<center><h1>WELCOME TO</h1></center>\
<center><img src="img/home.png" width="100%" class="exclude-center"></center>\
You follow and control Zara Williams as she takes on a challenge to become the Prom Queen in the Graduation Day Promenade no matter what the cost. Can you help her become a somebody after spending all her life as a nobody?
Take her on a journey in school and with her family and even random strangers in the city as you build Zara towards a slut who will do anything and everything to achieve her goals. She is a woman of focus, commitment and sheer will.
<font color="red">Disclaimer: All events are fictional and for entertainment purposes only. All characters are 18 or above.</font>
<strong>TW: Scenes of rape and incest and both at the same time are scattered around and may be unavoidable</strong>\
<center><h1>[[Start your journey|intro]]</h1>\
Join the Discord community to interact with me directly and provide feedback easily. Consider supporting me on Patreon, any donation helps a lot and in return, you receive the Patreon version of the game with all its benefits :)
<a href="https://discord.gg/HhW8xmkM" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/discord.png" width="15%" height="15%" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="http:\\www.patreon.com/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/patreon.png" width="15%" height="15%" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<font color="gold">I shall use this part of the page where nobody scrolls down to simply blabber:</font>
Hello! I keep seeing comments about pregnancy and I keep trying to make this clear: pregnancy was never planned nor promised. It is not something that is going to happen UNTIL the game is complete. After the game completion there might be extra content updates for fun and sandbox type situations which may include a pregnancy update. But, for now, I am not promising anything.
Also, sorry, Zara is not a virgin. She has had an unspecified number of boyfriends and has had sex. She is not meant to be a completely innocent virgin but rather a normal girl who now broken up, starts becoming more devious. And there won't be any pregnancy content any time soon until the game is almost finished after which I will consider it if I have the time.<hr class="menu-seperator">\
<font color='yellow'>Energy: $PlayerEnergy / $PlayerMaxEnergy</font>
<hr class="menu-seperator">\
<font color='ForestGreen'>Money: $PlayerMoney</font>
<hr class="menu-seperator">\
$dayOfWeek, $dateMonth $dateDay
---- $showHour:$showMinute ----
<hr class="menu-seperator">\
<<include "Regular check">>\
<<set $version = 1>>
<<set $PlayerMoney = 0>>
<<set $PlayerEnergy = 100>>
<<set $PlayerMaxEnergy = 0>>
<<set $PlayerCorruption = 0>>
<<set $PlayerSchoolRep =0>>
<<set $PlayerFitness = 0>>
<<set $PlayerActiveQuest = 0>>
<<set $PlayerOneQuestDone to false>>
<<set $PlayerArt = 0>>
<<set $PlayerSci = 0>>
<<set $PlayerComp = 0>>
<<set $mgSkip to false>>
<<set $studiousGirl to false>>
<<set $fitGirl to false>>
<<set $redPrices to false>>
<<set $playerActiveQuests=0>>
<<set $PlayerShower to false>>
<<set $playerGymSub = 0>>
<<set $PlayerGymAttire to true>>
<<set $PlayerGymAdv to false>>
<<set $PlayerSwimWear to false>>
<<set $PlayerSchoolUniSlutty to false>>
<<set $PlayerSluttyClothes to false>>
<<set $PlayerCam to false>>
<<set $PlayerTab to false>>
<<set $PlayerPhone to false>>
<<set $PlayerGroceries = 5>>
<<set $PlayerSnacks = 5>>
<<set $PlayerShower to false>>
<<set $PlayerClothes = "Casual">>
<<set $PlayerDildo to false>>
<<set $PlayerStrapon to false>>
<<set $lastDayBreakfast = 0>>
<<set $lastDayLunch = 0>>
<<set $lastDayDinner = 0>>
<<set $lastDayDrawing = 0>>
<<set $punishTimes = 0>>
<<set $watchTVtimes = 0>>
<<set $dailyText=0>>
<<set $drawFans = 0>>
<<set $camFans = 0>>
<<set $camming to false>>
<<set $dailyHangDick to false>>
<<set $dailyHangBen to false>>
<<set $dailyHangLisa to false>>
<<set $dailyHangBro to false>>
<<set $dailyHangDad to false>>
<<set $dailyHangMom to false>>
<<set $weeklyAllowanceCheck to false>>
<<set $dailyChores to false>>
<<set $choresCount = 0>>
<<set $stayOut to false>>
<<set $curfewCheck to false>>
<<set $classAttended = 0>>
<<set $classNAttended = 0>>
<<set $CDstart to false>>
<<set $CDstop to false>>
<<set $drugStatus = 0>>
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>
<<set $drugPackets = 0>>
<<set $drugIngredients = 0>>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Monday">>
<<set $dayCount = 1>>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateMonth = "March">>
<<set $securityStealingIntro to false>>
<<set $securityBusIntro to false>>
<<set $securityRestIntro to false>>
<<set $introSchool to false>>
<<set $cammingIntro to false>>
<<set $drawIntro to false>>
<<set $school1stDayEvent to false>>\
<<set $school2ndDayEvent to false>>\
<<set $school2ndDayEventOffer to false>>\
<<set $school3rdDayEvent to false>>\
<<set $commissions to []>>
<<set $commissions[0] = {
"flag": false,
"difficulty": "NA",
"quality": 0,
"actions": 0,
"value": 0
<<set $commissions[1] = {
"flag": false,
"difficulty": "NA",
"quality": 0,
"actions": 0,
"value": 0
<<set $commissions[2] = {
"flag": false,
"difficulty": "NA",
"quality": 0,
"actions": 0,
"value": 0
<<set $famSexUnlocked = false>>\
<<set $dad = {
"name" : "Ben",
"lname" : "Williams",
"corruption" : 0,
"currentLocation": "",
"isTakingShower": false,
"activity": "",
"dailyVisits": 0,
"blowjob": false,
"sex": false,
"anal": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
dad, loves Zara. has a dark side of him, into rape and incest leading to him forcing Zara in scenes without a thought. calls Zara sweetie
calls her little lady in sex scenes
<<set $bro = {
"name" : "Kyle",
"lname" : "Williams",
"corruption" : 0,
"currentLocation": "",
"isTakingShower": false,
"activity": "",
"dailyVisits": 0,
"blowjob": false,
"sex": false,
"anal": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
twin brother, close bond with Zara. each of them care for each other. can't control himself when horny
<<set $mom = {
"name" : "Elena",
"lname" : "Williams",
"corruption" : 0,
"currentLocation": "",
"isTakingShower": false,
"activity": "",
"dailyVisits": 0,
"finger": false,
"oral": false,
"strapon": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
loves Zara, is kind but does questionable things when she gets angry at Zara. otherwise, mostly consensual. calls Zara sweetie
<<set $dick = {
"name" : "Dick",
"lname" : "Turpin",
"relationship" : 0,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $dickPlaceUnlocked = false>>
<<set $dick2aBossDead = false>>
<<set $dick2aBossRape = false>>
<<set $dick2aSex = false>>
<<set $dick2bBB = false>>
<<set $DickQ1tease to false>>
calls Zara baby doll. sleazy and a creep but sitll oddly charming to Zara...
datingflag (true if dating) datingQ(whether NPC has asked to date)
activeQR is the active quest and which route has Zara chosen, mainly for the quests page and probably following huge quests
<<set $ben = {
"name" : "Ben",
"lname" : "Kingsley",
"relationship" : 0,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"handjob": false,
"blowjob": false,
"sex": false,
"anal": false,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $jason = {
"name" : "Jason",
"lname" : "Quill",
"relationship" : 0,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"handjob": false,
"blowjob": false,
"sex": false,
"anal": false,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $daniel = {
"name" : "Daniel",
"lname" : "Miller",
"relationship" : 0,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"handjob": false,
"blowjob": false,
"sex": false,
"anal": false,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $lisa = {
"name" : "Lisa",
"lname" : "Brown",
"relationship" : 0,
"lesbianPts": 50,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $lisaIntroZaraAccepts to false>>
<<set $lisaDaysLeftForIntro = 999>>
<<set $dailyLisaCanteenCheck to false>>
<<set $jessica = {
"name" : "Jessica",
"lname" : "Chambers",
"relationship" : 0,
"reputation": 95,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"finger": false,
"oral": false,
"strapon": false,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $jessIntroZaraBullied to false>>
<<set $jessIntroJessBullied to false>>
<<set $dailyBully to false>>
JANET SMITH (the principal)
<<set $janet = {
"name" : "Janet",
"lname" : "Smith",
"relationship" : 0,
"metFlag": false,
"angryFlag": false,
"dailyVisits": 0,
"finger": false,
"oral": false,
"strapon": false,
"datingFlag": false,
"datingQ": false,
"wentDate": false,
"totalDates": 0,
"activeQuest": 0,
"lastQuest": 0
<<set $cooldownDick to false>>
<<set $cooldownMom to false>>
<<set $cooldownDad to false>>
<<set $cooldownBro to false>>
<<set $cooldownZara to false>>
<<set $cooldownLisa to false>>The birds chirp outside as the sunlight streams into Zara's room through the curtains.
Zara murmurs in her sleep, <font color="pink">"Like this?"</font>
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-clothed.webp" height="220">
She twists and turns as her dream gets more... interesting.
As she continues her dreamy sexcapade, a dark circle forms in her panties.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-clothed-wet.jpg" height="220">
Ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, her sexual needs were not being met. Leading to a lot more... <font color="red">wet</font> dreams.
<<set $PlayerMoney = 200>>\
<center>[[Peak into her dreams|dream1]]</center>
<<widget "fillenergy">><<set $PlayerEnergy = $PlayerMaxEnergy>><</widget>>
<<widget "addenergy">><<set $PlayerEnergy to Math.clamp($PlayerEnergy + $args[0], 0, $PlayerMaxEnergy)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addcorruption">><<set $PlayerCorruption to Math.clamp($PlayerCorruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addcorruptionbro">><<set $bro.corruption to Math.clamp($bro.corruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addcorruptiondad">><<set $dad.corruption to Math.clamp($dad.corruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addcorruptionmom">><<set $mom.corruption to Math.clamp($mom.corruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addschoolrep">><<set $PlayerSchoolRep to Math.clamp($PlayerSchoolRep + $args[0], 0, 300)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addart">><<set $PlayerArt to Math.clamp($PlayerArt + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addsci">><<set $PlayerSci to Math.clamp($PlayerSci + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addcomp">><<set $PlayerComp to Math.clamp($PlayerComp + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addfitness">><<set $PlayerFitness to Math.clamp($PlayerFitness + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addmoney">><<set $PlayerMoney to $PlayerMoney + $args[0]>><</widget>>
<<widget "curfewcheck">>
<<if $hour >= 22 or $hour<=7>>
<<goto "Curfew">>
<<widget "famCheck">>
<<if ($weekDay == false) || (($hour>=16 and $hour<=23))>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>
<<if _chance>=60 and $bro.angryFlag==false>>
<<set $KylePresent to true>>
<<set $KylePresent to false>>
<<set $KylePresent to false>>
<<if ($weekDay == false) || (($hour>=18 and $hour<=23))>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>
<<if _chance>=60 and $mom.angryFlag==false>>
<<set $MomPresent to true>>
<<set $MomPresent to false>>
<<set $MomPresent to false>>
<<if ($weekDay == false) || ($hour>=20 and $hour<=23)>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>
<<if _chance>=60 and $dad.angryFlag==false>>
<<set $DadPresent to true>>
<<set $DadPresent to false>>
<<set $DadPresent to false>>
<<widget "wakeUp">>
<<set $curfewCheck to false>>
<<set $schoolFlag to false>>
<<set $classAttended=0>>
<<set $attendanceCheck to false>>
<<set $PlayerShower to false>>
<<set $dailyChores to false>>
<<set $weeklyAllowanceCheck to false>>
<<set $dailyHangBen to false>>
<<set $dailyHangLisa to false>>
<<set $dailyHangDick to false>>
<<set $dailyHangBro to false>>
<<set $dailyHangDad to false>>
<<set $dailyHangMom to false>>
<<set $watchTVtimes = 0>>
<<set $curfewCheck to false>>
<<set $dailyText = 0>>
<<set $dailyBully to false>>
<<set $camming to false>>
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 0>>
<<set $ben.dailyVisits = 0>>
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 0>>
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 0>>
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 0>>
<<set $dailyLisaCanteenCheck to false>>
<<if $playerGymSub > 0>>
<<set $playerGymSub -= 1>>
<<if $dick.lastQuest gte 2 and $lisaDaysLeftForIntro != 0>>\
<<set $lisaDaysLeftForIntro -= 1>>\
<<widget "dateChangeWidget">>
<<if $dateMonth == "September">>
<<if $dateDay == 30>>
<<set $dateMonth = "October">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "October">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "November">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "November">>
<<if $dateDay == 30>>
<<set $dateMonth = "December">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "December">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "January">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "January">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "February">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "February">>
<<if $dateDay == 28>>
<<set $dateMonth = "March">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<elseif $dateDay > 28>>
<<set $dateDay = 28>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "March">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "April">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "April">>
<<if $dateDay == 30>>
<<set $dateMonth = "May">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "May">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "June">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "June">>
<<if $dateDay == 30>>
<<set $dateMonth = "July">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<elseif $dateDay == 6>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "July">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "August">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<elseif $dateMonth == "August">>
<<if $dateDay == 31>>
<<set $dateMonth = "September">>
<<set $dateDay = 1>>
<<set $dateDay += 1>>
<<widget "timeWidget">>
<<if $minute >= 60>>
<<set _diff = $minute - 60>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<set $minute = _diff>>
<<if $minute < 10>>
<<set $showMinute = '0' + $minute>>
<<set $showMinute = $minute>>
<<if $hour >= 24>>
<<set $hour = 0>>
<<if $hour < 10>>
<<set $showHour = '0' + $hour>>
<<set $showHour = $hour>>
<<widget "dayChangeWidget">>
<<set $dayCount += 1>>
<<switch $day>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $day = 2>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $day = 3>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $day = 4>>
<<case 4>>
<<set $day = 5>>
<<case 5>>
<<set $day = 6>>
<<case 6>>
<<set $day = 7>>
<<case 7>>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<set $day = 1>>
<<if $day == 1>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Monday">>
<<set $weekDay to true>>
<<elseif $day == 2>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Tuesday">>
<<set $weekDay to true>>
<<elseif $day == 3>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Wednesday">>
<<set $weekDay to true>>
<<elseif $day == 4>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Thursday">>
<<set $weekDay to true>>
<<elseif $day == 5>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Friday">>
<<set $weekDay to true>>
<<elseif $day == 6>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Saturday">>
<<set $weekDay to false>>
<<elseif $day == 7>>
<<set $dayOfWeek = "Sunday">>
<<set $weekDay to false>>
<img src="img/dreams/rub_through.webp" height="220">
Zara rubs the man's crotch through his jeans, feeling it twitch in her hand as it gets ready. She asks him, <font color="pink">"Like this?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Yes, god, yes. Just like that, don't stop"</font>, he groans right into Zara's ear.
Zara tightens her grip on his penis while rubbing it up and down. With a smile, she asks, <font color="pink">"So, what else do you want me to do hmm?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I want to feel your mouth"</font>, the man says through sharp breaths of pleasure.
<center><<link "Accept his request">></center>
<<replace "#request">>\
Zara gives him a sly smile and drops to her knees. She deftly unbuttons the man's jeans and slides them down. The musky aroma of his throbbing penis hits her nose as she licks her lips, wetting them, getting ready to give this man the pleasure he vehemently desires.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from the man, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, the man moans.
Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it.
The man groans and starts thrusting into Zara's mou-
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
<<link "Reject his request">>
<<replace "#request">>\
Zara gives him a sly smile and murmurs a simple no in his ear.
Suddenly, the man grabs her by the throat and whispers,<font color="cyan" >"You will do what I want, slut"</font>, and pushes her to her knees.
<font color="cyan">"Open your fucking mouth"</font>, he says in a menacing tone.
<center>[[WAKE UP|wakeup_dream]]
<<link "Continue dreaming">></center>
<<replace "#forced">>\
Zara is forced to open her mouth as her lover turned captor uses his hands to pry her mouth open.
<font color="cyan">"Now, like a good little girl you are going to use your mouth to make me cum"</font>, he says while spitting on her face.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He thrusts his penis into Zara's mouth, and with every thrust, he seems to get rougher. He groans as he continues thrusting into Zara's throat, with no sympathy in his eyes but just pure lust.
<font color="cyan">"I am close, and you will swallow every single drop of my cum like the slut you are"</font>
With one final groan, he thrusts deep inside Zara's throat and-
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
Zara walks into the kitchen with plates of food in her hands. Not paying much attention, she drops a plate onto the floor causing it to break into multiple pieces.
<font color="pink">"Shit shit shit shit"</font>, she thinks to herself.
Due to the noise, her mother walks into the kitchen and sees the mess she has made. Zara already knows she is in for a taxing punishment seeing her mom's face.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Come here, right now"</font>, her mom angrily says while grabbing a chair.
Zara slowly walks towards her mother who promptly grabs Zara by her shoulders and lays her stomach down on her knees.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Now, you will be punished like the bad girl you are"</font>
<strong><font color="red">*SMACK*</font></strong>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/spank'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom starts spanking her ass hard. With every slap a low moan escapes Zara's mouth, she should not be enjoying this, but she is. A red mark starts to form on Zara's ass as her mother continues spanking her.
<font color="pink">"Okay okay please stop, I learned from my mistake"</font>
<<set _randomCh = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _randomCh == 1>>
<font color="Fuchsia">"Fine, get out of here. Break any of my glassware again and you know what happens"</font>
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
<<elseif _randomCh == 2>>
<font color="Fuchsia">"You think that's it? No sweetheart, not at all. Stay right here while I get something"</font>
Her mom pushes Zara off her knees and walks out of the kitchen. Zara continues laying down on the kitchen floor. Waiting. Her mom returns with a <font color="red">strap-on</font> and orders Zara to get on the kitchen counter.
<center>[[WAKE UP|wakeup_dream]]
<<link "Acquiesce">></center>
<<replace "#forced">>\
Zara gets onto the kitchen counter and spreads her legs. Her mother starts to finger her getting Zara excited and very very <font color="red">wet</font>.
<font color="pink">"Just fuck me already"</font>, Zara moans.
Giving no reply her mother just shoves the dildo into Zara with no delay. Zara looks straight into her mother's eyes as she fucks her with no remorse.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/strapon'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="Fuchsia">"You are such a slut. Do you get horny being treated by your own mother like this, little slut?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Fuck you"</font>
<font color="Fuchsia">"Not going to happen anytime soon, little slut"</font>
Her mother quickens her pace. Zara has never felt this much pleasure with a man, she feels ashamed but also so <font color="red">HORNY</font>.
<font color="pink">"Oh my god, I think I am going to cum"</font>
Zara's legs start to shake and the heat inside her builds to a crescendo. Zara gives a loud moan as she-
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
The waves crash in the distance as the seagulls cry out loudly while hunting for food, keeping an eye on the humans scattered on the beach and their hands.
<font color="pink">"Ahhh now this is the life"</font>, Zara tells her _sexChar and lays down on the sandy beach next to him. Zara knows her _sexChar has been staring at her ass the whole time they have been at the beach. The boner in his swimming shorts was evidence of this.
Smiling, Zara starts to rub his boner through the shorts. He gives out a little gasp at the sudden touch but doesn't say anything.
<font color="cyan">"How about... something a little bit more?"</font>, he whispers into her ear.
<center><<link "Do something a little bit more">></center>
<<replace "#request">>\
Giving him a smile she pulls her _sexChar's shorts down just a bit, his cock immediately pops out, already at full mast.
<img src="img/dreams/beachhj.webp" height="220">
Zara strokes him while looking at him and tells teasingly, <font color="pink">"So, this is how you see me huh? Just an object to make you cum?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Talking about cum, I am almost there. Open your mouth"</font>, he replies ignoring her question altogether.
Zara lowers herself down and jerks off her _sexChar into her mouth.
<img src="img/dreams/beachhjcum.webp" height="220">
She feels his cum splash into her mouth, filling it to the brim such that a little even escapes before she slurps it back up and swallows it all.
<font color="pink">"Happy now?"</font>, she asks.
<font color="cyan">"Very"</font>, he replies softly and lays his head back down onto the sand promptly going to sleep now that all his energy is dissipated.
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
<<link "No, this is enough">>
<<replace "#request">>\
<font color="pink">"No, this is enough"</font>, she answers. Her _sexChar does not like this and immediately sits up and gets on top of her.
<font color="cyan">"Well, I was going to do this the easy way but I guess no longer"</font>, he growls.
<center>[[WAKE UP|wakeup_dream]]</center>
<center><<link "Continue dreaming">></center>
<<replace "#forced">>\
He rips off her bikini top and panties and forces her legs open. Zara tries to push him off but her strength did not come anywhere close to her _sexChar's. Before she could shout for help he shoves her own panties into her mouth.
He takes his shorts off and spits on his cock before inserting it into Zara's pussy.
<img src="img/dreams/beachsex.webp" height="220">
He fucks her hard giving no qualms to her pain and discomfort. She continues trying to push him off to no avail and so finally gives up. Seeing this he asks,<font color="cyan">"If I take out your panties you won't scream?"</font>
She gives him a nod and he takes out the panties from her mouth. Knowing not to anger her own _sexChar by shouting she keeps her mouth shut.
<img src="img/dreams/beachsexcum.webp" height="220">
Without a warning he thrusts deep into Zara and busts a load, giving her an unwanted creampie. After every last drop of his seed was released he slips out of her. Zara can feel drops of cum leaking out of her vagina and shudders.
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
Zara lays on her bed, just chilling. Not knowing what to do she does the one thing she knows best... <font color="red">masturbate</font>.
Zara slides down her pants and starts to touch herself. Slowly, gently.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/masturbate'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The door slowly creaks open just a little, and an eye looks into her room. She does not notice this, she is too busy. The figure slowly walks into her room so as to not disturb her but she notices the figure now.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck are you doing, dad?!"</font>, she shouts at him.
<font color="cyan">"Shhh. Come on now, I know you are horny as fuck right now. Let me help you"</font>, he replies.
He takes off his clothes and stands right in front of her butt naked. He climbs onto the bed beside her and starts groping her tits while she takes her dad's cock in her hands and starts stroking it gently.
<font color="cyan">"I want to feel your mouth"</font>
Zara immediately slides down towards his cock and takes it into her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down her dad's cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadbj.webp" height="220">
After a few minutes, he grabs her hair and pulls her completely on top of him, and gives her a kiss on her lips. Knowing what he wants, Zara immediately repositions herself and inserts her dad's cock into her.
<img src="img/dreams/dadride.webp" height="220">
Riding her dad's cock makes Zara so wet. His cock slides in and out of her pussy, her dad groans and suddenly pushes her off him and slams her into the bed. He rips off her top completely and reinserts his cock into her.
<img src="img/dreams/dadsex.webp" height="220">
He fucks her deep and quickens his pace. Zara can tell he is getting close to cumming.
But... something disturbs her, this is not right... Is she dreaming?
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_dream]]
<<link "Fuck it who cares">></center>
<<replace "#wakeup">>\
She grabs her dad's hip and pushes and pulls him into her going with his flow.
<font color="pink">"Cum inside me, daddy"</font>, she moans. Wasting no time her dad starts to pump even faster.
<font color="cyan">"I am cumming, baby"</font>
<img src="img/dreams/dadcum.webp" height="220">
He thrusts one final time deep inside Zara and creampies her, filling her with his seed.
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
<<if $day==1 and $hour>=19 and $attendanceCheck==false>>\
<<set $attendanceCheck to true>>\
<<set _classNotAttended = 4 - $classAttended>>\
<<set $classNAttended = $classNAttended + _classNotAttended>>\
<<if ($schoolFlag==false || $classNAttended>=5)>>\
<<goto "PunishedSchool">>\
<<elseif $day>=2 and $day<=5 and $attendanceCheck==false>>\
<<set $attendanceCheck to true>>\
<<set _classNotAttended = 4 - $classAttended>>\
<<set $classNAttended = $classNAttended + _classNotAttended>>\
<<if ($schoolFlag==false || $classNAttended>=5)>>\
<<goto "PunishedSchool">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $famSexUnlocked == false>>\
<<goto "Zara Quest Fam Sex">>\
Zara stands next to bed and wonders...
<<link "Sleep clothed">>\
<<replace "#sleep">>\
She decided to sleep clothed and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts of to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-clothed.webp" width="50%">
<<set _randomCh = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _randomCh>=85 and (($dad.corruption>=5 and $dad.blowjob==true) || ($bro.corruption>=10 and $bro.blowjob==true))>>\
<<goto "SleepSexClothed Straight">>\
<<elseif _randomCh gte 65 and ($mom.corruption gte 10 and $mom.finger==true)>>\
<<goto "SleepSexClothed Lesbian">>\
<<set _dreamCh = random(1,8)>>\
<center><<if _dreamCh == 1>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream1]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 2>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream2]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 3>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream3]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 4>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream4]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 5>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream5]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 6>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream6]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 7>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream7]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 8>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream8]]<</if>>
[[Skip dream|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 45>>\
<<link "Sleep topless">>\
<<replace "#sleep">>\
She decided to sleep topless and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts of to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-topless.webp" width="50%">
<<set _randomCh = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _randomCh>=85 and (($dad.corruption>=10 and $dad.blowjob==true) || ($bro.corruption>=20 and $bro.blowjob==true))>>\
<<goto "SleepSexTopless Straight">>\
<<elseif _randomCh gte 65 and ($mom.corruption gte 20 and $mom.finger==true)>>\
<<goto "SleepSexTopless Lesbian">>\
<<set _dreamCh = random(1,8)>>\
<center><<if _dreamCh == 1>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream1]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 2>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream2]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 3>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream3]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 4>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream4]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 5>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream5]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 6>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream6]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 7>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream7]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 8>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream8]]<</if>>
[[Skip dream|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 65>>\
<<link "Sleep nude">>\
<<replace "#sleep">>\
She decided to sleep completely naked and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts of to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-nude.jpg" width="50%">
<<set _randomCh = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _randomCh>=85 and (($dad.corruption>=30 and $dad.sex==true) || ($bro.corruption>=40 and $bro.sex==true))>>\
<<goto "SleepSexNude Straight">>\
<<elseif _randomCh gte 65 and ($mom.corruption gte 30 and $mom.oral==true)>>\
<<goto "SleepSexNude Lesbian">>\
<<set _dreamCh = random(1,8)>>\
<center><<if _dreamCh == 1>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream1]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 2>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream2]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 3>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream3]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 4>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream4]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 5>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream5]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 6>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream6]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 7>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream7]]<<elseif _dreamCh == 8>>[[Peak into her dreams|dream8]]<</if>>
[[Skip dream|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<center>[[Don't sleep yet|Room]]</center>
<img src="img/bedroom/wakeup.webp" height="200">
The alarm rings loudly, awakening Zara from her slumber. With a groan, she smacks the alarm off and tries to grasp the fleeting memories of the dream she was just having.
<font color="pink">"What kind of dream was that?"</font>, Zara thought to herself.
<font color="yellow">Energy renewed</font>
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
[[Get out of bed|Room][$minute += 1]]</center>
<<if $hour > 7>>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<addcorruption 1>>
<<if $day==7 and $weeklyAllowanceCheck==false and ($hour>=8 and $minute<3)>>\
<<goto "Weekly Allowance">>\
<center><img src="img/bedroom/bedroom.webp" height="300">
Zara looks around her room which looks immaculate. Zara was a tidy person, and she liked to show it with her belongings. The room was adorned with her favourite art pieces and her everyday objects.
<<if $weekDay and ($hour gte 6 and $hour lte 10)>><font color="gold">Zara has school today with classes starting from 9AM, she should wear her school uniform and get there on time to avoid any punishments!</font>
[[Wardrobe][$minute += 1]]
<<if $dayCount ==2 and $hour lt 13>>\
<b>Zara should attend the first day of school, she can bunk classes later if she feels like.</b>
<<if $hour >= 6 && $hour <= 19>>\
It is too early to sleep right now.
<<link "Take a nap">>
<<set $hour+=1>>
<<set $minute+=30>>
<<addenergy 10>>
<<goto "Room">>
<</link>> +1.5 hours +10 Energy
[[Go to sleep|Sleep]]
[[Use laptop|Laptop][$minute+=1]]
[[Go to the living room|Living room][$minute += 1]]</center>
<<if $stayOut == true>>\
<<goto "Punished">>\
<<if $PlayerClothes == "Gym" || $PlayerClothes == "GymAdv">>\
<<set $PlayerClothes = "Casual">>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/livingroom.webp" height="300">
Zara looks around the living room. It has been kept immaculate by her mother. Zara probably got her tidy genes from her. She could hear the bustle of cars outside the window.
[[Enter bedroom|Room][$minute += 1]]
<<if $dayCount ==2 and $hour lt 13>>\
<b>Zara should attend the first day of school, she can bunk classes later if she feels like.</b>
<<if $watchTVtimes lte 2>>\
<<link "Relax in front of the TV">>
<<set $watchTVtimes += 1>>
<<goto "TV Events">>
<</link>>+10 Energy +1 hour
Zara has already watched a lot of TV today...
[[Enter brother's bedroom|Brother Room][$minute += 1]]
[[Enter parent's bedroom|Parents Room][$minute += 1]]
[[Enter kitchen|Kitchen][$minute += 1]]
<<if $MomPresent==true>>\
Zara's mom is showering <<if $PlayerCorruption>= 45 and $mom.corruption>=15 and $PlayerShower==false and $famSexUnlocked==true and $mom.finger==true>>| [[Join her|shower mom join][$minute+=2, $PlayerShower to true]]<</if>>
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
Zara's dad is showering <<if $PlayerCorruption>= 45 and $dad.corruption>=10 and $PlayerShower==false and $famSexUnlocked==true and $dad.blowjob==true>>| [[Join him|shower dad join][$minute+=2, $PlayerShower to true]]<</if>>
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
Zara's brother is showering <<if $PlayerCorruption>= 45 and $bro.corruption>=15 and $PlayerShower==false and $famSexUnlocked==true and $bro.blowjob==true>>| [[Join him|shower bro join][$minute+=2, $PlayerShower to true]]<</if>>
[[Enter bathroom|Bathroom][$minute += 1]]
<<if $dailyChores==false>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
[[Do chores|Chores Events][$dailyChores to true, $choresCount+=1]]
+30 minutes -15 Energy
Zara does not have enough energy to do chores...
Daily chores already done
<<if $dayCount==2 and $PlayerClothes!="SchoolUni" and $hour lt 13>>\
<<if $hour >= 22 or $hour<=7>>\
It is too late to go out right now
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 15>>\
[[Zara sneaks out|Jecinda District][$minute+=5, $stayOut to true, $curfewCheck to true]]
+5 minutes
Zara is not corrupted enough to sneak out
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
[[Go out|Jecinda District][$minute +=3]]
+3 minutes
<img src="img/bedroom/wakeup.webp" height="200">
Zara wakes up refreshed. Ready to tackle another day.
<font color="yellow">Energy renewed</font>
[[Get out of bed|Room][$minutes += 1]]
<<if $hour > 7>>
<<set $hour = 8>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
</center><<if $introSchool == false>>\
<<goto "School Intro">>\
<<if $PlayerSchoolRep gte 10 and $jessica.metFlag eq false and $dayCount gte 5>>\
<<goto "jessica intro">>\
<<if $dayCount eq 3 and $hour eq 11 and $school2ndDayEvent==false and $school1stDayEvent==true>>\
<<goto "school 2nd day event">>\
<<if $dayCount eq 4 and $hour eq 11 and $school3rdDayEvent==false and $school2ndDayEventOffer==true>>\
<<goto "school 3rd day event">>\
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 95 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true and $dayCount gte 7>>\
<<goto "jessica bully school">>\
<<if $hour>=17 || $hour<8>>\
<<goto "school closed">>\
<<set $schoolFlag to true>>\
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">~ <<if $day == 1>>MONDAY<<elseif $day == 2>>TUESDAY<<elseif $day == 3>>WEDNESDAY<<elseif $day == 4>>THURSDAY<<elseif $day == 5>>FRIDAY<<elseif $day == 6>>SATURDAY<<elseif $day == 7>>SUNDAY<<endif>> ~
<center><img src="img/school/hallway.jpg" height="300">
Zara stands in the school hallway and checks her timetable and wonders what to do next. There are a lot of classes to attend, and Zara can't wait- to go home.
<<include "School schedule">>\
[[Canteen->School canteen][$minute += 2]]
[[Library->School library][$minute += 2]]
[[Girls WC|School girls restroom][$minute+=2]]<<if $PlayerCorruption>= 10>> | [[Boys WC|School boys restroom][$minute+=2]]<</if>>
<<if $detentionFlag == true>>\
Zara can't leave, she has detention
<<elseif $dayCount==2 and $hour lt 13>>\
It's the first day of school, she should at least try to attend all classes.
<<elseif $ben.metFlag eq false and $classAttended eq 4>>\
<<link "Go out">>
<<goto "ben intro">>\
<</link>>+10 minutes
<<link "Go out">>
<<set $minute += 10>>
<<goto "Jecinda District">>
<</link>>+10 minutes
<<if $curfewCheck == false>>
<<endif>><<if $curfewCheck eq false>>\
<<if $hour gte 6 and $hour lt 7>>\
<img src="img/city/jecinda/sunrise.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour gte 7 and $hour lt 19>>\
<img src="img/city/jecinda/day.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour gte 19 and $hour lt 20>>\
<img src="img/city/jecinda/sunset.jpg" height="300">\
<img src="img/city/jecinda/night.jpg" height="300">\
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">~ Jecinda District ~</h3>\
<<if $dayCount ==2 and $hour lt 13>>\
<b>Zara should attend the first day of school, she can bunk classes later if she feels like.</b>
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
[[Just walk around|Jecinda walk][$minute+=10]]
+30 minutes -15 energy
Zara is too tired to take a walk...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font>
<<if ($weekDay eq false) || ($hour gte 17 || $hour lt 8)>>\
School is closed
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUni" || $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
+10 minutes
Zara needs to wear her school uniform before going to school
<<if $dayCount ==2 and $hour lt 13>>\
<b>Zara should attend the first day of school, she can bunk classes later if she feels like.</b>
+10 minutes
[[Go home|Living room][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">~ Arabella District ~</h3>\
<<if $dayCount ==2 and $hour lt 13>>\
<b>Zara should attend the first day of school, she can bunk classes later if she feels like.</b>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 15 and $PlayerFitness lt 30>>\
<<set $walkEnergyJA = 25>>\
<<elseif $PlayerFitness gte 30 and $PlayerFitness lt 60>>\
<<set $walkEnergyJA = 20>>\
<<elseif $PlayerFitness gte 60 and $PlayerFitness lt 85>>\
<<set $walkEnergyJA = 15>>\
<<elseif $PlayerFitness gte 85>>\
<<set $walkEnergyJA = 10>>\
<<set $walkEnergyJA = 30>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte $walkEnergyJA>>\
<<link "Walk">>
<<set $walkLocation = "Arabella">>
<<goto "Walk Travel JA">>
<</link>> -$walkEnergyJA Energy +45 minutes
Zara is too tired to walk to Arabella District...
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 5>>\
<<link "Take the bus- 5$">>
<<set $freeloading to false>>
<<set $walkLocation = "Arabella">>
<<goto "Bus Travel JA">>
<</link>> +20 minutes
Zara does not have enough money for the bus to Arabella District...
<<link "Freeload on the bus">>
<<set $freeloading to true>>
<<goto "Bus Travel JA">>
<img src="img/school/canteen.jpeg" height="300">\
Zara looks around the crowded school canteen, watching all the other students eat and run around. Zara wonders what to do next...
<<if $hour>=10 and $hour<=12>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney>=10>>\
<<if $dailyLisaCanteenCheck eq false and $lisa.metFlag eq true>>\
<<set $dailyLisaCanteenCheck to true>>\
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 80>>\
<<link "Have lunch with Lisa">>
<<goto "lisa events">>\
Lisa does not seem to be here today...
<<link "Have lunch">>\
<<addenergy 60>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney-=10>>\
<<goto "canteen events">>\
<</link>> -10$ +60 Energy +40 minutes
No money for food...
It is not lunch time
<<if $PlayerMoney>=5>>\
<<link "Have a snack">>\
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney-=5>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<goto "School canteen">>\
<</link>> -5$ +15 Energy +20 minutes
No money for snacks...
[[Go back out|School][$minute+=2]]
<<if $hour>=17 || $hour<8>>\
<<goto "school closed">>
<img src="img/school/library.jpg" height="300">\
Zara loved books and one of her favourite places in her school was the library with it's vast collection of books. The smell of books was intoxicating.
She peruses the library and sees a lot of interesting titles... and some look like they shouldn't be in a high school library.
<<if $ben.metFlag == true>>\
<<if $ben.dailyVisits lt 2>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
[[Talk to Ben|ben events][$minute+=5]]
<center>Zara is too tired to talk to Ben right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>\
Zara has already talked to Ben enough times today...
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 30>>\
<<link "Read a book on science">>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addsci 3>>
<<goto "School library">>
<</link>> -30 Energy +3 Science Skill +1 hour
Too tired to read a book...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font>
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 30>>\
<<link "Practice Coding and Hacking">>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addcomp 3>>
<<goto "School library">>
<</link>> -30 Energy +3 Computer Skill +1 hour
Too tired to practice coding...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font>
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 35 and $PlayerCorruption>=2>>\
<<link "Read an adult book">>
<<goto "library events">>
<</link>> -35 Energy +2 Corruption +1 hour
Zara is not corrupted enough to read an adult book or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 2</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font>
[[Go back out|School][$minute+=2]]
<<if $hour>=17 || $hour<8>>\
<<goto "school closed">>
<h2>Girl's Washroom</h2>\
<img src="img/school/girlswc.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the washroom and looks at herself in the mirror
<<if $PlayerSchoolRep < 20>>\
None of the other girls in the washroom pay any attention to Zara.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 20 and $PlayerSchoolRep < 40>>\
A girl smiles at Zara and she smiles back.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 40 and $PlayerSchoolRep < 60>>\
<font color="Fuchsia">"Hey, Zara!"</font>
Zara smiles and waves at the girl.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 60 and $PlayerSchoolRep < 90>>\
<font color="purple">"Hey, Zara! How are you?"</font>, a girl near the hand dryer asks.
<font color="pink">"Doing well thanks"</font>, she replies.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 90>>\
<font color="Fuchsia">"Oh my god! Hey Zara! Looking good haha"</font>, says a girl amongst a group of them. Zara just smiles at them and waves.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Did you see that?! She waved at me"</font>, the girl whispers excitedly to the rest of the group.
<<link "Use the toilet">>
<<addenergy 2>>
<<set $minute += 5>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=60>>\
<<goto "girlswcsexevents">>\
<<goto "School girls restroom">>\
<</link>> +2 Energy +5 minutes
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=80>>\
Zara hears a low moaning sound from one of the stalls... Should she peak?
[[Peak into the stall|girlswc peak]]
[[Go back outside|School][$minute+=2]]
<<if $hour>=17 || $hour<8>>\
<<goto "school closed">>
<h2>Boy's Washroom</h2>\
<img src="img/school/boyswc.jpeg" height="300">
Zara enters the washroom and immediately feels a collection of eyes on her.
<<if $PlayerSchoolRep < 10>>\
<<goto "boyswc kick">>
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 10 and $PlayerSchoolRep < 40>>\
The boys keep an eye on her but nobody tells her to get out.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 40 and $PlayerSchoolRep < 60>>\
<font color="cyan">"Hey, Zara!"</font>
Zara smiles and waves at the boy.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 60 and $PlayerSchoolRep < 90>>\
<font color="cyan">"You here for the special stall?"</font>, a boy asks while walking past Zara, making sure to grab her ass.
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 90>>\
<font color="cyan">"You here to give us some entertainment?"</font>, a boy asks with a wink. All of the other boys also turn and look at Zara, waiting to see what she does.
<<set _chance1 = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance1 >= 70 and _chance1<=85>>\
<<goto "boyswcteacher">>\
<<elseif _chance1>=86 and _chance1<=100>>
<<goto "boyswc students">>\
<<link "Use the toilet">>
<<addenergy 2>>
<<set $minute += 5>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=60>>\
<<goto "boyswcsexevents">>\
<<goto "School boys restroom">>\
<</link>>+2 Energy +5 minutes
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
[[Enter the "special" stall|gloryhole]]
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=80>>\
Zara hears a low moaning sound from one of the stalls... Should she peak?
[[Peak into the stall|boyswc peak]]
[[Go back out|School][$minute+=2]]
<<if $hour>=17 || $hour<8>>\
<<goto "school closed">>
<<endif>>\<<if $weekDay>>
<<if $hour == 8>>
Next lesson is
<<link "Art Class">>
<<set $hour = 9>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Art">>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (9:00-9:50)<br>
<<elseif $hour == 9>>
<<if $minute < 50>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Art">>
Go to
<<link "Art Class">>
<<set $isLateForAClass = true>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (9:00-9:50)<br>
<<elseif $minute >= 50>>
Next lesson is
<<link "Science">>
<<set $hour = 10>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Science">>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (10:00-10:50)<br>
<<elseif $hour == 10>>
<<if $minute < 50>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Science">>
Go to
<<link "Science">>
<<set $isLateForAClass = true>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (10:00-10:50)<br>
<<elseif $minute >= 50>>
It's <font color="gold">lunch break!</font> Zara should go to the canteen and have lunch or maybe skip it and head straight to the next lesson which is
<<link "Computer Science">>
<<set $hour = 12>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Computer Science">>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (12:00-12:50)<br>
<<elseif $hour == 11>>
It's <font color="gold">lunch break!</font> Zara should go to the canteen and have lunch or maybe skip it and head straight to the next lesson which is
<<link "Computer Science">>
<<set $hour = 12>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Computer Science">>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (12:00-12:50)<br>
<<elseif $hour == 12>>
<<if $minute < 50>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Computer Science">>
Go to
<<link "Computer Science">>\
<<set $isLateForAClass = true>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (12:00-12:50)<br>
<<elseif $minute >= 50>>
Next lesson is
<<link "Physical education">>
<<set $hour = 13>>
<<set $minute = 0>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Physical education">>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>\
<</link>> (13:00-13:50)<br>
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
<<if $minute < 50>>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "Physical education">>
Go to
<<link "Physical education">>
<<set $isLateForAClass = true>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<goto "Classes">>
<</link>> (13:00-13:50)<br>
<<elseif $minute >= 50>>
<<elseif $hour < 9>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
The classes haven't started yet
<<elseif $hour >= 14>>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<if ($hour == 13 and $minute >= 50) || $hour == 14 || ($hour == 15 and $minute < 30)>>\
<<if $detentionFlag == true>>\
<<link "Go to detention">>\
<<goto "School Detention">>\
Zara is free to go home! Classes are over...<br>
<<elseif $weekendDay>>
No classes today!<br>
<<endif>>\<<set $currentPassage = passage()>>\
<<if $classActivity == "">>\
Zara enters her art classroom, she took the subject thinking it would be just them drawing every class but sadly not, instead they were taught theory and history of art whilst also drawing their own pieces from time to time.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<link "Study">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Studying">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-15 Energy</center>
<<link "Slack off">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Socializing">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-10 Energy</center>
<<elseif $classActivity == "bully events">>\
<<include "jessica bully class">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Studying">>\
<<include "Art Studying events">>
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<elseif $classActivity == "Socializing">>\
<<include "Socializing events">>
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<endif>>\<<if $PlayerEnergy lt 10>>\
<<goto "School No Energy">>\
<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
<<if $isLateForAClass == true>>
<<set $isLateForAClass = false>>\
<<if $minute <= 10>>\
Zara's <<print $currentSchoolClass>> teacher ignores her, letting her in.
<<elseif $minute <= 20>>\
<font color="cyan">"Hmm..."</font>, is all the teacher says when Zara walks in.
<<elseif $minute > 20>>\
<font color="cyan">"Miss Williams, are you aware that the class if already going for <<print $minute>> minutes?! Visit my office after classes!"</font>
<strong>Zara got detention after classes!</strong>
<<set $detentionFlag to true>>\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
<<include "Art Class">>\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
<<include "Science class">>\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
<<include "Computer class">>\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
<<include "PE class">>\
<<set _event to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
Zara sits at her desk, books at the ready. She pays attention as well as she could and writes down everything she deemed important.
After what seems like an eternity the bell rings and everyone stands up to leave.
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
Zara writes down everything the <<print $currentSchoolClass>> teacher explains to the class. Suddenly looking around the teacher asks a question. The entire class remains silent. He points at Zara and asks her to stand up and answer the question.
Since she was paying attention Zara was able to answer correctly and the teacher smiles, at least one student was keen on learning.
The rest of the lesson goes peacefully and the bell rings, indicating the class is finally over.
<<elseif _event == 3>>\
Zara tries hard to understand what was going on but the information entered through one ear and exited the other. She did not understand why her brain was not working today...
The rest of the class goes painfully as Zara feels stupid not being able to understand anything properly.
<<elseif _event == 4>>\
The birds chirped outside the windows and it tempted Zara to be distracted all lesson but she kept focus on her books and studies. She did not want to fail the finals coming after a few months as this would ruin her Prom Queen plans.
The class goes on without any events and the bell finally rings indicating class is over.
<<elseif _event == 5>>\
For some reason, Zara was finding everything being taught today way too easy. She was able to raise her hand and answer questions correctly many times giving her a boost of confidence and happiness.
The rest of the class goes on without a hitch as Zara continues answering the teacher's questions and learning a lot.
<center><font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Science Skills</font>
<<addsci 1>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Science Skills Boost</font>
<<addsci 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -15>></center>\<center><h2>Detention</h2><img src="img/school/detention.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Zara enters the detention room and takes a seat at one of the tables. Looking around she notices all the posters about good behavior and mannerisms. She feels like she is back in gradeschool.
<<set _randomCh = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _randomCh >= 50>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,6)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "detention1">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "detention2">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
<<include "detention3">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
<<include "detention4">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>\
<<include "detention5">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 6>>\
<<include "detention6">>\
The teacher walks into the class along with a few more students.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, all of you are in here for an hour and for a good reason. So, use this time and think about what you have done. No talking, no noise at all. If I see a phone in your hands, I will be confisticating it."</font>, the teacher says in a menacing tone.
Everyone settles into their chairs and waits for the next hour to pass by... slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<set $ScienceClassTries=0>>\
<<set $currentPassage = passage()>>\
<<if $classActivity == "">>\
Zara enters the science classroom. A plastic skeleton stands in the corner of the room along with various chemicals kept in a cupboard. Zara wonders what it would be like to drink one of those...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<link "Study Normally">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Studying">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-15 Energy</center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><<link "Study Hard">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Studying Hard">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-20 Energy</center><br><<else>><center>Zara does not have enough energy to study hard<br><font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center><br><</if>>\
<<link "Slack off">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Socializing">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-10 Energy</center>
<<elseif $classActivity == "bully events">>\
<<include "jessica bully class">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Studying">>\
<<include "Studying events">>
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Studying Hard">>\
<<goto "Studying Hard events">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Socializing">>\
<<include "Socializing events">>
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\<<set $currentPassage = passage()>>\
<<if $classActivity == "">>\
Zara enters her Computer Science classroom. Computer parts and other assortments donned the classroom walls. Zara has always had an interest in computers, this was her favourite class.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<link "Study Normally">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Studying">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-15 Energy</center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><<link "Study Hard">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Studying Hard">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-20 Energy</center><br><<else>><center>Zara does not have enough energy to study hard<br><font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center><br><</if>>\
<<link "Slack off">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Socializing">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-10 Energy</center>
<<elseif $classActivity == "bully events">>\
<<include "jessica bully class">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Studying">>\
<<include "Comp Studying events">>
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Studying Hard">>\
<<goto "Comp Studying Hard events">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Socializing">>\
<<include "Socializing events">>
<<link "Wait till the end">>
<<set $minute = 50>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<endif>><<set $currentPassage = passage()>>\
<<if $classActivity == "">>\
Zara stands in the lawn of her highschool, the heat of the sun already causing her to form a few drops of sweat. She wonders...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><<link "Exercise">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Studying">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-20 Energy</center>
<<else>><center>Zara does not have enough energy to exercise<br><font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center><br><</if>>\
<<link "Slack off">><<if _chance gte 90 and $dailyBully eq false and $jessica.metFlag eq true>><<set $classActivity = "bully events">><<goto $currentPassage>><<else>><<set $classActivity = "Socializing">><<goto $currentPassage>><</if>><</link>><center>-15 Energy</center>
<<elseif $classActivity == "bully events">>\
<<include "jessica bully PE">>
<<elseif $classActivity == "Studying">>\
<<include "PE Studying events">>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<elseif $classActivity == "Socializing">>\
<<include "PE Socializing events">>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<endif>>\<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _event to random(1,6)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
<<goto "socialevent1">>\
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
<<goto "socialevent2">>\
<<elseif _event == 3>>\
<<goto "socialevent3">>\
<<elseif _event == 4>>\
<<goto "socialevent4">>\
<<elseif _event == 5>>\
<<goto "socialevent5">>\
<<elseif _event == 6>>\
<<goto "socialevent6">>\
<<set _event to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
Zara slouched in her chair, her eyes half-lidded as the teacher droned on about equations she had no interest in. Her notebook lay untouched on the desk, the pages blank, while her pen idly twirled between her fingers. Instead of paying attention, her gaze drifted out the window, where the sky seemed far more inviting than the class.
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
As the lesson dragged on, Zara pulled out her phone, hiding it under the desk. Her thumbs moved swiftly over the screen, replying to texts and scrolling through social media. The chatter of her classmates and the teacher's voice became background noise, blending into a distant hum as she got lost in an endless feed of memes and messages.
<<elseif _event == 3>>\
Zara sat at the back of the classroom, her chin propped up on her hand as her eyes lazily scanned the board without really seeing anything. She glanced down at her phone, hidden beneath her desk, sneaking quick scrolls through social media between glances at the teacher to make sure she wasn’t caught. The lesson felt like background noise, distant and dull, as her mind wandered far away. She sighed quietly, counting the minutes until she could leave.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\<<set _event to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
Zara gets onto the jogging track and starts doing laps. She does several laps before she starts to feel out of breath. Gasping she stops. Gathering all her remaining willpower she starts jogging again.
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
Zara joins some of her classmates playing Basketball. She has always been a natural at it and easily scores multiple baskets. Making her team win. Everyone high fives her as P.E ends.
<<elseif _event == 3>>\
Zara warms up and starts doing calisthenics in the field. She had started during the break and lost a lot of weight doing it. She loved every second of it and the burn it caused in her body.
<center><font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
</center>\<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _event to random(1,6)>>\
<<if _event ==1>>\
<<goto "pe event1">>
<<elseif _event ==2>>\
<<goto "pe event2">>
<<elseif _event ==3>>\
<<goto "pe event3">>
<<elseif _event ==4>>\
<<goto "pe event4">>
<<elseif _event ==5>>\
<<goto "pe event5">>
<<elseif _event ==6>>\
<<goto "pe event6">>
<<set _event to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
Zara decides to slack off today and just lays down in the grass staring at the clouds flowing above her. Several classmates who were also slacking off decide to join her on the grass and all of them have a great time chatting and laughing while staring at the pretty sky.
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
Today, the coach was keeping a very watchful eye on the students doing exercises which made slacking off almost impossible. Just as she took the chance she dived behind a hedge with lots of cover and walks into a clearing. Proud of her own genius she stretches before sitting down on the ground. There is a rustling noise and suddenly two figures also appear in the small clearing, belonging to two girls from her class. The trio immediately started laughing at the absurdity of the situation and spent the rest of the time chatting.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=10 and $bro.corruption>=20 and ($dad.blowjob==true and $bro.blowjob==true)>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $dad.corruption>=10 and $dad.blowjob==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<elseif $bro.corruption>=20 and $bro.blowjob==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<if _sexChar eq "Brother">>\
<<goto "SleepSexClothed Straight bro">>\
<<goto "SleepSexClothed Straight dad">>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=15 and $bro.corruption>=25 and ($dad.blowjob==true and $bro.blowjob==true)>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $dad.corruption>=15 and $dad.blowjob==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<elseif $bro.corruption>=25 and $bro.blowjob==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<if _sexChar eq "Brother">>\
<<goto "SleepSexTopless Straight bro">>\
<<goto "SleepSexTopless Straight dad">>\
<</if>>\<<if $dad.corruption>=30 and $bro.corruption>=50 and ($dad.sex==true and $bro.sex==true)>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $dad.corruption>=30 and $dad.sex==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<elseif $bro.corruption>=50 and $bro.sex==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<if _sexChar eq "Brother">>\
<<goto "SleepSexNude Straight bro">>\
<<goto "SleepSexNude Straight dad">>\
<</if>>\<<if $version != 1>>
<<dialog "Restart Save">>
Sorry! There has been a save reset in v0.83! Last save reset was in v0.70, 6 versions ago<br>
It looks like you are trying to use an older save which will lead to errors and other bugs. Please start a new save. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.<br><br>
Turns out the type of backward compatibility solution I have been using all this time is faulty. This meant that some saves were still broken after new updates came out and even though they never gave any errors, it did mean some issues still arose. This led to people with old saves not being able to handle new NPCs like Lisa or even Jessica well. I wish I had found this sooner because now I have to do another force save reset to be able to fix all the changes made in the previous versions.<br>
A new method has been applied, a more extensive one and should mean none of these issues should arise anymore. Hopefully. If you suspect that you are still having any issues when playing a new version with an old save please report it to me at once on Discord.
<<if $PlayerMoney < 0>>
<<set $PlayerMoney = 0>>
<<set $PlayerMaxEnergy = 100 + $PlayerFitness>>
<<if $PlayerEnergy < 0>>
<<set $PlayerEnergy = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerEnergy > $PlayerMaxEnergy>>
<<set $PlayerEnergy = $PlayerMaxEnergy>>
<<if $PlayerFitness < 0>>
<<set $PlayerFitness = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerFitness >= 100>>
<<set $PlayerFitness = 100>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption < 0>>
<<set $PlayerCorruption = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerCorruption >= 100>>
<<set $PlayerCorruption = 100>>
<<if $dad.corruption < 0>>
<<set $dad.corruption = 0>>
<<elseif $dad.corruption >= 100>>
<<set $dad.corruption = 100>>
<<if $mom.corruption < 0>>
<<set $mom.corruption = 0>>
<<elseif $mom.corruption >= 100>>
<<set $mom.corruption = 100>>
<<if $bro.corruption < 0>>
<<set $bro.corruption = 0>>
<<elseif $bro.corruption >= 100>>
<<set $bro.corruption = 100>>
<<if $dick.relationship < 0>>
<<set $dick.relationship = 0>>
<<elseif $dick.relationship >= 100>>
<<set $dick.relationship = 100>>
<<if $jessica.reputation < 0>>
<<set $jessica.reputation = 0>>
<<elseif $jessica.reputation >= 100>>
<<set $jessica.reputation = 100>>
<<if $lisa.relationship < 0>>
<<set $lisa.relationship = 0>>
<<elseif $lisa.relationship >= 100>>
<<set $lisa.relationship = 100>>
<<if $lisa.lesbianPts < 0>>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts = 0>>
<<elseif $lisa.lesbianPts >= 100>>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts = 100>>
<<if $PlayerSchoolRep < 0>>
<<set $PlayerSchoolRep = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerSchoolRep >= 100>>
<<set $PlayerSchoolRep = 100>>
<<if $PlayerArt < 0>>
<<set $PlayerArt = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerArt >= 100>>
<<set $PlayerArt = 100>>
<<if $PlayerSci < 0>>
<<set $PlayerSci = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerSci >= 100>>
<<set $PlayerSci = 100>>
<<if $PlayerComp < 0>>
<<set $PlayerComp = 0>>
<<elseif $PlayerComp >= 100>>
<<set $PlayerComp = 100>>
<<if$hour >= 15 and $minute > 30>>
<<if $detentionFlag == true>>
<<set $detentionFlag to false>>
<<if $hour >= 6 && $hour < 20>>
<<set $timeOfDay = "Day">>
<<set $timeOfDay = "Night">>
<<if $day == 6 || $day == 7>>
<<set $weekendDay to true>>
<<set $weekDay to false>>
<<set $weekDay to true>>
<<set $weekendDay to false>>
<<endif>>After a long summer vacation, Zara walks into school ready to tackle anything that comes her way. She had changed quite a bit physically during the break, working on herself to become more confident after a bad breakup with her ex by jogging regularly and eating healthy. It was apparent that this glow up already had a few eyes on her but she still did not look anything special to the most popular girls in school.
<img src="img/school/schoolintro.jpg" height="300">
Zara currently knew nobody in school as her two best and basically only friends moved out of town just as vacation began. With just a few months left of school, she knew she had to obtain at least a few friends to not feel like a total loser.
She walks up to one of the notice boards nailed to the wall and goes through all the upcoming events. But, only one catches her eye.
<center><h2><font color="FFE8FF">GRADUATION PROMENADE</font></h2></center>\
Her mind races, is there time? Can she do it? She doesn't know why but Zara suddenly has a goal... a goal to become the Prom Queen. She wants that dance, that fame, that... feeling of being known and loved... respected. She knows she needs to make lots of friends and have an impact on even people who never talk to her if she wanted to achieve this goal. How can she do it?
<font color="pink">"At least my classmates would already know my name right?"</font>, she thinks to herself as she walks towards her locker. But this a question that now lingers in her mind and she needs to know the answer. Looking around she spots Ben Kingsley, he was probably the smartest guy in her school. He had even helped her quite a bit in the previous year with school work. He should know her... right?
<font color="pink">"Heyy Ben! Long time no see. How was your vacation?"</font>, she asks him. Ben just looks at her for a few seconds before responding.
<font color="cyan">"Umm. Hey, uhh... Yes, it has been a long time, it was great actually haha"</font>, he says while looking a bit sheepish.
Zara was not stupid, she knew he had no idea what her name was and to save herself from any more embarrassment decides to just give him a simple bye and a smile before walking away.
<font color="pink">"Yeah, time for a big change"</font>, she thinks to herself.
<<set $introSchool to true>>
<center>[[Zara has a goal|School][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center><img src="img/laptop/laptop.jpg" height="300"></center>
[[Go back|Room][$minute+=1]]
<table border="1" bgcolor="#000000" style="width:100%;">
<td colspan="2" align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 20>>\
<<link "Practice Coding and Hacking">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addcomp 2>>
<<goto "Laptop">>
<</link>> -20 Energy +2 Computer Skill +1 hour
Zara is too tired to practice coding right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font>
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 20>>\
<<link "Peruse science based forums">>
<<addenergy -20>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addsci 2>>
<<goto "Laptop">>
<</link>> -20 Energy +2 Science Skill +1 hour
Zara is too tired to peruse science forums...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font>
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 25>>\
<<link "Watch some porn">>
<<goto "Watch Porn">>
<</link>> -25 Energy +2 Corruption +1 hour
Zara is too tired to watch porn...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font>
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerCam == true>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 40 and $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<if $camming == false>>\
[[Start Camming|Camming][$hour+=1, $minute+=30, $camming to true]]
+1 hour 30 minutes -40 Energy
Zara has already cammed today...
Zara does not have enough corruption
to do camming or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 40</font>
Zara needs to buy an HD laptop cam for camming...
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerTab == true>>\
[[Access Drawing Tablet|Drawing][$minute+=2]]
Zara does not have a drawing tab...
<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\
<img src="img/city/street_day.jpg" height="300">
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 95>>\
<<goto "jessica bully jecinda walk">>\
<<elseif _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,4)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "day walk event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "day walk event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "day walk event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "day walk event4">>
<<set _eventCh = random(1,4)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
Zara decides to take a leisurely stroll through the district, looking at the different shops and restaurants that lined the streets of the district. The district was beautiful, but it could always get dangerous at night, making it so that Zara had a strict curfew of getting home. Nothing eventful happens during the walk.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
Zara decides to take a brisk walk through the district, looking at the different shops and restaurants that lined the streets of the district. The district was beautiful, but it could always get dangerous at night, making it so that Zara had a strict curfew of getting home. Nothing eventful happens during the walk.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Boosted Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
Zara takes a stroll through the district. It was very breezy right now and Zara could feel the hem of her skirt rising up a little bit too much as she walked.
<img src="img/city/upskirt.webp" height="220">
Pairs of eyes followed her... more like followed her backside as she walked past.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
As the sun shone brightly, Zara strolled down the city street, surrounded by its lively energy. People moved with purpose, vendors set up their stalls, and the sounds of chatter filled the air. With each step, she absorbed the urban rhythm and felt connected to the dynamic pulse of the bustling scene.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<img src="img/city/street_night.jpg" height="300">
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,4)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "night walk event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "night walk event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "night walk event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "night walk event4">>
<<set _eventCh = random(1,4)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
The cool air of the night makes Zara's nipples harden as she takes a stroll through the city. The street lights gave some light but it was still mostly way too dark, making Zara feel a bit tense.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
Zara takes a stroll in the city at night time, maybe not the smartest decision she ever made but she still made it. While walking through the now mostly empty streets, save for the random homeless people or shady people milling around.
Suddenly, she hears a noise behind her, a sharp clang of metal and a bunch of men shouting obscenities at each other. The panic sets in and Zara takes off, running away from all the commotion to safety.
At least running for your life is a good workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Boosted Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
Zara takes a stroll through the streets at night. She can hear the wolf whistles from the men from afar but ignores them. Somebody taps Zara's shoulder causing her to jump and turn around.
<font color="cyan">"Hey, I suggest you don't stay out too late. It's unsafe for girls as pretty as you to walk around alone"</font>, the man says in a low voice whilst looking behind her at the group of men previously whistling.
Zara should take his advice...
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
Zara found herself on a dimly lit night street, shadows dancing around her as she quickened her steps. The occasional flickering streetlight cast an eerie glow, revealing the random hooded people that lined the path. An unsettling feeling gnawed at her, prompting her to hasten her pace, her eyes darting around, alert to every sound and movement.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<endif>><<set _eventCh = random(1,4)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "girlswcevent1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "girlswcevent2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
<<include "girlswcevent3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
<<include "girlswcevent4">>
<<endif>>Zara enters the stall and sits down. The day till now had been taxing and Zara has built up a lot of stress. She <font color="red">NEEDS</font> to relieve it but doesn't know if she should risk it right now...
<center>[[Don't risk it|School girls restroom][$minute+=3]]</center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=5>>\
<<link "Risk it">>
<<replace "#riskit">>\
Zara decides to say fuck it and risk it. She immediately slides down her panties and starts gently caressing her vagina to get more into the mood first. Once she thinks she is ready she inserts her fingers into her vagina, gently moving in and out. Already feeling her arousal only increase she speeds up.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/masturbate'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The <font color="red">PLEASURE</font> is too much, Zara feels a tension build inside her. She realizes she is close to cumming. She repositions herself and gets ready.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/squirt'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Feeling much better already, Zara decides to head out after cleaning herself up.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Go back out|School girls restroom][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center>Zara is too tired to masturbate...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
@@Zara enters the stall and sits down on the toilet and relieves herself. Cleaning up she gets ready to head out but just as she opens the door a figure pushes her back in and shuts the stall door behind them.
Zara focuses on the figure to realize it's a girl from her class.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck do you want?"</font>, Zara asks the girl angrily.
<font color="Fuchsia">"What do you mean? You are the one who passed me a note telling me to come into a stall."</font>, she replies in a huff.
<font color="pink">"What note? I did not send any note"</font>, Zara says exasperatedly.
Without replying the girl hands Zara a crumpled note, she opens it up and reads the words: <font color="red">"why dont you come visit me in the bathroom? <3 will show you a good time ;)"</font>
<<link "Tell her it's fake">>
<<replace "#note">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah sorry, this is not from me. Someone is fucking with you"</font>
<font color="Fuchsia">"Fuck..."</font>, with a disappointed sigh the girl exits the stall and Zara follows behind.
<center><font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
[[Leave the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=20 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Tell her it's real">>
<<replace "#note">>\
<font color="pink">"Actually... Yeah, I did, I forgot somehow."</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>With a smile, Zara pulls the girl closer to her and starts making out with her.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara pulls the girl closer to her and starts making out with her.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>><font color="pink">"Want something more?"</font>, Zara asks the girl with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Can we do something more?"</font>, Zara asks the girl.<</if>>
The girl doesn't say anything but just nods, the arousal evident in her eyes.
Zara drops to her knees and pulls down the girl's skirt and panties.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Oh my god"</font>, the girl gasps as Zara starts to eat her out. Sliding her tongue through the folds of her vagina.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/goral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Suddenly there is a knock on the door which makes the girl and Zara jump. They stay still like deer in headlights waiting for a voice or maybe another knock but nothing of the sort happens.
The girl suddenly pushes Zara away and hoists her skirt and panties back up and leaves the stall without a word.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Disappointed, Zara leaves too|School girls restroom][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to pretend it's real or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
Zara enters the stall and sits down on the toilet and relieves herself. Cleaning up she gets ready to head out but just as she opens the door a figure gets in and pushes her back in and shuts the stall door behind them.
Zara focuses on the figure to realize it's a boy from her class.
<font color="pink">"The fuck dude?!"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uhh... wait, you aren't, Maddie"</font>, he squints at Zara as if to make sure she is indeed not Maddie.
<font color="pink">"Yeah, I am definitely not Maddie, what are you doing in the girl's washroom?!"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I asked Maddie out on a date and she said to come here. I am not a creep I swear"</font>
<font color="pink">"Yeah, well, I don't care and you can get the fuck out of here now"</font>
Looking dejected, the boy starts to leave the stall.
<<link "Let the boy leave">>
<<replace "#wait">>\
The boy exits the stall and after a few moments, Zara follows suit, hoping nobody saw this and assumes things.
<center><font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
[[Leave the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Stop him">>
<<replace "#wait">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey, wait. How about I make up for the disappointment Maddie has caused you?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uhh, sure? But how?"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara smiles and leans in for a kiss.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she leans in and gives the boy a kiss.<</if>> The boy gasps in surprise but does not give any indication that he does not want it. Seeing this, Zara closes the gap and they start making out.
But this does not last long, the boy pushes Zara down using both his hands onto her knees. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Knowing what he wants at once she unzips his pants and drops them below. Zara could not believe she is now so used to sucking off random boys in toilet stalls!<<else>>Woah! Was she really doing this? Sucking off a random boy in a toilet stall? The question was answered by the boy as he takes his cock out.<</if>> The musky aroma of his penis hits her nostrils as she gives it a quick kiss on the head. Satisfied that it's clean she opens her mouth and starts sucking the boy off.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Oh god this feels so good"</font>
Hearing him moan excites Zara even more. Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boralcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With a groan, the boy starts cumming right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She makes sure not to waste a single drop.<<else>>Zara does her best not to waste a single drop.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"That was amazing"</font>, the boy says while zipping up his pants. <font color="cyan">"Maybe we can do it again sometime?"</font>, he asks timidly.
<font color="pink">"Maybe, no promises"</font>, Zara replies with a wink. <font color="pink">"Now, get out of here"</font>, she adds on.
Without a word, the boy exits the stall with a smile on his face.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to stop him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
The teacher walks in and sees Zara sitting there all alone in the room.
<font color="cyan">"Just you huh?"</font>, he asks and sits down at his desk. <font color="cyan">"You know what, since it is just you, do your own work. Don't tell anyone though, eh?"</font>, he continues and winks.
<font color="pink">"Thank you, sir"</font>, Zara responds and immediately takes out her phone to alleviate her boredom.
After a few minutes Zara looks up to see the teacher... what is he doing? Zara watches him closely and notices his right hand using his phone and his left... doing something else. Maybe he is bored too.
<<link "Ignore him">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
Zara ignores what he is doing and goes back into her mental vegetative state as time passes slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 15 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Alleviate boredom together">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>><font color="pink">"Hey, sir!"</font>, Zara calls out making the teacher jump in his seat and blush.<<else>><font color="pink">"H-hey, sir?"</font>, Zara calls out timidly. The teacher looks up at her quizically.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Yes, miss...?"</font>, he responds almost sheepishly.
Zara gets up from her desk and starts walking towards the teacher's desk. Seeing her coming closer the teacher panics and Zara can see him struggling to put his cock back into his pants using just one hand.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>><font color="pink">"Don't do that, sir. Why don't I help you out?"</font>, says Zara while placing both her hands on the table and leaning forward. Letting him ogle at her cleavage. She shakes her tits at him alluringly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Sir... You don't have to put it away. I can help if you want"</font>, she tells him. She leans forward, trying to show off her cleavage.<</if>>
The teacher only nods quietly and moves his chair back, indicating Zara is free to do what she wants.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara gets onto her knees and deftly unbuttons and pulls down the teacher's pants.
<font color="cyan">"Are- are you sure about this?"</font>, he asks. Zara only smiles at him and takes his cock into her mouth. She first swirls her tongue around his head before going a bit deeper.<<else>>Zara gets onto her knees and waits for the teacher to pull his cock out. He slowly unzips himself, letting his cock pop out.
<font color="cyan">"Are- are you sure about this?"</font>, he asks. Zara nods at him and takes his cock into her mouth. She first swirls her tongue around his head before going a bit deeper.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The teacher's mind races, he could not believe this 18-year-old slut is so ready to suck his dick. The pleasure he feels right now is a pleasure he has never felt before, even with his loving wife.
He wonders what else would Zara allow him to do with her mouth. To test it out the teacher suddenly gets up from his chair and grabs Zara by the hair. She gives a gasp of pain but the teacher does not care, before she can protest he shoves his dick back into her mouth and starts fucking it.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara lets him fuck her face, she just crosses her fingers that nobody suddenly walks into the room and sees what was going on. Before she even realizes it the teacher pulls out of her mouth and starts jerking off in front of her face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara instinctively opens her mouth and gets ready for his cum. She could not waste to give it a taste.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth and waits for his cum. Would it taste good?<</if>>
<<set _c = either("A","B")>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'cum.webp" height="220">'>>
After he is done he gives Zara a kiss on the forehead and without a word goes back to his desk and sits down, completely spent. Zara picks herself up from the ground and <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>using her fingers wipes the cum from her face and licks them clean.<<else>>using a few tissues, wipes away the cum from her face.<</if>> Both of them did not speak another word for the rest of the detention.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=30 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Instead of going to him Zara leans against the wall and beckons him to her using just a finger. Like an excited dog, the teacher jumps out of his chair and pins Zara to the wall, kissing her while groping at her chest. She gives him a little push away and using the newfound space she turns around and presents herself to him.<<else>>Unsure of what to do exactly, Zara goes to a wall and leans against it. Showing off her ass. She was still not used to letting random men use her pussy this way. The teacher gets up from his desk, his cock already getting hard.<</if>>
Wordlessly the teacher takes his pants off and rubs his head against her vagina.
<font color="pink">"Just fuck me already"</font>, Zara gasps from the slight pleasure the dick head rubbing was giving her.
Taking this as his consent he immediately thrusts into her and begins fucking her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tfuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gives little gasps every time he thrusts into her, she feels so aroused by the idea of this middle-aged man fucking her 18-year-old pussy while he uses his other hand to grope her chest from the back... and on this hand, he wore a ring indicating he was indeed married. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She would not mind being fucked like this every day by him.<<else>>The arousal she felt, felt different. Maybe soon she will get used to things like this.<</if>>
He suddenly pulls out and takes her hand, guiding her to the teacher's desk. He lies down on the desk and pulls Zara onto the desk too. She positions herself and inserts his dick into her and starts to ride him, right on his desk, where if anyone walked in would clearly see what was going on.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Oh my god, I am going to cum"</font>, he moans through the pleasure as Zara continues riding him.
He groans and Zara feels a liquid heat inside her pussy and realizes he is cumming inside her, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>she rides even faster to ensure every single drop of cum is drained from his balls.<<else>>she continues riding him till he finishes cumming.<</if>>
Once he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>she gets off him and licks his dick clean before he puts it back into his pants.<<else>>she gets off him and lets him clean himself up.<</if>> He does not say a word but just exits the classroom leaving Zara alone to clean up and put her clothes back on.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to fuck him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=50 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Instead of going to him Zara leans over a table and beckons him to her using just a finger. Like an excited dog, the teacher jumps out of his chair and pins Zara down, kissing her while groping at her chest. She gives him a little push away and using the newfound space she turns around and presents herself to him.<<else>>Zara was sure if she let him fuck her ass, she would be getting him the horniest. She just was not used to having her ass fucked yet. She bends over on the table, presenting her ass to him.<</if>>
Wordlessly the teacher takes his pants off and rubs his head against her vagina.
<font color="pink">"I want you to fuck my ass"</font>, Zara gasps from the slight pleasure the dick head rubbing was giving her. The teacher without any hesitation, switches holes. Slowly inserting himself into her ass.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gives little gasps every time he thrusts into her, she feels so aroused by the idea of this middle-aged man fucking her 18-year-old ass hole while he uses his other hand to grope her chest from the back... and on this hand, he wore a ring indicating he was indeed married.
<font color="cyan">"Oh my god, I am going to cum"</font>, he moans through the pleasure as he continues thrusting in and out of her ass.
He groans and Zara feels a liquid heat inside her ass hole and realizes he is cumming inside her, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>she pushes back against him to ensure every single drop of cum is drained from his balls.<<else>>she let him continue thrusting till he was done.<</if>>
Once he was done, he did not say a word but just exited the classroom leaving Zara alone to clean up and put her clothes back on.
<center><font color="teal">+3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for anal or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to check or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<set _c = either("A","B")>>\
Zara waits for 10 minutes but nobody shows up to the detention room. Did they forget? Maybe she could slip out of here without anybody noticing. Zara gathers all her things and starts walking towards the door, she is just a few steps away when the door suddenly swings open and a teacher walks in.
<font color="cyan">"Where do you think you are going, missy?"</font>, he asks with a sneer.
<font color="pink">"Fuck... it's the P.E. coach, Mr. Jake Mason, strict as fuck... but also a creep... maybe I could use this to my advantage?"</font>, she thinks to herself.
<<link "No, Zara isn't a whore...">>
<<replace "#adv">>\
<font color="pink">"Uhhh... nowhere, sir. I just was checking if anybody was coming here, that's all"</font>, she says sheepishly and goes back to her desk and sits down. She constantly checks the clock on the wall and sees the hour go by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 35 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Try to get out of class early">>
<<replace "#adv">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>><font color="pink">"Actually, sir... I was wondering if I could leave early maybe?"</font>, she sweetly asks while bending a bit forward, she shakes her tits at him alluringly. The coach's eyes immediately go to her chest and smirks.<<else>><font color="pink">"Sir... I was wondering if I could leave early maybe?"</font>, she timidly asks the coach. She bends forward slightly, trying to show off her cleavage. The coach's eyes immediately go to her chest and smirks.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Are you trying to suggest something, missy?"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>><font color="pink">"Obviously sir, maybe we can make a deal"</font>, Zara responds confidently.<<else>><font color="pink">"M-maybe, sir. If you would like"</font>, Zara responds.<</if>>
The coach just nods and looks at her... with hunger in his eyes. Suddenly, without a warning, he grabs Zara by the throat and drags her toward the teacher's desk.
<font color="pink">"What did I just get myself into?"</font>, Zara thinks to herself while she struggles against his grip. He finally lets her go but before Zara can mutter a word...
<font color="red">*SMACK*</font>
The sound of his palm smacking her ass rings out in the classroom and Zara gasps in pain.
<font color="cyan">"Now, you will be punished like the bad girl you are"</font>, he says with a sleazy grin. Before Zara can protest she finds herself bent over with her skirt raised up above her panties.
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'spank.webp" height="220">'>>
With every spanking Zara's ass gets redder and her moans louder.
<font color="cyan">"Let us put that mouth to good use, missy"</font>, he says. He grabs her by the waist and throws her onto the table and instructs her to take off her shirt which she follows without any protest. Unzipping his pants he stands in front of her with his cock out, smelling like piss and other unpleasant aromas.
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'blow.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara has no choice but to pleasure the coach, she has gone too far deep into this already to back out. After a few minutes of this, the coach suddenly grabs her and turns her around. He gives her ass another smack and spits onto his finger before inserting them into her vagina. He might be an old piece of shit but he knew what he was doing with his fingers. Zara has never felt this much pleasure from a man's touch before in her life and possibly in the future.
He spreads her legs more and inserts his cock into her pussy.
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'sex.webp" height="220">'>>
Apparently, he knew how to fuck too because Zara's mind has become completely blank, all she could think of was how much pleasure she was feeling right now.
<font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>, the coach groans from behind her.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>><font color="pink">"I want to taste it"</font>, she gasps through the pleasure.
<font color="cyan">"Beg. Like the slut you are, missy"</font>
<font color="pink">"PLEASE LET ME TASTE YOUR CUM, SIR. I BEG YOU"</font>, Zara shouts, not caring at all whether someone could hear her or not.<<else>>Zara does not say anything, she wonders where the coach is going to cum...<</if>>
The coach pulls her off the tables and starts jerking off. Wanting to help him, Zara licks the tip of his penis until...
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'cum.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Now, missy, you may leave early"</font>, he says in a soft sigh, spent from the orgasm.
Before he could change his mind, Zara wipes off the rest of the cum using <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>her fingers and licks it up<<else>>some tissues<</if>>, put her clothes back on, and leaves the room.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
Zara sits in the detention room for a few minutes before the door opens again and a student walks in. She recognizes him to be Jason Quill from the football team, probably one of the most popular guys in school right now with every girl wanting to be his girlfriend and every guy his friend... or boyfriend.
He takes a seat right beside Zara. Maybe she should take this opportunity of being alone to make some moves on him?
<<link "Nah, just talk to him normally">>
<<replace "#moves">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey, Jason. How are you?"</font>
<<if $PlayerSchoolRep <= 20>>\
<font color="cyan">"Uhh... hey. I am good, you?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Oh hey, Zara! Fancy seeing you here too, eh?"</font>
But before Zara could respond the door opened again and a teacher walked in, cutting their conversation very short. Zara sits straight on her desk again.
She constantly checks the clock on the wall and sees the hour go by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 5 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Make some very forward moves">>
<<replace "#moves">>\
He was a teenage hormonal boy, how hard would it be to get him horny? Not at all apparently because Zara notices him staring at her legs, a bulge already in his pants.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>><font color="pink">"Well... this will be easier than I thought"</font>, she thinks to herself.<<else>>She wonders how she should move forward.<</if>> He suddenly looks up and sees Zara watching him look at her legs. His face immediately turns red and he looks away, blushing.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>Zara smiles and gets up from her desk and walks to him.<<else>>Zara gets up from her desk and slowly walks towards him, a bit unsure.<</if>> Thinking he was in trouble he starts to stammer <font color="cyan">"Ahh, listen, I am sorry. I did not mean to-"</font> he gets cut short as Zara turns around and raises her skirt, allowing him to see her panties and all of her legs. Jason's jaw drops and he gazes freely all over.
Zara lowers herself onto his bulge.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/sgrind'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She grins up and down his bulge, feeling it get harder under her panties. Low gasps escape Jason's mouth as she grinds on him.
<font color="cyan">"This might be very forward of me, but can I get a blowjob? It has been a while"</font>, he asks like an innocent child asking for a piece of candy.
<<link "Not happening today">>
<<replace "#blow">>\
<font color="pink">"Not happening today... sorry"</font>, she replies. Suddenly there is a noise outside the door causing Zara to panic and jump off his lap and back onto her desk. The door opens and a teacher walks in.
<font color="cyan">"Sorry guys, I had some work to catch up on"</font>, the teacher says as he sits down at his desk.
She constantly checks the clock on the wall and sees the hour go by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class along with Jason.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Accept his request">>
<<replace "#blow">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara smiles and nods enthusiastically. She gets down on her knees under his desk.<<else>>Zara exhales slightly, her heart beating quick. Can she really do this? She gets on her knees.<</if>> Jason gets his cock out, already at full boner ready to get sucked.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/sbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick giving him the pleasure he so desires. He runs his fingers through her hair as she continues. Without a warning, Zara feels spurts of cum hit her tongue as he orgasms right in her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Not wanting to waste any, Zara swallows it all, enjoying its tangy taste.<<else>>She does her best to swallow most of his cum. She still was not used to this.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Wow... you are amazing"</font>, he tells her with a sparkle in his eyes and a wide smile.
Zara gives him a smile and before she could reply the bell rings... was it an hour?
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to blow him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to make any moves or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara lays her head on the table, way too bored to pay attention in this class. Looking around she notices the boy next to her has a bulge in his pants. She gets back up and thinks...
<<link "Give him a tip on getting rid of it">>
<<replace "#hj">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey... psst... Think of your grandma naked"</font>, Zara whispers to the boy.
<font color="cyan">"Uhh what the fuck?"</font>, the boy whispers back in a confused tone.
<font color="pink">"Your boner, think of your grandma naked. Boom. Gone"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uhh..."</font>
After a few seconds, the bulge is completely gone.
<font color="cyan">"Uhhh what that actually worked... But, I shall be forever scarred with what I just imagined"</font>
Giggling, Zara goes back to laying her head on her table till class is over.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Help him get rid of it">>
<<replace "#hj">>\
Without a word, Zara places her hand on the boy's crotch, whose immediate reaction is to jump in his seat and look at her with a surprised face. Zara gives him the motion of a handjob with her free hand and the boy's eyes got even wider. He just nods and leans back.
Zara unzips his pants and takes his cock out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can't believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could catch them? She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy's cock gently.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy shudders in his seat due to the pleasure as Zara keeps stroking his dick, increasing her pace every 10 seconds... until...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He gives a very low groan as his dick splatters his cum all over Zara's thighs and the underside of the table. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara giggles, she uses her hands to gather up the cum on her thighs and licks her hand clean as the boy zips his pants up and mouths her a thank you.<<else>>Zara does not know what to do with the cum splattered all over her thighs. The boy sees this and hands over some tissues. She cleans herself up.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to help him out or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara sneakily starts to browse her phone as the teacher drones on in the background when she hears...
<font color="cyan">"Psstt... hey...."</font>
Zara looks up from her phone and notices the boy on the desk next to her indicating her to come closer to him. She scoots closer to hear what he has to say.
<font color="cyan">"You can say no... but... if you flash your boobs, I will give you 10$"</font>
<<link "Reject his offer">>
<<replace "#flash">>\
Zara shakes her head and just scoots back properly into her seat. The boy looking disappointed goes back to sitting properly in his seat. Feeling a bit sorry for him, Zara gave him a sympathetic smile the next time he looked in her direction who responded by smiling back and indicating it was all okay.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 5>>\
<<link "Flash him">>
<<replace "#flash">>\
Zara looks around to make sure nobody is looking at them or if a phone camera is out and pointed her way. After feeling the environment was secure enough she turns to him.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy's jaw is open wide just looking at Zara. Just like he promised he handed her a 10$ bill with a smile on his face and a bulge in his pants.
<center><font color="green">+10$</font> <<set $PlayerMoney += 10>></center>\
<<link "Zara goes back to her phone">>
<<replace "#bj">>\
Zara just smiles to herself, she loved how she could use her body and make boys horny for her. The attention was <font color="red">tantalizing.</font>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Offer to suck him off for 20$">>
<<replace "#bj">>\
<font color="pink">"How about I help you get rid of that?"</font>, she whispers to him and points at his very apparent bulge.
<font color="cyan">"Uhhh, yes. I have the money. But... how?"</font>, he asks.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>With a wink Zara whispers,<font color="pink">"Like this, babe"</font>, and slips onto the ground.<<else>><font color="pink">"Just... don't worry about it"</font>, she whispers.<</if>> Making sure the teacher's back is turned she crawls underneath the boy's desk.
<font color="cyan">"Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!"</font>, he whispers with the panic in his voice apparent. Zara does not give a reply but instead takes his dick out and gives the head a lick, ensuring it was clean. Satisfied with her findings she wraps her lips around his head and starts sucking the boy off.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/sbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Nobody in the class realizes what is happening. Zara feels the boy get tense and as predicted he cums right into her mouth. Making sure not to make a mess of her top and face she tightens her lip's grip on his cock and drinks every single drop of cum he releases.
She crawls back to her desk and sits back up. The boy without a word hands over a 20$ note and smiles to himself, he couldn't believe how lucky he just got.
<center><font color="green">+20$</font> <<set $PlayerMoney += 20>></center>\
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to help get him off or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to flash him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">\
It's past your curfew!
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15>>
[[Stay out late|previous()][$stayOut to true]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to stay out late.
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
[[Go home|Living room][$minute+=20]]
<<set $curfewCheck to true>>Zara slowly opens the door and steps in, trying not to make any noise that might awaken anyone at home. She manages to shut the door without a single creak.
<<set _present = random(1,10)>>
<<if _present >=5>>
<<set $punishTimes += 1>>\
She turns around and suddenly stops dead in her tracks. Her dad is sitting down on a chair, facing the doorway with a worried but also angry look on his face.
<font color="cyan">"Where have you been, little lady?"</font>, he asks with a calm tone, but Zara was not fooled, she knew he was one wrong word away from shouting at her.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, daddy. I was out just walking around and did not realize what the time was... I really am sorry"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I DO NOT CARE! YOU ARE STEPPING OUT OF LINE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! WE TELL YOU A RULE THEN YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THAT RULE!"</font>, he immediately starts shouting at her.
<<link "Listen to him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go back to your room. I am disappointed in you... And because of this, I will have to dock your allowance"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking the one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -100>>\
<font color="green">-100$</font>
<font color="red">-2 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 45>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=10>>\
<<link "Distract him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
<<goto "PunishedEvent">>
<center>Zara's dad is not corrupted enough to be distracted...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to distract him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
She turns around and breathes a sigh of relief. Nobody was waiting for her. She silently steps into her room, happy she got away with staying out late without any repercussions.
<center>[[Go to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false]]</center>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
In the middle of his shouting Zara flashes her tits which immediately makes her dad stop shouting, he just stares at her boobs getting red, but this time not with anger.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "Attempt to convince him using blowjob...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my mouth, Daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(15,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(25,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>3>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
He walks forward and immediately starts groping her tits without asking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
After a few minutes, Zara thinks this is enough and gets ready to suck her dad's dick and gets onto her knees. She thinks she is in control... she thought wrong.
<font color="cyan">"You are such a whore"</font>, he snarls and slaps Zara, leaving her stunned and unable to speak.
He takes off his shorts, his dick already erect. Before she could get a word out he suddenly slaps her with his cock. Dumbfounded, Zara could not utter a single word as he continued slapping her with his cock. With every slap, she feels her brain get blank.
Before she even realizes it her dad had put his cock into her mouth. She thought it would be her in control now but that thought was wrenched away just as he started thrusting into her mouth, fucking her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"This is your punishment, little lady. Think long and hard as I fuck your slutty little mouth"</font>, he growls as he quickens his pace.
Zara feels every inch of dick just pounding away at her mouth and into her throat. She gags every time he thrusts deep inside but instead of the gags making him calmer it seemed to rile him up more, increasing his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Eat my cum, little lady, and we will call it a night"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara does not resist this and keeps her mouth firmly around her dad's dick and swallows every drop of his cum.<<else>>Zara attempts to resist but her dad was too strong. She does her best to swallow his cum but drops still dribble out.<</if>> Finally, he pulls his dick out of her mouth and gives her one more slap with it.
<font color="cyan">"Now, fuck off into your room, little lady"</font>
Without a word, Zara gets up, the taste of his semen still lingering on her tongue.
<center>[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately covers up again, ashamed of herself.
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go back to your room. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -130>>\
<font color="green">-130$</font>
<font color="red">-3 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -3>>\
[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
<<if $dad.sex == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=30>>\
<<link "Attempt to convince him using sex...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my pussy, daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(5,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==4>>\
<<set _chance=random(15,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==5>>\
<<set _chance=random(25,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>5>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
He walks forward and immediately starts groping her tits without asking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara starts rubbing her dad's crotch, feeling his dick hardening underneath her palm. Her dad starts to undress Zara, stripping off her clothes in a hurry. The excitement is evident in his touch.
Zara is dragged towards the couch in the living room, he places his palm on her back and pushes her down, and causes her to be bent over, presenting herself to him.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her father fucks Zara hard, with no mercy in his thrusts. Zara gasps in pain due to the forceful intrusions inside her.
<font color="pink">"Please, be gentle"</font>, she gasps.
<font color="cyan">"Gentle? Be gentle? You fucking whore, you deserve this"</font>, he snarls back and doesn't let up.
Finally, with a groan, she feels him thrust deep inside her pussy and a warm sensation was felt by her. Finally, she was done with her punishment. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>What a slut, using her body to get out of punishments.<<else>>Was it wrong to use her body to get out of punishments?<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Now, fuck off into your room, little lady"</font>
Without a word, Zara gets up, she can feel his cum drip out of her vagina as she returns to her room.
<center>[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately covers up again, ashamed of herself.
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go back to your room. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -150>>\
<font color="green">-150$</font>
<font color="red">-5 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -5>>\
[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to accept sex from his own daughter...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to use sex to convince her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=80>>\
<<if $dad.anal == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=55>>\
<<link "Attempt to convince him using anal sex...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my ass, daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==4>>\
<<set _chance=random(10,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==5>>\
<<set _chance=random(20,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==6>>\
<<set _chance=random(30,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==7>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>7>>\
<<set _chance=random(45,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
He walks forward and immediately starts groping her tits without asking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara starts rubbing her dad's crotch, feeling his dick hardening underneath her palm. Her dad starts to undress Zara, stripping off her clothes in a hurry. The excitement is evident in his touch.
Zara is dragged towards the couch in the living room, he places his palm on her back and pushes her down, and causes her to be bent over, presenting herself to him.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her father fucks Zara's ass hard, no mercy in his thrusts. Zara gasps in pain due to the forceful intrusions inside her.
<font color="pink">"Please, be gentle"</font>, she gasps.
<font color="cyan">"Gentle? Be gentle? You fucking whore, you deserve this"</font>, he snarls back and doesn't let up.
Finally, with a groan, she feels him thrust deep inside her ass, and a warm sensation was felt by her. Finally, she was done with her punishment. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>What a slut, using her body to get out of punishments.<<else>>Was it wrong to use her body to get out of punishments?<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Now, fuck off into your room, little lady"</font>
Without a word, Zara gets up, she can feel his cum drip out of her ass hole as she returns to her room.
<center>[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately covers up again, ashamed of herself.
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go back to your room. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -200>>\
<font color="green">-200$</font>
<font color="red">-8 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -8>>\
[[Zara goes to her room|Room][$stayOut to false, $curfewCheck to false, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to accept anal sex from his own daughter...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to use anal sex to convince her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font></center>
@@<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,6)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "levent1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "levent2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
<<include "levent3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
<<include "levent4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>\
<<include "levent5">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 6>>\
<<include "levent6">>
Zara reads a very smutty book in the library. Her whole attention just focused on the words written on the pages, her mind absorbing and reimagining the scenes in the book. Of course, she put herself in the scene, making herself feel horny.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Continue|School library]]</center>
<</if>>Zara feels a heat spread inside her body as she reads the intense words describing the most detailed sex scenes ever. She could imagine exactly what was going on and this made her excited, she rubbed her thighs together while sitting on one of the library chairs to stimulate herself. But, she realizes this was not enough... She needed something a bit more.
<<link "Nevermind, Zara does not want to risk anything">>
<<replace "#touch">>\
But, Zara immediately throws those thoughts out of her head, she reminds herself she was in a public library with students constantly going in or out... anybody could catch her doing stuff...
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Zara finishes reading the book|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5 and $PlayerEnergy>=40>>\
<<link "Zara starts masturbating">>
<<replace "#touch">>\
Zara looks around and sees that the library is pretty empty. If she slipped behind some bookshelves in the rows nobody would see her... unless they enter that row. Zara is too horny to care about that now and immediately gets up from her place and finds a secluded spot in one of the aisles.
Making sure nobody was around in the immediate area, she raises her skirt and slowly starts rubbing her clit. She felt so exposed and yet she did not care, the intimacy she now felt with herself was a surprising catalyst leading to her needing more.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara was not paying any attention to her surroundings, because if she was, she would have noticed a pair of eyes and phone camera looking at her from another aisle, peaking through the books placed on the bookshelves.
The eyes disappear from the gap and a few minutes later a boy slowly enters Zara's aisle, like a hunter trying not to scare his prey. From the corner of her eye, Zara notices the boy and jumps up, ready to run away but before she can take a single step the boy grabs her arms with one hand and using the other clamps her mouth. He does not say anything but just mouths to her to keep quiet. Zara nods, the fear that he is going to call a teacher on her quickly dissipating as she notices the hard-on in his pants. He lets her go and using both his hands starts groping at her chest, pulling it down and exposing her breasts to the cold air of the library, making Zara gasp.
The boy looks around and lowers his pants, his cock immediately springing free from its bounds and smacking into Zara's thighs. She takes a look at the boy, smirks, and gets on her knees, the cloud of horniness in her mind blocks any rational thoughts. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>It's not like she has not done things like this before...<<else>>Zara would probably not do anything like this... except she was too horny to care.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara couldn't have imagined this is where her day would go, sucking a random boy off in the school library with her tits exposed. After a few minutes, he indicates silently he was going to cum. Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head before getting back up.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +3</font>
<<addcorruption 3>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -40>>\
<<set $hours+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Zara and the boy go their separate ways|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to touch herself in the library or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 40</font></center>
@@Zara grabs a book and sits on one of the smaller tables kept in the aisles, where nobody could disturb her reading this kind of book. She gets completely engrossed by the words on the pages and is transported to the world of sex.
A figure appears in the aisle, behind Zara who does not pay any attention, too engrossed in the book in front of her. Looking over her shoulder, the figure reads the words on the book and realizes the type of book she is currently reading.
Taking a gamble, the boy starts groping her breasts from behind without asking her for her consent.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara jumps out of her seat and turns around.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck? Who are you?!"</font>, she hisses at him.
<font color="cyan">"Someone who can help you feel what the character in that book feels"</font>, he whispers with a cocky grin plastered on his face.
<<link "Tell him to fuck off">>
<<replace "#consent">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah, that's not happening. Now fuck off before I report you to the librarian"</font>, she whispers angrily.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, alright. Just trying to make you feel better you stuck-up little bitch"</font>, he growls. The boy turns around and walks out of the aisle, leaving Zara breathing heavily with anger at what just happened.
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Zara leaves the aisle|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=45>>\
<<link "Zara consents">>
<<replace "#consent">>\
Taking a deep breath, Zara mulls over the choice and comes to the most obvious one. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Without telling the boy a word she turns around and raises her skirt, presenting herself to him.<<else>>Taking a deep breath in, she turns around and presents herself to him.<</if>> The boy immediately takes his chance. Using one hand he unzips his pants and lowers them and using the other, he bends her over the table. The boy looked around to make sure nobody was watching them. He spits on his hand and rubs it on his dick head, lubing it up for penetration. Zara stays still on the table, waiting in anticipation for the entry until finally, she feels his dick head push against her vagina and gently enter. Making sure she was fine, he started to increase his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as the boy thrusts in and out of her vagina. Anybody could walk into that aisle and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her.
The boy pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. She starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She could not wait to get a taste of his cum.<<else>>Her heart beats faster, will his cum taste good?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>After he was done Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head before getting back up.<<else>>Zara grabs a few tissues and cleans herself up while the boy does the same. Zara gets back up to return to her business.<</if>>
<center><font color="red">Corruption +3</font>
<<addcorruption 3>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-45 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -45>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Zara and the boy go their separate ways|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex in the library or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 45</font></center>
Zara pulls a book off the shelf about a girl who has started discovering her own body and the world around her. Reading the book, she felt a connection to the main character and what she was going through.
Zara continues reading and reaches a part where the protagonist is in a high school library and strips down completely naked and masturbates while reading an adult book... wait a minute...
<font color="pink">"What the actual fuck?"</font>, Zara thinks to herself as she reads that part. It was almost too coincidental. But this gave her an idea...
<<link "Don't re-enact the book">>
<<replace "#doit">>\
But no, she immediately discards the thought, a work of fiction most likely written by a man who has no idea of a woman's body or brain sitting in his parent's dingy basement is probably not the best thing to re-enact in real life.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Zara finishes reading the book|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5 and $PlayerEnergy>=40>>\
<<link "Zara re-enacts the scene">>
<<replace "#doit">>\
Zara looks around and sees that the library is pretty empty. If she slipped behind some bookshelves in the rows nobody would see her... unless they enter that row. Zara is too horny to care about that now and immediately gets up from her place and finds a secluded spot in one of the aisles.
Making sure nobody was around in the immediate area, she stripped completely naked, making sure to keep her clothes in her view in a neat pile so if she needed to make a quick getaway, she could. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>She was no longer afraid of being nude in such a public place, just horny.<<else>>She still was not used to being nude in such a public place. Anybody could catch her!<</if>>
She spits onto her fingers and gently starts touching her clit, moving up and down and then side to side. Every movement got her more wet.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/nmb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Suddenly, in the next aisle, Zara hears two voices, a girl and a boy talking to each other in hushed noises. Zara stays still like a deer in headlights, praying they don't notice her through the gaps in the books or decide to come into this aisle. Once the voices disappeared she resumed touching herself, the pleasure building up to a crescendo.
Her legs shake and her vision goes blurry as she orgasms completely naked in the school library, never with a man or woman has she felt this kind of pleasure. She shoved her own panties in her mouth before she could moan out loud due to the intense pleasure.
Once it was completed, she looked around to make sure nobody heard her and gathered up her clothes and put them on.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +3</font>
<<addcorruption 3>>\
<font color="yellow">-40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -40>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Zara exits the aisle|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to re-enact the book in the library or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 40</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara is in no mood to exercise today, she felt weirdly fatigued and it just meant doing simple things like jogging was a bit too much. Needing to get away, Zara decides to just hop into a clearing between bushes where the coach would not be able to see her slacking off.
She sits on the ground and wonders what to do next when suddenly she hears a rustle and a boy dives into the clearing.
<font color="cyan">"Whew! Got away from everyone, huh?"</font>, the boy tells Zara with a grin on his face.
<font color="pink">"Hey! You just found my favorite hiding spot"</font>, Zara replies whilst smiling back at him.
<font color="cyan">"Ahh, would you like to be alone then? I could go find my own special clearing haha"</font>
<font color="pink">"No no, mi clearing, su clearing"</font>
The boy gives a little laugh and sits down close but not too close to Zara, keeping her feeling comfortable. They continue talking and joking about things but predictably, they run out of topics to talk about, leaving them sitting in silence.
Zara to alleviate some boredom decides to do some simple stretches, maybe it could help her get in the mood to exercise. She feels a bit weird stretching while looking in the direction of the boy so decides to turn around and start stretching.
<font color="cyan">"Ahem, uhhh..."</font>, the boy suddenly coughs behind Zara breaking her concentration. She looks around to see him blushing and an obvious bulge in his pants. Looks like turning around and bending over to do stretches leads to something else...
<<link "Do nothing about the bulge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns back and continues doing stretches, smiling at the thought of the boy behind her staring at her ass. She thought he looked very cute whilst he blushed.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Take care of his bulge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara giggles at him and starts walking towards him, moving her hips side to side alluringly.<<else>>Zara starts walking towards him.<</if>> The boy gets redder in the face and does an awkward and really bad job of trying to cover his bulge. She kneels down next to him and puts a finger on his lips, indicating to not say anything. She starts rubbing his dick through his pants, feeling it get harder.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"Why don't you stand up and let me use my mouth to make you feel better?"</font>, Zara says with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like a blowjob?"</font>, Zara asks nervously.<</if>>
The boy nods and immediately stands up. Zara deftly unbuttons his pants, letting his dick pop out freely. She could already faintly smell the musk of precum on his dick, he had not cum for a long time and this was obvious.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/pe/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She uses her mouth to provide this boy the much-needed pleasure he desires, swirling her tongue around his head. She could taste his precum, a nice salty taste. The boy gives out low moans above her as she bobbed up and down on his dick. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara had become such a slut, easily sucking off cocks in a place where they could be caught easily.<<else>>Zara's heart was pounding, she hopes nobody finds them.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"I-I am going to cum"</font>, the boy gasps through the pleasure. He suddenly steps back, making his dick pop out of her mouth, confusing her. He walks behind her and makes her look up at him. The boy jerks off on top of her and places his dick on Zara's forehead.
<img src="img/school/pe/cum1.webp" height="220">
She knew he had not cum for a while but this was absolutely bizarre, it felt like he came on her face for a minute straight, constantly a fresh coat of cum covered her face and flowed everywhere with a few drops landing in her mouth.
Finally, he collapses back onto the grass with a smile on his face... and snores? The boy had fallen asleep after spending all his energy it seems.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 2>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to take care of his bulge...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara is in no mood to exercise today, she felt weirdly fatigued and it just meant doing simple things like jogging was a bit too much. Needing to get away, Zara decides to just hop into a clearing between bushes where the coach would not be able to see her slacking off.
She sits on the ground and wonders what to do next when suddenly she hears a rustle from the bushes. She ignores it, probably just a squirrel running through the foliage. But when a figure steps into the clearing she realizes she should have probably paid more attention. Mr. Mason the coach looks down at her sitting on the grass, obviously trying to bunk the period, and gives her a sleazy grin.
<font color="cyan">"What do we have here, missy? Slacking off I see"</font>
Zara jumps to her feet and starts stammering out an excuse but the coach immediately shushes her, shutting her up before she can form coherent sentences.
<font color="cyan">"Shut your mouth, missy. You know I could put you in detention for slacking off like this... I could forget this ever happened though"</font>, he says while leaning closer to Zara, she could smell the cigarettes on his breath.
<<link "Let him remember">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara moves a few steps back and sheepishly shakes her head. Indicating nothing would be happening to help the coach forget.
<font color="pink">"That is not going to happen sir..."</font>, she says whilst looking at the ground.
<font color="cyan">"Alright then, you brought this to yourself, missy. You have detention after school"</font>, he snarls at her before leaving the clearing.
There was a rustle in the bushes and Ben Kingsley stepped through, he gave her a smile full of pity for her plight. The two of them spend the rest of the period discussing the coach and his creepiness, helping Zara feel a little bit better.
<strong>Zara got detention after classes!</strong>
<<set $detentionFlag to true>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5>>\
<<link "Make him forget">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara took a look around to make sure she was alone but before she could make sure she was interrupted by the coach snarling,<font color="cyan">"Well?! Are you going to make me forget or not?!"</font>
No choice left, Zara lifts her shirt.
<img src="img/school/pe/flash1.webp" height="220">
The coach ogles freely at her breasts, Zara gives them a shake with her hands trying to be as sultry as possible to get out of this predicament as quickly as possible. She feels like she has been standing there for ages.
<<set _oogabooga = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _oogabooga >= 70>>
Zara starts to cover up again, thinking this is enough but it looks like Mr. Mason has other plans. Before she could cover up fully he puts his hands on hers and pushes them away. Zara opens her mouth to protest but is quickly shut up when the coach kisses her, invading her mouth with his tongue.
<<link "Stop him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Sir! Stop!"</font>, Zara shouts out. She pushes the coach off her. Sending him tumbling backward, almost tripping and falling on his ass.
The coach looks at her, his eyes brimming with anger. His lips curled into a scowl and walks right up to her. Zara immediately stepped back, he was too intimidating for her to keep her ground. She looks at the ground, she knows she was fucked. What was he going to do to her?
<font color="cyan">"Detention"</font>, he growls. That's all, that's all he said. He turns around and walks away from Zara.
<strong>Zara got detention after classes!</strong>
<<set $detentionFlag to true>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Let him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="cyan">"Now... be a good girl and keep your mouth shut or things will get messier"</font>, he growls into her ear. Using his hands he completely undresses Zara. She feels so exposed and ashamed about what is happening right now. Using her hands she tries to cover her privates but to no avail. The coach rips her hands away and forces her down on her knees and hands, in the doggy-style position.
She knew what was going to happen next and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/pe/coach'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels him thrust deep inside her pussy as he fucks her relentlessly, even though she hated it she could feel an orgasm build up, this old creep knew how to fuck. He spanks her ass while fucking her, making her give a sharp gasp of pain and pleasure.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>><font color="pink">"I- I think I am going to orgasm, sir"</font>, Zara moans out in between the thrusts, she feels it build up inside her to a crescendo.<<else>>Zara could feel an orgasm building up inside her, but there was no way she was telling him that!<</if>>
With one final thrust, the coach starts to cum deep inside Zara, feeling his seed inside her and it's the warmth finally takes her over the brink and she starts to orgasm, her legs shake and her hands give out. She lays face first on the ground in both shame and pleasure that she just orgasmed due to this creepy man.
She finally looks up and gets a fright, she sees a pair of eyes watching what is going on through the foliage, on being caught the eyes disappear... would Zara ever find out who they belonged to?
