes, Great-aunt.">>
<<set $day6druRefer to "great-aunt">>
<<goto "day6activityStart3">>
<<link "Yes, Drusilla">>
<<set $day6druRefer to "drusilla">>
<<goto "day6activityStart3">>
<<link "No, you cow.">>
<<set $day6druRefer to "cow">>
<<goto "day6activityStart3">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<</link>><<setter "day6druRefer to 'duchess'" "day6druRefer to 'great-aunt'" "day6druRefer to 'drusilla'" "day6druRefer to 'cow'">>
<<if $day6druRefer is "duchess">>
The woman smiles at your address, clearly pleased to hear you defer to her authority, despite being more important than her as the Princess.<<br>>
Behind her back, you can see a frown on the Queen's face.
<<elseif $day6druRefer is "great-aunt">>
You can see the woman's face fall as you draw attention to her age. Her eyes quiver in barely restrained resentment.<<br>>
Behind her back, you can see the Queen smirking at the interaction, clearly pleased with your choice.
<<elseif $day6druRefer is "drusilla">>
The woman nods in greeting, but her inquisitively searching eyes don't halt for a second. It makes your skin crawl.
<<elseif $day6druRefer is "cow">>
You expect your audacious comment to shock the woman, but instead she just smirks wickedly.<<br>>
<<drusilla "How //droll//.">> She says, in a bemused tone. <<drusilla "She does take after you in your youth, doesn't she?">><<br>>
The Queen rolls her eyes, and makes a motion with her hand for the soldiers to get you out of there. Soon you're gently but firmly directed onwards.
<<if $day6druRefer isnot "cow">>
<<if $day6druRefer isnot "drusilla">><<br>>Then she<</if>> makes a gesture with her hands at the soldiers escorting you, and you find yourself gently but firmly directed out of there before you have the chance to ruin anything. As you depart, <<if $day6druRefer is "duchess">>the duchess<<elseif $day6druRefer is "drusilla">>drusilla<<else>>your 'great-aunt'<</if>> calls behind you <<drusilla "We'll talk soon enough, dear. I'll look forward to it.">><<br>>
You don't share the sentiment.
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">><<goto "day68theatre">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">><<goto "day68spa">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">><<goto "day68dance">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">><<goto "day68boutiques">>
<</link>><<section "meratSection1">>
As you and your escorts turn a corner in the hallways of the Bastille, you find a tall, darkly dressed figure leaning against a wall, lurking in wait for you.
<<section "meratSection2">>
<<merat "Ahh, there you are.">> Merat sneers.<<br>>
Your escort stiffen into salutes, but the spymaster doesn't even afford them a glance - his piercing ice-blue eyes remaining directed straight at you instead. It makes your skin crawl.<<br>>
<<merat "You're dismissed.">> He orders the men. <<merat "I'm to escort the Princess from here.">><<br>>
The soldier in charge hesitates. <<blue "B-but the Queen instructed-">><<br>>
Merat snaps a reply before he can finish, still not even looking his way. <<merat "Yes, but then her Majesty realized just how //unfair// it would be to keep her daughter so cooped-up in her carriage for the evening. I'm to chaperone her around the Bastille.">><<br>>
He pulls a piece of paper from his waistcoat and tosses it towards the soldier, making him scrabble to catch it. <<merat "I believe that this will show that everything is in order.">><<br>>
From your position behind the soldier, you can only make out a blur of precise, efficient handwriting on the note before he folds it up again and passes it back with a salute. <<blue "Right you are, sir. All accounted for.">>
/* <<pst "Character/Merat/hzenart2.jpg" "_meratSection1" "_meratSection2" "50">> */
/* <table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%"> */
<<print _meratSection1>><<br>>
<<print _meratSection2>><<br>>
/* </td>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\Merat\hzenart.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _meratSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\Merat\hzenart.jpg]]@@
<<print _meratSection2>><<br>>
</span> */
And then the escort departs, leaving you in Merat's clutches.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6merat1">>
<</link>>For a few seconds you and the spymaster just glare at each other, silent but for the retreating footsteps of the soldiers as he waits until they're safely out of earshot.<<br>>
You can feel your heart beating faster as the tension sinks in. You don't know what he wants with you, but you're certain that it won't be good.<<br>>
<<merat "Don't even think of doing anything //stupid//.">> He sneers, once he's confident that he won't be overheard. <<merat "The Bastille de la Sainte is as difficult to escape from as it would be to breach. All you'd manage to do is make a //very// entertaining game of cat and mouse for me to play. Even //I'd// struggle to get out of here, and I'm...">> he looks you up and down with disdain, <<merat "among other things, dressed much more appropriately for the task.<<if $outfit.set.id is 'blossom'>> I see that the Queen has already started //influencing// you.<</if>>">><<br>>
You flinch, <<if $outfit.set.id isnot "peach" and $outfit.set.id isnot "tulip" and $outfit.set.id isnot "gcloak">>the bare skin left uncovered by your outfit never feeling as exposed as it does now<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "peach" or $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>suddenly feeling ridiculous in your billowing dress<<else>>suddenly feeling ridiculous in your women's clothing<</if>>.
/* He's not wrong about the Bastille though - you've seen how claustrophobic and confusing these corridors can be, and how thick the walls are. */
<<merat "But I'm not here for //pleasure//. We need information about the Duchess and how she runs this place. I would much rather go alone, but our //benevolent ruler// thought it better that I take you along with me.">> He makes a displeased expression about the decision. <<merat "A princess with an escort can find herself in all sorts of places without being questioned, whereas a spymaster alone is viewed with suspicion //everywhere//.">> He concedes, <<merat "But I'm nobody's //childminder//. Don't you dare get in my way.">><<br>>
It doesn't look like you're going to get out of this task. At least it seems like Merat has other things on his mind than cruelty for once.<<br>>
<<link "I want to appease Merat, agree meekly">>
<<set $day6meratIntro to "merat">>
<<set $sub += 2>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto day6merat2>>
<<link "I hate Merat, but I'll do this to keep the Queen happy">>
<<set $day6meratIntro to "queen">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto day6merat2>>
<<link "Screw the both of them, I'm doing this for me">>
<<set $day6meratIntro to "me">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto day6merat2>>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratIntro to 'merat'" "day6meratIntro to 'queen'" "day6meratIntro to 'me'">>
<<if $day6meratIntro is 'merat'>>
Merat's a threat - one that you can't afford getting on the wrong side of. You're nervous about the idea of spending time alone with him, but so far he seems focused on his mission rather than you. So long as you go along with his directions hopefully it'll stay that way.
<<elseif $day6meratIntro is 'queen'>>
The guy's a total creep, and you've half a mind resist him every step of the way, but the Queen has you tightly in her grasp and you can't afford to go against her. You didn't get as good a look at the letter he gave the guard as you'd like, but nothing seemed particularly amiss either - you'll have to trust that this is by her will.
You don't owe the Queen nor Merat anything but resentment, and don't want to play their willing pawn. You've half a mind to resist them every step of the way, but you can smell too much opportunity here to miss this chance. You don't know what kind of leads Merat's trying to follow tonight, but by going along with him you'll be privy to them too - and information is power. Plus, it plays to your benefit for them to get complacent in your compliance.
<<merat "Good. Obedience suits you.">> Merat replies to your assent. You feel a pang of <<if $day6meratIntro is 'merat'>>humiliation<<else>>anger<</if>> at the remark, but compared to the other barbs he's thrown you it feels almost perfunctory in comparison, like he has other things on his mind.<<br>>
<<merat "Let's get the story straight - despite your 'mother's' desire for you to stay securely in your carriage, you're the kind of nauseating twerp who can't sit still for even a moment, and begrudgingly the Queen has deigned to allow you to explore the Bastille. As an annoying //brat// it plays to your strengths, and if Duchess Drusilla hears of it she'll be too pleased to hear that you're being a nuisance to your mother to worry too much about your motives. Do you understand?">><br>
<span id="meratReplace"><br>
<<link "Go along with Merat's idea">>
<<set $day6meratCover to "merat">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day6merat3">>
<<link "Suggest something different">>
<<set $day6meratCover to false>>
<<replace "#meratReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day6merat2badCover]]>><</replace>>
/* <<merat "So, if a guard asks you what you're up to then you'll reply...">> He gestures towards you, expecting you to finish the thought.<<br>>
<<link "Provide a response that matches his story - a bratty princess">>
<<link "Provide a response that ">>
<<link "I'm not going to fucking 'roleplay' this shit">>
<</link>> */Merat doesn't roll his eyes per-se - he's far too controlled in his mannerisms for something so uncouth - but you could swear that you see him resist the urge to do so.<<br>>
<<merat "And what, pray tell, do you think would be //better//?">><<br>>
<<link "I got lost in the corridors for hours, alone and afraid, and you've only just found me">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day6meratCover to "lost">>
<<goto "day6merat3lost">>
<<link "Instead of being permitted out, I've boisterously stormed off after a fight with the Queen">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratCover to "argue">>
<<goto "day6merat3">>
<<link "We're lovers, and we've snuck off to make out somewhere private">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day6meratCover to "lovers">>
<<goto "day6merat3">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCover to 'merat'" "day6meratCover to 'lost'" "day6meratCover to 'argue'" "day6meratCover to 'lovers'">>
<<if $day6meratCover is "merat">>
You don't feel at all confident causing a scene and upsetting Merat, least of all when the Queen would likely hear all about it.<<br>>
However, on top of that, it's also just a well considered plan. Coming from Merat you'd been expecting some sadistic twist, but despite him saying it a little insultingly you don't notice any trace of that in the plan - it's simple, effective, and professional.<<br>>
You nod in agreement. You'll go along with it.<<br>>
<<merat "Good.">> Merat replies curtly. <<merat "Now come along, we don't have much time.">><<br>>
You find yourself thrown off by the short reply. What, that's it? No cruel insult; no excuse to cause you pain? As he turns on his heel and leads you forward you almost can't believe that he's capable of such brevity.<<br>>
You're somewhat conflicted. On one hand this is everything that you wanted: a way to get through this task without having to suffer the slings and arrows of Merat's sadistic attention, all for the small cost of agreeing with whatever he says - it's a huge relief. However, on the other hand can't help but feel left hanging, like something's missing here.<<br>>
You quickly reason to yourself that it must just be that building yourself up for something that hasn't materialized always feels weird. Even if it's a //bad// thing that you were anticipating and you //definitely// didn't want to happen, it still feels odd to brace yourself for nothing, you figure. However, you can't quite dispel a lingering sense of vexation at not having been insulted.
<<elseif $day6meratCover is "argue">>
If strife between the Princess and the Queen is what Drusilla wants, what's the sense in only going half-way? If you stormed out after a fight, still full of piss and vinegar, then that can explain you ending up just about anywhere. Plus it would help make sense of why the spymaster's the one who's with you - Merat just happened to be in the right place and time to go after you.<<br>>
Merat hesitates, clearly not expecting your suggestion to have any value at all and momentarily thrown off by the idea.<<br>>
<<merat "Trying to up the ante? It has some //meager// merit, I suppose...">> He concedes <<merat "But I really doubt that you have the talent for a performance any more complicated than the bare minimum.">><<br>>
You can tell that he's trying to goad you into demeaning yourself by begging for permission, but you don't give him the satisfaction. Instead you remain defiantly confident, calmly asserting that you can do it.<<br>>
Merat glares at you for a moment before dismissively shrugging. <<merat "Very well, since you're so eager for a starring role. However, I think that your act could do with some //evidence// to back it up.">><<br>>
Unexpectedly he begins to pull off one of his leather gloves, going one finger at a time before it's loosened enough to be taken off fully. Once it's removed, he unhurriedly plucks a ring from his pocket and places it onto his ring finger.<<br>>
You watch with wary interest, confused at what he might be doing, but it takes you by surprise when with no warning at all he suddenly brings his hand around with whiplike speed in a fierce //slap// backhanded across your face.<<br>>
The sound of it echoes across the stone hallway. Your face stings from the blow. You twist back to shout at him and perhaps even come to blows, but to your surprise he remains as calm as ever, casually putting ring back and replacing his glove, uncharacteristically not even seeming to savor the sensation.<<br>>
<<merat "Oh don't get carried away.">> He chides at your justified anger. <<merat "If you really had an argument with the Queen I doubt that you'd get away without some marks to show for it. My handprint isn't an ideal match for hers, but it will do.">><<br>>
<<merat "Now come along, we're running out of time.">> Merat finishes, turning on his heels and leading you down the corridor.
<<elseif $day6meratCover is "lovers">>
It's difficult to imagine anywhere seeming truly incongruous for a pair of lovers to end up, and if you're found than the mutual embarrassment will far overwhelm any suspicion that the two of you would draw. Besides, if the Duchess wants gossip, why not give her more than she could dream of?<<br>>
For perhaps the first time, you have the pleasure of watching Merat truly thrown off his game. It's only for a brief moment, but you watch his eyes bulge in surprise with a sense of satisfaction.<<br>>
<<merat "If you really think that I would engage in such //juvenile//-">><<br>>
Before he can continue you curtly remind him that it would only be a disguise. You enjoy the wince he makes at having had an indignant response drawn from him.<<br>>
To regain the social initiative he gets nasty.
<<if $vixen gte 3>>
<<merat "I'd //heard// that you've been cavorting around like some harlot.">> He derides. <<merat "The Queen seems enthusiastic about the idea, but such methods //disgust// me.">>
<<merat "Oh, I see how it is. Ready to start a career as a known harlot, are you?">> he derides. <<merat "I'm sure that the Queen would almost be //proud// of you, but such methods //disgust// me.">>
<<merat "But very well. If you were so desperate for this life that only 5 days of the merest //mockery// of femininity is all it takes for you to start acting like a slut towards every man you come across, then I see no reason to go against what's clearly in your nature. We'll do your //licentious// little plan.">><<br>>
You wish that you could say that Merat's words don't affect you, but they hit a little too close for comfort, preying on a fact that you were already insecure about. You can feel your ears burning, but try not to let it show on your face<<br>>
<<merat "Now come along, we're running out of time.">> Merat concludes, turning on his heels and leading you down the corridor.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridors">>
<</link>>You figure that being lost and afraid in the claustrophobic corridors of the Bastille would provide a good cover for ending up somewhere you shouldn't be.
Merat hesitates, clearly not expecting your suggestion to have any merit at all and momentarily thrown off by the idea. Soon though his expression shifts to his ever-familiar sneer.<<br>>
<<merat "Ever looking to find ways to make yourself powerless, pathetic, and pitiable, aren't you?">> He mocks. <<merat "Well, since demeaning yourself seems like that's the only thing that you're good at I suppose there's no sense in denying you the opportunity. Very well, you can be the helpless lost lamb if that's really how you'd like to be.">><<br>>
It's not the most vicious criticism, but you still feel your cheeks burning all the same - the words hitting a little too close-to-home for comfort.<<br>>
<<merat "However, it will take a little bit more selling than mere acting alone.">> He adds, and suddenly there's a blur of movement as he takes action, taking you completely by surprise.<<br>>
Your back slams into the stone wall hard enough to make you gasp as the spymaster shoves you backwards. It's a poor reaction to have - as your mouth opens wide you're horrified when Merat's slender fingers take advantage of the opportunity to force their way inside. At the same moment his spare arm thrusts forward to trap both of your own against the wall.<<br>>
His ice-blue eyes, suddenly terrifyingly close, twinkle with amusement at your predicament.<<br>>
<<link "Bite down on his hand as hard as I can">>
<<set $day6meratCover to "lostBite">>
<<goto "day6merat3lost2">>
<<link "Don't">>
<<set $day6meratCover to "lost">>
<<goto "day6merat3lost2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCover to 'lost'" "day6meratBite to 'lostBite'">>
<<if $day6meratCover is 'lostBite'>>
You do the only natural thing - biting down on the invading appendage as hard as you can.<<br>>
His hand, trapped within the painful vise of your jaws, can't get any further inside of you, but that doesn't mean he simply stops there. His index and middle fingers //squirm// in the cavity of your wet mouth, pushing your tongue down to open up as much space as possible - your senses filled with the thick taste of his leather glove as it rubs against your tastebuds - before his attention is focused on your tonsils and uvula. Your eyes water and you find yourself retching violently at the horrible invasive sensation, your mouth filling with so much saliva that it threatens to drip down your chin.<<br>>
The whole time you don't let up your biting for a second, staring back in his face in grim defiance even as your mouth becomes slick and wet.<<br>>
Merat doesn't keep it up for long - stimulating the depths of your mouth with brutal efficiency before pulling his hand free of you. Even when you can feel that he's trying to wrest his hand back out you don't let up, clenching your jaw determinedly, but the outward pressure quickly becomes too much for you and you're forced to release - gums aching from the effort.<<br>>
The moment the invader is gone acidic bile rises up, threatening to vomit out of you if you didn't close your mouth in time. At least it washes away the taste of him.<<br>>
<<merat "How typical of a mutt to //bite// like that.">> Merat says in a dryly amused tone, wiping your saliva off his fingers. <<merat "But the task is done, now your eyes are puffy and watery - they'll believe that you've been crying. Don't wipe the tears away if you can manage.">><<br>>
You can't manage, and wouldn't want to anyway - brushing your arm over your eyes as quickly as possible, trying to wipe away all trace of what had just happened. Merat makes a disappointed <<merat "tsk">> sound with his mouth. <<merat "No matter, the rest should last as long as we need.">><<br>>
You make a snapped retort, but find your train of thought distracted by the sight of Merat's hand. The indentions made by your bite go deeper than you'd thought - the word 'mangled' comes to mind. You can see the individual shape of each one of your teeth impressed so clearly into the leather that you can see the point where your molar got chipped as a teenager. At the canines, the sharp points have managed to puncture all the way through the leather and into his pale flesh, and then deeper still judging from the flash of red blood that rises up in a spurt as he flexes it.<<br>>
It must hurt like hell, but Merat barely flinches. When he sees you looking at it he hides his hand in his jacket pocket in a way that seems almost embarrassed. You don't fully understand the reaction.<<br>>
<<merat "Well then.">> He says, as if trying to ensure the matter's conclusion. <<merat "Come with me, we're running out of time.">><<br>>
Your teeth still hurting and your eyes still watering, you're thrown off enough by the exchange that before you know it you find yourself falling in behind his steps.<<br>>
Taken by surprise as you are, you'd think that the first reaction that you have would be to bite down on the offending appendage, but for some reason that isn't the instinct that takes hold of you.<<br>>
Instead, your jaw becomes limp and pliant, freely letting Merat's slender digits plunge themselves into your mouth. Instead of tensing up, your body relaxes into the spymaster's grip.<<br>>
For a moment you can see Merat's eyes flicker with confusion at your lack of response, but he covers for it well.<<br>>
His fingers //squirm// in the cavity of your wet mouth, pushing your tongue down to open up as much space as possible, your senses filled with the thick taste of his leather glove as it rubs against your tastebuds. Next his fingers briefly trace over your tonsils and uvula, before plunging past them straight down into your gaping throat. You find yourself retching violently around his fingers at the invasive sensation, your mouth filling with so much saliva that it soon begins to drips down your chin. You let it flow unimpeded.<<br>>
The whole time you just stare back at him, blank and yielding even as you splutter and gag, even as your vision becomes obscured by the water that wells up in your eyes.<<br>>
Merat doesn't keep it up for long - stimulating the depths of your mouth and throat with brutal efficiency before pulling his hand free of you. The moment your mouth is free acidic bile rises up, threatening to vomit out of you if you didn't close your mouth in time.<<br>>
<<merat "How pathetically //compliant//.">> Merat says, wiping your saliva off his fingers. <<merat "The task is done, now your eyes are puffy and watery - they'll easily believe that you've been crying. Now, don't wipe the tears away if you can manage.">><<br>>
You were just about to on instinct, and only just manage to stop yourself on time. <<merat "Good boy.">> The spymaster sneers at the sight of your obedience, but it lacks his usual venom.<<br>>
<<merat "Well then.">> He says, as if trying to ensure the matter's conclusion. <<merat "Come with me, we're running out of time.">><<br>>
Your mouth still tasting of leather, you find yourself falling in behind his steps.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridors">>
<</link>>Merat leads you deeper into the Bastille's labyrinthine corridors.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratCorridors.jpg]]@@<br>
The flats that you're wearing are anything but bulky, but compared to his catlike footsteps you feel like an elephant stomping around behind him. Your feet loudly echo across the stonework despite your efforts to step lightly.<<br>>
It quickly becomes clear that he's, annoyingly, really quite good at this. He moves with swift efficiency, making steady progress while still maintaining full awareness of his surroundings. Every now and again he stops in place and motions for you to do the same, and each time you think it's for nothing but are soon proven wrong as a couple of guards slowly become audible and shuffle past the next corridor on patrol, close enough that you would have bumped into each other if you didn't halt when you did. You don't know if he has incredible hearing, knows the patrol routines by-heart, or something else, but he never steers you wrong nor even has to hesitate to navigate your route through the confusing corridors into ever more densely guarded territory.<<br>>
It's a little interesting watching him like this, his pale, gaunt features absorbed in concentration. Up til now he's only ever been your sadistic tormentor, his attention squarely focused on your pain, but right now his interest is immersed only on infiltration, with your presence merely a minor afterthought. It's like watching a snake move through the grass while you're safe in the knowledge that it's someone else who it's stalking - unmistakably dangerous, just not to you right now.<<br>>
You wonder if there's anything that you're supposed to be doing.<<br>>
<<link "Trust in Merat's skills and try not to get in the way">>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "merat">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorMerat">>
<<link "Trust in myself and don't let him take the lead">>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "self">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelf">>
<<link "Try to lighten the mood with some conversation">>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "chat">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChat">>
<</link>>You don't like him, but it's easy to see that Merat knows what he's doing much better than you do. You're best off following his lead.<<br>>
Besides, as you watch him it becomes clear that you're slowing him down somewhat - every one his of hurried movements has to slow down to account for your presence, and every window of opportunity is made smaller by your clumsy footsteps. The least you can do is try to be unobtrusive.<<br>>
<<merat "Stop here.">> Merat whispers sharply, and you strive to do as he says as quickly as possible, tensing up to stop your forward momentum. Merat momentarily glances your way, as if surprised that you reacted so swiftly.<<br>>
The next time it happens and you manage to respond just as fast, after the sounds of the patrol go past, Merat tersely whispers in your direction. <<merat "You move like a buffoon. Don't //freeze// like that when you stop - you can hear the sound of you tensing up from a mile away. Just ease down into a halt.">><<br>>
Your immediate reaction is to glare in his direction, wounded at being chided so harshly when you were trying your best, but you force yourself to take a deep breath and not let it get to you. It's advice, even if he's being an asshole about it - the fact that he's giving it to you at all means that he's trusting you to act on it.<<br>>
The next time that he holds up a hand for the two of you to stop you take his advice to heed, decelerating swiftly but gradually rather than suddenly. You think that you can tell the difference in volume, and you could almost swear that you see Merat incline his head in a satisfied nod at your efforts in a way that seems unlike his usual cruelty.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorMerat2">>
<</link>>After that the two of you speed up - Merat trusting you to be ever-less a hindrance in your stealthy journey through the Bastille's endless stone labyrinth.<<br>>
Suddenly he stops, frowning in concentration. <<merat "I need to go on ahead to check something. Keep an eye out behind us - if you see or hear a patrol coming knock twice on the floor. If you hear me doing the same from up ahead then follow on after me.">><<br>>
He doesn't wait to see whether you agree or not, stepping forward and leaving you behind. You do as he says - turning around and straining your senses for signs of a patrol coming up from behind.<<br>>
As the seconds tick towards minutes you begin to worry that this might have been all been a trick, and that he's just abandoned you alone somewhere you shouldn't be, but just when you can feel the panic setting in you hear a pair of sharp taps echo from down the hallway, and when you follow them to their source you find Merat waiting for you.<<br>>
<<merat "Good. Let's continue.">> He whispers, without even glancing in your direction.<<br>>
After that he starts giving you more complex orders than just starting and stopping, trusting you to do as he bids. Before long it becomes second nature to obey - the two of you moving with swift efficiency.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorMerat3">>
<</link>><<merat "Duck!">> Merat commands sharply, and without even having to think about it you squat down and make yourself small.<<br>>
<<merat "Get on all fours. We'll have to crawl a short while to not be seen through the windows.">> He continues, his voice tense. You quickly do as he says, placing your palms down on the stone floor and slowly moving forward, keeping your body low.<<br>>
<<merat "Good. Now //bark//.">><<br>>
You blink, your brain desperately trying to work out how to interpret the instruction. Your eyes dart over to the spymaster, only to find him still standing, looking down at you crawling like a dog at his feet with amused scorn. You can feel your ears burning with humiliation.<<br>>
<<merat "We're here.">> He says dryly, gesturing towards an ornate pair of double doors. <<merat "The ducal suite. Now come along, we don't have much time.">><<br>>
You quickly rise to your feet, mortified to have been tricked. Merat doesn't pay you much heed - striding in through the doors and leaving you to come in after him.<<br>>
<<link "Enter">>
<<goto "day6meratDucal">>
<</link>>Talented or not, you're not confident putting your trust in anyone other than yourself, and //certainly// not in someone like Merat. You can totally see this being some cruel trick to draw you into somewhere you shouldn't be and the leave you there to suffer the consequences, or worse - to take you somewhere private where the spymaster can do what he likes with you. You'd rather not rely on him any more than is absolutely necessary.<<br>>
You focus intently on the route that Merat's taking you on, making mental note of every turn you make and every landmark you encounter to ensure that you'll be able to find your way back if necessary. It's a lot of data to process, but you try to weave it into a mental narrative to pin the dull details to and make them memorable, and are reasonably confident that you're managing it.<<br>>
Along the way you keep keen attention on both Merat and your surroundings - keen enough that you slowly manage to pick up on how Merat's managing to detect coming guards so quickly. The Bastille's bare cut stonework and narrow corridors carry sounds like a ginormous musical instrument. Despite the noises that you can recognize as footsteps only becoming audible from a relatively close distance, the deeper resonance of their presence can be felt from much further distances. A rumble so low it almost feels more like pressure rather than sound, and ebbs and flows as they get closer or further away.<<br>>
Then you notice something odd. You can sense the swelling of a presence getting closer and closer, but Merat's still continuing at the same pace like he hasn't noticed.<<br>>
<<link "Whisper a warning">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "selfWarn">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfWarn">>
<<link "Stop, but leave him go on ahead by himself">>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "selfStop">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfStop">>
<<link "Keep following his lead">>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "selfFollow">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfFollow">>
<</link>>If you're found out then chances are both of you will be going down together anyway - it's only smart to work together. Besides, while you can't believe that Merat has a 'good side' to get on, you'd at least like not to get any deeper into his bad side than you already are. You whisper a warning to the spymaster.<<br>>
Merat throws you a disdainful glance. <<merat "What are you talking about? Shut up. Don't presume to speak up about things that you don't understand-">> He snaps angrily, but hesitates when he sees the expression of quiet confidence on your face.<<br>>
He seems to pick up on what you've come to understand. For a moment you could swear that you see his anger mingle with a look that could almost be described as begrudgingly impressed, but it's soon gone.<<br>>
<<merat "You're an //amateur//.">> he spits with the jealous venom of someone who's superiority is being challenged. <<merat "They're nearby, but coming from //behind//. So long as we don't do anything stupid like //waste time on foolishness// then we'll be out of their route by the time they bear down on us. Now hurry up before your stupidity gets us caught.">><<br>>
You hesitate, not sure if you trust him, but Merat moves on ahead without you, giving you little choice by follow. Sure enough, the pressure of the guard's presence neither grows nor ebbs for some time, remaining a constant distance away for a few corridors before finally turning off later down the line.<<br>>
After that the two of you progress in uneasy silence, but after a few times when Merat catches you preemptively stopping before he even gives his signal he begrudgingly takes advantage of your ability - gradually indicating you to stop less and less directly until eventually dropping them completely, relying entirely on your skill to recognize when the appropriate timings are.<<br>>
The two of you move almost in unison, neither one leading the other as you plunge deeper and deeper into the Bastille. You get some satisfaction from the fact that it's a situation that you're sure the arrogant Merat absolutely hates - honestly you're surprised he's letting you do it at all, he must take this mission seriously enough for the wound to his ego to be worth it.<<br>>
Finally he holds up a hand for you to stop at a time when you can't detect any guards coming whatsoever.<<br>>
<<merat "This is it.">> He whispers, with a gesture towards the room next to you. <<merat "The ducal suite. Now come along, we don't have much time.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucal">>
<</link>>You're not going to let yourself be caught and get into trouble - but you couldn't give a rat's ass about Merat. If he gets captured then that's just a plus in your book.<<br>>
You slow down to a stop, and can't help but grin as you see that Merat's concentrating too hard on the task ahead to even notice that you're no longer following behind him. He continues onwards ahead to turn around the next corridor, seemingly heedless of any danger.<<br>>
You can barely stop yourself from laughing at the sight, and turn back around, mentally flipping around your mental map of the route you took to get here to guide you back to where you started.<<br>>
When your keen ears hear the pressure of the guards presence getting even closer, at first you just relish it - excited to hear the surely imminent sounds of the spymaster's arrest that are sure to follow.<<br>>
Your cockiness means that you don't notice your mistake until it's too late. It takes you completely by surprise that when the guard's presence grows into audible footsteps they aren't coming from ahead like you'd assumed, but rather from behind - almost directly on top of you!<<br>>
You curse inwardly - you'd been so busy feeling proud of yourself for learning the signs to realize that they told you nothing about what direction they might be coming from. No wonder Merat seemed in a hurry to keep pushing forwards, he was aiming on outstepping them!<<br>>
You don't have time to correct your mistake gracefully. They'll be able to see you the moment they turn the next corner - you'll just have to make a run for it!<<br>>
You rise up from your stealthy crouch and book it across the corridor as fast as you can. The sound of every footfall on the bare stonework along the way rings out so loud that to your panicking mind they each feel like a punch in the gut.<<br>>
<<blue "Oi! Who goes there?">> Shouts one of the guardsmen from behind as he hears the clatter of your retreat, and soon their running footsteps join with your own as they pursue you.<<br>>
<<link "Flee as fast as you can">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfStop2">>
<</link>>There's a solid second or two after the guards turn the corner behind you before you you manage to dash out of sight down the hallway that Merat went down. You're sure that they must have gotten a good look at you.<<br>>
The barren corridor you turn into doesn't offer you any reprieve - there's no trace of the spymaster anywhere!<<br>>
You don't have any choice but to keep on running. The next turning is close by, but you still barely have time to reach it before the guards round the one behind you - they're gaining on you.<<br>>
Your heart momentarily sinks as you turn and take in yet another empty corridor, but then you see him - Merat lurking in a doorway like a shadow. He gives you an angry and disgusted glare, before ducking inside. You're embarrassed by how relieved you are to see him, but hardly have any time to dwell on it. You rush in after him.<<br>>
You make it through the doorway before the guards have time to see you do so, but it's not like you would have time to reach anywhere else - they'll know that you came in here. The meeting room that you find yourself in does however offer something important - carpets which can muffle your footsteps, they at least won't know your position precisely.<<br>>
Merat's already making his move, kicking open a door on the other side of the room. However he doesn't go on through it, instead motioning towards a cabinet between the two of you. You both only just manage to make it inside before the two guardsmen come hurtling into the room.<<br>>
<<link "Stay quiet and hope the two of you aren't caught">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfStop3">>
<</link>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratCorridorSelfStop3.jpg]]@@<br>
You and Merat are pressed tightly together in the darkness of the cabinet. You're lucky that there was space for the two of you at all, but you're wedged stiflingly between musty files and books. His slender body is warmer than you'd ever have expected from his icy personality.<<br>>
The slam of the door that Merat kicked open, combined with it still swinging open when the guards enter, are enough to send one of the pair running straight towards it - a good trick - but the other one merely slows to a walk.<<br>>
<<blue "Come on, mate!">> Urges the one that rushes ahead. <<blue "She went this way!">><<br>>
<<blue "Hold your guns.">> Replies the other. <<blue "That's a dead end - just takes you down to the toilets. Take your time, we've got her trapped.">><<br>>
You're so close to Merat that you can feel him tense up next to you at the news.<<br>>
<<blue "You go on ahead, but be careful. I'll check out here to make sure she doesn't give us the slip.">><<br>>
<<blue "Right. Shout if you see 'er!">><<br>>
You can hear one slip away down the doorway that Merat opened, while the other prowls around the room carefully, checking under tables and the like. It seems inevitable that he'll find you soon.<<br>>
You can feel some movement in the cabinet. You look down to Merat's hands and find something short and metallic gleaming in the thin bead of light let in from outside - a knife.<<br>>
For a moment you think that you might be about to watch Merat kill a man, but then he twists it around to press against your stomach and you realize that you should be more worried about yourself.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfStop4">>
<</link>><<setter "outfit.set.id to 'blossom'" "outfit.set.id to 'gcloak'">>
Trapped in the cabinet with the spymaster, you can't dare to make a noise as
<<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom" or $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
Merat's blade presses against the exposed flesh of your belly.
Merat's blade presses through your clothing into your belly.
It's ridiculous for him to be doing this at a time like this, but you can tell that that doesn't matter to him now - he's angry, furious that you've ruined his infiltration. You don't know if he seriously plans to gut you, but you doubt that he cares if you get maimed either - you can feel his animosity through every inch of tension in his slender body as it presses against your own.<<br>>
Merat likes to keep a controlled affect at all times, and especially when he's at his most cruel, but the claustrophobic closeness of the scene dispels any such illusions - you can sense every minute detail of his resentment of you from his body, his breath, his scent, washing over you with all the terrifying intimacy of a boa constrictor sucking the life out of you. His blade digs deeper, and you feel pain flood through you. You desperately suppress the urge to writhe and scream.<<br>>
<<blue "Oi!">> Bellows the guard who had left to go on ahead. The two of you freeze in your hiding place.<<br>>
<<blue "You got her?">> Shouts back the one still here.<<br>>
<<blue "One of the maids left the bloody service door open!">> Comes the reply. <<blue "She must have gone out into the servant's corridors!">><<br>>
With a resigned <<blue "Oh for fuck's sake">> the remaining guard rushes after his companion, leaving the two of you alone in the room.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfStop5">>
<</link>><<setter "outfit.set.id to 'blossom'" "outfit.set.id to 'gcloak'">>
The moment that the door shuts behind him you burst out of the cabinet, desperate to get away from your tormentor.<<br>>
The spymaster leisurely steps out after you, casually placing the letter opener he'd been holding back where he'd found it in the cabinet. Not a knife at all - far too blunt to pierce <<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom" or $outfit.set.id is "rose">>your skin in the slightest<<else>>through your outfit, let alone your skin<</if>>. Just enough to torment you.<<br>>
<<merat "You //imbecile//!">> He spits. <<merat "Are you //trying// to get us caught? Why on earth did your //cretinous// little brain decide to do something as ridiculous as going straight towards our pursuers? Was there any reason at all or did your feeble-minded intellect just lapse completely?">><<br>>
You can't offer any excuses. Doing so would both reveal that you've learnt his trick for navigating the Bastille, but also that you fucked up and did it wrong - a private humiliation that you're not about to share. However that doesn't mean that you just take his rudeness lying down - it just means that you have to rely on spite and bluster rather than any logical explanation.<<br>>
Naturally it's not an argument that wins you any favor with the spymaster - not that you'd intended it to. <<merat "By the gods. You really are the most //stupid// little //shit// that I've ever had the misfortune of meeting.">> He utters with revulsion, his language getting cruder in his rage. <<merat " Who knows what the fuck the Queen has mistaken herself for seeing in you - if she really thinks that you have //any// potential in the //slightest// for...">><<br>>
You hesitate, hanging on what Merat's about to say, but he manages to stop himself in time. His eye contact flicks away from you, disquieted at having almost blurted out something that he shouldn't.<<br>>
He coughs to regain his composure. <<merat "We're almost at our destination. Too deep in for sending you back to be sensible. We'll continue onwards, and if you so much as //hesitate// in following my lead, then you'll find that the next knife in your gut will be //considerably// sharper. Do you understand?">><<br>>
You're too distracted trying to work out Merat was about to say about the Queen's plans for you to do much other than nod.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorSelfStop6">>
<</link>>The rest of the journey is traveled in tense resentful silence, the two of you wanting anything other than to have to remain in each other's presence.<<br>>
Thankfully, it's also brief and uneventful, and it isn't long before Merat holds up a hand to stop the two of you in place.<<br>>
<<merat "This is it.">> He whispers, somehow managing to fit some venom into the tone of such a mundane sentence. He's clearly gifted at it. <<merat "The ducal suite. Now don't fuck this up any more than you already have, we don't have much time.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucal">>
<</link>>It's not that you're putting your trust in Merat per-se, but rather that you're making a controlled risk.<<br>>
It could prove perilous getting in trouble with Merat, but there's every chance that the two of you'll be able to talk your way out of it. On the other hand, you've gained something truly valuable. The ability to navigate through the halls of the Bastille de la Sainte stealthily could make all the difference for your survival - and it's //exactly// the kind of skill that you wouldn't want Merat to know that you've picked up. Playing dumb and keeping your knowledge to yourself is the smartest option here.<<br>>
However as you keep following after Merat's figure you quickly find out that you were wrong after all. After a short while the pressure ebbs once more without any trace of footsteps nor angry guardsmen. You feel a little foolish for your mistake, and are thankful that you didn't do something drastic.<<br>>
The rest of the journey you keep to your role as a dumb but obedient follower. It's a little tricky at times not to let it show that you know more than you're letting on - once you know when you should be stopping just as soon as Merat does, you struggle not to preemptively do so before he indicates. You manage to keep him none the wiser.<<br>>
Eventually he holds up a hand for you to stop at a time when you can't detect any guards coming whatsoever.<<br>>
<<merat "This is it.">> He whispers, with a gesture towards the room next to you. <<merat "The ducal suite. Now come along, we don't have much time.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucal">>
<</link>>You and Merat have clearly gotten off on a bad foot, but that doesn't mean you have to continue that way. Maybe if the two of you can get to know each other a little more than you could end up the best of buds.<<br>>
You try to be as friendly as possible, starting a little chat about nothing in particular in an attempt to draw the spymaster into conversation.<<br>>
<<merat "Shut up.">> Merat snaps, before you can even finish your first sentence.<<br>>
Hmm, that didn't go so well, but you're not about to give up so quickly. Maybe he just doesn't like empty talk, and you'd be better off with something more penetrating. After a few minutes, as Merat leads you deeper into the Bastille, you decide to ask him what his relationship with his family is like.<<br>>
<<merat "Shut. Up.">> He snarls again, this time slower and terser, lingering spitefully on each word.<<br>>
That didn't work either, but you think that you can see what mistake you must have made - asking someone to be so vulnerable about themselves without first making yourself just as vulnerable is super rude, and can make people feel attacked. The best route would be to talk about yourself first, to let him know that it's safe to do the same. After waiting a few minutes for him to calm down, you begin to recount the long story of your childhood traumas.<<br>>
However, before you can get through even the most fundamental details of your prepubescent psychosexual development, he rounds on you full of rage. <<merat "Be //quiet//, you blathering //imbecile//!">> He spits. <<merat "I don't want to talk with you, I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to know //anything// about you, least of all how badly your moronic parents must have //fucked up// in order to make such a reprehensible little twerp! If you really want-">><<br>>
<<blue "Oi! Who goes there?">> Calls out a voice in the distance, alerted by Merat's shouting.<<br>>
<<link "Oh shit!">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChat2">>
<</link>>The spymaster freezes in place mid-sentence. You watch the emotion flicker through his eyes - rage intermingled with chagrin at having been goaded into getting so carried away.<<br>>
Then, in-time with each other, the two of you glance over to the direction that the sound came from. You can't see a guard yet, but you can hear footsteps rushing towards your location.<<br>>
<<merat "Shit.">> Merat utters, already moving to retreat away from your pursuers. Almost as an afterthought, he reaches out mid-action to grab hold of your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair so that he can pull you along by it - not trusting your mental capacity to follow after him. Your hair gets yanked so painfully that you worry that he's about to rip it out of your scalp, and you're forced to stay in step with him.<<br>>
The spymaster finds a reprieve around the next corner - the blank stone walls interrupted by a wooden door, which is thankfully unlocked, and which in turn leads to a small corridor littered with five more doors.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratCorridorChat2.jpg]]@@
He throws open one of the doorways, only to find a small servant's cupboard inside. You can feel his grip in your hair tighten in displeasure at the reveal, but the sounds of your pursuers are almost directly outside - there isn't enough time to be picky. He throws you painfully inside, steps carefully after you, and shuts the door.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChat3">>
<</link>>There's a clatter as the approaching guards reach the first doorway. <<blue "Where did they go? You heard it, right?">> Calls out one. <<blue "Some weaselly fucker going absolutely spare, and then footsteps running off.">><<br>>
<<blue "I bloody //didn't//.">> Complains another voice. <<blue "Maybe I would've done if you didn't shout so fuckin' loud. Surprised I'll ever hear anything again after that, frankly.">><<br>>
<<blue "That's enough of that.">> Chides the first again. <<blue "Don't you go forgetting that I //outrank// you now.">><<br>>
<<blue "Only because I don't kiss the boss' arse like you do.">> The second moans.<<br>>
<<blue "Shut it.">> Squawks the first, and there's the metallic sound of a helmet being bonked, though it doesn't sound like it was done too hard. <<blue "He couldn't have gone far. You check around here, I'll go on ahead.">><<br>>
<<blue "Fine, whatever.">><<br>>
You can hear one of the guards set off further down the corridor with loud jogging footsteps. The other somewhat dejectedly shuffles through the first doorway that you went through.<<br>>
You can hear him complaining under his breath, his voice too low to make out most of it, though you just about manage to recognize an odd muttered sentence like <<blue "he's just a wanker">>, <<blue "should have been //my// stupid promotion">>, and <<blue "I bet there ain't nothing anyway">>.<<br>>
Despite his halfheartedness, it doesn't make it any less scary when he grumpily kicks open one of the doorways to see if anyone's hiding inside. You breathe a sigh of relief that it's not the one that you're in, but it won't take long for him to eliminate the options and find the two of you.<<br>>
You and Merat are pressed tightly together in the darkness of the cupboard. You're lucky that there was space for the two of you at all, but you're wedged tightly between the cleaning supplies.<<br>>
His slender body is warmer than you'd ever have expected from his icy personality - tightly-wound with tension, like a viper waiting to strike. However, you can't help but have an idea.<<br>>
<<link "Take the opportunity to ask him questions">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day6meratCorridor to "chatChat">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChatChat">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChatNoChat">>
<</link>>You're still peeved off about not having managed to draw some familiarity out of Merat. Now that he's trapped here with you, you might as well see if you can force it out of him. You whisper a query about his parents.<<br>>
You can feel him flinch in surprise at you making a noise. Obscured in the darkness, you can only imagine the expression that he must be making right now. <<merat "Shut up!!">> He snaps in as low a voice as he can manage.<<br>>
Despite only being a matter of feet away, the guard seems too busy muttering to himself to notice the sounds of your whispered conversation, but it's far from safe. You can hear the sound of another door slamming open as he tries the next in-line.<<br>>
Undaunted, you ask him once again, this time slightly louder.<<br>>
<<merat "Stop that!">> He urges, his whispered tone twinged with panic and anger.<<br>>
The spymaster's hand clamps over your mouth, but you just keep asking into his palm, your voice muffled against his leather gloves. Another door slams open, closer this time.<<br>>
<<merat "If you don't-">> Merat begins, before seeming to realize that there's only one option he has to make you shut up.<<br>>
Through gritted teeth, he forces out the words <<merat "T-they worked the fields. They were scum. They- they were //beneath me//.">><<br>>
Having gotten what you wanted, you finally shut up. You're glad that the darkness of the cupboard keeps Merat from seeing the smug, victorious expression on your face.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChatChat2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCover to 'lostBite'" "day6meratCover to 'lovers'">>
However, even your self-satisfaction can't stop you from freezing in place as the sound of the guardsman settles just outside the door that you're hiding behind.<<br>>
There's a second of tension as you await the crash as he kicks the door down and finds the two of you. And then another second. Merat is as tightly-wound as a spring, ready to leap into action, and you wonder if you're about to watch him kill a man.<<br>>
<<blue "Sod this for a game of soldiers.">> Comes an exasperated groan from the other side of the door, shattering the tension. <<blue "I've had enough of this crap. He's just telling porkies again. I'll get 'im for this.">><<br>>
His footsteps rapidly storm off back the way he came from.<<br>>
After a few seconds to give him enough time to go out of earshot, the two of you emerge from the cupboard.<<br>>
You're fully expecting Merat to punish you for your impudence, you'd be a fool not to. However when you look over at the Spymaster he seems... off.<<br>>
The tightly-wound tension doesn't release itself from his lithe frame even now that the danger has passed. There's a tightness to his face like he's clenching his jaw, and his hands are balled up into fists so rigidly <<if $day6meratCover is "lostBite">>that you can see blood prickle up on the surface again through the bite holes you left in his glove<<else>>that you can hear his leather gloves squeaking from the strain<</if>>.<<br>>
He looks angry. At you, unquestionably - his gaze is locked towards you with such intensity that you can feel sweat trickle down the small of your neck just looking at it - but it's more than that. It's like he's been a roaring inferno the whole time and you've only just been able to see under the thin facade. Any rage that he feels towards you is eclipsed by something deeper. Anger at the world? Anger at himself? You couldn't begin to guess. You begin to wonder what memories you might have dug up by probing him about his past.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChatChat3">>
<</link>>And then it's gone, his expression replaced once more by a mask of icy apathy.<<br>>
<<merat "Let's continue.">> He snaps. It's like he doesn't dare remand you for your actions, because if he did then there's no way that he'd be able to control himself.<<br>>
You're not foolish enough to provoke him any further. You have the immediate understanding that you wouldn't survive the attempt.<<br>>
The rest of the infiltration follows in grim silence. Every step is nerve-wracking - the tension in his limbs doesn't fade in the slightest, giving you the impression that he's about to lunge at you at a moment's notice. He probably is.<<br>>
Now that you're not causing trouble for him, he at least manages to evade the rest of the guards without problem, and the two of you progress deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Bastille.<<br>>
Finally he says something, making you jump in surprise, but it's just to coldly announce. <<merat "This is it. The ducal suite.">><<br>>
He gestures towards a set of double doors, but just when you turn your head to look at them and let Merat out of your vision your breath hangs in your throat as he suddenly steps closer behind you, his mouth inches away from your ear.<<br>>
The words are simple and efficient, but oozing with threat. <<merat "Don't fuck this up any more than you already have, or you might find that you do nothing else ever again. A corpse in the Duchess' bedroom would only //lubricate// political matters at this point.">><<br>>
Your blood runs cold at his words, but some part of you is reassured that he's at least regained enough self-control to threaten you once more.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucal">>
<</link>>You're not stupid enough to do anything foolish, not when making a single noise could spell doom for the both of you.<<br>>
The guard dejectedly mopes around the small corridor outside, seemingly more concerned with feeling sorry for himself than really looking for the two of you. However, that doesn't make it any less scary when the sounds of his footsteps stop, and are followed by a //crash// as he kicks open another one of the doors.<<br>>
A third door slams open. Every time you're convinced that it'll be yours next.<<br>>
Then a fourth rings out, and you realize that that was your last false-warning - now the only door remaining is the one that the two of you are lurking behind.<<br>>
His footsteps settle just outside. There's a second of tension as you await your fate. And then another second. Merat is as tightly-wound as a spring, ready to leap into action, and you wonder if you're about to watch him kill a man.<<br>>
<<blue "Sod this for a game of soldiers.">> Comes an exasperated groan from the other side of the door, shattering the tension. <<blue "I've had enough of this crap. He's just telling porkies again. I'll get 'im for this.">><<br>>
His footsteps rapidly storm off back the way he came from.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChatNoChat2">>
<</link>>After waiting for the guard to be safely out of earshot, the two of you burst out of the closet - neither of you wanting to have to spend any more time pressed together than is absolutely necessary.<<br>>
The spymaster doesn't waste any time before berating you. <<merat "You cretinous little //shit//.">> He snaps, his icy composure breaking at the seams from irritation. <<merat "See what trouble your //moronic prattling// caused? I knew that you were beyond stupid but somehow you manage to completely surpass even the lowest expectations that I thought possible.">><<br>>
You can't help but note how he doesn't focus on the fact that it was //his// shouting that drew the guard's attention, but you keep that detail to yourself - after all, you have the distinct impression that beneath his bluster he already can't stop thinking about it.<<br>>
<<merat "This was a ridiculous idea, you're nothing but a hindrance. If we weren't so deep already I'd send you back now, but I can't even trust you to not fuck even //that// up somehow.">> He snips. <<merat "If I hear a single peep out of you then I might just disregard the mission, disregard her Majesty, disregard my job, and disregard your //life// in order to ensure that you never have the opportunity do anything so stupid ever again, do you understand me?">><<br>>
You're about to reply on instinct, but the intensity of Merat's glance is enough to stop you just in time. You make a small nod to indicate your assent.<<br>>
<<merat "Good. Now let us continue.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratCorridorChatNoChat3">>
<</link>>The rest of the journey is spent in stony silence.<<br>>
There's a tension to the spymaster's body which hasn't there before, but as much as his ire is directed at you, you get the feeling that even more of it is focused inwards at himself for messing up. You do everything you can not to give him an excuse to let it explode out of him with you as the scapegoat.<<br>>
Finally he says something, making you jump in surprise, but it's just to coldly announce. <<merat "This is it. The ducal suite.">><<br>>
He gestures towards a set of double doors, but just when you turn your head to look at them and let Merat out of your vision your breath hangs in your throat as he suddenly steps in closer behind you, his mouth inches away from your ear.<<br>>
The words are simple and efficient, but oozing with threat. <<merat "Don't fuck this up any more than you already have, or you might find that you do nothing else ever again. A corpse in the Duchess' bedroom would only //lubricate// political matters at this point.">><<br>>
And then he steps past you to head into your destination, leaving you to stumble after him.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucal">>
<</link>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratDucal.jpg]]@@<br>
Unlike the desolate, austere feeling of the rest of the Bastille de la Sainte, the ducal suite is lavishly decorated. Clearly they hold their own comfort to a vastly different standard than they think everyone who works for them should receive. It's a large space, even larger than the Princess' house-sized carriage, featuring not just a bedroom but also an adjoining bathroom and office.<<br>>
<<merat "We should have quarter of an hour or so. Don't get in the way.">> Merat snaps, and quickly sets to work, pouring carefully through the duke and duchess' possessions.<<br>>
As Merat searches the room you're left more or less to yourself.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">><<if ndef $day6meratArray>>
<<set $day6meratArray to []>>
<<if $day6meratArray.length is 2 and _ducalOffer isnot true>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOffer">>
<<elseif $day6meratArray.length is 4>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalEnd">>
<<if $day6meratArray.includes("window") isnot true>>
<<link "Look out the window">>
<<run $day6meratArray.push("window")>>
<<goto "day6meratDucalWindow">>
<<if $day6meratArray.includes("drusilla") isnot true>>
<<link "Check through Duchess Drusilla's personal effects">>
<<run $day6meratArray.push("drusilla")>>
<<goto "day6meratDucalDrusilla">>
<<if $day6meratArray.includes("sofa") isnot true>>
<<link "Search through the living area">>
<<run $day6meratArray.push("sofa")>>
<<goto "day6meratDucalSofa">>
<<if $day6meratArray.includes("study") isnot true>>
<<link "Explore the study">>
<<run $day6meratArray.push("study")>>
<<goto "day6meratDucalStudy">>
<</if>>After a little more searching through the room, Merat suddenly speaks up.<<br>>
<<merat "I don't know how the hell you do it.">> He states, loudly.
You eye him warily. You've never known him to make conversation, and it doesn't suit him in the slightest. You wait for the trick to reveal itself.<<br>>
<<merat "And I don't mean how you go along with the whole thing.">> He continues, ignoring your lack of reply like he wasn't expecting one. <<merat "Clearly you're just the kind of banal, characterless twerp that lacks any meaningful identity to cling to at all. A chameleon by virtue of simple //vapidity//. Just limply going along with whatever the situation demands.">><<br>>
You frown. That doesn't sound like you at all, but if that's how Merat chooses to categorize you then you can certainly think of more uncharitable interpretations that he could have gone with, knowing him.<<br>>
<<merat "When I first encountered you in that jail cell you were just a little //morsel//. The type to chew up and forget about. I only suggested that we use you because you'd be an expendable fall-guy to leave to flounder helplessly, make a fool out of himself, and provide a distraction. I didn't expect you to //succeed// and fulfil the Princess' ridiculous little role, not so... //adequately//.">><<br>>
You blink. He's being an asshole about it, but if you didn't know better it almost sounds like he's complimenting you.<<br>>
<<merat "How are you //doing// it? It doesn't make sense.">> He asks, glancing at you with what almost seems like resentful confusion.<<br>>
<<link "I don't owe him a response. Ignore him.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratExplain to "ignore">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOffer2">>
<<link "Smugly brag that he underestimated you, and that you happen to be very talented.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day6meratExplain to "smug">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOffer2">>
<<link "Tell him that it's only because of the friends you've made that you've gotten this far.">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day6meratExplain to "friends">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOffer2">>
<<link "Say that you've just gotten lucky">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day6meratExplain to "luck">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOffer2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratExplain to 'ignore'" "day6meratExplain to 'smug'" "day6meratExplain to 'friends'" "day6meratExplain to 'luck'" "day5concludeMood to 'relief'" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'">>
<<set _firstPassage to true>>
<<switch $day6meratExplain>>
<<case "ignore">>
If Merat's going to be a rude asshole to you, then he doesn't earn the right to quiz you about yourself. Besides, you're still half-convinced that this is going to be a trick of some kind - you don't want to give him any ammunition to use against you.<<br>>
There's an awkward silence for a few seconds as Merat waits for a response. When he finally realizes that none is coming, his expression sours.<<br>>
<<merat "Fine, keep your stupid little tricks to yourself, but know that I'm actually the only one on your side.">><<br>>
The claim is so absurd that it almost makes you laugh out loud.
<<case "smug">>
You can't help a self-satisfied smile from reaching your cheeks at hearing the arrogant Merat being forced to to admit how great you are. You couldn't resist showboating a little even if you tried.<<br>>
However, Merat proves to be anything but patient with your bravado, quickly interrupting you with a snapped <<merat "Oh for the gods' sake, quit your pathetic simulacra of pretention, would you?">><<br>>
You flash him a glare - he's the one who asked.<<br>>
<<merat "I'm not going to stand here and hear you posture like you're anything other than a blithering imbecile.">> He asserts. <<merat "But... I suppose it matters not, you've still somehow managed to get results, and that's what matters.">>
<<case "friends">>
If it wasn't for Simone helping you out then you would have been dead even before the end of the day that Merat had met you on. And during the activities, where Simone couldn't be with you to help you along, it's been Jacques and Elodie's thoughtfulness that has been the only thing keeping you from falling apart and making a mess of everything. This isn't your victory, it's theirs.<<br>>
<<merat "Ahh, I should have expected as such. The ability the manipulate others into doing your bidding means that you can pass any trial even despite //utter incompetence// in every other area of expertise.">><<br>>
You frown. It doesn't sound like he understands the idea of 'friendship' at all, but you doubt that you could even begin to explain it to him.
<<case "luck">>
There's no grand trick to your survival, and certainly no skill either. At every turn you've only just managed to get through it by the skin of your teeth by luck alone. It's been absolutely terrifying!<<br>>
You can practically see what little esteem Merat had held you in fade away in front of your eyes at the reveal.<<br>>
<<merat "What a wretched little comedy of errors.">> He sneers. <<merat "Still, I suppose that in this business, being //lucky// still stands for something...">>
<<merat "You might be cretinous worm, but you can prove to be... useful to me.">> He says, speaking slowly and picking his words carefully. <<merat "And if you can help me out, I think that you'll find that this little 'trap' that you've found yourself in may end up becoming //unraveled//.">><<br>>
You look at him carefully, trying to work out his intentions. He doesn't meet your gaze. On a normal person that might be a sign that he's lying to you, but on Merat, to whom lying seems as second-nature as breathing, the action seems oddly sincere.<br>
<span id="replace"><br>
<<link "Hear him out">>
<<set $day6meratOffer to "listened">>
<<goto day6meratDucalOffer3>>
<<link "Reject his offer">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#replace">>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferDecline">>
</span>Merat smiles at your begrudging acceptance. The odd, false smile of a man to whom it doesn't come naturally and has had to learn it from pictures.<<br>>
<<merat "I tire of the Queen.">> He explains. <<merat "I've learnt everything that I can from her, and now she is worthless to me.">><<br>>
<<merat "The problem is that the royal bitch uses certain... //methods// to keep her subordinates in line. A fact that I'm sure that you're very familiar with. One can't simply //leave// her employ, not without a //plan//.">><<br>>
<<merat "Tomorrow there's to be one of those vapid little banquets. My efforts are coming to fruition, and it's a rare opportunity to enact them, but as Spymaster I won't be allowed up to the head table. You, however, will be in the ideal position.">><<br>>
Merat reaches into his pocket and plucks out an item. It's a ball, only an inch in diameter and shiny - much like a ball-bearing.<<br>>
<<merat "Place this in liquid. The drinks of anyone at the table will do, even your own. So long as she's nearby it will still be more than effective. You'll be rewarded for it with your freedom.">><<br>>
<<set $day6meratOfferArray to ["what", "trust", "why"]>>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferLinker">><<if $day6meratOfferArray.includes("what")>>
<<link "What will it do?">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferWhat">>
<<if $day6meratOfferArray.includes("kill")>>
<<link "Are you planning to kill the Queen?">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferKill">>
<<if $day6meratOfferArray.includes("safe")>>
<<link "What's to stop me from being caught up in the gas?">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferSafe">>
<<if $day6meratOfferArray.includes("why")>>
<<link "What does the Queen have on you?">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferWhy">>
<<if $day6meratOfferArray.includes("trust")>>
<<link "How do I know that I can trust you?">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferTrust">>
<<if $day6meratOfferArray.length is 0>>
<<link "Agree with his plan">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferAgree">>
<<link "I'm not going through with this">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalOfferDecline">>
<</link>><<run $day6meratOfferArray.delete("what")>>
Merat idly plays with the ball in his hand, deftly passing it between his fingers.<<br>>
<<merat "A chemical that I have acquired, suspended within a thin metal casing which corrodes rapidly when submerged in liquid. First the outer layer becomes porous, and then when the chemical inside is released it expands outward - fast, in the form of a noxious gas.">><<br>>
He glances at you arrogantly. <<merat "Simple //chemistry// - more than I expect you to be able to understand, granted, but your full grasp of the matter is unimportant. Your role is rudimentary enough that even someone as simple as //you// can be trusted to enact it without fail.">><<br>>
<<run $day6meratOfferArray.push("kill")>>
<<run $day6meratOfferArray.push("safe")>>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferLinker">><<run $day6meratOfferArray.delete("kill")>>
You ask whether Merat means to kill the Queen with this plot.<<br>>
Merat scoffs. <<merat "The gas isn't poisonous.">> He assures you. <<merat "Merely a sedative that will send her and the others soundly asleep while I set about my task.">><<br>>
You fix him a steady look. That still doesn't answer your question.<<br>>
The spymaster's eyes glimmer with amusement. <<merat "Ahh, how very //astute// of you. Yes, I suppose that she will be easy to dispatch once asleep.">><<br>>
<<merat "I plan to be free of the woman's influence.">> He explains, breaking eye contact to pace lightly from side to side. <<merat "Her death isn't necessary for that, and would only complicate matters. I doubt that the King would take such a thing //lightly//, and I'd rather not be the subject of an international manhunt if I can help it. Murder is //compelling//, but wouldn't suit my needs.">><<br>>
It's a reasonable argument, but coming from Merat you're not completely convinced.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferLinker">><<run $day6meratOfferArray.delete("safe")>>
If it's releasing a gas, what's to keep you from getting caught up in it too?<<br>>
<<merat "Why, nothing at all.">> Merat says, as if it were obvious.<<br>>
You make an expression at him.<<br>>
He shrugs, a gesture that seems inauthentically casual on him. <<merat "The gas will need to be inhaled to be effective - I //suppose// that you could simply hold your breath. Though if you're going that far then I advise beating a hasty and rapid retreat the moment you make your move, else you'll still be caught in it when your lungs give out. I honestly couldn't care less.">><<br>>
It's not very reassuring, but it's something.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferLinker">><<run $day6meratOfferArray.delete("why")>>
You ask Merat how the Queen is keeping control over him, to necessitate such a scheme.<<br>>
Merat gives you a deeply unamused expression. <<merat "If you really think that I'm foolish enough to tell you such a thing, then you're //deeply// mistaken.">><<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferLinker">><<run $day6meratOfferArray.delete("trust")>>
You ask how Merat thinks that you can trust him.<<br>>
Merat's eyes glimmer with amusement at the question.<<br>>
<<merat "You can't.">> He states plainly. <<merat "I think you'll find that I'm rather //famously// untrustworthy.">><<br>>
<<merat "Though, to offer a counterargument.">> He continues airily. <<merat "Ask yourself - what other option do you even have, to be free from your current predicament? Beggars can't be choosers, and as far as I can see you're quite //impoverished//.">><<br>>
You grit your teeth. You hate to admit it, but he might be right about that.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalOfferLinker">><<unset $day6meratOfferArray>>
<<set _ducalOffer to true>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day6meratOffer to true>>
As plans go, it couldn't really get any more suspicious than this. Merat's a scorpion - it's in his nature to betray. However, there's some safety in that - it feels like the person who he's //really// trying to betray isn't you, but the Queen, you're playing to his nature rather than against it.<<br>>
You don't believe for a second that he'll help you out in any way once he's done the deed, even if he did then you wouldn't trust in that support enough to take him up on it, but you only stand to gain from the Queen's control over things becoming destabilized - <<if $day5concludeMood is "escape" or $day5concludeMood is "scared" or $day5concludeMood is "relief">>it could be just the opportunity you need to escape independently<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "hate">>it'll be the perfect tool to punish her for what she's done to you<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "bargain">>it'll be the perfect opportunity to curry favor with her so you can come out of this even richer<</if>>.<<br>>
Merat makes a cruel smile at your acceptance, but the expression it doesn't reach his eyes. <<merat "Perfect. Just drop it into someone's drink at the banquet tomorrow, and I'll take care of all the rest.">><<br>>
<<merat "Here, take it.">> He says, throwing the small ball towards you so that you're forced to scrabble to catch it.<<br>>
It's heavier than you were expecting, and its outer casing seems much the same as most metals you've felt, but you don't trust the idea of giving it a more thorough inspection - unlike Merat you're not wearing gloves, and you'd rather not smear it with the grease and sweat from your hand for fear of causing the reaction early.<<br>>
Whoever designed your clothing clearly didn't think to add pockets, so it takes you a short while to find a suitable place to stow it without it becoming crushed or rubbing against your flesh. By the time you've done so, Merat has already moved on - returning to the task of searching through the room as if none of this has ever happened. You decide to do the same.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">><<unset $day6meratOfferArray>>
<<set _ducalOffer to true>>
<<if _firstPassage is true>>
<<if $day5concludeMood is "relief">>
You still don't fully understand it yourself, but to be honest the //last// thing that you want is to be free of this situation. Then you'd be forced back into your old life, and that thought fills you with dread.<<check "Based on your enthusiasm for being a princess.">><<br>>
That said, the last thing that you want is for Merat to suspect that you're nursing such thoughts, so you try to phrase your rejection in a way that hides it.
You don't trust Merat in the slightest, and you're not going to give him the opportunity to inevitably betray you. You're not going along with anything that he says.
You were willing to entertain Merat's idea at first, but this is sounding way too dangerous and suspicious for you to go along with.
The spymaster sniffs irritably at your rejection. Annoyed, but not terribly put-out.<<br>>
<<merat "If you're really such a fool as to think that you have any chance whatsoever to get out of the Queen's clutches by yourself, be my guest. Just don't expect another chance when it becomes clear to you what a mistake you've just made.">><<br>>
Then, like you've become completely uninteresting to him, he turns back to the task at hand of searching through the room, leaving you to do the same.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">><<merat "Ahh, finally.">> Comes Merat's voice after a little more searching.<<br>>
You glance over to see his slender body hunched over a suitcase that had been kept under the bed.<<br>>
As he reaches inside you crane your neck to try to catch a glimpse of his prize, but all that you can make out is a brief flash of an ornate leather pouch before it's stuffed into the inside-pocket of Merat's waistcoat.<<br>>
He pushes the suitcase back under the bed and straightens out to his full lanky height again. <<merat "That's all we came here to acquire. Now to get back without being caught - this debacle has taken more time than we can afford">><<br>>
You're not foolish enough to try to ask him what he found - there's no way he'd tell you. Oh well, you've still learnt plenty about the duke and duchess by yourself.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratOffer is true>>
<<merat "Come on. The sooner I'm rid of you the better.">><<br>>
A part of you had been wondering if agreeing to be Merat's accomplice would mean he would go easier on you, but neither his words nor his glare are any less harsh than before. Asshole.<<br>>
After a brief moment where Merat meticulously surveys the suite to ensure that everything is as close to the way that it had been when the two of you had entered as possible, he leads you outside back into the winding corridors of the Bastille.
After a brief hold-up where Merat meticulously surveys the suite and ensures that everything is as close to the way that it had been when the two of you had entered as possible, he leads you outside back into the winding corridors of the Bastille.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturn">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCorridor to 'merat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfStop'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfWarn'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfFollow'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chatChat'" "day6meratCover to 'lovers'" "day6meratCover to 'merat'" "day6meratCover to 'lost'" "day6meratCover to 'lostBite'" "day6meratCover to 'argue'">>
The claustrophobic stone corridors of the Bastille de la Sainte are as barren and eerie as ever - if not even more so, now that the sun has departed and sent everything even deeper into shadow.<<br>>
As you and Merat wind back through the hallways, you find yourself quickly falling into a similar rhythm as you had when you'd arrived -
<<if $day6meratCorridor is "merat">>
hanging on every one of Merat's movements, following his unspoken commands swiftly and obediently.
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfWarn">>
working in begrudgingly-unified tandem with the spymaster to smoothly and efficiently progress.
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfFollow">>
pretending to be completely ignorant as to the tricks that he's using to navigate.
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "chatChat" or $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">>
both of you stewing in resentment at having to suffer each other's presence.
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "chat">>
following his lead carefully as he leads you back to safety.
The spymaster seems tense, frequently gesturing for you to speed up and looking irritated whenever the two of you are forced to stop to let a patrol past - no doubt some time constraint is drawing perilously near.<<br>>
Suddenly he freezes in place, gesturing for you to do the same. <<if $day6meratCorridor.includes("self") is true>>You can hear why - the sound of guardsmen drawing close swells in your ears.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day6meratCover is "lovers">>
You do as he signals, but scarcely have you come to a halt when you see his posture shift - straightening out of his low, stealthy creep back up to his full lanky height. He glances over at you with the same disdainful scorn that you're used to, before stepping towards you like he's completely forgotten that you're meant to be exfiltrating enemy territory.<<br>>
You eye him warily, not sure what he's playing at and too scared of making noise that will attract guards to ask him what he's doing. As he advances you move backwards to match him, step for step, but that just means that within a few paces you're backed up against a wall. Just when you're about to duck out of the way, as if he can tell what you're about to do, Merat's hand lunges forward to slam palm-flat against the wall next to you, blocking your escape route with his arm.<<br>>
Your eyes flicker back to his face, which seems terrifyingly close now. His mouth creases open into a predatory, fox-like smile, but his ice-blue eyes remain as hateful and lacking in warmth as ever. <<br>>
<<merat "I've had enough of these //games// between us.">> He snarls, in a voice far too loud for stealth. <<merat "Allow me to take them to fruition.">><<br>>
And then he leans forward, his face pressing into yours until you feel his thin lips press against your own - before they part and his tongue, as slick and wet as an eel, comes forward to probe against your mouth, sliding and slipping against your lips as if trying to press inside.<<br>>
<<link "Push him away">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "loversPush">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLovers">>
<<link "Let it happen">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "loversLet">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLovers">>
<<link "Take things further and turn the tables on him">>
<<set $vixen + 2>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "loversAnte">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLovers">>
<<elseif $day6meratCover is "argue">>
You do as he signals, but scarcely have you come to a halt when you see his posture shift - straightening up out of his low, stealthy creep back up to his full lanky height. You eye him warily, wondering what he's playing at but too nervous to say something and risk attracting the attention of guards.<<br>>
However, Merat doesn't seem to share your concern in the slightest. His hand lashes out to grasp onto your wrist and twist it towards himself painfully. <<merat "You really are a //nuisance//, you know.">> He snarls, his spiteful voice loud enough to echo off the bare stonework.<<br>>
You blink in surprise. You know that he hates your guts and resents you being here, but is now really the time for this?<<br>>
<<merat "You'd be much better for it you just learnt to keep your mouth //shut// and do exactly what her Majesty told you to, instead of clinging so wretchedly to your pathetic ideas of rebellion.">> Merat continues, practically shouting now. <<merat "Maybe then I wouldn't have my day //ruined// by having to babysit you!">><<br>>
<<link "Stare at him, wounded and offended">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "argueStare">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnStare">>
<<link "Shout right back at him">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "argueShout">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnShout">>
<<if $auth gte 4>>
<<link "Verbally rip him to shreds for daring to raise his voice at me">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "argueGood">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnArgueAuth">>
<<fail "Verbally rip him to shreds for daring to raise his voice at me" "Authority 4 required">>
<<elseif $day6meratCover.includes("lost") is true>>
You do as he signals, but scarcely have you come to a halt when you see his posture shift - straightening out of his low, stealthy creep back up to his full lanky height. You eye him warily, wondering what he's playing at but too nervous to risk saying something and possibly attracting the attention of guards.<<br>>
However, Merat doesn't seem to share your concern in the slightest. His hand lashes out to grasp onto your wrist and twist it towards himself painfully. <<merat "You really are //pathetic//, you know.">> He snarls, his spiteful voice loud enough to echo off the bare stonework.<<br>>
You blink in surprise. You know that he hates your guts and resents you being here, but is now really the time for this?<<br>>
<<merat "You're so nauseatingly //spineless// that even the most slight of all possible situations leaves you desperately scrabbling to appease everyone around you. Begging for scraps like a dog at the table.">> Merat continues, practically shouting now. <<merat "And then when someone makes it clear to you that your cloying behavior isn't getting you anywhere other than scorn, all you can do is cry and moan and shut down about it.">><<br>>
<<link "What an asshole. Shout right back at him!">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "lostShout">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnShout">>
<<link "Stare at him in shock">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "lostStare">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnStare">>
<<if $cute gte 4>>
<<link "Break down in tears">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "lostCry">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCry">>
<<fail "Break down in tears" "Cuteness 4 required">>
<<elseif $day6meratCover is "merat">>
You do as he signals, but scarcely have you come to a halt when you see his posture shift - straightening out of his low, stealthy creep back up to his full lanky height. You eye him warily, wondering what he's playing at but too nervous to risk saying something and possibly attracting the attention of guards.<<br>>
However, Merat doesn't seem to share your concern in the slightest. <<merat "You really are a //nuisance//, you know.">> He snarls, his spiteful voice loud enough to echo off the bare stonework.<<br>>
You blink in surprise. You know that he hates your guts and resents you being here, but is now really the time for this?<<br>>
<<merat "A useless inconvenience. Always getting in the way, always making trouble. Making a mess out of everything and then daring to stand there feeling indignant about it.">> Merat continues, practically shouting now. <<merat "The sooner you learn your place and quit your nauseating efforts to excise some pathetic sense of //freedom// the better. Maybe then you'll have the dignity to shut up as well, and we'll all be free of your pitiable attempt at a personality.">><<br>>
<<link "Insult him right back!">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "meratShout">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnShout">>
<<link "Endure his cruelty">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "meratStare">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnStare">>
<<if $grace gte 4>>
<<link "Calmly and eloquently defend myself">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day6meratCatch to "meratGood">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnMeratGrace">>
<<fail "Calmly and eloquently defend myself" "Grace 4 required">>
<</if>><<set $aurora.name to "Bastille Guard Captain">>
<<set $aurora.desc to "The guard captain of the Bastille.">>
/* <<setter "day6meratCatch to 'argueStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueGood'">>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
You look at him with all of the offended hurt of a wounded animal.<<br>>
Merat continues, completely unabashed by your meekness. If anything, the display only makes him come at you more furiously. <<merat "You're like an over-ripe fruit. So used to comfort and ease that you've become spoilt and //rotten//.">> He sneers.<<br>>
He's being completely unfair and you know it, but that doesn't mean that you can hear such things without still feeling completely put-upon by them. Every cruel word is like a strike to the gut.<<br>>
<<merat "One of these days you're going to have to stop being such an //indignant brat// and get with the fucking program already, or else your mother is going to send you to a nunnery and you'll find that none of your selfish little tricks will get you //anywhere// there. And maybe the crown will be richer for your absence!">><<br>>
You're so caught up in the moment that it takes you a few moments where you can feel pin-pricks of tears trying to well up in your eyes before you realize that what he's saying doesn't quite match your situation.<<br>>
Suddenly a voice calls out behind you. <<aurora "That's quite enough of that, Spymaster. You've no right to speak to her royal highness like this!">><<br>>
Your eyes open wide in surprise and you turn around to find that the two of you are surrounded by almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen, looking at Merat with barely-disguised anger. Among them, a stern-faced female guard captain surveys the scene with a glower.<<br>>
Oh, right! You remember the cover that you and Merat agreed on, that you've flew off after an argument with the Queen!
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "argueShout">>
You're not going to stand here and let him say all these things to you. Who gives a shit about anyone overhearing you - you shout in his face about what a shitbag he's being to you.<<br>>
It's not a well considered argument, but it doesn't have to be - you're just letting off steam and throwing all your emotion straight back at him.<<br>>
Merat's own tone rises up to match your own. <<merat "One of these days you're going to have to stop being such an //indignant brat// and get with the fucking program already, or else your mother is going to send you to a nunnery and you'll find that none of your spoilt little tricks will get you //anywhere// there. And maybe the crown will be richer for your absence!">><<br>>
You're so caught up in the moment that it takes you half-way through your outraged reply before you realize that what he's saying doesn't quite match your situation.<<br>>
<<aurora "If the two of you are //quite// finished.">> Calls a voice from behind Merat's back. <<aurora "State your business, intruders.">><<br>>
You spin on your heels and find yourself face-to-face with almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen, looking somewhat bemused by the argument that you'd been caught in the middle of. Among them, a stern-faced female guard captain levels you a penetrating glare.<<br>>
Oh right, shit! You remember the cover that you and Merat agreed on - that you've flew off after an argument with the Queen.
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "argueGood">> */
He doesn't have the right to demean you like this, and you have the skills to make that fact perfectly clear to him.<<br>>
You muster up every ounce of arrogant superiority that you can manage and let it burst out of you like a tidal wave, berating him fiercely for having the foolish stupidity to dare to raise his voice at you.<<br>>
Such is the force of your entitled rage that you see Merat blink in surprise in the face of it, having not expected you to be capable of anything like it. You don't let the sense of smug satisfaction that glows in you to deter you in the slightest, and continue your tirade with such strength that you almost seem to push him backwards.<<br>>
As you step forward, practically chasing him towards the walls, you're suddenly interrupted by a polite cough from behind you.<br>
<<section "argueSection1">>
<<aurora "If the two of you are //quite// finished.">> Calls a voice from behind you. <<aurora "State your business, intruders.">><<br>>
You spin around, still full of righteous fury, and find yourself face-to-face with almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen, all staring at you with intimidated nervousness. All except a stern-faced female guard captain, who levels you a penetrating glare.
<<section "argueSection2">>
You blink in surprise. Shit! Of course - you remember the cover that you and Merat agreed on earlier, that you've flown off after having an argument with the Queen.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _argueSection1>><<br>>
<<print _argueSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _argueSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _argueSection2>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnShout2">>
/* :: day6meratReturnArgueAuth2
<<setter "day6meratCatch to 'argueStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueGood'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chatChat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfStop'" "day6meratCorridor to 'merat'">>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
Merat turns on the guardsmen angrily. <<merat "What do you know? Just ten minutes ago she was //screaming// at the Queen at the top of her lungs. The fact that she's gotten coy the moment that she's about to receive the comeuppance of her actions just makes thing worse. I'm under strict orders from her Majesty herself to stop this //tantrum//, remand her for her //impudence//, and drag her back to her carriage where she belongs!">><<br>>
You can see more than a few of the guardsmen make meaningful glances towards the swelling on one side of your face, and the small indention of a ring. It hardly endears you to any role other than the victim, no matter how Merat tries to spin it - a fact that's sure to be part of the spymaster's plan.<<br>>
<<aurora "Whatever goes on between within the royal family are none of our business, bar our position as loving subjects.">> Says the captain, tactfully choosing her words carefully to not risk political problems. <<aurora "But you are in the //Bastille//. Certain authorities have been given to us by the law of this land, and you're in a restricted area.">><<br>>
Merat sneeringly objects, playing his part to a tee. <<merat "Only because the Princess took it on herself to run off this way. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">> But before he can finish he's coolly interrupted.<<br>>
<<aurora "We have the mandate of //Saint Joules herself// to see that both of you are delivered back to your carriages. And if me and the boys choose to take the two of you //separately// so that she doesn't have to listen to a single word more of your //crass indecorum//, then that's just how things are going to be, spymaster.">><<br>>
<<aurora "However, before that.">> The captain shifts her posture.
<<if $day6meratCorridor is "chatChat">>
<<aurora "We'll need to make sure that nothing //suspicious// was going on here. We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A man's voice shouting if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes narrow at Merat <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, //spymaster//?">>
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">>
<<aurora "We'll need to make sure that nothing //suspicious// was going on here, //spymaster//.We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A young lady, if I remember correctly.">> She glances over at you penetratingly. <<aurora "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">>
<<aurora "We'll need to make sure that nothing //suspicious// was going on here, //spymaster//.">>
You can feel the situation beginning to slip into peril. You consider if you can do anything to help your case.
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "argueShout" or $day6meratCatch is "argueGood">>
Merat sneers at the guards like they're a nuisance - playing his part to a tee. <<merat "I think you'll find that this is //royal// business. But if you really must know, her Highness has had an indignant little //spat// with her Majesty. I'm under orders to stop this //tantrum//, remand her for her //impudence//, and drag her back to her carriage where she belongs.">><<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Good")>>
Merat's stuffy manner is enough to send a few sniggers through the less mature guardsmen, given the state that they'd found the two of you in. One mutters to his fellow in a voice just loud enough for everyone to hear <<blue "Yeah, more like get an absolute bollocking from her.">><<br>>
However, those are only the ones who haven't noticed the swelling on one side of your face, and the tell-tale pressure mark on where the ring finger would be. Those who do know that this is nothing to laugh about.
You can see the eyes of a few of the guardsmen harden as they notice the swelling on one side of your face, and the tell-tale pressure mark on where the ring finger would be. This is nothing as benign as simple childish rebelliousness.
<<aurora "We, as loving subjects, are dearly sorry to hear of any strife within the royal family.">> The captain says, choosing her words diplomatically. <<aurora "However, such matters are utterly //irrelevant// to the case at hand. The fact of the matter is that the two you are within a restricted area.">><<br>>
Merat sneeringly objects, playing his part to a tee. <<merat "Only because the Princess took it on herself to run off this way. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">> But before he can finish he's coolly interrupted.<<br>>
<<aurora "It is our responsibility as guards of the Bastille to ensure that any and every problem is addressed fairly and rigorously. No matter //whom// it may concern.">> The captain states.
<<if $day6meratCorridor is "chatChat">>
<<aurora "We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A man's voice shouting if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes narrow at Merat <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, //spymaster//?">>
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">>
<<aurora "We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A young lady, if I remember correctly.">> She glances over at you penetratingly. <<aurora "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">>
You can feel the situation beginning to slip into peril. You consider if you can do anything to help your case.
<</if>><<br>> */
/* <<if $auth gte 3 and $day6meratCatch isnot "argueStare">>
<<link "Threaten them with your influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "After looking so meek and put-upon in front of the guards, you doubt that they'll find you very authoritative">>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "Authority 3 required">>
<<if $grace gte 3 and $day6meratCatch isnot "argueShout">>
<<link "Gracefully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "argueShout">>
<<fail "Gracefully defuse the situation" "After being such shouting so indignantly, you doubt that you seem particularly graceful right now">><br>
<<fail "Gracefully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required">>
<<if $cute gte 3 and $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch isnot "argueStare">>
<<fail "Use your cuteness to get out of this" "You seem anything but cute right now, given how angrily you were shouting">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Fail">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnFail">>
<</link>> */You know that you're practically proving Merat completely right by doing it, but you just can't help yourself. You break out into open weeping.<<br>>
Merat's a sadist and an asshole, and you shouldn't let anything that he says effect you in the slightest, but his words hit you where you're weakest - exactly what you're most self-conscious about yourself.<<br>>
Just a week ago all of these feelings would have been alien to you. You lived your life in this invincible-feeling bubble of safety. Your emotions hidden behind a great dam that kept them constrained, only letting the lightest trickle through at a time. It wasn't healthy, but you were so fucking //functional//. In comparison, now you're a fragile mess, and everything that Merat is saying feels completely true.<<br>>
Maybe there's catharsis here; maybe allowing yourself to feel all of your emotions fully will let you come out the other end a more well-rounded and mentally healthy person, but for right now it just //hurts//. All of your mental callouses have been wiped away and every minor blow, which you'd previously barely feel through your armor, hurts so badly that you can barely manage to do anything without getting overwhelmed. You wish that there was a way to switch it on or off - to explore this vulnerability when it's safe and protect yourself once more when you have to deal with shitbags like Merat, but now that you've opened yourself up to feeling everything fully there's no way to go back to how things once were. For now, it feels like you made a terrible mistake, and you long to cover yourself once more in the sweet cloak of dissociation to cushion yourself and hide from it all.<<br>>
There's a cruel irony here that your anxiety about being more emotional has led to you crying about it in front of someone you hate to show weakness to. Merat doesn't give you any sympathy whatsoever. <<merat "See? What did I tell you - the moment anyone tells you just how //pitiful// you are, you're so desperate for everyone to //like// you that all you can do is shut down and cry like an infant. It's absolutely pathetic!">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCry2">>
<</link>><<set $aurora.name to "Bastille Guard Captain">>
<<set $aurora.desc to "The guard captain of the Bastille.">>
This isn't a few stray tears escaping your eyes - it's ugly bawling, pouring down your cheeks in a tidal wave. Your vision of Merat becomes completely obscured in the waterworks until he's merely a dark smudge, gesticulating viciously at you.<<br>>
<<merat "Maybe if your response to being lost by yourself wasn't to lay down and cry your eyes out like an infant in the vain hope that your //mother// will come and fix everything, then you'd have the fucking self-sufficiency to actually do something for //yourself// for once!">><<br>>
You're so caught up in the emotion that you barely even register that what he's saying doesn't quite match your situation.<br>
<<section "crySection1">>
Suddenly a voice calls out. <<aurora "Stop right there, you //monster//!">> Shouts a woman's voice nearby. <<aurora "How //dare// you make her Highness cry like this!">><<br>>
The surprise is enough to make you jump, but from behind your tears you have no idea what's going on until you manage to rub them out of your eyes. After to scrabble to do so, you find yourself surrounded by a dozen Bastille guardsmen, flanked around you protectively with bayonets trained on Merat. Leading the bunch is a stern-faced female guard captain, staring at Merat hatefully.
<<section "crySection2">>
Somewhere in the back of your mind, the memory of the cover that you and Merat agreed on hits you - that you got lost and afraid in the Bastille. That explains Merat's behavior - but with tears still stinging your eyes you're a long way from forgiving him right now.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _crySection1>><<br>>
<<print _crySection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _crySection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _crySection2>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnStare2">>
<</link>><<set $aurora.name to "Bastille Guard Captain">>
<<set $aurora.desc to "The guard captain of the Bastille.">>
Merat is being unfair, foolish, and most of all completely rude. A week ago you might have dropped the moral high ground to argue with him indignantly, but you've since learnt how to handle matters with much more decorum.<<br>>
Making clear, concise, and sophisticated points, you calmly pick apart everything that he's saying with calm precision.<<br>>
Such is the force of your graceful riposte that you can see Merat blink in surprise in the face of it, having not expected that you were remotely capable of such a thing. You feel a wave of smug satisfaction swell inside you at seeing him shut up for once, but you don't let the private indignant thought break through your elegant facade.<<br>>
Merat occasionally offers a counter argument, or else just a barely-disguised insult, but is soon forced to realize that doing so only gives you more fuel to use against him.<<br>>
You've long since finished arguing against what he said to you, and have moved onto more general points about him as a person, when suddenly you're interrupted by a voice calling out to you<br>
<<section "argueSection1">>
<<aurora "Well said, your Highness.">> Calls a strong, confident woman's voice. <<aurora "Some pests need to be shown their place.">><<br>>
You spin around and find yourself face-to-face with almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen, they must have arrived while you were chewing Merat out! Most are looking at you with cowed and awed expressions, but the stern-faced guard captain still levels you a penetrating glare above her thin smile.
<<section "argueSection2">>
You blink in surprise. Shit! Of course - you remember the cover that you and Merat agreed on earlier, that you persuaded the Queen to let you tour the Bastille, with Merat as an escort. That must be what he was doing!
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _argueSection1>><<br>>
<<print _argueSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _argueSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _argueSection2>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace2">>
<</link>>Merat flashes the crowd a glare that could curdle milk, infuriated at having his humiliation be a public display. However he quickly regains his entitled attitude. <<merat "This is none of your concern. Me and her Highness were just out for a walk around the Bastille.">><<br>>
Merat's stuffy manner is enough to send a few sniggers through the less mature guardsmen, given the state that they'd found the two of you in. One mutters to his fellow in a voice just loud enough for everyone to hear <<blue "Some bloody walk. More like getting chewed out by 'er.">><<br>>
The captain shuts up the commentary with rap of her heel on the stonework before replying <<aurora "And could you explain to me, spymaster, how the two of you have ended up in the //restricted area// on your walk?">><<br>>
Merat doesn't even flinch at the accusation. If anything he seems to get back into the flow of things. <<merat "Her Highness //demanded// to come this way, and I'm sure you'll find that once the Princess has a foolish idea in her head, not even her parents can dispel it">> He says with a shrug. <<merat "Besides, it's not like it's signposted. Maybe if you guardsmen were doing your job correctly then someone could have sent us back, instead of letting us waltz right in without even realizing.">><<br>>
The captain's jaw tightens at the insult. <<aurora "If her Highness desired a tour of the Bastille, we would have been happy to guide her ourselves.">> She states, resentfully being careful in her words to avoid a diplomatic incident. <<aurora "Don't you think that would make more sense than waylaying such an important and...">> she looks him up and down with distaste, <<aurora "disreputable character to escort her?">><<br>>
A thin, mocking smile briefly crosses the spymaster's face. <<merat "Oh, if you //really// think that the Queen would ever //imagine// entrusting a task so important to a bunch of yokel nobodies, then you're //sorely// mistaken.">> He replies, arrogantly savoring each word, indulging in his superior position to make up for before.<<br>>
His rudeness might have more effect if only his reputation wasn't already in tatters from getting verbally torn apart by you. Despite the amused glances her subordinates are flashing each other, the captain still picks her words carefully.<<br>>
<<aurora "It is our responsibility as guards of the Bastille to ensure that any and every problem is addressed fairly and rigorously. No matter //whom// it may concern.">> She states, her gaze glancing between you penetratingly.
<<if $day6meratCorridor.includes("chat")>>
<<aurora "We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A man's voice shouting if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes settle Merat <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, //spymaster//?">>
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">>
<<aurora "We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A young lady, if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes settle on you. <<aurora "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">>
You can feel the situation beginning to slip out of control. You consider if you can do anything to help your case.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "Authority 3 required">>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "No skill check required, after being seen acting with so much dignity">><br>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Fail">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnFail">>
<</link>><<set $aurora.name to "Bastille Guard Captain">>
<<set $aurora.desc to "The guard captain of the Bastille.">>
<<setter "day6meratCatch to 'loversPush'" "day6meratCatch to 'loversLet'" "day6meratCatch to 'loversAnte'">>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "loversPush">>
Your response is immediate and instinctual, pushing the spymaster off of you in disgust.<<br>>
It gives you a brief glimpse of wriggle room, but not much. Within a few moments he's back on you, undeterred by your feeble attempts at resistance. His cold wet tongue once again tries to force itself into your body, wriggling against your lips. One of his hands reaches up to grab your head by the hair to stop you from being able to move away from him. As a result, every now and again his frantic movements mean that he ends up clobbering your skull against the wall behind you, and you have no idea whether it's by accident or else an intentional trick to keep you dazed and helpless - if it is, then it's working.<<br>>
His tongue finally penetrates your lips and reaches your clenched teeth beneath, rubbing sickeningly over your gums. You have just enough wherewithal remaining to take action - jabbing your knee upwards between his legs to kick into his crotch. It takes two attempts, the first falling short of its target because you hadn't fully accounted for your now-shorter stature, but the latter finds its mark. You can hear a satisfying grunt of pain from the spymaster.<<br>>
He takes a step backwards, giving you a moment to gaspingly catch your breath outside of the suffocating closeness of Merat's presence, but then he strikes back. A backhanded slap strikes you straight across the face so hard that you'd be seeing stars, if only you weren't doing so already.<<br>>
<<merat "You //bitch//!">> Merat practically screams in your face, his eyes watering from pain. <<merat "I'll make sure you regret this - I'll take it out of your body until you understand that your place is to stand there and take it like the filthy //slut// you are.">><<br>>
He rushes forward to try to ensnare you once more in his horrible, constrictive grasp, but as he does so suddenly he's stopped in place by the appearance of a naked blade between the two of you.<<br>>
For a moment both of you just stare at the bayonet in shock, then your eyes follow it down the musket to find its owner - a Bastille guard captain with an incredibly stern expression on her face, together with almost a dozen guardsmen.<br>
<<section "pushSection1">><<aurora "Stop right there, you rapist piece of shit!">> She commands, her voice simmering with so much rage that you're sure that she's barely managing not the skewer Merat where he stands. Merat sneers at her in return, but it doesn't seem nearly as intimidating when his lanky body is still hunched over from getting kneed in the nuts.<</section>>
<<section "pushSection2">>A few guardsmen take up positions around you, bodily placing themselves as a barrier to keep you safe.<<br>>
Shit! The guards! The plan was to pretend to be lovers with Merat, right? So it was just an act that he was putting on all along.<</section>>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _pushSection1>><<br>>
<<print _pushSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _pushSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _pushSection2>><<br>>
Even despite the realization, you realize that you have tears spilling down your face. Even if it had been an act, it had //felt// real. Your skin crawls from the memory of the sensations that you were just subject to, how helpless you'd been in the face of him. You're sure that the memories will keep you up at night.<<br>>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "loversLet">>
As much to be free of the sensation of his tongue wetly sliding across your face as anything else, you allow your lips to part and let him inside your mouth.<<br>>
Merat kisses like a wolf. No tenderness, no softness - all biting and gnawing like your lips are a chew toy to be ripped to shreds. If it wasn't so purposeful it would seem almost animalistic, but every one seems finely calculated to prey on your senses. Despite everything, the sharp jolt of each bite still manages to make you flinch and gasp, and their release merely leaves you suspended in fear of the next - held in such tension that when the pain finally returns it's almost a blissful relief.<<br>>
And it's not just your mouth which suffers Merat's painful attention. His hands clasp you tightly, not with a tender hold nor a gentle caress but rather a jealous, painful grip that leaves you held as tautly in place as though you've been wrapped up in a web by a spider - completely immobilized, unable to move any more than impotent wriggling. Despite having to go through both his gloves and your clothing, you can still feel the pressure of his nails digging into your flesh like pin-pricks.<<br>>
Your breath soon comes thick and fast and your body shivers under his cruel attention. Your legs go limp underneath you from the overstimulation, leaving you suspended only by his grip. You become dimly aware that your wriggling, which at first was the desperate throes of a trapped animal trying to get away, begins to shift against your wishes into rhythmic gyrations. You hate yourself for it.<br>
<<section "letSection1">>
<<aurora "If the two of you are //quite// finished.">> Calls a voice from behind Merat's back. <<aurora "State your business, intruders.">><<br>>
The interruption is enough to break the spymaster's focus, and you use that lapse to pull yourself free of him. You look around you and yourself face-to-face with a stern-faced female guard captain, surrounded by almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen - gawping at you from behind her back with leering expressions.
<<section "letSection2">>
Fuck, of course - you two are meant to be pretending to be lovers! You rapidly reassess the situation.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _letSection1>><<br>>
<<print _letSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _letSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _letSection2>><<br>>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "loversAnte">>
You open your mouth, letting the spymaster deeper inside of you without resistance, drawing him closer.<<br>>
Merat kisses like a wolf. No tenderness, no softness - all biting and gnawing like your lips are a chew toy to be ripped to shreds. If it wasn't so purposeful it would seem almost animalistic, but each one seems finely calculated to prey on your senses and leave both your mind and body tense and quivering. You're soon raw and stinging from the treatment.<<br>>
And it's not just your mouth which suffers Merat's painful attention. His hands grasp you tightly, not with a tender hold nor a gentle caress but rather a jealous, painful grip that leaves you held taut in place, completely immobilized. Despite having to go through both his gloves and your clothing, you can still feel the pressure of his nails of his nails digging into your flesh like pin-pricks.<<br>>
But you're not going to just stand here and take this lying down.<<br>>
You can see the spymaster's eyes jolt wide open in surprise as you turn the tables on him, your tongue incrementally pushing back his own inch-by-inch like a series of parries in a swordfight, until it's //his// mouth which is completely invaded - your tongue slipping so deep that you practically threaten to reach down his throat. You idly make note of the expression he makes when he gags.<<br>>
The surprise is enough to get him to ease his grasp momentarily, and you leap at the opportunity to flip your bodies around so that it's now him who is held against the wall by you. If he's a wolf, hard and sharp, then you're an octopus - soft, wet, and entangling. When he strains to resist you, you release his lips for a moment to latch onto his slender neck, sucking in a way that's sure to leave a mark and render his long limbs momentarily quivering and impotent. You raise your thigh upwards between his legs, as if offering the spymaster something to rub pathetically against. There's no way that he'll do it, but offering is only polite.<br>
<<section "anteSection1">>
<<aurora "If the two of you are //quite// finished.">> Calls a voice from behind Merat's back. <<aurora "State your business, intruders.">><<br>>
The interruption is enough to break your focus, and Merat uses it to sharply extract himself from your grip. You look around you and yourself face-to-face with a stern-faced female guard captain, surrounded by almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen - gawping at you from behind her back with leering expressions.
<<section "anteSection2">>
Fuck, of course - you two are meant to be pretending to be lovers! You rapidly reassess the situation.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _anteSection1>><<br>>
<<print _anteSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _anteSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _anteSection2>><<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "loversPush">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLoversPush">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLovers2">>
<</if>><<setter "day6meratCatch to 'loversPush'" "day6meratCatch to 'loversLet'" "day6meratCatch to 'loversAnte'">>
Merat straightens out his jacket angrily, seemingly offended at the interruption. <<merat "What is it?">> He snarls. <<merat "Can't you see when a man is //busy//?">><<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "loversAnte">>
His stuffy response is enough to draw a few titters from the less mature guardsmen in attendance. <<blue "Yeah, busy gettin' fuckin' //dommed// by the princess, mate.">> Piques up one.<<br>>
The spymaster levels him a sharp glare, the kind which could cow even the most unruly of mobs into silence were it not for the fact that his pale skin has visibly pinkened a few shades.<<br>>
His stuffy response is enough to draw a few titters from the less mature guardsmen in attendance. <<blue "Yeah, busy macking on the Princess. Someones in fuckin' //troubleeee~//.">> One whispers to the man next to him, in a voice still loud enough to be audible to all.<<br>>
The guard captain puts up a hand to signal the others to silence. <<aurora "You're not meant to be here, spymaster. Members of the royal caravan are restricted to the lower floors only.">><<br>>
<<merat "Yes, but, well...">> Merat begins, doing a decent impression of someone floundering, before 'giving up' and saying. <<merat "The thing is that the lower levels also happen to have her //mother// lurking around, and I'm sure that you quite understand how that might rather //kill the vibe//, as it were.">><<br>>
Despite the seriousness of the situation, the sound of those words coming from Merat's mouth is almost enough to make you break out into laughter. You pretend to cough awkwardly, and hope that it just looks like you're embarrassed. Luckily the guards seem too busy smirking to each other to care.<<br>>
However, the captain seems much less amused. She glances between the two of you suspiciously. <<if $day6meratCorridor is "chatChat">><<aurora "You know, we've had reports of //intruders// lurking around here. A man's voice shouting if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes narrow at Merat. <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">><<br>>
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">><<aurora "You know, we've had reports of //intruders// lurking around here. A young lady, if I remember correctly.">> She glances over at you penetratingly. <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">><<br>><</if>>
You consider whether you can do anything to help your disguise.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 3 and $day6meratCatch isnot "loversLet">>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "loversLet">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "After being caught being dominated, you doubt that you can pass as particularly threatening right now.">>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "Authority 3 required">>
<<fail "Gracefully defuse the situation" "After being caught making out, you doubt that you can pass as particularly graceful right now">><br>
<<if $cute gte 3 and $day6meratCatch isnot "loversAnte">>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "loversAnte">>
<<fail "Use your cuteness to get out of this" "After being caught dominating a man, you doubt that you can pass as particularly cute right now">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Fail">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnFail">>
<</link>>Merat plays the role of the arrogant entitled rapist to a tee - it must come naturally to him. Straightening up to his full height (with difficulty, given the blow he took) he surveys the guards with undisguised scorn.<<br>>
<<merat "Now look here!">> He insists. <<merat "Butt out of it. Go mind your own businesses elsewhere - me and the Princess are //busy// and don't appreciate the interruption!">><<br>>
You can practically here the angry grinding of teeth from the guards around you at his obstinacy.<<br>>
<<aurora "You were forcing yourself on her - the Princess of all people!">> Bellows the guard captain in his face. <<aurora "I've half a mind to gut you right here and now. The world would be a better fucking place for it.">><<br>>
Merat makes a disappointed <<merat "tsk">> sound with his mouth. <<merat "Now look here, you've got completely the wrong idea.">> His eyes lock with your own, and you can't help but feel a tremble go through you. <<merat "She came here with me //willingly//. In fact it was //her// idea in the first place, wasn't it, //your Highness//??">><<br>>
Nothing about the guardsmen's stances make it look like this would be enough to make them give way, but it's still enough for more than a few to attract a few odd glances in your direction.<<br>>
<<link "Nod - he's right, I did">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Nod">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLoversPush2">>
<<link "Shake my head - he's lying">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Shake">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLoversPush2">>
<</link>><<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Nod")>>
You agreed to carry out this 'cover' for Merat earlier - hell, it was even your idea. You might feel really messed up about him right now, but it's kind of your own fault at the end of the day. The least you can do is offer him a little help.<<br>>
You nod your head so that the guards can see it. The reaction is... weird. None of them seem inclined to decide that that's enough to let the spymaster have his way with you - you still have tears in your eyes for the gods' sake; it's clear that regardless of what means he used to get you here he was clearly doing horrible things to you that you didn't deserve. However, that doesn't mean that their reaction is completely benign - the briefest flicker of a sneer, a sniff to hide a scoff - they know how //women// can be - even if they don't agree with what he was doing you might have been leading him on a bit. You can feel a shudder go through you at the sight - what would they be thinking if you weren't the Princess, or the situation was even a little bit less unambiguous?<<br>>
The guard captain, on the other hand, remains as resolute as ever. <<aurora "I don't care what she said.">> She says firmly. <<aurora "I can see scoundrelly when I see it.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("Shake")>>
You were the one to suggest the cover story that you're lovers, and now Merat is paying the consequences for it, but that still isn't enough for you to help him in the slightest.<<br>>
Your reaction is instinctual, coming from the revolted desire to be seen as nothing to do with the man. You shake your head to indicate that he's lying.<<br>>
The stances of the guardsmen around you tense up resolutely at your confirmation of what they'd already been assuming.
<<merat "Listen, I'm an important man in the Capital. You're making a mistake standing against me like this!">> Merat continues, playing his part to perfection.<<br>>
You're sure that the guards won't notice it, but you've been with the man enough to recognize a glimmer of smug satisfaction in his eyes. It scares you at first, but it makes sense - no matter how set the guards are against him, this whole fiasco means that the fact that the two of you were caught where you shouldn't be and could have been infiltrating the Bastille is the last thing on any of the guards' minds, it's a perfect cover. It's creepy as hell, but you're kinda in awe of the ruthlessness that it must take to view a false rape accusation as trifling sacrifice to get the mission done.<<br>>
<<aurora "Listen well, Spymaster.">> The captain growls, not even acknowledging Merat's whining. <<aurora "I'm going to send an escort off with the Princess, and they'll be taking her //directly// to her mother, the Royal Highness.">> She smirks a little, confident that that will prove his comeuppance. <<aurora "We'll see what //she// thinks of your indiscretions.">><<br>>
And with a comforting hand on your shoulder, a group of guardsmen split off from the others to guide you down the corridor.<<br>>
<<aurora "I'll gladly escort you back myself, Spymaster.">> You hear the captain continuing from behind you, still holding holding Merat at bayonet-point. <<aurora "Though I think we might take a few //diversions// along the way, and will have to be delayed.">><<br>>
The last you hear is a heavy //thud// of a punch to the Merat's gut before the exchange goes out of earshot.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnLoversPush3">>
<</link>><<setter "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined">>
You're led stonily, if awkwardly, through the hallways of the Bastille back to the royal carriages. The guards seem plenty sympathetic to your situation, but you doubt that they'd know what to say in these conditions even at the best of times, let alone when you also happen to be their heir to the throne and thus saying the wrong thing could mean a death sentence. However, after one last sob breaks through you, one kindly looking lad offers you his handkerchief to wipe your eyes with.<<br>>
When you arrive, one of the guards steps nervously up to the royal carriage and knocks loudly on the wooden door. A few moments later a voice calls out <<queen "Yes? What is this //interruption// about?">><<br>>
<<blue "Umm, it's your daughter, your Highness. We've bought you here to see you, there's been a... err... situation.">> The guard calls back bravely.<<br>>
<<queen "//Oh//. I //see//.">> Comes the Queen's voice once more, dripping with resigned irritation. <<queen "Very well.">><<br>>
A few seconds later and the door bursts open, and the Queen appears, wearing a lacy silk nightdress that her body seems on the brink of bursting out of with all the confidence of a suit of armor, and looking every bit as disappointed as you'd expect from her. She looks you up and down distastefully. <<queen "You look an absolute mess. I won't stand for such //untidiness//.">><<br>>
The guard coughs to draw attention to himself. <<blue "Ahh, well... you really shouldn't blame her for that. There's been a development that you really should be aware-">> He begins admirably, but is cut off.<<br>>
<<queen "I believe that it's quite my //own// business what I blame my daughter for, don't you? Now leave, I don't care to have my daughter be spoken for by anyone other than myself, least of all when the people attempting to do so are in the employ of my great-aunt.">><<br>>
<<blue "Yes but...">> Tries the guard one last time, foolishly.<<br>>
<<queen "Leave us!">> The Queen commands once more, so sharply that her hair almost seems to stand up around her.<<br>>
With one last sympathetic glance your way, the guard bows. <<blue "Right you are, your Highness.">> And he leads the others away.<<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
The Queen pinches the corners of her eyes like she's warding off a headache. Once they're out of earshot she asks <<queen "Are you safe?">><<br>>
You nod, awkwardly.<<br>>
With one hand she reaches down from her elevated position in the carriage doorway to grasp you tenderly by the chin and move your head side to side to have a better look at you.<<check "Showing an unusual level of care due to the leniency you won with your submission">><<br>>
<<queen "You've been struck, by Merat, from the texture of the leather.">> She says, with a lightest twinge of concern <<queen "Tell me, did you deserve it?">><<br>>
You hesitate. No person deserves being struck, really, but the fact that you didn't follow the plan that you'd been the one to suggest holds your tongue for long enough for the Queen to make her own conclusions before you have a chance to deny it. <<queen "Then whatever nonsense you've gotten yourself caught up in can wait until morning. I don't care to deal with such things now.">>
The Queen pinches the corners of her eyes like she's warding off a headache. Once they're out of earshot she levels you a harsh glare. <<queen "Now get back to your carriage. I don't actually care for getting my information from you any more than I would from them. I'll deal with whatever debacle you've caused in the morning.">>
And with that a burgundy-uniformed royal soldier is summoned to bring you back to your carriage and the Queen's door closes once more.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6return">>
<</link>><<set $aurora.name to "Bastille Guard Captain">>
<<set $aurora.desc to "The guard captain of the Bastille.">>
<<setter "day6meratCatch to 'lostShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'meratShout'">>
You're not going to stand here and let him say all these things to you. Who gives a shit about anyone overhearing you - you shout in his face about what a shitbag he's being.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch isnot "lostShout">>
It's not a well considered argument, but it doesn't have to be - you're just letting off steam and throwing all your emotion straight back at him.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueShout">>
Merat's own volume rises up to match your own. <<merat "One of these days you're going to have to stop being such an //indignant brat// and get with the fucking program already, or else your mother is going to send you to a nunnery and you'll find that none of your spoilt little tricks will get you //anywhere// there. And maybe the crown will be better for your absence!">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostShout">>
Merat seems momentarily thrown off that you're raising your voice to him in return, but quickly redoubles his efforts, his volume rising to match your own. <<merat "Oh so //now// you grow a backbone, do you? Not when your //foolishness// gets you stuck in the middle of nowhere and a bit of //self-sufficiency// might have actually let //do// something instead of crying like a child. You're a disgrace to the throne, a bawling //infant// who can only find the strength to do anything when it's time to be a //brat//!">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratShout">>
Merat's own volume soon rises up to match your own. <<merat "One of these days you're going to have to stop being such a //brat// and get with the fucking program already, and cease being such a constant annoyance that your mother has to waste my time just to be free of your irritation for a few minutes!">>
You're so caught up in the moment that it takes you half-way through your outraged reply before you realize that what he's saying doesn't quite match your situation.<br>
<<section "shoutSection1">>
<<aurora "If the two of you are //quite// finished.">> Calls a voice from behind Merat's back. <<aurora "State your business, intruders.">><<br>>
You spin on your heels and find yourself face-to-face with almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen looking somewhat bemused by the argument that you'd been caught in the middle of. Among them, a stern-faced female guard captain levels you a penetrating glare.
<<section "shoutSection2">>
Oh right, shit! You remember the cover that you and Merat agreed on -
<<if $day6meratCover is "argueShout">>
that you've flew off after an argument with the Queen.
<<elseif $day6meratCover is "lostShout">>
that you got lost and scared in the Bastille.
<<elseif $day6meratCover is "meratShout">>
that he's your escort on a journey around the Bastille that you insisted upon.
that you persuaded the Queen to let you tour the Bastille, with Merat as an escort.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _shoutSection1>><<br>>
<<print _shoutSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _shoutSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _shoutSection2>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnShout2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCatch to 'lostShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'meratShout'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueGood'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chatChat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfStop'" "day6meratCorridor to 'merat'">>
Merat sneers at the guards like they're a nuisance - playing his part to a tee.
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("argue")>>
<<merat "I think you'll find that this is //royal// business. But if you really must know, her Highness has had an indignant little //spat// with her Majesty. I'm under orders to stop this //tantrum//, remand her for her //impudence//, and drag her back to her carriage where she belongs.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("lost")>>
<<merat "I think you'll find that this is //royal// business. But if you really must know, her Highness managed to get herself quite //lost// in the Bastille, and I only just found her - weeping wretchedly by herself.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("merat")>>
<<merat "I think that you'll find that this is //royal// business. But if you really must know - her Highness simply //demanded// to be taken on a walk around the Bastille, and I was the one unfairly assigned the ignoble duty of escorting her.">>
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("argue")>>
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Good")>>
Merat's stuffy manner is enough to send a few sniggers through the less mature guardsmen, given the state that they'd found the two of you in. One mutters to his fellow in a voice just loud enough for everyone to hear <<blue "Yeah, more like get an absolute bollocking from her.">><<br>>
However, those are only the ones who haven't noticed the swelling on one side of your face, and the tell-tale pressure mark on where the ring finger would be. Those who do know that this is nothing to laugh about.
You can see the eyes of a few of the guardsmen harden as they notice the swelling on one side of your face, and the tell-tale pressure mark on where the ring finger would be. This is nothing as benign as simple childish rebelliousness.
<<aurora "We, as loving subjects, are dearly sorry to hear of any strife within the royal family.">> The captain says, choosing her words diplomatically. <<aurora "However, such matters are utterly //irrelevant// to the case at hand. The fact of the matter is that the two you are within a restricted area.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostShout">>
The guard captain casts a wary glance in your direction - after all, shouting like you were you didn't exactly sound like someone who'd just been crying. It's been a while since Merat had done it to you, but from the flicker of sympathy that crosses her face you guess that the puffiness in your eyes still gives you the appearance someone who'd been recently crying.<<br>>
<<aurora "We, as loving subjects, are dearly sorry to hear of the Princess' trouble in navigating the Bastille.">> The captain says, choosing her words diplomatically. <<aurora "However, such matters are utterly irrelevant to the case at hand. The fact of the matter is that the two you are within a restricted area.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratShout">>
The guard captain's eyebrow raises. <<aurora "And you elected to take her straight to a restricted area, did you, //spymaster//?">><<br>>
Merat doesn't even flinch at the accusation, remaining as rudely entitled as ever. <<merat "I'm sure you'll find that once the Princess has a foolish idea in her head, not even her parents have an ounce of a chance dispelling it.">> He says with a shrug. <<merat "Besides, it's not like it's signposted. Maybe if you guardsmen were doing your job correctly then someone could have sent us back, instead of letting us waltz right in without even realizing.">><<br>>
The captain's jaw tightens at the insult. <<aurora "If her Highness desired a tour of the Bastille, we would have been happy to guide her ourselves.">> She states, resentfully being careful in her words to avoid a diplomatic incident. <<aurora "Don't you think that would make more sense than waylaying such an important and...">> she looks him up and down with distaste, <<aurora "disreputable character to escort her?">><<br>>
A thin, mocking smile briefly crosses the spymaster's face. <<merat "Oh, if you //really// think that the Queen would ever imagine entrusting a task so important to a bunch of yokel nobodies, then you're //sorely// mistaken.">> He replies, arrogantly savoring each word, indulging in his superior position.<<br>>
The guardsmen look like they're about to break ranks and clock Merat in the jaw. It's only by their captain's resolute calmness that they remain in line - but you can practically hear her grinding her teeth together.
<<if $day6meratCatch isnot "meratShout">>
Merat sneeringly objects.
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("argue")>>
<<merat "Only because the Princess took it on herself to run off this way. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostShout">>
<<merat "Only because the Princess took it on herself to get lost over here. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">>
But before he can finish he's coolly interrupted.<<br>>
<<aurora "It is our responsibility as guards of the Bastille to ensure that any and every problem is addressed fairly and rigorously. No matter //whom// it may concern.">> The captain states.
<<if $day6meratCorridor.includes("chat")>>
<<aurora "We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A man's voice shouting if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes narrow at Merat <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, //spymaster//?">>
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">>
<<aurora "We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A young lady, if I remember correctly.">> She glances over at you penetratingly. <<aurora "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">>
You can feel the situation beginning to slip out of control. You consider if you can do anything to help your case.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueShout">>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "Authority 3 required">>
<<if $grace gte 5>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 5 check - passed. More challenging since the guards saw you arguing so indignantly">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 5 required. More challenging since the guards saw you arguing so indignantly">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "The guards won't believe that you're cute after learning about how argumentative you are">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "argueGood">>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "No skill check required, after being seen chastising Merat like that">><br>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed.">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required.">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "The guards won't believe that you're cute after seeing you shouting at Merat like that">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostShout">>
<<if $auth gte 5>>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 5 check - passed. More challenging now that they think you were crying by yourself.">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "Authority 5 required. More challenging now that they think you were crying by yourself.">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed.">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required.">>
<<if $cute gte 5>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 5 check - passed. More challenging because the guards saw you shouting.">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 5 required. More challenging because the guards saw you shouting.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratShout">>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "Authority 3 required">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed.">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required.">>
<<if $cute gte 5>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 5 check - passed. More challenging because the guards saw you shouting.">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 5 required. More challenging because the guards saw you shouting.">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Fail">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnFail">>
/* <<if $auth gte 3 and $day6meratCatch.includes("lost") isnot true>>
<<link "Threaten them with your influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 3 check - passed">>
<<elseif $day7meratCatch.includes("lost")>>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "Since they think that you were lost and crying in the Bastille, you doubt that they'll find you particularly authoritative">>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "Authority 3 required">>
<<if $grace gte 3 and $day6meratCatch isnot "argueShout">>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed">>
<<elseif day6meratCatch isnot "argueShout">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "After some of the language you were shouting at Merat, you doubt that you can come out of this looking graceful">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required">>
<<if $cute gte 3 and $day6meratCatch.includes("argue") isnot true>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("argue")>>
<<if $cute gte 5>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 5 check - passed. Made more challenging because the guards think that you had an indignant argument with the Queen.">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 5 required. Made more challenging because the guards think that you had an indignant argument with the Queen.">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Fail">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnFail">>
<</link>> */<<set $aurora.name to "Bastille Guard Captain">>
<<set $aurora.desc to "The guard captain of the Bastille.">>
<<setter "day6meratCatch to 'lostStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'meratStare'">>
You look at him with all of the offended hurt of a wounded animal.<<br>>
Merat continues, completely unabashed by your meekness. If anything, the display only makes him come at you more furiously.
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<merat "You're like an over-ripe fruit. So used to comfort and ease that you've become spoilt and //rotten//.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare">>
<<merat "See? What did I tell you - the moment anyone tells you just how //pitiful// you are, you're so desperate for everyone to //like// you that all you can do is snivel and shut down.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
<<merat "Oh don't give me those pathetic 'say it isn't so' eyes. You're not fooling anyone that you're anything other than a spoilt //child// who's in need of being beaten into obedience.">>
He sneers.<<br>>
He's being completely unfair and you know it, but that doesn't mean that you can hear such things without still feeling completely put-upon by them. Every cruel word stings.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<merat "One of these days you're going to have to stop being such an //indignant brat// and get with the fucking program already, or else your mother is going to send you to a nunnery and you'll find that none of your selfish little tricks will get you //anywhere// there. And maybe the crown will be better for your absence!">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare">>
<<merat "Maybe if your response to being lost by yourself wasn't to lay down and cry your eyes out like an infant in the vain hope that your //mother// will come and fix everything, then you'd have the fucking self-sufficiency to actually do something for //yourself// for once!">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
<<merat "One of these days you're going to have to stop being such a //brat// and get with the fucking program already, and cease being such a constant annoyance that your mother has to waste my time just to be free of your irritation for a few minutes!">>
You're so caught up in the emotion that it takes you a few moments where you can feel pin-pricks of tears trying to well up in your eyes before you realize that what he's saying doesn't quite match your situation.<br>
<<section "stareSection1">>
Suddenly a voice calls out behind you. <<aurora "That's quite enough of that, Spymaster. You've no right to speak to her royal Highness like this!">><<br>>
Your eyes open wide in surprise and you turn around to find that the two of you are surrounded by almost a dozen Bastille guardsmen, looking at Merat with barely-disguised anger. Among them, a stern-faced female guard captain surveys the scene with a glower.
<<section "stareSection2">>
Oh, right! The cover that you and Merat agreed on -
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
that you flew off after an argument with the Queen!
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare">>
that you got lost and afraid in the Bastille, and Merat's only just found you!
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
that you persuaded the Queen to let you tour the Bastille, with Merat as an escort.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:63%">
<<print _stareSection1>><<br>>
<<print _stareSection2>>
<td style="width:37%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _stareSection1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<print _stareSection2>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnStare2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCatch to 'lostStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'argueStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'meratStare'" "day6meratCatch to 'lostCry'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chatChat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfStop'" "day6meratCorridor to 'merat'">>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
Merat turns on the guardsmen angrily. <<merat "What do you know? Just ten minutes ago she was //screaming// at the Queen at the top of her lungs. The fact that she's gotten coy the moment that she's about to receive the comeuppance of her actions just makes things worse. I'm under strict orders from her Majesty herself to stop this //tantrum//, remand her for her //impudence//, and drag her back to her carriage where she belongs!">><<br>>
You can see more than a few of the guardsmen make meaningful glances towards the swelling on one side of your face, and the small indention of a ring. It hardly endears you to any role other than the victim no matter how Merat tries to spin it - a fact that's sure to have been part of the spymaster's plan.<<br>>
<<aurora "Whatever goes on between within the royal family are none of our business, bar our position as loving subjects.">> Says the captain, tactfully choosing her words carefully to not risk political problems. <<aurora "But you are in the //Bastille//. Certain authorities have been given to us by the law of this land, and you're in a restricted area.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare">>
<<merat "It's none of your business">> Merat snaps, turning on the guardsmen angrily. <<merat "But if you really //must// know, then this royal whelp managed to get herself completely lost within the Bastille, and has been //embarrassing// herself by falling to pieces about it.">><<br>>
The guard captain casts a wary glance in your direction, and from the flicker of sympathy that crosses her face you guess that the puffiness in your eyes still gives you the appearance someone who'd been recently crying, even though it was done some time ago.<<br>>
She turns her attention back to Merat, her expression stern. <<aurora "And this warrants the use of such language against her royal Highness?">> She asks, accusingly.<<br>>
Merat sniffs irritably. <<merat "That is a //royal// concern. I act, as ever, as merely a humble servant of her Majesty the Queen.">> Never to be on the back foot, he goes on the attack. <<merat "What //I// want to know is how she managed to go unnoticed by your guardsmen for so long, and it took me coming out myself to recover the foolish girl. Is your watch over the Bastille really so lacking?">><<br>>
If his words managed to hit their mark, the captain manages to hide it well, bar a brief tightness to her jaw. <<aurora "Yes, I can't help but notice that the two of you have managed to find yourselves directly within a //restricted// area.">> She counters.
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostCry">>
One of the guardsmen kindly slips you a handkerchief to dry your eyes with, and you take it glady. You still haven't completely stopped crying, and you're still taken by the odd cough or hiccup. Your sinuses feel like you've been waterboarded, but you can't deny that letting it out feels somewhat liberating.<<br>>
Merat seems completely undeterred by the wall of blades facing his way. <<merat "Oh come now.">> He sneers. <<merat "One can hardly assign blame for such a thing when the wretched girl starts weeping at the slightest provocation. One hardly has to look her way for her to break down completely.">><<br>>
The captain barely even acknowledges the cruel excuse. <<aurora "You'd better have a good reason for being here, //spymaster//.">><<br>>
<<merat "It's her own fault in the first place. The foolish thing got herself lost in the corridors here, and since it seems like the Bastille guards are so lax these days that they don't notice the presence of an intruder even if they're sobbing loud enough that you could hear the echoes from a mile away - I had to attend to her myself.">><<br>>
The captain's jaw tightens at Merat's barbed insult, but her bayonet doesn't waver for a moment.<<br>>
<<aurora "Be that as it may, you're still in the restricted area-">> She begins, before being cut off by Merat.
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
<<merat "It's none of your business.">> He snaps, turning on the guardsmen angrily. <<merat "But if you really must know - her Highness simply //demanded// to be taken on a walk around the Bastille, and I was the one unfairly assigned the ignoble duty of escorting her.">><<br>>
The guard captain's eyes narrow. <<aurora "And you believe that that warrants the use of such vile language against her royal Highness?">> She asks accusingly.<<br>>
Merat sniffs irritably. <<merat "That is a //royal// concern. I act, as ever, as merely a humble servant of her Majesty the Queen. Don't dare to presume that a mere //guardsman's// thoughts on the matter are of any concern.">><<br>>
The words don't win him any favor with the guards, given the looks on some of their faces, but the grimace that briefly crosses the captain's expression indicates that his authority is at least somewhat well-founded.<<br>>
However, that doesn't mean that she'll take it lying down <<aurora "We pay all due honor to royal matters. However, I think that you'll find that the two of you have ended up in a //restricted area//.">>
<<if $day6meratCatch isnot "lostCry">>Merat sneeringly objects, playing his part to a tee.<</if>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<merat "Only because the Princess took it on herself to run off this way. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare" or $day6meratCatch is "lostCry">>
<<merat "Only because the Princess had the foolishness to get herself lost there. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
<<merat "Only because the Princess took it on herself to explore this way. Look, I don't need to hear this kind of //drivel// from a bunch of yokel-">>
But before he can finish he<<if $day6meratCatch isnot "lostCry">>'s<<else>> himself is<</if>> coolly interrupted.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<aurora "We have the mandate of //Saint Joules herself// to ensure that both of you are delivered back to your carriages.">> She states firmly. <<aurora "And if me and the boys choose to take the two of you //separately// so that she doesn't have to listen to a single word more of your //crass indecorum//, then that's just how things are going to be, spymaster.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare">>
<<aurora "We deeply apologize to her Highness for failing in our duty to find her in her time of need.">> She states firmly. <<aurora "But we have a responsibility to ensure that the both of you are safely delivered back to your carriages. And I think that me and the boys just might choose to take you both //separately//, so that her Highness doesn't have to listen to a single word more of your //crass indecorum//.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostCry">>
<<aurora "But since you //are// in the restricted area.">> She states tersely. <<aurora "It is our //utmost// duty and responsibility to ensure that the two of you are escorted back to your carriages promptly. And if we so choose to take you both back there //separately//, so that Highness doesn't have to listen to a single word more of your //crass indecorum//, then that's entirely our own prerogative.">> A brief victorious smile smile flashes across her thin lips. <<aurora "Though I advise you step carefully. Some of the staircases on these higher floors can be quite dangerous for outsiders - it would be terrible if //your// escorting were to involve an unfortunate accident, sir.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
<<aurora "We have the mandate of //Saint Joules herself// to ensure that both of you are delivered back to your carriages.">> She states firmly. <<aurora "And if me and the boys choose to take the two of you //separately// so that she doesn't have to listen to a single word more of your //crass indecorum//, then that's just how things are going to be, spymaster.">>
<<aurora "However, before that.">> The captain shifts her posture.
<<if $day6meratCorridor.includes("chat")>>
<<aurora "We'll need to make sure that nothing //suspicious// was going on here. We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A man's voice shouting if I remember correctly.">> Her eyes narrow at Merat <<aurora "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, //spymaster//?">>
<<elseif $day6meratCorridor is "selfStop">>
<<aurora "We'll need to make sure that nothing //suspicious// was going on here, //spymaster//.We've had reports of intruders lurking around. A young lady, if I remember correctly.">> She glances over at you penetratingly. <<aurora "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?">>
<<aurora "We'll need to make sure that nothing //suspicious// was going on here, //spymaster//.">> Her eyes narrow penetratingly at the two of you.
You can feel the situation beginning to slip into peril. You consider if you can do anything to help your case.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "argueStare">>
<<if $auth gte 5>>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 5 check - passed. More challenging since the guards saw you reacting to Merat so meekly.">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "Authority 5 required. More challenging since the guards saw you reacting to Merat so meekly.">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed.">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required.">>
<<if $cute gte 4>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 4 check - passed. More challenging because the guards think you were arguing with the Queen.">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 4 required. More challenging because the guards think you were arguing with the Queen.">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostStare">>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "There's no way that the guards will think that you're authoritative after seeing you act so meekly.">><br>
<<if $grace gte 4>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 4 check - passed. More challenging because getting lost and afraid isn't particularly graceful">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 4 required. More challenging because getting lost and afraid isn't particularly graceful">>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "lostCry">>
<<fail "Threaten them with your influence" "There's no way that the guards will think that you're authoritative after seeing you cry like that.">><br>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed.">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required.">>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "No skill check required, after the waterworks you've demonstrated">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch is "meratStare">>
<<if $auth gte 5>>
<<link "Threaten them with my influence">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnAuth">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 5 check - passed. More challenging since the guards saw you reacting to Merat so meekly.">>
<<fail "Threaten them with my influence" "Authority 5 required. More challenging since the guards saw you reacting to Merat so meekly.">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully defuse the situation">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Grace">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed.">>
<<fail "Tactfully defuse the situation" "Grace 3 required.">>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Appeal to their sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day6meratReturnCute">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Appeal to their sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day6meratCatch += "Fail">>
<<goto "day6meratReturnFail">>
<</link>>You decide to step in, and start to flex your authoritative influence.<<br>>
To just come out and declare that you're too important to be questioned would be a blatant tell that you have something to hide, so you play it a little more subtly - appearing to be trying to be helpful, while simultaneously drawing attention towards your position as Princess and the dizzying responsibilities inherent in that. You manage to communicate clearly how perilous it is to waylay someone who's practically a walking diplomatic incident - a ticking bomb waiting to go off who could destabilize nations with a merest complaint.<<br>>
The captain seems a remarkably well put-together woman, but as you pile on the pressure you begin to see a few tell-tale signs of tension building up in her as she realizes that she'd better have a damn good reason to be risking this.<<br>>
She doesn't seem completely convinced, but eventually concedes that she can't hold you up any longer. <<aurora "Very well. Just be careful in the future to stay in your assigned area.">><<br>>
<<include "day6meratReturnPass">>You decide to step in, and start to use your grace and elegance.<<br>>
It's a bit like a magic trick - all about the distraction. Whenever the captain starts to probe in a dangerous direction, you manage to use your lovely smile, polite manners, and charming personality to great effect. You don't //deny// anything per-se - just answer so dazzlingly that she never so much as realizes that you didn't give a straight answer, and won't believe, when she realizes as much later, that you possibly could have been doing it deceptively.<<br>>
The captain seems a fairly strict woman, but as you pile on the charm you begin to see traces of flustered delight in her expression, and before long she begins to cave.<<br>>
She doesn't seem completely convinced, but eventually can't bring herself to hold you up any longer. <<aurora "Very well. Just be careful in the future to stay in your assigned area.">><<br>>
<<include "day6meratReturnPass">><<setter "day6meratCatch to 'lostCryCute'">>
You decide to step in, and start to use your adorable charm to great effect.<<br>>
In the face of the guard captain's stern suspicion, you begin to allow signs of agitation and nervousness express themselves within you. It's not like you have to invent them from scratch - the two of you have been caught spying after all - you just find the emotions within you and let yourself feel them fully. You'd think that such emotions while being accused of spying would only draw more suspicion, but that's anything but the case - such open emotionality is exclusively the home of innocents, not spies.<<br>>
The captain seems a stern woman, but you can watch the confidence slowly ebb from her words as she notices how scared she's making you. By the time you've closed your body-language up into a ball and your eyes are becoming watery <<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Cry")>>again<</if>> she caves fully.<<br>>
It's not that she seems //completely// convinced, but she just can't bring herself to be hurting you any longer. <<aurora "Well- I think that's enough, I won't waylay you any longer. Just be careful in the future to stay in your assigned area, okay?">><<br>>
<<include "day6meratReturnPass">><<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Cry") or $day6meratCatch.includes("Stare")>>
/* SeparatelyRoute */
After that you and Merat are separated and taken back to the carriages independently.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Cry")>>
In the distance, you think you can hear a //thud// of a punch to the spymaster's gut before it goes out of earshot, but you might have been imagining it.<<br>>
/* TogetherRoute */
The two of you are firmly escorted back to the carriages, Merat walking the whole time with the irritated air of a man who thinks this is beneath him. When you're finally shown back into your carriage you're thankful to be rid of him.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6return">>
<</link>>You can't think of anything to support your case, and too intimidated by the stern guardswoman to risk everything by attempting to try something you're not confident in.<<br>>
Merat covers for it well, his skills as an actor seemingly impeccable so long as he's playing the role of a slimy sleazebag. However, given the analytical glances that you receive from the captain, you get the distinct feeling that your silence is far from unnoticed.<<br>>
Finally, after much to-and-fro between the pair, her expression hardens. <<aurora "I've heard enough. We shouldn't keep her Highness lingering here to suffer these indignities any longer.">> She signals for a section of the guardsmen at her command to step forward. <<aurora "Walk her back to her carriage with our blessings. However - I think that we should have a few more words with the Spymaster.">><<br>>
Merat flashes you a brief glance, but the only emotion that you see in those ice-blue eyes is the same irritation he usually affords you.<<br>>
<<merat "Very well, if you're really so committed to making an outrageous mistake - but know that you'll regret this.">> He snarls at the captain.<<br>>
<<aurora "We'll see.">> She replies, dismissively, before turning to you with a warmly serious expression. <<aurora "I wish you the best rest of your evening that I can, my lady, but please - if you ever have anything that you'd like to tell me don't hesitate to get in contact and I promise that I'll be your full confidant. I would hate it if you were drawn in anything that you don't fully endorse.">><<br>>
Her earnestness takes you a little bit by surprise, but before you can respond she turns back to Merat and her gaze hardens. You're led onwards and away by the escort of guards.<<br>>
In the distance you can briefly hear her say <<aurora "Now, let's get down to business, shall we?">> <<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Cry")>> and the //thud// that could well be the sound of a punch to the gut<</if>> before they fall out of earshot.<<br>>
Your escort move you swiftly and efficiently back through the winding corridors of the Bastille, and don't leave you until you're safely secured back in your carriage.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6return">>
<</link>>You met Drusilla for the first time earlier today, and she seemed a fearsome woman. You could do with learning more about her.<<br>>
It isn't difficult to work out which side of the bed is hers - the other lacks the makeup dresser. You start fussing through some of her things.<<br>>
At first you only find the usual things that you'd expect - clothing, underwear, makeup, skincare, perfumes, and more. Just a week ago you'd have found them alien, but by now you're so used to them that you can efficiently sort through them.<<br>>
It's only when you peer into a box at the back of the wardrobe that you find something that seems out of place - stowed safely out of sight are a bunch of old banners and uniforms. Instead of the burgundy that you're used to seeing, they're deep purple and decorated with sparrowhawks. It's an insignia that you could still see around the place not infrequently on official buildings back when you were a child, but had long since been decommissioned.<<br>>
<<merat "Livery of the old estate.">> Merat says, appearing over your shoulder so suddenly that you jump - you wish that he made noise when he moves. <<merat "Clearly Duchess Drusilla is none too pleased that your 'parents', the //love-struck// heirs of the northern and southern realms, decided to wed and force everyone together in one //big happy// union.">> He explains sarcastically. <<merat "A pointless diversion, let's keep looking">><<br>>
You're a little surprised, isn't this kind of treasonous keepsake exactly the kind of thing that Merat came here to find?<<br>>
<<merat "If we started punishing every stupid noble who holds wretchedly romanticized fantasies about the 'pride' of how things used to be before the kingdom was united and they became an even smaller fish in an even larger pond, then we'd barely have any left afterwards.">> Merat dismisses with a sneer. <<merat "You see just as many red lions hidden in bedrooms in the north. A little bit of secessionist nostalgia is the //least// of our concerns. If anything it just keeps them from focusing on something more troublesomely achievable.">><<br>>
He sounds like he knows what he's talking about, but you can't help but notice that, as the person acting as the 'fruit' of this personal union, you must seem the juiciest target of all for these secessionists.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">>You scour the sofas, chaise lounges, and side-tables that litter the area. Sure, they're home to less important things than the other areas, but that doesn't mean that you can't glean important things from them.<<br>>
/* You cast a cursory glance around the sofas, chaise lounges, and side-tables that litter the area. */
For one thing - the occupants like to drink. While it's clear that the place gets cleaned up regularly, there's still a selection of wine glasses littered around the place with dregs at the bottom. Even if there wasn't such an obvious tell - the fact that they have a whole wine cabinet prepared in their bedroom so that alcohol is never far-to-hand is already a huge giveaway.<<br>>
You glance over to the study. In there, all of the furniture seems almost-new. In comparison, everything in the leisure areas is worn and broken-in from overuse. It could just be that they've refurnished the study recently, but you'd be willing to bet that they spend a lot less time working than they do luxuriating in their riches.<<br>>
Pictures of 'great aunt' Drusilla are all over the place, indicating someone who's self-obsessed enough to enjoy looking at themselves even in private, but signs of her husband, the duke, are much less frequent. In fact, in a few paintings you can see part of a suit, or the edge of a balding head, which seems to indicate that he was once included but then his section was folded over like he's either shy enough to not want to be seen, or else just an unimportant afterthought.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalSofa2">>
<</link>>Just when you're about to conclude that you've seen everything that there is to offer, something catches your eye. Hidden down the side of a sofa cushion there's a flash of white paper.<<br>>
You reach down and grab it, finding a bundle of finely detailed sheets, all crumpled up. Whoever stowed them here must have done it in a hurry, like they were scared of getting caught - but who?<<br>>
You carefully unfold the creased pages and find a plan of sorts. A lot of it is in dense, official language, or else so filled with acronyms or references to other documents that they're tricky to decipher, but you can make out the gist of it.<<br>>
It seems like the plans for a formal event of some kind, where the Duke and Duchess would host and pay respects to... you check through the list of names, and find a whole lot of 'mr. Fred Baker', 'mrs. Susan Browne', 'mr. Arne Fletcher' and the like. Common names you'd recognize from daily life, or even ones so rustic that they seem more like fieldworkers from out in the sticks than someone worthy of a ducal invitation - without a "Sir", "Lady", "Baroness", "Burgher", or other important title among the lot of them.<<br>>
Written in large lettering across one of the pages is the phrase "For Thee Goode of Common Man & thee Care of Fair-Rule".<<br>>
So, some kind of meeting with a bunch of peasants, to listen to the needs of those often forgotten? The idea brings a smile to your lips - it's nice to see someone giving a shit about the little guys for once. But why on earth was it thrown back here like it was something to hide?<<br>>
/* <<link "Tell Merat what you found">>
<<goto "day6merat">>
<</link>> */
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">><<run $drusilla.facts.pushUnique("Has been changing accounts to divert more funds towards the Bastille")>>
You wander over to the study. After all, it's where all of the important matters of state are meant to be done - there must be some important secrets hidden inside.<<br>>
It proves easy to find important looking documents - they're all over the place, filling every drawer and tabletop. What's much more difficult is knowing which ones will be actually useful. You're soon drowning in ledgers, accounts, and missives, all so densely packed with facts and figures that you can barely make head nor tails of them, let alone be able to tell if there's any juicy secret hidden inside.<<br>>
That is, until you start seriously looking at the numbers and realize that they don't quite add up.<<br>>
It's only a small thing, a few decimal places that are a little odd but you'd normally just attribute to a minor mistake, but once you know what you're looking for they're everywhere. A little squirreled away here, a little more there, until it starts to add up to an awful lot.<<br>>
That is until you stumble on a document about the maintenance of the Bastille itself, and it flips the other way. Instead of funds getting lost every sum seems to be plumped up a decimal place or two. You're a little surprised - it's easy to work out why someone would use corruption to steal money for yourself, but why would anyone be throwing it all here instead?<<br>>
You think about what you've seen of the Bastille. It's no doubt an absurdly impressive structure, a great ugly mound of rock so audaciously huge that it towers over the sprawling city below like an affront to heaven. No doubt maintaining it must be a pretty penny, but not //this// much, surely? Its drafty corridors and barren stonework hardly seem home to this kind of decadent spending.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalStudy2">>
<</link>><<setter "skeletonKey to true" "skeletonKey to undefined">>
You glance through a few more sheets of paper but quickly come to the conclusion that you've learnt everything that you can in such limited time. However as you're trying to put everything back to where they'd been when you'd first arrived something catches your eye - an ornate lockbox.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratDucalStudy2.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $skeletonKey is true>>
Merat seems to notice it at the same time you do, and snatches it from the table before you can reach for it.<<br>>
<<merat "Well made. Must have been ordered from Rothgard.">> He muses, turning it over in his hands before peering into the keyhole. <<merat "Too expensive for someone who doesn't have secrets to hide to bother acquiring.">><<br>>
He reaches under his waistcoat and pulls out something from a hidden pocket - a set of thin lockpicks, coated with a layer of black tar to keep them from jingling. He deftly prods into the opening, but can scarcely do anything before something in the mechanism //crunches// down and sends the broken end of the lockpick flying across the room.<<br>>
The spymaster makes an annoyed clicking sound with his tongue. <<merat "A biting mechanism. I can pick it, but it'll take time - more time than we can afford right now, and taking the box with us would be far too obvious. Regardless, what we're here to find couldn't fit inside anyway. It's not important.">><<br>>
You suddenly remember the implement that you got from the traveling merchants yesterday. This might be a valuable test of what it can do. It would be fun to beat Merat at his own game, but perhaps revealing that you own such an item to him would be a mistake.<<br>>
<<link "Test out the skeleton key">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalStudyKey">>
<<link "Keep it hidden">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalStudyNoKey">>
You test the lid carefully, but as expected it's locked fast. It doesn't seem like you'll be able to get inside.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<fail "Pick the lock" "You don't have anything that could help you gain access.">><br>
<<link "Give up">>
<<replace "#replace">>
<<include "day6meratDucalStudyNoKey">>
<</if>>Your curiosity is piqued - you want to know what's being kept secret inside the box.<<br>>
You reach into your clothing and extract the <<imgl1nk "doohickey" "skeletonKeyImg">> that you managed to convince the merchants to give you yesterday from where it's stowed out-of-sight.<<br>>
Merat blinks in surprise at the sight of the odd item, his posture stiffening warily in case you're pulling an unknown weapon on him, but you just bring the strange device up to the lockbox's keyhole and press the button on the side.<<br>>
It springs to life immediately. First a ticking like a clock being wound up, which is joined by a buzzing like an insect, making the 'hilt' that you're holding vibrate in place. After a few seconds of it getting into gear, you feel a flurry of probing pins eject out of the end into the keyhole, accompanied by precise tapping that reminds you of the sound of old women's knitting needles.<<br>>
<<merat "What on earth are you-">> Merat begins, but before he can finish the device makes its move.<<br>>
The probing needles retract fully, and are replaced by a larger, thicker implement which plunges forward with such a '''ker-chunk''' that you can feel it lurch in your hand. A moment later it rotates in place, and you can hear the unmistakable sound of the lock releasing.<<br>>
With a self-satisfied 'ping!' to indicate that it's finished, the device returns to its neutral position.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalStudyKey2">>
<</link>>Scarcely has the device finished its work when Merat //snatches// it from your fingers.<<br>>
You immediately reach out to try to grab it back, but with his height and your shrinking he can easily hold it up out of your reach. It's a scene more like an older sibling coveting a younger's toy than something befitting a spymaster, and likewise the light that seems to glitter in his icy blue eyes seems uncharacteristically and indignantly delighted.<<br>>
<<merat "A Dezcalzi skeleton key!">> He shouts, in a pleased tone which you've previously only heard him use when he's tormenting you and thus manages to sends a shiver down your spine. <<merat "I thought that the only surviving ones were snapped up by collectors decades ago. What a find!">><<br>>
You try to jump up to grab it, but it doesn't do you any good - Merat takes the opportunity to elbow you sharply in the gut while you do, sending you staggering backwards.<<br>>
<<merat "Now now.">> The spymaster jeers, turning it over in his hand to examine it from every angle. <<merat "This is a tool //far// too useful to be wasted on the likes of you. It's naturally much more suited for //my own// purposes.">><<br>>
You try to offer some counterargument, but you know that it won't do you any good. Merat has the strength to keep you from it, now that your muscles have atrophied, together with the the authority to make it stick - there's no way that you'll get it from him now.<<br>>
Enamoured with his new toy, Merat paces back into the bedroom area of the ducal suite, completely forgetting the lockbox in his excitement. With a frustrated groan, you open up your consolation prize.<<br>>
<<link "See what's inside">>
<<goto "day6meratDucalStudyKey3">>
<</link>><<set $roryKnow to true>>
<<run $drusilla.facts.pushUnique("Has been cheating on her husband with some guy called 'Rory'")>>
Rather than being filled with jewels or other valuables as you'd expected, what you find when you pry the lockbox open is a collection of letters. In fact, so many letters that they're barely contained in their prison - practically bursting out of the opening like water from a dam.<<br>>
You quickly stem the flow, and start picking through the ones which had managed to fall to the floor.
<<letter "roryPaper">>
My dearest Drusilla<<br>>
I must meet with you, to feel your lips upon mine own.<br>
Come to the ballroom at eleven upon the clock.<<br>>
Sealed with a kiss;<br>
Rory x
You blink in surprise - a love note! You check the date, and it's from only a few months ago, fairly fresh.<<br>>
You start rifling through more. They're mostly much the same, bar from the ones which begin to describe in detail all of the things that he's going to do to Drusilla's body, and which you abruptly stop reading when you find them - you really don't want to think about the horrid old woman that way.<<br>>
The dates are all over the place, indicating that instead of being locked away when they're received and forgotten about, Drusilla must look back through the collection frequently. You don't have time to do an exhaustive search, but the most recent that you stumble across is from only a week ago, whereas the oldest stretches back the better half of a decade. They're thick and fast - you can find a few bunched together as closely as 4 times in one week!<<br>>
You have no idea who this 'Rory' guy is, but based on the fact that his indecent requests are being hidden behind lock and key you really doubt that he's Drusilla's husband.<<br>>
You try to glean anything else from the letters, but they're clearly wary about being caught and keep the details as light as possible. Oh well, you lost your skeleton key to get this information, and it's something that Merat and the Queen probably don't know - you'll have to find a way to use this to your advantage.<<br>>
You tuck the letters back in the lockbox in as close to the order you found them that you can manage. Luckily, the lid makes a 'click' when you set it closed without needing a key to lock it again.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">><<setter "skeletonKey to true" "skeletonKey to undefined">>
<<if $skeletonKey is true>>
Whatever's inside the box //might// be of use to you, but there's every chance that it could just be irrelevant. Even if it was helpful, you struggle to think of anything that could be a greater ace in the hole to you than keeping your possession of the device to to yourself.<<br>>
Merat carefully places the box exactly where he'd found it, and the two of you turn back to the task at hand.
With a resigned shrug, you place the box carefully back where you found out and turn back to the task at hand.
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">>From what you've seen so far, windows are a rarity in the Bastille de la Sainte. Either they're completely absent, or else such tiny slits that you can't even see through them, let alone pass through. This could be a valuable escape route<<if $day5concludeMood isnot "escape">> if everything goes to shit<</if>>!<<br>>
You head over to the opening, and are greeted with an evening view over the whole of Saint-Joules, its skyline littered with church steeples.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratDucalWindow.jpg]]@@<br>
You lean out of the opening, trying to look like you're just enjoying the fresh air instead of peering down to assess the escape route. A wave of vertigo washes over you. Instead of the flat wall going down to the ground that you'd expect from a fortification, the rest of the Bastille below you curves back around on itself like you're on the bell of a giant mushroom - if you wanted to climb down from here it would be concave the whole way down across desolately barren stonework. Even if you had all of the tools that you could dream of you still doubt that you'd be able to make it. Barehanded it would be a death sentence.<<br>>
With a resigned grimace you turn back inside. No such luck.<<br>>
<<include "day6meratDucalLinker">>At first the carriage seems empty when you step back inside, but soon the familiar sound of Simone's enthusiastic voice calls out <<simone "Just a few minutes - I'm still cooking something up!">><<br>>
You're exhausted, but after having to spend so much time with Merat you want nothing more than to see a friendly face right now, so you wander over to the kitchen to greet her properly.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6return.jpg]]@@<br>
Like everything in the carriage that's designed to be used by the servants rather than the Princess, the room is pretty cramped compared to everything else. However, for someone as small as Simone it almost seems to suit her.<<br>>
Simone beams at you as you come in the door. <<simone "Welcome back, <<print $pc.name>>! Gosh, you look absolutely exhausted.">><<br>>
<<if $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>
There's a slight intensity to her grin and how vigorously she's stirring the food that takes you back a moment. However, a second later you notice an empty paper bag on the sideboard which you think you remember the sweets you bought for Simone being put into, and you solve the little mystery. A part of you had //kinda// wanted to try one or two for yourself, but you can't bring yourself to be disappointed - you couldn't ask for a more enthusiastic reception for your gift.<<br>>
<<simone "Those were //really// good, by the way!">> Rambles Simone, somewhat too enthusiastically in her sugar-rush. <<simone "Thank you soooo much, <<print $pc.name>>. It was so sweet to receive them.">><<br>>
<<elseif $day68boutGift is "simoneAcc">>
Something about Simone looks a little unusual today, and it takes you a few seconds to work out what it is - she isn't wearing any of the accessories that you're used to seeing her in, instead she's decked almost head-to-toe in the ones which you bought for her today.<<br>>
She blushes a little as she sees you looking her up and down. <<simone "Thank you so much for all of these, <<print $pc.name>>. I got so happy when I saw them that I couldn't help but try them all out - they're absolutely perfect!">><<br>>
Her eyes seem to glisten with delight for a few moments, before with a cough she forces herself to keep talking, lest you just end up staring at eachother all evening.
<<simone "Sorry about all this. Usually dinner's ready by now, but I was talking with one of the maids here at the Bastille, and she taught me a local specialty here and I simply //had// to try it out tonight, but because it's new to me it's taking a little longer to get together. I hope that's alright with you.">><<br>>
You reassure her that it's completely fine.<<br>>
<<link "Offer to help cook">>
<<set $day6simoneCook to "help">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day6return2">>
<<link "Don't get in the way">>
<<set $day6simoneCook to "noHelp">>
<<goto "day6return2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6simoneCook to 'help'" "day6simoneCook to 'noHelp'" "day6meratOffer to true" "day6meratOffer to 'listened'">>
<<section "simoneTalk1">>
<<simone "Gosh, it really is nice being settled somewhere again, even if it's not home. Traveling is nice and all, it's like a sleepover or something, but you feel so much more grounded when you're not rattling around with every bump in the road. And some of the maids here are //sooo// sweet - they've really looked out for us convoy lot.">>
<<section "simoneTalk2">>
<<simone "'course, it also means I don't just get to sit around in here most of the day anymore - they have us doing some more general chores around the place during the afternoon.">>
<<section "simoneTalk3">>
<<simone "I was worried that it wouldn't give me time to do your outfits and stuff, but when I told this adorable old butler about how you needed some adjustments he made sure to assign a couple of the younger girls to help me out. So then I had these sweethearts and I was the one //in charge//. Like, they'd be checking with me all the time to make sure that they're doing everything right - //me// of all people! I couldn't believe it.">>
<<if $day6simoneCook is "help">>
Simone's too polite to accept your help immediately, but after you explain that as a commoner it feels weird for someone else to be serving you it isn't long before she gladly takes you up on your offer.<<br>>
It's not the most practical setup, seeing as the room's barely big enough for the two of you to squeeze past each other, and for a while you're just getting in the way, but after some awkward maneuvering the two of you manage to find a rhythm that makes sense. You defer to Simone's expertise in cooking, which mostly just relegates you to chopping and stirring duty, but that's no problem.<<br>>
As the two of you work, your shoulders gently rubbing against each other as you set about your respective tasks, Simone describes her day. <<print _simoneTalk1>><<br>>
You reach around her to grab a few carrots, listening intently.<<br>>
<<print _simoneTalk2>> She passes you a spatula to help stir. <<print _simoneTalk3>><<br>>
Simone tries some of the food to see if she added too much cumin, and holds the ladle up so you can sample it too. When you do so she lightly teases you about when she spoon fed you after the baron's party in a way that makes both of you giggle.<<br>>
You know that you'd just be getting in the way if you tried to help out. Instead you perch yourself up on one of the counters so you can chat with her while she works.<<br>>
Just yesterday your feet would have touched the ground from this counter, but now you're short enough that they don't quite reach. It feels a little odd when you think about it, but you can't help but find yourself idly kicking your legs to-and-fro while you wait.<<br>>
Simone begins to describe her day. <<print _simoneTalk1>><<br>>
Your stomach makes a rumble, and with a giggle Simone passes you a little nibble to snack on while you wait.<<br>>
<<print _simoneTalk2>> She continues, pausing for a moment to taste the stew to make sure she didn't add too much cumin. <<print _simoneTalk3>><<br>>
Every now and again Simone needs something from behind you and asks you to pass it over to her, but for the most part you just happily sit there, soaking in the comfortable scene like a sponge after being socially wrung out by Merat's acerbic presence. Every now and again the maid flashes you a broad smile, happy to have someone to natter with while she works.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh gosh, here's me chatting all about my stuff, and I haven't even asked you about how your day's gone, when you're the one whose life is on the line!">> She gasps once everything's boiling away.<<br>>
You smile to reassure her that it's fine, and that it's been nice to get a taste of normality for once, but start to describe your day's events.
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">>
You begin with your perilous <<if $day68theatreMood is "fun">>but enjoyable<</if>> stint in the limelight, impersonating the Prima Donna's starring role as the Canary. You can see Simone's eyes shining in delight at the drama of it all.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>
You try not to go too deep into the details of your experience in the spa. The whole thing had been a lot more 'intimate' than you'd expected, <<if $day68spaMood is "fun">>but you can't deny that it had been enjoyable.<<else>>and you don't want to dwell on it.<</if>> For a moment you could have sworn that you saw Simone tittering to herself when she turns away from you, like she's noticed that you were avoiding saying something and knows how those places work, but you're certain that you're imagining it.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">>
You begin with your experience dancing in the ballroom, and how intense <<if $day68danceMood is "fun">>and fun<</if>> an experience it had been dancing with so many suitors. <<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>You make sure not to mention the events of the last dance - too embarrassing - but you're sure that she notices how you have to look away to hide the blush that reaches your cheeks at the memory of kissing <<print $day68danceLast.toUpperFirst()>>.<</if>>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
You begin with your decadent adventures in the boutiques, and spending much more money in a single day than you would have earned in your entire life - most of it by accident. You're feeling weird about it, but you can see Simone's eyes shining in delight at the idea of that kind of opulence.
<</if>> Then you get to your infiltration with Merat, and her expression sours.<<br>>
<<simone "He sounds like such a rotten so-and-so.">> She exclaims, suddenly stirring so furiously that you have to remind her not to spoil the broth. <<if $day6meratOffer is true>>After seeing that, you decide to leave out the fact that he's a rotten so-and-so who you just so happen to have agreed to ally with.<</if>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day6return3">>
<</link>>Simone claps her hands together with satisfaction as she finishes the last elements of the dish. <<simone "Right, that'll just be a couple more minutes to boil off I think. Maybe you should change out of your clothing while we wait?">><<br>>
You can feel your ears burning a little bit when you realize that you've been happily hanging out here in the Princess' clothing like it's completely comfortable to you.
<<if $caged isnot false>>
It wouldn't be nearly so bad if it wasn't for the fact that underneath it all you've also been caged - you can't believe that you could ever cease to be intimately aware of its presence.
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress" or $nightwear is "gown">>
Not that your nightwear is really any more feminine.
You try not to consider that it might just be that they really //do// just feel that comfortable nowadays.
You shuffle over to the bathroom to change.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to false>>
First you quickly pull out the two lumps of padding you used to add bust to your outfit, and set to work taking off the rest.
Once inside, you quickly set to work undressing.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
You unhook the little accessories attached to your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> and lift the cloak off your shoulders before beginning the task of wriggling out of your tight brown leggings and top.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("futureThing") isnot true>>
Your chest never been so constrained so tightly before, but, while the cool air on your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is nice, you're surprised by how little relief you feel at being free. In fact, there isn't much to feel relief //from// - while it had felt weirdly tight to begin with, over time you'd grown quite used to the fabric hugging every contour of your body.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("rose", "leggings") isnot true>>
You start to pull off the tight leggings,
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
revealing your cock. For a moment you despair, thinking that it's shrunk even more while you were out, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. For a moment you despair, thinking that you've shrunk again as the bulge in your panties seems smaller than ever, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
It's similar enough to other things that you've worn that it's no trouble at all to pull the tight clothing off of you.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("rose", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "leggingOrStocking") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
The leggings are tight enough that instead of just pulling them off, you have to wriggle your way loose of them. The hip movements feel decisively <<if def $pc.shave>>feminine, and you can't help but notice how good your silky smooth skin feels as you're forced to rub them together<<else>>feminine.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You're relieved to finally be free of the waist-cincher, and quickly pull it off of you, taking a few deep breaths before starting on the rest.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "butterfly") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little longer for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "peachImg">> off of you. After a while you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the sashes and zippers to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the soft fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon - your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being not being much less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the peach material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as so feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("peach", "butterfly") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "tulipImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the bouncy fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being not being much less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the violet material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as so feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the interweaved layers, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
Luckily, <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "longcoatImg">> is similar enough to mens clothing that you don't have too much trouble taking it off. The most confusing part is when you fumble on the blouse, forgetting that the buttons are on the other side. When you pull off the short skirt you almost can't believe that this tiny slip of fabric was all that you had to protect your modesty with.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "rose", "whitehood", "blossom", "leggingsOrStockings") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "peach", "dress") is true>>
Thankfully, you already know how to take off a dress, and while it still takes a while to manage to pull down the zipper at the back (how do girls manage it?), you quickly manage to take it off.
It takes a little time for you to work out how best to get the <<imgl1nk "dress" "butterflyImg">> off of you. Eventually you decide that the best method is going to be to loosen the neckline until you can step out of it, and you start wrestling with the zipper to get yourself free.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to wrangle your way loose, and the billowing fabric begins to fall down around your body. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror, and are struck by the similarity to an insect unfolding from a cocoon. Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body, despite being not being much less masculine than before, somehow looks so delicate as it emerges from the poofy material that you avert your eyes as soon as possible. You're not sure if it's that the sight of a body coming from a //dress// tricked your brain into reading it as so feminine, or that, juxtaposed against the billowing petticoats, //any// body would look dainty, but you try not to think about it.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
The many layers of your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">> mean that it takes some time to take off. First there's the ornate headpiece, which you have to take care of for fear of damaging the gold leaf; then the hood and little armwarmers, and then you can start on the dress itself.<<br>>
Any worry that it'll be tricky to remove is quickly forgotten - it's so short that it's barely almost more like taking off a top than a dress.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "rose", "longcoat", "blossom") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
<<if def $pc.shave>>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
You set to taking off your <<imgl1nk "outfit" "roseImg">> - smoothly lifting the flowy top up off of your head before moving on.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "legging") isnot true>>
You start to pull off the tight leggings,
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
revealing your cock. For a moment you despair, thinking that it's shrunk even more while you were out, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. For a moment you despair, thinking that you've shrunk again as the bulge in your panties seems smaller than ever, but to your relief it's just that it was constrained so tightly in the leggings for so long that it pressed itself into a cute little bundle. You try to dispel the idea as quickly as possible - you never want to think about your junk as //cute// ever again.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "leggingOrStocking") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
The leggings are tight enough that instead of just pulling them off, you have to twist and ease your way loose of them. The hip movements feel decisively <<if def $pc.shave>>feminine, and you can't help but notice how good your silky smooth skin feels as you're forced to rub them together<<else>>feminine.<</if>>
You're no stranger to tight leggings, so don't hesitate to peel them off of your body, your hips wriggling the whole time to help them along their way.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
You quickly unclasp the halter-neck choker of the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "blossomImg">> from your neck. The material had been plenty soft, but you doubt anything that's allowed to rub on such a tender area wouldn't quickly end up feeling itchy and constraining, and that was absolutely proven true today. Upon being released, the upper part of the dress flutters down your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body.<<br>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "rose", "longcoat", "whitehood", "leggingsOrStockings") isnot true or $morningChange is "legs">>
As you slide down the silken stockings down your legs, inch after inch of your smooth, hairless legs are exposed. The action of taking off the clothing means you can't help but rub against soft skin. You try not to think about how good it feels - almost as silken as the stockings themselves.
After that it's a simple matter to take off the silken stockings and various accessories.
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
<<set $outfit.cage to {}>>
<<set $outfit.cage.types to []>>
Now you can finally free yourself from this damn cage. You quickly retrieve the key from its hiding place and unclasp the padlock, allowing you to pull the metal bars away from you.<<br>>
When you did it yesterday your cock had sprung up, full of virile energy at finally being released, but today it just sits there, flaccid and limp. You give it a few experimental pokes to ensure that it's still okay, and the sensation feels normal enough.<<br>>
Perhaps it should be reassuring, after all - getting caged or uncaged is hardly a healthy, masculine time to get aroused, but the thought that you could possibly be getting //used// to the experience of being caged is a little chilling. You feel kinda silly for thinking as much though - it has only been two days after all, far too soon for ominous conclusions. You quickly hide the cage back in its hiding spot at the back of the cupboard.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
You glance over to your thick dressing gown and once again find yourself groaning at the thought of sleeping in it for another night. Maybe you should just give up your pride - nobody could accuse you of not toughing it out for as long as you could.<<br>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "I'm still not going to wear that stuff">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day6undressGown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Give up and wear some skimpier nightwear under the gown, ready to sleep in.">>
<<goto [[day6undressGownChoice]]>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
Now that you're undressed, standing in the bathroom wearing only your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, you finally pull on your comfortable
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<imgl1nk "nightwear" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
head, pulling up the little bottoms, and dragging the snug dressing gown over it all, hiding the rest from view.
head and pulling up the little bottoms.
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
nightwear, slipping the skimpy <<imgl1nk "dress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and letting it fall over your
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
body, before safely hiding it from view underneath your plush dressing gown.
[[Head back to the main room->day6eveningEat]]
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
You decide to tough out another night in the swelteringly warm dressing gown. Even if you did decide to sleep in something more feminine, it wouldn't mean that you'd even necessarily sleep better - you bet that you'd be tossing and turning, unable to feel comfortable in something so skimpy.<<br>>
You quickly pull the plush gown over your body. It's like being hugged by a cloud - if a particularly warm and humid one.<<br>>
[[Head back to the main room->day6eveningEat]]<<set $gown2nite to true>>
You glance around the room and notice that, unexpectedly, the two sets of nightclothes that Simone had picked out for you yesterday are placed carefully next to the sink. Almost as if Simone anticipated that you'd do this and had them prepared ready for you.<<br>>
You wince at being read like this but you can't exactly blame her, but she is a maid after all - being thoughtful is part of her job. You just wish that the idea of you wearing this stuff seemed as incongruent to her as it does to you.
<table style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwdress.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\nwcrop.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
You assess the outfits carefully, trying to work out which is the better choice to wear under your gown. The only time you won't have the gown over the top is when you're in bed - there's every chance that Simone will never even see you in it, let alone anyone else, but it still feels like a huge choice.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the nightdress">>
<<set $nightwear to "dressgown">>
<<goto [[day6undressGownChoice2]]>>
<<link "Pick the crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "cropgown">>
<<goto [[day6undressGownChoice2]]>>
<</link>><<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You set about putting on the <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, slipping the white top over your head and pulling up the little bottoms. The soft flannel gently tickles your body.<br><br>
The outfit is definitely skimpy. You've never worn anything in your life that showed your tummy before, but now your navel is exposed for all to see. The lower hemlines of the clothing flow out with subtle fluting, so that as you move they shift, revealing glimpses of skin underneath. This is most alarming at the shorts, which are already very short - the bottom of your butt is clearly visible!<<br>>
Not wanting to see yourself wearing this any more than you already have, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
You slip the <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">> over your head and let it fall loosely over your body.<br><br>
The fabric is so thin and light that it feels practically immaterial on your body, like wearing a silken spiderweb. Despite that, it's incredibly soft - its surface so sleek that it glistens in the light.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>You can't help but look in the mirror<<else>>You look in the mirror<</if>>, and immediately find yourself blushing at the sight. The slip of material is so dainty and feminine that it almost completely overrides the lingering masculinity of your body, and makes you look small and delicate.<br><br>
Most alarming of all is the short length. With your every movement, the light material shifts, tantalizingly revealing inches of <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek, hairless<</if>> thigh. Despite it being your //own// body, you have to force yourself not to stare hypnotized by the dancing hemline of the nightdress, threatening to reveal your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> at any moment.<<br>>
Not wanting to see yourself wearing this any more than you already have, you quickly pull the <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">> over your shoulders and tie it together with the sash.<br><br>
[[Head back to the main room->day6eveningEat]]It isn't long after you come back out before you hear a shout of delight from the kitchen.<<br>>
<<simone "Goodness, it came out //perfectly//, <<print $pc.name>><<if $day6simoneCook is 'help'>>, thank you so much for helping<</if>>!">><<br>>
<<if $day6simoneCook is 'help'>>
You help set the table, and soon the two of you are happily chewing away at the fruit of your labors. It tastes all the sweeter for knowing that you helped, even if Simone did the most important stuff.
It isn't long before the two of you are happily tucking into the local delicacy that she prepared.
Either Simone put more food on your plate than hers, she ate much more than usual, or your ravenous appetite is finally subsiding - for the first time the two of you finish eating the delicious meal at almost the same time. At first you take that as a sign that today you won't need to supply any conversation while the other finishes, but Simone's expression of cheerful anticipation quickly tells you that she's still looking forward to it.<br>
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("elodie") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Elodie->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "elodie"]]
/* <<if $dinnerTalk.includes("jacques") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Jacques->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "jacques"]]
<</if>> */
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("eyeChange") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about my transformation->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "eyeChange"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("colette") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Colette->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "colette"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("crow") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about the Scarecrow Killer->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "crow"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("queen") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about the Queen->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "queen"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("merat") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about Merat->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "merat"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("bastille") isnot true>>
<br>[[Talk about la Bastille de la Sainte->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "bastille"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("maid") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask if Simone likes being a maid->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "maid"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("family") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about her family->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "family"]]
<<if $dinnerTalk.includes("acc") isnot true>>
<br>[[Ask Simone about the accessories covering her maid outfit->simoneChatDay6eve][$simoneDay6chatEve to "acc"]]
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "maid">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMaid]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "family">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkFamily]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "acc">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkAcc]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "elodie">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkElodie]]>>
/* <<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "jacques">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkJacques]]>>
<</if>> */
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "eyeChange">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkEyeChange]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "colette">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkColette]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "crow">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkCrow]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "queen">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkQueen]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "merat">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkMerat]]>>
<<if $simoneDay6chatEve is "bastille">>
<<include [[dinnerTalkBastille]]>>
<<unset $simoneDay6chatEve>><<br>>
[[Continue->day6sleepChoice]]<<setter "bedDestroyed to true" "bedDestroyed to undefined">>
<<if $bear.new isnot true>>
After that Simone lets out a little yawn. <<simone "We should probably think about heading to bed!">> She suggests.<<br>>
<<if $bedDestroyed is true>>
<<simone "The soldiers got one of the craftsmen here in Saint-Joules to have a look at the ruined servant's bed, so that's all fixed now.">><<br>>
<<set $bear.new to false>>
After that Simone lets out a little yawn. <<simone "We should probably think about heading to bed! Let me just check that the bedding's all fitted correctly.">><<br>>
She trots over to do as she says, but when she pulls the duvet away you <<if $bear.love is true>>gasp in delight<<else>>almost groan in resignation<</if>>. Underneath the cover is <<print $bear.name>>, the teddy bear that you <<if $bear.love is true>>got<<else>>were forced to get<</if>> in the boutiques earlier today, already in pride-of-place in the center of the Princess' bed.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh yes!">> Cheers Simone, having almost forgotten about it herself. <<simone "This was delivered along earlier - isn't he absolutely adorable? I love him! Tell me, does he have a name?">><<br>>
<<if $bear.love is true>>
You excitedly tell her.
You really want to deny it, and pretend that the bear has nothing to do with you, but something about the innocence in Simone's face draws the disclosure from your lips before you can stop yourself.
<<simone "How wonderful! Well it's so lovely to meet you properly, Mr. <<print $bear.name>>.">> The maid says with playful severity, shaking the teddy bear's hand seriously before giggling and giving it a big hug.<<br>>
<<if $bear.love is true>>
You grin to yourself. You'd been a little worried about Simone's reaction to finding out that you'd bought a teddy bear home, but you needn't have worried about judgement in the slightest - she's easily as enthusiastic about the idea as you.
You grimace. Any chance that you'd have had of disposing of the bear discreetly is evaporating in front of your eyes - it and Simone have already become inseparable it seems.
<<if $bedDestroyed is true>>
<<simone "Now, where would you like to sleep tonight, <<print $pc.name>>?">> Simone asks, once she's given <<print $bear.name>> a huge hug. <<simone "The soldiers got one of the craftsmen here in Saint-Joules to have a look at the ruined servant's bed, so that's all fixed now. I think that <<print $bear.name>> is too big for the smaller bed though, so he'll have to stay up here.">><<br>>
<<simone "Now, where would you like to sleep tonight, <<print $pc.name>>?">> Simone asks, once she's given <<print $bear.name>> a huge hug. <<simone "I think that <<print $bear.name>> is too big for the smaller bed, so he'll have to stay up here.">>
<<include "sleepOptions">>Your escort maneuver you carefully through the dark winding corridors of the Bastille de la Sainte. You soon lose track of where you're going in claustrophobic, windowless halls, but eventually you find yourself emerging out into the daylight.<<br>>
The streets outside are filled with bustling crowds of commoners, and the soldiers close in tightly around you, wary for potential attack, but they needn't have bothered - the crowds are plenty content just to gawp in awe at your passing. Some of the more agile onlookers even climb up on cart stalls to get a better look at the rare sight of the crown Princess going past.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutiques.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
You've gotten used to being stared at by now, and maybe if you weren't wearing the Queen's choice of outfit you'd be able to take this kind of thing in your stride. But dressed up in your little halter-neck dress it's still enough to make your ears burn a little.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "redgown">>
You've gotten used to being stared at by now, and maybe if you weren't wearing this gown you'd be able to take this kind of thing in your stride. But, already feeling out-out place walking around with your upper-chest all-but exposed by the dress' skimpy bodice, it's still enough to make your ears burn a little.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
You've gotten used to being stared at by now, and maybe if you weren't wearing the scandalously tiny little dress that Drusilla lent you you'd be able to take this kind of thing in your stride. But, already feeling out of place in this sexy-villainess outfit, it's plenty enough to make your ears burn with embarrassment
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
You've gotten used to being stared at by now, and maybe if you weren't wearing this slouchy little dress you'd be able to take this kind of thing in your stride. But, with every stray gust of wind making the material bloom out around you perilously, it's still enough to make your ears burn a little.
A while ago being under this kind of observation would have been terrifying, but over the last week you've had to become used to being the object of attention, and now you can take it in your stride.
Your travel through the crowd is briefly halted when a young girl tries to run from one side of the street to the other, notices you and your escort too-late, and is surprised enough by the sight to lose track of her feet and collapse in a little heap just in front of you.<<br>>
The market sounds go quiet, and you feel even more eyes on you than before, watching to see what happens. One of the royal soldiers moves forward, ready to sweep the girl out of the way.<<br>>
<<link "Step ahead of the soldier and deal with this myself">>
<<set $day68boutGirl to "deal">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68boutGirl">>
<<link "Keep my head down">>
<<set $day68boutGirl to "hide">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day68boutGirlHide">>
<</link>>With everyone staring like this you're certain that your behavior is being carefully appraised. You can't trust the soldier to deal with this tactfully - you'll have to do it yourself.<<br>>
You raise a hand to command the soldier to halt, and then step forward in front of the girl.<br>
<span id="replace"><br>
You wonder how you should deal with this.<<br>>
<<link "Kindly draw her back to her feet and send her off with a smile">>
<<set $day68boutGirl to "kind">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
<<include [[day68boutGirlKind]]>>
<<link "Make a stern example of her">>
<<set $day68boutGirl to "mean">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
<<include [[day68boutGirlMean]]>>
</span>The poor thing must be terrified, suddenly caught in the way of such an important looking group. Sure, you care about making a good impression to the public, but more than that you simply want to help her out.<<br>>
<<if $cute lte 3 and $grace lte 2>>
<<set $day68boutGirlCheck to "fail">>
It's a lovely idea, but the moment you start you begin to realize that it's somewhat outside of your skillset. You try to give a comforting smile as you pull the girl to her feet, but it ends up coming out more like a strained grimace, and the expression that the girl gives you in response looks more unnerved than reassured.<<check "Grace 3 or Cuteness 4 check - fail">><<br>>
The moment you let her go she darts off as quickly as she can back into the crowd. You glance nervously around for a moment, checking to see how your behavior was judged by the commoners. You suspect that while your effort didn't go //completely// unappreciated, you doubt that the fact that such kindness seemed performative and didn't come naturally to you is lost on them.
<<set $day68boutGirlCheck to "pass">>
You walk towards the girl and squat down in front of her to not loom so intimidatingly. At your warm, encouraging smile you swear that you can see stars begin to glisten in her eyes.<<check "Grace 3 or Cuteness 4 check - passed!">><<br>>
Then you reach out to clasp her little hand in your own and gently help her back up to her feet, even taking care to help her wipe off the dust from her dress, which you provide a little compliment for.<<br>>
You don't need to look up to the assembled crowd to know that you've won some respect from them as a kind, benevolent ruler who cares for the small and unimportant.
After that, you're led onwards.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutiques2">>This might just be a little girl, but it's a valuable opportunity to make an example in front of all of these people.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 4>>
<<set $day68boutGirlCheck to "pass">>
A few steps in front of the girl, you draw yourself up to your full height to tower over her intimidatingly. Her eyes go wide in terror at the sight.<<check "Authority 4 check - passed!">><<br>>
In your most regal tone of voice, you chide her harshly for her foolishness to waylay you, not hesitating in your barrage even as you can see tears begin to well up in the girl's face. When you finally give an imperious demand for her to move out of the way, she scurries away in fright.<<br>>
You doubt that you've made many friends in the crowd with the stunt, but who cares - you imagine that they'll think twice about avoiding taxes in the future, knowing that they're under the thumb of such strict rulers. Certainly, none of the assembled people dare speak up against you.
<<set $day68boutGirlCheck to "fail">>
You decide to take the position of the angry monarch, and try to affect a demeanor of arrogant superiority, but when you look at the scared expression on the girl's face the idea of being mean to her makes the words you were planning to say stick like a lump in your throat.<<check "Authority 4 check - fail">><<br>>
When you finally manage to say something it's completely lost it's effect. If anything, the expression on the girl's face is more cheeky than intimidated. She casually takes her time drawing herself to her feet, sticks her tongue out at you boldly for your poor attempts at chiding, and then darts back into the crowd before your enraged escort can grab her.<<br>>
The exchange draws more than a few amused chuckles from the onlookers, though most are tactful enough to try to disguise it. You didn't exactly come out of that looking particularly powerful.
After that, you're led onwards.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutiques2">>You'd rather not attract any more attention than you already have! You're absolutely fine where you are, hiding behind your bulky escorts.<<br>>
To your relief, the soldier at least proves more tactful than he'd appeared. The girl looks nervous when the huge man first looms over her, but in a move that leaves you no doubt that he must have kids of his own at home, he pulls a funny face to cheer her up and gently helps her back up to her feet.<<br>>
Seemingly content that the exchange didn't go poorly, you can feel the crowd's attention directed towards you wane back to simple curiosity, and you're led onwards.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutiques2">>As you go onwards through the city you note the crowds around you changing, becoming sparser and more elaborately dressed. You still have the same amount of attention directed towards you, but these folk are vain enough to try not to show it so openly, pretending (poorly) to take you in their stride - the rich part of town.<<br>>
The shops change too, going from market stalls of bread, tools, and furniture to stores with fancy facades stocking goods like wine, books, and gifts.<<br>>
These get progressively gaudier, and by the time your escort comes to a halt in the middle of a plaza you've long surpassed the luxury of even the most affluent areas of your home town - the places you wouldn't feel comfortable lingering in because people would look down their noses at you.<<br>>
Compared to this, that seems like a cakewalk. Despite having gotten used to a certain level of opulence over the last week, and the Princess' own possessions being much fancier than most of what's offered here, you still have to bite your lip to remind yourself that you shouldn't be stooping meekly.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutiques2.jpg]]@@<br>
/* La Place du Très Cher */
/* La Marché aux As */
The lead soldier turns around to you and salutes. <<blue "Here we are, your Highness - Les Champs Coûteux. Me and the boys will be escorting you wherever you like around the whole district, so please visit all of the boutiques you fancy.">><<br>>
You're a little surprised that the Queen has given you such a vague mission for the afternoon.<<br>>
<<blue "Feel free to get stuck in, we'll be following after you, don't you worry.">> The soldier concludes.<<br>>
You've half a mind to take advantage of the freedom you've been granted and do as little as possible - that way there's less chance to slip up and make a fool of yourself. However, given how you can already see shop clerks coming out of their stores towards you to try to draw you to their wares, and the way that your escort is looking at you like they expect you to be shopping mad, you're not sure if it would play to your benefit. You glance around the plaza looking for a likely place to start.<<br>>
<<set $day68boutArray to []>>
<<include "day68boutList">><<if $day68boutArray.length gte 2>>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("rest") isnot true>>
<<link "Take a rest for a few minutes">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("rest")>>
<<goto "day68boutRest">>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("patisserie") isnot true>>
<<link "Check out the cakes in the delicious-smelling patisserie">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("patisserie")>>
<<goto "day68boutPat">>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("jeweler") isnot true>>
<<link "Peruse the jewelry store">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("jeweler")>>
<<goto "day68boutJewel">>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("outfit") isnot true>>
<<link "Investigate the designer clothing boutique">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("outfit")>>
<<goto "day68boutOutfit">>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("gifts") isnot true>>
<<link "Look at some gift stores">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("gifts")>>
<<goto "day68boutGifts">>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("art") isnot true>>
<<link "Pop into the art gallery">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("art")>>
<<goto "day68boutArt">>
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("toy") isnot true>>
<<link "Go into the brightly colored store in the distance">>
<<run $day68boutArray.push("toy")>>
<<goto "day68boutToy">>
<</if>>/* Pose for a little celebrity painting? */
/* Maybe this should be combined with the outfit section? Where you're pushily dressed up in an outfit and asked to sit for a brief painting. */
/* Come to think of it, a gallery where you're just asked for your opinion about pieces of art sounds really fun. Let's do that instead. */
One building catches your attention, and you decide to investigate inside - an art gallery.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArtGallery.jpg]]@@<br>
Inside you find a variety of different paintings by different artists adorned on the walls, next to little price cards with so many zeroes in that you try not to look at them. A few other patrons are looking around, peering at the paintings, and to your surprise even a cluster of the artists themselves seem to be in attendance.<<br>>
An obsequious, well-dressed woman who must be the owner swans over the moment you enter, desperate to entice someone so important. <<pink "Welcome, my lady, to l'Image de Joules. Come in, come in - we've got a simply gorgeous selection here this season, I know that you'll simply love them!">><<br>>
She takes you by the arm and directs you towards the first of the pictures.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArt.jpg]]@@<br>
You frown. You thought art was supposed to be paintings of //things//, not just vague shapes.<<br>>
<<pink "What do you think, my lady. Is this one to your fancy?">><<br>>
You can see everyone in the room, including the artists, crane their necks to better hear your response.<<br>>
<<set $day68boutArtCount to 0>>
<<link "Say that it's okay">>
<<set $day68boutArt1 to "nice">>
<<goto "day68boutArt2">>
<<link "Say that it's bad">>
<<set $day68boutArt1 to "bad">>
<<goto "day68boutArt2">>
<<link "Say that it's amazing">>
<<set $day68boutArtCount ++>>
<<set $day68boutArt1 to "amazing">>
<<goto "day68boutArt2">>
<</link>><<if $day68boutArt1 is "nice">>
You're not sure if you completely get it, but all things considered you figure that it's alright.<<br>>
The owner nods understandingly. <<pink "Excellent taste, my lady. Very modern.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArt1 is "amazing">>
You find yourself absolutely enchanted by the display. By divorcing the art from any objective reality, it's positioned itself wholly within the abstract space of interpretation, defying any concrete meaning in order to subversively demand that each individual observer develop their own unique understanding of what it means to them. Breathtaking.<<br>>
The owner smiles warmly. <<pink "Excellent taste, my lady. Very modern.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArt1 is "bad">>
You don't get it. There's clearly some nice artistry going on here, but why not use it to paint something of value instead of just... nothing?<<br>>
The owner . <<pink "Yes yes, right you are, my lady. Quite unseemly.">>
The next piece that you're taken to is a male power fantasy made manifest - a man with huge muscles fighting on a battlefield with blood and cannon fire everywhere.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArt2.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink "What about this one?">> The owner asks.<<br>>
<<link "Say that it's okay">>
<<set $day68boutArt2 to "okay">>
<<goto "day68boutArt3">>
<<link "Say that it's tacky">>
<<set $day68boutArt2 to "tacky">>
<<goto "day68boutArt3">>
<<link "Say that it fucking rules">>
<<set $day68boutArtCount ++>>
<<set $day68boutArt2 to "rules">>
<<goto "day68boutArt3">>
<</link>><<if $day68boutArt2 is "okay">>
It's a lot, but you don't hate how charmingly earnest it is. You figure that it's alright.<<br>>
The owner nods. <<pink "Excellent taste, your ladyship.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArt2 is "tacky">>
Maybe a week ago you'd have thought it was pretty cool, but something about it's blatant masculinity just reads as silly to you now.<<br>>
The owner nods understandingly. <<pink "Yes, it's a little uncouth, isn't it?">>
<<elseif $day68boutArt2 is "rules">>
You're sure that as a girl you shouldn't be into stuff like this, but the boy in you is too enchanted to resist it. Blood //and// swords //and// explosions? This is awesome!<<br>>
The owner blinks in surprise for a moment, but then quickly hides it. <<pink "Ahh, yes, it's really quite masterful, isn't it? I do oh-so enjoy the, err, //virility// of it all.">>
/* vulgar farting humor? */
/* pink feminine */
/* gothic. elodie? */
/* sexually suggestive (woman) */
/* sexually suggestive (male) */
As the owner shows you to the next one in line she explains <<pink "This next painting is something we're trying out - a piece from a relatively unknown young noblewoman. Just an experiment to see how it's received, going for quite cheap.">><br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArt3.jpg]]@@<br>
The art is dark and macabre, depicting a dark and gloomy noble living room.<<br>>
<<pink "I believe that it's intended to be a critique of the, err, 'morbid fatalism of nobility'.">>
The thought strikes you that it's exactly the kind of thing that Elodie might have painted, though there's no way to know for certain is it's really from her.<<br>>
<<link "Say that it's fine">>
<<set $day68boutArtElodie to "fine">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68boutArt4">>
<<link "Say that it's awful">>
<<set $day68boutArtElodie to "awful">>
<<goto "day68boutArt4">>
<<link "Say that it's incredible">>
<<set $day68boutArtCount ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtElodie to "amazing">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68boutArt4">>
<</link>><<if $day68boutArtElodie is "fine">>
You're a long way from disliking the piece, but even if it might have been made by Elodie you're not a fan either. You say that it's alright.<<br>>
The owner nods. <<pink "Yes. There's some potential there, isn't there? Maybe in a few years she'll be rather good.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArtElodie is "awful">>
Even if it might be painted by your pal, you take art too seriously to pay favorites - you hate to say it, but it's mediocre at best.<<br>>
The owner nods in agreement. <<pink "Yes. Perhaps there's //some// potential there, but for now it's far too undeveloped. Oh well.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArtElodie is "amazing">>
It's partly because you think it might help Elodie's career in art, but more than that you also happen to just think that it's a dang good painting. It's great stuff!<<br>>
The owner nods appraisingly. <<pink "Yes, you're quite right - she certainly has talent, doesn't she? I'll have to see about acquiring some more of her work here.">>
The next piece you're shown is as feminine a tableau as you could imagine - an elegant white horse treading through a pastel pink field of glittery flowers.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArt4.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink "What do you think of this work, your ladyship?">> Asks the owner.<<br>>
<<link "Say that it's fine">>
<<set $day68boutArtFem to "fine">>
<<goto "day68boutArt5">>
<<link "Say that it's silly">>
<<set $day68boutArtFem to "silly">>
<<goto "day68boutArt5">>
<<link "Say that it's lovely">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtCount ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtFem to "lovely">>
<<goto "day68boutArt5">>
<</link>><<if $day68boutArtFem is "fine">>
You shrug, it's not bad, you figure, but doesn't resonate particularly strongly with you.<<br>>
The owner nods. <<pink "Quite. Let's continue on, shall we?">>
<<elseif $day68boutArtFem is "silly">>
You roll your eyes at the scene. You bet that as a 'girl' you're //supposed// to enjoy this kind of thing, but honestly it's so pink and tacky that you can't get into it at all.<<br>>
The owner seems surprised by your response, but covers for it well.. <<pink "I quite agree.">> She says, unconvincingly. <<pink "It all seems so foolish. But it takes all sorts, you know.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArtFem is "lovely">>
A week ago you're not sure if you'd have been able to get into the painting at all, but after so long spent in the Princess' pink, girly carriage you've slowly grown to like the style. Perhaps it's just that you've spent every moment outside the carriage desperate to get back into the relative safety it provides that's been enough to get you to like the aesthetic, or maybe it's something deeper.<<br>>
The owner smiles warmly at your enthusiasm for the piece. <<pink "Yes, isn't it simply gorgeous? I'm so glad that you like it.">>
After that, you're taken around the corner to a painting that wasn't visible to you until now, and you have to strain not to gasp in surprise - it's quite salacious. A female figure reclines on a velvet sofa, her head thrust backwards across the back pillows in an anonymous ecstasy. Her bare chest is naked, and though her slender thighs are still held together the symmetry of the framing leaves the lingering implication of their separation, and invites the observer to imagine her completely exposed - seductively alluring.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArt5.jpg]]@@<br>
It's not the kind of thing that you'd have expected to find in a noble art gallery - as a commoner you always figured that they'd just be full of pictures of flowers, but after everything you've learnt about the social class in the last week you suppose that you shouldn't be surprised.<<br>>
<<pink "So, what do you think?">> Asks the owner.<<br>>
<<link "Say something neutral">>
<<set $day68boutArt5 to "neutral">>
<<goto "day68boutArt6">>
<<link "Say that it's indecent">>
<<set $day68boutArt5 to "indecent">>
<<goto "day68boutArt6">>
<<link "Say that it's beautiful">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtCount ++>>
<<set $day68boutArt5 to "beautiful">>
<<goto "day68boutArt6">>
<</link>><<if $day68boutArt5 is "neutral">>
It was a surprise to see something like this, but other than that you don't have any strong opinions on the matter.<<br>>
The owner nods. <<pink "Yes, a good example of it's type but nothing revolutionary. Let's move on, shall we?">>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "indecent">>
This //really// doesn't seem like the kind of thing that should be on display. It's difficult to imagine the artistic value of such a thing being anything other than idle titillation - and such things shouldn't be supported.<<br>>
The owner looks somewhat nervous at your complaints. <<pink "Err, well, you probably won't like this next one then.">>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "beautiful">>
You find yourself staring entranced at the painting for just long enough without responding to make it obvious to everyone what you're doing. It's gorgeous - so seductive and powerful.<<br>>
The owner gives you a somewhat conspiratorial smile. <<pink "Ahh, I see that you too are the owner of a more... mature palette. Exquisite, I'm glad that you enjoy it. Perhaps you'll like this next one too?">>
The art that she shows you is rather shocking. While the last one had displayed a female subject, this one depicts a male one in much the same scandalous light - a nude man reclining on a rug. The arrogance of his insouciant face is betrayed by rouged cheeks and pouting lips. Below, you can see the swollen, impudent shape of his semi-erect cock, the head positioned teasingly just out-of-frame.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutArt6.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink "What do you make of it?">> The owner asks.<<br>>
<<link "Say something neutral">>
<<set $day68boutArt6 to "neutral">>
<<goto "day68boutArt7">>
<<link "Say that you're not a fan">>
<<set $day68boutArt6 to "bad">>
<<goto "day68boutArt7">>
<<link "Say that it's wonderfully stimulating">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtCount ++>>
<<set $day68boutArt6 to "stimulating">>
<<goto "day68boutArt7">>
<</link>><<if $day68boutArt6 is "neutral">>
<<if $day68boutArt5 is "beautiful">>
Compared to the last painting, this one really doesn't do quite as much for you. You say something dismissive but not rude.
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral">>
Like the last one, you can't muster up much of an opinion on the matter.
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "indecent">>
Despite being much the same in tone, for some reason this piece doesn't elicit nearly as negative a response from you. How odd.
<<elseif $day68boutArt6 is "bad">>
<<if $day68boutArt5 is "beautiful">>
You'd been into it when it was a woman it was focusing on, but a guy's a completely different matter. You avert your eyes so that you don't have to look at it.
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral">>
When it was a woman it was focusing on it was at least passable, but now that it's a man you're even less into it. It's just not your cup of tea.
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "indecent">>
She was right - you dislike this one just as much as you did the last. It's vulgar and indecent.
<<elseif $day68boutArt6 is "stimulating">>
<<if $day68boutArt5 is "beautiful">>
Your thoughts are much the same as the last - regardless of whether it's depicting a man or a woman, it's wonderful!
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral">>
The one depicting a woman had been merely so-so, but now that it's a man in the picture you can't help but find yourself more interested. How odd!
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "indecent">>
Well hold on now - sure, the one depicting a woman had been vulgar, ridiculous, and demeaning, but a //guy's// a //completely// different story! You practically have to stop yourself from salivating just looking at it.
The owner turns towards you briskly. <<pink "Well, that's all of the major pieces that we have on display right now. I hope that you've enjoyed your time visiting us this afternoon.">><<br>>
<<pink "Only, there's just one more thing which might take your fancy.">> She mentions, excitedly. <<pink "You see, whenever we have a visit from someone famous, we try to have a little painting made of them to commemorate the occasion, which we put up on our wall.">><<br>>
She gestures to an area next to the front desk, and you can see a few dozen small sketches of various signed celebrities. Many of them seem like the kinds of people only nobles would have heard of, that would have no way of crossing the cultural class divide, but to your surprise you can spy a couple of folk heroes there as well - looks like it really is the done thing.<<br>>
<<pink "We have a very talented speed-painter here.">> She explains, gesturing for a man dragging over an easel to hurry up. <<pink "It won't be more than a minute, and it would be a //delight// to add a picture of you to our collection.">><<br>>
The painter is already picking up his brush, taking your acceptance for a given.<<br>>
<<link "Accept having my painting done">>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to true>>
<<goto "day68boutArt8">>
<<link "Reject it and get out of here">>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to false>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68boutArtReject">>
<</link>>You're meant to be here //in disguise//, the //last// thing that you want is to have any evidence of your appearance lingering around the place. This sounds like a nightmare just waiting to happen. What if someone who knows what the Princess actually looks like comes in here and clocks that you're nothing like her? And what if, after you finally get out of this ridiculous situation, this comes back and is used in evidence to slam you in jail later down the line?<<br>>
No, you're not going to let this happen. You firmly and strictly refuse the offer and get out of here as quickly as possible, leaving your escort to hurry after in your wake.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>You shrug - it seems mostly harmless. You might as well.<<br>>
<<pink "Wonderful, your Highness. Simply wonderful! It'll be quite beautiful, I'm quite certain.">> Cheers the owner at your acceptance.<<br>>
<<pink "Now, if you wouldn't mind just holding a pose for us?">><<br>>
You wonder what pose would be best.<br>
<span id="artReplace"><br>
<<link "Stern, cruel, and arrogant">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to "wolf">>
<<replace "#artReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutArt9]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Sweet, dainty, and fragile">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to "fawn">>
<<replace "#artReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutArt9]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Capable, confident, and self-sufficient">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to "badger">>
<<replace "#artReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutArt9]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Friendly, warm-hearted, and charming">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to "swallow">>
<<replace "#artReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutArt9]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Flirty, teasing, and seductive">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutArtPaint to "vixen">>
<<replace "#artReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutArt9]]>><</replace>>
</span><<switch $day68boutArtPaint>>
<<case "swallow">>
You decide to take an unpretentious, warm stance with a kind smile. Presenting yourself as the kind of girl-next-door that anyone could imagine becoming fast friends with, even despite you being the Princess.
<<case "vixen">>
You decide to take a slightly more lascivious stance - curving your body seductively and winking towards the artist. Presenting yourself in a flirtatious light, sure to excite anyone who glances at the painting in the future.
<<case "wolf">>
You decide to take a strong, regal stance, looking down your nose at your inferiors with a cruel smirk. Presenting yourself as someone not to be trifled with.
<<case "fawn">>
You decide to take a sweet, delicate stance, smiling nervously but prettily. Presenting yourself as an adorable figure that anyone would rush to support, look after, and ruffle the hair of.
<<case "badger">>
You decide to take a poised, collected stance, exuding self-confidence. Presenting yourself as someone who can take care of themselves and do what's necessary without relying on others.
<<blue "Wonderful!">> Exclaims the painter. <<blue "It suits you perfectly. Just wait there one tick and I'll get this finished in a jiffy.">><<br>>
You wait there, awkwardly suspended in place as the man becomes a blur of paint and brushes behind the easel.<<br>>
You're really not expecting much from such a quick turnover, but when the painter finally finishes - looking like he managed to put almost as much paint on the canvas as he did all over himself - and turns the easel around to give you a look at it you're shocked at the resemblance. You look every bit the
<<switch $day68boutArtPaint>>
<<case "swallow">>
charismatic, friendly
<<case "vixen">>
seductive, bewitching
<<case "wolf">>
ruthless, callous
<<case "fawn">>
innocent, dainty
<<case "badger">>
dependable, self-reliant
figure that you'd intended to appear as.<<br>>
The painting gets quickly put up on the wall, proudly pride-of-place, indicating that you're the most famous celebrity of the lot. Something about your image being shown off to every customer who comes in here makes you nervous.<<br>>
After that you take your leave of the art gallery, but not before you find your escort laden with a flurry of 'kind gifts',
<<if $day68boutArtCount is 1>>including <<if $day68boutArtElodie is "amazing">>Elodie's piece of art, since you'd enjoyed it so much.<<else>>the piece of art which you'd enjoyed, which cost an absolute fortune.<</if>>
<<elseif $day68boutArtCount is 2>>including both pieces of art which you'd expressed an interest in - which must cost an absolute fortune.
<<elseif $day68boutArtCount gte 3>>including all of the art which you'd expressed an interest in - which must cost an absolute fortune.
<<elseif $day68boutArtCount is 0>>which must cost an absolute fortune.
<<unset $day68boutArtCount>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>So many of the boutiques in the area don't seem so much as for anything in particular, but rather just a collection of wildly overpriced knick-knacks and trinkets. It's clear what the goal is - rich people already have the money to own everything that they need, so the only way to purchase gifts for them is to find something that they don't need in the slightest, and are so pointless that there's no way that they own it already. It's a smart marketing idea, but the sheer wastefulness of it all makes your head spin.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGifts.jpg]]@@<br>
As you find yourself going in one of these shops after another, you decide to try to pick someone to buy a gift for, as much to keep you interested as much as anything else.<<br>>
You've gotten close to a few people over the last week, but now that you've been dragged to Saint-Joules it's difficult to know if you'll ever get a chance to see any of them again. The only two people who are regular fixtures in your life right now both have //vastly// different energies.<<br>>
<<link "Look for a gift for Simone">>
<<goto "day68boutGiftsSimone">>
<<link "Look for a gift for Her Majesty the Queen">>
<<goto "day68boutGiftsQueen">>
<</link>>Simone's helped you out so much over the last week, and it feels like all you've been able to do is pile on more work for her. It'll never pay back what you feel like you owe her, no matter how expensive it'll be, but a getting her a gift is really the least that you can do.<<br>>
Besides, you can't help but grin to yourself as you imagine the face that she'll make when you give it to her.<<br>>
Your goal now in mind, you scour through the shelves of every likely shop you come across trying to look for something suitable.<<br>>
It proves to be quite a challenge. The issue isn't that you can't find things which she'd like - more or less anything cute and colorful would delight her - instead, the problem is that there's so many things that it's difficult to pick any single one above the others.<<br>>
In the end you finally manage to pick out two options which stand out above the others, but you struggle to make the final choice.<<br>>
<<link "Get Simone a fancy accessory.">>
<<set $day68boutGift to "simoneAcc">>
<<goto "day68boutGiftsSimone2">>
<<link "Get Simone some sugary sweets">>
<<set $day68boutGift to "simoneSweets">>
<<goto "day68boutGiftsSimone2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutGift to 'simoneAcc'" "day68boutGift to 'simoneSweets'">>
<<if $day68boutGift is "simoneAcc">>
Simone is always wearing so many brightly colored accessories attached to her maid uniform, and seems to delight in switching them out for different ones every day. Getting her a few to add to her collection seems like a perfect idea.<<br>>
You soon stumble on an appropriate store, and call for the attention of the shopkeeper.<<br>>
<<pink "Something colorful, is it, your Grace?">> She responds cheerfully. <<pink "Well, we've quite a few things that could fit the bill - why not this charming bow, or this fancy little ruffle? Or even this dainty hair-clip, this neon brooch, or these polkadot earrings?">> Soon she's gesturing and pointing around the store at all manner of items, almost faster than you can keep track of. <<pink "Come to think of it, there's even these cute tights, these darling anklets, or this delightful hair-ribbon.">><br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGiftsSimone2acc.jpg]]@@<br>
You pause for a few seconds in thought, carefully assessing your options, but it soon dawns on you that only one answer would be sufficient.<<br>>
You watch the shopkeeper's expression light up in surprised delight as you say that you'll take the entire lot.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>
Simone is generally a little hyperactive and excitable, the notion of giving her something sugary fits her to a tee.<<br>>
The stores offer plenty of refined and tasteful treats, but they seem a little too stuck-up and fancy for Simone's tastes. It's only once you stray into the slightly less distinguished shops that you manage to find something as colorful as you'd been hoping for.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGiftsSimone2sweets.jpg]]@@<br>
The shopkeeper seems surprised to see someone so distinguished grace their store, and can't seem to stop curtsying as she wraps the bonbons up in a paper bag and hands it to one of your escort to hold.<br>
Confident that you've found a lovely gift for Simone, you head back out into the plaza to see what other stores catch your fancy.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>You and the Queen aren't exactly on gift-giving terms, and you're far from stupid enough to think that getting her a little something is going to be enough to change anything between you, but hey - it probably can't //hurt// either, right?<<br>>
Your goal now in mind, you scour through the shelves of every likely shop you come across trying to look for something suitable.<<br>>
You try to think of what you know. She wears revealing outfits, but it's difficult to tell if it's because she likes them or if she just uses them as a tool to better manipulate men. She's a mother, but given the fact that her daughter's run away from home you doubt that it's a duty that she's taken to with much warmth. She certainly has a strong personality, but so far you only know it in terms of callous efficiency - it tells you very little about what she'd actually //want//.<<br>>
After you've been into a dizzying amount of stores, keeping an eye out for anything that looks like it might be appropriate, you settle on a couple alternatives.<<br>>
<<link "Get the Queen a jeweled necklace">>
<<set $day68boutGift to "queenNeck">>
<<goto "day68boutGiftsQueen2">>
<<link "Get the Queen a bottle of red wine">>
<<set $day68boutGift to "queenWine">>
<<goto "day68boutGiftsQueen2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutGift to 'queenWine'" "day68boutGift to 'queenNeck'">>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenNeck">>
<<section "neckText">>
The Queen probably has all of the clothing she'd ever want in the world and more - but from your limited experience with femininity you're already learning that you can never have enough //accessories//.<<br>>
What's more of a challenge is finding the right one - the Queen will no-doubt have a demanding and practiced eye for such matters, whereas you barely know what to begin to look for. The last thing you want is to earn her ire <<if $queen.lenient isnot true>>even further<</if>> by getting her something offensively tacky.<<br>>
It takes some finding, but you eventually find something that you hope will suffice. A deep red ruby necklace that seems to exude the confidence that you associate with the terrifying woman. It's perhaps a little gaudy, but the best option you can find.
<<section "neckText2">>
You try to imagine what it will look like on her, and find your ears suddenly burning as you find yourself picturing the jewel nestled between her cleavage. Nevertheless, you're sure that being able to inspire such a reaction will only endear the item to her.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _neckText>><<br>>
<<print _neckText2>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGiftsQueen2neck.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _neckText>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGiftsQueen2neck.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _neckText2>>
<<elseif $day68boutGift is "queenWine">>
Something about the Queen makes the image of her sipping red wine seem appropriate. Maybe she'd appreciate some?<<br>>
You search around a few stores before stumble upon a winery, and excitedly step inside.
<<section "wineText">>
<<blue "Ah, your Highness.">> The shopkeeper greets you with a bow. <<blue "Care to partake in some of the liquid poetry of the vineyards? Please - what symphony of terroir did you have in mind?">><<br>>
You cough awkwardly. As a commoner you're much more familiar with ale or cider than wine - you know the difference between red, white, and rosé, but anything more than that is a mystery.<<br>>
In mild panic you just start listing adjectives for the Queen instead of the wine - rich, powerful, flashy, bold, complex, satin-smooth, intense, mature, and opulent.<<br>>
Your eyes dart to their expression in dread, expecting them to look confused and suspicious, but to your surprise they just nod sagely. <<blue "Ahh yes, I'll get our strongest red at the double. Well chosen, your Grace.">><<br>>
The bottle he ends up providing to you is everything that you'd hoped it would be - what luck!
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _wineText>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGiftsQueen2wine.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _wineText>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutGiftsQueen2wine.jpg]]@@<br>
Happy with your decision, you head back out into the plaza to see what other stores catch your fancy.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>One of the stores is shining so strongly that it almost hurts to look at, and like a magpie you find yourself drawn to it.<<br>>
You have to get really close to be able to actually see what it is through the daze - a jewelry store, with so many glittering items catching the light in the window that you bet that you could catch a sunburn just from walking by.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutJewel.jpg]]@@<br>
Once inside, a pompous bespectacled man fusses over to you. <<blue "Ahhhhhhhhh">> He sighs liltingly in delight. <<blue "If it isn't our most regal of guests - the most high and splendiferous royal Princess herself. Please please, follow me.">><<br>>
He clasps you lightly by the hand and swans on ahead, guiding you forward through the aisles. At first you glance around you at the jewelry going by, but after you take note of how shocking the prices are you try to keep your eyes forward to not feel dizzy from it all. All of the other stores in the Champs Coûteux are expensive, but this one simply takes the cake. If you could pawn a single thing from here you wouldn't just be able to buy a house - you'd be able to purchase half a town!<<br>>
To make matters worse, the foppish store clerk seems to be pulling you straight past them like they're too cheap to even be worth looking at. By the time he comes to a halt, despite looking much the same as the others to your untrained eye, the items surrounding you ominously no longer even have price tags on them at all.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutJewel2">><<setter "pc.ears.wearing to undefined" "pc.ears.wearing to 'coletteStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'daisyStud'">>
<<blue "Here you are, your most esteemed Grace. I trust that some of the items in this section will be of interest to your fantabulously refined tastes.">> He fawns, spreading his arms wide to display the gleaming jewelry around him.<<br>>
For a moment you just stare at him, too thrown off by the decadence of it all to think straight, but when he blinks back at you in confusion you realize that it's not helping your cover to be looking like a deer in the lamplight.<<br>>
You quickly start pretending to look through the items, picking up the odd piece that catches your eye and glancing at it with what you hope looks like an appraising eye. Whenever you put a piece down the clerk picks it up again a moment later to put it into a velvet bag, but you presume that it must just be so that they can be cleaned or something so don't think much of it.<<br>>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
When you reach the earrings section the clerk perks up with <<blue "Ahh yes, our earring section is so very popular nowadays with young women. Pierced ears have never been more common nor as chic.">><<br>>
<<blue "You do have some truly superb earrings in right now, but might I recommend trying out some of our selection? I'm quite certain that you won't be disappointed.">><<br>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
Your eyes open wide at the prospect of switching Colette's earrings out for something else.<<br>>
<<link "Try out some of his earrings.">>
<<goto "day68boutJewel3">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<link "Reject the idea entirely - I won't be taking these off for a moment.">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day68boutJewelColette">>
You shrug, you don't have any reason not to try some on.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutJewel3">>
When you reach the earrings section the clerk perks up with <<blue "Ahh yes, our earring section is so very popular nowadays with young women. There's never been a better time to-">> However he stops in his tracks when he notices something.<<br>>
<<blue "My, how terribly rude of me.">> He apologizes. <<blue "My words quite got ahead of me. I see that you don't have pierced ears at all. How... unusual.">> For a brief moment his eyes narrow in confused suspicion, and you worry that he'll accuse you of being an imposter, but after a moment's hesitation he continues onwards.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, I can't recommend it enough. Why, when dear Antoine did my own ears...">> His hand briefly lingers on his own pierced lobes and a wistful sigh escapes him. <<blue "It was simply //lovely//. And they really are the 'it' accessory of the year. My dear, please do consider purchasing one, just so that you have something to look forward to when you //do// finally get yours pierced.">><<br>>
<<cont "day68boutJewel3">>
<</if>>The very suggestion of removing the earrings which Colette forced upon you is enough to make you flinch. Your hands instinctively rise up to your lobes protectively.<<br>>
It's only when the store clerk gives you a shocked look that you realize how odd you're behaving. Colette had done everything that she could to torture you - why on earth are you so scared to remove the evidence of her control over you?<<br>>
The clerk's eyes crease into an amused, knowing look. <<blue "Ahh, I believe that I understand, your Highness.">> He says, giving you a little conspiratorial wink. <<blue "A gift from a charming gentleman suitor, I presume?">><<br>>
He's completely off-base, but despite that to your horror you still feel your ears beginning to burn nevertheless.<<br>>
He gives a happy little coquettish titter at the face you make. <<blue "I completely understand. All of the finery in the world pales in comparison to something given by someone you're crazy about - and it seems the man has good taste to boot. I wouldn't dare ask you to even consider anything else.">><<br>>
You don't know where to look - unable to maintain contact with the man's warm expression for a moment. Somehow both utterly humiliated and oddly comforted by his kind words in equal measure.<<br>>
After that he tactfully gives you more space, and you spend the rest of your perusing in embarrassed silence.<<br>>
When you finally leave, you're shocked to see the clerk casually hand the velvet pouch he'd been placing all of the items that you'd shown an interest in directly into the hand of one of your escort with nothing but a <<blue "Spiffing. And here's your purchases - I'll send the bill around shortly.">><<br>>
You can't help but let out a gasp of surprise - that must cost an absolute fortune, you didn't even think that you were buying anything! But when everyone just gives you an odd glance you realize that you can't refuse the offer without risking revealing that you're completely out-of-your-element and have no idea how noble shopping works.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>The store clerk guides you into looking through the earrings,
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
even helping you to hook a few into your ears so that you can see how they'd look on you, though he takes note of your still-swollen lobes and suggests sticking to studs for now.
holding a few up to your ears so you can see how they'd look against your skin.<<br>>
Even though you don't even have pierced ears at all, he takes care to note that when you're first pierced you can only wear studs for some time, so keeps to those to provide as smooth a transition as possible.
He's so enthusiastic about it all that you find it difficult to resist, and once you make that allowance it isn't long before you almost find yourself enjoying the process.
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\blueStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\redStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\greenStud.jpg]]@@
Under the man's care, you eventually settle on a few different options - a glittering blue hibiscus flower, a swirling vortex of three points spiraling out of a stunning red jewel, and a regal green stone with diamonds falling from it.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "Pick the blue hibiscus">>
<<set $day68boutJewel to "blueStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("blueStud")>>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutJewelReplace]]>><</replace>>
<<goto "day68boutJewel4">>
<<link "Pick the red vortex">>
<<set $day68boutJewel to "redStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("redStud")>>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutJewelReplace]]>><</replace>>
<<goto "day68boutJewel4">>
<<link "Pick the green stone">>
<<set $day68boutJewel to "greenStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("greenStud")>>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutJewelReplace]]>><</replace>>
<<goto "day68boutJewel4">>
</span><<blue "Simply marvelous choice, your Highness!">> Assures the clerk.
"Now tell me dear, would you like to put them in now, instead of those
<<switch $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<case "coletteStud">>pink jewels?
<<case "onyxStud">>striking onyx studs?
<<case "pearlStud">>charming pearls?
<<case "daisyStud">>sweet little daisy ones?"
<<link "Yes, I'll switch pairs">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to $day68boutJewel>>
<<goto "day68boutJewel4">>
<<link "No thanks, I'll keep these in for today">>
<<goto "day68boutJewel4">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.ears.wearing to undefined" "pc.ears.wearing to 'blueStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'greenStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'redStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'daisyStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'onyxStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'pearlStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to 'coletteStud'">>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud" or $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud" or $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>
The clerk carefully helps you to remove your earrings and replace them with your new pair. When you check your reflection in the mirror, you have to admit that they do look good on you.<<br>>
The rest of your perusal continues without incident, with you picking up various items to try to look like you know what you're doing. However when you finally leave, you're shocked to see the clerk casually hand the velvet pouch he'd been placing all of the items that you'd shown an interest in directly into the hand of one of your escort with nothing but a <<blue "Spiffing. And here's your purchases - I'll send the bill around shortly.">><<br>>
You can't help but let out a gasp of surprise - that must cost an absolute fortune, you didn't even think that you were buying anything! But when everyone just gives you an odd glance you realize that you can't refuse the offer without risking revealing that you're completely out-of-your-element and have no idea how noble shopping works.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>
The clerk nods. <<blue "Very well. In that case. I'll just add them to your other purchases.">> And with that he deposits the pair of earrings neatly into the velvet pouch that he's been placing all of the items you pick up into.<<br>>
You can't help but let out a gasp of surprise - that must cost an absolute fortune, you didn't even think that you were buying anything! But when he and your escort just give you an odd glance you realize that you can't refuse them without risking revealing that you're completely out-of-your-element and have no idea how noble shopping works.<<br>>
Biting your tongue to keep quiet, you hide your reaction with a pretend cough, though you're careful to avoid picking up anything else for the rest of your perusing. As you leave, the clerk hands the pouch to one of the royal guardsmen for safekeeping.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>
<</if>>/* adds outfit to act 2. Too revealing to leave changing room. Maybe just suggest an idea and they prepare it for you? */
It seems like half of the plaza is filled with luxury women's clothing stores. <<if $fem gte 25>>You can't resist popping into one.<<else>>There's no way that you could get away with avoiding them<<if $day68boutArray.length gte 3>> forever<</if>>.<</if>>
The moment that you step into the largest in the square you find yourself accosted by a chic, sveltely dressed saleswoman. <<pink "Ahh, hello there, deary! Please, come inside out the cold.">> She coos, despite it being quite mild out there. <<pink "Welcome to our little emporium, I'm sure you'll find every outfit that you could possibly desire in here.">><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutOutfit.jpg]]@@<br>
At her behest you start looking through the aisles of clothing, but you quickly realize just how out-of-your-depth you are. With Simone's support, you've gone from not understanding a single thing about women's clothing to having developed what you'd thought was a competent eye on the matter. Whenever the maid brings out a new piece of clothing for you to see, you can at least figure out what impression it'll make. Hell, deep down, perhaps you've even begun to //enjoy// the process of picking what to wear every morning.<<br>>
However that's just one choice at a time, already assembled by Simone from the chaos of the Princess' hundreds of pieces of individual clothing into well considered outfits ready for you. Compared to that, being completely surrounded by aisles and aisles of the raw matter is completely dizzying. To look busy you keep on picking out more or less random tops and skirts and dresses off of the racks, only to have absolutely no idea what they'd look like on you or what you'd possibly pair them with.<<br>>
It's a difficulty that the store clerk seems to pick up on. <<pink "My dear, you have the eye of a woman who has these things arranged for her, as befits your position, of course. Please, allow me to find whatever it is that you desire.">><<br>>
You're grateful for the help.<<br>>
<<pink "Marvelous. Now, tell me, what is that you want to communicate about yourself with this clothing?">><<br>>
<<link "I want to be pink and girlish">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitChoice to "pink">>
<<goto "day68boutOutfit2">>
<<link "I want to be vibrant and colorful">>
<<set $day68boutOutfitChoice to "vibrant">>
<<goto "day68boutOutfit2">>
<<link "I want to be dramatic and showy">>
<<set $day68boutOutfitChoice to "dramatic">>
<<goto "day68boutOutfit2">>
<<link "I want to be assertive and powerful">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitChoice to "domme">>
<<goto "day68boutOutfit2">>
<</link>><<set $outfitStore to $outfit>>
<<setter "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'pink'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'vibrant'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'dramatic'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'domme'">>
<<switch $day68boutOutfitChoice>>
<<case "pink">>
You figure that, as the Princess, the most appropriate thing to request is something soft and feminine. Besides, you have to admit that things like that can end up looking kinda cute.
<<case "dramatic">>
You're here to make a bold impression on the world. As the Princess you're going to be gawped at like you're performing on a stage anyway - it's about time you started matching that energy with your outfits too.
<<case "vibrant">>
Perhaps Simone is rubbing off on you after so much time together - what you're really interested in is something bright and colorful and vibrant.
<<case "domme">>
You're tired to being powerlessly tossed around by dire circumstance and bossed around by the Queen. You need to start communicating to the world that you're too powerful to be messed with, and if your clothing can be making that first impression for you then so much the better.
<<pink "Ahh, wonderful choice, your Highness,">> responds the saleswoman with a smile. <<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is "pink">><<pink "Always a classic.">><<else>><<pink "Very modern.">><</if>><<br>>
A task at hand, her features crease together in concentration and she begins to prowl around the aisles with all of the intent determination of a bloodhound after a fox's scent, scouring through the clothes found there in search for the perfect thing for you.<<br>>
It takes her a little time to realize that you're still following after her awkwardly, and she airily waves you away. <<pink "Oh, you hurry along to the changing room - I'll bring everything to you shortly.">><<br>>
With a shrug you do as she bids, heading off to the side to the changing rooms.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit3">><<wearnude>>
<<section "outfit2">>
It seems like there are already some bits and pieces scattered around the changing room from whomever was in here last, and hadn't even bothered to put the items back on their hangers. With a little time to kill, you decide to gather them together and fold them up on the bench next to the door.<<br>>
You sit yourself down on the bench and wait for your outfit to arrive, but as the seconds expand into minutes you get restless. Figuring that you'll be changing out of them in a moment anyway, you decide to slip out of your clothing, and soon you're standing in the booth wearing only your <<print $outfit.under.name>>.<<br>>
It almost proves to be a terrible mistake - when the curtain suddenly slides aside you almost shout in alarm at being found out, but to your relief it only opens far enough for the saleswoman's slender hands to reach in with the outfit she'd found. <<pink "Here it is, darling. It'll fit you like a puzzle piece, I'm sure that you'll simply adore it.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:70%">
<<print _outfit2>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutOutfit3.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutOutfit3.jpg]]@@
<<print _outfit2>>
You take a deep breath to calm down after the shock of almost being walked in on, and thank her for preparing the outfit for you.<<br>>
Before she leaves you to it you hear a little gasp from her. <<pink "Oh, how unseemly. Is this stuff by the door to be taken out?">> She asks, and when you respond in the affirmative she grabs them with a <<pink "I'm so sorry about that. Some customers can be so untidy.">><<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit4" "Try on the outfit that she found for you">><<setter "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'pink'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'vibrant'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'dramatic'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'domme'" "pc.penis to 2" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.frame to 2" "pc.frame to 1" "pc.face to 2" "pc.face to 1" "pc.boobs to 2" "pc.boobs to 1">>
<<section "grabRest">>
Once you've done the first part of the outfit you reach out to the side to grab the rest, only to find your hands closing on nothing but air. Did she accidentally forget to bring you some things? This couldn't //possibly// be //it//, could it?
<<section "wince">>
You wince. No, you've seen enough glimpses of some of the more scanty items stowed away in the Princess' wardrobe to be able to tell that there's nothing missing here - this is genuinely the whole thing. You've been warned about how scandalous the latest fashions were in the Capital, looks like even Saint-Joules isn't spared them now.
<<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is 'pink'>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Barely-there Pink 'top'">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "barely-there pink 'top'">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Barely-there Pink micro-skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "barely-there pink micro-skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the outfit that the store clerk found for you - a tiny pink outfit which seems to cover almost none of you.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
/* It takes some confusion to work out how to put it on, and you even have to remove your underwear to get it to sit straight on you.<<br>> */
The woman definitely didn't fail in her assignment - it certainly is //pink//. As you slowly manage to work out how to put it on, the soft, thin material fits snugly around you like swan feathers.<br><br>
<<print _grabRest>>
<<section "pink2">>
You gawp at yourself in the mirror - this is ridiculous! The 'top' is barely more than a bra, cushioning your <<if $pc.boobs is 2>>A-cup tits<<else>>meager buds<</if>> and almost nothing else, bar a few straps leading up to a collar which only seem to make you look //more// naked.<<br>>
The 'skirt' is just as daring. Most of it is a sheer gauzy material that allows you to see right through it, and even //that's// only around the rear and sides. If you stand perfectly still it just about covers your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> bulge with nary a hairsbreadth to spare, but the moment you do any movement whatsoever the decency is shattered.
/* You gawp at yourself in the mirror - your shoulders, back, belly are almost completely bare and exposed. The dress below it //almost// manages to be decent, surrounding you everywhere except a huge scandalous cut-out in the front which leaves your thighs and the <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small, dainty<</if>> bulge of your genitals clearly visible.<<br>> */
<<print _wince>><<br>>
You stare at your reflection, shocked at how feminine you appear. You'd have thought that the outfit being so skimpy would leave all of the more masculine aspects of your physique unconcealed, but while it's true that they're all visible, somehow the overwhelming presence of such a girly outfit makes even your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>bulge<<elseif $pc.frame is 1>>broad shoulders<<elseif $pc.boobs>>flat chest<<elseif $pc.face is 1>>strong jawline<</if>> seem like the sweet delicate bud at the center of a flower.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _pink2>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutPink.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
/* <br><<print _grabRest>><br> */
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutPink.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _pink2>><<br>>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChoice is 'vibrant'>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Red Ribbon">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "red ribbon">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Sheer Neon Skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "sheer neon skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the outfit that the store clerk found for you. A navy one piece which has so many pieces cut out of it that it's more bare skin than covering, adorned with ribbons and a sheer neon skirt.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
The woman certainly didn't fail in her assignment, it certainly is //colorful// - a dizzying kaleidoscope of neon.<<br>>
It proves to be more than a little tricky to put on. It starts off with what's almost similar to a swimming costume that a woman might wear on the beach, but with so many pieces cut out of it that it barely covers any of you. It's attached to a confusing array of tight ribbons, and features a clip-on sheer skirt that shimmers with neon colors.<<br>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Cut-out Navy one-piece">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "cut-out navy one-piece">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to ["notPair"]>>
<<print _grabRest>>
<<section "vibrant2">>
You gawp at yourself in the mirror - other than the scandalous one-piece, which is so skin-tight that it's almost more lewd that straight up going naked would be, the only thing covering your body are the barely-there loose straps of ribbon criss-crossing around you. That is to say - almost nothing's covered at all!<<br>>
/* Most absurd at all, no matter how much you look, you can't seem to find //anything// that covers your pelvis - it's just a pussy-out kind of outfit! Your <<print $outfit.under.name>> are indecently exposed.<<br>> */
<<print _wince>><<br>>
You stare at your reflection. Even standing completely still, just the movements of your breathing is enough to make the neon foil material of the skirt shimmer in the light, and closer inspection reveals that the top itself also has some iridescence. Even locked in horrified thought, in spite of everything, you find yourself unable to stay still - shifting a little to send shiny reflections scattering across the walls of the changing room. It's a teeny bit fun.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
/* <<print _vibrant1>><<br>> */
/* <<print _grabRest>><<br>> */
<<print _vibrant2>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutVibrant.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
/* <<print _vibrant1>><br><br> */
/* <<print _grabRest>><br> */
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutVibrant.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _vibrant2>><br><br>
/* @@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutVibrant.jpg]]@@<br> */
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChoice is 'dramatic'>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Layered Purple Bra">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "layered purple bra">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Jewelry and Orange Ribbons">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "jewelry and orange ribbons">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the outfit that the store clerk found for you - a ridiculous outfit that's little more than decorated skimpy underwear, with a magician's sense of style.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
/* note - remove underwear too */
The woman certainly didn't fail in her assignment - the sparkly, star-studded pile of clothing sure does look seem to make a spectacle of itself.<<br>>
You start to pull on the outfit, and quickly realize that it comes with underwear - you'll have to remove your <<print $outfit.under.name>> to put it on correctly.<<br>>
/* <<set $day68boutPantyStore to $outfit.under.name>> */
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Layered Purple Thong">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "layered purple thong">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
It's only once you've slipped the purple underclothes on and reach out for the next item in the pile that your eyes open wide in surprise - it wasn't that the outfit //came with// underwear, the whole thing in totality is almost nothing //but// what you can only describe as underwear!<<br>>
<<section "dramatic2">>
You scrabble to put on what little else there is, an assortment of thin, gauzy fabric and jewelry, in the vain hope that it'll somehow resolve the issue, but to no avail - you're still every bit as exposed as you were before. If anything, the accessories only accentuate your nudity.<br><br>
You gawp at yourself in the mirror. A part of you wonders if there's been some mistake, and that the woman will be back in a moment with the rest of the outfit, but you've seen enough brief glimpses at some of the more scanty items stowed away in the Princess' wardrobe to already know that that isn't the case - this is genuinely the whole thing. You've been warned about how scandalous the latest fashions were in the Capital, looks like even Saint-Joules isn't spared them now.<<br>>
You suppose //showy// is exactly what the outfit is, though this wasn't //quite// how you'd intended it. You give the impression of an indecent stage magician about to give a show. Unbidden, you find your brain naturally imagining what stage name you'd have wearing this. <<print $pc.name>> the Magnificent? The Great and Powerful Princess? Twilight Sparkle?
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _dramatic2>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutDramatic.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutDramatic.jpg]]@@
<<print _dramatic2>><<br>>
Despite the situation, you can't help a smirk from reaching your lips at the idea. It's a teeny bit fun.<<br>>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChoice is 'domme'>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Shiny Black Leather Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "shiny black leather top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Shiny Black Leather Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "shiny black leather leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the outfit that the store clerk found for you.<<br>> You're decked from head to toe in tight shiny black leather, with the only areas left uncovered being either scandalously exposed bare skin. You look like a dominatrix!<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
The woman certainly didn't fail in her assignment - the jet black pile of clothing certainly oozes a certain confident maturity compared to how pink and colorful most things were in the store.<<br>>
It's only once you reach out and grab it and find how squeaky-stiff the material is that you realize that it's leather - polished to such a sleek reflective sheen that every minute movement and wrinkle sends light glistening off of it.<<br>>
<<print _grabRest>><br>
<<section "domme2">>
You gawp at yourself in the mirror. The top barely seems to cover any of you - leaving barely a strap running across your chest <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>that's so skimpy that even the tiny mounds around your puffy nipples are visible.<<else>>that's so skimpy that both the topside and underboob of your A-cup tits are clearly exposed.<</if>> And that's not to mention just how much of your stomach and thighs you can see. Even the areas that //are// covered aren't exactly decent - the outfit is so skin-tight that you can see every contour of your figure as clear as day.<<br>>
<<print _wince>><<br>>
You stare in your reflection. It's not difficult to tell exactly what vibe you're giving off - dominatrix. It's so stark that you're almost surprised that the shopkeeper hadn't thrown in a whip to finish off the look. You can't exactly fault her for it, you had asked for assertive and powerful after all, this just wasn't //quite// what you had in mind.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _domme2>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutDomme.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\68boutDomme.jpg]]@@
<<print _domme2>><<br>>
You relax your posture, more amused by the situation than anything, and when you do so you can feel the tight leather crease and wrinkle around you to match your movements. The sensation manages to send a tingle down your spine, and you can't help but do it once more, sending the leather squeaking as it adjusts. You feel tightly constrained by the rigid material, but somehow it feels more powerful than restraining.<<br>>
There's no way that you could possibly go outside wearing anything like this - it covers far too little to not get you found out within moments, but the temptation to linger in them is somehow alluring.<<br>>
<<link "Let myself relish the clothing for a little bit">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitLinger to true>>
<<goto "day68boutOutfitLinger">>
<<link "Get out of this ridiculous outfit as quickly as possible">>
<<set $day68boutOutfitLinger to false>>
<<goto "day68boutOutfit5">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'pink'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'vibrant'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'dramatic'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'domme'" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to undefined">>
<<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is "pink">>
The outfit is undoubtedly ridiculous, and completely lewd to boot, but somehow you can't tear your eyes away from the sight. You're so enraptured by the vision of the girl in the mirror that it takes you by surprise when a brave and gentle smile emerges on her face.<<br>>
You gently sway in coquettish embarrassment at the sight, and can't help but watch the way that the pink material flows and shifts around your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body like the undulations of a flower in a spring breeze.<<br>>
You find yourself wondering why this is quite so engaging.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "It's just nice!">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
It's just kinda pleasant. After all of the stress and anguish you go through on a daily basis, this moment feels like a fragile oasis of peaceful calm in comparison. You bravely turn your body around in a spin, and the way that the hem of your sheer skirt arcs upwards through the air is enough to draw a little sparkling laughter from your lips.<<br>>
You have a little realization that's enough to make you hesitate. You're looking in the mirror at yourself wearing women's clothing and it's just... fine. Hell - wearing some pretty ridiculous clothing, even, and feeling //joy// about it. There's a small twinge of incongruity about the whole thing, but even that's practically just a little spice to make the giddiness all the richer.<<br>>
Hell. You might even look //good// in this. Your body would have confused and distressed you had you seen it just a week ago - an androgynous combination of masculine and feminine features. Even now you feel weird about it, but you can't deny that on some level you look kinda nice.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<link "It's kinda hot">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitLinger to "sexy">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
While //most// of your mind's focus is remaining chaste, it's clear that at least //some// small part of you has something else on your mind. The clothing that your wearing is so skimpy that it accentuates every part of you, and your gaze in the mirror keeps finding itself drawn to certain areas of your body. Soon it's more than sweet giddiness alone that keeps your cheeks flushed.<<br>>
There's something profoundly odd about it being //yourself// that you're attracted to, but it's difficult to deny it either. Besides, your body has changed so much recently that you feel weirdly disassociated from it anyway. It might as well be someone else's by this point - an image of a pretty girl, or at least a pretty androgyne, rather than a reflection of you.<<br>>
You briefly consider whether your current body is your 'type', but sharply dismiss the concept as too weird to allow yourself to interrogate - not that's it's necessary, no matter who it was, anyone with such a shy, nervous expression on their face, juxtaposed against the scandalous clothing would be sexy as hell, regardless of if they're your 'type' or not.<<br>>
However, it's not just the thrill you'd get from looking at a raunchy pin-up portrait in the back of a pub. As well as being an object of your own desire, you're also the subject of it - you find yourself imagining walking outside like this, being seen and desired by people. It fills you with a warmth that's more than mere arousal.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock straining desperately against the confines of it's metal cage. It's humiliating and painful, but somehow it never becomes enough to make you stop - instead you just feel snugly contained, and a part of you almost feels grateful that the display you're giving yourself isn't allowed to be disrupted by something as unruly as an erection.
It's inevitable - you find yourself becoming hard, and you can soon see the bulge of your erection filling up and straining against the fabric of the little skirt. Somehow though, it doesn't make you stop. If anything, it just adds a kinky thrill to the scene.
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChoice is "vibrant">>
The outfit is undoubtedly ridiculous, and completely lewd to boot, but the sheer vibrancy of it all is so strikingly playful that it's infectious. You try to resist it but can't help yourself from moving more, watching in the mirror the way that the light plays off of your outfit with every step. By the time you let yourself do a little spin in the mirror and are delighted by the way the colors of your neon skirt shimmer as it spins around your body you're giggling to yourself in delight.<<br>>
As you allow yourself to indulge in it fully, striking ever-more bolder poses, you wonder to yourself why this is quite so engaging.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "It's just fun!">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
It's just plain goofy fun! After all of the stress and anguish you go through on a daily basis, the opportunity to engage in something so simple and foolish is a delight You make another spin, and the sight of the grin that rises to your own face in the reflection is enough to make it widen even larger.<<br>>
You have a little realization that's enough to make you hesitate. You're looking in the mirror at yourself wearing women's clothing and it's just... fine. Hell - wearing some pretty ridiculous clothing, even, and feeling //joy// about it. There's a small twinge of incongruity about the whole thing, but even that's practically just a little spice to make the giddiness all the richer.<<br>>
Hell. You might even look //good// in this. Your body would have confused and distressed you had you seen it just a week ago - an androgynous combination of masculine and feminine features. Even now you feel weird about it, but you can't deny that on some level you look kinda nice.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<link "It's kinda hot">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitLinger to "sexy">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
While //most// of your mind's focus is on your own playful behavior, it's clear that at least //some// small part of you has something else on your mind. The clothing that your wearing is so skimpy that it accentuates every part of you, and your gaze in the mirror keeps finding itself drawn to certain areas of your body. Soon it's more than giddiness alone that keeps your cheeks flushed.<<br>>
There's something profoundly odd about it being //yourself// that you're attracted to, but it's difficult to deny it either. Besides, your body has changed so much recently that you feel weirdly disassociated from it anyway. It might as well be someone else's by this point - an image of a pretty girl, or at least a pretty androgyne, rather than a reflection of you.<<br>>
You briefly consider whether your current body is your 'type', but sharply dismiss the concept as too weird to allow yourself to interrogate - not that's it's necessary, no matter who it was, anyone doing this much giddy dancing with such a happy grin on their face while wearing such scandalous clothing would be sexy as hell, regardless of if they're your 'type' or not.<<br>>
However, it's not just the thrill you'd get from looking at a raunchy pin-up portrait in the back of a pub. As well as being an object of your own desire, you're also the subject of it - you find yourself imagining walking outside like this, being seen and desired by people. It fills you with a warmth that's more than mere arousal.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock straining desperately against the confines of it's metal cage. It's humiliating and painful, but somehow it never becomes enough to make you stop - instead you just feel snugly contained, and a part of you almost feels grateful that the display you're giving yourself isn't allowed to be disrupted by something as unruly as an erection.
It's inevitable - you find yourself becoming hard, and you can soon see the bulge of your erection filling up and straining against your exposed <<print $outfit.under.name>>. Somehow though, it doesn't make you stop. If anything, it just adds a kinky thrill to the scene.
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChoice is "dramatic">>
The outfit is undoubtedly ridiculous, and completely lewd to boot, but the sheer costuminess of it all is so strikingly playful that it's infectious. You try to resist it but can't help yourself from striking a pose, and then another, and before you know it the changing room has become your own private performance booth and you're gesturing, dancing, and giggling at yourself in the mirror.<<br>>
As you get deeper and deeper into your solo performance, you wonder to yourself why this is quite so engaging.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "It's just fun!">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
It's just plain goofy fun! After all of the stress and anguish you go through on a daily basis, the opportunity to engage in something so simple and foolish is a delight. You strike another ridiculous pose, and the sight of the grin that rises to your own face in the mirror is enough to make it widen even larger.<<br>>
You have a little realization that's enough to make you hesitate. You're looking in the mirror at yourself wearing women's clothing and it's just... fine. Hell - wearing some pretty ridiculous clothing, even, and feeling //joy// about it. There's a small twinge of incongruity about the whole thing, but even that's practically just a little spice to make the giddiness all the richer.<<br>>
Hell. You might even look //good// in this. Your body would have confused and distressed you had you seen it just a week ago - an androgynous combination of masculine and feminine features. Even now you feel weird about it, but you can't deny that on some level you look kinda nice.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<link "It's kinda hot">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitLinger to "sexy">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
While //most// of your mind's focus is on your own playful behavior, it's clear that at least //some// small part of you has something else on your mind. The clothing that your wearing is so skimpy that it accentuates every part of you, and your gaze in the mirror keeps finding itself drawn to certain areas of your body. Soon it's more than giddiness alone that keeps your cheeks flushed.<<br>>
There's something profoundly odd about it being //yourself// that you're attracted to, but it's difficult to deny it either. Besides, your body has changed so much recently that you feel weirdly disassociated from it anyway. It might as well be someone else's by this point - an image of a pretty girl, or at least a pretty androgyne, rather than a reflection of you.<<br>>
You briefly consider whether your current body is your 'type', but sharply dismiss the concept as too weird to allow yourself to interrogate - not that's it's necessary, no matter who it was, anyone doing this much giddy dancing with such a happy grin on their face while wearing such scandalous clothing would be sexy as hell, regardless of if they're your 'type' or not.<<br>>
However, it's not just the thrill you'd get from looking at a raunchy pin-up portrait in the back of a pub. As well as being an object of your own desire, you're also the subject of it - you find yourself imagining walking outside like this, being seen and desired by people. It fills you with a warmth that's more than mere arousal.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock straining desperately against the confines of it's metal cage. It's humiliating and painful, but somehow it never becomes enough to make you stop - instead you just feel snugly contained, and a part of you almost feels grateful that the display you're giving yourself isn't allowed to be disrupted by something as unruly as an erection.
It's inevitable - you find yourself becoming hard, and you can soon see the bulge of your erection filling up and straining against the soft fabric of the clearly visible purple thong. Somehow though, it doesn't make you stop. If anything, it just adds a certain dirty thrill to the scene.
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChoice is "domme">>
The outfit is undoubtedly ridiculous, and completely lewd to boot, but you can't deny that all of this leather is doing something to you. You can't resist the urge to strike a powerful, domineering pose in front of the mirror, and then another - exalting in how confident you feel in this outfit. Before you know it, your expression in the mirror has become sly and taunting as you imagine teasing someone else.<<br>>
As you get deeper and deeper into the experience you find yourself wondering why this is quite so engaging.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "It's just empowering">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
It's just nice! After all of the stress and anguish you go through on a daily basis, the opportunity to engage in something that makes you feel like you're the one in charge for once isn't an opportunity that you want to miss. You strike another commanding pose, and the sight of the confident smirk that rises to your own face in the mirror is enough to make it widen even larger.<<br>>
You have a little realization that's enough to make you hesitate. You're looking in the mirror at yourself wearing women's clothing and it's just... fine. Hell - wearing some pretty scandalous clothing, even, and feeling chill about it. There's a small twinge of incongruity about the whole thing, but even that's practically just a little spice to make the experience all the richer.<<br>>
Hell. You might even look //good// in this. Your body would have confused and distressed you had you seen it just a week ago - an androgynous combination of masculine and feminine features. Even now you feel weird about it, but you can't deny that on some level you look kinda good.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<link "There's a sexual thrill to it">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitLinger to "sexy">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
While //most// of your mind's focus is on your own playful behavior, it's clear that at least //some// small part of you has something else on your mind. The clothing that your wearing is so skin-tight and revealing that it accentuates every part of you, and your gaze in the mirror keeps finding itself drawn to certain areas of your body. Even more striking is the way that the material hugs the contours of even your most private areas, straining and squeaking around you. Soon you begin feel the traces of a warmth growing inside of you.<<br>>
There's something profoundly odd about it being //yourself// that you're attracted to, but it's difficult to deny it either. Besides, your body has changed so much recently that you feel weirdly disassociated from it anyway. It might as well be someone else's by this point - an image of a powerful woman, or at least a powerful androgyne, rather than a reflection of you.<<br>>
You briefly consider whether your current body is your 'type', but sharply dismiss the concept as too weird to allow yourself to interrogate - not that's it's necessary, no matter who it was, anyone wearing a leather catsuit posing so strikingly would be sexy as hell, regardless of if they're your 'type' or not.<<br>>
However, it's not just the thrill you'd get from looking at a raunchy pin-up portrait in the back of a pub. As well as being an object of your own desire, you're also the subject of it - you find yourself imagining meeting people like this and the thoughts that would run through their mind. It fills you with a warmth that's more than mere arousal.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock straining desperately against the confines of it's metal cage. It should be a kick of humiliation that's enough to dispel the empowerment, but somehow it never becomes enough to make you stop - instead you just feel snugly contained, and a part of you almost feels grateful that the display you're giving yourself isn't allowed to be disrupted by something as unruly as an erection.
It's inevitable - you find yourself becoming hard, and you can soon see the bulge of your erection straining against the taut fabric of the leather leggings. Somehow though, it doesn't make you stop. If anything, it just adds a certain dirty thrill to the scene.
<<cont "day68boutOutfit5">>
<<else>><<error>><<br>><<cont "day68boutOutfit5">><</if>><<setter "day68boutOutfitLinger to true" "day68boutOutfitLinger to 'sexy'" "day68boutOutfitLinger to false">>
<<if $day68boutOutfitLinger is true or $day68boutOutfitLinger is "sexy">>
You strike a few more poses, but all good things must come to a close - if you spend any more time here then the woman might come back to see what's keeping you, and no matter how much you like this outfit you really can't afford to be seen in it.
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitLinger is false or ndef $day68boutOutfitLinger>>
You shake your head to dispel the temptation. This isn't you - you're a guy, and this scandalous outfit isn't befitting you in the slightest.
You turn back to you regular clothing, only to find them conspicuously absent. You frown, but a glance around the rest of the room only confirms it - they've //disappeared//.<<br>>
Panic rising, you think back - when you'd changed earlier you're absolutely //certain// that you'd just placed them onto the bench next to the door. Then when the woman came to deliver the outfit she'd passed it through the door to you and then...<<br>>
You almost gasp in shock - then she'd taken the pile of clothing that had been left in the changing room when you'd arrived. Your clothing was right next to it, she must have thought it was part of it!<<br>>
Now you've got nothing to wear but this obscene thing. You curse your bad luck. Why does everything always have to go so wrong? Couldn't everything turn out fine for a change?<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit6">><<setter "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'pink'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'vibrant'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'dramatic'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'domme'">>
You crease open the curtain between the changing room and the rest of the shop and peer outside.<<br>>
/* You can see the shopkeeper chatting away with a few of the royal soldiers of your escort, twirling her hair through her fingers, quite distracted from her work.<<br>> */
It takes a little time to spy what you're looking for, and your heart falls - your clothing is neatly folded up next to the till, just over ten feet away from the safety of the changing room. There's no chance that the shopkeeper will notice it and amend her mistake - the presence of half a dozen hunky royal soldiers in her boutique has proven far too potent a distraction, and she's cheerfully chatting away with them, twirling her hair around her finger as she does.<<br>>
What should you do? Calling her back to you while you're still wearing this could be a disaster - what if she opens the curtains and sees you? On the other hand, trying to dart out and grab your clothing yourself is terrifying. They're a little distracted, <<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is "domme">>but you're not exactly dressed stealthily in clothing this //squeaky//, <<else>> but wearing this there's no way you could be inconspicuous, <</if>> you'd just have to hope that you'd be quick enough to be indistinct enough of a blur out the corner of their eyes that they won't be able to fully put together what they've seen.<<br>>
Both options seem as risky as the other, but one certainly takes more gumption.<<br>>
<<link "Be brave and take matters into my own hands - make a dash for my clothing">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitChange to "dash">>
<<goto "day68boutOutfitDash">>
<<link "Trust in others to handle it for me - call for help">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day68boutOutfitChange to "help">>
<<goto "day68boutOutfitHelp">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'domme'" "day68boutOutfitChoice to 'pink'">>
If this is what ruins you, you want to at least have the confidence that you went down boldly rather than idly letting the winds of fate toy you at their mercy.<<br>>
You take a deep breath to calm your pounding heart, and then you're off - yanking the changing room curtain to one side in one fluid motion and dashing out across the room.<<br>>
You might have misjudged the distance a little - with your shrunken height it takes you four steps rather than three before you manage to grasp your clothing in your hand, but you manage to account for it on the fly.<<br>>
You triumphantly spin in place, and in doing so are forced to catch a fleeting glimpse at the group of onlookers. Your heart sinks - you'd hoped that you'd be away with only one or two people catching you in the corner of their vision, but to your horror every single one of them is staring straight back at you. <<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is "domme">>You must look absurd, squeaking around in scandalous leather.<<else>>Wearing such little clothing you must look like a streaker.<</if>><<br>>
You clench your teeth to quell the humiliation and force yourself to keep moving. If you can stay mobile they at least won't be able to get a clear view of the incongruous parts of your body. You hurtle back to the changing room as quickly as you can manage.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfitDash2" "Swing the curtain closed behind you">>There's a few horrible seconds of silence, punctured only by the simultaneous sharp intake of breath from the other side of the curtain as everyone gasps at what they just saw, which is echoed by your own gasping as you get your breath back. You can only imagine the odd looks they must be giving eachother out there.<<br>>
Finally, the shopkeeper calls out <<pink "Umm, are you quite alright there, darling?">> in a deeply confused tone of voice.<<br>>
<<if $voice lte 2>>
You stammer out a strained response that you just needed to grab your clothes, but it hardly manages to be reassuring.
<<elseif $voice gte 3 and $voice lte 4>>
You stammer out a slightly strained response that you just needed to grab your clothes, but just about manage to sound reassuring.
<<elseif $voice gte 5>>
You quickly call back out in a strong, reassuring tone of voice that you just needed to grab your clothes, in a voice that manages to be capable enough to hopefully dispel some of the indignity you just caused.
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<check "Voice Training check">><<br>>
Your <<if $voice lte 4>>awkward<</if>> reply breaks of tension enough to set your royal escort whispering to themselves. You desperately try to hear if any of them saw anything conclusive, but they're wise enough to keep their tones low enough that you can't identify any details. Still, at least none of them are shouting in horror about it.<<br>>
<<pink "Well you needn't have been so shy about it, doll.">> The shopkeeper calls. <<pink "I'm sure we'd all //love// to see your outfit. Why don't you come on out, instead of scurrying around like a mouse?">><<br>>
You firmly reject her offer, and thankfully she seems to accept it. You breathe a sigh of relief - it wasn't the most dignified thing in the world, and you're sure that rumors of the Princess' <<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is "domme">>shiny leather sprint<<else>>mostly-nude sprint<</if>> will be abuzz through the barracks by tomorrow, but it seems like you managed to get through it.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit7">>There's no way that you're brave enough to run outside like this. You're <<if $day68boutOutfitChoice is "domme">>dressed up like a sexy dominatrix, for the gods's sake!<<else>>almost naked, for the gods' sake, you'd practically be streaking!<</if>> You wouldn't be able to look your escort in the face afterwards.<<br>>
In a voice that you try to keep neutral but nevertheless comes out a little shakily, you call out to the woman asking for help.<<br>>
You think that you notice a trace of irritation cross the shopkeeper's face at having her flirting interrupted, but it's masked a moment later by the return of her customer-service smile.<<br>>
<<pink "Ahh yes, your ladyship! I'm just coming. Does it suit you? Do you need a change in size? We can do adjustments if anything's sitting incorrectly.">> She calls as she hurries back to your changing room.<<br>>
Just as you'd feared, the moment that she reaches it she immediately tries to yank the curtain aside. Your hands dart out to cling to the flimsy linen and hold them in place.<<br>>
You can hear the frown in her voice as she calls in <<pink "My lady? Why are you keeping me out, are you alright in there?">><<br>>
It would be easier if it were a door between you that you could just hold in place - the curtain has so many different areas that she can pull on that you have to guard against. You desperately call back that you're too shy to be seen in this, and just need her to pass your clothing back to you so you can change back. Annoyingly, you can hear a few chuckles from the soldiers at the exchange.<<br>>
The shopkeeper doesn't seem deterred by your complaints in the slightest. <<pink "Oh come on, now. No need to be so shy - I'm sure you look //lovely// in it! You just need to have some confidence - let me look at it, I'm certain it's not all that bad.">><<br>>
You splutter whatever excuses you can think of, but you're helpless when the woman simply grabs the other side of the curtains and barges directly into the changing room with you.<<br>>
<<pink "Now then.">> She tuts briskly but then, as her eyes analytically run up and down your body to check the outfit, you can see the moment her eyes jolt open in shock at what she finds.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfitHelp2" "Fuck!">>For a few seconds it's so silent that you could hear a penny drop as you both stare at eachother.<<br>>
The sudden change in volume catches the attention of one of the soldiers, who calls out <<blue "Everything alright in there?">> in concern.<<br>>
You give the woman the most pleading expression that you can muster.<<br>>
You're expecting the shopkeeper to scream, and finally put this whole debacle to bed once and for all, but to your surprise when she finally moves again it's to shout out <<pink "Oh, it's just an odd fitting! Don't you worry, Sir, we'll be out in a moment!">><<br>>
Now it's your turn for your eyes to open wide in surprise - she's just... okay with this? But all you get in response is a playful conspiratorial wink.<<br>>
<<pink "Well I never.">> She whispers. <<pink "Here I was thinking that you were a sweet young noblewoman, but you've been a poncy pansy-boy the whole time!">><<br>>
Your cheeks immediately flush red at the humiliating description.<<br>>
<<pink "Don't you worry about me. I won't tell your rough-trades out there if it's meant to be kept hush-hush.">> She says, elbowing you cheekily in the ribs. <<pink "I'm all for it, you know. Very daring, very modern. No need for the disguises with me - if you want to be a fancy little poof I think you should do it bravely.">><<br>>
You start wishing that she'd just screamed and got you caught instead - compared to this conversation lifetime imprisonment is starting to look appealing. <<if $day68boutOutfitLinger isnot false>>You can't believe that you had felt so confident wearing this just a few moments ago.<</if>> You just count yourself lucky that she thinks that you're just some noblewoman rather than the Princess - that would complicate matters even further.<<br>>
<<pink "Besides">> She concludes, not even hiding how much she's looking you up and down, her gaze taking in every inch of exposed flesh. <<pink "You look a treat in it. Suits you to a tee, if you don't mind me saying. If I were a few years younger the things that I would do to you...">><<br>>
You just about manage to stammer out through the shame that you'd really rather that she just grab your clothing.<<br>>
<<pink "Seems like a waste, with you looking so nice and all, but if you say so.">> She says with a disappointed shrug, before leaving to do as you ask.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfitHelp3">>The moment she's gone you find yourself gasping for air, the walls of the cramped changing room almost seeming to close in around you.<<br>>
There's the stress of almost having been ruined - that alone would be enough to make you panic, but somehow it doesn't even feel like the most pressing thing. More unpleasant by far was the way that she looked at you - the three-dimensionality of your personhood reduced down to a humiliating caricature based on her rude and incorrect appraisal of the situation. She saw you as an embodiment of everything that you've been terrified of being since this whole thing started. <<if $day68boutOutfitLinger is true>>It's enough to make your happiness in your clothing just a few moments ago feel stained and dirty in comparison<<elseif $day68boutOutfitLinger is "sexy">>It stings all the more painfully because you really //had// been having a moment of sexual fulfillment wearing this stuff, and it had been a precious moment of joy, but it now feels stained and repulsive by an outsider's point of view.<<else>>It's not like you're dressing like this because you want to! The very idea that other people might think as much is horrible.<</if>><<br>>
Thankfully when the woman comes back to deliver your clothing she doesn't barge back in to look at you again, she just passes it neatly through the curtain, but even then she somehow manages to do it with playful conspiracy. You change out of this clothing as quickly as you can.<<br>>
<<set $outfit to $outfitStore>>
<<if ndef $outfit.bra>>
<<set $outfit.bra to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to []>>
<<if ndef $outfit.shoe>>
<<set $outfit.shoe to {}>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to []>>
<<unset $outfitStore>>
<<cont "day68boutOutfit7">><<setter "day68boutOutfitChange is 'dash'" "day68boutOutfitChange is 'help'">>
/* <<set $outfit to $outfitStore>>
<<unset $outfitStore>> */
<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">>
<<set $outfit to $outfitStore>>
<<if ndef $outfit.bra>>
<<set $outfit.bra to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to []>>
<<if ndef $outfit.shoe>>
<<set $outfit.shoe to {}>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to []>>
<<unset $outfitStore>>
You quickly pull your clothing back on as quickly as you can manage<<br>>
When you emerge back out into the main room you try to appear composed, but you can feel your ears burning in embarrassment<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">> at some of the expressions that greet you<</if>>.<<br>>
<<pink "Wonderful!">> Exclaims the shopkeeper. <<pink "Well, it's been an absolute delight having you in the shop with us today, my lady.">><<br>>
<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">>
She takes the scandalous outfit she'd arranged for you from your hands, only to fold it up in a paper bag and hand it to one of your escort to carry. It looks like it's yours now. You consider objecting, but it seems like once you're rich enough the protocol is just to buy everything you try on.
<<pink "I'll tell you what, darling. I insist on you taking that outfit, free of charge.">> She says taking it from your hands to fold it up in a paper bag and hand it to one of your escort to carry, winking at you the whole way. <<pink "For when you're ready for it.">> You wince in response.
And with that you head out of the store back into Les Champs Coûteux. You elect to avoid any future clothes shopping for the day - one's already been more than you can handle.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>/* delicious and feminine cakes and creams. Spotted dick. */
As you're between shops, suddenly your stomach makes a rumble loud enough to be audible to your escort.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahh, your Highness.">> One perks up with. <<blue "Perhaps you'd like something to eat? I think I saw a sign for a patisserie over this way.">><<br>>
He's not wrong. <<if $day is 7 and $day7breakfastSkip is true>>After being made to skip breakfast this morning you're pretty peckish.<<elseif $day68boutArray.length lte 2>>The walk here took it out of you more than you'd expected.<<else>>All this walking around shopping takes more energy than you'd expected.<</if>> You nod and tell him to lead the way.<<br>>
You soon come across a charming little bakery tucked in the corner of the plaza.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutPat.jpg]]@@<br>
/* As you head inside, a portly baker calls out <<blue "Ahh, mademoiselle! Welcome to Angel Mort, .">> in a rather bewildering accent. <<blue "Sitz down at la table, I'll pop over in a kick, I reckon.">><<br>> */
As you head inside a young waitress in a revealing outfit that leaves her thighs completely exposed trots over with a cheerful smile on her face. <<pink "Hey there, welcome to Angel Mort! Please take a seat and we'll be sure to delight your tastebuds!">><<br>>
She guides you to a little booth and hands you menu to look over.<<br>>
You quickly begin to see why this place is called Angel Mort - absolutely everything on the lavish menu is so sugary sweet you wonder if it's even edible without having a heart attack. You'd had an image of young noblewomen as fairly dignified, but if this is what they snack on they must spend half of the day so hyper that they're bouncing off of the walls, and the other half napping.<<br>>
A fate which you might be forced to endure yourself - you frantically scan the menu looking for something less sickly to order and draw a blank.<<br>>
<<pink "Hey there, sweetie.">> Calls the waitress as she returns to take your order. What can I get you?<<br>>
<<link "Order the chocolate fudge cake">>
<<set $day68boutPatOrder to "fudge">>
<<goto "day68boutPat2">>
<<link "Order the knickerbocker glory">>
<<set $day68boutPatOrder to "knicker">>
<<goto "day68boutPat2">>
<<link "Order the spotted dick">>
<<set $day68boutPatOrder to "dick">>
<<goto "day68boutPatDick">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Tactfully get out of here without ordering anything.">>
<<set $day68boutPatOrder to "grace">>
<<goto "day68boutPatGrace">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Tactfully get out of here without ordering anything" "Grace 3 required">>
<</if>>You swiftly manage to think of a perfect excuse to get out of this situation without raising an eyebrow.<<br>>
With a gently regretful smile you fold the menu back and pass it back to her, saying that unfortunately you'd almost forgotten that you're supposed to be on a diet.<<br>>
The response is every bit as strong as you'd expected, the waitresses' expression switching immediately to heartfelt sympathy. <<pink "Oh gosh, well I certainly know how that is, sweet-cheeks.">> she consoles. <<pink "Listen, if you want to call it a 'cheat day' you go ahead - you know I won't be telling nobody on you.">><<br>>
You thank her warmly but decline.<<br>>
<<pink "Very well then, I know that a figure like yours must take a lot of effort. I just hope for your sake that before you know it it'll all be over and you can pig-out again like nobody's business. Hopefully I'll be able to see you then, honey.">><<br>>
You wave goodbye as you leave.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">><<setter "day68boutPatOrder to 'fudge'" "day68boutPatOrder to 'knicker'">>
<<if $day68boutPatOrder is "fudge">>
You're wary about overloading yourself with sugar, but you're also very aware that if ordering super-sweet things is the norm for noblewomen you can't afford to look out-of-place. You boldly choose the most obviously-sickly thing on the menu - chocolate fudge cake.
<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "knicker">>
You decide to take a gamble on something you've never heard of before. You're a little unnerved by how indecent the 'knicker' part of the name sounds, but at least it sounds better than some of the other options on here.
<<pink "Perfect! One <<if $day68boutPatOrder is 'fudge'>>chocolate fudge cake<<else>>knickerbocker glory<</if>> coming right up, honey!">> Responds the waitress, trotting away on her little heels to tell the cooks your order.<<br>>
You aren't kept waiting for long - before you know it she's back again, holding forth a platter which she lays in front of you.<br>
<<if $day68boutPatOrder is "fudge">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutPat2fudge.jpg]]@@<br>
The chocolate fudge cake looks even more opulent than you had dared imagine - every velvety, moist layer stuffed with so much glossy ganache and fluffy whipped cream that it oozes out at every angle.
<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "knicker">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutPat2knicker.jpg]]@@<br>
The knickerbocker glory is, thankfully, knickers-free. Instead it's a tall glass of thick ice-cream, lavished with layers of pink and red syrups, fluffy white whipped cream, fruit, sponge cake and proudly crowned with a bright red strawberry.
In many ways it's exactly what you feared it might be - enough to make your teeth rot just looking at it - but even despite that you can't keep yourself from salivating at the sight.<<br>>
<<pink "Well you go right on ahead, sugar. Dig in!">> The waitress calls, hiding a chuckle at seeing the expression you must be making. You find yourself doing as she suggests.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPat3">>You do a tactical maneuver - everything that you understand on the menu is so sweet that it'll rot your teeth out, so the only sensible option is to choose an option which you //don't// recognize in the gamble that it might be better.<<br>>
You point towards the item on the menu, inwardly patting yourself on the back for the idea. However, your smugness evaporates the moment that the waitress responds <<pink "Perfect! One spotted dick coming right up, honey.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise. She didn't just say... spotted //dick//, did she? You do a double take at the menu but can only confirm it - there really is such an indecent thing there, and you just ordered it without even realizing what you were doing! The waitress has already trotted off on her little heels, too far for you to call back and cancel your order without looking odd.<<br>>
You're awash with worry, imagining the phallic confection which will soon be coming to you. You dread to think of what the spots might signify. What kind of place //is// this? What will the Queen think when she hears that you did something so obscene?<<br>>
You glance over to your escort only to find them standing around the table like nothing happened. Does that mean that ordering sugary cocks is so run-of-the-mill for members of nobility that they're completely used to witnessing it? You shudder to yourself, having never felt quite so much like a fish-out-of-water than now.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPatDick2">>You're kept in suspense for some time as your order is prepared, sweat trickling down the back of your neck in dread.<<br>>
However, when the dessert finally arrives you find to your surprise that it's not obscenely phallic as you'd expected, but rather a spongy pudding dotted with dried fruits.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutPatDick2.jpg]]@@<br>
You glance over to the waitress in confusion, but she just smiles in return. <<pink "Your spotted dick, just as you ordered, sugar.">><<br>>
You breath a huge sigh of relief. You don't know what this pudding did to warrant such a ridiculous name, but it at least appears fairly innocuous. In fact, your gamble looks like it's paid off - compared to the diabetes-inducing other options, suet and fruit seem practically savory in comparison.<<br>>
That is, right up until the waitress lifts up one of the little jugs she'd bought along with her and pours so much creamy custard over the confection that it almost ends up completely submerged. Followed a moment later to your continued horror by another jug - this one of thick treacle.<<br>>
<<pink "Wonderful!">> Cheers the waitress, confusing your despairing inability to look away from the sight for enraptured staring. <<pink "You enjoy yourself, sweetie!">><<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPat3">><<setter "day68boutPatOrder to 'fudge'" "day68boutPatOrder to 'knicker'" "day68boutPatOrder to 'dick'">>
You bring your spoon forward with trepidation, barely knowing how to start, but from the moment you take your first mouthful you find your fears falling away - it's //delicious//!<<br>>
Unable to help yourself you quickly go back for another spoonful, and then another, and from then on all of worries about sugar content in the world wouldn't be able to keep you from digging in with fervor. Each mouthful is so incredibly rich and intense that you can't help yourself from going back for more, practically before you've even had a chance to finish <<if $day68boutPatOrder isnot "knicker">>chewing your last bite - not that much is required, the dessert is so soft that it practically melts in your mouth all by itself<<else>>swallowing the last one<</if>>.<<br>>
/* <<if $day68boutPatOrder is "fudge">>
<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "knicker">>
<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "dick">>
<<else>><</if>> */
Before you're even a third of the way through it you can already feel the sugar hitting you. A tension rising in your body that makes you want to dance and sing and laugh to expel it. You're somewhat aware that your eyes must be bulging somewhat, and while you can't check to see if it's true you feel like your pupils must be as dilated as the folks you used to see coming out of narcotics dens in the early morning.<<br>>
And yet it proves to have a spiralling effect - the more the sugar-rush hits you, the more eager you are for the next spoonful.<<br>>
<<if $day isnot 8>>
You've had a sample of the kind of food that nobles eat from your dinners with Simone, and
Yesterday at the banquet you managed to sample some of the opulence of food made for royalty, but to be honest you'd been too nervous to pay it much heed. Your dinners with Simone have provided a brief sample of the kind of food that nobles eat, but
while every one has been more delicious than anything you had ever eaten before, it soon dawns on you that compared to something like this they're nothing but travel rations - a compromise while out on-tour.<<br>>
This isn't something as mundane as being merely //tasty//, it's a finely-tuned and calculated experience - every minute ingredient chosen to accentuate the larger whole. Every time your tastebuds get used to one sensation, another rises to your palate to surprise and delight you like the cooks had planned your moment-to-moment experience from the very beginning.<<br>>
You start to wonder if anything else will taste the same ever again now that you've experienced something like this. This last week had been hell, but even though it's something as simple as a nice treat, you find yourself thinking that you could go through a little more of it, so long as things like this are the reward for your efforts.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPat4">>By the time the waitress returns to see how you're doing you're down to the last few <<if $day68boutPatOrder is "fudge">>bites<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "knicker">>remnants<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "dick">>crumbs<<else>><<error>><</if>>, and even those you're savoring jealously.<<br>>
She doesn't seem perturbed at all by the wild look in your eyes, nor by the way that your leg keeps jittering up and down hyperactively - she must be used to it. <<pink "Well how're enjoying it there, sweetie-pie?">> She asks with a smile that shows she might have already guessed the answer.<<br>>
You make a bashful little grin in return, embarrassed at being read so openly but too hyper to keep your expression neutral. You can't deny it either - it was the best thing you've ever eaten.<<br>>
<<pink "Well thank you, sugar!">> She replies cheerfully. <<pink "I'll be sure to tell the chef - I'm certain that he'll be chuffed to hear it. Now, can I get you anything else?">><<br>>
Despite the fact that you suspect your body is already past it's limits, you almost end up instinctively ordering something else in the hunger for more of this experience. Thankfully you just about manage to suppress the urge.<<br>>
<<pink "Well then, you have a nice day around Les Champs, honey. We hope to see you round here again.">><<br>>
After that you finish the dregs of your <<if $day68boutPatOrder is "fudge">>cake<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "knicker">>ice-cream<<elseif $day68boutPatOrder is "dick">>pudding<<else>><<error>><</if>> and bound up out of your seat with frenetic energy. You're sure that you'll be crashing from your sugar-rush in a few hours, but for now you're ready to continue your afternoon with fervor.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>/* autographs? Noblewomen wanting style advice? */
/* help a homeless beggar */
<<if $day68boutArray.includes("patisserie") isnot true>>
After looking through some of the boutiques, you feel like you've earned a short rest.<<br>>
You can feel your frenetic energy leaving you, and your feet start to become sluggish - the sugar-crash is finally hitting you. You need a break and a lie down.
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutRest.jpg]]@@<br>
You find a comfortable bench next to a fountain and allow yourself to collapse into it in a few minutes. Your escort, looking like they appreciate the break too, take up places around you.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutRest12">>Anywhere else in the city you're sure that the presence of half a dozen surly royal soldiers would be enough to ensure that nobody would ever dare approach you, but this is the //rich// area - inhabited by people who share the bizarre trait of feeling //safe// around the authorities instead of intimidated. For these folk your hardened troopers may as well be for decoration.<<br>>
<<pink "Yoo-hoo!">> Calls the leader of a pack of expensively dressed women, waving to catch your attention. <<pink "You over there!">> You begrudgingly tighten your tired expression back to being performatively pleasant, and notice some of the soldiers doing the same thing.<<br>>
The intruder flutters towards you, her group gawping around her sizable body to get a better look at you. <<pink "My lady. I was just chatting to Marcelle over here about what <<if $outfit.set.types.includes('dress') is true>>a lovely dress<<else>>a lovely outfit<</if>> you're wearing, and then Anne here, she says to me; 'why, it almost looks like it's fit for royalty', and then I says to that 'well, funny you mention that, because I heard that the royal family was visiting old Saint' for the season', and then Jeanne here says 'well I never', and I says 'it's true!'. And then we got all excited and we simply had to ask - are you her Royal Highness?">><<br>>
You wince, but surrounded by royal soldiers you can't exactly deny it. At your agreement, the crowd grow abuzz with thrilled muttering and pleased smiles.<<br>>
<<pink "My, well ain't it half an honor, your Highness.">> The woman responds with an elegant curtsy, which the rest of her group repeat behind her. <<pink "How exciting! Now, if you don't mind us asking - I'm sure we're all absolutely dying to know about the latest fashions in the Capital, would you mind telling us so we can stay ahead of the game?">><<br>>
You try to think of an appropriate response.<br>
<span id="restReplace"><br>
<<link "Tell them just to stay as they are">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $fem -= 1>>
<<set $day68boutRestFashion to "stay">>
<<goto "day68boutRest2">>
<<link "Tell them that the fashion in the Capital is to wear skimpy, risqué clothing">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68boutRestFashion to "skimpy">>
<<goto "day68boutRest2">>
<<link "Take inspiration from someone I've met this week">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#restReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutRestInspiration]]>><</replace>>
</span>You don't feel like you know enough about fashion decide something yourself, but over the last week you've met some people who might have a better idea than you. The only problem is choosing which one to use as an example.<<br>>
<<link "Tell them to dress like Simone">>
<<set $day68boutRestFashion to "simone">>
<<goto "day68boutRest2">>
<<link "Tell them to dress like Elodie">>
<<set $day68boutRestFashion to "elodie">>
<<goto "day68boutRest2">>
<<link "Tell them to dress like Colette">>
<<set $day68boutRestFashion to "colette">>
<<goto "day68boutRest2">>
<<link "Tell them to dress like the Queen">>
<<set $day68boutRestFashion to "queen">>
<<goto "day68boutRest2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutRestFashion to 'stay'" "day68boutRestFashion to 'skimpy'" "day68boutRestFashion to 'simone'" "day68boutRestFashion to 'queen'" "day68boutRestFashion to 'elodie'" "day68boutRestFashion to 'colette'">>
<<switch $day68boutRestFashion>>
<<case "stay">>
Honestly, fashion really isn't your thing. The sheer wastefulness of these rich women buying a new set of clothing every season sounds terrible to you. They seem to have nice enough clothing as it is - they should just keep wearing that.<<br>>
The woman frowns at you in disbelief. <<pink "Do you //really// mean to tell us that fashion hasn't changed at all? Even with the new season?">><<br>>
A glance over at her companions shows only a sea of similarly distrustful faces. Looks like you won't get away with something like that. In an attempt to reverse your tracks you quickly blurt out that it has changed after all.<<br>>
Now she just looks confused. <<pink "So, it //has// changed, but what we're wearing is perfectly in fashion? But that doesn't make any se-">><<br>>
Suddenly she's interrupted by a squawk of delight from one of her friends. <<pink "My gods! It's finally happened!">><<br>>
<<pink "What, Louise?">> Asks the leader in surprise.<<br>>
<<pink "The fashions! They've accelerated again! I knew that they were getting faster, but I didn't think we'd reached the singularity yet!">> The woman cries, almost on the brink of tears in excitement. <<pink "Now fashion changes happen so quickly that by the time it reaches us here in Saint', it's been long enough that the cycle's flipped around again. We're so far behind the trend that we're //ahead of the curve//, and everything that we're wearing is so trendy that the people in the Capital can't keep up with us!">><<br>>
There's a moment of awed silence at the news, before the entire group suddenly starts cheering excitedly.
<<case "skimpy">>
You try to be as honest as possible with them. At least then you won't get caught up in a lie. You're pretty sure that Simone told you ages ago that the fashion in the Capital was super skimpy, you just tell them the exact same thing.
<<case "simone">>
When you think about clothing Simone comes straight to mind. She's been the one making sure you have something to wear each day, after all. You're not sure if her style is in-fashion, but she's certainly enthusiastic about it.<<br>>
You excitedly tell the assembled women that everyone in the Capital wears fun, cutesy dresses covered in brightly colored, adorable accessories.
<<case "elodie">>
You think that the style that you've admired the most in the last week has been Elodie's. You have no idea if it's in fashion - in fact, you kind of suspect that it isn't, and if it was then she'd start wearing something else in defiance - but something about the way she carries it off so aloofly has gained your deep admiration.<<br>>
You tell the assembled women that everyone in the Capital wears cool, gothic, black lace from head to toe.
<<case "colette">>
You hate to admit it, but Colette's probably your best bet here. She's so good at weaponizing every aspect of her appearance that you're certain she must take the latest fashions in mind, though you're sure that she must put her own sickly-sweet spin on it all.<<br>>
You tell the assembled women that everyone in the Capital wears outfits so innocent and feminine that nobody could possibly believe how evil they really are.
<<case "queen">>
Obviously the Queen comes to mind. She's the //queen// for the gods sake - so important that most of the fashion trends are trying to emulate her whims, rather than the opposite way around. These women are a bit young to emulate that mature, sensual style, but you'd be steering them wrong by saying anything else.<<br>>
You tell the assembled women that everyone in the Capital wears dark, seductive outfits, to better manipulate men in the palm of their hands.
<<if $day68boutRestFashion isnot "stay">>
The crowd seem overjoyed to have gotten such a tip. Their eyes shine so eagerly that you're certain that by the end the day every single one of them will have a whole new wardrobe in the style you suggested.<<br>>
Thankfully, after that they soon leave you be.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutRest3">>You manage to spend some time relaxing on the bench, soothed by the sounds of the fountain in the background.<br>
<<section "rest30">>
It's pleasant enough that you even find yourself closing your eyes to doze for a few minutes, which is why it comes as a surprise when you hear one of your escort shout out <<blue "Stop right there, ruffian. Don't get any closer!">><<br>>
You open your eyes to see a man lingering nearby. Compared to his elegant surroundings, he looks deeply out of place, with a messy, unkempt beard, torn clothing, and tired eyes. No doubt a homeless vagabond looking to scrounge some spare money from rich people before getting kicked back into the gutter by the next gendarmes who come along.
<<section "rest31">>
You wonder if you should do something
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _rest30>><<br>>
<<print _rest31>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutRest3.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _rest30>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutRest3.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _rest31>>
<span id="bumReplace">
<<link "Let the soldier get rid of him and catch a little more shut-eye">>
<<set $day68boutRestBum to "ignore">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#bumReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutRestIgnore]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Order the soldier to let the poor man get closer">>
<<set $day68boutRestBum to "close">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68boutRest4">>
</span>You feel a little sorry for the guy, but you've got bigger things on your mind. Besides, you're sure that the queen wouldn't like you to be seen talking with someone like that.<<br>>
Thankfully the man goes without a fuss, and you manage to rest unimpeded for as long as you need to recover your energy. When you stand back up to your feet you feel completely ready for more shopping.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">><<setter "pc.background to 'bread'" "pc.background to 'manly'">>
You cough loudly to interrupt the soldier, and firmly order him to allow the man to come closer.<<br>>
<<blue "But- but your Highness, he's just a-">> The soldier responds, more confused than anything, but a meaningful glance from you is enough to get him to give way.<<br>>
The man steps forward hesitantly, clearly not expecting to have been allowed anywhere near you. You take a good look at him.<<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "bread">>
There's a lot that you recognize there - a week ago you and he were cut of the same cloth, both paupers struggling in the gutters of society. He's older than you are, and a little more scraggly, but he's the first person who you've been able to genuinely relate to as an equal in what feels like ages.<<check "Based on player background">><<br>>
There's something odd about seeing none of the same recognition in the man's own eyes. To him you're alien - completely removed from his own experience in appearance; in wealth; in class; and in gender. You bet that if you met yourself from back then you'd have just the same look in your eyes - there's something deeply dissociative about that.
He seems as good a guy as any. Maybe even better than most- there's a warmth in his eyes which impresses you, given how it has to shine through the grime and the dark bags underneath them.
He dips into an awkward bow, unused to being addressed by someone so important. <<blue "I hate to be a bother and all, yer ladyship. I'm not the sort to make mischief - I swear to the gods fer it. It's just with the bad harvest and all, my village didn't have no food left fer me, so I came down into Saint-Joules to try to get honest work. Only, I ain't the only fella doing it, it seems - and there's no work going. I just need a little coin fer a hot meal and lodging out the street fer the night. Could you perhaps provide a little generosity for a poor fella on a cold day?">><br><br>
You're not miserly enough not to spare something, least of all when it's not even your money to spend in the first place - you tell the soldier to give him some of your money, but all you get in response is a blank expression.<<br>>
<<blue "Er, I'm afraid that we don't exactly carry any royal funds, your Highness.">> The soldier explains, confused that you didn't already know this, but seemingly concluding that you're just so rich that you don't understand money in the first place. <<blue "All the shops take their purchases on credit, certain that they'll be remunerated straight from the mint. It's not for royalty to worry about petty cash.">><<br>>
You find yourself clicking your tongue in irritation. Looks like it's not going to be that easy.<<br>>
<<link "Insist on finding a way to help him out">>
<<set $day68boutRestBum to "give">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68boutRest5">>
<<link "Politely send the beggar on his way">>
<<goto "day68boutRestSend">>
<</link>>This isn't acceptable - there must be a way to help this guy out, it's the least that you can do.<<br>>
You try to go over what you've learned - people who give to the crown will have their money paid back to them by the authorities. It works well for the upper classes, but someone like this would be way under the mint's radar - even if you gave him an IOU of some kind you doubt that they'd trust it for a second.<<br>>
However, that doesn't mean that there aren't people here who can't act as middle-men. You order the soldier to tell you how much change he has on him.<<br>>
The man gawps at you in surprise. <<blue "Well, err. I got a few bob I suppose, but that's //my// wages. I earned that money.">><<br>>
You dismiss his concerns, telling him that he'll be paid back twofold from the treasury the moment you get back to the convoy. Hell, make it threefold! You're not certain if this is how it works, but you're getting the hang of all this - you're so important that even if you're completely off-base, the world will just reorient itself around your words.<<br>>
The news perks up the ears of the rest of your escort, and in moments one of the smaller soldiers piques up <<blue "Your Highness, can I throw a few coins in too?">>, and at your nod another cheers <<blue "Cor, I got a whole ten crowns! Payday!">><<br>>
Within a minute or two you've gathered up enough money to ensure that the beggar will be able to live a life of luxury for a good while. You can see tears welling up in the man's eyes. <<blue "Gods bless yus.">> He mumbles, completely taken aback. <<blue "You're an angel, yer Highness.">><<br>>
You smile, thrilled to have been able to use your position to do some good for once.<<br>>
After that the man makes a flustered farewell, and you decide to get back to shopping.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>It's ridiculous that you're spending so much money in all of these stores, and yet can't help out a man in need of a bit of funds to get a roof over his head, but it looks like there's nothing for it.<<br>>
You can see the frustration in the man's eyes at the letdown, but he makes sure not to show it - after all, you've certainly been nicer about it than most. <<blue "Gods bless yus anyway.">> He mutters as he walks away.<<br>>
You try to rest for a little longer, but you're so irked by your impotency that you can't relax again, and soon you decide to continue your shopping.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>There's one shop which really catches your eye - more colorful than anywhere else in the plaza.<<br>>
Like a moth to a flame you find yourself attracted to it, as much to simply see why it's such a garish collection of primary colors as anything else.<<br>>
It's only once you step inside the shop itself that the reason becomes obvious - it's a children's toy store, not exactly the most dignified place for a regal young woman to be interested in.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutToy.jpg]]@@<br>
You're just about to duck straight back out again, but before you can do so the sweet old shopkeeper gives you the warmest smile you've ever seen and enthusiastically greets you <<blue "Ah! A customer - come in, come in my dear young lady. Welcome to Geppetto's Toy Emporium, the home of wonder and delight in Saint-Joules!">> and you find that you don't have the heart to leave so rudely.<<br>>
You decide to take a brief walk down an aisle or two to at least look like you're taking an interest.<<br>>
<<link "Go down the aisle of dolls">>
<<set $day68boutToyAisle to "doll">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day68boutToy2">>
<<link "Go down the aisle of toy soldiers">>
<<set $day68boutToyAisle to "soldier">>
<<goto "day68boutToy2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutToyAisle to 'doll'" "day68boutToyAisle to 'soldier'">>
<<if $day68boutToyAisle is "doll">>
You're here as a girl, so it only makes sense to go down the aisle of dolls.<<br>>
At first the rows upon rows of beady eyes poking out from porcelain skin just kinda creep you out, but then you start noticing details that you never would have before: the similarity between one of the doll's dresses and your own; the way another has makeup just like Elodie had when you'd first met her. You spy a doll outfitted in something like one of the outfits which Simone prepared for you, the one that you've been avoiding wearing, and let out a little snort of derision - and from there they've got you.<<br>>
Instead of creepy puppets, you see the character and personality in the makeup, hair, and fashion in every one, and find yourself naturally making an opinion for each - too tacky; kinda cute; a little bold; not dramatic enough. By the time you get to the end of the aisle you've confidently made a choice about which doll is your favorite of the bunch and has traits that you'd like to replicate in yourself, and you have to force yourself to suppress the urge to take it home with you.<<br>>
Besides, as someone who feels totally lacking in agency themselves, and who keeps being forced into other people's models of how you should be, you can't help but feel a weird kinship with the frozen little marionettes.
<<elseif $day68boutToyAisle is "soldier">>
You know full well that going down the aisle of dolls would be more appropriate for the Princess, but some boyish part of yourself still finds the allure of toy soldiers too strong to resist.<<br>>
You come across a full playset, replete with battlements, cannons, and two full armies - one brave and dashing with red lion insignia, and the other smart and cunning with purple sparrowhawks. You can't resist picking up one or two of the pieces.<<br>>
There's something funny about looking at the rows of miniature militarymen when you have, following just behind you, a small group of royal soldiers waiting at your beck and call. In a way, having been surrounded by them for the last week has done a lot to dispel any romanticism that you might have had for the profession. They're just regular guys, who laugh and cry and argue like everyone else. And, when it comes to it, you know full well that they bleed and die just like everyone else too.<<br>>
The cruel reminder of what happened <<print $day - 4>> days ago is enough to make you abruptly put down the figurine you'd been looking at it your hand. For a brief moment all that you can think of when you look at all of these soldiers holding up rifles ready to shoot is the ''crack'', ''crack'' of rifles firing impotently in the distance in the Baron's mansion, which slowly dwindled down over time as the men firing them were snuffed out one by one.<<br>>
Suddenly you feel the comforting presence of a hand on your shoulder, and you find one of your escort looking at your expression in concern. <<blue "Come along now, your Highness.">> He encourages. <<blue "Let's get you out from all this boy stuff.">><<br>>
You wince - by the gods, he must really think that you're some fragile waif who's so wiltingly feminine that even looking at things for boys is too much for your constitution. What makes it worse is that he's not necessarily //wrong// - looking at this stuff really did effect you. You begrudgingly allow yourself to be maneuvered down the aisle, feeling ridiculous.
<<cont "day68boutToy3">>As you wonder down the next aisle, something captures your attention.<<br>>
It's no wonder really, it's huge and placed in pride-of-place in the center of the floor - a big plush toy teddy bear.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutToy3.jpg]]@@<br>
Geppetto, the shopkeeper, comes over when he sees you looking at it. <<blue "This one here's the pride of the store. A delightful fella who'd absolutely love to come home with you. You know, I've been saving him - not letting him go to some spoilt little so-and-so who wouldn't treat him right, but the moment I saw your eyes light up when you looked his way I knew that you're the girl who's right for him.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise. Sure, it'd caught your eye, but you're pretty certain that it had just been because it had been so //big//, not because of some special connection or anything.<<br>>
Something about the shopkeepers gentle smile //does// seem oddly sincere, but it could just be good acting - some pushy salesmanship now that he's clocked that you're filthy rich.<<br>>
The last thing that you want is to develop a reputation for childishness, so you try to politely refuse him, but he unexpectedly doesn't back down in his enthusiasm.<<br>>
<<blue "No, please, I insist! I just know that if you leave without him the poor thing'll be so sad that his best friend has rejected him. I'll tell you what, I don't even need to take payment from you, just knowing that he'll have a home that's right for him will be all the reward I'd need in the world, trust me. Go on, dear.">><<br>>
Oh jeez. He's a very sweet old man, but he's insisting so hard that the only way you can see of getting out of this is to take a pretty hard stance and upset him.<<br>>
<<link "Firmly refuse the teddy bear, no matter how rude it seems">>
<<set $day68boutToyBear to "reject">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<link "Reluctantly accept the teddy bear">>
<<set $day68boutToyBear to "accept">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $bear to {}>>
<<set $bear.love to false>>
<<set $bear.new to true>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<link "Actually he's right - this teddy bear's perfect for me!">>
<<set $day68boutToyBear to "love">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $bear to {}>>
<<set $bear.love to true>>
<<set $bear.new to true>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68boutToyBear to 'love'" "day68boutToyBear to 'accept'" "day68boutToyBear to 'reject'">>
<<if $day68boutToyBear is "reject">>
You've had so suffer so much indignity already this week, there's no way that you're going to accept thought of as childish on top of everything else. Besides, you're the //Princess// - you shouldn't have to endure this kind of pressure.<<br>>
When Geppetto tries to take your hand in his imploringly, the action is so desperate that you find yourself firmly smacking it out of the way. You try to maintain a diplomatic tone and let him down gently, but you don't quite manage to keep the sharpness out of your words.<<br>>
You watch the poor old man's face fall in front of your eyes, and have to force yourself to keep firm on the matter.<<br>>
<<blue "I know that there's so much pressure to grow up fast and discard childish things.">> He perseveres. <<blue "But I know that there's a sweet little girl deep inside you that's dying for the opportunity to be let out and show you just how magical the world can be. If you could just let her-">><<br>>
Luckily one of your royal escort seems to take the hint and steps forward. <<blue "Now listen up, old man. She said she doesn't want it. Now let her royal Highness be, or else we'll have to hold you in arrest for botherin' royalty, and you wouldn't want that, would you? Put a cork in it.">><<br>>
You're grateful for the escape, even if he could have phrased it a little more gently. With that, you and your escort head back outside, leaving Geppetto glum and dejected behind you.<<br>>
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>
<<elseif $day68boutToyBear is "accept">>
You wince to yourself, but you can't see an easy way out of this, not with him being so persistent. You'd rather that the staff back in the Bastille didn't see you coming home with a huge teddy bear, but it's not worth causing a scene about either.<<br>>
Reluctantly, you agree to take the Bear off of his hands. You try to force yourself not to notice the little smile that the soldiers around you exchange with eachother at the acceptance.<<br>>
<<blue "Oh marvelous! Simply marvelous!">> Geppetto cheers in delight. <<blue "I just know that the two of you will be fast friends before you know it.">><<br>>
He unhooks the bear from it's position, and brings it closer to you - even holding it's head so that it looks at you at eye-level. <<blue "Now, what name do you think this fellow needs?">> He asks warmly.<<br>>
You try to suppress your eye-roll, and almost manage it.<br>
<span id="bearReplace">
<<if $nameCheck is undefined or $nameCheck is 1>>
<<textbox "$bear.name" "" autofocus>>
<<textbox "$bear.name" $bear.name>>
<<if $nameCheck is 1>>@@color:red; Please input a valid name@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 2>>@@color:red; Please don't use strange characters like $, _, or (.@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 3>>@@color:red; Your name is not capitalized, are you sure that you wish to continue?@@<</if>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $bear.name is "">>
<<set $nameCheck to 1>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<if $bear.name.includes("_") is true or $bear.name.includes("$") is true or $bear.name.includes("(") is true or $bear.name.includes(")") is true>>
<<set $nameCheck to 2>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<if $nameCheck isnot 3>>
<<if $bear.name.first() is "a" or $bear.name.first() is "b" or $bear.name.first() is "c" or $bear.name.first() is "d" or $bear.name.first() is "e" or $bear.name.first() is "f" or $bear.name.first() is "g" or $bear.name.first() is "h" or $bear.name.first() is "i" or $bear.name.first() is "j" or $bear.name.first() is "k" or $bear.name.first() is "l" or $bear.name.first() is "m" or $bear.name.first() is "n" or $bear.name.first() is "o" or $bear.name.first() is "p" or $bear.name.first() is "q" or $bear.name.first() is "r" or $bear.name.first() is "s" or $bear.name.first() is "t" or $bear.name.first() is "u" or $bear.name.first() is "v" or $bear.name.first() is "w" or $bear.name.first() is "x" or $bear.name.first() is "y" or $bear.name.first() is "z">>
<<set $nameCheck to 3>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
/* <<link "link text">> */
<<replace "#bearReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutToyBearName]]>><</replace>>
/* <</link>> */
/* <<link "link text">> */
<<replace "#bearReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutToyBearName]]>><</replace>>
/* <</link>> */
<<elseif $day68boutToyBear is "love">>
You were a little scared to admit it to yourself at first, but honestly Geppetto might be right. The moment that you saw the big teddy bear you had to resist the urge to wrap your arms around it and take it home with you. The shopkeeper's claims that the feeling is reciprocated are a //little// specious, even for you, but you can't deny that the magic of it all makes you excited.<<br>>
Who cares if word gets around that you're a little childish? It's not like it ruins your cover, just your pride - and after everything that's happened in the last week that's already in tatters as it is. You're not about to give up on something fun to try to protect it. Besides - you can only imagine how happy Simone will be at being able to meet him.<<br>>
The old man's face lights up when he sees your delight. <<blue "Oh bless me, I'm so glad. I don't like to be so pushy you know, but I could just tell from looking at you that you'd love him, and just needed some help to get there. Let me get him down for you.">><<br>>
He unhooks the bear from it's position, and then you can finally hold it in your arms. It's plush and warm and soft and snuggly and you can't help yourself from giggling to yourself with joy.<<br>>
<<blue "So, now that he's yours, he needs a name, don't you think?">> Suggests Geppetto.<<br>>
You consider the question.<br>
<span id="bearReplace">
<<if $nameCheck is undefined or $nameCheck is 1>>
<<textbox "$bear.name" "" autofocus>>
<<textbox "$bear.name" $bear.name>>
<<if $nameCheck is 1>>@@color:red; Please input a valid name@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 2>>@@color:red; Please don't use strange characters like $, _, or (.@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 3>>@@color:red; Your name is not capitalized, are you sure that you wish to continue?@@<</if>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $bear.name is "">>
<<set $nameCheck to 1>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<if $bear.name.includes("_") is true or $bear.name.includes("$") is true or $bear.name.includes("(") is true or $bear.name.includes(")") is true>>
<<set $nameCheck to 2>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<if $nameCheck isnot 3>>
<<if $bear.name.first() is "a" or $bear.name.first() is "b" or $bear.name.first() is "c" or $bear.name.first() is "d" or $bear.name.first() is "e" or $bear.name.first() is "f" or $bear.name.first() is "g" or $bear.name.first() is "h" or $bear.name.first() is "i" or $bear.name.first() is "j" or $bear.name.first() is "k" or $bear.name.first() is "l" or $bear.name.first() is "m" or $bear.name.first() is "n" or $bear.name.first() is "o" or $bear.name.first() is "p" or $bear.name.first() is "q" or $bear.name.first() is "r" or $bear.name.first() is "s" or $bear.name.first() is "t" or $bear.name.first() is "u" or $bear.name.first() is "v" or $bear.name.first() is "w" or $bear.name.first() is "x" or $bear.name.first() is "y" or $bear.name.first() is "z">>
<<set $nameCheck to 3>>
<<goto "day68boutToy4">>
<<replace "#bearReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutToyBearName]]>><</replace>>
<<replace "#bearReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day68boutToyBearName]]>><</replace>>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>><<unset $nameCheck>>
<<if $day68boutToyBear is "accept">>
The old man smiles in delight. <<blue "<<print $bear.name>>, is it? Well, you take care of him, alright?">><<br>>
One of the soldiers bravely takes on the difficult task of carrying <<print $bear.name>> for you, and is almost lost from sight amid the plush fluffiness. After that, you make a rapid escape from the store before you can have anything else forced upon you.
<<elseif $day68boutToyBear is "love">>
The old man chuckles with delight. <<blue "<<print $bear.name>>, is it? Well, you take care of him, okay?">><<br>>
You find yourself holding the sweet thing close for even longer than you'd expected. When you separate one of the royal soldiers bravely offers to carry <<print $bear.name>> for you, and is soon almost lost from sight amid the plush fluffiness. As you depart you give Geppetto a gleeful wave goodbye.
<<cont "day68boutPlaza">>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68boutiques2.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $day68boutArray.includesAll("patisserie", "outfit", "gifts", "rest", "jeweler", "art", "toy")>>
You take one last look around Les Champs Coûteux to see if there's anywhere that you haven't visited yet, and note with satisfaction that it seems like everything that interests you has already been ticked off your list.<<br>>
Your escort seem to notice this fact as well, and you feel like you note a twinge of relief in their expressions - after all, they've been the ones lugging around all of the shopping for you, and it seemed like in addition to the things that you actually wanted to get, every store seemed determined to ply you with so many freebies that each and every one of them is completely overburdened.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, looks like that's everything, your Highness.">> Asks one bravely, and is relieved when you nod in agreement. <<blue "Have you had a nice time this afternoon?">><<br>>
Careful not to disturb your disguise as a shopping-mad young noblewoman you give your assent, but as your group begin to head back to the intimidating structure of the Bastille you find yourself giving the soldier's question some thought.<br>
<<section "section">>
It isn't long before your group arrives back at the Bastille, and you're shown back into the tight, winding corridors.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $jumped is true>>
<<goto "boutLeadOut">>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<goto "day6meratStart">>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetter">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart">>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "I suppose that I did">>
<<set $day68boutMood to "fun">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<hr>>At some point in the process you'd stopped shopping for the sake of appearances, and started shopping for the sheer joy of it all. Just looking at all of these beautiful items has been a delight, let alone being able to decide which ones you like most and taking them home with you. You're grateful for the opportunity to have had such idle and delightful fun.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "It was awful!">>
<<set $day68boutMood to "noFun">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>
You cringe at the thought. You'd done a decent job keeping up appearances, but you've gone through so many humiliations doing all this shopping, all just to transfer ridiculous amounts of money into the coffers of arrogant merchants. You really don't understand the appeal.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
Back in the plaza, you look around to see where to go next.<<br>>
<<include "day68boutList">>
<</if>>Your escort directs you through the dark, windowless corridors of the Bastille de la Sainte. You quickly lose your way in the winding corridors, and it seems like you're not the only one - at one point the soldier in charge has to awkwardly stop and ask a passing servant for directions.<<br>>
<<pink "Ah, the ballroom! Yes, we're very proud of it here, with the local dancing scene so vibrant here in the south. I'm sure her Ladyship will have a wonderful time.">> The maid replies enthusiastically to the man's embarrassed question. <<pink "It's just that way - all of the large halls are right in the //center// of the Bastille, like the yoke of an egg. It takes a bit of getting used to.">><<br>>
With her advice, it's not long before you arrive at your destination - a huge and expansive ballroom
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68dance.jpg]]@@<br>
Like everything else in the Bastille, it's dark and foreboding. Clearly the architects valued the defensiveness of the building too highly to permit such dangerous creature comforts as //windows// - so what natural light that can reach into the room is dim; the suns warm rays long bleached cool and ghostly by reflecting off the cold stone before it can penetrate here.<<br>>
However, the iciness of the scene is more than compensated for by the warmth of its occupants. Lively, cheerful music fills the room, courtesy of a large band of musicians. A couple are already dancing, but the majority seem to have recently arrived, and are still happily chatting away with each other.<<br>>
As you're led down the long hall towards the crowd you can feel more and more eyes drawn towards you as news of who you are spreads like wildfire through the group. You force yourself to try to relax and not freak out about the attention.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68dance2">>
/* A pencil-mustached gentleman is the first one to approach you, his manner confident and assured. <<blue "Delighted to see ya, Highness. The pleasure's totally ours - I've been a regular here at the dancing hall for ages now, and I don't think we've ever had the honor of anyone so important. We get a steady stream of barons and duchesses and the like, but the Princess? What a thrill - I'm sure all of the lads will be dying for a spot on your dance card - no pressure though.">><<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You blink. You've had a lot of experience with dance cards from your time flirting with women at noble parties, but had never considered the idea of having
You blink, a dance card?<<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>The man seems to take the look of confusion that crosses your face for not recognizing the term.<</if>> <<blue "Ahh, I thought they used them too in the Capital, but maybe the fashion's already changed over there. We always get the trends a few years late here in Saint'. Let me show you.">><<br>>
He calls out to one of the guests. <<blue "Hey, ">> */<<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'bread'">>
<<set $day68dancing to true>>
<<section "Estelle1">>
A pretty young woman is the first one to approach you. She's about your age, with cropped hair and a short dress that sways with every movement. She walks up with lively steps, almost a dance in of itself. <<pink "Charmed, your Highness. I'm Estelle - absolutely kippy to meet you. Berries to have another hopper join the blow, really, else we'd be one barlot short.">>
<<section "Estelle2">>
You have to strain to figure out what she's saying. You understand //most// of it, but a lot of her slang is a mystery to you.<<br>>
<<pink "I never thought we'd have such a big cheese with us, makes the rest of us look a right bunch of apple-knockers really. I'm sure all of the sheiks will be dying to be on your dance card.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _Estelle1>><<br>><<print _Estelle2>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceEstelle.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _Estelle1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceEstelle.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _Estelle2>><<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You blink. You've had a lot of experience with dance cards from your time flirting with women at noble parties, but had never considered the idea of having one yourself.
You blink, a dance card?
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>The woman seems to mistake the look that crosses your face for not recognizing the term.<</if>> <<pink "Ahh, I thought dance cards were all the rage, but maybe we just look like a bunch of oil cans for still using them compared to the ritz of the Capital. We get the trends a few years late here in Saint'. Let me grant you a feature.">><<br>>
She reaches into her clutch and pulls out a little card with four boxes on it, each of which has been filled out with a name.<<br>>
<<pink "Here it is. Hep this - you just pop the hoofer you want to hop with for each dance in the slots. Sometimes it doesn't work out and a dame gets given the air, but since you're such a billboard I don't doubt that you'll get yours right totsy.">><<br>>
She hands you a spare to fill out, which you take nervously.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68dance3">>
<</link>><<pink "Enough of the feathering. Come on, let's have a feature at the gang, shall we?">> She suggests, pointing you towards the group of assembled prospective dancers and pointing to each in turn.<br>
<<section "gillesFace">>
Her first target is a beefy young gentleman. He's wearing a tightly fitted suit that seems to barely contain him, though you get the feeling that that might only be because it's difficult to find something in his size, rather than an attempt at vanity. <<pink "That mac there's Gilles. A real sharpshooter if you ask me, and //brooksy// to boot. Big as a bull, but don't fret - he's a good lug once you get to mosey with him, and he'll make a sweet G.G. for the gal that manages to nab him, that's for sure.">>
<<section "hermineFace">>
The next is a tall bookish woman. She could be quite attractive, you figure, if only her beauty wasn't hidden behind thick glasses, tawdry brown clothing, and a rigid, stuffy posture. <<pink "That flap's Hermine. She //ain't half// a hen - a real wannabe-pill, if you catch my meaning. I've been trying to get her half-cut the whole time she's been coming - stop her from being such a holiholy and all, but no dice so far.">>
<<section "lazareFace1">>
<<pink "The swell next to her is lord Lazare.">> She continues, pointing towards an older gentleman dressed in expensive clothing, who has an arrogant air to him. <<pink "Up til you came along he was the bigshot of the joint. Powerful goose down here in the south - in charge of managing much of the Bastille if I know my onions straight. To be flat with you, I think he's a total //ostrich//, but ain't that just the berries that there's a slunge or two, eh?">>
<<section "lazareFace2">>
Your eyes narrow. You don't like the look of the man, but someone that powerful could be worth ingratiating yourself with.
<<section "martheFace">>
Estelle moves smoothly onto the next dancer. This one's a young woman who's almost as short as Simone. However, unlike the maid she's tomboyish, spunky, and clearly works out a lot. <<pink "That bearcat's Marthe. Just met her - like you it's her first time at one of our wingdings, but she seems a dynamite gal so far.">> The 'gal' herself catches you looking her way and gives you a confident wink.
<<section "floriceFace">>
<<pink "And lastly there's dear Florice.">> Estelle continues, pointing out a nervous and willowy young man who seems to be trying to hide behind the bangs of his long hair. What little you can see of his face is startlingly feminine. <<pink "A fluky young biscuit if you ask me. An orchid of a boy if there ever was one. Totally daisy, but between you and me he could give half the shebas a run for their money on keenness.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%"></td>
<td style="width:34%"></td>
<td style="width:33%"></td>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceGilles.jpg]]@@
<td colspan="2">
<<print _gillesFace>>
<td colspan="2">
<<print _hermineFace>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceHermine.jpg]]@@
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceLazare.jpg]]@@
<td colspan="2">
<<print _lazareFace1>><<br>>
<<print _lazareFace2>>
<td colspan="2">
<<print _martheFace>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceMarthe.jpg]]@@
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceFlorice.jpg]]@@
<td colspan="2">
<<print _floriceFace>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _gillesFace>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceGilles.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _hermineFace>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceHermine.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _lazareFace1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceLazare.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _lazareFace2>><<br>>
<<print _martheFace>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceMarthe.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _floriceFace>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceFlorice.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink "And that's the crop of the egg harbour.">> She concludes. <<pink "Not a bad bunch. We've a few more dances than we have fellas, so don't feel a goof for putting a dame down for a dance or two - it's all jake. I'll blouse off to let you fill out your dance card. Charmed, I'm certain.">><<br>>
And with that she swans back over to chat with Gilles. You're a little relieved by the departure, Estelle seems lovely, but your brain was beginning to overheat trying to keep up with her unusual language.<<br>>
You glance at the dance card she gave you. It seems like you'll have to dance with four of the six people here.<<br>>
Who should you pick to have your first dance with?<<br>>
<<set $day68dancePartners to []>>
<<link "Dance with Estelle, the nice girl with the odd lingo">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Estelle")>>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<link "Dance with Gilles, the charming beefcake">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Gilles")>>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<link "Dance with Hermine, the bookish woman">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Hermine")>>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<link "Dance with Lazare, the older lord whose power could be important to me">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Lazare")>>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<link "Dance with Marthe, the spunky young woman">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Marthe")>>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<link "Dance with Florice, the nervous feminine boy">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Florice")>>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<</link>>Who would you like to have your
<<if $day68dancePartners.length is 1>>second
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.length is 2>>third
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.length is 3>>fourth
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.length is 0>>first
<</if>> dance with?<<br>>
<<section "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<if $day68dancePartners.length is 4>>
<<if $day68dancePartners.first() is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.first() is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.first() is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.first() is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.first() is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners.first() is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto "day68dancePartnerChoice">>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Estelle") isnot true>>
<<link "Dance with Estelle, the stunning girl with the odd lingo">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Estelle")>>
<<print _day68dancePartnerChoice>>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Gilles") isnot true>>
<<link "Dance with Gilles, the charming beefcake">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Gilles")>>
<<print _day68dancePartnerChoice>>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Hermine") isnot true>>
<<link "Dance with Hermine, the bookish woman">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Hermine")>>
<<print _day68dancePartnerChoice>>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Lazare") isnot true>>
<<link "Dance with Lazare, the older duke whose power could be important to me">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Lazare")>>
<<print _day68dancePartnerChoice>>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Marthe") isnot true>>
<<link "Dance with Marthe, the spunky young woman">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Marthe")>>
<<print _day68dancePartnerChoice>>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Florice") isnot true>>
<<link "Dance with Florice, the nervous feminine boy">>
<<run $day68dancePartners.push("Florice")>>
<<print _day68dancePartnerChoice>>
<</if>><<if ndef $danceNum>>
<<set $danceNum to 1>>
You quickly fill out your dance card and hand it to a smartly dressed concierge. However, you don't even have time to sit down somewhere before the partners are announced - and as Estelle predicted you find that every one of your requests has been accepted.<<br>>
The band start up a lively tune, and you find your first partner stepping towards you.
<<elseif $danceNum is 1>>
<<set $danceNum to 2>>
With the first song over you try to take a few moments to relax, but before you can even sit yourself down the band start up again and you find your second partner stepping towards you.
<<elseif $danceNum is 2>>
<<set $danceNum to 3>>
By now your legs are burning from so much dancing with barely any break between them. You have no idea how the regulars here must do it.<<br>>
You briefly take stock of how things have been going so far.
<<if $grace is 0>>
Overall, your lack of gracefulness is really getting in the way of things, and you're making a miserable number of awkward missteps.
<<elseif $grace is 1>>
Overall, your lack of gracefulness is a bit of an issue, and sometimes causing awkward missteps.
<<elseif $grace is 2>>
Overall, considering that you're so new to this, you're handling things pretty alright.
<<elseif $grace is 3>>
Overall, you've been handling yourself pretty well - your lessons in moving with grace are paying off.
<<elseif $grace is 4>>
Overall, it's been so much better than you were expecting. You're well trained enough in grace to not only be able to carry out the dance moves, but also to do it so easily that you're having fun with it.
<<elseif $grace gte 5>>
Overall, you've taken to dancing like a duck to water. Moving with such elegant poise and grace that you'd never have been able to guess that it's your first time doing it. You're not only doing all of the necessary steps, but also adding beautiful little flourishes to take things to the next level.
<</if>><<check "Grace check">><<br>>
In the break you manage to sit for a few seconds and get some rest, but before you can get comfy the band start up once more and your third partner steps towards you.
<<elseif $danceNum is 3>>
<<set $danceNum to 4>>
Anticipating that you'll have as little time between dances as before to relax, you practically run to the side to grab a much needed glass of water - all this dancing really takes it out of you.<<br>>
As you turn back around to the dancefloor, you find your last partner already stepping towards you.
<<set $danceNum to 4>>
<</if>><<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'manly'">>
<<include "day68danceTween">><br>
<<section "estelleStart">>
<<if $danceNum is 1>>
Estelle seems surprised to be called back to you so soon.<<br>>
<<pink "I said not to feel a goof to putting down a dame, but I //hardly// figured that I'd score the first wangdoodle.">><<br>>
For a moment you worry that you've made a faux pas, but instead she fixes you a dazzling smile. <<pink "Ain't it just the cat's meow to be first pick of the brooksy tomato, with the fellas watching all green-eyed? Absolutely wizard - let's get a wriggle on and razz the lot of them, eh?">>
Estelle is every bit as pretty as when she'd first introduced herself when you'd arrived. She flashes you a dazzling smile.<<br>>
<<pink "Ain't it just the cat's meow to be picked by the brooksy tomato, with the fellas watching us all green-eyed? Absolutely wizard - let's get a wriggle on and razz the lot of them, eh?">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _estelleStart>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceEstelle.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceEstelle.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _estelleStart>><<br>>
She takes you by the hand and the two of you head straight to the center of the dancefloor. Just as she predicted, it's not difficult to tell that the sight of two pretty girls dancing together is soon enough to draw the eyes of the whole room towards you. The attention makes you nervous.<<br>>
It doesn't take long to identify that Estelle is //very// good at dancing. <<if $pc.background is "flirt">>You're no stranger to it yourself, but even if you weren't having to awkwardly adjust your movements to compensate for having to look a girl, you're way out of your depth.<</if>> She quickly clocks <<if $pc.background isnot "flirt">>that you're completely out of your depth in comparison<<else>>the discrepancy<</if>>, but easily takes it in her stride. Rather than making you lead or follow, she manages to somehow dance in a way where neither of you take one role or the other. Your clumsy movements are skillfully smoothed out by her own, to the point where even your complete missteps might look elegant and intentional to an outsider.<<br>>
<<pink "Not one for knowing every hoofstep, are you, sip?">> She remarks after a while. <<pink "Don't fret - I didn't take you for the type neither. Level with me, flap, what do you goof off doing instead of hopping lessons? You must be really for it.">><<br>>
You try to think of a good excuse.<<br>>
<<link "Say that you're too busy practicing swordfighting">>
<<set $day68danceEstelleAsk to "sword">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle2">>
<<link "Say that you're too busy horseriding">>
<<set $day68danceEstelleAsk to "horse">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle2">>
<<link "Say that you're too busy practicing makeup">>
<<set $day68danceEstelleAsk to "makeup">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle2">>
<<link "Say that you're too busy thinking about boys">>
<<set $day68danceEstelleAsk to "boys">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceEstelleAsk to 'sword'" "day68danceEstelleAsk to 'horse'" "day68danceEstelleAsk to 'makeup'" "day68danceEstelleAsk to 'boys'" "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2" "pc.makeup to undefined" "pc.makeup to 1" "pc.makeup to 2" "day5concludeMood to 'escape'" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'">>
<<switch $day68danceEstelleAsk>>
<<case "sword">>
<<set $fem -= 1>>
It's an unladylike thing to claim to be doing, and one that you're sure that the Queen wouldn't appreciate, but you figure that perhaps claiming to do a lot of exercise might explain away some not-quite-feminine aspects of your frame. <<if $pc.frame is 2>>Only, you realize a second too late that those aspects have faded away - even for a girl, nobody could look at your willowy body or slender shoulders and believe that you could be someone who works out.<<check "Because you've transformed your frame into being more feminine">><</if>><<br>>
<<if $pc.frame is 2>>
<<set $day68danceEstelleMistake to true>>
True enough, Estelle fixes you a quizzical expression, looking you up and down curiously. Thankfully though she doesn't try to call you out on it.
<<pink "Bit of a bearcat, are you doll?">> Estelle responds with a smile. <<pink "That's just swell, can't let the fellas have all of the fun, can we? I bet you're a hell of a dame in a scramble, and how!">>
<<case "horse">>
You think fast and pick an option that sounds suitably dignified - horseriding.<<br>>
<<pink "Goofy about the broncos, are you?">> Estelle responds. <<pink "I'm not allowed near the nags - not since I lost a whole canful of beans on a hayguzzler. But I used to be quite copacetic about the things.">>
<<case "makeup">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
You think fast, and opt for an option which sounds suitably feminine - makeup.<<br>>
<<if ndef $pc.makeup or $pc.makeup is 0>>
<<set $day68danceEstelleMistake to true>>
You realize your mistake too late - you're not wearing any!<<br>>
True enough, Estelle fixes you with a quizzical expression. <<pink "A-are you razzing, me, peach?">><<br>>
You quickly assure her that you //aren't//, and that you just happened to run out of it today, but you're certain that it doesn't come out as very convincing. Thankfully the woman doesn't call you out on it.
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 1>>
<<pink "Ahh!">> She cheers with a smile. <<pink "I was catching a feature at your kisser-paint earlier - swanky job you did there.">><<br>>
You make a mental note to thank Simone later.<<br>>
<<pink "Only - and this is just me, mind you - it seems a bit of a rhatz to do all that for such slim-pickings, if you catch me. I like to make a bit of a sockdollager at every egg harbour I blouse to, so it doesn't suit to be quite so on the q.t. about it. No need to keep everything under the cooler - if you ask me, you've got the goods to hit on all sixes, and how!">>
<<elseif $pc.makeup gte 2>>
<<pink "Ahh!">> She cheers with a smile. <<pink "I was catching a feature at your kisser-paint earlier - absolutely top-rate!">><<br>>
You make a mental note to thank Simone later.
<<case "boys">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
You feel like you're beginning to understand the kind of person that the Queen wants you to portray - someone frivolous, feminine, and ditsy. You're not completely comfortable presenting as such, but it would be foolish not to try to meet her demands<<if $day5concludeMood is "hate" or $day5concludeMood is "escape">>, at least until you buy yourself an opportunity to turn things around on the megalomaniacal monarch<</if>>.<<br>>
You don't need pretend to blush nervously as the words leave your lips, humiliated by the utterance, but you're sure that it helps sell the image of a boy-crazy young woman even better.<<br>>
Estelle laughs sparklingly at your response. <<pink "And how!">> She exclaims. <<pink "You must be completely goofy about them. Don't let yourself get all balled up about it - a baby vamp as keen as you will get stuck on a sharpshooting G.G before you know it. Everything will turn out completely wizard, or call me a dumdora!">>
As you continue to dance, despite the fact that she must be doing all of the work, Estelle's enjoyment doesn't falter for a second - if anything, her smile broadens every time you do something that could go wrong, as if thrilled by the novelty. Safe in her care, it doesn't take long for your nervousness to fade.<<br>>
<<pink "Boy, you ain't half a fun sip to hop with.">> Estelle remarks suddenly <<pink "You really know how to shuffle your stilts.">><<br>>
You find yourself laughing at her words - given how much she's had to cover for you it hardly sounds likely.<<br>>
<<pink "It's not just apple-sauce.">> Estelle assures you. <<pink "I'm a regular fixture of this egg harbour - and half the gimlets that blouse in wouldn't know how to walk their dogs even if they worked in a kennel. Sure, they know their onions, but onions hardly make a whole omelet - and it takes a lot more than that to be a //real// lalapazazer.">><<br>>
<<pink "They suck wind jawing about getting the moves flat, but never figure to add some actual //berries// to them, you crab what I'm feathering? Whereas you wouldn't know an onion if one walked up and //kissed// you - not to razz of course, flap - but you've got more hop to you than the frog's eyebrows!">><<br>>
<<pink "Plus">> She adds with a wink. <<pink "Gods know you've got the gams for it.">><<br>>
You're not sure if you completely understood everything that she said, but somehow despite that the sincerity of her voice shines through.<<br>>
[[Continue->day68danceEstelle4]]<<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'manly'">>
<<pink "To be flat with you, the only spot I've met your like isn't anywhere near this kind of billboard-parlour. When I'm feeling bricky I like to dress a ragamuffin and ankle to this joint at the docks, where you can hoof it with some //real// eggs. Proper hard-boiled ones - trouble-boys and greasers and the like. From the way you hop it - I'd almost feature you as a gashouse gal from somewhere like that.">><<br>>
The smile on your face freezes in place at the almost-accusation. She's perilously close to realizing that you're just a commoner in disguise. It's all you can manage to keep your cool and nod robotically.<<br>>
<<pink "Ahh, but wouldn't that be the bee's knees?">> She sighs wistfully, seemingly ignorant to your panic. <<pink "To show some of these oil cans some truly //wizard// hopping. They'd sure see the real McCoy right quick, and that's for certain!">><<br>>
You can't help but find it a little funny.
<<if $pc.background isnot "flirt">>
You're not exactly much of a dancer, but you've at least had an odd jig in a few pubs.
You've danced quite a bit in your time, often cavorting at noble parties, but you're no stranger to having an odd jig in a few pubs either.
Commoners often think that their version of dancing is silly and dull compared to the glamour of noble ball - it's amusing to learn that at least one noble happens to think quite the opposite.<<br>>
You realize that, simply by being of common birth, you're probably just as proficient in the type of dancing she's talking about as she is. It might be foolish, but you can't help but entertain an idea.<<br>>
<<link "Make Estelle's day and dare to dance with her the common way">>
<<set $day68danceEstelleDare to true>>
<<goto "day68danceEstelleDare">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Keep things dignified and princessy">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelleNoDare">>
<</link>>It's a silly idea, but something about Estelle's charming nature makes the idea sound so fun that you can't help yourself from going along with it.<<br>>
You start it simply - allowing a step of your dance to stamp loudly on the ground. At first Estelle simply takes it for just a mistake, and as ever manages to smoothly cover for it with her own dancing in a way that makes it seem almost elegant.<<br>>
Then you do it again, stomping firmly on the stone flooring. This time she fixes you an odd expression, confused that you'd make the same misstep twice in a row, only to find a broad smile beaming from your face.<<br>>
It's only when you adjust your grip, shifting from holding her by the hand to hooking your elbow around hers, that she realizes what you're doing. You're overjoyed to see her confused expression break out into open delight.<<br>>
<<pink "B-but you're the //Princess//, how'd a big shot like you...">> She wonders, but quickly decides that it isn't important. <<pink "Bang on. Let's get a wriggle on, shall we?">><<br>>
Together you and her completely change your dancing style, shifting from pompous ballroom dancing into the jovial jigs that you're more accustomed to. In a change of pace, Estelle's unfamiliar enough with this style of dance that now you're the one who knows better, and you find yourself guiding her along. First a stamp on the ground; jump, jump, jump, jump; move it all around; then a do-si-do.<<br>>
It isn't long before the two of you have attracted the astonished stares of the entire room, the dancers stopping in place to gawk at the scene. You couldn't care less - the look of dizzy excitement on Estelle's face is enough to eclipse everything else. Even when the musicians stop playing in their confusion and the two of you are dancing in silence you don't stop for a moment, twirling and stomping around.<<br>>
Then the silence is broken - one of the musicians must be a commoner himself as a fiddler begins a tune. Not one of the stuffy songs they were playing before, but a jovial melody that you recognize from the common houses. It's enough to get Estelle to let out a hoot of glee, which seems to encourage the other musicians to awkwardly try to join in. Not all of them know the style so it ends up becoming a slightly odd mashup of the sophisticated and the plebeian, but the two of you are too caught up in each other's joy to care.<<br>>
It's not a style of dancing designed to be done for long - a brief explosion of giddy catharsis. So soon the two of you have jumped, skipped, and shimmied yourself to the point of exhaustion. You lean against one another giggling, each the only thing keeping the other from falling to the floor from aching legs and laughter.<<br>>
<<pink "How copacetic!">> Estelle cheers. <<pink "Absolutely berries, flap!">><<br>>
You realize that the entire room is still staring at the two of you in astonished disbelief. You're sure that you've ruffled a few feathers, and it was probably awful for your disguise, but for now you can't even begin to imagine caring.<<br>>
The band, seeing that the fun is over and no-doubt nervous about being told off, sheepishly return to the end of the stuffy song they'd been playing before as if nothing happened.<<br>>
<<pink "Well, that's the end of the wangdoodle.">> Estelle sighs, regathering herself to her feet. <<pink "It's been a gem. An absolute hoot. To think that a big shot like you knows how to cut a rug like a swabbie. I can scarcely believe it!">><<br>>
You're sure that she's not the only one.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>>You're not foolish enough to do anything as stupid as to reveal that you know how to dance like a commoner. There's no way that a princess should ever know anything like that - you'd be completely ruining your disguise.<<br>>
Instead you idly reply that it sounds very adventurous of her to go somewhere like that.<<br>>
She smiles. <<pink "Just a dinky little caper of mine.">><<br>>
The two of you continue dancing together, spinning and twirling around each other's bodies. Estelle makes it look easy, but you find yourself picking up little lessons from the way that she moves, and by the time you finish you feel much more competent than when you started.<<br>>
By the time the musicians close out the song, you're surprised to note you'd been enjoying yourself so much that it comes as a disappointment.<<br>>
<<pink "Kippy hop, Princess. Absolutely berries.">> Estelle says with a little curtsy, and you thank her warmly in return.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>><<include "day68danceTween">><br>
<<section "floriceStart">>
Florice moves nervously, seemingly trapped between the somewhat conflicting desires to be hiding as far behind his bangs as possible, while also being able to anxiously fidget with his hair. Every now and again his fretting fingers accidentally pull apart the thick brown curtains far enough to reveal a few inches more of features so prettily androgynous that they almost take your breath away. When he notices his mistake you can see his light brown eyes quiver at being so exposed before quickly hiding himself again.<<br>>
He finally gathers the nerves to greet you. <<blue "Umm. Wonderful to meet you, your Highness.">> He manages, dipping forward in a tense bow. <<blue "I... I'm sorry that I won't meet your expectations. I'm not very good. It's just... I hope that that's okay.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _floriceStart>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceFlorice.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceFlorice.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _floriceStart>><<br>>
His voice is soft and mellow for a boy, like it's been trained somewhat. Not quite the voice training which you've been <<if $voiceTrain lte 1>>putting off<</if>> doing yourself, but something a little different. Maybe he was trained as a choir boy when he was a little younger? It's easy to imagine his meekness seeming at home in a quire.<<br>>
<<link "Assure him that it's fine">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceGreet to "normal">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice2">>
<<link "Tease him by responding demandingly">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceGreet to "tease">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice2">>
<<link "Stutter a nervous reply.">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceGreet to "shy">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'normal'" "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'tease'" "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'shy'">>
<<switch $day68danceFloriceGreet>>
<<case "normal">>
The poor thing could use clearly do with some support to calm his nerves a little. You try to be as reassuring and friendly as possible, assuring him that you're not particularly good yourself and that it'll be fun no matter what.<<br>>
Your gentle words seem to have their intended effect, and you catch a glimpse of a sweet nervous smile though his bangs.<<br>>
<<blue "Thank you... umm, I'd completely understand if you wanted to change to someone else or something. My aunt just sends me to these things to 'build character' but..">> Like spying a pearl hiding within an oyster, you catch another glimpse of a smile, this one slightly ironic and self-effacing. <<blue "I don't think that it's working...">><<br>>
You reassure him that there's no such need. You're sure that there's some part of him that would be grateful for the escape if you agreed, but for a moment you think that you notice his fidgeting becoming flustered and bashful rather than just plain terrified - though you'd struggle to describe how you can tell the difference.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, if you're absolutely certain.">>
<<case "tease">>
Something about his shy sweetness is just begging to be teased. You couldn't keep yourself from bullying him a little even if you cared to try.<<br>>
You look him up and down haughtily, playing the role of an arrogant princess to a tee and enjoying the shiver of nerves that you can see ripple through his slender body at being so clearly and callously appraised.<<check "Authority check not required - even a gnat could bully Florice with ease.">><<br>>
Honestly that reaction alone might be enough, but you decide to take things further. With a step forward to both get under his guard and ensure that he's the only one who'll be able to hear, you whisper a breathy demand that he meet your expectations - expectations which are all the higher for a creature of such loveliness.<<br>>
As you speak, you raise a hand up to meet with the one furiously combing through his hair and pull it into your grip - in the process making his hair finally part fully. His lips hang limply open in fright, his eyes as wide as a deer's caught in lantern-light. You can't help but let a wolfish smile reach your lips as you watch his now-exposed cheeks darken in a deep blush in reaction to your teasing.<<br>>
Your own cheeks aren't completely without warmth themselves from your own audacity, but you're sure that he's far too spell-struck to even begin to notice.<<br>>
He finally manages to utter a response, but it's hardly eloquent - an almost squeaked <<blue "I-... umm... I-">>.<<br>>
Before he can gather the willpower to say anything fully, he's interrupted by the music swelling into song, and the people around you begin to dance. With a stern glance (which Florice naturally can't hold eyecontact with) you direct the hand holding his down from his head until it's suspended at waist level between you - awaiting his opening move. He quivers as he realizes that there's no getting out of this, and starts to dance.
<<case "shy">>
You find yourself having as much difficulty meeting Florice's eyes as he seems to be have with your own. You can handle a lot of social situations, you've had to survive the last week, but only by the skin of your teeth - something about someone else being just as tense as you are manages to put you on edge completely. It certainly doesn't help that he's also so pretty.<<br>>
You spare yourself a brief moment to dwell on the oddness of finding a boy pretty, but before you can begin to internally work out what that might mean for your sexuality, you suddenly realize that the two of you have been standing there exchanging shy, awkward glances at eachother for almost ten seconds without you replying yet. You'll have to process it later.<<br>>
The supportive response that you hurry to give isn't exactly your most dignified work, coming out with a little stammer.<<br>>
Any humiliation you may have felt at taking so long to reply is at least quelled by the fact that it takes another equally painfully long pause before Florice can build up the nerves to respond in turn.<<br>>
<<blue "I-it's an honor to be chosen by you, your Grace.">> He manages eventually. <<blue "It's really, umm.. it's really nice.">><<br>>
There's a few more moments of panicking as he tries desperately to think of a better way to say what he means, his head inclining forward to instinctively hide himself even further into his hair. A second later and he starts to shake, and you fret that he might be about to start crying from the tension, and maybe for a moment it could perhaps have gone either way, but then you're surprised to hear the light sound of laughter come from within the messy locks.<<br>>
It's not the rich laughter of true mirth, more like an anxious giggle at the sheer absurdity of the tension surrounding the two of you and his own state, but you find that you're so tense yourself that within moments you're mirroring it. The two of you titter awkwardly to eachother, caught in mutual embarrassment and understanding.
<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet isnot "tease">>
The music begins to swell, and Florice realizes with a start that something is required of him. He bravely steps forward to hold you, and his soft, uncalloused hand feels warm and slightly sweaty in your own as he starts the first moves.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice3">>
<</link>>It's not that Florice is a //bad// dancer, per se. In fact, he seems to know the steps well and moves with a natural softness that's really quite striking. But it's easy to see that he's far too tense and distracted to carry out the task properly.<<br>>
Every time he's about to do something correctly he second-guesses himself, and sometimes he gets so caught up in his own panic that he all-but freezes in place. It doesn't help that he's the one who's meant to be leading, as he seems too scared of the idea of taking charge to give you clear signals of what to do. You spend half the time stepping all over eachother's toes.<<br>>
The thought crosses your mind that maybe another role would suit him better, but no doubt flipping the gender roles like that would cause quite a stir.<<br>>
<<link "Take the lead">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceDance to "lead">>
<<goto "day68danceFloriceLead">>
<<link "Remain following">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceDance to "follow">>
<<goto "day68danceFloriceFollow">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'normal'" "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'tease'" "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'shy'" "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'bread'">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt ($danceNum); _i++>>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Estelle">>
<<set _estelleCheck to true>>
Screw gender norms - there's //clearly// a better way of doing this.<<br>>
You shift your grip around Florice's hand, firmly adjusting it so that instead of your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand being cupped it's his which is now held taut in your grasp.<<br>>
Florice stumbles in surprise, his expression cringing as he assumes that he must have messed something up somehow. It takes him a full second of scared hesitation before he appears to realize that it's you, rather than himself, who is doing something wrong. His hazel eyes flicker towards your own in nervous confusion.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "tease">>
You smile, a little wickedly, give him just enough time to fully take in the teasing look in your eyes, and then steal the lead from him
<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "normal">>
You smile reassuringly, giving him a few moments to understand that you're trying to help, and then you steal the lead from him
<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>
You flash him a shy little grin, nervous at what you're about to do, and then steal the lead from him
- using your assertive grip on his hand and a flick of your wrist to send him twirling across the dancefloor before he can even fully understand what's happening.<<br>>
He stares at you at the apex of the pirouette, completely taken aback in surprise both at what you're doing but also that his body responded so instinctively. Before he can get his bearings again you whip your hand back to reel him in, and he spins back until he's wrapped against your body. After that, the rest is easy.<<br>>
It's not that you're actually all that good at leading. You're <<if $pc.background is "flirt">> still a relative<<else>>a complete<</if>> newbie to this kind of dancing after all, basically making it up as you go, but it's not skill that makes the dance so perfect - it's the dynamic between you.
<<if _estelleCheck is true>>
You quickly begin to understand what Estelle meant when she told you that you were a delight to dance with, even when you weren't very proficient at the task.
Florice is, as you'd expected, a natural at being led. But even you're taken by surprise by just how rapidly he gets into it. He's an awkward boy, scared to make any decision for himself, let alone for anyone else - by taking charge you relieve him of that pressure completely, and like a rope that's been held taut for a long time that's finally been released his willowy body becomes slack, pliant, yielding in your grasp. Flowing without resistance into whatever form you desire of it.<<br>>
Now that he's the one spinning, his long, thick hair no longer falls down over his body to cloak over his features - instead it flows out behind him like ribbons, trailing his every movement. He isn't smiling - merely smiling would be insufficient - instead his expression is slack, unguarded, blissful - his eyes wide and glistening, his mouth lightly parted, like a kitten picked up by the scruff of its neck, completely surrendered into his own lack of agency.<<br>>
It doesn't take you long to shift from trying to dance like the others, to instead merely reveling in doing whatever feels right; whatever lets you most exert your power over this fragile person; whatever manages to elicit a little gasp from those soft lips.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFloriceLead2">>
<</link>>When the music stops it comes as a complete surprise to you. You'd been so caught up in your dance with Florice that you'd almost lost track of your surroundings.<<br>>
Like a puppet with its strings cut, Florice practically collapses into you once your control is released, limply unwilling to return to autonomy, clinging desperately to the lingering pull of pliancy. You allow him to stay there for a short while while he regathers himself, his body warm as you hold it against your own to keep him from falling to the floor.<<br>>
A glance across the room confirms what you were dreading - when you'd been dancing checking on them had been the last thing on your mind, but now that it's over it's obvious that the display that you had put on has managed to attract the attention of the whole room. You dread to think of what the Queen might think of this, but an amused wink and a little thumbs up from Estelle at least encourages you a little.<<br>>
Florice seems to finally regain his wits enough to feel anxious again, and his eyes jolt open in terror at being so close to you. He impotently tries to stagger back to his feet, but his mind seems to have outpaced his body's capability and he mainly just ends up flapping against you, forcing you to hold him tighter for his own sake else he'd fall to the floor. A part of you thinks that it's kinda a shame that he can't stay in that subbed-out state forever.<<br>>
He finally manages the strength to support himself, and you allow him to disentangle himself from you. It's only once he steps away that you can see the expression on his face, and it takes all the willpower you have to keep yourself from <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>giggling<<else>>laughing<</if>> at the blushing, giddy, flustered, bewildered, beautiful features that you find there - <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "tease">>you'd hate to scare him away, after all<<else>>adorable<</if>>.<<br>>
He notices you watching him, and hides himself behind his curls once more. A pity. <<blue "Y-your Highness. You're so... that was... umm... gosh.">> He manages to stutter. He's once again caught up in awkward embarrassment, but even that can't hide the twinge of longing lingering in his tone.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>
You give him a nervous grin, your anxiety seeming to catch up with you now that the adrenaline is leaving your system.<<br>>
You realize that you might have gotten carried away, and try to offer some apology to the poor young thing, but before the words can tumble out of your mouth Florice suddenly draws close once more for one last little hug, perhaps in response to the dawning panic he saw rising to your face. <<blue "Thank you.">> He manages to say.<<br>>
In the momentary closeness you can feel his heartbeat still pitter-pattering in rapid excitement, and you're sure that he can feel your going at a similar pace, bonded in giddy anxious joy.<<br>>
After that, you beat a hasty farewell, more to allow yourself a chance to calm down than because you want to - there's no way that you'd be able to relax while in that shy adorable presence.
You give him a sly wink and, with one last ruffle of his hair which elicits a little squeak of surprise from the sweet thing, you stride away, hips swaying, confident that he's staring after you wide-eyed.
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>><<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'bread'" "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'normal'" "day68danceFloriceGreet to 'shy'">>
You can't afford to risk disrupting gender roles any more than you already are by your very existence alone. You're the 'girl' in this situation, and girls follow.<<br>>
Besides, while Florice is a clumsy leader, it's not like you have any reason to think that you'd fare any better yourself. You're <<if $pc.background is "flirt">>still finding your legs at<<else>>completely new to<</if>> this, <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>and are no less a mess of nerves than he is. It'd<<else>>it'd<</if>> be like the blind leading the blind.<<br>>
You consider if you can do anything to help.
<span id="floriceReplace">
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Lighten the awkward mood by getting a little silly with it">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceDance to "followCute">>
<<replace "#floriceReplace">>
Florice might be an anxious mess, but you're confident that you have the skills to defuse the overwhelming tension between the two of you.<<check "Cuteness check - passed!">><<br>>
The next time he sends you out into a spin, you don't settle for just one - rotating around two, three, four times in a row. The shocked expression on his face that you see once the dizziness subsides is adorable, and to assure him that it was out of playfulness rather than him making a mistake you flash him a giddy, encouraging smile.<<br>>
Once he manages to get over his surprise and flow back into normal dancing once more, you do it all over again - taking his lead and excitedly exaggerating it into slightly ridiculous proportions. It doesn't look elegant, but that's not the point - you're here to have fun together, not do stuffy, perfect moves.<<br>>
It takes him some time before you manage to convince him with bubbly cheerful grins that you're not making fun at his expense. Finally his sweet features are broken by a shy smile that warms your heart. <<blue "Your Highness. You- you really are a delight.">><<br>>
You've got him - from there it's easy to draw that smile out further and further. It isn't long before you manage to get his limbs moving a little less stiffly, and after that you're delighted to find him adding his own flourishes himself. At first he seems terrified that he'll somehow mess it up or be taking it too far, but eventually his own giggling joins to match your own.<<br>>
When it finally falls apart and a giddy misstep tangles your legs together, sending the two of you tumbling to the floor, even that isn't enough to dispel the laughter between the two of you, much to the surprised bemusement of the other dancers who are no doubt taken aback by the young boy's change in demeanor. It's only once <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>both of you suddenly realize that eachother's faces are mere inches away from eachother that the laughter subsides - replaced by deep blushes and the two of you scrabbling up to your feet in mutual coy embarrassment.<<else>>Florice realizes that your <<if $pc.face is 2>>dainty features are<<else>>face is<</if>> only inches away from his own that his laughter subsides - replaced by a deep blush and him quickly scrabbling back up to his feet in embarrassment.<</if>><<br>>
<<blue "T-thank you, your Highness.">> He manages, a coy smile still shining through his crimson face despite the awkwardness. <<blue "That was... that was so much fun!">><<br>>
You're delighted to have gotten him out his shell somewhat, and draw him into a little hug, but don't have long to dwell on the budding excitement between the two of you before the musicians finish the end of the song and you're drawn away.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<<fail "Lighten the awkward mood by getting a little silly with it" "Cuteness 2 required">>
<<link "Just dance with him awkwardly">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceDance to "followAwk">>
<<replace "#floriceReplace">><<hr>>
Florice might be too awkward to lead well, but at the very least you figure that you can try to make it easy on the poor lad. You soon identify that he's doing all the right signals - it's just that they're halting and weak instead of sharp and clear. If you //really// focus, then you can work out what he wants you to do.<<br>>
It's a little tricky, and means that you have to put all of your attention on every slightest detail of his movements to get it to work. The light twists of his soft hand; the way he frowns a little when he's about to do a difficult move; the signs of tension in his slight shoulders that indicates that a spin's soon to come. After a little practice, you manage to make the dancing at least passable.<<br>>
The problem with having to pay so much attention to Florice's micro-expressions is that it's really rather distracting. Partly because his coy features are pretty enough that you keep on getting trapped gawping at them, leaving you forgetting what you were supposed to be doing - but even more so that you feel like you're getting dragged into his world.<<br>>
For every delicate signal that you can use to help you dance with, there's ten timid, shy, flustered microexpressions. A glance at your face followed almost immediately by his gaze flickering back down to the floor; a little shiver of nervousness; his eyes glistening like he's on the verge of falling apart into tears. Florice's delicate state makes him as easy to read as a book.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>
And he's not the only one. He's watching you just as intently, and you're sure that your own tells are just as open.<<br>>
Florice grips you with a limp hold like he's scared to dare to touch you, but your own anxiety makes you easily compensate for that by how tightly you clasp his own hand in return, grateful for the presence of someone else in a similar state as yourself to the point of almost clinging for comfort. Together you form a clumsy symbiosis of nervous energy, drifting to-and-fro across the dancefloor, suspended in the fragile intimacy of mutual tension.
So caught up in another's open internality, it's hard not to mirror it. Every time you make a move that scares him (which, as it turns out, is almost everything that you do) you can see the effect viscerally and instantaneously. Before long, you're almost as skittish as he is - tense to avoid hurting the poor thing.
It's inevitable - there's no way that you could both be moving so tensely without having some kind of accident. You make a misstep, and suddenly your legs are tangled together and the two of your are sent tumbling to the floor.<<br>>
The fall isn't hard, despite the hard stone flooring, and a moment later you identify why - the poor boy cushioned your fall. You look up to apologize, only to find that Florice's face is mere inches away from your own.<<br>>
Both of you freeze in place. It's like all of the tension between you has been building and building with every moment spent in nervous mutual contact, every flickered microexpression drawn inevitably to this moment of... what? Both of your features turn deep crimson. You find your gaze inexplicably drawn to those soft lips, and can't help but notice Florice doing the same...<<br>>
<<pink "Are you two eggs quite copacetic down there?">> Estelle's concerned voice calls out, and you realize that you're being stared at by the whole room. The spell holding the two of you is broken, and you both hurry back to your feet<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet isnot "tease">>, both offering flustered apologies<<else>>, with Florice offering flustered apologies<</if>>.<<br>>
After that <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>the two of you can't bear to even touch eachother again, and you sit-out the rest of the dance together.<<else>>Florice can't even bear to touch you again, and you kindly suggest that the two of you sit out the rest of the dance.<</if>> However, as you wait for the others to finish both of your complexions remain pinkened for quite some time afterwards.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
</span><<include "day68danceTween">><br>
<<section "gillesStart">>
<<blue "Charmed to meet you, your Highness.">> Gilles greets you as he approaches, moving carefully so that his broad body doesn't getting in the way of the other dancers milling around trying to find their next partner. <<blue "Ah'm Gilles. It's a honor to be chosen as one of your partners. Pleasure's all mine.">><<br>>
He reaches one meaty hand forward in front of him, and you quickly try to work out how to respond.<<br>>
<<link "Shake his hand with a firm, confident grip">>
<<set $day68danceGillesHand to "shake">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles2">>
<<link "Place my hand lightly into the cup of his own">>
<<set $day68danceGillesHand to "kiss">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGilles2">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _gillesStart>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceGilles.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceGilles.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _gillesStart>><<br>>
</span><<setter "day68danceGillesHand to 'shake'" "day68danceGillesHand to 'kiss'" "pc.hands to 1" "pc.hands to 2">>
<<if $day68danceGillesHand is "shake">>
Whether by absentmindedness or an intentional desire to assert at least some shred of masculinity in this situation, you reach forward yourself to grip his hand.<<br>>
You try to clamp down hard with the reassuringly masculine firmness of your previous years and give him a good strong shake, but your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>petite<<else>>feeble<</if>> hands simply can't manage it, least of all to a hand as huge as Gilles. His manages to completely envelop your own in his warm grip.<<br>>
At first he's just left blinking in confusion as you impotently try to move his hand up and down and fail miserably. However a moment later he seems to understand what's going on, and taking it for playfulness a broad smile erupts on his face. <<blue "Ahh, I see!">> He beams, before saying with mock-severity. <<blue "Yes, pleasure doing business with you, haha!">><<br>>
He returns the handshake, and you're taken by surprise by the sheer force of it. You're holding your wrist so rigidly trying to exert some force that you're practically yanked upwards off of your feet as he shakes you up and down. He's very careful not to crush your hand in his own - though you can tell in an instant that it's taking effort to avoid doing so even just by accident.
<<elseif $day68danceGillesHand is "kiss">>
You provide the standard feminine response in the situation - limply placing your hand into his.<<br>>
As expected, he lifts up your arm so that he can bring your hand up to his face. He's polite enough to not actually kiss your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>petite<</if>> hand, and instead you merely have the brief sensation of his soft whiskers brushing against you.<<br>>
It's the standard greeting between nobles, but it still feels so odd to have such an oddly intimate closeness with some stranger that you have to bite your lip to keep yourself from having a visible reaction - though whether it would have been a scowl, a wince, or a whimper you're not quite certain.
<<blue "So, what brought you out here to Saint-Joules?">> He asks, politely. Something in his tone reflects a certain rustic feel, though his refined diction manages to keep him from sounding like a country bumpkin - perhaps a landed noble from out in the sticks? The drawl is surprisingly reassuring.<<br>>
<<link "Tell him that you're beset by assassins and barely staying alive">>
<<set $day68danceGillesAsk to "assass">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGilles3">>
<<link "Tell him that your parents dragged you here">>
<<set $day68danceGillesAsk to "parents">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGilles3">>
<<link "Tell him that it's classified">>
<<set $day68danceGillesAsk to "classified">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGilles3">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceGillesAsk to 'assass'" "day68danceGillesAsk to 'parents'" "day68danceGillesAsk to 'classified'">>
<<if $day68danceGillesAsk is "assass">>
You decide to just be honest about the situation - that there's a killer stalking you and your 'parents', and you've run here to hide within the safety of the Bastille walls in the hope that it'll keep you alive.<<br>>
Gilles blinks in surprise at the frank explanation, not quite sure how to take such information. <<blue "Well... blast me, that sounds like a ripe old mess if I've ever heard one.">> He answers in astonishment after a few seconds for it to sink in.<<br>>
Something about seeing the bizarreness of the last few days reflected in someone else's reaction is enough to get the absurdity of it all to sink in - especially since he doesn't even know the half of it. You can't help but let out a laugh at it all.<<br>>
When you look back up, Gilles is giving you a warm, comforting smile. <<blue "Jeez, you're mighty strong to be able to laugh about it, but I think I get it. I just hope that me and the others can give you a good enough time dancing this afternoon to keep your mind off of it.">><<br>>
You can't help but give a weak, sincere smile in return to the sweet sentiment.
<<elseif $day68danceGillesAsk is "parents">>
You decide to blame your 'parents' for the situation. It //is// their fault, in a roundabout way, and it seems like a generally applicable cover for a young noblewoman to supply.<<br>>
Gilles makes a sympathetic expression. <<blue "Sorry to hear it. I imagine that all this,">> he gestures around the ballroom, <<blue "Must seem pretty dull compared to how things are in the Capital.">><<br>>
<<blue "Ahh well, I hope that at the very least me and the others here can provide enough distraction to keep you from going crazy from boredom out here in the south, if only for the afternoon.">> He provides you a smile so earnest that you catch yourself returning it before you even realize what you're doing. <<blue "I'll do my darndest - least I can do really.">>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesAsk is "classified">>
You're not sure if the Queen would want you sharing any information around, but more than that you kinda just want to avoid the smalltalk and don't have the patience to be nice about. You frankly tell him that he's not important enough for such a divulgence.<<br>>
He briefly bows his head, taking it quite amicably. <<blue "Ah'm sorry for getting too ahead of myself. I know someone as important as you must be up to your gills in politics and stuff.">> He looks up again, his expression more gentle and kindly than you feel like you deserve after being so rude. <<blue "In that case, I just hope that me and the others can give you a good enough time dancing this afternoon to keep your mind off of it.">><<br>>
Despite it all, you can't help but smile a little at the sentiment.
The musicians start leading into their song, and Gilles reaches forward, one hand reaching towards your waist and the other to your hand to begin dancing. He pauses briefly before actually touching you - watching your expression for a moment as if nonverbally asking for permission - and only after ensuring that you don't react negatively does he take you into his arms.<<br>>
His hold is very gentle, but his sheer size means that you still feel swept up off of your feet by it all. His grip is less like an action and more like a location - the rest of the ballroom suddenly feeling far away in comparison. As he guides you through the first steps you're kept wholly suspended within his presence.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles4">>
<</link>>Gilles dances well, moving with a grace that you wouldn't have expected his bulky body to be capable of, but what really shines through is how considerate it's clear that he's being. He seems constantly on the look out not to hold your waist too tightly; not to hurry you any faster than you're comfortable going; not to accidentally shift his grip onto any area which might be even remotely approaching inappropriate.<<br>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt ($danceNum); _i++>>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Lazare">>
<<set _lazareCheck to true>>
It has the potential to become a little patronizing, like you're a delicate china vase that must be protected at all costs rather than a human being who can look after themselves, but after your experiences of being gawped at and objectified by men in the last week it goes anything but unappreciated. You'd been scared about the idea of dancing with a guy<<if _lazareCheck is true>>, especially after your experience with Lord Lazare earlier<</if>>, but you soon find such concerns ebbing away from you.<<br>>
You're led with confident precision through the steps, each so clearly guided that even a <<if $pc.background isnot "flirt">>complete<</if>> amateur like yourself finds that your movements are coming out graceful and smooth in companion.<<br>>
The dance calls for a moment of closeness, and the two of you draw together. He's not quite as tall as, say, Jacques, and a far cry from Merat's gangly height, but your changes mean that Gilles is still large enough compared to you that when he pulls you near most of you ends up becoming enveloped by his broad chest - large and sturdy enough that it almost feels more like a brick wall than a living thing, were it not for the snug warmth emanating through his dress-shirt.<<br>>
It's a warmth that feels oddly comforting. Compared to the sheer scale of his chest you can't help but feel dainty and small in comparison, and while that thought would usually be met with a pang of gender incongruity this time it just feels comforting - perhaps because Gilles, the source of this bulk, has been keeping you so safe and secure the entire time that you've been dancing together that such displeasure feels far away, as distant as everything else in the room outside the warmth of his embrace.<<br>>
<<if $pc.boobs is 2>>
Some small part of you is aware that your own budding chest might be pressing into his own, but somehow it doesn't strike you with the urgency that it otherwise would.<<br>>
And then, all too soon, the dance pulls you away once more with the next step. You're left yearning for more.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles5">>
<</link>>/* It all happens too fast for you to process. One moment you're dancing in Gilles' arms, and the next there's a deafening clatter as a servant who was refilling the refreshments table gets too carried away doing a little dance to the music himself and accidentally topples the whole thing, sending a cascade of glass cups tumbling to the floor to shatter on the hard stone.<<br>> */
It all happens too fast for you to process. One moment you're dancing in Gilles' arms, and the next there's a deafening clatter as you make a small misstep, and your spinning arm collides with a refreshment table, toppling the whole thing and sending a cascade of glass cups tumbling to the floor to shatter on the hard stone.<<br>>
Gilles is much quicker on the uptake. Reflexively he pulls you even closer to himself, releasing his hold on your hand to instead hook under your knees and pull your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("leggings") isnot true>>bare <<print $pc.skin.color>><</if>> legs out the way before the skittering shards of glass can reach them.<<br>>
However, such insight goes completely over your head. All that you understand is that one second you're dancing pleasantly, and the next you're suddenly slept into Gilles' bulky arms, and you end up reacting purely on instinct.<<br>>
<<link "Flinch in fear">>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "flinch">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGillesFlinch">>
<<link "Sock him in the face">>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "sock">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGillesSock">>
<<link "Snuggle in closer">>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "snuggle">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day68danceGillesSnuggle">>
<</link>>The last time someone lunged at you like this, it was the Scarecrow Killer rushing forward hatchet-raised to assassinate you - the fact that it's accompanied by the loud and terrifying sound of smashed glass just makes matters even worse.<<br>>
You had thought that you'd been handling things pretty well; that your trauma was manageable and contained. You were wrong.<<br>>
Your reaction is instinctual, indignant, and intense. A loud terrified yelp, almost a scream, flies from your lips as you desperately try to wriggle your way loose of his clutches like a scared animal.<<br>>
<<blue "Whoa now!">> Cries Gilles, desperately holding on to keep you from falling directly onto the broken glass. <<blue "Hold there a tick, your Highness. It's just-">> However, his words fall short when he sees the frantic terror on your color-drained face.<<br>>
<<blue "Hey, err. Jeez, are you alright?">> He bumbles, not quite knowing what to do in this situation, but then his better instincts win out. <<blue "It's okay. It's okay. I've got you.">> He mumbles reassuringly as he folds you even closer to himself in a deep and nurturing embrace.<<br>>
For a brief moment getting trapped like this is the worst thing that your scared mind could imagine, and your slender limbs quiver and spasm pathetically in his grip in an impotent struggle to escape, but it isn't long before the warm cocoon of his comforting presence, and the low rumble you can feel in the chest that you're held pressed against as he whispers reassurances, manage to soothe your frightened mind away from the flashbacks and back to the present.<<br>>
<<blue "There you go, your Highness.">> He encourages after some time, finally feeling comfortable loosening his hold so that you're not so pressed into him. More time must have passed than you'd realized - a servant has already finished gathering the sharp shards of glass from the floor.<<br>>
<<blue "Would you like to go back down to the floor now?">><<br>>
<<link "Sob in his arms">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "flinchSob">>
<<goto "day68danceGillesFlinch2">>
<<link "Ask to be put down">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "flinchDown">>
<<goto "day68danceGillesFlinch2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceGillesReact to 'flinchSob'" "day68danceGillesReact to 'flinchDown'">>
<<if $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchSob">>
Somehow, the question manages to burst open the floodgates which have been painfully pricking at the corners of your eyes but your body was too caught in fight-or-flight to release. Your view of Gilles' face gets distorted and warped by the tears which well up and begin to cascade down your cheeks.<<br>>
Once it starts, you just can't stop. You can't even begin to care how public this is and that you no doubt must have the attention of the whole room towards you, you just let them pour.<<br>>
Gilles once again draws you close, and by the time you've finished quivering and bawling into his chest there's a sizable damp spot down the front of his dress shirt. Once you've recovered a little your eyes flicker up to his apologetically, but the benign expression that meets your gaze is anything but worried about such a thing.<<br>>
<<blue "There we go, there's some color in your cheeks now at least.">> He says. <<blue "Let's get you standing, shall we?">><<br>>
/* <<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchDown">> */
Embarrassed at having gotten so out-of-sorts, you bravely nod and Gilles neatly deposits you back to your feet - though he has to remain holding you steady for a few seconds as you regather your strength enough to stand by yourself.<<br>>
After the enveloping warmth of Gilles' embrace, the air of the rest of the room feels chillingly cool in comparison. You feel like a baby chick taking its first steps outside it's egg.<<br>>
Gilles's expression is awash with concern. <<blue "Your Grace, ah'm so so sorry if my actions might have caused such a response.">> He itches the back of his head awkwardly. <<blue "Silly old me reacted on instinct, and all I could think about wuz keeping your legs from getting harmed. Didn't think none about being an overbearing oaf and getting all rough and personal. I hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive me.">><<br>>
Through a weak smile, you reassure him that he acted completely gentlemanly.<<br>>
After that the two of you go back to dancing normally. He's still a competent dancer, but after what happened the two of you are slightly too aware of eachother to settle back into the simple pleasure of before. He treats you so delicately, careful to keep you safe, and you know that you should be resentful at being babied but you keep on catching yourself melting like butter into his arms, and have to force yourself back to sensibility.<<br>>
By the time the music comes to a close you're very relieved - you're not sure that you had the willpower to resist it for much longer.<<br>>
<<blue "It's been a delight, your Highness.">> Says Gilles with a bow. <<blue "I know it's been an odd one, but... well, I'm glad that I could lend you some support.">> And with a bow he steps away, leaving you staring at his retreating back with your heart in knots.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>>As a guy, your immediate reaction to another man reaching forward to grab you is only natural - you pull back your fist and let it fly directly towards his face.<<br>>
<<blue "Oof! Oww!">> Cries Gilles at suddenly being attacked, like he's tried to pick up a displeased badger rather than the crown Princess, but his hold on you is as resolute as ever. Confused at having caused such a small reaction, as much out of bewildered frustration as anything else you can't help but do it all over again, only for it too to barely cause a flinch - it's like you tried to hit a brick wall rather than a face.<<br>>
<<blue "Jeez - calm down, your Highness! I've got you, don't worry.">> Complains the large man, slightly irritated but hardly deterred by your actions, holding you so tightly for fear that you'll wriggle your way loose and go straight to the floor that there's no way that you could escape.<<br>>
Your brain quickly manages to work out what's happened, and you at least ease up on punching for now. However, you find yourself staring at your fists in distress. <<if $pc.background is "bread" or $pc.background is "flirt">>You were never the strongest guy around, but before<<else>>Before<</if>> now your punches had potency and power, and you had carried yourself with the confidence of someone who could <<if $pc.background is "bread" or $pc.background is "flirt">>at least manage to <</if>>cause enough damage in reprisal to make messing with you more effort than it's worth.<<br>>
You're almost in disbelief that your punch could have been so ineffectual. It really sinks in for you that if Gilles really //was// trying to grope you then there's absolutely no way that you would have been able to deter him in the slightest - a fact that makes your skin crawl.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceGillesSock2">>
<</link>>As the mortified servant picks up all of the shards of glass you look at the Gilles with a newfound awareness. At first, your fury is replaced by fear - fear that you'll have upset this person so much stronger than you into hurting you in reprisal, but as he smiles reassuringly at you, you can't find yourself worrying about the matter for very long.<<br>>
Instead, the emotion that takes is a natural fit for the weak when confronted by the strong - grateful relief that they're not using that strength against you. A part of yourself is horrified at the feeling as it grows in you, like this kind of messed up hostage-bonding should be beneath you, but despite it all you catch a flustered, embarrassed smile reaching your lips, and resent yourself for it.<<br>>
A servant finishes clearing up the last of the scattered glass shards, and Gilles can finally deposit your conflicted self back down on the ground.<<br>>
<<blue "Jeez, you gotta hell of a left hook, if you don't mind me saying, your Grace.">> he jokes as he rubs his cheek, more jovially bemused than upset. All his words manage to do is reiterate how false they are, but you allow yourself to spare a moment to apologize - you might feel weird about him right now, but honestly none of this is Gilles' fault in the slightest.<<br>>
<<blue "Now don't give me any of that.">> He interrupts, holding up a hand to stop you. <<blue "I was a right fool and reacted on instinct - all I could think about was keeping your legs from getting harmed. Didn't think none about being an overbearing oaf and getting all rough and personal. Ah'm sure if I'd taken another moment to consider things I could've thought up a better way to do it. I hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive me.">><<br>>
You smile at him, this time earnestly at his kindness rather than out of an instinctual desire to appease - though now that you've become aware of the impulse you'll no-doubt be second guessing everything that you do for months.<<br>>
After that the two of you go back to dancing normally, but things can never settle back into the simple pleasure that it had been before - you're too aware of him now. Every time you glance at his face you can feel this tension from his presence and you feel a flinch run through you - one that you try to reassure yourself is //purely// due to intimidation, and not the beginning of an emotion that you can't quite place.<<br>>
By the time the music finally comes to a close you're completely on edge.<<br>>
<<blue "It's been a pleasure, your Highness.">> Says Gilles, with a reassuring tone that makes you think that he might be aware that you're acting differently around him. You just hope that he hasn't got any strange impressions from it. <<blue "And don't worry about the punch none. I've had much worse.">><<br>>
And with that he departs, leaving you alone on the dancefloor.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>>For the part of you that resented being forced away from Gilles' chest, this is everything that you possibly wanted and more. With a growled purr of contentment you snuggle deeper into his broad comforting warmth.<<br>>
It takes you a few moments to even recognize the situation that bought you to into this position, and even once you do it's difficult to truly process it through the blissful haze of nestling into Gilles' body. You've been so tense and nervous for so long that the sweet embrace of this moment of intimate safety is more than enough to make you completely surrender to it.<<br>>
<<blue "There we are, your Highness. Ah'm sorry to be so rude as to grab you like this, but I couldn't bear to think of your delicate legs getting harmed by all that glass and all.">> He says, somewhat bashful at suddenly princess-carrying an actual princess. However, his rambling is cut short when the only noise you make in response is a breathy sigh.<<br>>
He glances down at your face in surprise, only to find you flushed and with dilated pupils, and his own complexion lightly pinkens at the sight.<<br>>
However, he's nothing but a gentleman about it. <<blue "Ah. I guess the loud noise must have been a lot for you - got you all light headed.">> He suggests, tactfully providing you an excuse that you're not sure if he totally believes himself. <<blue "I understand, your Highness. Your welcome to stay here with me 'til it passes. Well, you'll have to really, at least until they can find the dustpan and brush.">><<br>>
Either he realizes that it's what you're //really// wanting, or else he's trying to hide your sultry expression from the others to not embarrass you - he pulls you closer to himself, effortlessly enclosing you deeper into the cocoon of his beefy arms and chest. If he intended the latter then he chose poorly - as the sensation is enough to draw a little whimpered moan from your lips, just loud enough to not be hidden by the music.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
You're so caught up in the haze of stifling desire that even the sensation of your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock straining impotently against the metal of your cage is just read as a glowingly intense sensation rather than pain.
You're so caught up in the haze of stifling desire that you don't even realize the danger as your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock becomes erect, but luckily the way that your body is closed in on itself means that it merely slips through the waistband of your <<print $outfit.under.name>> to press against your tummy rather than into Gilles.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceGillesSnuggle2">>
<</link>>After some time, which could have been seconds, minutes, or hours to your subdued mind, the clamshell of Gilles' strong arms eases up and, like a pearl hidden within, your comparatively dainty body is exposed.<<br>>
<<blue "There you go, your Highness.">> Gilles says with a smile. <<blue "All cleared up now.">><<br>>
A glance downwards confirms the words - the servants have already managed to dispose of the remaining glass shards.<br>
<span id="gillesReplace">
<<link "Stand back on the ground">>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "snuggleStand">>
<<replace "#gillesReplace" t8n>>
A part of you wants to stay in Gilles' arms forever, but now that your excuse to remain here has disappeared there's no way of doing so without the entire room knowing exactly what you're doing.<<br>>
At your reluctant request, Gilles gently lowers you back down to the floor. After the enveloping warmth of his embrace, the air of the rest of the room feels chillingly cool in comparison. You feel like a baby chick taking its first steps outside it's egg.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
There's an odd sensation from your groin, and you realize to your intense embarrassment that there's a wet sensation of warm precum in your cock cage that feels strange when you move.<<br>>
After that the two of you go back to dancing normally. He's still a competent dancer, but after what happened the two of you are slightly too aware of eachother to settle back into the simple pleasure of before. There's a tension now, one which comes up whenever you catch eachother glance and both flinch a little at the memory of intimate closeness that you shared.<<br>>
When the music comes to a close you're caught between relief at the tension being broken and regret that it couldn't come to a fruition.<<br>>
<<blue "It's been a delight, your Highness.">> Says Gilles with a bow. <<blue "A true pleasure.">> And with a bow he steps away, leaving you staring at his retreating back with your heart in knots.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<<link "Remain in his arms">>
<<set $day68danceGillesReact to "snuggleStay">>
<<replace "#gillesReplace" t8n>>
It's ridiculous and embarrassing, but to be honest being released from the beefy man's grip is the last thing that you desire.<<br>>
You don't think that you would have had the guts to ask for it if you were of sounder mind right now, but you're still so touch-drunk that the reaction comes out of you before you can stop it - a frantic little shake of the head, as if begging to remain here.<<br>>
You're terrified of what his reaction might be, especially since he never could have known that by taking you in his arms you'd react like this and make it something more intimate, but to your relief he gives you a broad grin - his expression caught somewhere between the flustered delight of a boy being asked to prom and a protectiveness that's almost paternal.<<br>>
<<blue "Sure thing, your Highness.">> He responds. <<blue "We're here to dance, but there's no reason why we can't do it like this.">><<br>>
To demonstrate the point, he begins to move around the room with you still aloft in his arms perfectly in-step with the music, even including a spin or two.<<br>>
It's a cute idea, and the two of you are soon laughing at it, but as you're lightly swung too and fro you find yourself wriggling to snuggle even deeper into his arms, feeling content and safe.<<br>>
When the music finally comes to a close and you're finally forced to come down, it comes to your deep regret. After the enveloping warmth of his embrace, the air of the rest of the room feels chillingly cool in comparison. You feel like a baby chick taking its first steps outside it's egg.<<br>>
<<blue "It's been a delight, your Highness.">> Gilles says with a warm smile. <<blue "An absolute delight.">> And with a bow he steps away, leaving you staring at his retreating back with your heart aflutter.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
</span><<for _i to 0; _i lt ($danceNum); _i++>>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Florice">>
<<set _floriceCheck to true>>
<<include "day68danceTween">><br>
<<section "hermineStart">>
Hermine strides purposefully to stand in front of you, adjusts her glasses to get a better look at you, and dips into a slightly perfunctory curtsy.<<br>>
<<pink "Your Royal Highness">> She says in a clipped tone, formal but not friendly. <<pink "I'm to be your <<if $danceNum is 1>>first<<elseif $danceNum is 2>>second<<elseif $danceNum is 3>>third<<elseif $danceNum is 4>>fourth<<else>><<error>><</if>> partner. Please come this way.">><<br>>
She leads you briskly to a position on the dancefloor and turns back to you. <<pink "Excellent. Now, since we are both women it is important before we begin to establish who will be leading and who will be following<<if _floriceCheck is true and $day68danceFloriceDance is 'lead'>>, else you might get confused again as you did with Florice<</if>>.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _hermineStart>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceHermine.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceHermine.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _hermineStart>><<br>>
<<if $danceNum isnot 1>>
<<pink "Based on what I've observed of your dancing ability so far, I believe that I will be the stronger dancer, and should lead. The choice however is yours.">><<br>>
You search her face for sign of whether she's insulting you, but her expression is just blankly awaiting your response.<<br>>
Slightly thrown off by her stuffy mannerisms, you consider the choice.<<br>>
<<link "Ask if she'll lead you">>
<<set $day68danceHermineLead to "follow">>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<if $danceNum isnot 1>><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<goto "day68danceHermine2">>
<<link "Take the lead myself">>
<<set $day68danceHermineLead to "lead">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceHermineLead to 'lead'" "day68danceHermineLead to 'follow'">>
<<if $day68danceHermineLead is "follow">>
Hermine nods curtly. <<pink "Very well. In that case I shall enter into the opening position.">><<br>>
Her hands rise up, one fitting snugly against your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> waist while the other firmly clasps your hand.<<br>>
You're a little bewildered, especially since the music hasn't even begun yet, but she doesn't start dancing. Instead she seems content to merely stay in that position, staring blank-faced directly at you as she awaits the music to begin. It's incredibly awkward.<<br>>
Luckily you don't have to wait for long, and as the musicians start she begins to direct you around.
Hermine nods curtly. <<pink "Very well. In that case I suggest that you hold me in the opening position. The music will be beginning shortly.">><<br>>
You blink at the unexpectedly direct request but she just holds out her hand and fixes you an odd expression while she waits for you to grab it, leaving you little option but to do so.<<br>>
There's a few awkward seconds where you just stand there, staring at her blank expression and waiting for the music to begin, but luckily before long the opening chords rescue you and you can start dancing.
Hermine is an entirely competent dancer. In fact, if all dancing was was knowing all of the correct steps and executing them perfectly then she might be considered a genius, but it soon becomes obvious that something is lacking. Her movements are wooden and stiff, lacking any liveliness or passion.<<br>>
Without the liveliness of excitement between you, the exchange just feels awkward. Soon it's odd enough that you find yourself quickly trying to think about something to talk about to change the mood.<br>
<<set $day68danceHermineArray to ["old", "living", "dance", "clothes"]>>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("old")>>
<<link "Ask how old she is">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "old">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("old")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("living")>>
<<link "Ask what she does for a living">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "living">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("living")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("dance")>>
<<link "Ask why she comes to these dances">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "dance">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("dance")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("clothes")>>
<<link "Talk about her choice of clothing">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "clothes">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("clothes")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<</if>><<setter "day68danceHermineTopic to 'dance'" "day68danceHermineTopic to 'living'" "day68danceHermineTopic to 'old'" "day68danceHermineTopic to 'clothes'">>
<<if $day68danceHermineTopic is "dance">>
<<pink "I find it stimulating.">> She replies shortly.
<<elseif $day68danceHermineTopic is "living">>
<<pink "I'm a researcher. I research.">> She says curtly.
<<elseif $day68danceHermineTopic is "old">>
<<pink "I'm twenty five.">> She responds briefly.
<<elseif $day68danceHermineTopic is "clothes">>
<<pink "My mother got it for me.">> She explains without elaboration.
<<if visited("day68danceHermineTopics") is 1>>
You wait to see what else she'll say, only to find nothing forthcoming at all. She seems perfectly content to leave it there, without adding any further details nor asking you anything in return.<<br>>
You wonder if another option might get better results.<br>
<<elseif visited("day68danceHermineTopics") is 2>>
You frown, another non-starter.<br>
<<elseif visited("day68danceHermineTopics") is 3>>
Now you're beginning to get really concerned by her abrupt retorts. Is she making fun of you?<br>
<<elseif visited("day68danceHermineTopics") is 4>>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.push("you")>>
Another failed conversation. In a last-ditch effort you try one desperate final attempt.<br>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("old")>>
<<link "Ask how old she is">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "old">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("old")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("living")>>
<<link "Ask what she does for a living">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "living">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("living")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("dance")>>
<<link "Ask why she comes to these dances">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "dance">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("dance")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("clothes")>>
<<link "Talk about her choice of clothing">>
<<set $day68danceHermineTopic to "clothes">>
<<run $day68danceHermineArray.delete("clothes")>>
<<goto "day68danceHermineTopics">>
<<if $day68danceHermineArray.includes("you")>>
<<link "Ask if she wants to know anything about you">>
<<unset $day68danceHermineTopic>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineArray>>
<<goto "day68danceHermine3">>
<</if>><<setter "day68danceHermineLead to 'lead'" "day68danceHermineLead to 'follow'">>
This at least manages to get you a moment's hesitation as she considers the matter, but it's only for a moment.<<br>>
<<pink "Nothing particularly comes to mind.">> She replies, and you can feel your hopes of a normal conversation shattered.<<br>>
In resignation you go back to silent, awkward dancing, <<if $day68danceHermineLead is "lead">>leading her woodenly through the steps<<else>>following her wooden lead through the steps<</if>>.<<br>>
That is until you make a stumbled misstep, and in a chiding tone she explains <<pink "That was wrong. You should have moved forward with your right foot, not your left.">><<br>>
After a moment's pause she adds <<pink "Unless you meant to do so in the flamenco style. In which case you would have needed to start the move with your arm raised over the waist. But flamenco wouldn't match this music.">><<br>>
Another pause, and once again before you have the time to say anything she adds <<pink "Some work was done in the south-west to try to blend the two styles a few decades ago - part of the Carrasco movement - but that didn't catch on and would require a completely alternative stepping pattern.">><<br>>
Pause - like she's finished speaking and feels awkward at having said so much - and then; another addition - like she can't help herself from continuing. <<pink "Though you did make a few odd steps earlier that could be reminiscent of that style, though only a few. Generally I'd place your style as something more akin to Monsieur de Boc Evrart's meditation on 'l'idiot danse inélégante'. A //bold// reference, if I may say so, your Highness, though quite unsuitable for the Carrasco style.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise at the rambling lecture. You're pretty sure that you should be taking something at the end there as an insult, but you're too taken aback by hearing so many words pour out of the phlegmatic young woman to worry.<<br>>
She watches your shocked expression, seemingly confused by the surprise. <<pink "I don't know what's gotten you in such a state. It's a dancing ballroom - is it really such a surprise that I'm knowledgeable on the matter?">><<br>>
<<link "Say that it was just a little odd, given the way that she dances">>
<<set $day68danceHermineExplain to "dance">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine4">>
<<link "Say that it was just a little odd, given how little she was speaking before">>
<<set $day68danceHermineExplain to "speak">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceHermineExplain to 'speak'" "day68danceHermineExplain to 'dance'">>
<<if $day68danceHermineExplain is "speak">>
You apologize and explain that it was just striking how she went from saying as little as possible to saying so much all at once.<<br>>
Hermine frowns at you, seemingly genuinely perplexed. <<pink "I haven't the faintest idea what you mean.">> She responds. <<pink "You had so many questions and I answered //all// of them. I was under the impression that we were being very sociable indeed.">><<br>>
The reaction is almost enough to make you burst out laughing. You'd been nervous that she'd hated your guts or something, but it feels like you're beginning to grasp the situation.<<br>>
<<pink "But yes, I apologize if I over-spoke. I find dancing absolutely fascinating as an area of interest. My interest developed a few years ago, and I've managed to read almost every book in the Bastille library on the matter.">> She explains.<<br>>
<<pink "At first my interest was entirely academic, but I had some theories which I wanted to demonstrate, so in the last two months I've come to do it in person.">> She wrinkles her nose a little in distaste. <<pink "And I must say. It's not quite what I was expecting.">><<br>>
You ask what she thought it would be like, and she replies <<pink "It's like nobody here's taking it //seriously//. Too busy with the sociality of it all to focus on the practical patterns of steps and movement.">> She makes a little sigh to herself. <<pink "That girl, Estelle, keeps telling me that there's something that I'm missing. She calls it 'passion'. All I can see is that she often does moves //wrong// on //purpose//. It's so... //imprecise//.">>
<<elseif $day68danceHermineExplain is "dance">>
You apologize and explain that it was just a surprise that someone who dances the way that she does would be quite so knowledgeable.<<br>>
You realize a moment after the words come out of your mouth that you've veered a little close to an insult, but she thankfully doesn't seem to take it that way.<<br>>
<<pink "You know. You're not the first to say something to that effect.">> She remarks. <<pink "That girl, Estelle, keeps telling me that there's something that I'm missing. She calls it 'passion' - says I can't find it in my books. All I can see is that she often does moves //wrong// on //purpose//. It's so... //imprecise//.">>
/* Hermine makes a po-faced expression at the idea. <<pink "Yes.">> She says, dismissively. <<pink "Estelle keeps telling me something similar. She calls it 'passion'. All I can see is that she often does moves wrong on purpose. It's so... //imprecise//.">><<br>>
You have to disguise a smirk at the idea of anything Estelle does seeming remotely 'inelegant'.<<br>> */
<<pink "I don't think that I understand it. Tell me, your Highness - is it something that concerns you?">><<br>>
You weigh up the question. It's not like she's a terrible dancer and needs to be 'fixed' or anything, but it's also clear that there really is something that she's missing out on. She clearly has an academic interest in the subject, maybe you can help her to grasp the big picture?<<br>>
<<link "Encourage her to try out dancing with a little more passion">>
<<set $day68danceHermineStyle to "passion">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine5">>
<<link "Play it safe and keep dancing as you are">>
<<set $day68danceHermineStyle to "reject">>
<<goto "day68danceHermineReject">>
<</link>>Hermine seems like she could do with getting out of her comfort level a little, but you're hardly the person to do it. You're here to get through the dance without getting caught as an imposter or embarrassing yourself - a dull, passionless dance is exactly what you're looking for.<<br>>
You quickly dismiss the matter, saying that you don't think that she should worry about such things.<<br>>
Hermine nods curtly. <<pink "Good. In that case I'll continue as I am. Though I'm really not sure how long I'll keep coming here - perhaps dancing simply isn't as interesting an area of study as it had seemed in books.">><<br>>
After that she returns to the stiff silence from before. You dance a few more minutes in dull monotony before the music eventually comes to a close and, with one last perfunctory curtsy, Hermine departs with barely a goodbye.<<br>>
You're grateful to have been able to get through one of the dances without issue, but part of you wonders what you might have missed out on.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>>Despite her stuffy demeanor, you find yourself quite liking the bookish girl. As someone who's still finding their own dancing legs yourself you're not sure if you're the most suitable person to do it, but you'd like to help her out, if you can.<<br>>
Hermine nods seriously at your suggestion. <<pink "Very well - since you think it's important I'll give it a try.">><<br>>
/* You smile encouragingly, but then her next words take you off guard. <<pink "Now, what do I do first?">><<br>> */
You smile encouragingly, but you're taken off guard completely when she abruptly halts dancing and stands there staring at you expectedly. <<pink "So, what do I do first?">><<br>>
Put on the spot like this, you really don't know where to begin.<<br>>
/* <<link "Focus on the way that she's moving">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day68danceHermineStyle to "friend">>
<<goto "day68danceHermineFriend">>
<</link>><br> */
<<link "Try something out">>
/* <<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68danceHermineStyle to "flirt">> */
<<goto "day68danceHermine6">>
/* :: day68danceHermineFriend
You decide to focus on her physical movements, suggesting that she should dance a little more loosely, flowing from movement to movement instead of being quite so wooden.<<br>>
Hermine frowns, no doubt internally bemoaning how careless such actions would be, but to her credit she nods seriously at your advice. <<pink "Well, alright then.">><<br>>
What follows is such a ridiculous display of exaggerated floppiness that it almost makes you burst out into laughter, but you desperately suppress the urge to not scare her off. You're at least glad at how oblivious she seems to be at the looks that she's getting from the other dancers.<<br>>
Thankfully Hermine seems plenty receptive to further guidance, and over the next few minutes you manage to guide her ungainly movements into something that at least gives a modest resemblance to casual dancing.<<br>>
However, your efforts don't seem to impress Hermine. With a nonplussed expression she complains <<pink "Yes, now I'm moving //carelessly//. But what's the point?">><<br>>
You suppress a groan, but she's right - merely resembling the form isn't nearly enough. What makes matters worse though is that she's also completely //wrong// - there's absolutely nothing //careless// about her movements in the slightest. Sure, they're looser than before, but only with deliberate, tense intention. If you asked her to do the same move twice in a row they'd both be identically 'casual' in all the same ways - exactingly inexact.<<br>>
If you're going to get anywhere with the young woman, you're going to have to find a way to throw her off completely, enough to make the entire affair seem novel and clumsy and exciting instead of something memorized by rote.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceHermineFriend2">>
<</link>> */
/* :: day68danceHermineFriend2
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine7">>
<</link>> */After a moment's consideration, you decide that merely teaching her how to move smoothly wouldn't be enough - the real element of dancing that she's missing out on isn't anything so mundane. If 'passion' is what she wants to learn about, then that's got to come from a much more interpersonal level.<<br>>
You fix her with an intense expression, so intense that it seems to briefly take her by surprise, and instruct her to close her eyes.<<br>>
After a brief moment of confusion, she does as you request, closing her eyelids calmly. You're a little surprised that she actually did it, leaving herself so open, and a pang of nervousness hits you at the risk of doing something wrong and accidentally overstepping her comfort level, but you decide to carefully push ahead.<<br>>
You tell her to start dancing, and she does so, <<if $day68danceHermineLead is "lead">>following your lead<<else>>leading you<</if>> with as perfect precision as ever, undeterred by her lack of vision in the slightest.<<br>>
Once she settles into a rhythm you make your move - using your free hand to lightly brush against her opposite arm like she's walked through spidersilk. You can see the reaction immediately - a shiver running through her, and the barely visible pinpricks of goosebumps rising up on her skin. Her expression flinches, like she doesn't know how to process the unexpected sensation. She seems nervous, but doesn't seem inclined to put a stop to it.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine7">>
<</link>><<setter 'day68danceHermineLead to "lead"' 'day68danceHermineLead to "follow"'>>
You keep going - every few steps, just when she isn't expecting it, you graze your fingers over her skin. Nowhere inappropriate, or anywhere that might concern her - the goal isn't to grope but rather to confront her with the tense intimacy of another's presence, of the tingly excitement of your closeness.<<br>>
Hermine keeps her eyes tightly closed the whole time, ardently determined to keep going even as her breathing quickens and her limbs begin to tremble. You find yourself blushing a little at the sight of her expressions - the goal was to add some intimacy and interpersonal tension between the two of you, and you certainly aren't immune to being caught up in that yourself.<<br>>
Her dancing becomes a little less pristine and perfect, a little more loose and sloppy as it becomes an afterthought compared to tension between you, which grows and grows until even the hand which <<if $day68danceHermineLead is "lead">>the hand that you're leading her by<<else>>she's leading you with<</if>> feels like there's sparking electricity running through it.<<br>>
A light sheen of sweat begins to rise up to her skin, and after a moment she holds up her hand to halt you.<<br>>
<<pink "W-wait.">> She gasps. <<pink "I'm getting sweaty. One moment.">><<br>>
As her eyes open again you can see them refocus as they adjust to the light, and once again as they flicker to meet your own. After such prolonged tension, even that eye contact alone is enough to feel shockingly intense, but then the moment's broken as she pulls her sweater up over her head.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine8">>
<</link>>There's something exhilarating about seeing Hermine without her sweater on. It's not like it's a titillating sight or anything so vulgar as that - the blouse that she has on underneath is as conservative as it gets. It's just the delight of seeing someone who's been so caught up within their comfort level take the brave step of removing a piece of her armor.<<br>>
Her posture is a little less secure than before, one hand picking at her arm nervously. A part of you feels bad at having opened her up to insecurity, but honestly it's refreshing to see some emotionality from the girl. 'Passion' as a term may have been colonized by mustached weirdos oozing with machismo, but at its root it feels much more connected to shared vulnerability - and nervousness is a healthy, sweet part of that.<<br>>
<<pink "That was... //stimulating//.">> She admits. <<pink "I think- I suppose- Well, I understand the appeal now.">><<br>>
She flashes you a brief, embarrassed smile, and a light blush hits her cheeks.<<br>>
<<pink "Tell me, how does it work? What should I //do// to make it happen?">><<br>>
You consider the question.<<br>>
<<link "Tell her that it's about having fun with someone else, not just going through steps">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day68danceHermineStyle to "friend">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine9">>
<<link "Instruct her that it's all about intimacy, and seduction is her best tool to achieve it.">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68danceHermineStyle to "flirt">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine9">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceHermineStyle to 'friend'" "day68danceHermineStyle to 'flirt'">>
<<if $day68danceHermineStyle is "friend">>
You excitedly tell her that it's all about the other person. She was dancing like she was taking an exam, trying to get every move perfect and barely paying attention to what the other person was doing. The real joy of dancing is that it's so mutual - every move you make is there to delight the other person, and vice versa!<<br>>
All that you were doing with your blind touches was remind her that there's another person that she's dancing with, and that they can surprise and delight her.<<br>>
She nods seriously, taking your words to heart with determination. <<pink "Okay. I think I understand.">>
<<elseif $day68danceHermineStyle is "flirt">>
You tell her very frankly that the passion that she's looking for is all about sexuality and attraction. The butterflies-in-your-tummy of being touched and teased and delighted by someone you're interested in.<<br>>
If she wants to experience more of it, then the best way to do that is to seduce her partners - dress and act in ways that will captivate their attention, and allow yourself to be captivated by others in turn.<<br>>
You think that you can notice a trace of color to her cheeks at your words, but it doesn't stop her from nodding seriously, seeming to take your words to heart with determination. <<pink "Okay. If that's what I should do to feel more of this, then I'll do it.">>
The two of you rejoin hands to start dancing again, but before you can begin the musicians close out the end of the song, and Hermine's eyes open wide in surprise. <<pink "Wait, that's not //it//, is it?">> She practically shouts, louder than she intended.<<br>>
It's enough to draw the attention of one of the musicians, who replies frankly. <<blue "Afraid so. <<if $danceNum isnot 4>>Next partners, please!<<else>>End of the dance, my girl.<</if>>">><<br>>
Hermine gives you a frustrated expression, like she's desperate for you to teach her even more. <<pink "Well">> She says resignedly. <<pink "It's been a pleasure, your Highness. Really.">><<br>>
It's a feeling that you share yourself, it feels like you barely managed to get started. However, with one last deep curtsy, she steps away from you, leaving you alone on the dancefloor.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>><<include "day68danceTween">><br>
<<section "lazareStart">>
Lord Lazare is an old man, but you can concede that he has the signs of having been handsome in his youth, and clearly knows how to dress and groom himself (or at least care to hire someone of good taste). The phrase 'silver fox' crosses your mind, but you refuse to allow yourself to start internally using it. He has the confident stride of a man who's rarely not the most important person in the room.<<br>>
<<blue "So this is the heir to the throne, is it?">> He says, not even hiding the way that he's looking you up and down. He makes a scoffed <<blue "hmmph">> under his breath, seemingly unimpressed by what he finds.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _lazareStart>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceLazare.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceLazare.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _lazareStart>><<br>>
You hide the grimace you nearly make at being so rudely acknowledged and try to greet him politely.<<br>>
<<blue "Yes yes, greetings and all that.">> He dismisses. <<blue "About time the royal family realize what a mistake they're making by neglecting the most important city in the realm, and came grovelling back for a visit.">><<br>>
<<blue "Well, at least you had the taste to spend the afternoon here in the ballroom, and had the wits to know to put me down on your dance card. That at least says //something// for you, I suppose.">><<br>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.choice is "dayCollar" and $outfit.jewelry.wearing is true>>
<<blue "Though I suppose you've at least gotten something right.">> Suddenly his hand reaches forward clasp lightly against your locked silver choker. <<blue "Your choice of necklace is... fitting.">><<br>>
You can't help but find yourself blushing at his apparent recognition of the submissive item.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare2">>
<</link>>The band begin to play, and the lord steps close to hold you in the starting position. You're soon engulfed in the heady scent of cologne. <<blue "Now, let's see if you can dance, shall we?">><<br>>
It quickly becomes clear that Lord Lazare dances like a music conductor - that is to say, he does next to little of the actual work himself. He's content to stand almost completely still, while demanding that you flit around him at an exhausting pace.<<br>>
Whenever he casts you out into a pirouette it makes you feel less like a dancer and more like a dog being ordered to do tricks under the watchful eyes of its owner. His eyes roam all over you.<<br>>
Even when you're visibly getting tired from the ordeal he doesn't seem inclined to give you a break. There's no way that he couldn't notice it, he just doesn't seem to care.<<br>>
<<link "Meekly try to get on his good side and push myself to meet his pace.">>
<<set $day68danceLazarePace to "meekPush">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day68danceLazare3">>
<<link "Show that you can handle it by stubbornly pushing myself to meet his pace.">>
<<set $day68danceLazarePace to "stubbornPush">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68danceLazare3">>
<<link "Ask nicely if he'll allow you to slow down">>
<<set $day68danceLazarePace to "niceSlow">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68danceLazare3">>
<<link "Angrily demand that he slow down">>
<<set $day68danceLazarePace to "angrySlow">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68danceLazare3">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceLazarePace to 'meekPush'" "day68danceLazarePace to 'stubbornPush'" "day68danceLazarePace to 'niceSlow'" "day68danceLazarePace to 'angrySlow'">>
<<switch $day68danceLazarePace>>
<<case "meekPush">>
He's being an asshole, but he's still someone you need to get on the good side of. You decide to try to meet his pace in the desperate hope that you'll manage to impress him.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to true>>
Luckily, you find that it's the adjustments that you need to do whenever you make a mistake that're the really tiring things - when everything flows together smoothly it's much less draining. You've learnt enough about how to move with grace and poise that, while you're still breathing heavily after a while, you at least manage to avoid the worst of it.<<check "Grace check - passed">><<br>>
It's difficult to fully take note of Lazare's expression amidst all of the spinning and twirling, but it seems a little conflicted. You begin to get the impression that the whole point of the maneuver was to force you to fail, and thus give him the opportunity to berate you for it. However, the expression of dogged, submissive determination that must have crossed your face as you dance seems to have offered him a more than adequate exchange for your unexpected competency, and the leering smirk that's almost hidden by his moustache seems anything but disappointed.
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to false>>
Unfortunately, you don't manage your lofty goal. You start off strong, your twists and twirls coming perfectly in-time with his slavedriving tempo, but one misstep is all it takes for it all to unravel and send you stumbling.<<check "Grace check - fail">><<br>>
<<blue "Stupid girl.">> Snaps Lord Lazare at the mistake. <<blue "Can't even get your feet straight. Indignant thing.">> However, from the smug expression on his face you begin to get the impression that this might have been his goal all along - to make you slip up, put you on the back foot, and give him a chance to berate you for it.<<br>>
You wince at being so publicly humiliated, but at least console yourself that by playing into his hands and making a fool of yourself, you might have helped to get on his good side. You can see Estelle look over from her own dancing to give you a sympathetic look and stick her tongue out at him from behind his back.
<<case "stubbornPush">>
He's being an asshole, but the last thing you want to do is show weakness in front of him. You try to match his blistering pace with casual and defiant competence.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to true>>
Luckily, you find that it's the adjustments that you need to do whenever you make a mistake that're the really tiring things. When everything flows together smoothly it's much less draining, and you've learnt enough about how to move with grace and poise that, while you're still breathing heavily after a while, you at least manage to avoid the worst of it.<<check "Grace check - passed">><<br>>
It's difficult to fully take note of Lazare's expression amidst all of the spinning and twirling, but what little you can see seems put-off and resentful. You begin to get the impression that the whole point of the maneuver was to force you to fail, and thus give him the opportunity to berate you for it. By handling it without issue you've managed to ruin his fun and contest his dominance.
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to false>>
Unfortunately, you don't manage your lofty goal. You start off strong, your twists and twirls coming perfectly in-time with his slavedriving tempo, but one misstep is all it takes for it all to unravel and send you stumbling.<<check "Grace check - fail">><<br>>
<<blue "Stupid girl.">> Snaps Lord Lazare at the mistake. <<blue "Can't even get your feet straight. Indignant thing.">> However, from the smug expression on his face you begin to get the impression that this might have been his goal all along - to make you slip up, put you on the back foot, and give him a chance to berate you for it.<<br>>
By playing into his hands you might have ended up giving him exactly what he wants. Objectively, it could even have been a fairly smart move to get on his good side, but you can't help yourself from grinding your teeth together in irritation. You can see Estelle look over from her own dancing to give you a sympathetic look and stick her tongue out at him from behind his back.
<<case "niceSlow">>
There's no way that you're going to continue at this pace - you'll develop blisters! You ask that he slow down a little.<<br>>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to true>>
You look at him with wide eyes and implore him to let your poor feet rest for a minute.<<check "Cuteness check - passed">><<br>>
For a brief moment you can see a satisfied smirk cross his face at the request, like the whole thing was just a set-up so that he could demean you, but when he sees the expression you're making it soon fades. It wouldn't be fun to do it now - less a power-play and more like kicking a lost puppy.<<br>>
Begrudgingly, he slows down in pace with barely a muttered <<blue "To think that the crown Princess can't even handle a little ballroom dancing...">> in exchange.
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to false>>
You try to be as polite as possible, but it doesn't seem to make him treat you any better.<<check "Cuteness check - fail">><<br>>
<<blue "So the crown Princess is so uncultured as to not be able to handle some ballroom dancing, is she?">> He says as he slows down, indulging in the words in a way that makes you think that his was all set a set-up to demean you. <<blue "A miserable state of affairs, but I'll admit not all that unexpected from the look of you.">>
<<case "angrySlow">>
There's no way that you're going to continue at this pace. It's unfair, demeaning, and stupid. You firmly tell him to slow down.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to true>>
You try to put as much emphasis on your words as possible, and are pleased to see his eyes quiver in place for a moment, thrown off by such gravitas.<<check "Authority check - pass">><<br>>
He sniffs irritably, in a way that makes you think that this might have all been a set-up so that he could demean you, and that you've ruined his fun. He at least counters with a <<blue "To think that the crown Princess can't even handle a little ballroom dancing.">> But you get the impression that you've won the skirmish.
<<set $day68danceLazareSkill to false>>
You try to put as much emphasis on your words as possible, but the lord just scoffs arrogantly at your tone.<<check "Authority check - fail">><<br>>
<<blue "So the crown Princess is so uncultured as to not be able to handle some ballroom dancing, is she?">> He says as he slows down, indulging in the words in a way that makes you think that his was all set a set-up to demean you. <<blue "A miserable state of affairs, but I'll admit not all that unexpected from the look of you.">>
The first song of the set lulls, and you take the opportunity to see if you can extract any useful information about the Bastille from the man.<<br>>
Lord Lazare makes a dry chuckle from under his breath at your questioning. <<blue "Come now. Don't try to pretend that you care about it, it's unseemly. Little girls like yourself should be concerning themselves with dresses and other frivolous things, not dabbling in matters of state, even if you //are// royalty.">><<br>>
You make a small attempt to dispute this and show what you hope seems like a genuine interest, but when you try the gent's expression hardens. <<blue "No, I'm //sure// that I think that you'll find that pretty girls //don't// find it interesting.">> He states firmly, in a tone of voice that makes it clear that this isn't a mere opinion, but rather a firm lecture on where your place should be and how you're supposed to behave. <<blue "They haven't the //nerve// for it. Stick to your dolls and focus on the art of how to please your man. You're clearly more suited for such things.">><<br>>
You wince. It doesn't look like you'll be able to learn anything from him directly. You've half a mind to cut off the whole thing here, but just because you can't extract information doesn't mean it wouldn't still be a serious boon to be able to count on someone as powerful as him as an ally.<<br>>
The next song begins, a mellow waltz, and he once again holds you back into his grasp. As he does so, his hand cups your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>ample<<else>>boyish<</if>> bottom - not the indignant grope of someone copping a feel, but the confident, assertive grip of a powerful man who's used to getting what he wants and thinks that it's something that he's owed.<<br>>
The sensation makes you jolt in surprise, a reaction which draws out an amused smirk from the behind the gentleman's silver moustache. You wonder if you can get away with moving his hand without upsetting him, and whether you even care what he thinks anyway.<<br>>
<<link "Slap him">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day68danceLazareButt to "slap">>
<<goto "day68danceLazareSlap">>
<<link "Firmly move his hand to my waist">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68danceLazareButt to "move">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare4">>
<<link "Allow him to keep holding my butt">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day68danceLazareButt to "let">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare4">>
<</link>>Your reaction is immediate, instinctual, and entirely justified. Your hand moves around to slap him firmly across the face for the transgression. The only room for thought is to wonder to yourself when it was that your instinctual response switched from punching to slapping.<<br>>
For a brief moment Lord Lazare doesn't even react. He certainly doesn't seem surprised by the reaction. When he finally turns his face back towards you his expression is more unamused than angry.<<br>>
<<blue "Listen here, girl.">> He mutters, his voice low enough that the audience of shocked dancers looking over can't hear it. You notice that his hand is still resolutely on your bottom where he'd left it. <<blue "I understand that young women can be //jumpy//, and indeed that's part of the fun, but you really take this too far. Now apologize in front of everyone for your foolish mistake.">><<br>>
Gilles extracts himself from his dance partner and comes over. <<blue "Hey is everything alright here? Do you want any help?">> He asks, a touch awkwardly, but his beefy muscles easily express the threat that his earnest demeanor keeps him from saying directly.<<br>>
<<link "Apologize to lord Lazare for your behavior">>
<<set $day68danceLazareButt to "slapSorry">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day68danceLazare4">>
<<link "Tell Gilles to get him away from you">>
<<set $day68danceLazareButt to "slapExtract">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68danceLazareExtract">>
<</link>>Lord Lazare sniffs derisively, seemingly more disgusted than upset.<<br>>
Gilles expression hardens and he steps forward, but the lord shrugs him off. <<blue "Don't touch me, you oversized buffoon.">> He snaps. <<blue "A gentleman can tell when he's unwelcome.">> Lazare steps away from you, but not without one last humiliating pinch on <<if $pc.butt is 2>>your fleshy butt<<else>>the behind<</if>> to remind you of your place.<<br>>
<<blue "Just remember that even //royalty// need to watch out for families like my own. If you're going to be a brat and behave so indignantly, don't be too surprised if you get put back in your place, little girl.">> He shouts behind him as he departs.<<br>>
Gilles turns to you, his expression awash with concern. <<blue "Ah'm so sorry for all this, your Highness. It's not-... you shouldn't have to deal with that kind of thing.">><<br>>
After a little hesitation the dance continues, the dancers moving a touch awkwardly after what just transpired. You sit off to the side while they finish off the set, feeling sour about the whole affair.<<br>>
You can't fault your behavior - he was an asshole and allowing him to continue without repercussions would only encourage him to behave that way even more in the future, with girls who might not have the same self-confidence that you just displayed. You did a good thing by showing some backbone and defying him, but you worry that you may have pissed off the wrong person. Best case scenario he just complains to the Queen, already something that you can't afford, you daren't think too hard about what the worst case might be.<<br>>
Oh well, fuck him, you'll be able to handle it. Better than being groped by some prick.<br><br>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceLazareButt to 'let'" "day68danceLazareButt to 'move'" "day68danceLazareButt to 'slapSorry'" "pc.butt to 1" "pc.butt to 2" "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'manly'">>
<<if $day68danceLazareButt is 'let'>>
You wince, but you need to get on his good side. You allow his hand to remain where it is.<<br>>
You realize that the man has been watching your expression carefully. <<blue "//There's// a good little girl. We'll make a high-class woman of you yet.">> He says self-satisfiedly.
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is 'move'>>
You may be trying to get on his good side, but you're not just going to let him grope you like this. You firmly grab his hand and move it to your waist instead.<<br>>
Lord Lazare laughs loud enough to attract attention from the other dancers. To them it might look like humour, but the tone is clearly mocking.<<br>>
<<blue "So you're still in the //jumpy// stage of youth, are you?">> He says once he's finished. <<blue "Very well, a connoisseur like myself knows that that can be part of the fun of the chase. Just take my advice and grow out of it quickly or you'll tire out your welcome and become boring.">>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "slapSorry">>
You grit your teeth, but you can't afford to risk the repercussions of upsetting him. Even if he simply tells the Queen on you that would already be more than you can handle. You mumble out an apology.<<br>>
<<blue "I'm so sorry, my dear girl.">> Lord Lazare replies self-satisfiedly. <<blue "My hearing isn't quite what it used to be. Could you repeat that a little louder so we can all hear it?">><<br>>
You stare daggers at him, but he seems wholly unaffected by it - you might even be making him enjoy the scene all the more. You repeat, a little louder, that you were just being foolish and got carried away.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, //there// you go.">> Says the lord. <<blue "That's that then. You know how //silly// girls can be. At a certain age they need a strong guiding hand to keep them straight.">> At the words, his grip on your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>fleshy butt<<else>>behind<</if>> tightens. He says to Gilles <<blue "Continue your dance, pursuivant - there's no problem here, I won't hold it against her.">><<br>>
Gilles gives you a concerned look, but reluctantly goes back to his dance partner.
This song is slower, and while that saves you from being thrown around like a puppet again it means that the lord has much more cause to hold you close to himself - an opportunity that he doesn't miss.<<br>>
<<if $pc.boobs is 1>>
You worry that this closeness will mean he'll notice how flat your chest is, but it seems like caring about you being somewhat undeveloped is the last of his concerns, it may even be appealing to him.
<<elseif $pc.frame is 1>>
You worry that this closeness will mean that he'll notice your broader frame, but thankfully he seems to indulgent in his power over you to care to notice such things.
You're thankful that since your boobs and shoulders have feminized, the chances of him feeling anything incongruent about your body are very slim.
<<if $day68danceLazareButt isnot "move">>
The whole time his hand doesn't move an inch, and he firmly directs your body around by <<if $pc.butt is 1>>your slender butt<<else>>your behind<</if>>. Even going so far as pull you slightly upwards, your feet having to rise up almost to your tip-toes to be able to move around properly.<<br>>
You're so tense at being so casually molested in front of everyone that you're practically trembling. However, lord Lazare is, as much as you hate to admit it, a talented dancer, and he moves you with an assertive confidence. In your frozen state, it's easy to relinquish yourself into his hold, to disassociate yourself away from the stressful situation and simply allow your every movement to be dictated to you.<<br>>
When the music finally comes to a close it comes almost as a surprise, and when his tight grip on your butt releases the newly-returned freedom feels almost wrong in comparison.<<br>>
<<blue "I see that you learnt how to //enjoy// yourself.">> He says at your airy expression, and though you inwardly deny his words fiercely to your humiliation you find yourself blushing much deeper than you could ever explain as being merely from the violation of being groped.
You're begrudgingly forced to admit that he's a talented dancer, and he holds you with an assertive confidence that initially makes your skin crawl but you soon learn to appreciate. Being so new to dancing<<if $pc.background is "flirt">> as a woman<</if>> you're used to every step feeling awkward and difficult, but held suspended in his grasp you don't need to worry about how to move or what comes next - his capable hands direct you so competently that you couldn't make a misstep if you tried. You don't need to think, you just become a part of the music itself.<<br>>
When the song finally comes to a close it comes almost as a surprise, and leaves you feeling almost empty in comparison.<<br>>
<<blue "I see that you learnt how to //enjoy// yourself.">> He says at your airy expression, and though you inwardly deny his words fiercely you can feel your ears get warm.
<<blue "You will pick me to be your last dance at the end. Any other choice will be unsatisfactory. Do well and you may even earn my favor.">><<br>>
And with that he strides away, leaving you left alone in the center of the dancefloor, still regathering your wits.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>><<include "day68danceTween">><br>
<<section "martheStart">>
<<pink "Wotcha', Princess.">> Marthe greets you with a casual smile.<<br>>
You find yourself blinking in surprise as the casual greeting, and to your surprise you notice that you're not the only one doing so - an expression that you can't quite place crosses the woman's face and she quickly switches to <<pink "I mean, pleased to make your royal greetingness and all that.">><<br>>
Her gaze briefly searches your face as if checking your reaction, before she suddenly realizes that something else is required and dips into a brief curtsy.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _martheStart>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceMarthe.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceMarthe.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _martheStart>><<br>>
<<pink "Sorry, It's my first time.">> She rambles on with a grin. <<pink "That is, my first time //here//, of course. Had all sorts of dancing balls back where I'm from, naturally, but they do it different here.">><<br>>
The band begin the song, and her grin widens. <<pink "Now, you ready to dance or what?">> She asks, clearly rhetorically, because without giving you a chance to reply she grabs you round the waist and starts dancing.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe2">>
<</link>>Any question about whether you'd be leading or following, since you're both girls, is quickly left by the wayside - without giving you an option in the matter Marthe has already confidently assumed the lead position, and seems far too enthusiastic to give you any chance of changing the matter.<<br>>
She's shorter than you, which makes dancing a little awkward at times, but her sheer vitality gets the job done. The tomboy clearly works out, and her small frame has been bulked out by tight, dense muscles. With how much your own musculature has atrophied, you're less led and more thrown around the place with wild abandon.<<br>>
It also becomes clear that she's not all-that talented. She makes up for it with enthusiasm, but even you can tell that she's making half of it up as she goes along. Clearly the noble ballrooms where she's from must be strange indeed, though from her accent you'd almost think her a local. It risks putting you in a stressful situation, since you've mostly been <<if $danceNum lte 2>>hoping to rely<<else>>relying<</if>> on picking up on what the other person's been doing to get by yourself, but luckily it's not difficult to at least seem more the more graceful dancer in comparison so you figure that you're probably safe.<<br>>
Her eyes settle on something behind your back, and you watch her suddenly freeze in place. She tries to give you a reassuring smile a second later, but something about it seems a little insincere to you. You try to twist into a spin, to catch a glimpse of what caught her attention behind you, but her grip on you hardens, firmly keeping you in place.<<br>>
<<pink "Err. Just thought you might like some slower dancing for a moment, Highness.">> She explains, unconvincingly. <<pink "Just stay there a tick, would ya?">><<br>>
By now you're too curious to do anything but turn your head to see behind you. When you do so, you spy a small group of Bastille guardsmen standing near the entranceway, glancing carefully around the room. They're directly behind you, so for now your body is acting as a shield to hide Marthe out of sight.<<br>>
<<link "Ask the guards if anything's wrong">>
<<set $day68danceMartheHide to false>>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe3">>
<<link "Turn away to avoid their attention">>
<<set $day68danceMartheHide to true>>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe3">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceMartheHide is true" "day68danceMartheHide is false">>
<<section "martheClink">>
From behind you, Marthe shifts nervously from one foot to the other. As she does so, you can't help but notice the slightly audible //clink// of metal hidden about her person.
<<if $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
You can recognize trouble when you see it - the last thing that you want is to get caught up in some investigation and be found out as an imposter. You'll have to do everything that you can to evade their notice.<<br>>
You allow your posture to stiffen in place as you sharply turn to face forward once more so that all they can see is your back.<<br>>
The action also makes you return to being face-to-face with Marthe. You shoot her an anxious, furtive glance, scared that she'll notice that you're acting strangely, only to find that the tomboyish woman is giving you exactly the same look in return.<<br>>
In a moment of mutual understanding, she sends a sly wink in your direction as she clocks that you're both doing the same thing, but her cocky bravado is severely dampened a moment later by having to clasp you around the waist and rigidly rotate the two of you on the spot to keep you hidden as the guardsmen stride through the ballroom.<<br>>
Once they're at its center, the senior guard - a short, scruffy looking man - clears his throat for attention, and the music comes to a standstill.<<br>>
<<blue "Excuse me, folks.">> He announces in an unassuming voice. <<blue "I know you're all busy, and I won't take up too much of your time. It's just that there's been an intruder in the Bastille. Stole off with a bunch of silver cutlery from the dining hall, can you believe it? We're just making sure that the culprit isn't still lurking around. Nobody here's noticed anything unusual, have they?">>
<<print _martheClink>><<br>>
<<elseif $day68danceMartheHide is false>>
Your curiosity gets the better of you. Out of the corner of your eye you can just about make out Marthe's face falling as you call out to the guardsmen in greeting.<<br>>
<<blue "Ah, good afternoon, miss.">> The one in charge replies, seemingly unaware that you're meant to be the Princess. <<blue "My that's a lovely <<if $outfit.set.types.includes('dress')>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>>. Shouldn't be too much trouble. You see, there's been this intruder, stole off with a bunch of silver cutlery from the dining hall, can you believe it? We're just having a look around to see if the culprit is still lurking around anywhere. You wouldn't happen to have noticed anything unusual, would you?">><<br>>
The music winds down as the excitement draws the attention of the rest of the ballroom. <<print _martheClink>><<br>>
Gilles is the first to speak up. <<blue "Can't say I have. Everything's been quiet as houses here in the ballroom from what I can reckon.">><<br>>
There's a small chorus of agreement. The guardsman nods and signals one of his subordinates to scribble something down on a small notepad. <<blue "Right. Good to know. Well, I suppose that I'll be getting out of your hair then.">> He concludes, turning back around to leave. <<if $day68danceMartheHide is true>>You and Marthe both breathe a sigh of relief<<else>>Marthe breathes a sigh of relief from behind you<</if>>. However, as if with an afterthought, after just a few shuffling steps he turns back. <<blue "Well, actually, there's just one more thing...">><<br>>
<<if $day68danceMartheHide is true>>Marthe tenses up again at the unexpected turn, just when she's allowed herself to relax.<<else>>You tense up again at the unexpected turn, just when you'd allowed yourself to relax.<</if>><<br>>
<<blue "You see, it's nothing much, only, my wife - she's such a fan of these books of hers. I can't get into them, not much for reading, but she //loves// the things. Always telling me about these romantic stories of commoners pretending to be nobility. Now, I know it's just a silly thing, but you all seem such nice folks I'm sure you'll indulge me and maybe help me get this little fancy out of my head - you're all quite certain that you're all who you're claiming to be, right?">><<br>>
Estelle lets out a charming giggle at the idea. <<pink "Oh, you can bet your boots that we're the real McCoys. I'm been moving my dogs' kennels with this basket of eggs for //yonks// - even the cats in the band. The only fresh faces in the joint are those two flaps over yonder, and they're a pair of straight-shooters if I ever saw them, and one's even the big cheese!">><<br>>
As Estelle points a finger at you and Marthe, you can feel sweat begin to trickle down the back of your neck - this is trouble. The head guardsman seems amicable enough, but something about the way his one good eye squints at you makes you worry that he's more cunning than he appears.<<br>>
<<link "Sell out Marthe to keep myself safe">>
<<set $day68danceMartheCover to false>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68danceMartheSell">>
<<link "Vouch for her and hope the scrutiny won't ruin me">>
<<set $day68danceMartheCover to true>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceMartheHide to true" "day68danceMartheHide to false">>
Marthe seems like a nice woman, but she's not worth risking your livlihood over. She's the one who's bought the guards here and put you in peril - she'll be the one who deals with the consequences, not you!<<br>>
You cough to draw attention to yourself and barefacedly sell out the woman next to you - there's something clearly fishy going on with her, and you bet that she's the one who stole the silverware.<<br>>
Marthe flashes you a horrified look. <<pink "Don't listen to her, she's just making stuff up!">> She retorts. <<pink "I'm, umm, Lady Marthe de la Grande Estate, I swear! The only silver spoon I got on me is the one wot I was born with in me mouth, and all!">><<br>>
Two guardsmen rush forward to hold her in place before she can have a chance of getting away. One starts a brief frisk, but he scarcely has to touch her before cutlery starts to pour out from their hiding places just out of sight in her clothing - no wonder Marthe hadn't given you a chance to lead instead of following.<<br>>
<<pink "Jeez, what a fucking //snitch//.">> She spits resentfully at you as she realizes that the gig is up. You wince at the accusation, but can't exactly dispute it - you had your own reasons, but ultimately you made the decision to snitch on a fellow imposter.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
<<pink "Well that's not all though!">> Marthe calls out as the guards clasp handcuffs to her wrists. <<pink "She ain't who she says she is neither! I saw her trying to hide from the guards too! I'm not the only one who's a liar!">><<br>>
This draws more than a few raised eyebrows in your direction, and you desperately try your hardest to look as innocent as you can.<<br>>
For a moment you worry that her accusation might get you into trouble, but luckily nobody pays the words of a criminal much heed. You just hope that the Queen doesn't hear about it.<<br>>
The thief is dragged away, and the lead guardsman takes off his helmet respectfully. <<blue "Thanks for your help, miss, I mean- yer' Highness, of course.">> He says slightly enigmatically, but shuffles away after his subordinates.<<br>>
You sit out the rest of the dance alone, but the moment's reprieve seems gone in an instant.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>>Marthe is clearly the person who they're looking for, but there's loyalty between imposters - you're not going to let them catch her.<<br>>
The only problem is how to convince this guy that the two of you are the real deal.<br>
<<if $day is 6>><<set _check to 3>><<else>><<set _check to 4>><</if>>
<span id="martheReplace">
<<if $auth gte _check>>
<<link "Use my authority">>
<<set $day68danceMartheCover to "auth">>
<<replace "#martheReplace">><<hr>>
<<include "day68danceMarthe5">>
<</link>><<check "Authority _check check - passed">>
<<fail "Use my authority" "Authority _check required">>
<<if $grace gte _check>>
<<link "Use my grace">>
<<set $day68danceMartheCover to "grace">>
<<replace "#martheReplace">><<hr>>
<<include "day68danceMarthe5">>
<</link>><<check "Grace _check check - passed">>
<<fail "Use my grace" "Grace _check required">>
<<if $cute gte _check>>
<<link "Use my cuteness">>
<<set $day68danceMartheCover to "cute">>
<<replace "#martheReplace">><<hr>>
<<include "day68danceMarthe5">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness _check check - passed">>
<<fail "Use my cuteness" "Cuteness _check required">>
<<link "Flounder awkwardly">>
<<set $day68danceMartheCover to "fail">>
<<replace "#martheReplace">><<hr>>
<<include "day68danceMartheFail">>
</span>You rapidly realize that you have no idea what to say to protect the two of you.<<br>>
However, to your horror, it's only //after// you step forward and draw all attention in the room towards yourself that you come to the realization. You stand there, mouth opening and shutting like a fish out of water as you search for words which just don't come. It's humiliating and awkward, but even more than that - it's also dangerously suspicious. Even the other dancers are giving you odd, calculating glances, let alone the guards.<<br>>
To your surprise, it's the lead guardsman who comes to your rescue. He turns to his fellow and asks <<blue "Now tell me, are there any members of the royal convoy anywhere nearby?">><<br>>
The younger guard salutes. <<blue "Err, I think there's an escort waiting just outside, lieutenant. Keeping watch and waiting for the Princess to be finished.">><<br>>
The lieutenant smiles amicably. <<blue "Well ain't that just perfect. Doesn't that just save us some tricky work? Let them in and I'm sure that they'll be able to clear things up as to her Highness' true identity - that'll keep this sweet girl from having to fret so much, won't it?">><<br>>
You breathe a sigh of relief that you hope nobody else notices. They'll at least be able to vouch for you.<<br>>
<<blue "Now, as for the other lady...">> He continues, turning back to the pair of you, only to stop short when he realizes that you're standing alone - a fact that comes to your own surprise as well. <<blue "Well would you look at that? Looks like she's run off. Makes our job a tad simpler, doesn't it? Come along, you know I can't run like I used to.">><<br>>
And with that the group of guardsmen shuffle off away on Marthe's heels.<<br>>
After an awkward pause the musicians soon start up again and the dancers pick up where they'd left off. Now that you're partnerless you sit out the rest of the dance, but the moment's reprieve seems gone in an instant.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceMartheCover to 'cute'" "day68danceMartheCover to 'auth'" "day68danceMartheCover to 'grace'" "day68danceMartheHide is true" "day68danceMartheHide is false">>
<<switch $day68danceMartheCover>>
<<case "cute">>
You put on your most sweet and innocent expression, one that nobody could ever believe would lie, and make an earnest case for both of your innocence. To sell the effect, you make sure to give the impression that being the subject is suspicion is almost too much for your fragile nerves, in a way that'll make the observer desperate to save you from the predicament.
<<case "auth">>
You affect a demeanor of absolute arrogance, like being caught up in such an affair is so far beneath you that it's absurd. You don't need to do anything as petty as arguing your case - from your attitude alone it's clear to everyone in the room that there's no way that you could be anything other than the most superior of social betters. You merely have to say that Marthe came with you to seal the deal.
<<case "grace">>
You ensure the guardsmen that this is all just some kind of misunderstanding. You and Marthe are friends who came together (a barefaced lie, but nobody could ever believe such polite manner could possibly be hiding an untruth), and couldn't possibly have anything to do with all this. You flash a smile so dazzling that it couldn't come from a ruffian.
The guardsman sighs resignedly. <<blue "Oh, geez, folks. I hate to have been a bother, but I must've taken a wrong turn somewhere. My sincerest apologies, ladies.">> And with that the group of guardsmen shuffle out of the ballroom.<<br>>
After a few awkward moments the musicians start up again and the dancing begins once again. Once she's absolutely certain that everyone's attention is away from the two of you, Marthe gives you an impressed look. <<if $day68danceMartheHide is true>><<pink "Dang, you must be on one hell of a grift, with a gab like that! Makes me look like a small-timer in comparison. Thanks fer covering for me.">><<else>><<pink "Dang, you sure know how to get what you want from people, your Highness. Thanks for covering for me.">><</if>> She whispers. <<pink "I dunno what I can do to repay you. Unless you wanted some nice cutlery, 'course">> She continues, flicking a silver fork out of her sleeve with a wink to give you a brief glimpse before stowing it again.<<br>>
You laugh and decline her offer. She shrugs. <<pink "Suit yourself. I figured you'd be used to better stuff, but it's only polite to offer.">><<br>>
<<link "Ask her how she got into the Bastille">>
<<goto "day68danceMartheIn">>
<<link "Ask her why she picked such a risky target">>
<<goto "day68danceMartheRisk">>
<</link>>You ask how she got inside the famously impermeable Bastille walls. After all, <<if $day5concludeMood is "scared" or $day5concludeMood is "escape">>if there's a way for you to get in, perhaps there's a way for you to get out?<<else>>knowing an escape route could be a boon for you if things get hairy.<</if>><<br>>
She squints at you for a moment, weighing up whether it's worth telling you her secret, but quickly concludes that you've earned it by protecting her.<<br>>
<<pink "It's easy.">> She confides, unable to keep a bragging tone from her voice. <<pink "I got a sister on the inside - one of the maids here. She's the goody-two-shoes of the family. She'd have never let me do it, but I slipped a little something in her drink in the morning so she'd be out like a light, slipped her uniform on over my disguise, combed my hair down, and they let me straight through the staff checkpoint as easy as pie.">><<br>>
You frown. It's a decent scheme, but one that you'd struggle to replicate. You've gotten good at disguising yourself as someone you're not, but you're not exactly going to be able to pass as any particular stranger, even if you managed to knock one out and steal their uniform.<<br>>
<<pink "I thought getting in would be the trickiest bit - didn't bargain on security being so tight inside. But don't fret - so long as I'm out by the end of her shift I'll be in the clear.">><<br>>
<<if hasVisited("day68danceMartheRisk") is true>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe6">>
<<link "Ask her why she picked such a risky target">>
<<goto "day68danceMartheRisk">>
<</if>>You ask why a thief would choose the Bastille of all places to steal from.<<br>>
<<pink "It's all cuz of this new chick on the block<<if $pc.n.hair is 'red'>> - some cocky ginger bitch<<elseif $pc.n.hair is 'white'>> - some cocky snowy-haired bitch<<elseif $pc.n.hair is 'blonde'>> - some cocky blonde<<else>> - some cocky bitch with grey eyes<</if>>. Came out of nowhere and started acting like she owns the place.">><<br>>
You frown. You feel like you've encountered someone like that.<<br>>
<<pink "She's a total asswipe, if you excuse my language - doesn't care one bit about the way we've always done things, just started rampaging around forcing all the gangs to join up with her, whether they're a thieves guild or bandits or just some street kids, like it's all just some game to her. It's //fucked// out there. Gotta do everything I can to make a name for myself and stay ahead of the game else I'll be just another mook, yunno?">><<br>>
<<if hasVisited("day68danceMartheIn") is true>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe6">>
<<link "Ask her how she got into the Bastille">>
<<goto "day68danceMartheIn">>
<</if>><<setter "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2">>
You're about to ask another question, but Marthe doesn't give you the opportunity. With a <<pink "Now, where were we?">> you suddenly find yourself thrown out into a dramatic spin, only to be twirled back a moment later deep into the spunky thief's clutches. Somehow it manages to take your breath away, and from the cheeky grin that she gives you you get the impression that she can tell.<<br>>
Like she's making up for the time that she missed by being interrupted by the guardsmen, she dances with wild abandon. Soon it's not just spins - you feel her capable hands wrap around your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>svelte<</if>> waist and your body is physically lifted up into the air, a task that she seems to handle with impressive ease. She's short enough that you're not far from the floor, and she's a long way from being in-tempo, but such things couldn't even begin to matter.<<br>>
It should be fun and exhilarating, and you wish that you could enjoy it fully, but her expressions change the texture of the whole thing. Playful winks and smirks punctuate the dance like it's a game between the two of you which she's trying to win by sweeping you off your feet (both figuratively and literally), and every time she manages to do so she gets a smug, self-satisfied expression like she's beaten you.<<br>>
<<link "Let her win, even despite her mocking glances">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day68danceMartheDom to "let">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe7">>
<<link "Don't give her the satisfaction. Act unfazed by it all.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68danceMartheDom to "contest">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe7">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceMartheDom to 'let'" "day68danceMartheDom to 'contest'">>
<<if $day68danceMartheDom is "let">>
Her roguish competitiveness might be making you feel quite stupid compared to her, but you don't feel the need to do anything about it.<<br>>
She can 'win' all she likes - you're too busy having the time of your life to care.<<br>>
The feel of your hair fluttering behind you in your wake as you fly through the air; the brief flicker of fear that comes every time you experience a moment of weightlessness, which is immediately followed by the wave of relief as her capable hands grip around you once more; and yes, even the teasing expressions that she gives you at all times, as if saying 'isn't this silly, but aren't I good at it though?' with cocksure smugness. It all adds up to such an overwhelming experience that you find yourself abandoning yourself into it, your thoughts fading as you trust in Marthe to look after you, to keep you safe, and to thrill you at every turn.<<br>>
It's a responsibility that she manages handily, whirling you around with ease. Every time you catch a glimpse of her face for long enough to take note of her features, you find an expression of delighted bemusement on her face, like she's marvelling at you.<<br>>
The end of the song comes quickly, the interruption having eaten through a lot of your time. You wish that you could go on forever, but then as you come back to awareness of your surroundings you become aware of just how out of breath and tired you both are - you doubt that you could have handled much more.
<<elseif $day68danceMartheDom is "contest">>
She doesn't give you the opportunity to turn the tables on her, but you're still not going to let this smug little thief make you look like some blushing teenager - you have too much self-respect than that.<<br>>
You affect a completely nonplussed attitude, stonily looking ahead without reacting, like such treatment is completely run-of-the-mill for you, and that you've been received even more capable treatment in the Capital that blows this out of the water in comparison.<<br>>
Marthe is anything but put off by the reaction. If anything, her eyes seem to glitter with excitement as she takes it for a challenge. In a desperate attempt to one-up herself, she takes things further and further, accelerating more and more until the two of you are a furious tornado of activity.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 5 or $auth gte 5>>
Marthe may be quite impressive at her dizzying treatment of you, but you handle it with ease - maintaining a masks of complete apathy no matter what lengths she sends you though.<<check "Grace or Authority check - major success">><<br>>
She at least takes it well, looking genuinely impressed at your feat.
<<elseif $grace gte 2 or $auth gte 2>>
You do everything that you can to remain composed, and for the most part manage to keep your cool in the face of Marthe's dizzying trial, but something about the tomboy's pleased expression makes you think that the tiny moments when she to set your heart aflutter enough to make it show on your face are going anything but unnoticed.<<check "Grace or Authority check - minor success">>
You try to retain a mask of apathy, but in the face of Marthe's dizzying trial it falls apart within moments - constantly broken by the tomboy's cocky demeanor and capable hands. Every time it breaks you try desperately to bring it back and not 'lose' in front of her, but it's hopeless. It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't obviously noticing every single flaw, her smug grin widening by the second, making you feel ridiculous at being so overwhelmed and swept off of your feet. Your face soon blushes bright crimson, which only makes things worse.<<check "Grace or Authority check - failure">>
Thankfully you're soon rescued by the end of the song soon arriving - the interruption must have eaten up more time than you'd thought. Perhaps you should be relieved that it's over, but you can't help but be disappointed.
Marthe fixes you a steady grin, unable to keep the giddiness from being obvious in her expression. <<pink "Fuck, you're a cutie, <<if $day68danceMartheHide is 'true'>>'your Highness'<<else>>your Highness<</if>>. I mean, err, gracious to make your acquaintance and all.">><<br>>
Her words leave you a little flustered, and before you can offer a proper response she's off, leaving you alone on the dancefloor.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceEstelle">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceGilles">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceHermine">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceLazare">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceMarthe">>
<<elseif $day68dancePartners[$danceNum] is "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFlorice">>
<<goto day68danceFinal>>
<</link>>/* You breathe a sigh of relief. You got through all four of the dances - you did it!<<br>>
You allow yourself to relax and catch your breath. Overall, you haven't had nearly as bad of a time as you'd been expecting */
You breathe a sigh of deep relief at having gotten through all of the dances. You did it!<<br>>
Overall, you have to admit that it's been a much less traumatic experience than you'd been expecting, but with so little time between dances it had been quite a physical gauntlet.<<br>>
You all-but collapse down onto a chair, and are so busy trying catching your breath that you barely notice that rather than winding down as you'd have expected, the assembled dancers are even more abuzz with excitement than ever. It's only when Estelle plonks herself down on the seat next to you with a big grin on her face that you realize that something's up.<<br>>
<<pink "Hey there, sip. I saw you kicking up up a swell time out there, and how! Isn't it just the cat's particulars?">> She cheers in greeting. <<pink "Now, are you ready to shimmy and shake it for the grand finale?">><<br>>
She seems taken aback by your surprised expression. <<pink "Well, flap, did you honestly reckon we'd wrap things up sans a final dance? This is where there's a real opportunity to get some //real// button-shining done.">><<br>>
<<pink "Come on!">> She encourages, with surprisingly infectious enthusiasm. <<pink "Spill the beans, dearie - there must be a certain airtight sheik that's gotten you all goofy this afternoon, surely?">> She asks, before adding with a wink <<pink "Or a brooksy barlot, for that matter. I'm sure you won't be given the air.">><<br>>
You consider the question.<br>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $day68dancePartners.length; _i++>>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Estelle">>
<br><<link "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Estelle">>
<<set $day68danceLast to "Estelle">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalEstelle">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Gilles">>
<br><<link "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Gilles">>
<<set $day68danceLast to "Gilles">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalGilles">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Florice">>
<br><<link "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Florice">>
<<set $day68danceLast to "Florice">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Marthe">>
<br><<if $day68danceMartheCover is "auth" or $day68danceMartheCover is "grace" or $day68danceMartheCover is "cute">>
<<link "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Marthe">>
<<set $day68danceLast to "Marthe">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalMarthe">>
<<fail "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Marthe" "Marthe was arrested and is unavailable to dance with">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Lazare">>
<br><<if $day68danceLazareButt isnot "slapExtract">>
<<link "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Lazare">>
<<set $day68danceLast to "Lazare">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare">>
<<fail "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Lazare" "Lazare left in outrage after you slapped him">>
<<if $day68dancePartners[_i] is "Hermine">>
<br><<if $day68danceHermineStyle isnot "reject">>
<<link "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Hermine">>
<<set $day68danceLast to "Hermine">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalHermine">>
<<fail "Choose to have a last romantic dance with Hermine" "You didn't manage to make a strong enough connection with Hermine to make it feel worth it.">>
<</for>>It's a little embarrassing to say it straight to her face, but only one person comes to mind - Estelle herself. She's been so kind and lovely the whole time you've been here.<<br>>
Estelle's eyes open wide in surprise at the confession. For a brief moment you worry that you might have overstepped yourself, but a moment later a charming smile lights up her face. <<pink "Oh my stars! You really want to cut a rug with little old me, amidst this whole carton of eggs? H-how positively ducky!">><<br>>
The smile widens, and through her classy makeup you can see her cheeks pinken a little. <<pink "It'll absolutely be the frog's fluky eyebrows to hop my stilts with a billboard like you.">><<br>>
Like she suddenly can't bear to wait another moment, her hand reaches out to clasp your own and she excitedly pulls you back out onto the dancefloor.<<br>>
Nobody else has had time to even begin to start finding their last partners, and everyone in the room stares at the two of you. Or perhaps they're just struck by the sight of two beautiful girls caught up in giggly happiness together.<<br>>
The band are just as flat-footed as the others, but Estelle seems to be familiar enough with them that a little wave in their direction is enough to get them to going early.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalEstelle2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceEstelleDare to true" "day68danceEstelleDare to false">>
<<if $day68danceEstelleDare is true>>
At first you wonder if she'll try to do the commoner dance with you again, but she doesn't seem so inclined. It makes sense to you, really - when it comes to romantic dancing to slow music both commoners and nobles alike seem to have converged on the same idea - no complicated steps, just ensuring that theres as little space between the two of you as possible.
You wonder if you'll have to learn a whole new type of dancing to this slow, romantic music, but following Estelle's lead you quickly realize that it's incredibly simple - just move with as little space between you as possible.
As the other dancers hurry to try to catch up and join you on the dance floor, Estelle can't seem to keep a smile from her face. You're quickly submerged in the light, flowery scent of her perfume.<<br>>
<<pink "I've been watching you all night.">> She admits. <<pink "Hope that that doesn't make me sound like some gongoozler or nothing, but hon it'd be a right pickle not to - you gotta way of standing out like a firecracker in the night's sky. Simply electric.">><<br>>
<<pink "Why, the moment I spotted ya I just had to blouse on over and get to jawing as quick as a flash. I wasn't about to let any of these eggs up and take my chance, if you catch my onions.">><<br>>
Her features pinken a little and she giggles at herself. <<pink "Gosh I must look positively goofy spilling the beans like this. What I'm trying to say is that it's just the bee's knees that you picked me for this last shindig.">><<br>>
<<pink "To be flat with you, between you me I'm not as gutsy as my strutting around might make it seem. The moment I get to talking it's like my tongue starts doing the charleston in my mouth, and the next thing you know I'm spilling a bunch of jibber-jabber that's about as clear as mud mixed with apple-sauce, if you catch my drift!">><<br>>
She looks away in embarrassment, and when she turns back to you her eyes are twinkling with emotion. <<pink "I guess what I //really// want to say is... thanks, and I think that you're just swel- I mean, lovely.">><<br>>
<<link "Kiss her">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalEstelle3">>
<<link "Give her a friendly hug">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalEstelle3">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to true" "day68danceFinalKiss to false">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
It's tricky to know who's the first to do it. Something in both of your expressions makes it clear that it wouldn't be undesirable, and then within a moment it's mutually irresistible and both of you are moving forward so quickly that your heads nearly butt together.<<br>>
Estelle's lips are soft and warm, and taste lightly of lipstick. Her slender arms reach around your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>small<</if>> body to pull you close, to feel more of your body against hers as her mouth gently parts and your tongues intermingle.<<br>>
You're not at all sure what Estelle meant earlier about her tongue doing the charleston is her mouth, but as the two of you smooch you think that you might at least be getting a vague idea. She's as fine a kisser as she is a dancer, playful and teasing the whole time in way that takes your breath away. It's like her lips are filled with nectar, and you can't help but keep on unsatiably going back for more and more of that delicious taste. You wish that it could last forever.<<br>>
Unfortunately, it can't. The two of you are interrupted by a polite <<blue "Ahem">> from next to you.<<br>>
You glance over from your kissing to find your escort of burgundy-clad royal soldiers waiting in salute next to you. <<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> Reports the leader. <<blue "But it's time that we were heading off.">><<br>>
You are Estelle share a horrified glance at eachother, both wanting anything other than to be extracted from eachother so soon, but something about the soldier's expression tells you that it'll do no good to resist.<<br>>
<<pink "Well.">> Estelle manages regretfully. <<pink "I won't forget this, you know. You're absolutely the cat's paja- I mean, you're a wonderful person, your Highness.">><<br>>
The two of you share one last kiss. It's much more chaste, considering that you have an audience of awkward soldiers, but it still feels sends a jolt of giddy electricity through you. And with that you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.
<<elseif $day68danceFinalKiss is false>>
Bless her, she's an absolute sweetheart, but you don't feel quite the same way as she does. Instead, you wrap your arms around her and draw her close into a deep hug.<<br>>
Her weak smile is still as dazzling as ever as she says <<pink "Ah well, I can't feel the oaf for giving it a whirl - you're still a swell pal, and that's for certain.">><<br>>
The two of you continue dancing, a tad awkwardly now, but before the song can even get half-way finished you find your escort of royal soldiers working their way through the dance floor towards you.<<br>>
<<blue "Your Highness.">> One interrupts with a brief salute. <<blue "We hate to close things off early, but you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
You flash Estelle an apologetic glance. She nods understandingly. <<pink "Well, it's been the absolute cat's particulars meeting you, sip. Have yourself an absolutely copacetic evening, you hear?">><<br>>
And with that you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceEnd">>
<</link>>There's only one person who comes to mind - the sweet and embarrassed young man who could almost pass for a girl, Florice.<<br>>
Estelle gives you a wink and a grin at the news. <<pink "Well honey, that's no shocker! The energy between you and that daisy was so fierce it must've been felt the whole way around the Bastille - and that's not just apple sauce. It was absolutely berries to watch, believe you me! I'm simply over the moon for the pair of you.">><<br>>
As if she's too excited to restrain herself, she shoots up out of her seat. <<pink "Let me blouse over and spill to beans to the swift's premium for you!">> And before you can stop her she's off, with a gleeful spring in her step.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice2">>
<</link>>It isn't long before Florice comes to meet you.<<br>>
He moves as hesitantly as ever. <<blue "Umm, Estelle came to see me, but... well, to be honest I struggle to understand her when she talks. I think that she said to go meet you but-">> The beginnings of a blush reaches his cheeks. <<blue "But I'm sure that the last dance will be starting any moment now! I'd hate to get in the way of you and the partner you've picked. I'll get out of your hair, sorry.">><<br>>
And with that he turns on his heel and hurriedly tries to escape again. You have to reach out and grab him to keep him in place.<<br>>
The poor lad's eyes open wide in surprise as you tell him the news.
<<if $day68danceFloriceDance is "lead">>
<<blue "B-but, all I did was-">> he begins to complain, before seemingly to get almost completely choked up at the memory. <<blue "I- I got quite //odd//. I didn't mean for it, I meant to lead you competently but then- I don't know what happened. You must think //terribly// of me.">><<br>>
You don't let him get any further, sweeping forward to reach a <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand into Florice's hair, grasp that delicate chin between thumb and forefinger, and possessively draw his beautiful face out from where it had been hiding away and into the light.<<br>>
The reaction is immediate, Florice's eyes becoming just as unfocused and blissful as they had been when you'd been leading him in dance.
<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "normal">>
You give him a reassuring smile, not weren't willing to let him spiral into self-loathing for a single moment longer.
<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "tease">>
You fix him a commanding expression, making it absolutely and categorically clear even without you having to say so that you wouldn't accept him any other way.
<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>
You give him a shy grin, embarrassed by your own audacity, but you weren't willing to let him spiral into self-loathing for a single moment longer.
He's like putty in your hands.<<br>>
<<blue "O-okay.">> He manages to respond, but then the music begins to swell and you lead him curtly to the dance floor, pulling him by the face like he's shy puppy being dragged out to play by his leash.
<<blue "B-but, all I did was be so //awkward// around you!">> He begins to complain before seeming to get almost choked up at the memory. <<blue "You were so sweet and nice and kind, but there's no way that it could have been a pleasure, not when everyone else here is so much better in comparison.">><<br>>
You don't let him get any further. Unwilling to let him say another bad thing about himself, you sweep forward and wrap him up tightly in your arms. For a moment he freezes in surprise, but then he tentatively holds you in return. At first it's so weak that it feels like he could drift away at any moment, but to you're glad to feel his grip slowly grow in strength.<<br>>
Once you're content that he's not going to fall apart again you loosen your grip so that you can see him face to face. For a second he can't hold your gaze, but then he grits his teeth with determination and makes clear eye contact. <<blue "I'm sorry. That was silly of me. I- I'm not very confident and stuff, but if it's //you//, then maybe I can trust in it. Thank you, your Highness.">><<br>>
<<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "normal">>
You give him a warm encouraging smile,
<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "tease">>
You raise one eyebrow at him teasingly, as if mock-offended that he'd ever doubt you,
<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>
You beam at him, and before you know it the two of you are giggling together happily,
and then you're interrupted by the musicians starting their song, and you lead him <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "tease">>firmly<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>cheerfully<</if>> towards the dancefloor.
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day68danceFloriceDance is 'lead'>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice3l">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice3f">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalFloriceGreet to 'shy'" "day68danceFinalFloriceGreet to 'tease'" "day68danceFinalFloriceGreet to 'normal'">>
Florice's willowy body doesn't offer a shred of resistance as he's dragged around by the delicate chin. It's simply not in his nature to do anything other than obey.<<br>>
You're sure the sight of you being so domineering is clearly to visible to everyone in attendance, <<if $day68danceFloriceGreet is "shy">>and you blush almost as deeply as Florice does, but there's no stopping you now.<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "tease">>and you smirk to yourself - so much the better.<<elseif $day68danceFloriceGreet is "normal">>but there's no stopping you now.<</if>><<br>>
Once in position you shift your grip to a firm, confident hold around the young man's waist, and are delighted to note the expression he makes; the gasp that escapes his lips; and the way his eyes dilate blissfully at the sensation.<<br>>
Compared to the energetic music from before, this slow romantic waltz doesn't give you nearly as much cause to lead him around like a pliant marionette doll, but you're hardly left wanting for it. The closeness of your bodies, the intensity of your eye-contact, the microexpressions of tension that ripple through the pair of you - these put him under your spell just as capably, if not even more so.<<br>>
<<blue "I-I don't understand it.">> He manages to say, with difficulty. <<blue "But being with you, and the way that- that you treat me... Well, I'm so anxious all the time, usually. I'm sure that's no secret. I get so in my head about how I'm meant to be acting, behaving like a, umm, gentleman and all that. But with you...">><<br>>
He falters for a moment, like he's not going to be able to say the rest, but then his eyes harden with determination and the rest pours out. <<blue "All the anxiety fades away, it just feels //right//, like it's how I always should be.">><<br>>
You can't help but be proud of him. You know that it'll only take one more action to completely remove whatever semblance of composure he has left.<<br>>
<<link "Steal his quivering lips">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice4l">>
<<link "Spare him">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice4l">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to false" "day68danceFinalKiss to true">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
You do it - with the next step of the dance you push forward, sweeping Florice off of his feet until he's suspended in your arms, and then you seal his soft lips with your own.<<br>>
The surprise of it all elicits a breathy gasp from the young man, and you don't miss the opportunity that that presents you - taking advantage of his parted lips to slip your tongue between them to intermingle with his own. The gasp soon twists into a deep moan at the sensation.<<br>>
Part of you had been expecting Florice to be a passive kisser, becoming limp and yielding, but you're proven wrong. With a deep instinctive neediness he sucks and laps upon your invading tongue with desperation. An oral fixation - delightful.<<br>>
You're mean enough to tease the poor boy, pulling slightly away so that he can't do as he pleases, but when it elicits a pathetic whimper from him you realize that in the face of such sweetness you don't have the willpower not to indulge your own hungry need, and plunge back forward into him.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahem.">> Coughs a voice from next to you, but it takes another louder <<blue "//AHEM//.">> before it manages to get a response.<<br>>
You glance up, and find yourself face-to-face with your escort of burgundy-uniformed royal soldiers, standing awkwardly at attention.<<br>>
<<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> The one in charge reports. <<blue "But you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
A part of you is almost inclined to simply ignore them - after all, Florice himself is too caught up in another world to have even noticed their presence and is still licking your face with urgency, but something about the soldier's expression makes you realize that that won't be an option. If nothing else simply because it'd completely kill the vibe.<<br>>
You manage to pull Florice back up to his feet, though he's as unsteady on them as a newborn calf. You don't quite know how to say goodbye, but he takes the initiate from you himself - sweeping forward into a wide hug and whispering <<blue "Thank you. Thank you. //Thank you//.">> into your ear.<<br>>
It would be a pleasure to take those lips and send Florice down a path of submission, but it's also not something that you're willing to take lightly. You're not exactly in a position to become the full time dom (or indeed, domme) that he deserves.<<br>>
You've shown him the path, and feel honored to have been a part of it. You're sure that now that you've given him a taste of what it's like, he'll find the rest for himself, there's no need to hasten matters.<<br>>
Instead, you just pull him towards yourself in a delighted hug.<<br>>
However, scarcely have to pulled away from the young man do you find yourself interrupted by a coughed <<blue "Ahem">> from next to you, and you turn around to see your escort of burgundy-clad soldiers standing at attention.<<br>>
<<blue "Your Highness.">> The leader reports stiffly. <<blue "We hate to close things off early, but you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
You wince, but something in the man's expression tells you that there's no arguing with him.
And with that you're led sharply out of the ballroom, confident without having to look around to check that with every step Florice will be watching your retreating back in awe.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceEnd">>
<</link>>The two of you start to dance together, Florice once again leading you through the steps.<<br>>
Compared to the lively music from before, the musicians settle on a slow and gentle waltz. It means that the steps are much less complicated, which should make things easier given how awkwardly the two of you dance together, but since it also ensures that your bodies stay close it still ends up being just as much of an issue, if not more so.<<br>>
Face-to-face with Florice's dainty features with no tricky steps to distract you, your brain soon goes a little haywire. At least you're not the only one - his own face flushes a deep red. The two of you spend quite some time pointedly trying to avoid eye-contact and soothe your respective beating hearts.<<br>>
To your surprise, he's the one to bravely break the tension by speaking up. <<blue "I know that it's presumptive for me to say it, but... it's so nice to meet someone who's like //me//.">> He begins, before second guessing himself. <<blue "Sorry, I know that's absurd. And rude. You're a //Princess// and I'm just some petty noble. And you're a girl and I'm a boy... I'm probably being ridiculous, please ignore me.">><<br>>
You squeeze his hands tightly in reassurance.<<br>>
He's right, you //are// similar. Honestly, it's been kinda a lot for you to process. You've led your life thinking that you were at least a pretty capable guy<<if $pc.background is "manly" or $pc.background is "hero">>, if not maybe even somewhat macho<</if>>, but that's only because you couldn't see yourself from anyone else's perspective. There's so much in Florice's manner and behavior that you recognize in yourself, and yet you take one look at the young man and it's so incredibly obvious that he's just some nervous, feminine little waif. The realization that this must be how everyone else has been seeing you your whole life is completely bizarre and yet somehow undeniable.<<br>>
Besides that, being boys who look like girls, the two of you are so much more similar than Florice could possibly realize, and it kinda hurts that you can't come out and tell him as much.<<br>>
Or, perhaps you can? It's not like he's liable to go telling anyone. You just wonder what kind of influence the knowledge might have on the impressionable youth.<<br>>
<<link "Tell him that you're a boy">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceTrans to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice4f">>
<<link "Keep it to myself">>
<<set $day68danceFloriceTrans to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice4f">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFloriceTrans to true" "day68danceFloriceTrans to false">>
<<if $day68danceFloriceTrans is true>>
For some reason, the idea of telling Florice that you're a boy seems really important, and you can't help but whisper it excitedly in his ear.<<br>>
Florice's eyes open wide in astonishment at the news. In an awestruck tone he whispers <<blue "Y-you mean that that's //possible//? That boys can get to be girls? That's...">> He has to take a moment to calm down his breathing. <<blue "That's... gosh.">><<br>>
You'd been bracing yourself for him to think that you're weird or something, so are kinda taken aback. He doesn't seem to be able to fully process it himself, but his reaction seems anything but appalled. You quickly ask him not to tell anyone and he responds with <<blue "Right. Yes, of course. I won't tell a soul. Just... wow.">>
You can't risk causing yourself any problems and keep the information to yourself, merely replying that you feel a similarity to him as well.<<br>>
This draws a weak, shy smile to his face. <<blue "I'm so glad.">>
The two of you giggle together in happy unison, and then suddenly the music changes key. All across the ballroom the pairs of dancers step even closer together, and the mood in the room shifts.<<br>>
Like the pair of you have been hit by a lightning bolt, the tension which had been briefly dispelled comes back with a vengeance. Neither of you could possibly have the nerves to do it intentionally, but unbidden the quiet yearning draws you close, fingers tightening around eachother's bodies.<<br>>
<<link "Kiss him">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice5f">>
<<link "Pull away">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalFlorice5f">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to true" "day68danceFinalKiss to false">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
It's scary, but despite your nerves it comes to you instinctively, your neck craning forwards until your lips lightly graze against Florice's own. As you do so, you're surprised to find your meek partner doing just the same thing.<<br>>
The sensation sends a jolt through the pair of you so strong that you flinch, and for a second the two of you are apart - staring at eachother in bewildered wonder, both as crimson as rose petals. A blink - and then, with a force of gravitation so strong that not even your respective nervousnesses can stop you, you're drawn together once more.<<br>>
Damn, his lips are //soft//! You can't help but press into them with wild abandon, and the feeling of him too matching that enthusiasm pressing into you with just as much fervor is almost more than you can handle. A light whimper reaches his lips, muffled into you, and like it's been passed from one-to-another you can't help but do the same.<<br>>
His hands clutch at you tightly, as much to keep him from losing balance on his unsteady feet as anything else. Like a shy animal probing a head outside it's burrow, his lips tentatively part for a moment to reveal his wet tongue, but when it encounters your own doing the same thing the jolt of giddy pleasure that ripples through the pair of you is so strong that it deters any more experimentation - too intense, there's no way that your legs wouldn't go out and send the two of you scattered to the floor.<<br>>
Suddenly a coughed <<blue "Ahem.">> erupts from just next to you.<<br>>
The two of you abruptly part, and you look up to find yourself face-to-face with your escort of burgundy-uniformed royal soldiers, saluting awkwardly.<<br>>
<<blue "So sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> Reports the one in charge. <<blue "But I'm afraid that you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
You curse their timing. A part of you wants to stay like this forever, but something about the expression on the soldier's face tells you that arguing won't do you any good. Besides, now that the fragile moment between you and Florice is over, it'd take hours to gather the bravery to do it again.<<br>>
Florice is, naturally, kinda a nervous wreck at getting caught smooching the Princess, but as you flash him an apologetic glance he somehow manages to clasp you in a last brief hug. <<blue "Y-your Highness, it's been incredible. Thank you so much.">><<br>>
<<elseif $day68danceFinalKiss is false>>
You blush deeply, but manage to restrain yourself from kissing the sweet boy. He's lovely, and you feel like you've made a deep connection, but you don't quite think of him that way.<<br>>
Instead, you just hold him in a deep and meaningful hug. His head on your shoulder (and his long thick hair getting completely in your face for that matter), he seems completely at peace.<<br>>
The two of you stay like that for some time, right up until a loud coughed <<blue "Ahem">> rings out from next to you.<<br>>
As you extract yourself from the lissom boy's clutches, you find yourself face-to-face with your escort of burgundy-uniformed royal soldiers. <<blue "So sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> Reports the one in charge. <<blue "But we're out of time - you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
Intimidated by the sudden appearance of others during your tender moment, Florice is practically hiding behind your back. When you give him an apologetic glance, he nods understandingly. <<blue "Thank you, your Highness.">> He says, giving a little bow that could almost have been a curtsy. <<blue "It's been so incredible meeting you. I won't forget this.">><<br>>
And then, with only time for a waved farewell to the other friends you've made today, you're led out of the ballroom.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceEnd">>
<</link>>There's only one person who comes to mind - the kind, friendly man who had looked after you so well earlier, Gilles.<<br>>
Estelle gives you a wink and a huge grin at the news. <<pink "Well honey, that's no shocker! It's not every blow that a sharpshooter like that straight up and lifts you into his arms. I reckon any egg here who ain't a fella would be gaga for the sheik after a stunt like that.">> She cheers, though after a moment's reflection adds. <<pink "Well, actually I wouldn't put it past Florice too, to be flat with it - you never know with the daisy ones.">><<br>>
<<pink "Well, I'm over the moon for the pair of you.">> As if she's too excited to restrain herself, she shoots up out of her seat. <<pink "Let me just blouse off and spill the beans to the GG - I'm sure he'll be absolutely copacetic!">> And before you can stop her she's off, with a gleeful spring in her step.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalGilles2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceGillesReact to 'sock'" "day68danceGillesReact to 'snuggle'">>
It isn't long before Gilles comes to meet you.<<br>>
He itches the back of his head bashfully. <<blue "Estelle came to give me the news. Ah'm not the best at understanding her, but unless ah'm really making a fool of myself right now I think she was saying that you wanted to have your final dance with me, is that right?">><<br>>
You feel your ears burning, suddenly embarrassed by the affair, but you just about manage to nod your head.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceGillesReact is "sock">>
<<blue "Ah'm surprised that you chose me, to be honest.">> Gilles says with a smile. <<blue "After you biffed me in the face like that.">><<br>>
Now it's your turn to rub the back of your head in embarrassment. Yeah, you totally did that. At the time you'd been caught up in fear, both at the memory of the Scarecrow Killer and then afterwards at your own weakness. Gilles shouldn't have had to deal with that, and yet he did with grace, patience, and kindness. It ended up endearing you to him much more strongly than any good dancing or conversation ever could.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, that's such a relief. I was so worried that I'd gone and totally messed the whole thing up! And I would have right hated that because you're one heck of a woman, if you don't mind me saying as much, your Highness.">>
Gilles' face opens up into a wide smile. <<blue "Gosh, that's a relief. I was so worried when you got so overwhelmed in my arms that I'd totally messed the whole thing up. And I would have right hated that because you're one heck of a woman, if you don't mind me saying as much, your Highness.">>
For a moment his happy excitement seems to almost paralyze him - every inch of his bulky body seemingly desperate to sweep you into a hug that his gentlemanly manners won't permit him to enact, such that he almost seems to vibrate with adorably unfulfilled energy.<<br>>
After a second he manages to channel it into something polite enough that he //can// do, and goes to grasp your hand to kiss it, but you don't give him the opportunity - you're already rushing forward to give him everything that he so desperately wants. You throw your arms around him in a hug, taking him completely by surprise.<<br>>
It's like hugging a marble pillar - you have you spread your arms so far apart to wrap around him that your hands can't even touch eachother around his back. For a moment he's too surprised to know how to react, but then you feel the comforting warmth of his broad arms cradling you in turn. <<blue "You've made me the luckiest fella in the kingdom, your Grace.">> He mumbles in your ear.<<br>>
And then the two of you are interrupted by the music starting up, and the two of you drawn to the dancefloor.<<br>>
<<cont "day68danceFinalGilles3">>Compared to the elegant, precise music which had accompanied the last round of dancing, the musicians are content to keep things slow and romantic. The other dancers around you move close until they're practically in eachothers arms, stepping slowly and softly, and you and Gilles find yourselves doing the same.<<br>>
By all rights it should be what you wanted, but somehow the energy between the two of you is different to before. Before you were just another name on eachother's dance cards, but now that you've both expressed a further interest the tension between you is swollen with potential. This is no longer just a dance, it feels like it's leading up to something important. You try your hardest to move smoothly and confidently, but you can't help but tremble a little with anticipation.<<br>>
<<blue "You know, I used to be worried about making a right fool of myself with how big I am.">> Gilles mumbles, rambling a bit and having a little difficulty maintaining eyecontact. At least you're not the only one feeling the strain. <<blue "I thought it was no good for nothing other than manual labor and fighting and sorts, and would scare off any delicate soul like yourself. It's why I started coming here to be honest - wanted to see if I could be gentle.">><<br>>
<<blue "I made one hell of a mess to start off with. Ah'm surprised Estelle has any toes left after how much I stepped all over them.">> He gives a dry chuckle, but then his expression changes to one a little more meaningful. <<blue "But holding you earlier, keeping you safe from all that glass and stuff. Why, it made me feel like all this bulk was all good for something, you know? Ah'm glad for it, for once. Thank you, your Highness.">><<br>>
You give him a pleased smile, but to be honest you're much more worried about trying to sort through your own complex emotions. Gilles is a //man// - a man who thinks that you're a woman, no less. The very idea that the butterflies that you feel in your stomach when you're around him might be //attraction// is already too weird for you to process. The idea of actually doing something about it is enough to make your brain practically short circuit.<<br>>
It would all be so simple if he were to take action and seal your lips, and then you could let your heart decide with the excuse that you hadn't initiated it, but Gilles is a gentlemen through and through, and won't be willing to put that kind of pressure on you by making the first move himself. It's a sweet idea, but in this situation totally cruel - it puts all of the onus on you to sort out your own emotions and do it yourself.<<br>>
You take a deep breath and make your decision.<<br>>
<<link "Kiss him">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalGilles4">>
<<link "Don't take things any further">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalGilles4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to true" "day68danceFinalKiss to false">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
It's scary and weird and huge, but somehow you get the feeling that if you don't do this then you'll be regretting it, and that's enough to force you over your cowardice. Who cares if it's a guy? You want this deeply.<<br>>
You lean forward, and before your lips can even brush against the soft bristles of Gilles' moustache you can already feel his strong arms tense around you in excited anticipation, drawing you closer. You're so tense doing this brave thing that when your lips are finally pressed together the ripple of pleasure that runs through you is almost enough to make you start, and in reaction to feeling that nervous jolt Gilles whispers pulls away a smidgeon and asks <<blue "Easy now, your Highness. Are you sure that you're alright with this?">><<br>>
Okay, now it's just //mean//! It had been one thing to build up the nerves to do the terrifying task of kissing him, but quite another to be forced to admit that deep desire directly to his face. A scared part of you is inclined to stop this right now, but another part - the part which is still giddy and desperate from the brief sensation of his lips against yours - quickly overwhelms it. With urgent trepidation, you find your head nodding rapidly.<<br>>
The happy grin that appears on Gilles' face, mere inches away from your own, is simply adorable. <<blue "I'm so glad. I want it too. You're incredible.">> he whispers, before moving forward himself and taking your lips once more. Involuntarily, you feel a gentle whimper escape you at the sensation, your fingers clinging to his body hungrily, pulling him even closer. You wish that it could last forever.<<br>>
Unfortunately, it can't. The two of you are interrupted by a polite <<blue "Ahem">> from next to you.<<br>>
You glance over from your intimate moment to find your escort of burgundy-clad royal soldiers waiting in salute next to you. <<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> Reports the leader. <<blue "But it's time that we were heading off.">><<br>>
You share a horrified glance with Gilles. No! You worked so hard for this! You finally admitted to yourself what you wanted after so much anxiety, and then it gets ripped away at the last second? What cruelty!<<br>>
Gilles gives you a comforting nod, telling you that he's ok with it. You wish that he wasn't, you wish that he'd take you in his arms and keep you from being taken away, but you know that that would only be foolish. The soldier's firm expression tells you that arguing will do you no good.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, it was lovely meeting you, your Highness.">> Concludes Gilles, lifting up your hand to plant one last goodbye kiss upon your fingers, and you're sensitive enough now that even that elicits a little gasp from your lips. <<blue "I wish you all the best. Thank you.">><<br>>
And with that you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.
<<elseif $day68danceFinalKiss is false>>
You're not enough of an idiot to be able to seriously convince yourself that kissing Gilles isn't what you really want deep down inside of you - the signs are all completely obvious. However, you also know that you're simply not ready for this - it's all too much too soon.<<br>>
It could take weeks, if not months to sort out your thoughts enough to feel comfortable with the identity shift of being attracted to Gilles, and maybe after that you'll make a move like this with confidence, but for now it'd just be signing yourself off for guaranteed self-loathing and identity-shock - two things which you already dealing with plenty enough of right now, thank you very much!<<br>>
You don't know what expression passes through your face at your decision, but somehow Gilles seems to recognize it's meaning instantly. His body language shifts, giving you a little more space, and he gives you a reassuring nod, content with your choice.<<br>>
The two of you continue dancing, a tad awkwardly now, but before the song can even get half-way finished you find your escort of royal soldiers working their way through the dance floor towards you.<<br>>
<<blue "Your Highness.">> One interrupts with a brief salute. <<blue "We hate to close things off early, but you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
You flash Gilles an apologetic glance, and he smiles understandingly. <<blue "It's been simply incredible meeting you, your Highness. I hope that you have a wonderful evening.">><<br>>
And with that you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceEnd">>
<</link>>There's only one person who comes to mind - the odd, stuffy girl who you were teaching how to dance with intimate passion, Hermine.<<br>>
Estelle gives you a wink and a huge grin at the news. <<pink "Well honey, that's no shocker! I've been trying to coax that holiholy out of her nest for ages, but no dice. Imagine my surprise when I saw the way that you two were cutting a rug so closely it could almost have been a mugging meet at any moment - I couldn't fathom it for the slightest. Bang on!">><<br>>
<<pink "I'm simply over the moon for the pair of you.">> She adds, and as if she's too excited to restrain herself, she shoots up out of her seat. <<pink "Let me blouse over and spill to beans to the barlot for you!">> And before you can stop her she's off, with a gleeful spring in her step.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalHermine2">>
<</link>>The moment Estelle tells her the news, Hermine comes rushing towards you so quickly that she's almost running.<<br>>
She looks at you with an intensity that you'd have never imagined that she was capable of when you'd first met her. There's a hunger in those eyes now.<<br>>
<<pink "You picked me.">> She says, bluntly. <<pink "Good. Perfect. There's still more I need to learn. You'll teach me - come on.">><<br>>
She clasps your hand in hers and practically drags you towards the dancefloor before you can even give a response - too determined to experience more of what she'd felt a spark of before to wait for even a second.<<br>>
She's in such a hurry that the two of you end up having to wait for some time for the music to start. She takes the time to ramble at you excitedly. <<pink "It's like finding the last part of an equation, you understand? I've been a fool, it's so sophomoric of me. All this time I've been looking at the patterns and enjoying the symmetry and the rhythm of it all like that was the point, when really that was just the //aperture// of the thing - not where it was actually //directed//.">><<br>>
There's an intensity to her excitement that it's almost desperation. <<pink "I'm so close to understanding it - I can feel it. It was horrible that we had to stop when we did - if you hadn't picked me for the last dance I don't know what I would have done.">><<br>>
Finally the music begins to swell, and Hermine was rambling so hard that she has to take a breath before she can begin, or perhaps she's quelling her nerves, it's difficult to say. After a moment's pause she <<if $day68danceHermineLead is "lead">>places her hand into your own<<else>>reaches to take your hand<</if>> and the two of you begin.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalHermine3">>
<</link>>At first you wonder if you're going to be doing more of the blind-touching that you'd been trying with Hermine earlier, but it quickly becomes clear that that's unnecessary. She's already found the trick of it - the passion and the excitement of the thing - it was already obvious from how animated she is compared to before.<<br>>
The moment you start moving the tension between you is already there, as electric as it had been when she'd had her eyes closed, if not more so, now that she's had time to anticipate and long for more of it.<<br>>
It's wonderful to see, like watching an unassuming caterpillar turn into a stunning butterfly. To be honest, you're grateful simply to have had the honor of being part of the process..<<br>>
Her expressions are a delight. Flitting from deeply analytical frowns as she tries to pay attention to every minute detail like she's going to be dissecting it later, to limpid abandonment when the intensity of it all becomes so much that it whisks her off her feet and strips that wherewithal away from her, and then back again.<<br>>
Suddenly she slows down and locks eyecontact with you. <<pink "I went to Estelle after my dance with you.">> She tells you. <<pink "She seemed to know more about all this, so was the logical choice.">><<br>>
<<pink "I didn't quite understand what she said. But I think that she suggested that the way to make things more passionate was to do //this//.">><<br>>
She leans forward, and before you know it her soft lips are against your own, tentatively probing, nervous but excited.<<br>>
<<link "Kiss her back">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalHermine4">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<link "Pull away">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalHermine4">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to false" "day68danceFinalKiss to true">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is false>>
Hermine is a lovely girl, but this is a little bit much for you. You pull backwards to extract yourself from her kiss.<<br>>
Hermine doesn't seem particularly deterred by the rejection, merely concluding <<pink "No? I must have misunderstood her. No matter.">><<br>>
Without missing a beat, she continues dancing unabashed with exactly the same level of enthusiasm as before - enthusiasm that you're happy to share.<<br>>
The two of you almost lose track of time together, so it comes as a surprise when there's an <<blue "Ahem">> from nearby.<<br>>
You spin around and find yourself face-to-face with your burgundy uniformed escort, saluting politely. <<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> Reports the leader. <<blue "But it's time that we were heading off.">><<br>>
You and Hermine share a brief disappointed look together, but you can't feel that upset - she's leant everything that you can teach her, and you're certain that she can pick up the rest by herself.<<br>>
<<pink "Thank you so much, your Highness">> She says with a deep curtsy.<<br>>
And with that you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.
<<elseif $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
After so much time slowly developing the tension between you to almost unbearable levels, a tension made all the richer for its apparent novelty to Hermine, the kiss is like a lightning bolt of pent-up excitement.<<br>>
Hermine isn't a //great// kisser, at least on a technical level, but more than makes up for it with infectious enthusiasm - in that way it's like the stark opposite of how she'd danced earlier. It starts with a tentative peck, but soon the sheer excitement of feeling it being returned is enough to draw her supple lips apart.<<br>>
Scarcely has it begun that the kiss envelops everything. It's ridiculous really - dancing had been all that Hermine was interested in, but now it becomes an afterthought at best - all-but forgotten as you both hungrily draw the other close and explore eachother's mouths with desperate, longing need.<<br>>
That is, until there's a sudden <<blue "Ahem.">> from behind you.<<br>>
You spin around and find yourself face-to-face with your burgundy uniformed escort, saluting politely. <<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness.">> Reports the leader. <<blue "But it's time that we were heading off.">><<br>>
You and Hermine share a brief panicked glance together, horrified at having the blissful moment between the two of you cut short. There's so much left to say, so much more to explore - but something about the soldier's expression tells you that it won't do you any good to argue.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceHermineStyle is "flirt">>
Hermine seems devastated by the news, but as you kiss her lightly but meaningfully on the cheek you're sure that she needn't be. Now that she's discovered how rich and wonderful passion and intimacy can be you're certain that she'll hardly be lacking for opportunities to explore it. You can't help but imagine what she might be like just a couple of months from now, how much her stuffiness could be behind her, and grin to yourself.
Hermine seems devastated by the news, but as you kiss her lightly but meaningfully on the cheek you're sure that she needn't be. You've taught her everything that she needs to have a wonderful time with everyone who she dances with, you're sure of it.
And then you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceEnd">>
<</link>>You bite your lip nervously. Earlier Lord Lazare demanded that you pick him for the final dance. A huge part of you wants to defy him, to prove that the man doesn't have that control over you, but you can't bring yourself to do it.<<br>>
You desperately tell yourself that it's just because you still need his political favor, but somehow the words sound false in your head, like there's some other power he has over you that's drawing you back into his grasp.<<br>>
Estelle doesn't care to contain her surprise. <<pink "What, that //slunge//? You're not //razzing// me are you, flap? You looked as white as a sheet while dancing with that ostrich, and he'd old enough to be your //dapper//!">><<br>>
You grit your teeth and force yourself to pretend that everything's fine.<<br>>
Estelle frowns in concern, not quite believing you. <<pink "Well, if you're absolutely //certain//. Just make sure that he keeps it on the level, okay sip?">><<br>>
You offer a brief nod, and with a sigh Estelle stands up resignedly. <<pink "I'll go tell him what a lucky old egg he is for you, shall I?">> and departs off.<<br>>
Once she's gone you sigh deeply - hopefully this isn't some big mistake.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare2">>
<</link>>Lord Lazare strides back with the confidence of a man who never doubted for a moment that you'd choose him. You hate to have proved him right.<<br>>
<<blue "Good. At least you knew not to make the wrong choice.">> He states, plainly. <<blue "A young lady like yourself needs a strong hand to keep her from developing any //foolish// ideas. It's clear that your father has been sorely lax in his duty, but in his absence I'll do what I can to instruct you. I'm very familiar with developing a //paternal// role.">><<br>>
In stark contrast with his talk of fatherhood, his hand once again snakes around your waist to once again pinch your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>ample<</if>> bottom strongly.<<br>>
<<blue "Come, let us go to the dance floor.">> He commands.<<br>>
<<link "Bite my lip to keep from scowling">>
<<set $day68danceLazareFinal to "scowl">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare3">>
<<link "Yes, Sir.">>
<<set $day68danceLazareFinal to "sir">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare3">>
<<link "Yes, Daddy.">>
<<set $day68danceLazareFinal to "daddy">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare3">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceLazareFinal to 'scowl'" "day68danceLazareFinal to 'sir'" "day68danceLazareFinal to 'daddy'">>
<<if $day68danceLazareFinal is "scowl">>
You hate having to do this. In a better world you'd never have to be near to the man, let alone feel his hands rudely groping your body like he owns it, but he's a powerful person, and you're desperately in need of someone like that on your side right now.<<br>>
However, merely admitting that you have to do something is totally different from being able to force yourself to act like you're enjoying it.<<br>>
Somewhat to your horror though, you find that Lord Lazare is a flexible man. <<blue "Ahh, but what are the joys of youth if not the faces that they make before they're //broken in//?">> He cheers at your barely-hidden scowl. <<blue "I think that I shall enjoy this.">><<br>>
And with one last painful pinch on the behind, mainly to watch the expression you make it seems, he firmly directs you towards the dancefloor.
<<elseif $day68danceLazareFinal is "sir">>
You need to appease him, so you force yourself to put on your broadest, fakest smile and do your best to appear meek and enthusiastic at the idea of spending time with him.<<br>>
If Lazare notices that your heart really isn't into it, then he doesn't seem to care. In fact, the cruel smile that emerges on his face at your reply almost makes you think that it's part of the appeal - that he's enjoying the fact that that his coercive control is enough to overwhelm your reluctance.<<br>>
<<blue "There's a good girl.">> He replies. <<blue "Come along now.">> And with that he firmly directs you towards the dancefloor.
<<elseif $day68danceLazareFinal is "daddy">>
You have a desperate need to appease this man, one that you're desperately trying to convince yourself is purely political, and you think you know exactly the kind of thing that he wants from you.<<br>>
The smile that broadens on his face in reaction to your audacious words fills you with disgust and delighted relief in equal measure. <<blue "Ahh.">> He utters in pleasure. <<blue "//There's// a good little girl. Maybe I spoke too soon, and there's more potential to you than I thought. I hope that you'll prove as such to me.">><<br>>
At his gesture, the two of you head back onto the dancefloor, with him propelling you from behind by your butt.
The two of you are the first in position, and as the other dancers find their partners and places you're absolutely certain that every single one of them can clearly see the way that Lord Lazare is gripping you. From the look on his face, pointedly making eyecontact at anyone who draws close, it's probably the point - bragging about his control over you, ensuring that they all know that you're just some slut who's trapped by his power. You feel your cheeks pinken at being displayed as such.<<br>>
The music starts to swell and the dancers start to move, and you realize that this is going to be more intense than you'd thought. All of the other dances were, well, //dances//, with moves and steps and stuff, but this song is so slow and romantic that there's no such complexity - just an excuse at the end of the afternoon to dance as close together as possible.<<br>>
You're soon swept up into Lazare, stiflingly trapped in the headiness of his cologne. His hands grip you so tightly, one still planted securely on the curve of your behind and the other clutching possessively at curve of your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> waist - you couldn't draw away even if you tried.<<br>>
<<blue "Now, girl, it's time to give <<if $day68danceLazareFinal is 'daddy'>>daddy<<else>>me<</if>> what I want.">> He commands, and leans forward to steal your lips.<<br>>
<<link "Kiss him back">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare4">>
<<link "Pull away">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalLazare4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to true" "day68danceFinalKiss to false">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
You wish that you could say that you only do it tactically, but the moment that Lord Lazare leans forward, before you even have time to consider the matter, you're already doing the same, drawn towards him as if by magnetism like it's something that you're been secretly desperate for.<<br>>
His whiskers tickle against your <<if $pc.face is 2>>soft<</if>> face as his dry lips force themselves towards you. Scarcely does he make contact before they part and his warm wet tongue forces it's way into your mouth. The sensation is so intense that despite yourself you find yourself lightly moaning into him, which only makes him redouble his efforts. The whole time his eyes remain wide open, watching your every microexpressions closely.<<br>>
His hands release you, but not for long.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip" or $outfit.set.id is "peach" or $outfit.set.id is "butterfly" or $outfit.set.id is "whitehood" or $outfit.set.id is "redgown" or $outfit.set.id is "drusilla" or $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
Only for long enough for him to pull up your dress and quickly regrab your buttocks once more, this time against your bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "gcloak" or $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
Only for long enough for him to pry open the waistline of your tight leggings and <<if $outfit.set.id is "rose">>loose<</if>> top to refind their positions a moment later against your bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat" or $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
Only for long enough for him to reach under your short <<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>dress<<else>>skirt<</if>> and slip a hand <<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>under your white blouse<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>through the revealing gap in your outfit at the belly<<else>><<error>><</if>> to quickly refind their positions a moment later against your bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
A part of you is aware of the risk of being found out, and of the eyes of so many people around you, watching you be fondled like a piece of meat by a man who's old enough to be your father. You couldn't care less - you're too busy desperately sucking at his tongue for it to matter.<<br>>
And then his eyes focus on something behind you and he stops suddenly. You're so caught in the moment that it takes a second of needily lapping against his closed lips like a desperate kitten to even realize the change.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahem.">> Coughs a burgundy dressed royal soldier, awkwardly. <<blue "It's time for her Highness to depart. So sorry to interrupt.">><<br>>
Lord Lazare bellows at them angrily. <<blue "How //dare// you interrupt us. I believe that you'll find that the Princess will stay until //I// declare as such. Don't you know who I //am//?">><<br>>
The soldier frowns, and double-checks his notes. <<blue "Umm. Actually I don't think that such a minor noble really holds that kind of authority at all, don't you think, //Vavasour// Lazare?">><<br>>
The soldiers words resound around the room, and after a moment even the musicians come to an abrupt halt in surprise. Everyone stares at Vavasour Lazare in shocked disbelief at him holding such a minor title. So he was never a lord after all?<<br>>
The Vavasour turns bright red. <<blue "I-I'll get you for this!">> He splutters, before shouting to the room. <<blue "Don't believe him! It's just slander, I assure you!">> However, from the looks on everyone's faces at the outburst you don't think anyone believes him anymore.<<br>>
You realize to your horror that he never even had any power to help you with to begin with - you've gone along with his gross behavior all for nothing. You're devastated, but somehow you almost feel like you're more upset at the man no longer being a suitable suitor for your desires than you are by being tricked into being groped. At some point, the politics were no longer the thing that drew you towards him, and that realization scares you.<<br>>
The soldiers firmly extract you from the vavasour's grasp as he rants, and without giving you time to say goodbye to the others you're paraded away.
<<elseif $day68danceFinalKiss is false>>
You're willing to go along with him, but you're not going to let him steal your lips! As he draws close you reel backwards in his grip and keep your mouth tightly closed.<<br>>
His whiskers tickle against your <<if $pc.face is 2>>soft<</if>> face as his dry lips force themselves towards you, undeterred by your pulling back nor your lack of reciprocation, almost like he'd been expecting as much from you.<<br>>
His hands briefly release you, but not for long.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip" or $outfit.set.id is "peach" or $outfit.set.id is "butterfly" or $outfit.set.id is "whitehood" or $outfit.set.id is "redgown" or $outfit.set.id is "drusilla" or $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
Only for long enough for him to pull up your dress and quickly regrab your buttocks once more, this time against your bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "gcloak" or $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
Only for long enough for him to pry open the waistline of your tight leggings and <<if $outfit.set.id is "rose">>loose<</if>> top to refind their positions a moment later against your bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat" or $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
Only for long enough for him to reach under your short <<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>dress<<else>>skirt<</if>> and slip a hand <<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>under your white blouse<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>through the revealing gap in your outfit at the belly<<else>><<error>><</if>> to quickly refind their positions a moment later against your bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
You wriggle and squirm, terrified that his horrible fingers with touch something that will expose you as an imposter.<<br>>
And then his eyes focus on something behind you and he stops suddenly. You take the moment's pause to desperately regather your breath.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahem.">> Coughs a burgundy dressed royal soldier, awkwardly. <<blue "It's time for her Highness to depart. So sorry to interrupt.">><<br>>
Lord Lazare's eyes narrow at them angrily. <<blue "How //dare// you interrupt us. I believe that you'll find that the Princess will stay until //I// declare as such. Don't you know who I //am//?">><<br>>
The soldier frowns, and double-checks his notes. <<blue "Umm. Actually I don't think that such a minor noble really holds that kind of authority at all, don't you think, //Vavasour// Lazare?">><<br>>
The soldiers words resound around the room, and after a moment even the musicians come to an abrupt discordant halt in surprise. Everyone stares at Vavasour Lazare in shocked disbelief at him having such a minor title. So he was never a lord after all?<<br>>
The Vavasour turns bright red. <<blue "I-I'll get you for this!">> He splutters, before shouting to the room. <<blue "Don't believe him! It's just slander, I assure you!">> However, from the looks on everyone's faces at the outburst you don't think anyone is going to be trusting him.<<br>>
You realize to your horror that he never even had any power to help you with to begin with - you've gone along with his gross behavior all for nothing. Every inch of your body that was touched by him feels unclean and a mouthful of bile rises up in your revolted throat.<<br>>
You storm away from him, not wanting to be here for a moment longer. The soldiers of your escort quickly step in place around you.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceEnd">>
<</link>>There's only one person who comes to mind - the cheeky thief who's infiltrated the dance, Marthe.<<br>>
Estelle gives you a sly wink at the news. <<pink "Well honey, that's no shocker! The grin plastered on your mug after cutting a rug with her was outright colossal! I'm over the moon for the pair of you.">><<br>>
As if she's too excited to restrain herself, she shoots up out of her seat. <<pink "Let me blouse over and spill to beans to the bearcat for you!">> And before you can stop her she's off, with a gleeful spring in her step at getting to play matchmaker.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68danceFinalMarthe2">>
<</link>>Marthe strides confidently towards you. <<pink "Now, I don't know half of what that girl's saying most of the time to be honest.">> She says. <<pink "But based on how you couldn't stop glancing my way the whole time she was saying it, I'm willing to bet that she was saying that you picked me for the final dance, am I right?">>
You roll your eyes and admit that she's right. To be perfectly honest though, you're surprised that she's even still here, and hasn't run off to make her daring escape yet.<<br>>
<<pink "Well, that was the plan, but then I thought to myself - hey, I'm meant to be a thief, innit? And what thief would I be if I didn't at least try to nab the most valuable thing in the joint.">> She replies, before giving you an absolutely outrageous grin. <<pink "That being - the heart of the crown Princess.">><<br>>
For a moment you just stare at her, completely taken aback by the ridiculous audacity to say something so brazen. As a result, it takes you completely by surprise when suddenly feel heat rising to your face - there's no way a line like that could be //working// on you, right?<<br>>
Filled with an urgent need not to let her know what effect she's having on you, you try to cover for it by laughing in her face for trying something so silly, but to your deep chagrin it comes out more like a coquettish giggle. Fuck!<<br>>
She fixes you a casual smirk that leaves no doubt at all that she knows //exactly// what state you're in, which only serves to make matters even worse.<<br>>
Luckily, you're rescued by the musicians starting up their final song, giving you the excuse that you need to turn your red face away from her and hurry over to the dance floor, leaving her to follow after you, thoroughly amused.<<br>>
<<cont "day68danceFinalMarthe3">><<setter "day68danceMartheHide to true" "day68danceMartheHide to false">>
The two of you get to dancing. Compared to the acrobatics of dancing with Marthe before, you're grateful that she at least matches the music and moves a little more sedately. However, despite the change of pace it it doesn't feel any less exhilarating. Before you were just another name on eachother's dance cards, but now that you've both expressed a further interest the tension between you is swollen with potential.<<br>>
<<if $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
<<pink "Here I was, thinking I was hot shit for tricking a whole bunch of hoity-toity folks into thinking I was one them, when I bump into someone who's pulling off pretending to be the whole bloody //Princess//.">> She says in a low whisper that can't disguise the genuine awe in her tone. <<pink "I don't know how you're pulling it off, but it's one fuck of a con!">><<br>>
You smile vaguely, not inclined to tell her that it's out of necessity rather than a scheme. Besides, she's not //wrong// - you've done an incredible job at a very difficult task, and she doesn't even know the half of it! It's a novelty to get some credit for once.
<<pink "I thought my jig was up the moment that I heard that the Princess was going to be attending. Figured you'd be able to find me out in a second - and who knows, maybe you did and all.">> She confides. <<pink "But I never for a second figured that you'd be so on-the-level about everything!">><<br>>
<<pink "Royalty's a stupid idea if you ask me - not that I suppose you did. But, if a stand-up young hottie like yourself is the next in line then I figure things won't be quite so bad.">>
Suddenly she moves forward, forcing you backwards until you're so arched over yourself that she's the only thing that's keeping you from falling flat on your back. Suspended in her capable arms, you're the one actually looking up at her for once.<<br>>
<<pink "Now, to steal one more thing before I go - your lips.">> She whispers seductively, before making her move.<<br>>
<<link "Kiss her back">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to true>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalMarthe4">>
<<link "Pull away">>
<<set $day68danceFinalKiss to false>>
<<goto "day68danceFinalMarthe4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68danceFinalKiss to true" "day68danceFinalKiss to false">>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
It's not like you hadn't seen it coming a mile away. You'd had time to work out the perfect witty retort and at the very least be a little more dignified about it. But the moment that her face moves close to your own it all goes completely out the window, replaced by only a deep desperate need.<<br>>
There's no gentle peck slowly leading into something greater - the moment the two of your lips make contact they're already parting to let your tongues entwine around eachother. Even in this Marthe finds a way to make it into a competition, and she manages to beat you soundly - her tongue forcing its way so deep down your throat that you're left gasping and whimpering. You can feel the edges of her mouth twist upwards in a smirk at the sounds, and you desperately try to save yourself from further embarrassment by stopping but find yourself completely unable to do so.<<br>>
Her strong hands around your waist cling tighter with desire, drawing your arched-back body closer and closer to hers until you can feel your warmth all over you. You own hands rise to her head, instinctively holding it in place as if desperate to not let her move away.<<br>>
And then suddenly the moment is shattered by a coughed <<blue "Ahem.">> from next to you.<<br>>
Marthe's eyes shoot open and she quickly draws you back up to your feet. You're left pink-faced, dewy-eyed, and gasping for breath in her absence as you're suddenly thrust face-to-face with your escort of burgundy-clad soldiers, saluting awkwardly.<<br>>
<<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness, but you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
You flinch in humiliation at the state you've been caught in,
<<elseif $day68danceFinalKiss is false>>
You like the spunky thief, but you're not going to just give her everything that she wants either. Besides, you'd be taking away her fun - you can't steal what's being freely given.<<br>>
Instead, her warm lips merely graze over your own, and you try your hardest not to give a whimper at the burst of pleasure that even that small sensation sends rippling through you, and almost succeed.<<br>>
With you held completely in her arms Marthe could easily take things further without you being able to resist, but she's clearly not boorish enough for something like that. Instead, with a cocky flourish, she draws you back up to your feet.<<br>>
To your surprise, now that you can see what's going on around you again you find yourself face-to-face with your escort of burgundy-clad soldiers, saluting dutifully.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahem.">> Coughs the one in charge. <<blue "We're so sorry to interrupt, your Highness, but you're needed elsewhere.">><<br>>
You click your tongue in irritation,
and look back to Marthe to apologize only to find yourself turning to open air, your dance partner having disappeared into the night. The only trace of her presence remaining is the head of a red rose, plucked from a bouquet off to one side like a calling-card.<<br>>
You can't help but smile at the reveal. The cocky bitch. However despite yourself you can't help but reach down to hold it in your hands and sigh wistfully. Fuck, if she really has stolen your heart you'll never live down the embarrassment to yourself.<<br>>
And with that you're led away, with just enough time to wave behind you at the other friends you've made today as you depart.<<br>>
<<cont "day68danceEnd">><<unset $danceNum>>
<<unset $day68dancing>>
<<if $day68danceFinalKiss is true>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
As you're led back through the winding corridors of the Bastille, one of the soldiers conversationally asks you a question.<<br>>
<<blue "So, your Highness, did you enjoy yourself during your afternoon in the ballroom?">>
Careful not to drop your cover, you quickly reply that you did, but afterwards you can't help but find yourself mulling over the question in your head.<br>
<<section "section">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $jumped is true>>
<<goto "danceLeadOut">>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<goto "day6meratStart">>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetter">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart">>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "I suppose that I did">>
<<set $day68danceMood to "fun">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<hr>>It was a tremendous task. One where you had to move and act like the Princess while someone else had their full attention on you the whole time. You can't believe that you managed to pull it off!<<br>>
And yet, at some point you'd found yourself not worrying about it, and focusing on your dance partners just as much as you were obsessing over yourself. You feel like you've made some real bonds today, and you're grateful for the opportunity.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "It was awful!">>
<<set $day68danceMood to "noFun">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>
You cringe at the thought. You wish that you'd never gone.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<setter "pc.hair.style to 'bangsbob'" "pc.hair.style to undefined" "pc.ears.wearing to 'onyxStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to undefined">>
Your escort maneuver you carefully through the dark winding corridors of the Bastille de la Sainte. You soon lose track of where you're going in claustrophobic, windowless halls, but eventually you find yourself emerging out into the daylight.<<br>>
<<blue "How grand that you'll have an opportunity to try out the spa, your Highness.">> One of the soldiers says, conversationally. <<blue "My wife tells me that it's the envy of the world, and she's right about most everything. Heated by hot springs that emerge from under the city - the same waters that sanctified the Saint herself I think.">><<br>>
You're led through the bustling city streets until eventually you reach your destination - a beautiful spa building. A sign on one side identifies it as "Les Eaux de Joules".<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spa.jpg]]@@<br>
The moment you get in sight of the building a cascade of beautiful maidens flood out of its ornate doors towards you like a foundation of naiads, each dressed in identical slip dresses and with skin so pristine and clear that it borders on the uncanny.<<br>>
The graceful beauticians gently extract you from your bewildered escorts and draw you forward into the building, soothing you the entire time with eager greetings and affirmations, each so gentle that it's difficult to pick out individual phrases.<<br>>
<<pink "So wonderful to have the honor of your presence, your Excellency.">><br>
<<if def $pc.hair.style>><<pink "What a charming haircut.">><br><</if>>
<<if $pc.face is 1>>
<<pink "You have such a charmingly strong jaw, your Highness.">>
<<pink "What beautiful eyes you have, your Highness.">>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>><<pink "Your earrings are so darling - who did them for you?">><br><</if>>
<<pink "Welcome to les Eaux de Joules. We hope you enjoy your relaxing stay.">><br><br>
They seep in around you and draw you up the steps into the spa itself<<if $pc.hands is 2>>, pulling you forward by your slender hand<</if>>. You're sure that it should feel like being buoyed by a cloud of angels, but it makes you uncomfortable - next to all this immaculate femininity you can't help but feel ridiculous and out-of-place in comparison.<<br>>
You're certain that they'll notice that you're an imposter, but for now you're inescapably pulled inside by the now-ebbing tide of beautiful women.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spa2">>
<</link>>As the beauticians direct you forward through rose-marble halls they keep on //touching// you. Not willing to wait until they've sat you down, some have already picked up clippers, buffing stones, and even scented sticks to carry out all manner of tasks - removing your hang-nails, smoothing out pores, de-waxing your ears, or other things that you can't even begin to identify.<<br>>
It's completely overwhelming, and you keep on flinching as you're plucked and prodded. In your nervous state you miss most of whatever one of the beauticians is saying to you. <<pink "-would meet your needs?">><<br>>
Bewildered, you nod, hoping that it's sufficient. She flashes you a broad smile, perfect white teeth gleaming. <<pink "//Wonderful// choice. I'll make sure to have it prepared for you at the end of your time here.">> You have no idea what you might have just agreed to.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spa2.jpg]]@@<br>
You eventually make it to the destination - a warm room filled with threads of incense smoke lazily drifting through the air and the trickling sounds from elegant water features. You're deposited neatly onto a soft lounge-chair.<<br>>
Your vision is soon blocked by a pair of cucumber slices which are placed onto your eyes, and a moment later you're shocked to feel a thick, viscous substance that feels like mud slathered over <<if $pc.face is 2>>the dainty features of<</if>> your face.<<br>>
Poked and prodded from all directions by unseen figures - pushing peeled grapes into your mouth, rubbing lotion into your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>petite<</if>> hands, and more - you can feel the claustrophobia rise up within you, but to your surprise it doesn't boil over. Now that you're sat and settled, and nobodies accused you of being an obvious pervert imposter yet, your anxious heart rate thankfully manages to stabilize.<<br>>
<<link "Get pampered">>
<<goto "day68spa3">>
<</link>><<set $outfitStore to $outfit>>
Somehow, by the time the cucumber slices over your eyes are removed and the mud is wiped from your face you've gone from managing to cope with the experience to outright relishing it. The gentle touching, probing, and caressing that had felt so invasive before had become quite pleasant - the sensation tantalizingly relaxing. At a certain point you'd stopped thinking of them as individual people and in your dreamlike state processed them instead as one great and comforting multi-limbed //presence// which you're held suspended within the soothing grasp of, a presence which attended to your every need before you could even begin to think of it.<<br>>
The outside world, now that you can see it again, is almost a disappointment despite the angelic surroundings and the horde of smiling beautiful girls. In fact, all things considered, those smiles are still a little eerie, actually. You wish that they were at least a little more authentic and a little less forced. You suspect that most blokes out there would be thrilled by their performance, but you've had enough experience of being the person doing the false-smiling yourself to recognize the emotional labor.<<br>>
You're gently drawn back up to your feet by soft, supple hands, and shown into a smaller room off to the side filled with soft gowns.<<br>>
<<pink "If her Highness would change into the clothing provided.">> A beautician tells you, pleasantly, and shuts the door to leave you alone.<<br>>
[[Change->day68spa4]]<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Spa Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "spa gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Paper Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "paper panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the soft and scented gown that you were provided in the spa.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
The sudden absence of the beauticians which had so omnipresent before feels weird at first, but your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> body feels so light and limber after their ministrations that it's difficult to feel bad about it. Instead, you quickly set about the task of changing in a dreamy relaxed haze.<br>
<<section "section">>
You strip off your clothing, only to be bewildered when you pick up the underwear provided to change into - instead of fabric, they're made of //paper//. At first you presume that it's some kind of mistake, but it does make some kind of sense - you've never been to a spa yourself but you know that there's a lot of oils and products involved, it would be a waste to have to keep on throwing out fabric underwear every time they got too oily to use anymore.<<br>>
You pull up the ridiculous pair of panties, and are greeted by the profoundly //crinkly// sensation as they slip into place<<if $pc.butt is 2>> under your rounded butt<</if>>. With your every movement you can feel them crease and scrunch around you. It would be an odd sensation even for a woman, but it's particularly bizarre to you, <<if $caged isnot false>>with the feeling of the textured paper contrasting against the smooth firmness of your metal cage.<<else>>with the paper rubbing against your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals.<</if>><<br>>
You quickly pull the provided spa gown over your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slight<</if>> shoulders and head back out.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:70%">
<<print _section>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spa4.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\day68spa4.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section>><<br>>
When you emerge from the changing room you're greeted by a single beautician, curtsying politely. <<pink "Would her Highness like to spend some time in the sauna, or would some light yoga be preferred?">><<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<link "Sauna">>
<<goto "day68spaSauna">>
<<set $day68spaActivity to "sauna">>
<<link "Yoga">>
<<goto "day68spaYoga">>
<<set $day68spaActivity to "yoga">>
<</link>>You decide to spend some time in the sauna, and are gracefully led though the pink-and-white halls. Along the way you peer through doorways and windows at relaxed looking, mostly-nude clients receiving all manner of treatments, some of which seem quite outlandish - you would never have thought being pierced by needles would be anything other than torture, but the blissful expression on the woman's face says otherwise. You just hope that it won't be happening to you later!<br>
<<section "section">>
<<pink "Here you are, your Highness.">> Says the beautician as she stops next to a door.<<br>>
The moment the doors open you're greeted by a wave of humidity so thick and wet that at first it feels like you're being submerged in water. The force of it almost pushes you backwards, but you force yourself to step inside.<<br>>
The woman calls in <<pink "Please enjoy at your leisure. Someone will come along to collect you when it's time to continue on.">> before closing the door on you.<<br>>
At first the air is so thick that you struggle to breathe, but you force yourself not to get overwhelmed - if this is designed for rich women to enjoy there's no way it could be //that// bad, surely. You sit yourself down on one of the benches and try to acclimate.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _section>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSauna.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSauna.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section>><<br>>
You quickly notice a problem. The sauna's designed to make you sweat, and you are - directly into the gown that you're wearing. Rather than evaporating off of you, it just soaks deeper and deeper into wool, making it wet and sticky. It's deeply uncomfortable.<<br>>
You notice a set of little hooks next to the door - that must be where you're supposed to slip your gown onto. However, you're not really sure if you should - what if someone walked in and saw you? Your body may have changed a bit, but you're quite convinced that if anyone were to see you wearing just a pair of paper undies then they would be able to quickly tell what's up.<<br>>
However as it gets more and more swelteringly hot in your gown, you wonder if you even have a choice in the matter - else you could be cooked like a lobster by the time they come to collect you.<<br>>
<<link "Take off the gown">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaNude">>
<<set $day68spaActivity to "saunaNude">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<link "Brave the heat and leave it on">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaGown">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68spaActivity to "saunaGown">>
<<set $customOutfit to "You've taken off the soft gown you were offered in the spa to cool off in the sauna.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
You decide to get out of this horrible gown. By now it's so thick and sticky that you almost have to peel yourself out of it.<<br>>
The relief hits you almost immediately. Your pores, which had quickly become completely clogged up with sweaty gunk that couldn't evaporate, soon manage to start clearing themselves up.<<br>>
However you don't have much time to appreciate the feeling. Before you can settle down again you're alarmed by noises from outside - people coming this way! Part of you shouts inwardly for you to dash back and pull the gown back over you, but it's quickly beaten by the animal instinct to move //away// from the danger rather than back towards it, and before you know it you're retreating into the bowels of the room like a reclusive hermit crab.<<br>>
It's a foolish mistake.<<br>>
Within a few seconds the doors open wide, and a woman is shown inside.<<br>>
[[Continue->day68spaSaunaNude2]]<<section "section1">>
<<pink "Please enjoy at your leisure. Someone will come along to collect you when it's time to continue on.">> Recites the beautician, with exactly the same intonation as when you'd been shown in yourself.
<<section "section2">>
<<pink "Bless ya', girl. This'll do me nicely. Anything to sweat off the aches from last night's bout. Don't hurry back, I'll take a good long soak.">> Replies a husky, boisterous voice.<<br>>
The woman who saunters inside is huge - easily a match for your height before your changes, and comfortably taller than you now. Her hair is cut short on one side in an androgynous side-shave.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _section1>><<br>>
<<print _section2>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSaunaWoman.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _section1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSaunaWoman.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section2>><<br>>
Without even waiting for the door to close she shrugs the gown off of her shoulders and you're greeted with the full spectacle of her. She has the body of a professional athlete - a full six-pack of abs, along with biceps and thighs so thick with muscle that they practically ripple with her every movement. What captures your attention more however is her boobs, which despite their considerable size must have to be tightly hidden behind sport bras all the time given how stark the tanlines are around them.<<br>>
Whoever designed the paper panties you're both wearing clearly didn't have her shapely hips nor toned buttocks in mind - they do a poor job at covering her, and you can see some tearing at the seams that implies that they're one flex away from being ripped apart completely.<<br>>
She doesn't seem to notice you, the haze of thick steam offering you cover to hide in. Instead, she throws herself leisurely down onto the bench with enough force for it to creak dangerously, and sprawls her body out wide with a deep relaxed sigh.<<br>>
Backed up as far as you can go in the far corner, you try to work out a plan. There's no way that you could slip past and get your gown without her noticing, but it's not like you can just wait for her to leave either - as the person who arrived first you're almost certainly going to be collected and taken away long before she will be, and when that happens you'll have to walk right by her.<<br>>
However your fretting comes to naught - the problem is taken out of your hands completely as your stomach makes a deep rumble, alerting her immediately to your presence.<<br>>
<<link "Curse inwardly">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaNude3">>
<</link>><<pink "Hey, wuzzat?">> She snorts in surprise at first, before her eyes manage to find you in the haze.<<br>>
<<pink "Cor, here's me taking up all the space like a right berk - I had no idea you were in here, ya' little mite. 'Scuse the rudeness, lemme give you some space.">><<br>>
She sits up a bit, withdrawing her reclining body from where it had been sprawled limbs-wide across the bench.<<br>>
You attempt to murmur some excuse or another, but she just takes it for shyness, and talks right over you. <<pink "You're a sweet thing, aren't you? Nah, don't worry yourself for a second about all that - you don't have to fret about me, I don't bite, and there ain't nothing about you that would put me off neither. Now come on up, you won't get the goodness back there.">><<br>>
She doesn't give you an opportunity to refuse - reaching back to grab you by the arm and hoist you forwards onto the bench next to her. Between your surprise and her strength you find yourself deposited next to her before you can even begin to resist.<<br>>
<<pink "There you go, that's better, ain't it?">> She says, self-satisfiedly.<<br>>
<<link "Fuck!">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaNude4">>
<</link>><<set $outfit.over.Name to "Spa gown">>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the soft and scented gown that you were provided in the spa.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
<<setter "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false">>
You quickly do everything that you can do cover yourself up - your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slight<</if>> shoulders hunching over as far as you can to try to make yourself small next to her. You brace yourself for her seemingly inevitable realization, but instead she just leans back and basks in the heat, too content and comfortable to pay much attention to your cowering form.<<br>>
The atmosphere next to her is somehow oppressive. She's larger than you, especially now that you're so closed-in on yourself, but to describe it simply in terms of //scale// doesn't quite explain it all. Some of it could be from her larger-than-life vitality, but perhaps more important is the sheer energy radiating off of her - quite literally - as the humid sauna air does its magic on her body.<<br>>
She's clearly no stranger to sweat as a person, and it floods from her in droves - so warm that your side which faces her quickly becomes noticeably warmer than the other, even in a space as humid as this. However, what really strikes you is the scent - thick, earthy, and rich - intermingling headily with the incense and woodsmoke from the sauna itself.<<br>>
You've never processed body scent as anything other than unpleasant, but something about the musk rising from her has an unexpected effect on you. You soon get the feeling that the redness on your cheeks is no longer just from the heat alone. You wonder whether this could be one of the effects of feminisation - if this is a part of womanhood then it's certainly not one that you're familiar with, but you can't dismiss it either. However as the butterflies swell in your tummy the mental faculties necessary to consider the matter ebb further and further away from you, replaced by a stifling, tingly warmth of heady arousal.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
Before long, your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small, dainty<</if>> penis begins to strain impotently against your metal cage. It hurts like hell, but you're grateful for its presence - if you weren't wearing it then the force of your virility might be enough to rip the paper panties apart completely.<<br>>
You sit in lusty discomfort for some time before you're flooded by light and cool air as the door to the sauna is eased open. A beautician calls in <<pink "Your Highness? I'm here to take you to your massage now.">>
You notice the danger before it happens - <<if $pc.penis is 2>>even with your penis so shrunken<</if>> these paper panties are so flimsy that if you got an erection then the force of your virility would easily be enough to tear them apart completely!<<br>>
You desperately try to think of anything other than the figure next to you - anything other than her smell, her warmth, her strength, the way her heavy breasts glisten with a steady stream of sweat. It's an all-but impossible task.<<br>>
You switch to emergency measures - desperately flexing every muscle you can as taut as possible in an effort to keep the bloodflow from flooding to your groin.<<br>>
There's no way that you can keep this up for long - but luckily you don't have to. To your incredible relief you're flooded by light and cool air as the door to the sauna is eased open and a beautician calls in <<pink "Your Highness? I'm here to take you to your massage now.">>
Your relief at the rescue is soon shattered as you realize the problem it presents - if you stand to walk over to your gown then you'll have to go right in front of both the beautician and your sauna-mate.<<br>>
However, the worry doesn't last long. With a <<pink "Aw, she's shy, bless her.">> the woman reaches down to the floor to pick up a gown, throws it over your shoulders, and unexpectedly ruffles your hair - sending droplets of your sweat across the room with the motion.<<br>>
<<pink "So you're a highness, are you? Well, nice meeting you and all. Have a good massage, ey?">> She calls in parting.<<br>>
You quickly cover yourself in the gown<<if $caged is false>>.
Your cock irrepressibly swelling to hardness the moment that your tense muscles ease up, but thankfully you manage to use the motion of tying the sash shut at the waist to cover for the action of adjusting your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>
small, dainty
<</if>> shaft so that it doesn't ruin your panties.<<br>>
You quickly hurry after the beautician, and as
and follow after the beautician.<<br>>
you're led down the corridor, the air feeling chill and crisp compared to the stifling sauna air, you realize that since the woman just grabbed the closest gown, she ended up giving you the one that she'd worn before, and the lingering scent of her in the plush fabric is enough to keep a blush to your cheeks long after the heat from the sauna has left you.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaLeave">>
<</link>>The idea of taking off the gown and sweating off some of this overwhelming heat is blissful, but you force yourself to resist. Someone coming in isn't just some idle worry - it's an inevitability, when the beautician comes back to collect you.<<br>>
Maybe if she'd told you how long she was going to be gone for then you might be able to rely on your internal clock and risk disrobing for a while, but without such a time frame it's a fools errand.<<br>>
No - you're determined to see this though. Sure, it'll be uncomfortable, but it'll still be a damn sight easier than whatever the Queen will have in store for you if you fuck this up.<<br>>
You focus your attentions inward - trying to push past the stifling heat and cut yourself off from the sensation of it. It's just a frame of mind, you figure, a frame of mind that can be surpassed. It seems to work - you can feel the discomfort becoming more and more distant.<<br>>
It isn't long before your decision is seemingly vindicated - the sound of people approaching from outside trickles vaguely through your spacey awareness. You're glad that you're not sitting naked in here.<<br>>
The door opens, and a beautician gestures for another woman to step into the sauna. <<pink "Please enjoy at your leisure. Someone will come along to collect you when-">> Suddenly her perfectly recited speech is interrupted by a shrieking <<pink "By the gods! A-are you okay?">><<br>>
In alarm you try to refocus on the world around you to see what caused her so much concern, only to find that the act is impossible. External existence, which you had managed to shrink down to a tiny fragment of its usual intensity with what you thought were 'clever thought exercises', instead keeps of slipping further and further out of consciousness as the heat overwhelms you completely. Even the scream of the beautician and the thud of your skull hitting the wooden bench barely register in your brain at all.<<br>>
<<link "Fall unconscious">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaGown2">>
<<set $customOutfit to "The soft gown you were offered in the spa has been taken off you to let you cool down, leaving you exposed.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
You wake up with a cool compress against your head and two faces looking down at you with concern, the beautician alongside a large athletic looking woman who you guess must have been the client being shown into the sauna. You're disorganized, but from this you figure that it's probably only minutes, rather than hours, since you fell unconscious.<<br>>
<<pink "-seen it before.">> The athletic woman is explaining to the beautician. <<pink "Some of the gals on the team do it for sport - see who can handle the heat for the longest, you know? Does a number on the ones who lose, but they're right as rain before long, just you see. Maybe she was doing it to test her limits or something.">><<br>>
The smaller woman is almost on the brink of tears. <<pink "Oh my //goodness//. What if she //dies// though? I'll be jailed for //life//!">><<br>>
Her distress is enough to drag you the rest of the way into consciousness, and you watch relief flood her face at seeing you take a deep breath, even if your next action is to grossly cough out a clump of wet mucus from where the humidity had condensed in your lungs.<<br>>
<<pink "Come here, lass.">> The larger woman easily hoists you up to sitting forward so that she can bring a glass of cold water to your lips. You're so desperate for the cool liquid that you can't help but suck greedily at it like a baby animal at a bottle of milk. You lack the oral dexterity right now to stop most of it from pouring down your front, but the way that it splatters across your bare chest is soothing too.<<br>>
Wait... bare chest?<<br>>
<<link "Shit!">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaGown3">>
<</link>><<set $outfit.over.Name to "Spa gown">>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing the soft and scented gown that you were provided in the spa.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
/* @@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSaunaWoman.jpg]]@@ */
You realize to your horror that you're sitting there without your gown - your body covered only by a pair of paper panties. They must have taken it off of you to let you cool down! All your efforts to not be seen without your gown on have just ended up with the exact opposite result.<<br>>
You see it discarded on the ground nearby, and desperately try to reach over and pull it back over you.<br>
<<section "section">>
The effort only seems to amuse the woman, who laughs boisterously. <<pink "Blow me. To think someone could still be self-conscious at the time like this.">> She says, more amused than unkind. <<pink "Relax, it's not like you've got anything that we haven't seen before.">><<br>>
You wince at the words - unless they've seen a lot of crossdressers you rather think that you //might// have a surprise to them, but you're glad that their assumptions and concern for your health have kept them from looking down at what you have between your legs.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:70%">
<<print _section>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSaunaWoman.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaSaunaWoman.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section>><<br>>
<<pink "That sweaty thing is the last thing that you need right now. Here, take mine.">> She insists, before shrugging her own gown off of her shoulders - fully revealing her muscular frame and heavy breasts.<<br>>
You're too polite to stare, and too desperate to get your body covered up to focus on the sight in front of you. You grab the gown and throw it over yourself as quickly as possible.<<br>>
Your haste gets you another chuckle from the woman, her chest rising and falling with the motion.
<<if $pc.boobs is 1>>
<<pink "Relax. So you're a bit underdeveloped - so what? Have some confidence - you're still a hottie, squirt.">>
<<pink "Relax. You don't have to get all shy on us, yer tits look perfectly fine from where I am. Have some confidence, squirt.">>
The beautician, who'd been so caught up in nervousness at having hurt the Princess that she'd been silent for some time, flinches at the the words. She leans over to whisper something in the larger woman's ear, whose eyes widen in surprise. <<pink "I mean, err, your Highness.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaSaunaGown4">>
<</link>>Luckily, it isn't too long before the cool air and fresh water manage to soothe you better.<<br>>
The larger woman doesn't stay for long, soon heading into the sauna herself. The beautician stays at your side the whole time, ensuring that you have a steady stream of cool compresses and water.<<br>>
You're grateful, but she seems so skittish that she'll suffer serious repercussions for letting the Princess get hurt that it's difficult to relax around her. No assurances that you're fine and it was your own silly fault seem to get through. By the time another beautician comes along to collect you you're thankful for the escape.<<br>>
She seems a little confused at why you're not still in the sauna, but you make sure to cover for the nervous girl with a swift excuse, and soon you're being led elsewhere in the spa.<<br>>
<<include "day68spaSaunaLeave">><<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude" and $caged is false>>
Luckily, the motion of walking quickly quells your erection<<br>>
<<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude">>
<<pink "Right this way, your Highness">> guides the beautician, who could well be any of the ones you've previously met but you don't know how you'd begin to tell the difference. <<pink "We're delighted that you chose the deluxe package for your massage today.">><<br>>
<<pink "Right this way, your Highness.">> guides the beautician gracefully. <<pink "The last experience that we have prepared for you is the massage that you requested - the deluxe package, I believe, how lovely.">><<br>>
You nod vaguely. You'd agreed to something earlier in the confusion, this was probably it. You're relieved that it isn't something more unpleasant.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaMassage">>
<</link>>You decide to do some light yoga, and are soon led though the pink-and-white halls. Along the way you peer through doorways and windows at relaxed looking, mostly-nude clients receiving all manner of treatments, some of which seem quite outlandish - you would never have thought being pierced by needles would be anything other than torture, but the blissful expression on the woman's face says otherwise. You just hope that it wont be happening to you later!<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaYoga.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink "Here you are, your Highness.">> Guides the beautician as she leads you into a wide and welcoming yoga room. <<pink "I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, Niccolo is a very talented teacher.">><<br>>
Niccolo himself, a tanned man with a toned physique, overhears the compliment and smiles broadly from under his moustache. <<blue "Many thanks. Please, welcome to our class, signorina - we were just doing some warm-ups. It's good to have another with us.">><<br>>
The class, a group of five women of various ages, peer over to see the newcomer, and you're greeted by a chorus of mild greetings.<<br>>
The beautician explains <<pink "Please enjoy at your leisure. Someone will come along to collect you when it's time to continue on.">> and leaves you with them.<<br>>
You pull up a little mat, placing it a step behind the line of women so that you don't have to worry so much about being watched, and start the lesson.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaYoga2">>
<</link>><<section "section">>
<<blue "Now, signoras, first we need to make your lovely bodies limber and relaxed. The world is so full of harshness and difficulty - things which make you tense and tough. But they can't reach you here - this is a place of relaxation, where you can shed those worries.">> The yogi explains in a melodic, soothing tone.<<br>>
You inwardly roll your eyes, but have no reason not to go along with it, gently pushing your body into the exercises that he demonstrates.<<br>>
Occasionally he'll gently rise to his feet to walk around his students to provide advice and encouragement. It makes you a little nervous, but luckily a few of the older women seem to need his attention the most and you manage to avoid his notice for now.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:57%">
<<print _section>>
<td style="width:43%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaYoga2.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaYoga2.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section>><<br>>
<<blue "Perfect.">> He announces after some time. <<blue "I believe that we're all warmed up now. Let me show you our first pose.">><<br>>
He returns to his position at the front of the room and demonstrates - starting with a kneeling position, and then bending his spine backwards over on itself. <<blue "We call this the Camel Pose. It's wonderful for opening up your shoulders, chest, and upper back.">> He explains <<blue "I believe that all of you are capable of it. You too, Sylvie - it will shed years from you, I'm certain.">> He adds playfully, with a jovial smile towards the oldest member of the group, who chortles bashfully.<<br>>
You're dubious that it'll do much, but try to match his stance - arching your back behind you. The moment that you do, a series of cracks of pops echo loudly across the room, followed by an involuntary little moan as relief floods through your body.<<br>>
<<blue "Dei mio, signorina!">> The yogi gasps in alarm, soon on his feet to rush over and check if you're alright. <<blue "Don't move a muscle.">><<br>>
You grit your teeth in embarrassment at your outburst. His hands reach out to gently but firmly support your spine, and he can't help but gasp in surprise.<<br>>
<<blue "My! I've never felt such bunched up stress!">> He all-but shouts. <<blue "I could almost believe that you've been fighting for your life non-stop all week!">><<br>>
<<blue "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Heavy is the crown, no?">> He continues, warmly sympathetic. <<blue "I'm glad that you came today - we'll get you all fixed up, just you see.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaYoga3">>
<</link>>After that, the man pays special attention to you for the rest of the session. Gently and supportively guiding you the whole way.<<br>>
It's exactly the kind of attention that you'd wanted to avoid, but it would be a lot easier to resent it if it didn't feel quite so incredible. He's absolutely right - the amount of tension you'd been keeping in your muscles from the constant fear and anxiety of your impersonation has done horrors to your body.<<br>>
Like he has a sixth sense on the matter, the yogi seems to understand instinctively exactly what kind of stretches you need to ease out the stiffness in your joints.<<br>>
You can catch a few jealous glances from the other women at first, but after they hear what kind of noises you keep on making they seem to quickly understand that your need really is greater than their own.<<br>>
What seems more pressing to you however is the way that his hands begin to touch you. At first you panic, nervous that he's groping you, but his manner seems completely professional, no more personal than he'd been with anyone else, and you can't deny that every time his hands make contact he manages to direct your body towards even greater relief.<<br>>
<<link "Take the time to focus on his intimate touch">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<set $day68spaActivity to "yogaTouch">>
<<goto "day68spaYogaTouch">>
<<link "Take the time to focus on my body and make peace with it's changes">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $day68spaActivity to "yogaBody">>
<<goto "day68spaYogaBody">>
<</link>>He's just trying to help, and it's unquestionably effective. You'd be a fool not to embrace the support.<<br>>
You feel like clay being moulded by his tender hands - smoothing away the various aches and worries that you've collected over the last week.<<br>>
You become more and more used to it. The way his warm, firm hands direct your body - pressing, lifting, adjusting - soon becomes something that feels completely natural. In fact, given how every time he makes contact it's immediately followed by a wave of blissful relief, it's impossible not to find yourself looking forward to each and every one.<<br>>
After many stretches you almost find yourself focusing less on the touches and more on the absences. Whenever he switches to check on the others, or stands back at the front to explain the next position, you're filled with a longing, and when his confident, capable fingers brush over your body once more your muscles aren't the only ones feeling relief.<<br>>
You're constantly on the lookout for any trace of inappropriateness from him, but you don't find any in the slightest. In fact, his manner is so professional that even when he guides the class into what he calls a 'downward facing dog' - a shape that to you seems almost obscene - neither his gaze nor his hands stray anywhere close to your protruding, presented<<if $pc.butt is 2>>, rounded<</if>> behind. He remains perfectly composed.<<br>>
Which is why it's so surprising that you can't say the same - there's a warmth inside of you that swells, his every tender touch acting as kindling to the fire.<<br>>
As the lesson continues, you find yourself making more and more 'mistakes' in your posture, more and more excuses for his strong hands to softly grasp your limbs and direct them elsewhere, or for his fingers to hook under your hips to pull you upwards. With every contact you lean yourself into the sensation - pressing your flesh deeper into his touch, desperate for more.<<br>>
If he notices your efforts, he has the tact not to mention it - his expression remaining as warm and encouraging as ever. However, after a particularly breathy noise you make when his arm brushes over your belly, you're not certain if you can say the same for the other women in the class. In fact, when you briefly make eye-contact with Sylvie, the oldest woman, she gives you a little //wink//, as if she's no stranger to the feeling herself. No wonder she's a regular.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaYogaEnd">>
/* You're hit by a discomfort which comes as a surprise to you. One that you don't immediately recognize. Your brain quickly tries to catalogue the feeling. Could it be that you're warm? cold? thirsty? hungry? sleepy? No - you're much to familiar with those for it to be anything so simple.<<br>>
You consider stress or anxiety, but they've become close companions to you over the last week, you'd recognize them like the back of your hand - in fact, with all of the relaxing stretching you're doing, you can barely remember the last time they've felt so far away.<<br>>
You begin indexing the more uncommon causes. Could it be jealousy? That's not quite it... but it's actually not all that dissimilar. It's remarkably like the feeling that you should be getting something that you're being denied, and are grumpy that you're not getting it. But... that doesn't make much sense, does it? What could //possibly// be giving you a feeling like that?<<br>>
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks.<<br>>
<<link "Gasp in surprise">>
<<goto "day68spaYogaTouch2">>
:: day68spaYogaTouch2
Your reaction is so strong that it draws the attention of the whole class. The man frowns from his position at the front of the group, a little confused. <<blue "Strange. I didn't think that this stretch would be so intense for you yet. Take a breather so that you don't hurt yourself, signorina.">><<br>>
You're grateful for the reprieve, and take the opportunity to dwell on the matter - the realization that you //want// him to notice you, to find you attractive, to want you.<<br>>
This doesn't mean that you're into //guys// is it? You fret on the matter, but discard it. You're concerned that the concept doesn't seem nearly as incongruous as it might have done a few days ago, but that's a matter for another day - you can tell that he's kinda handsome and stuff, but it doesn't feel like it's actually about //him// at all. It's about you - the feeling of being wanted, drawing the attention of others, being an object of desire.<<br>> */As effective as his touching is, it's not something that you're completely comfortable receiving. The contact still risks being found out, you can't help your body from instinctively flinching every time he comes close.<<br>>
He seems to pick up on your reactions, and before long he seems to identify that, since the goal is to help you to relax, he's more effective at helping you do that from a distance.<<br>>
Nevertheless you feel anything but neglected, he's sure to provide plenty of guidance and instruction whenever he sees that you're struggling.<<br>>
With all of your attention so inwardly focused, you're forced to really process your anatomy. Ever since the changes began you've felt so abruptly dislocated from your embodiment - inhabiting an alien body not your own. Every movement that's felt slightly //off// due to minute changes in your proportions has been so unnervingly //wrong// that the only way that you've been able to get by has been to cut yourself off from the feeling completely. You've been forced to think of your body is nothing more than a meat puppet.<<br>>
For the first time since this began, you take the time and energy to truly //feel// every movement, to notice every altered thing about your body and //accept// it, incorporate it into yourself and adjust your internal body map to include it.<<br>>
It's a struggle - one where you're forced to confront every piece of you that feels hurt and resentful for what's happened to you, but to be completely honest, it comes easier to you than you'd ever expected. You barely have to catalogue a change before it feels coherent, unified, //right//.<<br>>
In fact, oddly, you could swear that you feel more in-touch with your body than you ever had before, almost like the sense of incongruity has been going on for much, //much// longer than you'd thought - like there's //always// been something about your body that's made it difficult to accept internally, which is somehow only just starting to be resolved.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahh, there's a face of relaxation.">> You hear the man say softly, interrupting your thoughts. You open your eyes to see the whole class warmly watching your expression. You flush red and cough awkwardly to try to dispel the attention, but you can't hide the fact that despite the intensity of your thoughts, your face had been a vision of smiling, contented bliss.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaYogaEnd">>
<</link>>Despite the embarrassment, the rest of the session passes just as well, and when the class finishes up and a beautician comes to collect you can barely hide your disappointment.<<br>>
<<blue "Wonderful to have you with us, signorina.">> The man says charmingly in farewell. <<blue "You must have troubles, no? But please do not let the stress build up that far again, it does not suit you. Try to remember some of what you've learnt today.">><<br>>
<<if $day68spaActivity is "yogaTouch">>
You think about what you learnt today, and find a blush reaching your cheeks. You couldn't begin to recall any of the actual lesson - all you can think about is his touch.<<br>>
Nevertheless, you say that you will, and soon you're being led away, back through the hallways of the spa.
You smile. After the realizations you had during the session, you're quite sure that you will.<<br>>
After offering your assurances, you're soon led away, back through the hallways of the spa.
<<pink "Right this way, your Highness">> guides the beautician, who could well be any of the ones you've previously met but you don't know how you'd begin to tell the difference. <<pink "We're delighted that you chose the //deluxe// package for your massage today.">><<br>>
You nod vaguely. You'd agreed to something earlier in all of the confusion, this was probably it. You're relieved that it isn't something more unpleasant.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaMassage">>
<</link>><<setter "day68spaActivity to 'yogaTouch'" "day68spaActivity to 'yogaBody'" "day68spaActivity to 'saunaGown'" "day68spaActivity to 'saunaNude'">>
<<set $customOutfit to "You've taken off the soft gown you were offered in the spa to receive a massage.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMassage.jpg]]@@
You're led to a new room - a darker space dominated by a large comfortable massage table in the center. The relaxing sound of spa water gently bubbling though water features fills the space.<<br>>
<<pink "Please remove your gown and lie down on your front.">> Your guide explains. <<pink "Our masseuse will be with you shortly.">><<br>>
With that, she dips in a small curtsy and leaves you alone in the room.<<br>>
<<if $day68spaActivity is "yogaTouch" or $day68spaActivity is "yogaBody">>
The idea of being seen without your gown is daunting, but somehow you feel so relaxed and comfortable after your yoga experience that it's difficult to stay worried for too long. You find yourself drawn towards the massage table like a moth to a flame.<<br>>
Once there, you're relieved to find a little set of towels set up on the side. This must be to preserve your modesty!
<<elseif $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude" or $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown">>
You flinch - terrified at the thought of having to strip off //again// and risk discovery.<<br>>
You search around for another option - an escape route if it comes to it. To your relief such a drastic measure proves to be unnecessary - Next to the massage table there's a little set of towels, perfect for preserving your modesty. You'll only be exposing your back - what's the worst that can happen?