She puts her clothes back on and both of them exit the clearing, the coach whistling happily while walking in the opposite direction.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to let him continue...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<font color="cyan">"Fine you are done... Get out of here, missy, and don't forget how benevolent I am"</font>, he says while chuckling to himself. Zara does not hesitate and pulls her shirt back down and proceeds to walk out of the clearing. She suddenly hears a rustle and the sound of running going away from the clearing... looks like some students were spying on what was going on.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make him forget...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara decided to just sit on the side of the field, the coach was nowhere in sight so it would be safe to slack off today. Another girl from her class sits beside Zara and strikes up a conversation with her. Before she knew it, Zara was laughing out loud at everything the girl said, mesmerized by her personality and also... her boo- eyes... eyes.
<font color="pink">"Stop being horny for random girls..."</font>, Zara thought to herself, trying to concentrate on the girl's face rather than her boobs.
<<link "Concentrate on her eyes">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara mentally slaps herself and focuses on just the girl's eyes... and her lips... she wished they were on her's instead...
They continued talking for the rest of the period with Zara constantly getting slightly distracted but still doing her best to pay full attention.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Concentrate on her boobs">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara loses all her fortitude and her eyes look down, with absolutely no shame. She could not help it, it was just gravity's fault.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Uhhh... hello? Eyes up here"</font>
Shit... looks like Zara got caught (obviously). She looks up immediately ready for the glare and starts to apologize but is cut off by the giggles from the girl.
<font color="pink">"Uhh... you are not... mad?"</font>, Zara asks sheepishly, making the girl laugh harder.
<font color="Fuchsia">"If you are that sorry... why don't you apologize to me right over there?</font>, the girl says with a sly grin on her face whilst pointing at some bushes. Zara knew behind those bushes was a clearing very popular for couples to go and make out... and do some other things.
Before she knew it, Zara found herself in that very clearing, wrapped by the girl's arms as they made out passionately.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels her nipples harden as the girl forks her tongue inside her mouth.
<font color="Fuchsia">"So... how about that apology now huh?"</font>, the girl whispers into Zara's ear, making her feel tingles go down her spine. The girl takes off Zara's top, making her nipples stiffen even more due to her arousal and the cool air.
The girl takes off her top too, showing off her magnificent boobs, the perfect perkiness and size. She continues to strip until she was fully naked, and Zara follows suit. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara was no longer embarrassed to be so naked in public, instead, it made her hornier.<<else>>Zara still felt a bit shy about being nude in public, goosebumps appearing over her skin.<</if>> Zara uses her hand to slowly trail the girl's body feeling the goosebumps rise on her skin as her fingers explore her body.
The girl lies on the ground and spreads her legs and uses one finger to usher Zara towards her. Zara gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards the girl.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling the girl's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. The girl gasps in pleasure above Zara and grabs a hold of her hair, running her fingers through it. This excited Zara even more, she loved seeing the girl's face with pleasure etched onto it.
Zara gets up and using her hands, guides the girl onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into the girl's pussy.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at the girl's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. The girl uses her other hand to rub her clit.
<font color="Fuchsia">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, the girl gasps. This makes Zara speed up, she <font color="red">NEEDS</font> the girl to orgasm. Her needs are met as the girl lets out a loud moan as the liquid starts coming out of her vagina, dripping off Zara's fingers.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Now that was a good apology..."</font>, the girl sighs while Zara lays down on the grass next to her. The rest of the period goes with them lying nude next to each other and talking about their lives.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to be a pervert...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara looks around the classroom, bored out of her mind. She is unable to pay a single second of attention to what the teacher was teaching at this point. Zara notices the girl on the desk beside her quietly rubbing her thighs together under the table. Zara was no prude, she knew exactly what the girl was doing. But, maybe she could make it a better experience for this girl...
<<link "No, it is too risky in class">>
<<replace "#exp">>\
Zara removes all the thoughts she just had about the girl, not wanting to take any stupid risks in class. Instead she turns to the boy next to her and the both of them have a whispered conversation until the end of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Improve her experience">>
<<replace "#exp">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption lt 45>>Her heart pounding in her chest, <</if>>Zara writes a note to the girl, indicating her willingness to make things a little bit more... <font color="red">spicy</font>, and tosses it to the girl. The girl looks at Zara confused but still opens the note. She stares at the note for 10 seconds, making Zara worried she might snitch to the teacher about her inappropriateness but instead, the girl just looks at her and gives her a slight nod while looking very shy.
Zara feeling the heat already rising in her stomach checks her surroundings to ensure that if she suddenly dipped under the desk... nobody would notice. Once she was convinced it was clear she dipped below her desk and crawled towards the girl's desk. She starts touching the girl through her P.E. shorts, hearing a small short gasp from the girl above. Feeling a bit more adventurous, Zara starts to eat the girl out through her shorts.
<img src="img/school/class/lut1.webp" height="220">
The girl above starts giving low moans, trying to stifle them to no avail as Zara buries her face into her pussy. Slowly wetting up her shorts as Zara's tongue digs into the fabric. Zara wanted more, she needed to taste the girl, no cloth could hold her back now. Zara shifts the shorts to the side, giggling to herself as she realizes the girl has come to school commando. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Honestly, what a great idea, Zara should do the same. Easier for people to enter her.<<else>>Zara could not even think about doing the same thing, it would be embarassing!<</if>>
<img src="img/school/class/lut2.webp" height="220">
Zara starts tongue fucking the girl, letting her tongue slide in and out and travel all around the folds of the girl's vagina. The girl suddenly pushes Zara away, making her worried that someone might have noticed what was going on. But, all her doubts were cleared when the girl takes off her shorts fully, sliding them down to her ankles and leaning her lower body forward, presenting Zara her asshole. Using her finger, the girl points to it, shaking with pleasure. Zara hesitates for a second but any qualms she might have had would not be heard as the girl grabs Zara's head and pulls her towards her ass hole.
<img src="img/school/class/lut3.webp" height="220">
Zara feels her nipples get harder as her tongue now penetrates the girl's asshole, cleaning it inside and out, swirling her tongue over the hole and around it. The girl keeps a firm grip on Zara's head as she pushes against Zara using her lower body.
The girl's legs start to quiver as she starts feeling an orgasmic bliss wash over her body. Zara feels the fluid from the girl's vagina flowing down her nose while her tongue still travels through the girl's ass cheeks. Finally, the girl lets her go and pats her head, as if she was being called a "good girl" like a dog. Zara crawls back to her seat and sits back up. The girls don't look at each other as the rest of the class passes as normal.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to improve the girl's experience or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>\
@@The door opens and a teacher walks into the room, carrying a laptop and a bunch of files with her. Zara feeling sorry for her burden immediately gets up and helps the teacher set her things on the desk.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Thank you, darling"</font>, the teacher tells Zara with a smile.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Now, as you can see, I have a lot of work to do so I shall be busy with that. You do your work, be on your phone, I don't care, just do not make any noise and we will be just fine"</font>
Zara happily nods at this suggestion and gets back to her desk and immediately takes out her phone, watching cute kittens on her little screen. She hears a sigh, and looking up she sees the teacher with her face buried in her hands, after a few seconds she resumes her work, with obvious stress etched onto her face.
<<link "Ignore her">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
Zara ignores the teacher, but still feels a bit awkward at the stressed noises the teacher makes as time passes slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. The teacher looks up from her work as Zara gets ready to leave, and just gives her a small smile. Zara out of courtesy smiles back and exits the detention room.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 20 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "De-stress the teacher">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara and the teacher are all alone... why shouldn't Zara help her out? She is probably going through a lot of stress, which was evident from her face and the number of files surrounding her.<<else>>Zara wonders if she should seriously help her out. The teacher did look stressed. Zara hypes herself up.<</if>>
Quietly, Zara gets onto her hands and knees and starts crawling towards the teacher's desk, unbeknownst to the teacher. After a few seconds, Zara is already under the desk with her teacher's legs and pussy right in front of her. Zara could see her panties through the gap of her legs, the skirt not hiding anything while she sat down.
Without a warning or any indication, Zara lurches forward and buries her face into the teacher's vagina, making her jump back a bit.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Wh-what are yo- you doing?"</font>, she gasps through the sudden pleasure Zara is giving her. Zara does not give a reply but instead continues using her tongue to slowly go up and down the teacher's vagina.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lut'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pulls aside the teacher's panties and inserts her tongue into the vagina, sliding in and out, the taste of vaginal fluid filling her mouth as she continues tongue fucking the teacher.
The teacher starts to grind against Zara while she eats her out, speeding up as the seconds pass, indicating to Zara that she is close to an orgasm. She inserts a finger into her vagina and shifts her tongue upwards, focusing on the clit. Immediately, the teacher's thighs tense and tighten around Zara's head as the teacher starts squirting, all over Zara's front.
Zara crawls out from under the desk and looks down at her shirt, drenched from the teacher's fluids. The teacher looking sheepish says,<font color="Fuchsia">"Uhh... sorry. You may leave early to clean up yourself"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara giggles, she was amazed at the amount of squirt her teacher had just produced. She felt proud of herself.<<else>><font color="pink">"Thank you, ma'am"</font>, Zara mutters, still a bit shocked at the amount of squirt the teacher had just produced.<</if>> Wiping down with tissues the best she could, Zara leaves the room.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $minute+=40]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to help the teacher de-stress or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<endif>>The door opens and Mrs. Angela Torrens walks in, probably the coolest teacher according to all the students and Zara definitely agrees with them. Even though she was married and a mother of two, all the boys and girls had a huge crush on her. Probably because of her massive tits... Most definitely actually...
<font color="Fuchsia">"Alright Ms. Williams, seems like it's just you and me for now. You do your work, I will do mine. Don't make a sound though"</font>
As the minutes passed slowly Zara could not help but stare at the teacher's breasts, every movement caused them to jiggle even while constrained in a bra. The way she kept running her hand through her hair was mesmerizing...
Suddenly, Zara was broken out of her stupor when Mrs. Torrens gave a cough.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Anything you need Ms. Williams? You have been staring at me for the past 15 minutes"</font>
<<link "Nothing at all">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
Zara just shakes her sheepishly, knowing she just got caught blatantly staring at her own teacher. Zara goes back into her stupor but this time ensures her head is kept down to avoid any unnecessary confrontations. The time passes by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Mrs. Torrens gets up from her seat and opens the door, indicating that Zara may now leave.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 25 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Seduce Mrs. Torrens">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara just lets out a small giggle which makes Mrs. Torrens raise an eyebrow at her, but she does not say anything.<<else>>Zara lets out a nervous giggle, making Mrs. Torrens look at her quizically.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"Oh... nothing at all, ma'am. Just been thinking..."</font>, Zara says in the most sultry voice she could attempt.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Do I want to know what you were thinking?"</font>, Mrs. Torrens replies but this time with a smirk... as if she already knew what Zara was heading towards.
Zara gets up from her seat, with every step she takes towards the desk she unbuttons her shirt one by one <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>, she could already feel herself getting wet.<<else>>her heart beats faster the closer she gets.<</if>>.
<font color="pink">"How about I just show you?"</font>, she says just as she reaches the desk and leans down to kiss Mrs. Torrens.
<img src="img/school/detention/levent1.webp" height="220">
Zara feels her mouth get parted by Angela's tongue as it starts roaming inside her mouth, both of their salivas mixing as the makeout session gets more heated. Suddenly, Zara is pushed away and Angela gets up. She walks towards the room's door and locks it and turns around.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Now... take off your clothes... slowly..."</font>
Zara blushes as she continues to unbutton her shirt fully, letting it slide off her shoulders and onto the ground. She looks at the ground, feeling very shy suddenly as she continues to strip naked, taking off her skirt and bra. Before she could take off her panties a shadow comes across her view and she looks up.
Mrs. Torrens stands in front of Zara, completely naked. Letting her skin glisten in the room's light and her breasts look magnificent. Zara takes hold of Angela's hand and pulls her to the table, indicating to her teacher to lie down and relax.
<img src="img/school/detention/levent2.webp" height="220">
Zara slides her tongue through the folds of Angela's pussy, wetting them up with her saliva along with the fluids she released naturally as the pleasure built up. Angela grabs hold of Zara's head and starts grinding against it, almost like she was face fucking her.
Mrs. Torrens slides off the table and pulls Zara to the edge. She slides off Zara's panties and grabs her legs again, this time to gently spread them.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Your turn, honey"</font>
<img src="img/school/detention/levent3.webp" height="220">
She starts to finger Zara, slowly building up her speed as Zara gets more wet. Zara could feel her own teacher's fingers slide in and out of her vagina, they moved along her walls, making sure they touched every nerve inside her. The pleasure she felt was immeasurable.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Get back up on the table"</font>, she whispers into Zara's ear. Zara immediately gets back up on the table properly, excited to know what comes next.
She lets Mrs. Torrens position her body using her hands as she herself gets into position. An avid watcher of lesbian porn, Zara knew what Mrs. Torrens was up to, immediately doing her best to get into a comfortable position for the both of them.
<img src="img/school/detention/levent4.webp" height="220">
They start rubbing their pussies against each other, and their wet juices flow freely into each other, slowly dribbling onto the table, making a mess but neither of them cared. They both were now under the spell of pure bliss. Zara feels an orgasm coming, stronger than she has ever felt. It rocks through her body, making her legs quake and turn to jelly. Zara squirts all over the table as the orgasm continues to flow through her.
She collapses on the table, completely tired, and feels like she needs a very good long nap. Mrs. Torrens just pats her on her head and tells her to get dressed as detention is over. Has it actually been an hour...? It went by so quick.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to seduce Mrs. Torrens or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara sits on one of the smaller tables kept between the aisles, reading a book so unfiltered and intimate it made her insides sizzle with heat and temptations. But, her concentration is broken when she hears a low bang of something heavy hitting a bookshelf and a groan. Worried, Zara decides to take a look just in case someone gets hurt.
She takes a peek through a gap in the books and her eyes go wide. She sees Naomi Kidds and Leia Quill, probably the most well-known lesbian couple in the school openly making out with each other in the library.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
They were going at it with no holds barred and had not even realized the commotion they had made... disturbing Zara.
<<link "Leave them alone">>
<<replace "#join">>\
Zara quietly backs away from the shelf, grabbing her book from the table and tip-toeing out of the aisle before they are brought to the attention of her presence. She did not want to get in between those two...
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Zara leaves the aisle|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35 and $PlayerSchoolRep>=20 and $PlayerEnergy>=45>>\
<<link "Join them">>
<<replace "#join">>\
Zara knows she is well-known enough in her school for her to just attempt to join them. She walks into their aisle and leans against a bookshelf, crossing her arms right under her breasts to make her cleavage pop more. Finally, they notice her presence and Naomi gives a little panicked gasp and immediately separates from Leia.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Oh my god, Zara... You gave us a fright!"</font>, she hisses. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara just smiles and unbuttons her shirt, revealing more of her cleavage.<<else>>Zara leans forward, trying to make her cleavage more obvious.<</if>> Naomi looks at Leia and they both nod at each other and move towards Zara, bringing their faces closer together.
<img src="img/school/library/levent1.webp" height="220">
Zara has made out a lot of times before, but this was something new. As all of their tongues swirled around each other, entering each other's mouths as they explored every crevice Zara felt a need rise within her... a need for more. She rips open Leia's top scattering her buttons everywhere and making her gasp. Bending down, Zara starts sucking on her nipples.
<img src="img/school/library/levent2.webp" height="220">
Naomi immediately joins Zara and both of them start sucking on Leia's tits, her moans could not be held back any longer, and Leia starts letting out low moans as the pleasure builds.
Leia suddenly pushes them away lightly and grabs Naomi and leads her to the small table kept in the aisle, and lays her on top of it. Zara follows them and on reaching the table, spreads Naomi's legs, giving Leia access to her pussy.
<img src="img/school/library/levent3.webp" height="220">
While Leia ate out Naomi, Zara opened her shirt, marveling at Naomi's cute tits. Bouncing up and down slightly as Naomi shakes with pleasure. Zara bends down and starts making out with her as Leia focuses on her pussy.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>><font color="pink">"My turn now..."</font>, Zara whispers to the both of them.<<else>><font color="pink">"I-I want a turn"</font>, Zara stammers a bit. The girls smile and nod.<</if>> They help Zara onto the table and bend her over in a doggystyle position. One of them gives Zara a light spank, she has no idea who. She does her best to turn around and look, and see Naomi crouching at her pussy and Leia bending towards her ass hole. Zara gets ready for a world of pleasure.
<img src="img/school/library/levent4.webp" height="220">
Feeling both their tongues explore her holes was a type of pleasure Zara rarely ever got a chance to experience, making the heat inside her build to a crescendo. Before she could stop herself she felt herself orgasm, squirting all over the library floor as the two girls moved away to avoid the fluid. Zara collapses on the table, completely spent from that amazing orgasm.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Shhh... we will help you clean up here... we should leave before anyone finds us..."</font>, Leia whispers.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +3</font>
<<addcorruption 3>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-45 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -45>>\
[[The three of them part ways|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption/energy to join them or does not have enough school reputation...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 45</font>
<font color="gold">Required School Reputation: 20</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara looked around to check whether anyone was watching what she was doing and got onto her knees to peek below the stall door. She watches in awe as a fully nude girl sits on the toilet seat, masturbating and making low moaning sounds with her eyes closed.
Suddenly, her eyes fly open and she sees Zara creeping on her, immediately making her whisper angrily at her,<font color="Fuchsia">"What the fuck are you doing?!"</font>
<<link "Run away!">>
<<replace "#leave">>\
Zara immediately jumps up and quickly starts walking towards the exit. She can hear the girl scrambling to get her clothes back on.
<center>[[Zara runs away|School][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=10 and $PlayerSchoolRep>=10>>\
<<link "Enter the stall">>
<<replace "#leave">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>><font color="pink">"Open this door, and I will help you out"</font>, Zara whispers back with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Do you want me to help you out?"</font>, Zara whispers.<</if>> The girl looks at her incredulously but gets up and opens the stall door, allowing Zara inside. On entering, she starts to take off her top and bottom along with her underwear, allowing the cool air of the washroom to flow over her, hardening her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The girl pulls Zara in for a kiss. A slow unsure kiss, as if the girl was not too sure how far she could go. To alleviate this doubt of her... Zara wonders...
<<link "Finger her">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara pushes the girl back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara gets onto her knees.<</if>>
Using her fingers she starts to trail around the girl's vagina, teasing her. The girl gets more and more excited, Zara could see this as her pussy got wetter every second. Finally, Zara gives the girl what she wants, pleasure. Pure pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/lfinger.webp" height="220">
She reaches into the depths of the girl's pussy, making sure her fingers rub each and every part of her insides for maximum pleasure. Zara sped up her fingering on seeing the girl's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm.
The girl's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's touch.
Zara marvels at her work, happy that she could help out.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=20>>\
<<link "Eat her out">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara pushes the girl back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara gets onto her knees.<</if>>
Zara leans forward and starts to kiss the girl's inner thighs. She could already feel the goosebumps arise on her thighs as she slowly made her way toward the vagina. Finally, she reaches the Holy Grail of body parts. Zara uses her tongue to first wetten the vagina but finds out there was no need, the girl was already wet from Zara's tease.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/loral.webp" height="220">
Using her tongue she starts to swirl around the clit, flicking it up and down with her tongue by making letters of the alphabet. The girl grabs Zara's hair as the pleasure builds, the girl cannot believe how her day is going.
Zara sped up her tongue on seeing the girl's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm.
The girl's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's tongue. Zara marvels at her work, happy that she could help out.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give oral...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to join her or does not have enough school reputation...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required School Reputation: 10</font></center>
<h2>Boy's Washroom</h2>\
<img src="img/school/boyswc.jpeg" height="300">
Just as Zara attempts to enter the washroom a boy grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her back.
<font color="cyan">"Where do you think you are going?"</font>
<font color="pink">"I don't see why it should matter to you?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"It matters because you are trying to enter the boy's washroom. How about you fuck off before I tell a teacher?"</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough school reputation to enter the boy's washroom...
<font color="gold">Required School Reputation: 10</font></center>
<center>[[Go back|School]]</center><<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "boyswcevent1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "boyswcevent2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
<<include "boyswcevent3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
<<include "boyswcevent4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>\
<<include "boyswcevent5">>
<<endif>>Zara enters the stall and waits. She knew a few eyes were on her while entering. Her intuition is immediately rewarded when the door opens and a boy walks in and closes the door behind him.
<font color="cyan">"Now... I wonder why you left the stall door unlocked... and in the boy's washroom of all places. If I didn't know any better you are here for some action aren't you?"</font>
<font color="pink">"So what if I am? What will you do about it huh?"</font>, Zara purrs.
<font color="cyan">"Why, I will do this"</font>, and with that the boy immediately put his hand around Zara's throat and dragged her to her knees. The boy takes out his penis and jerks it around to make it harder. He grabs the back of Zara's head and brings her mouth to his balls, forcing her to open her mouth and start licking and sucking on them.
Once he was sufficiently hard enough he grabs her by her hair and growled,<font color="cyan">"Open your slutty mouth"</font>
Zara was not allowed to say no or even consent because before she knew it his dick was in her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He thrusts into her mouth, causing her to choke on her own saliva and the lack of air reaching her lungs. Using both her hands she tries to push him off her but to no avail. What has she gotten herself into?
He suddenly gets off her and pulls her up... this is her chance to get away... but does she want to?
<<link "Escape">>
<<replace "#escape">>\
Zara immediately takes her chance and runs out of the stall, leaving the boy behind. No way she could consent to being roughed up like that...
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Leave the washroom|School][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=60 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Submit">>
<<replace "#escape">>\
Zara stays in her place as the boy takes out a bottle of... lube. How did he get that? He applies it on his penis, making sure it was all lubed up. Without asking, he shoves down Zara's bottom and panties, leaving her ass bare naked. Zara does not say anything, she is now curious about where this is going.
The boy bent her forward onto the toilet seat and gives her ass a spank. Zara is still not sure where this was goi- <font color="red">PAIN</font> rocks through Zara's body as the boy without a smidge of sympathy thrusts his penis into her asshole.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh my god what are you doing?!"</font>, she shouts at him, making him immediately shover her own panties into her mouth and continue thrusting roughly. No matter how hard Zara fought she could not get away from his clutches. A wave of helplessness washes over Zara, making her give up and letting the boy fuck her tender ass hole.
After what feels like eternity she feels him thrust deep inside her ass and a warm feeling inside her ass, indicating he has cum inside her. He pulls out and gives a few taps on her ass using his penis before putting his pants back on and exiting the stall without a word. Zara feeling humiliated puts her clothes back on and leaves, the pain in her asshole making it hard to walk.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to continue this interaction or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara enters the stall but before she can relax the door opens and a figure belonging to a boy steps in.
<font color="pink">"Umm... occupied?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"This will just take a few seconds, sorry"</font>, the boy says nervously
<font color="pink">"That quick huh? That's a shame"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Huh-? No no! I wanted to tell you something... something important"</font>
<font color="pink">"And that is...?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I love you"</font>
Zara's jaw drops wide open. She has never even seen this boy before in her life. Thinking this was a prank she just gives a pity laugh and starts trying to exit the stall. But the boy raises his arm and blocks her way.
<font color="cyan">"No, I am being serious..."</font>, and before Zara could say anything the boy starts confessing his love for her. It feels like an eternity has passed but the boy kept going, stammering through his words.
<<link "Listen to him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
Zara does her best to listen but after a few minutes she goes into a stupor, the boy's words enter one ear and leave the other. Through the gloss in her eyes, she could see the boy's lips moving but could not grab hold of a single word.
Suddenly, the boy leans forward and gives Zara a light kiss on her lips, making Zara blush due to the tenderness. And then without another word, the boy exits the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Shut him up">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Without a warning, Zara leans forward and kisses the boy.<<else>>Nervously, Zara leans forward and kisses the boy.<</if>> The boy does not object at all and instead leans into the kiss. Zara snakes her hand lower and lower until it rested on his dick, gripping it lightly.
<font color="cyan">"Are- are you sure?"</font>
To give him a wordless answer all she does is tighten her hands on his dick, and starts rubbing it.
<font color="pink">"Want something more?"</font>
The boy nods, his face a color of red that Zara had never seen before. She gets on her knees and using her hands she unzips his pants, letting his dick free. She leans forward, giving it a little kiss on the head before opening her mouth wider.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The boy moans above her, loving every second of it.
But, Zara was not done, she got up from her knees and gave the boy a push, making him sit on the toilet seat. She straddles him and looks him in the eye before going on, letting his penis enter her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara was loving the control she had over the boy. Seeing the pleasure on his face... amazing.<<else>>Zara was nervous, fucking a random boy in a toilet stall. But the pleasure on his face made it all go away.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his dick stiffening inside her, she knew what was coming up soon. She speeds up, going up and down on his dick until his face contorts. Before she could get off he grabs her hips and holds her down while thrusting up, filling her up with his cum. He finally relaxes his grip, allowing her to clamber off him. Both of them put their clothes back in order in silence.
<font color="cyan">"Sorry about that"</font>, he whispers into her ear and then gives her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to shut him up or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<endif>><center><h2>Boy's Washroom</h2></center>\
<img src="img/school/boyswc.jpeg" height="300">
Zara stood in the middle of the washroom and looked around, nobody was around, she was all alone in the washroom. Or so she thought... a flush noise arose from one of the stalls and the stall door opened and a figure walked out.
Zara recognizes Mr. Jake Mason, the P.E. coach and probably her least favorite teacher ever. He creeped her out. She tried to leave the washroom unnoticed but it was too late, he laid his eyes on her and gave a hyena-like grin making Zara shiver.
<font color="cyan">"What are you doing in here, missy?"</font>, he asks her with a sneer etched onto his face.
<font color="pink">"Walked in here by mistake, sir. , I was just about to leave."</font>
<font color="cyan">"Is that right? Do you know you can get punished for doing a thing like this?"</font>
Zara just shook her head, hoping he would just let her go without asking for a certain type of favor, but her hopes were dashed when he spoke again.
<font color="cyan">"How about I just forget you were here if you strip for me? Show me your sexy body, missy. I have been keeping an eye on you in my P.E sessions"</font>
<<link "Decline">>
<<replace "#accept">>\
<font color="pink">"That is not going to happen sir..."</font>, she says whilst looking at the ground.
<font color="cyan">"Alright then, you brought this to yourself, missy. You have detention after school"</font>, he snarls at her before exiting the washroom.
<strong>Zara got detention after classes!</strong>
<<set $detentionFlag to true>>\
<center>[[Leave the washroom|School][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#accept">>\
Zara looks at the door, worried someone might come in. The coach on seeing this, immediately moves towards the door and takes a key out of his pocket, and locks it.
<font color="cyan">"We won't get disturbed now, don't worry. Clothes off, now"</font>
With no other option available, Zara faces her coach and puts on a sultry smile, the faster she gets this over with, the better.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
The coach looks at her in awe, all his cockiness gone through the simple magic of boobs. He reaches towards her and starts groping her breasts, a bit rough, but Zara does not say anything.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
There was a noise at the door as if someone trying to open it up, breaking him and Zara out of their trance. Zara starts putting her clothes back on in a hurry but before she is done she feels her windpipe closing as the coach grips her throat hard.
<font color="cyan">"We are not done here, missy"</font>, he snarls and drags her towards the sinks, bending her over them. She hears him take off his pants behind her. Zara spread her legs a little bit more, hoping this would only take a few minutes.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/tsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He pounds away, using her body as a sex doll, keeping no qualms about her pleasure or even her comfort. He grunts in pleasure while Zara grunts in pain but slowly as she gets more used to it she can feel the tingles of pleasure wash through her body.
But before they could even be felt properly the coach pulls out and cums over Zara's ass. She feels it slowly drip over from her ass and onto the back of her legs while the coach cleans himself up using her panties to wipe his cock.
<font color="cyan">"Now, get out of here. If I catch you here again you know what happens, missy"</font>, he says while unlocking the washroom door.
Zara puts her clothes back on and looks at the coach one last time before leaving, he looks proud at what he has just done and gives her a wink.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara exits the washroom|School][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara looked around to check whether anyone was watching what she was doing and got onto her knees to peek below the stall door. She watches in awe as a boy sits on the toilet seat, masturbating and making low moaning sounds with his eyes closed.
Suddenly, his eyes fly open and he sees Zara creeping on him, immediately making him whisper angrily at her,<font color="cyan">"What the fuck are you doing?!"</font>
<<link "Run away!">>
<<replace "#leave">>\
Zara immediately jumps up and quickly starts walking towards the exit. She can hear the boy scrambling to get his clothes back on.
<center>[[Zara runs away|School][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerSchoolRep>=20>>\
<<link "Enter the stall">>
<<replace "#leave">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>><font color="pink">"Open this door, and I will help you out"</font>, Zara whispers back with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Do you want me to help you out?"</font>, Zara whispers.<</if>> The boy looks at her incredulously but gets up and opens the stall door, allowing Zara inside.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
His dick already hard from masturbating stands at the ready as Zara gets on her knees. She leans forward and gives the dick head a small lick, making sure it was clean. Satisfied, she places her lips around his head.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The boy moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes the boy tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
Zara pops the dick out of her mouth <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>and smiles at him while jerking him off, giving his dick head kisses to quicken his orgasm.<<else>>and jerks him off, keeping her mouth open. She felt a bit nervous of having his cum in her mouth.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the floor as the boy slumps onto the seat, completely tired out.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara places her hands on the boy's shoulders and pushes him, making him lean backward as his dick stands up and ready.<<else>>Zara motions to the boy to lean back, so she can climb up on him.<</if>> She raises up her skirt and inches forward, placing her vagina right above his penis. Without a warning the boy suddenly thrusts up, inserting himself into her, and makes Zara give a sharp gasp in pleasure. To take back control she immediately starts riding him, giving him no chance to continue thrusting, Zara held the power.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
Suddenly, the boy pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara just sighs and accepts her fate. This was not the first time being cummed in by a random boy.<<else>>Zara is forced to accept her fate. Was she really letting random boys cum inside her?<</if>>
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. The boy just grins and shrugs back at her but gives her a little tender kiss on the cheek, making Zara feel just a little bit better.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex with him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=50>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara pulls the boy off the seat and bends over it, presenting her ass to him. The boy immediately positions himself behind her, aiming his dick at her pussy.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>><font color="pink">"How about anal instead?"</font>, Zara sultrily asks him before he could thrust in.<<else>><font color="pink">"Can we try anal instead?"</font>, Zara asks him nervously before he could thrust in.<</if>>
Without a second thought, the boy spits on his dick, coating it with wet slimy saliva before re-aiming his dick.
<font color="cyan">"Are you sure?"</font>, the boy asks. Zara just looks back at him and nods, giving him consent.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as the boy thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocked her body. Every thrust from the boy brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming.
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
After he was done the boy pulled out. Both of them wordlessly get their clothes back in order before looking at each other and smiling. Zara gives him a light peck on the lips and the boy exits the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal with him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to join him or does not have enough school reputation...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required School Reputation: 20</font></center>
@@Zara enters the stall and takes a seat on the toilet. The holes on the walls indicated exactly what this stall was used for. Zara wonders how many other girls have been in her very place right now, but these thoughts get interrupted just as a penis appears through one of the holes.
<<link "Leave the stall">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides she is done with the glory hole. She gets up and leaves the stall to the disappointment of the remaining boys waiting for their turn.
<center>[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She leans forward and gives the penis a few licks, making the boy on the opposite side give out a low moan. Hearing him makes Zara feel even more motivated.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/ghb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, making sure her tongue swirled across the dick for maximum pleasure for the boy. She can taste the precum on his dick as she kept sucking on it. The boy groans and Zara feels a salty taste in her mouth as the boy shoots spurts of cum straight in her mouth.
<center><<set _moneyEarned = random(10,30)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=30]]
[[Zara stays in the stall|gloryhole][$minute+=30]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough energy to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns around and aims her pussy toward the penis. She slowly eases into it, letting it insert into her already wet pussy. She moves back and forth on his dick.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/ghs'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She speeds up as she feels the dick harden inside her, feeling light twitches from it, indicating the boy was close to cumming. Zara no longer had any thoughts in her head, she just wanted the cum.
After just a few seconds, her wishes came true as she felt a liquid warmth inside her as the boy came into her pussy.
<center><<set _moneyEarned = random(30,50)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=25]]
[[Zara stays in the stall|gloryhole][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough energy to perform sex...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
For no reason at all, Zara wanted to give this boy even more special treatment than normal. She spits on her hand, making sure it was coated in saliva before fingering her own ass hole, spreading it all over. She then proceeded to turn around and use her mouth to coat the dick with her saliva.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/ghb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Feeling it was lubricated enough she stands back up and turns around, positioning her ass hole for proper entry of a dick. She goes down and it enters without any problem, making the boy gasp in pleasure on the other side of the wall.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/gha'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She fights through tears and pain but also an unimaginable amount of pleasure as she pushes herself up and down on the dick, feeling it in her ass.
She hears the boy groan and feels his cum deep inside her ass and a warm feeling inside spreads through her body, making her shiver and gasp in pleasure...
<center><<set _moneyEarned = random(40,80)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=20]]
[[Zara stays in the stall|gloryhole][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough energy to perform anal...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<center><h2>Boy's Washroom</h2></center>\
<img src="img/school/boyswc.jpeg" height="300">
Zara enters the washroom and feels a bunch of eyes on her, all looking like hungry wolves at her, shamelessly roaming her body. She does not heed any of these warning signs though and walks up to one of the sinks to wash her face. She suddenly feels a slap on her ass and turns around angrily, but her anger immediately dissipates when she realizes all the boys had now surrounded her, all of them grinning at her, but not in a very friendly way.
<font color="cyan">"Well well well... what do we have here?"</font>, one of them finally speaks up while stepping closer. <font color="cyan">"Do you know you aren't allowed in here? Would be a shame if someone had to report your pretty ass to the teachers"</font>, he continues while continuing to step closer.
<font color="pink">"Is that right? And what do I need to know to make sure you don't do what you just said you would have to do?"</font>, Zara asks with a sigh.
A bunch of boys sniggers at her question and a couple of shouts ring out,<font color="cyan">"Strip! Strip Strip!"</font> until all the boys chanted it. The first boy turns around to shush them all and then turns back to Zara.
<font color="cyan">"So, what will it be?"</font>
<<link "Don't strip">>
<<replace "#strip">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah, that's not happening, boys"</font>, she mutters and starts to push through the crowd towards the exit. The boys around her start to boo her as she walks past them towards the exit.
One of the boys must have complained because later on in the day she gets told she has detention...
<strong>Zara got detention after classes!</strong>
<<set $detentionFlag to true>>\
<center><font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
[[Leave the washroom|School][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Strip">>
<<replace "#strip">>\
Zara gives out an exasperated sigh and yells out,<font color="pink">"If I see even one phone I will immediately stop and throw that phone down a toilet"</font>
All the boys around her murmur their agreement and wait in silence and excitement.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
All the boys stare at her in awe and marvel at her body. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She twirls around showing off her ass and shakes it, letting it bounce up and down, making them even more mesmerized.<<else>>She does her best to show off her body.<</if>> Suddenly, Zara hears a couple of zipping noises and realize a few boys had their dicks out, jerking off. Feeling weirded out but also turned on, Zara continues dancing sexily for them.
She is interrupted when suddenly a group of boys come to reach out to her, dicks out, and try to drag her to her knees. Is this too much?
<<link "This is too much - Escape">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Woah woah woah! We did not agree to this!"</font>, Zara yells out whilst fighting off the hands. None of the boys pay her any heed. There are just too many to fight off but Zara continues to struggle.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>
Zara manages to fight off the hands that surround and grab her, biting and kicking her way towards the door until nobody stands in her way. She turns around to see all the boys in a white sheet of panic, not knowing what will happen now, Zara decides she doesn't want any more trouble and quickly adjusts her clothes again.
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
[[Leave the washroom|School][$minute+=10]]</center>
Zara was unable to fight off the boys, there just were too many. Her knees slam against the floor as the boys successfully drag her down and surround her. Before she knew it, she was surrounded by dicks, all of them pointed towards her. Zara opens her mouth to shout for help but before even a peep of sound could come out a dick is shoved into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boys keep passing Zara around like a sex object rather than a living breathing human being, all of them use her mouth for their own pleasure. Zara feels her jaw ache as dick after dick pump into her mouth.
After what seemed like ages she feels cum splatter against her face.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbbcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
It feels like she is in a shower of cum as it jets off it splashes against her face and breasts as the boys relieve themselves on top of her. She has no option but to push through this ordeal... Finally, it seemed like all the boys were done, all of them high-fived each other and started leaving the washroom, leaving Zara completely alone to put her clothes back on.
<center><font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Leave the washroom|School][$minute+=55]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Satisfy them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara willingly gets onto her knees and opens her mouth wide, tongue hanging out.<<else>>Zara gets onto her knees, nervous. She opens her mouth slightly, waiting.<</if>> The boys on seeing this get even more rowdier, fighting for who gets to use her mouth first. Finally, one boy manages to step forward and inserts his dick into her mouth whilst the rest gather around and impatiently wait their turn.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara spends what seems like an eternity blowing every single boy in the washroom, being passed around like an object. Her jaw aches from all the dick she has been sucking, hoping nobody else walks into the washroom so as to not have any more work to do...
Finally, the boys gather around again but this time all Zara has to do is sit on her knees and look pretty with her mouth wide open waiting for their cum.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bbcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Load after load is dumped onto Zara and she laps it up happily, loving the taste of all the different cum being dumped on her. After every single boy had finally emptied their balls onto Zara's face, they give her a cheer as she gets up, face covered with their cum. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara just smiles at them and gives one last shake of her ass before putting her clothes back on in order and washing her face to leave the washroom with some dignity.<<else>>All Zara wants to do is clean up her face. The amount of cum was too much for her. Cleaning up and getting dressed again, she leaves the washroom.<</if>>
<center><font color="teal">+3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Leave the washroom|School][$minute+=45]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to satisfy their needs or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to strip for them...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
Zara checks her phone when she feels a tap on her shoulder. She looks around to see the janitor of the school giving her a small smile.
<font color="cyan">"Sorry, miss. But school hours are over, you will have to leave the premises"</font>
<font color="pink">"Oh, I'm sorry, did not see how late it was getting. I shall be leaving right now"</font>
<center>[[Go out to the city|Jecinda District][$minute += 10]]
+10 minutes</center>\<<if $lisa.metFlag eq false and $dick.lastQuest gte 2 and $lisaDaysLeftForIntro == 0>>\
<<goto "lisa intro">>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if $dayCount==2 and $school1stDayEvent==false>>\
<<goto "canteen 1st day event">>\
<<elseif _chance gte 65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "canteen event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "canteen event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "canteen event3">>
<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
Seated in the crowded school cafeteria, Zara sat at a table with a tray filled with her school canteen lunch. The aroma of the meal filled the air, but as she took her first bite, she couldn't help but feel that the taste matched the generic cafeteria atmosphere. The food was filling enough to satisfy her hunger, yet the flavor lingered somewhere between bland and mediocre. Zara sighed, resigned to the reality of school cafeteria experience.
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<</if>>Zara looks around the canteen, most of the tables are already full of students. She decides to go sit with a girl sitting all alone on one. The girl was beautiful, her fingers long and slender, just like her figure. Her legs looked toned, indicating she worked out.
<font color="pink">"Hello! Do you mind if I sit here?"</font>
<font color="Fuchsia">"Of course not, take a seat"</font>, the girl replied with a smile. The two of them quickly strung up a conversation, but Zara was having a hard time focusing, the way the girl's lips moved when she talked... the way she would whip her head a bit to get the strands of hair off her face (those too made her look perfect)...
She could not stop herself, her eyes slowly drifted down, the top button of her shirt was unbuttoned, letting Zara see just a bit of cleavage, it was like Heaven's gates but she was always meant for purgatory... or was she?
<<link "Stay in purgatory">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara shakes her head and instead goes back to listening to the girl talk about her boyfriend... looks like she made the right choice. Who knows what would have happened if she tried anything?
<center>[[Finish eating|School canteen][$minute+=40]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30 and $PlayerSchoolRep>=20>>\
<<link "Open the gates to Heaven">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Without a warning, Zara reaches forward and...
<img src="img/school/canteen/pull.webp" height="220">
<font color="Fuchsia">"Woah! What are you doing, Zara?!"</font>, the girl hisses and quickly covers up.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>><font color="pink">"Uh... I honestly don't know. I just thought you looked way too pretty for me to not try anything"</font><<else>><font color="pink">"I am sorry, I don't know what came over me"</font>, Zara stammers.<</if>>
The girl still looking furious gives out an amused exhale.
<font color="pink">"How about... we get out of here and have a good time?"</font>, Zara asks her, slightly biting her lower lip.
<<set _reply = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _reply==1>>
<font color="Fuchsia">"How about... fuck no and fuck off"</font>, and with that, the girl gets up and storms off, leaving Zara behind who was now feeling embarrassed at herself.
How does this work on her when boys do it?
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
[[Finish eating|School canteen][$minute+=45]]</center>
<font color="Fuchsia">"You know what... fuck it... let's get out of here and have a good time"</font>, she replies with a wink.
The two girls immediately make their way into one of the clearings behind the school grounds, lots of students visit these places to make out and do... other things.
The girls immediately get together and start making out, slowly forking their tongues in and out of each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two girls run their hands over each other, slowly taking off each other's clothes. The girl lays on the ground and pulls Zara on top of her, continuing to make out. She turns over, making Zara lie down on the grass instead as the girl clambers in the opposite direction.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Both the girls use their tongues to slide in and out their vagina's folds, Zara can taste a slight tanginess to it as the fluid builds up. The girls can't help moaning through each flick of their tongues as the pleasure builds up, finally causing both of them to orgasm together. Zara had never felt this close to a human being before and she loved every second of it.
Once done getting back in their clothes, they lay next to each other, and stare at the pretty sky above them but this calm does not last long. The girl suddenly jumps up while looking at her phone,<font color="Fuchsia">"Fuck! My boyfriend is calling me"</font> and with that, she immediately runs out of the clearing.
<font color="pink">"She has a... boyfriend?"</font>, Zara thought to herself, now feeling confused about this whole interaction.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara goes back to school|School][$hour+=1, $minute+=5]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or school reputation to open the gates to Heaven...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required School Reputation: 20</font></center>
Zara takes a seat on one of the empty tables ready to devour her lunch. She was enjoying her cold and slightly chewy pizza when her brother plopped into one of the seats next to her.
<font color="pink">"What are you doing here? Isn't your lunch at 1 PM?"</font>, Zara asks him while raising one of her eyebrows.
<font color="cyan">"I know I know, I am bunking this class. I have to give a talk in front of my next class at 2 PM and I am so stressed out right now. I am freaking out, I hate talking in front of so many people"</font>, Kyle replies. And on and on he goes. Zara does her best to listen to her twin brother and starts thinking of solutions.
<<link "Help him practice">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Okay okay, how about this? I help you practice for your speech, just recite it to me"</font>, she interrupts his rants.
Kyle takes a deep breath and exhales.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, okay. Let's do this"</font>, he nods.
Zara spent the next hour just helping him remember his speech and working through the different kinks until he finally looked confident enough.
<font color="cyan">"Thanks for this, sis. You helped me a lot"</font>, he smiles and hugs her. The two of them clean up and go their separate ways.
<center>[[Finish eating|School canteen][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=70>>\
<<if $bro.sex == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption>=50>>\
<<link "De-stress him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes a look around to make sure nobody is looking in their direction and flashes him. <<if $PlayerCorruption lt 85>>Her heart beats fast, she was flashing her own brother in public!<<else>>She was such a slut! She was flashing her own brother in public.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle immediately shuts up and stares at her boobs. One of his hands starts moving forward, an attempt to grope her just as when she covers up.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>><font color="pink">"Follow me, I will help you de-stress"</font>, she says with a wink.<<else>>Her heart now pounding, she motions to him wordlessly to follow her.<</if>> The twins immediately exit the canteen and get to one of the clearings of the school grounds. These clearings were used by people to make out and do other... things. But still, if anyone saw Zara and her brother together, it would cause a stir so Zara made sure nobody was looking at them while on the way.
<font color="pink">"Take your pants off, quickly"</font>, she whispers. Kyle immediately listens to her and takes them off, his dick already hard and ready for Zara's plans.
<font color="pink">"And now lay down on the grass"</font>, she whispers in his ear while lightly touching his dick, making it twitch.
He lays down on the grass and Zara stands on top of him, slowly raising her skirt and moving her hips seductively. She starts crouching, using one of her hands to aim his dick until it pierces through and enters her pussy, instantly making her gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him like there's no tomorrow, each movement up and down making him moan. She realizes how she is a fleshlight right now for her brother, helping him de-stress... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>If anyone caught them right now it would be very embarrassing, she was fucking her own twin brother. But Zara did not care at all.<<else>>Zara prays in the back of her mind that nobody catches them, she would be mortified.<</if>>
But this thought does not stay long in her mind as Kyle gives out a low groan and Zara feels spurts of cum inside her, the warmth she now felt being evidence.
<font color="pink">"Better now?"</font>, she asks him with a small smile on her lips.
<font color="cyan">"So much better"</font>, he mutters, still breathing heavily from his orgasm.
The twins get up and re-dress themselves, Zara hugs Kyle and wishes him good luck on his speech.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara goes back to school|School][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara's brother does not have enough corruption to accept her advances...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to help her brother de-stress...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@Zara takes a seat on one of the tables and starts to have her lunch, enjoying the gentle chatter of the other students in the canteen. Suddenly, there is a scraping of two chairs, and two boys sit on the table with Zara, eyeing her up. This makes her feel a tinge uncomfortable, but she continues eating her lunch and ignores them.
<font color="cyan">"Ahem, hey. We have a proposition for you"</font>, one of the boys suddenly speaks up and causes Zara to jump.
<font color="pink">"And that is...?"</font>, she asks cautiously. The boys looked around the canteen, making sure nobody else was eavesdropping on their conversation.
<font color="cyan">"Flash us your pussy, we give you 10 dollars. Simple right?"</font>, the second boy says with a grin on his face.
<<link "Reject his offer">>
<<replace "#flash">>\
Zara shakes her head, rejecting their offer. No way she was going to let two random boys see her goods. The boys look at each other, one of them just gets up and leaves without a fuss, leaving the other boy still sitting.
<font color="cyan">"It's only a matter of time before you become a slut, it always happens to girls as pretty as you"</font>, he growls before getting up too.
Zara shivers at his tone, not feeling too great she decides to switch seats and sits next to one of her classmates.
<center>[[Finish eating|School canteen][$minute+=40]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 5>>\
<<link "Flash him">>
<<replace "#flash">>\
Zara looks around to make sure nobody is looking at them or if a phone camera is out and pointed her way. After feeling the environment was secure enough she turns back to them.
<img src="img/school/canteen/flash.webp" height="220">
The boys' jaws open wide and just stare at Zara's pussy, all of their bravado seems to have disappeared looking at her. After a minute Zara finally covered up, before anyone could see what was going on. Just like they had promised, Zara was handed a 10$ bill. Both the boys get up to leave, the bulges in their pants very apparent.
<center><font color="green">+10$</font> <<set $PlayerMoney += 10>>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<center>[[Finish eating|School canteen][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 45>>\
<<link "Offer to get rid of their bulges for 25$">>
<<replace "#sex">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>><font color="pink">"How about I help you get rid of that? For a meagre price of 25 dollars"</font>, she directly asks them while pointing at their very apparent bulges.<<else>><font color="pink">"How about I help you get rid of that? For a meagre price of 25 dollars"</font>, she asks them, a bit nervously, while pointing at their very apparent bulges.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Uhhh, yes. I have the money. But... how?"</font>, one of the boys asks.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>With a wink Zara whispers,<font color="pink">"Why don't you find out..."</font><<else>>Zara smiles and says, <font color="pink">"Just trust me"</font><</if>>
The boys look at each other and both of them nod.
<font color="cyan">"We know a place... Let's go there"</font>
Zara follows the two boys out to the school grounds. They keep walking till they get to the opposite side and slip between the bushes into a clearing. There were condom wrappers and other trash just scattered around.
<font color="pink">"So... this is romantic"</font>, Zara teases them.
Before she even realizes it, the two boys surround her. One of the boys stand right in front of her, she could smell today's lunch on his breath, and the other stood behind her, his boner poking her ass. They grope her all over her body, undressing her, running their hands over every inch of her skin. Their touch was rough but pleasant.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, enough. Now bend over"</font>, the boy behind her whispers into her ear.
Zara gets into position as both the boys spitroast her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/threesome'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boys thrust into her mouth and pussy, filling her up. Zara couldn't believe she was doing all this just for 25 dollars but any thought of stopping this goes away when the boy thrusting into her mouth gives out a groan and Zara feels a warm salty liquid fill her mouth. He thrusts a few more times into her mouth, making sure each drop is eked out and finally pulls out.
<font color="cyan">"You have fun with her, I got a class to get to"</font>, the boy tells the other one, who was still pumping Zara's pussy. The two of them high-five and the boy leaves.
<font color="cyan">"Just me and you now, sweetie"</font>, the other boy moans behind her. He proceeds to bend her over more and pumps faster.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/doggy'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With one final thrust, he cums deep inside her pussy, filling her womb with his warm liquid. He gives her ass a few light taps with his dick as he pulls out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>She was such a slut, taking two cocks on at once without a sweat.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just took two cocks at once. It felt great.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Now that... was amazing. You were worth every dollar"</font>, the boy tells her with a grin on his face, handing her the money she was promised.
<center><font color="green">+25$</font> <<set $PlayerMoney += 25>>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Zara goes back to school|School][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to help get them off...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to flash them...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
<<endif>><img src="img/city/street_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara takes a stroll through the district. It was very breezy right now and Zara could feel the hem of her skirt rising a little bit too much as she walked.
<img src="img/city/upskirt.webp" height="220">
She walks past a couple of men, and a lot of them start wolf-whistling at her and calling her names.
<<link "Ignore them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara ignores them and keeps walking. She does not want to give creepy guys any chance of doing anything...
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5>>\
<<link "Flash them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns around to face them all. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>She can't wait to do this.<<else>>Is she really doing this?<</if>> The men continue to jeer and whistle at her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/city'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The men start cheering, making Zara blush as she hurries away.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to flash them...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/street_night.jpg" height="300">
Zara walked through the district at night, not a lot of people were on the street she was on currently, but something felt off... She turns around to return but instead smacks into a man who had silently crept up behind her. He grabs her throat and shushes her and starts trying to drag her to an alleyway.
<<link "Fight him off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara's heart pounds, there is no way she would let this random creep violate her body. She starts struggling against the man, using her hands and legs to punch and kick him.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,110)>>\
With one final kick, her foot connects with his dick which sends him reeling to the ground clutching his dick. For good measure, she kicks him one more time before running away as fast as possible.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
No matter how hard she struggled she could not escape. The man successfully drags her into the alleyway and immediately starts fucking her, giving no qualms about her pain.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/public/fsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks her like she was just a fleshlight, causing intense pain for Zara who was just praying it would soon be over... she should not have stayed out late...
Finally, he cums, she feels him dump his load deep inside her, causing her to shudder.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=70>>\
<<link "Submit">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara does not struggle at all, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>feeling excited by the idea of a random creepy man fucking her in some alleyway. Hopefully, he is very <font color="red">rough</font> with her.<<else>>feeling nervous but also excited about what was going to happen. Hopefully, he is not too rough.<</if>> The man drags her roughly into the alleyway and throws her against the wall.
<font color="cyan">"I have no idea why you aren't struggling bitch, but I am guessing you are just a whore for dick"</font>
He pins her against the wall and bends her over, she already can feel his boner rubbing her now bare ass cheeks.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/public/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Since Zara did not struggle at all the man was not too rough... but he was still rough, the way Zara liked it. He thrusts deep and hard into her, using her as a sex doll to just satisfy his needs. With one final deep thrust, the man cums inside Zara, she can feel the warm liquid spread inside her as he slips out.
<font color="cyan">"Here is some change, whore"</font>, he growls and throws some money on the ground and then leaves the alleyway. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>What a slut she has become, letting a potential rapist just fuck her with no struggle!<<else>>Her heart was still pounding from the ordeal, she just let a potential rapist fuck her!<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set _moneyEarned = random(10,50)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to submit...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/brother bedroom/bedroom.webp" height="300"></center>\
Zara stands in her twin brother's room, Kyle was born just a few minutes earlier than her and he loved to lord it over her, always trying to pretend he was the older sibling of them two. The room was neat and tidy but that is mostly because of her mother, Kyle took the more chaotic personality after his father.
<<if ($weekDay == false) || ($hour>=16 and $hour<=23)>>\
<<if $bro.dailyVisits lt 2>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=10>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 10 and $bro.lastQuest==0 and $cooldownBro==false and $bro.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Kyle|bro quest1][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $bro.corruption gte 25 and $bro.lastQuest==1 and $cooldownBro==false and $bro.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Kyle|bro quest2][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $bro.corruption gte 40 and $bro.lastQuest==2 and $cooldownBro==false and $bro.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Kyle|bro quest3][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
[[Spend time with Kyle|SpendTimeBro][$minute+=25]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
Zara does not have enough energy to spend time with Kyle right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font>
Zara has already spent a lot of time with Kyle today...
<<elseif $hour gte 0 and $hour lt 8>>\
Kyle is asleep right now...
Kyle is not available right now
[[Return to the living room|Living room][$minute+=1]]
</center><center><img src="img/parents bedroom/bedroom.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Zara stands in her parent's bedroom. It was kept neat and tidy by her mother who hated her father's chaotic way of living. They always seemed like they were opposites of each other... but opposites attract.
<<if ($weekDay == false) || ($hour>=19 and $hour<=23)>>\
<<set _MomPresent to true>>\
<<if $mom.dailyVisits lt 2>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=10>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 10 and $mom.lastQuest==0 and $cooldownMom==false and $mom.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Mom|mom quest1][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $mom.corruption gte 25 and $mom.lastQuest==1 and $cooldownMom==false and $mom.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Mom|mom quest2][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $mom.corruption gte 45 and $mom.lastQuest==2 and $cooldownMom==false and $mom.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Mom|mom quest3][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $mom.corruption gte 45 and $mom.lastQuest==2 and $mom.activeQuest==3 and $cooldownMom==false and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Mom|mom quest3 strapon][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
[[Spend time with Mom|SpendTimeMom][$minute+=25]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
Zara is too tired to spend time with her mom right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font>
Zara has already spent a lot of time with her mom today...
<<elseif $hour gte 0 and $hour lt 8>>\
<<set _MomPresent to false>>\
Mom is asleep right now...
<<set _MomPresent to false>>\
Mom is not available right now...
<<if ($weekDay == false) || ($hour>=20 and $hour<=23)>>\
<<set _DadPresent to true>>\
<<if $dad.dailyVisits lt 2>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=10>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 5 and $dad.lastQuest==0 and $cooldownDad==false and $dad.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Dad|dad quest1][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $dad.corruption gte 20 and $dad.lastQuest==1 and $cooldownDad==false and $dad.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Dad|dad quest2][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
<<elseif $dad.corruption gte 35 and $dad.lastQuest==2 and $cooldownDad==false and $dad.activeQuest==0 and $famSexUnlocked==true and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Spend time with Dad|dad quest3][$minute+=4]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
[[Spend time with Dad|SpendTimeDad][$minute+=25]]
+1 hour -10 Energy
Zara is too tired to spend time with her dad right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font>
Zara has already spent a lot of time with her dad today...
<<elseif $hour gte 0 and $hour lt 8>>\
Dad is asleep right now...
<<set _DadPresent to false>>\
Dad is not available right now...
<<set _DadPresent to false>>\
<<if _MomPresent==true and _DadPresent==true>>\
<<if $dad.dailyVisits lt 2 and $mom.dailyVisits lt 2>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
[[Spend time with Parents|SpendTimeParents][$minute+=25]]
+1 hour -15 Energy
Zara is too tired to spend time with her parents right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font>
Zara has already spent a lot of time with her parents today...
[[Return to the living room|Living room][$minute+=1]]
</center><<set $bro.dailyVisits+=1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>\
Zara and Kyle, twin siblings, sprawled comfortably in Kyle's bedroom. They talked about everything and anything. Feeling a bit stagnant just sitting down, Zara starts moving around the room, causing her top to slip down and reveal her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SpendTime/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her brother's face goes red, Zara immediately notices her nipples were out and covers back up.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Run to the living room|Living room][$minute+=30]]
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<if $bro.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 20>>\
[[Seduce Kyle][$minute+=5]]
Kyle does not have enough corruption to be seduced by Zara...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 20</font>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to seduce Kyle or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
Zara and Kyle, twin siblings, sprawled comfortably in Kyle's bedroom. Posters adorned the walls, reflecting their shared interests, as they reminisced about childhood adventures and whispered secrets that only twins could understand.
Feeling refreshed from their conversation, Zara playfully tweaks Kyle's nose before running away
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Run to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]</center>
<<endif>>\<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>\
Zara kicked back on her parent's bed. They talked about everything and anything. Feeling a bit stagnant just sitting down, Zara starts moving around the room, causing her top to slip down and reveal her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SpendTime/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Both of her parent's faces goes red, Zara immediately notices her nipples were out and covers back up.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<font color="red">Father Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Run to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob == true and $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 40 and $mom.corruption gte 50>>\
[[Seduce Parents][$minute+=3]]
Her parents do not have enough corruption to be seduced by Zara...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 50</font>
<center>Zara's Mother or Father has yet to have their mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
Zara does not have enough corruption to seduce her parents or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 75</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
Zara kicked back on her parents' bed, surrounded by their easygoing vibe. The room was like a memory scrapbook, with photos and knick-knacks telling tales of family adventures. They swapped stories, laughed, and just soaked up the good times together, making Zara feel right at home in her parents' comforting embrace.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Return to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]</center>
<<if $curfewCheck eq false>>\
<<if $timeOfDay == "Day">>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
The park felt like a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. The flowers bloomed and sent beautiful smells into the air with honey bees milling around them. The trees provided great cover from the sun where people sat to relax and socialize. This was the perfect place to explore and hang out with friends.
<<if $dick.metFlag == true>>\
<<if $dick.dailyVisits lt 2>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $dick.lastQuest==0 and $dick.relationship>=5 and $dick.activeQuest==0 and $cooldownDick == false and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Talk to Dick|dick quest1][$minute+=5]]
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==1 and $dick.relationship>=15 and $dick.activeQuest==0 and $cooldownDick == false and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Talk to Dick|dick quest2][$minute+=5]]
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==2 and $dick.relationship>=35 and $dick.activeQuest==0 and $cooldownDick == false and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Talk to Dick|dick quest3][$minute+=5]]
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==3 and $dick.relationship>=50 and $dick.activeQuest==0 and $cooldownDick == false and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Talk to Dick|dick quest4][$minute+=5]]
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==4 and $dick.activeQuest==0>>\
Dick is not here... he is probably waiting at the address on the card he gave Zara...
<<elseif $dick.angryFlag == true>>\
Dick is currently angry at her...
[[Talk to Dick|dick apology][$minute+=5]]
[[Talk to Dick|dick events][$minute+=5]]
<center>Zara is too tired to talk to Dick right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
Zara has already talked to Dick enough times today...
[[Relax on one of the benches|Park Bench Scenes]]
+30 minutes +15 Energy
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Gym" or $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
[[Jog in the park|Park Jog][$hour+=1]]
+1 hour -20 Energy +1 Fitness
Zara is too tired to jog...
Zara is not wearing the proper attire to jog in the park...
[[Enter public toilet|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=2]]
<<if $PlayerClothes != "Gym" and $PlayerClothes != "GymAdv">>\
[[Leave the park|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]
+10 minutes
Zara should change out of her workout clothes before leaving...
<img src="img/city/park_night.jpg" height="300">
<<if $dick.lastQuest lte 3>>Zara feels very unsafe being in the park this late. All the children and their parents and generally friendly looking people had now been replaced by shady figures milling around. Zara is pretty sure she saw one of them carrying a knife...
[[Get out of here|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]
+10 minutes
Zara stood in the park. She used to be scared of this place, the shady figures used to be something to be afraid of and run away from. But now? They were just her potential customers. If she wanted, she could try to deal some drugs here if she has any.
But, Zara should still not stick around too long... who knew what these creeps would do to a hot young girl all alone at night?
<<if $drugPackets gte 1 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
[[Sell drugs|park drugs sell]]
+20 minutes
Zara does not have any drug packets on her right now or does not have the energy...
<center><font color="gold">Drug Packets Left: $drugPackets</font>
<font color="gold">Reguired Energy: 15</font></center>\
[[Get out of here|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]
+10 minutes
<<if $dick.activeQuest==3 and $singleFlag==true>>\
<<if ($hour==23) and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney>=500>>\
[[Meet with Dick|dick quest 3 meet single]]
Zara does not have the money Dick needs... he needs a <font color="gold">500 dollars</font>
Zara needs to meet Dick here at 11PM or after and also needs minimum 30 Energy...
<<endif>><<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance >= 60>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "park event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "park event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>\
<<include "park event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh==4>>\
<<include "park event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh==5>>\
<<include "park event5">>
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<img src="img/city/park/jog.webp" height="220">
Zara takes a brisk jog around the park, making sure not to stray too far into the park where it naturally blends into the surrounding wilderness. She feels breathless by the time she is done but is proud of her progress.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Boosted Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
Zara jogged along the park's winding path, each rhythmic step echoing her determination. Her breath mingled with the fresh air, and the steady beat of her feet against the ground fueled her sense of accomplishment. The world around her became a blur of greenery and sunlight, and as her heart pounded in sync with her strides, Zara felt the stresses of the day melt away.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Boosted Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>\
Zara laced up her running shoes and set off on a jog in the park. Her pace was steady and her breaths were even as she weaved through the tree-lined paths. The rhythmic thud of her footsteps and the fresh air against her skin were a welcome contrast to the daily bustle. As she moved, the worries of the day seemed to fade, replaced by a sense of freedom and vitality.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Boosted Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<endif>><<if $dick.metFlag==false and $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $cooldownDick==false>>\
<<goto "bench event5">>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,7)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "bench event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "bench event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "bench event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "bench event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "bench event5">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 6>>
<<goto "bench event6">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 7>>
<<goto "bench event7">>
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
Zara takes a seat on one of the benches, looking around at the calm peaceful scenery. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
Zara takes a seat on one of the benches, looking around at the calm peaceful scenery. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
Suddenly, someone behind her grabs her shoulder, startling Zara who jumps out of her seat, ready to run. She turns around to see... her brother Kyle who starts laughing hard.
<font color="pink">"You scared me you idiot!"</font>, she shouts at him, making him laugh even harder. Zara goes up to him and punches his shoulder.
<font color="cyan">"OW! What did you do that for?"</font>, he shouts back. Before they knew it, the twins were locked in a deadly combat to the death (of their dignity).
After minutes of scuffling, they finally stop and sit down on the bench. They look at each other and start laughing at their own idiocy.
The two of them spend time together on the park bench, chatting about anything that came into their head.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
Zara takes a seat on one of the benches. Her eyes wander through the green grassy foliage and the people sitting around with their friends and family. The air was fresh, energizing Zara.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
Zara was on a park bench, looking happy. The trees rustled, and kids laughed far away. She touched sun patterns and her hair danced in the wind. The park was peaceful, and Zara felt really good there.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>\
Zara was on a park bench, looking happy. The trees rustled, and kids laughed far away. She touched sun patterns and her hair danced in the wind. The park was peaceful, and Zara felt really good there.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<set _char = either("boy","girl")>>\
<<if _char=="boy">>\
<<set _pronoun = "him">>\
<<set _pronoun = "her">>\
<img src="img/city/park/jog.webp" height="220">
Zara takes a brisk jog around the park, making sure not to stray too far into the park where it naturally blends into the surrounding wilderness.
While jogging she notices a _char her age sitting on a bench with a book in _pronoun hands, except _pronoun eyes were glued to Zara instead of the pages...
<<link "Ignore _pronoun">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara ignores _pronoun the best she could, still feeling _pronoun eyes on her. Zara feels breathless by the time she is done but is proud of her progress.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=10>>\
<<link "Flash _pronoun">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She feels absolutely nothing but excitement as she gets ready.<<else>>She feels excited but also very nervous as she gets ready.<</if>> While a few steps away from crossing the _char, Zara flashes her tits.
<img src="img/city/park/jog_flash.webp" height="220">
The <<print _char>>'s jaw opens wide as Zara runs past, giggling to herself.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to flash the _char...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/park/jog.webp" height="220">
Zara jogs through the park, she decides to be a little adventurous and go into the thicket of bushes and trees. She continues jogging deeper into the forest when she suddenly stops due to a weird squelching noise...
Listening closer, she hears a woman and man moaning and heads in that direction until...
<img src="img/city/park/couple.webp" height="220">
She stares in awe at the two of them. Neither of them has noticed her...
<<link "Leave...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides it would be best to leave the couple to their own business and jogs away silently, trying not to make a single noise. She starts heading back towards the main park.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 30>>\
<<link "Join them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to make her presence known. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She steps out from behind the tree and coughs, startling the couple.<<else>>She steps out from behind the tree and waits awkwardly for them to notice her.<</if>> The woman jumps up and hisses at her,<font color="Fuchsia">"Leave us alone"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>><font color="pink">"How about I join you instead?"</font>, Zara replies with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"I would like to join you instead"</font>, she replies, the nervousness apparent in her voice.<</if>>
The couple looks at each other and as if they mentally communicated with each other, they turn back to her and summon her to them.
Before she knew it, Zara was on her knees along with the other woman, both of them now faced the penis of the man standing in front of them, penis twitching and precum already leaking.
<img src="img/city/park/couple_join.webp" height="220">
The two women slobber on his dick, Zara loved pleasuring a man with another woman on her team. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>What a slut she had become, easily joining couples in their adventures.<<else>>She still could not believe how comfortable she had gotten joining random couples.<</if>> The man raises his hand, showing a sign he was about to cum. The woman promptly wraps her mouth around his dick head before Zara could, taking all his cum into her mouth.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara, now disappointed was about to push her off when the woman suddenly turns to her and kisses her.<<else>>Zara waits patiently as the man cums in her mouth. The woman looks at Zara and brings their lips together.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two of them kiss and swap the man's cum, slowly drinking it down until it was all over...
<center><font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to join them or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font></center>
@@Zara sits on an empty park bench which was tucked away in the park. Not a lot of people were present in the area as Zara relaxed. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
Zara starts thinking to herself,<font color="pink">"I know a way to relax even better..."</font>
<<link "Nevermind, it's too risky">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara removed the thought from her head at once, it was too risky. Anybody could walk past and see her.
She goes back to just focusing on the nature around her, feeling her energy come back to her.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5>>\
<<link "Risk it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara looked around once more, only to see that the only creatures who would be watching her were the birds and squirrels...
She immediately slides down her panties and starts gently caressing her vagina to get more into the mood first. Once she thinks she is ready she inserts her fingers into her vagina, gently moving in and out. Already feeling her arousal only increase she speeds up. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>She really was masturbating in public! What a slut!<<else>>Zara hopes nobody walks into the vicinity and catches her, it would be embarrassing.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The <font color="red">PLEASURE</font> is too much, Zara feels a tension build inside her. She orgasms right on the park bench, letting out sharp gasps of pleasure.
Feeling more relaxed than ever, Zara decides to get off the bench.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<font color="yellow">+10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 10>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to risk it...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
@@Zara stands under the warm stream of water from the showerhead with her mother. The both of them look each other in the eyes as their hands roam each other's bodies, spreading soap everywhere as the water washes it off.
It should be wrong... doing this... with her mother but Zara did not care. She loved the feeling of her mom's hands roaming and grabbing her ass.
The two of them lean toward each other, their lips meeting.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_makeout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The feeling of her own mother's tongue invading her mouth was heavenly. Her mom knew how to kiss... that's for sure. Their tongues fork around each other, mixing their salivas.
Zara feels a little doubt in the back of her mind... is this a dream?
<center>[[WAKE UP|wakeup_dream]]
<<link "Don't wake up">></center>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara does not care, she roams her hands over her mom's tits, groping at them, their softness feeling amazing against her palms.
Her mom suddenly pushes her against the wall and trails her fingers all the way from Zara's lips down and down until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom's fingers dug deep into Zara's pussy, feeling every inch of her and thus causing Zara intense pleasure. Turns out her mom knows how to use her fingers too...
Zara feels an intense heat building up inside her, she was going to orgasm. She felt it building and building up until finally-
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
@@<img src="img/city/street_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara takes a stroll through the district, wandering aimlessly through the streets of Jecinda. She walks past the entrance of an alleyway when she hears a clutter, the source being in the alleyway.
<<link "Ignore it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara was definitely NOT entering some random dark alleyway, she was not some dumb big-boobied bimbo from horror movies with no brain... she did have the sex appeal though.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Investigate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara ignores all of her instincts telling her "NO" and enters the alleyway, she hides behind a dumpster and peaks around it.
Two women sit in the alleyway, entwined in an embrace and making out.
<img src="img/public/levent1.webp" height="220">
Mesmerized, Zara watches on, her own nether regions tingle looking at the two women. In her trance, she moves forward a bit more, to get a closer look and accidentally steps on a soda can, its sound of getting crushed echoing in the alleyway.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Who the fuck are you!"</font>, one of the women shouts at her whilst walking towards her.
<font color="pink">"I- I- Uh... Just was admiring, I am sorry"</font>, Zara stammers. Seeing how scared Zara looked the woman calms down and gives a little snicker.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Looks like you liked it"</font>, the woman whispers whilst pointing at Zara's nipples, very evidently poking due to her arousal.
The woman steps closer to Zara and starts leaning forward, Zara cannot wait any longer and bridges the gap, leaning forward and kissing the woman. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She could not believe her luck running into two beautiful women to have some fun with.<<else>>She could not believe she was doing this, kissing random women she just met in an alleyway.<</if>>
Before she knew it, she was in between the two women with her clothes strewn everywhere on the alley ground.
<img src="img/public/levent2.webp" height="220">
Zara uses her tongue to fork through the folds of the woman's vagina while her partner lays on the ground and grinds against Zara's pussy, causing a pleasurable heat within her until it reaches a crescendo.
Zara starts orgasming, her legs twitching and her mouth gaping wide open in a perfect "O" as the pleasure rocks her body. The two women disentangle themselves from Zara once she is done. The three of them sit panting from everything that just happened until finally, Zara feels well enough to get up and get dressed.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to enter the alleyway...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@Version 0.87
Created by NeoSpectre
<a href="http:\\www.patreon.com/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/patreon.png" width="30" height="30" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="https://discord.gg/3aR3Yvkjzr" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/discord.png" width="30" height="30" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="http:\\www.subscribestar.adult/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/subscribestar.png" width="30" height="30" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="https://x.com/NeoSpectr3" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/x.png" width="30" height="30" class="exclude-center"></a>\[[Phone]]
<<link 'Stats'>>
<<dialog 'Character Stats'>>\
<font color="gold">Currently wearing:</font> <<if $PlayerClothes=="Casual">>Casual Outfit<<elseif $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUni">>School Uniform<<elseif $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>Slutty School Uniform<<elseif $PlayerClothes=="Gym">>Gym Outfit<<elseif $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>Advanced Gym Outfit<</if>><<if $dick.lastQuest gte 5>> | <font color="gold">Drug Packets:</font> $drugPackets<</if>>
<font color='red'>Corruption: $PlayerCorruption</font>
This determines what actions Zara can and can't do! Higher her corruption, the more devious Zara can act.
<font color="#ADD8E6">Skills/Intellect (Art: $PlayerArt | Science: $PlayerSci | Computer: $PlayerComp)</font>
Zara needs to score well in school if she has any hope of passing, let alone be the Prom Queen. Her skills will determine the ease of certain gameplay mechanics.
<font color="teal">School Reputation: $PlayerSchoolRep</font>
Zara's school reputation is an important determining factor on whether she gets to be Prom Queen or not. This stat also determines whether Zara can join in on other students already doing something... dirty.
<font color="violet">Fitness: $PlayerFitness</font>
This stat increases your maximum energy in a 1:1 ratio, more energy equals more actions per day! This stat also determines whether Zara is able to successfully struggle against people who try to rape her and even the energy it takes to walk between districts. It also determines whether certain standards kept by some jobs are met and the number of fans gained by Zara while camming.
<<if $cammingIntro == true || $drawIntro == true>>\
<font color="Coral"><<if $cammingIntro ==true and $drawIntro == false>>Camming Fans: $camFans<<elseif $drawIntro == true and $cammingIntro==false>>Drawing Fans: $drawFans<<elseif $drawIntro == true and $cammingIntro == true>>Camming Fans: $camFans | Drawing Fans: $drawFans<</if>></font>
The number of fans currently following Zara. More the fans, more money obtained making it a great long term method of obtaining money. Increasing the number of fans also helps unlocking other benefits.
<<link 'Credits'>>
<<dialog 'Credits'>>\
<font color="gold">Special thanks to creators MilkyNail and Notabao for helping me through my problems and questions.
Thank you to Eonor for providing downloadable mobile ports to my game.</font>
<h3><font color="gold">Elite Members</font></h3>\
Now This
If you would like to see your name above, consider subscribing to my Patreon as an Elite Member! You name stays up there as long as you are subscribed. Custom names are allowed :)
Thank you to all my supporters! I have been so happy seeing you all come join the Discord and subscribe to me on Patreon, it's been wild. No words can thank you enough. I love working on the game and have some huge plans for it and those can only come true with your support!
<a href="http:\\www.patreon.com/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/patreon.png" width="100" height="100" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="https://discord.gg/3aR3Yvkjzr" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/discord.png" width="100" height="100" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<</link>><<set $punishTimes+=1>>\
Zara gets ready for bed. She fluffs up her pillows and sighs, she was way too tired. But her hopes for a good night's sleep are dashed away when there is a knock on the door.
<font color="pink">"Come in!"</font>
The door opens and her dad walks in, he has a frown on his face. She knew she was in for a shouting just looking at him.
<font color="pink">"Uhh, what's up, dad?"</font>, she asks casually.
<font color="cyan">"WHAT IS UP?! I will tell you what is up! You! Bunking classes!"</font>
Shit... looks like Zara has missed too many classes, the school must have called her parents. One of the most important things to her parents was her education, they always took an active role in her schooling and now she has angered them with her neglect.
<<link "Listen to him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... please... attend your classes. You know how important your education is in this world. I am disappointed in you... And because of this, I will have to dock your allowance"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking the one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -50>>\
<font color="green">-50$</font>
<font color="red">-2 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 45>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=10>>\
<<link "Distract him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
<<goto "PunishedEvent School">>
<center>Zara's dad is not corrupted enough to be distracted...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to distract him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
In the middle of his shouting Zara flashes her tits which immediately makes her dad stop shouting, he just stares at her boobs getting red, but this time not with anger.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "Attempt to convince him using blowjob...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my mouth, Daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(15,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(25,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>3>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
He walks forward and immediately starts groping her tits without asking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
After a few minutes, Zara thinks this is enough and gets ready to suck her dad's dick and gets onto her knees. She thinks she is in control... she thought wrong.
<font color="cyan">"You are such a whore"</font>, he snarls and slaps Zara, leaving her stunned and unable to speak.
He takes off his shorts, his dick already erect. Before she could get a word out he suddenly slaps her with his cock. Dumbfounded, Zara could not utter a single word as he continued slapping her with his cock. With every slap, she feels her brain get blank.
Before she even realizes it her dad had put his cock into her mouth. She thought it would be her in control now but that thought was wrenched away just as he started thrusting into her mouth, fucking her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"This is your punishment, little lady. Think long and hard as I fuck your slutty little mouth"</font>, he growls as he quickens his pace.
Zara feels every inch of dick just pounding away at her mouth and into her throat. She gags every time he thrusts deep inside but instead of the gags making him calmer it seemed to rile him up more, increasing his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Eat my cum, little lady, and we will call it a night"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara does not resist this and keeps her mouth firmly around her dad's dick and swallows every drop of his cum.<<else>>Zara attempts to resist but her dad was too strong. She does her best to swallow his cum but drops still dribble out.<</if>> Finally, he pulls his dick out of her mouth and gives her one more slap with it.
<font color="cyan">"Now, fuck off to sleep, little lady"</font>
Without a word, Zara gets up, the taste of his semen still lingering on her tongue.
<center>[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately covers up again, ashamed of herself.
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go to bed. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -130>>\
<font color="green">-130$</font>
<font color="red">-3 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -3>>\
[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
<<if $dad.sex == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=30>>\
<<link "Attempt to convince him using sex...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my pussy, daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(5,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==4>>\
<<set _chance=random(15,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==5>>\
<<set _chance=random(25,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>5>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
He walks forward and immediately starts groping her tits without asking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara starts rubbing her dad's crotch, feeling his dick hardening underneath her palm. Her dad starts to undress Zara, stripping off her clothes in a hurry. The excitement is evident in his touch.
Zara is dragged towards her bed, he places his palm on her back and pushes her down, and causes her to be bent over, presenting herself to him.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her father fucks Zara hard, with no mercy in his thrusts. Zara gasps in pain due to the forceful intrusions inside her.
<font color="pink">"Please, be gentle"</font>, she gasps.
<font color="cyan">"Gentle? Be gentle? You fucking whore, you deserve this"</font>, he snarls back and doesn't let up.
Finally, with a groan, she feels him thrust deep inside her pussy and a warm sensation was felt by her. Finally, she was done with her punishment. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>What a slut, using her body to get out of punishments.<<else>>Was it wrong to use her body to get out of punishments?<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Now, fuck off to sleep, little lady"</font>
Without a word, Zara lies down on the bed, she can feel his cum drip out of her vagina as she lies there.
<center>[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately covers up again, ashamed of herself.
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go to bed. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -150>>\
<font color="green">-150$</font>
<font color="red">-5 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -5>>\
[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to accept sex from his own daughter...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to use sex to convince her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=80>>\
<<if $dad.anal == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=55>>\
<<link "Attempt to convince him using anal sex...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my ass, daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==4>>\
<<set _chance=random(10,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==5>>\
<<set _chance=random(20,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==6>>\
<<set _chance=random(30,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==7>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>7>>\
<<set _chance=random(45,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
He walks forward and immediately starts groping her tits without asking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara starts rubbing her dad's crotch, feeling his dick hardening underneath her palm. Her dad starts to undress Zara, stripping off her clothes in a hurry. The excitement is evident in his touch.
Zara is dragged towards her bed, he places his palm on her back and pushes her down, and causes her to be bent over, presenting herself to him.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her father fucks Zara's ass hard, no mercy in his thrusts. Zara gasps in pain due to the forceful intrusions inside her.
<font color="pink">"Please, be gentle"</font>, she gasps.
<font color="cyan">"Gentle? Be gentle? You fucking whore, you deserve this"</font>, he snarls back and doesn't let up.
Finally, with a groan, she feels him thrust deep inside her ass, and a warm sensation was felt by her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Finally, she was done with her punishment. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>What a slut, using her body to get out of punishments.<<else>>Was it wrong to use her body to get out of punishments?<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Now, fuck off to sleep, little lady"</font>
Without a word, Zara gets up, she can feel his cum drip out of her ass hole as she lies down on her bed.
<center>[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately covers up again, ashamed of herself.
Zara just stands there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... go to bed. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart. She feels even worse about breaking one of the few rules she was always expected to follow.
<center><<addmoney -200>>\
<font color="green">-200$</font>
<font color="red">-8 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -8>>\
[[Zara goes to sleep|wakeup_nodream][$classNAttended = 0, $punishTimes=0]]</center>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to accept anal sex from his own daughter...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to use anal sex to convince her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font></center>
@@Zara sits on an empty park bench. Not a lot of people were present in the area as Zara relaxed. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
Zara starts thinking to herself,<font color="pink">"I know a way to relax even better..."</font>
<<link "Nevermind, it's too risky">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara removed the thought from her head at once, it was too risky. Anybody could walk past and see her.
She goes back to just focusing on the nature around her, feeling her energy come back to her.
<center><<set $minute+=30>>\
<font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5>>\
<<link "Risk it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara looked around once more, only to see that the only creatures who would be watching her were the birds and squirrels...
She immediately slides down her panties and starts gently caressing her vagina to get more into the mood first. Once she thinks she is ready she inserts her fingers into her vagina, gently moving in and out. Already feeling her arousal only increase she speeds up. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>She really was masturbating in public! What a slut!<<else>>Zara hopes nobody walks into the vicinity and catches her, it would be embarrassing.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="Fuchsia">"What are you doing?!"</font>, a woman's voice suddenly cries out and causes Zara to panic. She looks around to see a woman glaring at her. Zara quickly tries to cover up but before she is successful the woman walks up to her.
<font color="Fuchsia">"You are in big trouble"</font>, the woman tells Zara while picking up a stick. Zara looks at her confused, was she not reporting this to the authorities?
<font color="Fuchsia">"Bend over, it's time for your punishment"</font>, the woman growls at Zara, who does what she is told. She doesn't want to anger the woman just in case she does decide to change her mind and call the authorities.
<img src="img/city/park/bench_lesbian.webp" height="220">
With every whip of the stick Zara feels a sharp sting on her ass, she knows it will be bruised by night. She winces every time the woman whips her and shudders.
Finally, the woman drops the stick and just walks away without another word. Leaving Zara and her ass smarting. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>Kinda <font color="red">hot</font>.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">+10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to risk it...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
@@Zara takes a seat on one of the empty benches far away from prying eyes... maybe she can have some fun reading some smut...? But, all her hopes were dashed when a man takes a seat on the same bench alongside her.
The man does not pay any attention to Zara, instead... he seems to be crying?
<font color="pink">"Hey... mister, are you okay?"</font>, Zara asks him. The man looks at her, tears streaming down his face.
<font color="cyan">"Oh... I just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me..."</font>, he sniffles.
<<link "Let him be">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"I am sorry to hear that..."</font>, Zara tells him. The man gives her a small smile.
<font color="cyan">"I will be fine. Don't worry"</font>
And with that, both of them go back to their own lives but continue sharing the bench. It was weirdly... human. Zara was glad in this modern day men were not afraid of showing their emotions.
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Help him forget her">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"How about I help you forget her?"</font>, Zara asks him <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>slyly<<else>>nervously<</if>>. The man looks at her confused, unsure.
Zara uses her hands to rub his crotch, feeling it immediately get hard beneath her hands. The man gives out a little gasp due to her sudden touch but does not object.
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara deftly unbuttons the man's pants, the man helps her by shifting his boxers and letting his dick pop out freely, quivering and ready for the pleasure Zara is about to provide.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara enjoyed the feeling of his cock in her hand, anybody could catch them but she did not care.<<else>>Zara hopes nobody walks into the area and catches them, it would be embarrassing.<</if>> Zara pumps his dick up and down with her hand, until with a groan, the man cums, letting his seed drip all over Zara's hand.
The man gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking much happier than when he sat on the bench. He and Zara spend some more time together, enjoying each other's company and talking about life and its ups and downs.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. The man looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She felt nothing but excitement stripping in front of the man, that too in public.<<else>>She felt nervous but also excited at the prospect of performing sexual activities in public.<</if>>
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip the man's pants. The man realizes what was going to happen and shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down using her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>It did not matter if anyone caught them right now, she was too focused on his dick.<<else>>She was glad nobody was around in the area.<</if>> She swirls her tongue expertly on his dick and finally with a groan, the man cums right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She keeps her lips tightly on his head to ensure not even a single drop of cum escapes her mouth.<<else>>She does her best to keep all the cum in her mouth but some still dribbles out. She still was not completely used to this.<</if>>
The man gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking much happier than when he sat on the bench. He and Zara spend some more time together, enjoying each other's company and talking about life and its ups and downs.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough or is too tired to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
<<link "Ride him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. The man looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She felt nothing but excitement stripping in front of the man, that too in public.<<else>>She felt nervous but also excited at the prospect of performing sexual activities in public.<</if>>
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip the man's pants. The man realizes what was going to happen and shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides the man while keeping a lookout for unwanted eyes. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>It did not matter if anyone caught them right now though, she was too focused and horny to care.<<else>>She was glad nobody was around in the area.<</if>> She feels him stiffening under her as the pleasure reaches a crescendo for the both of them.
The man thrusts up as he cums inside Zara, this sudden move breaks Zara and she orgasms right on the park bench with him.
The man gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking much happier than when he sat on the bench. He and Zara spend some more time together, enjoying each other's company and talking about life and its ups and downs.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough or is too tired to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough or is too tired to help him forget...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
Zara walks further into the park in search of an empty bench. She hears a woman moan farther up the path, puzzled, she moves towards the sound and catches a couple on one of the benches.
<img src="img/city/park/bench_couple1.webp" height="220">
The man's tongue was deep inside the woman, making her moan loudly. Zara and the woman lock eyes and stare at each other. The woman pushes the man off her and the two of them beckon Zara to join them. Zara felt unsure of what to do, this felt very weird... but she also felt horny watching the two of them...
<<link "Zara thinks with her brain">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately turns around and runs back to the main park. Maybe she should stick to finding benches over here... She finally finds an empty one where nobody would trouble her.
Zara takes a seat on the bench, looking around at the calm peaceful scenery. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<center><<set $minute+=30>>\
<font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Zara thinks with her vagina">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She was more than ready for this, her pussy already felt wet.<<else>>She felt a bit nervous about this but it did not matter.<</if>> Zara walks towards the couple, the two embrace her as they make out with each other, stripping Zara's clothes off as the woman does the same. The man sits back down on the bench, his cock standing in attention ready to get pleased. Zara positions herself on top of him as the woman takes a seat next to the man.
<img src="img/city/park/bench_couple2.webp" height="220">
Zara rides the man as the woman touches herself, watching Zara and her partner. His penis reached deep inside Zara, stretching her out and making her moan. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut! Fucking another woman's man in front of her. She loved the power dynamic.<<else>>What was going on with her life? Fucking another woman's man in front of her.<</if>>
The man groans and Zara feels him cum inside her, his seed fills her up to the brim.
The couple get up from the bench while Zara continues sitting, still catching her breath. Finally, she gets up to get dressed again before anyone notices her nude.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=80>>
Shit! It looks like the couple stole some of her money while she was not looking!
<<set _money to Math.clamp(random(10,30), 10, $PlayerMoney)>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _money>>\
<center><font color="green">- _money $</font></center>\
Zara gets dressed without any complications, feeling really good about her experience right now.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to join them or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<<if $dick.metFlag == false>>\
<center><h3><font color="gold">NPC Introduction Started</font></h3></center>\
Unable to find any empty benches, Zara decides to sit on a bench occupied by just a single boy her age on the far side of the bench. She pulls out her phone, maybe she will browse through some good smutty stories...?
The boy suddenly coughs in her direction, attracting her attention. The boy gives her a sleazy grin and scoots closer to Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Did you know, this bench has a price to sit on?"</font>, the boy says and scoots even closer, their shoulders are almost brushing.
<font color="pink">"Well, I can't say I did..."</font>, Zara replies. She was about to get up from the bench, she just wanted to read some good smut. Except, a smell reaches Zara. As she took a long breath in, a sweet-smelling odor entered her nose. Zara shakes her head, what was this? She can feel herself getting... horny? What the fuck? It was true, she could feel herself getting warmer down there, and wetter. Was she thinking straight?
The boy grinned at her, a bottle was in his hand, a plain transparent spray bottle with a white cap. He sprayed it on him again. The only thing odd was the liquid, it was silvery, almost like mercury. It sloshed around in the bottle. He put it back into his pocket.
The boy puts his arm around Zara's shoulders and points at his dick with the other one.
<font color="cyan">"Well, go on then, pay the toll"</font>, the boy winks.
<<link "Don't pay the toll">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Do you seriously think that works on girls?"</font>, Zara huffs and gets up from the bench, walking away from the boy. The smell from whatever liquid the boy had sprayed on himself still stuck with her. But, she did her best to give it no thought as she walked away.
<font color="cyan">"Well, it's your loss, baby doll!"</font>, he yells at her.
<<set $minute+=5>>\
<<set $cooldownDick=true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=10 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Pay the toll">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<goto "dick events">>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to pay the toll or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<elseif $dick.angryFlag == true>>\
Zara sees a park bench with just one person on it... but it's Dick Turpin... he might be good-looking in a bit of an odd manner but still, he is a sleazy boy. He sees Zara but immediately looks away. A sour expression is plastered on his face. Looks like Dick is angry at Zara...
<<link "Leave him alone">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to leave Dick alone, maybe he just needs some more time to cool off.
Zara takes a seat on a bench far away from Dick, looking around at the calm peaceful scenery. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<link "Talk to him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<goto "dick apology">>
Zara sees a park bench with just one person on it... but it's Dick Turpin... he might be good-looking in an odd manner but still, he is a sleazy boy. He sees Zara and waves at her, beckoning for her to join him.
<<link "Don't join him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Sorry, not right now!"</font>, she shouts at him so he can hear her from afar.
Dick looks a bit disappointed but goes back to doing his own thing.
Zara takes a seat on a bench far away from Dick, looking around at the calm peaceful scenery. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<link "Join him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<goto "dick events">>
<<endif>><<set $dick.dailyVisits = $dick.dailyVisits + 1>>\
<<if $dick.metFlag==false>>
<<goto "dickIntro">>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 65>>\
<<set _eventCh=random(1,7)>>\
<<if _eventCh==1>>
<<goto "dick event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh==2>>
<<goto "dick event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>
<<goto "dick event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh==4 and $ZaraRejectedEx==false>>
<<goto "dick event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh==5 and $ZaraRejectedEx==false>>
<<goto "dick event5">>
<<elseif _eventCh==6 and $ZaraRejectedEx==false and $lisaIntroZaraAccepts==true>>
<<goto "dick event6">>
<<elseif _eventCh==7 and $ZaraRejectedEx==false and $lisaIntroZaraAccepts==true>>
<<goto "dick event7">>
<<goto "dick event2">>
<<set _eventCh=random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh==1>>\
Zara sits beside Dick who immediately scoots next to her and places his arm around her shoulders. Dick seemed to be in a chatty mood and told her stories about him and his previous sexcapades, keeping Zara entertained and laughing all the way.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<elseif _eventCh==2>>\
Zara sits beside Dick who immediately scoots next to her and places his arm around her shoulders. The two of them chat about various things but the topic always goes back to something about sex and other unholy things. But, that was fine with Zara.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>\
Zara sits beside Dick who immediately scoots next to her and places his arm around her shoulders. Dick seemed to be in a chatty mood and told her stories about him and his previous sexcapades, keeping Zara entertained and laughing all the way.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<endif>><font color="pink">"Is this an acceptable form of payment?"</font>, Zara grins and slides her hands over his crotch, feeling his dick get harder underneath.
<font color="cyan">"Fuck yes, baby doll. You are on the right track, that's for sure"</font>
Zara takes a look around to ensure no prying eyes are looking their way and starts to slowly strip, teasing the boy with her amazing body, who is now staring at her in awe.
<font color="pink">"Come on then, work for your payment"</font>, Zara says and bends over on the bench, presenting herself to him. He immediately gets his cock out and positions himself behind her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy pumps into her on and on, he knows exactly which buttons to push with his hands and the most amazing pace to keep for maximum pleasure. Zara's legs start to quiver as she orgasms right on the park bench, making the boy even more excited.
He quickens his pace, now pounding her hole as if she was just a piece of meat and with one final deep thrust he cums inside Zara, filling her with his seed.
<font color="cyan">"Now that... was an amazing form of payment"</font>, the boy says as he slumps onto the bench, putting his cock away. Zara dresses up too and takes a seat beside him.
<font color="cyan">"The name's Dick by the way, Dick Turpin"</font>, the boy tells her and offers her his hand.
<font color="pink">"Zara, Zara Williams"</font>, she replies and shakes his hand. Looks like they are now formally acquainted.
As Zara walked away from the boy, she started thinking again. What did she just do!? Did she seriously fuck a random stranger on a public park bench? She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. She did not want to dwell on this any longer. But, she would not mind doing it again some time...
<<set $dick.metFlag to true>>\
<center><font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Dick Turpin has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Park]]</center>Zara takes a seat beside Dick, who looks stressed out.
<font color="pink">"Hey, what's wrong? You look worried"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Ahh yeah... got something on my mind right now, little bit very stressed"</font>
<<link "Listen to him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara sits in silence and gives her full attention to him as he explains what ails him. After talking about his money problems, and his dad's failing health, he finally starts looking happier, like a weight has been lifted off his chest at least a bit.
<font color="cyan">"Thanks, baby doll. You are a good listener"</font>, he says while smiling at her.
<font color="pink">"Of course"</font>, she smiles back.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Distract him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Shhh, let me take your mind off this"</font>
Zara takes a look around to ensure no prying eyes were looking their way and starts to slowly strip, teasing Dick with her amazing body, who was now staring at her in awe. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She does not care if anyone catches her in the nude, honestly, it would be hotter!<<else>>She hopes nobody catches her in the nude, it would be embarrassing!<</if>>
Zara bends over on the bench, presenting herself to him. He immediately gets his cock out and positions himself behind her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Dick, both the boy and the organ, pump into her on and on, he knew exactly which buttons to push with his hands and the most amazing pace to keep for maximum pleasure. Zara's legs start to quiver as she orgasms right on the park bench, making Dick even more excited.
He quickens his pace, now pounding her hole as if she was just a piece of meat and with one final deep thrust he cums inside Zara, filling her with his seed. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She loved the feeling of warm cum inside her, she would not mind being cummed in every day.<<else>>She was still not used to the feeling of warm cum inside her, it felt kind of weird.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Nice way to distract me..."</font>
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to distract him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@Zara sits beside Dick who immediately scoots next to her and places his arm around her shoulders. As they continue chatting, a tent rises up in Dick's pants.
<font color="cyan">"Ahem!"</font>, Dick coughs and points at his tent, interrupting Zara.
<font color="pink">"And...?"</font>, she knew what was coming but still wanted him to ask.
<font color="cyan">"Take care of it, baby doll"</font>
<<link "Not this time">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Sorry... Not this time"</font>, Zara tells him. Dick looks at her like she just spit in his food.
<font color="cyan">"Seriously?"</font>, he huffs like a child being denied candy. He gets off the bench and storms off, leaving Zara behind who now feels confused about what just happened...
Zara spends a bit more time on the bench, drinking in the environment around her, feeling energized by the sunshine streaming onto her.
<center><font color="aquamarine">-3 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="aquamarine">Dick is angry with Zara...</font>
<<set $dick.angryFlag to true>>\
<<set $dick.relationship -= 3>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip Dick's pants. Dick shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down with her hand, glad nobody was around in the area until with a groan, Dick cums, letting his seed drip all over Zara's hand. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She licks it all up, making sure her hand is clean. The taste of his cum was intoxicating.<<else>>She uses a few tissues to wipe up the cum, making sure her hand was clean.<</if>>
Dick gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking very pleased with himself. He and Zara spend some more time together, enjoying each other's company.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough or is too tired to give a handjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She does not care if anyone catches her in the nude, honestly, it would be hotter!<<else>>She hopes nobody catches her in the nude, it would be embarrassing!<</if>> Dick looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants.
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip Dick's pants. Dick shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down using her mouth. She was glad nobody was around in the area. She swirls her tongue expertly on his dick and finally with a groan, Dick cums right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She keeps her lips tightly on his head to ensure not even a single drop of cum escapes her mouth.<<else>>She does her best to keep all of his cum in her mouth, but some still dribbles out.<</if>>
Dick gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking very pleased with himself. He and Zara spend some more time together, enjoying each other's company.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough or is too tired to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Ride him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She does not care if anyone catches her in the nude, honestly, it would be hotter!<<else>>She hopes nobody catches her in the nude, it would be embarrassing!<</if>> Dick looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants.
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip Dick's pants. He realizes what was going to happen and shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides Dick while keeping a lookout for unwanted eyes. She feels him stiffening under her as the pleasure reaches a crescendo for the both of them.
Dick thrusts up as he cums inside Zara, this sudden move breaks Zara and she orgasms right on the park bench with Dick. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Damn, she really was a slut. letting boys cum in her in public.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Letting boys cum in her in public?<</if>>
Dick gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking very pleased with himself. He and Zara spend some more time together, enjoying each other's company.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough or is too tired to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<<endif>><img src="img/city/park/jog.webp" height="220">
Zara set off on a jog, feeling the wind in her hair as she ran through the trees while following the path in front of her. But, this gets boring, she wants something a bit more exciting and on seeing a clearing in the trees with a more beaten-up-looking path, she decides to take it.
She continues down this path for some time before deciding she has wandered too far into the trees now and should turn back. Zara turns around and comes to a dead stop.
Somehow, a man had snuck up behind her without her noticing a single thing amiss. The man gives her a smile that was definitely unfriendly... he pops his cock out of his pants and starts moving towards Zara.
<<link "Struggle">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>\
Zara punches the man's face, connecting with his jaw, and in an instant, the man crumples to the ground. Zara takes her chance and immediately starts running back towards the main park! Who knew running away from a man who just tried to rape her would be a good exercise?
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
[[Escape to the park|Park]]</center>
No matter how hard Zara struggled she gets knocked to the ground and is out of breath. The man takes out a knife and puts his finger to his lips, shushing her.
<font color="cyan">"Now... be a good girl and open your mouth. You bite and I shove this knife into your jugular"</font>, he threatens.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/jog_fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears stream down Zara's face as the man fucks her mouth with no sympathy, she hated every second of it.
Finally, the man pulls out and cums on her face, coating it with his thick white seed. The man slaps Zara hard and she falls to the ground, her vision spinning making her unable to see where the man escapes.
After what feels like an eternity, Zara gets up from the ground, her jaw still aching from the abuse, and starts walking back towards the park dejectedly.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=60 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Submit">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Before the man could even reach her, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara falls to the ground on her knees with her mouth open.<<else>>Zara gets onto her knees and waits. She opens her mouth, a bit uncertain.<</if>> The man stops and looks at her suspiciously.
<font color="cyan">"Now... I don't know what your game is but if you bite, I will shove this knife into your jugular"</font>, he threatens. Zara just nods and keeps her mouth open, saliva dripping out of her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/pe/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick, making him moan. All of his suspicion is now gone as she slobbers on his dick.
With a groan, the man starts to cum. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara keeps her lips tight on his dick head, making sure to not let even a drop of cum escape her lips.<<else>>Zara does her best to keep her lips around his cock as he cums but some drops dribble out.<</if>>
The man gives her head a few pats and leaves the area and so does Zara. She decides to jog back to the main park.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to submit or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/park/jog.webp" height="220">
Zara jogged along the park's winding path, each rhythmic step echoing her determination. Her breath mingled with the fresh air, and the steady beat of her feet against the ground fueled her sense of accomplishment.
Suddenly, a figure joins Zara's side, it is a pretty woman maybe 10 years older than Zara. The two of them wordlessly jog alongside each other, only glancing at each other and smiling in between.
The two of them stop to take a break, huffing and puffing.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Hey, good run..."</font>, the woman huffs. <font color="Fuchsia">"Want to go to that clearing... and maybe uhh... take a nice long break?"</font>, she continues with a wink. It was obvious what she wanted.
<<link "No, Zara wants to focus on jogging">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Sorry... no thanks. I would like to continue jogging"</font>, Zara replies. The woman looks a bit disappointed but nods. The two of them continue jogging through the park wordlessly... but now with an air of awkwardness.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Take a nice long break">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<set _chance = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara had no qualms about "taking a break" with a random woman, she did look hot.<<else>>Zara was a bit unsure about "taking a break" with the woman, but her beauty did help her decide.<</if>> The two of them enter a clearing and immediately embrace each other, making out. Before she knew it, the two of them were naked, with Zara lying on the ground. The woman joins her and lowers herself to Zara's vagina.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
The woman uses her tongue to slide through the folds of Zara's vagina, focusing heavily on the clit, making Zara even hornier.
The woman guides Zara into a new position and enters her vagina using her fingers.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at the Zara's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Zara uses her other hand to rub her clit.
<font color="pink">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, Zara gasps. This makes the woman speed up and causes Zara to orgasm, squirting juice all over the woman's hand.
<<elseif _chance eq 2>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara had no qualms about "taking a break" with a random woman, she did look hot.<<else>>Zara was a bit unsure about "taking a break" with the woman, but her beauty did help her decide.<</if>> The woman lays on the ground and pulls Zara on top of her, continuing to make out. She turns over, making Zara lie down on the grass instead as she clambers in the opposite direction.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara and the woman use their tongues to slide in and out their vagina's folds, Zara can taste a slight tanginess to it as the fluid builds up. They can't help moaning through each flick of their tongues as the pleasure builds up, finally causing both of them to orgasm together. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God that was so hot! She would love to do it again and again, every single day.<<else>>While it felt hot, Zara could not help being glad it was over, what if they had gotten caught?<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara had no qualms about "taking a break" with a random woman, she did look hot.<<else>>Zara was a bit unsure about "taking a break" with the woman, but her beauty did help her decide.<</if>> The air between them crackled with anticipation as they stepped into the clearing, the sunlight filtering through the trees casting dappled shadows on the ground. Their lips met in a hungry kiss, a collision of desire that left them both breathless. Clothes fell away like whispers, leaving them bare beneath the open sky.
The woman lay back on the soft grass, her body so hot, so fucking sexy. Zara knelt between her legs, her eyes roamed the woman's body until it reached the most intimate part. She darts forward, burying her face in it.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
Zara’s tongue moved with deliberate precision, exploring the delicate folds, savoring the taste of her. She focused on the woman’s clit, circling and teasing, each flick sending shivers through the woman’s body. The woman’s hands tangled in Zara’s hair, her breath hitching as pleasure coiled tighter within her.
Encouraged, Zara shifted, guiding the woman’s hips into a new angle. She slid two fingers inside, curling them gently as her tongue continued its work. The woman’s moans grew louder, echoing through the clearing, a symphony of desire.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
Zara could feel the woman’s body tightening, her movements becoming more urgent. The woman’s hand moved to her own clit, rubbing in time with Zara’s rhythm.
<font color="fuchsia">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, the woman gasps. This makes Zara speed up and causes the woman to orgasm, squirting juice all over the Zara's hand.
The two of them giggle and clean up after themselves and leave the clearing.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to take a break with the woman...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@<center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 1 Started:</font> The Ex Conundrum I</h3></center>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest = 1>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara takes a seat next to Dick, who looked down in the dumps. He didn't even put his arm around Zara as she sat down... something was up for sure.
<font color="pink">"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to suck it out of you?"</font>, she teases him. Dick gave a small smile and looks at Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Turns out that my ex got together with my close friend... I never thought he would do anything like that... honestly"</font>, he replies, the sadness evident in his voice. With good reason that too, it always sucks before an ex starts dating again before you... and this is worse since he probably just lost a close friend.
<font color="pink">"Well... we have to get back at her right? She just stole your close friend, and he is a dick head for dating her, I am sorry about that"</font>
<font color="cyan">"But, HOW? I have zero idea how to deal with this... Unless..."</font>, his eyes suddenly spark up. <font color="cyan">"How willing are you to uhh... <q>accidentally</q> send her some pics of you? As if I don't even care about her and just you know... fooling around with loads of girls?"</font>
<font color="pink">"So... you aren't fooling around with a lot of girls already?"</font>, Zara teases him. Dick gives her a playful punch on the arm and laughs too.
<font color="cyan">"Seriously though, will you help me?"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
[[Accept his request|dick quest1 accept][$minute+=2]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
[[Reject his request|dick quest1 reject][$minute+=2]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 3 Started:</font> The Loan Sharks</h3></center>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest = 3>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Just as Zara sat down beside Dick, she knew something was wrong. They have spent so much time together that it's impossible not to notice at this point.
<font color="pink">"What happened? You look stressed out"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I am in big trouble. I uhh... borrowed some money from people. And I used it all for... things. It's been two months and now they are asking for it back but I have not made enough money yet"</font>, Dick replies through sharp breaths, the kind you only get while on the verge of a panic attack.
<font color="pink">"What do you mean?! For what?"</font>, Zara feels his anxiety creeping into her too. She knew by "people" he definitely did not mean the bank.
<font color="cyan">"I never told you but you probably have figured some things out... like, why do I spend all my time here in the park? I sell drugs, okay? My dad has been having heart problems and since I got no education I can't get good paying jobs and my dad will fucking die"</font>
Zara was taken aback by all this sudden information... she had always found it weird why she could never visit his house or why he never talked about his personal life (other than everything to do with sex).
<font color="pink">"Okay I would have never guessed you were a drug dealer... I always assumed you robbed people not going to lie"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uh, why is that?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Oh... It's just your name is, well... Dick Turpin... You know what, nevermind"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Can you please help me? This is some serious shit I am in, please, help me"</font>, Dick pleads.
<font color="pink">"Even if I could... how?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Just give me 500 dollars, that's all I need... and... come with me when I go meet one of them, the worst of them. He always has a soft spot for pretty girls"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
[[Accept his request|dick quest3 accept][$minute+=2]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
[[Reject his request|dick quest3 reject][$minute+=2]]</center><img src="img/city/street_night.jpg" height="300">
Zara takes a stroll in the city at night time, maybe not the smartest decision she ever made but she still made it. While walking through the now mostly empty streets, save for the random homeless people or shady people milling around.
A car pulls up beside Zara, who of course starts to walk even faster until a woman's voice calls out from the car...