After a cautious look around to make sure that nobody's looking in, you release your gown from your shoulders and let it fall down your <<print $pc.skin.color>> body. You let a little shiver run down you as your skin<<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown">>, still a little raw from your experience in the sauna, <</if>> is exposed to the air. Then you hop up onto the massage table, lay yourself flat, and drag a towel over the <<if $pc.butt is 2>>not-unsizable<</if>> curve of your behind.<<br>>
You don't have to wait long before the masseuse arrives, but <<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown" or $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude">>after the stress of the sauna the quiet relaxation is quickly enough to make you<<else>>you're so relaxed after your yoga class that you're quickly<</if>> so comfortable and drowsy that you barely notice her light steps approaching until you can see her pedicured feet through the hole in the massage table.<<br>>
<<pink "Good afternoon, your Grace.">> She greets you. <<pink "I hope that you've had a wonderful time with us so far today.">><<br>>
<<link "Reply that you have">>
<<set $day68massageReply to true>>
<<goto "day68spaMassage2">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<link "Stay quiet">>
<<set $day68massageReply to false>>
<<goto "day68spaMassage2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68massageReply to false" "day68massageReply to true" "day68spaActivity to 'yogaTouch'" "day68spaActivity to 'yogaBody'" "day68spaActivity to 'saunaGown'" "day68spaActivity to 'saunaNude'">>
<<if $day68massageReply is true>>
<<pink "Wonderful">> The masseuse replies warmly to your assent. <<pink "It's so important to us that everyone leaves as relaxed and pampered as possible.">>
<<pink "Wonderful">> The masseuse replies warmly, taking your response as a given despite the fact that you didn't say anything. <<pink "It's so important to us that everyone leaves as relaxed and pampered as possible.">>
<<unset $day68massageReply>>
She steps around to the side of the table, and you feel the strange sensation of oil being lightly spread over your skin, followed soon by the light contact as her fingers glide over your back.<<br>>
<<if $day68spaActivity.includes("yoga")>>
<<pink "Ahh, you must had the yoga class.">> She identifies quickly. <<pink "It's done a good job stretching out your muscles. All of the areas that are so often tight and enclosed are opened up - like your body's a map that's been unfolded, making everything easily to find. But merely exposing an area of tension isn't the same as //resolving// it.">>
<<elseif $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown">>
You can hear the frown in her voice as she mutters <<pink "My, what ductile skin. Looks like you must have gone //hard// in the saunas.">><<br>>
You wince at the memory<<br>>
<<pink "Oh well, it suits our purposes actually. Your muscles are all softened up from the heat, all of the areas that are so often tight and enclosed are opened up - like your body's a map that's been unfolded, making everything easily to find. But merely exposing an area of tension isn't the same as //resolving// it.">>
You can hear the frown in her voice as she mutters <<pink "My, so much tension. It's like you've spent the last hour wrapped up into a ball.">><<br>>
You wince, after your experience cowering and aroused in the showers she's not far off.<<br>>
<<pink "But no matter. I can tell that you must have been in the sauna - despite the tightness your muscles are still all softened up from the heat. All of the areas that are so often tight and enclosed have opened up - like your body's a map that's been unfolded, making everything easily to find. But merely //exposing// an area of tension isn't the same as //resolving// it..">>
Her touch lingers over a section of your back. <<pink "Ahh, here's one now. Allow me to show you.">><<br>>
Then she presses down, //hard//. For a moment your eyes bulge at the sudden intensity, but the pressure is followed a moment later by a wave of pure pleasure. A tightness in your spine that you long ago dismissed as '//just the way that spines are//' proves not to be as universal as you'd expected - it's //gone//, replaced by an ease that you never thought possible. The sensation feels as alien as it does wonderful.<<br>>
<<if $voice lte 2>>
You can't stop a moan from coming out your mouth, and are horrified when it comes out husky and masculine in surprise. You freeze in shock, but to your relief she just continues on, clearly more than used to ejecting unusual noises from people.<<check "voice training check">>
You can't stop a moan from coming out your mouth. Despite the surprise, you find that you've done enough voice training for your instincts to kick in, and the noise comes out soft and feminine rather than gruff and masculine.<<check "voice training check">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaMassage3">>
<</link>>The masseuse begins in earnest - her fingers, palms, forearms, and sometimes even her elbows, journeying high and low up your back to bring you pleasure and relief.<<br>>
It quickly settles into a pattern. First there's a period of soft relaxation as she rubs over your body, followed by a sharp movement when her probing finds another area of tension and she sets to work violently resolving the matter. Each one isn't unlike a jump-scare, but you can't argue with the results - you're quickly in absolute bliss, like the stresses of the last week are bubbles within you which her fingers draw the the surface and pop away into nothing but ease and relaxation.<<br>>
She starts from the top, lingering at your neck, and then slowly moves down your body - across your shoulders, down your spine, and then lower still.<<br>>
When she first starts grazing past the towel lying across your butt, her fingers running just under the sides of the covering, you dismiss it as too minor a concern to make a deal out of, but then by the time she dips yet further downwards, her hands pushing the towel further and further off of you as she focuses her nimble hands on your glutes, it feels like it's already been happening for so long that it feels foolish to bring it up now.<<br>>
Maybe it would be easier to be concerned about the matter if it wasn't for the fact that every time she finds a stubborn knot you find your attention completely interrupted by waves of pleasure so strong that they that ensure you have to regather the scraps of your train-of-thought from scratch<<if $voice gte 2>>, each one accompanied by a breathy moan that you can't believe is coming from your lips<</if>>.<<br>>
Soon it's not just the towel which is being invaded - it's all-but already off you - but the paper panties themselves, her fingers crinkling the material as they push ever-further past the barrier.<<br>>
Just when you're about to get truly concerned, your nervous relaxation is interrupted as she speaks up, <<pink "Would her highness like to flip over now?">><<br>>
<<link "Do as she says and expose your front.">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "flip">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<goto "day68spaMassageFlip">>
<<link "No way! Refuse.">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "butt">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageButt">>
<</link>>Your decision to flip over comes more by raw instinct than intentional choice. Your wits so dulled by relaxation that your body has obeyed the instruction before your brain can even process it.<<br>>
You inwardly scream at yourself for your mistake - what if she sees your bulge! Your hands quickly dart out to adjust the towel back into position, covering your groin before the masseuse has time to notice what you have going on in your panties, but even then the danger isn't over - she can still see the //rest// of you!<br>
<<section "sectionZ">>
You cringe so hard in place that you're sure that you've re-grown half of the knots of stress that she just eased away, but <<if $day68activityRoute is "saunaGown">>just like when you'd been exposed earlier in the sauna <</if>>she doesn't seem perturbed in the slightest.
<<section "sectionY">>
<<pink "Oh my, your Highness.">> She reassures softly. <<pink "I know that it can be such a... delicate age, but you needn't worry about being seen. <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>You're no less developed than a couple of the girls here, you know, and you have plenty of time left for them to develop.<<else>>You should be confident in your chest, it's quite lovely.<</if>>">><<br>>
You feel heat rise to your face at her words, which draws a sweet smile from the woman, but your turbulent emotions are interrupted by the peculiar sensation of her squirting a thick dollop of oil over your stomach.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _sectionZ>><<br>>
<<print _sectionY>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMasseuse.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<br><<print _sectionZ>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMasseuse.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _sectionY>><<br>>
You quickly find out that getting a massage while on your back is a lot more embarrassing than one on your front. Whereas before your expressions and moans were safely muffled into the massage table, now there's no hiding them. Your every blissful twist and reaction is clearly visible to the masseuse, and the wry smile that she makes every time her gaze looks up towards your face is enough to keep a blush on your face long after your anxiety about your body has ebbed away.<<br>>
And then her hands brush against your chest, <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>oiled fingers lightly reaching your swollen, tender nipples.<<elseif $pc.boobs is 2>>oiled fingers running up the curve of your small breasts before making brief contact with your tender nipples.<</if>><<br>>
You make what can only be described as an embarrassing //squeak// at the sensation, your body clenching forward in a convulsion of pleasure.<<br>>
You stare at the masseuse in surprise - this isn't what you were expecting at all! However she just gives you a reassuring smile. <<pink "The deluxe package you ordered, your Highness.">><<br>>
Oh gods, is this the beginning of a 'happy ending'?<<br>>
<<link "Put a stop to this right now.">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "flipStop">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageStop">>
<<link "Let it happen">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "flipLet">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<goto "day68spaMassageFlipLet">>
<</link>><<setter "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false">>
The way that she's acting makes it seem like this is perfectly normal for her, like every rich client that comes into the spa gets something like this. You're not completely comfortable with the idea, but you're terrified that making a big deal about it would expose yourself as an impostor who's not used to the way that things are for nobility. No, the only sensible thing to do is let this happen.<<br>>
With ever-increasing intensity her hands make contact against your <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>nipples<<else>>tits<</if>>, at first merely gently rubbing over them, but gradually lingering on them with greater and greater fervor.<<br>>
Your breath soon comes in gasps, your insides growing warmer, your limbs getting wrigglier, your brain getting fuzzier and fuzzier with the flush of arousal. You've never touched the new parts of your body <<if def $day5morningWankGirl>>with this intensity<<else>>this way<</if>>, and the sensation is enough to make you dizzy.<<br>>
Just when you get used to the noises that you're making they change once more - from gasping to a //whimpering// that would be humiliating beyond words if you had the mental capacity for anything other than a deep and desperate need for more.<<br>>
<<pink "So //sensitive//.">> The masseuse coos, her tone warm and encouraging.<<br>>
Her fingers close in, no longer content merely to caress but now actively //twisting// and //pulling// at your sensitive nubs. Each one sends spasms through your limbs. You're so desperate for more, but the masseuse is professional enough to know not to give it to you yet - for now she ensures that she stays just short of what you most desire, instead teasing you further and further, drawing you deeper and deeper into your state of lust.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
Down below, your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>smaller-than-average<<else>>small<</if>> cock strains impotently against the metal bars of your cage. The pain is stronger than words - sharp, agonizing, and frustrating. It //should// be enough to negate the pleasure from your chest, but it's not - in the haze of lust, the pain gets twisted in your mind as just another source of stimulation.<<br>>
You can feel the sensation change as, almost as if you're being milked from it from the stimulation at your chest, your trapped cock pathetically dribbles a spurt of pre-cum into the cage, making it squelchy and sticky around you.<<br>>
<<link "It feels so good">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageFlipCage">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "flipCage">>
Suddenly the stimulation stops, and at first you're left almost mewing with need, however what happens a moment later is enough to suddenly pull you back to your senses.<<br>>
The masseuse gasps in abject shock.<<br>>
Your eyes open, and see where her gaze is focused - directly at your groin.<<br>>
It's inevitable, but you still curse yourself for being so stupid to not have thought of it. The towel that covers your crotch is no longer laying flat - it's been pushed upwards by the force of your erection, revealing your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>cock<<else>>petite cock<</if>> underneath.<<br>>
<<link "Fuck!">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageFlipLetFree">>
<</if>><<setter "pc.shave to 'strip'" "pc.shave to 'hairless'" "pc.shave to 'bush'" "pc.shave to 'heart'" "pc.shave to 'legs'" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2">>
For a few seconds you and the masseuse just stare at each other.<<br>>
Your heart can barely process the whiplash of being thrown straight from sexual bliss directly into terrible danger.<<br>>
The masseuse is the first to break the silence. <<pink "I- Well, umm.">> She stammers as she tries to process what's directly in front of her. <<pink "This is certainly a //surprise//.">><<br>>
Your muscles tense up in preparation to run away. You'd rather your great escape //didn't// have to be when you're nude, painfully erect, and covered in oil, but that's just how it'll have to be. At least the oil might make you harder to grab, you figure.<<br>>
The masseuse seems to come to her wits, her eyes widening as she realizes how rude she's being. <<pink "By the saint, I'm so sorry, your Highness.">> she flusters with a low curtsy. <<pink "I wasn't expecting you to quite have the umm- //equipment// that you do. I'm so sorry for not being fully prepared. Had I known I would have had the appropriate lubricants prepared for you.">><<br>>
You can hardly believe your ears. Why isn't she screaming? Why is she still referring to you as a princess?<<br>>
Running on automatic, you dumbly mutter something about it being fine. Meanwhile, you try to make sense of it. Sure, when dealing with royalty it //might// make sense to keep your head down and not make a fuss no matter how weird things get, but you can't imagine taking something like //this// in your stride.<<br>>
Nevertheless, take it in stride she does - slathering her hands in the massage oil and returning them to your body. <<pink "No matter. I can work with what I have on-hand.">><<br>>
Her slick hands neatly slide both the towel and your paper panties out of the way, leaving your <<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>hairless<<if $pc.penis is 2>>,<</if>><<elseif $pc.shave is "bush" or $pc.shave is "heart" or $pc.shave is "strip">>carefully-shaven<<if $pc.penis is 2>>,<</if>><</if>> <<if $pc.penis is 2>>undersized<</if>> cock completely exposed, and focuses her attention upon it.<<br>>
<<link "Fuck, looks like this is happening!">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageFlipLetFree2">>
<</link>><<if $pc.penis is 2>><<pink "Such a sweet little thing it is too.">> She coos, in a tone that might be encouraging if it wasn't so shameful.<<br>><</if>>
At first her hands lightly caress their way around the area, teasing gently while slowly spreading the silky oil over your flesh. Only once you're completely covered does she set to truly giving you the stimulation that you crave.<<br>>
It begins with long, slow stokes with her fingers, starting at the root of your shaft and slowly caressing upwards, lifting her fingers off of your engorged tip with a flourish at the end. The action is so deliberate, regular, and repetitious that you soon find your breathing syncing perfectly with it - which makes the sensation as they eventually increase in frequency all the more intense, like your entire being is accelerating. She keeps going for so long that you feel like your head's going to explode before she finally breaks the rhythm and gives you what you're needily craving - wrapping those manicured fingers fully around your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> shaft and //pumping//.<<br>>
You wish that you could say that you handle her efforts with dignity. Unfortunately, you don't. You're so pent up, not just from her work but also the week that you've been through, that the lightest touch on your cock is enough to send you into bliss so intense that you can't keep your eyes from crossing. Your lust is so strong that you soon can't control your hips and they start pressing upwards, thrusting needily into her supple hands to try to draw as much stimulation as you possibly can from them.<<br>>
Try as she might to remain professional, the masseuse can't hide her smiling bemusement at your whimpering, wriggling display. <<pink "Come on, you can do it!">> She encourages in a tone that might otherwise be better suited to talking to a dog than a person, but is unarguably appropriate for your gasping need. Her hand glides up and down you with ever-increasing intensity.<<br>>
You don't last long. In fact, from the look of surprise on the woman's face it seems like she was expecting to be barely getting started, but you're powerless to stop yourself. Your cum, thin and watery, erupts out of you in desperate spurts. She's too shocked to cover in time, so the liquid splatters directly over your own supine, writhing form - mixing with the massage oils covering your slender tummy and <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>the sensitive nubs of your nipples<<else>>your petite breasts<</if>>. A few stray droplets even manage to reach your face and hair.<<br>>
<<pink "There you go, good //girl//!">> She cheers at your orgasm, only to change it a moment later to <<pink "Err, I mean, good boy?">>, and then as she fully remembers the situation she abruptly amends it once more with a cough. <<pink "Oh! I mean umm... excellent work, your Excellency.">><<br>>
You're completely thrown off by the strength of your orgasm, your body tensing and shaking in bursts until finally leaving you panting and exhausted.<<br>>
<<pink "We hope that you've enjoyed our 'deluxe' massage today, your Highness.">> The masseuse recites, switching back to absolute professionalism again so quickly that you're surprised that she doesn't get whiplash. <<pink "You can find a shower in the adjoining room. A member of staff will come to collect you shortly.">><<br>>
After a curtsy, she leaves you be.<<br>>
<<link "Stagger to the shower">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageShower">>
<</link>>The massage continues for some time, your masseuse drawing even more humiliating noises and expressions from you with her skilled fingers, but then you see her free hand reaching down, about to move away the towel covering your modesty.<<br>>
You're so deep into the throes of lust that you can barely keep your eyes from crossing, and yet somehow the danger is strong enough to pierce through the haze and grab your attention like a vise. You barely manage to grab the towel in time - your hands clutching at the material a mere fragment of an inch before you're exposed.<<br>>
The masseuse looks up in surprise. <<pink "Is there a problem, your Highness?">><<br>>
You open your mouth to reply, but the only thing that comes out is a moan so breathy that you abruptly shut it again in shame.<<br>>
<<pink "If I'm doing anything wrong please don't hesitate to instruct me, your Grace. I could perhaps-">> She queries with concern, before seeming to come to a realization. <<pink "Oh! But of //course//, it must be your time of the month, my Liege! No wonder you wouldn't want me going there.">><<br>>
As much as a relief as it is to be offered an excuse, you wish that it didn't have to come with the awkward caveat of forcing you to awkwardly mumble that you're on your period. You're grateful that you're already as flushed as you could be by the heat of arousal, else you're sure that your thoughts would be completely exposed by blushing.<<br>>
You find yourself inwardly cursing the cock-cage that you're wearing at having forced you to cut the experience short. However, when you consider how this might have gone if you //hadn't// been wearing it, and you had an obvious erection tenting up your towel, you feel like you might actually have dodged a bullet.<<br>>
<<pink "Well, I suppose we'll have to leave it here then.">> The masseuse concludes, with an undertone to her voice that you could almost mistake for disappointment. <<pink "I hope that you'll come back another time, your Highness.">><<br>>
A part of you desperately wants to tell her to stay, to continue her blissful work on your chest at the very least, but you bite your lip to keep the words from coming out of you. You were so caught up in pleasure that you almost let yourself get exposed - you can't risk it.<<br>>
<<pink "You can find a shower in the adjoining room. A member of staff will come to collect you shortly.">> The woman finishes, before leaving with a curtsy.<<br>>
With the cage still on you, you can't even do anything to relieve the deep and needy lust that still lingers within you.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageShower">>
<</link>>You'd be a total idiot to flip over! Your body might have changed somewhat, but that doesn't mean that you can risk her noticing all of the incongruities you have going on. It's difficult to gather the willpower through the haze of relaxation, but you firmly refuse her.<<br>>
For a moment the masseuse seems completely flummoxed by the odd refusal, and you worry that you might have drawn too much suspicion to yourself, but a moment later she claps her hands together with some kind of realization.<<br>>
<<pink "Ahh! But of //course// - I was told that they do things differently in the Capital. I understand completely.">><<br>>
Your relief keeps you from worrying about what she might mean.<<br>>
She leaves you to go gather something from a shelf on the other side of the room, returning back to your side after a few seconds and returning to the massage, her hands running over your body once more.<<br>>
You quickly ease back into relaxation, content that everything's safely back to within your comfort levels, which is why it comes as a surprise when the moment that the masseuse sees that you've settled back down you hear a wet //squelch// as she squeezes something over her manicured hands, reaches them under your panties, between your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>ample<</if>> buttocks, and then presses a now-lubricated finger gently against your butthole.<br>
<<section "section1">>
Your reaction is immediate, jumping in shock and turning around to stare at her in surprise - this isn't what you were expecting at all! However she just gives you a reassuring smile. <<pink "The deluxe package you ordered, your Highness - the 'metropolitan' way.">>
<<section "section2">>
Oh gods, is this massage meant to include a 'happy ending'?<<br>>
<<link "Put a stop to this right now.">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "buttStop">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageStop">>
<<link "Let it happen">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "buttLet">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<goto "day68spaMassageButtLet">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _section1>><<br>>
<<print _section2>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMasseuse.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _section1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMasseuse.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section2>>
/* Your reaction is immediate, jumping in shock and turning around to stare at her in surprise, taking her in for the first time - this isn't what you were expecting at all! However she just gives you a reassuring smile. <<pink "The deluxe package you ordered, your Highness - the 'metropolitan' way.">><<br>>
Oh gods, is this a 'happy ending'.<<br>>
<<link "Put a stop to this right now.">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "buttStop">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageStop">>
<<link "Let it happen">>
<<set $day68spaMassage to "buttLet">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<goto "day68spaMassageButtLet">>
<</link>> */The way that she's acting makes it seem like this is perfectly normal for her, like every rich client that comes into the spa gets something like this. You're not comfortable with the idea of being touched //there//, but you're terrified that making a big deal about it would expose yourself as an impostor who's not used to the way that things are for nobility. No - you hate to say it, but the only sensible thing to do is let this happen.<<br>>
The masseuse gently lowers your paper panties so that they're not in the way, though to your relief she doesn't remove them completely - else she might have been able to see <<if $pc.penis is 2>>the little pouch of your balls<<else>>the shape of your balls<</if>> pressed against the massage table beneath you.<<br>>
Noticing that you'd flinched the last time she did it, she doesn't immediately jump straight back to where she was. Instead, she gently strokes around the area first, getting you used to the idea - her hands gently cupping and releasing your buttocks and lightly tracing down the crease of your behind as she goes.<<br>>
Every time her fingers get within an inch of your butthole you can't stop your whole body from flinching. It's not that it feels //bad// exactly, but it's nothing that you've felt before - a part of your body that has never been touched by another in your whole life, it takes you off guard every time. The flinching is entirely instinctual, like someone brushing past your neck.<<br>>
She continues for some time, using your flinches to monitor exactly when to ease away and go back to gentle massaging. You can feel the radius within which contact feels alien and wrong get smaller and smaller with every moment as the soft caresses slowly teach your brain that it's overreacting.<<br>>
You're not completely comfortable with the idea of your mental defenses getting worn down about the area - what if they never come back?<<br>>
Finally, her teasing fingers manage to converge on the area right at the center without you flinching at all. You swallow nervously.<<br>>
The lack of reaction doesn't go unnoticed by the masseuse, and she seizes the moment with a quickness that could almost be described as //eager// - her slender lubricated finger pressing slowly into your hole.<<br>>
<<link "Fuck!">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageButtLet2">>
<</link>>The pain hits you like a lance, and your whole body writhes desperately in an impotent effort to get away. However, her spare hand firmly settles on your back to hold you in place. <<pink "//Relax//, your Highness. Remember to breathe, slowly in and out - like this.">><<br>>
She models some deep breathing for you. You can barely focus on it - every inch of your mind and body screaming at you for attention, but somehow you manage to gather the wits to follow her lead. It's a challenge - your lungs seem to be capable only of either rapid hyperventilating or completely holding your breath, getting it somewhere in-between the two seems completely impossible.<<br>>
The whole time, neither the finger in your hole nor the hand on the back of your spine move an inch, assertively holding you in place with the confidence that can only have come from being familiar with such things and knowing exactly what's best for you.<<br>>
<<pink "Good, //good//.">> She soothes, as you manage to get close to her breathing pace. <<pink "Now push outwards with your muscles, like you're trying to push me out.">><<br>>
It's a weird idea - isn't the point to try to //avoid// tautness, rather than try to cause it? But her confident, soothing tone of voice is such an oasis of calm amid the mind-numbing pain you find yourself following her guidance automatically.<<br>>
You don't understand why it works, but it does - the pain is far from absent, but it's certainly a good deal better than it was before.<<br>>
<<pink "Good!">> Your gentle tormentor encourages. <<pink "I can feel you letting me into you, well done!">><<br>>
The shameful words are enough to break your focus, which proves to be a painful mistake - the moment your breathing gets out of rhythm the sharp aching returns with feeling, and you're forced to try to regather your focus again from scratch to escape it.<<br>>
As you do so, you realize to your dismay that she's absolutely right - you //are// accepting her into yourself. While you're forcing your muscles to press outwards, the rise-and-fall of your breathing is enough to make them undulate softly - every inward breath practically //pulls// her finger deeper inside of you. It's only the merest fraction of an inch each time, but it's happening.<<br>>
The thought of your body doing this thing is so bizarre that you almost end up panicking, but you know that if you stop breathing or pushing for even a moment then the pain will return - despite those being the two things making this happen! Your body forces you against your will to let it drag the masseuse's finger further and further into you, with pain as punishment.<<br>>
<<link "Wince and bear it">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageButtLet3">>
<</link>>You remain that way for some time, tense and nervous, slowly adjusting to the invasive presence of another inside you. Her finger is slender and lubricated, but it still feels as thick and coarse as a brick inside you.<<br>>
And then the masseuse's finger is pulled deep enough to brush against //something//.<<br>>
You feel a shudder rise through your body at the sensation, an alien and unexpected shock.<<br>>
You realize the mistake too late - in your surprise you let your breathing and pushing stop for a moment. You brace your body for the pain that's about to course through you, only to realize that it //doesn't//.<<br>>
<<pink "//There// we go, your Highness.">> The masseuse cheers, and you can hear the proud smile in her voice. <<pink "You've done it - you're past the difficult part. You've accepted penetration.">><<br>>
Your face flushes a deep crimson at the absurd, shameful words, but it's true - whatever combination of mental and physical hang-ups that had been rejecting the experience have all-but passed. Now instead of pain you just have the odd sensation of //fullness//.<<br>>
And then she curls her finger.<<br>>
You can feel the resistance inside of you as her fingertip once again brushes softly against //something//. The sensation is completely bizarre, and you're not sure if you like it one bit, but your body seems to get a totally different memo - a deep, breathy moan escaping from your lips.<<br>>
<<pink "//There// it is.">> Purrs the masseuse at the noise you make. She curls her finger again, and this time you manage to keep your mouth shut but instead it's your hips which betray you - pushing backwards into her finger needily.<<br>>
And then she begins in earnest.<<br>>
<<link "Moan and writhe">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageButtLet4">>
<</link>><<setter "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false">>
It's like there's a disconnect between your brain and your body. Your mind hasn't even had time to process the new sensation as pleasure yet - internalizing it as merely an odd //pressure//, and watching with shocked horror at the way you wriggle, moan, whimper, and spasm around her touch.<<br>>
The masseuse isn't content to merely continue caressing your prostate alone. Now that pain is the //last// thing on your mind she's comfortable moving her whole finger - slowly pumping in and out of you like you're being fucked. With every inward movement she makes sure to teasingly make contact with the pleasure-nub, and eject another shameful noise from your lips.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
Down below, your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>smaller-than-average<<else>>small<</if>> cock strains impotently against the metal bars of your cage. The pain is stronger than words - sharp, agonizing, and frustrating. It //should// be enough to negate the pleasure, but it's not - instead in the haze of lust the pain gets twisted in your mind as just another source of stimulation.<<br>>
You can feel the sensation change as your trapped cock pathetically dribbles pre-cum into the cage, making it squelchy and sticky around you.<<br>>
Your cock slowly grows hard underneath you. Pressed firmly beneath you, your needy gyrations in turn make you thrust forward into gap between the cushioned table and your soft tummy just as you thrust backwards into her finger, fucking you on both sides. Despite that, as if understanding instinctively that it's not the main feature of this occasion, it never reaches full hardness - instead remaining in a spongy semi-erect state.<<br>>
Then your eyes widen in surprise as the experience shifts - the painful, aching sensation of yet another finger greedily forcing its way inside your body. It hurts, but you're past the point of caring - so blissfully filled and over-stimulated that you just accept it with needy abandon.<<br>>
There's a feeling growing inside of you, a warmth that spreads with every moment until it fills up everything. Your movements shift irrepressibly from spasms and wriggles to something much more unified - your limbs tensing so tight that they shake in place. It comes in waves, washing over you like the tide.<<br>>
Seeing the state you're in, the masseuse takes action - intensifying her pumping to match the rhythm of those waves in a sublime crescendo.<<br>>
It's not an orgasm - you //know// that it's not - no cum comes out of you, for one - but it's certainly a peak of a kind, one that sends you quivering.<<br>>
<<pink "There you go, good //girl//!">> She cheers at the expression you make, before fully remembering the situation and abruptly amending it with an embarrassed cough. <<pink "Oh! I mean umm... excellent work, your Excellency.">><<br>>
As your limbs settle down the masseuse gently removes her fingers from you. You feel yawningly empty without them there.<<br>>
<<pink "I think it's probably best if we stop here.">> She explains, in a voice that sounds almost like she's proud of you. <<pink "We could push you all the way to a full orgasm, but since you must be new to this I don't think that it would be wise.">><<br>>
A desperate part of you wants to tell her to keep going, no matter how much it'll mess you up. After all, if that was only a peak, how good could the full orgasm be? However it's regrettably shouted down by the rest of you - you //ache// in ways that you never could have imagined, both physically and mentally. She seems to take your strained silence, and the quivers from your after-spasms, as agreement.<<br>>
<<pink "We hope that you've enjoyed our 'deluxe' massage today, your Highness.">> The masseuse recites, switching back to absolute professionalism again so quickly that you're surprised that she doesn't get whiplash. <<pink "You can find a shower in the adjoining room. A member of staff will come to collect you shortly.">><<br>>
After a curtsy, she leaves you be.<<br>>
You lay there in a pathetic heap until your limbs regain enough strength to carry your weight.<<br>>
<<link "Shower">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageShower">>
<</link>>There's no way that you're going to let things get further than this. In a firm, assertive voice you tell her that that won't be necessary.<<br>>
She takes a step backwards, seemingly completely thrown off by your rejection. <<pink "Your Highness, I'm so sorry for being insufficient. If I've somehow-">> Then she seems to work something out. <<pink "Oh, of course, if you'd like me to go and get a //male// masseuse to better attend to your //needs//...">><<br>>
You rise to your feet in as dignified a manner as you can muster while covered in oil and trying to hide your bits. As you manage to find your gown and get yourself safely covered up, you try to reassure her that that won't be necessary, you're simply not feeling like it today.<<br>>
She does an awkward curtsy, still nervous that she's upset you. <<pink "Very well, there's showers just in the adjoining room. A member of staff will come and collect you shortly.">> She explains, before stepping away and leaving you alone.
You breathe a sigh of relief that you managed to resolve the situation cleanly.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageShower">>
<</link>><<set $outfit to $outfitStore>>
<<if ndef $outfit.bra>>
<<set $outfit.bra to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to []>>
<<if ndef $outfit.shoe>>
<<set $outfit.shoe to {}>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to []>>
<<unset $outfitStore>>
<<setter "day68spaMassage to 'flipLet'" "day68spaMassage to 'flipStop'" "day68spaMassage to 'buttLet'" "day68spaMassage to 'flipCage'">>
<<section "section">>
<<if $day68spaMassage is "flipLet">>
You quickly abandon showering standing - your legs lack the strength for it. Instead you sit in the basin and let it run over you, watching the sweat, oil, and cum drain down the plughole.<<br>>
You feel weird about what happened. On one hand, you just got an incredible handjob from a hot girl, it //should// be difficult to frame that as a negative, but you didn't exactly feel like a big man getting it. Instead of being confident and assertive your body betrayed you at every turn - making you coy, embarrassed, wriggly, whimpering, needy, and helpless. You feel ridiculous and humiliated and gross.<<br>>
And yet, you can't internally suppress the fact that the thought of getting to experience it again fills you with a deep and desperate longing.<<br>>
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "buttLet">>
You quickly abandon showering standing - your legs lack the strength for it. Instead you sit in the basin and let it run over you, watching the sweat and oil drain down the plughole.<<br>>
Your ass feels sore in ways that you never imagined that it was capable of being, and yet compared to your turbulent mind it feels like it's getting off easy. You just got pleasured anally - and you'd writhed and moaned like a whore the whole time. You feel ridiculous and humiliated and gross.<<br>>
And yet, you can't internally suppress the fact that the thought of getting to experience it again fills you with a deep and desperate longing.<<br>>
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipCage">>
You take your shower cold. Anything to give relief to the pain in your cage and quell the lust that still keeps your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> penis straining against the metal bars.<<br>>
The shower is cool and relaxing, and you manage to wash off the oil covering your body.<<br>>
Despite the difficulties of the day, as you let the water roll off of your body you can't help but take notice of how incredible you feel.<<br>>
After you wash you notice that the clothing that you arrived wearing is placed ready for you to change back into, and you quickly dress yourself again.<<br>>
When you finally emerge back into the massage room, you find a beautician waiting for you.<<br>>
<<pink "I hope that you had a lovely massage, your Highness.">> She greets with a curtsy. <<pink "If you'd like to follow me, your escort has arrived to take you away.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:70%">
<<print _section>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMassageShower.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68spaMassageShower.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _section>><<br>>
<<link "Fall in behind her">>
<<goto "day68spaMassageShower2">>
<</link>>As you're led back to the main entrance to the spa, you're met by a whole fleet of beauticians waiting to see you off, just as they had been to greet you when you'd arrived.<<br>>
With one fluid motion, the eerily-similar girls all curtsy as one. <<pink "We hope that you've had a wonderful stay with us, your Highness. Please return soon!">> They recite in perfect time with each other.<<br>>
You're grateful to see a soldier standing awkwardly at the doorway, and hurry over to meet with him.<<br>>
As you're escorted through the streets of Saint-Joules, back to the looming presence of the Bastille, one of the soldiers turns to you. <<blue "So, did you have fun?">><<br>>
On instinct you politely respond that you did, to keep up your cover, but his question still lingers in your mind afterwards.<br>
<<section "section">>
It isn't long before your group arrives back at the Bastille, and you're shown back into the tight, winding corridors.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<goto "day6meratStart">>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetter">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart">>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "I suppose that I did">>
<<set $day68spaMood to "fun">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<hr>>It was certainly an intensely feminine experience, in all sorts of ways, but you can't deny that there was something special about it.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "It was awful!">>
<<set $day68spaMood to "noFun">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>
You cringe at the thought. You wish that you'd never gone.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span>Your escort maneuver you carefully through the dark winding corridors of the Bastille de la Sainte. You soon lose track of where you're going in claustrophobic, windowless halls, but eventually you find yourself emerging out into the daylight.<<br>>
As you're led through the city streets it isn't difficult to find traces of the La Paonne Theatre everywhere. They must be really getting their money's worth out of whomever they employed to do advertising, as there's flyers plastered to just about every spare surface. All of them rant and rave in huge lettering about today's grand upcoming performance of "I Want To Be Your Canary".<<br>>
The posters increase in frequency the closer you get, and by the time you round the last corner there's barely an inch of wall that isn't covered.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatre.jpg]]@@<br>
Like the calm in the eye of the storm, the theatre itself is pristine and uncovered by the blizzard of adverts. It's a handsome building, decorated with peacock feathers.<<br>>
The lead soldier turns around to you. <<blue "We're here a little early, your Highness. The performance won't be starting for a little while yet. Sorry for the inconvenience and all, but her Majesty told us to show you in anyway. Said the thespians would be quite hospitable. Have a good time in there - we'll be set up patrolling outside.">><<br>>
A small group of soldiers stationed outside feels far from sufficient to keep you safe if the Scarecrow Killer is hidden among the audience - but then again, you doubt that the Queen cares enough to give you any more security than is absolutely necessary to keep you from slipping away.<<br>>
Oh well. You quickly thank him and head inside the main doors.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatre2">>
<</link>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatre2.jpg]]@@<br>
You walk right into a chaotic mess. Everywhere you look you can see all manner of actors, musicians, stage-crew, costumers, ushers, refreshment girls, and plenty more all running around in a panic.<<br>>
At the top of the stairs, an important looking director bellows out <<blue "Fifteen minutes until opening!">>, and the whole room gasps in alarm, milling around with even greater ferocity. Everyone's practicing lines, painting props, polishing banisters, fixing instruments, and desperately trying to put together the finishing touches at the last moment. If it's like this out here in the entrance hall, you can only imagine how manic things must look back-stage.<<br>>
You move forward into the crowd, stepping carefully around a young thespian who's rocking back and forth in the fetal position muttering <<blue "It'll never be ready on time, it'll //never// be ready on time!">>. Nobody seems to pay much attention to you, and you're quickly lost in the confusing swell of people.<<br>>
It's a far cry from the royal welcome that you'd been expecting, but it comes as a relief to be anonymous for a short while. You doubt that it will last for long, but for now, compared to the bedlam surrounding you, you're an oasis of relieved calm.<<br>>
With no pressing concerns, and partly just to get out of everyone's way, you figure that you kinda need the loo, and follow some signposts to the toilets.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreLoo">>
<</link>>You're so carefree that you nearly absent-mindedly go straight into the men's toilets - almost bumping straight into a man who's just leaving it. He gives you an odd look and you awkwardly make a hurried excuse and direct yourself towards the ladies instead.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreLoo.jpg]]@@<br>
What you find inside almost takes your breath away. You'd always been //kinda// interested in what could possibly be inside the women's loos, but you never expected //this//. Compared to the ugly piss-stained urinals of the mens, it's practically a paradise! There's good lighting, plush clean carpets, huge mirrors, and even //sofas//!<<br>>
You're careful not to stand there blinking in awe for too long, but you needn't have bothered hiding your amazement - it's luckily quite empty.<<br>>
You slip into a cubicle and are immediately presented with a choice:<<br>>
<<link "Pee standing up">>
<<set $day68theatrePiss to true>>
<<goto "day68theatreLoo2">>
<<link "Pee sitting down">>
<<set $day68theatrePiss to false>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<goto "day68theatreLoo2">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatrePiss to true" "day68theatrePiss to false" "outfit.set.types to ['dress']" "outfit.set.types to ['skirt']" "outfit.set.types to ['leggings']" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "pc.butt to 1" "pc.butt to 2">>
<<if $day68theatrePiss is true>>
You're not going to suffer the indignity of pissing sitting down. After all, it's not like there's anyone around to see what you're doing anyway.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includesAny("dress", "skirt")>>
You hike your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>skirt<<else>>dress<</if>> up to your waist, pull down your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, grasp your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>smaller-than-average<<else>>shrunken<</if>> cock in your hands, and start pissing. The raw masculinity of the scene is severely reduced by <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>your silk stockings<<else>>that fact that you can't see your junk past the layers of fabric you have to keep up<</if>>, but it still feels good to piss the right way.
You pull your leggings and <<print $outfit.under.name>> down to your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>cushioned<</if>> thighs, grasp your <<if $pc.penis is 1>>smaller-than-average<<else>>shrunken<</if>> cock in your hands, and start pissing. You breathe a sigh of contentment, relishing the dignity of being able to stand like a real man.
Even if nobody's around to see, you're not stupidly obstinate enough to insist on pissing standing up. What if someone were to come in and notice?<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true or $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true>>
You hike your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>skirt<<else>>dress<</if>> up to your waist, pull down your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, sit down, and start pissing.
You pull your leggings and <<print $outfit.under.name>> down to your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>cushioned<</if>> thighs, sit down, and start pissing.
Honestly, you'd been expecting it to take more effort. It's common knowledge that peeing standing up is quicker and easier, but that seemed pretty quick and easy to you - plus this way you get to relax off your feet for a moment while you do it. You find yourself wondering what the whole fuss is supposed to be about.
<<unset $day68theatrePiss>>
Just as you finish up you can hear the door to the toilet being thrown open. Safe in your cubicle, you overhear some of the conversation going on outside.<<br>>
<<blue "Please, Prima Donna! We need you, it's the opening night! The show must go on!">> Begs a man.<<br>>
<<pink "No! I shan't ever work under these conditions!">> Calls a woman in reply as she flies into the room, her voice quavering from crying. <<pink "You wound me so terribly, you //beastly// fellow!">><<br>>
<<blue "Please, you simply must-">> Begins the man again, but whatever he has to say next is muffled as the door to the restroom is slammed unceremoniously in his face.<<br>>
The woman throws herself onto one of the sofas, sobbing loudly.<<br>>
You linger a few moments, but when it becomes clear that she's not going to be moving anytime soon you readjust your clothing and, a little awkwardly, poke your head out the cubicle.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreLoo3">>
<</link>><<section "loo31">>
The heavy-set woman is dressed in clothing so gaudy that it makes the princess' outfits seem tastefully understated in comparison, and is weeping so heavily to herself that her makeup is smeared down her cheeks.
<<section "loo32">>
Awkwardly, she's also positioned directly between you and the sinks.<<br>>
She looks up at the noise of the cubicle door, sees you looking her way, and wails melodramatically <<pink "OOOOOoooohh the //indignity//! Oh the //horror// of it all! I fear that I might //perish// right here in this bathroom, such is the //enormity// of my //sorrows//!">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:65%">
<<print _loo31>><<br>>
<<print _loo32>>
<td style="width:35%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreLoo3.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _loo31>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreLoo3.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _loo32>><<br>>
<<link "Stay and lend her some support">>
<<set $day68theatreDonnaSupport to true>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreLooStay">>
<<link "Ignore her completely and leave">>
<<set $day68theatreDonnaSupport to false>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreLooGo">>
<</link>>She's being melodramatic, but she's still clearly upset - it's the least you can do to listen to her woes. You ask her what's wrong.<<br>>
<<pink "Oh my dear, you needn't worry about pitiable, miserable old me.">> She says, completely unconvincingly given how much she was clearly seeking your attention. <<pink "Especially not since my fate is so terrible that merely to burden you with the //knowledge// of it might //snap// your sweet mind clean in two.">><<br>>
Despite her warning, she doesn't give you enough time to withdraw your offer before continuing. <<pink "You see, my dear girl, the slavedriving //monster// of a director is so //loathsome// as to demand that I - the //prima donna//, should perform without even a separate makeup suite!">><<br>>
You take the opportunity to wash your hands, partly so that she can't see the face that you make at the paltry complaint.<<br>>
Clearly even she realizes that it sounds a little pathetic, so she adds a few more details. <<pink "A-and not only that, my outfit is //much// too small for me. And my fruit bouquet had //bananas// in it, and they should //know// that I hate bananas, they're such horrid little things. And Gaston, whose due to be asking to be my betrothed any day now, isn't allowed backstage to give me kisses until the show is over. And there's no good champagne //anywhere//! Had I known that I would be working in these conditions I would //never// have agreed to come to this wretched city and be part of this performance, no matter //how// much money they offered me!">><<br>>
<<if $grace gte 2>>
<<link "Kindly and patiently listen to her worries">>
<<set $day68theatreDonnaSupport to "grace">>
<<goto "day68theatreLooStay2">>
<</link>><<check "Grace check - passed">>
<<fail "Kindly and patiently listen to her worries" "Grace too low">>
<<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Guide her into getting a grip">>
<<set $day68theatreDonnaSupport to "auth">>
<<goto "day68theatreLooStay2">>
<</link>><<check "Authority check - passed">>
<<fail "Guide her into getting a grip" "Authority too low">>
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Cheer her up with your sweet charm">>
<<set $day68theatreDonnaSupport to "cute">>
<<goto "day68theatreLooStay2">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness check - passed">>
<<fail "Cheer her up with your sweet charm" "Cuteness too low">>
<</if>>/* You're careful to provide a smattering of sympathetic noises, which seem to do their job - her tears begin to dry up and the sobs subside into mere sniffles.<<br>> */
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is "grace">>
She's kinda a mess, but you can see that she just needs to let all the emotions out of her.<<br>>
You rub her back gently and provide the most sympathetic noises you can muster. You tactfully let her keep on rambling on without interrupting - she's not looking for solutions or help, just the catharsis of telling someone.<<br>>
You can see that your efforts are working - her tears slowly begin to dry up, and when she turns around to mumble a <<pink "thank you">> there's a small embarrassed smile on her face.
<<elseif $day68theatreDonnaSupport is "auth">>
You stand up to your full height (even if it is shorter than it used to be), and give her a real talking to.
Your tactful enough to not be //completely// rude about it, but you don't exactly let her off easy either. You've only just met her, but you trust completely that she's //better// than this, and for her own sake she'd better start acting as responsibly and capably as she should, else she'd carry the disappointment with her forever.<<br>>
You can see that your efforts are working - she's clearly unused to someone being so direct with her, and the shock of it takes her off guard. Determination begins to dawn in her expression.
<<elseif $day68theatreDonnaSupport is "cute">>
It hurts to see someone so sad, and you decide to try to cheer her up.<<br>>
You remind her just how incredible it is that she's an actress - a prima donna no less! It comes from a place of sincerity - it //is// super cool once you get down to it, something that she must have spent her whole life working towards. She might have gotten a teeny bit caught up in the little things, but you encourage her with warm earnestness to remember just how special and cool being on stage in front of all of those adoring fans must be.<<br>>
You can see that your efforts are working - her tear-stained face slowly regains a bashful smile at the reminder.
If you only had a few minutes longer then you're sure that she'd be ready for anything, but you aren't allowed the opportunity. The two of you are suddenly interrupted by a pounding at the bathroom door. A gruff voice calls in <<blue "Oi, Prima Donna, I've been told to grab- err, 'escort' you backstage. I'm coming in!">><<br>>
It's enough to set her right off again. Wailing in despair, the woman flies into a cubicle and firmly locks the door behind her.<<br>>
Scarcely a moment later a burly stagehand enters the bathroom, looking quite bashful at invading the women's toilets.<<br>>
<<blue "Listen. Sorry to do this, miss, but the performance needs its canary - the show must go on and all that.">> He explains, and it takes you a moment to recognize that he's directing it to you.<<br>>
With a smile, you try to explain his mistake - that the woman he's looking for it just over there, and that you're not the Prima Donna at all - but he's having none of it. <<blue "Now now, don't try none of those feminine wiles on me - the director said not to listen to any of it. He saw you go in here, and now here you are - and I //know// you ain't none of the crew. You're coming with me!">><<br>>
And with that, he grabs you by the arm and firmly drags you away.<<br>>
<<link "Oh for fuck's sake">>
<<goto "day68theatreCostume">>
<</link>>You're not going to bother with such silliness. Instead, you go right past her to wash your hands.<<br>>
<<pink "Yes, I can feel it now, I'm //dying//! Dying from lack of //care//, lack of //decency//. I can feel the //gods// pulling at my spirit, drawing me to the afterlife...">> She moans in her theatrics, upping the ante in a desperate attempt to secure your attention.<<br>>
You don't fall for it, pointedly paying her no notice whatsoever. It's a little tricky when her 'imminent death' makes her sprawl out on the ground in front of you, but you just carefully step around her and leave.<<br>>
As you exit the bathroom, you almost bump directly into a gruff stagehand who's standing waiting outside.<<br>>
<<blue "Listen. Sorry to do this, miss, but the show needs its canary - the show must go on and all that.">> He explains, and it takes you a moment to recognize that he's talking to //you//.<<br>>
With a smile, you try to explain that you're not the Prima Donna, just someone who walked in from the street and happened to be in the same room as her, but he's having none of it. <<blue "Now now, don't try none of those feminine wiles on me - the director said not to listen to any of it. He saw you go in there, and now here you are - and I //know// you ain't none of the crew. You're coming with me!">><<br>>
And with that, he grabs you by the arm and firmly drags you away.<<br>>
<<link "Oh for fuck's sake">>
<<goto "day68theatreCostume">>
<</link>>As you're led firmly backstage by a grip too strong for your weakened muscles to have any chance of escaping from, you're surprised to notice that you're not exactly panicking about it.<<br>>
Sure, this is perilous, but at this point life's just taking the piss. Besides, by now you're practically a pro at navigating mistaken identity bullshit - compared to having to be the Princess this is nothing. Honestly, even if this situation developed into you getting caught up in some kind of 'The Actress Trap', then that actually sounds a whole lot nicer than your current predicament.<<br>>
And then you think of the idea of being thrown out onto a stage in front of hundreds of people, without knowing any of the lines that you're supposed to, and the fear finally dawns in you.<<br>>
You struggle against the stagehand's grasp, but it's every bit as impotent as you thought. The man barely has to strain to keep you firmly directed backstage.<<br>>
Once there, he practically throws you into a dressing room.<<br>>
<<blue "Come on, cut it with the 'I'm not the prima donna' crap.">> He insists. <<blue "The show starts soon - you need to be ready in costume, else the whole thing's ruined.">><<br>>
He slams the door, and you hear the scratching of a lock being set. You're stuck in here.<<br>>
[[Continue->day68theatreCostume2]]@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreCostume2.jpg]]@@<br>
You glance around the beautiful room, filled to the brim with <<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is true>>costumes, makeup, and, as you'd been told, a fruit bouquet featuring a couple of bananas. Confident that it won't be missed by its owner, you unpeel one and idly munch on it for brain food as you work out what you're going to do.<<else>>costumes and makeup, and try to work out what you're going to do about the situation.<</if>><<br>>
You're meant to be the //Princess//! By all rights you shouldn't have to deal with any of this - it's practically kidnapping! You should be able to staunchly refuse, and then show them the repercussions of their actions.<<br>>
Only, you're //not really// the Princess, and even once it's clear that you're not the Prima Donna you doubt that they'd just believe a claim as absurd as being royalty. You'd be poked and prodded and accused of having done this intentionally - and given your anatomy it wouldn't take much prodding for them to notice something that would ruin everything.<<br>>
Even if you managed to get through all that while maintaining your disguise, you'd still be causing a huge scene. You try to imagine how the Queen would react to hearing about it, and feel a chill running down your spine.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreCostume22">>
<</link>>How like your luck for a simple trip to the theatre to end up like this. You sigh resentfully and collapse onto the chair, only to find yourself landing on something. When you reach under you to see what it is you find a pad full of paper in your hands with the words "I Want To Be Your Canary - A Play in Five Acts." written across it - the script!<<br>>
You flick through the pages idly. It's long and dense, with some monologues lasting for pages at a time, however, when you look around for the the lines for the titular 'Canary' you struggle to find them. She's mentioned more or less constantly by other characters, and the stage directions firmly indicate that she's present in every scene, looking down from above - but whoever wrote this clearly didn't seem to care enough to give her any personality or autonomy whatsoever other than a prize to be sought by the protagonists.<<br>>
You glance around the room at all of the beautiful costumes. You hate to admit it to yourself, but you can at least think of //one// way of getting through this without causing a disaster, even if it //is// ridiculous. You don't feel confident in the idea of passing as a 'beautiful woman', but to be frank it's not like the Prima Donna was much of a looker herself - it's //acting//, you're a representation of the thing, not the thing itself.<<br>>
You realize that you're running out of excuses. Fuck, it looks like this is happening.<<br>>
<<link "Prepare for your performance">>
<<goto "day68theatreCostume3">>
<</link>><<set $outfitStore to $outfit>>
/* You stand up and look around. The dressing room is absolutely full-to-the-brim with outfits, but two pieces in particular seem laid-out ready to be put on. Unfortunately, you have no idea which of the two is the costume that the Canary is supposed to be wearing tonight.<<br>>
The performance is clearly quite classical, as both outfits are little more than togas. */
You spend some time rifling through the heaps of costumes searching in vain for some sign that any of them is the one that's for tonight, only to feel a fool once you finally notice that there's already one laid out ready in the center of the room, you just didn't recognize it at first. The play must be classical in setting, because it seems to be a toga. No wonder you had trouble recognizing it - it's little more than a huge semicircle of linen!<<br>>
At first you try throwing it over your clothing, but the toga is of thin enough material that it looks weirdly lumpy with them underneath, and you're forced to change out of your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>> to get it to sit straight.<<br>>
Then you're faced with a greater puzzle - how to wear it at all. You're vaguely aware that you're meant to drape it around yourself with a sequence of folds, but //which// folds //where// is the problem that eludes you. No matter what you try it either looks completely silly, or else doesn't stay on at all and slips straight down to the floor. It's incredibly frustrating.<<br>>
After more time than you could possibly afford to spend on such a matter, you manage to find a pair of ways to put it on that at least seem //somewhat// workable. In one, the toga manages to cover most of your body, and looks quite the part, but given your lack of curves it ends up cutting a rather androgynous silhouette. The other way hikes up more of the material, cutting off at the mid-thigh to reveal your legs underneath in a way that evokes a short dress, and comes off as more feminine.<<br>>
<<link "Wear the toga in a way that covers all of my body">>
<<set $day68theatreToga to "long">>
<<goto "day68theatreCostume4">>
<<link "Wear the toga in a way that leaves my legs uncovered">>
<<set $day68theatreToga to "short">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreCostume4">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreToga to 'short'" "day68theatreToga to 'long'">>
<<section "togas1">>
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Short White Toga">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "short white toga">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing a huge white semicircle of thin linen, which you've managed to fold into a toga.<<br>>You decided to wear the toga in a shorter style, so it femininely cuts off at the mid-thigh, leaving your legs uncovered.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
The last thing that you want is to ruin everything by not even looking like a woman. Your body has changed somewhat, but you're not at all confident in your ability to pass as a girl in androgynous clothing. You fold the square of material into the feminine way that you found, that leaves your legs uncovered.
<<set $outfit.set.id to "custom">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Long White Toga">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "long white toga">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $customOutfit to "You're wearing a huge white semicircle of thin linen, which you've managed to fold into a toga.<<br>>You decided to wear the toga in a long androgynous style, to cover as much of your body as you can.<<br>><<include 'newWorldOutfit'>>">>
You're not about to invite disaster by exposing any more of you than you can get away with. It hasn't escaped your notice at all that you'll be looking down from above for the whole play - practically inviting everyone to look up your skirt. You firmly wrap yourself up in the toga as much as you can.
<<section "togas2">>
A knocking at the door is shortly followed by someone calling from outside that it's 10 minutes to go until your cue, and you can scarcely believe your ears. You spent much longer fussing about your toga than you had intended - you've barely even read the script!<<br>>
You furiously begin scouring through the pages in alarm, desperately looking for your lines. It's a pain in the neck - you might not have many of them, but the problem with being in every scene is that they could be //anywhere//, hidden amidst the gratuitous speeches and overwrought dialogues. You try to memorize every one that you come across, but the play is so dense that you're not at all confident that you found them all.<<br>>
And then there's another rapping at the door, and you realize that the time has come.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:75%">
<<print _togas1>><<br>>
<<print _togas2>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<if $day68theatreToga is "long">>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreCostume4long.jpg]]@@
<<else>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreCostume4short.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _togas1>><br>
<<if $day68theatreToga is "long">>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreCostume4long.jpg]]@@
<<else>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreCostume4short.jpg]]@@
<<print _togas2>><<br>>
<<link "Let's do this.">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow">>
<</link>>The door to the dressing room is opened, and the stagehand from before smiles in relief at seeing you looking ready to perform.<<br>>
<<blue "Glad you changed your mind, Prima Donna. Who knows what we would have done without you.">> He says, looking more than a little bashful about having been so brusque with you earlier. <<blue "Follow me to the stage - the orchestra have almost finished their introduction!">><<br>>
You fall in behind him and he leads the way, directing you to step carefully around all manner of props and plasterboard scenery along the route. You pass more than a few costumed actors looking absolutely petrified, but considering how much of a mess things were when you first entered you're actually pretty impressed that this is going ahead at all - they must have pulled together a lot of work at the last minute.<<br>>
When the two of you reach the stage, he gestures towards a gilded prop cage off to one side. <<blue "Right, on you pop then.">><br>
<<section "cage">>
You blink in surprise. Whoever did the stage design must have taken the metaphor of the 'Canary' a little too literally - they've constructed a replica of the kind of cage you'd keep a pet bird in, except huge and gaudy.
<<section "cage2">>
You roll your eyes at the tackiness of it all, but do as the stagehand bids, setting yourself down on the only seat provided - a thin ring-perch. However, you're surprised when the moment you do so the stagehand calls out <<blue "She's in! Rig her up!">>, and the cage lifts up high from the ground until it's suspended completely from the rafters. You must be more than ten feet up!
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _cage>><<br>>
<<print _cage2>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreShow.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<br><<print _cage>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreShow.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _cage2>><<br>>
You hold on for dear life as the cage creaks precariously around you, but you don't have time to get your bearings - the introductory music reaches its crescendo, and the curtains in front of you gently part, revealing a crowd of hundreds of people gawping directly at you.<<br>>
<<link "It's time to perform!">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow2">>
<</link>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreShow2.jpg]]@@<br>
You sit in front of the crowd of staring faces, and for a few seconds all you can manage is to stare straight back in abject horror. There's just so //many// of them, you can't believe it!<<br>>
Then your brain begins to work again - you have the first line! You desperately try to remember what you had read just a few minutes ago.<<br>>
You're pretty certain that it began with //"Prithee prithee, one and all. Come, stay a while, and hear a tale of love and woe."//
<span id="part1">
<<link "Speak loud and clearly">>
<<set $day68theatreVoice to "loud">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#part1" t8n>><<hr>><<if $voice lte 2>><<set $day68theatreVoice to "fail">> You try to do a strong vocal performance, but lack the vocal strength to pull it off. You can see the crowd wince as your voice breaks humiliatingly in front of everyone.<<check "Voice Training Check - Fail">><<else>><<set $day68theatreVoice to "pass">>You've spent enough time training your voice to be confident speaking with clarity and passion. You can see the crowd lean forward, their attention caught completely in your performance.<<check "Voice Training Check - Pass">><</if>><<br>><<include [[day68theatreShow22]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Mumble">>
<<set $day68theatreVoice to "mumble">>
<<replace "#part1" t8n>><<hr>>You can see the disappointment in the faces of the crowd at your muted performance. You don't care - you're not confident enough in your vocal strength to dare to strain yourself. You're here to get through this, not to impress people.<<check "You managed to avoid a voice training check">><<br>><<include [[day68theatreShow22]]>><</replace>>
</span>You try to continue through the rest of the speech, but as you go you struggle to remember some of the details.<<check "Make sure that there's no contradictions in your speech">><<br>>
//"In fair Cariona is where this play occurs, a city where it's always <<listbox "$day68theatreSpeech1">><<option "sunny">><<option "raining">><<option "dry">><</listbox>>. There, three great <<listbox "$day68theatreSpeech2">><<option "families">><<option "tribes">><<option "religions">><</listbox>>, alike in dignity, struggle for power."<<br>>
"And the prize of this desperate strife, I hear you wonder? Why, none other than the hand of the most beautiful lady of the land. A woman who <<listbox "$day68theatreSpeech3">><<option "danced">><<option "drank">><<option "sung">><</listbox>> so beautifully that all whom experienced it could compare her only to the most noble of birds - the canary."<<br>>
"Come, let us look at one of these suitors now, as he shakes off his umbrella and enters the grand hall of Cariona, at the behest of the <<listbox "$day68theatreSpeech4">><<option "bishop">><<option "CEO">><<option "skipper">><</listbox>> who leads his faction."//<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow3">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreCostume to 'short'" "day68theatreCostume to 'long'">>
<<if $day68theatreSpeech3 isnot "sung">>
<<set $day68theatrePuzzle to "fail">>
You crowd look somewhat baffled by your speech, no doubt wondering<<if $day68theatreSpeech1 isnot "raining" or $day68theatreSpeech2 isnot "religions" or $day68theatreSpeech4 isnot "bishop">>, among other things, <</if>> why <<if $day68theatreSpeech3 is "danced">>dancing<<else>>drinking<</if>> would get someone compared to a canary - an animal known for its beautiful singing.<<check "You must have made a mistake!">>
<<elseif $day68theatreSpeech1 isnot "raining">>
<<set $day68theatrePuzzle to "fail">>
You crowd look somewhat baffled by your speech, no doubt wondering<<if $day68theatreSpeech2 isnot "religions" or $day68theatreSpeech4 isnot "bishop">>, among other things,<</if>> why someone would need an umbrella in a city where it's always <<print $day68theatreSpeech1>>. Oops!<<check "You must have made a mistake!">>
<<elseif $day68theatreSpeech2 isnot "religions" or $day68theatreSpeech4 isnot "bishop">>
<<set $day68theatrePuzzle to "fail">>
You crowd look somewhat baffled by your speech, no doubt wondering why one of the warring <<print $day68theatreSpeech2>> would be led by a <<print $day68theatreSpeech4>>. Oops!<<check "You must have made a mistake!">>
<<set $day68theatrePuzzle to "pass">>
The crowd seem enthralled by your words. It seems like you managed to sufficiently cover for your gaps in your memory.<<check "You got everything right!">>
<<unset $day68theatreSpeech1>><<unset $day68theatreSpeech2>><<unset $day68theatreSpeech3>><<unset $day68theatreSpeech4>>
Your narration comes to a close as, much as you'd described, an actor wearing a pair of ridiculous pantaloons shows up on stage and shakes off a prop umbrella.<<br>>
<<blue "Hark!">> Calls the man loudly. <<blue "Can you hear that? 'tis the call of the lyre bird, what good fortunes have struck upon my day! Surely this spells blessings upon my most dire of tasks...">><<br>>
You try very hard to focus on what he's saying, nervously checking whether it matches up with any of the cues which you tried to memorize, but as he blathers on and on, and is soon joined by a colorful cast of similarly pantalooned actors, you find it hard to keep your attention on them.<<br>>
Instead, your concern is //much// more focused on the sea of faces in front of you. Hundreds of people, from peasants to nobles, children to the elderly, all directed towards the stage, and in the process - you!<<br>>
The stage fright is enough to take your breath away. You can feel yourself sweating nervously. Even though the drama happening below is attracting the most attention, you're still clearly visible out the corner of the audiences eyes, and at any one time a small proportion of people are glancing over at you. Normally that wouldn't be too bad, but a small proportion of hundreds is still a dizzying amount of attention!<<br>>
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>
You quickly realize that you made a perilous mistake in your choice of dress. Your shortly-folded toga does a //decent// job covering everything important while you're standing up straight, but awkwardly balancing on a thin perch, elevated high above everyone else's head, you're practically inviting the entire crowd to look up your skirt. You have to cross your legs as tightly as you can to keep your <<print $outfit.under.name>> from getting exposed.
You're thankful that you chose to wear your toga long instead of short - awkwardly balancing on a thin perch, elevated high above everyone else's head, you would have been practically inviting the whole audience to see your <<print $outfit.under.name>>.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow4">>
<</link>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68theatreShow4.jpg]]@@
Suddenly your wavering attention is captured once more by recognizing one of the lines mentioned below. Your cue is getting close!<<br>>
/* <<blue "You dastardly knave!">> Shouts one of the actors. <<blue "How darest thou accuse //me// of such villainy, when thine own heart is as black as soot!">><<br>> */
<<pink "Don't, Mathias!">> Urges an actress to one of the three main suitors. <<pink "If you go there to see her ladyship yourself, then mayhaps not even your magical slippers, nor your sweet conviviality could keep you from the consequences.">><<br>>
<<blue "Your words speak true, sweet Josephine.">> The man responds. <<blue "The very thought sets my knees aquavering, but I didn't win that pie eating contest for mere prestige alone. No, I did it all for this one fragile chance to see her - the canary of mine ardent adoration. I simply //must// take this chance, or forever more remain a coward!">><<br>>
<<blue "Watch now!">> He continues, running from one side of the stage to the other. <<blue "As I fly through her private garden towards her balcony and...">> His eyes look up, to lock with your own. <<blue "Spy her radiance.">>
The man, who in your opinion from what little you've registered from the plot so far seems a little bit of a wet blanket compared to the other suitors, gestures upwards towards you, stepping forward to ask. <<blue "Please, I must beseech you, kind lady. Might I, one day, perhaps have a chance at having thee as mine own canary?">><<br>>
That's your cue! However, as all attention in the theatre focuses directly on you, you realize with horror that you have no idea what your line is.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Smoothly improvise a response to cover for myself">>
<<set $day68theatreCue to "grace">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow5">>
<</link>><<check "Grace check - passed!">>
<<fail "Smoothly come up with a response to cover for myself" "Grace too low">>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<link "Go off-script to pompously dismiss him like he's beneath my notice">>
<<set $day68theatreCue to "auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow5">>
<</link>><<check "Authority check - passed!">>
<<fail "Go off-script to pompously dismiss him like he's beneath my notice" "Authority too low">>
<<if $voice gte 3>>
<<link "Sing like a canary">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68theatreCue to "voice">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow5">>
<</link>><<check "Voice Training check - passed!">>
<<fail "Sing like a canary" "Voice training too low">>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Own up to forgetting the line so charismatically that nobody will mind">>
<<set $day68theatreCue to "cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow5">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness check - passed!">>
<<fail "Own up to forgetting the line so charismatically that nobody will mind" "Cuteness too low">>
<<link "Panic">>
<<set $day68theatreCue to "fail">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow5">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreCue to 'grace'" "day68theatreCue to 'auth'" "day68theatreCue to 'cute'" "day68theatreCue to 'voice'" "day68theatreCue to 'fail'">>
<<switch $day68theatreCue>>
<<case "grace">>
You don't know whether the plot dictates that you're supposed to accept or decline the man's request, but you have the social wits to defuse the situation cleanly.<<br>>
It's easy for you to tactfully phrase your reply with such grace that, while undoubtedly charming, it'll be difficult for anyone to work out precisely whether it's a glowing acceptance or a polite refusal.<<br>>
The actor doesn't even hesitate for a second at you saying something off-script - you've given him plenty of leeway to continue his part without any trouble whatsoever, all while maintaining an air of elegance. The audience remain enraptured by the performance, never having noticed anything amiss at all.
<<case "auth">>
You don't like the look of the man, and think that your character shouldn't be accepting such a request - no matter what the script says. You toss your head with distaste and, with exaggerated intensity, turn up your nose away from the man like he's little more than an annoying fly.<<br>>
The clear and disdainful refusal is enough to send half the crowd giggling at the suitor's humiliation.<<br>>
The actor falters for a short while, clearly not expecting such a response. However, he manages to eventually bumble out <<blue "Err, well, umm... it was worth a try. Mayhaps the maiden might change thy mind in the future.">> and shuffle off-stage. Luckily, the crowd's laughter is enough to cover for much of the confusion, and you're sure that you won some fans in the audience by allowing your character to show some backbone for once.
<<case "cute">>
/* You have no idea what the line's supposed to be, but when you imagine what //you'd// do if someone were to confess to you like this you find your face begin to flush pink - leaving you little option other than to lean into it.<<br>>
Luckily, you've a talent for this kind of sweetness. You let your eyes open wide as saucers */
You might not know the words to say, but to you that's not the end of the world - you're charismatic enough to be able to own up to your mistake with charming earnestness.<<br>>
You boldly and sweetly ask the actor for your line. He looks surprised, but your request is so warm and sincere that even he can't hide a smile as he whispers <<blue "It's, err, 'yes', Prima Donna.">>.<<br>>
You cheerfully thank him, and repeat the line. There's laughter from the audience at the exchange, but absolutely none of it is meanspirited nor demeaning - it's just a funny and sweet thing to have watched happen.<<br>>
You smile to yourself. Now that you've trained in cuteness so much, even completely failing at something doesn't have to be embarrassing or scary, so long as there's people around who can help you out.
<<case "voice">>
You have no idea what words you're supposed to say, but perhaps //words// aren't necessary at all. Your character's main trait is beautiful singing after all - why not show it?<<br>>
You raise your voice into a lilting, feminine melody. At first you're not super confident in your abilities, but the moment you get going you find that you needn't have been worried at all - your voice manages to handle the singing with beautiful ease, projecting all the way to the back seats.<<br>>
You hold the last note as long as you feel able before drawing to a close. For a few moments there's a stunned silence, and you worry that you've embarrassed yourself, but it's soon broken by a wave of applause.<<br>>
The song gives the actor plenty of time to improvise something in the wake of you going so far off-script. <<blue "Oh, to be gifted the most wonderful reply of them all - hearing thy beautiful song! Surely this be a sign of acceptance! What delight!">>
<<case "fail">>
You can feel heat rise to your face as your panic wells up inside of you. Fuck, you're done for!<<br>>
For what must only have been seconds, but feel like an eternity, you sit petrified on your perch, mouth opening and shutting dumbly as you try to remember your line and fail completely.<<br>>
To your horror, you can see the sea of faces in the crowd in front of you, all staring your way, go from expectant, to surprised, to mocking sniggers. It's like a nightmare.<<br>>
<<blue "Psssst-">> Comes a voice, drawing your attention away from the terror of the audience. It's the actor below you. <<blue "It's yes">><<br>>
You blink in confusion.<<br>>
<<blue "The line's 'yes'!">> he whispers urgently, trying only to speak out the side of his mouth that isn't facing the audience.<<br>>
Oh. Despite the situation you almost roll your eyes at the revelation - of //course//, in a play where the men never stop yapping away, the leading lady only gets a one word response, what //else// were you expecting? You quickly give your assent.<<br>>
You feel like you've completely embarrassed yourself, but nobody's shouting out in alarm that you're an imposter or anything - just a few chuckles from the audience. You allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief.
After that, the play continues, the saga of the three suitors unravelling in earnest.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow6">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreCue is 'fail'" "day68theatreCue to 'cute'" "day68theatreCostume to 'short'" "day68theatreCostume to 'long'" "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2">>
Between the adrenaline coursing through you and <<if $day68theatreCue is "fail">>the reassurance that even your bumbling failure didn't end //too// disastrously//<<else>>the fact that your thinking-on-your-feet went so well<</if>>, you find your nerves beginning to fade away - even in a situation as terrifying as this you can only stay scared for so long before simply getting used to it.<<br>>
Not that that means that you end up paying any more attention towards the play going on beneath you. You're sure that the actors are doing an admirable job, and it's a miracle that it's working at all, given how dire things had looked when you first entered the theatre. (In fact, when you glance out the wings on either side of the stage you can still see that most of the props and scenery are still being constructed just out of sight of the audience, to be hastily finished up mere seconds away from when they're necessary.) However, it's difficult to pay it much heed when a //much// more interesting display is unraveling in front of you - the audience themselves.<<br>>
Fat-faced children; pretty women all dolled-up for a night out; well-to-do gentlemen with their arm-candy mistresses; surly dockworkers nudging their mates; commoners and nobility all in one huge hodgepodge. Every now and again their expressions shift as a heartfelt soliloquy or thrilling plot development sends ripples of emotion through the crowd. You can't keep yourself from people-watching, fascinated by the chance to see them relaxing in the way you rarely get to see - at a time when they're confident that nobody else will be paying any attention to them.<<br>>
However, that's not to say that some of them aren't looking back. The display below you manages to catch most of the attention, but suspended from the rafters in a gilded cage you're not exactly inconspicuous. Most are mere glances to see whether you're doing anything interesting there (which, unless they happen to find getting a sore bum interesting, you aren't). However, some linger for longer, their eyes <<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>soaring over your bare exposed legs.<<else>>taking in every detail of your body.<</if>><<br>>
In the face of those glances, you <<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>try to pull your toga-skirt down a few inches,<<else>>shift in your seat awkwardly,<</if>> but the motion has an unintended consequence - the way that you put on the toga must have been less secure than you'd thought, as the white linen falls from your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> shoulder.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto day68theatreShow7>>
<</link>><<setter "pc.boobs to 1" "pc.boobs to 2">>
The thin fabric gently slides down your <<print $pc.skin.color>> arm, exposing inch after inch of bare flesh along the way. You freeze in place, half in shock and half terrified that moving any more will dislodge it further. You watch helpless, but before it can completely unravel it manages to snag itself just short of your nipple. You almost breathe a sigh of relief but this is no time for relaxing - <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>so much of your flesh<<else>>the top half of your noticeable breast<</if>> is now exposed to the world!<<br>>
The reaction from the crowd is immediate. No matter how dramatic the acting going on below you is, the motion of linen soaring over flesh is enough to draw you plenty of attention. A sea of eyes gawk up, their glances lingering hungrily over your exposed skin. It's largely men, though far from exclusively - there's more than a few female oglers whose eyes remain firmly focused your way.<<br>>
You desperately try to keep your expression straight as you work out what to do. Pulling the toga back over your shoulder won't be an elegant maneuver while balancing on an oversized birdperch, and you're not completely confident that trying to do so wouldn't let the whole thing unravel around you - ruining everything. But on the other hand, being so exposed for the rest of the performance sounds terrifying.<<br>>
<<link "Try to pull it back over my shoulder">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68theatreCover to true>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow8">>
<<link "Remain uncovered">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day68theatreCover to false>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow8">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreCover to true" "day68theatreCover to false" "pc.boobs to 1" "pc.boobs to 2" "pc.shoulder to 1" "pc.shoulder to 2" "pc.hands to 1" "pc.hands to 2">>
<<if $day68theatreCover is true>>
There's no way that you're going to remain exposed like this. You can't afford to show any more flesh than necessary - <<if $pc.frame is 1 and $pc.boobs is 1>>if the audience has time to clock your bulky shoulders and lack of boob-flesh then it could all be over for you!<<elseif $pc.frame is 2 and $pc.boobs is 1>>your shoulder might have gotten slight enough to not seem too incongruous, but if the audience has time to clock how flat your chest is then it could all be over for you!<<elseif $pc.frame is 1 and $pc.boobs is 2>>your chest might have grown enough to at least be somewhat feminine, but if the audience has time to clock how bulky your shoulders are then it could all be over for you!<<elseif $pc.frame is 2 and $pc.boobs is 2>>your shoulders and chest might have changed a lot over the last few days, but you're still far from confident enough to put your trust in them.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
As carefully as you can manage, you grasp the edge of the linen in your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand and pull it back over yourself. Luckily, your fears were unfounded - it slides back into place safely and easily.<<br>>
The action is enough to deter some of the attention that you'd been receiving, their disappointed faces turning back to the performance in front of them, but you're still a long way from being as discreet as you had been before. Now that you've been registered as a figure of interest, even covering up again isn't enough to completely discourage them - after all, it's a theatre performance, it was probably part of the act in some way, maybe it'll happen again!
It's a little scary, but you don't let it get to you. Sure, you're exposing more of yourself than before, but it's no more revealing than a lot of things you've seen women wear - and compared to some of the outfits that you've noticed hidden away in the Princess' wardrobe it's practically prudish. You can handle it.<<br>>
The glances in your direction only increase in number as more and more audience members notice that there's been a change, until you're sure that you must be almost rivaling the actors in attention.
They're the kind of looks that should be worrying you, and yet somehow they aren't. Maybe it's that they're so far away, with a whole orchestra pit acting like a moat between you. Perhaps it's the fact that you're here, if unintentionally, in the role of an actress - they're //meant// to be looking at you, that's the //point// of the theatre. They aren't breaching a social norm to rudely leer at you, they're just doing what they're supposed to do at a play - watching with interest.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
For some reason, the feeling of your cock cage gently cupping around your trapped member feels more perverse than ever. You wonder what they'd think if they knew.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow9">>
<</link>><<blue "Oh, dear Marvillo.">> Cries one of the pantalooned actors below, gesturing up at you. <<blue "Look, isn't yonder maiden //incredible// up there, atop her balcony?">><<br>>
<<blue "That she is, Pervalus, of that I concur. But don't forget that she is //my// claim - ever since I beat thou in that kissing competition we had together but last night, you admitted that only //my// lips are capable enough to alight upon her body.">> The other actor responds brashly.<<br>>
You blink. You must have missed more of the plot than you had realized.<<br>>
<<blue "Only thy //lips// though, Marvillo.">> Chides the first actor. <<blue "I would happily cede the kissing duties to yourself, if it means that I may take her hand in mine own.">><<br>>
<<blue "Ahh! So a //hand holding// competition is what you want now, is it? I'll trounce you any day, Pervalus!">> Marvillo replies, already grabbing at the other actor's hand and appearing //far// too excited by the concept, especially in comparison to how half-hearted his speeches about being interested in the Canary had seemed earlier.<<br>>
<<blue "Umm, well, maybe later, dear Marvillo. For mayhaps the virility of our masculine competition might scare her off.">> Comes the response, and Marvillo can barely hide his disappointment. <<blue "Nay, I think for now, the only thought that crosseth my mind be the fantasy of attracting her attention. Do you think that it might be possible, dear friend and rival?">><<br>>
<<blue "We can but try.">><<br>>
The pair begin a sequence of sonnets in your direction, trying to catch your notice.<<br>>
The performance begins to make you nervous. You remember this part from the script and you're completely confident that you don't have any lines in this scene, and you can't remember any stage directions either - not that the script seemed to remember that the Canary was even there at all for the most part. However the way that they're behaving seems to demand //some// kind of reaction from you.<<br>>
You try to work out a good way to respond.<<br>>
<<link "Pretend that I don't notice them">>
<<set $day68theatreRespond to "ignore">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow10">>
<<link "Smile and wave sweetly">>
<<set $day68theatreRespond to "smile">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow10">>
<<link "Wink seductively">>
<<set $day68theatreRespond to "wink">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow10">>
<<link "Put my middle finger up at them">>
<<set $day68theatreRespond to "finger">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow10">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreRespond to 'ignore'" "day68theatreRespond to 'smile'" "day68theatreRespond to 'wink'" "day68theatreRespond to 'finger'" "day68theatreCostume to 'short'" "day68theatreCostume to 'long'" "day68theatreCover to true" "day68theatreCover to false" "pc.butt to 1" "pc.butt to 2">>
<<switch $day68theatreRespond>>
<<case "ignore">>
The safest thing to do is to just ignore them. You make a display of glancing all around the room other than in their direction, pretending to be too interested in something out there to even notice their foolish attention-seeking.<<br>>
The pair desperately try in vain to get your attention - quite desperately indeed, as they try to keep providing you your cue, but you keep on ignoring them until they give up and improvise a disappointed departure.
<<case "smile">>
You figure that the safest thing to do is to react in a polite and friendly way. After allowing a little time before 'noticing' the pair, you put on the kindest smile that you can muster, gently waving their way and listening to their poetry.<<br>>
You don't know whether it was the reaction that you were supposed to make, but if it isn't then the actors handle it with ease - reacting with boundless excitement at having been noticed by the subject of their desire.
<<case "wink">>
Your character is hardly a character at all - just an object of desire. You figure that the smartest option is to play to that fact, and be //desirable//.<<br>>
After allowing a little time before 'noticing' the pair, you throw them a playful and seductive wink. As you do so you twist your body
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short" and $day68theatreCover is false>>
flirtatiously, scandalously drawing attention to your exposed shoulder and legs.
<<elseif $day68theatreToga is "short" and $day68theatreCover is true>>
flirtatiously, scandalously drawing attention to your slender bare legs.
<<elseif $day68theatreToga is 'long' and $day68theatreCover is false>>
flirtatiously, scandalously drawing attention to your exposed shoulder.
<<elseif $day68theatreToga is 'long' and $day68theatreCover is true>>
flirtatiously through the thin linen of your toga, giving hints at the figure underneath.
/* It's a risky move, given how your body is androgynous at best, but you're shocked to see that whatever the suitors' reaction is is lost in comparison to the reaction from the crowd - oohing and cheering at your behavior.<<br>>
To your surprise, it's not just the men in the audience who react. In fact, if anything they seem to be in the minority - many of them finding such provocative behavior distasteful. No, the //real// reaction comes from the women in the audience, cheering not out of lust but rather at seeing a woman character being so forthright. */
It's a risky move, given how your body is androgynous at best, but the reaction from the crowd is tremendous. You'd been expecting to gain some response from the men in the audience, but you're surprised to find that it's nothing compared to the cheering from the women. Perhaps it's that they've watched so many leading ladies be nothing but the object of desire that the sight of a character taking control of her own desirability, as a subject rather than an object, is a breath of fresh air.
<<case "finger">>
Honestly, the idea of a couple of guys harassing you while you try to relax on your balcony sounds awful to you. You don't think that the Canary should have to deal with this shit.<<br>>
You do what you'd do in this situation - rolling your eyes at their pathetic attempts to get your attention and putting your middle finger up at them. You're not completely certain if the middle finger is chronologically appropriate for a classical story, but neither are pantaloons or birdcages, so you figure that you're probably safe.<<br>>
Neither of the actors seem like they can believe their eyes at the sight, but luckily their shocked silence is exactly the punchline necessary to completely sell the scene. The crowd erupt in laughter at the spurned suitors.
After that the play continues into the fourth act, and by this point the hard metal bar of your 'perch' is really beginning to become an issue. You can't remember a time that your bum has ever hurt so much<<if $pc.butt is 2>> - even with the extra cushioning that you've developed recently<</if>>!<<br>>
You try to shift around from cheek-to-cheek, to give your buttocks some kind of relief, but as you do so the movement is enough to make your entire perch move around! The metal circle is suspended in the middle of the cage only by a piece of rope, leaving it plenty of room to swing in place. You hold on for dear life, terrified that the cage itself will fall apart, but it seems structurally sound enough to be safe.<<br>>
A glance out at the crowd confirms your fear - that the sight of movement out the corner of their eye have managed to attract the focus of quite a few people in the audience. However, none of them look particularly concerned - if anything, they look up with warm smiles. You realize that to them it must look quite playful and feminine to be swinging to-and-fro up here.<<br>>
You're really not sure if you want to draw any more attention, but you can't deny that swinging would give your sore butt some relief.<<br>>
<<link "Swing playfully on my perch">>
<<set $day68theatreSwing to true>>
<<goto "day68theatreShowSwing">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<link "Stay in place and suffer the butthurt">>
<<set $day68theatreSwing to false>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow11">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreToga to 'short'" "day68theatreToga to 'long'">>
Honestly, after how everything's gone so far you're nowhere near as scared of the audience's attention as you'd thought you'd be. Being observed by so many people would terrify you normally, but here they're not looking at //you//, they're looking at the //Canary//, with the expectation that it's //meant// to be a facade of some kind. For some reason that makes all the difference, you barely mind making a spectacle of yourself at all - it's certainly better than having a sore butt!<<br>>
You kick your legs to get yourself going, the perch quickly going into a leisurely swing. Merely being able to move your legs does wonders for your circulation, and at the apex of each arc the momentary weightlessness is pure bliss. <<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>As you move the thin loose linen of your short toga flutters gracefully through the air behind you.<</if>><<br>>
As expected, your action draws you much more attention than when you'd been sitting still and trying to fade into the background, but it doesn't cause you much concern. If anything, it might be a little bit //fun//. Simply by being a woman swinging to-and-fro, you're managing to distract so many people from the professionally-trained actors working hard below you. For some reason the thought makes an idle smile reach your face - which you're sure is only helping the effect.<<br>>
In fact, you've half a mind to take this a little further, just to see how much of a draw you can be.<<br>>
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>
<<link "Take things further by switching the way that I'm crossing my legs">>
<<set $day68theatreSwing to "cross">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShowSwing2">>
<<link "Take things further by adjusting my toga to show off my legs">>
<<set $day68theatreSwing to "legs">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShowSwing2">>
<<link "Just swing prettily to-and-fro">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow11">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreSwing to 'cross'" "day68theatreSwing to 'legs'" "pc.hands to 1" "pc.hands to 2">>
Why not have a little fun? You're pretending to be the Princess, whose pretending to be the Prima Donna, whose pretending to be the Canary. You're so abstracted from yourself that you may as well treat the role like a stolen horse and act a little recklessly - chances are they'll just think it's part of the script anyway.<<br>>
<<if $day68theatreSwing is "cross">>
Now that you've caught their attention with your swinging, you just need to draw them in.<<br>>
You can't afford for anybody here to get a //complete// look at what you have going on between your legs, but that doesn't mean that you can't provide a little glimpse.<<br>>
At the apex of one of your swings you make your move. With one fluid motion you lift your thigh from where it had been preserving your modesty all play, providing a brief moment where, given your position above everyone else, you're sure that the audience must have been able to catch a blur of <<if $outfit.under.name is "black cutout panties" or $outfit.under.name is "black panties" or $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>black<<elseif $outfit.under.name is "dotted pink panties" or $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts" or $outfit.under.name is "pink ruffled panties">>pink<<elseif $outfit.under.name is "french knickers" or $outfit.under.name is "white panties">>white<<elseif $outfit.under.name is "red briefs">>red<<elseif $outfit.under.name is "tartan panties">>red and black<<else>>$outfit.under.color<</if>> from your panties. Then, as quickly as it appears, you hide it again as your thigh crosses the opposite leg, obscuring the tantalizing vision from view.<<br>>
It's just switching your legs, nothing that anyone would think of as lewd or anything - were the angle not so dramatic it would barely be anything at all. However the response is every bit as electric as you'd hoped. Even the people who only catch the slightest flicker in the corner of their vision seem drawn inescapably to gawp at the sight. Confident that nobody would be watching them, the audience don't bother to hide the expressions that they make.<<br>>
You try to hide the little titter you make to yourself at the sight, and don't completely succeed. It's the kind of attention that you'd have been terrified of attracting not long ago, but now it just seems fun. It's a power, rather than a weakness, that you're flexing here, controlling the crowd's focus like a conductor with their orchestra.<<br>>
You preen under the attention, swinging playfully on your perch with a demure smile on your face. Now that so many eyes are fixed on you, you find it easy to keep them there - it's only once some truly bombastic drama unfolds on-stage beneath you that you can feel your pull slipping. The moment you see their gaze dragged away from you, you make your move again - the same move in reverse, your legs spinning through the air to cross over the other way.<<br>>
It's like a puppeteer pulling the string of a hundred audience members all at once - their heads snapping towards you with such speed that you worry that they might get whiplash. You're sure that individually each person's movement might be fairly subtle, but from your position looking down on everyone at once the motion is obvious.
You can't afford to let anyone see what you have going on between your legs, and given your position perched high above everyone that's certainly a risk, but you're fairly sure that if you just cross your legs tightly enough then you'll be fine.<<br>>
You do just that, crossing your legs together before working on hitching up your toga. Luckily, it doesn't take much fussing at all, and you manage to find a fold in the toga through which you can guide your svelte hairless legs out of with such ease that that the movement comes off looking quite elegant. The loose length of white linen that had been covering your legs unspools downwards to flutter behind you with every swing you make.<<br>>
The response is as electric as you'd hoped. Even the people who only catch the motion in the corner of their vision seem drawn inescapably to gawp at the sight. Confident that nobody would be watching them, the audience don't bother to hide the expressions that they make as their gaze soars over your <<print $pc.skin.color>> thighs<<if $pc.hands is 2>> and dainty bare feet<</if>>.<<br>>
You try to hide the little titter you make to yourself at the sight, and don't completely succeed. It's the kind of attention that you'd have been terrified of attracting not long ago, but now it just seems fun. It's a power, rather than a weakness, that you're flexing here.
You can't believe that you were worried about being too androgynous to believably take on the role of a beautiful woman. Despite that androgyny, you're not having any problems at all being alluringly feminine, and what's more - you can't deny to yourself that you're //enjoying// it.<<br>>
<<link "Grin to yourself at the fun you're having">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow11">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreSwing to false" "day68theatreSwing to true" "day68theatreSwing to 'legs'" "day68theatreSwing to 'cross'">>
<<if $day68theatreSwing is false>>
You're not comfortable drawing any more attention than absolutely necessary. Sure, it's a pain in the butt, quite literally, but it's not going to kill you, and you've got the willpower to push through such things.<<br>>
You grit your teeth to keep yourself from grimacing and force your way through the rest of the play with determination.<<br>>
It's every bit as difficult as you dreaded, and somehow the endless bore of the sonnets and soliloquies below you only makes it worse, but finally you begin to recognize some of the lines from the actors below you - it's almost the finale!
<<elseif $day68theatreSwing is true>>
You're not foolish enough to allow yourself to get carried away doing something silly and open yourself up to the chance of everything going wrong. You're absolutely fine just swinging in your cage.<<br>>
Besides, if attention is what you're craving it's hardly like you're left in want of it - you are on-stage after all. Your sweet swinging seems delightful enough to keep a constant fraction of the audience looking your way at any time, and as they look up and you see the smiles light up their their faces at the sight, you can't help but feel happy about it.<<br>>
Your sweet playful performance is enough to keep you from getting too bored during the many sonnets and soliloquies below you, but after some time you begin to recognize some of the lines from the actors below you - it's almost the finale!
A performance below seems to be finally coming to a close, and you begrudgingly tune down your performance to let people focus on the finale.
All three of the suitors have come together for one last competition, and now it's come down to a death-defying sword fight between the last two.<<br>>
The conflict spills off the stage completely, until they're swordfighting in the alleyway just in front of the stands. The crowd cheers with every swordthrust, though you think that the drama would be slightly more interesting if only actor on the left wasn't audibly shouting out commands to duck, jump, move, or swing back on the fly. Oh well, at least this way neither will risk getting a splinter from the wooden weapons.<<br>>
Finally it comes to a close, and the victor is clear to everyone.<<br>>
<<blue "Huzzah!">> Cries Marvillo in victory as he leaps back onto the stage. <<blue "That's my rival, Pervalus at last dealt with. And to think to think that not even Mathias' talking tortoise nor his enchanted underpants couldst overcome me either - not ere I did seize it from his frame betwixt my teeth just behind yonder bush over there earlier, that is.">><<br>>
Mathias, holding some plasterboard scenery over his lower half, blushingly concedes <<blue "U-umm, yes, that's right. I, well, I rather didn't expect you to go at it with //quite// that fervor.">><<br>>
<<blue "Curse thee, Marvillo.">> Pervalus spits, as he staggers back on stage. <<blue "Yet thy words ring true, we pale in comparison to thy brilliance. Of the three of us, 'tis evident that thou art the most deserving to take the Canary's hand in wedlock. Come, let us go there now.">><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow12">>
<</link>>The three of them walk around in circles for a bit, to represent them walking back to the Canary's manor. Finally, they look upwards at you. <<blue "There she is now, on yonder balcony!">><<br>>
Marvillo strides up confidently to stand just below you. <<blue "Come, sweet lady. Please, let me hear thy thoughts at last...">><<br>>
That's your cue! You remember perfectly well what your lines are, you'd be a fool not to - it's the title of the whole play, "I want to be your canary". However, as all attention in the room focuses directly on you, you can't help but think how ridiculous a way that is to end the play. You've half a mind to change the whole thing.<br>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Stick to the script and marry Marvillo">>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "script">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
<<link "Go off-script and declare that I won't marry Marvillo">>
<<replace "#remove" t8n>>
The three actors stare back in astonishment at the unexpected announcement. The audience seem just as confused - plunging the whole theatre in stunned silence.<<br>>
Finally one of them speaks up, and you're not sure if he's improvising or has simply dropped character completely to bewilderedly ask <<blue "Umm, whyever not?">><<br>>
<<link "Because I barely know him">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "refuseTalk">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
<<link "Because he's incredibly annoying">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "refuseAnnoying">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
<<link "Because he's //clearly// gay">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "refuseGay">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
<<link "Go off-script and declare that I'll date all three of them">>
<<replace "#remove" t8n>>
The three actors stare back in astonishment at the unexpected announcement. The audience seem just as confused - plunging the whole theatre in stunned silence.<<br>>
Finally one of them speaks up, and you're not sure whether he's improvising or has simply dropped character completely to bewilderedly ask <<blue "Umm, you don't mean to imply that you'll engage in some kind of... //polygamy//, do you?">><<br>>
<<link "Yes, exactly">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "polygamy">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
<<link "Well, more like polyamory, actually">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "polyamory">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
<<link "Oh no, it'll be much more //casual// than marriage">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day68theatreFinale to "polyCasual">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow13">>
</span><<setter "day68theatreFinale to 'script'" "day68theatreFinale to 'refuseTalk'" "day68theatreFinale to 'refuseAnnoying'" "day68theatreFinale to 'refuseGay'" "day68theatreFinale to 'polygamy'" "day68theatreFinale to 'polyamory'" "day68theatreFinale to 'polyCasual'">>
<<switch $day68theatreFinale>>
<<case "script">>
You suppress the instinct. These actors must have worked for months to put this show on, it's hardly fair on them to throw the whole thing off-kilter. Besides, it would hardly be keeping a low-profile, would it?<<br>>
You're no actor, but you try your hardest to put as much <<if $grace gte $auth and $grace gte $cute>>graceful elegance<<elseif $cute gte $grace and $cute gte $auth>>sweetness<<elseif $auth gte $cute and $auth gte $grace>>nobility<<else>>graceful elegance<</if>> into your words as you can manage.<<br>>
Your words manage to hit the mark and the audience erupt into delighted applause. The musicians, hearing their cue, play the closing music, signalling the end of the play.
<<case "refuseTalk">>
This whole play you haven't even shared a single word with the guy, he's just been off in the distance doing competitions for your favor without ever having dared to ask what //you// think about the matter at all. Maybe if he had then you could have had the opportunity to tell him that it's dehumanizing and weird!<<br>>
And it's not just him, it's all three of them! They've seen you as nothing more than a token to be won, and haven't considered your interiority in the slightest. You don't even know their names for the gods' sake - heck, you're pretty sure that they don't even know yours either! This isn't a healthy start to a relationship at all, and you're not going to go along with it.<<br>>
For a few moments after your speech, the entire theatre is deathly silent, the audience shocked at the twist, and you dread that you've completely wrecked things by speaking up. However, then it begins - a single person starts clapping, and then another, and another, slowly picking up momentum until before long the auditorium is filled cheering and applauding. Not everyone is so enthusiastic about your willpower, and you can see plenty of grumpy looking older men in the crowd, but they're easily shouted down by the enthusiasm of the others for your display of independence.<<br>>
Sensing that things are as concluded as they're going to be, the conductor leads the orchestra into the closing song, marking the end of the play.
<<case "refuseAnnoying">>
He's an absolute buffoon! During the play he's managed to cause considerable property damage, injure several goats, ruin a harvest festival, and generally act like a total idiot the whole time. You want nothing to do with the man!<<br>>
And it's not just Marvillo, it's all three of them! Their absurd 'competitions' for your favor have caused nothing but chaos for everyone else around them, and they've been too egged-on by each other to even begin to notice the harm that they're causing. Them and their stupid pantaloons and go take a hike as far as you're concerned - all they've managed to do is show you how none of them deserve your attention at all.<<br>>
Your chastising speech is enough to leave the whole theatre silent, and for a few long moments you fear that you've made the wrong move and ruined everything, but then the laughter begins. It starts as a giggle, but soon takes over the whole auditorium as the audience jeer at the stupid suitors and their foolishness. You're sure that most of the crowd thought them noble just a moment ago, but you bet that if you asked them now then the majority would firmly declare that they thought that they were annoying the whole time, and understood that the play was a parody of their idiocy right from the beginning.<<br>>
Sensing that things are as concluded as they're going to be, the conductor leads the orchestra into the closing song, marking the end of the play. The audience's laughter is soon joined by the clapping of delighted applause.
<<case "refuseGay">>
You've been too busy focusing on other things to pay much attention to the play, but you barely had to watch any of it to understand the thing that's been glaring everyone right in the face - Marvillo is //clearly// gay.<<br>>
He can't go 5 minutes without finding a flimsy excuse to mack on Pervalus, and that scene where he undressed Mathias' enchanted underpants off of him was //very// excessive - especially since you could see what was going on behind the tree from up here. Besides, couldn't he just have used his hands instead?<<br>>
Meanwhile, every time he's mentioned you, the Canary, he's seemed pretty half-hearted in comparison. If anything, you've just been a device that's given him an excuse to flirt with the other suitors under the disguise of 'competition'. But now, like a dog who chases after a cart, he's reached his goal and doesn't know what to do about it. You're just saving him a whole mess of trouble by sorting this out straight away.<<br>>
There's a chorus of noises of agreement from the audience - you're clearly not the only person who this has occurred to. However, the actor who's playing Marvillo has gone as white as a sheet. You quickly identify that most of this behavior wasn't an intentional direction for his character to go in, but rather the man's own proclivities coming through in his acting. Now the poor guy's being called out for it right on stage.<<br>>
You're about to try to give him an escape, but his friends, seeing his reaction, beat you to it.<<br>>
<<blue "M-Marvillo. To think that all along you were nurturing such... desires.">> Says Pervalus, improvising on the spot. You can see Marvillo's frame flinch at the words.<<br>>
However, Pervalus doesn't stop there. <<blue "I must admit, when I felt thy lips cross mine, what I felt was deepest jealousy. At the time, I thought I was envious of you for your talents, and that you would'st surely take the Canary for yourself. But perhaps, now that I consider it, the person who I was //really// jealous of was the Canary herself, that she might be the one to experience such blissful smooching in the future and not I.">>
You can see Marvillo's eyes widen in shock at what his fellow actor is saying.<<br>>
<<blue "And, umm.">> Mathias piques up nervously. <<blue "What happened just behind that tree, while new and scary to me... well, to be honest, behind this foliage wot I cover mine unmentionables with, mine manhood hath not settled for but a moment, even after such time has passed. I-I would not be adverse to... umm.. exploring this further with you, sweet rival.">><<br>>
Tears are beginning to flow down Marvillo's face at his coworkers rescue.<<br>>
The three suitors grasp each other by the hand with a tenderness that makes you think that this might be more than just an on-stage performance, no longer rivals but something much more. <<blue "Perhaps, Marvillo, this maiden is not who //any// of us do truly desire. And, in fact, it is //us//, who want to be //your// Canary.">><<br>>
The crowd erupt into applause. After a few bewildered moments, the musicians realize that this is their cue, and begin the closing music, signalling the end of the play.
<<case "polygamy">>
You nod. Yes, that's exactly what you were thinking - polygamy!<<br>>
You're rich, successful, and desirable, whereas from what you've seen of them so far the three of them are so useless they can barely tie their shoelaces without help. You quite like all three of them, but no singular man could satisfy all of your needs, be they sexual, housekeeping, or childcare when it comes to that. However, between the three of them they'll have a decent start, though if if they start to struggle then more can be added if necessary. You easily have the means to fund their maintenance as househusbands, whereas there's no way that any of them could get by by themselves, let alone be the breadwinner in a relationship. They'd be fools to turn down such an offer.<<br>>
Almost the entire theatre goes deathly silent. Nobody seems quite able to believe what they're hearing. That is other than a few haughty noblewomen up in the boxes, who seem to love the idea.<<br>>
The quiet lingers for some time before one of the actors realizes that they should say something. <<blue "Umm... well- well that sounds...">><<br>>
However, he can't get anywhere before being interrupted by one of his fellows. <<blue "We'll do it!">><<br>>
The other two stare at him in shock. <<blue "B-but Mathias, this whole thing sounds totally unfair!">><<br>>
<<blue "I know, but just think about it, okay? We've been doing this for 5 acts, and all that we've done is cause chaos with our ridiculous competitions. We're no good to man nor beast at all! Maybe what we really need is a firm hand to keep us in line and stop us from getting silly.">><<br>>
The other two share a disbelieving glance at each other. They have a brief unspoken conversation, which ends in a shrug. <<blue "Well, I- I guess so then. We'll do it.">> You guess that it's probably mostly just to keep the story going, but it'll do.<<br>>
You flash them an arrogant smile, and demand that they ask you properly.<<br>>
<<blue "F-fine.">> One says, begrudgingly. <<blue "Will you please let us be your canaries?">><<br>>
You accept with relish.<<br>>
The orchestra get the hint, and push steadfastly into the closing music. The audience, still completely bewildered by the affair, clap nervously at the unexpected conclusion.
<<case "polyamory">>
You cock your head to one side thoughtfully. To be honest, polygamy doesn't //quite// sound like what you had in mind - far too hierarchical.<<br>>
No, you'd been thinking of something much more //intentional// in structure. Some kind of consensual ethical non-monogamous polycule where all four of you can date each other, as well as whomsoever else any of you want to see, without being bound by exclusivity. A relationship anarchy completely removed from any of the kyriarchical assumptions about 'how dating should be' which define most relationships. It'll be a difficult thing, one that will take a lot of deep conversation and having to be completely honest with ourselves and each other about all of our individual needs, wants, and boundaries - inventing a new way of being together from first principals, one that's constantly re-evaluated and developed. However, you have an earnest hope that maybe one day the three of them can see each other through bonds of compersional love as metamours, rather than being trapped in jealous rivalry.<<br>>
Your speech comes to a close, and you realize that you'd gotten quite carried away. The entire theatre is deathly silent as everyone tries to process what you're saying.<<br>>
The silence lingers for a terrifying amount of time before one of the actors realizes that they should probably say something. <<blue "Umm, well, that sounds...">><<br>>
However, he can't get anywhere before being interrupted by one of his fellows, who'd been lost in thought. <<blue "I... I //guess// we could give it a try?">> The others look at him in shock. <<blue "Well, it's //weird//, but it's not like it would be unsafe or anything. It sounds like the whole point is to avoid anyone getting hurt, right?">><<br>>
You nod eagerly, grateful that he's considering the idea.<<br>>
<<blue "Yeah but I don't think-...">> The third man begins, before the eager look on his friend's face gets to him. <<blue "Damnit, I guess we can give it a try, but I'm not hopeful that it'll work!">><<br>>
You shrug - it'll do. You agree that you'd like to give being their Canary a try, but only for as much and for as long as it's healthy and positive for absolutely everyone involved.<<br>>
The orchestra seems to get the hint, and swells into the closing music. The audience, still completely bewildered by the affair, clap nervously as they try to work out how they're supposed to feel about the whole thing.
<<case "polyCasual">>
You wince at the actor's question. Jeez, //marriage// to three people //really// doesn't sound like the kind of thing that you'd actually want.<<br>>
But that doesn't mean that you don't want all three of them. They'd just have to agree to be some kind of casual, long-term, long-distance, low-commitment boyfriends. It'll be nice to see them every now and again, whenever you remember them or have some needs they can help with, but you're just not ready to commit to meeting any of their needs in return, and they'd better not start getting //clingy//. After all, you're clearly very rich and successful - they should be grateful for anything that they can get.<<br>>
At first the entire theatre falls deathly silent at the announcement, but after the surprise sinks in you find that not everyone finds the idea //completely// appalling. A small but rowdy section of the women in the audience soon start hooting and hollering. You're showered by cheers of <<pink "Hell yeah!">> and <<pink "You go, girl!">>, much to the dismay of some of their husbands.<<br>>
As the heckling dies down, you can see the three suitors sharing nervous glances at each other, trying to work out how they're supposed to react to this situation.<<br>>
<<blue "Well, sweet Canary, I'm afraid that that kind of thing really isn't fair to any of-">> One begins, before getting elbowed in the ribs by his fellow.<<br>>
/* <<blue "Now stop right there. Listen, man, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, where else are you going to find a lady who'd agree to a casual, long-term long-distance low-commitment situationship, it's what every guy dreams of!">> He urges. */
<<blue "Now stop right there. Sure, it's unfair, but where else are we going to get a chance with someone as fine as her? I think we should go for it.">> He urges.<<br>>
<<blue "D-does this mean that //we// get to date other people too?">> Asks the third suitor nervously.<<br>>
You consider this for a few moments, before declaring that you'd rather they didn't date any //women//, it'd feel like competition, but guys seem harmless enough for them to date. Kind of a one-vagina policy.<<br>>
You can see the actor playing Marvillo perk up considerably at the news, practically leaping forward to declare <<blue "Count me in!">><<br>>
His rivals hesitate a moment longer, before shrugging. <<blue "Fine, we'll do it!">> One announces, before asking <<blue "Please, sweet lady, would you agree to be our low-commitment, long-distance, long-term, casual canary?">><<br>>
You nod, saying that you will, so long as they don't get weird about it.<<br>>
The orchestra pick up their cue, and lead into the closing music, signalling the end of the play. Much of the audience seems pretty bewildered by the surprising conclusion, but politely clap along.
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow14">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreDonnaSupport to false" "day68theatreDonnaSupport to 'grace'">>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
Suddenly a wailing cry rings through the theatre, so loud it easily pierces through both the music and the applause and makes your ears ring.<<br>>
<<pink "You //bitch//!">> screams the Prima Donna as she pushes past a pair of stagehands to thrust herself on-stage. She points an accusing finger up at you in your gilded birdcage. <<pink "I //knew// that you were //evil// the moment I set eyes on you, but to think that you were here to take my place and //steal// my //prestige//!">><<br>>
She twirls around to the audience with the melodrama that can only come with being a thespian, and shouts out to the bewildered crowd <<pink "//She's// not the Prima Donna, //I// am!">><<br>>
The crowd gasp in surprise, clearly getting into it and thrilled about the opportunity to watch even more drama unfold in front of them. You curse whatever gods you can think of - this is going horribly, and trapped up here in your birdcage you can't even run away.<<br>>
The Prima Donna wipes her tear-stained face and continues <<pink "She's an imposter! She's really just a... some kind of...">> After a few false starts, she seems to realize that she actually has no idea at all who you could be at all, and looks back up at you again to wonder aloud <<pink "Who //are// you, anyway?">><<br>>
Suddenly there's a clattering from off-stage, and a second later a woman practically throws herself on stage - it's the Prima Donna, a mere four hours late!<<br>>
<<pink "I'll do it, I'll do it!">> She practically screams, so loudly that it easily pierces through the music and applause and makes your ears ring. <<pink "I've changed my mind! The show can go on, its prima donna is finally ready for it!">><<br>>
It takes her a few moments longer to realize that the performance isn't waiting expectantly for her to be ready as she expected, but is rather just finishing up, and that she's staring out at a sea of audience members. However, she's anything but perturbed by the spectacle of it - performing in front of crowds must be second nature to her by now. <<pink "Y-you did it //without// me? But I'm the //Prima Donna//!">> <<br>>
The audience quickly settle down, clearly enthusiastic about the idea of getting to watch even more drama unfolding in front of them. The actors playing the three suitors shuffle awkwardly, glancing suspiciously at you. With a voice as loud as hers, it's difficult for anyone to think that she's anything but exactly who she claims to be.<<br>>
The Prima Donna finally thinks to look up, and her eyes bulge at the sight of you in //her// birdcage. <<pink "You're the girl who-.">> She splutters, before loudly asking <<pink "Who //are// you, anyway?">><<br>>
<<link "Say that you're the Princess">>
<<set $day68theatreDefend to "princess">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow15">>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day68theatreDefend to "quiet">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow15">>
<</link>><<setter "day68theatreDefend to 'princess'" "day68theatreDefend to 'quiet'" "day68theatreDonnaSupport to false" "day68theatreDonnaSupport to 'grace'">>
<<if $day68theatreDefend is "princess">>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
It feels like an absurd claim to make, one that you doubt anyone will believe, but you can't see a way out of this if you don't appeal to a higher authority.
You're not sure if anyone is going to believe such a thing, but you don't have much choice in the matter.
You declare loudly that you're the Princess, with as much ardent sincerity as you can muster for something that isn't actually true at all.<<br>>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
As expected, the ridiculous statement only wins you laughter from the audience. You can see the Prima Donna's face turn even redder as she assumes that you're making fun of her.
For a moment everyone just stares at you for the absurd claim, but it isn't long before sniggering erupts from the crowd at the sheer audacity of it.
However, to your surprise someone comes to your aid. A voice from the audience loudly shouts through the din. <<pink "She's right! She's the Princess!">><<br>>
All eyes turn to this new person, standing up in one of the boxes reserved for nobility. You think that you recognize her - one of the noblewomen who was competing with everyone when the royal convoy was visiting Harewood military camp.<<br>>
The noblewoman hesitates at suddenly having so many eyes staring her way, but bravely continues. <<pink "W-well, I thought it was //odd// when I first saw her, but I assumed that it was just a, umm, remarkable lookalike. But I saw the Princess just a few days ago - and that's her, I'd swear by it!">><<br>>
The reaction from the crowd is mostly scoffing. The two of you aren't nearly enough to convince everyone<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>, and certainly not the Prima Donna herself<</if>>, but as luck would have it another person joins the fray.
There's no way that they'd believe anything as ridiculous as you being the Princess, but it's not like any other explanation would fly in this situation either. The only thing to do is stay quiet and hope that a miracle happens.<<br>>
And, as it so happens, one does.<<br>>
A member of the audience shouts out <<pink "I know who she is, she's the Princess!">><<br>>
The absurd claim causes nothing but laughter at first, everyone assuming that it's just a joking heckle, but the woman just shouts all the louder to declare <<pink "N-no, it's true! I thought it was //odd// when I first saw her, but I assumed that it was just a, umm, remarkable lookalike. But I saw the Princess just a few days ago - and that's her, I'd swear by it!">><<br>>
You look over to where she's standing in one of the boxes reserved for nobility - now that she mentions it, you think you recognize her as one of the noblewomen who was competing with everyone when the royal convoy was visiting Harewood military camp.<<br>>
She's still not really convincing anyone, but luckily it's enough to inspire a reaction.
Recognizing opportunity when he smells it, the director smarmily throws himself in the mix, walking out onto the stage from the wings. <<blue "Ahh yes! It's true!">> he announces loudly
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
<<blue "It's been a, err, //secret// of the production that we've been working on for some time. We here at La Paonne Theatre are proud to announce to you all that for this performance the role of the Canary has been gracefully filled in by none other than her royal Highness the Princess herself!">>
<<blue "Luckily, when the Prima Donna was tragically unable to perform at opening time, we at La Paonne Theatre knew //exactly// who to contact. We have friends in //very// high places here, and as you know the royal family are currently visiting Saint-Joules. We were so very lucky that the Princess herself happened to be available, and she was enthusiastic to step-in.">>
It's clear to you that he doesn't really believe that you're the Princess at all, and is just grabbing the chance for more publicity and to cover for this mess, but it does the trick. The crowd hardly seem completely convinced, but they're rowdy enough that it doesn't take much to set them off, and sheer spectacle of it all is enough for them to start cheering.<<br>>
You don't know whether to be relieved or not. On one hand you've managed to get through this with only //one// layer of your imposterhood revealed, but on the other it's now absolutely certain that everything that you've done tonight will be linked back to the Princess and reported to the Queen. You dread to think what she'll think about how you've conducted yourself.<<br>>
The director makes a frantic motion with his hands for the curtains to be shut, and you're soon out of sight of the crowd<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>, leaving you surrounded by angry looking thespians<</if>>.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day68theatreShow16">>
<</link>><<set $outfit to $outfitStore>>
<<if ndef $outfit.bra>>
<<set $outfit.bra to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to []>>
<<if ndef $outfit.shoe>>
<<set $outfit.shoe to {}>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to []>>
<<unset $outfitStore>>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
You're soon gruffly escorted through the back-canals of the theatre by burly stagehands like a criminal, though you're at least grateful that they keep the furious Prima Donna off of you. The director keeps a stern eye on you and ensures that you change back into the clothing that you arrived in without stealing any of the theatre's property.<<br>>
It feels unfair, especially since, all things considered, you don't think that you did a //bad// job as the Canary. However, it's easily made up for by the dumb looks on their faces when your escort of royal guardsmen come to collect you and bring you back to the Bastille.
When you're let down from the birdcage the Prima Donna runs up to you, her eyes swimming with wonder. <<pink "Y-you're the Princess?">> She utters, so innocently that you don't have to heart to lie to her face, so you make a mumbled excuse and get out of there.<<br>>
The director proves a more challenging obstacle. He slides up to you and in a low, terse whisper instructs <<blue "Now listen, //miss//. I know that little girls dream of a day at the theatre, but let's not get //carried away//, hmm?">><<br>>
He ensures that you change back into the clothing that you arrived in without stealing any of the theatre's property. It feels unfair, especially since, all things considered, you don't think that you did a //bad// job as the Canary, however, it's easily made up for by the dumb look on his face when your escort of royal guardsmen come to collect you and bring you back to the Bastille.
As you're led back through the streets of Saint-Joules, the soldier in charge gives you an odd look. <<blue "You wouldn't //believe// the rumors wot we heard from some of the audience as they were leaving the theatre. Did you, err, have a good time in there, Princess?">><<br>>
You try to keep a straight face, and give an ambiguous reply, but as you walk find yourself considering the question.<br>
<<section "section">>
It isn't long before your group arrives back at the Bastille, and you're shown back into the tight, winding corridors.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<goto "day6meratStart">>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetter">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart">>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "You know, I think that I did actually">>
<<set $day68theatreMood to "fun">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
<<hr>>It was certainly an intense experience, being so completely visible in front of everyone, but you can't deny that actually it had been quite fun in the end. You just hope that the Queen doesn't react too poorly when she hears about it.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "It was terrifying">>
<<set $day68theatreMood to "noFun">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>
You cringe at the idea. You wish that you'd never gone.<<br>>
<<print _section>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<set $day to 7>>
/* Legacy save fix - train order - moved to save add */
/* <<if ndef $statOrder>>
<<set $statOrder to []>>
<<if $authTrain is 5>><<run $statOrder.push("auth")>><</if>>
<<if $graceTrain is 5>><<run $statOrder.push("grace")>><</if>>
<<if $cuteTrain is 5>><<run $statOrder.push("cute")>><</if>>
<<if $voiceTrain is 5>><<run $statOrder.push("voice")>><</if>>
<</if>> */
/* <<if ndef $statOrder>>
<<if $authTrain is 5>><<set $statOrder to ["auth"]>>
<<elseif $graceTrain is 5>><<set $statOrder to ["grace"]>>
<<elseif $cuteTrain is 5>><<set $statOrder to ["cute"]>>
<<elseif $voiceTrain is 5>><<set $statOrder to ["voice"]>>
<<else>><<set $statOrder to []>>
<</if>> */
/* <<if $auth isnot $authTrain + $authBonus>>
<<set $auth to $authTrain + $authBonus>>
<<if $grace isnot $graceTrain + $graceBonus>>
<<set $grace to $graceTrain + $graceBonus>>
<<if $cute isnot $cuteTrain + $cuteBonus>>
<<set $cute to $cuteTrain + $cuteBonus>>
<<if $voice isnot $voiceTrain + $voiceBonus>>
<<set $voice to $voiceTrain + $voiceBonus>>
<</if>> */
/* Legacy save fix - train order end */
/* You barely have time to <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>pull your dressing gown around your shoulders<<else>>get your bearings<</if>> before the Queen surges into the carriage.<<br>> */
<<setter "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined" "pc.background to 'bread'" "pc.background to 'flirt'" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'" "day5concludeMood to 'hate'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'">>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
You can see the figure of the Queen through the carriage window. <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>As you pull your dressing gown around your shoulders you<<else>>You<</if>> have a few moments to prepare yourself.<br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "Try my hardest to look keen & attentive for her">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
She instructed you to be awake and alert by now, and <<if $day5concludeMood is "scared" or $day5concludeMood is "relief">>you really don't want to disappoint her<<else>>for now it still plays to your advantage to appear obedient<</if>>.<<br>>
In preparation for the Queen seeing you, you quickly wipe the sleep from your eyes to try to look as awake as possible and stand almost at attention, a look of dutiful determination on your face. Quite on her own, Simone does the same next to you.<<br>>
When she surges into the room, looking as superior and austere as ever in an almost-sheer chiffon gown, her eyes narrow in satisfaction.<<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
<<queen "So the two of you are up then? Good - it's a pleasure to see one's will enacted with such enthusiasm.">>
<<queen "So you're up then, I see. Very well, it seems that you can obey //basic// commands at the very least. It's a start. Let's only hope that you find a way to attend to the rest of your duties with such diligence in the future.">>
<<include "day7wake2">>
<<link "Maintain an air of insolent indolence">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7breakfastSkip to true>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
She may have you in her clutches, but that doesn't mean that you have to pretend to //like// it. Sure, it might work to your favor for her to think that you've rolled over and shown her your belly in submission, but you've too much pride to behave so obsequiously.<<br>>
When the Queen unlocks the door and surges into the room, looking as superior and austere as ever in an almost-sheer chiffon gown, she finds you leisurely waiting for her, leaning insolently against the bedpost. Her expression darkens with annoyance.<<br>>
<<queen "For heaven's sake. All I ask is for you to greet me correctly in the mornings and you can't even do that without some pointless gesture of indignity. Are you really so stupid as to expect it to play to your benefit, or is it all because of //her//?">> She gestures towards Simone. <<queen "So fragile in your self-confidence that you're reduced to schoolboy shows of bravado in front of a girl you 'fancy'.">> She sighs irritably. <<queen "Well I'll have you know that her presence here is as a privilege that can be //revoked// if it will help keep you in line.">><<br>>
She turns away from you to address the maid. <<queen "Simone, my dear?">><<br>>
The little maid curtsies nervously. <<simone "Y-yes, your Majesty?">><<br>>
Your breath stops in your throat. If Simone wasn't here to help guide and dress you then you'd be done for - a fact that the Queen no doubt knows full well.<<br>>
The monarch pauses for a few tense seconds, seeming to honestly consider the prospect, before finally saying to Simone. <<queen "I think that it won't be necessary for you to prepare breakfast this morning. You're welcome to eat with the other members of staff, but don't take any back with you. If he insists on acting like an insolent child then he'll have to be punished like one. Do you understand?">><<br>>
Simone nods furiously. Seemingly relived to not have to leave you. <<simone "Yes, of course your Majesty.">><<br>>
As punishments go it's pretty pathetic. <<if $pc.background is "bread">>You're no stranger to going hungry from your time on the streets<<else>>Your time in prison made you used to having to go hungry<</if>> - merely skipping a meal won't be much problem at all. But the point isn't to make you suffer, it's to humiliate you by flexing her petty will over you and treating you like a child.<<br>>
She seems to relish the frustrated expression which crosses your face, but swiftly moves onwards regardless. <<queen "No matter. You'll learn in time I'm sure. But I don't have time to waste educating you - let's see how you managed to conduct yourself yesterday, shall we?">><<br>>
<<cont "day7wake2">>
</span><<set $day6score to 0>>
<<setter 'day6meratCatch to "lostCryCute"' "day6meratCatch to 'loversPush'" "day6meratCatch to 'meratStareGrace'" "day6meratCatch to 'meratShoutGrace'">>
<<if $day7breakfastSkip is true>>
She unfurls a sheet of paper from her handbag and begins her morning assessment. You internally surmise it as follows:
<<queen "Now, let's see how you managed to conduct yourself yesterday, shall we?">> The Queen continues, unfurling a sheet of paper from her handbag to begin her morning assessment. You internally surmise it as follows:
<<if $day6morningHand is "shake">>
<<set $day6score -= 2>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you tried to shake her hand last morning.<br>
<<elseif $day6morningHand is "nuzzle">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you nuzzled into her hand last morning.<br>
<<if $day6druRefer is "cow">>
<<set $day6score -->>
/* While the Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;dislikes@@'' that you called Drusilla an ugly cow, she seems to care much less than you'd been expecting. */
You're surprised when the Queen expresses only mild <<disliked "dislike">> about you calling Drusilla an ugly cow. You thought she'd be furious!
<<elseif $day6druRefer is "duchess">>
<<set $day6score -= 2>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you deferred to Drusilla's authority as a duchess last morning.
<<elseif $day6druRefer is "great-aunt">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you reminded Drusilla of her age last morning.
<<elseif $day6druRefer is "drusilla">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't remind Drusilla of her age last morning as she'd asked.
<<if $outfitsArray.last() is "blossom">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wore her choice of outfit.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't wear her choice of outfit, but is content that your other options will soon dwindle away over the next few days.
<<switch $morningChange>>
<<set $day6score ++>>
<<case "legs">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you shaved your legs.
<<case "pubic">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you shaved your pubic hair (heaven knows how she found out about it!)
<<case "hair">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new haircut.
<<case "nails">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new nails.
<<case "makeup">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new makeup.
<<case "ears">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new earrings.
<<case "hairAcc">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new hair accessories.
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
Oddly, the Queen doesn't tell you off for ending up getting caught up in the performance. If anything, she almost seems to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' it.<br>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't support the Prima Donna in the loos.
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you supported the Prima Donna in the loos.
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wore the toga in a feminine style.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you wore the toga in an androgynous style.
<<if $day68theatreVoice is "pass">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you spoke loudly and clearly for the audience.
<<elseif $day68theatreVoice is "fail">>
<<set $day6score -->>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke in front of the audience.
<<elseif $day68theatreVoice is "mumble">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you mumbled your lines.
<<if $day68theatrePuzzle is "pass">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you worked out the right lines to say from context.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you couldn't work out the right lines to say from context.
<<if $day68theatreCue is "fail">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you couldn't improvise any lines to Mathias.
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to improvise some lines on the fly.
<<if $day68theatreCover is false>>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you didn't pull your toga back over your shoulder.<br>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about how you responded to the sonnets.<br>
<<if $day68theatreSwing is false>>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you looked so uncomfortable sitting on your perch for so long.
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you decided to swing so femininely.
<<if $day68theatreSwing is "cross" or $day68theatreSwing is "legs">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
To your surprise, the Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' your seductive performance<br>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about how you concluded the show.<br>
<<if $day68theatreDefend is "princess">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you defended yourself as the Princess<br>
<<if $day68theatreMood is "fun">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>
<<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you collapsed in the sauna.
<<elseif $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you went in the sauna.
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you went along with the yoga session.
<<if $voice lte 2>>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your moans came out so gruffly.<br>
<<if $day68spaMassage is "buttLet" or $day68spaMassage is "flipLet">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you received a 'full' massage.
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipCage">>
The Queen found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;disappointing@@'' that you didn't receive a 'full' massage, but can't hold it against you.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected the 'full' massage
<<if $day68spaMassage is "flipLet" and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that your pubic region was shaved for the masseuse.<br>
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipLet" and $pc.shave is "legs">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your your pubic area wasn't shaved for the masseuse.<br>
<<if $day68spaMood is "fun">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">>
<<if $grace is 0>>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 1>>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 2>>
The Queen thought that overall your grace while dancing was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@''.
<<elseif $grace is 3>>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' of your overall grace while dancing.
<<elseif $grace is 4 or $grace is 5>>
<<set $day6score ++>><<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that your overall dancing was so graceful.
<<if $day68danceEstelleMistake is true>>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said something incongruent with your appearance to Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceEstelleDare is true>>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced like a commoner with Estelle in front of everyone.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareSkill is false>>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that Lord Lazare made you look stupid in front of everyone, concluding that sometimes failure is helpful to one's ends.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareSkill is true>>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you avoided being humiliated by Lord Lazare.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareButt is "let">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you let Lord Lazare grab your butt, saying that such measures are 'an easy sacrifice for favor'.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "slapSorry">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you slapped Lord Lazare when he grabbed your butt, but ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you had the dignity to apologize.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "move">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you upset Lord Lazare by moving his hand from your butt.<br>
<<elseif $day68daceLazareButt is "slapExtract">>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you outraged Lord Lazare by slapping him when he put his hand on your butt.<br>
<<if $day68danceFloriceDance is "lead">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected gender norms by leading Florice as you danced.<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is false and $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that Marthe clocked that you were an imposter and accused you as she was taken away<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is "fail">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you awkwardly clammed up while trying to defend Marthe from the guardsmen.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesHand is "shake">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you shook Gilles' hand like a man.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesReact is "sock">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you instinctively punched Gilles in the face.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchDown">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;disapproves@@'' of the fact that you had a trauma flashback with Gilles.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchSob">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that you fell to pieces during a trauma flashback with Gilles, though she at least ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you were 'femininely helpless' about it.<br>
<<if $day68danceHermineStyle is "flirt">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' the advice that you gave to Hermine.<br>
<<if $day68danceLast is "Lazare">>
<<set $day6score ++>><<set $day6score ++>>
Despite him being less powerful than he was letting on, the Queen still <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you chose to have your last dance with Lord Lazare, as he was still the most powerful person available.<br>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Lazare") is true and $day68danceLast isnot "Lazare" and $day68daceLazareButt isnot "slapExtract">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't choose Lord Lazare for the final dance.<br>
<<if $day68danceMood is "fun">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
<<if $day68boutGirl is "hide">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you hid behind your escort when confronted with a peasant girl on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "mean">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you appeared powerful and intimidating in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you embarrassed yourself while trying to intimidate the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "kind">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to appear benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way of the boutiques
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you did a poor job appearing benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<if $day68boutToyAisle is "doll">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you chose to look at the dolls instead of the soldiers in the toy shop.
<<elseif $day68boutToyAisle is "soldier">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you chose to look at the soldiers instead of the dolls in the toy shop.
<<if $day68boutToyBear is "reject">>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ungraciously caused a scene rejecting the teddy bear.
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that you looked childish bringing home a giant teddy bear.
<<if $day68boutRestFashion is "queen">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you told the group of fashion-conscious women to emulate her style.<br>
<<if $day68boutRestBum is "close">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutRestBum is "give">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar, but unexpectedly it sounds like she found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;acceptable@@'' that you gave him money.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt2 is "rules">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said that the male power fantasy painting 'fucking ruled'<br>
<<if $day68boutArtFem is "silly">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you expressed dislike for the feminine painting, despite agreeing that it probably really was quite distasteful from the sound of it.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinions you voiced about either of the sexual paintings in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 is "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual feminine painting in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual male painting in the gallery.<br>
<<if $day68boutArtPaint is false>>
<<set $day6score -->>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#6960EC;dislike@@'' that you chose not to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it would have been evidence of impersonation.
<<set $day6score ++>>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' that you chose to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it could be evidence of your impersonation.
<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ran across the room to grab your clothing so indignantly in the clothes shop
<<if $voice lte 2>><<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->> and ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke while explaining matters.<<elseif $voice gte 3 and $voice lte 4>> though heard that your explanation was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passably@@'' feminine in tone.
<<elseif $voice gte 5>><<set $day6score ++>>though ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' that you managed to verbally cover for yourself so capably.<</if>>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChange is "help">>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you so indignantly made a scene asking for help while trying on clothing - you're grateful that she doesn't know the half of it.
<<if $day68boutMood is "fun">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself.
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself.
<<if $day6meratCover isnot "merat">>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you suggested your own cover with Merat<<if $day6meratCover is 'lovers'>><<set $day6score ++>>, and particularly <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> your idea to be lovers<</if>>.<br>
<<switch $day6meratCorridor>>
<<case "merat">><<set $day6score ++>>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you followed Merat's lead while infiltrating the Bastille.
<<case "selfStop">><<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you were seen infiltrating the Bastille
<<case "selfWarn">><<set $day6score ++>>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you were of use while infiltrating the Bastille.
<<case "selfFollow">><<set $day6score ++>>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you followed Merat's lead while infiltrating the Bastille.
<<case "chat">><<set $day6score -->>The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your foolishness led to almost being captured while infiltrating the Bastille.
<<case "chatChat">><<set $day6score -->>The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your foolishness led to almost being captured while infiltrating the Bastille. But ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't seem to care@@'' that you needled Merat about his past.
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Cry")>>
<<set $day6score ++>><<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you cried so perfectly in front of the Bastille guards.<br>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("Good")>>
<<set $day6score ++>><<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you were behaving so Princesslike when you were caught by the guards.<br>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "loversPush">>
<<set $day6score ++>><<set $day6score ++>>
/* To your abject surprise, the Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you caught Merat up in a rape accusation, and ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't even seem to care@@'' that it meant that Merat got beaten within an inch of his life for it.<br> */
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("loversAnte")>>
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen seems to ''@@color:#FFA07A;approve@@'' of how you took control while kissing Merat.<br>
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("lostShout") or $day6meratCatch.includes("argueStare")>>
<<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you behaved in a way that didn't match your cover story.<br>
<<if $day6meratCatch.includes("Fail")>>
<<set $day6score -->><<set $day6score -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you didn't help to provide a cover for the guards.
<<set $day6score ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;likes@@'' that you helped to provide a cover for the guards.
<<if $day6meratCatch is "loversPush">>
<<set $meratInjury to 3>>
<<queen "I'll have you know.">> She states, looking back up from her notes towards you. <<queen "We found Merat late last night, beaten within an inch of his life by the Bastille guards. The physicians were kept up late tending to his broken bones.">><<br>>
You blink. You'd known that Merat was getting some comeuppance, but not the extent of it.<<br>>
You grit your teeth and brace yourself for the punishment for causing her agent such injury, but to your surprise none comes. Instead, the Queen almost looks //impressed//. <<queen "The false rape accusation managed to remove any trace of suspicion directed towards you. It was a smart move. And Merat...">> She makes a dismissive wave with her hand. <<queen "He's //used// to being beaten. His ability to dissociate under such circumstances is both deeply ingrained and one of the features which I appreciate in him. He even manged to keep the asset hidden. You needn't concern yourself.">><<br>>
You can't help but gawp at her display of incredible callousness, but when you see her eyes crease in irritation at the look on your face you quickly hide it again.<<br>>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("Cry")>>
<<set $meratInjury to 2>>
<<queen "I'll have you know.">> She states, looking back up from her notes towards you. <<queen "Merat staggered back late last night, covered in bruises. The Bastille guards assure me that he fell down some stairs, but he tells a very different story.">><<br>>
You grit your teeth and brace yourself for the punishment for causing her agent such injury, but to your surprise none comes - the Queen seems as nonplussed as ever. <<queen "You needn't concern yourself. He's //used// to being beaten. His ability to dissociate under such circumstances is deeply ingrained and one of the assets which I appreciate in him. He even manged to keep the asset hidden. Pay it no mind.">><<br>>
You can't help but gawp at her display of incredible callousness, but when you see her eyes crease in irritation at the look on your face you quickly hide it again.<<br>>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("Stare")>>
<<set $meratInjury to 1>>
<<queen "I'll have you know.">> She states, looking back up from her notes towards you.
<<queen "Merat didn't return //quite// unscathed from your expedition. It seems that the Bastille guardsmen got a few blows in while interrogating him as he was taken back separately from you.">><<br>>
You glance at her nervously, unsure if you're about to be punished for this, but you needn't have worried. <<queen "Luckily he managed to keep the asset out of their clutches. The snake's wellbeing is not a concern - merely a resource to be exploited.">><<br>>
<<set $meratInjury to 0>>
<<if def $day68boutGift>>
<<if $day68boutGift.includes("queen") is true and $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
<<set $day6score ++>><<set $day6score ++>>
<<queen "<<if $meratInjury is 0>>As<<else>>And as<</if>> for the 'gift' you acquired for me...">> The Queen continues, only to give a terse little sigh and fix you a deeply, deeply unamused expression. An expression that seems to scream '<<queen2>>you're getting blackmailed into servitude and you //seriously// decided to get your blackmailer a //present//?<</queen2>>'. However, despite how withering it is, you think that you can see a trace of a resigned '<<queen2>>what am I going to do with you?<</queen2>>' behind those cynical eyes which seems, while undoubtedly disappointed, nevertheless almost maternal, possessing at least a trace of warmth - though you could just be imagining it.<<br>>
Before you can get a full read on the expression she hides it once more and concludes <<queen "... the less said of it the better I think">>, swiftly moving onwards.<<br>>
<<cont "day7wake3">><<setter "day6score to -5" "day6score to 0" "day6score to 4" "day6score to 8" "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined">>
<<if $day6score lte -2>>
<<queen "All in all">> The Queen concludes, with a terrifying sharpness to her tone. <<queen "This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable. The demands that I make of you are simple and clear, are they not? And somehow you seem to find such petty ways to disappoint me at every turn.">><<check "poor result">><<br>>
Her stern gaze seems to bore through you. <<queen "You do know that they enact capital punishment down here in Saint-Joules, don't you? It's not as frequent as it used to be, but you should know that Aunt Drusilla, the woman who you seem oh-so very //committed// to making me look bad in front of, is no stranger whatsoever to having gibbet cages hung off of her beloved Bastille, and I have no doubt whatsoever that the shrew sleeps no less soundly for it.">><<br>>
You can feel sweat dripping down the back of your neck at the threat.<<br>>
<<queen "It takes a long time to die in those things. Plenty enough for you to truly consider how badly you //fucked up// to make it happen. It's an antiquated, unsavory practice, but since you seem so interested in throwing yourself into the hands of the local judiciary, then why would I go out of my way to placate them into a lesser sentence for you?">> A sick smile plays lightly on her rouged lips. <<queen "Perhaps I'll find that sleeping soundly under such conditions runs in the family.">><<br>>
<<queen "If you continue to strain my patience and charity then don't get upset when they turn out to run in very limited supply. I'll expect more from you from now on.">>
<<elseif $day6score lte 3>>
<<queen "All in all">> The Queen concludes with a sigh of exasperation. <<queen "you keep managing to find ways to show your mediocrity. I expect better from you than these middling results in the future.">><<check "medium result">>
<<elseif $day6score lte 7>>
<<queen "All in all">> The Queen concludes with an appeased nod. <<queen "You seem to understand your role, and are at least making an effort. However, don't mistake that praise for satisfaction - I know that you're capable of more, and won't accept half-measures.">><<check "minor success">>
<<elseif $day6score gte 8>>
<<queen "All in all">> The Queen concludes, and you could swear that you can almost see a glimpse of a smile on her cheeks for the briefest moment. <<queen "I find your behavior almost impressive, given the circumstances. I see that you're taking to your role with some enthusiasm. Just ensure that you don't let yourself falter, you still have a long way to go, and now that I know that you're capable of such things I'll know to hold you to this standard in the future.">><<check "major success">>
<<unset $day68theatreDonnaSupport>>
<<unset $day68theatreToga>>
<<unset $day68theatreVoice>>
<<unset $day68theatrePuzzle>>
<<unset $day68theatreCue>>
<<unset $day68theatreCover>>
<<unset $day68theatreRespond>>
<<unset $day68theatreSwing>>
<<unset $day68theatreFinale>>
<<unset $day68theatreDefend>>
<<unset $day68spaActivity>>
<<unset $day68danceEstelleMistake>>
<<unset $day68danceEstelleDare>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareSkill>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareButt>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareFinal>>
<<unset $day68danceLazarePace>>
<<unset $day68dancePartners>>
<<unset $day68danceFloriceGreet>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineLead>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineExplain>>
<<unset $day68danceMartheHide>>
<<unset $day68danceMartheDom>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesHand>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesAsk>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesReact>>
<<unset $danceNum>>
<<unset $day68boutGirl>>
<<unset $day68boutGirlCheck>>
<<unset $day68boutArray>>
<<unset $day68boutToyAisle>>
<<unset $day68boutToyBear>>
<<unset $day68boutArt1>>
<<unset $day68boutArt2>>
<<unset $day68boutArtFem>>
<<unset $day68boutArt5>>
<<unset $day68boutArt6>>
<<unset $day68boutArtPaint>>
<<unset $day68boutArtCount>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitStore>>
<<unset $day68boutPantiesStore>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitLinger>>
<<unset $day68boutPatChoice>>
<<unset $day6morningCover>>
<<unset $day6meratIntro>>
<<unset $day6meratExplain>>
<<unset $day6simoneCook>>
<<unset $day5soldiersInspired>>
<<unset $day5convoBoy>>
<<unset $day5meratTheory>>
<<unset $day4girlProtecc>>
<<unset $day4louiseRescue>>
<<unset $day4drinksHarass>>
<<unset $day5morningWank>>
<<unset $day5morningWankGirl>>
<<unset $day5outfitChoice>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitChange>>
<<unset $day68boutPatOrder>>
<<unset $day68boutRestFashion>>
<<unset $day6meratArray>>
<<unset $day6outfitChoice>>
<<unset $gagLimit>>
<<unset $pantiesWorn>>
<<if $skeletonKey is true and $roryKnow is true>><<set $skeletonKey to "merat6">><</if>>
<<queen "That goes especially so because your role this evening will be rather more //demanding// than merely wandering around this antiquated ruin.">> She explains as she puts away the report<<if $day6score gte -4>> and once again holds you under her scathing gaze<</if>>.<<br>>
<<queen "It seems that my aunt has decided to host a grand banquet for us. No doubt in some backhanded attempt to slight me.">> A brief scoff shows her bemused irritation at the prospect. <<queen "It's a waste of time, but I won't permit the indignity of appearing without my 'daughter' with me.">><<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
<<queen "I know that I can trust you to sit by my side and not embarrass me, can't I?">> She asks, somewhat rhetorically - the intensity in her dark grey eyes makes it clear that no arguments will be tolerated on the matter.<<br>>
Not that even you'd be capable of doing such a thing. It's been a while since she had you strip in front of her and kneel naked at her feet, but as she reaches forward to cup your cheek, the memory alone is enough to send your mind as blank and placid as if it were still happening.<<br>>
You don't know what expression crossed your face, but it brings a trickle of pleased laughter to her lips in reaction, and you can feel your cheeks burning in flustered shame. <<queen "Wonderful. I know that you'll do things to the best of your ability. Just ensure, for your own good, that your ability is sufficient.">>
<<queen "You'll be sitting by my side, playing your role as an elegant, dutiful princess, and if you dare to embarrass me by allowing yourself to be exposed know that, while I'm sure my aunt will no-doubt be amused, she'll be the one calling the loudest for you to be punished, and it will be politically expedient for me to oblige her.">>
<<queen "As for the afternoon. I still have the same things I need you to do as yesterday, though I suppose that I don't much care for which in particular. Tell me, which takes your fancy today?">><br><br>
You frown. You still don't really understand what scheme she's enacting with these strange missions. The one you did yesterday certainly didn't make it's purpose any clearer. You make your decision carefully.<br>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("dance") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to dance in the Bastille ballroom">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("dance")>>
<<goto "day7wake4">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("theatre") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to attend a performance at La Paonne theatre.">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("theatre")>>
<<goto "day7wake4">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("boutiques") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to go shopping in the Saint-Joules luxury boutiques district">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("boutiques")>>
<<goto "day7wake4">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("spa") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to get pampered at the spa">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.pushUnique("spa")>>
<<goto "day7wake4">>
<</if>><<setter "day6meratOffer to 'listened'" "day6meratOffer to true" "day6meratOffer to undefined" "day7change to 'hands'" "day7change to 'face'" "day7change to 'butt'" "day7change to 'penis'" "day7change to 'frame'" "day7change to 'boobs'">>
The Queen only nods in response. <<queen "Very well. I'll see to it that you'll be picked up after noon.">><<br>>
<<queen "Now tell me, do you have anything to say or can I go devote my attention towards something more pressing?">><br>
<span id="replace">
<<if $day6meratOffer is "listened" or $day6meratOffer is true>>
<<link "Tell her that Merat is planning to betray her, and invited you to join him">>
<<set $day7meratGrass to true>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7wakeGrass]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Keep my lips sealed">>
<<set $day7meratGrass to false>>
<<if $day6meratOffer is "listened">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
You decide not to tell her about Merat's schemes. As tempting as it is to try to curry favor by picking a side, the situation seems like a powder keg about to go off - no matter how it goes down you're better off keeping your distance.<<br>>
You wonder if there's anything else you'd like to say to say while she's giving you a chance.<<br>>
<<include [[day7wakeNoGrassOptions]]>>
<<set $day7escape to true>>
<<set $wolf += 2>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
You don't like the man in the slightest, but Merat's offered you a lifeline. There's no way that you'd ruin this opportunity for yourself.<<br>>
It takes some effort to keep yourself from smirking triumphantly with the knowledge that you'll be able to defy the Queen's plans tonight. You just about manage to maintain a poker-face<<br>>
The Queen nods at your silence. <<queen "Perfect. I will see you this evening in the grand hall. Now if you excuse me, I still have a country to run.">><<br>>
And with that she departs, leaving you and Simone standing in the carriage alone once more.<<br>>
<<cont "day7mornChanges1">>
<<include [[day7wakeNoGrassOptions]]>>
</span><<link "Meekly thank her">>
<<set $day7queenThank to true>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7wakeThank]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>>
You can't think of anything that you'd want to say.<<br>>
The Queen nods. <<queen "Perfect. I will see you this evening in the grand hall. Now if you excuse me, I still have a country to run.">><<br>>
And with that she departs, leaving you and Simone standing in the carriage alone once more.<<br>>
<<cont "day7mornChanges1">>
<</link>>The words bubble up out of you almost unintentionally. She's obviously being as manipulative as ever, but she could just as easily send an agent to do all this instead. The fact that she's coming here in the morning to help guide you in person shows a level of care and attention which you're unused to experiencing, even if it //is// just for her own twisted ends. The least you can do is show her that it's appreciated.<<br>>
You watch the Queen blink for a moment, seemingly taken by surprise by the unexpected gratitude and not able to trust her ears. For a moment she falters <<queen "E-excuse me?">> before smoothly adjusting back to your her usual domineering self. <<queen "I'd appreciate it if you didn't //mumble// in my presence. Tell me what you said, //clearly// this time.">><<br>>
You hadn't been especially quiet, but you obligingly repeat yourself for her.<<br>>
Her incredulity only confirmed, she looks at you with an expression that you can't quite place.<<br>>
The silence lingers for a some time. You can tell that she chafes at not having a retort ready to snap at you, but you've taken her so off-guard that she struggles to work out how to react.
/* Finally she pinches the corners of her eyes like she's warding off a headache and says with a sigh <<queen "Well, at least you appreciate how much of an imposition this is. Now if you //really// want to show me that you care - just don't fuck things up tonight.">><<br>> */
Finally she seems to come to herself. <<queen "Well, how sweet of you.">> She says in a lightly teasing tone. <<queen "Well, I suppose that I intend to reward positive behavior. And I couldn't really deny that you've been a //very// good boy.">><<br>>
Suddenly she steps towards you, and you find yourself flinching in surprise at having her be so near. Her larger-than-life presence seems suffocating, enveloping you in her honeyed praise and musky perfume. This close to you, the sheerness of her chiffon gown makes it easy to see the soft, rich flesh lurking beneath. Despite the disdain on her face (or, you dread to think, perhaps //because of// it), you can feel your cock stirring in your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. Some microexpression of amusement on her face, which now fills up so much of your vision, tells you that she's well aware of this reaction, and you dread to think that Simone might have noticed too.<<br>>
And then she's closer still, the warmth of her face against your own as she presses her lips lightly against your cheek. It's a small, simple reward, but you're so tense around her that you can barely keep a whimper from escaping your lips. <<queen "Or perhaps... a good //girl//, as the case may be,">> she whispers softly, her breath against your ear.<<br>>
And then her expression hardens as she steps away from you. <<queen "If you can at least appreciate how much of an imposition all this is for me, then if you //really// want to show me that you care - just don't fuck things up tonight, okay?">>
And with that she departs, leaving you and Simone standing in the carriage alone.<<br>>
<<cont "day7mornChanges1">><<setter "day6meratOffer to true" "day6meratOffer to 'listened'" "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined" "day5concludeMood to 'scared'" "day5concludeMood to 'bargain'" "day5concludeMood to 'relief'" "day5concludeMood to 'hate'" "day5concludeMood to 'escape'">>
<<if $day6meratOffer is true>>
You went along with Merat's clandestine proposal yesterday, but only because it could give you a chance to flip the tables on him.
<<elseif $day6meratOffer is "listened">>
In trying to get you onto his side, Merat told you too much - he's given you an opportunity to turn on him that you're all-too happy to take.
<<if $queen.lenient is true and ($day5concludeMood is "relief" or $day5concludeMood is "bargain")>>
There's no way that you'd betray the Queen like that.
<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "scared">>
You're far too terrified of the Queen to risk upsetting her.
<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "hate">>
When you finally take down the Queen it's going to be by your own power, not caught up in someone else's revenge.
<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "escape">>
You want to escape more than anything, but don't trust the snake to hold up his side of the bargain.
<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "relief">>
What he doesn't know is that escape is the //last// thing that you want.
<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "bargain">>
There's no money to be made in escaping in treason.
<<if $day6meratOffer is true>>
You explain in detail the scheme that Merat has prepared for the Queen, and the way that he tried to get you to join him.<<br>>
You're expecting the Queen to react with shock and anger, but instead as you talk a gleeful //smirk// emerges on the monarch's face. Her eyes flash with interest, and she almost seems //excited// by the prospect of an impending betrayal.<<br>>
At the finale of the tale you quickly grab the metallic little ball of chemical potential which Merat had entrusted you with and thrust it out before you - the ultimate proof against Merat.<<br>>
Always one to add a little emotion to a scene, Simone can't help but gasp in impressed surprise at the final reveal.<<br>>
For a moment the Queen blinks at the object presented towards her, and then, quite unheeding of the danger it could present, plucks it swiftly from your fingers to peer at it carefully.<<br>>
It had been a surprise to see excitement appear in her expression, but it's even more confusing to see it dim as quickly as it had arrived, replaced by a sense of disappointment and at best mild irritation. You're really not sure how to interpret it.<<br>>
<<queen "I //see//.">> She sighs, already idly passing the dangerous item between her fingers with casual disinterest. <<queen "Well, I suppose I'll see to it that he gets what he deserves.">><<br>>
<<queen "As for you - thank you.">> She continues, hiding her disappointment once more. <<queen "You chose me over temptation, and I intend to reward positive behavior. You've been a //very// good boy.">>
<<elseif $day6meratOffer is 'listened'>>
You tell the Queen everything that you know about Merat's schemes to take her down and regain his freedom.<<br>>
You're expecting the Queen to react with shock and anger, but instead an //gleeful// smirk emerges on her face. Her eyes flash with interest, and you'd almost guess that she seems //excited// by the prospect of an impending betrayal.<<br>>
When you finally finish she lets out a warm, rich chuckle. <<queen "So, the snake is back at his tricks then, is he?">> She remarks. <<queen "How very //droll//. I thought that he'd been a little too //obsequious// recently. He really never learns.">><<br>>
<<queen "I'll see to it that he gets what he deserves. And, as for you...">> Her gaze upon you intensifies. <<queen "I suppose that gratitude is in order. You chose me over temptation, and I intend to reward positive behavior. You've been a //very// good boy.">>
Suddenly she steps towards you, and you find yourself flinching in surprise at having her be so near. Her larger-than-life presence seems suffocating, enveloping you in her honeyed praise and musky perfume. This close to you, the sheerness of her chiffon gown makes it easy to see the soft, rich flesh lurking beneath. Despite the disdain on her face (or, you dread to think, perhaps //because of// it), you can feel your cock stirring in your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. Some microexpression of amusement on her face, which now fills up so much of your vision, tells you that she's well aware of this reaction, and you dread to think that Simone might have noticed too.<<br>>
And then she's closer still, the warmth of her face against your own as she presses her lips lightly against your cheek. It's a small, simple reward, but you're so tense around her that you can barely keep a whimper from escaping your lips. <<queen "Or perhaps... a good //girl//, as the case may be,">> she whispers softly, her breath against your ear.<<br>>
<<queen "But just remember.">> She warns almost as an afterthought, her face still lingering mere inches from your own. <<queen "Nobody likes a //snitch//.">><<br>>
The comment, and the emotional whiplash with it, takes you completely off-guard. The hypocrisy of the woman who holds the monopoly on justice and violence in the country being the one to say it is absurd, though the wry smile that crosses her face <<if $day6meratOffer is true>>as she steps back away from you<</if>> tells you that the irony is far from lost on her.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratOffer isnot true>>
<<queen "While I appreciate the //devotion//, I really would have quite enjoyed the game of discovering and frustrating Merat's schemes all by //myself//.">> She explains, reaching forward to wipe the rouge lipstick mark left on your cheek with her thumb before stepping away. <<queen "I would really prefer it if you left us to our sport in the future. One is ever such in need of //entertainment// nowadays.">><<br>>
<<queen "Just remember not to ruin everything this evening, you hear?">> She barks as she turns around and strides out of the carriage, hips swaying behind her, leaving you and Simone alone again.<<br>>
<<cont "day7mornChanges1">>You and Simone both breathe a deep sigh of relief at no longer being in the Queen's presence. Whenever she's around you can feel your very life balancing on a knife-edge, where one wrong move could send you toppling into lifelong imprisonment or worse. The idea that you'll have to spend hours around her this evening is almost enough to send you into cold sweats.<<br>>
<<set $morningTransform to $day7change>>
<<if $day7change is "hands">>
<<include [[day7changeHands]]>>
<<elseif $day7change is "face">>
<<include [[day7changeFace]]>>
<<elseif $day7change is "butt">>
<<include [[day7changeButt]]>>
<<elseif $day7change is "penis">>
<<include [[day7changePenis]]>>
<<elseif $day7change is "frame">>
<<include [[day7changeFrame]]>>
<<elseif $day7change is "boobs">>
<<include [[day7changeBoobs]]>>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<setter "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'gown'" "pc.butt to 1" "pc.butt to 2">>
<<set $pc.penis to 2>>
<<if $fullCage and $day8simoneKey isnot 'obedient'>>
You find yourself somewhat distracted. It's no small wonder really - <<if $day is 8>><<if $caged is "day5">>you've slowly become used to being in a cage during the day, but you've never had one on for this long<<else>>you just spent your first night in a cage<</if>><<elseif $day is 9>>you're still getting used to being snugly contained in your cage<</if>>. As you tossed and turned overnight, the sensation had become unbearable - your smaller-than-average cock not just stiflingly contained, but also somehow... //odd//.<<br>>
Unused to the unusual sensation, every instinct in you is telling you to reach down and adjust yourself. You know that if you were left to your own devices then you'd spend half the day itching and poking it to try to gain some kind of relief, but with Simone here in the carriage you can't let yourself do it. You're so ashamed by being in this thing that you'd rather not remind her of it's presence.<<br>>
That said, you can't resist the urge completely - you make a vague excuse and shuffle off to the bathroom to attend to yourself.<<br>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
After locking the door, you <<if $nightwear is 'gown'>>unfasten your dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>part your dressing gown and lift up your nightdress a little<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>part your dressing gown and pull your flannel pajama bottoms down below your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>sizable<</if>> hips<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>pull your flannel pajama bottoms down below your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>sizable<</if>> hips<<elseif $nightwear>>lift up your nightdress a little<<else>><<error>><</if>>, lower your panties, and see if you can ease out the strange sensations.<<br>>
Just being out in the air instead of stiflingly stuffed in your underwear is blissful, and yet somehow something //still// doesn't feel quite right. Your frown only deepens as you try to work out what's up.<<br>>
It takes you some time to identify it. Hadn't it felt felt more... //tight// yesterday?<<br>>
Your eyes go wide in surprise. The scale of it is hidden by the metal bars of the cage, but once you notice it it's obvious - you've shrunk since last night. The odd feeling you noticed wasn't the cage - it was your body transforming.<<br>>
You can't help but make a little yelp in surprise, which to your horror manages to catch Simone's attention.<<br>>
<<simone "Are you alright in there, <<print $pc.name>>?">> She calls through the door, concerned. <<simone "Has something happened?">><<br>>
You desperately try to deny it, and claim that everything's completely fine, but your panicked tone isn't exactly inconspicuous.<<br>>
When Simone replies <<simone "Umm, well, if you say so...">> she does a very poor impression of somebody who hasn't worked out what's up, and why you might be lying about it. You blush deeply - simone veers between the naively ignorant and the uncannily perceptive - this is one situation where you'd really have preferred to catch the other side of the coin.
<<if $day is 7>>
<<simone "Gosh, what a fuss.">> Simone murmurs, letting out a little yawn that she must have been suppressing the whole time the Queen was here.<<br>>
Content to carry on with your daily routine, you head straight to the bathroom to take a morning piss.<br>
You head straight to the bathroom to take a morning piss.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
After locking the door, you <<if $nightwear is 'gown'>>unfasten your dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>part your dressing gown and lift up your nightdress a little<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>part your dressing gown and pull your flannel pajama bottoms down below your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>sizable<</if>> hips<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>pull your flannel pajama bottoms down below your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>sizable<</if>> hips<<elseif $nightwear>>lift up your nightdress a little<<else>><<error>><</if>>, lower your panties, stand in front of the rose-pink porcelain toilet, and start to pee.<<br>>
Or at least, you would do, if what your fingers find when they close around your member to help direct it was quite what you were expecting.<<br>>
Any other time and the difference wouldn't be quite so striking. If you haven't spent half the last week obsessively keeping track of your junk, gauging every lost millimeter and mourning as your decisively average cock became increasingly substandard, then you might have just dismissed it as just being a chilly morning. But now it's immediately clear - this change isn't the millimeter-by-millimeter shift that you've become accustomed to, but almost whole inch in just one night.<<br>>
Your shout of alarm, almost a scream, is more than enough to draw Simone's attention. Soon she's rapping at the door shouting <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, are you okay in there? Oh heavens, the Scarecrow Killer isn't back, is it? Do you need any help?">><<br>>
Having this become public is the very last thing that you want to happen, and you try to firmly send her away, only for it to have the exact opposite response.<<br>>
After a moment's hesitation where you can almost hear the cogs in the maid's head turning, she blurts out <<simone "Oh! You've transformed again, haven't you? Gosh, it-it didn't get your //thingie//, did it, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
You're glad that there's still a locked door between the two of you so she doesn't see quite how red you blush at the words. Simone veers between the shockingly ignorant and the uncannily perceptive - this is one situation where you'd really have preferred to catch the other side of the coin. To make matters worse, your spluttering silence seems to only confirm matters to her.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She says, seeming to realize that you'd this is one situation you'd rather handle alone. <<simone "I'll, err, leave you to it then.">>
<<cont "day7changePenis2" "Take a deep breath and assess the damage">><<if $fullCage is true>>
It's extremely difficult to identify the damage while you're still held in this stupid little cage, and you have to do some frustratingly humiliating twisting and turning to fully inspect yourself. If you could only get erect it might be easy to compare the size before and after, but that option is sadly unavailable.<<br>>
Still, after some careful assessment you at least manage to work out that your fears are confirmed - this change isn't the millimeter-by-millimeter shift that you've become accustomed to, but what must be almost whole inch in just one night.<<br>>
Your cock is definitely a good bit smaller than it used to be.
Before, you could at least somewhat convince yourself that you were still safely within the realms of merely smaller-than-average. Now there's no talking around it - you're unquestionably small.<<br>>
And it's not just the size which has changed. There was a rugged, vascular toughness to it before, but now it's soft and spongy, almost plush in texture. <<if $fullCage is true and $day8simoneKey isnot "obedient">>You're more<<else>>Even once you get hard it looks less a swollen obelisk and more<</if>> squidgy, fleshy, and rounded.<<br>>
It's weird. It's not like you've meant to, but you've stood pissing next to enough lads in public toilets to develop a decent idea of the different sizes and shapes of junk out there, pointedly ignored out the corner of your eye. Of those, no matter how small the cock is, it's still just a fucking cock, an ugly, turgid thing - and yet somehow this isn't how yours seems to you now.<<br>>
You're well aware the mythology around the penis. That the bigger it is, the bigger man you are, the more sexually potent - it's a yardstick of masculinity. Under such ideas, having a small willy is pathetic, impotent, farcical.<<br>>
The very presence of a cock promises virility and domination. A small dick feels silly because it's a compromise of that - a promise unfilled. But your new, shrunken penis doesn't even inspire that response - it's so soft and feminine that it feels like it never makes the promise in the first place, <<if $fullCage is true and $day8simoneKey isnot "obedient">>especially locked away in its cage,<</if>> and instead of looking ridiculous and embarrassing it just looks... cute, sweet. Beholden to a whole new set of expectations.<<br>>
The humiliation that you feel isn't the cock itself, but rather mourning being forever more denied the birthright of sexual power and potency inherent to your gender.<<br>>
You sigh and stop yourself from getting quite so fucking philosophical about the whole thing.
<<if $day is 7>>
You allow some time to let your heart-rate slow before heading back out, but note that it settles down faster than you'd expect. The previous body changes were panic-attack inducing, but while the idea of your body twisting against your will is certainly still spooky it doesn't seem to be affecting you quite as much. The thought that you might just be getting //used// to this is an odd one, but it's at least more comforting than the other worrying explanation - that you might secretly want this.
It's still a shock every time, but by now you're slowly becoming used to these transformations. After another moment to regather yourself, you head back outside.
<<if $day is 7>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<</if>><<set $pc.hands to 2>>
<<if $day is 7 or $day is 9>>
As Simone lets out a little yawn that she must have been suppressing the whole time the Queen was here, the two of you begin to set about your morning.<<br>>
You grab a hairbrush from the dresser and start combing the bedhead out of your <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>messy mop of unruly hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>coiled hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>wavy hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>sideswipe haircut<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>spiky pixie cut<</if>>. Simone will help you get it neat enough to leave later, for now you just want it out the way<<if $pc.face is 2>> of your soft, feminine face<</if>>. You note that the comb isn't the same as the one you had yesterday, slightly too large, but it goes through your hair just fine. You idly consider how wasteful it is for the Princess to have multiple, slightly differently sized combs, but it's far from the oddest thing you've had to deal with.<<br>>
Then, when you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth you find something similar has happened to the toothbrush that Simone got for you. Almost identical, but slightly too large. But you don't think much of it - maybe it's normal hygiene protocol for the Princess to change her toothbrush every few days.<<br>>
It's only once you trip over your feet and fall flat on your face as you step back into the main room of the carriage that things start concerning you, and even then it takes Simone rushing over and holding your hand to help you back up to your feet to confirm it.<<br>>
Her hands, which had seemed so slight earlier on in the week, are now barely any smaller than your own.<<br>>
Simone, seeing the freaked-out expression on your face, is barely slower on the uptake than you are. <<simone "Oh wow, <<print $pc.name>>. They're so //little//!">><<br>>
It's really not what you want to hear right now. She soon adds <<simone "Gosh, sorry!">>, but it's too late. Nausea rising, you push past her back into the bathroom.<<br>>
<<cont "day7changeHands2">>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
Your panic only makes your sense of balance worse, and after you lock the bathroom door you almost fall again. Your hands reach out to grab the porcelain sink to steady yourself.<<br>>
Sprawled out in front of you like that, you can't help but stare at them. You had never really thought of your hands as //masculine// before - they were always just sort of there. But contrasting your memory of them with how they are now is like night and day.<<br>>
There was a wiry, sinewy, vascular element to them before. As much a tool to be manipulated and used as a workman's hammer or rasp. Now they're slender, smooth, svelte, and most of all just //small//. Even something as inane as a loofah feels so oversized in comparison, like it could engulf you as much as be held in your grasp.<<br>>
You sigh in resignation, and lower yourself the rest of the way to the floor so you can get a good look at the other culprit - your feet.<<br>>
Compared to your hands, which you're intimately familiar with on a day-to-day basis, your feet might as well be aliens to you - nothing that you've ever had any cause to pay much attention to, just something you could rely upon to get you around the place. Still, even if you can't remember what they looked like before, you're pretty certain that it wasn't like //this// - supple, soft, almost delicate.<<br>>
No wonder you're having difficulty standing up and walking around. You're a lot more top-heavy now that you have less leverage in your feet. You're sure that it won't take too long to adust, it's well within the bell curve of human variation after all, but for now it takes the automatic action of walking, which you could well do in your sleep, and makes it feel just alien enough to throw off everything.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7 or ($day is 8 and $day7change is "penis")>>
What's more concerning is what this means. All of your changes thus far had been trending towards a neutral androgyny, and some small part of you had been thinking that that might be where they'd end - that this was all just about the sucking away of masculinity alone. This is the first change that feels unambiguously feminine, and that small hope is utterly dashed.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7>>
You take some time to allow your heart-rate to slow before heading back out, but note that it settles down faster than you'd expect. The previous body changes were panic-attack inducing, but while the idea of your body twisting against your will is certainly still spooky it doesn't seem to be affecting you quite as much. The thought that you might just be getting //used// to this is an odd one, but it's at least more comforting than the other worrying explanation - that you might secretly want this.
It's still a shock every time, but by now you're slowly becoming used to these transformations. After another moment to regather yourself, you head back outside.
<<if $day is 7>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<</if>><<set $pc.face to 2>>
<<setter 'pc.makeup to 1' 'pc.makeup to undefined'>>
<<if $day is 7>>
Simone lets out a yawn that she'd been suppressing the whole time that the Queen was here and turns toward you, only to stop short with a frown while looking at your face.<<br>>
Simone looks like she's about to say something to you, but something about your appearance makes her frown with confusion when she looks your way.<<br>>
<<if $pc.makeup gte 1>>
<<simone "Oh goodness! We must have forgotten to take off your makeup last night.">> She concludes after a moment's consideration. <<simone "Sorry about that. It can ruin your skin if you sleep in it. At least it looks like it didn't smear everywhere. Come along, let's get you out of it now.">><<br>>
At her suggestion you're soon neatly deposited in a chair in front of the makeup table, and Simone starts rubbing at your features with a damp sponge. However her frown only deepens and soon she's rummaging through the pile of makeup double-checking that she'd used the right ones yesterday.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm, <<print $pc.name>>, we might have a problem. It's not coming off...">> She says in a panic, only to give a little confused sigh. <<simone "I don't know. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I mean, I could have //sworn// that we took it off yesterday.">><<br>>
The oddness of her tone is finally enough to get you to focus on the mirror in front of you, and you can soon see what she means. You look... strange. Not quite your usual self. There's a glow to your features which you're used to makeup being able to replicate, but doesn't really match your memory of how you looked last night.<<br>>
Looking in the mirror, you have a front-seat view of your own expression turning from surprise, to confusion, to realization, and then into horror. It's not what's //on// your face which has changed - it's your face itself.<<br>>
Simone seems to come to understanding at about the same time as you do. <<simone "Goodness, <<print $pc.name>>. I'm so sorry!">> She tries to soothe, but it's too late - you fly to the bathroom as you feel the nausea rising.
She cocks her head to one side in confusion for a moment, and then her expression changes to one of tittering bemusement.<<br>>
<<simone "You know, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She says in a lightly teasing tone. <<simone "I'm so happy that you were so curious about it and all, but if you wanted to try out makeup you really don't need to sneak around at night to do it. You can just ask me next time!">><<br>>
You flash her a deeply confused look. What on earth is she talking about?<<br>>
<<simone "Oh, don't be all shy about it. Honestly, for someone giving it their first whirl in the dark, I think you did a really good job! Really natural feminine vibes. I'm so proud of you.">><<br>>
When the confusion on your face only deepens, she lets out a little titter to herself and reveals <<simone "It's obvious, silly! You forgot to wipe it off afterwards, it's still all over your face!">><<br>>
You fly across the room to the nearest mirror to try to see what she means. At first you can only come to the same conclusion that she had, that someone must have snuck in at night at put makeup on you. It's already a terrifying concept, but it only gets worse when you try pawing at your face to try to wipe it away and come back with completely clean fingertips.<<br>>
This isn't makeup. It's your very face itself which has changed!<<br>>
Your rising panic is soon enough to convince Simone that she's misunderstood the situation, and she calls out. <<simone "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>! I didn't know!">> But it's already too late - you fly to the bathroom as you can feel the nausea rising.
<<cont "day7changeFace2">>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
First you head straight towards the gold-leafed toilet, afraid that you'll vomit. You pointedly avoid looking at your reflection in the mirror, but even with your head pointedly directed down the toilet bowl you can't keep yourself from noticing something new.<<br>>
Positioned right in front of your eyes, both looming large in your vision and frustratingly impossible to focus on fully, your very nose is a different shape. Slighter, more delicate, perhaps even a little button-like.<<br>>
Once you notice it, it quickly becomes impossible to pay attention to anything else. You brace yourself for another wave of queasiness, but for some reason it doesn't come.
<<if $day is 7>>
The previous body changes were panic-attack inducing, but while the idea of your body twisting against your will is certainly still spooky it doesn't seem to be affecting you quite as much. The thought that you might just be getting //used// to this is an odd one, but it's at least more comforting than the other worrying explanation - that you might secretly want this.
It's still a shock every time, but by now you're slowly becoming used to these transformations.
Finally your curiosity outweighs your nerves and you allow yourself to rise up and look once more at your features in the mirror.<<br>>
It's not quite as intense a change as you'd feared, but it's undeniably a significant one. Your dominant brow has recessed back a little bit, not enough to look all that different when focusing on the brow itself, but enough to make your eyes look so much brighter and more striking now that they're less obscured in the hood of their shadow. Your jawline has also tightened up, becoming less square and more rounded, leading towards the gentle point of your chin.<<br>>
For some reason the detail which you find yourself focusing on is your lips. You'd never thought of your lips as 'thin' before, and even now you can still think of plenty girls with thicker ones, but it's amazing how much the newly-plush lips catch the eye's attention. The word 'kissable' comes to your mind unbidden.<<br>>
It could be worse. There's still a tomboyishness to your features which keeps you clinging to some semblance of masculinity. Simone wasn't wrong - it's like you've just gotten a face of feminine makeup baked in now. Perhaps more 'pretty' than 'gorgeous', but certainly possessing a charm all of it's own.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7 or ($day is 8 and $day7change is "penis")>>
What's more concerning is what this means. All of your changes thus far had been trending towards a neutral androgyny, and some small part of you had been thinking that that might be where they'd end - that this was all just about the sucking away of masculinity alone. This is the first change that feels unambiguously feminine, and that small hope is utterly dashed.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<</if>><<setter 'graceTrain to 1' 'graceTrain to 3'>>
<<set $pc.butt to 2>>
<<if $day is 7 or $day is 9>>
Already feeling exhausted even so early in the day you collapse backwards to
Without the stress of the Queen's presence to keep you up, you lazily
<</if>> sit back down onto the <<if $simone.sleepArray.last() isnot "small">>Princess' bed<<else>>servant's cot<</if>>, only to find yourself accidentally sitting on something.<<br>>
In irritation you reach under yourself to grab at the offending item, only to find your hands passing only through empty air, much to your confusion.<<br>>
Simone notices your effort and<<if $day is 7 or $day is 9>>, through a yawn which she must have been suppressing the whole time that the Queen was here,<</if>> mumbles <<simone "Are you alright there, <<print $pc.name>>? I didn't get something stuck in the bedding again did I?">><<br>>
Sitting again only seems to make the sensation return, but you're too groggy to let it get to you. Instead you just fall further backwards and get comfy amidst <<if def $bear.name and $simone.sleepArray.last() isnot "small">><<print $bear.name>> and<</if>> the bedding, rolling onto your front in the process. It's only once you hear a little gasp from Simone that you start to get concerned.<<br>>
<<simone "<<print $pc.name>>! M-my goodness!">> She gasps, her eyes glued to your backside and a light blush beginning to reach her cheeks.<<br>>
Worried that you might have sat in something you reach back to see what she's gawping at, but what you end up touching is nothing but your soft, plush behind.<<br>>
Wait... was it //always// this cushioned?<<br>>
Your eyes jolt open in shock. Fuck, it's happening again - you're changing.<<br>>
Simone can see the distress you're in and calls out <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, don't panic, it's going to be fine.">> But you're too freaked out to give her much heed. You rush towards the carriage bathroom to check the damage.<<br>>
<<cont "day7changeButt2">><<setter "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'dress'">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
Once the bathroom door's safely locked you <<if $nightwear is "gown">>quickly discard your dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>quickly discard your dressing gown and pajama bottoms<<elseif $nightwear is 'crop'>>quickly discard your pajama bottoms<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>quickly discard your dressing gown and pull up your nightdress<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>quickly pull up your nightdress<<else>><<error>><</if>> and try to get a good look at your butt.<<br>>
Seeing as it's directly behind you, it's not exactly an easy task. You're forced to twist your body around in all sorts of ways that feel oddly slinky and feminine for someone just trying to observe their own behind. Finally you find an angle where you can really see what's going on.<<br>>
As unfamiliar as you are with the contours of your own buttocks, it's pretty undeniable that what you find is much too feminine to be anything that you had beforehand.<<br>>
It's far from the largest butt you've seen, nothing that would turn heads walking down the street or anything. You can think of a lot of girls with larger, including Simone herself, but that doesn't mean that you can't think of a fair few with smaller either.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7 or ($day is 8 and $day7change is "penis")>>
What's more concerning is what this means. All of your changes thus far had been trending towards a neutral androgyny, and some small part of you had been thinking that that might be where they'd end - that this was all just about the sucking away of masculinity alone. This is the first change that feels unambiguously feminine, and that small hope is utterly dashed.<<br>>
The butt itself seems to be the area that's affected the most, but upon closer inspection it's not quite the only thing that's changed. In addition your hips seem to have widened a touch, drawing your legs far enough apart that there's now a noticeable 'thigh gap' between your legs. The gap would be slightly larger were it were not for the fact that the thighs themselves have also grown, becoming soft and curved.<<br>>
For a while you've been training yourself to walk with your hips rolled forward, to better simulate a feminine gait, but now when you do the same thing it ends up looking somewhat overexaggerated. You try easing up on it, and find that you end up looking like you're doing it as much as you used to. When your hips changed they must have shifted forward in the process, changing the way you walk with it.
For a while you've wondered how women's walking gaits end up quite so graceful, their hips rolling from side to side with every step, making their butt slide to-and-fro along with it. By comparison, men tend to just stomp forward. However, when you take some steps in front of the mirror you find that you're a stomper no longer - when your hips changed they must have rolled 'forward' in the process, changing the way you walk with it.
<</if>><<br>> */
<<if $day is 7>>
You take some time to allow your heart-rate to slow before heading back out, but note that it settles down faster than you'd expect. The previous body changes were panic-attack inducing, but while the idea of your body twisting against your will is certainly still spooky it doesn't seem to be affecting you quite as much. The thought that you might just be getting //used// to this is an odd one, but it's at least more comforting than the other worrying explanation - that you might secretly want this.
It's still a shock every time, but by now you're slowly becoming used to these transformations. After another moment to regather yourself, you head back outside.
<<if $day is 7>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9changeAfter" "Head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<</if>><<set $pc.frame to 2>>
/* You ease out some of the tension in your limbs with a long stretch. However, the languorousness of the action is somewhat undercut when your */
You ease out some of the tension in your limbs with a long, languorous stretch, and then another, and you find you find yourself frowning for some reason. Somehow, that didn't feel like it usually does.<<br>>
Experimentally you do a few more, and it takes you a little while to identify what's different. Usually when you move like that the Princess' nightclothes sort-of twist and bunch around you. After all, despite being a pretty good size match to the Princess, as a guy you're still enough of a different shape to make them fit a little oddly.<<br>>
You wince. There are more important things to worry about, but knowing how much Simone cares about clothing you're sure that she'll will be grumpy with you for having stretched out the Princess' <<if $nightwear is "gown">>dressing gown like this. After all, it<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>pajamas like this. After all, they<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>nightdress like this. After all, it<<else>><<error>><</if>> must cost an absolute fortune.<<br>>
You glance over to the maid, only to see her looking at you with an expression of horror on her face. You're taken aback - did she really notice //already//? You're the one wearing them and even you've only just detected the difference.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh my goodness, <<print $pc.name>>!">> She cries in shock. <<simone "They're a completely different size to yesterday!">><<br>>
You force yourself not to roll your eyes. Come on, you knew that she'd be upset but surely this is a little overdramatic.<<br>>
However Simone only seems confused by your deflection. <<simone "No, <<print $pc.name>>, it's not the clothing I'm worried about - it's //you//!">><<br>>
Your eyes bolt open in shock. Fuck - you've transformed again. You make a quick bolt to the bathroom to assess the damage.<<br>>
<<cont "day7changeFrame2">>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
It was a foolish mistake really - of course the clothing didn't change size, you should have known that it was the body that the clothing was worn over which was more likely to have changed. You pull off your nightwear to get a better look.<<br>>
It's not like you're a different height than you were yesterday, you're still on the feminine end of too-short for a guy; tall for a girl, but to a certain extent you might be a different //scale//. The frame of your torso seems to have shifted, and your whole body feels recontextualized as a result.<<br>>
Your shoulders are the most noticeable difference. They've always had a broadness to them, and even as you've been slimming down in the last few days they've still had a bony knobbiness that at least gave your body some physical presence. Now they're trim and slight, and without them your entire body seems sleek, lithe, svelte, and slinky. It's angles weakened and made soft.<<br>>
Even your //ribcage// is different. Smaller, shrunken. You dread to think about how your internal organs must be handling it all.<<br>>
It's not like you ever had a six-pack or anything, and even if you had then your gradual loss of muscles over the last week would have seen to that long ago, but your abdomen still had a certain squareness to it - a solid box framed on either side by straight lines going directly down from your armpits to your hips. Now your waist curves gently inward, and your flat belly has a soft roundness that has nothing to do with body-fat. Your pelvic bones seem more pronounced than ever, the gentle 'v' shape of them seeming to draw the minds focus towards what lies below. Somehow, even your belly button seems almost demure now.<<br>>
You try to remind yourself that it could be worse. Objectively, you're still on the broader range of femininity, just. <<if $day is 7 or ($day is 8 and $day7change is "penis")>>
However, what's more concerning is what this means. All of your changes thus far had been trending towards a neutral androgyny, and some small part of you had been thinking that that might be where they'd end - that this was all just about the sucking away of masculinity alone. This is the first change that feels unambiguously feminine, and that small hope is utterly dashed.
<<if $day is 7>>
You take some time to allow your heart-rate to slow before heading back out, but note that it settles down faster than you'd expect. The previous body changes were panic-attack inducing, but while the idea of your body twisting against your will is certainly still spooky it doesn't seem to be affecting you quite as much. The thought that you might just be getting //used// to this is an odd one, but it's at least more comforting than the other worrying explanation - that you might secretly want this.
It's still a shock every time, but by now you're slowly becoming used to these transformations. After another moment to regather yourself, you head back outside.
<<if $day is 7>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter" "Pull your clothing back on and head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8changeAfter" "Pull your clothing back on and head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9changeAfter" "Pull your clothing back on and head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<</if>><<set $pc.boobs to 2>>
You woke up thirsty, and <<if $day is 7 or $day is 9>>now that normality has returned to the carriage you<</if>> wander over to the kitchen to fetch yourself a glass of water.<<br>>
Or at least, you try. You make it over to the door to the adjoining room, but, stupidly, in trying to open it you just end up slamming it directly into you.<<br>>
The yelp you make in surprise is enough to snap Simone out of the yawn that she'd been letting out after having suppressed it the whole time the Queen was here. <<simone "Oh gosh, <<print $pc.name>>, are you okay there?">> She calls as she hurries over.<<br>>
Sure, you're still a little groggy, but it's quite odd to find yourself failing at such an everyday task as opening a door. For a moment you stare at the offending door in confusion, until you find yourself wincing - fuck, that //stings//.<<br>>
Simone, ever one to fuss, is already going into first-aid mode. <<simone "You poor thing!">> she murmurs, <<if $nightwear is "gown">>pulling at your dressing gown<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>parting your dressing gown and pulling at your dress<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>parting your dressing gown and pulling at your pajama top<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>pulling at your pajama top<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>pulling at your pajama top<<else>><<error>><</if>> where you'd been clobbered, <<simone "Come on, let me have a look and see if you've hurt yourself.">><<br>>
You've got no reason to stop her, or at least, you didn't think that you had. However, the moment that she exposes you she lets out a little gasp, a light pink reaching her freckled cheeks. <<simone "Oh! Wow, umm... yes, they certainly are //swollen// aren't they.">><<br>>
You frown and look down to see what she's looking at, only to have a very similar reaction as her. On your chest, where only puffy nipples had protruded before, are now a pair of soft, feminine breasts.<<br>>
On instinct your hands fly over your chest to hide them from sight - a humiliatingly feminine reaction. You can feel the nausea rising within you, and you find yourself scrabbling back up to your feet to fly to the bathroom, leaving Simone calling out <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, I'm so sorry!">> behind you.<<br>>
<<cont "day7changeBoobs2">><<setter "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'dress'">>
You firmly lock the door behind you and try to catch your breath. <<if $day is 7>>You brace yourself for it to take a long time, but unexpectedly you note your heart rate decreasing much faster than you'd expected. The previous body changes were panic-attack inducing, but while the idea of your body twisting against your will is certainly still spooky it doesn't seem to be affecting you quite as much. The thought that you might just be getting //used// to this is an odd one, but it's at least more comforting than the other worrying explanation - that you might secretly want this.<<else>>It doesn't take long - it's still a shock every time, but by now you're slowly becoming used to these transformations. After another moment to regather yourself, you head back outside.<</if>><<br>>
Finally you allow yourself to take off the rest of your <<if $nightwear is "gown">>gown<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>pajama top<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>nightdress<<else>><<error>><</if>> and indulge the curiosity that's been slowly building in you - stepping forward into the bathroom mirror's reflection.<<br>>
They're boobs. //Your// boobs. Round, soft, teardrop-shaped, and crowned by swollen, plush areolas.
They're not large. In fact, on any normal woman they'd be considered pretty tiny - an A-cup at best. Too small to have much sag to keep them from looking perky. At this size you might not even need to wear a bra over them. But they're undeniably breasts.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7 or ($day is 8 and $day7change is "penis")>>
That scares you. All of your changes thus far had been trending towards a neutral androgyny, and some small part of you had been thinking that that might be where they'd end - that this was all just about the sucking away of masculinity alone. This is the first change that feels unambiguously feminine, and that small hope is utterly dashed.<<br>>
No //wonder// you'd fucked up opening the door so badly - you never put much thought into it before, but usually you end up slipping through doors pretty closely when you're somewhere you feel comfortable. You might only protrude forwards a few inches more than you did before, but that's still enough for your muscle memory to end up jutting it directly into your swollen, sensitive nipples. You're sure that every door and cupboard you open in the near future will be a menace, at least until you can get your new proportions sorted in your own head.<<br>>
Tentatively you allow yourself to reach up and touch one. The plush softness gives way easily under your trembling fingers.
Suddenly your nervous exploration is shattered by Simone calling in through the door <<simone "You gotta touch the nipple, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
The shock is almost enough to make you yell out.<<br>>
<<simone "It's a good way of telling when you're growing!">> She continues. <<simone "My sisters used to do it when me when I was growing up. If they're in a growth spurt they'll be like a hard, coin-shaped lump just below the nipple. If it's there then you'll still have some growing in you, but if it's gone then it's finished for now.">>
You breathe a sigh of relief that she just had odd timing, and didn't somehow know the tender way that you were just exploring yourself. You follow her instructions, desperately clenching your jaw shut to keep inside the little whimper that threatens to escape at touching your sensitive nipples like this. Sure enough - a lump, just like she said. Still budding - this won't be the end.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter" "Dress and head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8changeAfter" "Dress and head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9changeAfter" "Dress and head back into the main room of the carriage">>
<</if>><<setter 'day5concludeMood to "relief"' 'day5concludeMood to "escape"'>>
Simone gives you a sympathetic smile as you re-enter the main room of the carriage. <<simone "I'm sorry, <<print $pc.name>>. It just keeps on happening doesn't it? It must be absolutely horrid to not even be able to trust that your body will be the same when you wake up. I don't know //what// I'd do if I got up and realized that I was all boyish and stuff.">><<br>>
It's comforting to hear her sympathy, but even now she can't help but undermine it a little by adding <<simone "But, umm. If it's any consolation, I think you look pretty good like this!">><<br>>
You try to work out how you should respond.<<br>>
<span id="day7changeReplace">
<<link "She's not //wrong//, I do look kinda cute like this">>
<<set _day7changeAsk to 'cute'>>
<<set $fem ++>><<set $fem++>>
<<replace "#day7changeReplace" t8n>><<hr>>
It's certainly not //nice// to have your body twisting against your will, under the effects of a dangerous chemical made by a malicious manipulator. However, the effects themselves aren't exactly horrible.<<br>>
You can't deny that there's a little thrill to watching the course, wiry bulk of masculinity slowly ebb from your body, replaced by soft, plush, gentle femininity. If nothing else - you can't deny that the person you're becoming is someone pretty attractive. It's just weird that that person is //you//.<<br>>
You might never have chosen to do this willingly, but a part of you is beginning to wonder whether, if you get a cure that will turn you back into a man, you'd still want to take it. Sure, you'd be able to soothe your pride and your fragile masculinity, but those things are seeming less and less important by the day, replaced by a delighted fascination with every change that your body undergoes.<<br>>
You keep your deepest thoughts to yourself, but concede that she's right - the changes //are// pretty cute. Simone responds with a big grin. <<simone "I'm so glad that you can see it that way!">><<br>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter2">>
<<link "Whatever, it'll help me pass as the Princess, that's what's important">>
<<set _day7changeAsk to 'fine'>>
<<set $fem++>>
<<replace "#day7changeReplace" t8n>><<hr>>
Under normal circumstances, you convince yourself that all of these changes would be horrible, a gross affront your very identity as a person.<<br>>
However, these are far from normal circumstances.<<br>>
Every day you go out there pretending to be a girl, with the terrible threat that if anyone sees through your ruse then your life will be in tatters. One slip-up away from ruination.<<br>>
The stress alone is almost enough to destroy you. Every day when you get back to the carriage you're convinced that you won't have the willpower to do it again tomorrow, that you'll have to just lie down and let the worst happen. It's only with a strength that you had no idea that you were capable of that you prove yourself wrong every day and head back out there.<<br>>
You have bigger things to worry about than body integrity. If these changes make your task even just a little big easier, then let them come - you'll deal with the identity fallout afterwards once you're safe.<<br>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter2">>
<<link "This is terrible, I hate what my body's becoming">>
<<set _day7changeAsk to 'bad'>>
<<replace "#day7changeReplace" t8n>><<hr>>
You can't help but grimace at Simone's addition.<<br>>
Sure, there's a small part of you that knows what she's talking about. You're a healthy red-blooded guy, you can recognize a pretty girl when you see one, and every day you can see your reflection becoming more and more just that in the mirror. But there's no consolation in that fact - it's horrible!<<br>>
You're a //guy//, or at least you're meant to be. You never really realized how important that was to you until recently. It was just a fact, immutable. But when you look in that mirror and see something else you feel a shudder go through you - not of revulsion or anything, but a profound //wrongness// that hurts deeper than any physical wound ever could.<<br>>
Sure, you can get through the day through the brute force of dissociation, but that's just deferring the pain until later - until the times when it pours out of you in torrents of anguish.<<br>>
Times like right now.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh goodness, I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>.">> Cries Simone, grabbing a pack of tissues and drawing close to wipe the tears flooding out your eyes in great sobs.<<br>>
You shrug her off of you. It's already emasculating enough for your reaction to this to be //crying// of all things - female companionship would only make matters worse.<<br>>
She thankfully seems to understand that you'd rather handle this by yourself, and gives you a bit of space as you get it out of your system.<<br>>
<<cont "day7changeAfter2">>
</span><<setter 'fem to 4' 'fem to 17' 'fem to 24' 'fem to 30'>>
Simone seems to realize something, and a quizzical expression crosses her face. <<simone "Gosh, come to think of it, isn't this //exactly// the area that you told me that you wouldn't mind changing yesterday? Isn't that odd!">><<br>>
You nod warily, such a detail wasn't lost on you.<<br>>
<<simone "Maybe it's a brain thingy or something?">> The maid continues. <<simone "And it can tell what you want and work around it a little.">><<br>>
Her head cocks to one side thoughtfully. <<simone "Only... That wouldn't make sense unless you actually //wanted// to become a girl or something. And that doesn't sound likely, right?">><<br>>
<<if $day5concludeMood is 'relief' and $fem gte 17>>
You desperately try to keep a steady poker-face. The concept //has// crossed your mind once or twice, but you're certainly not comfortable with anyone else knowing that yet.<<check "High Femininity and want to keep being the Princess">>
<<elseif $fem gte 22>>
You try to keep a steady poker-face, and wonder why you feel like you're being called out for something even without Simone accusing you in the slightest.<<check "High Femininity">>
<<elseif $fem gte 9>>
You frown, it couldn't be anything like that, surely? Right?<<check "Medium Femininity">>
You nod affirmatively, confident that such a thing wouldn't make any sense at all.<<check "Low Femininity">>
<<simone "But I dunno, maybe it could be accounting for what you want a //little//?">><<br>>
Suddenly she clasps her hands together excitedly as an idea strikes her. <<simone "I know! Let's put to to the test! What area wouldn't you mind changing next? We can see if whatever happens next matches that.">><br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "Tell her my answer">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7simoneTold to true>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>>
It's a smart idea, and while you're still not super comfortable with the idea of transforming more than you already have, the idea of having some kind of influence over the results is better than being wholly in the hands of fate.<<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<if $pc.hands is 2>>
<<fail "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my hands and feet getting daintier" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my hands and feet getting daintier">>
<<set $day8change to "hands">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterTell">>
<<if $pc.face is 2>>
<<fail "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my face becoming more feminine" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my face becoming more feminine">>
<<set $day8change to "face">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterTell">>
<<if $pc.frame is 2>>
<<fail "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my shoulders and waist getting slighter" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my shoulders and waist getting slighter">>
<<set $day8change to "frame">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterTell">>
<<if $pc.butt is 2>>
<<fail "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my hips and butt growing" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my hips and butt growing">>
<<set $day8change to "butt">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterTell">>
<<if $pc.boobs is 2>>
<<fail "Tell her that I wouldn't mind developing boobs" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Tell her that I wouldn't mind developing boobs">>
<<set $day8change to "boobs">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterTell">>
<<if $pc.penis is 2>>
<<fail "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my junk shrinking" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Tell her that I wouldn't mind my junk shrinking">>
<<set $day8change to "penis">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterTell">>
<<link "Keep it to myself">>
<<set $day7simoneTold to false>>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide">>
</span><<setter "day8change to 'penis'" "day8change to 'hands'" "day8change to 'boobs'" "day8change to 'butt'" "day8change to 'face'" "day8change to 'frame'">>
<<switch $day8change>>
<<case "penis">>
It's humiliating to admit in front of her face, but being able to verify whether the changes are matching your desires (or at least avoiding your fears) is important enough to get you to tell her that you wouldn't hate it shrinking your junk.<<br>>
You really want to try to justify yourself and claim that it's just because it's the least obvious change - safely hidden in your pants, where only sexual partners will be invited to see it anyway. But the shame of what you've just said is pressing enough that you can't get the words out.<<br>>
Simone blushes bright pink at the admittance, but seeing that your own flush is far redder than hers could ever be she kindly hurries along so that you don't have to dwell on it.
<<case "hands">>
It's easy. The least invasive and troublesome part of sexual dimorphism has gotta be the hands and feet. Everything else is so socially, emotionally, or sexually charged, but nobody would really care if a guy had small feet except perhaps a little playful ribbing from his mates.<<br>>
Simone nods. <<simone "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense!">>
<<case "boobs">>
It's a little humiliating to admit in front of her face, but being able to verify whether the changes are matching your desires (or at least avoiding your fears) is important enough to get you to confide in her that you wouldn't hate growing boobs.<<br>>
The justification is simple: you're a healthy, red-blooded guy - of //course// you like boobs. The idea of being stuck with them yourself is a little daunting, but part of you is deeply curious about how they feel..<<br>>
<<simone "Gosh! Well, umm... if you say so, <<print $pc.name>>.">>
<<case "butt">>
The words pour out of you before you can think of why it's the first thing that came to mind, and you have to awkwardly stammer to justify your choice. The only explanation that you can come up with on such short notice is that having a bigger behind would make it easier sit down on chairs and stuff for longer without getting sore.<<br>>
Simone seems a little perplexed by your choice. <<simone "Umm... //sure//, I //think// I get what you mean.">> She replies, unconvincingly.
<<case "face">>
Weirdly enough, it's probably your face. It's no secret that a lot of women prefer fresh-faced young men to grizzled beardy ones. Changing your face to be a little less masculine would be a weird adjustment, but you probably wouldn't actually be that much worse off.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding. <<simone "Yeah, I guess that makes sense.">>
<<case "frame">>
You deliberate for a moment, before coming to a decision which surprises you - you feel like you wouldn't mind having a slighter frame. There's nothing that you particularly //dislike// about broad shoulders and fat-distribution that favors your gut, but it's not like you're that fond of them either. Something about having a body that's more rounded and svelte has its appeal.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head thoughtfully for a moment, before nodding. <<simone "Yeah, I guess that makes sense.">>
<<if $day7breakfastSkip is true>>
The maid's tummy suddenly rumbles, and she looks a little embarrassed. <<simone "Umm, well. I guess that I should go off and get some breakfast. I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>, you know I'd love to make you something too if I was allowed...">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at such a big deal being made about such a ridiculous punishment, but your affect is slightly undermined when your body betrays you and a gurgle of your own emerges from your belly.<<br>>
Simone can't help but titter, despite her sympathetic expression. She leans in conspiratorially and whispers with a wink <<simone "I'll see if I can sneak some food back with me">> before heading off.
The conversation is interrupted as your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> tummy gives a rumble, and the maid titters to herself. <<simone "Right. I'll see to getting some breakfast prepared.">> She remarks as you heads off to the kitchen.
<<if ($nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown") and ($gown2nite isnot true)>>
As you get ready for the day, you find yourself wondering if you still fancy wearing this stuffy dressing gown. It's such a pleasant day today, it's tempting just to spend the day wearing your nightclothes underneath, the femininity of them be damned.<<br>>
<<link "Resist the urge and stay as I am.">>
<<set $day7gownCheck to 'resist'>>
<<goto "day7breakfast">>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my flannel crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "crop">>
<<set $day7gownCheck to 'change'>>
<<goto "day7breakfast">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my nightdress and panties">>
<<set $nightwear to "dress">>
<<set $day7gownCheck to 'change'>>
<<goto "day7breakfast">>
<<cont "day7breakfast">>
<</if>><<setter "day7change to 'penis'" "day7change to 'hands'">>
<<if $day7change isnot "penis" and $day7change isnot "boobs">>
As much as you'd like to confide in Simone, you can't help but notice another fact that Simone seems to either have not noticed, or is deliberately not mentioning.<<br>>
As the only person who you told your preferences to, she's the biggest suspect.<<br>>
It's difficult to place your doubt in your one ally, but you really don't know how an ingested chemical would be able to tell what you're thinking either. Sure, you //also// have no idea how someone would transform your body in the first place, but it still stands that in situations like these the simplest explanation is usually correct, no matter how much you want it not to be true.
It's difficult to place your doubt in your one ally, but you really don't know how an ingested chemical would be able to tell what you're thinking either. Sure, you //also// have no idea how someone would transform your body in the first place, but it still stands that in situations like these the simplest explanation is usually correct, no matter how much you want it not to be true.<<br>>
But even more pressing than that is something that the maid seems not to have noticed.<<br>>
You never told her that your preferences were to <<if $day7change is "boobs">>grow boobs<<else>>have your penis shrink<</if>>.<<br>>
You were too ashamed of saying as much, but now she's talking like she's always known. Perhaps it's //plausible// that she noticed the way that you clammed up yesterday, managed to figure it out from context clues, and then forgot that it wasn't explicit, but it's absolutely suspicious as hell.
Your mind goes blisteringly fast trying to make sense of it all. What if <<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>Firmin Goux<<else>>the man in the citadel<</if>>'s potion really //was// just to change your eyes, and everything since then has been something else. As the person who you sleep <<if $simone.sleepArray.last is "together">>together with<<else>>in the same room as<</if>>, she'd have //ample// opportunity to slip you all kinds of body and mind altering substances. Hell, she even prepares your food for you!<<br>>
<<simone "Earth to <<print $pc.name>>!">> Simone calls innocently. <<simone "You doing okay spacing out over there? Come on, tell me what you wouldn't mind changing!">><<br>>
You jolt in shock at having your fretful thoughts interrupted by a playful poke in the cheek from the very woman you're nervous about. You quickly try to cover for yourself and look neutral - you don't know for sure yet, best to keep it to yourself for now. But you sure as hell aren't going to be giving her ammunition to use against you either.<<br>>
<<if $pc.hands is 2>>
<<fail "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my hands and feet getting daintier" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my hands and feet getting daintier">>
<<set $day8change to "hands">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide2">>
<<if $pc.penis is 2>>
<<fail "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my junk shrinking" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my junk shrinking">>
<<set $day8change to "penis">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide2">>
<<if $pc.face is 2>>
<<fail "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my face becoming more feminine" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my face becoming more feminine">>
<<set $day8change to "face">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide2">>
<<if $pc.frame is 2>>
<<fail "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my shoulders and waist getting slighter" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my shoulders and waist getting slighter">>
<<set $day8change to "frame">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide2">>
<<if $pc.butt is 2>>
<<fail "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my hips and butt growing" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind my hips and butt growing">>
<<set $day8change to "butt">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide2">>
<<if $pc.boobs is 2>>
<<fail "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind developing boobs" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "Don't tell her that I wouldn't mind developing boobs">>
<<set $day8change to "boobs">>
<<goto "day7changeAfterHide2">>
<</if>><<setter "day8change to 'penis'" "day8change to 'boobs'" "day8change to 'butt'" "day8change to 'face'" "day8change to 'frame'" "day8change to 'hands'">>
<<switch $day8change>>
<<case "hands">>
The least invasive and troublesome part of sexual dimorphism has gotta be the hands and feet. Everything else is so socially, emotionally, or sexually charged, but nobody would really care if a guy had small feet except perhaps a little playful ribbing from his mates.
<<case "face">>
It's probably your face. It's no secret that a lot of women prefer fresh-faced young men to grizzled beardy ones. Changing your face to be a little less masculine would be a weird adjustment, but you probably wouldn't actually be that much worse off.
<<case "frame">>
You feel like you wouldn't mind having a slighter frame. There's nothing that you particularly //dislike// about broad shoulders and fat-distribution that favors your gut, but it's not like you're that fond of them either. Something about having a body that's more rounded and svelte has its appeal.
<<case "boobs">>
It's gotta be the boobs. You're a healthy, red-blooded guy - of //course// you like boobs. The idea of being stuck with them yourself is a little daunting, but part of you is deeply curious about how they feel.
<<case "penis">>
You come to an unpleasant internal realization that the part of you that you wouldn't mind changing is actually your cock. You desperately try to convince yourself that it's just because it's in many ways the least obvious change - safely hidden in your pants, where only sexual partners will be invited to see it anyway, but you're not sure if you find yourself all that convincing.
<<case "butt">>
You can't quite explain why it seems so appealing, but your answer is probably your butt. At the very least it'll make it a little easier to sit down on chairs without getting sore.
That said, you firmly avoid telling Simone as much. Instead you swiftly try to divert the topic onto something as inane as the weather.<<br>>
Your evasiveness is far from lost on Simone, who frowns deeply. <<simone "Come on, this is important, <<print $pc.name>>! Tell me already.">><<br>>
Any other time this insistence would be be fine, perhaps even endearing, but now that you're looking at Simone this way it gives you the creeps. Out of a desire to get out of this situation you end up snapping and refusing her a little harshly.<<br>>
<<if $day7breakfastSkip is true>>
The little maid pouts at the outburst and, crossing her arms together, grumpily mumbles <<simone "Yeah well, maybe it's a good thing that the Queen said I shouldn't make you breakfast this morning. If you're going to be like this then I wouldn't //want to// anyway.">><<br>>
And with that she stomps indignantly out of the carriage.<<br>>
The stroppy behavior doesn't exactly scream 'evil mastermind', but you force yourself not to be swayed by it. With any luck this will blow over and you'll be able to apologize afterwards, but for now you can't afford to let down your guard around her.
The little maid pouts at the outburst and, crossing her arms together, grumpily mumbles <<simone "Well, if you're going to be such a grumpy so-and-so then maybe I don't even //want// to help you out //anyway//.">><<br>>
And with that she stomps indignantly away into the kitchen to make breakfast.<<br>>
The stroppy behavior doesn't exactly scream 'evil mastermind', but you force yourself not to be swayed by it. With any luck this will blow over and you'll be able to apologize afterwards, but for now you can't afford to let down your guard around her.
<<if ($nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown") and ($gown2nite isnot true)>>
You let out a resigned sigh and set to your morning. As you get ready, you find yourself wondering if you still fancy wearing this stuffy dressing gown. It's such a pleasant day today, it's tempting just to spend the day wearing your nightclothes underneath, their femininity be damned.<<br>>
<<link "Resist the urge and stay as I am.">>
<<set $day7gownCheck to 'resist'>>
<<goto "day7breakfast">>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my flannel crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "crop">>
<<set $day7gownCheck to 'change'>>
<<goto "day7breakfast">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my nightdress and panties">>
<<set $nightwear to "dress">>
<<set $day7gownCheck to 'change'>>
<<goto "day7breakfast">>
You let out a sigh of resignation, and start going about your day.<<br>>
<<cont "day7breakfast">>
<</if>><<setter "day7gownCheck to 'change'" "day7gownCheck to 'resist'" "day7gownCheck to undefined" "day7breakfastSkip to true" "day7breakfastSkip to undefined" "day7simoneTold to true" "day7simoneTold to false" "pc.boobs to 2" "pc.boobs to 1">>
/* simone tell breakfast, simone tell no breakfast, simone hide breakfast, simone hide no breakfast.
Remember to make Simone remark on your clothing once she comes back. */
<<if $day7gownCheck is 'resist'>>
You shake your head to yourself. There's no way you'd choose to walk around the place in something so skimpy!<<br>>
<<elseif $day7gownCheck is "change">>
You let a nervous little smile reach your lips - why not? It's not like anyone other than Simone is going to be seeing you wearing it.<<br>>
You let the dressing gown fall down around you, and step out of it wearing nothing but your cute <<if $nightwear is "crop">>crop top and shorts<<else>>nightdress<</if>>.<<br>>
<<if $day7gownCheck is "change" and $day7breakfastSkip isnot true>>
<<if $day7simoneTold is false>>
When Simone comes back into the main room, her proud joy at the sight of you bravely frolicking around the place wearing just your nightclothes is soon enough to wipe the grumpy scowl from your argument off her face, and by the time the two of you finish breakfast things are practically back to normal.
When Simone comes back into the main room, she can't disguise her proud delight at finding you bravely frolicking around the place wearing just your nightclothes. As you eat breakfast together, she's grinning so hard at the development that she can barely chew her food.
<<elseif $day7breakfastSkip isnot true>>
<<if $day7simoneTold is false>>
When Simone eventually comes back into the main room there's still a little scowl on her face, but thankfully she seems committed to moving past it and not letting it ruin things, and by the time the two of you have finished breakfast you'd almost think that everything was back to normal between the two of you.
Soon Simone comes back with food, and the two of you share a quiet breakfast, nervously thinking about the task that lays before you this evening.
<<elseif $day7breakfastSkip is true>>
You do what you can to prepare for the day, determined to not let something as petty as being denied breakfast get you down, but without Simone here to guide you you quickly find yourself at a loose end. Annoyingly, you end up just sitting around waiting for her to return, which only makes you more aware of how hungry you are.<<br>>
<<if $day7simoneTold is false>>
<<if $day7gownCheck is "change">>
When Simone finally reenters the carriage, her proud joy at the sight of you bravely frolicking around the place wearing just your nightclothes is soon enough to wipe the grumpy scowl from your argument off her face, and before too long the two of you are almost back to usual.
When Simone eventually comes back into the main room there's still a little scowl on her face, but thankfully she seems committed to moving past it and not letting it ruin things, and you're plenty happy to do the same. Before too long, the two of you are almost back to normal, with just a little residual awkwardness lingering.
<<if $day7gownCheck is "change">>
When Simone finally renters the carriage with a couple sausages stowed in her apron pocket for you to snack on, and finds you bravely frolicking around the place wearing just your nightclothes she can't hide her proud delight at the sight.
When Simone finally reenters the carriage, she's absolutely glowing with the giddy excitement of having snuck off with a couple of sausages for you to snack on. They're a little cold, but you gladly gobble them down.
<<unset $day7gownCheck>>
<<simone "Right.">> The maid announces. <<simone "I suppose we'd better start getting you ready for the day. Do you have any makeovers you'd like to try out this morning?">><<br>>
You consider your options carefully.<<br>>
<<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
@@color:#797979;==Shave my pubic hair==@@
<<link "Shave my pubic hair">>
<<goto [[pubicShave]]>>
<<set $morningChange to "pubic">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Available because you have hairless legs">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]
@@color:#797979;==Get a haircut==@@
<<if ndef $pc.nails>>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]
@@color:#797979;==Paint my nails==@@
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>>
[[Take my makeup to the next level->makeup2][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
@@color:#797979;==Take my makeup to the next level==@@
[[Suggest putting on some makeup->makeup1][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
@@color:#797979;==Get my ears pierced==@@
[[Get my ears pierced->earPierce][$morningChange to "ears"]]
<<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.acc>>
[[Add some accessories to my hair->hairAcc][$morningChange to "hairAcc"]]
@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@
<<fail "Add some accessories to my hair" "Need styled hair">><br>
<<if ndef $pc.skin.care>>
[[Explore some of the Princess' elaborate skin creams->skincare][$morningChange to "skincare"]]<br>
@@color:#797979;==Explore some of the Princess' elaborate skin creams==@@<br>
<<if ndef $pc.heels>>
[[Try out wearing some heels->heels][$morningChange to 'heels']]
@@color:#797979;==Try out wearing some heels==@@
<<if ndef $pc.bra>>
[[Try on some bras->bra][$morningChange to 'bra']]
@@color:#797979;==Try on some bras==@@
<</if>>It's time to put in a little more practice in how to act princessy. Due to the Queen's harsh scheduling, you'll only have time for ONE session this morning.<<br>>
<<if $authTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Authority->day7train2][$day7train to "auth"]] */
<<link "Practice Authority">>
<<set $day7train to "auth">>
<<goto "day7train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Authority" "You've already learnt everything you can about authority for now">><br>
<<if $graceTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Grace->day7train2][$day7train to "grace"]] */
<<link "Practice Grace">>
<<set $day7train to "grace">>
<<goto "day7train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Grace" "You've already learnt everything you can about grace for now">><br>
<<if $cuteTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Cuteness->day7train2][$day7train to "cute"]] */
<<link "Practice Cuteness">>
<<set $day7train to "cute">>
<<goto "day7train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Cuteness" "You've already learnt everything you can about cuteness for now">><br>
<<if $voiceTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Voice Training->day7train2][$day7train to "voice"]] */
<<link "Practice Voice Training">>
<<set $day7train to "voice">>
<<goto "day7train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<<fail "Practice Voice Training" "You've already learnt everything you can about voice training for now">><br>
<</if>><<if $day7train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day7train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day7train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day7train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
/* <<unset $day7train>> */
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>><<unset $day7train>>
<<unset $day6train>>
Before you know it, it's almost time to head out for the day. You and Simone hurry to get you dressed up in preparation.<br>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
You take a brief moment to pop into the bathroom and slip your cock cage on. You can't believe how routine dealing with this humiliating thing has become.<br>
<<if $pc.penis is 2>><br>
The cage feels different around you, and it takes a moment for you to realize to your humiliation that it's because of how much you've shrunk overnight. Previously it had been tight and compressing, but now it feels snug and secure, like it had always meant to be this way.<br>
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@
First Simone lays out the outfits you've already seen before, and then she reveals the one that she's been working on this morning.<br>
<<section "day7dressMobileFriendly1">>
<<simone "I knew that the Queen would want you in something really fancy for the banquet this evening, so I went rummaging to find the most showy thing I thought we could get away with. What do you think, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
She's not wrong, it's certainly extravagant, covered in regal red velvet, but you worry that she might be pushing it if she thinks that this is something that you can wear without getting found out.<<br>>
/* The skirt isn't too bad - perhaps the cut-out in the front to reveal your legs is a little much, but compared to some of the other options it's quite modest. The real problem is the bodice. It barely covers any of you, leaving not only every inch of your shoulders completely bare and exposed, but also falling apart into ribbons around the cinch of your waist to bare your tummy too.<<br>> */
Not only does the revealing slit up one side of the dress-skirt ride up so far that you'd be inches away from exposing yourself, but also it leaves your belly, shoulders, and upper chest all-but completely exposed, bar a few straps and chains which only help to accentuate the nudity rather than hide it.<<br>>
You're about to express your doubts, but Simone shushes you before you can get the chance. <<simone "I know it's a lot, but I really think that you can pull it off and look absolutely lovely. After all, don't forget about your transformation this morning!">>
<table id="desk">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\redgown.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
<<print _day7dressMobileFriendly1>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\redgown.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _day7dressMobileFriendly1>>
<<switch $day7change>>
<<case "penis">>
You go bright red at the mention - you're really not sure what //that// changing has to do with anything, but the last thing that you want is to get caught up in a conversation dwelling on the matter so you let it slide.
<<case "boobs">>
You can't deny it - just yesterday and you would have looked like a child in her big sister's clothes in that bodice, but even though you're still only rocking A-cups they'll still add some much needed curve to help fill it out.
<<case "frame">>
You can't deny it - just yesterday wearing something that shows off your broad, masculine shoulders would have been a death sentence, but now that you're the owner of a slighter, svelte frame you might well end up looking quite dainty in it.
<<case "hands">>
You roll your eyes. Sure, hands and feet changing isn't //nothing//, but there are much larger issues here than those extremities. However Simone is having none of it <<simone "It's all in the complete package, you know - I think you'll look nice!">>
<<case "face">>
You bite your lip as the topic is bought up again, but she's not wrong. You're sure some of your proportions might be a little odd, but it's beginning to become difficult to imagine someone being able to look you in the face and accuse you of being an imposter when the expression looking back at them is quite so soft and gentle.
<<case "butt">>
You roll your eyes at her - sure, your butt is larger than it was, but it's really your //upper body// that's most on display here. However, Simone is having none of it <<simone "It's all about the //silhouette//, and now that you're a little more rounded on the bottom it gives you a shape that just screams 'girl'. You just can't see it because it's been out-of-sight behind you all day!">>
<<simone "Well, you don't have to wear it if you don't want to, we've plenty of other options to pick from, but it's there if you want it.">> Concludes the maid. <<simone "So, what'll it be today?">><<br>>
<span id="dressupAppend"></span>
<span id="dressupRemove">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the White-hooded outfit">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "whitehood">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("whitehood")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Outfit adorned with Roses">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "rose">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("rose")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Pink Blossom Dress">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "blossom">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("blossom")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("redgown") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Red Velvet Gown">>
<<set $day7outfitChoice to "redgown">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("redgown")>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
<<goto "day7simoneDress">>
<<append "#dressupAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7firstSimoneDress]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#dressupRemove">>
</span><<simone "Good choice!">> Cheers Simone, but when you go to grab the clothing and go to the bathroom to change she stops you in your tracks.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm, actually...">> She broaches, a light blush reaching her cheeks. <<simone "I know that you like to dress yourself and stuff, but since you'll be going to a royal banquet tonight and all, I really want to make sure you look your best...">><<br>>
Before you can argue she adds <<simone "Remember, the Queen knows that I'm the one helping you out with this stuff. If she thinks you don't look good enough then you're not the only one who's going to be punished. I just want to be safe, you know?">>
She looks at you with eyes so wide and earnest that you can't bring yourself to resist.<<br>>
At your assent she breaks out into a big smile. <<simone "Oh that's //wonderful// news, <<print $pc.name>>. Let's get you all set up, shall we?">>
<<cont "day7simoneDress">><<if $simone.dressedYou is 0>>
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
<<simone "Right. Lift your arms please">> says the maid briskly. You roll your eyes at her in response - you can at least //remove// your clothing by yourself. <<simone "Sorry, force of habit. The Princess never let me do it either but I was told to always ask.">><br><br>
You slip out of your nightwear, and soon you're standing there in only your <<if $pc.bra is 1>>bra and<</if>> <<print $outfit.under.name>>. Despite her efforts to keep her eyes to herself, Simone can't help but gawp a little at having such a clear view of your body. You find yourself blushing a little at the inspection, though you're not quite the only one.<<br>>
And then the nervous tension is shattered as her gaze settles on the <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> bulge in your panties. For a mortifying moment Simone just //stares//. Try as you might, you can't identify what she might be thinking from her facial expressions, and your anxious mind is quick to fill that by imagining the worst possible things.<<if def $outfit.cage.name>> You're terrified that she'll notice the shape of your cage through the panties.<</if>><br><br>
Finally, Simone seems to snap out of her focus, and flusteredly tries to focus all of her attention on the outfit she's about to put on you.
<<set $simone.dressedYou += 1>>
Simone pulls out the mirror and helps you to undress.<br><br>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "blossom">>
<<include "blossomDressup">>
<<if $day7outfitChoice is "redgown">>
<<include "redgownDressup">>
<<include "day7outfitEndChecks">><<unset $gown2nite>>
<<if $day7change is "boobs">>
<<simone "I know that your boobs just came in today and stuff.">> Simone brings up tentatively, as if testing the water. <<simone "But you know... if you wanted to try out going up a size we could still keep on adding some padding if you like.">><<br>>
You flinch at the mention, but she's not wrong - just because you have boobs now doesn't mean that they're all that big, maybe boosting yourself up to a B-cup might be helpful.<<br>>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "hairAcc">>
/* Sanitize hairAcc for frontend */
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">><<set _hairAccOption to "Gothic headpiece">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">><<set _hairAccOption to "Regal head chain">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">><<set _hairAccOption to "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">><<set _hairAccOption to "Velvet bows">>
Hair Accessories: <<listbox "_hairAccOption" autoselect>>
<<option "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<option "Gothic headpiece">>
<<option "Regal head chain">>
<<option "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<option "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<option "Velvet bows">>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "ears">>
/* Sanitize earrings for frontend */
<<set _pcEarOwn to []>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("onyxStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Round Onyx Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("pearlStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Elegant Pearl Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("daisyStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Cute Daisy Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("redStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Red Vortex Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("blueStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Blue Hibiscus Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("greenStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Green Stone Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Blue Hibiscus Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Red Vortex Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Green Stone Studs">>
Earrings: <<listbox "_pcEarWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcEarOwn>>
<<if $pc.bra is 1>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "bra">>
<<if $pc.bra.choice is "blackLace">><<set _pcBraWear to "Black Lacy Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "blueFloral">><<set _pcBraWear to "Blue Floral Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "vibrantFloral">><<set _pcBraWear to "Vibrant Petal Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "whiteJeweled">><<set _pcBraWear to "White Jeweled Bra">>
<<set _pcBraOwn to ["Black Lacy Bra", "Blue Floral Bra", "Vibrant Petal Bra", "White Jeweled Bra"]>>
Bra: <<listbox "_pcBraWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcBraOwn>>
<<if $pc.heels is 1>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "heels">>
<<if $pc.shoe.choice is "blackLace">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Black Lace Boots">>
<<elseif $pc.shoe.choice is "blueVelvet">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Blue Velvet Boots">>
<<elseif $pc.shoe.choice is "pinkFloral">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Pink Floral Heels">>
<<elseif $pc.shoe.choice is "whitePlain">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Chunky White Heels">>
<<elseif $pc.shoe.choice is "blackFlats">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Plain Black Flats">>
<<set _pcShoeOwn to ["Black Lace Boots", "Blue Velvet Boots", "Pink Floral Heels", "Chunky White Heels", "Plain Black Flats"]>>
Shoes: <<listbox "_pcShoeWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcShoeOwn>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
/* unsanitize hairAcc */
<<if def _hairAccOption>>
<<if _hairAccOption is "Cute colorful hair clips">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "cuteClips">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Gothic headpiece">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "darkHeadpiece">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Regal head chain">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "regalChain">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Cool silver hair clasps">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "silverClasps">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Colorful ribbon tassels">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "tassels">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Velvet bows">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "velvetBows">>
/* unsanitize earrings */
/* <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<</if>> */
<<if _pcEarWear is "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Round Onyx Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Elegant Pearl Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Cute Daisy Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Red Vortex Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "redStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Blue Hibiscus Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "blueStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Green Stone Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "greenStud">>
<<if $colette.earringsRemoved is false and $pc.ears.wearing isnot "coletteStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<if _pcBraWear is "Black Lacy Bra">><<pickBra "blackLace">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "Blue Floral Bra">><<pickBra "blueFloral">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "Vibrant Petal Bra">><<pickBra "vibrantFloral">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "White Jeweled Bra">><<pickBra "whiteJeweled">>
<<if _pcShoeWear is "Black Lace Boots">><<pickShoe "blackLace">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Blue Velvet Boots">><<pickShoe "blueVelvet">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Pink Floral Heels">><<pickShoe "pinkFloral">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Chunky White Heels">><<pickShoe "whitePlain">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Plain Black Flats">><<pickShoe "blackFlats">>
<<goto "day7activityStart">>
<</link>>You barely have time to get comfy in your new outfit before there's a rapping at the front door.<<br>>
The guard outside takes off his cap as you greet him. <<blue "'morning, your Highness. Here to escort you to <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'theatre'>>the theatre<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'spa'>>your spa appointment<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'dance'>>the ballroom<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'boutiques'>>the boutiques<</if>>.">><<br>>
At your nod of assent they start to lead you through away from the internal yard and through the maze of stone hallways that run through the Bastille.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day6meratCorridors.jpg]]@@<br>
You've become so accustomed to being escorted around the place that you start to zone out a little, which is why it comes as quite such a surprise when you suddenly see something that makes your breath catch in your throat.<<br>>
The tall, broad shape the King - crowned by a regal mane of <<print $king.hair>> hair.<<br>>
He's turned away from you, busy talking with some important looking gentlemen, but your route will take you straight past him! You frantically try to work out what you should do - being seen by you might spell your doom, but it could also present an opportunity.<<br>>
<<link "Deliberately catch his attention">>
<<set $day7kingSee to "talk">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7kingTalk">>
<<link "Try to hide behind your escort so that he doesn't catch sight of you">>
<<set $day7kingSee to "hide">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day7kingHide">>
<<if $auth gte 2>>
<<link "Command your escort to take you another way">>
<<set $day7kingSee to "command">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7kingCommand">>
<<fail "Command your escort to take you another way" "Authority 2 required">>
<</if>><<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>
The Queen might have you by the short and curlys - that is, if you still had any -
The Queen might have you well and truly under her thumb,
but you've finally managed to find the one person in the country who might be able to keep her in check. You'd be a fool to squander this opportunity.<<br>>
/* Just as you draw close to the monarch, you deliberately catch his attention with an urgent greeting.<<br>>
A part of you had been wondering if your escort might have been briefed by the Queen, and would leap to drag you out of there before you could say anything, but the soldiers seem happy to stop and allow you to speak to the man who they think is your father.<<br>> */
You don't know what face you were making, but the leader of your escort seems to recognize something in it. In a slightly hushed tone, he asks <<blue "Hey, your Highness. Wanna have a chat with your dad?">><<br>>
You can only blink in surprise. A part of you had been worried that the soldiers might have been briefed by the Queen and ready to drag you out of there the moment there was any chance of contact with the man they think is your father, but instead the solider looks at you quite warmly. <<blue "I know it must be rough, havin' your pops be busy all the time. Me and the lads'll give you some space.">><<br>>
At his gesture, they shuffle away, giving you some space to hesitantly step close to the King's group and call out to grab his attention.<<br>>
You have no idea what to expect when the huge man turns around in surprise to see who's called out for him. For a moment his grey eyes blink in confusion, but it's not for long - followed a fraction of a second later by gleeful recognition.<<br>>
<<if $king.nameLie is "ruthe">>
Miss de la Ruthe,
<<elseif $king.nameLie is "maddie">>
<<elseif $king.nameLie is "susan">>
<</if>> from the Baron's Soiree! Good heavens, it's good to see your face. we lost so many good people in that godscursed tragedy, it's good to know that a sweet maiden like yourself wasn't one of them!"
You still hadn't quite worked out what you'd been planning to say to the King, but the sheer force of his greeting is enough to make your mind go blank. He'd barely exchanged three sentences with you when you'd met last, you were an unremarkable face amid a party of hundreds of people. You almost can't believe that he not only remembers you, but recalls the name you gave him and seems to genuinely have some concern for your wellbeing.<<br>>
Your confusion is only compounded upon when his opens his arms wide and wraps them around you. A giant of a man, he was already much larger than you when you'd last met, but after your changes he absolutely dwarfs you, and you feel practically smothered in his radiant embrace.<<br>>
<<cont "day7kingTalk2">>He at least has the dignity to look a little embarrassed as he lets you go, with all of air of an over-friendly <<if $king.hair is "blonde">>golden retriever<<else>>labrador<</if>> who's been warned not up jump up at people but still can't help it.
<<if $king.nameLie is "ruthe">>
<<king "Your mother's manor is further to the north, isn't it? Tell me, what bought you down to the Bastille so soon after the attack? I do hope that the Madame made it out okay.">>
<<king "Gosh, I suppose that this must mean that you're a lady-in-waiting here. How lovely, tell me, do you like it here in the Bastille?">>
One of the gentlemen the King was talking to clears his throat loudly and calls <<blue "Your Majesty, please, we have important matters to discuss, and very little time to do it.">> You're thankful for the interruption, grateful for any reprieve from that impossibly warm gaze - so earnest that in the face of it you can't gather the wherewithal to work out how to tell him that his daughter's missing and his wife's a bitch.<<br>>
Unfortunately you don't get one. The King doesn't even turn to his adviser to dismiss him. <<king 'Nonsense - the day I lose sight of the common person is the day I become a despot rather than a king. I have just as much time for young <<if $king.nameLie is "ruthe">>Miss de la Ruthe<<elseif $king.nameLie is "maddie">>Maddie<<elseif $king.nameLie is "susan">>Susan<</if>> here as I do for you or anyone else.'>><<br>>
/* <<cont "day7kingTalk2">> */
/* :: day7kingTalk2 */
<<king 'And besides -'>> His expression becomes a little more serious. <<king "Unless I'm very mistaken, from the look on her face the young lady here has something important that she wants to tell me. Is that right, miss?">><<br>>
You can't help but make an intake of flustered breath as you're put on the spot like this. You quickly scour your mind for the right words to say.<<br>>
Unfortunately, you're beaten to the punch. With resignation, the adviser decides to dispense with the security risk of saying it in front of you and impatiently announces. <<blue "We have reason to believe an intruder has managed to infiltrate the Bastille, your Majesty. We think it's just one man, but we can't know for certain.">><<br>>
If you thought that the King's expression had gotten more serious a moment ago, it's nothing compared to how it hardens as he hears this news. The air around you almost seems to vibrate in tension as his jaw tightens in disappointed resignation. You think that you can just about hear him murmur <<king "So much for the //impregnable// Bastille.">> under his breath.<<br>>
<<king "Blast it.">> He says finally. <<king "If you'll excuse my language, miss. I suppose that that //is// more important right now.">><<br>>
He turns once more to you <<king "<<if $king.nameLie is 'ruthe'>>Miss de la Ruthe<<elseif $king.nameLie is 'maddie'>>Maddie<<elseif $king.nameLie is 'susan'>>Susan<</if>>, I'm afraid that I'll have to seek your audience another time. I'll try to have something arranged. If you'll excuse me...">><<br>>
And with that he's gone, urgently speaking to his advisers as they head down a corridor. You try to call out, to summon him back and tell him what you know, but either he doesn't hear you or is too caught up in this latest emergency.<<br>>
Seeing his departure, your escort, who had been waiting out-of-earshot off to one side, sidle back over awkwardly. <<blue "It's alright, your Highness.">> The leader tries to reassure you. <<blue "I'm sure he still cares. He's just busy, that's all.">><<br>>
You're so frustrated at having gotten so close without being able to say what you really needed to that you can feel tears begin to sting the corners of your eyes, and you're sure that to the soldiers they must look the cherry on the cake of the image of a spurned, lonely daughter.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">><<goto "day68theatre">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">><<goto "day68spa">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">><<goto "day68dance">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">><<goto "day68boutiques">>
<</link>>The Queen wants you to stay out of the King's way, and you can't afford to upset her. You're just going to have to do what you can to avoid his notice.<<br>>
You're thankful that you're smaller than you used to be - more easily hidden. You step to one side, close into the shadow of the largest solider on that side of your escort, obscuring yourself from sight.<<if $pc.heels is 1>> You just hope that the sound of your heels clip-clopping along the stone floor isn't loud enough to give you away.<</if>><<br>>
You hold your breath with tension as you go straight past the King and his advisers just a few feet away from you, curling even closer towards your beefy shield to disguise your presence. You brace yourself for the sounds of alarm, but luckily it seems that whatever conversation he's having must be engrossing enough to distract him, and all you hear is hushed, urgent voices.<<br>>
You allow yourself to breath a sigh of relief once you finally turn the next corner and leave the perilous royal behind you. A giddy smile of exhilaration rises to your lips at having gotten away with it so easily.<<br>>
And then a nervous, awkward clearing of the throat erupts next to you. <<blue "Err. Well...">> Squeaks the solider that you've sidled up to. <<blue "I-It's not like I don't appreciate the attention, you see, y-your Highness. But I've got a young lady back home - I'm gonna have to decline this affection, if- if you don't mind.">><<br>>
For a moment you just blink at him in confusion, but then penny drops. You'd been so focused on the King that you hadn't paid any attention whatsoever to how your actions appeared to your escort. As far as they could see, you just suddenly stepped right up to the largest guy in the bunch, so close that you're rubbing shoulders, and now here you are, hanging off his arm with a dopey, gleeful look on your face. You must look such a ditz!<<br>>
You blush bright scarlet at the realization and hurriedly step away, but you can't think of any excuse that wouldn't seem suspicious. Even if you could, you suspect the damage is already done - the soldiers are working hard to maintain a proper demeanor, but you can sense the smirks bubbling under the surface all around you.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">><<goto "day68theatre">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">><<goto "day68spa">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">><<goto "day68dance">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">><<goto "day68boutiques">>
<</link>>Being seen by the King is a complication that you don't need right now. Luckily, you're confident that you avoid the risk entirely.<<br>>
While you're still far enough away to be out of earshot, you stop in your tracks, leaving your escort to stumble awkwardly to match you. You firmly announce that you won't go this way.<<br>>
<<blue "W-whyever not, your Highness?">> The soldier in charge dares to ask, entirely reasonably.<<br>>
You fix him a withering glare, explaining that the corridor in question is absolutely filthy and you won't demean yourself by walking down it.<<br>>
The entire squad glance quizzically up the hallway, clearly unable to see how it's any less clean than any of the others. But just because they can't see the difference doesn't mean that they feel comfortable calling you out for it.<<check "Authority 2 check - passed">><<br>>
<<blue "Err...">> Mumbles the lead soldier, after a moment's hesitation. <<blue "Right you are, your Highness. So sorry for being so thoughtless. Here, I'm pretty sure that there's another route down this way.">><<br>>
The route in question ends up being circuitously through some servants corridors, and your group have to shuffle past some very surprised and confused maids along the way, much to everyone's embarrassment except your own.<<br>>
As you're taken past a pair of roguish maids, too engrossed playing blackjack in the corner to notice royalty going past, you overhear a snippet of their conversation.<<br>>
<<pink "I'm telling you - it was a complete //mess// in there. Furniture in pieces, window shattered, and two guardsmen sprawled out on the floor - knocked clean unconscious.">> Confides one.<<br>>
<<pink "So what did you do?">> Asks the other.<<br>>
<<pink "Well, I had a rifle through their pockets for one, but whoever done it must've beaten me to the punch - picked clean. Then I went and reported it to the boss, and he was ever such a state - told me it was a matter of upmost security and I should keep it to meself.">><<br>>
<<pink "Blimey. To think - an //intruder// in the //Bastille//.">><<br>>
And then they're out of earshot in the distance.<<br>>
You grimace to yourself - so much for //impregnable//.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">><<goto "day68theatre">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">><<goto "day68spa">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">><<goto "day68dance">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">><<goto "day68boutiques">>
<</link>>There's still a little longer to go until the banquet this evening, so for now your escort deliver you securely back to your carriage.<<br>>
You're just about to head back inside when a shout calls out after you. <<blue "Your Highness, your Highness!">><<br>>
You turn around in surprise to see the same bird-poo covered soldier who'd delivered Elodie's letter yesterday.<<br>>
<<blue "Good thing I caught you! There's a pair of letters that've arrived for you!">><<br>>
He thrusts them into your arms while you stare in bewilderment, and then before you can even thank him the sound of distant cooing drags him away again with a <<blue "Oh! Percival don't fuss - you'll get your grain just like others.">><<br>>
<<cont "day7elodieLetter2">><<setter "day6letterPaper to 'unicorns'" "day6letterPaper to 'hearts'" "day6letterPaper to 'flowers'" "day6letterPaper to 'scrap'" "day6letterP1 to 'ok'" "day6letterP1 to 'art'" "day6letterP1 to 'help'" "day6letterP2 to 'saint'" "day6letterP2 to 'compliment'" "day6letterP2 to 'guy'">>
/* $day6letterPaper [unicorns, hearts, flowers, scrap]
$day6letterP1 [ok, art, help]
$day6letterP2 [saint, compliment, guy]
$day6letterEnd [sincerely, real, love]
$day6letterSign [highness, princess, deadname]
$day6letterIntro [heya, dear, friend] */
Simone perks up cheerfully when you shuffle back into the carriage, but the allure of the letters soon captures both of your attention.<<br>>
The first is a worrying missive from the temporarily-embarrassed crown prince of Affrique. He writes that, due to awkward circumstance, he is unfortunately and tragically unable to access his considerable riches, and implores you as fellow royalty to send him a small but vital sum of money in order that he can gain access once more, with the firm assurance that you and your nation will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts afterwards.<<br>>
The pressure of receiving such an important letter, and the responsibility landing upon you of all people, almost sets you off in a panic. However, to your surprise Simone merely tears it up. <<simone "Don't worry, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She assures you. <<simone "This one's just spam. Let's see if the next one's of any interest.">><<br>>
As it turns out, it is. You're thrilled to find that it's a response from Elodie. You can't believe that you can get a response to <<imgl1nk "your letter to her" "day6letterImg">> after just one day - Percival must be one heck of a pigeon.<br>
<<letter "elPaper">>
To the Princess.<<br>>
It's good to hear from you. Thank you for replying so soon.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "ok">>
Sorry to hear that you've been so shaken by the Scarecrow Killer's attack. People have so many stories of that night, but I don't think any experienced anything close to what you went through. Except the dead ones I suppose. If you feel comfortable - tell me, how did it move? I wish I'd gotten a better look.<<br>>
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "art">>
It means a lot that you think that my art must be good. I was making such good progress for a while now, but every time I started getting somewhere, critics started saying it was 'too dark'. It was infuriating. But now a big name artist from the capital is coming down to check out my stuff.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterP2 is "saint">>
I'm glad that you're safe in Saint-Joules. My place is just a little north from there, so I know it well. No surprises that your mother has drama with the locals though - nothing I've heard about Duchess Drusilla is good.<<br>>
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "compliment">>
Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean more than you know. I happen to think that you're really quite special yourself, even if it seems like you don't realize it sometimes. I hope that we'll have the chance to hang out more.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" and $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
You know, I didn't know that cared quite so much about boys and flowers and stuff as you seem to. I don't think that I can quite share your enthusiasm, but it's very sweet all the same.<<br>>
And as for your story about the makeup mix-up, it means a lot that you'd confide such a thing to me. I promise not to tell a soul.<<br>>
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
You know, I didn't know that cared quite so much about boys and flowers and stuff as you seem to. I don't think that I can quite share your enthusiasm, but it's very sweet all the same.<<br>>
From; Elodie <<if $day6letterPaper is "hearts" or $day6letterEnd is "love" or $day6letterP2 is "compliment">>x<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" and $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
You blink at the letter in confusion. What the hell is she talking about? You didn't write anything about boys, flowers, and certainly not makeup mistakes - you made a huge and terrifying confession!<<br>>
You smile at the letter - it seems like she's loosening up a little, writing in a style a little more similar to how she speaks in person.<<br>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
However, what on earth is she talking about with the stuff about boys and flowers? You never wrote anything like that in your letter. Why isn't she talking about the serious matters you confided in her?<<br>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
<<simone "It //is// weird!">> Agrees Simone with a frown. <<simone "And why did she leave such a huge gap at the bottom of the page? They always say to keep the note as short as possible when sending by pigeon, so that the poor things don't get weighed down.">><<br>>
You have an idea. After a little rummaging around in a cupboard, you bring a candle back to your reading desk and light it.<<br>>
When you hold Elodie's letter up to the light, you can just about make out the pale shape of new words emerging in the empty space, almost invisible to the naked eye.<br>
<<letter "elPaperHidden">>
Your mail is being intercepted and censored. Watch out!
You let out a groan of annoyance. Well, that's one mystery solved at least. You're at least thankful that Elodie was able to recognize that something was up, but it's devastating that you can't even send an honest letter without it getting twisted by the Queen's schemes.<<br>>
You consider how you should respond.<<br>>
<<link "Try to encode a secret message to Elodie which will get past the Queen's censoring">>
<<set $day7letterEncode to "encode">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetterEncode">>
<<link "Accept defeat and just send Elodie a harmless, friendly letter">>
<<goto "day7elodieLetter3">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<cont "day7elodieLetter3">>
<</if>><<if ndef $day7letterTopics>>
<<set $day7letterTopics to []>>
<<if $day6letterP1 is "help" or $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
It's a pain to not be able to say what you really want to, but you know when you're beaten. Besides, it's not the end of the world - there's still a lot of nice things you'd like to chat with Elodie about without having to make a desperate confession.<<br>>
You consider what you should say in your reply.<<br>>
You have space to talk about ''four'' topics.<<br>>
<<switch $day7letterTopics.last()>>
<<case "theatre">>
You tell her all about going to La Paonne Theatre, and accidentally getting caught up in the performance.
<<case "spa">>
You tell her all about going to les Eaux de Joules, and the relaxing experience of getting pampered and nourished there. You make sure not to mention the 'happy ending' though.
<<case "dance">>
You tell her all about going to dancing in the Bastille ballroom, and have to stop yourself from gushing too much about your final dance with <<print $day68danceLast.toUpperFirst()>>.
<<case "boutiques">>
You tell her all about the lavish and extravagant things that you bought while shopping in Les Champs Coûteux.
<<case "ruthless">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
It's bad enough that you're stuck in this ridiculous perilous position having to pretend to be the Princess, but somehow the world is ever finding ways to make it even more difficult for you. You can barely move without getting caught up in some absurd and humiliating circumstance which could have been averted if everyone around you just thought about what they're doing for a second. The indignation is almost too much to bear.<<br>>
You have to be a little careful about your phrasing to avoid revealing your secret, but you're desperate enough for someone to let off steam with that you eagerly have a rant about it to Elodie. After all, she seemed pretty tired of some people herself.
<<case "inno">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
You've been so scared for so long, and thus so far Simone's been the only person who could talk to about it. You're so happy to have someone else to express your fears to that it barely even matters that you have to be careful not to reveal your secrets - the words tumble out of you onto the page relentlessly and cathartically.
<<case "seduction">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
Sitting there all dressed up in your fancy <<if $outfit.set.id.includes("dress")>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>>, it's difficult for clothing not to come to mind. You couldn't believe the things that you were wearing even back when this all began, but slowly they've gotten more and more scandalous, and show no signs of stopping any time soon.<<br>>
When you start writing about it you thoroughly expect to spend this section complaining, but as the words put themselves together on the paper in front of you that's not quite how it plays out. You can't help but add all sorts of tantalizing details both about the outfits themselves, but also the body it's revealing. The end result is certainly not unflirtatious, but more than that, it also speaks to a giddy excitement at being an object of desire that you almost erase the whole section out of shame, but can't quite bear to.
<<case "respect">>
<<set $badger ++>>
You understand that, seeing that you have an assassin coming after you, Elodie's probably pretty worried about you. You're flattered by her concern, but she really needn't fuss - you'll be able to handle it yourself, no matter what is required of you for it.
<<case "jacques">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
You find yourself talking about Jacques. When you were around him somehow you always just ended up getting irritated by everything that he did, but now that's he's absent for some reason it's been difficult to get him out of your head.<<br>>
You suppose it's not a huge surprise - he //did// risk his life heroically trying to save you, after all. That's easily enough to make anyone more than memorable, but that doesn't completely explain the turmoil that rises to your chest whenever you think of him.
<<case "simone">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
You're really excited to tell Elodie all about Simone. After all, the two of them haven't even had the chance to meet yet! You're dying to introduce your two dear friends together, even if they're in many ways completely opposite - one dark and gloomy and the other bright and colorful.<<br>>
You happily tell her all about the little maid, much to the embarrassment of Simone herself, looking over your shoulder, who gets all flustered at being important enough to mention at all, let alone gushed about.
<<case "colette">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
You can't help but ramble on a little bit about Colette. In the short time that you've known her, she's made every effort to torment and abuse you. The bitch has a complex for you a mile wide, to the point where it borders on the terrifying.<<br>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
And yet you can't seem get her out of your head, and for some reason can't even bear to think of removing the lasting impression of her that she forced into your body - her earrings. Even as you write, you find your hands rising to your lobes, gently running your fingers over their shape.
And yet, some part of you can't deny that that you're a little excited to see her again. Perhaps to win some of her absurd 'competitions' - as scary as they might be, you can't deny that they're kinda exciting.
<<if $day7letterTopics.length isnot 4>>
You have space to talk about <<if $day7letterTopics.length is 1>>''three''<<elseif $day7letterTopics.length is 2>>''two''<<elseif $day7letterTopics.length is 3>>''one''<</if>> more topic<<if $day7letterTopics.length isnot 3>>s<</if>>.<<br>>
You're content that you've written all that you can fit in the letter. Now you just need to sign it!<<br>>
<<link "Add an 'x' to the end of your signature">>
<<set $day7elodieLetterKiss to true>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetterEnd">>
<<link "Keep it light and friendly">>
<<set $day7elodieLetterKiss to false>>
<<goto "day7elodieLetterEnd">>
/* <<set $saintChoiceArray to []>> */
<<set _letterTopics to [
{link: "Talk about becoming part of the theatre performance",
id: "theatre",
preq: "saintChoiceArray.includes('theatre') is true"},
{link: "Talk about visiting the spa",
id: "spa",
preq: "saintChoiceArray.includes('spa') is true"},
{link: "Talk about dancing with so many people in the ballroom",
id: "dance",
preq: "saintChoiceArray.includes('dance') is true"},
{link: "Talk about shopping in the boutiques district",
id: "boutiques",
preq: "saintChoiceArray.includes('boutiques') is true"},
{link: "Let of some steam by complaining about being surrounded by idiots",
id: "ruthless"},
{link: "Talk about how scared you are",
id: "inno",
preq: "day7letterTopics.includes('respect') isnot true"},
{link: "Scandalously divulge just how slutty the outfits you're wearing nowadays are",
id: "seduction"},
{link: "Assure her that you'll be able to deal with things yourself, and she shouldn't worry",
id: "respect",
preq: "day7letterTopics.includes('inno') isnot true"},
{link: "Tell her all about your maid, Simone",
id: "simone"},
{link: "Chat about how worried you are for Jacques",
id: "jacques"},
{link: "Talk about Colette",
id: "colette"}
<<if $day7letterTopics.length isnot 4>>
/* <<for _i to 0; _i lt _letterTopics.length; _i++>>
<<if def _letterTopics[_i].preq>>
<<print "<<if $" + _letterTopics[_i].preq + ">>">>
<<print "<<if $day7letterTopics.includes('" + _letterTopics[_i].id + "') isnot true>><<link '" + _letterTopics[_i].link + "'>><<run $day7letterTopics.push('" + _letterTopics[_i].id "')>><<if $day7letterTopics.length lte 3>><<goto 'day7elodieLetter3'>><<else>><<goto 'day7elodieLetter4'>><</if>><</link>><<if _i isnot _letterTopics.length>><br><</if>><</if>>">>
<<if def _letterTopics[_i].preq>>
<<print "<</if>>">>
<</for>> */
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _letterTopics.length; _i++>>
/* <<if def _letterTopics[_i].preq>>
<<print "<<if $" + _letterTopics[_i].preq + ">>">>
<</if>> */
/* <<if def _letterTopics[_i].preq>>
<<print "<<if $" + _letterTopics[_i].preq + ">><<if $day7letterTopics.includes('" + _letterTopics[_i].id + "') isnot true>><<link '" + _letterTopics[_i].link + "'>><<run $day7letterTopics.push('" + _letterTopics[_i].id + "')>><<if $day7letterTopics.length lte 3>><<goto 'day7elodieLetter3'>><<else>><<goto 'day7elodieLetter4'>><</if>><</link>><<if _i lt _letterTopics.length - 1>><br><</if>><</if>><</if>>">>
<<print "<<if $day7letterTopics.includes('" + _letterTopics[_i].id + "') isnot true>><<link '" + _letterTopics[_i].link + "'>><<run $day7letterTopics.push('" + _letterTopics[_i].id + "')>><<if $day7letterTopics.length lte 3>><<goto 'day7elodieLetter3'>><<else>><<goto 'day7elodieLetter4'>><</if>><</link>><<if _i lt _letterTopics.length - 1>><br><</if>><</if>>">>
<</if>> */
<<if def _letterTopics[_i].preq>>
<<print '<<if $' + _letterTopics[_i].preq + '>><<if $day7letterTopics.includes("' + _letterTopics[_i].id + '") isnot true>><<link "' + _letterTopics[_i].link + '">><<run $day7letterTopics.push("' + _letterTopics[_i].id + '")>><<if $day7letterTopics.length lte 3>><<goto "day7elodieLetter3">><<else>><<goto "day7elodieLetter3">><</if>><</link>><<if _i lt _letterTopics.length - 1>><br><</if>><</if>><</if>>'>>
<<print '<<if $day7letterTopics.includes("' + _letterTopics[_i].id + '") isnot true>><<link "' + _letterTopics[_i].link + '">><<run $day7letterTopics.push("' + _letterTopics[_i].id + '")>><<if $day7letterTopics.length lte 3>><<goto "day7elodieLetter3">><<else>><<goto "day7elodieLetter3">><</if>><</link>><<if _i lt _letterTopics.length - 1>><br><</if>><</if>>'>>
/* <<if def _letterTopics[_i].preq>>
<<print "<</if>>">>
<</if>> */
<</if>><<setter "day6letterPaper to 'hearts'" "day6letterPaper to 'flowers'" "day6letterPaper to 'unicorns'" "day6letterPaper to 'scrap'">>
You're not going to let this setback stop you from trying to tell Elodie the situation. If the Queen is erasing all of the awkward details that she finds, then you'll just have to make sure that she doesn't find them at all - sneak them right under her nose.<<br>>
Simone seems enthusiastic to try out something that she'd heard about using lemon juice to leave a hidden message, but if that does work then two two of you clearly don't have the knack of it - your attempt just ends with a very soggy piece of paper and ensures that the carriage stinks of lemons for hours afterwards.<<br>>
The next plan that you have is to write in some kind of code. The problem is that - A: you don't know any codes; and B: while you don't doubt her resourcefulness, you doubt that Elodie does either. Whatever it is will have to be simple enough for her to figure it out.<<br>>
After a couple of false starts, you decide to go with a simple code using the first letter of each word. You just hope that Elodie will be able to notice it. However it quickly becomes clear that writing like this takes up a lot of space - you'll have to limit it to only what's most important to you.<<br>>
<<link "Tell her my real identity">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7letterEncode to "identity">>
<<goto "day7elodieLetterEncode2">>
<<link "Try to get her to help you escape">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7letterEncode to "escape">>
<<goto "day7elodieLetterEncode2">>
<</link>><<setter "day6letterEncode to 'identity'" "day6letterEncode to 'escape'" "day6letterPaper to 'hearts'" "day6letterPaper to 'flowers'" "day6letterPaper to 'unicorns'" "day6letterPaper to 'scrap'">>
It takes some time, but you eventually manage to compose what you need.<br>
<<if $day6letterPaper is "hearts">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcRedPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "flowers">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcYellowPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "unicorns">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcPinkPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "scrap">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcScrapPaper">>
<<letter _day6letterCode>>
Dear Elodie.<<br>>
^^yours is the^^ First Letter Of ^^such quality that I think I've ever received -^^ Every Word ^^of it means the world to me.^^<<br>>
<<if $day7letterEncode is "identity">>
/* I am not the princess. I am a boy forced to act like this. Sorry. */
In active moment no other thoughts tumultuously hover, except presently residing in noble citadel's exquisitely safe surroundings.<<br>>
In a meadow amongst blossoms, our youthful flourishing opens reveries concerning elegance. Dressed to outshine, adorned charmingly - true ladies invite kisses enticingly; treating hearts in serenity.<<br>>
Sending out Regrets - radiantly, yearningly;<br>
Her royal Highness
<<elseif $day7letterEncode is "escape">>
/* The Queen has me here against my will. Help me to escape. */
Truly, his enticingness quietly uplifts every evening. Naturally, his allure shines, making everyone's hearts enraptured, relentlessly erudite.<br>
Admiring gentlemen amorously is never savorless. Truly, my yearning wholly intensifies - longing love.<<br>>
Hey, Elodie. Let's promise mutually - endeavor to only ever secure capturing a passionate embrace.<<br>>
Pretty lace embroidery adorns satin elegance;<br>
Her royal Highness
It's certainly could be better - past the first paragraph where you try to hint as to the code, it's little too flowery to be anything believable, but it's the best that you can manage for now.<<br>>
The Queen will almost certainly figure that you're up to something, but you hope that your prose was so exaggeratedly ditzy and feminine that she'll just presume that you worked out that your letters are being edited and in revenge are being sardonic about only being allowed to write girly stuff.<<br>>
<<cont "day7elodieLetterEnd">><<if $day7elodieLetterKiss is true>>
It's such a little gesture, and not even uncommon amongst friends, but it still feels a little exciting to add a little cross mark at the end of your letter.<<br>>
<<elseif $day7elodieLetterKiss is false>>
You decide not to add a kiss to the end of your letter. Your life is complicated enough without adding romantic overtures into the mix!<<br>>
Scarcely have you put the finishing touches on your letter when there's another firm rapping at the door - it's time to go to the banquet.<<br>>
After entrusting the letter to Simone to deliver to the pigeon-fancier for you, you hurry out the door.<<br>>
You think that you can make out creases of worry in the expressions of the soldiers waiting for you. <<blue "Your Highness.">> Greets the sergeant as the lot of them snap to salutes. <<blue "We're here to escort you to the evening's festivities.">><<br>>
<<blue "About //face//.">> He suddenly shouts, loud enough to take you by surprise as the men sharply close in ranks around you. <<blue "Right. //March//!">><<br>>
And with that you're off, cradled in the care of rigidly marching royal soldiers.<<br>>
You're a little thrown off by the formality of it all. You're used to your escort being professional and polite, but there's usually a little more warmth to it. Seeing some of the faces you've gotten to get to know a little over the last week look quite so stiff-necked is odd. They look ready for the parade - the Queen must be really making a show of it tonight.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqEscort">><<set $aurora.name to "Guard Captain Aurora">>
Your group ceremonially march you through the dark stony passages of the Bastille. However, it isn't long before your journey is interrupted.<<br>>
Ready waiting for you are about a dozen Bastille guardsmen standing firmly at attention, blocking your way onwards.<<br>>
After a moments uneasy pause at the stand off, the sergeant in charge of your royal escort stiffens into a customary salute. <<blue "Guard captain Aurora. What is the meaning of this?">> He calls warily.<<br>>
The same guard captain who caught you and Merat yesterday gives a steady salute in response, but remains blocking your way. <<aurora "Good evening, Sergeant.">> She responds in a formal tone. <<aurora "We're here to escort the Princess to the banquet.">><<br>>
The sergeant blinks for a moment, but then his eyes narrow, seemingly in understanding. <<blue "We're under orders from the Queen herself to deliver her Royal Highness to the event ourselves. Give way, Guard Captain.">><<br>>
<<aurora "We know and love our gracious rulers, but this is the //Bastille// - we have jurisdiction here. Pass her over!">> Comes the captain's cool reply.<<br>>
You can see the sergeant becoming more and more irritated by this dispute. <<blue "There's killers out there after the life of the royal family - there's no way that we can entrust her into anyone else's care.">><<br>>
This whole thing seems ridiculous to you - you're already almost at the grand hall anyway! It really doesn't matter in the slightest which side are the ones to escort you in. This seems less like a genuine concern for anyone, and more like a petty power-play between the Queen and Great-aunt Drusilla.<<br>>
<<aurora "Yes, killers which I hear seem to be traveling in //your// convoy.">> The captain snaps. <<aurora "All the more reason that we Bastille guardsmen should be the ones to safely take her to the grand hall.">><<br>>
This seems to be enough to set the sergeant off. He steps forward surlily. <<blue "Now listen here, I don't care what kind of position you think you have here, but she's coming with //us//.">><<br>>
The stances of soldiers on both sides begin to square up warily. You doubt that they'll actually come to blows, but this still looks like it's going to be a headache if you don't do something. You try to work out whether you should be supporting the Queen's authority here or undermining it.<<br>>
<<link "Announce that you're staying with the royal soldiers">>
<<set $day7banqEscort to "royal">>
<<goto "day7banqEscort2">>
<<link "Announce that you'll go with the Bastille guardsmen">>
<<set $day7banqEscort to "aurora">>
<<goto "day7banqEscort2">>
<<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Diplomatically find a compromise">>
<<set $day7banqEscort to "grace">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7banqEscort2">>
<</link>><<check "Grace check - pass!">>
<<fail "Diplomatically find a compromise" "Grace required">>
<</if>><<switch $day7banqEscort>>
<<case "royal">>
You decide to support the Queen's side in this affair. <<if $queen.lenient is true>>Anything to please her.<<else>>She might be manipulating you, but it's not like Great-aunt Drusilla is any better. You might as well try to get on your 'mother's' good side.<</if>><<br>>
Your announcement stops the conflict dead in its tracks as everyone seems to almost freeze in surprise. It's like neither side even considered that //you'd// have an opinion in the matter.<<br>>
After a moments pause to weigh up her options, guard captain Aurora stiffly stands back into a stiff salute. <<aurora "Of course, your Highness. I quite understand.">> She says, diplomatically, but you can see the tightness in her jaw at having failed in her task.<<br>>
And with that she gives a signal to her subordinates and they part to give your group space to go through.<<br>>
As your royal soldiers proceed past them, you're sure that a couple of them seem to be puffing up their march with smug satisfaction at having 'won'. How ridiculous.<<br>>
The guard captain gives you a squinting, appraising glance as you pass her.<<br>>
<<case "aurora">>
You don't care much for what little you've seen of Great-aunt Drusilla, but anything to frustrate the Queen and lower her influence seems like a good idea. You'll go with the Bastille guardsmen.<<br>>
Your announcement stops the conflict dead in its tracks as everyone seems to almost freeze in surprise. It's like neither side even considered that //you'd// have an opinion in the matter.<<br>>
Then the sergeant of your escort obligingly removes his cap, holding it to his breast as he steps to one side. <<blue "Very well, your Highness. If that's what you think is best.">> The rest of your group do the same, with only a little grumbling under their breath at having 'lost' to the Bastille guardsmen.<<br>>
You step forward past them towards the guard captain's band. The woman's thin lips crease into a pleased smile at the development. <<aurora "Marvelous. You do us a honor, your Grace.">> and then, with another gesture, she bids her guardsmen to fall in ranks around you.<<br>>
<<case "grace">>
This is all just foolishness - it doesn't matter in the slightest who should be the one to take you, but if neither wants to budge, then you'll just have to pick a third option.<<br>>
You announce, loudly and clearly, that you'd like to be escorted to the banquet by a contingent from both the Bastille guardsmen and the royal soldiers.<<br>>
Your announcement stops the conflict dead in its tracks as everyone seems to almost freeze in surprise. It's like neither side even considered that //you'd// have an opinion in the matter.<<br>>
You can see both the guard captain and the royal sergeant mentally weighing up their options and, almost simultaneously, realize both that it suits them well, but also that even if it didn't, they wouldn't be able to contradict a direct royal request. As one, they give you matching salutes.<<br>>
<<aurora "Very well, your Highness.">> <<blue "As you wish, your excellency.">><<br>>
Your escort had been grand and showy beforehand, but as you continue on, the guardsmen at your left and the soldiers at your right, it's even more so. Both in that it's twice the size, but also that both sides seem desperate to be doing a better job than the other. The flashy burgundy-dressed royal soldiers definitely seem the better equipped and parade-ready, but that means that the Bastille guardsmen try all the harder to make up for it.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqArrive">>
<</switch>>Your new escort are a little different than the last. They're probably elite in their own right, but compared to the royal soldiers that you're used to they're a little bit less well-practiced, less well-equipped, and much less used to the nerves of being around royalty. Despite the fact that every one of them could have kicked your ass even before your transformation, they come off as quite cute in comparison.<<br>>
However, you don't have much time to consider the matter before guard captain Aurora draws close, seemingly immune to the nervousness of her fellows.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCatch is "loversPush">>
<<aurora "Your Highness. It is good to see you again so soon.">> She greets you. <<aurora "I do hope that you're not too affected by last evening's events.">><<br>>
You flinch at the memory of Merat's tongue wriggling inside your mouth.<<br>>
<<aurora "That spymaster is truly a swine if I ever saw one. But, if I may, your Highness.">> She gives you a penetrating look. <<aurora "Know that he rarely acts outside of the will of his benefactor - your parents.">><<br>>
<<aurora "I could be wrong, but I worry that there could be schemes in which you, even with your royal majesty, are just a pawn.">> She continues. <<aurora "I know that I'm overreaching myself, but if you ever find yourself in need of a confidant...">>
<<elseif $day6meratCatch.includes("Fail")>>
<<aurora "Your Highness. It's good to see you again so soon.">> She greets you. <<aurora "I thank you deeply for resolving that situation so amicably.">><<br>>
<<aurora "Tell me.">> She continues, and her squinting gaze hardens. <<aurora "The offer I made yesterday to act as a confidant still stands. I can sense machinations unfolding within the royal convoy which I do not fully understand, and I fear that you might be swept up in it.">>
<<aurora "Your Highness. It's good to see you again so soon.">> She greets you. <<aurora "I thank you deeply for resolving that situation so amicably.">><<br>>
<<aurora "I wish to apologize for my suspicions yesterday. It is regretful when one's job requires rudeness. But...">> She continues, and her squinting gaze hardens. <<aurora "I act only out of concern. I can sense machinations unfolding within the royal convoy which I do not fully understand, and I fear that you too might be swept up in it.">><<br>>
<<aurora "I know that I'm overreaching myself, but if you ever find yourself in need of a confidant...">>
She's more right than she could know, but it's difficult to say whether she actually cares or is just angling for political information. Even if she //is// being sincere, what could a mere guard captain do in this situation?<<br>>
<<link "Tell her that she's imagining things">>
<<set $day7banqAurora to false>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banqArrive">>
<<link "Put some trust in her">>
<<set $day7banqAurora to true>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7banqEscort4">>
<</link>><<run $aurora.facts.push("You told her that Merat stole something from the ducal suite")>>
It might be foolish, but you need any help that you can get right now.<<br>>
But that doesn't mean that you're just going to announce that you're a crossdressing imposter right here and now either. No, it's better to put things to the test first - give her some valuable information and see how she handles the matter and can be trusted further.<<br>>
Luckily, you can think of someone who you don't mind selling out in the slightest.<<br>>
After a furtive glance around to double-check that the other Bastille guards won't overhear, you draw close to the guard captain and whisper in her ear that Merat went to the ducal chambers last night and stole an item from there.<<br>>
Aurora's expression is as serious as the grave as she nods with understanding.<<br>>
<<aurora "Thank you.">> She mutters back in a hard tone. <<aurora "So the snake really is at work then. I shall act with prudence, and try to ensure that nothing will move against you, your Highness.">><<br>>
It seems like she'd like to say more, but the two of you are interrupted as a grand doorway appears in front of you - you've arrived.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqArrive">><<setter "day7banqAurora to true" "day7banqAurora to false" "day7banqAurora to undefined" "day7banqEscort to 'royal'" "day7banqEscort to 'grace'" "day7banqEscort to 'aurora'">>
/* confided in Aurora, not confided, royal, grace */
<<if $day7banqEscort is "royal">>
It isn't long before you arrive at an ornate doorway, and the royal soldiers set to assembling on either side of it.<<br>>
For a moment they hesitate, and it takes you a second to realize that they're waiting for your command. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and give a nod to proceed.<<br>>
At once the doors are dramatically parted in front of you. The sergeant strides in ahead, loudly calling out <<blue "Ladies and gentlemen, I honorably present to you all - her Highness the Princess!">><<br>>
There's an outpouring of applause, and you hesitantly step forward into the banquet hall.
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "grace">>
It isn't long before you arrive at an ornate doorway, and, after a confused moment where they step on eachothers toes, they seem to work out how to work together and your mixed escort awkwardly set to assembling on either side of it.<<br>>
For a moment both sides hesitate, and it takes you a second to realize that they're waiting for your command. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and give a nod to proceed.<<br>>
At once the doors are dramatically parted in front of you. Both the royal sergeant and the guard captain hurry to step forward and try to be the first to announce your presence.<<br>>
<<blue "It's my great honor to present to you all - her Highness the Princess!">><br>
<<aurora "Ladies and gentlemen - her esteemed grace, the crown Princess!">><<br>>
They end up speaking over eachother somewhat, but that doesn't come close to ruining the spectacle you must make arriving with such an impressive escort. You step forward to an outpouring of applause.
<<elseif $day7banqAurora is true>>
The Bastille guardsmen assemble on either side of the door before, after a commanding nod from the captain, dramatically swinging both sides open at once.<<br>>
Aurora strides in ahead of you, loudly calling out <<aurora "Ladies and gentlemen, I honorably present to you all - her Highness the Princess!">><<br>>
There's an outpouring of applause, and you hesitantly step forward into the banquet hall.
<<elseif $day7banqAurora is false>>
You can't afford to trust her. Instead, you dismiss her all-too accurate concerns as mere fantasy.<<br>>
You're not sure whether it sounded very convincing, but before she can respond your conversation is interrupted by the appearance of an ornate doorway up ahead - you're here.<<br>>
The Bastille guardsmen assemble on either side of the door before, after a commanding nod from the captain, dramatically swinging both sides open at once.<<br>>
The captain strides in ahead of you, loudly calling out <<aurora "Ladies and gentlemen, I honorably present to you all - her Highness the Princess!">><<br>>
There's an outpouring of applause, and you hesitantly step forward into the banquet hall.
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day7banqArrive.jpg]]@@
The banquet hall is certainly grand, and filled with enough candles to at least somewhat ward off the darkness of the rest of the Bastille. Rows and rows of tables are set ready for dining, and well over a hundred people must be sat at them, all of them looking your way and cheering.<<br>>
It's the kind of thing that would have frightened the hell out of you a few days ago, but you're experienced enough at this now to take it in your stride as you're led past them all.<<br>>
Compared to the Baron's party, a raucous occasion of noble merrymaking, this event seems to have a much different vibe. Most of the guests seem to be officials rather than idle nobility, and everyone seems to be dressed up in ornate formal clothing.<<br>>
The polite applause which greeted you soon dies down, but instead of being replaced by the hubbub of conversation it just subsides into a tense, stuffy, intimidating, staring silence.<<if $pc.heels is 1>> The only sound in the whole place is the clip-clop of your heeled shoes on the stone floor.<</if>><<br>>
<<cont "day7banqArrive2" "Walk to your seat">><br>
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Add a spring to your step">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto day7banqArrive2>>
<<set $day7banqWalk to "spring">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 2 check - passed!">>
<<fail "Add a spring to your step" "Cuteness 2 required">>
<</if>><<setter 'day7banqWalk to "spring"' 'day7banqWalk to undefined' "day7meratGrass to true" "day7meratGrass to false" "day7meratGrass to undefined" "meratInjury to 1" "meratInjury to 2" "merat Injury to 3" "meratInjury to undefined" 'day68boutGift to "queenNeck"' 'day68boutGift to undefined' "day7banqEscort to 'royal'" "day7banqEscort to 'aurora'" "day7banqEscort to 'grace'" "day7banqAurora to true" "day7banqAurora to false" "day7banqAurora to undefined">>
<<set $gaspard to {}>>
<<set $gaspard.name to "Duke Gaspard">>
<<set $gaspard.desc to "Great-aunt Drusilla's henpecked husband">>
<<set $gaspard.facts to []>>
<<if $day7banqWalk is "spring">>
You refuse to let the intimidation of all of those staring faces get to you. Just because they're being stuffy and weird doesn't mean that you have to be too! You allow a little spring to enter into your step, and are pleased to notice more than a few charmed smiles in the sea of faces.<<br>>
You can see some faces that you recognize from the royal convoy higher-ups littered amongst the crowd, and while you're not exactly an expert at recognizing rank, you think that you can at least identify that the ones at the back of the hall are the lowest, and the importance of the person slowly increases as it gets closer to the huge raised dais at the front of the hall, separating the guests of honor from the chaff.<<br>>
<<if $day7meratGrass is true>>
At the table just below the dais, you're shocked to see the dark figure of Merat sitting there. You almost can't believe it - shouldn't he in jail or something, after you told the Queen what he was scheming?
<<if $meratInjury is 3>>
He's beaten to all hell - a black eye, bruised lip, and one arm set forward in a sling, but the same ice-blue eyes still sneer at you scornfully.
<<elseif $meratInjury is 2>>
He seems badly beaten, and his pale features are punctuated by a black eye and an ugly purple-bruised lip, but nevertheless the same ice-blue eyes still sneer at you scornfully.
He sneers at you scornfully as you pass.
<<elseif $day7escape is true>>
At the table just below the dais you find the seat of the king's spymaster - Merat.
<<if $meratInjury is 3>>
He's beaten to all hell - a black eye, bruised lip, and one arm set forward in a sling. You're amazed that he made it all. He flashes you a smug meaningful glance, and you can feel the shape of the orb he gave you through your clothing - almost boring a hole through the fabric with all of the pressure of what's to be done riding upon it.
<<elseif $meratInjury is 2>>
He seems badly beaten, and his pale features are punctuated by a black eye and an ugly purple-bruised lip, but that doesn't stop him from giving you a smug meaningful glance. You can feel the shape of the orb he gave you through your clothing - almost boring a hole through the fabric with all of the pressure of what's to be done riding upon it.
He gives you a smug meaningful glance. You can feel the shape of the orb he gave you through your clothing - almost boring a hole through the fabric with all of the pressure of what's to be done riding upon it.
<<elseif $meratInjury is 3>>
At the table just below the dais you find the seat of the king's spymaster - Merat. He's beaten to all hell - a black eye, bruised lip, and one arm set forward in a sling. You're amazed that he made it at all, but the same ice-blue eyes still sneer at you scornfully.<<br>>
<<elseif $meratInjury is 2>>
At the table just below the dais you find the seat of the king's spymaster - Merat. He seems badly beaten, and his pale features are punctuated by a black eye and an ugly purple-bruised lip, but the same ice-blue eyes still sneer at you scornfully.<<br>>
The Queen is waiting for you at the head table, as imposing as ever in the same semi-sheer gown you saw her in this morning. <<if $day68boutGift is "queenNeck">>Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head when you see that hanging delicately over her ample cleavage is the very same ruby necklace which you bought for her <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>today<<else>>yesterday<</if>>.<</if>> She gives you a narrow-eyed look, as if daring you to disappoint her, and gestures for you to sit at the seat by her side.<br>
<<section "gaspard1">>As you take your place, you take in the other two seated here - duchess Drusilla is looking down her nose at you from behind her huge, cobwebby fascinator, and next to her sits a small, balding man with a slightly stooped posture, who you take to be Drusilla's husband, the Duke.<</section>>
<<section "gaspard2">>
He goes to say something in greeting, but before he can so much as get a word out his wife is already talking over him.
<<if $day7banqEscort is "royal">>
<<drusilla "Well, I really don't know why you decided to come along with those //ruffians//.">> She snips, gesturing towards your royal escort and not caring that they're still in earshot. <<drusilla "If the royal guard had any ounce of discipline to them whatsoever they would have killed this brigand of yours long ago. Clearly my guardsmen are more suited for the task.">>
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "aurora">>
<<drusilla "Good to see that you know who to trust you escort you, girl.">> She nods appreciatively, a thin smile on her fact showing that she's relishing the chance to rub your decision in the Queen's face. <<drusilla "If the royal guard had an ounce of discipline to them whatsoever, then I'm sure that they would have killed this brigand of yours long ago. Clearly my guardsmen are more suited both for this task, and many others.">>
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "grace">>
<<drusilla "Well, you certainly know how to make an //entrance//, girl.">> she says, a little irritably.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Captain Aurora.">> She addresses suddenly. <<drusilla "Did you really have to let those //ruffians// in the royal army come along? They're barely //house trained//.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _gaspard1>><<br>>
<<print _gaspard2>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\gaspard.png]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _gaspard1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\gaspard.png]]@@<br>
<<print _gaspard2>>
/* @@.img; [img[Images\Passage\gaspard.png]]@@<br> */
<<if $day7banqEscort is "royal">>
<<queen "Yes. You'd think that with all of the money that's been funnelled into the Bastille, the security should be first-rate, shouldn't it?">> The queen responds, calmly. <<queen "Though I suppose that if that's the case, you should be able to expect them to at least keep the most secure fortress in the kingdom safe from intruders, hmm?">><<br>>
<<if $day7kingSee is "hide">>You don't know quite what she's talking about, but from the look on the Duchess' face it must have hit a nerve.<<else>>From the look on the Duchess' face, the snipe must have hit a nerve.<</if>><<br>>
She waves away the royal soldiers irritably with a <<drusilla "Go on, get out of my sight,">> but to her deep annoyance they linger for another second until the Queen nods her head to confirm the order before marching away.
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "aurora">>
The Queen sniffs irritably. <<queen "Yes, no doubt including harassing her for every nugget of information they could glean along the way.">> She mutters, just loud enough for everyone to hear.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqAurora is true>>
You can't help but flinch at having your conversation earlier be guessed so incisively. You just hope that the guard captain's questions were done with more sincerity than the Queen's callous estimation.
<<elseif $day7banqAurora is false>>
You remember the conversation you had along the way, and almost flinch at the Queen guessing at it so incisively.
Great-aunt Drusilla doesn't rise to the provocation, and instead merely pauses to address the guard captain. <<drusilla "Thank you, captain Aurora.">><<br>>
The woman gives a sharp salute. <<aurora "My lady.">> Before turning about-face and leading her guardsmen away.
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "grace">>
The captain steps forward and announces with a sharp salute. <<aurora "The Princess requested as much specifically, my lady.">><<br>>
Drusilla's brow furrows and she glances at you appraisingly. <<drusilla "Oh, //did// she now? Fascinating. Very well, be off with you, and you soldiers too.">><<br>>
Much to the duchess' irritation, the royal soldiers linger for another second before marching off, at least until the Queen nods her head to confirm the order.
<<cont "day7banq1">>You'd been expecting the eerie silence from the attending officials to give way to hubbubs of conversation once you'd taken your seat, but there's no such relief. The hierarchy here is clear - the head table is all that matters, the focus of attention, everyone else is just here to observe. Even the odd cough or rustle of clothing feels insolent - liable to get you stared daggers at by your fellows. <<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("theatre") is true>>You feel even more exposed than when you were on stage in the theatre.<<else>>You wouldn't feel this exposed even if you were on state in a theatre.<</if>><<br>>
Suddenly the Duchess speaks up again, sneering at you. <<drusilla "What are you, dumb or merely discourteous? Aren't you going to greet me properly?">><<br>>
You can feel the Queen's warm, manicured hand gently slide from next to you to brush against your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>plump<</if>> thigh firmly under the table. For a moment you flinch, unprepared for the sudden contact, but then it grips you firmly, almost painfully - not an attempt at intimacy, but a stern reminder not to disappoint her.<<br>>
You hurry to respond to Drusilla's request.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 1 and $cute gte 1 and $cute + $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Give a warm, pleasant greeting to your 'great-aunt'">>
<<set $day7banqGreet to "pass">>
<<goto "day7banq2">>
<</link>><<check "Grace and Cuteness check - passed!">>
<<fail "Give a warm, pleasant greeting to your 'great-aunt'" "Both grace and cuteness required">>
<<link "Awkwardly stammer something out">>
<<set $day7banqGreet to "fail">>
<<goto "day7banq2">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqGreet is 'pass'" "day7banqGreet is 'fail'">>
<<if $day7banqGreet is "pass">>
Even put on the spot like this, you don't miss a single beat - providing a greeting every bit as polite and friendly as is required of you.<<br>>
You can see Drusilla hesitate for a moment as she searches for something in your affect to criticize and doesn't find anything. The Queen's hand on your thigh loosens to indicate her pleasure, but softly remains in its place.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Yes, I suppose that it's good to see you again too, your Highness.">> Drusilla says eventually, somewhat taken off-guard.
<<elseif $day7banqGreet is "fail">>
<<if $grace gte 4>>
You've worked on how to be polite and courteous, but your greeting still comes out somewhat lacking in warmth.
<<elseif $cute gte 4>>
You've worked on how to be enthusiastic and charming, but lack some of the manners to make it stick. Your greeting comes out somewhat more childish than appropriate.
<<elseif $auth gte 4>>
You've worked hard on how to appear assertive and authoritative, but simply being polite and friendly isn't quite your forte, at least when suddenly put on the spot like this. Your greeting comes out awkwardly.
Suddenly put on the spot like this, your words fail you. You just about manage to say something, but it's definitely not with the sophistication or warmth expected of you.
Drusilla's face creases into a wicked smile. You can feel the Queen's hand on your thigh tighten - not pinching or hurting, but clearly letting you know that you've disappointed her.<<br>>
The Duchess doesn't even bother to respond to you directly, addressing the Queen instead. <<drusilla "So this is how you've been raising her, is it? How very //avant-garde// of you..">>
/* Then maybe starters arrive? Drinks can wait til a smidge l8ter, because that will probably signal the merat thingy. Then time for more dialogue. Wait, maybe Gaspard intro? Yeah, let's Gaspard intro */
Seemingly ignorant of the tension between the Queen and her aunt, of which you've become a hapless proxy for, the Duke takes this moment to introduce himself.<<br>>
<<gaspard "And good evening to you too, young lady.">> He says, in a scratchy but not unfriendly tone. <<gaspard "I almost wouldn't have recognized you, it's been so long. Do you remember your old uncle Gaspard?">><<br>>
Before you have time to respond, Drusilla jumps in again. <<drusilla "Don't be an //idiot//, Gaspard. Of course she doesn't remember //you//. Maybe she might if the royal family cared to visit us for any occasion other than when they're forced to by an emergency, but as it is she certainly wouldn't recall a prattling fool like you. It's not like you're exactly memorable.">><<br>>
The duke takes the insult completely lying down, merely mumbling <<gaspard "Oh, I see...">> under his breath glumly.<<br>>
<<drusilla "And speaking of not being spared a thought,">> the Duchess continues unabated, gesturing at the fifth seat at the table, which is still unfilled. <<drusilla "Where on earth is our //esteemed// King, my dear? How //dare// he be so late!">><<br>>
<<queen "Oh, my husband? He shan't be joining us this evening. So sorry to disappoint.">> Replies the Queen, looking anything but sorry.<<br>>
Drusilla seems completely flabbergasted by the flat statement. <<drusilla "W-whatever do you //mean//. He's in //our// Bastille, making use of //our// servants and //our// services, and he can't even-">><<br>>
<<queen "Can't even //what//?">> The Queen interrupts. <<queen "Spare an evening to sit here and listen to you make your performative show of oh-so //plucky// bravado in front of a carefully selected crowd of obsequious officials so that they'll spread word of how bravely you //stuck it to us//?. No, I don't think that's worth his time. He's rather too busy doing something which I really wish that you would have learned to do by now, dear aunt - actually spending time doing his //job//.">><<br>>
Drusilla looks so offended that for a moment you're convinced that she's about to lunge straight at her niece from across the table. The tension is so thick that you feel like you could cut it with a knife, and the crowd behind you are so still and quiet that you could hear a penny drop from the other side of the hall.<<br>>
Then your 'great-aunt', seemingly realizing that she can't speak back directly against the Queen, instead seeks ammunition against her in the nearest proxy - you. <<drusilla "Well, it seems that the royal family's affairs are too //'important'// for anything other than churlish discourtesy. Tell me, girl, what have //you// been doing, then?">><<br>>
You try to work out what role you should be playing out.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 4>>
<<link "Match the Queen's tone perfectly and icily rebuff the duchess">>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "auth">>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<</link>><<check "Authority 4 check - passed">>
<<fail "Match the Queen's tone perfectly and icily rebuff the duchess" "Authority 4 required">>
<<link "Play the part of a spoiled, somewhat ditzy princess">>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "ditzy">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
<<if $cute gte 2>>
<<link "Defuse some of the tension by appearing sweet and innocent">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "cute">>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Dispel some of the tension by appearing sweet and innocent" "Cuteness 2 required">>
<<link "Complain that you've only been allowed to do what the Queen orders you to">>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "complain">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
<<link "Try to remain aloof">>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "aloof">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
/* <<if $grace gte 1>>
<<link "Respond politely">>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "grace">>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 1 check - passed">>
<<fail "Respond politely" "Grace 1 required">>
<<if $cute lte 2 and $grace lte 0 and $auth lte 5>>
<<link "Stammer something out">>
<<set $day7banqDoing to "fail">>
<<goto "day7banq3">>
<</if>> */<<setter "day7banqDoing to 'auth'" "day7banqDoing to 'ditzy'" "day7banqDoing to 'cute'" "day7banqDoing to 'complain'" "day7banqDoing to 'aloof'" "day7escape to true" "day7escape to undefined">>
<<switch $day7banqDoing>>
<<case "auth">>
If the Duchess thinks that you'll be an easier target than her niece, then she's sorely mistaken. Without missing a beat, you snap out a retort every bit the equal to your 'mother'.<<br>>
You can feel a brief flicker of hesitation in pressure of the Queen's hand on your thigh as momentarily even she seems a little taken back by your words. Then a pleased smile reaches her face, directed smugly towards her aunt.<<br>>
<<drusilla "The two of you are as bad as eachother.">> Mutters Drusilla resentfully.
<<case "ditzy">>
You're here to act the part of the Princess, and based on her morning reports it seems like the Queen has no qualms with one who expresses their femininity by being every bit the brat that you might expect from someone born into privilege. You just have to act it out.<<br>>
You spin a simple little tale about pretty dresses, extravagant living, and, most of all, handsome boys who've caught your eye. You're surprised by how easily you slip into the role, almost effortless. You can feel the pressure of the Queen's hand on your thigh relax a little, satisfied with your performance.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Ahh yes, the very //model// of magisterial importance. I'm sure such intellectual pursuits must be very draining on the girl.">> Great-aunt Drusilla snipes at your 'mother', wasting no time to use you against her, but even then it doesn't sound nearly as venomous as it could do - your response seemingly exactly what was expected for a young princess. You pretend to not even have understood her barely-veiled insult.
<<case "cute">>
Things have already gotten to a fiery intensity, and you've barely even sat down. Even if there's some tension here, you're meant to be //family// - surely people can calm down and get along for at least a little while.<<br>>
The best way to make it happen is to be the first the show the olive branch. Instead of anything calculated, you give a response that's earnest, warm, and unguarded, talking disarmingly about your very real anxieties.<<br>>
You can feel a flicker of hesitation in the pressure of the Queen's hand on your thigh, not completely pleased with such an unorthodox approach, but you're glad to see that your efforts aren't unsuccessful. Whereas before things had seemed like they might come to blows, things soon settle down to a mere background hum of tension in the background.<<br>>
You're sure that great-aunt Drusilla thinks that she's won something by seeing you so emotionally exposed, but that's not the point - you couldn't care less about 'winning' this conversation, frankly there's already //far// too much of that going around already. You just want to get through it without it erupting into disaster.
<<case "complain">>
You're not about to confess everything here or anything, but you don't owe to Queen nearly enough to lie any more than you need to. The entire time you've been in Saint-Joules you haven't been able to do anything other than follow the Queen's shitty orders, and you've had a horrible time as a result.<<br>>
You can feel the pressure of the Queen's hand on your thigh tighten with displeasure at your outburst. A look of deeply smug satisfaction crosses Drusilla's face at having such easy ammunition granted to her.<<br>>
<<drusilla "So this is how you live, is it, dear niece?">> The old woman taunts. <<drusilla "Husband too 'busy' with absurd micro-managing to attend to his family; yourself too 'busy' to attend to your daughter; and your daughter made too 'busy' with your controlling schemes to live her own life.">><<br>>
She's perilously close to a reasonable point. You just wish that you could believe in the slightest that she really means any of it and it isn't just a weapon against her niece.
<<case "aloof">>
You just want to get through this without getting exposed or punished, but that doesn't mean that you're willing to debase yourself acting out something that you're not either. The best way is to just say as little as possible, no matter how it plays into the Queen or Drusilla's power games.<<br>>
You can feel the Queen's hand on your thigh tighten with displeasure at such a perfunctory response. Drusilla looks like a dog that's been thrown a particularly juicy bone. <<drusilla "What's that, your Highness? Doesn't your mother take the time to tell you to speak up instead of //mumbling// so? For a moment there I thought you might have dithered something completely and vapidly timorous, but //of course// that //couldn't// be the case, could it.">><<br>>
You set your jaw tightly and don't allow yourself to be goaded by the woman into saying anything more and giving her ammunition.
The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a group of smartly-dressed waiters, asking to take the drinks order for the table.<<br>>
<<if $day7escape is true>>
You can feel your body tighten up with tension. Once drinks arrive, they'll be nothing stopping you from acting out Merat's scheme. You glance over to where he's sitting at one of the front-tables, and find his ice-blue eyes staring at you so intensely that you feel like they're almost boring holes in you.<<br>>
<<blue "And for your Highness?">> Asks one of the waiters, drawing your attention away from the spymaster. You briefly consider the options - any will do for the scheme.<<br>>
<<link "Just water">>
<<set $day7banqDrink to "water">>
<<goto "day7banq4">>
<<link "A glass of wine">>
<<set $day7banqDrink to "wine">>
<<goto "day7banq4">>
<<link "Something strong">>
<<set $day7banqDrink to "strong">>
<<goto "day7banq4">>
You briefly consider your options.<<br>>
<<link "I need to keep a clear mind - just water">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $day7banqDrink to "water">>
<<goto "day7banq4">>
<<link "I could do with some liquid courage to help me to be less tense - wine">>
<<set $day7banqDrink to "wine">>
<<goto "day7banq4">>
<<link "I need all of the help I can get - something strong">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day7banqDrink to "strong">>
<<goto "day7banq4">>
<</if>><<setter "day7meratGrass to false" "day7meratGrass to true" "day7meratGrass to undefined" "day7banqDrink to 'water'" "day7banqDrink to 'strong'" "day7banqDrink to 'wine'">>
<<if $day7escape is true>>
<<switch $day7banqDrink>>
<<case "water">>
It makes little difference, seeing as it's only utility will be to help enact your escape, but you decide to just pick water. After all, you wouldn't want the impurities of alcohol to weaken the chemical effect of Merat's gas or anything like that.<<br>>
Both the Duke and Duchess give you slightly odd looks at your choice, but you don't get any particular indication of displeasure from the Queen.
<<case "wine">>
It makes little difference, seeing as it's only utility will be to help enact your escape, but you decide to pick wine, expecting it to be the option which makes you stand out the least.<<br>>
Your guess proves to be correct - the Queen, Duke, and Duchess all also pick red wine.
<<case "strong">>
It makes little difference, seeing as it's only utility will be to help enact your escape, so you just tell them to give you something strong.<<br>>
The waiter hesitates for a moment before bowing. <<blue "I think I know just the thing, your Highness.">>
<<case "default">><<error>>
<<switch $day7banqDrink>>
<<case "water">>
The last thing that you want is to let down your guard in a situation like this. Just water will suit you perfectly.<<br>>
Both the Duke and Duchess give you slightly odd looks at your choice, but you don't get any indication of displeasure from the Queen.
<<case "wine">>
A little alcohol might help keep your nerves straight.<<br>>
Besides, it also proves to be the most inconspicuous option - the Queen, Duke, and Duchess all also pick red wine.
<<case "strong">>
You're so anxious that you're practically shaking in your seat. If it keeps up like this you're sure that someone will be able to tell that something's up. It might not be completely wise to get wasted at such an important event, but it's better than the alternative.<<br>>
You ask the waiter for something strong. The boy hesitates for a moment before bowing. <<blue "I think I know just the thing.">><<br>>
You were worried that the choice might draw undue attention, but the Duchess merely smirks and mutters <<drusilla "Ahh, to be young">> under her breath.
<<case "default">><<error>>
The waiters leave with your order, and the table settles back into an uneasy silence.<<br>>
You find it difficult to focus on anything other than the Queen's hand on your thigh. It's both a firm, callous reminder of her control over you, and also a suffocatingly intimate gesture. You can't so much as breathe without her wordlessly communicating her opinion on how you're doing it through subtle changes in grip. You manage to feel both like a puppet being maneuvered solely by another's will, and like you're somehow fucking everything up completely.<<br>>
Thankfully, duke Gaspard takes advantage of the gap in conversation before either the Queen or the Duchess start flaring up again. <<gaspard "Your Majesty.">> He piques, a little hesitantly. <<gaspard "I was wondering if you might support a little plan of mine. The, err, peasants. They've had a rough year, or something like that. Bad harvests or some-such. I was thinking of hosting an event here - something to raise their morale, make them feel like they're listened to. What do you think?">><<br>>
You blink in surprise. This really isn't what you'd expected from the man, but come to think of it, you //had// seen notes hidden in his bedroom about something like this yesterday.<<br>>
The Queen momentarily seems even more taken surprised as you are, but the Duchess steps in before she can speak.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Oh //shut up// about your absurd peasant scheme, Gaspard.">> She snaps at her husband. <<drusilla "I don't know how you got this foolish idea in your head, but the //last// thing that we need is a bunch of unwashed vagrants stinking up //my// Bastille with their uncouth flatulence.">><<br>>
Gaspard splutters <<gaspard "I just thought...">> to himself, before obligingly shutting up as his wife tells him to.<<br>>
<<if $day7escape is true>>
The drinks arrive, <<if $day7banqDrink is "strong">>and somehow you aren't too surprised to note that the 'strong' one you requested turns out to be an extravagantly feminine cocktail - you've more than gotten used to such things by now.<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "wine">>and glasses of rich red wine and laid out in front of all four of you.<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "water">>and a glass of cool water is placed in front of you.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
You can feel your blood pressure rising with tension - it's time to enact Merat's scheme. If you were to wait any longer then you'd only been opening yourself up to making a misstep and ruining this chance in the meantime.<<br>>
<<queen "A toast.">> Calls the Queen at your side, her hand briefly releasing your thigh to grab her wineglass and lift it above her head. <<queen "To the kingdom - may it remain everlasting.">><<br>>
The Duke and Duchess, somewhat begrudgingly, lift their own glasses in compliance, and you're surprised to hear a brief clutter as the silent crowd behind you do the same.<<br>>
You couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. A cowardly part of you considers simply calling off the whole thing, but you've had plenty of chances to chicken out before now - you could have told the Queen this morning, or simply not gone along with the spymaster's idea in the first place. There's no turning back this late in the game.<<br>>
<<link "Drop the orb that Merat gave you into your glass and make a run for it">>
<<goto "day7banqMerat">>
<<if $day7banqDrink is "water">>
The drinks arrive - three glasses of gleaming red wine in crystalline goblets for the others, and then water in a little cup for you. Compared to theirs, it almost gives the impression that you're a child who's been allowed to sit at the adult table at a family gathering, but you don't allow that to get to you - it'll keep your senses sharp.
<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "wine">>
The waiters return, and four gleaming crystal wine glasses are laid out in front of you all. A bottle is smoothly uncorked, and after being passed briefly through an elaborate glass aerator it's decanted around the table. You glance nervously at the bottle - it's surprisingly plain and unornamented, but you have no doubt whatsoever that it must be worth the yearly earnings of well over a hundred peasants put together.
<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "strong">>
The drinks arrive - three glasses of gleaming red wine in crystalline goblets for the others, and then your own beverage is unveiled. You'd been expecting something like whiskey or brandy, but you really should have guessed what it would be - a sparkling pink cocktail, replete with fanciful little umbrella and a curly straw. It's so incredibly feminine that the idea of drinking it in front of all of these people is almost enough to draw a blush to your cheeks.
<<if $day7meratGrass is true>>
A part of you recognizes that, had you not snitched on Merat this morning this would be the perfect opportunity to enact his plan. Ahh well, there's no sense worrying about what might have been.<<br>>
<<queen "A toast.">> Calls the Queen at your side, her hand briefly releasing your thigh to grab her wineglass and lift it above her head. The Duke and Duchess copy her movement, and you hurry to do the same. <<queen "To the kingdom united - may it remain everlasting.">><<br>>
You think that you can see great-aunt Drusilla mutter something poisonous under her breath about the Queen's choice of toast, but it's drowned out by crowd of onlookers below all repeating the toast together.<<br>>
You almost lower your glass, thinking that it's finished, but everyone else's posture remains resolute, and instead Duke Gaspard calls a toast of his own. <<gaspard "To our loved ones - forever in our hearts.">><<br>>
The little man glances warmly and somewhat-longingly at his wife, but she certainly doesn't offer one in return. Instead, she leads her own toast - <<drusilla "To nobility, lifting us above the rabble.">>
And then all eyes in the room turn to you expectantly.<<br>>
<<link "To my mother - whom I respect so dearly">>
<<set $day7banqToast to 'mother'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7banq5">>
<<link "To the common man - to whom we owe everything">>
<<set $day7banqToast to "common">>
<<goto "day7banq5">>
<<link "To freedom - with liberty to all men">>
<<set $day7banqToast to "freedom">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banq5">>
<<link "To providence - with the hope that we'll get out of this alive">>
<<set $day7banqToast to "providence">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7banq5">>
<<link "To the man I shall one day marry - who's meeting I so eagerly anticipate">>
<<set $day7banqToast to "marry">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day7banq5">>
<<link "To shopping and cute outfits and makeup - because they rule">>
<<set $day7banqToast to "shopping">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day7banq5">>
<</if>><<switch $day7banqToast>>
<<case "mother">>
You need to appease the Queen's will as much as possible to get out of this situation, but perhaps there's something else to it too. You call your cheers to her.<<br>>
The toast echoes around the hall, and for the briefest moment you think that you can see a response - a flicker of a smile on her face, a quick glance with some amount of warmth in those cool-grey eyes - and you feel a tightness of excitement in your stomach in reaction. But then the moment is over.
<<case "common">>
All of this decadence is paid for by the hardship of the working man. Duke Gaspard seemed to get it a little, but he was shot down immediately. It's worth reminding them of the commonfolk and their needs.<<br>>
As your toast echoes around the hall, the Duke gives you a pleased smile about your choice. Drusilla, on the other hand, barely disguises her scorn at the concept, and the Queen's expression is inscrutable.
<<case "freedom">>
You're so caught up in resentment over the Queen's control over you that, suddenly put on the spot like this, you can't think of anything else.<<br>>
Your toast echoes around the hall. Both the Duke and Duchess seem a little confused by the toast, but go along with it pleasantly enough. The Queen, on the other hand, seems so bemused by the concept of her pawn making such a petty show of resistance that she can't help but make a little scoffing chuckle, which when she tries to stifle it becomes almost a snort.<<br>>
Your eyes bulge at hearing such a terrifying woman make such a noise, least of all when you'd been so scared of gaining her ire. A moment later she regathers herself and flashes you a glare, seemingly as much out of irritation that you'd heard her as anything.
<<case "providence">>
Frankly, you're still absolutely terrified of the Scarecrow Killer - the death that stalks at the heels of the royal family even now. All this pomp and prestige can't hide the fact that there was a massacre just a few days ago. You call your toast in the simple hope of survival.<<br>>
Your toast echoes around the hall. Everyone at your table looks at you with some surprise at your frank emotionality, but nobody seems to object in any way.
<<case "marry">>
You're here to pretend to be the Princess, and what else are young women interested in if not trying to snag a fella? You act out the role of a boy-mad heiress perfectly<<if $voice gte 3>>, even adding a playful little lilt to your tone to seal the effect<</if>>.<<br>>
Your toast echoes around the hall, if adjusted somewhat so that the stuffy middle-aged gentlemen are cheering for your success with men rather than their own. They also don't quite nail the lilt quite like you had, the cowards.<<br>>
Everyone at your table pass eachother an amused, knowing glance at your choice. Looks like you nailed it without issue, with only your own embarrassment to pay for it.
<<case "shopping">>
You're here to pretend to be the Princess, and from what you've experienced in the last week you have a pretty good idea of the kind of things spoiled young heiresses think about.<<if $voice gte 3>> You even add a feminine little lilt to your tone to seal the effect.<</if>><<br>>
There's a mild hubbub of chuckles from the crowd at your charming but vapid response. Everyone at your table pass eachother an amused glance at your choice. Looks like you nailed it without issue, with only your own embarrassment to pay for it.
<<if $day7banqDrink is "strong">>
The toast finished, everyone tries their drink. As you take a little sip from your silly straw, you find yourself blinking in surprise. It's like drinking pure candy - if only candy was alcoholic enough to be sure to leave you blackout drunk within the hour. You know that you'll have to be careful, but you also can't help yourself from going back for more - it's delicious.<<br>>
<<include "day7banq6">><<setter "day7banqDrink to 'water'" "day7banqDrink to 'strong'" "day7banqDrink to 'wine'">>
You swiftly pluck the little orb out from where you'd stowed it away, tuck it into the palm of your hand, and reach forward - pretending to be grabbing your drink to hold it aloft in cheers with the others. It's only at the very last second that you adjust your hand and let the metallic ball slip directly into <<if $day7banqDrink is "water">>your cool glass of water<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "wine">>the inky burgundy liquid of your red wine<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "strong">>your fruity cocktail<</if>>.<<br>>
And then there's no time to waste in stealth. From what Merat told you, the gas will be released almost immediately. The faster you get away the better chances you'll have at not getting caught up in the effect - holding your breath will only work for so long. Merat told you it would just knock people out, but you don't trust that it won't have more dire consequences.<<br>>
Your seat is thrown back. Your body twists around. You stand up and make your mad, frantic dash away from the epicenter.<<br>>
The crowd of silent onlookers are silent no more - shouts & gasps of surprise erupt to fill the space. You ignore them and keep your legs moving.<<br>>
Only one other figure in the room doesn't just sit there in shocked silence. The moment you started moving Merat too was already rising out of his seat.<<br>>
A wolfish smile appears on his thin lips. Rather than running away from the epicenter - he goes directly towards it.<<if $meratInjury gte 2>> Hobbling on his injured leg.<</if>><<br>>
You'll pass eachother down the same aisle of tables. One rushing away in escape; the other pressing forward with malicious purpose.<<br>>
You give him one passing look as you go.<<br>>
<<link "A giddy smile - you're doing it!">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat2">>
<<link "Pleading eyes - please let this work!">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat2">>
<<link "A playful wink - one last flirt to remember you by">>
<<set $vixen>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat2">>
<<link "A nod of thanks - you couldn't have done it without him">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat2">>
<<link "A smirk - you'll betray him too soon enough">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat2">>
<</link>><<setter "meratInjury to 0" "meratInjury to 1" "meratInjury to 2" "meratInjury to 3" "meratInjury to 4">>
You move to one side of the aisle.<<br>>
He goes the other way, giving you space to move past him.<<br>>
All except his foot, left insolently in your path.<<br>>
Such is your momentum that for a brief moment you fly weightlessly through the air as your foot catches on his and sends you sprawling forward. Then the floor catches up with you, hard.<<br>>
For a moment you curse and swear to yourself, only to abruptly stop - you can't afford to open your mouth, not with the gas licking at your heels.<<br>>
You scramble back onto your feet, only to find, against all logic, Merat waiting for you.<<br>>
<<if $meratInjury gte 2>>
On a normal day he'd be able to take you down with ease, but this isn't a normal day. He reaches out to grab you but his injuries from being beaten so severely yesterday mean that it's child's-play to shove back against him and leave him sprawled out on the floor, groaning.<<br>>
It doesn't make much difference.<<br>>
You barely make four more steps before the gawping onlookers on either side the aisle take action. Hands reach out, and before you know it you're held securely in their grip.
<<elseif $meratInjury is 1>>
On a normal day he'd be able to take you down with ease. This isn't a normal day. His beating from the Bastille guard yesterday inhibits his strength and mobility. You can't quite wrest yourself free, but you give ever bit as good as you get. You can see him wincing in pain.<<br>>
Right up until the gawping onlookers on either side of the aisle take action and firmly drag you away from him.
His hands easily wrap around you. You try to strike back, to struggle, but he's a man and you're no stronger than a girl. He effortlessly thwarts your efforts and holds you in arrest.
Your momentum completely halted in its tracks, you finally take in your surroundings.<<br>>
There's no gas, not even a trace of it. Instead there's just a sea of surprised and confused faces staring at you in confusion.<<br>>
People hadn't been gasping at the sudden burst of noxious gas, they'd just been shocked to see the crown Princess suddenly start running away like an absolute idiot.<<br>>
Merat hadn't been running towards the main table, he'd been running towards //you// - to quell your impudent attempt at escape.<<br>>
It was a trick!<<br>>
The spymaster keeps as stoic an expression as ever<<if $meratInjury gte 2>> as he stands up from where you'd toppled him, but<<else>>, <</if>> his eyes sparkle with smug, cruel triumph.<<br>>
<<queen "Care to explain yourself, young lady?">> Calls the Queen, standing next to her seat at the front of the hall, her hands on her hips, her expression furious. The confused hubbub which had filled the hall once again settles into silence.<<br>>
<<link "Shout that Merat set you up">>
<<set $day7banqMerat to "setup">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat3">>
<<link "Try to claim that you needed the bathroom">>
<<set $day7banqMerat to "bathroom">>
<<goto "day7banqMerat3">>
<<link "Bow your head and say nothing">>
<<set $day7banqMerat to "nothing">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMerat3">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqMerat to 'setup'" "day7banqMerat to 'bathroom'" "day7banqMerat to 'nothing'" "day7banqDrink to 'water'" "day7banqDrink to 'strong'" "day7banqDrink to 'wine'">>
<<if $day7banqMerat is "setup">>
Merat lied to you! This was all his stupid trick. It's all completely and utterly unfair! It barely even matters to you that it's completely insufficient as an excuse - you're just pissed off to all hell.<<br>>
The Queen arches one perfectly shaped eyebrow. <<queen "Oh, so //Merat// is the one who told you run around like a headless chicken, is he? The <<if $meratInjury gte 2>>very //cripple//<<else>>one man<</if>> who leapt up to stop you? Are you really making this //ridiculous// claim, dear?">><<br>>
<<merat "The very idea is //laughable//.">> Concurs Merat. <<merat "If you think that I would ever-">><<br>>
However he's interrupted before he can get any further. <<queen "Shut up, Merat.">> The Queen snaps, giving him a glare that says that just because she's mocking you for something doesn't mean that she doesn't believe it completely. <<queen "I'll deal with you later.">>
<<elseif $day7banqMerat is "bathroom">>
It's a miserable excuse, but it's the only thing that comes to mind - you shout that you just needed to go to the toilet.<<br>>
The lie is so transparent that even the Queen seems momentarily taken aback, enough so that under normal conditions it might compromise the effect when she regathers her icy resolve to quirk one eyebrow arrogantly, but you already feel like such an idiot that it hardly makes a difference.<<br>>
<<queen "Do you //really// expect me to believe that you decided to interrupt our toast, throw yourself away from the table, and run off down the hall on a moments notice, without a second glance, and without even knowing where the toilets are, because you needed to powder your nose?">> The Queen asks, rhetorically.
<<elseif $day7banqMerat is "nothing">>
There is absolutely, positively, nothing that you could say to get out of this position. You're already completely fucked - any excuse will just make things even worse than they currently are.<<br>>
The Queen waits expectantly for an answer for a few moments, before her expression darkens even further. <<queen "What, you //ruin// our toast and our evening, and then don't even have the strength in your convictions to even //defend// yourself? I didn't think that I could get more disappointed in you than I always was, but you do ever so find ways to //surprise// me.">>
Without even looking away from you the Queen plunges two of her manicured fingers into your <<if $day7banqDrink is "water">>glass of water<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "wine">>glass of wine<<elseif $day7banqDrink is "strong">>fruity cocktail<</if>> on the table, and plucks out the ball that you'd dropped in.<<br>>
<<queen "And why on earth did you place this...">> She begins, pausing to inspect it for a moment before concluding. <<queen "-this //ordinary marble// in your drink? Is this also part of your absurd little charade? A foolish game?">><<br>>
You grit your teeth to try to keep yourself from scowling at the berating. It's one thing to be goaded into making a mistake that'll keep you behind bars for the rest of your life - it's quite another to have to then be publicly humiliated about it.<<br>>
You glare at Merat's smug face and try to gauge his intentions. Was this all just so that he could have the prestige of being the one to stop you in your tracks? An act of jealousy that the Queen was focusing on you instead of him? Or just a sadistic trick to see you bought low in front of a crowd of hundreds? Does the Queen even have anything on him or was it all lies from the start? You couldn't begin to guess.<<br>>
<<queen "Well whatever it is, it ends //here//, young lady.">> Snaps the Queen. <<queen "Come on - back to your mother's heel.">><<br>>
You grit your teeth, but there's nothing else for it but to follow her command.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqMerat4" "Walk shame-faced back up">>The moment that you step up onto the front dias the Queen draws forward to meet you. The silence in the hall is shattered by a resounding //smack// as she slaps you across the face, sending hubbubs of subdued muttering in its wake.<<br>>
Your cheek //stings//, but her barrage isn't finished yet. The hand she slapped you with rises back up and you wince in preparation, but instead of striking you again it twists around your head to latch smartly onto your ear so that she can drag you no-less-painfully back to the table.<<br>>
/* <<queen "I don't know what you think you're playing at, embarrassing me like this.">> She scolds. <<queen "But it ends here. ">> */
<<queen "I thought I could at the very least trust you to make it through meal with family without making a fool of yourself and me in front of everyone, but clearly that was far too much to ask for.">> She scolds. <<queen "How //dare// you turn this evening into a debacle. I almost don't know what I'll need to do to //punish// you.">><<br>>
Great-aunt Drusilla, who up til now had just been watching the scene with absolute glee in her eyes, speaks up. <<drusilla "You know the punishment that we have for such //impudent// behavior in this family, my dear.">><<br>>
The Queen visibly flinches at her aunt's words. Her eyes flash with anger deeper than any that you've seen before, even given the circumstances, and for a second her icy facade gives way. <<queen "Don't be ridiculous, Auntie.">> She mutters through clenched teeth. <<queen "That was a long time ago. I won't-">><<br>>
<<drusilla "Well no //wonder// the brat thinks that she can act like this if you're too //soft// to know when a hard touch is required.">> Drusilla interjects poisonously. <<drusilla "Your mother //certainly// never had such foolish qualms, and our mother neither.">><<br>>
You don't know what they're talking about, but you don't like the sounds of this. <<queen "I...">> The Queen begins, and then you watch her eyes on you harden from hot rage to something colder and harder. <<queen "Maybe you're right, Auntie. Clearly //something// is required here, and if it was good enough for me...">> She finishes in a somewhat distant tone.<<br>>
She releases her painful grip on your ear, dramatically turns her chair around so that it's facing out into the hall instead of into the table, and sits down on it firmly - her legs spread apart such that the side-split in her evening gown leaves one leg exposed all the way up the top of her thigh, revealing her thin stockings and suspenders. If she has any qualms about showing such a thing to such a crowd of people then she doesn't show it in the slightest, though you have to admit that she manages to somehow make it look austere and sophisticated.<<br>>
She gestures commandingly towards her presented thigh. <<queen "Come - lay across my knee and receive your punishment.">> She orders, before adding a sharp <<queen "//NOW//">><<br>>
What the fuck. She isn't seriously intending to //spank// you, is she? In front of all of these people? You almost can't believe it, but her expression seems set with grim determination.<<br>>
<<link "Fuck this whole situation - run the hell away">>
<<set $day7banqSpank to "run">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMeratRun">>
<<link "Best to let it happen - take your position obediently">>
<<set $day7banqSpank to "obedient">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMeratObedient">>
<<if $cute gte 4>>
<<link "Calmly but earnestly try to appeal to her sense of sympathy">>
<<set $day7banqSpank to "negotiate">>
<<goto "day7banqMeratNegotiate">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 4 check - passed!">>
<<fail "Calmly but earnestly try to appeal to her sense of sympathy" "Cuteness 4 required">>
<</if>>Nothing in that expression makes you think that arguing will get you anywhere. The best thing to do is to bow your head you let it happen.<<br>>
Honestly, the moment you realized that your escape was hopeless you'd thought that she'd disavow you immediately and have you clapped in irons for life or worse - this is a horrible situation, but a part of you tries to convince yourself that you should count yourself lucky. One last chance to keep your life as free man.<<br>>
On the other hand, that doesn't mean that you can keep yourself from trembling with dread and humiliation as you force your body over the Queen's knee in supplication. Half-way down, one of the Queen's hands rises up to grip the back of your neck firmly and guide you inexorably the rest of the way. Somehow, the touch is almost calming.<<br>>
Calmly and resolutely with her other hand, the Queen
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true or $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>
raises the hem of your <<if def $outfit.bottom.name>><<print $outfit.bottom.name>><<else>><<print $outfit.dress.name>><</if>>
lowers your <<print $outfit.bottom.name>>
<</if>> to reveal your <<print $outfit.under.name>> in front of the entire crowd of onlookers, all still sitting in awkward, gawping silence. Then those too are moved away, and your <<if $pc.butt gte 2>>soft feminine behind<<else>>bare naked bottom<</if>> is exposed to the world. Any risk of the audience clocking the mysterious bulge in your groin is carefully avoided both by the Queen's positioning, and also the way that she pulls the hemline of your panties over it so it just looks like a ruffled fold in the material, after all, she's already well aware of it's presence.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqMeratObedient2">>For a moment you can feel her hand touch your bare cheek, as if lining up where to make contact, and then it's gone, rising up to deliver the first blow.<<br>>
Your whole body tenses up so tightly in anticipation that you can't even breathe.<<br>>
A second passes. And you begin to feel dizzy with terror.<<br>>
And then another, and her hand still doesn't descend.<<br>>
By the fourth second, you can't stop resentful tears from stinging at your eyes.<<br>>
By the sixth, a strike almost begins to feel like it would be a mercy, rather than a punishment.<<br>>
And then her hand makes contact once more. For a moment, your brain is so scared in anticipation of the blow that the sensation feels like a bolt of painful lightning, and you can't help but let out a weak little whimper in reaction, but then you realize that it it wasn't a spank at all - her hand gently settling down as softly as snowfall.<<br>>
A moment later, and she neatly replaces your garments back in order. When the firm hand on the nape of your neck releases, you turn around to look up at her in confused wonder.<<br>>
The Queen's expression is tense and hard-set, but her deep, resentful frown doesn't seem directed at you.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqMeratObedient3">>Great-aunt Drusilla seems absolutely furious at the affair. <<drusilla "What was //that//?">> She spits, scornfully. <<drusilla "What are you, too much of a namby-pamby to actually discipline your child properly? For a moment there I actually thought you might have a //backbone// in you, but it looks like I was wrong.">><<br>>
The Queen's tone is terse and deliberate as she responds. <<queen "She took her punishment willingly and laid there still and obedient. She's learnt her lesson. Any more will just be salt in the wound.">><<br>>
You're so grateful for being spared that it almost makes you forget that you were still humiliated and exposed in front of a staring crowd. Almost.<<br>>
Drusilla still mutters venomously under her breath about the matter, but lets it pass. The Queen gently draws you back up to your feet, and your legs are so unstable that you almost fall into her before she can return you neatly to your seat.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banq6">>This is //insane//. You desperately try to convince her to change her mind. The Queen you know is a cruel, manipulative bitch, but something this ridiculous seems completely beyond the pale of even her. She can't really intend to spank you like an unruly infant in front of an audience of hundreds of people, can she?<<br>>
<<queen "If you didn't want to be disciplined in front of a crowd, then maybe you shouldn't have been //impudent// in front of that crowd, hmm? I'm not going to spare you from the bed you made yourself.">> She responds, a slightly glazed-over look in her eyes. <<queen "If you couldn't be bothered to hold off on your foolishness until later, then I really think that my own patience is just as thin. Perhaps next time you'll consider whether it'll be worth it //before// acting like a fool, instead of only //after// you've made a mess.">><<br>>
You try to get her to understand that she doesn't have to replicate the same things that she was forced to experience, but she only replies <<queen "You're right. I could have gone without doing such things. I really would have much preferred that. But then you went and forced my hand.">><<br>>
Your solid, rational arguments slowly give way to pleading, and the Queen's firm, terrifying responses slowly give way to silence - her grim, resolute expression making it completely clear that she'll brook no argument whatsoever.<<br>>
Only once your words have run out and turned to desperate, tearful spluttering does she speak up again. <<queen "Lay across my knee, or I'll have aunt Drusilla hold you down for me. I'm sure that she'd relish the opportunity.">><<br>>
You resist the urge to glance at your 'great-aunt' to test the veracity of this - you know full well that you wouldn't like what you'd see.<<br>>
With horror, it finally clicks - this is happening, and nothing that you can say will change it.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqMeratNegotiate2" "Lay across your 'mother's' knee">><<setter "pc.makeup to 1" "pc.makeup to undefined">>
You can't keep yourself from trembling with dread and humiliation as you force your body down over the Queen's knee in supplication. The tears which had started in your frantic argument now stream freely down your face<<if $pc.makeup gte 1>> - your makeup must be an absolute state<</if>>. Half-way down, one of the Queen's hands rises up to grip the back of your neck firmly and guide you inexorably the rest of the way. Somehow, amidst the shame and nerves, the touch is almost calming.<<br>>
The audience of blank officials remains as silent as ever despite the horror that they're watching unfold in front of their eyes, but now that silence seems to intensify as even the background noises of rustling and breathing halt - the entire room straining with grim anticipation. It's suffocating.<<br>>
You stare down at the marble flooring in dread.<<br>>
You feel the sensation of the Queen's free hand settling lightly on your clothed behind, and realize with horror that she's about to undress you to expose your butt. But then it just stays there, lingering, as if indecisive.<<br>>
Through your tears, you gently murmur one last pitiful plea for forgiveness.<<br>>
And, remarkably, it works.<<br>>
The hand on the back of your neck starts pulling you back up, and before you can even fully register what's happening you're placed back on your unsteady feet.<<br>>
The Queen's expression is tense and hard-set, but her deep, resentful frown doesn't seem directed at you. Before you can ask her the question that's on your lips, great-aunt Drusilla steals it from you.<<br>>
<<drusilla "What do you think that you're //doing//?">> she shouts with undisguised disgust. <<drusilla "What are you, too much of a namby-pamby to actually discipline your child properly? For a moment there I actually thought you might have a //backbone// in you, but it looks like I was wrong.">><<br>>
The Queen's tone is terse and deliberate as she responds. <<queen "She realized her powerlessness in the situation, and laid down willingly. She's learnt her lesson. Any more will just be salt in the wound.">><<br>>
You're so grateful for being spared that it almost makes you forget that you were still humiliated in front of a staring crowd. You pass her a thankful look, and for a moment think that you can imagine one in return from her.<<br>>
Drusilla still mutters venomously under her breath about the matter, but lets it pass. You uneasily settle back into your seat<<br>>
<<cont "day7banq6">>Screw this - you're out of here. No matter what she has on you, if she thinks that you're going to submissively kneel over and let yourself be smacked like an unruly infant then she's got another thing coming. Even lifelong imprisonment would be an improvement. You make a mad dash for it.<<br>>
It's not like you had any hope of making it very far, but you wish that you'd been able to at least make a show of it. Royal soldiers, drawn from their posts outside the hall by your last foolish escape attempt, are ready and waiting for you. You don't even make it past the second row of tables.<<br>>
You're dragged kicking and screaming back to the front of the hall where the Queen is waiting for you, seemingly without having moved an inch. Her knee looms at you with all of the intimidation of an executioner's chopping block. In desperation, you shout out the one thing that might stop this from happening: the truth.<<br>>
For a second the hall is as silent as the grave, but it's soon shattered by the Queen, of all things //laughing//.<<br>>
<<queen "Oh, do shush with the //theatrics//, my dear.">> She responds after she recovers herself, seemingly completely unconcerned by your shouted confession. <<queen "I see how it is - you're not a princess, I'm not your mother. //Anything// to avoid having to experience a comeuppance for once. So what, I'm just some wicked witch who's locked your //real// mother away in some dungeon so I could take over? Or perhaps you're just some peasant I took off the streets to torment? Don't think that these //tall tales// are earning you anything other than my irritation.">><<br>>
You look around frantically for help, but nobody in the crowd seems to //care//. The truth that you've spent the last week desperately trying to keep hidden just sounds like the pathetic crocodile tears of a petulant young lady.<<br>>
By the time the soldiers deposit you in front of the Queen's impassively waiting knee, you know that it's pointless. Your fight leaves you and is replaced by hopelessness. When she reaches up to grab you by ear and drag you down into position the only pathetic resistance you can muster is to stiffen your neck a little to make her have to work for it.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqMeratRun2">>Calmly and resolutely, the Queen holds you in place by a firm hand on the back of the neck, and with the other
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true or $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>
raises the hem of your <<if def $outfit.bottom.name>><<print $outfit.bottom.name>><<else>><<print $outfit.dress.name>><</if>>
lowers your <<print $outfit.bottom.name>>
<</if>> to reveal your <<print $outfit.under.name>> in front of the entire crowd of onlookers, all still sitting in awkward, gawping silence. Then those too are moved away, and your <<if $pc.butt gte 2>>soft feminine behind<<else>>bare naked bottom<</if>> is exposed to the world. Any risk of the audience clocking the mysterious bulge in your groin is carefully avoided both by the Queen's positioning, and also the way that she pulls the hemline of your panties over it so it just looks like a ruffled fold in the material, after all, she's already well aware of it's presence.<<br>>
The sound reverberates around the hall, piercing the silence like a peal of thunder. You bite your tongue to keep yourself from making a noise - it //hurts//.<<br>>
And then another //smack// rings out, and then another, and another, and soon your resolution to not make a sound falters into whimpers and cries.<<br>>
It's not the pain of the punishment that brings tears to your eyes, no matter how much it smarts - it's the humiliated, impotent frustration of it all.<<br>>
She is, at the very least, perfunctory. There's no sadistic little flourishes or perverted lingering, just clean, precise punishment.<<br>>
Her rhythm is exact and unfaltering - so regular that when after the tenth strike none come after it, you still find yourself flinching in anticipation, and feeling somehow empty with it's absence.<<br>>
The hand on the back of your neck loosens, and you come out of the lost, dazed stupor which your mind had entered to find yourself staring dumbly at the wet puddle of your tears on the stone floor beneath you.<<if $pc.makeup gte 1>> Your makeup must be absolutely ruined.<</if>><<br>>
<<cont "day7banqMeratRun3">>The Queen neatly places your clothing back in order, and even the sensation of your silken panties feel as course as sandpaper against your raw, bruised bottom.<<br>>
You're guided to your feet, and despite having been so full of bluster just a minute ago, that seems so far away now that you struggle to even remember it. When the Queen gently draws close to hold you in place and keep you from staggering, you're still so spacey that even though she was the person who did this to you that comfort practically makes you cling to her whimpering like a baby animal with its mother.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Not too bad, suppose.">> Concedes great-aunt Drusilla, her venomous tone piercing the intimacy of the moment. <<drusilla "My sister wouldn't have gone quite so easy, as I'm sure you have no difficulty remembering, but you made a decent showing of it.">><<br>>
The Queen's grey eyes flash so angrily that, in your dazed stupor you find yourself flinching at the sight of it. For a moment she seems lost for words, before spitting <<queen "//Shut up//, Auntie">> in response.<<br>>
Her anger only draws a fit of cackling laughter from the old woman, pleased to have 'won' by drawing such a display from her niece.<<br>>
You're sat neatly back onto your chair, and you flinch in shock. The hard wood seat is so painful against your sore buttocks that you feel like you're sitting on hot irons. The pain is so sharp that you find yourself quickly coming back to your wits, enough to feel mortified for the meek way you'd behaved when you'd lost them.<<br>>
<<queen "Well.">> States the Queen, turning her chair back around and sitting down with the finality of someone who is determined to return back to normal. <<queen "Now that that //foolishness// is finished with, we can get back to our meal.">><<br>>
You find yourself blinking with surprise. You'd have thought that after everything that just happened the evening would be over, not that you have to continue the most stressful experience in your life, now with the horrible knowledge that everyone in the room was public to the spectacle of you crying while getting spanked like an infant. However, even that thought can't keep you from focusing on the agony of your behind for long.<<br>>
The Queen takes notice of the state that you're in. <<queen "My darling.">> She addresses, with a sickly, honied tone to her voice. <<queen "You seem to be in some state. Whatever is the matter my dear? Can't you sit //still//?">><<br>>
You wince at the thought of having to say the problem out loud, but luckily she saves you the need. <<queen "Oh, I know, are you having trouble with the seats? Great-auntie Drusilla does ever-so seem to prefer to stock her grand hall with quite //spartan// chairs doesn't she? Well, she's no //monster// I'm sure that she can see her way to getting you a cushion or something.">><<br>>
Despite the humiliation of the scene, you can't hide your relief at her mercy. That is, right up until she continues with <<queen "However, first I believe you owe me something very important, my darling - an apology for your atrocious behavior.">><<br>>
You grimace. Of //course// you wouldn't be able to get one for free. You consider whether it's worth swallowing your pride.<<br>>
<<link "Beg for her forgiveness">>
<<set $day7banqCushion to true>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMeratRun4">>
<<link "Remain resolute and suffer the agony for the rest of the meal">>
<<set $day7banqCushion to false>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7banqMeratRun4">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqCushion to true" "day7banqCushion to false">>
<<if $day7banqCushion is true>>
Your pride is already in tatters, what's the point in trying to protect it from a little more? You apologize for your foolishness.<<br>>
In response, your 'mother' just sits there, patiently awaiting more.<<br>>
You hurry to grant it - more and more words tumbling out of you, begging desperately for mercy. Tears begin to prick once more at your eyes - you must look a sorry, pathetic state.<<br>>
She lets you continue for some time before finally speaking up. <<queen "Well, it sounds like she might have learnt her lesson. What do you think, Auntie?">><<br>>
<<drusilla "It's just platitudes to get what she wants, but she'll at least think twice about being such a stupid brat in the future.">> Great-aunt Drusilla sneers. <<drusilla "I'll get her the damn cushion.">><<br>>
She gestures to some members of staff, and soon an embroidered pillow is found for you to sit upon. You feel absolutely humiliated, but you can't deny that the soothingly soft fabric really does feel worth it in comparison.
<<elseif $day7banqCushion is false>>
Even after assaulting and humiliating you in front of everyone she's still trying to demean you at every turn.<<br>>
Well fuck it, if that's the game that she's going to play then you're not going to dignify it by playing along. It hurts like hell, but it's just pain - you can push through it.<<br>>
Any hope that you might have had that your hard-set resistance might be worthy of respect is shattered when, after it becomes clear that no apology will be forthcoming, the Duchess cackles <<drusilla "Oh, and now the twerp's pulling a petulant little //sulk//, I see.">><<br>>
The Queen sighs dramatically. <<queen "Very well. If it isn't urgent enough that it's worth uttering a few words for, then I suppose you didn't really need one in the first place, did you? Let us continue.">>
<<cont "day7banq6">><<setter "day7banqSpank to undefined" "day7banqSpank to 'run'">>
<<if def $day7banqSpank>>
You wouldn't have believed that after everything that had just happened things could ever return back to normal, but, like it's something that everyone there bar you is completely used to, conversation flows on like it had never happened.<<br>>
The whole time, you're sitting there feeling shell-shocked, with your face still red and puffy from tears. It feels completely ridiculous.<<br>>
The conversation soon moves into matters of state, the Queen and the Duchess quickly going at loggerheads, with the Duke occasionally bravely perking up everyone now and again and getting ignored. You're happy to let the topic mostly pass you by while you conserve your energy.<<br>>
It's not until the Duke suddenly asks <<gaspard "And what does our young Princess think about the matter, hmm?">> and everyone turns to you that you realize that you've lost track of what was being said.<br><br>
On the spot, you frantically try to work out what to say.<<br>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Say that you agree with the Duchess">>
<<set $day7banqAgree to "duchess">>
<<goto "day7banq7">>
<<link "Say that you agree with the Queen">>
<<set $day7banqAgree to "queen">>
<<goto "day7banq7">>
<<link "Say that you think that the peasants deserve more support">>
<<set $day7banqAgree to "peasant">>
<<goto "day7banq7">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Eloquently cover for yourself.">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>>
You might not have any idea what they were talking about, but you've graceful enough to be able to talk around the matter enough to cover for that.<<br>>
You think that you can agree with two points, instead of just one.<<br>>
<<link "Speak in support of both the Queen and the Duchess">>
<<set $day7banqAgree to "notPeasant">>
<<goto "day7banq7">>
<<link "Speak in support of both the Queen and the Peasants">>
<<set $day7banqAgree to "notDuchess">>
<<goto "day7banq7">>
<<link "Speak in support of both the Duchess and the Peasants">>
<<set $day7banqAgree to "notQueen">>
<<goto "day7banq7">>
<<remove "#remove">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed!">>
<<fail "Eloquently cover for yourself" "Grace 3 check - fail">>
</span><<setter "day7banqAgree to 'queen'" "day7banqAgree to 'duchess'" "day7banqAgree to 'peasant'" "day7banqAgree to 'notQueen'" "day7banqAgree to 'notDuchess'" "day7banqAgree to 'notPeasant'">>
<<if $day7banqAgree is "notPeasant">>
It's clear that the big dispute here is between the Queen and the Duchess. Both women are scary enough that taking either of their sides against the other is a dangerous game, but luckily you're tactful enough to navigate it with ease.<<br>>
You phrase your statement carefully so that it //sounds// like it's taking a strong stance on one side or the other, but is ambiguous enough in the details that it's unclear exactly //which// you're in support of.<<br>>
You're happy to see the expression on both women's faces twist into smug satisfaction, both concluding that they've won in the exchange.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqAgree is "queen" or $day7banqAgree is "notDuchess">>
A small smile crosses the Queen's face at your words of support for her. Her hand once again touches down on your thigh tenderly to display her satisfaction.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqAgree is "duchess" or $day7banqAgree is "notQueen">>
A wicked smirk crosses the Duchess' face at your words of support for her.<<br>>
The Queen's hand once again touches down on your thigh, with firm, displeased intensity.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqAgree is "peasant" or $day7banqAgree is "notDuchess" or $day7banqAgree is "notQueen">>
Duke Gaspard's face lights up so much when you make a case for the struggling peasantry that you wonder if anyone's actually agreed with him in over a decade - he seems completely unused to the idea.<<br>>
<<gaspard "Yes yes, I quite agree, your Highness.">> He blithers enthusiastically. <<gaspard "All the more reason why I really think that we should host some sort of //event// in their support. To help them with their, umm...">> He hesitates for a moment, realizing that he has no idea what peasants even //do//. <<gaspard "Well, to help them with whatever they need help with anyway. Loitering and manure and such, you know?">><<br>>
You frown, confused at why the Duke seems so interested in helping the commonfolk out if he cares so little as to not even know what they do, but you suppose his heart is at least in the right place.<<br>>
/* Needs a little something here. */
Waiters emerge from the kitchens, and a wave of mouth-watering smell reaches you. Soon steaming plates of potage à la reine are laid out.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day7banq7.jpg]]@@<br>
You expect to wait until the entire hall has been served their food before starting to eat, but that proves not to be the case - the elites don't need to wait for the rabble.<<br>>
The food looks delicious enough that not even the nerves twisting in your gut are enough to stop you from eating it. However, you glance at the cutlery with confusion - why on earth is there so //many//? Knives, forks, and spoons of all different shapes and sizes are laid out next to eachother. You wonder how you're supposed to go about this.<<br>>
<<link "Start with the ones on the inside and go outwards">>
<<set $day7banqCutlery to "inside">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<goto "day7banq8">>
<<link "Start with the ones on the outside and go inwards">>
<<set $day7banqCutlery to "outside">>
<<goto "day7banq8">>
<<link "Pick and choose randomly">>
<<set $day7banqCutlery to "random">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<goto "day7banq8">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqCutlery to 'outside'" "day7banqCutlery to 'inside'" "day7banqCutlery to 'random'">>
<<if $day7banqCutlery is "outside">>
You vaguely remember something about there being an order to how you're meant to eat, but it's still little more than guesswork.<<br>>
As you reach for the outside-most set of cutlery, you notice the Queen briefly glancing your way. For a moment she looks a little confused, as if she'd been completely expecting you to do it wrong and is pleasantly surprised that she doesn't have to take matters into her own hands.
<<if $day7banqCutlery is "inside">>
You vaguely remember something about there being an order to how you're meant to eat, but you haven't the foggiest what it could be. You figure that starting from the middle and going out from there makes the most sense - that way there's no chance of accidentally getting food all over cutlery that you'll use later.
<<elseif $day7banqCutlery is "random">>
You shrug to yourself. A spoon is a spoon - it surely doesn't matter which one you eat with. Maybe they just put the other ones here so that you could pick whichever you fancy the look of most?
Scarcely have your hands started moving before the Queen clocks that you're about to do it wrong and takes action - reaching across the table to slap them out the way and pick up the correct cutlery for you to use.<<br>>
However she can't do it without great-aunt Drusilla calling out <<drusilla "What on //earth// are you up to?">><<br>>
<<queen "What do you //think// I'm doing, auntie? Or is your eyesight failing you in your old age?">> The Queen snaps, her voice even more arrogant and mocking than usual as she covers for herself without missing a beat. <<queen "Can't you see that I'm cutting up my daughter's chicken for her?">><<br>>
You blink in surprise at the excuse - surely having a daughter with poor table manners is less compromising than one your age who still needs to have her food cut up for her like an infant. However, other than looking sour at the insult, duchess Drusilla seems to accept this absurdity quite readily.<<br>>
Now that's she's committed to the act, the Queen stands from her chair to get a better angle - her body drawing close to yours. There's something intense about her being so near. She mainly keeps you at arms-length, but like this, the smell of her musky perfume heavy in the air, it's almost intoxicating, especially when she's being so... motherly. With her leaning over you, your head is just about at the same level as her ample cleavage - you try and fail not to make note of the way it jiggles with the sawing motion of her hands.<<br>>
<<queen "Here you go, darling.">> She says finally, firmly placing the correct cutlery in your hands so that you don't fuck it up again. <<queen "Enjoy your food.">><<br>>
As she steps away, leaving you flustered and awkward in her wake, duke Gaspard lets out a rasping little chuckle at your blushing face. <<gaspard "The poor mite's shy - embarrassed at you coddling her so.">> You're grateful that he doesn't know what's really on your mind.
There's a cough from behind you, and you're surprised to realize that there's a spritely young maid still lingering next to the table.<<br>>
<<pink "I-is everything to your requirements, your Highness?">> She asks, a little intimidated by how important you are.<<br>>
You can feel the eyes of the room fall on you.<<br>>
<<if $grace gte 1 and $auth gte 1 and $auth + $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Give an appropriately official response">>
<<set $day7banqMaid to "pass">>
<<goto "day7banq9">>
<</link>><<check "Grace and Authority check - passed!">>
<<fail "Give an appropriately official response" "Both grace and authority required">>
<<link "Reply awkwardly">>
<<set $day7banqMaid to "fail">>
<<goto "day7banq9">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqMaid to 'pass'" "day7banqMaid to 'fail'" "roryKnow to true" "roryKnow to undefined">>
<<if $day7banqMaid is "pass">>
The situation requires a response that's both polite and elegant, while also maintaining the casual superiority of your rank. Luckily you're well practiced in such things, and you capably assure the girl that everything is to your liking.<<br>>
You can see great-aunt Drusilla scowl a little, annoyed that she can't find any fault in your response to criticize you with.
<<elseif $day7banqMaid is "fail">>
<<if $grace gte 4>>
You know plenty about being polite and courteous, but lack the superior demeanor that royalty should have when speaking to an underling. You respond so decorously that anyone would guess that you were equals.
<<elseif $auth gte 4>>
You know plenty about how to affect a superior, commanding demeanor, but not how to politely temper it. You reply so callously that you sound like you're berating the poor maid, rather than thanking her for a good meal. You can see her flinching in response.
<<elseif $cute gte 4>>
You've put all of your efforts into being cute and charming - all this official pomp and circumstance isn't your forte at all. You respond sweetly and earnestly, and you can see the maid smile sweetly in response, but you know that you've slipped up.
Suddenly put on the spot like this your words fail you. You manage to stammer something about, but it doesn't have the polite, official tone required of you.
When you turn back around you see great-aunt Drusilla glaring at your 'mother' with a smug, wicked grin on her face, no doubt absolutely thrilled by your public faux-pas. The Queen bristles with irritation.
The suffocating silence of the room finally abates a little - now that food is being spread out around the hall, there's at least the sounds of cutlery and chewing. Even the horrible feeling of being stared at fades a little, as the audience have to spend at least a little time looking at what they're eating instead of gawping up at the dias. You wish that some of them would talk amongst themselves or something, but no luck - they might as well be a sea of dolls rather than people, if only dolls watched your every move and would be sure to be talking about it for months afterwards.<<br>>
Suddenly Drusilla starts talking to you. <<drusilla "So, your Highness. As I understand it, this is quite a rare pleasure. I hear that you're so averse to publicity that even nobles visiting the capital have barely been able to catch sight of you for //years//.">><<br>>
Her eyes narrow as she continues. <<drusilla "I'm so sorry to hear that you've become quite so unsociable. Whyever is it the case? Too ashamed of your 'handsome' appearance to let yourself be seen? Too slothful to be //bothered// to make an appearance? Or perhaps just to much of a //disappointment// for your mother to //dare// let you make a fool of yourself in front of everyone, such that you need to be hidden away in some dusty attic to rot? Come on, you can tell your dear auntie.">><<br>>
You have no idea how to justify the Princess' absence. Maybe if you were actually her then you'd have a better idea, but you're still grasping at straws trying to work out the matter yourself.<<br>>
<<if $roryKnow is true>>
<<link "Gain the upper hand by throwing her off-guard with compromising information">>
<<set $day7banqExcuse to "rory">>
<<goto "day7banq10">>
<</link>><<check "Available because you know about Drusilla's extramarital affairs">>
<<fail "Gain the upper hand by throwing her off-guard with compromising information" "You don't know anything that could be used as ammunition">>
<<link "Say that you're too tomboyish to bother with all that Princess stuff">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day7banqExcuse to "tomboy">>
<<goto "day7banq10">>
<<link "Say that you've been too fragile & poorly to make public appearances">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day7banqExcuse to "inno">>
<<goto "day7banq10">>
<<link "Say that you're too busy playing cutthroat politics for bother with public-facing stuff">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqExcuse to "ruthless">>
<<goto "day7banq10">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqExcuse to 'ruthless'" "day7banqExcuse to 'inno'" "day7banqExcuse to 'tomboy'" "day7banqExcuse to 'rory'">>
<<if $day7banqExcuse is "rory">>
Giving any proper response is just playing into her game. The best defense is offense - you counterattack immediately.<<br>>
With cold precision, you ignore the Duchess' callous question and, without even needing to bother to hide how much of a non-sequitur it is, bring up this 'Rory' character who you know she's been sleeping with. You don't need to throw out an accusation or anything, just mentioning the name should be enough.<<br>>
Drusilla's face turns as white as a sheet, her eyes flashing with anger and panic at having her secret be mentioned.<<br>>
Both the Queen and the Duke just look confused at such an odd statement, but one glance at the Duchess is enough to tell them that somehow you've won the exchange.<<br>>
<<gaspard "Ah, d-darling.">> The Duke asks, tentatively but urgently. <<gaspard "W-whatever is she talking about? I don't know of any Rory fellow - do you?">><<br>>
It takes the Duchess a few seconds to gather herself enough to respond. <<drusilla "I have no idea.">> She dismisses through clenched teeth, completely unconvincingly. <<drusilla "I've never heard the name. She's just clutching at straws.">><<br>>
<<gaspard "Now, darling, if that were true then whyever would you-">> the Duke argues, his voice almost pleading, but he's tersely interrupted by his wife.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Stop //dithering// like that, Gaspard. I told you that I have no idea and that's that. Shut up and eat your potage.">><<br>>
Resentfully he does as he's bid, but you're sure that this has planted a seed of doubt in him.<<br>>
The Queen catches your eye and gives you a sly wink, indicating her pleasure at having seen the Duchess so compromised.
<<elseif $day7banqExcuse is "tomboy">>
Fuck it, it might not be a smart excuse, but you'd rather say the unfavorable truth than get caught up in a lie. You tell her what you think you've learned about the Princess' reasons - that she's just too tomboyish to bother with all of that Princessy crap.<<br>>
The moment the words come out your mouth you see the Queen tense up angrily, violently skewering a piece of chicken on her plate.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Oh I //see//.">> Cries great-aunt Drusilla, delighted by such a juicily compromising explanation. <<drusilla "You really were just raised //wrong//. //Stunted// into some pathetic facsimile of manhood. What a //disaster// my dear.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "Yes, now that you mention it it's //obvious//.">> She continues. <<drusilla "Everything about you, from your appearance to your mannerisms to your speech, //does// have ever such a barely-repressed //burgeoning// masculinity lurking just under the surface, don't you think? Yes, were I that way, I really suspect that I'd lock myself up in some tower in shame too.">><<br>>
For some reason her cruel criticism stings harder than you'd have expected. You can't help but grind your teeth in irritation.<<br>>
<<queen "I advise you hold your poisonous tongue, Auntie.">> The Queen interjects. <<queen "My daughter may have made some detestably //viraginous// choices in her life, but look at her now - all grown out of her unruly phase ready to accept the maidenly role which was always inevitable. Why, if only a certain woman here had been quite as amicable to what is needed of her at the same age, then perhaps she wouldn't have been shuffled off to rot in a dusty old fortress, don't you think?">><<br>>
Drusilla rolls her eyes at this. The Queen cooly adds <<queen "What, did you think that my mother would be discreet, and not tell me every little compromising story about you or the others that she could remember? You really should know better, she's your sister after all.">>
<<elseif $day7banqExcuse is "ruthless">>
You don't want to give great-aunt Drusilla any ammunition to use against you by showing weakness. You decide to make the bold claim that instead of being too insufficient to make public appearances, your absence is actually due to being too powerful and capable to bother.<<br>>
You're quite proud of the idea, but the effect is certainly reduced when great-aunt Drusilla snorts in reaction.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Don't make me //laugh//, girl.">> She retorts. <<drusilla "I keep tabs on every major player in the country, and all of them say the same thing - that your absence from such matters has been notable and //shocking//. I'm sure the countess Lavalette has been dying in anticipation of you finally making a move of some sort, but so far has been wholly disappointed by how very slow on the uptake you've been.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "So, what politics //have// you been enacting? Petty little mind-games with your servants? Toying with some petty vavasour? Whatever it is let me assure you, girl - it's //nothing// to get cocky about.">><<br>>
You try to think up a counter-argument, but your words fall short - she's right, it's not like either you or the Princess really have been playing politics or anything.<<br>>
<<queen "Oh come now, auntie.">> The Queen interjects. <<queen "You really think that //countess Lavalette// is still one of the big players nowadays? No //wonder// you've such a blind eye as to miss her machinations. Do catch up.">>
It's almost certainly a lie, and Drusilla seems far from completely convinced, but at the very least there's enough doubt planted in her mind enough to make her hesitate.
<<elseif $day7banqExcuse is "inno">>
The best explanation that you can come up with for such a notable absence is to feign sickness. It makes you seem kinda pathetic, but it would mean that it's at least not your fault.<<br>>
Any hope that you might have had that Drusilla might go light on you for your frailty is quickly cut short. The bitch barely even tries to conceal the grin that crosses her face at the discovery.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Oh I see how it is - a half-lame //invalid// for a heir, what good that bodes the Kingdom for the future. I always said that his family had //weak stock// to them, and now look at what they spawned in you - a scion who can barely function! What a time to live in.">><<br>>
Such is the viciousness of her attack that you're left taken aback in the face of it, which only makes her sneer all the harder at you looking so helpless. <<drusilla "See? Can't even hear some truth from her family without getting all wide-eyed and pathetic. I do hope that you plan on trying again, or at least living a long time, niece, so we have time to find a way to abdicate straight past the little //retard//.">><<br>>
The Queen has clearly heard enough. Standing up from her seat she practically shouts <<queen "That is //enough//! Shut up and remember your place, //Duchess//. Don't think that just because you're family you can //dare// to speak like that in her presence. She is a Princess - //your// Princess, and one day you will kneel at her feet as a vassal and have to //beg// her for clemency, knowing that you shan't receive it because she remembers what words you've said this day.">><<br>>
She jabs a furious finger at the Drusilla. <<queen "Despite her delicacy, she will reign in power, and here's the thing, auntie - she'll be much better at it than you could //ever// hope to be. Do you understand, //subordinate//?">><<br>>
The duchess sneers in resentment, but begrudgingly shuts up. After a few terse moments, the Queen sits herself down again with a <<queen "Good. Don't forget your place in the future - remember that all ranks can be cut short with merely a flick of a pen.">>
<<if $day7banqExcuse is "inno">>The foul mood is soon<<else>>Whatever the Duchess has to say in response is<</if>> interrupted by the arrival on the next wave of waiters, here to pull away the empty bowls of your starters.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banq11">>The starters are quickly replaced with elegant platters containing what you at first take to be turkey with gravy, but is announced to your surprise to be roasted peacock with a spiced wine sauce. You didn't even know people //ate// peacocks.<br>
<<img "Passage/day7banq10.jpg">><br>
<<drusilla "Delightful as ever, garcon.">> The Duchess praises the staff, somehow seeming as composed as ever despite the last conversation.<<br>>
The waiter bows deeply before retreating back to the kitchens, and the four of you start eating.<<br>>
You're much relieved that, for now at least, the food is good enough to halt conversation for a little while.<<br>>
Perhaps it's due to the effects of the potion still effecting you, or maybe it's simply a credit to how delicious the meal is, but you find yourself finishing your main in record time. The others are still barely half done.<<br>>
You glance around nervously, worried that you might have made a faux-pas by rushing, but you needn't have worried - it doesn't seem to be a problem in the slightest.<<br>>
Perhaps it's just conditioning, since you've become so accustomed to finishing your food before Simone and taking the time to chat about stuff, but you find yourself wondering if it's worth trying to fill this lapse in conversation yourself. Maybe you could learn something helpful? You just have to hope that you don't wear out your voice in the meantime.<<br>>
<<if $voice lte 0>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 2>>
''Your untrained voice can only risk talking about TWO things''<<check "Voice Training check - failure">>
<<elseif $voice gte 1 and $voice lte 2>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 3>>
''Your lessons in voice training means that you'll safely be able to talk about THREE things''<<check "Voice Training check - low">>
<<elseif $voice gte 3 and $voice lte 4>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 4>>
''Your focus on voice training means that you'll safely be able to talk about FOUR things''<<check "Voice Training check - high">>
<<elseif $voice gte 5>>
<<set $voiceLasts to 5>>
''Your impressive focus on voice training means that you'll safely be able to talk about FIVE things''<<check "Voice Training check - very high">>
<<set $day7banqArray to []>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">><<if $voiceLasts is 0>>
<<unset $voiceLasts>>
<<cont "day7banq12" "Your throat is beginning to ache from talking so much. Best to save your voice and stop here">>
<<if passage() isnot "day7banq11">>
Your voice will hold out for <<if $voiceLasts is 4>>FOUR<<elseif $voiceLasts is 3>>THREE<<elseif $voiceLasts is 2>>TWO<<elseif $voiceLasts is 1>>ONE<</if>> more topic<<if $voiceLasts isnot 1>>s<</if>>.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("defense") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask for details about the defensiveness of the Bastille">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("defense")>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsDefense">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("colette") isnot true>>
<<link "Try to learn about the various rooms inside the Bastille">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("colette")>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsColette">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("queenPlus") isnot true>>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("queenMinus") isnot true>>
<<link "Curry favor with the Queen by speaking positively about her">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("queenPlus")>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsQueenPlus">>
<<fail "Curry favor with the Queen by speaking positively about her" "You've already spoken negatively about the Queen. It would be counterproductive to do both.">><br>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("queenMinus") isnot true>>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("queenPlus") isnot true>>
<<link "Undermine the Queen's authority by speaking against her">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("queenMinus")>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsQueenMinus">>
<<fail "Undermine the Queen's authority by speaking against her" "You've already spoken positively about the Queen. It would be counterproductive to do both.">><br>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("drusilla") isnot true>>
<<link "Curry favor with the Duchess">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("drusilla")>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsDrusilla">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("potion") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask if they know anything about potions which could change a person's body">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("potion")>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsPotion">>
<<if $day7kingSee isnot "hide">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("rob") isnot true>>
<<link "Try to learn about this intruder in the Bastille that you've heard about">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("rob")>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsRob">>
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "royal">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("rob") isnot true>>
<<link "Try to learn more about what the Queen was saying about intruders earlier">>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("rob")>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsRob">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("outfit") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask if you can have any new outfits to wear">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("outfit")>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsOutfit">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("stat") isnot true>>
<<link "See if you can get any advice on how to act princessy.">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $voiceLasts -= 1>>
<<run $day7banqArray.push("stat")>>
<<goto "day7banqQuestionsStat">>
<</if>>Your interest in the Bastille's defensiveness is twofold. For one, there's killers after you - it's important to know how safe you are. But for another, any information could be invaluable in helping you to escape.<<br>>
You're worried that you'll gain the Queen's ire by sounding too eager, but either she thinks so little of you to not even worry about your escape, or else she's also is too interested in the answer herself to notice. She leans forward with curiosity.<<br>>
Drusilla smiles the smug smile of someone who gets to talk the topic where she feels most superior. <<drusilla "Ahh yes. You needn't worry about whatever ruffians were accosting you. They'll have no chance whatsoever of doing any damage here. Even if you bought the vermin in with you like a plague-ship I have no doubts that they'll be really quite useless here in my Bastille.">><<br>>
<<queen "Bold words.">> Replies the Queen, not seeming particularly reassured. <<queen "But even despite how much money you've //supposedly// funneled into the thing, all I can see is a drafty old tomb.">><<br>>
Even the Queen's sharp tongue doesn't seem to deter the Duchess' mood on the matter. <<drusilla "Well then that merely proves how effective the measures have been.">> She says, somewhat mysteriously. <<drusilla "I won't bore you with the details, just know that you should sleep soundly - I certainly shall do.">><<br>>
There's a second's pause, where it looks like that's everything that Drusilla will be saying on the matter, but then, like she just can't help herself she adds <<drusilla "If you're ever lucky enough to get the chance to see things in action, just head to any of the safe-rooms - you'll find passages hidden away in half of the cleaning closets around the place. From there you can sit back with a bottle of wine and watch the performance.">><<br>>
At this utterance, duke Gaspard's eyes suddenly bulge in outrage. <<gaspard "Stop that, darling!">> He snaps. <<gaspard "That's //secret// information, you can't just tell people that!">><<br>>
Both you and the Queen are a little taken aback by the little duke being the one to snap at his spouse for once, but any surprise that the two of you have is easily overshadowed by Drusilla's own offense. Insulted, she shouts <<drusilla "Don't you //dare// speak to me like that, Gaspard! To your own //wife// - you should be ashamed of yourself!">> You almost can't believe the hypocrisy.<<br>>
The Duke splutteringly apologies, but still looks bitter about the matter long afterwards.<<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">>If you're going to be staying in the Bastille for a little while, you may as well try to get the lay of the place. Thus so far you've mostly only seen winding, barren corridors - it would be nice to know how to orient yourself, whether it's just for navigation, in case of an emergency, or even, though you keep it to yourself, a chance at escape.<<br>>
It proves all-too easy to encourage the Duchess into gloating about her beloved Bastille. <<drusilla "Well goodness, my dear. You'd have thought it would be //obvious// to anyone with half an understanding of interior design, but if you're //really// in such need of guidance I suppose I can grant it. The outer ring of rooms, the ones which overlook the city, used to be all bedrooms, which was incredibly foolish - I saw to refurbish the place into a much more practical configuration. Now they're about half-and-half between...">><<br>>
She keeps going for some time, and even the Duke occasionally adds a few details. It's all a little much to keep in your head, but by the end you at least have a pretty good idea what kinds of rooms are where.<<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">><<if $day7banqArray.includes("drusilla")>>
You've already ingratiated yourself with one of the tyrannical older women at the table, but that doesn't stop you from doing the same with the other. You're not here to pick sides, the more people think of you favorably the better.
The Queen has you thoroughly under her control. Getting on her good side seems a wise decision. Even if it justs makes her ease up on you for the minutest fraction, it'll be easily worth it.
You bring up some effusive praise about your 'mother'. Not just idle compliments either - embellishing little stories out of what little you've known about her activities. Her control over you becomes 'her tireless tutelage'; your ensnarement, 'astutely bringing rogue elements to heel long before they could pose an issue'. You think that you manage to create a picture of a strong, capable, and beautiful ruler.<<br>>
Great-aunt Drusilla rolls her eyes, completely unimpressed by the story, but it's not her who you care about - you're sure that the audience of staring faces will be somewhat swayed in the Queen's favor.<<br>>
<<queen "Thank you, dear.">> The Queen responds with a smile, her hand snaking back onto your thigh to squeeze it in appreciation. <<queen "It's good to know that my efforts are being appreciated.">><<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">>The Queen has you under her thumb, but if she thinks that you're just going to play along and make her sound good then she's got another thing coming.<<br>>
By forcing you into the role of the Princess, she's also foolishly let you into a position where you can do a whole lot of damage to her reputation. It's about time you took advantage of it.<<br>>
You start telling a sad, spiteful tale, all about how manipulative, conniving, and cruel your 'mother' is. You barely have to invent anything - even just telling people about the way that she treats you feels plenty enough to completely compromise any idea that anyone might have had of a benevolent ruler.<<br>>
You're half-expecting the Queen to put an end to your words the moment that she realizes what you're up to, but to your confusion she just languidly glares at you over her roast peacock. You keep your tirade going.<<br>>
For the first time <<if def $day7banqMerat>>since your blotched escape-attempt<</if>> you begin to hear signs of life from the audience, murmurs and mumbling as your shocking revelations reach them.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqQuestionsQueenMinus2">>Unexpectedly, when your words are finally cut-short it's not from the Queen, but great-aunt Drusilla. <<drusilla "Oh, do pack it in, dear.">> She snaps. <<drusilla "As loathe as I am to cut short such a delectable diatribe, this peacock is really quite too good to be accompanied by this monotony.">><<br>>
<<queen "Come now, auntie.">> Responds the Queen, as calm as you've ever seen her. <<queen "Let her say her piece. It's a rite of passage, isn't it? How would you have liked it when yours was cut short so long ago.">><<br>>
Drusilla sniffs irritably. <<drusilla "Yes, but mine really did have better //material//. Really, you think that you'd have instilled the girl with a bit more taste than to go with just 'she's horrible and tormenting me'. It really speaks poorly to you.">><<br>>
<<queen "I suppose that I can't dispute that.">> Concedes the Queen. <<queen "At least she's passionate, if nothing else.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "Perhaps I'd have more of a stomach for it if I didn't visit Marguerite's last month. You know Fleur's at that age now. Decided to try one in front of the burghers. Hearing two so close together becomes tiring quickly.">><<br>>
<<queen "They do age fast, don't they? Was hers any good?">><<br>>
Drusilla spares you a deprecating glance. <<drusilla "Better than //this//, at least, though far from an all-timer.">> You're amazed to see her //smile// quite earnestly at her niece, who she's spent all evening trying to demean. <<drusilla "I remember yours being quite stunning. What was it again? 'The only thing more rancid than the calumniating harridan's personality is her fetid old womb'? I can still remember the look on my sister's face.">><<br>>
This draws sparkling laughter from the Queen's lips. <<queen "Goodness, I had almost forgotten that one.">><<br>>
You almost can't believe it. You're desperately spreading word of a horrible situation and revealing the dark truth behind the throne, and they're talking about it like it's //commonplace//. Hell, they seem to be genuinely bonding over it. What's //wrong// with this family?<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqQuestionsQueenMinus3">>The murmuring from the crowd continues unabated, but even that becomes subdued somewhat. It's difficult to take scandal seriously when the subject of it is so unconcerned. You can feel the audience mentally shelving the matter away as mere 'family matters'.<<br>>
In desperation you change course, going from complaining about how you're treated to ranting about her malicious, tyrannical schemes, but it's too little too late - you've already been dismissed as somehow hysterical. You find yourself running low on steam.<<br>>
When the Queen finally cuts you short with a <<queen "Now that's quite enough of that, dear. Settle down and give your great-aunt some peace, would you?">> you try to defy her, but your words end up failing you, and it's difficult to bring up the willpower for dredge up more when it seems so hopeless. Begrudgingly, you settle down again.<<br>>
This certainly wasn't useless - you're certain that word of this will spread and the Queen's status will diminish in some people's eyes a little, but it's certainly not the decisive blow that you were hoping to achieve.<<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">><<if $day7banqArray.includes("queenPlus")>>
You've already ingratiated yourself one of the tyrannical older women at the table, but that doesn't stop you from doing the same with the other. The only side you're on is your own, and the more people think of you favorably the better.
Drusilla's a cruel old woman, but she's also the only person who's dared to stand up against the Queen. She's been nothing but nasty towards you so far, but also it's pretty clear that that has little to do with you and everything to do with her niece. Maybe you could get her to think of you as an ally?
You pay the Duchess some compliments. It's nothing too complicated - just saying that she looks nice today and praising that she put the banquet together so nicely and stuff like that.<<br>>
For a moment it feels like she's so used to thinking of you as nothing but a tool to be used as a puppet by either side of her twisted dispute with your 'mother' that she's completely unprepared for you to be acting autonomously at all, and just stares at you dumbfounded.<<br>>
When she finally responds, you could be imagining it, but she almost seems a little //flustered//. <<drusilla "Y-yes, well. At least //someone// seems to understand //sophistication// when she sees it. I suppose that it's good that in this regard the apple has had the wits to roll far away from the tree.">><<br>>
It seems like that's going to be the last of it, but a few seconds later she can't help but add, a little quietly. <<drusilla "Thank you, dear.">><<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">>The idea of a potion that could transform someone's body would sound completely absurd to you if the evidence wasn't utterly undeniable. But then, you're just some commoner, perhaps to nobility such things are more commonplace than you could have imagined. You decide to ask your tablemates about the matter.<<br>>
<<queen "Don't be foolish, my dear.">> The Queen quickly cuts you off. <<queen "There's no such thing as magic, or any nonsense like that. Don't get such fanciful ideas in your head, or I'll have to take away your books so you don't get so caught up in things which aren't real.">><<br>>
Drusilla laughs at the exchange. <<drusilla "Now now, your Majesty. I know what it's like at that age - making silly love potions and the like. I think it's almost //sweet// to see our young Princess quite so //deluded//. Besides, having heard some of the //ridiculous// things that your staff are claiming about this 'scarecrow' brigand who's after you all, no wonder she's gotten all befuddled - it all sounds //quite// unnatural.">><<br>>
The Queen clicks her tongue in irritation. <<queen "I wouldn't take the delusions of the superstitious rabble seriously, auntie. The assassin is strikingly capable, I'll grant you, but that's no reason to start believing that it's somehow superhuman. We must stay rational. No, I'm quite certain that once they're captured or killed we'll find that it's just some brute.">><<br>>
You wish you could share her optimism, but you've seen enough to convince you otherwise. At least now you know that such things are far from normal.<<br>>
<<cont "day7banqQuestionsPotion2">>Unexpectedly, duke Gaspard speaks up. <<gaspard "There //could// be something like that you know. Transformation and such. That is, if you put any trust in what was said about that debacle up in Citadel Droart.">><<br>>
His wife wrinkles her nose in distaste. <<drusilla "I always said that they were a bad family.">><<br>>
<<gaspard "I've heard say that the things what they found in the dungeons weren't hardly human any longer...">> The duke continues in a hushed tone.<<br>>
The Queen sighs in annoyance. <<queen "Yes, I know the reports, Gaspard. But when our soldiers appeared on the scene they found no such thing. It's just peasant superstition. Besides, if //anyone// were to find some secret...">> She briefly waves a hand in the air vaguely as she thinks of an appropriate word. <<queen "//thaumaturgical// understanding, then do you really think that it would be the //Droarts// of all families to do it? They were cruel, undoubtedly, but hardly //erudite//.">><<br>>
The Duke shrugs in acceptance, but you think that you note a slight smirk on his features. <<gaspard "Well, whatever the case may be, there's at least claims of such things happening. And not just changing the body, but the //mind// with it - they say that the creatures were bound mentally to the orders of their masters, such that the most idle command became their utmost obsession, which they were powerless to resist.">><<br>>
You remember the way that the Scarecrow Killer had frozen when you'd commanded it to stop, and can't help but let a shudder run though you at the memory. When the Duchess chides <<drusilla "Do shut up, Gaspard, you sound practically ghoulish,">> you find yourself somewhat relieved to change topics.<<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">><<if $day7kingSee isnot "hide">>
Ever since you overheard that there's been an intruder in the citadel <<if $day7kingSee is "talk">>from the King's adviser earlier<<elseif $day7kingSee is "command">>from the maids while avoiding being seen by the King<<else>><<error>><</if>> you've been concerned. Now seems like a good time to find out more about the matter.
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "royal">>
The little comment which the Queen made earlier when you'd arrived has been in your mind for a while now. It sounded like she was implying that the Bastille had been infiltrated by an intruder. You decide to see if you can gain any more information on the matter.
Both the Duke and Duchess tense up at mention on the matter.<<br>>
<<drusilla "It's nothing to get all worked up about.">> Drusilla hisses defensively. <<drusilla "Just a ruffian - certainly not your pursuer or anyone who could pose a threat. The fool was seen climbing through one of the lower windows, and is hidden somewhere. He'll be caught by tomorrow morning, if he hasn't already been apprehended.">><<br>>
The Queen raises an eyebrow mockingly. <<queen "So all this bragging about the supposed security of the Bastille was just bravado, was it? If any old idiot can waltz on in without problem then we'd be safer in a //tavern//.">><<br>>
The tightness in Drusilla's lips tells you that the words are hitting the mark, but that doesn't stop her from counter-attacking. <<drusilla "Come now, your Majesty. If you're so interested in the matter, why not explain why the intruder was one of your //royal soldiers//, hmm?">><<br>>
The Queen sighs dramatically. <<queen "Every member of our platoon was present and accounted for. You can see the logs for yourself. Just because your guardsmen saw someone wearing burgundy doesn't mean that he's one of ours.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "Oh, so you think this rapscallion just decided to wear //bright cherry fatigues// to do his foolish little intrusion in? It's hardly //inconspicuous//, is it?">><<br>>
<<queen "So what, are you implying that I've been sending my royal soldiers out to scurry from window to window like termites? What possible purpose would //that// have? No matter //how// much this place might look an oversized anthill, rest assured that we certainly don't have the time, manpower, nor stupidity for such diversions.">><<br>>
You end the conversation even more confused than when you started.<<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">>It's not an //important// thing to talk about, not in the sense that it could be helpful in the future, but it seems pressing enough to you that you can't help yourself from bringing it up.<<br>>
Despite the idea seeming completely abhorrent just a few days ago, the idea of dressing up in nice, feminine outfits has started to become the highlight of your day. So much so that merely one new outfit a day is beginning to feel like not nearly enough.<<br>>
The request is so darling that everyone at the table smiles a little, and for a moment you think that you might have dispelled the fierce tension for at least a moment, but the hope is soon shattered when the Duchess soon takes the chance to weaponize your plea.<<br>>
<<drusilla "So you're not even granting her enough clothes to keep her entertained?">> She sneers at her niece. <<drusilla "What a deplorable state - hardly befitting for royalty, is it? It looks like once again you're going to have to rely on aunt Drusilla's charity to bail you out.">><<br>>
The Queen looks tired at once again getting caught up in Drusilla's spiteful power-plays, but that doesn't stop her from retaliating without missing a beat. <<queen "Oh //please//.I'm sure that you have all the dresses in the world scurried away, but I'd hardly call them //fashionable//.">><<br>>
Drusilla sniffs angrily. <<drusilla "You underestimate me, my girl. Fashionable's what you want then, is it? I think I know just the thing.">><<br>>
You're too happy about the prospect of getting new clothing to let the fact that it's given out of spite bother you in the slightest.<<br>>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">>You decide to see if you can glean any helpful advice from the other people at the table.<br>
<span id="replace"><br>
You consider which area you should seek support in.<br><br>
<<link "Try to learn about Authority">>
<<set _statChoice to "auth">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7banqQuestionsStat2]]>><</replace>>
<</link>><<if $authTrain gte 5>><<check "You've already learnt all you can about Authority, so you won't get much from this.">><</if>><br>
<<link "Try to learn about Grace">>
<<set _statChoice to "grace">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7banqQuestionsStat2]]>><</replace>>
<</link>><<if $graceTrain gte 5>><<check "You've already learnt all you can about Grace, so you won't get much from this.">><</if>><br>
<<link "Try to learn about Cuteness">>
<<set _statChoice to "cute">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day7banqQuestionsStat2]]>><</replace>>
<</link>><<if $cuteTrain gte 5>><<check "You've already learnt all you can about Cuteness, so you won't get much from this.">><</if>>
</span><<if _statChoice is "auth">>
You decide to ask about how to present yourself with Authority.<<br>>
Both the Duchess and the Queen smile at little at the topic.<<br>>
<<queen "Well, at least you seem to have your priorities straight, my dear.">> The Queen praises you.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Yes. The trick, my girl, is to understand just how beneath you everyone else is. I found it quite effortless, but for one of //your faculties// I could see it being an issue. But once you do that, it all flows from there.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "I mean just //look// at them.">> The Duchess gestures out at the crowd of staring faces, seemingly completely uncaring that they can all hear what she's saying. <<drusilla "Nothing but //insects//, locusts trying to pick us clean.">><<br>>
She keeps rambling for some time. By the end, you can't deny that you've learnt a lot, even if you find some of her opinions reprehensible.<<br>>
<<set $auth += 1>><<set $authBonus += 1>><<set $dinnerAuthBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Authority skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">>
<<elseif _statChoice is "grace">>
You decide to ask how to speak and move with more grace and poise.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Ahh yes.">> Drusilla replies. <<drusilla "It's about time to learnt some manners, from the look of you. It's good to be able to master the dignities of our class, such that even when stripped naked none would have any doubt that you're more important than anyone else.">><<br>>
The Queen frowns at this description. <<queen "Really, Drusilla, what a boorish way of thinking about it. In my view it's less about status and more about how you use it. The dagger of naked intent strikes all the more cleanly when it arrives shrouded in the cloak of decency, such that nobody expects it to come at all.">><<br>>
The two of them have a brief debate on their perspectives. You feel like you learn a lot just listening to it.<<br>>
<<set $grace += 1>><<set $graceBonus += 1>><<set $dinnerGraceBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Grace skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">>
<<elseif _statChoice is "cute">>
You decide to ask how to appear more adorably cute.<<br>>
For a moment you wonder whether you've made the right choice, as you certainly wouldn't characterize either the Queen nor the Duchess as 'cute', but to your surprise they seem more amicable to the idea than you'd expected.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Ah, I see how it is.">> Drusilla says with a thin smile on her face. <<drusilla "I suppose that you if want to want to really manipulate people at your age, then the whole 'little kitten' trick really is the best that you can muster, at least until you've filled out enough for other methods to become valuable.">> <<if $pc.boobs is 2>>For a moment she glances at your chest, before adding <<drusilla "Though, it seems like you won't have //too// much longer to wait.">><<elseif $pc.boobs is 1>>For a moment she glances down at your chest with disdain.<</if>><<br>>
<<queen "Or at least until it's outlived it's usefulness.">> Adds the Queen. <<queen "It's effective, but somewhat //limited// in potential compared to... other methods.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "The trick, my dear, is to behave like a //infant//. Men abhor actual babies, but gods only know how much they want their nubile young playthings to look and act like one. Nothing turns on a man like a child they can get away with fucking, you know. Helps them to feel superior.">><<br>>
Your eyes bulge at the Duchess' bold theory. Let alone that she'd say it so loudly in front of her husband and a crowd of hundreds.<<br>>
She keeps going for some time, during which you almost shrink through your chair in awkwardness. By the end though, you can't deny that some of her tips might be helpful, even if you're really not sure about the general thesis.<<br>>
<<set $cute += 1>><<set $cuteBonus += 1>><<set $dinnerCuteBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Cuteness skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">>
<<include "day7banqQuestions">><<unset $voiceLasts>>
It isn't long before the others finish their main, and soon the parade of servants return to whisk away the the remains and replace them with plates of lavish marchpane dessert, adorned with edible gold leaf.<br>
<<img "Passage/day7banq12.jpg">><br>
However you barely have time to start before the Duchess turns to you. <<drusilla "So, your Highness. I hear that you've been making yourself busy here in Saint-Joules. Scurrying around enjoying the highlights of my city, from the sounds of it. Tell me - what have you been up to?">><<br>>
You quickly swallow your mouthful and try to find the right way to describe your adventures so far,
<<if $saintChoiceArray[0] is "theatre">>
starting with your time at the theatre yesterday.<<br>>
<<link "Reveal that you got caught up in the performance, and say that it was stressful.">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "theatreStress">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Reveal that you got caught up in the performance, but say that you did it intentionally.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "theatreIntentional">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Pretend that you just watched the show, and say that it was nice.">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "theatreNice">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Pretend that you just watched the show, and say that it was dull.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "theatreDull">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[0] is "spa">>
starting with your time at the spa yesterday.<<br>>
<<link "Say that you feel so much softer and prettier after all of the treatments">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "spaSoft">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Say that you had a very //sensual// experience">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "spaSexy">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Say that it was too girly for you">>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "spaMasc">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[0] is "dance">>
starting with your time in the ballroom yesterday.<<br>>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed flirting with some of the suitors">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "danceFlirt">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Say that you had a charming time meeting everyone">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "danceFriend">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed flexing your capable dancing ability">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "danceBadger">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[0] is "boutiques">>
starting with your time shopping in the boutiques yesterday.<<br>>
<<if def $bear.name>>
<<link "Say that you got an adorable teddy bear">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "boutBear">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<fail "Say that you got an adorable teddy bear" "You rejected the teddy bear that you were offered.">>
<<link "Say that you got a sexy and revealing outfit">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "boutSexy">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenNeck" or $day68boutGift is "queenWine">>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed getting your mother a gift">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "boutGift">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<fail "Say that you enjoyed getting your mother a gift" "You got Simone a gift instead">>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed spending lots of money">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding1 to "boutMoney">>
<<goto "day7banq13">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<setter "day7banqPudding1 to 'theatreStress'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'theatreIntentional'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'theatreNice'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'theatreDull'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'spaSoft'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'spaSexy'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'spaMasc'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'danceFlirt'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'danceFriend'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'danceBadger'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'boutBear'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'boutSexy'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'boutGift'" "day7banqPudding1 to 'boutMoney'">>
<<switch $day7banqPudding1>>
<<case "theatreStress">>
You decide to just go with the truth - things got a little out of hand and you were forced into a stressful situation.<<br>>
The Duchess arches an eyebrow at the news. <<drusilla "So you ended up getting //bossed around// by a bunch of lowborn thespians, did you? If you can't even handle a situation like that I have no idea how you expect to get by in the future.">>
<<case "theatreIntentional">>
You decide to make yourself look a little bolder than you were. Instead of getting caught up in the show against your will, you make the bold claim that you did it intentionally out of boredom.<<br>>
The Duchess smirks at the news. <<drusilla "Oh //did// you now? To think that such anti-sociality would come from our heir apparent.">>
<<case "theatreNice">>
You figure it's best not to mention getting caught up in the performance, it could go poorly. Instead you just claim that you watched it normally and enjoyed it.<<br>>
The Duchess seems unamused. <<drusilla "Really, I find the diversions of the theatre so //insipid//. Flights of fancy only enjoyed by the uncouth.">> She says, clearly implicating you under that umbrella.
<<case "theatreDull">>
You figure it's best not to mention getting caught up in the performance, it could go poorly. Instead you just claim that you watched it normally and found it lifeless.<<br>>
The Duchess snorts derisively. <<drusilla "How very //uncultured// to not appreciate the high arts when you see it.">>
<<case "spaSoft">>
You decide to say something indelibly feminine - that you're happy with how soft and pretty your skin has become since visiting the spa.<<br>>
The Duchess peers at you with a sneer. <<drusilla "Yes, I really can see that you //needed// it, my dear. Perhaps they'll take you back for more.">>
<<case "spaSexy">>
You can't help but blush a little at the memory of the things that happened in the spa. It had all been so very //sensual//.<<br>>
The Duchess seems to take the look on your face as answer alone. <<drusilla "Ahh, the //deluxe// package, hmm? I always find time in my schedule for it. A wise choice for you - you certainly don't seem like the type who can get it any other way.">>
<<case "spaMasc">>
You were poked and prodded the whole time you were there, all for the sake of getting 'pampered'. The whole thing was far too feminine for you to handle.<<br>>
The Duchess sneers in distaste. <<drusilla "Typical - too much of a //unruly tomboy// to appreciate the finer aspects of our gender. Do catch up and grow out of this stupid phase of yours before you get stuck as some vile //invert//.">>
<<case "danceFlirt">>
You can't help but grin at the memory of dancing with all of those people. Seductively captivating their presence with your every movement.<<br>>
The Duchess scoffs. <<drusilla "Really, flirting with the //petty nobility// now, are you? How very below your station.">>
<<case "danceFriend">>
You had such a wonderful time meeting so many lovely people at the ballroom. You made some really great friends!<<br>>
The Duchess scoffs. <<drusilla "Really, making 'friends' with the //petty nobility// now, are you? How very below your station.">>
<<case "danceBadger">>
You play it somewhat cocky and make the claim that you your main role at the ballroom was showing off how much better of a dancer you were than everyone else.<<br>>
The Duchess laughs derisively. <<drusilla "Come now, they're //petty nobility// - being better at dancing than them isn't //anything// to brag about. Maybe you should focus your ego on something that //matters//.">>
<<case "boutBear">>
You excitedly tell her all about <<print $bear.name>>, the cute teddy bear you got from the boutiques.<<br>>
The Duchess snorts with sardonic amusement. <<drusilla "My dear, aren't you too //old// to be playing with such things? What an embarrassment, to have such an //infantile// young daughter.">>
<<case "boutSexy">>
Ever since wearing the sexy outfit you were passed in the clothing store, despite it being way to revealing for you, you haven't been able to get it out of your head. You decide to talk about it.<<br>>
The Duchess sneers in response. <<drusilla "My dear, perhaps you should save outfits like that for people with bodies who could pull them off, hmm?">>
<<case "boutGift">>
You mention the gift that you bought her in the boutiques.<<br>>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenNeck">>
One of the Queen's hands rises to her chest to hold the necklace you bought her between thumb and forefinger and hold it up for inspection. You still can't believe that she really decided to wear it - a gift from her blackmailee of all people.
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
<<queen "Yes, it was just delivered to me just before dinner. Thank you, my dear.">>
<<queen "Yes, it was delivered yesterday. Thank you, my dear.">>
The Queen smiles lightly at the mention. <<queen2>>"Yes, it was delivered <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>just before dinner<<else>>yesterday<</if>>. Thank you, my dear."<</queen2>>
The Duchess is less pleased. <<drusilla "Really - obsequiously begging for your mother's attention like some kind of infantile bedwetter. You'd hope that you'd have grown out of such miserable ass-kissing by now.">>
<<case "boutMoney">>
You couldn't believe how much money you were casually spending in every store. There was something kinda exciting about it.<<br>>
The Duchess arches an eyebrow. <<drusilla "You think that was spending a lot of money? Buying some //trinkets// in the city? Perhaps if our young Princess wasn't quite so dull-witted she'd gain some proper perspective for once.">>
It's a rude, unpleasant statement, but honestly by this point in the evening you're used to it. It's not like there's any chance that she was asking for any reason than to belittle you as a proxy for your 'mother'. No hypocrisy would keep her from making a snide remark.<<br>>
You don't even flinch at the words, and you can see the Duchess' brow furrow in irritation at seeing you so unconcerned. Without missing a beat, you continue, this time about your experience today
<<if $saintChoiceArray[1] is "theatre">>
at the theatre.<<br>>
<<link "Reveal that you got caught up in the performance, and say that it was stressful.">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "theatreStress">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Reveal that you got caught up in the performance, but say that you did it intentionally.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "theatreIntentional">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Pretend that you just watched the show, and say that it was nice.">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "theatreNice">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Pretend that you just watched the show, and say that it was dull.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "theatreDull">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[1] is "spa">>
at the spa.<<br>>
<<link "Say that you feel so much softer and prettier after all of the treatments">>
<<set $fem += 3>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "spaSoft">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Say that you had a very //sensual// experience">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "spaSexy">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Say that it was too girly for you">>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "spaMasc">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[1] is "dance">>
in the ballroom.<<br>>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed flirting with some of the suitors">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "danceFlirt">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Say that you had a charming time meeting everyone">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "danceFriend">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed flexing your capable dancing ability">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "danceBadger">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[1] is "boutiques">>
in the boutiques.<<br>>
<<if def $bear.name>>
<<link "Say that you got an adorable teddy bear">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "boutBear">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<fail "Say that you got an adorable teddy bear" "You rejected the teddy bear you were offered.">>
<<link "Say that you got a sexy and revealing outfit">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "boutSexy">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenNeck" or $day68boutGift is "queenWine">>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed getting your mother a gift">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "boutGift">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<fail "Say that you enjoyed getting your mother a gift" "You got Simone a gift instead">>
<<link "Say that you enjoyed spending lots of money">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqPudding2 to "boutMoney">>
<<goto "day7banq14">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<setter "day7banqPudding2 to 'theatreStress'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'theatreIntentional'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'theatreNice'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'theatreDull'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'spaSoft'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'spaSexy'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'spaMasc'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'danceFlirt'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'danceFriend'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'danceBadger'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'boutBear'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'boutSexy'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'boutGift'" "day7banqPudding2 to 'boutMoney'">>
<<switch $day7banqPudding2>>
<<case "theatreStress">>
You decide to just go with the truth - things got a little out of hand and you were forced into a stressful situation.<<br>>
The Duchess arches an eyebrow at the news. <<drusilla "So you ended up getting //bossed around// by a bunch of lowborn thespians, did you? If you can't even handle a situation like that I have no idea how you expect to get by in the future.">>
<<case "theatreIntentional">>
You decide to make yourself look a little bolder than you were. Instead of getting caught up in the show against your will, you make the bold claim that you did it intentionally out of boredom.<<br>>
The Duchess smirks at the news. <<drusilla "Oh //did// you now? To think that such anti-sociality would come from our heir apparent.">>
<<case "theatreNice">>
You figure it's best not to mention getting caught up in the performance, it could go poorly. Instead you just claim that you watched it normally and enjoyed it.<<br>>
The Duchess seems unamused. <<drusilla "Really, I find the diversions of the theatre so //insipid//. Flights of fancy only enjoyed by the uncouth.">> She says, implicating you under that umbrella.
<<case "theatreDull">>
You figure it's best not to mention getting caught up in the performance, it could go poorly. Instead you just claim that you watched it normally and found it lifeless.<<br>>
The Duchess snorts derisively. <<drusilla "How very //uncultured// to not appreciate the high arts when you see it.">>
<<case "spaSoft">>
You decide to say something indelibly feminine - that you're happy with how soft and pretty your skin has become since visiting the spa.<<br>>
The Duchess peers at you with a sneer. <<drusilla "Yes, I really can see that you //needed// it, my dear. Perhaps they'll take you back for more.">>
<<case "spaSexy">>
You can't help but blush a little at the memory of the things that happened in the spa. It had all been so very //sensual//.<<br>>
The Duchess seems to take the look on your face as answer alone. <<drusilla "Ahh, the //deluxe// package, hmm? I always find time in my schedule for it. A wise choice for you - you certainly don't seem like the type who can get it any other way.">>
<<case "spaMasc">>
You were poked and prodded the whole time you were there, all for the sake of getting //pampered//. The whole thing was far too feminine for you to handle.<<br>>
The Duchess sneers in distaste. <<drusilla "Typical - too much of a //unruly tomboy// to appreciate the finer aspects of our gender. Do catch up and grow out of this stupid phase of yours before you get stuck as some vile //invert//.">>
<<case "danceFlirt">>
You can't help but grin at the memory of dancing with all of those people. Seductively captivating their presence with your every movement.<<br>>
The Duchess scoffs. <<drusilla "Really, flirting with the //petty nobility// now, are you? How very below your station.">>
<<case "danceFriend">>
You had such a wonderful time meeting so many lovely people at the ballroom. You made some really great friends!<<br>>
The Duchess scoffs. <<drusilla "Really, making 'friends' with the //petty nobility// now, are you? How very below your station.">>
<<case "danceBadger">>
You play it somewhat cocky and make the claim that you your main role at the ballroom was showing off how much better of a dancer you were than everyone else.<<br>>
The Duchess laughs derisively. <<drusilla "Come now, they're //petty nobility// - being better at dancing than them isn't //anything// to brag about. Maybe you should focus your ego on something that //matters//.">>
<<case "boutBear">>
You excitedly tell her all about <<print $bear.name>>, the cute teddy bear you got from the boutiques.<<br>>
The Duchess snorts in response. <<drusilla "My dear, aren't you too //old// to be playing with such things? What an embarrassment, to have such an //infantile// young daughter.">>
<<case "boutSexy">>
Ever since wearing the sexy outfit you were passed in the clothing store, despite it being way to revealing for you, you haven't been able to get it out of your head. You decide to talk about it.<<br>>
The Duchess sneers in response. <<drusilla "My dear, perhaps you should save outfits like that for people with bodies who could pull them off, hmm?">>
<<case "boutGift">>
You mention the gift that you bought her in the boutiques.<<br>>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenNeck">>
One of the Queen's hands rises to her chest to hold the necklace you bought her between thumb and forefinger and hold it up for inspection. You still can't believe that she really decided to wear it - a gift from her blackmailee of all people.
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
<<queen "Yes, it was just delivered to me just before dinner. Thank you, my dear.">>
<<queen "Yes, it was delivered yesterday. Thank you, my dear.">>
The Queen smiles lightly at the mention. <<queen2>>"Yes, it was delivered <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>just before dinner<<else>>yesterday<</if>>. Thank you, my dear."<</queen2>>
The Duchess is less pleased. <<drusilla "Really - obsequiously begging for your mother's attention like some kind of infantile bedwetter. You'd hope that you'd have grown out of such miserable ass-kissing by now.">>
<<case "boutMoney">>
You couldn't believe how much money you were casually spending in every store. There was something kinda exciting about it.<<br>>
The Duchess arches an eyebrow. <<drusilla "You think that was spending a lot of money? Buying some //trinkets// in the city? Perhaps if our young Princess wasn't quite so //dull-witted// she'd gain some proper perspective for once.">>
You pay this insult about as much heed as the last, but to your surprise, the Queen doesn't take it so lightly.<<br>>
Firmly placing her cutlery down, she glares angrily at her aunt. <<queen "Leave her alone, Drusilla.">><<br>>
The Duchess smiles wickedly, happy to have touched a nerve. <<drusilla "Oh don't be such a coddling fool, your Majesty.">> She taunts. <<drusilla "I'm just helping her with some education, since you've //clearly// been lax in teaching her how to behave properly. //Someone's// got to let her know how lacking she is.">><<br>>
<<queen "Don't give me these smarmy, backhanded excuses.">> The Queen responds, icily. <<queen "You've been at her throat this whole meal.">><<br>>
You almost can't believe that she's //defending// you.<<br>>
<<queen "If this is how you treat your great-niece, guest, and future ruler, then I shudder to think of how you must be to anyone else. I don't hate this game that we play between us, auntie, and I suffer it for the nostalgia if nothing else, but this //impudence// towards my daughter will not be tolerated.<<if ndef $day7banqMerat>> No matter how much she's decided to embarrass herself this evening, that's between me and her, not the likes of you.<</if>>">><<br>>
Drusilla's pleased expression twists into a scowl as rank is pulled against her. <<drusilla "But if you really think that-">><<br>>
The Queen doesn't even let her finish her sentence. <<queen "Oh //please//, if you really had any issue with how she's spent her time, then you wouldn't have taken such painstaking measures to cultivate a city to host exactly such indulgences, nor make such use of them yourself. Your hypocrisy is as obvious as it is //annoying//. At your age you really should know better.">><<br>>
For a moment it seems like the Duchess is about to flip the whole table in anger, but she just about manages to contain herself. Instead, the two intimidating women just stare at eachother with resentment. The entire hall is filled with so much tension in the staredown that even the sound of cutlery and plates ebbs away, as the audience don't even dare to touch their food.<<br>>
The silence lingers for a second, then five, and then ten, with no sign of stopping. The Duchess staring with scowling, bitter resentment and the Queen with glowering arrogance, as if daring her to make a move.<<br>>
You'd have thought that nobody could miss the pressure that's filled the room, but you're proved wrong. Somehow completely ignorant, and thinking that there's a gap in the conversation that he can fill, duke Gaspard speaks up. <<gaspard "Now, if you don't mind me returning to the matter, I really do think that it's quite important that we host some sort of event in support of the peasants and all that.">><<br>>
He couldn't have picked worse timing for his seemingly well-intentioned suggestion. Both women turn their stern attention direction towards him.<<br>>
<<link "Join them in glaring at him in disdain">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7banqGaspard to "glare">>
<<goto "day7banq15">>
<<link "Give him a sympathetic, encouraging smile">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day7banqGaspard to "smile">>
<<goto "day7banq15">>
<<link "Leap to his support and argue in his favor">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqGaspard to "support">>
<<goto "day7banq15">>
<<if $grace gte 4>>
<<link "Cunningly leverage both women against eachother in his favor">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day7banqGaspard to "grace">>
<<goto "day7banq15">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 4 check - passed">>
<<fail "Cunningly leverage both women against eachother in his favor" "Grace 4 required">>
<</if>><<setter "day7banqGaspard to 'glare'" "day7banqGaspard to 'smile'" "day7banqGaspard to 'support'" "day7banqGaspard to 'grace'">>
<<if $day7banqGaspard is "glare">>
Sure, helping the common man is a laudable idea, but if the Queen and the Duchess are above such things, then you are too. You give him the same haughty, disdainful expression as your 'family'.<<br>>
The man wilts noticeably under the combined glare from the three of you. Both the Queen and the Duchess come down on him like a tonne of bricks. <<drusilla "Shut up, Gaspard! I won't suffer any more of this nonsense.">> <<queen "If you //really// think that this complicated issue can really be resolved with something so simple then you're even more of an idiot than I thought.">><<br>>
He winces at the offensive, but, showing a willpower that you really thought he lacked, he bravely digs in. <<gaspard "N-now, I just happen to think that it could perhaps, umm...">><<br>>
Drusilla rolls her eyes in dismay. <<drusilla "Really, I don't know what's gotten into you. Whatever, we'll have your stupid plan if that's what it's going to take to get you from embarrassing me in front of family. Now shut up!">>
<<elseif $day7banqGaspard is "smile">>
You can't help but feel sorry for the man. He seems to be trying to do some good, and all it's getting him is resentment.<<br>>
However, your life is on the line, you're not about to go and make a scene in his support either.<<br>>
It feels like a small, petty thing, but you at least give him a weak smile to let him know that his efforts are on some level not unappreciated, even if you can't do anything more substantial.<<br>>
Both the Queen and the Duchess come down on him like a tonne of bricks. <<drusilla "Shut up, Gaspard! I won't suffer any more of this nonsense.">> <<queen "If you //really// think that this complicated issue can really be resolved with something so simple then you're even more of an idiot than I thought.">><<br>>
He winces at the offensive, but, perhaps encouraged by your smile, he bravely digs in. <<gaspard "N-now, I just happen to think that it could perhaps, umm...">><<br>>
Drusilla rolls her eyes in dismay. <<drusilla "Really, I don't know what's gotten into you. Whatever, we'll have your stupid plan if that's what it's going to take to get you from embarrassing me in front of family. Now shut up!">>
<<elseif $day7banqGaspard is "support">>
Fuck it - he's right! The peasants //do// need more help than they're getting right now. The idea of lending them some support is too good to be thrown under the wheels of Drusilla and the Queen's argument by the Duke's awful timing.<<br>>
You see him begin to wilt at the fierce expressions leveled at him, but before he can trail off you boldly join your voice with his - arguing in his favor.<<br>>
Now it's your turn to be at the forefront of those vicious stares, but you don't let your voice quaver.<<br>>
<<queen "Quiet down.">> Hisses your 'mother' at you in embarrassment. <<queen "This issue is really rather more complicated than can be resolved with something so //simple//.">><<br>>
Simultaneously, the Duchess snaps <<drusilla "Shut up, Gaspard. You're embarrassing me in front of-">><<br>>
But the Duke, seemingly emboldened by your support keeps going <<gaspard "No, I really think that we //should// put this thing on, you know!">><<br>>
Great-aunt Drusilla sighs dramatically, before bitterly conceding. <<drusilla "//Fine//. We'll have your stupid peasant meeting, if it's really so very important to you.">><<br>>
You and Gaspard share a little grin of victory.
<<elseif $day7banqGaspard is "grace">>
You think fast. The man's idea sounds laudable, but you know that with the duke's awful timing it'll be trampled under the wheels of Drusilla and the Queen's argument within a second. You have to be smart about how to play this.<<br>>
The trick is to play them against eachother. Even if they don't care about the plan in the slightest, if both think it's something that can be weaponized against the other then they'll go along with it completely.<<br>>
Before either woman has a chance to say anything, you quickly interject yourself into the conversation, using everything that you've learned about grace to tactfully and succinctly recontextualize the matter into such a valuable playing piece in their twisted game that neither will be able to resist it.<<br>>
For a moment there's a pause as both of them process what you've said, but once they realize the potential they hurry to support the idea before the other has a chance to, meaning that they both end up saying it simultaneously. <<queen "A wonderful idea, uncle. I give it my full support.">><<drusilla "Why didn't you say that sooner, dear? //Obviously// it would be my pleasure to host such a thing.">><<br>>
The women scowl at eachother at having their moment 'stolen' from them. 'Great-uncle' Gaspard blinks in surprise, completely confused at having gotten a positive response.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Why do you care anyway?">> Drusilla argues. <<drusilla "They're not //your// people, like the ones in the capital. Stay out of our business!">><<br>>
<<queen "I think you'll find that they quite definitionally //are// my people, Drusilla.">> Replies the Queen, smugly. <<queen "And if I learn that the //local dignitaries// which I've //provisionally// allowed to rule them in my stead have been neglecting them, then it stands to reason that I should intervene in their support, don't you think?">><<br>>
<<drusilla "I'll pledge a hundred crown towards the project!">><<br>>
<<queen "I'll make it three hundred.">><<br>>
The Duchess' eyes bulge at being one-upped so blatantly. <<drusilla "//Five hundred//, then!">><<br>>
Duke Gaspard bravely speaks up. <<gaspard "Err, I don't even know if it could //use// five hundred, dear, even if we went all-out.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "Ugh, whatever. Just make sure that no expense is saved, you hear?">><<br>>
<<gaspard "V-very well, dearest.">>
After that, conversation ebbs for a while as the four of you eat the dessert (as well as the hundreds in the audience, though it's become so easy to almost forget all about them).<<br>>
<<cont "day7banq16">>The Queen speaks up as you're finishing your marchpane.<<br>>
<<queen "Since your militia here are so lax, I've taken the liberty of calling in another platoon of the royal army.">> She states, plainly. <<queen "They should arrive within 4 days, and provide some much-needed security for Saint-Joules.">><<br>>
The Duchess sniffs in annoyance. <<drusilla "How very //jumpy// of you. They'll be quite unnecessary - we'll be quite safe here in the Bastille.">><<br>>
The Queen's expression hardens. <<queen "Even if that were true, that only goes for those of us in here - what about the rest of the city?">><<br>>
<<drusilla "That's //hardly// a concern we need worry about.">> Drusilla responds with a shrug. <<drusilla "The rabble breed like vermin, they'll be replaced soon enough.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "No, if you //really// want to get rid of this rebellious element, what you need to do with those soldiers isn't to keep them on guard like cowards, but to send them out //culling// around the county. Regardless of whether the culprits are among the slain, they'll have their lines of supply broken and won't have anyone left to hide behind. Sometimes a //pruning// is essential for the good of the garden. Peasants who are clinging to their lives really lack the energy for thoughts of rebellion.">><<br>>
You're so taken aback by the sudden horrific change in tone that you almost freeze in place. The Queen doesn't have the same problem - suddenly standing out of her seat with an expression of rage on her face. <<queen "And that, Drusilla, is precisely why you've spent your whole political life constrained to this drafty old ruin. When you die, an eventuality which I do not expect to be so very far in the future from the look of you, I look forward to wiping the stain your backward views off of this city, knowing that it'll be much better for it.">><<br>>
Drusilla scowls and mutters <<drusilla "Your mother wouldn't have such qualms.">><<br>>
The Queen slams her hand down on the table with a thud that resounds around the deathly silent hall. <<queen "Yes, and she's //dead//. And if you ask me, we're much better off for it.">><<br>>
This answer at least seems to shock Drusilla out of a snide reply. The Queen waits, bristling, but after couple of seconds with no response she loses her patience. Pulling you up by the arm, she says <<queen "You'll have to excuse us - me and my daughter will be leaving now. I wish that I could say that it's been a pleasure, but I've had quite enough petty dishonesty for the evening.">><<br>>
With the Queen yanking you upwards, you quickly work out how you should act.<<br>>
<<link "Follow the Queen's lead and swiftly leave">>
<<set $day7banqLeave to "leave">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7banq17">>
<<link "Linger to say goodbye to the Duke and Duchess">>
<<set $day7banqLeave to "goodbye">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7banq17">>
<<link "Make sure to get the last spoonful of dessert in your mouth before you go">>
<<set $day7banqLeave to "eat">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<goto "day7banq17">>
<</link>><<setter "day7banqLeave to 'leave'" "day7banqLeave to 'goodbye'" "day7banqLeave to 'eat'" "caged to 'day5'">>
<<if $day7banqLeave is "leave">>
You don't like the idea of pissing off the Queen more than she already is, and besides - Drusilla's tyrannical idea hardly makes you want to stay around her any longer yourself.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<set $day7banqLeave to "auth">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
As you rise out of your seat, to help seal the deal of your 'mother's' exit, you add a sharp little dig of your own - a backhanded remark about the Duchess' age that you're sure will find it's mark. As you follow the Queen out of the hall, you think that you can make out a pleased smile on her face at the comment.<<check "Authority 3 check - passed!">>
You sharply rise out of your seat, completely blanking the Duke and Duchess and following your 'mother's' departure.
<<elseif $day7banqLeave is "goodbye">>
The Queen might want you to leave sharply, but you don't want to lose the in-roads you've developed over dinner. The Duchess' support could prove invaluable. Besides, in situations like this, it doesn't hurt to be //nice//.<<br>>
Despite the Queen's urging grip on your shoulder, you linger long enough to give a brief curtsy to your 'great-aunt and uncle' and say some goodbyes before being pulled away.
<<elseif $day7banqLeave is "eat">>
The Queen might want you to leave sharply, but there's no way that you're going to leave food this good on your plate uneaten. It's absolutely delicious!<<br>>
Despite the Queen's urgent pulling on your shoulder, you resist long enough to give you the chance to shovel the last few spoonfuls of marchpane in your mouth. For your whole walk down the aisles of silent onlookers your cheeks are as full as a hamster's.
Outside the hall an escort of royal soldiers quickly rise to attention, a little surprised at the Queen's sudden early appearance, but one look at the Queen's face tells them not to risk questioning it.<<br>>
As they fall in alongside you on the way back to the carriages, you can hear your 'mother' muttering under her breath. <<queen "... dithering old fossil... fatuous bitch... demented hag...">><<br>>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
When you arrive back at the carriages and let back into your carriage, you're relieved to finally be able to relax again.<<br>>
<<cont "day7debriefCage">>
When you arrive back at the carriages you're relieved to finally be able to relax again, but to your surprise the Queen walks straight past the ornate entrance to her carriage and heads straight back to yours with you.<<br>>
<<cont "day7debrief">>
<</if>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>
Simone gives you a big grin as you re-enter the carriage, calling out <<simone "Welcome back, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
There's an intensity to that grin that makes you nervous for a moment. However, a second later you notice an empty paper bag on the sideboard which you think you remember the sweets you bought for Simone being put into, and you solve the little mystery. A part of you had //kinda// wanted to try one or two for yourself, but you can't bring yourself to be disappointed - you couldn't ask for a more enthusiastic reception for your gift.<<br>>
<<simone "Those were //really// good, by the way!">> Rambles Simone, somewhat too enthusiastically in her sugar-rush. <<simone "Thank you soooo much, <<print $pc.name>>. It was so sweet to receive them.">><<br>>
You're looking forward to catching up, but there's a part of your new daily routine which you're more interested in attending to first.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneAcc">>
Simone gives you a big smile as you re-enter the carriage, calling out <<simone "Welcome back, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
Something about Simone looks a little unusual today, and it takes you a few seconds to work out what it is - she isn't wearing any of the accessories that you're used to seeing her in, instead she's decked almost head-to-toe in the ones which you bought for her today.<<br>>
She blushes a little as she sees you looking her up and down. <<simone "Thank you so much for all of these, <<print $pc.name>>. I got so happy when I saw them that I couldn't help but try them all out - they're absolutely perfect!">><<br>>
You're looking forward to catching up, but there's a part of your new daily routine which you're more interested in attending to first.
As you re-enter the carriage, Simone cheerfully calls out <<simone "Welcome back, <<print $pc.name>>! I'll just be out in a second - I'm dying to hear how it went!">><<br>>
You smile at the maid's cheerful greeting, but to be honest having a moment to unwind by yourself is far from unwelcome. Besides - there's a part of your new daily routine which it's time to attend to.
You slip into the bathroom and quickly <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("leggings")>>pull down your leggings and <<print $outfit.under.name>><<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>lift up your skirt to pull down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>lift up the hem of your dress to pull down your <<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>><<error>><</if>> to reveal your shiny metal cock cage, which you carefully remove. It's amazing how used to the object you've become - what was once a terrifying thing has become simply part of your life, a snug presence which feels almost more reassuring than painful, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't feel nice to take it off at the end of the day.<<br>>
You idly leave the item next to the sink for a moment while you put your clothing back in order.
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>
However, as you do so, you hear the noise of the front door of the carriage opening.<<br>>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneAcc">>
However, as you do so, you hear the noise of the front door of the carriage opening.<<br>>
As you do so, you hear the noise of Simone coming out into the main room.<<br>>
The sound is followed a moment later by another door opening.
You frown - that doesn't sound good.<<br>>
<<simone "O-oh! Your Majesty!">> Greets Simone's voice from the other room, <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>her sugar rush<</if>> clearly thrown off completely. <<simone "Umm, can I help you?">><<br>>
You grimace - looks like this evening still isn't over yet. You quickly hide your cage under a towel and dash out the bathroom.<<br>>
<<link "Head out and greet your Queen once more">>
<<goto "day7debrief">>
<</link>><<if $caged is "day5">>
The Queen gives you an imperious glance as you hurry out to meet her.<<br>>
<<queen "My husband is held up until later.">> She explains curtly as she walks straight past the little maid and throws herself onto one of the sofas, kicking off her high heels as she goes. <<queen "Which means that I have some time for debriefing.">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<simone "Welcome back, <<print $pc.name>>! How did it-">> Simone shouts as she cheerfully bounds up to greet you as you walk in through the door, only to halt in surprise and hurriedly curtsy as she sees who you have with you. <<simone "I mean, umm, pleasure to see you, your Majesty.">><<br>>
<<queen "Thank you.">> The Queen replies curtly as she walks straight past the little maid and throws herself onto one of the sofas with an irritated groan, kicking off her high heels as she goes.
<span id="includeBit">
You and Simone share a worried glance at eachother, not sure how to handle this situation.<<br>>
The Queen makes a loud resigned sigh. <<queen "Well, that was a //debacle//.">> She grumbles. <<queen "Could I have handled that better?">><<br>>
At first you presume that she's being rhetorical, but then when your answer don't come her eyes flick from the ceiling to meet yours with annoyance, and you realize it's directed at you. You try to work out what you should say.<<br>>
<<link "Tell her that you think that she handled Drusilla's shit-stirring well, and did a good job">>
<<set $day7debriefQueen to "good">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7debrief2">>
<<link "Tell her that the argument between her and her aunt was always going to end in disaster">>
<<set $day7debriefQueen to "neutral">>
<<goto "day7debrief2">>
<<link "Tell her that she messed up and turned the evening into a public embarrassment">>
<<set $day7debriefQueen to "bad">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day7debrief2">>
</span><<setter "day7debriefQueen to 'good'" "day7debriefQueen to 'neutral'" "day7debriefQueen to 'bad'" "day68boutGift to 'queenWine'" "day68boutGift to undefined">>
<<if $day7debriefQueen is "good">>
The Queen smirks at your glowing review. <<queen "Well, at least someone thinks so.">> And then, almost as if she only just remembers the coercive control that she has over you, she adds with a sigh <<queen "But then, you //would// say that, wouldn't you?">>
<<elseif $day7debriefQueen is "neutral">>
The Queen sighs. <<queen "What other option did I have? Sit there and take her spite with a smile and let her disgrace the throne in front of all of those people? The bitch was always going to come at me like a bloodhound - I merely gave back as good as I got.">>
<<elseif $day7debriefQueen is "bad">>
The Queen scowls at you. <<queen "What other option did I have? Sit there and take her spite with a smile and let her disgrace the throne in front of all of those people? The bitch was always going to come at me like a bloodhound - I merely gave back as good as I got.">> Still, there's some hesitation in her response, like she's not certain she believes her own words.
She gestures vaguely towards Simone. <<queen "Simone, was it? Be a dear and pop into the royal carriage to get a bottle of wine, would you? It should be on next to the door, on the left somewhere.">><<br>>
<<simone "Y-yes, your Majesty!">> Simone stutters, before darting off to do as she bids.<<br>>
For a moment you and the Queen are alone together, but she seems more interested in making frustrated faces at the ceiling than you, and you're not exactly interested in drawing her attention. Simone soon returns, red wine in hand.<<br>>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenWine">>
You're surprised to see that the bottle is the exact one which you bought for the Queen as a gift <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>this afternoon<<else>>yesterday<</if>>.<<br>>
<<queen "Yes, that's the one.">> The Queen calls, before directing a wry smile at you. <<queen "I suppose that I should be thanking you for this.">>
<<queen "Good. A glass, would you dear?">> The monarch calls.<<br>>
Simone pours her a glass of wine, but barely has a chance to step away before the Queen downs it in barely more than a gulp and gestures for her to fill it up again.<<br>>
There's something incredibly odd about seeing the usually composed woman so at ease. On one hand it's disarmingly human, but there's a danger to being unable to predict what she's going to do.<<br>>
<<if $day68boutGift is "queenWine">>
<<queen "A fine enough vintage, I suppose.">> She mutters, swilling it around in her glass.<<br>>
Seemingly rejuvenated, she sits up from where she'd been sprawled.<<br>>
<<queen "So.">> She remarks, her attention firmly back on you. <<queen "I suppose that I should give you another of my little 'reviews', hmm? Come here.">><<br>>
<<link "Stay where you are.">>
<<set $day7debriefCome to "stay">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day7debrief3">>
<<link "Walk over and stand next to the sofa">>
<<set $day7debriefCome to "stand">>
<<goto "day7debrief3">>
<<link "Kneel on the floor in front of her">>
<<set $day7debriefCome to "kneel">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7debrief3">>
<</link>><<setter "day7debriefCome to 'stay'" "day7debriefCome to 'stand'" "day7debriefCome to 'kneel'" "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined" "day7escape to true" "day7escape to undefined">>
<<if $day7debriefCome is "stay">>
You're not going to come to her beck and call like a dog. You remain standing where you are. In fact, since you were standing around somewhat awkwardly anyway, you make a show of leaning aloofly against the table.<<br>>
For a while the Queen just levels a deeply unamused expression in your direction. You're certain that she'll punish you for this transgression, but after a few seconds she seems to realize that she can't muster the energy to be bothered and shrugs to herself. <<queen "Whatever. If you want to be like that then you'll just have to pay for it later. For now it makes little difference.">>
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "stand">>
With nothing to gain from pissing her off, you do as she bids, moving across the room to stand in front of her.
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>
You do what comes naturally to you, kneeling submissively on the floor so that even while sitting down she's at a higher eye-level than you. <<if $pc.butt is 2>>Your heels press lightly against your cushioned behind.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient is true and $day7escape is true>>
She scoffs at the sight. <<queen "Still trying your hardest to appease me, even after the shit you tried pulling tonight? You truly are spineless.">>
<<elseif $queen.lenient is true>>
A pleased smile crosses the Queen's face at the display. She reaches a hand out towards you, and you find yourself instinctively craning forward to receive a little scratch under the chin that makes your mind go a little fuzzy. You can't help but let a murmured little moan escape your lips, and your cheeks flush as you realize that there's no way that Simone, watching from the sidelines, could have missed it.
<<elseif $day7escape is true>>
She scoffs at the sight. <<queen "Do you really think I'll believe that this kind of obsequious behavior means anything, after the shit you pulled tonight? You really are spineless.">>
The Queen blinks at the sight of you supplicating yourself before her, clearly not expecting such a display from you. <<queen "My.">> She utters, after a few moments. <<queen "How very sweet of you.">> Before seeming to remember the matter at hand.
<<queen "Now, let us begin.">><<br>>
<<set _dayScore to 0>>
<<switch $morningChange>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
<<case "legs">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you shaved your legs.
<<case "pubic">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you shaved your pubic hair (heaven knows how she found out about it!)
<<case "hair">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new haircut.
<<case "nails">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new nails.
<<case "makeup">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new makeup.
<<case "ears">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new earrings.
<<case "hairAcc">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your new hair accessories.
<<case "heels">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;likes@@'' that you've started wearing heels
<<case "bra">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of the fact that you've started wearing a bra.
<<case "skincare">>The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approves@@'' of your clear complexion, which you owe to your new skincare regime.
<<if $outfitsArray.last() is "blossom" or $outfitsArray.last() is "redgown">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you wore a daring outfit.
The Queen <<disliked>> that you didn't wear a more daring outfit.
<<if $day7banqEscort is "aurora">>
The Queen <<hated>> that you chose to be escorted to the banquet hall by the Bastille guardsmen.
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "royal">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you chose to be escorted to the banquet hall by the royal soldiers.
<<elseif $day7banqEscort is "grace">>
The Queen found your compromise to be escorted to the banquet hall by both the Bastille guardsmen and the royal guard <<mid "acceptable">>.
<<if $day7banqWalk is "spring">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you went to your seat in the banquet hall with a pleasing and feminine spring to your step.<br>
<<if $day7banqGreet is "pass">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you managed to greet great-aunt Drusilla adequately.
<<elseif $day7banqGreet is "fail">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you failed to greet great-aunt Drusilla adequately.
<<if $day7banqDoing is "auth">>
The Queen <<loved>> that you followed her lead and authoritatively rebuffed the Duchess with her.
<<elseif $day7banqDoing is "cute">>
The Queen found your empathetic attempt to de-escalate the conversation with the Duchess <<mid "acceptable">>.
<<elseif $day7banqDoing is "ditzy">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you told an appropriately feminine & ditzy story about what you've been up to to the Duchess.
<<elseif $day7banqDoing is "aloof">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you tried to remain surly and aloof when talking with the Duchess.
<<elseif $day7banqDoing is "complain">>
The Queen <<hated>> that you decided to complain to the Duchess about having to carry out her orders.
The Queen <<mid "didn't mind">> your choice of drink.<br>
/* mother, common, freedom, providence, marry, shopping */
<<if $day7banqToast is "mother">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you toasted in your honor.<br>
<<elseif $day7banqToast is "freedom">>
The Queen found your toast for freedom <<liked "cute">>, though ultimately <<disliked "tiresome">>.<br>
<<elseif $day7banqToast is "common" or $day7banqToast is "providence" or $day7banqToast is "marry" or $day7banqToast is "shopping">>
The Queen found your choice of toast <<mid "acceptable">>.<br>
<<if $day7escape is true>>
<<set _dayScore -= 1000>>
The Queen __//''@@color:#C11B17;despised@@''//__ that you tried to escape with Merat's ruse.<br>
<<if $day7banqSpank is "run">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you also tried to run away //again// afterwards, instead of accepting your punishment.<br>
<<elseif $day7banqSpank is "negotiate">>
The Queen <<mid "respects">> that you negotiated her into not carrying out your punishment.<br>
<<elseif $day7banqSpank is "obedient">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you at least took your punishment obediently.<br>
<<if $day7banqCushion is true>>
The Queen at least <<mid "acknowledges">> that you apologized properly afterwards, in exchange for a cushion.<br>
<<elseif $day7banqCushion is false>>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you didn't even apologize afterwards, even in exchange for a cushion.<br>
<<if $day7banqAgree is "queen" or $day7banqAgree is "notDuchess" or $day7banqAgree is "notPeasant">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you supported her in her argument with Drusilla.
The Queen <<disliked>> you didn't support her in her argument with Drusilla.
<<if $day7banqCutlery is "outside">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you used the correct cutlery
The Queen <<mid "didn't mind">> that you used the incorrect cutlery
<<if $day7banqMaid is "pass">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you spoke to the maid correctly
<<elseif $day7banqMaid is "fail">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you spoke to the maid incorrectly
<<if $day7banqExcuse is "rory">>
The Queen <<loved>> watching her aunt get so upset at the mention of 'Rory'.
The Queen <<disliked>> having to cover for you to help explain the Princess' absence from public life.
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("queenPlus")>>
The Queen <<liked>> that you took time to speak in her favor over the main.
<<elseif $day7banqArray.includes("queenMinus")>>
The Queen <<hated>> that you elected to undermine her authority by speaking against her during the main.
The Queen <<mid "didn't mind">> the topics you bought up over the main.
<<if $day7banqPudding1 is "spaMasc" or $day7banqPudding1 is "spaMasc">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you said that the spa was too feminine for you.<br>
<<if $day7banqGaspard is "argue">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you embarrassed her by supporting duke Gaspard's peasant plan so loudly.<br>
<<elseif $day7banqGaspard is "grace">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you gave her a chance to one-up Drusilla by tactfully aiding duke Gaspard's peasant plan.<br>
<<if $day7banqLeave is "auth">>
The Queen <<loved>> that you added a final snide remark to Drusilla as you were leaving.
<<elseif $day7banqLeave is "leave">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you left swiftly with her when she decided to leave.
<<elseif $day7banqLeave is "goodbye">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you lingered to say goodbye when she decided to leave.
<<elseif $day7banqLeave is "eat">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you lingered to eat the last of your dessert when she decided to leave.
The Queen <<mid "didn't mind">> the review you just made about how she handled the evening.<br>
<<if $day7debriefCome is "stay">>
The Queen <<disliked "dislikes">> that you're standing way over there instead of in front of her.
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "stand">>
The Queen is <<mid "satisfied">> that you're standing in front of her as she bid.
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>
The Queen <<liked "likes">> that you're kneeling beneath her so nicely.
<<set $day7debriefScore to _dayScore>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<queen "All in all...">> The Queen begins to conclude, and you gulp nervously in anticipation.<<br>>
However the Queen seems content to leave you in suspense for a moment. Suddenly distracted by a thought, she clicks her fingers in the air with one hand to grab Simone's attention. <<queen "Simone, dear. Could you fetch me a cloth from the bathroom? I really should take this makeup off.">><<br>>
The Maid quickly runs off to attend to the Queen's bidding, returning a few seconds later a damp washcloth which the Queen accepts, grabbing it with her free hand so that she doesn't have to put down her wine.<<br>>
<<cont "day7debrief4">><<setter "day7debriefScore to 5" "day7debriefScore to 0" "day7debriefScore to -5" "day7spank to 'obedient'" "day7spank to 'negotiate'" "day7spank to 'run'" "day7spank to undefined" 'day5concludeMood to "hate"' 'day5concludeMood to "bargain"' 'queen.lenient to true' 'queen.lenient to undefined' >>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<queen "Where were we?">> The Queen continues, focusing some of her attention back on you again while she wipes away the day's thick makeup.
/* It's profoundly odd being debriefed so casually by the woman who holds your life in her hands. */
<<queen "Ahh yes, how you did tonight.">><<br>>
<<section "makeupRemoval">>
<<if $day7debriefScore lte 3>>It's bizarre getting so firmly dressed-down by someone taking off their own makeup so leisurely,<<else>>The Queen's real face behind the makeup is slowly being revealed,<</if>> but if you had any hopes that it would provide a flaw in her icy facade then they're sorely dashed - underneath it all, she's every bit as intimidatingly beautiful as she was before. The excesses of nobility must do a good job keeping the wear and tear of everyday life from her - if it weren't for the hardness in her eyes and a little crows-feet, you'd guess she was almost a decade younger than she is.<<br>>
That doesn't mean that seeing her like this doesn't feel different, however. There's something... //naked// about seeing her in a state that others don't. It's more personal than you ever thought you'd see her. Details which before had been hidden behind foundation, like the light blush to her cheeks from the wine, are now obvious. In spite of yourself, you find yourself having difficulty maintaining eye-contact.
<<if $day7debriefScore gte 3>>
<<queen "All in all, I suppose you did quite well. I was expecting this little //trial run// to be a disaster, but while I can think of //many// areas for improvement, you've already proved to be more of an asset than a hindrance.">><<br>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">><<print _makeupRemoval>><<br>><</if>>
<<queen "This is good news.">> The Queen continues. <<queen "It means that we can take things to the next level. I won't have to hesitate about utilizing you in the future. I expect more from you from now on.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise. You were hoping that she'd go easy on you if you did a good job, not throw even more onto your plate. This isn't a reward - it's a punishment!<<br>>
<<queen "Oh don't give me those 'say-it-isn't-so' eyes. I don't leave my agents //completely// unrewarded.">> She says to your expression of dismay. <<queen "So long as you remember your place, I have high hopes for you.">>
<<elseif $day7debriefScore gte -2>>
<<queen "All in all, your efforts were... //passable//, I suppose.">> She says finally. <<queen "Your presence was all-too frequently an embarrassing hindrance.">><<br>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">><<print _makeupRemoval>><<br>><</if>>
<<queen "Though, that said.">> She continues, begrudgingly. <<queen "It could have been much worse. You've at least proven that you can be of use, it just means that it seems like that I'm going to have to take on an even more //direct// tutelage in the future.">><<br>>
You wince - that doesn't sound good.
<<elseif $day7debriefScore lte -3>>
<<set $queen.lenient to "harsh">>
<<queen "All in all.">> The Queen says, with a groan. <<queen "That was a //disaster//. You did little other than embarrass me out there.">><<br>>
You brace yourself for punishment, <<if $day5concludeMood is "hate">>but have to try hard not to keep a thrilled little grin from showing on your face. That'll show her for trusting you to try to make her look good. Your sabotage is at least having some effect.<<else>>but you feel a glimmer of hope as well - if you really did so badly, then surely she won't want you to be the Princess any longer?<</if>><<br>>
<<queen "It's shown me that I have been much too lax on you. Thus so far I have trusted that you would come to understand the position which you hold all by yourself, but it appears that you're too //deficient// to even do that properly. Well if you can't manage it as it is, then I'll have to take measures to ensure that //even you// can't misunderstand how things are going to be.">><<br>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">><<print _makeupRemoval>><<br>><</if>>
<<queen "I know that you must think me a cruel, hateful bitch.">> She declares, before giving you a wry smile. <<queen "And you're not wrong about that. However, if you thought that I was bad before, know that it's nothing compared to how I'm going to be now. Just remind yourself that it didn't have to be like this.">>
<<if def $day7banqSpank>>
<<queen "As for the punishment which I delivered in that hall...">> The Queen mentions, suddenly looking away from you to inspect her glass of wine closely, which she then promptly downs the rest of.<<br>>
You wince at the memory. <<if $day7banqSpank is "negotiate">>Even if she didn't go through with the whole thing, it had still been a horrible experience being forced to submit in front of all of those people.<<elseif $day7banqSpank is "obedient">>Even if she didn't go through with the whole thing, she still stripped and humiliated you in front of a crowd of hundreds.<</if>><<br>>
<<queen "I'm not going to apologize for punishing you. It was //necessary//.">> She declares firmly, but then continues a little more hesitatingly. <<queen "... But another method would have been much preferable. I allowed aunt Drusilla to compromise my judgement.">><<br>>
You briefly find yourself wondering how many times the Queen herself must have been spanked mercilessly, and how many of those were in front of crowds of onlookers like she <<if $day7banqSpank is "negotiate">>almost did<</if>> today, but you stop yourself from considering the matter further - you're too hurt and frustrated to allow your emotions to get muddied by sympathy for the person who did that horrible thing to you.
<<if $queen.lenient>>
<<queen "Regardless.">> The Queen adds, swiftly moving on. <<queen "You can expect that any leniency that your actions up til now have earned you to be well-and-truly revoked.">>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<queen "Simone!">> The Queen suddenly calls, making the little maid jump. <<queen "Some moisturizer for my skin, if you would.">><<br>>
<<simone "Umm...">> Simone piques up nervously. <<simone "Would you prefer something light, or one more nourishing, your Majesty?">><<br>>
The Queen gestures vaguely, not even bothering to look the girl's way. <<queen "Just bring out the lot, would you? I'll choose myself.">><<br>>
As Simone runs off to the bathroom at the Queen's command, the
<<queen "Simone!">> The Queen suddenly calls, making the little maid jump. <<queen "I should take off this makeup. Would you fetch a cloth from the bathroom, dear?">>
As Simone runs off to the bathroom at the Queen's command, the
<</if>> woman leans back leisurely - seemingly entirely comfortable on the sofa which over the last week, despite having little claim to it, you've foolishly begun to think of as 'yours'.<<br>>
<<queen "Expect me bright and early tomorrow morning.">> She sighs, a little airily. <<queen "It'll be an interesting diversion, if nothing else.">><<br>>
<<link "Volunteer to massage her shoulders">>
<<set $day7debriefMassage to "massage">>
<<goto "day7debrief5">>
<<link "Complain about this state of things">>
<<set $day7debriefMassage to "complain">>
<<goto "day7debrief5">>
<<link "Remain as you are">>
<<set $day7debriefMassage to "stay">>
<<goto "day7debrief5">>
<</link>><<setter "day7debriefMassage to 'massage'" "day7debriefMassage to 'complain'" "day7debriefMassage to 'stay'" "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to 'harsh'" "queen.lenient to undefined" "day7debriefCome to 'kneel'" "day7debriefCome to 'stand'" "day7debriefCome to 'stay'" "day5innRoute to 'merat'" "day5innRoute to 'queenNoLick'" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false">>
<<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>
Eager to seek the Queen's favor, and seeing how comfortable she's getting on the sofa, you ask her if she'd like a massage.<<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
The Queen smiles at the suggestion. <<queen "Ahh, a wonderful idea. Thank you, darling - it seems like I can always rely on you to perk up my day with some obsequious act of servility.">>
<<elseif $queen.lenient is "harsh">>
The Queen raises an eyebrow. <<queen "Really, trying to earn my favor so blatantly now that you're in trouble, are you?">> But then, with a shrug that ends up coming out more like a lazy stretch, she seems to warm to the idea. <<queen "Well, I really shouldn't criticize you for turning over a new leaf and coming to understand your place. Very well then.">>
The Queen seems surprised by the suggestion, but quickly warms to the idea. <<queen "I suppose that it wouldn't go amiss. Thank you.">>
You <<if $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>stand up from your kneeling position and<</if>> awkwardly go over to sit on the sofa next to her. The Queen turns her back to you expectantly.<<br>>
You'd made the suggestion boldly, but now that you're there, your monarch's supple <<print $queen.skin>> skin mere inches away from you, you find yourself having difficulty.
<<if $day5innRoute isnot "merat">>
It's not like you haven't touched her before, hell, you've even given her a massage, albeit on quite another part of her body, but it's still difficult to bring up the nerve to make contact.
Bar her cautioning grip on your thigh this evening, you've barely touched her. She's been a terrifying figure looming above you, not something material.
You force yourself not to be foolish, but your fingers still tremble a little as you force them to settle on her skin.<<br>>
You blink in surprise. You're no masseuse<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>(especially not now that you've learned what kinds of things that job involves this afternoon)<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.includes("spa") is true>>(especially not since you learned what kinds of things that job involves yesterday)<</if>>, and have only the vaguest idea what shoulders are normally supposed to feel like, but you're pretty sure that it's not //this//! The woman is such a bundle of stress that it's a wonder that she's even able to move around.<<br>>
<<queen "Come on.">> She demands. <<queen "I don't have all day.">><<br>>
Obligingly, you get to work, gently, and then with greater force, pressing and rubbing at the more tense areas. You don't have a great idea what you're supposed to be doing when massaging, but it doesn't seem to make much difference - you've barely started when a low rumble of appreciation, almost a growl, comes from the Queen's lips.<<br>>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
<<cont "day7cagingCaged">>
<<cont "day7cagingNoCage">>
<<elseif $day7debriefMassage is "complain">>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
You dare to make your complaints known. You've already done so much for the Queen, and you've been so very good for her. Why is she still asking even more from you? Don't you deserve a break?<<br>>
The Queen sighs dramatically at your dithering, disappointed at your reticence. <<queen "The thing is, my dear, that you're really rather //good// at what you do.">><<br>>
You blink, your frustration momentarily shattered by the words of praise.<<br>>
The Queen picks at her nail beds like she's bored as she explains. <<queen "Yes, bar a few minor faux-pas which are far from unexpected from a noblewoman of your age, and some behavioral quirks which I'm sure I can iron out, there's undeniably talent there.">><<br>>
<<queen "And talent...">> A wide, callous smile slowly grows on her face. <<queen "Is something indispensable to me. It's too valuable to let it go to waste, unused and undeveloped. I simply wouldn't be able to abide the misapplication.">><<br>>
You gulp nervously, uncomfortable in the face of that smile, feeling for all the world like an object stolen and added to a dragon's jealously guarded hoard - a gemstone, maybe, or perhaps, as the case may be, a Princess. But no prince charming seems likely to be coming for you.
<<elseif $queen.lenient is "harsh">>
This is ridiculous! If you really did so poorly that you humiliated her, then why the hell is she still keeping you around? Surely being daughterless would be an improvement in comparison?<<br>>
The Queen gives you a withering look as you make your complaints, unamused by you being so noisy.<<br>>
Finally she replies <<queen "The problem, my dear, is that despite your best intentions, you're really rather //good// at it.">><<br>>
You scowl at her - that's the exact opposite of everything that she was just saying!<<br>>
<<queen "Oh don't give me that look.">> She scoffs. <<queen "I mean it. For all of the debacle you showed out there, bar a few minor faux pas that are far from unexpected from a noblewoman of your age, you acted your part really quite well. The problem wasn't your aptitude, but rather your //decisions//. Constantly finding ways to either spite me, or to simply behave like a fool.">><<br>>
<<queen "A person who is obedient and helpful, but who is talentless, is useless to me. I don't have the time nor the inclination to waste on teaching them. But someone who is talented but //impudent//... that has potential. In comparison, it's rather little work to whip them into shape and show them that such behavior is unacceptable.">><<br>>
You make your complaints known. This is ridiculous! You've done so much for the Queen already, why is she still asking even more from you? Don't you deserve a break?<<br>>
The Queen gives you a withering look as you make your complaints, unamused by you being so noisy. <<queen "The thing is, my dear, that you're really rather //good// at what you do.">><<br>>
You frown in displeasure.<<br>>
The Queen leisurely picks at her nail beds as she explains. <<queen "Yes, bar a few minor faux pas which are far from unexpected from a noblewoman of your age, some much needed education in how not to behave with foolish obstinacy, and some behavioral quirks which I'm sure I can iron out, there's undeniably talent there.">><<br>>
<<queen "And talent...">> A wide, callous smile slowly grows on her face. <<queen "Is something indispensable to me. It's too valuable to let it go to waste, unused and undeveloped. I simply wouldn't be able to abide the misapplication.">><<br>>
You gulp nervously, uncomfortable in the face of that smile, feeling for all the world like an object stolen and added to a dragon's jealously guarded hoard - a gemstone, maybe, or perhaps, as the case may be, a Princess. But no prince charming seems likely to be coming for you.
<<if $caged is "day5">>
<<cont "day7cagingCaged">>
<<cont "day7cagingNoCage">>
<<elseif $day7debriefMassage is "stay">>
With nothing else coming to mind, you remain <<if $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>kneeling below her.<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "stand">>standing attentively in front of her.<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "stay">>aloofly leaning against the table.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
<<include "day7cagingCaged">>
<<include "day7cagingNoCage">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<setter "cageSimone to 'grace'" "cageSimone to 'tell'" "cageSimone to 'run'" "day7debriefMassage to 'massage'" "day7debriefMassage to 'stay'">>
It isn't long before Simone comes back into the room, ferrying so many bottles of moisturizer from the bathroom that she has to bundle them up in her maid's apron. <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>If she's surprised to find you giving your blackmailer a shoulder massage on her return, then she certainly doesn't show it.<</if>><<br>>
<<simone "Here you are, your Majesty!">> She calls. <<simone "I hope that one of them suits you okay!">><<br>>
She tries to deposit them neatly onto the table, but given how many there are she can't do much other than drop the lot. Most of them end up on the surface, but a few land poorly and go scattering across the room, much to the maid's embarrassment.<<br>>
One particularly unstable jar rolls right off the edge of the table, and keeps going along the floor until it gently makes contact with the leg of the sofa the Queen is on. Idly, the woman reaches down to pluck it from it's resting place and inspect it.<<br>>
Your eyes go wide in horror. Nestled snugly in the almost empty jar, clearly visible through the few remaining smears still left on the glass, is a shiny metal cock-cage.<<br>>
<<if $cageSimone is "grace">>
The Queen peers at it in confusion. <<queen "What... what is this?">> She asks.<<br>>
Simone looks over, curious herself. <<simone "Umm... Gosh, I feel like I've seen it before somewhere, but I can't remember where. I really don't know, your Majesty!">><<br>>
You breathe a sigh of relief that Simone must have almost forgotten finding it with you.<<check "Your tactful distraction with Simone two days ago kept her from putting her foot into it and getting you into trouble!">><<br>>
The Queen turns your way. <<queen "And what about you? Do you have any idea what this thing is?">><<br>>
<<link "Feign ignorance">>
<<set $day7cage to "cover">>
<<set $badger++>>
<<goto "day7cagingCover">>
<<link "Nervously tell her the truth">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day7caging2">>
<<elseif $cageSimone is "tell" or $cageSimone is 'run'>>
<<cont "day7caging2" "Oh no!">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>>It isn't long before Simone comes back into the room, carrying a little water basin and a towel for the Queen to remove her makeup with. <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>If she's surprised to find you giving your blackmailer a shoulder massage on her return, then she certainly doesn't show it.<</if>><<br>>
<<simone "Here you are, your Majesty!">> She calls, pulling up a side table to place them in front of the Queen. <<simone "I hope that this meets your needs.">><<br>>
<<queen "Thank you, dear.">> The Queen responds, even sparing Simone a brief smile as she leans forward to grab the towel with one hand.<<br>>
However, as she draws it near, a small, palm-sized item slips from it's hiding place within the folds of the material to land square in the monarch's lap.<<br>>
Your eyes go wide in horror as everyone in the room stares at the shiny metal cock cage, which you'd left hidden in the towel just minutes before.<<br>>
<<if $queen.cageKnow is 'day5'>>
<<cont "day7cagingQueenKnow" "Oh no!">>
<<elseif $cageSimone is "grace">>
The Queen peers at it in confusion. <<queen "What... what is this?">> She asks.<<br>>
Simone looks over, curious herself. <<simone "Umm... gosh, I feel like I've seen it before somewhere, but I can't remember where. I really don't know, your Majesty!">><<br>>
You breathe a sigh of relief that Simone must have almost forgotten finding it with you.<<check "Your tactful distraction with Simone two days ago kept her from putting her foot into it and getting you into trouble!">><<br>>
The Queen turns your way. <<queen "And what about you? Do you have any idea what this thing is?">><<br>>
<<link "Feign ignorance">>
<<set $day7cage to "cover">>
<<set $keyholder to "you">>
<<set $badger++>>
<<goto "day7cagingCover">>
<<link "Nervously tell her the truth">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day7caging2">>
<<elseif $cageSimone is "tell" or $cageSimone is 'run'>>
<<cont "day7caging2" "Oh no!">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>>/* <<if $cageSimone is "tell">>
The moment is shattered when Simone cries <<simone "Oh! I know! It's that thingie that men wear to keep their bits in while they're out and about! I wonder how it got in there">><<br>>
The Queen gives you a withering glance at the maid's words, as if to ask 'whatever have you been teaching the girl?' You wince.<<br>>
<</if>> */
The Queen picks up the offending item between thumb and forefinger. Next to her long, manicured scarlet nails it looks even more ridiculous than ever.<<br>>
<<queen "Now, do care to explain why this thing is here?">> She asks like a schoolteacher. <<queen "Why this item- this //still quite warm// item, even, is gracing my presence?">><<br>>
Humiliated, you mumble out whatever apologies and excuses you can muster, reaching out to grab the offending thing from her. For a moment, it seems like she's about to pass it to you, but then a thought seems to strike her and she pulls her hand away.<<br>>
<<queen "I take no stock in Ruthie's //indecent// proclivities. Frankly, I find them a distasteful nuisance.">> She says, thoughtfully. <<queen "However... I'll grant even something as crude as this has been having it's uses.">><<br>>
You don't like the look of where this is going.<<br>>
<<if $day7debriefScore gte 3>>
<<queen "If I'm going to make greater use of you in the future, then the matter of your... //turgidity// could become a matter of concern. This little thing-">> She twists her grip, so that she's looking at you through the bars of it's metal casing. <<queen "will avail me from my worries on the matter, don't you think? And perhaps it may also ensure that you don't start to get any foolish ideas into your head.">>
<<elseif $day7debriefScore gte -2>>
<<queen "If I'm going to make greater use of you in the future, then the matter of your... //turgidity// could become a matter of concern. This little thing-">> She twists her grip, so that she's looking at you through the bars of it's metal casing. <<queen "will avail me from my worries on the matter, don't you think? And besides, if the mediocre way you behaved today is any indicator, then it seems like .">>
<<elseif $day7debriefScore lte -3>>
<<queen "If you're going to disgrace me like you did today, then //clearly// you need a little more //incentive// to keep you in your place. This little thing-">> She twists her grip, so that she's looking at you through the bars of it's metal casing. <<queen "Will serve such a role quite nicely don't you think? As well as ensure that any potential issues caused by your... //turgidity// are no longer a concern.">>
<<queen "Thus so far, I can see that you've made good use of it - a resourcefulness that I suppose I approve of. But...">> Her expression hardens. <<queen "perhaps I would sleep a little better at night if I //knew// that it was being used, rather than merely having to take it on trust alone.">><<br>>
Oh gods, she's really going to try to take the key from you!<<br>>
<<link "Obediently let her cage you">>
<<set $day7cage to "obey">>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<set $caged to "day7">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey">>
<</link>><<check "You will lose control of the key, and the Queen will be pleased by your acceptance">><br>
<<link "Calmly and firmly protest to such a thing">>
<<set $day7cage to "negotiate">>
<<set $keyholder to "you">>
<<goto "day7cagingNegotiate">>
<</link>><<check "You will remain in control of the key to the cage.">><br>
<<link "Shout at her in offended anger">>
<<set $day7cage to "shout">>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<set $caged to "day7">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingShout">>
<</link>><<check "You will lose control of the key, and the Queen will be displeased by your disobedience">><<setter "day7cage to 'honesty'" "day7cage to undefined" "cageSimone to 'tell'" "cageSimone to 'run'" "cageSimone to 'grace'" "day7debriefScore to -5" "day7debriefScore to 0" "day7debriefScore to 5">>
<<if $cageSimone isnot "grace">>
The Queen peers at it in confusion. <<queen "What... what is this?">> She asks.<<br>>
Simone frowns at it for a moment, before suddenly seeming to remember.
<<if $cageSimone is "tell">>
<<simone "Oh! I know! It's <<print $pc.name>>'s thingy that he wears! I wonder how it got in there?">>
<<elseif $cageSimone is "run">>
<<simone "Oh! I know! It's <<print $pc.name>>'s thingy! He ran off with it to the bathroom - I thought he was shy about it or something!">>
You watch realization slowly dawn on the Queen's face, and then she gives you an appalled glower. You wish that the ground would open up beneath you and swallow you whole.<<check "Maybe if you'd been able to cover for yourself better when you and Simone first found the cage, she wouldn't have thrown you into dangerous water like this.">><<br>>
Your brain shifts to emergency mode. It's already awful enough that you own such a thing, let alone to have your tyrannical 'mother' find out about it. You desperately babble out every excuse you can think of.
It would be so easy to lie and pretend ignorance, but somehow you just can't force yourself to the small dishonesty. With a terrified stutter, you tell the Queen exactly what it is.<<br>>
The look of appalled horror on your 'mother's' face is enough to force your brain into emergency mode. You desperately babble out every excuse that you can think of.
The Queen pinches the inside corners of her eyes like she's warding off a headache, before silencing you with a stern click of her fingers. <<queen "Oh save me your blathering. <<if $day7cage is 'honesty'>>Though your honesty is admirable.<</if>> I can imagine //exactly// how you ended up with this.">> She declares, with an exhausted sigh. <<queen "Though I'll admit, it has been some time since I saw one last.">><<br>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>She twists open the jar, picks it out, and turns it around in her hand.<<else>>The Queen picks up the offending item between thumb and forefinger.<</if>> Next to her long, manicured scarlet nails it looks even more ridiculous than ever. Under her breath she murmurs. <<queen "For the gods' sake. I let the woman weasel her way into your presence for less than ten minutes, and she already finds space to draw you into her iniquitous bullshit. She really never changes, you almost have to admire the bitch's //tenacity//.">><<br>>
You breathe a sigh of relief at not standing accused of having bought this horrible item into your life intentionally, but the reprieve doesn't last long - you can see a terrible idea begin to dawn in the Queen's eyes.<<br>>
<<queen "I take no stock in Ruthie's //indecent// proclivities. Frankly, I find them a distasteful nuisance.">> She explains, leaning forward out of her relaxed recline and addressing you. <<queen "However... even something as crude as this can perhaps have it's uses.">><<br>>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
<<queen "And, if the warmth that I can still feel on it is any judge.">> She adds, wrinkling her nose at it in distaste. <<queen "It's a function which it appears that you've already been making good use of.">><<br>>
You wince in horror at your secret being so casually exposed.
You don't like the look of where this is going one bit.
<<if $day7debriefScore gte 3>>
<<queen "If I'm going to make greater use of you in the future, then the matter of your... //turgidity// could become a matter of concern. This little thing-">> She twists her grip, so that she's looking at you through the bars of it's metal casing. <<queen "will avail me from my worries on the matter, don't you think? And perhaps along the way it may also ensure that you don't start to get any foolish ideas into your head.">>
<<elseif $day7debriefScore gte -2>>
<<queen "If I'm going to make greater use of you in the future, then the matter of your... //turgidity// could become a matter of concern. This little thing-">> She twists her grip, so that she's looking at you through the bars of it's metal casing. <<queen "will avail me from my worries on the matter, don't you think? And besides, if the mediocre way you behaved today is any indicator, then it seems like it might help to remind you to try harder in the future.">>
<<elseif $day7debriefScore lte -3>>
<<queen "If you're going to disgrace me like you did today, then //clearly// you need a little more //incentive// to keep you in your place. This little thing-">> She twists her grip, so that she's looking at you through the bars of it's metal casing. <<queen "Will serve such a role quite nicely don't you think? As well as ensure that any potential issues caused by your... //turgidity// are no longer a concern.">>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
<<queen "I suppose that I should be approving of your 'resourcefulness' in making use of it so far. Though who knows //what// your true intentions were. But...">> Her expression hardens. <<queen "perhaps I would sleep a little better at night if I //knew// that it was being used, rather than merely having to take it on trust alone.">><<br>>
You really don't like where this is going.
You can't believe it - she's really going to try to force you into this thing!
<<link "Obediently let her cage you">>
<<set $day7cage to "obey">>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<set $caged to "day7">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey">>
<</link>><<if $caged isnot "day5">><<check "You will be caged, and the Queen will be pleased by your acceptance">><<else>><<check "You will lose control of the key, and the Queen will be pleased by your compliance">><</if>><br>
<<link "Calmly and firmly object to such a thing">>
<<set $day7cage to "negotiate">>
<<set $keyholder to "you">>
<<goto "day7cagingNegotiate">>
<</link>><<if $caged isnot "day5">><<check "You will remain uncaged">><<else>><<check "You will remain in control of the key">><</if>><br>
<<link "Shout at her in offended anger">>
<<set $day7cage to "shout">>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>
<<set $caged to "day7">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingShout">>
<</link>><<if $caged isnot "day5">><<check "You will be caged, and the Queen will be displeased by your disobedience">><<else>><<check "You will lose control of the key, and the Queen will be displeased by your disobedience">><</if>><<setter "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false" "day7debriefScore to -5" "day7debriefScore to 0" "day7debriefScore to 5">>
This is absolutely outrageous! This bitch has already taken so much from you, and now she wants to take the last remnants of your pride too?
<<if $caged is "day5">>
Sure, you've been using the cage yourself, but there's a //huge// difference between making an empowered decision to make use of it, and having this witch screw with you and keep you trapped at her will!
You couldn't keep your anger from bubbling up and taking you over if you tried. You shout out an expletive-rich tirade at the tyrannical monarch.<<br>>
Simone, still not understanding what this whole thing's about, almost leaps out of her shoes at your rage. Comparatively, the Queen seems anything but surprised, casually waiting you for you to wear yourself out. The arrogance of it is enough to send you off on another outraged ramble.<<br>>
Finally, she makes her move - standing up from the sofa up to her full height she coldly commands <<queen "Are you //quite// finished? Or am I going to have to spend all evening hearing you whine like a child? Your anger is not unexpected, but there's only so much of it I can be bothered to take.">><<br>>
<<queen "The situation is simple - I hold full control over you, and if you do not attend to my needs, then you will suffer for it. I have a platoon of royal soldiers just outside; justification to put you in jail for the rest of your sorry life; and for that matter...">> She can't help but let a wry smirk cross her face, like she can't help herself from adding a mocking addition. <<queen "The monopoly on violence, and the //divine de-jure right of royalty// over my subjects.">><<br>>
<<queen2>>"Either you do as I say, as <<if $day7debriefScore gte 3>>you've been doing oh-so well at so far,
<<elseif $day7debriefScore gte -2>>
you've been doing such a mediocre job at so far,
<<elseif $day7debriefScore lte -3>>
you've been utterly failing to manage so far,
<</if>> or I'll have to use these things against you. And I hope that it's already obvious to you that that's a conflict that you will lose //everything// in."<</queen2>><<br>>
<<queen "Now cease your nauseating attempts at maintaining your petty pride, shut the hell up, and put on the fucking cage, young man.">><<br>>
<<link "Resentfully settle down">>
<<goto "day7cagingObey">>
<<link "Clock her right in the face">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day7cage to "punch">>
<<goto "day7cagingShout2">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'flirt'">>
That's it - screw the consequences. You've been pushed past the point of breaking, if she thinks that you're just going to take this lying down then she's got another thing coming. Besides, she might have the full weight of the law on her side or whatever, but here in this carriage she's by herself. It's time to show her some of the consequences of her own actions. It feels weird to hit a woman, but if the last week has amounted to anything it's at least obfuscated the matter of gender enough that you won't let it bother you.<<br>>
You raise your fist in anger and let it fly directly towards the bitch's smug face.<<br>>
Time almost seems to slow, and you watch with satisfaction the way her eyes widen in shock, her features contorting towards outraged surprise, completely blindsided by your defiance. And then your blow finds it's mark - flesh rippling away from the point of contact.<<br>>
It's a sight that you'll come to think about often - going over and over again in your minds eye, every moment imprinted like paintings framed loving on every wall of your mind.<<br>>
You wish that you could say that the rest of the experience was as fulfilling.<<br>>
You've slowly gotten used to the idea that the potion's effects mean that you're weaker than men now, but the idea that it also meant that women could be equally as strong as you hadn't really occurred to you yet. Nor that, as royalty, the Queen would have received plenty of self-defense training.<<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "hero" or $pc.background is "manly">>You're no stranger to fighting yourself, but nothing you learned seems to match your new proportions.<</if>> The second fist you send flying never finds it's mark - instead, she manages to block it with a forearm and grip onto your wrist.<<br>>
For a few moments the two of you struggle, neither strong enough for either of you to overpower the other. It could go either way, right up until, without a moment's hesitation, her knee strikes upwards - directly between your legs. You almost go cross-eyed as it hits directly into your balls.<<br>>
None of the advantages of masculinity remaining, but you still have the one major weakness of your sex.<<br>>
The pain hits you like a wagon, and it's easy for the Queen to take advantage of your momentary weakness to drag your momentum over her shoulder and throw you to the ground at her feet. The force of the fall sends the wind out of you completely.<<br>>
<<cont "day7cagingShout3" "Writhe in pain">>The pain overtakes you as you keel over on the ground. Your fury continues unabated, desperately shouting at you fight more, to do anything other than give in, but standing would require putting strength enough in your legs to carry you, and the pain in your balls is strong enough that you doubt that you could even manage it.<<br>>
The Queen stands above you, looking, for all the world, exhilarated by the experience. Her breath comes in great, giddy gasps from the exertion. Not even the blood that beads down from her nose into her grinning mouth seems to deter her.<<br>>
She steps one foot onto you, and for a second you think it's just a childish victory-pose, and perhaps on some level it still is - but the way it looms directly over your lower-abdomen makes it's threat known. You try in vain to shove it away, but your strength has yet to completely return, and when she stamps down with a little more pressure your sensitive junk screams at you to stop.<<br>>
<<queen "Well.">> She manages between energized gasps. <<queen "That was... //interesting//. I have to... admire your //tenacity//... even if I... find your //stupidity// galling.">><<br>>
You wince.<<br>>
Suddenly she calls out <<queen "Simone!">><<br>>
It takes the poor maid, who's practically cowering in the corner at the sudden intensity of the scene, a few moments before she can respond. <<simone "Y-yes, your Majesty?">><<br>>
<<queen "A frying pan from the kitchen, if you would.">><<br>>
For a moment you foolishly think that she might use it to finish the job, but it proves to just be a deterrent. With her 'weapon' securely in hand, she feels comfortable stepping off of you to sit back on the sofa, though she makes sure to dig one last painful flourish with her heel to remind you of your position.<<br>>
<<cont "day7cagingObey" "Groan in pain">><<setter "rutheAct to 'closed'" "rutheAct to 'open'" "rutheAct to 'fight'" "day5convoMood to 'strip'" "day5convoMood to 'silent'" "day7cage to 'punch'" "day7cage to 'obey'" "day7cage to 'shout'">>
<<if $day7cage isnot "shout" and $day7cage isnot "punch">>
You grimace, but you're backed up into a corner here - you can't see a way to get out of this.<<br>>
<<if $caged is "day7">>
And besides, on some level she's not completely wrong. There are so many occasions in the last week where an untimely erection would have spelled your doom. You hate to admit it, but some part of you would be relieved to not have that sword of damocles hanging over you, or under you, as the case may be.<<br>>
When you found the cage for the first time, you couldn't bring yourself to do the thing that made the most sense. Perhaps having the option taken from you so you get to reap the rewards without the shame of having done it to yourself really was what you were hoping for deep down.<<br>>
<<elseif $caged is "day5">>
You've slowly gotten used to the idea of being caged up tightly during the day, but it was at least something that you were doing to yourself by your own will. The line between being the master of one's own destiny and held helpless at the Queen's will is huge, even if the destiny at hand is putting your penis in a little jail.<<br>>
However, that doesn't mean that you can afford to make a fuss over this. After all, you were doing it to yourself anyway.<<br>>
The Queen smiles at your lack of resistance.
"Good. I'm so glad that we're in agreement. Now -
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true>>remove your skirt."<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>raise your dress."<<else>>remove your leggings."<</if>>
<<elseif $day7cage is "shout">>
You clench your fights so tightly together in furious resentment that you draw pinpricks of blood from your fingernails. It takes everything that you can muster not to take extreme measures - but you know that it wouldn't do you any good.<<br>>
The Queen smiles at the grim acceptance she can see past the bitter resentment in your eyes.<<br>>
"Good. I'm so glad that we're in agreement. Now -
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true>>remove your skirt."<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>raise your dress."<<else>>remove your leggings."<</if>>
<<elseif $day7cage is "punch">>
The look in the Queen's eyes is still a little wild from the adrenaline. There's a little swelling already emerging on her cheek, but less than you would have hoped - you really aren't as strong as you used to be.<<br>>
She sniffs to try to stem the bleeding from her nose, but it doesn't do much good. Rather than ask Simone for a tissue, she seems content to just let it flow. Every now and again her tongue laps up a bead which strays too close to her mouth almost thirstily, and her lips are soon just as rouged by the blood as they were by the red wine.<<br>>
<<queen "Now. Where were we?">> She says finally, having gotten some of her composure back. <<queen "Ahh yes - you were going to be a good little boy and put your cage on weren't you?">><<br>>
Your expression shifts from resentful wincing to abject shock. Is she //really// still going to go through with this? You'd have thought that this of all things would be enough to get her to chuck you in jail and be done with it.<<br>>
<<queen "No, I'm not finished with you yet.">> She continues, as if being able to tell what you're thinking. <<queen "I'm not so //prissy// as to throw a fit upon needing to get my hands dirty, and besides...">> She pauses to sniff again. <<queen "You're in some ways quite //interesting//.">><<br>>
You groan in frustration.<<br>>
"Now -
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true>>remove your skirt."<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>raise your dress."<<else>>remove your leggings."<</if>>
At this, Simone, who up til now had been watching the scene unfold in bewildered confusion, lets out a little squeak of alarm and dashes out the room.<<br>>
You wish that you would escape this situation along with her. Instead, you can only stare at the Queen in shock.<<br>>
In response, she raises one eyebrow. <<queen "What? Did you really think that I'd let you do it to yourself, and take your word for it? I'm sorry, but I'm not enough of a fool for something like that. Rest assured, I take no perverse joy in this. <<if $day5convoMood is 'strip'>>And besides, it's not like it's anything I haven't seen before.<</if>> Now quit dawdling and do it.">><<br>>
<<if $day7cage isnot "punch">>
<<cont "day7cagingObeyMore" "Do as she commands">>
Your instinct is to leap straight up and strike at her again - //anything// is better than //this//. But with her still holding the frying pan firmly in hand you know that it would be completely hopeless, besides - you don't even know if you could even stand yet, and pathetically crawling towards her would only make you feel even more humiliated and frustrated.<<br>>
<<queen "Yes yes.">> She replies dismissively to your cursing. <<queen "Very masculine, very powerful. I'm so impressed by your gumption to keep fighting me. You really have made your little point. Now fucking do it already - the sooner you do, the sooner I can go put some ice on this and you can have a little cry about it in private.">><<br>>
You clench your jaw in resentment, but it really does look like this is how it's going to go.<<br>>
<<cont "day7cagingObeyMore" "Do as she commands">>
<</if>><<setter "day7cage to 'punch'" "day7cage to 'obey'" "day7cage to 'shout'" "rutheAct to 'closed'" "rutheAct to 'open'" "rutheAct to 'fight'" "day5convoMood to 'strip'" "day5convoMood to 'silent'">>
<<if $day7cage is "punch">>
Bitterly, you do as she bids, <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true>>unclasping your skirt at the waist so it separates and parts around your body<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>pulling your dress skirt up over your waistline,<<else>>unclasping your tight leggings and removing them,<</if>> leaving your lower body covered by your panties <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("stockings") is true>>and silken stockings<</if>> alone as you remain sprawled indignantly on the floor.
<<if $day7cage is "obey">>Meekly<<elseif $day7cage is "shout">>Bitterly<</if>> you do as she bids, <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt") is true>>unclasping your skirt at the waist so it flutters down to the floor around you,<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true>>lifting your dress skirt over your waistline,<<else>>unclasping your tight leggings to remove them,<</if>> leaving your lower body covered by your panties <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("stockings") is true>>and silken stockings<</if>> alone.
<<if $day7cage is "obey">>Your cheeks flush at the scene, but<<else>>Even despite your resentment, you can't help but feel your cheeks flush at the scene from humiliation alone, but<</if>> the Queen's expression remains as unamused as ever. Her calm disinterest is half a blessing, and half makes everything so much worse.<<br>>
<<if $rutheAct is "closed" or $rutheAct is "open">>
Compared to the Queen's callous professionalism, even la Madame de la Ruthe's twisted enjoyment when she'd made you expose yourself to her begins to look appealing. At the time it had seemed horrible, but at least //someone// was enjoying it, making the whole scene feel lighter and simpler. Hell, In hindsight, perhaps back then some part of you, no matter how small, might have even been flattered by the interest.<<br>>
You flinch at your line of thought, and desperately try to think about something else. If you allowed yourself to keep on thinking like that, you'd end up perilously close to thinking that some part of you wishes that the Queen would view you the same way.<<br>>
The Queen makes a gesture with her finger towards your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. <<queen "Those too.">><<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") is true and $day7cage isnot "obey">>
You have to hold the hem of your dress <<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>up with one hand<<else>>in your mouth<</if>> to keep it from falling downwards as, with trembling fingers, you do as she commands.
With trembling fingers, you do as she demands.
<<if $day7cage is "punch">>
<<cont "day7cagingObey6" "Reveal your dick">>
<<cont "day7cagingObey2" "Reveal your dick">>
<</if>><<setter "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "pc.hands to 1" "pc.hands to 2" "queen.lenient to true" "queen.lenient to undefined">>
/* <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress") isnot true>>
<</if>> */
<<queen "Ahh.">> Sighs the Queen in disappointed resignation. <<queen "So //that's// how it is, is it?">><<br>>
You grit your teeth in abject horror, unable to believe it yourself.<<br>>
Despite the situation, your exposed, <<if $pc.penis is 2>>puny<<else>>smaller-than-average<</if>>, cock is standing impudently erect.<<br>>
Your brain goes haywire trying to think of some explanation, some excuse that could possibly justify this thing and make you not look like some pervert, both to the Queen and to yourself, but none seem remotely satisfactory. Instead your mouth just opens and shut dumbly like a fish gasping for air, waiting for words which never come.<<br>>
You expect the Queen to look at you with revulsion, but while she's certainly unamused by the development, she seems insultingly unsurprised. <<queen "Well.">> She says, after a few seconds. <<if $queen.lenient isnot true>><<queen "It seems like you simply can't help yourself from causing problems for me, even now.">><<else>><<queen "I suppose that this might go some ways as to explain some of your recreant behavior up til now. Elucidating.">><</if>><<br>>
You wince at her words, frustrated by your disobedient body.<<br>>
<<queen "It seems like you'll be keeping me <<if $caged isnot 'day5'>>from my husband<</if>> for a few minutes longer. Regrettable.">> She gestures vaguely towards you. <<queen "Well, I can hardly put it on you like this. Go on then - deal with it.">><<br>>
You blink at her, she doesn't really mean what you think she does, does she?<<br>>
<<queen "Yes, I do.">> She sighs in reply to your unspoken question. <<queen "Don't look at me with those bewildered eyes. I'm no stranger to an erection, and in my experience they rarely go down all by themselves, within my presence at least. The issue is purely mechanical - see to it.">><<br>>
You blink again, fully understanding the situation but still too shocked to genuinely consider masturbating in the terrifying woman's presence. It isn't until the Queen groans in irritation, reaches over, grabs your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand, and places it firmly upon your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> swollen member herself that you finally start to do this terrible thing.<<br>>
<<cont "day7cagingObey3" "Jack off at her behest">><<setter "day7debriefMassage to 'massage'" "day7debriefMassage to 'stay'" "day7debriefCome 'kneel'" "day7debriefCome to 'stay'" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2">>
Awkwardly, haltingly, you start to masturbate, running your hand lightly up and down your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> length.<<br>>
It feels completely insane to be doing this in this context. Everything about this should make masturbation an impossible task - but then, if that were really true then you wouldn't have this erection in the first place, would you? You wish you didn't have to admit it, but clearly some deep part of you is finding some twisted satisfaction with this. The internal betrayal stings even harder than the Queen's callous gaze.<<br>>
Content that you've started, the Queen reaches for her wine glass, finds it empty, and frowns. For a moment she glances over to the bathroom door, behind which Simone must be hiding away, and for a brief second you think to your horror that she's about to summon her, but then she notices the wine bottle nearby and reaches over to pour another glass herself. She's completely disinterested in the young man desperately and pathetically masturbating <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>next to<<else>>before<</if>> her.<<br>>
You try your hardest to finish this thing as soon as possible, and be free of this situation, but you can only get so far by trying to dissociate away from this. You try to work out something that you can focus on to get you there.<br><br>
<<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>
<<set _queenLocation to "sprawled out relaxedly on the sofa next to you">>
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>
<<set _queenLocation to "sprawled out relaxedly on the sofa in front of you">>
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "stand" or $day7debriefCome is "stay">>
<<set _queenLocation to "sprawled out relaxedly on the sofa in front of you">>
<<link "Focus on the Queen, _queenLocation">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff to 'queen'>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey4">>
<span id="replace1">
<<link "Focus on someone else">>
<<replace "#replace1" t8n>>
<<link "Think about Simone">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff to 'simone'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey4">>
<<link "Think about the King">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff to 'king'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey4">>
<<link "Think about Merat">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff to 'merat'>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey4">>
<<if $day7meratGrass is true or $day7escape is true or $meratInjury gte 2>>
<<fail "Think about someone else" "There are other people who you care about a lot and are sure to see again soon, but for the moment, trapped in this suffocating situation, it's difficult to think about anyone who you haven't seen today.">>
<<fail "Think about someone else" "There are other people who you care about a lot and are sure to see again soon, but for the moment, trapped in this suffocating situation, it's difficult to think about anyone who you haven't seen in the last two days.">>
</span><<setter "day7cagingJackOff to 'queen'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'merat'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'king'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'simone'">>
<<switch $day7cagingJackOff>>
<<case "queen">>
She's <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>sitting right next to you<<else>>right in front of you<</if>>, her <<if $caged isnot "day5">>bare<</if>> cheeks lightly rouged by the wine and her voluminous body barely hidden by her chiffon gown. When your tormentor is this sexy, it's difficult to think about anyone else in this context, no matter how tyrannical she's being.<<br>>
You can't believe someone as important as her goes around in outfits so sexually-charged. When you first met her it had seemed absurd, but all it took was watching her move around to make it clear that she'd look ridiculous in anything else. Her every action seems to carry such casual eroticism. You're sure that it's done with intentionality - a tool to ensure that she has the advantage in every social situation, but you can't deny that it's effective.<<br>>
Her attitude only makes matters worse. She's often stern and all-business, but just when you get used to her non-nonsense orders she suddenly shows a lingering playfulness under the surface that drives you crazy.<<br>>
You can feel your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hands gliding up and down your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock with ever increasing speed at the thought.<<br>>
Your gaze soars over every contour of her body <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>next to you<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>above you<<else>>in front of you<</if>>. Her luscious thighs; her wide, childbearing hips; the gentle mound of her stomach; her heavy, full breasts; her soft lips; her sharp, grey eyes, staring directly at you with scorn.<<br>>
Oh fuck - you thought she was meant to be looking away!<<br>>
<<queen "Are you //quite// satisfied?">> The Queen asks, rhetorically. <<queen "You appear to have been eagerly taking in your fill of me for some time.">><<br>>
You grimace in shame. It's one thing to be turned on by your blackmailer, it's quite another for her to know about it.<<br>>
<<queen "Tell me.">> She says, leaning forward <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>so that she's almost touching you<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>to loom over you<</if>>. <<queen "Do you //really// think that that's appropriate, given that I'm supposed to be your //mother//?">><<br>>
Your hand stops moving out of shame, but despite your efforts it doesn't help you to look any more respectable - you can't stop the flushing of your cheeks nor low, sensual panting that your arousal forces out of you. If anything, her words just increase them, and you're sure that she's far from unaware of the effect she's having.<<br>>
The Queen lingers for a few seconds, before finally shrugging to herself. <<queen "But I guess that once this little thing is on you, your licentious desires won't be much of an issue, will they? I suppose I can permit this little lechery of yours, if it means that you'll be finished quicker. After all...">> She adds with a playful smirk, gesturing vaguely down her body. <<queen "one can hardly blame you for your good taste.">><<br>>
She thinks to herself for a moment, before sighing. <<queen "Very well. If this is how it's going to be, then I suppose I'm not against, as it were, //lending a hand//.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise, so convinced that she couldn't genuinely be meaning what it sounds like she's saying that it isn't until she <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>leans over, reaching for<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>stands, squats down in front of you like someone about to pet a dog, and reaches for<<else>>stands, walks over to you, with her hips swaying, and reaches for<</if>> your painfully swollen <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock that you can genuinely believe it.
<<case "simone">>
Desperate not to get too caught up in the terrifying monarch <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>sitting right next to you<<else>>right in front of you<</if>>, your mind goes straight to the nearest other woman - Simone, who at that moment must be hiding away in the bathroom.<<br>>
It's not difficult to assemble a mental image of the maid at her most seductive. Sharing a 'home' with her has been delightful in many ways, but also a huge tease. Knowing how innocent she is you doubt that any of it is intentional, but it's precisely that innocence which keeps her moving and acting in ways that a more knowledgeable girl would realize is causing a reaction. A cheerful hop which exposes her panties from under her skimpy maids dress here; a moment of closeness where you can feel the contours of her body against you there. It all adds up to a week straight of tantalizing unfulfilled intimacy. She must just be doing it all by accident, right?<<br>>
At the thought of the young woman's nubile body, you slowly begin to feel your pace begin to shift from frantic, scared desperation, to something more natural and passionate. Your breath becomes deeper and heavier, until it's coming out in needy pants. You're so incredibly aware that the Queen must be watching this process happen to you, glaring with bored disinterest, but even more-so you know that the noises you're making must be audible all the way in the bathroom. Even if she doesn't mean to overhear, it's difficult to imagine anyone could shut it out - what must she be thinking now, hearing your pathetic whimpers?<<br>>
It's humiliating beyond compare, to have your most indignant, mortifying moment broadcast to your closest friend, forever changing their opinion of you. And yet, despite how much your mind begins to dwell not on the conjured fantasies of your maid but on the abasement of the scene, your arousal continues to swell unabated, your <<if $pc.hand is 2>>slender<</if>> hand moving across your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>shrunken<</if>> cock with ever-increasing speed.<<br>>
With your mind so focused on her, it's perhaps no wonder why your gaze is drawn inevitably towards the bathroom door which she waits beyond. And, for the briefest of moments, you could swear that the door is leaning slightly ajar...<<br>>
The moment your eyes take note of it, your orgasm strikes you with enough force to practically send you reeling. You can't help but let a pathetic moan rise to your lips.<<br>>
The moment you regather yourself, your eyes flicker back over to the bathroom door, only to find it firmly shut. Surely you must have been imagining it.
<<case "king">>
You desperately try to think of something sexy. Teenage crushes; buxom barmaids; raunchy wood-prints passed around male friend groups with a wink and grin - all have served you well in the past, but in this pressing situation they fade like smoke when you try to capture them and recall what once made them so tantalizing.<<br>>
The Queen frowns, irritated at the hold up, you desperately try to different tack.<<br>>
Rather than just focusing on something 'sexy', what you really need is a mental escape from this intimidating situation - some reassuring anchor to let you push through the nerves of the Queen's presence.<<br>>
The one that jumps to mind ends up surprising you.<<br>>
<<if $day7kingSee is "talk">>
While the end result of your conversation with the King earlier today was frustration, the actual conversation itself had been... nice. He had no reason whatsoever to care about you, but did nevertheless - seemingly earnestly excited to see you again, with that big dopy smile on his face. Despite it all, it had been a beacon of comfort and warmth in a week of cruel struggle.<<br>>
You can't help but remember the way that he had swept you up into his arms, so broad that you felt cushioned and safe in that grip.
Perhaps seeing him in the corridor earlier today has put him on your mind, but you can't help but think about the time you bumped into the King at the Baron's party. You were scared out of your wits at the scene, but the actual conversation had been... nice. He had no reason whatsoever to care about you, but did nevertheless - earnestly interest in your wellbeing, with that big dopy smile on his face. Despite it all, it's been a beacon of comfort and warmth in a week of cruel struggle.<<br>>
You can't help but remember the way that he had ruffled your hair, his big palm making you feel bashful but safe under his grip.
You shake your head to try to clear it. That's a //man// you're thinking about! Hell, a huge older man at that, practically a paragon of masculinity - what the hell are you doing thinking about someone like //that// in a situation like this?<<br>>
But despite your efforts, you can't get the image of him out of your head. His wide smile, his comforting presence, that sweet, carefree attitude that seems to come so naturally to him that you'd almost bet that it would never occur to him to be any other way.<<br>>
And your hand keeps moving, with ever-increasing speed.<<br>>
You try to imagine what he would do if he saw you like this? Would he hold you close and tell you everything was going to be okay? Would he see your desperate and terrible need, and do everything he could to avail you of it? Would he be shy and bashful, but with his own lust at the sight of you barely hidden by his efforts to not rudely objectify you?<<br>>
Oh god - it's happening, isn't it? You're masturbating while thinking of the King!<<br>>
Your gaze flicks frantically back to the impassively reclining Queen. What would she think if she knew that at that very moment it was her //husband// that you were thinking of?<<br>>
Hell, she's pretending to be your mother, of all things. Doesn't that mean that he's kinda like... your dad?<<br>>
Scarcely has the thought hit you when your orgasm strikes - enough force to practically send you reeling. You can't help but let a pathetic moan rise to your lips.
<<case "merat">>
You desperately try to think of something sexy. Teenage crushes; buxom women in pubs; raunchy wood-prints passed around male friend groups with a wink and grin - all have served you well in the past, but in this pressing situation they fade like mist when you try to capture them and recall what once made seem them so tantalizing.<<br>>
The Queen frowns, irritated at the hold up, you desperately try to different tack.<<br>>
Disregarding the classics, you go straight to for the jugular of your arousal, focusing not on images, but the way it makes you feel. Moments so pregnant with sexual tension that it sends a shiver down your spine.<<br>>
As you follow the thread of the thought, you're horrified to find the memory of Merat's cruel smile waiting for you at the end.<<br>>
You shake your head to try to clear the mental image from you. Why the hell are you thinking about //him// at a time like this? He's a smug, twisted asshole who gets off on making you suffer. A thorn in your side. You want nothing to do with him! You spend every moment that he's around in a state of anxious, tense vexation.<<br>>
And yet, your mind can't stop itself from remembering the sensation of his taut leather gloves against your skin, filled with limber, wiry strength and precise, spiteful intention.<<br>>
Far from quelling your arousal, your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand glides across your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock with ever-increasing speed.<<br>>
Unable to stop yourself, you let out a strangled cry - not of arousal, but of deep, wretched frustration. How //dare// that asshole continue to torment your thoughts, even when he's not here to do it? How humiliating it is to be so utterly betrayed by one's own brain, such that it dances to the spiteful tune of another man.<<br>>
You can't help but imagine how he'd react if he found out that you harboured such feelings. Would he mock and demean you with callous disgust? Sneeringly weaponize it against you to make you do twisted things at his behest? Or would his cruel, ice-blue eyes glimmer with sadistic glee at having debased you so far that even your brain is irreparably warped by his power such that the lamb begs the wolf to be slaughtered.<<br>>
You shudder - no matter what, he must never learn of this.<<br>>
And yet, your body betrays you further. Your orgasm strikes, with enough force to practically send you reeling. You can't help but let a pathetic moan rise to your lips.
<<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queen">>
<<cont "day7cagingObey5q" "Feel her supple hand around you">>
<<cont "day7cagingObey5">>
<</if>>Her hand settles on your dick, wrapping around it with the sureness of someone deeply experienced with such things.<<br>>
Or at least, it tries to.<<br>>
Your body betrays you once more.<<br>>
Even despite the fact that you've gone almost ten seconds since touching your dick, you're already so sensitive and so incredibly, ridiculously aroused that it makes little difference. Your body tenses up all on it's own in desperate anticipation of her touch, and your pelvic floor with it, and if the tightening around your prostate wasn't already enough to get you there, the touch of her hand, smooth and cool compared to your swollen penis, would have finished the job.<<br>>
Scarcely has she touched you when you spurt the first pathetic load directly into the cup of her hand. And then another, this time thinner and watery. You can't help but let out a needy whimper as your hips spasm beneath you.<<br>>
The Queen's expression, which had been wry but far from without warmth, changes as she realizes what's just happened. With a wrinkled nose she peers at her perfect, manicured hand, now splattered with your impotent sperm.<<br>>
<<queen "Good //grief//.">> She murmurs, not quite angry, but certainly irritated. <<queen "Here I was being so very accommodating, and //this// is how it ends, hmm?">><<br>>
You're still reeling so hard from your orgasm that it's difficult to focus, so it takes her grabbing you by the back of your hair with her free hand and physically pointing your head towards her cum-smeared palm to impress the matter to you. <<queen "Well? Do you think that this is //appropriate//, young man?">><<br>>
<<link "Lap up the cum like a dog, desperate for her to forgive you">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff to "queenLick">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey5q2">>
<<link "Apologize profusely">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff to "queenNoLick">>
<<goto "day7cagingObey5q2">>
<</link>><<setter "day7cagingJackOff to 'queenLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'queenNoLick'">>
<<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenLick">>
It's not like you'd ever willing have chosen to do it, but, frazzled from your orgasm, your body reacts more on instinct than intention. You've done something to upset the Queen; you're desperate to do anything you can to make it disappear; and your face is practically being pressed into it anyway. You simply do what comes naturally.<<br>>
You press your face forward, your tongue pathetically reaching out to lap up the offending semen. Your mouth fills with the thick, pungent taste of your own excretions - it's far from pleasant, but such is your need that you couldn't even begin to care.<<br>>
You're still a little woozy, so rather than holding your head carefully up to her hand you end up almost nuzzling into it, pressing yourself into her palm as you slather your tongue desperately over her <<print $queen.skin>> skin.<<br>>
You can feel the hand quiver for a moment as the Queen flinches at the completely unexpected action; then hold still for a second or two as she fully processes it. You can hear her murmur <<queen "Goodness..">> softly to herself, in a mystified tone that doesn't quite match her usual personality. Then, she seems to accept it - her fingers splaying open to let your all-too eager tongue probe between them and lick them clean.<<br>>
And then, like the sudden oncoming of a chilling rainstorm on a sweltering day, your brain finally catches up to you and you realize what you're doing.<<br>>
Your eyes flicker up in horror and shame to meet the Queen's. She merely gives you a wry smirk, which somehow manages to feels worse than if she'd tried to rub it in. However before you can pull your neck away she makes sure to smear the last of your saliva off of her hand onto your cheek - less to degrade you and more just to keep her hand clean.
<<elseif $day7cagingJackOff is "queenNoLick">>
Your eyes go wide in horror, both at befouling her hand and at shooting your load with barely a touch. You desperately try to offer any apologies which you can think of. None feel remotely sufficient.<<br>>
<<queen "This is //absurd//.">> The Queen responds, justifiably irritated at the event, but less than you'd expected her to be - you get the impression that it's being outweighed by her sheer bemusement. <<queen "To be besmirched in this way... I'll admit, the novelty is //shocking//, but this is completely and wretchedly unacceptable, do you understand?">><<br>>
You nod furiously.<<br>>
A thought seems to strike her, and then, almost with a shrug to herself of 'sure, why not?', she moves her hand forward. You try to crane away from it, but with her hand on the back of your head you don't get far. You're forced to squint your eyes closed as she smears your pathetic semen all over your face. Your nostrils fill with the stinking scent of your own emissions.<<br>>
<<queen "There.">> Remarks the Queen, wiping the remnants off on your hair before releasing you. <<queen "That's it gotten rid of.">><<br>>
You go to wipe it off, but before you can do so she sharply orders <<queen "Leave it there! If I have to suffer the indignity of being slathered with your seed, then I think that it's only just if your punishment is the same.">><<br>>
You wince in shame and revulsion, but you do as she bids, even as it slowly dips down your face.
<<cont "day7cagingObey6">>Caught in the exhausted stupor of your orgasm, a wave of giddiness running through you despite the pressure of the situation, it takes you a few moments to regather your wits.<<br>>
When you do, you find yourself on the receiving end of one of the most disapproving glowers you've ever seen.<<br>>
You blink in confusion at the sight. Isn't this what she wanted from you? But then a sharp gesture from the Queen brings your attention to the issue - a stray spurt of your limpid, watery cum splattered against her <<print $queen.skin>> thigh.<<br>>
<<link "Apologize profusely and try to find something to clean it up with">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff += "NoLick">>
<<goto "day7cagingObey52">>
<<link "Act on instinct - lick it off of her, desperate for her to forgive you">>
<<set $day7cagingJackOff += "Lick">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day7cagingObey52">>
<</link>><<setter "day7cagingJackOff to 'simoneLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'simoneNoLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'kingLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'kingNoLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'meratLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'meratNoLick'">>
<<if $day7cagingJackOff.includes("NoLick")>>
Your eyes go wide in horror at your semen having gotten onto her. You desperately try to offer any apologies which you can think of. None feel remotely sufficient.<<br>>
<<queen "This is //absurd//.">> The Queen responds, justifiably irritated at the event, though from the sounds of it not without a certain degree of wry amusement either. <<queen "To be besmirched in this way... I'll admit, the novelty is //shocking//, but this is completely and wretchedly unacceptable, do you understand?">><<br>>
You nod furiously, frantically searching around for something to wipe away the offending smear. <<if $caging is "day5">>Luckily, the washcloth that the Queen was going to use to wipe off her makeup is close to hand<<else>>Luckily, the washcloth that the Queen had used to wipe off her makeup earlier is close to hand<</if>>.<<br>>
As you carefully dab away the slowly congealing spunkmark, the Queen sighs in annoyance.
<<elseif $day7cagingJackOff.includes("Lick")>>
The horror of seeing your insolent sperm running down the Queen's leg, paired with the dopey daze from your orgasm, combine together to cause an instinctive response that your more conscious brain would never have signed up for. You simply need the liquid gone as soon as possible.<<br>>
<<if $day7debriefCome is "stand" or $day7debriefCome is "stay">>You fall to your knees and, like<<else>>Like<</if>> a deer supping at sweet sap, <<if $day7debriefCome isnot "stand" or $day7debriefCome is "stay">>you<</if>> crane your body forwards to lap up the thin line of viscous fluid.<<br>>
It's not until your mouth is filled with the pungent saltiness of your own semen that you even fully really what you've just done. Your body freezes in alarm - but it's far too late to do anything about it now.<<br>>
The Queen, for once, seems almost as taken aback as you are, the action taking her completely off-guard. For a second you both linger in awkward silence, processing the scene.<<br>>
Finally you hear her murmur <<queen "Goodness..">> softly to herself, in a mystified tone that doesn't quite match her usual personality. Then, regathering herself, she continues in a more stern tone. <<queen "Well, one can hardly fault your //enthusiasm//, can they?">><<br>>
You wince, the taste of semen still slathered over your tastebuds.
<<cont "day7cagingObey6">><<setter "day7cage to 'punch'" "day7cage to 'obey'" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to 'day7'">>
<<if $day7cage is "punch">>
The Queen barely even glances at your exposed <<if $pc.penis is 1>>smaller-than-average cock.<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>puny cock. She doesn't have to make baring it awful - merely knowing that she knows how small it is now is plenty enough to send you quivering in humiliation.<</if>>
<<queen "Good. Now put it on already.">> She says, picking up the cage from where she'd left it and casually throwing it towards you.<<br>>
You scowl resentfully, but can do little but obey.<<br>>
The Queen plucks up the cage from where she'd left it and thrusts it towards you. <<queen "Now that you're <<if $pc.penis is 2>>quite so very //small// again<<else>>smaller again<</if>> - put it on already.">><<br>>
You <<if $day7cage is 'shout'>>grimace<<else>>gulp<</if>>, but can do little but obey. After the humiliation of the last few minutes, actually getting caged feels almost preferable in comparison.<<br>>
<<if $caged is "day5">>
You're no stranger to the act of of caging yourself, and slip the little thing around you with ease.
It takes you a few seconds of awkward fumbling to work out how the vulgar thing is meant to go on you. Eventually, you realize that you have to thread your balls one-by-one through the hoop to get it into place, which under the Queen's stern gaze feels like a completely ridiculous activity.<<br>>
The firm steel feels ice-cold against your body, enough to make you flinch as it slides into place.
You're about to turn the key in the lock when the Queen puts up a hand to stop you. <<queen "I'll do that.">><<br>>
You don't know whether it's out of worry that you'd find a way of tricking the lock, or if it's simply for the symbolism of being the one to turn the key. Either way, all you can do is to <<if $day7cage is "obey">>meekly<<else>>resentfully<</if>> wait as her manicured fingers reach down between your legs, twist the key in the lock, and pull it out.<<br>>
<<queen "Now.">> She remarks as she twists the little key around in her hand to inspect it. <<queen "I suppose this is mine.">><<br>>
<<link "Wince">>
<<set $keyholder to "queen">>
<<goto "day7cagingObey7">>
<<if $day7cage is "shout">>
<<fail "Try to convince her that someone else should be the keyholder" "There's no way that she'd agree to something like that, after you shouted at her earlier">>
<<elseif $day7cage is "punch">>
<<fail "Try to convince her that someone else should be the keyholder" "There's absolutely no way that she'd agree to something like that, after you punched her earlier">>
<<link "Try to convince her that someone else should be the keyholder">>
<<set $keyholder to "simone">>
<<goto "day7cagingObey7s">>
<</link>><<check "Only possible because you went into this willing. Perhaps she'll be lenient with you?">>
<</if>>You don't expect that it'll work, but you still can't help but make an attempt. You put forward a well considered argument for her //not// to be the holder of the key.<<br>>
What if she's killed by the Scarecrow Killer, and the key is lost forever more? What if she's simply so busy with other important duties that you end up stuck in this for ages? What if there's some kind of emergency? You're fine with getting caged, but such an absurd responsibility shouldn't rest on her lap.<<br>>
To your surprise, the Queen listens quite patiently to your argument.<<br>>
<<queen "And who would be better suited to the role, hmm?">> She asks finally. <<queen "You?">><<br>>
You smile hopefully.<<br>>
At this she laughs, her voice honeyed and rich. <<queen "No. I don't think that that's an appropriate course of action. But you do make some reasonable points. I think that I have a better idea.">><<br>>
Suddenly she clicks her fingers, loud enough for the sound to resound around the coach, and calls out <<queen "Simone!">><<br>>
You frantically try to rearrange your clothing so that you're not <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>sitting<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>kneeling<<else>>standing<</if>> there with your caged dick on display when Simone reenters the room. You think that you just about manage it, but with your clothing so ruffled you doubt it provides much doubt as to what you were doing in here, even in the eventuality that Simone didn't clearly hear it all.<<br>>
<<cont "day7cagingObey7s2">>The maid nervously creaks the door open. <<simone "Y-yes, your Majesty?">><<br>>
<<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenNoLick">>
It takes you a few moments before you remember to your horror that you still have cum slowly congealing on your face. You frantically wipe it off in the small hope that she didn't notice it.<<br>>
The Queen <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>stands and<</if>> strides over to meet her, but instead of barking out orders like usual, she draws close to the girl and says something at length in a soft almost-whisper in her ear.<<br>>
You have no idea what's being said, but you can see Simone's expression get pinker and pinker at the covert words. Finally, the Queen presses the key into the maid's hands, and Simone nods firmly.<<br>>
The Queen dramatically turns back to you. <<queen "Very well. Simone here will act as the keyholder in my stead.">><<br>>
You almost can't believe your ears, nor your good fortune. Simone's your friend, your confidant - her holding your keys might as well mean that you do.<<br>>
If the monarch realizes the way that she's undercut her own authority on the matter, then she doesn't show it. <<queen "And that's everything.">> She announces, picking up her shoes from where she'd kicked them off and putting them back on. <<queen "This debacle has kept me up far too long as it is. It's getting late. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.">><<br>>
And with that she departs, leaving you and Simone alone together again in the carriage.<<br>>
<<cont "day7eveSimoneKey">><<setter "day7cage to 'obey'" "day7cage to 'shout'" "day7cage to 'punch'">>
There's nothing to do but <<if $day7cage is "obey">>bow your head in shame and nod<<else>>scowl<</if>>. This is going to be your life now - your manhood caged away at her cruel whim.<<br>>
<<if $day7cage is "obey">>
<<queen "Oh, don't give me that look.">> She remarks at your expression. <<queen "If you're good, then you can expect some clemency from me. Perhaps if you demonstrate that such measures are unnecessary, then I might even deign to disregard the whole matter. Just think of it as a reminder to stay in line, hmm?">><<br>>
<<elseif $day7cage is "shout">>
<<queen "Oh don't give me that look.">> She remarks. <<queen "All you have to do is show a little obedience, and you might be able to gain some clemency from me. Perhaps if you're good enough then I might even deign to disregard the whole matter. Just remember to say in line, hmm?">><<br>>
<<elseif $day7cage is "punch">>
<<queen "Oh don't give me that look.">> She remarks, dabbing away the last of her nosebleed with a handkerchief. <<queen "You've chosen to take the path of resistance, and even dared to raise your hand against me. Don't be so //stupidly// surprised when what indignance forces me to take measures that you dislike. Maybe if you displayed an ounce of obedience then this won't been necessary. Until such a miracle happens - you'll be kept in line by force.">><<br>>
Her point made, sighs to herself, before seeming to suppress a yawn. <<queen "Well. This debacle has gone on for long enough this evening. I should be getting back to my husband.">><<br>>
Suddenly she clicks her fingers, loud enough for the sound to resound around the coach, and calls out <<queen "Simone!">><<br>>
You frantically try to rearrange your clothing so that you're not <<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>sitting<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>kneeling<<else>>standing<</if>> there with your caged dick on display when Simone reenters the room. You think that you just about manage it, but with your clothing so ruffled it provides little doubt as to what you were doing in here, even in the eventuality that Simone didn't clearly hear it all.<<br>>
The maid nervously creaks the door open. <<simone "Y-yes, your Majesty?">><<br>>
<<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenNoLick">>
It takes you a few more moments before you remember to your horror that you still have cum slowly congealing on your face. You frantically wipe it off in the small hope that she didn't notice it.<<br>>
<<queen "My compliments on your hospitality for the evening. I'm very confident that I was right to have picked you, and that you've served my daughter well.">> She smirks for a moment and glances your way. <<queen "Both of them.">><<br>>
Despite the tense situation, you can see Simone's expression pinken a few shades at the compliment.<<br>>
<<queen "And with that, it's getting late.">> She concludes, stepping back into her high heels. <<queen "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.">><<br>>
And then she departs, leaving you and Simone alone again in your carriage.<<br>>
<<cont "day7eveQueenKey">>The Queen's been a cold-hearted bitch the whole time you've known her, but even so this is completely beyond the pale! You make a desperate and earnest plea, but are careful not to speak out of turn.<<br>>
The Queen listens to your arguments stoically, and for a while it seems completely hopeless that she'd ever listen to you, but to your surprise when she finally speaks it's to reply <<queen "Very well. If that's really how you feel about the matter then I suppose that I can show some lenience in this situation.">><<br>>
You couldn't even begin to hide the relief that floods through you at her mercy.<<br>>
However, she doesn't stop there. <<queen "Just don't delude yourself into thinking that this decision is out of anything like charity, and certainly not //reluctance//, you hear?">> She states, firmly. <<queen "You've demonstrated an oh-so potent disinclination towards getting trapped in this little thing.">> At this, she flicks the ribbing on the cage, making the metal ring lightly as it reverberates. <<queen "A weakness which I intend to exploit. Some tools are just as effective as //threats// as they are in use, sometimes even better.">><<br>>
<<queen "For the moment, keeping you in fear of me placing you in this suits me plenty, but don't be fooled into thinking that if I hear the slightest hint that the threat isn't having it's full effect, then I won't take an abrupt change of tactic. Do you understand? One false move and you'll be locked up the moment that I hear of it.">><<br>>
You can only nod furiously.<<br>>
"Wonderful. In that case, we can see this matter as settled, for now.
<<if $caged is "day5">>
I'll leave the thing in your presence for you to make use of as you like."
<<elseif $caged is false>>
<<set $keyholder to "queenCage">>
I'll be taking this with me, for safekeeping, until such a time as I might need it in the future."
<<if $caged is "day5">>
She remarks, casually leaving it on the table.
<<elseif $caged is false>>
She remarks, tucking it neatly into her clutch.
<<include-part "day7cagingCover" "#sectionCover">>The Queen frowns at you suspiciously, and you desperately try to keep your poker-face straight.<<br>>
You can feel sweat run down the back of your neck, but after a few long seconds, she shrugs to herself, seeming to believe you. <<queen "I suppose it doesn't matter. It hardly looks dangerous.">><<br>>
Her interest in the object lost, she idly places it onto a side table and seemingly forgets all about it. You force yourself not to let the deep sigh of relief you feel deep in your heart show.<<br>>
<span id="sectionCover">
<<if $caged is "day5">>
The Queen casually returns to removing her makeup, but if you had any hopes that it would provide a flaw in her icy facade then they're sorely dashed - underneath it all, she's every bit as intimidatingly beautiful as she was before. The excesses of nobility must do a good job keeping the wear and tear of everyday life from her - if it weren't for the hardness in her eyes and a little crows-feet, you'd guess she was almost a decade younger than she is.<<br>>
That doesn't mean that seeing her like this doesn't feel different, however. There's something... //naked// about seeing her in a state that others don't. It's more personal than you ever thought you'd see her. Details which before had been hidden behind foundation, like the light blush to her cheeks from the wine, are now obvious. In spite of yourself, you find yourself having difficulty maintaining eye-contact.
<<elseif $caged is false>>
The Queen casually returns to moisturizing her skin, and carries out the task efficiently.
She leans back leisurely on the sofa once more, but it isn't long before a noise from outside catches her attention.<<br>>
<<queen "Well.">> She announces. <<queen "That will be my husband returning. I believe that we've already touched upon everything important. I expect much from you in the future, and know that I won't accept compromise on the matter.">><<br>>
Suddenly, she clicks her fingers. <<queen "Simone?">><<br>>
The maid sharply steps up. <<simone "Y-yes, your Majesty?">><<br>>
<<queen "My compliments on your hospitality for the evening. I'm very confident that I was right to have picked you, and that you've served my daughter well.">> She smirks for a moment and glances your way. <<queen "Both of them.">><<br>>
Despite the tense situation, you can see Simone's expression pinken a few shades at the compliment.<<br>>
<<queen "Very well. Until tomorrow morning then.">><<br>>
And then she departs, leaving you and Simone alone again in your carriage.<<br>>
<<cont "day7evening">>
</span><<if $day7cage is 'punch'>>
With the Queen gone, you awkwardly scrabble back up to your feet from where you'd crumpled onto the floor.<<br>>
<<elseif $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>
With the Queen gone, you let out a deep <<if $day7cage isnot 'obey'>>sigh<<else>>annoyed groan<</if>> and stand up from the sofa, desperate to ease out some of the tension.<<br>>
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is 'kneel'>>
With the Queen gone, you scrabble back up to your feet from where you'd been kneeling and breath a deep <<if $day7cage isnot 'obey'>>sigh of released tension<<else>>annoyed groan of released tension<</if>>.<<br>>
<<simone "Goodness.">> Sighs Simone. <<simone "That was so intense!">><<br>>
She turns to you, her expression awash with concern.
<<if $cageSimone isnot "grace">>
<<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, I'm so incredibly sorry for saying all that stuff and getting you in trouble - I had no idea that the thingy was a secret! Are you alright?">>
<<simone "I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>. I wish that I could have done more for you.">>
You grimace, but reassure her that you don't blame her. Besides, now that she has the key she can just pass it over and none of the Queen's intensity will have amounted to anything anyway.<<br>>
You reach out a hand to her, confident that she'll press the key into it immediately, but instead the maid just frowns.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm... well, actually I'm not certain that that's a good idea...">><<br>>
You blink in surprise.<<br>>
Simone suddenly can't seem to maintain eye-contact. <<simone "Just, umm, what if she comes back and demands to make sure that you're still, umm, wearing it and all.">><<br>>
You can't understand her hesitation. Even if that's the case, you'd still //really// rather be the one holding the key.<<br>>
Instead of giving it to you, her hold on the thing just tightens. <<simone "I said //no//.">> She cries, in a tone firmer than you'd heard you use til now. You stare at her in alarm, and she falters nervously. <<simone "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout like that. I completely understand, it's a really tricky situation for you and all. It's just that- umm- I just think that maybe we should wait a little bit. A-at least for tonight. We'll work it out tomorrow.">><<br>>
And with that she abruptly walks off to the kitchen, leaving you watching her back in confusion.<<br>>
<<cont "day7eveSimoneKey2">>You don't know what to make of Simone's outburst in the slightest. She's been so helpful and considerate so far, why the sudden change in tone?<<br>>
It doesn't take much to work out that it must have something to do with what the Queen had whispered into her ear at the end, but you can't begin to guess what it might have been. If it was cruel threats that would be one thing, but nothing about her demeanor seems scared, and it's difficult to imagine her not confiding such a thing to you. It's a mystery.<<br>>
<<if $rabbit lte 15>>Any other time and you might have considered straight up demanding the key from Simone and not taken no for an answer - perhaps even taking it from her by force.<<else>>Any other time and you'd sit her down and try to impress upon her just how important this is, or at least try to get her to explain.<</if>> But this isn't any other time - just from her being entrusted with that key, the power balance between you has already shifted and warped. You can't dare <<if $rabbit lte 15>>act against her<<else>>try to pin her down<</if>> for fear of reprisal<<if $rabbit gte 16>> from the Queen if she went to her<</if>>.<<br>>
You realize with concern that this dynamic between you could become your new normal.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5">>You're so incredibly, perversely aware of the cage that's encasing your cock. The metal which had previously been so cold has now fully absorbed your body temperature - in fact, being more conductive than your skin, it's become so stiflingly warm that it feels almost like it's burning. You can feel every minute inch of each metal bar.<<if $pc.penis is 2>> The cage had looked so ridiculous and tiny before, but now that it's on you you realize to your shame that it's practically roomy around your shrunken member.<</if>><<br>><</if>>
<<include-part "day7eveQueenKey" "#keyCheck">><<setter "skeletonKey to true" "skeletonKey to 'merat6'" "keyholder to 'you'" "keyholder to 'simone'" "keyholder to 'queen'" "day7cage to 'punch'" "day7cage to 'negotiate'" "day7cage to 'cover'" "day7cage to 'obey'" "day7debriefMassage to 'massage'" "day7debriefMassage to 'stay'" "day7debriefCome to 'stand'" "day7debriefCome to 'kneel'">>
<<if $day7cage is 'punch'>>
With the Queen gone, you awkwardly scrabble back up to your feet from where you'd crumpled onto the floor.<<br>>
<<elseif $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>
With the Queen gone, you let out a deep <<if $day7cage isnot 'obey'>>sigh<<else>>annoyed groan<</if>> and stand up from the sofa, desperate to ease out some of the tension.<<br>>
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is 'kneel'>>
With the Queen gone, you scrabble back up to your feet from where you'd been kneeling and breath a deep <<if $day7cage isnot 'obey'>>sigh of released tension<<else>>annoyed groan of released tension<</if>>.<<br>>
<<simone "Goodness.">> Sighs Simone. <<simone "That was so intense!">><<br>>
She turns to you, her expression awash with concern.
<<if $cageSimone isnot "grace">>
<<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, I'm so incredibly sorry for saying all that stuff and getting you in trouble - I had no idea that the thingy was a secret! Are you alright?">>
<<simone "I'm so sorry, <<print $pc.name>>. I wish that I could have done more for you.">>
You grimace - after everything that went down you feel humiliated and ridiculous, but you at least try to reassure her that <<if $cageSimone isnot "grace">>the blame lies solely on the Queen, not her<<else>>it's not her fault that this happened<</if>>.<<br>>
The two of you settle into an uneasy silence, neither knowing what to say. You don't know how much Simone understood about what had happened just now, but no matter what it's more than you feel comfortable with.<<br>>
After a while, Simone perks up with <<simone "Umm... so, how did the banquet go?">><<br>>
You quickly tell her all about the tense, silent hall and the Queen's argument with 'great-aunt' Drusilla that practically consumed the whole event. <<if $caged is "day5">>The whole time, you're more aware than ever of the hard metal encasing your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>shrunken<</if>> cock<<else>>The whole time, you're so incredibly, perversely aware of the hard metal that's encasing your cock. The metal which had previously been so cold has now fully absorbed your body temperature - in fact, being more conductive than your skin, it's become so stiflingly warm that it feels almost like it's burning. You can feel every minute inch of each metal bar.<<if $pc.penis is 2>> The cage had looked so ridiculous and tiny before, but now that it's on you you realize to your shame that it's practically roomy around your shrunken member.<</if>><</if>><<br>>
<<simone "Gosh, that sounds so spooky!">> Simone remarks finally. <<simone "No //wonder// both of you seemed such a state after a nasty experience like that!">><<br>>
You frown at her mention of 'both of you'.<<br>>
<span id= "keyCheck">
<<section "checkCheck">>
<<check "Note: Originally there was a path written where you manage to use the skeleton key to get out of this, but it quickly overcomplicated the entire system in a way that would slow down future writing. It's a cute idea, but since players who don't want to be caged already have ways to avoid it I ended up cutting it. I hope that this isn't too disappointing!">>
<<if $skeletonKey is true>>
/* Suddenly an idea strikes you, and you can't help but grin to yourself. <<if $keyholder is "queen">>So she thinks that she has you under lock and key, does she? Well you might have just the thing to bypass that completely<<else>>Even if Simone is being stingy with the key, you might be able to bypass her entirely.<</if>>
<<link "Try using the clockwork mechanism you got a few days ago on the lock">>
<<set $skeletonKey to 'replica7'>>
<<set $keyholder += "Replica">>
<<goto "day7eveningReplica">>
<<link "Don't risk it.">>
<<goto "">>
<</link>> */
An idea strikes you, and for a moment you allow yourself to get excited - you still have the little unlocking <<imgl1nk "device" "skeletonKeyImg">> that you acquired the other day! However it isn't long before your hopes are dashed - it's clear just from looking at it that it's meant for locks much larger than the little jewelers-padlock on the cage, it won't be able to save you here.<<print _checkCheck>><<br>>
<<elseif $skeletonKey is "merat6">>
You remember the skeleton key that you had just yesterday, and for a moment curse Merat even harder than ever for having taken it from you. However, after some thinking you doubt that it would have been much use on such a little jewelers-lock anyway.<<print _checkCheck>><<br>>
<<cont "day7eve2">>
</span><<setter "day7cage to 'negotiate'" "day7cage to 'cover'" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false">>
You and Simone both breathe a sigh of relief at the Queen's departure.<<br>>
<<simone "Goodness.">> Simone says, after a few moments. <<simone "She really is //intense//, isn't she?">><<br>>
You can only nod in agreement. Simone is completely exhausted by her presence, and only had to deal with her a little while - you had to suffer it for the whole evening!<<br>>
<<if $day7cage is "negotiate">>
You're just thankful that you managed to talk her down from <<if $caged is "day5">>taking away your precious key and leaving you in the cage forever<<else>>putting you into a fucking cage<</if>>. You can't imagine how dire things would be right now if she'd had her way.
<<elseif $day7cage is "cover">>
You're just thankful that you managed to cover for the terrifying surprise appearance of the cage. You shudder to think what would have happened if she had worked out what it was<<if $caged is "day5">>, or that you've spent the last few days wearing it<</if>>.
Simone seems interested in hearing all about the banquet, and you quickly tell her all about the tense, silent hall and the Queen's argument with 'great-aunt' Drusilla that practically consumed the whole event.<<br>>
<<simone "Gosh, that sounds //horrible//.">> Simone says in sympathy. <<simone "No //wonder// the Queen came back here afterwards.">><<br>>
You frown, unsure at what she's getting at.<<br>>
<<simone "Well, if I got in a big fight with someone, let alone a family member, then I'd want some company afterwards too.">> She explains. <<simone "<<if $caged is 'day5'>>And since her husband wasn't in, I guess that we were the best that she had<<else>>And with the King so busy, I doubt that he'd be back til later - I guess that we were best that she had<</if>>.">><<br>>
The idea is charitable and sympathetic in a way that's very Simone, but you have your doubts. It's difficult to imagine the terrifying woman having those kinds of feelings in the first place, and even less so that she'd find presence of you, her blackmailee, in any way pleasant.<<br>>
<<cont "day7eve2">><<removeMakeup>>
You and Simone have already eaten, and with the hour getting late, there's little to do but prepare for bed.<<br>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone">>
Simone soon emerges from the kitchen, looking determined to try to continue as if nothing has happened. With the power that she now holds, you judge it unwise not to play along, no matter how ridiculous it feels to have this pressure now lingering between you.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot "day5" and $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>
You notice an empty paper bag on the sideboard which you think you remember the sweets you bought for Simone being put into, and can't help but smile. A part of you had //kinda// wanted to try one or two for yourself, but you can't bring yourself to be disappointed - you couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic reception for your gift.<<br>>
<<simone "Those were //really// good, by the way!">> Simone says, and now that you notice it, she //does// seem a little more animated than usual. <<simone "Thank you soooo much, <<print $pc.name>>. It was so sweet to receive them.">><<br>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone">>Her praise just makes the fact that she's not returning the key even more striking<<br>><</if>>
<<elseif $caged isnot "day5" and $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneAcc">>
It's only now that the stress is over that you realize that something about Simone looks a little unusual today, and it takes you a few seconds to work out what it is - she isn't wearing any of the accessories that you're used to seeing her in, instead she's decked almost head-to-toe in the ones which you bought for her today.<<br>>
She blushes a little as she sees you looking her up and down. <<simone "Thank you so much for all of these, <<print $pc.name>>. I got so happy when I saw them that I couldn't help but try them all out - they're absolutely perfect!">><<br>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone">>Her praise just makes the fact that she's not returning the key even more striking<<br>><</if>>
<<if $bear.new isnot true>>
After that Simone lets out a little yawn. <<simone "So, where do you think you'll be sleeping tonight?">><<br>>
<<set $bear.new to false>>
After that Simone lets out a little yawn. <<simone "We should probably think about heading to bed! Let me just check that the bedding's all fitted correctly.">><<br>>
She trots over to do as she says, but when she pulls the duvet away you <<if $bear.love is true>>gasp in delight<<else>>almost groan in resignation<</if>>. Underneath the cover is <<print $bear.name>>, the teddy bear that you <<if $bear.love is true>>got<<else>>were forced to get<</if>> in the boutiques earlier today, already in pride-of-place in the center of the Princess' bed.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh yes!">> Cheers Simone, having almost forgotten about it herself. <<simone "This was delivered along earlier - isn't he absolutely adorable? I love him! Tell me, does he have a name?">><<br>>
<<if $bear.love is true>>
You excitedly tell her.
You really want to deny it, and pretend that the bear has nothing to do with you, but something about the innocence in Simone's face draws the disclosure from your lips before you can stop yourself.
<<simone "How wonderful! Well it's so lovely to meet you properly, Mr. <<print $bear.name>>.">> The maid says with playful severity, shaking the teddy bear's hand seriously before giggling and giving it a big hug.<<br>>
<<if $bear.love is true>>
You grin to yourself. You'd been a little worried about Simone's reaction to finding out that you'd bought a teddy bear home, but you needn't have worried about judgement in the slightest - she's easily as enthusiastic about the idea as you.
You grimace. Any chance that you'd have had of disposing of the bear discreetly is evaporating in front of your eyes - it and Simone have already become inseparable it seems.
<<simone "Now, where would you like to sleep tonight, <<print $pc.name>>?">> Simone asks, once she's given <<print $bear.name>> a huge hug. <<simone "I think that <<print $bear.name>> is too big for the smaller bed, so he'll have to stay up here.">><<br>>
<<unset $bedDestroyed>>
<<include "sleepOptions">><<setter "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "queen.lenient to 'harsh'" "queen.lenient to true">>
<<set $day to 8>>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>
You and Simone both wait at attention for the Queen to whisk into the carriage. You can feel sweat begin to drip down the back of your neck at the thought of what she might ask of you today, now that she decided to take you even further under her wing.<<br>>
However, the door remains firmly closed. You and Simone both exchange nervous glances.<<br>>
Another patient knock comes from the door.<<br>>
Simone makes motions with her eyes, and awkwardly you <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>pull your dressing gown over your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> shoulders and<</if>> move forward to open the door.<<br>>
The sight that greets you when you do so isn't the Queen, but rather the kindly soldier that had been in charge of your morning reports before she started taking a more 'hands on' approach. He gives you a stiff morning salute.<<br>>
<<blue "Good morning, your Highness!">> He greets. <<blue "It's just me for today. I'm sorry, I know you must have loved being able to see your mom in the mornings. It's just that there's a bit of a problem brewing, and she couldn't find the time. She expressed her frustration most expressly.">><<br>>
You frown. No Queen in the morning certainly does make your day less stressful, but whatever she's doing must be urgent indeed if it's kept her from the task that she seemed so eager for last night. You just hope that this 'problem' won't end up in another disaster like the Baron's party.<<br>>
<<if $queen.lenient isnot "harsh">>
Some part of you feels a little jilted about having the encounter that you were expecting with her abruptly taken away at the last moment. Despite the fact that it's surely a good thing to not be visited by your blackmailer, you can't shake a vague feeling of abandonment.<<br>>
<<cont "day8wake2">>The solider gives you a slightly apologetic smile. <<blue "Now, if you'll excuse me, she requested that I relay another review. At least it's not too long this time - she said she'd spoken to you about some things already.">><<br>>
He brings out a crumpled page of notes from his pocket, coughs awkwardly, and starts reading.<<br>>
<<set _dayScore to 0>>
<<set _dayScore += $day7debriefScore>>
<<if $day7breakfastSkip is true>>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you were impudent this morning
The Queen <<liked>> that you were waiting attentively to greet her this morning.
<<if $day7meratGrass is true>>
The Queen <<liked "approved">> of you snitching on Merat, even if it <<mid "ruined her fun">>.<br>
<<if $day7queenThank is true>>
The Queen <<liked>> that you thanked her so sweetly this morning.<br>
<<if $day7kingSee is "talk">>
The Queen <<hated>> that you deliberately spoke to the King, and complains about the work that was needed to cover up the fact that he now seems so interested in arranging a meeting with this <<if $king.nameLie is "susan">>'Susan'<<elseif $king.nameLie is "maddie">>'Maddie'<<elseif $king.nameLie is "ruthe">>'Miss de la Ruthe'<<else>><<error>><</if>>.
<<elseif $day7kingSee is "hide">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you followed her orders to avoid the King. Also, despite it being quite unintentional, she <<liked "approved">> of the way that you flirted with one of the soldiers to do so.
<<elseif $day7kingSee is "command">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you followed her orders to avoid the King.
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
Oddly, the Queen doesn't tell you off for ending up getting caught up in the performance. If anything, she almost seems to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' it.<br>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't support the Prima Donna in the loos.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you supported the Prima Donna in the loos.
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wore the toga in a feminine style.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you wore the toga in an androgynous style.
<<if $day68theatreVoice is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you spoke loudly and clearly for the audience.
<<elseif $day68theatreVoice is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke in front of the audience.
<<elseif $day68theatreVoice is "mumble">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you mumbled your lines.
<<if $day68theatrePuzzle is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you worked out the right lines to say from context.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you couldn't work out the right lines to say from context.
<<if $day68theatreCue is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you couldn't improvise any lines to Mathias.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to improvise some lines on the fly.
<<if $day68theatreCover is false>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you didn't pull your toga back over your shoulder.<br>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about how you responded to the sonnets.<br>
<<if $day68theatreSwing is false>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you looked so uncomfortable sitting on your perch for so long.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you decided to swing so femininely.
<<if $day68theatreSwing is "cross" or $day68theatreSwing is "legs">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
To your surprise, the Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' your seductive performance<br>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about how you concluded the show.<br>
<<if $day68theatreDefend is "princess">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you defended yourself as the Princess<br>
<<if $day68theatreMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the theatre.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the theatre.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>
<<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you collapsed in the sauna.
<<elseif $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you went in the sauna.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you went along with the yoga session.
<<if $voice lte 2>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your moans came out so gruffly.<br>
<<if $day68spaMassage is "buttLet" or $day68spaMassage is "flipLet">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you received a 'full' massage.
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipCage">>
The Queen found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;disappointing@@'' that you didn't receive a 'full' massage, but can't hold it against you.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected the 'full' massage
<<if $day68spaMassage is "flipLet" and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that your pubic region was shaved for the masseuse.<br>
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipLet" and $pc.shave is "legs">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that the masseuse saw your pubic area when you hadn't shaved.<br>
<<if $day68spaMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the spa.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the spa.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">>
<<if $grace is 0>>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 1>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 2>>
The Queen thought that overall your grace while dancing was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@''.
<<elseif $grace is 3>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' of your overall grace while dancing.
<<elseif $grace is 4 or $grace is 5>>
<<set _dayScore ++>><<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that your overall dancing was so graceful.
<<if $day68danceEstelleMistake is true>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said something incongruent with your appearance to Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceEstelleDare is true>>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced like a commoner in front of everyone with Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareSkill is false>>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that Lord Lazare made you look stupid in front of everyone, concluding that sometimes failure is helpful to one's ends.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareSkill is true>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you avoided being humiliated by Lord Lazare.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareButt is "let">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you let Lord Lazare grab your butt, saying that such measures are 'an easy sacrifice for favor'.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "slapSorry">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you slapped Lord Lazare when he grabbed your butt, but ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you had the dignity to apologize.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "move">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you upset Lord Lazare by moving his hand from your butt.<br>
<<elseif $day68daceLazareButt is "slapExtract">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you outraged Lord Lazare by slapping him when he put his hand on your butt.<br>
<<if $day68danceFloriceDance is "lead">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected gender norms by leading Florice as you danced.<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is false and $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that Marthe clocked that you were an imposter and accused you as she was taken away<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you awkwardly clammed up while trying to defend Marthe from the guardsmen.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesHand is "shake">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you shook Gilles' hand like a man.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesReact is "sock">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you instinctively punched Gilles in the face.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchDown">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;disapproves@@'' of the fact that you had a trauma flashback with Gilles.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchSob">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that you fell to pieces during a trauma flashback with Gilles, though she at least ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you were 'femininely helpless' about it.<br>
<<if $day68danceHermineStyle is "flirt">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' the advice that you gave to Hermine.<br>
<<if $day68danceLast is "Lazare">>
<<set _dayScore ++>><<set _dayScore ++>>
Despite him being less powerful than he was letting on, the Queen still <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you chose to have your last dance with Lord Lazare, as he was still the most powerful person available.<br>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Lazare") is true and $day68danceLast isnot "Lazare" and $day68daceLazareButt isnot "slapExtract">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't choose Lord Lazare for the final dance.<br>
<<if $day68danceMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the ballroom.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the ballroom.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
<<if $day68boutGirl is "hide">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you hid behind your escort when confronted with a peasant girl on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "mean">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you appeared powerful and intimidating in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you embarrassed yourself while trying to intimidate the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "kind">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to appear benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way of the boutiques
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you did a poor job appearing benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<if $day68boutToyAisle is "doll">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you chose to look at the dolls instead of the soldiers in the toy shop.
<<elseif $day68boutToyAisle is "soldier">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you chose to look at the soldiers instead of the dolls in the toy shop.
<<if $day68boutToyBear is "reject">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ungraciously caused a scene rejecting the teddy bear.
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that you looked childish bringing home a giant teddy bear.
<<if $day68boutRestFashion is "queen">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you told the group of fashion-conscious women to emulate her style.<br>
<<if $day68boutRestBum is "close">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutRestBum is "give">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar, but unexpectedly it sounds like she found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;acceptable@@'' that you gave him money.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt2 is "rules">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said that the male power fantasy painting 'fucking ruled'<br>
<<if $day68boutArtFem is "silly">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you expressed dislike for the feminine painting, despite agreeing that it probably really was quite distasteful from the sound of it.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinions you voiced about either of the sexual paintings in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 is "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual feminine painting in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual male painting in the gallery.<br>
<<if $day68boutArtPaint is false>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#6960EC;dislike@@'' that you chose not to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it would have been evidence of impersonation.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' that you chose to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it could be evidence of your impersonation.
<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ran across the room to grab your clothing so indignantly in the clothes shop
<<if $voice lte 2>><<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->> and ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke while explaining matters.<<elseif $voice gte 3 and $voice lte 4>> though heard that your explanation was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passably@@'' feminine in tone.
<<elseif $voice gte 5>><<set _dayScore ++>>though ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' that you managed to verbally cover for yourself so capably.<</if>>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChange is "help">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you so indignantly made a scene asking for help while trying on clothing - you're grateful that she doesn't know the half of it.
<<if $day68boutMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the boutiques.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the boutiques.
<<if $day7banqAurora is true>>
The Queen seems to have <<mid "no idea">> that you confided in guard captain Aurora.<br>
You already know what the Queen thought about your behavior over dinner.<br>
The Queen <<mid "accepted">> your opinion on how she did during the banquet.<br>
<<if $day7debriefCome is "kneel">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you knelt before her in the evening.<br>
<<elseif $day7debriefCome is "stay">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you didn't come stand before her as she ordered.<br>
<<if $day7debriefMassage is "massage">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you offered her a shoulder massage that evening.<br>
<<elseif $day7debriefMassage is "complain">>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you complained about her taking on a larger role in your tutelage.<br>
<<if $day7cage is "negotiate">>
The Queen <<mid "accepts">> the deal you made that evening.<br>
<<elseif $day7cage is 'shout'>>
The Queen <<disliked>> that you shouted at her that evening.<br>
<<elseif $day7cage is 'punch'>>
The Queen <<hated>> that you raised your hand against her that evening.<br>
<<elseif $day7cage is 'obey'>>
The Queen <<liked>> that you obeyed her decision that evening.<br>
<<if _dayScore lte -150>><<set _dayScore -= 997>><</if>>
<<unset $day68theatreDonnaSupport>>
<<unset $day68theatreToga>>
<<unset $day68theatreVoice>>
<<unset $day68theatrePuzzle>>
<<unset $day68theatreCue>>
<<unset $day68theatreCover>>
<<unset $day68theatreRespond>>
<<unset $day68theatreSwing>>
<<unset $day68theatreFinale>>
<<unset $day68theatreDefend>>
<<unset $day68spaActivity>>
<<unset $day68danceEstelleMistake>>
<<unset $day68danceEstelleDare>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareSkill>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareButt>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareFinal>>
<<unset $day68danceLazarePace>>
<<unset $day68dancePartners>>
<<unset $day68danceFloriceGreet>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineLead>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineExplain>>
<<unset $day68danceMartheHide>>
<<unset $day68danceMartheDom>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesHand>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesAsk>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesReact>>
<<unset $danceNum>>
<<unset $day68boutGirl>>
<<unset $day68boutGirlCheck>>
<<unset $day68boutArray>>
<<unset $day68boutToyAisle>>
<<unset $day68boutToyBear>>
<<unset $day68boutArt1>>
<<unset $day68boutArt2>>
<<unset $day68boutArtFem>>
<<unset $day68boutArt5>>
<<unset $day68boutArt6>>
<<unset $day68boutArtPaint>>
<<unset $day68boutArtCount>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitStore>>
<<unset $day68boutPantiesStore>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitLinger>>
<<unset $day68boutPatChoice>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitChange>>
<<unset $day68boutPatOrder>>
<<unset $day68boutRestFashion>>
<<unset $day7debriefScore>>
<<if _dayScore lte -3>>
<<blue "All in all, she sounded pretty disappointed, I'm sorry to say.">> He says, giving you a slightly uncomfortable, but supportive smile. <<blue "Don't worry. Moms can be like that sometimes.">><<br>>
He doesn't know the half of it.
<<elseif _dayScore lte -2>>
<<blue "All in all, it sounds like she expects a lot of you, but doesn't think you're doing //too// badly, at least.">> He says, giving you a slightly uncomfortable, but supportive smile. <<blue "Don't worry. Moms can be like that sometimes.">><<br>>
He doesn't know the half of it.
<<blue "All in all, she tries to hide it, but I reckon she's pretty chuffed about how you've been doing.">> He remarks with a beaming smile.<<br>>
You're not sure if you can share his enthusiasm, but at least that's good news.
<<cont "day8wake3">><<setter "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'dress'">>
<<blue "Now, as for today.">> The soldier continues, tucking the note away again. <<blue "She said that since she's had to cancel her prior plans with you, you're to attend another of the activities she's suggested before. Which one takes your fancy today, your Highness?">><br>
<span id="choiceReplace">
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("dance") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to dance in the Bastille ballroom">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.push("dance")>>
<<replace "#choiceReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include "day8wake4">><</replace>>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("theatre") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to attend a performance at La Paonne theatre.">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.push("theatre")>>
<<replace "#choiceReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include "day8wake4">><</replace>>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("boutiques") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to go shopping in the Saint-Joules luxury boutiques district">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.push("boutiques")>>
<<replace "#choiceReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include "day8wake4">><</replace>>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("spa") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Choose to get pampered at the spa">>
<<run $saintChoiceArray.push("spa")>>
<<replace "#choiceReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include "day8wake4">><</replace>>
</span>The soldier smiles at your choice. <<blue "Great. That does sounds lovely. I'll arrange for the boys to pick you up later.">><<br>>
<<if $nightwear is "crop" or $nightwear is "dress">>
You fidget nervously at being on display wearing just your <<if $nightwear is "dress">>nightie<<else>>skimpy pajamas<</if>>, not just to the soldier but also whatever staff happen to be walking past, but force yourself not to draw attention by showing weakness and trying to cover yourself. You think that you can note more than a few lingering glances out the corner of your eye.<<br>>
<<blue "Now, as for the evening - her Majesty says that some of the local noblewomen and ladies-in-waiting have organized a little get-together in the Bastille, and extended an invitation for you to come along.">> He continues. <<blue "Sounds like an all-girl thing. A slumber party or some such, doing eachothers hair and stuff. I'll sure you'll have a swell time!">><<br>>
You're not too sure what to make of it, it's sounds both more easygoing than a lot of your tasks so far, and also absolutely terrifying the same time. From behind you, somewhat predictably, Simone makes a little gasp of glee at the news.<<br>>
With that, the solider doffs his cap. <<blue "Well, that's all I have to report, your Highness. I hope that you have a good one!">><<br>>
You bid him farewell and close the door, wondering what the day might bring.<<br>>
<<cont "day8morning">><<unset $day4guardResponse>>
<<unset $day4returnWake>>
<<unset $day5innConvoTopics>>
<<unset $day5outfitStore>>
<<unset $day5queenCall>>
<<unset $day68boutMood>>
<<unset $day68spaMood>>
<<unset $day6druRefer>>
<<unset $day6morningHand>>
<<unset $day7banqDrink>>
<<unset $day7banqDoing>>
<<unset $day7banqCutlery>>
<<unset $firstSleepDressupToken>>
<<unset $day7banqGreet>>
<<unset $day7banqLeave>>
<<unset $day7banqMaid>>
<<unset $day7banqPudding1>>
<<unset $day7banqPudding2>>
<<unset $day7banqToast>>
<<unset $day7breakfastSkip>>
<<unset $day7escape>>
<<unset $day7queenThank>>
<<if ndef $colette.earringsRemoved>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to "falseIsh">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud")>>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone" or $keyholder is "queen">>
<<set $fullCage to true>>
<<setter "day8change to 'hands'" "day8change to 'face'" "day8change to 'butt'" "day8change to 'penis'" "day8change to 'frame'" "day8change to 'boobs'">>
You and Simone both settle into your morning routine.<<br>>
<<set $morningTransform to $day8change>>
<<if $day8change is "hands">>
<<include [[day7changeHands]]>>
<<elseif $day8change is "face">>
<<include [[day7changeFace]]>>
<<elseif $day8change is "butt">>
<<include [[day7changeButt]]>>
<<elseif $day8change is "penis">>
<<include [[day7changePenis]]>>
<<elseif $day8change is "frame">>
<<include [[day7changeFrame]]>>
<<elseif $day8change is "boobs">>
<<include [[day7changeBoobs]]>>
<<else>><<error>><</if>>You wonder what part of your body might change next.<<br>>
<<if $pc.hands is 2>>
<<fail "My hands and feet getting daintier" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "My hands and feet getting daintier">>
<<set $day9change to "hands">>
<<goto "day8changeAfter2">>
<<if $pc.penis is 2>>
<<fail "My junk shrinking" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "My junk shrinking">>
<<set $day9change to "penis">>
<<goto "day8changeAfter2">>
<<if $pc.face is 2>>
<<fail "My face becoming more feminine" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "My face becoming more feminine">>
<<set $day9change to "face">>
<<goto "day8changeAfter2">>
<<if $pc.frame is 2>>
<<fail "My shoulders and waist getting slighter" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "My shoulders and waist getting slighter">>
<<set $day9change to "frame">>
<<goto "day8changeAfter2">>
<<if $pc.butt is 2>>
<<fail "My hips and butt growing" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "My hips and butt growing">>
<<set $day9change to "butt">>
<<goto "day8changeAfter2">>
<<if $pc.boobs is 2>>
<<fail "My boobs developing" "You've already chosen this once. Best to spread things out a bit before changing it again for now">>
<<link "My boobs developing">>
<<set $day9change to "boobs">>
<<goto "day8changeAfter2">>
<</if>><<setter "day7simoneTold to true" "day7simoneTold to false">>
<<switch $day9change>>
<<case "hands">>
The least invasive and troublesome part of sexual dimorphism has gotta be the hands and feet. Everything else is so socially, emotionally, or sexually charged, but nobody would really care if a guy had small feet except perhaps a little playful ribbing from his mates.
<<case "face">>
It's probably your face. It's no secret that a lot of women prefer fresh-faced young men to grizzled beardy ones. Changing your face to be a little less masculine would be a weird adjustment, but you probably wouldn't actually be that much worse off.
<<case "frame">>
You feel like you wouldn't mind having a slighter frame. There's nothing that you particularly //dislike// about broad shoulders and fat-distribution that favors your gut, but it's not like you're that fond of them either. Something about having a body that's more rounded and svelte has its appeal.
<<case "boobs">>
It's gotta be the boobs. You're a healthy, red-blooded guy - of //course// you like boobs. The idea of being stuck with them yourself is a little daunting, but part of you is deeply curious about how they feel.
<<case "penis">>
You come to an unpleasant internal realization that the part of you that you wouldn't mind changing is actually your cock. You desperately try to convince yourself that it's just because it's in many ways the least obvious change - safely hidden in your pants, where only sexual partners will be invited to see it anyway, but you're not sure if you find yourself all that convincing.
<<case "butt">>
You can't quite explain why it seems so appealing, but your answer is probably your butt. At the very least it'll make it a little easier to sit down on chairs without getting sore.