<font color="Fuchsia">"Hey! It's unsafe out here on the street at night... Let me take you home safely"</font>, the woman says and reaches out to open the passenger side door.
<<link "Zara can find her own way back home">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Umm... it's alright..."</font>, Zara replies and continues to walk hurriedly. The woman just shrugs and closes the car door and drives off.
But, seriously, Zara should probably not be alone on the streets right now...
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Accept the ride home">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"That would be great actually..."</font>, Zara replies and enters the woman's car. Just as she takes a seat the woman suddenly reaches toward Zara with a handkerchief in her hand.
<<link "Struggle against her">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>\
With a punch in the face, the woman uses both her hands to block any following punches, giving Zara her chance to escape the car.
She flies out of the door and runs, hoping the car is not following her...
<center><font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
No matter how hard she struggled, the woman overpowered her. The woman holds the handkerchief on Zara's mouth and nose for a few minutes as she tries to struggle but slowly loses consciousness...
Zara woke up on the side of a road, her head ached and she was dizzy... what happened?
Her mind flashed back to-
<img src="img/car/eat1.webp" height="220">
Did that really happen? She couldn't remember properly...
<center><<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept a ride from a stranger...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/street_night.jpg" height="300">
Zara takes a stroll through the streets at night. She can hear the wolf whistles from the men from afar but ignores them. Somebody taps Zara's shoulder causing her to jump and turn around.
<font color="cyan">"If you are on the street this late at night... you are either a mark I rob or a whore I fuck... what are you?"</font>, the man growls at her.
<<link "Run away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah... no... fuck this..."</font>, Zara thinks to herself and books it. She runs away as fast as possible. The man just laughs at her as she gets farther but does not attempt to give chase, but she knew if he did... bad things would happen.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Offer a blowjob - 30$">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"How about a blowjob? For 30 dollars"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>with a sleazy grin on her face<<else>>nervously<</if>>. The man grunts an affirmative and takes his cock out... seriously? Right on the street?
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/public/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man grunts as he gets closer to an orgasm and finally cums in Zara's mouth who swallows it all down. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Swallowing a random stranger's cum was no longer an issue for Zara, in fact, she loved it.<<else>>She was not at all used to swallowing a random stranger's cum, it felt weird, but also hot.<</if>> Seeing this, the man looks even more impressed and hands her 30 dollars, and walks away without saying anything.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="green">+30$</font>
<<addmoney 30>>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to offer a blowjob or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Reguired Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Offer sex - 50$">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"How about sex? For 50 dollars"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>with a sleazy grin on her face.<<else>>nervously.<</if>> The man grunts an affirmative and takes his cock out... seriously? Right on the street?
<img src="img/public/street_fuck.webp" height="220">
The man knew how to fuck... that's for sure... he pumps into Zara with grace and skill. But, before Zara could orgasm the man pulls out and cums all over Zara's ass. She felt a bit disappointed about being denied an orgasm but her mood is lightened when she is handed 35$ by the man who walks away without another word.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="green">+50$</font>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to offer sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Reguired Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/street_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara decided to take a leisurely stroll through the district, looking at the different shops and restaurants that lined the streets of the district but something was different. A crowd had gathered on the street, surrounding something. Curious, Zara also approaches the crowd and needles her way through it to get a better view...
A man had his cock out and was freely masturbating in front of the crowd. Some watched with awe, some with disgust, and some with just glee.
<<link "Leave the area">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara just shakes her head at the display and leaves the area. She does not understand how a crowd can so freely just watch a man do that...
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=50 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Entertain the crowd more">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation, is she really going to do this...? Without a second thought, Zara steps into the clearing and immediately feels eyes on her. Even the man looks surprised as he stops mid-jerk. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara gives him a confident smile and gets on her knees... she licks her lips in anticipation.<<else>>Zara gives him a nervous smile and gets on her knees...<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/public/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The crowd kept looking on in shock and awe, even more phones had come out to record what was going on than there were in the beginning...
The man groans as he cums right into Zara's mouth and <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>she laps it all up, making sure not a single drop escapes her lips.<<else>>she does her best to keep it all in her mouth.<</if>> She feels hundreds of eyes on her as she swallows his cum. Some random people in the crowd cheer and some shake their heads disapprovingly. Oh wow, there were known faces in the crowd, people from Zara's school too... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Hopefully they tell everyone in school about what she just did!<<else>>Hopefully they don't tell anyone about what just happened in school.<</if>>
Zara gets up from her position and exits the area, leaving the man behind still wondering how he got so lucky.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to entertain the crowd...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<font color="pink">"I see I see, let's do this. But, maybe not in the park?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Oh, umm, then where? My house is... unavailable"</font>
No other option left but to take him to Zara's house...
<<link "Go to Zara's house">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/livingroom.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara cautiously steps into her living room and calls out, but nobody answers. Looks like they will be completely alone... best.
<font color="pink">"Alright, what's the plan exactly?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Umm... how about just something sexy and flashy? Make it look like you are recording it and sending it to me?"</font>
<font color="pink">"And then what?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Then I send them to my ex, pretend I was sending it to a mate about how I am constantly fucking you and so on and pretend it was an accident sending it to her"</font>
<font color="pink">"Seems juvenile but okay... So, just sexy and nudes? Nothing else?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Yes... What else is there?"</font>
<center>[[Nothing|dick quest1 sexy][$minute+=5]]
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 20>>
[[Something more|dick quest1 bj][$minute+=5]]
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to go ahead with this solution...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
@@<font color="pink">"I am sorry, I just don't think I am the right girl for this"</font>
Dick looks taken aback by her answer, looking at her increduously but doesn't say anything. Instead his eyes tear up just a bit.
<font color="pink">"Listen, I know what you are going through but this is not the way to handle it, it's time to move on"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Fuck off"</font>, he snarls and gets up from the bench. Walking away from Zara.
That probably could have gone better.
<center><font color="aquamarine">-5 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="aquamarine">Dick is angry with Zara...</font>
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dick.relationship -= 5>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dick.angryFlag to true>>\
<<set $minute+=3>>\
<<set $cooldownDick to true>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Park][$minute+=5]]</center>Steeling her nerves, Zara walks up to him ready to apologize for what she has done.
<font color="pink">"Hey... I would like to say sorry, I know you are mad..."</font>
<font color="cyan">Yeah well... I don't care. How about you just get lost. You will have to beg on your knees if you want me to accept your apology"</font>
Beg on her knees? Zara knew she could do something on her knees that would stop him from getting angry...
<center>[[Just walk away|Park]]</center>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=20 and $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Zara gets on her knees and apologizes">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"You want me to get on my knees? Okay"</font>, Zara says slyly. She slowly strips her top away, baring her naked breasts at him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She does not care if anyone catches her with her top off, she has shown them off a lot already.<<else>>She hopes nobody catches her with her top off. It would be embarrassing.<</if>> She could see his bulge already forming. Dick still does not say anything though... looks like Zara has to go to step 2.
She deftly takes his cock out, already a full boner.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Dick groans with pleasure above her, definitely enjoying the feel of her mouth on his dick. He grabs the back of Zara's head and pushes her down all the way to the base and cums into her throat. She can feel the warm liquid already going down to her stomach.
<font color="pink">"Was that enough to stop you from being angry at me at least?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Sure, it is..."</font>
<center><font color="aquamarine">Dick is no longer angry at Zara</font>
<<set $dick.angryFlag to false>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is too tired to get on her knees and apologize or does not have enough corruption...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, I just don't think I am the right girl for this"</font>
Dick looks taken aback by her answer, looking at her incredulously but doesn't say anything.
<font color="pink">"Listen, I know this is going to be hard to hear. But, loan sharks like these are no joke and it's too dangerous... And I can't get myself into that trouble"</font>
Dick looks at her for a few more seconds, as if he was still processing what she just said.
<font color="cyan">"Fuck off"</font>, he snarls and gets up from the bench. Walking away from Zara.
That probably could have gone better.
<center><font color="aquamarine">-15 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="aquamarine">Dick is angry with Zara...</font>
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dick.relationship -= 15>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dick.angryFlag to true>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<set $cooldownDick to true>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Park]]</center><<set $DickQ1tease to true>>\
Zara takes Dick's phone and stands it upright on a pile of books, doing her best to be sexy. She takes multiple photos, all with different angles and tops to make sure they look like they have been sent over some time...
<center><img src="img/flash/tease1.webp" height="220" class="exclude-center"><<set _i = random(1,4)>> <<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220" class="exclude-center">'>></center>
Dicks just looks at her taking these photos and videos with a smile on his face and a boner in his pants.
Once done taking all the required photos she hands his phone back to him.
<center>[[Time to send them to his ex|dick quest1 end][$minute+=10]]</center>
<font color="pink">"You do realize we can do something a bit more than just send her nudes of me..."</font>
<font color="cyan">"Like what?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Record me sucking your dick"</font>, Zara giggles.
Dick looks at her with surprise but quickly starts grinning, no words need to be exchanged anymore, the plan was set. It did not take long for Dick to have his cock out and Zara's lips to be wrapped around it...
Dick points his phone at her sucking his dick and starts recording.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/pov/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
After taking more recordings at different angles and locations in her house, it was finally time to make him cum. Zara starts deep throating on his cock, getting him close until he finally orgasms, letting his seed flow into Zara's mouth.
<center>[[Time to send them to his ex|dick quest1 end][$minute+=25]]</center>Zara takes a seat beside Dick on the couch as he forwards the pictures and videos to his ex. He writes messages in between how hot Zara is and how well she sucks dick and fucks him almost every day. All these messages were making Zara blush... do all the boys and girls talk about her this way to other people?
Finally, they had all been sent. Dick looks at her with a smile on his face and gives her a tender kiss... which was a surprise. In all the time they had known each other and done a lot of things... never had they kissed like this.
<font color="cyan">"Ahem, I better leave before your parents get back, huh?"</font>
<font color="pink">"That would be best, yes"</font>
Both of them were pink in the face and awkward about what just happened... Dick leaves the apartment without another word.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+5 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dick.relationship += 5>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dick.lastQuest=1>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[End the quest|Living room]]</center><font color="pink">"Fine... fine... I will help you out this time. But you have to promise me not to do anything this stupid again. Don't mess with people like these, they are dangerous"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Yes, of course! I promise"</font>, Dick smiles and jumps up from the bench. <font color="cyan">"Meet me in the park at night, like at 11PM. Make sure you have the cash with you, just need 500 dollars, remember"</font>
<center>[[Part ways|Park][$minute+=30, $singleFlag=true, $PlayerEnergy-=15]]</center>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 60>>\
<<link "Or... invite them all">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"But, Dick... what about the rest?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"It will be alright... I will figure something out, don't worry"</font>
<font color="pink">"I have an idea... can you gather all these men now at some location? I can get them off your back"</font>
<font color="cyan">"But how? I don't have enough money... Neither do you"</font>
<font color="pink">"I will give them something more... pleasurable"</font>
Dick looks at her with surprise but shrugs. <font color="cyan">"If that's your wish, I am not complaining. But I am warning you right now, it will be rough with these men"</font>
Zara just smiles and nods, she was ready to do this... for Dick.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, at the edge of Jecinda, there is a worn down factory, the clothes mill, you should know it. Go there now and wait"</font>
<center>[[Get to the clothes mill|dick quest 3 meet all][$minute+=45, $dick.activeQuest=2]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to go ahead with this solution...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font></center>
Zara cautiously looks around, a bunch of shady looking people were all littered around the park. She finally spots Dick, standing under a lamp, smoking something.
<font color="pink">"Alright... let's go. I got the money"</font>, Zara says, handing it over.
<center><font color="green">-500$</font>
<<addmoney -500>></center>\
The two of them exit the park and head towards a building in the center of Jecinda District... wait, this place was swanky. Maybe being a loan shark pays well.
Just as they enter the elevator, Dick says <font color="cyan">"Alright, I will do the talking. Just stand there, and look pretty... We shouldn't have too much trouble"</font>
Finally, at the door, Zara can feel her heart pumping like crazy. What kind of man would answer the door? Dick knocks on the door and then rings the bell... the door opens and reveals a man. He looked older than her dad, with a full beard covering his face and graying hair at his temples.
<font color="cyan">"Ah! Mr. Turpin so good to see you! Please, come in come in"</font>, the man ushers them both in with a smile on his face. His eyes scanned Zara from top to bottom and she knew he was probably mentally undressing her...
<font color="cyan">"And who might this lovely jewel be?"</font>
Zara looks at Dick for directions who just nods at her to reply.
<font color="pink">"Hello... uh... my name is Za- Jacki"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Zajacki?"</font>, the man squints at her.
<font color="pink">"No, sir, Jacki, sorry"</font>
The man bursts out laughing, <font color="cyan">"Come now, no need to be nervous. I won't harm you.... unless you give me a reason to"</font>. The smile had gone, replaced with a look of a predator.
But, just as quickly as his smile had disappeared it comes back, <font color="cyan">"My boy, Dick. Do you have my money?"</font>
Dick nods and pulls out a bulky envelope, who knows how much Dick owed the man. The rest of the transaction seems to go smoothly, it's time to leave.
Just as Dick places his hand on the door handle to leave the man coughs behind them...
<center>[[Now what?|dick quest 3 meet single sex][$minute+=10]]</center><font color="cyan">"Did not say you could leave now... did I?"</font>
Dick turns around looking shocked, <font color="cyan">"But, sir, I gave you your money"</font>
<font color="cyan">"No no, you fuck off. You, Jacki... stay. Not a choice"</font>, the man says quietly. He walks towards a drawer and opens it, taking out a gun. Zara's heart jumps like crazy, what has she gotten herself into?
Dick looks at Zara, who even though was panicking, calmly nodded at him to leave.
It was just the two of them in the apartment now.
<font color="pink">"Wh-what do you need from me?"</font>, Zara stammers.
<font color="cyan">"My dick in your throat. Your choice whether it's willingly or not..."</font>
<<link "Unwilling - Escape the apartment">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately turns around and attempts to open the door but was not fast enough, the man had closed the distance between them already and slams the door shut, grabbing Zara by the throat.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>\
<<set $dick2aBossDead = true>>\
Zara raises both her feet and places them on the wall and kicks off it, sending the both of them flying to the ground. The man lands hard on his back and <font color="gold">CRACK</font>- a sound reverberates through the apartment. The man does not move...
Zara was cushioned by the man and did not suffer any injuries... physically at least. She does not check the man and immediately runs out of the door.
<center>[[Meet Dick downstairs|dick quest 3 end][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<set $dick2aBossRape = true>>\
No matter how hard Zara struggled the man throws her to the ground with ease and points the gun at her.
<font color="cyan">"You bite... I shoot you and then I shoot Dick. Now, open your mouth. Could have done this easier you know..."</font>
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man fucks her mouth, making sure to continue pointing the gun at her... reminding her not to try to do anything funny.
After what felt like an eternity, the man, groans and thrusts deep into Zara's throat, cumming straight down it.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"And now... fuck off"</font>, the man sighs and walks away from Zara, who couldn't help but start crying at what just happened...
<center><font color="red">Corruption -5</font>
<<addcorruption -5>>\
[[Stop crying and meet Dick downstairs|dick quest 3 end][$minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Willing">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<set $dick2aSex = true>>\
Zara needs to do this... for Dick...
She gives the man a sultry smile and drops to her knees, mouth open and at the ready. The man chuckles and closes the distance between them, popping his cock out.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man groans as Zara uses her mouth to please him, slurping all over his dick. She makes sure to use her hands to squeeze his balls... making the pleasure even better.
The man suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and thrusts his cock deep inside.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He cums straight down her throat, giving her no choice but to swallow his spunk.
<font color="cyan">"And now... fuck off"</font>, the man sighs and walks away from Zara, leaving her alone on the floor. It's time to leave quickly... before he changes his mind.
<center>[[Meet Dick downstairs|dick quest 3 end][$minute+=30]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to be willing...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
@@Zara sees Dick waiting outside the entrance of the building, smoking again... maybe he should stop before he gets health problems. Dick sees Zara too and starts jogging towards her with a worried look on his face.
<font color="cyan">"What happened? How did it go?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Just... don't ask any questions. Just know, it's done... okay? You don't have to worry about it"</font>, Zara tells him.
Dick smiles at her and gives her a long hug and after pulling away, kisses her on her forehead. This sudden tenderness from him makes Zara blush... easing her brain about everything that just happened.
<font color="cyan">"I am going to head home now, dad needs me"</font>, he whispers into her ear, sending goosebumps down Zara's neck.
The two of them part ways, heading in opposite directions.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+5 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dick.relationship += 5>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $dick.lastQuest=3>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[End the quest|Jecinda District][$minute+=2]]</center>Zara reaches the old worn down building of the steel mill. She could already hear the voices of some men talking and laughing inside... Zara's heart started to pump faster. Now the situation is actually happening, the nerves are kicking in.
Dick finally arrives along with a few more men, they jeer at Zara and wolf whistle before entering the building.
<font color="pink">"Is that all of them?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"That is all of them... Are you sure you want to do this?"</font>
<font color="pink">"No going back now..."</font>
The two of them enter the building, and cheers rang out. Through the dim lights Zara could see about 10 men standing, some of them already had their cocks out...
<font color="pink">"Listen up! After this night, nobody touches my friend here! After this night, consider his debts paid!"</font>
A man from somewhere in the back shouts, <font color="cyan">"Yeah yeah! Get on with it, my balls are aching"</font>. This sends a wave of laughter through the crowd.
Dick and Zara look at each other one more time... this is it. Dick leaves the building, not wanting to watch these men ravage his friend...
Zara steps into the crowd as the men surround her... hands reaching out at her body...
<center>[[Time to please them all|dick quest 3 meet blowbang][$minute+=10]]</center><<set $dick2bBB = true>>\
The men throw Zara onto the ground, they are definitely not going to be gentle. Multiple hands are already slapping her everywhere... face, tits, ass, anywhere they could reach.
Zara does her best to get herself back together again, getting onto her knees properly and opens her mouth.
The men cheer and wolf whistle. <font color="cyan">"Now this is a good slut!"</font>, someone in the crowd shouts.
Before she knew it, she was surrounded by dicks, all of them pointed towards her. Zara opens her mouth wider as the cocks get closer...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The men keep passing Zara around like a sex object rather than a living breathing human being, all of them use her mouth for their own pleasure. Zara feels her jaw ache as dick after dick pump into her mouth.
After what seemed like ages she feels cum splatter against her face.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbbcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
It feels like she is in a shower of cum as it jets of it splash against her face and breasts as the men relieve themselves on top of her. She has no option but to push through this ordeal... Finally, it seems like all the men are done, all of them start leaving the building, leaving Zara completely alone on the factory floor...
<center>[[Leave the building|dick quest 3 end][$minute+=50]]</center><hr>
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">\
<<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>>
<<if $playerActiveQuests==0>>\
Zara currently has no active quests...
<<if $PlayerActiveQuest == 1>>
<font color="gold">Zara's Quest:</font> The Unlocking
Zara's corrupted brain moves to the next stage.
<<if $bro.activeQuest==1>>
<font color="gold">Brother's Quest 1:</font> Brother's BJ Woes
Zara and Kyle spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock Kyle's mind to accept blowjobs from her.
<<if $bro.activeQuest==2>>
<font color="gold">Brother's Quest 2:</font> Twins Gone Wild
Zara and Kyle spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock Kyle's mind to accept sex with her.
<<if $bro.activeQuest==3>>
<font color="gold">Brother's Quest 3:</font> A Brother's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor
Zara and Kyle spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock Kyle's mind to accept anal with her.
<<if $dad.activeQuest==1>>
<font color="gold">Father's Quest 1:</font> A Dad's Odd Request
Zara and her dad spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her father's mind to accept blowjobs from her.
<<if $dad.activeQuest==2>>
<font color="gold">Father's Quest 2:</font> Father Daughter Quality Time
Zara and her dad spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her father's mind to accept sex with her.
<<if $dad.activeQuest==3>>
<font color="gold">Father's Quest 3:</font> A Father's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor
Zara and her dad spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her father's mind to accept anal with her.
<<if $mom.activeQuest==1>>
<font color="gold">Mother's Quest 1:</font> Finger Attachment
Zara and her mom spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her mother's mind to accept fingering with her.
<<if $mom.activeQuest==2>>
<font color="gold">Mother's Quest 2:</font> Mother Daughter Quality Time
Zara and her mom spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her mother's mind to accept oral with her.
<<if $mom.activeQuest==3 and $PlayerStrapon==false>>
<font color="gold">Mother's Quest 3:</font> Mother Daughter Strap-On Adventure
Zara and her mom spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her mother's mind to accept using a strap-on with her.
Zara has to travel to Cox and Co. in the mall to buy a strap-on.
<<elseif $mom.activeQuest==3>>
<font color="gold">Mother's Quest 3:</font> Mother Daughter Strap-On Adventure
Zara and her mom spend some quality time together. Zara attempts to unlock her mother's mind to accept using a strap-on with her.
<<if $dick.activeQuest==1>>
<font color="gold">Dick's Quest 1:</font> The Ex Conundrum I
Zara has to take lewd pictures and videos with Dick to make his ex jealous.
<<if $dick.activeQuest==2>>
<font color="gold">Dick's Quest 2:</font> The Ex Conundrum II
Zara meets the ex!
<<if $dick.activeQuest==3 and $singleFlag==true>>
<font color="gold">Dick's Quest 3:</font> The Loan Sharks
Zara has to meet Dick in the park at 11PM with 500 dollars in hand. She also requires to have a minimum energy level of 30.
<<elseif $dick.activeQuest==3>>
<h5><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 3:</font> The Loan Sharks</h5>
Dick has gotten into trouble with loan sharks! Zara being a good friend has decided to help him out of this situation.
<<if $dick.activeQuest==4>>
<font color="gold">Dick's Quest 4:</font> Apology Accepted...?
Dick attempts to apologize to Zara for being a dumbass.
<<if $dick.activeQuest==5>>
<font color="gold">Dick's Quest 5:</font> Drugs 101
Zara learns how to make drugs.
<<link "Next Quests Hints">>
<<dialog "Next Quests Hints">>\
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<set $PlayerAllQuestsDone = true>>\
<<set $PlayerAllQuestsDone = false>>\
<font color="gold">Zara Williams</font>
<<if $PlayerAllQuestsDone==false>>\
<<if $famSexUnlocked==false>>\
⪧ Reach corruption 35 and go to sleep, automatically triggering this quest.
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<<if $ben.metFlag == false>>\
<font color="gold">Unknown NPC</font>
Zara has yet to meet this NPC... meet them on the first day of school when leaving. If you are playing a save from an older version, attend a full day of classes and then leave.
<font color="gold">Ben Kingsley</font>
<<if $ben.lastQuest==0>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<<if $jessica.metFlag == false>>\
<font color="gold">Unknown NPC</font>
Zara has yet to meet this NPC... gain 10 school reputation points to trigger this intro quest in the school.
<font color="gold">Jessica Chambers</font>
<<if $jessica.lastQuest==0>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<<if $lisa.metFlag == false>>\
<font color="gold">Unknown NPC</font>
Zara has yet to meet this NPC... complete <<if $dick.metFlag eq true>>Dick's<<else>><font color="gold">Unknown Npc's</font><</if>> 2nd quest and meet this NPC while having lunch in the school canteen<<if $dick.lastQuest gte 2>> after $lisaDaysLeftForIntro days<</if>>.
<font color="gold">Lisa Brown</font>
<<if $lisa.lastQuest==0>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<<if $dick.metFlag == false>>\
<font color="gold">Unknown NPC</font>
Zara has yet to meet this NPC... sit down on the park benches to meet them.
<font color="gold">Dick Turpin</font>
<<if $dick.lastQuest==0>>\
Reach relationship points 5 and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with Dick on the park benches to start quest.
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==1>>\
Reach relationship points 15 and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with Dick on the park benches to start quest.
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==2>>\
Reach relationship points 35 and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with Dick on the park benches to start quest.
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==3>>\
Reach relationship points 50 and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with Dick on the park benches to start quest.
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==4>>\
Go to The Nimbus in the Arabella District to start quest.
<<elseif $dick.lastQuest==5>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<font color="gold">Kyle Williams (Twin Brother)</font>
<<if $bro.lastQuest==0>>\
Reach corruption 10 for brother and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with brother in his bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $bro.lastQuest==1>>\
Reach corruption 25 for brother and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with brother in his bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $bro.lastQuest==2>>\
Reach corruption 40 for brother and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with brother in his bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $bro.lastQuest==3>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<font color="gold">Ben Williams (Father)</font>
<<if $dad.lastQuest==0>>\
Reach corruption 5 for father and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with father in parent's bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $dad.lastQuest==1>>\
Reach corruption 20 for father and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with father in parent's bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $dad.lastQuest==2>>\
Reach corruption 35 for father and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with father in parent's bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $dad.lastQuest==3>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<font color="gold">Elena Williams (Mother)</font>
<<if $mom.lastQuest==0>>\
Reach corruption 10 for mother and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with mother in parent's bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $mom.lastQuest==1>>\
Reach corruption 25 for mother and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with mother in parent's bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $mom.lastQuest==2>>\
Reach corruption 45 for mother and have a minimum energy of 30 to trigger the next quest. Spend time with mother in parent's bedroom to start quest.
<<elseif $mom.lastQuest==3>>\
End of quest line <b>for now</b>.
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">\
<center>No time passes, no stat requirements, no stat changes
Just pure fun</center>\
Sorry! This seems to be the free version of the game. Play the latest version of the game with unlocked Cheats and Quest Replay along with other benefits by subscribing to my Patreon or SubscribeStar. This also helps me monetarily and keeps me motivated to continue working on the game (and also keeps food in my belly hehe). I try my best to provide this game to you for free but a little bit of monetary panhandling has to be done.
Thank you for your support even as a non-subscriber by just playing the game. I hope you enjoy!
<center><a href="https://discord.gg/HhW8xmkM" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/discord.png" width="20%" height="20%" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="http:\\www.patreon.com/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/patreon.png" width="20%" height="20%" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="http:\\www.subscribestar.adult/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/subscribestar.png" width="20%" height="20%" class="exclude-center"></a></center>\
P.S: To play older versions with cheats for free, check out my <a href="https://neospectre.neocities.org" target="_blank" class="myLinks">website</a>. Don't forget to join my Discord for important announcements and other news!
<font color="gold">Warning:</font> No bug fixes or support will be provided for older versions.<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "travel walk event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "travel walk event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "travel walk event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "travel walk event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "travel walk event5">>
Zara embarked on a journey, traversing the vibrant streets from the Jecinda District to the Arabella District. As she crossed into Arabella, the atmosphere shifted subtly, with architectural styles and taller buildings everywhere. The people in this District looked a lot more well put together with men and women in suits dashing around in a hurry and multiple luxury cars parked on the streets.
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyJA>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyJA>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<</if>>\<<if $curfewCheck == false>>\
<<if $timeOfDay=="Day">>\
<img src="img/city/arabella/day.jpg" height="300">\
<img src="img/city/arabella/night.jpg" height="300">\
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">~ Arabella District ~</h3>\
[[Gym|Gym Reception][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
[[Restaurant and Bar|R&B][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
[[The Mall][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
<<if $dickPlaceUnlocked == true || $dick.lastQuest gte 3>>\
[[The Nimbus][$minute+=10]]
+10 minutes
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">~ Jecinda District ~</h3>\
<<if $PlayerFitness>=15 and $PlayerFitness<30>>\
<<set $walkEnergyAJ = 25>>\
<<elseif $PlayerFitness>=30 and $PlayerFitness<60>>\
<<set $walkEnergyAJ = 20>>\
<<elseif $PlayerFitness>=60 and $PlayerFitness<85>>\
<<set $walkEnergyAJ = 15>>\
<<elseif $PlayerFitness>=85>>\
<<set $walkEnergyAJ = 10>>\
<<set $walkEnergyAJ = 30>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= $walkEnergyAJ>>\
<<link "Walk">>
<<set $walkLocation = "Jecinda">>
<<goto "Walk Travel AJ">>
<</link>> -$walkEnergyAJ Energy +45 minutes
Zara is too tired to walk to Jecinda District...
<<if $PlayerMoney >= 5>>\
<<link "Take the bus- 5$">>
<<set $freeloading to false>>
<<set $walkLocation = "Jecinda">>
<<goto "Bus Travel AJ">>
<</link>> +20 minutes
Zara does not have enough money for the bus to Jecinda District...
<<link "Freeload on the bus">>
<<set $freeloading to true>>
<<goto "Bus Travel AJ">>
</center>\<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "travel walk event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "travel walk event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "travel walk event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "travel walk event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "travel walk event5">>
Zara embarked on a journey, traversing the vibrant streets from the Arabella District to the Jecinda District. As she crossed into Jecinda, the atmosphere shifted subtly, with architectural styles and smaller buildings everywhere. Even the crowds of people milling around looked a bit more run down. Homeless people sat on street corners begging for change with sunken eyes.
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyAJ>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyAJ>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knifes were audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food. The place looked fancy, definitely a good spot to eat if Zara had the money.
<<link "Have a meal - 20$">> +80 Energy +40 minutes
<<addenergy 80>>
<<set $minutes+=40>>
<<goto "R&B Eat">>
<center>[[Leave|Arabella District][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes</center>
<center><img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
The cool air of the mall hits Zara's face just as she enters, making her shiver a bit. Bright lights and shops surrounded her, a lot of the stores catching her eye. She loves to shop, but her wallet hates it.
[[Mr. Robot][$minute+=2]]
[[Colonel Clothing Shoppe][$minute+=2]]
[[Greg's Grocery][$minute+=2]]
[[Cox and Co.][$minute+=2]]
[[Exit the mall|Arabella District][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
<<if $curfewCheck == false>>\
<<endif>>\<center><img src="img/gym/reception.jpg" height="300">
Zara stands in the reception of the gym, the cool air from the ACs was a nice escape from the heat of the bustling District outside. The sounds of metal slamming and grunts could be heard from the inner areas of the gym, indicating that a lot of people worked out there.
<<if $PlayerGymAttire == true || $PlayerGymAdv == true>>\
[[Talk to the receptionist|Gym Receptionist][$minute+=1]]
<<if $playerGymSub > 0>>\
[[Enter the locker room|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=2]]
Zara does not have a gym membership...
Zara should buy proper gym attire before coming here...
[[Leave the gym|Arabella District][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
<<if $curfewCheck == false>>\
<<endif>>\<center><img src="img/gym/receptionist.jpeg" height="300"></center>\
Zara walks towards the receptionist who gives her a warm smile.
<font color="cyan">"Welcome to Jim's Gym, my name is Jim, not to be confused with the owner Jim. How may I help you today?"</font>
He tries to subtly look at Zara's body but is obviously noticeable, just like most men.
<<link "Extend gym membership">>\
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="cyan">"Of course! Here is the list of options available. You currently have $playerGymSub days"</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney>=5>>
<<link "1 Day Pass - 5$">>
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=70>>\
<<goto "Gym Membership Discount1">>
<<set $playerGymSub+=1>>
<<addmoney -5>>\
<<set $minute+=5>>\
<<goto "Gym Reception">>
<<if $PlayerMoney>=75>>\
<<link "15 Day Pass - 75$">>
<<goto "Gym Membership Discount2">>
<<if $PlayerMoney>=135>>\
<<link "30 Day Pass - 135$">>
<<goto "Gym Membership Discount3">>
<center>[[Nevermind|Gym Reception][$minute+=2]]</center>
<center>[[Nevermind|Gym Reception][$minute+=2]]</center>
@@<center><img src="img/gym/gym.webp" height="300">
Zara walks into the main workout area, machines were set up everywhere, looking shiny and well maintained. People of all sorts were present and all of them working towards the one goal, bettering themselves.
<<if $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
[[Workout|Gym Events]]
+1 hour -30 Energy +3 Fitness
Zara is too tired to work out...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
[[Peek into the men's locker room|Gym Locker Room Men][$minute+=5]]
[[Finish Working Out|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]
+5 minutes
</center><center><img src="img/gym/receptionist.jpeg" height="300"></center>\
Zara already knew the man had been looking at her body. It was very obvious from the "subtle" look-downs he did whilst entering some details into the computer. Maybe she could eke out a discount from this guy?
<<link "No, it's not worth it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No... I am not going to pay with my dignity for a meager discount..."</font>, Zara thinks to herself. The receptionist finally finishes entering her details and hands over her pass.
<font color="cyan">"Have a good workout!"</font>, he tells as she walks away.
<center><<set $playerGymSub+=1>>\
<font color="green">-5$</font>
<<addmoney -5>>\
[[Continue|Gym Reception][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5>>\
<<link "Get that discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey... do you offer discounts for pretty young girls like me?"</font>, Zara asks in a hushed whisper while leaning forward, letting her cleavage be visible and in his face. Just like gravity pulling a thrown ball back to Earth, his eyes wander down.
He goes red in the face but when he speaks, he speaks confidently, <font color="cyan">"I see many young girls as pretty as you... I need something a bit more convincing"</font>
Zara takes a look around and sees that nobody is watching them and quickly flashes the receptionist.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man grins and shakes his head. <font color="cyan">"Sluts like you really keep the world turning. Here, take the day pass for free"</font>
And with that, he hands her over her pass with a grin still etched on his face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>Zara blows him a kiss and walks away.<<else>>Zara is still red in the face, did she seriously do that for a free pass?<</if>>
<<set $playerGymSub+=1>>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Reception][$minute+=5]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to get a discount...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
<center><img src="img/gym/receptionist.jpeg" height="300"></center>\
Zara already knew the man had been looking at her body. It was very obvious from the "subtle" look-downs he did whilst entering some details into the computer. Maybe she could eke out a discount from this guy?
<<link "No, it's not worth it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No... I am not going to pay with my dignity for a meager discount..."</font>, Zara thinks to herself. The receptionist finally finishes entering her details and hands over her pass.
<font color="cyan">"Have a good workout!"</font>, he tells as she walks away.
<center><<set $playerGymSub+=15>>\
<font color="green">-75$</font>
<<addmoney -75>>\
[[Continue|Gym Reception][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15>>\
<<link "Get that discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey... do you offer discounts for pretty young girls like me?"</font>, Zara asks in a hushed whisper while leaning forward, letting her cleavage be visible and in his face. Just like gravity pulling a thrown ball back to Earth, his eyes wander down.
He goes red in the face but when he speaks, he speaks confidently, <font color="cyan">"I see many young girls as pretty as you... I need something a bit more convincing"</font>
<font color="pink">"And what will it take to convince you?"</font>
The receptionist points towards the bathrooms and says, <font color="cyan">"How about you convince me with your mouth? Without words that is"</font>
The two of them sneakily enter the washroom stall and Zara finds herself on her knees already. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She is glad she was a pretty girl who could get discounts easily.<<else>>Was she really doing this for a discount?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks her mouth like no tomorrow, causing loads of saliva to build up and drool out of her mouth until finally, with one final thrust deep into her throat, he cums. Zara is forced to swallow his seed and gulps it down, coughing and gasping for air.
The man grins and shakes his head. <font color="cyan">"Sluts like you really keep the world turning. You get the pass at a discounted price for being such a good slut"</font>
And with that, he hands her over her pass with a grin still etched on his face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara blows him a kiss and walks away.<<else>>Zara is still red in the face, did she seriously do that for a discount?<</if>>
<center><<set $playerGymSub+=15>>\
<font color="green">-45$</font>
<<addmoney -45>>\
[[Continue|Gym Reception][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to get a discount...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/gym/receptionist.jpeg" height="300"></center>\
Zara already knew the man had been looking at her body. It was very obvious from the "subtle" look-downs he did whilst entering some details into the computer. Maybe she could eke out a discount from this guy?
<<link "No, it's not worth it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No... I am not going to pay with my dignity for a meager discount..."</font>, Zara thinks to herself. The receptionist finally finishes entering her details and hands over her pass.
<font color="cyan">"Have a good workout!"</font>, he tells as she walks away.
<center><<set $playerGymSub+=30>>\
<font color="green">-135$</font>
<<addmoney -135>>\
[[Continue|Gym Reception][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=50>>\
<<link "Get that discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey... do you offer discounts for pretty young girls like me?"</font>, Zara asks in a hushed whisper while leaning forward, letting her cleavage be visible and in his face. Just like gravity pulling a thrown ball back to Earth, his eyes wander down.
He goes red in the face but when he speaks, he speaks confidently, <font color="cyan">"I see many young girls as pretty as you... I need something a bit more convincing"</font>
<font color="pink">"And what will it take to convince you?"</font>
The receptionist points towards the bathrooms and says, <font color="cyan">"How about you convince me with your ass? I am sure it looks amazing..."</font>
The two of them sneakily enter the washroom stall and Zara finds herself bent over the toilet bowl. Her ass presented to the man behind her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>She no longer felt nervous being fucked in the ass, she was more than used to it.<<else>>She still felt a bit nervous about being fucked in the ass, but still felt the excitement.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as the man thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from the man brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure.
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
The man grins and shakes his head. <font color="cyan">"Sluts like you really keep the world turning. You get the pass at a discounted price for being such a good slut"</font>
And with that, he hands her over her pass with a grin still etched on his face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara blows him a kiss and walks away.<<else>>Zara is still red in the face, did she seriously do that for a discount?<</if>>
<center><<set $playerGymSub+=30>>\
<font color="green">-100$</font>
<<addmoney -100>>\
[[Continue|Gym Reception][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to get a discount...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
@@<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 60>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,10)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "gym event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "gym event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>\
<<include "gym event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh==4>>\
<<include "gym event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh==5>>\
<<include "gym event5">>
<<elseif _eventCh==6>>\
<<include "gym event6">>
<<elseif _eventCh==7>>\
<<include "gym event7">>
<<elseif _eventCh==8>>\
<<include "gym event8">>
<<elseif _eventCh==9>>\
<<include "gym event9">>
<<elseif _eventCh==10>>\
<<include "gym event10">>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels her body burn as she works out. Even though everything hurts, she still felt good, both mentally and physically. She couldn't wait to do it all again.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Boosted Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
Zara's boobs slip out while she worked out!
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/slip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Luckily she was able to handle her wardrobe malfunction quickly and covers back up. Hopefully, nobody saw this... But it did make her feel excited about the idea that someone might have...
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Return|Gym]]</center> <<set _char = either("man","woman")>>\
<<if _char=="man">>\
<<set _pronoun = "him">>\
<<set _pronoun = "her">>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
While Zara worked out she noticed a _char looking at her from the distance. She could feel _pronoun staring at her ass.
<<link "Ignore _pronoun">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara ignored the _char the best she could, still feeling their eyes on her. Zara feels breathless by the time she is done but is proud of her progress.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5>>\
<<link "Tease _pronoun">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the _char and stops in front of _pronoun, turning around. She starts making a big show of doing stretches, especially in her hips...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>She loved showing off her bodies to random strangers, it made her so <font color="red">horny</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Freely showing off her body to a stranger?<</if>> The <<print _char>>'s eyes open wide as Zara jiggles her ass in front of _pronoun. Satisfied with the tease, Zara walks away, leaving the _char dumbfounded.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to tease the _char...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
<<set _char = either("man","woman")>>\
<<if _char=="man">>\
<<set _pronoun = "him">>\
<<set _pronoun = "her">>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
While Zara worked out she noticed a _char looking at her from the distance. She could feel _pronoun staring at her.
<<link "Ignore _pronoun">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara ignored the _char the best she could, still feeling their eyes on her. Zara feels breathless by the time she is done but is proud of her progress.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=10>>\
<<link "Flash _pronoun">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the _char and stops in front of _pronoun. The _char looks at Zara, a bit tense, thinking they are in trouble...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She loved showing off her bodies to random strangers, it made her so <font color="red">horny</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Freely showing off her body to a stranger?<</if>> The <<print _char>>'s eyes open wide as Zara jiggles her tits in front of _pronoun. Satisfied, Zara walks away, leaving the _char dumbfounded.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to flash the _char...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<center><img src="img/restaurant/eat.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara had the most amazing meal she has probably ever had in her life. Her stomach full and her soul content, it became time to leave.
<<if $PlayerMoney>=20>>
The waiter comes over with a bill in his hand and places it on the table. She had the money to pay.
<<link "Pay and leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara pays the required amount and leaves the restaurant, smiling and thanking the waiter as she exited.
<center><font color="green">-20$</font>
<<addmoney -20>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=2]] </center>
<<link "Dine and dash">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets up and starts walking towards the exit... hoping nobody realizes she has not paid for her food.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<font color="cyan">"Hey! You! You did not pay!"</font>, a shout comes from behind her. Zara starts to run but just as she leaves the door a hand grabs her arm, stopping her.
<font color="cyan">"You think you can just dine and dash like that?"</font>, the security guard growls. He lets go of her but she knows if she attempts to run again he will catch up with no problem. But maybe she could cause a distraction that could give her a higher chance of running away... or just try to book it without one.
<<link "Attempt to run again without the distraction">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara immediately takes off, her heart pounding in her ribcage as her feet pound on the pavement as she runs as fast as she could.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>
The guard shouts from behind her and gives chase but to no avail. Looks like Zara's fitness training seems to have been beneficial as she left the guard in her dust. She ducks into an alleyway and catches her breath, trying to listen whether the guard is still giving chase or not. But, she is met with only silence. Looks like she got away this time.
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=15]]</center>
The guard shouts from behind her and gives chase. But, it looks like Zara should have undergone a lot more fitness training before attempting something like this... she gets caught almost immediately.
<font color="cyan">"You run again, I call the cops. But, for now, I know someone who would enjoy your company a lot. He pays me well to get pretty girls like you to him"</font>, he growls. And with that, he drags her to an office in the mall belonging to his security firm and places her in one of the rooms.
<<if $securityRestIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|dine and dash caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Distract and run">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Having no way out Zara does the one thing that pops into her head that could distract the guard...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/city'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
At the sight of her boobs, the guard is distracted. Long enough for Zara to turn around and run as far away as she could. She could not hear anyone behind her but continued running either way.
<center>[[Run far away|Arabella District][$minute+=10]]</center>
Zara turns around and attempts to run but to no avail.
<font color="cyan">"You run again, I call the cops. But, for now, I know someone who would enjoy your company a lot. He pays me well to get pretty girls like you to him"</font>, he growls. And with that, he drags her to an office in the mall belonging to his security firm and places her in one of the rooms.
<<if $securityRestIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|dine and dash caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to distract the guard...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
Zara gets out safely, nobody noticed what she has done. She was scot-free!
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=2]]</center>
The waiter comes over with a bill in his hand and places it on the table. She checks her wallet and... she didn't have the money to pay. There is only one option now.
<<link "Dine and dash">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets up and starts walking towards the exit... hoping nobody realizes she has not paid for her food.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<font color="cyan">"Hey! You! You did not pay!"</font>, a shout comes from behind her. Zara starts to run but just as she leaves the door a hand grabs her arm, stopping her.
<font color="cyan">"You think you can just dine and dash like that?"</font>, the security guard growls. He lets go of her but she knows if she attempts to run again he will catch up with no problem. But maybe she could cause a distraction that could give her a higher chance of running away... or just try to book it without one.
<<link "Attempt to run again without the distraction">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara immediately takes off, her heart pounding in her ribcage as her feet pound on the pavement as she runs as fast as she could.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>
The guard shouts from behind her and gives chase but to no avail. Looks like Zara's fitness training seems to have been beneficial as she left the guard in her dust. She ducks into an alleyway and catches her breath, trying to listen whether the guard is still giving chase or not. But, she is met with only silence. Looks like she got away this time.
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=15]]</center>
The guard shouts from behind her and gives chase. But, it looks like Zara should have undergone a lot more fitness training before attempting something like this... she gets caught almost immediately.
<font color="cyan">"You run again, I call the cops. But, for now, I know someone who would enjoy your company a lot. He pays me well to get pretty girls like you to him"</font>, he growls. And with that, he drags her to an office in the mall belonging to his security firm and places her in one of the rooms.
<<if $securityRestIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|dine and dash caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Distract and run">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Having no way out Zara does the one thing that pops into her head that could distract the guard...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/city'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
At the sight of her boobs, the guard is distracted. Long enough for Zara to turn around and run as far away as she could. She could not hear anyone behind her but continued running either way.
<center>[[Run far away|Arabella District][$minute+=10]]</center>
Zara turns around and attempts to run but to no avail.
<font color="cyan">"You run again, I call the cops. But, for now, I know someone who would enjoy your company a lot. He pays me well to get pretty girls like you to him"</font>, he growls. And with that, he drags her to an office in the mall belonging to his security firm and places her in one of the rooms.
<<if $securityRestIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|dine and dash caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to distract the guard...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
Zara gets out safely, nobody noticed what she has done. She was scot-free!
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=2]]</center>
<<endif>>\<center><img src="img/mall/mrrobot.png" height="300">
As Zara entered the store, she immediately noticed a hooded man with sunken eyes behind the counter, watching her every move. Uncomfortable, she decides to just ignore him and browse the shop.
<<if $redPrices == true>><font color="gold">Cheap Shops is true! Store prices reduced!</font>
[[Leave the store|The Mall][$minute+=2]]
<<if $PlayerCam == false>>\
<<if $redPrices==false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 300>>\
<<link "Buy HD laptop cam - 300$">>
<<set $PlayerCam to true>>
<<set $cost = 300>>
<<goto "robot discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a webcam...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 300$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 200>>\
<<link "Buy HD laptop cam - 200$">>
<<set $PlayerCam to true>>
<<set $cost = 200>>
<<goto "robot discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a webcam...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 200$</font>
Zara already has an HD laptop cam...
<<if $PlayerTab == false>>\
<<if $redPrices==false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 400>>\
<<link "Buy Drawing Tablet - 400$">>
<<set $PlayerTab to true>>
<<set $cost = 400>>
<<goto "robot discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a drawing tablet...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 400$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 300>>\
<<link "Buy Drawing Tablet - 300$">>
<<set $PlayerTab to true>>
<<set $cost = 300>>
<<goto "robot discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a drawing tablet...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 300$</font>
Zara already has a drawing tablet...
<<if $PlayerPhone == false>>\
<<if $redPrices==false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 500>>\
<<link "Buy new smartphone - 500$">>
<<set $PlayerPhone to true>>
<<set $cost = 500>>
<<goto "robot discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a new smartphone...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 500$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 350>>\
<<link "Buy new smartphone - 350$">>
<<set $PlayerPhone to true>>
<<set $cost = 350>>
<<goto "robot discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a new smartphone...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 350$</font>
Zara already has a new smartphone...
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<if $mgSkip == false>>\
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG][$minute+=2]]
<font color="gold">Minigames Skip is true! Rewards reduced!</font>
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG skipped][$minute+=2]]
</center><center><img src="img/mall/clothing.jpg" height="300">
Zara steps into the store, her eyes immediately drawn to the various clothing options lined up on the shelves. The faint smell of the fabrics lingered in the store.
<<if $redPrices == true>><font color="gold">Cheap Shops is true! Store prices reduced!</font>
[[Leave the store|The Mall][$minute+=2]]
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
[[Sneak into the changing rooms|clothing mb][$minute+=3]]
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 20>>\
<<if $PlayerGymAdv == false>>\
<<if $redPrices==false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 400>>\
<<link "Buy advanced gym attire - 400$">>
<<set $PlayerGymAdv to true>>
<<set $cost=400>>
<<goto "clothing discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy the advanced gym attire...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 400$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 300>>\
<<link "Buy advanced gym attire - 300$">>
<<set $PlayerGymAdv to true>>
<<set $cost=300>>
<<goto "clothing discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy the advanced gym attire...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 300$</font>
Zara already has bought advanced gym attire...
Zara does not have enough fitness skill to warrant buying this...
<font color="gold">Required Fitness: 20</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<if $PlayerSchoolUniSlutty == false>>\
<<if $redPrices == false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 500>>\
<<link "Buy slutty school uniform - 500$">>
<<set $PlayerSchoolUniSlutty to true>>
<<set $cost=500>>
<<goto "clothing discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy the slutty school uniform...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 500$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 350>>\
<<link "Buy slutty school uniform - 350$">>
<<set $PlayerSchoolUniSlutty to true>>
<<set $cost=350>>
<<goto "clothing discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy the slutty school uniform...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 350$</font>
Zara already has bought the slutty school uniform...
Zara does not have enough corruption to even think about buying this...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35>>\
<<if $PlayerSluttyClothes == false>>\
<<if $redPrices==false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 500>>\
<<link "Buy slutty attire - 500$">>
<<set $PlayerSluttyClothes to true>>
<<set $cost=500>>
<<goto "clothing discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy the slutty attire...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 500$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 350>>\
<<link "Buy slutty attire - 350$">>
<<set $PlayerSluttyClothes to true>>
<<set $cost=350>>
<<goto "clothing discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy the slutty attire...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 350$</font>
Zara already has bought the slutty attire...
Zara does not have enough corruption to even think about buying this...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<if $mgSkip == false>>\
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG][$minute+=2]]
<font color="gold">Minigames Skip is true! Rewards reduced!</font>
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG skipped][$minute+=2]]
</center><center><img src="img/mall/grocery.jpg" height="300">
Zara stands and looks around at the various products neatly packed into the shelves. People with carts went around picking up items, all of them in their own world. The distant beeps of the pay counters could be heard through the bustle.
<<if $redPrices == true>><font color="gold">Cheap Shops is true! Store prices reduced!</font>
[[Leave the grocery|The Mall][$minute+=2]]
<<if $PlayerGroceries<20>>\
<<if $redPrices==false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney>=15>>\
<<link "Buy groceries - 15$">>
<<set $PlayerGroceries+=3>>
<<set $PlayerMoney-=15>>
<<set $minute+=15>>
<<goto "Greg's Grocery">>
<</link>> Groceries: $PlayerGroceries
Zara does not have enough money to buy groceries...
<<if $PlayerMoney>=10>>\
<<link "Buy groceries - 10$">>
<<set $PlayerGroceries+=3>>
<<set $PlayerMoney-=10>>
<<set $minute+=15>>
<<goto "Greg's Grocery">>
<</link>> Groceries: $PlayerGroceries
Zara does not have enough money to buy groceries...
Zara already has maximum amount of groceries...
<<if $PlayerSnacks<10>>\
<<if $redPrices == false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney>=7>>\
<<link "Buy snacks - 7$">>
<<set $PlayerSnacks+=3>>
<<set $PlayerMoney-=7>>
<<set $minute+=15>>
<<goto "Greg's Grocery">>
<</link>> Snacks: $PlayerSnacks
Zara does not have enough money to buy snacks...
<<if $PlayerMoney>=5>>\
<<link "Buy snacks - 5$">>
<<set $PlayerSnacks+=3>>
<<set $PlayerMoney-=5>>
<<set $minute+=15>>
<<goto "Greg's Grocery">>
<</link>> Snacks: $PlayerSnacks
Zara does not have enough money to buy snacks...
Zara already has maximum amount of snacks...
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<if $mgSkip == false>>\
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG][$minute+=2]]
<font color="gold">Minigames Skip is true! Rewards reduced!</font>
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG skipped][$minute+=2]]
</center>\<center><img src="img/bedroom/wardrobe.webp" height="300"></center>
[[Go back|Room][$minute += 1]]
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#000000">
<th style="text-align:center">Name</th>
<th style="text-align:center">Description</th>
<th style="text-align:center">Status</th>
<td style="padding:10px">Casual Clothes</td>
<td style="padding:10px">A casual set of tee and jeans that can be worn anywhere outside. Nothing special.</td>
<td style="padding:10px"><<if $PlayerClothes=="Casual">>Wearing<<else>><<link "Wear">><<set $PlayerClothes="Casual">><<set $minute+=5>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></td>
<<if $PlayerSluttyClothes==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px">Slutty Outfit</td>
<td style="padding:10px">A slutty outfit for Zara to wear outside or at home. Boosts chances of a scene occuring. Also boosts the corruption/relationship points gained by NPCs. Wearing this also boosts number of fans gained while camming.</td>
<td style="padding:10px"><<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>Wearing<<else>><<link "Wear">><<set $PlayerClothes="Slutty">><<set $minute+=5>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></td>
<td style="padding:10px">School Uniform</td>
<td style="padding:10px">Standard school uniform. Zara has to wear this to enter school.</td>
<td style="padding:10px"><<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUni">>Wearing<<else>><<link "Wear">><<set $PlayerClothes="SchoolUni">><<set $minute+=5>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></td>
<<if $PlayerSchoolUniSlutty==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px">Slutty School Unifrom</td>
<td style="padding:10px">A sluttier school uniform, conforms to all the school's clothing rules but just barely. Boosts school reputation gained during sex scenes in school and also boosts chances of a scene occuring.</td>
<td style="padding:10px"><<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>Wearing<<else>><<link "Wear">><<set $PlayerClothes="SchoolUniSlutty">><<set $minute+=5>><<goto "Wardrobe">><</link>><</if>></td>
<<if $PlayerGymAttire==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px">P.E. Attire</td>
<td style="padding:10px">Attire Zara wears for her P.E. classes in school. Also, good to wear while exercising outside. This outfit is stored in locker rooms.</td>
<td style="padding:10px"></td>
<<if $PlayerGymAdv==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px">Advanced Gym Attire</td>
<td style="padding:10px">The perfect attire to wear at the gym with good breathability. Also, good to wear while exercising outside. Boosts fitness gained and also boosts chances of a scene occuring while exercising. This outfit is stored in locker rooms.</td>
<td style="padding:10px"></td>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance >= 55>>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/sexy'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not believe her eyes. Is this stuff really shown so freely on TV?
<<if $KylePresent==true>>\
Her brother joins Zara.
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if $DadPresent==true>>\
Her dad joins Zara.
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if $MomPresent==true>>\
Her mom joins Zara.
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<addenergy 10>>\
<font color="yellow">+10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=45]]
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if ($PlayerEnergy>=15 and $PlayerCorruption>=35)>>\
<<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true and $MomPresent==false>>\
[[Tease father and brother|mmf][$minute+=3]]
<<elseif $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==false and $MomPresent==true>>\
[[Tease father and mother|ffm][$minute+=3]]
<<elseif $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==true and $MomPresent==true>>\
[[Tease brother and mother|ffm][$minute+=3]]
<<elseif $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true and $MomPresent==true>>\
[[Tease family|family][$minute+=3]]
<<elseif $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==false and $MomPresent==false>>\
[[Tease father|single straight][$minute+=3]]
<<elseif $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==true and $MomPresent==false>>\
[[Tease brother|single straight][$minute+=3]]
<<elseif $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==false and $MomPresent==true>>\
[[Tease mother|single lesbian][$minute+=3]]
<<if ($DadPresent==true || $KylePresent==true || $MomPresent==true)>>\
Zara is not corrupted enough to tease or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font>
<<if ($DadPresent==true || $KylePresent==true || $MomPresent==true)>>\
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/normal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara decides to watch some TV. She puts on her favourite show and settles into the couch, making herself even comfier. It really was the best way to let the time pass.
<<if $KylePresent==true>>\
Her brother joins Zara.
<<if $DadPresent==true>>\
Her dad joins Zara.
<<if $MomPresent==true>>\
Her mom joins Zara.
<<set $hour += 1>>\
<<addenergy 10>>\
<font color="yellow">+10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room]]
<<set $mom.dailyVisits+=1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>\
Zara and her mom talked about everything and anything. Feeling a bit stagnant just sitting down, Zara starts moving around the room, causing her top to slip down and reveal her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SpendTime/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mother's face goes red, Zara immediately notices her nipples were out and covers back up.
<center><<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Run to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<if $mom.finger == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 15>>\
[[Seduce Mom][$minute+=3]]
Her mom does not have enough corruption to be seduced by Zara...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 15</font>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.finger==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
Zara does not have enough corruption to seduce her mom or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
Zara found solace and joy spending quiet moments with her mom in the comfort of her parent's bedroom. They sat together, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. It was in these precious moments that their bond, built on love and understanding, grew even stronger.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Return to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]</center>
<<endif>>\<<set $dad.dailyVisits+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>\
Zara and her dad spend some time together. They talked about everything and anything. Feeling a bit stagnant just sitting down, Zara starts moving around the room, causing her top to slip down and reveal her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SpendTime/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her father's face goes red, Zara immediately notices her nipples were out and covers back up.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<font color="red">Father Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Run to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 10>>\
[[Seduce Dad][$minute+=3]]
Her dad does not have enough corruption to be seduced by Zara...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 10</font>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
Zara does not have enough corruption to seduce her dad or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
Zara and her dad shared a special moment in her parent's cozy bedroom. They sat side by side, chatting about life, dreams, and all the little things that mattered. In that intimate space, their connection deepened, a testament to the enduring love between a father and his daughter.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Return to the living room|Living room][$minute+=35]]</center>
<<endif>>\<center><img src="img/kitchen/kitchen.jpg" height="300">
Her mom being an architect with lots of experience modelled the house to be the most perfect house ever, including the kitchen with it's pristine marble and carefully designed cabinets. But, her parents never get to spend much time home due to work, making the house feel a bit empty. Zara loved to cook food and was the designated "chef" of the family.
Breakfast: 8-9 AM
Lunch: 12-1 PM
Dinner: 9-10 PM
<<if $PlayerSnacks>=1>>\
<<link "Have some snacks">>
<<set $minute+=15>>
<<set $PlayerSnacks-=1>>
<<addenergy 25>>
<<goto "Kitchen">>
<</link>> +15 minutes +25 Energy
<font color="gold">Snacks left:</font> $PlayerSnacks
Zara does not have any snacks... maybe she should visit the grocery store in the mall...
<<if $PlayerGroceries>=1>>\
<<if ($hour==8 || $hour==9) and ($lastDayBreakfast != $dayCount)>>\
<<link "Make breakfast">>
<<set $lastDayBreakfast = $dayCount>>
<<set $PlayerGroceries-=1>>
<<goto "kitchen events">>\
<</link>> +40 minutes +60 Energy
<<elseif ($hour==12 || $hour==13) and ($lastDayLunch != $dayCount)>>\
<<link "Make lunch">>
<<set $lastDayLunch = $dayCount>>
<<set $PlayerGroceries-=1>>
<<goto "kitchen events">>\
<</link>> +40 minutes +60 Energy
<<elseif ($hour==21 || $hour==22) and ($lastDayDinner != $dayCount)>>\
<<link "Make dinner">>
<<set $lastDayDinner = $dayCount>>
<<set $PlayerGroceries-=1>>
<<goto "kitchen events">>\
<</link>> +40 minutes +60 Energy
This is not the time to prepare a meal or Zara has already prepared this meal...
<font color="gold">Groceries left:</font> $PlayerGroceries
Zara does not have any groceries... maybe she should visit the grocery store in the mall...
[[Living room][$minute+=1]]
</center><center><img src="img/bathroom/bathroom.jpg" height="300">
Zara stands in front of the washroom mirror, her pretty face looking back at her. She wonders what to do.
<<link "Wash face">>
<<addenergy 1>>
<<set $minute += 2>>
<<goto "Bathroom">>
<</link>> +1 Energy
<<link "Use the toilet">>
<<addenergy 2>>
<<set $minute += 5>>\
<<goto "Bathroom">>\
<</link>> +2 Energy
<<if $PlayerShower==false>>\
<<link "Take a shower">>
<<set $PlayerShower to true>>
<<goto "Shower events">>
<</link>> +30 minutes +40 Energy
Zara has already taken a shower today...
[[Living room][$minute+=1]]
</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 1 Started:</font> The Ex Conundrum</h3></center>\
Zara takes a seat next to Dick, who looked down in the dumps. He didn't even put his arm around Zara as she sat down... something was up for sure.
<font color="pink">"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to suck it out of you?"</font>, she teases him. Dick gave a small smile and looks at Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Turns out that my ex got together with my close friend... I never thought he would do anything like that... honestly"</font>, he replies, the sadness evident in his voice. With good reason that too, it always sucks before an ex starts dating again before you... and this is worse since he probably just lost a close friend.
<font color="pink">"Well... we have to get back at her right? She just stole your close friend, and he is a dick head for dating her, I am sorry about that"</font>
<font color="cyan">"But, HOW? I have zero idea how to deal with this... Unless..."</font>, his eyes suddenly spark up. <font color="cyan">"How willing are you to uhh... <q>accidentally</q> send her some pics of you? As if I don't even care about her and just you know... fooling around with loads of girls?"</font>
<font color="pink">"So... you aren't fooling around with a lot of girls already?"</font>, Zara teases him. Dick gives her a playful punch on the arm and laughs too.
<font color="cyan">"Seriously though, will you help me?"</font>
[[Accept his request|dick quest1 accept replay]]
[[Reject his request|dick quest1 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 3 Started:</font> The Loan Sharks</h3></center>\
Just as Zara sat down beside Dick, she knew something was wrong. They have spent so much time together that it's impossible not to notice at this point.
<font color="pink">"What happened? You look stressed out"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I am in big trouble. I uhh... borrowed some money from people. And I used it all for... things. It's been two months and now they are asking for it back but I have not made enough money yet"</font>, Dick replies through sharp breaths, the kind you only get while on the verge of a panic attack.
<font color="pink">"What do you mean?! For what?"</font>, Zara feels his anxiety creeping into her too. She knew by "people" he definitely did not mean the bank.
<font color="cyan">"I never told you but you probably have figured some things out... like, why do I spend all my time here in the park? I sell drugs, okay? My dad has been having heart problems and since I got no education I can't get good paying jobs and my dad will fucking die"</font>
Zara was taken aback by all this sudden information... she had always found it weird why she could never visit his house or why he never talked about his personal life (other than everything to do with sex).
<font color="pink">"Okay I would have never guessed you were a drug dealer... I always assumed you robbed people not going to lie"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uh, why is that?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Oh... It's just your name is, well... Dick Turpin... You know what, nevermind"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Can you please help me? This is some serious shit I am in, please, help me"</font>, Dick pleads.
<font color="pink">"Even if I could... how?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Just give me 500 dollars, that's all I need... and... come with me when I go meet one of them, the worst of them. He always has a soft spot for pretty girls"</font>
[[Accept his request|dick quest3 accept replay]]
[[Reject his request|dick quest3 reject replay]]</center><font color="pink">"I see I see, let's do this. But, maybe not in the park?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Oh, umm, then where? My house is... unavailable"</font>
No other option left but to take him to Zara's house...
<<link "Go to Zara's house">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/livingroom.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara cautiously steps into her living room and calls out, but nobody answers. Looks like they will be completely alone... best.
<font color="pink">"Alright, what's the plan exactly?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Umm... how about just something sexy and flashy? Make it look like you are recording it and sending it to me?"</font>
<font color="pink">"And then what?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Then I send them to my ex, pretend I was sending it to a mate about how I am constantly fucking you and so on and pretend it was an accident sending it to her"</font>
<font color="pink">"Seems juvenile but okay... So, just sexy and nudes? Nothing else?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Yes... What else is there?"</font>
<center>[[Nothing|dick quest1 sexy replay]]
[[Something more|dick quest1 bj replay]]
@@<font color="pink">"I am sorry, I just don't think I am the right girl for this"</font>
Dick looks taken aback by her answer, looking at her increduously but doesn't say anything. Instead his eyes tear up just a bit.
<font color="pink">"Listen, I know what you are going through but this is not the way to handle it, it's time to move on"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Fuck off"</font>, he snarls and gets up from the bench. Walking away from Zara.
That probably could have gone better.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara takes Dick's phone and stands it upright on a pile of books, doing her best to be sexy. She takes multiple photos, all with different angles and tops to make sure they look like they have been sent over some time...
<center><img src="img/flash/tease1.webp" height="220" class="exclude-center"><<set _i = random(1,4)>> <<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220" class="exclude-center">'>></center>
Dicks just looks at her taking these photos and videos with a smile on his face and a boner in his pants.
Once done taking all the required photos she hands his phone back to him.
<center>[[Time to send them to his ex|dick quest1 end replay]]</center>
<font color="pink">"You do realize we can do something a bit more than just send her nudes of me..."</font>
<font color="cyan">"Like what?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Record me sucking your dick"</font>, Zara giggles.
Dick looks at her with surprise but quickly starts grinning, no words need to be exchanged anymore, the plan was set. It did not take long for Dick to have his cock out and Zara's lips to be wrapped around it...
Dick points his phone at her sucking his dick and starts recording.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/pov/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
After taking more recordings at different angles and locations in her house, it was finally time to make him cum. Zara starts deep throating on his cock, getting him close until he finally orgasms, letting his seed flow into Zara's mouth.
<center>[[Time to send them to his ex|dick quest1 end replay]]</center>Zara takes a seat beside Dick on the couch as he forwards the pictures and videos to his ex. He writes messages in between how hot Zara is and how well she sucks dick and fucks him almost every day. All these messages were making Zara blush... do all the boys and girls talk about her this way to other people?
Finally, they had all been sent. Dick looks at her with a smile on his face and gives her a tender kiss... which was a surprise. In all the time they had known each other and done a lot of things... never had they kissed like this.
<font color="cyan">"Ahem, I better leave before your parents get back, huh?"</font>
<font color="pink">"That would be best, yes"</font>
Both of them were pink in the face and awkward about what just happened... Dick leaves the apartment without another word.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center><font color="pink">"Fine... fine... I will help you out this time. But you have to promise me not to do anything this stupid again. Don't mess with people like these, they are dangerous"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Yes, of course! I promise"</font>, Dick smiles and jumps up from the bench. <font color="cyan">"Meet me in the park at night, like at 11PM. Make sure you have the cash with you, just need 500 dollars, remember"</font>
<center>[[Meet single|dick quest 3 meet single replay]]</center>\
<<link "Or... invite them all">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"But, Dick... what about the rest?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"It will be alright... I will figure something out, don't worry"</font>
<font color="pink">"I have an idea... can you gather all these men now at some location? I can get them off your back"</font>
<font color="cyan">"But how? I don't have enough money... Neither do you"</font>
<font color="pink">"I will give them something more... pleasurable"</font>
Dick looks at her with surprise but shrugs. <font color="cyan">"If that's your wish, I am not complaining. But I am warning you right now, it will be rough with these men"</font>
Zara just smiles and nods, she was ready to do this... for Dick.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, at the edge of Jecinda, there is a worn down factory, the clothes mill, you should know it. Go there now and wait"</font>
<center>[[Get to the clothes mill|dick quest 3 meet all replay]]</center>
@@<font color="pink">"I am sorry, I just don't think I am the right girl for this"</font>
Dick looks taken aback by her answer, looking at her incredulously but doesn't say anything.
<font color="pink">"Listen, I know this is going to be hard to hear. But, loan sharks like these are no joke and it's too dangerous... And I can't get myself into that trouble"</font>
Dick looks at her for a few more seconds, as if he was still processing what she just said.
<font color="cyan">"Fuck off"</font>, he snarls and gets up from the bench. Walking away from Zara.
That probably could have gone better.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara reaches the old worn down building of the steel mill. She could already hear the voices of some men talking and laughing inside... Zara's heart started to pump faster. Now the situation is actually happening, the nerves are kicking in.
Dick finally arrives along with a few more men, they jeer at Zara and wolf whistle before entering the building.
<font color="pink">"Is that all of them?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"That is all of them... Are you sure you want to do this?"</font>
<font color="pink">"No going back now..."</font>
The two of them enter the building, and cheers rang out. Through the dim lights Zara could see about 10 men standing, some of them already had their cocks out...
<font color="pink">"Listen up! After this night, nobody touches my friend here! After this night, consider his debts paid!"</font>
A man from somewhere in the back shouts, <font color="cyan">"Yeah yeah! Get on with it, my balls are aching"</font>. This sends a wave of laughter through the crowd.
Dick and Zara look at each other one more time... this is it. Dick leaves the building, not wanting to watch these men ravage his friend...
Zara steps into the crowd as the men surround her... hands reaching out at her body...
<center>[[Time to please them all|dick quest 3 meet blowbang replay]]</center>Zara cautiously looks around, a bunch of shady looking people were all littered around the park. She finally spots Dick, standing under a lamp, smoking something.
<font color="pink">"Alright... let's go. I got the money"</font>, Zara says, handing it over.
<center><font color="green">-500$</font></center>
The two of them exit the park and head towards a building in the center of Jecinda District... wait, this place was swanky. Maybe being a loan shark pays well.
Just as they enter the elevator, Dick says <font color="cyan">"Alright, I will do the talking. Just stand there, and look pretty... We shouldn't have too much trouble"</font>
Finally, at the door, Zara can feel her heart pumping like crazy. What kind of man would answer the door? Dick knocks on the door and then rings the bell... the door opens and reveals a man. He looked older than her dad, with a full beard covering his face and graying hair at his temples.
<font color="cyan">"Ah! Mr. Turpin so good to see you! Please, come in come in"</font>, the man ushers them both in with a smile on his face. His eyes scanned Zara from top to bottom and she knew he was probably mentally undressing her...
<font color="cyan">"And who might this lovely jewel be?"</font>
Zara looks at Dick for directions who just nods at her to reply.
<font color="pink">"Hello... uh... my name is Za- Jacki"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Zajacki?"</font>, the man squints at her.
<font color="pink">"No, sir, Jacki, sorry"</font>
The man bursts out laughing, <font color="cyan">"Come now, no need to be nervous. I won't harm you.... unless you give me a reason to"</font>. The smile had gone, replaced with a look of a predator.
But, just as quickly as his smile had disappeared it comes back, <font color="cyan">"My boy, Dick. Do you have my money?"</font>
Dick nods and pulls out a bulky envelope, who knows how much Dick owed the man. The rest of the transaction seems to go smoothly, it's time to leave.
Just as Dick places his hand on the door handle to leave the man coughs behind them...
<center>[[Now what?|dick quest 3 meet single sex replay]]</center><font color="cyan">"Did not say you could leave now... did I?"</font>
Dick turns around looking shocked, <font color="cyan">"But, sir, I gave you your money"</font>
<font color="cyan">"No no, you fuck off. You, Jacki... stay. Not a choice"</font>, the man says quietly. He walks towards a drawer and opens it, taking out a gun. Zara's heart jumps like crazy, what has she gotten herself into?
Dick looks at Zara, who even though was panicking, calmly nodded at him to leave.
It was just the two of them in the apartment now.
<font color="pink">"Wh-what do you need from me?"</font>, Zara stammers.
<font color="cyan">"My dick in your throat. Your choice whether it's willingly or not..."</font>
<<link "Unwilling - Escape the apartment">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately turns around and attempts to open the door but was not fast enough, the man had closed the distance between them already and slams the door shut, grabbing Zara by the throat.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance == 1>>\
Zara raises both her feet and places them on the wall and kicks off it, sending the both of them flying to the ground. The man lands hard on his back and <font color="gold">CRACK</font>- a sound reverberates through the apartment. The man does not move...
Zara was cushioned by the man and did not suffer any injuries... physically at least. She does not check the man and immediately runs out of the door.
<center>[[Meet Dick downstairs|dick quest 3 end replay]]</center>
No matter how hard Zara struggled the man throws her to the ground with ease and points the gun at her.
<font color="cyan">"You bite... I shoot you and then I shoot Dick. Now, open your mouth. Could have done this easier you know..."</font>
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man fucks her mouth, making sure to continue pointing the gun at her... reminding her not to try to do anything funny.
After what felt like an eternity, the man, groans and thrusts deep into Zara's throat, cumming straight down it.
<font color="cyan">"And now... fuck off"</font>, the man sighs and walks away from Zara, who couldn't help but start crying at what just happened...
<center><font color="red">Corruption -5</font>
[[Stop crying and meet Dick downstairs|dick quest 3 end replay]]</center>
<center>Chance of Success - 50%</center>
<<link "Willing">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara needs to do this... for Dick...
She gives the man a sultry smile and drops to her knees, mouth open and at the ready. The man chuckles and closes the distance between them, popping his cock out.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man groans as Zara uses her mouth to please him, slurping all over his dick. She makes sure to use her hands to squeeze his balls... making the pleasure even better.
The man suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and thrusts his cock deep inside.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He cums straight down her throat, giving her no choice but to swallow his spunk.
<font color="cyan">"And now... fuck off"</font>, the man sighs and walks away from Zara, leaving her alone on the floor. It's time to leave quickly... before he changes his mind.
<center>[[Meet Dick downstairs|dick quest 3 end replay]]</center>
@@The men throw Zara onto the ground, they are definitely not going to be gentle. Multiple hands are already slapping her everywhere... face, tits, ass, anywhere they could reach.
Zara does her best to get herself back together again, getting onto her knees properly and opens her mouth.
The men cheer and wolf whistle. <font color="cyan">"Now this is a good slut!"</font>, someone in the crowd shouts.
Before she knew it, she was surrounded by dicks, all of them pointed towards her. Zara opens her mouth wider as the cocks get closer...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The men keep passing Zara around like a sex object rather than a living breathing human being, all of them use her mouth for their own pleasure. Zara feels her jaw ache as dick after dick pump into her mouth.
After what seemed like ages she feels cum splatter against her face.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbbcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
It feels like she is in a shower of cum as it jets of it splash against her face and breasts as the men relieve themselves on top of her. She has no option but to push through this ordeal... Finally, it seems like all the men are done, all of them start leaving the building, leaving Zara completely alone on the factory floor...
<center>[[Leave the building|dick quest 3 end replay]]</center>Zara sees Dick waiting outside the entrance of the building, smoking again... maybe he should stop before he gets health problems. Dick sees Zara too and starts jogging towards her with a worried look on his face.
<font color="cyan">"What happened? How did it go?"</font>
<font color="pink">"Just... don't ask any questions. Just know, it's done... okay? You don't have to worry about it"</font>, Zara tells him.
Dick smiles at her and gives her a long hug and after pulling away, kisses her on her forehead. This sudden tenderness from him makes Zara blush... easing her brain about everything that just happened.
<font color="cyan">"I am going to head home now, dad needs me"</font>, he whispers into her ear, sending goosebumps down Zara's neck.
The two of them part ways, heading in opposite directions.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center><<famCheck>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 60>>\
<<if $MomPresent eq true>>
<<goto "chores event1">>
<<elseif $KylePresent eq true or $DadPresent eq true>>
<<set _eventCh=random(1,2)>>\
<<if _eventCh==1>>
<<goto "chores event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh==2>>
<<goto "chores event3">>
<<goto "Chores Events">>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<center>Zara completes her list of chores, feeling drops of sweat form across her forehead. But at least, it's done with for the day...
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
<<endif>><<set $cooldownDick to false>>\
<<set $cooldownMom to false>>\
<<set $cooldownDad to false>>\
<<set $cooldownBro to false>>\
<<set $cooldownZara to false>>\
<<set $cooldownLisa to false>>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/livingroom.webp" height="300"></center>
<center><font color="gold">Zara did $choresCount daily chores this week</font></center>\
<<set $classNAttended = 0>>\
<<set $weeklyAllowanceCheck to true>>\
<<set _chance = either(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance==1>>\
Just as Zara steps out of bed, the door opens and her dad steps in. It was the end of the week, meaning it's time for her to get her allowance.
Her dad hands over her cash.
<<if $choresCount>=5>>\
<<addmoney 200>>\
<font color="green">+200$</font>
<<elseif $choresCount>=2>>\
<<addmoney 100>>\
<font color="green">+100$</font>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<font color="green">+50$</font>
<<set $choresCount=0>>\
Maybe Zara can get some more...?
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=45>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=10>>\
<center>[[Convince Dad for more money|Allowance Dad]]</center>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to be convinced...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to convince her father for more allowance...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
<center>[[No, this is enough|Living room][$minute+=5]]</center>
Just as Zara steps out of bed, the door opens and her mom steps in. It was the end of the week, meaning it's time for her to get her allowance.
Her mom hands over her cash.
<<if $choresCount>=5>>\
<<addmoney 200>>\
<font color="green">+200$</font>
<<elseif $choresCount>=2>>\
<<addmoney 100>>\
<font color="green">+100$</font>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<font color="green">+50$</font>
<<set $choresCount=0>>\
Maybe Zara can get some more...?
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<if $mom.finger == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption>=15>>\
<center>[[Convince Mom for more money|Allowance Mom]]</center>
<center>Zara's mom does not have enough corruption to be convinced...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.finger==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to convince her mother for more allowance...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
<center>[[No, this is enough|Living room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<set $dick.angryFlag to false>>\
<<set $bro.angryFlag to false>>\
<<set $mom.angryFlag to false>>\
<<set $dad.angryFlag to false>>\Just as her dad was taking away his hand, Zara reached forward and grabbed it, and placed it on her breast.
<font color="cyan">"And... what's this?"</font>, he asks.
<font color="pink">"A way to convince you for more money"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>with a wink.<<else>>nervously.<</if>>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 60>>\
<font color="cyan">"Maybe try a bit harder"</font>
<<link "Convince him using blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets on her knees and starts using her mouth to convince her father.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
As Zara bobs up and down on her dad's dick, she can feel him tensing up. The pleasure she was giving him was reaching a crescendo for sure.
And just as she predicted, he was cumming. He grabs Zara's head and forces her deeper onto his cock.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara comes back up from his dick, gasping for air whilst her dad throws some more money onto the ground. He gives her a pat on the head and walks away. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a slut! Sucking off her own father for money. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just sucked off her own father for some money. Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<addmoney 30>>\
<center><font color="green">+30$</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>\
<<if $dad.sex == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Convince him using sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets on her bed and presents herself to her dad, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>shaking her ass slowly and alluringly towards him.<<else>>she does her best to show off her ass.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"Maybe my pussy can convice you, daddy"</font>, she <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>purrs<<else>>tells him, her heart pounding<</if>>.
Without a second thought, her dad had his dick out, rock hard and ready to penetrate his own daughter.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her pussy, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own dad closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight pussy.
With a groan, her dad thrusts deep inside her pussy and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/creampie'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Done with using her body, her dad throws a few dollar notes onto her bed and walks away, satisfied. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>What a slut! Fucking her own father for money. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just fucked her own father for some money. Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<center><font color="green">+50$</font>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to have sex with her...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex with her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>\
<<if $dad.anal == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 55>>\
<<link "Convince him using anal sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets on her bed and presents herself to her dad, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>shaking her ass slowly and alluringly towards him.<<else>>she does her best to show off her ass.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"Maybe my pussy can convice you, daddy"</font>, she <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>purrs<<else>>tells him, her heart pounding<</if>>.
Without a second thought, her dad had his dick out, rock hard and ready to penetrate his own daughter.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own dad closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole.
With a groan, her dad thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Done with using her body, her dad throws a few dollar notes onto her bed and walks away, satisfied. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>What a slut! Letting her own father fuck her ass for some money. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just let her own father fuck her ass for some money. Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<addmoney 100>>\
<center><font color="green">+100$</font>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to have anal sex with her...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have anal sex with her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font></center>
<font color="cyan">"Not happening this time, sweetie"</font>, he shakes his head. And with that, he exits Zara's room.
Looks like no luck today on getting extra money...
<<endif>>\Just as her mom was taking away her hand, Zara reached forward and grabbed it, and placed it on her breast.
<font color="fuchsia">"And... what's this?"</font>, she asks.
<font color="pink">"A way to convince you for more money"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>with a wink.<<else>>nervously.<</if>>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 60>>\
<font color="fuchsia">"Maybe try a bit harder"</font>
<<link "Convince her using fingers">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara leads her mother onto the bed, making her lie down. She leans forward and starts kissing her own mother, their tongues slowly unfolding into each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara slowly inches her hand lower and lower, making sure to trail her fingers over her mother's body. This light touch excited Zara's mom even more, her nipples hardened. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara had become such a slut, making her own mother horny like this.<<else>>Zara still had a slight doubt about doing this with her own mother, but her arousal clamped down on it.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter fingers her pussy, she grabs onto Zara as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
The two of them lie in bed, no words were spoken. Zara's mom gets up and hands over a few extra notes and gathers up her clothes, leaving Zara alone. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut! Fingering her own mother for money. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just fingered her own mother for some money. Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<addmoney 30>>\
<center><font color="green">+30$</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>\
<<if $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Convince her using oral">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara leads her mother onto the bed, making her lie down. She leans forward and starts kissing her own mother, their tongues slowly unfolding into each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her mother's body as she traveled down. These light kisses excited Zara's mom even more, her nipples hardened. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara had become such a slut, making her own mother horny like this.<<else>>Zara still had a slight doubt about doing this with her own mother, but her arousal clamped down on it.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Zara's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
The two of them lie in bed, no words were spoken. Zara's mom gets up and hands over a few extra notes and gathers up her clothes, leaving Zara alone. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut! Eating out her own mother for money. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just ate out her own mother for some money. Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<center><font color="green">+50$</font>
<center>Zara's mom does not have enough corruption to have oral sex with her...
<font color="gold">Mom' Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have oral sex with her mother...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>\
<<if $mom.strapon == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Convince her using a strap-on">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara leads her mother onto the bed, making her lie down. She leans forward and starts kissing her own mother, their tongues slowly unfolding into each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her mother's body as she traveled down. These light kisses excited Zara's mom even more, her nipples hardened. Zara could see her mom was dripping wet already. She was ready for penetration. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Zara had become such a slut, making her own mother horny like this.<<else>>Zara still had a slight doubt about doing this with her own mother, but her arousal clamped down on it.<</if>>
She takes the strap-on and puts it on. Elena looks at her own daughter, excited and horny. She spreads her legs, beckoning Zara to enter her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lbed'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter fucks her with the silicone penis. With every thrust, a wave of pleasure washes over Elena. Seeing the pleasure clearly on her face, it pushes Zara to thrust faster. The pleasure was too much, Elena felt the orgasm rocking through her body, her moans reaching their peak.
The two of them lie in bed, no words were spoken. Zara's mom gets up and hands over a few extra notes and gathers up her clothes, leaving Zara alone. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>What a slut! Fucking her own mother with a strap-on for money. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just fucked her own mother with a strap-on for some money. Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<addmoney 100>>\
<center><font color="green">+100$</font>
<center>Zara's mom does not have enough corruption to have strap-on sex with her...
<font color="gold">Mom' Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have strap-on sex with her mother...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<font color="fuchsia">"Not happening this time, sweetie"</font>, she shakes her head. And with that, she exits Zara's room.
Looks like no luck today on getting extra money...
<<endif>>\<center><img src="img/kitchen/meal.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Kyle sets the table as Zara cooks delicious food. The entire family takes a seat at the table, the smell of the amazing food making everyone's mouths water. This was one way Zara could repay her parents for all the hard work they do for her and her brother.
<center><font color="yellow">+60 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 60>>\
[[Clean up|Kitchen][$minute+=15]]</center><<famCheck>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance >= 65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,6)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<include "shower event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2 and ($MomPresent==true || $DadPresent==true || $KylePresent==true)>>\
<<include "shower event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<include "shower event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3 and $MomPresent==true>>\
<<include "shower event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
<<include "shower event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4 and ($DadPresent==true || $KylePresent==true)>>\
<<include "shower event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>\
<<include "shower event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5 and $DadPresent==true>>\
<<include "shower event5">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>\
<<include "shower event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 6 and ($DadPresent==true || $KylePresent==true)>>\
<<include "shower event6">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 6>>\
<<include "shower event1">>
<<include "shower event1">>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain. She felt relaxed in the shower, but she wanted something more. And she had the time...
<<link "Don't masturbate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
No... there was no need to masturbate. Zara was a bit proud that she was able to overcome her primal desires so easily.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara reaches down, slowly sliding her fingers over her pussy, feeling it get slimier from just her touch.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara orgasms in the shower, her legs shaking as the pleasure rocks through her body. She might have spent extra time in the shower, but it was worth it.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
@@<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
<<if $freeloading==true>>\
Zara quickly gets on the bus and makes a show of putting in some coins in the till, hoping the driver would not notice. She walks towards the end of the bus and takes a seat.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=70>>
Looks like he did not notice! Zara gets to travel for free... this time.
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
The bus driver exits his cubicle and walks towards Zara... oh no... looks like she is caught.
<font color="cyan">"I am sorry miss... you either have to pay or leave the bus"</font>, he says kindly.
<center>[[Leave the bus|Jecinda District][$minute+=2]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Make him reconsider">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Does this make you consider otherwise...?"</font>, she replies and with that, flashes him her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
His jaw gapes wide open and stares at her for a minute straight, making Zara blush. Finally, he shakes his head as if getting out off a trance and walks away without a word. Looks like it worked...
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
The bus driver just rolls his eyes and grabs a walkier talkie of his belt.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, I got another crazy one here. Need some help ASAP"</font>, he talks into the walkie talkie.
Hearing this, Zara immediately gets up and starts walking off the bus when she smacks into a man, who was wearing a security guard uniform. Before she could get away her arm is grasped by the guard.
<font color="cyan">"So, you are the one, huh? Lucky I was near by. I know someone who would like to have some fun with you. They will give me a good tip for you"</font>, he says while his grip tightened causing Zara to squirm in pain.
Zara is made to sit back in the bus, under the watchful eye of the guard, she could hear the whisperings of the other commuters behind her, wondering what was going on. The two of them get off at the mall where Zara is lead into the office of the secuity firm the guard worked for and placed in a room.
<<if $securityBusIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|bus caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to make him reconsider...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "travel bus event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "travel bus event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "travel bus event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "travel bus event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "travel bus event5">>
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<<addmoney -5>>\
<center><font color="green">-5$</font></center>
She takes a seat at the back and watches out of the window as the bus travels to it's destination. As she crossed into Arabella, the atmosphere shifted subtly, with architectural styles and taller buildings everywhere. The people in this District looked a lot more well put together with men and women in suits dashing around in a hurry and multiple luxury cars parked on the streets.
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
<<if $freeloading==true>>\
Zara quickly gets on the bus and makes a show of putting in some coins in the till, hoping the driver would not notice. She walks towards the end of the bus and takes a seat.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=70>>
Looks like he did not notice! Zara gets to travel for free... this time.
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
The bus driver exits his cubicle and walks towards Zara... oh no... looks like she is caught.
<font color="cyan">"I am sorry miss... you either have to pay or leave the bus"</font>, he says kindly.
<center>[[Leave the bus|Arabella District][$minute+=2]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Make him reconsider">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Does this make you consider otherwise...?"</font>, she replies and with that, flashes him her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
His jaw gapes wide open and stares at her for a minute straight, making Zara blush. Finally, he shakes his head as if getting out off a trance and walks away without a word. Looks like it worked...
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
The bus driver just rolls his eyes and grabs a walkier talkie of his belt.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, I got another crazy one here. Need some help ASAP"</font>, he talks into the walkie talkie.
Hearing this, Zara immediately gets up and starts walking off the bus when she smacks into a man, who was wearing a security guard uniform. Before she could get away her arm is grasped by the guard.
<font color="cyan">"So, you are the one, huh? Lucky I was near by. I know someone who would like to have some fun with you. They will give me a good tip for you"</font>, he says while his grip tightened causing Zara to squirm in pain.
Zara is made to follow the guard, his grip still strong. The two of them walk into the mall where Zara is lead into the office of the secuity firm the guard worked for and placed in a room.
<<if $securityBusIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|bus caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to make him reconsider...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "travel bus event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "travel bus event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "travel bus event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "travel bus event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "travel bus event5">>
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<center><<addmoney -5>>\
<font color="green">-5$</font></center>
She takes a seat at the back and watches out of the window as the bus travels to it's destination. As she crossed into Jecinda, the atmosphere shifted subtly, with architectural styles and smaller buildings everywhere. Even the crowds of people milling around looked a bit more run down. Homeless people sat on street corners begging for change with sunken eyes.
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<</if>>\<<if $MomPresent==true and $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father", "Mother")>>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==true and $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==false>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Father", "Mother")>>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==true and $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Mother")>>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==true and $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==false>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Mother">>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==false and $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==false and $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==false>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==false and $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $MomPresent==false and $DadPresent==false and $KylePresent==false>>\
<<goto "shower event1">>\
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain.
Suddenly, she felt a cool breeze on her skin, the door was left ajar (or did someone open it?) and through the tiny crack, she could see the silhouette of a person standing there. Someone was watching her.
<<link "Shut the door">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara quickly steps out of the shower, the pair of eyes on seeing this immediately disappear from view. Zara shuts the door to the bathroom and locks it, no more peeping Toms allowed.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35>>\
<<link "Tease the Peeping Tom">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara smirks to herself. If the peeper wanted a show, she was willing to put up one.<<else>>Zara thinks to herself. Maybe she should try to show off her body?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
There is no way that the peeper would think they weren't caught, the door opens slightly more to reveal her _sexChar standing there, watching her body with hunger.
Before Zara could say anything else, the eyes were gone, and the door was shut quietly. Zara could not help but feel excited about the prospect of her _sexChar watching her shower.
<center><<if _sexChar=="Mother">>\
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to tease...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain.
Suddenly, the door barges open and Zara's mom walks in, carrying a bunch of laundry. She stops dead in her tracks on seeing Zara.
<center><<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font></center>\
<font color="Fuchsia">"Sorry, sweetie. I was not paying attention. Lock the door next time, seriously"</font>, she tuts and starts leaving the washroom.
<<link "Let her leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara just replies, <font color="pink">"Yes ma'am, I will next time"</font>
Zara continued her shower, no other intrusions occurred.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<if $mom.finger==true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption>=15>>\
<<link "Let her stay">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Or, you know.... you could stay, help me wash up"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>with a sly smile on her lips<<else>>nervously<</if>>. Zara's mom rolls her eyes but also licks her lips, definitely thinking about it...
<font color="Fuchsia">"Make room for me"</font>, she finally replies with a wink.
Zara stands under the warm stream of water from the showerhead with her mother. The both of them look each other in the eyes as their hands roam each other's bodies, spreading soap everywhere as the water washes it off.
It should be wrong... doing this... with her mother but Zara did not care. She loved the feeling of her mom's hands roaming and grabbing her ass.
The two of them lean toward each other, their lips meeting.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_makeout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The feeling of her own mother's tongue invading her mouth was heavenly. Her mom knew how to kiss... that's for sure. Their tongues fork around each other, mixing their salivas. Zara roams her hands over her mom's tits, groping at them, their softness feeling amazing against her palms.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Her mom suddenly pushes her against the wall and trails her fingers all the way from Zara's lips down and down until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom's fingers dug deep into Zara's pussy, feeling every inch of her and thus causing Zara intense pleasure. Turns out her mom knows how to use her fingers too...
Zara felt an intense heat building up inside her, she was going to orgasm.
<font color="pink">"Aaaahh"</font>, Zara moans into her mom's ear as she orgasms, the pleasure causing her legs to shake. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut! She really let her own mother give her an orgasm.<<else>>Did she really orgasm because of her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Her mom extracts her fingers from Zara and gives her another light peck on her cheek before exiting the shower.
Feeling a sudden urge come over her, Zara suddenly pushes her mom against the wall and trails her fingers all the way from Elena's lips down and down until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's fingers dug deep into Elena's pussy, feeling every inch of her and thus causing Elena intense pleasure. Zara could feel the wetness spread all over her fingers, and that wetness was most definitely not water.
Elena felt an intense heat building up inside her, she was going to orgasm.
<font color="fuchsia">"Aaaahh"</font>, Elena moans into her daughter's ear as she orgasms, the pleasure causing her legs to shake. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut Zara had become! She really was giving her own mother an orgasm.<<else>>Did she really just give her own mother an orgasm? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Zara extracts her fingers from her mother's pussy, and gives her another light peck on her cheek before Elena exits the shower.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<center>Zara's mom does not have enough corruption to stay...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.finger==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make her mom stay...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 5>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $dad.blowjob>>\
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 15>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $bro.blowjob>>\
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain.
Suddenly, the door barges open and Zara's _sexChar walks in, not paying attention. He stops dead in his tracks on seeing Zara.
<center><<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<font color="cyan">"Sorry. I was not paying attention. Lock the door next time, seriously"</font>, he tuts and starts leaving the washroom.
<<link "Let him leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara just replies, <font color="pink">"Yes, I will next time"</font>
Zara continued her shower, no other intrusions occurred.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<if _flagCheck == true>>\
<<if _corrupt >= _corruptReq>>\
<<link "Make him stay">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Or... you could join me?"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>with a sly smile<<else>>nervously<</if>>. Her _sexChar looks at her smiles, <font color="cyan">"Well, how can I say no?"</font>
The two of them stand under the warm stream of water. Zara positions herself in front of her _sexChar and pushes back with her ass.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/aj1.webp" height="220">'>>
He grabs onto her hips and starts grinding against her, making low grunting noises as he does so. Suddenly, he pulls back, repositions himself, and sticks his dick into Zara's thigh gap. Her own _sexChar was now fucking her thighs.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/tj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He moans as he pumps in and out, the friction against Zara's pussy was also highly pleasurable. The two of them continue gasping through the pleasure until finally, her _sexChar shoots out jets of cum. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut! Giving her own _sexChar an orgasm!<<else>>Was this wrong? Giving her own _sexChar an orgasm?<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Now that... was a good time"</font>, he sighs as he steps out of the shower, leaving Zara to finish her shower.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to stay...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReq</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckSex==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make her _sexChar stay...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain.
Suddenly, the door barges open and her dad stumbles in. He looked like he had been drinking... again...
<font color="cyan">"Service me, woman"</font>, he slurs as he undresses himself, making his way towards Zara, reaching out.
<<link "Fight him off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,110)>>\
Zara pushes him off, he starts to stumble backward. Taking her chance, Zara immediately exits the shower, the adrenaline pumping through her body. She wasn't able to complete her shower sadly, but at least she avoided her dad... he really needs to stop drinking.
<center><font color="yellow">+20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 20>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
[[Escape to the bedroom|Room]]</center>
Zara attempts to push her father off all fall flat, he quickly overpowers her. He might be drunk, but his muscles still worked just fine. He gets up close to her, the alcohol in his breath evident.
<font color="cyan">"Could have done this the easy way, little lady"</font>, he growls and pushes Zara to her knees. She opens to mouth to protest but just as she does, her dad shoves his dick into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He pumps into her mouth with no mercy, she could feel his dick enter her throat as he pumped deeper. No matter how many times she slapped his thighs or struggled, he did not let her go until finally...
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/tp1.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his cum run down her throat, forcing her to swallow and cough up the rest. She retches as her dad's cum makes it back to her tongue. With tears in her eyes, she looks up to see her dad's figure leaving the washroom.
<center><font color="red">-2 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Escape to the bedroom|Room]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
<<link "Service him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara sighed to herself, she knew if she said no, something even worse would happen. Her dad really should stop drinking. She obediently gets to her knees and accepts his penis into her mouth, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>this was kinda hot<<else>>her heart pounds nervously<</if>>.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, causing her dad to groan from the pleasure. If anyone walked in now, it would be pretty embarrassing for Zara. She quickens her pace, wanting to get it over with as quick as possible. Suddenly, her dad grabs the back of her head and pushes her down.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/tp1.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his cum run down her throat, forcing her to swallow and cough up the rest. She makes sure to swallow the cum that had risen back up, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>the taste was intoxicating<<else>>it felt weird swallowing her own father's cum<</if>>. She looks up to see her dad's figure already leaving the washroom, enabling her to complete her shower.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to provide services...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 5>>\
<<set _corruptReqBJ = 10>>\
<<set _corruptReqSex = 30>>\
<<set _flagCheckBJ = $dad.blowjob>>\
<<set _flagCheckSex = $dad.sex>>\
<<set _flagCheckAnal = $dad.anal>>\
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 10>>\
<<set _corruptReqBJ = 20>>\
<<set _corruptReqSex = 40>>\
<<set _flagCheckBJ = $bro.blowjob>>\
<<set _flagCheckSex = $bro.sex>>\
<<set _flagCheckAnal = $bro.anal>>\
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain.
Suddenly, the door barges open and Zara's _sexChar walks in, not paying attention. He stops dead in his tracks on seeing Zara.
<center><<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<font color="cyan">"Sorry. I was not paying attention. Lock the door next time, seriously"</font>, he tuts and starts leaving the washroom.
<<link "Let him leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara just replies, <font color="pink">"Yes, I will next time"</font>
Zara continued her shower, no other intrusions occurred.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<if _flagCheckBJ == true>>\
<<if _corrupt >= _corruptReq>>\
<<link "Make him stay">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Or... you could join me?"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>with a sly smile<<else>>nervously<</if>>. Her _sexChar looks at her smiles, <font color="cyan">"Well, how can I say no?"</font>
The two of them stand under the warm stream of water. Zara positions herself in front of her _sexChar and pushes back with her ass.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/aj1.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Listen, this is fine and all... but I want something more"</font>
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara positions herself behind her _sexChar and kisses his back. Using her hands, she squeezes his chest, feeling his pecs and slowly trails her hands lower and lower until she finally reaches his penis. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut, handling her own _sexChar's cock!<<else>>Was she really touching her own _sexChar this way?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She jerks off her _sexChar, making him moan in pleasure. She expertly uses her hands to milk him for all his cum as he groans and releases himself all over the shower wall. She feels the remaining drops of his cum drip onto her hands.
Her _sexChar gives her a kiss on her forehead, tenderly, before exiting the shower.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=45>>\
<<if _corrupt>=_corruptReqBJ>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara gets onto her knees and begins blowing her _sexChar.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his dick, making sure to reach in deep. She moves up and down slowly. As she swirls her tongue around his head, it seems like he got impatient, and opts to grab the back of Zara's head and take control.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks Zara's face mercilessly. It was obvious that right now, all Zara is a sex toy for her _sexChar. Something he can use to make him cum whenever he wants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a life! Being a toy just for her family members.<<else>>Was she really just a pleasure toy for her family members? Was it wrong?<</if>> He pierces her throat deep and holds her down, she can feel her need for oxygen growing as she stays there, locked. Finally, he lets her go and she comes up gasping for air.
<font color="cyan">"I am gonna cum"</font>, her _sexChar moans as he jerks himself off.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face as her _sexChar relieves himself on her. He lets out a deep sigh of relief and smacks the top of Zara's head with his dick before exiting the shower.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept a blowjob...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqBJ</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
<<if _flagCheckSex == true>>\
<<if _corrupt>=_corruptReqSex>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>><font color="pink">"Oh really? You want something more? Will my pussy suffice?"</font>, Zara asks slyly and spreads her legs in front of her _sexChar.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to fuck me?"</font>, Zara asks her _sexChar, spreading her legs.<</if>> She uses her fingers to gently caress her vagina, teasing him.
Her _sexChar places his hands on her shoulders and pushes her against the wall, keeping her pinned. Zara grabs his dick and gently leads him inside her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as her _sexChar pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>What a slut! Letting her own _sexChar fuck her like this.<<else>>Was this wrong, letting her own _sexChar fuck her like this?<</if>>
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy. With one final playful smack on her ass, her _sexChar leaves the shower.
<center><font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqSex</font>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckSex==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to stay...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReq</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckBJ==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make her _sexChar stay...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@Zara takes a peek into the shower, watching her mom as she cleans herself.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara steps into the washroom, making her presence known as her mom eyes Zara up and down. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara gives her mom a sly smile and undresses herself, joining her mom in the shower. She felt so horny!<<else>>Zara gives her mom the best slutty smile she could muster, she was nervous! She undresses herself and joins her mother in the shower.<</if>>
Zara stands under the warm stream of water from the showerhead with her mother. The both of them look each other in the eyes as their hands roam each other's bodies, spreading soap everywhere as the water washes it off.
It should be wrong... doing this... with her mother but Zara did not care. She loved the feeling of her mom's hands roaming and grabbing her ass.
The two of them lean toward each other, their lips meeting.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_makeout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The feeling of her own mother's tongue invading her mouth was heavenly. Her mom knew how to kiss... that's for sure. Their tongues fork around each other, mixing their salivas. Zara roams her hands over her mom's tits, groping at them, their softness feeling amazing against her palms.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Her mom suddenly pushes her against the wall and trails her fingers all the way from Zara's lips down and down until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom's fingers dug deep into Zara's pussy, feeling every inch of her and thus causing Zara intense pleasure. Turns out her mom knows how to use her fingers too...
Zara felt an intense heat building up inside her, she was going to orgasm.
<font color="pink">"Aaaahh"</font>, Zara moans into her mom's ear as she orgasms, the pleasure causing her legs to shake. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a slut! She really let her own mother give her an orgasm.<<else>>Did she really orgasm because of her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Her mom extracts her fingers from Zara and gives her another light peck on her cheek before exiting the shower.
Feeling a sudden urge come over her, Zara suddenly pushes her mom against the wall and trails her fingers all the way from Elena's lips down and down until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's fingers dug deep into Elena's pussy, feeling every inch of her and thus causing Elena intense pleasure. Zara could feel the wetness spread all over her fingers, and that wetness was most definitely not water.
Elena felt an intense heat building up inside her, she was going to orgasm.
<font color="fuchsia">"Aaaahh"</font>, Elena moans into her daughter's ear as she orgasms, the pleasure causing her legs to shake. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a slut Zara had become! She really was giving her own mother an orgasm.<<else>>Did she really just give her own mother an orgasm? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Zara extracts her fingers from her mother's pussy, and gives her another light peck on her cheek before Elena exits the shower.
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<center><font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Bathroom]]</center><<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 5>>\
<<set _corruptReqBJ = 10>>\
<<set _corruptReqSex = 30>>\
<<set _flagCheckSex = $dad.sex>>\
Zara takes a peek into the shower and watches her dad as he cleans himself up. His cock stood erect, the water flowing over it perfectly.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cock.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara steps into the washroom, making her presence known as her dad eyes Zara up and down. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara gives her dad a sly smile and undresses herself, joining her dad in the shower. She felt so horny!<<else>>Zara gives her dad the best slutty smile she could muster, she was nervous! She undresses herself and joins her father in the shower.<</if>>
The two of them stand under the warm stream of water. Zara positions herself in front of her _sexChar and pushes back with her ass.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/aj1.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Listen, this is fine and all... but I want something more"</font>
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara positions herself behind her _sexChar and kisses his back. Using her hands, she squeezes his chest, feeling his pecs and slowly trails her hands lower and lower until she finally reaches his penis. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a slut, handling her own _sexChar's cock!<<else>>Was she really touching her own _sexChar this way?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She jerks off her _sexChar, making him moan in pleasure. She expertly uses her hands to milk him for all his cum as he groans and releases himself all over the shower wall. She feels the remaining drops of his cum drip onto her hands.
Her _sexChar gives her a kiss on her forehead, tenderly, before exiting the shower.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=45>>\
<<if _corrupt>=_corruptReqBJ>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara gets onto her knees and begins blowing her _sexChar.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his dick, making sure to reach in deep. She moves up and down slowly. As she swirls her tongue around his head, it seems like he got impatient, and opts to grab the back of Zara's head and take control.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks Zara's face mercilessly. It was obvious that right now, all Zara is a sex toy for her _sexChar. Something he can use to make him cum whenever he wants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a life! Being a toy just for her family members.<<else>>Was she really just a pleasure toy for her family members? Was it wrong?<</if>> He pierces her throat deep and holds her down, she can feel her need for oxygen growing as she stays there, locked. Finally, he lets her go and she comes up gasping for air.
<font color="cyan">"I am gonna cum"</font>, her _sexChar moans as he jerks himself off.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face as her _sexChar relieves himself on her. He lets out a deep sigh of relief and smacks the top of Zara's head with his dick before exiting the shower.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept a blowjob...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqBJ</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
<<if _flagCheckSex == true>>\
<<if _corrupt>=_corruptReqSex>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>><font color="pink">"Oh really? You want something more? Will my pussy suffice?"</font>, Zara asks slyly and spreads her legs in front of her _sexChar.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to fuck me?"</font>, Zara asks her _sexChar, spreading her legs.<</if>> She uses her fingers to gently caress her vagina, teasing him.
Her _sexChar places his hands on her shoulders and pushes her against the wall, keeping her pinned. Zara grabs his dick and gently leads him inside her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as her _sexChar pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>What a slut! Letting her own _sexChar fuck her like this.<<else>>Was this wrong, letting her own _sexChar fuck her like this?<</if>>
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy. With one final playful smack on her ass, her _sexChar leaves the shower.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqSex</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckSex==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
@@<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 10>>\
<<set _corruptReqBJ = 20>>\
<<set _corruptReqSex = 40>>\
<<set _flagCheckSex = $bro.sex>>\
Zara takes a peek into the shower and watches her brother as he cleans himself up. His cock stood erect, the water flowing over it perfectly.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cock.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara steps into the washroom, making her presence known as her brother eyes Zara up and down. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara gives her brother a sly smile and undresses herself, joining her brother in the shower. She felt so horny!<<else>>Zara gives her brother the best slutty smile she could muster, she was nervous! She undresses herself and joins her brother in the shower.<</if>>
The two of them stand under the warm stream of water. Zara positions herself in front of her _sexChar and pushes back with her ass.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/aj1.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Listen, this is fine and all... but I want something more"</font>
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara positions herself behind her _sexChar and kisses his back. Using her hands, she squeezes his chest, feeling his pecs and slowly trails her hands lower and lower until she finally reaches his penis. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a slut, handling her own _sexChar's cock!<<else>>Was she really touching her own _sexChar this way?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She jerks off her _sexChar, making him moan in pleasure. She expertly uses her hands to milk him for all his cum as he groans and releases himself all over the shower wall. She feels the remaining drops of his cum drip onto her hands.