<<if $day7simoneTold is true>>
Simone is anxiously waiting for you as you emerge from the bathroom.<<br>>
<<simone "So">> She broaches. <<simone "It's true then - it's changing the things that you want to change. I mean, umm, the things you //don't// want to //not// change... or something like that.">><<br>>
You nod, unsure what you're supposed to feel about the development. On one hand it's unquestionably a good thing - previously you felt completely at the whims of cruel fate, simply having any degree of control over the matter is a godsend, even if you can't stop it from continuing.<<br>>
But on the other hand, somehow it feels more inevitable than ever. Yesterday it changed your <<print $day7change>>, today your <<print $day8change>>. You can kinda imagine how you might change tomorrow, and the next day, and the one after that, but what about a month from now? What about a //year//? This rate of transformation seems terrifyingly unsustainable.<<br>>
Simone puts a gentle hand on your shoulder, which you now realize must have been shaking from tension. <<simone "Hey, don't worry, <<print $pc.name>>. I know that it's scary, but just focus on the here and now. You don't need to worry about the big stuff until it happens, you know?">><br>
<span id="replace2">
<<link "She's right, best not to worry.">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<replace "#replace2" t8n>>
You force out a weak smile, that soon grows in strength. She's right - thinking about these things is just upsetting and scary, and it's not like all that worrying actually gets you anywhere helpful. You're better off just thinking about other things instead, and if those things happen to be fun and silly, then so much the better.<<br>>
It's a skill that you've become better and better at over the last week. At first it felt impossible to think about anything else, and you constantly felt like you were drowning in scary thoughts, but now it's almost effortless to focus your attention towards thinking about your friends instead, or even simple little things like what outfit you want to wear today.<<br>>
In fact, it's becoming a little habitual. It's conditioning really - if one thought pattern causes pain, and the other is fun and lighthearted, of //course// you'll end up thinking about the nice stuff instead. At this point, it's sometimes difficult even to remember that the stressful stuff is there at all, and you're not just in your own bubble of dreamy contentedness.<<br>>
<<cont "day8makeover">>
<<link "Actually I'm still kinda worrying a lot!">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#replace2" t8n>>
Simone means well, but you can't just shunt these thoughts to the side. Even if all worrying about it gets you is extra stress, at least you're still thinking, and not just letting life toss you too and fro and it's mercy.<<br>>
<<cont "day8makeover">>
<<elseif $day7simoneTold is false>>
The relief that you feel is twofold - not only does this mean that you can at least have a degree of control over your transformation, a godsend compared to being completely at the whims of cruel fate; but also it happened without you having told Simone that it was what you wanted. <<if $day7change is "penis" or $day7change is "boobs">>If she got a lucky guess the first time, then the chances of her doing it twice are pretty slim; and if she's somehow telepathic, then you're fucked anyway. It looks like you can trust her.<<else>>Unless she's telepathic or something, in which case you'd be fucked anyway, it looks like you can trust her.<</if>>
Simone is anxiously waiting outside as you emerge from the bathroom.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm. I'm sorry that you're still changing and stuff, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She broaches, awkwardly. <<simone "And, well, I wanted to apologize for sticking my nose in your business and upsetting you yesterday and stuff.">><br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "Give her a hug and apologize for doubting her">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>>
It was difficult to distrust Simone, and you're incredibly pleased that you don't have to do so any longer.<<br>>
The little maid squeaks in surprise as you grab her and hold her close for a moment, so relieved that you find the explanation spilling out of you.<<br>>
If Simone feels upset that you doubted her, then it's easily overwhelmed by her delight at things getting back to normal again. After a moment, she returns the hug gladly. <<simone "Oh gosh, <<print $pc.name>>. To think that you were dealing with something so scary! You poor thing.">><<br>>
<<if $simone.slept gte 4>>
The two of you share the moment for some time, and even after the catharsis fades both of you find yourselves lingering for a little longer, simply enjoying eachother's warmth.<<br>>
<<cont "day8makeover">>
<<link "Just accept her apology">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>>
Just because this alleviates some of the doubts that you have about her, doesn't mean that she's completely unsuspicious. And besides - you're really not the type to just meekly apologize anyway.<<br>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone">>
Plus, she still accepted the key to your cage for mysterious reasons, and still hasn't offered to let you out of it yet. So long as that stands between you, it's difficult not to be wary around her.<<br>>
You nod surlily, though not impolitely, and swiftly change the topic.<<br>>
<<cont "day8makeover">>
<</if>><<setter "keyholder to 'simone'" "keyholder to 'you'" "keyholder to 'queenHold'" "keyholder to 'queen'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'gown'">>
<<if ($nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown") and _day8nwToken isnot true>>
<<set _pageBreak to true>>
<<include "day8nw">>
<<elseif ($nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown") and _day8nwToken is true>>
<<unset _pageBreak>>
You decide to keep your dressing gown over your shoulders for another day.<<br>>
<<elseif _day8nwToken is true>>
<<unset _pageBreak>>
You let a nervous little smile reach your lips - why not? It's not like anyone other than Simone is going to be seeing you wearing it.<<br>>
You let the dressing gown fall down around you, and step out of it wearing nothing but your cute <<if $nightwear is "crop">>crop top and shorts<<else>>nightdress<</if>>.<<br>>
When Simone sees you strutting around the carriage so exposed she gives you a warm, encouraging smile.<br><br>
Part of you wishes that she'd call you a pervert instead. That knowing expression, like she's already worked out something that you're only just beginning to grasp, somehow feels even more accusatory in comparison. However, despite that, you still find yourself feeling deeply grateful to her.<<br>>
<<if _pageBreak isnot true>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone">>
<<include "day8makeoverSimone">>
<<include "day8makeover2">>
<</if>>As you settle in for the rest of your morning, you wonder if you'd still like to wear your dressing gown over your nightwear.<br>
<span id="nwReplace">
<<link "Stay as I am.">>
<<set _day8nwToken to true>>
<<replace "#nwReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8makeover]]>><</replace>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my flannel crop top and shorts">>
<<set $nightwear to "crop">>
<<set _day8nwToken to true>>
<<replace "#nwReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8makeover]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Ditch the dressing gown and stay in just my nightdress and panties">>
<<set $nightwear to "dress">>
<<set _day8nwToken to true>>
<<replace "#nwReplace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8makeover]]>><</replace>>
</span><<section "day8makeover2">>
The two of you settle down for some quick breakfast, and then Simone brightly asks <<simone "So, what kind of makeover do you fancy this morning?">><<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<include "day8makeoverOptions">>
<<pst "Character/Simone/edKuroki.jpg" "_day8makeover2">><<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
@@color:#797979;==Shave my pubic hair==@@
<<link "Shave my pubic hair">>
<<goto [[pubicShave]]>>
<<set $morningChange to "pubic">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Available because you have hairless legs">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]
@@color:#797979;==Get a haircut==@@
<<if ndef $pc.nails>>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]
@@color:#797979;==Paint my nails==@@
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>>
[[Take my makeup to the next level->makeup2][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
[[Take my makeup even further->makeup3][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 3>>
@@color:#797979;==Take my makeup to the next level==@@
[[Suggest putting on some makeup->makeup1][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
@@color:#797979;==Get my ears pierced==@@
[[Get my ears pierced->earPierce][$morningChange to "ears"]]
<<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.acc>>
[[Add some accessories to my hair->hairAcc][$morningChange to "hairAcc"]]
@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@
<<fail "Add some accessories to my hair" "Need styled hair">><br>
<<if ndef $pc.jewelry>>
[[Raid the Princess' jewelry collection!->jewelry][$morningChange to "jewelry"]]
@@color:#797979;==Raid the Princess' jewelry collection==@@
<<if ndef $pc.skin.care>>
[[Explore some of the Princess' elaborate skin creams->skincare][$morningChange to "skincare"]]<br>
@@color:#797979;==Explore some of the Princess' elaborate skin creams==@@<br>
<<if ndef $pc.heels>>
[[Try out wearing some heels->heels][$morningChange to 'heels']]
@@color:#797979;==Try out wearing some heels==@@
<<if ndef $pc.bra>>
[[Try on some bras->bra][$morningChange to 'bra']]
@@color:#797979;==Try on some bras==@@
<</if>>The two of you settle down for a quick breakfast, but you haven't even finished before Simone suddenly claps her hands together and exclaims, <<simone "Right. Let's do a makeover then, shall we?">><<br>>
Still groggy from waking, and with a forkful of sausage still paused mid-journey towards your mouth as you finish a yawn, you find yourself taken off-guard by her enthusiasm.<<br>>
The maid doesn't seem to notice, already leaping out of her chair to tidy the table. It's only when she tries to pull your plate away from you and you try to keep it from her that she sees your reluctance.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh come on, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She encourages. <<simone "It's a big exciting day! Don't you want to get makeover?">><<br>>
<<link "Sure, I guess">>
<<set $day8makeoverSimoneWant to true>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8makeoverSimone2">>
<<link "Not really">>
<<set $day8makeoverSimoneWant to false>>
<<goto "day8makeoverSimone2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8makeoverSimoneWant to true" "day8makeoverSimoneWant to false">>
<<if $day8makeoverSimoneWant is true>>
You don't hate these makeovers, and you understand that they're important for your role. In fact, you might even be close to admitting that you kinda like them for their own sake - it's fun to get pampered a little, after all.<<br>>
But usually these things can at least wait until you've finished breakfast and have woken up a bit. You really don't know what's gotten into the maid.
<<elseif $day8makeoverSimoneWant is false>>
Come on - you only do these things because you have to. If you had your way then you wouldn't have to do them ever again.<<br>>
You thought that Simone understood that, and she usually at the very least allows you time to rouse yourself and psyche yourself up for the task. You really don't know what's gotten into her.
However, Simone doesn't ease up in the slightest. <<simone "Come on, I just //know// that it'll come out cute today.">><<br>>
You've known her to be enthusiastic, but this is pushing it a little. After all, what makes this day much different than the last six? You keep a firm grip on your breakfast plate.<<br>>
The maid pouts grumpily, clearly disappointed by your reluctance, but then a thought seems to strike her. You watch her bite her lip in hesitation, her gaze suddenly unable to meet your own as she thinks something through.<br>
<<section "simoneKey1">>
/* <<simone "W-well...">> She says after a few wavering seconds, and then she seems to come to a decision - her little jaw tightening with determination. <<simone "Well, if you're going to be such a stuck-up-susan, then I suppose-">> Her hand reaches into the pocket of her maid apron to emerge again holding the little key to your cage aloft. <<simone "t-then maybe you">> */
<<simone "W-well...">> She says after a few wavering seconds, and then she seems to come to a decision - her little jaw tightening with determination. <<simone "Well, what if, umm, you could have a //reward// for it, you know...">><<br>>
/* You frown in confusion as the maid reaches into the pocket of her maid apron to get something. But what it emerges holding is enough to make your eyes bulge in surprise - the little key to your cage.<<br>> */
You frown in confusion as the maid reaches up to pull one of her necklaces forward, but then your breath hangs in your throat when you recognize what it is - the little key to your cage.
<<section "simoneKey2">>
<<simone "If you get your makeover nicely and stuff, then you can be l-let out of your cage this evening.">><<br>>
For a moment the two of you just stare at eachother in silence. Her in what almost seems like shy nervousness, and you in abject horror.<<br>>
Sure, the prospect of getting let out of your cage is a nice one, but the contrapositive of her statement echoes around the room louder than her actual words do - if you //don't// do as she says, then she'll keep you locked up all night.<<br>>
You almost can't believe that this is happening.
<<pst "Character/Simone/edKurokiKey.jpg" "_simoneKey1" "_simoneKey2" "50">>
<<link "Obediently do as she asks">>
<<set $day8simoneKey to "obedient">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8simoneKeyObedient">>
<<link "Screw this - rebel against her control">>
<<set $day8simoneKey to "rebel">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $morningChange to 'none'>>
<<goto "day8simoneKeyRebel">>
<</link>>You don't like the idea of ceding this kind of control over to the little maid, but the deal is too much of a no-brainer to be stubborn about. You freedom for the evening in exchange for something which you were <<if $day8makeoverSimoneWant is true>>wanting<<else>>expecting<</if>> to do anyway? No amount of weirdness would be enough to make you pass up on that offer.<<br>>
For a moment Simone just blinks at your meek acceptance of her terms, like she hadn't really thought that it would work, and then a slightly giddy smile creeps onto her face.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh, gosh! That's so lovely, thank you!">> She exclaims, so sweetly that it's almost as if she hadn't been holding you at duress. <<simone "It's going to be such a nice makeover, I promise!">><<br>>
By now she's positively vibrating with glee, her hands unable to resist flapping through the air delightedly.<<br>>
The strength of her response at this small acceptance, this tiny glimpse of power, could be a little concerning. However, her grin is so infectious that at least a part of you finds it difficult to feel anything but thrilled at having inspired such a response.<<br>>
<<simone "So.">> Says Simone, once she's calmed down a touch. <<simone "What do you fancy doing today?">><<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<include "day8makeoverOptions">>Your freedom for the evening in exchange for something which you were expecting to do anyway - it should be a no-brainer deal, but you know that it'll end up becoming much more complicated.<<br>>
Simone's a sweet girl, and even though she's trying to look serious you can see the anxiety on her face, but even so you'd rather not risk giving her a taste of power. Sure, it'll start with something simple like this, but who knows where it'll end? It's best to try to nip this in the bud right now.<<br>>
And besides, you're too stubborn to negotiate with anyone using such tactics. You firmly declare that you won't be having //any// makeover this morning.<<br>>
Simone's bluster momentarily seems to leave her as you make your refusal, and she blinks in confusion - like she'd been absolutely assured that this would work. However, soon her grumpy pout returns to her face. <<simone "W-well, if you're going to be such a stuck-up-so-and-so about this, then m-maybe a little bit longer in the cage might be good for you and stuff.">><<br>>
She stuffs the keys away again, and you try to force yourself not to show how yearningly you watch the little thing disappear into her colorful necklaces. Sure, you kept your pride, but was it worth it to be stuck in this horrible device for another night?<<br>>
A part of you wants to try to take it off of her by force. It wouldn't be that difficult, you figure, but she still has the authority of the Queen behind her - anything so direct would ruin you.<<br>>
<<cont "day8simoneKeyRebel2">>Without a makeover, you've got some free time to kill in the morning, but it's hardly relaxing. You end up spending most of it in an awkward stroppy stand-off with Simone, glaring sourly at eachother from the opposite ends of the carriage.<<br>>
You wish that you'd been able to overhear whatever it was that the Queen had told her last night. Without that information you feel like you're flying blind, unable to understand the maid's actions and what she thinks that she's playing at.<<br>>
It would be easier if it was just a personal conflict, but the situation is more pressing than that. She might not realize it, but Simone's not only holding your genitals at her mercy. As the only person who can ensure that you're dressed and presented correctly, you'd quickly be ruined without her. You can't afford an interpersonal breakdown.<<br>>
It's difficult to assess the situation rationally with the scales so weighted against you. When you finally make the lonely journey across the carriage to offer an olive branch and apologize, you believe that it's out of friendship rather than fear, but it's tough to say.<<br>>
Simone responds with a bashful awkwardness that makes it obvious that she'd been just about to apologize herself, but still makes no sign of offering you the key. Her last words worry you. <<simone "Let's just pretend that it never happened shall we? And see if you feel any different by tomorrow morning.">><<br>>
<<cont "day8training">><<unset $day8makeoverSimoneWant>>
<<unset $stashedStuff>>
It's time to put in a little more practice in how to act princessy. Due to the Queen's harsh scheduling, you'll only have time for ONE session this morning.<<br>>
<<if $authTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Authority->day7train2][$day7train to "auth"]] */
<<link "Practice Authority">>
<<set $day8train to "auth">>
<<goto "day8train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Authority" "You've already learnt everything you can about authority for now">><br>
<<if $graceTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Grace->day7train2][$day7train to "grace"]] */
<<link "Practice Grace">>
<<set $day8train to "grace">>
<<goto "day8train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Grace" "You've already learnt everything you can about grace for now">><br>
<<if $cuteTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Cuteness->day7train2][$day7train to "cute"]] */
<<link "Practice Cuteness">>
<<set $day8train to "cute">>
<<goto "day8train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Cuteness" "You've already learnt everything you can about cuteness for now">><br>
<<if $voiceTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Voice Training->day7train2][$day7train to "voice"]] */
<<link "Practice Voice Training">>
<<set $day8train to "voice">>
<<goto "day8train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<<fail "Practice Voice Training" "You've already learnt everything you can about voice training for now">><br>
<</if>><<if $day8train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day8train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day8train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day8train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<unset $day7train>>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>><<unset $day8train>>
Before you know it, it's almost time to head out for the day. You and Simone hurry to get you dressed up in preparation.<br>
<<if $caged is "day5" and $keyholder is "you">>
You quickly duck into the bathroom to slip your cock-cage back on.<<br>>
After the events of last night it's feels weird to be putting it on again, but just because you managed against-the-odds to <<if $day7cage is "cover">>keep the Queen from realizing what it was and using it against you<<else>>maintain your control over your freedom<</if>>, that doesn't mean that the situation's changed at all - an erection could still spell your doom. Best to keep using it.<br>
<<if $day8change is "penis">>
The cage feels different around you, and it takes a moment for you to realize to your humiliation that it's because of how much you've shrunk overnight. Previously it had been tight and compressing, but now it just feels snug and secure, like it had always meant to be this way.<br>
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("redgown") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\redgown.jpg]]@@
First Simone lays out the outfits you've already seen before, and then she reveals the one that she's been working on this morning.<br><br>
<<simone "The idea was that we could maybe do something a bit different today.">> She explains. <<simone "There's been lots of big fancy formal events to attend so far, but tonight's just a fun little slumber-party with some girls - so we get to try out something a bit more comfy and casual!">><br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<img "Outfits/sleepover.jpg">>
<td style="width:50%">
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<img "Outfits/sleepover.jpg">>
You find yourself gawking at her choice. Sure, you can't deny that it's more casual than usual, but if formality was the only thing keeping you from quite so much exposed skin then perhaps you were better off staying there.<<br>>
<<simone "Come on, <<print $pc.name>>!">> Simone encourages. <<simone "It's not //that// bad. I made special care to pick something that you'd be able to wear all day, too. I think it'll be really cute on you!">><<br>>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("outfit") is true>>
Before you can make your choice, you're interrupted by a rapping at the front door - a pair of Bastille guardsmen carrying a package for you.<<br>>
You take it in and unwrap it to find a glamorous outfit inside. From the style and color it isn't difficult to guess that it's come to Drusilla, even though it's difficult to imagine the old bag ever having worn something like this now - this must be the item that she mentioned she'd send you today!<br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<img "Outfits/drusilla.jpg">>
<td style="width:50%">
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<img "Outfits/drusilla.jpg">>
The ostentatious dark purple patterning absolutely screams 'villainous', but you can't deny that it's absolutely gorgeous. The only issue is that, even though the bodice and mantle-sleeves are lovely, Drusilla must have accidentally forgot to pack any bottoms to go with it!<<br>>
<<simone "No, silly.">> Simone responds with a giggle. <<simone "It's a //dress//! No bottoms required.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise at the revelation. Sure, it does have material that cascades down from the bodice, but most of it is sheer and transparent. There's enough of it that they might //somewhat// obscure the abdomen when added together, but you're sure that they'll still be slight glimpses of your panties through the material with every movement.<<br>>
And that's not to mention the way the bodice parts in the center - providing a perfect cut-out between it and the mantle to ensure that your upper chest is clearly exposed, with only a smattering of silken lace around the rim to keep you decent.<<br>>
/* You blink in surprise at the revelation. In that case it's absolutely scandalous - clearly revealing not only almost your entire back, but also your cleavage (or lack thereof), and leaving almost your entire legs exposed. You're not even sure if the ruffled 'skirt' would even cover your panties!<<br>> */
<<simone "I actually think it's quite reasonable.">> Argues the little maid. <<simone "Like, it shows off a lot, but I think that you could pull it off now. Perhaps your panties might get seen a //little//, but the layers with only give people a little glimpse. It //probably// won't be enough to expose you...">><<br>>
You groan. //Probably// isn't exactly comforting. However, as you hold the little dress up in your hands, you can't deny that the idea of wearing it is a little tempting.<<br>>
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the White-hooded outfit">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "whitehood">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("whitehood")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Outfit adorned with Roses">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "rose">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("rose")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Pink Blossom Dress">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "blossom">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("blossom")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("redgown") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Red Velvet Gown">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "redgown">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("redgown")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("sleepover") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Loose Sleepover Dress">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "sleepover">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("sleepover")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("outfit") is true>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("drusilla") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick Drusilla's Imposing Purple Mini-dress">>
<<set $day8outfitChoice to "drusilla">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("drusilla")>>
<<goto "day8dressup2">>
<</if>>Simone pulls out the mirror and helps you to undress.<br><br>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "blossom">>
<<include "blossomDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "redgown">>
<<include "redgownDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "sleepover">>
<<include "sleepoverDressup">>
<<if $day8outfitChoice is "drusilla">>
<<include "drusillaDressup">>
<<include "day8outfitEndChecks">><<unset $gown2nite>>
<<if $day8change is "boobs">>
<<simone "I know that your boobs just came in today and stuff.">> Simone brings up tentatively, as if testing the water. <<simone "But you know... if you wanted to try out going up a size we could still keep on adding some padding if you like.">><<br>>
You flinch at the mention, but she's not wrong - just because you have boobs now doesn't mean that they're all that big, maybe boosting yourself up to a B-cup might be helpful.<<br>>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "hairAcc">>
/* Sanitize hairAcc for frontend */
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">><<set _hairAccOption to "Gothic headpiece">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">><<set _hairAccOption to "Regal head chain">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">><<set _hairAccOption to "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">><<set _hairAccOption to "Velvet bows">>
Hair Accessories: <<listbox "_hairAccOption" autoselect>>
<<option "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<option "Gothic headpiece">>
<<option "Regal head chain">>
<<option "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<option "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<option "Velvet bows">>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "ears">>
/* Sanitize earrings for frontend */
<<set _pcEarOwn to []>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("onyxStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Round Onyx Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("pearlStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Elegant Pearl Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("daisyStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Cute Daisy Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("redStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Red Vortex Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("blueStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Blue Hibiscus Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("greenStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Green Stone Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Blue Hibiscus Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Red Vortex Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Green Stone Studs">>
Earrings: <<listbox "_pcEarWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcEarOwn>>
<<if $pc.bra is 1>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "bra">>
<<set _pcBraOwn to ["Black Lacy Bra", "Blue Floral Bra", "Vibrant Petal Bra", "White Jeweled Bra"]>>
<<if $pc.bra.choice is "blackLace">><<set _pcBraWear to "Black Lacy Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "blueFloral">><<set _pcBraWear to "Blue Floral Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "vibrantFloral">><<set _pcBraWear to "Vibrant Petal Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "whiteJeweled">><<set _pcBraWear to "White Jeweled Bra">>
Bra: <<listbox "_pcBraWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcBraOwn>>
<<if $pc.heels is 1>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "heels">>
<<set _pcShoeOwn to ["Black Lace Boots", "Blue Velvet Boots", "Pink Floral Heels", "Chunky White Heels", "Plain Black Flats"]>>
<<if $outfit.shoe.choice is "blackLace">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Black Lace Boots">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "blueVelvet">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Blue Velvet Boots">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "pinkFloral">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Pink Floral Heels">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "whitePlain">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Chunky White Heels">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "blackFlats">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Plain Black Flats">>
Shoes: <<listbox "_pcShoeWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcShoeOwn>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "makeup">>
<<if $pc.makeup is 3>>
<<if $outfit.makeup.eye.choice is "null">><<set _eyeTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.makeup.eye.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.makeup.eye.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.makeup.eye[_i].id is $outfit.makeup.eye.choice>>
<<set _eyeCapture to setup.makeup.eye[_i]>>
<<set _eyeTitle to _eyeCapture.Name>>
Eye Makeup :
<<link "_eyeTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1eyeMakeupPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $outfit.makeup.lip.choice is "null">><<set _lipTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.makeup.lip.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.makeup.lip.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.makeup.lip[_i].id is $outfit.makeup.lip.choice>>
<<set _lipCapture to setup.makeup.lip[_i]>>
<<set _lipTitle to _lipCapture.Name>>
Lipstick :
<<link "_lipTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1lipMakeupPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "jewelry">>
<<if $pc.jewelry is 1>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice is "null">><<set _neckTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.neck.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice>>
<<set _neckCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i]>>
<<set _neckTitle to _neckCapture.Name>>
Neck Jewelry :
<<link "_neckTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1jewelryNeckPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice is "null">><<set _handTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>>
<<set _handCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i]>>
<<set _handTitle to _handCapture.Name>>
Hand Jewelry :
<<link "_handTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1jewelryHandPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
/* unsanitize hairAcc */
<<if def _hairAccOption>>
<<if _hairAccOption is "Cute colorful hair clips">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "cuteClips">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Gothic headpiece">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "darkHeadpiece">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Regal head chain">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "regalChain">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Cool silver hair clasps">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "silverClasps">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Colorful ribbon tassels">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "tassels">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Velvet bows">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "velvetBows">>
/* unsanitize earrings */
/* <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<</if>> */
<<if _pcEarWear is "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Round Onyx Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Elegant Pearl Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Cute Daisy Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Red Vortex Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "redStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Blue Hibiscus Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "blueStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Green Stone Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "greenStud">>
<<if $colette.earringsRemoved is false and $pc.ears.wearing isnot "coletteStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<if _pcBraWear is "Black Lacy Bra">><<pickBra "blackLace">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "Blue Floral Bra">><<pickBra "blueFloral">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "Vibrant Petal Bra">><<pickBra "vibrantFloral">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "White Jeweled Bra">><<pickBra "whiteJeweled">>
<<if _pcShoeWear is "Black Lace Boots">><<pickShoe "blackLace">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Blue Velvet Boots">><<pickShoe "blueVelvet">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Pink Floral Heels">><<pickShoe "pinkFloral">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Chunky White Heels">><<pickShoe "whitePlain">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Plain Black Flats">><<pickShoe "blackFlats">>
<<goto "day8gaspard">>
/* :: testing
<<if $firstTime isnot true>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.owned to ["coolRings", "handChain"]>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice to "null">>
<<set $firstTime to true>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice is "null">><<set _handTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>>
<<set _handCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i]>>
<<set _handTitle to _handCapture.Name>>
Hand Stuff :
<<link "_handTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1jewelryHandPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $nat is true>>NAT!<</if>><<br>>
<<link "continue">>
<<goto "testing">>
<</link>> */<<set _ownedEyeMakeupArray to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $outfit.makeup.eye.owned.length; _i++>>
<<for _j to 0; _j lt setup.makeup.eye.length; _j++>>
<<if setup.makeup.eye[_j].id is $outfit.makeup.eye.owned[_i]>>
<<set _ownedEyeMakeupArray.push(setup.makeup.eye[_j])>>
<<set _ht1 to '<table id="desk" style="width:50%; margin: 0px auto;" class="center">'>>
<<set _ht2 to '<table id="phone" style="width:100%" class="center" data-nokeys="true">'>>
<<set _hts to "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _ownedEyeMakeupArray.length; _i++>>
<<if !(_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += "<tr>">>
<<set _hts += '<td style="width:50%">'>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupEye ` + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>><br>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupEye ` + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<if (_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupEye "Null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupEye "Null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%"> `>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `</table>`>>
<<print _ht1 + _hts>>
<<print _ht2 + _hts>>
/* <table style="width:100%">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _ownedEyeMakeupArray.length; _i++>>
<<if (_i % 2)>>
<td style="width:50%">
<<capture _i>>
<<print "<<img '" + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].imglinkAdd + "' 'simg'>>">><br>
<<link _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].Name>>
<<pickMakeupEye _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].id>>
state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")
<td style="width:50%">
<<capture _i>>
<<print "<<img '" + _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].imglinkAdd + "' 'simg'>>">><br>
<<link _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].Name>>
<<pickMakeupEye _ownedEyeMakeupArray[_i].id>>
state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")
<<if (_i % 2)>>
<td style="width:50%">
<<link "None">>
<<pickMakeupEye "Null">>
state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")
<td style="width:50%">
<<link "None">>
<<pickMakeupEye "Null">>
state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")
<td style="width:50%">
</table> */<<set _ownedLipMakeupArray to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $outfit.makeup.lip.owned.length; _i++>>
<<for _j to 0; _j lt setup.makeup.lip.length; _j++>>
<<if setup.makeup.lip[_j].id is $outfit.makeup.lip.owned[_i]>>
<<set _ownedLipMakeupArray.push(setup.makeup.lip[_j])>>
<<set _ht1 to '<table id="desk" style="width:50%; margin: 0px auto;" class="center">'>>
<<set _ht2 to '<table id="phone" style="width:100%" class="center" data-nokeys="true">'>>
<<set _hts to "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _ownedLipMakeupArray.length; _i++>>
<<if !(_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += "<tr>">>
<<set _hts += '<td style="width:50%">'>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedLipMakeupArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedLipMakeupArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupLip ` + _ownedLipMakeupArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>><br>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedLipMakeupArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedLipMakeupArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupLip ` + _ownedLipMakeupArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<if (_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupLip "Null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickMakeupLip "Null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%"> `>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `</table>`>>
<<print _ht1 + _hts>>
<<print _ht2 + _hts>><<set _ownedJewelryNeckArray to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $outfit.jewelry.neck.owned.length; _i++>>
<<for _j to 0; _j lt setup.clothing.jewelry.neck.length; _j++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_j].id is $outfit.jewelry.neck.owned[_i]>>
<<set _ownedJewelryNeckArray.push(setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_j])>>
<<set _ht1 to '<table id="desk" style="width:50%; margin: 0px auto;" class="center">'>>
<<set _ht2 to '<table id="phone" style="width:100%" class="center" data-nokeys="true">'>>
<<set _hts to "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _ownedJewelryNeckArray.length; _i++>>
<<if !(_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += "<tr>">>
<<set _hts += '<td style="width:50%">'>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedJewelryNeckArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedJewelryNeckArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryNeck ` + _ownedJewelryNeckArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>><br>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedJewelryNeckArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedJewelryNeckArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryNeck ` + _ownedJewelryNeckArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<if (_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%"> `>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `</table>`>>
<<print _ht1 + _hts>>
<<print _ht2 + _hts>><<set _ownedJewelryHandArray to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $outfit.jewelry.hand.owned.length; _i++>>
<<for _j to 0; _j lt setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length; _j++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_j].id is $outfit.jewelry.hand.owned[_i]>>
<<set _ownedJewelryHandArray.push(setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_j])>>
<<set _ht1 to '<table id="desk" style="width:50%; margin: 0px auto;" class="center">'>>
<<set _ht2 to '<table id="phone" style="width:100%" class="center" data-nokeys="true">'>>
<<set _hts to "">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _ownedJewelryHandArray.length; _i++>>
<<if !(_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += "<tr>">>
<<set _hts += '<td style="width:50%">'>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedJewelryHandArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedJewelryHandArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryHand ` + _ownedJewelryHandArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>><br>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += '<<img ' + _ownedJewelryHandArray[_i].imglinkAdd + " 'simg'>><br>">>
<<set _hts += '<<link "' + _ownedJewelryHandArray[_i].Name + '">>'>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryHand ` + _ownedJewelryHandArray[_i].id + `>>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<if (_i % 2)>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryHand "null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%">`>>
<<set _hts += `<<link "None">>`>>
<<set _hts += `<<pickJewelryHand "null">>`>>
/* <<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>`>> */
<<set _hts += `<<script>>Dialog.close();Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>`>>
<<set _hts += `<</link>>`>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `<td style="width:50%"> `>>
<<set _hts += `</td>`>>
<<set _hts += `</tr>`>>
<<set _hts += `</table>`>>
<<print _ht1 + _hts>>
<<print _ht2 + _hts>>It only takes a few minutes of waiting before your escort knock politely at the carriage door, ready to take you to <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'theatre'>>the theatre<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'spa'>>your spa appointment<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'dance'>>the ballroom<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is 'boutiques'>>the boutiques<</if>>.<<br>>
You fall in line behind them, but you don't get far through the corridors of the Bastille before you notice someone that you recognize - the stooped posture of Duke Gaspard, Duchess Drusilla's henpecked husband, muttering with a steward.<<br>>
You just about make out the words <<gaspard "urgent">> and <<gaspard "tomorrow">>, before he seems to notice you and frantically shoos the man away.<<br>>
<<gaspard "Ah, your Highness!">> He greets nervously. <<gaspard "What an unexpected surprise to see you!">><<br>>
You try to gauge how you think about him.<<br>>
<<link "He's pathetic, beneath my concern">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8gaspardMood to "wolf">>
<<goto "day8gaspard2">>
<<link "I just feel sorry for the poor guy">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8gaspardMood to "sorry">>
<<goto "day8gaspard2">>
<<link "Anyone who cares about the proletariat is a comrade of mine, even if he's from the ruling class">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8gaspardMood to "comrade">>
<<goto "day8gaspard2">>
<<link "I don't trust him">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8gaspardMood to "distrust">>
<<goto "day8gaspard2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8gaspardMood to 'sorry'" "day8gaspardMood to 'comrade'" "day8gaspardMood to 'distrust'" "day8gaspardMood to 'wolf'">>
<<switch $day8gaspardMood>>
<<case "sorry">>
He's sweet, and seems okay, but watching how his wife treats him is horrible. You really feel sorry for the guy.<<br>>
The last thing you want is to make him feel any worse. You greet him as warmly and comfortingly as you can.<<br>>
Rather than seeming reassured, for some reason your behavior draws a flinch from the man, and he seems briefly incapable of meeting your gaze.
<<case "comrade">>
He may be truly under his wife's heel, but yesterday he proved to you that he fights for the common man, and that puts him higher in your estimation than almost everyone else you've met in the last week.<<br>>
You can see his eyes bulge a little in surprised confusion when, instead of curtsying politely for him, you walk up and clasp him firmly on the forearm as comrades.<<br>>
He doesn't seem to recognize the greeting, instead merely spluttering <<gaspard "M-my, what, err, a //strong// grip you have, your Highness.">>
<<case "distrust">>
Despite eating with him last night, the man had spoken so little that you don't have a good read on him yet. He certainly //seemed// non-threatening, but you don't let your guard down that easily.<<br>>
You greet him politely but warily.<<br>>
It's a demeanor which he matches, both of you remaining cordial but cautious around the other.
<<case "wolf">>
The wretched toad seems completely under the heel of his wife, which marks him as wholly beneath your concern.<<br>>
You give him a curt, arrogant greeting. However, other than a brief scowl he certainly doesn't seem perturbed by the interaction - after all, with his wife he must be used to it by now.
<<gaspard "I've been quite busy, since last evening, you know.">> He explains after a moment's awkward pause. <<gaspard "Arranging all of the necessary things to prepare for the meeting with the peasants and all that.">><<br>>
<<if $day7banqGaspard is "glare" or $day9banqGaspard is "smile">>
For a moment his gaze gets a little more distant as he gets caught up in his own thoughts. <<gaspard "I still can't believe that she really agreed to it. It'll happen tomorrow, and it'll finally be time to show her. Finally. She'll be so //pleased//.">>
<<elseif $day7banqGaspard is "support">>
<<gaspard "I-I suppose that I owe you thanks for giving me, err, I mean, giving the //peasants// your support last night. Without your help I don't think she'd ever have agreed to it. It'll happen tomorrow, and it'll finally be time to show her. Finally. She'll be so //pleased//.">>
<<elseif $day7banqGaspard is "grace">>
<<gaspard "I-I suppose that I owe you a great deal. It was your words that set the two of them off, and now not only has she agreed to it, but I've got all of the funding I could ever desire. It's funny, really, I don't think it could have happened without you. It'll happen tomorrow, and it'll finally be time to show her. Finally. She'll be so //pleased//.">>
You look at him in surprise. You'd have expected that something like this would take weeks to prepare, not just a day.<<br>>
<<gaspard "There's no time.">> Gaspard responds, fidgeting a little with his hands. <<gaspard "Got to strike while the iron's hot. Luckily I had most of it already prepared. I must be off to arrange the rest. Good day, your Highness - do enjoy it.">><<br>>
And with that he hurries off down the corridor. Your escort of royal soldiers watch his odd figure retreat away with much the same bafflement as you do before, with a shrug, heading onwards to your afternoon activity.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">><<goto "day68theatre">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">><<goto "day68spa">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">><<goto "day68dance">>
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">><<goto "day68boutiques">>
<</link>>As you're led back through the Bastille corridors, the soldier in charge announces. <<blue "Right. Looks like we're due to take you to...">> He squints at his piece of paper. <<blue "Ah, the ladies-in-waiting wing. Grand.">><br><br>
He leads your escort down a corridor that you haven't traveled before, and it isn't long before the barren decor shifts in tone. An attempt has clearly been made to dreary place at least a little less desolate in tone by putting ribbons and decorations up along the walls. The effort is only somewhat successful.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteStart.jpg">>
Naturally, it's all in bright pink. You brace yourself for the evening of giggling femininity that you're about to be exposed to.<<br>>
Your escort suddenly halt in the middle of the corridor, and stand in salute. The officer in charge, somewhat bashfully, explains <<blue "This is as far as we take you I think, your Highness. From here onwards is the ladies' dormrooms. Wouldn't want to intrude and see something we oughtn't, you know. Why, if we were to accidentally lay eyes on a pair of s-smallclothes that some fragile maiden laid out somewhere, well, I just wouldn't be able to live with myself.">><<br>>
<<blue "Rest assured that we'll be standing guard out here. Nobody's going to be be there other than charming young ladies like y'usself, we'll stake our honor on it.">><<br>>
You hesitate for a moment, but he just smiles at you encouragingly. You're left with little option other than to go on ahead by yourself.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteStart2">>You walk the rest of the way yourself. The ladies-in-waiting wing is larger than you expect, with dozens of hallways and bedrooms around the place. You don't really know which way you're meant to be going, but you're confident that you'll stumble onto it eventually.<<br>>
As you go, you try to recall what exactly ladies-in-waiting even are. Noblewomen? Servants? Something in between? What are they waiting for, and why has the Bastille ended up accruing quite so many?<<br>>
You're so busy thinking on the matter that you don't even notice one coming around the corner until she bumps right into you. The two of you almost tumble straight to the floor.<<br>>
<<link "Apologize profusely">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8ladyBump to "fawn">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart3">>
<<link "Demand that she apologize">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8ladyBump to "wolf">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart3">>
<</link>><<setter "day8ladyBump to 'fawn" "day8ladyBump to 'wolf'">>
<<if $day8ladyBump is "fawn">>
You flusteredly apologize for having been so lost in thought, absolutely mortified that this is going to be your first impression with these girls.
<<elseif $day8ladyBump is "wolf">>
You snap angrily at the young woman for having the audacity to rudely run straight into you.
<<unset $day8ladyBump>>
However your words are soon cut short when you realize that the young woman has tears pouring down her face, making her makeup run down in streaks with it.<<br>>
<<pink "She- she... she's such a //bitch//!">> She bawls, before continuing to run on past you, sobbing the whole way. You watch her go with confusion.<<br>>
The next woman you go past is in a slightly better state, but not by much. Rather than being in tears, she's absolutely fuming, so angry that you can see a vein pulsing at her temple. You wisely give her a wide berth as she storms past you muttering <<pink "She can't get away with this. I'll //get// her. This is an //outrage//.">><<br>>
The next that runs past you are pair of girls, clutching at eachother for support. The one after that has to hold her hands to her chest to keep her ripped dress from exposing her breasts. And then the one after her seems to have had a huge clump of her hair ripped out from the roots.<<br>>
You follow the trail of wailing, fleeing women back to their source. By the time you reach the doorway, there's little doubt left in your mind about who you'll find inside - nobody else could cause mayhem like this.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteStart4" "Open the door">><<img "Passage/day8coletteStart4.jpg">>
The pink bedroom had clearly been set up nicely for a girly get-together, with pillows arranged in a circle to sit upon in the center of the room and snacks heaped up on a side table, but now it's been completely trashed. There's a few signs of struggle, but most of it seems more out of callous, mischievous destruction than anything.<<br>>
And there, sitting in a deeply unladylike posture in the middle of the room, surrounded by feathers, torn ribbon, and loose strands of hair; and with a deeply smug expression on her face, is Colette Lavalette. The very image of a fox in the henhouse.<<br>>
Her cheek is a little puffy from when one of the girls must have slapped her, but she seems far from deterred by it, and specks of blood glistening under her sharp nails tell you that she was far from the loser in the exchange.<<br>>
At first she seems to just be luxuriating in the rapture of the chaos she's caused, breathing heavily from what you hope is exertion, but could be excitement. And then she notices your presence, and her face creases into an almost maniacal grin.<<br>>
<<colette "Ahh, //there// you are, //Princess//.">> She calls out in greeting, once again managing to say the title less like a rank of dignity and more like the degrading name of a pet animal. <<colette "Well, did you //really// think that you'd be able to get away from me that easily?">><<br>>
You try to work out how you're supposed to react.<<br>>
<<link "A determined grin - time to settle the score with this bitch!">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8coletteReact to "determined">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart5">>
<<link "A flutter of cowed delight - she's finally back!">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day8coletteReact to "sub">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart5">>
<<link "Terror - she could ruin everything!">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8coletteReact to "scared">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart5">>
<<link "Exhaustion - oh for fuck's sake, not her again!">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8coletteReact to "exhausted">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart5">>
<</link>><<setter "day8coletteReact to 'determined'" "day8coletteReact to 'sub'" "day8coletteReact to 'scared'" "day8coletteReact to 'exhausted'" "escapePartner to 'colette'" "escapePartner to 'elodie'" "escapePartner to undefined">>
<<switch $day8coletteReact>>
<<case "determined">>
She's spelled nothing but trouble for you so far, but you can't deny the thrill of excitement that runs through you at her return. Her games may be twisted, but you can't deny that they're exhilarating. You can't wait to put her in her place.
<<case "sub">>
She's terrifying, and gets you caught up in her sadistic world, and yet, against all of your best interests, you can't deny that you haven't spent every day since then unable to keep her, and the way that she treats you, from your thoughts. You can't help but flinch at being held once more under her mocking, obsessive gaze, but it's not just from fear - it's also from the sheer intensity of your instinctive reaction, and anticipation of what's to come.
<<case "scared">>
You flinch with dread at the sight of Colette. She's a horrible woman who seems desperate to cause you suffering - the last person that you wanted to see this evening. She seems to always know just the right way to turn every situation into a horrible tightrope walk for you, with your very life and dignity on the line.
<<case "exhausted">>
You all-but roll your eyes at the development. Of //course// this pleasant little evening hanging out with some girls was too easy for your bad luck to ever let come to fruition. Now you've been thrown right back into the lion's den with a girl who's obsessed with making your life as stressful as possible.
She rises to her feet, casually wiping the detritus of her rampage off of her typical sickly-sweet pink outfit. <<colette "You're going to have to try a lot harder than //that// if you want to keep me away.">> She taunts, as if the Scarecrow Killer's attack, and the slaughter of dozens of people, had been nothing more than a playground trick that you pulled to be rid of her.<<br>>
<<if $escapePartner is "colette">>
/* She seems to think that */
/* A part of you had been wondering if you saving her life during the attack would have been enough to get her to see you any differently, but if anything, it seems like the opposite is the case. Her gaze on you hardens with an intensity even more bitter than usual as between clenched teeth she continues <<colette "And for cowardly trying to twist the situation so that ">> */
<<colette "And as for that //stupid// little stunt you pulled drawing that monster away...">> She continues, her eyes flashing angrily as she remembers you saving her life back at the Baron's party. <<colette "How //dare// you try to steal my valor? I had that group of survivors eating out the palm of my hand, and then you show up with //gross// little display and then you're all that they could talk about. I'm going to fucking //destroy// you for that, you understand?">><<br>>
You can still remember the look on her shaking, scared face from that day. You almost can't believe that that girl somehow still ended up twisting you saving her life into something else to be angry at you about. Or perhaps that's the point - unable to accept her own weakness in the face of terror, and needing someone to blame. Either way, she hates you all the more now.<<br>>
<<colette "The moment I heard that there was going to be a party here, it was //easy// to get an invite.">> She explains, stepping forward with such intensity that you find yourself backing away from her. <<colette "But it wasn't good enough to have to deal with an //audience// too - I needed to have you //all to myself//. So I had to get rid of them.">><<br>>
You feel the cold stone of the wall at your back, and you can't retreat any further as she moves so close that you can feel her warm breath on your face. <<colette "And now you're all //mine//.">><<br>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
She lingers there for a moment, before her eyes flash with recognition and an amused smirk crosses her face. <<colette "Cute //earrings//, by the way.">> She teases.<<br>>
<<if $colette.earringsRemoved is false or $colette.earringsRemoved is "falseIsh">>
Her recognition of the earrings, which you haven't let be removed for a moment since she first forced them onto you, is enough to send your mind going haywire. If the fact that you're still wearing them wasn't already more than enough of a tell that you've been subject to strange, feelings about her that you can't fully explain, then the way your cheeks go bright crimson at her mention of it must leave little question remaining of the matter.<<if $colette.earringsRemoved is "falseIsh">><<check "Sorry if you did actually remove it in the meantime! I forgot to track it as a variable, so since this save is from an earlier version & you're wearing them today I decided to err this way and add this message :P">><</if>><<br>>
For a moment Colette frowns, seemingly completely confused at the behavior, but it's only for a moment before her horrid smirk returns. No matter whether she understands it or not, it's unquestionably a victory for her, and perhaps a sign of weakness that she can exploit for further victories in the future, if only she could work out what it could possibly mean.
<<elseif $colette.earringsRemoved is true>>
Your eyes widen in horror. Oh gods - you're wearing her earrings today! She must think that you're some pervert or something who hasn't taken them off since seeing her.<<br>>
<<if $pc.hair.style isnot "shortup" and $pc.hair.style isnot "spiky">>
You quickly shake your head to try to hide your ears behind your hair, but it's far too late for that.
You curse, trying hard to convince yourself that you only wore them today because they're cute, not out of some fucked up loyalty or anything.
Content that she's relished the moment enough for now, Colette lightly dances away from you again.
She lingers, relishing the moment, before lightly dancing away again.
You frown. Colette may be a complete psycho, but she's certainly not stupid. You're used to seeing her carefully balance her cruel private self against her sickly-sweet public one - careful to maintain a reputation strong enough that she can keep getting away with everything because nobody believes her capable of such things. Pulling a stunt this bold is completely unsustainable - it's going to cost her dearly.<<br>>
And yet, nothing in her delighted demeanor makes you think that she gives a damn about the price. She must have been //desperate// to see you again.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteStart6">>/* <<colette "So.">> Colette says, spinning around to face you again so sharply that her short dress spins out high enough that you can almost see her panties. <<colette "I'm sure you're already wondering what games we're going to be playing this evening.">><<br>>
You try not to let your surprise show on your face. At this rate, you thought that this might just be leading towards her trying to torture you or something, the idea that she came here just to play games with you feels almost childish in comparison. But then, she always has seemed weirdly obsessed with competitions, hasn't she? You wonder what significance they might have held when her and the Princess were young.<<br>>
<<colette "Since we seem to have the entire wing to ourselves, I thought we'd start off with a //classic// - Hide and Seek.">> She explains, beginning to pace from side-to-side across the room with so much giddy, impatient anticipation that she's almost skipping with every step.<<br>>
<<colette "Only, we'll have to make it //interesting// for ourselves, won't we? How about we combine it with another little game, one of my favorites - Truth or Dare.">><<br>> */
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<colette "So.">> Colette says, spinning around to face you again so sharply that her short skirt twirls out around her. <<colette "I'm sure you're already wondering what games we're going to be playing this evening.">><<br>>
You try not to let your surprise show on your face. The way that this was going, you thought that this might just be leading towards her trying to outright torture you or something, the idea that she came here just to play games with you feels almost childish in comparison. But then, she always has seemed weirdly obsessed with competitions, hasn't she? You wonder what significance they might have held when her and the Princess were young.<<br>>
<<colette "Since we seem to have the entire wing to ourselves, I thought we'd start off with a //classic// - Hide and Seek.">> She explains, beginning to pace from side-to-side across the room with so much giddy, impatient anticipation that she's almost skipping with every step.<<br>>
<<colette "Only, we'll have to make it //interesting// for ourselves, won't we? How about we combine it with another little game, one of my favorites - Truth or Dare.">>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/gokka.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Gokka)@@</div>
/* @@color:#797979;text-align:center;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Gokka)@@ */
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/gokka.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Gokka)@@</div>
<<colette "So.">> Colette says, spinning around to face you again so sharply that her short skirt twirls out around her. <<colette "I'm sure you're already wondering what games we're going to be playing this evening.">><<br>>
You try not to let your surprise show on your face. The way that this was going, you thought that this might just be leading towards her trying to outright torture you or something, the idea that she came here just to play games with you feels almost childish in comparison. But then, she always has seemed weirdly obsessed with competitions, hasn't she? You wonder what significance they might have held when her and the Princess were young.<<br>>
<<colette "Since we seem to have the entire wing to ourselves, I thought we'd start off with a //classic// - Hide and Seek.">> She explains, beginning to pace from side-to-side across the room with so much giddy, impatient anticipation that she's almost skipping with every step.<<br>>
<<colette "Only, we'll have to make it //interesting// for ourselves, won't we? How about we combine it with another little game, one of my favorites - Truth or Dare.">>
<<colette "We take turns picking whether the loser will either have to tell the truth about something, or have to do //whatever// dare the winner thinks of. Then they go and hide somewhere in the area while the other has to find and tag them out.">><<br>>
She stops pacing to turn towards you, her hands triumphantly on her hips. <<colette "Well, what do you think?<<if $pc.boobs isnot 2>> Just remember that your chances of beating me are as non-existent as your tiny little //tits//.<</if>>">><<br>>
<<link "Quickly agree, desperate to please her">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8coletteRules to "sub">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7">>
<<link "Nod with a confident smile. I can work with this">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8coletteRules to "dom">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7">>
<<link "Negotiate to make sure that there's no tricks">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8coletteRules to "check">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7">>
<<link "Why would I go along with this? Refuse!">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8coletteRules to "refuse">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7no">>
<</link>><<setter "day8coletteRules to 'refuse'" "day8coletteRules to 'check'" "day8coletteRules to 'dom'" "day8coletteRules to 'sub'">>
<<switch $day8coletteRules>>
<<case "sub">>
The last thing that you want is to draw any more of Colette's ire. She can barely finish her sentence before you're already yapping out your acceptance with all of the enthusiasm of a dog that's heard that it's being taken for walkies.<<br>>
You can't help but blush a little at hearing yourself - you really didn't mean for it to come out like that. Thankfully Colette seems to just take it for competitive zeal.
<<case "dom">>
So this is what Colette thinks that she can beat you with, is it? Well, she'll find no argument from you. Even if she's twisted the situation in her favor somehow, then that'll just make it all the more interesting when you beat her regardless.<<br>>
Colette can hear the confidence in your response, and you watch her eyes flash with predatory glee, happy to have such a perfect rival.
<<case "check">>
The rules seem fair enough, but you trust this bitch about as far as you can throw her (not far to begin with, but even less now that your muscles have atrophied). You bet that she's added some unfair twist to spin the affair into her favor. If you're going to agree to this, you'll have to hash out some clear rules first.<<br>>
Colette doesn't seem at all offended by you doubting her. Instead, she nods with uncharacteristic seriousness. <<colette "Alright then, //Princess//. In that case I'll demand the same right - who //knows// what kind of stupid little schemes you've been setting up here in this backwater city since you arrived.">><<br>>
The two of you undergo a rapid-fire series of questions and answers, each incisively anticipating potential tricks. You're surprised by how keenly she's thought this out.<<br>>
When the dust settles, you're surprised to have found no sign of cheating in the bitch's plans, it all seems perplexingly above-board. Either you weren't asking the right questions and there's still a double-cross waiting that you weren't quick-witted enough to pick up on; she had to use all of her wiles weaseling her way into this place, leaving her no time to concoct a trap; or else her twisted 'moral code' makes her unwilling to get a cheap win. It's difficult to say which.<<br>>
However, any confusion that you have about her lack of deceit is far outweighed by her own. She gets more and more agitated as each one of her questions gradually exposes that instead of setting up traps and deceit, you've mostly just spent the last few days in Saint-Joules faffing around and going to nice places - she seems completely convinced that she's missing some important set-up that'll spell your illicit win.
<<include "day8coletteFirst1">><<setter "day7cage to 'negotiate'" "day7cage to 'cover'" "day7cage to 'obey'">>
No way - this sounds like disaster waiting to happen, and you want nothing to do with it.<<br>>
<<colette "Oh my //goodness//.">> Colette shrieks with laughter. <<colette "Are you really such a fucking //pussy// that you daren't even try to stand up to me? Or have you already learnt your lesson enough to know that I'm better than you in every way, and that daring to even //compete// will be pointless? How //funny//!">><<br>>
<<colette "Well, don't forget, //Princess// - you can't wriggle out of this that easily. If you //dare// to disappoint me then I'll go crying straight to your mommy - and then she'll rip you to //shreds// for it!">> She continues smugly, using the leverage which has proven so effective against you in the past.<br>
<span id="replace1">
<<link "Back down and agree to play her game">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "queen">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<link "Still refuse">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#replace1" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteStart7no2]]>><</replace>>
</span>You wince at the mention of the Queen, but while the woman still has you completely under your thumb, the situation isn't quite the same as it had been last time. Back then, she'd been a looming threat where any encounter would spell your doom, but nowadays, while it's still playing with fire, you'd wager that the chances are pretty good that you'd only get a really stern telling off, rather than being disposed of immediately. The threat doesn't have quite the same sting as it used to.<<br>>
<<if $day7cage is 'negotiate'>>
Your blood runs cold for a moment as you remember the Queen's threat about locking you up in the cage, but you grit your teeth - better have to go through that than risk Colette's games spiraling out of control and making everything even worse for you.<<br>>
A flash of irritation crosses Colette's face at her usual trick not finding its mark, but she quickly regathers herself. <<colette "Fine then, if mommy doesn't scare you then what about your stupid //daddy//. I bet he'll be //so// upset to hear all of the funny little stories that I'll have to tell him.">><br>
<span id="replace2">
<<link "Back down and agree to play her game">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "king">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<link "Still refuse">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#replace2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteStart7no3]]>><</replace>>
</span>You hesitate for a moment, but honestly you're not certain if that has much risk to it either. Sure, you have every reason to think that the big lug is gullible enough to get concerned about it, but he really doesn't seem the type to demand a big punishment or anything.<<br>>
This time Colette seems genuinely perturbed by your lack of reaction, and you can see desperation begin to kick in. It's like she never even imagined that she wouldn't have been game, and is terrified to realize that she might not be able to force the issue.<<br>>
<<colette "Well what about that goth bitch you were chatting to? I could ruin her and her puny little family for //generations//.">><br>
<span id="replace3">
<<link "Back down and agree to play her game to protect Elodie">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "elodie">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<link "Still refuse">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#replace3" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteStart7no4]]>><</replace>>
</span>You're confident that if Elodie were here she wouldn't give a single shit about the threat - you don't let it get to you.<br><br>
<<colette "Or that stuck-up braggart nobleman you were making eyes at!">><br>
<span id="replace4">
<<link "Back down and agree to play her game to protect Jacques">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "jacques">>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<link "Still refuse">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#replace4" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteStart7no5]]>><</replace>>
</span>Jacques is still at death's door - it's difficult to imagine Colette's barbs mattering much to him there.<br><br>
<<colette "T-that //slut// friend of yours - Dauphine Cardet!">><br>
<span id="replace5">
<<link "Back down and agree to play her game to protect... whoever that is!">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "stranger">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<link "Still refuse">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#replace5" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteStart7no6]]>><</replace>>
</span>You're sure that whoever that his must be important to the Princess somehow, but you're not really her - you don't know who that is and it's difficult to care about some stranger.<br><br>
<<colette "I-I'll spread so many stories about you that //nobody// will //ever// think of you as anything other than a //pathetic// little //slut// ever again!">><br>
<span id="replace6">
<<link "Back down and agree to play her game">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "rumors">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<link "Still refuse">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#replace6" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteStart7no7]]>><</replace>>
</span>It's not like you're going to be remaining in the role of the Princess for long enough for any of that to matter - it's someone else's problem!<<br>>
With every dismissal, Colette's demeanor has gone from smug, to concerned, to desperate, to absolutely horrified. As she desperately tries to think up something, //anything//, that she can use as leverage to force you to play her twisted game, you can see her begin to tremble with frustration.<<br>>
<<colette "Well in that case I'll... I'll...">> She stutters, before seeming to realize that she has nothing left to threaten. <<colette "W-why are you being soh //mean//?">> She manages, her lisp beginning to slip out and her eyes becoming watery with tears that you know that she'd never permit herself to fully shed in front of you. <<colette "Why won't you //play with me//? I did everyfhing right, didn't I?">><<br>>
You blink in surprise at the sudden change in tone. You knew that she wanted this badly, but you never expected her to be quite so... //needy// about it.<<br>>
As she splutters in front of you, it's almost enough to make you reconsider. Would it really be //that// bad to go along with her? In the past she's always been a source of public embarrassment, presenting a risk of ruining you in front of everyone, but by chasing away all of the ladies-in-waiting she's insulated you from a lot of the risk that this would usually carry.<<br>>
<<link "Begrudgingly agree to go along with her game, for her sake">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "colette">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBackDown">>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<link "Make her beg for it">>
<<set $day8coletteRefuse to "beg">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteStart7noBeg">>
<</link>><<check "Authority check - passed">>
<<fail "Make her beg for it" "Authority 3 required">>
<</if>><<setter "day8coletteRefuse to 'queen'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'king'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'elodie'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'jacques'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'stranger'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'rumors'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'colette'" "day8coletteRefuse to 'beg'">>
<<if $day8coletteRefuse is "colette">>
You grimace, but with her looking at you like that it's tough to refuse her. Now that you know that you're the one holding the cards in this affair, Colette doesn't seem nearly as threatening<<br>>
And besides, in some ways you've already 'won'. Colette's main goal seems to be to watch you squirm and suffer as you realize her superiority - but now it's you who's watching her anguished despair.<<br>>
Whatever - you'll go along with her stupid game.<<br>>
For a moment Colette's scrunched-up, scowling face blinks with surprise, and there's an awed, relieved light that shines behind her swollen eyes which couldn't be further from her usual spiteful cruelty.<<br>>
And then she sneers, her smugness returning so quickly that you almost convince yourself that you must have imagined it.<<br>>
<<colette "Y-yeah, you'd //better// back down, you ugly //harpy//. I'm going to fucking //destroy// you so badly that I'll be the only think that you'll be able to think about for //months//. I'll haunt your fucking //nightmares// with how badly I'll torment you for having the audacity to make such a petty attempt at defiance, bitch!">> She scoffs, swelling back up to her smug demeanor. The effect is somewhat diminished by the tears still welled up in her eyes and the snot that she has to quickly sniff away. You at least have to admire her persistence.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteFirst1">>
<<switch $day8coletteRefuse>>
<<case "queen">>
You grimace - you don't like it, but the Queen still holds enough sway over you that Colette's poisonous tongue could still ruin everything.
<<case "king">>
You grimace - you might be able to get away with the Queen, but the King is a complete wildcard. Who knows what might happen if malicious rumors were to force him to come see you. He seems like a nice enough guy, but you're also an imposter taking his daughter's place, at a time when treachery is in the air. You might not survive the encounter.
<<case "elodie">>
You grimace - you're comfortable taking on all sorts of risk to yourself, but the moment your friends get involved you can't be so cocky. Elodie might seem unperturbed by most things, but you're sure that Colette has the political power to all-but destroy her family with but a rumor.
<<case "jacques">>
You grimace - you already owe Jacques so much for bravely risking his life trying to save you. The last thing you want is to take even more from him.
<<case "stranger">>
You blink in surprise - you have no idea who that person is, or what she's supposed to mean to you, but somehow that makes it all the more pressing. It's one thing to let your friends, who you know could take it, take the fall, but condemning some stranger to whatever cruel fate Colette's poisonous tongue can arrange for them is too much to allow.
<<case "rumors">>
You grimace - the thought of the Princess, who has nothing to do with this other than having run away, having to come back to her throne to find her reputation in tatters because of your stupid arrogance is too much to bear.
Looks like you're still going to have to play her game.
<<include "day8coletteFirst1">>
<</if>>Now that she's been pushed to the point of desperation, it's time to give her a taste of revenge for how she treats you.<<br>>
With a triumphant smirk of your own, you callously demand that she beg before you.<<br>>
For a moment she just blinks, your words seeming not to register in her. <<colette "What did you say?">><<br>>
Slightly put off by the lack of response, you repeat yourself.<<br>>
<<colette "... Beg, huh...">> She murmurs, her voice so low that you can barely hear it - a far cry from her usual shrieks.<<br>>
You crane your neck to try to see what expression is on her downcast face, but all you can make out under the curtain of blonde locks is a jaw set so tightly that you wonder if she'd ever be able to open it again.<<br>>
There's a noise, so small that you probably wouldn't have been able to notice if the room didn't suddenly feel as silent and suffocating as the grave. It takes you a few seconds to work out what it is - the dull //splat//, //splat//, //splat// of droplets striking the ground. But it's not tears - Colette's hands are clenched so tightly into fists at her sides that her serrated nails are digging so deeply into her palms that blood is pouring in rivets down her knuckles to the floor.<<br>>
<<colette "... Beg...">> She repeats, quietly, distantly - seemingly ignorant to the state of her hands.<<br>>
Her shoulder twitches a little, and you realize that her fists aren't the only things clenched tightly - it's like her whole body is coiled up like a spring, wound up with so much tension that it could burst at any moment. Like a tiger about to strike.<<br>>
<<colette "... beg...">> She says once more, and you can't help but wonder if this isn't just a mere repetition of your words, but might just be a demand of her own.<<br>>
You realize that you may have misjudged this completely. You'd been so so smug thinking that there was nothing that the girl could do to threaten you that you'd completely overlooked the fact that she's dangerously, potentially murderously, insane. You're no stronger than she is now - with your guards so far away, she could cause a whole lot of damage before they could manage to reach your desperate cries for help.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteStart7noBeg2">><<set $colette.madeBeg to true>>
The best opportunity to get out of this safely is to run like hell, and hope that she can't catch up with you. Your body begins to tense up in anticipation for your terrified retreat, too scared to make the first move lest it be the one to break the tension and unleash her upon you.<<br>>
Just when you've steeled yourself in preparation and are ready to kick off, a small sound, barely louder than a squeak, stops you in your tracks.<<br>>
@@font-size:60%;<<colette "please">>@@<<br>>
You almost gasp in surprise, your momentum stolen completely by the unexpected utterance.<<br>>
The next one comes out a little stronger, strong enough for you to make out the mix of bitter resentment and sniveling defeat in her tone. @@font-size:80%;<<colette "P-please... play with me.">>@@<<br>>
Her head rises back up, and you're greeted by the sight of her tearstained eyes. You stare at them in disbelief, unable to believe that this is really happening.<<br>>
Mistaking your hesitation for wanting to torment her all the more, her cheeks tighten even further. <<colette "I-I'm sorry and I want to play, alright?">> She spits, her venomous tone beginning to leak back into her voice, so that she has to add a wretched, lisping @@font-size:80%;<<colette "sorwy...">>@@ afterwards, which you're sure must have been torture for her to force out.<<br>>
You're sure that memories of this moment of victory will be something that you relish far in the future, but here and now, with your blood still pumping with adrenaline from the scare, all you can manage through the emotional whiplash of the moment is a stammered acceptance.<<br>>
With your words, she finally lets the scowl that she had been nursing under the surface show in all of it's sulky obstinacy. Her eyeline flicks away from you, unable to meet your gaze after it all. <<colette "//Fuck you//.">> She mutters, though the words seem more for herself to take solace in than a barb at you. <<colette "Why are you //always// like this?">><<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteStart7noBeg3">>Colette storms off to the corner of the room, finds a teddy bear sitting pride-of-place on a dresser, and promptly rips it to pieces, seemingly just to release some of the tension that's built up inside of her.<<br>>
After her grizzly task is finished, and her victim is nothing more than fabric and fluff thrown over half the room, she prowls back towards you.<<br>>
<<colette "Well. Now that you've got that //childish// little affair out of your system, we can finally get to business. Just know that I'll going to fucking //demolish// you all the more because of this, you understand that, //Princess//?">><<br>>
You're almost at disbelief at how quickly she managed to bounce back from that. The effect is somewhat diminished by the tears still welled up in her eyes and the snot that she has to quickly sniff away, but you at least have to admire her persistence.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteFirst1">><<set $day8coletteStips to []>>
Colette reaches into her clothing and brings out a shiny silver coin, holding it awkwardly between thumb and forefinger in a way that makes it clear that she's used to other people handling her money for her.<<br>>
<<colette "Heads or tails?">> She asks, before chuckling to herself. <<colette "Oh, who am I kidding? It's //your// daddy on the front. I'll be tails.">><<br>>
The coin goes flying before Colette smoothly snatches it out the air and slaps it to wrist. For a moment she indulges in the tension of the moment before unveiling it. The two of you find the handsome, grinning face of the King looking back at you.<<br>>
<<colette "So, you're //lucky// I suppose. Just don't go thinking that it'll mean anything - you'll still be the one losing in the end.">> She snaps in irritation at the result, revealing just how even this random result grates on her.<<br>>
<<colette "Well, go on then - you choose first, are we playing for truth or dare?">><<br>>
You consider the option. You're sure that Colette will have concocted some truly horrid dares for you, ones that'll put you in all sorts of trouble. It definitely feels like truth will be the safer pick, but somehow the temptation nags at you.<<br>>
<<link "Truth">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8coletteFirst to "truth">>
<<goto "day8coletteFirst2">>
<<link "Dare">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8coletteFirst to "dare">>
<<goto "day8coletteFirst2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'">>
<<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth">>
You're not going to make this any riskier than it already is. Best to stick with truth. After all, what's the worst thing she could ask you, whether you've kissed a boy?<<br>>
Colette seems surprised by your choice, but rather than seeming disappointed, she looks at you with wary appraisal, trying to anticipate what cruel truth you might be trying to steal from her with the unexpected decision. Honestly you hadn't thought that far ahead.
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "dare">>
Sure, truth might be the safer pick, but it's also a lot less interesting. <<if $day8coletteReact is "sub">>You wouldn't want to disappoint Colette, after all.<<else>>After all, it also means that you'd have less compelling things to force Colette into after your victory.<</if>><<br>>
Colette smirks with excitement at your choice. <<colette "I'd expect nothing less.">>
Colette walks over to one of the few things in the room which isn't trashed, an ornate grandfather clock, and without hesitation yanks on the minute hand, pulling it anticlockwise. The mechanism gives a sickening creak at being adjusted by hand, but she doesn't care in the slightest. As the hand passes over 12 o'clock, a series of loud //bong//s ring out, marking the hour, and a satisfied grin crosses Colette's face.<<br>>
<<colette "This'll do //perfectly// for keeping the time.">> She announces, twisting the hand back until it stands at about twelve minutes to the hour. <<colette "Time's finished when this starts going off - if the hider still hasn't been found by then they'll win.">><<br>>
She spins around to look you in the eye. <<colette "And remember - to the victor, the spoils. One hundred.">><<br>>
You frown with confusion at the unexpected utterance.<<br>>
<<colette "Ninety nine.">> She continues, shutting her eyes tightly closed.<<br>>
Fuck, looks like you should be making yourself scarce!<<br>>
<<colette "Ninety eight.">><<br>>
<<link "Get out of here!">>
<<goto "day8coletteFirst3">>
<</link>><<set $day8game to {}>>
<<set $day8game.startTime to 14>>
<<set $day8game.time to $day8game.startTime>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray to []>>
<<set $day8game.locationArray to []>>
<<set $day8game.spot1 to random(1,4)>>
<<set $day8game.declinedArray to []>>
<<set $day8game.round to 1>>
<<if $day8game.spot1 is 1>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("hamper")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot1 is 2>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bubbleBath")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot1 is 3>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("kinkGear")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot1 is 4>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bedGirl")>>
<<set $day8game.spot2 to random(1,4)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 1000; _i++>>
<<if $day8game.spot2 is $day8game.spot1>>
<<set $day8game.spot2 to random(1,4)>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot2 isnot $day8game.spot1>>
<<if $day8game.spot2 is 1>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("hamper")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot2 is 2>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bubbleBath")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot2 is 3>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("kinkGear")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot2 is 4>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bedGirl")>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("hamper")>><<set $day8game.hamper to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.hamper to 0>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("bubbleBath")>><<set $day8game.bubbleBath to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.bubbleBath to 0>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("kinkGear")>><<set $day8game.kinkGear to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.kinkGear to 0>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("bedGirl")>><<set $day8game.bedGirl to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.bedGirl to 0>><</if>>
/* <<set $day8game.roomShuffle to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>
<<run $day8game.roomShuffle.shuffle()>> */
<<set $startArray to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>
<<set $day8game.roomShuffle to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 6; _i++>>
<<set $randomNum to random(0, $startArray.length - 1)>>
<<run $day8game.roomShuffle.push($startArray[$randomNum])>>
<<run $startArray.delete($startArray[$randomNum])>>
<<unset $startArray>>
<<setter "day7banqArray.push('colette')" "day7banqArray.delete('colette')">>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst3.jpg">>
You rush out of the room and into the corridors of the ladies-in-waiting wing.<<br>>
You can just about hear the sound of Colette counting down <<colette "Ninety six. Ninety five. Ninety four.">> more and more distantly behind you.<<br>>
It quickly becomes clear that you have no idea where you're supposed to be going. Now matter how much of a feminine touch has been added to the decor, the whole wing is as confusing as the rest of the Bastille - full of cold, winding corridors.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("colette") is true>>
<<link "Apply some strategy to find a good hiding space">>
<<goto "day8coletteFirst4dru">>
<</link>><<check "Available because you asked Great-aunt Drusilla about the Bastille yesterday">>
<<fail "Apply some strategy to find a good hiding space" "You haven't learnt anything about the structure of the Bastille that you could help here">>
<<link "Just guess randomly!">>
<<goto "day8coletteFirst4">>
<</link>><<section "roomChoose2">>
You have nothing to go on - you'll just have to hope that you'll stumble upon a good spot by blind luck.But you'd better do it quick, before Colette manages to find you!<<check "Time will pass with every action you take - find a hiding spot before it runs out! The locations are distributed via seeded RNG.">><br><br>
You come to a set of five bedroom doorways. This will be as good an area as any to try to find a spot.
<<section "roomChoose22">>
<<link "Enter the first room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the second room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 2>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the third room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 3>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the fourth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 4>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the fifth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 5>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the sixth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 6>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<print _roomChoose2>><<br>>
<<print _roomChoose22>>
<td style="width:45%">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _roomChoose2>><br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">><br>
<<print _roomChoose22>>
5 doors -
20% + (80%*20%=16%) = 36%
(64%*25%=16%) = 52%
(48%*25%=12%) = 64%
6 doors -
16.66% + (83.33%*16.66%=13.88%) = 30.55%
(0.6945*0.20=0.1389) + 0.3055 = 0.4444
(0.5556*0.20=0/11112) _ 0.4444 = 0.555555
7 doors -
0.1428 + (0.8571*0.1428 = 0.1224) = 0.2652
(0.7348 * 0.1666 = 0.1224) = 0.3876
(0.6124 * 0.1666 = 0.1020) = 0.4896
*/<<if $day8game.time isnot 0>>
<<section "roomChoose">>
You go back out into the hallway.<<br>>
<<include "day8timePressure">><<br>>
<<link "Enter the first room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the second room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 2>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the third room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 3>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the fourth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 4>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the fifth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 5>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Enter the sixth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 6>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<print _roomChoose>><<br>>
<td style="width:45%">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">><br>
<<print _roomChoose>>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "hallway">>
<<include "day8firstFail">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.time is 0>>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "bedroom">>
<<include "day8firstFail">>
<<print "<<img 'Passage/day8coletteRoom" + $day8game.room + ".jpg'>>">><br>
<<include "day8timePressure">><<br>>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"bed") is true>>
<<if $day8game.bedGirl is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that trying to hide with the sleeping girl would be too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
There's a few boxes under the bed, but nothing that will provide great cover.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
There's nothing under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
There's nothing but a few stuffed animals under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
There's all sorts of untidy rubbish strewn around under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
There's plenty of dust and cobwebs under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The underside of the bed has been carefully dusted.
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "bed">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Look under the bed">>
<<if $day8game.kinkGear is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bed")>>
<<goto "day8bedGirl">>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bed")>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"wardrobe") is true>>
<<if $day8game.kinkGear is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that trying to hide in the kink gear would be too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
The wardrobe is full of beautiful dresses.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The wardrobe is stuffed full of cute crop-tops and mini-skirts.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
The wardrobe has everything thrown haphazardly on the floor, instead of up on hangers.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
The items in the wardrobe seem a little moth-eaten.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The wardrobe has a couple punky outfits stowed in the back.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The clothes in the wardrobe smell delightful - have been laundered with perfume.
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "wardrobe">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Look in the wardrobe">>
<<if $day8game.kinkGear is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"wardrobe")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8kinkGear">>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"wardrobe")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"drawers") is true>>
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
There's a few letters laid out on the desk. It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide underneath">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "drawers">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The chest of drawers is completely full of makeup and accessories. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
The dresser is full little items of memorabilia. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
You gasp in surprise when you think you see a young woman approaching, but in proves just to be your reflection in the mirror. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The vanity table is laid out with makeup. It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide underneath">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "drawers">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The bookshelf is filled with books on etiquette and sewing, but a closer inspection reveals some raunchier titles hidden amongst them. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>><<set _drawers to "desk">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>><<set _drawers to "chest of drawers">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>><<set _drawers to "dresser">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>><<set _drawers to "freestanding mirror">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>><<set _drawers to "vanity table">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>><<set _drawers to "bookshelf">>
<<link "Investigate the _drawers">>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"drawers")>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"hamper") is true>>
<<if $day8game.hamper is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that hiding yourself under the underwear is too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
The landry hamper is completely empty.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The laundry hamper has a few dresses scattered inside.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
Whoever lives here has decided to use the laundry hamper as a wastebasket - it's filled with trash.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
The laundry hamper is so full of clothing that there's no way you could fit inside.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The laundry hamper is mostly empty.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The laundry hamper is a little smelly. It must not have been washed for a while.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] isnot 3 and $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] isnot 4>>
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "hamper">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
You won't be able to hide here.
<<link "Look in the laundry hamper">>
<<if $day8game.hamper is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"hamper")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8hamper">>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"hamper")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"bath") is true>>
<<if $day8game.bubbleBath is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that jumping in the bubble bath would be too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
The bathroom is clean, spartan, and smells faintly of bleach.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The bathroom is filled with all sorts of conditioners and creams.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
The bathroom is a total mess, with stains all up the walls.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
The bathroom is scented with candles and perfumes, adding a delightful floral aroma.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The bathroom is still a little humid from someone's bath earlier.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The bathroom has some mildew growing on the walls.
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "bath">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Look in the bathroom">>
<<if $day8game.bubbleBath is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bath")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8bubbleBath">>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bath")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Try another room">>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoomChoose">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.75>>
You can still hear Colette counting in the distance - you have a good amount of time left to find a spot.
<<elseif $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.50>>
Colette has finished counting, but it doesn't sound like she's searching anywhere nearby yet.
<<elseif $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.25>>
Every now and again you can hear the sound of Colette's search drawing closer and closer.
<<elseif $day8game.time is 1>>
''Colette is right around the corner - she'll see you any second!''
You can hear Colette nearby - you don't have much longer to hide!
<</if>><<set $day8game.firstSkip to true>>
You let a pleased smile cross your lips. You don't need to run around like a headless chicken, you can play it a little smarter.<<br>>
You weren't expecting it to come up like this, but your carefulness has made you prepared for just such a situation as this. Last night, when you were eating dinner with duchess Drusilla, you'd taken care to ask her a bunch of questions about the internal architecture of the Bastille. You weren't expecting it to come up like this, in fact at the time it had felt like a bit of a waste of energy, but it seems you'll be rewarded for your prudence.<br>
<<section "cupboard1">>
You unhurriedly stroll up the corridor - no need to waste energy on an easy victory.<<br>>
If you can remember what Drusilla said correctly, it should be juuuuust about.... //here//.<<br>>
Your hand jabs out to slap firmly against the stone wall. The first try isn't quite in the right spot, but the second a bit further along does the job.<<br>>
At your press, the wall gives way completely, sliding away as easily as a door, because that's precisely what it actually is - just one unobtrusively disguised to be out of sight.<br><br>
Behind it, you're greeted to a small and dark servant's cupboard, filled with shelves of soap, linen, and feather dusters.
<<section "cupboard2">>
You light a little candle so that you won't be trapped in the dark, and then let the door close back behind you, confident that you've found the best hiding place possible.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteFirst4dru2">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _cupboard1>><<br>>
<<print _cupboard2>>
<td style="width:50%">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4dru.jpg">>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _cupboard1>><br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4dru.jpg" "simg">><br>
<<print _cupboard2>>
</span>In the distance you can hear the sound of Colette finishing her count-down, followed by a //crash// every twenty seconds or so as the young woman rampages around the wing, kicking open doors in her frantic search for you.<<br>>
The entire time, you sit comfortably in your hiding spot without having to worry in the slightest.<<br>>
Finally, after what felt like an easy wait but must have been agonizingly stressful for Colette, the steady //bong//, //bong//, //bong// of the grandfather clock signals the end of the game.<<br>>
Your victory confirmed, you step back out of your spot into the hallway, only to find yourself face-to-face with Colette.<<br>>
For a moment, the young noblewoman seems shocked to suddenly have the wall giving way next to her, but the moment she sees your face behind it she scowls at you with undisguised frustration.<<br>>
However, her eyes don't settle on you for long - a moment later and they're furiously scouring every inch of the hidden doorway and the room beyond. You groan - you'd been hoping to use the secret cupboard to coast to victory every time it was your turn to hide, but now that Colette's seen it you've little chance of being able to utilize it in the future without getting caught immediately.<<br>>
Colette clicks her tongue with irritation, looking away stroppily once she's finished inspecting your hiding spot. <<colette "So you managed to find a cheap trick. Typical - of //course// you'd never be able to beat me if we'd been playing fair. Just you wait - enjoy your //beginners luck// while you can, it won't last long, //Princess//.">><<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteWin1">><<set $day8outfitStore to $outfit>>
You hurriedly barge into the en-suite bathroom, only to be unexpectedly met by a wave of humidity.<<br>>
It doesn't take much to find the culprit - the sound of it fills the room completely. It looks like whomever this room belongs to must have been planning to have a relaxing bath before the party and had forgotten about it, because the taps are still running. They must have been going for ages - if the bath didn't have an overflow drain then it would be all over the floor by now.<<br>>
Despite the urgency of the situation, you can't let all that water go to waste for a moment longer - trotting over to firmly turn off the brass taps.<<br>>
Whomever it was, they must have been hoping for a good long soak. The warm water seems to have all sorts of products in it, as it smells absolutely gorgeous and is covered with big fluffy bubbles.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8bubbleBath.jpg">><br>
You cock your head thoughtfully at the sight. It's not the type of hiding spot that you'd had in mind, but perhaps there's an opportunity here, hidden among all of those bubbles.<<br>>
The only problem is how //wet// it will be.<<br>>
<<link "Jump in the bath with my clothes still on">>
<<set $day8bubbleBath to "clothed">>
<<goto "day8bubbleBath2">>
<<link "Get naked beforehand">>
<<if $day8game.time lte 3>>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to 'bathChanging'>>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<set $day8bubbleBath to "naked">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8bubbleBath2">>
<<link "This doesn't seem like a good idea. Keep looking for a better spot elsewhere">>
<<set $day8game.declinedArray.push("bubbleBath")>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8bubbleBath to 'clothed'" "day8bubbleBath to 'naked'">>
<<if $day8bubbleBath is "clothed">>
There's no way that you're going to get nude here - not when being seen that way by Colette would spell disaster.<<br>>
You feel bad about ruining <<if $outfit.set.id isnot "drusilla">>Drusilla's gift<<else>>Simone's hard work<</if>>, but desperate times demand desperate measures - you'll have to go in clothed.<<br>>
The water, already filled up to the overflow drain, heaves as you lower yourself into the tub, threatening to pour out the sides. As you descend, you feel the odd sensation as inch after inch of your outfit gets submerged beneath the bubbles, soaking through to cling against your body. Despite the alternative being nudity, somehow this feels much more perverse.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "naked">>
It might be a perilous use of time, with Colette <<if $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.65>>already prowling through the area in her search for you<<else>>soon to be prowling through the area in her search for you<</if>>, but you figure that you can spare the time to at least change out of your clothes.<<br>>
A quickly as you can manage, though you're careful not to get carried away and rip something, you strip down until you're standing there nude, leaving your garments in a folded pile next to the tub.<<br>>
The water, already filled up to the overflow drain, heaves as you lower yourself into the tub, threatening to pour out the sides.
The bath's a little too hot, and you're sure that together with the thick humidity you'll quickly end up stifled and overheating. However, for a brief moment you allow yourself a little sigh of contentment.<<br>>
You don't know what the owner used to treat the bathwater, but she clearly knew what she was doing. You've half a mind to ask Simone to try to recreate it sometime, but because your knowledge of fragrance is barely existent, you're sure that you'd never be able to describe it better than 'flowery and nice'. The realization is irksome enough that you find yourself wanting to learn.<<br>>
And then your thoughts are shattered as you hear Colette kick open the door to the adjoining bedroom, and the urgency of the situation comes flooding back to you.<<br>>
You've only a few frantic seconds before she finishes her brief check over the main room and moves to the bathroom. At the last moment you take as deep a breath as you can muster and dive your head under the water.<<br>>
<<cont "day8bubbleBath3" "Hold your breath!">>Hidden under the bubbles, you can barely hear anything other than the rush of water in your ears. There's nothing that you can do but wait in fear, uncertain of your fate until it's too late.<<br>>
A second passes, and then another, and then one more, and you remain in terrified stasis. The soap begins to strain your eyes no matter how tightly you squeeze your eyelids shut.<<br>>
The desperate urge to breathe begins to rise up in you, but you force yourself not to give up yet.<<br>>
Perhaps she's already gone onwards. Perhaps she's looming above you with a devious grin on her face, waiting until you've exhausted yourself to 'tag' you out at your most humiliating moment.<<br>>
You keep up the attempt for as long as you can, but it isn't long before your screaming lungs manage to convince you to stop. You break the surface of the water, gasping for air, and then coughing like mad when the first breath comes with a flood of soapy bubbles into your mouth.<<br>>
You furiously scan the room for sign of Colette, and your heart sinks as you find her. She must have decided that you weren't in the bathroom, as she's standing back out in the bedroom, but then the sound of you bursting coughing out the water alerted her to your presence.<<br>>
You grimace, believing that if you'd only been able to last a few more seconds then she might have moved onwards, but to your surprise instead of gleefully swaggering over she just scowls resentfully at you.<<br>>
And then your ears unpop from the pressure from the water, and you're greeted by the steady //bong//, //bong//, //bong// of the grandfather clock which had been going all along in the distance - you won!<<br>>
<<cont "day8bubbleBath4">><<setter "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'" "day8bubbleBath to 'clothed'" "day8bubbleBath to 'naked'">>
<<set $outfit to $day8outfitStore>>
<<unset $day8outfitStore>>
Colette is absolutely furious at having lost when you were right under her nose.<<br>>
<<colette "Ugh. How fucking //like// a prissy bitch like you to get a //cheap win// by hiding in the //bath//.">> She spits as she prowls over to the tub. <<colette "Just don't get to thinking that this means anything, //Princess//. I'll still be the one who has the last laugh, just you see.">><<br>>
<<if $day8bubbleBath is "clothed">>
<<colette "Now come on out of there and let's do your stupid fucking <<if $day8coletteFirst is 'dare'>>dare<<else>>truth<</if>> over and done with quickly.">><<br>>
You do as she bids, awkwardly stepping out of the tub. As you so, every inch of your outfit clings tightly to every contour of your naked body beneath it.<<br>>
You freeze in place, suddenly aware how this might expose your true gender.<<br>>
However, the brief shock that crosses Colette's face doesn't give way to horrified realization. Instead, after a moment, she abruptly looks away, oddly unable to meet your gaze and seemingly unwilling to let you see her expression.<<br>>
<<colette "J-just... dry off or something, will you?">> She spits awkwardly, with none of her usual venom.<<br>>
You do as she asks, grateful for the escape but not really understanding her reaction. You manage to at least stop dripping all over the place, but a brief toweling does little to change how absolutely soaked-through you are. You're sure that you'll catch a cold by the time this evening is over.
<<colette "Now come on out of there and let's do your stupid fucking <<if $day8coletteFirst is 'dare'>>dare<<else>>truth<</if>> over and done with quickly.">><<br>>
You can't help but blush as you realize the situation that you're in. In a small voice, you ask that she turn around first.<<br>>
You completely expect Colette to cruelly smile at having found you in such a vulnerable state, perhaps even force you to dress under her spiteful gaze and criticize you every step of the way, <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll("stripClothes")>>especially since you've already been the one to force her to be strip for you. If she did so then it would ruin everything,<<else>> well and truly ruining everything,<</if>> but instead she just blinks in surprise and glances away from you, suddenly unable to meet your gaze.<<br>>
<<colette "Why'd you go and get n-naked for... y-you fucking //slut//.">> She stammers awkwardly, <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll("stripClothes")>>despite seeming not to care about her own nudity in the slightest. Unusually, she<<else>> but<</if>> obligingly and somewhat stiffly turns her back to you.<<br>>
The room is filled with an odd tension as you tentatively step out of the tub, dry yourself down, and start putting your clothing back on. For once, Colette seems oddly silent.
<<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
<<set $day8coletteWriting to false>>
The ink from Colette's first dare didn't survive the plunge - streaming down you in thick wet drips. You half expect her to call you out for ruining her handiwork, but she seems too busy acting weird to draw attention to it.<<br>>
It's only once you've finished does she seem to return back to her wicked bratty self.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<cont "day8coletteWin1">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8coletteWin5">>
<</if>>In your desperate search for a good enough hiding space to beat Colette, you all-but throw the bed covers aside, but the sight that greets you stops you in your tracks.<<br>>
Nestled snugly in the bedding, curled up like a resting dormouse, is a sleeping girl.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8bedGirl.jpg">><br>
You can do little but stare in confusion as she makes a sleepy little mumble of annoyance and, without waking, reaches to pull the covers back over herself.<<br>>
She's about your age, with red hair and a silk teddy for nightwear. She must have been one of the ladies-in-waiting invited to the party, but had completely overslept. Lucky for her - it's kept her safe from Colette's wrath. The remnants of last night's makeup remain smeared on her face, a sure sign of a raucous previous night.<<br>>
Suddenly the sound of Colette kicking open <<if $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime lt 0.65>>another<<else>>a<</if>> door in the distance echoes down the Bastille halls, and the urgency of your situation rushes back to you.<<br>>
You glance back at the lump of the girl's presence under the bedding. Perhaps this could be an opportunity. It's a little weird to do it without asking, but it's not like you have any ill-intentions other than escaping Colette.<<br>>
<<link "Slip gently into bed behind her back">>
<<set $day8bedGirl to "big">>
<<goto "day8bedGirl2">>
<<link "Slip gently into bed in front of her">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $day8bedGirl to "little">>
<<goto "day8bedGirl2">>
<<link "This doesn't seem like a good idea - keep looking for a better spot elsewhere">>
<<set $day8game.declinedArray.push("bedGirl")>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8bedGirl to 'big'" "day8bedGirl to 'little'" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "pc.butt to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "caged to false" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to 'day7'" "pc.boobs to 1" "pc.boobs to 2">>
You slip as gently as you can into the bed next to the girl, in the small hope that her presence might keep you safe from Colette.<<br>>
The bed is stuffy and warm, her insulated body-heat having turned it into a snug cocoon around herself. A stark contrast compared to the drafty Bastille corridors.<<br>>
You try to be as unobtrusive as possible as you settle in <<if $day8bedGirl is "big">>behind the curve of her back<<elseif $day8bedGirl is 'little'>>in front of where she's curled up on her side<<else>><<error>><</if>>. It's rude enough to be here at all - the last thing you want to do is bother her. You make sure to lie straight on your back, with your arms at your sides.<<br>>
However, you weren't expecting //her// to be the one to bother //you//.<<br>>
Scarcely have you gotten comfy when the girl's hand snakes to your arm, and as naturally and instinctively as her pulling the covers back over herself a moment ago, she pulls you firmly towards her.<<br>>
<<if $day8bedGirl is "big">>
You can't help but gasp in surprise as you're forced onto your side. The girl's back firmly presses back into you - effortlessly forcing herself in the cup of your body. Her butt wriggles against your crotch in sleepy, snug delight at your warmth, her mouth briefly parting with a contented <<pink "mmmh~">>.<<br>>
You freeze in place at suddenly having ended up in such a compromised position, unsure how to react. It's a pause which spells your fate - her warm, soft fingers, held cozily against her tummy, gently but firmly entwining themselves with your own, locking you in place as her 'big spoon'.<<br>>
Your mind quickly goes haywire in flustered panic. This is trouble - she's asleep, not responsible for her own instinctive actions. You're the one who came in next to her, everything that happens is your responsibility. If she wakes up to find you intimately wrapped around her they'll be hell to pay!<<br>>
However, it's difficult to think clearly about it while you can feel every inch of her body against your own. <<if $caged is false>>You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock beginning to swell in your <<print $outfit.under.name>> at the sensation, pressing insolently against the fullness of her butt.<<else>>You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock beginning to swell at the sensation, pressing insolently and painfully against the metal bars of your cage.<</if>><<br>>
Then her body moves again, her breath coming a little thicker than before as her hips begin to move rhythmically against you. <<if $caged is false>>The firmness of your erection pressed firmly into the crease of her buttocks<<else>>The firm protrusion of your cage pressed firmly into the crease of her buttocks<</if>>.
You can't help but gasp in surprise as your waist is yanked into the cup of the sleeping girl's lap like you're a teddy bear. Her hips wriggle contentedly against your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>cushioned<</if>> butt with sleepy delight at your warmth, her mouth briefly parting with a contented <<pink "mmmh~">>.<<br>>
You freeze in place at suddenly having ended up in such a compromised position, unsure how to react. It's a pause which spells your fate - her warm, soft fingers gently but firmly entwining themselves with your own, her arms wrapped tight around you, locking you in place as her 'little spoon'.<<br>>
Your mind quickly goes haywire in flustered panic. This is trouble - she's asleep, not responsible for her own instinctive actions. You're the one who came in next to her, everything that happens is your responsibility. If she wakes up to find you intimately in her arms they'll be hell to pay!<<br>>
However, it's difficult to think clearly about it while you can feel every inch of her body against your own. You can feel the soft mounds of her chest pressed up against your back. <<if $caged is false>>You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock beginning to swell in your <<print $outfit.under.name>> at the sensation.<<else>>You can feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock beginning to swell at the sensation, pressing painfully against the metal bars of your cage.<</if>><<br>>
Then her body moves again, her breath coming a little thicker than before as her palms begin to press against <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>the little mounds of your soon-to-be breasts<<else>>the orbs of your budding breasts<</if>> and her hips begin to grind sleepily against your behind.
You don't know what she's dreaming about, or perhaps her body is just moving on instinct from the sensation of being next to another, but this is getting out of hand!<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8bedGirl3">>
<</link>><<setter "day8bedGirl to 'big'" "day8bedGirl to 'little'">>
This has gone far enough. No matter how thick the haze of lust around you, you can't let this go on for a moment longer. No longer caring if you wake her, you try to disentangle yourself while apologizing in as firm a voice as you can manage.<<br>>
However, to your surprise the woman's grip on you doesn't falter for a moment.<<br>>
<<pink "Oh, don't be such a //spoil-sport//.">> She replies, her voice still drowsy, but unambiguously awake.<<br>>
Your eyes bolt open in horror.<<br>>
<<if $day8bedGirl is "big">>
<<pink "I don't know which of the gentlemen from last night you are - it makes little difference to me, though I'll admit that I'd prefer the blond.">> She continues, her hips no longer rolling against you with mere sleepy wriggles but with seductive gyrations. <<pink "I'm no stranger to a nighttime companion, you know. Frankly I like your pluck, coming here like this. Don't //ruin// this for me by backing out now.">><<br>>
Your panic sets in all the deeper. All of a sudden it's //you// who you're worried about getting violated, not her. Plus, the way that she's moving makes it completely clear that she's identified the <<if $caged is false>>unmistakable bulge of your manhood - this could ruin absolutely everything!<<else>>bulge in your crotch. It seems like she's mistaken the firmness of the cage for an erection, but this could still ruin absolutely everything!<</if>><<br>>
<<pink "Come on, //daddy//.">> She moans, pressing the hand that she holds captive in her own firmly against her breasts. <<pink "Give me something //good// to wake up to, won't you?">>
<<elseif $day8bedGirl is 'little'>>
<<pink "I don't know which of the suitors from last night you are - it makes little difference to me, though I'll admit that I'd prefer the blond.">> She continues, her hips no longer rolling against you with mere sleepy wriggles but with seductive gyrations. <<pink "So, what? I got you so worked up that you couldn't resist wriggling into my bed afterwards, could you? Relax - I'm no stranger to a nighttime companion, you know. Frankly I like your pluck, coming here like this. Don't //ruin// this for me by backing out now.">><<br>>
Your panic sets in all the deeper. All of a sudden it's //you// who you're worried about getting violated, not her. Her hands slowly descend, trailing inch by inch from your chest down to your belly, and then further still until she cups the firmness of your <<if $caged is false>><<if $pc.penis is 2>>puny<</if>> erection<<else>>metal cage<</if>>.<<br>>
<<pink "Ah!">> She murmurs in surprise. <<pink "Not //quite// what I was expecting, but I'm //always// down for something new.">> You wince - this could ruin everything!
And then, suddenly, the moment is shattered by a shrieked <<colette "You //idiot//! Are you really so //stupid// as to not even realize that I can see you when you //wriggle// like that!">> from above the covers. The two of you both freeze in place - you were so busy getting trapped in this girl's embrace to even notice Colette entering the room!<<br>>
A moment later and the covers are lifted. You flinch in horror as light floods into your hiding spot, but to your absolute dumb luck the exposed side of the duvet happens to be the one opposite to you.<<br>>
To Colette's abject shock, the body that she reveals isn't the Princess she was hunting for, but someone completely different.<<br>>
<<cont "day8bedGirl4">><<pink "Hey, what the fuck, bitch? Who the fuck even are you?">> The previously-sleeping girl shouts in anger, quickly rising out of the bed to square up against the intruder, the last of her drowsiness quickly giving way to outrage. <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>Then she pauses as she takes in the fact that this intruder is brazenly standing <<if$day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>completely nude<<else>>in only her underwear<</if>>.<</if>><<br>>
Colette, impressively, barely misses a beat, callously dismissing her. <<colette "Oh shut up you ugly, low-born //hag//. I don't have time for this.">><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>The insult is enough to spur the girl to action. <</if>><<pink "Fuck right off - you're the one who barged in here!">> The lady-in-waiting retorts, daring to shove Colette backwards a step. <<pink "I don't know if you some new girl <<if $day8coletteStips.includes('stripClothes')>>with a fucking exhibitionist streak<</if>> or something, but let me make this clear - the things I do with my nighttime companions are none of your business, okay? You'd //better not// fucking tell the matron about this.">><<br>>
For a moment Colette blinks in confusion at the mention of a 'nighttime companion', and then her eyes look past the girl and for the first time clock your blushing figure still nestled in the remnants of the bedding. Her eyes flash with fury at the sight. <<colette "//YOU//!">><<br>>
/* Her face scrunches up in anger.<<br>>
<<colette "//YOU//!">> She shouts, so furious that for a moment she doesn't seem to even remember the game between you. When she throws herself across the room towards you, you're not certain if it's to 'tag' you out or to rip your head off.<<br>> */
The reaction is so strong that the girl glances your way too, and you can see her face crease in confusion as finds that she doesn't recognize you. However she seems to quickly conclude that she'd still take you over this interloper any day, and when Colette tries to push past her to get to you she solidly blocks her path.<<br>>
/* Thankfully, the girl is having none of it. She bodily gets in the way - shoving Colette back once more. <<pink "Hell no - fuck right off, you little bitch!">> You can see Colette blink in surprise, completely unused to anyone standing against her.<<br>> */
The two of them briefly scuffle together. Your molester-cum-protector is the larger of the two, but Colette fights with a scrappy, dangerous intensity. <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>Besides, it's clear that the other girl is having difficulty knowing where to look at and touch the <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") isnot true>>semi-<</if>>naked brat, a worry that Colette couldn't even begin to care about.<</if>> It's clear that she'll be the victor, but the few seconds of struggle ends up making all of the difference. Before Colette can get to you, the '//bong//, //bong//, //bong//' of the grandfather clock rings out in the distance.<<br>>
<<cont "day8bedGirl5">>You watch rage and despair spark in Colette's eyes at having lost, but the end of the game isn't enough to stop the scrap - not least of which when one half doesn't even know there's a game on at all.<<br>>
Before you can scrabble up from the bed Colette, eager to let off some of the anger of her loss, has already shown her claws, quite literally. The girl shouts in alarm as the serrated nails slice across her bare arm.<<br>>
<<pink "What the //fuck//!">> She shouts in confusion, but when when Colette winds up for another catlike attack she quickly realizes that this isn't a situation worth sticking around for, no matter how much right she should have to her own bedroom. With one last confused glance back at you, which to your surprise includes a playful wink despite the situation, she makes herself scarce - running out of the bedroom and leaving you and Colette alone.<<br>>
For a few seconds Colette just seethes in the center of the room. It takes a little time before she calms down enough to spits furiously <<colette "The //BITCH//. How //dare// she //intrude// like this?">> Seemingly uncaring that the two of you are the ones intruding on her bedroom.<<br>>
As you awkwardly get out of the bed, you can feel a shudder run though you as her baleful eyes once again settle back on you.<<br>>
<<colette "This was meant to be //perfect//. I was meant to have you all to //myself// all evening, but then that //whore// tried to //steal// you from me.">><<br>>
You wonder what she'd think if she knew what she'd been doing under the covers with you. Nothing good, you imagine.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<cont "day8coletteWin1">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8coletteWin5">>
<</if>><<section "kinkGear1">>
You quickly swing open the wardrobe doors in your desperate quest for a decent hiding spot. It takes you a few moments to notice it tucked out of the way in the corner, almost hidden by clothing, but your eyes light up as they fall upon a big wooden box - this will be perfect!<<br>>
It looks like it had once been used to carry a wooden rocking horse, though from the look of the young adult's bedroom around you that must have been a long time ago. It'll be a little cramped, but you should be able to fit inside without too much trouble.
<<section "kinkGear2">>
You eagerly shove the clothing aside and crack open the crate, expecting to find a dusty old rocking horse stored inside, but what you find is far from that ordinary.<<br>>
Inside, the box is absolutely filled with whips, chains, paddles, riding crops, pinwheels, and more that you can't even recognize. A hidden treasure trove of leather, lace, and spiky metal.<<br>>
For a moment you just stare in surprise. The owner of the room must be pretty damn kinky, to have all this stuff hidden away back here!
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<print _kinkGear1>><<br>>
<<print _kinkGear2>>
<td style="width:45%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8kinkGear.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _kinkGear1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8kinkGear.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _kinkGear2>>
And then the sound of Colette in the distance brings the urgency of the situation back to you.<<br>>
You're not sure if you feel comfortable messing with this stuff, but the box could still end up being a good hiding place.<<br>>
<<link "Decide to hide here">>
<<set $day8kinkGear to true>>
<<goto "day8kinkGear2">>
<<link "This doesn't seem like a good idea - keep looking for a better spot elsewhere">>
<<set $day8game.declinedArray.push("kinkGear")>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<</link>>There's no time to waste - here will have to do, even if it means having to deal with a bunch of sex toys.<<br>>
First you need to make some space for yourself - there's not quite enough room for you to fit in with all of that stuff in there.<<br>>
However, removing it is a more daunting task than you were expecting. While most of the stuff in the box is leather, there's //just// enough sharp metal spikes hidden in the midst that trying to reach your arm in to grab big handfuls would leave you all scratched up. You have to carefully lift them out one or two at a time.<<br>>
It's a task that you don't quite have enough time for. When the crate is still about twenty percent full, your heart sinks as you hear the sound of Colette drawing nearby.<<br>>
<<link "Oh well. Give up and allow myself to get caught">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to 'noKink'>>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Screw it - jump in the crate anyway!">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day8kinkGear3">>
<</link>>There's no way that you'll give in that easily. You'd rather risk getting jabbed by a pinwheel or whatever than have to watch Colette's smug face lording her victory over you.<<br>>
As quick as you can manage, you hop into the crate and pull the wardrobe door and lid shut behind you.<<br>>
You're grateful that you didn't step on anything too spiky when you jumped in, but, squatting on your heels in the inky darkness of your hiding spot, you quickly realize that something's the matter. There's something jabbing into your //butt//. It's not a //lot// of pain, all things considered, but you still have to grit your teeth together at the sharp sensation to keep from yelping in surprise, and drawing Colette straight to you.<<br>>
You wriggle your hips around in discomfort, but when that only makes the pain worse you quickly stop. Looks like you're just going to have to suffer through it.<<br>>
There's a //crash// from nearby, as Colette all-but kicks open the door to the bedroom. You force yourself to hold your breath.<<br>>
You can hear her footsteps stomp around the room. With so many bedrooms to search, she's clearly gotten proficient at the task in a hurry - inspecting the likely hiding spots like she's checking them off a list. First the bathroom, then the bed, then the laundry hamper, and finally you can feel your heart-rate quicken as she opens the wardrobe door.<<br>>
At this she hesitates, momentarily thrown off. You wait in dread for her hands to open the lid of your crate, and for her smug, grinning face to emerge peering down at you, but it doesn't happen. Instead, you can hear her murmur <<colette "... huh?">> in confusion at the kink supplies you left sprawled all over the wardrobe floor. A moment later, with a <<colette "Ugh. Whatever.">> her footsteps trot off away from you.<<br>>
You can't help but let out the breath that you'd been holding in relief, and the sound of it is enough to stop Colette in her tracks before she's even out of the room, but by then it's too late for her - the '//bong//', '//bong//', '//bong//' of the grandfather clock rings out in the distance, marking your victory.<<br>>
<<cont "day8kinkGear4">><<set $day8buttMark to true>>
Colette gives you one of her most spiteful expressions yet as you emerge from your hiding spot, no doubt furious at having lost while you were right under her nose.<<br>>
<<colette "Don't go thinking that this //lucky win// means anything, //Princess//.">> She spits in annoyance. <<colette "I'll be the one having the last laugh - just you see.">><<br>>
However, even that can't stop her curiosity from drawing her back to the wardrobe, to poke suspiciously at the heap of leather and lace with her toe. <<colette "What even //is// this freak shit, anyway?">><<br>>
You can't help but blink in surprise. It's difficult to believe that she of all people has never heard of kink, but she just frowns back at you, looking completely innocent for once in her life.<<br>>
What the hell. If //this// is what Colette is like when she's completely naive that sadism could have a sexual element to it, then you daren't imagine what she might be like when she finally learns it.<<br>>
Luckily, her attention is diverted before she can quiz you on it more heavily. Unluckily, the thing that draws her attention is you. More specifically your butt.<<br>>
<<colette "Holy //shit//!">> She howls all of a sudden, guffawing with delight. <<colette "That's //perfect//. It suits you, //Princess//.">><<br>>
With no idea what she's talking about, you try to get a good look at what she's finding so funny. Seeing as it's on your ass, it takes a little doing, and Colette laughs all the more at the way you wriggle, twisting and turning trying to look.<<br>>
It's only once you find a mirror that you can really see the damage, and your hearts sinks at the sight. There's no doubt that the culprit was a wooden paddle, bejeweled with metal spikes spelling out the letters 'S', 'L', 'U', 'T' across its surface, so sharp that they were able to dig right through your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("skirt")>>skirt<<elseif $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>dress<<else>>leggings<</if>> and leave pinprick bruises spelling the word across your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>slender<<else>>plump<</if>> behind. This must have been what was hurting so much!<<br>>
You don't know what face you make at the realization, but it's enough to draw a undignified snort of unrestrained glee from Colette. Looks like you're going to be walking around like this for the rest of the night.<<br>>
Your humiliation is almost enough of a consolation prize for Colette not to mind that she lost. Almost.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<cont "day8coletteWin1">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8coletteWin5">>
<</if>>You quickly check the laundry hamper to see if it might be a decent place to hide, and are delighted to find that it's exactly as you were hoping to find it - big enough that you'll be able to squeeze in without too much trouble, and filled with just enough clothing to be able to cover yourself underneath them.<<br>>
However, your enthusiasm is cut short when you inspect the clothing inside a little more closely. You've gotten used to dealing with all sorts of feminine clothing over the last week, but even so the sheer //frilliness// of everything in here is enough to make you hesitate. Whoever sleeps in this room but be a really girly-girl.<<br>>
<<link "Who cares? Hide here in the laundry hamper">>
<<set $day8hamper to true>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day8hamper2">>
<<link "I'd rather not deal with this stuff - keep looking for a better spot elsewhere">>
<<set $day8game.declinedArray.push("hamper")>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<</link>>You're not about to let a few frills stop you, not when your game with Colette hangs in the balance.<<br>>
You get to work making your hiding spot as safe as possible. It doesn't take long to identify that as well as being covered by clothing, you'll also need to make sure you have a layer between your curled up body and the sides, else the shape of your body will be clearly visible pressed against the fabric of the hamper.<<br>>
By the time you're ready you've well and truly encased yourself in a cocoon of clothing, insulated from the world outside by lace, silk, chiffon, velvet, satin, and cashmere. You can feel it all around you, softly pressing against every inch of your body.<<br>>
It's a sensation that you're not unused to, by now. You remember when you first put on women's clothing, when Merat forced you into the Princess' cloak. It hasn't been long, but it still feels like a lifetime ago now.<<br>>
Back then every one of the outfits Simone prepared seemed absurdly excessive, and the feeling of the soft fabric against your skin was so different to your scratchy commoner clothing that it tickled uncomfortably. Now you're sure that when you're finally allowed back in your old clothes, or hell, even any male clothing at all, it'll feel so tough in comparison that you worry it might //bruise// you.<<br>>
The clothing presses against you from all sides. At once so close that you worry you might suffocate but also so gentle that it's barely sensation at all, ephemeral, ethereal. It's like you're trapped in a world of frills and lace, unable to escape. But then, perhaps you could say the same of every bit of the last week? What else could you call the fate that's closed in around you, that now feels like it might last forever?<<br>>
It's not just being encased in soft fabric, it's the lateralization of the fears that have been keeping you up at night. You can feel your breath coming in thicker gasps, your mind beginning to panic. With every heavy breath, the smell of floral perfume mixed with the heady aroma of feminine perspiration floods into you from the used clothing, making everything even worse.<<br>>
<<link "Embrace the femininity">>
<<set $day8hamper to 'fem'>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8hamper3">>
<<link "Try to maintain your sense of self">>
<<set $day8hamper to 'masc'>>
<<goto "day8hamper3">>
<</link>><<setter "day8hamper to 'fem'" "day8hamper to 'masc'">>
<<if $day8hamper is "fem">>
Getting so worked up about stuff like this is //silly//. It's just //frilly clothing//, of all things, nothing worth having a panic attack about.<<br>>
The only reason why it could pose a perceived threat to you is if you're scared of it; if you're clinging desperately to some foolish idea that you shouldn't be allowed to share a life with such things. And that's ridiculous!<<br>>
All it takes to wipe the cloud of panicking thoughts away is to embrace them. Embrace the lace, embrace the frills, the satin, the bras, the panties, the outfits, the heels, the makeup, the leg shaving, the shopping, the //pink//, the daintiness, the looks from men, the having doors opened for you, the gossip, the little winks of shared experience with other women, the looking in the mirror in the morning and seeing... you.<<br>>
They're not scary, they're not bad. Hell, they might even actually be a little bit //fun//.<<br>>
You can feel your breath settle down, back to normal, as you distance yourself off from the fear and nervousness. Instead, in its place, you find a simple, small smile cross your lips.
<<elseif $day8hamper is 'masc'>>
This is //stupid//. You can't believe that you're on the brink of a panic attack from //frilly clothing//. It's ridiculous; it's beneath you.<<br>>
You're meant to be a //man//, for fuck's sake. Men aren't supposed to feel tears stinging the corners of their eyes at //anything//, let alone something so pathetic.<<br>>
But all of the spiteful self criticism in the world doesn't stop the feeling. In fact it just makes it cut all the deeper with the added weight of self-loathing behind it.<<br>>
It would be easy to just stop caring. To stop thinking of this encroachment of femininity onto your life as a terrible, looming threat which you need to fight, and let it take you over completely. You're sure that if you did then something like this wouldn't be a problem to you. Perhaps then on some level you might be 'stronger', because you wouldn't have this weakness.<<br>>
But you'd also stop being //you//.<<br>>
And that's something that you can't allow to happen.<<br>>
Your jaw tightens with determination, and you slowly regain control over yourself; taking slow, deep breaths to stop yourself from hyperventilating. You force your focus away from your swirling, chaotic thoughts and back to the solidity of the real world around you.
You manage it just in time. All of a sudden, Colette barges into the room, kicking the door open in her haste. If she'd come just a little earlier then she'd have heard your gasping for sure, but now you have the wits to hold your breath and remain as still as possible.<<br>>
To check as many hiding spots as possible, Colette's clearly gotten efficient in her search. You hear her swiftly prowling around the room, throwing aside bedcovers, wardrobe doors, and bathcurtains as she goes.<<br>>
You can't help but wince in anticipation as she draws close to your laundry hamper, expecting her to start rummaging through it and find you lurking inside. However, she has a much quicker way of checking it.<<br>>
Without pausing for a moment, Colette reaches back her foot and lets it fly - sending a vicious kick straight into the hamper.<<br>>
It takes every ounce of will inside of you to stop yourself from crying out. It //hurts//! The force is so strong that the whole thing is toppled, and you're greeted by a second wave of pain as you clatter to the floor.<<br>>
For a few moments Colette lingers, hesitating. Clearly this laundry hamper had a bit more weight to it than any of the others she's sent flying across the room.<<br>>
However, after you somehow manage to maintain your still silence despite the situation, she seems to conclude that she must be imagining things, or at least that she can't waste any more time on the matter. With swift steps she renews her search, trotting away into the corridor.<<br>>
As the sharp pain of the kick gives way to a dull ache, you can't help but let out the breath that you'd been holding with a groan. Colette's still close enough to hear, and whips back towards you, but by then it's too late - the '//bong//', '//bong//', '//bong//' of the grandfather clock rings out in the distance, marking your victory.<<br>>
<<cont "day8hamper4">>Colette gives you one of her most spiteful expressions yet as you emerge from your hiding spot, no doubt furious at having lost while you were right under her nose.<<br>>
<<colette "How very //like// you to end up hiding in the fucking frilly panties and shit.">> Colette spits, scowling. <<colette "I should have //guessed// that that's where you'd end up. Sure makes a difference compared to <<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>how the other bitch was<<else>>how you used to be<</if>>.">><<br>>
The intended insult doesn't hit nearly so hard when every outfit you've seen Colette in has been skimpy, pink, and sickly-sweet, but it's still odd to think that in the small time she's known you you've already managed to make an impression as someone interested in such things.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<cont "day8coletteWin1">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8coletteWin5">>
<</if>><<setter "day8game.firstFail to 'bed'" "day8game.firstFail to 'hallway'" "day8game.firstFail to 'bedroom'" "day8game.firstFail to 'hamper'" "day8game.firstFail to 'bath'" "day8game.firstFail to 'wardrobe'" "day8game.firstFail to 'drawers'" "day8game.firstFail to 'bathChanging">>
<<switch $day8game.firstFail>>
<<case "hallway">>
Damnit - none of the options in here look like they'll be any good. You don't know if you can afford the time, but it seems like your best option is to try another room.<<br>>
You throw open the door and fly outside as fast as your feet can carry you.<<br>>
Only to find yourself staring face-to-face with Colette.<<br>>
Your eyes widen in surprise, but there's no time to change your momentum. She barely has to bother to reach out to 'tag' you out.<<br>>
She's already cackling with delight at the development. <<colette "Really, you'd think that you'd at //least// be smart enough to have even found a //single// hiding spot, wouldn't you? Looks like you were just too //stupid// to even do //that// correctly. Or did you just realize how //futile// even //trying// to compete against me was?">>
<<case "bedroom">>
You hurriedly investigate the area in question, but you don't even have time to assess whether it would be a suitable hiding place - Colette du Lavalette barges straight into the room, and grins triumphantly at the sight of you.<<br>>
<<colette "Holy //shit//! Are you //really// so //stupid// that you never even found a hiding spot in time? I knew that you were //slow//, but I at //least// thought you'd manage //that//.">> She taunts as she casually swaggers over and 'tags' you out. <<colette "Or did you simply realize how //futile// even //trying// to compete against me was, and you decided not to even try?">>
<<case "noKink">>
You grimace, but there's no way that you're going to risk doing yourself damage by jumping into that crate. You make one last cursory glance around the room, looking for a decent alternative, but before you can pick anything Colette barges straight into the room and grins triumphantly at the sight of you.<<br>>
<<colette "Holy //shit//! Are you //really// so //stupid// that you never even found a hiding spot in time? I knew that you were //slow//, but I at //least// thought you'd manage //that//.">> She taunts as she casually swaggers over and 'tags' you out. <<colette "Or did you simply realize how //futile// even //trying// to compete against me was, and you decided not to even try?">>
<<case "bed">>
Under the bed isn't exactly a novel hiding place - you're sure that Colette will be checking it in every room that she goes in, but it's a classic for a reason. You're not just going to lay there though - you gather some items from around the room to use as cover - maybe she'll only glance down, and think that you're not there.<<br>>
<<include "day8firstFailSection">> Checking the bathroom, the wardrobe, the laundry hamper, and then there's only one place left to look.<<br>>
Here, for the first time, she lingers for a moment, her search briefly halted. Your blood runs cold. What could possibly have tipped her off?<<br>>
As she prowls forward to the end of the end of the bed, you can already see the smug swagger in her step from what little you can see of her <<if $day8coletteStockings is false>>bare<</if>> feet. It's no surprise at all when her wickedly grinning face cranes down to peer into your little hiding hole, already cackling with delight. She swiftly 'tags' you out.
<<case "bath">>
You hide yourself in the bath, closing the bath-curtain behind you and laying in the tub to hide your silhouette. If she's checking the en suite of every room she goes in, then she'll have twice as many rooms to inspect - you just have to hope that she'll have decided she can't afford the time once she gets to you.<<br>>
<<include "day8firstFailSection">> Checking the wardrobe, the laundry hamper, under the bed, and then there's only one place left to look.<<br>>
Here, for the first time, she lingers for a moment, her search briefly halted. Your blood runs cold. What could possibly have tipped her off?<<br>>
When she opens the door and enters the bathroom, you can already hear the smug swagger in her footsteps. It's no surprise at all when she finally throws aside the curtain to reveal her wickedly grinning face cackling down at you. She swiftly 'tags' you out.
<<case "bathChanging">>
Hiding in the bubble bath seems like a good idea, but there's no way that you're going to even consider letting your fancy clothing get ruined<<if $outfit.set.id isnot "drusilla">>, not after all of the effort that Simone puts into getting them ready!<<else>>.<</if>><<br>>
You take your time removing each part of your outfit, careful not to accidentally rip anything in your haste, folding them neatly on the side.<<br>>
In fact, you're so intent on your clothing that you don't even notice the sound of Colette drawing near until it's too late.<<check "You didn't have enough time to waste on changing!">><<br>>
The young noblewoman all-but kicks the door wide open behind you, just as you've stripped down to your underwear.<<br>>
Your hands fly to cover yourself in horror. Fuck! What if she can tell that you're really a boy!<<br>>
For a few long, terrible moments, the two of you just stare at eachother. You desperately await the shout of anger that's inevitably to follow, but none seems to come. Instead, Colette just blinks, seemingly taken completely unaware by the sight of your nudity.<<br>>
Then her jaw tightens with determination, and with wooden, awkward steps she forces herself to stride forward and place her hand against your bare shoulder - 'tagging' you out.<<br>>
<<colette "I-I don't know //what// you were planning.">> She says, her voice oddly lacking some of the spiteful determination that it usually has. <<colette "But it was //stupid// and now I've //won//">><<br>>
There's another moment of silence before she quickly adds. <<colette "A-and I //knew// that you'd be f-fucking //ugly// as //shit// under that garish clothing.">> But she can't seem to look at you while she says it.<<br>>
<<colette "I'll be waiting outside.">> She concludes, and hurries quickly out the room. You watch her go with wonder, not quite sure how to her behavior, but relieved beyond belief that she seemed too distracted acting oddly to clock your masculinity.<<br>>
However, all of the lucky saves in the world still can't override the bitterness of having lost to her.<<br>>
After a little time to clothe yourself again, you head back outside to find her waiting for you.<<br>>
<<case "drawers">>
You duck underneath the furniture, down where the legs would usually go. It's a little cramped, but if you squeeze then you can at least somewhat hide yourself from being easily seen.<<br>>
<<include "day8firstFailSection">> Checking the wardrobe, the bathroom, the laundry hamper, under the bed, and then there's only one place left to look.<<br>>
Here, for the first time, she lingers for a moment, her search briefly halted. Your blood runs cold. What could possibly have tipped her off?<<br>>
As she prowls forward your hiding spot, you can already see the smug swagger in her step from what little you can see of her legs. It's no surprise at all when her wickedly grinning face cranes down to peer into your little hiding hole, already cackling with delight. She swiftly 'tags' you out.
<<case "wardrobe">>
A wardrobe isn't exactly a novel hiding place - you're sure that Colette will be checking them in every room that she goes in, but it's a classic for a reason. You obscure yourself as much as you can behind the hanging clothes.<<br>>
<<include "day8firstFailSection">> Checking the bathroom, the laundry hamper, under the bed, and then there's only one place left to look.<<br>>
Here, for the first time, she lingers for a moment, her search briefly halted. Your blood runs cold. What could possibly have tipped her off?<<br>>
When she prowls up to the wardrobe door, you can already hear the smug swagger in her footsteps. It's no surprise at all when she finally throws it aside to reveal her wickedly grinning face, already cackling at you. She swiftly 'tags' you out.
<<case "hamper">>
It's be a little tight, but you're just about able to squeeze into the laundry hamper without ripping it. Then, by arranging some clothing to lay on top of you, you can hide yourself from sight. It's a little stifling, but you'll manage.<<br>>
<<include "day8firstFailSection">> Checking the bathroom, the wardrobe, under the bed, and then there's only one place left to look.<<br>>
When she prowls up to the hamper, you can already hear the smug swagger in her footsteps. It's no surprise at all when she finally throws the clothing covering you from sight aside to reveal her wickedly grinning face looming over you, already cackling with delight. She swiftly 'tags' you out.
<<if $day8game.firstFail is "hallway" or $day8game.firstFail is "bedroom">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<if $day8coletteReact is "sub">>
You flush with embarrassment at the accusation. The humiliation cutting all the deeper because it might really be true. After all, you found so many places where you //could// have hidden, and yet every single one felt insufficient to you.<<br>>
You begin to wonder if the thing that they felt inadequate compared to in your mind wasn't 'a better hiding place', but rather 'getting caught'. The thought makes your blush redden all the deeper.
You scowl with resentment, but can't offer any retort. After all, you found so many places where you //could// have hidden, and yet every single one felt insufficient to you. It's only natural that Colette would interpret this as an act of submission.<<br>>
Even a poor hiding place would have been //something//. It might at least have saved you from this humiliation.
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<cont "day8firstFail2">>
<<elseif $day8game.round is 5>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5fail">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<if $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.75>>
You chose one of the first hiding spots that you stumbled upon, before Colette could even finish counting down, so you have plenty of time to wait, nervously second-guessing your choice. Maybe you should have looked around for a better spot? Oh well, it's too late now.<<br>>
With nothing else to distract you, all of your focus goes towards your hearing. The echoes of Colette's counting soon wind down of their conclusion. From then on, the silence is shattered every now and again by the slamming of doors being thrown open. The sound gets closer and closer with every minute.<<br>>
Finally, when the tension has risen so high that it's almost unbearable, you can hear her light footsteps drawing near, followed swiftly by the door getting kicked open.
<<elseif $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.50>>
You still have some time before Colette comes near, plenty enough for you to nervously second guess your choice. Maybe you should have looked around for a better spot? Oh well, it's too late now.<<br>>
With nothing else to distract you, all of your attention goes towards your hearing. The silence is shattered every now and again by the slamming of doors being thrown open in the distance as Colette searches the area. The sound gets closer and closer with every minute.<<br>>
Finally, when the tension has risen so high that it's almost unbearable, you can hear her light footsteps drawing near, followed swiftly by the door getting kicked open.
<<elseif $day8game.time / $day8game.startTime gt 0.25>>
You have a little time to get comfortable and ensure that you're as out-of-sight as you can manage, but it isn't long before Colette bursts into the room.
You barely ducked into cover in time. Mere seconds after you to get completely out of sight, Colette bursts into the room with a clatter.
You find yourself holding your breath in scared anticipation.<<br>>
Colette moves swiftly through the room, all trace of her teasing ill-nature suppressed in the name of efficiency. She's like a bloodhound.<<br>>
One by one, like ticking them off of a list, she throws open every likely hiding spot.<<setter "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'">>
<<colette "Well, looks like I //won//.">> Colette jeers, relishing every moment of her victory. <<colette "No surprises there, obviously/. You'd have to be some kind of //idiot// to think that anything else was even //possible//.">><<br>>
<<set $day8coletteFirstResult to "lose">>
<<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth">>
<<include "day8firstFailTruth">>
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "dare">>
<<include "day8firstFailDare">>
<</if>><<set $day8storedDare to $day8game.round>>
<<if $day8game.round isnot 4>>
<<colette "Now, to the winner the //spoils//. What was it again? Oh yes - a //truth//. Ugh, //boring//. No matter - what should I pick for you?">><<br>>
Colette pauses for a few moments, her brow scrunching up with concentration. You're sure that she'd prepared all manner of horrible dares for you to carry out for her, but she seems genuinely thrown off at having to prepare a truth.<<br>>
You allow yourself a sliver of hope. Looks like going with truth really was a good option - you might be able to get through this lightly.<<br>>
Colette seems to come to a decision, but instead of the wicked smile that you'd been dreading to see emerge on her face once she thought up a suitably nasty thing to ask you, her expression gets rather more serious. You're not sure if it's better or worse than the alternative.
The two of you stand, somewhat awkwardly.<<br>>
<<colette "So, it's my truth, then">> She announces.<<br>>
You grimace, she played dirty to do it, but it hardly broke the rules or anything. Looks like she really did win this time.<<br>>
However, she doesn't seem as pleased as usual at the situation. Instead of the wicked smile as you'd been expecting to emerge on her face once she thought up a suitably nasty thing to ask you, her expression gets rather more serious.
<<colette "So, you have give me an honest response, right? No lies or anything, or what's the point of the win anyway?">> She asks, an odd tone to her voice.<<br>>
<<colette "Only, how will I know if I can trust you, and you won't just tell a fib anyway? I wouldn't it past you for a moment.">><<br>>
She looks at you intently. <<colette "I'm going to need something more reliable. Swear to me that you won't lie - do it!">><<br>>
You frown, unused to seeing this kind of hesitancy from her. You might as well do as she says, swearing on something important to you.<<br>>
<<link "Swear on your life">>
<<set $day8failTruthSwear to "life">>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth2">>
<<link "Swear on your honor">>
<<set $day8failTruthSwear to "honor">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth2">>
<<link "Swear on your innocence">>
<<set $day8failTruthSwear to "inno">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth2">>
<<link "Swear on the Queen">>
<<set $day8failTruthSwear to "queen">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth2">>
<</link>><<setter 'day8failTruthSwear to "queen"' 'day8failTruthSwear to "inno"' 'day8failTruthSwear to "honor"' 'day8failTruthSwear to "life"'>>
<<switch $day8failTruthSwear>>
<<case "life">>
It's such a classic that you find yourself swearing by your life without a second thought about how morbid such a thing actually is.<<br>>
Colette stares directly into your eyes as you make your oath, and seems to be satisfied by the earnestness she sees there.
<<case "honor">>
Your 'honor' as a man has been well and truly ridden through the mud by the last week, but it's partly because it's gone through so much that you're desperate to keep what little you have remaining. You could swear on nothing more important.<<br>>
Colette stares directly into your eyes as you make your oath, and though she scoffs <<colette "As if you even //have// any, bitch.">>, she seems satisfied enough by the earnestness that she sees in there to accept your pledge.
<<case "inno">>
'Innocence' wasn't really something that you thought about before all this happened. As a man, it was something embarrassing to be dispensed of as quickly as possible, but over the last week you've begun to find yourself valuing it deeply within your self. You find yourself swearing upon it like it's the most important thing in the world.<<br>>
Colette stares directly into your eyes as you make your oath, and though she scoffs <<colette "As if you even //have// any, bitch.">>, she seems satisfied enough by the earnestness that she sees in you to accept your pledge.
<<case "queen">>
The moment you start searching your mind for something important enough to you to be worth swearing upon, you're surprised to find the image of the Queen waiting for you there, and before you know it the words are tumbling out of you before you can interrogate why.<<br>>
You're lucky that swearing on your 'mother' is a fairly commonplace oath anyway, but Colette still raises a perfectly-plucked eyebrow at your words, or perhaps it's just the way you flush after saying them. Either way, she seems to be satisfied by your earnestness and accepts your pledge.
<<colette "Fine.">> She says with a sigh, a little jittery all of a sudden. <<colette "Let's do this.">><<br>>
The eyes that she turns on you now are so filled with serious intent that you almost flinch at the sight of them.<<br>>
<<colette "You're not really her, are you, '//Princess//'?">><<br>>
Your blood runs cold as the echoes of her cold words ring around the stone walls.<<br>>
You frantically try to work out how you should respond, your very life suddenly hanging in the balance. So much for truth being the easy option!<<br>>
<<link "Break your oath and lie that you're the Princess">>
<<set $day8failTruthLie to "lie">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth3">>
<<link "Tell the truth and confess that you're not her">>
<<set $day8failTruthLie to "truth">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth3">>
<</link>><<setter "day8failTruthLie to 'lie'" "day8failTruthLie to 'truth'">>
<<set $day8coletteKnow to true>>
<<if $day8failTruthLie is "lie">>
You desperately try to mask the panic rising up in you away from your face. Oaths be damned - this isn't something that you can get away with telling the truth about.<<br>>
With as strong a voice as you can manage, you maintain your barefaced lie that you're Her Royal Highness the Princess.<<br>>
<<colette "//''YOU'RE LYING!''//">> Colette shouts back at you, before you an even finish, her voice a feral, guttural bellow, so loud and furious that you can't help but stumble back in the face of it.<<br>>
You begin to stammer out an excuse, but she's having none of it - her hand lashes out to clasp over your mouth to stifle you. <<colette "No no - if you're going to be such a //bitch// that you'll //lie to my face// then I don't want to hear a fucking //word// from you!">><<br>>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why didn't you run away when you first saw me?">><br>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why would you be going along with your mother's plans?">><br>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why haven't you set up any traps for me yet?">><br>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then where are your fucking cronies?">><br>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why are you fucking //bumbling// through this like you don't know what you're doing?">><br>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why doesn't your ear have the little fold that you used to have?">><br>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why are you so fucking... //weird//?">><br><br>
She's terrifying - you're half convinced that she's about to kill you where you stand. With every furious sentence, each matched with an accusing finger jutted into your chest, she gets more and more intense, and by the end she's almost shouted herself hoarse, her voice raw and overwrought.<<br>>
<<colette "If you were //really// the Princess, then why does... why does my...">> She begins, before hesitating for a moment, stumbling on her words like she just stopped herself from saying something that she'd regret. Finally she gives up with a disgusted <<colette "... //Ugh//.">><<br>>
<<elseif $day8failTruthLie is "truth">>
It's risky as hell, but you did just swear on it - there's nothing you can do but tell the truth, even if it could mean ruining your life.<<br>>
Her eyes waver as the affirmation leaves your mouth, like no matter what suspicions she had it's still a shock to hear you confirm them.<<br>>
You remain frozen in place, warily waiting to see what her reaction is going to be at having the object of her obsession ripped away from her.<<br>>
However, laughter was the last thing that you were expecting. It starts to small that at first you mistake it for a sob, but then soon grows in strength - soon coming out in raucous cackling, with even a few unladylike snorts caught up in the mix.<<br>>
Suddenly they give way to a shrieked <<colette "I fucking //knew// it!">>. <<colette "Of //course// the Princess wouldn't have really come on this stupid trip. Of //course// The Princess wouldn't really be such a fucking //mess//. Of //course// the Princess wouldn't just be bumbling through everything like she doesn't know what she's doing. Of //course// The Princess wouldn't make me...">> She hesitates for a moment, like she's stopping herself from saying something, before hurriedly covering with <<colette "So fucking //disgusted// to even //look// at her.">><<br>>
<<colette "The fucking //bitch//...">> She sighs, and for a brief second the <<if $day8failTruthLie is "lie">>rage<<else>>mania<</if>> ebbs away, replaced by a sombre loneliness, but it doesn't last long.<<br>>
<<colette "So she thinks that she can keep me away by throwing a sacrificial fucking lamb my way, does she? Some //slut// that she found to take her place? That's just //like// her.">><br>
<<section "coletteReveal1">>
<<colette "Well, if that's what she wants, then I'll accept it //gladly//. I'm going to fucking //enjoy// ripping her fucking //gift// to pieces. If you're such a fucking //idiot// to think that you can dip into trying out being a Princess for a minute, then you're going to have to get used to //everything// that comes with that that role - including //me//.">><<br>>
You look at her with horror. /* Any hope that the one saving grace of this might be that she'd no longer try to enact her twisted revenge. */
<<section "coletteReveal2">>
<<colette "You might not be //the// Princess - but you're //my// Princess. All mine to play with until you're frayed at the edges and broken from overuse. And if you even dare to //think// about running away and losing the role, then I just won't //let// you. I'll ensnare you so tightly that you'll never be able to get away, even if that stuck-up bitch comes back.">><<br>>
Her deranged eyes glitter as the plan comes together fully in her mind. <<colette "A Princess all of my very own, to torment and toy with as much as I like. One to whom every public humiliation I carry out hits //her// reputation. She's given me the best weapon I could ever have asked for.">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _coletteReveal1>><<br>>
<<print _coletteReveal2>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\Colette\blushedPixie.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BlushedPixie)@@</div>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _coletteReveal1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\Colette\blushedPixie.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BlushedPixie)@@</div>
<<print _coletteReveal2>>
<<colette "You'd better get used to this role, '//Princess//'. You're even better than the real thing. And besides - you're more fun than she //ever// was, anyway.">><<br>>
You can't believe the words coming out of her mouth.<<br>>
You've got so many questions, like how long she's suspected, but perhaps more pressingly just how on earth she thinks she could carry out //any// of that shit, but before you can say them Colette's hand snaps out to hold a silencing index finger over your lips.<<br>>
<<colette "Nuh-uh, //Princess//. There's only //one// way that you're allowed to ask questions right now.">> She cautions, with one of her most shit-eating smirks yet. <<colette "You'll have to win a truth off of me first.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>
/* <<link "Ask how long she's suspected you">>
<<set $day8firstFailAsk to 'suspect'>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth4">>
<<link "Ask her how she plans to carry out any of that shit">>
<<set $day8firstFailAsk to 'how'>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth4">>
<<link "Ask her if she's insane">>
<<set $day8firstFailAsk to "insane">>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth4">>
<</link>> <br>
<<link "Stay silent">>
<<set $day8firstFailAsk to "silent">>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth4">>
<</link>> */<<setter "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'">>
<<set $day8coletteFirstResult to "win">>
<<colette "Whatever.">> Colette sighs, clearly irritated at having lost. <<colette "To the victor, the spoils. Let's get your stupid <<if $day8coletteFirst is 'truth'>>truth<<else>>dare<</if>> over and done with.">><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth">>
<<include "day8coletteWinTruth">>
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "dare">>
<<include "day8coletteWinDare">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>>You ponder what you should make Colette do.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") isnot true>>
<<link "Dare her to take off the rest of her clothes">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("stripClothes")>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareStripClothes">>
<<fail "Dare her to take off the rest of her clothes" "You've already made her do this">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") isnot true>>
<<link "Dare her to strip down to her underwear">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("stripClothes")>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareStripClothes">>
<<fail "Dare her to strip down to her underwear" "You've already made her do this">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>
<<fail "Dare her to remove her underwear" "You've already made her do this">>
<<link "Dare her to remove her underwear">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("stripUnder")>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareStripUnder">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("soldier")>>
<<fail "Dare her to go and say something the royal soldiers waiting outside" "You've already made her do this">>
<<link "Dare her to go and say something to the royal soldiers waiting outside">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("solider")>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareSoldier">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("cuddle")>>
<<fail "Dare her to cuddle with you for a little while" "You've already done this">>
<<link "Dare her to cuddle with you for a little while">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("cuddle")>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareCuddle">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("nice")>>
<<fail "Dare her to look after herself better" "You've already done this">>
<<link "Dare her to look after herself better">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("nice")>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareNice">>
<</if>>The idea of lording your victory over Colette does have some appeal, but there's something else much more important that you need to attend to first.<<br>>
Colette is absolutely giddy with perverse joy at having you in her clutches for the evening, but she might be pushing herself a little bit too far. Her eyes are a little bit too wide for comfort, her pupils a little too small, and amidst her frantic movements you can tell that her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>bare<</if>> slender limbs are trembling.<<br>>
The poor thing must be so caught up in her own obsession with you that it's come at the expense of everything else. She's running on pure adrenaline alone, and before-long a crash seems inevitable.<<br>>
If she's not going to look after herself, then you'll just have to //make// her.<<br>>
You place one hand on her skinny <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>naked<</if>> shoulder and announce your 'dare' - for her to sit down for the few minutes and have something to eat and drink.<<br>>
For a moment she just blinks in confusion, completely blindsided by the stipulation. Then, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>you can see the gooseflesh rise up her body, and even feel it under your fingers, as her trembling is joined by a shiver of deep resentment as she processes your demand.<<else>>under your fingers, you can feel her trembling joined by a shiver of deep resentment as she processes your demand.<</if>><<br>>
For a moment it's like her jaw is so tight with humiliated tension that she can't even force out the words, but then she manages to shout <<colette "Oh //fuck you// you //evil bitch//! Are you //really// so fucking determined to watch me //suffer// that you'd stoop so low as to //humiliate// me with this false fucking concern? So desperate to enforce some petty illusion of moral high-ground that it //amuses// you to pull this bullshit? I thought so fucking little of you, bitch, and somehow you //still// manage to impress me with the depths with which you'll go.">><<br>>
You almost roll your eyes at the response. Of //course// she'd read your intentions as malicious. Oh well, you're not egotistical enough to have to waste your time trying to convince her otherwise - so long as she's //doing it//, she can think all she likes.<<br>>
Colette hesitates, waiting for a sadistic smirk to cross your face that never comes. Finally, with a <<colette "//Ugh//!">> of outraged resignation she storms off down the corridor.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteWinDareNice2">>You follow a few steps behind Colette's stomps. She keeps her face directed staunchly ahead of her - unwilling to let you see whatever expression she might be wearing.<<br>>
Soon the two of you return to the bedroom with the grandfather clock, and under your watchful eye she rummages through the remnants of the upturned snack table, finds a few of the less-damaged sandwiches, and plonks herself down on one of the pillows to chew on them, resentful and humiliated.<<br>>
You were planning to just watch over her, but soon after sitting down you realize that you'd been so focused on Colette's needs that you were close to neglecting your own, and are surprised by how hungry and jittery you are yourself. You quickly grab something to eat too.<<br>>
After only a few minutes Colette throws aside the rest of her sandwiches and abruptly stands up. <<colette "Right, now that //that// shit's over let's-">> She starts ranting, but one firm look from you is enough to get her grumpily sitting back down again to wait out the rest of the time.<<br>>
She's so bitterly angry about it all that you doubt that this has been good for her blood pressure, but you're happy to watch the tension in her limbs begin to settle down. When she finally looks over and sneers <<colette "Come on, //surely// you've gotten your kicks off by //now//,">> her gaze is, while still spiteful and obsessive, at last lacking enough in the mania which had haunted it before that, with a shrug, you figure that keeping her from her game any longer would be cruel.<<br>>
For a brief moment, the delight that dawns on her face at your acceptance is so bright and sincere that it's almost innocent, but it's only for a flash, soon replaced by her characteristic arrogant sneer.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>You grin to yourself. The answer is easy - you want her to remove <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>the rest of<</if>> her clothing. It's not just that you'll get to see her strip down (though that is a bonus) - it's also that she'll have to stay that way for the rest of the evening, every action she does accentuated by her nudity.<<br>>
Colette just smirks at your demand. <<colette "Do you //really// think that something so silly will even make me flinch? <<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>You're soft<<else>>You've gone soft<</if>>, //Princess//.">><<br>>
<<colette "Or, perhaps you think that this will give you some advantage in these games? That I'll be so //shy// that I won't be able to give it my all, for fear of some //pervert// seeing me. Like I give a single //shit// about any of that stuff, //Princess//.">> She continues, seemingly not even considering that you might have your own sexual appetite for the matter.<<br>>
<<colette "But oh well, I suppose if you want to //waste// your dare on something so //stupid// then go ahead. Allow me to demonstrate.">> She announces, and without hesitation grips the hem of her skimpy pink skirt in her hands.<<br>>
It's not a striptease. This isn't designed to delight and entice. Instead, it's a brazen and shocking show of defiance. Her hands move quickly, but your mind goes so fast at the sight that it still feels like it happens in slow-motion, inch after inch of her naked flesh exposed to the air. Your eyes soar up her slender thighs, with just a hint of plushness to them, before the sight of <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>the gentle slit of her tight pussy makes your cheeks flush pink.<<else>>her panties - white lace with a little pink bow at the front - makes your cheeks flush pink.<</if>><<br>>
The crop top goes soon after. You almost look away in embarrassment, but remain almost hypnotized, watching the gentle curve of her waist as it narrows upwards from her hips, as if as drawn towards her taut navel as your gaze is. It's followed by the reveal of <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>the perky orbs of her chest, each crowned by a pink nipple, already a little hard from going braless in the cool Citadel.<<else>>her bra, as lacy white as her panties, and within which you can see the shape of her breasts constrained inside.<</if>><<br>>
You can't help but make a sharp intake of breath, but luckily whatever face you make at the sight is hidden from Colette by her upturned top. By the time she unfurls it over her head and throws it indecorously aside to stand boldly in the center of the room <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>as naked as the day she was born,<<else>>with only her bra, panties, and thigh-high stockings,<</if>> you've managed forced your expression into something that you desperately hope seems at least somewhat neutral.<<br>>
<<colette "See?">> She remarks with a grin. <<colette "Nothing to it.">><<br>>
Her shamelessness might feel a little less effective if she even had anything to be ashamed of. You can't help but feel a little bitter as your eyes scour the young noblewoman's body for flaws and come up shockingly empty-handed. Her fair skin is clear and radiant, every inch of her waxed to obsessive perfection, and there's no trace of sagging anywhere. She's not very curvy, and her boobs are probably only a B-cup, but it just gives her that 'model' look that's difficult to criticize. It's more //irritating// than it is sexy. You think of your own body, and all of the things that you have to be afraid to being exposed to the world, and can't help but get a little jealous.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>
<span id="nudeSpread">
<<colette "In fact.">> Colette says as an idea strikes her. <<colette "Here's how little I think of your stupid attempt at humiliating me.">><<br>>
Her hand reaches out to gently press against your chest and push you slowly backwards to sit onto <<if $day8game.round is 3>>a chair<<else>>the bed<</if>>. Standing above you, with a smirking flourish, she runs her hands gently down her naked body until they settle in the cleft of her pelvis and, to your astonishment, settle around her tight snatch.<<br>>
<<colette "Is //this// really what you think that I'd be so fucking //shy// about, //Princess//? This little thing here? I have //nothing// to be ashamed of, see?">> She gloats, gently parting her lips, brazenly revealing every inch of her spread labia to you without a care in the world, the slit of her cunt and the nub of her clit plainly visible. You can't help but stare in shock.<<br>>
She remains there for a few seconds, lingering in the moment, before whatever face you're making is enough to make her laugh so hard that she //snorts// and keel over in a giggling fit.</span><<br>>
<<colette "Come on then, you've done your stupid dare. Let's do the next round already.">> Colette pesters<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>> once she's calmed down<</if>>, impatiently jittering in place with just enough force to make her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>perky tits bounce in place<<else>>bra bounce a little from the motion of the breasts inside<</if>>, either completely ignorant of the effect or smugly showing how little she cares. You quickly realize that it's //you// who'll have a bigger chance of getting distracted by her nudity, not her.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>
You've already gotten her so close to nudity already, you're desperate to finish the job. You dare her to remove her underwear too.<<br>>
Colette frowns at your choice, baffled. <<colette "Why the fuck would you care about //that//? Haven't you learnt your lesson that I don't give a shit yet, //Princess//? Or do you really still think that it's just bluff that's worth calling me on?">><<br>>
<<colette "Oh well. If you're so desperate to waste another dare on this then I won't stop you.">> She sighs, looking almost disappointed at such a boring decision.<<br>>
It still doesn't seem to occur to her that you could have an ulterior motive for getting her naked other than a trick to make her suffer. It's odd, she seems to know how to wrap men and women around her little finger, but it's like she has a blind spot around you.<<br>>
Begrudgingly, she folds her arms behind her back to unceremoniously unhook her lacy white bra, and lets the little straps fall down her slender shoulders by themselves, revealing the her perky little breasts, each crowned by a pink nipple already hardening in the cold air of the Bastille's drafty halls.<<br>>
Without a pause, she grabs the hem of her little lacy panties and lets them fall too, fluttering down her legs to lie in a little heap on the floor, which she quickly steps out from. Her cunt is as perfectly shaved as the rest of her, the little slit of her tight vulva barely visible.<<br>>
She thumbs her silk thigh-high stockings, glancing up at you. <<colette "These too?">><br>
<<section "stockingAfter">>
<<include-part "day8coletteWinDareStripClothes" "#nudeSpread">>
<<colette "Whatever.">> She remarks, once she's calmed down a little. <<colette "Now that //that's// over and done with, lets get onto the next game!">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>
<span id="stockingRemove1"><br>
<<link "Nod. Everything">>
<<set $day8coletteStockings to false>>
<<replace "#stockingRemove1" t8n>>
She shrugs, and obligingly does as you request. She has to sit down and curl her body to unravel them from her legs, giving you such a good look at her twisting body that you have to glance away, your face red, but not before catching sight of her supple young feet wriggling in the air is emblazoned in your mind.<<br>>
<<colette "See?">> She remarks with a grin as she stands back up. <<colette "Nothing to it.">><<br>>
<<print _stockingAfter>>
<<link "Shake your head. They can stay on.">>
<<set $day8coletteStockings to true>>
<<replace "#stockingRemove1" t8n>>
She shrugs to herself, leaving the little silken slips of fabric on. <<colette "Well in that case that's everything.">><<br>>
She spreads her arms out wide and spins briefly in place, as if presenting herself wholly for display, brazenly defiant in her lack of shame. <<colette "See?">> She remarks with a grin. <<colette "Nothing to it.">><<br>>
<<print _stockingAfter>>
Something about the idea of Colette removing her underwear is appealing to you. It's not just the taking them off that's appealing - it's that for the rest of your evening together you'll know that every movement she makes will be without those scanty slips of fabric; that every gust of cool air going through the drafty Bastille will be felt by her intimately.<<br>>
Colette frowns at your choice, baffled. <<colette "Why the fuck would you care about //that//? Do you really think I'd ever give a single //shit// about something that //stupid//?">><<br>>
<<colette "Oh well. If you're so desperate to waste a dare on this then I won't stop you.">> She sighs, looking almost disappointed at such a boring decision.<<br>>
It still doesn't seem to occur to her that you could have an ulterior motive for getting her naked other than a trick to make her suffer. It's odd, she seems to know how to wrap men and women around her little finger, but it's like she has a sexual blind spot around you.<<br>>
You were wondering if she'd have to remove her whole top to take off her bra, revealing everything to you, but after bending her arms behind her to unclasp the hook at the back, she manages to pull the straps down her arms and unhook her elbow beneath them, so that she can just slip the whole untethered bra out one of the armholes.<<br>>
You're a little disappointed to see the lacy white bra thrown aside with nary a show for it, but the way that her skimpy pink crop-top resettles over her chest soon proves a worthy consolation prize - the fabric is thin enough that you can make out the clear shape of her perky little tits through them, and can even tell that her nipples are swiftly hardening now that they're so exposed to the cold.<<br>>
Colette doesn't waste any time before quickly moving to the next item, reaching under her skirt to pull the hem of her matching lacy white panties down, letting them flutter to her feet to be stepped out of a moment later.<<br>>
She thumbs her silk thigh-high stockings, glancing up at you. <<colette "These too?">><br>
<<section "spin">>
spins her entire body around in a quick, graceful pirouette. The little sneer on her face as she does it makes it perfectly clear that the exaggeratedly playful motion is to rub how little she cares about your request in your face, but the way that the motion causes her short skirt to rise up, revealing a brief glimpse of her tight, shaved snatch, makes you far too distracted to care.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>
<span id="stockingRemove"><br>
<<link "Nod. Everything">>
<<set $day8coletteStockings to false>>
<<replace "#stockingRemove" t8n>>
She shrugs to herself and obligingly does as you request.<<br>>
She has to sit down and curl herself up somewhat to unravel the little silken slips off of her legs - a somewhat lewd matter, considering her short skirt. However what takes your focus the most is the sight of her supple young feet wriggling in the air as they're released.<<br>>
She stands and, all of a sudden,
<<print _spin>>
<<link "Shake your head. They can stay on.">>
<<set $day8coletteStockings to true>>
<<replace "#stockingRemove" t8n>>
She shrugs to herself, leaving the little silken slips of fabric on. <<colette "Well in that case that's everything.">><<br>>
All of a sudden, <<print _spin>>
<</if>><<setter "day8coletteStips.push('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.delete('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.push('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.delete('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStockings to false" "day8coletteStockings to true" "day8coletteStockings to undefined">>
At first it had seemed to your benefit that Colette had gotten rid of all of the ladies in waiting - at least this way you only have to worry about exposing yourself to //one// person, rather than a whole crowd. However, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>now that Colette is so indecently exposed, and it's<<else>>now that it's<</if>> //you// who's in a position to humiliate //her//, you find yourself mourning the lack of audience.<<br>>
That is, until you remember that you at least know where to find a few witnesses waiting patiently nearby - your royal escort.<<br>>
For a brief moment you have the satisfaction of watching Colette's gaze falter nervously as you announce your dare. <<colette "Don't get carried away, //Princess//. Our fun for this evening is restricted just to the ladies-in-waiting wing, remember?">><<br>>
You shrug. That's not much of a problem - they're waiting just outside, she'll be able to walk right up to them, only a few feet away, without ever needing to cross the boundary.<<br>>
Colette scowls, no-doubt worried about what this will do to her squeaky-clean reputation, which will already be taking a serious blow from chasing off the ladies in waiting./* However, even that pales in comparison compared to how upset she seems at having allowed herself to show weakness by complaining. */<<br>>
However, it lasts only a moment - soon replaced by her smug facade. <<colette "Well who gives a shit, anyway? Fine, if you really //stupid// enough to think that it'll make any difference let's do your dumb dare.">><<br>>
The two of you head over to the entrance of the wing, where the soldiers await. Colette stomps irritably next to you, <<if $day8coletteStockings is false>>her bare feet pattering on the stone floor<</if>>.<<br>>
<<colette "So. What am I supposed to say to them, anyway?">> She asks.<<br>>
You consider your reply.<<br>>
<<link "Tell them that I beat you">>
<<set $day8coletteWinDareSoldier to "beat">>
<<set $wolf ++ >>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareSoldier2">>
<<link "Tell them that I'm wonderful and amazing and perfect">>
<<set $day8coletteWinDareSoldier to "princess">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareSoldier2">>
<<link "Tell them that you're a dirty little slut">>
<<set $day8coletteWinDareSoldier to "slut">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareSoldier2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8coletteStips.push('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.delete('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.push('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.delete('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStockings to false" "day8coletteStockings to true" "day8coletteStockings to undefined" "day8coletteWinDareSoldier to 'beat'" "day8coletteWinDareSoldier to 'princess'" "day8coletteWinDareSoldier to 'slut'">>
<<if $day8coletteWinDareSoldier is "beat">>
You can see Colette grinding her teeth together at your decision. It won't mean much to the soldiers at all, they'll be more baffled than anything, but you're confident that you've picked the thing that Colette will least want to ever admit to anyone.
<<elseif $day8coletteWinDareSoldier is "princess">>
Colette scowls at your choice. <<colette "Fine. Whatever. I'll carry out your pig-headed little ego boost.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteWinDareSoldier is "slut">>
Despite being the victim, Colette can't help but smirk at your decision. <<colette "A classic.">> She concedes, and for a brief moment there's almost a moment of comradery in your mutual appreciation.
The two of you arrive at the corridor where the soldiers dropped you off and you stop just out of sight. In what's probably an attempt to recoup any dignity she lost by complaining, Colette doesn't even pause to take a breath in anticipation, instead boldly striding past you.<<br>>
Seeing as the lot of them are intently on look-out in the other direction, it takes few seconds for them to even notice her.
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>
But when they do, you can see their faces flush pink at the sight of her <<if $day8coletteStockings is true>>nudity<<elseif $day8coletteStockings is false>>nudity<</if>>. Colette doesn't hide herself, standing brazenly with her stance wide and her hands on her hips.<<br>>
<<blue "G-good heavens, miss!">> Cries the officer, his hand rising up to cover his eyes. The rest of the group swiftly follow his lead, but they do a poor job hiding the way they keep glancing around their fingers with grins on their faces. <<blue "A-a good lady like yourself r-really should be more careful. T-think of your pure maidenhood!">><<br>>
Colette doesn't waste any time. <<colette "I don't give a single //shit// about that.">> She snaps. <<colette "Now //shut up// and listen to me.">><<br>>
As much out of astonishment as obedience, he does as she commands.
When they do, she's greeted by a wave of salutes.<<br>>
<<blue "Good evening, miss!">> The officer calls. <<blue "I do hope that you're having fun at the party. We saw a few charming young ladies passing earlier who seemed to be having a rotten time. I trust it's all been sorted out alright?">> You can hear the surprise in his voice as he continues. <<blue "Oh - is that the young lady Lavalette there? What a blessing, I didn't know you were in the county - what's bought you down to-">><<br>>
Colette quickly tires of his yapping. <<colette "I don't a single //shit//.">> She snaps, interrupting him. <<colette "Now //shut up// and listen to me.">><<br>>
You can hear a few murmurs of surprise from the soldiers, but as much out of astonishment as obedience, they do as she bids.
<<if $day8coletteWinDareSoldier is "beat">>
However, all they're greeted with is a few seconds of deafening silence. The words turning to dust in her mouth before they can leave her unwilling lips. From your spot around the corner you can see the hands at her hips tighten into frustrated fists.<<br>>
After a while, one of the soldiers speaks up. <<blue "Err, are you alright?">><<br>>
The added humiliation of his question is enough to get the words out of her. You can't see her face from where you are, but you can hear the bitter unshed tears in her voice as, in a smaller voice than you're used to, she mutters <<colette "I lost...">><<br>>
The soldier doesn't really know how to react. <<blue "Uh...">><<br>>
Colette finally continues, her voice more strained. <<colette "I //lost//, okay? I lost our game, and she //won//.">><<br>>
You can't help but grin to yourself at the sight of her so utterly dejected.<<br>>
And with that, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>her pale naked body flies back up the corridor<<else>>she runs away back up the corridor<</if>>, leaving your escort completely confused in her wake.<<br>>
She tries to keep a straight face as she twirls around furiously on you. <<colette "There you go. Are you fucking happy now? Let's get on with the next round - I'll get you back for this.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteWinDareSoldier is "princess">>
<<colette "I have to tell you about the Princess.">>
Your escort quickly become more alert, grabbing the grip of their weapons. <<blue "Goodness. Is she alright? Is she safe? She's not injured, is she? I told them that this was a stupid-">><<br>>
<<colette "Shut up.">> Colette snaps once more. <<colette "No she's...">> However, now it's her turn to hesitate.<<br>>
After a few moments she finally manages <<colette "She's... she's just wonderful. She's so fun, and pleasant, and good.">><<br>>
All you can hear is confused silence in response.<<br>>
<<colette "And she's smart, and witty, and interesting and-">> You can hear the strain in her voice as she goes on. <<colette "a-and pretty, and fashionable, and brave. She's really... I don't hold a candle to her.">><<br>>
She seems to run out of steam, and with an awkward <<colette "I-i just thought that you should know.">> She abruptly runs back up the corridor, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>her pale naked body a blur, <</if>> leaving your escort completely baffled in her wake.<<br>>
She can't keep the scowl out of her face as she twirls around on you. <<colette "There you go. Are you fucking happy now? Let's get on with the next round - I'll get you back for this.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteWinDareSoldier is "slut">>
You can't see her expression from your spot, but you can hear the smug smirk in her tone as she boldly asserts. <<colette "I have something to announce, and you //useless// bunch of just so happen to be the lucky //idiots// to be the ones to hear it.">><<br>>
She pauses for a few moments in the stunned silence, mostly for dramatic effect it seems.<<br>>
<<colette "I - Lady Colette Lavalette, next in line for the Lavalette Estate. Do hereby declare that I, in all of my highness and dignity, am...">><<br>>
Another pause, and then you can hear the twisted amusement in her tone as she continues <<colette "A //dirty fucking slut//. A //filthy reprobate// more suited for a whorehouse than a palace. A stupid //tramp// who just can't fucking help herself from //constantly// doing...">> She falters for a moment as she can't quite think of how to finish her sentence. <<colette "Umm. Boys!">><<br>>
The officer manages to surpass his surprise to flusteredly interrupt <<blue "Y-y- your ladyship. I- I really think that you should-">><<br>>
His efforts only get him another sharp <<colette "//Shut up//!">> from Colette. <<colette "If you don't stop //interrupting// me while I'm speaking then, then.. then I'll fuck you too!">><<br>>
Even she seems to understand that that wasn't her best work, but she hurriedly barrels onwards. <<colette "I'm a wanton harlot. I churn through men like my father goes through eggs for breakfast, and none of them good enough to satisfy me. You hear me?">><<br>>
Another pause, glorifying in the moment before, after a mockingly ladylike curtsy goodbye, she darts back up the corridor, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>her pale naked body a blur, <</if>> leaving your escort completely confused in her wake.<<br>>
She twirls back around to you when she gets to your waiting spot. There's huge grin on her cheeks, like she herself wasn't expecting that to be nearly so fun. <<colette "There you go. See how fucking //easy// that was? You'll really have to do much worse to make me flinch. Now lets get on with the next game.">>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>To be honest there's only one thing that you really want from Colette, the problem is that it's a little embarrassing to admit.<<br>>
She's so desperate to despise you, but honestly it's difficult to respond in turn. Sure, she's an arrogant bitch who thinks nothing of hurting others, but something about her makes you wish that she could see you with something other than animosity.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll("stripClothes", "stripUnder")>>
And besides, now that she's stripped <<if $day8coletteStockings is true>>down to her thin silk stockings<<else>>buck naked<</if>>, every inch of her shamelessly on display, it's difficult for your mind not to start to stray, imagining how that nubile body might feel next to your own.<<br>>
<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>
And besides, now that she's stripped down to her smallclothes, her body shamelessly exposed, it's difficult for your mind not to start to stray, imagining how that nubile body might feel next to your own.<<br>>
<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>
And besides, ever since you stripped her of her underwear, it's been difficult for you to keep your mind off of her. The way the hem of her skirt sways with every movement, the way her chest rises and falls with every breath - restrained only by her thin crop-top. It's difficult for your mind not to start to stray, imagining how that nubile body might feel next to your own.<<br>>
That said, there's no way that you're going to just confess as much to her - she'd rip you to pieces, and use it as ammunition against you. No, you've got to be a bit more careful about it.<<br>>
You rise up to your full height and, in a voice which you hope comes off as severe, 'dare' her to lay together with you.<<br>>
You watch her blink with confusion at your unexpected request, but breath an inward sigh of relief when, thankfully, her expression shifts to one of cautious wariness rather than sneering contempt, anticipating that this must be some cruel trick rather than just an expression your nervous desires.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>
<<colette "You mean... when I'm still like //this//?">> She asks, and for the first time you see her arms begin to rise up to try to cover her nudity, though she manages to stop herself before the movement has a chance to go far - unwilling to show such weakness. However, she can't stop her gaze from wavering a little, like she's having difficulty forcing herself to maintain eye-contact.<<br>>
<<colette "I mean... Whatever. Don't you dare go thinking that I don't know //exactly// what you're playing at.">> She insists, clearly with no idea whatsoever what you're playing at at all. <<colette "If you're really //stupid// enough to think it'll work on me then I won't stop you from //wasting// your dare. To the victor the spoils.">>
<<colette "Ugh, whatever. Don't you dare go thinking that I don't know //exactly// what you're playing at.">> She insists, clearly with no idea whatsoever what you're playing at at all. <<colette "But if you're really //stupid// enough to think it'll work on me then I won't stop you from //wasting// your dare. To the victor the spoils.">>
<<colette "So, umm...">> She continues, rapidly running out of steam and looking a little hesitant. <<colette "How are we going to go about this?">><<br>>
It's a hesitancy that you can't help but share, though you try to maintain your firm facade. It's one thing to airily demand it, but the moment you try to think about the specifics it all gets a little too embarrassing to think about properly.<<br>>
<<link "Awkwardly direct her towards a bed">>
<<goto "day8coletteWinDareCuddle2">>
<</link>>With some difficulty, you somewhat-stiffly manage to guide Colette to one of the ladies-in-waitings' beds, make her lie down upon it, and then get in next to her.<<br>>
But now, as you both lay rigidly shoulder-to-shoulder staring at the ceiling together, the flustered tension between you seems to have peaked. This weird, suffocating mood really isn't what you had in mind, but you have no idea how to break it, or if it's even possible to.<<br>>
It's at least a tension that Colette seems to share. Usually she'd be teasing you relentlessly by now, eager to have found another hole in your (admittedly already sieve-like) armor, but while you don't know what might be going through her mind, she remains uncharacteristically silent.<<br>>
This is stupid, you spent a whole dare on this - you don't intend to let it go to waste, no matter how awkward it might be.<<br>>
With as much firm assurance as you can muster, you reach your arm out to reach under Colette's body and pull her close to you.<<br>>
She lets out a sharp little intake of breath at the unexpected contact, her body tensing up even tighter than before as the inches of space between you dwindle down to zero, and you can eachothers body warmth fully.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>
With her being so naked, you can easily see the pinpricks of gooseflesh rise up up on bare skin. <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>Her perky little tits shift with the movement.<</if>><<br>>
Her mouth opens as if she's about to say something spiteful, but then shuts so tightly that her lips purse together, unwilling to show weakness. Her face is so close that when it flushes a deep pink you swear that you can even feel the warmth of it, no matter how much she hides it behind a bratty scowl. It's a far-cry from how brazen and shameless she seems to act about everything else.<<br>>
You would've thought that the tension between you couldn't have gotten any worse, but this new energy soon makes the last look blissfully casual in comparison. She's wound up so tightly that she's almost trembling, and you're not doing much better yourself - the weight of her intimate closeness presses down on you, making it hard to breathe and sending butterflies to your tummy. You can feel every last contour of her body against your own. You can't believe how //small// she feels like this. Her usual presence is so larger-than-life that this light, skinny body feels like it couldn't possibly fully contain her.<<br>>
The two of you remain like that for little more than a minute, though it feels like an hour. And then, though you couldn't even begin to imagine what changed in her mind to inspire it, it changes.<<br>>
Like a kitten picked up by the scruff of its neck by its mother, Colette's body goes limp. Absent-mindedly, perhaps instinctively, her fingers lightly scrape against the fabric of your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("dress")>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>>, finding purchase in the material to weakly cling to you. She lets out a little sigh as she lets loose the breath that she'd been too tense to release, and it comes out as soft as a whimper.<<br>>
For a brief, fragile moment, the shape in your arms doesn't seem like the frantic, hateful, wild animal that you're used to dealing with, and you could almost swear that you see a glimpse of a scared, lonely, hurt girl who never learnt how to heal the emptiness inside her.<<br>>
It doesn't last long - scarcely ten seconds before her lidded eyes bolt upon and she pulls herself away with all of the abrupt terror of someone nearly drowned, gasping desperately for breath after almost lapsing into a place they'd never return from.<<br>>
<<colette "That's it!">> She shouts stiffly, as she rises quickly to her feet. <<colette "Y-you've had your ridiculous dare, and it was a w-//waste of time//. Lets get on the next game already.">><<br>>
Seeing the frantic edge to her expression, you don't have the heart to refuse.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<setter "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2" "pc.face to 1" "pc.face to 2" "day8game.firstFail to 'hallway'" "day8game.firstFail to 'bed'">>
<<colette "Now, to the winner the //spoils//. What was it again? Oh yes - a //dare//. How very well chosen - you've //truly// spelled your own demise. I wonder what I should pick...">><<br>>
She puts a finger to her lips as if thinking to herself. It's poor acting, you both know perfectly well that she'll have already meticulously planned out every possible dare for you - this is just to draw out the moment of her victory and give you time to sweat in dread of what she has in store.<<br>>
Only once the tension is unbearable does she finally release the moment. With a cruel smile, she callously remarks
<<colette2>>"You know. I fucking //hate// looking at you. <<if $pc.face lte 1>>Your ugly fucking //face//, y<<elseif $pc.face gte 2 and $pc.frame gte 2>>Y<<elseif $pc.frame gte 2>>Your //mannish// body, y<<else>>Y<</if>>our //stupid// <<if $outfit.set.types.includes('dress') is true>>dress<<else>>clothes<</if>>,<</colette2>>
<<if $pc.face gte 2 and $pc.frame gte 2>>
<<colette2>>your fucking //mannish// face and body...<</colette2>> At this she hesitates, her expression furrowing as she visually reassesses you for a moment and doesn't quite find you the same as she remembered you being a few days ago, but she seems to quickly conclude she must be imagining things and quickly continues, irritated at having been thrown off her speech. <<colette2>>"<</colette2>>
<<elseif $pc.face gte 2>>
<<colette2>>your ugly fucking //face//..."<</colette2>> At this she hesitates, her expression furrowing as she reassesses your features for a moment and not quite finding them the same as she remembers, but she seems to quickly conclude she must be imagining things and quickly continues, irritated at having been thrown off her speech. <<colette2>>"<</colette2>>
<<elseif $pc.frame gte 2>>
<<colette2>>your //mannish// body..."<</colette2>>At this she hesitates, her expression furrowing as she reassesses your frame for a moment and doesn't quite find it the same as she remembers, but she seems to quickly conclude she must be imagining things and quickly continues, irritated at having been thrown off her speech. <<colette2>>"<</colette2>>
<<colette2>>your //mannish// body. <</colette2>>
<<colette2>>If I'm going to spend the rest of the evening with you, then I'm simply going to have to make you more //pleasing// to the eye."<</colette2>><<br>>
You frown, unsure at what she's getting at but not liking it one bit.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.firstFail is "hallway" and $day8game.round isnot 4>>
She cheerfully strides into the room you were just escaping, leaving you to trail in her wake. It isn't long before she finds exactly what she's looking for inside - a set of letter-writing stationary.
She briefly glances around the room, and soon finds what she's looking for - a set of letter-writing stationary.
<</if>> <<colette "This will be //perfect//!">> She announces with glee, rummaging through it with absolutely no regard for the fact that it's someone else's belongings. It isn't long before she's gleefully holding an inkwell and a fancy quill aloft - the rest callously thrown aside as useless.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8firstFailDare.jpg">><br>
<<if $day8jacquesLetter is true>>
You frown, thinking that it'll be Elodie's turn to receive a terrible letter from you, but it seems like Colette has other plans.<<br>>
<<colette "With this, I'll mark every //inch// of your exposed skin with every word that pops into my head - and then you'll have to spend the whole evening like that. Maybe then you'll at least be //somewhat// palatable for my eyes.">><<br>>
/* You wince, this sounds like a pain. But you at least count yourself somewhat lucky */
You wince - this sounds like a pain. However, it could be worse, having a few words written on you might be humiliating, but you figure that it's at least not going to cause you any long term problems.<<br>>
<<link "Let her write on you">>
<<goto "day8firstFailDare2">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.butt to 1" "pc.butt to 2" "pc.frame to 1" "pc.frame to 2">>
<<set $day8coletteWriting to true>>
Colette gets you to sit down on the bed and sets things up. As she dips the tip into the inkwell to fill the little reservoir she's filled with an uncharacteristic seriousness. She's still smug as hell, but takes so much care that it almost feels like you're part of a solemn ritual.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
You wish that you hadn't picked today of all days to wear Drusilla's daring outfit. Colette is left acres of uncovered skin on your upper-chest and legs to mark as she pleases. After a moment's consideration, she decides to start on your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>plush<</if>> thighs.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
Your slouchy pink dress leaves Colette plenty of space across your legs and shoulders to mark as she pleases. After a moment's consideration, she decides to start on your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>plush<</if>> thighs.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "redgown">>
Your red evening gown leaves Colette plenty of space across your legs, shoulders, upper chest, and tummy to mark as she pleases. After a moment's consideration, she decides to start on your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>plush<</if>> thighs.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
Your cute pink outfit leaves Colette plenty of space across your <<if $pc.frame is 1>>broad<<else>>svelte<</if>> shoulders to use as her canvas, as well as some on your belly and thighs.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
Your cool red outfit leaves Colette plenty of space across your <<if $pc.frame is 1>>broad<<else>>svelte<</if>> shoulders and tummy to use as her canvas.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
You're glad that you wore something a little less revealing today - only your arms, thighs, and collar are exposed to Colette. After a moment's consideration, she decides to start on your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>plush<</if>> thighs.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
You're extremely glad that you decided to wear something that covers so much of you today - the only exposed parts of you are your neck and <<if $pc.frame is 1>>broad<<else>>svelte<</if>> shoulders.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
You're extremely glad that you decided to wear something that covers so much of you today - the only exposed parts of you are your arms and <<if $pc.face is 2>>feminine<</if>> face.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You're extremely glad that you decided to wear something that covers so much of you today - the only exposed part of you is your neckline and <<if $pc.hands is 1>>large<<else>>slender<</if>> hands.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
You're glad that you wore something a little less revealing today - only your forearms, thighs, and collar are exposed to Colette. After a moment's consideration, she decides to start on your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>plush<</if>> thighs.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
Your floaty butterfly outfit leaves Colette plenty of space across your legs and <<if $pc.frame is 1>>broad<<else>>svelte<</if>> shoulders to use as her canvas. After a moment's consideration, she decides to start on your <<if $pc.butt is 1>>boyish<<else>>plush<</if>> thighs.
The cold quill-nib touches down on your skin, and you can't help but gasp at the sensation. You'd been so caught up thinking about what she might choose to write that you never considered how intense actually getting written on might be. The metal tip isn't quite spiked, but is still sharp enough to scrape painfully against your delicate skin with every line that she makes.<<br>>
With the larger sweeps, Colette presses so firmly that the delicate tines yield under her forceful fingers, splaying open wide to release a torrent of wet ink from the slit, cascading onto your skin to paint you with broad, thick strokes.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8firstFailDare2.gif" "simg">><br>
After a little while Colette smirks with satisfaction, and you look down to see what she's so pleased about - the words "@@font: italic 24px "Dancing Script";I'm a ''huge'' bitch@@"" scrawled across you in big, cursive letters. Your skin has already begun to swell up around the scraped lines, making them all the bolder, outlining the letters with red bruising.<<br>>
Were she taking her time, you're sure that you could end up permanently tattooed by the unsanitized nib - the ink flooding into your torn flesh to leave you forever marked by Colette's spiteful words. Thankfully<<if $day8coletteReact is "sub">> (or at least, you try to convince yourself that you're thankful, though some deep part of you feels almost disappointed)<</if>> she's too interested in covering as much of you as quickly as possible to cause too much damage - scraping the sharp tip harshly over your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin in jagged squiggles.<<br>>
Occasionally the feathered end of the quill will end up brushing against you and, combined with the scratchiness of the nib, not even the pain, tension, and enmity of the scene can stop you from giggling from the tickliness of it all, sending Colette's writing askew as you quiver beneath her. Somehow it makes the humiliation all the worse - to be so helpless that you're no longer be able to control your own body even as it's being tormented.<<br>>
It reaches its peak when she firmly grasps onto your chin with her spare hand and thrusts it upwards, revealing your tender neck. Even the feeling of her close, warm breath there is enough to make you flinch and tremble - when she presses the cold metal against your jugular to leave her mark you can't help but writhe so much that in the end she has to clamber over you to pin your wriggling arms against the bed with her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>bare legs<<else>>knees<</if>> to keep you in place.<<br>>
For a moment it looks like she's finished, but then she has one last idea, concluding her work by holding your cheek flat to write on your face. It's not as tickly as some areas, and you've almost gotten used to the pain by now, but what's more distracting is the way that she holds her face quite so close to yours, her expression furrowed with concentration at her work.<<br>>
Finally she finishes, and the unusual seriousness seems to leave her immediately - that concentrating expression giving way to a shriek of cruel glee at what she's done that leaves your ears ringing.<<br>>
<<colette "Oh I //knew// that this was a good idea. Look at you now - you're //perfect//, a piece of //art// dedicated to //me// and //me alone//! Look in the mirror!">><<br>>
<<cont "day8firstFailDare3" "Do as she bids">>She gets back up off of you, and despite having felt warm and stifled under her while she held you trapped, the air feels cold without her. You stagger back to your feet, and are surprised how shaky they are. You try your hardest to move normally in spite of it, but you're sure that she sees right through you.<<br>>
Every exposed part of you has been covered in cruel scrawled insults. As well as the "@@font: italic 24px "Dancing Script";I'm a ''huge'' bitch@@" you already saw, there's also;<br>
@@font: italic 24px "Dancing Script";Idiot<br>
I stink@@ (this one next to a little stick figure of you with stink lines coming off of it)<br>
@@font: italic 24px "Dancing Script";Loser<br>
@@font: italic 24px "Dancing Script";I should never have been born@@<br><br>
And the final pièce de résistance on your cheek is a simple, plain, and to-the-point "@@font: italic 24px "Dancing Script";''SLUT''@@", written so thick that the ink's blotted and threatens to drip down your chin.<<br>>
<<colette "I like you like this.">> Colette gloats. <<colette "I was planning something more elaborate for you, once you're fully broken and it's time to leave my marks on you //permanently//, but perhaps something like this is suits you best. Someone as filthy as you would look ridiculous in something so fancy - this crude scrawling really matches your indignance. That way everyone who sees you will not only know that you're //mine//, but also that you're not even worth caring about.">><<br>>
<<link "Scowl at her flight of fancy">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8writingReact to "resist">>
<<goto "day8firstFailDare4">>
<<link "Nod meekly">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8writingReact to "sub">>
<<goto "day8firstFailDare4">>
<</link>><<setter "day8writingReact to 'sub'" "day8writingReact to 'resist'">>
<<if $day8writingReact is "sub">>
Looking at how absurd and degraded you seem in the mirror, and still feeling raw and fragile after the experience of being written on, it's difficult to keep yourself grounded. As Colette spins her tale about her plans for you, you find your mind following it - imagining these marks not as scribbles but tattoos in her honor.<<br>>
You imagine being paraded around by her at parties, knowing that every single person there will know immediately that you're pathetic, ridiculous, weak, //hers//. You can almost hear the sneers, scoffs, and cruel laughter. No longer a person but an object, a //possession//.<<br>>
You feel your cheeks blushing scarlet, and you tear your eyes away from your reflection in a futile attempt to keep your thoughts away from the fantasy. It's horrible, truly horrible - but why does it sound so //right//.
<<elseif $day8writingReact is "resist">>
You scowl with resentment. She sure does have a fucking imagination on her. She might have gotten the best of you this time, but now she's getting completely carried away with her bizarre obsessive fantasies.<<br>>
Just she wait - you'll pay her back for this and then some.
<<unset $day8writingReact>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<link "Continue">>
<<if $day8game.round is 1>>
<<set $day8game.round to 2>>
<<goto "day8coletteRound2">>
<<elseif $day8game.round is 2>>
<<set $day8game.round to 3>>
<<goto "day8coletteRound3">>
<<elseif $day8game.round is 3>>
<<set $day8game.round to 4>>
<<goto "day8coletteR4">>
<<elseif $day8game.round is 4>>
<<set $day8game.round to 5>>
<<goto "day8coletteRound5">>
<<elseif $day8game.round is 5>>
<<set $day8game.round to 6>>
<<goto "day8coletteRound6">>
<</link>>You ponder what you should ask her.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("auth") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her for tips on how to be authoritative">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("auth")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthAuth">>
<</link>><<if $authTrain gte 5>><<check "You've already learnt all you can about Authority, so you won't get much from this.">><</if>>
<<fail "Ask her for tips on how to be authoritative" "You've already asked this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("grace") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her for tips on how to be graceful">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("grace")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthGrace">>
<</link>><<if $graceTrain gte 5>><<check "You've already learnt all you can about Grace, so you won't get much from this.">><</if>>
<<fail "Ask her for tips on how to be graceful" "You've already asked this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("cute") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her for tips on how to be cute">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("cute")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthCute">>
<</link>><<if $cuteTrain gte 5>><<check "You've already learnt all you can about Cuteness, so you won't get much from this.">><</if>>
<<fail "Ask her for tips on how to be cute" "You've already asked this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("family") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her what her family is like">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("family")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthFamily">>
<<fail "Ask her what her family is like" "You've already asked this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("sex") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her about her sexual experiences">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("sex")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthSex">>
<<fail "Ask her about her sexual experiences" "You've already asked this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("humiliation") isnot true>>
<<link "Get her to tell you an embarrassing story">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("humiliation")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthHumiliation">>
<<fail "Get her to tell you an embarrassing story" "You've already asked this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("history") isnot true>>
<<link "Try to learn what the Princess did to her to make her hate her so much">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("history")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthHistory">>
<<fail "Try to learn what the Princess did to her to make her hate her so much" "You've already tried this!">>
<<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("suspect") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her how long she's suspected that you weren't the Princess">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("suspect")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthSuspect">>
<<fail "Ask her how long she's suspected that you weren't the Princess" "You've already tried this!">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("plans") isnot true>>
<<link "Ask her how she plans to keep you in your role">>
<<set $day8coletteStips.push("plans")>>
<<goto "day8coletteWinTruthPlans">>
<<fail "Ask her how she plans to keep you in your role" "You've already tried this!">>
<</if>>Colette seems to know everything about how to wrap people around her little finger, and using authority is absolutely a tool in her toolbox. You're interested in learning some of her tricks.<<br>>
She seems surprised by the question, her face scrunching up with distaste, but obligingly responds. <<colette "It's fucking //obvious//, isn't it? If I tell mummy that anyone's done anything bad, then even if they //haven't// she'll still happily destroy them for me without a second word. You just have to remind them of that, and then they'll do everything you want, and you only have to actually go telling on them if it seems like it'll be fun to watch.">><<br>>
You don't know what else you were expecting, but even so her callous disregard for the lives of others is still a little shocking.<<br>>
You're not sure if you could follow in those footsteps, but you suppose that it could play to your benefit to pretend that you //might//.<<br>>
<<set $auth += 1>><<set $authBonus += 1>><<set $coletteAuthBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Authority skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>Colette seems to know everything about how to wrap people around her little finger, and pretending to be kind and graceful is absolutely a tool in her toolbox. You're interested in learning some of her tricks.<<br>>
She seems surprised by the question, her face scrunching up with distaste, but obligingly responds. <<colette "Oh that's fucking //easy//. All you have to do is keep all of the things that you //really// want to say inside, and just say something stupid instead.">><<br>>
<<colette "So if someone shows up wearing the worst hat you've ever seen, and it makes them look like a ridiculous fucking mess, you just say that it's 'charming' or some shit instead. It's //simple//.">><<br>>
<<colette "And if you ever don't know what to say, you just give them a demure little 'tee-hee' and hold your hand up to your face, and even though you didn't say shit everyone just goes along with it and thinks that it's nice somehow.">><<br>>
You nod seriously. It sounds like that last trick in particular might be helpful for you.<<br>>
<<set $grace += 1>><<set $graceBonus += 1>><<set $coletteGraceBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Grace skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>Colette seems to know everything about how to wrap people around her little finger, and her sickly-sweet, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth cutesiness is absolutely a tool in her toolbox. You're interested in learning some of her tricks.<<br>>
Colette gives you a smug smirk. <<colette "So you noticed my talents, did you? I can't blame you for being //impressed// - it's an incredible skill, I know, and all quite artificial. Perfectly calculated for maximum effect.">><<br>>
<<colette "The trick is to add a little lilt to the end of each of your sentences.">> She brags. <<colette "Like you're asking a question instead of making a statement.">><<br>>
You wait patiently for her to say more, but instead she just puts her hands on her hips and sticks her nose up in the air, as if anticipating applause.<<br>>
Confused as your lack of awed response she adds <<colette "Uh, and wear pink clothes, I guess.">><<br>>
You frown. This incredibly basic stuff isn't remotely what you were asking for. What about the way that her face lights up with such indignant delight when she's pleased? All of her exaggerated, hyper-expressive mannerisms? All the stroppy pouts she makes?<<br>>
<<colette "What are you //talking// about??">> She interjects with a deep frown, the pout you just mentioned already making its appearance. <<colette "You're being //stupid//, I don't do //any// of that stuff. I think if you look //properly// for once, you'll find that I //actually// hold myself with poise and elegance in those areas.">><<br>>
You can't help but smile at the exchange. She might not have been able to give any helpful tips, but you still feel like you've been able to learn something from her.<<br>>
<<set $cute += 1>><<set $cuteBonus += 1>><<set $coletteCuteBonus to 3>>''You got a temporary bonus to your Cuteness skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<setter "day8coletteKnow to true" "day8coletteKnow to undefined">>
You've had to play so many twisted games with Colette, but she's never actually given you the opportunity to get to know much about her. It would be nice to bridge that gap, and maybe get a little closer along the way.<<br>>
You ask her to tell you about her family, and what her home life is like.<<br>>
/* A little sad, lonely, though she certainly doesn't see it that way. No friends, family stays away, she thinks herself too good for the nannies and staff. */
She seems surprised by the question, her face scrunching up with distaste at you wasting your 'truth' on something so mundane, but obligingly responds. <<colette "Oh, everything's fucking great at mine. Mummy and Daddy are <<if $day8coletteKnow isnot true>>still<</if>> away most of the time, so I can have the whole estate all to myself, with a steady stream of gifts pouring in non-stop.">><<br>>
You frown. Her tone is bragging, but something about that sounds a little sad to you. Doesn't she get lonely?<<br>>
Colette fixes you a mocking look like you're stupid. <<colette "No? What do you think I am, a stupid fucking puppy who needs constant attention? Grow up.">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at having your words twisted. You suppose you needn't worry too much, after all it's not like she won't have a fleet of servants to talk to.<<br>>
However, Colette seems more offended than ever. <<colette "//What//? Shut the fuck up, //Princess//. If you're seriously thinking that I'd ever let the //furniture// speak to me then you have another thing coming. Mummy taught me better than //that//. The only time I even permit them in the room with me is when I'm having my fun with them, and they know perfectly well never to speak back to me">><<br>>
You can't help but gawp at the callous announcement. You feel sorry for anyone forced to work for her, but Colette's own situation sounds perhaps the most pitiable of all. After looking at her cross expression though you decide not to mention it.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>With an opportunity like this, the idea of drawing a sordid tale out of her for your own amusement is too tempting to resist. You demand that she tell you all about her sexual history.<<br>>
Colette smiles, clearly having expected something like this. <<colette "Ah, a //classic// truth.">><<br>>
<<colette "I know //all about// the matter. I've done it since basically forever.">> She brags. <<colette "It's //easy//, and makes it completely effortless to get people wrapped around your little finger.">><<br>>
<<colette "I suppose it all started when I noticed how //weird// the servants would get whenever I decided that I didn't want to be constrained by clothing. That kind of discomfort made it //obvious// that there was an easy weakness there for me to exploit.">><<br>>
<<colette "I cornered one of the errand boys and made him show me //exactly// what the deal was. And from there,">> she gives a scoffing arrogant shrug, <<colette "it's just been another tool in the toolbox. Used whenever I want to gain the advantage, or simply could use the distraction.">><<br>>
You nod, it sure does sound like she's pretty sexually experienced. By now she's probably done everything from scissoring to snowballing.<<br>>
She blinks in confusion. <<colette "W-what the hell are //those//?">><<br>>
Well, if not those, then she's certainly a dab hand at variety of positions, from sixty nines to the reverse cowgirl.<<br>>
She frowns in displeasure. <<colette "I have no idea what you're talking about and you sound //ridiculous//.">><<br>>
Well, she's at least done anal, surely.<<br>>
Colette face wrinkles up in disgust. <<colette "Well, now you're just making it //obvious// that you're just making this stuff up. There's no way that //that// could be real.">><<br>>
Wait. She has actually //had sex//, right? Not just use her body to torment people, but really get down with the dirty?<<br>>
Colette coughs and abruptly turns away. <<colette "I think we've spent more than long enough on this truth. Let's get onto the next game before we waste any more time on this stupidity.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>With an opportunity like this, you'd be an idiot to waste your 'truth' on anything less than what you can use against her to greatest effect. You demand that she tell you her most humiliating secret.<<br>>
Colette nods seriously, not particularly pleased with your choice, but clearly already braced in preparation for it, having expected nothing less from you.<<br>>
She clicks her tongue irritably. <<colette "Oh well. To the victor the spoils, after all.">><<br>>
<<colette "My family and I were visiting the Boynel estate, at some stupid function or another. And it was //insisted// upon that I go out riding with their daughter. Of course, it was a great opportunity to punish her for being such a little shit.">><<br>>
You expect a malicious gleam to enter into her eyes at the words, as you've become accustomed to when she's at her most cruel, but her gaze remains dead-ahead, pupils distant.<<br>>
<<colette "We found a lake, and it was //easy// to convince the moron to strip down and go skinny-dipping together with me. So we hid our clothes under a log so they wouldn't blow away and waded out. I had my fun, and then we came back no more than twenty minutes later.">><<br>>
<<colette "We dressed, and hurried back to the estate for dinner, though it took us some time because of she state she was in. I thought that something felt odd, but was having too much fun to think much of it. It wasn't until we rushed into the dining room late for supper and I took my place at the table that it became REALLY obvious.">><<br>>
<<colette "At first I thought it was just a little itchiness, but then I felt the s-">> She pauses for a moment, her wooden retelling interrupted as she can't quite get the word out. <<colette "The //squirming//.">><<br>>
Your eyes open wide in shock.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteWinTruthHumiliation2">><<colette "When I was playing with the girl, they must have have gotten in from under the log, because my clothes were //filled// with dozens of //earwigs//. And then when they smelled the food or whatever they started moving around like crazy. They were all over me, under my clothes, against my skin, and they were //wriggling//, and it was horrid.">><<br>>
You stare at her with horror. You know that you're the one who asked this from her, but can't believe that she's just //saying// all this, sparing no detail without complaint. Her obsession with dutifully carrying out her task is almost creepy.<<br>>
<<colette "And I couldn't stop myself from yelling out, even though there were people everywhere. And soon I was writhing everywhere on the floor like some fucking //idiot//. But then-">> Another pause, this one with a shuddered breath. <<colette "But then they were so //ticklish//, absolutely everywhere. Closed in so tight all around me. And even though it was horrid I couldn't stop myself from laughing so hard, and, and then...">><<br>>
She sets her jaw tightly. <<colette "A little came out.">><<br>>
You frown, not quite sure what she means.<<br>>
You notice first flicker of emotion in a while cross her eyes - a twinge of bitter resentment. Like she thinks that your confused expression is false - just a trick to force her to say the painful words again properly.<<br>>
<<colette "A little- a little piss, came out. In front of everyone.">><<br>>
Fuck. No matter how much she probably deserved it after whatever she did to that poor girl, even you can concede that that's a rough situation.<<br>>
With impressive obedience, Colette seems like she's about to go on and tell you about the aftermath too, but you wave a hand dismissively at her - you've heard more than enough.<<br>>
It takes Colette a little time to regather herself before she's ready to continue.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<setter "day8coletteKnow to true" "day8coletteKnow to undefined">>
There's one mystery around Colette which stands out more than any other. She keeps talking about this terrible thing that the Princess did to her, that seems to have damaged her so severely that she's become this twisted girl obsessed with revenge. You're desperate to learn what went down to do that to someone.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>
You can see the way Colette's jaw tightens with displeasure as you mention it. <<colette "So you want to know what that fucking bitch did, do you? To stand there with that fucking smug expression on your face and make me relive every fucking moment of that day for your amusement? You really are every bit the spiteful //cunt// that she was, you know.">><<br>>
Her jaw sets with resentment. <<colette "Well, I shouldn't have expected anything less from you, should I? Fine, if that's what you're so fucking desperate for, let me at least give you a good view.">><<br>>
You can't help but flinch as Colette draws close, until her face hovers mere inches away from your own and you can see every flicker of hatred shimmering in her eyes.<<br>>
<<colette "She. Fucking. //Broke//. Me.">> She says, spitting every word venomously. <<colette "Is that what you wanted to hear? She twisted me all up in her stupid games until I was //ripe//, and then ripped my fucking guts out for her own amusement, like I was a grape to be chewed up for her pleasure.">><<br>>
So close, you can't help but watch the way her eyes glisten and quiver. They're so wide and frantic that her pupils seem like small dots in a sea of white. It must be taking a lot out of her to keep looking at you, unblinking and determined, refusing to allow herself to show weakness.<<br>>
<<colette "Well it //worked//. Hook. Line. And sinker. And now I can't even look in the mirror without the memory of what she did rising up so strong that I might //puke// every time.">><<br>>
Her icy control over herself slips for the briefest of moments, and the tear that you'd been able to watch stinging at her eye falls down her face. She grimaces.<<br>>
<<colette "Well, are you fucking satisfied yet, //Princess//?">><<br>>
This really hasn't answered your question in the slightest, but by now you're so desperate to be free from this crushing intensity, so desperate for her to //blink//, that you nod your head furiously.<<br>>
She still traps you there for another few seconds before, with an angry, pained scoff, stepping away from you.<<br>>
She wretchedly wipes her sleeve across her scowling face to dry it. <<colette "I won't rest until I get her back for it. Not until she's experienced it //twice as bad// as she ever did to me. Just you see. And with your help, I'm going to be able to have all the practice in the world. I'll going to have to break you again and again and again, so that by the time I get to her it'll be just be //routine//.">>
Colette's eyes flash with anger. <<colette "So you're //really// such a fucking bitch that you want to rake me over those coals even more - to watch me relive every fucking moment for your amusement? You really are a spiteful //cunt//.">><<br>>
Her jaw sets with resentment. <<colette "Well, I shouldn't have expected anything less from you, should I? Fine, if that's what you're so fucking desperate for, let me at least give you a good view.">><<br>>
You can't help but flinch as Colette draws close, until her face hovers mere inches away from your own and you can see every flicker of hatred shimmering in her eyes.<<br>>
<<colette "You. Fucking. //Broke//. Me.">> She says, spitting every word venomously. <<colette "Is that what you wanted to hear? You twisted me all up in your stupid games until I was //ripe// for you, and then ripped my fucking guts out for your own amusement, like I was a grape to be chewed up for your pleasure.">><<br>>
So close, you can't help but watch the way her eyes glisten and quiver. They're so wide and frantic that her pupils seem like small dots in a sea of white. It must be taking a lot out of her to keep looking at you, unblinking and determined, refusing to allow herself to show weakness.<<br>>
<<colette "Well it //worked//. Hook. Line. And sinker. And now I can't even look in the mirror without the memory of what you did rising up so strong that I might //puke// every time.">><<br>>
Her icy control over herself slips for the briefest of moments, and the tear that you'd been able to watch stinging at her eye falls down her face. She grimaces.<<br>>
<<colette "Well, are you fucking satisfied yet, //Princess//?">><<br>>
This still really hasn't answered your question in the slightest, but by now you're so desperate to be free from this crushing intensity, so desperate for her to //blink//, that you nod your head furiously.<<br>>
She still traps you there for another few seconds before, with an angry, pained scoff, stepping away from you.<<br>>
She wretchedly wipes her sleeve across her scowling face to dry it. <<colette "And I won't rest until I get you back for it. Not until you've experienced it //twice as bad// as you ever did to me. Just you see.">>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>The fact that Colette saw through your disguise is deeply worrying. If she managed it, then who knows who else might? You need to know what gave you away.<<br>>
However Colette just shrugs at your question. <<colette "Just your //everything//, I guess.">><<br>>
You frown, that doesn't help you in the slightest.<<br>>
<<colette "It was everything added up. Or rather, everything //didn't// quite add up.">> She continues, putting her finger to her mouth in thought, as if not sure herself.<<br>>
<<colette "If I had to pin it to //anything//, it's how much of a fucking //pussy// you are. That bitch could have grown up in all sorts of ways, but I'm pretty sure that //none// of the could //ever// have make her as chicken-shit as you are.">><<br>>
You can't help but roll your eyes. Oh well, at least doesn't sound like anything you need to worry about other people noticing.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>You've been concerned ever since Colette mentioned her vague plan to keep you in your position as the Princess. You ask her what she meant by it.
<<colette "Well it's simple, isn't it?">> She gloats. <<colette "You're the perfect weapon to use against her. Every public humiliation I enact upon you, the entire //kingdom// thinks is all about her. Every time I lead you around the capital on a //leash//; every time I make you //piss yourself// at a banquet; every mark I leave on your person as irrefutable evidence of how //pathetic// and //useless// my little //pet// is. It's going to be so much fun //ruining// her without even having to do anything directly. You'll be almost as good as the real thing.">><<br>>
You grimace at her twisted plans. However you can't help but wonder how the hell she plans on pulling any of that shit off.<<br>>
She swings back and forth on her heels, clearly enjoying herself. <<colette "Well, it'll be //easy// before too long, once I've fully broken you in. By then you'll just do whatever I say, like a puppy that comes hobbling back no matter how many times you kick it.">><<br>>
<<colette "But until then, I'll just have to find //other// methods of keeping you in your place. I have enough influence in court to wrap you up in all //sorts// of ways. It might be tricky to keep your parents- I mean, the King and Queen, from making you switch back, but it surely won't be //that// difficult, I think.">> Her mouth parts into a wide, wicked grin. <<colette "Mummy oh-so likes to make sure I'm happy, and you know that she's ever-such good friends with the Queen. I'm sure that she could have a few words...">><<br>>
<<colette "And of course, if you ever do something as //stupid// as try to run away, then I'll just have to hire a thousand men to scour the kingdom to come drag you back.">><br>
<span id="plansAppend">
<<link "This might ruin my plans to escape!">>
<<replace "#plansAppend" t8n>>
You frown. You're not particularly convinced that she'll be able to pull it off as well as she expects, but no matter what you know damn well that she'll still manage to be a pain in the neck with this shit. This is the last thing that you needed!<br><br>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>
<<link "This might help my plans to remain in the role of the Princess!">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<replace "#plansAppend" t8n>>
You try not to let your excitement show on your face. You were already kindling a small hope that you might be able to stay the Princess forever. It'll come with having to deal with her much more than you're comfortable, but oddly enough it seems like you've been able to find an unwitting ally in your mission. You're not sure how convinced you are that she'll be able to pull it off nearly as well as she expects, but any efforts will play to your advantage.<br><br>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>
</span><<colette "Next up, it's //my// turn to hide. And my turn to pick the punishment too. I wonder what I should choose...">><<br>>
You all-but roll your eyes as she mockingly holds her finger up to her lips, pretending to be deep in thought. You both know full well exactly what she's going to choose.<<br>>
Her face lights up into a grin. <<colette "A //dare//, //obviously//!">><<br>>
No surprises there. <<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth">>Looks like you won't be able to hide behind picking 'truth' forever - she'd never settle for anything so boring.<<else>>She's naturally as interested in pushing things as far as they can go as you are.<</if>><<br>>
The two of you head back to the big grandfather clock and wind it back to the same position as before. <<colette "<<if $day8coletteStips.length gte 1>>Let's see how well your handle things now that dumb beginners luck isn't on your side, shall we? It's going to be fun grinding you under my heel.<<else>>Let's see if your performance as a seeker is as //pathetic// as you were as a hider, shall we?<</if>> Face the clock and count down from one hundred. Once it's done, just try and find me - though we both know you'll never manage it.">><<br>>
You take your position and start the countdown. You can her Colette's <<if $day8coletteStockings is false>>bare feet patter on the stone floor as she rushes away to find a hiding place.<<else>>footsteps rush out of the room behind you as she flies off in search of a hiding place.<</if>><<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound22" "Count down to zero">>The moment your countdown finishes, you waste no time before rushing off to search. From having hid already, you know full well just how huge the ladies-in-waiting wing is - you've got a lot of ground to cover.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteRound22.jpg">><br>
You quickly come to a set of rooms.<<br>>
<<set _doorRush to 0>>
<<linkreplace "Try the first door" t8n>><<set _doorRush += 1>><<redo>>You efficiently search through the first room.<</linkreplace>><br>
<<linkreplace "Try the second door" t8n>><<set _doorRush += 1>><<redo>>You tear through the second room as quickly as possible.<</linkreplace>><br>
<<linkreplace "Try the third door" t8n>><<set _doorRush += 1>><<redo>>You tear the covers off the bed in the third room so quickly that you almost rip them.<</linkreplace>><br>
<<linkreplace "Try the fourth door" t8n>><<set _doorRush += 1>><<redo>>You think that you see a trace of Colette's golden hair in the forth room, but it's just some straw.<</linkreplace>><br>
<<linkreplace "Try the fifth door" t8n>><<set _doorRush += 1>><<redo>>You almost trip and fall, but manage to just about keep your balance as you search the fifth room.<</linkreplace>><br>
<<linkreplace "Try the sixth door" t8n>><<set _doorRush += 1>><<redo>>You can't help but wince in frustration as searching the sixth room gets you nowhere.<</linkreplace>>
<<if _doorRush gte 6>>
No such luck - you can't see any trace of her anywhere around here. You can feel the panic rising up in you as your chances of finding her in time dwindle further and further away.<<br>>
<<link "Try another corridor!">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound2servants">>
<</do>><<section "section1">>
You rush off around the corner, only to find yourself face-to-face with an unexpected pair of figures. You only just manage to stop yourself from going straight into their trolly, which is piled high with fresh linen.
<<section "section2">>
A young maid leans forward into an awkward curtsy. <<pink "Y-your ladyship!">><<if $day8coletteWriting is true>> However, her eyes open wide as she reads the word scrawled across your face.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
Her companion, an older butler quickly starts lecturing. <<blue "Good heavens, young ladyship. I don't understand all of these new fashions and styles, but I really must insist you reconsider this look of yours. That sort of language is //deeply// inappropriate for a girl of your age.">><<br>>
You flush, mortified at being seen with Colette's cruel words still marking you. You're not sure if it's more or less humiliating for them to think that you did it to yourself.<<br>>
<<elseif $day8>>
Her companion, an older butler, takes his bow much more casually, chuckling <<blue "My, running around all in a hurry like a pair of young nippers. You must be having a riot at that party of yours.">><<br>>
So much for the royal soldiers keeping anyone else from entering. They must not have considered the servants threatening enough for concern. You don't waste any time worrying about it - they mentioned a 'pair', it sounds like they've seen Colette!<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
<<blue "The party must be going well, for the pair of you to have ended up running around all in a hurry like kiddies.">><<br>>
The maid whispers something in the butler's ear, and he corrects himself with a chuckle <<blue "Ah, I mean, we haven't seen //anyone//, have we, Catherine? Certainly wouldn't want to ruin your fun little game, would we?">> <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>However, he can't help but blush a little at the memory. <<blue "T-though at least you're a little more appropriately dressed.">><</if>><<br>>
Looks like Colette might have already told them to keep quiet. It won't be so simple to get the information from them.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _section1>><<br>>
<<print _section2>>
<td style="width:50%">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteRound2servants.jpg">>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _section1>><br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteRound2servants.jpg">><br>
<<print _section2>>
<<link "Try to get them to tell you Colette's location">>
<<goto "day8coletteServants">>
<<link "Go right past them and continue your search - you don't need their help.">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound2fail1">>
<</link>><<set $day8gameSecond to "loseRun">>
<<set $day8servantsArray to []>>
You and Colette are having this match fair and square. You're not sure what Colette would make of using them to her advantage, but you don't want to rely on outside help - you'll do this alone or not at all.<<br>>
You give the pair of servants a brief nod of greeting, but you can't afford to waste any time on them - quickly pushing past them to continue your search<<if $day8kinkGear is true>> and not even caring that they must be getting a good view of the 'slut' still emblazoned on your behind from the kink gear. You can hear a little intake of breath behind you.<<else>>. The butler chuckles at your rapid departure, unaware just how serious your silly-looking game of hide and seek really is.<</if>><<br>>
You look through room after room, from bedrooms, bathrooms, and common rooms all the way to servants cupboards. There doesn't seem to be an end to them, and every moment that passes you can feel your time ticking away.<<br>>
You search high and low, desperate for any trace of Colette, but it's hopeless. Before you know it, the sound of the grandfather clock rings out in the distance, marking your failure.<<br>>
A door swings open, and Colette swaggers out with one of her most shit-eating grins yet plastered on her face. Her face lights up at seeing you so nearby.<<br>>
<<colette "Aww, did the poor little //Princess// fail so close to the finish line?">> She gloats. <<colette "I guess that you just weren't quick enough, hmm? Makes sense - a talentless idiot like you could //never// find me.">><<br>>
You grind your teeth in frustration.<<br>>
<<cont "day8secondFail">>The presence of the pair is too valuable for you to go without using. Besides, you're sure that Colette intends to use everything she can to her advantage, and expects as much from you in turn.<<br>>
<<if $day8kinkGear is true>>
As you get chatting with them, you try to ensure that your butt, still emblazoned with the word 'slut', from the kink paddle earlier, isn't visible to them.<<br>>
<<set $day8game.servants to {}>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth to 0>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace to 0>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute to 0>>
<<set $day8game.servants.butler to 0>>
<<set $day8game.servants.maid to 0>>
<<set $day8servantsArray to []>>
You wonder how you should approach this.<<check "Think carefully about what to say to the servants. Depending on which skill you want to use, some tactics may be more of a hindrance than a help.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">><<if $day8servantsArray.includes("demand") isnot true>>
<<link "Straight up demand that they tell me where she is">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("demand")>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.maid ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsDemand">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("writing") isnot true and $day8coletteWriting is true>>
<<link "Tell them that the girl I'm looking for is the one who drew these things on me">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("writing")>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.butler ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsWriting">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("strip") isnot true>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>
<<link "Tell them that I'm the one who stripped Colette down to her underwear">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("strip")>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.maid ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsStrip">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("princess") isnot true>>
<<link "Tell them that I'm the Princess">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("princess")>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.maid ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsPrincess">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("plead") isnot true>>
<<link "Plead with them desperately">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("plead")>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.butler ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsPlead">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("voice") isnot true>>
<<link "Express myself loudly and clearly">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("voice")>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<if $voice gte 4>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<elseif $voice gte 2>>
/* no changes */
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsVoice">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("unusual") isnot true>>
<<link "Try to impress upon them that the game is so much more than simple hide and seek">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("unusual")>>
/* No change.
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->> */
<<goto "day8coletteServantsUnusual">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("curtsy") isnot true>>
<<link "Curtsy and greet the two of them properly">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("curtsy")>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
/* <<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>> */
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
/* <<set $day8game.servants.auth -->> */
<<goto "day8coletteServantsCurtsy">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("drusilla") isnot true>>
<<link "Emphasize the clothing that you're wearing">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("drusilla")>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
/* <<set $day8game.servants.cute -->> */
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
/* <<set $day8game.servants.auth -->> */
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "redgown">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsDrusilla">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("makeup") isnot true>>
<<link "Bat my eyelashes at them">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("makeup")>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<if $pc.makeup gte 3>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 1>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 0 or $pc.makeup is undefined>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsMakeup">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("compliment") isnot true>>
<<link "Compliment the maid's makeup">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("compliment")>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.butler ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsCompliment">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("criticize") isnot true>>
<<link "Criticize their work">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("criticize")>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.maid ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsCriticize">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("bribe") isnot true>>
<<link "Bribe them with a financial reward">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("bribe")>>
/* <<set $day8game.servants.cute -->> */
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsBribe">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("promise") isnot true>>
<<link "Promise them that it would mean the world to you">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("promise")>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute ++>>
/* <<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>> */
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.butler ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsPromise">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("dazzle") isnot true>>
<<link "Dazzle them with your courtly manners">>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("dazzle")>>
<<set $day8game.servants.cute -->>
<<set $day8game.servants.grace ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.auth -->>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsDazzle">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.includes("curves") isnot true>>
<<link "Flaunt your curves at them">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<run $day8servantsArray.push("curves")>>
<<set _curveScore to 0>>
<<if $pc.boobs is 2>><<set _curveScore ++>><</if>>
<<if $pc.butt is 2>><<set _curveScore ++>><</if>>
<<if _curveScore is 0>>
<<if $pc.frame is 1>>
<<set $grace -->>
<<set $cute -->>
<<set $auth -->>
<<set $grace -->>
<<elseif _curveScore is 1>>
<<set $cute ++>>
<<set $auth ++>>
<<elseif _curveScore is 2>>
<<set $cute ++>>
<<set $grace ++>>
<<set $auth ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsCurves">>
<<if $day8servantsArray.length isnot 0>>
<<link "That's everything I want to do. See if my efforts are fruitful.">>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsResults">>
<</if>>You get straight to the point - frankly demanding that the tell you Colette's location with as much sternness that you can muster.<<br>>
You see the maid's eyes widen with intimidation at your words, flinching backwards a step. <<pink "W-well, if that's what you-">><<br>>
However, before she can cave in completely the butler steps in front of her. <<blue "Now now, young lady. Let's not get so carried away over such a little game, shall we?">><<br>>
Damn, that almost did it.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You tell them the truth - that the cruel words written all over you were put there by the girl that they're protecting.<<br>>
<<blue "Oh you poor dear.">> Soothes the butler, looking earnestly concerned.<<br>>
It might not help you look particularly dignified, but it certainly helps you come off as more sympathetic to be so bullied.
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You tell them the truth - that the reason why the girl was in a state of almost-undress is because of your demands of her.<<br>>
<<pink "M-my goodness!">> Mutters the maid, her cheeks pinkening with flustered embarrassment as the image of the girl stripping for your cruel amusement crosses her mind.<<br>>
The butler is less amicable, scowling with displeasure. <<blue "That's a //rotten// way to treat your playmate. You really should restrain that cruel streak in you - quite unladylike.">>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>So far it seems like they just think that you're some noblewoman. You think it's smart to up the ante and reveal how important you really are.<<br>>
The two of them settle into a deep bow and curtsy at the unexpected reveal, a little intimidated by your rank. The maid in particular seems utterly starstruck.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>if you don't manage to find Colette, then who //knows// what cruel things she'll make you do for her amusement. You allow the pathetic urgency you're feeling to be obvious in your desperate appeal.<<br>>
The butler's stuffy demeanor falls away at the sight of the tears brimming in your eyes, and if the maid didn't give him an elbow in the ribs perhaps he'd have caved then and there.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">><<if $voice gte 4>>
You try to let your strong, capable voice do as much of the talking for you as your words do, and are pleased to find that it comes out as clear as a bell.<<check "Voice Training check - success">><<br>>
You can tell that your good intonation improves everything else that you're saying, making it all a little more convincing.
<<elseif $voice gte 2>>
You try to let your strong, capable voice do as much of the talking for you as your words do, but while you at least manage to avoid it sounding bad, you're not sure if you sound particularly great either.<<check "Voice Training check - average">><<br>>
The two servants seem unaffected by the effects of your voice.
You try to let your strong, capable voice do as much of the talking for you as your words do, but the effect is ruined somewhat when it gives way, breaking unpleasantly.<<check "Voice Training check - fail">><<br>>
The two servants barely contain the wince that runs through them at the unpleasant sound.
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>The two of them clearly think that the game that you're playing is a mere children's game of hide and seek, rather than a twisted competition of torment and humiliation.<<br>>
You think that you might be beginning to impress the importance of it to them, but the moment the the words "truth or dare" leave your mouth it seems difficult for them to take it too seriously.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You realize that you haven't even greeted them properly yet, and dip your body into a respectful curtsy.<<br>>
Despite them already having done so, the two of them give a bow and a curtsy in response respectively, slightly flustered at such an important person treating them as equals.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">><<if $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
You're wearing the outfit that Drusilla gave you - not only a strikingly bold dress in its own right, but also echoing the style of their severe and cruel ruler. Perhaps it can help your case?
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
You're wearing a casual, comfy outfit, perfect for a sleepover. It might not look particularly elegant, but it does wonders to help you appear nonthreatening.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
You're wearing a cute, pink cherry blossom outfit. It's not particularly intimidating, but it looks charming and feminine on you.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
You're wearing a big butterfly dress. It's a little too poofy to come off as intimidating, but looks charming and feminine on you.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
You're wearing a leafy green cloak. It's a little stuffy, compared to what a lot of noblewomen seem to be wearing, but it helps you look dignified and feminine.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
You're wearing a fancy tailcoat. It's a little too girlishly cut to come off as intimidating, and too ornate to be cutesy, but definitely makes you seem graceful.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
You're wearing a peach dress. It's a little stuffy, compared to what a lot of noblewomen seem to be wearing, but it helps you look dignified and feminine.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "redgown">>
You're wearing the outfit that the Queen picked out for you - an intimating red evening gown. Despite its feminine cut, it still manages to ooze with her intimidating aura.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
You're wearing a red and black top and leggings. The cool, casual style isn't super ladylike nor girly, but definitely helps you look more mature and serious.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
You're wearing a peach dress. It's a little stuffy, compared to what a lot of noblewomen seem to be wearing, but it helps you look dignified and feminine.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
You're wearing a cutesy white hood with little golden 'ears' poking out the top. It's a little more cutesy than it is dignified, but definitely helps you look feminine and nonthreatening.
<</if>><<check "Results vary based on outfit choice">><<br>>
You make sure to preen yourself a little in front of the pair, emphasizing your choice of outfit.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You decide to use some of your feminine appeal, and flutter your eyelashes at them.<<br>>
<<if $pc.makeup is 0 or $pc.makeup is undefined>>
Unfortunately, you're not wearing any makeup, so the overall effect just comes off as a little silly.
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 1>>
While you have a little makeup on, the subtle look you have going on isn't really enough to have much effect.
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
Your makeup is on point, and helps you come off as more feminine and graceful.
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 3>>
Your makeup is potently striking, and helps you come off as all the more convincing.
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<check "Results vary depending on how far you've taken your makeup.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>A little buttering-up wouldn't hurt. You take a moment to compliment the maid's makeup.<<br>>
The maid merely nods politely at the compliment and mutters <<pink "Oh, thank you, your ladyship.">> But you can see the butler beaming at the kind gesture.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You don't care to be nice about it. You try to weaponize the truth - that the ladies-in-waiting wing is an absolute mess right now. Granted, it's all due to Colette rather than any fault of their own, but it's still a valuable tool. How //dare// they slack off and allow it to get like this?<<br>>
The maid flinches at the display, terrified at having her work be demeaned.<<br>>
<<blue "My apologies, your ladyship.">> The butler replies with a calm bow. <<blue "We'll see to it right away.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You're meant to be the Princess - why bother fussing with all of this social stuff when you can sway them with cold, hard cash? Obviously you don't carry any of it on you right now, but you're sure you could see it arranged, even if the Queen might be enraged by your reliance upon it.<<br>>
No amount of restraint can hide the eagerness in both of their eyes as you tell them that there's a reward in it for them if they tell you.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You try to let your earnestness show on your face as much as possible as, wide-eyed, you try to impress upon them just how much this means to you.<<br>>
The butler can't help but sigh at the sight of such sweetness. <<blue "Oh you poor thing!">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You've learnt enough about courtly manners to know just how effective it can be at drawing information from people. When you sound so fancy and feminine, it's difficult to keep anything from you.<<br>>
Both of the servants smile at your decorum, honoured to receive such treatment like they're equals, rather than your lowly servants or someone that they have to look after.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>You arch your body, showing off your curves to the pair of servants.<<br>>
<<set _curveScore to 0>>
<<if $pc.boobs is 2>><<set _curveScore ++>><</if>>
<<if $pc.butt is 2>><<set _curveScore ++>><</if>>
<<if _curveScore is 0>>
<<if $pc.frame is 1>>
Unfortunately, neither your bust nor your behind are much larger than a boys. You just end up looking silly.
Unfortunately, neither your bust nor your behind are much larger than a boys. Though luckily your slender frame at least lets you pull it off without looking too foolish.<<set _frame to true>>
<<elseif _curveScore is 1>>
<<if $pc.butt is 2>>
A few days ago and it might not have had much effect, but now your butt is easily big enough to draw their gaze.
<<elseif $pc.boobs is 2>>
A few days ago and it might not have had much effect, but now your chest is easily big enough to draw their gaze.
<<elseif _curveScore is 2>>
You can't help but smirk to yourself as the gaze of both of the servants is drawn unerringly towards your developed bust and behind.
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<if _frame is true>><<check "Butt, chest, and frame transformation check">><<else>><<check "Butt and chest transformation check">><</if>><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsQuestions">>Content that you've said everything that's worth saying, you grit your teeth and draw to a close, unsure whether you'll have managed to get the results you wanted.<<br>>
However, another idea starts to dawn on you. What if, instead of relying on your cuteness, grace, and authority to get you through the encounter, you used something a little more //primal// in nature.<br>
<span id="choose">
<<link "I can manage using my skills">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#choose" t8n>><<hr>>
You decide not to seduce them. You're confident enough in your abilities to not have to rely on anything like that, and besides, it's not like you have any reason to think you would actually get better results that way.<<br>>
With one last emphatic request, you wait with baited breath to see whether you've managed to convince them.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsResults2">>
<<link "Use my powers of seduction to get the information I need instead">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<replace "#choose" t8n>><<hr>>
You can't help but smirk a little at the idea. You feel more comfortable doing things this way, and you're sure that it'll be a lot more fun besides.<<br>>
However, you doubt that going for both at once will be very fruitful. You consider which one you might have better luck with.<br>
<span id="servantSeductionChoice">
<<link "Pick the butler">>
<<set $day8game.servants.seductionChoice to "butler">>
<<replace "#servantSeductionChoice" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteServantsSeduction]]>><</replace>>
<<link "Pick the maid">>
<<set $day8game.servants.seductionChoice to "maid">>
<<replace "#servantSeductionChoice" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteServantsSeduction]]>><</replace>>
</span><<set _cuteReq to 7>>
<<set _graceReq to 9>>
<<set _authReq to 8>>
<<set _cuteReq -= $day8game.servants.cute>>
<<set _graceReq -= $day8game.servants.grace>>
<<set _authReq -= $day8game.servants.auth>>
<<set _cuteDif to _cuteReq - $cute>>
<<set _graceDif to _graceReq - $grace>>
<<set _authDif to _authReq - $auth>>
<<for _i to -20; _i lte 25; _i++>>
<<if _cuteDif is _i>>
<<set _firstStat to "cute">>
<<if _cuteDif lte 0>><<set _pass to true>><<else>><<set _pass to false>><</if>>
<<if _graceDif is _i>>
<<if _graceDif lte 0>><<set _pass to true>><<else>><<set _pass to false>><</if>>
<<if _firstStat is "cute">>
<<set _firstStat to "cuteGrace">>
<<set _firstStat to "grace">>
<<if _authDif is _i>>
<<if _authDif lte 0>><<set _pass to true>><<else>><<set _pass to false>><</if>>
<<if _firstStat is "cute">>
<<set _firstStat to "cuteAuth">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "grace">>
<<set _firstStat to "graceAuth">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteGrace">>
<<set _firstStat to "cuteGraceAuth">>
<<set _firstStat to "auth">>
<<if def _firstStat>><<break>><</if>>
<<if _pass is true>>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "win">>
The pair of servants glance at eachother, and clearly agree with the decision they see in eachothers eyes.<<br>>
The butler nods seriously. <<blue "Very well. I can see that we should be helping you. Here it is - we saw the young lady hiding herself under a pile of laundry in the room on the left there, she told us not to tell anyone where she was.">><<if _firstStat is "cute">><<check "Your Cuteness was high enough to pass the check, <<if _cuteDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _cuteDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "grace">><<check "Your Grace was high enough to pass the check, <<if _graceDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _graceDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "auth">><<check "Your Authority was high enough to pass the check, <<if _authDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _authDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteGrace">><<check "Both your Cuteness and your Grace were high enough to pass the check, <<if _cuteDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _cuteDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteAuth">><<check "Both your Cuteness and your Authority were high enough to pass the check, <<if _cuteDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _cuteDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "graceAuth">><<check "Both your Grace and your Authority were high enough to pass the check, <<if _authDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _authDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteGraceAuth">><<check "All three of your Cuteness, Grace, and Authority passed the check, <<if _authDif is 0>>exactly high enough to succeed<<else>>exceeding the requirement by <<print _authDif * -1>><</if>>">>
<<pink "And she wasn't particularly //nice// about it, either.">> The maid can't help but add, sticking her tongue out bitterly.<<br>>
You give them a brief thank-you, but don't any time to waste before running off down the corridor - you've got to get Colette before the bell rings.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound2win">>
<<elseif _pass is false>>
<<set $failToken to true>>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "lose">>
The two servants glance at eachother, and from the little shake of the head they share together you already know that you've failed.<<br>>
<<blue "I'm sorry, young lady.">> The butler says, stiffly. <<blue "But it just wouldn't be fair to your game together, would it?">><<if _firstStat is "cute">><<check "Your closest stat was Cuteness, and it was <<print _cuteDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "grace">><<check "Your closest stat was Grace, and it was <<print _graceDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "auth">><<check "Your closest stat was Authority, and it was <<print _authDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteGrace">><<check "Your Cuteness and Grace were tied, <<print _cuteDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteAuth">><<check "Your Cuteness and Authority were tied, <<print _cuteDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "graceAuth">><<check "Your Grace and Authority were tied, <<print _graceDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<elseif _firstStat is "cuteGraceAuth">><<check "All three of your Cuteness, Grace, and Authority were tied, <<print _cuteDif>> away from success. Maybe if you picked different options you might have gotten it.">>
<<pink "I hope you manage to find her, at least.">> Adds the maid, gently.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsResults3fail">>
<</if>>You grimace bitterly, but you've done everything you can - you can't waste any more time on this than you already have.<<br>>
You hurtle onwards, trying desperately to at least search a few rooms in what little time you have left, but you already know that it's futile. After spending so much time talking with the servants, you only manage to rummage through two before the grandfather clock rings out in the distance, marking your loss.<<br>>
<<cont "day8secondFail">><<if $day8game.servants.seductionChoice is "butler">>
From how he's reacted so far, you bet that you'll have the most luck with the butler. And besides, he's kinda handsome.
<<elseif $day8game.servants.seductionChoice is "maid">>
From how she's reacted so far, you bet that you'll have the most luck with the maid. And besides, she's pretty cute.
It's not going to be easy. Nothing quite dampens someone's sexual appetite quite like their coworker watching just a few feet away. You wonder how you should go about this.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.servants.seductionChoice is "butler">>
<<link "Bold, assertive, and dominant">>
<<set $day8game.servants.seductionType to "dom">>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsSeductionButler">>
<<link "Sweet, doe-eyed, and submissive">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.seductionType to "sub">>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsSeductionButler">>
<<elseif $day8game.servants.seductionChoice is "maid">>
<<link "Bold, assertive, and dominant">>
<<set $day8game.servants.seductionType to "dom">>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsSeductionMaid">>
<<link "Sweet, doe-eyed, and submissive">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day8game.servants.seductionType to "sub">>
<<goto "day8coletteServantsSeductionMaid">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>><<if $day8game.servants.seductionType is "dom">>
<<if $day8game.servants.maid gte 2>>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "winSeduceMaid">>
You stride up to the maid and stand close, mere inches away. For a moment you look her up and down, appraisingly, and let a cocky smile cross your face as you appear to come to an 'obvious' realization.<<br>>
Your hand snakes to her lower jaw and holds it in place so that she's forced to look directly at you, and then tell her that she's going to be a good girl for you like it's something you already know for certain.<<br>>
You watch her eyes swim at your intensity, pupils getting wide and spacey as she gulps to wet her suddenly-dry mouth.<<br>>
<<pink "Y-yes, mistress...">> She mutters, through gently parted lips, the words tumbling out by instinct rather than intention. Then she seems to suddenly realize what she just said and her face flushes pink. She tries to turn away, but you don't let her, and your pleased smile is enough to draw the rest of the information you need from the flustered little thing.<<check "You managed to choose the right actions to seduce the maid!">><<br>>
<<pink "Uh... I mean- uh. She's in that room over there. Under a pile of laundry.">><<br>>
You let a wry, knowing laugh escape your lips, which sends the maid into an even deeper state of panic. However, before she has a chance to wriggle away you lean forward and plant a firm, possessive kiss on her trembling lips. Not even the butler's shocked and displeased grumbling manages to upset the look of blissful escape that crosses her face.<<br>>
You'd love to enjoy this for longer, but you've no intention of wasting any more time here than is necessary - the sooner you hunt Colette down the better. Before she has time to recover you're already off, striding away down the corridor, confident that this moment will be lingering in her mind for months to come.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound2win">>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "loseSeduceMaid">>
You stride up to the maid and stand close, mere inches away. For a moment you look her up and down, appraisingly, and let a cocky smile cross your face as you appear to come to an 'obvious' realization.<<br>>
Your hand snakes to her lower jaw and holds it in place so that she's forced to look directly at you, and then you tell her that she's going to be a good girl for you like it's something you already know for certain.<<br>>
You watch her eyes swim at your intensity, pupils getting wide and spacey as she gulps to wet her suddenly-dry mouth. However, just when you think that you have her in the palm of your hand, she shakes her head and manages to muster the self-control to step away from you.<<br>>
<<pink "Y-your ladyship, I'm ever so s-sorry.">> She mumbles, and from the look in her eyes you can tell she's more sorry for herself at having break the contact than for you. <<pink "But w-we really should be going about our duties.">><<check "Your actions didn't match the maid's tastes enough to be able to seduce her">>
You frown in displeasure. Perhaps with a little more time you might have been able to 'convince' her, but then the butler coughs loudly and awkwardly, firmly reminding both of you of his presence, and you know it'll be hopeless now.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsResults3fail">>
<<elseif $day8game.servants.seductionType is "sub">>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "loseSeduceMaid">>
You shyly draw close to the maid, demurely stepping into her personal space and making a soft and wide-eyed appeal for help - emphasizing how delicate you are while pressing your body against hers.<<br>>
However, to your disappointment she just steps awkwardly away. <<pink "I- I'm sorry, your ladyship, but we really should be going. T-there's ever such a lot of mess to get through. I hope that you manage to find your friend, but I'm afraid that we can't help you.">><<check "Looks like the maid isn't very affected by this technique. Perhaps you could have studied her reactions better.">><<br>>
The butler nods in agreement, and the two of them awkwardly return back to their duties.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsResults3fail">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<if $day8game.servants.seductionType is "dom">>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "loseSeduceButler">>
You stride up to the butler and stand close, mere inches away. For a moment you look him up and down, appraisingly, and let a cocky smile cross your face as you appear to come to an 'obvious' realization.<<br>>
Your hand snakes to his lower jaw and holds it in place so he's forced to look directly at you, and then you tell him that he's going to be a good boy for you like it's something you already know for certain.<<br>>
However, to your disappointment he just steps away from you. <<blue "I'm sorry, your ladyship, but I'm sure that I don't know what you mean. I hope that you manage to find your friend, but I'm afraid that we can't help you. Now if you'll excuse us, we should be getting back to our duties.">><<check "Looks like the butler isn't very affected by this technique. Perhaps you could have studied his reactions better.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsResults3fail">>
<<elseif $day8game.servants.seductionType is "sub">>
<<if $day8game.servants.butler gte 2>>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "winSeduceButler">>
You shyly draw close to the butler, demurely stepping into his personal space and making a soft and wide-eyed appeal for help - emphasizing how delicate you are while pressing your body against his.<<br>>
You feel his body stiffen at your closeness - //all// of his body, and he can't help but wrap his arm around you in a way that's both kindly nurturing and intimately possessive.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahh... well, err, if a delicate flower such as yourself //really// needs it quite so much...">><<br>>
You try not to let the smirk you're feeling express itself on your oh-so innocent face. You know that you've won.<<check "You managed to choose the right actions to seduce the butler!">><<br>>
<<blue "We stumbled on the brat that you're looking for in that room down there, hiding herself under a pile of laundry. She bid us stay quiet, but I must say that she had //none// of your sweetness, my dear.">><<br>>
You let a demure giggle of delight leave your gently parted lips, before standing up on your tip-toes to be able to plant a soft kiss of thanks on his cheek. Not even the maid's shocked and displeased grumbling manages to upset the look of bliss on his face.<<br>>
You'd love to enjoy this for longer, but you've no intention of wasting any more time here than is necessary - the sooner you hunt Colette down the better. Before he has time to recover you're already off, skipping away down the corridor, confident that the brief sensation of your warm closeness will be lingering in his mind for months to come.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound2win">>
<<set $day8gameSecond to "loseSeduceButler">>
You shyly draw close to the maid, demurely stepping into her personal space and making a soft and wide-eyed appeal for help - emphasizing how delicate you are while pressing your body against hers.<<br>>
You can feel his body stiffen at your closeness - //all// of his body. However, just when you think that you've got him in the palm of your hand he steps awkwardly away from you.<<br>>
<<blue "Y-your ladyship, I'm ever so s-sorry.">> He mumbles, and from the look in his eyes you can tell he's more sorry for himself at having to break the contact than for you. <<blue "But we really should be going about our duties.">><<check "Your actions didn't match the butler's tastes enough to be able to seduce him.">><<br>>
You frown in displeasure. Perhaps with a little more time you might have been able to 'convince' him, but then the maid coughs loudly and awkwardly, firmly reminding both of you of her presence, and you know it'll be hopeless now.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteServantsResults3fail">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<setter "failToken to true" "failToken to undefined" "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'">>
<<if $failToken is true>>
<<unset $failToken>>
It doesn't take long to locate Colette after she's already won - her wild cackling soon draws you to her.<<br>>
You find her gleefully hopping around one of the bedrooms.<<br>>
<<colette "How //funny//! Even //with// those shitty little servants almost ruining things by finding me, it //still// wasn't enough for you to find me.">><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.length is 0>><<colette "Well, looks like just another //victory// for me. ">><<else>><<colette "Well, looks like I //won//.">><</if>> Colette jeers, relishing every moment. <<if $day8coletteStips.length is 0>><<colette "You really are //pathetic// at this, you know.">><<else>><<colette "//Obviously// your stupid beginners luck wouldn't last long.">><</if>><<br>>
<<colette "Now, what dare should I make you carry out<<if $day8coletteFirst is 'dare' and $day8coletteStips.length gte 1>> this time<</if>>, I wonder?">><<br>>
This won't be good - you're sure that she'll have something absolutely horrible prepared for you. However, before she has a chance to unleash it, you can't help but notice that you kinda need to pee. This might be good timing to go to the toilet.<br>
<span id="pissReplace">
<<link "Interrupt her and ask for a break.">>
<<set $day8coletteSecondDare to "piss">>
<<replace "#pissReplace" t8n>><<hr>>
You figure that you might as well. Given how intense Colette's dare might be, you'd rather not be doing it on a full bladder.<<br>>
For a moment she just seems surprised, and a little put-off at having her spiel ruined by your unexpected interruption. <<colette "Ugh, whatever. Sure, just don't take long.">><<br>>
However, before you can turn away, her eyes open wide as an idea strikes her.<<br>>
<<colette "Wait!">> She shouts, a giddy smile slowly dawning on her face. <<colette "Scratch that - no you can't!">><<br>>
You frown at her in confusion, what the hell is she talking about?<<br>>
Warming to the idea more and more, her hands rise to her hips as she puffs her petite chest out with smug pride. <<colette "Here I was about to just cause you some silly //pain//! What an //idiot// I was. This is //much// better!">><<br>>
<<colette "It's my dare - you're not allowed to go to the toilet. You're not allowed to go //all evening//. What do you think of //that//, huh?">><<br>>
You watch her, mystified. Sure, it's a little humiliating to have the decision taken away from you, but it's not like you've never held it in for a couple of hours. More importantly - what could she possibly be getting out of this?<<br>>
However she doesn't seem inclined to let you quiz her. She's already moving on excitedly to the next thing, a spring well and truly in her step. <<colette "Come on - we've got so many more games to play - no sense wasting time.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>
<</link>><<check "Warning for bladder-control content">><br>
<<link "It doesn't matter - you'll go after Colette's dare.">>
<<set $day8coletteSecondDare to "pain">>
<<replace "#pissReplace" t8n>><<hr>>
You dismiss the idea - it's nothing to worry about.<<br>>
<<colette "I know!">> Exclaims Colette, as if she hadn't planned this long in advance. <<colette "To be perfectly honest, //Princess//. There's nothing than I want more than just to watch that //annoying// little face scrunch up as you //suffer//.">><<br>>
<<colette "Your dare is to sit there and let me cause you as much pain as I can, for five whole minutes!">><<br>>
You wince at the thought. In some ways it's the worst thing she could have demanded - not wasting any time and effort on indirect ways of tormenting you, going for the most blunt, literal, and intense.<<br>>
But on the other hand, it's a bit of a relief. All of the other dares come with a dose social degradation and humiliation, often with social ramifications that could ruin you. At least this way you're spared that side of things.<<br>>
And besides, what's she going to do, spank you? Surely it can't be //that// bad.<<br>>
<<cont "day8secondFailPain">>
</span>At Colette's bratty behest, you're dragged into one of the bedrooms and forced to sit down in the middle of the bed, your legs curled up under you and your butt sitting on your ankles - a position which you're sure will alone be enough to get you aching before long.<<br>>
<<colette "Perfect!">> She exclaims after she has you posed just how she wants you. <<colette "Now, I think that this'll be //much// better if I don't have your beady fucking eyes glaring at me the whole time. Someone like you shouldn't even be able to //look// at me, you understand? So I insist you keep them closed the whole time. Besides -">> She grins wickedly as she reveals what you suspect is her real reason. <<colette "This way you won't know //what// I'm doing, right up until I do it!">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at how ridiculous she is, before begrudgingly shutting them as she wishes. There's no sense fighting it.<<br>>
<<colette "Good! Your time begins... //NOW//!!">><<br>>
The very moment that she says the word, she's already making her move - lashing out with her serrated fingernails to claw vicious streaks up your arms, so hard that you're sure that she'll have drawn blood.<<br>>
Without any time to brace yourself, the surprise attack is enough to make you shout in alarm.<<br>>
/* <<colette "//Ha//!">> She chants, delighted at your reaction. <<colette "Let's see what other noises I can draw from you!">><<br>> */
Colette seems delighted by the noise. <<colette "Ha! You really //are// a weakling. I've only just begun, stupid!">><<br>>
You scowl with annoyance, and when she unleashes her next attack you force yourself to keep your mouth firmly closed. It stings like hell, but it's a brief, sharp pain - you can manage it. You don't need your eyes to be open to tell how disappointed Colette is at your silence.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
As her sharp nails run over the raised, ink-dyed welts from where her metal-nipped fill pen had scraped over your exposed skin, your flesh is already so sensitive and sore that the sensation shifts from merely toe-curlingly painful to so intense that it feels like fire.<<br>>
<<cont "day8secondFailPain2">>She makes more attempts at drawing a pained reaction from you, but you don't give her the satisfaction. Soon she's given up on her claws and started straight up //punching// you - replacing the sharp sting with dull thumps that almost send you staggering. It hurts when she gets you straight where she's already torn your skin, but luckily she's too weak and skinny to do much damage that way.<<br>>
After some time she lets out a frustrated <<colette "//Ugh//">> to herself, and eases up on your torture - resigned that she won't be able to do much better with her hands alone.<<br>>
You hear her rise up from the bed and prowl around the room, rummaging in drawers. While her back is presumably turned, you silently let out some of the winces that you've been keeping masked - grateful for the brief reprieve.<<br>>
Suddenly Colette shrieks with delight. <<colette "Oh, this'll be //perfect//!">> You don't like the sound of it one bit.<<br>>
However, the sensation that comes when she climbs back onto the bed isn't a jagged knife nor a blunt hammer. It's just a slightly-cold rod, as thin as a pen and with a rounded end. Colette runs it over your skin as delicately as a feather, giggling to herself with delight.<<br>>
<<colette "Come on - give me your hands!">> She says suddenly, and you're so nervous with anticipation of what she could be planning with this odd thing that you almost flinch when her soft hands grasp your own and pulls them to be cupped before you.<<br>>
The next action isn't so gentle. Instead of letting go, her hands twist around yours and her nails find purchase in your palms. Not with the swift slashes from before, but digging in as far as she can go - so intensely that her fingers tremble almost as much as yours do. The pressure is so sharp that, despite your efforts, you can't help but writhe at the treatment. By the time she releases you, you can feel the unmistakable sensation of wetness as blood bubbles up out of the puncture-wounds she's left you with.<<br>>
You try to lower your hands, thinking that that'll be the last of it, but she firmly moves them back into position, and her voice is almost gentle as it chides. <<colette "No no. Almost finished. Just one last thing and time will be up.">><<br>>
You can just about sense her picking up the item from where she'd left it on the bed, and then a second later a loud, piercing //crack// fills the room.<<br>>
You flinch - expecting it to come with a wave of pain, but it doesn't. For a few seconds it seems like nothing happened at all.<<br>>
And then it begins.<<br>>
<<cont "day8secondFailPain3">>Your eyes bolt open as you //scream// in horror. Your hands burn so much that it's no longer pain, no longer hot, but rather ice cold, numb. The sensation's strong that it's not merely contained there, but seems to rise up the arms and leave you howling and writhing. It's more intense than ever could have believed was possible.<<br>>
Colette looms above you, giggling in horrid delight, holding both ends of a snapped-in-two glass thermometer in either hand - having dripped the liquid quicksilver inside directly into the open wounds on each of your palms.<<br>>
Your vision blurs and then splinters into static as the pain almost seems to rip apart your mind.<<br>>
You need this shit off of you //right now//! You paw your palms desperately against the bedsheets beneath you, but all that gets you is another wave of pain as the action almost seems to mash the toxic fluid into you all the deeper.<<br>>
The bathroom! You need to wash this out!<<br>>
You desperately throw yourself towards the direction you were sure the bathroom was, but, blinded and with every muscle spasming wildly with pain, your body rebels even the action of saving it. You end up slamming pathetically to the floor with a thud.<<br>>
Still, you don't give up, clawing desperately towards the bathroom, moaning and sobbing.<<br>>
All while Colette continues laughing with glee. Her cackling just another overwhelming sensation tormenting your overstimulated mind.<<br>>
You don't know how long it took for you to crawl arm over arm to the sink and finally rinse out your palms. It could have been ten seconds or ten minutes - but it felt like ten years.<<br>>
Once its finished you lay pathetically on the bathroom floor, lacking the energy to do anything other than cry curled up in a ball. You have no idea if you got to it fast enough to stop any permanent damage, but thankfully the pain slowly ebbs and your body functions begin to return to you.<<br>>
At some point Colette prowled into the bathroom after you, and sometime after that even stopped laughing - though every now and again a giggle still manages to escape her. Now she's just leaning against the bathtub and //staring// - her eyes so wide that no matter how dilated her pupils are they're tiny dots in an ocean of white. Her grin is so tight and wide that it's more rictus than happy. It creeps you out, but all you can manage is to turn your body away from her - an action that just earns you another cruel giggle.<<br>>
<<cont "day8secondFailPain4">>You remain there for some time. Long enough that you stop trembling at least.<<br>>
Colette remains keeping her eerie vigil over you, and leaves you be much longer than you'd ever expect her to, but eventually not even whatever twisted thrill she's getting isn't enough to stave off her impatience any longer.<<br>>
<<colette "Come //onnnnn//.">> She whines. <<colette "I knew that I did a good job, but there's a limit to how much of a fucking //pussy// you can be. Get over it already!">><<br>>
You barely have enough left in your to glance up at her looming figure and stick your tongue out in fury.<<br>>
<<colette "What? The rule was I could cause as much pain as I wanted for five minutes. I went a little far, it's not like I //cheated// or anything though.">> She slumps back in frustration, unaware and uncaring that her position above you means you <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>have a clear view between her bare legs at her pink lace panties - and the little moist patch nestled in the center which hadn't been there before.<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder")>>have a clear view up her pink skirt, her bare shaved snatch fully on display.<<else>>have a clear view up her pink skirt at the pink lace panties underneath.<</if>> <<colette "It doesn't mean that you can go and //sulk// about it for this long. We've got games to play.">><<br>>
You're shocked that even after pulling that shit - perhaps giving you //mercury poisoning// - she still expects you to keep playing.<<br>>
<<colette "Come //onnnnn//. Get over it already. After all -">> A smirk crosses her face as she changes tack. <<colette "If we don't play more, then you'll //never// get your own back for it, //right//?">><<br>>
You hate to admit it, but the words do catch your attention.<<br>>
If you were to leave it here then <<if $colette.madeBeg isnot true>>not only would she still use her leverage against you, but, perhaps more importantly, she'd also<<else>>she'd<</if>> leave without ever receiving a comeuppance for doing this. She'd have //won//, perhaps forever, and without any chance of punishing her back.<<br>>
You know that it's stupid, but a part of you can't help but want to see the face that grinned so horribly at your torment twist in horror in return. And Colette's own games are exactly your best way at doing that. You know that it's a downward spiral of revenge, one which Colette is already trapped in, but that doesn't keep it from being tempting.<<br>>
Colette cheers as you uneasily lift yourself up from the bathroom floor. <<colette "Perfect! I //knew// that you wouldn't be such a //pushover//.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">>You step into the bedroom that the <<if $day8game.servants.seductionChoice is "butler" or ndef $day8game.servants.seductionChoice>>butler<<else>>maid<</if>> points towards, and immediately spy the pile of laundry that <<if $day8game.servants.seductionChoice is "butler" or ndef $day8game.servants.seductionChoice>>he'd<<else>>she'd<</if>> mentioned.<<br>>
At first your heart sinks as you rummage through it and find nothing but old clothing - with no Colette inside. However your disappointment doesn't last long - the moment you throw open the wardrobe you find her squatting in the darkness, wearing a sour scowl of resentment on her face. She must have tried to quickly change hiding spots when she overheard the servants tell on her.<<br>>
<<colette "//Typical//.">> She complains. <<colette "Of course the fucking //help// would come along and give you a lucky break. I should have threatened their //lives//, not just their stupid little jobs.">><<br>>
You're wondering if she might accuse you of cheating for having made use of them, but, other than clicking her tongue irritably about it, she seems to think that they were fair-game.<<br>>
Colette steps out of the wardrobe with as much petty dignity as she can muster. <<colette "Fine. Whatever. //To the victor the spoils//, after all. What dare should I carry out for you?">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteWinDare">><<setter "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'">>
Colette seems eager to continue, soon dragging you back to the grandfather clock to begin the next round.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth">>
<<colette "It's your turn again. Are you going to //pussy out// again and pick truth, or finally dare to play a real game and pick dare?">>
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "dare">>
<<colette "It's your turn again. Will you go with dare again, or are you going to //pussy out// and pick truth?">>
You try to resist her obvious goading.<<br>>
<<link "Pick 'dare' this time">>
<<set $day8coletteThird to "dare">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound32">>
<<link "Pick 'truth' this time">>
<<set $day8coletteThird to "truth">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound32">>
<</link>><<setter "day8coletteFirst to 'truth'" "day8coletteFirst to 'dare'" "day8coletteThird to 'dare'" "day8coletteThird to 'truth'" "day8coletteKnow to true" "day8coletteKnow to undefined" "day8gameSecond to 'win'" "day8gameSecond to 'win'" "day8gameSecond to 'winSeduceButler'" "day8gameSecond to 'loseRun'">>
<<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth" and $day8coletteThird is "truth">>
<<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>
Picking truth last time ended up being much scarier than you were prepared for, but that doesn't mean that picking dare is any less daunting! No matter how much she teases you about it, you'd be an idiot to switch now. After all, what else could she //possibly// ask you that would be nearly that compromising again?
No matter how much she teases you about it, you'd have to be an idiot to do anything other than keep picking truth. At least this way you'll be better insulated from whatever dares she thinks up.
Colette scowls at your 'boring' choice. <<colette "Oh well. If you want to be a fucking //coward// like that then I suppose I can't stop you. After all, if I've //already// gotten you so scared that you daren't face me, then that's one step closer to //breaking// you completely!">>
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "truth" and $day8coletteThird is "dare">>
<<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>
You picked truth last time, and it ended up being so much more than you'd bargained for. So much so that a dare is starting to look pretty mild in comparison. And besides, you can't deny that the potential reward of making Colette do a dare for you is pretty enticing.
You were too scared to pick dare last time, but now that you've gotten your feet wet and know what you're doing, the opportunity to <<if $day8gameSecond.includes("win") is true>>continue your winning streak and pile more dares on Colette<<else>>wipe the smirk off Colette's smug face and get your own back<</if>> is too tempting to resist.
Colette grins excitedly at your change of heart. <<colette "Great! I //knew// that you weren't going to be a fucking //coward//.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise, caught off-guard by what sounds like a genuine compliment from Colette.
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "dare" and $day8coletteThird is "truth">>
<<if $day8coletteFirstResult is 'lose'>>
You picked 'dare' last time, and look what it got you - nothing but trouble. You're not going to make the same mistake again.
You naively picked 'dare' last time, but now that you have a better idea just how intense this game is there's no way that you're going to risk it again.
<</if>>You're better off staying safe and picking 'truth'.<<br>>
For a moment Colette just stares at you, completely blindsided at why anyone would possibly pick 'truth'. However she's soon cackling with delight. <<colette "Oh, I see how it is! The //hopelessness// of your situation has finally occurred to you, has it? That you'll //never// beat me<<if $day8coletteFirstResult is 'win' or $day8gameSecond.includes('win') is true>> ever again<</if>>, and now you're running //scared//? Well, if you're really so close to being my //broken// little //toy// already, then I suppose I'll cheer for your cowardice, rather than bemoan it.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteFirst is "dare" and $day8coletteThird is "dare">>
You grin with determination. You're not going to back down now.<<br>>
It's an expression which Colette matches in turn, her eyes glistening with glee at having such a perfect playmate to duel with.
Confidently, she turns her back to you and drags the minute hand back to twelve minutes to the hour. The moment she begins chanting down from a hundred, you dart off as quick as you can to try to find a hiding place.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound34">>You run down the corridors of the ladies-in-waiting wing, first looking just to put as much distance between you and Colette's starting spot as possible.<<br>>
Most of the rooms you go past are bedrooms, with the occasional servants cupboard mixed in here or there. That is, until you run though a shabby looking doorway and unexpectedly find yourself in a wider room. It must be some sort of servants hub, with a little wood-fire stove, a flat board for ironing, and even a couple of fold-down beds in one corner.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteRound3hub.jpg">><br>
You don't pay it much heed until you pass through it and find the other door locked fast. Just when you're about to continue onwards, annoyed at having wasted your time, you notice a little blackboard next to it with the words "spare key in usual spot. 0451" written on it.<<br>>
You pause, an idea occurring to you. If you just run off to try to find any old hiding place out there, then it'll only be a matter of luck whether Colette finds you or not. But if you could only find this key then you'll be able to lock yourself in there and guarantee your victory.<<br>>
The only problem is that you'll have to find it fast - you won't have long before Colette gets here, and the last thing you want is to be found standing out in the open like an idiot.<<check "Time will run down with every action you make. Open the door before it runs out! You'll have to be efficient, and just a little lucky.">><<br>>
You scan the room carefully. Where might this 'usual spot' be?<<br>>
<<set $day8game.startTime to 22>>
<<set $day8game.time to $day8game.startTime>>
<<set $day8game.moveRate to 1>>
<<include "day8coletteR3hubLinks">><<if $day8game.place is "door">>
<<crow2>>Check the locked door<</crow2>>
<<link "Check the locked door">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.place to "door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<if $day8game.place is "shelf">>
<<crow2>>Check the tall shelf<</crow2>>
<<link "Check the tall shelf">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.place to "shelf">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<if $day8game.place is "supplies">>
<<crow2>>Check the pile of supplies<</crow2>>
<<link "Check the pile of supplies">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.place to "supplies">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<if $day8game.place is "desk">>
<<crow2>>Check the writing desk<</crow2>>
<<link "Check the writing desk">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.place to "desk">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<if $day8game.place is "oven">>
<<crow2>>Check the wood-fire oven<</crow2>>
<<link "Check the wood-fire oven">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.place to "oven">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.time lte 0>>
<<include "day8coletteR3fail">>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteRound3hub.jpg">><br>
<<include "day8timePressure">><<br>>
<<if $day8game.box is "carrying">>
You're lugging the heavy box around with you.<<check "Your movement is slowed until you put it down.">><<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying" or $day8game.poker is 'carrying' or $day8game.fakeKey is true or $day8game.trueKey is true>><br><<else>><<br>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.poker is "carrying">>
You're holding the hard iron poker.<<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying" or $day8game.fakeKey is true or $day8game.trueKey is true>><br><<else>><<br>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying">>
You've picked up a chunk of charcoal from the oven.<<if $day8game.fakeKey is true or $day8game.trueKey is true>><br><<else>><<br>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.fakeKey is true>>
You're holding they key you found in the lockbox<<if $day8game.trueKey is true>><br><<else>><<br>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.trueKey is true>>
You're holding the key you found in the oven.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.place is "door">>
<<include "day8coletteR3door">>
<<elseif $day8game.place is "shelf">>
<<include "day8coletteR3shelf">>
<<elseif $day8game.place is "supplies">>
<<include "day8coletteR3supplies">>
<<elseif $day8game.place is "desk">>
<<include "day8coletteR3desk">>
<<elseif $day8game.place is "oven">>
<<include "day8coletteR3oven">>
<<include "day8coletteR3hubLinks">>
<</if>>The doorway is imposingly locked.<br>
Next to the door there's a little blackboard with "spare key in usual spot. 0451" written on it.<<br>>
<<if $skeletonKey is true>>
<<link "Try to use the mechanical doohickey you got a few days ago on the lock">>
<<set $day8coletteThirdResult to "win">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3skeleton">>
<<elseif $skeletonKey is "merat6">>
You scowl as you realize how useful the skeleton key that you used to have would be here. You wouldn't have <<if $day8game.trueKey is true or $day8game.fakeKey is true>>had<</if>> to deal with any of this running around if Merat hadn't taken it from you!<<br>>
<<if $day8game.trueKey is true>>
<<link "Use the key you found on the lock!">>
<<set $day8coletteThirdResult to "win">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3win">>
<<elseif $day8game.fakeKey is true>>
<<link "Use the key you found on the lock!">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3falseKey">>
<<elseif $day8game.fakeKey is "tried">>
<<fail "Looks like you'll have to find a different key to get this door open" "Keep looking around, it's got to be somewhere!">>
<<fail "Open the door" "You don't have the key yet! Keep looking around, it's got to be somewhere!">>
<<link "Give up and let Colette find you">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8r3giveUp to true>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3fail2">>
<</link>><<set $day8game.fakeKey to 'tried'>>
You press the key into the lock with a satisfied smile, only for your face to fall a moment later as instead of turning with a satisfying 'click', it doesn't seem to activate the mechanism at all!<<br>>
You give it a few more tries, but to no avail. Looks like this isn't the key that you're looking for at all - it's to something else completely!<<br>>
<<if $day8game.time lte 0>>
<<include "day8coletteR3fail">>
You sigh with resignation, but it's too early to give up now - you'll just have to search all the harder. Maybe there's somewhere else where this key fits?<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.boxPlacedTemp is true>>
<<unset $day8game.boxPlacedTemp>>
You drop the wooden box onto the floor in front of the shelf, grateful to not have to lug it around any longer.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.box is "carrying">>
There's a couple of things placed up high on a shelf.<br>
A week ago and you're pretty sure that you'd have been able to reach up without problem, but now, even when you stand up on your tippy toes, it's annoyingly just out-of-reach.<<br>>
<<link "Place the box you're carrying here, so you can stand on it to reach the top shelf!">>
<<set $day8game.moveRate to 1>>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.boxPlacedTemp to true>>
<<set $day8game.box to "placed">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<elseif $day8game.box is "placed" and $day8game.padlock isnot "unlocked">>
You step up onto the box and can finally get a good look at what's on the shelf.<br>
It seems like it's mainly junk, but a little metal lockbox stands out.<<br>>
<<link "Investigate the lockbox">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3shelfLockbox">>
<<elseif $day8game.box is "placed" and $day8game.padlock is "unlocked">>
You've already gotten everything useful from the high shelf.
There's a couple of things placed up high on a shelf.<br>
A week ago and you're pretty sure that you'd have been able to reach up without problem, but now, even when you stand up on your tippy toes, it's annoyingly just out-of-reach.<<br>>
<<fail "Reach up to the top shelf" "You can't quite reach it. Maybe you could if you had something to boost you up?">>
<</if>>You try opening up the lockbox, but unfortunately a chunky metal padlock gets in your way.<<br>>
It seems like it requires a four digit code to get in.<<br>>
<<if ndef $day8game.code>><<set $day8game.code to "0000">><</if>>
<<textbox "$day8game.code" $day8game.code autofocus>><<br>>
<<link "Try this code!">>
<<if $day8game.code is "0451">>
<<unset $day8game.code>>
<<set $day8game.padlock to "unlocked">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3shelfLockboxPass">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3shelfLockboxFail">>
<<link "Give up for now and look around some more">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</link>>The padlock opens up with a satisfying click and you eagerly look inside, only to find nothing but a treasure trove of money - this must be where the servant's pay must be kept.<<br>>
You can't believe that your life has gotten to a point when finding a huge pile of cash is a disappointment, but with as it is it's pretty much useless to you.<<br>>
Your heart sinks, but thankfully after a little rummaging your searching fingers manage to close themselves around something hidden under the useless currency - the unmistakable shape of a key. You've done it!<<br>>
<<link "Return, key in hand">>
<<set $day8game.fakeKey to true>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</link>>You rotate the dials to <<print $day8game.code>>, but to your disappointment the padlock doesn't open - you must have the wrong code.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.time lte 0>>
<<include "day8coletteR3fail">>
<<textbox "$day8game.code" $day8game.code autofocus>><<br>>
<<link "Try this code!">>
<<if $day8game.code is "0451">>
<<unset $day8game.code>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3shelfLockboxPass">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3shelfLockboxFail">>
<<link "Give up for now and look around some more">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</if>>You check out the big pile of supplies in the corner of the room. A heap of linen, paint-pots, brooms, boxes of fruit, and plenty more besides.<br>
A quick rummage through it all finds plenty of assorted bric-a-brac, but no key.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.box is "carrying">>
<<link "Place the box you're carrying back down for now">>
<<unset $day8game.box>>
<<set $day8game.moveRate to 1>>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<elseif $day8game.box is "placed">>
<<fail "Pick up one of the heavy wooden boxes" "You've no use for another wooden box">>
<<link "Pick up one of the heavy wooden boxes">>
<<set $day8game.box to "carrying">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.moveRate to 2>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</link>><<check "It'll be heavy! Every action you make will take twice as long until you put it down again">>
<<if $day8game.paintPots is "told">>
<<link "Investigate the paint pots">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.paintPots to "rummaged">>
<<set $day8game.poker to "carrying">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3suppliesPaintPots">>
<<elseif $day8game.paintPots is "rummaged">>
<<fail "Investigate the paint pots" "You've already found everything worth noting from the paint pots">>
<</if>>You had no reason to investigate //inside// the paint pots before, but after reading the imprint of the note you'd be a fool not to.<<br>>
You pry open the lids and find that the note was right - instead of paint, the pots are filled with a bunch of smaller supplies that would get lost in the larger pile.<<br>>
You eagerly rifle through the pots in your search for a key, but to your disappointment find no such thing.<<br>>
The only item that stands out as perhaps helpful is a cast-iron fire poker, which you decide to carry with you.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR3hub">>You check out the little iron oven-stove.<br>
An investigation reveals nothing obviously suspicious about it.<<br>>
<<if ndef $day8game.charcoal>>
<<link "Take some charcoal along with you">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.charcoal to "carrying">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<fail "Take some charcoal along with you" "You don't need any more charcoal">>
<<if def $day8game.keyTip>>
<<if $day8game.keyTip is "checked" and $day8game.poker is "carrying">>
<<link "Use the poker on the ashes in the oven">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3ovenKey">>
<<elseif $day8game.keyTip is "checked" and $day8game.poker isnot "carrying">>
<<fail "Rummage through the ash in the oven" "The ash is too warm to do this without help!">>
<<elseif $day8game.keyTip is true>>
<<link "Investigate where the note suggested the spare key might be">>
<<if $day8game.poker is "carrying">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3ovenKey">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<set $day8game.keyTip to "checked">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3ovenCheck">>
<<elseif $day8game.keyTip is "got">>
<<fail "Rummage through the ash in the oven" "You've already gotten the key!">>
<</if>>You excitedly check the spot where the note you found mentioned the key was kept.<<br>>
But your heart sinks as all you find at the end of the string is a frayed, burnt off end.<<br>>
It //must// have been here before though. Maybe the note's warning came too late - and it already got caught in the oven?<<br>>
If it did, then perhaps it's still in there?<<br>>
You hurriedly open the oven door, but all that you can see at the bottom of the wood-stove is a huge heap of ash.<<br>>
You try poke through the remains, but the moment you give it a try you have to flinch your hand away with a yelp. It must have been used pretty recently - the ash is still hot! Too hot for you to sift through it with your hands alone.<<br>>
If only you had an implement that could help.<<br>>
<<link "Keep looking around the room to see if you can find something">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</link>><<set $day8game.poker to "used">>
<<if $day8game.keyTip is "checked">>
<<set $day8game.keyTip to "got">>
You hurry back to the oven with poker in hand and quickly start prodding through the ash.<<br>>
It doesn't take long for your actions to find what they're looking for - a metal key! It looks a little burnt, but hopefully it'll still work okay!<<br>>
<<link "You got it!">>
<<set $day8game.trueKey to true>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<set $day8game.keyTip to "got">>
You excitedly check the spot where the note you found mentioned the key was kept.<<br>>
But your heart sinks as all you find at the end of the string is a frayed, burnt off end.<<br>>
It //must// have been here before though. Maybe the note's warning came too late - and it already got caught in the oven?<<br>>
If it did, then perhaps it's still in there?<<br>>
You hurriedly slam open the oven door, but all that you can see at the bottom of the wood-stove is a huge heap of ash.<<br>>
You try poke through the remains, but the moment you give it a try you have to flinch your hand away with a yelp. It must have been used pretty recently - the ash is still hot! Too hot for you to sift through it with your hands alone.<<br>>
An idea strikes you - you still have that poker from the paint pots, it'll be perfect here! You quickly start using it to prod at the ash.<<br>>
It doesn't take long for you to find what they're looking for - a metal key! It looks a little burnt, but hopefully it'll still work okay!<<br>>
<<link "You got it!">>
<<set $day8game.trueKey to true>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</if>>You check out the little writing desk. It seems like it's primarily used for planning shift patterns and other such things.<<br>>
<<if ndef $day8game.rubbing>>
<<link "Check out the pad of paper left on the desk">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying">>
<<set $day8game.paintPots to "told">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3deskRubbingCheck">>
<<elseif $day8game.rubbing is "checked">>
<<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying">>
<<link "Use the charcoal to make a rubbing on the imprints in the pad of paper">>
<<set $day8game.paintPots to "told">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3deskRubbingCheck">>
<<fail "Read the imprints on the pad of paper" "They're too faint to read like this. Maybe you could make a rubbing?">>
<<elseif $day8game.rubbing is "done">>
After your rubbing, you can clearly read the imprints on the pad of paper.<br>
It says "Since we used up all the paint, I decided to use to empty pots to clear up some of this trash. No need to thank me!"<br>
<<if ndef $day8game.drawer>>
<<link "Open the chest drawer">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3deskDrawer">>
<<elseif $day8game.drawer is "checked" and ndef $day8game.fakeKey>>
<<fail "Open the chest drawer" "The drawer is locked fast!">>
<<elseif $day8game.drawer is "checked" and def $day8game.fakeKey>>
<<link "Try the key you got on the locked drawer">>
<<set $day8game.time -= $day8game.moveRate>>
<<goto "day8coletteR3deskDrawer">>
<<elseif $day8game.drawer is "open">>
The note you found inside the drawer you opened reads "Please be careful with the spare door key - it keeps on swinging on its string and getting caught in the oven door. One day it'll end up stuck in there!"
<</if>><<if $day8game.rubbing isnot "checked">>
<<set $day8game.rubbing to "checked">>
There's a pad of paper placed in the center of the desk, and you eagerly rifle through it to see if it contains any hints, but to no avail - they're all just blank, waiting to be written in.<<br>>
You almost abandon the whole thing as a false-start, until you notice that the top sheet has a bunch of faint imprints in the surface. Someone must have written something on the sheet above it, and then took that sheet away somewhere.<<br>>
You try to read the imprints, but they're too faint for you to be able to make out.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying">>
<<set $day8game.rubbing to "done">>
An idea strikes you - you still have the charcoal that you picked up from the oven. It'll be perfect at making a rubbing on the paper!<<br>>
With a frown, you give up. Perhaps if you manage to find something that could help you'll come back to this, but for now you shouldn't waste any more of your time.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
You return to the piece of paper, your new chunk of charcoal firmly in hand - with this you'll be able to make a rubbing!<<br>>
<<if $day8game.charcoal is "carrying">>
<<set $day8game.charcoal to "done">>
You rub the charcoal lightly over the paper, leaving a black ash smeared across the sheet.<<br>>
The shape of the imprints stand out sharply against the darkness. You can clearly make out what was written on the sheet above.
<<letter "roryPaper">>
Since we used up all the paint, I decided to use the empty pots to clear up some of this trash.<<br>>
No need to thank me!
It's not quite the bombshell you were hoping for, but it's still a valuable clue - perhaps you'll find the key in one of these paint pots?<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.drawer is "checked">>
You hurry back to the locked desk drawers. You bet you can guess what the key you found in the lockbox might be for!<<br>>
<<set $day8game.drawer to "checked">>
You try to pull the desk drawer open, only for it to resist you.<<br>>
A quick inspection soon identifies why - there's a little lock on it. Looks like you won't be able to get in that easily.<<br>>
<<if def $day8game.fakeKey >>
<<set $day8game.drawer to "open">>
You're about to give up when an idea strikes you - you still have the key you found in the lockbox!<<br>>
<<link "Give up for now and continue searching">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<<if def $day8game.fakeKey>>
You put it into the keyhole and are glad to hear a little 'click' as it slides into place.<<br>>
You pull the drawer open and quickly rifle through its contents.<<br>>
It seems like most of it is important looking records and ledgers. Payslips and inventories galore.<<br>>
For a while you think that it might all be useless to you, until you find a written notice stored away that reads:
<<letter "roryPaper">>
Please be careful with the spare door key<<br>>
It keeps on swinging on its string and getting caught in the oven door<<br>>
One day it'll end up stuck in there!
You can't help but grin at the sight. It's exactly the kind of thing that you've been searching for, a clear indication that the spare door key's location - on a string next to the oven!<<br>>
<<link "Time to go grab it!">>
<<set $day8game.keyTip to true>>
<<set $day8game.drawer to "open">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3hub">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.trueKey is true and $skeletonKey is true>>
<<set _skeletonCheat to true>>
<<include "day8coletteR3win">>
<<elseif $skeletonKey is true>>
You can hear the sound of Colette right around the corner. You're sure that you're so close to finding the key, but it looks like you've run out of time!<<br>>
You have one last trick up your sleeve.<br>
<span id="keyChange">
<<link "Quickly try to use the mechanical doohickey you got a few days ago on the lock">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3skeleton">>
<<link "Give up and let Colette catch you">>
<<replace "#keyChange" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[day8coletteR3fail2]]>><</replace>>
<<include "day8coletteR3fail2">>
<</if>>With barely any time left, you <<if _skeletonCheat is true>>rush to the door,<</if>> press the key into the lock<<if _skeletonCheat is true>>,<</if>> and are flooded with relief when it clicks into place and the door swings open on its hinges. You quickly hurry into the little storage cupboard before it's too late and lock the door behind you.<<br>>
Scarcely have you done so before you hear Colette's footsteps patter into the servant's room behind you, and then pause as she seems to notice that some items seem out-of-place. She must be onto you, but you're safe in the knowledge that it won't do her any good.<<br>>
Sure enough, the doorknob is soon rattling as she tries to find entry. You can't stop a smug grin from crossing her face as the lock securely deters her.<<br>>
It's soon followed by an almighty '//smash//' as she kicks through the pile of supplies in search for you. Followed by another, as she overturns the writing desk to see if you're hiding underneath.<<br>>
You relaxedly wait out the rest of your time as she continues her rampage outside. Within about 30 seconds, the grandfather clock in the distance rings out - marking your victory.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR3win2">>Colette doesn't bother to hide her resentment as you emerge from the doorway right next to her.<<br>>
<<colette "I //knew// you were in here somewhere!">> She mutters behind her scowl. <<colette "I can't believe you //lucked// out enough to just find some dumb key lying around.">><<br>>
She strides towards you and, with a <<colette "Let's remove this thing from the equation, shall we?">> snatches the key you worked so hard to find from your hands and chucks it out the window without a second thought.<<br>>
<<colette "Regardless of your stupid luck, it's still your victory though.">> She concedes, bitterly. <<colette "And to the victor the spoils.">>
<<include "day8coletteR3win3">><<set $day8thirdColetteResult to "win">>
<<set $skeletonKey to "colette8">>
You don't know for certain if this is what the <<imgl1nk "device" "skeletonKeyImg">> is for, but it's worth a try - you put little opening on one end of the doohickey against the keyhole, and press the little button.<<br>>
It springs to life immediately. First a ticking, like a clock being wound up, which is joined by a buzzing like an insect, making the 'hilt' vibrate in your hand. After a few moments as it gets into gear, you feel a flurry of probing pins eject out of the end into the keyhole, accompanied by precise tapping that reminds you of the sound of old women's knitting needles.<<br>>
You frantically eye the other doorway, dreading Colette's impending appearance as you impatiently wait for it to do its work.<<br>>
The probing needles retract fully, and are replaced by a larger, thicker implement which plunges forward with such a '''ker-chunk''' that you can feel it lurch in your hand. A moment later it rotates in place, and you can hear the unmistakable sound of the lock releasing.<<br>>
You can't help but grin when the door easily slide open at your touch, but the expression soon disappears when you try to retrieve the device it remains jarred firmly in place - its mechanism whining at the treatment.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.startTime lte 8>>
You don't have any time to waste - you can hear Colette's search drawing so close that she could be on you in seconds.
You spend some time pressing every button you can find, and twisting and turning the device all sorts of ways. You're sure that there's some way to remove it, but whoever made the thing clearly didn't make it obvious.<<br>>
All your attempts are in vain - and soon you hear Colette's search drawing so close that she could be on you in seconds.
You're forced to dive inside and pull the door closed behind you, hoping that she won't see the mechanism still hanging out the keyhole outside.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR3skeleton2">>You hold your breath as her rushing footsteps pass into the servant's room, and then pause as she seems to notice that some items seem out-of-place. You wince - she's onto you.<<br>>
It's soon followed by an almighty '//smash//' as she kicks through the pile of supplies in search for you. Followed by another, as she overturns the writing desk to see if you're hiding underneath.<<br>>
Her rampage couldn't last more than thirty seconds, but seem like an eternity as you crouch in the dark cupboard, terrified that she'll throw the door open and find you cowering. However, while she's still concerning herself elsewhere in the room, you hear the series of rings in the distance from the grandfather clock - you won!<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR3skeleton3">>Colette doesn't bother to hide her resentment as you emerge from the doorway right next to her.<<br>>
<<colette "I //knew// you were in here somewhere!">> She mutters behind her scowl. <<colette "But that door was //locked// last time. It's completely-">><<br>>
She finally notices the hilt of the device emerging out the door, and you can see a vein pop out of her temple at the sight.<<br>>
<<colette "So this was the //cheat// you used, was it?">> She screams. <<colette "Well here's what I think of //that//!">><<br>>
She suddenly lashes out with a fierce kick, and you watch with helpless horror as the delicate little invention shatters into a shower of cogs and springs that go flying across the room.<<br>>
<<colette "//There//. That'll teach you to play fair.">> She spits with satisfaction, but not even her apparent love for destruction is enough to keep the irritation from her tone. <<colette "But, cheat or no, it's still your victory, and to the victor the spoils.">><<br>>
Your victory feels like a poor consolation-prize for having your precious device destroyed.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteR3win3">><<if $day8coletteThird is "truth">>
<<colette "So, go on then, what's your stupid truth?">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteWinTruth">>
<<elseif $day8coletteThird is "dare">>
<<colette "So, go on then, what's your stupid dare?">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteWinDare">>
<</if>><<set $day8coletteThirdResult to "lose">>
<<if $day8r3giveUp is true>>
Whether out of resignation, hopelessness, or something more masochistic, you decide not to bother trying to find a hiding place here, instead just sitting back and waiting for Colette to find you.<<br>>
It doesn't take long. Colette soon prowls into the room and shrieks with delight at finding you indolently waiting for her, rushing forward to 'tag' you out for the round.<<br>>
<<if $skeletonKey isnot true>>
You can hear the sound of Colette right around the corner. You're sure that you're so close to finding the key, but it looks like you've run out of time!<<br>>
In a last ditch effort, you quickly dive behind the writing desk, but it's a feeble effort. When Colette prowls into the room she finds you almost immediately, and shrieks with delight as she 'tags' you out.<<br>>
<<colette "Did you //really// think that a place as //pathetic// as that would ever escape my notice? You really are an //idiot//, you know!">><<br>>
<<if $day8r3giveUp is true>>
<<unset $day8r3giveUp>>
You grind your teeth together in annoyance. That's not quite true - you gave up deliberately, but it's not like that's any less humiliating to admit.<<br>>
You grind your teeth together in annoyance, but you can't deny that she won fair-and-square.<<br>>
Colette continues her smug gloating. <<colette2>>"<<if $day8coletteFirstResult is "win" and $day8gameSecond.includes("win") is true>>I //knew// that your ridiculous lucky streak would end up //shattered// before you knew it. It's //obvious// that I'm just so superior, after all.<<elseif $day8coletteFirstResult is "lose" and $day8gameSecond.includes("lose") is true>>Looks like you //still// can't even come //close// to beating me. I //knew// that I'd absolutely dominate you in every single round - it would be ridiculous to think anything else, I'm just so much //better// than you!<<else>>I //told// you that that win of your was just dumb luck! Treasure that ridiculous little memory - you'll //never// get anything like it ever again, you'll just lose to me over and over!<</if>>"<</colette2>><<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day8coletteThird is "truth">>
<<if $day8coletteKnow isnot true>>
<<goto "day8firstFailTruth">>
<<goto "day8secondFailTruth">>
<<goto "day8coletteR3failDare">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'hero'" "pc.background to 'bread'" "pc.background to 'flirt'">>
<<set $colette.knowsBackground to true>>
<<colette "Now, what dare should I make you carry out, I wonder?">> She ponders to herself with a wicked grin.<<br>>
You quickly cut in, reminding her that you picked //truth//, not dare.<<br>>
The noblewoman's face scrunches up with resentment. <<colette "//Ugh//, really? Why the fuck are you still pulling this pussy shit? It's //pathetic//. Why the fuck would I give a shit about asking you //anything//?">><<br>>
You try not to let the relief show on your face. You were worried that she'd drop another bombshell and force you into another bad situation like last time, but it looks like picking truth again really will be rescuing you from the worst of her torments.<<br>>
In the end, she just gestures at you airily and dismissively. <<colette "I don't know. Just tell me who you actually are, I guess. Like I care.">><<br>>
You decide to just tell her the truth, though make sure selectively avoid details which might reveal your true gender - it seems like Colette hasn't quite worked out that detail yet.<<br>>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
You tell her about your life as young socialite, before you got imprisoned. Heading to soiree after soiree, hoping to catch the eye of an eligible noble. And how you eventually began a brief lovers tryst, tragically ill-fated due to the the machinations of her displeased father.<<check "Based on player background">><<br>>
At this, Colette, who had been idling around looking thoroughly bored at your tale, seems to perk up a little. <<colette "Wait, that wouldn't have been Ide fucking Doulze, would it?">><<br>>
You flinch at the name of your brief lover being mentioned so casually.<<br>>
Your reaction answers her question for her. Colette lets out a raucous //shriek// of laughter.<<br>>
<<colette "Holy //shit//! That's sooooo funny!">> She cackles. <<colette "You //really// thought that that //harlot// really might have given a single fuck about you?">><<br>>
You can't help but blush at her tone, which only sets Colette off all the more.<<br>>
<<colette "Ide's the biggest fucking //slut// in the south! I heard that she opens her legs for every ugly servant she sees - her mother has to change the whole staff every season to try to stop the steady stream of midnight visitors, but then she just fucks her way through the next batch just as quick. And that's not even counting high-society - Mathieu Delarue told me that last time he visited the south he and his friends didn't even have to get her //drunk// before they could have their way with her!">><<br>>
You can feel your world shattering around you with Colette's cruel words. It's clearly mostly vicious gossip, and you want to reject the whole thing completely, but it would be so much easier if your contact wasn't as brief as it was. How many words did you actually exchange with her before the kissing began? You thought that it had been because you shared and immediate connection stronger than words, but perhaps that had just been wishful thinking.<<br>>
You're sure that Ide isn't nearly the person that Colette's callous gossip makes her out to be, but you still can't help but feel stupid at having thought that your tryst could have been so important.<<br>>
Despite your angst, you can't help but note that, for all her awful words, Colette never so much as blinked at you mentioning that it was a girl that you were interested in.
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
You tell her about your everyday life of rough-and-tumble bravado.<<check "Based on player background">><<br>>
You try to regale Colette with a few of your more exciting stories of you and your mates' shenanigans in the public houses, but she quickly cuts you short.<<br>>
<<colette "Ew. Why would I care about you and your grubby little pals' drinking problems? Come on, what //else// did you do?">><<br>>
You frown with irritation at having your favorite topic be cut short, and start scouring your brain for something else of note - only to quickly come up short. Sure, you did well enough at your job that you got by okay, but that's hardly anything noteworthy. Every remarkable memory that you can muster seems to have come from your evenings at the pub.<<br>>
Colette's expression turns from merely dismissive to outright disgusted as she watches you come up with blank after blank.<<br>>
For once, she barely even takes the opportunity to verbally demean you, instead merely muttering <<colette "Gross">> to herself. She doesn't have to - the realization is already plenty depressing enough to you.
<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>
You tell her about your life as a heroic adventurer, wandering the country with danger ever at your heels, righting wrongs as you go. Never staying in one place too long, never certain what the next day could bring.<<check "Based on player background">><<br>>
Colette seems anything but impressed, sneering with disgust. <<colette "Why would you do //any// of that shit?">><<br>>
You shrug. It just felt like the right thing to do.<<br>>
<<colette "It just //stupidity//, that's all.">> She continues, obstinately. <<colette "You're just some brat, painfully-average at best, a fucking //idiot// at worst. If these people needed help so bad, why didn't //they// just go and do it themselves? Sounds like they're just lazy.">><<br>>
You wince at her judgement, but you suppose that you can't blame her. With your shrunken, feminine body, and dressed up in your fancy clothes, it's difficult to imagine that your physical prowess could ever be essential.<<br>>
<<colette "Whatever. This was just a waste of time. Let's just get on with the next game already.">>
<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>
You tell her about your everyday life of quiet desperation, and how much of an eternal struggle it was to keep a roof over your head and your belly full on the harsh streets of your hometown.<<check "Based on player background">><<br>>
Back then, it had just been //life// - you had no idea just how bad you had it was until you experienced something else, and now you look back and wonder how you ever survived at all. It's difficult not to get a little emotional.<<br>>
It's not like you were expecting any sympathy from Colette or anything, but it still stings when she laughs right in your face at your sad tale. <<colette "Is that //really// the type of life you were leading? Talk about //stupid//. So what if you didn't have any bread to eat, why not just eat cake or something? That's the problem with the idle poor - too //picky//.">><<br>>
You can't believe how ignorant her words are, but it's not even worth trying to explain it - you know she wouldn't care no matter what.<<br>>
<<colette "Whatever. This was just a waste of time. Let's just get on with the next game already.">>
<<if $day8game.round is 3>>
<<set $day8game.round to 4>>
<<cont "day8coletteR4">>
<<elseif $day8game.round is 5>>
<<set _notPissToken to true>>
<<include "day8coletteRound6">>
<</if>><<colette "Now, let's see what dare I should make you do...">><<br>>
Her eyes scan the room, looking for ideas, and soon settle on <<if $day8game.round is 3>>the<<else>>a<</if>> writing desk <<if $day8game.round is 4>>in the corner of the bedroom<<else>>in the servants room<</if>>. <<colette "Ah! This will be //perfect//!">><<br>>
<<if def $day8coletteWriting>>
Still riddled with Colette's spiteful writing, you can't help but wince as she picks up the quill. However, this time she presses it into your own hands, and brusquely places you into the writing chair.
She brusquely gets you to sit down on the chair and forces a writing quill into your hand.
<<colette "If I'm going to get you all to myself, which I //obviously// will, then it only stands to reason that you won't need any of your other stupid little friends, will you?">><<br>>
<<colette "Twenty - that's how many times you were supposed to be paying attention to //me//, but instead glanced towards that moody bitch Elodie, or the annoying braggart Jacques back in that horrid little training camp.">><<br>>
<<colette "How //dare// those //brats// try to connive their way into your attention? Don't they know their place? Well, it ends right here!">><<br>>
She rummages through the drawer to bring out a sheets of letter paper and throws it in front of you with a flourish.<<br>>
<<colette "Why don't we send them some sweet little letters, so that they know never to dare to try to catch your eye ever again, shall we?">><<br>>
You stare at her in shock. You thought that could no longer be surprised by the level of Colette's deranged obsession with you, but this takes the cake!<<br>>
<<colette "One letter per dare sounds about right, don't you think? I'll just win the other one off of you later. For now let's start with...">> She taps her finger lightly against her chin in thought. <<colette "Why not that stupid jackass Jacques? He's on his deathbed now, right? I'm sure he'd be //delighted// to have a letter waiting for him if he ever gets better.">><<br>>
You grind your teeth together with frustration. The last thing Jacques deserves after fighting to save your life is to be tormented by Colette's cruelty. But oh well - you'll just have to send another afterwards telling him not to listen to any of it.<<br>>
Colette sits on one side of the writing desk to overlook your work<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>, her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") isnot true>>semi-<</if>>naked, nubile body somewhat distracting next to the page<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") is true>>, seeming not to care that this reclining position means that you can see right up her short skirt to her bare naked pussy<</if>>. <<colette "Now, write down everything I say - //Dear Jacques//...">><<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR3failDare2" "Begin your letter">>
/* You wonder what Elodie will think when she finds another daily letter from you, but instead of your usual conversation it's... whatever cruel bullshit Colette will make you say. And the thought of Jacques waking up from his deathbed after his fight for survival after the Scarecrow Killer's injuries to find Colette's words waiting for him is horrifying.<<br>>
Colette's grin only widens as she watches you process her absurd dare. <<colette "Now, which one should we write first, I wonder?">><<br>>
It's a simple question, but perhaps if you carry out Colette's exactly on the first letter, she'll let down her guard enough on the second that you'll be able to wriggle out of the worst of it.<<br>>
<<link "Try to protect Elodie and write out Jacques' letter first">>
<<set $day8thirdDareProtecc to "Elodie">>
<<link "Try to protect Jacques and write out Elodie's letter first">>
<<set $day8thirdDareProtecc to "Jacques">>
<</link>> */<<set $day8jacquesLetter to true>>
<<letter "pcScrapPaper">>
Dear Jacques<<br>>
You almost sacrificed your life for me, and all the thank-yous in the world could never hope to equal the depth of my gratitude towards you.<br>
I know that I can be hard to read, and I'm not sure that I ever managed to express the fledgling infatuation that I felt in my heart - it scared me so. But now, with your selfless act, it has blossomed into something so much greater.<br><br>
I can hardly sleep at night without tossing and turning, thinking of this thing you have done for me, thinking of ''//you//''. It gnaws at me like a cancer of the mind, spreading and spreading until I fear that it will consume all of me. The memory of your face, your noble soul, your body...<br>
It's ridiculous, isn't it? How can one be so haunted by such an act of selflessness? But it's too much - the immensity of it hangs over me like a weight, crushing me.<br><br>
My feelings are larger than I can handle. They take me away from myself and make my heart ache such that I struggle to eat, to function.<br>
I cannot live like this.<br><br>
I fear that I must do this now or else be helpless but to fly to your arms and lose myself completely in you, until there's nothing left of the person I once was, leaving merely an absurd facade of what I think might please you in its place.<br>
In order to preserve myself, I must disappear from you forever.<br>
Please, do not try to contact me.<br><br>
I hope that this will be the last time you see or hear from me. If not, then I have fallen to my worst instincts. I know that it is too much to ask for you to rescue me again, after you have already sacrificed so much, but please, if such an occasion arises, save me by showing the restraint that I cannot.<br><br>
With painful devotion;<br>
Her Highness the Princess
You stare in dawning horror as the words flow from Colette's mouth, through you, and onto the page. You were expecting a tirade of insults, or perhaps something to make you sound so vapid and self-centered that Jacques wouldn't want anything to do with you in the future, but this completely beyond the pale!<<br>>
A false love confession is already one thing, but then to twist it into a desperate need for isolation is so cruel. And then, to top it all off, it seems like she'd anticipated that you'd try to send a letter covering for yourself, and set up a situation where such a thing would seem like a moment of weakness, mere lies to try to desperately weasel your way back to him despite the risk. Knowing Jacques' overinflated sense of chivalry, it's easy to imagine him not even deigning to open it, let alone believe what's inside.<<br>>
Colette's cruel grin grows more and more as she watches the realization of the web she's trapped you in slowly reach you. Once she's finished reciting her no-doubt pre-prepared lines, she erupts into frenzied giggling.<<br>>
<<colette "That's //sure// to make the little shit know to keep his distance from you from now on!">> She boasts, snatching the paper from you and wrapping it up in an envelope. <<colette "I'll be holding onto this, and it'll be sent off by the fastest pigeon that mummy can buy for me as soon as we've finished our games.">><<br>>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<if ($day8coletteSecondDare is "piss" and $day8coletteThirdResult is "win" and $day8coletteStips.last() is "nice") and $pissCheck isnot true>>
<<set $pissCheck to true>>
However, before returning straight to her game, you swell with pride when Colette first says <<colette "One second, let me grab some more water first.">><<br>>
A few seconds later, and she returns with a pair of glasses and places one in front of you. <<colette "Come on, you have something too!">><<br>>
For a moment you frown in confusion, unused to receiving such kindness from Colette, but you don't let it get to you - you're too happy to see that you're finally getting through to her to let yourself get worried. And besides, all this searching around in nooks and crannies for hiding places sure takes you to some dusty places. You feel like you might have inhaled half a dozen spiders by now - the chance to wash your throat down is sorely appreciated.<<br>>
You bring the cool water to your lips, and quickly find yourself downing the whole thing. All this running around really must be thirstier work than you'd been expecting.<<br>>
<<colette "Wow, you got through that quick, Princess!">> Colette exclaims, with a little laugh. <<colette "Come on, I'll get you another.">><<br>>
You blink with surprise, but don't stop her from taking the glass out of your hands and refilling it for you.<<br>>
In the end, you almost go through three glasses before you've had enough. Colette has an odd gleam in her eye as she watches you drink them, but you don't let it get to you.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR4">>
<<elseif $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss" and $pissCheck isnot true>>
<<set $pissCheck to true>>
You expect Colette to hurry onto the next round straight away as usual, but instead she hesitates for a moment, before suddenly announcing <<colette "I'm feeling kinda thirsty. Come on, let's grab something to to drink.">><<br>>
She's already striding away, leaving you to follow behind. You're a little surprised - Colette's so intense that it's difficult to imagine her following such mundane urges, but it only makes sense, she is still human, after all.<<br>>
Besides, you know exactly what she means - all this searching around in nooks and crannies for hiding places sure takes you to some dusty places. You feel like you might've inhaled half a dozen spiders by now - the chance to wash your throat down is sorely appreciated.<<br>>
Colette soon manages to find some glasses and a sink, and pours a glass of water. You go to do the same, but to your surprise she passes it to you first. <<colette "You can take this one. I'll make another.">><<br>>
Alarm bells go off in your mind - there's no way that Colette would ever usually be so considerate - but you just saw her pour it herself, it's not like she could have slipped in anything. You squint suspiciously at her, but when she just smiles in return you figure that you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth - if she's turning over a new leaf then so much the better, perhaps you're finally getting to her.<<br>>
While she pours herself another glass, you bring yours to your lips, and quickly find yourself downing the whole thing. All this running around really must be thirstier work than you'd been expecting.<<br>>
<<colette "Wow, you got through that quick, Princess!">> Colette exclaims, with a little laugh. <<colette "Come on, I'll get you another.">><<br>>
You blink, not used to having such a normal conversation with Colette, but you're too grateful for the moment of civility to stop her from taking the glass out of your hands and refilling it for you.<<br>>
In the end, you almost go through three glasses before you've had enough. Colette has an odd gleam in her eye as she watches you drink them, but you don't let it get to you.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR4">>
<<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>
<<colette "Now it's finally //my// turn again.">> Colette announces with a grin. <<colette "And I know //just// what to pick - a dare, obviously!">><<br>>
You roll your eyes - not much surprise there.
<<elseif $day8coletteKnow isnot true>>
<<colette "Now it's finally //my// turn again.">> Colette announces with a grin. <<colette "I wonder what I should pick...">><<br>>
You roll your eyes, the answer couldn't be more obvious.<<br>>
However, to your surprise instead of declaring 'dare' with relish, she pauses for a few seconds, as if genuinely having to think about it.<<br>>
<<colette "I-... Hmmm.">> She stammers, looking completely torn. <<colette "I think... Ugh, whatever, let's just go for 'truth' this time, I guess.">><<br>>
You can't help but gawp at her in surprise. <<if $day8gameSecond.includes("win") and $day8coletteThirdResult is "win">>Have your winning streak really gotten to her? Is Colette Lavalette //scared// of losing, and having to do another dare?<<else>>What on earth is she playing at?<</if>><<br>>
Scowling to herself, Colette can't seem to meet your gaze. <<colette "I- I just feel like it, okay?">><<br>>
You're more than happy to accept her show of weakness.
She pulls you back over to the grandfather clock and once again winds the minute hand back to twelve-to-the-hour.<<br>>
<<colette "Prepare to lose, //Princess//.">> She boasts<<if $day8coletteKnow isnot true>>, trying to get her bravado back<</if>>. <<colette "You'll //never// catch me this time!">><<br>>
You start your count to one-hundred, and can hear her <<if $day8coletteStockings is false>>bare feet <<else>>footsteps<</if>> patter away down the corridor away from you as she rushes off to hunt her hiding spot.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR42">>
<</if>><<section "r4doors">>
You finish your countdown, and are soon prowling around the Bastille, searching for any trace of Colette's whereabouts.
<<section "r4doors2">>
You come to a set of doors.<<br>>
<<set $day8game.r4doors to []>>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(1)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR43">>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(2)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR45">>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(3)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR44">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _r4doors>><<br>>
<<print _r4doors2>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR42.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _r4doors>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR42.jpg]]@@
<<print _r4doors2>>
</span>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR43.jpg]]@@
You quickly turn the room upside down, but <<if $day8game.r4doors.length isnot 1>>still<</if>> no sign of Colette. <<if $day8game.r4doors.length is 1>>Oh well - finding her first try really would be too much to ask for.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includesAll(1,2,3) is true>>
<<cont "day8coletteR462" "Continue your search elsewhere">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(1) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the first door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(1)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR43">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(2) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the second door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(2)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR45">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(3) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the third door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(3)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR44">>
<</if>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR44.jpg]]@@
This room is dingier than the others, but <<if $day8game.r4doors.length isnot 1>>still<</if>> has no sign of Colette anywhere. <<if $day8game.r4doors.length is 1>>Oh well - finding her first try really would be too much to ask for.<</if>><<br>>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includesAll(1,2,3) is true>>
<<cont "day8coletteR462" "Continue your search elsewhere">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(1) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the first door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(1)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR43">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(2) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the second door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(2)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR45">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(3) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the third door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(3)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR44">>
<</if>>@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR45.jpg]]@@<br>
You almost can't believe your eyes when you open the door and find hundreds of faces staring back at you.<<br>>
Stuffed toy plushies cover the room in huge heaps, some barely larger than the palm of your hand, others almost larger than you are. You wonder what kind of person could possibly have ended up with quite so many.<<br>>
You can't help but frown at the sight. Colette could be anywhere in these piles - it'll take you ages to sift through it all!<<br>>
Oh well, there's nothing else for it.<<br>>
<<link "Start going through the plushies as quickly as you can">>
<<goto "day8coletteR46">>
<</link>>Rifling through the plush toys soon proves to be a huge pain in the ass. On three occasions you end up causing an avalanche of fluff to cascade over you, forcing you to fight your way out of the pile.<<br>>
At one point you think that you can see a glimpse of Colette's golden locks at the back of a pile, but the excitement is short-lived - it just ends up being a velveteen toy rabbit.<<br>>
After wasting more time than you can afford on just one room, you finally conclude that Colette isn't anywhere in here and hurry onwards, irritated.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includesAll(1,2,3) is true>>
<<cont "day8coletteR462" "Continue your search elsewhere">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(1) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the first door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(1)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR43">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(2) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the second door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(2)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR45">>
<<if $day8game.r4doors.includes(3) is true>>
<<crow2>>Try the third door<</crow2>>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<run $day8game.r4doors.push(3)>>
<<goto "day8coletteR44">>
<</if>>/* <<section "r4doors3">>
Annoyed at having wasted so much time, you storm off elsewhere, soon coming to another collection of rooms.
<<section "r4doors4">>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the fourth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the fifth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the sixth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the seventh door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<</section>> */
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
Annoyed at having wasted so much time, you storm off elsewhere, soon coming to another collection of rooms.<<br>>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the fourth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the fifth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the sixth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the seventh door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR46.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
Annoyed at having wasted so much time, you storm off elsewhere, soon coming to another collection of rooms.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteR46.jpg]]@@<br>
<<link "Try the first door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the second door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the third door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the fourth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the fifth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the sixth door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
<<link "Try the seventh door">>
<<goto "day8coletteR47">>
</span>You burst into a wide common room strewn with sofas, but scarcely even have the time to look around before you're interrupted.<<br>>
The steady '//bong, bong bong//' sound that you were dreading rings out in the distance, so shocking that to you it almost seems to echo, coming from all directions at once.<<br>>
It comes as such a surprise that you can't help but shout in alarm. You can't believe it came so quickly! It felt like you had much longer to search around last time - you barely even got started!<<br>>
You quickly start suspecting foul play, but you saw Colette pull the clock hands into position yourself, there's no way that she could have messed with it. You must have wasted much more time messing around with those damn teddy bears than you'd thought!<<br>>
On cue, Colette raucous laughter rings out in the distance as she realizes that she's won. You grind your teeth together in frustration.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR48" "Follow the laughter to its source">><<setter "day8coletteStips.push('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.push('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripUnder')">>
With her victorious giggling to guide you, it don't take long to hunt down Colette.<<br>>
You find her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") isnot true>>all-but rolling around<</if>> on the floor of one of the bedrooms, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>so tickled-pink by her own success that in her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") isnot true>>semi-<</if>>naked state she must be almost giving herself rug-burns as she rolls around with glee<<else>>tickled pink by her own success<</if>>.<<br>>
<<colette "I can't //believe// that you lost so easily!">> She jeers as you enter. <<colette "It's like you didn't even //try//!">><<br>>
You're so irritated that you can't even hide the scowl that rises to your face at her taunts, which only sets her off again.<<br>>
With more grace than she deserves, you offer her a hand up from the floor, only for her to flinch away at the gesture. <<colette "Eww! No, I'll stand by myself, thank you very much, //Princess//.">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at her pettiness.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteFirstResult is 'win' and $day8gameSecond.includes('win') is true and $day8coletteThirdResult is "win">>your annoying winners luck has finally run off then, has it? Get used to this failure, it's all you'll see for the rest of the night!
<<elseif $day8coletteFirstResult and 'lose' or $day8gameSecond.includes('lose') is true and $day8coletteThirdResult is "lose">>your losing streak continues even further I see - as expected!
<<else>>another victory for //me// I see - as expected!<</if>>
So it's my turn to pick a <<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>dare<<else>>truth<</if>> for you!"
She taps her chin with mock thoughtfulness, pacing around the edge of the room as she pretends to think. Once she gets to the door, she shrugs to herself. <<colette "Hmm. I guess I'll need to think about it. Come on, lets head back from the main room for now.">><<br>>
She heads out into the corridor and leads the way. Frustrated by your failure, you can do little but follow after her.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR49">>The walk back is a little odd. Whenever you pick up pace to catch up with Colette, she suddenly decides to speed up herself, until at one point the two of you are almost running down the corridor, with her ever-ahead of you. Whatever - she must just be impatiently excited by whatever <<if $day8coletteKnow is true>>dare<<else>>truth<</if>> she has prepared for you, eager to get started.<br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteStart4.jpg">><br>
Colette can't help but grin as the two of you re-enter the trashed room where you started.<<br>>
<<colette "Ah, wonderful. We're here just in time!">><<br>>
You look around in confusion - in time for what? Everything looks just the same.<<br>>
That is, until your eyes fall on the grandfather clock in the corner, and note the position of the hands -<<br>>
5 seconds until the hour<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR410" "Shit!">><<setter "day8coletteStips.push('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.push('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripUnder')">>
You react quickly - reaching out in a desperate attempt to 'tag' Colette out in these last five seconds, but she clearly expected such an attack and swiftly darts out of your reach.<<br>>
You don't stop there - following up as fast as you can and chasing after her.<<br>>
In just a few steps Colette's foot snags on a cushion and sends her falling to the floor, but even so you just don't have enough time - the first chime of the grandfather clock rings out a good half-second before your hand touches her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>bare<</if>> arm.<<br>>
Unable to stop your momentum in time, you end up following her descent the floor, and the two of you end up collapsed in a little heap together.<<br>>
/* Through the frustration and anger, you spare a thought to worry that she'll notice the incongruous contours of your figure with your bodies pressed together like this, but you needn't have bothered - she's clearly much too busy giggling with twisted delight at her victory to even begin to think about such things.<<br>> */
Any fear that she might notice the notice the incongruous contours of your figure with your bodies pressed together like this is soon cut short - she's clearly much too busy giggling with twisted delight at her victory to even begin to register such things.<<br>>
<<colette "You //idiot//!">> She screams from under you. <<colette "Did you //really// fhink that this was the only clock in the whole wing? I can't //believe// that you fhell fhor it!">> So excited that her lisp returns again.<<br>>
Realization dawns on you. The unusually short-seeming session, the oddly-echoing rings, the way Colette made sure to avoid letting you touch her. The //actual// hour must have passed, making all of the other clocks in the area chime, and Colette gladly took the opportunity to pretend that they marked her victory until it was too late for you to do anything about it.<<br>>
Colette's expression is full of manic glee as they watch the bitter comprehension wash over your features, her nubile<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes") is true>>, <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") isnot true>>semi-<</if>>naked<</if>> little body wriggling under you with every cackle of delight.<<br>>
You're so frustrated that you barely even put up a fight when she flips the position, so that she straddles you, her face looming inches away from your own as she changes tone. <<colette "Get used to this despair, //Princess//. It'll be every day of your fucking life from now on!">> She spits venomously directly in your face.<<br>>
She remains there for a moment, relishing the moment. Meanwhile, you're busy trying not to pay attention to her heavy breath upon your face, her chest pressing against you, and the way your pelvis' are nestled against eachother. <<if $caged is false>>You feel the terrifying dawning of arousal in your <<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>>You feel a burst of pain as your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock tries to swell to erection and is thwarted by the metal cage<</if>>.<<br>>
However, before the <<if $caged is false>>risk<<else>>pain<</if>> becomes too great, to your surprise it's Colette who suddenly flinches and separates, suddenly unable to make eye-contact as she realizes how close you are.<<br>>
As she stiffly and abruptly rises to her feet, you could swear that you note a trace of pinkness to her own cheeks.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR411">><<setter "day8storedDare to 1" "day8storedDare to 3">>
<<if $day8coletteKnow isnot true>>
<<include "day8firstFailTruth">>
<<if $day8storedDare is 1>>
<<include "day8firstFailDare">>
<<elseif $day8storedDare is 3>>
<<include "day8coletteR3failDare">>
<</if>><<colette "Now, onto the next game!">> Colette announces. <<colette "It's your turn to hide again. What do you want - truth or dare?">><<br>>
<<link "Pick 'truth'">>
<<set $day8coletteR5 to "truth">>
<<goto "day8coletteR52">>
<<link "Pick 'dare'">>
<<set $day8coletteR5 to "dare">>
<<goto "day8coletteR52">>
<</link>><<set $day8game.startTime to 14>>
<<set $day8game.time to $day8game.startTime>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray to []>>
<<set $day8game.locationArray to []>>
<<set $day8game.declinedArray to []>>
<<unset $day8game.kinkGear>>
<<unset $day8game.hamper>>
<<unset $day8game.bubbleBath>>
<<unset $day8game.bedGirl>>
<<set $day8game.round to 5>>
<<set $day8game.spot3 to random(1,4)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 1000; _i++>>
<<if $day8game.spot3 is $day8game.spot1 or $day8game.spot3 is $day8game.spot2>>
<<set $day8game.spot3 to random(1,4)>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot3 isnot $day8game.spot1 and $day8game.spot3 isnot $day8game.spot2>>
<<if $day8game.spot3 is 1>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("hamper")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot3 is 2>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bubbleBath")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot3 is 3>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("kinkGear")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot3 is 4>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bedGirl")>>
<<set $day8game.spot4 to random(1,4)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 1000; _i++>>
<<if $day8game.spot4 is $day8game.spot1 or $day8game.spot4 is $day8game.spot2 or $day8game.spot4 is $day8game.spot3>>
<<set $day8game.spot4 to random(1,4)>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot4 isnot $day8game.spot1 and $day8game.spot4 isnot $day8game.spot2 and $day8game.spot4 isnot $day8game.spot3>>
<<if $day8game.spot4 is 1>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("hamper")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot4 is 2>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bubbleBath")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot4 is 3>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("kinkGear")>>
<<elseif $day8game.spot4 is 4>><<set $day8game.locationArray.push("bedGirl")>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("hamper")>><<set $day8game.hamper to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.hamper to 0>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("bubbleBath")>><<set $day8game.bubbleBath to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.bubbleBath to 0>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("kinkGear")>><<set $day8game.kinkGear to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.kinkGear to 0>><</if>>
<<if $day8game.locationArray.includes("bedGirl")>><<set $day8game.bedGirl to random(1, 6)>><<else>><<set $day8game.bedGirl to 0>><</if>>
<<set $startArray to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]>>
<<set $day8game.roomShuffle to []>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt 6; _i++>>
<<set $randomNum to random(0, $startArray.length - 1)>>
<<run $day8game.roomShuffle.push($startArray[$randomNum])>>
<<run $startArray.delete($startArray[$randomNum])>>
<<unset $startArray>>
Colette merely <<if $day8coletteR5 is "truth">>rolls her eyes<<else>>nods<</if>> at your choice as she pulls the minute hand back once more. <<if $day8coletteR5 is "truth">><<colette "Ugh, //weak//. Oh well.">><<else>><<colette "Good. As it should be.">><</if>><<br>>
<<colette "Now.">> Her eyes light up at she gives you another manic grin. <<colette "//Start running//!">><<br>>
/* You don't need to be told twice - hurrying away down the corridors as she begins her countdown behind you.<<br>>
After you get a comfortable amount of distance from Colette's starting spot, you slow down as you come across another set of bedrooms. This will be as good a place to try to find a hiding spot as any!
<<if $day8game.firstSkip is true>><<check "Time will pass with every action you take - find a hiding spot before it runs out! The locations are distributed via seeded RNG">>
<<else>><<check "Same rules as the first round">><</if>> */
You don't need to be told twice - hurrying away down the corridors as she begins her countdown behind you.<<br>>
As you go, an idea strikes you. If Colette's willing to use such dirty tricks to win, then there's no reason why you shouldn't either.<<br>>
Thus so far, both of you have just picked one hiding place and stayed there for the whole round. What if you were to do something else, and stalk into one of the rooms that she's already checked? It might be risky - the brief period where you'll be out-of-cover seems like it will be perilous - but if you pull it off then surely you'll have an easy win afterwards.<<br>>
<<link "Try the risky plan">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteR5sneak">>
<<link "Don't risk it - just hide like usual">>
<<goto "day8coletteR53">>
<</link>><<setter "day6meratCorridor to 'selfWarn'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfStop'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfFollow'" "day6meratCorridor to 'selfWarn'" "day6meratCorridor to 'merat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chat'" "day6meratCorridor to 'chatChat'">>
It's a ballsy trick, but you figure that it'll be worth it.<<br>>
Instead of running off through the corridors to build some distance, you pick somewhere much closer - just far enough from Colette's starting spot that you can be confident that through her counting she won't be able to overhear where you halt. You feel vulnerable so near, but with any luck you won't be staying long.<<br>>
You don't even find a proper spot - anywhere worth hiding in will be too much hassle and noise to extract yourself from when it's time for you to make your move, you're best-off just standing pensively at the doorway.<<br>>
Colette's counting slowly dwindles down to zero, and then she starts off on her hunt.<<br>>
You daren't even breathe as she draws nearby - if she happens to choose this door first then you're completely done for. But to your relief the door that your waiting behind doesn't swing open immediately.<<br>>
However, that certainly doesn't mean that you're safe. You were hoping to be able to hear her position and know precisely when she'll be too occupied searching another room to notice you slipping past, but all you can make out is vague, indistinct noises. She could well be in any of the rooms, or even standing in the hallway waiting for you - you can't tell!<<br>>
This isn't going as you'd hoped. You wonder if there's something that you could do.<<br>>
<<if $day6meratCorridor.includes("self") is true>>
<<link "Use the skills you picked up from Merat a couple of days ago to track her position">>
<<goto "day8coletteR5sneakGood">>
<</link>><<check "Available because you put in the effort to learn them">>
<<fail "Play it smart and track her location" "You haven't learned any skills to track where people are in the Bastille">>
<<link "Just rely on dumb luck!">>
<<if $day6meratCorridor.includes("self") is true>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteR5sneakBad">>
<</link>>You grit your teeth in frustration. Your slick little plan has already fallen apart.<<br>>
/* You glance around the room, looking for a backup-plan, but nowhere stands out as a decent spot to hide in, at least, and certainly none which wouldn't make more than enough noise to alert Colette to your presence.<<br>> */
Oh well. Your failure will be guaranteed if you just stand here waiting - you might as well give it a try. The next time you hear a noise from outside, you take the opportunity to slip out the room, trusting in dumb luck to see you through.<<br>>
Unfortunately, that luck proves to be just as bad as it has been for the rest of this damn week.<<br>>
You'd been hoping that the sound would signify her entering a room, but instead it's the opposite - the moment you exit you come face-to-face with Colette, just leaving the room across the hall.<<br>>
For a brief moment the two of you just stare at eachother. She seems completely confused at why you'd come out to greet her like this.<<br>>
But the hesitation doesn't last long. Her eyes gleam with delight at having such an easy win handed to her on a platter, and she lunges forward to 'tag' you out.<<br>>
Your quick reactions manage to evade her reaching arms, and you're soon fleeing off down the corridor with her close at your heels.<<br>>
You're not as fast as you were a week ago, but while Colette is no slouch herself you still manage to make a good run for it. Perhaps if there were only a few minutes left on the clock you'd be able to pull off a victory, but nine minutes is simply too much to ask - eventually the next door you barge into in your flight isn't another corridor but a dead-end cupboard, and that's all the opportunity Colette needs to catch up and 'tag' you out.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5sneakBad2">><<colette "I... I don't know what... you thought that you were pulling with that shit...">> Colette tries to gloat between gasps as she gets her wind back after the run. <<colette "But it didn't... work, did it? And now I've //won//!">><<br>>
Her grin seems all the more manic from the giddy exertion.<<br>>
<<colette "Or perhaps you were just //smart// enough to... to realize that it was //pointless// to fight me... So you deferred to my //obvious// superiority and came //grovelling// to my feet.">><<br>>
You wince, but it makes perfect sense why she'd think that. You never even found a spot and then walked straight out to meet her.<<br>>
<<colette "Well don't think that I'll win you any favors. If anything your pathetic compliance will just make //breaking// you all the sweeter!">><<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5fail">>You force yourself to relax - you know you can do this.<<br>>
Taking a deep breath, you dredge up everything that you learnt from watching Merat stalk around the Bastille two days ago.<<br>>
You might not be able to make out the noises of Colette's precise movements, but that doesn't mean they're imperceivable. It's less hearing //her//, and more hearing the echoes that spread in her wake - the way they resonate through the stone walls of the Bastille de la Sainte like a sounding bell.<<br>>
It's tricky - the pink furnishings that the ladies-in-waiting have strewn the corridors manage to dampen some of the effect, but after some focus, you can still just about make them out.<<br>>
You wait for the perfect opportunity, the moment when they change in texture, becoming tinnier, the sign that they're bouncing off of porcelain tile rather than stone - marking her as being in one of the bathrooms. Time to make your move!<<br>>
With one fluid motion, you ease the door open, slide outside, and as quick as you dare make your way further up the corridor, back to where you started.<<br>>
Your heart stops in place as, before you're even half-way down, you hear the sound of Colette bursting back out into the corridor behind you. You glance back in despair, only to see her continue onwards without a pause - heading straight into the room you just left. Had she so much as turned her head you would have been clearing in sight, but what reason could she possibly have to look back down the corridor that she's already checked?<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5sneakGood2">>As you slip back into the main bedroom with the grandfather clock, you let out a gasp of relief. You did it!<<br>>
You carefully slide the door closed, in the small chance that Colette might hear you, and then all you have to do is waste away the next 9 minutes, comfortable in your victory.<<br>>
You sit yourself down on one of the less-destroyed cushions, and help yourself to some of the party snacks as you take some relaxing time away from Colette's craziness.<<br>>
When Colette eventually sulks back, a few minutes after the clock chimes, she looks absolutely furious to find you casually dozing.<<br>>
<<colette "So you used some dumb trick, did you? Typical - just because you //know// that you can't beat me fairly.">><<br>>
You roll your eyes at the display - after the shit she pulled last time, she lost all rights to be making such complaints.
<<cont "day8coletteWin5">><<section "roomChoose2">>
You dismiss the idea. There's too many unknowns for it to be worth risking. You'll win this fair and square.<<br>>
After you get a comfortable amount of distance from Colette's starting spot, you slow down as you come across another set of bedrooms. This will be as good a place to try to find a hiding spot as any!
<<if $day8game.firstSkip is true>><<check "Time will pass with every action you take - find a hiding spot before it runs out! The locations are distributed via seeded RNG">>
<<else>><<check "Same rules as the first round">><</if>>
<<section "roomChoose22">>
<<link "Enter the first room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the second room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 2>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the third room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 3>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the fourth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 4>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the fifth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 5>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the sixth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 6>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<print _roomChoose2>><<br>>
<<print _roomChoose22>>
<td style="width:45%">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _roomChoose2>><br>
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">><br>
<<print _roomChoose22>>
</span><<if $day8game.time isnot 0>>
<<section "roomChoose">>
You go back out into the hallway.<<br>>
<<include "day8timePressure">><<br>>
<<link "Enter the first room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 1>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the second room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 2>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the third room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 3>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the fourth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 4>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the fifth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 5>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<<link "Enter the sixth room">>
<<set $day8game.room to 6>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom2">>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:55%">
<<print _roomChoose>><<br>>
<td style="width:45%">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<img "Passage/day8coletteFirst4.jpg">><br>
<<print _roomChoose>>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "hallway">>
<<include "day8firstFail">>
<</if>><<if $day8game.time is 0>>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "bedroom">>
<<include "day8firstFail">>
<<print "<<img 'Passage/day8coletteRoom" + $day8game.room + ".jpg'>>">><br>
<<include "day8timePressure">><<br>>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"bed") is true>>
<<if $day8game.bedGirl is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that trying to hide with the sleeping girl would be too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
There's a few boxes under the bed, but nothing that will provide great cover.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
There's nothing under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
There's nothing but a few stuffed animals under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
There's all sorts of untidy rubbish strewn around under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
There's plenty of dust and cobwebs under the bed.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The underside of the bed has been carefully dusted.
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "Try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "bed">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Look under the bed">>
<<if $day8game.kinkGear is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bed")>>
<<goto "day8bedGirl">>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bed")>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"wardrobe") is true>>
<<if $day8game.kinkGear is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that trying to hide in the kink gear would be too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
The wardrobe is full of beautiful dresses.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The wardrobe is stuffed full of cute crop-tops and mini-skirts.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
The wardrobe has everything thrown haphazardly on the floor, instead of up on hangers.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
The items in the wardrobe seem a little moth-eaten.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The wardrobe has a couple punky outfits stowed in the back.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The clothes in the wardrobe smell delightful - have been laundered with perfumed water.
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "wardrobe">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Look in the wardrobe">>
<<if $day8game.kinkGear is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"wardrobe")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8kinkGear">>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"wardrobe")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"drawers") is true>>
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
There's a few letters laid out on the desk. It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide underneath">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "drawers">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The chest of drawers is completely full of makeup and accessories. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
The dresser is full little items of memorabilia. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
You gasp in surprise when you think you see a young woman approaching, but in proves just to be your reflection in the mirror. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The vanity table is laid out with makeup. It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide underneath">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "drawers">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The bookshelf is filled with books on etiquette and sewing, but a closer inspection reveals some raunchier titles hidden amongst them. There's nowhere for you to hide here.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>><<set _drawers to "desk">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>><<set _drawers to "chest of drawers">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>><<set _drawers to "dresser">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>><<set _drawers to "freestanding mirror">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>><<set _drawers to "vanity table">>
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>><<set _drawers to "bookshelf">>
<<link "Investigate the _drawers">>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"drawers")>>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"hamper") is true>>
<<if $day8game.hamper is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that hiding yourself under the underwear is too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
The landry hamper is completely empty.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The laundry hamper has a few dresses scattered inside.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
Whoever lives here has decided to use the laundry hamper as a wastebasket - it's filled with trash.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
The laundry hamper is so full of clothing that there's no way you could fit inside.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The laundry hamper is mostly empty.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 6>>
The laundry hamper is a little smelly. It must not have been washed for a while.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] isnot 3 and $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] isnot 4>>
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "hamper">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
You won't be able to hide here.
<<link "Look in the laundry hamper">>
<<if $day8game.hamper is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"hamper")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8hamper">>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"hamper")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<if $day8game.lookArray.includes($day8game.room+"bath") is true>>
<<if $day8game.bubbleBath is $day8game.room>>
You've decided that jumping in the bubble bath would be too risky.
<<if $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 1>>
The bathroom is clean, spartan, and smells faintly of bleach.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 2>>
The bathroom is filled with all sorts of conditioners and creams.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 3>>
The bathroom is a total mess, with stains all up the walls.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 4>>
The bathroom is scented with candles and perfumes, adding a delightful floral aroma.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The bathroom is still a little humid from someone's bath earlier.
<<elseif $day8game.roomShuffle[$day8game.room - 1] is 5>>
The bathroom has a little mildew growing on the walls.
It doesn't seem like the best hiding spot, but you could <<link "try to hide here">>
<<set $day8game.firstFail to "bath">>
<<goto "day8firstFail">>
<<link "Look in the bathroom">>
<<if $day8game.bubbleBath is $day8game.room>>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bath")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8bubbleBath">>
<<set $day8game.lookArray.push($day8game.room+"bath")>>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoom">>
<<link "Try another room">>
<<set $day8game.time -->>
<<goto "day8coletteRoomChoose2">>
<</if>><<set $day8coletteR5Result to "lose">>
Colette's smug grin couldn't be wider as she lords her victory over you.
<<if $day8coletteFirstResult is "win" and $day8coletteThirdResult is "win" and $day8gameSecond.includes("win") is true>>
<<colette "I //told// you that your beginners luck would run - just a stupid little //fluke// to get us started. Now the rightful way of things has asserted itself - get used to this loss, //Princess//, it'll be all you experience for the rest of the evening!">>
<<elseif $day8coletteFirstResult is "lose" and $day8coletteThirdResult is "lose" and $day8gameSecond.includes("win") isnot true>>
<<colette "I can't //believe// that you lost, //again//! Obviously it only makes sense, but really now - I at least expected a //little// resistance. I guess it just goes to show just how //pathetic// you really are. It's going to be oh-so-easy and oh-so-much-fun //breaking// you!">>
<<colette "Looks like I won, again! You really are //pathetic// at this, you know, //Princess//.">>
You try to hide your bristling irritation.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteR5 is "truth">>
<<if $day8coletteFirst is "truth" and $day8coletteFirstResult is "lose" and $day8coletteThirdResult is "lose" and $day8coletteThird is "truth">>
<<include "day8coletteThirdFailTruth">>
<<include "day8secondFailTruth">>
<<elseif $day8coletteR5 is "dare">>
<<include "day8coletteR5failDare">>
<</if>><<setter "day8coletteR5 to 'truth'" "day8coletteR5 to 'dare'">>
<<set $day8coletteR5Result to "win">>
<<colette "Whatever.">> Colette sighs, clearly irritated at having lost. <<colette "//To the victor, the spoils//. Let's get your stupid <<if $day8coletteR5 is 'truth'>>truth<<else>>dare<</if>> over and done with.">><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteR5 is "truth">>
<<include "day8coletteWinTruth">>
<<elseif $day8coletteR5 is "dare">>
<<include "day8coletteWinDare">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>>/* sit on you like a horse? made to eat from a dog bowl? Human furniture. Maybe scene rapidly degrades from you having to serve her, quickly becoming weird. I kinda dig that. */
<<colette "Well, my dare <<if def $day8coletteWriting or def $day8coletteSecondDare or def $day8jacquesLetter>>this time<</if>> is simple - you just have to serve me. Ten minutes of being my little slave should do.">><<br>>
You nod. It seems simple enough - a classic stipulation, the kind of thing that you'd hear said jokingly in pubs. All things considered, compared to the cruel, callous, and creepy things that you were braced for you count yourself somewhat lucky.<<br>>
<<colette "Perfect.">> She says with a grin, pleased by your lack of complaints. <<colette "Now, where should we start? I know - I'm a little parched, a glass of water, if you would.">><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
You're a little surprised to hear that she's thirsty again, after the two of you drank together so recently, but you're certainly not about to complain at being given such a simple task to carry out.
You're certainly not going to complain at being given such a simple task.
You quickly find a cup, fill it at the nearest sink, and come back to Colette.<<br>>
The moment you pass it into Colette's hands, she upturns it directly onto the carpet.<<br>>
<<colette "Oh dear. It looks like my hand slipped. How foolish of me.">> She says with mock-concern, before holding the glass back towards you. <<colette "You couldn't go and grab another one for me, could you?">><<br>>
For a moment you just gawp at her pettiness, but her expression soon hardens. <<colette "Please. I //insist//.">><<br>>
Grumbling to yourself, you grab the glass and refill it, accompanied by Colette's cruel giggling as you go. However, upon returning this one just ends up splattered on the floor as well.<<br>>
<<colette "I'm such a //klutz// today. Again!">><<br>>
By the fourth time, you feel less like a servant given a task and more like a dog playing fetch over and over for her amusement.<br>
By the eighth, the floor around Colette's <<if $day8coletteStockings is false>>bare<</if>> feet has gotten so sodden that it squelches when you draw near.<<br>>
Perhaps you shouldn't complain - you can think of much more horrid things that Colette could be forcing you to do. But you can't deny that it's irksome. There's a purity to the procedure - the act of servitude in its most raw, demeaning, and pointless form.<<br>>
The repetition of it certainly doesn't seem to bore Colette - her giggles increasing with every useless journey until they give way to full mocking laughter. Perhaps it's the expressions that you keep making as you hand the glass over - expecting that this, surely, will finally be the one that finishes this nuisance chore, only for that hope to be refuted each and every time.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5failDare2" "Carry out your ridiculous task">>It's only once you've carried out the task for longer than you possibly could have imagined that Colette changes tack. By then, your senses have been so dulled by repetition of mindless obedience that it takes you a few seconds before you even realize that you're halfway back to the sink empty-handed.<<br>>
Colette beams at you with a malevolent grin, seemingly too pleased by the sight of your instinctive compliance to even mock you for it.<<br>>
<<colette "I //said// - I'm bored!">> She repeats. <<colette "And my legs are tired from standing for so long. I need a chair.">><<br>>
You're about to go and fetch the one you saw in the next room over for her to sit on, but she stops you in your tracks. <<colette "Oh no - I don't want any of the ratty ones anywhere around here! I'm sure that they're all completely uncomfortable. No, I plan to recline upon something //much// better.">><<br>>
You frown her in confusion, right up until she points to the floor and imperiously demands <<colette "On your hands and knees!">><<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5failDare3" "Do as she bids">><<setter "day8coletteStockings to true" "day8coletteStockings to false" "day8coletteStockings to undefined" "day8coletteStips.push('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripUnder')">>
At the very least Colette spares you from having to kneel down in the sodden, swampy carpet that now surrounds her, stepping over to you first. <<colette "Well, go on then!">><<br>>
You grit your teeth in frustration, but she won fair-and-square - it'll take more than this pettiness to make you balk. You kneel down on the floor on your hands and knees.<<br>>
Colette doesn't even wait for you to get all the way down before plonking herself on top of you without a second thought, grinding her <<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") is true>>bare naked<</if>> bottom into your back as she wriggles to get herself comfortable. You barely manage to keep from falling down onto your elbows.<<br>>
<<colette "Ahh, there we go, //perfect//.">> She coos, like your bony back is the comfiest thing in the world<<if $day8coletteStips.includes("stripUnder") is true>>, completely uncaring that her bare snatch is pressed snugly against you<</if>>. <<colette "You certainly are suitable for this. How appropriate - the only thing that you're not completely //pathetic// at is when you're nothing but //furniture//! Perhaps this will be how I //keep// you once you've stopped your struggling.">><<br>>
She pauses for effect, eagerly awaiting your reaction to her jibes, but you've absolutely no reason to offer her any. You can sense her irritation at the lack of response - clearly she didn't consider that she'd no longer be able to see your expressions from this position, and is chafing at the loss.<<br>>
The annoyance quickly spurs her into action. <<colette "Fine! If you're going to be quite so //vacant// about it then you can do as you like, I don't care!">> She insists, lying poorly. <<colette "I'll just get some more //use// of you in that case. Come on - //go//!">>
Suddenly her hand slaps against your rear - not incredibly hard, but firmly enough to make you tense up with surprise. She lets out a giggle. <<colette "If you're going to be such a sour-pus against being a //chair// then I'll just have to make you my //pony//. Chop chop - back to the grandfather clock for our next round!">><<br>>
When you still don't move, she slaps you once more on the bottom, a little harder this time. Wincing at the treatment, you reluctantly begin to crawl on your hands and knees back through the corridors, with Colette jeering at you every inch of the way, sitting across you side-saddle.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteR5failDare4" "Carry her like a prized pony">>Colette isn't particularly heavy, even with your reduced strength, but she has a habit of laughing so hard at your efforts that she ends up squirming on top of you, forcing you to adjust to her movements - which in turn just make her laugh all the harder. By the time you finally reach your destination your arms have begun to tremble beneath you.<<br>>
Just when you think you can't take it any longer, Colette casually hops off of you with little more than a <<colette "There we are. Perfectly on time - your ten minutes are up.">><<br>>
You groan with annoyed exhaustion, but Colette barely pays you any heed.<<br>>
<<include "day8coletteRound6">><<colette "Now, what was it again?">> Colette thinks for a moment, but then her face falls. <<colette "//Ugh//, another truth. A //coward// as well as a //loser//.">><<br>>
<<colette "Last time was absolutely and completely //boring//. Why would I ever care about anything you might have to hide from me?">><<br>>
<<colette "I don't know just...">> She gestures airily towards you. <<colette "Just tell me //exactly// how you feel about me beating you over and over like this. I want to hear your //despair//.">><<br>>
You frown at the odd request, and wonder how you should respond.<<br>>
<<link "Tell her how infuriated you are at how she keeps talking about some imagined superiority, when you're clearly the one who should really be on top">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8colette3truthFail to "wolf">>
<<goto "day8coletteThirdFailTruth2">>
<<link "Tell her that it's frustrating and irritating, but you're determined to get her back">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day8colette3truthFail to "badger">>
<<goto "day8coletteThirdFailTruth2">>
<<link "Tell her that you don't care if you win or lose, it's just fun playing with her">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8colette3truthFail to "swallow">>
<<goto "day8coletteThirdFailTruth2">>
<<link "Tell her that you're terrified of her">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8colette3truthFail to "fawn">>
<<goto "day8coletteThirdFailTruth2">>
<<link "Tell her that losing to her is... actually kinda nice">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day8colette3truthFail to "vixen">>
<<goto "day8coletteThirdFailTruth2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8colette3truthFail to 'vixen'" "day8colette3truthFail to 'fawn'" "day8colette3truthFail to 'swallow'" "day8colette3truthFail to 'wolf'" "day8colette3truthFail to 'badger'">>
<<switch $day8colette3truthFail>>
<<case "vixen">>
To be completely honest, you don't quite understand what you're feeling about all this yourself. You keep on losing, and every time is frustrating and scary, but there's another emotion caught up in there somewhere. Something that sends butterflies fluttering in your tummy whenever she arrogantly demonstrates her superiority over you, whenever you're made to feel stupid and insignificant and pathetic.<<br>>
As the words leave your mouth you're surprised to find your cheeks blushing deep crimson. It's like your subconscious has already worked out what this means, even if it still eludes the rest of you.<<br>>
However Colette merely frowns in confusion, quickly asserting <<colette "Well, that sounds //stupid//. Maybe you just ate something wrong and now you've got indigestion. Boring.">><<br>>
She looks thoughtful for a moment. <<colette "Though, I feel like I've felt the same way, a little bit, every now and again when I'm with you.">> However any companionship in shared experience is quickly cut short as she scowls <<colette "It had //better// not be contagious!">><<br>>
You decide not to mention that, no matter how weird it feels, you can't help but feel a part of you that aches for more of it.
<<case "fawn">>
You're absolutely terrified of her. Of course you are, she's an absolute psycho! It feels like at any moment she could snap and do something truly terrifying to you.<<br>>
Whenever you try to hide she hunts you down like a bloodhound, effortlessly dragging you from your hiding place like it's nothing to her. You don't know how she does it, but by now it's completely fucked with your confidence. You feel completely helpless - no matter what you do she'll find you and humiliate and demean you. By now she feels less like a person and more like a terrifying, omnipresent specter, inescapably haunting you until you can't take it any longer.<<br>>
Colette's grin widens further and further as the panicked words pour out of you. Once they're released, you can't bottle them up again, and they cascade out into terrified, almost-incoherent babbling.<<br>>
She doesn't interrupt - why would she, when it's music to her ears? It's only once you've descended all the way to indistinct sobs that she finally takes action - grabbing you by the back of your hair pulling your face to look directly into hers.<<br>>
Her pupils are wide and manic with delight as she slowly, almost tenderly speaks. <<colette "That's //right//, little //Princess//! You're helpless - I'm glad that you've realized so early. I know that it's scary right now, but that's only because you're resisting. The sooner you //break completely//, the sooner everything will be okay, and you'll never have to worry your //stupid// little head ever again.">><<br>>
A shudder goes through you at her terrifying words, but you can't deny that there's some temptation in there too...
<<case "swallow">>
Colette's definitely coming into this with some super intense emotions, and you wish that the stipulations weren't quite as intense, but in spite of everything you've been really enjoying yourself.<<br>>
You and Colette started off on such a bad foot. You're grateful for this opportunity to spend this time with her and get to know her better. Sure, she still seems determined to hate you, but the feeling isn't mutual, and despite it all you still feel like you're beginning to get through to her. Perhaps someday soon the two of you might be friends.<<br>>
Colette seems like she's even more revolted by your words than if you had just told her a detailed description of your bowel movements.<<br>>
<<colette "Ew. //Gross//. I knew that you were a fucking //idiot// but I didn't even begin to guess that you'd be such a //creep// about it.">><<br>>
The irony of Colette calling anyone else a creep isn't lost on you.<<br>>
<<colette "Well, if this stuff is what's going to keep you coming back to me like a kicked puppy all the way until you're completely broken, then I suppose I shouldn't complain, but... //Ick//.">> She lets a shudder go through her that almost seems genuine.
<<case "wolf">>
For all of Colette's arrogant posturing, you believe that you've got the mettle of her. No matter what illusions she might have otherwise, she's not meant to be at the top of the pecking order - no, that spot is reserved solely for people like yourself. Not that it's a matter of nobility, it would be the case even if you were still here as a peasant, some people are just born with weaker wills than others. Colette seems to //want// to beat you, but you suspect that what she //needs// is quite the opposite.<<br>>
Sure, she's won her silly little games, but that doesn't change anything - they're just games, after all. What //is// annoying, however, is that she's deluded herself into thinking that they mean that she's somehow ahead of you, when //clearly// nothing could be further from the truth.<<br>>
Colette's wicked smile becomes so wide that it almost threatens to stretch past her cheeks, her eyes gleaming with malicious interest. <<colette "Oh //really//? Well that's just perfect!">><<br>>
She draws so close that your faces are almost touching, and you can feel her excited breath against your face. <<colette "If that's //really// how you think things are, then why not fucking //prove// it to me then? If you can't even beat me at these games, then how can you ever hope to do so anywhere else, either?">><<br>>
<<colette "It seems to me like you're just too //stupid// to see the truth that's staring right at you. That you're a //loser// and you continue to be, right up until you're nothing by my broken little plaything.">><<br>>
You scowl at her taunt, but she just sticks her tongue out at you. <<colette "Oh, you think that I'm wrong? Well, I expect //much// of you in this next round then.">>
<<case "badger">>
No matter how ridiculous this whole game you're playing is, you're still competitive enough for it to ignite your passions. You care much less about the humiliating stipulations than you do about your win/loss ratio with Colette, and it's frustrating as all hell that she's coming out on top over and over again.<<br>>
You expect just more jibes from the spiteful young noblewoman, so you're thrown off when the smile you get in response is one of the most sincere that you've seen from her.<<br>>
<<colette "Good! I'd expect nothing less from you - a perfect sparring partner.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise, taken off guard by the praise, but it isn't long before she ruins it.<<br>>
<<colette "It's //exactly// that kind of mindset that's going to keep you limping back to be //obliterated// by me over and over, until you're nothing more than my pathetic little broken puppet!">>
<<include "day8coletteGameNextLink">><<setter "day8coletteSecondDare to 'piss'" "day8coletteSecondDare to 'pain'" "day8coletteSecondDare to undefined">>
<<if $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
<<cont "day8coletteRound6piss">>
<<include "day8coletteRound62">>
<</if>><<setter "day8coletteR5result to 'lose'" "day8coletteR5result to 'win'" "day8coletteR5 to 'truth'" "day8coletteR5 to 'dare'">>
<<if $day8coletteR5result is "lose" and $day8coletteR5 is "dare">>
Colette leisurely trots up to the grandfather clock and starts pulling it back, but you find yourself a little too distracted to follow straight after her.<<br>>
As you rise to your unsteady feet, it's difficult to keep yourself from crossing your thighs together - you're absolutely bursting to go to the toilet.
Colette trots back over to the grandfather clock to start the next round, but as you follow after her you find yourself quite distracted. It's difficult to keep yourself from trying to cross your thighs together as you walk - you're absolutely bursting to go to the toilet.
It doesn't take Colette long to realize that something is up with you - and a sly smile soon emerges on her face.<<br>>
<<colette "I //thought// we were due some waterworks at any moment. I couldn't believe how you kept on drinking all that water without even a complaint. You must be truly //desperate// by now.">><<br>>
You wince as you remember her getting you glasses of water earlier. No //wonder// she'd been acting weirdly nice - she naturally had this sick plan in mind.<<br>>
<<colette "We'll see how fucking //stuck-up// you can be when you're doing stupid looking dances in your urgency, shall we? I'm sure that staying in one place to hide will be //so// much fun for you now!">><<br>>
She prowls back towards you with a grin. <<colette "I wonder - will you be able to keep it in for the rest of the evening, as you get even more needy, or will you reach your limit early and humiliate yourself by //pissing// everywhere. I can't decide which will be more //fun//.">><<br>>
She pouts as she seems to genuinely consider it for a moment, eventually concluding. <<colette "I suppose the latter - so long as I can be there watching your ugly fucking face twist in horror as it bursts out of you and ruins your ugly fucking <<if $outfit.set.types.includes('dress')>>dress<<else>>outfit<</if>>. Though finding you hiding shamefaced in a hiding spot with a puddle of your own piss, too close to getting captured to have let yourself move from the shameful spot - that could be a decent option too...">><<br>>
You grind your teeth with disgusted annoyance, but you're sure that any seriousness in your expression is completely ruined by the way that you can't keep your legs still.<<br>>
It's a sight that sends Colette giggling, but as she does so you can't help but note the way her breath comes a little heavier, a trace of flushed pink to her cheeks. She draws even closer. <<colette "But to think that you might reach your brink while you're out looking for me or something - what a waste! It almost makes me want to force the issue...">><<br>>
Like she can't help herself, her hand snakes out to try to press against your abdomen. You quickly dart out the way, but even that brief moment of pressure still makes you have to clench your pelvic floor tight to keep from releasing the dam inside of you.<<br>>
/* Thankfully your sharp retreat is enough to break Colette out of whatever gross thoughts she was getting caught up in. You're surprised to see the flush on her face go from low arousal to flustered embarrassment as she blinks with confusion at what she was just about to do.<<br>> */
Colette blinks in confusion, seemingly realizing what she was just about to do and a little shocked at having gotten so carried away. <<colette "I mean, err. Not that I'd ever do something so //gross//.">> She covers for herself, poorly, abruptly turning her back to you and focus her attentions on the grandfather clock again, like she's hiding her face.<<br>>
But she still can't seem to help but mutter <<colette "And besides. why unwrap my present before it's ripe?">> to herself under her breath.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound62">><<if _notPissToken is true>>
<<colette "Anyway. It's time for the next round!">> Colette announces.<<br>>
You're somewhat surprised - you've already had five rounds, surely there can't be much more of this, right?<<br>>
<<colette "Oh don't be //stupid//, //Princess//. It's barely been an hour and a half! This party's expected to go all the way til eleven - we're not even half finished!">><<br>>
You almost can't believe it. It feels like this has been going on for a lifetime.<<br>>
<<colette "Now stop complaining - it's //my// turn to hide this time.">> Colette snaps, winding the grandfather clock back to position. <<colette "And of course - I'm picking //dare//. I know //exactly// what I'm going to make you do. It'll be such fun - you'll look so //stupid//!">><<br>>
You begrudgingly take your spot and, as you begin to count down from one hundred, hear the pitter patter of Colette's <<if $day8coletteStockings is false>>bare<</if>> feet retreating into the distance.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteRound63">>You finish your countdown and run off in pursuit.<<br>>
Which direction do you search first?<<br>>
<<link "Look to the north">>
<<set $day8game.direction to "north">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound64">>
<<link "Look to the south">>
<<set $day8game.direction to "south">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound64">>
<<link "Look to the east">>
<<set $day8game.direction to "east">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound64">>
<<link "Look to the west">>
<<set $day8game.direction to "west">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound64">>
<</link>>You scour through the <<print $day8game.direction>>ern side of the ladies-in-waiting wing.<<br>>
Everywhere you look there's signs of you and Colette's game, and most of the rooms you search through have already been ransacked by one or the other of you. You make sure to search them all the same - she could be hiding anywhere.<<br>>
In the end, you conclude that you can't find her anywhere this way, and make a decision to move on elsewhere.<<br>>
<<if $day8game.direction isnot "north">>
<<link "Try searching to the north">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound65">>
<<crow2>>Try looking to the north<</crow2>>
<<if $day8game.direction isnot "south">>
<<link "Try searching to the south">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound65">>
<<crow2>>Go south<</crow2>>
<<if $day8game.direction isnot "east">>
<<link "Try searching to the east">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound65">>
<<crow2>>Go east<</crow2>>
<<if $day8game.direction isnot "west">>
<<link "Try searching to the west">>
<<goto "day8coletteRound65">>
<<crow2>>Try looking to the west<</crow2>>
<</if>><br><<section "leftSideText1">>
This way seems a little more untouched than the last, with plenty of rooms still pristine. Something about that bodes well to you.<<br>>
You look around with renewed vigor, and when you step into a shady side-corridor, so dusty that it seems like not even the servants come here often, your eyes gleam with what they find.
<<section "leftSideText2">>
Up above your head there's a way up to a loft. However, instead of being propped up the ladder lays toppled onto the floor - exactly like if someone had kicked it down behind them.<<br>>
If that wasn't enough of a signal, a closer look reveals footprints in the dust leading towards where the bottom of the ladder should be.<<br>>
You've got her now, and with plenty of time to spare too!<<br>>
You can barely keep a victorious swagger from your step as you saunter over to the ladder, right it back up against the alcove, and clamber up to the top.<<br>>
There's little question about where to go from there - a single wooden door onwards is the only option.
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:60%">
<<print _leftSideText1>><<br>>
<<print _leftSideText2>>
<td style="width:40%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteRound65.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<print _leftSideText1>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day8coletteRound65.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _leftSideText2>><br><br>
<<cont "day8robiers" "Go inside">>The moment you open the door, everything erupts into chaos.<<br>>
A thick, brutish arm picks you up as easily as if you were a child and //slams// you into the wall of the loft so hard that it knocks the wind straight out of you.<<br>>
A forearm across the throat both keeps you from getting your breath back, and ensures that you remain suspended - your legs dangling uselessly in the air beneath you like a ragdoll.<<br>>
<<rob "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?">> Shouts the man directly into your face, loud enough to completely scatter whatever remnants of your wits you still had. <<rob "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU HEAR?">><<br>>
You can do nothing but groan in pain and confusion, desperately scrabbling for breath. Your flailing limbs send boxes of supplies tumbling to the floor, but the arm at your throat doesn't move an inch.<<br>>
It's not the answer he was looking for. With his spare hand, he jabs a fist straight into your stomach, so hard that you can feel your organs shifting from the blow.<<br>>
A gush of stomach bile rises up your strangled throat, only to mix with the air you're desperately trying to intake - sending you spluttering.<<br>>
You'd think that the sight of you so pathetically unable to speak would get him to ease off of you, but he barely even gives you an inch of space to recover. Perhaps that's the point - to keep you terrified and helpless.<<br>>
<<rob "YOU'D BETTER START GIVING ME ANSWERS, PUNK.">> He bellows. <<rob "WHO ARE YOU?">><<br>>
You desperately try to force the words out.<<br>>
<<link "I'm the Princess!">>
<<set $day8robIdentity to "princess">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day8robiers2">>
<<link "I'm just some girl!">>
<<set $day8robIdentity to "girl">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day8robiers2">>
<<link "I'm just some guy!">>
<<set $day8robIdentity to "guy">>
<<goto "day8robiers2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8robIdentity to 'princess'" "day8robIdentity to 'girl'" "day8robIdentity to 'guy'" "caged to false" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to 'day7'" "day8coletteSecondDare to 'piss'" "day8coletteSecondDare to 'pain'" "day8coletteSecondDare to undefined">>
<<switch $day8robIdentity>>
<<case "princess">>
The moment you get the words out his intensity only redoubles. If you thought he was trapping you tightly before, it's nothing compared to this - completely crushing your windpipe as he presses his thick forearm so tightly against your throat that you can feel the vertebrae of your spine grind against the stone wall behind you.<<br>>
<<rob "That's where you fucked up - SCUM.">> He growls so low and threatening that it almost makes you wish that he was still bellowing. <<rob "Your lies won't get you anywhere with me. The Princess fucked right off, I saw her doing it - you're just some fucking imposter. WHO SENT YOU? ARE YOU ONE OF GOUX'S <<CHIMERA>>S?">>
<<case "girl">>
Instead of placating him, your words only make things worse. His forearm jams back so tight that it almost crushes your windpipe.<<br>>
<<rob "Don't make me fucking //laugh//.">> He growls, so low and threatening that it almost makes you wish he was still bellowing. <<rob "I know noble finery when I see it. You seriously think that I'd believe that someone dressed like that just would be snooping around the backside of the Bastille? Who sent you? Are you one of Goux's <<chimera>>s?">>
<<case "guy">>
Instead of placating him, your words only make things worse. His forearm jams back so tight that it almost crushes your windpipe.<<br>>
<<rob "Don't make me fucking //laugh//.">> He growls, so low and threatening that it almost makes you wish he was still bellowing. <<rob "You can't even get your story straight - do you really think that I'd believe you're a man? Who sent you? Are you one of Goux's <<chimera>>s?">>
All you can do is whimper with pain, too overwhelmed to even process his reply, let alone understand what a <<chimera>> might be - but the next thing manages to pierce through even that haze.<<br>>
A dull, scraping noise fills the room as he draws his weapon. <<rob "I've lost count of the number of you fuckers I've killed in the last week. Don't think that I'll even flinch at adding another to the list. Lets get this over with.">><<br>>
He brings it to bear on you. It's less a sword and more a slab of metal, easily five foot long and over a foot wide. It's a wonder he can even carry it, let alone drag it up to your chest with just his spare arm.<<br>>
However, just when he's about to do the killing blow - a death as much from bludgeoning as cutting, based on the state of the blade - he stops in his tracks.<<br>>
<<rob "Hold on, don't I know you?">><<br>>
He confirms his suspicion the quickest and easiest way - by jamming a knee hard between your thighs. <<if $caged isnot false>>The hard metal of the cage only seems to make the blow strike all the harder.<</if>> You see stars as another wave of pain hits you like a brick.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
The pressure of it finally releases whatever control you had over your overfull bladder. You barely even have the wherewithal to be ashamed as a stream of piss starts running down your legs.<<br>>
A sneer of undisguised disgust rises to his face, and he sharply pulls his now-damp leg away from you.<<br>>
Nevertheless, what he felt there must have affirmed his guess. With a grunt of surprise, he releases his arm on your neck, sending you collapsing to the floor at his feet in a little heap.
What he felt there must have affirmed his guess. With a grunt of surprise, he releases his arm on your neck, sending you collapsing to the floor at his feet in a little heap.
<<cont "day8robiers3">><<set $rob.pic to true>>
<<set $rob.desc to "A brutal and terrifying man on a mission of revenge. You can hardly recognize him as the man you met when this all began - he's been through hell.">>
<<set $rob.facts.deleteAll("You got along with the two of them.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("Absent without leave ever since Ren died.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("You need him to vouch for you to get out of this situation.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("Probably among the slaughtered reinforcements.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("To be arrested on sight by the soldiers guarding the royal convoy.")>>
<<setter "robPal to true" "robPal to undefined">>
You groan with pain and confusion. Instinctively you start going into the fetal position in a small effort to protect yourself, only to be kicked for your efforts. It adds another burst of sharp pain to your list, but it seems to be more so that he can get a good look at you without you curling up away from him rather than to cause damage.<<br>>
You wince up at your aggressor, and for the first time have the awareness to fully take him in.<br>
<<section "leftSideText2">>
He's dressed in military clothing, an outfit which you've become more than familiar with over the last week - the bright burgundy fatigues of the royal soldiers.<<br>>
However, unlike the smartly-kept uniform you're used to, this one's gone through hell. It's torn and ragged, stained by mud and grime.<br>
Fresh bloodstains might be difficult to see amidst the similarly-colored burgundy, but the ones which cover the uniform in both great violent spurts and seeped-through stains don't have that problem - already turning brown from stale rot. From the wounds that litter the man's skin, you guess that a good chunk of that blood is his own.<<br>>
<<rob "You. You're... you're the boy from the jail.">> He mutters in wary disbelief, his voice growling and raspy. <<if $robPal is true>><<rob"<<print $pc.name>>, right?">><</if>>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<print _leftSideText2>>
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\rob.jpg]]@@
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\rob.jpg]]@@<br>
<<print _leftSideText2>>
It's only now that recognition dawns on you. it's //Robiers//, one of the soldiers who was with Merat when all this started! No wonder you didn't recognize him - he looks... well, he looks like shit.<<br>>
You thought that your week had gone as poorly as you could imagine, but while you can muster little sympathy for the man who just beat the everliving shit out of you, it's clear that it's been nothing compared to what he's been through. His clean-shaven face is now covered in thick stubble, and the dark circles under his eyes are so thick that you wonder if he's even slept at all since you last saw him. His body is now a patchwork of fresh bruises and scars.<<br>>
He squats down over you, wincing as one of his legs visibly oozes blood and pus into a makeshift tourniquet from the action. Looming above you he looks absolutely terrifying. He'd been brawny before, but it had been a benign bulk - in fact, next to the equally buff Renart it had almost seemed comedic. But now, with his tense, dangerous posture, his hulking muscles now seem anything but nonthreatening.<<br>>
His hand once again hefts up the hilt of the monstrous slab of metal that serves his weapon (where did he even find something like this?). He doesn't lift the whole thing, letting the other end scrape along the floor as he levers it over your collapsed body, until the centerpoint hovers just over your neck like a guillotine. Gravity would do his murder for him - simply by releasing it it would crush down like a mousetrap on you, the sheer weight of it alone perhaps even enough to crunch and splinter your very bones. With a lucky clean snap of the neck it could be a quick and painless death, but your luck hasn't exactly been good recently, and you imagine the alternative will be slow and agonizing.<<br>>
He grunts at the exertion of hefting it with one arm alone, and though he seems to set his arm against the brace of his shoulder you worry that he won't be able to keep it aloft for very long, even in the miracle that his decides that he wants to.<<br>>
<<rob "Start talking. This had better be good.">> He orders. His voice is gravelly, grim, and tired - exhausted but relentless, and resigned to whatever is necessary. Nothing about it makes you think that he's bluffing.<<br>>
<<cont "day8robiers4" "Tell him everything">><<setter "day8robFacts.push('jacques')" 'day8robFacts.push("inn")' 'day8robFacts.push("bastille")' "day8robFacts.deleteAll('jacques')" 'day8robFacts.deleteAll("inn")' 'day8robFacts.deleteAll("bastille")' "day8coletteWriting to true" "day8coletteWriting to false" "day8coletteWriting to undefined" "day8bubbleBath to 'naked'" "day8bubbleBath to 'clothed'" "day8bubbleBath to undefined" "day8buttMark to true" "day8buttMark to undefined" "day8coletteSecondDare to 'piss'" "day8coletteSecondDare to 'pain'" "day8coletteSecondDare to undefined">>
You're not in a position to hide anything, and too desperate and terrified to do anything other than pathetically babble out every humiliating detail of the Queen and Merat's plans with you over the last week.<<br>>
The whole time, your brain is frantically at work trying to make sense of his bizarre presence.<<br>>
<<if ndef $day8robFacts>>
<<set $day8robFacts to []>>
<<if $rob.facts.includes("A heroic soldier saved the town from disaster the day after the royal tour left. Could it have been Robiers?")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("A heroic soldier saved the town from disaster the day after the royal tour left. Could it have been Robiers?")>>
<<set $day8robFacts.push("jacques")>>
<<if $rob.facts.includes("Suspiciously, wasn't among the corpses of the reinforcements. Could he still be alive?") or $rob.facts.includes("Suspiciously, wasn't among the corpses of the reinforcements as he was meant to be.")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("Suspiciously, wasn't among the corpses of the reinforcements. Could he still be alive?")>>
<<run $rob.facts.deleteAll("Suspiciously, wasn't among the corpses of the reinforcements as he was meant to be.")>>
<<set $day8robFacts.push("inn")>>
<<if $day7kingSee is "talk" or $day7kingSee is "command" or $day7banqArray.includes("rob")>>
<<set $day8robFacts.push("bastille")>>
<<if $day8robFacts.includesAll("jacques", "inn", "bastille")>>
You've learnt more than enough to put the pieces together.<br>
First - you heard from a young noblewoman at the Baron's party that a man matching Robiers description heroically foiled a plot by suspicious hooded figures, and seemed determined to hunt the rest down.<br>
Then you overheard some soldiers talking about how he was meant to be a part of a group of reinforcements that were killed in treacherous circumstances. His was the only body unaccounted for, which was enough for the soldiers to mark him as a wanted man.<br>
And lastly, you heard yesterday about a mysterious intruder who infiltrated the Bastille - this must be him.<br>
There's still things that you don't understand, but despite being battered and bruised at his feet, you feel like you know enough to not be caught so flat-footed by the situation.<<check "Complete success! You've learnt everything you could about Robiers' activities. The last clue is obtained by escaping on day 5 and choosing to go back to the Citadel.">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.includesAll("jacques", "inn")>>
You've at least learnt some details which help you to grasp the situation.<br>
You heard from a young noblewoman at the Baron's party that a man matching Robiers description heroically foiled a plot by suspicious hooded figures, and seemed determined to hunt the rest down.<br>
Then you overheard some soldiers talking about how he was meant to be a part of a group of reinforcements that were killed in treacherous circumstances. His was the only body unaccounted for, which was enough for the soldiers to mark him as a wanted man.<br>
The only gap is at the end - what is he doing //here//, hiding away in the Bastille?<<check "Minor success. You've learnt about most of Robiers' activities. You feel a little less flat-footed by the situation">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.includesAll("inn", "bastille")>>
You've at least learnt some details which help you to grasp the situation.<br>
You overheard some soldiers at the inn talking about how Robiers was meant to be a part of a group of reinforcements that were killed in treacherous circumstances. His was the only body unaccounted for, which was enough for the soldiers to mark him as a wanted man.<br>
Then, you heard yesterday about a mysterious intruder who infiltrated the Bastille - this must be him.<br>
The only gap is at the start - what could have happened to give him this terrifying determination?<<check "Minor success. You've learnt about most of Robiers' activities. You feel a little less flat-footed by the situation">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.includesAll("jacques", "bastille")>>
You've at least learnt some details which help you to grasp the situation.<br>
You heard from a young noblewoman at the Baron's party that a man matching Robiers description heroically foiled a plot by suspicious hooded figures, and seemed determined to hunt the rest down.<br>
Then yesterday you learned about a mysterious intruder who infiltrated the Bastille - this must be him.<br>
The only gap is in the middle. Last you heard, Robiers was meant to be part of a group of reinforcements that were slaughtered to a man - you'd presumed that he was //dead//!<<check "Minor success. You've learnt about most of Robiers' activities. You feel a little less flat-footed by the situation">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.includes("jacques")>>
You heard from a young noblewoman at the Baron's party that a man matching Robiers description heroically foiled a plot by suspicious hooded figures, and seemed determined to hunt the rest down. That might explain some of the grim determination in his eyes but then the next you heard, he was meant to be part of a group of reinforcements who were killed to a man - you'd presumed he was //dead//!<<check "Minor failure. You've learnt a little about what Robiers has been up to - maybe if you'd picked different options you'd know even more.">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.includes("inn")>>
You know that Robiers was meant to be a part of a group of reinforcements that were killed in treacherous circumstances. His was the only body unaccounted for, which was enough for the soldiers to mark him as a wanted man. But that does little to explain what he's been up to, or why he's like //this//!<<check "Neutral result. You've learnt a little about what Robiers has been up to - maybe if you'd picked different options you'd know even more.">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.includes("bastille")>>
You knew that there was a mysterious intruder in the Bastille, but that does very little to explain why it's Robiers. Last you heard, he was supposed to be part of a group of reinforcements that were slaughtered to a man - you'd presumed he was //dead//!<<check "Minor failure. You've learnt a little about what Robiers has been up to - maybe if you'd picked different options you'd know even more.">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.length is 0>>
All you know is that Robiers disappeared after the Scarecrow Killer's first attack, and was meant to be part of a group of reinforcements which were slaughtered to a man. You'd presumed that he was //dead//!<<check "Total failure. You have nothing to go on, and are completely confused. Maybe if you'd picked different options along the way you'd have picked up some information.">>
As you frantically explain the bizarre story of the last week, explaining that you've been crossdressing and pretending to be a girl, you watch his features twist into scornful disdain, visible even through the exhaustion and fierce, terrifying resolve. Somehow, that expression hurts even more than the punch the gut did.
/* $day8coletteWriting [true; false] $day8bubbleBath [clothed] $day8buttMark [true] $day8coletteSecondDare [piss] */
<<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
You realize with horror that this whole time you've still had Colette's spiteful writing scrawled all over you, and that the face that he's glaring at has the word 'SLUT' humiliatingly across it's cheek.
<<if $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" or $day8buttMark is true or $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
<<if $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark isnot true and $day8coletteSecondDare isnot "piss">>
Together with your stupid clothes still sodden-through from going in the bath earlier, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath isnot "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare isnot "piss">>
Together with the matching 'slut' imprint on your butt, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath isnot "clothed" and $day8buttMark isnot true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there in your piss-stained clothing, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare isnot "piss">>
Laying there with a matching 'slut' imprint on your butt and clothes still sodden-through from going in the bath earlier, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark isnot true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there with your already sodden-through clothing now stained with piss, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath isnot "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there with a matching 'slut' imprint on the butt of your piss-stained clothes, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there with a matching 'slut' imprint on the butt of your piss-stained clothes, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<if $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" or $day8buttMark is true or $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
<<if $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark isnot true and $day8coletteSecondDare isnot "piss">>
Together with your stupid clothes still sodden-through from going in the bath earlier, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath isnot "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare isnot "piss">>
Together with the matching 'slut' imprint on your butt, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath isnot "clothed" and $day8buttMark isnot true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there in your piss-stained clothing, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare isnot "piss">>
Laying there with a matching 'slut' imprint on your butt and clothes still sodden-through from going in the bath earlier, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark isnot true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there with your already sodden-through clothing now stained with piss, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath isnot "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there with a matching 'slut' imprint on the butt of your piss-stained clothes, you feel completely ridiculous.
<<elseif $day8bubbleBath is "clothed" and $day8buttMark is true and $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
Laying there with a matching 'slut' imprint on the butt of your piss-stained clothes, you feel completely ridiculous.
And then you mention the Scarecrow Killer's second attack at the Baron's party, and all trace of scorn is wiped away by a flash of confused anger. <<rob "What the fuck are you talking about?">> He shouts, the blade hovering above you quivering perilously as he tenses up. <<rob "What second attack? Don't you fucking lie to me!">><<br>>
Terrified that he's about to snuff out your life forever, you hurriedly tell him everything that you know. His expression becomes dark and sullen.<<br>>
Eventually he grunts, in what might have been a gravelly scoff, a bitter sigh, or just him clearing his throat. <<rob "So the runt survived then, did it?">> He mutters, his tone distant enough to make it clear that it's not directed at you.<<br>>
/* You sharply shut up to avoid pissing him off.<<br>> */
<<rob "Who'd have thought it. Shows how much Goux really fucking knew.">> For some reason he glances over his shoulder to glare at a filthy sack in the corner of the room as he adds <<rob "Didn't think of that, did you, asshole?">><<br>>
Suddenly his grip on the weapon shifts, tightening with resolve. You think that that's it for you, but instead it just trembles in place with violent energy rather than slamming down to kill you.<<br>>
Still facing away, like he's completely forgotten your existence, his eyes gleam with a terrible light as he mutters <<rob "That's the fucking <<chimera>> who did Ren in. I can still have my revenge.">><<br>>
<<set $day8robAsks to []>>
<<if $day8robFacts.length lte 1 and $day8robFacts.includes("inn") isnot true>>
Cowering on the floor, with the blade hovering above you, you can do little but quiver in panicked terror.<<check "Maybe if you were less blindsided by his presence you'd be able to get information from him ">><<br>>
<<cont "day8robiers6">>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.length gte 2 or ($day8robFacts.length is 1 and $day8robFacts.includes("inn") is true)>>
The moment of reprieve from Robiers' brutal intimidation is all you need for your brain to start going. It's not much, and it's risky, but you sense that you could take use this opportunity to glean a little information from him.<<check "This opportunity is only possible because you know enough about Robiers' actions over the last week to keep a cool head.">>
<<if $day8robFacts.length lte 2>>
<<set $day8game.robAsks to 1>>
<<elseif $day8robFacts.length gte 3>>
<<set $day8game.robAsks to 2>>
You wonder what might be worth asking in this situation.<<br>>
/* <<if $day8robAsks.includes("") isnot true>>
<<link "">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("")>>
<</if>> */
<span id="includeRobQuestions">
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("chimera") isnot true>>
<<link "What's a chimæra?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("chimera")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("goux") isnot true>>
<<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>
<<link "What was that about Firmin Goux?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("goux")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<link "Who is 'Goux'?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("goux")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("robiers") isnot true>>
<<link "What have you been going through to make you like this?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("robiers")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("ambush") isnot true>>
<<link "What happened to the reinforcements you were meant to be a part of?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("ambush")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("attack") isnot true>>
<<link "Why is it a surprise that there was a second attack from the Scarecrow Killer?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("attack")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("runt") isnot true>>
<<link "What do you mean by 'the runt'?">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("runt")>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<if $day8robAsks.includes("ren") isnot true>>
<<link "Tell him that I'm sorry about Renart.">>
<<run $day8robAsks.push("ren")>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8robiers5">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<if ndef $day8game.robAsksToken>>
<<set $day8game.robAsksToken to "first">>
<<elseif $day8game.robAsksToken is "first">>
<<set $day8game.robAsksToken to "second">>
<<section "robReply">>
<<if $day8game.robAsksToken is "first">>
Robiers eyes flash with anger at his thoughts being interrupted, and for a second you think that you've misjudged everything and forfeited your life for this stupid gamble, but a moment later he gives a gravelly scoff, seemingly deciding that telling you a little won't hurt.<<br>>
<<if $day8robAsks.last() is "chimera">>
He keeps using a word you don't recognize - '<<chimera>>''. It feels important to learn what it means.<<br>>
<<print _robReply>>
<<rob "It's Goux's fucking word. One of his beasts - their body twisted by potions, into whatever shape his sick plans were for them. Strong as fuck, and induced into absolute obedience to their master's commands.">><<br>>
He grunts with annoyance. <<rob "Just one would be enough to take down a minor fiefdom, if used correctly. Fucking tough to take down.">><<br>>
Your mind immediately flashes to the Scarecrow Killer - their eerie strength and the way that they stopped in place mid-strike at your command. Only, that doesn't make sense - you weren't its master.<<br>>
Moreover, given the transformations you've undergone this week, something about the idea of a body twisted into someone else's whims rings concerningly close to home.
<<elseif $day8robAsks.last() is "goux">>
<<if $firmin.name is "Firmin Goux">>
You recognize the name he keeps mentioning. It's Firmin Goux - the <<if $firmin.facts.includes("Used you as an assassin.")>>fucker who tricked you into drinking the transformation potion and used you as an unwitting pawn in his murder plot<<else>>the man in the citadel who gave you the transformation potion<</if>>. How the hell does he figure into all this?<<br>>
<<print _robReply>>
<<rob "He was a grade-A shitbag.">> He growls, spitting on the floor next to you to help express his point. <<rob "A megalomaniacal freak. Weaseled his way into being custodian of the Citadel, used the position to find all of the Droart's research, and then used his agents to gather every waif and stray he could get his horrid mitts on for experiments.">><<br>>
His gaze once again lingers oddly on the sack in the corner.<<br>>
<<rob "Gods know what his fucking plan was. Money, I guess. Maybe power.">> A bleak, cruel smile crosses his face. <<rob "I guess we'll never fucking know.">>
<<set $firmin.name to "Firmin Goux">>
He keeps mentioning a word, which you guess must be a name - Goux. Whoever they are, they sound important - you need to know more.<<br>>
<<print _robReply>>
<<rob "Firmin Goux. Grade a shitbag and a megalomaniacal freak. Weaseled his way into being custodian of the Citadel, and used the position to find all of the Droart's research.">><<br>>
You can't help but gasp in surprise at the reveal. The custodial of the Citadel - that's the <<if $firmin.facts.includes("Used you as an assassin.")>>fucker who tricked you into drinking the transformation potion and used you as an unwitting pawn in his murder plot<<else>>the man who gave you the transformation potion<</if>>.<<br>>
Robiers is too busy once again glancing oddly at the sack in the corner to notice your reaction. <<rob "Used his agents to gather every waif and stray he could get his horrid mitts on for experiments. Gods know what his fucking plan was. Money, I guess. Maybe power.">> A bleak, cruel smile crosses his face. <<rob "I guess we'll never fucking know.">>
<<elseif $day8robAsks.last() is "robiers">>
He's barely recognizable as the same man you met a week ago. What the hell has he been up to?<<br>>
<<print _robReply>>
He makes a low, dark scoff to himself. <<rob "Me? I've been though hell, kid.">><<br>>
<<rob "After Ren's brains got splattered across the fucking courtyard, I didn't have to stomach to do much at first. But then that evening Goux's clean-up crew snuck by to pick apart the remains of the attack. I was in the right place at the right time - got the drop on them. And then I knew that shit was bigger than just some fucking lunatic assassin, and I could get revenge - maybe enough for Ren to rest easy, who knows.">><<br>>
His gaze becomes distant for a moment before refocusing. <<rob "Hunted down Goux's agents, killed them one by one. Turns out I'm pretty good at it, who fucking knew. But they gave as good as they got, often as not. Caught me once, tortured me a bit.">> You're surprised to see a horrid, sick grin emerge on his face. <<rob "But it didn't stick, and I fucking //got// them for that.">><<br>>
You dare to ask him where he picked up such an absurd weapon.<<br>>
<<rob "This thing?">> He asks, gesturing with the sword of damocles hanging above your head, but certainly not caring to move it away from where it hangs. <<rob "Found it.">><<br>>
That doesn't really answer your question, but you get the feeling it's all you're getting.<<check "Dev note: It is my understanding that if you give any man enough trauma, then he'll spontaneously develop a Guts sword. It's just how the world works - try it at home!">>
<<elseif $day8robAsks.last() is "ambush">>
<<if $day8robFacts.includes("inn")>>
The soldiers you overheard in the inn seemed conflicted about whether or not Robiers had been a traitor and cut down his fellow royal soldiers. You're interested in that yourself.
You're dying to know how Robiers is even alive after the group of reinforcements he was a part of were slaughtered.
<<print _robReply>>
<<rob "I let my guard down. And over a dozen good men died for it.">> He spits, his voice full of deep resentment which must be directed at himself. <<rob "Got too big for my fucking breeches - thought that just 'cuz I took down one of their hiding spots the whole bunch would be scattered.">><<br>>
<<rob "When I stumbled across a troop of royal swaddies on their way to reinforce the convoy I was too much of a fucking dupe to think about how big of a target they were being. Nor to figure that half of them didn't look like no troopers.">><<br>>
His eyes are distant as he continues. <<rob "I was too busy doped up on the chirurgeon's pain draughts to even notice what was going on until half of them had been stabbed in the back. I managed to fend 'em off, but not without losing the rest too.">><<br>>
He grunts to himself. <<rob "Luckily one of swine squawked about their base of operations by the time I was done with him. So I had my chance to pay their revenge in blood.">>
<<elseif $day8robAsks.last() is "attack">>
He seemed completely thrown off by hearing about the attack on the Baron's party. You can't help but wonder why.<<br>>
<<print _robReply>>
<<rob "Goux planned everything down to the smallest detail. The fucker was nothing if not meticulous. He had //two// attacks planned - the one seven days ago, and the one that's coming. Fucking nothing about breaking up some stupid party.">><<br>>
<<rob "He didn't account for his stunted, idiot <<chimera>> to //survive//, go half-mad from lack of orders, and start doing shit by itself. Bet the asshole would absolutely flip his shit about it.">> He can't help by show a dark, mirthless grin at the thought. <<rob "Just goes to show that he weren't half as smart as he seemed to fucking think he was.">>
<<elseif $day8robAsks.last() is "runt">>
Earlier he mentioned a 'runt'. He couldn't possibly mean the Scarecrow Killer, could he?<<br>>
<<print _robReply>>
<<rob "That's a dumb fucking name if I ever heard one. It's not like the fucker's going around killing scarecrows, is it?">> He snorts with annoyance. <<rob "But if you mean the <<chimera>> that did Renart in, then yeah - that's the one.">><<br>>
<<rob "What, did you think that Goux would send his best on this little trial run? Nah - use the one who you don't care about, let it throw itself onto the spears of the royal soldiers, and use that data to gauge how to use the ones worth a damn.">><<br>>
<<rob "What, did you think that this was all one little shit's doing, and after that it'd be done? Naw - it's just the beginning.">><<br>>
You think about how terrifyingly strong the Scarecrow Killer has proven themselves to be, slaughtering their way through the royal soldiers - through //Jacques// - like it was nothing. You can't help but feel a shudder run through you.
<<elseif $day8robAsks.last() is "ren">>
There's something that you need to say that's much more important than any question - Robiers lost someone important to him, the least you can do is give provide some space for that.<<br>>
Robiers expression goes cold at the mention of Renart's name. His gaze doesn't shift an inch, but for a few long seconds you sense that it's looking //past// you, to some faraway memory that only he can see.<<br>>
<<rob "He was a fucking idiot.">> He mutters, mainly to himself. The harsh words don't quite match the soft look in his grim, dark eyes. <<rob "He was just too...">> He swallows, awkwardly. <<rob "He and I, we...">><<br>>
And then he's back again - back in this dingy loft instead of off in his memories. <<rob "You just keep his name out your bastard mouth, you hear?">> He growls menacingly, as if trying to compensate for his moment of weakness. You don't need to be told twice - the blade above you hovers so close that you can feel its icy coldness on the back of your neck.
/* <<if ($day8robAsksToken is "first" and $day8game.robAsks is 1) or ($day8robAsksToken is "")>> */
<<if $day8game.robAsksToken is "first" and $day8game.robAsks is 2>>
Anyone else would be too intimidated to provoke the man further by asking more questions, but you aren't anyone else - you're focused and calculating enough to know that you can push this just a little more.<<check "Available because you were prepared with so much knowledge about Robiers' activities">><<br>>
<<include-part "day8robiers4" "#includeRobQuestions">>
You daren't risk his ire by asking any more.<<br>>
<<cont "day8robiers6">>
<</if>><<unset $day8robAsksToken>>
Robiers regards you grimly.<<br>>
<<rob "I can't afford this shit. It took a lot to even get into this deathtrap, I'm not going to get captured now - not when the attack is so near.">><<br>>
Even in this terrifying situation, you blink in surprise at the mention of a coming attack.<<br>>
<<rob "A loose end this close to the finish... I'm not going to suffer it. And what's one more kill at this point?">><<br>>
You can feel the pressure slowly increase as the slab of metal bears down on you, grinding you further into the ground. The edge digs into your flesh, and you feel a bead of blood run down your neck.<<br>>
<<rob "Give me one fucking reason why I should let you live.">><<br>>
You desperately try to think of something.<<br>>
<<link "Because I won't tell anyone, I swear!">>
<<set $day8robLive to "tell">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8robiers7">>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Because I'm harmless!">>
<<set $day8robLive to "cute">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day8robiers7">>
<</link>><<check "cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Because I'm harmless!" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Because you're not so far gone that you'll kill an innocent">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8robLive to "innocent">>
<<goto "day8robiers7">>
<</link>><<setter "day8robLive to 'tell'" "day8robLive to 'cute'" "day8robLive to 'innocent'">>
<<if $day8robLive is "tell">>
You offer the only reason that you can - that you really, honestly, truly won't tell a soul about him.<<br>>
There's no trace of a lie there - no matter how much he's beaten you up, you've absolutely no reason to tell anyone. <<if $queen.lenient is true>>No matter how much submissive loyalty you have to the queen, <<if $day7meratGrass is true>>after what she said when you snitched on Merat you're not exactly jumping at the opportunity to tell on anyone else<<else>>she's still scary enough that you'd rather not be the one to bring her bad news<</if>>.<<elseif $day5concludeMood is "relief">>You might be eager to maintain your role as the Princess, but that doesn't mean you have much loyalty to the crown.<<else>>You're the one trapped and blackmailed into this role - the presence of a rogue intruder in the Bastille is only an opportunity for you.<</if>> Even without his threats, the worst he'd get is being complained about to Simone.<<br>>
<<rob "That doesn't mean shit.">> Robiers growls, letting the blade press you a little deeper into the floor. <<rob "A loose end is a loose end. From the look of you, you'd squawk in a moment under torture.">><<br>>
You can feel your death coming closer and closer - your body straining under the pressure. Frantically, your tone gets more desperate. What if you helped him? You know a little about the Bastille, and some about the Queen - you could tell him everything. Anything to earn your life!<<br>>
However, your pleas are cut short by a sound from outside.
<<elseif $day8robLive is "cute">>
You're scared and lost and helpless. Hell - that was the case even before you got trapped in a loft with a maniac. Before getting caught up in Colette's games; before getting caught in the Queen's schemes; maybe before even getting locked up in jail. You've always been struggling to get by, barely keeping your head above water, <<if $pc.background is "manly">>desperately hoping you can find meaning in the next pint of ale or drunken misadventure<<elseif $pc.background is "flirt">>desperately hoping you can find meaning to your sad life in the next romantic dalliance because life for your own sake seems impossible<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>begging and stealing enough to survive another day only to have to do it again the next one - each time a little more hopeless, a little more beaten down<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>traveling from village to village trying to make sense of other people's problems to stave off having to consider your own<<else>><<error>><</if>>. You just want to feel safe, but everything keeps getting worse and worse.<<br>>
As you lay there beaten and bruised on the floor, you can't help but watch your vision go blurry as tears begin to run down your face. Not the sharp, stinging tears of pain, but rather just thick, wet ones of sadness. Perhaps a week ago, before you opened yourself up to your emotions to help you come off as cute, you might have been able to keep them bottled up, but now it seems like it's a pandoras box that cannot be closed - you're helpless to stop it. You can't even muster a response to Robiers' threatening question other than a wretched sob.<<br>>
With your sight obscured by tears you have no idea what reaction your behavior might be inspiring in the indistinct blob that a few moments ago was Robiers' expression, but you're surprised to feel the pressure of the blade ease up from your neck.<<br>>
However, the moment is soon cut short by a sound from outside.
<<elseif $day8robLive is "innocent">>
It's risky as hell to make a called shot like this, but it also might be your best chance of getting you out from this vice alive.<<br>>
It sounds like Robiers has killed a lot of people over the last week, but you're willing to bet that all of them had been enemy agents. You're no such thing - just some innocent dope who's gotten caught up in this chaos.<<br>>
And besides, if he was genuinely that ruthless he'd have already done it by now. You don't ask for a reason not to kill someone unless deep down you're looking for an excuse.<<br>>
You make an appeal to his humanity, in your belief that he's nowhere near as far gone as he seems to think that he is. You wish that you were really as confident in it as you sound.<<br>>
Robiers eyes narrow at your words. <<rob "Don't you fucking lecture me on fucking //morality//.">> He growls, darkly. <<rob "There's no such thing in this world. I know that now. Just fuckers that hurt others, and fuckers that get hurt.">><<br>>
You wince. That's not exactly the response you were hoping for, but despite his words you can't help but notice that the pressure of his blade has still eased up somewhat.<<br>>
However, the moment is soon shattered by a sound from outside.
<<colette "Oh //Princesssssss//~">> Comes Colette's sickly-sweet taunt from outside the loft door. <<colette "Are you really so //stupid// as to get confused, and forget it was //my// turn to hide this time? Or did you simply realize that you had no chance of finding me whatsoever, and are cowering away in some corner, hoping to escape your dare? Well it won't work - you're as bad as hiding as ever!">><<br>>
And then the door to the loft slams open<<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll("stripUnder", "stripClothes")>>, revealing Colette, smugly standing there completely nude<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>, revealing Colette, smugly standing there wearing only her underwear<</if>>.
For a moment the world seems to freeze. Colette's eyes flicker with bewildered confusion at finding you cowering on the floor, covered in <<if $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>piss and<</if>> bruises with Robiers looming above you. Robiers' expression flashes with fury at the unexpected intruder.<<br>>
And then everything erupts into violence.<<br>>
<<cont "day8robiers8">>Robiers goes into action, swinging his hulking body around with a surprising swiftness.<<br>>
But Colette is even quicker - <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll("stripUnder", "stripClothes")>>her naked body<</if>> already flying through the air, claws bared as she screams <<colette "Get away from her, she's //mine//!">><<br>>
One moment she's on him, scratching and clawing for all she's worth, but it's hopeless - she's just a little girl in the face of a behemoth.<<br>>
Robiers shoves her aside with so much force that she slams into a wall, and then follows through to incapacitate this new threat - releasing his grip on the weapon above you to use both hands, either forgetting, or not caring in the slightest, that he's the only thing holding up the guillotine that threatens to crush your neck.<<br>>
You only just gather your wits in time to react - using the last of your strength to lash out against the blade at the same time as you twist away from its descent. You just about manage to shunt it away enough to get out of its path. It slams into the flagstones, a mere hairsbreadth in front of you.<<br>>
Sharp pain erupts from your fists at being forced to punch straight into the slab of metal.<<br>>
<<cont "day8robiers9">><<setter "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.push('stripUnder')" "day8coletteStips.push('stripClothes')" "day8robLive to 'cute'" "day8robLive to 'tell'">>
In the short time it takes for your eyes to refocus, Robiers has already taken out Colette. He holds her <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll("stripUnder", "stripClothes")>>naked<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>almost-naked<</if>> body up by the slender throat with one meaty hand like a ragdoll as he levels another knee into her stomach to get her to stop clawing impotently at his arm.<<br>>
<<rob "YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU HAD SOMEONE LOOKING WITH YOU!">> He shouts in your direction, <<rob "How many more of you fucking <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAny('stripUnder', 'stripClothes')>>perverts<<else>>brats<</if>> do you have crawling in the fucking woodwork, HUH?">><<br>>
Robiers turns back around to face you, swinging Colette's body aloft behind him with one hand as he does, like she weighs nothing at all.<<br>>
<<rob "People are fucking //dead//, and here the two of you are here playing fucking <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAny('stripUnder', 'stripClothes') or $day8coletteWriting is true>>fetish<</if>> games with eachother. You fucking //disgust// me!">><<br>>
He throws Colette's <<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll('stripUnder', 'stripClothes')>>naked<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>semi-naked<</if>> body forward straight into you. The two of you end up in a tangled pile on the floor, Colette coughing and wheezing as she tries to get air back into her lungs.<<br>>
<<rob "Well I'm out of fucking patience!">> Robiers shouts, leaning down to heft his ginormous weapon back into his grip, before holding it up over his head, ready to strike. <<rob "It's time for the two of you to fucking die.">><<br>>
You wince your eyes closed in preparation for the brutal and bloody death that's impending for you.<<br>>
A second passes, and your life flashes before your eyes.<<br>>
And then another second.<<br>>
And another after that.<<br>>
<<if $day8robLive is "cute">>
Tentatively, you squint one eye open.<<br>>
Robiers still stands above you, ready to swing his weapon down and snuff the pair of you out.<<br>>
His jaw is set is grim determination. But you can see a conflict blazing in his eyes.<<br>>
He remains there for a few more moments before lowering his weapon.<<br>>
<<rob "Fuck it.">> He murmurs under his breath. <<rob "Pathetic piece of shit. Weak.">><<br>>
For a moment you think the insult is directed at you, but his resentful scowl seems to be aimed inwards.<<br>>
And then he leaves, heading out of the loft door and down the ladder, only stopping to pick up his filthy burlap sack as he goes.<<br>>
Tentatively, you squint one eye open.<<br>>
Robiers still stands above you, ready to swing his weapon down and snuff the pair of you out.<<br>>
His jaw is set is grim determination. But you can see a conflict blazing in his eyes.<<br>>
And then, with a grunt of annoyance, he lowers his weapon.<<br>>
Before you can begin to inwardly thank his benevolence, he lumbers forward to level one last painful kick straight into your ribs.<<br>>
And then, with one last bitterly muttered <<rob "Fuck it">>, he leaves - heading out of the loft door and down the ladder, only stopping to pick up his filthy burlap sack as he goes.<<br>>
<<cont "day8coletteAfter">>You can do little but groan with pain and resentment together with Colette on the floor.<<br>>
The noblewoman keeps coughing furiously, her nubile body on top of you shaking as she hacks out each and every one. When she finally manages to speak, it's with a scratchy rasp to her voice - Robiers must have managed to do a real number on her throat.<<br>>
<<colette "That fucking //bastard//!">> She hisses. <<colette "How //dare// he have the insolence to interrupt us!">><<br>>
You blink in surprise - that's not quite the angle you thought her anger was going to take.<<br>>
<<colette "I //finally// get you all to myself, completely in my clutches, and he comes to //ruin// everything! How //could// he?!?">><<br>>
She manages to lift herself partly off of you, enough that her face hovers inches away from your own, red with fury and puffy from asphyxiation. Even in this situation, there's something in her eyes which unnerves you.<<br>>
<<colette "I'm the ONLY one who should be able to hurt you.">> She rasps in your face. <<colette "I wanted every inch of your anguished pain all to //MYSELF//! You belong to //ME//!">><<br>>
You can't believe what you're hearing. She was almost killed, and this is seriously still what she's worried about?<<br>>
<<colette "What's it going to take to keep you from running off to spend your whore time getting used by someone else, huh?">> She croaks, accusingly. Her hand reaches forward, and you're too dazed to put up much resistance as she yanks open your mouth and grips your wet tongue between thumb and forefinger, her pointed nails terrifyingly near. <<colette "Am I going to have to piece your dirty //tongue//<<if $pc.ears.owned.includesAny('coletteStud') is true>> next<</if>>, so I can secure a //leash// through it and drag you around myself? It's not like I //need// you to be able to eat properly, do I?">><<br>>
For a horrifying moment you think that she might really try to do it with her nails alone, but a second later her face scrunches up with annoyance and she releases you with one last painful twist.<<br>>
<<colette "//Whatever//. He can't play with my toys like this and get away with it. I need to make that clear. I'll kill him. I'll fucking //kill// him.">> She mutters, awkwardly trying to rise to her feet.<<br>>
Oh fuck, is she really going to try to chase him down? She'll be killed, it's suicide!<<br>>
<<link "Stop her from going.">>
<<set $day8coletteStopChase to true>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteAfter2">>
<<link "Fuck it, why would you care? The maniacs deserve eachother - let her go.">>
<<set $day8coletteStopChase to false>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day8coletteAfter2">>
<</link>><<setter "day8coletteStopChase to true" "day8coletteStopChase to false">>
<<if $day8coletteStopChase is true>>
She might be an absolute psycho, but you're still not going to let her kill herself like this.<<br>>
Your body aching from the pain of the beating you received, you only have the energy for one way to stop her. You wrap your arms around her slight<<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll('stripUnder', 'stripClothes')>>, naked<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>, semi-naked<</if>> figure and hold her tight against you.<<br>>
For a brief moment she's too surprised by the contact to do anything other than grunt in confusion. Then she starts to struggle, at first just trying to pry herself loose from your grip, and then getting more forceful - striking and pinching to try to get you to release her. <<colette "Get //off// of me!">> She cries hoarsely. <<colette "Let me //go//! I can't just let him run away. He //hurt// you! Don't you understand? He needs to be punished!">><<br>>
You don't ease up for a moment, clinging tight no matter what she does, until her complaints give way to bitter, resentful tears of frustration, and her struggling settles into quivering sobs.<<br>>
That's how the royal guardsmen - who must have been alerted by some part of the affair - eventually find the two of you. You holding Colette close as she wails and bawls on your chest.
/* tears of frustration */
<<elseif $day8coletteStopChase is false>>
Battered, bruised, and humiliated, the last thing you need is to draw any more ire. She can get herself into all the trouble she likes for all you care. If she's determined to get herself killed on a fool's errand then you won't stop her.<<br>>
Colette's movements are stiff and mechanical with firm determination as she draws herself back to her feet. Before leaving, she makes a brief scan around the storage loft, and nods with satisfaction as she finds exactly what she was hoping for - a box-cutting knife left idly on one of the shelves.<<br>>
She tests it on a finger, and while it's not super sharp she still manages to draw a bead of blood to the surface, and seems satisfied with her weapon.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll('stripUnder', 'stripClothes')>>Without even a second care for the fact that she's doing so still completely naked, the bruises from Robiers' strikes already standing out in stark purple on her pale skin, she departs,<<elseif $day8coletteStips.includes("stripClothes")>>Without even a second care for the fact that she's doing so still half-naked, the bruises from Robiers' strikes already standing out in stark purple on her pale skin, she departs, <<else>>And then she's off,<</if>> only hesitating at the doorway to painfully rasp <<colette "You're mine. Don't forget it.">> back at you before flying off on her hopeless mission, trying to murder a man that she has no hope of besting.<<br>>
You just groan with aching frustration.<<br>>
It isn't long before the royal soldiers manage to find you - they must have been alerted by some part of the affair.
<<cont "day8coletteAfter3">><<setter "day8coletteStopChase to true" "day8coletteStopChase to false" "day8coletteStips.push('stripClothes')" "day8coletteStips.deleteAll('stripClothes')" "day8coletteWriting to true">>
The soldiers are absolutely horrified at having failed in their duty to keep you safe, and you're soon surrounded by a blur of protocol and procedure that you're too stunned to take much attention to.<<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStopChase is true>>
You're asked to give a brief account of what happened, and are surprised when Colette ends up meekly rasping an account of her own.
You're asked to give a brief account of what happened, and have little choice but to tell them everything.
<<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll('stripClothes') and $day8coletteStopChase is true>>
Colette is promptly and awkwardly delivered some appropriate clothing from nearby.
<<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
The writing all over your body is pointedly not mentioned. A small part of you wonders if they might think that it might be from Robiers, of all things, but based on some of the glances you get it doesn't seem like the case. Another time and that might be mortifying, and perhaps the shame will hit you later, but for now you're too battered and exhausted to care.
<<if $day8coletteStips.includesAll('stripClothes') or $day8coletteWriting is true>><<br>><</if>>
<<if $day8coletteStopChase is true>>
Colette remains stubbornly clinging to you the whole time, her fire seemingly gone ever since you stopped her from following Robiers, but eventually the two of you are extracted from eachother.<<br>>
Before long you're securely escorted back to your carriage, a soldier under one arm helping to hold you up as you limp along. By the time you're back inside it feels like half of the Bastille must have stumbled across you and gawped at the
/* <<if $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>piss-stained<</if>> */
state of you.<<br>>
The soldier in charge seems determined to fetch a physician. You don't for the life of you understand how you manage to muster the energy to argue against it, but somehow manage to convince him that you just need rest.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eve">><<if $nightwear is "crop">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>
<<set $day8coletteWritingStore to $day8coletteWriting>>
<<unset $day8coletteWriting>>
<<set $day8buttMarkStore to $day8buttMark>>
<<unset $day8buttMark>>
<<setter "keyholder to 'simone'" "keyholder to 'queen'" "keyholder to 'you'" "saintChoiceArray to ['spa']">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\oTownCarriage.jpg]]@@<br>
<<section "simoneNoKey1">>
<<simone "It sounds //horrible//!">> Simone complains as she <<if $day8coletteWriting is true>><<set $day8coletteWriting to false>>wipes off the last of Colette's writing and<</if>> tends to you. <<simone "And I can't believe that it's //Robiers// who did it. He and Renart always seemed like such sweet guys.">><<br>>
It's difficult to imagine the hulking murderer you encountered this evening ever being 'sweet', but then, it's difficult to think that he's the same guy who you met 7 days ago in jail either.
<<section "simoneNoKey2">>
You wince as Simone wraps another bandage tight around you. <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneAcc">>You can't help but notice that she's already sporting some of the accessories you got her that afternoon - she must have put them on as soon as they arrived.<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques" and $day68boutGift is "simoneSweets">>In unspoken apology, she unwraps another of the sweets you got her this afternoon and slips it into your mouth, helping herself to one too.<</if>> <<simone "And that Colette. I said that she seemed like bad news! It must have been so scary having to handle her for all that time.">>
/* <<if $keyholder is "simone">> */
<<print _simoneNoKey1>><<br>>
<<print _simoneNoKey2>><<br>>
/* <<else>>
<<pst "Character/Simone/edKuroki.jpg" "_simoneNoKey1" "_simoneNoKey2" "50">>
<</if>> */
You consider it for a moment.<<br>>
<<link "She's terrifying and awful!">>
<<set $rabbit += 2>>
<<set $day8concludeColette to "scary">>
<<goto "day8eve2">>
<<link "She's a lot to handle, but I think I understand her a little better now">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8concludeColette to "handle">>
<<goto "day8eve2">>
<<link "She's starting to change, I hope. Maybe soon the two of us can be friends">>
<<set $swallow += 2>>
<<set $day8concludeColette to "friends">>
<<goto "day8eve2">>
<<link "She's kinda fun to play together with, actually">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day8concludeColette to "fun">>
<<goto "day8eve2">>
<<link "She's nowhere near as scary as she wishes she was. I'm more of a threat to her than she is to me">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day8concludeColette to "wolf">>
<<goto "day8eve2">>
<</link>><br><<setter "day8concludeColette to 'scary'" "day8concludeColette to 'handle'" "day8concludeColette to 'friends'" "day8concludeColette to 'fun'" "day8concludeColette to 'wolf'" "day8coletteStopChase to true" "day8coletteStopChase to false">>
<<if $day8concludeColette is "scary">>
Forced into running around playing her awful games, with terrifying punishments in place every time you slipped up, it's a wonder how you managed to get through it. She's absolutely insane, and her obsession with you borders on the psychopathic.<<br>>
Simone frowns with concern and throws her arms around you. <<simone "There there, <<print $pc.name>>, it's okay, it's over now.">>
<<elseif $day8concludeColette is "handle">>
There's no question that Colette is an absolute menace, and doesn't care in the slightest about how much chaos she causes to get her way. And since 'her way' seems to be trying to humiliate you as much as possible, it's a hell of a lot to deal with.<<br>>
But with that said, there were some moments of your time together this evening where you felt like you could see a glimpse of the Colette behind the spite and resentment. A vision of a scared girl who's only way of processing is to cling so hard to the object of her desire that it breaks. It doesn't justify any of her behavior in the slightest, but you're not sure if you can think of her as solely evil either.<<br>>
Simone frowns in thought. <<simone "I //guess// that's true. It's tricky though - I met so many lovely servants in my time working here, and sometimes when you get chatting to them to find out that they've been through some really rotten stuff. It's not like any of //them// start hurting people like Colette does, though.">><<br>>
It's a little funny to hear the ever-trusting Simone play bad-cop for once. She must still be irked about Colette's choice to make a game about cutting eachother's clothing back when you'd first met her - if there's one thing the maid's serious about it's fashion.
<<elseif $day8concludeColette is "friends">>
Colette is absolutely determined to hate your guts, but every now and again you think you can see that resolve waver in her eyes. Moments where the spite drops away and you're just playing together as friends. Maybe you're just imagining it, but you have hope that you might be able to nurture that fragile seed into a fully-realized friendship, and that that might be the best way to really reach her and pull her out of her wicked behavior once and for all.<<br>>
Simone blinks in surprised wonder at your words. <<simone "Gosh, <<print $pc.name>>, that's really sweet. I think it's incredible that you can spare so much compassion, even when she's being such an awful so-and-so about it. I just hope that you're right, or else she might not the one who gets changed.">>
<<elseif $day8concludeColette is "fun">>
Honestly, what's most surprising about the evening wasn't how scary it was, but how much fun you were having. Colette might be full of spite and vinegar, but that just added an exhilarating touch of excitement to the whole thing. It hadn't taken long before you'd stopped worrying, and were just playing the games for their own sake with giddy enthusiasm.<<br>>
Of course, while you keep this part to yourself, it also doesn't hurt that Colette's an absolute smoke-show. While you're not sure if she knows what she's doing, her games always end up having an intensely sexual nature to them, just under the surface. The fact that so-far it hasn't erupted into overt sexuality yet only makes it all the intoxicating - you find yourself wanting to follow it to it's fruition.<<br>>
Simone seems flummoxed by your response. <<simone "Gosh, you sure are brave, <<print $pc.name>>. I think I'd be in tears in moments! In a way, it's almost like you two kinda match eachother.">>
<<elseif $day8concludeColette is "wolf">>
Colette might think herself a vicious predator, but she's really just a kitten. By forcing your hand into these games of domination and submission, all she's done is invite her own demise. It won't be you who's warped into her pet - quite the opposite. You look forward to it.<<br>>
You make sure not to say anything like that that to Simone, but nevertheless it seems like the little maid is insightful enough to notice something in your expression. <<simone "Just be careful, okay?">> She responds, warily. <<simone "With a worldview like hers, it's easy to get sucked into it. Even if you 'win' the game, you could end up no better that she is, and she'll have secured a playmate for life.">>
<<unset $day8concludeColette>>
<<if $day8coletteStopChase is false>>
You remember the expression that Colette had on her face when you let her go off after Robiers and feel a shudder go through you. All this talk about her, and you don't know if she's even still alive.<<br>>
Simone seems to finish up the last of the bandages. <<simone "There you are, <<print $pc.name>>, all done now.">><<br>>
She cocks her head to one side thoughtfully. <<simone "You know, it's weird. It sounds like Robiers really did a number on you, and you've absolutely covered in scrapes and bruises, but I've seen what it's like when people get into a proper fight - some of the soldiers asked me for some help after a training scuffle and it was a real mess - and all things considered these aren't all that bad. I wonder why that is?">><<br>>
<<link "Maybe Robiers pulled his punches?">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day8recovery to "robiers">>
<<goto "day8eve3">>
<<link "Maybe it's something to do with my transformations?">>
<<set $day8recovery to "tf">>
<<goto "day8eve3">>
<<link "Maybe I just got lucky?">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day8recovery to "luck">>
<<goto "day8eve3">>
<</link>><<setter "day8recovery to 'robiers'" "day8recovery to 'tf'" "day8recovery to 'luck'">>
<<if $day8recovery is "robiers">>
Robiers is a terrifying maniac who beat the everliving shit out of you. But somehow the look that you saw on his face when he had every reason to kill you but //didn't// sticks in your mind.<<br>>
He's a dangerous man, so driven by revenge that most of his morals have been left by the wayside, but he still held his hand when it came to killing an innocent - perhaps beneath the blood and grime, there's still a good person underneath it all?<<br>>
You don't know much about what royal solider training looks like. It feels a little optimistic to imagine that it might teach you enough about the body to know how to rough someone up in a way that's painful and scary, but doesn't causing lasting damage, but you can't discount the idea either.<<br>>
As to be expected, Simone loves the idea. <<simone "I //knew// that it didn't make sense for Robiers to be so horrid! He's still being really rude, but if it was just to scare you a little then maybe it's alright. I'm sure that by now he's sitting around feeling really sorry for himself for having to have been so rotten!">><<br>>
You smile at her enthusiasm, but with your body still aching from the beating he gave you and his furious bellows still echoing in your mind it's difficult to feel //quite// that trusting.
<<elseif $day8recovery is "tf">>
After the beating that Robiers gave you you could barely even move, but now that you think about you're already feeling a good bit better. The man flung you around like a ragdoll, surely it would have caused more damage than this?<<br>>
What if the issue isn't how much damage you took, but rather how quickly you're recovering from it?<<br>>
Your body is twisting and bending against your will, reknitting itself towards its own baffling ends - and if it can change healthy tissue, then why wouldn't it be able to do the same for damaged ones? After all, you doubt that the 'destination' body that it has it mind is battered and bruised.<<br>>
<<simone "Wow!">> Simone exclaims in wonder. <<simone "That's incredible - it's like it's a superpower or something!">><<br>>
You wish that you could share her enthusiasm. Sure, it's kinda convenient, but the idea of the potion being that powerful scares the hell out of you. If it can still do so much, then what else could it have in store for you?<<br>>
Oh well, for now it's just a concerning theory.
<<elseif $day8recovery is "luck">>
You've had so much terrible luck over this last week, it only makes sense that you're overdue a miracle. Robiers' blows must have just happened to hit you where it wouldn't cause any lasting damage.<<br>>
Simone grins broadly. <<simone "Well we'll have to thank our lucky stars for that! What a relief, I was so worried when they bought you in.">>
/* The two of you share dinner together, though its a little cold after having */
Your injuries tended to, the two of you tuck into the dinner which had been going cold and abandoned on the dining table ever since you burst in looking an absolute mess. However, before you can finish there's a little knock on the door.<<br>>
<<pink "Is Simone there?">> Comes the nervous maid's voice. <<pink "We need a little help with the Queen's wardrobe after all.">><<br>>
<<simone "Oh gosh. I'll be right there!">> Calls Simone in response, quickly hurrying in another mouthful of food before gathering some things together and heading to the door. <<simone "I'm sorry about this, <<print $pc.name.first()>>- I mean, your Highness. I shouldn't be longer than an hour!">><<br>>
You soon find yourself finishing the last of your dinner alone.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eve4">>It's odd. Over the last week you've been so out-of-your-depth that you've frequently felt more alone than ever. But - surrounded by nobles, escorted by soldiers, and pampered my maids everywhere you go - actually nothing could be less true.<<br>>
It wasn't long ago that you felt completely comfortable being by yourself, but to your surprise you find yourself rapidly growing uncomfortable alone in the carriage. Like you've gotten so used to having a maid at your behest that in her absence it's like you've lost a limb.<<br>>
It's a concerning, but you can't help yourself end up pacing awkwardly around the carriage waiting for her to return (in spite of how much you should be resting your aching limbs).<<br>>
It's silly, and a little infantilizing. You scour your brain to try to remember what you used to do when alone.<<br>>
<<link "Well, to be completely honest I mainly used to jack off...">>
<<set $day8jack to "jack">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8eveJack">>
<<link "I used to read">>
<<set $day8jack to "read">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day8eveRead">>
<<link "Nothing that I used to do seems remotely important now">>
<<set $day8jack to "nothing">>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<goto "day8eveNothing">>
<</link>>You wrack your brain for any pastimes that you can draw on, and find yourself drawing a baffling blank.<<br>>
It's not like the memories are absent - everything from hobbies and exercise to idle daydreaming is there - but right now they just all seem rather... //dull//.<<br>>
Perhaps you shouldn't be surprised. You think that you recall hearing people saying similar things about soldiers coming back from wars - that after the intensity of life-or-death conflict, everything that used to interest them felt meaningless in comparison. After the stress and anxiety of the last week it's no wonder you might have something similar. You feel a little bit better at being able to compare yourself to a heroic veteran, and spur yourself into action.<<br>>
If nothing other than your fight for survival can sustain your interest, then you might as well let it, and focus on something that will help your mission. Begrudgingly, you throw open the Princess' wardrobe and start fussing around, trying to plan out some outfits.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveNothing2">>By the time Simone comes back into the carriage she finds you with a huge, eager grin on your face, absolutely surrounded by proudly displayed outfits draped all over the furniture.<<br>>
It takes you a while to notice her presence - you're too busy comparing tops, trying to work out whether one is //too// pink, or perhaps in fact //not pink enough//. It's not until she sneaks up behind you and wraps her arms around you in an ambush-hug that sends the two of you tumbling giggling to the floor that you're even aware that she's returned.<<br>>
<<simone "Look at all of these!">> Simone coos at all of the outfits you prepared once the giggles subside, clearly thrilled by your choice of activity. <<simone "Some of these are so //cute//!">><<br>>
You bask in her praise, unable to keep a smug grin from your face at having your hard work be complimented.<<br>>
You explain the reasoning for some of your decisions, starting off by showing off your favorite of the bunch. Naturally, Simone soon proves herself much more experienced than you, and has lots of gentle pointers, but you're too excited at the opportunity to learn more to even begin to feel grumpy at being upstaged.<<br>>
<<simone "So, what made you feel like you wanted to put together all of these?">> Simone asks, once you've finished the collection.<<br>>
You think about your dramatic, manly comparison to war-numbed veterans, and feel your face flush a little pink. You swiftly change the topic - you'd sound absolutely ridiculous trying to say something like that, given the excited and cheerful state Simone found you in.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eve5">><<setter "pc.background to 'flirt'" "pc.background to 'manly'" "pc.background to 'hero'" "pc.background to 'bread'">>
<<if $pc.background is "flirt">>
While attending the gamesome parties of the minor nobility was your primary focus in life, it's not like they cropped up all that frequently - you'd often end up going weeks before snagging another invitation. You needed something to pass the time that might help you learn to seem a little less like the commoner you were around your social betters, and reading was a perfect solution.
<<elseif $pc.background is "manly">>
Sure, you might have spent plenty of time getting into trouble down the pub, but that doesn't mean that you weren't at least a //little// cultured. After all, you'd still need something relaxing to do while nursing a hangover. Somewhere along the way you picked up reading as your pastime of choice.
<<elseif $pc.background is "hero">>
You've spent most of your adult life wandering from place to place, righting wrongs and having adventures, but even that has a lot of downtime - staking out suspicious spots, pulling guard duty in the back of a trader wagon, or just camped out next to a fire. It only made sense to pick up reading as a hobby.
<<elseif $pc.background is "bread">>
Reading wasn't exactly a common pastime as a pauper on the streets, and most of your fellows were illiterate, but somehow you managed to make it work. Starting off with street signs and posters, getting slowly more confident until you ending up spending most cold evenings clutching battered paperbacks like they were your ticket to another world. You're proud of having been able to teach yourself how to read.
Well, surely there must be some books around the Princess' carriage, right? You begin to look around the place.<<br>>
Either nobody deemed books an item worth packing, or else the hotheaded Princess decided herself that she didn't want any, because the results of your search, once you feel like you've made a decent inventory of the room, are slim pickings indeed. You throw the small collection of "La Chic Magnifique" fashion catalogues onto the table and collapse onto the sofa in a disappointed huff.<<br>>
However as the minutes stretch ever-onwards, and that lonely boredom begins to creep back more and more, it doesn't take long before you end up begrudgingly grabbing one and flicking it open - anything's better than just waiting around, even this!<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveRead2" "Read through the glossy pages">><<setter "outfitsArray[2] to 'whitehood'" "outfitsArray[3] to 'whitehood'" "outfitsArray[4] to 'whitehood'" "outfitsArray[5] to 'whitehood'" "outfitsArray[6] to 'whitehood'" "outfitsArray.deleteAll('whitehood')" "pc.makeup to undefined" "pc.makeup to 1" "pc.makeup to 2">>
Your interest is first piqued when you realize that you recognize one of the outfits - it's the cute <<imgl1nk "white-hooded dress" "whitehoodImg">> <<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>that you've been putting off wearing<<elseif $outfitsArray[6] is "whitehood">>that you wore out today<<elseif $outfitsArray[5] is "whitehood">>that you wore out yesterday<<elseif $outfitsArray[4] is "whitehood">>that you wore the day before yesterday<<elseif $outfitsArray[3] is "whitehood">>that you wore when visiting the inn, soon after the attack at the Baron's mansion<<elseif $outfitsArray[2] is "whitehood">>that you wore to the party at the Baron's mansion<<else>><<error>><</if>>. Your eyebrows raise as you take in the daunting price, but what's even more noteworthy is the lavish caption explaining its designer's conceptualization process and the intricate work that it took to put it together, from sourcing rare materials to having to invent a whole new kind of stitching to make it flow correctly. You'd just thought of it as a cute outfit, but you'll look at it in a whole new light from now on.<<br>>
After that, you pay a bit more attention to what you're flicking through.<<br>>
A week ago your focus might have been completely arrested by the attractive models, often barely-covered by the little strips of skimpy fabric (if men ever found out how teasing some of these outfits and poses are in here then you bet the pornographers might soon have a hard run for their money), but now you barely even pay them any heed - too busy carefully appraising the outfits and deciding whether you like them or not. The closest you get to paying attention to who they're draped over is trying to imagine how //you'd// look in them.<<br>>
It doesn't take long before, quite to your own surprise, you realize you've internally made a little list of the ones that you're dying to own.<<br>>
Unexpectedly, hidden amidst the glamorous outfits and accessories, there's more than a few articles. You quickly skim past 'How to please your man in ten minutes' and 'This season's secret hottest trend - anal' with pinkened cheeks, barely believing how shamelessly direct and explicit some of the directions are - perhaps being a noblewoman isn't quite as dignified as you'd thought.<<br>>
However, when you stumble across one which describes a neat trick to get perfect eyeliner wings every time, you're so intrigued that <<if $pc.makeup is 0 or ndef $pc.makeup>>even though you haven't dared to explore makeup before now<</if>> you find yourself drawn to the dresser to give it a try.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveRead3">>By the time Simone comes back into the carriage she finds you with a look of deepest concentration on your face as you finish off your attempt.<<br>>
It takes you a while to notice her presence. It's not until she sneaks up behind you and wraps her arms around you in an ambush-hug that sends the two of you tumbling giggling to the floor that you're even aware that she's returned.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh gosh, <<print $pc.name>>!">> Simone coos once the giggles subside and she takes your efforts. <<simone "That came out perfect, you're so even!!">><<br>>
You bask in her praise, unable to keep a smug grin from your face at having your hard work be complimented.<<br>>
You explain the tips that you were trying to follow from the catalogue. Naturally, Simone soon demonstrates her experience, and has lots of gentle pointers, but you're too excited at the opportunity to learn more to even begin to feel grumpy at being upstaged.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm so happy that you've gotten so into all this!">> The maid exclaims, looking genuinely thrilled at the development. You can't help but blush a little - all you'd wanted was to do some light reading, and now look how it's ended up.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eve5">><<setter "caged to 'day5'" "caged to 'day7'" "caged to false" "keyholder to 'you'" "keyholder to 'simone'" "keyholder to 'queen'" "keyholder to 'queenCage'" "keyholder to undefined" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" 'sluttyLeather to undefined' 'sluttyLeather to true' "day8simoneKey to 'rebel'" "day8simoneKey to 'obedient'">>
It's a little embarrassing to realize, but to be completely honest with yourself there's only one activity that really stands out - masturbation.<<br>>
It's not like you had a problem or anything (in fact, compared to what a couple of your friends embarrassingly admitted to in an awkward drunken conversation which you all agreed to never bring up again, you're relatively confident that your habits are at least milder than many), but you're a healthy, red-blooded young man in his sexual prime - it's only natural to have dedicated a little time to cranking one out every now and again.<<br>>
It's a habit that's been all-but halted by Simone's constant presence around the carriage - you're sure that the sexually-skittish young maid would get flustered to all hell if she were to catch you in the middle of something, and while the carriage is huge and elaborate it offers very little in the way of privacy to anyone already inside.<<br>>
It's been a constant strain because, for all of its peril and danger, somehow the events of the last week have had an odd habit of leaning towards the sexual. You've been teased and tormented in ways that you never imagined, with achingly few opportunities to release some of that pent-up arousal.<<br>>
Never has that been more true than today. Colette may be an absolute psycho, but she's also an absolute minx about it. She doesn't seem very aware of the effect that she's causing, but her shamelessly-brazen attitude combined with her obsession with games of punishment and humiliation are kinky as all hell.<<br>>
<<if $caged is false>>
You feel a twinge of arousal run through as you dwell on your recent memories. You spare a glance at the clock - it's only been ten minutes, and Simone said she'd be something like an hour. If you ever wanted an opportunity to indulge in your old pastime, you couldn't have asked for a better opportunity.<<br>>
As your cock swells to its full<<if $pc.penis is 2>>, if still rather puny, <</if>> size, <<if $keyholder is undefined>>you whisper a silent thanks to whichever gods are listening that you managed to successfully cover for the cage's surprise appearance with the Queen yesterday. You dread to think about how that might have ended up.<<elseif $keyholder is "queenCage">>you whisper a silent thanks to whichever gods are listening that you stood your ground and refused to allow yourself to be caged.<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>>
<<link "Jack off!">>
<<goto "day8eveJackFree">>
<<link "Suppress the urge">>
<<set $day8jack to "no">>
<<goto "day8eveJackNo">>
<<elseif $keyholder is "you">>
You feel a twinge of arousal run through as you dwell on your recent memories, and your cock begins to stir.<<br>>
Your eyes open wide, and you barely manage to waddle awkwardly over to the spot where you hid the key and unlock yourself in time before your junk painfully throttles itself against the painful metal bars of the cage. The moment it's free, it quickly swells its full<<if $pc.penis is 2>>, if still rather puny, <</if>> size, like a prisoner eagerly relishing the sensation of freedom. <<if $day7cage is "cover">>You whisper a silent thanks to whichever gods are listening that you managed to successfully cover for the cage's surprise appearance with the Queen yesterday. You dread to think about how that might have ended up.<<else>>You whisper a silent thanks to whichever gods are listening that you stood your ground and refused to give the Queen control over the key.<</if>><<br>>
Standing awkwardly with your erect cock in your hands, you spare a glance at the clock - it's only been ten minutes, and Simone said she'd be something like an hour. If you ever wanted an opportunity to indulge in your old pastime, you couldn't have asked for a better opportunity.<<br>>
<<link "Jack off!">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8eveJackFree">>
<<link "Suppress the urge">>
<<set $day8jack to "no">>
<<goto "day8eveJackNo">>
<<elseif $keyholder is "queen" or $keyholder is "simone">>
You feel a twinge of arousal run down your body and towards your groin, and brace yourself for the inevitable pain as it meets the clamping metal of the cage. You curse yourself for having gotten carried away - this line of thinking was always going to end in disaster.<<br>>
<<if $day8simoneKey is "obedient">>
What awful timing - you agreed with Simone that you'd be let out this evening, but with all of the chaos that Robiers caused the two of you hadn't gotten around to it yet!<<br>>
<<elseif $day8simoneKey is "rebel">>
You're soon internally kicking yourself for your stupidity at having stood your ground with Simone earlier - you'd kept your pride, but it's difficult for it to seem worth it right now.<<br>>
You can't help but make a short, faltering whimper as the straining ache begins to make itself known. The pain starts off sharp and hot, as your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock tries to force its way out, but soon settles down to a dull throb as it gives up and settles down into a semi.<<br>>
/* Every time, your first instinct is to dread that its about to cause irreparable damage, and you desperately force yourself to steady your breath to keep from hyperventilating. It's only once the pain goes from sharp to dull that you feel yourself calm down fully.<<br>> */
You hope that that will be all, and it'll obediently quiet itself now that it's realized its hopeless position, but that doesn't quite prove to be the case. It remains stubbornly strained against the bars, with all of the restless energy of a tiger prowling impatiently from one side of its cage to the other at the circus.<<br>>
Perhaps it's no wonder, really - after all, even through the pain your thoughts still haven't been able to stray far from the erotic. You're so pent-up by now that it's hard to think of anything else.<<br>>
You wince bitterly. You could really use some kind of release, but trapped like this it's impossible, right?<<br>>
<<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<link "Well, there is //one// way I can think of - use the dildo from the strap-on I found back when this started.">>
<<set $day8jack to "anal">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8eveJackDildo">>
<<fail "Find a way to masturbate without needing to use my dick" "You haven't found any items that might make anal masturbation possible">>
<<link "Oh well. Give up">>
<<set $day8jack to "no">>
<<goto "day8eveJackNo2">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>>You glance wistfully down at your own <<if $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> member, weighing your options for a moment, but eventually decide not to indulge yourself.<<br>>
It's tempting, and you're sure that the man you were a week ago would have eagerly jumped at the opportunity, but something about it now makes the notion of touching your own dick like that somehow unappealing.<<br>>
For now, you decide to just wile away the rest of your time doing very little. It's boring, and when Simone eventually comes back into the carriage you find yourself leaping up with so much delight at having company again that you feel like a puppy left alone at home for too long, but Simone just gives you a big smile at the sight. <<br>>
<<cont "day8eve5">><<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
You're not going to let yourself be tempted by desperation into any weird behavior. If you can't jack it, it looks like it's hopeless.
You don't have any option - looks like you'll just have to suffer it out.
Well, if it's going to be like this then you won't just do it idly. You're not exactly the mediation type, but you've heard enough people talk about it to get the basic gist. It sounds like it's exactly what could help.<<br>>
You cross your legs underneath you in what you hope is an okay posture, and try to clear your mind as much as you can. It's tricky, but you can handle it.<<br>>
By the time Simone comes back into the carriage, mumbling apologies about having gone, she finds you sitting in the center of the carriage, so gently at peace with the world that she's not certain whether you're even awake until you open your eyes and finally greet her.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eve5">><<setter 'sluttyLeather to undefined' 'sluttyLeather to true'>>
You can't help but grin to yourself - why not? After all, the less pent-up you are the safer you'll be out there, a little self-indulgence every now and again is only prudent.<<br>>
You shuffle into the bathroom, firmly locking the door after you, and get down to business.<<br>>
It doesn't take long to notice how //different// it feels. Your junk has been getting softer and spongier, and you're surprised to note the way the skin remains plush under your fingers even as you approach your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>puny<<else>>somewhat-shorter<</if>> full length, rather than becoming bulging and rigid as usual. Somehow, it's a little less greasy to the touch as well, and while you're no connoisseur of your own scent, what sweat there still is doesn't seem to be nearly as pungent as you remember.<<br>>
However, what concerns you much more is the change in sensation. Masturbation, at least as you've always known it, is all about //friction//, and that seems like something that your soft fleshy new member (and for that matter the now-<<if $pc.hands is 2>>smaller, <</if>>smoother palms that you're holding it with) seem unsuitable for. It's not that it's //unpleasant//, in fact it feels good in ways that never did before, but the opposite is just as true - many of the ways it used to feel good just don't fire the way they used to, there's an itch that it doesn't //quite// scratch.<<br>>
Perhaps there's a trick to it? A way to indulge fully in these new sensations and work with them rather than against them? But that's a fat lot of good that it does you now - you don't want to slowly explore yourself and learn your new body, you want //release//!<<br>>
You hear your breath become deep and heavy, and don't resist the little gasps and moans which emerge from your lips, no matter how embarrassing they are to hear. However, no matter how much your arousal peaks, the orgasm that you're seeking remains elusive. You only get more and more frustrated.<<br>>
You try to think of a better option. If your hands aren't getting you there, what about something else?<<br>>
<<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<link "Go and grab the dildo attached to a strap-on that you found in the Princess' things back when this all started.">>
<<set $day8jack to "anal">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day8eveJackDildo">>
<<fail "Use a dildo to get off" "You haven't learnt where one might be hidden.">>
<<link "Calm down and keep going as you are">>
<<set $day8jack to "self">>
<<goto "day8eveJackFree2">>
<</link>>You breath a sigh of resignation. If your body's forcing you to take the time to explore yourself, then that's just what you'll have to do.<<br>>
The first thing you try is to calm your movements the fuck down. In your desperation your hands had gotten faster and faster, until they're a blur of tugging and squeezing as you pathetically tried to get there. That doesn't seem like a good idea - you're //sensitive// now, much more than you used to be, all you're doing is overwhelming yourself.<<br>>
Next, you open your eyes and are unfortunate enough to glance in the mirror, almost flinching at how gross you look, hunched-over yourself and sweating. You don't know if it'll help at all, but if your genitals are more 'feminine' now, then who knows, perhaps a more ladylike posture will help? You doubt it'll change the sensation, but it'll at least make you feel like less of a grunting savage as you do it.<<br>>
You're not completely certain what a 'ladylike posture' means when it comes to masturbation of all things. The conclusion which you uncertainly come to is almost the inverse of how you currently are - instead of hunching your forward, you arch your slender body backwards.<<br>>
You touch yourself once more, and are rewarded by a gentle spasm of tension running through you. You elicit a barely-suppressed whimper. However, the moment that, emboldened by your success, you let yourself get carried away, falling into old habits, it all fades away again before you can reach it.<<br>>
You desperately try every other trick you can think of. A lot of them work, a lot of them don't, but none of them quite let you reach that climax.<<br>>
By the time that Simone comes back into the carriage and calls out for you, rather than being satisfied, you feel like you're just even more pent up than ever before. The time is far from wasted - you've learnt a lot about your body in the process, it's delicacy and sensitivity, and you're sure that you'll be able to get much further next time, but it's difficult not to feel frustrated.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eve5">>It's been ages since you last saw it, but you remember finding the Princess' strap-on ages ago. You wonder if it's still there.<<br>>
<<if $caged is false or $keyholder is "you" or $keyholder is undefined>>
Somewhat awkwardly, given the fact that you're still fully erect, you pull your <<if $nightwear is "gown">>dressing gown back around your shoulders<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>panties back up<<elseif $nightwear is "crop" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>little shorts back up<</if>> and cautiously creep back into the main room to check.<<br>>
Your heart sinks when you drag up the mattress to check the hole the Princess dug into the padding, and find that it's clearly been tampered with. It only makes sense, there's been a daily room inspection every day since then, of course the soldiers would have found it. However, to your surprise almost all of the objects are still waiting inside, with just the dangerous-looking blade absent - looks like they didn't see fit to confiscate the rest. You feel your cheeks go a little pink at the thought that the inspecting Soldiers must've found it and assumed it was //yours//.<<br>>
Oh well - you quickly snatch up the dildo, and also a little jar of slick liquid stored with it which you desperately hope is lube.<<br>>
Just holding it in your hand feels... imposing. It's not //huge//, all things considered, but it's certainly not small either, and the fact that it's going to go //inside// of you is more than enough to make it terrifying.<<br>>
You quickly cover up the hidden stash before fleeing <<if $caged is false>>back<</if>> to the bathroom as fast as you can manage - the last thing you want is to be caught red-handed with this obscene thing.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveJackDildo2">><<setter "day68spaMassage to 'buttLet'" "day68spaMassage to 'flipStop'" "day68spaMassage to undefined" "pc.penis to 1" "pc.penis to 2" "saintChoiceArray[0] to 'spa'" "saintChoiceArray[1] to 'spa'" "saintChoiceArray[2] to 'spa'" "saintChoiceArray[0] to 'dance'" "saintChoiceArray[1] to 'dance'" "saintChoiceArray[2] to 'dance'">>
It takes a little while for you to work out your plan of attack. Finding a position where you can reach down that far comfortably ends up being more complicated than you'd considered. Eventually you decide to curl up on the bathroom floor in the fetal position, with your arms pushed between your thighs. Wrapped up tight around yourself, your face ends up a little closer to <<if $caged is false>>your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>puny<</if>> genitals<<else>>your caged junk<</if>> than you're comfortable with, but at least you've got plenty of room to maneuver.<<br>>
With hands which can't help but tremble with trepidation at what you're about to do, you dip the tip of the dildo into the viscous lube and bring it around to press tentatively against your hole.<<br>>
It feels firm<<if $day68spaMassage is "buttLet">>, a far cry from the gentle fingers of the masseuse you met <<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>this afternoon<<elseif $saintChoiceArray[1] is "spa">>yesterday<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.first() is "spa">>the day before yesterday<<else>><<error>><</if>><</if>>, and larger now than you could have imagined. You almost give up there - there's no //way// that this could possibly fit inside - but then you feel another pang of deep desperation within you, yearning for release, and you realize to your own horror just how much you need this. You couldn't give up now if you tried.<<br>>
You're all-but powerless to keep yourself from pressing the rounded tip of the dildo against your butt with more and more intensity. You're not sure if the tears which well up in your eyes is from the pain, or shame at your own actions. <<if $day68spaMassage is "buttLet">>But however hard you push it seems impossible - right up until the moment you remember the masseuse's advice to push //out//, instead of following your every instinct and tightening up in reaction. The moment that you do, it slides inside of you.<<else>>But however hard you push it seems unyielding. You press and press, but it might as well be pushing against a brick wall. Straining to no avail, it's not until you're at the brink of surrendering, part of you relieved that it had come to naught, that it takes you by surprise - your body parting to let the intruder inside.<</if>><<br>>
Now there's no doubt at all whether the tears are from pain or anguish - the searing agony runs through you like you've just been stabbed. In a way, you //have// been.<<br>>
But there's something else with it too. Not pleasure - that couldn't seem further away from you right now, but rather a sense of self-satisfaction. You've //done it//. It //sucks//, but you've done it.<<br>>
That's what keeps you from pulling it out again in horror. Instead, you grit your teeth and desperately try to calm your frantic breathing, trying not to think about the way that you can feel your //heartbeat// through the shaft in your hands.<<br>>
And then you start to move.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveJackDildo3">><<setter "caged to false" "caged to 'day7'" "day8spaMassage to 'flipLet'">>
You tentatively press the dildo deeper inside of yourself, and are greeted by the disturbing sensation of your insides //parting// to welcome it.<<br>>
Every wretched inch of the way feels as grievous as if you were doing it with a rusty knife, rather than a rounded, lubricated dildo.<<br>>
That is, right up until the tip prods into a tender spot, and instead of releasing a wincing whimper, out comes a deep and breathy moan.<<br>>
Your hands freeze, as much from surprise as anything else. What //was// that?<<br>>
You start moving once more, trying to gently find that spot again, but somehow it proves to be elusive. You writhe and twist around the pole you're impaled upon, trying to find the right angle. It's only after a little time that you realize that in your intrigued confusion you haven't even remembered to still be in pain anymore.<<br>>
And then it strikes again, this time so strong that your hips buck in place as the wave of sensation flows through you like lightning.<<br>>
It's all it takes for you to give in completely to instinct.<<br>>
You fuck yourself desperately against the firm presence in your butt, gasping and moaning, your hips gyrating to try to milk every ounce of pleasure it possibly can from it. It's a struggle to maintain pace - every spasm of pleasure makes your arms go rigid, halting your efforts to plunge the dildo into yourself and leaving you briefly whimpering at the lack of sensation before you can get your quivering fingers wrapped back around the shaft once more.<<br>>
<<if $caged isnot false>>
It's not just a mere replacement for being able to touch your dick, it's something else entirely - more intense than you could have imagined.<<br>>
You can't help but think of who else this dildo might have penetrated over the years. The Princess' conquests, certainly, but you'd be surprised if she hadn't indulged herself too. And now it's in //your// insides.<<br>>
The pleasure is no longer restricted to the sensitive little nub of your prostate - though the moments that you hit it still manage to send a burst of sharp, eye-crossing ecstasy through you, it's merely the spice of the experience, sidelined compared to the sheer intensity of having your insides be pounded again after again.<<br>>
<<if $day8spaMassage is "buttLet">>
At the spa you'd been lavishly treated to the masseuse's careful, indulgent ministrations - this is a far cry from that; instead you find yourself plunging the dildo into yourself as vigorously as you can, needily chasing your own orgasm with desperate, pathetic abandon.
This isn't a gentle, sensitive exploration - instead you find yourself plunging the dildo into yourself as vigorously as you can, needily chasing your own orgasm with desperate, pathetic abandon.
And then, in what feels both like you'd had to wait a lifetime for it and also far too soon, it finally arrives.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveJackDildo4">>It's like there's a ball of pressure within you that's slowly been getting larger and warmer with every passing second, more and more overwhelming and stifling, and then just when you think you can bear it no longer, it shatters to pieces, sending ripples of aftershocks through your body.<<br>>
Your body starts spasming and quaking, your hips bucking desperately. Your feet tremble, quivering in the air. You try to keep the dildo pounding into you, yearning it's pounding presence like never before, but it's hopeless - your hands are writhing just as hard as the rest of you, unable to even maintain their grip, let alone muster the dexterity to keep pumping.<<br>>
Your whimpered, desperate moans rise in pitch, becoming so loud that you're sure that no matter how well-soundproofed the carriage is you must be alerting half the convoy to your orgasm. You couldn't even begin to care - not when you would give //anything// for your guts to keep on being pounded right now. You buck and grind desperately against the firmness inside of you, trying milk out every inch of pleasure you can from it, but it remains stubbornly, aching immobile.<<br>>
Your warm, wet seed <<if $caged isnot false and $keyholder isnot "you" and $keyholder isnot undefined>>escapes the bars of your cage to splatter<<else>>splatters<</if>> against your pathetically thrashing body, and you're so curled up around yourself that the first spurt impotently strikes against your chin. The rest squirts out weakly after it, less in jets and more like a watery dribble that pools across your tummy.<<br>>
/* It's only once the after-spasms run their course through you, and your release-drunk giddiness subsides somewhat, that you even notice the state of yourself. But you don't have time to catch your bearings - you hear the sound of the carriage door swinging open, and Simone calling out <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>? Where are you?">><<br>> */
The after-shocks continue for longer than you could have possibly predicted, redoubling in intensity every time you think that it's over, but eventually they run their course. You bask in the glow of your orgasm, panting for breath, almost unable to believe that it was so strong.<<br>>
Absent-mindedly, stupidly, still giddy and half-drunk from your release, you find yourself wiping off the spurt of semen from your chin and looking at it glisten on your fingertips. It's still wet and thin, too impotent to even harden in the cool air.<<br>>
A thought strikes you.<<br>>
<<link "Lick it up">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day8jack to "analCum">>
<<goto "day8eveJackDildo5">>
<<link "Wipe it off on a towel before I do something I'll regret.">>
<<goto "day8eveJackDildo5">>
/* You twisted your body around itself to get into this position, but you hadn't planned far enough ahead to consider what would happen once the orgasm you so craved reached its conclusion.<<br>>
Curled up in the fetal position as you are, your genitals are pointed directly at yourself.<<br>>
The first needy spurts of your seed <<if $caged isnot false>>pour out of your still trapped-limp <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock and through the bars of the cage to<</if>> splatter against your face. For now, you couldn't even begin to care - too busy writhing and moaning around the dildo as your orgasm hits //hard//, sending your thoughts to static as you buck and grind, trying to milk out every last inch of climax from yourself.<<br>>
It's only once the after-spasms run their course through you, and your release-drunk giddiness subsides somewhat, that you even notice the state of yourself. But you don't have time to catch your bearings - you hear the sound of the carriage door swinging open, and Simone calling out <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>? Where are you?">><<br>>
Panic rises up in you.<<br>>
<<link "Lick up your own cum from your face">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day8jack to "analCum">>
<<goto "day8eveJackDildo5">>
<<link "Eww! Grab a towel">>
<<goto "day8eveJackDildo5">>
<</link>>*/<<setter "day8jack to 'anal'" "day8jack to 'analCum'" "caged to 'no'" "caged to 'day7'" "caged to 'day5'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'queenLick'" "day7cagingJackOff to 'queenNoLick'">>
<<if $day8jack is "analCum">>
Perhaps you're just too drunk from your own orgasm to be thinking straight, <<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenLick">>or<</if>> perhaps it's out of earnest curiosity,<<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenLick">> or perhaps the taste of what you experienced when you lapped up your own cum from the Queen's fingers yesterday was enough to make you needily come back,<</if>> but you find yourself drawing your fingers to your lips so that you can lick up your own seed.<<br>>
<<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenLick">>It's not like you had much time to dwell on the taste last night, and now that you have time to assess it you find that it's different to how you were expecting.<<else>>The taste is different to how you were expecting.<</if>> You at least knew by reputation that cum is supposed to be salty, and it's not like this isn't, but more striking is a gentle //sweetness//, like honey or nectar lingering under the salt, that you can't for the life of you dismiss as wholly unpleasant.<<br>>
You have no idea whether it's typical for semen or some product of your feminization, and you find some small part of you thinking to itself that you wouldn't mind finding out sometime.<<br>>
Absent-mindedly, you scoop up some that landed on your belly into the cup of your hand and draw it to your lips, lapping at it like a kitten.
<<elseif $day8jack is "anal">>
You frown, abruptly stopping yourself mid-action. <<if $day7cagingJackOff is "queenLick">>You made the mistake last night of lapping up your own cum from the Queen's fingers, and no matter how blissful the orgasm you're not going to let yourself do the same thing again.<<else>>No matter how giddy you are from your orgasm, you're not going to do //that//.<</if>><<br>>
You quickly reach over to wipe your hand off on a towel to remove the temptation.
And suddenly you hear the sound of the carriage door swinging open.<<br>>
<<simone "<<print $pc.name>>? Where are you?">> Calls out Simone's cheerful voice.<<br>>
Your eyes bolt open in shock, the lingering bliss of your orgasm soon chased away as you realize that you're still sprawled out naked on the bathroom floor, the Princess' dildo still insolently sticking out your behind.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveJackDildo6">>
/*<<if $day8jack is "analCum">>
Caught in the wake of your own orgasm, the aftershocks still running through you and your mind still muddled and hazy, you're woefully unprepared for the shock of Simone's sudden return. Your body reacts purely on instinct.<<br>>
Your tongue emerges out of your panting mouth to lap up as much of your own semen off of your face as you can reach.<<br>>
It's only a moment later, once the taste of your own emissions fills your mouth, that you even realize what you just did, and your face screws up in horror.<<br>>
<<simone "<<print $pc.name>>? Are you alright?">> Comes Simone's voice once more, concerned that you haven't replied.<<br>>
You try to shout out that you're just on the toilet, but between the strength of your orgasm, and the taste still filling your mouth, it comes out more haltingly than you'd like.<<br>>
Simone hesitates at your reply, and for a sickening moment you think that she might decide to burst in on you - with the dildo still insolently protruding from your butt - to double check that you're alright. You can't help but let out a sigh of relief when she replies <<simone "Well, alright then. I'll be out here if you need me.">><<br>>
You hear her footsteps wander away, and you start seeing to getting out of this perilous position.<<br>>
You start with pulling the dildo out, and it emerges with a sick squelch that's so loud that you freeze in place, worried that Simone might hear it. For an odd moment, you feel yawningly //empty// in its absence.
<<elseif $day8jack is "anal">>
It's a bit of a shock having Simone come back at this moment of all times, but that doesn't mean that you're going to get carried away. You're pretty confident that you firmly locked the bathroom door, and there's nothing odd about you taking some time on the loo or anything.<<br>>
In as neutral a voice as you can muster you call out that you're on the toilet. It comes out a little shaky, given the intensity of the orgasm you just experienced, but Simone seems far from inclined to argue the matter - after all why would she?<<br>>
Now you have as long as you need to attend to yourself, starting with pulling the dildo out. It emerges with a slick squelch, so loud that you worry that Simone might hear it, and for an odd moment you feel yawningly //empty// in its absence.
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<br>> */
/* You try to ignore it, instead pushing yourself back up to your quivering feet and rushing to wash the smears of semen off of your face<<if $caged isnot false>>, wipe down what you can from where it got caught on the bars of your cage, <</if>> and pull your clothing back on.<<br>> */<<if $nightwear is "crop">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>
Luckily, Simone seems to take your spluttered excuse that you're on the toilet at face value. You almost die of embarrassment shortly afterwards, when the dildo makes such a loud //squelch// at being pulled from you that you're sure that she must hear it, but thankfully you don't hear any reaction.<<br>>
For an odd moment you feel yawningly //empty// in its absence, but you try not to let it get to you. You're too busy wiping yourself down, getting your nightwear back on correctly, and trying to find a suitable hiding spot for the dildo.<<br>>
<<include "day8eve5">><<if $day8jack.includes("anal") is true>>
When you finally emerge, red-faced from the bathroom on shaky legs, Simone just gives you a big smile.
<<simone "I'm so sorry about that, <<print $pc.name>>. Some of the Queen's clothes needed adjusting and they wanted me to help out.">> Simone says with a yawn, as she helps herself to the last of her dinner which she had to dash out in the middle of.<<br>>
<<if $day8jack is "analCum">>
<<simone "Oh, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She adds, seemingly as an afterthought. <<simone "I think you might not have mixed some moisturizer in or something, there's still a little smeared on your cheek...">><<br>>
Your eyes widen with so much horror that she blinks in surprise at the face of it, and you have to awkwardly splutter vague excuses as you furiously wipe the lingering cum away. Luckily her naivety seems to work in your favor and she doesn't seem to realize that it means, or at the least, that's what you hope her lack of reaction means.<<br>>
<<simone "It's always a treat getting to look through the Queen's wardrobe. Some of her outfits are absolutely //gorgeous//.">> She muses, between chews. <<simone "It's a little funny though. She needed a whole bunch of items taken in a bit. I suppose that she must have lost some weight during this trip. Not that she needed it or anything. I hope that she hasn't been running herself too ragged, pushing herself further than she can handle with the attacks and all.">><<br>>
She ponders for a moment as she finishes off her mouthful, before concluding <<simone "Oh well. There's not much we can do about it anyway. Let's get on shall we?">><<br>>
<<if $day8simoneKey is "obedient">>
She reaches into colorful necklaces, pulls out the key to your cage, and unhooks it from its cord. <<if $day8jack.includes("anal") is true or $day8jack is 'no'>>You can't help but stare at it yearningly, if only you'd had that an hour ago, when you had your opportunity to make use of it!<</if>> <<simone "Now, don't think that I'd gone and forgotten about this little thing. Since you were so good this morning you //definitely// deserve to be in control of this for the evening, don't you think?">><<br>>
You wince at the somewhat patronizing tone to her voice. You're still not certain that Simone fully understands what she's talking about, but she certainly talks about it in the tone of an older sibling being put in charge of a younger one's access to a cookie jar rather than a weird mechanism of sexual control. Nevertheless, you're too eager to be let out of this thing for the evening to care to complain about the matter, meekly taking the key into your hands.<<br>>
<<cont "day8eveUnlock">>
<<if ($caged is "day5" or $caged is "day4") and $keyholder is "you" and ($day8jack is "read" or $day8jack is "nothing")>>
<<cont "day8eveUnlock">>
<<cont "day8elodieLetter">>
The two of you set to work tiding up the carriage ready for bed.<<br>>
You take the opportunity to slip into the bathroom and remove your cage.<<br>>
<<if $caged is "day7">>
Despite the situation, you can't help but sigh with satisfaction at being able to release your manhood from it's little jail. <<if $day8jack.includes("anal")>>Despite having found relief earlier, it<<else>>It<</if>> seems to swell with liberation the moment the key is turned in the lock.<<br>>
<<if $day8simoneKey is "obedient">>
You can't help but frown at the little titter Simone makes when you emerge, but you don't call her out on it.<<br>>
<<include "day8elodieLetter">><<setter "day8simoneKey to 'obedient'" "day8simoneKey to 'rebel'" "day8simoneKey to undefined" "keyholder to 'you'" "keyholder to 'simone'" "keyholder to 'queen'" "day8jack to 'read'" "day8jack to 'nothing'" "day8jack to 'anal'" "day8jack to 'analCum'" "caged to 'day7'" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to false" "day7letterEncode to 'identity'" "day7letterEncode to 'escape'" "day7letterEncode to undefined">>
<<simone "Oh gosh!">> Simone exclaims<<if ($day8simoneKey is "obedient" or ($keyholder is "you" and ($day8jack is "read" or $day8jack is "nothing"))) and $caged isnot "day7">> as you leave the bathroom<</if>>. <<simone "I'm so sorry, with all of the excitement with Robiers I almost clean forgot - this arrived for you!">><<br>>
She passes over a letter apologetically. You recognize the handwriting immediately - it's from Elodie!
<<if $day7letterEncode is "identity" or $day7letterEncode is "escape">>
<<include "day8elodieLetterEncode">>
<<include "day8elodieLetterNormal">>
<</if>><<if $day7letterEncode is "identity">>
Her reply to your <<imgl1nk "letter" "day7letterImg">> is short and to the point:
<<letter "elPaper">>
Dear your Highness.<<br>>
Well, I'm glad that you feel so safe there I guess.<<br>>
Sounds like you're having a good time.<<br>>
<<if $day7elodieLetterKiss is true>>
Love, Elodie x
From Elodie
And hidden under that, in ink invisible to the eye until you hold it to a flame:
<<letter "elPaperHidden">>
Whoa, that's pretty crazy.<<br>>
Thanks for telling me. It's okay, I know you wouldn't have lied if you didn't have to.<<br>>
I think you're cool regardless of whether you're a girl or a boy.<<br>>
But your situation sounds fucked. Do you need help? I'm not far away. If you want then I can be down in Saint-Joules in just a couple of hours.
You let out a deep breath of relief at Elodie's kind words. It feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.<<br>>
You consider her final question. Having her here would be a huge relief, but you've no idea whether you'd even be permitted to see her, let alone whether she could be any help to you.
<<elseif $day7letterEncode is "escape">>
Her reply to your <<imgl1nk "letter" "day7letterImg">> is short and to the point:
<<letter "elPaper">>
Dear her Highness.<<br>>
Sure sounds like you're into this guy. I'm glad for you I guess.<<br>>
Okay, I'll make your promise with you or whatever.<<br>>
<<if $day7elodieLetterKiss is true>>
Love, Elodie x
From Elodie
And hidden under that, in ink invisible to the eye until you hold it to a flame:
<<letter "elPaperHidden">>
I want to help.<br>
I'm not far away. Say the word and I can be down in Saint-Joules in just a couple of hours.
You can't help but smile at her reply. No-nonsense, not even asking for more details, just immediately trying to help in any way that she can. You don't feel like you deserve such a good friend, but you're grateful beyond words.<<br>>
You consider her support. Having her here would be a huge relief, but you've no idea whether you'd even be permitted to see her, let alone whether she could be any help to you.
You remember Robiers' ominous words about a future attack. On one hand, you don't want to get Elodie involved in something too dangerous, but on the other you're desperate for any help you can get in such a perilous situation.<<br>>
<<link "Tell her that you'd like her help, and she should come down">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day9elodieHelp to true>>
<<goto "day8elodieLetterEncode2">>
<<link "Tell her to stay away for now">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day9elodieHelp to false>>
<<goto "day8elodieLetterEncode2">>
<</link>><<if $day9elodieHelp is true>>
Bringing Elodie here could be putting her into harms way, but you figure that it's worth the risk.<<br>>
You need all of the help you can get, but even more than that - you're //scared//. Having a friendly face around who you know you can trust and rely upon could make all the difference to keep you from falling apart.<<br>>
You write Elodie an encoded response, thanking her and gratefully taking her up on her kind offer.
<<elseif $day9elodieHelp is false>>
There's too many variables for you to think that bringing Elodie down here will do any good, and you're not willing to risk Elodie's free time, let alone her life, in the affair.<<br>>
Merely knowing that someone out there knows your situation and is willing to help is more than enough, for now.<<br>>
You write Elodie an encoded response, thanking her but telling her to stand down for the moment - you'll get in contact if you can think of a way that she can help.
You manage to flag down a solider to send off your letter for you, but then not even the exhilaration you feel at having gotten Elodie's support is enough to keep a yawn from escaping your lips. It's been a long day.<<br>>
Simone lets out a little titter at the sound.
<<if $bear.new isnot true>>
<<simone "Time for bed, I think. Where would you like to sleep tonight?">>
<<simone "We should probably think about heading to bed! Let me just check that the bedding's all fitted correctly.">>
<<include "day8nightConclude">><<set $day8crowName to true>>
You quickly read through it.<<br>>
<<letter "elPaper">>
Dear her Highness.<<br>>
Glad to hear about what you've been up to. It sounds like you're keeping busy and stuff.<<br>>
Listen, I found out something weird that you might want to know.<<br>>
I've been doing research on the Scarecrow Killer. I figure it's probably my muse or whatever. So I've been asking around with people who were there at the Baron's party, or back at the first assassination attempt. Trying to get a better idea of what it's like so I can draw it better.<<br>>
Most people don't want to speak to me. I've been called creepy even more than usual. But the people who say yes have been cool.<<br>>
Anyway. Everyone agrees that it didn't speak at all, other than like, weird howls and stuff. I had pretty much figured it couldn't. But I spoke to this chick who hid in a closet from it, and it was really close by, and she swears that she heard it saying "<<print $pc.name>>", "<<print $pc.name>>", "<<print $pc.name>>" under its breath, like it was a chant or something.<<br>>
I dunno if I believe it. She was pretty fucked up about the whole thing. But it's super cool to think that it could speak but just doesn't. I'm gonna do some more research about that, maybe paint a picture representing its unspoken, repressed words or something, it'll be cool.<<br>>
Anyway, thought you might want to know in case you know someone called <<print $pc.name>>. If they're a real person you might want to give them more soldiers or something? Also, ask if they'd be willing to talk with me, if you can? I'd love to interview them.<<br>>
Anyway, stay safe;<br>
<<if $day7elodieLetterKiss is true>>
Love, Elodie x
From Elodie
Your blood runs cold as you read your name in the place you last expected to find it.<<br>>
<<cont "day8elodieLetterNormal2">>You stare at the page in front of you in bewildered horror. W-what could this mean?<<br>>
You've half a mind to dismiss the whole thing out of hand, after all it sounds like the woman Elodie spoke to was pretty shaken after what she went through, and it's certainly the first you've heard of the Scarecrow Killer saying any words. But then, that doesn't explain why it's //your// name that Elodie reported - surely that's too much to be mere coincidence?<<br>>
It doesn't make any sense! Before all this started you were just some guy, why the hell would you be involved in any of this? And it can't be because of anything you've done since you took on this role - the only people who've even known that you're not really the Princess is Simone, Merat, and the Queen, and you're not certain whether the latter two have even bothered to remember your name.<<br>>
Simone hurries over, fretting. <<simone "Oh gosh, <<print $pc.name>>, you've gone as white as a sheet, what is it?">><<br>>
Her lips purse tightly together as she reads through the letter over your shoulder. She seems almost as horrified as you by what she reads, but her first instinct is to make sure that you're okay. <<simone "Goodness. That's absolutely rotten. But I'm sure it'll be fine.">> She soothes, full of concern. <<simone "You've had a super intense day. This is the //last// thing that you need.">><<br>>
<<simone "Come on, let's head to bed.">> She concludes after a few moments. <<simone "All this will feel a lot better come the morning, I'm sure of it.">><<br>>
You're really not sure about that, but eventually you figure that she's probably right. You're not sure how much you'll be able to sleep, but anything's better than just sitting here scared.<<br>>
<<if $bear.new isnot true>>
Simone smiles gently at your assent, but her brow is still creased with worry. <<simone "Now, where would you like to sleep tonight?">>
Simone smiles gently at your assent, but her brow is still creased with worry. <<simone "One second, let me just check that the bedding's all fitted correctly.">>
<<include "day8nightConclude">><<if $bear.new isnot true>>
<<set $bear.new to false>>
She trots over to do as she says, but when she pulls the duvet away you <<if $bear.love is true>>gasp in delight<<else>>almost groan in resignation<</if>>. Underneath the cover is <<print $bear.name>>, the teddy bear that you <<if $bear.love is true>>got<<else>>were forced to get<</if>> in the boutiques earlier today, already in pride-of-place in the center of the Princess' bed.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh yes!">> Cheers Simone, having almost forgotten about it herself. <<simone "This was delivered along earlier - isn't he absolutely adorable? I love him! Tell me, does he have a name?">><<br>>
<<if $bear.love is true>>
You excitedly tell her.
You really want to deny it, and pretend that the bear has nothing to do with you, but something about the innocence in Simone's face draws the disclosure from your lips before you can stop yourself.
<<simone "How wonderful! Well it's so lovely to meet you properly, Mr. <<print $bear.name>>.">> The maid says with playful severity, shaking the teddy bear's hand seriously before giggling and giving it a big hug.<<br>>
<<if $bear.love is true>>
You grin to yourself. You'd been a little worried about Simone's reaction to finding out that you'd bought a teddy bear home, but you needn't have worried about judgement in the slightest - she's easily as enthusiastic about the idea as you.
You grimace. Any chance that you'd have had of disposing of the bear discreetly is evaporating in front of your eyes - it and Simone have already become inseparable it seems.
<<simone "Now, where would you like to sleep tonight, <<print $pc.name>>?">> Simone asks, once she's given <<print $bear.name>> a huge hug. <<simone "I think that <<print $bear.name>> is too big for the smaller bed, so he'll have to stay up here.">><<br>>
<<include "sleepOptions">><<set $day to 9>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>
The Queen doesn't give you long to prepare yourselves. <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>You barely have enough time to pull your dressing gown over your shoulders before she impatiently barges inside.<<else>>You barely have enough time to get up before she impatiently barges inside.<</if>><<br>>
You're amazed that even at this early hour she's fully dressed-to-kill, with her makeup already impeccable, but even no-doubt the best concealer money can buy can't hide the deep stress-lines around her eyes.<<br>>
Nevertheless, no trace of whatever's been worrying her manages to break through her poised, exacting demeanor as she strides straight up to you and, without warning, brings a hand up towards your face.<<br>>
<<link "Let her">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day9queenFlinch to false>>
<<goto "day9wake2">>
<<link "Flinch away">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day9queenFlinch to true>>
<<goto "day9wake2">>
<</link>><<setter "day9queenFlinch to true" "day9queenFlinch to false">>
<<if $day9queenFlinch is true>>
You dart away a few steps from her hand, expecting her to slap you.<<br>>
For a brief moment her brow furrows, surprised and somewhat-ruffled by your reaction, but within a second her expression hardens again. <<queen "Oh spare me your //theatrics// - I don't have the time for them. You were injured yesterday, I need to see how badly.">><<br>>
She steps forward, hand moving up once more, though at least affords you the decently of doing it a little less abruptly. Her touch is almost gentle,
<<elseif $day9queenFlinch is false>>
Whether by force of will to suppress your instinct to back away, or else those instincts have already been worn away, replaced by yielding submission. You don't even wince as the Queen brings her hand up to your face.<<br>>
You were expecting a slap, but instead her touch is gentle,
softly but firmly cupping your cheek and pulling your head from side to side, then upwards to peer at your neck, her expression intently analytical.<<br>>
<<queen "Bruising across the throat, though already beginning to fade.">> She mumbles to herself, before seeming to notice something. Her grip shifts to your chin to pull your head forward as her other hand rising up to lift the back of your messy, bed-headed hair. <<queen "Laceration across the back of the neck, though with any luck that can be covered by hair.">><<br>>
She glances once more at the marks across your throat, and sharply commands <<queen "Speak.">><<br>>
<span id="day9wake2">
<<link "Reply as quickly and eagerly as possible">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'bark'>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Yes, mommy'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'mommy'>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Yes, your Majesty'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'majesty'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Hi'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'hi'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Fuck you'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'fuck'>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "Frown at her in confusion">>
<<replace "#day9wake2" t8n>>
Taken by surprise, you just blink in confusion at the unexpected command.<<br>>
<<queen "Your larynx is damaged">> The Queen explains with a sigh of displeasure, like it should be obvious.<<queen "I need to see how badly it's affected your speaking.">><<br>>
You've little reason not to go along with it.<<br>>
<<link "'Yes, mommy'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'mommy'>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Yes, your Majesty'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'majesty'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Hi'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'hi'>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Maybe just ask nicely, next time'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'askNicely'>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
<<link "'Fuck you'">>
<<set $day9wakeSpeak to 'fuck'>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day9wake3">>
</span><<setter "day9wakeSpeak to 'majesty'" "day9wakeSpeak to 'mommy'" "day9wakeSpeak to 'bark'" "day9wakeSpeak to 'hi'" "day9wakeSpeak to 'fuck'" "day9wakeSpeak to 'askNicely'">>
<<section "voiceBit">><<if $voice is 0>>as awful as ever<<elseif $voice is 1>>as disappointing as ever<<elseif $voice is 2 or $voice is 3>>as mediocre as ever<<elseif $voice is 4>>still quite strong<<elseif def $pc.voice>><<switch $pc.voice>><<case "playful">>still quite impressively blithesome<<case "childish">>still as impressively //infantile// as ever<<case "motherly">>still as impressively coddling as ever<<case "confident">>still as impressively brash as ever<<case "melodic">>still quite impressively dulcet<<case "sultry">>still quite impressively lubricious<</switch>><<else>>still very impressive<</if>><</section>>
<<switch $day9wakeSpeak>>
<<case "majesty">>
Put on the spot with this odd demand, you decide to greet her correctly, addressing her as 'your Majesty'.<<br>>
The Queen nods with satisfaction. <<queen "Good. Voice seems to be mostly undamaged - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
<<case "mommy">>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
The words come out easily, referring to her as your mommy as if it's the most natural thing ever.
Before you can stop yourself you find your mouth running ahead of your mind - referring to the Queen as your mommy. Your face flushes crimson at the utterance.
The Queen raises an eyebrow at the word, but after a moment's pause seems to decide to leave it be with only a <<queen "Well, I suppose it's good that you're so in-character.">><<br>>
<<queen "Regardless, your voice seems mostly undamaged, at least - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
<<case "bark">>
You're so eager to please the Queen that the moment she makes her command you're already trying to respond as quickly as possible.<<br>>
In your haste you don't quite have the time to work out what you're supposed to be saying in time for it to leave your mouth, so the noise which escapes your lips is more like a yelp than a greeting.<<br>>
Your eyes widen with embarrassment as you realize that between the 'speak' command and your overenthusiastic 'bark', the exchange was just like obedience training for a dog.<<br>>
The Queen pauses for a moment, a little smirk of wry amusement crossing her face, but she spares you from teasing, simply remarking. <<queen "Well, your voice seems mostly undamaged, at least - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
<<case "hi">>
Put on the spot with this odd demand, you do what comes naturally - just greeting her chirpily.<<br>>
The Queen smirks with bemusement at being addressed so casually. You brace yourself for a snide remark, but she seems too focused to provide one. <<queen "Well, your voice seems to be mostly undamaged - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
<<case "fuck">>
You're not going to just obediently do what she demands off of you so easily. You offer a firm, rude rebuttal.<<br>>
The Queen scoffs, seemingly more amused by your defiance than outraged. <<queen "Yes, very impressive. Your tiresome attempts at defiance are noted.">><<br>>
<<queen "Nevertheless, I suppose you did provide what I needed of you. Your voice seems mostly undamaged - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
<<case "askNicely">>
<<if $queen.lenient is true>>
The Queen blinks in surprise as you talk back to her.<<br>>
For a moment it looks like she's about to tell you off for daring to presume to tell her how she should treat you, but then her expression softens a little.<<br>>
<<queen "Very well. I suppose that you've behaved appropriately enough to be granted some leniency.">> She responds, somewhat begrudgingly. <<queen "I'll at least //consider// a change of tone in the future.">><<br>>
You can't help but cock your head to one side a little in surprise, you really weren't expecting that to work.<<br>>
<<queen "Irregardless, the important thing is to ensure your voice wasn't damaged, and it seems not to be - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
The Queen's eyes narrow with displeasure as you talk back to her.<<br>>
<<queen "How //dare// you presume to tell me how I should treat you? Do you //really// think that you have earned that kind of leniency, or have you merely completely forgotten your place?">><<br>>
It looks like she's about to say more, but cuts herself short with a sigh, like she doesn't have the time nor energy to deal with it. <<queen "Irregardless, the important thing is to ensure your voice wasn't damaged, and it seems not to be - <<print _voiceBit>>.">>
She breathes a sigh of relief that for a moment seems a little deeper than you were expecting from the austere woman, but then as she steps away from you she dismissively concludes <<queen "Well, I see that the report that I received of the 'brutal beating' you endured was //quite// overexaggerated. I see no reason for you to shirk your duties for something so mild, no matter how much you might whine about it.">><<br>>
You wince. Getting out of Robiers' beating mostly unscathed had seemed a blessing last night, but having it unsympathetically thrown in your face like it's proof that you were faking it only adds insult to injury.<<br>>
<<queen "Simone, my dear. I can trust you to clear up the bruising with makeup, I presume?">><<br>>
The maid, ever-overawed in the Queen's presence, nods furiously. <<simone "Yes, your Highness.">><<br>>
<<queen "Then its hardly worth concerning ourselves with at all.">> The Queen nods with satisfaction, but before putting the issue to bed a more serious expression briefly crosses her face. <<queen "Just know that your encounter with that //renegade// was far from what I intended for you...">><<br>>
She pauses, and you don't quite know how to react, but the almost-tender moment doesn't last long. <<queen "But then, it seems like things not being as intended was quite the //theme// of your little evening, hmm? Do you care to explain why I've received so many reports of outraged young ladies-in-waiting, ransacked rooms, and destruction of property from last night? Is this really the type of behavior that you think is appropriate?">><<br>>
<<link "Apologize profusely">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9wakeColetteExcuse to 'apologize'>>
<<goto "day9wake4">>
<<link "It wasn't me - it was all Colette's doing!">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day9wakeColetteExcuse to 'blame'>>
<<goto "day9wake4">>
<<link "It was worth it to contest Colette">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day9wakeColetteExcuse to 'beat'>>
<<goto "day9wake4">>
<</link>><<setter "day9wakeColetteExcuse to 'apologize'" "day9wakeColetteExcuse to 'blame'" "day9wakeColetteExcuse to 'beat'">>
<<set $day8coletteFailStips to []>>
<<if $day8coletteWritingStore is true or $day8coletteWritingStore is false>>
<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push("writing")>>
<<if $day8coletteSecondDare is "piss">>
<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push("piss")>>
<<elseif $day8coletteSecondDare is "pain">>
<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push("pain")>>
<<if $day8jacquesLetter is true>>
<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push("jacquesLetter")>>
<<if $day8coletteR5 is "dare" and $day8coletteR5result is "lose">>
<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push("obedience")>>
<<if $colette.knowsBackground is true>>
<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push("knowsBackground")>>
<<if def $day8colette3truthFail>>
<<print "<<run $day8coletteFailStips.push('confess" + $day8colette3truthFail + "')>>">>
<<if $day9wakeColetteExcuse is "apologize">>
You wince, but you doubt excuses will get you anywhere. Instead you simply offer whatever cowed apologies you can think of.<<br>>
The Queen nods, appreciating your obedient tone if nothing else. <<queen "Let us just be thankful that ladies-in-waiting are so expendable, and that Dame Lavalette has already stepped forward to take full responsibility for her daughter's actions, or else you may have found my leniency quite short indeed.">>
<<elseif $day9wakeColetteExcuse is "blame">>
Getting blamed for this is completely unfair - almost all of the mayhem was caused by Colette rather than you. You would have wanted nothing more than a tidy evening with the ladies-in-waiting, and instead got ensnared in Colette's cruel games.<<br>>
It's an entirely reasonable argument, but the Queen seems anything but convinced. <<queen "Oh don't give me these vapid excuses. Are you a willow branch, bent by every passing breeze? I demand more from you than mere passive helplessness - next time the untoward ends up occurring, I expect you not to //allow// yourself to get caught up in it. The responsibility is your own.">><<br>>
She sighs dramatically, and you can hear the unspoken 'what am I going to do with you?' behind it. <<queen "Let us just be thankful that ladies-in-waiting are so expendable, and that Dame Lavalette has already stepped forward to take full responsibility for her daughter's actions, or else you may have found my leniency quite short indeed.">>
<<elseif $day9wakeColetteExcuse is "beat">>
Sure, things got a bit chaotic last night, but what did the Queen expect you to do in that situation? Just sit back and let Colette besmirch you with nary a retort? You weren't just defending your own dignity in Colette's games yesterday, but the royal family's with it.<<br>>
The Queen raises one eyebrow at your impassioned argument, intrigued by your unorthodox defense. <<queen "And you //did// win, correct?">><<br>>
<<if $day8coletteStips.length is 4>>
You smile confidently in return. You won all the ones fought fairly, and finished with a strong lead of four-to-one.<<br>>
The Queen blinks, as if taken off-guard by your competence. <<queen "Oh, is that so? Well, if you're going to brag so confidently about your impassioned defense of royal dignity, then should such a situation happen again then I'll demand nothing less of a complete victory from you next time. Do you understand?">><<br>>
It's a stipulation that you find easy to agree with.<<br>>
<<queen "Regardless. Consider yourself lucky that ladies-in-waiting are quite so expendable, and that Dame Lavalette has already stepped forward to take full responsibility for her daughter's actions.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteStips.length is 3>>
It was hard fought, but you can at least be proud of being in the lead, three-to-two.<<br>>
The Queen gives a disappointed sigh. <<queen "Well then. All this bluster and you barely even manage a passing grade. //Hardly// enough to outweigh all of the chaos caused, don't you think?">>
<<elseif $day8coletteStips.length is 2>>
You wince. You fought hard, but Colette still ended up leading you three-to-two.<<br>>
The Queen gives you a steady look of disdain. <<queen "Well then. So much for defending our honor.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteStips.length is 1>>
You wince. Even though you tried so hard, Colette still ended up soundly winning, leading you four-to-one.<<br>>
The Queen gives you a steady look of disdain. <<queen "Well then. So much for defending our honor.">>
<<elseif $day8coletteStips.length is 0>>
Whatever confidence you'd been able to muster soon leaves you. You hadn't even been able to win a single game off of her.<<br>>
The Queen gives you a steady look of disdain. <<queen "Well then. So much for defending our honor.">>
<<if $day8coletteStips.length isnot 4>>
She sighs dramatically, and you can hear the unspoken 'what am I going to do with you?' behind it. <<queen "Let us just be thankful that ladies-in-waiting are so expendable, and that Dame Lavalette has already stepped forward to take full responsibility for her daughter's actions, or else you may have found my leniency quite short indeed.">>
<<if $day8coletteStopChase isnot true>>
<<queen "As for the young Lavalette herself, a search of the Bastille found her lying unconscious, having sustained a broken arm and fractured rib after leaving you. She received care overnight, though her mother seems to have summoned her home on the earliest coach they could arrange.">><<br>>
Despite being the one to let her go after Robiers, you still find yourself breathing a sigh of relief at the news. You can live with the guilt of her getting beaten, but you don't know how you would have handled it had she died at Robiers' hand.
<<queen "The young Lavalette herself seems to have been sent home at her mother's strict order overnight.">>
<<cont "day9wake5">>The Queen pulls out the daily report from her handbag. <<queen "Now, as for the rest of your activities yesterday...">><<br>>
<<set _dayScore to 0>>
<<if $day8simoneKey is "obedient">>
The Queen <<liked>> hearing that you've been been obedient to Simone since she became your keyholder.<br>
<<elseif $day8simoneKey is "rebel">>
The Queen <<disliked>> hearing that you've been rebellious towards Simone since she became your keyholder.<br>
The Queen <<mid "didn't care">> about how you conducted yourself with Gaspard.<br>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.last() is "theatre">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
Oddly, the Queen doesn't tell you off for ending up getting caught up in the performance. If anything, she almost seems to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' it.<br>
<<if $day68theatreDonnaSupport is false>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't support the Prima Donna in the loos.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you supported the Prima Donna in the loos.
<<if $day68theatreToga is "short">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you wore the toga in a feminine style.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you wore the toga in an androgynous style.
<<if $day68theatreVoice is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you spoke loudly and clearly for the audience.
<<elseif $day68theatreVoice is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke in front of the audience.
<<elseif $day68theatreVoice is "mumble">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you mumbled your lines.
<<if $day68theatrePuzzle is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you worked out the right lines to say from context.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you couldn't work out the right lines to say from context.
<<if $day68theatreCue is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you couldn't improvise any lines to Mathias.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to improvise some lines on the fly.
<<if $day68theatreCover is false>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you didn't pull your toga back over your shoulder.<br>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about how you responded to the sonnets.<br>
<<if $day68theatreSwing is false>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you looked so uncomfortable sitting on your perch for so long.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you decided to swing so femininely.
<<if $day68theatreSwing is "cross" or $day68theatreSwing is "legs">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
To your surprise, the Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' your seductive performance<br>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about how you concluded the show.<br>
<<if $day68theatreDefend is "princess">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you defended yourself as the Princess<br>
<<if $day68theatreMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the theatre.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the theatre.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "spa">>
<<if $day68spaActivity is "saunaGown">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you collapsed in the sauna.
<<elseif $day68spaActivity is "saunaNude">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you went in the sauna.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you went along with the yoga session.
<<if $voice lte 2>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that your moans came out so gruffly.<br>
<<if $day68spaMassage is "buttLet" or $day68spaMassage is "flipLet">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you received a 'full' massage.
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipCage">>
The Queen found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;disappointing@@'' that you didn't receive a 'full' massage, but can't hold it against you.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected the 'full' massage
<<if $day68spaMassage is "flipLet" and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that your pubic region was shaved for the masseuse.<br>
<<elseif $day68spaMassage is "flipLet" and $pc.shave is "legs">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that the masseuse saw your pubic area when you hadn't shaved.<br>
<<if $day68spaMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the spa.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the spa.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "dance">>
<<if $grace is 0>>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 1>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 2>>
The Queen thought that overall your grace while dancing was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@''.
<<elseif $grace is 3>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' of your overall grace while dancing.
<<elseif $grace is 4 or $grace is 5>>
<<set _dayScore ++>><<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that your overall dancing was so graceful.
<<if $day68danceEstelleMistake is true>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said something incongruent with your appearance to Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceEstelleDare is true>>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced like a commoner in front of everyone with Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareSkill is false>>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that Lord Lazare made you look stupid in front of everyone, concluding that sometimes failure is helpful to one's ends.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareSkill is true>>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you avoided being humiliated by Lord Lazare.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareButt is "let">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you let Lord Lazare grab your butt, saying that such measures are 'an easy sacrifice for favor'.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "slapSorry">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you slapped Lord Lazare when he grabbed your butt, but ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you had the dignity to apologize.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "move">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you upset Lord Lazare by moving his hand from your butt.<br>
<<elseif $day68daceLazareButt is "slapExtract">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you outraged Lord Lazare by slapping him when he put his hand on your butt.<br>
<<if $day68danceFloriceDance is "lead">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected gender norms by leading Florice as you danced.<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is false and $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that Marthe clocked that you were an imposter and accused you as she was taken away<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you awkwardly clammed up while trying to defend Marthe from the guardsmen.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesHand is "shake">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you shook Gilles' hand like a man.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesReact is "sock">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you instinctively punched Gilles in the face.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchDown">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;disapproves@@'' of the fact that you had a trauma flashback with Gilles.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchSob">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that you fell to pieces during a trauma flashback with Gilles, though she at least ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you were 'femininely helpless' about it.<br>
<<if $day68danceHermineStyle is "flirt">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' the advice that you gave to Hermine.<br>
<<if $day68danceLast is "Lazare">>
<<set _dayScore ++>><<set _dayScore ++>>
Despite him being less powerful than he was letting on, the Queen still <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you chose to have your last dance with Lord Lazare, as he was still the most powerful person available.<br>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Lazare") is true and $day68danceLast isnot "Lazare" and $day68daceLazareButt isnot "slapExtract">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't choose Lord Lazare for the final dance.<br>
<<if $day68danceMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the ballroom.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the ballroom.
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.last() is "boutiques">>
<<if $day68boutGirl is "hide">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you hid behind your escort when confronted with a peasant girl on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "mean">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you appeared powerful and intimidating in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you embarrassed yourself while trying to intimidate the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "kind">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to appear benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way of the boutiques
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you did a poor job appearing benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<if $day68boutToyAisle is "doll">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you chose to look at the dolls instead of the soldiers in the toy shop.
<<elseif $day68boutToyAisle is "soldier">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you chose to look at the soldiers instead of the dolls in the toy shop.
<<if $day68boutToyBear is "reject">>
<<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ungraciously caused a scene rejecting the teddy bear.
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that you looked childish bringing home a giant teddy bear.
<<if $day68boutRestFashion is "queen">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you told the group of fashion-conscious women to emulate her style.<br>
<<if $day68boutRestBum is "close">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutRestBum is "give">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar, but unexpectedly it sounds like she found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;acceptable@@'' that you gave him money.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt2 is "rules">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said that the male power fantasy painting 'fucking ruled'<br>
<<if $day68boutArtFem is "silly">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you expressed dislike for the feminine painting, despite agreeing that it probably really was quite distasteful from the sound of it.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinions you voiced about either of the sexual paintings in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 is "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual feminine painting in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual male painting in the gallery.<br>
<<if $day68boutArtPaint is false>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#6960EC;dislike@@'' that you chose not to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it would have been evidence of impersonation.
<<set _dayScore ++>>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' that you chose to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it could be evidence of your impersonation.
<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ran across the room to grab your clothing so indignantly in the clothes shop
<<if $voice lte 2>><<set _dayScore -->><<set _dayScore -->> and ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke while explaining matters.<<elseif $voice gte 3 and $voice lte 4>> though heard that your explanation was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passably@@'' feminine in tone.
<<elseif $voice gte 5>><<set _dayScore ++>>though ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' that you managed to verbally cover for yourself so capably.<</if>>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChange is "help">>
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you so indignantly made a scene asking for help while trying on clothing - you're grateful that she doesn't know the half of it.
<<if $day68boutMood is "fun">>
<<set _dayScore ++>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself at the boutiques.
<<set _dayScore -->>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself at the boutiques.
<<if $day8ladyBump is "fawn">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you were polite after bumping into the lady-in-waiting.
<<elseif $day8ladyBump is "wolf">>
The Queen <<liked>> that you were appropriately stern after bumping into the lady-in-waiting.
<<if $day8servantsArray.includesAny("bribe") is true>>
The Queen <<disliked "dislikes">> that she's had to deal with two servants showing up saying that they were promised bribe money by you.<br>
<<if $day8coletteWritingStore is true>>
The Queen <<disliked>> that the evening's events ended up with you being paraded around the Bastille with insults written all over you.<br>
<<if $day8buttMarkStore is true>>
<<if $day8coletteWritingStore isnot true>>
The Queen <<disliked>> that the evening's events ended up with you being paraded around the Bastille with the word 'SLUT' imprinted on your butt.<br>
She's similarly <<disliked "disapproving">> of the fact you had the word 'SLUT' imprinted on your butt.<br>
<<unset $day68theatreDonnaSupport>>
<<unset $day68theatreToga>>
<<unset $day68theatreVoice>>
<<unset $day68theatrePuzzle>>
<<unset $day68theatreCue>>
<<unset $day68theatreCover>>
<<unset $day68theatreRespond>>
<<unset $day68theatreSwing>>
<<unset $day68theatreFinale>>
<<unset $day68theatreDefend>>
<<unset $day68spaActivity>>
<<unset $day68danceEstelleMistake>>
<<unset $day68danceEstelleDare>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareSkill>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareButt>>
<<unset $day68danceLazareFinal>>
<<unset $day68danceLazarePace>>
<<unset $day68dancePartners>>
<<unset $day68danceFloriceGreet>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineLead>>
<<unset $day68danceHermineExplain>>
<<unset $day68danceMartheHide>>
<<unset $day68danceMartheDom>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesHand>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesAsk>>
<<unset $day68danceGillesReact>>
<<unset $danceNum>>
<<unset $day68boutGirl>>
<<unset $day68boutGirlCheck>>
<<unset $day68boutArray>>
<<unset $day68boutToyAisle>>
<<unset $day68boutToyBear>>
<<unset $day68boutArt1>>
<<unset $day68boutArt2>>
<<unset $day68boutArtFem>>
<<unset $day68boutArt5>>
<<unset $day68boutArt6>>
<<unset $day68boutArtPaint>>
<<unset $day68boutArtCount>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitStore>>
<<unset $day68boutPantiesStore>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitLinger>>
<<unset $day68boutPatChoice>>
<<unset $day68boutOutfitChange>>
<<unset $day68boutPatOrder>>
<<unset $day68boutRestFashion>>
<<unset $day8game>>
<<unset $day8ladyBump>>
<<unset $day8coletteReact>>
<<unset $day8coletteRules>>
<<unset $day8coletteFirst>>
<<unset $day8failTruthSwear>>
<<unset $day8failTruthLie>>
<<unset $day8coletteWriting>>
<<unset $day8bubbleBath>>
<<unset $day8bedGirl>>
<<unset $day8kinkGear>>
<<unset $day8hamper>>
<<unset $day8buttMark>>
<<unset $day8coletteKnow>>
<<unset $day8storedDare>>
<<unset $day8coletteStockings>>
<<unset $day8coletteWinDareSoldier>>
<<unset $day8servantsArray>>
<<unset $day8gameSecond>>
<<unset $day8coletteSecondDare>>
<<unset $day8coletteThird>>
<<unset $day8jacquesLetter>>
<<unset $day8colette3truthFail>>
<<unset $day8coletteR5result>>
<<unset $day8coletteR5>>
<<unset $day8jacquesLetter>>
<<unset $day8coletteThirdResult>>
<<unset $day8coletteFirstResult>>
<<unset $day8coletteThird>>
<<unset $day8coletteWritingStore>>
<<unset $day8buttMarkStore>>
<<unset $pissCheck>>
<<unset $day8robFacts>>
<<unset $day7outfitChoice>>
<<unset $day8outfitChoice>>
<<if _dayScore lte -3>>
<<queen "All in all, no amount of //mild// beatings sustained in your duty could begin to outweigh the absolute //disgrace// with which you accorded yourself yesterday. If you don't learn to get with the program and do away with such insolent behavior soon then I fear I may have to conclude that there's no hope for you, and dispose of you accordingly.">>
<<elseif _dayScore gte 3>>
<<queen "All in all, bar the issues that we've already addressed, you handled yourself quite amicably. It's good to see you flourishing in your position. Just know that this good behavior is precisely what is expected from you, and no amount of damage from //mild// beatings will be enough to excuse a drop in standards.">>
<<queen "All in all, your conduct was //passable//, if barely. I shall expect more from you in the future, and just know that no amount of damage from //mild// beatings will excuse you should you fail to meet those demands.">>
<<cont "day9wake6">><<queen "Now, as for today's activities.">> She continues, folding up the report and putting it away again. <<queen2>>
"It seems like uncle Gaspard's set up his odd little event with the peasantry in the early afternoon. As it's a public event I shan't be attending without my 'daughter' in tow, and will need you looking presentable and acting amiably. However, we shan't be tarrying long for such a minor concern - you'll soon be continuing onwards to the last of the activities I arranged for you,
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("dance") isnot true>>
dancing in the Bastille ballroom,
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("theatre") isnot true>>
attending a performance at the Paonne theatre,
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("boutiques") isnot true>>
visiting the Saint-Joules boutiques district,
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("spa") isnot true>>
getting pampered at the spa,
if I remember correctly. Then, come the evening, I need you alert and prepared to attend a fundraiser with the burghers."<</queen2>><<br>>
You nod seriously. Sounds like another jam-packed, stressful day.<<br>>
<<queen "Now, is there anything else that's worth my attention this morning?">><<br>>
You consider the matter.<br>
<span id="day9wake6">
<<link "Tell her Robiers' warning about an oncoming attack">>
<<set $day9wakeWarn to true>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#day9wake6" t8n>><<hr>>
The Queen might have you under her heel, but that doesn't mean that you want to risk her or anyone else's life. You directly inform her about everything that Robiers had ominously mentioned.<<br>>
The Queen watches you intently as you speak, and once you finish lets out a long, deep sigh. Not with the usual disappointed derision that you're used to hearing from her, just resignedly exasperated.<<br>>
For a moment she looks exhausted, almost forlorn, at the report, but her expression soon reflexively hardens once more. <<queen "Don't presume that such a matter would be news to me. We have more than enough intel saying as much already.">> She snaps, her voice sharp enough to make you almost think you imagined the moment of weariness.<<br>>
<<queen "Just...">> she begins, and a trace of softness returns to her face. <<queen "if you're //really// quite so aware of how dire the situation is, then the very //least// you can do is try not make it any more challenging than it already is, alright? The circumstances are delicate enough without me having to worry about you putting your foot into everything.">><<br>>
And with that she turns away from you and leaves the carriage.<<br>>
<<cont "day9change">>
<<link "Keep it to yourself">>
<<set $day9wakeWarn to false>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#day9wake6" t8n>><<hr>>
If you want to get out from under the Queen's heel, then perhaps an attack might be the good opportunity for you. The last thing you need is for the Queen to have prior warning beforehand.You decide to stay quiet.<<br>>
With nothing else keeping her, the Queen turns away and leaves the carriage.<<br>>
<<cont "day9change">>
</span><<setter "day9change to 'hands'" "day9change to 'face'" "day9change to 'butt'" "day9change to 'penis'" "day9change to 'frame'" "day9change to 'boobs'">>
You and Simone both settle into your morning routine.<<br>>
<<set $morningTransform to $day9change>>
<<if $day9change is "hands">>
<<include [[day7changeHands]]>>
<<elseif $day9change is "face">>
<<include [[day7changeFace]]>>
<<elseif $day9change is "butt">>
<<include [[day7changeButt]]>>
<<elseif $day9change is "penis">>
<<include [[day7changePenis]]>>
<<elseif $day9change is "frame">>
<<include [[day7changeFrame]]>>
<<elseif $day9change is "boobs">>
<<include [[day7changeBoobs]]>>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<setter "keyholder to 'simone'" "keyholder to 'queen'" "keyholder to 'you'" "day8simoneKey to 'obedient'" "day8simoneKey to 'rebel'">>
Simone gives you a big grin as you emerge from the bathroom, her eagerness to get into your morning makeover overriding her usual sympathetic expression at your transformation. You can't blame her, this pattern is becoming almost routine, an everyday pattern rather than a shocking aberration. Even you're struggling to muster the energy to be all that worried by it anymore.<<br>>
<<if $keyholder is "simone">>
<<if $day8simoneKey is "obedient">>
For a moment you worry that she'll hold your key to ransom like she did yesterday, but the thought doesn't seem to strike her today. Even though the makeover something that you didn't mind doing anyway, you're still glad that your obedience seems to have earned you some leeway from her getting carried away.
<<elseif $day8simoneKey is "rebel">>
For a moment you worry that she'll once again hold your key to ransom like she did yesterday, with your freedom overnight once again at her mercy, but she doesn't mention anything. You hope that this means that she's easing up on you, and you'll be able to get out this soon.
<<simone "So, what do you want to get done this morning, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
<<include "day9makeoverList">><<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
@@color:#797979;==Shave my pubic hair==@@
<<link "Shave my pubic hair">>
<<goto [[pubicShave]]>>
<<set $morningChange to "pubic">>
<</link>><<hovertip "Available because you have hairless legs">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>
[[Get a haircut->haircut][$morningChange to "hair"]]
@@color:#797979;==Get a haircut==@@
<<if ndef $pc.nails>>
[[Paint my nails->nailPaint][$morningChange to "nails"]]
@@color:#797979;==Paint my nails==@@
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>>
[[Take my makeup to the next level->makeup2][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
[[Take my makeup even further->makeup3][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 3>>
@@color:#797979;==Take my makeup to the next level==@@
[[Suggest putting on some makeup->makeup1][$morningChange to "makeup"]]
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
@@color:#797979;==Get my ears pierced==@@
[[Get my ears pierced->earPierce][$morningChange to "ears"]]
<<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.acc>>
[[Add some accessories to my hair->hairAcc][$morningChange to "hairAcc"]]
@@color:#797979;==Add some accessories to my hair==@@
<<fail "Add some accessories to my hair" "Need styled hair">><br>
<<if ndef $pc.jewelry>>
[[Raid the Princess' jewelry collection!->jewelry][$morningChange to "jewelry"]]
@@color:#797979;==Raid the Princess' jewelry collection==@@
<<if ndef $pc.skin.care>>
[[Explore some of the Princess' elaborate skin creams->skincare][$morningChange to "skincare"]]<br>
@@color:#797979;==Explore some of the Princess' elaborate skin creams==@@<br>
<<if ndef $pc.heels>>
[[Try out wearing some heels->heels][$morningChange to 'heels']]
@@color:#797979;==Try out wearing some heels==@@
<<if ndef $pc.bra>>
[[Try on some bras->bra][$morningChange to 'bra']]
@@color:#797979;==Try on some bras==@@
<<if ndef $pc.perfume>>
[[Try out some perfume->perfume][$morningChange to 'perfume']]
@@color:#797979;==Try out some perfume==@@
<</if>><<if $authTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Authority->day7train2][$day7train to "auth"]] */
<<link "Practice Authority">>
<<set $day9train to "auth">>
<<goto "day9train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $authTrain>>1<<elseif $authTrain lte 4>><<print $authTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Authority" "You've already learnt everything you can about authority for now">><br>
<<if $graceTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Grace->day7train2][$day7train to "grace"]] */
<<link "Practice Grace">>
<<set $day9train to "grace">>
<<goto "day9train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $graceTrain>>1<<elseif $graceTrain lte 4>><<print $graceTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Grace" "You've already learnt everything you can about grace for now">><br>
<<if $cuteTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Cuteness->day7train2][$day7train to "cute"]] */
<<link "Practice Cuteness">>
<<set $day9train to "cute">>
<<goto "day9train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $cuteTrain>>1<<elseif $cuteTrain lte 4>><<print $cuteTrain + 1>><</if>><br>
<<fail "Practice Cuteness" "You've already learnt everything you can about cuteness for now">><br>
<<if $voiceTrain lte 4>>
/* [[Practice Voice Training->day7train2][$day7train to "voice"]] */
<<link "Practice Voice Training">>
<<set $day9train to "voice">>
<<goto "day9train2">>
- Lesson <<if ndef $voiceTrain>>1<<elseif $voiceTrain lte 4>><<print $voiceTrain + 1>><</if>>
<<fail "Practice Voice Training" "You've already learnt everything you can about voice training for now">><br>
<</if>><<if $day9train is "cute">>
<<include "cuteTraining">>
<<if $day9train is "grace">>
<<include "graceTraining">>
<<if $day9train is "auth">>
<<include "authTraining">>
<<if $day9train is "voice">>
<<include "voiceTraining">>
<<unset $day7train>>
<<unset $day8train>>
<<if _trainingCheck isnot true>>
<</if>><<if $keyholder is "simone">>
<<include "day9cageCheck">>
<<elseif $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<include "day9armor">>
<<include "day9dressup">>
<</if>><<if $day8simoneKey is "obedient">>
Simone somewhat-awkwardly sidles up to you as you're finishing up your training.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm, <<print $pc.name>>, there's something that I have to request.">><<br>>
You glance over, only to see her awkwardly fiddling with her accessories, unable to meet your gaze.<<br>>
<<simone "It's just that, well, it's almost time for you to get ready, but even though I'm super happy to have you out and about in the evening and overnight, especially since you were so good yesterday and all, I realized that it's important for me to, you know, make sure that you're umm, //caged// for going out today.">><<br>>
Your cheeks blush scarlet at her words.<br>
<span id="cageChecking">
<<link "Accept getting caged again for the day">>
<<replace "#cageChecking" t8n>>
Simone's face brightens up at your compliance. <<simone "Goodness, thank you so much, <<print $pc.name>>! I would really hate to let the Queen down, you know? It's been such a worry for me.">><<br>>
You wince. This situation would be a whole lot easier if Simone wasn't quite so gentle about it. The Queen is quite holistically a bitch - it makes it easy to resent her, but Simone's a whole lot trickier. You still don't fully understand her motives (and are beginning to wonder if she even does herself).<<br>>
You turn around, heading towards the bathroom to put the absurd thing onto yourself, but before you can do so she stops you.<<br>>
/* You hold out your hand, waiting for her to pass you the key so you can put the absurd thing on in the bathroom, but instead she just frowns nervously.<<br>> */
<<simone "Umm, well, actually... I hate to be like this but, err, I think that it might be important for me to, you know, //see// you put it on. Else you could just take the key and hide it away, and pretend you put it on yourself.">> Her eyes widen for a moment as she realizes how rude she's being. <<simone "It-it's not like I don't //trust// you or anything, but I just think about what the Queen would say I should do, and I really don't want to upset her and stuff.">><<br>>
You stare at her with horror, but it seems like the maid is determined to diligently play out her role as your keyholder. You weigh up your options.<<br>>
<<link "Agree to let Simone watch you cage yourself">>
<<set $day9simoneCage to "obedientShow">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day9cageCheck2">>
<<link "Compromise by finding another way to check">>
<<set $day9simoneCage to "obedientPanties">>
<<goto "day9cageCheck2">>
<<fail "Reject getting caged for the day" "After going along with Simone yesterday, it's difficult to straight-up reject her today">>
Simone sidles up to you as you're finishing up your training.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm, <<print $pc.name>>, there's something that I need to ask.">><<br>>
You glance over, only to see her awkwardly fiddling with her accessories, unable to meet your gaze.<<br>>
<<simone "It's just that, well, I know that the whole situation's been tricky for you and all, and I'm really sorry about my part in it and everything, but, umm, I think it might be important for me to, you know, //check//...">><<br>>
You just frown in confusion.<<br>>
She glances up at you apologetically. <<simone "I mean, well, check that you're still wearing the thingy like the Queen said you should...">><<br>>
Your cheeks immediately flush scarlet at her mention of the cage that she's got you trapped in.<<br>>
Simone offers you a weak smile in an attempt at reassurance. <<simone "I know that it's awful rotten for me to do all this, especially since I still have the key, but, well, the Queen left me in charge of it, and it's a really important duty. What if you were to have slipped out somehow? Or the lock broke? It's not like I don't trust you or anything but...">> Her eyes begin to glisten with far more sweet sincerity than anyone who has someone trapped in chastity should ever be able to muster. <<simone "... I'm just worried about it, you know.">><<br>>
You wince. This would be a whole lot easier if Simone wasn't quite so gentle about it. The Queen is quite holistically a bitch - it makes it easy to resent her, but Simone's a whole lot trickier. You still don't fully understand her motives (and are beginning to wonder if she even does herself).<<br>>
<<simone "And of course,">> the maid can't help but add, <<simone "If you help out, then I'll definitely try to be a bit more fair about letting you out and stuff...">><<br>>
You weigh up your options.<<br>>
<<link "Agree to strip down and show her that you're still in your cage">>
<<set $day9simoneCage to "rebelShow">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day9cageCheck2">>
<<link "Compromise by finding another way to check">>
<<set $day9simoneCage to "rebelPanties">>
<<goto "day9cageCheck2">>
<<link "Refuse">>
<<set $day9simoneCage to "rebelRefuse">>
<<goto "day9cageCheckRefuse">>
<</if>>You can't believe that she's asking this. You had hoped that your refusal to obey her little orders yesterday would have made your position on this clear, but it seems like Simone still seems to think that this is something that can be negotiated.<<br>>
After just two nights fully encaged, you're already desperate to get released, and perhaps you're being a fool for upsetting the very person who could help you, but you're not going to compromise. No freedom is worth the indignity of meekly bending to Simone's childish will. You firmly refuse, not caring how harshly it comes out.<<br>>
For a moment Simone just stares at you with wounded shock, her face so innocent that you're forced to wonder if she even understands the situation at all, but then her expression darkens.<<br>>
<<simone "Well if you're going to be so //rude// about it then... then that's unfair!">> She pouts, grumpily. <<simone "I'm just going to make sure I do my job properly! If you're so //stubborn// then maybe I should go telling to the Queen.">><<br>>
She sets back down at her sewing with her back turned firmly towards you. You do much the same - settling down to your duties on the other side of the carriage, refusing to so much as glance her way.<<br>>
<<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<cont "day9armor">>
<<cont "day9dressup">>
<</if>><<setter "day9simoneCage to 'rebelPanties'" "day9simoneCage to 'rebelShow'" "day9simoneCage to 'obedientShow'" "day9simoneCage to 'obedientPanties'">>
<<section "simonePantiesLook">>
For an brief moment Simone dips her knees, like she's about to kneel down onto her haunches to get a better eye-level with the thing, but it's only for a second - she stiffly stands up straight again as she realizes how rude it would be. <<simone "Um, well then, I-I suppose I'm ready when you are.">><<br>>
You're anything but ready, but delaying only gives you the opportunity to freak out.
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
You grip a hand on either side of your dressing gown and gently part the fabric, revealing your bare <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>> to the little maid.
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $nightwear is "dress">>You<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>You take off your dressing gown and<</if>> grip onto the spaghetti-straps of your nightdress, <<if $nightwear is "dress">>and gently pull<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>before gently pulling<</if>> it upwards, to where you can hold it up with your mouth. Your <<print $outfit.under.name>> is slowly revealed fully to the little maid.
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
<<if $nightwear is "crop">>You<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>You take off your dressing gown, <</if>> grip onto the hem of your little white shorts and lower them, letting the fabric flutter down your legs to the floor, revealing your <<print $outfit.under.name>> to the little maid.
Simone can't help but make a little intake of breath as you display yourself for inspection. Despite having been seen like this in the past, you still feel your cheeks pinkening. It only makes sense - before now your panties were only incidentally uncovered while she's busy focusing on dressing you. Now your exposure is the whole point, and you feel completely vulnerable.<<br>>
It doesn't help that Simone's expression is so serious, intently staring at the <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> bulge in your panties. However, as you watch her, you notice her eyes begin to waver nervously.<<br>>
<<simone "U-umm.">> She stutters awkwardly. <<simone "I... well... I think I might have a problem, <<print $pc.name>>!">><<br>>
She glances back up at you with wide, apologetic eyes. <<simone "You're doing all this for me but-... but it's so difficult to //tell//. I can see that there's, umm, a //presence// there, but I don't really know what it's supposed to look like //normally//, you see.">><<br>>
You frown in concern at the unwelcome development.<<br>>
Simone's expression is frantic. <<simone "But I really don't want to force you to take your panties off or anything, <<print $pc.name>>. We //agreed// to do it without that, and I don't want to ruin it. There //has// to be some way...">><<br>>
Realization suddenly seems to strike her, and her face briefly lights up with delight at having found a solution, before turning bright red at what she's about to ask. <<simone "Umm... w-what about if I were to, umm, //touch it//.">><<br>>
Your eyes widen, and Simone waves her hands to try to calm the situation down. <<simone "Not like that! I wouldn't touch your, umm, //you//, but it's easy to tell that something's metal, even through fabric - I'd just need to give the cage a little poke.">><<br>>
You grimace, but you've already gone this far, what's the point in stopping now?<<br>>
Simone's blush deepens at your assent, and with a shy <<simone "W-well, here I go then...">> She raises one index finger and slowly directs it towards the bulge in your panties.<<br>>
You wish that she'd go faster and get it over and done with, but it's clear that her hesitation is out of nerves rather than teasing, and you're sure that you'd be equally as awkward about it if you were in her position. Nevertheless, the tension between you, already stiflingly thick, only deepens with every stretched-out moment of anticipation. Simone seems so skittery that she briefly stops breathing.<<br>>
It's just the lightest of touches, barely a brush against the fabric, the faintest press transmitted through the firm metal bars and into your tender <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> genitals, but after all the nervous tension it feels impossibly intense.<<br>>
<<simone "Y-yes, that's the cage, alright!">> Simone squeaks, almost trembling as she stiffly draws her hand back and looks away, her face as red as a beetroot, not that you're doing any better yourself. <<simone "Y-you can put it away now, if you'd like.">> You're not sure whether her gasping breath and the light haziness to her eyes is from having held her breath for too long, or something else entirely.<<br>>
You don't need to be told twice, getting your nightwear safely settled as quickly as you can, lest the little maid notice the way that the bulge of your cage has begun to move slightly as the cock nestled inside desperately strains against the bars, seeking escape.<<br>>
After a few moments, not even all of the tension in the world is enough to keep Simone from giving you an earnest grateful smile. <<simone "Thank you so much, <<print $pc.name>>. I'm so sorry that got so silly. It really means a lot that you went through that for me.">><<br>>
The exchange is so sweet that you can't help but smile in return.
<<switch $day9simoneCage>>
<<case "obedientShow">>
It's a terrifying, indignant thing that's being asked of you, but it doesn't look like there's a way out of this without souring your relationship. You try not to hold it against the maid - you bet that if the situation were flipped then you'd be having just as much trouble taking her words on trust alone.<<br>>
Simone's expression flushes pink as you mutter your nervous assent, like no matter that she's the one requesting it, it's still a lot to realize that it's actually happening. <<simone "T-thank you, <<print $pc.name>>, it'll be a load off of my mind. It means a lot that you trust me.">><<br>>
After some awkward deliberation, the two of you end up deciding to move to the bathroom to do the deed. It's no more discreet, but something about doing it in a place intended for 'privacy' feels comforting - that and you'd rather not be reminded of it every time you glance around the main room.<<br>>
For an brief moment Simone flexes her knees, like she's about to kneel down onto her haunches to get a better eye-level with the thing, but it's only for a second - she stiffly stands up straight again as she realizes how rude it would be. <<simone "Right, well then, I-I suppose I'm ready when you are.">><<br>>
You're anything but ready, but delaying only gives you more opportunity to freak out.
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
You grip a hand on either side of your dressing gown and gently part the fabric, revealing your <<print $pc.skin.color>> bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>> to the little maid.
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $nightwear is "dress">>You<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>You take off your dressing gown and<</if>> grip onto the spaghetti-straps of your nightdress, <<if $nightwear is "dress">>and gently pull<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>before gently pulling<</if>> it upwards, to where you can hold it up with your mouth. Your <<print $outfit.under.name>> is slowly revealed fully to the little maid.
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
<<if $nightwear is "crop">>You<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>You take off your dressing gown, <</if>> grip onto the hem of your little white shorts and lower them, letting the fabric flutter down your legs to the floor, revealing your <<print $outfit.under.name>> to the little maid.
It's silly - it's not like she's never seen you like this before. You're used to standing in front of her in just your panties from when she helps you dress, and it's never been all that awkward, but now it feels crushingly vulnerable. It seems like Simone feels it too - her eyes keep on straying as every instinct in her body tells her to look away to preserve your dignity. Her lips open as if to tell you to continue when you're ready, and then shuts again as she realizes that her mouth is suddenly almost too dry to speak.<<br>>
You don't give her time to wet her tongue - your ego will feel better at having done it unprompted than at-command. You grit your teeth and lower your <<print $outfit.under.name>>, letting them sit around your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>plush<</if>> thighs to present your shrunken <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> genitals fully for Simone's inspection.<<br>>
The last thing you want to do is to dwell upon what's happening. You don't let yourself hesitate - already reaching out to grab the cage from the side table and get to work, to try to keep this whole humiliating affair as short as possible. However, with the tension so high, you're helpless but to notice the sharp intake of breath that Simone makes, her eyes widening with flustered shock at the sight of you.<<br>>
Your jittering fingers almost fail you, and at one point you almost drop the little cage to the floor as you desperately try to keep yourself from panicking, but you manage to tuck yourself up tightly.<<br>>
It's not a second too soon - the moment that you're secure you can feel yourself straining against the metal bars, something about being //seen// drawing arousal out of you despite the humiliated anguish. You desperately hope that Simone's naivety means that she won't be able to tell - that perhaps she'll think it //normal// for boys - but the way that the cage vibrates from the pressure from inside might be unmistakable, no matter how innocent a face you try to grimace out through the pain of your entrapment.<<br>>
You reach out for the key, only to find that the maid has already beaten you to it, and is holding it tightly in her hand.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm, let me help you with that...">> She mutters, her face red.<<br>>
You balk at the scene, but for all you know she really does just want to be helpful, and is ignorant to the implication of what she's doing. It's not like you could possibly bear to ask her to clarify her intentions - perhaps you're better off not knowing.<<br>>
Her slender hand trembles as it draws close to the little padlock on the cage. It's no surprise when the key misses the mechanism, but she still makes a little squeak of shock, rich with pent-up tension.<<br>>
You're almost relieved, thinking that that'll be your cue to take the key from her and do it yourself, but instead her spare hand quickly juts out to your cage to hold the padlock firmly in place. Now it's your turn to almost squeak - her soft hand brushes against the metal and the pressure transmitted through the cage is enough to send you quivering. It's only the lightest touch, but the tight tension of the scene, combined with the knowledge that her soft fingers are so close to your desperate, yearningly suppressed erection, are enough to make even that unspeakably potent.<<br>>
The 'click' as the turns the lock couldn't be loud, but almost seems to echo around the little bathroom. For the briefest of moments it feels like both of you freeze in place, the scene suspended in time, both of your thoughts going haywire, before reality becomes crashing back and you both suddenly step away from eachother, cheeks red.<<br>>
You hurriedly pull up your panties and get your nightclothes back on. Simone stammers <<simone "G-goodness! Umm, err... gosh, y-yes, that's all definitely all in order I think.">><<br>>
She takes a few deep breaths to steady herself. <<simone "Sorry for all this, really. It- it's just such a tricky situation and all. I hope that you understand.">><<br>>
And then, like she just can't help herself, she adds. <<simone "A-and, you don't have to worry, you know. I was scared that a guy's thingie would be all, you know, //scary// and stuff. But yours really isn't! It's actually just like, kinda cute and pretty, really. You shouldn't feel embarrassed about it.">>
<<case "obedientPanties">>
You wince. You can at least somewhat understand Simone's position, but letting her watch you put yourself in a cage is too humiliating for you to bear. You're not sure if you'd ever be able to look her in the eyes again.<<br>>
You can feel your arms trembling as you refuse her request, knowing that you could be signing away your freedom during the evenings, or worse - ruining your friendship with Simone.
Simone's frowns, but to your relief doesn't seem nearly as upset as you dreaded. <<simone "That's alright, <<print $pc.name>>. If you can't do it, then you can't do it.">> She assures you. <<simone "But, it does put us into kinda a pickle, doesn't it? I wonder if there's a way that we can both be happy?">><<br>>
She puts her hand to her chin and briefly scrunches her face together in thought, before seeming to come to a conclusion. <<simone "I know! I suppose don't actually need to see the caging itself to know that you're locked up - I just need to see the shape of it! Maybe if you put it on yourself, and just stripped down to your panties for me, then I'll be able to make it out clearly!">><<br>>
Sure, that sounds like it can work. It's not like she's never seen you in panties before - she's been helping you to dress every day for a while now.<<br>>
You head into the bathroom and quickly handle the indignant task of caging yourself. You soon emerge back out<<br>>
<<print _simonePantiesLook>>
<<case "rebelShow">>
You wince, but if this is really how things are going to have to be then there's nothing for it. If she wants to see your cage, then you can do little but obey.<<br>>
Simone's expression flushes pink as you mutter your nervous assent, like no matter that she's the one requesting it, it's still a lot to realize that it's actually happening. <<simone "T-thank you, <<print $pc.name>>, it'll be a load off of my mind. It means a lot that you trust me.">><<br>>
/* Her fingers once again fidget awkwardly with eachother. <<simone "So, umm, shall we do it out here, or would you prefer it in the bathroom, maybe?">><<br>>
You briefly imagine the idea of doing it in the main room, and immediately conclude that it'll be totally, ridiculously embarrassing. But then, it's not like the idea of doing it in the bathroom is any less embarrassing. It's such an indignant, humiliating thing that it's difficult to imagine the location making any difference in the slightest, and the more time you spend thinking about it the more awful it becomes.<<br>>
Simone watches then worry rise to your face with concern. <<simone "Well, gosh, maybe it's better not to dwell on it and just, umm, //do it//. Get it over with. I know that can help me ">> */
After some awkward deliberation, the two of you end up deciding to move to the bathroom to do the deed. It's no more discreet, but something about doing it in a place intended for 'privacy' feels comforting - that and you'd rather not be reminded of it every time you glance around the main room.<<br>>
For an brief moment Simone flexes her knees, like she's about to kneel down onto her haunches to get a better eye-level with the thing, but it's only for a second - she stiffly stands up straight again as she realizes how rude it would be. <<simone "Right, well then, I-I suppose I'm ready when you are.">><<br>>
You're anything but ready, but delaying only gives you more opportunity to freak out.
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
You grip a hand on either side of your dressing gown and gently part the fabric, revealing your <<print $pc.skin.color>> bare skin and <<print $outfit.under.name>> to the little maid.
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $nightwear is "dress">>You<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>You take off your dressing gown and<</if>> grip onto the spaghetti-straps of your nightdress, <<if $nightwear is "dress">>and gently pull<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>before gently pulling<</if>> it upwards, to where you can hold it up with your mouth. Your <<print $outfit.under.name>> is slowly revealed fully to the little maid.
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>
<<if $nightwear is "crop">>You<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>You take off your dressing gown, <</if>> grip onto the hem of your little white shorts and lower them, letting the fabric flutter down your legs to the floor, revealing your <<print $outfit.under.name>> to the little maid.
It's silly - it's not like she's never seen you like this before. You're used to standing in front of her in just your panties from when she helps you dress, and it's never been all that awkward, but now it feels crushingly vulnerable. It seems like Simone feels it too - her eyes keep on straying as every instinct in her body tells her to look away to preserve your dignity. Her lips open as if to tell you to continue when you're ready, and then shuts again as she realizes that her mouth is suddenly almost too dry to speak.<<br>>
You don't give her time to wet her tongue - your ego will feel better at having done it unprompted than at-command.<<br>>
You try to keep your gaze staring straight forward as you <<if $pc.butt is 1>>lower your panties and<<else>>push your panties down your plush bottom and hips to<</if>> reveal your caged genitals fully to Simone. It's a nice idea, but here in the Princess' lavish bathroom there's so many reflective surfaces that no matter how much you try to avoid it you can't help but catch a glimpse of the pathetically trapped <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock that you're presenting, nor the shocked and flustered expression on the maid's face. In the scattered they both come out distorted and hazy, and your mind soon goes haywire as it struggles to judge what parts you're seeing accurately and what are just phantoms of your panicked fears filling in the blanks.<<br>>
<<simone "Umm... //gosh//.">> Simone mutters in a somewhat-vague tone.<<br>>
The tension lingers in aching silence for a few long seconds before she abruptly seems to remember the situation. <<simone "Goodness! T-that's all, thank you!">> She stammers, quickly looking away from you in a vain attempt to preserve your already-shattered modesty. <<simone "No problems. You're, umm, definitely still wearing it!">><<br>>
You're grateful for the relief and try to pull your panties back into place as fast as possible. Any longer, and she might have have noticed the way that you're beginning to swell against the bars from being inspected, your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock disobediently reacting despite the humiliation running through you.<<br>>
Simone's pinkened face gives you a nervous little smile as you get your nightwear back in order. <<simone "Sorry for all this, really. It- it's just such a tricky situation and all. I hope that you understand.">><<br>>
And then, like she just can't help herself, she adds. <<simone "A-and, you don't have to worry, you know. I was scared that a guy's thingie would be all, you know, //scary// and stuff. But yours really isn't! It's actually just like, kinda cute and pretty, really. You shouldn't feel embarrassed about it.">>
<<case "rebelPanties">>
You wince. You'd been hoping that refusing to go along with Simone's plans yesterday might have made your position on this clear, but it seems like the maid is still determined to diligently play out her role as your keyholder.<<br>>
There's no way that you're just going to strip down and show her your caged genitals, but after two nights without being let out of your cage, you're not sure if you have the willpower to present as firm a position against her as before. And besides, your relationship with Simone as a friend, confidant, and ally is important with you - there must be a compromise the two of you can reach.<<br>>
You were worried that refusing to do exactly what she asks might upset her, but instead she seems so pleased that you're not as hard-set as yesterday that she can't help but smile. <<simone "Sure, I suppose that's okay!">><<br>>
She puts her hand to her chin and briefly scrunches her face together in thought, before seeming to come to a conclusion. <<simone "I know! I suppose don't actually need to see the cage, just the shape of it! Maybe if you just stripped down to your panties then I'll be able to make it out clearly!">><<br>>
Sure, that sounds like it can work. It's not like she's never seen you in panties before - she's been helping you to dress every day for a while now.<<br>>
After some awkward deliberation, the two of you end up deciding to move to the bathroom to do the deed. It's no more discreet, but something about doing it in a place intended for 'privacy' feels comforting - that and you'd rather not be reminded of it every time you glance around the main room.<<br>>
<<print _simonePantiesLook>>
<<if $day9simoneCage.includes("Show")>>
Her words hit you like a slap in the face. You try to work out how you should feel about this.<br>
<span id="cuteSection">
<<link "Acceptance">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<replace "#cuteSection" t8n>>
Your first reaction is an instinctive panic at having your masculinity so directly threatened, but you take a deep breath and try to dispel it.<<br>>
Such worries might have haunted you before all this, but you've gotten a better perspective on things now. Why on earth would it be a problem to have a pretty penis? Isn't it at least better than the alternative?<<br>>
All your life your junk has just been this vague presence - it did its job, but it's not like you ever really thought about it much, other than foolish worrying about whether it was big enough that feels so childish in hindsight.<<br>>
You've seen yourself in the mirror recently - you know deep in your mind that she's //right//, you //are// pretty cute down there now. Maybe it's time to start appreciating that, instead of being scared of it.<<br>>
Simone seems to have realized that she'd spoken out of turn, and is anxiously watching your expression, but she lights up when you finally give a warm, gentle smile and thank her.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<goto "day9armor">>
<<goto "day9dressup">>
<<link "Humiliation">>
<<replace "#cuteSection" t8n>>
You can't help but wince at hearing your genitals, which by every right should be virile and powerful, be reduced down to such feminine terms. Even Simone's idea of them being 'scary' would be respectable - at least there's a //potency// to that.<<br>>
From your reaction, Simone seems to quickly realize that she messed up. <<simone "Oh gosh, sorry, <<print $pc.name>>. Here's me running my silly mouth like an idiot as always. Just ignore me.">><<br>>
You wish it were that easy to dismiss it. You've seen yourself in the mirror - no matter how much you try to avoid thinking about it you know that she's //right//, you're so unmasculine there now that you really are 'cute'. You try not to think about it.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<goto "day9armor">>
<<goto "day9dressup">>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $sluttyLeather is true>>
<<goto "day9armor">>
<<goto "day9dressup">>
<</if>><<if $day9simoneCage is "rebelRefuse">>
The two of you maintain an air of stony indifference for quite some time, right up until a loud clatter suddenly rings out from nearby.
You're finishing up your training for the day when suddenly a loud clatter rings out from nearby.
You flinch, your body clenching up in anticipation of... what? The Queen? The Scarecrow Killer? Robiers?<<br>>
<<blue "Oops! Sorry!">> Calls out an embarrassed voice from outside. You breathe a sigh of relief - just a servant dropping something - but it's difficult to stop your arms from jittering with tension now that your fight-or-flight has been activated.<<br>>
<<if $day9simoneCage is "rebelRefuse">>
Simone seems to notice the state you're in, and her pout disappears. <<simone "Gosh, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She says, soothingly. <<simone "Things really have gotten scary now, haven't they?">>
Simone seems to notice the state you're in, and rushes over in concern. <<simone "Gosh, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She says, soothingly. <<simone "Things really have gotten scary now, haven't they?">>
She's not wrong. And it certainly doesn't help that Robiers' grim warning that another attack was coming soon keeps ringing in your ears. You have no idea if 'soon' means weeks, days, or hours, and can't help but remain on a nerve-fraying high alert.<<br>>
<<simone "With all of the danger out there you'd better off in //armor// than these skimpy things.">> She gestures towards the clothing that she's been preparing. <<simone "It's so fun preparing outfits for you and stuff, but they're not exactly //protective//. It's not like we could convince the Queen to let you wear anything else though, could we?">><<br>>
You frown at Simone's mention of 'armor', your brain snagging on the word. Wasn't there something to do with armor, somewhere in the carriage?<<br>>
<<if $day8jack.includes("anal") is true>>
That's it! The Princess' strappy leather armor! Your cheeks flush pink when you remember that the last time you saw it was yesterday, when you were desperately looking for a dildo to fuck yourself with.<<br>>
You wander over to the bed and drag up the mattress to check the hole the Princess dug into the padding. Simone lets out a little gasp at discovering the hidden compartment.
When realization hits you it's like a bolt of lightning - the Princess' set of strappy leather armor!<<br>>
You wander over to the bed and drag up the mattress to check the hole the Princess dug into the padding. It's clearly been tampered with - it only makes sense, there's been a daily room inspection every day since then, of course the soldiers would have found it. However, to your surprise almost all of the objects are still waiting inside, with just the dangerous-looking blade absent - looks like they didn't see fit to confiscate the rest.<<br>>
Simone lets out a little gasp at the hidden compartment, but it's far outshadowed by a much larger one a moment later as the Princess' strap-on becomes visible. You tuck it away again as quick as you can, and feel your cheeks go a little pink at the thought that the inspecting Soldiers must've found it and assumed it was //yours//.
The Princess' <<imglink "armor" "Outfits/sluttyLeather.jpg">> is skimpy, barely even covering more than a bikini, but what little is there is surprisingly sturdy - boiled leather reinforced with studs for maximum protection.<<br>>
Perhaps that skimpiness could work in your favor? You bet that you could slip it on underneath your clothing like it's a set of underwear. It won't be the comfiest thing in the world, but it would certainly feel reassuring to know that you have at least //some// protection against danger.<<br>>
<<link "Decide to wear the strappy leather under my clothing for the day">>
<<set $day9armor to true>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day9armor2">>
<</link>><<check "Available because you found the Princess' secret stash on day 1">><br>
<<link "I'll risk it and go without">>
<<set $day9armor to false>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "day9dressup">>
<</link>><<set $outfit.armor to true>>
You breathe a sigh of relief at having found something that will protect you. It won't be much, all things considered, but it's //something//.<<br>>
Simone seems enthusiastic about the idea. <<simone "I'm sure that it will work out great, <<print $pc.name>>! They're bulkier than most bras or panties, so it might look a little lumpy through the clothing, but that shouldn't be a huge problem!">><<br>>
You head into the bathroom to change into your new boiled-leather '<<imglink "underwear" "Outfits/sluttyLeather.jpg">>'. You discard the spiked shoulder-plate and thick boots, and after some consideration toss out the tiny thong along with them - the 'shorts' are already practically underwear as it is.<<br>>
<<if $pc.bra isnot 1>>
You're new to wearing a bra, so wrap the strappy little thing around you with some trepidation, only to be surprised by how comfortable it ends up feeling around <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>the little buds of your growing chest<<else>>the curves of your small breasts<</if>>. You quickly realize what a relief this will be against your sensitive, growing nipples rubbing against your clothing.<<br>>
Before you head back out, you can't help but check yourself out in the bathroom mirror. If it were a normal outfit, you're sure that you'd be blushing and cringing at how much of your body is on display, but the internal 'excuse' that you're just going to be wearing it as underwear is enough to soften that reaction.<<br>>
Instead, you can't help but note how //good// you look in it. The skimpy leather, combined with the thin straps that seem to be more for accentuating your figure than any practical or protective purpose, are super hot. Combining exposed feminine flesh with a spunky, tomboyish energy. In a way, it's simultaneously both the most masculine and the most feminine thing that you've worn in the last week, and there's something interesting about how it reflects the oddly-masculine; oddly-feminine body that it contains.<<br>>
You can't help but strike a few adventurous poses before leaving the bathroom.<<br>>
<<simone "G-good heavens, <<print $pc.name>>!">> Simone cries with delight at the sight of you. <<simone "It really suits you!">><<br>>
<<cont "day9dressup">><<setter "day9armor to false" "day9armor to true" "day9armor to undefined" "day9simoneCage to 'rebelRefuse'" "day9simoneCage to undefined" "day9simoneCage to 'obedientPanties'" "caged to 'day5'" "caged to 'day7'" "caged to false" "keyholder to 'queen'" "keyholder to 'you'" "keyholder to 'simone'" "day7banqArray.push('outfit')" "day7banqArray.deleteAll('outfit')">>
<<if $day9armor is false>>
Sure, putting on some armor might be smart and practical, but you know that if you wore that thick under your outfit then it would definitely cause some weird lumpiness. You doubt that anyone would call you out on it or anything, but it would be so difficult to feel cute and pretty in them! And besides, you've already picked out the perfect <<if $pc.bra is 1>>bra and<</if>> panties to wear - there's no way that you'd take them off for something so ugly!<<br>>
Simone gives you a big grin at your decision. <<simone "I was hoping that you'd say that. That armour is //kinda// cute I guess, but it's a shame to wear something so unfeminine, don't you think?">><<br>>
<<simone "Anyway, speaking of wearing stuff, let's see what you want to wear today, shall we?">>
<<elseif $day9armor is true>>
Simone's gaze seems to linger on your skimpy leather 'underwear', a slight blush on her face, but she soon manages to pull herself together enough to focus on the task at hand.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh, goodness! Come to think of it, I suppose it's time to get you all dressed up for the day, isn't it? Come on, let's see your choices!">>
<<elseif $day9simoneCage is "rebelRefuse">>
The two of you remain in obstinate silence for some time, each refusing to be the first to step down. However, when the clock loudly chimes, marking that you only have a little time left to get ready, the effect is immediate - both simultaneously placing the matter to once side as the urgency of the situation kicks in.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh goodness! We don't have much time, do we? Come on, let me show you your options for the day.">>
It's not long before the clock chimes, and it's time to get ready for the day.<<br>>
<<simone "Goodness, that went so quickly. Come on, let me show you your options for the day!">>
<<if ($caged is "day5" or $caged is "day8") and $keyholder is "you">>
Before that, you take a moment to slip into the bathroom to put your cage on.<<br>>
<<if $day9change is "penis">>
The cage feels different around you, and it takes a moment for you to realize to your humiliation that it's because of how much you've shrunk overnight. Previously it had been tight and compressing, but now it just feels snug and secure, like it had always meant to be this way.<br><br>
When you emerge, you find Simone waiting with the outfits set out ready for you.
She quickly sets out the outfits that she's been working on.