Her _sexChar gives her a kiss on her forehead, tenderly, before exiting the shower.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<if _corrupt>=_corruptReqBJ>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara gets onto her knees and begins blowing her _sexChar.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his dick, making sure to reach in deep. She moves up and down slowly. As she swirls her tongue around his head, it seems like he got impatient, and opts to grab the back of Zara's head and take control.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks Zara's face mercilessly. It was obvious that right now, all Zara is a sex toy for her _sexChar. Something he can use to make him cum whenever he wants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a life! Being a toy just for her family members.<<else>>Was she really just a pleasure toy for her family members? Was it wrong?<</if>> He pierces her throat deep and holds her down, she can feel her need for oxygen growing as she stays there, locked. Finally, he lets her go and she comes up gasping for air.
<font color="cyan">"I am gonna cum"</font>, her _sexChar moans as he jerks himself off.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face as her _sexChar relieves himself on her. He lets out a deep sigh of relief and smacks the top of Zara's head with his dick before exiting the shower.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept a blowjob...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqBJ</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=60>>\
<<if _flagCheckSex == true>>\
<<if _corrupt>=_corruptReqSex>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>><font color="pink">"Oh really? You want something more? Will my pussy suffice?"</font>, Zara asks slyly and spreads her legs in front of her _sexChar.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to fuck me?"</font>, Zara asks her _sexChar, spreading her legs.<</if>> She uses her fingers to gently caress her vagina, teasing him.
Her _sexChar places his hands on her shoulders and pushes her against the wall, keeping her pinned. Zara grabs his dick and gently leads him inside her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as her _sexChar pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>What a slut! Letting her own _sexChar fuck her like this.<<else>>Was this wrong, letting her own _sexChar fuck her like this?<</if>>
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy. With one final playful smack on her ass, her _sexChar leaves the shower.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<font color="yellow">+40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 40>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqSex</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckSex==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font></center>
@@As the TV displays explicit scenes right in front of her, her father and brother, an idea pops into her head, a naughty one. Instantly, she feels her nipples harden at the thought.
She coughs, garnering both their attention, their eyes at least for a slight second pried away from what was displayed on the TV screen. But a second was all she needed.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She flashes her tits at them, leaving their mouths agape with amazement. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She had become such a slut, freely teasing her family members!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Teasing her family members with her body?<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<center>[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=70 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob==true and $bro.blowjob==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=35 and $bro.corruption>=45>>\
<<link "Escalate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>><font color="pink">"Well, just don't sit there and stare, let's do something fun"</font>, Zara purrs. She felt so horny already.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let's try something more"</font>, Zara nervously tells them, her heart pounding.<</if>>
With no more convincing needed, the two of them fish their cocks out of their pants, already erect from watching the explicit scene on TV and now Zara's tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/mmf'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
As she jerks off her father and brother, their hands also start roaming all over Zara's body. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>What a life Zara was living! She would not change a single thing.<<else>>It still felt a bit wrong doing this with her family, but her arousal always won in the end.<</if>> The two of them take turns fingering her and kneading her tits. The pleasure built inside Zara as they continued their touches. The three of them cum together, as Zara's legs shake from the orgasm, she also feels drips of their cum land on her hand.
The three of them slump back onto the couch, tired out from their orgasms. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Zara licks their cum off her hand, swallowing every single drop.<<else>>Zara uses a few tissues to clean herself up.<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -5>>\
<font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1, $minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Either Zara's father or brother doesn't have a high enough corruption for this...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Either Zara's father or brother have yet to have their minds unlocked...
<<if $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to escalate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
@@ <<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 45>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $dad.sex>>\
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 50>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $bro.sex>>\
As the TV displays explicit scenes right in front of her, her _sexChar and Mother, an idea pops into her head, a naughty one. Instantly, she feels her nipples harden at the thought.
She coughs, garnering both their attention, their eyes at least for a slight second pried away from what was displayed on the TV screen. But a second was all she needed.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She flashes her tits at them, leaving their mouths agape with amazement. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She had become such a slut, freely teasing her family members!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Teasing her family members with her body?<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<center>[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=60 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if $mom.oral==true and _flagCheck==true>>\
<<if _corrupt >= _corruptReq and $mom.corruption>=40>>\
<<link "Escalate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>><font color="pink">"Well, just don't sit there and stare, let's do something fun"</font>, Zara purrs. She felt so horny already.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let's try something more"</font>, Zara nervously tells them, her heart pounding.<</if>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
With no more convincing needed, her _sexChar fishes out his cock while Zara finds herself in the warm embrace of her mother. The three of them strip down to their birthday suit. Zara's _sexChar inserts his cock into Zara's mother, immediately making her moan from the pleasure.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/ffm'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara uses her tongue to lick her _sexChar's dick as he pumps in and out of her mother's pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara loved her current life, she felt so close to her family due to a myriad of "pleasurable" reasons. She would not change a single thing.<<else>>Was what they were doing wrong? The thought flashed into Zara's mind but it did not matter, her arousal won in the end.<</if>> With one final groan and a deep thrust, he cums inside her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>With hunger in her eyes, Zara lurches forward and uses her tongue to lick up the few drops of delicious cum that dripped out of her Mother's vagina.<<else>>Zara thinks if she should clean up her mother but decides against it, this was enough for now.<</if>>
With no more convincing needed, her _sexChar fishes out his cock while Zara finds herself in the warm embrace of her mother. The three of them strip down to their birthday suit. Zara's _sexChar inserts his cock into Zara, immediately making her moan from the pleasure.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/ffm'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena uses her tongue to lick Zara's _sexChar's dick as he pumps in and out of her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara loved her current life, she felt so close to her family due to a myriad of "pleasurable" reasons. She would not change a single thing.<<else>>Was what they were doing wrong? The thought flashed into Zara's mind but it did not matter, her arousal won in the end.<</if>> With one final groan and a deep thrust, he cums inside her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>With hunger in her eyes, Elena lurches forward and uses her tongue to lick up the few drops of delicious cum that dripped out of her daughter's pussy, and Zara loved every single second of feeling her mother's tongue in her pussy.<<else>>Elena lurches forward and uses her tongue to clean up her daughter's pussy, Zara enjoyed the pleasure but a part of her still felt this was wrong.<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1, $minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Either Zara's _sexChar or Mother don't have a high enough corruption for this...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReq</font></center>
<center>Either Zara's Mother or _sexChar have yet to have their minds unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<<if _flagCheck==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to escalate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@As the TV displays explicit scenes right in front of her and her entire family, an idea pops into her head, a naughty one. Instantly, she feels her nipples harden at the thought.
She coughs, garnering their attention, their eyes at least for a slight second pried away from what was displayed on the TV screen. But a second was all she needed.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She flashes her tits at them, leaving their mouths agape with amazement. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She had become such a slut, freely teasing her family members!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Teasing her family members with her body?<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<center>[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1, $minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=90 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<if $dad.sex==true and $bro.sex==true and $mom.strapon==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=70 and $bro.corruption>=85 and $mom.corruption>=75>>\
<<link "Escalate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 100>><font color="pink">"Well, just don't sit there and stare, let's do something fun"</font>, Zara purrs. She felt so horny already.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let's try something more"</font>, Zara nervously tells them, her heart pounding.<</if>>
With no more convincing needed, the two of them fish their cocks out of their pants, already erect from watching the explicit scene on TV and now Zara's tits. Zara enters the warm embrace of her mother as the two of them make out with her brother and father watching them.
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>
Zara positions herself on top of her father while her mother positions herself on top of her own son. In sync, both of them lower themselves onto their cocks.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/family'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The entire family fucks on the couch, moaning in unison as the pleasure spreads through their bodies. Zara feels her father's cock inside her, and <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 100>>nothing in her brain made it feel wrong.<<else>>something in her brain tried to tell her it was wrong but her arousal made her not care.<</if>>
With a groan, both the males start cumming. Zara feels the warm cum from her father spurt inside her as he orgasms. Nothing would ever feel more intimate than this.
Zara positions herself on top of her brother while her mother positions herself on top of her husband. In sync, both of them lower themselves onto their cocks.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/family'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The entire family fucks on the couch, moaning in unison as the pleasure spreads through their bodies. Zara feels her brother's cock inside her, and <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 100>>nothing in her brain made it feel wrong.<<else>>something in her brain tried to tell her it was wrong but her arousal made her not care.<</if>>
With a groan, both the males start cumming. Zara feels the warm cum from her brother spurt inside her as he orgasms. Nothing would ever feel more intimate than this.
<center><<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>One of the family members does not have enough corruption for this...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 75</font>
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 70</font>
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 85</font></center>
<center>One or more of Zara's family members need to have their minds unlocked...
<<if $mom.strapon==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<<if $bro.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to escalate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 90</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@<<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 10>>\
<<set _flagCheckBJ = $dad.blowjob>>\
<<set _corruptReqSex = 30>>\
<<set _flagCheckSex = $dad.sex>>\
<<set _corruptReqAnal = 55>>\
<<set _flagCheckAnal = $dad.anal>>\
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 20>>\
<<set _corruptReqSex = 40>>\
<<set _corruptReqAnal = 65>>\
<<set _flagCheckBJ = $bro.blowjob>>\
<<set _flagCheckSex = $bro.sex>>\
<<set _flagCheckAnal = $bro.anal>>\
As the TV displays explicit scenes right in front of her and her _sexChar, an idea pops into her head, a naughty one. Instantly, she feels her nipples harden at the thought.
She coughs, garnering his attention, his eyes at least for a slight second pried away from what was displayed on the TV screen. But a second was all she needed.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She flashes her tits at him, leaving his mouth agape with amazement. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She had become such a slut, freely teasing her family members!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Teasing her family members with her body?<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<center>[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=45 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<if _flagCheckBJ == true>>\
<<if _corrupt >= _corruptReq>>\
<<link "Escalate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>><font color="pink">"Well, just don't sit there and stare, let's do something fun"</font>, Zara purrs. She felt so horny already.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let's try something more"</font>, Zara nervously tells her _sexChar, her heart pounding.<</if>>
With no more convincing needed, her _sexChar fishes out his cock as Zara gets ready to have some fun.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara lays down next to her _sexChar and brings her mouth closer to his cock, giving it a light kiss before accepting it into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his dick. Feeling it get harder whilst inside her mouth. She knew she was doing well with her mouth, the moans coming from her _sexChar's mouth was evidence of that. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>She was such a slut! Giving her own _sexChar a blowjob!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Blowing her own _sexChar?<</if>>
<<if _sexChar eq "Father">>He suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and pushes her down, unloading his cum right into her mouth.<<else>>Zara feels a drop of cum land on her lip, she immediately wraps her lips around her _sexChar's cock, letting his cum unload right into her mouth.<</if>> <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>The taste was intoxicating, to say the least. She swallows every single drop without hesitation.<<else>>It felt weird having his cum in her mouth. She swallows it a bit hesitantly.<</if>>
<center><<addenergy -5>>\
<font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1, $minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if _flagCheckSex == true>>\
<<if _corrupt >= _corruptReqSex>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=50>>\
Zara attempts to climb onto her _sexChar, planning to ride his cock but this did not pan out. He immediately grabs Zara and pushes her onto the couch.
<<if _sexChar eq "Father">><font color="cyan">"I am in control this time"</font><<else>><font color="cyan">"I want to be in control"</font><</if>>, he whispers into her ear, making tingles travel down her back from the intimacy.
He bends her over the couch and positions himself behind her, smacking his cock on her ass cheeks before inserting it in her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her _sexChar fucks her right on the couch. If anybody entered the living room right now, it would be embarrassing for them. She feels the pleasure build inside her as her _sexChar quickens his pace. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>She was such a slut, letting her own _sexChar use her body for pleasure.<<else>>What was she doing? Letting her own _sexChar fuck her?<</if>>
With a moan, the two of them orgasm, as Zara's body shakes from the pleasure she feels the warm seed of her _sexChar inside her pussy. Tired for their cardio, the two of them slump back onto the couch.
<center><<addenergy -10>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
Zara climbs onto her _sexChar, and positions herself on top of him, his penis right below her vagina. Carefully, she lowers herself onto his cock, feeling it penetrate her and slowly go deeper inside her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides her _sexChar like there's no tomorrow, making him moan in pleasure as she quickens her pace. Zara loved being in control, seeing his face contort with pleasure due to her actions. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>She was such a slut, riding her own _sexChar on the couch. Giving him such pleasure.<<else>>She could not believe she was riding her own _sexChar, it felt a bit weird. But also hot.<</if>>
With a moan, the two of them orgasm, as Zara's body shakes from the pleasure she feels the warm seed of her _sexChar inside her pussy. Tired from their cardio, the two of them slump back onto the couch.
<center><<addenergy -10>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqSex</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckSex==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=80 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if _flagCheckAnal == true>>\
<<if _corrupt >= _corruptReqAnal>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara turns around and presents her ass to her _sexChar, stretching her ass cheeks with her hands to show him her asshole. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>She felt so horny due to the idea of her _sexChar fucking her ass.<<else>>Her heart pounds, she feels extremely nervous about having her _sexChar fuck her ass.<</if>> She makes it more obvious by twirling her ass at him.
He immediately grabs Zara and pushes her onto the couch. He bends her over the couch and positions himself behind her, smacking his cock on her ass cheeks before inserting it in her ass hole.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her _sexChar fucks her right on the couch. If anybody entered the living room right now, it would be embarrassing for them. She feels the pleasure build inside her as her _sexChar quickens his pace. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>She was such a slut! Letting her own _sexChar fuck her ass like this for pleasure.<<else>>Was she really letting her own _sexChar fuck her ass for pleasure? It felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
With a moan, the two of them orgasm, as Zara's body shakes from the pleasure she feels the warm seed of her _sexChar inside her ass hole. Tired for their cardio, the two of them slump back onto the couch.
<center><<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar does not have enough corruption to accept anal...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReqAnal</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckAnal==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for anal or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar doesn't have a high enough corruption for this...
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Required Corruption: _corruptReq</font></center>
<center>Zara's _sexChar has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if _flagCheckBJ==false>>\
<font color="gold"><<print _sexChar>>'s Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to escalate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font>
@@<<addenergy -30>>\
As the TV displays explicit scenes right in front of her and her mother, an idea pops into her head, a naughty one. Instantly, she feels her nipples harden at the thought.
She coughs, garnering her attention, her eyes at least for a slight second pried away from what was displayed on the TV screen. But a second was all she needed.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She flashes her tits at her mom, immediately making her blush. But, she does not look away. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She had become such a slut, freely teasing her family members!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Teasing her family members with her body?<</if>>
<center><<addenergy 15>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<center>[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1, $minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<if $mom.finger == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption>=15>>\
<<link "Escalate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>><font color="pink">"Well, just don't sit there and stare, let's do something fun"</font>, Zara purrs. She felt so horny already.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let's try something more"</font>, Zara nervously tells her mother, her heart pounding.<</if>>
With no more convincing needed, her mom immediately strips down while Zara does the same. The both of them stand there, completely nude, and look at each other, the lust in their eyes evident.
<<link "Finger">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The two women knew exactly what they wanted. Zara and her mom sit side by side on the couch, spreading their legs. Zara trails her hands on her mother's thighs, going higher and higher until it finally reaches its destination.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/lfinger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two of them finger each other, her mother's fingers were inside Zara and it felt immensely pleasurable. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara had become such a slut, fingering her own mother like this while getting fingered herself. What a life!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was doing this with her mom, was this wrong?<</if>> The two moaned as the pleasure peaked, causing them to orgasm right there on the couch.
<center><<addenergy 10>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=55 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption>=30>>\
<<link "Oral">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara takes her mother's hand and gets her to lie down on the couch. She positions herself right above her mother, in reverse such that they could pleasure each other at the same time. Zara moves her head lower and lower until her mother's boobs were right in front of her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/l69boob'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two of them suck on each other's boobs. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara would not mind sucking on her mom's boobs 24/7.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds, she feels nervous.<</if>> Making sure to use their tongues freely on the nipples. Zara could feel her mother's nipples harden under her lips. But, it was now time to move on. She lowers herself even further till her mouth could finally reach her mother's pussy. The scent coming from it was intoxicating. She darts her tongue forward, tasting her mother's pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/l69oral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara and her mother moan into each other's pussies as they ate each other out simultaneously. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara enthusiastically eats her mom out, feeling so horny.<<else>>Zara eats her mom out, her heart pounding, still feeling nervous.<</if>> She could taste the fluids building up in her mother's pussy as she got closer to an orgasm. Her own mother's fluids coated her tongue and she did not want to stop tasting it. Zara can feel an orgasm about to break out in her too, her mother's tongue was weaving in and out of her pussy, causing immense pleasure.
The two women could not hold it back anymore, the orgasm rocks through their bodies at the same time. The two of them moan loudly as the pleasure spreads through their body.
Gasping for air, they untangle themselves from each other. Sweaty and breathless, they get their clothes back on. Zara could still feel the lingering taste of her mother on her tongue.
<center><<addenergy 10>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara's mother does not have enough corruption for oral sex...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have oral sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption>=40>>\
<<link "Grind">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara pins her mom to the sofa and climbs on top of her.<<else>>Zara gently makes her mom lay down on the couch as she climbs on top of her.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/TV/mom'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two of them grind on each other, and the friction from rubbing on each other is immensely pleasurable. The two moaned as the pleasure peaked, causing them to orgasm right there on the couch, in each other's arms. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara would love to do this all day!<<else>>Zara still did not feel completely used to doing things like this with her mom. Felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
<center><<addenergy 10>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara's mother does not have enough corruption for grinding...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to grind or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=70 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if $mom.strapon == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption>=50>>\
<<link "Strap-On">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara takes out the silicone penis, showing it off to her mom. Elena looks at it excited, a hunger in her eyes. She grabs it, strapping it to herself. She grabs Zara's shoulders and lays her on her back on the couch. Knowing what is going to happen next, Zara spreads her legs, allowing her mom to enter her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lcouch'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own mother pumps in and out of her pussy, she can feel the silicone dick going deeper and deeper into Zara with every thrust. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>What a slut Zara had become, letting her own mother use a strap-on on her like this.<<else>>Was Zara really letting her own mother fuck her with a strap-on? Felt a bit wrong still.<</if>>
She knew she could not resist the orgasm building inside her any longer. Her vision goes blurry as the orgasm rocks through her body, she moans loudly. Her mother gives one final thrust into Zara before pulling out.
Zara takes out the silicone penis, showing it off to her mom. Elena looks at it excited, a hunger in her eyes. She grabs it, strapping it to Zara. She knew exactly what she wanted. Zara grabs Elena's shoulders and lays her on her back on the couch. Knowing what is going to happen next, Elena spreads her legs, allowing her own daughter to enter her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lcouch'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena moans as her own daughter pumps in and out of her pussy, she can feel the silicone dick going deeper and deeper into herself with every thrust. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>What a slut Zara had become, fucking her own mother with a strap-on like this.<<else>>Was Zara really fucking her own mother with a strap-on? Felt a bit wrong still.<</if>>
Elena's moans start getting louder as the pleasure builds inside her. It was like water in a dam, and the dam was breaking down. The orgasm rocks through her body, making her legs shake with pleasure. Zara could not help but be proud of the sight in front of her, she did this after all.
<center><<addenergy 10>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
[[Return|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara's mother does not have enough corruption for a strap-on...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.strapon==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to use a strap-on or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara's mother does not have enough corruption for this...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to escalate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
As Zara does her chores, she feels beads of sweat form on her skin. But, she continues on with her work. She did not realize it yet, but her top had slipped, showing off her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mother walks into the room and sees Zara. She stops dead in her tracks and just looks at Zara, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.
<font color="pink">"What's wrong, mom?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
Feeling self-conscious, Zara looks down to see her nipples peaking over the top.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font></center>\
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<center><font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption<=35 || $famSexUnlocked==false>>\
Zara immediately covers back up. Embarrassed that her mother just saw her like that... Hopefully it does not happen again...
<<addenergy -15>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
Zara keeps working, letting her nipples hang out. Pretty sure this was turning her mother on...
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<center><font color="red">Mom Corruption +1</font></center>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<center><font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mom Boosted Corruption +1</font></center>
<<if $mom.corruption<=30 || $mom.oral==false>>\
Zara's mom quickly leaves the room, letting Zara continue with her chores.
<<addenergy -15>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
Zara's mom takes her by the hand and walks her into the laundry room. Before Zara could say anything, she found her lips blocked, her mom started making out with her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mother gets on her knees and brings her tongue and starts eating out Zara. Gasping with pleasure, all Zara could do was hold on and not be too loud so as to not alert any of the other family members. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara felt so horny being eaten out by her own mother! It was so hot.<<else>>Zara could not believe she was being eaten out by her own mother, it felt a bit... wrong.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores_lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The pleasure finally builds up to an orgasm, Zara's legs shake as it rocks her body throughout.
<<addenergy -20>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
<<endif>>\<<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 30>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $dad.sex>>\
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 40>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $bro.sex>>\
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
As Zara does her chores, she feels beads of sweat form on her skin. But, she continues on with her work. She did not realize it yet, but her top had slipped, showing off her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's _sexChar walks into the room and sees Zara. He stops dead in his tracks and just looks at Zara, his mouth slightly agape with amazement.
<font color="pink">"What's wrong?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
Feeling self-conscious, Zara looks down to see her nipples peaking over the top.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<if _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption<=45 || $famSexUnlocked==false>>
Zara immediately covers back up. Embarrassed that her _sexChar just saw her like that... Hopefully it does not happen again...
<<addenergy -15>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
Zara keeps working, letting her nipples hang out. Pretty sure this was turning her _sexChar on...
<center><<if _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if _corrupt <= _corruptReq || _flagCheck==false>>
Zara's _sexChar quickly leaves the room, letting Zara continue with her chores.
<<addenergy -15>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
Zara's _sexChar takes her by the hand and walks her into the laundry room. Before Zara could say anything, she found herself turned around facing the washing machine. He grabs her by the shoulder and puts her head inside, not allowing her to see what he is doing. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Even though she was a bit weirded out... she felt excited by what was going on.<<else>>She felt a bit weirded out... a bit aroused too.<</if>>
She feels his cock rub against her vagina's entrance, and then it penetrates her. A gasp of pleasure came out of her mouth due to the sudden intrusion.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as her _sexChar thrusts in and out of her pussy, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from him made her gasp and moan. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara had become such a slut, allowing her _sexChar to freely use her like this.<<else>>Was she really letting her _sexChar use her like this? It felt a bit wrong still.<</if>>
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's pussy, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
<<addenergy -20>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
<<endif>>\<<if $DadPresent==true and $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = either("Brother", "Father")>>\
<<elseif $KylePresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<elseif $DadPresent==true>>\
<<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<if _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<set _corrupt = $dad.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 10>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $dad.blowjob>>\
<<elseif _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<set _corrupt = $bro.corruption>>\
<<set _corruptReq = 20>>\
<<set _flagCheck = $bro.blowjob>>\
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
As Zara does her chores, she feels beads of sweat form on her skin. But, she continues on with her work. She did not realize it yet, but her top had slipped, showing off her nipples.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/nipslip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's _sexChar walks into the room and sees Zara. He stops dead in his tracks and just looks at Zara, his mouth slightly agape with amazement.
<font color="pink">"What's wrong?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
Feeling self-conscious, Zara looks down to see her nipples peaking over the top.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<if _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption<=35 || $famSexUnlocked==false>>
Zara immediately covers back up. Embarrassed that her _sexChar just saw her like that... Hopefully it does not happen again...
<<addenergy -15>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
Zara keeps working, letting her nipples hang out. Pretty sure this was turning her _sexChar on...
<center><<if _sexChar=="Brother">>\
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<elseif _sexChar=="Father">>\
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if _corrupt <= _corruptReq || _flagCheck==false>>
Zara's _sexChar quickly leaves the room, letting Zara continue with her chores.
<<addenergy -15>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
Zara's _sexChar takes her by the hand and walks her into the laundry room. Before Zara could say anything, she found herself on her knees and a dick right in front of her.
<font color="cyan">"Suck it"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara obediently listens and accepts the dick into her mouth.<<else>>Zara nervously opens her mouth and lets the cock into her mouth.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/chores_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill.
<font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>, he says whilst tensing up.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara pops the dick out of her mouth and smiles at him while jerking him off, giving his dick head kisses to quicken his orgasm.<<else>>Zara takes the dick out of her mouth and jerks it off, her heart pounds as she waits for the cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the floor and exits the room.
<<addenergy -20>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Living room]]</center>
<<if ($DadPresent==true || $KylePresent==true) and (($dad.corruption>=30 and $dad.sex==true) || ($bro.corruption>=40 and $bro.sex==true)) and $PlayerCorruption>=65>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=30 and $DadPresent==true and $dad.sex==true>>
<<set $sexChar = "father">>
<<elseif $bro.corruption>=40 and $KylePresent==true and $bro.sex==true>>
<<set $sexChar = "brother">>
<<goto "kitchen event1">>
<<elseif $MomPresent and $mom.corruption>=30 and $PlayerCorruption>=60 and $mom.oral==true>>\
<<goto "kitchen event2">>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<goto "Meal events">>
<<endif>>Zara stood busy at the kitchen counter, cutting up some vegetables when she felt two hands grab her waist from behind.
<font color="cyan">"It's alright, keep working. Just going to work up a hunger for your amazing food"</font>, her $sexChar whispers into her ear. He bends her over the kitchen counter and inserts his cock into her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/kitchen/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
All her hopes of continuing cooking go out of the window, the pleasure has made her mind go blank. Her $sexChar continues pounding her pussy, moaning as he gets closer and closer to cumming.
With a groan, he pulls out and cums all over Zara's ass, coating it with his warm seed. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara loved being such a free use slut, letting her own $sexChar fuck her like this on the kitchen counter.<<else>>Did she seriously let her own $sexChar use her for his pleasure? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Zara goes back to cooking food, it takes a bit longer to get ready because of certain... things that happened.
<<set $minute+=55>>
<center>[[Continue|Meal events]]</center>Zara stood busy at the kitchen counter, stirring up the curry chicken when she felt two hands grab her waist from behind.
<font color="fuchsia">"Mmmm, smell's good. Got me hungry for some appetizers"</font>, her mother whispers into her ear. Zara smirks to herself and presents her pussy to her mom, now that must be a good appetizer.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/kitchen/lesb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mother uses her tongue to expertly slide through Zara's folds and flick her clit, causing her immense pleasure. Zara moans as her mother quickens the pace of her tongue. She grabs onto her mom's hair as she starts to orgasm, feeling a bliss overcome her after she is done. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara loved being such a free use slut, letting her own mother use her body like this on the kitchen counter.<<else>>Did she seriously let her own mother eat her out? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Zara goes back to cooking food, it takes a bit longer to get ready because of certain... things that happened.
<<set $minute+=55>>\
<center>[[Continue|Meal events]]</center><hr>
<h3 style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; font-style: italic">\
[[Exit Phone|$return]]
<table border="2" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%">
<th style="text-align:center" width="35%">Contact Name</th>
<th style="text-align:center">Actions</th>
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Kyle Williams</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul>
<li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Kyle Williams Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> $bro.name $bro.lname
<font color="gold">Corruption:</font> $bro.corruption
<font color="gold">Relationship:</font> Brother
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $bro.lastQuest>>/3
<font color="gold">Description:</font> Zara's twin brother. They have been inseparable since birth. The two of them love each other a lot and would do anything for each other. Is free from 16:00 to 23:00 and also on weekends for sex events at home.
<li><<if $dailyHangBro eq false>><<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><center>[[Text to hang out|text bro]]</center><<else>><center>Zara is too tired to hangout...</center><</if>><<else>><center>Daily text already used</center><</if>></li>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true and $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $dailyText lte 1 and $famSexUnlocked==true>><li><center>[[Send a risque picture/video|risque text bro][$dailyText+=1]]</center></li><</if>>
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Ben Williams</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul>
<li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Ben Williams Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> $dad.name $dad.lname
<font color="gold">Corruption:</font> $dad.corruption
<font color="gold">Relationship:</font> Father
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $dad.lastQuest>>/3
<font color="gold">Description:</font> A hard working police captain, working long hours to provide for his family. Has a drinking problem which makes him do things he would never normally. Is free from 20:00 to 23:00 for sex events at home and also on weekends for sex events at home.
<li><<if $dailyHangDad eq false>><<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><center>[[Text to hang out|text dad]]</center><<else>><center>Zara is too tired to hangout...</center><</if>><<else>><center>Daily text already used</center><</if>></li>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true and $PlayerCorruption gte 45 and $dailyText lte 1 and $famSexUnlocked==true>><li><center>[[Send a risque picture/video|risque text dad][$dailyText+=1]]</center></li><</if>>
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Elena Williams</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul>
<li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Elena Williams Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> $mom.name $mom.lname
<font color="gold">Corruption:</font> $mom.corruption
<font color="gold">Relationship:</font> Mother
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $mom.lastQuest>>/3
<font color="gold">Description:</font> A beautiful woman with amazing artistic capabilities, making her a top level architect in her firm. Is free from 18:00 to 23:00 and also on weekends for sex events at home.
<li><<if $dailyHangMom eq false>><<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><center>[[Text to hang out|text mom]]</center><<else>><center>Zara is too tired to hangout...</center><</if>><<else>><center>Daily text already used</center><</if>></li>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true and $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $dailyText lte 1 and $famSexUnlocked==true>><li><center>[[Send a risque picture/video|risque text mom][$dailyText+=1]]</center></li><</if>>
<<if $ben.metFlag==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Ben Kingsley</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul><li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Ben Kingsley Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> Ben Kingsley
<font color="gold">Relationship:</font> $ben.relationship
<font color="gold">Status:</font> <<if $ben.relationship<0>>Disliked<<elseif $ben.relationship>=0 and $ben.relationship<10>>Stranger<<elseif $ben.relationship>=10 and $ben.relationship<25>>Acquaintance<<elseif $ben.relationship>=25 and $ben.relationship<60>>Friend<<elseif $ben.relationship>=60 and $ben.datingFlag==true>>Boyfriend<<elseif $ben.relationship>=60 and $ben.relationship<90 and $ben.datingFlag==false>>Close Friend<<else>>Best Friend<</if>>
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $ben.lastQuest>>/0
<font color="gold">Description:</font> Ben Kingsley was the smartest student in school. He was a good looking boy and well-liked by many. While confident most times, he is not a dominant personality. He is an expert in computers. Zara should stay on his good side, he could help her achieve her goal. He can be found in the library after classes.
<li><<if $dailyHangBen eq false>><<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><center>[[Text to hang out|text ben]]</center><<else>><center>Zara is too tired to hang out...</center><</if>><<else>><center>Daily text already used</center><</if>></li>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true and $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $dailyText lte 1>><li><center>[[Send a risque picture/video|risque text ben][$dailyText+=1]]</center></li><</if>></ul></td>
<<if $lisa.metFlag==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Lisa Brown</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul><li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Lisa Brown Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> Lisa Brown
<font color="gold">Relationship:</font> $lisa.relationship
<font color="gold">Status:</font> <<if $lisa.relationship<0>>Disliked<<elseif $lisa.relationship>=0 and $lisa.relationship<10>>Stranger<<elseif $lisa.relationship>=10 and $lisa.relationship<25>>Acquaintance<<elseif $lisa.relationship>=25 and $lisa.relationship<60>>Friend<<elseif $lisa.relationship>=60 and $lisa.datingFlag==true>>Girlfriend<<elseif $lisa.relationship>=60 and $lisa.relationship<90 and $lisa.datingFlag==false>>Close Friend<<else>>Best Friend<</if>>
<font color="gold">Sexual Orientation:</font> $lisa.lesbianPts - <<if $lisa.lesbianPts gte 85>>Flaming Lesbian<<elseif $lisa.lesbianPts gte 65>>Lesbian<<elseif $lisa.lesbianPts gte 50>>Leaning Lesbian<<elseif $lisa.lesbianPts gte 35>>Leaning bisexual<<elseif $lisa.lesbianPts gte 15>>Bisexual<<elseif $lisa.lesbianPts gte 0>>Flaming Bisexual<</if>>
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $lisa.lastQuest>>/0
<font color="gold">Description:</font> Lisa Brown is a pretty girl confused about her sexual orientation, going back and forth trying to find her identity. Quick to tears but still snarky when angry, Lisa could make a good friend. She is an expert in fitness. She can be found in the canteen during lunch hours.
<li><<if $dailyHangLisa eq false>><<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><center>[[Text to hang out|text lisa]]</center><<else>><center>Zara is too tired to hang out...</center><</if>><<else>><center>Daily text already used</center><</if>></li>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true and $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $dailyText lte 1>><li><center>[[Send a risque picture/video|risque text lisa][$dailyText+=1]]</center></li><</if>></ul></td>
<<if $jessica.metFlag==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Jessica Chambers</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul><li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Jessica Chambers Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> Jessica Chambers
<font color="gold">School Reputation:</font> $jessica.reputation/100 - <<if $jessica.reputation gte 90>>Prom Queen Guarantee<<elseif $jessica.reputation gte 75>>School Favourite<<elseif $jessica.reputation gte 55>>Popular Kid<<elseif $jessica.reputation gte 45>>Well known<<elseif $jessica.reputation gte 25>>Hanging on<<elseif $jessica.reputation gte 5>>Crumbling<<elseif $jessica.reputation gte 0>>A nobody<</if>>
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $jessica.lastQuest>>/0
<font color="gold">Description:</font> Jessica Chambers is THE popular girl-gorgeous, talented, and effortlessly charismatic. As head cheerleader, she commands attention wherever she goes, charming teachers and students alike. Zara knows Jessica isn’t just competition for Prom Queen; she’s the one to beat.
<<if $dick.metFlag==true>>\
<td style="padding:10px; text-align:center" ><font color="gold">Dick Turpin</font></td>
<td style="padding:10px"><ul><li><<link "Relationship">><<dialog "Dick Turpin Relationship Sheet">><font color="gold">Name:</font> Dick Turpin
<font color="gold">Relationship:</font> $dick.relationship
<font color="gold">Status:</font> <<if $dick.relationship<0>>Disliked<<elseif $dick.relationship>=0 and $dick.relationship<10>>Stranger<<elseif $dick.relationship>=10 and $dick.relationship<25>>Acquaintance<<elseif $dick.relationship>=25 and $dick.relationship<60>>Friend<<elseif $dick.relationship>=60 and $dick.datingFlag==true>>Boyfriend<<elseif $dick.relationship>=60 and $dick.relationship<90 and $dick.datingFlag==false>>Close Friend<<else>>Best Friend<</if>>
<font color="gold">Quests:</font> <<print $dick.lastQuest>>/5
<font color="gold">Description:</font> Dick is what you would call... an oddly good looking boy. His features were rough but they built an amazing piece of art. HIs clothes too were rougher and looked like thrift store finds. His personality on the other hand was sleazy and probably comes off as creepy to most. Even though he is around Zara's age, he never talks about school or anything education related... who knows why. He is an expert in science though. He mostly hangs around in the park and can be met on the park benches.<</dialog>><</link>></li>
<li><<if $dailyHangDick eq false>><<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>><center>[[Text to hang out|text dick]]</center><<else>><center>Zara is too tired to hangout...</center><</if>><<else>><center>Daily text already used</center><</if>></li>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true and $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $dailyText lte 1>><li><center>[[Send a risque picture/video|risque text dick][$dailyText+=1]]</center></li><</if>></ul></td>
<<if $PlayerPhone eq true>>\
<table border="1" style="width:100%;">
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 25>>\
<<link "Peruse science based forums">>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addsci 2>>
<<goto "Phone">>
<</link>> -25 Energy +2 Science Skill +1 hour
Zara is too tired to read right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font>
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 30>>\
<<link "Read an adult e-book">>
<<addenergy -30>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addcorruption 2>>
<<goto "Phone">>\
<</link>> -30 Energy +2 Corruption +1 hour
Zara is too tired to read an adult book right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font>
<td align="center" valign="center" width="33%" colspan="2" style="padding: 10px;">\
<<if $PlayerEnergy >= 25>>\
<<link "Peruse computer science based forums">>
<<addenergy -25>>
<<set $hour += 1>>
<<addcomp 2>>
<<goto "Phone">>
<</link>> -25 Energy +2 Science Skill +1 hour
Zara is too tired to read right now...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font>
</center><<set $dailyHangBro to true>>\
<<set $minute+=1>>\
<<say "Zara">>Hey! You there?<</say>>
<<if $bro.angryFlag == false>>\
<<if ($weekDay eq true) and ($hour gte 8 and $hour lt 14)>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Kyle">>Hey, sis. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Uhhh sis? We have school right now<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>So? Let's just bunk<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Nope, no way. I ain't bunking<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Pussy<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>I am what I eat<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Gross. Bye<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 22 and $hour<=0>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Kyle">>Hey, sis. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Sis, it's past our curfew<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>We can just sneak out<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>No, you know why the curfew is up... It's not safe outside once it's dark<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Fiiiine<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 0 and $hour<=7>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
Hmmm. No answer. He is probably asleep...
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<say "Kyle">>Hey, sis. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Kyle">>I am down. Where to though?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Sounds good to me. I can also then go play some football<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm bro][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's go out for a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Do they have burgers?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Sure (I hope). Just come, their food is good<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Fine, heading over<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm bro][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall. I wanna go window shopping<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Can we visit Mr. Robot? I wanna go check out the games section<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Of course. See you there<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm bro][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Kyle">>Nah, I got some plans already. Sorry, sis<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, okiesss. No problem at all<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Kyle">>Nah sis, we ain't on talking terms<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Come on, I am sorryyyy, srsly<</say>>
No reply comes up, looks like Zara has to go personally apologize to him at home.
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Zara">>Psstt... got a little present for you xoxo<</say>>
<<say "Zara">><<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>><</say>>\
The video would automatically disappear in 30 seconds... he better see Zara's texts quick...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 20>>\
<<if $bro.corruption lte 10 || $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<<say "Kyle">>Uhh... I don't know if you meant to send that to me...<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Who knows? ;)<</say>>
<<elseif $bro.corruption lte 70>>\
<<say "Kyle">>Holy shit, sis. Your tits are fucking amazing<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Hehe! I knew you would love this<</say>>
<<say "Kyle">>Fucckkkk sis. I can't wait for the next time I can fuck you senseless<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>I can't wait either hehe<</say>>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<center><font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
No answer... the video disappears without a trace
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<</if>><<say "Zara">>Psstt... got a little present for you xoxo<</say>>
<<say "Zara">><<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>><</say>>\
The video would automatically disappear in 30 seconds... he better see Zara's texts quick...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 20>>\
<<if $mom.corruption lte 10 || $mom.finger==false>>\
<<say "Mom">>I am assuming this is a mistake. Delete this at once. You better not be sending these kind of things to boys<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Sorry, mom. It was sent by mistake...<</say>>
<<elseif $mom.corruption lte 70>>\
<<say "Mom">>You definitely got my tits<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>I have ;)<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>The kind of tits every boy loves xo<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>You should just roam around the house topless<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>I could hehe<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Maybe I will too ;)<</say>>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<center><font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
No answer... the video disappears without a trace
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<</if>><<say "Zara">>Psstt... got a little present for you xoxo<</say>>
<<say "Zara">><<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>><</say>>\
The video would automatically disappear in 30 seconds... he better see Zara's texts quick...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 20>>\
<<if $dad.corruption lte 10 || $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<<say "Dad">>I am assuming this is a mistake. Delete this at once. You better not be sending these kind of things to boys<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Sorry, dad. It was sent by mistake...<</say>>
<<elseif $dad.corruption lte 70>>\
<<say "Dad">>I have raised a slut<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You have ;)<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>The kind of daughter every father should have<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Best part of coming home is to fuck your tight pussy<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>I love it too ;)<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Such a fucking slut<</say>>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<center><font color="red">Father Corruption +1</font>
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
No answer... the video disappears without a trace
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<</if>><<set $dailyHangDick to true>>\
<<set $minute+=1>>\
<<say "Zara">>Hey! You there?<</say>>
<<if $dick.angryFlag == false>>\
<<if $hour >= 22 or $hour<=7>>\
<<say "Dick">>Yo, wassup?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>I'm so bored, I wanna go out<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>"It's late, it won't be safe for you outside"<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>We could meet at your place?<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>"Uhhh, I don't think so. Not the best time, baby doll<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Ah, well, then I guess chuck it for now<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Dick">>Depends, whatchu texting for, baby doll?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Dick">>I am down. Where to tho?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>Aight, heading over. See you, baby doll<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm dick][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's go out for a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>Aight, heading over. See you, baby doll<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm dick][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall<</say>>
<<say "Dick">>Aight, heading over. See you, baby doll<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm dick][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Dick">>Nah, I got a drop to make today<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, okiesss. No problem at all<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Dick">>Nawww, we ain't on talking terms<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Come on, I am sorryyyy, srsly<</say>>
No reply comes up, looks like Zara has to go personally apologize to him at the park.
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Zara">>Psstt... got a little present for you xoxo<</say>>
<<say "Zara">><<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>><</say>>\
The video would automatically disappear in 30 seconds... he better see Zara's texts quick...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 20>>\
<<say "Dick">>Holy shit, baby doll. Wish I was there right now to see them in person<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Hehe! Soon! Hopefully<</say>>
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<center>No answer... the video disappears without a trace
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<</if>><<set $dailyHangDad to true>>\
<<set $minute+=1>>\
<<say "Zara">>Hey! You there?<</say>>
<<if $dad.angryFlag == false>>\
<<if ($weekDay eq true) and ($hour gte 8 and $hour lt 14)>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Dad">>Hey, sweetie. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Excuse me? You have school right now!<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, yes. Haha sorry<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Are you bunking??<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>No no, nevermind me<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>If I hear anything from your school...<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You won't dad, sorry. Byeee<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 22 and $hour<=0>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Dad">>Hello, sweetie, how are you?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Hey dad, I am just really boreddd<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Well, it's anyways time to sleep soon so go sleep.<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Sure, dad. Good night<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Good night, sweetie<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 0 and $hour<=7>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
Hmmm. No answer. He is probably asleep...
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<say "Dad">>Hello sweetie. Need anything?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Are you on break by any chance?<</say>>
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Dad">>I am the police captain. I can take a break anytime I want<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Well, can we meet and just spend some father-daughter ✨quality✨ time together?<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Sure, sweetie. Anywhere special you want to go?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Sounds good to me. Head over there, I will be there soon<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm dad][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's get a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Yes, I know the place. Will be there<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm dad][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall?<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>Oh is this why you texted? To use my wallet?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Daaaad no, I won't be buying anything<</say>>
<<say "Dad">>LOL<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Please, you using "LOL" is so weird<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm dad][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Dad">>Sorry, sweetie. I have a lot of work today<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, okiesss. No problem at all<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Dad">>No.<</say>>
Well, he is still angry at Zara. Looks like Zara has to go personally apologize to him at home.
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set $dailyHangMom to true>>\
<<set $minute+=1>>\
<<say "Zara">>Hey! You there?<</say>>
<<if $mom.angryFlag == false>>\
<<if ($weekDay eq true) and ($hour gte 8 and $hour lt 14)>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Mom">>Hey, sweetie. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Excuse me? You have school right now!<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, yes. Haha sorry<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Are you bunking??<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>No no, nevermind me<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>If your dad hears anything from your school...<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You won't mom, sorry. Byeee<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 22 and $hour<=0>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Mom">>Hello, sweetie, how are you?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Hey mom, I am just really boreddd<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Well, it's anyways time to sleep soon so go sleep.<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Sure, mom. Good night<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Good night, sweetie. I love you<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 0 and $hour<=7>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
Hmmm. No answer. She is probably asleep...
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<say "Mom">>Hello sweetie. Need anything?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Are you on break by any chance?<</say>>
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Mom">>Yes, well, as manager I can slip away for some time<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Well, can we meet and just spend some mother-daughter ✨quality✨ time together?<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Sure, sweetie. Anywhere special you want to go?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Sounds good to me. Head over there, I will be there soon<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm mom][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's get a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>Yes, I know the place. Will be there. Great food<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm mom][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall?<</say>>
<<say "Mom">>That would be great. My office is just a few minutes away<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Yes, I know. See you there, mom <3<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm mom][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Mom">>Sorry, sweetie. I have a lot of work today<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, okiesss. No problem at all<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Mom">>No.<</say>>
Well, she is still angry at Zara. Looks like Zara has to go personally apologize to her at home.
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<if ($weekDay eq true) and ($hour gte 8 and $hour lt 14)>>\
Oh no! Why did Zara invite Dick to hang out? She has school!
She could skip school... or attend school and face the consequences for ditching later.
<center><font color="gold">Dick will be angry if ditched</font>
[[Don't skip school|$return][$dick.angryFlag=true]]</center>
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>
<center>[[Skip school|parkHang dick][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>
<center>[[Skip school|restHang dick][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>
<center>[[Skip school|mallHang dick][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang dick">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang dick">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang dick">>\
<</if>>\<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
The saleswoman looks at Zara, eyeing her up and down.
<font color="Fuchsia">"You know, we tend to give pretty girls discounts here. You just have to work a little bit hard for it"</font>, she says with a wink.
<font color="pink">"And how do I redeem this discount"</font>, Zara asks, but, she already knows the answer.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Oh you know, just come with me to the fitting rooms, that would suffice"</font>, the saleswoman purrs, inching closer to Zara.
<<link "Zara declines">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes a step backward, putting some distance between her and the saleswoman.
<font color="pink">"Yeah, no thanks"</font>
The saleswoman looks a bit disappointed but just shrugs and continues with the process of buying.
<center><<set $PlayerMoney -= $cost>>\
<font color="green">-<<print $cost>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Zara accepts">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara bites her lower lip and takes the saleswoman's hand, allowing herself to be led to the fitting rooms.<<else>>Zara felt nervous but took the saleswoman's hand, letting herself be led to the fitting rooms.<</if>> Just as the door's latch clicked into place, Zara found herself enveloped in the woman's embrace. Their hands roam all over their bodies, until finally...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/lfinger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Moans escape the saleswoman's mouth. The wetness from her vagina spreads all over Zara's fingers as she slowly goes deeper and deeper into the woman's vagina.
The woman takes hold of Zara's shoulders and starts pushing her down on her knees. Looks like Zara has to work a bit harder to get a discount.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara runs her tongue through the folds of the saleswoman's vagina, marveling at the taste. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Even if no discount would come out of this, Zara would not care.<<else>>She was just doing this for the discount... right?<</if>> From the corner of her eyes, she saw herself in the mirror, on her knees and her mouth buried in the saleswoman's pussy and the sight made her squirm more. She feels her pussy dripping.
The saleswoman moans and her thighs clench around Zara's head, looks like Zara's work was done here.
<center><<set _discounted = $cost - 100>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
The salesman looks at Zara, eyeing her up and down.
<font color="cyan">"You know, we tend to give pretty girls discounts here. You just have to work a little bit hard for it"</font>, he says with a wink.
<font color="pink">"And how do I redeem this discount"</font>, Zara asks, but, she already knows the answer.
<font color="cyan">"Oh you know, just come with me to the fitting rooms, that would suffice"</font>, the salesman whispers, inching closer to Zara.
<<link "Zara declines">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes a step backward, putting some distance between her and the salesman.
<font color="pink">"Yeah, no thanks"</font>
The salesman looks a bit disappointed but just shrugs and continues with the process of buying.
<center><<set $PlayerMoney -= $cost>>\
<font color="green">-<<print $cost>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35>>\
<<link "Zara accepts">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara bites her lower lip and takes the salesman's hand, allowing herself to be led to the fitting rooms.<<else>>Zara felt nervous but still took the salesman's hand, letting herself be led to the fitting rooms.<</if>> Just as the door's latch clicked into place, Zara found herself enveloped in the man's embrace. Their hands roam all over their bodies. Grabbing her shoulders, the salesman guides Zara onto her knees, his cock already at the ready and twitching in excitement.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Using her mouth, Zara did her best to work hard for her discount. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Sucking off strangers for a discount really was a privilege!<<else>>Should she really be sucking off strangers for a discount though?<</if>> The precum coats her tongue as she bobs up and down on his dick. She can feel him tensing up, looks like he is about to cum.
But, suddenly, he grabs her shoulders and drags her to her feet. Confused, Zara wanted to ask what was wrong but before she could, she was spun around with her ass presented to the salesman.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the salesman pumps in and out of her. Her hands left marks on the glass she was facing. She found it extremely hot, staring at her own face contorted in pleasure as she got fucked from behind.
With a groan, the man gives a final deep thrust and cums inside her, marking she did indeed get the discount.
<center><<set _discounted = $cost - 100>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
<</if>>\<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and Dick met at the ornate gates of the park, a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city. Greetings exchanged, they strolled through the winding paths, surrounded by the lush greenery and the soothing melodies of birdsong.
After a few rounds of leisurely walking, they decided to rest on a secluded bench nestled beneath the shade of a blossoming tree. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant sounds of nature created a serene backdrop as they settled in, continuing their conversation against the backdrop of the peaceful park ambiance.
The two of them quieten into a lull, all topics of conversation now exhausted. But, it was not uncomfortable. The two of them sat on the bench, enjoying each other's presence.
Dick scoots closer to Zara and puts his arm around her shoulders, bringing her in for a kiss. This gentle kiss gave way to something more... passionate.
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip Dick's pants.<<else>>Zara nervously unzips Dick's pants.<</if>> Dick shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down with her hand, glad nobody was around in the area until with a groan, Dick cums, letting his seed drip all over Zara's hand.<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She happily starts to lick up the cum coating her hand, the taste was intoxicating.<<else>>She uses a tissue to get the cum off her hand. She really did just make a boy cum in such a public place, unbelievable!<</if>>
Dick gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking very pleased with himself.
Dick leans forward and kisses her tenderly on her lips. It was time to leave the park and head home. The two of them got off the bench and bid each other goodbye, leaving for their respective destinations.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She felt nothing but arousal at the idea of being so nude in public.<<else>>She felt extremely nervous about being so nude in public. What if someone catches her?<</if>> Dick looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants.
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip Dick's pants. Dick shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down using her mouth. She was glad nobody was around in the area. She swirls her tongue expertly on his dick and finally with a groan, Dick cums right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She keeps her lips tightly on his head to ensure not even a single drop of cum escapes her mouth.<<else>>She keeps her lips on his cock, doing her best to take every drop of cum in her mouth, but some still dribbles away.<</if>>
Dick gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking very pleased with himself. Dick leans forward and kisses her tenderly on her lips. It was time to leave the park and head home. The two of them got off the bench and bid each other goodbye, leaving for their respective destinations.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=55]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<link "Ride him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She felt nothing but arousal at the idea of being so nude in public.<<else>>She felt extremely nervous about being so nude in public. What if someone catches her?<</if>> Dick looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants.
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip Dick's pants. He realizes what was going to happen and shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides Dick while keeping a lookout for unwanted eyes. She feels him stiffening under her as the pleasure reaches a crescendo for the both of them.
Dick thrusts up as he cums inside Zara, this sudden move breaks Zara and she orgasms right on the park bench with Dick. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Damn, she really was a slut. letting boys cum in her in public.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Letting boys cum in her in public?<</if>>
Dick gives her a smile as he puts his cock away, looking very pleased with himself. Dick leans forward and kisses her tenderly on her lips. It was time to leave the park and head home. The two of them got off the bench and bid each other goodbye, leaving for their respective destinations.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<center><img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
She suddenly feels a hand on her ass, giving it a tight squeeze. Zara jumps and immediately turns around, ready to give the groper a strong word when all her anger dissipates on seeing Dick.
<font color="cyan">"Gotcha!"</font>, Dick jeers with a grin on his face.
<font color="pink">"No you didn't. I wasn't startled, just merely... surprised"</font>, Zara huffed.
<font color="cyan">"Sure, baby doll. Let's grab us a table."</font>
They found a cozy spot by the window, took a seat at the polished wooden table, and scanned the menu. After a brief discussion, they decided on their orders and signaled the attentive waiter. As they awaited their meals, the lively chatter and clinking of cutlery surrounded them, creating a warm ambiance. Zara and Dick caught up on the latest gossip, their anticipation growing for the delicious dishes soon to arrive at their table.
<font color="cyan">"By the way... while we wait. We could work up an appetite you know?"</font>
<font color="pink">"And how do you propose that?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Come with me to the restroom, I will show you"</font>
Zara felt a tinge in her abdomen, was that excitement? Dick looks at her face and knows he has already made her want it too.
<font color="cyan">"I will go first, you follow. Don't let the employees catch you",</font>
<<link "Sneak into the men's washroom">>
<<replace "#tag">>\
Just as she enters the men's washroom, her arm is grabbed by Dick and she is led to an empty stall. The two men already in the washroom eye them up but don't say anything.
Just as the stall door shuts, she feels her clothes being taken off and in response, she deftly starts taking off Dick's. Their lips seek each other out and meet, the softness in his kisses always surprises Zara.
She feels the tip of his dick poking against her thigh. It's time for something a little bit more appetite increasing.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
His dick already hard from Zara's actions stands at the ready as Zara gets on her knees. She leans forward and gives the dick head a small lick, making Dick twitch. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara smiles to herself as she proceeds deeper.<<else>>Her heart beating quickly, she proceeds deeper.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. Dick moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes Dick tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara pops the dick out of her mouth and smiles at him while jerking him off, giving his dick head kisses to quicken his orgasm.<<else>>Zara pops his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off, she opens her mouth. Was she really going to take his cum in her mouth?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the floor as Dick grins at her, slapping her ass.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Zara and Dick return to their table|restHang dick end][$minute+=15]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara places her hands on Dick's shoulders and pushes him, making him lean backward as his dick stands up and ready.<<else>>Dick leans back, letting his dick stand up straight. He beckons to Zara to come "sit on his lap".<</if>> She inches forward, placing her vagina right above his penis. Without a warning Dick suddenly thrusts up, inserting himself into her, and makes Zara give a sharp gasp in pleasure. To take back control she immediately starts riding him, giving him no chance to continue thrusting, Zara held the power.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
Suddenly, Dick pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. Dick just grins and shrugs back at her. He pulls her towards him and places a tender kiss on her lips.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Zara and Dick return to their table|restHang dick end][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex with him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=50>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara bends over the toilet seat, presenting her ass to him. Dick immediately positions himself behind her, aiming his dick at her pussy.
<font color="pink">"How about anal instead?"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>innocently<<else>>shyly<</if>> asks him before he can thrust in.
Without a second thought, Dick spits on his cock, coating it with wet slimy saliva before re-aiming his dick.
<font color="cyan">"Are you sure?"</font>, Dick asks. Zara just looks back at him and nods, giving him consent.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as Dick thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from Dick brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming.
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
After he was done Dick pulls out. Both of them wordlessly get their clothes back in order before looking at each other and smiling. Dick leans forward and kisses Zara tenderly on her lips, making her melt inside.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Zara and Dick return to their table|restHang dick end][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal with him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara and Dick rendezvoused at the bustling mall, greeted by the hum of shoppers and the allure of storefront displays. They meandered through the vibrant corridors, taking in the latest trends and occasionally pausing to peer into windows filled with enticing merchandise. Laughter and snippets of conversation filled the air as they shared casual banter, their steps echoing against the polished floors. As they approached the central atrium, their eyes caught the inviting entrance of a trendy clothing store. Intrigued, they decided to explore further, the promise of stylish finds beckoning them inside.
In the clothing store, Zara and Dick navigated through the neatly arranged aisles, exploring racks adorned with a variety of garments. As they ventured deeper, Zara's eyes lit up at the sight of the changing rooms. A mischievous glint sparked in her eyes as she playfully grabbed Dick's hand, leading him into the intimate space. The allure of spontaneity hung in the air as they entered, the privacy of the changing rooms offering a brief escape from the bustling mall atmosphere.
In the changing room, Zara and Dick hugged and kissed, lost in a sweet moment of love. The small space felt like their private world, away from the bustling mall outside. The kiss becomes more passionate the longer it goes on. Zara feels his boner poking her thighs, exciting her.
<<link "Zara gets on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gives Dick one final tender kiss before getting on her knees. She deftly unbuttons his zipper, letting his cock pop out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>All she felt was arousal, she wanted his cock deep in her mouth.<<else>>She felt nervous, what if someone caught them in the stall?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his dick head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. Dick moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes Dick tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara pops the dick out of her mouth and smiles at him while jerking him off, giving his dick head kisses to quicken his orgasm.<<else>>Zara pops his dick out of her mouth, jerking him off. She waits, a bit nervous of having his cum in her mouth.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the floor as Dick sighs from the pleasure he just received. He tenderly kisses Zara's forehead and the two of them exit the changing room stall.
It was time to go home, they bid goodbye to each other and went onwards to their own destinations.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Zara gets fucked">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara spins around and presents herself to Dick. Without a second thought, Dick unzips his pants, letting his cock pop out. Already dripping due to arousal, Zara's wet pussy allows Dick to enter her without a hassle.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as Dick pumps in and out of her. Her hands left marks on the glass she was facing. She found it extremely hot, staring at her own face contorted in pleasure as she got fucked from behind. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara did not care if anyone outside could hear her. She just was too horny to care.<<else>>Zara hoped nobody outside could hear her, it would be embarrassing.<</if>>
With a groan, Dick gives a final deep thrust and cums inside her. Dick sighs from the pleasure he just received. He tenderly kisses Zara's forehead and the two of them exit the stall.
It was time to go home, they bid goodbye to each other and went onwards to their own destinations.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang bro">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang bro">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang bro">>\
<</if>>\<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang dad">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang dad">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang dad">>\
<</if>>\<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
A hand suddenly grabs her from behind, making her jump and turn around.
<font color="cyan">"Gotcha!"</font>, Kyle jeers with a grin on his face.
<font color="pink">"No you didn't. I wasn't startled, just merely... surprised"</font>, Zara huffed.
<font color="cyan">"Sure, sis. Let's grab us a table. I am hungwyyy"</font>, Kyle replies in a baby-voice.
Zara and her brother Kyle settled at a cozy table in the restaurant, flipping through menus and deciding on their orders. Soon, the waiter arrived, delivering plates of delicious food that satisfied their appetites. Mid-bite, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Kyle exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for Kyle's attention, who looks at her quizzically.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle's jaw drops wide open, his food forgotten. He stares at his sister's tits like they are a million dollars.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Kyle continues staring at her chest for the rest of the meal.
Once they were done, they exited the restaurant. Kyle gave her an awkward hug and bid her goodbye. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $bro.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>><font color="pink">"How about you and me work up more of an appetite?"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Kyle looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire. Zara thinks to herself what to do.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara immediately knew what she should do and without wasting a second, found herself underneath the table. Using her hands, she takes out her brother's cock. It already stood hard and ready.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick giving him the pleasure he so desires. He runs his fingers through her hair as she continues. Without a warning, Zara feels spurts of cum hit her tongue as he orgasms right in her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Not wanting to waste any, Zara swallows it all, enjoying its tangy taste.<<else>>She does her best to swallow it all.<</if>> It really complimented the food she was eating. She got back on her seat, Kyle now satisfied seemed to have forgotten about his food. Just staring idly at Zara with a glint in his eyes.
Finally, snapping out of it, he goes back to his meal and so does Zara.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Kyle exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>\
<<if $bro.sex == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the men's washroom"</font>, Zara smiles slyly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the women's washroom, ok?"</font>, Zara continues.<</if>>
The two of them don't waste any time, they find themselves locked in an intimate embrace in one of the washroom stalls. Anybody could catch them, but they did not care. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>This was so hot, Zara making out with her own brother in a public washroom was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to make out with her own brother in a public washroom? What if they get caught?<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Zara places her hands on Kyle's shoulders and pushes him, making him lean backward as his dick stands up and ready.<<else>>Kyle leans back, letting his dick stand up straight. He beckons to Zara to come "sit on his lap".<</if>> She inches forward, placing her vagina right above his penis. Without a warning Kyle suddenly thrusts up, inserting himself into her, and makes Zara give a sharp gasp in pleasure. To take back control she immediately starts riding him, giving him no chance to continue thrusting, Zara held the power.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Riding her own brother like this made Zara feel so horny, the pleasure was immense.<<else>>Riding her own brother like this felt a bit wrong, but the arousal clamped down on any doubts.<</if>>
Suddenly, Kyle pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. Kyle just grins and shrugs back at her. He pulls her towards him and places a tender kiss on her lips.
The twins return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Kyle return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been fucking in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Kyle exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>\
<<if $bro.anal == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 75>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the men's washroom"</font>, Zara smiles slyly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the women's washroom, ok?"</font>, Zara continues.<</if>>
The two of them don't waste any time, they find themselves locked in an intimate embrace in one of the washroom stalls. Anybody could catch them, but they did not care. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>This was so hot, Zara making out with her own brother in a public washroom was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to make out with her own brother in a public washroom? What if they get caught?<</if>>
Zara bends over the toilet seat, presenting her ass to him. Kyle immediately positions himself behind her, aiming his dick at her pussy.
<font color="pink">"How about anal instead?"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>innocently<<else>>shyly<</if>> asks him before he can thrust in.
Without a second thought, Kyle spits on his cock, coating it with wet slimy saliva before re-aiming his dick.
<font color="cyan">"Are you sure?"</font>, he asks. Zara just looks back at him and nods, giving him consent.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as Kyle thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from Dick brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>She had become such a slut, letting her own brother fuck her like this, that too in a public washroom.<<else>>Was she really letting her own brother fuck her like this, that too in a public washroom? Was this wrong?<</if>>
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
After he was done Kyle pulled out. Both of them wordlessly get their clothes back in order before looking at each other and smiling.
The twins return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Kyle return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been fucking in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Kyle exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to have anal sex...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 75</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 85</font></center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and her brother Kyle met at the park, greeted by the vibrant greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. They took a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, finding their way to a secluded bench nestled beneath a sprawling tree. Away from the bustling crowds, they settled in, enjoying the tranquility of their chosen spot and continuing their conversation against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves.
Mid-conversation, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was in the surrounding area. While Kyle was talking about something, Zara quickly raised her top, flashing her brother.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle's jaw drops wide open, his topic of conversation forgotten. He stares at his sister's tits like they are a million dollars.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's Enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Kyle continues staring at her chest for a few minutes.
Snapping out of it, Kyle makes an excuse of needing to meet a few friends. Zara shrugs her shoulders and decides to call it a day. They loop back to the park exit and go their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<if $bro.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>><font color="pink">"I want to do something more, and I think we should do it right here"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Kyle looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire. Zara thinks to herself what to do.
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara deftly unbuttons her brother's pants, he helps her by shifting his boxers and letting his dick pop out freely, quivering and ready for the pleasure Zara is about to provide. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>What a slut, giving her own brother a handy in such a public spot.<<else>>Was she really going to do this? It felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara enjoyed the feeling of his cock in her hand, anybody could catch them but she did not care.<<else>>Zara hopes nobody walks into the area and catches them, it would be embarrassing.<</if>> Zara pumps his dick up and down with her hand, until with a groan, Kyle cums, letting his seed drip all over Zara's hand. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Happy with the results, Zara licks up all the cum on her hand, making sure it was clean.<<else>>Using a few tissues, she wipes off the cum covering her hand.<</if>>
Satisfied, Kyle puts his cock away and smiles at her. His balls now completely drained, he felt relaxed. The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $bro.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>><font color="pink">"Get your cock out, I am going to suck your soul out"</font>, continues Zara, her tone dripping with seduction.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let me give you a blowjob, okay?"</font>, Zara continues, her heart pounds.<</if>>
Without a word, he pulls his cock out and grabs the back of Zara's head. He pulls her down towards his cock, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>and Zara does not struggle. She <font color="red">WANTED</font> his cock in her mouth.<<else>>and Zara does her best to open her mouth wide enough.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down using her mouth. She was glad nobody was around in the area. She swirls her tongue expertly on his dick and finally with a groan, her brother cums right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>She keeps her lips tightly on his head to ensure not even a single drop of cum escapes her mouth.<<else>>She does her best to get all of his cum but some still dribbles out.<</if>>
Satisfied, Kyle puts his cock away and pats Zara's head. She sits back up straight, the taste of his cum still fresh in her mouth. The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to accept a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>\
<<if $bro.sex == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Ride him">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. Kyle looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>She felt nothing but excitement stripping in front of her brother, that too in public.<<else>>She felt nervous but also excited at the prospect of performing sexual activities in public with her own brother.<</if>>
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip her brother's pants. Kyle realizes what was going to happen and shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides her brother while keeping a lookout for unwanted eyes. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>It did not matter if anyone caught them right now though, she was too focused and horny to care.<<else>>She was glad nobody was around in the area.<</if>> She feels him stiffening under her as the pleasure reaches a crescendo for the both of them.
Kyle thrusts up as he cums inside Zara, this sudden move breaks Zara and she orgasms right on the park bench with him.
Satisfied, Kyle puts his cock away and pats Zara's head. She sits back up straight, the taste of his cum still fresh in her mouth. The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the mall, the cool air from the mall's AC makes her shiver. There is a crowd of people walking and chatting and shopping away in the mall.
A hand suddenly grabs her from behind, making her jump and turn around.
<font color="cyan">"Gotcha!"</font>, Kyle jeers with a grin on his face.
<font color="pink">"No you didn't. I wasn't startled, just merely... surprised"</font>, Zara huffed.
<font color="cyan">"Sure, sis. Come on, let's go walk around"</font>
Zara and her brother Kyle meandered through the bustling mall, their laughter blending with the hum of shoppers. They paused at vibrant storefronts, occasionally peering into windows filled with enticing merchandise. As they continued their leisurely stroll, the two of them got on an escalator, with Zara standing in front.
A thought pops into her head, does she have the daring to do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her brother Kyle decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for Kyle's attention, who looks at her quizzically from below.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara raises her skirt, presenting her ass to Kyle. She shakes it alluringly at him. Kyle's jaw drops wide open. Zara lowers her skirt, blocking the amazing view Kyle just got to witness.
<center><<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionbro 1>>\
<font color="red">Brother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's all">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Kyle continues staring at her ass until they reach the top of the escalator. He was obviously still thinking about her ass. Zara wonders what exactly was he thinking though. But, he suddenly grins and goes back to his normal self. Looks like nothing was going to happen.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her brother Kyle decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $bro.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="cyan">"Is that all, sis?"</font>, Kyle asks with a hunger now in his eyes.
<font color="pink">"What does that mean?"</font>, Zara replies<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>, biting her lower lip<</if>>.
Wordlessly, Kyle takes Zara's hand and leads her towards a clothing store. Ensuring nobody was looking at them, the two of them entered one of the stalls in the changing rooms section.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>><font color="pink">"I want to suck your dick"</font>, Zara whispers seductively into her brother's ear.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like me to give you a blowjob?"</font>, Zara asks her brother, a bit shy.<</if>>
Kyle smiles and nods, she can already see a tent forming in his pants. Just the idea of fucking Zara was turning him on so much. Their hands roam all over their bodies. Grabbing her shoulders, Kyle guides Zara onto her knees, his cock already at the ready and twitching in excitement.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his cock, doing her best to provide pleasure to her brother. And it was working, she could hear his moans above her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot!<<else>>It felt a bit wrong.<</if>> The precum coats her tongue as she bobs up and down on his dick. She can feel him tensing up, looks like he is about to cum. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>Zara quickens her pace, trying to get him to cum as soon as possible.
To speed up the process, she takes his dick out of her mouth and jerks it off, waiting nervously for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head<<else>>Zara lets him clean himself up<</if>> before getting back up. Kyle smiles at Zara, he feels so much better now having his balls drained.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her brother Kyle decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>\
<<if $bro.sex == true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>><font color="pink">"I want you to fuck me"</font>, Zara whispers seductively into her brother's ear.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to fuck me?"</font>, Zara asks her brother, a bit shy.<</if>>
Kyle smiles and nods, she can already see a tent forming in his pants. Just the idea of fucking Zara was turning him on so much. Turning around, she feels her bottoms being lowered, leaving her bare in front of her own brother. Already dripping due to arousal, Zara's wet pussy allows Kyle to enter her without a hassle.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own brother pumps in and out of her. Her hands left marks on the glass she was facing. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>She found it extremely hot, staring at her own face contorted in pleasure as she got fucked from behind BY HER OWN <font color="red">BROTHER</font>.<<else>>She does her best to not look at herself, a part of her still found it wrong to be fucking her own brother. But her horniness clamped down on any misgivings.<</if>>
With a groan, Kyle gives a final deep thrust and cums inside her. He sighs from the pleasure he just received. He tenderly kisses Zara's forehead and the two of them exit the stall.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her brother Kyle decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<center>Kyle does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
She feels a tap on her shoulder and she turns around to see her dad. Still in his work uniform, the two of them easily get a seat. Everyone had great respect for the police captain.
Zara and her father Ben settled at a cozy table in the restaurant, flipping through menus and deciding on their orders. Soon, the waiter arrived, delivering plates of delicious food that satisfied their appetites. Mid-bite, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and her father exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for her father's attention, who looks at her quizzically.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
His jaw drops wide open, his food forgotten. He stares at his own daughter's tits like they are a million dollars.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Father Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Father Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Ben continues staring at her chest for the rest of the meal.
Once they were done, they exited the restaurant, Ben just gave her an awkward hug and bid her goodbye. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>><font color="pink">"How about you and me work up more of an appetite?"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Ben looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire. Zara thinks to herself what to do.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara immediately knew what she should do and without wasting a second, found herself underneath the table. Using her hands, she takes out her brother's cock. It already stood hard and ready.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick giving him the pleasure he so desires. He runs his fingers through her hair as she continues. Without a warning, Zara feels spurts of cum hit her tongue as he orgasms right in her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Not wanting to waste any, Zara swallows it all, enjoying its tangy taste.<<else>>She does her best to swallow it all.<</if>> It really complimented the food she was eating. She got back on her seat, Ben now satisfied seemed to have forgotten about his food. Just staring idly at Zara with a glint in his eyes.
Finally, snapping out of it, he goes back to his meal and so does Zara.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>\
<<if $dad.sex == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the men's washroom"</font>, Zara smiles slyly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the women's washroom, ok?"</font>, Zara continues.<</if>>
The two of them don't waste any time, they find themselves locked in an intimate embrace in one of the washroom stalls. Anybody could catch them, but they did not care. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>This was so hot, Zara making out with her own father in a public washroom was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to make out with her own father in a public washroom? What if they get caught?<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Zara places her hands on Ben's shoulders and pushes him, making him lean backward as his dick stands up and ready.<<else>>Ben leans back, letting his dick stand up straight. He beckons to Zara to come "sit on his lap".<</if>> She inches forward, placing her vagina right above his penis. Without a warning Ben suddenly thrusts up, inserting himself into her, and makes Zara give a sharp gasp in pleasure. To take back control she immediately starts riding him, giving him no chance to continue thrusting, Zara held the power.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Riding her own father like this made Zara feel so horny, the pleasure was immense.<<else>>Riding her own father like this felt a bit wrong, but the arousal clamped down on any doubts.<</if>>
Suddenly, Ben pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. Ben just grins and shrugs back at her.
The father and daughter return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Ben return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been fucking in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 75</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>\
<<if $dad.anal == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 65>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the men's washroom"</font>, Zara smiles slyly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the women's washroom, ok?"</font>, Zara continues.<</if>>
The two of them don't waste any time, they find themselves locked in an intimate embrace in one of the washroom stalls. Anybody could catch them, but they did not care. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>This was so hot, Zara making out with her own father in a public washroom was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to make out with her own father in a public washroom? What if they get caught?<</if>>
Zara bends over the toilet seat, presenting her ass to him. Ben immediately positions himself behind her, aiming his dick at her pussy.
<font color="pink">"How about anal instead?"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>innocently<<else>>shyly<</if>> asks him before he can thrust in.
Without a second thought, Ben spits on his cock, coating it with wet slimy saliva before re-aiming his dick.
<font color="cyan">"Are you sure?"</font>, he asks. Zara just looks back at him and nods, giving him consent.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as Ben thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from Ben brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>She had become such a slut, letting her own father fuck her like this, that too in a public washroom.<<else>>Was she really letting her own father fuck her like this, that too in a public washroom? Was this wrong?<</if>>
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
After he was done Ben pulled out. Both of them wordlessly get their clothes back in order before looking at each other and smiling.
The father and daughter return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Ben return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been fucking in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben does not have enough corruption to have anal sex...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 90</font></center>
<center>Ben does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and her father Ben met at the park, greeted by the vibrant greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. They took a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, finding their way to a secluded bench nestled beneath a sprawling tree. Away from the bustling crowds, they settled in, enjoying the tranquility of their chosen spot and continuing their conversation against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves.
Mid-conversation, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was in the surrounding area. While her dad was talking about something, Zara quickly raised her top, flashing her father.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
His jaw drops wide open, his topic of conversation forgotten. He stares at his daughter's tits like they are a million dollars.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Father Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Father Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Her dad continues staring at her chest for a few minutes.
Snapping out of it, her dad suddenly announced that there was an important meeting that was going to take place. Zara shrugs her shoulders and decides to call it a day. They loop back to the park exit and go their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>><font color="pink">"I want to do something more, show how much I love you, daddy"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Ben looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire, <font color="cyan">"Let's find a quieter spot. This feels too open"</font>.
The two of them walk into the trees, the forest surrounds them both. It provides more than ample cover for any kind of "tomfoolery".
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara grabs at her dad's crotch, she can feel his cock getting harder. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Using her hands, she deftly unzips her dad's pants and frees his cock.<<else>>Her dad unzips his pants, letting his cock spring free.<</if>>
Zara gets onto her knees, licking her lips in anticipation as she moved her head forward, accepting the waiting cock into her mouth. She could already faintly smell the musk of precum on his dick, he had not cum for a long time and this was obvious.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/pe/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She uses her mouth to provide her father the pleasure he desires, swirling her tongue around his head. She could taste his precum, a nice salty taste. Ben gives out low moans above her as she bobbed up and down on his dick. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara had become such a slut, easily sucking off her dad's cock in a place where they could be caught easily.<<else>>Zara's heart was pounding, she hopes nobody finds them.<</if>>
Her dad suddenly grabbed the back of her head, he wanted control. He starts to mercilessly fuck Zara's mouth. She does her best to control her breathing as her dad pounded away at her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/jog_fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears stream down Zara's face as he fucks her mouth, she could barely breathe! <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>This was so hot! She wanted it to never end!<<else>>Zara hopes it ends soon, she does not know how much more she could take.<</if>>
Finally, her father pulls out and cums on her face, coating it with his thick white seed.
<img src="img/school/pe/cum1.webp" height="220">
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara immediately opens her mouth, desperate to taste her father's cum. The drops that landed on her tongue were intoxicating. Using her hands, she wipes the cum off her face and eats it up.<<else>>Once Ben was done cumming, Zara uses a few tissues to wipe away all the cum. Was this wrong, seducing her own dad and making him cum? It felt so good though.<</if>>
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. Her dad's hand firmly grasped her ass the entire way. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>\
<<if $dad.sex == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara starts grabbing at her dad's crotch, she can feel his cock getting hard. Suddenly, Ben's hand shoots out and wraps around Zara's throat. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>This was so hot! Being choked by her own father.<<else>>It felt a bit weird being choked out by her own father, but still kinda hot.<</if>>
Gasping for air, she did not struggle when her clothes were ripped off her body. All of this was making Zara horny, she was excited by her dad's aggressive behavior. He pushes her down on her knees, putting her in the doggystyle position. Zara knew what was happening next.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/pe/coach'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels him thrust deep inside her pussy as he fucks her relentlessly, she could feel an orgasm build up, her dad really knew how to fuck. He spanks her ass while fucking her, making her give a sharp gasp of pain and pleasure.
<font color="pink">"I- I think I am going to orgasm, Daddy"</font>, Zara moans out in between the thrusts, she feels it build up inside her to a crescendo.
With one final thrust, her dad starts to cum deep inside Zara, feeling his seed inside her and it's the warmth finally takes her over the brink and she starts to orgasm, her legs shake and her hands give out. She lays face first on the ground still reeling from the pleasure that she just experienced due to her own dad. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>What a slut! Orgasming because of her daddy's fucking, like a good girl.<<else>>Zara was so glad nobody had caught them fucking this way, it would have been embarrassing.<</if>>
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. Her dad's hand firmly grasped her ass the entire way. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 75</font></center>
<center>Ben does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the mall, the cool air from the mall's AC makes her shiver. There is a crowd of people walking and chatting and shopping away in the mall.
She feels a tap on her shoulder and she turns around to see her dad. He was in his work uniform, making several eyes turn towards them. Everyone recognized the Police Captain uniform. Some shied away from it, some respected it and some were indifferent.
Zara and her father Ben meandered through the bustling mall, their laughter blending with the hum of shoppers. They paused at vibrant storefronts, occasionally peering into windows filled with enticing merchandise. As they continued their leisurely stroll, the two of them got on an escalator, with Zara standing in front.
A thought pops into her head, does she have the daring to do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her father Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for her dad's attention, who looks at her quizzically from below.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara raises her skirt, presenting her ass to her father. She shakes it alluringly at him. Ben's jaw drops wide open. Zara lowers her skirt, blocking the amazing view her dad just got to witness.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Father Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Father Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Her dad continues staring at her ass until they reach the top of the escalator. He was obviously still thinking about her ass. Zara wonders what exactly was he thinking though. But, he suddenly grins and goes back to his normal self. Looks like nothing was going to happen.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her father Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob == true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="cyan">"Is that all, little lady?"</font>, Ben asks with a hunger now in his eyes.
<font color="pink">"What does that mean?"</font>, Zara replies<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>, biting her lower lip<</if>>.
Wordlessly, Ben takes Zara's hand and leads her towards a clothing store. Ensuring nobody was looking at them, the two of them entered one of the stalls in the changing rooms section.
<<if $dad.sex == true and $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>\
<<set _chance = either(1,2)>>\
<<set _chance = 1>>\
<<if _chance == 1>>\
<font color="cyan">"Get on your knees, little lady"</font>, Ben orders in an authoritative tone.
Without any objection, Zara immediately gets on her knees. Her dad's dominance aroused her like nobody else ever could. Ben pulls his cock out, already fully hard from his own daughter's teasing.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his dick head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. Her dad moans above her, loving every second of it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>This was so hot! Pleasuring her own father in a public changing stall, anybody could catch them.<<else>>Zara hopes nobody catches them, it would be embarrassing.<</if>>
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>Zara quickens her pace, trying to get him to cum as soon as possible.
To speed up the process, she takes his dick out of her mouth and jerks it off, waiting nervously for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head<<else>>Zara lets him clean himself up<</if>> before getting back up. Ben smiles at Zara, he feels so much better now having his balls drained.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her father Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<font color="cyan">"Turn around, little lady"</font>, Ben orders in an authoritative tone.
Without any objection, Zara immediately turns around. Her dad's dominance aroused her like nobody else ever could. Ben pulls his cock out, already fully hard from his own daughter's teasing. Using his hands, he takes off Zara's bottoms, the cool air of the stall caresses her legs and ass gently. She feels his cock rubbing against her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Insert it already! Zara felt so impatient.<<else>>Zara waited in anticipation.<</if>> Finally, he inserts his cock into her, making her gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own father pumps in and out of her. Her hands left marks on the glass she was facing. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>She found it extremely hot, staring at her own face contorted in pleasure as she got fucked from behind BY HER OWN <font color="red">FATHER</font>.<<else>>She does her best to not look at herself, a part of her still found it wrong to be fucking her own father. But her horniness clamped down on any misgivings.<</if>>
With a groan, Ben gives a final deep thrust and cums inside her. He sighs from the pleasure he just received. He gives Zara's ass a slap before the two of them get dressed up again.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her father Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang mom">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang mom">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang mom">>\
<</if>>\<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and her mother Elena met at the park, greeted by the vibrant greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. They took a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, finding their way to a secluded bench nestled beneath a sprawling tree. Away from the bustling crowds, they settled in, enjoying the tranquility of their chosen spot and continuing their conversation against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves.
Mid-conversation, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was in the surrounding area. While her mom was talking about something, Zara quickly raises her top, flashing her mother.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her jaw drops wide open, her topic of conversation forgotten. She stares at her daughter's tits like they are a million dollars.
<center><<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Her mom continues staring at her chest for a few minutes.
Snapping out of it, her mom suddenly announces that there was an important meeting that was going to take place. Zara shrugs her shoulders and decides to call it a day. They loop back to the park exit and go their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>\
<<if $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<set _chance = either(1,3)>>\
Her mom bites her lips and gently caresses her daughter's tits. Her touch makes Zara's nipples harden with arousal.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Let's find a quieter place"</font>, her mom whispers.
The two of them enter a small clearing in the trees, away from prying eyes.
Her mom takes off Zara's top, making her nipples stiffen even more due to her arousal and the cool air.
Elena takes off her top too, showing off her magnificent boobs, the perfect perkiness and size. She continues to strip until she was fully naked, and Zara follows suit. Zara uses her hand to slowly trail her mom's body feeling the goosebumps rise on her skin as her fingers explore her body. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This was so hot, Zara can feel her pussy getting so wet. Being in the open like this with her mother was driving her crazy.<<else>>Zara's heart was pounding. She felt nervous, what if someone catches them?<</if>>
<<if _chance==1>>\
Her mom lies on the ground and spreads her legs and uses one finger to usher Zara towards her. Zara gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards her mom.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling her mom's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. Her mom gasps in pleasure above Zara and grabs a hold of her hair, running her fingers through it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This excited Zara even more, she loved seeing her own mother's face with pleasure etched onto it.<<else>>On seeing her mother's face etched with pleasure, Zara feels herself getting hornier.<</if>>
Zara gets up and using her hands, guides her mom onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into her pussy.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at her mom's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Elena uses her other hand to rub her clit.
<font color="Fuchsia">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, her mom gasps. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This makes Zara speed up, she <font color="red">NEEDS</font> her mother to orgasm.<<else>>Zara speeds up, she needs her mom to orgasm.<</if>> Her needs are met as her mom lets out a loud moan as the liquid starts coming out of her vagina, dripping off Zara's fingers.
<<elseif _chance eq 2>>\
Her mom makes Zara lay on the ground and spreads her legs. Zara could feel her pussy getting wet, she was so aroused. Elena gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards her daughter.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling Zara's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. Zara gasps in pleasure and grabs a hold of her mom's hair, running her fingers through it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>She had no qualms about being eaten out by her own mother in such a public place, instead, all she felt was pleasure, pure pleasure.<<else>>She simply hoped nobody would run into them right now, it would be embarrassing.<</if>>
Elena gets up and using her hands, guides Zara onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into her pussy, Zara can feel herself getting stretch out by her mother's fingers.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at Zara's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Zara uses her other hand to rub her clit, making the pleasure even greater.
<font color="pink">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, Zara gasps. Elena's fingering immediately becomes faster, making Zara moan even louder in pleasure. She could not hold it back any more, she felt the dam break as the waves of orgasm rush over her.
Elena lays on the ground and pulls Zara on top of her, continuing to make out. She turns over, making Zara lie down on the grass instead as her mother clambers in the opposite direction.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Both the women use their tongues to slide in and out their vagina's folds, Zara can taste a slight tanginess to it as the fluid builds up. They can't help moaning through each flick of their tongues as the pleasure builds up, finally causing both of them to orgasm together. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>God that was so hot! She would love to do it again and again, every single day.<<else>>While it felt hot, Zara could not help being glad it was over, what if they had gotten caught?<</if>>
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Elena does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
She feels a tap on her shoulder and she turns around to see her mom. Still in her work uniform, she looked a bit tired. Probably was a tough day at the office.
Zara and her mother Elena settled at a cozy table in the restaurant, flipping through menus and deciding on their orders. Soon, the waiter arrived, delivering plates of delicious food that satisfied their appetites. Mid-bite, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and her mother exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for her mother's attention, who looks at her quizzically.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her jaw drops wide open, her food forgotten. She stares at her own daughter's tits like they are a million dollars.
<center><<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Elena continues staring at her chest for the rest of the meal.
Once they were done, they exited the restaurant. Elena gave her an awkward hug and bid her goodbye. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $mom.finger == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 25>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>><font color="pink">"How about you and me work up more of an appetite?"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Elena looks at her and nods, her eyes are filled with desire. Zara gets up from the table and the two women find themselves in a stall of the women's washroom in each other's arms in an intimate embrace. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot! Making out with her own mother in a public washroom stall was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to do this? But it felt so hot!<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<link "Finger">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara pushes her mother back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara gets onto her knees.<</if>>
Using her fingers she starts to trail around her mother's vagina, teasing her. Elena gets more and more excited, Zara could see this as her pussy got wetter every second. Finally, Zara gives her mother what she wants, pleasure. Pure pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/lfinger.webp" height="220">
She reaches into the depths of her mom's pussy, making sure her fingers rub each and every part of her insides for maximum pleasure. Zara sped up her fingering on seeing her mother's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so slutty! Giving her own mother such immense pleasure in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, giving her own mother such pleasure in a public washroom. But the pleasure on her mom's face made it all worth it.<</if>>
Her mother's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's touch.
Zara's mother pushes her back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara feels so aroused, her pussy so wet as her mom gets to her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, she stares in disbelief as her mom gets to her knees.<</if>>
Using her fingers, Elena starts to trail around her daughter's vagina, teasing her. Elena got more and more excited, Zara could see it on her face as every second passed. Finally, Elena gives her daughter what she wants, pleasure. Pure pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/lfinger.webp" height="220">
She reaches into the depths of her daughter's pussy, making sure her fingers rub each and every part of her insides for maximum pleasure. Zara could not help but moan as she feels her mother's fingers reach into the depths of her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so slutty! Receiving such pleasure from her own mother like this. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, receiving pleasure from her own mother in a public washroom. But the pleasure she felt inside her made it all worth it.<</if>>
Zara's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to her mother's touch.
The mother and daughter return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Elena return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been pleasuring each other in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Elena exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>\
<<if $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Oral">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara pushes her mother back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara gets onto her knees.<</if>>
Zara leans forward and starts to kiss her mother's inner thighs. She could already feel the goosebumps arise on her thighs as she slowly made her way toward the vagina. Finally, she reaches the Holy Grail of body parts. Zara uses her tongue to first wetten the vagina but finds out there was no need, Elena was already wet from Zara's teasing.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/loral.webp" height="220">
Using her tongue she starts to swirl around the clit, flicking it up and down with her tongue by making letters of the alphabet. Elena grabs Zara's hair as the pleasure builds, she cannot believe how her day is going.
Zara sped up her tongue on seeing her mother's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This was so slutty! Giving her own mother such immense pleasure in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, giving her own mother such pleasure in a public washroom. But the pleasure on her mom's face made it all worth it.<</if>>
Her mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's tongue.
Elena pushes her daughter back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara can feel her pussy getting wetter as her mother drops to her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara stared in disbelief as her mother got on her knees.<</if>>
Elena leans forward and starts to kiss Zara's inner thighs. She could already feel the goosebumps arise on her thighs as her mother slowly made her way toward the pussy. Finally, she reaches the Holy Grail of body parts. Elena's tongue darts forward, immediately causing Zara to gasp in pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/loral.webp" height="220">
Using her tongue she starts to swirl around the clit, flicking it up and down with her tongue by making letters of the alphabet. Zara grabs her mom's hair as the pleasure builds, she cannot believe how her day is going.
Elena sped up her tongue on seeing her daughter's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This was so slutty! Receiving such pleasure from her own mother like this in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, receiving pleasure from her own mother in a public washroom. But the pleasure she felt inside her made it all worth it.<</if>>
Zara's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to her mother's tongue.
The mother and daughter return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Elena return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been pleasuring each other in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Elena exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Elena does not have enough corruption to have oral sex...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have oral sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>\
<<if $mom.strapon == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 60>>\
<<link "Strap-On">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara bends Elena over and positions herself behind. She spits on the silicone dick, getting it lubed up with slimy saliva for penetration. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara feels the excitement and horniness bubbling inside her, this was so hot.<<else>>Zara feels nervous, what if they get caught?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/ltoilet'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena moans as her own daughter fucks her from behind. She can feel the plastic cock penetrating deeper and deeper as Zara continued thrusting. Every centimeter brought Elena a cascade of pleasure until it finally overfilled, making her orgasm. Her vision blurred as her legs shook uncontrollably. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara really was fucking her own mother with a silicone cock in such a public washroom, what a slut!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was fucking her own mother with a strap-on in a public toilet stall. It felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
<font color="fuchsia">"You are a good girl"</font>, Elena gasps, tired from the orgasms she just experienced. She pats Zara's head and puts on her clothes and Zara does the same.
Elena bends Zara over and positions herself behind. She spits on the silicone dick, getting it lubed up with slimy saliva for penetration. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara feels the excitement and horniness bubbling inside her, this was so hot.<<else>>Zara feels nervous, what if they get caught?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/ltoilet'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own mother fucks her from behind. She can feel the plastic cock penetrating deeper and deeper as her mom continued thrusting. Every centimeter brought Zara a cascade of pleasure until it finally overfilled, making her orgasm. Her vision blurred as her legs shook uncontrollably. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara really was being fucked by her own mother with a silicone cock in such a public washroom, what a slut!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was being fucked by her own mother with a strap-on in a public toilet stall. It felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"God, that was fucking amazing..."</font>, Zara gasps, tired from the orgasms she just experienced. Elena pats Zara's head and puts on her clothes and Zara does the same.
The mother and daughter return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Elena return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been pleasuring each other in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Elena exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Elena does not have enough corruption to have strap-on sex...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 60</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.strapon==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have strap-on sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font></center>
<center>Elena does not have enough corruption to do more right now...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.finger==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
On returning to their table, a bit sweaty and a lot more hungry from their cardio, the waiter immediately comes up to their table.
Did they figure it out? Are they in trouble? All of those thoughts were dashed away as the waiter smiles and pours them both glasses of water before moving on.
The waiter arrived with a friendly smile, balancing a tray laden with steaming dishes. He skillfully served Zara and Dick, presenting each plate with a flourish. As they took their first bites, the explosion of flavors elicited smiles of delight. The food was a culinary masterpiece, a delightful surprise that exceeded their expectations. Savoring every moment, Dick graciously signaled for the bill, taking care of the delicious meal. With content smiles, they thanked the waiter and left the restaurant, each heading their separate ways into the bustling cityscape, the echoes of shared laughter lingering in the air.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center><<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the mall, the cool air from the mall's AC makes her shiver. There is a crowd of people walking and chatting and shopping away in the mall.
She feels a tap on her shoulder and she turns around to see her mom. She was in her office uniform. She looked grateful to be away from the office environment and ready to have a leisurely stroll with her daughter in the mall.
Zara and her mother Elena meandered through the bustling mall, their laughter blending with the hum of shoppers. They paused at vibrant storefronts, occasionally peering into windows filled with enticing merchandise. As they continued their leisurely stroll, the two of them got on an escalator, with Zara standing in front.
A thought pops into her head, does she have the daring to do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her mother Elena decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked==true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for her mom's attention, who looks at her quizzically from below.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara raises her skirt, presenting her ass to her mother. She shakes it alluringly at her. Elena's jaw drops wide open. Zara lowers her skirt, blocking the amazing view her mom just got to witness.
<center><<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptionmom 1>>\
<font color="red">Mother Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<if $mom.corruption < 40 || $PlayerCorruption<65 || $mom.oral==false>>
Her mom continues staring at her ass until they reach the top of the escalator. She was obviously still thinking about her ass. Zara wondered what exactly was she thinking though. But, she suddenly grins and goes back to her normal self. Looks like nothing was going to happen.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her mother Elena decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<font color="Fuchsia">"Come with me"</font>, Elena purrs with a sly smile plastered on her face.
Zara allows herself to be led by her mom to a clothing store. The two of them sneak into a stall of the changing rooms, nobody sees them enter together.
Zara and her mom find themselves in each other's embrace, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Their hands roam all over their bodies, until finally...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/lfinger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Moans escape her mom's mouth. The wetness from her vagina spreads all over Zara's fingers as she slowly goes deeper and deeper into her mother's vagina. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This was so hot, having her mother's fluids coating her fingers. She wanted to taste her.<<else>>Was this wrong? Having her fingers inside her own mother was so hot though.<</if>>
Elena takes hold of Zara's shoulders and starts pushing her down on her knees. Looks like Zara has to work a bit harder to get her mom to orgasm.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara runs her tongue through the folds of her mom's vagina, marveling at the taste. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>From the corner of her eyes, she saw herself in the mirror, on her knees and her mouth buried in her mom's pussy and the sight made her squirm more. She feels her pussy dripping.<<else>>She keeps going, her tongue buries itself deeper into Elena's pussy. Zara just hopes nobody catches them right now.<</if>>
Her mom moans and her thighs clench around Zara's head, looks like Zara's work was done here. They exited the stall, nobody had witnessed anything unusual.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Moans escape Zara's mouth. The wetness from her vagina spreads all over Elena's fingers as she slowly goes deeper and deeper into her daughter's vagina. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>This was so hot, having her mother's fingers deep inside her. She wanted more, so much more.<<else>>Was this wrong? Having her mom's fingers inside her? This was so hot though.<</if>>
Elena pulls a bit away, looking at her daughter's face all contorted with pleasure. Zara's eyes were filled with lust, she needed more. Elena gets onto her knees.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena runs her tongue through the folds of her daughter's vagina, marveling at the taste. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>From the corner of her eyes, she saw herself in the mirror, her mom buried in her pussy and the sight made her squirm more. She feels her pussy dripping.<<else>>Through the immense pleasure, Zara hopes nobody catches them right now.<</if>>
The pleasure was too much, Zara feels the orgasm rocking through her body, making her moan loudly. Too loud, she places a hand on her own mouth, stifling her moan. Her thighs squeezed around her mother's head as the orgasm finally dissipated. They exited the stall, nobody had witnessed anything unusual.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and her mother Elena decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a man. And what a man he was. His muscles rippled every time he curled the weight in his hand. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he made low grunts which made Zara feel tingles.
Should she pursue these tingles...?
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout, still hearing the low grunts of the Greek god behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Pursue her tingles">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the man, her heart beating faster than usual but not because of her working out. She stops in front of the man, who now looks at her quizzically,
<font color="cyan">"I am sorry, did you need something?"</font>
Without answering, Zara flashes her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's eyes open wide as Zara jiggles her tits in front of him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She loved showing off her bodies to random strangers, it made her so <font color="red">horny</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Freely showing off her body to a stranger? Just to get him interested in her?<</if>> A bulge starts forming in his pants, it was obvious he was getting horny.
<font color="cyan">"So, you are one of those gym sluts huh?"</font>, he smirks as he walks towards Zara, closing the gap that was in between them.
<font color="pink">"Maybe... Wouldn't you like to know"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Oh, I got a good way to test how much of a slut you are"</font>, leaning forward he whispers in her ear.
Using his hands he leads Zara onto her knees, his bulge now a full tent pole right in front of her face. Zara pulls his cock out, the meaty cylinder already has a few drops of precum dripping out.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara accepts his dick into her mouth. Swirling her tongue around his head, she tastes his precum, salty but intoxicating. She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara pops the dick out of her mouth and smiles at him while jerking him off, giving his dick head kisses to quicken his orgasm.<<else>>Zara takes the dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off, getting ready for his cum. She felt very nervous suddenly.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the gym floor. The man now looking satisfied gives her a slap on her ass as he walks away, presumably to do some other workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a man. And what a man he was. His muscles rippled every time he curled the weight in his hand. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he made low grunts which made Zara feel tingles.
Should she pursue these tingles...?
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout, still hearing the low grunts of the Greek god behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Pursue her tingles">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the man, her heart beating faster than usual but not because of her working out. She stops in front of the man, who now looks at her quizzically,
<font color="cyan">"I am sorry, did you need something?"</font>
Without answering, Zara flashes her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's eyes open wide as Zara jiggles her tits in front of him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She loved showing off her bodies to random strangers, it made her so <font color="red">horny</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Freely showing off her body to a stranger? Just to get him interested in her?<</if>> A bulge starts forming in his pants, it was obvious he was getting horny.
Without a warning, the man closes the gap in between them and kisses her. His tongue invaded her mouth in an instant before she could do anything. His dominance made the tingles worse, her nipples hardening from her arousal. He pushes Zara onto a bench and makes her lie on her back. Using his hands, he takes off her pants. She was now completely bottomless while also having her tits bare. If anyone saw them now... would be <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>><font color="red">HOT</font><<else>>embarrassing<</if>>, to say the least.
The man positions himself in between her legs, his penis inches away from her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man thrusts in and out of her, his hands firmly clasped around her throat. His grunts are now louder as he gets closer to orgasm. His dick was just the right size, causing Zara's arousal to build to an orgasm fast. Seeing her orgasm pushes the man over the edge too and she feels his warm cum spurt inside her.
The man now looking satisfied gives her tits one last squeeze and he walks away, presumably to do some other workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a woman. And what a woman she was. Her ass jiggled every time she squatted and her toned muscles rippled with movement. Sweat dripped down into her cleavage... just staring at her cleavage made Zara feel tingles.
Should she pursue these tingles...?
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout, still hearing the low grunts of the Greek goddess behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Pursue her tingles">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the woman who stops and looks at her. A small smile formed on her face.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Hey, need something?"</font>, the woman asks.
<font color="pink">"Could you just spot me while I do squats?"</font>, Zara asks timidly. Hoping her dumb excuse wouldn't be called out.
But, the woman just nods and smirks... why did she smirk?
Zara begins her squats, the woman right behind her following her movement with her hands under Zara's armpits, ready to catch her.
The woman's hands suddenly reach forward and she grabs Zara's tits, giving them a squeeze. Zara freezes at the sudden groping.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Did you seriously think I didn't catch you staring at me like a pervert?"</font>, the woman growls in Zara's ear, sending shivers down her spine.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Perverts like you need to learn a lesson"</font>, the woman continues whilst dragging Zara to her feet.
Before she realizes it, Zara is pinned against a wall, her tits bare and her pussy out as the woman uses her fingers to pleasure her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the woman's fingers push in and out of her, her fingers relentlessly pulsing in and out. Zara feels a wave of pleasure wash over her as her eyes roll back, an orgasm completely envelopes her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>This was so hot! Being fingered by a random woman in a very public gym.<<else>>What was she doing? Being fingered by a random woman in a very public gym?<</if>>
Done with "punishing" Zara, the woman gives Zara a kiss before walking away. Still breathless, Zara redresses herself properly and gets back to her workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a woman. And what a woman she was. Her ass jiggled every time she squatted and her toned muscles rippled with movement. Sweat dripped down into her cleavage... just staring at her cleavage made Zara feel tingles.
Should she pursue these tingles...?
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout, still hearing the low grunts of the Greek goddess behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Pursue her tingles">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the woman who stops and looks at her. A small smile formed on her face.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Hey, need something?"</font>, the woman asks.
<font color="pink">"Could you just spot me while I do squats?"</font>, Zara asks timidly. Hoping her dumb excuse wouldn't be called out.
But, the woman just nods and smirks... why did she smirk?
Zara begins her squats, the woman right behind her following her movement with her hands under Zara's armpits, ready to catch her.
The woman's hands suddenly reach forward and she grabs Zara's tits, giving them a squeeze. Zara freezes at the sudden groping.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Did you seriously think I didn't catch you staring at me like a pervert?"</font>, the woman growls in Zara's ear, sending shivers down her spine.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Perverts like you need to learn a lesson"</font>, the woman continues whilst pushing Zara down on her knees.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Before she realizes it, Zara has her asshole bare to the woman. The woman gives her ass a slap before diving in for her feast.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the woman's tongue push in and out of her ass hole, her tongue relentlessly pulsing in and out. Zara feels a wave of pleasure wash over her as her eyes roll back, an orgasm completely envelopes her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This was so hot! Being eaten out by a random woman in a very public gym.<<else>>What was she doing? Being eaten out by a random woman in a very public gym?<</if>>
Before she realizes it, Zara had her face buried in the woman's ass, her hand keeping Zara's head firmly in place. Zara's tongue instinctively darts forward. The taste was different, but <font color="red">intoxicating</font>.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The woman moans as Zara's tongue push in and out of her ass hole, her tongue relentlessly pulsing in and out. Zara could feel the woman's body tremble with pleasure as Zara continued eating her out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This was so hot! Eating out a random woman in a very public gym.<<else>>What was she doing? Eating out a random woman in a very public gym?<</if>>
Done with "punishing" Zara, the woman gives Zara one last spank on the ass before leaving. Still breathless, Zara redresses herself properly and gets back to her workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -40>>\
<<if $cammingIntro == false>>\
<<goto "Camming Intro">>\
<<link "Tease">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to do a non-nude stream. But, to make it more enticing, she removes her pants, showing off her panties and bare legs. Logging onto the site, she clicks on the Start Streaming button. Her webcam light switches on and immediately, her chat box is filled with notifications of people joining, some new viewers and some old.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The chatbox is filled with viewers complimenting her and sending some donations. Maybe she could boost those donations...
<<link "Don't flash">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara ignores her own thoughts and continues her stream as normal. She ends the stream after an hour, feeling a sense of accomplishment for what she did today.
<center><<set _camInc = 1 + random(0, $PlayerFitness)>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+5 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 5>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random(10, $camFans)>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Flash">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to act on her thoughts, after all, she is just doing this for the <font color="red">MONEY</font>, right...?
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara flashes her tits to her audience, the chat immediately filling with more horny texts. The number of donations also increase immediately.
Rest of the stream goes on as normal, with Zara sexily dancing in front of her laptop as random people come and go, watching her.
<center><<set _camInc = 1 + random(0, $PlayerFitness)>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+5 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 5>>\
<<set _moneyGained = 10 + random(10, $camFans)>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to flash yet...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<<if $camFans gte 50>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to masturbate on stream. She gets pleasure and money. The best of both worlds! She removes her pants, showing off her panties and bare legs, her pussy already wet with arousal and anticipation. Logging onto the site, she clicks on the Start Streaming button. Her webcam light switches on and immediately, her chat box is filled with notifications of people joining, some new viewers and some old.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The chatbox is filled with viewers complimenting her and sending some donations. Now that enough viewers had joined, it was time to go to stage 2.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
She slips off her clothes, showing her beautiful pussy and tits to her viewers. The chatbox started filling with horny texts, all of them craving more from her.
<font color="pink">"You want more? Let's do more"</font>, Zara purrs to her viewers. She trails her hands lower and lower until she is touching herself.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
All of her viewers are definitely entertained, she could see their texts popping up faster than she could read. Knowing they were definitely masturbating while watching her... aroused her even more. Her arousal finally peaks and an orgasm passes through her body, causing her to moan and squirm.
Done with streaming, she bids her viewers goodbye and asks them to follow her and join back for the next stream.
<center><<set _camInc = 3 + random(0, $PlayerFitness)>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+5 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 5>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random(20, $camFans)>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
Zara does not have enough corruption for this option...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<center>Zara needs more fans to unlock this...
<font color="gold">Required Fans: 50</font></center>
<<if $camFans gte 100>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<if $PlayerDildo == true>>\
<<link "Masturbate with Dildo">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to masturbate with a dildo on stream. She gets pleasure and money. The best of both worlds! She knows all her male viewers would definitely imagine that dildo to be their own dick, fucking her tight pussy. She removes her pants, showing off her panties and bare legs, her pussy already wet with arousal and anticipation. Logging onto the site, she clicks on the Start Streaming button. Her webcam light switches on and immediately, her chat box is filled with notifications of people joining, some new viewers and some old.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The chatbox is filled with viewers complimenting her and sending some donations. Now that enough viewers had joined, it was time to go to stage 2.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
She slips off her clothes, showing her beautiful pussy and tits to her viewers. The chatbox started filling with horny texts, all of them craving more from her.
<font color="pink">"You want more? Let's do more"</font>, Zara purrs to her viewers. She grabs the dildo on the side, and coats it in her vaginal fluids. She points it towards her hole and inserts it, easily sliding it in due to her wetness.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/dildo'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
All of her viewers are definitely entertained, she could see their texts popping up faster than she could read. Knowing they were definitely masturbating while watching her... aroused her even more. Her arousal finally peaks and an orgasm passes through her body, causing her to moan and squirm.
Done with streaming, she bids her viewers goodbye and asks them to follow her and join back for the next stream.
<center><<set _camInc = 5 + random(0, $PlayerFitness)>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+5 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 5>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random(30, $camFans)>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<center>Zara does not have a dildo for this option...</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for this option...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara needs more fans to unlock this...
<font color="gold">Required Fans: 100</font></center>
<<if $camFans gte 150>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $PlayerDildo == true>>\
<<link "Face fuck self with Dildo">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to fuck her own face with a dildo on stream. She might not get pleasure but she would get money. And she <font color="red">WANTS</font> money! She knows all her male viewers would definitely imagine that dildo to be their own dick, fucking her face.
She removes her pants, showing off her panties and bare legs, her pussy already wet with arousal and anticipation. Logging onto the site, she clicks on the Start Streaming button. Her webcam light switches on and immediately, her chat box is filled with notifications of people joining, some new viewers and some old.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The chatbox is filled with viewers complimenting her and sending some donations. Now that enough viewers had joined, it was time to go to stage 2.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
She slips off her clothes, showing her beautiful pussy and tits to her viewers. The chatbox started filling with horny texts, all of them craving more from her.
<font color="pink">"You want more? Let's do more"</font>, Zara purrs to her viewers. She grabs the dildo on the side and brings it closer to her lips. She gives it a light kiss on the tip, dashing her tongue forward randomly to encircle the dildo's head.
The chatbox is immediately filled with texts begging her to suck it, and Zara complies. She does one-up their request though.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
All of her viewers are definitely entertained, she could see their texts popping up faster than she could read. Knowing they were definitely masturbating while watching her... aroused her even more. Zara's arousal allows her to get rougher with her own mouth, shoving the dildo as far back as she could, deepthroating it until her throat was sore.
Done with streaming, she bids her viewers goodbye and asks them to follow her and join back for the next stream.
<center><<set _camInc = 8 + random(0, $PlayerFitness)>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+5 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 5>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random(40, $camFans)>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<center>Zara does not have a dildo for this option...</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for this option...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara needs more fans to unlock this...
<font color="gold">Required Fans: 150</font></center>
<<if $camFans gte 200>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>\
<<if $PlayerDildo == true>>\
<<link "Anal with Dildo">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to fuck her own ass with a dildo on stream. She would get both pleasure and money. And she <font color="red">WANTS</font> money! She knows all her male viewers would definitely imagine that dildo to be their own dick, fucking her tight ass.
She removes her pants, showing off her panties and bare legs, her pussy already wet with arousal and anticipation. Logging onto the site, she clicks on the Start Streaming button. Her webcam light switches on and immediately, her chat box is filled with notifications of people joining, some new viewers and some old.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The chatbox is filled with viewers complimenting her and sending some donations. Now that enough viewers had joined, it was time to go to stage 2.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
She slips off her clothes, showing her beautiful pussy and tits to her viewers. The chatbox started filling with horny texts, all of them craving more from her.
<font color="pink">"You want more? Let's do more"</font>, Zara purrs to her viewers. She grabs the dildo on the side, and coats it in her vaginal fluids.
Zara turns her back to the camera and bends over, showing off her supple ass. She points the dildo towards her ass hole and inserts it, easily sliding it in due to the wetness.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
All of her viewers are definitely entertained, she could see their texts popping up faster than she could read. Knowing they were definitely masturbating while watching her... aroused her even more. Her arousal finally peaks and an orgasm passes through her body, causing her to moan and squirm.
Done with streaming, she bids her viewers goodbye and asks them to follow her and join back for the next stream.
<center><<set _camInc = 10 + random(0, $PlayerFitness)>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+5 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 5>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random(50, $camFans)>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<center>Zara does not have a dildo for this option...</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for this option...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<center>Zara needs more fans to unlock this...
<font color="gold">Required Fans: 200</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/laptop/laptop.jpg" height="300"></center>
<<set $cammingIntro to true>>\
While just idly browsing through the internet, an ad pops up. Just like normal, she was about to click the close button without giving it a glance but something caught her eye... boobs. A woman displaying her boobs was in the background with the text "Cam girls always wanted! Make loads of $$$!!!" plastered across the ad.
How was this ad even allowed? Nevermind, Zara did not need to know the answer. Zara's interest was now pricked, should she do it?
Giving into her curiosity, she clicks the ad which leads her to a cam site. The home screen was filled with different women and men, all in some state of undress or with a partner performing sexual acts. The site looked legit. Zara immediately signs up and readies her account, giving it a cute name, a DP showing off her body and a bit of her face.
Taking a deep breath, Zara clicks on the "Start Streaming" button on the website. The webcam light on her laptop immediately switches on. Her heart beats fast as she stares at herself on the screen. Suddenly, a notification in the chat box pops up, a user has joined!
Zara's heart beats even faster but takes a deep breath and calms herself down again.
<font color="pink">"Helloooo"</font>, Zara purrs to the camera. Slowly shaking her body from side to side. She stands up, and teasingly removes her pants, showing her cute panties and bare legs.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Immediately she sees a donation from the user pop into the chat. Is this how easy it was?
Zara continues to tease the users with her body. She sees her chats filled with texts, all the users complimenting her sexy body and her curves, all of them begging for more.
A chat pops up which catches her eye, stating: "Show us your tits at least and I will pay you a 100 dollars, slut".
<<link "Decline">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara ignores the chat and continues doing her thing. She ends the stream after an hour, feeling a sense of accomplishment for what she did today.
<<set _camInc = random(1, $PlayerFitness+random(0, 10))>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+10 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 10>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random($camFans, $camFans+random(0,10))>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara could not pass on the 100$ offer. She <font color="red">WANTS</font> that money, no matter what.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara flashes her tits to her audience, the chat immediately filling with horny texts. As promised the user gives Zara a 100 dollar donation.
<center><font color="green">+100$</font></center>
<<set $PlayerMoney += 100>>\
Rest of the stream goes on as normal, with Zara sexily dancing in front of her laptop as random people come and go, watching her.
<<set _camInc = random(1, $PlayerFitness+random(0, 10))>>\
<<set $camFans += _camInc>>\
<font color="Coral">Fans gained: _camInc</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="Coral">+10 Boosted Cam Fans</font>
<<set $camFans += 10>>\
<<set _moneyGained = random($camFans, $camFans+random(0,10))>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to flash yet...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
@@Zara's heart beats as she sits in the back of the police car, the officer was taking her straight to the police station. She could not let him do that! No way!
<font color="pink">"Sir, please, my father is the police captain. I will do anything, please, just let me go"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Police captain, huh? And how will you make it worth it for me to not take you to the station and charge you?"</font>
<font color="pink">"I will... suck your dick"</font>, Zara murmurs.
<font color="cyan">"Louder, slut. I can't hear you"</font>
<font color="pink">"I will suck your dick"</font>, Zara says.
<font color="cyan">"Louder. And WANT it"</font>
<font color="pink">"I WANT TO SUCK YOUR DICK, SIR. PLEASE"</font>, Zara shouts.
The police car comes to a screeching halt and Zara hears the door's latch click open. The officer pats the passenger seat, indicating to her to move in the front, she obliges.
Just as she settles down and looks at the officer, his dick is already out and ready.
<img src="img/cop/bj1.webp" height="220">
Zara gags on the cock, it's sweaty and musty odour filling her nostrils. But, she can't go to jail! And so she perseveres and continues reaching farther and farther down hoping to please the officer.
But, looks like his patience has run out, Zara was not doing a good enough job for him. She feels him grab the back of her head.
<center>[[WAKE UP|wakeup_dream]]
<<link "Don't wake up">></center>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Grabbing the back of Zara's head he pushes her down and up on his dick, she could feel his dick enter her throat. He groans above her with pleasure. Zara thinks this is not the first time this officer has taken sexual bribes from young girls like her...
Without a warning, the officer shoves Zara deeper onto his cock and she feel his warm cum splatter in her throat, coating it in the slimy fluid. Luckily, she did not have to taste a single drop.
<font color="cyan">"Now, let's get-"</font>
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>
@@Zara trails her fingers down the woman's body, angling herself in an appropriate way to reach every inch of her body from the passenger seat of the car. Zara could hear the bustle of people a good distance away from the remote area the car was parked in, nobody would catch them... hopefully.
The woman gasps as Zara's fingers finally reach their destination, her clit.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the fluids from the woman's pussy coating her finger, slowly dripping down her arm. Looks like she was doing a very good job.
<font color="fuchsia">"You are definitely my favourite prostitute..."</font>, the woman moans through her pleasure.
Wait? What? Prostitute? Before Zara could say anything-
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center><<set _event to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
The smell of pencil shavings and erasers mixed with the faint, ever-present scent of paint. Everyone was bent over their easels, completely absorbed, the soft scratch of pencils and charcoal filling the air. Zara sat at her usual spot, glancing around occasionally as the teacher wandered between students, offering quick tips or nodding in approval. It was one of those moments where the room felt calm but alive, like everyone was caught up in their own little worlds.
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
Today, instead of drawing, the class was focused on the art of speech. The familiar scent of paint and charcoal was replaced by the sound of murmured rehearsals and the occasional scrape of a chair. Easels were stacked in a corner, and the room had been rearranged into a semi-circle of chairs facing a small podium at the front. Zara sat quietly, watching as the first student took their place, their voice slightly shaky as they began. The shift in atmosphere was palpable- less about creating with hands and more about crafting with words.
<<elseif _event == 3>>\
The familiar smell of pencil shavings and the faint, lingering scent of paint filled the room as students worked over their easels, focused and intent. Zara sat at her spot, her sketchpad propped up, pencil moving steadily across the page. She glanced at her work, then at the others around her, feeling a quiet determination settle in her chest. This was what she wanted to do- not just in class, but for real, as a job someday. The thought made her grip her pencil a little tighter, her strokes more deliberate, as if willing her dreams onto the paper.
<center><font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Art Skills</font>
<<addart 1>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Art Skills Boost</font>
<<addart 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -15>></center><<set _event to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _event == 1>>\
Zara sits at her desk, books at the ready. She pays attention as well as she could and writes down everything she deemed important.
After what seems like an eternity the bell rings and everyone stands up to leave.
<<elseif _event == 2>>\
Zara sits in front of the computer screen, typing away on the keyboard. Letters and numbers flash on the screen as she codes some simple programs as her school assignment. She found it easy.
<<elseif _event == 3>>\
Zara tries hard to understand what was going on but the information entered through one ear and exited the other. She did not understand why her brain was not working today...
The rest of the class goes painfully as Zara feels stupid not being able to understand anything properly.
<<elseif _event == 4>>\
The birds chirped outside the windows and it tempted Zara to be distracted all lesson but she kept focus on her books and studies. She did not want to fail the finals coming after a few months as this would ruin her Prom Queen plans.
The class goes on without any events and the bell finally rings indicating class is over.
<<elseif _event == 5>>\
For some reason, Zara was finding everything being taught today way too easy. She was able to raise her hand and answer questions correctly many times giving her a boost of confidence and happiness.
The rest of the class goes on without a hitch as Zara continues answering the teacher's questions and learning a lot.
<center><font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Computer Skills</font>
<<addcomp 1>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Computer Skills Boost</font>
<<addcomp 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -15>></center>\<<set $tries to 5>>\
<<set $n1 to random(0,9)>><<set $n2 to random(0,9)>><<set $n3 to random(0,9)>><<set $n4 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn1 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn2 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn3 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn4 to random(0,9)>>\
<span id="n1">- - - -[<<cycle "$n1" autoselect>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n2">- -[<<cycle "$n2" autoselect>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n3">- -[<<cycle "$n3" autoselect>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n4">- -[<<cycle "$n4" autoselect>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- - - -</span>\
<span id="dis">
<<link "[Open]">>\
<<if $tries gt 0>><<set $tries-->><<replace "#op2">>
Tries left: $tries<</replace>>\
<<if $tries==0>>
<<replace "#op">>
Zara failed to enter the correct 4-digit PIN!
<<replace "#dis">><</replace>>\
<<if $n1 is $cn1>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n2 is $cn2>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n3 is $cn3>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n4 is $cn4>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>>\\
<<if $n1 isnot $cn1 and $n1 isnot $cn2 and $n1 isnot $cn3 and $n1 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n2 isnot $cn1 and $n2 isnot $cn2 and $n2 isnot $cn3 and $n2 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n3 isnot $cn1 and $n3 isnot $cn2 and $n3 isnot $cn3 and $n3 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n4 isnot $cn1 and $n4 isnot $cn2 and $n4 isnot $cn3 and $n4 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<timed 2.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>>\
<<if $n1 is $cn1 and $n2 is $cn2 and $n3 is $cn3 and $n4 is $cn4>>
<<replace "#op">>
Zara successfully entered the correct 4-digit PIN!
<<replace "#dis">><</replace>>\
<</link>> \
<span id="op">
<span id="op2">\
Tries left: $tries</span>
<span id="c_op"></span>
<<link "How to unlock?">>\
<<replace "#op">><font color="lime">Green: Correct digit and position</font>
<font color="red">Red: Digit does not exist</font>
No change: Digit exists but in the wrong position currently<</replace>>
</span>As Zara walks to the counter of the shop to pay for her purchase, she feels the man's sunken eyes wander up and down her body. It seems like he had no qualms about being caught by Zara. She clears her throat to catch his attention, that she noticed and she really needs him to proceed with the purchase.
<font color="cyan">"You have a great body"</font>, the man mutters in a low tone. Was she even meant to hear it?
<font color="pink">"Uhh... thanks?"</font>, Zara replies, unsure of what to say to such a weird statement.
His hand suddenly starts reaching forward, his fingers stretching towards Zara's boobs. Should she let him go ahead? If she does... she can most definitely get a discount out of him... She could also do him one better than just groping her chest.
<<link "No... Zara can't let him defile her body for a discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately backed off before his hand could touch her.
<font color="pink">"Try that again and I will break off your hand"</font>, Zara says in a threatening tone.
The man immediately snaps out of it, his sunken eyes now filled with some shame. Wordlessly, the man scans her item and the transaction is completed.
<center><<set $PlayerMoney -= $cost>>\
<font color="green">-<<print $cost>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=10>>\
<<link "Anything for a discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Before his hands could even reach Zara's chest, she raises her t-shirt, flashing him her amazing tits. His hands freeze for a second, just a second as his sunken eyes get a little life in them. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Flashing her tits for a discount? That's no biggie!<<else>>Zara wonders if she should be doing this... just for a discount...<</if>>
<img src="img/mall/robot/flash1.webp" height="220">
His hands squeezes her tits, a surprising amount of power behind the grip. She could see his hands were veiny as they proceeded below the hem of his hoodie. The hoodie hid his physique well, and her curiosity turned to arousal.
The man steps out from behind the counter and stands behind her, his boner pokes Zara's ass through their pants.
The man attempts to start taking Zara's clothes off, but wasn't this too much?! Every single shopper could look through the transparent windows of the shop and see them.
<<link "Stop him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Yes, this was too much. Zara immediately pushes him away and lowers her shirt again. She wanted a discount... but not that bad.
<font color="pink">"That's enough. I do want a discount because of what just happened by the way"</font>
The man's sunken eyes had returned, an expressionless face plastered on him. He returns to the counter and proceeds with the transaction, giving Zara a 50$ discount.
<<set _discounted = $cost - 50>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Let him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara allows him to do as he wants, both of their clothes strewn on the floor of the shop. She was right, his abs were as hard as a rock, the slight sweat on his body making them glint. Zara feels something inside her twinge with arousal.
She bends forward onto the counter, presenting herself to him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She <font color="red">WANTS</font> him inside of her.<<else>>She was just doing this for a discount... right?<</if>> And with no delay, she gets what she wants.
<img src="img/mall/robot/fuck1.webp" height="220">
His dick pumps in and out of Zara, making her gasp with each thrust. She could feel his hands roaming her body but her mind was too busy trying to comprehend the pleasure she was receiving being fucked by this absolute hunk of a man in such a public space.
The door swooshes open and a woman enters the shop, stopping dead in her tracks in the sight in front of her.
<font color="Fuchsia">"S-So-Sorry!"</font>, she gasps and immediately walks back out.
But, the man does not care, he continues grunting as he fucks Zara, who was now too deep in an ocean of pleasure to care about the woman who caught them. The pleasure finally breaks the dam holding back her orgasm, she moans as her legs twitch with pleasure. As if on cue, the man pulls out and cums all over Zara's ass.
She is definitely getting a good discount for this...
<<set _discounted = $cost - 100>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let him continue...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let him defile her...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<set $commissionsCount = 0>>\
<<if $commissions[0].flag == true>>\
<<set $commissionsCount +=1 >>\
<<if $commissions[1].flag == true>>\
<<set $commissionsCount +=1 >>\
<<if $commissions[2].flag == true>>\
<<set $commissionsCount +=1 >>\
<<if $drawIntro == false>>\
<<goto "Drawing Intro">>\
<<set _req to []>>\
<<for _i to 0; _i lte 2; _i++>>\
<<if $commissions[_i].flag == true>>\
<<if $commissions[_i].difficulty == "Easy">>\
<<set _req[_i] = 25>>\
<<elseif $commissions[_i].difficulty == "Medium">>\
<<set _req[_i] = 30>>\
<<elseif $commissions[_i].difficulty == "Hard">>\
<<set _req[_i] = 35>>\
<center><img src="img/laptop/tablet.jpg" height="300"></center>
[[Go back|Room][$minute+=1]]
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
[[Practice drawing|Draw Practice][$hour+=1, $minute+=30]]
-20 Energy +1 hour +30 minutes +2 Art Skills
Zara does not have enough energy to practice drawing...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font>
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 30>>\
[[Draw something SFW|SFW Draw][$hour+=2]]
-30 Energy +2 hours
Zara does not have enough energy to draw SFW art...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 45>>\
[[Draw something NSFW|NSFW Draw][$hour+=2, $minute+=30]]
-45 Energy +2 hours +30 minutes
Zara does not have enough energy to draw NSFW art...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 45</font>
<<if $lastDayDrawing != $dayCount>>\
<<set $lastDayDrawing = $dayCount>>\
<<if $commissionsCount != 3>>\
<<set _chance = random(1,50)>>\
<<if random(50, 200) lte ($drawFans + _chance)>>\
<<set _chance1 = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance1 gte 70>>\
New commission notification!
[[Check commission|Commission][$minute += 5]]
Zara has max number of commissions already!
<table border="2" style="width:100%;">
<th align="center" valign="center" width="5%" style="padding: 10px;">Sr. No.</th>
<th align="center" valign="center" width="15%" style="padding: 10px;">Difficulty</th>
<th align="center" valign="center" width="20%" style="padding: 10px;">Actions Left</th>
<th align="center" valign="center" width="15%" style="padding: 10px;">Quality %</th>
<th align="center" valign="center" width="10%" style="padding: 10px;">Value</th>
<th align="center" valign="center" width="35%" style="padding: 10px;">Action</th>
<td align="center" valign="center">1</td>
<<if $commissions[0].flag == true>>\
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[0].difficulty</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[0].actions</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[0].quality</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[0].value</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">
<<if $commissions[0].actions gte 1>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte _req[0]>>\
<<link "Draw">>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy -= _req[0]>>\
<<set $hour +=2>>\
<<set $commissions[0].actions -= 1>>\
<<set $commissions[0].quality to Math.clamp(random(3,10)+$PlayerArt, 0, 100)>>\
<<goto "Drawing">>\
-_req[0] Energy +2 hours
Zara is too tired to work on this right now...
<<set _tipAmount to Math.floor($commissions[0].quality/10) * 5>>
Zara will get <font color="green"><<print $commissions[0].value>>$</font> as base pay and a tip of <font color="green"><<print _tipAmount>>$</font>!
<<set _totalVal = $commissions[0].value + _tipAmount>>\
<<link "Submit">>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += _totalVal>>\
<<set $commissions[0] = {
"flag": false,
"difficulty": "NA",
"quality": 0,
"actions": 0,
"value": 0
<<goto "Drawing">>\
<td colspan="5" align="center" valign="center">Commission slot is empty!</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">2</td>
<<if $commissions[1].flag == true>>\
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[1].difficulty</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[1].actions</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[1].quality</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[1].value</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">
<<if $commissions[1].actions gte 1>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte _req[1]>>\
<<link "Draw">>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy -= _req[1]>>\
<<set $hour +=2>>\
<<set $commissions[1].actions -= 1>>\
<<set $commissions[1].quality to Math.clamp(random(3,10)+$PlayerArt, 0, 100)>>\
<<goto "Drawing">>\
-_req[1] Energy +2 hours
Zara is too tired to work on this right now...
<<set _tipAmount to Math.floor($commissions[1].quality/10) * 5>>
Zara will get <font color="green"><<print $commissions[1].value>>$</font> as base pay and a tip of <font color="green"><<print _tipAmount>>$</font>!
<<set _totalVal = $commissions[1].value + _tipAmount>>\
<<link "Submit">>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += _totalVal>>\
<<set $commissions[1] = {
"flag": false,
"difficulty": "NA",
"quality": 0,
"actions": 0,
"value": 0
<<goto "Drawing">>\
<td colspan="5" align="center" valign="center">Commission slot is empty!</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">3</td>
<<if $commissions[2].flag == true>>\
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[2].difficulty</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[2].actions</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[2].quality</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">$commissions[2].value</td>
<td align="center" valign="center">
<<if $commissions[2].actions gte 1>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte _req[2]>>\
<<link "Draw">>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy -= _req[2]>>\
<<set $hour +=2>>\
<<set $commissions[2].actions -= 1>>\
<<set $commissions[2].quality to Math.clamp(random(3,10)+$PlayerArt, 0, 100)>>\
<<goto "Drawing">>\
-_req[2] Energy +2 hours
Zara is too tired to work on this right now...
<<set _tipAmount to Math.floor($commissions[2].quality/10) * 5>>
Zara will get <font color="green"><<print $commissions[2].value>>$</font> as base pay and a tip of <font color="green"><<print _tipAmount>>$</font>!
<<set _totalVal = $commissions[2].value + _tipAmount>>\
<<link "Submit">>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += _totalVal>>\
<<set $commissions[2] = {
"flag": false,
"difficulty": "NA",
"quality": 0,
"actions": 0,
"value": 0
<<goto "Drawing">>\
<td colspan="5" align="center" valign="center">Commission slot is empty!</td>
</center>\<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
Zara opens up the notification and looks at the details of the commission being requested.
<<if $drawFans gte 200 and _chance gte 70>>\
<<set _difficulty = "Hard">>\
<<set _days = random(3,5)>>\
<<set _value = random(450,800)>>\
<<elseif $drawFans gte 100 and _chance gte 40>>\
<<set _difficulty = "Medium">>\
<<set _days = random(2,4)>>\
<<set _value = random(250,500)>>\
<<set _difficulty = "Easy">>\
<<set _days = random(1,2)>>\
<<set _value = random(100,250)>>\
Difficulty: _difficulty
Number of Days it Will Take: _days
Reward: _value
Should Zara take it? She has <<print 3-$commissionsCount>> slot(s) left.
<<link "Accept">>\
<<for _i to 0; _i lte 2; _i++>>\
<<if $commissions[_i].flag == false>>\
<<set $commissions[_i] = {
"flag": true,
"difficulty": _difficulty,
"quality": 0,
"actions": _days,
"value": _value
<<set $minute+=3>>\
<<goto "Drawing">>\
<center>[[Decline the commission|Drawing][$minute+=2]]</center>
<<set $drawIntro to true>>\
<center><img src="img/laptop/tablet.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara couldn't contain her excitement as she unboxed her brand-new drawing tablet. With eager anticipation, she carefully plugged it in and pressed the power button. The soft glow of the screen illuminated her face, and a grin spread across her lips. It felt like the start of a new adventure as the tablet came to life. Zara's fingers hovered over the stylus, ready to bring her imagination to the digital canvas. The hum of the tablet echoed her enthusiasm, and she couldn't wait to dive into the world of digital art that awaited her.
Excitement bubbling, Zara decided to take her art to the next level by creating an account on Fansly, a platform for artists like her. She eagerly filled in her details, choosing a username that reflected her creative spirit. Uploading a profile picture, she felt a sense of empowerment and anticipation for the journey ahead. With a few clicks, she set up her account, ready to share her drawings and connect with fellow art enthusiasts. Zara couldn't wait to explore the possibilities of showcasing her work and potentially receiving commissions on this new digital canvas.
<center>[[Continue|Drawing]]</center><<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/laptop/safe'+_i+'.jpg" height="220">'>>
Zara sat comfortably with her drawing tablet, focusing intently as she sketched away. With each gentle touch of the stylus, her creation slowly came to life on the screen. She lost track of time, completely absorbed in the process of bringing her imagination to fruition. A sense of fulfillment washed over her as she watched her drawing take shape, reminding her why she loved to create art in the first place.
<center><<set _drawInc = 2 + random(0, $PlayerArt)>>\
<<set $drawFans += _drawInc>>\
<font color="Coral">+_drawInc Drawing Fans</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<set _moneyGained = random(1,10) + $PlayerArt>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
[[Continue|Drawing]]</center><<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/laptop/draw'+_i+'.jpg" height="220">'>>
Zara sat comfortably with her drawing tablet, focusing intently as she sketched away. With each gentle touch of the stylus, her creation slowly came to life on the screen. She lost track of time, completely absorbed in the process of bringing her imagination to fruition. A sense of fulfillment washed over her as she watched her drawing take shape, reminding her why she loved to create art in the first place.
<center><<set _drawInc = 5 + random(0, $PlayerArt)>>\
<<set $drawFans += _drawInc>>\
<font color="Coral">+_drawInc Drawing Fans</font>
<<addenergy -45>>\
<font color="yellow">-45 Energy</font>
<<set _moneyGained = random(5,20) + $PlayerArt>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
<<set $tries to Math.max(3, Math.floor($PlayerComp / 10))>>\
<<set $n1 to random(0,9)>><<set $n2 to random(0,9)>><<set $n3 to random(0,9)>><<set $n4 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn1 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn2 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn3 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn4 to random(0,9)>>\
<span id="n1">- - - -[<<cycle "$n1" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n2">- -[<<cycle "$n2" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n3">- -[<<cycle "$n3" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n4">- -[<<cycle "$n4" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- - - -</span>\
<span id="dis">
<<link "[Open]">>\
<<if $tries gt 0>><<set $tries-->><<replace "#op2">>\
<center>Tries left: $tries</center><</replace>>\
<<if $tries==0>>\
<<replace "#op">>\
Zara failed to enter the correct 4-digit PIN! The cash register clicks shut in an emergency lockdown mode. She really should get out of here.
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>\
Luckily, nobody noticed Zara behind the counter. She slips back out and walks out of the shop without any hassle.
<center>[[Leave the shop quickly|The Mall][$minute+=3]]</center>
But, before she could slip out, the guard took notice of her. He immediately bolts towards Zara and grabs her by the arm.
<font color="cyan">"What do you think you are doing? You are coming with me"</font>, he snarls.
Before Zara could object, she is dragged away by the guard all the way to the security room. Her heart beats quickly, what is going to happen to her?
<<if $securityStealingIntro == true>>
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|stealing caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<replace "#dis">><</replace>>\
<<if $n1 is $cn1>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n2 is $cn2>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n3 is $cn3>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n4 is $cn4>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>>\\
<<if $n1 isnot $cn1 and $n1 isnot $cn2 and $n1 isnot $cn3 and $n1 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n2 isnot $cn1 and $n2 isnot $cn2 and $n2 isnot $cn3 and $n2 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n3 isnot $cn1 and $n3 isnot $cn2 and $n3 isnot $cn3 and $n3 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n4 isnot $cn1 and $n4 isnot $cn2 and $n4 isnot $cn3 and $n4 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $PlayerComp gte 80>><<timed 8.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><<elseif $PlayerComp gte 50>><<timed 6.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><<elseif $PlayerComp gte 20>><<timed 4.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><<else>><<timed 2.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><</if>>\
<<if $n1 is $cn1 and $n2 is $cn2 and $n3 is $cn3 and $n4 is $cn4>>
<<replace "#op">>
Zara successfully entered the correct 4-digit PIN!
The drawer opens swiftly, allowing Zara to quickly reach in and grab whatever notes she could before she could get her hands on. She leaves the shop before anyone could notice anything awry.
<<set _moneyGained = random(50,250)>>\
<center><font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
[[Leave the shop quickly|The Mall][$minute+=3]]</center>
<<replace "#dis">><</replace>>\
<</link>> \
<span id="op">
<span id="op2">\
<center>Tries left: $tries</center></span>
<span id="c_op"></span>
<<if $PlayerComp gte 30>>\
<<set $CDsec to random(60,120)>>\
<<elseif $PlayerComp gte 15>>\
<<set $CDsec to random(45,105)>>\
<<set $CDsec to random(30,90)>>\
<span id="countdown"><center>Zara has <font color="gold">$CDsec</font> second(s) before she gets noticed behind the counter by the security guard. She should be done with this ASAP.</center></span>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set $CDsec to $CDsec - 1>>
<<if $CDsec gt 0>>
<<replace "#countdown">><center>Zara has <font color="gold">$CDsec</font> second(s) before she gets noticed behind the counter by the security guard. She should be done with this ASAP.</center><</replace>>
<<replace "#countdown">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#op">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#op2">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#tut">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#dis">>Zara has run out of time...
The security guard notices her behind the counter, trying to get into the cash register. He immediately bolts towards Zara and grabs her by the arm.
<font color="cyan">"What do you think you are doing? You are coming with me"</font>, he snarls.
Before Zara could object, she is dragged away by the guard all the way to the security room. Her heart beats quickly, what is going to happen to her?
<<if $securityStealingIntro == true>>
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>[[Continue|stealing caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>
<span id="cont"><center>Maybe Zara should leave before anybody notices her
[[Leave the shop quickly|The Mall][$minute+=3]]</center></span>
<span id="tut">
<<link "How to unlock?">>\
<<replace "#tut">><font color="lime">Green: Correct digit and position</font>
<font color="red">Red: Digit does not exist</font>
No change: Digit exists but is in the wrong position currently
Number of attempts is based on computer skills.
<img src="img/cop/security.jpg" height="300">
Zara shivers in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara.
<font color="cyan">"So... you are back, huh?"</font>, the man speaks in a low tone. His voice sounded like two rocks being rubbed together, it still sends shivers down Zara's spine even though it's not her first time hearing it.
<font color="cyan">"You know how this works, whore. Don't you? You do something for me, and I don't call your pathetic excuse of a father who took my job"</font>, he whispers while leaning forwards. She can smell cigarettes on his breath.
She just nods an affirmation while keeping her eyes locked onto her feet, unable to look the ex-captain in his eyes.
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<font color="cyan">"How about you just let me fuck your mouth? That's simple is it not? I am sure a pretty whore like you has taken hundreds of dicks in that hole of yours"</font>, he growls as his hands creep onto Zara's thighs.
<<link "Zara disagrees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around attempting to steal"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>\
<<link "Zara agrees">>
<<replace "#action">>
<<goto "security ff">>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for what he requested...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<<elseif _eventCh==2>>\
<font color="cyan">"How about you just let me fuck you? That's simple is it not? I am sure a pretty whore like you has taken hundreds of dicks in that hole of yours"</font>, he growls as his hands creep onto Zara's thighs.
<<link "Zara disagrees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around attempting to steal"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<link "Zara agrees">>
<<replace "#action">>
<<goto "security fuck">>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for what he requested...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>\
<font color="cyan">"How about you ride my cock? That's simple is it not? I am sure a pretty whore like you has taken hundreds of dicks in that hole of yours, riding them up and down like a complete slut"</font>, he growls as his hands creep onto Zara's thighs.
<<link "Zara disagrees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around attempting to steal"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Zara agrees">>
<<replace "#action">>
<<goto "security ride">>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for what he requested...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<<set $punishTimes += 1>>\
A long time passes, Zara shivers with both cold and fear of her father. The ex-captain had called him up and left the room. All there was to do was wait... and finally, the door swings back open.
Zara's father stands in the doorframe, his eyes meet Zara's but she can't hold the gaze. The two of them exit the room, it takes Ben all his willpower to not punch the ex-captain who was chuckling to himself as they pass him. Shame filled Ben as guilt filled Zara.
Getting into the passenger seat of her dad's cop car, the two of them sit silently for a while whilst going back home. The silence was finally broken by Zara's father.
<font color="cyan">"Explain yourself"</font>, he growls.
But before Zara could even open her mouth, her father starts shouting
<<link "Listen to him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
Zara just sits there in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... don't talk to me. I am disappointed in you... And because of this, I will have to dock your allowance"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart.
<center><<addmoney -100>>\
<font color="green">-100$</font>
<font color="red">-2 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -2>></center>\
Finally, the car ride is over, just as Zara steps out of the car her dad drives away, unwilling to even look at her.
<center>[[Zara enters her house|Living room][$punishTimes=0, $minute+=25]]</center>
<<if $famSexUnlocked == true>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 55>>\
<<if $dad.blowjob==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=10>>\
<<link "Distract him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
<<goto "PunishedEvent Stealing">>
<center>Zara's dad is not corrupted enough to be distracted...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to distract him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara has yet to unlock her mind...
<font color="gold">Required: Zara's Quest: The Unlocking (35 Corruption)</font></center>
@@In the middle of his shouting Zara lays her hand on her dad's crotch causing him to immediately shut up. She can feel his dick getting harder below her palm as she lightly rubs at it.
<font color="pink">"Daddy... I am really sorry..."</font>, she whispers.
<center><<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Corruption +1</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<<addcorruptiondad 1>>\
<font color="red">Dad Boosted Corruption +1</font>
<<link "Attempt to convince him using blowjob...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my mouth, Daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(15,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(25,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>3>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
Without a word, her father takes the next exit from the highway and enters a secluded spot. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara could not wait to get her lips around her dad's cock, she would make him forgive her.<<else>>Zara felt nervous about this, what if they get caught?<</if>>
With no objections being heard, Zara unzips her father's pants, letting his throbbing cock pop out. She lowers her head until her mouth envelopes her father's dick head.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on her dad's dick. She can feel his precum already leaking out as it coats her tongue with her saliva. Hopefully, nobody will catch them...
Zara's dad suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and pushes it down, taking complete control.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Looks like he did not want to wait patiently for her to finish him... With a moan above Zara's head, her dad's eyes roll back into his head as he orgasms right into Zara's mouth. She feels the cum splatter all over her tongue and cheek. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut, using her body to get out of punishments.<<else>>Was it wrong to use her body to get out of punishments?<</if>>
The rest of the car ride goes without any interruptions. Zara gets out of the car and closes the door. Her dad gives her a wave from inside and then drives away.
<center>[[Zara enters her house|Living room][$minute+=50]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately removes her hand from her dad's crotch, ashamed of herself.
Zara just sits there in the car in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... keep quiet and sit there. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart.
<center><<addmoney -130>>\
<font color="green">-130$</font>
<font color="red">-3 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -3>></center>\
Finally, the car ride is over, just as Zara steps out of the car her dad drives away, unwilling to even look at her.
<center>[[Zara enters her house|Living room][$punishTimes=0, $minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=75>>\
<<if $dad.sex==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption>=35>>\
<<link "Attempt to convince him using sex...">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"If you ignore my mistake this time... I will let you use my pussy, daddy"</font>
<<if $punishTimes==1>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==2>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,50)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==3>>\
<<set _chance=random(5,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==4>>\
<<set _chance=random(15,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes==5>>\
<<set _chance=random(25,100)>>\
<<elseif $punishTimes>5>>\
<<set _chance=random(40,100)>>\
<<if _chance<=50>>\
Without a word, her father takes the next exit from the highway and enters a secluded spot. He exits the car and walks towards the passenger door, opening it and dragging Zara out by the arm. His grip was powerful but not hard enough to pain, but she still gasped at his suddenness. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Zara could not wait to have his cock deep inside her, she would make him forgive her.<<else>>Zara felt nervous about this, what if they get caught?<</if>>
Before she could say anything, she found herself bent over the hood of the car. Her father's hands roamed freely behind her, she feels his hands grasp her supple ass before undressing her.
Exposed to her father, in the middle of somewhere where anybody could catch them... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>><font color="red">excited</font> her so much. She <font color="red">WANTED</font> her own dad to fuck her hard like a dirty whore.<<else>>made her feel so nervous. She would like him to enter her and get this over with as soon as possible.<</if>> And she gets what she wanted as she feels his dick penetrate her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/bent'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as her dad thrusts in and out of her pussy, the pleasure rocking her body. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming.
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's pussy, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her. Her own dad just came inside her... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>What a slut, using her body to get out of punishments.<<else>>Was it wrong to use her body to get out of punishments?<</if>>
The rest of the car ride goes without any interruptions. Zara gets out of the car and closes the door. Her dad gives her a wave from inside and then drives away.
<center>[[Zara enters her house|Living room][$hour+=1]]</center>
Zara's attempts to woo her dad do not go well...
Suddenly he starts shouting,<font color="cyan">"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THIS WILL WORK ON ME THIS TIME?! WHORE!"</font>
Zara immediately removes her hand from her dad's crotch, ashamed of herself.
Zara just sits there in the car in shame as her dad continues shouting, she knows she was not raised like this... and yet she went against what they had taught her as a child.
It feels like time is going by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, her dad stops shouting and just sighs.
<font color="cyan">"Just... keep quiet and sit there. I am disappointed in you... And, I am going to have to dock your allowance for this, no choice"</font>, he says with a face that hurts Zara's heart.
<center><<addmoney -150>>\
<font color="green">-150$</font>
<font color="red">-5 Corruption</font>
<<addcorruption -5>></center>\
Finally, the car ride is over, just as Zara steps out of the car her dad drives away, unwilling to even look at her.
<center>[[Zara enters her house|Living room][$punishTimes=0, $minute+=30]]</center>
<center>Zara's dad does not have enough corruption to accept sex from his own daughter...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to use sex to convince her father...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 75</font></center>
@@She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
<<set _works = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _works gte 30>>\
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<font color="cyan">"You... are a good slut"</font>, the man gasps with exhaustion from the orgasm he just received.
Zara starts dressing back up, ready to leave but before she can she feels his hand grab her arm.
<font color="cyan">"Didn't say you were free to go..."</font>, he growls.
<font color="pink">"But- but I did what you wanted!"</font>, Zara shouts incredulously.
<font color="cyan">"I decided it was not enough, sit your ass down, I am calling your father HAHAHAHA"</font>, the ex-captain guffawed as he left the room, leaving Zara feeling a wave of anger and fear.
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<</if>>\She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got up from the chair and nodded. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara is led to the table in the room and is bent over it. She stares blankly at the wall in front of her as she feels the man insert his cock into her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as the man thrusts in and out of her vagina. She felt weirdly guilty feeling pleasure as the man fucked her in the cold room. Anybody could walk in and see them...
Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
<<set _works = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _works gte 30>>\
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<font color="cyan">"You... are a good slut"</font>, the man gasps with exhaustion from the orgasm he just received.
Zara starts dressing back up, ready to leave but before she can she feels his hand grab her arm.
<font color="cyan">"Didn't say you were free to go..."</font>, he growls.
<font color="pink">"But- but I did what you wanted!"</font>, Zara shouts incredulously.
<font color="cyan">"I decided it was not enough, sit your ass down, I am calling your father HAHAHAHA"</font>, the ex-captain guffawed as he left the room, leaving Zara feeling a wave of anger and fear.
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<</if>>\She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got up from the chair and nodded. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. The man takes a seat on the chair and guides Zara towards him. She could feel his cock below her, brushing the entrance of her vagina. She lowers herself onto it, letting it inside her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life. Fucking a young whore like her must be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for such an old creep.
The man suddenly pushes her off him and drags her to her knees. He starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
<<set _works = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _works gte 30>>\
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<font color="cyan">"You... are a good slut"</font>, the man gasps with exhaustion from the orgasm he just received.
Zara starts dressing back up, ready to leave but before she can she feels his hand grab her arm.
<font color="cyan">"Didn't say you were free to go..."</font>, he growls.
<font color="pink">"But- but I did what you wanted!"</font>, Zara shouts incredulously.
<font color="cyan">"I decided it was not enough, sit your ass down, I am calling your father HAHAHAHA"</font>, the ex-captain guffawed as he left the room, leaving Zara feeling a wave of anger and fear.
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<</if>>\<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/laptop/practice'+_i+'.jpg" height="220">'>>
Zara settled in with her drawing tablet, eager to hone her skills. With determination in her eyes, she began practicing various strokes and techniques, experimenting with different brushes and colors. She focused on capturing the details of her subject, whether it was a simple still life or a complex character from her imagination. Despite the occasional frustration, she persisted, knowing that every stroke brought her one step closer to improvement. With each practice session, Zara felt more confident in her abilities, excited to see how far she could push her creativity on her digital canvas.
<center><font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Art Skills</font>
<<addart 2>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
[[Continue|Drawing]]</center>Zara's School Life<img src="img/cop/security.jpg" height="300">
<<set $securityStealingIntro to true>>\
<<if $securityBusIntro == true || $securityRestIntro == true>>\
Zara shivered in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough-looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara.
Zara of course remembers him... he was the captain before Zara's dad took over. He obviously still harbored a grudge against the Williams family.
<<if $securityBusIntro == true && $securityRestIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the restaurant dine and dash and also the bus freeloading incidents. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught stealing.
<<elseif $securityRestIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the restaurant dine and dash incident. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught stealing.
<<elseif $securityBusIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the bus freeloading incident. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught stealing.
<font color="cyan">"What a bad girl you are. I can't believe my luck, Ben Williams' daughter was caught stealing HAHAHAHA!"</font>, the ex-captain guffawed. <font color="cyan">"So, you know the drill... But, I am feeling generous. Let's just do a simple transaction where you get on your knees and use your mouth to convince me not to call up your father."</font>, he goes on.
Should Zara do it? She could get out of trouble...
<<link "No, this creep won't touch her body">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around attempting to steal"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Plead and gag on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
Zara shivered in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough-looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara. Something was familiar about this man though...
<font color="cyan">"Do you know me, Zara Williams?"</font>, the man speaks in a low tone. His voice sounded like two rocks being rubbed together.
It finally clicked! This man used to be the captain of the police force before Zara's father took over. Apparently, a lot of allegations surfaced about him being a complete creep to the female officers on the force which forced him to quit his job before he could be fired.
<font color="pink">"Yes... I know you"</font>, Zara replies, her voice a bit shakey.
<font color="cyan">"Don't worry, woman. You are a woman, aren't you? You look grown up"</font>, the man's eyes wander up and down Zara, pausing for a few extra seconds at her chest.
<font color="cyan">"You see, woman, this is a delicious opportunity for me. Do you understand why?"</font>
<font color="pink">"I- I can't say I do"</font>, Zara replies hesistantly. The man's gaze sent shivers down her spine. There was something primal in his gaze.
<font color="cyan">"Do you know that it was YOUR father who got those stupid bitches to rat on me? Did you know that? And now look at you, caught stealing from a cash register! HAHAHAHA</font>, the man guffaws.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, please, just let me go. I will never do this again..."</font>, Zara pleads. All she needs is that he does not call her father. She would not be able to look him in the eye.
<font color="Cyan">"Oh, sure sure. I know sluts like you, will do anything to get out of trouble. I won't press charges, no no, I would find it a lot more delicious for my soul to just call up your father. And I know how you could try to convince me not to, woman. Pleading and gagging on your fucking knees"</font>, he snarls.
Should Zara do it? She could get out of trouble...
<<link "No, this creep won't touch her body">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around attempting to steal"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Plead and gag on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<</if>>\<img src="img/cop/security.jpg" height="300">
<<set $securityRestIntro to true>>\
<<if $securityBusIntro == true || $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
Zara shivered in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough-looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara.
Zara of course remembers him... he was the captain before Zara's dad took over. He obviously still harbored a grudge against the Williams family.
<<if $securityBusIntro == true && $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the stealing and also the bus freeloading incidents. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught dining and dashing.
<<elseif $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the stealing incident. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught dining and dashing.
<<elseif $securityBusIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the bus freeloading incident. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught dining and dashing.
<font color="cyan">"What a bad girl you are. I can't believe my luck, Ben Williams' daughter was caught dining and dashing HAHAHAHA! What a stupid petty little crime for you to commit!"</font>, the ex-captain guffawed. <font color="cyan">"So, you know the drill... But, I am feeling generous. Let's just do a simple transaction where you get on your knees and use your mouth to convince me not to call up your father."</font>, he goes on.
Should Zara do it? She could get out of trouble...
<<link "No, this creep won't touch her body">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around committing petty crimes like dining and dashing"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Plead and gag on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
Zara shivered in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough-looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara. Something was familiar about this man though...
<font color="cyan">"Do you know me, Zara Williams?"</font>, the man speaks in a low tone. His voice sounded like two rocks being rubbed together.
It finally clicked! This man used to be the captain of the police force before Zara's father took over. Apparently, a lot of allegations surfaced about him being a complete creep to the female officers on the force which forced him to quit his job before he could be fired.
<font color="pink">"Yes... I know you"</font>, Zara replies, her voice a bit shakey.
<font color="cyan">"Don't worry, woman. You are a woman, aren't you? You look grown up"</font>, the man's eyes wander up and down Zara, pausing for a few extra seconds at her chest.
<font color="cyan">"You see, woman, this is a delicious opportunity for me. Do you understand why?"</font>
<font color="pink">"I- I can't say I do"</font>, Zara replies hesistantly. The man's gaze sent shivers down her spine. There was something primal in his gaze.
<font color="cyan">"Do you know that it was YOUR father who got those stupid bitches to rat on me? Did you know that? And now look at you, committing petty little crimes like dining and dashing! HAHAHAHA"</font>, the man guffaws.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, please, just let me go. I will never do this again..."</font>, Zara pleads. All she needs is that he does not call her father. She would not be able to look him in the eye.
<font color="Cyan">"Oh, sure sure. I know sluts like you, will do anything to get out of trouble. I won't press charges, no no, I would find it a lot more delicious for my soul to just call up your father. And I know how you could try to convince me not to, woman. Pleading and gagging on your fucking knees"</font>, he snarls.
Should Zara do it? She could get out of trouble...
<<link "No, this creep won't touch her body">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around committing petty crimes like dining and dashing"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Plead and gag on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, and a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<</if>>\<img src="img/cop/security.jpg" height="300">
<<set $securityBusIntro to true>>\
<<if $securityRestIntro == true || $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
Zara shivers in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara.
Zara of course remembers him... he was the captain before Zara's dad took over. He obviously still harboured a grudge against the Williams family.
<<if $securityRestIntro == true && $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the stealing and also the restaurant dining and dashing incidents. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught freeloading on the bus.
<<elseif $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the stealing incident. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught freeloading on the bus.
<<elseif $securityRestIntro == true>>\
The man already knows about Zara from the restaurant dining and dashing incident. She wonders what will happen now that she was caught freeloading on the bus.
<font color="cyan">"What a bad girl you are. I can't believe my luck, Ben Williams' daughter was caught freeloading on the bus HAHAHAHA! What a stupid petty little crime for you to commit!"</font>, the ex-captain guffawed. <font color="cyan">"So, you know the drill... But, I am feeling generous. Let's just do a simple transaction where you get on your knees and use your mouth to convince me not to call up your father."</font>, he goes on.
Should Zara do it? She could get out of trouble...
<<link "No, this creep won't touch her body">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around committing petty crimes like freeloading on the bus"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Plead and gag on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
Zara shivers in the cold room, the guard who had brought her here had left the room. But she knew there was no use attempting to leave since the door had locked shut behind the guard.
The door handle twitches and the door opens and there stands an older man, a rough looking man. His lapel read "Chief Security Officer". The man came into the room and sat right in front of Zara. Something was familiar about this man though...
<font color="cyan">"Do you know me, Zara Williams?"</font>, the man speaks in a low tone. His voice sounded like two rocks being rubbed together.
It finally clicked! This man used to be the captain of the police force before Zara's father took over. Apparently, a lot of allegations surfaced about him being a complete creep to the female officers on the force which forced him to quit his job before he could be fired.
<font color="pink">"Yes... I know you"</font>, Zara replies, her voice a bit shakey.
<font color="cyan">"Don't worry, woman. You are a woman, aren't you? You look grown up"</font>, the man's eyes wander up and down Zara, pausing for a few extra seconds at her chest.
<font color="cyan">"You see, woman, this is a delicious opportunity for me. Do you understand why?"</font>
<font color="pink">"I- I can't say I do"</font>, Zara replies hesistantly. The man's gaze sent shivers down her spine. There was something primal in his gaze.
<font color="cyan">"Do you know that it was YOUR father who got those stupid bitches to rat on me? Did you know that? And now look at you, committing petty little crimes like freeloading on the bus! HAHAHAHA"</font>, the man guffaws.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, please, just let me go. I will never do this again..."</font>, Zara pleads. All she needs is that he does not call her father. She would not be able to look him in the eye.
<font color="Cyan">"Oh, sure sure. I know sluts like you, will do anything to get out of trouble. I won't press charges, no no, I would find it a lot more delicious for my soul to just call up your father. And I know how you could try to convince me not to, woman. Pleading and gagging on your fucking knees"</font>, he snarls.
Should Zara do it? She could get out of trouble...
<<link "No, this creep won't touch her body">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, not happening"</font>, Zara sniffles. She can feel the tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Fine then... you chose this. I can't wait to call up your dad and see his stupid face. His little girl going around committing petty crimes like freeloading on the bus"</font>
<center>[[Continue|Punished Stealing][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Plead and gag on her knees">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She can't let this opportunity go... she does not want to disappoint her father. Without a worded reply, she got onto her knees. Smirking, the man walks up to Zara... and spits on her. She feels his gross saliva splatter onto her face but she does not object. Right now, she would accept anything to avoid getting into trouble.
<font color="cyan">"Take your clothes off, slut"</font>, he growls. Zara immediately takes it all off, standing completely nude in front of the man.
The ex-captain takes his cock out, already at full mast looking at such a submissive whore right in front of him. Zara accepts it into her mouth but before she can do anything, he thrusts deep into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facefuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tries her best to keep her breath in check but she needs more air. But all her attempts to get off his dick and gasp for air are foiled by the man's sheer strength holding her down. Finally, he pulls out and starts stroking himself, pointing his penis at Zara's face. She knew what was coming next...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cop/facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum splatters all over her face, a few drops land in her mouth. The taste was horrible, making Zara keep her lips firmly shut until the man's balls were completely empty.
Without a second look at her, the man dresses back up and leaves. Looks like Zara was free to go without getting into too much trouble...
<center>[[Leave the security room|The Mall][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to convince him...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<</if>>\<font color="pink">"Liked what you saw?"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>confidently<<else>>hesistantly<</if>> teases her own brother as she covers up. A bulge starts growing in Kyle's pants, he was obviously horny for something.
<font color="cyan">"Liked? I loved it. I think you should just stop buying clothes and walk around naked"</font>, he replies. Zara bites her lips and moves closer to Kyle and they embrace each other as their lips touch. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara's hand wanders below and rests on his bulge<<else>>Kyle takes her hand and places it on his bulge<</if>>, making it grow even larger.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara whispers into her brother's ear, <font color="pink">"Why don't you stand up? Let me show you how much I love you with my mouth"</font>. She felt so aroused, she wanted his dick in her mouth.<<else>>Zara whispers into her brother's ear, <font color="pink">"Stand up, let me try something"</font>. Should she really do this, though?<</if>>
Kyle immediately stands up and removes his pants, letting his cock pop out. It was already at a full boner, just waiting for Zara's loving. The musky aroma of his throbbing penis hits her nose as she licks her lips, wetting them, getting ready to give her brother the pleasure he vehemently desires.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her brother, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, Kyle moans.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>Zara quickens her pace, trying to get him to cum as soon as possible.
To speed up the process, she takes his dick out of her mouth and jerks it off, waiting nervously for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head<<else>>Zara lets him clean himself up<</if>> before getting back up and leaving the room.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=60 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $bro.sex==true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption >= 40>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara crawls onto his bed and bends over, presenting herself to her own brother. She shakes her ass alluringly at him and purrs, <font color="pink">"Want to use my pussy to get off?"</font><<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she gets onto his bed and bends over. She presents herself to her brother and tells him, <font color="pink">"I want to have sex with you"</font>. Did she really say that out loud?<</if>>
Needing no more convincing, Kyle immediately positions himself behind Zara with his cock out. He spits on his hand and rubs it on his dick head, lubing it up for penetration. Zara stays still on the bed, waiting in anticipation for the entry until finally, she feels his dick head push against her vagina and gently enter. Making sure she was fine, he starts to increase his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her brother thrusts in and out of her vagina. Her parents could walk into the room and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>She had become such a slut, letting her own brother fuck her like this.<<else>>Was she really letting her own brother fuck her like this? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Kyle pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara smiles and starts jerking off her own brother, waiting in anticipation for his delicious cum.<<else>>Zara starts jerking off her own brother, waiting nervously for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head<<else>>Zara lets him clean himself up<</if>> before getting back up and leaving the room.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's brother does not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=75 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if $bro.anal==true>>\
<<if $bro.corruption >= 65>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Zara crawls onto his bed and bends over, presenting herself to her own brother. She shakes her ass alluringly at him and purrs, <font color="pink">"Want to use my ass to get off?"</font><<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she gets onto his bed and bends over. She presents herself to her brother and tells him, <font color="pink">"I want you to fuck my ass"</font>. Did she really say that out loud?<</if>>
Needing no more convincing, Kyle immediately positions himself behind Zara with his cock out. He spits on his hand and rubs it on his dick head, lubing it up for penetration. Zara stays still on the bed, waiting in anticipation for the entry until finally, she feels his dick head push against her ass hole and gently enter. Making sure she was fine, he starts to increase his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own brother closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>She had become such a slut, letting her own brother fuck her like this.<<else>>Was she really letting her own brother fuck her like this? Was this wrong?<</if>>
With a groan, Kyle thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle slumps back into bed, sweaty from the cardio, and just gasps, <font color="cyan">"That was amazing, sis! I love your body"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Giggling to herself, Zara gets up, she can feel cum dripping out of her ass hole and flowing down the back of her legs.<<else>>Zara gets up from the bed, feeling the cum dripping out of her ass hole. Her own brother just cummed inside her ass hole!<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's brother does not have enough corruption to accept anal...
<font color="gold">Bro's Required Corruption: 65</font></center>
<center>Zara's Brother has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $bro.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Brother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 75</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<font color="pink">"Liked what you saw?"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>confidently<<else>>hesistantly<</if>> teases her own father as she covers up. A bulge starts growing in Ben's pants, he was obviously horny for something.
<font color="cyan">"Liked? I loved it. I think you should just stop buying clothes and walk around naked"</font>, he replies. Zara bites her lips and moves closer to Ben and they embrace each other as their lips touch. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara's hand wanders below and rests on his bulge<<else>>Ben takes her hand and places it on his bulge<</if>>, making it grow even larger.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara whispers into her father's ear, <font color="pink">"Why don't you stand up? Let me show you how much I love you with my mouth"</font>. She felt so aroused, she wanted his dick in her mouth.<<else>>Zara whispers into her father's ear, <font color="pink">"Stand up, let me try something"</font>. Should she really do this, though?<</if>>
Ben immediately stands up and removes his pants, letting his cock pop out. It was already at a full boner, just waiting for Zara's loving. The musky aroma of his throbbing penis hits her nose as she licks her lips, wetting them, getting ready to give her father the pleasure he vehemently desires.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her father, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, Ben moans.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>Zara quickens her pace, trying to get him to cum as soon as possible.
To speed up the process, she takes his dick out of her mouth and jerks it off, waiting nervously for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head<<else>>Zara lets him clean himself up<</if>> before getting back up and leaving the room.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $dad.sex==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption >= 30>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara crawls onto her parent's bed and bends over, presenting herself to her own father. She shakes her ass alluringly at him and purrs, <font color="pink">"Want to use my pussy to get off?"</font><<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she gets onto her parent's bed and bends over. She presents herself to her father and tells him, <font color="pink">"I want to have sex with you"</font>. Did she really say that out loud?<</if>>
Needing no more convincing, Ben immediately positions himself behind Zara with his cock out. He spits on his hand and rubs it on his dick head, lubing it up for penetration. Zara stays still on the bed, waiting in anticipation for the entry until finally, she feels his dick head push against her vagina and gently enter. Without making sure she was fine with it, her father immediately picks up the pace, making Zara gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her father thrusts in and out of her vagina. Her mom could walk into the room and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>She had become such a slut, letting her own father fuck her like this.<<else>>Was she really letting her own father fuck her like this? Was this wrong?<</if>>
Ben pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He roughly puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and pushes her to her knees. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara smiles and starts jerking off her own father, waiting in anticipation for his delicious cum.<<else>>Zara starts jerking off her own father, waiting nervously for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. After he was done <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head<<else>>Zara lets him clean himself up<</if>> before getting back up and leaving the room.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's father does not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.sex==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=80 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if $dad.anal==true>>\
<<if $dad.corruption >= 55>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara crawls onto her parent's bed and bends over, presenting herself to her own father. She shakes her ass alluringly at him and purrs, <font color="pink">"Want to use my ass to get off?"</font><<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she gets onto her parent's bed and bends over. She presents herself to her father and tells him, <font color="pink">"I want you to fuck my ass"</font>. Did she really say that out loud?<</if>>
Needing no more convincing, Ben immediately positions himself behind Zara with his cock out. He spits on his hand and rubs it on his dick head, lubing it up for penetration. Zara stays still on the bed, waiting in anticipation for the entry until finally, she feels his dick head push against her ass hole and gently enter. Without making sure she was fine with it, her father immediately picks up the pace, making Zara gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own father closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>She had become such a slut, letting her own father fuck her like this.<<else>>Was she really letting her own father fuck her like this? Was this wrong?<</if>>
With a groan, Ben thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben slumps back into bed, sweaty from the cardio, and just gasps, <font color="cyan">"What a slut my daughter has become, I love it"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Giggling to herself, Zara gets up, she can feel cum dripping out of her ass hole and flowing down the back of her legs.<<else>>Zara gets up from the bed, feeling the cum dripping out of her ass hole. Her own father just cummed inside her ass hole!<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's father does not have enough corruption to accept anal...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara's Father has yet to have his mind unlocked...
<<if $dad.anal==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<font color="pink">"Liked what you saw?"</font>, Zara teases her own mother <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>confidently<<else>>hesistantly<</if>> as she covers up, to the disappointment of her mother. Zara could see her mom's nipples harden through the top she was wearing.
<font color="fuchsia">"Liked? I loved it. I think you should just stop buying clothes and walk around naked"</font>, she replies. Zara bites her lips and moves closer to Elena and they embrace each other as their lips touch. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara's hand wanders below and rests on her breasts, squeezing them.<<else>> Elena takes a hold of Zara's hand and rests them on her breasts.<</if>>
<<link "Finger">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara makes her mom lie down on the bed. She leans forward and starts kissing her own mother, their tongues slowly unfolding into each other's mouths. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara felt so horny being in such an intimate embrace with her mother, there was no room for doubt.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds as the embrace became more intimate. She felt nervous!<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara slowly inches her hand lower and lower, making sure to trail her fingers over her mother's body. This light touch excited Zara's mom even more, and her nipples harden. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut Zara had become, seducing her own mother like this.<<else>>Was she really seducing her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter fingers her pussy, she grabs onto Zara as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara's moother slowly inches her hand lower and lower, making sure to trail her fingers over her daughter's body. This light touch excited Zara even more, and her nipples harden. She feels her pussy getting wet. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a slut Zara had become, seducing her own mother like this.<<else>>Was she really seducing her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>> Any thoughts in her mind are discarded as she feels her mother's fingers reach her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own mother fingers her pussy, she grabs onto Elena as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
<font color="fuchsia">"God, that was great"</font>, her mom sighs. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Giggling, Zara gets her clothes back on and leaves the room.<<else>>Zara gets up and gets her clothes back on. She leaves the room, her heart still pounding.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=55 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<if $mom.oral == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption >= 30>>\
<<link "Oral">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara leads her mother onto the bed, making her lie down. She leans forward and starts kissing her own mother, their tongues slowly unfolding into each other's mouths. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Zara felt so horny being in such an intimate embrace with her mother, there was no room for doubt.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds as the embrace became more intimate. She felt nervous!<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her mother's body as she travels down. These light kisses excited Zara's mom even more, and her nipples harden. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut Zara had become, seducing her own mother like this.<<else>>Was she really seducing her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Zara's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Elena slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her daughter's body as she travels down. These light kisses excited Zara even more, and her nipples harden. She could feel her pussy getting wetter with every kiss her mother planted on her body. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut Zara had become, seducing her own mother like this.<<else>>Was she really seducing her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own mother's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Elena's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
<font color="fuchsia">"God, that was great"</font>, her mom sighs. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>Giggling, Zara gets her clothes back on and leaves the room.<<else>>Zara gets up and gets her clothes back on. She leaves the room, her heart still pounding.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's mother does not have enough corruption to accept oral...
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to perform oral...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if $mom.strapon == true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Strap-on">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara leads her mother onto the bed, making her lie down. She leans forward and starts kissing her own mother, their tongues slowly unfolding into each other's mouths. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Zara felt so horny being in such an intimate embrace with her mother, there was no room for doubt.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds as the embrace became more intimate. She felt nervous!<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Next, the clothes came off, strewn everywhere on the bed as Zara slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her mother's body as she travels down. These light kisses excited Zara's mom even more, her nipples harden. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>What a slut Zara had become, seducing her own mother like this.<<else>>Was she really seducing her own mother? Was this wrong?<</if>> It did not matter though, she could feel her mother's fingers pushing in and out of her pussy, and it felt so good!
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara could see her mom was dripping wet already. She was ready for penetration. She takes the strap-on and puts it on. Elena looks at her own daughter, excited and horny. She spreads her legs, beckoning Zara to enter her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lbed'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter fucks her with the silicone penis. With every thrust, a wave of pleasure washes over Elena. Seeing the pleasure clearly on her face, it pushes Zara to thrust faster. The pleasure was too much, Elena feels the orgasm rocking through her body, her moans reaching their peak.
Elena could see her daughter was dripping wet already. She was ready for penetration. She takes the strap-on and puts it on. Elena looks at her own daughter, excited and horny. Shemakes Zara spread her legs as she aims the silicone penis at Zara's pussy. Zara gasps as she feels it enter her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lbed'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own moother fucks her with the silicone penis. With every thrust, a wave of pleasure washes over Zara. Seeing the pleasure clearly on her face, it pushes Elena to thrust faster. The pleasure was too much, Zara feels the orgasm rocking through her body, her moans reaching their peak.
<font color="fuchsia">"God, that was great"</font>, her mom sighs. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Giggling, Zara gets her clothes back on and leaves the room.<<else>>Zara gets up and gets her clothes back on. She leaves the room, her heart still pounding.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's mom does not have enough corruption to have strap-on sex with her...
<font color="gold">Mom' Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother has yet to have her mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have strap-on sex with her mother...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<endif>>\<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>><font color="pink">"Whoops, I guess my top is just useless, huh?"</font>, Zara says in a singsong voice as she completely takes it off, leaving her breasts bare in front of her parents. She felt so horny, showing off like this to her parents.<<else>><font color="pink">"This top seems useless..."</font>, Zara announces, her voice slightly shaky from her nervousness. She takes it off completely, letting her breasts be completely bare.<</if>> Her dad immediately reaches forward...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="fuchsia">"Now now... You can't be the only one who gets all the attention"</font>, Elena tuts as she too takes off her top. The trio embrace each other as their passion slowly takes off more clothing until they all are naked, lying in bed. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>What a life! Being completely naked and horny with her own parents in their bed. It felt <font color="red">good</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this with both her parents? It felt a bit wrong, but also so good!<</if>>
Zara and Elena both slide off the bed and take hold of Ben's penis, jerking it as they made out with each other.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's dad groans in pleasure as she and her mother administer love to him. Zara can feel her pussy starting to drip with wetness as she feels her dad's cock throb in her hand and her mother's tongue invade her mouth.
It's time to take it to the next step...
<<link "Oral">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara takes her hand and pushes her mom's head closer towards her dad's dick. Immediately picking up on what was meant to be done, Elena does not resist and starts licking the tip of her husband's penis. Zara does the same, she can taste the mixture of her dad's precum and her mom's saliva as her tongue runs over Ben's dick.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/tease'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"This feels fucking amazing"</font>, Ben moans as his wife and daughter slobber on his penis. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Zara felt so horny, helping her mother make her father cum was the best feeling in the world right now.<<else>>Zara could not believe she was helping her own mother make her father cum.<</if>> But, he wants something more, he gets off the bed and positions the two women on both sides of his penis and starts thrusting.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/sandwich'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Oh my god... Oh my god..."</font>, Ben keeps moaning on and on as he thrusts in and out.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Zara loved how <font color="red">dirty</font> this felt. She had her own dad's dick sandwiched between her lips and her mom's. What a slut she has become. All these thoughts just made her hornier.<<else>>Zara liked the way her and her mom's lips touched around the cock. But a small part in her brain still thought this was wrong. But her arousal clamped it down.<</if>>
Ben suddenly pulls out and starts jerking off, aiming his penis at the two women. Zara and her mother get ready to receive the boon of their work.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/oral_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The trio get dressed up, all of them smiling to themselves at what just happened. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 90>>Zara could not wait to do it all again...<<else>>Zara would like to do it all again...<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<if $dad.sex==true and $mom.strapon==true>>\
<<if $mom.corruption gte 55 and $dad.corruption gte 65>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<set _ch = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _ch == 1>>\
Zara lays down on the bed and spreads her leg, beckoning to her dad.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>><font color="pink">"Come on, daddy. Fuck me like the good slut that I am"</font>, she purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"I want you to fuck me"</font>, Zara tells her dad, her heart pounding.<</if>> Needing no more convincing, her dad positions himself between her legs, she could feel his dick head rubbing at the entrance of her vagina. Elena clambers on top of Zara and brings herself down onto Zara, making her eat her out.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's father thrusts in and out of Zara with zest. The thought of her own father's dick thrusting in and out of her while her mom rode her face made her so horny. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>There was no time for any other thoughts, just pleasure.<<else>>While the pleasure was great, a tiny part of her brain thought this was wrong. But the arousal clamped down on it.<</if>> She could already feel the waves of orgasm wash over her. Zara moans into her mother's pussy as the orgasm rocks through her.
Seeing his daughter enjoying his fucking so much, Ben speeds up. Elena also takes matters into her own hands and starts grinding on Zara's face and moaning. She loved her daughter's tongue as it dove in and out of the folds of her vagina and lick her clit.
<font color="cyan">"I am cumming!"</font>, Ben moans as he pulls out of Zara and starts cumming. Elena immediately gets off Zara's face and lurches forward to catch her husband's tasty cum.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/sex_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena lays down on the bed and spreads her leg, beckoning to her husband.
<font color="fuchsia">"Come on, hubby. Let's show our daughter how she was made"</font>, she purrs seductively. Needing no more convincing, Ben positions himself between her legs, Elena could feel his dick head rubbing at the entrance of her vagina. Zara clambers on top of Elena and brings herself down onto Elena, making her eat her out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>No way is Zara not going to participate in this.<<else>>Zara would like to be a part of the action.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben thrusts in and out of Elena with zest. Zara could not believe how well her mom could use her tongue. She could already feel the waves of orgasm wash over her. Zara moans loudly as her mother's tongue brings her to orgasm.
Seeing his daughter enjoying so much, Ben speeds up. Elena also speeds up and starts tongue fucking Zara. She loved her mother's tongue as it dove in and out of the folds of her vagina and lick her clit. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>What a life! Her own mother eating her out!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was letting her own mother eat her out!<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"I am cumming!"</font>, Ben moans as he pulls out of Elena and starts cumming. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara immediately gets off Elena's face and lurches forward to catch her father's tasty cum.<<else>>Zara gets off and leans forward to catch her father's cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/parents bedroom/sex_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The trio get dressed up, all of them smiling to themselves at what just happened. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara could not wait to do it all again...<<else>>Zara would like to do it all again...<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
<center>Zara's parents do not have enough corruption to accept sex...
<font color="gold">Dad's Required Corruption: 65</font>
<font color="gold">Mom's Required Corruption: 55</font></center>
<center>Zara's Mother or Father has yet to have their mind unlocked...
<<if $mom.oral==false>>\
<font color="gold">Mother's Mind: Locked</font>
<<if $dad.blowjob==false>>\
<font color="gold">Father's Mind: Locked</font>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 85</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<endif>>\<img src="img/banner.png" width="100%"><center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 4 Started:</font> Apology Accepted...?</h3></center>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest = 4>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara takes a seat next to Dick who immediately puts his arm around her. They have become close friends now, but Zara still does not know anything about him. Just that he deals drugs and is definitely a very shady person outside of their park bench interactions.
<font color="pink">"You know... it's been a while since we have been friends, right? Yet, I don't know much about you, Dick! And honestly, I find that unacceptable at this point. I literally have been cucked by your ex and I still don't anything about you and whatever the hell business she was talking about!"</font>, Zara tells him in a serious tone, the volume of her voice rising.
<font color="cyan">"I don't know what to tell you, baby doll, I just have my reasons"</font>, he mutters without giving Zara even a glance.
Huffing, Zara scoots away from Dick and folds her arms. She makes it clear that right now, she is giving him the coldest shoulder possible. Dick rolls his eyes and scoots back next to Zara and takes her hand gently.
<font color="cyan">"I am serious, Zara. The life I lead is not for someone like you. You come from a world of comfort and leisure, I don't"</font>
A life of comfort and leisure? Who does he think he is? Zara's temper flares out and she snaps at Dick, <font color="pink">"Oh shut the fuck up. Do you seriously think my life is all just full of roses and daisies?!"</font>
Dick immediately realizes his error and backs off, looking apologetic. He sighs to himself, how can he make her feel better...? An idea pops into his head.
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<img src="img/quests/dick3thigh.jpg" height="220">
He places his hands on Zara's thigh and squeezes it. Zara raises her eyebrow at him but does not move away, letting him know his method of apology might be accepted.
He slowly trails his hand higher and higher until it reaches the right <font color="red">spot</font>, making Zara gasp. She can feel her pussy getting wet.
<font color="cyan">"How about you climb onto my lap as if I am Santa and give you the best present ever?"</font>, he whispers into Zara's ear. Should she let him go ahead with it?
[[Let him go ahead|dick quest4 accept][$minute+=2]]
[[He is not getting off so easily|dick quest4 reject][$minute+=2]]
Zara just shrugs mentally, what's the worst that could happen?
She sits on Dick's lap and let's his hands freely roam her body. She can feel his heart beat faster through his shirt and his breaths getting quicker as he proceeds. As his right hand grasps Zara's boobs she lets out an involtuntary gasp, even if she is enjoying she does not want to let him know, he needs to work for his apology.
His left hand continues trailing down until it finally reaches it's destination.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans into Dick's ear as his fingers stretch her out. She can feel his callouses rub against her clit but instead of hurting they somehow provided extra pleasure. His fingers reached deep into Zara, she could feel the tips brush against her insides.
She could hear the chatter of distant people in the park but she could not care less. All she could think about was the orgasm that was building inside her due to Dick's fingering.
Her legs shake and her vision goes blurry as she orgasms right on Dick's fingers, coating them with her fluids. Dick grins as Zara trembles on his lap. She clasps her mouth to avoid moaning out loud, not wanting to garner any unwanted attention.
Gasping, she gets off his lap, her legs still weak from the pleasure. Still trembling, she gets back onto the bench. Dick grins as he puts his arm around, proud of himself.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest4 end][$minute+=20]]</center>She might be horny because of his touch but her mind still works clearly. What he said hit her nerve a bit too well, she was not going to be able to let it go any time soon. She gets off the bench to Dick's dismay and starts walking away.
<font color="cyan">"Oh come on! Please, come back!"</font>, Dick yells from behind her. He gets up to follow Zara but is immediately shut down by her.
<font color="pink">"Don't even think about following me right now, okay? I just need to be alone"</font>, she shouts back at him.
Zara walks away from him, leaving him crestfallen behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $cooldownDick to true>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Park][$minute+=20]]</center><font color="cyan">"Listen, fine. I will let you in"</font>, Dick mutters.
Zara could not believe her ears, was it this easy to convince him?
<font color="cyan">"A lot of things will change between us. I wanted to avoid that for as long as I could but I guess not"</font>, he continues. His face had changed, it was a lot more serious. Instead of being laid back he now sat straight, it was almost as if someone else sat beside Zara.
<font color="pink">"What do you mean, Dick?"</font>, Zara asks curiously but cautiously. Right now the aura he was giving was off.
<font color="cyan">"Just, show up at this address"</font>, he says and hands her a card. It was a fancy one too.
Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark...
Before Zara could reply, Dick gets up and walks away. She continues sitting on the bench and reads the card in its entirety. But, wait a minute, how could this be? The address marked was of the largest building in her entire city, it was where the rich and dangerous lived. What was going on?
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dick.relationship += 3>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $dick.lastQuest=4>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $dickPlaceUnlocked = true>>\
[[End the quest|Park][$minute+=5]]</center><<if $dick.lastQuest==4 and $dick.activeQuest==0>>\
<<goto "dick quest5">>\
<img src="img/nimbus/nimbus.jpeg" height="300">
Zara enters the swanky building, men and women in fancy clothes were walking around the huge lobby of the building. She felt underdressed! The chandelier glistened above them all, the shimmering of it's crystals sending elegant light patterns all over the walls of the lobby... now that's fancy!
She enters the lift and presses the button for Dick's floor. On reaching his door, she rings his doorbell and waits.
<<if $dick.dailyVisits lt 2 and $dick.angryFlag==false>>\
The door opens and Dick stands there smiling.
<font color="cyan">"Look who's back"</font>, he says and steps aside. Just as Zara passes him to enter she feels his hand grab her ass, making her jump.
<center>[[Continue|Dick's Flat][$minute+=2, $dick.dailyVisits+=1]]</center>
Zara stands there but nobody answers the door. Maybe nobody is home?
<center>[[Go back|Arabella District][$minute+=5]]</center>
<center><img src="img/nimbus/dicks_flat.jpg" height="300">
The apartment featured luxurious hardwood floors, expansive windows framing a stunning city view, and elegant furnishings throughout. Plush sofas and modern kitchen appliances added to the opulent ambiance, creating a space of refined taste and comfort.
[[Make some drugs|drug start][$minute+=3]]
[[Enter Xavier's Office|xavier office][$minute+=2]]
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District][$minute+=7]]
+5 minutes
</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 5 Started:</font> Drugs 101</h3></center>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest = 5>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/nimbus.jpeg" height="300">
There's no way Dick lives in this building, Zara thought to herself. The lobby itself was bigger than her apartment, and people in fancy clothes milled around. She could see doors that led to a dining room... and a ballroom?! What kind of building was this? Zara looked and felt very out of place.
And as if her feelings were detected, she is faced with a concierge whose judgemental eyes lay upon Zara as if she was a turd on a carpet. <font color="cyan">"And who are you, ma'am? This is a private building and you definitely do not belong"</font>, he tells her in a condescending tone. Zara could feel her anger rising but calmed herself down, there was no point causing a scene here.
Before she could reply she feels a hand get placed on her waist and Dick stands beside Zara and growls at the concierge, <font color="cyan">"She is my guest and you will treat her as such"</font>
The concierge's eyes bulge and fear is etched onto his face, <font color="cyan">"I- I- I am so so- sorry, sir!"</font>
Zara could not believe it, Dick who looks a lot more dishevelled than Zara was bossing around the concierge as if it was nothing. She looks around and notices that the crowd around them was giving them space like fish when a shark is nearby. Who was Dick to them?
<font color="cyan">"Come on, Zara. Follow me"</font>, Dick tells Zara, he looks pensive about her being there. Things were going to be revealed soon, Zara could feel it in her bones.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 continue][$minute+=2]]</center>The two of them enter the elevator. Dick presses the button for the top-most floor. Aren't those apartments always the biggest and most expensive? The way Dick has always dressed and the things he has talked about had made it seem as if he wasn't very well off.
<font color="pink">"Dick, is this where you live? Why did you not tell me any of this? Why did you ask me for money if you live in the most expensive building in the city?"</font>, Zara blurts out, unable to hold in her curiosity any more.
<font color="cyan">"All in good time"</font>, Dick replies curtly.
Zara's mind immediately went back to that night.
<<if $dick2aBossRape == true or $dick2aSex == true>>\
That man who Zara met had a demeanor about him. Something about him made it feel like he had apocalyptic power hidden behind his "warm" smile. He definitely acted friendly in the beginning until it came down to business. It weirdly also turned her on, powerful men made Zara tingle all over. God, she felt hopeless about herself.
<<elseif $dick2bBB == true>>\
The dicks all around her immediately flashed in her mind. The smell of sweat and cum hit her nostrils again, that's how strong the memory still was. She had blown all of them, made them all cum just for Dick. To get them off his back. Zara thinks she only did it for him, but she knew deep down it was something she wanted to do herself anyway. Being the centre of attention in that way? God, she felt hopeless about herself.
<<elseif $dick2aBossDead == true>>\
That man who Zara met had a demeanor about him. Something about him made it feel like he had apocalyptic power hidden behind his "warm" smile. He definitely acted friendly in the beginning until it came down to business. But, it did not matter, she had pushed him... hard. The way he fell, who knows what happened to him for real. What could she say to Dick? Will he be in trouble? God, she felt hopeless about herself.
The elevator stops and the two of them stand in front of a door marked as 7001. Dick pulls out a key and opens the door with a click. The door swings open to reveal one of the poshest apartments or more like a penthouse that Zara would ever see in her life most probably.
<<link "Marvel at the sight in front of Zara">>
<<set $minute+=3>>\
<<replace "#action">>\
<img src="img/nimbus/dicks_flat.jpg" height="300">
The apartment featured luxurious hardwood floors, expansive windows framing a stunning city view, and elegant furnishings throughout. Plush sofas and modern kitchen appliances added to the opulent ambience, creating a space of refined taste and comfort.
A cool breeze constantly flowed through the apartment, the height of the apartment probably helped a lot with the ventilation and temperature.
Zara turns to face Dick with an incredulous look on her face but before she could say anything, Dick places a finger on his lips and shushes her.
<font color="cyan">"I understand it's a lot. I am going to try to get this over with as quickly as possible. I am a drug dealer, as I already have told you. It's just that, my dad is a drug lord. Or more like, he is my adoptive dad. I work for him, he provides me with everything essential"</font>
<font color="pink">"But, then, what about the loan sharks?"</font>, Zara asks.
<font color="cyan">"Now, that... was a lie. My dad is sick, that wasn't a lie"</font>, he replies.
<<if $dick2aBossRape == true or $dick2aSex == true>>\
<font color="pink">"But, you made me meet that man! <<if $dick2aBossRape>>He fucking raped me!<<else>>I had to suck him off to make him happy!<</if>> That was fucking humiliating!"</font>, Zara starts shouting. What was going on? Zara wanted answers now!
<<elseif $dick2bBB == true>>\
<font color="pink">"But, you made me meet all those men! I had to accept being face fucked by a bunch of random disgusting men. That was fucking humiliating!"</font>, Zara starts shouting. What was going on? Zara wanted answers now!
<<elseif $dick2aBossDead == true>>\
<font color="pink">"But, you made me meet that man! He tried to get me to suck him off!"</font>, Zara starts shouting. What was going on? Zara wanted answers now!
<center>[[Get an explanation|dick quest5 explanation][$minute+=2]]</center>
@@<font color="cyan">"Ever since my dad got sick, things have been very shaky for everyone. My dad has always had a firm grip on the city's underbelly with the help... of your dad"</font>, Dick explains.
<font color="pink">"Wait! My dad? What do you mean?"</font>, Zara asks. How the hell could her dad be involved in something like this? He might have his faults but criminal ties like these? No way.
<font color="cyan">"My dad and your's made a deal. He does not poke his nose in our business and we keep violence off the street. We also agreed to sell drugs out of the city using the sewer tunnels that connect outside. But, ever since my dad got sick, our top lieutenants have been jumping ship"</font>, Dick continues. He gently takes Zara's hand and holds it tightly. He can see Zara's mind still whirling with questions.
<<if $dick2aBossRape == true or $dick2aSex == true>>\
<font color="pink">"That man we met... who was he then?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
<font color="cyan">"He was my dad's right-hand man until he ditched. He is the most powerful of them all and anyone who deserted us has joined him. He agreed to a peace treaty for ten thousand dollars, which is why I needed that short change from you to complete the deal. I don't know what has happened after I left but I hope you kept him happy because otherwise, I am fucked"</font>, he answers.
<font color="pink">"Well... I definitely kept him happy. My jaw ached for the rest of the night because of him"</font>, Zara shakes her head. Her mind still was full of questions but those would have to come later after she processes it all.
<font color="cyan">"Do you like science? Like, chemistry and the likes?"</font>, Dick asks, trying his best to change the topic.
Zara shrugs as a reply, her mind still processing all the information that has been dumped on her. Dick sees this and takes her hand and leads her to a door and swings it open.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 drug start][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<elseif $dick2bBB == true>>\
<font color="pink">"Those men I met... who were they?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
<font color="cyan">"There is a man, he was my dad's right-hand man until he ditched. He is the most powerful of them all and anyone who deserted us has joined him. Those men we met were his, I agreed to bring them some entertainment if they convince their boss to agree to a peace treaty"</font>, he answers.
<font color="pink">"Well... I definitely kept them happy. My jaw ached for the rest of the night because of them"</font>, Zara shakes her head. Her mind still was full of questions but those would have to come later after she processes it all.
<font color="cyan">"Do you like science? Like, chemistry and the likes?"</font>, Dick asks, trying his best to change the topic.
Zara shrugs as a reply, her mind still processing all the information that has been dumped on her. Dick sees this and takes her hand and leads her to a door and swings it open.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 drug start][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<elseif $dick2aBossDead == true>>\
<font color="pink">"That man we met... who was he then?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
<font color="cyan">"He was my dad's right-hand man until he ditched. He is the most powerful of them all and anyone who deserted us has joined him. He agreed to a peace treaty for ten thousand dollars, which is why I needed that short change from you to complete the deal. I don't know what has happened after I left but I hope you kept him happy because otherwise, I am fucked"</font>, he answers.
<font color="pink">"Dick... he wanted me to suck him off... and I just couldn't. I struggled and I managed to get him off me but I think- I think he died!"</font>, Zara sniffles. Dick's face immediately changes, he looked fearful. But, he immediately plasters on a fake smile and continues.
<font color="cyan">"Do you like science? Like, chemistry and the likes?"</font>, Dick asks, trying his best to change the topic.
Zara shrugs as a reply, her mind still processing all the information that has been dumped on her. Dick sees this and takes her hand and leads her to a door and swings it open.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 drug start][$minute+=5]]</center>
<</if>>\<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
In the room there were tables lining all the walls and on every table except one laid packets. Some were filled with white powders, some with blue crystals and some with weed. But, every table was full of it. The single table with none of littered with machines and vials and other assortments.
<font color="cyan">"I never got a formal education, but this is what I love doing. I am what people would say, a chemistry genius. I have figured out how to get maximum profits out of a little buy-in, it helps keep my mind off things. This is where I work. There are more locations out there belonging to us just filled with these kits but I keep one here for myself when things get too much. So I am hoping this helps you out too"</font>, Dick says while smiling. A true sparkle had appeared in his eyes, he definitely loved the world of chemistry.
<font color="cyan">"Here, give it a try. First, you gotta pour the right amount of chemicals, I got the premix here. Just put it in the machine and pour until the amount is just right"</font>, he continues.
Zara takes the container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, she places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1][$minute+=2]]</center><center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "S">>\
<font color="cyan">"Okay that's perfect! You seem to be a natural at this"</font>, Dick marvels at the sight of Zara correctly pouring the exact amount needed.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we need to mix in the catalyst. This will speed up the process"</font>, he continues.
Dick takes a container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, Zara places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2][$minute+=1]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "A">>\
<font color="cyan">"Nice! You did not get the bullseye but you got close, it will be acceptable"</font>, Dick says with a smile.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we need to mix in the catalyst. This will speed up the process"</font>, he continues.
Dick takes a container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, Zara places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2][$minute+=1]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
<font color="cyan">"Ah shit, you got it wrong. Try again!"</font>, Dick encourages.
<center>[[Retry|dick quest5 pour1][$minute+=1]]</center>
<</if>>\<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "S">>\
<font color="cyan">"Okay that's perfect! You seem to be a natural at this"</font>, Dick marvels at the sight of Zara correctly pouring the exact amount needed.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we simply need to heat up the mix. It has to be the correct temperature. This if the final step, alright?"</font>, he continues.
Dick clicks a few buttons and a new display screen lights up. It was a celcius meter. Zara again, for the last time, gets ready.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3][$minute+=1]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "A">>\
<font color="cyan">"Nice! You did not get the bullseye but you got close, it will be acceptable"</font>, Dick says with a smile.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we simply need to heat up the mix. It has to be the correct temperature. This is the final step, alright?"</font>, he continues.
Dick clicks a few buttons and a new display screen lights up. It was a celcius meter. Zara again, for the last time, gets ready.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3][$minute+=1]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
<font color="cyan">"Ah shit, you got it wrong. Try again!"</font>, Dick encourages.
<center>[[Retry|dick quest5 pour2][$minute+=1]]</center>
<</if>>\<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
<font color="cyan">"Ah shit, you got it wrong. Try again!"</font>, Dick encourages.
<center>[[Retry|dick quest5 pour3][$minute+=1]]</center>
<font color="cyan">"Alright! That's done with. Good job!"</font>, Dick smiles.
Zara felt proud of herself, she did pretty well for her first time she thinks. Maybe learning up more about science will help her increase her skills with this. It definitely does take her mind off things.
<font color="cyan">"Also, you are so welcome to come back any time and make some for yourself, but, you gotta buy the ingredients from my dad directly if you want to make more drugs. And believe me, this can help you make large profits if done smart. Selling in Jecinda makes you less money but less riskier as cops don't really bother you. But, in Arabella, while you make a lot more due to the rich assholes here, the cops will try to get you"</font>, he continues.
<center><font color="gold">Drug making unlocked!</font></center>\
<font color="pink">"That was so fun! But, I am feeling so grimy right now. The heat from the machine has got me all sweaty"</font>, Zara replies. She could feel droplets of sweat flowing down her face, she hated it. <font color="pink">"Can I get into your shower? I want to clean up"</font>, she continues.
<font color="cyan">"Hehe, of course! And you know what? The Earth really needs us to save water, so I will be joining you"</font>, he winks at her. Zara just smiles and teasingly leans forward so Dick could look at her cleavage before suddenly running out of the door, making Dick follow her.
<font color="cyan">"I will go get ready... for things. You go ahead and step into the shower, I will be right there"</font>, he says and walks off towards a room, Zara assumes it is his bedroom.
Zara roams around the huge penthouse, trying random doors to try to find the washroom. Most of the doors led to empty bedrooms or were just locked. She swung open one of them and was greeted by yet another bedroom except in this one there was a man lying in bed. His skin was a glistening mahogany colour and she could see his back muscles rippling as he lay in bed on his stomach. Zara closes the door softly, was that Dick's adoptive dad?
She opens the next door and finally, it was a bathroom! How big was this penthouse?
<center>[[Get into the shower|dick quest5 shower][$minute+=5, $drugStatus=0]]</center>
<</if>>\<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain. She felt relaxed in the shower, she could not wait for Dick to join her.
The door slowly opens, Zara turns out excitedly, showing off her body to tease Dick but stops mid-turn. Instead of Dick, the man stood there, the same one she saw in the bedroom. His abs rippled as he stepped into the washroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/dad.jpg" height="220">'>>
God, what a specimen of a man. He looked like he was modelled after a Greek god, he was chiselled to the very minute detail.
The man wordlessly takes off his towel to reveal his big black cock. It was like an elephant's trunk was surgically attached to his body. Big throbbing veins encircled it. He steps into the shower without even asking Zara for permission, her eyes are automatically drawn downward to his penis.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc.webp" height="220">'>>
Her hands, as if having a mind of their own, reach forward to grab the throbbing penis. The man just grunts, a deep reverberating noise pierces through the gentle pitter-patter of the shower.
<font color="cyan">"More"</font>, the man growls. His deep gravelly voice made something inside Zara stir. Why and how was his voice so <font color="red">hot</font>?
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The length and the girth of his penis were something Zara had never experienced before. She could not even imagine sticking something as big as this inside her... But, she could not think for long as Dick's dad bent down and kissed her. What a breathtaking kiss it was!
Something about this man drove Zara crazy. All her doubts about his penis being too big to fit were thrown out of the window. She wanted him- no, <font color="red">NEEDED</font> him inside her, rearranging her guts.
As if he just read her mind, Dick's dad spins Zara around and pins her onto the cool glass of the shower. She could see her breath fog up the glass as she waited impatiently to feel his dick penetrate her tight pussy. She did not have to wait long.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as Dick's dad thrusts in and out of her pussy, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from him made her gasp and moan. She could feel her pussy stretching more than it ever has before, his dick was just so <font color="red">BIG</font>.
Dick's dad suddenly pulls out of her and pushes her to her knees. She knew what was coming and she was excited. She wanted his cum all over her face. Just the thought of his cum sent Zara over the edge, an orgasm rocks through her body and just at that moment, ropes of cum shoot out of the man's dick and landed on Zara's face.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Whatever cum that had landed in her mouth, she swallowed immediately, savouring the taste. God, she would always want more...
<font color="cyan">"Dick has brought home another good slut. Come back again, you will be rewarded"</font>, he says authoritatively. Zara just nods shyly, but why? The man was just inside of her but now she felt shy?
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
Done with her shower anyway, Zara and Dick's father exit the bathroom.
<font color="cyan">"What the fuck?!"</font>, Dick's voice suddenly rings out.
Fuck... did she just completely forget about Dick? He was going to join her in the shower. Dick stands there, almost in the nude except for a towel wrapped around his waist. An angry but also hurt look is plastered on his face.
<font color="cyan">"Dad, did you seriously? I thought you said you would not any more! She is mine"</font>, he shouts at his own dad. Zara could see his eyes tearing up just a bit.
<font color="cyan">"BOY! You will not speak to me in such a manner. Do you understand?!"</font>, the man suddenly shouts. The gravelly tone now gone in favour of a voice comparable to a volcano erupting. Dick immediately takes a step back, instead of anger, his face showed fear.
Seemingly satisfied with the outcome, the man walks away and back into the room she had seen him in first. Zara goes up to Dick and tries to console him, she reaches for his face but he just slaps it away.
<font color="cyan">"Just... don't. Not right now"</font>, he sighs.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, Dick! Seriously! I don't know what came over me"</font>, she pleads.
<font color="cyan">"That's what literally every girl has said. You are your own woman, you can make your own choices. You chose this"</font>, he replies. His words were sharp but his voice could not have been more softer.
<font color="cyan">"You better get dressed, it's time for you to leave"</font>
<center>[[Get dressed|dick quest5 end][$minute+=5]]</center>
@@Dressed and ready to leave, Zara stand in the doorway of the penthouse with Dick beside her. His face still cracked with pain.
<font color="pink">"I really am sorry, Dick..."</font>, she tries to apologize again.
<font color="cyan">"I know I know. It's just, fine. I am fine. Like, I know you aren't in the settling down mood and that you definitely go suck and fuck other people but for some reason, my dad doing that? Just hit differently"</font>, he says.
There was a burning question in Zara's mind, but she seriously should not ask it. It would make things much worse for Dick, mentally. Truly, if she asks it-
<font color="pink">"What's your dad's name?"</font>, the question forces itself out of her mouth.
<font color="cyan">"Seriously? That's what you say after what I just told you? For your information, it's Xavier. Now, leave"</font>, he replies angrily.
Not wanting to hurt him any more, Zara steps out of the door as it slams shut behind her. Why did she ask that stupid question?
She should be feeling really bad about hurting Dick's feelings but all she could think about was Xavier and his body... god, his body! She should go talk to Dick in the park and apologize to him before coming over again though.
<center><font color="aquamarine">-2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="aquamarine">Dick is angry with Zara...</font>
<<set $dick.angryFlag to true>>\
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dick.relationship -= 2>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $dick.lastQuest=5>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
[[End the quest|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center><<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
In the room there were tables lining all the walls and on every table except one laid packets. Some were filled with white powders, some with blue crystals and some with weed. But, every table was full of it. The single table with none of littered with machines and vials and other assortments.
<center><font color="gold">Ingredients Left:</font> $drugIngredients</center>
<<if $drugIngredients gte 1>>\
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
Zara takes the container of chemicals and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, she places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<<if $mgSkip==false>>\
<center>[[Continue|pour1][$minute+=2, $drugIngredients-=1, $PlayerEnergy-=20]]</center>\
<center><font color="gold">Minigames Skip is true! Rewards reduced!</font>
[[Continue|pour3 done][$minute+=2, $drugIngredients-=1, $PlayerEnergy-=20]]</center>\
Zara honestly felt way too tired to make any drugs right now. She thought she could but she knows her exhaustion would lead to making either subpar drugs or just failing at it completely.
<center><font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>\
Zara goes to the table but realizes that she does not have any ingredients left. She should go buy some from Xavier if she wants to make more drugs. She refuses to touch Dick's stash as she knows how expensive these ingredients can be. And also she definitely would not mind meeting Xavier again...
<center>[[Leave|Dick's Flat][$minute+=2]]</center><center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|pour1 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|pour1 done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|pour1 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "S">>\
Let's go! Zara hit the green, exactly on the spot! That means the mixture will yield more quantity of drugs.
Zara takes the catalyst container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, Zara places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "A">>\
Whew! A little bit more off and the mixture would have been ruined. Zara should be more careful next time and try to hit the green.
Zara takes the catalyst container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, Zara places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
Oh no! Zara had a misinput, completely ruining the process. There is no way of salvaging this. Zara takes the messed up drugs and throws them in the trash. What a waste of time and money.
<center>[[Go back|drug start][$minute+=3, $drugStatus=0]]</center>
<</if>>\<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|pour2 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|pour2 done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|pour2 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "S">>\
Let's go! Zara hit the green, exactly on the spot! That means the mixture will yield more quantity of drugs.
Zara clicks a few buttons and a new display screen lights up. It was a celcius meter. Zara again, for the last time, gets ready.
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "A">>\
Whew! A little bit more off and the mixture would have been ruined. Zara should be more careful next time and try to hit the green.
Zara clicks a few buttons and a new display screen lights up. It was a celcius meter. Zara again, for the last time, gets ready.
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
Oh no! Zara had a misinput, completely ruining the process. There is no way of salvaging this. Zara takes the messed up drugs and throws them in the trash. What a waste of time and money.
<center>[[Go back|drug start][$minute+=3, $drugStatus=0]]</center>
<</if>>\<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|pour3 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|pour3 done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|pour3 done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $mgSkip==false>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
The machine whirs and makes an assortment of different and sometimes troubling sounds until finally, a small ding rings out of the machine's speakers. A flap on the machine opens and reveals the results.
<<if $drugStatus gte 5>>\
Zara has created enough drugs to fit into <font color="gold">3 packets</font>. That's a lot!
<<set $drugPackets += 3>>\
<<elseif $drugStatus gte 4>>\
Zara has created enough drugs to fit into <font color="gold">2 packets</font>. Not a lot, she can do better for sure.
<<set $drugPackets += 2>>\
<<elseif $drugStatus gte 3>>\
Zara has created enough drugs to fit into <font color="gold">1 packet</font>. That's not good enough at all, she should try a lot harder next time.
<<set $drugPackets += 1>>\
Zara messed up! There was nothing salvageable at all. Very disappointing.
Zara is all sweaty from the heat generated by the machine and her anxiety about making sure to click the right buttons at the right time. She really needs a shower and she knows neither Dick nor Xavier would mind her using theirs. She grabs her packets and leaves the room.
<center>[[Get into the shower|nimbus shower][$minute+=5]]</center>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
The machine whirs and makes an assortment of different and sometimes troubling sounds until finally, a small ding rings out of the machine's speakers. A flap on the machine opens and reveals the results.
<<set _chance = random(1, 100)>>\
<<if $PlayerSci <= 20>>\
<<set $drugPackets += (_chance <= 15) ? 1 : 0>>\
<<elseif $PlayerSci <= 50>>\
<<if _chance <= 5>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 3>>\
<<elseif _chance <= 30>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 2>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 1>>\
<<elseif $PlayerSci <= 80>>\
<<if _chance <= 15>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 3>>\
<<elseif _chance <= 50>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 2>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 1>>\
<<if _chance <= 25>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 3>>\
<<elseif _chance <= 65>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 2>>\
<<set $drugPackets += 1>>\
Zara has created enough drugs to fit into <font color="gold">$drugPackets packets</font>.
Zara is all sweaty from the heat generated by the machine and her anxiety about making sure to click the right buttons at the right time. She really needs a shower and she knows neither Dick nor Xavier would mind her using theirs. She grabs her packets and leaves the room.
<center>[[Get into the shower|nimbus shower][$minute+=5]]</center>\
<</if>>\<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt and sweat that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain. Making drugs was very sweat-inducing. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and a figure stepped into the bathroom before Zara could answer.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance == 1>>\
Xavier enters the shower area alongside Zara. She could feel his cock brush her thighs as they come closer together.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara loved the way the water flowed down and onto his cock. She should thank him for letting her in his beautiful home and using his shower... She thinks about what to do...
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara trails her hands from his strong chest all the way down. Slowly brushing past his rock-hard abs until they reach their destination. She grasps the huge dick and marveled at its weight.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She jerks off Xavier, making him moan in pleasure. She expertly uses her hands to milk him for all his cum as he groans and releases himself all over the shower wall. She feels the remaining drops of his cum drip onto her hands.
Xavier smirks and says, <font color="cyan">"Come back again. You already know you want to"</font>. And with that, he leaves the washroom.
<center><<set $minute+=59>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara gets onto her knees and begins blowing Xavier. His penis barely fit in her mouth, it was way too big. But no matter what, Zara tried her best and pushed herself lower and lower. She could feel his dick head all the way in her throat.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his dick, making sure to reach in deep. She moves up and down slowly.
<font color="cyan">"I am gonna cum"</font>, Xavier growls as he jerks himself off.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face as Xavier relieves himself on her. He lets out a deep sigh of relief and smacks the top of Zara's head with his dick before exiting the shower.
<center><<set $minute+=50>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"I know you want me..."</font>, Zara purrs and spreads her legs in front of Xavier. She uses her fingers to gently caress her vagina, teasing him.
Xavier grunts places his hands on her shoulders and pushes her against the shower glass, keeping her pinned. The cold glass caused goosebumps to appear all over her skin, or was it just her horny for Xavier's huge dick?
Zara gasps as his dick enters her, its girth stretching her out to the maximum. It both caused her pain and a lot of <font color="red">pleasure</font>.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The pain was all gone now and only the pleasure remained. She could not believe that he could actually fit inside her.
Zara moans with pleasure as Xavier pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more.
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy.
Xavier gives out a grunt and says in his gravely voice, <font color="cyan">"You are a good slut"</font>. And with that, he leaves the bathroom.
<center><<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
Dick enters the shower area alongside Zara. She could feel his cock brush her thighs as they come closer together.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cock.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara loved the way the water flowed down and onto his cock. She should really reward him for letting her use his equipment... She thinks about what to do...
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara positions herself behind Dick and kisses his back. Using her hands, she squeezes his chest, feeling his pecs and slowly trails her hands lower and lower until she finally reaches his penis.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She jerks off Dick, making him moan in pleasure. She expertly uses her hands to milk him for all his cum as he groans and releases himself all over the shower wall. She feels the remaining drops of his cum drip onto her hands.
Dick gives her a kiss on her forehead, tenderly, before exiting the shower.
<center><<set $minute+=59>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Thighjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The two of them stand under the warm stream of water. Zara positions herself in front of Dick and pushes back with her ass.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/aj1.webp" height="220">'>>
He grabs onto her hips and starts grinding against her, making low grunting noises as he does so. Suddenly, he pulls back, repositions himself, and sticks his dick into Zara's thigh gap. Her own _sexChar was now fucking her thighs.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/tj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He moans as he pumps in and out, the friction against Zara's pussy was also highly pleasurable. The two of them continue gasping through the pleasure until finally, Dick shoots out jets of cum.
<font color="cyan">"Now that... was a good time"</font>, he sighs as he steps out of the shower, leaving Zara to finish her shower.
<center><<set $minute+=50>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara gets onto her knees and begins blowing Dick.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his dick, making sure to reach in deep. She moves up and down slowly. As she swirls her tongue around his head, it seems like he got impatient, and opts to grab the back of Zara's head and take control.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks Zara's face mercilessly. It was obvious that right now, all Zara is a sex toy for Dick. Something he can use to make him cum whenever he wants. He pierces her throat deep and holds her down, she can feel her need for oxygen growing as she stays there, locked. Finally, he lets her go and she comes up gasping for air.
<font color="cyan">"I am gonna cum"</font>, Dick moans as he jerks himself off.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face as Dick relieves himself on her. He lets out a deep sigh of relief and smacks the top of Zara's head with his dick before exiting the shower.
<center><<set $minute+=50>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"You want something more? Will my pussy suffice?"</font>, Zara asks slyly and spreads her legs in front of Dick. She uses her fingers to gently caress her vagina, teasing him.
Dick places his hands on her shoulders and pushes her against the wall, keeping her pinned. Zara grabs his dick and gently leads him inside her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as Dick pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more.
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy. With one final playful smack on her ass, Dick leaves the shower.
<center><<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Leave the apartment|Arabella District]]</center>
<</if>>\<center><img src="img/nimbus/office.png" height="300">
Zara stood in awe in Xavier's posh office, taking in the sleek, modern design and panoramic view of the city skyline. The office exuded power and sophistication, with elegant furniture and tasteful artwork adorning the walls. Xavier's desk, made of rich mahogany, was impeccably organized, reflecting his attention to detail. Who knew a drug lord lived in such luxury?
Xavier sat behind his desk, in a pure black suit looking fine as hell. He eyed Zara inquisitively but said nothing.
[[Buy ingredients|drug ingredients][$minute+=1]]
[[Leave the office|Dick's Flat][$minute+=2]]
</center>Zara walks up to Xavier who sat at his office desk. He said nothing but just looked straight at Zara with a serious look on his face as she came closer. She could smell his cologne all the way from the opposite side of the desk... she wished she could get even closer.
<font color="cyan">"What is it, girl? Do not waste my time"</font>, Xavier speaks curtly, his deep gravelly voice rung through her bones.
<font color="pink">"I am here to buy some ingredients. I wish to make some drugs"</font>, Zara replies meekly.
Xavier huffs and gets up from his desk. He passes by her to get to his safe, his arm brushing hers. She could feel his muscles even through his clothes... what a specimen of a man!
Xavier takes out a few packets from his safe and sets them down on the desk. He waits for Zara's reply as to how many would she need.
<center><font color="gold">Ingredients Left:</font> $drugIngredients
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 300>>\
<<link "Order 1 stash - 300$">>
<<set $drugIngredients += 1>>
<<set $cost = 300>>
<<goto "drug discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to order 1 stash of ingredients...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 300$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 550>>\
<<link "Order 2 stash - 550$">>
<<set $drugIngredients += 2>>
<<set $cost= 550>>
<<goto "drug discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to order 2 stashes of ingredients...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 550$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 800>>\
<<link "Order 3 stash - 800$">>
<<set $drugIngredients += 3>>
<<set $cost= 800>>
<<goto "drug discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to order 3 stashes of ingredients...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 800$</font>
<center>[[Nevermind|Dick's Flat][$minute+=4]]</center> Zara knows she can use her body in order to get a discount from Xavier. Why would he NOT want to use her body for his pleasure? And she would not mind getting her body used by him and his huge cock. There is just something about this man that makes every cell in her body crazy for him.
Zara thinks about what she could do in order to get him to give her a discount...
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara moves closer to Xavier and runs her hands down his arm. She could feel his muscles underneath his suit. His biceps felt like steel under her fingers.
<font color="pink">"Can we make a deal? I do something for you, you help me keep a few more dollars in my wallet?"</font>, Zara murmurs into his ear.
Xavier looks at her as if he was giving it a proper thought before smiling, <font color="cyan">"I think we could. How about you get on your knees and show me how much you would appreciate me making a deal"</font>.
The two embrace each other, Zara's breath quickens as their clothes are thrown off each other. She wanted to see his body, his beautifully sculpted body. Zara gets on her hands and knees and opens her mouth, ready to receive his cock.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could barely fit his huge cock in her mouth. She could feel her jaw getting cramped as she opened her mouth wide enough to allow him inside her. She reached as far down as she could before gagging. But, it was not enough for Xavier, he wanted control.
Xavier gets up and makes Zara kneel in front of him.
<font color="cyan">"Open your mouth, bitch. No teeth, remember"</font>, he commands. Zara just nods like the good submissive girl she is.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She could feel his cock go deep in her throat, deeper than anyone ever had gone before, and yet, she could still not fit the entire dick. Zara did her best to control her breathing as Xavier mercilessly fucked her mouth.
With a groan, Xavier pulls out, letting Zara finally catch deep breaths, as he ejaculates all over her face.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face, she keeps her mouth open, desperate to taste him, it was intoxicating.
<<set _discounted = $cost - 50>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|Dick's Flat][$minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara is too tired to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara moves closer to Xavier and runs her hands down his arm. She could feel his muscles underneath his suit. His biceps felt like steel under her fingers.
<font color="pink">"Can we make a deal? I do something for you, you help me keep a few more dollars in my wallet?"</font>, Zara murmurs into his ear.
Xavier looks at her as if he was giving it a proper thought before smiling, <font color="cyan">"I think we could. How about you use your tight pussy to show how appreciative you are for this deal."</font>.
The two embrace each other, Zara's breath quickens as their clothes are thrown off each other. She wanted to see his body, his beautifully sculpted body. Zara gets onto the couch and lays down in the prone position as Xavier instructed. He climbs behind her and rests his dick head against her entrance, her breath quickens as he slowly pushes it inside her.