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("outfit") isnot true>>
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("redgown") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\redgown.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("sleepover") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
<<img "Outfits/sleepover.jpg">>
<table style="width: 100%">
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("redgown") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Outfits\redgown.jpg]]@@
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("sleepover") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<img "Outfits/sleepover.jpg">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("drusilla") isnot true>>
<td style="width:25%">
<<img "Outfits/drusilla.jpg">>
<<simone "Here's the ones that you've seen before, and //this//-">> She steps to one side to reveal another. <<simone "Is what I adjusted today.">><br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">
<<img "Outfits/orangeshorts.jpg">>
<td style="width:50%">
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<img "Outfits/orangeshorts.jpg">>
For a long moment you can only stare at the daring white-and-gold leotard in shock, eventually looking up at Simone with bafflement. There's no way that you could wear something like this - the bulge of your <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>caged<</if>> genitals would not only be clearly displayed - the outfit seems almost designed to draw as much attention to the area as possible. It's little more than lingerie!<<br>>
<<simone "I know what you're thinking, but then I found these, and I think that it could work!">> The maid draws out a pair of orange shorts from behind her back, adds it to the ensemble with a little flourish, and looks back at you, eyes shining. <<simone "Isn't it lovely? The material on the pocket-lining is such a perfect match for the pattern on the bodysuit! I almost couldn't believe it when I noticed it.">><<br>>
She's not wrong, but you worry that her discovery might have gotten her a little carried away in her enthusiasm. Sure, the shorts do a lot to cover the crotch out the outfit, but you'd still be wearing a skimpy little bodysuit, and it's not like the shorts aren't tight themselves!<<br>>
Simone tuts away your complaints. <<simone "Come on, they're //cute//, aren't they? I think that you can totally pull it off!">><<br>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("gcloak") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Green Cloak outfit">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "gcloak">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("gcloak")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("peach") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Peach Dress">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "peach">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("peach")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("tulip") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Tulip Dress">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "tulip">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("tulip")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "butterfly">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("butterfly")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Long Tailcoat outfit">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "longcoat">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("longcoat")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("whitehood") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the White-hooded outfit">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "whitehood">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("whitehood")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("rose") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Outfit adorned with Roses">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "rose">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("rose")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("blossom") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Pink Blossom Dress">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "blossom">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("blossom")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("redgown") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Red Velvet Gown">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "redgown">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("redgown")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("sleepover") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the Loose Sleepover Dress">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "sleepover">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("sleepover")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $day7banqArray.includes("outfit") is true>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("drusilla") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick Drusilla's Imposing Purple Mini-dress">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "drusilla">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("drusilla")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("orangeshorts") isnot true>>
<<link "Pick the outfit with the Orange Shorts">>
<<set $day9outfitChoice to "orangeshorts">>
<<run $outfitsArray.pushUnique("orangeshorts")>>
<<goto "day9dressup2">>
<</if>>Simone pulls out the mirror and helps you to undress.<br><br>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "gcloak">>
<<include "gcloakDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "peach">>
<<include "peachDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "tulip">>
<<include "tulipDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "butterfly">>
<<include "butterflyDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "longcoat">>
<<include "longcoatDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "whitehood">>
<<include "whitehoodDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "rose">>
<<include "roseDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "blossom">>
<<include "blossomDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "redgown">>
<<include "redgownDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "sleepover">>
<<include "sleepoverDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "drusilla">>
<<include "drusillaDressup">>
<<if $day9outfitChoice is "orangeshorts">>
<<include "orangeshortsDressup">>
<<include "day9outfitEndChecks">><<unset $gown2nite>>
<<if $day8change is "boobs">>
<<simone "I know that your boobs just came in today and stuff.">> Simone brings up tentatively, as if testing the water. <<simone "But you know... if you wanted to try out going up a size we could still keep on adding some padding if you like.">><<br>>
You flinch at the reminder, but she's not wrong - just because you have boobs now doesn't mean that they're all that big, maybe boosting yourself up to a B-cup might be helpful.<<br>>
Padding: <<checkbox "$paddingCheck" false true autocheck>><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if ndef $nailsToday>>
Nails: <<listbox "$pc.nails" autoselect>>
<<option "french">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "red">>
<<option "black">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "green">>
<<option "orange">>
<<option "purple">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<unset $nailsToday>>
<<if def $pc.perfume>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "perfume">>
Perfume: <<listbox "$pc.perfume" autoselect>>
<<option "light & fresh">>
<<option "fruity & feminine">>
<<option "romantic & floral">>
<<option "sweet & indulgent">>
<<option "rich & overpowering">>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "hairAcc">>
/* Sanitize hairAcc for frontend */
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">><<set _hairAccOption to "Gothic headpiece">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">><<set _hairAccOption to "Regal head chain">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">><<set _hairAccOption to "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">><<set _hairAccOption to "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">><<set _hairAccOption to "Velvet bows">>
Hair Accessories: <<listbox "_hairAccOption" autoselect>>
<<option "Cute colorful hair clips">>
<<option "Gothic headpiece">>
<<option "Regal head chain">>
<<option "Cool silver hair clasps">>
<<option "Colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<option "Velvet bows">>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "ears">>
/* Sanitize earrings for frontend */
<<set _pcEarOwn to []>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("coletteStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("onyxStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Round Onyx Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("pearlStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Elegant Pearl Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("daisyStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Cute Daisy Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("redStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Red Vortex Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("blueStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Blue Hibiscus Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("greenStud")>><<run _pcEarOwn.push("Green Stone Studs")>><</if>>
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Blue Hibiscus Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Red Vortex Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Green Stone Studs">>
Earrings: <<listbox "_pcEarWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcEarOwn>>
<<if $pc.bra is 1>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "bra">>
<<set _pcBraOwn to ["Black Lacy Bra", "Blue Floral Bra", "Vibrant Petal Bra", "White Jeweled Bra"]>>
<<if $pc.bra.choice is "blackLace">><<set _pcBraWear to "Black Lacy Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "blueFloral">><<set _pcBraWear to "Blue Floral Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "vibrantFloral">><<set _pcBraWear to "Vibrant Petal Bra">>
<<elseif $pc.bra.choice is "whiteJeweled">><<set _pcBraWear to "White Jeweled Bra">>
Bra: <<listbox "_pcBraWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcBraOwn>>
<<if $pc.heels is 1>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "heels">>
<<set _pcShoeOwn to ["Black Lace Boots", "Blue Velvet Boots", "Pink Floral Heels", "Chunky White Heels", "Plain Black Flats"]>>
<<if $outfit.shoe.choice is "blackLace">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Black Lace Boots">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "blueVelvet">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Blue Velvet Boots">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "pinkFloral">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Pink Floral Heels">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "whitePlain">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Chunky White Heels">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "blackFlats">><<set _pcShoeWear to "Plain Black Flats">>
Shoes: <<listbox "_pcShoeWear" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _pcShoeOwn>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "makeup">>
<<if $pc.makeup is 3>>
<<if $outfit.makeup.eye.choice is "null">><<set _eyeTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.makeup.eye.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.makeup.eye.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.makeup.eye[_i].id is $outfit.makeup.eye.choice>>
<<set _eyeCapture to setup.makeup.eye[_i]>>
<<set _eyeTitle to _eyeCapture.Name>>
Eye Makeup :
<<link "_eyeTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1eyeMakeupPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $outfit.makeup.lip.choice is "null">><<set _lipTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.makeup.lip.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.makeup.lip.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.makeup.lip[_i].id is $outfit.makeup.lip.choice>>
<<set _lipCapture to setup.makeup.lip[_i]>>
<<set _lipTitle to _lipCapture.Name>>
Lipstick :
<<link "_lipTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1lipMakeupPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $morningChange isnot "jewelry">>
<<if $pc.jewelry is 1>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice is "null">><<set _neckTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.neck.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice>>
<<set _neckCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i]>>
<<set _neckTitle to _neckCapture.Name>>
Neck Jewelry :
<<link "_neckTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1jewelryNeckPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice is "null">><<set _handTitle to "None">>
<<elseif ndef $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>><<error>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>>
<<set _handCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i]>>
<<set _handTitle to _handCapture.Name>>
Hand Jewelry :
<<link "_handTitle">>
<<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('act1jewelryHandPicker').processText()); Dialog.open(null, function () {
}); <</script>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $paddingCheck is true>>
<<set $outfit.padding to true>>
/* unsanitize hairAcc */
<<if def _hairAccOption>>
<<if _hairAccOption is "Cute colorful hair clips">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "cuteClips">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Gothic headpiece">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "darkHeadpiece">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Regal head chain">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "regalChain">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Cool silver hair clasps">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "silverClasps">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Colorful ribbon tassels">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "tassels">>
<<elseif _hairAccOption is "Velvet bows">><<set $pc.hair.acc to "velvetBows">>
/* unsanitize earrings */
/* <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Round Onyx Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Elegant Pearl Studs">>
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">><<set _pcEarWear to "Cute Daisy Studs">>
<</if>> */
<<if _pcEarWear is "Colette's Pink Jeweled Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Round Onyx Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Elegant Pearl Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Cute Daisy Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Red Vortex Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "redStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Blue Hibiscus Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "blueStud">>
<<elseif _pcEarWear is "Green Stone Studs">><<set $pc.ears.wearing to "greenStud">>
<<if $colette.earringsRemoved is false and $pc.ears.wearing isnot "coletteStud">>
<<set $colette.earringsRemoved to true>>
<<if _pcBraWear is "Black Lacy Bra">><<pickBra "blackLace">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "Blue Floral Bra">><<pickBra "blueFloral">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "Vibrant Petal Bra">><<pickBra "vibrantFloral">>
<<elseif _pcBraWear is "White Jeweled Bra">><<pickBra "whiteJeweled">>
<<if _pcShoeWear is "Black Lace Boots">><<pickShoe "blackLace">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Blue Velvet Boots">><<pickShoe "blueVelvet">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Pink Floral Heels">><<pickShoe "pinkFloral">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Chunky White Heels">><<pickShoe "whitePlain">>
<<elseif _pcShoeWear is "Plain Black Flats">><<pickShoe "blackFlats">>
<<goto "day9adventure">>
<</link>><<setter "morningChange to 'perfume'" "morningChange to 'pubic'" "morningChange to 'hair'" "morningChange to 'nails'" "morningChange to 'makeup'" "morningChange to 'ears'" "morningChange to 'hairAcc'" "morningChange to 'jewelry'" "morningChange to 'skincare'" "morningChange to 'heels'" "morningChange to 'bra'">>
<<unset $day9outfitChoice>>
A knock rings out from the door of the carriage. You trot over, expecting to see the usual bunch of soldiers waiting for you, only to find the glowering figure of the Queen looming in the doorway.<<br>>
<<queen "Ready, are we?">> She asks, rhetorically.<<br>>
She looks your choice of outfit up and down.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
<<queen "A little //casual//, don't you think? Oh well, at least it's feminine. It'll do.">>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
<<queen "So the old hag sent you that little //antique// to wear, did she? I really don't know if you should be encouraging her by wearing it, but she at least had //some// taste in her youth, I suppose. It'll do.">>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "redgown">>
<<queen "Ahh, the evening gown, I see. I suppose that will be sufficient for today.">>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
<<queen "Well, it seems you finally chose to wear the outfit I picked out from you. About time too, I was beginning to take it as a //insult//, and I know that you wouldn't want that, would you? It'll suffice for today.">>
<<queen "Do you really think that something this stuffy was appropriate? I was hoping that you'd grown out of such foolish modesty. Oh well - it's too late now, I suppose it'll have to suffice.">>
<<if $morningChange is "perfume">>
She sniffs the air lightly. <<queen "And at least you're wearing perfume, for once. I suppose this aroma suits you well enough.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "pubic">>
<<queen "Though I can't see any trace of a makeover on you. You haven't been idly //wasting// your time, have you? Unless...">> She raises an eyebrow with a wry smile. <<queen "Unless you decided decided to fix up somewhere a little more intimate, hmm? Very well.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "hair">>
She reaches forward to run a finger through your newly-cut hair, fixing a loose strand. <<queen "About time you saw to that birdsnest and got a haircut. Better late than never.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "nails">>
<<queen "And it was about time that you got around to painting those grubby nails of yours. Better late than never.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "makeup">>
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>>
<<queen "And it was about time that you finally got around to fixing up your appearance with some makeup. You have a lot to catch up on.">>
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>>
<<queen "And I see that you've tried something more appropriate for makeup today. A little modest, but respectable.">>
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 3>>
<<queen "And I'm glad to see that you've finally given taken your makeup to an appropriate level. Very good.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "ears">>
<<queen "And I see that you've finally gotten around to piecing your ears. Better late than never.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "hairAcc">>
<<queen "And I see that you've chosen to liven up that haircut of your with some accessories. Very well, they're not uncomely, all things considered.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "jewelry">>
<<queen "And I see that you've finally gotten around to decorating yourself appropriately with accessories. I'd have thought with that maid around it would have happened sooner. <<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.Name is 'Lock Choker'>>But really, a choker with a lock on it? You couldn't be revealing your proclivities any clearer.<<else>>Very well.<</if>>">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "skincare">>
<<queen "And I see that you're a little less //ruddy// than usual. Very well, I suppose skincare has to start //somewhere//.">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "heels">>
<<queen "And I see that you've finally gotten over your reluctancy and put yourself in some //proper// shoes for once. Very good, not only do you look better for it, but it'll help you from being quite such a //flight risk//, hmm?">>
<<elseif $morningChange is "bra">>
The Queen leans forward to tuck a stray bra strap back under your clothing. <<queen "And it's good to see what you've finally gotten over your reluctancy and started wearing a //full// set of underwear for once. Better late than never.">>
She steps away, and her armed escort take up places around her. There seems to be more of them than usual, no doubt extra security. <<queen "Now come along. This mess of uncle Gaspard's shan't take long, I hope, but I have no intentions of dragging it out any further by being late for it.">><<br>>
You hop down from the carriage, and are soon heading off into Bastille corridors.<<br>>
Walking alongside your 'mother', you try to work out how you should be carrying yourself.<<br>>
<<link "Huddled in the shadow of your escort, trying to avoid attention">>
<<set $day9walk to "shadow">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day9adventure2">>
<<link "Shoulder back, head held high, striding with regal purpose alongside her">>
<<set $day9walk to "regal">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day9adventure2">>
<<link "Warily looking around, alert for dangers">>
<<set $day9walk to "wary">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day9adventure2">>>>
<<link "With a playful, flirty sway to my step">>
<<set $day9walk to "flirt">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "day9adventure2">>
<<link "Holding her hand and letting her lead you along.">>
<<set $day9walk to "holdHand">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<goto "day9adventure2">>
<</link>><<setter "day9walk to 'holdHand'" "day9walk to 'flirt'" "day9walk to 'wary'" "day9walk to 'regal'" "day9walk to 'shadow'" "pc.butt to 1" "pc.butt to 2" "day7banqArray.push('drusilla')" "day7banqArray.deleteAll('drusilla')">>
<<if $day9walk is "shadow">>
You don't know what kind of event this peasant meeting will be, but you're sure that you'll be firmly on display for the whole time, and you're dreading it!
You've gotten used to the idea of being an imposter among nobles, but something about being in front of commoners - your own social class - makes you nervous. You're such a fish-out-of-water around the nobility that its become easy to think of them less like //people// and more an audience to perform in front of. Whereas you're all-too familiar with the internality of the proles - it'll make it impossible not to imagine what every single one of them will be thinking at the sight of you.<<br>>
You lurk behind the backs of your escort - the less of an impression you make the better. The Queen spares you a glance and sighs with resignation, no doubt irritated by your hesitancy, but for now spares you from being snapped at.
<<elseif $day9walk is "regal">>
You're the Princess, and you're going to handle that role with nobility and dignity.<<br>>
Your shoulders slide backwards, your head rising as if to snootily look at the world from a position of superiority. With everything that's going on you're not nearly as brave as the posture implies, but it's amazing how quickly the change in bearing begins to fool even yourself. Looking down from this lofty arrogance, all of your fears seem trifling.<<br>>
You glance over at the Queen and note with bemusement that the two of you are almost a perfect match for eachother. You suspect that most people would have trouble believing that you're anything other than mother and daughter, so alike in demeanor. She looks over at you in turn, and you think you see a light trace of a smirk of bemused satisfaction cross her lips at the sight.
<<elseif $day9walk is "wary">>
You're surrounded by burly soldiers, but that doesn't mean that you can let your guard down. After all, the last royal soldier you met beat the hell out of you - you've every reason to be scared around them, let alone whatever threat could be lurking around the corridors. You keep your neck on a swivel - they won't catch you unawares.<<br>>
The Queen eyes you critically, and you wonder if she's about to snap at you to calm down, but she unexpectedly holds her tongue.
<<elseif $day9walk is "flirt">>
The Queen seems interested in having a coquettish, feminine 'daughter'. You figure that you may as well carry out that role and then some.<<br>>
There's perhaps a trace of malicious compliance to your movements as you settle into a swaying strut, your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>feminine<<else>>slender<</if>> hips shifting from side to side in a way that would have seemed alien to you a week ago.<<if def $outfit.shoe.types>><<if $outfit.shoe.types.includes("small heel")>> The 'click, clack' of your heels enter a playful rhythm as you walk.<</if>><</if>><<br>>
You spare a glance at the Queen, to see what effect your provocation is having. She raises a manicured eyebrow at you at the sight, the trace of a smirk playing on her lips, but doesn't seem inclined to stop you.
<<elseif $day9walk is "holdHand">>
The Queen is supposed to be your mommy, it only makes sense for you to act as her child.<<br>>
You draw close to the intimidating monarch's proudly striding figure, and gently slip your hand into the cup of her own.<<br>>
The unexpected sensation briefly stops her in her tracks, and the whole escort has to stumble to match her as she looks back at you in bewildered surprise.<<br>>
For a moment it's like her face tries to move into too many expressions at once, and as a result flickers awkwardly. Torn between shocked confusion, wry amusement, disdainful reproach, tactical approval, and something else lurking beneath it all that you can't quite place.<<br>>
It's only a moment though, before her features settle back into stern severity and she starts back up again with barely a hitch in her step. However, rather than pushing your hand away, she returns your grip - firmly but securely pulling you behind her.<<br>>
It's probably just acceptance that this kind of behavior suits the role that the two of you are to play, but the sensation of her warm, soft hand wrapping around your own is still enough to almost make you gasp.
It isn't long before you begin to hear the hubbub of busy conversation, and soon the corridor opens up into a wide entrance hall.<br>
<<img "Passage/day9adventure3.jpg">><br>
Dozens of smartly dressed nobles are crowded around the sides of the room, chatting animatedly. You don't see any trace of the peasantry anywhere, but the center of the hall seems like it's deliberately being kept clear, and a pair of Bastille guardsmen are standing stiffly on either side of the huge door on the far side of the room - no doubt they'll come in from there to have their audience with royalty.<<br>>
You're shown up onto a raised dias, where the figures of great-aunt Drusilla and duke Gaspard await you.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Ah, there you are! So you //can// be timely when it suits you. Come along, let's get this wretched thing over with.">><<br>>
She takes the Queen by the shoulder and they share her a perfunctory kiss on either cheek that's lacking absolutely in any warmth whatsoever.<<br>>
<<drusilla "And here's the very terror of my ladies-in-waiting, from the sound of it.<<if $day7banqArray.includesAny('drusilla')>> I wouldn't worry, dear. They're not worth concerning yourself about.<</if>>">> Drusilla says, turning her attention to you and not sparing you a similar greeting. Close up she smells of stale aldehyde perfume - metallic and sour. <<if $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
<<drusilla "Ahh, I see what you got the dress I sent you. I don't know if you have the figure to match it, but at least you have the taste to choose to wear it, I suppose.">>
You glance over to Gaspard to see if he'll require a greeting, only to find him quite distracted - the little man is positively vibrating with tense excitement.<<br>>
<<cont "day9adventure3">><<setter "day7banqGaspard to 'grace'" "day7banqGaspard to 'smile'" "saintChoiceArray.push('dance')" "saintChoiceArray.deleteAll('dance')" "saintChoiceArray.push('theatre')" "saintChoiceArray.deleteAll('theatre')" "saintChoiceArray.push('boutiques')" "saintChoiceArray.deleteAll('boutiques')" "saintChoiceArray.push('spa')" "saintChoiceArray.deleteAll('spa')">>
<<drusilla "Anyway, do call off your men, dear.">> Drusilla remarks to the Queen, gesturing at the large escort of royal soldiers still surrounding the elevated dias. <<drusilla "I can't stand being so crowded around.">><<br>>
The Queen gestures dismissively. <<queen "I think not, auntie. I don't think it wise to be so foolishly naive about security. I'm sure that they'll be a reassuring presence for everyone involved today.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "Are you really still so alarmed about this //supposed// threat of yours? I'm really not-">><<br>>
The queen's eyes narrow. <<queen "My daughter was attacked in this very //building//, and you're still too complacent to take it seriously?">> Her hand settles on your shoulder in way that seems almost protective.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Well that's just-">> Drusilla begins, only to be interrupted once again, but this time by Gaspard, who suddenly turns his frantic energy towards the conversation.<<br>>
<<gaspard "They really must go! Absolutely! I won't have such soldiers, not today, it's too important you know!">><<br>>
Drusilla's eyes open wide at being cut-off, and her reflexive impulse to dismiss everything her husband says is so strong that she's already snapped <<drusilla "//Shut up//, Gaspard. They're fine as they are.">> before she even realizes that she's contradicting herself.<<br>>
The Queen looks like she's trying very hard to suppress her laughter at Drusilla's mistake, and only just manages it.<<br>>
Gaspard seems like he still wants to insist on the matter, but Drusilla sharply changes topic to avoid further embarrassment. <<drusilla "Anyway, where is that husband of yours? He's been absent so much almost makes me wonder if he's //avoiding// you.">><<br>>
The Queen ignores the petty jibe. <<queen "He's coming along shortly. He'll be here in plenty of time to hold court for the main assembly.">><<br>>
You glance at her in concern, and when she smoothly adds <<queen2>>"Though my daughter has been ever-so excited to finally
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includes("dance") isnot true>>
go dancing in the ballroom,
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.includes("theatre") isnot true>>
visit the theatre,
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.includes("boutiques") isnot true>>
visit the boutiques,
<<elseif $saintChoiceArray.includes("spa") isnot true>>
go to the spa,
<<else>><<error>><</if>> so she'll be heading off soon, I fear."<</queen2>> You suspect that it might have been a clarification for your sake. Seems like she's still keeping you and the King apart.<<br>>
You wonder if Drusilla will seize on this as another source for petty point-scoring against her niece, but the look that she gives you seems more envious of you than anything, that you'll be spared from having to sit through the whole thing.<<if $day7banqGaspard is "grace">> It seems like her enthusiasm about the event didn't last long after you tricked her into supporting it two days ago.<</if>><<br>>
<<cont "day9adventure4">><<queen "Now, auntie, did you care to consider the matter which I spoke of last night? If you really want to make those adjustments to the tariffs, then you'll need to meet with the guilds else they'll have one of their tantrums again, and this evening would provide ample opportunity.">><<br>>
A somewhat-bitter expression crosses Drusilla's face. <<drusilla "I don't see why it should be any of //their// business.">><<br>>
The Queen sighs, and turns her attention briefly back to you. <<queen "Mother needs to talk state for a moment, dear. Go and entertain yourself for a few minutes.">><<br>>
She gently but firmly directs you off with a little push to the small of your back, making a gesture with her other hand to order a small armed escort to branch off from the rest of the soldiers to follow you.<<br>>
You wander through the audience of nobles, trying to work out where you should be going.<br>
<<set $day9crowdArray to []>>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">><<if $day9crowdArray.length gte 3>>
<br><<cont "day9peasants">>
<<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("language") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Wander past the foreign dignitaries">>
/* language test */
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("language")>>
<<goto "day9crowdLanguage">>
<<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("heraldry") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Inspect the decorations">>
/* heraldry test - grace */
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("heraldry")>>
<<goto "day9crowdHeraldry">>
<<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("state") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Speak with some of the stuffy accountants">>
/* statecraft test - auth */
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("state")>>
<<goto "day9crowdState">>
<<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("baby") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Go over to the rowdier part of the crowd">>
/* baby bless - makeover check */
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("baby")>>
<<goto "day9crowdBaby">>
/* <<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("diplomatic") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Go over to the quietest part of the crowd">>
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("diplomatic")>>
<<goto "day9crowdDiplomatic">>
<</if>> */
<<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("love") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Try to find people in the crowd who're closer to your age">>
/* love proclamation - cute check? */
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("love")>>
<<goto "day9crowdLove">>
<<if $day9crowdArray.includesAny("panic") isnot true>>
<br><<link "Visit some of the servants, who are attending to the guests' needs">>
/* they start panicking at having someone so important around - voice check */
<<run $day9crowdArray.push("panic")>>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic">>
<</if>>There's one section of the crowd which manages to catch your eye. The other nobles are all dressed in fanciful, multicolored outfits, but once you get used to them you see the same styles cropping up over and over again. Only here, where the foreign dignitaries seem to have gathered together, is there much difference in form - you see beaver-hatted northeners, easterners in turbans, southerners in fezzes, and more that you struggle to recognize. With no other option standing out in particular, you make your way over.<<br>>
However, you scarcely have time to take it all in before a nervous looking woman runs up to you. <<pink "Oh! My Highness! It is very good timing you are here!">> She blurts out in a thick accent. <<pink "I was just thinking what to do. There is a man who is much alarmed, but no person can understand. You speak Hohenstaufen, yes?">><<br>>
You blink at her in bewilderment.<<br>>
<span id="languageReplace">
<<link "Yes, I do. (lie)">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day9crowdLanguage2">>
<<link "No, I don't!">>
<<set $rabbit>>
<<replace "#languageReplace" t8n>>
She blinks at you in confusion. <<pink "Am I wrong? My apologies, but, I hear much that my Highness is fluent. It is well known, no?">><<br>>
You can see more than a few faces turn your way, more than a few frowning in confusion themselves. It seems like this really is something that the Princess is supposed to know.<<br>>
<<link "Oh - //Hohenstaufen//! Yes, of course I speak that.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<goto "day9crowdLanguage2">>
<<link "No, you're mistaken.">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<goto "day9crowdLanguageNo">>
</span>You're not going to let yourself get caught up in something over your head. You can handle a knock to your legitimacy.<<br>>
At first the woman's frown only deepens, and she cries out <<pink "Very strange. I thought it was famous that you spoke it!">> in a voice loud enough to draw the attention of even more people. Then she finally seems to realize how rude she's being to royalty and dips into a low curtsy. <<pink "Apologies, my Highness. I am mistaken indeed.">><<br>>
You turn around and make a quick getaway, before you can be subject to any more awkward questions.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>If the Princess is supposed to know Hohenstaufen, then you'd better match that! You agree - trying to sound confident.<<br>>
The woman breathes a sigh of relief. <<pink "Praise her hallowed name. Come - he is over here!">><<br>>
You're led through the crowd of people until you come to a sweaty, red-faced older man.<<br>>
<<blue "Er schwimmt im kaffee, um sich zu entspannen!">> He cries at the sight of you, clearly agitated.<<br>>
You blink in confusion.<<br>>
<<blue "Der elefant fahrt fahrrad im regen?">> He adds, desperately.<<br>>
<<pink "Well, my Highness?">> The woman asks. <<pink "What is he saying?">><<br>>
<span id="languageReplace2">
<<link "He's saying that he needs urgent medical assistance. Call help immediately!">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<replace "#languageReplace2" t8n>>
Well, you have absolutely no idea what he might be trying to say, but the last thing that you want to do is let him go without the highest level of care possible, just in case he might need it! It might be excessive, but the last thing that you want is let him come to harm by inaction.<<br>>
The woman quickly leaps into action. <<pink "Thank her hallowed name that you are here! I will get help this moment!">><<br>>
You hope that you've done some good, but let yourself meld into the crowd so that you're not hanging around in the eventuality that you're proven wrong.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
<<link "Oh, he's just a little overexcited, don't worry about him.">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<replace "#languageReplace2" t8n>>
You have no idea what he's going on about, but the last thing you're going to do is admit as much. You might as well try to downplay it as much as possible, and hope that it's nothing.<<br>>
The woman still looks a little concerned. <<pink "Ahh, well, umm, if my Highness says that it is so.">><<br>>
You head back off into the crowd, and hope that you aren't too wrong.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
<<link "Um, something about an elephant relaxing by riding a bicycle, perhaps?">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<replace "#languageReplace2" t8n>>
With no good idea of what he might have said, you give the best guess that you can think of.<<br>>
The woman squints her eyes at you. <<pink "A-are you sure?">><<br>>
You wince, and admit that you're really not certain.<<br>>
She seems a little surprised, but clasps a your forearm kindly anyway. <<pink "Thank you for your try. I understand, language is difficult, no? I shall find another person.">><<br>>
As you head back out into the crowd, you figure that looking incompetent might well be better for you than looking suspicious, but it sure doesn't feel like it.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
</span>You find yourself looking up at the tapestries which are hung up from the rafters.<<br>>
The burgundy royal crest is the largest of the lot, displayed proudly in the center. Fighting it for prominence is a purple one that you've seen around the Bastille, and guess must be Drusilla's. However, they're far from the only ones present - dozens more that you don't have any hope of recognizing litter the hall, no doubt the emblems of attending nobles.<<br>>
A older gentlemen seems to notice you looking up at them all. <<blue "Aren't they grand? So many noble houses, united in common purpose and working together for a brighter future. They're pretty, fer'sure, but it's what they //mean// that always impresses me - each one telling the histories of over a hundred years of pedigree, and some of them near a thousand!">><<br>>
He points up at one. <<blue "Take lady de Miremont's over there. Mountains, to match her estate. An iron-grey color to match the stone they carved their castle into the cliff-side from. A boar, for how much of a tough son-of-a-bitch her granny was in the war - if you'll excuse my language, yer Highness. See the silver crescent above the shield? That was granted to her house by your great-grandf- no, great-//great//-grandfather for the sacrifice paid during the succession crisis. And then the motto - Et nous tiendrons, 'And we shall endure' - that's not just words, 's a damn warning to those who'd try to invade the eastern border.">><<br>>
<<blue "Sorry, I'm probably boring ya' with stuff you already know. It's just an interest of mine.">> He adds, bashfully. <<blue "Though I don't mind saying - yer' own looks pretty damn good up there, if you ask me, your Highness.">><<br>>
You blink in surprise. You'd never heard of the Princess having her own crest, distinct from the royal one. You try to follow his gaze, but can't work out exactly which one he might be referring to.<<br>>
<<blue "I was wondering if you'd help me, actually. I count myself quite the expert on heraldry, but I know less about yours than I'd like. Would you care to explain some of your decisions?">><<br>>
You wince. There's no way that the Princess wouldn't be able to recognize her own crest - if you say the wrong thing then it'll definitely be suspicious.<<br>>
You stall for time, pretending to be choosing the right words. You might not be able to work out exactly which banner he's looking at, but you can at least narrow it down to a small area - maybe you can guess which one of those few might be 'yours'?<<br>>
<<link "Pick the pink one with flowers on it">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<set $child ++>>
<<set $day9heraldry to "pink">>
<<goto "day9crowdHeraldry2">>
<<link "Pick the brown one with picture of a wolf howling next to a sword">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day9heraldry to "brown">>
<<goto "day9crowdHeraldry2">>
<<link "Pick the burgundy one that seems an imitation of the Queen's">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<set $day9heraldry to "queen">>
<<goto "day9crowdHeraldry2">>
<<if $grace gte 3>>
<<link "Talk around the question without answering it">>
<<set $day9heraldry to "none">>
<<goto "day9crowdHeraldry2">>
<</link>><<check "Grace 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Talk around the question without answering it" "Grace 3 required">>
<</if>><<setter "day9heraldry to 'pink'" "day9heraldry to 'brown'" "day9heraldry to 'queen'" "day9heraldry to 'none'">>
<<if $day9heraldry is "pink">>
You know what kind of lifestyle and aesthetics the Princess was being forced into before she ran away. It only makes sense that she'd be given a crest as pink and frilly as the dresses she was made to wear.<<br>>
You make up some details, effusively gushing about how much you love pink, and then filled it with everything that made you happy.
<<elseif $day9heraldry is "brown">>
The Princess was a rough-and-tumble tomboy who loved to fight and get messy. If she had a choice in the matter, then you're certain that she'd have chosen one to match that.<<br>>
You make up some details, explaining how you just chose all of the stuff which you think is cool.
<<elseif $day9heraldry is "queen">>
You're all-too familiar with how overbearing the Queen can be, and it seems like she's determined to have a daughter who's almost identical to her. You're sure that she'd have taken control over the situation and demanded a crest that matches her own.<<br>>
You make up some details, explaining how you wanted to reflect your mother, who you admire so dearly, with only a few adjustments to make it your own.
<<elseif $day9heraldry is "none">>
It's a tricky question, but you know how to easily handle it without causing problems for yourself.<<br>>
Instead of directly answering his question, you talk more vaguely about the nature of heraldry itself. It's far from an area that you're knowledgeable on, but his explanation has already given you more than enough material to use - just repeating it back at him using slightly different words is ideal, especially since you're sure that anyone who'd go up to a stranger to start explaining things is desperate for them to agree with him anyway.<<br>>
True enough, his head is soon bobbing up and down with agreement. <<blue "Quite so! I've always thought that. Some say we should be doing away with the things - it's grand to know that someone so important understands their vital significance. I can see that the kingdom has a bright future ahead of it, with someone with such a good head on their shoulders as its heir.">><<br>>
By the time you wander off elsewhere it feels like you've made quite the impression, and you're sure he hasn't even noticed that you actually never answered his question.
<<if $day9heraldry isnot "none">>
The man hesitates for a moment, and you worry that you might have slipped up and made the wrong choice.<<br>>
<<blue "Ah, is that so? Well, I'm honored to have been able to her an explanation. Thank you, your Highness.">> He says eventually.<<br>>
You wince. That sure //sounds// like a positive response, but it could just as likely be him just being polite. You can only smile and hope that you didn't pick the wrong thing.
<<unset $day9heraldry>><br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>If you're going to be wandering around this crowd, you figure that you're better off finding someone boring to get talking with. The problem with interesting people is that they have a terrible habit of doing interesting //things//, and those have an awful tendency to end up getting you into trouble.<<br>>
It doesn't take you long to find what you're looking for - a group of stuffily-dressed officials milling about awkwardly. Either they've gravitated towards eachother in the crowd, or else they're dull enough that everyone else has drawn away, leaving them with only eachother left.<<br>>
You're greeted by a wave of diffident bows and curtsies as you draw near. <<blue "Greetings, your Highness,">> piques up the bravest. <<blue "You do us a great honor with your presence, I'm certain.">><<br>>
There's a chorus of muted agreement.<<br>>
<<pink "We were just discussing how novel it is for the Duke to put on this event.">><<br>>
<<blue "Quite right. These kinds of inter-class interactions are quite rare indeed. The last was almost 40 years ago, at least in the south. Who knows what what the northerners get up to.">><<br>>
A second smattering of grumbled agreement rings out.<<br>>
<<pink "One really must wonder what the //point// is, you know. All of the political power that the peasants have is naturally held by the nobles they owe their fealty to. Why not just talk with them, instead, rather than hold this kind of affair.">><<br>>
<<blue "Tell me, your Highness. What do you make of the matter?">><<br>>
<<link "I think that the peasants are important, and should be listened to">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to 'peasants'>>
<<goto "day9crowdState2">>
<<link "I think that the peasants should be beneath our notice">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to 'nobles'>>
<<goto "day9crowdState2">>
<<link "I think it's just trying to show-off in front of the people who really matter - me and my parents">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to 'queen'>>
<<goto "day9crowdState2">>
<</link>><<setter "day9crowdState is 'peasants'" "day9crowdState is 'nobles'" "day9crowdState is 'queen'">>
<<if $day9crowdState is "peasants">>
You're a commoner by blood, and you've learnt enough about nobility in the last week to say with confidence that there's no difference between the classes - you're all just people. The idea that some are seen as unimportant enough to not be given a voice of their own sickens you.<<br>>
<<elseif $day9crowdState is "nobles">>
You're not going to let your air of lofty nobility shift for a moment - the peasants are your social inferiors, and should be treated as such.<<br>>
<<elseif $day9crowdState is "queen">>
You were there when this was arranged, and know that it seemed to have little to do with impressing your parents - but these folk don't know that, and as 'royalty', it only stands to reason that you should say something which makes the profile of the royal family seem even more important.<<br>>
You're greeted by an obsequious chorus of agreement from the assembled officials.<<br>>
<<blue "Yes, I'm sure you're quite right about that, your Highness.">><<br>>
<<pink "Truly, but perhaps what we should be //really// worried about is the tariffs up on the north eastern border. Who knows what the Flandrians are up to, but prices have never been higher.">><<br>>
Another wave of mumbled agreement.<<br>>
<<blue "Your Highness, I'm sure that you know plenty about the ongoing diplomatic situation there. We've been trying to work out how we think the kingdom should proceed in the negotiations - could we ask your opinion on the matter?">><<br>>
You blink in surprise. As a commoner from the south, you've barely even //heard// of Flandria, let alone what politics might be involved. But it's difficult to imagine a Princess being so uninformed.<<br>>
<<if $auth gte 3>>
<<link "Reassure them by boldly and firmly declaring that I'll absolutely secure my interests">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to "auth">>
<<goto "day9crowdState3">>
<</link>><<check "Authority 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Reassure them by boldly and firmly declaring that I'll absolutely secure my interests" "Authority 3 required">>
<<link "Say that I just hope that everyone will get along nicely">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to "kind">>
<<goto "day9crowdState3">>
<<link "Pretend that the matter is so delicate that you've been sworn to secrecy">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to "secret">>
<<goto "day9crowdState3">>
<<link "Admit my ignorance">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day9crowdState to "ignorant">>
<<goto "day9crowdState3">>
<</link>><<setter "day9crowdState to 'auth'" "day9crowdState to 'kind'" "day9crowdState to 'secret'" "day9crowdState to 'ignorant'">>
<<if $day9crowdState is "auth">>
You don't know anything about the matter, but you don't need to - you have absolute, unwavering confidence that they'll soon be bending to your will.<<br>>
It should be nothing more than an empty platitude, particularly since as Princess it's much more your parents' role than your own, but nothing about your intimidating, powerful demeanor would let anyone believe that your words are hollow.<<br>>
The officials all-but applaud at your bold stance, but no matter how impressed they are you don't linger for long - else they might start asking more challenging questions.
<<elseif $day9crowdState is "kind">>
You don't know anything about the situation, but you don't need to to know what's truly important - that all this worry and concern is unpleasant, and the world would be a better place if both sides could see eye-to-eye and take the compassionate route that helps everyone.<<br>>
You're sure that your words sound pretty silly and naive, but you think that they're important to say regardless.<<br>>
The officials make a polite, but somewhat-strained show of approval for your disposition. You don't linger for long - best to get out of here before they ask any more questions.
<<elseif $day9crowdState is "secret">>
You don't know anything about the situation, but the last thing you need is these people knowing that! You quickly provide a cover for yourself, that the negotiations are too sensitive to be spoken about so openly.<<br>>
You're sure that it's a little rude to brush off these officials, all-but declaring that they're not important enough to warrant an explanation, but it at least keeps your disguise firmly in place.<<br>>
The officials make a polite, but somewhat-strained show of understanding. You don't linger for long - best to get out of here before they ask any more questions.
<<elseif $day9crowdState is "ignorant">>
You don't know anything about the situation, and the last thing that you want is to be caught up in a lie. It's better to just be as frank and honest about it as you can.<<br>>
You're sure that you look a total ditz, to be the Princess and yet either too foolish or too uncaring to understand what's going on, but there are much worse things that you can be seen as.<<br>>
The officials make a polite, but somewhat-strained show of understanding, mentioning how they imagine you must have much more important things on your plate. You don't linger for long - best to get out of here before they can ask any more difficult questions!
<<unset $day9crowdState>>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>You find yourself drawn to one side of the hall which seems to be much noisier than the rest. It quickly becomes clear why - most of the parents have gathered here, their children in tow, and have soon turned the area into a lively mess of laughter, playful shouts, and the occasional wail of a crying babies.<<br>>
You don't get far through the crowd before a pair of small boys brandishing toy swords get carried away in their game and almost hurtle straight into you.<<br>>
<<set _makeoverScore to 0>>
<<if $authTrain + $graceTrain + $cuteTrain + $voiceTrain is 13>>
<<set _makeoverScore += 1>>
<<elseif $authTrain + $graceTrain + $cuteTrain + $voiceTrain gte 14>>
<<set _makeoverScore += 2>>
<<if $dinnerTalk.length gte 6>>
<<set _makeoverScore += 1>>
<<if def $day9simoneCage>>
<<if $day9simoneCage.includes("rebel") is true>>
<<set _makeoverScore += 1>>
Their mother wades through the crowd behind them and box their ears lightly in punishment. <<pink "I'm so sorry, your Highness. I really don't know what got into them.">><<br>>
She gives them a stern glare that could rival even the Queen's. <<pink "Apologize nicely to the Princess, boys!">> She demands, making it clear that she won't take no for an answer.<<br>>
The two of stare up at you gormlessly.<<br>>
<<if _makeoverScore is 0>>
<<blue "S-sorry for bumping, pretty lady.">> Says the oldest, awkwardly. The younger echoes <<blue "... Sorry...">> quietly next to him.<<br>>
You breathe a deep sigh of relief at their awed tone. The tactless honesty of the children is a risk that could have gone badly.<<check "Success - you're as feminine as you can be, since you've never avoided any makeovers">><<br>>
<<pink "There you go. Very good.">> Their mother praises, ruffling their hair affectionately before addressing you again. <<pink "They're good lads, just a little overexcited. I hope your Highness understands.">><<br>>
<<link "Say that I sympathize">>
<<set $day9crowdBaby to "sympathize">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $fem += 2>>
<<goto "day9crowdBaby2">>
<<link "Remark that I have a fondness for that boyish recklessness">>
<<set $day9crowdBaby to "boyish">>
<<goto "day9crowdBaby2">>
<<link "Demand that she control her children better">>
<<set $day9crowdBaby to "demand">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<goto "day9crowdBaby2">>
<<elseif _makeoverScore gte 1>>
<<blue "S-sorry.">> Says the oldest, but then he turns back towards his mom and loudly asks <<blue "Mommy, is that a boy or a girl?">><<check "Failure - you aren't looking as feminine as you could be, due to skipping <<print _makeoverScore>> makeover<<if _makeoverScore isnot 1>>s<</if>> in the past.">><<br>>
For a moment it's like time stops, both you and the boy's mother freeze in horror.<<br>>
<<pink "N-no, Max, I think you'll find that s-she's a very pretty lady, isn't she?">> His mother insists, desperately.<<br>>
Max just squints up at you incredulously.<<br>>
With a frantic, apologetic glance up at you, the mother drags away her children as quickly as you possibly can before they can cause any more problems, leaving you embarrassed and ashamed behind them.<<br>>
You glance around yourself nervously, you're thankful that the loudness of the crowd limited the number of people who overheard the exchange to only a few, but you still find yourself subject to more than a few painful stares. You move onwards as quickly as possible to escape them.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
<</if>><<setter "day9crowdBaby to 'sympathize'" "day9crowdBaby to 'boyish'" "day9crowdBaby to 'demand'">>
<<if $day9crowdBaby is "sympathize">>
You watch as the boys run off again, already shouting and clashing their toy swords together as they play. They're kinda sweet, in their own way, but you bet that they must be absolutely exhausting for their mother to deal with.<<br>>
She smiles at your understanding. <<pink "Yes, that's ever-such the truth of it. I love them to pieces and wouldn't change them for the world, but sometimes you can't help but wonder how much easier they'd be to handle if one or both of them would be girls.">><<br>>
You remember the Queen's problems with the Princess, and suspect that she might not be completely right about that.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
<<elseif $day9crowdBaby is "boyish">>
You watch with a grin as the boys run off again, already shouting and clashing their swords together as they play. You have fond memories of doing much the same when you were a lad, and everything about the enforced femininity of the last week has made you look back on that time with fondness.<<br>>
<<pink "Ah yes, I think I heard as much, come to think of it. That you've been a bit of a rogue yourself at times.">> The mother responds, giving you a big grin. <<pink "Sounds like ever-such a lot of fun. What a way to let off steam! But there really does come a time when you've got to put that silliness away and act a lady again, hmm?">><<br>>
You're not sure if you quite agree, but standing here in such a feminine outfit you can only nod.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
<<elseif $day9crowdBaby is "demand">>
You're a //princess// - you shouldn't have to deal with sticky young children getting in your way. This woman needs to keep her children in-check.<<br>>
The mother flinches at your stern reproval, and her children are soon hiding behind her back as she curtsies furiously. <<pink "Please accept my deepest apologies, your Highness. I-it won't happen again! I'll punish them strictly for this, just you see!">> She stammers, desperately.<<br>>
You give them a withering glare, and continue onwards.<br>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>
<<unset $day9crowdBaby>>
/* :: day9crowdDiplomatic
The hustle and bustle of the crowd soon becomes stifling, and you find yourself seeking out a section that's a little less overwhelming.<<br>>
You */
/* what should the gift be? Maybe this section shouldn't be here. FIXME I guess.*/Most of the crowd that's gathered seem to be stuffy, older nobles. Instinctively you find yourself scanning for young adults your own age. You eventually find them, lounging around indolently together in the corner of the hall.<<br>>
Your arrival soon catches their attention, and all youthful impertinence soon leaves them. By the time you reach them, they're almost as at-attention as the royal guard would be, just dipping into bows and curtsies rather than salutes. It's a little disappointing - so much for being able to relax with your peers.<<br>>
<<pink "Y-your Highness!">> Calls out one. <<pink "W-what an honor to be graced with your presence. We were just saying to eachother how honored we are to attend an event with royalty, weren't we?">><<br>>
The others bob their heads nervously, but you find it doubtful. Much more likely that they were busying gossiping, bickering, boasting, and flirting amongst themselves, like any group of healthy young adults would be.<<br>>
/* <<link "Greet them imperiously">>
<<link "Greet them pleasantly">>
<<link "Greet them sweetly">>
<<link "Greet them flirtatiously">>
<</link>> */
However, before you have a chance to try to break through their formal facade, a young man leaps out from the group to clasp your hand in his and kneel down in front of you before you can even respond.<<br>>
<<blue "Your Highness, ever have I dreamed of this day. I have long admired you from afar, wishing for a chance to meet you and finally be able to speak of my desperate yearning. Please, my most beautiful lady, I know it is sudden, but I would seek your hand in marriage, if you would but let me!">><<br>>
A chorus of amused <<pink "OooOOOooh!">>s rises from the other nobles at the sudden, daring declaration of love.<<br>>
You stand there frozen, trying to work out how to respond. There's a little of Jacques to the young man's boldness, but absolutely none of his charisma to match it. Compared to this desperate display, Jacques' bravado seems almost restrained in hindsight.<<br>>
It certainly doesn't help that you can tell how inauthentic it is. In a way you can't blame him - the opportunity to speak to an eligible Princess probably only comes once-in-a-lifetime. The chances of his proposal being accepted is a thousand to one, but that's still a chance that you shouldn't let slip out of your fingers.<<br>>
It does, however, put you into an awkward spot, trying to work out how to respond to this awkward display without causing problems.<<br>>
<<if $cute gte 3>>
<<link "Shame him with my earnestness">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day9crowdLove to "cute">>
<<goto "day9crowdLove2">>
<</link>><<check "Cuteness 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Shame him with your earnestness" "Cuteness 3 required">>
<<link "Politely refuse him">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $day9crowdLove to "refuse">>
<<goto "day9crowdLove2">>
<<link "Slap him">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $day9crowdLove to "slap">>
<<goto "day9crowdLove2">>
<<link "Give him more than he bargained for">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<set $day9crowdLove to "flirt">>
<<goto "day9crowdLove2">>
<</link>><<setter "day9crowdLove to 'cute'" "day9crowdLove to 'refuse'" "day9crowdLove to 'slap'" "day9crowdLove to 'flirt'">>
<<if $day9crowdLove is "cute">>
<!-- This idiot has been so blinded by greedy ambition that he doesn't care about how rude he's being towards you. Willing to trample over your personal space and comfort just for the chance to trick you into his clutches. It's shit, and it's also //mean//, and you won't let him get away with it .<<br>> -->
He's being so rude and mean, trapping you in this situation like this. You're not going to settle for it.
You let your eyes go wide with the shock and stress of being put on the spot like this, letting your fretting flow through you until they glisten with worry. Even through the swirling in your vision, you can still see the man's face fall as he's confronted with the emotional consequences of his actions.<<br>>
You berate him thoroughly, using your earnestness as a weapon to show him just how scared his abrupt trampling over your personal space and comfort has made you, putting you on the spotlight of his greedy ambition and then demanding that //you// be the one to provide the emotional labor of navigating it.<<br>>
By the time you stride away, your work done, he's all but grovelling behind you, his arrogance stripped away in the face of your guilt-trip. You make sure that he doesn't notice the little smirk you make to yourself at the exchange - it would ruin the effect.
<<elseif $day9crowdLove is "refuse">>
You take a deep breath, before gently but firmly refusing his 'kind' offer, aware that your reputation depends on doing it carefully.<<br>>
Clearly, you don't quite nail it firmly enough - as he has the audacity to argue the point. <<blue "My sweet lady, I understand that it is a difficult thing to accept, but I implore you - even if your hand in marriage is too great an ask, I would but settle for a meager date with your loveliness - and I'm certain that by the end of it you shall no longer doubt that my words are true. Surely you can spare but an evening of your time? You shan't regret it!">><<br>>
You hide the wince you make at his foolish platitudes, and cordially assure him that it would be your sincerest pleasure to agree to such a thing, had you only the time to fit it in. Its only with your deepest regret that you must give him the unkindness of rejection at this juncture.<<br>>
It takes a long time, and a lot of emotional labor, before you finally manage to convince him that he won't be convincing you. You soon step away, retreating back into the crowd before you can get receive any more unwanted proclamations.
<<elseif $day9crowdLove is "slap">>
Screw this - if he's going to act such a ass then the last thing that you're going to do is entertain his arrogant whims. You don't hesitate to bring your palm forward in an almighty slap.<<br>>
The sound of it almost seems to echo through the hall, no matter how loud everyone else is being.<<br>>
For a moment he remains kneeling there, seemingly too shocked to even understand what happened, but his face soon begins to flush with humiliated anger.<<br>>
<<blue "Now look here, your Highness.">> He bristles as he rises, barely keeping his anger in check. <<blue "You really take this //too far//. I was just //asking//.">><<br>>
Some of the men seem almost as upset as the guy you slapped, but you can see some knowing smirks from the young women at being able to watch the ass get some comeuppance.<<br>>
Well, if you weren't going to entertain his 'love', then you're sure as hell not going to bother dealing with his anger. You step forward, dramatically, and are amused to see him flinch in anticipation, but instead of another strike you just push your way past him like he's beneath your notice to even acknowledge. You wander back out into the crowd, leaving him humiliated and furious in your wake.
<<elseif $day9crowdLove is "flirt">>
If this stranger wants to demand an inappropriately intimate situation from you, then you'll just have to give him more than he can handle.<<br>>
You sway your hips until they rest leisurely over one leg, and don't hide the way that you look him up and down - eventually quirking one eye brow as if to ask 'is this really all?' as you ask whether he actually dares to think that he could hope to handle you.<<br>>
The young man's eyes bulge and cheeks flush at the provocative display. The lilted "//oooh//" from his proposal seems tiny in comparison by the one that now rings out from the scandalized crowd by your response.<<br>>
<<blue "Ahh, well, the thing is...">> He stammers, awkwardly, but you don't let him get any further. You step forward, lavishly clasping the back of his head to hold him in place. From the kneeling position of his proposal, he's forced to crane his neck upwards to keep watching you. <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>You're sure that from his low-angle, you're sure that every curve of your body is highlighted, even the meager buds of your chest standing out.<<else>>You're sure that from his low angle, every curve of your body will be amplified, the rounded curve of your breasts prominently displayed.<</if>><<br>>
One mocking glance is all that he needs to know that he's well and truly outclassed. <<blue "Ah, well, y-you're right, your Highness. I was clearly, umm, mistaken.">><<br>>
You don't bother to hide your smirk at the exchange.
<<unset $day9crowdLove>>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>You're a commoner by birth, it only makes sense that you'd try to stay out the way of these nobles and seek the comfort of your own people. You wander over to the outskirts of the crowd, where valets and maids hover anxiously around the nobles, ready to be on-hand at a moment's notice.<<br>>
The moment you break the ranks of nobles, you find all of their attention directed towards you. Eyes bulge nervously at the crown Princess drawing so near, and every servant nearby is soon rushing over to attend to your needs.<<br>>
<<pink "Y-your Highness!">> Cries a maid, her face turning white at the pressure of the situation as she gives you a grovelling curtsy. <<pink "What's wrong? What do you need? How can we help?!?">><<br>>
The panicked expressions on the assembled servants' faces takes you a little off-guard.<<br>>
<<link "Say that I'd just like a chat">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9crowdPanic to "chat">>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic2">>
<<link "Request a glass of water">>
<<set $day9crowdPanic to "water">>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic2">>
/* <br>
<<link "Say that I just wanted to compliment how well they all seem to be doing">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9crowdPanic to "compliment">>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic2">>
<</link>> */<<setter "day9crowdPanic to 'chat'" "day9crowdPanic to 'water'" "day9crowdPanic to 'compliment'">>
<<if $day9crowdPanic is "chat">>
You're honest with your intentions - you'd just like to waste some time chatting with someone.<<br>>
The crowd of gathered servants hesitates, exchanging nervous glances trying to make sense of your request, but instead of calming down they only seem to get more agitated.<<br>>
<<blue "Someone to //chat// too...">> Mutters one.<<br>>
<<pink "D-do we have one of those?">> Hisses another, in a whisper that you're sure they're hoping you can't hear.<<br>>
<<blue "Not //officially//, I don't think. Greg's a decent talker I guess...">><<br>>
You almost can't believe that they're having so much difficulty at the idea, but none of the cowed fear that you see in their faces is fake - a Princess can't just have a //chat// with a servant. They're absolutely terrified of making a wrong move and upsetting you.<<br>>
A maid finally has the bravery to speak up to you. <<pink "Uhh, your Highness. I'll just have to speak to my superior for guidance on the matter. Just one moment, please wait here.">><<br>>
She's met with a chorus of <<blue "Wonderful idea!">> <<pink "I'll join you!">> <<blue "One tic - I'll do it.">> <<pink "Yes, the head butler will know, I'm certain!">>
<<elseif $day9crowdPanic is "water">>
Perhaps, given how jumpy they all seem to be at talking to a Princess, you're better off pretending that you came over here for something other than mere companionship. You figure that asking for a glass of water will be simple enough.<<br>>
<<blue "Of course, my lady. Ice or no ice?">> Replies up one servant, and another piques up add <<pink "sparkling or still?">>, and soon they're all speaking over eachother. <<blue "glass or goblet?">> <<pink "sourced from which spring?">> <<blue "Chilled to which temperature?">><<br>>
You're taken aback by all of the questions - isn't water just //water//? But everything about their worried expressions tells you that they're too terrified of getting it wrong and upsetting royalty to risk leaving it up to chance. However, that doesn't help you know what to pick - you weakly respond that you don't know which you'd like.<<br>>
For a moment the servants just exchange glances at eachother, trying to work out how to deal with the unexpected ambiguity. Finally one speaks up with <<pink "I-I guess we'll bring all the combinations?">> And somehow everyone seems to conclude that that's the only safe option.
/* <<elseif $day9crowdPanic is "compliment">> */
You see the risk before it happens - each and every one of them turning at once in a frantic dash away to try to attend your needs with the greatest urgency they could provide. It's a recipe for disaster.<<br>>
<<if $voice gte 3>>
<<link "Shout out a warning before it's too late">>
<<set $day9crowdPanic2 to "voice">>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic3">>
<</link>><<check "Voice Training 3 check - passed">>
<<fail "Shout out a warning before it's too late" "Voice Training 3 required">>
<<link "Try to help">>
<<set $day9crowdPanic2 to "help">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic3">>
<<link "Get out of here">>
<<set $day9crowdPanic2 to "leave">>
<<goto "day9crowdPanic3">>
<</link>><<setter "day9crowdPanic2 to 'voice'" "day9crowdPanic2 to 'help'" "day9crowdPanic2 to 'leave'">>
<<if $day9crowdPanic2 is "voice">>
You have just enough time to stop it before it's too late - shouting out a clear, loud, and dignified warning that pierces though the hubbub of the crowd and stops them in their tracks.<<br>>
You can see the realization dawn on their faces at what was about to happen - knees and elbows untangling themselves awkwardly.<<br>>
A maid is the first to speak up. <<pink "I'm sorry, your Highness. I suppose that we got a little carried away, didn't we?">><<br>>
There's a mumbled chorus of agreement.<<br>>
<<pink "Umm, shall we go and get you that <<if $day9crowdPanic is 'water'>>water<<elseif $day9crowdPanic is 'chat'>>conversational partner<<else>><<error>><</if>>, more carefully this time, my lady?">><<br>>
You can't help but let out a sigh of exhaustion, and say the truth - that you really don't feel like it anymore.<<br>>
You're glad that you at least managed to avoid a disaster, but when you look around the faces of the servants there's still the same cowed nervousness as ever, too intimidated by your royalty for your presence to be anything other than a mischief. With resignation, you turn away back into the crowd and make yourself scarce.
<<elseif $day9crowdPanic2 is "help">>
You wince as the group end up clattering to the floor in a heap of elbows and knees before you can stop them.<<br>>
You don't hesitate to leap to their aid - after all, you're the one who's presence made it happen.<<br>>
You're sure that the sight of the crown Princess fussing over a group of collapsed servants, lifting some to their feet and apologetically smoothing down the outfits of others is enough to raise a few eyebrows, and when you eventually glance back over to the noble crowd you see more than a few staring back at you.<<br>>
You don't let them get to you, but it's not their gaze which stings the most. Even now, the servants look at you with more fear than anything. No matter how grateful they are, it's outweighed by the embarrassment of having made such a awful mistake, and the fear that they have for their jobs and livelihoods in the wake of it.<<br>>
Before they have a chance to panic again, or even worse, start begging for leniency, you make sure to loudly announce that there's really something that you must do, and hurry away back through the crowd before things get any worse.
<<elseif $day9crowdPanic2 is "leave">>
You wince as the group end up clattering to the floor in a heap of elbows and knees.<<br>>
You never intended it, but your presence here seems to have caused nothing but chaos for the servants, and you suspect that if you stay any longer then the poor things will only get even more worked up.<<br>>
Besides, if you were to have fallen embarrassingly to the floor like that, then the last thing that you'd want is for the third most powerful person in the country to be standing there watching the whole thing. It seems to you that the kindest thing is to make yourself scarce.<<br>>
You tactfully step away, letting yourself get lost in the crowd before they have a chance to regather their wits enough to glance back your way. You're sure that they'll be worried about your absence, but less so than they would be by your presence.
<<unset $day9crowdPanic>><<unset $day9crowdPanic2>>
<<include "day9crowdLinks">>One of your escort speaks up. <<blue "Your Highness. I believe that her Majesty the Queen wants you again.">><<br>>
You glance over to the raised dias, and see the Queen pointedly making eye-contact with you. You wonder how much of your wandering she's been watching, and if she's displeased at what she saw.<<br>>
If she has any opinions on the matter, she keeps them to herself for now. Instead greeting you with <<queen "Ahh, there you are, my dear. I believe that the event was just about to begin. Isn't that correct, step-uncle?">> as you step back up onto the platform.<<br>>
Gaspard is looking a little frantic. <<gaspard "Uh, yes. It is about time. But where is your husband? Is he not meant to be here by now?">><<br>>
<<queen "No, not quite so soon - not with the details for meeting with the burghers later still to finalize. I said that he'll be here for the assembly, but this is merely the commencement, is it not?">><<br>>
Gaspard seems to bristle at the news, which draws raised eyebrows from both the Queen and his wife.<<br>>
<<drusilla "I really don't know //what's// gotten into you today, Gaspard. Come on, it's well past time by now, isn't it? Let's get this started shall we?">><<br>>
Gaspard grumbles <<gaspard "Fine. We'll just have to manage.">> to himself under his breath, and waves a signal to the Bastille guardsmen at the other end of the hall.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants2">>Trumpets start to sing out, marking the beginning of the event, and the noble audience soon quiet down.<<br>>
You note a unusually large number of Bastille guardsmen around the hall - perhaps a sign that the nobles don't trust the peasants nearly as much as they'd like to pretend, or maybe just an attempt to one-up the Queen's choice not to send off her armed escort. A pair of them hurry to either side of the towering doorway at the end of the hall and haul the heavy doors open.<<br>>
In they come, at a steady, unhurried pace, dozens of peasants dressed up in straw hats and tattered clothing, peering carefully around the grand hall as they flood forward to fill the space left for them in the center of the hall.<<br>>
The nobles, clearly used to pomp and performances, clearly don't know how to react to such an ordinary entrance, and stand around awkwardly. Eventually one decides to start clapping, and others start to join them, showering the surly peasants with applause. You figure that the effect is even weirder than the silence.<<br>>
The peasants keep on coming, and you're surprised to see a few donkey-led wagons among them, each piled-high with straw.<<br>>
You frown - to the haughty nobles greeting them you bet that the 'peasantry' must look exactly as they might have expected them to be, down to all of the stereotypes, but as a commoner yourself something starts to seem wrong. These aren't your run-of-the-mill plebians here, they're too well-fed, too muscular, and the straw wagons are truly an artifice too-far. Their eyes scan around the crowd with grim intent rather than wonder. It certainly doesn't help that there's a few too many scars visible, and none of them seem to be from farm-tools.<<br>>
If you bumped into these guys in a dark alley you'd know to either run like hell or preemptively get your valuables out ready to try to appease them.<<br>>
You don't like the look of this situation one bit.<<br>>
<<section "day9peasants2links">>
<<link "Remain as you are">>
<<set $day9peasantReact to "remain">>
<<goto "day9peasants3">>
<<link "Whisper a warning to the Queen">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $day9peasantReact to "warn">>
<<goto "day9peasants3">>
<<link "Shout a louder warning">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $day9peasantReact to "shout">>
<<goto "day9peasants3">>
<span id="day9peasants2">
<<print _day9peasants2links>><br>
<<link "Try to get out of here">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<replace "#day9peasants2" t8n>>
<<set $attemptFled to true>>
Whatever this is, it means trouble, and you don't want to get caught up in it.<<br>>
You twist around, ready to get out of here, only to find the royal soldiers positioned around the dias quickly readying themselves to stop you. Oh right - you're a flight risk, of course they'd be told to be ready to stop you the moment you started looking like you were ready to bolt.<<br>>
Not even caring to glance your way, the Queen sees enough of your action out the corner of her eye to leisurely place a hand on your shoulder. To an outsider it must look supportive, but her grip is tight enough to firmly communicate that she has no time for your flightiness.<<br>>
<<print _day9peasants2links>>
</span><<setter "day9peasantReact to 'remain'" "day9peasantReact to 'warn'" "day9peasantReact to 'shout'" "attemptFled to true">>
<<if $day9peasantReact is "remain">>
Whatever's going on, the last thing you need to be doing is making a scene. This could well play into your favor, or perhaps be nothing at all. You settle back into an illusion of calm, but remain warily ready to take action at any moment.
<<elseif $day9peasantReact is "warn">>
You step closer to the Queen and warn her in a tense whisper that something seems wrong.<<br>>
She instinctively starts to wave you away, her mouth opening ready to irritably dismiss your concerns, but before the words leave her she pauses, a thought striking her, and her brow furrows.<<br>>
She glances back at you, searching your expression, but all she finds there is tense sincerity. Her jaw tightens, and she gives a barely-perceptible nod of understanding.<<br>>
She turns back to the parade of 'peasants', her features easily sliding back to a mask of regal dignity, but out the corner of her mouth she whispers <<queen "Tell me.">><<br>>
You offer all of the details you can, and she makes a few brief queries. When she asks what proportion of the group seem to be imposters, you're distressed to realize that it could well be all of them.<<br>>
As you talk, she makes some disguised gestures of warning to the armed escort surrounding you, though from what you can make out from your glances, a lot of them seem like they might be too distracted by the formalities to notice.
<<elseif $day9peasantReact is "shout">>
This looks like trouble, and you don't want anybody here caught unawares. <<if $attemptFled is true>>You shrug the Queen's hand off of your shoulder and<<else>>You<</if>> shout out in alarm, letting everyone you can know that these 'peasants' seem wrong to you.<<br>>
Duke Gaspard leaps into action at your unexpected outcry, sweeping over to paternalistically clasp you by the shoulders and loudly declare. <<gaspard "No no no, your Highness. I quite know that these brutish, ugly low-borns may look quite //wrong// indeed to a sweet young lady like yourself, but have no fear - this is //precisely// why this event is quite so important, you see? To ensure that despite our vast, obvious differences, we can still understand eachother.">> He laughs a little too intensely. <<gaspard "Poor little mite!">><<br>>
You can see most of the nobles who had for a brief moment looked over in alarm, settle into bemused laughter at your fragile disposition.<<br>>
<<drusilla "Though who could blame her from being //revolted// by all this. Who //knows// what diseases they're tramping all over the place.">> Drusilla snorts to herself.<<br>>
You don't let yourself be so easily deterred, not with such a dangerous situation on your hands. You move to shove Gaspard off of you, only to find his wiry grip on you far tighter than any that you'd have expected from his jovial tone.<<br>>
You remain impotently fighting to speak up, your complaints smothered by him, until the Queen tersely commands <<queen "Calm //down//, dear.">> You wince in frustration, going limp as you realize that it's hopeless, only to notice that the Queen's gaze lingers on you for a few more moments, her expression one more of concern than irritation. She makes a brief, disguised gesture to the royal soldiers, before turning back to the formalities, her features once again replaced by a mask of royal, dignified calm.
<<unset $attemptFled>>
The intruders finish trailing into the hall, and stand arranged around their carts, scanning the noble audience warily.<<br>>
Gaspard pulls himself up to his full height. <<gaspard "Ladies, gentlemen, and those without the dignity of a rank!">> He announces. <<gaspard "I would like to thank one and all for joining us this afternoon. I can absolutely guarantee you all that history itself will be made this very day!">><<br>>
A ripple of polite, if unenthusiastic applause runs through the nobles. The 'peasants' don't move a muscle.<<br>>
<<gaspard "For, you see, this is no mere meeting with the lower classes, but something much more //vital//. The end of an era, and the return of the good days which were taken from us.">><<br>>
He claps his hands together, and the intruders take action. Straw is ripped away from the covering of two of the three wagons, and the weapons stored underneath are swiftly passed around amongst themselves. An armed insurrection - invited straight into the front doors of the Bastille.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants4">><<setter "day9peasantReact to 'remain'" "day9peasantReact to 'warn'" "day9peasantReact to 'shout'">>
<<gaspard "You see-">> Gaspard begins, but his voice is soon lost in the din as the crowd of nobles begin to panic at the sight.<<br>>
The quick-witted are already trying to make a hasty exit from the hall, only to have their escape routes firmly blocked by Bastille guardsmen, brandishing their rifles without heed of the importance of those they're pointing them at.<<br>>
<<if $day9peasantReact is "shout" or $day9peasantReact is "warn">>
With smooth precision, the royal soldiers of your escort take up positions around you and the Queen. <<if $day9peasantReact is "shout">>Looks like the Queen had taken your warning seriously, even if the others didn't.<<else>>Only a few, who hadn't picked up on the Queen's signals, are slow on the update, and are soon too swamped by waves of panicked nobles to offer much support.<</if>>
Taken off-guard by the scene, half of your escort of royal soldiers are soon too swamped by waves of panicked nobles to offer much support.
<</if>> The Queen places a hand firmly on your shoulder, but chooses not to take action yet - for now tensely taking in the scene.<<br>>
<<gaspard "ALL THIS IS JUST A-">> Gaspard shouts, desperately trying to recite his reversed speech loud enough to be heard, but it's hopeless - the stooped little man simply lacks the stage-presence for his monologue to take purchase in the increasingly-agitated audience. <<gaspard "ERR, COME ALONG NOW...">><<br>>
It's not until his wife bellows <<drusilla "//SHUT UP//!">> at the top of her prodigious lungs that some semblance of order is regained.<<br>>
<<gaspard "Ah, t-thank you, darling! I really thought that-">> Gaspard begins, but even now he isn't permitted to finish his sentence.<<br>>
<<drusilla "What on //earth// do you think you're playing at, Gaspard?">> Snaps the Duchess furiously, seemingly as surprised by all this as anyone else. <<drusilla "What is this foolishness?">><<br>>
Gaspard winces. <<gaspard "Ah, well, I really rather had a //speech// on the matter, my darling.">><<br>>
<<drusilla "I don't care for your //speeches// Gaspard. Just tell me what the hell is going on.">><<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants42">><<gaspard "Ah, err.. It's... well... It's all for //you//, my dear.">> Gaspard blathers, awkwardly.<<br>>
The duchess hesitates for a moment. <<drusilla "For //me//?">><<br>>
<<gaspard "My darling, my sweet dear Dru'. It's //all// for you. All my //life// has been for you, you see? And yet, and yet you treat me like //dirt//! I know that I- that I'm //weak//, and get in your way, and disappoint you ever so. But I want that to change. I want to //prove// to you that I can be a man worthy of your attentions.">><<br>>
<<gaspard "I know how you long for the days before your wretched niece">> He gestures spitefully towards the Queen. <<gaspard "- sullied our kingdom's honor by unifying it with our lesser neighbors. How you hate her so. And how much resentment you held towards your sister - that she by mere accident of being born first was permitted the crown while you were left with nothing.">><<br>>
<<gaspard "Come, my dearest Dru'. With all of these noble personages as witness we can snuff out your niece and her whelp right now, and the King will be soon behind them, I'm sure. The purple sparrowhawk will rise again, with //you// at it's crown. And I- I-">> He hesitates for a moment. <<gaspard "I will perhaps be permitted to lay with you once again, as your honored husband. And you shan't have to be so cold with me any longer.">><<br>>
Drusilla stares at her husband, her expression implacable. Then, she glances around the hall. <<drusilla "Are you //stupid//, Gaspard? Even with these //ruffians// you've found to sully our carpets, we have a whole //platoon// of royal soldiers guesting under our roof, perhaps already preparing countermeasures as we speak. This paltry number would struggle to even control the Bastille, let alone the south.">><<br>>
Gaspard's expression begins to deflate - no doubt by now he was expecting her to already be in his arms, fawning and grateful. However, he manages to regather himself. <<gaspard "I- I'm embarrassed that you think so little of me, my darling. Rest assured, from now on I shall prove to you that such dim-expectations are quite wrong. No - I'm assured to have //exactly// the strength of arms to stake your righteous claim. Though they cost me a pretty penny on the black market.">><<br>>
He makes a dramatic gesture towards the group of 'peasants', though it takes him frantically repeating it a few times before they seem to get the hint, and the hay covering over the last cart is ripped away.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants5">>Under the covering of hay, you're surprised to see a large wrought-iron cage, like one you'd find in the back of a prison-cart. Though you find yourself oddly reminded of the time that a traveling carnival brought a pair of mangy caged lions to your hometown.<<br>>
There's a brief jangling of keys as one of the 'peasants' undoes the lock, before to stepping away as quickly as he can afterwards. The door swings open, and three grim figures prowl out of the darkness into view.<br>
<<img "Passage/day9peasants5.jpg">><br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Miyukiko)@@</div>
Your blood runs cold at the sight of them. You recognize that stark black armor, it's become a regular feature of your nightmares, along with those eerie red-orange eyes - perfect matches for the ones worn by the Scarecrow Killer.<<br>>
They move more like wolves than men, sniffing the air and glancing around the staring crowd warily. One, who's head is completely shrouded in a sack-like mask alike the one you first saw the Scarecrow Killer in, even //snarls//. You can't help but wonder what might be obscured under that mask - all three of them seem marked by inhumanity, their bodies warped and twisted, seemingly by random mutation.<<br>>
Next to you, the Queen curses under her breath.<<br>>
<<gaspard "It was providence, really! Getting that offer for their service just as the royal convoy arrived. I've been shown a demonstration of their power, and they're really something! The best attack-hounds you could ask for, and perfectly loyal to their master.">><<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants6">><<setter "outfit.set.id to 'drusilla'" "day7banqArray.push('drusilla')" "day7banqArray.delete('drusilla')">>
Duke Gaspard turns once again to his wife. <<gaspard "Well, my darling? Let's take your throne for you.">><<br>>
Drusilla stares at him, wide eyed, for once taken-aback by her husband.<<br>>
Then she glances over, her eyeline drifting over to where you and the Queen are huddled together behind your royal guard. You can almost see the visions of stimied ambition, desperate jealousy, and a lifetime of spurned resentment swimming in that distant gaze.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
And then they focus on you, standing there terrified, in the very dress that she wore in her youth, and she seems to return to herself.
<<elseif $day7banqArray.includesAny("drusilla") is true>>
And then they focus on you, standing there terrified for your life, and she seems to return to herself.
And then they seem to focus on the Queen, standing there tense and scared, and she seems to return to herself.
She turns back to her husband, seething with rage. <<drusilla "Gaspard, they are my //family//. We have difficulties, for certain, but there's a difference between //squabbling// and //murder//. I shall not take action against them.">><<br>>
Gaspard can do nothing but stammer in despair at her words.<<br>>
<<drusilla "You're a stupid, //stupid// man, Gaspard. Now call off this foolishness this instant.">><<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants62">>Gaspard's jaw clenches. He glances around at the crowd of terrified nobles, the nobles who he called here to bear witness to his ascension but now watch his humiliation.<<br>>
<<if $day7banqExcuse is "rory">>
His face twists in fury. <<gaspard "This- this is about that //Rory// chap that she-">> He points a finger at you accusingly <<gaspard "mentioned at dinner, isn't it?">>
His face twists in fury. <<gaspard "This is about //Rory//, isn't it?">><<br>>
Drusilla blinks at the word, hesitating.<<br>>
<<gaspard "I //know// that you send letters to this..- this //suitor//! I've known all along! And now, even when I'm trying grant you everything that you could ever want, you're //still// choosing him over your //husband//?">><<br>>
Even despite the dire situation, you can hear a few whispers run through the crowd at the scandal.
Drusilla's face hardens. <<drusilla "That's none of your concern.">><<br>>
The lack of denial is as good as confirmation. For a few seconds Gaspard's mouth just opens and shuts dumbly, but then a pathetic desperation lights up in his eyes.<<br>>
<<gaspard "Well, then, why-why don't I just kill you too?">><<br>>
Drusilla stares at him in horror.<<br>>
He soon warms to his idea. <<gaspard "Yes, yes. It's only right. After being //insulted// and //demeaned// for so long. I should be //owed// your adoration, for doing all this, and you //still// denigrate me. It's not right. It's not right at all. It's only what you deserve!">><<br>>
He's off, filled with a frantic momentum, tripping down from the dias and staggering over to the three blankly staring killers.<<br>>
<<gaspard "Her, her!">> He signals, pointing out his wife while using the other to flap insistently at the one whose lips are suspended in a rictus-grin - perhaps in amusement, or else that its jaw bones have protruded so far that that its skin no longer reaches over the teeth. <<gaspard "Kill her right now! I-I want to see her //suffer//!">><<br>>
The killer takes swift, brutal action, but not directed towards Drusilla.<<br>>
Without a flicker of hesitation nor humanity, the killer's hand lashes out to grasp Gaspard's head. For the briefest moment the little man's eyes bulge in pain and horror, before his skull gives way completely in the thing's grip, shattering in a shower of blood, splinters of bone, and clumps of grey-matter.<<br>>
For a second time seems to stop, everyone staring at disbelief at the sight. It seems that they're less loyal to their master than Gaspard was told - or else he was never their master at all.<<br>>
And then the room erupts into chaos.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants7">>Whatever cowed fear had been keeping everyone quiet is soon dispelled at the sight, and the hall is filled with a swirling mass of terrified, screaming nobles, stampeding over eachother in a desperate attempt to get to safety.<<br>>
The Bastille guardsmen positioned around the hall seem completely thrown off by sight of their lord being killed in front of their eyes. From your elevated position on the dias you can see many of them as scared and lost as the nobles, but a loud '//crack//' of rifle-fire from one end of the hall tells you that not all of them are as deterred, or are at least clinging to their last orders in the confusion - with bloody consequences.<<br>>
The rough 'peasants' are the least set back by Gaspard's sudden demise, almost like they were already anticipating it. They move with mercenary efficiency, cutting down anyone who gets close and splitting up to secure strategic choke-points around the room, but you note a hesitancy in their movements, a reluctance to get anywhere near the three killers. They must be as scared of those monsters as everyone else.<<br>>
The eerie stillness of the three killers is broken, and without even a glance at eachother they leap into synchronized action, hurtling through the crowd, weapons swinging, sending a shower of blood and screams behind them as they dash headlong towards you and the Queen.<<br>>
And then your eyeline is broken as you're firmly directed down from the dias by your armed escort. You feel the Queen's hand grip onto yours and pull you towards the exit.<<br>>
It comes not a moment too soon. You can hear a sickening '//schlunk//' as a spear - one of killers' weapons - plunges through the space you just occupied and sinks into the body of a royal solider instead of yours. It's soon followed by bellowing battle-cries and the clashing of blades as your escort meet them in combat, but you're too busy fleeing to turn back and see. You wish that you could believe in their success, but you know that against such monsters it's hopeless.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants8">>You run as fast as you can<<if $pc.heels is 1>><<if $outfit.shoe.types.includes("heel") is true>> on your little heels<</if>><</if>>, led by the Queen's firm hand.<<br>>
It's less than a dozen feet from the rear of the dias to the doorway, but it feels like an eternity. Every moment that passes you expect to be your last, but you manage to scramble your way through.<<br>>
<<queen "Bar the doors!">> The Queen commands sharply to the few soldiers left who haven't been abandoned to the rearguard.<<br>>
You glance up in surprise, sparing a thought for those still left in the hall, but a look back at the bloodbath behind you soon makes it clear that if they're to escape, it certainly won't be in this direction. The thick wooden doors slam shut behind you, and a sideboard is quickly dragged over to bar it.<<br>>
<<drusilla "This way!">> Shouts duchess Drusilla, who you're surprised to find is standing next to you. <<drusilla "There's a maintenance tunnel coming off this hallway. They likely won't notice it.">><<br>>
The Queen hesitates for a moment, as if weighing up whether her aunt can be trusted, but only a moment. <<queen "You heard her! Come on!">><<br>>
At Drusilla's lead, your group are directed through a tiny doorway hidden in the shadow of a staircase, and into a corridor so cramped that you have to stoop to get inside.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants82">>There's a pounding thud from behind you as the barricaded door to the hall is tested, followed mere moments later by a '//slam//' it's thrown clear off of its hinges.<<br>>
Your group, crouched in the dingy corridor, go as silent as the grave in anticipation of the death that could be coming at any moment.<<br>>
The tense, terrified seconds linger onwards.<<br>>
It's difficult to tell, over the sounds of gunfire and screaming ringing out from the hall, but you could swear that you hear the sound of light, loping footsteps stalk off elsewhere in the Bastille.<<br>>
After over a minute of anxious dread, you finally let yourself release the breath that you'd been holding. You soon find the others doing the same around you, like they'd been too scared to be the first to do so.<<br>>
<<queen "Come on.">> Whispers the Queen. <<queen "We can't stay here. We need to continue onwards.">><<br>>
As if to prove her point, more footsteps ring out from behind. They're probably the mercenaries, but could well be Bastille guardsmen, nobles, royal soldiers, or the return of the killers - the last thing you want is to wait and find out. Your group carefully press onwards, deeper into the now-hostile depths of Bastille.<<br>>
<<cont "day9peasants9">>Congratulations! You've reached the end of content for The Princess Trap for now.<<br>>
I hope that you've enjoyed the content that you've seen so far.<<br>>
I hope to bring the next update as soon as possible. Keep an eye out for it!<<br>>
If you have any feedback whatsoever, please do get in touch. You can contact me via the [[TFgames.site forum thread->https://tfgames.site/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?t=17942]], our [[Discord server->https://discord.gg/nkyMSJx352]], or by emailing me at n@natnatn.at.<<br>>
If you've enjoyed what you've read so far, please consider supporting me by subscribing to my [[SubscribeStar page->https://subscribestar.adult/TPT]]. Subscribers get access to the next update before anyone else. Your help would be dearly appreciated!
Thank you!<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("acc")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh, these things?"@@ begins Simone between bites. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I've always loved colors and cute patterns and things, so I was super duper sad when they showed me the maid outfit and it was black and white"@@<br><br>
She smiles mischievously to herself. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I cried a little to the head butler when he showed me, and then he felt sorry for me so let me add all the bits that I wanted."@@<br><br>
You're surprised at her mischievous tone; clearly the waterworks weren't entirely unintentional. You wouldn't have expected her sweet earnestness to have some cunning to it, and once again make a mental note to yourself not to underestimate her.
<<if $dinnerTalk.includesAll("maid", "family", "acc")>>
<br><br><br>You've talked a lot about Simone over your evenings together, and you've learnt a lot about the adorable little maid. You feel that by exhausting the available topics about her you've picked up enough details to get better at imitating her cuteness in the future.<br><br>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Cuteness skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">>
<<set $cute += 1>>
<<set $cuteBonus += 1>>
<<set $simoneTalkCuteBonus to 3>>
<</if>><<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("bastille")>>
You start talking about the mysterious Bastille de la Sainte which the two of you are staying in.<<br>>
<<simone "It's certainly //safe//.">> Simone comments. <<simone "I've never seen walls so thick and sturdy - it's like someone started adding layers and just never stopped!">><<br>>
You correct her - if it were something like that then they'd at least be visible brickwork or something, but there's no sign of anything like that.<<br>>
Simone cocks her head to one side in thought. <<simone "Gosh, you're completely right! It's like it was carved straight out of a mountain or something, rather than made normally. Either way, it's so much older than the rest of Saint-Joules.">><<br>>
Now it's your turn to be surprised at her insight.<<br>>
Simone stammers a little bit at your focused attention, not confident at proposing things if you hadn't also thought them.. <<simone "W-well, it's just that the rest of the city doesn't share its style in the slightest, they're all too modern, or rather, too not-ancient.">> At your impressed expression she begins to speak a little more steadily. <<simone "Come to think of it, the Bastille interior is just the same - normal stonework instead of one big piece of stone. It's like it was empty when we found it and then people just filled it up with castle stuff - like a turkey being filled with stuffing.">><<br>>
Conversation soon flows to the Bastille's occupants. Duchess Drusilla seems a real piece of work - so mean and cunning that it's easy to see what kind of family environment the Queen must have been raised in to make her the way she is.<<br>>
<<simone "Well, the regular staff here are normal at least. They're nice folks!">> Simone responds thoughtfully. <<simone "A little cagey about some stuff I guess, like how we're not allowed to access a bunch of areas, but they seem to think it's as silly as we do - it's probably just some weird power-play between the Queen and her aunt.">><<br>>
You just hope that it's safe here.<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("colette")>>
You talk about how cruel and bitchy Colette is.<br><br>
<<simone "I can't believe how awful she is!">> Simone agrees, overenthusiastically skewering some food with her fork as she does. <<simone "Who on //earth// would decide that ripping people's cute outfits is a good idea? She's completely evil! What kind of thing would make someone like that?">><br><br>
You've been wondering that too. Colette had mentioned that she's like this because of something that the Princess did to her, many years ago. But what?<br><br>
<<simone "The Princess never mentioned anything like that. In fact, she never talked about Colette at //all//. I brought her up a few times when I first started working as her maid - I knew that they were famously friends and stuff, so I thought it would be a good topic, but she'd just blank me about it.">><br><br>
Whatever happened must have been pretty bad. Colette's fixation went far beyond mere revenge. It was like she was //broken// in some way, and trying to drag the Princess down into being just as broken as she was.<br><br>
<<simone "Y-you don't think that the Princess might be //bad//, do you?">> Simone asks nervously. <<simone "She's always been brash, and rude, and thoughtless, but I never thought of her as someone who'd really //hurt// someone, you know?">><br><br>
You have no idea, but it seems like a definite possibility. You just hope that no more of the skeletons in her closet will come back to haunt you.<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("crow")>>
Ever since the attack <<if $day is 5>>yesterday<<else>><<print $day-4>> days ago<</if>> you haven't been able to get the Scarecrow Killer out of your head. Something about the mental image of them standing above you, drenched in Jacques' blood, and yet absolutely terrified, more animal than person, has truly imprinted itself into your brain.<<br>>
<<simone "What I don't get is why it //stopped// like that.">> Simone muses.
You've been wondering the same. It was almost like they were being //controlled// somehow, and then suddenly the control had lifted and left them as the scared, vulnerable thing that they were beforehand.<<br>>
<<simone "But why at that moment? It was about to kill one of its targets - to kill //you//, the Princess - you'd think that would be the //last// moment that it would stop, right?. Did anything else happen that could have caused it?">><<br>>
You think back to the moment. It was at the exact time you'd screamed for them to 'stop' that it had happened. And yet, just moments beforehand you'd seen Jacques command them to stop himself - it couldn't be anything special about the words themselves.<<br>>
<<simone "It's almost like it was something about //you// in particular that did it. Gosh, do you think that you're special in some way, like, you have some kind of magic powers, or you're from an ancient lineage?">><<br>>
The idea is enough to make you laugh. You're pretty confident that you're just some guy - as low-born as anyone else. Besides, even though the Scarecrow Killer and the chemical running through your veins has made you widen your concept of what's possible in the world, you really doubt that anything as fantastical as that kind of thing really exists.<<br>>
Nevertheless, the question nags at you.<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("elodie")>>
You talk about the strange girl dressed all in black <<if $day lte 4>>who's<<else>>who was<</if>> traveling with the royal convoy. Compared to the other nobles, who seem to be posh assholes, Elodie just seemed kinda chill. Weird and aloof, but chill.<br><br>
After listening to you talk about her for a while Simone chimes up with @@color:#F9B7FF;"I think I've overheard people talk about her - or at least talk about her family. Some nouveau-riche types apparently."@@<br><br>
Something about those snobbish words coming from Simone's mouth is so incongruous that you can't help laughing. Simone looks surprised, and sheepishly admits @@color:#F9B7FF;"Well... that's what the nobles I overheard called them at least. I don't know what it means to be honest."@@<br><br>
After you explain, she observes @@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh! That makes so much sense. They were talking about how her family had been just petty nobles not long ago."@@ She pauses for a moment before continuing @@color:#F9B7FF;"I wonder if that's why Elodie seems out of place. She wasn't raised like to be all posh and stuff, and from the sound of it she isn't taking well to suddenly being told to act completely differently."@@<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("eyeChange")>>
<<if $day lte 4>>
You talk about your change in eye color. It feels really weird to have something so seemingly fundamental about yourself be altered. Weirder still that it's something that everyone else can see but you. It's not like you had any particular attachment to your old <<print $pc.n.eye>> eyes, but they'd been //yours//.<br><br>
<<elseif $day gte 5>>
You try to talk about the transformations that you've been experiencing, but quickly find yourself getting choked up about it. It's all so raw that it's difficult to speak about it directly, so you just talk around the topic.<<br>>
Simone seems to pick up on your difficulty, and wisely directs the conversation to something on the topic, but not too direct.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"What I don't get is why you believed that man that the contents of the vial would change your eyes in the first place."@@ muses Simone. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I've heard of people getting limbs replaced in surgeries, but never anyone drinking something and ''poof'', suddenly they're different. Obviously, you were right to believe it, but it feels like we've stepped into a fairy tale or something."@@<br><br>
Simone's comment catches you off guard. Why //had// you believed him? You'd just kind of accepted it. The idea of being even more gullible than even Simone would have been doesn't quite sit right with you. Maybe it had been all of the alchemical equipment set up that convinced you that what was going on was science rather than absurdity? Or the way that the man himself had seemed... Weird. Altered, perhaps. Like his eyes were two sizes too large for his skull and his veins too swollen for mere blood to have been pumping inside.<br><br>
You shake your head to try to clear the image of the man from it, but can't manage to stop thinking about those haunting eyes.<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("family")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"We're a comfy family living in the Capital!"@@ begins Simone between bites @@color:#F9B7FF;"My mam's a seamstress, and dad's a merchant so is away a lot. There's seven of us siblings, all girls, and I'm the youngest."@@<br><br>
Simone pouts a little as she mentions her siblings. @@color:#F9B7FF;"They all think I'm just cute and little and try to spoil me, but now I'm the Princess' maid so I'm fancier than any of them!"@@<br><br>
It sounds like a busy family, but a warm one.
<<if $dinnerTalk.includesAll("maid", "family", "acc")>>
<br><br><br>You've talked a lot about Simone over your evenings together, and you've learnt a lot about the adorable little maid. You feel that by exhausting the available topics about her you've picked up enough details to get better at imitating her cuteness in the future.<br><br>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Cuteness skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">>
<<set $cute += 1>>
<<set $cuteBonus += 1>>
<<set $simoneTalkCuteBonus to 3>>
<</if>><<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("jacques")>>
You talk about the easygoingly gallant man traveling with the royal convoy. You quickly find yourself talking in particular about how annoying you find him. His lackadaisical gait; his devil-may-care attitude; and how he always seems to say the exact thing to take control of the situation and make you feel silly in comparison.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"That's Jacques. He's from a major family around here. He's not all talk from what I've overheard from some soldiers though - he spent a few years training as a soldier or something, and must have been pretty good by the way that they were talking about him. I think he got taken out of it by his family for some reason - and from the sounds of it he's trying to amuse himself now that he's got nothing important to do."@@ Simone explains.<br><br>
For some reason you find yourself even more annoyed after hearing that there's some substance to his posturing, and can't help yourself from listing a few more things that you dislike about the man.<br><br>
Simone seems surprised at your sudden passion, but after a while her expression changes to one of warm bemusement. @@color:#F9B7FF;"It sure sounds like you get all flustered just thinking around him..."@@ she muses to herself enigmatically after a while, before hurriedly busying herself with tidying away the dishes before you can ask her what she means by the comment.<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("maid")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I like it nice enough."@@ begins Simone between bites. @@color:#F9B7FF;"The other maids are always really nice to me, a bunch of them call me their little sister, which is really sweet of them."@@<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Things have been hectic ever since I became the Princess' maid. I don't even know why I got picked to be honest, it seems like such an important honor but for some reason they came to me even though I was only a newbie. It's tiring and difficult but it's a privilege to work for the royal family, and all of the staff ruffle my hair and tell me that I'm doing well."@@<br><br>
You wonder if the reason why Simone ended up the Princess' maid might be because nobody else wanted to do it and the other servants might feel sorry for her, but decide not to say anything.
<<if $dinnerTalk.includesAll("maid", "family", "acc")>>
<br><br><br>You've talked a lot about Simone over your evenings together, and you've learnt a lot about the adorable little maid. You feel that by exhausting the available topics about her you've picked up enough details to get better at imitating her cuteness in the future.<br><br>
''You got a temporary bonus for your Cuteness skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">>
<<set $cute += 1>>
<<set $cuteBonus += 1>>
<<set $simoneTalkCuteBonus to 3>>
<</if>><<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("merat")>>
You can't help but complain about Merat. He's a monstrous sadist - just thinking about him is enough to send shivers down your spine.<<br>>
If he was anywhere else you bet that he'd be ostracized from society for being the creep that he is. But under the Queen's wing he won't get any of those punishments, no reasons to change his ways. If anything, the Queen might well be encouraging it to make him even more useful as a merciless tool of torture.<<br>>
Even though she's never seen that side of him, your description is enough for Simone to fidget nervously with her knife and fork. <<simone "To think that someone like that's been working in the Capital with me. Sure, he's often out on missions and stuff, but the idea that we shared a roof is //terrifying//!">><<br>>
The idea's a little amusing to you - it doesn't seem nearly as much as a problem when the 'roof' that you're under sounds large enough to almost be a city-unto-itself, with hundreds of staff, but you don't mention it.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm trying to remember what I know about him.">> Simone mentions, frowning in the effort. <<simone "He's definitely mysterious, but he hasn't been around for all that long, or at least I don't think so. Most of the other higher-ups are either big-name dignitaries who were granted the role, or commoners who slowly worked their way up over years of service, but Merat just showed up one day. Maybe it was after another one of the royal tours? I bet that he was just some peasant who they found out there, because from what I heard he seemed terribly out of place at first.">><<br>>
You frown to yourself, wondering what might have transpired to get him picked up by royalty.<<run $dinnerTalk.pushUnique("queen")>>
You start rambling about the Queen, and how manipulative and cruel she is.<<br>>
Simone's face scrunches up in displeasure. <<simone "You're right - she sounds absolutely //horrible//. I always knew that she was really strict and stuff, but I had no idea that she'd be capable of doing stuff like //this//.">><<br>>
There's something that's been bothering you. When you met the King he seemed like a pretty nice guy. It's difficult to imagine that he's happily married to such a bitch. You wonder if he's just another person who she's been manipulating.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh no, I don't think so at all!">> Simone replies. <<simone "I suppose that you wouldn't know because you're not from the Capital, but I don't think that that could be true.">><<br>>
<<simone "The King and Queen are like, //famously// lovey-dovey. You can barely move around the palace without having to awkwardly shuffle past one of their rendezvous. The staff's constantly finding little love notes to each other around the place, and I had a chat with their personal butler once and he had some //stories//. It all sounds so sweet and romantic. But the Queen does it just as much as the King - it's definitely mutual.">><<br>>
You find yourself frowning at the idea. You can't imagine the terrible woman you met being like that in the slightest, and it's difficult to imagine the sweet honest man who you met being comfortable with any of the stuff that the Queen's putting you through.<<wearblossom>>
/* Simone first helps guide you into the top of the outfit - which ends up being much more complicated than you'd initially expected. When you try to push your arms through the sleeves you instead find yourself all in a tangle as you get caught up in the gaping round hole in the back of the outfit, and you feel like an idiot as Simone has to sort you out.<<br>>
Oddly, the white top - which has a delicate pink blossom in the center which Simone fusses over to avoid creasing, and petal-like tails at the back - can't hold itself up by itself, and you need to fasten it with a halter-neck choker. The sensation of tightness around your neck is suffocating.<<br>> */
Despite being such a little slip of a thing, the <<imgl1nk "dress" "blossomImg">> ends up being a little tricky to get into, with so many parts cut out of it at the shoulders, belly, and bust. Simone has to put it on carefully to make sure you don't end up coming out the wrong hole. Even once it's on, you still feel half-naked, because in a way you //are//.<<br>>
The dress comes together with a halter-neck choker. The sensation of tightness around your neck is a little suffocating.<<br>>
Simone has to fuss for a while to make sure that the humongous bow that sits just above your butt like you're a gift-wrapped present is just right.<<br>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("whitehood", "longcoat", "stockingOutfits") isnot true>>
Simone bundles up a stocking and pinches them open with her thumbs, holding them just in front of you to step into.<br><br>
As you do so, you're greeted by an electrifying sensation as Simone's delicate hands glide up your hairless legs, leaving the soft comfort of silk in her wake, snugly wrapped around you. The material is thin enough to not constrain your legs in the slightest, like you're wearing nothing at all yet still cushioned by their pliable fluffiness.<br><br>
As she secures the stockings to the suspender belt, you're struck by how much the area around your thighs, the only area left uncovered showing your bare skin, draws all attention towards it.<br><br>
Simone quickly guides you into the white stockings, and you're once again struck by the sensation of being snugly contained by the tight material.<<br>>
/* <<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat", "skirtOutfits")>>
Simone pulls the pink skirt up your body, and though you've worn skirts of similar length in the past you still feel your face heat up from how indecent it feels for your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> to be so close to visible with every step.<<br>>
As Simone pulls the pink skirt up your body you can't help but ask her if people //really// wear skirts this short in the Capital.
<<simone "Oh, this is a few seasons behind the fashion I think. Nowadays you'll find people in things //much// shorter.">> she replies. You wish that you hadn't asked.
It's so short that at any time you're mere inches away from exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> to the world. As you walk, the hemline of the skirt shifts ever so slightly with your hips, swaying from side to side in a way that would be entirely trivial on a skirt of normal length, but here is so close to exposure that it draws the attention hypnotically.<br><br>
<</if>> */
The overall effect isn't as indecent as you'd expected, given how much skin is on display. Instead, the vibe is youthful and breezy - so much so that when you take some steps around the carriage for some reason you almost find yourself breaking out into a little skip. You manage to suppress the urge, but something about Simone's pleased expression makes you think that the instinct was somehow visible regardless.<<wearblossom>>
/* You try slipping straight into the the <<imgl1nk "dress" "blossomImg">> - but it ends up being much more complicated than you'd initially expected. When you try to push your arms through the sleeves you instead find yourself getting caught up in the gaping round hole in the back of the outfit, and it takes you ages to disentangle yourself and work out how to do it correctly.<<br>>
It takes longer still to realize that the white top - which has a delicate pink blossom in the center which Simone ordered you not to crease (though you worry you might have messed with a little when you were entangled), and petal-like tails at the back - can't hold itself up by itself, and you need to fasten it up with a halter-neck choker. The sensation of tightness around your neck is suffocating.<<br>> */
You try slipping straight into the the <<imgl1nk "dress" "blossomImg">> - but it ends up being much more complicated than you'd initially expected. The little slip of a thing has so many revealing sections cut out of it at the shoulders, belly, and chest that you find your head poking out a few wrong holes before you manage the get it right.Even once it's on, you still feel half-naked, because in a way you //are//.<<br>>
The dress comes together with a halter-neck choker. The sensation of tightness around your neck is a little suffocating.<<br>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("whitehood", "longcoat", "stockingOutfits") isnot true>>
It takes a couple of false starts where your feet get tangled in the stockings before you work out how to slip them over your legs, and even longer to work out that what looks like a little bundle of lace straps is a pair of suspenders to be worn around your waist and fastened to them to hold them up. <br><br>
The white silk is thin enough to not constrain your legs in the slightest, like you're not wearing anything at all yet still cushioned by the soft velveteen material snugly wrapped around you. The only area not covered is around your thighs, which somehow seems to draw all attention up your legs towards the area of bare hairless skin.<br><br>
You quickly manage to slip into the white stockings of the outfit, and you're once again struck by the sensation of being snugly contained by the tight material.
/* <<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat", "skirtOutfits")>>
You the pink skirt up your body, and though you've worn skirts of similar length in the past you still feel your face heat up from how indecent it feels for your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> to be so close to being visible with every step.
You pull the pink skirt up your stockinged legs and look in the mirror. You almost can't believe it's a skirt rather than a belt of some kind, but if Simone says that people wear things shorter than even this in the Capital you have to believe her.<br><br>
It's so short that at any time you're mere inches away from exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> to the world. As you walk, the hemline of the skirt shifts ever so slightly with your hips, swaying from side to side in a way that would be entirely trivial on a skirt of normal length, but here is so close to exposure that it draws the attention hypnotically.<br><br>
<</if>> */
The overall effect isn't as indecent as you'd expected, given how much skin is on display. Instead, the vibe is youthful and breezy - so much so that when you leave the bathroom to reenter the main room of the carriage for some reason you almost find yourself breaking out into a little skip. You manage to suppress the urge, but something about Simone's pleased expression makes you think that the instinct was somehow visible regardless.
Simone has to fuss for a while to make sure that the humongous bow that sits just above your butt like you're a gift-wrapped present is just right.<<br>><<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "butterfly dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "butterfly">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
The first step of the process is to put on what feels like an absurd number of petticoats. The little blue mesh skirts keep on coming until long after you lose sight of your feet, and the material blooms around your knees - cascading over each other with every one of your movements.<br><br>
Next, Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the butterfly dress" "butterflyImg">> and goes to put it over you, only to realize that she's too short, so has to quickly gather a stool to stand on before she manages to get it on you.<br><br>
The dress is tricky to get on - instead of a traditional neckline the outfit is joined together by two butterfly brooches, from which the dress itself hangs loosely. Simone struggles to get the clasps linked, and you imagine that doing it yourself, with your arms having to twist backwards to reach them, would be almost impossible.<br><br>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "redgown", "dressOrSkirt") isnot true>>
While the maid attaches the last clasp you try to grapple with the weird sensations. You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're decent, and can see as much in the mirror, your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the <<if $day9armor is true>>tough leather of your armor bottoms<<else>>soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom is striking.<br><br>
You try walking around a little, hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased - a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The layers of petticoats under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.<br><br>
Finally Simone gets the tricky clasp and takes a step back, giving you a full look at the whole thing. The effect is... Poofy. All trace of your masculine silhouette is overwhelmed by the many layers of petticoats. When you walk the material bounces along with you, exaggerating your every motion.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "bareLegs") isnot true>>
Most peculiar is your bare legs. Simone was right - now that they're hairless, there's really nothing masculine about them. They're long, slender, and sleek, and it's difficult to process that they're //yours//.
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "butterfly dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "butterfly">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
When you look at how many petticoats Simone gave you to put on, you almost go back to check if she's serious, but you get the feeling that you know the answer already - you seriously have to put all of these on.<br><br>
You keep on pulling on the little blue mesh skirts until long after you lose sight of your feet and the material blooms around your knees, cascading over itself with every one of your movements.<br><br>
Next up is <<imgl1nk "the butterfly dress" "butterflyImg">> itself, which proves trickier than you were expecting. Instead of a traditional neckline the dress is held up by a pair of two butterfly brooches, from which the dress itself hangs loosely. Clasping the brooches together takes some truly dexterity with your arms bent completely backwards, barely reaching the tiny clasps - it's clear that this outfit was designed for someone else to put on you rather than for one person to put it on themselves, but eventually you manage to get it.<br><br>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "redgown", "dressOrSkirt") isnot true>>
As you come back into the main room Simone smiles at seeing you in the outfit, but a moment later her eyes widen and she hurries over saying @@color:#F9B7FF;"Don't worry, I can fix it."@@ You can't help but feel a little disappointed - you had thought that you did a decent job, but Simone has to spend a some time carefully adjusting every layer of the petticoats so that they lie evenly over each other. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom being overwhelming.<<else>>You can't stop your mind from hyperfixating on the feeling of your bare genitals completely free and unconstrained under the clothing.<</if>><br><br>
You try walking around a little - hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased - a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The layers of petticoats under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.
You slip back into the main room, happy that you managed to put the dress on alright. As ever, however, Simone notices a bunch of mistakes that you made, and has to spend some time carefully adjusting every layer of the petticoats so that they lie evenly over each other.
Finally Simone seems satisfied and takes a step back, giving you a full look at the whole thing. The effect is... Poofy. All trace of your masculine silhouette is overwhelmed by the many layers of petticoats. When you walk the material bounces along with you, exaggerating your every motion.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "exposedLegOutfits") isnot true>>
Most peculiar is your bare legs. Simone had been right - now that they're hairless, there's really nothing masculine about them. They're long, slender, and sleek, and it's difficult to process that they're //yours//.
The tiny purple <<imglink "dress" "Outfits/drusilla.jpg">>, little more than a bodice were it not for the lacy little skirt, is so tight that even with Simone's help it proves to be difficult to get into.<<br>>
Just when you're about to give up it snaps into place, suddenly looking anything but mis-sized. It's odd to try to imagine Drusilla //ever// having been this slight.<<br>>
The 'skirt' is the part you were most worried about, but you have to admit that Simone was right. While you can see many contours of your body through the gauzy layers, they seem to teasingly imply the shape of you as much as they display it. It's certainly seductive, and you'll definitely have to be careful how you sit, but it should be alright.<<br>>
Next comes an ornate purple mantle - an odd piece of clothing that's like a pair of sleeves connected together and little else. They're criss-crossed by swirling patterns, and even go down the hand to loop around the middle finger dramatically.<<br>>
/* The overall impression is undoubtedly skimpy - a week ago you would have assumed that it wasn't even clothing at all - just some kind of lingerie underwear. However, Simone wasn't completely wrong about it not ruining your disguise - it's amazing how the criss-crossing spiderweb pattern that runs across the chest and back manages to simultaneously both scandalously cover nothing at all, while also subtly obscuring your precise dimensions, instead replacing the natural gradations of your body with its own structure.<<br>> */
/* The 'skirt' is perhaps a little more perilous. Beneath it, much like a leotard, the material connects between the legs, so you at least don't have to worry about your <<print $outfit.under.name>> getting exposed, but what's more dangerous is the tell-tale <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> bulge of your <<if $caged isnot false>>cage<<else>>junk<</if>> that threatens to show itself. You'll have to be careful about how you sit!<<br>> */
The dark coloration and spider-imagery immediately gives off 'villainess' vibes to an almost theatrical degree, but in doing so it also manages to appear confident and powerful despite how much skin is on display.<<set $outfit.top.name to "tight dark-brown top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Tight Dark-brown Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Green Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "brown leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Brown Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["cloak", "hood", "leggings", "pants"]>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("rose", "tightClothes") isnot true>>
The first thing that Simone grabs is the trousers of <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "gcloakImg">> - they seem simple enough - just like a guy's pair except much tighter. Simone holds the garment for you to step into and pulls them up your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs, hesitating for a moment as she gets to the top of your thighs before determinedly going the rest of the way, her hands brushing past the soft material of your panties as she does so.<br><br>
It feels really strange for your legs to be completely wrapped around with tight material. All of the trousers that you've worn have been fairly baggy in comparison, the sensation of being lightly squeezed on all sides is suffocating at first. Before long though you find yourself getting used to it - compared to mens trousers the material is a lot softer and stretchier so it's like your legs are in a stifling but comforting hug.<br><br>
Next comes a top, which is thankfully normal enough. Like the trousers it's tighter than most that you've worn but luckily not nearly to the same extent. The cut feels strange on you, you're not used to having a turtleneck tickling at your nape, nor such a high waist, but it's nothing //too// unusual.<br><br>
The next garment that Simone brings along is the elegant green cloak which Simone drapes over your shoulders. Rather than attaching at the neck like the white cloak you wore before this one secures at the chest.<br><br>
Thankfully, <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "gcloakImg">> isn't too dissimilar to others that you've had to wear this week, so putting it on is relatively easy. The fabric is tight and stretchy - cocooning your skin snugly<<if def $pc.shave>>, especially your hairless legs<</if>>.<br><br>
The real star of the outfit is the cloak itself, which unfurls into plantlike ruffles behind you. You're grateful to have a hood to hide in if things get awkward out there today.<br><br>
Simone helps you put on the rest of the items. Black gloves; a belt that hangs aloofly off the hip; a handbag attached across the chest by a little strap; and a pair of black riding boots.<<removedress>>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "tight dark-brown top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Tight Dark-brown Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Green Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "brown leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Brown Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["cloak", "hood", "leggings", "pants"]>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("rose", "tightClothes")>>
The first thing that you grab is the trousers of
<<imgl1nk "the outfit" "gcloakImg">>. They seem simple enough, just like a guy's pair except much tighter, and you quickly pull them up your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless <</if>>legs.<br><br>
You can't believe how weird it feels for your legs to be completely wrapped around with tight material. All of the trousers that you've worn have been fairly baggy in comparison, the sensation of being lightly squeezed on all sides is suffocating at first. Before long though you find yourself getting used to it - compared to mens trousers the material is a lot softer and stretchier so it's like your legs are in a stifling but comforting hug.<br><br>
Next comes a top, which is thankfully normal enough. Like the trousers it's tighter than most that you've worn but luckily not nearly to the same extent. The cut feels strange on you, you're not used to having a turtleneck tickling at your nape nor such a high waist, but it's nothing too unusual.<br><br>
The next garment is the elegant green cloak which you drape over your shoulders. Rather than attaching at the neck like the white cloak it takes you some time to work out that this one secures at the chest, leaving your tight brown under-top visible underneath.<br><br>
Luckily, <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "gcloakImg">> is not too dissimilar from other outfits that you've worn, and you manage to pull the items on relatively quickly. The fabric is tight and stretchy - cocooning your skin snugly<<if def $pc.shave>>, especially your hairless legs<</if>>.<br><br>
The most tricky part of the outfit is the green cloak, which unfurls into plantlike ruffles behind you. The cloak connects not at the neck, where you'd assumed, but instead at the chest - leaving your tight brown under-top visible underneath.<br><br>
As you reenter the main room Simone smiles widely at seeing you in the full outfit and helps you put on the rest of the accessories. Black gloves; a belt that hangs aloofly off the hip; a handbag attached across the chest by a little strap; and a pair of black riding boots.<<set $outfit.top.name to "white blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "long tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Long Tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "short blue skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Short Blue Skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "longcoat">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["skirt"]>>
Simone helps guide you into the upper body of <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "longcoatImg">>, which is thankfully relatively easy to get into - though note that the buttons on the blouse are on a different side to the one that you're used to - clearly coming with an assumption that the wearer will have the outfit put on by someone other than themselves.<br><br>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("whitehood", "blossom", "stockingOutfits") isnot true>>
Simone bundles up a stocking and pinches them open with her thumbs, holding them just in front of you to step into.<br><br>
As you do so, you're greeted by an electrifying sensation as Simone's delicate hands glide up your hairless legs, leaving the soft comfort of silk in her wake, snugly wrapped around you. The material is thin enough to not constrain your legs in the slightest, like you're wearing nothing at all yet still cushioned by their pliable fluffiness.<br><br>
As she secures the stockings to the suspender belt, you're struck by how much the area around your thighs, the only area left uncovered showing your bare skin, draws all attention towards it.<br><br>
Simone quickly guides you into the white stockings, and you're once again struck by the sensation of being snugly contained by the tight material.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("blossom", "redgown", "skirtOutfits")>>
Simone pulls the blue skirt up your body, and though you've worn skirts of similar length in the past you still feel your face heat up from how indecent it feels for your <<if $day9armor is true>>tough leather armor 'panties'<<else>><<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>><</if>> to be so close to visible with every step.
As Simone pulls the blue skirt up your body you can't help but ask her if people //really// wear skirts this short in the Capital.
<<simone "Oh, this is a few seasons behind the fashion I think. Nowadays you'll find people in things //much// shorter.">> she replies. You wish that you hadn't asked.
It's so short that at any time you're mere inches away from exposing your <<if $day9armor is true>>tough leather armor 'panties'<<else>><<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>><</if>> to the world. As you walk, the hemline of the skirt shifts ever so slightly with your hips, swaying from side to side in a way that would be entirely trivial on a skirt of normal length, but here is so close to exposure that it draws the attention hypnotically.<br><br>
You can see Simone tensely pursing her lips shut, and you can tell that she's having to try very hard not to express how adorable you look as she attaches the final accessories. You're grateful for the attempt to maintain what little masculinity you have left.<<set $outfit.top.name to "white blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "long tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Long Tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "short blue skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Short Blue Skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "longcoat">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["skirt"]>>
Luckily, much of <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "longcoatImg">> is relatively easy to get into - though it throws you off at first that the buttons on the blouse are on a different side to the one that you're used to.<br><br>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("whitehood", "blossom", "stockingOutfits") isnot true>>
It takes a couple of false starts where your feet get tangled in the stockings before you work out how to slip them over your legs, and even longer to work out that what looks like a little bundle of lace straps is a pair of suspenders to be worn around your waist and fastened to them to hold them up. <br><br>
The white silk is thin enough to not constrain your legs in the slightest, like you're not wearing anything at all yet still cushioned by the soft velveteen material snugly wrapped around you. The only area not covered is around your thighs, which somehow seems to draw all attention up your legs towards the area of bare hairless skin.<br><br>
You quickly manage to slip into the white stockings of the outfit, and you're once again struck by the sensation of being snugly contained by the tight material.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("blossom", "redgown", "skirtOutfits")>>
You the blue skirt up your body, and though you've worn skirts of similar length in the past you still feel your face heat up from how indecent it feels for your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> to be so close to being visible with every step.
You pull the skirt up your stockinged legs and look in the mirror. You almost can't believe it's a skirt rather than a belt of some kind, but if Simone says that people wear things shorter than even this in the Capital you have to believe her.<br><br>
It's so short that at any time you're mere inches away from exposing your <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>bare genitals<<else>><<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> to the world. As you walk, the hemline of the skirt shifts ever so slightly with your hips, swaying from side to side in a way that would be entirely trivial on a skirt of normal length, but here is so close to exposure that it draws the attention hypnotically.<br><br>
As you re-enter the main room Simone quickly gets very tense in a way that you can tell is due to having to try very hard not to express how adorable you look in the outfit, though she thankfully manages to keep it to herself and soon she helps you into the final accessories.<<wearorangeshorts>>
Simone holds out the little leotard of the <<imglink "outfit" "Outfits/orangeshorts.jpg">> for you to step into, and then helps you pull it up and over your body.<<br>>
You can't help but blush at the sight of yourself in the mirror. The tiny strip of gold-patterned material going between your legs is barely enough to cover the <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> bulge in your <<print $outfit.under.name>>. Perhaps the mark of masculine genitals next to such a seductive, feminine outfit should be jarring, but if anything the discrepancy just seems all the more erotic.<<br>>
You try to quickly shift around to the side, hiding the view from yourself in the mirror before you get any odd ideas, only to end up reveling something just as striking. Around the rear, the leotard makes absolutely no effort at all to cover your butt, the slip of fabric passing between your cheeks like a thong. <<if $pc.butt is 2>>Your plush, feminine behind is proudly and starkly on display.<<else>>your tomboyishly trim, though not unfeminine behind is proudly and starkly on display.<</if>><<br>>
It doesn't take long for Simone to gather the shorts for you to step into, but you're so flustered by the sight of yourself in the mirror that it feels like an eternity.<<br>>
The shorts are, thankfully, simple enough. Though your eyes bulge when you realize that they don't go high enough to reach the top of the leg-holes in the leotard, leaving a good few inches of exposed <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin, almost inviting everyone who sees it to imagine what's lies beneath.<<br>>
However, as you twist and turn in the mirror you find that the effect isn't nearly as indecent as you were expecting. The leotard is a little flirty, you figure, but overall you look more bright and summery than anything.<<br>>
You just hope that the sensation of the leotard riding up into your butt won't be too distracting.<<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Peach Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "butterfly", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "redgown", "skirtOrDress") isnot true>>
Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the peach dress" "peachImg">> and goes to put it over you only to realize that she's too short, so has to quickly gather a stool to stand on before she manages to get it on you.<br><br>
The material is tricky to get on, even with Simone's help. There's so many layers of fabric pouring over each other that it's easy to get lost in.<br><br>
Even once it's firmly on you Simone has to spend some time checking every layer to affirm that it's falling the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered and can see as much in the mirror your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the <<if $day9armor is true>>tough leather of your armor bottoms<<else>>soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom is striking.<br><br>
You try walking around a little hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased- a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The layers of petticoats under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.<br><br>
Simone grabs the last part of the outfit: a matching peach-color waist cincher. It's a little like a corset but instead of reaching up over your ribs it only sits around your waist.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, so this is going to be weird. When I say three you've got to breathe in, okay?"@@ explains Simone while wrapping the item around you. You get the feeling that you're not going to like this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Ready? One. Two. //THREE//."@@<br><br>
It //hurts//. At first it feels less like a tightness and more like a punch in the gut as the material pushes all of the air out of your lungs leaving you winded like you'd tried to run a marathon. You desperately gasp for air to refill the void but it just doesn't come, instead you're gasping without being able to suck anything in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's okay, shallow breaths, <<print $pc.name>>, you can do it."@@ soothes Simone, patting your back encouragingly. You try to take her advice. It feels really weird to force yourself to take shallow breaths instead of the gasping ones that your brain is telling you that you need, but they seem to do the job. It's like you've got the tiny lungs of a bird and have to take three small breaths for every one that you had to do before.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There you go, you've got it."@@ You still don't think that you do, but at least you don't feel like you're dying.
Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the peach dress" "peachImg">> and begins to ease it over your body.<br><br>
The material is tricky to get on, even with Simone's help. There's so many layers of fabric pouring over each other that it's easy to get lost in.<br><br>
Even once it's firmly on you Simone has to spend some time checking every layer to affirm that it's falling the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself.<br><br>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("butterfly") isnot true>>
You move your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless <</if>>legs to test the material, and as you do you're tickled by the layers of petticoats surrounding you.<br><br>
Simone grabs the last part of the outfit: a matching peach-color waist cincher. It's a little like a corset but instead of reaching up over your ribs it only sits around your waist.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, so this is going to be weird. When I say three you've got to breathe in, okay?"@@ explains Simone while wrapping the item around you. You get the feeling that you're not going to like this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Ready? One. Two. //THREE//."@@<br><br>
It //hurts//. At first it feels less like a tightness and more like a punch in the gut as the material pushes all of the air out of your lungs leaving you winded like you'd tried to run a marathon. You desperately gasp for air to refill the void but it just doesn't come, instead you're gasping without being able to suck anything in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's okay. Shallow breaths, <<print $pc.name>>, you can do it."@@ soothes Simone, patting your back encouragingly. You try to take her advice. It feels really weird to force yourself to take shallow breaths instead of the gasping ones that your brain is telling you that you need, but they seem to do the job. It's like you've got the tiny lungs of a bird and have to take three small breaths for every one that you had to do before.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There you go, you've got it."@@ You still don't think that you do, but at least you don't feel like you're dying.
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Peach Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("tulip", "butterfly", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "redgown", "skirtOrDress") isnot true>>
You pick up <<imgl1nk "the peach dress" "peachImg">> and try to work out how to get into it. It's a difficult task - the outfit consists of so many layers of overlapping material draping over itself it takes a lot of work to even realize which end is the top and which is the bottom, let alone if you're meant to put it over your head or to step into it and pull it up.<br><br>
Eventually you decide to just try one and pull the soft fabric over you to let it fall over your body. It seems to get halfway and then things get really quite confusing - you can't see anything except peach-colored material and have no idea where you are in the garment. You can't even take it off again, let alone work out which direction you're supposed to be going.<br><br>
Finally you see a hole of open air through the material and push your head towards it to pop out at, thankfully, the head hole. You look in the mirror and see that along your journey you managed to shift the entire thing to the wrong angle, though luckily you manage to shimmy it over until you can get your arms through it.<br><br>
As you come back into the main room and Simone smiles at seeing you in the outfit, but a moment later her eyes widen and she hurries over saying @@color:#F9B7FF;"Don't worry, I can fix it."@@ You can't help but feel a little disappointed - you had thought that you did a decent job, but Simone has to spend a long time carefully checking every layer of the material and making sure that it's falling the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom being overwhelming.<<else>>You can't stop your mind from hyperfixating on the feeling of your bare genitals completely free and unconstrained under the clothing.<</if>><br><br>
You try walking around a little - hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased - a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The layers of petticoats under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.<br><br>
Simone grabs the last part of the outfit: a matching peach-color waist cincher. It's a little like a corset but instead of reaching up over your ribs it only sits around your waist.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, so this is going to be weird. When I say three you've got to breathe in, okay?"@@ explains Simone while wrapping the item around you. You get the feeling that you're not going to like this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Ready? One. Two. //THREE//."@@<br><br>
It //hurts//. At first it feels less like a tightness and more like a punch in the gut as the material pushes all of the air out of your lungs leaving you winded like you'd tried to run a marathon. You desperately gasp for air to refill the void but it just doesn't come, instead you're gasping without being able to suck anything in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's okay, shallow breaths, <<print $pc.name>>, you can do it."@@ soothes Simone next to you, patting your back encouragingly. You try to take her advice. It feels really weird to force yourself to take shallow breaths instead of the gasping ones that your brain is telling you that you need but they seem to do the job. It's like you've got the tiny lungs of a bird and have to take three small breaths for every one that you had to do before.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There you go, you've got it."@@ You still don't think that you do, but at least you don't feel like you're dying.
You pick up <<imgl1nk "the peach dress" "peachImg">> and try to work out how to get into it, eventually deciding to drape it over yourself like the last dress you wore.<br><br>
The layered fabrics of the dress complicates matters somewhat, and you manage to get lost with the outfit halfway over you - only emerging a while later to realize that the whole thing is now completely askew.<br><br>
You try wrestling with the garment to fix it, but eventually have to go to the main room for Simone to save the day. It takes some doing - every layer of the overlapping fabric needs to be corrected so that it flows correctly.<br><br>
Simone grabs the last part of the outfit: a matching peach-color waist cincher. It's a little like a corset but instead of reaching up over your ribs it only sits around your waist.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Ok, so this is going to be weird. When I say three you've got to breathe in, okay?"@@ explains Simone while wrapping the item around you. You get the feeling that you're not going to like this. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Ready? One. Two. //THREE//."@@<br><br>
It //hurts//. At first it feels less like a tightness and more like a punch in the gut as the material pushes all of the air out of your lungs leaving you winded like you'd tried to run a marathon. You desperately gasp for air to refill the void but it just doesn't come, instead you're gasping without being able to suck anything in.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's okay, shallow breaths, <<print $pc.name>>, you can do it."@@ soothes Simone next to you, patting your back encouragingly. You try to take her advice. It feels really weird to force yourself to take shallow breaths instead of the gasping ones that your brain is telling you that you need but they seem to do the job. It's like you've got the tiny lungs of a bird and have to take three small breaths for every one that you had to do before.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"There you go, you've got it."@@ You still don't think that you do, but at least you don't feel like you're dying.
Simone helps guide you into the <<imgl1nk "red gown" "redgownImg">>.<<br>>
/* The skirt separates in the center, becoming essentially a belt with a hanging curtain of velvet coming from it, which Simone wraps snugly around your waist.<<br>>
At first you'd thought that the bodice might be rigid and constraining, like a corset, but it ends up being much lighter than that. It's a relief to be able to breathe fully, but it has it's own problems - with your upper chest and shoulders exposed, your lower torso covered only in thin strips of material, and the center clad only in light fabric, it feels completely indecent - like you're not wearing anything at all.<<br>> */
She has to be careful not to damage any of the golden detailing, but it proves not to be too difficult. The trickiest part isn't getting it on, but rather the sensation of wearing something so strapless - your upper-chest and shoulders exposed, and all of the weight of the dress hanging off of your <<if $pc.boobs is 2>>little a-cup tits<<else>>budding little breasts<</if>>. It feels completely precarious and no matter how much Simone assures you that it'll stay in place you're still convinced that a stray gust of wind would make the whole thing fall down instantly.<<br>>
Simone helps you into the armwarmers, but after baring your neck for the elegant choker to be enclasped around it just leads to nervous, shaking fingers at the intimacy of the scene you end up having to do that part for yourself. The choker is delicately attached to the dress with two little chains, though they're so delicate that there's no way that they could hold it up themselves - just decorative to draw the eye even more to your upper-chest than they would already.<<br>>
You spin around in a circle in front of the mirror to see how it looks, and are pleased to see the skirt lift around you alluringly to match the movement. The overall impression ends up being pretty sophisticated - the kind of thing that you could almost imagine the Queen wearing around the place.<<wearrose>>
You decide to start with the tight leggings of the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "roseImg">>.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "tightClothing") is true>>
You've already experienced how tight women's clothing can be, and this is no exception, snugly clinging to your legs like a second skin.
They seem simple enough, just like a guy's pair except much tighter, and you quickly pull them up your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless <</if>>legs.<br><br>
You can't believe how weird it feels for your legs to be completely wrapped around with tight material. All of the trousers that you've worn have been fairly baggy in comparison, the sensation of being lightly squeezed on all sides is suffocating at first. Before long though you find yourself getting used to it - compared to mens trousers the material is a lot softer and stretchier so it's like your legs are in a stifling but comforting hug.
What's much more complicated is what's above the leggings themselves - bursting out the waistband are a confusing bundle of tight ribbons. It takes you some time to identify what they're meant to be - they're designed to run across your hips, adding interest to your bare midriff. It doesn't feel quite as vulgar, but it just makes you think of a thong that's seductively been pulled up and made visible - you're certain that the comparison is intentional.<<br>>
It takes some fiddling to get them to sit correctly, and then you focus your attention towards the top.<<br>>
It's thankfully not too complicated, but it still takes you some time. You keep on putting it on and then taking it off again, utterly convinced that there's no way that it could possibly actually be meant to sit so low below your shoulders that you're terrified that it'll slip down and expose your chest at any moment. As it turns out, you had it right the whole time, but as you move around you realize that the tightness of the material at least makes it more stable than you'd expected.<<br>>
Simone's eyes shine as you reenter the main room, clearly thinking that you look really cool. Despite everything, you can't help but agree. When putting it on you'd thought that all of the tight material and exposed skin would make you look kinda slutty, but somehow when all put together the impression is almost tomboyish.<<wearrose>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("gcloak", "tightClothing") is true>>
Simone starts by helping you into the tight leggings of the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "roseImg">>. You've already experienced how tight women's clothing can be, and this is no exception, snugly clinging to your legs like a second skin.
The first thing that Simone grabs is the trousers of <<imgl1nk "the outfit" "roseImg">> - they seem simple enough - just like a guy's pair except much tighter. Simone holds the garment for you to step into and pulls them up your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs, hesitating for a moment as she gets to the top of your thighs before determinedly going the rest of the way, her hands brushing past the soft material of your panties as she does so.<br><br>
It feels really strange for your legs to be completely wrapped around with tight material. All of the trousers that you've worn have been fairly baggy in comparison, the sensation of being lightly squeezed on all sides is suffocating at first. Before long though you find yourself getting used to it - compared to mens trousers the material is a lot softer and stretchier so it's like your legs are in a stifling but comforting hug.
What takes you by surprise is when Simone reaches up to what looks like a bundle of ribbons at the waistband and starts pulling them upwards to wrap around your hips, adding interest to your midriff. It doesn't feel quite as vulgar, but it just makes you think of a thong that's seductively been pulled up and made visible - you're certain that the comparison is intentional.<<br>>
The top is very simple in comparison, but it still takes you off guard. You have to ask Simone again and again whether she's //absolutely// certain that it's meant to go on like this - utterly convinced that there's no way that it could possibly actually be meant to sit so low below your shoulders that you're terrified that it'll slip down and expose your chest at any moment. Simone is adamant that it's right, and as you move around you realize that the clinginess of the material at least makes it more stable than you'd expected.<<br>>
As you pace around getting used to the sensation you notice that Simone's eyes are shining as they look at you, clearly thinking that you look really cool. Despite everything, you can't help but agree. When putting it on you'd thought that all of the tight material and exposed skin would look kinda slutty, but somehow when all put together the impression is almost tomboyish.<<wearsleepover>>
Simone helps guide you into the loose little dress. It's easy to slip on, but the casual-fit means that it's tricky for it not to slide right down you again and end up around your ankles!<<br>>
The much-needed structure finally comes when the maid wraps a pair of silk cords around your waist, binding it snugly to you. A little bow at the neckline is the only thing that keeps it from revealing your bust, but even that seems to only do half of the job - constantly slipping down a few inches. However, Simone assures you that that's meant to be part of the appeal, and you resign yourself to having to spend all day pulling it back over yourself every few minutes.<<br>>
You've worn some pretty skimpy clothing over the last few days, and while this one might still take the cake what really feels weird isn't the amount of skin on display, but rather the airiness of the whole thing. You're exposed to the odd sensation of air running through and under the clothing with every movement, almost as if you were wearing nothing at all. The incongruous feeling already makes your cheeks burn a little even around Simone, you imagine it's going to be even worse in public!<<br>>
The maid takes her time carefully cross-crossing more ribbon around one of your legs. Somehow, the overall impression ends up being more leisurely and informal than slutty.<<removetop>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Tulip Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("peach", "butterfly", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "redgown", "skirtOrDress") isnot true>>
Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> and begins to ease it over your body.<br><br>
The process seems more complicated than you were expecting. The material is pseudo-rigid to keep the structure of the delicate folding patterns, and thus liable to snap if manuevered incorrectly.<br><br>
The sensation of the stiff material crinkling against your skin is strangely pleasant, but thoroughly alien.<br><br>
The moment it's flowing over you you realize that you made the right choice asking for Simone's help - it's a hell of a thing to put on. The material is pseudo-rigid to keep the structure of its delicate folding patterns, and it crinkles against your skin as it flows over you.<br><br>
/* The dress creates an interesting effect from the shoulders upwards - as the tulip-like pinks and blues fold away it looks like your upper torso is emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your shoulders feel strangely exposed in the skimpier waistcoat-like upper section.<br><br> */
The material up around the neckline and shoulders is so firm that it almost feels like a mantle, so carefully formed in tulip-like violets and blues that it looks like you're emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your upper-chest feels bizarrely exposed in the open air.<<br>>
Even once it's firmly on you Simone has to spend some time checking in on every layer of the material to check that it's folding the way that it's supposed to and not twisted over itself. While she does that you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down. Despite knowing full well that you're covered and can see as much in the mirror your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the <<if $day9armor is true>>tough leather of your armor bottoms<<else>>soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><</if>> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the contrast between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom is really striking.<br><br>
You try walking around a little hoping that that will resolve the sensation. It doesn't, instead the airiness is only increased - a soft current of air flowing over your legs and groin with the movement. The crinkly layers under the dress dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.
Simone picks up <<imgl1nk "the tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> and begins to ease it over your body.<br><br>
The process seems more complicated than you were expecting. The material is pseudo-rigid to keep the structure of the delicate folding patterns, and thus liable to snap if manuevered incorrectly.<br><br>
The sensation of the stiff material crinkling against your skin is strangely pleasant, but thoroughly alien.<br><br>
The moment it's flowing over you you realize that you made the right choice asking for Simone's help - it's a hell of a thing to put on. The material is pseudo-rigid to keep the structure of its delicate folding patterns, and it crinkles against your skin as it flows over you.<br><br>
The dress creates an interesting effect from the shoulders upwards - as the tulip-like pinks and blues fold away it looks like your upper torso is emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your shoulders feel strangely exposed in the skimpier waistcoat-like upper section.
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Tulip Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("peach", "butterfly", "longcoat", "whitehood", "blossom", "redgown", "skirtOrDress") isnot true>>
You pick up <<imgl1nk "the tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> and try to work out how to get into it. It's a difficult task - the material it's made from is semi-rigid to keep the structure of its delicate folding patterns in place so you're worried about breaking the material.<br><br>
Eventually you figure that it's probably safest to let it fall over your head rather than to step into it and pull it up. The feeling as it flows over you is truly weird - the material seems to crinkle over you as it washes across your naked body until it drapes all around you.<br><br>
/* The dress creates an interesting effect from the shoulders upwards - as the tulip-like pinks and blues disappear it looks like your upper torso is emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your shoulders feel strangely exposed in the skimpier waistcoat-like upper section.<br><br> */
The material up around the neckline and shoulders is so firm that it almost feels like a mantle, so carefully formed in tulip-like violets and blues that it looks like you're emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your upper-chest feels bizarrely exposed in the open air.<<br>>
As you come back into the main room Simone smiles at seeing you in the outfit, but a moment later her eyes widen and she hurries over saying @@color:#F9B7FF;"Don't worry, I can fix it."@@ You can't help but feel a little disappointed - you had thought that you did a decent job, but Simone has to spend a long time carefully checking every crease of the delicate patterning to make sure that it's folding the way that it's supposed to. While she does that, you try to grapple with the weird sensations.<br><br>
You still feel completely exposed from the waist down - despite knowing full well that you're covered and can see as much in the mirror your brain is screaming at you to put some trousers on. <<if $outfit.under.types.includesAny("panties")>>Weirdly you find yourself hyperfixating on the feeling of the soft <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">> even more than you did when you were otherwise nude - the juxtaposition between your clothed top and unclothed-feeling bottom being overwhelming.<<else>>You can't stop your mind from hyperfixating on the feeling of your bare genitals completely free and unconstrained under the clothing in what feels like quite an erotic juxtaposition with your clothed upper half. <</if>><br><br>
You try walking around a little hoping that it will resolve the sensation. It doesn't - instead the airiness is only increased. The crinkly layers under the dress caress your bare <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless<</if>> legs with every step while still leaving you without the tangible support that you're hoping for.
You pick up <<imgl1nk "the tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> and try to work out how to get into it, eventually deciding to pull it over your head like the last dress you wore.<br><br>
The complex fabric of the dress complicates matters somewhat. It's made of a semi-rigid material to keep the structure of its folding patterns in place - all of which are fairly delicate.<br><br>
As you finally get it into place you're greeted with an alien sensation - the crinkly material rustles against your skin in an odd but not unpleasant way. As you walk your <<if def $pc.shave>>hairless <</if>> legs stride into a cascade of the sensation.<br><br>
The dress creates an interesting effect from the shoulders upwards - as the tulip-like pinks and blues fold away it looks like your upper torso is emerging from the bell of a huge flower. Your shoulders feel strangely exposed in the skimpier waistcoat-like upper section.<br><br>
When you come back into the main room Simone spends some time carefully assessing the crease of every fold of the material to check that it's on correctly, making adjustments as she does.
The first layer of the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">> is the fancy pink and white halter-neck dress. At first, you presume that it must be a top - it's only once it's on you that you realize that it's meant to be a //dress//, just one so short that it leaves almost all of your hairless upper-thighs exposed.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat") is true>>
Thankfully, it at least has an inch or two on the short skirt that you had to wear
<<set _yesterdayCheck to $day - 3>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat", _yesterdayCheck)>>
with the long tailcoat earlier in the week.
/* Next is a fancy pink overdress, decorated with sleek cloth ribbons. After it's on, it almost eclipses the underdress beneath it, except across the abdomen, where a little cut-out reveals the layer underneath.<br><br> */
Then comes the ornate white hood, which attaches to the dress with a little golden clasp at the upper-chest. The long cape down the back splits into two light tasseled ribbons, which dance around with your every moment. Simone has to take special care that she doesn't damage the pointy white 'ears' atop the head - they're adorable, but a little fragile.<br><br>
/* It's odd. All three of the pieces of clothing are completely different colors and styles, and yet somehow when you put them together you can't deny that they look lovely. You wonder what kind of trained eye it must take to be able to look at them separately and know that they'd work well together. The most you've had to think about layers before now is throwing a jacket over your top, and even then it's not like you've ever put any intentionality into it.<br><br> */
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat", "blossom", "stockingOutfits") isnot true>>
Simone bundles up a stocking and pinches them open with her thumbs, holding them just in front of you to step into.<br><br>
As you do so, you're greeted by an electrifying sensation as Simone's delicate hands glide up your hairless legs, leaving the soft comfort of silk in her wake, snugly wrapped around you. The material is thin enough to not constrain your legs in the slightest, like you're wearing nothing at all yet still cushioned by their pliable fluffiness.<br><br>
After Simone pulls up the other to match it, you're struck by how much the area around your thighs, the only area left uncovered showing your bare skin, draws all attention towards it.<br><br>
Simone quickly guides you into the white stockings, and you're once again struck by the sensation of being snugly contained by the tight material.
The overall effect is undeniably cutesy. The mellow colors and gentle curves manage to soften any sharpness in your features, making you look demure and sweet. The effect is further enhanced by the little 'ears', which aren't quite detailed enough to make it look like you're in animal fancy-dress, but nevertheless flick around playfully whenever you move your head.<<wearwhitehood>>
/* The biggest puzzle of the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">> is working out which of the layers is meant to go in which order, and it takes you some time before you can start putting them on.<br><br> */
The first layer of the <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">> is the fancy pink and white halter-neck, and you easily slide it over yourself. At first, you presume that it must be a top - it's only once it's on you that you realize that it's meant to be a //dress//, just one so short that it leaves almost all of your hairless upper-thighs exposed.
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat") is true>>
Thankfully, it at least has an inch or two on the short skirt that you had to wear
<<set _yesterdayCheck to $day - 3>>
<<if $outfitsArray.includes("longcoat", _yesterdayCheck)>>
with the long tailcoat earlier in the week.
/* Next is a fancy pink overdress, decorated with sleek cloth ribbons. After it's on, it almost eclipses the underdress beneath it, except across the abdomen, where a little cut-out reveals the layer underneath.<br><br> */
/* Last is an ornate white hood attached to a short mantle that rests over the shoulders. The pointy white 'ears' atop the head, and the expensive gold leaf at the chest, look delicate enough to make you nervous putting it on, but thankfully you manage it okay.<br><br> */
Then comes the ornate white hood, which attaches to the dress with a little golden clasp at the upper-chest. The long cape down the back splits into two light tasseled ribbons, which dance around with your every moment. The pointy golden 'ears' atop your head look delicate enough to make you nervous putting it on, but thankfully you seem to manage it okay.<br><br>
/* It's odd. All three of the pieces of clothing are completely different colors and styles, and yet somehow when you put them together you can't deny that they look lovely. You wonder what kind of trained eye it must take to be able to look at them separately and know that they'd work well together. The most you've had to think about layers before now is throwing a jacket over your top, and even then it's not like you've ever put any intentionality into it.<br><br> */
<<if $outfitsArray.includesAny("longcoat", "blossom", "stockingOutfits") isnot true>>
It takes a couple of false starts where your feet get tangled in the stockings before you work out how to slip them over your legs, but the moment you manage it you're struck by the sensation of wearing them.<br><br>
The white silk is thin enough to not constrain your legs in the slightest, like you're not wearing anything at all yet still cushioned by the soft velveteen material snugly wrapped around you. The only area not covered is around your thighs, which somehow seems to draw all attention up your legs towards the area of bare hairless skin.<<br>>
You quickly manage to slip into the white stockings of the outfit, and you're once again struck by the sensation of being snugly contained by the tight material.<<br>>
Simone seems delighted when you come back into the main room and she sees how you look. It's no wonder really - the cutesy outfit is right up her alley. The mellow colors and gentle curves manage to soften any sharpness in your features, making you look demure and sweet. The effect is further enhanced by the little 'ears', which aren't quite detailed enough to make it look like you're in animal fancy-dress, but nevertheless flick around playfully whenever you move your head.<<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>
One thing comes to mind -
<<if $morningChange is "boobs">> /* if boobs grew this morning. */
You've only had your boobs for a matter of hours, depending on when they came in overnight, but something has already become readily apparent - they're sore as all hell! Even just rubbing against your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>silken nightdress<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>soft flannel pajama top<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>soft fluffy dressing gown<<else>><<error>><</if>> is enough to set them off, let alone whatever you end up getting dressed up in later!
ever since your boobs came in you've been having a little trouble - they're sore as all hell. Even just rubbing against your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>silken nightdress<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>soft flannel pajama top<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>soft fluffy dressing gown<<else>><<error>><</if>> is enough to set them off, let alone the outfits you end up wearing during the day!
It's embarrassing enough to admit that you blush bright scarlet admitting it to Simone, but something needs to be done.<<br>>
Simone's own expression isn't saved a little pinkness of her own at the confession, but she nods seriously. <<simone "Gosh, you're right, I really should have considered this!">><<br>>
<<simone "Normally boobs of your size really aren't something that you need to wear a bra over. Not unless you want something padded to boost them up that is.">> There's a flash of cheeky hopefulness in her tone as she says the last sentence, but she quickly continues on before you can call her out on it. <<simone "But it's a completely different matter when they're //growing//. I was aching and complaining for ages, and that was about them slowly coming in for over a few years or something, I can't //imagine// how painful they must be growing all in one burst like yours have!">><<br>>
<<simone "I'll absolutely see about adjusting one of the Princess' bras to fit you right away.">> She announces boldly, before becoming a little more hesitant. <<simone "But, umm... to do that I'll really need to do some fitting, so I know what size you need and stuff...">><<br>>
<<cont "bra2" "Let Simone fit your bra for you.">>
You've begun to notice something that makes you stand out from the other noblewomen that you see. It's a minor thing, easily overlooked, but you're still worried about it possibly causing an issue in the future. Either clearly visible, or tucked just out of sight, most of them have bra-straps on their outfits.<<br>>
Simone gives you a warm smile when you nervously broach the topic with her. <<simone "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that too much. Sure, for most girls wearing a bra helps keep things in place and pull outfits together and stuff, but they're not //that// important. A lot of women would love to go without them. If you have a larger chest then it might be an issue, but right now you've only got the little buds, right?">><<br>>
You can't help but blush at her mention of them.<<br>>
<<simone "Don't worry, there's plenty members of the itty bitty tittie committee out there, including ones who are absolutely gorgeous, but trust me, nobody bats an eye when they go out braless. You don't need to worry about it!">><<check "You won't receive any penalizations for not wearing a bra until your boobs grow out more">><br>
<span id="replace">
<<link "Shamefacedly admit that you'd still like to wear one anyway">>
<<replace "#replace" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[bra12]]>><</replace>>
<<back "Take her word for it and do something else this morning">>
<</if>><<br>>You'd been hoping that she'd take your excuse without question, but it looks like it won't be that easy. Unable to meet her gaze, your eyes swim around the room as you admit that your interest in wearing a bra is less practical and more personal.<<br>>
It's humiliating to hear the words coming out of your own mouth, but you certainly don't need to worry about being judged by Simone. Instead, she just clasps her hands together in delight. <<simone "Oh my goodness - why didn't you just //say// so? That's a //great// idea! They're such a fun addition to any outfit, I'm sure you'll have an absolutely wonderful time with them!">><<br>>
<<simone "I'll absolutely see about adjusting one of the Princess' bras to fit you right away.">> She announces boldly, before becoming a little more hesitant. <<simone "But, umm... to do that I'll really need to do some fitting, so I know what size you need and stuff...">><<br>>
You're a little confused - you barely have boobs to begin with, barely more than puffy nipples at least. Why would a fitting be necessary?<<br>>
<<simone "Well, cup size is only //half// of the problem. There's also the band size to consider. And besides, it helps to know how far apart they are and stuff too so I know which ones to pick out for you - not every bra fits every girl you know, even if they're the right band and cup size!">><<br>>
<<cont "bra2" "Let Simone fit your bra for you.">><<setter "simone.dressedYou to 4" "simone.dressedYou to 0" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'gown'">>
<<set $pc.bra to 1>>
<<set $outfit.bra.owned to ["whiteJeweled", "blackLace", "blueFloral", "vibrantFloral"]>>
It's embarrassing, but you nervously agree to let Simone measure your bra size for you.<<br>>
<<simone "Right, umm.">> She mumbles as she steps close. <<simone "If you'll let me help you out of your nightclothes...">><<br>>
<<if $simone.dressedYou gte 1>>
She's no stranger to guiding you out of your clothes from helping you into your outfits, but something about this being specifically about exposing your <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>'boobs'<<else>>boobs<</if>> seems to make
You've never even let her dress you so far, so
the maid's fingers tremble as they gently <<if $nightwear is "gown">>part your dressing gown, letting it fall to the floor<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>part your dressing gown, letting it tumble to the floor, and pull up your flannel pajama crop-top over your head<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>pull your flannel pajama crop-top up over your head<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>part your dressing gown, letting it tumble to the floor, and lift your silken nightdress over your head<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>lift your silken nightdress over your head<<else>><<error>><</if>> to slowly reveal your nubile, swollen buds.<<br>>
For a moment she hesitates, biting her lip at the sight. The flash of gooseflesh that rises to <<if $pc.boobs isnot 1>>the mounds of<</if>> your chest are as much from tension that sparks between you as from being revealed to the chill air.<<br>>
Simone starts babbling to dispel the timidity that's captured the two of you. <<simone "I'll, umm, have to measure you all around your chest first, to work out how big the band needs to be. <<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>And then after that I'll need to go right across the, gosh, right across the b-breasts to see how much bigger the cups need to be compared to that.<<else>>And then just to be safe I'll need to go right across the, gosh, right across the c-chest to see if it's worth bumping you up into a AA-cup.<</if>>">><<br>>
The tape measure is cold against your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin as she tucks it <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>below your tender nipples<<else>>against the bottom of your small mounds<</if>> and pulls it tight, noting the number on a piece of paper. Then, with a deep breath to steel herself, she lifts it up to lie across your <<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>breasts<<else>>nipples<</if>>. You fail to hide the sharp intake of slightly ragged breath you make at the sensation.<<br>>
Your soft <<if $pc.boobs is 1>>areola<<else>>flesh<</if>> yields easily as the tape is pulled tight once more, but you're sure that both of you are as aware as eachother of the way that your nipples don't do the same - standing out as hard as pinpricks against the tape. After a second's pause, Simone murmurs <<simone "Umm, chilly today, isn't it?">> to provide you an unconvincing excuse.<<br>>
She quickly jots down the last number, and with a sigh of released tension tells you that she's finished..<<br>>
<<cont "bra3" "Put your nightwear back on">><<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>
<<simone "By my reckoning.">> Simone announces after a moment's calculation. <<simone "You're just barely an A cup. It's a close thing - you're almost double-A - but I think you just about round up instead of down.">><<br>>
<<simone "The Princess was on the larger side of A-cup, so as long as I pick some of her littler ones, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.">> She explains. <<simone "One second, let me grab you some options.">>
<<elseif $pc.boobs is 1>>
<<simone "By my reckoning.">> Simone announces after a moment's calculation. <<simone "You're still not quite an AA cup yet. It's a close thing though, we umm, should probably keep an eye on them in the future.">><<br>>
<<simone "Luckily the Princess was almost the same band size as you. And it's not like she was very busty too, so it won't take too much work to adjust them.">> She explains. <<simone "One second, let me grab you some options.">>
/* <<if $pc.frame is 1>>so the only big difference is that you've a broader band-size to her. It should be pretty easy to adjust them though.<<elseif $pc.frame is 2>>so the only difference is that you've a slightly smaller band size than she had. It'll be a super quick and easy adjustment.<</if>> */
She rummages around the Princess' wardrobe for a moment before returning with a selection for you to pick from.<br>
<table id="desk" style="width: 75%">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\blackLace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\whiteJeweled.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\blueFloral.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\vibrantFloral.jpg]]@@
<table id="phone" style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\blackLace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\whiteJeweled.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\blueFloral.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Bras\vibrantFloral.jpg]]@@
You consider your options.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the black lacy bra">>
<<pickBra "blackLace">>
<<goto "bra4">>
<<link "Pick the white jeweled bra">>
<<pickBra "whiteJeweled">>
<<goto "bra4">>
<<link "Pick the blue floral bra">>
<<pickBra "blueFloral">>
<<goto "bra4">>
<<link "Pick the vibrantly colored bra">>
<<pickBra "vibrantFloral">>
<<goto "bra4">>
<</link>><<setter "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'crop'">>
You tentatively pick the <<if $outfit.bra.choice is "blackLace">><<imgl1nk "black lacy bra" "braImg">><<elseif $outfit.bra.choice is "whiteJeweled">><<imgl1nk "white jeweled bra" "braImg">><<elseif $outfit.bra.choice is "blueFloral">><<imgl1nk "blue floral bra" "braImg">><<elseif $outfit.bra.choice is "vibrantFloral">><<imgl1nk "vibrantly colored bra" "braImg">><</if>> from Simone's fingers. It still feels kinda weird to be handling a women's underwear so casually, even though you know that the one who'll be wearing it is //you//.<<br>>
You consider changing into it right here - after all, its not like Simone hasn't seen it all already this morning. But the tension between you is so strong already just after the sizing alone that you'd rather not push it. You hurry into the bathroom to try it on.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
It's slightly tricky to put it on - your arms simply don't seem to quite twist around enough to get the angle necessary - but after an awkward minute you finally just clasp it together around your <<if $pc.frame is 2>>slender<</if>> tummy where you can reach it and then pull it up to your chest.<<br>>
You're still trying to process how you're meant to be feeling about all this, but even now, staring into the bathroom mirror, you can at least feel confident that you made a good choice. <<if $outfit.bra.choice is "blackLace">>The lacy frill around around the sides lie flush against your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin, decorating more of you than your boobs alone.
<<elseif $outfit.bra.choice is "whiteJeweled">>The jeweled little chain connecting the two cups together lays lightly across your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin. If you had <<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>much<<else>>any<</if>> cleavage you're sure that they'd draw all attention towards it, but even with your meager chest the way it twinkles with your every movement is very pleasing.
<<elseif $outfit.bra.choice is "blueFloral">>It's a really cute fit on you, and the burst of deep blue flowers feels so pretty and refreshing.
<<elseif $outfit.bra.choice is "vibrantFloral">>The cascade of pink, purple, and green petals feel like a spring whirlwind of blossoms, adding a dynamic pop of vibrant color.
<<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>Happy that this will work, you consider taking it off again - after all, it feels a little silly to be wearing it with your pajamas - but when you remember how sore your breasts are you quickly elect to keep it on so it won't be rubbing against your clothing.<<else>>Content that you've made a good choice, you can't help but smile at yourself in the mirror.<</if>> You quickly slip your
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>dressing gown
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">>pajamas and dressing gown
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">>pajamas and nightie
<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>nightie
<<elseif $nightwear is "crop">>pajamas<</if>>
back on over the top.<<br>>
<<link "Head back out">>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<goto "day7training">>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<goto "day9training">>
<<link "Own red earrings">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("redStud")>>
Engine.play(passage(), true);
<<link "Own green earrings">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("greenStud")>>
Engine.play(passage(), true);
<<link "Own blue earrings">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("blueStud")>>
Engine.play(passage(), true);
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("pearlStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("onyxStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("daisyStud")>>
<<simone "That's a lovely idea! Earrings can be so cute - I'm sure the Queen will really like that you got them done. Plus they're not //very// permanent - if you just leave them without earrings in for a bit then they heal right over.">><<br>>
She's right, it's not actually very long-lasting at all, but it still makes you nervous. Everything else that you've changed feels pretty insubstantial compared to making actual //holes// in your flesh.<<br>>
Simone enthusiastically shushes your worries <<simone "Oh, don't worry, <<print $pc.name>>. It's super simple! One of my big sisters did mine for me when I was only eight years old. It's just a fun little thing!">><<br>>
<<simone "Here, why don't I show you some of the options in the Princess' collection? You won't be able to wear larger earrings, or anything hanging, for quite a while - you need to wait for it to heal a little. But that's not a problem - studs are so pretty!">>
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\pearlStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\onyxStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\daisyStud.jpg]]@@
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includesAny("greenStud", "redStud", "blueStud")>>
<<simone "Or, if you'd like you could wear the ones you picked up in the Saint-Joules Boutiques.">> She continues.<br>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("redStud")>>
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\redStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
<<elseif $pc.ears.owned.includes("greenStud")>>
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\greenStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
<<elseif $pc.ears.owned.includes("blueStud")>>
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Earrings\blueStud.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:67%">
You assess the options carefully.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the pearl earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<goto [[earPierce2]]>>
<<link "Pick the onyx earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<goto [[earPierce2]]>>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<link "Pick the daisy earrings">>
<<set $child += 1>>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<goto [[earPierce2]]>>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("redStud")>>
<<link "Pick the red jeweled earrings from Saint-Joules">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "redStud">>
<<goto [[earPierce2]]>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("greenStud")>>
<<link "Pick the green jeweled earrings from Saint-Joules">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "greenStud">>
<<goto [[earPierce2]]>>
<<if $pc.ears.owned.includes("blueStud")>>
<<link "Pick the blue hibiscus earrings from Saint-Joules">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "blueStud">>
<<goto [[earPierce2]]>>
<</if>>It's only once Simone sits you down on a stool and starts dipping one of her sewing needles in rubbing alcohol from the cleaning cupboard that it dawns on you. Sure, the idea of getting your ears done had seemed good in theory, but you hadn't quite put together that it would obviously be //Simone// who does it to you.<<br>>
She's a great friend and an invaluable ally, but she's also not exactly the kind of person you trust to do a delicate operation like this. Precisely wielding sharp metal right next to your face really feels like a task meant for someone else.<<br>>
Despite that, as the little maid excitedly hums to herself as she gets things ready, she seems so cheerful and enthusiastic about the task that you can't bear to back out now. You try to put on a brave face, but inside you're absolutely terrified and regretting everything.<<br>>
<<simone "Already, looks like everything's ready! Can you look forward for me, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
You try to remain as stiff and rigid as a board, to give Simone as little of a chance of slipping and accidentally skewering you as possible.<<br>>
<<simone "Perfect!">> She coos, pulling your hair out the way and picking up the needle. Your jaw clenches with nerves. <<simone "You're doing great, <<print $pc.name>>. Just stay like that.">><<br>>
There's something oddly intimate about sitting there, cowed and afraid, being praised by a girl who's about to hurt you. Even if Simone's vibes clash with that mood completely, for some reason you can feel your breath becoming heavier.<<br>>
<<simone "Ok, on the count of three. One. Two. Three!">><<br>>
With that you're suddenly struck by the bizarre, invasive sensation of the needle plunging into your flesh. It's the thinnest needle in Simone's sewing box, you didn't even know that they made ones that slight, but it still feels as thick as a metal rivet inside of your skin.<<br>>
<<simone "There we go! See, I told you that it was easy.">> Simone cheers. You wish you felt the same - it doesn't //hurt// very much, but you're feeling dizzy from the weird sensation.<<br>>
Then the needle is //dragged// out of the hole, only to be replaced moments later by the <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red<</if>> stud earring that you picked. Then there's a //thunk//, or at least what feels like one, as the earring is locked in place by the clasp at the back.<<br>>
<<simone "Great! How do you feel?">> Simone asks.<<br>>
You expect that you're going to have to lie to her face, but when you do a quick internal inspection you're surprised to find that you're actually doing relatively well. The feeling had been alien and invasive, but it hadn't really //hurt//, and now your ear barely stings. You feel a little foolish for having worried.<<br>>
<<simone "I'm so glad! Now there's just one more to go.">> Simone replies, and when she smoothly follows through and gives you a matching pair it ends up going smoothly and easily.<<br>>
''You now have pretty pierced ears!''<<br>>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>>Simone seems absolutely overjoyed by your suggestion. You're not surprised - her hair is absolutely covered in cute accessories.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh heavens! That's //SUCH// a cute idea, <<print $pc.name>>. Let me go and grab some for you!">><<br>>
She runs over to the Princess' dresser, humming a happy tune to herself. In her enthusiasm she even visits her own stash of supplies to add even more options.<<br>>
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Hair\silverClasps.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Hair\cuteClips.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Hair\darkHeadpiece.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Hair\velvetBows.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Hair\regalChain.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Hair\tassels.jpg]]@@
You survey the options carefully.<br><br>
<<link "Pick the cool silver hair clasps">>
<<set $pc.hair.acc to "silverClasps">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[hairAcc2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Pick the cute colorful hair clips">>
<<set $pc.hair.acc to "cuteClips">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $child += 1>>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[hairAcc2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Pick the gothic headpiece">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $pc.hair.acc to "darkHeadpiece">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[hairAcc2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Pick the velvet bows">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<set $pc.hair.acc to "velvetBows">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[hairAcc2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Pick the regal head chain">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<set $pc.hair.acc to "regalChain">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[hairAcc2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Pick the colorful ribbon tassels">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $pc.hair.acc to "tassels">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[hairAcc2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#remove">>
</span><<setter "pc.hair.acc to 'silverClasps'" "pc.hair.acc to 'cuteClips'" "pc.hair.acc to 'darkHeadpiece'" "pc.hair.acc to 'hairBows'" "pc.hair.acc to 'regalChain'" "pc.hair.acc to 'tassels'" "pc.hair.style to 'bangsbob'" "pc.hair.style to 'shortup'" "pc.hair.style to 'shortcoiled'" "pc.hair.style to 'shortwavy'" "pc.hair.style to 'sideswipe'" "pc.hair.style to 'spiky'">>
Simone seems delighted by your choice.<<br>>
<<set _middleBit to "As Simone works, cheerfully humming to herself as she goes, you're surprised to find a little smile on your face. Something about the intimate sensation on your scalp of your hair being gently played with is so pleasant that you can't help but enjoy the process.">>
<<switch $pc.hair.acc>>
<<case "silverClasps">>
<<simone "Aren't they //cool//? So many cute little clasps and dangly bits to add loads and loads of interest to your hair!">><<br>>
They end up being more arduous than you'd thought to put on - every little clasp needs to be carefully placed in your <<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair bob" "hairAccImg">>
<<case "shortup">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "updo" "hairAccImg">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "coils" "hairAccImg">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "waves" "hairAccImg">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "side-swipe bangs" "hairAccImg">>
<<case "spiky">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "spikes" "hairAccImg">>
<</switch>> so that they doesn't fall right back out again. Then the silver hoops can be threaded into the clasps to droop alongside them.<<br>>
<<print _middleBit>><<br>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<simone "Since your hair is so symmetrical it's really important that everything matches perfectly on each side - or it'll look really wonky!">>
<<case "shortup">>
<<simone "Gosh, they really suit you with your hair like this. It's like your head's a volcano and when the hair erupts from the top it glistens with silver!">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<simone "Your coily hair really suits these. Plus the hair's so thick that there's no way that they're falling out once they're in there!">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<simone "I was worried that the weight of the clasps would pull down your waves and make it less bouncy - but instead they just glisten with every bounce, it's so pretty!">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<simone "Since your hair is so asymmetrical, we can put all of the clasps on one side and make it look really cool!">>
<<case "spiky">>
<<simone "Since your hair is so short we can't put too many on, but they really accentuate the spikes, don't they?">>
You take in the finished look. It's pretty trendy, and luckily not all that feminine. The idea of a guy wearing something like this doesn't strike you as too odd, even if you struggle to think of any you've actually met being the ones to do it. The clasps have a casual androgyny to them that feels quite comfortable.
<<case "cuteClips">>
<<simone "I just //knew// that you'd like them! All of the Princess' ones are so lovely but they're all so //serious// - so I just had to grab some cute & fun ones from my stash.">><<br>>
They're also relatively easy to clip onto your <<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair bob" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortup">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "updo" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "coils" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "waves" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "side-swipe bangs" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "spiky">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "spikes" "hairAccImg">>,
<</switch>> but it still takes a while as Simone insists on carefully analyzing where to put each one for maximum effect.<<br>>
<<print _middleBit>><<br>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<simone "They look so sweet decorating the curtains on either side of your bob - it's so darling!">>
<<case "shortup">>
<<simone "Aren't they pretty? The hair in that area is otherwise just pulled tight leading up to the ponytail - they're such a sweet way to add detail to an area that would be flat otherwise!">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<simone "Gosh, they look soo sweet all nestled into your thick coils. Wonderful!">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<simone "Gosh, because your hair's so bouncy, you can see the clips jump every time you move, it's adorable!">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<simone "Gosh, your bangs are such a wonderful canvas to put these on - front and center so that everyone can see them, it's perfect!">>
<<case "spiky">>
<<simone "A these things look //so// sweet next to your little spikes. It's like you're a girly hedgehog!">>
You take in the finished look. The clips are absolutely adorable, but also undeniably childish. It's going to be difficult for anyone to take you very seriously with these in your hair, but you also figure that their cuteness will help you to pass as the Princess really well. You feel a little humiliated being demeaned by their presence, but it's a smart decision. Besides - maybe it //is// a //little// bit fun to wear stuff like this.
<<case "darkHeadpiece">>
<<simone "Great idea! I thought you might like it - it's adds so much dark mystery to a look.">><<br>>
It's not too difficult to clip onto your <<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair bob" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortup">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "updo" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "coils" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "waves" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "side-swipe bangs" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "spiky">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "spikes" "hairAccImg">>,
<</switch>> but it still takes a while as Simone keeps on changing her mind where the best spot for it to go will be.<<br>>
<<print _middleBit>><<br>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<simone "I love how it looks with your hair. Your bob is so symmetrical that adding this off-center burst of coolness makes it look super interesting!">>
<<case "shortup">>
<<simone "I know! I can put the hairpiece right in the center of the ponytail, that way it can cover the band and make it look like all of your hair is erupting out of it. So cool!">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<simone "I just adore how it looks all nestled in your thick coils, it's so stylish!">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<simone "I just adore how it looks nestled in your bouncy waves, it's so stylish!">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<simone "Gosh, your bangs are such a wonderful canvas to put it on - front and center so that everyone can see it, perfect!">>
<<case "spiky">>
<<simone "Gosh, it's so cute and cool on your little pixie cut. I was worried that it might look oversized since you've got such short hair, but it just makes it look so much more dramatic!">>
You take in the finished look. The headpiece is dark and gothic - you're certain that Elodie would love it if she saw it. While being undeniably feminine and fancy, it also adds a certain aloofness to your look that you hope might dissuade people from bothering you too much - a wise decision for an imposter.
<<case "velvetBows">>
<<simone "Wonderful! They're just so classical and pretty, aren't they?">>
It's not too difficult to clip one onto your <<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair bob" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortup">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "updo" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "coils" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "waves" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "side-swipe bangs" "hairAccImg">>,
<<case "spiky">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "spikes" "hairAccImg">>,
<</switch>> but it still takes a while as Simone insists on trying a few different locations before deciding on one that she likes.<<br>>
<<print _middleBit>><<br>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<simone "I love how it looks with your hair. It's like your bob is so symmetrical and then there's this off-center burst of prettiness!">>
<<case "shortup">>
<<simone "I know! I can put the hairpiece right in the center of the ponytail, that way it can cover the band and make it look like all of your hair is erupting out the top. So pretty!">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<simone "I just adore how it looks all nestled in your thick coils, it's so pretty!">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<simone "I just adore how it looks nestled in your bouncy waves, it's so pretty!">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<simone "Gosh, your bangs are such a wonderful canvas to put it on - front and center so that everyone can see it, perfect!">>
<<case "spiky">>
<<simone "Gosh, it's so cute and cool on your little pixie cut. I was worried that it might look oversized, but it just makes it look so pretty surrounded by all the spikes!">>
You take in the finished look. The velvet bow adds a touch of soft femininity to your appearance. You feel a little like a present waiting to be unwrapped by someone, but you can't deny that adds a lot to your disguise.
<<case "regalChain">>
<<simone "I'm //soooo// glad that you picked that one. It's so //extra//, isn't it?">><<br>>
You can't help but agree.<<br>>
You wouldn't think that it would be too difficult to put it on, but it takes some time for Simone to attach it to your <<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair bob" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "shortup">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "updo" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "coils" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "waves" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "side-swipe bangs" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "spiky">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "spikes" "hairAccImg">>.
<</switch>> The thin chains keep on getting entangled with each other, and it needs to be carefully positioned else it might fall off the moment you incline your head.<<br>>
<<print _middleBit>><<br>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<simone "Gosh, it really suits your haircut - all the symmetry makes it look so perfect and pristine!">>
<<case "shortup">>
Eventually Simone has an idea and uses a tiny set of pliers to do some adjustments to the chain, splitting the center piece in two so that your hair can come up through the center.<<br>>
<<simone "Gosh, it looks so lovely there! The hair in that area is otherwise just pulled tight leading up to the ponytail - it's such an elegant way to add loads of detail to an area that would be flat otherwise!">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
Rather than sitting on your scalp, your coiled hair is thick enough that the chain can be lengthened and sit on top of it all.<<br>>
<<simone "Gosh, it looks so lovely like that, adding this pop of shiny elegance to your hair!">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<simone "Aww">> Simone coos, her eyes shining with delight. <<simone "It looks so pretty and perfect on your head, with your bouncy hair making it glitter with every movement.">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<simone "Wow, that looks really trendy!">> Simone exclaims. <<simone "I was worried that your hair would be to asymmetrical for it to look right, but instead it just accentuates it - so cool!">>
<<case "spiky">>
Simone can't help but grin as she does the finishing touches <<simone "Wow, your boyish pixie cut is //such// a cool compliment to the chains. I was worried they'd clash, but the mix of elegance and spunkiness just makes them contrast beautifully, accentuating both of them!">>
You take in the finished look. The delicate chains absolutely scream //princessy//, making you look regal and fancy. It's certainly attention-grabbing, and you feel a little overdressed, but that's something that you'll just have to get over because the effect is gorgeous.
<<case "tassels">>
<<simone "What a delight! Hair ribbons are //sooo// much fun, I just know you'll love them!">><<br>>
She quickly sets to work. It's an extensive process, each ribbon needs to be carefully weaved into your roots and then twisted around a handful of strands, forming colorful and pretty spirals through your <<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair bob" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "shortup">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "updo" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "coils" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "waves" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "side-swipe bangs" "hairAccImg">>.
<<case "spiky">>
<<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "spikes" "hairAccImg">>.
<<print _middleBit>><<br>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
<<simone "Because your hair's so neat and symmetrical it's really important that it's completely the same on each side - even the slightest difference would make you look all wonky. It's a lot of work, but it looks //sooo// pretty.">>
<<case "shortup">>
<<simone "Your ponytail is absolutely //perfect// for this! We can hide all of the seams under the band, and then when your hair erupts out of the top it has all of these beautiful spirals of color!">>
<<case "shortcoiled">>
<<simone "Gosh, your coils are absolutely //perfect// for this. It's thick enough that you can't see the root seams, and because your hair goes in spirals already it's like everything's curling around itself - it's //beautiful//!">>
<<case "shortwavy">>
<<simone "Gosh, it's looking so //fun//! Your hair was already so lively and bouncy already, so adding the ribbons pushes the whole thing even further - it's //adorable//!">>
<<case "sideswipe">>
<<simone "Gosh, your bangs are such a wonderful canvas to put these on. Front and center where everyone can see them - it's perfect!">>
<<case "spiky">>
<<simone "Since your pixie cut is so short I'll have to make each ribbon pretty small, but they look so cute spun around your little spikes - adorable!">>
You take in the finished look. You'd worried that you might look like a clown with so many bright colors all over you, or else like you've been showered in confetti - but instead you just look playful and vibrant. They add such a colorful femininity to you that you can't help but enjoy swishing your hair from side to side to watch the spirals twist and turn.
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>>Simone can barely contain her excitement at your decision. <<simone "Yay! It's been //ages// since I've been able to give someone a haircut, this'll be so much fun!">><br><br>
She hurries to pull up a chair for you to sit in and drags out a full length mirror for you to look at yourself in.<br><br>
Even when you were first imprisoned your hair had already needed a cut. After so long without attention it's longer than you've ever worn it before, and truly a shaggy mess. The idea of cutting it is appealing, but you're nervous about getting a feminine style.<br><br>
Simone finishes gathering up her equipment and begins to explain the various options that she could do to your hair. Its overgrown state means that you should have enough for a short-haired feminine style, but your eyes begin to glaze over when she gets to some of the details - there's so many terms that you've never had to deal with as a guy that you're quickly totally lost.<br><br>
Simone notices your confusion, and seems to have an idea. <<simone "I know! There's all sorts of portraits around the room with all kinds of noblewomen in them. Maybe you could look around for something that catches your eye?">><br><br>
You're relieved to have something more visual to work with, and begin wandering around the carriage, seeing what options are available. Whenever you pause in front of a picture, Simone chirps up with whether she could pull it off on you or not. Before long you have a decent grasp of what options you have available to you.<br><br>
Your hair might be shaggy, but it's still not long enough for most of the longer styles. For now you'll have to get something on the shorter side.
<span id="haircutAppend"></span>
<span id="haircutRemove">
/* [img[Images\Hair\bangsbob.jpg]]
[img[Images\Hair\spiky.jpg]]<br> */
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Hair\bangsbob.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Hair\shortup.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Hair\shortcoiled.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Hair\shortwavy.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Hair\sideswipe.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Hair\spiky.jpg]]@@
<<link "get the tight bob hairstyle with bangs">>
<<set $pc.hair.style to "bangsbob">>
<<append "#haircutAppend" t8n>><br>@@.simg; [img[Images\Hair\bangsbob.jpg]]@@<br><<include [[haircut2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#haircutRemove">>
<<link "get the short tied-up hairstyle">>
<<set $pc.hair.style to "shortup">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#haircutAppend" t8n>><br>@@.simg; [img[Images\Hair\shortup.jpg]]@@<br><<include [[haircut2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#haircutRemove">>
<<link "get the short coiled hairstyle">>
<<set $pc.hair.style to "shortcoiled">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#haircutAppend" t8n>><br>@@.simg; [img[Images\Hair\shortcoiled.jpg]]@@<br><<include [[haircut2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#haircutRemove">>
<<link "get the short wavy hairstyle">>
<<set $pc.hair.style to "shortwavy">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<append "#haircutAppend" t8n>><br>@@.simg; [img[Images\Hair\shortwavy.jpg]]@@<br><<include [[haircut2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#haircutRemove">>
<<link "get the side-swept bangs hairstyle">>
<<set $pc.hair.style to "sideswipe">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<append "#haircutAppend" t8n>><br>@@.simg; [img[Images\Hair\sideswipe.jpg]]@@<br><<include [[haircut2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#haircutRemove">>
<<link "get the short spiky pixiecut hairstyle">>
<<set $pc.hair.style to "spiky">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<append "#haircutAppend" t8n>><br>@@.simg; [img[Images\Hair\spiky.jpg]]@@<br><<include [[haircut2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#haircutRemove">>
</span>Simone gets to work quickly as soon as you make your decision, snipping away around your head in a flurry of activity.<br><br>
At first you're nervous that she's going to chop an ear off, but thankfully it seems like she's actually pretty controlled - though you're still too nervous to dare to do anything other than hold your head as still as you possibly can.<br><br>
Soon there's a sizable pile of cut hair on the floor - though Simone thankfully had thought ahead enough to put a sheet down to catch them beforehand. Simone hovers about, tongue poking out the side of her mouth and brows furrowed in concentration as she snips the last few details.<br><br>
Finally she steps away. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I //think// we're done!"@@ She exclaims happily, though it takes a couple more false finishes as she notices another strand out of place before she finally puts the scissors down.<br><br>
Now that the danger of Simone with scissors has passed you can finally take in your new hair.
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has been completely transformed into a short and tight bob with a box fringe just above your <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a great choice!"@@ says Simone with a proud smile at her own work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"This one really frames your face from all sides, you look wonderful with it!."@@ She's right - a lot of your more masculine features like your jaw and browbone are obscured by the straight lines of your fringe and the longer hair on either side.
<<case "shortup">>
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has been completely transformed into a cute high up-do. Much of your hair, including all of your bangs, has been tied up in a little bun atop your head, with the rest at the back falling down sweetly behind you.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a great choice!"@@ says Simone with a proud smile at her own work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's really cute, but also when you get to be a boy again you can let the bun down and it'll be pretty masculine. So smart!"@@ You're a little incredulous about Simone's definition of 'pretty masculine', but it would be an improvement over the other options.
<<case "shortcoiled">>
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has been completely transformed into a lovely cascade of coiled strands that bounce with your every movement.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a great choice!"@@ says Simone with a proud smile at her own work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"You look wonderful with them! I'm sure that the queen will just adore it!"@@
<<case "shortwavy">>
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has been completely transformed into an adorable little wavy bob. As you move your head from side the side you notice it bounce airily with every movement.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a great choice!"@@ says Simone with a proud smile at her own work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"It's so adorable and spritely, like a little girl! I'm sure that the queen will just adore it!"@@
<<case "sideswipe">>
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has been completely transformed into a dramatic sweeping fringe running asymmetrically across your face, almost covering one eye as it does.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a great choice!"@@ says Simone with a proud smile at her own work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"This way you keep some punky androgyny, while still looking feminine! I just hope that the Queen doesn't think it's too tomboyish."@@
<<case "spiky">>
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has been completely transformed into a short, androgynous, spiky pixie cut. It's no longer than most mens haircuts, but there's an order to the complex textured layers that no man would have.<<br>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"It's a great choice!"@@ says Simone with a proud smile at her own work. @@color:#F9B7FF;"This way you look like a girl, but you still get to be kinda androgynous and tomboyish! I just hope that the Queen doesn't get worked up about it."@@
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>><<setter "graceTrain to 0" "graceTrain to 3" "pc.hands to 1" "pc.hands to 2">>
<<set $pc.heels to 1>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.owned to ["whitePlain", "blackLace", "blackFlats", "pinkFloral", "blueVelvet"]>>
Up til now you haven't put much thought into footwear. Simone would help you into all sorts of elaborate and feminine outfits to wear, but your feet would still be in the same plain pair of black flats. They're still more feminine than you would have imagined ever wearing before all this happened, but compared to how fancy some of the clothing has gotten now they've begun to feel a little incongruous.<<br>>
<<if $pc.hands is 2>>
Besides, up until recently you had big-old man feet. The last thing that you'd have wanted was to draw any more attention to them than absolutely necessary. Now that your feet are small and svelte, you might as well reap the benefits and make use of them.<<br>>
You mention as much to Simone, and she looks a little awkward. <<simone "Well, there's actually a reason why I haven't bought it up before now, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She responds. <<simone "Come on, let me show you.">><<br>>
She leads you over to the shoe cupboard, just below the wardrobe, and opens the doors with an apologetic flourish to reveal what's inside.<<br>>
The sight that greets your eyes is, in a word, spiky. There must be just about two dozen pairs of shoes here, and, to match them, you can see just about 48 sharp heels before you. Varying in size from kitten heels that couldn't be much more than an inch of two long, all the way to ankle-breaking six inchers. One or two even match the staggering length of their heel with platforms almost that high again, until your heels would be almost a foot above the ground. You can scarcely believe it!<<br>>
<<simone "The Queen was really insistent that the Princess should only wear high heels. Nothing else was allowed in her collection.">> Simone explains. <<simone "The Princess //hated// them, and did everything that she could to avoid them. Half of the time that meant running off and getting in trouble around the palace completely barefoot - you should have seen the callouses on her feet, she was so proud of them. That or she'd find some servant girl and force them to switch with her. I never really understood what the fuss was about. I mean, they're so pretty aren't they?">><<br>>
She gives a little sigh of pleasure at just looking at the collection glittering in front of her before continuing. <<simone "The flats that you've been wearing were a pair I snuck in for her, against the Queen's orders. I figured that it would help convince her to go on the trip and stuff. But I'm afraid that if you want to try wearing something else, the only options are to try to learn to walk in heels.">><<br>>
<<cont "heels2" "Resignedly say that you'll give it a try.">>You groan, but if hobbling around on heels is what it'll take to get your footwear to match the femininity required of you, then you'll just have to bite the bullet and do it.<<br>>
Simone can barely contain her excitement at the news. <<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>, that's wonderful! It won't be too bad, I promise - who knows, it might even be fun.">><<br>>
You stare at some of the more perilous pairs of heels - they certainly don't //look// fun.<<br>>
Simone smoothly blocks your sight of the worst offenders by stepping in front of you and instead directs your attention to a few less intimidating choices. <<simone "Don't worry, we won't be trying anything like //those// for a while - we can build up to them. Just a little kitten heel won't hurt you, I promise!">><<br>>
You sigh and take in the choices that she's picked out.<br>
<table id="desk" style="width: 75%">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\whitePlain.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\blackLace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\pinkFloral.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\blueVelvet.jpg]]@@
<table id="phone" style="width: 100%">
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\whitePlain.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\blackLace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\pinkFloral.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:50%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Shoes\blueVelvet.jpg]]@@
<<link "Pick the white shoes with the bows">>
<<pickShoe "whitePlain">>
<<goto "heels3">>
<<link "Pick the lacy black boots">>
<<pickShoe "blackLace">>
<<goto "heels3">>
<<link "Pick the pink floral shoes">>
<<pickShoe "pinkFloral">>
<<goto "heels3">>
<<link "Pick the blue velvet boots">>
<<pickShoe "blueVelvet">>
<<goto "heels3">>
<</link>><<setter "outfit.shoe.choice to 'blueVelvet'" "outfit.shoe.choice to 'pinkFloral'" "outfit.shoe.choice to 'blackLace'" "outfit.shoe.choice to 'whitePlain'">>
You pick up the
<<if $outfit.shoe.choice is "blueVelvet">><<imgl1nk "blue boots" "shoeImg">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "pinkFloral">><<imgl1nk "pink shoes" "shoeImg">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "blackLace">><<imgl1nk "black boots" "shoeImg">>
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "whitePlain">><<imgl1nk "white shoes" "shoeImg">>
from Simone's arms. These ones seem like they'd be best.
<<if $outfit.shoe.choice is "blueVelvet">>In some respects they're not unsimilar to mens riding boots. The main difference is that rather than tough leather, these are covered in a layer of luxurious velvet. It's definitely a feminine adjustment, but as your fingers glide over the soft fabric not even the most resistant part of yourself can deny that they're quite pleasing.
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "pinkFloral">>After all, you're meant to be a //princess// - it only makes sense that you should wear the most pink and feminine option available.
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "blackLace">>In some respects they're not unsimilar to mens riding boots. The big difference is the cutouts of either side, where the black leather gives way to sheer lace. The overall effect is more seductive than masculine, but they're still //mostly// respectable, you figure.
<<elseif $outfit.shoe.choice is "whitePlain">>Between the cute block heel and little bow, nobody could ever accuse you of being insufficiently feminine in these!
<<simone "Good choice!">> Cheers Simone with a grin <<simone "I always loved that pair - they're so cute, aren't they?">><<br>>
<<simone "Now come on, try them on and let's make sure that you can walk in them!">><<br>>
You do as she suggests and slip them over your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> feet. They look a little incongruous next to your <<if $nightwear is "crop">>pajamas<<elseif $nightwear is "dress">>nightie<<else>>dressing gown<</if>>, but they do look pretty decent on you.<<br>>
You take a few experimental steps forward and, much to your embarrassment, end up stumbling almost immediately. Simone just about manages to keep a straight face, but the way that she stopped breathing for a moment tells you that it took some effort.<<br>>
It becomes clear that it's not that it's //that// difficult to step around, all things considered - the problem is that, with your feet held on a forward incline, your brain is half-convinced that you're meant to be walking down a hill or something. You keep getting surprised that the flat floor is as high up as it is, and thrown off completely.<<br>>
<<simone "I think maybe the trick is to step down heel-first,">> suggests Simone. <<simone "That way you have a little time to get steady on the heel before you throw all your weight on it.">> It does seem to help somewhat.<<br>>
<<if $graceTrain gte 2>>
You're really grateful that you've put some training into how to walk with a feminine gait. Up til now it had just been for the sake of your posture alone, but it quickly becomes clear that it's all-but essential when you're walking in heels. If you try to walk with your legs rather than your hips, it all starts falling apart. You dread to imagine how difficult this must be if you hadn't put that work in.
It isn't long before you start wishing that you'd put in some more training in how to walk gracefully before now. It had never seemed that important to you compared to the other options, but you're sure that all this would be going a whole lot smoother if you weren't doing everything from scratch.
Eventually you manage to nail it, and walking around the carriage becomes easy enough that your mind starts to wander to other things.<<br>>
Suddenly Simone shouts out <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>, catch!">>, and before you know it a ball of yarn is flying towards you. Caught off guard, you have to react on instinct to steady yourself enough to catch it out of the air.<<br>>
<<simone "Amazing!">> Coos Simone, genuinely impressed. <<simone "I thought I was being a meanie trying that, but you handled it so well! You didn't stumble for a second. I think you're ready!">><<br>>
<<link "Take off the heels until later and continue about your day">>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<goto "day7training">>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<goto "day9training">>
<</link>><<setter "colette.earringsRemoved to true" "colette.earringsRemoved to false" "colette.earringsRemoved to undefined" "pc.ears.wearing to 'coletteStud'" "pc.ears.wearing to undefined">>
<<set $pc.jewelry to 1>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.owned to ["blackBow", "blueNecklace", "dayCollar", "pinkNecklace"]>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.owned to ["coolRings", "handChain"]>>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>
You have an idea - why not try on some of the Princess' jewelry? <<if def $pc.ears.wearing and $colette.earringsRemoved isnot false>>After all, you've been using her earrings for a while now - why not explore the rest?<</if>><<br>>
Simone's eyes go wide at the suggestion. <<simone "Oh goodness! But they're //hers//. D-do you think that she'd mind?">><<br>>
The idea of getting so worried about using her things while you're standing there wearing her panties is so silly that you can't help but laugh. Besides, based on everything you know about the Princess you're sure that she finds them as gaudy and feminine as everything else to do with her abdicated role, and wouldn't care less.<<br>>
<<simone "But, I'm really not sure if...">> Simone begins nervously, but the thought of being able to check out the jewels herself soon proves too tempting for her to resist. <<simone "Gosh, go on then. Let's have a look, shall we?">><<br>>
With mischievous expressions on your faces, like you're reaching your hands into the cookie jar, the two of you eagerly dig into the Princess' precious jewelry box.<<br>>
<<cont "jewelry2">>The two of you are greeted with such a huge collection of glittering rings, lockets, bracelets, chokers, brooches, tiaras, charms, anklets, necklaces, and body chains that when they catch the light it's almost blinding.<<br>>
Any pretense of Simone doing this solely for the sake of helping you develop your disguise is soon lost - she all-but forgets about you in her delight at trying on all sorts of different pieces. The gaudy pieces look a little out-of-place next to her cheap, brightly colored accessories, but the grin on her face is easily the prettiest jewel of the lot.<<br>>
It's a joy that you can't help but share. Just a week ago and the sight of all of these jewels probably wouldn't have done much to you, but after being thrown into so many dazzling outfits it's difficult not to look at each one in their context. You note the way that one piece would enhance the bust of one dress; the way a brooch would light up a blank part of a jacket; or the way a bracelet would echo the colors of a top. Before you know it, you're eagerly trying on as many as Simone.<<br>>
<<cont "jewelry3">>Eventually, after much awed sighing and delighted giggles, the two of you remember what you're here to do, and you're confronted with a tricky choice - what you should wear today.<<br>>
With some oohing and ahhing, you settle on six options which most caught your eye.<br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\pinkNecklace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blackBow.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blueNecklace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\handChain.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\dayCollar.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\coolRings.jpg]]@@
<table id="phone" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\pinkNecklace.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blackBow.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blueNecklace.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\handChain.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\dayCollar.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\coolRings.jpg]]@@</td>
/* <span id="desk"> */
<<link "Pick the pink jeweled necklace">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<pickJewelryNeck "pinkNecklace">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "pinkNecklace">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the choker with the black bow">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "blackBow">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "blackBow">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the blue swirl necklace">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "blueNecklace">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "blueNecklace">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the finger-chain gauntlet">>
<<pickJewelryHand "handChain">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "handChain">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the suspiciously evocative choker with a lock on it">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<pickJewelryNeck "dayCollar">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "dayCollar">>
<<goto "jewelry4collar">>
<<link "Pick the collection of cool silver rings">>
<<pickJewelryHand "coolRings">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "coolRings">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
/* </span>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<link "Pick the pink jeweled necklace">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<pickJewelryNeck "pinkNecklace">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "pinkNecklace">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the blue swirl necklace">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "blueNecklace">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "blueNecklace">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the choker with the black bow">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "blackBow">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "blackBow">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the oddly evocative choker with a lock on it">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<pickJewelryNeck "dayCollar">>
<<pickJewelryHand "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "dayCollar">>
<<goto "jewelry4collar">>
<<link "Pick the finger-chain gauntlet">>
<<pickJewelryHand "handChain">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "handChain">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the collection of cool silver rings">>
<<pickJewelryHand "coolRings">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "null">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "coolRings">>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
</span> */<<switch $jewelryChoice>>
<<case "blackBow">>
Your attention is naturally grabbed by a lovely little black choker, with a darling little bow affixed to the center and a silver bell hanging underneath.<<br>>
<<simone "Oooh, what a lovely choice!">> Simone cheers at your decision. <<simone "I just know that it'll suit you perfectly - try it on!">><<br>>
You do as she encourages, and soon your twisting your neck to-and-fro in the mirror to see the results, the bell letting out a little tinkle of sound with every movement.<<br>>
You were worried that your (admittedly already somewhat shrunken) adam's apple would make the choker look out-of-place, but if anything the opposite is true - it obscures the shape of it completely and makes your neck appear smoother and svelter than ever before.<<br>>
Simone's eyes are glistening with glee at the sight of you. <<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>, it's //lovely//, you look just like a little //kitten//!">><<br>>
You blush a little at the comparison, but now that you have it on you can't deny it - with the bow and the little bell, it looks just like the type of collar you'd affix to a cat. There perhaps should be something degrading about getting dressed up like an animal, but the overall effect is so cute that you struggle to see it as anything other than a plus.
<<case "blueNecklace">>
One item stands out from the rest - a handsome necklace with a spiraling swirl of blue stems emerging from a central jewel, before blossoming out into glistening petals at the edges.<<br>>
<<simone "Oooh, what a lovely choice!">> Simone cheers at your decision. <<simone "I just know that it'll suit you perfectly - try it on!">><<br>>
You do as she encourages, and soon the elegant necklace is hanging over your chest.<<br>>
It's amazing how much it draws attention to the area, and even though <<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>your cleavage isn't that huge yet<<else>>you don't exactly have much cleavage to work with<</if>>, somehow it still manages to even out your proportions and make what little you have all the more tantalizing.
<<case "pinkNecklace">>
One item stands out from the rest - a pretty gold necklace with many hanging pink jewels. Before you might have balked at how pink and feminine it is, but now you can't help but be drawn to it.<<br>>
<<simone "Oooh, what a lovely choice!">> Simone cheers at your decision. <<simone "I just know that it'll suit you perfectly - try it on!">><<br>>
You do as she encourages, and soon the elegant necklace is hanging over your chest.<<br>>
It's amazing how much it draws attention to the area, and even though <<if $pc.boobs gte 2>>your cleavage isn't that huge yet<<else>>you don't exactly have much cleavage to work with<</if>>, somehow it still manages to even out your proportions and make what little you have all the more tantalizing.
<<case "coolRings">>
It isn't one single item that stands out from the rest, but a whole bunch! You find so many cool, stylish silver rings that you struggle to work out which one you like the most.<<br>>
Simone giggles at your indecision. <<simone "Don't be silly - you can //never// have too many accessories.">> She encourages, gesturing down to the dozens covering her maid's outfit. <<simone "You should wear the whole lot!">><<br>>
You're not sure if anyone other than Simone could quite get away with such maximalism, but when you give it a try it proves to be true - every one you add just seems to help in the effect. Soon you're fitting them on two-to-a-finger.<<br>>
The overall effect, once you're satisfied that anymore will ruin it, is somewhat alternative and modern. You could imagine Elodie being a fan. The style's perhaps a little masculine, but the kind that's worn much more by girls trying to avoid looking too girly than by many actual men. You like it!
<<case "handChain">>
One piece captures your eye like no other, though it takes you some time to untangle it and identify out how it's supposed to work.<<br>>
It's a group of five golden rings, each connected to a trail of chain leading towards a circle at the wrist. Together, they form a 'gauntlet' of chain around your hand.<<br>>
Simone gives you a grin when she sees you looking at it. <<simone "That one's so interesting, isn't it? It's like, five rings all in one - amazing!">><<br>>
At her urging you try it on. The gauntlet is so cool that it's difficult not to let yourself get caught up a flight of fancy - imagining that you're a noble hero, or a vengeful hunter with demonic spiders as your quarry. Whenever Simone turns her back you find yourself doing badass poses in the mirror.
<<if $jewelryTwice isnot true>>
<<include "jewelry5">>
<<include "jewelryEnd">>
<</if>>One piece of jewelry stands out to you from the others. A dainty, yet surprisingly secure-looking chain, held together at the center by a little padlock. You look around for a clasp at the back, only to find one conspicuously missing - if you didn't have a key to the padlock, there wouldn't be any way of taking it off.<<br>>
You frown to yourself. Isn't that a little... evocative of something? It's too ornate and delicate to be much like the real thing, but it's almost like it's emulating the kind of collar that a slave might wear, just dialed down a notch to keep it from being obvious.<<br>>
You tentatively try asking Simone's opinion on the matter, but not unsurprisingly the implication seems to go straight over her head<<if $keyholder is "simone">>, even though she happens to be holding you under lock and key herself<</if>>.<<br>>
<<simone "It's just a pretty silver thingy, isn't it? I like the little lock design - it's cute! Funny thing though, come to think of it - I'm certain that I never saw the Princess wearing it, but I could swear that it would go missing for weeks at a time. I wonder where it went?">><<br>>
Your mind swims the idea of some poor young servant being forced into one of these at the Princess' whims. And yet, even with that idea in your mind, you still find yourself inexplicably drawn to the object.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "jewelry4collar2">>
<</link>>You imagine that most people who'll see it will think like Simone - that it's just some fetching little choker - but to another kind of person it could well serve as an indication of something more meaningful.<<br>>
You swallow, your mouth unexpectedly dry at the thought of wearing it.<<br>>
Suddenly Simone piques up <<simone "Looks like you've //really// taken a fancy to that one! Let me help you put it on.">><<br>>
Suddenly she snatches it from your fingers and, naively thinking that you just needed encouragement, brusquely unlocks it and starts sliding it around your neck. You're too dazed by the suddenness of it all and your own flustered embarrassment to offer much resistance, and before you know it you feel the cold metal of the choker closing around your slender throat.<<br>>
The little '//click//' as the lock is set is enough to make you quiver.<<br>>
If Simone sees the reaction that it has on you, then she doesn't seem to give any indication. Instead she just grins. <<simone "See? I think it's pretty! Suits you perfectly!">><<br>>
You desperately try to hide the conflicted emotions swirling around inside of you - the last thing that you want is for Simone to realize what's up. But as she points you towards the mirror on the dresser so you can see for yourself, you can't deny that the little thing somehow looks right at home around your neck. In spite of yourself, you watch your cheeks blush bright pink.<<br>>
<<simone "What a lovely choice!">> encourages Simone. <<simone "Now, about the key...">><<br>>
She holds up the little thing, and you can feel your mouth beginning to dry once more.<<br>>
There's only a moment's pause, but it seems to last forever before Simone brightly announces <<simone "Probably best for you to keep a hold of it. It would be horrid if you got stuck in it or something!">> and slips it into your palm. For some reason, you find yourself feeling conflicted between relief and disappointment.<br><br>
<<if $jewelryTwice isnot true>>
<<cont "jewelry5">>
<<include "jewelryEnd">>
<</if>><<set _jewelryTemp to true>>
<<simone "You know...">> Simone ponders as you get comfortable with your new jewelry.
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.wearing is true>>
<<simone "Just because you're wearing something around your //neck//, doesn't mean that you can't have something on your hands too. It's up to you of course - more accessories doesn't //always// mean better.">><<br>>
You raise an eyebrow at that - it's not the kind of thing you'd expect to hear from the girl decked out in so many colorful accessories that you can barely see her maid uniform, but you don't push the matter.<br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\handChain.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\coolRings.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
<table id="phone" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\handChain.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\coolRings.jpg]]@@</td>
<<link "Wear the finger-chain gauntlet as well">>
<<pickJewelryHand "handChain">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "handChain">>
<<set $jewelryTwice to true>>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Wear the cool silver rings as well">>
<<pickJewelryHand "coolRings">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "coolRings">>
<<set $jewelryTwice to true>>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<include "jewelryEnd">>
<<elseif $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing>>
<<simone "Just because you're wearing something on your hands, doesn't mean that you can't have something around your neck too. It's up to you of course - more accessories doesn't //always// mean better.">><<br>>
You raise an eyebrow at that - it's not the kind of thing you'd expect to hear from the girl decked out in so many colorful accessories that you can barely see her maid uniform, but you don't push the matter.<br>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\pinkNecklace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blueNecklace.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blackBow.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\dayCollar.jpg]]@@
<td style="width:33%">
<table id="phone" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\pinkNecklace.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blueNecklace.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\blackBow.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Accessories\Jewelry\dayCollar.jpg]]@@</td>
<<link "Wear the pink jeweled necklace as well">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<pickJewelryNeck "pinkNecklace">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "pinkNecklace">>
<<set $jewelryTwice to true>>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Wear the blue swirl necklace as well">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "blueNecklace">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "blueNecklace">>
<<set $jewelryTwice to true>>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Wear the choker with the black bow as well">>
<<pickJewelryNeck "blackBow">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "blackBow">>
<<set $jewelryTwice to true>>
<<goto "jewelry4">>
<<link "Pick the evocative lock choker as well">>
<<set $sub ++>>
<<pickJewelryNeck "dayCollar">>
<<pickJewelryShoulder "null">>
<<pickJewelryAnkle "null">>
<<set $jewelryChoice to "dayCollar">>
<<set $jewelryTwice to true>>
<<goto "jewelry4collar">>
<<include "jewelryEnd">>
<<else>><<error>><</if>><<if _jewelryTemp is true>>
<<link "I'm fine as I am!">>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8training">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<goto "day9training">>
<<unset $jewelryChoice>>
<<unset $jewelryTwice>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<goto "day8training">>
<<elseif $day is 9>>
<<goto "day9training">>
<<unset $jewelryChoice>>
<<unset $jewelryTwice>>
<</if>><<set $pc.shave to "legs">>
<<if $day isnot 6>>
<<simone "Wonderful!">> chirps Simone happily at your decision. <<simone "This way you'll be able to wear a lot more cute outfits. Not all women shave their legs, but //nobody// would believe that the //Princess// wouldn't shave hers.">><br><br>
<<simone "There's some depilatory cream in the bathroom. It weakens the hair enough that it all falls out without having to shave or anything. Shaving is often better for maintaining it, but since your legs are fully grown in it's easier to depilate - saves you from blunting razors on them. Just put it on your legs for five minutes and then you should be able to rub the hair straight off.">><br><br>
You go to the bathroom to follow her instructions.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
You strip off your
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "jail2">>dirty hempen smock and torn britches
<<case "nwgown">>plush dressing gown
<<case "nwcropgown">>dressing gown and skimpy pajamas
<<case "nwdressgown">>dressing gown and nightdress
<<case "nwdress">>sleek nightdress
<<case "nwcrop">>crop top and shorts
and find the cream that Simone mentioned.<br><br>
It takes you a moment to get the confidence to begin your task - to sign away your masculinity for a while, even if it //would// eventually grow back. Finally you gather the courage to do it, and begin to slather the white viscous cream over your legs.<br><br>
You're immediately assaulted by the reek of the cream - like industrial cleaning fluids. The smell is soon joined by a second one - the pungent odor of burning hair. You get nervous as you feel a burning sensation across your legs, but thankfully it doesn't get too intense.<br><br>
The wait is unpleasant, but finally you judge that it //must// have been five minutes by now and decide to jump in to the bathtub, run the water, and begin to furiously rub your legs with a sponge.<br><br>
With every wipe of the sponge, your legs become less and less hairy.<br><br>
Eventually you seem to have gotten rid of all of it and you look down to see the bathtub filled with dark leg hair. You had no idea that you had so much on you! As you pull the plug and watch the stream of hair slip down the plughole you can't help but feel wistful, like your masculinity is getting sucked away with it, but then you roll your eyes at yourself for being so melodramatic.<br><br>
As you step out of the bath you can't help but catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. You wince as you realize that if you saw a picture of your legs as they are now, there'd be nothing to stop you thinking that they belonged to a cute girl.<br><br>
You try not to think about it, and make sure to turn your back to the mirror as you dress.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "jail2" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdress" or $outfit.set.id is "nwcrop">>
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "jail2">>
Your torn britches offer you no way of hiding your bare, hairless legs as you re-enter the main carriage.
<<case "nwdress">>
Your skimpy nightdress offers you no way of hiding your bare, hairless legs as you re-enter the main carriage.
<<case "nwcrop">>
Your skimpy white shorts offer you no way of hiding your bare, hairless legs as you re-enter the main carriage.
<<simone "Wow, your legs are so long and elegant, <<print $pc.name>>!">> Simone can't help but exclaim as she sees you, only to realize that that might not be what you'd want to hear. <<simone "Sorry...">><br><br>
''You now have hairless legs!''<br><br>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<</if>><<set $pc.makeup to 1>>
Simone beams excitedly at you when you suggest trying on some makeup. <<simone "Oh <<print $pc.name>>, that's a wonderful idea! I'm sure that it'll help loads!">><br><br>
She's not wrong. When it comes to trying to look like a girl makeup is the first thing that comes to mind. You've seen what some girls look like before and after makeup - it's like they're completely different people.
<<if $pc.face isnot 2>>
If makeup can make someone ugly look like someone beautiful, there's no reason why it couldn't make a guy look like a girl.
Your face might have changed to become more feminine, but it'll be a huge boon for looking like a Princess.
Honestly, it's the kind of thing that you'd expected Simone to suggest long ago. And yet, if she had done, you know that you probably would have reacted poorly and staunchly opposed it. By gently waiting for you to feel comfortable bringing it up yourself, she's probably let you get around to it sooner than if she'd said something. She's eerily cunning sometimes.<br><br>
Something about it seems scarier than everything else you've done so far - changing your face into something not your own, unrecognizable, without <<if $pc.face is 2>>even the tomboyishness of your features<<else>>any of the masculinity<</if>> that you've been clinging to remaining visible at all.<br><br>
<<simone "Don't worry. We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with yet.">> Simone reassures you, reading the anxiety on your face. <<simone "There's //soo// many different kinds of makeup that you can do. A whole world of subtle stuff, long before you get anywhere near the bolder looks.">><br><br>
With a cheerful <<simone "Come on, let me show you!">> she ushers you to the dresser and sits you down in front of the mirror.<br><br>
/* <<simone "To start with, I'm just going to put some primer on you. It's just a little cream between you and the makeup, to make things sit more evenly. It's not an important step at all - I don't bother when doing it myself, but some girls- err, some //people//- get less skin irritation and stuff from it. We might as well use it since it's here.">> She explains, rubbing some waxy lotion over your face.<br><br> */
<<simone "First, I'm going to put on a layer of foundation. It's just going to make your skin a bit more even - make the blemishes less obvious and stuff. This stuff really needs to match your skin color - my stuff wouldn't work on your skin at all, for instance - but luckily I think the Princess' will be a pretty good match.">><br><br>
She puts a small amount <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skin-shaded cream onto a little sponge and starts rubbing it onto your face in circles.<br><br>
<<simone "You've got to be careful with this stuff - if you add too much then it'll wash out all your features and you'll look really flat. You'll only want to do that if you're planning to reintroduce that structure with contouring afterwards, and we're not going anywhere near that kind of thing today. That's also why if you have somewhere that needs more than other places, like you have a big zit or something, it's better to use something more targeted like a concealer rather than keep on piling it on everywhere.">><br><br>
She takes a step back and smiles <<simone "I think that that came out pretty good!">><br><br>
You look at yourself in the mirror. You'd been nervous, but the difference really isn't that huge. You imagine that if you saw a woman wearing this, you probably wouldn't think that she was wearing makeup at all. You just look like yourself! Or, perhaps it's better to say that you look just like your image of yourself in your mind's eye - in reality, on any normal day you'd probably have a bit of blotchiness here and there, but now all that is gone and your skin is pristine.<br><br>
<<simone "Just one thing to do!">> Simone says, clearly happy that you haven't reacted negatively so far. <<simone "I'm gonna try some eyeliner on you, nothing extreme, just to make your eyes a little more defined and look a little larger.">><br><br>
/* She grabs what looks like a pen from the dresser, and takes off the lid, revealing a dark brown tip. <<simone "I'm just going to use a felt pen for it - gel can be tricky, and pencils can get a little pokey if you're new to it. Just close one eye and stay still while I do this.">><br><br> */
Every instinct within you says to get out of the way when something comes directly towards your eyes, not to stay calm and let it poke you. Even when you manage to stay still, you find yourself either scrunching your eyes closed, making the surface too uneven for Simone to work on, or your eyelid starts trembling from the effort. It's only once Simone suggests looking upwards with your eye behind your closed eyelid that you manage to nail it, and she can finally get to work.<br><br>
<<simone "We're just going to do the upper lid today. That keeps it nice and subtle.">><br><br>
It's done pretty quickly, and you're left with two barely-visible strips on your upper eyelids, along the line of your eyelashes. They're difficult to notice, but the subtle effect is dramatic - it's difficult to look at your face without your vision being drawn to your dark-gray eyes, capturing your focus.<br><br>
<<simone "And that's everything for today! This is pretty normal 'everyday' makeup for most girls - you'd only do more than this if you had something that you're dressing up for.">><br><br>
All in all, it's nowhere near as intense as you had been expecting. Instead of coming out the other end looking like a different person, you just look like yourself on a //really// good day. Even as a guy, you can understand the appeal of being able to look like this on demand, and all things considered it didn't even look difficult to do.<br><br>
<<if $pc.face isnot 2>>
You suppose that you might perhaps look a //little// bit more like a girl than before, but probably only because girls are more likely to care about their looks than guys, rather than any scary transformation.
You already looked like a girl before, hell, maybe even a decent looking one, but there were still the recognizable marks of your old features to it. You were scared that doing this would mean that those traces would disappear, but instead you just look a subtle bit more pretty than you did before.
You notice Simone grinning at you, clearly overjoyed as she watches you realize that makeup isn't nearly as bad as you thought. A little embarrassed, you try to focus on something else.<br><br>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>>When you first had Simone help you with makeup you could tell that she was taking it easy on you. It had felt overwhelming at first, so you're glad that she helped you to ease into it, but recently you've begun to feel like your face is a little plain.<<br>>
Simone gives you a huge grin when you suggest diving back into makeup. <<simone "Oh, <<print $pc.name>>, that's wonderful! Come on over to the dresser and let's see what we can do!">><<br>>
You do so, and soon you have arrayed before you a dizzying amount of brushes, creams, pigments, lipsticks, curlers, pallets, and plenty more things that you couldn't begin to recognize. You gulp, hoping that you haven't gotten yourself in over your head.<<br>>
Once it's all laid out, Simone's practiced eyes scour the collection carefully, planning out the best avenue of attack with the precision of a general before a battle. Then, with a nod so serious that you're barely able hold back a giggle at the sight, she begins her makeover.<<br>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto "makeup2two">>
/* <<simone "I think that we should try out eyeshadow today.">> She suggests. <<simone "It's kinda a big step and all, but it's so versatile that you can do all sorts of stuff with it - from little things to huge dramatic looks. Plus - it's //really// fun. Sometimes makeup can be a little by-the-numbers, where there's only one way to do it right, but eyeshadow is //art// - it's all about self expression! I'm sure you'll love it!">><<br>>
She brings forward the pallets to the front of the makeup pile, and you're soon surrounded by dozens and dozens of little trays of brightly colored pigment powder. You wonder why anyone would possibly need so many.<<br>>
<<simone "So there's a whole //bunch// of different looks that I can put on you - from subtle to showy; sweet to audacious; bright to gloomy; quirky to refined. What kind of thing would you be interested in, <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
You consider the question carefully. */<<set $pc.makeup to 2>>
<<simone "So, first of all I'm going to push the foundation a little bit further.">> She declares, brandishing some little sponges. <<simone "Last time we were just sort-of making your skin tone even, but there's so much more that we can do.">><<br>>
<<simone "This time we're going to be doing a //teeny// bit of contouring. Nothing too dramatic - some people do some really extreme stuff with this. We're just adding a little structure.">><<br>>
Instead of one foundation, this time Simone brings out three different ones - one that matches your skintone, one that's a little lighter, and the last a little darker.<<br>>
<<simone "Basically">> Simone explains as she works. <<simone "It's all about the way people look at you, or something like that. The eyes focus on the brighter areas and not on the darker ones, so by making the parts you want to emphasize lighter and the parts you want to avoid darker, you can really change how you look.">><<br>>
<<simone "I guess the weird thing is that since we're trying to make your face look more feminine, we're kinda doing the exact opposite of what most girls are trying to do with contour.">><<br>>
You can't help but make a confused expression about that. That doesn't sound quite right, surely? You'd think the //last// thing that women would want is to look //manly//.<<br>>
However, Simone remains steadfast on the matter. <<simone "Oh absolutely.">> She states, dabbing more product onto your face carefully. <<simone "Just look at every fashion show out there - every model will have a sharp cheekbones, dramatic browlines, and strong chins and stuff. Those are all masculine features, technically, and most of contouring is women trying to pretend that they have them.">><<br>>
<<simone "It's not that that's the //only// way to look good or anything.">> She says suddenly, so that you don't get the wrong idea. <<simone "Like, I know that I have a round face and all and, well, I think I look okay. But it's not like I could up and become a //model// either, and they're the folks that people really focus on.">><<br>>
You try to process what you've learned. The idea still seems bizarre to you. On the other hand, Simone, raised almost exclusively by women, seems just as perplexed at the idea of you having thought anything else.<<br>>
[[Continue->makeup2three]]<<simone "It's not just faces either. It's fashionable to be tall, and to have a relatively small chest. Butts are getting more in-fashion I guess, but hips less so, weirdly.">> She muses, a little self-consciously. <<simone "A lot of the fancier clothing stores don't even stock anything for people with big butts or boobs, or anything for people below 5-foot 7. And that's like, all the stuff that estrogen does to you, you know?">><<br>>
<<simone "Whereas you're like-">> She hesitates for moment, trying to find the right words before she says something that could upset you, but ends up continuing unabashed. <<simone "Well, by being somewhere in the middle, you look so much more like a beautiful //model// than most real women ever could.">><<br>>
You can feel heat suddenly rising to your face as your brain tries to reconcile the discomfort and humiliation of your unwilling transformation with the embarrassed shyness of being seen as beautiful. Caught between the two, you just fluster in place, helplessly overwhelmed.<<br>>
Simone seems to notice your discomfort, and rescues you by shifting your focus - stepping to one side so that you can see her handiwork. <<simone "I'm finished, I think! What do you make of it?">><<br>>
You take in your face. The effect is striking - if your previous makeup look was '<<print $pc.name>> on a good day', this is an idealized version of you. The effect is still recognizably //you//, and isn't overbearing - in fact, to your slight embarrassment you realize that if you saw someone wearing this before all this happened to you, you still might not have realized that they were wearing makeup at all - but everything that you like about your features has been subtly enhanced, and everything that you dislike has been faded into the background.<<br>>
It's so effective that, despite the fact that it's clearly made you appear more feminine, you can't help a small smile rise to your face. When Simone had rambled about you looking like a model you hadn't really been able to believe her, but for a brief moment you can see it as clear as day, and in the brief time before your brain catches up to you and reminds you that you're not supposed to be thinking things like that you bask in the sensation.<<br>>
Nevertheless, from the proud look on Simone's face it doesn't look like your brief instinctual feeling went completely unnoticed.<<br>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>><<set $pc.makeup to 3>>
<<set $outfit.makeup.eye.owned to ["blue", "liner", "pink", "smokey"]>>
<<set $outfit.makeup.lip.owned to ["purple", "red", "warm", "pink"]>>
<<pickMakeupEye "null">>
<<pickMakeupLip "null">>
You've already pushed your makeup so far already, but it still feels like you're only just beginning your adventure with it.<<br>>
Simone seems absolutely delighted by the news. <<simone "Oh, that's //wonderful//, <<print $pc.name>>! I was //hoping// that you'd say that.">><<br>>
<<simone "Up til now makeup has been fun and cool and stuff, and it's made such a nice difference already, but it's just been sort-of painting by numbers. Like, there's a certain way to look pretty and feminine, and everyone just does the same things to get there. Whereas...">> She dramatically opens the largest drawer of the dresser to reveal a kaleidoscope of vibrant color, a horde of lipsticks, eyeshadow palettes, and glitter. A stark contrast to the previous makeup, which had mostly just been shades of skin-tone. <<simone "Now it's time to get //artistic//!">><<br>>
The idea of being made a canvas for creative expression is a little daunting, but you can't say that the idea doesn't have some appeal. You've grown so used to wearing makeup that you'd almost feel naked without it, but there's still something that feels a little bit dehumanizing about it - all of the little personal quirks that makes your face yours eased away into a generic beauty. The idea of adding all of that individualization back, not just with the features that the gods gave you but ones you get to pick for yourself, sounds wonderful.<<br>>
<<cont "makeup3two" "Let's do this!">><<wearMakeup>>
Simone beams at you as you sit down in front of the dresser. First, she does the rest of your makeup in much the same way that she's shown you in the past. <<simone "Just because we're going to be doing cool stuff over the top, doesn't mean that we shouldn't make sure that we have a good canvas to work from!">><<br>>
Once she finishes her grin seems to get even wider. <<simone "Yay! Let's do the fun stuff! I suppose we'll start with the eyes, shall we? They're //such// a vibrant way to express yourself. You gotta remember - when someone's looking at your face, they're usually focused at your eyes, changing them just a little bit can really shift the way that you're perceived.">><<br>>
The maid rummages around the piles of palettes. <<simone "Hmmm. I don't want you to get overwhelmed or anything though. I think we'll save some of the more dramatic looks until later. Let's just go with a few for now!">><<br>>
She settles on a few palettes, and describes your options. Soon you have a decent picture in your mind of what to expect from each.<<br>>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\blue.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\smokey.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:30%"> </td>
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\liner.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\pink.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:30%"> </td>
<table id="phone" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\blue.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\smokey.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\liner.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Eyes\pink.jpg]]@@</td>
<<link "Pick the shimmering blue wings">>
<<pickMakeupEye "blue">>
<<goto "makeup3three">>
<<link "Pick the smokey eyeshadow with gold glitter">>
<<pickMakeupEye "smokey">>
<<goto "makeup3three">>
<<link "Pick the dotted eyeliner look with wings">>
<<pickMakeupEye "liner">>
<<goto "makeup3three">>
<<link "Pick the vibrant pink eyeshadow">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<pickMakeupEye "pink">>
<<goto "makeup3three">>
<<link "Maybe eye makeup isn't for me...">>
<<goto "makeup3three">>
<</link>><<setter "outfit.makeup.eye.choice to 'pink'" "outfit.makeup.eye.choice to 'liner'" "outfit.makeup.eye.choice to 'blue'" "outfit.makeup.eye.choice to 'smokey'" "outfit.makeup.eye.choice to 'null'">>
<<switch $outfit.makeup.eye.choice>>
<<case "pink">>
The choice is easy for you - it's //gotta// be the pink option. You've become such a fan of the color that it's difficult to imagine wearing anything else.<<br>>
Simone seems delighted by your decision. <<simone "That one's //perfect// for you. So dainty and feminine and cute!">>
<<case "liner">>
The option that takes your fancy isn't any of the eyeshadow looks, but rather one just in eyeliner. It's less vibrant than the other options, but no less characterful - chic simplicity, with an alternative edge to it.<<br>>
It's an understatedness that you thought would disappoint the ever-colorful Simone, but she ends up surprising you with a big smile. <<simone "I just //knew// that you'd pick that one!">> She exclaims. <<simone "It suits you down to a tee!">>
<<case "blue">>
You find yourself drawn to the blue eyeshadow that shimmers with glitter. It's bright and vibrant, while also adding a touch of drama with its deep wings.<<br>>
Simone seems delighted by your decision. <<simone "That one's //perfect// for you. So cool and bold and pretty!">>
<<case "smokey">>
You find yourself drawn to the smokey eye'd look. It's almost a contradiction - moody, dark, and thick lashed around the eye, and then an explosion of golden glitter around it. Or at least, you'd thought that it was glitter - it soon proves to be flecks of real gold!<<br>>
The overall mood is glamorous, mature, and sophisticated. The kind of thing that you could imagine the Queen wearing.<<br>>
Simone seems delighted by your decision. <<simone "That one's //perfect// for you. So shiny and sparkly and intense!">>
<<case "null">>
Simone barely conceals her disappointment that you don't want any eye makeup on, but at least seems to accept your decision.<<br>>
<<simone "Well, I guess in that case we'll just have to do something //really// special with the lipstick!">> She says, already reaching for a few options. <<simone "What color do you fancy?">>
<<if $outfit.makeup.eye.choice isnot "null">>
Simone quickly gets to work, and you watch in the mirror as your eyes are transformed into a vision of beauty. She wasn't wrong - it's amazing how much of difference changing your eyes seems to make to your overall vibe, the choice you made expressing so much about you.<<br>>
Finally she steps away with a contented expression on her face. <<simone "There we go - wonderful!">> However, she doesn't stop there, already reaching for a few sticks of lipstick. <<simone "Now there's just the lips to go - what color do you fancy?">><<br>>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\warm.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\red.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:30%"> </td>
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\pink.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:35%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\purple.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:30%"> </td>
<table id="phone" style="width:100%">
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\warm.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\red.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\pink.jpg]]@@</td>
<td style="width:50%">@@.img; [img[Images\Makeup\Lipstick\purple.jpg]]@@</td>
<<link "Pick the warm, almost-nude lipstick">>
<<pickMakeupLip "warm">>
<<goto "makeup3four">>
<<link "Pick the rich red lipstick">>
<<pickMakeupLip "red">>
<<goto "makeup3four">>
<<link "Pick the shimmering pink lipstick">>
<<pickMakeupLip "pink">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "makeup3four">>
<<link "Pick the moody purple lipstick">>
<<pickMakeupLip "purple">>
<<goto "makeup3four">>
<<if $outfit.makeup.eye.choice isnot "null">>
<<link "Actually, I think eye makeup is all I want">>
<<goto "makeup3four">>
<<fail "Actually, I think eye makeup is all I want" "What's the point of upping your makeup game if you refuse both options?">>
<</if>><<setter "outfit.makeup.lip.choice to 'pink'" "outfit.makeup.lip.choice to 'purple'" "outfit.makeup.lip.choice to 'red'" "outfit.makeup.lip.choice to 'warm'" "outfit.makeup.lip.choice to 'null'">>
<<switch $outfit.makeup.lip.choice>>
<<case "warm">>
You pick the more neutral shade, though it's no less striking for it. Unlike the others, which paint over your lips with opaque color, this one still uses your skin underneath as it's basis - making them warmer, deeper, richer, and silkier than before, while still using your natural assets.
<<case "red">>
You pick the rich, bold, velvety red shade. The very archetype of a mature, refined seductress.
<<case "pink">>
You pick the dainty and feminine pastel pink lipstick. Unlike the others, it has a shimmering glitter to it that gleams golden when it catches the light.
<<if $outfit.makeup.eye.choice is "pink">>
Simone can't help but titter to herself at your choice. <<simone "I suppose I really should have guessed that, shouldn't I? I mean, when do you ever pick the option that //isn't// pink?">><<br>>
You find yourself blushing at it being so predictable that you'd go for the most girly, feminine option - your face turning as pink as your eyeshadow.
<<case "purple">>
You pick the more quirky, off-beat, but nevertheless almost intoxicatingly-bold option of the purple lipstick. It's the most unnatural color of the lot, and gives your features a slightly spooky pallor, but that just adds to the effect.
<<case "null">>
Simone barely conceals her disappointment at you not wanting any lipstick, but seems to respect your decision.<<br>>
<<simone "That's alright, I guess. I suppose the eye makeup is good enough to carry it. I'll make sure to keep the lipstick on the dresser for if you ever change your mind in the future, though.">>
<<if $outfit.makeup.lip.choice isnot "null">>
Putting on lipstick proves to be much less of an ordeal than eye makeup. There's a little trickiness to get the shape right as you put it on, but then just smacking your lips together to distribute it evenly.<<br>>
Despite its ease, the effect is dramatic. As you look in the mirror you seem... you struggle to think of a word other than 'kissable', and come up embarrassingly short. Every little movement, from talking all the way to biting and licking your lips, seems to draw your eye more than ever before, practically inviting the imagination to think of things that one could do with them. The velvety, dewy sheen of the lipstick makes seem pert and ready.<<br>>
<<simone "And that's everything!">> Simone cheers, as she tucks away her brushes and palettes. <<simone "I hope that you like it!">><<br>>
You look at your striking reflection in the mirror, and have to admit that you really do.<<br>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>><<set $nailsToday to true>>
Simone can't hide her enthusiasm as you tell her that you'd like to try painting your nails.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Oh that's wonderful! Painted nails are so fun and cute! I'm sure you'll love it!"@@<br><br>
She pauses for a moment as she realizes that she might be saying the wrong thing by mentioning how //cute// it is, and abruptly stammers. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Uh- I- I mean that it's a smart way to look more feminine without having to change your body too much."@@<br><br>
You grimace. There's no way that you'd be doing this because you //want// to - the situation just demands it, right?<br><br>
Simone sees your discomfort and tactfully keeps on going to not give you time to dwell on the topic and talk yourself out of it. @@color:#F9B7FF;"We've got a couple of different colors of nail polish to choose from. "@@ She explains, dragging you over to a vanity against the wall covered in makeup accessories. @@color:#F9B7FF;"Or if you'd prefer something more classical we could give you a french manicure, where we neaten everything up with a pink-and-white finish."@@<br><br>
You think over your options. It feels like no matter what you choose people will draw unfair presumptions about you based on your decision.
<span id="nailPaint2">
<span id="nailPaint">
<<link "Go with pink nails, though people might think I'm cute and girly.">>
<<set $pc.nails to "pink">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<set $child += 1>>
<<append "#nailPaint2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaint">>
<<link "Go with red nails, though people might think I'm mature and sensual.">>
<<set $pc.nails to "red">>
<<set $vixen += 1>>
<<append "#nailPaint2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaint">>
<<link "Go with brightly colored nails, though people might think I'm quirky and airheaded.">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<append "#nailPaint2" t8n>>
<span id="nailPaint3"></span>
<span id="nailPaintColor">
What color would you like your nails to be?<br><br>
<<link "Green">>
<<set $pc.nails to "green">>
<<append "#nailPaint3" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaintColor">>
<<link "Blue">>
<<set $pc.nails to "blue">>
<<append "#nailPaint3" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaintColor">>
<<link "Yellow">>
<<set $pc.nails to "yellow">>
<<append "#nailPaint3" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaintColor">>
<<link "Purple">>
<<set $pc.nails to "purple">>
<<append "#nailPaint3" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaintColor">>
<<link "Orange">>
<<set $pc.nails to "orange">>
<<append "#nailPaint3" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaintColor">>
<<remove "#nailPaint">>
<<link "Go with black nails, though people might think I'm unsociable and kinky.">>
<<set $pc.nails to "black">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<append "#nailPaint2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaint">>
<<link "Go with french nails, though people might think I'm innocent and virginal.">>
<<set $pc.nails to "french">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#nailPaint2" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[nailPaint2]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#nailPaint">>
</span>@@color:#F9B7FF;"Good idea!"@@ chirps Simone, clearly desperately trying to hide her enthusiasm and failing.
<<switch $pc.nails>>
<<case "french">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"This way it's still just your nails, just prettier!"@@
<<case "pink">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Pink just feels so princessy, it's perfect!"@@
<<case "red">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"The Queen //loves// red nails, she'll be happy that you'll match!"@@
<<case "black">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"This way it won't feel too feminine, right?"@@
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Colorful nails are so exciting!"@@
Simone gets a small pink cushion and puts it on the table between you, gesturing for you to put your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand on it. You eye the feminine item nervously, but with a sigh of resignation place your hand on it as indicated.<br><br>
The first implement that comes out is, surprisingly, a wooden stick, which Simone uses to push back the cuticles on your fingernails. Then she uses a set of files to neaten the edge of your nails and then buff their surface in preparation.<br><br>
You're still a little sleepy from having recently woken up, and with little to do other than sit patiently you find your lids beginning to become heavy. Your tension at doing such a girly thing begins to fade - it's too much effort to be on edge. Instead, the intimate sensation of having your fingers gently pampered soon becomes irresistibly pleasant.<br><br>
[[Fall asleep->nailPaint3]]@@color:#F9B7FF;"Earth to <<print $pc.name>>, earth to <<print $pc.name>>!"@@ calls Simone's voice, dragging you back to wakefulness. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I'm all finished!"@@<br><br>
You shake your head to clear it, and see Simone looking smug in front of you. @@color:#F9B7FF;"You had the most peaceful face while I was working."@@ she giggles @@color:#F9B7FF;"The biggest smile on your face, I almost didn't have the heart to wake you!"@@<br><br>
You notice a blush beginning to hit your cheeks, and hurriedly try to put the focus onto your nails so that Simone doesn't notice.<br><br>
<<switch $pc.nails>>
<<case "french">>
Your scuffed and uneven nails are now pristine. The tips are rounded with a perfect white trim, and while at first you think that Simone must have painted the base pink, you soon realize that they're actually the same as usual - it's just that the contrast between the white tips, as well as the buffed sheen of the surface, makes their color look more intense than usual.
<<case "pink">>
Your scuffed and uneven nails are now pristine, and covered in a soft pink nail varnish.
<<case "red">>
Your scuffed and uneven nails are now pristine, and covered in a bold and flirty red nail varnish.
<<case "black">>
Your scuffed and uneven nails are now pristine, and covered in a striking jet-black nail varnish.
Your scuffed and uneven nails are now pristine, and covered in a vibrant <<print $pc.nails>> nail varnish.
You're struck by how feminine your entire hand looks just from being in context with your new fingernails.<br>
<<switch $pc.nails>>
<<case "french">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsfrench.jpg]]@@
<<case "pink">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailspink.jpg]]@@
<<case "red">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsred.jpg]]@@
<<case "black">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsblack.jpg]]@@
<<case "green">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsgreen.jpg]]@@
<<case "blue">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsblue.jpg]]@@
<<case "yellow">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsyellow.jpg]]@@
<<case "purple">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailspurple.jpg]]@@
<<case "orange">>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Nails\nailsorange.jpg]]@@
You notice that Simone is biting her lip nervously about something. When she notices you paying attention to her she rambles out @@color:#F9B7FF;"Sooo... umm- Please don't be mad, but I was enjoying doing your nails so much, and you looked //so// peaceful and happy, and you didn't have socks on so..."@@<br><br>
Your eyes immediately flick to your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>svelte,<</if>> exposed feet, and see that <<if $pc.nails is "french">>they've been pedicured in much the same way as your fingernails have been manicured.<<else>>they have the same <<print $pc.nails>> as your finger nails.<</if>><br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Sorry. I got a little carried away."@@ Simone says bashfully, but you're too embarrassed at having enjoyed being manicured so much that you'd fallen asleep to be upset with the maid.<br><br>
''You have <<if $pc.nails is "french">>manicured french nails!<<else>><<print $pc.nails>> painted nails!<</if>>''<br><br>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>>There's one part of the Princess' cosmetics collection which you haven't touched yet, and you figure that it might be time to explore it - her perfume collection.<<br>>
Simone seems delighted at the idea. <<simone "What a great idea! Perfume can be //so// striking. So much of this stuff is all about your appearance, which is super important, but then perfume comes along and involves a completely different sense entirely, it really takes people by surprise and adds a whole new dimension to everything!">><<br>>
She flits over to the makeup dresser and soon has a collection of options arrayed in front of you. Sampling proves to be a little awkward - there's only so many wrists between the two of you to spray them on to try them out, and before long the two of your eyes are watering from having so much in the air, but you manage to pick out a few favorites.<<br>>
<<link "Pick the light and fresh perfume">>
<<set $pc.perfume to "light & fresh">>
<<goto "perfume2">>
<<link "Pick the fruity and feminine perfume">>
<<set $pc.perfume to "fruity & feminine">>
<<set $fem ++>>
<<goto "perfume2">>
<<link "Pick the romantic and floral perfume">>
<<set $pc.perfume to "romantic & floral">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "perfume2">>
<<link "Pick the sweet and indulgent perfume">>
<<set $pc.perfume to "sweet & indulgent">>
<<set $child ++>>
<<goto "perfume2">>
<<link "Pick the rich and overpowering perfume">>
<<set $pc.perfume to "rich & overpowering">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<goto "perfume2">>
<</link>><<setter "pc.perfume to 'light & fresh'" "pc.perfume to 'romantic & floral'" "pc.perfume to 'fruity & feminine'" "pc.perfume to 'sweet & indulgent'" "pc.perfume to 'rich & overpowering'">>
<<switch $pc.perfume>>
<<case "light & fresh">>
/* lemongrass, iris, cucumber, mint */
One option stands out from the others to you. The rest are thick and stifling, but this one, infused with lemongrass, iris, cucumber, and mint (or at least, that's what the label assures you!), is as light a bright summers day in comparison. Whereas the others might be suited to romance and parties, this one almost makes you want to run around in fields, unburdened and carefree. It's perhaps a little tomboyish to pick something so mild, but that shouldn't be a problem.
<<case "romantic & floral">>
/* rose, jasmine, lily, peony */
One option stands out more than the others. Infused with rose, jasmine, lily, and peony (or at least, that's what the label assures you!), it's a symphony of petals, soft and romantic, and with a gentle richness that wraps around you like silk. There's a flirtiness to it, like a whispered secret or a love letter pressed between pages. Perhaps it's a little too unabashedly romantic, but when it smells this captivating it hardly seems a flaw.
<<case "fruity & feminine">>
/* peach, strawberry, pear, citrus */
One option stands out more than the others. Infused with peach, strawberry, pear, and citrus (or at least, that's what the label assures you!), it feels like biting into a juicy, sun-ripened fruit on a warm afternoon. Sweet and playful, yet brightened with a zesty sparkle, it dances on the edge of youthful exuberance and polished charm. There's perhaps a little ditziness to its bubbly femininity, but it smells to good for you to imagine caring.
<<case "sweet & indulgent">>
/* vanilla, chocolate, praline, tonka bean */
One option stands out more than the others. Infused with vanilla, tonka bean, praline, and chocolate (or at least, that's what the label assures you!), it makes a mouth-wateringly sweet combination that smells just like a rich gourmet dessert. It's delicious! It's perhaps a little childish to have picked the most candy-like option, but there's nothing wrong with that!
<<case "rich & overpowering">>
/* sandalwood, vetiver, amber, myrrh, frankincense, oud, patchouli */
One option far stands out from the others. Whereas the rest linger in the nose for but a moment, a light little touch of flavor, the moment this one is sprayed it overpowers the whole room. Infused with sandalwood, vetiver, frankincense, and patchouli (or at least, that's what the label assures you!), it's thick, warm, mature, exotic, and musky. An intoxicating, stifling, and seductive brew that you could imagine the Queen enjoying.
Simone grins at your choice. <<simone "I just //knew// that you'd pick that one! It suits you so well.">><<br>>
After a generous spritz, you end up spending the rest of the day in a blissful cloud of scent.<<br>>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>><<set $pc.shave to "legs">>
<<if $pantiesWorn is true>>
It's silly really, but ever since you looked at yourself in the mirror the first time that you put on panties, and saw how absurd it looked with your pubic hair bulging around the sides, the idea that maybe you'd be better off with them shaved off has been germinating in your mind.
It's silly really, but ever since you first saw yourself with hairless legs, and saw how absurd your hairy genitals looked in comparison to their sleekness, the idea that maybe you'd be better off with a shave has been germinating in your mind.
Still, you're not exactly going to just say that to Simone. Instead, you try to focus on your armpit hair, and how you can't safely raise your arms in some of the outfits.<br><br>
You don't know what sets her off, but Simone seems unconvinced by your excuse. <<simone "The depilation cream won't work this time, I'm afraid. If you put it on more delicate areas like, err, your //armpits//, you'll get some really bad irritation. My sister did it once and it was terrible - there are some places you don't want blisters! You'll have to use a razor. What you do is-">><<br>>
She seems like she's about to explain how a razor works, so you quickly stop her. You know how //that// works from shaving your face.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh! Of course, how silly of me! Just try to be careful, okay? These parts of your body, err, your //armpits// I mean, are pretty uneven - make sure you don't nick yourself!">><br><br>
Every time Simone pointedly states that it's just your armpits that you're shaving, trying so hard not to embarrass you by attempting to cover up that she's worked you out and yet doing such a bad job of it, you find yourself blushing deeper and deeper. As much to escape the situation before she can notice, you head straight to the bathroom.<br><br>
[[Continue->pubicShave2]]<<set $pc.shave to "pubic">>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\carriageBathroom.jpg]]@@<br>
You run the bath, strip off your
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
nightclothes and panties
<<switch $outfit.set.id>>
<<case "jail2">>dirty hempen smock and torn britches,
<<case "nwgown">>plush dressing gown,
<<case "nwcropgown">>dressing gown and skimpy pajamas,
<<case "nwdressgown">>dressing gown and nightdress,
<<case "nwdress">>sleek nightdress,
<<case "nwcrop">>crop top and shorts,
<</if>> and sink nude into the extravagant bathtub.<br><br>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
When you first bathed in perfumed water you'd thought it was kinda tacky, and the smell a little overpowering. It hasn't been long since then, but somehow it's already become something that you're learnt to enjoy. For a while you just bask in the blissful opulence. It's only after your relaxing is interrupted by the carriage hitting a bump in the road, and your bathwater sways to one side precariously, that you reluctantly get to your task.<br><br>
Starting with the easiest bit, you grab a razor <<if $pc.hands is 2>>in your slender hand<</if>> and run it over your armpit. It's a little awkward, and you have to twist your arm around so that the divot of your armpit stays flat. The process is laborious - the hair comes out in huge, wet clumps, and for every inch of the surface the razor gets clogged with thick, <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair a few times, making you constantly have to shake the hair loose under the water.<br><br>
Eventually you manage to finish your pits, and you start on your main task - the hair on and around your junk.<br><br>
You frown with indecision. How do you want to do go about this?<<br>>
<span id="pubicChoice">
<<link "Shave the whole lot, leaving me completely sleek and hairless down there">>
<<set $pc.shave to 'hairless'>>
<<replace "#pubicChoice" t8n>>
If you're doing this at all, then you might as well go all the way. And besides, there's something appealing about being completely hairless.<<br>>
<<include [[pubicShave22]]>>
<<link "Just trim things down into a cute little bush">>
<<set $pc.shave to 'bush'>>
<<replace "#pubicChoice" t8n>>
You need to tame all of this hair, but that doesn't mean that you want to get rid of all of it. You try to convince yourself that it's to keep some semblance of masculinity, but you have to admit that the fact that it's the type of style you yourself find sexy on girls might be effecting your decision.<<br>>
<<include [[pubicShave22]]>>
<<link "Style it into a 'landing strip'">>
<<set $pc.shave to 'strip'>>
<<replace "#pubicChoice" t8n>>
You want to get rid of as much as possible, but something about leaving that area completely bare doesn't quite sound appealing. Surely it should have //something// there, for decoration if nothing else? You decide to go with a vertical line.<<br>>
<<include [[pubicShave22]]>>
<<link "Style it into a heart shape">>
<<set $pc.shave to 'heart'>>
<<replace "#pubicChoice" t8n>>
You want to get rid of as much as possible, but something about leaving that area completely bare doesn't quite sound appealing. Surely it should have //something// there, for decoration if nothing else? You consider your options, and eventually figure that if you're supposed to be 'feminine' you might as well decorate it with the girliest shape that you can think of - a heart.<<br>>
<<include [[pubicShave22]]>>
</span>You set to your task. To your surprise, you find yourself having an easier time than with your armpits. It's still an arduous task, but it's nice no longer having to twist around awkwardly. Now that you can clearly see what you're doing, there's something deeply cathartic about methodically passing over your coarse, hairy flesh, and leaving soft, smooth skin behind it.<br><br>
The horrid clumps of hair that you have to shake free of the razor are still gross, but then you remember that that stuff had been all over you, and now you're free from that grossness.<br><br>
You're most nervous about your balls. Anything with a surface that uneven //must// be trouble, but to your surprise, when you tentatively set to it, the razor glides over them like nothing.<br><br>
You finally finish up, but on a whim, decide to quickly reshave your legs, where a little light stubble was poking through. After the exhausting deforestation of your pubic hair, the brief trim feels completely effortless.<br><br>
<<link "Get out the bath and look in the mirror">>
<<goto [[pubicShave3]]>>
<</link>><<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white bedshorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<if def $pc.pantiesWorn>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pc.pantiesWorn.last() is "dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Dotted Pink Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
You exit the bath and start drying yourself off, but you can't help but look in the mirror to see the results of your work.<br><br>
<<if $pc.shave is "strip">>
You find yourself shocked by the overall impression. You thought that a vertical line would be a fairly neural shape to shave your fuzzy <<print $pc.n.hair>> pubic hair into, but in practice it ends up looking almost like an arrow pointed invitingly towards your genitals. It's not what you had in mind, and you find yourself blushing at the thought of somebody seeing you like this, but you can't deny that it has some appeal.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">>
Your trimmed bush of <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair sits proudly on your pelvis, an inch above the protrusion of your genitals. It looks pretty good!
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
When you'd chosen to shave things into a heart you'd been going for a 'cute' look, and it's not like the little shape of fuzzy <<print $pc.n.hair>> hair positioned proudly on your pelvis //isn't// that, but you're surprised to find that, in addition, the presence of such a girly shape juxtaposed an inch above your genitals reads as more than a little racy too - if only from the closeness of the cute and the sexual. You find a blush reaching your cheeks at the idea of somebody seeing you like this.
You've definitely heard guys claim that shaving your genitals makes it look larger<<if $pc.penis is 2>>, and after it shrunk a part of you might have been hoping it would even things out<<else>>. Maybe for some people it's even true<</if>>, but that's //definitely// not how it's worked out for you. Your junk<<if $pc.penis is 2>> was already small and feminine but now<</if>>, its <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin lightly pinkened by the hot water, <<if $pc.penis is 2>>it<</if>> looks almost dainty.<br><br>
Whereas before your genitals occupied a vague //area//, half hidden amidst your pubic hair, now they're starkly exposed<<if $pc.shave is "strip">> at the end of the line of hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">> under your cute bush <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> under the heart shape of your remaining pubic hair<</if>>, and you can see every detail with ease. It's odd seeing a body part that's been with you all your life and realizing that you barely knew what it looked like.<br><br>
To your surprise, the overall impression is sleek and graceful. You'd been dreading that as you allowed the rest of you to become more and more feminine, your junk would look more and more incongruent - it's //turgidity// having nowhere left to hide, but now it doesn't seem like that's the case in the slightest.
<<if $pc.penis isnot 2>>
You'd perhaps balk at calling it //feminine//, but it certainly isn't masculine either. It's just... Cute.
You've been slowly acclimating yourself to the idea of thinking of your own junk as feminine, but now it's absolutely undeniable - heck, more than that, it's //cute//!
You overhear Simone making some noise in the other room, and realize that you've lost track of time. You must have been in here for ages!<br><br>
After one last conflicted look in the mirror, you finish drying off and redress.<br><br>
Simone smiles warmly when you reenter the main room of the carriage. <<simone "I imagine that was tough, it's always a struggle when the hair's been allowed to grow in fully. From now on though, you can just run a razor over it once every few days and it'll be super easy.">><br><br>
As someone who was used to not having to do //anything// to maintain your appearance, the idea of having to go over your whole body every few days hardly sounds easy, but it looks like this is just how things are going to be for now.<br><br>
<<if $day is 3>>
<<if $day is 4>>
<<if $day is 5>>
<<if $day is 6>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>><<set $pc.skin.care to 1>>
For a while now your face has been becoming less and less oily and course - instead imbued with a soft roundedness. Even disregarding it's shape and features, just the skin alone has felt wholly unlike anything that you had before.<<br>>
And yet, compared to a lot of the women you come across, you're still a splotchy, pimpley mess. <<if $pc.makeup gte 1>>You've been managing to hide some of it with makeup, but you can't disguise the uneven skin underneath just by piling more on.<<else>>Perhaps makeup would help disguise it a little, but you're not quite ready to try that out yet.<</if>> You wonder how all of these noblewomen get so pristine.<<br>>
Simone's expression turns oddly serious for such a simple query. <<simone "Well, the biggest thing is that they have a //Regime//.">><<br>>
You blink at the unexpected proper noun. It can't be //that// serious, can it?<<br>>
In response, Simone simply opens up a drawer in the Princess' dresser to reveal dozens, no, //hundreds// of tiny bottles of expensive looking creams and lotions.<<br>>
The array is so intimidating that it's almost enough to make you laugh. It couldn't possibly involve //all// of these, could it?<<br>>
<<simone "Oh no, you're right, it won't.">> Replies Simone, but before you can even finish your sigh of relief she continues <<simone "It'll take much more. It took //years// to work out which products suited the Princess' skin best, and put together an appropriate collection of essentials to make her daily Regime. Whereas, you're a completely different person, with a different skin-type, natural ph-balance, complexion, stress-triggers, and all the rest. It'll take trying out a whole lot more options than //this// before we'll know enough about what works best for you to be able to whittle it down to a collection this small.">><<br>>
You feel like you're liable to develop a whole new stress-trigger just hearing her talk about it. You had no idea that it would be so complicated!<<br>>
The maid seems to note your discomfort and tries to comfort you. <<simone "No, don't worry - we can start off simple! It's pretty much just a matter of trying stuff out and seeing what works and what doesn't. It'll take time, and probably a few mis-steps along the way, but the important thing is to just stay attentive to how your skin's reacting to it all, and you then use that information to work out what else will work.">>
<<simone "Now...">> Simone says, fussing you onto the dresser seat in front of that dizzying array. <<simone "First let's just try out some glycolic acid, shall we?">><<br>>
<<link "Oh gods - ACID?!?">>
<<goto "skincare2">>
<</link>>Half an hour of cleaning, exfoliating, masking, toning, scrubbing, moisturizing, sunscreening, priming, seruming, and detoxifying later, you feel like you're beginning to understand what it must be like to be processed in a tanners lard.<<br>>
As that last layer goes onto your t-zone, Simone finally steps back with a look of satisfaction. <<simone "//There// we go. I think that'll do fine for starting off simple.">><<br>>
You look at your reflection in the mirror and see... that you look more or less exactly how you looked when you started.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh, don't worry, <<print $pc.name>>.">> Simone says to the expression you make. <<simone "It's not about //now// - it's about how things will get over time. Just think, what if tomorrow you would have ended up with a big old pimple on the tip of your nose, and doing this managed to avoid it?">><<br>>
You sigh in resignation, but she's not wrong. It's a whole lot of faff, but if this is what it takes to look Princesslike, then this will have to be how you live from now on - wasting half your morning fussing with complicated chemistry. You'll never think of young noblewomen as simpleminded ever again.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7>>
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day8training">>
<<if $day is 9>>
<<cont "day9training">>
<</if>><<if $bedDestroyed is true and $day is 5>>
<<link "Sleep with Simone in the big bed tonight">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<fail "Take the big bed and leave Simone with the small one" "The spare bed is too wrecked for anyone to sleep in">><br>
<<fail "Take the small bed and let Simone sleep in the big one" "The spare bed is too wrecked for anyone to sleep in">>
<span id="sleepOptionsAppend"></span>
<span id="sleepOptionsDelete">
<<if $simone.sleepArray.last() is "big">>
<<link "I'll take the big bed again tonight, and leave Simone the uncomfortable one">>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("together")>>
<<set _bigSmall to "big">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[simoneSleepTurndown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<goto [[bigBedSleep]]>>
<<link "I'll let Simone sleep in the big bed, and take the smaller one myself">>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("together")>>
<<set _bigSmall to "small">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[simoneSleepTurndown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<goto [[smallBedSleep]]>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("together")>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
<<link "Ask Simone to sleep in the same bed tonight">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<link "Ask Simone to sleep in the same bed tonight, despite knowing that I'll need to put panties on to do so.">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<if $simone.offered is true>>
<<link "Once again bring up the topic of sharing the big bed with Simone.">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[sleepRebroach]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<link "It feels wrong that either of us should have to have the uncomfortable bed, let's share the big one.">>
<<goto [[simoneOffer]]>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.last() is "small">>
<<link "I'll let Simone sleep in the big bed again, and take the smaller one myself">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[bigBedTwice]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<link "I don't want to sleep in the uncomfortable bed again, I'll take the big one this time">>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("together")>>
<<set _bigSmall to "big">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[simoneSleepTurndown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<goto [[bigBedSleep]]>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("together")>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
<<link "Ask Simone to sleep in the same bed tonight">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<link "Ask Simone to sleep in the same bed tonight, knowing that I'll need to put panties on to do so.">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<if $simone.offered is true>>
<<link "Once again bring up the topic of sharing the big bed with Simone.">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[sleepRebroach]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<link "It feels wrong that either of us should have to have the uncomfortable bed. let's share the big one.">>
<<goto [[simoneOffer]]>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.last() is "together">>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
<<link "Ask Simone to sleep in the same bed together again tonight">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<link "Ask Simone to sleep in the same bed together again tonight, knowing that I'll need to put panties on to do so.">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<link "I'll let Simone sleep in the big bed, and take the smaller one myself">>
<<set _bigSmall to "small">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[simoneSleepTurndown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<<link "I'll take the big bed alone this time, and leave Simone with the smaller one">>
<<set _bigSmall to "big">>
<<append "#sleepOptionsAppend" t8n>><<include [[simoneSleepTurndown]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#sleepOptionsDelete">>
<</if>>When you tell Simone that you'd don't want to sleep together in the same bed tonight a flicker of disappointment crosses her face.
<<if $bedDestroyed isnot true>>
She'd been against the idea to start off with, but now you would almost think that she looks sad at not getting to share with you.
Almost as if she was looking forward to it.
<<link "Take it back and offer to sleep together in the big bed">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<if _bigSmall is "small">>
<<link "Stick to my guns, I'm taking the small bed alone">>
<<goto [[smallBedSleep]]>>
<<link "Stick to my guns, I'm taking the big bed alone">>
<<goto [[bigBedSleep]]>>
<</if>><<set $bigBedTwice to true>>
When you tell Simone that you intend to give her the big bed again she grows visibly uncomfortable.<br><br>
After a few moments as she nervously gathers her confidence, she speaks up. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I- I don't want that! You're the one off risking your life all day, it feels wrong for me to also get the comfy bed for two nights in a row!"@@<br><br>
She seems to make up her mind, and poutingly puts her hands on her hips as she declares. @@color:#F9B7FF;"No, I won't take the big bed tonight. Even if you want me to!"@@<br><br>
Her expression seems stubborn enough that you don't think you'll manage to convince her otherwise.<br><br>
<span id="bigBedTwiceAppend"></span>
<span id="bigBedTwiceRemove">
<<link "I guess I'll take the big bed tonight then.">>
<<goto [[bigBedSleep]]>>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<link "Suggest sleeping in the same bed together again">>
<<goto [[togetherBedSleep]]>>
<<elseif $simone.offered is true>>
<<link "Broach the topic of sharing the big bed with Simone again">>
<<append "#bigBedTwiceAppend" t8n>><<include [[sleepRebroach]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#bigBedTwiceRemove">>
<<link "I still don't want Simone to have to sleep in the uncomfortable bed. Maybe we can share the big one?">>
<<goto [[simoneOffer]]>>
</span><<setter "legBed to true" "legBed to false" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'gown'">>
<<run $simone.sleepArray.push("big")>>
<<if lastVisited("simoneOffer") is 1>>
You're definitely not going to do something like that, so begrudgingly you arrange to sleep in the big bed alone.<<br>>
<<if $day is 7>>
/* note: this doesn't give the opportunity to change your nightwear away from gown! I figured that it's pretty low priority by now. */
<<if $nightwear is "gown">><<wearnwgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">><<wearnwdressgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">><<wearnwcropgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "crop">><<wearnwcrop>><<elseif $nightwear is "dress">><<wearnwdress>><</if>>
You quickly head into the bathroom to change out of your clothing and into your nightwear.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("big")>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.count("big") is 3>>
<<set $auth += 1>>
<<set $authBonus += 1>>
<<set $bedAuthBonus to 3>>
You've chosen the larger bed quite a few times now, and have gotten used to being in a superior position compared to Simone.<br><br>
''You got a temporary bonus to your Authority skill!''<<check "This will last a few days">><br><br>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
You make yourself comfortable in the opulent bedding,<<if $bear.love is true>> snuggling in next to <<print $bear.name>>, <<elseif $bear.love is false>>sliding in next to $bear.name<, <</if>> <<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>slipping out of your dressing gown so you're just wearing your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>> once you're under the covers, out of sight of simone, <</if>>and find yourself quickly falling asleep.
You get into the opulent bedding<<if $bear.love is true>>, snuggling in next to <<print $bear.name>><<elseif $bear.love is false>>, sliding in next to <<print $bear.name>><</if>>, and are almost immediately enveloped by intense warmth all around you - the thick bedding, combined with your plush dressing gown, combine together so warmly that it's almost suffocating. It takes only minutes before you start sweating, which soon soaks into the fabric. This is going to be uncomfortable!
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
You sigh in contentment as you collapse into the bed. You can't believe how soft and comfortable the Princess' bed is<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("small")>>, especially compared to how uncomfortable the small bed was<</if>>. As soon you pull the duvet over you it feels like you're being embraced by a cloud. you daren't think about how expensive it must be.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
Safely under the covers and out of sight of Simone, you slip out of your warm dressing gown so that you're just wearing your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $day is 3>>
You get into the opulent bedding, and are almost immediately enveloped by intense warmth all around you - the thick bedding, combined with your plush dressing gown, combine together so warmly that it's almost suffocating. It takes only minutes before you start sweating, which soon soaks into the fabric. This is going to be uncomfortable!
You get into the extravagant bedding and brace yourself for another night of suffocating warmth in your dressing gown.
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
<<if $day is 7>>
Sleeping in the metal cage is frustrating and difficult. Your genitals soon become covered in a thick sweat from the stifling warm metal cage, and every time you toss and turn it finds a way to press into your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>thick<</if>> thighs painfully. However, the physical effects are far outweighed by the mental ones - with no distractions available there's nothing to stop you from focusing on the alien sensation, and the dire circumstances in which you've been forced into it, despite all efforts to think anything else. It takes you a long time before you finally manage to relax enough to rest.
Sleeping in the cage is still an uncomfortable, indignant thing, but somehow it feels less stressful than it had been before. You don't like the idea of getting used to this state of affairs, but can't help but be grateful that it doesn't keep you up as late.
<<if $legBed is true>>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<unset $legBed>>
<<unset $legBed>> What really takes your breath away is the sensation of your bare hairless legs rubbing against the clean linen, and despite how much your masculinity balks at the idea you can't help but kick your legs a little under the covers to feel their caress as your consciousness fades.<br><br>
[[zzz->bigBedWake]]<<include "bonusCountdown">>
<<if $day lte 6>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
Your sleep is deep and reinvigorating, the plush softness of the princess' bed carrying you to happy dreams of less dire circumstances.<br><br>
Eventually, however, you're ripped from your blessed sleep by <<if $day is 2>>another knocking on the carriage door<<else>>the regular knocking on the carriage door.<</if>><br><br>
Your sleep is uncomfortable and sticky. The overwhelming heat was enough to give you nightmares of being subsumed in a burning quicksand of silk and satin.<br><br>
Eventually, your fitful sleep is interrupted by the regular knocking on the carriage door.
Eventually, your <<if $nightwear is "gown" or def $outfit.cage.name>>fitful<<else>>relaxing<</if>> sleep is interrupted by the regular morning knocks on the carriage door.
<<if $bear.love is false>>
Your eyes open, and you find yourself face to face with <<print $bear.name>>. You realize to your embarrassment that you must have ended up snuggling into him while you slept.<<br>>
<<if $day lte 5>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.count("big") is 1 and $simone.sleepArray.count("small") is 0>>
Simone, looking a little bleary-eyed herself, stands up from her smaller bed. Perhaps she's forgotten that you're here because as she lifts her arms to stretch them her green nightie rides up and you catch a glimpse of her matching green panties and her slender navel, which you notice isn't spared the cute freckles covering the rest of her. From the strained look on her sleepy face it doesn't look like the smaller bed is very comfortable.<br><br>
Simone blearily wakes up, rising from her uncomfortable cot and easing out some of the aches it gave her.<br><br>
You quickly bolt out of bed in anticipation of the Queen's morning appraisal, and you see Simone do the same, wincing a little from the aches and pains of sleeping in the smaller bed.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<include [[day3wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<include [[day4wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<include [[day5wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<include [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<include [[day7wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<include [[day8wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<include [[day9wake]]>>
<</if>><<setter "legBed to true" "legBed to false" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'gown'">>
<<run $simone.sleepArray.push("small")>>
<<if lastVisited("simoneOffer") is 1>>
You're definitely not going to do something like that, so begrudgingly you arrange to sleep in the small bed alone.<br><br>
<<if $day is 7>>
/* note: this doesn't give the opportunity to change your nightwear away from gown! I figured that it's pretty low priority by now. */
<<if $nightwear is "gown">><<wearnwgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">><<wearnwdressgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">><<wearnwcropgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "crop">><<wearnwcrop>><<elseif $nightwear is "dress">><<wearnwdress>><</if>>
You quickly head into the bathroom to change out of your clothing and into your nightwear.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("small")>>
You ease yourself into the uncomfortable smaller bed<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>, and pull off your dressing gown now that you're safely out of sight under the covers, so you're just wearing your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>><</if>>. After some awkward maneuvering you manage to find a position to sleep in where you won't be poked //too// badly by the loose springs.
You ease yourself into the little pull-out bed<<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>, pulling off your dressing gown once you're safely out of sight of Simone under the covers so you're just wearing your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>><</if>>.<br><br>
Compared to the Princess' lavish bed, this pull-out one is very rudimentary - clearly whoever designed this place didn't care very much about what the servants would be sleeping in. No matter which way you toss and turn it feels like you're being prodded by some wire or spring. You feel a little sorry for Simone for having to sleep in beds like this - but as someone who's experienced sleeping in jail, you've definitely had worse!
You ease yourself into the little pull-out bed.<br><br>
<<if $day lte 4>>
The moment you pull the covers over yourself you can already tell that this is going to be difficult. The bedding might not be as plush as on the Princess' bed, but combined with your dressing gown it's more than enough to be overpoweringly warm. It takes only minutes before you start sweating, which quickly soaks into the fabric. This is going to be uncomfortable!
As before, the heat is completely overpowering in your thick dressing gown. You spend half the night tossing and turning in your own sweat.
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
<<if $day is 7>>
Sleeping in the metal cage is frustrating and difficult. Your genitals soon become covered in a thick sweat from the stifling warm metal cage, and every time you toss and turn it finds a way to press into your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>thick<</if>> thighs painfully. However, the physical effects are far outweighed by the mental ones - with no distractions available there's nothing to stop you from focusing on the alien sensation, and the dire circumstances in which you've been forced into it, despite all efforts to think anything else. It takes you a long time before you finally manage to relax enough to rest.
Sleeping in the cage is still an uncomfortable, indignant thing, but somehow it feels less stressful than it had been before. You don't like the idea of getting used to this state of affairs, but can't help but be grateful that it doesn't keep you up as late.
<<if $legBed is true>>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
<<unset $legBed>>
<<unset $legBed>>Despite the uncomfortable bed, you can't believe how incredible the sensation is of bare hairless legs rubbing against the clean linen, while your masculinity balks at the idea, you can't help but kick your legs a little under the covers to feel their caress as your consciousness fades.<br><br>
[[zzz->smallBedWake]]<<include "bonusCountdown">>
<<if $day lte 6>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
Despite the uncomfortable bedding you still manage to have a good night's sleep - the strength of your tiredness managing to overpower the jabs that you receive from hidden springs every time you toss and turn such that you almost don't notice them.<br><br>
Your sleep is uncomfortable and sticky. The overwhelming heat was enough to give you nightmares of being subsumed in a burning quicksand of silk and satin.<br><br>
Eventually, your uncomfortable sleep is interrupted by the regular morning knocks on the carriage door.
Eventually you're woken<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">> from your sleep<</if>> by <<if $day is 2>>another knocking on the carriage door<<elseif $day gte 3 and $day lte 5>>the regular knocking on the carriage door.<<elseif $day gte 6>>the Queen's knocking at the carriage door.<</if>>
<<if $day lte 5>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.count("big") is 1 and $simone.sleepArray.count("small") is 0>>
<<br>>Simone, looking a little bleary-eyed herself, stands up from the Princess' bed and stretches herself awake. Perhaps she's forgotten that you're here because as she lifts her arms to stretch them her green nightie rides up and you catch a glimpse of her matching green panties and her slender navel, which you notice isn't spared the cute freckles covering the rest of her.<br><br>
Simone quickly rouses herself from the Princess' bed at the noise.<<br>>
Both you and Simone quickly rise to your feet in anticipation of the Queen's morning appraisal.
<<if $day is 2>>
<<include [[day3wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<include [[day4wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<include [[day5wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<include [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<include [[day7wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<include [[day8wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<include [[day9wake]]>>
<</if>><<setter "simone.slept to 1" "simone.slept to 2" "simone.slept to 3">>
<<run $simone.sleepArray.push("together")>>
<<if $bedDestroyed is true and $day is 5>>
Simone nods. <<simone "Right, of course - we'll have to sleep together since the second bed is still a mess.">><<br>>
<<simone "Let's get you sorted with some new panties then, shall we?">>
<<if $simone.slept is 1 and $bedDestroyed isnot true>>
Simone flushes a little in embarrassment at the mention of sleeping together again, but doesn't seem too perturbed as she mumbles <<simone "I- I guess that's okay...">> shyly.<br><br>
You can't help but smile in relief - after ending up in such a compromising position together last time you'd been worried that she'd never agree to do it again.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh! But you'll need a new pair of panties of course!">> she brings up cheerfully, her tone a touch more excited at the prospect than you'd been prepared for. You grimace at the idea, but it //is// the deal you made together.
<<if $simone.slept gte 2 or $bedDestroyed is true>>
Simone doesn't hesitate for a moment when you tell her you'd like to sleep together again. In fact, she almost seems enthusiastic about the idea.<br><br>
<<simone "Lovely! Let's get you sorted with some new panties shall we?">>
<<include [[pantsu]]>>/* <<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black panties") isnot true>>
[img[Images\Panties\black panties.jpg]]
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink boyshorts") isnot true>>
[img[Images\Panties\pink boyshorts.jpg]]
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("lacy boyshorts") isnot true>>
[img[Images\Panties\lacy boyshorts.jpg]]
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("white panties") isnot true>>
[img[Images\Panties\white panties.jpg]]
<<if $simone.slept gte 2>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("french knickers") isnot true>>
[img[Images\Panties\french knickers.jpg]]
<</if>> */
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\black panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink boyshorts") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\pink boyshorts.jpg]]@@
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("lacy boyshorts") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\lacy boyshorts.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("white panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\white panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 2>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("french knickers") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\french knickers.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 3>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("red briefs") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\red briefs.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 4>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("dotted pink panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\dotted pink panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 5>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("tartan panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\tartan panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 6>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink ruffled panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\pink ruffled panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept gte 7>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black cutout panties") isnot true>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\black cutout panties.jpg]]@@
<<if $simone.slept is 1>>
As well as two sets of underwear that you've seen before, Simone manages to find a new item - a pair of white panties.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"These are just like, normal panties, so I thought they might work as well?"@@<br><br>
You appraise the pair carefully. In some ways, these white panties are the worst of the bunch - covering less than the boyshorts, and with a color that will do nothing to disguise the shape of your junk. However, there is some appeal to wearing something so plain, like it's making less of a fashion statement.
<<elseif $simone.slept is 2>>
As well as the two sets of underwear that you've already seen, Simone manages to find a new item.<br><br>
<<simone "These ones might do! These are called french knickers. I was considering offering them to you earlier, because they have good coverage, but I thought that they might be a little bit too feminine...">>
You understand what she means. In some ways they're not too different to a pair of baggy boxers, but the thin, sleek, light pink material just //screams// femininity, and that's to say nothing of the delicate lace trimming, which includes teasing cut-outs. While the lack of tightness might mean less bulging from your genitals, without the containment that the other panties offer your junk will be free to bounce around, which considering the paper-thin silk somehow feels even more lewd, and will leave little to the imagination.