Zara gasps as his dick enters her, its girth stretching her out to the maximum. It both caused her pain and a lot of <font color="red">pleasure</font>.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The pain was all gone now and only the pleasure remained. She could not believe that he could actually fit inside her.
Zara moans with pleasure as Xavier pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_creampie'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy.
<<set _discounted = $cost - 100>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|Dick's Flat][$minute+=30]]</center>
<center>Zara is too tired for sex...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerEnergy gte 30>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara moves closer to Xavier and runs her hands down his arm. She could feel his muscles underneath his suit. His biceps felt like steel under her fingers.
<font color="pink">"Can we make a deal? I do something for you, you help me keep a few more dollars in my wallet?"</font>, Zara murmurs into his ear.
Xavier looks at her as if he was giving it a proper thought before smiling, <font color="cyan">"I think we could. How about you use your tight ass hole to show how appreciative you are for this deal."</font>.
The two embrace each other, Zara's breath quickens as their clothes are thrown off each other. She wanted to see his body, his beautifully sculpted body. Xavier sits down on the couch and motions to Zara to come nearer. Just as she does, he grabs her and lifts her up with complete ease, his strength made Zara even more hornier.
He angles her right above his erect cock, Zara gasps as his dick enters her, its girth stretching her out to the maximum. It both caused her pain and a lot of <font color="red">pleasure</font>.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The pain was all gone now and only the pleasure remained. She could not believe that he could actually fit inside her and that he could carry her so easily. She felt like an actual fleshlight right now, she had no control, no say, on what was going on right now. But Zara did not care, all she cared about was feeling his cock stretch her ass hole.
Zara moans with pleasure as Xavier pounds away at her ass hole, the longer it goes on, the easier he fits. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more. He suddenly throws her down onto the ground and mounts her, she knows he is getting closer.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_analcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her ass hole.
<<set _discounted = $cost - 200>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|Dick's Flat][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is too tired for anal...
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font></center>
<<link "Leave without the discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decided she did not actually need any discount. She would pay the full price for the ingredients as she had the money to do so anyway. Maybe Xavier can come visit her in the shower soon...
<center><<set $PlayerMoney -= $cost>>\
<font color="green">-<<print $cost>>$</font>
[[Continue|Dick's Flat][$minute+=8]]</center>
@@<center><img src="img/city/park_night.jpg" height="300"></center>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 90>>\
Zara stood in the park, trying to act suspicious but not too suspicious lest some of the people think her motives were different. She had $drugPackets drug packets left and she wanted them gone.
She suddenly felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up... something was wrong. Before she could react, two strong hands grabbed her from the back and a cloth smelling a bit sweet was stuffed on her nose and mouth. She did her best to struggle but the surprise attack from behind took away any method of escape, the chloroform took hold of Zara and she fell unconscious...
<<timed 10s>>\
Zara woke up, her head ached and her body felt bruised and sore. Woah! She was completely naked in the forest of the park! She looks down at her naked body and sees rope marks everywhere... what happened?
A faint memory floats in her mind.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/night_rape'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Did that actually happen? Zara could not remember anything but the rope marks were evidence...
Zara shakes her head, she needs to get out of here as soon as possible. She redresses herself and realizes things are missing! All of her drug packets were gone and some of her money. What the actual fuck!
<<set $drugPackets = 0>>\
<<set _money to Math.clamp(random(10,200), 10, $PlayerMoney)>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _money>>\
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<center><font color="green">- _money $</font>
<font color="red">-2 Corruption</font>
<font color="gold">Drug packets lost</font>
<font color="yellow">Energy depleted</font>
<<set $hour += 1>>\
[[Get out of here|Jecinda District][$minute+=10, $PlayerEnergy-=200]]</center>
<<elseif _chance gte 65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "park drugs event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "park drugs event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "park drugs event3">>
Zara stood in the park, trying to act suspicious but not too suspicious lest some of the people think her motives were different. She had $drugPackets drug packets left and she wanted them gone.
Soon a hooded figure walked up wordlessly pointing at Zara's packets. Zara could not even figure out whether it was a man or a woman...
<font color="pink">"It will be 350 dollars for a packet"</font>, Zara tells the figure.
If they did not have that money, it would just be a waste of Zara's time. Luckily, it was not. The figure hands over a wad of cash to Zara and grabs the packet.
Zara looks down at the wad and checks how much she just got, what if she got skimmed? There was no way she could go after that figure, she had lost them already.
<center><font color="gold">-1 Drug Packets</font></center>\
<<set $drugPackets -= 1>>\
<<set _luck to random(0,100)>>\
<<if _luck gte 80>>\
Woah! The figure must have been out of their mind, she actually got extra.
<center><<set _money = random(360,400)>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += _money>>\
<font color="green">+<<print _money>>$</font></center>\
Whew! The figure gave the exact amount she needed.
<center><<set $PlayerMoney += 350>>\
<font color="green">+350$</font></center>\
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<</if>>\<center><img src="img/city/park_night.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Zara stood in the park, trying to act suspicious but not too suspicious lest some of the people think her motives were different. She had $drugPackets drug packets left and she wanted them gone.
A hooded man comes up to Zara and just stands in front of her, staring at her. Zara motions at the packets, trying to urge him to buy one. But, he seemed a lot more interested in staring at her tits. Getting flustered, Zara was about to speak up when the man cleared his throat and spoke.
<font color="cyan">"I am not much of a drug user, I prefer to spend my money on whores and my God you a beautiful one"</font>, he says.
Zara just rolled her eyes and replied, <font color="pink">"Yeah well, I am no whore so shove off"</font>. And with that, she starts walking away.
<font color="cyan">"Wait! How about I buy a packet... and you do something for me?"</font>, the man urges her to reconsider.
<<link "Decline">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara thinks about it but decides it's not worth the effort and energy. She knows if she waits for a bit longer someone or the other would come up to buy some drugs anyway. She walks away from the man, leaving him disappointed.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Use Zara's mouth">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides she could make him buy a packet from her for sure. And she would make him pay extra for it.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"400 dollars. You get to feel my mouth and get a packet"</font>, Zara leans into him, purring.<<else>><font color="pink">"How about... 400 dollars and you get a blowjob too?"</font>, Zara asks the man nervously.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"You strike a very good bargain... Deal"</font>, the man grins seedily.
Zara takes the man by the hand and sits him down on a bench. Zara strips her clothes off, teasing the man with her young tight body. She does not even need to do any foreplay, just seeing her body has made the man harder than a rock.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down using her mouth. She was glad nobody was around in the area, she did not want to give her potential customers the idea that she would always do this. She swirls her tongue expertly on his dick and finally with a groan, the man cums right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She keeps her lips tightly on his head to ensure not even a single drop of cum escapes her mouth.<<else>>She does her best to not let any escape but some cum still dribbles out of her mouth.<</if>>
<center><font color="gold">-1 Drug Packets</font>
<<set $drugPackets -= 1>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += 400>>\
<font color="green">+400$</font>
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to use her mouth or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Use Zara's pussy">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides she could make him buy a packet from her for sure. And she would make him pay extra for it.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>><font color="pink">"450 dollars. You get to feel my pussy and get a packet"</font>, Zara leans into him, purring.<<else>><font color="pink">"How about... 450 dollars and you get to fuck me too?"</font>, Zara asks the man nervously.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"You strike a very good bargain... Deal"</font>, the man grins seedily.
Zara takes the man by the hand and sits him down on a bench. Zara strips her clothes off, teasing the man with her young tight body. She does not even need to do any foreplay, just seeing her body has made the man harder than a rock.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides the man while keeping a lookout for unwanted eyes. She was glad nobody was around in the area, she did not want to give her potential customers the idea that she would always do this. She feels him stiffening under her as the pleasure reaches a crescendo for the both of them. The man thrusts up as he cums inside Zara, this sudden move breaks Zara and she orgasms right on the park bench with him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara loved being able to use her body in order to get more customers. It made her so horny.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body in order to get more customers...<</if>>
<center><font color="gold">-1 Drug Packets</font>
<<set $drugPackets -= 1>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += 450>>\
<font color="green">+450$</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>></center>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to use her pussy or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/city/park_night.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Zara stood in the park, trying to act suspicious but not too suspicious lest some of the people think her motives were different. She had $drugPackets drug packets left and she wanted them gone.
A hooded man comes up to Zara and just stands in front of her, staring at her. Zara motions at the packets, trying to urge him to buy one. But, he seemed a lot more interested in staring at her tits. Getting flustered, Zara was about to speak up when the man cleared his throat and spoke.
<font color="cyan">"You look like a good whore"</font>, he says.
Zara just rolled her eyes and replied, <font color="pink">"Yeah well, I am no whore so shove off"</font>. And with that, she starts walking away.
<font color="cyan">"A slut then. How about I pay you 500 dollars and I fuck you to Cloud Nine? I will prove it to you that you are in fact, a whore"</font>, the man growls from behind her.
<<link "Decline">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara thinks about it but decides it's not worth the effort and energy. She knows if she waits for a bit longer someone or the other would come up to buy some drugs anyway. She walks away from the man, leaving him looking angry.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to use her body to her advantage, why should she not? Maybe she really was a whore...
Zara takes the man by the hand and sits leads him to a bench. She tries to get him to sit down but he growls, <font color="cyan">"No, whore, I am in control"</font>.
She finds herself bent over the bench as the man positions himself behind her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man pumps into her on and on, he knows exactly which buttons to push with his hands and the most amazing pace to keep for maximum pleasure. Zara's legs start to quiver as she orgasms right on the park bench, making the man even more excited.
<font color="cyan">"I knew it, you are a fucking whore"</font>, he growls into her ear as he quickens his pace, now pounding her hole as if she was just a piece of meat and with one final deep thrust he cums inside Zara, filling her with his seed. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara loved being able to use her body in order to get more customers. It made her so horny.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body in order to get more customers...<</if>>
<center><font color="gold">-1 Drug Packets</font>
<<set $drugPackets -= 1>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += 500>>\
<font color="green">+500$</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>></center>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<</if>>\<center><img src="img/city/park_night.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Zara stood in the park, trying to act suspicious but not too suspicious lest some of the people think her motives were different. She had $drugPackets drug packets left and she wanted them gone.
A hooded woman comes up to Zara and just stands in front of her, staring at her. Zara motions at the packets, trying to urge her to buy one. But, she seemed a lot more interested in staring at her tits. Getting flustered, Zara was about to speak up when the woman cleared her throat and spoke.
<font color="fuchsia">"I am not much of a drug user, I prefer to spend my money on whores and my God you a beautiful one"</font>, she says.
Zara just rolled her eyes and replied, <font color="pink">"Yeah well, I am no whore so shove off"</font>. And with that, she starts walking away.
<font color="fuchsia">"Wait! How about I buy a packet... and you do something for me?"</font>, the woman urges Zara to reconsider.
<<link "Decline">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara thinks about it but decides it's not worth the effort and energy. She knows if she waits for a bit longer someone or the other would come up to buy some drugs anyway. She walks away from the woman, leaving her disappointed.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Use Zara's mouth">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides she could make the woman buy a packet from her for sure. And she would make her pay extra for it.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>><font color="pink">"450 dollars. You get to feel my mouth and get a packet"</font>, Zara leans into her, purring.<<else>><font color="pink">"How about... 450 dollars and you get to feel my mouth too?"</font>, Zara asks the woman nervously.<</if>>
<font color="fuchsia">"You strike a very good bargain... Deal"</font>, the woman grins seedily.
Zara takes the woman by the hand and sits her down on a bench. Using her hands, Zara deftly strips away the woman's clothes, her pussy was already glistening with wetness.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/lbench_oral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara uses her tongue to slide through the folds of the woman's vagina, focusing heavily on the clit, making her twitch in pleasure. Zara could feel the woman's fluids coating her tongue as the woman got closer and closer to an orgasm.
Finally, the pleasure dam broke and an orgasm took over the woman, making her legs tremble uncontrollably. Zara smiles to herself, she really has gotten good with her tongue. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara loved being able to use her body in order to get more customers. It made her so horny.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body in order to get more customers...<</if>>
<center><font color="gold">-1 Drug Packets</font>
<<set $drugPackets -= 1>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney += 450>>\
<font color="green">+450$</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>></center>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to use her mouth or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 4 Started:</font> Apology Accepted...?</h3></center>\
Zara takes a seat next to Dick who immediately puts his arm around her. They have become close friends now, but Zara still does not know anything about him. Just that he deals drugs and is definitely a very shady person outside of their park bench interactions.
<font color="pink">"You know... it's been a while since we have been friends, right? Yet, I don't know much about you, Dick! And honestly, I find that unacceptable at this point"</font>, Zara tells him in a serious tone.
<font color="cyan">"I don't know what to tell you, baby doll, I just have my reasons"</font>, he mutters without giving Zara even a glance.
Huffing, Zara scoots away from Dick and folds her arms. She makes it clear that right now, she is giving him the coldest shoulder possible. Dick rolls his eyes and scoots back next to Zara and takes her hand gently.
<font color="cyan">"I am serious, Zara. The life I lead is not for someone like you. You come from a world of comfort and leisure, I don't"</font>
A life of comfort and leisure? Who does he think he is? Zara's temper flares out and she snaps at Dick, <font color="pink">"Oh shut the fuck up. Do you seriously think my life is all just full of roses and daisies?!"</font>
Dick immediately realizes his error and backs off, looking apologetic. He sighs to himself, how can he make her feel better...? An idea pops into his head.
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<img src="img/quests/dick3thigh.jpg" height="220">
He places his hands on Zara's thigh and squeezes it. Zara raises her eyebrow at him but does not move away, letting him know his method of apology might be accepted.
He slowly trails his hand higher and higher until it reaches the right <font color="red">spot</font>, making Zara gasp. She can feel her pussy getting wet.
<font color="cyan">"How about you climb onto my lap as if I am Santa and give you the best present ever?"</font>, he whispers into Zara's ear. Should she let him go ahead with it?
[[Let him go ahead|dick quest4 accept replay]]
[[He is not getting off so easily|dick quest4 reject replay]]
<center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 5 Started:</font> Drugs 101</h3></center>\
<img src="img/nimbus/nimbus.jpeg" height="300">
There's no way Dick lives in this building, Zara thought to herself. The lobby itself was bigger than her apartment, and people in fancy clothes milled around. She could see doors that led to a dining room... and a ballroom?! What kind of building was this? Zara looked and felt very out of place.
And as if her feelings were detected, she is faced with a concierge whose judgemental eyes lay upon Zara as if she was a turd on a carpet. <font color="cyan">"And who are you, ma'am? This is a private building and you definitely do not belong"</font>, he tells her in a condescending tone. Zara could feel her anger rising but calmed herself down, there was no point causing a scene here.
Before she could reply she feels a hand get placed on her waist and Dick stands beside Zara and growls at the concierge, <font color="cyan">"She is my guest and you will treat her as such"</font>
The concierge's eyes bulge and fear is etched onto his face, <font color="cyan">"I- I- I am so so- sorry, sir!"</font>
Zara could not believe it, Dick who looks a lot more dishevelled than Zara was bossing around the concierge as if it was nothing. She looks around and notices that the crowd around them was giving them space like fish when a shark is nearby. Who was Dick to them?
<font color="cyan">"Come on, Zara. Follow me"</font>, Dick tells Zara, he looks pensive about her being there. Things were going to be revealed soon, Zara could feel it in her bones.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 continue replay]]</center>Zara just shrugs mentally, what's the worst that could happen?
She sits on Dick's lap and let's his hands freely roam her body. She can feel his heart beat faster through his shirt and his breaths getting quicker as he proceeds. As his right hand grasps Zara's boobs she lets out an involtuntary gasp, even if she is enjoying she does not want to let him know, he needs to work for his apology.
His left hand continues trailing down until it finally reaches it's destination.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans into Dick's ear as his fingers stretch her out. She can feel his callouses rub against her clit but instead of hurting they somehow provided extra pleasure. His fingers reached deep into Zara, she could feel the tips brush against her insides.
She could hear the chatter of distant people in the park but she could not care less. All she could think about was the orgasm that was building inside her due to Dick's fingering.
Her legs shake and her vision goes blurry as she orgasms right on Dick's fingers, coating them with her fluids. Dick grins as Zara trembles on his lap. She clasps her mouth to avoid moaning out loud, not wanting to garner any unwanted attention.
Gasping, she gets off his lap, her legs still weak from the pleasure. Still trembling, she gets back onto the bench. Dick grins as he puts his arm around, proud of himself.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest4 end replay]]</center>She might be horny because of his touch but her mind still works clearly. What he said hit her nerve a bit too well, she was not going to be able to let it go any time soon. She gets off the bench to Dick's dismay and starts walking away.
<font color="cyan">"Oh come on! Please, come back!"</font>, Dick yells from behind her. He gets up to follow Zara but is immediately shut down by her.
<font color="pink">"Don't even think about following me right now, okay? I just need to be alone"</font>, she shouts back at him.
Zara walks away from him, leaving him crestfallen behind her.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center><font color="cyan">"Listen, fine. I will let you in"</font>, Dick mutters.
Zara could not believe her ears, was it this easy to convince him?
<font color="cyan">"A lot of things will change between us. I wanted to avoid that for as long as I could but I guess not"</font>, he continues. His face had changed, it was a lot more serious. Instead of being laid back he now sat straight, it was almost as if someone else sat beside Zara.
<font color="pink">"What do you mean, Dick?"</font>, Zara asks curiously but cautiously. Right now the aura he was giving was off.
<font color="cyan">"Just, show up at this address"</font>, he says and hands her a card. It was a fancy one too.
Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark...
Before Zara could reply, Dick gets up and walks away. She continues sitting on the bench and reads the card in its entirety. But, wait a minute, how could this be? The address marked was of the largest building in her entire city, it was where the rich and dangerous lived. What was going on?
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>The two of them enter the elevator. Dick presses the button for the top-most floor. Aren't those apartments always the biggest and most expensive? The way Dick has always dressed and the things he has talked about had made it seem as if he wasn't very well off.
<font color="pink">"Dick, is this where you live? Why did you not tell me any of this? Why did you ask me for money if you live in the most expensive building in the city?"</font>, Zara blurts out, unable to hold in her curiosity any more.
<font color="cyan">"All in good time"</font>, Dick replies curtly.
The elevator stops and the two of them stand in front of a door marked as 7001. Dick pulls out a key and opens the door with a click. The door swings open to reveal one of the poshest apartments or more like a penthouse that Zara would ever see in her life most probably.
<<link "Marvel at the sight in front of Zara">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<img src="img/nimbus/dicks_flat.jpg" height="300">
The apartment featured luxurious hardwood floors, expansive windows framing a stunning city view, and elegant furnishings throughout. Plush sofas and modern kitchen appliances added to the opulent ambience, creating a space of refined taste and comfort.
A cool breeze constantly flowed through the apartment, the height of the apartment probably helped a lot with the ventilation and temperature.
Zara turns to face Dick with an incredulous look on her face but before she could say anything, Dick places a finger on his lips and shushes her.
<font color="cyan">"I understand it's a lot. I am going to try to get this over with as quickly as possible. I am a drug dealer, as I already have told you. It's just that, my dad is a drug lord. Or more like, he is my adoptive dad. I work for him, he provides me with everything essential"</font>
<font color="pink">"But, then, what about the loan sharks?"</font>, Zara asks.
<font color="cyan">"Now, that... was a lie. My dad is sick, that wasn't a lie"</font>, he replies.
<<if $dick2aBossRape == true or $dick2aSex == true>>\
<font color="pink">"But, you made me meet that man! <<if $dick2aBossRape>>He fucking raped me!<<else>>I had to suck him off to make him happy!<</if>> That was fucking humiliating!"</font>, Zara starts shouting. What was going on? Zara wanted answers now!
<<elseif $dick2bBB == true>>\
<font color="pink">"But, you made me meet all those men! I had to accept being face fucked by a bunch of random disgusting men. That was fucking humiliating!"</font>, Zara starts shouting. What was going on? Zara wanted answers now!
<<elseif $dick2aBossDead == true>>\
<font color="pink">"But, you made me meet that man! He tried to get me to suck him off!"</font>, Zara starts shouting. What was going on? Zara wanted answers now!
<center>[[Get an explanation|dick quest5 explanation replay]]</center>
@@<font color="cyan">"Ever since my dad got sick, things have been very shaky for everyone. My dad has always had a firm grip on the city's underbelly with the help... of your dad"</font>, Dick explains.
<font color="pink">"Wait! My dad? What do you mean?"</font>, Zara asks. How the hell could her dad be involved in something like this? He might have his faults but criminal ties like these? No way.
<font color="cyan">"My dad and your's made a deal. He does not poke his nose in our business and we keep violence off the street. We also agreed to sell drugs out of the city using the sewer tunnels that connect outside. But, ever since my dad got sick, our top lieutenants have been jumping ship"</font>, Dick continues. He gently takes Zara's hand and holds it tightly. He can see Zara's mind still whirling with questions.
<<if $dick2aBossRape == true or $dick2aSex == true>>\
<font color="pink">"That man we met... who was he then?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
<font color="cyan">"He was my dad's right-hand man until he ditched. He is the most powerful of them all and anyone who deserted us has joined him. He agreed to a peace treaty for ten thousand dollars, which is why I needed that short change from you to complete the deal. I don't know what has happened after I left but I hope you kept him happy because otherwise, I am fucked"</font>, he answers.
<font color="pink">"Well... I definitely kept him happy. My jaw ached for the rest of the night because of him"</font>, Zara shakes her head. Her mind still was full of questions but those would have to come later after she processes it all.
<font color="cyan">"Do you like science? Like, chemistry and the likes?"</font>, Dick asks, trying his best to change the topic.
Zara shrugs as a reply, her mind still processing all the information that has been dumped on her. Dick sees this and takes her hand and leads her to a door and swings it open.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 drug start replay]]</center>
<<elseif $dick2bBB == true>>\
<font color="pink">"Those men I met... who were they?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
<font color="cyan">"There is a man, he was my dad's right-hand man until he ditched. He is the most powerful of them all and anyone who deserted us has joined him. Those men we met were his, I agreed to bring them some entertainment if they convince their boss to agree to a peace treaty"</font>, he answers.
<font color="pink">"Well... I definitely kept them happy. My jaw ached for the rest of the night because of them"</font>, Zara shakes her head. Her mind still was full of questions but those would have to come later after she processes it all.
<font color="cyan">"Do you like science? Like, chemistry and the likes?"</font>, Dick asks, trying his best to change the topic.
Zara shrugs as a reply, her mind still processing all the information that has been dumped on her. Dick sees this and takes her hand and leads her to a door and swings it open.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 drug start replay]]</center>
<<elseif $dick2aBossDead == true>>\
<font color="pink">"That man we met... who was he then?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
<font color="cyan">"He was my dad's right-hand man until he ditched. He is the most powerful of them all and anyone who deserted us has joined him. He agreed to a peace treaty for ten thousand dollars, which is why I needed that short change from you to complete the deal. I don't know what has happened after I left but I hope you kept him happy because otherwise, I am fucked"</font>, he answers.
<font color="pink">"Dick... he wanted me to suck him off... and I just couldn't. I struggled and I managed to get him off me but I think- I think he died!"</font>, Zara sniffles. Dick's face immediately changes, he looked fearful. But, he immediately plasters on a fake smile and continues.
<font color="cyan">"Do you like science? Like, chemistry and the likes?"</font>, Dick asks, trying his best to change the topic.
Zara shrugs as a reply, her mind still processing all the information that has been dumped on her. Dick sees this and takes her hand and leads her to a door and swings it open.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 drug start replay]]</center>
<</if>>\<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
In the room there were tables lining all the walls and on every table except one laid packets. Some were filled with white powders, some with blue crystals and some with weed. But, every table was full of it. The single table with none of littered with machines and vials and other assortments.
<font color="cyan">"I never got a formal education, but this is what I love doing. I am what people would say, a chemistry genius. I have figured out how to get maximum profits out of a little buy-in, it helps keep my mind off things. This is where I work. There are more locations out there belonging to us just filled with these kits but I keep one here for myself when things get too much. So I am hoping this helps you out too"</font>, Dick says while smiling. A true sparkle had appeared in his eyes, he definitely loved the world of chemistry.
<font color="cyan">"Here, give it a try. First, you gotta pour the right amount of chemicals, I got the premix here. Just put it in the machine and pour until the amount is just right"</font>, he continues.
Zara takes the container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, she places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 replay]]</center><center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 done replay]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 done replay]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour1 done replay]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "S">>\
<font color="cyan">"Okay that's perfect! You seem to be a natural at this"</font>, Dick marvels at the sight of Zara correctly pouring the exact amount needed.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we need to mix in the catalyst. This will speed up the process"</font>, he continues.
Dick takes a container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, Zara places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 replay]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "A">>\
<font color="cyan">"Nice! You did not get the bullseye but you got close, it will be acceptable"</font>, Dick says with a smile.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we need to mix in the catalyst. This will speed up the process"</font>, he continues.
Dick takes a container and pours it into the machine and switches it on. The display flickers on with a number. Getting ready, Zara places her finger on the "Start" button and "Stop" button.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 replay]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
<font color="cyan">"Ah shit, you got it wrong. Try again!"</font>, Dick encourages.
<center>[[Retry|dick quest5 pour1 replay]]</center>
<</if>>\<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 done replay]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 done replay]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour2 done replay]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "S">>\
<font color="cyan">"Okay that's perfect! You seem to be a natural at this"</font>, Dick marvels at the sight of Zara correctly pouring the exact amount needed.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we simply need to heat up the mix. It has to be the correct temperature. This if the final step, alright?"</font>, he continues.
Dick clicks a few buttons and a new display screen lights up. It was a celcius meter. Zara again, for the last time, gets ready.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 replay]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "A">>\
<font color="cyan">"Nice! You did not get the bullseye but you got close, it will be acceptable"</font>, Dick says with a smile.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, now, we simply need to heat up the mix. It has to be the correct temperature. This is the final step, alright?"</font>, he continues.
Dick clicks a few buttons and a new display screen lights up. It was a celcius meter. Zara again, for the last time, gets ready.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 replay]]</center>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
<font color="cyan">"Ah shit, you got it wrong. Try again!"</font>, Dick encourages.
<center>[[Retry|dick quest5 pour2 replay]]</center>
<</if>>\<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 done replay]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 done replay]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|dick quest5 pour3 done replay]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\
<img src="img/nimbus/drug_table.jpg" height="300">
<<if $drugStatusAlt == "F">>\
<font color="cyan">"Ah shit, you got it wrong. Try again!"</font>, Dick encourages.
<center>[[Retry|dick quest5 pour3 replay]]</center>
<font color="cyan">"Alright! That's done with. Good job!"</font>, Dick smiles.
Zara felt proud of herself, she did pretty well for her first time she thinks. Maybe learning up more about science will help her increase her skills with this. It definitely does take her mind off things.
<font color="cyan">"Also, you are so welcome to come back any time and make some for yourself, but, you gotta buy the ingredients from my dad directly if you want to make more drugs. And believe me, this can help you make large profits if done smart. Selling in Jecinda makes you less money but less riskier as cops don't really bother you. But, in Arabella, while you make a lot more due to the rich assholes here, the cops will try to get you"</font>, he continues.
<center><font color="gold">Drug making unlocked!</font></center>\
<font color="pink">"That was so fun! But, I am feeling so grimy right now. The heat from the machine has got me all sweaty"</font>, Zara replies. She could feel droplets of sweat flowing down her face, she hated it. <font color="pink">"Can I get into your shower? I want to clean up"</font>, she continues.
<font color="cyan">"Hehe, of course! And you know what? The Earth really needs us to save water, so I will be joining you"</font>, he winks at her. Zara just smiles and teasingly leans forward so Dick could look at her cleavage before suddenly running out of the door, making Dick follow her.
<font color="cyan">"I will go get ready... for things. You go ahead and step into the shower, I will be right there"</font>, he says and walks off towards a room, Zara assumes it is his bedroom.
Zara roams around the huge penthouse, trying random doors to try to find the washroom. Most of the doors led to empty bedrooms or were just locked. She swung open one of them and was greeted by yet another bedroom except in this one there was a man lying in bed. His skin was a glistening mahogany colour and she could see his back muscles rippling as he lay in bed on his stomach. Zara closes the door softly, was that Dick's adoptive dad?
She opens the next door and finally, it was a bathroom! How big was this penthouse?
<center>[[Get into the shower|dick quest5 shower replay]]</center>
<</if>>\<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/shower'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the warm water wash over her, taking the dirt that clings to her skin away with it as it flows down and into the drain. She felt relaxed in the shower, she could not wait for Dick to join her.
The door slowly opens, Zara turns out excitedly, showing off her body to tease Dick but stops mid-turn. Instead of Dick, the man stood there, the same one she saw in the bedroom. His abs rippled as he stepped into the washroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/dad.jpg" height="220">'>>
God, what a specimen of a man. He looked like he was modelled after a Greek god, he was chiselled to the very minute detail.
The man wordlessly takes off his towel to reveal his big black cock. It was like an elephant's trunk was surgically attached to his body. Big throbbing veins encircled it. He steps into the shower without even asking Zara for permission, her eyes are automatically drawn downward to his penis.
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc.webp" height="220">'>>
Her hands, as if having a mind of their own, reach forward to grab the throbbing penis. The man just grunts, a deep reverberating noise pierces through the gentle pitter-patter of the shower.
<font color="cyan">"More"</font>, the man growls. His deep gravelly voice made something inside Zara stir. Why and how was his voice so <font color="red">hot</font>?
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The length and the girth of his penis were something Zara had never experienced before. She could not even imagine sticking something as big as this inside her... But, she could not think for long as Dick's dad bent down and kissed her. What a breathtaking kiss it was!
Something about this man drove Zara crazy. All her doubts about his penis being too big to fit were thrown out of the window. She wanted him- no, <font color="red">NEEDED</font> him inside her, rearranging her guts.
As if he just read her mind, Dick's dad spins Zara around and pins her onto the cool glass of the shower. She could see her breath fog up the glass as she waited impatiently to feel his dick penetrate her tight pussy. She did not have to wait long.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as Dick's dad thrusts in and out of her pussy, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from him made her gasp and moan. She could feel her pussy stretching more than it ever has before, his dick was just so <font color="red">BIG</font>.
Dick's dad suddenly pulls out of her and pushes her to her knees. She knew what was coming and she was excited. She wanted his cum all over her face. Just the thought of his cum sent Zara over the edge, an orgasm rocks through her body and just at that moment, ropes of cum shoot out of the man's dick and landed on Zara's face.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bathroom/bbc_facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Whatever cum that had landed in her mouth, she swallowed immediately, savouring the taste. God, she would always want more...
<font color="cyan">"Dick has brought home another good slut. Come back again, you will be rewarded"</font>, he says authoritatively. Zara just nods shyly, but why? The man was just inside of her but now she felt shy?
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Done with her shower anyway, Zara and Dick's father exit the bathroom.
<font color="cyan">"What the fuck?!"</font>, Dick's voice suddenly rings out.
Fuck... did she just completely forget about Dick? He was going to join her in the shower. Dick stands there, almost in the nude except for a towel wrapped around his waist. An angry but also hurt look is plastered on his face.
<font color="cyan">"Dad, did you seriously? I thought you said you would not any more! She is mine"</font>, he shouts at his own dad. Zara could see his eyes tearing up just a bit.
<font color="cyan">"BOY! You will not speak to me in such a manner. Do you understand?!"</font>, the man suddenly shouts. The gravelly tone now gone in favour of a voice comparable to a volcano erupting. Dick immediately takes a step back, instead of anger, his face showed fear.
Seemingly satisfied with the outcome, the man walks away and back into the room she had seen him in first. Zara goes up to Dick and tries to console him, she reaches for his face but he just slaps it away.
<font color="cyan">"Just... don't. Not right now"</font>, he sighs.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, Dick! Seriously! I don't know what came over me"</font>, she pleads.
<font color="cyan">"That's what literally every girl has said. You are your own woman, you can make your own choices. You chose this"</font>, he replies. His words were sharp but his voice could not have been more softer.
<font color="cyan">"You better get dressed, it's time for you to leave"</font>
<center>[[Get dressed|dick quest5 end replay]]</center>
@@Dressed and ready to leave, Zara stand in the doorway of the penthouse with Dick beside her. His face still cracked with pain.
<font color="pink">"I really am sorry, Dick..."</font>, she tries to apologize again.
<font color="cyan">"I know I know. It's just, fine. I am fine. Like, I know you aren't in the settling down mood and that you definitely go suck and fuck other people but for some reason, my dad doing that? Just hit differently"</font>, he says.
There was a burning question in Zara's mind, but she seriously should not ask it. It would make things much worse for Dick, mentally. Truly, if she asks it-
<font color="pink">"What's your dad's name?"</font>, the question forces itself out of her mouth.
<font color="cyan">"Seriously? That's what you say after what I just told you? For your information, it's Xavier. Now, leave"</font>, he replies angrily.
Not wanting to hurt him any more, Zara steps out of the door as it slams shut behind her. Why did she ask that stupid question?
She should be feeling really bad about hurting Dick's feelings but all she could think about was Xavier and his body... god, his body! She should go talk to Dick in the park and apologize to him before coming over again though.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara kept walking, feeling more and more tired with each step. The trip felt never-ending, and she just wanted to sit down and rest. She pushed herself to keep going, but it was getting really hard. Just when she thought she couldn't take another step, a van pulled up beside her, giving her a bit of hope.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! Where are you heading? You look... well..."</font>, the driver tells Zara, a friendly smile on his lips.
<font color="cyan">"You know, you seem to be heading in my direction, I can take you there, no issues"</font>, he continues.
Zara ponders whether or not to take the man's help, he seems friendly anyhow.
<<link "Decline his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Uh, no thank you! I am fine"</font>, Zara answers the man.
<font color="cyan">"I see. At least take a sip of water, you look on the verge of collapse not gonna lie"</font>, the man replies and offers Zara a water bottle. It did look very enticing to Zara right now.
<<link "Reject the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"No thank you, I am fine. Seriously, I am"</font>, Zara smiles at the man and starts walking away. She was well-versed with stranger danger rules. Who knows if the man could have put something in the water?
The driver just shrugs and drives off, leaving Zara alone.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyAJ>></font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyAJ>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyJA>></font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyJA>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Yes, I would like that"</font>, Zara sighs and takes the water bottle from the driver. She takes long gulps from the bottle, she had not realized how thirsty she was until now.
She hands the bottle back to the driver and thanks him. He gives her a nod and starts his van back up, driving off.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 5>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 5>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah that would be great!"</font>, Zara smiles and gets into the van. The two of them make small talk as they make their way to their destination. As Zara gets closer to her destination, she thinks she should reward the man somehow, or just freeload.
<<link "Freeload">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides it would be best not to talk about any kind of payment. If the driver seems to be fine with her just freeloading, then she is fine with it too. The van pulls over to the side of the road as Zara has now reached her destination.
The two of them just give each other a handshake and other pleasantries before Zara exits the van.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>></font>
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<link "Give a special reward to the driver">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"You know... you deserve a very special reward for helping me like this"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>purrs seductively.<<else>>tells the man nervously.<</if>> The man just looks at her confused but does not say anything.
<font color="pink">"I think you will love this reward"</font>, she continues, placing her hand on his crotch and squeezing. She can immediately feel his dick harden underneath her hand.
The man immediately turns the van into a more secluded spot. Hopefully, nobody would catch them here and Zara would be free to give him his reward without any hindrance. The two of them clamber into the back of the van and Zara gives a thought to what she should give as a reward.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Swirling her tongue around his head, she tastes his precum, salty but intoxicating. She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>with her mouth wide open with her tongue darting around his dick head, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>with her mouth open, ready to receive his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the van floor. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her mouth to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her mouth to get a free ride.<</if>> The man now looking satisfied puts his dick away and the two of them get back to their seats.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Give him a ride">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara straddles the man and looks him in the eye before lowering herself, letting his penis enter her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his dick stiffening inside her, she knew what was coming up soon. She speeds up, going up and down on his dick until his face contorts. Before she could get off he grabs her hips and holds her down while thrusting up, filling her up with his cum. He finally relaxes his grip, allowing her to clamber off him. Both of them put their clothes back in order in silence. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her body to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body to get a free ride.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Sorry about that"</font>, he whispers into her ear and then kisses her on the cheek before heading for the driver's seat. She joins him in the front as they drive to their destination.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give a reward to the driver...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
@@Zara kept walking, feeling more and more tired with each step. The trip felt never-ending, and she just wanted to sit down and rest. She pushed herself to keep going, but it was getting really hard. Just when she thought she couldn't take another step, a van pulled up beside her, giving her a bit of hope.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! Where are you heading? You look... well..."</font>, the driver tells Zara, a friendly smile on his lips.
<font color="cyan">"You know, you seem to be heading in my direction, I can take you there, no issues"</font>, he continues.
Zara ponders whether or not to take the man's help, he seems friendly anyhow.
<<link "Decline his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Uh, no thank you! I am fine"</font>, Zara answers the man.
<font color="cyan">"I see. At least take a sip of water, you look on the verge of collapse not gonna lie"</font>, the man replies and offers Zara a water bottle. It did look very enticing to Zara right now.
<<link "Reject the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"No thank you, I am fine. Seriously, I am"</font>, Zara smiles at the man and starts walking away. She was well-versed with stranger danger rules. Who knows if the man could have put something in the water?
The driver just shrugs and drives off, leaving Zara alone.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyAJ>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyAJ>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyJA>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyJA>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Yes, I would like that"</font>, Zara sighs and takes the water bottle from the driver. She takes long gulps from the bottle, she had not realized how thirsty she was until now.
She hands the water bottle back to the driver and starts turning around to continue her journey when suddenly her legs give out. She crumples to her knees, her vision going blurry.
<font color="cyan">"Your parents did not teach you about stranger danger, huh? Pity for you, amazing treat for me"</font>, the man sneers from behind Zara. He grabs her and drags her into the van.
Zara did her best to scream but whatever was in the water had taken too great of a hold on her, and she drifted off to sleep...
<<timed 8s>>\
Zara wakes up on the side of the road, her head still groggy. Her clothes were dishevelled and her pussy felt sore... What did that man do to her?! She tries her best to remember...
<<set _i = random(2,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_fsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Fuck... Did that really happen? She looks at her hands and sees clear markings of a rope being tied tight. Zara starts hurrying to her destination, she does not even want to think about the things he must have done to her body.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah that would be great!"</font>, Zara smiles and gets into the van. The two of them make small talk as they make their way to their destination. Suddenly, the man takes a turn into an alleyway, a very secluded spot. Zara's heart started to beat faster, what was going on?
<font color="cyan">"We have not talked about my reward. Do you think fuel is cheap these days? Come on now sweetheart, make me happy"</font>, the man says gruffly. His friendly smile now looked like a creepy sneer.
<<link "Decline giving a reward">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, that's not happening. I think it's best I leave"</font>, she answers and starts getting out of the van. But, before she could she felt the man reach forward and grab her from behind.
A handkerchief with a sweet smell was placed firmly on her nose and mouth, she could not scream for help. The sudden attack from behind made it impossible for her to fight back. Her vision darkens and her body goes limp.
<<timed 5s>>\
Zara wakes up to her hands being tied. The rope was so tight she could feel it dig hard into her skin, but, her mind did not focus on that. Instead, it focused on the man's cock drilling into her pussy.
<<set _i = random(2,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_fsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help moaning as the man fucked her hard. She hated every second of it mentally, but her body did not listen. The man suddenly moans and thrusts deep inside her, she can feel his warm seed inside her.
<font color="cyan">"Would have been much simpler if you just agreed to it, you know?"</font>, he groans into Zara's ear. He takes a knife and cuts off Zara's ropes.
Zara attempted to get up but still felt too weak from whatever drug was used on her. The man just shakes his head pushes her out of the back door and throws her clothes after her. Nude and abused, Zara lay on the cold concrete as the van drove off, leaving Zara alone.
With her remaining strength, Zara puts on her clothes and continues her journey.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Give a special reward to the driver">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"You know... you are right. You deserve a very special reward for helping me like this"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>purrs seductively.<<else>>says as seductively as possible.<</if>> The man just grins but still does not say anything.
<font color="pink">"I think you will love this reward"</font>, she continues, placing her hand on his crotch and squeezing. She can immediately feel his dick harden underneath her hand. Hopefully, nobody would catch them in this secluded spot and Zara would be free to give him his reward without any hindrance. The two of them clamber into the back of the van and Zara gives a thought to what she should give as a reward.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Swirling her tongue around his head, she tastes his precum, salty but intoxicating. She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>with her mouth wide open with her tongue darting around his dick head, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>with her mouth open, ready to receive his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the van floor. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her mouth to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her mouth to get a free ride.<</if>> The man now looking satisfied puts his dick away and the two of them get back to their seats.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35>>\
<<link "Give him a ride">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara straddles the man and looks him in the eye before lowering herself, letting his penis enter her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his dick stiffening inside her, she knew what was coming up soon. She speeds up, going up and down on his dick until his face contorts. Before she could get off he grabs her hips and holds her down while thrusting up, filling her up with his cum. He finally relaxes his grip, allowing her to clamber off him. Both of them put their clothes back in order in silence. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her body to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body to get a free ride.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Aren't you a great fleshlight?"</font>, he whispers into her ear and slaps her ass before heading for the driver's seat. She joins him in the front as they drive to their destination.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give a reward to the driver...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
@@Zara kept walking, feeling more and more tired with each step. The trip felt never-ending, and she just wanted to sit down and rest. She pushed herself to keep going, but it was getting really hard. Just when she thought she couldn't take another step, a van pulled up beside her, giving her a bit of hope.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! Where are you heading? You look... well..."</font>, the driver tells Zara, a friendly smile on his lips.
<font color="cyan">"You know, you seem to be heading in my direction, I can take you there, no issues"</font>, he continues.
Zara ponders whether or not to take the man's help, he seems friendly anyhow.
<<link "Decline his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Uh, no thank you! I am fine"</font>, Zara answers the man.
<font color="cyan">"I see. At least take a sip of water, you look on the verge of collapse not gonna lie"</font>, the man replies and offers Zara a water bottle. It did look very enticing to Zara right now.
<<link "Reject the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"No thank you, I am fine. Seriously, I am"</font>, Zara smiles at the man and starts walking away. She was well-versed with stranger danger rules. Who knows if the man could have put something in the water?
The driver just shrugs and drives off, leaving Zara alone.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyAJ>></font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyAJ>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyJA>></font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyJA>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Yes, I would like that"</font>, Zara sighs and takes the water bottle from the driver. She takes long gulps from the bottle, she had not realized how thirsty she was until now.
She hands the bottle back to the driver and thanks him. He gives her a nod and starts his van back up, driving off.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 5>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 5>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah that would be great!"</font>, Zara smiles and gets into the van. The two of them make small talk as they make their way to their destination. As Zara gets closer to her destination, she thinks she should reward the man somehow, or just freeload.
<<link "Freeload">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides it would be best not to talk about any kind of payment. If the driver seems to be fine with her just feeloading, then she is fine with it too. The van pulls over to the side of the road as Zara has now reached her destination.
The two of them just give each other a handshake and other pleasantries before Zara exits the van.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<link "Give a special reward to the driver">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"You know... you deserve a very special reward for helping me like this"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>purrs seductively.<<else>>tells the man nervously.<</if>> The man just looks at her confused but does not say anything.
<font color="pink">"I think you will love this reward"</font>, she continues, placing her hand on his crotch and squeezing. She can immediately feel his dick harden underneath her hand.
The man immediately turns the van into a more secluded spot. Hopefully, nobody would catch them here and Zara would be free to give him his reward without any hindrance. The two of them clamber into the back of the van and Zara gives a thought to what she should give as a reward.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Swirling her tongue around his head, she tastes his precum, salty but intoxicating. She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>with her mouth wide open with her tongue darting around his dick head, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>with her mouth open, ready to receive his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the van floor. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her mouth to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her mouth to get a free ride.<</if>> The man now looking satisfied puts his dick away and the two of them get back to their seats.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=30>>\
<<link "Give him a ride">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara straddles the man and looks him in the eye before lowering herself, letting his penis enter her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his dick stiffening inside her, she knew what was coming up soon. She speeds up, going up and down on his dick until his face contorts. Before she could get off he grabs her hips and holds her down while thrusting up, filling her up with his cum. He finally relaxes his grip, allowing her to clamber off him. Both of them put their clothes back in order in silence. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her body to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body to get a free ride.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Sorry about that"</font>, he whispers into her ear and then kisses her on the cheek before heading for the driver's seat. She joins him in the front as they drive to their destination.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give a reward to the driver...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
@@Zara kept walking, feeling more and more tired with each step. The trip felt never-ending, and she just wanted to sit down and rest. She pushed herself to keep going, but it was getting really hard. Just when she thought she couldn't take another step, a van pulled up beside her, giving her a bit of hope.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! Where are you heading? You look... well..."</font>, the driver tells Zara, a friendly smile on his lips.
<font color="cyan">"You know, you seem to be heading in my direction, I can take you there, no issues"</font>, he continues.
Zara ponders whether or not to take the man's help, he seems friendly anyhow.
<<link "Decline his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Uh, no thank you! I am fine"</font>, Zara answers the man.
<font color="cyan">"I see. At least take a sip of water, you look on the verge of collapse not gonna lie"</font>, the man replies and offers Zara a water bottle. It did look very enticing to Zara right now.
<<link "Reject the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"No thank you, I am fine. Seriously, I am"</font>, Zara smiles at the man and starts walking away. She was well-versed with stranger danger rules. Who knows if the man could have put something in the water?
The driver just shrugs and drives off, leaving Zara alone.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyAJ>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyAJ>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print $walkEnergyJA>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=$walkEnergyJA>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take the water bottle">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Yes, I would like that"</font>, Zara sighs and takes the water bottle from the driver. She takes long gulps from the bottle, she had not realized how thirsty she was until now.
She hands the water bottle back to the driver and starts turning around to continue her journey when suddenly her legs give out. She crumples to her knees, her vision going blurry.
<font color="cyan">"Your parents did not teach you about stranger danger, huh? Pity for you, amazing treat for me"</font>, the man sneers from behind Zara. He grabs her and drags her into the van.
Zara did her best to scream but whatever was in the water had taken too great of a hold on her, and she drifted off to sleep...
<<timed 8s>>\
Zara wakes up on the side of the road, her head still groggy. Her clothes were dishevelled and her pussy felt sore... What did that man do to her?! She tries her best to remember...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Fuck... Did that really happen? Zara starts hurrying to her destination, she does not even want to think about the things he must have done to her body.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=59>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<link "Take his help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah that would be great!"</font>, Zara smiles and gets into the van. The two of them make small talk as they make their way to their destination. Suddenly, the man takes a turn into an alleyway, a very secluded spot. Zara's heart started to beat faster, what was going on?
<font color="cyan">"We have not talked about my reward. Do you think fuel is cheap these days? Come on now sweetheart, make me happy"</font>, the man says gruffly. His friendly smile now looked like a creepy sneer.
<<link "Decline giving a reward">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, that's not happening. I think it's best I leave"</font>, she answers and starts getting out of the van. But, before she could she felt the man reach forward and grab her from behind.
A handkerchief with a sweet smell was placed firmly on her nose and mouth, she could not scream for help. The sudden attack from behind made it impossible for her to fight back. Her vision darkens and her body goes limp.
<<timed 5s>>\
Zara woke up, her head ached a ton but she did not focus on that. Instead, she focused on the man's cock drilling into her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help moaning as the man fucked her hard. She hated every second of it mentally, but her body did not listen. The man suddenly moans and thrusts deep inside her, she can feel his warm seed inside her.
<font color="cyan">"Would have been much simpler if you just agreed to it, you know?"</font>, he groans into Zara's ear. He takes a knife and cuts off Zara's ropes.
Zara attempted to get up but still felt too weak from whatever drug was used on her. The man just shakes his head pushes her out of the back door and throws her clothes after her. Nude and abused, Zara lay on the cold concrete as the van drove off, leaving Zara alone.
With her remaining strength, Zara puts on her clothes and continues her journey.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA + 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<link "Give a special reward to the driver">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"You know... you are right. You deserve a very special reward for helping me like this"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>purrs seductively.<<else>>says as seductively as possible.<</if>> The man just grins but still does not say anything.
<font color="pink">"I think you will love this reward"</font>, she continues, placing her hand on his crotch and squeezing. She can immediately feel his dick harden underneath her hand. Hopefully, nobody would catch them in this secluded spot and Zara would be free to give him his reward without any hindrance. The two of them clamber into the back of the van and Zara gives a thought to what she should give as a reward.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Swirling her tongue around his head, she tastes his precum, salty but intoxicating. She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
Zara pops the dick out of her mouth and smiles at him while jerking him off, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>with her mouth wide open with her tongue darting around his dick head, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>with her mouth open, ready to receive his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the van floor. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her mouth to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her mouth to get a free ride.<</if>> The man now looking satisfied puts his dick away and the two of them get back to their seats.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=35>>\
<<link "Give him a ride">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara straddles the man and looks him in the eye before lowering herself, letting his penis enter her pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_bbc_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels his dick stiffening inside her, she knew what was coming up soon. She speeds up, going up and down on his dick until his face contorts. Before she could get off he grabs her hips and holds her down while thrusting up, filling her up with his cum. He finally relaxes his grip, allowing her to clamber off him. Both of them put their clothes back in order in silence. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara was a bit glad she was a pretty girl who could use her body to get free rides.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just used her body to get a free ride.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Aren't you a great fleshlight?"</font>, he whispers into her ear and then slaps her ass before heading for the driver's seat. She joins him in the front as they drive to their destination.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA - 10>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give him a ride...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to give a reward to the driver...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
@@Zara kept walking, feeling more and more tired with each step. The trip felt never-ending, and she just wanted to sit down and rest. She pushed herself to keep going, but it was getting really hard. A van passes by her, its windows tinted full black, with no license plate at the back, it screams trouble.
Zara stops dead in her tracks, she starts turning around when the door to the van opens. A man steps out and starts running towards Zara. The man was quick, before she could even react he grabbed a hold of her arm.
<<link "Fight him off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara's heart pounds, there is no way she would let this random creep violate her body. She starts struggling against the man, using her hands and legs to punch and kick him.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>\
With one final kick, her foot connects with his dick which sends him reeling to the ground clutching his dick. For good measure, she kicks him one more time before running away as fast as possible.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ + 5>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA + 5>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
No matter how hard she struggled she could not escape. The man successfully drags her into the van's passenger seat and immediately ties her hands together. He closes the door and walks back to his side. The man starts driving the van, Zara could not help but start tearing up, what can she do now?
<font color="cyan">"I knew I had to snag you the moment I saw you! God! What a body you have been blessed with"</font>, he tells her gleefully. His voice did not hold a sliver of sinister in it but Zara still felt afraid.
<font color="cyan">"Oh oh oh! Don't be afraid, it will just be what, ten minutes of me using you for some pleasure, and then I will let you go. Please, do not worry! I won't hurt you, promise"</font>, he continues with a warm smile on his lips. He felt wrong, his words were warm, and so was his smile. But, his eyes? His eyes cold and dead, Zara knew if she caused any trouble, he would not hesitate to break his promise.
The man pulled into a secluded spot, no matter how loud Zara would scream, nobody would find her there. Still smiling warmly, the man takes his cock out and just looks at Zara. He points at it and just lays back as if he were expecting her to just go at it.
<font color="pink">"Listen, please, I will give you all my cash, anything. Let me go, please"</font>, Zara starts begging. The last thing she wanted was his cock violating her holes.
The man just sighs and says, <font color="cyan">"Well, I did try doing this the easy way. I will just have to ask you to forgive me after the next few minutes"</font>.
And with that, he grabs the back of Zara's head and forces her mouth onto his cock.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He fucks her mouth like it was just a fleshlight, she could feel his cock all the way deep in her throat. She could not breathe and yet with her hands being tied, she could not push away. She can feel her vision darkening with the absence of air in her lungs until suddenly he pulls her back up. Zara coughs and gags, and saliva dribbles out of her mouth. She just wanted this to be over.
<font color="cyan">"Wow wow wow! Amazing! Your throat felt amazing, good job. You must be popular in your friend group haha!"</font>, the man tells her. <font color="cyan">"Well, I think it's time to up our game, yes? Let's go to the back, shall we?"</font>, he continues.
He grabs Zara's arm and throws her into the back of the van, the sudden violence contrasts his creepy warm smile. Before she could protest, his cock enters her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_fsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but scream as the cock tore through her. The lack of lubrication made it painful and yet, she could feel her pussy get wet. She hated it, but yet the man's skills made it impossible for her not to moan too.
She could feel the man tense up, he threw her off him, causing Zara to fall on her back as the man clambered on top near her face.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_fcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
His cum splatters all over Zara's face, mixed in with her tears. Once he was finally done, he got off her and cut the ropes that tied her hands.
<font color="cyan">"So tight! So nice! I hope you enjoyed, I will see you again maybe, hopefully. Can't wait!"</font>, he grins at her. He opens the back door and gestures for her to leave.
Zara immediately gets up and exits, she does not want him to suddenly change her mind. She does not look back as she runs away from the creepy man.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=70>>\
<<link "Submit">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara does not struggle at all, feeling excited by the idea of a random creepy man fucking her in a van. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>>Letting literal rapists make use of her body for their pleasure was no longer a qualm for Zara, in fact, she loved it!<<else>>Was she really going to let an actual rapist freely use her body?<</if>> The man drags her roughly into the back of the van and throws her down on the floor.
<font color="cyan">"Wow wow wow! All trained, just for me? I won't even have to break you, so much fun"</font>, the man guffaws. Something was very odd with him, his face showed boyish joy and a warm smile, but his eyes were dead and cold.
He bends her over, she already can feel his boner rubbing her now bare ass cheeks.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/van_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Since Zara did not struggle at all the man was not too rough... but he was still rough, the way Zara liked it. He thrusts deep and hard into her, using her as a sex doll to just satisfy his needs. With one final deep thrust, the man cums inside Zara, she can feel the warm liquid spread inside her as he slips out.
<font color="cyan">"I have not cum that quick in a long time. What lucky friends you must have. Will see you again maybe, hopefully"</font>, he tells Zara with a smile on his face. He opens the back of the van and motions Zara to leave.
Taking no chances of him changing his mind, Zara exits the van and walks away. Something about that man was wrong, very wrong. And yet, she could not help but feel wet at the idea of him fucking her.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyAJ>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<<set _walkEnergy = $walkEnergyJA>>\
<center><font color="yellow">-<<print _walkEnergy>> Energy</font>
<<set $minute+=50>>\
<<set $PlayerEnergy-=_walkEnergy>>\
[[Continue|Arabella District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to submit...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<<addmoney -5>>\
<center><font color="green">-5$</font></center>
Zara stands in the aisle, she just does not feel like sitting around. She also loved trying to balance without falling flat on her face as the bus traveled over bumps and ditches. As the bus ride continued, with each stop came more and more commuters. A man stands behind Zara, maybe a bit too close though. There was still a lot of space on the aisle...
His intentions were immediately clear when she felt his hands start roaming her body.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not believe his nerve! His hands kept roaming Zara's body, squeezing all her soft parts. She could take this to the next level though, she thinks.
<<link "Put a stop to this">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Stop! Stop it right now"</font>, Zara hisses at him. It would be embarrassing if people saw her being touched this way, in such a public space. She is sure people have already seen them, but the fewer eyes on her, the better.
Taking no heed of her protests, the man continued groping Zara. A man gets off his seat in order to leave the bus, and Zara immediately jumps at the escape route. She walks away from the man and sits on the seat, keeping an eye on the man in case he follows.
But, luckily, he does not. The man just scoffs and also gets off the bus. The rest of the bus ride is uneventful.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Take it to the next level">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns around to face the man groping her. He just smiles at her and continues touching her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Letting strange men grope her on the bus made Zara so unbelievably horny!<<else>>Was she really letting strange men grope her on the bus?<</if>> Copying him, her hands also start exploring the man's body, especially his crotch. She can feel his cock hardening under her hands as she gropes him back. Zara hears a low moan escape the man's mouth as she keeps on going.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>With no qualms about the people around them on the bus, Zara drops to her knees and swiftly takes out the man's cock before he could process what was even going on.<<else>>Zara had some qualms about the people around them on the bus, she wonders if she should really move forward. But the question was answered for her when the man takes his cock out and leads Zara to her knees.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man groans as Zara uses her mouth to please him, slurping all over his dick. She makes sure to use her hands to squeeze his balls... making the pleasure even better. Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>with her mouth wide open with her tongue darting around his dick head, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>with her mouth open, ready to receive his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>What a waste! She should have been able to keep all of it in her mouth!<</if>> Zara gets off the bus floor and takes a look around. Several people were staring at them awestruck at what just happened in front of them. But, nobody said anything or complained, which was just perfect for Zara.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to take it to the next level or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<<addmoney -5>>\
<center><font color="green">-5$</font></center>
Zara stands in the aisle, she just does not feel like sitting around. She also loved trying to balance without falling flat on her face as the bus traveled over bumps and ditches. As the bus ride continued, with each stop came more and more commuters. A man stands behind Zara, maybe a bit too close though. There was still a lot of space on the aisle...
His intentions were immediately clear when she felt his hands start roaming her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not believe his nerve! His hands kept roaming Zara's body, squeezing all her soft parts. She hears him shuffling and suddenly, she can feel his boner poking her. He had pulled his dick out! He places his hands on Zara's shoulders and starts bending her over.
<<link "Put a stop to this">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Stop! Stop it right now"</font>, Zara hisses at him. It would be embarrassing if people saw her being touched this way, in such a public space. She is sure people have already seen them, but the fewer eyes on her, the better.
Taking no heed of her protests, the man starts trying to lower Zara's pants. A man gets off his seat in order to leave the bus, and Zara immediately jumps at the escape route. She walks away from the man and sits on the seat, keeping an eye on the man in case he follows.
But, luckily, he does not. The man just scoffs and also gets off the bus. The rest of the bus ride is uneventful.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Let him continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara feels excited, is this man really going to fuck her raw? In front of everyone on this bus? A lot of eyes were already focused on them. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara does not really have any qualms about being fucked in public, in front of anyone. In fact, it made her feel hornier.<<else>>Zara had some qualms about the people around them on the bus, she wonders if she should really do this. But, her arousal let her continue.<</if>>
The man grabs at Zara's clothes and starts undressing her until he is satisfied. The cool air of the bus instantly made goosebumps crawl onto Zara's skin. But, she had no time to focus on that as she felt the man entering her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the man fucks her in the middle of the bus. All the other passenger's eyes were on them and yet, there were no complaints. She feels the pleasure build inside her as the man quickens his pace.
With a moan, the two of them orgasm, as Zara's body shakes from the pleasure she feels the warm seed of the man inside her pussy. Tired from their cardio, the two of them slump onto the bus seats, no words exchanged between them.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to let him continue or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<<addmoney -5>>\
<center><font color="green">-5$</font></center>
Zara stands in the aisle, she just does not feel like sitting around. She also loved trying to balance without falling flat on her face as the bus traveled over bumps and ditches. As the bus ride continued, with each stop came more and more commuters. A man stands behind Zara, maybe a bit too close though. There was still a lot of space on the aisle...
His intentions were immediately clear when she felt his hands start roaming her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not believe his nerve! His hands kept roaming Zara's body, squeezing all her soft parts. She could take this to the next level though, she thinks.
<<link "Put a stop to this">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Stop! Stop it right now"</font>, Zara hisses at him. It would be embarrassing if people saw her being touched this way, in such a public space. She is sure people have already seen them, but the fewer eyes on her, the better.
Taking no heed of her protests, the man continued groping Zara. A man gets off his seat in order to leave the bus, and Zara immediately jumps at the escape route. She walks away from the man and sits on the seat, keeping an eye on the man in case he follows.
But, luckily, he does not. The man just scoffs and also gets off the bus. The rest of the bus ride is uneventful.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Take it to the next level">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns around to face the man groping her. He just smiles at her and continues touching her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Letting strange men grope her on the bus made Zara so unbelievably horny!<<else>>Was she really letting strange men grope her on the bus?<</if>> Copying him, her hands also start exploring the man's body, especially his crotch. She can feel his cock hardening under her hands as she gropes him back. Zara hears a low moan escape the man's mouth as she keeps on going.
Zara wonders what she should do to blow this man's mind...
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>With no qualms about the people around them on the bus, Zara drops to her knees and swiftly takes out the man's cock before he could process what was even going on.<<else>>Zara had some qualms about the people around them on the bus, she wonders if she should really move forward. But the question was answered for her when the man takes his cock out and leads Zara to her knees.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man groans as Zara uses her mouth to please him, slurping all over his dick. She makes sure to use her hands to squeeze his balls... making the pleasure even better. Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>with her mouth wide open with her tongue darting around his dick head, ready to receive his semen.<<else>>with her mouth open, ready to receive his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>What a waste! She should have been able to keep all of it in her mouth!<</if>> Zara gets off the bus floor and takes a look around. Several people were staring at them awestruck at what just happened in front of them. But, nobody said anything or complained, which was just perfect for Zara.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Ride him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara grabs the man's shoulders and shoves him onto an empty seat. The man looks up at her and starts trying to grab at her again but she shoves his hands off her. Using her hands, Zara deftly takes out his cock and climbs up on top of him before he could say anything.<<else>>The man takes hold of Zara and leads her to an empty row of seats. He takes a seat and pulls his cock out, motioning for Zara to get on. She takes her position, feeling the cock brush her pussy.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
Suddenly, the man pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. The man just grins and shrugs back and gets off the bus seat. Zara now left completely alone just sits down on the seat. She could feel several eyes of other passengers still on her, they probably just witnessed a show of a lifetime.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to ride him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to take it to the next level or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<<addmoney -5>>\
<center><font color="green">-5$</font></center>
Zara stands in the aisle, she just does not feel like sitting around. She also loved trying to balance without falling flat on her face as the bus traveled over bumps and ditches. As the bus ride continued, with each stop came more and more commuters. A woman stands behind Zara, maybe a bit too close though. There was still a lot of space on the aisle...
Her intentions were immediately clear when Zara felt her hands start roaming her body.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/lgrope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not believe her nerve! Her hands kept roaming Zara's body, squeezing all her soft parts. The woman moves even closer to Zara and whispers into her ear, <font color="fuchsia">"I could take you to cloud 9, just let me"</font>.
Zara feels the woman's fingers approach closer and closer to her pussy, trailing her panties. She can feel her pussy already getting wet.
<<link "Stay on the Earth">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"No, sorry. Not happening"</font>, Zara replies and moves away. They were too in public for Zara to even think of doing anything with the woman. No matter how much her pussy craved it.
The woman just rolls her eyes and leaves Zara alone. At least she does not ignore "no" as an answer.
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Go to cloud 9">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara turns around to face the woman and bites her lower lip.<<else>>Zara turns around to face the woman and nods, she feels nervous.<</if>> Leaning closer and closer to the woman until their lips touched. All eyes were on them as the two started undressing each other. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She really was getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers. It felt so <font color="red">hot</font>!<<else>>Was she really undressing in front of a bunch of strangers? It felt so weird.<</if>> The cool air of the bus AC made goosebumps arise on Zara's soft skin.
The woman sits Zara down on the bus seat and gets on her knees. She brings her face to Zara's pussy and starts eating her out.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as she feels the woman's tongue flick her clit. The woman expertly trails her tongue along the folds of Zara's pussy, making her moan even harder. She can feel pussy getting even wetter as an orgasm builds inside Zara. She is pushed over the edge as the woman starts darting her tongue in and out of Zara's vagina, the orgasm takes hold of her body as she gives out a loud moan and her legs shake from the pleasure.
Satisfied, the woman wipes her mouth and blows a kiss towards Zara. The two of them dress back up, the eyes of all the other passengers still on them with a few phones even recording them. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>But, Zara does not give a shit, she just had the best orgasm yet of her life.<<else>>Zara hopes those videos don't make it out to the public.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to go to cloud 9 or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/bus/bus.webp" height="220"></center>\
Zara gets on the bus and pays the required amount, the coins clinking into the till. She gives the bus driver a small smile as she enters the aisle.
<<addmoney -5>>\
<center><font color="green">-5$</font></center>
Zara travels down the aisle and sits at the very back of the bus. That's honestly the best seat on the bus, she goes flying every time the bus travels over a speed bump, who doesn't love that?
A couple were already present in the back seats, the two of them were definitely doing something but were disturbed when Zara took a seat but she did not realise it yet. As the bus starts moving again, so do their hands. Zara could not resist looking at them, the two of them looked just a few years older than her, and they were hot as fuck. Zara gasps as the woman takes out the man's cock, big and girthy, and starts sucking it.
Zara could not help but blush as the two continued their little adventure, the woman's eyes quickly darting to Zara's as she kept on sucking, as if to say, why don't you join us?
<<link "Don't join them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara just shakes her head. There was no way she would feel okay sucking someone else's boyfriend's dick in public. Plus, it might just be too big for Zara to even try... She decides it would just be best to get up and find another seat. And so she does, letting the couple do their thing in "private".
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Join them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>There was no way Zara could pass up such a good time! She immediately shifts closer to the couple.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she shifts closer to the couple. Was she really going to do this?<</if>> The woman raises her head and grins, <font color="fuchsia">"Ready to have a good time, darling?"</font>.
Zara nods and leans down onto the man's cock. It was so big, it felt like it would tear Zara's jaw open, but she did her best.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_dbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man groans above Zara. To shut him up, the woman starts kissing him. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from the man, muffled by the woman's kisses, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="fuchsia">"Move over, can't let you have all the fun now can I?"</font>, the woman whispers while leaning down too. The two of them sandwich the man's dick in between their mouths and lick it all over.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_dbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two of them lips constantly touched in a kiss as they kept pleasuring the man. Zara can feel his cock twitch from the pleasure, she knew what was coming. And sure enough, cum shoots from his dick and splatters Zara's and the woman's face.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>The two of them lick each other clean, the taste of the man's cum was heavenly!<<else>>Zara uses a few tissues to clean herself up while the woman licks up her boyfriend's cum.<</if>> Once clean, the trio sat back straight and made small talk until Zara's bus stop reached. She would seriously not mind meeting them again...
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<if $walkLocation == "Jecinda">>\
<center>[[Continue|Jecinda District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<<elseif $walkLocation == "Arabella">>\
<center>[[Continue|Arabella District][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to join them or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/gym/locker/locker.jpg" height="300">\
<<if $PlayerClothes == "Gym" || $PlayerClothes == "GymAdv">>\
<<link "Change back">>
<<set $PlayerClothes = $lastOutfitWorn>>
<<goto "changeback Gym">>
<<if $PlayerClothes != "Gym" and $PlayerClothes != "GymAdv">>\
<<link "Change into P.E. attire">>
<<set $lastOutfitWorn = $PlayerClothes>>
<<set $PlayerClothes = "Gym">>
<<goto "lockerRoom events">>
<<if $PlayerClothes != "GymAdv" and $PlayerClothes != "Gym" and $PlayerGymAdv == true>>\
<<link "Change into advanced gym attire">>
<<set $lastOutfitWorn = $PlayerClothes>>
<<set $PlayerClothes = "GymAdv">>
<<goto "lockerRoom events">>
<<if $PlayerClothes == "Gym" || $PlayerClothes == "GymAdv">>\
[[Enter workout area|Gym][$minute+=3]]
Zara should change into her gym attire before entering the workout area...
<<if $PlayerClothes != "Gym" and $PlayerClothes != "GymAdv">>\
[[Exit to reception|Gym Reception][$minute+=2]]
Zara should change out of her gym attire before leaving the locker room...
</center>\<<if $lastOutfitWorn=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,5)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "gym locker event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "gym locker event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "gym locker event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "gym locker event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "gym locker event5">>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes in the middle of the locker room. Even in such a fancy gym, there were not a lot of separate stalls to change in, and they were always full. But it did not matter, Zara was confident enough in her body, and it also did not hurt to see the smoking hot bodies of the other women changing too...
She gets into her workout attire, the material a lot more lighter and breathable, making it easier to workout for a longer time.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<</if>>\<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes in the middle of the locker room. Even in such a fancy gym, there were not a lot of separate stalls to change in, and they were always full. But it did not matter, Zara was confident enough in her body, and it also did not hurt to see the smoking hot bodies of the other women changing too... Except this time, it looks like someone else was also watching Zara. It was another girl, a similar age to Zara with her clothes off too. The two of them catch each other staring before looking away again, blushing.
Zara grabs her workout attire but before she can proceed, she feels a hand on her shoulder. She spins around, reflexively covering herself. It was a silent rule of the locker room to not look while changing outside a stall, let alone walk up so close to a person in the nude.
<font color="fuchsia">"Hey, liked what you saw?"</font>, the girl whispers, leaning closer into Zara. She could catch a faint whiff of lemon on the girl's skin.
<font color="pink">"Maybe. What's it to you?"</font>, Zara answers. Her face is now red as a tomato. She could not help glancing down at the girl's body. Her physique was fit and strong, her abs hinted at countless hours spent in the gym, along with her toned arms.
<font color="fuchsia">"I gotta warm up. You could help"</font>, the girl purrs.
<<link "Don't help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara shakes her head. Rejecting any advances from the girl. Changing clothes was one thing, but doing anything sexual in such a public place? That was unthinkable to Zara.
The girl just scoffs and walks off, feelings definitely a bit hurt from rejection.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<link "Help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara bites her lower lip and nods in excitement. She could feel her nipples already getting harder just at the thought of her and the girl together, their bodies intertwined with each other. The girl positions herself below Zara, her mouth getting closer and closer to her pussy, until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The girl uses her tongue to slide through the folds of Zara's vagina, focusing heavily on the clit, making Zara even hornier. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara had become such a slut, it did not matter anymore that she was letting random girls eat her out.<<else>>Zara could not believe she was letting a random girl eat her out. Was this right? It felt too good!<</if>> The girl expertly trails her tongue along the folds of Zara's pussy, making her moan even harder. She can feel pussy getting even wetter as an orgasm builds inside Zara. She is pushed over the edge as the girl starts darting her tongue in and out of Zara's vagina, the orgasm takes hold of her body as she gives out a loud moan and her legs shake from the pleasure.
Satisfied, the girl gets up and winks at Zara, <font color="fuchsia">"Great warm up. I won't hesitate to use you again"</font>. With that, the girl walks away, leaving Zara alone to finally change.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=20]]</center>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to help the girl out...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
@@Zara grabs her workout attire from the locker room. Luckily, one of the stalls had their locks open! She walks up to the stall door but before she swings it open, she hears a moan from inside the stall. Intrigued, Zara puts her ear to the door. A male's moan could be heard from inside the stall! And a slight wet sloppy noise with a little hint of gagging.
Zara starts to back off when she suddenly feels herself getting unbalanced, tripping forward. She falls into the stall, surprising the couple inside.
<font color="fuchsia">"I thought I told you to lock the door!"</font>, the woman hisses at the man. The man does not reply, instead grabs the woman's head and places her mouth back on his cock.
<font color="cyan">"You are a pretty one, why don't you come here and help out?"</font>, the man tells Zara in a flirtatious tone. The woman looks at Zara and winks, looks like she does not mind either. But, should Zara really do this?
<<link "Leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara just shakes her head, no way could she just join some random people having sex. It would just be too awkward for her right now. Zara closes the stall door and walks away. The door's lock clicks behind Zara, now marked red. Nobody would disturb the couple anymore.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes in the middle of the locker room. Even in such a fancy gym, there were not a lot of separate stalls to change in, and they were always full. But it did not matter, Zara was confident enough in her body, and it also did not hurt to see the smoking hot bodies of the other women changing too...
She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to join them, because why not? It would be a fun experience for the three of them. Before she knew it, Zara was on her knees along with the other woman, both of them now faced the penis of the man standing in front of them, penis twitching and precum already leaking.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/ffm'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two women slobber on his dick, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara loved pleasuring a man with another woman on her team.<<else>>Zara was not used to this stuff but was liking it.<</if>> The man raises his hand, showing a sign he was about to cum. The woman grabs the back of Zara's head and pushes her down his dick, making sure every drop of cum is received by Zara. She can feel the warm cum splatter the back of her throat and <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>she swallows reflexively.<<else>>she does her best to swallow it all.<</if>>
Once every drop of cum had been eked out, Zara leaves the couple in the stall. She really has to get changed for her workout.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=25]]</center>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to join the couple...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes in the middle of the locker room. Even in such a fancy gym, there were not a lot of separate stalls to change in, and they were always full. But it did not matter, Zara was confident enough in her body, and it also did not hurt to see the smoking hot bodies of the other women changing too... Except this time, it looks like someone else was also watching Zara. It was another girl, a similar age to Zara with her clothes off too. The two of them catch each other staring before looking away again, blushing.
Zara grabs her workout attire but before she can proceed, she feels a hand on her shoulder. She spins around, reflexively covering herself. It was a silent rule of the locker room to not look while changing outside a stall, let alone walk up so close to a person in the nude.
<font color="fuchsia">"Hey, liked what you saw?"</font>, the girl whispers, leaning closer into Zara. She could catch a faint whiff of lemon on the girl's skin.
<font color="pink">"Maybe. What's it to you?"</font>, Zara answers. Her face is now red as a tomato. She could not help glancing down at the girl's body. Her physique was fit and strong, her abs hinted at countless hours spent in the gym, along with her toned arms.
<font color="fuchsia">"I gotta warm up. You could help"</font>, the girl purrs.
<<link "Don't help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara shakes her head. Rejecting any advances from the girl. Changing clothes was one thing, but doing anything sexual in such a public place? That was unthinkable to Zara.
The girl just scoffs and walks off, feelings definitely a bit hurt from rejection.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Help">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara bites her lower lip and nods in excitement. She could feel her nipples already getting harder just at the thought of her and the girl together, their bodies intertwined with each other. The girl positions herself and Zara on a bench. The two bring their pussies closer and closer to each other's until finally...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/lgrind'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
They start rubbing their pussies against each other, and their wet juices flow freely into each other, slowly dribbling onto the bench, making a mess but neither of them cared. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara had become such a slut, it did not matter anymore that she was scissoring with random girls.<<else>>Zara could not believe she was scissoring with random girls. Was this right? It felt too good!<</if>> They both were now under the spell of pure bliss. Zara feels an orgasm coming, stronger than she has ever felt. It rocks through her body, making her legs quake and turn to jelly. Zara squirts all over the table as the orgasm continues to flow through her.
Satisfied, the girl gets up and winks at Zara, <font color="fuchsia">"Great warm up. I won't hesitate to use you again"</font>. With that, the girl walks away, leaving Zara alone to finally change.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=20]]</center>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to help the girl out...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/gym/locker/men_locker.jpg" height="300"></center>\
Zara hesitated for a moment, then peeked into the men's locker room. She felt a mix of curiosity and nervousness as she glanced around. Lockers lined the walls, and the faint sound of laughter echoed from somewhere inside. The room had a distinct, musky scent, and she quickly took in the scattered gym bags and towels.
A couple of men could be seen by Zara. Their backs to her, and what a sight it was... they were chiseled. Any small movement sent ripples through their muscles. Zara would do anything to get her hands on them, use her nails, and dig into their backs, whew! One of the men turned around, his abs were rock solid. Zara was sure if she punched him in the stomach, she would break her hands. She feels her pussy getting wetter just watching them.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>></center>\
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance lte 75>>\
<<link "Leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides this is enough, she should get out of there before she gets caught. If anybody reports her, her membership would be fined, and that would suck. She backs away from the door quietly and returns to the main workout area.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>></center>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<link "Enter the room">>
<<goto "Gym Locker Room Men events">>
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to enter the room or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
Another man suddenly turns around and his eyes fall on Zara. He can clearly see her face peeking into the room.
<font color="cyan">"Yo! What the fuck are you doing?"</font>, he yells at Zara. She tries to leave but the man opens the door fully and grabs her arm.
<font color="cyan">"Hey come check this out. Caught us a fish"</font>, he shouts into the room. A few more men gather around Zara. Someone in the back wolf-whistled, sending a wave of laughter through the men.
<font color="pink">"I am sorry! I will leave right now. Seriously, sorry"</font>, Zara says and tries to leave, but the man holding her does not let go.
<font color="cyan">"Huh? Leave? You know this is a breach of the privacy rule right? Now, that's a pretty big deal. But, we are willing to not complain if you just do something for us"</font>, he replies. The men around Zara started cheering and clapping. <font color="cyan">"So, how about it? Why don't you show off that body of yours?"</font>, he continues.
<<link "Don't show off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Umm, no. Not happening. Go ahead and snitch"</font>, she answers the man. She yanks her arm out of his grasp. While exiting the room, she can hear the boos and jeers of the men behind her.
She is definitely going to get her subscription fined...
<center><font color="gold">-10 Days Gym Subscription</font>
<<set $playerGymSub -=10>>\
<<if $playerGymSub lt 0>>\
<<set $playerGymSub =0>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Show off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Oh, so you want me to show off my body, huh?"</font>, she replies with a sultry tone. She gently takes her arm out of the man's grasp and takes a few steps back. Might as well make sure everybody could see her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>It made her so horny, all this attention on her.<<else>>While being confident on the outside, Zara felt nervous. Should she really be doing this?<</if>>
The men start cheering and clapping, all their eyes on Zara, waiting impatiently for her clothes to slip off her. Zara can feel her pussy getting wet, the wanting in their gaze made her feel hot and horny.
<img src="img/school/boyswc/strip.webp" height="220">
All the men stare at her in awe and marvel at her body. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She twirls around showing off her ass and shakes it, letting it bounce up and down, making them even more mesmerized.<<else>>She does her best to show off her body.<</if>> Suddenly, Zara hears a couple of zipping noises and realize a few men had their dicks out, jerking off. Feeling weirded out but also turned on, Zara continues dancing sexily for them.
She is interrupted when suddenly a group of men come reach out to her, dicks out and try to drag her to her knees. Is this too much?
<<link "This is too much - Escape">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Woah woah woah! We did not agree to this!"</font>, Zara yells out whilst fighting off the hands. None of the men pay her any heed. There are just too many to fight off but Zara continues to struggle.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,100)>>
Zara manages to fight off the hands that surround and grab her, biting and kicking her way towards the door until nobody stands in her way. She turns around to face the men, some of them still look at her with a hunger in their eyes. Some looked ashamed of themselves. And some were just scared of what would happen.
Someone would probably snitch about her, but who cares? This was honestly too much!
<center><font color="gold">-5 Days Gym Subscription</font>
<<set $playerGymSub -=5>>\
<<if $playerGymSub lt 0>>\
<<set $playerGymSub =0>>\
[[Leave the locker room|Gym][$minute+=3]]</center>
Zara was unable to fight off the men, there just were too many. Her knees slam against the floor as the men successfully drag her down and surround her. Before she knew it, she was surrounded by dicks, all of them pointed towards her. Zara opens her mouth to shout for help but before even a peep of sound could come out a dick is shoved into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The men keep passing Zara around like a sex object rather than a living breathing human being, all of them use her mouth for their own pleasure. Zara feels her jaw ache as dick after dick pump into her mouth.
After what seemed like ages she feels cum splatter against her face.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/fbbcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
It feels like she is in a shower of cum as it jets off it splashes against her face and breasts as the men relieve themselves on top of her. She has no option but to push through this ordeal... Finally, it seemed like all the men were done, all of them high-fived each other and started leaving the locker room or going back to showers, leaving Zara completely alone to put her clothes back on.
<center><font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Leave the locker room|Gym][$minute+=55]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=65 and $PlayerEnergy>=30>>\
<<link "Satisfy them">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara willingly gets onto her knees and opens her mouth wide, tongue hanging out.<<else>>Zara gets onto her knees, nervous. She opens her mouth slightly, waiting.<</if>> The men on seeing this get even more rowdier, fighting for who gets to use her mouth first. Finally, one man manages to step forward and inserts his dick into her mouth whilst the rest gather around and impatiently wait their turn.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara spends what seems like an eternity blowing every single man in the locker room, being passed around like an object. Her jaw aches from all the dick she has been sucking, hoping nobody else walks into the locker room so as to not have any more work to do...
Finally, the men gather around again but this time all Zara has to do is sit on her knees and look pretty with her mouth wide open waiting for their cum.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bbcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Load after load is dumped onto Zara and she laps it up happily, loving the taste of all the different cum being dumped on her. After every single man had finally emptied their balls onto Zara's face, they give her a cheer as she gets up, face covered with their cum. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara just smiles at them and gives one last shake of her ass before putting her clothes back on in order and washing her face to leave the washroom with some dignity.<<else>>All Zara wants to do is clean up her face. The amount of cum was too much for her. Cleaning up and getting dressed again, she leaves the washroom.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
[[Leave the locker room|Gym][$minute+=45]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to satisfy their needs or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to show off...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
Zara enters the men's locker room. Nobody has noticed her yet. She continues on in, walking deeper into the room, looking at the chiseled men around her. A man notices Zara but does not say anything, just eyeing her up and down. Zara got her mark.
She walks up to him and places her hand on his muscled chest, his pecs hard as rocks beneath her palms.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>><font color="pink">"What do you say, big boy, we just find a nice little area for ourselves and I show you the time of your life?"</font>, she purrs to him.<<else>><font color="pink">"Do you want to have some fun?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervous but does not show it.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"An interesting offer. How about a friend join us too? Can be more fun that way"</font>, he replies. His interest in her was very apparent on his face.
<<link "Just the two of you">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Not a chance, I want to focus all my attention on you... and your cock"</font>, she whispers into his ear. She can feel his boner poking at her waist. He was already ready for her.
<font color="cyan">"Whatever you say"</font>, he mutters back. His eyes focused on Zara's tits.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara takes his cock out, it was already rock hard. Ready for Zara's close attention.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara slobbers on his cock. Trying to reach deeper and deeper as she goes on. She makes sure to use her tongue, delivering maximum pleasure to the man. She can hear him moan above her, making her feel even more motivated to pleasure him. Zara pushes herself deeper, letting his cock enter her throat.
<font color="cyan">"I- I am gonna cum!"</font>, the man groans above her. He pushes her off his cock and starts jerking himself off. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara opens her mouth, ready to receive her reward.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, mentally getting ready for his cum.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face, most of it landing on her tongue. The taste of exquisite, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>she happily laps up her reward and swallows it like a good girl.<<else>>she does her best to swallow all of it, she still was not perfect at this.<</if>> Now this was a good cardio session!
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<center>[[Get back to the gym|Gym][$minute+=30]]</center>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Fuck">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"I want you to fuck me"</font>, Zara whispers into the man's ear. She could feel his cock, he was already ready to do it.
The man grabs Zara by the shoulders and bends her over. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She twirls her hips alluringly at the man, making him even hornier.<<else>>She patiently waits for him to get ready.<</if>> Her pussy was already dripping with wetness, she wanted his cock so bad. The man points his cock at her pussy and enters her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the man fucks her in the middle of the men's locker room. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>The men around obviously took notice, making Zara feel even hotter.<<else>>The men around obviously took notice, Zara felt a bit embarrassed but her arousal made those thoughts disappear.<</if>> The man thrusts in and out of her, his moans making Zara even hornier. His dick was just the right size, causing Zara's arousal to build to an orgasm fast. Seeing her orgasm pushes the man over the edge too and she feels his warm cum spurt inside her.
Now this was a great cardio session!
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<center>[[Get back to the gym|Gym][$minute+=20]]</center>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to fuck...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "More the merrier">>
<<replace "#action">>\
The thought of two men fucking her right there and then was just too enticing of a deal to reject. Zara nods her consent at the man who grins and walks off to presumably find his friend. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara could not wait, she could feel her pussy getting wetter at just the thought of two cocks inside her.<<else>>Zara felt a bit nervous, could she handle two cocks at once?<</if>>
The man and his friend arrive, the two of them are amazing specimens of human beings. Their arms were ripped and their abs popped. In every motion from them, Zara could see their muscles move and ripple. With no words exchanged between them, Zara finds herself in the middle of the two men, their lips kissing her all over her neck and collarbones. She could feel goosebumps arise all over her body.
But, the time for the main event had come up. Zara finds herself on a bench in the room as the two men stand on either side of her, cocks out and throbbing.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/mmf'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two men fuck her pussy and mouth relentlessly. The feeling of two cocks inside her sends her teetering on the edge of an orgasm. She loved it. She wanted even more of it. No matter how much Zara tried to moan, the cock in her mouth did not let her. The two men above her groaned in pleasure as they used her holes for their pleasure, their groans got more breathless as they reached orgasm. Zara could feel the warm seed spurt inside her pussy, finally sending her over the edge. The orgasm rocks through her body, causing her legs to shake uncontrollably. Seeing her orgasm, the man fucking her mouth quickens his pace. He moans loudly as his cum shoots straight down Zara's throat. She could taste the saltiness at the back of her throat, it was so enticing.
What a great cardio session this was!
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<center>[[Get back to the gym|Gym][$minute+=25]]</center>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to accept his offer...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a man. And what a man he was. His muscles rippled every time he curled the weight in his hand. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he made low grunts which made Zara feel tingles.
Should she pursue these tingles...?
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout, still hearing the low grunts of the Greek god behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Pursue her tingles">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the man, her heart beating faster than usual but not because of her working out. She stops in front of the man, who now looks at her quizzically,
<font color="cyan">"I am sorry, did you need something?"</font>
Without answering, Zara flashes her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's eyes open wide as Zara jiggles her tits in front of him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She loved showing off her bodies to random strangers, it made her so <font color="red">horny</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Freely showing off her body to a stranger? Just to get him interested in her?<</if>> A bulge starts forming in his pants, it was obvious he was getting horny.
<font color="cyan">"So, you are one of those gym sluts huh?"</font>, he smirks as he walks towards Zara, closing the gap that was in between them.
<font color="pink">"Maybe... Wouldn't you like to know"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Oh, I got a good way to test how much of a slut you are"</font>, leaning forward he whispers in her ear.
Using his hands he leads Zara onto her knees, his bulge now a full tent pole right in front of her face. Zara pulls his cock out, the meaty cylinder already has a few drops of precum dripping out.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara accepts his dick into her mouth. Swirling her tongue around his head, she tastes his precum, salty but intoxicating. She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes he tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
The man takes his cock out of Zara's mouth and starts jerking himself off. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She immediately opens her mouth in anticipation of the man's cum. She waited impatiently.<<else>>She opens her mouth, nervous about the prospect of having cum in her mouth.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/bbc_facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face and tongue. The taste was intoxicating. Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the gym floor. The man now looking satisfied gives her a slap on her ass as he walks away, presumably to do some other workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a man. And what a man he was. His muscles rippled every time he curled the weight in his hand. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he made low grunts which made Zara feel tingles.
Should she pursue these tingles...?
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout, still hearing the low grunts of the Greek god behind her.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Pursue her tingles">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara walks towards the man, her heart beating faster than usual but not because of her working out. She stops in front of the man, who now looks at her quizzically,
<font color="cyan">"I am sorry, did you need something?"</font>
Without answering, Zara flashes her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's eyes open wide as Zara jiggles her tits in front of him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She loved showing off her bodies to random strangers, it made her so <font color="red">horny</font>.<<else>>Was she really doing this? Freely showing off her body to a stranger? Just to get him interested in her?<</if>> A bulge starts forming in his pants, it was obvious he was getting horny.
Without a warning, the man closes the gap in between them and kisses her. His tongue invaded her mouth in an instant before she could do anything. His dominance made the tingles worse, her nipples hardening from her arousal.
He grabs hold of her body even harder and lifts her up. She was amazed at the man's sheer raw strength. He carried her like she was just a plastic doll. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>And this is what she wanted to be from now on for this man.<</if>> She feels his cock touch her pussy, and she knew what was going to happen next.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/bbc_carried'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man thrusts in and out of her, his hands firmly clasped around her ass as he held her up. His grunts are now louder as he gets closer to orgasm. His dick was just the right size, causing Zara's arousal to build to an orgasm fast. Seeing her orgasm pushes the man over the edge too and she feels his warm cum spurt inside her. He sets her back down on the ground.
The man now looking satisfied gives her tits one last squeeze and he walks away, presumably to do some other workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/workout'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Taking a little breather from her workout, she looks around the gym. She notices that in the particular section, it was only her and a man. The man's eyes met her but she paid no heed. She had her workout to complete.
But, the man had other plans. As she continued her workout, she felt his presence right behind her. She turned around to face him, and face him she did. The man stood very close to her, their faces just a few inches away from each other.
<font color="cyan">"You look like a great slut. You could help me warm up like a good girl"</font>, the man finally speaks. His eyes roamed Zara's body, pausing on her breasts.
Should Zara let him use her body to warm up? It was an enticing thought.
<<link "No, she shouldn't">>
<<replace "#action">>\
What was she thinking? This was a very public space. Anybody could enter the area and see them doing something sexual...
Zara just shakes her head and goes back to her workout. The man just rolled his eyes and stormed off. Presumably to go find and harass some other woman.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<font color="violet">+3 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 35>>\
<<link "Let him use her">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>><font color="pink">"Sounds enticing. Let's do it"</font>, Zara purrs.<<else>><font color="pink">"Sure, let's warm up"</font>, Zara says putting on the most confident she could.<</if>> She reaches down with her hands and feels him up, his dick was already rock hard. His arousal for her starts making Zara horny. The man takes Zara to a bench and puts her on her knees and hands.
<font color="cyan">"You really are a good girl, you know your place. Below men with your mouth open for our cocks"</font>, he sneers at her. His dirty talk made Zara even hornier. He takes his dick out and inserts it into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/bbc_ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man fucks Zara's mouth relentlessly. She could feel his dick head hitting the back of her throat, and it wasn't even fully in. Trying her best, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>she opens wider and starts pushing against his cock until it finally entered her throat.<<else>>she controls her breathing to let the man continue fucking her mouth.<</if>> The man moans above her, how could he not? Zara knew she was doing well.
The man pops his dick out of her mouth and smiles at her while jerking himself off. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She immediately opens her mouth in anticipation of the man's cum. She waited impatiently.<<else>>She opens her mouth, nervous about the prospect of having cum in her mouth.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/bbc_facial'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum hit Zara's face and tongue. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>The taste was intoxicating.<<else>>Zara enjoyed the salty taste, it felt different.<</if>> Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the gym floor. The man now looking satisfied gives her a slap on her ass as he walks away, presumably to start his workout.
<center><font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -35>>\
<font color="violet">+2 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to pursue her tingles...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 35</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/school/boyswc.jpeg" height="300">
Zara enters the bathroom. It was a bit grimy but still a lot cleaner than a lot of public washrooms. Since it was unisex, all kinds of people would come in to use the facility. It also had a wall of public lockers to store items in. Zara has a permanent locker due to her dad being the police captain, which was extremely useful.
<<if $PlayerGymAdv == true || $PlayerGymAttire == true>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes == "Gym" || $PlayerClothes == "GymAdv">>\
<<link "Change back">>
<<set $PlayerClothes = $lastOutfitWorn>>
<<goto "changeback Park">>
<<if $PlayerClothes != "Gym" and $PlayerClothes != "GymAdv">>\
<<link "Change into P.E. attire">>
<<set $lastOutfitWorn = $PlayerClothes>>
<<set $PlayerClothes = "Gym">>
<<goto "Park Public Toilet Events Changing">>
<<if $PlayerClothes != "GymAdv" and $PlayerClothes != "Gym" and $PlayerGymAdv == true>>\
<<link "Change into advanced gym attire">>
<<set $lastOutfitWorn = $PlayerClothes>>
<<set $PlayerClothes = "GymAdv">>
<<goto "Park Public Toilet Events Changing">>
Zara does not own any workout attire to change into them...
[[Exit the toilet|Park][$minute+=3]]
</center><<if $lastOutfitWorn=="Slutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance>=65>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,8)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "park public toilet event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "park public toilet event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "park public toilet event3">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 4>>
<<goto "park public toilet event4">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 5>>
<<goto "park public toilet event5">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 6>>
<<goto "park public toilet event6">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 7>>
<<goto "park public toilet event7">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 8>>
<<goto "park public toilet event8">>
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara enters a toilet stall and strips off her clothes and gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<</if>>\Zara grabs her workout clothes from the locker when she feels a certain pair of eyes on her. Looking around, she sees a man staring at her. His eyes were definitely checking out her body. He notices that Zara has caught him staring and immediately averts his eyes, pretending to look everywhere but at her.
If Zara wanted, she could make this man extremely happy...
<<link "Let him be">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to ignore the man.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara enters a toilet stall and strips off her clothes and gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<link "Make him happy">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara walks over to the man who immediately starts to look panicked.
<font color="cyan">"H-Hey! Sorry, I did not mean to stare-"</font>, he starts stammering but is cut short when Zara grabs his cock. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara had become such a slut, she no longer cared if this was an inappropriate thing to do.<<else>>Zara could not believe she was doing this, what if the man complains?<</if>> She can feel him get harder under his grip. A low moan escapes his mouth.
No words or persuasion was needed, the two found themselves in a stall, their lips locked together. Zara takes the man's dick out, she could see drops of precum already leaking out.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
His dick already hard from Zara's handling stands at the ready as Zara gets on her knees. She leans forward and gives the dick head a small lick, making sure it was clean. Satisfied, she places her lips around his head.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
After a few minutes the man tenses up and says <font color="cyan">"I am going to cum"</font>
Zara pops the dick out of her mouth and <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>smiles at him while jerking him off, giving his dick head kisses to quicken his orgasm.<<else>>opens it wide, a bit nervous about having his cum in her mouth.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once every single drop of cum had been eked out, she gets up from the floor as the man slumps onto the seat, completely tired out.
She kicks the man out of the stall, she really has to change into her workout attire and get to actually exercising now. This was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara places her hands on the man's shoulders and pushes him, making him lean backward as his dick stands up and ready.<<else>>Zara motions for the man to lean backward. The man does so immediately.<</if>> She inches forward, placing her vagina right above his penis. She lowers herself onto it, feeling his dick head penetrating her pussy. She gasped as she lowered herself until it was fully inside.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
The man starts moaning louder and louder. She can feel him stiffening up underneath her. She knows what's coming next. She rides him faster until with a sharp gasp from the man, she feels warm spurts of cum land inside her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>What a slut! She just let a random stranger cum inside her.<<else>> Zara's heart pounds, she had just let a random stranger cum inside her!<</if>>
She kicks the man out of the stall, she really has to change into her workout attire and get to actually exercising now. This was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex with him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns her back to the man and presents her ass to him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Shaking it alluringly at him.<<else>>She does her best to sexily show it off.<</if>> He immediately places his cock near her pussy when Zara interrupts him.
<font color="pink">"How about anal instead?"</font>, Zara innocently asks him before he can thrust in.
Without a second thought, the man spits on his dick, coating it with wet slimy saliva before re-aiming his dick.
<font color="cyan">"Are you sure?"</font>, the man asks. Zara just looks back at him and nods, giving him consent.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as the man thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from the man brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming.
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara had become such a slut! She just let a man fuck her ass and cum inside!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just let a random stranger fuck her ass and cum inside!<</if>>
She kicks the man out of the stall, she really has to change into her workout attire and get to actually exercising now. This was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal with him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make the man happy or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
@@Zara grabs her workout clothes from the locker when she feels a certain pair of eyes on her. Looking around, she sees a woman staring at her. Her eyes were definitely checking out Zara's body. She notices that Zara has caught her staring and immediately averts her eyes, pretending to look everywhere but at her.
If Zara wanted, she could make this woman extremely happy...
<<link "Let her be">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to ignore the woman.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara enters a toilet stall and strips off her clothes and gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<link "Make her happy">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara walks over to the woman who immediately starts to look panicked.
<font color="fuchsia">"H-Hey! Sorry, I did not mean to stare-"</font>, she starts stammering but is cut short when Zara grabs her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara had become such a slut, she no longer cared if this was an inappropriate thing to do.<<else>>Zara could not believe she was doing this, what if the woman complains?<</if>> She can feel a slight wetness start spreading already. A low moan escapes the woman's mouth.
No words or persuasion was needed, the two found themselves in a stall, their lips locked together. Their clothes already off their bodies as the women passionately hold each other.
<<link "Finger her">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara pushes the woman back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Zara motions for the woman to get on the toilet seat. Using her hands, she gently spreads the woman's legs.<</if>>
Using her fingers she starts to trail around the woman's vagina, teasing her. The woman gets more and more excited, Zara could see this as her pussy got wetter every second. Finally, Zara gives the woman what she wants, pleasure. Pure pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/lfinger.webp" height="220">
She reaches into the depths of the woman's pussy, making sure her fingers rub each and every part of her insides for maximum pleasure. Zara sped up her fingering on seeing the woman's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm.
The woman's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's touch. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>What a slut Zara had become! Fingering a random woman in a public toilet.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just did what she did in a public toilet stall. It did make her feel hot.<</if>>
She kicks the woman out of the stall, she really has to change into her workout attire and get to actually exercising now. This was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Eat her out">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara pushes the woman back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Zara motions for the woman to get on the toilet seat. Using her hands, she gently spreads the woman's legs.<</if>>
Zara leans forward and starts to kiss the woman's inner thighs. She could already feel the goosebumps arise on her thighs as she slowly made her way toward the vagina. Finally, she reaches the Holy Grail of body parts. Zara uses her tongue to first wetten the vagina but finds out there was no need, the woman was already wet from Zara's tease.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/loral.webp" height="220">
Using her tongue she starts to swirl around the clit, flicking it up and down with her tongue by making letters of the alphabet. The woman grabs Zara's hair as the pleasure builds, the woman cannot believe how her day is going.
Zara sped up her tongue on seeing the woman's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm.
The woman's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's tongue. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>What a slut Zara had become! Eating out a random woman in a public toilet.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just did what she did in a public toilet stall. It did make her feel hot.<</if>>
She kicks the woman out of the stall, she really has to change into her workout attire and get to actually exercising now. This was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give oral or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make the woman happy or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
Zara grabs her workout clothes and enters one of the stalls. Before she could close the door, a foot came in the gap and blocked the door from closing. Frustrated, Zara opens the door, about to shout at the person holding it open when she stops dead in her tracks. In front of her stood a beautiful mature woman, much older than Zara. The woman looked sheepish, glancing behind Zara constantly.
<font color="fuchsia">"Sorry, so sorry. I left something here, I just need to get it"</font>, the woman tells Zara.
<font color="pink">"Yeah yeah! Of course, go ahead"</font>, Zara replies and steps to the side, allowing the woman to also step into the stall.
The woman walks past Zara towards the bowl and bends down to pick something up. The woman grabs a long... plastic.... what is that?
<font color="pink">"Is that a strap-on?!"</font>, Zara could not help but blurt it out.
The woman turns around and just smiles and nods. The woman starts to leave the stall, as she has now obtained her object of interest. Zara feels like she should stop the woman... ask her if she could use that on her...
<<link "Let her go">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to let the woman go. What was she thinking? It would be very weird to ask a complete stranger to use a strap-on on her...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara closes the toilet stall door and strips off her clothes and gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Ask her">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara would love to be fucked by the woman, so she makes her wish come true.
<font color="pink">"How about you used that on me?"</font>, she asks the woman with a sultry smile on her face.<<else>>She could not hold herself back. Zara blurts out again, <font color="pink">"What if you used it on me?"</font>. Her face immediately starts turning red with her own forwardness.<</if>>
The woman turns around, a small smile on her lips, <font color="fuchsia">"I don't think you would be able to hand me, darling"</font>. Those words send a charge through Zara. She could handle anything... and she would show the woman!
With a sultry smile, Zara pulls the woman closer to her and starts making out with her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The woman, pulls away, gasping. She comes back into Zara's embrace, the two continue making out but this time, their clothes come off one by one.
The woman bends Zara over and positions herself behind. She pulls out a tube of lube and applies it over the strap-on, getting it ready to penetrate Zara. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara waits with impatience and excitement bubbling in her.<<else>>Zara waits, she feels so nervous but also so excited.<</if>> Finally, she gets what she wants as she feels the plastic toy enter her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/ltoilet'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the woman fucks her from behind. She can feel the plastic cock penetrating deeper and deeper as the woman continued thrusting. Every centimeter brought Zara a cascade of pleasure until it finally overfilled, making her orgasm. Her vision blurred as her legs shook uncontrollably. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>She really did just let a random woman fuck her with a strap-on in a public toilet stall. What a slut!<<else>>Zara could not believe she let a random woman fuck her with a strap-on in a public toilet stall. They could have been caught!<</if>>
<font color="fuchsia">"You are a good girl"</font>, the woman gasps, tired from all the fucking. The woman pats Zara's head and puts on her clothes while Zara still lies there gasping.
The woman exits the stall as Zara finally catches her breath. Zara realizes that she really has to change into her workout attire and get to actually exercising now. This was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=30]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to make the woman happy or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
Zara grabs her workout clothes and enters one of the stalls. Before she could close the door, a foot came in the gap and blocked the door from closing. Frustrated, Zara opens the door, about to shout at the person holding it open when she stops dead in her tracks. In front of her stood a man, definitely drunk. The man gazes at Zara as if he was analyzing her. Without asking, he starts entering the stall but Zara stops him.
<font color="pink">"What are you doing?"</font>, Zara asks the man haughtily. Now that he was closer, she noticed something weird. While the man looked drunk, she could not smell a whiff of alcohol on him.
<font color="cyan">"What do you meaaaan, Jan-hic-net"</font>, the man slurs. <font color="cyan">"It's me, let me in"</font>, he continues. He starts trying to push himself inside much harder.
The amount of strength and coordination this man was showing... he was definitely not drunk. What was he up to? Nothing good most likely...
<<link "Struggle and push him out">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara struggles against the man. Something was very off with him, there was something dark lurking beneath his eyes. She starts trying to push the man out of the stall before he can enter inside completely.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,110)>>\
Placing her hands on his shoulder, Zara gives the hardest push she could using all her strength. The man is sent flying backward out of the stall. Anger now replaces that drunk look on his face and he starts trying to get in again but Zara is too quick. She darts forward and slams the stall door shut.
<font color="cyan">"BITCH!"</font>, the man yells from outside and slams the door with his fist. But, the door holds. Zara hears his footsteps going away from the stall door. She gives a sigh of relief...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes and gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=8]]</center>
No matter how hard Zara tried, the man just was too strong for her. He pushes Zara inside and closes the door behind him. The drunk look on his face was now gone, replaced with something a lot more primal.
<font color="pink">"Please, please just leave"</font>, Zara pleads the man. She could see his eyes fixated on her breasts. The man pays no heed to her and moves forward, closing the gap between them.
His hands immediately start groping her tits, squeezing them hard. Zara gasps in pain- and also a bit of pleasure.
<font color="cyan">"Your body is mine"</font>, the man growls as he starts taking off Zara's clothes. She does her best to struggle but nothing helps, she finds herself unclothed in front of the man who continues groping her tits and ass.
He forces her on her knees and takes his cock out. Zara could smell the weird musky odor of a cock gone unwashed for a while. No way could she put this in her mouth, but the man was not asking. He forces her mouth open and shoves his cock in.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He thrusts into her mouth, causing her to choke on her own saliva and the lack of air reaching her lungs. Using both her hands she tries to push him off her but to no avail. What has she gotten herself into?
<font color="cyan">"If I feel even a little bit of teeth, I will fuck your ass so hard you won't be able to walk"</font>, the man growls.
But, Zara could not help it, the lack of oxygen was getting to her. Her jaw ached too much, she needed a bit of reprieve and she slackened her jaw just a little. But that little was too much. She felt the edge of her teeth just very lightly grazing his cock, and that was enough.
The man slaps Zara hard, and her vision goes blurry. She falls to the side, her balance completely lost from the hard hit. Grabbing her armpits, the man picks her up and bends her over the toilet bowl. With no lube, just Zara's own spit, he thrusts into Zara's ass hole.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara tried to scream from the pain, but she was stifled as the man placed his hand firmly on her mouth. The pain was too much, it felt like her ass was going to tear. Tears stream down her face as the man fucks her relentlessly in the ass. Finally, with a groan, she feels a warm spurt of cum inside her as the man orgasms.
With no words spoken the man dresses up and leaves, leaving Zara on the floor of the stall, a complete mess. She lays there for a while, catching her breath. Thinking thoughts that made her happy. Anything to make herself feel better.
Finally, she gets up from the floor, she would not let this change her or what she wants or needs to do. She was strong, nothing would break her.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=59]]</center>
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 98>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 98%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Call his bluff and let him in">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara grabs the man's collar and pulls him in and slams him against the wall.
<font color="pink">"You really think I don't know you are sober? I know what you want"</font>, Zara whispers sluttily.<<else>>Zara opens the door and the man walks in immediately.
<font color="pink">"Let's do what you want"</font>, Zara nervously tells the man. What if this was a mistake?<</if>> She grabs the man's cock, she feels it getting harder underneath her hand.
<font color="cyan">"I was ready to do this the hard way, but looks like you have been trained well"</font>, the man grunts. The pleasure from Zara's groping was evident in his tone.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>Zara goes to her knees, taking out his cock.<<else>>The man drags Zara to her knees and takes his cock out.<</if>> The odor hit her nose, it had definitely not been washed for a while but Zara did not care. She darts forward and places her lips around his cock.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The man moans above her, loving every second of it.
The man pops his dick out of her mouth, he grabs her, and places her above the toilet bowl, bending her over. He aims his cock at her ass hole, slowly entering it. No lube, just Zara's spit.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as the man thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from the man brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming.
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 95>>She really did just let a potential rapist use her body freely, what a slut!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just let a potential rapist use her body so freely! What was wrong with her?<</if>>
The man leaves without a word, definitely happy from the pleasure he just received. Zara gathers herself, she still has to change!
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=30]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to call his bluff and let him in or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 80</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
Zara enters one of the stalls. She sighed to herself, she felt stressed for some reason. Zara wanted to do something, something just for herself... She definitely could. But it's in a public toilet. Not really the best place to masturbate.
<<link "Let it be">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to let it go. Right now was not the time. She had better things to do anyway.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes and gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 5 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to say fuck it and masturbate. She immediately slides down her panties and starts gently caressing her pussy to get more into the mood first. Once she thinks she is ready she inserts her fingers into her pussy, gently moving in and out. Already feeling her arousal only increase she speeds up.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/masturbate'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The <font color="red">PLEASURE</font> is too much, Zara feels a tension build inside her. She realizes she is close to cumming. She repositions herself and gets ready.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/squirt'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Feeling much better already, Zara decides to get ready. It was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to masturbate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
@@Zara grabs her workout attire from the locker room. Luckily, one of the stalls had their locks open! She enters the stall and closes the door. She stopped, the door had a hole in it. Not a big one but if someone did look into it... they would see her change.
Zara simply shrugs, nothing could be done now. She strips off her clothes.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Before she grabs her workout attire, she stops. She felt something was wrong, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She turns around and from the corner of her eye, she sees an eye peeping at her from outside through the hole.
<<link "Yell">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"What the fuck!?"</font>, Zara yells. She immediately covers herself up using her hands. The eye from the hole disappears.
Zara opens the door quickly, just enough to poke her head out. She looks around but all she sees are some other women milling around. Nobody looked as if they were nervous about being caught peeping.
Zara shakes her head and decides to let it go. She has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<link "Show off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara smirks to herself. Looks like whoever this creep is, wants a show. And she can definitely provide a very good one.<<else>>Zara hypes herself up, if they wanted to see, she would let them.<</if>> She turns around to face the hole, showing off her body.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/teasing/tease_nude'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She can hear a gasp from the creep outside as <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara sexily shook her hips and jiggled her tits.<<else>>Zara did her best to show off her body.<</if>> She knows whoever is outside the door right now is enamored. Zara wants something more, she should invite whoever is outside to come join her. But, should she?
<<link "Show's over">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Alright, show's over. Go away or I start yelling"</font>, Zara teases the creep. The eye immediately disappears from the hole, they definitely did not want to take a chance.
Zara has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Invite the creep in">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"You know, you can come on in"</font>, Zara purrs.<<else>>Zara tells the person outside nervously.<</if>> She unlocks the door to the stall and stands back. She waits in anticipation as the eye disappears from the hole.
The door slowly creaks open and a figure steps in. The figure belonged to a beautiful girl, around Zara's age. The girl looked nervous, unsure of what to do. But, Zara knew exactly what to do. She steps forward and takes the girl into her arms and kisses her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"Want something more?"</font>, Zara asks the girl with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Can we do something more?"</font>, Zara asks the girl, still a bit nervous.<</if>>
The girl doesn't say anything but just nods, the arousal evident in her eyes.
Zara drops to her knees and darts her tongue at the girl's pussy.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Oh my god"</font>, the girl gasps as Zara starts to eat her out. Sliding her tongue through the folds of her vagina.
<<set _i = random(4,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/goral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The girl grabs Zara's head as pleasure flows through her body. The pleasure on her face made Zara even more enthusiastic about eating the girl out. She quickens her pace. The girl moans as an orgasm rocks through her body.
Zara gets up and wipes her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She smiles and slaps the girl on the ass.<<else>>She gets up from the floor, smiling.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"Alright now, time to leave"</font>, she tells the girl with a fake sterness. The girl smiles and leaves without a word.
Zara has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to invite the creep in...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to show off...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
@@Zara grabs her workout attire from the locker room. Luckily, one of the stalls had their locks open! She enters the stall and closes the door. She strips off her clothes.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Standing completely naked, she looks down at her body. She really did have a great body. Anybody would be lucky to get their hands on it. Zara realizes she could use her own hands right now on her body...
<<link "Let it be">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to let it go. Right now was not the time. She had better things to do anyway.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 5 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to say fuck it and masturbate. She starts gently caressing her pussy to get more into the mood first. Once she thinks she is ready she inserts her fingers into her pussy, gently moving in and out. Already feeling her arousal only increase she speeds up.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The <font color="red">PLEASURE</font> is too much, Zara feels a tension build inside her. The orgasm finally reaches its peak and rocks through her body. She leans against the wall for balance as her legs shake from the pleasure.
Feeling much better already, Zara decides to get ready. It was a great warm-up though.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets into her workout attire. The material was a lot more breathable, allowing Zara to work out for longer without getting fatigued. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to masturbate or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
@@Zara looked around, none of the store attendees were watching her. She takes her chance and sneaks into the changing room. Going in there without clothes to "try on" would be very suspicious.
She closes the stall door behind her. The idea of masturbating in a semi-public place was making Zara even hornier. She can feel her pussy already getting wet from just the thought. She strips off her clothes. There was no need for them right now.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She starts gently caressing her pussy to get more into the mood first. Once she thinks she is ready she inserts her fingers into her pussy, gently moving in and out. Already feeling her arousal only increase she speeds up.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The <font color="red">PLEASURE</font> is too much, Zara feels a tension build inside her. The orgasm finally reaches its peak and rocks through her body. She leans against the wall for balance as her legs shake from the pleasure.
After catching her breath. Zara gets her clothes back on. She should not stay in there for too long otherwise she might get called out. She opens the stall door and slips out.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<center>[[Continue|Colonel Clothing Shoppe][$minute+=15]]</center>Zara grabs her workout attire from her locker. She looks around and sees a stall is empty, it is tucked away in the corner. Entering it, she looked around to make sure nothing gross was in there when she saw a hole in the side of the stall. Zara just shrugs, as long as nobody peaks into the stall without her consent, she is fine with it.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Stripping off her clothes, she is interrupted... Zara yelps in surprise as a dick enters through the hole right into the stall. There was a knock on the stall wall as if indicating something.
<<link "Yell">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"What the fuck?!"</font>, Zara yells out. She smacks on the wall of the stall and runs out of the stall to confront whoever it is in the next stall but it is empty.
Zara shakes her head. She does not have the time to waste on these perverts. Zara gasps as she realizes she is naked in front of several random strangers! She ran out without putting her clothes back on!
Embarrassed, Zara goes back into her stall and puts on her workout attire. She does not want to even think about all the eyes on her.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
<<link "Service">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara reaches forward and grabs the cock. She pulls on it slightly, hearing the groan from the man in the other stall excited Zara. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She wished she could see the pleasure on his face...<<else>>Not being able to see his face made Zara feel more confident for unknown reasons.<</if>> She slowly jerked it off until it was fully hard and ready for other actions to be taken.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She leans forward and gives the penis a few licks, making the man on the opposite side give out a low moan. Hearing him makes Zara feel even more motivated.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/ghb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, making sure her tongue swirled across the dick for maximum pleasure for the man. She can taste the precum on his dick as she kept sucking on it. The man groans and Zara feels a salty taste in her mouth as the man shoots spurts of cum straight in her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>What a slut, she really did just suck a random cock. Who did it even belong to?<<else>>Zara can't believe she just sucked a random cock, she does not even know to whom it belongs to!<</if>>
A few bills are slid through the hole which was a surprise. Zara was doing this for free but some money never hurts. She takes the money and counts it out. Done counting, she finally starts getting ready for her workout.
<center><<set _moneyEarned = random(30,50)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns around and aims her pussy toward the penis. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She was more than ready for this.<<else>>Was she even ready for this?<</if>> She slowly eases into it, letting it insert into her already wet pussy. She moves back and forth on his dick.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/ghs'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She speeds up as she feels the dick harden inside her, feeling light twitches from it, indicating the man was close to cumming. Zara no longer had any thoughts in her head, she just wanted the cum.
After just a few seconds, her wishes came true as she felt a liquid warmth inside her as the man came into her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>What a slut, she really did just fuck a random cock. Who did it even belong to?<<else>>Zara can't believe she just fucked a random cock, she does not even know to whom it belongs to!<</if>>
A few bills are slid through the hole which was a surprise. Zara was doing this for free but some money never hurts. She takes the money and counts it out. Done counting, she finally starts getting ready for her workout.
<center><<set _moneyEarned = random(50,70)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to perform sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
For no reason at all, Zara wanted to give this man even more special treatment than normal. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>She was more than ready for this.<<else>>Was she even ready for this?<</if>> She spits on her hand, making sure it was coated in saliva before fingering her own ass hole, spreading it all over. She then proceeded to turn around and use her mouth to coat the dick with her saliva.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/ghb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Feeling it was lubricated enough she stands back up and turns around, positioning her ass hole for proper entry of a dick. She goes down and it enters without any problem, making the man gasp in pleasure on the other side of the wall.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/gha'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She fights through tears and pain but also an unimaginable amount of pleasure as she pushes herself up and down on the dick, feeling it in her ass.
She hears the man groan and feels his cum deep inside her ass and a warm feeling inside spreads through her body, making her shiver and gasp in pleasure... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>What a slut, she really did just let a random cock in her ass. Who did it even belong to?<<else>>Zara can't believe she just let a random cock in her ass, she does not even know to whom it belongs to!<</if>>
A few bills are slid through the hole which was a surprise. Zara was doing this for free but some money never hurts. She takes the money and counts it out. Done counting, she finally starts getting ready for her workout.
<center><<set _moneyEarned = random(70,100)>>\
<font color="green">+_moneyEarned $</font>
<<addmoney _moneyEarned>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=20]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to perform anal or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to service or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
@@Zara grabs her workout attire from her locker. She looks around and sees a stall is empty, it is tucked away in the corner. Entering it, she looks around to make sure nothing gross is in there when she sees a hole in the door of the stall. Zara just shrugs, as long as nobody peaks into the stall without her consent, she is fine with it.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Before she grabs her workout attire, she stops. She felt something was wrong, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She turns around and from the corner of her eye, she sees an eye peeping at her from outside through the hole.
<<link "Yell">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"What the fuck!?"</font>, Zara yells. She immediately covers herself up using her hands. The eye from the hole disappears.
Zara opens the door quickly, just enough to poke her head out. She looks around but all she sees are some other people milling around. Nobody looked as if they were nervous about being caught peeping.
Zara shakes her head and decides to let it go. She has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<link "Show off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara smirks to herself. Looks like whoever this creep is, wants a show. And she can definitely provide a very good one.<<else>>Zara hypes herself up, if they wanted to see, she would let them.<</if>> She turns around to face the hole, showing off her body.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/teasing/tease_nude'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She can hear a gasp from the creep outside as <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara sexily shook her hips and jiggled her tits.<<else>>Zara did her best to show off her body.<</if>> She knows whoever is outside the door right now is enamored. Zara wants something more, she should invite whoever is outside to come join her. But, should she?
<<link "Show's over">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Alright, show's over. Go away or I start yelling"</font>, Zara teases the creep. The eye immediately disappears from the hole, they definitely did not want to take a chance.
Zara has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Invite the creep in">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"You know, you can come on in"</font>, Zara purrs.<<else>>Zara tells the person outside nervously.<</if>> She unlocks the door to the stall and stands back. She waits in anticipation as the eye disappears from the hole.
The door slowly creaks open and a figure steps in. The figure belonged to a beautiful girl, around Zara's age. The girl looked nervous, unsure of what to do. But, Zara knew exactly what to do. She steps forward and takes the girl into her arms and kisses her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"Want something more?"</font>, Zara asks the girl with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Can we do something more?"</font>, Zara asks the girl, still a bit nervous.<</if>>
The girl doesn't say anything but just nods, the arousal evident in her eyes.
Zara drops to her knees and darts her tongue at the girl's pussy.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Oh my god"</font>, the girl gasps as Zara starts to eat her out. Sliding her tongue through the folds of her vagina.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/goral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The girl grabs Zara's head as pleasure flows through her body. The pleasure on her face made Zara even more enthusiastic about eating the girl out. She quickens her pace. The girl moans as an orgasm rocks through her body.
Zara gets up and wipes her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She smiles and slaps the girl on the ass.<<else>>She gets up from the floor, smiling.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"Alright now, time to leave"</font>, she tells the girl with a fake sterness. The girl smiles and leaves without a word.
Zara has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to invite the creep in...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to show off...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
Zara grabs her workout attire from her locker. She looks around and sees a stall is empty, it is tucked away in the corner. Entering it, she looks around to make sure nothing gross is in there when she sees a hole in the door of the stall. Zara just shrugs, as long as nobody peaks into the stall without her consent, she is fine with it.
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Before she grabs her workout attire, she stops. She felt something was wrong, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She turns around and from the corner of her eye, she sees an eye peeping at her from outside through the hole.
<<link "Yell">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"What the fuck!?"</font>, Zara yells. She immediately covers herself up using her hands. The eye from the hole disappears.
Zara opens the door quickly, just enough to poke her head out. She looks around but all she sees are some other people milling around. Nobody looked as if they were nervous about being caught peeping.
Zara shakes her head and decides to let it go. She has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 5>>\
<<link "Show off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara smirks to herself. Looks like whoever this creep is, wants a show. And she can definitely provide a very good one.<<else>>Zara hypes herself up, if they wanted to see, she would let them.<</if>> She turns around to face the hole, showing off her body.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/teasing/tease_nude'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She can hear a gasp from the creep outside as Zara sexily shook her hips and jiggled her tits. She knows whoever is outside the door right now is enamored. Zara wants something more, she should invite whoever is outside to come join her. But, should she?
<<link "Show's over">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Alright, show's over. Go away or I start yelling"</font>, Zara teases the creep. The eye immediately disappears from the hole, they definitely did not want to take a chance.
Zara has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Invite the creep in">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>><font color="pink">"You know, you can come on in"</font>, Zara purrs.<<else>>Zara tells the person outside nervously.<</if>> She unlocks the door to the stall and stands back. She waits in anticipation as the eye disappears from the hole.
The door slowly creaks open and a figure steps in. The figure belonged to a handsome boy, around Zara's age. The boy looked nervous, unsure of what to do. But, Zara knew exactly what to do. She steps forward and takes the boy into her arms and kisses him. She can feel his boner already poking her as their kiss becomes more passionate. She takes out his penis, wrapping her hands around it. She <font color="red">needed</font> it in her.
Zara gets to her knees and spits on the boy's cock, wrapping her lips around it tight, she goes down on him.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The boy moans above her, loving every second of it. Satisfied with how much she had lubed it up, she got up from her knees and pushed the boy onto the toilet. Positioning herself appropriately, she lowers herself down on his cock.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara had become such a slut, easily taking control of the boy.<<else>>Zara did feel nervous about being so in control, but it made her so aroused.<</if>> She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
The boy starts moaning louder and louder. She can feel him stiffening up underneath her. She knows what's coming next. She rides him faster until with a sharp gasp from the boy, she feels warm spurts of cum land inside her.
Zara gets up, the cum drips out of her pussy. There was so much of it!
<font color="pink">"Alright now, time to leave"</font>, she tells the boy with a fake sterness. The boy smiles and leaves without a word. Definitely happy with his experience just now.
Zara has to go work out. She gets into her workout attire, the material is a lot lighter and breathable, making it easier to work out for a longer time.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>></center>\
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to invite the creep in...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption or energy to show off...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 5</font></center>
<center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 2 Started:</font> The Ex Conundrum II</h3></center>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest = 2>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara spotted Dick in the distance, his familiar outline easy to recognize even from afar. A flicker of excitement sparked within her as she adjusted her pace, walking towards him. She raised her hand, ready to wave and catch his attention, but before her arm could stretch out fully, she stopped dead in her tracks.
Another girl was with him.
The sight caused a prickle of heat to rise in her chest. She felt her heart thud with a strange intensity, one she couldn't quite put her finger on. "Why am I feeling this way?", she wondered, a flush of something between irritation and unease settling over her. Zara bit her lip, surprised at herself. Dick was just a friend! They still barely know each other. There was no reason to feel like this.
Almost as quickly as it had come, though, the heat in her chest started to dissipate, fading into a cloud of embarrassment. She shook her head, chiding herself. Get it together, Zara. With a small sigh, she steeled herself and resumed her approach, setting her face into a casual smile.
But as she drew closer, Zara slowed again, this time for a different reason. She noticed something tense in the air between Dick and the girl, something sharp and barely restrained. Their body language wasn’t friendly—arms crossed, chins lifted slightly. There was a stiffness, an edge to their stances, almost like a storm brewing. Dick’s expression was unusually strained, his mouth a tight line, while the girl looked equally aggravated, her hands balled into fists at her sides.
Zara’s curiosity grew. She felt a twinge of hesitation—was it right to interrupt? But the tension between them was thick, as if one wrong word could set off an explosion. She could not help it though.
[[Interrupt them|dick quest2 interrupt][$minute+=2]]</center><center><img src="img/livingroom/dorm.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this. Standing in the girl’s quiet apartment, she felt a strange mix of nerves and curiosity churning in her stomach. Now, as Lisa took Dick by the hand and led him to the dimly lit bedroom, Zara followed, her heartbeat quickening. This was going to be weird, no doubt, but maybe there was a thrill in the unpredictability of it all... or so she hoped.
Lisa takes hold of Zara's waist, her grip tight, but not too tight, just the right amount. She pulls her in and gently starts making out with her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The kiss was full of passion the longer it went, Zara could feel her nipples harden as the arousal flows through her. This felt great. Lisa starts taking off her clothes, her body was luscious, the right curves at the right places. Zara follows suit, and so does Dick who had been standing in the corner of the room, watching, salivating at the sight in front of him.
Zara goes back in for the kiss but Lisa puts a hand on her chest and pushes her hard. Zara stumbles backwards and onto a chair.
<font color="fuchsia">"Watch"</font>, Lisa orders Zara. She watches as Lisa leads Dick to bed, his cock already rock hard. She climbs onto him, positioning herself just right and lowers herself.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/cuckquean'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The sight in front of Zara was so hot. She could not help but touch herself, she was so wet. Every cell in her body wanted to join them, but she did not want to mess anything up. The pleasure was building inside Zara, she flicks her clit with a little bit more pressure, a little bit of a faster rythm.
Dick suddenly groans as he cums, Lisa firmly sits on his cock and milks every single drop from his balls. It flowed out, seeing all this sent Zara over the edge, she feels the orgasm rock through her body.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest2 continue][$minute+=40]]</center><font color="pink">"I am most definitely not going to be accepting that ridiculous request"</font>, Zara replied, her voice steady, a cold anger lacing each word. She shot Dick a sharp look, wondering why he even thought she’d consider something so absurd.
The girl rolled her eyes, letting out a derisive huff. <font color="fuchsia">"Fine then"</font>, she said, her gaze shifting back to Dick with a dark intensity. <font color="fuchsia">"You’ll see what happens next"</font>
Without another word, she turned and stalked off, leaving Zara and Dick alone in a charged silence.
Zara exhaled, her annoyance still simmering as she turned to him. <font color="pink">"Okay, listen, I’m sorry, but that was ridiculous"</font>, she said, her tone softening just a little. <font color="pink">"There was no way I was going to go along with that."</font>
Dick ran a hand through his hair, looking at the ground. <font color="pink">"It’s fine… I hope"</font>, he muttered, his shoulders still tense. He didn’t meet her eyes, and for a moment, he seemed lost in his own thoughts, his gaze lingering in the direction his ex had disappeared.
<font color="pink">"Okay, but what did she mean by the whole business thing?"</font>, Zara asked, curiosity edging into her voice. The girl’s threat had seemed far too pointed to be a simple bluff.
Dick straightened up, but instead of answering, he glanced away, his expression guarded. <font color="cyan">"Never mind that"</font>, he replied, a note of finality in his voice. <font color="cyan">"I've got to get out of here. Have some things to do."</font>
Before Zara could press him further, he turned and walked away without another glance, leaving her standing there, stunned and still trying to process everything that had just happened. She watched his figure retreat, a growing mix of frustration and confusion filling her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than he was letting on.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $dick.lastQuest=2>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $cooldownDick to true>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $ZaraRejectedEx to true>>\
<<set $lisaDaysLeftForIntro = 7>>\
[[Return|Park][$minute+=20]]</center>As they strolled through the streets, Zara couldn’t shake the questions circling in her mind. The tension with Lisa, the sudden emotional swings, and, most of all, the strange threat involving Lisa’s mother and “business” left her unsettled. She studied Dick’s profile as they walked, noticing the slight tension in his jaw, the way his hands remained firmly shoved into his pockets. Finally, she decided to probe a little deeper.
<font color="pink">"So…"</font>, she began carefully, keeping her tone light but direct. <font color="pink">"What was Lisa talking about? You seemed pretty tense when she mentioned her mother and this… business thing."</font> She shot him a curious glance, hoping he’d finally let her in on whatever was going on.
Dick’s eyes stayed fixed on the path ahead, and he didn’t even glance her way. <font color="cyan">"It’s nothing"</font>, he said with a small shrug, his tone almost too casual. <font color="cyan">"Lisa’s always been… you know, dramatic. She just says things to get a reaction. You don’t need to think too much about it."</font>
He offered her a quick, reassuring smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, and Zara could tell he was holding something back.
Undeterred, Zara pressed on, feeling that something important was slipping through her fingers. <font color="pink">"But she seemed serious, Dick. And you looked genuinely worried when she brought it up."</font>
She watched him closely, but his expression remained carefully neutral, almost practiced. Instead of answering, he tightened his grip on her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as if that would somehow end the conversation.
<font color="cyan">"Come on, it’s nothing to worry about"</font>, he said, his voice low and almost dismissive. He picked up his pace slightly, clearly hoping to move on from the topic. <font color="cyan">"Let’s just forget about her and her family drama, yeah? It’s not important."</font>
Zara’s frustration grew, but she let him steer the conversation away for now, sensing that any further questions would only make him shut down more. Still, as they continued down the quiet street, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story, something he was determined to keep hidden from her.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Dick</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dick.relationship += 3>>\
<<set $dick.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dick.lastQuest=2>>\
<<set $dick.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=5>>\
<<set $ZaraRejectedEx to false>>\
<<set $lisaDaysLeftForIntro = 7>>\
[[End the quest|Park][$minute+=4]]</center><center><img src="img/mall/adultstore.jpeg" height="300">
Zara steps into the store. Adult toys and other objects lined the walls of the shop. It's not a store she would be allowed to step into if her parents were with her, that's for sure. Zara decides to browse the shelves for any objects of interest.
<<if $redPrices == true>><font color="gold">Cheap Shops is true! Store prices reduced!</font>
[[Leave the store|The Mall][$minute+=2]]
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<if $PlayerDildo == false>>\
<<if $redPrices == false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 250>>\
<<link "Buy dildo - 250$">>
<<set $PlayerDildo to true>>\
<<set $cost=250>>
<<goto "cox discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a dildo...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 250$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 200>>\
<<link "Buy dildo - 200$">>
<<set $PlayerDildo to true>>\
<<set $cost=200>>
<<goto "cox discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a dildo...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 200$</font>
Zara already has bought the dildo...
Zara does not have enough corruption to even think about buying this...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>\
<<if $PlayerStrapon == false>>\
<<if $redPrices == false>>\
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 400>>\
<<link "Buy strap-on - 400$">>
<<set $PlayerStrapon to true>>\
<<set $cost=400>>
<<goto "cox discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a strap-on...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 400$</font>
<<if $PlayerMoney gte 300>>\
<<link "Buy strap-on - 300$">>
<<set $PlayerStrapon to true>>\
<<set $cost=300>>
<<goto "cox discount">>
Zara does not have enough money to buy a strap-on...
<font color="gold">Required Money: 300$</font>
Zara already has bought the strap-on...
Zara does not have enough corruption to even think about buying this...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<if $mgSkip == false>>\
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG][$minute+=2]]
<font color="gold">Minigames Skip is true! Rewards reduced!</font>
[[Steal from the register|Stealing MG skipped][$minute+=2]]
</center>As Zara walks to the counter of the shop to pay for her purchase, she feels the cashier's eyes wander up and down her body. It seems like he had no qualms about being caught by Zara. She clears her throat to catch his attention, that she noticed and she really needs him to proceed with the purchase.
<font color="cyan">"If only girls like you walked into the shop every day"</font>, the cashier smirks at Zara.
<font color="pink">"Uhh... thanks?"</font>, Zara replies, unsure of what to say to such a statement.
But, maybe, his interest can be used to Zara's advantage. She could eke out a discount from this man. Would it be worth it though?
<<link "No... Zara can't let him defile her body for a discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides to let it be. She would keep the sanctity of her body today. Wordlessly, the cashier scans her item and the transaction is completed.
<font color="cyan">"Enjoy the purchase"</font>, the cashier sleazily tells Zara as she turns to leave.
<center><<set $PlayerMoney -= $cost>>\
<font color="green">-<<print $cost>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=10>>\
<<link "Anything for a discount">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Before the transaction could be completed, she raises her t-shirt, flashing him her amazing tits. His hands freeze on the buttons for a second. His eyes widen at the marvelous sight in front of him. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Flashing her tits for a discount? That's no biggie!<<else>>Zara wonders if she should be doing this... just for a discount...<</if>> His hands seemingly on their own, start reaching forward.
<img src="img/mall/robot/flash1.webp" height="220">
His hands squeezes her tits, a surprising amount of power behind the grip. The cashier steps out from behind the counter and stands behind her, his boner pokes Zara's ass through their pants.
The man attempts to start taking Zara's clothes off, but wasn't this too much?! Every single shopper could look through the transparent windows of the shop and see them.
<<link "Stop him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Yes, this was too much. Zara immediately pushes him away and lowers her shirt again. She wanted a discount... but not that bad.
<font color="pink">"That's enough. I do want a discount because of what just happened by the way"</font>
The cashier just shrugs. He returns to the counter and proceeds with the transaction, giving Zara a 50$ discount.
<font color="cyan">"Enjoy the purchase"</font>, the cashier sleazily tells Zara as she turns to leave.
<<set _discounted = $cost - 50>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Let him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara allows him to do as he wants, both of their clothes strewn on the floor of the shop. She bends forward onto the counter, presenting herself to him. She <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She <font color="red">WANTS</font> him inside of her.<<else>>She was just doing this for a discount... right?<</if>>And with no delay, she gets what she wants.
<img src="img/mall/robot/fuck1.webp" height="220">
His dick pumps in and out of Zara, making her gasp with each thrust. She could feel his hands roaming her body but her mind was too busy trying to comprehend the pleasure she was receiving being fucked by this man in such a public space.
The door swooshes open and a woman enters the shop, stopping dead in her tracks in the sight in front of her.
<font color="Fuchsia">"S-So-Sorry!"</font>, she gasps and immediately walks back out.
But, the man does not care, he continues grunting as he fucks Zara, who was now too deep in an ocean of pleasure to care about the woman who caught them. The pleasure finally breaks the dam holding back her orgasm, she moans as her legs twitch with pleasure. As if on cue, the man pulls out and cums all over Zara's ass.
She is definitely getting a good discount for this...
<font color="cyan">"Enjoy the purchase"</font>, the cashier sleazily tells Zara as she turns to leave.
<<set _discounted = $cost - 100>>\
<<set $PlayerMoney -= _discounted>>\
<center><font color="green">-<<print _discounted>>$</font>
[[Continue|The Mall][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let him continue...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let him defile her...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<center><h3><font color="gold">Brother's Quest 1 Started:</font> Brother's BJ Woes</h3></center>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest = 1>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara stepped into the room, her eyes immediately landing on the familiar lump under the blanket.
<font color="pink">"Kyle, seriously?"</font>, she chuckled, crossing her arms as she leaned against the doorframe. Her twin brother had cocooned himself in the covers, only the top of his head peeking out. Zara shook her head with a grin, knowing he was probably wide awake but pretending to be asleep.
Zara walks towards his bed and grabs the corners of the blanket, about to pull the covers right off him. Kyle's eyes fly open in a panic as he grabs the blanket before Zara can pull it. No matter how hard Zara tried, the blanket did not budge.
<font color="cyan">"What are you doing? Let go!"</font>, Kyle hisses at Zara.
<font color="pink">"Why, huh? Just let go"</font>, Zara teases Kyle, not realising that maybe he was trying to hide something.
Without a second thought, Zara leapt onto the bed, landing right beside Kyle with a bounce that sent him rolling. Before he could react, she was already tackling him, her laughter filling the room. Kyle, caught off guard, quickly fought back, the two of them wrestling as they jostled for the upper hand. Zara managed to pin him for a moment, sitting right on top of him.
Zara gasps as she feels something poking at her through the blanket. Her eyes wide, she looks at Kyle incredulously. He looked sheepish as he continued trying to struggle against Zara. That was definitely his cock brushing against her crotch.
<font color="pink">"Seriously Kyle?"</font>, Zara hisses as she gets off Kyle.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! I tried to get you to fuck off. Don't blame me"</font>, he hissed at her back. Now properly looking at him, Zara could see his bulge through the blanket. Surprisingly... big... she wonders what would it be like to have it in her mouth.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
[[Explore her thought|bro quest1 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to explore her thoughts...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
[[No! This was her twin brother!|bro quest1 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Brother's Quest 2 Started:</font> Twins Gone Wild</h3></center>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest = 2>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara stepped into the room, her eyes immediately landing on the familiar lump under the blanket. Seriously? Was he touching himself again with the door open? Zara rolls her eyes and walks up to Kyle. This time, he does not pretend to be asleep, instead, his eyes are wide open, staring at Zara.
Without a word, he gets up from his bed, letting the blanket fall off him. Zara gasps as she realised Kyle was pantless, his dick swinging out casually. This was not exactly the first time they did stuff like this so Zara does not mind. Without having to speak, she knows what Kyle wants, and she would love to give it to him.
Zara gets on her knees, licking her lips in anticipation as Kyle brings his cock closer and closer to Zara's mouth until it was finally in.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as she does her best to go deeper and deeper onto his cock as she sucks him off. Every low moan from Kyle sent her into a frenzy, she loved to hear him moan. She pushes herself harder, she can feel the head of Kyle's cock smack against the back of her throat.
God, Zara felt way too horny. She wanted something more... maybe... but should she go for it? Should Zara attempt to have sex with her twin brother?
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>\
[[Have sex|bro quest2 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex with Kyle...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font>
[[No, sex would be too much|bro quest2 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Brother's Quest 3 Started:</font> A Brother's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor</h3></center>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest = 3>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara found Kyle sitting on the edge of his bed, his fingers drumming lightly on his knees. His eyes met hers with an intensity she couldn't quite place—a mix of anticipation and determination. The room was quiet, save for the distant hum of the ceiling fan, but the atmosphere was charged with unspoken words. It was clear that Kyle had something on his mind, something important that he was ready to share or do, and Zara could feel the weight of whatever was about to unfold.
<font color="pink">"What's up? Something is going on with you"</font>, Zara says out loud. She crosses her arms, waiting for Kyle to reply. He gets up from the bed and walks towards Zara. He grabs her shoulders and leads her to his bed.
<font color="cyan">"I need this... okay?"</font>, he pleads. Without waiting for an answer, he pops his cock out. It was already rock hard and ready to penetrate Zara.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as her brother pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more.
Sex was cool and all, but Zara's mind started thinking of doing something new. Things have changed in Zara's mind and also in Kyle's. The things they have been doing, no siblings should ever. Why not go the distance... and try anal?
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>\
[[Try anal|bro quest3 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal sex with Kyle...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font>
[[No, sex is just fine|bro quest3 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Mother's Quest 1 Started:</font> Finger Attachment</h3></center>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest = 1>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara sat cross-legged on the bed in her parents’ room, flipping through an old magazine as her mom tidied up around her. The room was filled with the soft scent of her mom’s favourite lavender candle, and the late afternoon light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow. As they chatted about Zara’s day and the latest gossip from her mom’s book club, Zara couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Her mom’s responses were a bit too measured, her smile a little too forced. Every time Zara looked up, she caught her mom glancing at her with a contemplative expression, as if she was working up the courage to say something.
Despite the easy rhythm of their conversation, the tension in the room was palpable, like an unspoken question hanging between them. Her mom’s hands lingered on the pillows she was fluffing, her movements slower than usual, almost as if she was stalling for time. Zara noticed how her mom’s gaze kept drifting toward her, eyes soft but uncertain, as if she was debating whether or not to speak up. The atmosphere was filled with an uncharacteristic hesitance, making Zara wonder what was weighing so heavily on her mom’s mind. Yet, whatever it was, her mom remained silent, leaving Zara with the distinct impression that there was something important her mom wanted to ask but wasn’t quite ready to voice.
Finally, her mom speaks up, letting the question fly out into the room.
<font color="fuchsia">"Zara, what have you been up to lately?"</font>, her mom's voice is tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
<font color="pink">"Why do you ask, mom?"</font>, Zara tries to maintain a facade of innocence, but she knows exactly what her mother is referring to. Ever since her conversation with Dick, Zara has been subtly manipulating the dynamics between herself and her family members.
<font color="fuchsia">"Don't play dumb, Zara. I can see that you've been... trying to change things between us. And surprisingly, I'm not upset about it"</font>, Elena says, surprising both herself and Zara.
Zara's eyes widen in shock at her mother's words. Did she really just say she was glad that Zara was attempting to change their relationship? She looks at her mother, unsure of how to respond.
<font color="fuchsia">"I've heard about these things before...kinks being passed down through genetics. It's all quite fascinating, really. It's just a theory, but it seems interesting"</font>, Elena stammers through her sentences, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as she speaks.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
[[Prove the theory right|mom quest1 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to prove the theory right...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
[[Disprove the theory|mom quest1 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Mother's Quest 2 Started:</font> Mother Daughter Quality Time</h3></center>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest = 2>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara lingered in the doorway of her parent's bedroom, watching her mother brush her hair at the ornate vanity. Afternoon sunlight spilt through the gauzy curtains, casting a warm glow on her mother's delicate features. The room smelled of jasmine and vanilla, a comforting scent that brought back memories of Zara's childhood.
<font color="fuchsia">"Come in, darling"</font>, her mother said softly, catching Zara's eye in the mirror's reflection.
Zara padded across the plush carpet, sinking down onto the edge of the king-sized bed. She ran her fingers over the silky duvet, tracing the intricate floral pattern.
Her mother set down the silver-handled brush and turned to face her, a gentle smile playing on her lips. <font color="fuchsia">"Is everything alright?"</font>
Zara nodded, though her heart fluttered with nervous anticipation. Her mother's warm eyes held a question, an invitation. Slowly, Zara rose and crossed to the vanity, her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet with each step.
Her mother's gaze never left hers as Zara approached, drinking in the sight of her daughter's lithe form, the gentle swell of her breasts beneath her thin camisole. Zara's breath caught as her mother's delicate fingers reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
The touch sent a shiver down Zara's spine. She leaned into her mother's hand, nuzzling against her palm. Her mother's thumb traced the curve of Zara's cheekbone, feather-light.
Zara's eyes fluttered closed as her mother cupped her breasts, gently squeezing them. Her hands slowly moved down Zara's body, gently running her fingers across her skin. Their lips met in a passionate kiss.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She hungrily presses her lips against her mom's, their tongues tangling in a fierce battle for dominance. As their bodies become tangled together, Elena's fingers begin to explore every inch of Zara's skin, sending shivers of anticipation and desire coursing through her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as Elena expertly touches and teases her, each touch igniting a new wave of arousal within her. Gasping and panting, she clings to her mom as the intensity builds inside her until finally, she can't hold back any longer and releases in a powerful climax that leaves her trembling and breathless.
<font color="fuchsia">"Now, it's my turn. But, I want something different, something new. I want to feel your mouth down there"</font>, Elena whispers into Zara's ear. Still breathless from her orgasm, Zara thinks about it.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>\
[[Accept her mom's request|mom quest2 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to accept her mom's request...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font>
[[Reject her mom's request|mom quest2 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Mother's Quest 3 Started:</font> Mother Daughter Strap-On Adventure</h3></center>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest = 3>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Elena was excited. Zara was finally here, in her bedroom. They had spent so many hours together, exploring each other's bodies, touching and tasting and learning each other's reactions. Their fingering and oral sessions had become a routine, a dance of sorts. Zara's heart raced as she walked up to her mom.
The air was thick with the scent of vanilla and jasmine, mingling with the soft whispers of the breeze coming through the open window. Her mother was wearing nothing but a sheer black robe that barely concealed her curves. She lay on the bed as she beckoned Zara closer with a finger, her eyes shining bright with anticipation.
As Zara drew near, she could feel the heat emanating from Elena's body and could hear the rustling of the silk against the sheets. Zara found her mouth glued to her mom's pussy, her tongue sliding through the folds.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Zara's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
<font color="fuchsia">"Zara... can we try using a strap-on?"</font>, Elena gasps sharply, the orgasm had taken a lot out of her. Zara was taken aback by the question.
<<if $PlayerStrapon==true>>Zara did have a strap-on in her room, she used it a lot for other things. But using it with her mom? That would be... weird. Or maybe it would be the hottest thing imaginable.<<else>>Zara did not have a strap-on available, but should she even get one? Using one with her mom? That would be... weird. Or maybe it would be the hottest thing imaginable.<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>\
[[Accept her mom's request|mom quest3 accept][$minute+=25]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to try a strap-on with her mother...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font>
[[Reject her mom's request|mom quest3 reject][$minute+=15]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Father's Quest 1 Started:</font> A Dad's Odd Request</h3></center>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest = 1>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara sat cross-legged on the plush carpet of her parent's room, flipping through an old photo album with her dad beside her. The late afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden light across the room. Her dad pointed out a picture of her as a toddler, laughing as he recounted the day it was taken, but there was a slight strain in his voice, a hesitation that made Zara glance up at him. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, and as they turned the page, she noticed how his fingers lingered on the edge of the paper as if stalling for time.
They continued looking through the album, her dad occasionally commenting on a memory or asking Zara about her plans for the weekend, but there was an underlying tension that Zara couldn’t ignore. Every now and then, he would clear his throat, as if preparing to say something more, but then he’d fall silent, his gaze fixed on the pictures in front of them. Zara could see the faint lines of worry etched on his forehead, the way his hands subtly fidgeted with the corner of the blanket on the bed. It was clear that he had something on his mind, something important he wanted to ask or tell her, but for some reason, he was holding back, trying to keep the moment from shifting into something more serious.
<font color="pink">"Okay! That's it. Something is on your mind"</font>, Zara exasperatedly tells her dad.
<font color="cyan">"It's nothing, seriously. Just work stuff"</font>, he replies. But, his eyes told Zara it was definitely a lie.
<font color="pink">"Dad, I know you are lying. In all the years you have been an officer, you have never brought work stuff home"</font>, Zara shakes her head. <font color="pink">"Just tell me what's on your mind"</font>, she continues.
<font color="cyan">"Fine, fine. It's just... you have changed. And things have been happening where it seems like you are trying to change me"</font>, he answers finally. <font color="cyan">"I have been thinking of something. Of something specific, of how it would feel, how it would be"</font>, he continues.
<font color="pink">"I see"</font>, Zara replies. It was the only reply she could muster. She knows exactly what this was. After that conversation with Dick, things had changed for Zara, she was a lot more open to doing sexual actions with her family.
<font color="cyan">"I wanted to ask, would you... suck me off?"</font>, Ben finally tells Zara what is on his mind. The words confirmed what Zara was thinking. It really was working, whatever she was doing.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
[[Accept her dad's request|dad quest1 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to accept her dad's request...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font>
[[No! This was her own father!|dad quest1 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Father's Quest 2 Started:</font> Father Daughter Quality Time</h3></center>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest = 2>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara lay beside her dad on the large bed in her parents’ room, the soft comforter pulled up around them as they both stared at the ceiling in a comfortable silence. The room was filled with a warm, golden light from the setting sun, casting gentle shadows that danced across the walls. Zara could hear the faint ticking of the old clock on the nightstand, a familiar sound that had always brought her a sense of peace. Her dad turned his head slightly to look at her, a soft smile playing on his lips as he reached out to gently ruffle her hair, a gesture he’d done since she was a little girl. She smiled back, feeling a deep sense of contentment in this quiet moment they were sharing.
They talked about everything and nothing at all, the conversation flowing easily between them. Her dad shared stories from his younger days, things she had heard before but never tired of listening to. Zara chimed in with her own thoughts, laughing as they reminisced about old family memories. The atmosphere was light and comforting, the kind of connection that didn’t need grand gestures or deep discussions to feel meaningful. As they lay there, side by side, Zara felt an unspoken bond between them, a closeness that made her heart swell with warmth.
Except the closeness was not enough, Ben reaches out slowly and lays his hand on Zara's boob, squeezing it gently. Their faces come closer to each other and meet in a gentle kiss. Their clothes come off, strewn all over the bedroom floor. Feeling his cock brush against her thighs, made Zara very excited. She takes hold of it, slowly tugging at it, making it harder.
<font color="cyan">"I want to feel your mouth"</font>
Zara immediately slides down towards his cock and takes it into her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down her dad's cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadbj.webp" height="220">
Zara gags as she goes deeper with each move. She can taste the drops of precum that leaked out of his cock on her tongue, it was salty but intoxicating. Zara's dad suddenly takes hold of her, bringing her back up to his face.
<font color="cyan">"Can I be inside you?"</font>, Ben asks. Zara can feel his cock brushing against her pussy. Should she let him in her?
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>\
[[Accept her dad's request|dad quest2 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to accept her dad's request...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 65</font>
[[No, it would be too much|dad quest2 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Father's Quest 3 Started:</font> A Father's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor</h3></center>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest = 3>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
Zara found herself sitting beside her dad on the bed once more, the familiar thrill coursing through her as they started to take each other's clothes off. The rhythm of their movement was almost instinctual now, a blend of focus and excitement that left them both breathless.
Zara finds herself bent over the bed, her back arched perfectly, allowing her dad to enter her easily.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her father thrusts in and out of her vagina. She can feel his heat radiating from behind her as fucked her, hard. She could feel his cock stretching her out with every thrust, each thrust causing her to gasp sharply.
<font color="cyan">"Can I... put it in the other hole?"</font>, her dad suddenly stops thrusting. The question lingered in the air for a few seconds. Could she do it? Could Zara actually try anal with her own father? It would be... different.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>\
[[Accept her dad's request|dad quest3 accept][$minute+=5]]
Zara does not have enough corruption to accept her dad's request...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 75</font>
[[No, it would be too much|dad quest3 reject][$minute+=5]]</center><font color="pink">"Kyle, don't shout"</font>, Zara whispers to her twin brother. Kyle looks at her in confusion, he opens his mouth to ask her what is going on when Zara suddenly reaches down and grabs his bulge. His mouth immediately shuts in surprise, his cock twitching underneath Zara's touch.
As twins, they had always been open with each other. This was extremely different though. Zara squeezes his cock through the blanket, making it harder.
<font color="pink">"Kyle, why don't you get up and let me handle your boner?"</font>, Zara tells Kyle breathlessly. Her heart beat fast in her chest, pounding against her rib cage. Over time, ever Kyle's mind had been getting "opened" to the idea of doing certain naughty things with her.
Kyle immediately stands up, his pants already off from before. His cock stood fully ready in front of Zara. She could smell its muskiness already. It smelt... <font color="red">delicious</font>. Getting on her knees, she moves her head forward, wrapping her lips around Kyle's cock.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her brother, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, Kyle moans.
Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. The coating of cum tasted so good to Zara, she immediately starts swallowing it.
<center>[[Continue|bro quest1 end][$minute+=35]]</center>Zara just shakes her head. She might be different now. Especially after that conversation with Dick, but fantasies and reality are different.
<font color="cyan">"Dude, can you like, please leave now? This is already embarrassing enough"</font>, Kyle sheepishly tells Zara. Being twins, they had been around each other for a lot of their lives, but this was something a bit too much.
Zara turns around and starts leaving the room, she would do her best to delete this memory from her brain. She closes the door on her way out, giving Kyle his privacy.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $cooldownBro to true>>\
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center><font color="cyan">"Sis, what did we just do?"</font>, Kyle breathlessly gasps out. He slumps onto his bed, his cock slowly going flaccid. The siblings look at each other, unsure of what to do or say. Slowly, a smile breaks out on both of their faces. They felt closer to each other. Without needing a reason, the two of them start laughing. Zara felt her stomach starting to hurt from how hard they were laughing.
As their laughter finally died down, Zara sat up, catching her breath and smoothing her hair. She shot Kyle a conspiratorial grin, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
<font color="pink">"Okay, listen"</font>, she said, leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. <font color="pink">"No one needs to know about this. Got it?"</font>, she raised an eyebrow, trying to sound serious, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a smile.
<font color="pink">"We were totally just hanging out like normal, nothing crazy. Deal?"</font>, she held out her pinky, sealing the pact the way they always had as kids.
<font color="cyan">"Pinky promise, huh? I guess it's serious"</font>, Kyle rolls his eyes.
<center><font color="gold">Kyle's mind has been unlocked to accept blowjobs from Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $bro.blowjob = true>>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $bro.lastQuest=1>>\
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=4>>\
[[Exit Kyle's room|Living room][$minute+=2]]</center>Zara just shakes her head. She might be different now. Even Kyle has changed a lot but maybe this would be too much. She decides to let go of the thoughts that crowded her brain and went back to focusing on Kyle's cock.
It was not long before Kyle started twitching as he got closer to orgasm. He suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and pushes her down as he starts to cum.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels the cum splatter directly into her throat. Zara could still taste it as a few drops landed on the back of her tongue, and the taste of intoxicating.
<font color="cyan">"Ahhh! Thanks so much, sis"</font>, Kyle groans as he slumps into bed again. His cock was already becoming flaccid. Zara playfully tweaks it before turning around to leave his room.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
<<set $cooldownBro to true>>\
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara decides to go ahead with it. She wanted her brother's cock inside her. She <font color="red">NEEDED</font> it. Zara gets up from the floor, causing Kyle to immediately groan in disappointment.
<font color="cyan">"Come on, sis! I am not done yet"</font>, Kyle complains to Zara.
<font color="pink">"Why don't we try something new?"</font>, Zara purrs into Kyle's ear. She steps closer to Kyle, letting his cock brush her pussy.
<font color="cyan">"Uhh, do you mean...?"</font>, Kyle asks with uncertainity in his voice. Zara just smiles at him and nods. She can feel her pussy already wet from the idea.
Zara clambers onto Kyle's bed. Bending over, arching her back sexily. She shakes her ass alluringly at Kyle. Wasting no time, he positions himself behind Zara, pointing his cock at her entrance... before finally entering.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her brother thrusts in and out of her vagina. She can feel his cock stretch her out as with every thrust he goes deeper inside her.
Kyle pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. She starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. The coating of cum tasted so good to Zara, she immediately starts swallowing it.
<center>[[Continue|bro quest2 end][$minute+=35]]</center><font color="cyan">"Sis, that was genuinely great"</font>, Kyle breathlessly gasps out. He slumps onto his bed, his cock slowly going flaccid. The siblings look at each other, unsure of what to do or say. Slowly, a smile breaks out on both of their faces. They felt closer to each other. Without needing a reason, the two of them start laughing. Zara felt her stomach starting to hurt from how hard they were laughing.
As their laughter finally died down, Zara sat up, catching her breath and smoothing her hair. She shot Kyle a conspiratorial grin, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
<font color="pink">"Okay, listen"</font>, she said, leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. <font color="pink">"Of course, it goes without saying that no one needs to know about this. Got it?"</font>, she raised an eyebrow, trying to sound serious, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a smile.
<font color="pink">"We were totally just hanging out like normal, nothing crazy. Deal?"</font>, she held out her pinky, sealing the pact the way they always had as kids.
<font color="cyan">"Pinky promise, huh? I guess it's serious"</font>, Kyle rolls his eyes.
<font color="pink">"And also, we can do this again... if you and I feel like it"</font>, Zara continues. Kyle just smiles and nods, not a bad deal for the both of them.
<center><font color="gold">Kyle's mind has been unlocked to accept sex with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $bro.sex = true>>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $bro.lastQuest=2>>\
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=6>>\
[[Exit Kyle's room|Living room][$minute+=2]]</center>Through the fucking she was receiving, Zara tries to form words to tell her brother about her idea.
<font color="pink">"Ky- Kyle..."</font>, Zara manages to gasp out. Kyle immediately slows down and leans forward, his cock still deep inside Zara.
<font color="cyan">"What happened? What's wrong?"</font>, Kyle asks her. Zara could feel his impatience as his hips still slowly moved forward and back.
<font color="pink">"I want to try something new"</font>, Zara whispers in a sultry voice. She looks up at Kyle with a smile plastered on her lips.
<font color="cyan">"Like, another position? Sure"</font>, Kyle immediately starts trying to move positions but Zara stops him.
<font color="pink">"No dumbass. Fuck my ass, obviously"</font>, she huffs at him. Kyle's eyes go wide. He thinks he most likely did not hear her properly.
<font color="cyan">"Anal? Are you sure, sis?"</font>, he asks her. But, he was already ready. He popped his cock out of Zara's pussy and aims it at her ass hole. Zara just nods, ready for his cock. Her pussy juices coated his cock, making it easy for his cock to slip in.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own brother closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole.
With a groan, Kyle thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle slumps back into bed, sweaty from the cardio, and just gasps, <font color="cyan">"That was amazing, sis! I love your body"</font>
Giggling to herself, Zara gets up, she can feel cum dripping out of her ass hole and flowing down the back of her legs.
<center>[[Continue|bro quest3 end][$minute+=35]]</center>Zara decides anal would be too much right now... She lets the thoughts run away and focus back on the fucking she was receiving from Kyle.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her brother thrusts in and out of her vagina. Her parents could walk into the room and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her.
Kyle pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. She starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. The coating of cum tasted so good to Zara, she immediately starts swallowing it. The taste of his cum was intoxicating.
<font color="cyan">"Ahhh! Thanks so much, sis"</font>, Kyle groans as he slumps into bed again. His cock was already becoming flaccid. Zara playfully tweaks it before turning around to leave his room.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
<<set $cooldownBro to true>>\
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara shot Kyle a conspiratorial grin, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
<font color="pink">"Okay, listen"</font>, she said, leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. <font color="pink">"No one needs to know about this. Got it?"</font>, she raised an eyebrow, trying to sound serious, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a smile.
<font color="pink">"We were totally just hanging out like normal, nothing crazy. Deal?"</font>, she held out her pinky, sealing the pact the way they always had as kids.
<font color="cyan">"Pinky promise, huh? I guess it's serious"</font>, Kyle rolls his eyes.
<font color="pink">"We can do anal again, it felt really good"</font>, Zara continues. Kyle just smiles and nods, not a bad deal for the both of them.
<center><font color="gold">Kyle's mind has been unlocked to accept anal sex with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $bro.anal = true>>\
<<set $bro.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $bro.lastQuest=3>>\
<<set $bro.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=6>>\
[[Exit Kyle's room|Living room][$minute+=2]]</center>Zara took a deep breath and nodded slowly, her eyes meeting her dad’s with a sense of quiet resolve.
<font color="pink">"Okay, Dad, I’ll do it"</font>, she said, her voice steady despite the uncertainty she felt. There was a moment of silence as her words settled in the air, and she could see the relief in her dad’s eyes, a mixture of gratitude and something else she couldn’t quite place. Her dad’s soft, appreciative smile made her feel a little more confident in her choice.
Zara gets on her knees, waiting as her dad slowly takes his cock out. It was semi-hard already, it would not be long before it got fully hard.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her father, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
He suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head, he wants control. The feeling of using his own daughter's mouth for his pleasure was sending him over an edge he did not know existed.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels every inch of dick just pounding away at her mouth and into her throat. She gags every time he thrusts deep inside but instead of the gags making him calmer it seemed to rile him up more, increasing his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Swallow it! Swallow it!"</font>, Ben gasps through the pleasure of cumming down his own daughter's throat. Zara reflexively starts swallowing his cum before it could start choking her.
<center>[[Continue|dad quest1 end][$minute+=35]]</center>Zara shook her head, her expression a mix of apology and firmness.
<font color="pink">"Dad, I can't do that"</font>, she said quietly, her tone carrying the weight of her decision. The request wasn’t entirely unexpected—there had been hints and previous conversations leading up to this moment—but it was still something she couldn’t agree to. Her dad had asked her with a kind of quiet urgency, and while she understood where he was coming from, she knew it wasn’t something she could take on. The room seemed to close in on them, the familiar comfort of their surroundings now tinged with an uncomfortable tension.
Her dad’s face fell slightly, and he looked away, his fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of the blanket.
<font color="cyan">"I get it, Zara"</font>, he murmured, his voice soft and tinged with disappointment. There was a hint of embarrassment in his posture, as if he regretted putting her in this position, but also a deep understanding that she couldn’t fulfil the request. The air between them felt heavy, the conversation leaving an unspoken discomfort that neither of them knew how to address. Zara lingered for a moment, wanting to say something to ease the tension, but finding no words, she quietly turned and left the room, the door closing softly behind her. Her dad remained in the room, the weight of the situation still hanging in the air as he sat there in thoughtful silence.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $cooldownDad to true>>\
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara quietly gets up from her knees, her heart still racing from what she had just done. The weight of what just happened lingered in the air between them, but there was a shared understanding now, something unspoken that connected them in a way few would understand. Her dad looked at her with a deep, solemn gratitude, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and something more profound—a trust that had been cemented in this moment. They both knew this was something they would keep to themselves, a secret that would never leave the room. The gravity of what had just happened was not lost on either of them, but Zara felt a strange sense of calm, knowing she had done what her dad needed.
As they exchanged a final, meaningful glance, her dad reached out and gently squeezed her hand.
<font color="cyan">"Thank you, Zara"</font>, he said softly, the words carrying more weight than any other conversation they had shared. His voice trailed off, but Zara understood perfectly. She nodded, a silent promise passing between them. There was no need for further discussion; they both knew that if he ever made this request again, she would be there, ready to help without question. The bond between them felt stronger, a quiet pact forged in the privacy of that moment, and as they parted ways, Zara knew that this would remain their shared secret, something they would never reveal to anyone else.
<center><font color="gold">Her dad's mind has been unlocked to accept blowjobs from Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dad.blowjob = true>>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dad.lastQuest=1>>\
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=4>>\
[[Exit to the living room|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara thinks to herself, can she actually do this? But, the answer was clear, and it got even clearer as she could feel her dad's cock rubbing against her pussy. Feeling it's head rub against her clit excited Zara to no end. She decides to lower herself onto her dad's cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadride.webp" height="220">
Riding her dad's cock makes Zara so wet. His cock slides in and out of her pussy, her dad groans and suddenly pushes her off him and slams her into the bed. He rips off her top completely and reinserts his cock into her.
<img src="img/dreams/dadsex.webp" height="220">
He fucks her deep and quickens his pace. Zara can tell he is getting close to cumming.
She grabs her dad's hip and pushes and pulls him into her going with his flow.
<font color="pink">"Cum inside me, daddy"</font>, she moans. Wasting no time her dad starts to pump even faster.
<font color="cyan">"I am cumming, baby"</font>
<img src="img/dreams/dadcum.webp" height="220">
He thrusts one final time deep inside Zara and creampies her, filling her with his seed.
<center>[[Continue|dad quest2 end][$minute+=35]]</center><font color="pink">"I don't know dad, sorry. It just feels like it would be too much for me"</font>, Zara replies. She hoped that her dad would be fine with the rejection. Luckily, he was.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, no no. It's fine. Let's just continue this, huh?"</font>, he tells Zara. His voice was full of understanding. He gets off the bed and beckons Zara to get on her knees. He grabs the back of Zara's head, slowly pushing her down his cock. He starts to get friskier and rougher as he continues thrusting into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels every inch of dick just pounding away at her mouth and into her throat. She gags every time he thrusts deep inside but instead of the gags making him calmer it seemed to rile him up more, increasing his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Swallow it! Swallow it!"</font>, Ben gasps through the pleasure of cumming down his own daughter's throat. Zara reflexively starts swallowing his cum before it could start choking her.
Zara clambers back to her feet, getting her clothes back on. Her father does the same. The two look at each other, smiling. These little interactions between them felt amazing to Zara, she never wanted them to end.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
<<set $cooldownDad to true>>\
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
Zara sat on the edge of the bed, her breathing still uneven as she tried to steady herself. The room felt warm, and her heart was racing from the adrenaline of what they had just done together. She glanced over at her dad, who was sitting beside her with a satisfied smile, equally out of breath but clearly pleased. They had taken on something challenging, something that had pushed them both, and the rush of completing it left Zara with a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The air between them buzzed with the energy of the moment, a shared sense of accomplishment that made them both break into laughter, the tension dissolving into relief.
Her dad caught his breath and turned to her, still grinning.
<font color="cyan">"That was something, huh? We should do it again sometime"</font>, he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. Zara nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she felt the lingering thrill of what they had just done together. Despite the moralistic complexities, there was something undeniably fun about it, something that made her want to experience it all over again. The bond they had just reinforced felt stronger, and the idea of doing it again brought a sense of anticipation. As they sat there, the moment still fresh in their minds, they both knew this was something special—something they would return to when the time was right.
<center><font color="gold">Her dad's mind has been unlocked to accept sex with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dad.sex = true>>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dad.lastQuest=2>>\
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=4>>\
[[Exit to the living room|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara thinks to herself, can she actually do this? But, the answer was clear, and it got even clearer as she could feel her dad's cock still thrusting inside. Every thrust from him shook the doubts out of her mind. She wanted it too, it was decided.
Zara looks back at her dad and gives him a nod. Ben grinned happily, he could not believe this was happening to him. He felt like the luckiest father in the world. He pops his cock out of Zara, it was coated in her fluids, making it already lubed. Aiming his cock at her ass hole, he slowly starts entering her.
Zara gasps in pain as his cock stretched out her ass hole. It was a strange sensation feeling her own father enter her ass hole, but exciting nonetheless. Fully in, her dad starts thrusting in and out of her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own father closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole.
With a groan, Ben thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben slumps back into bed, sweaty from the cardio, and just gasps, <font color="cyan">"What a slut my daughter has become, I love it"</font>
Giggling to herself, Zara gets up, she can feel cum dripping out of her ass hole and flowing down the back of her legs.
<center>[[Continue|dad quest3 end][$minute+=35]]</center><font color="pink">"I don't know dad, sorry. It just feels like it would be too much for me"</font>, Zara replies. She hoped that her dad would be fine with the rejection. Luckily, he was.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, no no. It's fine. Let's just continue this, huh?"</font>, he tells Zara. His voice was full of understanding. <font color="cyan">"How about you do some of the work now though?"</font>, he grins at her.
<font color="pink">"Sure, daddy. Why don't you lay down then?"</font>, Zara purrs.
Ben immediately gets on his back, laying on the bed as his cock stood upright. Fully hard. Positioning herself properly above him, Zara lowers herself down onto his cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadride.webp" height="220">
Riding her dad's cock makes Zara so wet. His cock slides in and out of her pussy, it made her moan loudly. With every motion, she could feel his cock stretching her out. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
Suddenly, her father pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. Ben just grins and shrugs back at her but gives her a little tender kiss on the cheek, making Zara feel just a little bit better.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=25>>\
<<set $cooldownDad to true>>\
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>
Zara sat on the bed beside her dad, both of them catching their breath after what they had just done. The room was filled with a quiet energy, the kind that lingers after a moment of shared excitement. Zara's chest rose and fell as she tried to steady her breathing, a grin spreading across her face. Anal had taken more out of her than she had anticipated, but the satisfaction in her dad’s eyes made it all worthwhile. They exchanged a glance, both of them still riding the wave of adrenaline and accomplishment, knowing that this was something they had conquered together.
Her dad chuckled softly, the sound easing the last bit of tension in the room.
<font color="cyan">"We should definitely do that again sometime"</font>, he said, his voice tinged with enthusiasm and pride. Zara nodded in agreement, still feeling the exhilaration in her veins. The experience had been challenging, but also deeply rewarding, something that brought them even closer. The idea of doing it again, of reliving the rush and the shared triumph, was enticing. As they sat there, side by side, they knew this was only the beginning of many more moments like this—moments they would return to whenever they wanted to feel that same sense of connection and accomplishment. Her ass hole throbbed as she got up from the bed, the cum still dripping out slowly.
<center><font color="gold">Her dad's mind has been unlocked to accept anal sex with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $dad.anal = true>>\
<<set $dad.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $dad.lastQuest=3>>\
<<set $dad.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=4>>\
[[Exit to the living room|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara's heart raced as she processed her mother's words. She had expected resistance, anger even, but not this. Her mouth felt dry as she struggled to find the right words.
<font color="pink">"Mom, I... I didn't know how to tell you"</font>, Zara finally managed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Elena moved closer, placing a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder. <font color="fuchsia">"Honey, I've always known there was something different about you. I just didn't know how to approach it. How to let you know, that I am the same"</font>
Zara's mind whirled with questions. How much did her mother know? How long had she suspected? And most importantly, how far was she willing to go?
<font color="pink">"So, you're not... disgusted?"</font>, Zara asked tentatively.
Elena shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. <font color="fuchsia">"No, sweetie. I'm not disgusted. I'm... curious. And maybe we should act on that curiosity"</font>, she continues.
Zara's breath quickens as the two women bring their lips closer to each other. Was she really going to kiss her own mother? Could she go through with it? Too late to back out now, as their lips touched, a kiss forming in between them.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She hungrily presses her lips against her mom's, their tongues tangling in a fierce battle for dominance. As their bodies become tangled together, Zara's fingers begin to explore every inch of Elena's skin, sending shivers of anticipation and desire coursing through her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom moans with pleasure as Zara expertly touches and teases her, each touch igniting a new wave of arousal within her. Gasping and panting, she clings to Zara as the intensity builds inside her until finally, she can't hold back any longer and releases in a powerful climax that leaves her trembling and breathless.
Exhausted but satisfied, they collapse onto the bed next to each other, their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. <font color="fuchsia">"That was incredible"</font>, Elana sighs between heavy breaths. Zara smiles, knowing that she has just given her own mom an unforgettable experience of pure ecstasy.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest1 end][$minute+=35]]</center>Zara's eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The room suddenly felt stifling, as if the walls were closing in around her. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.
<font color="pink">"Mom, what on earth are you talking about?"</font>, Zara exclaimed, her voice rising. <font color="pink">"That's absolutely ridiculous! There's no scientific basis for that at all. Kinks aren't genetic, that's just... that's just pseudoscience!"</font>
Elena looked taken aback by her daughter's vehement response. Zara continued, her words tumbling out in a rush, <font color="pink">"Nothing has changed between us, Mom. I don't know where you're getting these crazy ideas from, but you need to stop. You're being completely irrational."</font>
<font color="fuchsia">"Oh please Zara! I know you are bullshitting right now. I don't understand why though"</font>, Elena replies. She rolls her eyes, she knows her daughter is simply running away from the truth.
Zara stood up, pacing the room, her hands gesticulating wildly as she spoke. <font color="pink">"Whatever you are thinking, it's just stupid. And wrong. I think I am just going to leave right now"</font>.
With that, Zara walks out of her parent's bedroom, her heart beating fast. Why did she just lie to her mom? She knows her mother was right, she was trying to change the dynamics of their relationship. Zara shakes her head, now's not the time to think about all this.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $cooldownMom to true>>\
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center> Zara turns to face her mom, her eyes tracing the curves of her body. <font color="pink">"This... this has to stay between us"</font>, she whispers, her voice husky with lingering desire.
Elena nods, her fingers absently playing with a strand of Zara's hair. <font color="fuchsia">"Of course"</font>, she murmurs. <font color="fuchsia">"No one can know. But..."</font>, she hesitates, biting her lip. <font color="fuchsia">"I don't want this to be the last time."</font>
Zara's heart races at the implication. <font color="pink">"Neither do I"</font>, she admits, her hand finding her mom's hip. <font color="pink">"We'll have to be discreet, but we can make this work"</font>
The soft fabric of their clothes rustled as Zara and her mother pulled them back on, their breaths still coming in sharp gasps. It was bittersweet to part ways, but they both knew they would do this again. The thrill and exhilaration of their adventure lingered in the air, promising more unforgettable moments in the future. As bid goodbye, they exchanged knowing glances, already planning their next moves. Their hearts beat in sync, united by their shared love for recklessness and wild abandon.
<center><font color="gold">Her mom's mind has been unlocked to accept fingering with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $mom.finger = true>>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $mom.lastQuest=1>>\
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=4>>\
[[Exit to the living room|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara's heart flutters with anticipation as she nods at Elena, her gaze lingering on her mom's body. She can feel a rush of desire coursing through her veins and wonders how Elena will taste. As Elena lays back on the bed and spreads her legs, Zara can see her pussy glistening and ready for her touch.
Closing the distance between them, Zara inhales deeply, taking in Elena's scent before finally pressing her lips to her mom's waiting centre.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The taste is unlike anything Zara has experienced before - it's intoxicating, addicting even. She wants to explore every inch of Elena's folds with her tongue, savouring every moan and tremble that escapes her mom's lips. Unable to resist any longer, Zara delves deeper, sliding her tongue through the folds of Elena's pussy and eliciting a loud moan from her.
Zara delves her tongue into Elena's slick, wet opening, eagerly tasting and exploring every inch of her. She moves with a fierce intensity, driving her tongue in and out like a skilled musician playing their instrument. Each thrust elicits a moan from Elena, who writhes beneath her with unbridled passion. Zara feels intoxicated by the taste and feel of Elena, losing herself in the moment as she continues to tongue fuck her with reckless abandon, completely consumed by the pleasure of it all.
Feeling Elena grab onto the back of her head only adds fuel to the fire burning inside of Zara. She continues to move her tongue expertly, building up the pleasure until finally, Elena breaks into a powerful orgasm that leaves them both breathless.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest2 end][$minute+=35]]</center>Zara hesitates, her words faltering as she tries to find the right ones. She nervously tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before finally speaking. <font color="pink">"I don't know, mom. It seems like it would be too much for me right now." Her anxiety rises as she wonders if her mother will be okay with her rejection.
But Elena just smiles, a sly look in her eyes. <font color="fuchsia">"It's fine"</font>, she purrs, leaning in closer to Zara. <font color="fuchsia">"But you better make it up to me with your hands"</font>
Zara bites her lip, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness. She nods slowly, her hand trembling slightly as she trails her fingers down Elena's body until she reaches her destination. The heat and scent of arousal radiates from her mom's body, making Zara feel bolder as she slowly explores the folds of her mom's vagina before entering her with a gentle touch.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom moans with pleasure as Zara expertly touches and teases her, each touch igniting a new wave of arousal within her. Gasping and panting, she clings to Zara as the intensity builds inside her until finally, she can't hold back any longer and releases in a powerful climax that leaves her trembling and breathless.
Exhausted but satisfied, they collapse onto the bed next to each other, their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. <font color="fuchsia">"That was incredible"</font>, Elana sighs between heavy breaths. Zara smiles, knowing that she has just given her own mom an unforgettable experience of pure ecstasy.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<set $cooldownMom to true>>\
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center>Zara slowly lifts her head, her lips glistening with Elena's essence. Their eyes meet and they share a moment of breathless intimacy, cheeks flushed and hearts racing. A shy smile plays across Zara's lips as Elena gazes at her with a mixture of love and lingering desire.
<font color="fuchsia">"That was..."</font>, Elena trails off, still catching her breath.
<font color="pink">"Amazing"</font>, Zara finishes for her. She moves up to lie beside Elena on the bed, their bodies close but not quite touching.
They bask in the afterglow for a few moments, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, Elena turns to Zara.
<font color="fuchsia">"We should do this again sometime"</font>, she says softly.
Zara nods, feeling a flutter of excitement, <font color="pink">"I'd like that"</font>
Reluctantly, they begin to stir. They begin to dress. Zara pulls on her clothes, stealing glances at Elena as she does the same. Zara could not believe she just moved to the next level with her mother. She wanted nothing more than to do it again. The taste of her mom still lingered on her tongue, something she could never forget.
<center><font color="gold">Her mom's mind has been unlocked to accept oral sex with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $mom.oral = true>>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $mom.lastQuest=2>>\
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
[[Exit to the living room|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center><font color="pink">"I don't know, mom. It would be too much for me, you know?"</font>, Zara replies to her mom's request.
Zara's breath hitched as she felt Elena's delicate hand gently caress her inner thigh. She felt herself grow wetter, more sensitive to the touch. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, Zara thought Elena would try to convince her again. Yet, Elena simply smiled and kissed her tenderly on the lips, pulling her close in a soft embrace. Zara nestled deeper into the crook of her neck, her fingers tracing patterns on her mom's back as they both caught their breath.
Elena breathed in deeply, savouring the scent of Zara's skin and the warmth that seemed to emanate from her body. Zara's heart rate was racing, and she could feel the pulse in her neck throbbing against her lips. She ran her hands through Zara's soft hair, gently pushing it away from her face as she pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. <font color="fuchsia">"It's okay, sweetie. We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with"</font>, she whispered soothingly.
Zara sighed in contentment, feeling the weight of her worries lift from her shoulders. She leaned back slightly, gazing up at her mom with a mix of love and admiration. <font color="pink">"Thank you"</font>, she whispered, her voice hoarse from desire. <font color="pink">"I just... I've never thought of doing that before, with you. I'm not sure I'm ready"</font>
Elena nodded, understanding completely. She knew that the request might have been too high for her daughter. She hoped Zara would change her mind in the future, and that too, soon. It was something she had always wanted to try.
The two of them get their clothes back on, they steal glances at each other while they dress up. Smiling each time their eyes met, the mother-daughter pair had grown closer over time. Especially physically, something Zara would not have believed a few months ago.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest= 0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
<<set $cooldownMom to true>>\
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 3>>\
[[Return|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center><<if $PlayerStrapon == false>>\
<font color="pink">"Mom, I would love to try it out with you"</font>, Zara exclaims excitedly. The idea was now buried in Zara's mind. She wanted to try it out so badly, but she needed to get a strap-on first. That would require some money. And anyway, that strap-on could be useful for other things.
Zara nodded at her mom, a quiet determination in her eyes. <font color="pink">"I'll have to get a strap-on from Cox and Co. as soon as possible then"</font>, she tells her mom, her voice calm and steady. There was an understanding between them, as if this was something Zara was more than willing to do, no questions asked. She gave her mom a brief, reassuring smile before standing up from the bed. Zara gets her clothes back on, brushing off the crinkles formed on them.
Elena watched her with a soft expression, a mixture of gratitude and something deeper lingering in her gaze. Zara walked to the door, feeling the familiar comfort of their shared understanding. With a final glance back at her mom, she stepped out of the bedroom, ready to carry out the task at hand.
<center><font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
[[Continue|Living room][$minute+=10]]</center>
<font color="pink">"Mom, I would love to try it out with you"</font>, Zara exclaims excitedly. The idea was now buried in Zara's mind. She wanted to try it out so badly, so she brought the strap-on to her mother. The two of them stare at it. Zara can already feel her pussy getting wetter. Looking at her mom, Zara could see goosebumps arising on her skin. She wanted to try it right now itself, that's for sure.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest3 strapon][$minute+=6]]</center>
<</if>>\Elena beckons Zara to join her in bed. Taking Zara's shoulders in her hands, she lays Zara down on her back. She brings her face closer to Zara, gently kissing her on the lips as her hands start roaming all over her body.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara let out a soft moan as her mom's touch began to make its way down her side, over her ribcage, and then lower still. Her heart was racing in anticipation of what was to come. She couldn't believe how lucky she felt to be in her mom's arms. The gentle brush of fingers against her skin sent shivers down her spine, and she arched her back slightly in response, inviting Elena closer.
The cool sheets beneath them rustled as Elena shifted her weight, propping herself up on one elbow to better see Zara's reactions. Her lips curled into a slow, sensual smile as she traced a line along Zara's stomach, stopping just below her navel. With feather-light touches, she began flicking her tongue out to tease the soft skin there, eliciting soft gasps from Zara.
<font color="pink">"Mom..."</font>, she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire. She couldn't help but squirm a little under the sensation. It was like being tickled by a warm breath, and it felt absolutely divine.
As if in answer, Elena grabbed the strap-on. She binds the belt around her waist. Zara gripped the sheets tightly, her body tense with anticipation. She knew this was it—the moment she'd been waiting for all along. Elena positions the silicone dick, rubbing it against Zara's pussy entrance.
<font color="fuchsia">"Zara, are you ready for this?"</font>, Zara's mom asks her. She looks at her for her consent and Zara gives it with a nod. Elena slowly pushes the silicone cock into Zara's soaking wet pussy, taking her time to ensure a smooth entry. As she does, Zara's eyes roll into the back of her head and she lets out a long, low moan. The feeling of being filled by the strap-on, even with its gradual entry, sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her pussy grips and squeezes around the invading length, welcoming it inside with a tight grip that makes Elena gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lbed'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once fully seated within Zara, Elena begins to thrust in and out of her daughter's pussy, the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the air. Her movements are slow and deliberate at first, building up both their pleasure as she hits Zara's g-spot with every stroke. Zara's breathing becomes laboured, her body arching off the bed in response to the incredible sensations washing over her. She gasps and moans, her fingernails digging into the sheets as she tries to find purchase against the overwhelming pleasure.
As time passes, Elena picks up speed, her hips slamming against Zara's harder and faster with each rhythmic thrust. The bed creaks beneath them, the springs groaning in protest as they rock back and forth in unison. The scent of sweat and sex fills the room, mingling together into an intoxicating odour. The pleasure builds to a crescendo and breaks all over Zara, she can feel her legs shaking with pleasure as she orgasms. Zara can't help but moan loudly as her mother thrusts in deep one final time, maximizing Zara's orgasm.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest3 end][$minute+=45]]</center>They lie there, panting and sweating, their bodies thrumming with pleasure. Zara's heartbeat is like thunder between them as she stares up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. Elena's hands roam gently over her flushed skin, tracing patterns that make her shiver. The sweat on their bodies mingles, making them slick with each other's essence. The smell of sex is heady in the air, a mixture of arousal and satisfaction. Zara can taste it on her tongue as she kisses her mom deeply, their tongues tangling in a sensual dance.
The room spins around them, but they are oblivious to anything but each other. Their breaths mingle in the air, hot and heavy. Elena's stomach tightens with every deep exhale, her muscles aching from the exertion but also from the sheer joy of giving Zara such intense pleasure. Zara's breasts heave against Elena's chest, nipples hard from the exhilaration of the experience. Every time she moves, it causes the strap-on to rub against her clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
After a few moments, they slowly start to move apart, reluctantly ending their intimate connection. Zara's legs tremble under her as she tries to find purchase on the bed, the room spinning around her. Elena helps her sit up, her hands lying gently on her daughter's back.
<font color="fuchsia">"We should do this again sometime"</font>, she says softly.
Zara nods, feeling a flutter of excitement, <font color="pink">"I'd like that"</font>
Reluctantly, they begin to dress. Zara pulls on her clothes, stealing glances at her mom as she does the same. Zara could not believe she just moved to the next level with her mother. She wanted nothing more than to do it again.
<center><font color="gold">Her mom's mind has been unlocked to accept strap-on sex with Zara</font>
<font color="yellow">-30 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -30>>\
<<set $mom.strapon = true>>\
<<set $mom.activeQuest=0>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $mom.lastQuest=3>>\
<<set $mom.dailyVisits = 3>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
[[Exit to the living room|Living room][$minute+=3]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Brother's Quest 1 Started:</font> Brother's BJ Woes</h3></center>\
Zara stepped into the room, her eyes immediately landing on the familiar lump under the blanket.
<font color="pink">"Kyle, seriously?"</font>, she chuckled, crossing her arms as she leaned against the doorframe. Her twin brother had cocooned himself in the covers, only the top of his head peeking out. Zara shook her head with a grin, knowing he was probably wide awake but pretending to be asleep.
Zara walks towards his bed and grabs the corners of the blanket, about to pull the covers right off him. Kyle's eyes fly open in a panic as he grabs the blanket before Zara can pull it. No matter how hard Zara tried, the blanket did not budge.
<font color="cyan">"What are you doing? Let go!"</font>, Kyle hisses at Zara.
<font color="pink">"Why, huh? Just let go"</font>, Zara teases Kyle, not realising that maybe he was trying to hide something.
Without a second thought, Zara leapt onto the bed, landing right beside Kyle with a bounce that sent him rolling. Before he could react, she was already tackling him, her laughter filling the room. Kyle, caught off guard, quickly fought back, the two of them wrestling as they jostled for the upper hand. Zara managed to pin him for a moment, sitting right on top of him.
Zara gasps as she feels something poking at her through the blanket. Her eyes wide, she looks at Kyle incredulously. He looked sheepish as he continued trying to struggle against Zara. That was definitely his cock brushing against her crotch.
<font color="pink">"Seriously Kyle?"</font>, Zara hisses as she gets off Kyle.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! I tried to get you to fuck off. Don't blame me"</font>, he hissed at her back. Now properly looking at him, Zara could see his bulge through the blanket. Surprisingly... big... she wonders what would it be like to have it in her mouth.
[[Explore her thought|bro quest1 accept replay]]
[[No! This was her twin brother!|bro quest1 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Brother's Quest 2 Started:</font> Twins Gone Wild</h3></center>\
Zara stepped into the room, her eyes immediately landing on the familiar lump under the blanket. Seriously? Was he touching himself again with the door open? Zara rolls her eyes and walks up to Kyle. This time, he does not pretend to be asleep, instead, his eyes are wide open, staring at Zara.
Without a word, he gets up from his bed, letting the blanket fall off him. Zara gasps as she realised Kyle was pantless, his dick swinging out casually. This was not exactly the first time they did stuff like this so Zara does not mind. Without having to speak, she knows what Kyle wants, and she would love to give it to him.
Zara gets on her knees, licking her lips in anticipation as Kyle brings his cock closer and closer to Zara's mouth until it was finally in.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as she does her best to go deeper and deeper onto his cock as she sucks him off. Every low moan from Kyle sent her into a frenzy, she loved to hear him moan. She pushes herself harder, she can feel the head of Kyle's cock smack against the back of her throat.
God, Zara felt way too horny. She wanted something more... maybe... but should she go for it? Should Zara attempt to have sex with her twin brother?
[[Have sex|bro quest2 accept replay]]
[[No, sex would be too much|bro quest2 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Brother's Quest 3 Started:</font> A Brother's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor</h3></center>\
Zara found Kyle sitting on the edge of his bed, his fingers drumming lightly on his knees. His eyes met hers with an intensity she couldn't quite place—a mix of anticipation and determination. The room was quiet, save for the distant hum of the ceiling fan, but the atmosphere was charged with unspoken words. It was clear that Kyle had something on his mind, something important that he was ready to share or do, and Zara could feel the weight of whatever was about to unfold.
<font color="pink">"What's up? Something is going on with you"</font>, Zara says out loud. She crosses her arms, waiting for Kyle to reply. He gets up from the bed and walks towards Zara. He grabs her shoulders and leads her to his bed.
<font color="cyan">"I need this... okay?"</font>, he pleads. Without waiting for an answer, he pops his cock out. It was already rock hard and ready to penetrate Zara.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as her brother pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more.
Sex was cool and all, but Zara's mind started thinking of doing something new. Things have changed in Zara's mind and also in Kyle's. The things they have been doing, no siblings should ever. Why not go the distance... and try anal?
[[Try anal|bro quest3 accept replay][$minute+=5]]
[[No, sex is just fine|bro quest3 reject replay][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Dick's Quest 2 Started:</font> The Ex Conundrum II</h3></center>\
Zara spotted Dick in the distance, his familiar outline easy to recognize even from afar. A flicker of excitement sparked within her as she adjusted her pace, walking towards him. She raised her hand, ready to wave and catch his attention, but before her arm could stretch out fully, she stopped dead in her tracks.
Another girl was with him.
The sight caused a prickle of heat to rise in her chest. She felt her heart thud with a strange intensity, one she couldn't quite put her finger on. "Why am I feeling this way?", she wondered, a flush of something between irritation and unease settling over her. Zara bit her lip, surprised at herself. Dick was just a friend! They still barely know each other. There was no reason to feel like this.
Almost as quickly as it had come, though, the heat in her chest started to dissipate, fading into a cloud of embarrassment. She shook her head, chiding herself. Get it together, Zara. With a small sigh, she steeled herself and resumed her approach, setting her face into a casual smile.
But as she drew closer, Zara slowed again, this time for a different reason. She noticed something tense in the air between Dick and the girl, something sharp and barely restrained. Their body language wasn’t friendly—arms crossed, chins lifted slightly. There was a stiffness, an edge to their stances, almost like a storm brewing. Dick’s expression was unusually strained, his mouth a tight line, while the girl looked equally aggravated, her hands balled into fists at her sides.
Zara’s curiosity grew. She felt a twinge of hesitation—was it right to interrupt? But the tension between them was thick, as if one wrong word could set off an explosion. She could not help it though.
[[Interrupt them|dick quest2 interrupt replay]]</center><center><img src="img/livingroom/dorm.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this. Standing in the girl’s quiet apartment, she felt a strange mix of nerves and curiosity churning in her stomach. On the way over, she’d learned the girl’s name- Lisa- but not much else had been said. Now, as Lisa took Dick by the hand and led him to the dimly lit bedroom, Zara followed, her heartbeat quickening. This was going to be weird, no doubt, but maybe there was a thrill in the unpredictability of it all... or so she hoped.
Lisa takes hold of Zara's waist, her grip tight, but not too tight, just the right amount. She pulls her in and gently starts making out with her.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The kiss was full of passion the longer it went, Zara could feel her nipples harden as the arousal flows through her. This felt great. Lisa starts taking off her clothes, her body was luscious, the right curves at the right places. Zara follows suit, and so does Dick who had been standing in the corner of the room, watching, salivating at the sight in front of him.
Zara goes back in for the kiss but Lisa puts a hand on her chest and pushes her hard. Zara stumbles backwards and onto a chair.
<font color="fuchsia">"Watch"</font>, Lisa orders Zara. She watches as Lisa leads Dick to bed, his cock already rock hard. She climbs onto him, positioning herself just right and lowers herself.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/cuckquean'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The sight in front of Zara was so hot. She could not help but touch herself, she was so wet. Every cell in her body wanted to join them, but she did not want to mess anything up. The pleasure was building inside Zara, she flicks her clit with a little bit more pressure, a little bit of a faster rythm.
Dick suddenly groans as he cums, Lisa firmly sits on his cock and milks every single drop from his balls. It flowed out, seeing all this sent Zara over the edge, she feels the orgasm rock through her body.
<center>[[Continue|dick quest2 continue replay]]</center><font color="pink">"I am most definitely not going to be accepting that ridiculous request"</font>, Zara replied, her voice steady, a cold anger lacing each word. She shot Dick a sharp look, wondering why he even thought she’d consider something so absurd.
The girl rolled her eyes, letting out a derisive huff. <font color="fuchsia">"Fine then"</font>, she said, her gaze shifting back to Dick with a dark intensity. <font color="fuchsia">"You’ll see what happens next"</font>
Without another word, she turned and stalked off, leaving Zara and Dick alone in a charged silence.
Zara exhaled, her annoyance still simmering as she turned to him. <font color="pink">"Okay, listen, I’m sorry, but that was ridiculous"</font>, she said, her tone softening just a little. <font color="pink">"There was no way I was going to go along with that."</font>
Dick ran a hand through his hair, looking at the ground. <font color="pink">"It’s fine… I hope"</font>, he muttered, his shoulders still tense. He didn’t meet her eyes, and for a moment, he seemed lost in his own thoughts, his gaze lingering in the direction his ex had disappeared.
<font color="pink">"Okay, but what did she mean by the whole business thing?"</font>, Zara asked, curiosity edging into her voice. The girl’s threat had seemed far too pointed to be a simple bluff.
Dick straightened up, but instead of answering, he glanced away, his expression guarded. <font color="cyan">"Never mind that"</font>, he replied, a note of finality in his voice. <font color="cyan">"I've got to get out of here. Have some things to do."</font>
Before Zara could press him further, he turned and walked away without another glance, leaving her standing there, stunned and still trying to process everything that had just happened. She watched his figure retreat, a growing mix of frustration and confusion filling her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than he was letting on.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>The deed was done, and a palpable shift had settled over the room. Where tension and uncertainty had once lingered, there was now a quiet ease, as though some unspoken weight had lifted. Lisa looked genuinely content, a satisfied smile softening her usual sharp expression. She stretched lazily, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes, her entire demeanor far more relaxed than Zara had ever seen. The trio start getting their clothes back on themselves.
<font color="fuchsia">"Well"</font>, Lisa said, leaning back with a grin, <font color="fuchsia">I wouldn’t mind doing things like this again."</font> She looked over at both Dick and Zara, her voice playful, and her earlier hostility gone. Zara noted the change in her, feeling an odd sense of relief that Lisa’s usual biting edge had finally softened.
Dick chuckled, leaning against the wall with his usual laid-back air, though there was something more thoughtful in his expression as he glanced from Lisa to Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, it was… interesting"</font>, he said, smiling warmly as he looked at Zara. His smile seemed to say, "We’re okay, right?"
Zara returned his smile but felt a pang of uncertainty within herself, the strange reality of what had happened still settling in her mind.
Lisa’s voice broke through her thoughts. <font color="fuchsia">"Who would’ve thought we’d actually get along?"</font>, she laughed, shaking her head. <font color="fuchsia">"I mean, honestly, I was ready to hate you both."</font>
Her tone was surprisingly open, and Zara saw a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, something almost apologetic. <font color="fuchsia">"But… this was actually fun"</font>, she added, her voice softening.
Zara managed a small, polite smile in return, feeling both relieved and out of place at the same time. She had to admit, the whole experience had been strange but not in the way she’d feared.
<font color="pink">"Well, thanks for, uh, hosting us"</font>, Zara said awkwardly, giving a little laugh as she straightened her clothes. She tried to sound as casual as possible, but her voice was tinged with lingering uncertainty.
Lisa smirked, rolling her eyes playfully. <font color="fuchsia">"Anytime"</font>, she replied, seeming to relish Zara’s awkwardness for a second before giving her a genuine smile. <font color="fuchsia">"Seriously, though. This was… refreshing. Nice change of pace from the usual drama."</font>
She turned to Dick, her expression briefly softening. <font color="fuchsia">"And Dick, I will be keeping this quiet. My mother won't know"</font>
Dick gave her a quick nod, his smile warm but a bit reserved. <font color="cyan">"That would be great"</font>, he replied, and Zara sensed a silent understanding pass between them, like the closing of an old chapter. But that nagging feeling was still there, who was her mother? Why was she so important to Dick and some business?
After gathering their things, Zara and Dick said their goodbyes, Lisa waving them off with an unexpectedly cheerful, <font color="fuchsia">"See you around!"</font>
Zara felt a strange mix of relief and lingering confusion as they left the apartment, stepping into the hallway where the air felt cooler, clearer, as though the whole experience had taken place in a different reality.
<center>[[Talk to Dick|dick quest2 end replay]]</center>As they strolled through the streets, Zara couldn’t shake the questions circling in her mind. The tension with Lisa, the sudden emotional swings, and, most of all, the strange threat involving Lisa’s mother and “business” left her unsettled. She studied Dick’s profile as they walked, noticing the slight tension in his jaw, the way his hands remained firmly shoved into his pockets. Finally, she decided to probe a little deeper.
<font color="pink">"So…"</font>, she began carefully, keeping her tone light but direct. <font color="pink">"What was Lisa talking about? You seemed pretty tense when she mentioned her mother and this… business thing."</font> She shot him a curious glance, hoping he’d finally let her in on whatever was going on.
Dick’s eyes stayed fixed on the path ahead, and he didn’t even glance her way. <font color="cyan">"It’s nothing"</font>, he said with a small shrug, his tone almost too casual. <font color="cyan">"Lisa’s always been… you know, dramatic. She just says things to get a reaction. You don’t need to think too much about it."</font>
He offered her a quick, reassuring smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, and Zara could tell he was holding something back.
Undeterred, Zara pressed on, feeling that something important was slipping through her fingers. <font color="pink">"But she seemed serious, Dick. And you looked genuinely worried when she brought it up."</font>
She watched him closely, but his expression remained carefully neutral, almost practiced. Instead of answering, he tightened his grip on her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as if that would somehow end the conversation.
<font color="cyan">"Come on, it’s nothing to worry about"</font>, he said, his voice low and almost dismissive. He picked up his pace slightly, clearly hoping to move on from the topic. <font color="cyan">"Let’s just forget about her and her family drama, yeah? It’s not important."</font>
Zara’s frustration grew, but she let him steer the conversation away for now, sensing that any further questions would only make him shut down more. Still, as they continued down the quiet street, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story, something he was determined to keep hidden from her.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>
<center><h3><font color="gold">Father's Quest 1 Started:</font> A Dad's Odd Request</h3></center>\
Zara sat cross-legged on the plush carpet of her parent's room, flipping through an old photo album with her dad beside her. The late afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden light across the room. Her dad pointed out a picture of her as a toddler, laughing as he recounted the day it was taken, but there was a slight strain in his voice, a hesitation that made Zara glance up at him. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, and as they turned the page, she noticed how his fingers lingered on the edge of the paper as if stalling for time.
They continued looking through the album, her dad occasionally commenting on a memory or asking Zara about her plans for the weekend, but there was an underlying tension that Zara couldn’t ignore. Every now and then, he would clear his throat, as if preparing to say something more, but then he’d fall silent, his gaze fixed on the pictures in front of them. Zara could see the faint lines of worry etched on his forehead, the way his hands subtly fidgeted with the corner of the blanket on the bed. It was clear that he had something on his mind, something important he wanted to ask or tell her, but for some reason, he was holding back, trying to keep the moment from shifting into something more serious.
<font color="pink">"Okay! That's it. Something is on your mind"</font>, Zara exasperatedly tells her dad.
<font color="cyan">"It's nothing, seriously. Just work stuff"</font>, he replies. But, his eyes told Zara it was definitely a lie.
<font color="pink">"Dad, I know you are lying. In all the years you have been an officer, you have never brought work stuff home"</font>, Zara shakes her head. <font color="pink">"Just tell me what's on your mind"</font>, she continues.
<font color="cyan">"Fine, fine. It's just... you have changed. And things have been happening where it seems like you are trying to change me"</font>, he answers finally. <font color="cyan">"I have been thinking of something. Of something specific, of how it would feel, how it would be"</font>, he continues.
<font color="pink">"I see"</font>, Zara replies. It was the only reply she could muster. She knows exactly what this was. After that conversation with Dick, things had changed for Zara, she was a lot more open to doing sexual actions with her family.
<font color="cyan">"I wanted to ask, would you... suck me off?"</font>, Ben finally tells Zara what is on his mind. The words confirmed what Zara was thinking. It really was working, whatever she was doing.
[[Accept her dad's request|dad quest1 accept replay]]
[[No! This was her own father!|dad quest1 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Father's Quest 2 Started:</font> Father Daughter Quality Time</h3></center>\
Zara lay beside her dad on the large bed in her parents’ room, the soft comforter pulled up around them as they both stared at the ceiling in a comfortable silence. The room was filled with a warm, golden light from the setting sun, casting gentle shadows that danced across the walls. Zara could hear the faint ticking of the old clock on the nightstand, a familiar sound that had always brought her a sense of peace. Her dad turned his head slightly to look at her, a soft smile playing on his lips as he reached out to gently ruffle her hair, a gesture he’d done since she was a little girl. She smiled back, feeling a deep sense of contentment in this quiet moment they were sharing.
They talked about everything and nothing at all, the conversation flowing easily between them. Her dad shared stories from his younger days, things she had heard before but never tired of listening to. Zara chimed in with her own thoughts, laughing as they reminisced about old family memories. The atmosphere was light and comforting, the kind of connection that didn’t need grand gestures or deep discussions to feel meaningful. As they lay there, side by side, Zara felt an unspoken bond between them, a closeness that made her heart swell with warmth.
Except the closeness was not enough, Ben reaches out slowly and lays his hand on Zara's boob, squeezing it gently. Their faces come closer to each other and meet in a gentle kiss. Their clothes come off, strewn all over the bedroom floor. Feeling his cock brush against her thighs, made Zara very excited. She takes hold of it, slowly tugging at it, making it harder.
<font color="cyan">"I want to feel your mouth"</font>
Zara immediately slides down towards his cock and takes it into her mouth. Bobbing her head up and down her dad's cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadbj.webp" height="220">
Zara gags as she goes deeper with each move. She can taste the drops of precum that leaked out of his cock on her tongue, it was salty but intoxicating. Zara's dad suddenly takes hold of her, bringing her back up to his face.
<font color="cyan">"Can I be inside you?"</font>, Ben asks. Zara can feel his cock brushing against her pussy. Should she let him in her?
[[Accept her dad's request|dad quest2 accept replay]]
[[No, it would be too much|dad quest2 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Father's Quest 3 Started:</font> A Father's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor</h3></center>\
Zara found herself sitting beside her dad on the bed once more, the familiar thrill coursing through her as they started to take each other's clothes off. The rhythm of their movement was almost instinctual now, a blend of focus and excitement that left them both breathless.
Zara finds herself bent over the bed, her back arched perfectly, allowing her dad to enter her easily.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her father thrusts in and out of her vagina. She can feel his heat radiating from behind her as fucked her, hard. She could feel his cock stretching her out with every thrust, each thrust causing her to gasp sharply.
<font color="cyan">"Can I... put it in the other hole?"</font>, her dad suddenly stops thrusting. The question lingered in the air for a few seconds. Could she do it? Could Zara actually try anal with her own father? It would be... different.
[[Accept her dad's request|dad quest3 accept replay]]
[[No, it would be too much|dad quest3 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Mother's Quest 1 Started:</font> Finger Attachment</h3></center>\
Zara sat cross-legged on the bed in her parents’ room, flipping through an old magazine as her mom tidied up around her. The room was filled with the soft scent of her mom’s favourite lavender candle, and the late afternoon light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow. As they chatted about Zara’s day and the latest gossip from her mom’s book club, Zara couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Her mom’s responses were a bit too measured, her smile a little too forced. Every time Zara looked up, she caught her mom glancing at her with a contemplative expression, as if she was working up the courage to say something.
Despite the easy rhythm of their conversation, the tension in the room was palpable, like an unspoken question hanging between them. Her mom’s hands lingered on the pillows she was fluffing, her movements slower than usual, almost as if she was stalling for time. Zara noticed how her mom’s gaze kept drifting toward her, eyes soft but uncertain, as if she was debating whether or not to speak up. The atmosphere was filled with an uncharacteristic hesitance, making Zara wonder what was weighing so heavily on her mom’s mind. Yet, whatever it was, her mom remained silent, leaving Zara with the distinct impression that there was something important her mom wanted to ask but wasn’t quite ready to voice.
Finally, her mom speaks up, letting the question fly out into the room.
<font color="fuchsia">"Zara, what have you been up to lately?"</font>, her mom's voice is tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
<font color="pink">"Why do you ask, mom?"</font>, Zara tries to maintain a facade of innocence, but she knows exactly what her mother is referring to. Ever since her conversation with Dick, Zara has been subtly manipulating the dynamics between herself and her family members.
<font color="fuchsia">"Don't play dumb, Zara. I can see that you've been... trying to change things between us. And surprisingly, I'm not upset about it"</font>, Elena says, surprising both herself and Zara.
Zara's eyes widen in shock at her mother's words. Did she really just say she was glad that Zara was attempting to change their relationship? She looks at her mother, unsure of how to respond.
<font color="fuchsia">"I've heard about these things before...kinks being passed down through genetics. It's all quite fascinating, really. It's just a theory, but it seems interesting"</font>, Elena stammers through her sentences, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as she speaks.
[[Prove the theory right|mom quest1 accept replay]]
[[Disprove the theory|mom quest1 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Mother's Quest 2 Started:</font> Mother Daughter Quality Time</h3></center>\
Zara lingered in the doorway of her parent's bedroom, watching her mother brush her hair at the ornate vanity. Afternoon sunlight spilt through the gauzy curtains, casting a warm glow on her mother's delicate features. The room smelled of jasmine and vanilla, a comforting scent that brought back memories of Zara's childhood.
<font color="fuchsia">"Come in, darling"</font>, her mother said softly, catching Zara's eye in the mirror's reflection.
Zara padded across the plush carpet, sinking down onto the edge of the king-sized bed. She ran her fingers over the silky duvet, tracing the intricate floral pattern.
Her mother set down the silver-handled brush and turned to face her, a gentle smile playing on her lips. <font color="fuchsia">"Is everything alright?"</font>
Zara nodded, though her heart fluttered with nervous anticipation. Her mother's warm eyes held a question, an invitation. Slowly, Zara rose and crossed to the vanity, her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet with each step.
Her mother's gaze never left hers as Zara approached, drinking in the sight of her daughter's lithe form, the gentle swell of her breasts beneath her thin camisole. Zara's breath caught as her mother's delicate fingers reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
The touch sent a shiver down Zara's spine. She leaned into her mother's hand, nuzzling against her palm. Her mother's thumb traced the curve of Zara's cheekbone, feather-light.
Zara's eyes fluttered closed as her mother cupped her breasts, gently squeezing them. Her hands slowly moved down Zara's body, gently running her fingers across her skin. Their lips met in a passionate kiss.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She hungrily presses her lips against her mom's, their tongues tangling in a fierce battle for dominance. As their bodies become tangled together, Elena's fingers begin to explore every inch of Zara's skin, sending shivers of anticipation and desire coursing through her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans with pleasure as Elena expertly touches and teases her, each touch igniting a new wave of arousal within her. Gasping and panting, she clings to her mom as the intensity builds inside her until finally, she can't hold back any longer and releases in a powerful climax that leaves her trembling and breathless.
<font color="fuchsia">"Now, it's my turn. But, I want something different, something new. I want to feel your mouth down there"</font>, Elena whispers into Zara's ear. Still breathless from her orgasm, Zara thinks about it.
[[Accept her mom's request|mom quest2 accept replay]]
[[Reject her mom's request|mom quest2 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Mother's Quest 3 Started:</font> Mother Daughter Strap-On Adventure</h3></center>\
Elena was excited. Zara was finally here, in her bedroom. They had spent so many hours together, exploring each other's bodies, touching and tasting and learning each other's reactions. Their fingering and oral sessions had become a routine, a dance of sorts. Zara's heart raced as she walked up to her mom.
The air was thick with the scent of vanilla and jasmine, mingling with the soft whispers of the breeze coming through the open window. Her mother was wearing nothing but a sheer black robe that barely concealed her curves. She lay on the bed as she beckoned Zara closer with a finger, her eyes shining bright with anticipation.
As Zara drew near, she could feel the heat emanating from Elena's body and could hear the rustling of the silk against the sheets. Zara found her mouth glued to her mom's pussy, her tongue sliding through the folds.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Zara's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
<font color="fuchsia">"Zara... can we try using a strap-on?"</font>, Elena gasps sharply, the orgasm had taken a lot out of her. Zara was taken aback by the question.
<<if $PlayerStrapon==true>>Zara did have a strap-on in her room, she used it a lot for other things. But using it with her mom? That would be... weird. Or maybe it would be the hottest thing imaginable.<<else>>Zara did not have a strap-on available, but should she even get one? Using one with her mom? That would be... weird. Or maybe it would be the hottest thing imaginable.<</if>>
[[Accept her mom's request|mom quest3 accept replay]]
[[Reject her mom's request|mom quest3 reject replay]]</center><font color="pink">"Kyle, don't shout"</font>, Zara whispers to her twin brother. Kyle looks at her in confusion, he opens his mouth to ask her what is going on when Zara suddenly reaches down and grabs his bulge. His mouth immediately shuts in surprise, his cock twitching underneath Zara's touch.
As twins, they had always been open with each other. This was extremely different though. Zara squeezes his cock through the blanket, making it harder.
<font color="pink">"Kyle, why don't you get up and let me handle your boner?"</font>, Zara tells Kyle breathlessly. Her heart beat fast in her chest, pounding against her rib cage. Over time, ever Kyle's mind had been getting "opened" to the idea of doing certain naughty things with her.
Kyle immediately stands up, his pants already off from before. His cock stood fully ready in front of Zara. She could smell its muskiness already. It smelt... <font color="red">delicious</font>. Getting on her knees, she moves her head forward, wrapping her lips around Kyle's cock.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her brother, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, Kyle moans.
Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. The coating of cum tasted so good to Zara, she immediately starts swallowing it.
<center>[[Continue|bro quest1 end replay]]</center>Zara just shakes her head. She might be different now. Especially after that conversation with Dick, but fantasies and reality are different.
<font color="cyan">"Dude, can you like, please leave now? This is already embarrassing enough"</font>, Kyle sheepishly tells Zara. Being twins, they had been around each other for a lot of their lives, but this was something a bit too much.
Zara turns around and starts leaving the room, she would do her best to delete this memory from her brain. She closes the door on her way out, giving Kyle his privacy.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center><font color="cyan">"Sis, what did we just do?"</font>, Kyle breathlessly gasps out. He slumps onto his bed, his cock slowly going flaccid. The siblings look at each other, unsure of what to do or say. Slowly, a smile breaks out on both of their faces. They felt closer to each other. Without needing a reason, the two of them start laughing. Zara felt her stomach starting to hurt from how hard they were laughing.
As their laughter finally died down, Zara sat up, catching her breath and smoothing her hair. She shot Kyle a conspiratorial grin, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
<font color="pink">"Okay, listen"</font>, she said, leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. <font color="pink">"No one needs to know about this. Got it?"</font>, she raised an eyebrow, trying to sound serious, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a smile.
<font color="pink">"We were totally just hanging out like normal, nothing crazy. Deal?"</font>, she held out her pinky, sealing the pact the way they always had as kids.
<font color="cyan">"Pinky promise, huh? I guess it's serious"</font>, Kyle rolls his eyes.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara decides to go ahead with it. She wanted her brother's cock inside her. She <font color="red">NEEDED</font> it. Zara gets up from the floor, causing Kyle to immediately groan in disappointment.
<font color="cyan">"Come on, sis! I am not done yet"</font>, Kyle complains to Zara.
<font color="pink">"Why don't we try something new?"</font>, Zara purrs into Kyle's ear. She steps closer to Kyle, letting his cock brush her pussy.
<font color="cyan">"Uhh, do you mean...?"</font>, Kyle asks with uncertainity in his voice. Zara just smiles at him and nods. She can feel her pussy already wet from the idea.
Zara clambers onto Kyle's bed. Bending over, arching her back sexily. She shakes her ass alluringly at Kyle. Wasting no time, he positions himself behind Zara, pointing his cock at her entrance... before finally entering.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her brother thrusts in and out of her vagina. She can feel his cock stretch her out as with every thrust he goes deeper inside her.
Kyle pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. She starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. The coating of cum tasted so good to Zara, she immediately starts swallowing it.
<center>[[Continue|bro quest2 end replay]]</center>Zara just shakes her head. She might be different now. Even Kyle has changed a lot but maybe this would be too much. She decides to let go of the thoughts that crowded her brain and went back to focusing on Kyle's cock.
It was not long before Kyle started twitching as he got closer to orgasm. He suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and pushes her down as he starts to cum.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She feels the cum splatter directly into her throat. Zara could still taste it as a few drops landed on the back of her tongue, and the taste of intoxicating.
<font color="cyan">"Ahhh! Thanks so much, sis"</font>, Kyle groans as he slumps into bed again. His cock was already becoming flaccid. Zara playfully tweaks it before turning around to leave his room.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center><font color="cyan">"Sis, that was genuinely great"</font>, Kyle breathlessly gasps out. He slumps onto his bed, his cock slowly going flaccid. The siblings look at each other, unsure of what to do or say. Slowly, a smile breaks out on both of their faces. They felt closer to each other. Without needing a reason, the two of them start laughing. Zara felt her stomach starting to hurt from how hard they were laughing.
As their laughter finally died down, Zara sat up, catching her breath and smoothing her hair. She shot Kyle a conspiratorial grin, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
<font color="pink">"Okay, listen"</font>, she said, leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. <font color="pink">"Of course, it goes without saying that no one needs to know about this. Got it?"</font>, she raised an eyebrow, trying to sound serious, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a smile.
<font color="pink">"We were totally just hanging out like normal, nothing crazy. Deal?"</font>, she held out her pinky, sealing the pact the way they always had as kids.
<font color="cyan">"Pinky promise, huh? I guess it's serious"</font>, Kyle rolls his eyes.
<font color="pink">"And also, we can do this again... if you and I feel like it"</font>, Zara continues. Kyle just smiles and nods, not a bad deal for the both of them.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Through the fucking she was receiving, Zara tries to form words to tell her brother about her idea.
<font color="pink">"Ky- Kyle..."</font>, Zara manages to gasp out. Kyle immediately slows down and leans forward, his cock still deep inside Zara.