<<elseif $simone.slept is 3>>
As well as two sets of underwear you've already seen, Simone finds a new item - a red pair of briefs.<<br>>
<<simone "Sorry, but we're running out of panties that aren't like, super feminine. I hope that these ones are okay...">><<br>>
They're bright red, in a way that you're sure a shop seller would advertise as 'passionate'. To make matters worse, bar a modesty cover at the front that you're very thankful for, the rest is covered only by teasingly immaterial lace. You're not thrilled about the idea of wearing them, but some part of your brain thinks that they look pretty sexy, before being quickly shouted down by the rest of you.
<<elseif $simone.slept is 4>>
As well as the two sets of underwear you've already seen, Simone finds a new item - a pair of dotted pink panties.<<br>>
<<simone "How do these look to you?">> She says, presenting them to you. <<simone "They're pink and all, but it's a hot pink instead of a pastel pink - that at least makes them like a cool, powerful girliness, rather than a cute, little one, right?">><<br>>
You wince at the comparison - you'd rather not be //either//.
<<elseif $simone.slept is 5>>
As well as the two sets of underwear you've seen before, Simone finds a new pair to add to the mix.<<br>>
At first, all you can do is give Simone an incredulous look at being offered such a skimpy slip of material. This couldn't really be the most modest pair left, could it?<<br>>
<<simone "Ok, so, let me explain myself!">> She flusters. <<simone "These were a special gift for the Princess from a group of dignitaries visiting from the islanders way up north - apparently the pattern is their clan colors, and they're constantly wearing them proudly into noble battle with the other clans and stuff. I thought that, as a boy, you might like that side of things enough that you wouldn't care that the panties themselves are a little briefer than usual.">><<br>>
You have to admit, the association with such masculinity does manage to reassure you somewhat. You ask Simone how they usually wear their clan colors.<<br>>
Simone suddenly looks quite nervous. <<simone "Well, umm. They... err... they usually wear it on their skirts...">> She mumbles.<<br>>
You roll your eyes. Of //course// this 'warlike society' would be filled with a bunch of flagrant crossdressers!<<br>>
Simone winces. <<simone "Well, the offer's still open if you'd like to give them a try.">>
<<elseif $simone.slept is 6>>
You almost can't believe your eyes when Simone brings out tonight's new pair of panties - you hadn't thought that such a feminine item could even have existed! They're soft, pastel pink silk, and covered in big floaty ruffles.<<br>>
<<simone "Well, here's the thing, <<print $pc.name>>.">> Simone quickly interjects in anticipation of your complaints. <<simone "It might //actually// be kinda practical, you know? You've got a little bit more, um, //volume// at the front, and that's what makes picking panties kinda tricky, right? Well - with all of the cute ruffles all over it, the shape of what you've got underneath will hardly matter at all!">><<br>>
You're just about to concede that she does have a //small// point, when suddenly you notice a detail which the maid had been trying to hide with her hands - instead of coming together at the hips, the material gives way to little ribbons, which daintily tie together to create a barely-there, easy-access effect. You raise an eyebrow at Simone.<<br>>
The girl pouts. <<simone "Well, that still doesn't make it //impractical//, you know. What if you needed to get out of them quickly in an emergency or something? I bet you didn't think about that!">> She tries in vain, before poutingly adding it to the pile anyway. <<simone "Well whatever. They're there if you'd like to give them a try!">>
<<elseif $simone.slept is 7>>
At first glance the new pair of undies which Simone finds for you to choose from look quite benign, just another pair of short black briefs. It's not until a closer inspection that the problem becomes clear - they're //missing// bits!<<br>>
You're half convinced that it's just some mistake, and that the carriage wardrobe might have a moth problem, right up until you see Simone's impishly pursed lips.<<br>>
<<simone "I //know// that they're kinda a lot, <<print $pc.name>>, but there's really not many choices left any more.">> She explains, apologetically <<simone "And besides, they're not //that// bad, they'll still cover what's important... mostly.">><<br>>
The gaps seem to run in a ring along the waistband, each a few inches across. In a way, Simone's at least partly right - the cut-outs don't go that deep, you won't show much more of you than if you went with something with a more low-waisted cut. (Though it seems to you that having material there and deliberately cutting them out seem much more teasingly-charged than merely not having it in the first place.)<<br>>
But what really takes the cake is when you lift the little pair up in your hands and notice that all along the sides the material is sheer and see-through.<<br>>
You give Simone an unamused glance, and she sticks her tongue out awkwardly. In the end though you can only sigh, perhaps it isn't //that// bad, all things considered.
<span id="pantsuAppend">
<span id="pantsuRemove">
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the black panties">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "black panties">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink boyshorts") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the pink boyshorts">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "pink boyshorts">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("lacy boyshorts") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the lacy boyshorts">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 1>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("white panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the white panties">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "white panties">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 2>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("french knickers") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the french knickers">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "french knickers">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 3>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("red briefs") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the red briefs">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "red briefs">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 4>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("dotted pink panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the dotted pink panties">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "dotted pink panties">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 5>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("tartan panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the tartan panties">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "tartan panties">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 6>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("pink ruffled panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the pink ruffled panties">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "pink ruffled panties">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
<<if $simone.slept gte 7>>
<<if $pc.pantiesWorn.includes("black cutout panties") isnot true>>
<<link "Wear the black cutout panties">>
<<set _pantyChoice to "black cutout panties">>
<<append "#pantsuAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[peekTime]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#pantsuRemove">>
</span>You sheepishly go to the bathroom to slip on your new pair of panties. As you do so you hear Simone call out <<simone "I'll be changing in here, knock before you come back in!">> to your retreating back.<br><br>
When in the bathroom, you're once again struck by an opportunity.<br><br>
<span id="peekTimeAppend"></span>
<span id="peekTimeDelete">
<<if $simone.peekCount is 0>>
<<link "I value Simone highly and would still never breach her privacy">>
<<append "#pantsuOn" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[pantsuOn]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#peekTimeDelete">>
<<link "I regret my previous indiscretions and would never dream of ever peeking again">>
<<append "#pantsuOn" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[pantsuOn]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#peekTimeDelete">>
<<link "I'm horny. Peek.">>
<<append "#peekTimeAppend" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simonePeek]]>><br><br><</append>>
<<append "#pantsuOn" t8n>><<include [[pantsuOn]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#peekTimeDelete">>
<span id="pantsuOn"></span><<if def $simone.peekCount>><<set $simone.peekCount +=1>><<else>><<set $simone.peekCount to 1>><</if>>
<<if $simone.peekCount is 1>>
<<set _peeked to recall('peeked')>>
<<if _peeked is true>>
''Reading this again? If you're going to be a voyeur at least stick to your convictions and don't reload the save to pretend it didn't happen - else you'll just see this passage over and over.''<br><br>
<<run memorize('peeked', true)>>
You feel bad about it, but you're not above peeking on Simone while she's changing. After all, she's the reason why you're having to do this humiliating thing - it's just a little karma.<br><br>
You wait until a little time has passed and then creak the bathroom door open a smidgen. Luckily the carriage is well maintained enough that it doesn't creak at all, and you manage to make an opening wide enough for you to look through.<br><br>
It's getting dark in the main room, and what light there is shining through the windows is blue-tinged moonlight, silhouetting the room in a ghostly pale hue.<br><br>
It takes you a moment to recognize which of the silhouetted shapes is Simone's. She's facing away from you, mid way through taking off her maid's dress, her arms twisted behind her pulling down the zipper at the back. Finally she seems to get it, and all in one motion the dress falls down around her and her curves bounce upwards in the moonlight as they're released from the fabric cascading down her small figure.<br><br>
You can't make out any details, but the thin beams of blue light dance over her body as she steps out of the garment. The curve of a breast; the contours of her slender tummy; the roundness of her naked behind - each illuminated for only a moment before her moving body shifts and the light exposes another part of her.<br><br>
It's tricky to process the whole picture, but the teasing hints of her figure feel even more erotic than if you were to see the whole thing. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock presses painfully against it's cage.<</if>><br><br>
The maid's nude figure leans forward to pick up the uniform from the ground, giving you a clear look at her perky butt, but what's even more exciting is the knowledge that if you could only see clearly then she would be completely exposing her bare pussy to you, and your eyes hungrily stare into the shadow of her sex - at once utterly exposed and completely hidden.<br><br>
Simone stands up again, her body looking small and delicate in the center of such a large room, and you decide that it's too risky to keep looking.
<<if $simone.peekCount is 2>>
After waiting a moment, you open the door just wide enough that you can see out into the main room again. You catch a glimpse of Simone's bare body - of freckle-smattered light-brown skin, but only for a moment in motion as she walks over to a wardrobe, and before you can even fully take in what you're seeing your view is blocked by the wardrobe door.<br><br>
You curse your bad timing and wait patiently to see if she'll come back in vision, but when she finally re-emerges she's already changed into her pajamas. Looks like you weren't lucky today.
<<if $simone.peekCount is 3>>
Once again, you creep the door open just wide enough that you can catch a glimpse through into the main room of the carriage.<br><br>
Simone is standing closer today. Close enough that you have to stop yourself from letting out a little gasp in surprise - she'd be able to easily hear it. You thank the heavens that the door didn't creak. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock presses painfully against it's cage.<</if>><br><br>
She's standing in only her bra and panties, her maid dress laying in a pile at her feet, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. Your eyes hungrily soar over her exposed figure, taking in every inch of her freckle-smattered body. She's a little pear shaped, not due to any sagging, but rather that her broad hips and shapely butt, the shape of which usually hidden by her dress skirt, are a few sizes greater than her lean shoulders would suggest. Her boobs and pussy are obscured by a matching set of pink t-shirt bra and panties, on which you can just about make out little flower patterns - it's not the sexiest underwear, a little childish perhaps, but undeniably cute.<br><br>
Suddenly, as if remembering what she was supposed to be doing, she snaps out of her thought and abruptly turns around to look at something behind her, her vision passing directly over your viewpoint!<br><br>
Your breath catches in your throat and you quickly try to shut the door before you're seen. This causes another problem - as the wooden door makes a little thudding sound as it hits the doorframe. It's not //too// loud, but with her standing so close it could well have been audible!<br><br>
You wait in fear, convinced that Simone is going to scream, hate you forever, and maybe even call the guards to come get you for good measure. However, after a few tense seconds of silence from the next room, all you hear is light footsteps as Simone steps from one side of the carriage to the other.<br><br>
Could she... just be finishing dressing? She was so close - it's difficult to believe that she could have both not seen you nor heard the noise. And yet, no shout of distress calls out.<br><br>
With a gasp of relief you finally dare to breathe again, you resolve to quickly put on your panties and go back out as if nothing had happened.
<<if $simone.peekCount is 4>>
You're nervous at the prospect of peeking at Simone again, after she got so close to catching you last time. You still can't for the life of you explain how she didn't notice. However, the temptation draws you forward once more.<<br>>
You slowly ease the door open, trying to be as careful as possible to not cause the same disaster as last time, but to your relief she's facing away from you.<<br>>
Your eyes soar hungrily over her body. Compared to the slightly childish underwear she was wearing last time, this set is a little skimpier and lacier - still a long way from being seductive, but not nearly as cutesy. You feast your eyes on how much more of her bell-shaped behind is left uncovered, and when she turns slightly you catch a brief glimpse of cleavage poking out the top of her balconette bra.<<br>>
Then, a little awkwardly, she begins to move. It starts in her wide hips, rolling from one side to the other as if dancing to a tune that you can't hear, and then spreads upwards to her shoulders, which twist and wriggle with the same rhythm.<<br>>
You desperately try to slow your breathing down to inaudible levels. It's difficult - the motion is undoubtedly sexy, the rich curves of her body slinkily shimmying from side to side. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock presses painfully against it's cage.<</if>><<br>>
Without ceasing the motion, though she's not quite dexterous enough to do it seamlessly, one of her hands reaches behind her copper-tan back and softly unhooks her bra. For a moment only the straps fall off of her, revealing only her supple back in full detail, but then the cups themselves soon come after them. She's still facing away from you so you can't get a good look, but the way that her body moves back and forth gives you tiny glimpses of her breasts at the apex of each sway - a brief flashes of curved flesh and large dark areolas.<<br>>
Then, a little awkwardly, she steps to one side and you lose sight of her.<<br>>
You close the door as carefully as you can and almost collapse backwards from the release of tension. That was incredible!<<br>>
However, it does seem more than a little odd to you. You've definitely had songs in your head in the past, and even when alone sometimes followed the urge to do a little dance to them - but to capture that moment so perfectly, while she was also undressing, it almost beggars belief. If it was anyone other than Simone then you'd almost be inclined to believe that it was intentional somehow, but you quickly dismiss the idea as foolishness.
<<if $simone.peekCount is 5>>
As has become your habit, you carefully creep the door open just enough that you can peer out into the bedroom.<<br>>
Your eager eyes quickly catch sight of Simone - the little maid's lingerie-clad body relaxing as it sits on one of the velvet-cushioned chairs, directly in the center of the room.<<br>>
Well, maybe //relaxing// isn't the right choice of word here. Relaxing usually involves a certain level of slouching forward, but Simone isn't doing anything like that. Instead, her body is held in a way that seems a little inauthentic - her spine arched backwards to project her boobs forward and keep her belly held taut; her hips angled forward to push out her butt a little further.<<br>>
The maid bites her lip as if nervous, and for the briefest fraction of a second you notice her eyes flick towards the bathroom door that you're looking out from, only to hastily pretend that she hadn't. You realize to your complete surprise that she //knows// that you're there.<<br>>
Your first instinct is to slam the door shut, absolutely mortified having been caught in the shameful act of peeking on someone changing, but you manage to resist the urge. She certainly doesn't look like someone who's upset about it - from the pink blush that's mixing with the freckles on her copper-brown cheeks, she seems more than compliant in the situation. You wonder how long she's known.<<br>>
Simone's a sweet girl, so sweet that you're sure that she couldn't imagine presenting herself to you as a sexual being normally, but this fragile moment of plausible-deniability might provide just enough abstraction from all of her nervousness to let her explore a part of herself she's still learning to come to grips with.<<br>>
Just the tension of this tense, unspoken, tender bond is already enough to make your <<if def $outfit.cage.name>><<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock press painfully against it's cage<<else>>mouth dry<</if>>, and it's clear that Simone feels much the same way. You can see her cheeks get pinker and pinker with every passing moment, her breath coming out in little pants. The fragile nervousness of simply seeing someone tentatively complicit in being seen is somehow more erotic than the most steamy striptease that you could imagine.<<br>>
Trembling with timid excitement, she gently raises up from where she'd been laying, and raises her hands to her back to remove her bra. Your eyes bulge with anticipation.<<br>>
She hesitates for a second, and then another, the tension rising to such a fever-pitch at the coming moment of reveal that you almost can't take it.<<br>>
And then, with a little squeak of distress, the maid abruptly stands up to dash as quickly as she can to cover. Her nerve breaking at the last moment.<<br>>
The dismay at having the suspense ripped away from you at the last moment is terrible, but you're so thrilled with what you //did// see, and the blossoming tension between you and Simone, that you can't begin to get upset about it. As you hear her heavy pants from the other room as the maid tries to calm her giddy breathing down, you ease the door shut to give her privacy again.<<br>>
You resolve not to mention this to her, or even acknowledge it, for fear that this delicate energy between you popping like bubble before it has a change to grow.
<<if $simone.peekCount is 6>>
After the show that you got <<if $day is 7>>yesterday<<else>>last time<</if>>, <<if $day is 7 and def $outfit.cage.name>>not even the events of the evening<<else>>nothing<</if>> could keep you from creaking the door open to see what might happen today.<<br>>
You find Simone in cute lingerie, sitting down on one of the carriage chairs which she's pulled up into the center of the room to be seen all the better. Just the boldness to have wanted this badly enough to have deliberately set the scene is enough to get you excited.<<br>>
Her eyeline rises up to meet yours, but instead of darting away like last time it lingers for a few moments. A nervous little smile rises to her face, and you can't help but share it, even if it goes unseen. She soon looks away again - daringly acknowledging your presence is one thing, but doing a 'show' while maintaining eye contact is quite another.<<br>>
With a little quiver that belies her anxiety, but somehow manages to make the scene even more arousing, she starts to move. Her crossed legs untangling from each other to spread wide open, her thighs parting to reveal the panties in-between, and then further still until she's extended almost as far as she can go. Her arms reach behind her back and her shoulders press backwards to better display as much of her body as possible.<<br>>
Her pinkened cheeks have flushed shades deeper into a scarlet red, and you can see why. This isn't a lightly flirtatious tease, but rather something more primal - presenting oneself openly like a piece of meat begging to be consumed. It's not very Simone at all - you can almost imagine the maid nervously asking some of the other, more-experienced servants for advice, and having ended up getting some from a rather lewd, and likely somewhat submissive, source.<<br>>
In fact, the very idea of displaying such a scandalous, indignant pose while still wearing underwear, let alone underwear which, despite being rather flirty for Simone, would still be considered somewhat childish on anyone else, is deeply incongruent - but somehow it's exactly that clash is exactly what manages to completely take your breath away and leave you flabbergasted. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock presses painfully against it's cage<<else>>Simone is certainly not the only person deeply blushing<</if>>.<<br>>
You can see that the tension is getting to her, but she bravely keeps on. Her hands tentatively reach for her bra strap.<<br>>
You're sure that she's hardly one to make the mistake usually, but the nerves are enough that when she goes to unhook the bra her trembling hands can't quite manage it. After another failed attempt, you can see the frustration reach her, and she abandons her sexual pose to stand up in annoyance to get a better angle at it.<<br>>
The sudden break in tension is almost enough to make you giggle, but you force yourself to keep quiet for fear of scaring her.<<br>>
Finally she unhooks the clasp, and seems so satisfied at having beaten the nuisance that for a moment she just grins to herself in victory. By the time she suddenly remembers with a flinch the context that she's in, the first time that she's shown her chest to someone else, the cups have already fallen away - revealing her petite, soft breasts to you.<<br>>
Thrown off guard, her instinct is to lift her arms up and recover them. It's only after she has a moment to regather herself that, with another furtive, nervous glance towards your doorway, she allows her hands to drop to her sides, revealing herself fully.<<br>>
Her cheeks are as red as a beetroot, and you can tell that the fact that this really hasn't gone the way that she'd pictured it is getting to her, but you wouldn't have wished it any other way. She's //beautiful//. You've caught sight of her chest in the past but never with the rich knowledge that she's wanted you to.<<br>>
The show stops there - the little maid quickly reaching her limit of what she can bear to handle. She flies off out of sight, a flustered and embarrassed mess, but not after giving you a little curtsy, seemingly on instinct. The sight is so adorable that it takes everything that you can manage not to jump out of the room and take her in your arms.<<br>>
You close the door shut and for a few minutes simply bask in the tense intimacy of the scene that you just witnessed. It takes you some time to calm down enough to even remember what you were meant to be doing, but you imagine Simone must be grateful for the extra time to pull herself together too.
<<if $simone.peekCount is 7>>
You don't hesitate to creak the door open to reveal a little crack through which to see Simone's display for the evening.<<br>>
The maid doesn't hide the little smile that she makes at hearing the sound - clearly she'd been waiting for exactly this.<<br>>
However, you're a little confused by what you see. Instead of bolding presenting herself in lingerie, as she had the last few times you peeked, Simone seems to be dressed even more modestly than she is during the day. She's wrapped up tightly in what looks like a toga or something, covered from nape to heel.<<br>>
However, before you can begin to feel disappointed, she lightly steps around in a circle, until she's facing away from you, and your breath hangs suddenly in your throat.<<br>>
The 'toga' - which you realize now must be one of the bedsheets hastily adopted for the purpose - has been tied in a way that leaves it all-but backless, with a 'neckline' that dips so far down her freckle-smattered back that it descends even below the waist, past the little nub of her coccyx, to reveal the rounded curve of her behind and the cleft in between, the material only halting half-way down her buttocks.<<br>>
And what's more, it's clear that she's not wearing a single strip of underwear underneath.<<br>>
Simone lets out a delighted little giggle to herself, no-doubt smugly satisfied at being able to show off the fruits of her efforts. You wonder to yourself how long it took for her to work out how to make the sheet lie like that, and, amidst your arousal at the sight of her body so openly displayed for your pleasure, you can't help but smile bashfully to yourself at the fact that she thought these illicit displays with you was worth all that effort.
<<if $day is 8>>
<<if $saintChoiceArray[0] is "theatre" or $saintChoiceArray[1] is "theatre">>
Perhaps she even got the idea from hearing about your brief stint in the theatre.
<<elseif $day gte 9>>
<<if $saintChoiceArray.includesAny('theatre')>>
Perhaps she even got the idea from hearing about your brief stint in the theatre.
You can't help but notice something else - she's so giddily pleased with herself at having pulled it off that she's quite forgotten to be nervous, and is standing there brazenly, her usual shyness replaced by joyous excitement. You can't help but grin. How very appropriate for Simone that it took //fashion// to coax her out of her shell.<<br>>
She sways happily in place, the dip of her backless-neckline swinging behind her as she does. You remain hypnotized by the sight, unable to keep your eyes from the lowest point, mere inches away from revealing the cleft of her sex.<<br>>
When she finally steps around to face towards you once more, her eyes briefly glancing coquettishly towards your doorway, you almost close the door again, thinking that the show's over for the evening, but something about the brave little look in her eyes keeps you there.<<br>>
You notice a trace of trembling to her movements as her hands shift to the neckline of the toga and, in front of your staring eyes, gently parts the material.<<br>>
It only takes a few steps to unwind the material from her body until its once again just a square bedsheet. The whole time, she's careful not to reveal any of herself from behind it, until she holds it by two corners in front of her like a magician's screen, behind which she must be completely nude.<<br>>
And then, after a moment's tense hesitation, she lets go.<<br>>
The bedsheet flutters slowly to the floor, slowly unveiling the gently smiling figure of Simone behind it - brazenly naked, every inch of her petite, beautiful body on display.<<br>>
You can't help but let out a gasp of enthralled delight at the sight, which manages to send her cheeks bright pink.<<br>>
She remains there for a few seconds, shyly letting you bask in the sight of her. She's definitely nervous, but those nerves are seemingly outweighed by sense of pride at having done it. It's a sense of pride that you realize that you share fully.<<br>>
And then, with one last little smile in your direction, she steps away back into the shadow of the wardrobe, marking the show as over.<<br>>
You let out the breath which you barely realized that you'd been holding. It takes you a few giddy moments to even remember what you were supposed to be doing.
<</if>><<if $day isnot 7>>
You focus on the task at hand, pulling off your
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
<<if $day lte 2>>
torn britches
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
dressing gown
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
white flannel shorts
<<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "dress">>
<<print $outfit.under.name>>
<</if>> and slipping on your new pair of <<print _pantyChoice>><<if $pc.butt is 2>> around your plush, cushioned behind<</if>>.<br><br>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">><<wearnwgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "dressgown">><<wearnwdressgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown">><<wearnwcropgown>><<elseif $nightwear is "crop">><<wearnwcrop>><<elseif $nightwear is "dress">><<wearnwdress>><</if>>
You focus on the task at hand, changing out of your clothing and into your nightwear and new panties<<if $pc.butt is 2>>, pulling them up around your plush, cushioned behind<</if>>.
<<if _pantyChoice is "black panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("black panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The black panties fit snugly around you, the little bow adorned on top presenting you as if you're a present to someone.
<<if _pantyChoice is "pink boyshorts">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("pink boyshorts")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
You're embarrassed by the boyshorts' pink frilly material, which adds bulk to your profile and creates the image that you have a<<if $pc.butt is 2>>n even<</if>> larger butt than you do.
<<if _pantyChoice is "lacy boyshorts">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("lacy boyshorts")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The lacy boyshorts' sheer material means that, though you appear covered at first glance, any further inspection reveals everything.
<<if _pantyChoice is "white panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("white panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The white color of the panties does nothing to hide the shape of the <<if $pc.penis is 2>>shrunken little<</if>> bulge in your panties.
<<if _pantyChoice is "french knickers">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("french knickers")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The thin silk of the french knickers shifts with every movement and rubs against you tantalizingly.
<<if _pantyChoice is "red briefs">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("red briefs")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> genitals are barely hidden behind the little modesty-cover of the red briefs, leaving the rest covered only by sheer lace.
<<if _pantyChoice is "dotted pink panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("dotted pink panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Dotted Pink Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
The pair look feminine, but somehow you can't dispel the idea that they look kinda cute on you.
<<if _pantyChoice is "tartan panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("tartan panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "tartan panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Tartan Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
You try to reassure yourself that the pattern on the cute ruffle on the skimpy panties really is warlike clan regalia as Simone claimed.
<<if _pantyChoice is "pink ruffled panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("pink ruffled panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink ruffled panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Ruffled Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
It takes you a little time to tie the ribbon of your pink ruffled panties at the edges. It still leaves an inch of space between the material where your sides are exposed, and despite that area not uncovering anything important it still feels completely scandalous. The thick ruffles on the panties add an added bulk to your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>already impressive<</if>> behind, and bounce with your every step.
<<if _pantyChoice is "black cutout panties">>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("black cutout panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black cutout panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Cutout Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
You pull the cutout-panties up your legs, and are at least somewhat relived that the sheer section doesn't go all the way around - the part around the crotch and butt remain thankfully opaque.
You hear Simone call out from the main room that she's finished changing.<br><br>
[[Return to the main room->sleepTimeRoomReturn]]<<if $simone.slept is 1>>
When you come back into the main room of the carriage you see that Simone is wearing different pajamas than before. Whereas last time she'd covered herself in as many layers of nightclothes as she could to try to avoid any potential mishap, tonight you're happy to see that she's down to just one set - a set of cute pink flannel pajama top and bottoms. She's still covered from neck-to-ankle with little chance of exposed flesh, but at least this time she won't have to worry about overheating.
<<if $simone.slept is 2>>
When you come back into the main room of the carriage you see that Simone is wearing different nightclothes than before. Last time she'd been wearing a set of pajama top and bottoms that completely covered her, but today she's wearing a cute yellow set that shows a little more skin. Instead of trousers, she's wearing shorts that completely reveal her curvy, freckled, copper-tan thighs. The top isn't too dissimilar from last night's, if a little shorter - enough that you can see a sliver of belly occasionally when she moves.<br><br>
She blushes when she notices how your attention is drawn to her thighs, stuttering <<simone "I-I just didn't want to overheat at night, that's all...">> with a pout.
<<if $simone.slept is 3>>
When you come back into the main room of the carriage you notice that Simone is wearing different pajamas to before. Last time she'd worn a flannel top and shorts, but today she's switched to a little crop top that leaves her cute copper-tan belly exposed, alongside a pair of tight yoga pants. Technically you can see less of her legs than you could before, but it sure doesn't feel that way - as well as her shapely thighs, the curve of her pelvis is clearly visible, and as she turns around to close the bathroom door you can see each buttock of her ample behind perfectly framed by the skin-tight material.<<br>>
You desperately try to avert your gaze, but the sight is so delicious that you can barely force yourself to do so, and you're sure that she saw you. You brace yourself for a negative reaction, but instead a little blush rises to her cheeks.
<<if $simone.slept is 4>>
When you come back into the main room of the carriage you notice that Simone is wearing different pajamas to before. You're amazed to find that she's not wearing any bottoms at all - instead she's wearing a bold red nightdress, short enough that you can see all of her freckled thighs. The hem must be grazing a mere hairs-breadth away from revealing her panties.<<br>>
She catches you looking at the dress, but instead of frowning a smile rises to her face. <<simone "Isn't this nightdress cute? I really like it!">><<br>>
As if to demonstrate the fact, she does a little spin in place. The action makes the hem of the dress lift as it swirls around, and you get the glimpse of panties that had been so tantalizingly close before - a matching red pair.<<br>>
She looks at you for a moment and you realize that she's expecting some kind of response, and you stammer out that you like it. When she turns away you could swear you see a light blush on her cheeks.
<<if $simone.slept is 5>>
When you come back into the main room of the carriage you notice that Simone is wearing different pajamas to before. Simone's been daring enough to show more and more skin as she gets more and more comfortable around you, so at first the sight of Simone wearing a long blue nightdress that reaches over the knees comes as somewhat of a surprise - that is, until you look closer and notice how transparent it is.<<br>>
If it wasn't for the sensible navy bra and panties which she's wearing underneath, she'd be practically nude in front of you. Even with them you can see distractingly much of her curvy body, barely hidden by the thin, gauzy fabric.<<br>>
However, it's also easy to see why someone as chaste as Simone ended up with such an item of clothing. The sheer material is covered in adorable silvery stars which run in cosmic constellations across her, shifting with her every movement. There's no way that someone like Simone could possibly pass up the opportunity to dress up as the night's sky - you're not sure if she'd even have noticed that it's sheer.<<br>>
The little maid seems to prove you right - noticing the way that you can't take your eyes off of her body without realizing for a moment that it's her skin, rather than the outfit, which might have drawn your attention. <<simone "It's a cute nightdress, isn't it?">> She beams, treating you to a spin that makes you momentarily stop breathing.
<<if $simone.slept is 6>>
When you re-enter the main room of the carriage, you're greeted to the sight of Simone wearing only her underwear.<<br>>
At first you duck straight back out again, muttering flustered apologies at having walked out while she was still changing. It's only when the maid calls out <<simone "Umm... actually, it's, err... I'm wearing this tonight.">><<br>>
You look back at her in confusion - desperately trying to keep your wandering eyes from straying away from her pinkly-blushing face.<<br>>
<<simone "It-it's just that it's such a warm night, you know?">> She mumbles shyly. <<simone "And I thought about how stuffy I'd be in anything else. And besides, they're //technically// a crop top and nightshorts, you know!">><<br>>
You allow your eyes to drift down and take in the pastel-green garments. You're really not sure if you believe that they're not underwear - the 'top' is so bra-like that it even has cups at the chest, though you can at least admit that they cover a little more than a sports-bra would; and while perhaps the shorts could be described as 'boyshort panties', anything more than that would be pushing it. But then again, she //does// know more about fashion than you do, and you're anything but inclined to argue the matter.<<br>>
<<simone "I was looking at them, and thinking about how perfect for the weather and how cute they are and stuff, and I was like, why shouldn't I just wear them?">> She says, fiddling with her hands anxiously under your gaze. <<simone "I know that they're perhaps a little bit much for wearing around a boy... but if it's //you// then I know that I don't need to worry!">><<br>>
There's a lingering doubt in your mind about whether she means 'I like you and trust you enough not to be scared', or 'you're so emasculated by now that I don't even think of you as a boy anymore'. You desperately hope that it's the former.<<br>>
She gives you a shy smile before turning to lead the way to bed. You can't help but take in the view of her ample behind swaying in those little boyshorts as she walks.
<<if $simone.slept is 7>>
/* Straight up bra and panties, no attempt to justify it, or even acknowledge that it's something that's noteworthy */
When you emerge from the bathroom, you find Simone waiting for you in nothing but a bra and panties.<<br>>
The last time this happened led to an awkward affair as she shyly tried to justify wearing quite so little, but despite this set being if anything a little briefer than the last she doesn't seem to feel the need to offer any such arguments now. Instead she just leaps up cheerfully to her feet, and doesn't even seem to care that your eyes are briefly drawn down her body at the way her assets bounce from the movement.<<br>>
<<simone "Come on, <<print $pc.name>>.">> She calls, reaching forward to take you by the hand and eagerly lead you towards the bed. <<simone "Let's get comfy, shall we?">>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"Night night, <<print $pc.name>>"@@ she murmurs sleepily as you both settle in on other sides of the plush pink bed<<if def $bear.love>> on opposite sides of <<print $bear.name>><</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "dressgown">>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
Under the covers, you slip out of your dressing gown, leaving you in only your <<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>skimpy crop-top and shorts<<else>>thin nightdress<</if>>.
<<elseif $nightwear is "gown">>
<<if $day lte 4>>
You give a yawning reply, but it quickly becomes clear that sleeping isn't going to be that simple. You're completely enveloped by the intense warmth all around you - the thick bedding, combined with your plush dressing gown, combine together so warmly that it's almost suffocating. It takes only minutes before you start sweating. This is going to be uncomfortable!
You prepare yourself for another night of stifling warmth in your gown.
After a yawning reply, you <<if $day lte 7>>quickly find yourself falling asleep<<else>>settle into sleep<</if>>.
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
<<if $day is 7>>
Sleeping in the metal cage is frustrating and difficult. Your genitals soon become covered in a thick sweat from the stifling warm metal cage, and every time you toss and turn it finds a way to press into your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>thick<</if>> thighs painfully. However, the physical effects are far outweighed by the mental ones - with no distractions available there's nothing to stop you from focusing on the alien sensation, and the dire circumstances in which you've been forced into it, despite all efforts to think anything else. It takes you a long time before you finally manage to relax enough to rest.
Sleeping in the cage is still an uncomfortable, indignant thing, but somehow it feels less stressful than it had been before. You don't like the idea of getting used to this state of affairs, but can't help but be grateful that it at least doesn't keep you up as late.
[[zzz->togetherBedWake][$simone.slept += 1]]<<setter "keyholder to 'queen'" "keyholder to 'simone'">>
<<include "bonusCountdown">>
<<if $simone.slept is 2>>
You're woken hours later by a familiar knocking on the door of the carriage.<br><br>
<<if $day isnot "4">>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
Your eyes flick open immediately,
Your sleep was so fitful, uncomfortable, and sweaty as you overheated in your dressing gown that your eyes flick open almost immediately at the noise.<br><br>
The first thing that you check is Simone. You're
both concerned and excited at the prospect of perhaps having ended up in a similar position with Simone as last time, but to your mixed relief and disappointment she's still comfortably on the other side of <<if def $bear.love>><<print $bear.name>><<else>>the bed<</if>>, rubbing her eyes awake at the noise.<br><br>
Your eyes flicker open immediately, and you quickly do a brief assessment of your aches and pains from last night.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
Your sleep had so fitful, uncomfortable, and sweaty from your dressing gown, and every part of your body
still hurts, but to your relief not nearly as much as it had last night. You got lucky - it seems like all of your injuries must have been relatively light. You won't be back to full strength for a while, but at least it's a start.
You remember that you're sharing a bed with Simone, and glance over to her slumbering form, both concerned and excited at the prospect of perhaps having ended up in a similar position with Simone as last time, but to your mixed relief and disappointment she's still comfortably on the other side of the bed, rubbing her eyes awake at the noise.<br><br>
<<if $day gte 6>>
The two of you quickly rouse yourselves in preparation for the Queen's morning appraisal.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<include [[day3wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<include [[day4wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<include [[day5wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<include [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<include [[day7wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<include [[day8wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<include [[day9wake]]>>
<<if $simone.slept is 3>>
<<if $day isnot 4>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
You wake hours later, fully rested from a good night's sleep.
You wake hours later, poorly rested from your fitful and uncomfortable sleep in the sweltering-hot dressing gown.
Sunlight streams through the carriage window - it must be morning.<br><br>
Your eyes flicker open, and you quickly do a brief assessment of your aches and pains from last night.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
Your sleep had so fitful, uncomfortable, and sweaty from your dressing gown, and every part of your body
still hurts, but to your relief not nearly as much as it had last night. You got lucky - it seems like all of your injuries must have been relatively light. You won't be back to full strength for a while, but at least it's a start.
You glance over at Simone's body on the other side of the bed, and see her sweetly asleep, a content smile on her face <<if def $bear.love>>as she holds <<print $bear.name>> under one arm<</if>> - she must be having a good dream. However, a moment later you notice that something's changed about her, making you do a double take.<br><br>
Sometime during the night, her yellow pajama top must have ridden up as she tossed and turned. Now, as she lies supine and asleep, it lays high on one side of her chest, clearly exposing one of her naked breasts.<br><br>
It's round and perky, the large areola protruding upwards towards the ceiling with hardly any sag to them, despite laying on her back. Her copper-tan skin seems to glow in the morning sunlight. On a woman of average height, they'd be pretty large, but Simone's so small that the soft lumps remain still quite palmable. You'd been half-expecting it to be as covered in freckles as the rest of her, but the skin on her chest is pristine and clear, enough so that it almost reminds you of a woodland animal with lighter fur on it's belly.<br><br>
You gulp, this is trouble - if she finds herself exposed next to you who knows where the naive young woman's mind will go. You consider your options.
<span id="append"></span>
<span id="remove">
<<link "Reach over and pull her top back down, hoping that she doesn't wake up.">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You can't risk Simone thinking that you undressed her during the night, but if she catches you while you've got your hand on her top then you're in serious trouble. This is going to be a delicate operation.<br><br>
Tentatively, your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand shaking from the focus, you reach over to Simone's yellow pajama top to pull it back down.<br><br>
Your heart nearly stops with shock when Simone suddenly makes a noise, but luckily it's just to dreamily murmur <<simone "mmmm... dresses...">> in her sleep. Phew!<br><br>
You just about manage the grasp the top's hem between thumb and forefinger, when disaster strikes - your little finger //prods// directly into Simone's ochre areola. For a moment you can feel your finger sinking into the smooth, yielding flesh before you can adjust.<br><br>
<<simone "... mmmm... <<print $pc.name>>, what are you doing to me?..">><br><br>
Like an idiot, you freeze in place, your hand well and truly in the proverbial cookie jar. It's all that you can manage not to yell out in surprise. However, the ensuing shriek that you expect Simone to make never comes. Instead, she shifts her position in bed, wriggling a little - her thighs rubbing against each other as her hips shift.<br><br>
It takes you a few moments longer to realize that she's still asleep - just mumbling to herself in her dream. True enough, her eyes are still shut, though while you're looking at her face, you notice her cheeks are flushed and mouth gently parted.<br><br>
Before, she'd been dreaming of dresses, but after you accidentally stimulated her she started dreaming of you. You find yourself blushing scarlet at what might be going on in her dream right now.<br><br>
You suddenly realize that you're still frozen holding her top, and gently settle it back in place where it should be. For a moment, you could swear that you see that her nipples are now firmer than before, before they're hidden out of sight.<br><br>
You settle back in the bed and try to calm down, but your attention is constantly stolen again by minute shifting, hip wriggling, and whimpering mumbles from your bedmate. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock strains painfully in its cage in a pathetic attempt to reach erection.<</if>> When the scene is interrupted by a loud knocking at the carriage door minutes later, and Simone drowsily wakes up, you have to hide your blushing face from the little maid<<if $day gte 6>> as you quickly get ready for the Queen's morning appraisal<</if>>.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "I can't risk waking her, just leave it and hope it goes well.">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
You figure that it's a bad idea to pull her top back down - if she caught you reaching over with your hand on her top then she'd hate you forever. The sensible thing is to just leave it and wait - when she wakes up you can pretend to be asleep, and there's no way she'd blame you.<br><br>
Your mind resolved, you settle down and prepare to wait it out.<br><br>
As the minutes drag on, you realize that this choice might have been more dangerous than you were expecting. There's no way that you can doze right now - the sight of Simone's bare chest has dragged you into keen awareness. And now you're just laying in the bed, uncomfortably awake, with her exposed breast just... There. You try to drag your mind away from it, but like a magnet your attention is inevitably pulled back.<br><br>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
Unbidden, your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> cock begins to strain desperately in its cage in a pathetic attempt to reach erection. It's not that you've never seen a boob before - it's that something hidden and vulnerable has been exposed, while Simone is still happily dreaming, none the wiser. You grimace with pain.
Unbidden, you find yourself becoming hard, your panties rubbing against you as they contort to fit your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>petite<</if>> swelling member. It's not that you've never seen a boob before - it's that something hidden and vulnerable has been exposed, while Simone is still happily dreaming, none the wiser.
You daren't adjust yourself, else Simone could sense your movement and know that you're not really asleep.<br><br>
As time ticks on by, the morning sunbeam coming from the window shifts as the sun rises. You're uncomfortably aware as, inch after inch, it leisurely drifts over Simone's sleeping form, making the light sweat covering her body from the snug night's sleep glisten as it reaches her slender belly... the curve of the bottom of her perky mounds... her ochre areola...<br><br>
Just as the light reaches the nub of her nipple, a loud knocking rings out from the front door of the carriage, making Simone's slumbering form jump in surprise. You quickly shut your eyes and make a show of slowly rousing, not opening your eyes again until after you hear a little gasp from Simone as she notices her predicament and fixes it.<br><br>
<<if $day lte 5>>
As Simone gets up from bed to get the door, you notice a faint blush on her cheeks.
As the two of you get out of bed in anticipation of the Queen's appraisal, you notice a faint blush lingering on her cheeks
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<link "Touch the boob.">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<append "#append" t8n>>
Maybe it's the drowsiness from just waking up, or maybe this whole sequence of weirdly sexually-charged events that you're caught up has driven you past the point of caring, but honestly you just don't give a damn.<br><br>
Without hesitation, you reach forward with one <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> hand and wrap it snugly around Simone's exposed breast.<br><br>
You were absolutely right - palmable, a perfect handful and no more or less, as if its destiny was to be held by your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>delicate<</if>> hands. Laying on her back, the weight of her chest is pushed backward, and the usual firmness of her boob is greatly diminished - instead, the flesh is so soft that it almost seems to pool under your touch, gliding effortlessly under you as you gently massage the sleeping maid.<br><br>
Slowly, you can feel Simone's ochre areola begin to harden, until her nipple presses eagerly against your palm. Then other changes start happening - her lips part and her breathing deepens almost into low panting, her thighs rub together as her hips wriggle yearningly, and a deep flush reaches her cheeks. Drowsily, you mark the events as if they're on a checklist.<br><br>
It's only when Simone's breathing is interrupted by gentle gasps, so needy that they're almost whimpers, that you release your groping hand, pull her pajama top back over her, and turn away from her in the bed.<br><br>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock strains in its cage in a desperate attempt to reach erection, but you're so caught up in the blissful haze of what you've done that even through the pain the idea of feeling unsatisfied after the encounter never crosses your mind.
You're firmly erect, as expected, <<if $pc.penis is 2>>your petite member impotently pressing against the material of your panties, <</if>> but you're so caught up in the blissful haze of what you've done that the idea of being left unsatisfied after the encounter never crosses your mind.
You sense Simone wake a few minutes later, still panting a little. A part of you wanders what she might do about being so uncomfortably and unexplainably aroused in the early morning, but your enjoyment is cut short by a firm knocking at the carriage door, shattering the moment.<<br>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
The two of you quickly rouse yourselves out of bed in anticipation of the Queen's morning appraisal<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<remove "#remove">>
<<if $simone.slept is 4>>
<<if $day isnot 4>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
You rouse slowly,
You rouse slowly from your sweaty, uncomfortable sleep,
<</if>> stretching out a crick in your neck before opening your eyes.
You rouse slowly, and quickly do a brief assessment of your aches and pains from last night.<<br>>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
Your sleep had so fitful, uncomfortable, and sweaty from your dressing gown, and every part of your body
still hurts, but to your relief not nearly as much as it did last night. You got lucky - it seems like all of your injuries must have been relatively light. You won't be back to full strength for a while, but at least it's a start.
You glance over to Simone and find her completely spread-eagle across the bed, the covers all-but kicked off of her<<if def $bear.love>> and <<print $bear.name>> toppled to the floor<</if>>. Were she a little larger, or the bed not so huge, she might even have pushed you completely off the side<<if def $bear.love>> with him<</if>>, but as it is there's still plenty of space for the pair of you.<<br>>
You're sure that she'd be mortified at being caught in such an undignified position, but you can't help but find it kinda cute.<<br>>
Then your attention is drawn elsewhere. Dressed in her skin-tight yoga leggings you can make out every curve of her lower body - even what's nestled between her plump smooth thighs.<<br>>
/* The mound of her sex so puffy that you can clearly see the depression of her slit nestled snugly in its center.<<br>> */
You can feel heat rise to your cheeks as you notice that you can clearly see the depression of her pussy.<<br>>
A knocking rings out from the front door and your view is disrupted as Simone scrabbles to wakefulness, though as she blearily staggers to her feet you can't help but get a great view of her butt<<if $day gte 6>> before you remember that the Queen will have your ear off if you don't quickly do the same<</if>>.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<if $simone.slept is 5>>
You wake up the next morning, disturbed by an odd sensation that you can't place. As your consciousness shifts to awakeness you could swear that you could feel the bed shift from some sudden movement, but once you blearily open your eyes you can see that Simone's firmly on her side of the bed, snoring with an unusual vigor. You must have imagined it.<<br>>
You make a mental checklist. Location - still in the Princess' carriage. Time - about time to wake up, judging from the sun coming through the window. Simone - snoring away guilelessly. Your position - supine on your back. <<if def $bear.love>><<print $bear.name>> - discarded off to one side during the night.<</if>> The covers - almost completely thrown off of you, you just have been tossing and turning in your sleep. All seems completely normal until you get to; your bedclothes - completely disrupted, <<if $nightwear is "gown">>your gown wide open and your <<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>your shorts and<<else>>your nightdress lifted up to your belly button and your<</if>> panties pulled down to your knees, revealing your
<<if $keyholder is 'queen' or $keyholder is 'simone'>>
securely caged <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock to the open air.
<<if $pc.penis is 2>>shrunken, petite<<else>>now-smaller-than-average<</if>> cock to the open air.
<<if $keyholder is 'queen' or $keyholder is 'simone'>>
The shock of the realization is enough to drag you the rest of the way awake, and when you do you realize immediately the sensation you couldn't quite place - it's pain. You must be having morning wood, since <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock is straining so painfully against the metal bars of your cage that you'd almost think that it had been being stimulated. You grimace with discomfort.
The shock of it is enough to drag you quickly to wide awakeness. <<if $pc.penis is 2>>You<<else>>It doesn't look so smaller-than-average right now - you<</if>> must have morning wood, because for some reason you're completely erect, your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> member standing so clearly at attention you'd almost think that it had been being stimulated.
Thank the //gods// that Simone is still so clearly and very unsuspiciously asleep - you daren't imagine how she might have reacted if she woke up and found you like this.<<br>>
As you quickly stow your <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>cage<<else>>cock<</if>> back into hiding, you wonder how on earth you ended up in such a position, but you don't dwell on it for too long - sometimes people just toss and turn in their sleep in a weird way.<<br>>
It isn't long before there's a loud knocking from the door to the carriage. You thank the heavens that you woke up beforehand.<<br>>
Simone must have overheated in her sleep or something, as her face is a little flushed when she awkwardly and stiffly rouses.
<<if $day lte 5>>
For some reason you can't discern she can't meet your gaze, but she doesn't need to - you know the routine and quickly hide under the covers.
For some reason you can't discern she can't meet your gaze as the two of you hurry to get out of bed for the Queen's morning appraisal.
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<if $simone.slept is 6>>
You slowly begin to rouse from your slumber, drowsily blinking the sleep from your eyes.<<br>>
As has become more and more familiar over the last few days, you and Simone are no longer laying far apart on your respective sides of the bed. Instead, the two of you have gravitated together overnight to meet in the center.<<br>>
<<if def $bear.love>>
During the night, both of you must have simultaneously reached out to cuddle <<print $bear.name>> in your arms, and both ended up missing the huge teddy bear completely to end up sleepily tangled together instead, snugly enveloped by eachother's body warmth.<<br>>
When the two of you ended up this close in the past
Simone's arms hold you close, clinging to you like you're an oversized teddy bear, and you note without too much surprise that you're doing much the same, your limbs sleepily entangled together as your bodies unconsciously sought the comfortable body warmth of each other.<<br>>
When this happened in the past
it ended up feeling quite sexually charged, but while you can feel no less of the contours of Simone's body than before, you're so drowsy and comfortable that it doesn't even begin to occur to you to think of it in that way.<<br>>
Roused by the mild movements of your awakening, Simone's own eyes begin to flicker open. Her body flexes around you as she stretches out her limbs, seeming to come to much the same conclusion as you do - that this closeness is anything but a threat, it's just snug and comfy and warm. Even the <<if $keyholder is 'queen' or $keyholder is 'simone'>>feeling of the little lump of your cage isn't considered a problem<<else>><<if $pc.penis is 2>>pathetic little<<else>>small<</if>> lump of your morning wood isn't considered a problem<</if>>.<<br>>
<<simone "'orning">> She mumbles, her freckled face mere inches from your own. You offer a similarly tired greeting in return.<<br>>
The two of you make a small attempt to stand up, only to end up in fits of drowsy giggling as you have to disentangle yourselves from each other. She jokingly refers to you as gangly, and you respond by lightly teasing her about being short, which gets you a pillow in the face followed by another fit of giggles.<<br>>
The two of you are up and ready well on time for the knocking on the front door, but it still feels like a shame for your pleasant morning together to be interrupted.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<if $simone.slept is 7>>
You're slowly drawn to wakefulness. It takes you some drowsy moments before you get your bearings.<<br>>
It's still relatively dark outside, the slow encroaching of the sun only just beginning, a decent amount of time before you should be thinking about waking, but the carriage isn't quite still and silent.<<br>>
Coming from next to you, there's a slow, rhythmic noise that's barely audible.<<br>>
A slick, wet noise.<<br>>
You were about to groggily stretch out your limbs, but the moment that your brain fully processes what you're hearing you freeze in place.<<br>>
Perfectly in time with the noise, you can feel a slight movement through the mattress from the other side of the bed.<<br>>
Your breath hangs in your throat. She isn't really... touching herself, is she?<<br>>
You're facing away from her in the bed - a fact that you're grateful for, else she'd no doubt have noticed your eyes opening. However you can just about make out a vague shape of what's going on behind you reflected in the glass window. It's too faint to make out the details, no matter how hard your eyes stare into it, but you can just about make out the silhouette of Simone's body laying supine, her lips gently parted, one hand reaching under her bra and the other descending down below the covers.<<br>>
Your eyes go wide in astonishment. She's really masturbating, her body mere inches away from your own.<<br>>
You realize that you've almost stopped breathing from suspense, and desperately force yourself to start again - the last thing that you want is for her to recognize that you're awake. The poor girl would be mortified beyond belief.<<br>>
You're surprised to find her like this. You've gotten so used to the idea of sexual stuff being completely off-limits with her that you'd almost forgotten that she herself is a sexual being too, and not just an innocent thing that you must protect from your own sordid thoughts. <<if $simone.peekCount is 5>>Sure, she's demonstrated her sexuality a little since she became aware of you peeking on her, but there feels like a difference between nervously exploring the idea of being an object of desire behind a lens of plausible deniability, and having sexual needs so desperate that you're driven to masturbate in a risky situation.<</if>> You were probably foolish to think that - she's a healthy young woman, just because she's inexperienced and naive doesn't mean that she doesn't have //urges//.<<br>>
Her breath comes in the little gasps of someone trying very hard to stay quiet and only just able to contain herself. Her body is so close to yours that you can almost swear that you can feel the heat radiating off of her, warming your back.<<br>>
It's a heat which you begin to share. Her little noises are just so soft and sensual that they drive you crazy, and the fact that you can't get a good image of what's going on only makes the ones in your mind's eye all the more vivid for their absence. <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock strains so tight against the hard bars of your cage in an attempt to reach full size that it takes all of your willpower not to whimper in pain. <<if $keyholder is "simone">>The fact that your subject of desire is the same person who has you trapped in this predicament only seems to intensify your lust.<</if>><<else>>You feel your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock pressing tight against the fabric of your <<print $outfit.under.name>> as it swells to full size.<</if>><<br>>
The aroused tension is almost unbearable.<br>
<span id="mutualBate">
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
<<fail "Try to touch yourself under the covers" "There's no way for you to masturbate while you're caged!">>
<<link "Try to touch yourself under the covers">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<replace "#mutualBate" t8n>><<hr>>
If she's bold enough to try masturbating while you're in the bed next to her, then it stands to reason that you should feel bad doing so either. The problem is that you still have to do it without it becoming obvious.<<br>>
Tentatively, trying not to disturb her, you adjust your position so that you can take your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>shrunken<</if>> dick out your panties and slowly, gently, careful not to move too much, grind into the cupped palm of your hand.<<br>>
Simone makes a mumbled noise, and for a brief moment you think that she might have realized what you're doing, but it proves just to be a stifled whimper that only increases your arousal further.<<br>>
If you allow yourself to go as you wish then you're sure that you'll quickly get exposed, but you already have a good cover for your movements available to you - disguising them as her own. It takes a few seconds for you to manage it, but you manage to equal her rhythm so that every one of her needy grinds against her hand is perfectly matched by a desperate thrust of your own. Soon you're so in-time that you don't even need to think about it, your bodies perfectly synced.<<br>>
It feels incredible to touch yourself, and the intimacy of sharing that tempo with another only heightens to experience further. It's so easy to imagine every one of her moans being from your own motion. But it's not without frustration - her pace is slower than your own, such that you have to force yourself to suppress the urge to go faster. Instead of being rapid enough to bring you closer to relief, it just keeps you suspended in the middle-area of needy desperation, the satisfaction of coming close to a finish eluding you.<<br>>
You can't say the same of Simone. Her arousal seems to hit a fever-pitch, with more and more little stifled moans escaping her.<<br>>
Suddenly, an entire word escapes. <<simone "<<print $pc.name.first()>>- <<print $pc.name>>!">> Followed by a shift in her movements, the slow grind replaced by a what feels like a whole body vibration as her thighs tense up as tightly together as they can as she desperately tries to stop them from writhing and kicking.<<br>>
The surprise of hearing your own name in her thoughts is striking enough that you have to bite your tongue not to gasp.<<br>>
Gradually her orgasm subsides, and with a drowsy, satisfied <<simone "mmmh">> she allows her hands to drift back away from where they'd been held vise-like against her breast and pussy, settling herself down to return towards sleep.<<br>>
It's a satisfaction that you wish that you could share. You're so incredibly, horrifically aroused by the whole experience, but now that Simone has stopped touching herself there's no way for you to continue without waking her, especially since she's probably not fully asleep yet. You spend the next hour desperately unable to return to sleep, nursing an erection which shows no sign of abating.<<br>>
By the time you finally manage to settle down, you scarcely have a few moments of rest again before a knocking comes from the front door.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<link "Just stay quiet and still">>
<<if $keyholder isnot "simone" and $keyholder isnot "queen">><<set $rabbit ++>><<set $swallow ++>><</if>>
<<replace "#mutualBate" t8n>><<hr>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
Caged as you are, there's no way for you to attend to yourself. You've no option but to lay there in agony as Simone attends to the very needs which you've been cruelly kept from.
You're not about to risk the mutual embarrassment of being found to be awake, and knowing how flighty she is about sex stuff you're scared of what it could do to the relationship between the two of you. Best to just wait this out.
You lay in dire arousal, doing everything you can to try not to think about the intimacy that's happening just a few inches away from you. It doesn't work - the more you try to think about anything else, the more mental images continue to torment you of Simone's body. The pressure in your <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>cage only gets more and more painful.<<else>>panties only gets more and more intense.<</if>>
You try to adjust yourself to at least provide some ease, but when you do so Simone makes a mumbled noise. For a brief moment you think that she might have realized what you're doing, but it proves just to be a stifled whimper that only makes things more difficult.<<br>>
Once the whimpers have begun, they don't seem to end, little moans escaping her gasping lips no matter how hard she tries to stop them.<<br>>
Suddenly, an entire word escapes. <<simone "<<print $pc.name.first()>>- <<print $pc.name>>!">> Followed by a shift in her movements, the slow grind replaced by a what feels like a whole body vibration as her thighs tense up as tightly together as they can as she desperately tries to stop them from writhing and kicking.<<br>>
The surprise of hearing your own name in her thoughts is striking enough that you have to bite your tongue not to gasp.<<br>>
Finally her orgasm subsides, and with a drowsy, satisfied <<simone "mmmh">> she allows her hands to drift back away from where they'd been vise-like held against her breast and pussy, settles herself down and begins to return towards sleep.<<br>>
It's a satisfaction that you wish that you could share. You're so incredibly, horrifically aroused by the whole experience, but you're as unable to attend to yourself as ever. You spend the next hour desperately unable to return to sleep, <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>your thighs sticky from the precum that's dribbed out of your cage, your cock still painfully pressed against the warm bars<<else>>nursing an erection which shows no sign of abating<</if>>.<<br>>
By the time you finally manage to settle down, you scarcely have a few moments of rest again before a knocking comes from the front door.<<br>>
<<if $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<goto [[day6wake]]>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<elseif $day is 8>>
<<if $simone.slept is 8>>
/* Relationship w/ Simone taken to next level. I'm nervous about having an option to kiss her though - it's too big of a variable. Perhaps you just start overtly getting sexual, before things get interrupted? With option to be more dominant or submissive? Maybe ends just as the two of you realize how close your faces are to eachother. */
You're awoken by being lightly shaken by your shoulder, with Simone calling out to you <<simone "<<print $pc.name>>? <<print $pc.name>>?">><<br>>
Your eyes quickly flicker open, worried that there might be danger, but all you see is your quiet, dark carriage.<<br>>
What you can make of Simone's expression in the early-dawn twilight seems a little embarrassed as she softly murmurs <<simone "I'm sorry to wake you, <<print $pc.name>>. I- I had a silly nightmare, about the Scarecrow Killer, and I didn't want to be up by myself.">><<br>>
You blink drowsily, but you're certainly not going to refuse your friend in need. Instead you merely hold open one arm, and with a small grin of appreciation she takes the unspoken invitation, <<if def $bear.love>>pushing past <<print $bear.name>> so that she can snuggle her little body<<else>>her little body snuggling<</if>> up tightly against your own under the covers.<<br>>
<<simone "Thanks, <<print $pc.name>>. I knew that I could rely on you.">><<br>>
Honestly, it's nice to feel useful. Simone's been such an incredible help to you, but you've mostly felt like dead weight in comparison.<<br>>
<<simone "'s okay.">> The maid mumbles, a little groggily. She's close enough that you can feel her warm breath softly against your face with every utterance. <<simone "You've been working harder than I have, learning how to look princessy and stuff. I know you'd do the same if it was //me// in peril. 'sides, sewing and cooking is my job.">><<br>>
You can just about make out a cheeky smile emerge on her face as she continues <<simone "And it's probably a good thing too - you've gotten good at being girly in //some// ways, but from what you've told me I bet we'd have gotten food poisoning by now if the cooking was up to you!">><<br>>
She lets out a titter of laughter, and you find yourself joining with her, happy to see the maid already feeling good enough after her nightmare to be making jokes. Jovially you try lightly pushing her away from you, pretending that her comment was enough for you to go off her completely, but her reaction isn't quite as you expected.<<br>>
Instead of more laughter, or even faux-offense, Simone lets out a little <<simone "mmh!">> of surprised tension.<<br>>
You glance over to see her looking at you wide-eyed, and then your brain fully registers the roundness of the area of Simone's body your hand's shoved against - you're cupping directly on her soft breast. You can even feel the harder nub of her nipple through her thin night-bra.<<br>>
You're about to break away, spluttering apologies, but before you can do so Simone beats you to the punch, clasping her hands around yours to gently hold it in place and suddenly crying <<simone "W-wait!">><<br>>
You freeze in place, but it takes a few moments of awkward hesitation before Simone manages to finish her sentence. <<simone "U-umm. You don't need to stop... if you don't want to...">><<br>>
In the poor light you can't see the blush on her cheeks, but with her face so close you swear that you can feel its warmth radiating off of her. Your breath hangs tightly in your throat.<<br>>
With more boldness than you thought her capable of, Simone tentatively continues <<simone "I-I think it might be okay. For a little bit, maybe... if it's //you//...">><<br>>
Slowly, her little body pushes even closer to yours, her limbs wrapping around you. You're suddenly more aware than ever of every contour of her bare skin against your own. Everything under the covers feels stiflingly warm. <<if def $outfit.cage.Name>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock begins to desperately strains against the bars of your cage<<else>>Your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>> cock swells to erection in your <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>, but if she notices then she doesn't seem to care in the slightest.<<br>>
<<simone "W-would that be okay, <<print $pc.name>>?">> Simone asks, and suddenly her face is so close, her eyes glistening nervously and her quivering lips mere hairs-breadths way.<<br>>
However, before you can sort through the emotions running through your brain, the moment is shattered by a knocking at the carriage door.<<br>>
Simone's eyes open wide in horror at being interrupted now of all times. For a few moments the two of you linger in place, not even the risk of being walked in on by the Queen enough to separate you. However, as the knocking rapidly becomes all the more insistent, with an aching grimace, Simone begrudgingly parts.<<br>>
/* The indent of her sex grinding against the firmness of <<if def $outfit.cage.Name>>your cage, within which your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>>cock desperately strains<<else>>your <<if $pc.penis is 2>>little<</if>>erection.<</if>> */
<<if $day is 8>>
<<cont "day9wake">>
<</if>><<if def $rutheCuteBonus>>
<<set $rutheCuteBonus -= 1>>
<<if $rutheCuteBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $cuteBonus -= 1>>
<<set $cute -= 1>>
<<unset $rutheCuteBonus>>
''The Cuteness bonus from studying with la Madame de la Ruthe on day 4 has expired''<br>
<<if def $simoneTalkCuteBonus>>
<<set $simoneTalkCuteBonus -= 1>>
<<if $simoneTalkCuteBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $cuteBonus -= 1>>
<<set $cute -= 1>>
<<unset $simoneTalkCuteBonus>>
''The Cuteness bonus from learning more about Simone has expired''<br>
<<if def $throneAuthBonus>>
<<set $throneAuthBonus -= 1>>
<<if $throneAuthBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $authBonus -= 1>>
<<set $auth -= 1>>
<<unset $throneAuthBonus>>
''The Authority bonus from roleplaying on the throne on day 1 has expired''<br>
<<if def $bedAuthBonus>>
<<set $bedAuthBonus -= 1>>
<<if $bedAuthBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $authBonus -= 1>>
<<set $auth -= 1>>
<<unset $bedAuthBonus>>
''The Authority bonus from consistently demanding the larger bed has expired''<br>
<<if def $groupGraceBonus>>
<<set $groupGraceBonus -= 1>>
<<if $groupGraceBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $graceBonus -= 1>>
<<set $grace -= 1>>
<<unset $groupGraceBonus>>
''The Grace bonus from staying with the tour group on day 2 has expired''<br>
<<if def $danceGraceBonus>>
<<set $danceGraceBonus -= 1>>
<<if $danceGraceBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $graceBonus -= 1>>
<<set $grace -= 1>>
<<unset $danceGraceBonus>>
''The Grace bonus for dancing clumsily on day 3 has expired''<br>
<<if def $dinnerAuthBonus>>
<<set $dinnerAuthBonus -= 1>>
<<if $dinnerAuthBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $authBonus -= 1>>
<<set $auth -= 1>>
<<unset $dinnerAuthBonus>>
''The Authority bonus for getting advice at the Bastille banquet has expired''<br>
<<if def $dinnerGraceBonus>>
<<set $dinnerGraceBonus -= 1>>
<<if $dinnerGraceBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $graceBonus -= 1>>
<<set $grace -= 1>>
<<unset $dinnerGraceBonus>>
''The Grace bonus for getting advice at the Bastille banquet has expired''<br>
<</if>><<if def $dinnerCuteBonus>>
<<set $dinnerCuteBonus -= 1>>
<<if $dinnerCuteBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $cuteBonus -= 1>>
<<set $cute -= 1>>
<<unset $dinnerCuteBonus>>
''The Cuteness bonus for getting advice at the Bastille banquet has expired''<br>
<<if def $coletteAuthBonus>>
<<set $coletteAuthBonus -= 1>>
<<if $coletteAuthBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $authBonus -= 1>>
<<set $auth -= 1>>
<<unset $coletteAuthBonus>>
''The Authority bonus for getting Colette's advice has expired''<br>
<<if def $coletteGraceBonus>>
<<set $coletteGraceBonus -= 1>>
<<if $coletteGraceBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $graceBonus -= 1>>
<<set $grace -= 1>>
<<unset $coletteGraceBonus>>
''The Grace bonus for getting Colette's advice has expired''<br>
<<if def $coletteCuteBonus>>
<<set $coletteCuteBonus -= 1>>
<<if $coletteCuteBonus is 0>>
<<set _endBr to true>>
<<set $cuteBonus -= 1>>
<<set $cute -= 1>>
<<unset $coletteCuteBonus>>
''The Cuteness bonus for getting Colette's advice has expired''<br>
<<if _endBr is true>><br><</if>><<set $simone.offered to true>>
You declare that since you're both equals it feels absurd to have one of you take the uncomfortable bed, and it would make you uncomfortable to do anything other than share the Princess' bed together, especially since it's //easily// twice the size of any double bed you'd slept on before coming here.<br><br>
Simone's eyes go wide from shock at your proposal, and she begins to stammer @@color:#F9B7FF;"B-but you're a boy and I'm a g-girl. What if you take advantage and- and //ravish// me, and then no man will marry me after?!?"@@<br><br>
You're a taken aback by Simone's words - she doesn't think that you're some kind of rapist, does she? As you consider it though, you notice that her tone isn't accusing in the slightest - instead it sounds almost like she's more worried that she //herself// might be the one caught up in the moment, or that by merely sleeping in a bed together you'll be struck by cupid's arrow and be unable to resist each other.<br><br>
You get the distinct impression that Simone probably hasn't been intimate with someone before, and that people in her life have been cautioning her to protect her little-sisterly innocence.<br><br>
True enough, you see a blush begin to rise to her cheeks as her imagination gets carried away. You quickly interrupt it by firmly reassuring the maid that you'll be on opposite sides of the bed <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("nightwear") isnot true>>fully dressed<</if>> - you probably won't even touch during the night!<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.types.includes("nightwear") isnot true>>
This seems to reassure her, and she manages to calm down a little. @@color:#F9B7FF;"W-what nightclothes will you be wearing? You'd need to be decent..."@@ she says, still eyeing you nervously.<br><br>
You decide not to mention that you usually sleep naked, and instead remind her that you don't have any nightclothes, or any spare clothing at all. If you did then you certainly wouldn't be choosing to wear these rags.<br><br>
Simone shifts nervously from one foot to the other. @@color:#F9B7FF;"I-I suppose that makes sense, and you can hardly wear any of my or the Princess' bedclothes..."@@<br><br>
This reassures her a little and she calms down a touch. Still eyeing you nervously she reasons @@color:#F9B7FF;"I- I guess that you'll be wearing the Princess' nightclothes, so you won't be indecent...@@<br><br>
You're happy to make some progress. As you continue your reassurances though you accidentally make a mistake - while talking about your clothing you <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("nightwear")>>accidentally remind her<<else>>let it slip<</if>> that you're not wearing any underwear underneath.<br><br>
The moment the words exit your mouth Simone is straight back on guard again. With her arms crossed in front of her she firmly declares @@color:#F9B7FF;"There's no //way// that I'm going to share a bed with a boy who's not wearing underwear! If you care about it so much you'll have to wear some of the Princess' or my-"@@ She seems to realize that a boy wearing her underwear might be even more indecent, so retracts @@color:#F9B7FF;"Some of the Princess' underwear."@@<br><br>
You grimace at the thought. If this happened at any other time, you'd be well within your rights to sweep past the maid's silly worry and put your foot down on the matter. <<if $day is 1>>However, as kind and helpful as she's been so far, she's still one upset shout away from dragging every guard in the caravan to your location. Your survival is even more precarious than you'd thought - you can't afford to upset her.<<else>>However, as kind and helpful as she's been so far, she's your only lifeline. If she got upset enough to withhold her support then you'd be done for tomorrow - let alone if you made her mad enough for her to call the soldiers on you. Your survival is even more precarious than you'd thought - you can't afford to upset her.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
You try to make the case that your dressing gown will completely cover everything anyway, but it's still to no avail - Simone is absolutely adamant that being nude //underneath// is still more than enough.<<br>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
You try to make the case that your white flannel shorts will completely cover everything anyway - after all, to someone who's worn boxers all his life these seem much more like underwear than shorts. Despite that, Simone doesn't budge an inch - maintaining that it's as much about the sheer act of sleeping with someone //underwearless// that's the issue as much as there being any actual chance of exposure.<<br>>
<<link "Give up and accept the big bed for yourself">>
<<goto "bigBedSleep">>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<<if $bigBedTwice is true>>
<<fail "Give up and take the small bed tonight" "Simone doesn't want to sleep in the big bed for two nights in a row">>
<<link "Give up and take the small bed tonight">>
<<goto "smallBedSleep">>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<<link "Accept her terms and wear the Princess' underwear">>
<<goto "simoneNTogether2">>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<</link>>Simone's face immediately begins to flush pink in embarrassment as you bring back the topic of sleeping together, but she tries not to let it show as she asserts @@color:#F9B7FF;"You //know// that I still can't sleep in a bed with someone who's not wearing underwear. I- It wouldn't be proper."@@<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
You try to make the case that your dressing gown will completely cover everything anyway, but it's still to no avail - Simone is absolutely adamant that being nude //underneath// is still more than enough.<<br>>
<<elseif $nightwear is "cropgown" or $nightwear is "crop">>
You try to make the case that your white flannel shorts will completely cover everything anyway - after all, to someone who's worn boxers all his life these seem much more like underwear than shorts. Despite that, Simone doesn't budge an inch - maintaining that it's as much about the sheer act of sleeping with someone //underwearless// that's the issue as much as there being any actual chance of exposure.<<br>>
<<link "I'm ready to give wearing panties a try, if that's what it takes for neither of us to take the small bed.">>
<<goto [[simoneNTogether2]]>>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<<link "Back down and take the big bed for tonight.">>
<<goto [[bigBedSleep]]>>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<<if $bigBedTwice isnot true>>
<<link "Back down and take the small bed for tonight.">>
<<goto [[smallBedSleep]]>>
<<unset $bigBedTwice>>
<</if>><<run $simone.sleepArray.push("together")>>
<<if $bedDestroyed is true>>
Simone gives you a weak, apologetic smile at your assent.<<br>>
<<simone "Thank you so much, <<print $pc.name>>. It means so much that you're doing all this for me - I won't forget this.">><<br>>
You're glad that she realizes how weird this is for you, but you'd rather she just get on with it already and stop dwelling on the matter.<<br>>
<<simone "Alight. Let's see what we can find, shall we?">>
<<set $fem += 1>>
The room goes silent as you blurt out that you'll do it. You can't believe that you're agreeing to this, but you care about the egality of sleeping arrangements so much that you //won't// let this go.<br><br>
For a few agonizing seconds Simone just stares at you in shock, clearly not expecting you to have agreed to it. Finally she just says <<simone "Huh">>, and an oddly thoughtful expression reaches her face, as if putting things together.<br><br>
You don't know //what// she's thinking, but you know that you don't like it. Desperate to break the tension you ask her to just get you the underwear already, and with a thoughtful <<simone "I guess I will then...">> she turns around towards a huge wardrobe standing against the wall. As she turns you swear you can see a smile emerge on the maid's face, but you figure that you probably imagined it.
She rummages around in the Princess' wardrobe for a while, murmuring <<simone "Ok, something a boy could wear...">> to herself as she searches. It looks like she's having trouble finding something and soon a pile of rejected lacy and elegant panties has formed around her.<br><br>
<<simone "Gosh, there's not many good options I'm afraid.">> she says apologetically as she stands up and shows you three sets of panties in her hands. You wouldn't have believed that these really could be the best options, but seeing some of the items she discarded you feel almost relieved.<br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Panties\underwearChoice1.jpg]]@@<br>
The first of the three is a pair of black briefs. The top of which is adorned with a little bow as if the insides are a present for whomever took them off of you. Black does at least feel like the least humiliating color to be wearing, but of the three it would cover the least of your body with your thighs and some of your butt uncovered.<br><br>
The second pair would cover you slightly better. Simone speaks up as she sees you looking at it, saying <<simone "They're called boyshorts, so I thought they'd work?">> Something about them being called boyshorts makes it worse somehow - you figure if they were //actually// boyish then they'd just be called //shorts//, the addition is there because of the contrast. Still, they'd cover more of you than the briefs. The big problem is the color - they're pastel-pink polka dot and covered in little frills.<br><br>
The third pair are also boyshorts, and luckily these are black. However instead of the opaque material of the other options these panties are completely made out of sheer lace. They'd probably cover you at first glance but if someone looked closer they'd be able to make out what's under the surface.<br><br>
<<link "I don't care if they don't cover as much of me, pick the black briefs">>
<<goto [[simoneNChange]]>>
<<set $pantyChoice to 1>>
<<link "I don't care about the color or the frills, pick the pink boyshorts">>
<<goto [[simoneNChange]]>>
<<set $pantyChoice to 2>>
<<link "I don't care about the sheer material, pick the lacy boyshorts">>
<<goto [[simoneNChange]]>>
<<set $pantyChoice to 3>>
<</link>>To outright say that you want
<<if $pantyChoice is 1>>
the briefs<</if>>
<<if $pantyChoice is 2>>
the pink panties<</if>>
<<if $pantyChoice is 3>>
the lacy panties<</if>> is too humiliating to bear so you just silently grab the ones that you want.<br><br>
Simone can tell that you're feeling awkward and smiles sympathetically at you, which somehow makes the whole situation even worse.<br><br>
You begin walking to the bathroom to change. As you do Simone calls out behind you @@color:#F9B7FF;"I'll change in here while you're there. Don't come in unless I say, okay?"@@.
As you make it to the bathroom you consider your options.<span id="append"></span>
<span id="delete">
<<link "I value Simone highly and wouldn't breach her privacy">>
<<set $simone.peekCount to 0>>
<<goto [[simoneNChange2]]>>
<<link "I'm horny. Peek.">>
<<append "#append" t8n>><<hr>><<include [[simoneFirstPeek]]>><</append>>
<<remove "#delete">>
</span><<set $simonePeek to true>>
<<include [[simonePeek]]>><br><br>
[[Close the door and get changed->simoneNChange2]]<<set $pantiesWorn to true>>
<<set $pc.pantiesWorn to []>>
<<if $pantyChoice is 1>>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("black panties")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyChoice is 2>>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("pink boyshorts")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<elseif $pantyChoice is 3>>
<<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("lacy boyshorts")>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "jail" or $outfit.set.id is "jail2">>
You take off your torn britches with the intention of putting on the panties immediately, but you just can't bring yourself to do it.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwcrop">>
You take off your white shorts with the intention of putting on the panties immediately, but you just can't bring yourself to do it.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwdress">>
You try to bring yourself to put on the panties under your nightdress immediately, but just can't manage to do it.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwgown">>
You take off your fluffy dressing gown with the intention of putting on the panties immediately, but you just can't bring yourself to do it.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
You take off your fluffy dressing gown with the intention of putting on the panties under your nightdress immediately, but you just can't bring yourself to do it.
<<elseif $outfit.set.iid is "nwcropgown">>
You take off your fluffy dressing gown and white shorts with the intention of putting on the panties immediately, but you just can't bring yourself to do it.
Instead you end up stupidly staring at them in your hands.<br><br>
They're... Small. You try to stop your brain from conjuring the word 'dainty' to describe them. <<if $pantyChoice is 1>>The cute little bow looks even more absurd than ever now,<<elseif $pantyChoice is 2>>The pink frills look even more absurd than ever now,<<elseif $pantyChoice is 3>>The sheer material looks even more absurd than ever now,<</if>> but you know full well that if you saw them on a girl you'd think they were cute.<br><br>
You groan at your own thoughts. Clearly thinking any more about it is only going to make this even more weird than it already is. You have to just //do// it.<br><br>
You clench your eyes closed and step into the fabric, pulling them up to your hips.<br><br>
The first sensation that hits you is how tight they are, much tighter than any mens underwear that you've worn - however they aren't uncomfortable, instead the fabric has a lot of stretch to it. While most men's underwear just hangs loosely, these snugly wrap around every contour of your body in a new but not unpleasant sensation.<br><br>
You open your eyes, and can't help but catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The bulge in the panties is definitely noticeable, but it doesn't look as absurd as you were expecting. It's not //NOT// absurd, but you were expecting it to look really strange and instead it's just... there.
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<br><br>Because of your hairless legs you're distressed to find that there's no jarring contrast at all from the waist downwards - if you saw your lower half from behind you'd just assume that you were looking at a cute girl with a small butt<<if $outfit.under is "Pink Boyshorts">>, and even //that's// reduced by the puffiness of the ruffles on your pink boyshorts adding the illusion of some bulk<</if>>. <<if $pc.shave is "legs">>What does visually clash is above your waist, where your pubic hair sprouts crudely out the top of the panties. For a moment you think that it's kind of a shame, but you quickly shake your head to try to dispel the idea.<<else>>You've even <<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>shaved<<else>>trimmed<</if>> your pubic hair, so no trace of unsightly hair is erupting out from the sides - the panties sleekly matching your svelte body.<</if>>
<<if ndef $pc.shave>>
What does //look// absurd however is how your hairy legs look next to it. For a split second the thought crosses your mind that that's kind of a shame, but you quickly shake your head to dispel the idea.
Trying to think about it as little as possible <<if $nightwear is "dress">>and<<else>>you pull your <<if $outfit.set.types.includes("nightwear")>>nightclothes<<else>>torn britches<</if>> back on, and as<</if>> you do so you hear Simone call that she's dressed from the main room.<br><br>
<<unset $pantyChoice>>
[[Return to the main room->simoneNTogether3]]<<set $simone.slept += 1>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<setter "beddingHid to true" "beddingHid to undefined" "bedding to true" "bedding to undefined" "legBed to true" "unset legBed" "nightwear to 'gown'" "nightwear to 'dressgown'" "nightwear to 'cropgown'" "nightwear to 'dress'" "nightwear to 'crop'" "nightwear to undefined" "simonePeek to true" "simonePeek to undefined">>
As you return to the main room you're surprised by Simone's outfit. Instead of changing into something more comfortable to sleep in, she's ended up piling on layers of clothing on top of each other and now looks like some kind of marshmallow woman.<br><br>
@@color:#F9B7FF;"I just want to be safe"@@ she huffs, a little embarrassed when she sees your expression. You can't help but smile, her normal maid outfit that she'd been walking around in was pretty revealing, you've never heard of someone covering up //more// during the night.<br><br>
Most of the clothes covering Simone's body seem to be bedclothes at least, with multiple layers of cute flannel pajama tops and bottoms poking out from under each other.<br><br>
<<if $bedding is true>>
<<if $beddingHid is true>>
You move over to the Princess' bed and pull the cover off, revealing an unset bed underneath. You almost gasp as you remember that you're the reason why the sheets are gone, but luckily Simone seems just as flustered and remarks @@color:#F9B7FF;"oh goodness, the Princess ruined the sheets, didn't she? I'll fix it"@@ and starts busying herself getting a new one.<br><br>
You breathe a sigh of relief at the maid not realizing that you're the cause, and after a few short minutes the bed is prepared.<br><br>
You move over to the Princess' bed and pull the cover off, revealing an unset bed underneath. You almost gasp as you remember that you're the reason why the sheets are gone, and desperately try to look as innocent as possible.<br><br>
There's a few awkward moments as Simone looks at the bed in surprise, but luckily she just shrugs and says @@color:#F9B7FF;"weird, the other maids almost never come in here."@@ and starts busying herself getting a new sheet. You breathe a sigh of relief while her back's turned and after a few skilled minutes the bed is prepared.<br><br>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("small") isnot true and $simone.sleepArray.includes("big") isnot true>>
You get into bed first, <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>slipping out of your dressing gown once safely out of sight of Simone, so you're wearing only your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>> and panties, and allow<<else>>allowing<</if>> yourself to sink into the soft fabric, the material sinking much deeper than in any bed you've slept in before. You can't stop yourself from making a little sigh of contentment; royalty really do have some nice things.<br><br>
It takes Simone a few nervous seconds lingering at the opposite end of the bed before warily following your lead, still not completely sold on the idea of sleeping together. The moment she gets in though she lets out a little squeak of surprise at how soft it is, and you share a little laugh between the two of you at the shared experience of comfy extravagance.<<if $legBed is true>><<unset $legBed>> What really takes your breath away is the sensation of your bare hairless legs rubbing against the clean linen, and despite how much your masculinity balks at the idea you can't help but kick your legs a little under the covers.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("small") is true and $simone.sleepArray.includes("big") isnot true>>
You get into bed first, <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>slipping out of your dressing gown once safely under the covers, so you're wearing only your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>> and panties, and allow<<else>>allowing<</if>> yourself to sink into the soft fabric, the material sinking much deeper than in any bed you've slept in before. You can't stop yourself from making a little sigh of contentment; royalty really //do// have some nice things.<<if $legBed is true>><<unset $legBed>> What really takes your breath away is the sensation of your bare hairless legs rubbing against the clean linen, and despite how much your masculinity balks at the idea you can't help but kick your legs a little under the covers.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $bedDestroyed isnot true>>
It takes Simone a few nervous seconds lingering at the opposite end of the bed before warily following your lead, still not completely sold on the idea of sleeping together. Finally however she builds up her nerve and, biting her lip in concentration, she dares to slip under the covers.<br><br>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("small") isnot true and $simone.sleepArray.includes("big") is true>>
You get into bed first, <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>slipping out of your dressing gown once safely out of sight of Simone, so you're wearing only your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>> and panties, and allow<<else>>allowing<</if>> yourself to sink into the soft fabric. <<if $bedDestroyed isnot true>>It takes Simone a few nervous seconds lingering at the opposite end of the bed before warily following your lead, still not completely sold on the idea of sleeping together. The moment she gets in though<<else>>The moment Simone gets in<</if>> she lets out a little squeak of surprise at how soft it is, and you stifle a laugh at her adorable reaction.<br><br><<if $legBed is true>><<unset $legBed>>You're struck by how incredible the clean linen feels against your bare hairless legs, and despite how much your masculinity balks at the idea you can't help but kick your legs a little under the covers.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $simone.sleepArray.includes("small") is true and $simone.sleepArray.includes("big") is true>>
You get into bed first, <<if $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>slipping out of your dressing gown once safely out of sight of Simone, so you're wearing only your <<if $nightwear is "dressgown">>nightdress<<else>>crop top and shorts<</if>> and panties, and allow<<else>>allowing<</if>> yourself to sink into the soft fabric. <<if $bedDestroyed isnot true>>It takes Simone a few nervous seconds lingering at the opposite end of the bed before warily following your lead, still not completely sold on the idea of sleeping together. Finally however she builds up her nerve and, biting her lip in determination, she dares to slip into the covers.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $legBed is true>>
<<unset $legBed>>You're struck by how incredible the clean linen feels against your bare hairless legs, and despite how much your masculinity balks at the idea you can't help but kick your legs a little under the covers.<br><br>
Though you're both in the same bed, with you on one end and Simone on the other, there's still a good few feet between you, and though you can still sense a little tension from the maid <<if $bedDestroyed isnot true>>at the prospect of taking such a big step as sleeping in the same bed as a boy,<</if>> as you both settle down it seems like she's finding it easier than she was expecting.<br><br>
<<if $nightwear is "gown">>
On the other hand, it's //you// who begins to have some difficulty. You're completely enveloped by the intense warmth all around you - the thick bedding, combined with your plush dressing gown, combine together so warmly that it's almost suffocating. It takes only minutes before you start sweating. This is going to be uncomfortable!<br><br>
To make matters worse, the
What //is// a surprise is it's //you// who begins to have some difficulty. The
<<if $simonePeek is true>>
half-glimpses you saw of Simone's naked body as she changed linger in your brain, and the soft sound of her breathing from the other side of the bed is enough to make your imagination go into overload.<br><br>
sensation of wearing panties is so new and different that you can't still your mind and sleep, instead you're hyperfocused on the soft tightness around your waist and groin.<br><br>
You quickly feel yourself becoming hard, your <<if $day lte 4>>average<<elseif $day gte 5>>now-smaller-than-average<</if>> penis straining against the fabric of your panties as it gets larger, which in turn causes all of the silky material around your waist to shift as the cloth stretches to adjust to the shape of you, tightening around your butt.<br><br>
The stretching sensation is most intense, as you might expect, around your swelling member, which for every inch it expands is rubbed against by the soft silk as the tight material makes space for it. It feels less like an ordinary erection and more like you're slowly penetrating a silken hole that strains to mold itself around you.<br><br>
It takes a lot of effort to not reach down and at least adjust yourself, but you know that if you were to do so Simone would get spooked. Instead you just have to lay there in your horniness listening to Simone's breathing get deeper and deeper as she falls asleep while you're trapped awake and aroused.<br><br>
When finally you do manage to calm down you're faced with the gauntlet all over again as the material relaxes, rubbing across you all over again as it does.
<<if $simonePeek is true>>
You desperately try to think about something else, but the image of Simone's body illuminated only by fragments of moonlight still haunts you and you're forced through the cycle again another time before finally you manage to calm your brain and fall asleep.<br><br>
You desperately try to think about something else and manage to calm down enough to finally sleep.<br><br>
[[zzz->togetherWake]]<<unset $simonePeek>>
<<set $firstSleepDressupToken to true>>
<<include "bonusCountdown">>
<<if $nightwear isnot "gown">>
You awaken hours later surprisingly rested despite your disrupted sleep, probably thanks to the soft bed. As you lay on your back rays of sunshine pierce through the window and across the pink carriage room, marking it as morning time.<br><br>
You wake from your fitful, uncomfortable sleep hours later, when rays of sunshine piece from the carriage window. The overwhelming heat was enough to give you nightmares of being subsumed in a burning quicksand of silk and satin.<br><br>
You arch your spine in a little stretch to get yourself moving but as you do you notice that the movement's impeded by something on top of you.<br><br>
You look down in surprise and see that, while you're still firmly on your side of the bed, Simone is no longer on hers. Instead in her sleep she somehow moved all the way over to yours and her small body is now laying next to you, both her arms and her legs wrapped around your torso in a close cuddle like you're an oversized teddy bear.<br><br>
You freeze. This is trouble and you know it - it's everything that <<if $bedDestroyed isnot true>>Simone<<else>>Simone's mother<</if>> was worried might happen. Luckily she's still asleep, but she's wrapped around you so tightly that any movement might wake her.<br><br>
You can't stop yourself from noticing the warmth of her body around you, nor that her soft breasts are pressed into your side. You can even feel her warm breath against your neck as she breathes deep and relaxedly in her slumber.<br><br>
In spite of yourself, you find yourself growing hard - your rising arousal irrepressibly joining with the morning wood you'd be experiencing anyway. This time instead of being trapped in your panties your swelling member escapes from the waistline to leave the silken material cushioning your balls but your shaft emerging from the top.<br><br>
You feel Simone begin to stir next to you - and just like you did she sleepily arches her back to get moving, but when she does so her groin naturally grinds along your hip with the motion. The action also rubs her leg against your now-fully-erect cock.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "jail" or $outfit.set.id is "jail2">>
You're still covered by your torn britches at least, but you could swear that you feel a little direct contact through a tear in the fabric.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwcrop" or $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
You're still covered by your white bedshorts at least, but you could swear that you feel a little direct contact as her movement pushes up the fluted hemline.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwdress" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
You're still covered by your nightdress at least, but the sleek material is so thin that you can clearly feel the warmth of her leg as if it wasn't there - and you're sure that she must feel the same.
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwgown">>
You're still covered by the plush dressing gown at least, but you're sure that the sensation is unmistakable
You hear a little surprised gasp from the maid and her eyes flicker open to stare directly into yours, mere inches away.<br><br>
You're expecting a scream but instead she just stares as if hypnotized in drowsy confusion. As if to verify the sensation as real and not a dream she arches her back once more, which again grinds her pelvic mound against your hipbone and grazes her leg over your firm member.<br><br>
You see Simone's face begin to blush a deep crimson but still she just stares into your intimately-close eyes, her lips slightly parted as her mind races - torn between her instinct to recoil and her warming desire to give in to the new sensations.<br><br>
Suddenly the moment is shattered by a loud thumping at the door. Simone lets out a little squeak of surprise at the sound but seems relieved for the interruption saving her from having to make the achingly difficult choice of how to react - one where either option would involve a compromise of something deep inside of her.<br><br>
She stands up from the bed as quick as she can and takes a moment to compose herself.
<<if $day lte 5>>
Then she turns to you and gestures for you to hide under the covers out of sight, which you do so as she quickly hurries over to the carriage door.
You soon join her in anticipation of the Queen's morning appearance.
<<if $day is 1>>
[[You're caught between relief and disappointment at the interruption->day2wakeBed]]
<<if $day is 2>>
[[You're caught between relief and disappointment at the interruption->day3wake]]
<<if $day is 3>>
[[You're caught between relief and disappointment at the interruption->day4wake]]
<<if $day is 5>>
[[You're caught between relief and disappointment at the interruption->day6wake]]
<<if $day is 6>>
[[You're caught between relief and disappointment at the interruption->day7wake]]
<</if>><<if ndef $authTrain>><<set $authTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if $authTrain is 0>>
<<set $authTrain +=1>>
<<if ndef $auth>><<set $auth to 1>><<else>><<set $auth += 1>><</if>>
<<if $throne is true>>
<<unset $throne>>
When you start to think about how to talk like a princess you find your mind going straight to when you were locked in the carriage and did some playful roleplaying on the throne. You'd been doing it for fun, but when you think about it your mock-regal tone had been pretty good practice - you'd been exaggerating it somewhat, but it would be pretty easy to tone it down a touch.
You decide to practice speaking with authority. You try imagining a few things that people might say to you tonight and think about what might be suitable in return.<br><br>
Sadly it just doesn't come together in your brain. You can't get into her internal experience at all - who //knows// what a princess thinks like?<br><br>
You stand up and pace the room in frustration, but as you do you notice the huge throne sitting absurdly in the carriage room. It's a silly idea, but what if it would help you get in the mood?
You feel awkward doing it in front of Simone, but luckily she seems too deeply engrossed in her sewing to care as you climb the pointless stairs up to the carriage's rose-gold throne and sit yourself down on it.<br><br>
You were right, the moment you sit yourself down and look across the carriage from your elevated position you can feel your imagination start putting things together. Simone looks so small and insignificant hunched over her sewing, and you feel so big and important up here. You try to etch the feeling in your mind so that you might be able to take this perspective even if you weren't literally on a high throne.<br><br>
You try imagining conversations with servants and peons - people beneath your notice. In each conversation you barely let them finish before callously dismissing them.<br><br>
Suddenly you hear Simone break out laughing from below you, and to your embarrassment realize that you had accidentally said the last couple out loud.<br><br>
To your surprise though, instead of awkwardly shutting up, you instinctively give a terse tut of disapproval to her interruption. She quickly quiets herself in reaction.<br><br>
You're in awe at your own arrogance and how naturally you'd slipped into it and quickly rush down the stairs to go apologize to the poor maid. Still, if you had managed to get //that// deep into character you must have been doing a good job.<br><br>
''Your authority has increased''
<<elseif $authTrain is 1>>
<<set $authTrain +=1>>
<<set $auth += 1>>
You decide to spend more time practicing how to act authoritatively, but can't think of a good way to learn such a thing.<br><br>
You find yourself pacing around the carriage in thought, and your attention gets drawn towards some of the elegant portraits on the walls of the carriage. You absentmindedly glance over the faces: the King - cheerful and regal; the Queen - alluring and austere; the Princess - grumpy about wearing dresses.<br><br>
Unexpectedly, you see a face that makes you freeze in shock: The most withering look you've ever seen in your life. Despite it coming from a painting, you feel your blood run cold just looking at it. A bead of sweat runs down your brow.<br><br>
Simone notices you frozen in place, and explains <<simone "That's the Queen's mother. Your- I mean, the //Princess'// grandmother. All of the servants are terrified of her. She doesn't say or do anything scary but... Well, I'm sure you feel it too.">><br><br>
You do. Even in a portrait, everything about her expression oozes authority, enough that you're having to fight the urge to bend at the knees and bow to her image. Some deep part of your brain is hardcoded to know instinctively that this is your social better, and that your role is to serve her.<br><br>
A smile crosses your face - you've found your inspiration, if you could replicate even a hundredth of the authority of that gaze, then you'll still have improved drastically.<br><br>
You grab the portrait from the wall and position it next to the mirror. You spend the rest of the training session looking to and fro between your reflection and the picture, imitating the details of her expression and learning whatever you can.<br><br>
By the time you need a break, you feel like you've definitely improved at looking authoritative.<br><br>
''Your authority has increased''
<<elseif $authTrain is 2>>
<<set $authTrain +=1>>
<<set $auth += 1>>
You decide to spend some more time practicing how to act authoritatively, but quickly find yourself drawing a blank at how to go about it.<br><br>
You spend some time searching around the carriage looking for inspiration, but now that you've already gleaned everything you can from the throne and the paintings nothing else strikes you.<<br>>
You grit your teeth - there's nothing for it, you're going to have to go to extreme measures. After a brief time preparing, where you quickly slip back on the outfit that you wore yesterday and get Simone to tidy up her sewing a little, you get to it.<<br>>
Leaning out the window of the carriage you call out to one of the soldiers riding alongside that you need some help.<<br>>
It doesn't take long at all for the message to be passed along, and soon a burgundy-suited officer is rapping at your door looking concerned.<<br>>
You take a deep breath to steel your nerves and then brusquely open the door, a look of deep displeasure on your face.<<br>>
<<blue "Err. Your Highness! I was told that something was the matter?">> Reports the soldier diligently. He's seems like a seasoned soldier, bristling with muscles, but you can still see the nerves hit him as he takes in your expression.<<br>>
You immediately feel like a total jackass. This is a human being, not some educational tool - you shouldn't be using him like this. But, that kind of thinking is //exactly// what that you need to get over if you want your authoritative demeanor to come off as authentic.<<br>>
You sternly list off a variety of complaints to the poor guy. It's all so minor that you couldn't imagine someone ever being actually upset by them - a tiny squeak from one of the wheels every couple of hours; a stain on the windowsill; a sentry blocking your view - but you make sure to pretend that they're a complete outrage.<<br>>
Despite your position as Princess, you still expect him to tell you to fuck off. However his response is as respectful as ever, as if he actually agrees that such minor complaints really are as outrageous as you claim. <<blue "I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with such things, your Highness. I'll make sure to have stern words with those responsible, and make sure that it'll all be cleared up by nightfall.">><<br>>
Hearing that people will be told off for your stupid complaints is almost enough to make you take it all back, but you force yourself to remain callous and superior. You give him one last displeased expression as you tell him to ensure that such things never happen again, and then practically slam the door in his face.<<br>>
The moment he's back out of earshot you let out a deep groan. That had felt HORRIBLE - you feel so sorry for the guy, and everyone else who you might have gotten into trouble with your complaints. That said, you know that it'll have been great practice for when you need to do similar things in the future.<<br>>
You pull off your clothing and slip back into your <<if $nightwear is "gown" or $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>plush dressing gown<<else>>skimpy nightwear<</if>> as quick as you can, as if the outfit itself is sullied by the gross encounter.<<br>>
''Your authority has increased''
<<elseif $authTrain is 3>>
<<set $authTrain +=1>>
<<set $auth += 1>>
You decide to dedicate your time towards training how to act authoritatively.<<br>>
You try in vain to think of a way to practice by yourself, but you already know it's hopeless - you already found the perfect way to do it last time, you just have to have the guts to try it again.<<br>>
Once more you dress yourself up in the outfit that you wore yesterday, and soon you're calling out the window of the carriage that you'd like some assistance.<<br>>
It isn't long before a soldier arrives, rapping sharply at the door.<<br>>
You waste no time yanking the door straight open, almost making the man stumble forward in surprise.<<br>>
He's a different man to last time, older and broader across the shoulders - almost as wide as the doorway itself. You don't let these facts slow you down for a second - giving him a withering glare.<<br>>
You don't even need to say the words, your expression alone is enough to get him humbly apologizing for his tardiness within moments.<<br>>
You turn your back to him, and are pleased to notice him fall in obediently behind you as you lead him around the carriage, gesturing vaguely towards slightly-scuffed skirting boards; golden ornaments whose immaculate polish could be a little shinier; and a few 'stains' on the portraits around the room which you're quite certain aren't stains but in fact just accurate depictions of slightly unattractive people.<<br>>
By the time you turn back around to him to ask if he thinks that these things are //appropriate// for a //princess//, full of dignified outrage, he's all-but quivering in his cavalry boots.<<br>>
<<blue "N- No, your Radiance. Not at all! It's... it's a godsdamned outrage! W- why, it's a tragedy beyond measure!">> He flusters, desperately trying to appease your will.<<br>>
You decide to twist the knife. Drawing close to him and telling him sternly that if these problems aren't resolved, then it'll be //his// head on the chopping block.<<br>>
You doubt that such things actually happen in this day and age, but the words seem to have their effect. His face practically turns blue, and you could swear you can hear the huge man //whimper//.<<br>>
When you finally allow him to leave he's so cowed and slumped over that you're taller than him. As the door closes you stand there radiating in the power you feel.<<br>>
Simone pokes her head around the corner, having fled like a cat in fear at seeing you in such a state. <<simone "G- gosh, <<print $pc.name>>. You really are scary sometimes...">> You just flash her a confident smile. Yes, you can be.<<br>>
Content that you've gotten well and truly comfortable flexing your authority, you pull off your clothing and slip back into your <<if $nightwear is "gown" or $nightwear is "dressgown" or $nightwear is "cropgown">>plush dressing gown<<else>>skimpy nightwear<</if>>.<<br>>
''Your Authority has increased''
<<elseif $authTrain is 4>>
<<if ndef $pc.auth>>
<<set _trainingCheck to true>>
/* <<set $auth += 1>> */
You've learnt so much about how to behave authoritatively that it's begun to feel like second nature.<<br>>
At first you felt like an arrogant idiot every time you tried it, but now you're sure that nobody would ever believe that you were born a commoner, even if you went back to your hometown in common garb.<<br>>
You've also learned along the way that it can actually be really helpful for people.<<br>>
In the past you've definitely met pairs of lovers who used to frustrate you to no end when they could never decide on what to do or where to eat. They'd be so interested in not being rude or assertive that they'd never get anything done and would go hungry - the real kindness would be for either of them to just declare somewhere, even if it felt rude, instead of floundering awkwardly.<<br>>
You've since learnt that that problem isn't just restricted to silly lovers. It feels like almost everyone hates making decisions and would rather someone else did it - you've just gotten used to slipping into the role of that someone, and it's remarkable watching people relax happily at that responsibility being relinquished from them.<<br>>
It's come to a point where authority comes so naturally to you that the idea of just becoming //more// authoritative is no longer a linear thing. Instead, you need to decide what kind of authority you want to wield.<br>
<<if ndef $pc.auth>>
<<link "I want my power to be reassuring and uplifting">>
<<set $pc.auth to "reassuring">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want my power to be strict but fair">>
<<set $pc.auth to "strict">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want my power to be cruel and manipulative">>
<<set $pc.auth to "cruel">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want my power to be bossy and bratty">>
<<set $pc.auth to "bossy">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
You smile at having made a decision that feels right to you, and with renewed focus you start dedicating your authority training towards that goal.<<br>>
''Your Authority has increased''
<<set $authTrain to 5>>
<<set $auth ++>>
<<run $statOrder.push("auth")>>
<</if>><<if ndef $cuteTrain>><<set $cuteTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if $cuteTrain is 0>>
<<set $cuteTrain +=1>>
<<if ndef $cute>><<set $cute to 1>><<else>><<set $cute += 1>><</if>>
You decide that what you really need to be able to pass as a princess is to be adorable. So naturally you decide to observe the most adorable thing in the room:<br><br>
Simone's hard at work sewing outfits together. At first she seems to stumble onto a tough part and her face creases into a pout at the difficulty. Then her brow furrows in determination - clearly refusing to let herself get upset about it. Then her tongue sticks out of the corner of her mouth in concentration as she sets about her task in earnest.<br><br>
You're absolutely in awe. You had been expecting to be observing Simone for hours, but in less than ten seconds she's already expressed more cute emotion than you could have imagined.<br><br>
Maybe that's the trick? Just showing what you're feeling on your face? You immediately go straight to the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror.<br><br>
As you make faces in the mirror<<if $pc.face is 2>>, watching your cute, feminine face twist with every one<</if>>, you quickly realize that expressiveness is an odd thing. Most of your life you've been avoiding it - it kinda felt like a weakness to let other people know what you're thinking from your expression alone. Besides, guys who were expressive in ways other than punching would be viewed as pretty weird.<br><br>
You wonder if something like that happened to you at some point - if in your childhood you had been quite expressive, but then your parents or peers dissuaded you and, implicitly or explicitly, told you to stop.<br><br>
You don't know why impassiveness is so normal in boys. It's a pretty common thought that girls are easier to feel comfortable around than guys, and a good part of that is probably that they let you know how they're feeling by showing it visually rather than making you have to guess where they are internally. In a way, being expressive is like a kindness, a show of vulnerability to make the other person feel safe.<br><br>
You shake your head to stop your train of thought. You felt like you were onto something interesting but you're on too much of a time limit to waste it thinking about such abstract things.<br><br>
You try making some more facial expressions in the mirror. At first it feels super weird, but you're surprised at how easy it is for your expressions to inform your mood. When you smile it feels fake and weird at first, but just by making the expression and seeing it in the mirror your mood seems to improve, and the same goes for the other faces you make.<br><br>
After a while you feel a bit more comfortable expressing your emotions outwardly.<br><br>
''Your cuteness has improved''
<<elseif $cuteTrain is 1>>
<<set $cuteTrain +=1>>
<<set $cute += 1>>
You decide to spend some time learning how to come off as cute and endearing to people.<br><br>
You're just about to get started when the carriage comes to an unexpected halt. You and Simone both look up in concern, but from the sounds from outside it seems like the convoy is just stopping by an inn to pick up some provisions.<br><br>
As you attempt to return to your training, you're interrupted again by a soft //"mew"// from the windowsill.<br><br>
Like a bolt of lightning had struck her, Simone abruptly stands to her feet, an expression of frantic joy on her face. <<simone "A KITTY!!!">><br><br>
She hurtles across the room so quickly that all you see is a blur, and before you know it, she's opened the tinted window to let a tiny black cat, barely larger than a kitten, into the carriage.<br>
@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\cuteTrain3.jpg]]@@<br>
<<simone "Oh, <<print $pc.name>>, isn't it the sweetest thing you've ever seen?">> Coos Simone, fawningly.<br><br>
You have to admit, she has a point. The little cat seems to love the attention that Simone is giving it, curling its body into every one of Simone's excited strokes. However, in terms of sweetness Simone herself might be giving it a run for its money - her face alight with glee. Every time the cat does //anything//, a ripple of giddy excitement runs through her body.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh gosh! I wonder if its hungry. I'll go get it a saucer of milk, one second.">> She announces suddenly, and after one last stoke she stands up and rushes to the carriage's little kitchen, leaving you and the cat alone together.<br><br>
The cat seems a little put out at no longer being stroked, and looks around the room in interest. When it sees you, it shrinks back nervously at the huge intimidating presence looming over it.<br><br>
Fuck, scaring it is the last thing that you want. You adjust your body language, folding <<if $pc.frame is 2>>your already-slight body<<else>>yourself<</if>> inwards to take up less space and replacing any trace of resting-bitch-face with what you hope is a comforting smile.<br><br>
The cat visibly relaxes, comfortable that you're at the very least not a threat. In fact, once you drop down to your haunches and put your hand out towards it, it even comes forward to sniff your <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> fingers in interest.<br><br>
Simone quickly returns with the saucer of milk, and soon any interest that the cat had in you is lost - food is //much// more important. Thankfully, it has no qualms about being stoked while drinking, and you and Simone both get more than a few pets in.<br><br>
From outside you hear a soldier shout <<blue "All clear, ready for embarking!">>, and you can see Simone's gleeful expression sour into a grumpy pout at the news.<br><br>
<<simone "Looks like we're out of time, little Mimsy.">> She remarks, seemingly already decided on a name. <<simone "We'd //love// to keep you forever, wouldn't we, <<print $pc.name>>? But I'm sure your owners would be upset.">><br><br>
The little maid plucks the cat up from where it was drinking. The animal doesn't seem pleased in the slightest at having its meal interrupted, its eyes growing large and watery as it looks up at you pleadingly, but thankfully doesn't complain too much about being taken back over to the windowsill and deposited outside.<br><br>
Simone plants one last kiss on the cat's surprised forehead, and then shuts the windows before the animal can wriggle back inside. When she turns back to you, you can see that her eyes are swimming with water at having to say goodbye.<br><br>
<<simone "Oh my, I'm sorry. I hope that I didn't interrupt your practicing.">> She says after a wistful pause.<br><br>
All you can do is smile in return. Between how the cat and Simone had acted together, and the way that you made yourself seem safe to the cat, you've learnt more about in being cute in the last few minutes than you ever could have alone.<br><br>
''Your Cuteness has increased!''
<<elseif $cuteTrain is 2>>
<<set $cuteTrain +=1>>
<<set $cute += 1>>
You decide to work on your cuteness. As you are, you still feel like a bit of an ogre compared to the noblewomen you've been around.<br><br>
Unfortunately, you quickly realize that you have no idea where to start. It's such a weird thing to try to 'get cuter' - you struggle to think of any way to actually do it.<br><br>
After exhausting yourself trying to think of ideas for a while, you find yourself looking at Simone. Did she once try to make herself cuter? You don't think that she would have done, so how had she ended up so cute?<br><br>
You have your eureka moment - it must be from her parents!<br><br>
Thinking you've finally got a lead, you sit down next to where Simone is sewing and ask her about her parents.<br><br>
<<simone "Well my mam and dad were 24 when they got married... and my mam really liked to eat stew so she'd always go to the corner shop to get vegetables... and my dad used to read the paper on sundays when he was around... and my mam has her teas with milk and no sugar but my dad has his with no milk but two sugars...">> Simone rambles, but it's clearly not the kind of information that you need. You try asking her if they used to tell her anything in particular about how men and women act - particularly from her mother, since that's where you figure she would have picked her cuteness up from.<br><br>
<<simone "Hmm... I wonder">> She muses to herself for a while, before eventually thinking of something.<br><br>
<<simone "My mam would //always// complain about how the men were at her workplace, compared to the women. She said that they'd //always// interrupt everyone to declare things, even if everyone else already knew it, and even knew it //better// than them. Half of the time they'd be //wrong// anyway, she said, but they'd be so keen to look smart that they'd just start asserting stuff even if they had no idea know what they were talking about.">><br><br>
<<simone "And then, if there's something that they //didn't// understand they'd never mention anything, even if it's something //really// important - they'd rather cause trouble for everyone by doing the wrong thing than admit that they weren't perfect.">> Simone seems amused by the memory <<simone "So she'd ban any of them from talking at meetings if they didn't act proper.">><br><br>
You can't help but laugh at the story. You'd kinda assumed that Simone's mum would have been as adorable as Simone was, but it sounds like she was a real tough cookie. It makes sense - it takes a larger-than-life protective wing to grow under to make someone as sweet and trusting as Simone.<br><br>
Despite Simone's mother coming off as a little unfair, you can't help but admit that there might be //some// grain of truth to her words. Before all this, you don't think that you'd have been especially keen to let people know when you're struggling with something - it might make people think you're weak or stupid.<br><br>
That idea seems to pique Simone's curiosity. <<simone "Why does it matter if people might think that? I'd rather make sure I'm being as helpful as possible than worry about that kind of thing.">><br><br>
<<simone "Besides, I think it would be //horrid// if everyone thought I was little miss perfect all the time. Showing your weak side's how people get along, you know? It's how they know that it's okay to be flawed around you too - and before you know it you're friends and look out for each other.">><br><br>
You consider Simone's words - maybe there's something to this idea. You'll have to try being less guarded with people in the future - more open with your weaknesses and less brash about your strengths. With any luck you'll be able to come off as expressive and cute.<br><br>
/* That idea seems to pique Simone's curiosity. <<simone "Why does it matter if people think that you're weak or stupid? Aren't you there to like, make sure everyone's on the same page and stuff? I think making everyone feel comfortable and making sure everyone's on the same page is //easily// worth letting yourself be vulnerable around people.">><br><br>
You purse your lips in thought. Maybe there's something to Simone's words - maybe you //have// been thinking of conversations as competitions rather than collaborations. Next time you're out you'll try putting this into practice and be less guarded with people - more open with your weaknesses and less brash about your strengths, and hopefully that will help with coming off as expressive and cute.<br><br> */
/* You figure that today you should focus on talking in a more endearing way, but quickly run out of ideas of how you'd go about such a thing. Finally, after wasting your time wracking your brains for nothing you decide to ask Simone if she has any advice.<br><br>
<<simone "How to talk endearingly? Gosh, I really don't know about that... I don't think I'd be a very good teacher for this kind of thing.">> Simone replies apologetically.<br><br>
You're a little confused at Simone's lack of confidence - she's clearly a natural at it and you've spent enough time with Simone to know that she's smarter than most people would judge, but she's already putting herself down.<br><br>
<<simone "I wouldn't say that it's putting myself down per say.">> Simone thinks aloud. <<simone "I just //don't// really know much, at least, nothing that'll make me a good teacher. I'd hate to let you assume that I'm an expert - then you'd trust my words more than you should, and if I'm //wrong// about something then that could cause you all sorts of trouble!">><br><br>
Something about Simone's words stick with you, though it takes you a while to work out what - the idea of so confidently showing your hesitancy feels kinda alien.<br><br>
The topic's clearly gained Simone's interest, as she puts down her sewing for a moment to muse to herself. <<simone "This reminds me of something that my Mam used to say. She'd say that men were always a hassle to deal with at work, because they'd always interrupt everyone to declare things, even if everyone else already knew it, and even knew it //better// than them. Half of the time they'd be wrong anyway, she said, but they'd be so keen to look smart that they'd throw out stuff assertively even if they didn't know it well.">><br><br>
<<simone "And then, on at the same time, if there's something that they //didn't// understand they'd never mention anything, even if it's something //really// important - they'd rather cause trouble for everyone by doing the wrong thing than admit that they weren't perfect.">><br><br>
As Simone's reminiscing about her mother comes to a close, she suddenly realizes that she's been being quite rudely assertive about things that she doesn't know about //herself//, even if only by proxy, and fidgets nervously. <<simone "W-well that was what she said at least...">><br><br>
You feel like you're getting a better idea of what Simone's mother must be like. Despite the speech being a little unfair, you can't help but admit that there might be //some// grains of truth to the idea - though you still don't think that you'd be especially keen to let people know that you're struggling with something though - it might damage people's perception of you.<br><br>
Your viewpoint seems to pique Simone's curiosity. <<simone "Why does it matter what people think about you? Aren't you there to like, make sure everyone's on the same page and stuff? I think making everyone feel comfortable and making sure everyone's on the same page is //easily// worth letting yourself be vulnerable around people.">><br><br>
You purse your lips in thought. Maybe there's something to Simone's words - maybe you //have// been thinking of conversations as competitions rather than collaborations. Next time you're out you'll try putting this into practice and be less guarded with people, and hopefully that will help with coming off as expressive and cute.<br><br> */
''Your Cuteness has increased!''
<<elseif $cuteTrain is 3>>
<<set $cuteTrain +=1>>
<<set $cute += 1>>
You decide to spend some time training how to act cute.<<br>>
You once again find your attention quickly focused on Simone - as perfect a model of cuteness as you could possibly imagine. As ever, you're struck by the question of how she got this way.<<br>>
You've tried to probe her about it in the past, but always indirectly. This time you just come out and ask it.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh, how I act the way I do? Why didn't you just ask, silly? I didn't used to be like this at all - I used to be such a serious little so-and-so.">><<br>>
You're completely bewildered by the confession. You don't say it so directly, but from what she's said before you'd completely assumed that it had come from an affectionately smothering family, who'd all-but spoiled her into childishness.<<br>>
<<simone "Oh no, not at all! Quite the opposite- as the littlest sister I had so much attention and support that I turned out //sooo// rude and prissy. I thought that I was the most important thing in the world.">><<br>>
<<simone "It wasn't until dad hurt his back real bad that I started changing things up. Money got tight, and everyone who could work needed to work //super// hard. Suddenly nobody was around to fuss over me, and also everyone was so stressed out that I'm sure that me being such a stick-in-the-mud stopped being endearing and started being a nuisance. Especially since everyone was working so hard to help keep me fed and stuff.">><<br>>
You can't help but feel weird about that. Isn't it kind of insincere to the real her?<<br>>
Simone cocks her head to one side, confused at the idea. <<simone "Umm... I don't //think// so. The way I see it, //sincerity// was kind of the point, actually. I //really// loved my family and stuff, but because I thought I was better than to go showing it I never said as much. There's //sooo// many wonderful things in the world, but I just acted all aloof anyway. I was so clammed up being self-important that I wasn't being honest, both to other people and to myself. If there's such a thing as a 'real self' then I feel //much// closer to it now than I did before.">><<br>>
You're completely thrown off. The idea that Simone could have just done this thing to herself and made herself into this person intentionally feels bizarre to you. Let alone that it could be a positive, joyous thing.<<br>>
Something about her words make you feel insecure. You know that she'd never intend such a thing, but they almost seem accusational to you. If she changed like that and came out the other side a more authentic person, then does that mean that you're somehow //inauthentic// for not being like that?<<br>>
Your brooding on the subject is soon interrupted. Simone seems to remember something, and changes topic abruptly. <<simone "Oh! Come to think of it, while we're having a chat I wanted to ask you something before I forget. I was helping out in one of the other carriages recently and one of the soldiers said that I had really nice melons - but here's the thing, <<print $pc.name>>, I had put the melons down //ages// ago, and was on the peaches by then, so I don't know what he was talking about. It's been on my mind - do you know?">><<br>>
You smile, grateful to have found something that you can rely on. She might be more intentional than you'd given her credit for, but at least her naivety is a constant.<<br>>
''Your Cuteness has increased!''
<<elseif $cuteTrain is 4>>
<<if ndef $pc.cute>>
<<set _trainingCheck to true>>
/* <<set $cute += 1>> */
When you had first started training in being cute you had thought of it simply in terms of survival. The way you'd seen it, cuteness was just a thing that girls had and boys didn't. Now you understand that it's a lot different.<<br>>
So much of what you thought of as cuteness is just being earnest with your intentions and your emotions. Both to yourself and to the world around you. It feels raw and unguarded to deal with the world without a shield of aloofness from oneself, but there's also a lot of rewards.<<br>>
A lot of it comes down to vulnerability. Previously you'd thought that it was a bad thing to have, and that by not expressing your vulnerability you were in fact making yourself invulnerable. You weren't - everything was still affecting you just as much. At best it would just be less immediate, hitting you gradually over time as irritability and stress.<<br>>
You can kinda understand that displaying ones vulnerability could be seen as a privilege - not everyone's lucky enough to expose themselves so completely and not have it be exploited by others, and it's no wonder such people might end up becoming calloused and guarded. However it's not like you had all that much to be hurt by - just normal everyday things, but you were guarded nevertheless. As a guy, you didn't even really understand that there was another way of doing things.<<br>>
Watching the way people treat you change based on how open you are with them has been wonderful and bizarre. When you're earnest and sincere and enthusiastic everyone in the room relaxes, and often start feeling comfortable to act the same - goaded out of their shell by someone so openly disarming themselves. It's a kindness to other people that you think you'll carry with you even after this is all over.<<br>>
After learning so much about the topic you're beginning to notice a granularity that you didn't before. It feels like there's a bunch of different ways to approach it from different angles, and you don't have the time to explore all of them. You need to decide on a direction in which to take your studies.<br>
<<if ndef $pc.cute>>
<<link "I want to be sincerely caring and considerate about people">>
<<set $pc.cute to "caring">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
/* <<goto "cuteTraining">> */
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to brighten people's day with my cheerful liveliness">>
<<set $pc.cute to "cheerful">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
/* <<goto "cuteTraining">> */
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to be disarmingly clear and honest with my intentions, no matter what they are">>
<<set $pc.cute to "honest">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
/* <<goto "cuteTraining">> */
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to be unguarded about my own vulnerabilities and delicacy">>
<<set $pc.cute to "vulnerable">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
/* <<goto "cuteTraining">> */
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to be passionately enthusiastic and dedicated in whatever I choose to do">>
<<set $pc.cute to "devoted">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
You smile at having made a decision that feels right to you, and with renewed focus you start dedicating your cuteness training towards that goal.<<br>>
''Your Cuteness has increased!''
<<set $cuteTrain to 5>>
<<set $cute ++>>
<<run $statOrder.push("cute")>>
<</if>><<if ndef $graceTrain>><<set $graceTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if $graceTrain is 0>>
<<set $graceTrain +=1>>
<<if ndef $grace>><<set $grace to 1>><<else>><<set $grace += 1>><</if>>
You decide to start working on your grace, and choose to start with your mannerisms and posture. At the moment you move around like a guy rather than girl, and certainly not like a //princess//.<br><br>
You ask Simone if there's a mirror around and she fetches one for you - an elegant freestanding mirror that you can see your whole body in. You're amazed that they have something this big hanging around not being used, the opulence of the carriage is staggering.<br><br>
You start walking towards the mirror, then away from it, and then from side to side - paying attention to every detail you can and trying to work out if it's masculine or feminine.<br><br>
It's more difficult than you'd expected. You've been around women all your life, but never cared to pay close attention to the way they move - you'd know it when you see it but can't picture any of the details.<br><br>
You suddenly remember that you have a model to work with: Simone! You manage to drag her away from her sewing for a few minutes and make her walk around in front of you. She feels awkward doing it and giggles the whole time but you manage to get a few pointers from watching her.<br><br>
You decide to start with the arms. When you walk normally your shoulders<<if $pc.frame is 2>>,no matter how svelte and slender they've become<</if>> slump forward and your arms hang loosely at your sides with your palms naturally facing backwards - but when Simone did her shoulders were held backwards behind her, which made her palms face inwardly towards her, or even a little forwards. It also means that her elbows are in a position to tuck into the cinch of her waist, enhancing her feminine silhouette.<br><br>
You try imitating her way and while you feel silly at first it seems easy enough. As an experiment you try doing some things in front of the mirror like picking up objects or gesturing when you talk and are amazed to find that by holding your arms correctly while you do it you don't even have to try to make the action feminine - it just naturally comes out that way.<br><br>
''Your Grace has increased''
<<elseif $graceTrain is 1>>
<<set $graceTrain +=1>>
<<set $grace += 1>>
You decide to work on your grace, and you know just where you need to work on - your lower body.<br><br>
You've learned what to do with your arms - to walk with shoulders back and elbows inwards, but <<if $pc.hands is 2>>despite changing to become more feminine<</if>> your legs have still been plodding along the same as ever. It's begun to feel incongruent.<br><br>
You get the mirror back out, and try walking around in front of it. You've had enough opportunity comparing yourself to the noblewomen around you to quickly recognize the difference - it's all in your hips.<br><br>
When you walk, your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>broad, feminine<</if>> hips stay in one position the whole time, while your legs do all of the work rising and falling beneath you. If you stand still, then they remain as squared-up as ever, and both of your legs tense to support you.<br><br>
Comparatively, when the noblewomen walk their hips rock from side to side like a pendulum, their legs don't rise and fall so much as they just glide forward, and even when standing still they lean their body to one side.<br><br>
You give that a try - rolling your body weight to the side, and almost fall to the floor. It takes a couple more attempts until you get the trick of it - positioning one leg standing straight directly below your center of gravity, while the other leg doesn't hold any of your weight at all and can be moved freely. You have to admit it's pretty comfortable - instead of relying on your legs' muscle tension to keep you up, this way of standing means that all of your weight is held by your bone structure and needs no muscular action at all.<br><br>
You're pretty confident that you've learnt how to stand femininely! You look up happily, and realize that more time had passed than you'd expected. You're eager to learn how to put it in motion and walk femininely, but it looks like that will have to wait until next session.<br><br>
''Your Grace has increased!''
<<elseif $graceTrain is 2>>
<<set $graceTrain +=1>>
<<set $grace += 1>>
Last session you learnt how to stand femininely - by shifting your center of gravity over one leg. Today you're excited to work out how to put it in motion and walk femininely.<<br>>
You start by standing in the position you learnt last time, with your body weight centered over one leg. You're surprised to notice that despite holding all of your weight, your hips aren't locked in place - in fact they can pivot around. Not only that, but because your loose leg isn't holding any weight it can freely move around. It almost reminds you of a construction crane rotating around its base.<br><br>
Following your instincts, you reach forward with your free leg and then try switching your body weight over to it. As you do so, your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>broad<</if>> hips 'roll' to catch your center of gravity.<<br>>
That felt promising! You try it a few more times to make sure, but you're onto something. Instead of thinking of it as 'walking', for now you just think of it as shifting from standing with your weight on one <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender<</if>> foot and then moving it onto the other in sequence. As you get faster at the manuever you can see your hips 'sway' from one side to the other as they roll to catch your weight.<<br>>
As a guy, you'd always naturally positioned your footsteps in parallel to each other, with your bodyweight held directly between them, but when you walk femininely your feet naturally end up stepping directly in front of each other, to be directly under you to 'catch' your center of gravity with each step.<<br>>
It still looks pretty silly for now - with every step you need a moment's pause to remember what to do next, and then another to awkwardly pivot yourself around your weightbearing leg, but with every attempt it gets more and more fluid and natural.<<br>>
After a while, your upper thighs and butt begin to burn with overuse and the muscles in your legs feel weirdly limp. You must use completely different muscle groups when you walk this way. It seems like you're going to be a little unsteady for a while, but you're confident that before long these new muscles will be strong enough to completely support you no matter what the day brings.<<br>>
''Your Grace has increased!''
<<elseif $graceTrain is 3>>
<<set $graceTrain +=1>>
<<set $grace += 1>>
You decide to spend some time focusing on your gracefulness.<<br>>
You already know how to move your arms femininely, and more recently you've learned how to move your legs too. It's all been invaluable, but a little disconnected - now it's time to put it all together.<<br>>
When you tell Simone your plans she lights up. <<simone "Oh! That's a //wonderful// idea, <<print $pc.name>>. I know just the thing!">><<br>>
She grabs an ornate box from the Princess' dresser and winds the key at the back. When she releases it the whole thing unfolds like the petals of a flower, revealing a spinning clockwork figure in a beautiful dress. Music fills the room, a little tinny but undeniably pretty. A music box!<<br>>
<<simone "Dancing's just wonderful, and the perfect way to practice moving your whole body around!">><<br>>
At first you're too nervous to dance so suddenly, but Simone grabs you by the <<if $pc.hands is 2>>slender hand<<else>>arms<</if>> and leads you into it. She's not a //great// dancer, you figure, not in an objective sense - she certainly has a lot of natural grace to her, but her silly enthusiasm far outpaces it and she seems much more committed to moving in fun ways than looking good.<<br>>
You find yourself giggling at the sight, and her boundless excitement makes you feel silly at ever worrying about getting embarrassed.<<br>>
When she's confident that you've lost your nerves she leaves you to it, going back to her sewing. You take the opportunity to really focus on what your body is doing. You keep on trying to move around the place stiffly, which clashes so strongly with the lessons that you learnt before that you keep on getting yourself all twisted up.<<br>>
You force yourself to forget everything you knew about how to dance as a man and go back to first principles. It's still difficult - whenever you get in your own head about the tactics of it all you quickly find yourself overthinking everything and getting confused. It's only when you rely on the instincts that you've developed that things really start flowing - but whenever you're getting somewhere you end up trying to catalogue everything since you're doing a good job, and it all falls apart again.<<br>>
It's tough going, but eventually you learn to really trust in your instincts and let things flow naturally.<<br>>
''Your Grace has increased!''
<<elseif $graceTrain is 4>>
<<if ndef $pc.grace>>
<<set _trainingCheck to true>>
/* <<set $grace += 1>> */
You've learned a lot about how to move your body in a feminine way. It had felt awkward at first, but over the last few days it's begun to become less and less something that you have to think about consciously and more something so natural that you find yourself doing it even just around the carriage with Simone.<<br>>
A part of that makes you nervous, like you're at risk of never being able to move like a boy again once all of this is over, but you can't deny that it's invaluable.<<br>>
Hell, it may even be a little bit //nice//. Sometimes you find yourself making gentle, soft gestures that you never intended to make, or you make a motion and it unexpectedly has a pretty added flourish to it. For some reason these surprises make you smile.<<br>>
You're no longer in a position where getting more graceful is a linear thing. You already //are// graceful - the big question is in which direction you allow your grace to express itself in.<br>
<<if ndef $pc.grace>>
<<link "I want to move with dainty delicacy">>
<<set $pc.grace to "dainty">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to move with poised self-assuredness">>
<<set $pc.grace to "bold">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to move with limber nimbleness">>
<<set $pc.grace to "nimble">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to move with refined sophistication">>
<<set $pc.grace to "refined">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to move with sexually-charged flirtatiousness">>
<<set $pc.grace to "sexy">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want to move with intimidating statuesqueness">>
<<set $pc.grace to "intimidating">>
<<set $wolf ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
You smile at having made a decision that feels right to you, and with renewed focus you start dedicating your grace training towards that goal.<<br>>
''Your Grace has increased!''
<<set $graceTrain to 5>>
<<set $grace ++>>
<<run $statOrder.push("grace")>>
<</if>><<if ndef $voiceTrain>><<set $voiceTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if $voiceTrain is 0>>
<<set $voiceTrain +=1>>
<<if ndef $voice>><<set $voice to 1>><<else>><<set $voice += 1>><</if>>
You decide to spend some time training your voice to speak more naturally in a feminine register. <<if $day is 2>>After all, if you clearly sound like a guy then the nobles will //surely// notice right away.<<else>>You've been lucky enough to not expose yourself so far, but you've been one errant voice-break away from disaster and you know it.<</if>><br><br>
You first try speaking in a higher voice in the main room, but you feel so silly making such weird noises in front of Simone that you quickly move to the bathroom. You're sure that you're still very audible, but being in a different room at least makes it feel a little less awkward.<br><br>
As hard as you try, you can't manage to hold a high note for very long at all, let alone get as far as a full sentence in that same pitch.<br><br>
You try to pay extra attention to your throat as you talk, and notice that when you speak in a higher tone your larynx jumps upwards. As an experiment you try use the same muscles without voicing it to see if it can rise by itself - and it does so.<br><br>
Intrigued, you try holding those muscles in place and quickly find that after a second or two it becomes unbearable - like trying to lift a heavy weight.<br><br>
You mull that idea over - lifting a heavy weight. They're similar in concept - if your voice box is being lifted by muscles that can only hold the strain for a little while then that's //exactly// what happens when you try to lift something that's too heavy for you.<br><br>
Thus - it might make sense that they have the same solution: Weightlifting. You try lifting and releasing your larynx over and over - holding it up for a while and then letting it fall. It's a weird exercise but you notice as you do it that you're slowly able to hold it longer and longer with each 'rep'.<br><br>
You strain until your throat feels sore and you don't feel safe pushing it any longer - it's weird how exhausting the activity is despite only moving your neck.<br><br>
After giving it a while to recover you try holding a high note once more. It works! You can hold the note for //much// longer than you managed to before! You try rambling to yourself in that same pitch, and while eventually your voice dips back into a masculine tone, you figure that you probably have the strength to safely get through a short conversation so long as you can have a break to recover before the next one.<br><br>
''Your skill at speaking in a feminine tone has increased''
<<elseif $voiceTrain is 1>>
<<set $voiceTrain +=1>>
<<set $voice += 1>>
You decide to do more voice training.<br><br>
The first thing that you try is to repeat the exercises that you learnt last time - the raising and lowering of the larynx, and you're pleased to note that you haven't lost very much of the progress that you made, and can quickly get back to the level you were at last time. You begin to notice that there's a couple of different muscles that seem to raise your voice box, but only the one that pulls it upwards //and back// makes your voice improve.<br><br>
Partly out of boredom at doing the same thing all over again you decide to try doing something new. You try sounding out the vowels a couple of times - aaaaah, aiiiii, uuuuuh, eeeeeh, oooooh.<br><br>
Noticing something unusual you pause, and try the last note over again. Something felt //different// that time.<br><br>
It takes you some time to figure out what's odd. Usually when you hold a note you can feel your chest rumbling a little, in fact if you hold your hand on your chest you can even feel it shaking. But sometimes when you sound the vowels a little differently it doesn't rumble in your chest, it rumbles elsewhere - in your throat, and sometimes even your //head//!<br><br>
You try testing it further, eventually settling on a "mmmmmmm" sound that seems to get the clearest results. After a while you manage to figure out how to direct the rumble around a little and move it away from the chest so that it doesn't rumble at all. You're pleased to note that when you do so your voice sounds a lot more feminine than it did before, even while you're holding the same note pitch - a feminine timbre or 'resonance'.<br><br>
You're excited to see what else you can do with this rumble in the future, but for now have already spent too long voice training as it is, and your neck can feel the strain.<br><br>
''Your skill at speaking in a feminine tone has increased''
<<elseif $voiceTrain is 2>>
<<set $voiceTrain +=1>>
<<set $voice += 1>>
You decide to do more voice training. In particular, you're interested in seeing what else you can do with the 'resonance' that you identified last session.<br><br>
You don't want to get ahead of yourself though, and make sure to do more 'voice box weight lifting' until you've regained the strength that you had last time. It's boring to have to renew your abilities every time you practice, but at least it comes back quicker now.<br><br>
Once confident in your abilities you focus on what you were interested in trying out. Last time you'd managed to learn to speak and hold vowels in a way that stopped your chest from rumbling, and seemed to sound more feminine.<br><br>
With a 'mmmmmm' you attempt the same again, and are relieved to find that it's not too tricky. The problem is that the result ends up a little 'tinny' - almost childlike, lacking the //umph// that a normal woman's voice would have. Still, childlike is better than masculine.<br><br>
You try a couple of different things and are almost at the brink of giving up on adding that //umph// back until suddenly you try something that makes you almost shout in surprise<br><br>
Your //nose// had just vibrated strongly!<br><br>
Curious, you try it again - 'pushing' your voice upwards into your head until you could feel your nose ringing. When you do so you notice that some of the 'tinniness' that you'd experienced before is gone. In its place is a strong 'rasp' of resonance.<br><br>
You practice this skill as hard as you can, sounding a little silly the whole time. You're definitely onto //something// here, but it still comes off a little nasally, like you've got a blocked nose.<br><br>
As an experiment you try speaking in a masculine pitch while using this resonance, and you're surprised to find that even in a tone outside of normal female range it //still// sounds pretty feminine.<br><br>
You stick at it for as long as your neck can handle the strain, but eventually you have to finish up. You definitely notice a significant improvement - your voice sounds a lot clearer using this 'nose resonance' than it had before, but you feel like there's still more to learn.<br><br>
''Your skill at speaking in a feminine tone has increased''
<<elseif $voiceTrain is 3>>
<<set $voiceTrain +=1>>
<<set $voice += 1>>
You're excited to start voice training again. Last time you'd managed to learn how to focus the 'rumble' of your voice resonance towards your nose, and you're interested in what else you can do with it.<br><br>
You don't want to get ahead of yourself though, and make sure to do more 'voice box weight lifting' until you've regained the strength that you had gotten to last time.<br><br>
Once confident in your abilities you focus on what you were interested in. With an 'mmmmmm' you 'push' your voice upwards into your head, but don't quite nail it, instead you 'miss' your target of the nose and instead it's your //teeth// which vibrate. The sensation is thoroughly unpleasant.<br><br>
Still, that was //interesting//. You hadn't thought that such a thing was possible. Maybe training your voice to resonate in your nose had also been training it to go elsewhere?<br><br>
You probe around with your voice and see what other areas you can use. It feels like you can resonate in the front of your mouth, the back of your mouth, your nose, above your nose back in the sinuses (which tickles very strangely), and also in your voice box itself.<br><br>
Each one of those places has their own 'texture'. When you try moving from 'mmmmm' noises to words it's difficult not to think of them having //personalities// of a sort - some sound sultry and breathy, others sound sharp and shrill. You begin to realize that women must switch between these resonances a lot - often with multiple in the same sentence as different words are stressed with different emotions. Compared to how monotone and simple masculine speaking is it's difficult not to be impressed at their range.<br><br>
''Your skill at speaking in a feminine tone has increased''
<<elseif $voiceTrain is 4>>
<<if ndef $pc.voice>>
<<set _trainingCheck to true>>
/* <<set $voice += 1>> */
You decide to train your voice again.<br><br>
As usual you begin with the 'voice box weight lifting' that you're so used to. This time however you take time to notice just how good its gotten, you can hold pitches that you used to falter at, and can even hit notes that you wouldn't have imagined you'd begin to get close to when you started.<br><br>
You can't help but smile at your own progress. You return to playing around with different head resonances, trying to work out which is the 'right' one. It's a weird choice, each of them has their own character and personality all of their own. As you're dwelling on the concept you find yourself struck with a surprising realization.<br><br>
All this time you've been chasing the idea of having a 'female voice', but now it's not that simple. There's no such thing as just //one// female voice, there's //many//, of all different kinds. You've reached a point where the granularity of that goal has become important.<br><br>
If you want to get any further with your voice you're going to have to deal with the terrifying decision about what kind of voice you want to have, and in the process, what kind of woman you want to be read as.<br>
<<if ndef $pc.voice>>
<<link "I want a teasing, playful voice">>
<<set $pc.voice to "playful">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want a breathy, sultry voice">>
<<set $pc.voice to "sultry">>
<<set $vixen ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want a melodic, sing-song voice">>
<<set $pc.voice to "melodic">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want a strong, confident voice">>
<<set $pc.voice to "confident">>
<<set $badger ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want a kind, motherly voice">>
<<set $pc.voice to "motherly">>
<<set $swallow ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
<<link "I want a cute, childlike voice">>
<<set $pc.voice to "childlike">>
<<set $rabbit ++>>
<<unset _trainingCheck>>
<<script>>Engine.play(passage(), true);<</script>>
You smile at having made a decision that feels right to you, and with renewed focus you start dedicating your voice training towards that goal.<<br>>
''Your skill at speaking in a feminine tone has increased''
<<set $voiceTrain to 5>>
<<set $voice ++>>
<<run $statOrder.push("auth")>>
<<set $outfit to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.under to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.top to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.bottom to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.dress to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>\
<<set $sub to 0>>\
<<set $fem to 0>>\
<<set $child to 0>>\
<<set $outfit.set to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.cage to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.cage.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.bra to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.bra.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.shoe to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.ankle to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.ankle.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.makeup to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.makeup.eye to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.makeup.eye.types to []>>\
<<set $outfit.makeup.lip to {}>>\
<<set $outfit.makeup.lip.types to []>>\
<<set $swallow to 0>>\
<<set $badger to 0>>\
<<set $rabbit to 0>>\
<<set $wolf to 0>>\
<<set $pc to {}>>\
<<set $pc.hair to {}>>\
<<set $pc.skin to {}>>\
<<set $pc.n to {}>>\
<<set $pc.eye to {}>>\
<<set $pc.ears to {}>>\
<<set $pc.ears.owned to []>>\
<<set $pc.penis to 1>>\
<<set $pc.frame to 1>>\
<<set $pc.hands to 1>>\
<<set $pc.butt to 1>>\
<<set $pc.face to 1>>\
<<set $pc.boobs to 1>>\
<<set $princess to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $king to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $queen to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $simone to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $merat to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $rob to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $crow to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $jacques to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $elodie to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $ruthe to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $firmin to {facts:[], info:[]}>>\
<<set $colette to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $drusilla to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $aurora to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $gaspard to {facts:[]}>>\
<<set $outfitsArray to []>>\
<<set $swallow to 0>>\
<<set $badger to 0>>\
<<set $rabbit to 0>>\
<<set $wolf to 0>>\
<<set $vixen to 0>>\
<<set $pc.penis to 1>>\
<<set $pc.frame to 1>>\
<<set $pc.hands to 1>>\
<<set $pc.butt to 1>>\
<<set $pc.face to 1>>\
<<set $pc.boobs to 1>>\
<<set $bear to {}>>\
<<run State.prng.init()>>\
/* \
<<include "setupObjectInit">>\ */<<widget "debug" container>><<set _debug to recall('debug')>><<if TEST_MODE is true or settings.debug is true>><<print _contents>><hr><</if>><</widget>>
<<widget "setter">>
<<if TEST_MODE is true or settings.debug is true>>
<span data-nokeys="true">
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $args.length; _i++>>
<<if _i isnot 0>> - <</if>>
<<set _argz to $args>>
<<capture _i>>
<<link "<<print $args[_i]>>">>
<<print '<<set $' + _argz[_i] + '>>'>>
Engine.play(passage(), true);
<<widget "debugVis" container>>
<<if TEST_MODE is true or settings.debug is true>>
<span data-nokeys="true">
<<print _contents>>
<<widget "bugvar">>
<<print $args[0]>> [<<print $args[1]>>]:<br>
<<print '<<textbox "' + $args[0] + '" ' + $args[0] + '>>'>> -
<<link "unset">><<print '<<unset ' + $args[0] + '>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "true">><<print '<<set ' + $args[0] + ' to true>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "false">><<print '<<set ' + $args[0] + ' to false>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "0">><<print '<<set ' + $args[0] + ' to 0>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "+">><<print '<<set ' + $args[0] + ' += 1>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "-">><<print '<<set ' + $args[0] + ' -= 1>>'>><</link>>.<br>
<<widget "br">><br><br><</widget>>
<<widget "simone">>@@color:#F9B7FF;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "merat">>@@color:#307D7E;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "pink">>@@color:pink;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "blue">>@@color:#79BAEC;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "king">>@@color:#FDD017;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "queen">>@@color:#E56717;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "princess">>@@color:#F535AA;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "jacques">>@@color:#3EA055;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "elodie">>@@color:#9370DB;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "firmin">>@@color:#9F8C76;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "ruthe">>@@color:#C36241;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "crow">>@@color:#797979;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "colette">>@@color:#F67280;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "rob">>@@color:#697cff;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "aurora">>@@color:#cc99ff;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "drusilla">>@@color:#9d4da8;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "gaspard">>@@color:#8a9e62;"<<print $args[0]>>"@@<</widget>>
<<widget "simone2" container>>@@color:#F9B7FF;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "merat2" container>>@@color:#307D7E;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "pink2" container>>@@color:pink;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "blue2" container>>@@color:#79BAEC;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "king2" container>>@@color:#FDD017;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "queen2" container>>@@color:#E56717;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "princess2" container>>@@color:#F535AA;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "jacques2" container>>@@color:#3EA055;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "elodie2" container>>@@color:#9370DB;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "firmin2" container>>@@color:#9F8C76;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "ruthe2" container>>@@color:#C36241;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "crow2" container>>@@color:#797979;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "colette2" container>>@@color:#F67280;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "rob2" container>>@@color:#697cff;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "aurora2" container>>@@color:#cc99ff;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "drusilla2" container>>@@color:#9d4da8;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "gaspard2" container>>@@color:#8a9e62;<<print _contents>>@@<</widget>>
<<widget "jael">><<if $day3racePartner is "jacques">><<print $args[0]>><<else>><<print $args[1]>><</if>><</widget>>
<<widget "imgl1nk">><span data-nokeys="true"><<print "<<link '" + $args[0] + "'>><<script>>Dialog.setup(''); Dialog.wiki(Story.get('" + $args[1] + "').processText()); Dialog.open(); <</script>><</link>>">></span><</widget>>
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<<widget "check">><<print "<<hovertip" + '"' + $args[0] + '"' + ">><sup>⍰</sup><</hovertip>>">><</widget>>
<<widget "section" container>><<print "<<set _" + $args[0] + " to `" + _contents + "`>>">><</widget>>
/* <<widget "cont">>
<<if def $args[1]>>
<<print "<<link '" + $args[1] + "'>><<goto '" + $args[0] + "'>><</link>>">>
<<print "<<link 'Continue'>><<goto `" + $args[0] + "`>><</link>>">>
<</widget>> */
<<widget "cont">>
<<if def $args[1]>>
<<print `<<link "` + $args[1] + `">><<goto "` + $args[0] + `">><</link>>`>>
<<print `<<link "Continue">><<goto "` + $args[0] + `">><</link>>`>>
<<widget "letter" container>>
<<print `<section class="` + $args[0] + `"><article class="paperheader"></article><div class="papertext"><br>` + _contents + `<<if _letterBreaker isnot true>><<br>><br><</if>><br></div></section>`>>
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<<widget "liked">>
<<if def $args[0]>>
''@@color:#FFA07A;<<print $args[0]>>@@''
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<<set _dayScore ++>>
<<widget "disliked">>
<<if def $args[0]>>
''@@color:#6960EC;<<print $args[0]>>@@''
<<if def _dayScore>>
<<set _dayScore -->>
<<widget "hated">>
<<if def $args[0]>>
''@@color:#C11B17;<<print $args[0]>>@@''
<<if def _dayScore>>
<<set _dayScore -= 2>>
<<widget "loved">>
<<if def $args[0]>>
''@@color:#F535AA;<<print $args[0]>>@@''
<<if def _dayScore>>
<<set _dayScore += 2>>
<<widget "mid">>
<<if def $args[0]>>
''@@color:#AF9B60;<<print $args[0]>>@@''
''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@''
<<widget "error">>
<<hovertip "Please send a report to the TPT discord or n@natnatn.at. With your help TPT can become bug free!">>ERROR<</hovertip>>
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<<if $args[1] is "simg">>
<<print "@@.simg; [img[Images/" + $args[0] + "]]@@">>
<<print "@@.img; [img[Images/" + $args[0] + "]]@@">>
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<<widget "Chimera">><<print "Chimæra">><</widget>>
<<widget "CHIMERA">><<print "CHIMÆRA">><</widget>>
<<widget "chimaera">><<print "chimæra">><</widget>>
<<widget "Chimaera">><<print "Chimæra">><</widget>>
<<widget "CHIMAERA">><<print "CHIMÆRA">><</widget>>
<<widget "pst">>
<<if def _args[3]>><<set _imageWidth to _args[3]>><<else>><<set _imageWidth to 50>><</if>>
<<set _reverseImageWidth to 100 - _imageWidth>>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%">
<<print "<td style='width:" + _reverseImageWidth + "%'>" + _args[1] + "<<if def _args[2]>><<br>>" + _args[2] + "<</if>></td>">>
/* <td style="width:50%">
<<print "<<print _args[1]>>">>
<<if def _args[2]>>
<<print "<<print _args[2]>>">>
</td> */
<<print "<td style='width:" + _imageWidth + "%'><<img '" + _args[0] + "'>></td>">>
/* <td style="width:50%">
<<print "<<img '" + _args[0] + "'>>">>
</td> */
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<if def _args[2]>>
<<print _args[1]>><br>
<<print "<<img '" + _args[0] + "'>>">>
<<print _args[2]>>
<<print "<<img '" + _args[0] + "'>>">><br>
<<print _args[1]>>
<</widget>><<widget "wearnude">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<widget "wearbutterfly">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "butterfly dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "butterfly">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<widget "wearlongcoat">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "long tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Long Tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "short blue skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Short Blue Skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "longcoat">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["skirt", "stockings"]>>
<<widget "wearpeach">>
<<set $outfit.top to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bottom to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Peach Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<widget "weargcloak">>
<<set $outfit.dress to {}>>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "tight dark-brown top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Tight Dark-brown Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Green Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "brown leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Brown Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["cloak", "hood", "leggings", "pants"]>>
<<widget "weartulip">>
<<set $outfit.top to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bottom to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Tulip Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<widget "wearwhitehood">>
/* <<set $outfit.top.name to "gray-brown underdress">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Gray-brown Underdress">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>> */
<<set $outfit.over.name to "white hood">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "White Hood">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "pink and white dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Pink and White Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "whitehood">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress", "hood", "stockings"]>>
<<widget "wearrose">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "red and black top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Red and Black Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "tight leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Tight Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "rose">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["leggings", "pants", "crop"]>>
<<widget "wearblossom">>
/* <<removedress>> */
/* <<set $outfit.top.name to "white blossom top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Blossom Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "short pink skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Short Pink Skirt">> */
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "pink and white blossom dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Pink and White Blossom Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
/* <<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>> */
<<set $outfit.set.id to "blossom">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["skirt", "crop", "stockings"]>>
<<widget "wearredgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "redgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["skirt"]>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "red velvet dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Red Velvet Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
/* <<set $outfit.top.Name to "Red Velvet Bodice">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "red velvet bodice">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "red velvet skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Red Velvet Skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to ["skirt"]>> */
<<widget "wearsleepover">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "sleepover">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Slouchy Pink Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "slouchy pink dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<widget "weardrusilla">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "drusilla">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Imposing Purple Bodice">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "imposing purple bodice">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Purple Mantle">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "purple mantle">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<widget "wearorangeshorts">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "orangeshorts">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["shorts", "bodysuit", "leotard", "orange"]>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "orange shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Orange Shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to ["shorts"]>>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white and gold leotard">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White and Gold Leotard">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to ["leotard", "bodysuits"]>>
<<widget "wearnwgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
<<widget "wearnwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Flannel Shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white flannel shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<widget "wearnwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<<widget "wearnwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Flannel Shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white flannel shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<widget "wearnwdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<<widget "removetop">><<set $outfit.top to {}>><<set $outfit.top.types to []>><</widget>>
<<widget "removebottom">><<set $outfit.bottom to {}>><<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>><</widget>>
<<widget "removeunder">><<set $outfit.under to {}>><<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">><<set $outfit.under.name to "none">><<set $outfit.under.types to []>><</widget>>
<<widget "removeover">><<set $outfit.over to {}>><<set $outfit.over.types to []>><</widget>>
<<widget "removedress">><<set $outfit.dress to {}>><<set $outfit.dress.types to []>><</widget>>
<<widget "wearmetalcage">>
<<set $outfit.cage.Name to "Metal Cage">>
<<set $outfit.cage.id to "metalcage">>
<<set $outfit.cage.types to ["cage"]>>
<<set $outfit.cage.name to "metal cage">>
<<widget "removecage">>
<<set $outfit.cage to {}>><<set $outfit.cage.types to []>>
<<widget "removeShoe">>
<<if $pc.heels gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.wearing to false>>
<<widget "wearShoe">>
<<if $pc.heels gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.shoe.wearing to true>>
<<widget "pickShoe">>
<<if $args[0] is "whitePlain">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.choice to "whitePlain">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.Name to "White Shoes">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to ["white", "small heel", "heel"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "pinkFloral">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.choice to "pinkFloral">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.Name to "Pink Floral Shoes">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to ["pink", "small heel", "heel"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "blackLace">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.choice to "blackLace">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.Name to "Black Lace Boots">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to ["boots", "black", "small heel", "heel"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "blueVelvet">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.choice to "blueVelvet">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.Name to "Blue Velvet Boots">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to ["boots", "blue", "small heel", "heel"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "blackFlats">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.choice to "blackFlats">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.Name to "Black Flats">>
<<set $outfit.shoe.types to ["flats, black"]>>
<<widget "removeJewelry">>
<<if $pc.jewelry gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.ankle.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.wearing to false>>
<<widget "wearJewelry">>
<<if $pc.jewelry gte 1>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice is "null">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.wearing to true>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice is "null">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing to true>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.ankle.choice is "null">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.ankle.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.ankle.wearing to true>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.choice is "null">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.wearing to false>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.wearing to true>>
<<widget "pickJewelryHand">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice to $args[0]>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice isnot "null">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>>
<<set _pickJewelryHandCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i]>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.Name to _pickJewelryHandCapture.Name>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.name to _pickJewelryHandCapture.Name.toLowerCase()>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.hand.types to _pickJewelryHandCapture.types>>
/* <<if $args[0] is "blackBow">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.choice to "blackBow">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Name to "Black Bow Choker">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.types to ["necklace"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "blueNecklace">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.choice to "blueNecklace">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Name to "Blue Swirl Necklace">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.types to ["necklace"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "coolRings">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.choice to "coolRings">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Name to "Silver Rings">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.types to ["hand"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "dayCollar">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.choice to "dayCollar">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Name to "Lock Choker">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.types to ["collar", "necklace"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "handChain">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.choice to "handChain">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Name to "Finger Chains">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.types to ["hand"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "pinkNecklace">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.choice to "pinkNecklace">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Name to "Pink Jeweled Necklace">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.types to ["necklace"]>>
<</if>> */
<<widget "pickJewelryNeck">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice to $args[0]>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice isnot "null">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.neck.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice>>
<<set _pickJewelryNeckCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i]>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.Name to _pickJewelryNeckCapture.Name>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.name to _pickJewelryNeckCapture.Name.toLowerCase()>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.neck.types to _pickJewelryNeckCapture.types>>
<<widget "pickJewelryAnkle">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.ankle.choice to $args[0]>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.ankle.choice isnot "null">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.ankle.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.ankle[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.ankle.choice>>
<<set _pickJewelryAnkleCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.ankle[_i]>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Ankle.Name to _pickJewelryAnkleCapture.Name>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Ankle.name to _pickJewelryAnkleCapture.Name.toLowerCase()>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.Ankle.types to _pickJewelryAnkleCapture.types>>
<<widget "pickJewelryShoulder">>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.choice to $args[0]>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.choice isnot "null">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.shoulder.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.shoulder[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.choice>>
<<set _pickJewelryShoulderCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.shoulder[_i]>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.Name to _pickJewelryShoulderCapture.Name>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.name to _pickJewelryShoulderCapture.Name.toLowerCase()>>
<<set $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.types to _pickJewelryShoulderCapture.types>>
<<widget "removeMakeup">>
<<if $pc.makeup gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.makeup.wearing to false>>
<<widget "wearMakeup">>
<<if $pc.makeup gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.makeup.wearing to true>>
<<widget "pickMakeupEye">>
<<set $outfit.makeup.eye.choice to $args[0]>>
<<widget "pickMakeupLip">>
<<set $outfit.makeup.lip.choice to $args[0]>>
<<widget "removeBra">>
<<if $pc.bra gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.bra.wearing to false>>
<<widget "wearBra">>
<<if $pc.bra gte 1>>
<<set $outfit.bra.wearing to true>>
<<widget "pickBra">>
<<if $args[0] is "whiteJeweled">>
<<set $outfit.bra.choice to "whiteJeweled">>
<<set $outfit.bra.Name to "White Jeweled Bra">>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to ["white"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "blueFloral">>
<<set $outfit.bra.choice to "blueFloral">>
<<set $outfit.bra.Name to "Blue Floral Bra">>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to ["blue"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "blackLace">>
<<set $outfit.bra.choice to "blackLace">>
<<set $outfit.bra.Name to "Black Lace Bra">>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to ["black"]>>
<<elseif $args[0] is "vibrantFloral">>
<<set $outfit.bra.choice to "vibrantFloral">>
<<set $outfit.bra.Name to "Vibrant Floral Bra">>
<<set $outfit.bra.types to ["vibrant"]>>
<</widget>>Cute = <<print $cute>><br>
/* <<link "+">><<set $cute += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $cute -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $cute to 0>><<goto "debug">><</link>> */
<<link "+">><<set $cuteTrain += 1>><<set $cute += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $cuteTrain -= 1>><<set $cute -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $cuteTrain to 0>><<if def $cuteBonus>><<set $cute to $cuteBonus>><<else>><<set $cute to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "+">><<set $cuteBonus += 1>><<set $cute += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $cuteBonus -= 1>><<set $cute -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $cuteBonus to 0>><<if def $cuteTrain>><<set $cute to $cuteTrain>><<else>><<set $cute to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
Authority = <<print $auth>><br>
/* <<link "+">><<set $auth += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $auth -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $auth to 0>><<goto "debug">><</link>> */
<<link "+">><<set $authTrain += 1>><<set $auth += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $authTrain -= 1>><<set $auth -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $authTrain to 0>><<if def $authBonus>><<set $auth to $authBonus>><<else>><<set $auth to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "+">><<set $authBonus += 1>><<set $auth += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $authBonus -= 1>><<set $auth -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $authBonus to 0>><<if def $authTrain>><<set $auth to $authTrain>><<else>><<set $auth to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
Voice = <<print $voice>><br>
/* <<link "+">><<set $voice += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $voice -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $voice to 0>><<goto "debug">><</link>> */
<<link "+">><<set $voiceTrain += 1>><<set $voice += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $voiceTrain -= 1>><<set $voice -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $voiceTrain to 0>><<if def $voiceBonus>><<set $voice to $voiceBonus>><<else>><<set $voice to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "+">><<set $voiceBonus += 1>><<set $voice += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $voiceBonus -= 1>><<set $voice -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $voiceBonus to 0>><<if def $voiceTrain>><<set $voice to $voiceTrain>><<else>><<set $voice to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
Grace = <<print $grace>><br>
/* <<link "+">><<set $grace += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $grace -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $grace to 0>><<goto "debug">><</link>> */
<<link "+">><<set $graceTrain += 1>><<set $grace += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $graceTrain -= 1>><<set $grace -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $graceTrain to 0>><<if def $graceBonus>><<set $grace to $graceBonus>><<else>><<set $grace to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "+">><<set $graceBonus += 1>><<set $grace += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $graceBonus -= 1>><<set $grace -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $graceBonus to 0>><<if def $graceTrain>><<set $grace to $graceTrain>><<else>><<set $grace to 0>><</if>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
Physical attributes:<br>
Hands = <<print $pc.hands>> -
<<link "1">><<set $pc.hands to 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "2">><<set $pc.hands to 2>><<goto "debug">><</link>> ::
Face = <<print $pc.face>> -
<<link "1">><<set $pc.face to 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "2">><<set $pc.face to 2>><<goto "debug">><</link>> ::
Frame = <<print $pc.frame>> -
<<link "1">><<set $pc.frame to 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "2">><<set $pc.frame to 2>><<goto "debug">><</link>><br>
Butt = <<print $pc.butt>> -
<<link "1">><<set $pc.butt to 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "2">><<set $pc.butt to 2>><<goto "debug">><</link>> ::
Boobs = <<print $pc.boobs>> -
<<link "1">><<set $pc.boobs to 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "2">><<set $pc.boobs to 2>><<goto "debug">><</link>> ::
Penis = <<print $pc.penis>> -
<<link "1">><<set $pc.penis to 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "2">><<set $pc.penis to 2>><<goto "debug">><</link>> ::
<<link "wear jail">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Dirty Hempen Smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "dirty hempen smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Torn Britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "torn britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<</link>> -
<<link "Wear peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.top to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bottom to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "peach dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Peach Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "peach">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.dress to {}>>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "tight dark-brown top">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Tight Dark-brown Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "green cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Green Cloak">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "brown leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Brown Leggings">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "gcloak">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["cloak", "hood", "leggings", "pants"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.top to {}>>
<<set $outfit.bottom to {}>>
<<set $outfit.over to {}>>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "tulip dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Tulip Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "tulip">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear jail2">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "jail2">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "Dirty Hempen Smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "dirty hempen smock">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Torn Britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "torn britches">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear butterfly">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "butterfly dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "Butterfly Dress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "butterfly">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["dress"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear longcoat">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Blouse">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "long tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Long Tailcoat">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "short blue skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "Short Blue Skirt">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "longcoat">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["skirt"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Flannel Shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white flannel shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcropgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.over.Name to "Dressing Gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.name to "dressing gown">>
<<set $outfit.over.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdressgown">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["gown", "nightwear"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.Name to "White Flannel Shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.name to "white flannel shorts">>
<<set $outfit.bottom.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.top.Name to "White Flannel Crop Top">>
<<set $outfit.top.name to "white flannel crop top">>
<<set $outfit.top.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwcrop">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.Name to "White Nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.name to "white nightdress">>
<<set $outfit.dress.types to []>>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nwdress">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to ["nightwear"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.id to "nude">>
<<set $outfit.set.types to []>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear whitehood">>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear rose">>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear blossom">>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear sleepover dress">>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear drusilla's dress">>
<<link "wear black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "lacy boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Lacy Boyshorts">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "french knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "French Knickers">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "red briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Red Briefs">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "dotted pink panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Dotted Pink Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear tartan panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "tartan panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Tartan Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear pink ruffled panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "pink ruffled panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Pink Ruffled Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "wear black cutout panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "black cutout panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "Black Cutout Panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<</link>> -
<<link "remove panties">>
<<set $outfit.under.Name to "None">>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "none">>
<<set $outfit.under.types to []>>
<<link "reset panties array">><<set $pc.pantiesWorn to []>><</link>> - <<link "add black panties">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("black panties")>><</link>> - <<link "add pink boyshorts">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("pink boyshorts")>><</link>> - <<link "add lacy boyshorts">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("lacy boyshorts")>><</link>> - <<link "add white panties">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("white panties")>><</link>> - <<link "add french knickers">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("french knickers")>><</link>> - <<link "add red briefs">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("red briefs")>><</link>> - <<link "add dotted pink panties">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("dotted pink panties")>><</link>> - <<link "add tartan panties panties">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("tartan panties")>><</link>> - <<link "add pink ruffled panties">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("pink ruffled panties")>><</link>> - <<link "add black cutout panties">><<run $pc.pantiesWorn.push("black cutout panties")>><</link>>.<br><br>
<<link "wear metal cage">><<wearmetalcage>><</link>> - <<link "remove cage">><<removecage>><</link>><<br>>
<<link "reset simone sleep array">><<set $simone.sleepArray to []>><</link>> - <<link "add together">><<run $simone.sleepArray.push("together")>><</link>> - <<link "add big">><<run $simone.sleepArray.push("big")>><</link>> - <<link "add small">><<run $simone.sleepArray.push("small")>><</link>>.<br>
<<link "offered = true">><<set $simone.offered to true>><</link>> - <<link "offered = unset">><<unset $simone.offered>><</link>>.<br><br>
<<link "reset dinnerTalk array">><<set $dinnerTalk to []>><</link>> - <<link "add maid">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("maid")>><</link>> - <<link "add family">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("family")>><</link>> - <<link "add acc">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("acc")>><</link>> - <<link "add jacques">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("jacques")>><</link>> - <<link "add elodie">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("elodie")>><</link>> - <<link "add eyeChange">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("eyeChange")>><</link>> - <<link "add colette">><<run $dinnerTalk.push("colette")>><</link>>.<br><br>
<<link "reset outfitChoice array">><<set $outfitsArray to []>><</link>> - <<link "add gcloak">><<run $outfitsArray.push("gcloak")>><</link>> - <<link "add peach">><<run $outfitsArray.push("peach")>><</link>> - <<link "add tulip">><<run $outfitsArray.push("tulip")>><</link>> - <<link "add butterfly">><<run $outfitsArray.push("butterfly")>><</link>> - <<link "add longcoat">><<run $outfitsArray.push("longcoat")>><</link>> - <<link "add whitehood">><<run $outfitsArray.push("whitehood")>><</link>> - <<link "add rose">><<run $outfitsArray.push("rose")>><</link>> - <<link "add blossom">><<run $outfitsArray.push("blossom")>><</link>><br><br>
simone peekCount = <<print $simone.peekCount>> - <<link "+">><<set $simone.peekCount += 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "-">><<set $simone.peekCount -= 1>><<goto "debug">><</link>>
<<link "set">><<set $simone.peekCount to 0>><<goto "debug">><</link>> - <<link "add metadata">><<run memorize('peeked', true)>><</link>> - <<link "forget metadata">><<run forget('peeked')>><</link>><br><br>
General variable debugger. Input variable (with $ or _ symbol) to use.<br>
<<textbox "_debugVariable" "">>
<<linkappend "open">> -
<<link "reset">>
<<remove "#resetDebug">>
<<append "#newReset">>
<span id="resetDebug">
<<print _debugVariable>>:<br>
<<print '<<textbox "' + _debugVariable + '" ' + _debugVariable + '>>'>> -
<<link "unset">><<print '<<unset ' + _debugVariable + '>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "true">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' to true>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "false">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' to false>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "0">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' to 0>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "+">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' += 1>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "-">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' -= 1>>'>><</link>>.
<span id="resetDebug"><<print _debugVariable>>:<br>
<<print '<<textbox "' + _debugVariable + '" ' + _debugVariable + '>>'>> -
<<link "unset">><<print '<<unset ' + _debugVariable + '>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "true">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' to true>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "false">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' to false>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "0">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' to 0>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "+">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' += 1>>'>><</link>> -
<<link "-">><<print '<<set ' + _debugVariable + ' -= 1>>'>><</link>>.</span><span id="newReset"></span>
Passage Portal<<check "Enter name of destination passage">><br>
<<textbox "_portalPassage" "">>
<<linkappend "open">>
<span id="resetPortal">
<<print '<<link "goto ' + _portalPassage + '">><<goto "' + _portalPassage + '">><</link>>'>></span><span id="newPortal">
<<linkappend "Show loose variables">><br><<include [[looseVariables]]>><</linkappend>><<check "Only supported in early game.">><br><br>
<<return>>@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\gcloak.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\peach.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\tulip.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\wcloak.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\sluttyLeather.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\butterfly.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\longcoat.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\whitehood.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\rose.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Outfits\blossom.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images/Outfits/nwgown.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images/Outfits/nwcrop.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images/Outfits/nwdress.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Nails/nails" + $pc.nails + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Hair/" + $pc.hair.style + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Panties/" + $outfit.under.name + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Accessories/Earrings/" + $pc.ears.wearing + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Accessories/Hair/" + $pc.hair.acc + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images/Accessories/Sex/metalcage.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images\Passage\skeletonKey.jpg]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Shoes/" + $outfit.shoe.choice + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img["Images/Bras/" + $outfit.bra.choice + ".jpg"]]@@@@.simg; [img[Images/Outfits/redgown.jpg]]@@<<if $day6letterPaper is "hearts">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcRedPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "flowers">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcYellowPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "unicorns">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcPinkPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "scrap">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcScrapPaper">>
<<letter _day6letterCode>>
<<if $day6letterIntro is "friend">>
To Elodie, my good friend
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "dear">>
Dear Elodie
<<elseif $day6letterIntro is "heya">>
Heya, El'
<<if $day6letterP1 is "ok">>
I'm so glad to hear that you're okay after the attack. I managed to learn that you'd at least survived, but it's been worrying me that you might have been injured. I'm also mostly alright, still some aches and pains but I'm getting through it. It was so scary! I can hardly believe that I survived it, and the memories have been keeping me up at night.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "art">>
It's awesome to hear that you're working on your art. I bet it's really good - drawing something so scary and intense is perfect for you. I bet that you have the skills to express it perfectly! I really hope that I'll be able to see it in person someday.
<<elseif $day6letterP1 is "help">>
Help me! I'm not the real Princess, I'm an imposter. I never meant for all this, but I've been forced to pretend to be royalty. Now the Queen and her spymaster are keeping me here and are forcing me to keep up this act or else they'll jail me, or worse! I need your help to get out of here.
<<if $day6letterP2 is "saint">>
We're on the way to Saint-Joules to try to stay safe from the Scarecrow Killer in the Bastille. It sounds like the Queen has a whole situation going on with her family there which will make things weird.
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "compliment">>
Thank you for being such an incredible person. I've been so scared this whole trip but being around you is so reassuring and safe - it's helped me get through a lot. Even just getting a letter from you makes me feel better. You're amazing!
<<elseif $day6letterP2 is "guy">>
I'm not really a girl. I'm just a guy in disguise. I'm really sorry for lying to you. I've felt bad the whole time and I totally understand if you hate me for it, but please know that I never wanted any of this to happen.
<<if $day6letterEnd is "sincerely">>
Yours sincerely; <<if $day6letterSign is "highness">>her royal Highness the Princess<<elseif $day6letterSign is "princess">>the Princess<<else>><<print $pc.name>><</if>>
<<elseif $day6letterEnd is "real">>
Keep it real; <<if $day6letterSign is "highness">>her royal Highness the Princess<<elseif $day6letterSign is "princess">>the Princess<<else>><<print $pc.name>><</if>>
<<elseif $day6letterEnd is "love">>
With love; <<if $day6letterSign is "highness">>her royal Highness the Princess<<elseif $day6letterSign is "princess">>the Princess<<else>><<print $pc.name>><</if>>
<</letter>><<if $day6letterPaper is "hearts">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcRedPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "flowers">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcYellowPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "unicorns">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcPinkPaper">>
<<elseif $day6letterPaper is "scrap">><<set _day6letterCode to "pcScrapPaper">>
<<letter _day6letterCode>>
Dear Elodie.<<br>>
^^yours is the^^ First Letter Of ^^such quality that I think I've ever received -^^ Every Word ^^of it means the world to me.^^<<br>>
<<if $day7letterEncode is "identity">>
/* I am not the princess. I am a boy forced to act like this. Sorry. */
In active moment no other thoughts tumultuously hover, except presently residing in noble citadel's exquisitely safe surroundings.<<br>>
In a meadow amongst blossoms, our youthful flourishing opens reveries concerning elegance. Dressed to outshine, adorned charmingly - true ladies invite kisses enticingly; treating hearts in serenity.<<br>>
Sending out Regrets - radiantly, yearningly;<br>
Her royal Highness
/* The Queen has me here against my will. Help me to escape. */
Truly, his enticingness quietly uplifts every evening. Naturally, his allure shines, making everyone's hearts enraptured, relentlessly erudite.<br>
Admiring gentlemen amorously is never savorless. Truly, my yearning wholly intensifies - longing love.<<br>>
Hey, Elodie. Let's promise mutually - endeavor to only ever secure capturing a passionate embrace.<<br>>
Pretty lace embroidery adorns satin elegance;<br>
Her royal Highness
<<if $day7letterEncode is "identity">>
"I am not the princess. I am a boy forced to act like this. Sorry."
"The Queen has me here against my will. Help me to escape."
<</if>><<print "@@.simg; [img[" + _imglink5 + "]]@@">>This save was made using the 'skip ahead' feature implemented in 0.3.2 and 0.3.3. As a result, it's unfortunately unsuitable for progressing past the snapshot they were intended to show. Please start a new game or load a different save to progress further!<<br>>
Review Preview:<<br>>
<<if $grace is 0>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 1>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you danced overall with such lack of grace.
<<elseif $grace is 2>>
The Queen thought that overall your grace while dancing was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passable@@''.
<<elseif $grace is 3>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' of your overall grace while dancing.
<<elseif $grace is 4 or $grace is 5>>
The Queen <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that your overall dancing was so graceful.
<<if $day68danceEstelleMistake is true>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said something incongruent with your appearance to Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceEstelleDare is true>>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you danced like a commoner in front of everyone with Estelle.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareSkill is false>>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that Lord Lazare made you look stupid in front of everyone, concluding that sometimes failure is helpful to one's ends.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareSkill is true>>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you avoided being humiliated by Lord Lazare.<br>
<<if $day68danceLazareButt is "let">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you let Lord Lazare grab your butt, saying that such measures are 'an easy sacrifice for favor'.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "slapSorry">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you slapped Lord Lazare when he grabbed your butt, but ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you had the dignity to apologize.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "move">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you upset Lord Lazare by moving his hand from your butt.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceLazareButt is "slapExtract">>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you outraged Lord Lazare by slapping him when he put his hand on your butt.<br>
<<if $day68danceFloriceDance is "lead">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you rejected gender norms by leading Florice as you danced.<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is false and $day68danceMartheHide is true>>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that Marthe clocked that you were an imposter and accused you as she was taken away<br>
<<if $day68danceMartheCover is "fail">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you awkwardly clammed up while trying to defend Marthe from the guardsmen.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesHand is "shake">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you shook Gilles' hand like a man.<br>
<<if $day68danceGillesReact is "sock">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you instinctively punched Gilles in the face.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchDown">>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;disapproves@@'' of the fact that you had a trauma flashback with Gilles.<br>
<<elseif $day68danceGillesReact is "flinchSob">>
The Queen, callously, ''@@color:#6960EC;hated@@'' that you fell to pieces during a trauma flashback with Gilles, though she at least ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you were 'femininely helpless' about it.<br>
<<if $day68danceHermineStyle is "flirt">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' the advice that you gave to Hermine.<br>
<<if $day68danceLast is "Lazare">>
Despite him being less powerful than he was letting on, the Queen still <<princess2>>''loved''<</princess2>> that you chose to have your last dance with Lord Lazare, the most powerful person available.<br>
<<if $day68dancePartners.includes("Lazare") is true and $day68danceLast isnot "Lazare" and $day68daceLazareButt isnot "slapExtract">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't choose Lord Lazare for the final dance.<br>
<<if $day68danceMood is "fun">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself.
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself.
/* :: boutLeadIn
<<if ndef $auth>><<set $auth to 0>><<set $authTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if ndef $grace>><<set $grace to 0>><<set $graceTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if ndef $cute>><<set $cute to 0>><<set $cuteTrain to 0>><</if>>
<<if ndef $voice>><<set $voice to 0>><<set $voiceTrain to 0>><</if>>
Please provide the following details.<br>
This doesn't cover most of the variables in the story, just the ones which happen to be used in the new section.<<br>>
<<if $nameCheck is undefined or $nameCheck is 1>>
<<textbox "$pc.name" "" autofocus>>
<<textbox "$pc.name" $pc.name>>
<<if $nameCheck is 1>>@@color:red; Please input a valid name@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 2>>@@color:red; Please don't use strange characters like $, _, or (.@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 3>>@@color:red; Your name is not capitalized, are you sure that you wish to continue?@@<</if>><br><br>
Hair color:<br>
<<listbox "$pc.n.hair" autoselect>>
<<option "Black" black>>
<<option "Brown" brown>>
<<option "Blonde" blonde>>
<<option "Redheaded" red>>
<<option "White" white>>
Skin color:<br>
<<listbox "$pc.n.skin" autoselect>>
<<option "Dark" dark>>
<<option "Brown" brown>>
<<option "Tan" tan>>
<<option "Pale" pale>>
<<listbox "$pc.background">>
<<option "Stole bread" bread>>
<<option "Heroic Adventurer" hero>>
<<option "Flirted with a noble" flirt>>
<<option "Started a bar brawl" manly>>
Voice skill:
<<listbox "$voice">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option 2>>
<<option 3>>
<<option 4>>
<<option 5>>
Cuteness skill:
<<listbox "$cute">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option 2>>
<<option 3>>
<<option 4>>
<<option 5>>
Authority skill:
<<listbox "$auth">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option 2>>
<<option 3>>
<<option 4>>
<<option 5>>
Grace skill:
<<listbox "$grace">>
<<option 0>>
<<option 1>>
<<option 2>>
<<option 3>>
<<option 4>>
<<option 5>>
<<listbox "$pc.background">>
<<option "Stole bread" bread>>
<<option "Heroic Adventurer" hero>>
<<option "Flirted with a noble" flirt>>
<<option "Started a bar brawl" manly>>
What clothing are you wearing?<br>
<<listbox "$outfit.set.id">>
<<option "Green cloak and tight brown underclothes" gcloak>>
<<option "Tulip-like dress" tulip>>
<<option "Peach dress" peach>>
<<option "Tailcoat with blouse and short skirt" longcoat>>
<<option "Poofy butterfly dress" butterfly>>
<<option "White layered dress with hood" whitehood>>
<<option "Cool tight leggings and loose top decorated with roses" rose>>
<<option "Pink and white halter-neck top and skirt" blossom>>
Are you caged?
<<checkbox "$caged" false "day5" autocheck>><<br>>
What earrings are you wearing?
<<listbox "_earrings">>
<<option "unpierced">>
<<option "Colette's earrings">>
<<option "onyx earrings">>
<<option "pearl earrings">>
<<option "daisy earrings">>
How feminine have you been behaving thus far?
<<listbox "$fem">>
<<option "I've been avoiding it as much as possible" 0>>
<<option "Only when it's practical" 10>>
<<option "I sometimes find myself doing it even when there's no reason to" 30>>
<<option "I've been acting femininely as much as possible" 40>>
Have you earned leniency from the Queen by acting submissively towards her?
<<listbox "$queen.lenient">>
<<option "No" false>>
<<option "Yes" true>>
<<section "linkForwards">>
<<unset $playing>>
<<set $voiceTrain to $voice>>
<<set $authTrain to $auth>>
<<set $graceTrain to $grace>>
<<set $cuteTrain to $cute>>
<<set $pc.skin.color to $pc.n.skin>>
<<set $pc.eye.color to "dark grey">>
<<set $pc.hair.color to $pc.n.hair>>
<<print "<<wear" + $outfit.set.id + ">>">>
<<if $caged isnot false>><<wearmetalcage>><</if>>
<<set $outfit.under.name to "white panties">><<set $outfit.under.Name to "White Panties">><<set $outfit.under.types to ["panties"]>>
<<set $outfit.padding to false>>
<<set $pc.gender to "young man">>
<<set $pc.desc to "trapped in an absurd situation">>
<<set $pc.shave to "legs">>
<<set $jumped to true>>
<<set $colette to {"facts": [], "name": "Colette Lavalette", "desc": "A childhood friend of the Princess, who has some cruel grudge against her."}>>
<<set $crow to {"name": "The Scarecrow Killer", "desc": "An androgynous figure who attempted to assassinate the king.", "facts": ["Stopped attacking you when you shouted at it to stop."], "pro": 3}>>
<<set $drusilla to {"facts": [], "desc": "The Queen's aunt, and the duchess of Saint-Joules. A real bitch.", "name": "Great-aunt Drusilla"}>>
<<set $elodie to {"name": "Elodie", "desc": "A young noblewoman who's into dark fashion and morbid interests.", "facts": ["Into girls"], "dad": "unlectured"}>>
<<set $firmin to {"name": "Firmin Goux", "desc": "A despicable older man who gave you the potion that's changing your body.", "facts": [], "info": []}>>
<<set $jacques to {"facts": ["Last you heard he was still clinging to life after being injured. You hope that he makes it."], "name": "Jacques", "desc": "A handsome young nobleman of carefree and slightly rakish manner.", "protect": true}>>
<<set $king to {"name": "The King", "desc": "The King of the country. A huge labrador of a man.", "facts": [], "skin": "brown", "hair": "brown", "img": "Images/Character/King/brown brown.png", "nameLie": "susan"}>>
<<set $merat to {"facts": ["Working with the Queen's schemes"], "desc": "The King's tall, lithe, and sadistic spymaster.", "name": "Merat"}>>
<<set $princess to {"facts": [], "desc": "The kingdom's tomboyish future ruler. Hated being the princess and having to do princesslike things, so ran away.", "name": "The Princess", "skin": "dark", "hair": "black", "img": "Images/Character/Princess/dark black.png"}>>
<<set $simone to {"name": "Simone", "desc": "The Princess' maid, and your only ally helping you to survive.", "facts": [], "sleepArray": ["big", "small", "together", "big", "together"], "slept": 2, "dressedYou": 2, "offered": true, "peekCount": 2}>>
<<set $ruthe to {"name": "Madame de la Ruthe", "desc": "A cunning older woman who views feminisation as an area of expertise of hers.", "facts": ["Gave you a metal cock cage"]}>>
<<set $queen to {"facts": ["Has been manipulating you all along."], "name": "The Queen", "desc": "The Queen of the country. A serious, manipulative, and cruel woman with a seductive dress sense.", "skin": "dark", "hair": "black", "img": "Images/Character/Queen/dark black.png"}>>
<<set $rob to {"facts": ["Probably among the slaughtered reinforcements."], "desc": "A burly, thickset soldier. Used to be partners with Ren, who was killed by the Scarecrow Killer.", "name": "Robiers"}>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "dark">><<set $king.skin to "brown">><<set $princess.skin to "dark">><<set $queen.skin to "dark">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "brown">><<set $king.skin to "tan">><<set $princess.skin to "brown">><<set $queen.skin to "dark">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "tan">><<set $king.skin to "pale">><<set $princess.skin to "tan">><<set $queen.skin to "brown">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.skin is "pale">><<set $king.skin to "pale">><<set $princess.skin to "pale">><<set $queen.skin to "tan">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "black">><<set $king.hair to "brown">><<set $princess.hair to "black">><<set $queen.hair to "black">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "brown">><<set $king.hair to "blonde">><<set $princess.hair to "brown">><<set $queen.hair to "black">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "blonde">><<set $king.hair to "blonde">><<set $princess.hair to "blonde">><<set $queen.hair to "brown">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "red">><<set $king.hair to "blonde">><<set $princess.hair to "red">><<set $queen.hair to "red">><</if>>
<<if $pc.n.hair is "white">><<set $king.hair to "white">><<set $princess.hair to "white">><<set $queen.hair to "brown">><</if>>
<<set $princess.img to "Images/Character/Princess/" + $princess.skin + " " + $princess.hair + ".png">>
<<set $king.img to "Images/Character/King/" + $king.skin + " " + $king.hair + ".png">>
<<set $queen.img to "Images/Character/Queen/" + $queen.skin + " " + $queen.hair + ".png">>
<<if _earrings is "unpierced">>
<<elseif _earrings is "Colette's earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "coletteStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("coletteStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("onyxStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("daisyStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("pearlStud")>>
<<elseif _earrings is "pearl earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "pearlStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("onyxStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("daisyStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("pearlStud")>>
<<elseif _earrings is "onyx earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "onyxStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("onyxStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("daisyStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("pearlStud")>>
<<elseif _earrings is "daisy earrings">>
<<set $pc.ears.wearing to "daisyStud">>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("onyxStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("daisyStud")>>
<<run $pc.ears.owned.push("pearlStud")>>
<<link "Finished!">>
<<if $pc.name is "">>
<<set $nameCheck to 1>>
<<goto "boutLeadIn">>
<<if $pc.name.includes("_") is true or $pc.name.includes("$") is true or $pc.name.includes("(") is true or $pc.name.includes(")") is true>>
<<set $nameCheck to 2>>
<<goto "boutLeadIn">>
<<if $nameCheck isnot 3>>
<<if $pc.name.first() is "a" or $pc.name.first() is "b" or $pc.name.first() is "c" or $pc.name.first() is "d" or $pc.name.first() is "e" or $pc.name.first() is "f" or $pc.name.first() is "g" or $pc.name.first() is "h" or $pc.name.first() is "i" or $pc.name.first() is "j" or $pc.name.first() is "k" or $pc.name.first() is "l" or $pc.name.first() is "m" or $pc.name.first() is "n" or $pc.name.first() is "o" or $pc.name.first() is "p" or $pc.name.first() is "q" or $pc.name.first() is "r" or $pc.name.first() is "s" or $pc.name.first() is "t" or $pc.name.first() is "u" or $pc.name.first() is "v" or $pc.name.first() is "w" or $pc.name.first() is "x" or $pc.name.first() is "y" or $pc.name.first() is "z">>
<<set $nameCheck to 3>>
<<goto "boutLeadIn">>
<<print _linkForwards>>
<<goto "day68boutiques">>
<<print _linkForwards>>
<<goto "day68boutiques">>
<</link>> */This save was made using the 'skip ahead' feature implemented in 0.3.2 and 0.3.3. As a result, it's unfortunately unsuitable for progressing past the snapshot they were intended to show. Please start a new game or load a different save to progress further!<<br>>
Review Preview:<<br>>
<<if $day68boutGirl is "hide">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you hid behind your escort when confronted with a peasant girl on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "mean">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you appeared powerful and intimidating in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you embarrassed yourself while trying to intimidate the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<elseif $day68boutGirl is "kind">>
<<if $day68boutGirlCheck is "pass">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you managed to appear benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way of the boutiques
<<elseif $day68boutGirlCheck is "fail">>
The Queen ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that you did a poor job appearing benevolent in front of the peasantry on the way to the boutiques.
<<if $day68boutToyAisle is "doll">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you chose to look at the dolls instead of the soldiers in the toy shop.
<<elseif $day68boutToyAisle is "soldier">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you chose to look at the soldiers instead of the dolls in the toy shop.
<<if $day68boutToyBear is "reject">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ungraciously caused a scene rejecting the teddy bear.
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;doesn't care@@'' that you looked childish bringing home a giant teddy bear.
<<if $day68boutRestFashion is "queen">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you told the group of fashion-conscious women to emulate her style.<br>
<<if $day68boutRestBum is "close">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutRestBum is "give">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you were seen talking with a lowly beggar, but unexpectedly it sounds like she found it ''@@color:#AF9B60;acceptable@@'' that you gave him money.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt2 is "rules">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you said that the male power fantasy painting 'fucking ruled'<br>
<<if $day68boutArtFem is "silly">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you expressed dislike for the feminine painting, despite agreeing that it probably really was quite distasteful from the sound of it.<br>
<<if $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinions you voiced about either of the sexual paintings in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 isnot "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 is "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual feminine painting in the gallery.<br>
<<elseif $day68boutArt5 is "neutral" and $day68boutArt6 isnot "neutral">>
The Queen ''@@color:#AF9B60;didn't care@@'' about the opinion you voiced about the sexual male painting in the gallery.<br>
<<if $day68boutArtPaint is false>>
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#6960EC;dislike@@'' that you chose not to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it would have been evidence of impersonation.
Surprisingly, the Queen seemed to ''@@color:#FFA07A;like@@'' that you chose to have your portrait taken, despite the fact that it could be evidence of your impersonation.
<<if $day68boutOutfitChange is "dash">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you ran across the room to grab your clothing so indignantly in the clothes shop
<<if $voice lte 2>> and ''@@color:#C11B17;hated@@'' that your voice broke while explaining matters.<<elseif $voice gte 3 and $voice lte 4>> though heard that your explanation was ''@@color:#AF9B60;passably@@'' feminine in tone.
<<elseif $voice gte 5>>though ''@@color:#FFA07A;approved@@'' that you managed to verbally cover for yourself so capably.<</if>>
<<elseif $day68boutOutfitChange is "help">>
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you so indignantly made a scene asking for help while trying on clothing - you're grateful that she doesn't know the half of it.
<<if $day68boutMood is "fun">>
The Queen ''@@color:#FFA07A;liked@@'' that you seemed to be enjoying yourself.
The Queen ''@@color:#6960EC;disliked@@'' that you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself.
<<if $day68boutGift.includes("queen") is true>>
<<queen "As for the 'gift' you acquired for me...">> The Queen continues, only to give a terse little sigh and fix you a deeply, deeply unamused expression. An expression that seems to scream '<<queen2>>you're getting blackmailed into servitude and you //seriously// decided to get your blackmailer a //present//?<</queen2>>'. However, despite how withering it is, you think that you can see a trace of a resigned '<<queen2>>what am I going to do with you?<</queen2>>' behind those cynical eyes which seems, while undoubtedly disappointed, nevertheless almost maternal, possessing at least a trace of warmth - though you're probably imagining it.<<br>>
Before you can get a full grasp on the expression she hides it once more and concludes <<queen "... the less said of it the better I think">>, moving onto other matters.<<br>>
<<if $nameCheck is undefined or $nameCheck is 1>>
<<textbox "$pc.name" "" autofocus>>
<<textbox "$pc.name" $pc.name>>
<</if>> <<hovertip "A masculine or gender-neutral first name, with no surname, is preferred.">><sup>⍰</sup> (hover to read)<</hovertip>>
<<if $nameCheck is 1>>@@color:red; Please input a valid name@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 2>>@@color:red; Please don't use strange characters like $, _, or (.@@<</if>>
<<if $nameCheck is 3>>@@color:red; Your name is not capitalized, are you sure that you wish to continue?@@<</if>><br><br>
Hair color:<br>
<<listbox "$pc.n.hair" autoselect>>
<<option "Black" black>>
<<option "Brown" brown>>
<<option "Blonde" blonde>>
<<option "Redheaded" red>>
<<option "White" white>>
Skin color:<br>
<<listbox "$pc.n.skin" autoselect>>
<<option "Dark" dark>>
<<option "Brown" brown>>
<<option "Tan" tan>>
<<option "Pale" pale>>
Eye color:<br>
<<listbox "$pc.n.eye" autoselect>>
<<option "Brown" brown>>
<<option "Hazel" hazel>>
<<option "Green" green>>
<<option "Blue" blue>>
<<link "Finished!">>
<<if $pc.name is "">>
<<set $nameCheck to 1>>
<<goto "characterCreation">>
<<if $pc.name.includes("_") is true or $pc.name.includes("$") is true or $pc.name.includes("(") is true or $pc.name.includes(")") is true>>
<<set $nameCheck to 2>>
<<goto "characterCreation">>
<<if $nameCheck isnot 3>>
<<if $pc.name.first() is "a" or $pc.name.first() is "b" or $pc.name.first() is "c" or $pc.name.first() is "d" or $pc.name.first() is "e" or $pc.name.first() is "f" or $pc.name.first() is "g" or $pc.name.first() is "h" or $pc.name.first() is "i" or $pc.name.first() is "j" or $pc.name.first() is "k" or $pc.name.first() is "l" or $pc.name.first() is "m" or $pc.name.first() is "n" or $pc.name.first() is "o" or $pc.name.first() is "p" or $pc.name.first() is "q" or $pc.name.first() is "r" or $pc.name.first() is "s" or $pc.name.first() is "t" or $pc.name.first() is "u" or $pc.name.first() is "v" or $pc.name.first() is "w" or $pc.name.first() is "x" or $pc.name.first() is "y" or $pc.name.first() is "z">>
<<set $nameCheck to 3>>
<<goto "characterCreation">>
<<goto [[opening1]]>>
<<goto [[opening1]]>>
<</if>><</link>><<set $playing to "no">>
<span id="desk">
@@.logo; [img[Images\titleCard.png]]@@
<span id="phone">
@@.img; [img[Images\titleCard.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.75em;(Logo and icon by Zia Lightning)@@</div>
After the Princess runs away from home, a male prisoner is forced to take her place in disguise - but with a mysterious chemical slowly changing his body and a royalty-murdering assassin on the loose, his very life is on the line!<br>
Will he manage to escape the deadly trap he's caught in, or will he be ensnared in the courtly drama, intrigue, romance, and sexuality - and drawn deeper into his role than he ever could have imagined?<br><br>
The Princess Trap is an erotic, fantasy, narrative-heavy, slow-burn, interactive story featuring themes of feminisation, slow MtF transformation, submission, and crossdressing, as well as milder themes of sissification, corruption, bimbofication, exhibitionism, and humiliation.<br><br>
This story features both lemon and lime, along with gay and straight sexual encounters of all combinations. Only those who are of age to consume such content should continue playing.<br><br>
This game is made in Twee using the Sugarcube format and compiled with Tweego.<br><br>
This game is still in its early stages of development with plenty more planned to come. Please get in touch if you notice any bugs or inconsistencies!<br>
<span data-nokeys="true">
You can get in contact via the [[TFgames.site forum thread->https://tfgames.site/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?t=17942]], our [[Discord server->https://discord.gg/nkyMSJx352]], or by emailing me at n@natnatn.at.<<br>>
If you'd like to support TPT, please consider subscribing to the [[SubscribeStar page->https://subscribestar.adult/TPT]]. Every cent directly helps me to put more time into the project, and subscribers get access to the next update before anyone else. Your help is deeply appreciated!<<br>>
If you are playing the game locally and are having trouble with the images not loading, please ensure that you have extracted the game files from the zip folder before running them.<<br>>
TPT supports keyboard navigation. Use the arrow and number keys to navigate the available links at the end of the passage.<<hovertip "Left arrow: Back<br>Right arrow: Forward (on pages with only one link)<br>Numkeys: Activates the corresponding links (1 for the first link, 2 for the second and so on)<br>Links which are unavailable, such as due to skill checks, are not counted.">><sup>⍰</sup> (hover to read)<</hovertip>><<br>>
[[Start the game from the beginning!->characterCreation]]
/* <<br>>[[Jump to the new content in 0.3.2 - dancing in the Bastille ballroom->danceLeadIn]]<<check "Not recommended for new players">><br>
[[Jump to the new content in 0.3.3 - shopping in the Saint-Joules boutiques->boutLeadIn]]<<check "Not recommended for new players">> */<<bugvar "$princessSeen" "true">>
<<bugvar "$meratBargain" "pushed, no, yes">>
<<bugvar "$robPal" "true">>
<<bugvar "$sluttyLeather" "true">>
<<bugvar "$pc.shave" "legs, hairless, bush, heart, strip">>
<<bugvar "$stashedStuff" "true">>
<<bugvar "$day" "1-3">>
<<bugvar "$outfit.padding" "true, false">>
<<bugvar "$pantiesWorn" "true">>
<<bugvar "$princessSeen" "true">>
<<bugvar "$king.nameLie" "ruthe, susan, maddie">>
<<bugvar "$jails" "stay, ko, found">>
<<bugvar "$eyeChange" "overpower, gems, favor, beg, demand, tease">>
<<bugvar "$jacques.protect" "true">>
<<bugvar "$day2route" "elodieFull, elodieHalf, jacquesFull, jacquesHalf, stay">>
<<bugvar "$simone.dressedYou" "true">>
<<bugvar "$legBed" "true">>
<<bugvar "$princessSeen" "true">><br>
<<bugvar "$noChar" "true">>
<<bugvar "$playing" "no">>
<<bugvar "$jailAsk" "who, take">>
<<bugvar "$bowReply" "bow, curtsy">>
<<bugvar "$crowd" "1-9">>
<<bugvar "$meratName" "true">>
<<bugvar "$beddingHid" "true">>
<<bugvar "$cloaked" "true">>
<<bugvar "$day2demeanor" "authority, serene, cute">>
<<bugvar "$pantyChoice" "1-3">>
<<bugvar "$simonePeek" "true">>
<<bugvar "$throne" "true">>
<<bugvar "$noStats" "true">>
<<bugvar "$bedding" "true">>
<<bugvar "$clean" "true">>
<<bugvar "$day2outfitChoice" "1-3">>
<<bugvar "$elodieIntroChoice" "0-1">>
<<bugvar "$elodieIntro" "0-2">>
<<bugvar "$simoneDay2chat" "maid,family, acc, elodie, jacques, vial">>
<<bugvar "$jailMerat" "open, shut">>
<<bugvar "$begType" "cum, dog, vial">>
<<bugvar "$elodieHangAsk" "1-3">>
<<bugvar "$oTownEscape" "true">>
<<bugvar "$day2eyeChange" "guy, girl, princess">>
<<bugvar "$day2eyeMood" "defiant, meek">><<if def $day>>Day <<print $day>><br><br><</if>>
<<if def $outfit.over.Name>>
Over: <<print $outfit.over.Name>><br>
<<if def $outfit.dress.Name>>
Dress: <<print $outfit.dress.Name>><br>
<<if def $outfit.top.Name>>
Top: <<print $outfit.top.Name>><br>
<<if $outfit.armor is true>>
Bra: Leather Armor<br>
<<if $outfit.bra.wearing is true>>
Bra: <<print $outfit.bra.Name>><br>
<<if def $outfit.bottom.Name>>
Bottom: <<print $outfit.bottom.Name>><br>
/* <<if $outfit.jewelry.wearing is true>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.types.includes("necklace")>>
Necklace: <<print $outfit.jewelry.Name>><br>
<<elseif $outfit.jewelry.types.includes("hand")>>
Hands: <<print $outfit.jewelry.Name>><br>
Jewelry: <<print $outfit.jewelry.Name>><br>
<</if>> */
<<if $pc.jewelry gte 1>>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.wearing is true>>
/* <<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.types.includes("choker")>>
<<elseif $outfit.jewelry.neck.types.includes("collar")>>
<</if>> */
Neck: <<print $outfit.jewelry.neck.Name>><br>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing is true>>
Hands: <<print $outfit.jewelry.hand.Name>><br>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.wearing is true>>
Shoulders: <<print $outfit.jewelry.shoulder.Name>><br>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.ankle.wearing is true>>
Ankles: <<print $outfit.jewelry.ankle.Name>><br>
<<if $outfit.armor is true>>
Underwear: Leather Armor<br>
<<if def $outfit.under.Name>>
Underwear: <<print $outfit.under.Name>><br>
<<if $outfit.shoe.wearing is true>>
Shoes: <<print $outfit.shoe.Name>><br>
<<if def $outfit.cage.Name>>
Toy: <<print $outfit.cage.Name>><br>
<<if def $outfit.wrists>>
Wrists: <<print $outfit.wrists>><br>
<<if def $outfit.gag>>
Face: <<print $outfit.gag>><br>
/* Fix legacy save stats pre 0.3.2 - moved to save add */
/* <<if ndef $authTrain and def $auth>>
<<if $auth gte 5>>
<<set $authTrain to 5>><<set $authBonus to $auth - 5>>
<<elseif $auth lte 3>>
<<set $authTrain to 0>><<set $authBonus to $auth>>
<<elseif $auth gte $authTrain and ndef $authBonus>>
<<set $authBonus to $auth - $authTrain>>
<<elseif ndef $authBonus>>
<<set $authBonus to 0>>
<<if ndef $graceTrain and def $grace>>
<<if $grace gte 5>>
<<set $graceTrain to 5>><<set $graceBonus to $grace - 5>>
<<elseif $grace lte 3>>
<<set $graceTrain to 0>><<set $graceBonus to $grace>>
<<elseif $grace gte $graceTrain and ndef $graceBonus>>
<<set $graceBonus to $grace - $graceTrain>>
<<elseif ndef $graceBonus>>
<<set $graceBonus to 0>>
<<if ndef $cuteTrain and def $cute>>
<<if $cute gte 5>>
<<set $cuteTrain to 5>><<set $cuteBonus to $cute - 5>>
<<elseif $cute lte 3>>
<<set $cuteTrain to 0>><<set $cuteBonus to $cute>>
<<elseif $cute gte $cuteTrain and ndef $cuteBonus>>
<<set $cuteBonus to $cute - $cuteTrain>>
<<elseif ndef $cuteBonus>>
<<set $cuteBonus to 0>>
<<if ndef $voiceTrain and def $voice>>
<<if $voice gte 5>>
<<set $voiceTrain to 5>><<set $voiceBonus to $voice - 5>>
<<elseif $voice lte 3>>
<<set $voiceTrain to 0>><<set $voiceBonus to $voice>>
<<elseif $voice gte $voiceTrain and ndef $voiceBonus>>
<<set $voiceBonus to $voice - $voiceTrain>>
<<elseif ndef $voiceBonus>>
<<set $voiceBonus to 0>>
<</if>> */
/* end fix legacy save stats */
<<if def $auth>>
<<unset $noStats>>Stats:<br>
Authority: <<print $authTrain>><<if $authBonus gte 1>> + <<hovertip "Authority Bonus">><<print $authBonus>><</hovertip>><</if>><br>
<<if def $grace>>
Grace: <<print $graceTrain>><<if $graceBonus gte 1>> + <<hovertip "Grace Bonus">><<print $graceBonus>><</hovertip>><</if>><br>
<<if def $cute>>
Cuteness: <<print $cuteTrain>><<if $cuteBonus gte 1>> + <<hovertip "Cuteness Bonus">><<print $cuteBonus>><</hovertip>><</if>><br>
<<if def $voice>>
Voice Training: <<print $voiceTrain>><<if $voiceBonus gte 1>> + <<hovertip "Voice Training bonus">><<print $voiceBonus>><</hovertip>><</if>><br>
<</if>><<if $playing isnot "no">>
<<link "Appearance">>
<<goto "appearance">>
<<if $playing isnot "no">>
<<link "Characters">>
<<goto "characters">>
<<if TEST_MODE is true or settings.debug is true>>
<<link "Debug">>
<<goto "debug">>
<</if>>@@.img; [img[Images\logo.png]]@@<br>
The Princess Trapby NatnatnatVersion 0.6.0You're wearing a beautiful pink and white <<imgl1nk "dress" "blossomImg">>, which resembles spring blossoms.<<br>>
/* It consists of a pretty top, which is largely held up by a thing sheer connection at the chest to a delicate choker, decorated with a pink flower at the center, and leaves much of your belly, shoulders, and even a section at the back, completely exposed. Unusually, at the back it flows down in two 'tails', almost like that of a tailcoat.<<br>> */
/* Your lower body is covered only by a small pink skirt, and soft white stockings.<<br>> */
It has revealing sections cut out of it as the shoulders, belly, and chest, that make you feel oddly naked. It's decorated at the back by a huge tasseled pink bow, which makes you look like a present just waiting to be unwrapped.<<br>>
Your arms are covered by cute arm-warmers, which attach at the forearms and have little fake flowers at the ends. It also features soft satin stockings.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include "newWorldOutfit">><<setter "pc.nails to 'french'" "pc.nails to 'pink'" "outfitTorn to 'good'" "outfitTorn to 'bad'" "outfitTorn to undefined" "pc.hair.style to 'bangsbob'" "pc.hair.style to undefined">>
<<if $day lte 5>>
You're wearing a beautiful gray-blue <<imgl1nk "dress" "butterflyImg">> that explodes out at the waist in a cascade of rippling petticoats and ruffles, bouncing with every step. The idea is echoed by the sleeves, which also bloom outwards<<if def $pc.nails>>, revealing your hands with <<if $pc.nails is "french">><<imgl1nk "finely manicured" "nailsImg">> nails<<else>><<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> painted nails<</if>><</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "good">>It's difficult to notice, but a small slice has been cut out of one of the many petticoats of your outfit.<br><br><</if>>
At <<if $outfit.padding is true>>your padded chest<<else>>the chest<</if>>, the dress is loosely held up by a pair of elegant butterfly broaches, one in front and one behind your back, above which sits your face, with dark-gray eyes and <<if def $pc.hair.style>>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
a pretty <<imgl1nk "bob" "hairImg">> of <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair with straight bangs
<<case "shortup">>
short <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> raised up in a little bun
<<case "shortcoiled">>
short coils of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> cascading down your head
<<case "shortwavy">>
short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> that bounces cutely when you walk
<<case "sideswipe">>
a dramatic swoosh of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">>
<<case "spiky">>
short spiky androgynous <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
unkempt <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
, which almost covers
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>
the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette
your pretty
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>One of the straps loosely holding your dress up to the broach has been cut by Colette's scissors, and now hangs precariously dangling by a thread, snagged on the end of the butterfly's wing.<</if>>
The dress is a little short, revealing your hairless <<print $pc.skin.color>> legs. Above which, hidden from sight, are <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>your uncovered <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>carefully shaved<</if>> genitals, <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>made impotent by your shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<else>>scandalously exposed<</if>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>. They're decorated by a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>. They're decorated by a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>. They're decorated by a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>>a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">> which cover your <<if def $outfit.cage.name>>scandalously <<imgl1nk "caged" "metalcageImg">><</if>> hairless genitals<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>. They're decorated by a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>. They're decorated by a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>. They're decorated by a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>><</if>>.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing a beautiful gray-blue <<imgl1nk "dress" "butterflyImg">> that explodes out at the waist in a cascade of rippling petticoats and ruffles, bouncing with every step. The idea is echoed by the sleeves, which also bloom outwards.<<br>>
Instead of straps, the dress is held up by attaching to the bottom of a pair of beautifully elegant butterfly broaches - one at the front and one at the rear.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include "newWorldOutfit">>
<</if>>You're wearing a daring purple <<imglink "dress" "Outfits/drusilla.jpg">> that you received from great-aunt Drusilla.<<br>>
/* It's little more than a leotard, and between the sheer spiderweb patterning that runs over the chest and back, and the 'skirt' that's barely more than a few hanging tassels of fabric, you're left scandalously exposed.<<br>> */
It's little more than a tight bodice, from which a cascade of gauzy, spiderwebby sheer fabric emerge, forming a skirt that's barely there at all. Above it is a ornate mantle, decorated with swirling patterns.<<br>>
The dark coloration and spider-imagery immediately gives off 'villainess' vibes to an almost theatrical degree, but in doing so it also manages to appear confident and powerful despite how much skin is on display.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include "newWorldOutfit">><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing a feminine <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> consisting of a tight top and leggings in earthy shaded colors with an elegant green cloak over the top.<br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>The front of your outfit has a huge gash torn through the center, made by Colette's scissors, exposing your stomach and a small cut in your skin.<br><br><</if>>
The cloak unravels into cascading plantlike ruffles at the hips that threaten to drag slightly along the ground as you walk, and opens at the chest and waist to reveal the tight underclothes beneath.<<if $outfitTorn is "good">> Among the ruffles, barely noticeable, is a tear made by Colette's scissors.<</if>><br><br>
The outfit's hood frames your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned face well. Along with your bright <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes you can also make out <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>a little of your unkempt <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair poking out the under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>the bangs of your <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bob" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood.<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>a few loose strands of your tied-up short <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>a few loose coils of your short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>the loose bangs of your short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood.<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>the dramatic sideswept bangs of your <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> emerging from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>a few errant spikes of your short spiky <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "haircut" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<</if>>
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>>.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>><br><br>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>As you move, you can sometimes catch glimpses of <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>> through the hood.<<br>><</if>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
Despite being covered by the cloak, the material is still tight enough around the chest to make your padded bust visible.
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
Under the outfit you're wearing a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
which cover your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>carefully shaven<</if>> genitals, scandalously decorated by your shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">>.
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">> which cover your carefully shaven genitals.<</if>>
<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>They're decorated by a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair.<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>They're decorated by a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair.<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>They're decorated by a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair.<</if>>
You hope that nobody will notice the bulge in the tight leggings.
Under the outfit you're not wearing any underwear,
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>carefully shaven<</if>> genitals, scandalously decorated by your shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">>, exposed to the world.
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">> your carefully shaven genitals scandalously exposed.<</if>>
<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>They're decorated by a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair.<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>They're decorated by a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair.<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>They're decorated by a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair.<</if>>
You hope that nobody will notice the bulge in the tight leggings.
<<if def $pc.shave>>
<br><br>Your legs are perfectly hairless and you can feel every inch of the tight, soft material of your leggings clinging to you.
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your fingernails have been given a beautiful french manicure, and though they're hidden by your riding boots, your toenails are much the same.
Your fingernails have been given lovely <<print $pc.nails>> nail varnish, and though they're hidden by your riding boots, your toenails are much the same.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing a feminine <<imgl1nk "outfit" "gcloakImg">> consisting of a tight top and leggings in earthy shaded colors with an elegant green cloak over the top.<br><br>
The cloak unravels into cascading plantlike ruffles at the hips that threaten to drag along the ground as you walk, but opens at the chest and waist to reveal the tight clothing underneath.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $outfit.over.Name is "White Cloak">>
You've hastily pulled the <<imgl1nk "white cloak" "whitecloakImg">> that Merat dressed you in on the day where this all started back over yourself to carry out your end of the bargain with the man from yesterday. Almost all of your features are hidden by the elegant outfit, though a closer look might be able to catch a glimpse of your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin and your piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes shrouded in the darkness of your hood.
You're back to wearing your prisoner rags - a dirty hempen smock and trousers so worn through that they're practically rags. <<if $outfit.under.Name is "None">>You don't even have underwear to wear with them!<</if>><br><br>
The clothing is in such dire repair that they're covered in various stains and have many holes through which your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is visible. The trousers are torn off just over the knee leaving your <<if ndef $pc.shave>>hairy legs and bare feet exposed.<</if>><<if def $pc.shave>>hairless legs exposed.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "black panties">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "black panties" "pantiesImg">> with a cute little bow on the front. They fit snugly around your average penis.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "pink polkadot boyshorts" "pantiesImg">> covered in cute ruffles. They fit snugly around your average penis.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "lacy black boyshorts" "pantiesImg">> made from a sheer material, through which you can make out your average penis snugly held inside.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "white panties">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "white panties" "pantiesImg">> with a little red bow at the front. You can clearly see the shape of your junk through the white material.<br><br>
<<switch $pc.hair.style>>
<<case "bangsbob">>
On your head you have a pretty bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with straight bangs, under which you have piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes
<<case "shortup">>
On your head you have short <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> raised up in a little bun, along with two piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.
<<case "shortcoiled">>
You have short coils of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> cascading down your head, below which sit your piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.
<<case "shortwavy">>
On your head you have short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> that bounces cutely when you walk, as well as two piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.
<<case "sideswipe">>
On your head you have a dramatic swoosh of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">> that almost cover your piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.
<<case "spiky">>
On your head you have short spiky androgynous <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">>, as well as two piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.
Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair is messy and could really use a cut - as it is it almost covers your piercing <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your finger and toenails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>.
Your finger and toenails have been adorned with <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish.
<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing a very dashing <<imgl1nk "outfit" "longcoatImg">>. The upper part, consisting of a white blouse and double-breasted jacket, isn't too dissimilar to mens clothing, but in the lower half of your body the jacket dramatically unfurls out much longer than any mens tailcoat, until its tips daintily touch down on the ground around your feet.<<if $outfitTorn is "good">> Unfortunately, one of the beautiful tips has been sliced off by Colette's scissors.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>The front of your outfit has a huge gash torn through the center, made by Colette's scissors, exposing your stomach and a small cut in your skin.<br><br><</if>>
What's more concerning to you, however, is the skirt. It's pleated, blue, and scandalously short. With every movement you worry that you'll expose
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>carefully shaven<</if>> genitals<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, which are perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>>, <</if>>
your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
to the world. Your legs are covered in thin silk stockings, though they stop at your upper thigh, exposing your hairless legs.<br><br>
Above it all sits your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned face, looking around nervously with <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>> You're crowned with <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>short <<print $pc.hair.color>> spikes of <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><</if>><<if def $pc.hair.acc>>, decorated with <<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>><<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>, which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
Despite being covered by the front of the tailcoat, the way the material sits over your chest is still enough to reveal the shape of your padded bust.<br><br>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your fingernails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>, and though they're hidden by your shoes your toenails are much the same.
Your fingernails have been given lovely <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish, and though they're hidden by your shoes your toenails are much the same.
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none" and (def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs")>>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are shaved smooth<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.under.name isnot "none" and $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are <<if def $outfit.cage.id>>perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing a very dashing <<imgl1nk "outfit" "longcoatImg">>. The upper part, consisting of a white blouse and double-breasted jacket, isn't too dissimilar to mens clothing, but in the lower half of your body the jacket dramatically unfurls out much longer than any mens tailcoat, until its tips daintily touch down on the ground around your feet.<<br>>
However, what's more concerning to you is the skirt. It's pleated, blue, and so scandalously short that you're at risk of exposing yourself. Your legs are covered in thin silk stockings, though they stop at your upper thigh to leave some 'absolute territory' visible.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
Despite being covered by the front of the tailcoat, the way the material sits over your chest is still enough to reveal the shape of your padded bust.<br><br>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing a thick, plush <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">>, which snugly wraps around you, covering most of your body. It's a little warm, and your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is a little flushed from the heat, but it's undeniably comfortable.<br><br>
You're well covered by the gown - below the neck, only your <<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
<<imgl1nk "french manicured" "nailsImg">>.
<<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail-painted.
<</if>> hands<<if def $pc.nails>>,<</if>> and the lower half of your <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek hairless<<else>>hairy<</if>> legs visible.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwgown">>
Under it
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
you're completely nude, your entire body brushing against the soft fabric with every movement.
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none" and (def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs")>>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are shaved smooth<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, and decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, and decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, and decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.under.name isnot "none" and $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">>
The sensation through the holes in your metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> feels especially scandalous.
you're wearing only a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>. With every movement your skin brushes against the soft fabric.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
Under it you're wearing an adorable set of <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, which you plan to slip into at night. The white fabric fans out into subtle trumpeting at the hemlines, mere inches away from your
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>hairless<</if>> genitals<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, which are perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, which are decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, which are decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, which are decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
bare <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>hairless<</if>> genitals<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>>.
<<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>.
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
Under it you're wearing a sleek silk <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">>, which you plan to slip into at night. The nightwear is so short that it would threaten to expose
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>hairless<</if>> genitals<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, which are perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair,<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair, <<else>>, <</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, which are decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, which are decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, which are decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair, <</if>><</if>>
your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
<</if>> at any time, if you weren't wearing the gown over the top.
Topping it all, your masculine face is framed by <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>short <<print $pc.hair.color>> spikes of <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><</if>> <<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>>, <<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>, and<</if>> under which your <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes peer out.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are shaved smooth<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, and decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, and decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, and decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are <<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing a thick, plush <<imgl1nk "dressing gown" "nwGownImg">>, which snugly wraps around you, covering most of your body. It's a little warm, and your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is a little flushed from the heat, but it's undeniably comfortable.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
Under it you're wearing a sleek silk <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">>, which you plan to slip into at night. The nightwear is so short that it would threaten to expose you at any moment were you not wearing the dressing gown on top.<<br>>
<<elseif $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown">>
Under it you're wearing an adorable set of <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>, which you plan to slip into at night. The white fabric fans out into subtle trumpeting at the hemlines.
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing a delicate and feminine <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">>.
The fabric is so thin and light that it feels practically immaterial on your body, like wearing a silken spiderweb. Despite that, it's incredibly soft - its surface so sleek that it glistens in the light.<br><br>
The material is short enough that your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek hairless<<else>>hairy<</if>> legs are completely exposed, and light enough that every movement threatens to expose
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>hairless<</if>> genitals<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, which are perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair,<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair, <<else>>, <</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, which are decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, which are decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, which are decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair, <</if>><</if>>
your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
<</if>> to the world.<br><br>
Topping it all, your masculine face is framed by <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>short <<print $pc.hair.color>> spikes of <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><</if>> <<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>>, <<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>, and<</if>> under which your <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes peer out.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your finger and toenails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>.
Your finger and toenails have been given lovely <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish.
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are shaved smooth<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, and decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, and decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, and decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are <<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing a delicate and feminine <<imgl1nk "nightdress" "nwdressImg">>.
The fabric is so thin and light that it feels practically immaterial on your body, like wearing a silken spiderweb. Despite that, it's incredibly soft - its surface so sleek that it glistens in the light.<br><br>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing an adorable set of <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>.<br><br>
The white flannel outfit is pretty skimpy - leaving your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned belly and <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek hairless<<else>>hairy<</if>> legs exposed. The fabric fans out into subtle trumpeting at the hemlines, mere inches away from
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
your underwearless <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>shaven<</if>> genitals<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, which are perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair <<else>>, <</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, which are decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair <<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, which are decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, which are decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair <</if>><</if>>
revealing your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
<</if>> - you're sure that the bottom of your butt is mostly visible!<br><br>
Topping it all, your masculine face is framed by <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>short <<print $pc.hair.color>> spikes of <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><</if>> <<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>>, <<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>, and<</if>> under which your <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes peer out.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your finger and toenails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>.
Your finger and toenails have been given lovely <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish.
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none">>
<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are shaved smooth<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, and decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, and decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, and decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are <<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>
You're wearing an adorable set of <<imgl1nk "crop top and shorts" "nwcropImg">>.<br><br>
The white flannel outfit is pretty skimpy - leaving your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned belly and <<if def $pc.shave>>sleek hairless<<else>>hairy<</if>> legs exposed. The fabric fans out into subtle trumpeting at the hemlines.<<br>>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're standing <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>completely nude<<else>>in only your underwear<</if>>. How scandalous!<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>Utterly exposed, you<<else>>You<</if>> can see your masculine body clearly. Your bare <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin glistens in the light.<br><br>
Your masculine face is framed by <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>short <<print $pc.hair.color>> spikes of <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><</if>><<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>>, under which your <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes peer out.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>><br><br>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>Your ears are decorated with <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>.<<br>><</if>>
<<if $day gte 5>>
Your chest is completely exposed, along with the tender nubs of your puffy, delicate nipples.
Your masculine, flat chest is exposed.
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
What immediately draws the attention is the metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> which is completely exposed, perversely adorning your <<if $day lte 4>>
<</if>> cock.
<<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>
Your pelvis is shaven completely hairless and sleek.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">>
You have a cute bush of trimmed pubic hair.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
It's pointed to by a cute vertical strip of trimmed pubic hair.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
It sits under a cute heart shape of trimmed pubic hair.
Untended pubic hair sprouts from the sides.
<<if $day lte 4>>
average junk is proudly displayed,
now-smaller-than-average junk is awkwardly displayed,
<<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>
hairless and smooth
<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">>
under a cute bush of trimmed pubic hair
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
under a cute vertical strip of trimmed pubic hair
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
under a cute heart shape of trimmed pubic hair
covered in overgrown pubic hair
You're wearing a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>, with the bulge of your
<<if $day lte 4>>
penis clearly visible<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>, though a closer look might also reveal the shape of your metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> through the fabric<</if>>.
<<if ndef $pc.shave or $pc.shave is "legs">>
The delicate underwear looks a little odd with pubic hair sprouting from the sides
<</if>>. <<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>
Hidden away, your pelvis is shaven completely hairless and sleek.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">>
Hidden away, you have a cute bush of trimmed pubic hair.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
Hidden away, you have a cute vertical strip of trimmed pubic hair pointed towards your genitals.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
Hidden away, you have a cute heart shape of trimmed pubic hair.
Under that, you can see
<<if def $pc.shave>>
your sleek hairless legs, looking soft and feminine.
your hairy legs.
<<if def $day5outfitStore>>
<<if $day5outfitStore is "whitehood">>
The Queen stopped you before you took off the last of your outfit, so you're still wearing a pair of white silk thigh-high stockings<<br>>
<<if $day5outfitStore is "longcoat">>
The Queen stopped you before you took of the last of your outfit, so you're still wearing your white silk thigh-high stockings, held up from the waist by delicate lace suspenders.<<br>>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your finger and toenails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>.
Your finger and toenails have been given lovely <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're standing <<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>completely nude<<else>>in only your underwear<</if>>. How scandalous!<br><br>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $day8coletteWriting is true>>
Colette has written all manner of horrid words in thick black ink all across every exposed inch of your flesh.<<br>>
<<if $day8buttMark is true>>
The word 'SLUT' has been emblazoned across your butt with pinprick bruises.<<br>>
Your <<print $pc.skin.color>>
<<if $day lte 4>>masculine
<<elseif $day gte 5 and $pc.face is 1>>slightly-androgynous
<<elseif $pc.face is 2>>tomboyishly-feminine
face is dominated by your gleaming
<<if $pc.eye.color is "dark gray">>dark grey eyes, which indicate that you're a member of the royal family<</if>>.
<<if $outfit.makeup.wearing is true>>
<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.
<<elseif $pc.makeup is 3>>
/* grab makeup from setup */
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.makeup.lip.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.makeup.lip[_i].id is $outfit.makeup.lip.choice>>
<<set _makeupLipCapture to setup.makeup.lip[_i]>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.makeup.eye.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.makeup.eye[_i].id is $outfit.makeup.eye.choice>>
<<set _makeupEyeCapture to setup.makeup.eye[_i]>>
<<if $outfit.makeup.lip.choice is "null" and $outfit.makeup.eye.choice is "null">>
Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.
<<elseif $outfit.makeup.eye.choice is "null">>
Your features have been enhanced with <<print _makeupLipCapture.imglink>>, as well as some elegant contouring.
Your features have been enhanced with <<print _makeupEyeCapture.imglink>><<if $outfit.lip.makeup isnot "null">> and <<print _makeupLipCapture.imglink>><</if>>, as well as some elegant contouring.
It's framed by <<print $pc.hair.color>>
<<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>your shaggy, unkempt
<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>the well-kept bangs of your
<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>your striking top-knot
<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>the cascading coils of your thick, kinky
<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>the bouncy waves of your
<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>the striking bang of your side-swipe
<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>the spikes of your tomboyish pixie
<<imgl1nk "haircut" "hairImg">>.
<<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
The hair is decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>.
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>.
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>.
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>.
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>.
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>.
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>
On either side of your <<if $pc.face is 2>>pretty<</if>> face are a pair of
<<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>dazzling pink-jeweled stud
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>pretty daisy
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>cool onyx
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>elegant pearl
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>striking red jewel stud
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>glittering blue hibiscus stud
<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>elegant green jeweled stud
<<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">>.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $pc.boobs is 1>>
Your chest is decorated with puffy, swollen nipples. Not quite breasts yet, just meager buds, but brimming with potential.
<<elseif $pc.boobs is 2>>
Your chest is decorated with two small, pert breasts. Barely an A-cup, but soft and feminine all the same.
<<if $outfit.armor is true>>
They're kept snugly contained by the 'bra' of your <<imglink "leather armor" "Outfits/sluttyLeather.jpg">>
<<if $outfit.bra.wearing is true>>
They're kept snugly contained by your fashionable <<imgl1nk "bra" "braImg">>
<<if $outfit.jewelry.neck.wearing isnot true>>
<<if $outfit.bra.wearing is true>>, and<<else>> They're<</if>> decorated over the top with
/* Grab necklace details and print .getDesc */
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.neck.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.neck.choice>>
<<set _jewelryNeckCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.neck[_i]>>
<<print _jewelryNeckCapture.getDesc>>.
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.neck.length is _i>><<error>><</if>>
<<if def $pc.nails or $pc.hands is 2 or $outfit.shoe.wearing is true or $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing is true>>
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>You have elegantly french-manicured
<<else>>You have pretty <<print $pc.nails>>-painted
<<imgl1nk "nails" "nailsImg">><<if $pc.hands is 2>>, which decorate your slender, feminine hands and feet well<</if>>.
<<elseif $pc.hands is 2>>
Your hands and feet are smaller than they used to be, having become slender and feminine.
<<if $outfit.jewelry.hand.wearing is true>>
Your hands are decorated with
/* Grab hand jewelry details and print .getDesc */
<<for _i to 0; _i lt setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length; _i++>>
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i].id is $outfit.jewelry.hand.choice>>
<<set _jewelryHandCapture to setup.clothing.jewelry.hand[_i]>>
<<print _jewelryHandCapture.getDesc>>.
<<if setup.clothing.jewelry.hand.length is _i>><<error>><</if>>
<<if $outfit.shoe.wearing is true>>
<<if $outfit.shoe.wearing is "blackFlats">>
You're taking a break from heels today and wearing a simple pair of <<imgl1nk "black flats" "shoeImg">>.
You're wearing a fashionable pair of heeled <<if $outfit.shoe.types.includes("boots")>><<imgl1nk "boots" "shoeImg">><<else>><<imgl1nk "shoes" "shoeImg">><</if>> which make your every step into a delicate dance of poise and balance.
<<if $outfit.armor is true>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
Under the protective 'panties' of your <<imglink "leather armor" "Outfits/sluttyLeather.jpg">>,your <<if $day gte 5 and $pc.penis is 1>>less-than-average sized<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals are securely held in a <<if $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">><<imgl1nk "shiny metal cock-cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>.
Your <<if $day gte 5 and $pc.penis is 1>>less-than-average sized<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals are snugly held in the protective 'panties' of your <<imglink "leather armor" "Outfits/sluttyLeather.jpg">>.
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
You're not wearing any underwear, leaving your <<if $day gte 5 and $pc.penis is 1>>less-than-average sized<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals perversely covered only by your <<if $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">><<imgl1nk "shiny metal cock-cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>.
You're not wearing any underwear, your <<if $day gte 5 and $pc.penis is 1>>less-than-average sized<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals hanging loose.
You're wearing <<if $outfit.set.id isnot "custom">>a delicate pair of <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><<elseif $outfit.set.id is "custom" and $outfit.under.name is "paper panties">>a delicate pair of <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><<elseif $outfit.set.id is "custom" and $outfit.under.types.includes("notPair")>>a <<print $outfit.under.name>><<else>>a pair of <<print $outfit.under.name>><</if>>,
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
under which you have a shameful secret - your <<if $day gte 5 and $pc.penis is 1>>less-than-average sized<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals are securely held in a <<if $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">><<imgl1nk "shiny metal cock-cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>.
in which your <<if $day gte 5 and $pc.penis is 1>>less-than-average sized<<elseif $pc.penis is 2>>small<</if>> genitals are snugly held.
<<if $pc.butt is 2>>
Around the rear, your butt has become soft & plush. It's still a little small for a girl, but undoubtedly feminine.
<<if def $pc.shave>>
Your legs have been shaved hairless<<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>
, and your pubic hair is sleek and bare to match.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "bush">>
, and your pubic hair has been tamed into a cute little bush.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
, and all that remains of your pubic hair is a cute vertical strip of trimmed pubic hair pointing invitingly towards your genitals.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
, and all that remains of your pubic hair is a cute and girly heart shape adorning your pelvis.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "legs">>
, your bare skin supple and sensitive.
<<if $day gte 6>>
You're a little shorter than you used to be - still tall for a girl, but now shorter than most guys. <<if $pc.frame is 2>>Your shoulders and torso have also changed, becoming more slender and rounded.<</if>>
<<if def $pc.perfume>>
Your <<print $pc.perfume>> perfume ensures that you're surrounded by
<<if $pc.perfume is "light & fresh">>
the carefree scent of cucumber and lemongrass.
<<elseif $pc.perfume is "romantic & floral">>
the flirty scent of rose and jasmine.
<<elseif $pc.perfume is "fruity & feminine">>
the zesty scent of strawberry and citrus.
<<elseif $pc.perfume is "sweet & indulgent">>
the delicious scent of chocolate and vanilla.
<<elseif $pc.perfume is "rich & overpowering">>
the intoxicating, seductive scent of frankincense and patchouli @@color:#797979;==knowledge==@@.
<</if>>You're wearing a daring <<imglink "outfit" "Outfits/orangeshorts.jpg">> consisting of a flirty white and gold leotard matched with a cute set of orange shorts.<<br>>
The leotard is tight and skimpy, leaving little of your figure to the imagination, but combined with the comfortable and breezy shorts it's not too indecent.<<br>>
The waistline of the shorts don't ride up quite as high as the leg holes of the leotard, leaving inches of skin exposed for your <<if $pc.butt is 2>>feminine<<else>>boyish<</if>> hips to poke out of.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include "newWorldOutfit">>You're wearing only a hempen smock and trousers so worn through that they're practically rags, provided to you by the jailers as your normal clothes were taken away. <<if $outfit.under.Name is "None">>You weren't even given underwear to keep warm with.<</if>><br><br>
The clothing is in such dire repair that they're covered in various stains and have many holes through which your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is visible. The trousers are torn off just over the knee leaving your <<if ndef $pc.shave>>hairy legs and bare feet exposed.<</if>><<if def $pc.shave>>hairless legs exposed.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.name is "black panties">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "black panties" "pantiesImg">> with a cute little bow on the front. They fit snugly around your average penis.
<<if $outfit.under.name is "pink boyshorts">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "pink polkadot boyshorts" "pantiesImg">> covered in cute ruffles. They fit snugly around your average penis.
<<if $outfit.under.name is "lacy boyshorts">>
Underneath the rags, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're wearing a pair of <<imgl1nk "lacy black boyshorts" "pantiesImg">> made from a sheer material, through which you can make out your average penis snugly held inside.
<<if ndef $clean>>Your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin is covered in smudges of dirt from the filthy cell, but your spirit is far from broken and your <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes still gleam brightly.<br><br>
With the rainwater that occasionally poured through the tiny window at the top of your cell as the only thing safe to wash in, your short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair has gotten truly worse-for-wear.<</if>>
<<if $clean is true>>You've thankfully washed away the grime covering your <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin and are now fresh and clean. Your <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair is still very unkempt but at least it's washed now. You have vibrant <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.<</if>>You've been dressed up in a plush, thick <<imgl1nk "white cloak" "whitecloakImg">> that almost completely covers your body and is long enough to be mere centimeters from trailing along the floor. The hood is so large that when pulled down your face and head are almost completely obscured.<br><br>
It's without doubt the most expensive piece of clothing that you've ever seen, let alone worn. The inside is padded with plush velvet, making it almost feel like you've been absorbed into a cloud.<br><br>
While at first glance the outside looks plain white, on close inspection elaborate patterns are embroidered into the surface in white threading, adding subtle but rich complexity.<br><br>
When the hood is down, you can see your <<if $clean is true>>newly-washed<</if>> <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned face, unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair, and shining <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes<br><br>
Underneath the cloak, in what feels like an absurd contrast, you're still wearing the stained and ripped hempen rags from the jail, and weren't even supplied underwear by the jailers. Your bare feet are chilled by the cold floor.<br><br>
<<if $clean is true>> At least your body is scrubbed clean now!<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing an elegant <<imgl1nk "peach dress" "peachImg">> that cascades over your body in multiple layers of brown-orange fabric. <<if $outfit.padding is true>>Sitting below your padded bust is<<else>>It features<</if>> a waist-cincher that stifles your breathing but enhances your figure.<br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "good">>A small tear, made with Colette's scissors, is cut into the bottom hemline of the dress.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>A huge gash, made with Colette's scissors, is cut through the top of your neckline, leaving a frayed mess of fabric. Luckily, however, while the neckline is a few inches wider than it should be, your lack of breasts isn't exposed.<</if>>
Your head is the only part of you not covered and you hope that the masculine features of your face don't give you away. You have <<print $pc.skin.color>> skin, <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">> on your head<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>a short spiky <<imgl1nk "pixie cut" "hairImg">> of <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair on your head<</if>><<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>><<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>, which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>><</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>>, and your vibrant <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
Under the outfit you're wearing a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><<if $pc.shave is "hairless">>, which cover your smooth, hairless genitals<<elseif def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>, which cover your carefully shaven genitals<</if>>. <<if def $outfit.cage.id>>Under that, you're scandalously wearing a gilded metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> - its presence felt with every movement.<</if>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
Under the outfit, you're not wearing any underwear, and your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>smooth, hairless<<else>>bare, hairy<</if>> genitals are scandalously nestled within a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> - its presence felt with every movement.
Under the outfit you're not wearing any underwear, your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>smooth, hairless<<else>>bare, hairy<</if>> genitals unobstructed. The feeling of being completely unconstrained under the dress is really strange.
<<if def $pc.shave>><br><br>
Your legs are perfectly hairless and you can feel every inch of layered petticoats inside the dress flow against you as you walk.
<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>
Your pubic hair has been carefully trimmed into a cute little bush.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
Your pubic hair has been trimmed into a line, leading enticingly down towards your genitals.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
Your pubic hair has been trimmed into a cute and girly heart shape, decorating your pelvis.
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your fingernails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>, and though they're hidden by the trim of your dress your toenails are much the same.
Your fingernails have been given lovely <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish, and though they're hidden by the trim of your dress your toenails are much the same.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing an elegant <<imgl1nk "peach dress" "peachImg">> that cascades over your body in multiple layers of brown-orange fabric. <<if $outfit.padding is true>>Sitting below your padded bust is<<else>>It features<</if>> a waist-cincher that stifles your breathing but enhances your figure.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>>You're wearing a luxurious and sophisticated red, black, and gold <<imgl1nk "evening gown" "redgownImg">>.<<br>>
/* It consists of a thin strapless bodice with elaborate gold-threaded finery which run all over and connect it to the long velvet skirt. The layers come apart in the front, creating an opening through which you can see your hairless legs.<<br>> */
It's all-but strapless, leaving your upper chest completely exposed<<if $pc.boobs is 2>>, and even showing what little cleavage you have to the world<</if>>. It also has a cut-out at the belly, criss-crossed by scarlet straps, and a slit going up one side of the skirt that rides up worryingly high.<<br>>
The fanciness is matched by a red and gold choker around your neck, attached to the dress with two thin chains, and a pair of ornate armwarmers which match the skirt perfectly.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include "newWorldOutfit">><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing a cool feminine <<imgl1nk "outfit" "roseImg">> consisting of an off-the-shoulder top and tight leggings.<<br>>
The red and black top doesn't cover much of you - leaving your shoulders as well as your belly exposed. Even your arms aren't spared, as the fabric opens up at the sleeves to hang aloofly down at the
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
elbow, revealing your slender arms, crowned with delicate french nails.
elbow, revealing your slender arms, crowned with lovely <<print $pc.nails>> nail varnish.
<</if>> <<if $outfit.padding is true>>The tight fabric makes the lumps of your padded chest clearly visible.<</if>><<br>>
The perilously tight leggings are adorned with patterns of tight ribbons which fit snugly around your hips, evoking a thong that's been pulled up above the waistband.<<br>>
Both top and leggings feature lovely rose iconography, making the outfit seem fun and flirty.<<br>>
Above it all sits your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned face, looking around nervously with <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>> You're crowned with <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>short <<print $pc.hair.color>> spikes of <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><</if>><<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>><<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>, which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>><</if>>.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
Under the outfit you're wearing a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
which cover your <<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>carefully shaven<</if>> genitals, scandalously decorated by your shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">>.
<<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">> which cover your carefully shaven genitals.<</if>>
You hope that nobody will notice the bulge in the tight leggings.
<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>
Within, your pubic hair has been stylishly shaved into a cute little bush.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
Within, your pubic hair has been stylishly shaved into a strip leading enticingly towards your genitals.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
Within, your pubic hair has been girlishly shaved into a cute little heart.
Under the outfit you're not wearing any underwear,
<<if def $outfit.cage.name>>
your <<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">>hairless<</if>> genitals, scandalously decorated by your shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>>, exposed to the world.
<<if $pc.shave isnot "legs">> your hairless genitals scandalously exposed<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, decorated only by a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, decorated only by a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, decorated only by a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>> your hairy genitals scandalously exposed<</if>>.
You hope that nobody will notice the bulge in the tight leggings.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing a cool feminine <<imgl1nk "outfit" "roseImg">> consisting of an off-the-shoulder top and tight leggings.<<br>>
The red and black top doesn't cover much of you - leaving your shoulders as well as your belly exposed. Even your arms aren't spared, as the fabric opens up at the sleeves to hang aloofly down at the elbow<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>>You're wearing a comfy little pink <<imglink "dress" "Outfits/sleepover.jpg">>.<<br>>
It's a loose, slouchy fit on you, almost like nightwear - if it wasn't for the wrapped cord at your waist it would be almost shapeless. However it manages to be truly striking, mainly because its loose-fit means that much of your body is left casually uncovered, with your thighs and chest all-but exposed. The neckline is held up by only a little bow, almost begging for someone to pull on the cream ribbon and send the whole thing tumbling down.<<br>>
To add some detail, and make the revealed parts of your body not look //quite// as nude, Simone's wrapped some more of the ribbon around one leg. The overall impression manages to be more leisurely and informal than slutty, despite the amount of skin on display.<<br>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>The outfit is enhanced at the chest by some light padding.<<br>><</if>>
<<include "newWorldOutfit">><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing an elegant <<imgl1nk "tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> of beautiful pink, blue and purple hues. The dress cascades around you like the petals of a huge flower.<br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "good">>A small tear, made with Colette's scissors, is cut into the bottom hemline of the dress.<br><br><</if>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>Just above your padded bust, a<<else>>A<</if>>round the scoop-neckline, the fabric becomes so rigid that you almost look like you're emerging from a flower, revealing your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned face, <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>unkempt short <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>a tight bob of <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> with bangs<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>short, tied-up <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">><<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>a dramatic swoop of sideswept <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bangs" "hairImg">> on your head<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>a short spiky <<imgl1nk "pixie cut" "hairImg">> of <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair on your head<</if>><<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>><<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>, which almost covers <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>><</if>>, and your vibrant <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>><br><br>
<<if $outfitTorn is "bad">>One side of the rigid upper-frame holding up the dress is sliced in two by Colette's scissors. By luck though, the rigidity of the crinkly layers has ensured that it stays mostly in place<br><br><</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.types.includes("panties")>>
Under the outfit you're wearing a pair of cute <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">><<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>, which cover your carefully shaven genitals<</if>>. <<if def $outfit.cage.id>>Under that, you're scandalously wearing a gilded metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> - its presence felt with every movement.<</if>>
<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>
Under the outfit, you're not wearing any underwear, and your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>carefully shaven<</if>> genitals are scandalously nestled within a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">> - its presence felt with every movement.
Under the outfit you're not wearing any underwear<<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>, your carefully shaven genitals unobstructed<</if>>. The feeling of being completely unconstrained under the dress is really strange.
<<if def $pc.shave>><br><br>
Your legs are perfectly hairless and you can feel every inch of crinkly material inside the dress flow against you as you walk.
<<if $pc.shave is "bush">>
Your pubic hair has been carefully trimmed into a cute little bush.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>
Your pubic hair has been trimmed into a line, leading enticingly down towards your genitals.
<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>
Your pubic hair has been trimmed into a cute and girly heart shape, decorating your pelvis.
<<if def $pc.nails>>
<<if $pc.nails is "french">>
Your fingernails have been given a beautiful <<imgl1nk "french manicure" "nailsImg">>, and though they're hidden by the trim of your dress your toenails are much the same.
Your fingernails have been given lovely <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> nail varnish, and though they're hidden by the trim of your dress your toenails are much the same.
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing an elegant <<imgl1nk "tulip-like dress" "tulipImg">> of beautiful pink, blue and purple hues. The dress cascades around you like the petals of a huge flower.<br><br>
/* The dress almost cuts off at the shoulders<<if $outfit.padding is true>>, just above your padded bust,<</if>> revealing a more androgynously-cut section as if you're emerging from a flower.<<br>> */
Around the scoop-neckline, the fabric becomes so rigid that you almost look like you're emerging from a flower.<<br>>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>><<if $day lte 6>>
You're wearing an adorable <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">>, consisting of beautiful pink and white dress with fancy white hood over the top.<br><br>
The ornate gold detailing adds plenty of interest to the look, but the soft, rounded shapes keep the overall effect feeling simple and cutesy. The hood is the real star of the show - featuring a pair of cute feathery 'ears', sitting sweetly atop the head, and its cape splitting into two elegant tassels down the back..<br><br>
The white hood frames your <<print $pc.skin.color>>-skinned face well. Along with your bright <<print $pc.eye.color>> eyes you can also make out <<if ndef $pc.hair.style>>a little of your unkempt <<print $pc.hair.color>> hair poking out the under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "bangsbob">>the bangs of your <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "bob" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortup">>a few loose strands of your tied-up short <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortcoiled">>a few loose coils of your short coiled <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "shortwavy">>the loose bangs of your short wavy <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "sideswipe">>the dramatic sideswept bangs of your <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "hair" "hairImg">> emerging from under your hood<<elseif $pc.hair.style is "spiky">>a few errant spikes of your short spiky <<print $pc.hair.color>> <<imgl1nk "haircut" "hairImg">> poking out from under your hood<</if>><<if def $pc.hair.acc>>
, decorated with
<<if $pc.hair.acc is "cuteClips">>
adorable colorful <<imgl1nk "hairclips" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "darkHeadpiece">>
a gothic <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "regalChain">>
a regal golden chain <<imgl1nk "headpiece" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "silverClasps">>
trendy silver <<imgl1nk "hairclasps and rings" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "tassels">>
colorful spirals of pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "ribbons" "hairAccImg">>
<<elseif $pc.hair.acc is "velvetBows">>
a pretty velvet <<imgl1nk "bow" "hairAccImg">>
<</if>>.<<if $pc.makeup is 1>> Your features have been subtly enhanced by some light makeup.<<elseif $pc.makeup is 2>> Your features have been enhanced with elegant contouring.<</if>><br><br>
<<if def $pc.ears.wearing>>As you move, you can sometimes catch glimpses of <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "coletteStud">>the dazzling pink-jeweled stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">> you got from Colette<<else>>your pretty <<if $pc.ears.wearing is "daisyStud">>daisy<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "onyxStud">>onyx<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "pearlStud">>pearl<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "greenStud">>green jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "redStud">>red jewel<<elseif $pc.ears.wearing is "blueStud">>blue hibiscus<</if>>-stud <<imgl1nk "earrings" "earringsImg">><</if>> through the hood.<<br>><</if>>
<<if $outfit.padding is true>>
Despite being covered by the many layers, the way the material sits over your chest is still enough to reveal the shape of your padded bust.<br><br>
The hem of the dress is concerningly short. With every movement you worry that you'll expose
<<if $outfit.under.name is "none">>
your <<if def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs">>hairless<</if>> genitals<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, which are perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair,<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair, <<else>>, <</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, which are decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, which are decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair, <<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, which are decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair, <</if>><</if>>
your <<imgl1nk "$outfit.under.name" "pantiesImg">>
to the world.Your legs are covered in thin silk stockings, though they stop at your upper thigh, exposing your hairless legs.<br><br>
On your wrists you're wearing a pair of little pink armwarmers that match the overdress beautifully<<if def $pc.nails>><<if $pc.nails is "french">>, they frame your beautifully manicured and <<imgl1nk "french-nailed" "nailsImg">> hands well.<<else>>, they frame your beautifully manicured hands and <<imgl1nk "$pc.nails" "nailsImg">> painted nails well.<</if>><<else>>.<</if>>
<<if $outfit.under.name isnot "none" and (def $pc.shave and $pc.shave isnot "legs")>>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are shaved smooth<<if def $outfit.cage.id>>, and perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><<if $pc.shave is "bush">> and a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">> and a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">> and a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><<else>><<if $pc.shave is "bush">>, and decorated with a cute trimmed bush of pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "strip">>, and decorated with a cute landing strip of trimmed pubic hair<<elseif $pc.shave is "heart">>, and decorated with a cute heart of trimmed pubic hair<</if>><</if>>.
<<elseif $outfit.under.name isnot "none" and $outfit.cage.id is "metalcage">>
Hidden from sight, your genitals are <<if def $outfit.cage.id>> perversely decorated by a shiny metal <<imgl1nk "cock cage" "metalcageImg">><</if>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<br>> You're not as tall as you used to be - still taller most girls, but definitely short for a guy.
You're wearing an adorable <<imgl1nk "outfit" "whitehoodImg">>, consisting of beautiful pink and white dress with fancy white hood over the top.<br><br>
The ornate gold detailing adds plenty of interest to the look, but the soft, rounded shapes keep the overall effect feeling simple and cutesy. The hood is the real star of the show - featuring a pair of cute feathery 'ears', sitting sweetly atop the head, and its cape splitting into two elegant tassels down the back..<br><br>
<<include [[newWorldOutfit]]>>
<</if>>You're <<print $pc.name>>, a <<print $pc.gender>> <<print $pc.desc>>.<br><br>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "jail">>
<<include [[outfitJail]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "wcloak">>
<<include [[outfitWcloak]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "gcloak">>
<<include [[outfitGcloak]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "peach">>
<<include [[outfitPeach]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "tulip">>
<<include [[outfitTulip]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "jail2">>
<<include [[outfitJail2]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "butterfly">>
<<include [[outfitButterfly]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "longcoat">>
<<include [[outfitLongcoat]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwdress">>
<<include [[outfitNwDress]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwcrop">>
<<include [[outfitNwCrop]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nwgown" or $outfit.set.id is "nwcropgown" or $outfit.set.id is "nwdressgown">>
<<include [[outfitNwGown]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "nude">>
<<include [[outfitNude]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "whitehood">>
<<include [[outfitWhitehood]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "custom">>
<<print $customOutfit>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "rose">>
<<include [[outfitRose]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "blossom">>
<<include [[outfitBlossom]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "redgown">>
<<include [[outfitRedgown]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "drusilla">>
<<include [[outfitDrusilla]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "sleepover">>
<<include [[outfitSleepover]]>>
<<if $outfit.set.id is "orangeshorts">>
<<include [[outfitOrangeshorts]]>>
<br><br><<back>><<if $noChar is true>>You haven't met anyone<br><br><</if>>
<<if $day68dancing is true>>
<table id="desk" style="width:100%; text-align:center">
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceEstelle.jpg]]@@<br><<pink2>>Estelle<</pink2>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceGilles.jpg]]@@<br><<blue2>>Gilles<</blue2>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceHermine.jpg]]@@<br><<pink2>>Hermine<</pink2>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceLazare.jpg]]@@<br><<blue2>>Lazare<</blue2>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceMarthe.jpg]]@@<br><<pink2>>Marthe<</pink2>>
<td style="width:33%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceFlorice.jpg]]@@<br><<blue2>>Florice<</blue2>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceEstelle.jpg]]@@<br><<pink2>>Estelle<</pink2>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceGilles.jpg]]@@<br><<blue2>>Gilles<</blue2>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceHermine.jpg]]@@<br><<pink2>>Hermine<</pink2>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceLazare.jpg]]@@<br><<blue2>>Lazare<</blue2>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceMarthe.jpg]]@@<br><<pink2>>Marthe<</pink2>><br>
@@.img; [img[Images\Passage\day68danceFlorice.jpg]]@@<br><<blue2>>Florice<</blue2>><<br>>
<span id="phone" data-nokeys="true">
<<if def $princess.name>>
<<if def $princess.profile>>@@.img; [img[$princess.profile]]@@<br><</if>><br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
@@color:#F535AA;<<print $princess.name>>@@<br><<print $princess.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $princess.facts.length; _i++>><li>$princess.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $king.name>>
@@.img; [img[$king.img]]@@<br>
@@color:#FDD017;<<print $king.name>>@@<br><<print $king.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $king.facts.length; _i++>><li>$king.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $queen.name>>
@@.img; [img["Images/Character/Queen/" + $queen.skin + " " + $queen.hair + ".png"]]@@<br>
@@color:#E56717;<<print $queen.name>>@@
<br><<print $queen.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $queen.facts.length; _i++>><li>$queen.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $simone.name>>
<<set _simoneRecall to recall('simonePic', "riia")>>
<<if _simoneRecall is "riia">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Simone/riiaProfile.jpg]]@@
<<elseif _simoneRecall is "edKuroki">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Simone/edKurokiProfile.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;
Profile pic:
<<link "Riia">>
<<run memorize('simonePic', 'riia')>>
<<set _simoneRecall to recall('simonePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Ed Kuroki">>
<<run memorize('simonePic', 'edKuroki')>>
<<set _simoneRecall to recall('simonePic', "edKuroki")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;<<print $simone.name>>@@<br><<print $simone.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $simone.facts.length; _i++>><li>$simone.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $jacques.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroqueProfile.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BaroqueMode)@@</div>
@@color:#3EA055;<<print $jacques.name>>@@<br><<print $jacques.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $jacques.facts.length; _i++>><li>$jacques.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodieProfile.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
@@color:#9370DB;<<print $elodie.name>>@@<br><<print $elodie.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $elodie.facts.length; _i++>>
<<if def $colette.name>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<<if _coletteRecall is "riia">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/riiaProfile.jpg]]@@
<<elseif _coletteRecall is "sip">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/sipProfile.png]]@@
<<elseif _coletteRecall is "gokka">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/gokkaProfile.jpg]]@@
<<elseif _coletteRecall is "blushedPixie">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/blushedPixieProfile.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;
Profile pic:
<<link "Riia">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'riia')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Sip">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'sip')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Gokka">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'gokka')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "BlushedPixie">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'blushedPixie')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
@@color:#FDD017;<<print $colette.name>>@@<br><<print $colette.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $colette.facts.length; _i++>><li>$colette.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $merat.name>>
/* <<set _meratRecall to recall('meratPic', "picrew")>>
<<if _meratRecall is "picrew">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/picrew.png]]@@
<<elseif _meratRecall is "hzenart">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Merat/hzenartProfile.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;
Profile pic:
<<link "Picrew">>
<<run memorize('meratPic', 'picrew')>>
<<set _meratRecall to recall('meratPic', "picrew")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Hzenart">>
<<run memorize('meratPic', 'hzenart')>>
<<set _meratRecall to recall('meratPic', "hzenart")>>
@@</div> */
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/meratProfile.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Hzenart)@@</div>
@@color:#307D7E;<<print $merat.name>>@@<br><<print $merat.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $merat.facts.length; _i++>>
<<if def $rob.name>>
<<if $rob.pic isnot true>>
@@color:#79BAEC;<<print $rob.name>>@@<br><<print $rob.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $rob.facts.length; _i++>><li>$rob.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/rob.jpg]]@@<br>
<<rob2>><<print $merat.name>><</rob2>><br><<print $rob.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $rob.facts.length; _i++>>
<<if def $crow.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/crowProfile.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Miyukiko)@@</div>
@@color:#797979;<<print $crow.name>>@@<br><<print $crow.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $crow.facts.length; _i++>><li>$crow.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $ruthe.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/rutheProfile.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by jeskabrucker)@@</div>
@@color:#C36241;<<print $ruthe.name>>@@<br><<print $ruthe.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $ruthe.facts.length; _i++>><li>$ruthe.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $drusilla>>
<<if def $drusilla.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\drusilla.png]]@@<br>
<<pink2>><<print $drusilla.name>><</pink2>><br><<print $drusilla.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $drusilla.facts.length; _i++>><li>$drusilla.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $gaspard>>
<<if def $gaspard.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\gaspard.png]]@@<br>
<<blue2>><<print $gaspard.name>><</blue2>><br><<print $gaspard.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $gaspard.facts.length; _i++>><li>$gaspard.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $aurora>>
<<if def $aurora.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@<br>
<<pink2>><<print $aurora.name>><</pink2>><br><<print $aurora.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $aurora.facts.length; _i++>><li>$aurora.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<<if def $firmin.name>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/firmin.png]]@@<br>
@@color:#9F8C76;<<print $firmin.name>>@@<br><<print $firmin.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $firmin.facts.length; _i++>><li>$firmin.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br><</if>>
<span id="desk">
<<if def $princess.name>>
<<if def $princess.profile>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[$princess.profile]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
@@color:#F535AA;<<print $princess.name>>@@<br><<print $princess.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $princess.facts.length; _i++>><li>$princess.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
@@color:#F535AA;<<print $princess.name>>@@<br><<print $princess.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $princess.facts.length; _i++>><li>$princess.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul><br>
<<if def $king.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[$king.img]]@@
@@color:#FDD017;<<print $king.name>>@@<br><<print $king.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $king.facts.length; _i++>><li>$king.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $queen.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[$queen.img]]@@
@@color:#E56717;<<print $queen.name>>@@<br><<print $queen.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $queen.facts.length; _i++>><li>$queen.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $simone.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
<<set _simoneRecall to recall('simonePic', "riia")>>
<<if _simoneRecall is "riia">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Simone/riiaProfile.jpg]]@@
<<elseif _simoneRecall is "edKuroki">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Simone/edKurokiProfile.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;
Profile pic:
<<link "Riia">>
<<run memorize('simonePic', 'riia')>>
<<set _simoneRecall to recall('simonePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Ed Kuroki">>
<<run memorize('simonePic', 'edKuroki')>>
<<set _simoneRecall to recall('simonePic', "edKuroki")>>
@@color:#F9B7FF;<<print $simone.name>>@@<br><<print $simone.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $simone.facts.length; _i++>><li>$simone.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $jacques.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
<<if $day lte 4>>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroqueProfile.png]]@@
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Jacques/baroquePatchProfile.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by BaroqueMode)@@</div>
@@color:#3EA055;<<print $jacques.name>>@@<br><<print $jacques.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $jacques.facts.length; _i++>><li>$jacques.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $elodie.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/elodieProfile.png]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Riia)@@</div>
@@color:#9370DB;<<print $elodie.name>>@@<br><<print $elodie.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $elodie.facts.length; _i++>><li>$elodie.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $colette.name>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<td style="width:30%">
<<if _coletteRecall is "riia">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/riiaProfile.jpg]]@@
<<elseif _coletteRecall is "sip">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/sipProfile.png]]@@
<<elseif _coletteRecall is "gokka">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/gokkaProfile.jpg]]@@
<<elseif _coletteRecall is "blushedPixie">>
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/Colette/blushedPixieProfile.png]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;
Profile pic:
<<link "Riia">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'riia')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Sip">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'sip')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "Gokka">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'gokka')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
<</link>>, <<link "BlushedPixie">>
<<run memorize('colettePic', 'blushedPixie')>>
<<set _coletteRecall to recall('colettePic', "riia")>>
@@color:#FDD017;<<print $colette.name>>@@<br><<print $colette.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $colette.facts.length; _i++>><li>$colette.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $merat.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/meratProfile.jpg]]@@
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Hzenart)@@</div>
@@color:#307D7E;<<print $merat.name>>@@<br><<print $merat.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $merat.facts.length; _i++>><li>$merat.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $rob.name>>
<<if $rob.pic isnot true>>
@@color:#79BAEC;<<print $rob.name>>@@<br><<print $rob.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $rob.facts.length; _i++>><li>$rob.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/rob.jpg]]@@
<<rob2>><<print $rob.name>><</rob2>><br><<print $rob.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $rob.facts.length; _i++>><li>$rob.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $crow.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/crowProfile.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by Miyukiko)@@</div>
@@color:#797979;<<print $crow.name>>@@<br><<print $crow.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $crow.facts.length; _i++>><li>$crow.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $ruthe.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/rutheProfile.jpg]]@@<br>
<div style="text-align: right;">@@color:#797979;font-size: 0.875em;(Art by jeskabrucker)@@</div>
@@color:#C36241;<<print $ruthe.name>>@@<br><<print $ruthe.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $ruthe.facts.length; _i++>><li>$ruthe.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $drusilla>>
<<if def $drusilla.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\drusilla.png]]@@
<<drusilla2>><<print $drusilla.name>><</drusilla2>><br><<print $drusilla.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $drusilla.facts.length; _i++>><li>$drusilla.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $gaspard>>
<<if def $gaspard.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\gaspard.png]]@@
<<gaspard2>><<print $gaspard.name>><</gaspard2>><br><<print $gaspard.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $gaspard.facts.length; _i++>><li>$gaspard.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $aurora>>
<<if def $aurora.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images\Character\aurora.jpg]]@@
<<aurora2>><<print $aurora.name>><</aurora2>><br><<print $aurora.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $aurora.facts.length; _i++>><li>$aurora.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>
<<if def $firmin.name>>
<td style="width:30%">
@@.img; [img[Images/Character/firmin.png]]@@
@@color:#9F8C76;<<print $firmin.name>>@@<br><<print $firmin.desc>><br><ul><<for _i to 0; _i lt $firmin.facts.length; _i++>><li>$firmin.facts[_i]</li><br><</for>></ul>