<font color="cyan">"What happened? What's wrong?"</font>, Kyle asks her. Zara could feel his impatience as his hips still slowly moved forward and back.
<font color="pink">"I want to try something new"</font>, Zara whispers in a sultry voice. She looks up at Kyle with a smile plastered on her lips.
<font color="cyan">"Like, another position? Sure"</font>, Kyle immediately starts trying to move positions but Zara stops him.
<font color="pink">"No dumbass. Fuck my ass, obviously"</font>, she huffs at him. Kyle's eyes go wide. He thinks he most likely did not hear her properly.
<font color="cyan">"Anal? Are you sure, sis?"</font>, he asks her. But, he was already ready. He popped his cock out of Zara's pussy and aims it at her ass hole. Zara just nods, ready for his cock. Her pussy juices coated his cock, making it easy for his cock to slip in.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own brother closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole.
With a groan, Kyle thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle slumps back into bed, sweaty from the cardio, and just gasps, <font color="cyan">"That was amazing, sis! I love your body"</font>
Giggling to herself, Zara gets up, she can feel cum dripping out of her ass hole and flowing down the back of her legs.
<center>[[Continue|bro quest3 end replay][$minute+=35]]</center>Zara decides anal would be too much right now... She lets the thoughts run away and focus back on the fucking she was receiving from Kyle.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as her brother thrusts in and out of her vagina. Her parents could walk into the room and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her.
Kyle pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. She starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. The coating of cum tasted so good to Zara, she immediately starts swallowing it. The taste of his cum was intoxicating.
<font color="cyan">"Ahhh! Thanks so much, sis"</font>, Kyle groans as he slumps into bed again. His cock was already becoming flaccid. Zara playfully tweaks it before turning around to leave his room.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara shot Kyle a conspiratorial grin, her eyes gleaming with mischief.
<font color="pink">"Okay, listen"</font>, she said, leaning in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. <font color="pink">"No one needs to know about this. Got it?"</font>, she raised an eyebrow, trying to sound serious, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a smile.
<font color="pink">"We were totally just hanging out like normal, nothing crazy. Deal?"</font>, she held out her pinky, sealing the pact the way they always had as kids.
<font color="cyan">"Pinky promise, huh? I guess it's serious"</font>, Kyle rolls his eyes.
<font color="pink">"We can do anal again, it felt really good"</font>, Zara continues. Kyle just smiles and nods, not a bad deal for the both of them.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara took a deep breath and nodded slowly, her eyes meeting her dad’s with a sense of quiet resolve.
<font color="pink">"Okay, Dad, I’ll do it"</font>, she said, her voice steady despite the uncertainty she felt. There was a moment of silence as her words settled in the air, and she could see the relief in her dad’s eyes, a mixture of gratitude and something else she couldn’t quite place. Her dad’s soft, appreciative smile made her feel a little more confident in her choice.
Zara gets on her knees, waiting as her dad slowly takes his cock out. It was semi-hard already, it would not be long before it got fully hard.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her father, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
He suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head, he wants control. The feeling of using his own daughter's mouth for his pleasure was sending him over an edge he did not know existed.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels every inch of dick just pounding away at her mouth and into her throat. She gags every time he thrusts deep inside but instead of the gags making him calmer it seemed to rile him up more, increasing his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Swallow it! Swallow it!"</font>, Ben gasps through the pleasure of cumming down his own daughter's throat. Zara reflexively starts swallowing his cum before it could start choking her.
<center>[[Continue|dad quest1 end replay]]</center>Zara shook her head, her expression a mix of apology and firmness.
<font color="pink">"Dad, I can't do that"</font>, she said quietly, her tone carrying the weight of her decision. The request wasn’t entirely unexpected—there had been hints and previous conversations leading up to this moment—but it was still something she couldn’t agree to. Her dad had asked her with a kind of quiet urgency, and while she understood where he was coming from, she knew it wasn’t something she could take on. The room seemed to close in on them, the familiar comfort of their surroundings now tinged with an uncomfortable tension.
Her dad’s face fell slightly, and he looked away, his fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of the blanket.
<font color="cyan">"I get it, Zara"</font>, he murmured, his voice soft and tinged with disappointment. There was a hint of embarrassment in his posture, as if he regretted putting her in this position, but also a deep understanding that she couldn’t fulfil the request. The air between them felt heavy, the conversation leaving an unspoken discomfort that neither of them knew how to address. Zara lingered for a moment, wanting to say something to ease the tension, but finding no words, she quietly turned and left the room, the door closing softly behind her. Her dad remained in the room, the weight of the situation still hanging in the air as he sat there in thoughtful silence.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara quietly gets up from her knees, her heart still racing from what she had just done. The weight of what just happened lingered in the air between them, but there was a shared understanding now, something unspoken that connected them in a way few would understand. Her dad looked at her with a deep, solemn gratitude, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and something more profound—a trust that had been cemented in this moment. They both knew this was something they would keep to themselves, a secret that would never leave the room. The gravity of what had just happened was not lost on either of them, but Zara felt a strange sense of calm, knowing she had done what her dad needed.
As they exchanged a final, meaningful glance, her dad reached out and gently squeezed her hand.
<font color="cyan">"Thank you, Zara"</font>, he said softly, the words carrying more weight than any other conversation they had shared. His voice trailed off, but Zara understood perfectly. She nodded, a silent promise passing between them. There was no need for further discussion; they both knew that if he ever made this request again, she would be there, ready to help without question. The bond between them felt stronger, a quiet pact forged in the privacy of that moment, and as they parted ways, Zara knew that this would remain their shared secret, something they would never reveal to anyone else.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara thinks to herself, can she actually do this? But, the answer was clear, and it got even clearer as she could feel her dad's cock rubbing against her pussy. Feeling it's head rub against her clit excited Zara to no end. She decides to lower herself onto her dad's cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadride.webp" height="220">
Riding her dad's cock makes Zara so wet. His cock slides in and out of her pussy, her dad groans and suddenly pushes her off him and slams her into the bed. He rips off her top completely and reinserts his cock into her.
<img src="img/dreams/dadsex.webp" height="220">
He fucks her deep and quickens his pace. Zara can tell he is getting close to cumming.
She grabs her dad's hip and pushes and pulls him into her going with his flow.
<font color="pink">"Cum inside me, daddy"</font>, she moans. Wasting no time her dad starts to pump even faster.
<font color="cyan">"I am cumming, baby"</font>
<img src="img/dreams/dadcum.webp" height="220">
He thrusts one final time deep inside Zara and creampies her, filling her with his seed.
<center>[[Continue|dad quest2 end replay]]</center><font color="pink">"I don't know dad, sorry. It just feels like it would be too much for me"</font>, Zara replies. She hoped that her dad would be fine with the rejection. Luckily, he was.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, no no. It's fine. Let's just continue this, huh?"</font>, he tells Zara. His voice was full of understanding. He gets off the bed and beckons Zara to get on her knees. He grabs the back of Zara's head, slowly pushing her down his cock. He starts to get friskier and rougher as he continues thrusting into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/fbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels every inch of dick just pounding away at her mouth and into her throat. She gags every time he thrusts deep inside but instead of the gags making him calmer it seemed to rile him up more, increasing his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/throatpie/tp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Swallow it! Swallow it!"</font>, Ben gasps through the pleasure of cumming down his own daughter's throat. Zara reflexively starts swallowing his cum before it could start choking her.
Zara clambers back to her feet, getting her clothes back on. Her father does the same. The two look at each other, smiling. These little interactions between them felt amazing to Zara, she never wanted them to end.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara sat on the edge of the bed, her breathing still uneven as she tried to steady herself. The room felt warm, and her heart was racing from the adrenaline of what they had just done together. She glanced over at her dad, who was sitting beside her with a satisfied smile, equally out of breath but clearly pleased. They had taken on something challenging, something that had pushed them both, and the rush of completing it left Zara with a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The air between them buzzed with the energy of the moment, a shared sense of accomplishment that made them both break into laughter, the tension dissolving into relief.
Her dad caught his breath and turned to her, still grinning.
<font color="cyan">"That was something, huh? We should do it again sometime"</font>, he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. Zara nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she felt the lingering thrill of what they had just done together. Despite the moralistic complexities, there was something undeniably fun about it, something that made her want to experience it all over again. The bond they had just reinforced felt stronger, and the idea of doing it again brought a sense of anticipation. As they sat there, the moment still fresh in their minds, they both knew this was something special—something they would return to when the time was right.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara thinks to herself, can she actually do this? But, the answer was clear, and it got even clearer as she could feel her dad's cock still thrusting inside. Every thrust from him shook the doubts out of her mind. She wanted it too, it was decided.
Zara looks back at her dad and gives him a nod. Ben grinned happily, he could not believe this was happening to him. He felt like the luckiest father in the world. He pops his cock out of Zara, it was coated in her fluids, making it already lubed. Aiming his cock at her ass hole, he slowly starts entering her.
Zara gasps in pain as his cock stretched out her ass hole. It was a strange sensation feeling her own father enter her ass hole, but exciting nonetheless. Fully in, her dad starts thrusting in and out of her.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as he pumps in and out of her ass hole, she can feel his dick throbbing inside her as the pleasure brings her own father closer to cumming. She knew he could not resist her tight ass hole.
With a groan, Ben thrusts deep inside her and she feels his warm seed coating her insides.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/anal/cp'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben slumps back into bed, sweaty from the cardio, and just gasps, <font color="cyan">"What a slut my daughter has become, I love it"</font>
Giggling to herself, Zara gets up, she can feel cum dripping out of her ass hole and flowing down the back of her legs.
<center>[[Continue|dad quest3 end replay]]</center><font color="pink">"I don't know dad, sorry. It just feels like it would be too much for me"</font>, Zara replies. She hoped that her dad would be fine with the rejection. Luckily, he was.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, no no. It's fine. Let's just continue this, huh?"</font>, he tells Zara. His voice was full of understanding. <font color="cyan">"How about you do some of the work now though?"</font>, he grins at her.
<font color="pink">"Sure, daddy. Why don't you lay down then"</font>, Zara purrs.
Ben immediately gets on his back, laying on the bed as his cock stood upright. Fully hard. Positioning herself properly above him, Zara lowers herself down onto his cock.
<img src="img/dreams/dadride.webp" height="220">
Riding her dad's cock makes Zara so wet. His cock slides in and out of her pussy, it made her moan loudly. With every motion, she could feel his cock stretching her out. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life.
Suddenly, her father pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. Ben just grins and shrugs back at her but gives her a little tender kiss on the cheek, making Zara feel just a little bit better.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>
Zara sat on the bed beside her dad, both of them catching their breath after what they had just done. The room was filled with a quiet energy, the kind that lingers after a moment of shared excitement. Zara's chest rose and fell as she tried to steady her breathing, a grin spreading across her face. Anal had taken more out of her than she had anticipated, but the satisfaction in her dad’s eyes made it all worthwhile. They exchanged a glance, both of them still riding the wave of adrenaline and accomplishment, knowing that this was something they had conquered together.
Her dad chuckled softly, the sound easing the last bit of tension in the room.
<font color="cyan">"We should definitely do that again sometime"</font>, he said, his voice tinged with enthusiasm and pride. Zara nodded in agreement, still feeling the exhilaration in her veins. The experience had been challenging, but also deeply rewarding, something that brought them even closer. The idea of doing it again, of reliving the rush and the shared triumph, was enticing. As they sat there, side by side, they knew this was only the beginning of many more moments like this—moments they would return to whenever they wanted to feel that same sense of connection and accomplishment. Her ass hole throbbed as she got up from the bed, the cum still dripping out slowly.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara's heart raced as she processed her mother's words. She had expected resistance, anger even, but not this. Her mouth felt dry as she struggled to find the right words.
<font color="pink">"Mom, I... I didn't know how to tell you"</font>, Zara finally managed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Elena moved closer, placing a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder. <font color="fuchsia">"Honey, I've always known there was something different about you. I just didn't know how to approach it. How to let you know, that I am the same"</font>
Zara's mind whirled with questions. How much did her mother know? How long had she suspected? And most importantly, how far was she willing to go?
<font color="pink">"So, you're not... disgusted?"</font>, Zara asked tentatively.
Elena shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. <font color="fuchsia">"No, sweetie. I'm not disgusted. I'm... curious. And maybe we should act on that curiosity"</font>, she continues.
Zara's breath quickens as the two women bring their lips closer to each other. Was she really going to kiss her own mother? Could she go through with it? Too late to back out now, as their lips touched, a kiss forming in between them.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She hungrily presses her lips against her mom's, their tongues tangling in a fierce battle for dominance. As their bodies become tangled together, Zara's fingers begin to explore every inch of Elena's skin, sending shivers of anticipation and desire coursing through her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom moans with pleasure as Zara expertly touches and teases her, each touch igniting a new wave of arousal within her. Gasping and panting, she clings to Zara as the intensity builds inside her until finally, she can't hold back any longer and releases in a powerful climax that leaves her trembling and breathless.
Exhausted but satisfied, they collapse onto the bed next to each other, their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. <font color="fuchsia">"That was incredible"</font>, Elana sighs between heavy breaths. Zara smiles, knowing that she has just given her own mom an unforgettable experience of pure ecstasy.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest1 end replay]]</center>Zara's eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The room suddenly felt stifling, as if the walls were closing in around her. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.
<font color="pink">"Mom, what on earth are you talking about?"</font>, Zara exclaimed, her voice rising. <font color="pink">"That's absolutely ridiculous! There's no scientific basis for that at all. Kinks aren't genetic, that's just... that's just pseudoscience!"</font>
Elena looked taken aback by her daughter's vehement response. Zara continued, her words tumbling out in a rush, <font color="pink">"Nothing has changed between us, Mom. I don't know where you're getting these crazy ideas from, but you need to stop. You're being completely irrational."</font>
<font color="fuchsia">"Oh please Zara! I know you are bullshitting right now. I don't understand why though"</font>, Elena replies. She rolls her eyes, she knows her daughter is simply running away from the truth.
Zara stood up, pacing the room, her hands gesticulating wildly as she spoke. <font color="pink">"Whatever you are thinking, it's just stupid. And wrong. I think I am just going to leave right now"</font>.
With that, Zara walks out of her parent's bedroom, her heart beating fast. Why did she just lie to her mom? She knows her mother was right, she was trying to change the dynamics of their relationship. Zara shakes her head, now's not the time to think about all this.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center> Zara turns to face her mom, her eyes tracing the curves of her body. <font color="pink">"This... this has to stay between us"</font>, she whispers, her voice husky with lingering desire.
Elena nods, her fingers absently playing with a strand of Zara's hair. <font color="fuchsia">"Of course"</font>, she murmurs. <font color="fuchsia">"No one can know. But..."</font>, she hesitates, biting her lip. <font color="fuchsia">"I don't want this to be the last time."</font>
Zara's heart races at the implication. <font color="pink">"Neither do I"</font>, she admits, her hand finding her mom's hip. <font color="pink">"We'll have to be discreet, but we can make this work"</font>
The soft fabric of their clothes rustled as Zara and her mother pulled them back on, their breaths still coming in sharp gasps. It was bittersweet to part ways, but they both knew they would do this again. The thrill and exhilaration of their adventure lingered in the air, promising more unforgettable moments in the future. As bid goodbye, they exchanged knowing glances, already planning their next moves. Their hearts beat in sync, united by their shared love for recklessness and wild abandon.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara's heart flutters with anticipation as she nods at Elena, her gaze lingering on her mom's body. She can feel a rush of desire coursing through her veins and wonders how Elena will taste. As Elena lays back on the bed and spreads her legs, Zara can see her pussy glistening and ready for her touch.
Closing the distance between them, Zara inhales deeply, taking in Elena's scent before finally pressing her lips to her mom's waiting centre.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The taste is unlike anything Zara has experienced before - it's intoxicating, addicting even. She wants to explore every inch of Elena's folds with her tongue, savouring every moan and tremble that escapes her mom's lips. Unable to resist any longer, Zara delves deeper, sliding her tongue through the folds of Elena's pussy and eliciting a loud moan from her.
Zara delves her tongue into Elena's slick, wet opening, eagerly tasting and exploring every inch of her. She moves with a fierce intensity, driving her tongue in and out like a skilled musician playing their instrument. Each thrust elicits a moan from Elena, who writhes beneath her with unbridled passion. Zara feels intoxicated by the taste and feel of Elena, losing herself in the moment as she continues to tongue fuck her with reckless abandon, completely consumed by the pleasure of it all.
Feeling Elena grab onto the back of her head only adds fuel to the fire burning inside of Zara. She continues to move her tongue expertly, building up the pleasure until finally, Elena breaks into a powerful orgasm that leaves them both breathless.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest2 end replay]]</center>Zara hesitates, her words faltering as she tries to find the right ones. She nervously tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before finally speaking. <font color="pink">"I don't know, mom. It seems like it would be too much for me right now." Her anxiety rises as she wonders if her mother will be okay with her rejection.
But Elena just smiles, a sly look in her eyes. <font color="fuchsia">"It's fine"</font>, she purrs, leaning in closer to Zara. <font color="fuchsia">"But you better make it up to me with your hands"</font>
Zara bites her lip, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness. She nods slowly, her hand trembling slightly as she trails her fingers down Elena's body until she reaches her destination. The heat and scent of arousal radiates from her mom's body, making Zara feel bolder as she slowly explores the folds of her mom's vagina before entering her with a gentle touch.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her mom moans with pleasure as Zara expertly touches and teases her, each touch igniting a new wave of arousal within her. Gasping and panting, she clings to Zara as the intensity builds inside her until finally, she can't hold back any longer and releases in a powerful climax that leaves her trembling and breathless.
Exhausted but satisfied, they collapse onto the bed next to each other, their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. <font color="fuchsia">"That was incredible"</font>, Elana sighs between heavy breaths. Zara smiles, knowing that she has just given her own mom an unforgettable experience of pure ecstasy.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara slowly lifts her head, her lips glistening with Elena's essence. Their eyes meet and they share a moment of breathless intimacy, cheeks flushed and hearts racing. A shy smile plays across Zara's lips as Elena gazes at her with a mixture of love and lingering desire.
<font color="fuchsia">"That was..."</font>, Elena trails off, still catching her breath.
<font color="pink">"Amazing"</font>, Zara finishes for her. She moves up to lie beside Elena on the bed, their bodies close but not quite touching.
They bask in the afterglow for a few moments, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, Elena turns to Zara.
<font color="fuchsia">"We should do this again sometime"</font>, she says softly.
Zara nods, feeling a flutter of excitement, <font color="pink">"I'd like that"</font>
Reluctantly, they begin to stir. They begin to dress. Zara pulls on her clothes, stealing glances at Elena as she does the same. Zara could not believe she just moved to the next level with her mother. She wanted nothing more than to do it again. The taste of her mom still lingered on her tongue, something she could never forget.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center><font color="pink">"Mom, I would love to try it out with you"</font>, Zara exclaims excitedly. The idea was now buried in Zara's mind. She wanted to try it out so badly, so she brought the strap-on to her mother. The two of them stare at it. Zara can already feel her pussy getting wetter. Looking at her mom, Zara could see goosebumps arising on her skin. She wanted to try it right now itself, that's for sure.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest3 strapon replay]]</center>
<font color="pink">"I don't know, mom. It would be too much for me, you know?"</font>, Zara replies to her mom's request.
Zara's breath hitched as she felt Elena's delicate hand gently caress her inner thigh. She felt herself grow wetter, more sensitive to the touch. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, Zara thought Elena would try to convince her again. Yet, Elena simply smiled and kissed her tenderly on the lips, pulling her close in a soft embrace. Zara nestled deeper into the crook of her neck, her fingers tracing patterns on her mom's back as they both caught their breath.
Elena breathed in deeply, savouring the scent of Zara's skin and the warmth that seemed to emanate from her body. Zara's heart rate was racing, and she could feel the pulse in her neck throbbing against her lips. She ran her hands through Zara's soft hair, gently pushing it away from her face as she pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. <font color="fuchsia">"It's okay, sweetie. We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with"</font>, she whispered soothingly.
Zara sighed in contentment, feeling the weight of her worries lift from her shoulders. She leaned back slightly, gazing up at her mom with a mix of love and admiration. <font color="pink">"Thank you"</font>, she whispered, her voice hoarse from desire. <font color="pink">"I just... I've never thought of doing that before, with you. I'm not sure I'm ready"</font>
Elena nodded, understanding completely. She knew that the request might have been too high for her daughter. She hoped Zara would change her mind in the future, and that too, soon. It was something she had always wanted to try.
The two of them get their clothes back on, they steal glances at each other while they dress up. Smiling each time their eyes met, the mother-daughter pair had grown closer over time. Especially physically, something Zara would not have believed a few months ago.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Elena beckons Zara to join her in bed. Taking Zara's shoulders in her hands, she lays Zara down on her back. She brings her face closer to Zara, gently kissing her on the lips as her hands start roaming all over her body.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara let out a soft moan as her mom's touch began to make its way down her side, over her ribcage, and then lower still. Her heart was racing in anticipation of what was to come. She couldn't believe how lucky she felt to be in her mom's arms. The gentle brush of fingers against her skin sent shivers down her spine, and she arched her back slightly in response, inviting Elena closer.
The cool sheets beneath them rustled as Elena shifted her weight, propping herself up on one elbow to better see Zara's reactions. Her lips curled into a slow, sensual smile as she traced a line along Zara's stomach, stopping just below her navel. With feather-light touches, she began flicking her tongue out to tease the soft skin there, eliciting soft gasps from Zara.
<font color="pink">"Mom..."</font>, she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire. She couldn't help but squirm a little under the sensation. It was like being tickled by a warm breath, and it felt absolutely divine.
As if in answer, Elena grabbed the strap-on. She binds the belt around her waist. Zara gripped the sheets tightly, her body tense with anticipation. She knew this was it—the moment she'd been waiting for all along. Elena positions the silicone dick, rubbing it against Zara's pussy entrance.
<font color="fuchsia">"Zara, are you ready for this?"</font>, Zara's mom asks her. She looks at her for her consent and Zara gives it with a nod. Elena slowly pushes the silicone cock into Zara's soaking wet pussy, taking her time to ensure a smooth entry. As she does, Zara's eyes roll into the back of her head and she lets out a long, low moan. The feeling of being filled by the strap-on, even with its gradual entry, sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her pussy grips and squeezes around the invading length, welcoming it inside with a tight grip that makes Elena gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/lbed'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Once fully seated within Zara, Elena begins to thrust in and out of her daughter's pussy, the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the air. Her movements are slow and deliberate at first, building up both their pleasure as she hits Zara's g-spot with every stroke. Zara's breathing becomes laboured, her body arching off the bed in response to the incredible sensations washing over her. She gasps and moans, her fingernails digging into the sheets as she tries to find purchase against the overwhelming pleasure.
As time passes, Elena picks up speed, her hips slamming against Zara's harder and faster with each rhythmic thrust. The bed creaks beneath them, the springs groaning in protest as they rock back and forth in unison. The scent of sweat and sex fills the room, mingling together into an intoxicating odour. The pleasure builds to a crescendo and breaks all over Zara, she can feel her legs shaking with pleasure as she orgasms. Zara can't help but moan loudly as her mother thrusts in deep one final time, maximizing Zara's orgasm.
<center>[[Continue|mom quest3 end replay]]</center>They lie there, panting and sweating, their bodies thrumming with pleasure. Zara's heartbeat is like thunder between them as she stares up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. Elena's hands roam gently over her flushed skin, tracing patterns that make her shiver. The sweat on their bodies mingles, making them slick with each other's essence. The smell of sex is heady in the air, a mixture of arousal and satisfaction. Zara can taste it on her tongue as she kisses her mom deeply, their tongues tangling in a sensual dance.
The room spins around them, but they are oblivious to anything but each other. Their breaths mingle in the air, hot and heavy. Elena's stomach tightens with every deep exhale, her muscles aching from the exertion but also from the sheer joy of giving Zara such intense pleasure. Zara's breasts heave against Elena's chest, nipples hard from the exhilaration of the experience. Every time she moves, it causes the strap-on to rub against her clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
After a few moments, they slowly start to move apart, reluctantly ending their intimate connection. Zara's legs tremble under her as she tries to find purchase on the bed, the room spinning around her. Elena helps her sit up, her hands lying gently on her daughter's back.
<font color="fuchsia">"We should do this again sometime"</font>, she says softly.
Zara nods, feeling a flutter of excitement, <font color="pink">"I'd like that"</font>
Reluctantly, they begin to dress. Zara pulls on her clothes, stealing glances at her mom as she does the same. Zara could not believe she just moved to the next level with her mother. She wanted nothing more than to do it again.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara sat on a quiet park bench, noticing the man beside her right away. He was handsome, with deep brown skin and strong features, but his sad, distant eyes and slumped shoulders told a different story. The weight of his sadness pulled at her until she couldn’t hold back.
<font color="pink">"Hey, are you okay?"</font>, she asked gently.
He sighed, <font color="cyan">"No, my girlfriend cheated on me."</font>
The pain was clear in his voice. Zara listened quietly as he opened up about his heartbreak. As they talked, his mood began to lift. He looked happier and happier as the conversation went on and on. But, Zara was too focused on the conversation to realize that whenever she looked away, the man's eyes immediately lowered, looking at her body. He was imagining how it would look without all the cloth clinging to it.
The conversation now dwindling to an end, and the two of them get up. The man spreads his arms, motioning for a hug and Zara obliges. His arms wrap around her easily.
Zara suddenly feels his hands moving... moving lower and lower and then-
<img src="img/city/park/bbc_grope1.webp" height="220">\
<<link "Stop this">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately steps away from the man, disentangling herself from his arms. She was not ready for this right now.
The man looks at her with a slight anger in his eyes, <font color="cyan">"All you women are the same! Make me trust you, give me signals, and then run away when things get serious"</font>.
Zara could not believe his nerve, what signals did she ever give him?! A hug?!
She knew there was no point arguing with the man, so she turned her back to him and walked away.
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Zara pleases the man">>
<<replace "#action">>\
The man was obviously hurting from his break up! She knew what she could do to immediately cheer him up. She lowers her hands too, slightly grabbing at his ass, it was firm underneath her hands. Moving her hands forward, she starts slowly groping the man's dick. Zara could feel it harden underneath her palms. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She deftly takes it out and gets on her knees.<<else>>The man takes it out of his pants and leads Zara to her knees.<</if>> Time to make the man very happy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick. With every motion, she could feel his cock harden even more. She knew once it grew to its largest, he was ready to pop. His moans were getting louder, he must be coming close to an orgasm right about now.
And she was right, the man pushes her off his dick and starts jerking himself off. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara opens her mouth, ready to accept his cum, like a good girl.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, a bit nervous about the prospect of having his cum in her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/bbc_cum1.webp" height="220">
The cum splatters all over her tongue. There was so much of it! And the taste was intoxicating. She wanted more, a lot more. But it stopped, she closed her mouth and swallowed it. Zara could feel the cum coating her pipes as it traveled down into her stomach.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to please the man or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@Zara takes a seat on one of the empty benches far away from prying eyes... maybe she can have some fun reading some smut...? But, all her hopes were dashed when a man takes a seat on the same bench alongside her. The man looks at Zara, his eyes scanning her slowly. They start from the feet and travel up, stopping for a second at her boobs before continuing up. He finally meets Zara's eyes who had already noticed him staring at her.
<font color="pink">"What do you want?"</font>, Zara straight away asks the man. The man just smiles, and he shifts slightly closer to Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Just thought you were hot. Makes me think a lot of things that I would love to do with your body"</font>, he speaks lowly. Zara looks at him incredulously, she glances down. A tent was forming in the man's pants... what was he even thinking?
<font color="cyan">"And to make it more worthwhile for you... I will pay you"</font>, he continues. He flashes a few notes at her before putting them back into his pocket.
<<link "Leave">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately got up from the bench, this man definitely did not have good intentions for her and her body. Walking far away, she finds another bench empty. Taking a seat on it, she enjoys the nature surrounding her, without creepy men bothering her.
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Zara blows the man">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes her hand and lowers it onto his crotch. His cock was already at its hardest. It twitched underneath her. The man gets up from the bench, taking his cock out. He motions to her to get on her knees and Zara does so <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>without any hesitation. Being in public like this did not matter to her at all.<<else>>a bit nervously. Being in public like this was a bit scary!<</if>> The man moves his hips forward, slowly inserting his cock into her waiting mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick. With every motion, she could feel his cock harden even more. She knew once it grew to its largest, he was ready to pop. His moans were getting louder, he must be coming close to an orgasm right about now.
And she was right, the man pushes her off his dick and starts jerking himself off. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara opens her mouth, ready to accept his cum, like a good girl.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth a bit nervously, the prospect of having his cum in her mouth was a bit scary.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/bbc_cum1.webp" height="220">
The cum splatters all over her tongue. There was so much of it! And the taste was intoxicating. She wanted more, a lot more. But it stopped, she closed her mouth and swallowed it. Zara could feel the cum coating her pipes as it traveled down into her stomach.
The man takes out his wallet, counts a few notes, and hands them to Zara. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Using her body to make money was one of the greatest privileges of her life.<<else>>Did she really use her body simply to make some money?<</if>> With that, the two of them walk away, the taste of his cum still lingering on her tongue.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addmoney 50>>\
<center><font color="green">+50$</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to blow the man or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Zara fucks the man">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes her hand and lowers it onto his crotch. His cock was already at its hardest. It twitched underneath her. The man gets up from the bench, taking his cock out. He motions to her to get up too. Zara does so <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>without any hesitation. Being in public like this did not matter to her anymore.<<else>>a bit nervously. She was a bit scared of being like this in public.<</if>> He moves his face closer to hers and kisses her. She could feel his cock poking her.
He grabs her shoulder and turns her around, bending her over. With her pussy presented to him, he could do anything. He slowly inserts his cock into her, making her gasp as it enters her. Once fully in, he starts thrusting.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan louder and louder as the pleasure built inside her. The man expertly thrusts in and out of her, the perfect rhythm, the perfect everything. She could feel his cock start throbbing and a warm feeling filled her. He was cumming inside her. The feeling of his cum inside her sends her over the edge, orgasming with him.
The man takes out his wallet, counts a few notes, and hands them to Zara. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Using her body to make money was one of the greatest privileges of her life.<<else>>Did she really use her body simply to make some money?<</if>> With that, the two of them walk away, the warmth of his cum still lingering inside her.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<addmoney 100>>\
<center><font color="green">+100$</font>
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to fuck the man or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/park/jog.webp" height="220">
Zara jogged along the park's winding path, each rhythmic step echoing her determination. Her breath mingled with the fresh air, and the steady beat of her feet against the ground fueled her sense of accomplishment.
Suddenly, a figure joins Zara's side, it is a handsome man, maybe 10 years older than Zara. The two of them wordlessly jog alongside each other, only glancing at each other and smiling in between.
The two of them stop to take a break, huffing and puffing.
<font color="cyan">"Hey, good run..."</font>, the man huffs. <font color="cyan">"Want to go to that clearing... and maybe uhh... take a nice long break?"</font>, he continues with a wink. It was obvious what he wanted.
<<link "No, Zara wants to focus on jogging">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Sorry... no thanks. I would like to continue jogging"</font>, Zara replies. The man looks a bit disappointed but nods. The two of them continue jogging through the park wordlessly... but now with an air of awkwardness.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="GymAdv">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing advanced gym attire</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $fitGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Fit Girl set to true</font>
<font color="violet">+1 Fitness Boosted</font>
<<addfitness 1>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Take a nice long break">>
<<replace "#action">>\
The two of them enter a clearing and immediately embrace each other, making out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara was more than ready to do anything the man wanted.<<else>>Zara was still a bit unsure if she should really do this, but her arousal made her decide a definite yes.<</if>> She could feel his boner poking at her from underneath. The cloth did nothing to hold it back. What should Zara do with it?
<<link "Suck him off">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara gets on her knees, deftly taking his cock out.<<else>>The man leads Zara to her knees and takes his cock out.<</if>> It already stood hard and ready to get sucked off by Zara. She moves her head forward and gently places her lips around his cock's head, making him moan in a low voice.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick. With every motion, she could feel his cock harden even more. She knew once it grew to its largest, he was ready to pop. His moans were getting louder, he must be coming close to an orgasm right about now.
And she was right, the man pushes her off his dick and starts jerking himself off. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara opens her mouth, ready to accept his cum, like a good girl.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, nervous about him cumming in her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/bbc_cum1.webp" height="220">
The cum splatters all over her tongue. There was so much of it! And the taste was intoxicating. She wanted more, a lot more. But it stopped, she closed her mouth and swallowed it. Zara could feel the cum coating her pipes as it traveled down into her stomach. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>What a slut! Swallowing a stranger's cum with no hesitation.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just swallowed a stranger's cum, it felt good though.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<link "Zara fucks the man">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes her hand and lowers it onto his crotch. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She could not wait for it to be inside her.<<else>>She felt a bit nervous about it being inside her.<</if>> His cock was already at its hardest. It twitched underneath her. The man takes his cock out. He grabs her shoulder and turns her around, bending her over. With her pussy presented to him, he could do anything. He slowly inserts his cock into her, making her gasp as it enters her. Once fully in, he starts thrusting.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_jog_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan louder and louder as the pleasure built inside her. The man expertly thrusts in and out of her, the perfect rhythm, the perfect everything. She could feel his cock start throbbing and a warm feeling filled her. He was cumming inside her. The feeling of his cum inside her sends her over the edge, orgasming with him.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to fuck the man...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to take a break with the man...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/street_night.jpg" height="300">
Zara takes a stroll in the city at night time, maybe not the smartest decision she ever made but she still made it. While walking through the now mostly empty streets, save for the random homeless people or shady people milling around.
Zara heard the purr of a car engine behind her, she expected it to drive past her but instead, it rolled to a stop just beside her. A man sat inside, looking at Zara. His eyes roamed over her body, checking her out.
<font color="cyan">"You. A girl as sexy as you must be out on the streets for one reason only"</font>, he shouts out from the car. Zara knew immediately what he meant, and her suspicions were confirmed immediately.
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<font color="cyan">"I wanna see what that mouth do"</font>, the man grins. He points down towards his cock. <font color="cyan">"How does 50 dollars sound, huh?"</font>, the man continues.
Should Zara do it?
<<link "Reject">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Umm, I am good, thank you!"</font>, Zara shouts back at the driver. The man just shrugs his shoulders and drives off.
Zara was glad he did not take the rejection personally... who knows what would have happened to her if he had gotten angry? Especially on this street so late at night. Zara continues on her walk, uninterrupted.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"50 dollars... sure. Let's do this"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>with a sleazy grin on her face.<<else>>nervously.<</if>> The man grunts an affirmative and takes opens the passenger door of the car. Zara walked up to the car, the interiors looked clean for the most part. Getting in, the man drives to a quieter street, more like a wide alleyway, nobody would disturb them. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara just for some cock and money entered a stranger's car and let him take her to a dark alleyway. She really had become a pretty dumb slut.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds, she just had entered a stranger's car and went to a dark alleyway with him.<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara takes the man's cock out, stroking it with her hand gently until it got hard enough.<<else>>The man takes his cock out, letting Zara grab hold of it gently.<</if>> It had a slight musk to it, intoxicating. She lowers her head and opens her mouth to let his cock slide right in.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down his cock. Trying to go as deep as possible. She could feel his cock enter her throat. The man rested his hand on her ass, lightly squeezing it as she continued sucking him off.
The man grunts as he gets closer to an orgasm and finally cums in Zara's mouth who swallows it all down. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Swallowing a random stranger's cum was no longer an issue for Zara, in fact, she loved it.<<else>>She was not at all used to swallowing a random stranger's cum, it felt weird, but also hot.<</if>> Seeing this, the man looks even more impressed and hands her 50 dollars. He starts up the car again and drops Zara back where he had picked her up.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="green">+50$</font>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Reguired Energy: 20</font></center>
<font color="cyan">"How about I fuck you nice and good, huh?"</font>, the man grins. He points down towards his cock. <font color="cyan">"How does 75 dollars sound, huh?"</font>, the man continues.
Should Zara do it?
<<link "Reject">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Umm, I am good, thank you!"</font>, Zara shouts back at the driver. The man just shrugs his shoulders and drives off.
Zara was glad he did not take the rejection personally... who knows what would have happened to her if he had gotten angry? Especially on this street so late at night. Zara continues on her walk, uninterrupted.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"75 dollars... sure. Let's do this"</font>, Zara replies <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>with a sleazy grin on her face.<<else>>nervously.<</if>> The man grunts an affirmative and takes opens the passenger door of the car. Zara walked up to the car, the interiors looked clean for the most part. Getting in, the man drives to a quieter street, more like a wide alleyway, nobody would disturb them. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara just for some cock and money entered a stranger's car and let him take her to a dark alleyway. She really had become a pretty dumb slut.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds, she just had entered a stranger's car and went to a dark alleyway with him.<</if>> He gets out of the car, and motions for Zara to do the same.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara takes the man's cock out, stroking it with her hand gently until it got hard enough.<<else>>The man takes his cock out, letting Zara grab hold of it gently.<</if>> It had a slight musk to it, intoxicating. He grabs her shoulders and bends her over his car. She can feel the cool metal against her body but his cock entering her pussy immediately distracted her.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/bbc_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the man fucks her hard and deep. With every thrust, she could feel her pussy stretching out. His cock felt so good, too good in fact. Within minutes Zara was already orgasming, moaning loudly into the night, but the man was not done yet. He continues fucking her brains out.
The man grunts as he gets closer to an orgasm and finally cums inside Zara. She can feel his warm cum coating her insides. The man hands her 75 dollars. He starts up the car again and drops Zara back where he had picked her up.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="green">+75$</font>
<<addmoney 75>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Reguired Energy: 25</font></center>
Zara takes a seat beside Dick. He immediately scoots over and places a hand on her shoulders. While talking, his other hand slowly creeps onto Zara's thigh, lightly squeezing it.
<img src="img/quests/dick3thigh.jpg" height="220">
His hands lightly rubbed her thigh, slowly going inward. Every single trace that he made, sent a shiver down Zara. She loved every second of his light touch. But, it seemed like he was simply touching her absentmindedly, his attention seemed a lot more focused on the conversation (Zara's was most definitely not).
Exasperated, Zara thinks about what to do.
<<link "Let it be">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara simply shakes her head, Dick was a bit too engrossed in the conversation anyway. His mind was definitely not focusing on Zara's body right now, just her presence and conversation. That also did make Zara feel a little bit nice about their relationship.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Entice him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara shifts away from Dick and turns her body to face him. He stops talking, a bit confused as to why Zara just moved away from him. Before he could say anything, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara flashes her tits at him with gusto, she smiles slutily at him.<<else>>Zara flashes her tits at him, she hopes nobody else is seeing this.<</if>>
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Dick's eyes widen for a few seconds and a grin spreads on his face. It would have been impossible for anyone who sees Zara's delicious boobs to not grin in ecstasy.
<font color="cyan">"What's this about, huh?"</font>, Dick grins. He slides himself over to Zara, his eyes still firmly set on staring at her tits. Zara let them stay out there, free for him to look at... and most likely a passerby.
<font color="pink">"You have had your hand rubbing my inner thigh for ages, it was driving me crazy"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>huffs at him<<else>>tells him<</if>>. All his touching had made her wet, she craved his touch right now.
Dick chuckles amusedly before a look sets in his eyes. He is going to make sure Zara feels immense pleasure. He motions to her to get on his lap, and she does so <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>without any complaints<<else>>a bit nervous about what is going to happen<</if>>. Just as she sat, Dick's hands start moving all over Zara's thighs, rubbing them, squeezing them gently.
All this touching made Zara whimper, but she wanted more. She grabs his hand and moves it up, all the way to her pussy. And Dick delivers on his internal promises. He slides his hand into Zara's panties and starts lightly touching her.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moaned as he began to rub her clit, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through her body.
<font color="cyan">"Fuck, you're so wet"</font>, Dick said, his voice filled with desire.
Zara couldn't help but agree. She was so turned on, she could feel herself getting close to orgasm already. But she didn't want to cum yet. She wanted to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible. Dick started to finger Zara, his fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She really was letting boys finger her in public, what a slut!<<else>>Was she really doing this? Letting boys finger her in public?<</if>>
Zara moaned louder as he fingered her, her body shaking with pleasure. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm, and she knew she wasn't going to be able to hold back much longer.
<font color="pink">"Fuck, I'm gonna cum"</font>, she gasped, her voice filled with desire.
Dick didn't say anything. He just kept fingering her, his fingers moving faster and faster. Zara could feel herself on the edge, and then she was falling over, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave.
She moaned loudly as she came, her body shaking with pleasure. She could feel Dick's fingers still inside her, moving in and out as she came down from her high. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw Dick looking up at her with a satisfied smile on his face.
Gasping, she gets off his lap, her legs still weak from the pleasure. Still trembling, she gets back onto the bench. Dick grins as he puts his arm around her, proud of himself.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=35>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to entice him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<<set $ScienceClassTries+=1>>\
<center>Zara has to stop the machine at $targetMin to $targetMax!
<font size="10">--------{<span id="countdown">$countdown</span>}--------</font>
<span id="buttCD"></span></center>
<<if $CDstop == true and $CDstart == true>>
<<timed 20ms>><<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the correct range!
<<set $drugStatus += 2>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "S">>\
<<set $ScienceClassTries-=2>>\
[[Continue|Studying Hard events done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at an acceptable range!
<<set $drugStatus += 1>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "A">>\
<<set $ScienceClassTries-=2>>\
[[Continue|Studying Hard events done][$minute+=2]]
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<replace "#buttCD">>\
Zara stopped the machine at the wrong range!
<<set $drugStatus += 0>>\
<<set $drugStatusAlt = "F">>\
[[Continue|Studying Hard events done][$minute+=2]]
<<elseif $CDstart == true and $CDstop == false>>
<<repeat $counter>>
<<if $countdown gt 0>>
<<if $countdown gte $targetMin and $countdown lte $targetMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'lime'>>
<<elseif $countdown gte $rangeMin and $countdown lte $rangeMax>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'yellow'>>
<<css '#countdown' 'color' 'red'>>
<<set $countdown -= 1>>
<<replace "#countdown">>$countdown<</replace>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Stop">>
<<set $CDstop to true>>
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<timed 20ms>><<replace "#buttCD">><<button "Start">><<set $CDstart to true>><<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>><</button>><</replace>><</timed>>
<<set $tries to 6>>\
<<set $n1 to random(0,9)>><<set $n2 to random(0,9)>><<set $n3 to random(0,9)>><<set $n4 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn1 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn2 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn3 to random(0,9)>><<set $cn4 to random(0,9)>>\
<span id="n1">- - - -[<<cycle "$n1" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n2">- -[<<cycle "$n2" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n3">- -[<<cycle "$n3" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- -</span> \
<span id="n4">- -[<<cycle "$n4" autoselect>><<option 0>><<option 1>><<option 2>><<option 3>><<option 4>><<option 5>>\
<<option 6>><<option 7>><<option 8>><<option 9>><</cycle>>]- - - -</span>\
<span id="dis">
<<link "[Open]">>\
<<replace "#cont">><</replace>>\
<<if $tries gt 0>><<set $tries-->><<replace "#op2">>
<center>Tries left: $tries</center><</replace>>\
<<if $tries==0>>
<<replace "#op">><<set $CDsec to random(99,100)>>\
<center>Zara failed to enter the correct 4-digit PIN! But it's alright, she can always try again another time.
<font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Computer Skills</font>
<<addcomp 2>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Computer Skills Boost</font>
<<addcomp 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<replace "#dis">><</replace>>\
<<if $n1 is $cn1>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n2 is $cn2>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n3 is $cn3>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>><<if $n4 is $cn4>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'lime'>><</if>>\\
<<if $n1 isnot $cn1 and $n1 isnot $cn2 and $n1 isnot $cn3 and $n1 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n2 isnot $cn1 and $n2 isnot $cn2 and $n2 isnot $cn3 and $n2 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n3 isnot $cn1 and $n3 isnot $cn2 and $n3 isnot $cn3 and $n3 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $n4 isnot $cn1 and $n4 isnot $cn2 and $n4 isnot $cn3 and $n4 isnot $cn4>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'red'>><</if>>\
<<if $PlayerComp gte 80>><<timed 8.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><<elseif $PlayerComp gte 50>><<timed 6.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><<elseif $PlayerComp gte 20>><<timed 4.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><<else>><<timed 2.0s>><<css '#n1' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n2' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n3' 'color' 'white'>><<css '#n4' 'color' 'white'>><</timed>><</if>>\
<<if $n1 is $cn1 and $n2 is $cn2 and $n3 is $cn3 and $n4 is $cn4>>
<<replace "#op">>
<<set $CDsec to random(99,100)>>\
<center>Zara successfully entered the correct 4-digit PIN!
<font color="#ADD8E6">+3 Computer Skills</font>
<<addcomp 3>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Computer Skills Boost</font>
<<addcomp 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<replace "#dis">><</replace>>\
<</link>> \
<span id="op">
<span id="op2">\
<center>Tries left: $tries</center></span>
<span id="c_op"></span>
<<set $CDsec to random(60,90)>>\
<span id="countdown"><center>Zara has <font color="gold">$CDsec</font> second(s) left.</center></span>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<set $CDsec to $CDsec - 1>>
<<if $CDsec gt 0>>
<<replace "#countdown">><center>Zara has <font color="gold">$CDsec</font> second(s) left.</center><</replace>>
<<replace "#countdown">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#op">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#op2">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#tut">><</replace>>\
<<replace "#dis">><center>Zara has run out of time...
<font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Computer Skills</font>
<<addcomp 2>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Computer Skills Boost</font>
<<addcomp 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<span id="cont">
<span id="tut">
<<link "How to unlock?">>\
<<replace "#tut">><font color="lime">Green: Correct digit and position</font>
<font color="red">Red: Digit does not exist</font>
No change: Digit exists but is in the wrong position currently
Number of attempts is fixed in school
</span>Zara walked down the hallway, the familiar sounds of lockers slamming and chatter echoing around her. Her next class was just a few doors away, but with every step, she felt more drained. The fluorescent lights overhead seemed harsher today, making her head throb slightly.
She paused near the water fountain, leaning against the wall as her fatigue settled in like a heavy blanket. It wasn't just physical—her mind felt foggy, like it was wading through quicksand. She rubbed her eyes, but the exhaustion clung to her. The thought of sitting through another lecture felt overwhelming.
Zara glanced toward the classroom door ahead, but all she could think about was how much she needed to rest. For a moment, she hesitated, her body almost urging her to turn around.
Maybe I’ll just bunk class today, she thought. The idea offered a brief sense of relief, pulling her towards a much-needed break.
<center><font color="gold">Not enough energy to attend classes! Minimum 10 Energy required!</font>
[[Continue|School][$minute+=1]]</center><<if $ScienceClassTries gt 4>>\
Zara wants to go again but her chance is over. Another student was waiting for her to get on the machine.
<center><font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Science Skills</font>
<<addsci 2>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+1 Science Skills Boost</font>
<<addsci 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<elseif $drugStatusAlt=="F">>\
The machine sounds out a buzzer noise. Zara got it incorrect. She should do it again and get it right this time.
<center>[[Retry|Studying Hard events]]</center>
The machine sounds out a ding noise. Zara got it correct! She happily smiles as a wave of pride flows through her.
<center><font color="#ADD8E6">+3 Science Skills</font>
<<addsci 3>>\
<<if $studiousGirl == true>>\
<font color="gold">Studious Girl set to true</font>
<font color="#ADD8E6">+2 Science Skills Boost</font>
<<addsci 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>\
<<addenergy -20>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>
<<set $classActivity = "">>
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>
<<if $PlayerSci gt 90>><<set $counter = "50ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 5>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 5>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 5>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 80>><<set $counter = "40ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 70>><<set $counter = "35ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 60>><<set $counter = "30ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 4>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 4>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 4>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 50>><<set $counter = "25ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 40>><<set $counter = "20ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 30>><<set $counter = "15ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 3>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 3>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 3>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 20>><<set $counter = "10ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<elseif $PlayerSci gt 10>><<set $counter = "5ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><<else>><<set $counter = "1ms">><<set $targetMin = random(10,80)>><<set $targetMax = $targetMin + 2>><<set $rangeMin = $targetMin - 2>><<set $rangeMax = $targetMax + 2>><<set $countdown = 100>><</if>>\
<<set $CDstart to false>><<set $CDstop to false>>\Zara enters the stall but before she can relax the door opens and a figure belonging to a boy steps in.
<font color="pink">"Umm... occupied?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uh huh... well, I don't really care, you are in the boy's washroom"</font>, the boy replies. A smirk is plastered on his face. <font color="cyan">"You can go ahead and do what you need to do"</font>, he continues.
<<link "Kick him out">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara simply shakes her head, <font color="pink">"No way, get out"</font>.
The boy gives her a disgruntled look and turns around, leaving Zara alone in the stall.
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=4]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=10>>\
<<link "Let him stay">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara's heart beats faster and faster as she slowly strips. Her pussy was completely out, in the cool air of the washroom as the boy stared at it. A tent starts to form in his pants. Zara slowly touches herself, easing herself into the mood.
The boy grins as he unzips his cock, letting it out completely. Gripping it with hand, he starts to jerk himself off in front of Zara. The two touch themselves, staring deep into each other's eyes as they do so.
Seeing his cock, Zara could not hold herself back. She had to know what it tasted like. She lurches forward onto her knees and places her lips around his cock. The boy gasps at the sudden blowjob but does not push her off, giving consent.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gags as she goes lower and lower on his dick. With every centimeter gained, a louder moan came from the boy's lips. Finally, he could not hold back any longer.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Spurts of cum land into Zara's mouth, overflowing it almost immediately. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She did not mind though, the taste was intoxicating.<<else>>Still not used to it, the taste of the cum felt a bit weird.<</if>> With his balls finally empty, the boy zips his cock back up and exits the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to let him stay or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara enters the stall but before she can relax the door opens and a figure belonging to a boy steps in.
<font color="pink">"Umm... occupied?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uh huh... well, I don't really care, you are in the boy's washroom"</font>, the boy replies. A smirk is plastered on his face. <font color="cyan">"You can go ahead and do what you need to do"</font>, he continues.
<<link "Kick him out">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara simply shakes her head, <font color="pink">"No way, get out"</font>.
The boy gives her a disgruntled look and turns around, leaving Zara alone in the stall.
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=4]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=10>>\
<<link "Let him stay">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara's heart beats faster and faster as she slowly strips. Her pussy was completely out, in the cool air of the washroom as the boy stared at it. A tent starts to form in his pants. Zara slowly touches herself, easing herself into the mood.
The boy grins as he unzips his cock, letting it out completely. Gripping it with hand, he starts to jerk himself off in front of Zara. The two touch themselves, staring deep into each other's eyes as they do so.
Seeing his cock, Zara could not hold herself back. She had to know what it tasted like. She lurches forward onto her knees and places her lips around his cock. The boy gasps at the sudden blowjob but does not push her off, giving consent.
<<set _i = random(1,8)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gags as she goes lower and lower on his dick. With every centimeter gained, a louder moan came from the boy's lips. Finally, he could not hold back any longer.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/boralcum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Spurts of cum land into Zara's mouth, overflowing it almost immediately. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She did not mind though, the taste was intoxicating.<<else>>Still not used to it, the taste of the cum felt a bit weird.<</if>> With his balls finally empty, the boy zips his cock back up and exits the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to let him stay or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara enters the stall but before she can relax the door opens and a figure belonging to a boy steps in.
<font color="pink">"Umm... occupied?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"This will just take a few seconds, sorry"</font>, the boy says nervously
<font color="pink">"That quick huh? That's a shame"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Huh-? No no! I wanted to tell you something... something important"</font>
<font color="pink">"And that is...?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I love you"</font>
Zara's jaw drops wide open. She has never even seen this boy before in her life. Thinking this was a prank she just gives a pity laugh and starts trying to exit the stall. But the boy raises his arm and blocks her way.
<font color="cyan">"No, I am being serious..."</font>, and before Zara could say anything the boy starts confessing his love for her. It feels like an eternity has passed but the boy kept going, stammering through his words.
<<link "Listen to him">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
Zara does her best to listen but after a few minutes she goes into a stupor, the boy's words enter one ear and leave the other. Through the gloss in her eyes, she could see the boy's lips moving but could not grab hold of a single word.
Suddenly, the boy leans forward and gives Zara a light kiss on her lips, making Zara blush due to the tenderness. And then without another word, the boy exits the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=10>>\
<<link "Shut him up">>
<<replace "#listen">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Without a warning, Zara leans forward and kisses the boy.<<else>>Nervously, Zara leans forward and kisses the boy.<</if>> The boy does not object at all and instead leans into the kiss. Zara snakes her hand lower and lower until it rested on his dick, gripping it lightly.
<font color="cyan">"Are- are you sure?"</font>
To give him a wordless answer all she does is tighten her hands on his dick, and starts rubbing it.
<font color="pink">"Want something more?"</font>
The boy nods, his face a color of red that Zara had never seen before. She gets on her knees and using her hands she unzips his pants, letting his dick free. She leans forward, giving it a little kiss on the head before opening her mouth wider.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She bobs up and down on his dick, swirling her tongue over his head every time she reached the top, showing her skill. The boy moans above her, loving every second of it. He loved it so much he could not help but cum straight into Zara's mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He sighs in relief and content, his balls now completely empty.
<font color="cyan">"That was great"</font>, he whispers into her ear and then gives her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the stall.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School boys restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to shut him up or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 10</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara tapped her pen absentmindedly against the desk, the silence pressing down on her. The door creaked open, and she looked up to see a pretty girl enter, her eyes looked sullen, followed by a stern-faced teacher. The teacher glanced at Zara and nodded at her.
The two girls took their seats at their tables, right beside each other. Time seemed to slow as minutes passed in silence, broken only by the soft rustle of papers on the teacher's desk. Finally, with a heavy sigh, the teacher stood up.
<font color="cyan">"Listen guys, I got to get some work done. I will be back, be good"</font>, he announces. With that, he quietly exits the room, closing the door behind him.
The two girls look at each other, giving a small smile. Neither of them wanted to be here. Who would want to be in detention for a full hour anyway? The girl suddenly scoots her table and chair closer to Zara, scraping it across the floor. Zara looks at her inquisitively but says nothing. But nothing more has to be said when the girl's hand falls on Zara's thigh, squeezing it lightly.
<<link "Move away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara does not say anything to the girl, instead, she just gets up and sits on another desk. The girl rolls her eyes and does not follow Zara, she crosses her arms and stares sullenly into the distance. Zara goes back into her stupor. The time passes by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. The teacher comes back into the room and motions for them to leave.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 10 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara lets out a small giggle, the girl's touch felt good, very good in fact. The girl takes her giggle as a sign that she wants it.<<else>>Zara gasps at the girl's touch. She was not still used to things like this.<</if>> The girl slowly trails her hands onto Zara's inner thigh, squeezing it gently. With every squeeze, it went higher and higher. It stops right below Zara's pussy, which was now so wet. To make it easier, Zara takes off her panties, letting her pussy out to be touched by the girl. She sits on the table, spreading her legs alluringly.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lfinger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the girl continues touching her, her fingers expertly going through Zara's folds. She rubs Zara's clits with just the right amount of pressure, Zara could not help but orgasm on the table. She felt way too good. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Being a slut really was a good life, letting girls finger her in a classroom.<<else>>She still could not believe she was letting a random girl finger her so publicly in a classroom.<</if>>
Zara collapses on the table, completely tired, and feels like she needs a very good long nap. The girl smiles, her job now done. The bell rang, indicating an hour was up, and detention was over.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let it continue or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara enters the stall and sits down on the toilet and relieves herself. Cleaning up she gets ready to head out but just as she opens the door a figure gets in and pushes her back in and shuts the stall door behind them.
Zara focuses on the figure to realize it's a boy from her class.
<font color="pink">"The fuck dude?!"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uhh... wait, you aren't, Maddie"</font>, he squints at Zara as if to make sure she is indeed not Maddie.
<font color="pink">"Yeah, I am definitely not Maddie, what are you doing in the girl's washroom?!"</font>
<font color="cyan">"I asked Maddie out on a date and she said to come here. I am not a creep I swear"</font>
<font color="pink">"Yeah, well, I don't care and you can get the fuck out of here now"</font>
Looking dejected, the boy starts to leave the stall.
<<link "Let the boy leave">>
<<replace "#wait">>\
The boy exits the stall and after a few moments, Zara follows suit, hoping nobody saw this and assumes things.
<center><font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
[[Leave the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=5]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=15 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Stop him">>
<<replace "#wait">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey, wait. How about I make up for the disappointment Maddie has caused you?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Uhh, sure? But how?"</font>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara smiles and leans in for a kiss.<<else>>Zara's heart pounds as she leans in and gives the boy a kiss.<</if>> The boy gasps in surprise but does not give any indication that he does not want it. Seeing this, Zara closes the gap and they start making out.
But this does not last long, the boy pushes Zara down using both his hands onto her knees. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Knowing what he wants at once she unzips his pants and drops them below. Zara could not believe she is now so used to sucking off random boys in toilet stalls!<<else>>Woah! Was she really doing this? Sucking off a random boy in a toilet stall? The question was answered by the boy as he takes his cock out.<</if>> The musky aroma of his penis hits her nostrils as she gives it a quick kiss on the head. Satisfied that it's clean she opens her mouth and starts sucking the boy off.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="cyan">"Oh god this feels so good"</font>
Hearing him moan excites Zara even more. Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/bbc_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With a groan, the boy starts cumming right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She makes sure not to waste a single drop.<<else>>Zara does her best not to waste a single drop.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"That was amazing"</font>, the boy says while zipping up his pants. <font color="cyan">"Maybe we can do it again sometime?"</font>, he asks timidly.
<font color="pink">"Maybe, no promises"</font>, Zara replies with a wink. <font color="pink">"Now, get out of here"</font>, she adds on.
Without a word, the boy exits the stall with a smile on his face.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Zara exits the stall|School girls restroom][$minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to stop him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara looks around the classroom, bored out of her mind. She is unable to pay a single second of attention to what the teacher is teaching at this point. Zara notices the boy on the desk beside her, his hands slowly moving up and down sneakily below the table. Zara was no prude, she knew exactly what the boy was doing. But, maybe she could make it a better experience for this boy...
<<link "No, it is too risky in class">>
<<replace "#exp">>\
Zara removes all the thoughts she just had about the boy, not wanting to take any stupid risks in class. Instead, she turns to the girl next to her and the both of them have a whispered conversation until the end of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Improve his experience">>
<<replace "#exp">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption lt 30>>Her heart pounding in her chest, <</if>>Zara writes a note to the boy, indicating her willingness to make things a little bit more... <font color="red">spicy</font>, and tosses it to the boy. The boy looks at Zara confused but still opens the note. He stares at the note for 10 seconds, making Zara worried he might snitch to the teacher about her inappropriateness but instead, the boy just looks at her and gives her a slight nod while looking very shy.
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Without a word, Zara places her hand on the boy's crotch, whose immediate reaction is to jump in his seat and look at her with a surprised face. Zara gives him the motion of a handjob with her free hand and the boy's eyes got even wider. He just nods and leans back.
Zara unzips his pants and takes his cock out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can't believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could walk in? She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy's cock gently.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy shudders in his seat due to the pleasure as Zara keeps stroking his dick, increasing her pace every 10 seconds... until...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He gives a very low groan as his dick splatters his cum all over Zara's thighs and the underside of the table. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara giggles, she uses her hands to gather up the cum on her thighs and licks her hand clean as the boy zips his pants up and mouths her a thank you.<<else>>Zara does not know what to do with the cum splattered all over her thighs. The boy sees this and hands over some tissues. She cleans herself up.<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara feeling the heat already rising in her stomach checked her surroundings to ensure that if she suddenly dipped under the desk... nobody would notice. Once she was convinced it was clear she dipped below her desk and crawled towards the boy's desk.
<font color="cyan">"Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!"</font>, he whispers with the panic in his voice apparent. Zara does not give a reply but instead takes his dick out and gives the head a lick, ensuring it was clean. Satisfied with her findings she wraps her lips around his head and starts sucking the boy off.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/sbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Nobody in the class realizes what is happening. Zara feels the boy get tense and as predicted he cums right into her mouth. Making sure not to make a mess of her top and face she tightens her lip's grip on his cock and drinks every single drop of cum he releases.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 2>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give a blowjob or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to improve the boy's experience or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>\
@@Zara grabbed the man's dick, the huge slab of meat barely fit in her hands. How in the world was this going to go inside her? She had absolutely no idea. The man grabs her and shoves her onto the couch, in a prone position. She feels his cock slowly pushing against her pussy, entering her. Zara gasps as his dick enters her, its girth stretching her out to the maximum. It both caused her pain and a lot of <font color="red">pleasure</font>.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The pain was all gone now and only the pleasure remained. She could not believe that he could actually fit inside her.
Zara moans with pleasure as the man pounds away at her pussy, the longer it goes on, the wetter she feels. He pumps in and out of her, giving guttural growls into her ear as he does so, exciting her even more.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/nimbus/bbc_creampie'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With one final thrust, he goes in deeper and lets go of his seed, pumping her full of cum. As he pulls out, Zara feels his cum dripping out of her pussy. She reaches back and lets the cum drops land on her fingers. She wants a taste! She raises her hand towards her mouth-
<center>[[RING RING RING RING|wakeup_dream]]</center>Zara waits at a desk, absentmindedly tapping the wooden top. The handle clicks and the door swings open, and Zara's mood immediately turns sour. In the doorway stood the P.E. coach. He grins at Zara as he walks into the room, shutting the door behind him.
<font color="cyan">"Just you huh?"</font>, he asks and sits down at his desk. <font color="cyan">"Don't you wish you could just leave detention earlier?"</font>, he continues.
<font color="pink">"That would be nice, sir"</font>, Zara responds. But she knew it would not be so easy with a creep like him.
<font color="cyan">"Well, it's simple. Pleasure me"</font>, he gives a sleazy grin. Zara could not believe how crass he could be, and how was he not fired yet!?
<<link "Ignore him">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
Zara pretends she did not hear what he just said and stares at her tabletop. The coach gives out a huff of air but does not continue the conversation.
Over time, Zara goes back into her mental vegetative state as time passes slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 15 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Pleasure him">>
<<replace "#ignore">>\
Zara takes a deep breath in and exhales out of her mouth. Would she really manage to do this? <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She would honestly not mind sucking his dick at least, she was used to it by now. Her mind was ready too.<<else>>Would she really be able to suck his dick... at the minimum? She could... her mind was ready but she was still not used to the idea.<</if>> She thinks about how to convince the P.E. coach.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets onto her knees and deftly unbuttons and pulls down the coach's pants.
<font color="cyan">"All of you young ones, such sluts"</font>, he growls. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara only smiles at him and takes his cock into her mouth. She really was a cock slut.<<else>>Zara does not say anything, she simply takes the cock into her mouth, trying not to think about it too much.<</if>> She first swirls her tongue around his head before going a bit deeper.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The coach's mind races, he could not believe this 18-year-old slut is so ready to suck his dick. All girls should be just like Zara. The pleasure he feels right now is a pleasure he has never felt before.
He wonders what else Zara would allow him to do with her mouth. To test it out the coach suddenly gets up from his chair and grabs Zara by the hair. She gives a gasp of pain but the coach does not care, before she can protest he shoves his dick back into her mouth and starts fucking it. He growls with every thrust, an animalistic nature surrounds him.
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara lets him fuck her face, she just crosses her fingers that nobody suddenly walks into the room and sees what was going on. Before she even realizes it the coach pulls out of her mouth and starts jerking off in front of her face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara instinctively opens her mouth and gets ready for his cum. She <font color="red">wants</font> to taste it.<<else>>Zara hesitantly opens her mouth. Unsure what kind of cum she would be tasting.<</if>>
<<set _c = either("A","B")>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'cum.webp" height="220">'>>
After he is done he dresses up again and without a word goes back to his desk and sits down, completely spent. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara picks herself up from the ground and using her fingers wipes the cum from her face and licks them clean. The taste of his cum filled her mouth. She loved every drop.<<else>>Zara picks herself up from the ground, the cum on her face was getting sticky and she was getting grossed out. She finds some tissues and wipes it away.<</if>> Looks like she may leave detention now.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $minute+=45]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=30 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Instead of going to him Zara leans against the wall and beckons him to her using just a finger. Like an excited dog, the coach jumps out of his chair and pins Zara to the wall, kissing her while groping at her chest. She gives him a little push away and using the newfound space she turns around and presents herself to him.<<else>>Unsure of what to do exactly, Zara goes to a wall and leans against it. Showing off her ass. She was still not used to letting random old men use her pussy this way. The coach gets up from his desk, his cock already getting hard.<</if>>
Wordlessly the coach takes his pants off and rubs his head against her vagina.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>><font color="pink">"Just fuck me already"</font>, Zara gasps from the slight pleasure the dick head rubbing was giving her.<<else>>Zara waits for the coach to do whatever he wanted to do. The buildup was making her even more wet... even due to a creep like him.<</if>>
Finally, the coach slowly inserts his cock into Zara's pussy, causing her to gasp in sudden pleasure.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tfuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gives little gasps every time he thrusts into her, she feels so aroused by the idea of this middle-aged man fucking her 18-year-old pussy while he uses his other hand to grope her chest from the back... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She would not mind being fucked like this every day by him.<<else>>The arousal she felt, felt different. Maybe soon she will get used to things like this.<</if>>
He groans and Zara feels a liquid heat inside her pussy and realizes he is cumming inside her, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>she pushes back against him to ensure every single drop of cum is drained from his balls.<<else>>the feeling of his cum inside her meant this ordeal was finally over.<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Once he was done she gets off him and licks his dick clean before he puts it back into his pants.<<else>>Once he was done, Zara lets the coach exit her pussy. She could not wait to clean up.<</if>> He does not say a word but just exits the classroom leaving Zara alone to clean up and put her clothes back on. She can leave early now!
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $minute+=35]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=50 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Instead of going to him Zara leans over a table and beckons him to her using just a finger. Like an excited dog, the teacher jumps out of his chair and pins Zara down, kissing her while groping at her chest. She gives him a little push away and using the newfound space she turns around and presents herself to him.<<else>>Zara was sure if she let him fuck her ass, she would be getting off detention much earlier. She just was not used to having her ass fucked yet. She bends over on the table, presenting her ass to him.<</if>>
Wordlessly the coach takes his pants off and rubs his head against her vagina.
<font color="pink">"I want you to fuck my ass if you will let me off earlier"</font>, Zara gasps from the slight pleasure the dick head rubbing was giving her. The coach without a hesitation, switches holes. Slowly inserting himself into her ass.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gives little gasps every time he thrusts into her, she feels so aroused by the idea of this middle-aged man fucking her 18-year-old ass hole while he uses his other hand to grope her chest from the back... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>She would not mind being fucked like this every day by him.<<else>>The arousal she felt, felt different. Maybe soon she will get used to things like this.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"Oh my god, I am going to cum"</font>, he moans through the pleasure as he continues thrusting in and out of her ass.
He groans and Zara feels a liquid heat inside her ass hole and realizes he is cumming inside her, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>she pushes back against him to ensure every single drop of cum is drained from his balls.<<else>>the feeling of his cum inside her meant this ordeal was finally over.<</if>> Her ass hole ached but it still felt good, the pleasure she got was worth it.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Once he was done she gets off him and licks his dick clean before he puts it back into his pants.<<else>>Once he was done, Zara lets the coach exit her ass hole. She could not wait to clean up.<</if>> He does not say a word but just exits the classroom leaving Zara alone to clean up and put her clothes back on. She can leave early now!
<font color="teal">+3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 3>>\
<center><<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $minute+=25]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for anal or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to pleasure him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
Zara tapped her pen absentmindedly against the desk, the silence pressing down on her. The door creaked open, and she looked up to see a pretty girl enter, her eyes looked sullen, followed by a stern-faced teacher. The teacher glanced at Zara and nodded at her.
The two girls took their seats at their tables, right beside each other. Time seemed to slow as minutes passed in silence, broken only by the soft rustle of papers on the teacher's desk. Finally, with a heavy sigh, the teacher stood up.
<font color="fuchsia">"Listen guys, I got to get some work done. I will be back, be good"</font>, she announces. With that, she quietly exits the room, closing the door behind her.
The two girls look at each other, giving a small smile. Neither of them wanted to be here. Who would want to be in detention for a full hour anyway? The girl suddenly scoots her table and chair closer to Zara, scraping it across the floor. Zara looks at her inquisitively but says nothing. But nothing more has to be said when the girl's hand falls on Zara's thigh, squeezing it lightly.
<<link "Move away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara does not say anything to the girl, instead, she just gets up and sits on another desk. The girl rolls her eyes and does not follow Zara, she crosses her arms and stares sullenly into the distance. Zara goes back into her stupor. The time passes by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. The teacher comes back into the room and motions for them to leave.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 10 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara lets out a small giggle, the girl's touch felt good, very good in fact. The girl takes her giggle as a sign that she wants it.<<else>>Zara gasps at the girl's touch. She was not still used to things like this.<</if>> The girl slowly trails her hands onto Zara's inner thigh, squeezing it gently. With every squeeze, it went higher and higher. It stops right below Zara's pussy, which was now so wet. To make it easier, Zara takes off her panties, letting her pussy out to be touched by the girl. She sits on the table, spreading her legs alluringly.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lfinger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as the girl continues touching her, her fingers expertly going through Zara's folds. She rubs Zara's clits with just the right amount of pressure, Zara could not help but orgasm on the table. She felt way too good. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Being a slut really was a good life, letting girls finger her in a classroom.<<else>>She still could not believe she was letting a random girl finger her so publicly in a classroom.<</if>>
Before the two of them can continue on, the door of the room swings open, and the teacher walks back inside. The two girls could not do anything but stare in fright at the sight of the teacher. The teacher looks at the two girls incredulously, the girl's fingers are still deep inside Zara!
The teacher turns around and closes the door. Turning back around, Zara was surprised to see a smile on her face.
<font color="fuchsia">"You"</font>, she points at Zara. <font color="fuchsia">"Spank her"</font>, she points at the girl.
Zara was not sure she heard the teacher right... But apparently, the girl did, not wanting to get into real trouble, the girl immediately gets up and gets ready to be spanked. Can Zara go through with this?
<<link "No she can't">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara shakes her head. She can't do it. It would be too much for her right now. The girl looks at her, a slight anger in her eyes. She could not understand why Zara could not go through with this.
<font color="fuchsia">"Fine then, you stay for an extra half hour, I don't care"</font>, the teacher growls at the two girls.
Zara and the girl sit on their seats again, far apart now. Time goes by slowly... slowly...
<center><font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1, $minute+=30]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=25>>\
<<link "Spank her">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
With the girl bending over, Zara was in the best position to spank her. She lifts the girl's skirt higher. Baring it to the cool wind of the room, and soon, her palm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She was no longer afraid, just horny. Feeling her dominating side emerging, Zara strikes the girl's ass.<<else>>Still afraid of the teacher, Zara readies her palm to strike the girl's ass.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lspank'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The teacher watched as Zara continuously spanks the girl. Her ass cheek getting redder by the minute. With every spank, the girl gasps a sharp breath. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara felt so horny, part of her wished to be the one being spanked, the other, enjoying dominating the girl.<<else>>Zara hopes she is not hurting the girl too much. Was she enjoying this? Who knows?<</if>>
<font color="fuchsia">"That's it, it's over. Now get back to your seats"</font>, the teacher finally announces.
The girl's ass cheeks were red as a tomato, even Zara's palm was stinging due to the hits. The two girls take their seats, the girl winces as she sits down but she smiles at Zara, she must have enjoyed the session.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to spank the girl...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let it continue or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara tapped her pen absentmindedly against the desk, the silence pressing down on her. The door creaked open, and she looked up to see a handsome boy enter, his eyes skirted around the room and fell on Zara. Without a word, he takes a seat beside Zara.
The door opens again and a head pops in, a teacher's. She looks at the two students and says, <font color="fuchsia">"Listen guys, I got to get some work done. How about you two be good students, do whatever you want to, quietly"</font>, she announces. With that, she quietly closes the door behind her.
Interesting... whatever they want to. What should Zara do?
<<link "Browse Reddit">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides to browse Reddit, going through her favorite subreddits and users she follows. She stumbles onto an account named u/NeoSpectr3... an interesting profile. The time passes by slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. The teacher comes back into the room and motions for them to leave.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 10 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Do 'something' with the boy">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara looks at the boy... not too bad looking. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She coughs at him, confidently. She can't wait to do this!<<else>>She coughs at him, unsure. Should she really do this><</if>> He looks up immediately, curious. Wordlessly, Zara simply points at his cock and then at the clock on the wall. It was immediately obvious what she was trying to convey. The boy nods, ready. Who would not want to do things with Zara?
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara unzips his pants and takes his cock out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can't believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could walk in? She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy's cock gently.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy shudders in his seat due to the pleasure as Zara keeps stroking his dick, increasing her pace every 10 seconds... until...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He gives a very low groan as his dick splatters his cum all over Zara's thighs and the underside of the table. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara giggles, she uses her hands to gather up the cum on her thighs and licks her hand clean as the boy zips his pants up and mouths her a thank you.<<else>>Zara does not know what to do with the cum splattered all over her thighs. The boy sees this and hands over some tissues. She cleans herself up.<</if>> The two of them sit silently until the time for detention is over.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara grabs the boy's crotch and drags him up off the chair. She leads him to the teacher's desk. She was going to <font color="red">suck</font> his dick on the table.<<else>>Zara takes the boy's cock out, it already stood hard. She starts to lower her lips when the boy suddenly gets up. He leads her to the teacher's desk! Looks like she was going to suck his dick while on the table.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/ont_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara was a pro at this by now. She easily slid her lips up and down the boy's cock.<<else>>Zara may not be the best yet, but she did try her best. With every motion, she goes deeper onto the boy's cock.<</if>> The boy moans as he gets closer to cumming, until finally, his cum rockets into Zara's mouth.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara immediately swallows the cum without difficulty. The taste of his cum was amazing.<<else>>Zara swallows his cum, coughing as the thick liquid flowed down her throat.<</if>> The boy and Zara slump back onto their desks. The two of them sit silently until the time for detention is over.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to blow him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=30 and $PlayerEnergy>=20>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara wants the boy to fuck her... hard. She pulls the boy up from his chair and leads him to the teacher's desk. She bends over the desk, presenting herself to him.<<else>>Zara wanted to be fucked, she would like his cock deep inside her. She motions him to get up from his desk. He understands what she wants and leads her to the teacher's desk and bends her over.<</if>>
Zara feels his cock rub against her pussy entrance, her heart beats faster. Her pussy was so <font color="red">wet</font>. He inserts his cock into Zara, sending a shiver through her body.
<<set _c = either("A","B")>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tevent'+_c+'sex.webp" height="220">'>>
With every thrust, the pleasure builds inside Zara. She finally feels the wave break over her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She moans loudly as the orgasm rocks through her. The boy immediately places his hand on her mouth, stifling the sound of her moans.<<else>>Zara moans quietly, not wanting to get caught being fucked on a teacher's desk.<</if>> Just as her orgasm was done, she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the boy was done too.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Once he was done she gets off him and licks his dick clean before he puts it back into his pants.<<else>>Once he was done, Zara lets the boy exit her pussy. She could not wait to clean up.<</if>> The boy and Zara slump back onto their desks. The two of them sit silently until the time for detention is over.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=50 and $PlayerEnergy>=25>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara wants the boy to fuck her ass... hard. She pulls the boy up from his chair and leads him to the teacher's desk. She bends over the desk, presenting herself to him. She spreads apart her ass cheeks, letting her ass hole be visible to the boy who immediately takes the hint.<<else>>Zara wanted to be fucked in her ass, she would like his cock deep inside her. She motions him to get up from his desk. He understands what she wants and leads her to the teacher's desk and bends her over. She shyly spreads her ass cheeks, presenting her ass hole. The boy immediately takes the hint.<</if>>
Zara feels his cock rub against her ass hole, her heart beats faster. Her pussy was so <font color="red">wet</font> from the idea of him fucking her ass. He inserts his cock into Zara's hole, sending a shiver through her body.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With every thrust, the pleasure builds inside Zara. She finally feels the wave break over her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>She moans loudly as the orgasm rocks through her. The boy immediately places his hand on her mouth, stifling the sound of her moans.<<else>>Zara moans quietly, not wanting to get caught being fucked on a teacher's desk.<</if>> Just as her orgasm was done, she feels spurts of cum land inside her ass hole, the boy was done too.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Once he was done she gets off him and licks his dick clean before he puts it back into his pants.<<else>>Once he was done, Zara lets the boy exit her ass hole. She could not wait to clean up.<</if>> The boy and Zara slump back onto their desks. The two of them sit silently until the time for detention is over.
<center><font color="teal">+3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption for anal or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do something with the boy or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara sat slumped at her desk in detention, the dull quiet of the room pressing in around her. Zara was completely alone in the room. She absentmindedly tapped her pencil against the edge of the desk, counting the seconds. A minute later, the door creaked open, and a man stepped in. He was tall, with a sharp jawline and pretty eyes that gave him a laid-back, almost movie-star look. Zara blinked, surprised—this was definitely not a permanent teacher.
The substitute looks at Zara and nods, <font color="cyan">"Just sit quietly there for an hour, think of whatever you did to land yourself here"</font>. He takes his place at his desk.
As time goes by, Zara realizes the teacher kept looking up at her, pointing his phone suspiciously towards her. Was he taking pictures of her? <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>It was kind of hot. She would not mind seducing this stud of a man.<<else>>While she felt uncomfortable, a part of her felt... good? What if she tries to seduce him?<</if>>
<<link "Ignore him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara blinked once, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts. She slouched deeper into her chair, her mind drifting back into its usual haze of boredom. The minutes dragged on, blending into a monotonous blur as she stared at the clock, barely registering the teacher’s occasional glance in her direction. Lost in her mental stupor, she tuned out the world around her, waiting for the slow crawl of time to finally release her. Time passes slowly... slowly...
<<timed 5s>>
Finally, an hour is up. Zara is lifted out of her stupor and heads out of the class.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
[[Exit detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Seduce him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara gets up from her seat and walks up to the teacher's desk. The teacher looks at Zara, raising an eyebrow.
<font color="cyan">"And what do you think you are doing?"</font>, he asks. Zara bends over the desk, slowly moving her chest, letting her tits jiggle slightly in front of him.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara lets her tits out completely, the cool air of the room immediately makes her nipples harden. She confidently shows off her tits.<<else>>Zara slowly takes off her top, letting her tits free. She trembles slightly, what if the teacher gets her into trouble?<</if>> He looks at her with his mouth agape, amazed at the sight in front of him. There was no way he could resist Zara, getting up, he starts to grope her boobs.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara moans as he gropes her. His hands expertly knead her tits. She could feel the cool touch of his wedding ring against her tits, and it felt amazing.<<else>>Zara gasps with pleasure as the man expertly kneads her tits. She feels the cool touch of a ring on her skin... was that a wedding ring?!<</if>> Zara hears the sound of unzipping behind her as the teacher frees his cock.
<font color="cyan">"God... I can't do this. I have a wife!"</font>, he suddenly exclaims. But, he does not move away. He was still on the fence. Could Zara let this happen?
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>
Fuck yeah she could, she grabs the teacher's dick and pulls him towards her. His cock slips in between her thighs.
<font color="pink">"Is it REALLY cheating if you fuck my thighs?"</font>, she purrs at him. He looks down, shame clearly written on his face, but his cock does all the thinking. He starts thrusting into Zara's thighs.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/tj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He moans as he pumps in and out, the friction against Zara's pussy was also highly pleasurable. The two of them continue gasping through the pleasure until finally, he shoots out jets of cum. It lands all over the floor.
Zara was slightly disappointed she could not taste it. But no matter, she had her fun. The two of them return to their respective positions, waiting for detention to be over.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
Zara could not go through with it. She could not make a man cheat on a loving wife. She moves away from the teacher, the two of them look at each other and quietly get back into their seats. The two of them awkwardly wait for detention to be over.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Complete detention|School][$detentionFlag to false, $hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to seduce him or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara strips off her clothes in the middle of the locker room. Even in such a fancy gym, there were not a lot of separate stalls to change in, and they were always full. But it did not matter, Zara was confident enough in her body, and it also did not hurt to see the smoking hot bodies of the other women changing too...
She gets into more comfortable clothing meant to be worn outside the gym, time to get out of here.
<center>[[Continue|Gym Locker Room][$minute+=5]]</center><<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/gym/locker/change'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara enters a toilet stall and strips off her workout attire and gets into something more suitable for the outside. She takes a bit to admire her own body before heading out.
<center>[[Continue|Park Public Toilet][$minute+=5]]</center><<set _c = either("A","B", "C", "D")>>\
<<if _c == "A">>\
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<elseif _c == "B">>\
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<elseif _c == "C">>\
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lspank'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara loads up a porn video that she found interesting. But, just watching it is not enough. She needs to masturbate.
<<link "Finger">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara reaches down, slowly sliding her fingers over her pussy, feeling it get wetter from just her touch.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara uses her fingers to rub her clit. With every motion of her fingers, a wave of pleasure flows through her. Imagining herself in the place of one of the actors makes the pleasure even wilder. Zara orgasms, her legs shaking as the pleasure rocks through her body. She could not help but moan loudly.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<if $PlayerDildo==true>>\
<<link "Dildo in pussy">>
<<replace "#action">>\
She grabs the dildo on the side and coats it in her vaginal fluids. She points it towards her hole and inserts it, easily sliding it in due to her wetness.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/dildo'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as she thrusts the dildo in and out of her. She could feel the wave of pleasure building with every in and out motion. Finally, the wave reaches its crescendo, and Zara orgasms. Her legs shake and her vision goes blurry with the amount of pleasure she just felt.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<link "Dildo in mouth">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara grabs her dildo. The porn video right in front of her, it made her horny. She felt like sticking the dildo down her throat. Practice makes perfect, right?
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gags as she thrusts the dildo into her mouth, slowly going deeper. A part of her, the extremely horny side of her, wished the cock was a real one. Using her other hand, she starts to touch herself as she continues inserting the dildo deeper into her throat.
The pleasure reached its maximum, Zara orgasms. She moans as it rocks through her body.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<link "Dildo in ass">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara grabs her dildo, before putting it in her ass, she needs to lube it up. She takes the dildo and rubs it against her pussy, it was already dripping wet. She coats the dildo with her vaginal fluids.
Satisfied with the lubed-up dildo, Zara points the dildo towards her ass hole and inserts it, easily sliding it in due to the wetness.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/anal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gasps every time she thrusts the dildo up her hole. She could feel it stretching her ass hole. It pained slightly, but there was also so much pleasure. Enough pleasure that Zara orgasms, moaning as it rocks through her body.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<center>Zara needs to buy a dildo...</center>
@@<center><h1><font color="gold">Game Settings</font></h1></center>\
<font color="gold">Warning:</font> These settings CAN'T be changed later in the game if you are playing the free version. Patreon users CAN modify these settings any time.
<font color="gold">Minigames Skip</font> || <<radiobutton "$mgSkip" true>>True <<radiobutton "$mgSkip" false checked>>False
Minigames are now luck based rather than skill based if true, rewards are reduced too. Recommended to be false. Studying hard in school still have the minigames in them.
<font color="gold">Cheap Shops</font> || <<radiobutton "$redPrices" true>>True <<radiobutton "$redPrices" false checked>>False
Store prices are now reduced. Can be true or false, depends on you.
<font color="gold">Studious Girl</font> || <<radiobutton "$studiousGirl" true>>True <<radiobutton "$studiousGirl" false checked>>False
Stats regarding Art/Science/Computer are boosted every time you study. Recommended to be false.
<font color="gold">Fit Girl</font> || <<radiobutton "$fitGirl" true>>True <<radiobutton "$fitGirl" false checked>>False
Fitness stat is boosted when exercising. Recommended to be false.
<center>[[Continue|intro end]]</center>[[Exit|Welcome Page]]
Sex Passages Currently In the Game: 242
Approx. number of sex scenes: 370 (counting variations in the same sex passages)
-Game now checks if player has bought strap-on before it can be used in "restHang lisa"
-Modified "park drugs sell" to add one more night forced image
-Added 1 bullying and 1 revenge scene in "jessica bully PE event2" for bullying events in P.E. (new!)
-Added 1 forced blowjob and 1 forced sex scenes in "jessica bully PE event2" based on chance
-Added 1 bullying and 1 revenge scene in "jessica bully PE event3" for bullying events in P.E. (new!)
-Added 1 forced sex scenes in "jessica bully PE event3" based on chance
-Added 1 mini-spying scene and 3 FFM scenes to "pe event6" (new!)
-Added 1 straight interracial scene to "levent6" while reading an adult book in the library (new!)
-Modified and added 3 lesbian scenes to "restHang lisa" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "parkHang lisa" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "mallHang lisa" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 2 FFM scenes to "parkHang lisa ffm" when hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "park event4" when jogging in the park
-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find any. It always helps a lot
-Fixed hanging out with Lisa through phone never being available
-Writing for brother and father are now modified, giving them slightly or majorly different scenes to make them feel like two different characters in line with their personality
-Modified and added 1 straight scene to "SleepSexClothed Straight dad" (new!)
-Modified and added 1 straight scene to "SleepSexClothed Straight bro" (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to "SleepSexTopless Straight dad" (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to "SleepSexTopless Straight bro" (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to "SleepSexNude Straight dad" (new!)
-Modified and added 2 straight scenes to "SleepSexNude Straight bro" (new!)
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "SleepSexNude Lesbian"
-Modified "single straight" event while watching TV
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "single lesbian" while watching TV
-Modified and added 1 FFM scene to "ffm" while watching TV
-Modified and added 3 lesbian scenes to "Seduce Mom" while spending time with mother in the parent’s bedroom
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "shower event3" when taking a shower at home
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "shower mom join" when taking a shower at home
-Modified and added 3 lesbian scenes to "restHang mom" when hanging out with mom through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "parkHang mom" when hanging out with mom through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "mallHang mom" when hanging out with mom through the phone
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "park event4" when jogging in the park
-Modified and added 1 lesbian scene to "gym event7" when working out at the gym
Saves have been reset, sorry :(
Last save reset was in v0.70, 6 versions ago
-New backward compatibility system introduced
+More reliable than the last one which still caused bugs in old saves
+Proper JavaScript implementation rather than a PassageReady method
+Save resets might still occur in the future though if major changes need to be made
-Fixed drug packets not adding up properly when minigame skip mode is on
-Added Jessica’s school reputation to her relationship screen in the phone
-Fixed "risque text Lisa" going to risque texting Ben
-Added a new "lesbian points" system to Lisa, this helps determine her sexual orientation
-Added lesbian points display with status to Lisa’s relationship screen in the phone
-Lisa’s sexual orientation now affects whether Lisa’s scenes are lesbian or FFM scenes while hanging out through phone or in canteen
-Added cheats to stats editor to change Lisa’s sexual orientation
-Added cheats to stats editor to change Jessica’s school reputation
-Added risque texting Lisa with different reactions based on choices taken in her intro and relationship
-Added hanging out with Lisa through the phone
-Added 1 lesbian scene w/ voyeurism in "lisa event3" while hanging out with Lisa in the canteen (new!)
-Added 1 FFM scene in "lisa event3" while hanging out with Lisa in the canteen
-Added 3 FFM scenes in "lisa event1 ffm" while hanging out with Lisa in the canteen (new!)
-Added 4 FFM scenes in "lisa event2 ffm" while hanging out with Lisa in the canteen (new!)
-Added 3 lesbian scenes in "restHang lisa" while hanging out with Lisa through the phone (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian scenes in "parkHang lisa" while hanging out with Lisa through the phone (new!)
-Added 1 lesbian scene in "mallHang lisa" while hanging out with Lisa through the phone (new!)
-Added 3 FFM scenes in "restHang lisa ffm" while hanging out with Lisa with through the phone (new!)
-Added 3 FFM scene in "parkHang lisa ffm" while hanging out with Lisa with through the phone (new!)
-Added 3 FFM scenes in "mallHang lisa ffm" while hanging out with Lisa with through the phone (new!)
-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find any
-Fixed link replace error found in Ben’s restaurant hangout
-Added cheats for Ben’s relationship points
-Fixed a UI error in Weekly Allowance passage
-Added a new NPC: Lisa Brown! Meet her after completing Dick’s 2nd quest and waiting for a certain number of days
-Added intro event for Lisa Brown
-Added cheats for Lisa’s relationship points
-Added 2 lesbian scenes in “lisa event1” when talking to Lisa in the canteen (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian scenes in “lisa event2” when talking to Lisa in the canteen (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian cuckold scenes in “dick event6” when hanging out with Dick at the park, this only unlocks if Zara accepts to help Lisa in her intro and if Zara had agreed to Lisa’s request in Dick’s 2nd quest (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian cuckold scenes in “dick event7” when hanging out with Dick at the park, same conditions as above (new!)
-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find any
-Fixed P.E. slacking off taking more energy than it’s meant to
-Added 1 straight BBC to PE slacking off events in “pe event4” (new!)
-Added 2 straight BBC to PE slacking off events in “pe event5” (new!)
-Added 1 small straight sexual assault event to walking events in the day in “day walk event4” (new!)
-Added 1 bullying event to Jecinda walking events by Jessica in “jessica bully jecinda walk event1” (new!)
-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages
-Modified art studying events, new content
-Fixed male dialog colour being ending wrong in hanging out with Kyle at the restaurant passage
-Fixed flashing image being broken while hanging out with Ben in the library in “ben event1” and “ben event2”
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in restaurant hang with brother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in park hang with brother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in mall hang with brother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in restaurant hang with father
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in park hang with father
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in mall hang with father
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in restaurant hang with mother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in park hang with mother
-Fixed UI text formatting mishaps in mall hang with mother
-Added 3 straight scenes while hanging out with Ben at the restaurant in “restHang ben” passage (new!)
-Added 3 straight scenes while hanging out with Ben at the park in “parkHang ben” passage (new!)
-Added 2 straight scenes while hanging out with Ben at the mall in “mallHang ben” passage (new!)
-Added a new NPC: Jessica Chambers
-Added intro event for Jessica Chambers
-Added 2 lesbian bullying scenes in the school hallway (new!)
-Added 1 bullying scene in normal class (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian bullying scenes in P.E. class (new!)
-Added a small straight event only on the 2nd day of school for new players
-Added a small straight event only on the 3rd day of school for new players
-Added a small canteen event only on 1st day of school for new players
-Added 1 straight forced event in the library while reading an adult book (new!)
-Cropped faces of masturbation gifs in the library
-Added one more sex gif for scenes in the library
-Fixed a link…replace error in social event 5 when slacking off in class
-Fixed a link…replace error in social event 6 when slacking off in class
-Changed energy requirements for hanging out with Dick in the park
-Fixed daily visits not working for parents, limits spending time with them too
-Phone no longer displays next quest requirements or not yet met an NPC
-Next Quest Hints now added to the Quest menu
+Displays quest requirements
+Where to go
+What NPCs have yet to be met
-New NPC added! Meet Ben Kingsley on the 1st day of school after classes
-Added intro event for Ben Kingsley
-Added 2 straight events hanging out with Ben in the library in Ben event 1 (new!)
-Added 1 straight event hanging out with Ben in the library in Ben event 2 (new!)
-Added 1 straight event hanging out with Ben in the library in Ben event 3 (new!)
-Fixed a few grammatical errors found in old passages, please report them to me if you find any I missed
-Added 1 self scene in class while slacking off in social event 5 (new!)
-Added 1 straight scene in class while slacking off in social event 6 (new!)
-Added 1 lesbian scene in class while slacking off in social event 6
-Fixed flashing image not showing in Dick’s event 3
-Added 2 FFM cuckquean scenes (cuck or be cucked) to hanging out with Dick in the park events on the bench in Dick event 4 (new!)
-Added 2 FFM cuckquean scenes (cuck or be cucked) to hanging out with Dick in the park events at Lisa’s home in Dick event 5 (new!)
Note: The 4 scenes above only occur if Zara accepted Lisa’s proposal in Dick’s Quest 2
-Added 2 more images to fucking scenes for detention room events
-BEST THING: Modified Dick’s Quest 2 (it is no longer what unlocks family content)
-Dick’s Quest 2: The Ex Conundrum II in place of the old one
-Fixed UI error in Dick’s Flat when starting to make drugs where Leave shows up twice when energy is too low
-Added new quest:- Zara’s Quest: The Unlocking (this unlocks family content)
-Starts automatically when trying to sleep when corruption 35 is reached
-Fixed link not taking you to Dick’s flat when failing a drug pour
-Modified corruption required to steal from registers from 10 to 20
-Option to leave the stealing game is present all the time now
-Modified shop prices
-Modified the Welcome Page
-Changelog can now be read in the game itself if needed on the Welcome Page
-Game now detects game version and announces if a new save is required
-Modified images used for sleep sex clothed and topless events
-Modified the straight sleep sex clothed event, blowjob has been removed, family member will only rub his cock on Zara’s face
-Corruption requirements for family members to partake in sleep sex clothed events has been reduced
-Added 1 lesbian scene with mom in sleep sex clothed event (new!)
-Modified the straight sleep sex topless event to add 1 straight scene
-Added 1 lesbian scene with mom in sleep sex topless event (new!)
-Added 1 lesbian scene with mom in sleep sex nude event (new!)
New game settings have been added when starting a new save! This can help make certain things in the game easier. These settings can be changed any time in the Patreon version. The options are below:
-Minigames Skip: Minigames are now luck based rather than skill based if true, rewards are reduced too. Recommended to be false.
-Cheap Shops: Store prices are now reduced. Can be true or false, depends on you.
-Studious Girl: Stats regarding Art/Science/Computer are boosted every time you study. Recommended to be false.
-Fit Girl: Fitness stat is boosted when exercising. Recommended to be false.
For the Patreon users:
-Cheat menu now includes Game Settings
-Modified UI for the cheat menu
-Cheats menu has been modified into three sections: Stats Editor, Magic Wardrobe, Game Settings
-Fixed a bunch of grammatical errors found, please report them on my Discord, helps a lot!
-Fixed "brother" being used in Seducing Dad event
-Fixed changing back into street clothes image missing in the gym locker room
-Fixed peeking into the men's locker room having an error
-Fixed if-else errors in the classroom event 3
-Fixed if-else errors in detention room event 1
-Fixed if-else errors in library event 1
-Fixed if-else errors in girls wc events 2, 3
-Fixed if-else errors in gym events 8, 10
-Fixed if-else errors in clothing discount event
-Fixed if-else errors in public washroom changing events 1, 4
-Fixed Dick event 3 in the park having an alternate paragraph present
-Modified hanging out in restaurant events with Brother to add 2 straight scenes
-Modified hanging out in restaurant events with Father to add 2 straight scenes
-Modified hanging out in restaurant events with Mother to add 2 lesbian scenes
-Modified hanging out in park events with Brother to add 2 straight scenes
-Modified hanging out in park events with Father to add 1 straight scene
-Modified hanging out in park events with Mother to add 1 lesbian scene
-Modified hanging out in mall events with Brother to add 1 straight scene
-Modified hanging out in mall events with Father to add 1 straight scene
Modifications on old sex passages are being done, to make Zara's corruption more believable (this takes a lot of time)
This changes her thoughts and way she does things in the passages
For example, while giving a sneaky handjob to a student in socializing event 1 in classroom, which takes min 15 corruption to initiate:
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>
She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can't believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.
<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could catch them?
She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy's cock gently.<</if>>
-Modifications in all Dick hanging out through phone events done
-Modifications in all Dick hanging out events in the park done
-Modifications in all home events done
-Modifications in all hanging out with family members through phone events done
-Fixed grammatical errors found (please report them on Discord if you find any, always helps out)
-Changing back into your previous outfit in the gym/park now has a little passage
-Fixed UI formatting found in old passages
-Fixed replace command being in the wrong position in the travel walk events
-Buffed stats gained when studying hard in school
-Chances of chore events occurring increased by 5%
-Fixed chore events starting even when a family member's mind is not unlocked
-Changed the chance of NPCs viewing risque photo on the phone from 50% to 80%
-Changed the chance of NPCs accepting a hangout on the phone from 35% to 50%
-Changed stealing minigame minimum attempts to 3 instead of 1 (at lowest stat)
-Computer stat now affects timer of the stealing minigame
-Computer stat now affects how long the numbers stay coloured in the stealing minigame
-Reduced energy requirements to perform stat increasing actions on the laptop
-Modified energy drained when doing nothing in detention to -10 Energy only
-Modified the clothing shop masturbation event by a bit
-Modified detention event 1 to add 1 straight scene with the teacher
-Added 3 straight scenes with the P.E. coach in detention event 7 (new!)
-Added 2 lesbian scenes with a student and teacher in detention event 8 (new!)
-Added 4 straight scenes with a student in detention event 9 (new!)
-Added 2 straight scenes with a teacher in detention event 10 (new!)
-Changed the "Read an adult e-book" option on the laptop to "Watch Porn"
-Added 4 self scenes in Watch Porn event (new!)
Modifications on old sex passages are being done, to make Zara's corruption more believable (this takes a lot of time)
This changes her thoughts and way she does things in the passages
For example, while giving a sneaky handjob to a student in socializing event 1 in classroom, which takes min 15 corruption to initiate:
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>
She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can't believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in classrooms
to random boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.
<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a classroom where anybody could catch them?
She spit on her hand and grabbed the boy's cock gently.<</if>>
-Modifications in all school events done
-Modifications in all mall events done
-Modifications in all gym events done
-Modification in all Jecinda walking events done
-Modification in all district traveling events done
-Modification in all park events done
+Home events, Hanging Out Events and Dick Turpin events will be done in the next update
-Modified the flashing gif in class socializing event 2
-Zara can no longer attend classes when her energy is low
-Zara can now study hard in class
-Zara now slacks off in class rather than socializing (same thing really)
-Removed the washing face option in the school washrooms as it did nothing as such
-Fixed a grammatical error found in girls WC event 2 while using the toilet
-Fixed grammatical errors found in boys WC event 1,2 while using the toilet
-Added 1 straight scene to boys WC while using the toilet
-Added 2 straight interracial scenes to the boys WC while using the toilet
-Added 1 straight interracial scene to the girls WC while using the toilet
-Added 1 lesbian scene to the detention room
-Modified class socializing event 1 to include a cumshot
-Added 2 straight scenes while socializing in class
-Added 1 straight interracial scene to the dreams while sleeping
-Fixed the strap-on scene error while spending time with mom
-Increased max money range when successfully stealing from cash register
-Reduced price of the drawing tablet
-Increased price of the dildo by a bit
-Reduced price of the slutty outfit
-Fixed wrong energy amount being used in a park bench event
-Basic gym attire removed, now it's the P.E attire which is available from the start of the game
-Reduced the price for the gym attire
-Added 3 straight interracial scenes while sitting on park benches
-Added 2 straight interracial scenes while jogging in the park
-Fixed text errors in a night walking event
-Added 2 straight interracial scenes while walking in Jecinda District at night
-Dick events occur more now
-Added 1 straight scene with Dick while sitting on the park bench with him
-Removed the on-hover effect of the two symbols appearing on the link as it causes a lot of breaking of certain pages
-Fixed settings not having buttons in the same style as the rest of the UI
-Listening to feedback, made Dick's introduction no longer based on chance, reducing the bottleneck on family content
-Reduced the relationship points required to start Dick's quest 2
-Rebalanced corruption requirements to accept Dick's quests
-Sleeping events occur more
-Fixed brother having sex with Zara while she slept nude event not starting
-Modified all the corruption requirements related to family content in home and hanging out (scaled to quest requirements)
-Modified all energy requirements related to family content in home
-Modified all corruption requirements when hanging out with Dick through phone and in the park
-Fixed a UI formatting issue in Jecinda District page
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the Park
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the Jecinda District walk events
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in district travel events
-Modified the corruption requirements in the bus and restaurant while trying to distract the driver/guard
-Fixed a text error in a gym locker event with the couple
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the gym
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the mall
-Fixed no school reputation boost being granted on wearing the slutty school uniform in some passages
-Modified all corruption and energy requirements in the school
-Added 1 lesbian scene in the allowance with mom when asking for more money
-Added 1 lesbian scene while spending time with mom
-Added 3 lesbian scenes with mom while watching TV
-Father is now available on the weekends at home
-Fixed some grammatical errors found (please report if you find any, i can miss some)
-Fixed a few energy errors when spending time with mom or dad separately
-Fixed energy check missing when spending time with parents together
-Fixed a few energy errors when spending time with brother
-Fixed a small scheduling error where family members could be asleep but also be in the shower
-Fixed Dick's quest information in the Phone screen
-Fixed formatting issues in Dick's quest replays for Patrons
-Rebalanced energy gains from having a meal or snacks in the kitchen
-Fixed a formatting issue in a library event
-Fixed energy being cut in library events before a scene can happen which causes player to not be able to meet the energy requirements
-Fixed a formatting issue in a shower event
-Fixed a formatting issue in a park event
-Added a new shop, Cox and Co. (Dildo and strap-on available for purchase here)
-Added 1 straight scene while buying from Cox and Co. as a discount
-Made it so that family members need to have their minds unlocked first before having scenes with them. Spend time with them in their rooms
-Added 1 new quest, "Family Matters" to Dick's storyline as quest 2, shifted the previous quests forward by 1
-Added 1 new quest, "Brother's BJ Woes" to Brother's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "Twins Gone Wild" to Brother's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "A Brother's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor" to Brother's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "A Dad's Odd Request" to Father's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "Father Daughter Quality Time" to Father's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "A Father's Adventure Into Zara's Backdoor" to Father's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "Finger Attachment" to Mother's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "Mother Daughter Quality Time" to Mother's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "Mother Daughter Strap-On Adventure" to Mother's storyline
External Updates:
-Changed the way I note down my versions
-Ported the game to mobiles officially
-Downloadable Android version available, thanks to Eonor
-Updated the website to include both Desktop and Mobile version
-Created new website for Patrons only, with the same functionality
-Fixed image related issues in the gym locker room while changing
-Fixed a small text error in Cody's Clothing Emporium
-Fixed a small energy handling error in school boys WC gloryhole
-Modified some of the gym locker room events added last update to have a small changing paragraph where missing
-Modified the corruption requirements for the previous update gym locker room events while changing
-Added 1 lesbian scene to the gym locker room changing events
-Added 1 self scene to the gym locker room changing events
-Added 1 self scene in Cody's Clothing Emporium by sneaking into the changing room
-Added 3 straight glory hole scenes in the public washroom while changing
-Added 1 lesbian scene to the public washroom while changing
-Added 1 straight scene to the public washroom while changing
-Fixed some grammatical errors found (please report if you find any, i can miss some)
-Modified struggles such that even at maximum fitness, there is a chance of being raped
-Fixed some logic that while not broken, was off related to drug making
-Added 4 straight scenes in the public toilet in the park while changing into workout attire
-Added 1 straight forced scene in the public toilet in the park while changing into workout attire
-Added 4 lesbian scenes in the public toilet in the park while changing into workout attire
-Added 1 self scene in the public toilet in the park while changing into workout attire
-Added a new mini-location: The Locker Room
+Change clothes directly in the gym/park locker rooms
+No longer have to go home to change into gym attire to work out
-Added 3 straight scenes in the gym while working out
-Added 3 straight scenes in the men's locker room in the gym
-Added 1 forced straight scene in the men's locker room in the gym
-Added 1 MMF scene in the men's locker room in the gym
-Added 2 lesbian scenes in the locker room in the gym
-Added 1 FFM scene in the locker room in the gym
-Fixed some grammatical errors found (please report if you find any, i can miss some)
-Added 9 straight scenes while walking to and fro districts
-Added 5 forced straight scenes while walking to and fro districts
-Added 4 straight scenes while traveling in the bus
-Added 1 lesbian scene while traveling in the bus
-Added 1 MFF scene while traveling in the bus
-Added a settings menu to let players change the font, changed the default font (new default: Ubuntu)
-Some minor UI tweaks and adjustments
-Fixed some "required corruption" text not being present
-Quests are now on a cooldown if rejected, the cooldown ends on week end (allowance day)
-Added 4 straight scenes with Dick in the shower
-Added 3 straight scenes with Xavier in the shower
-Added 3 straight scenes with Xavier while buying drug ingredients
-Added 1 new quest, "Apology Accepted...?" to Dick's storyline
-Added 1 new quest, "Drugs 101" to Dick's storyline
-Added drug making mechanic to the game, sell them at the Park for profit!
-Added 1 forced straight scene while selling drugs in the park
-Added 3 straight scenes while selling drugs in the park
-Added 1 lesbian scene while selling drugs in the park
-Fixed some grammatical errors found (please report if you find any, i can miss some)
-Fixed energy not decreasing on hanging out with family members in the mall
-Fixed boosted fitness not being gained while wearing advanced gym attire while jogging in the park
-Changed the ways interacting with NPCs works (like Dick Turpin)
-Implemented a method to use existing saves with new updates (takes effect next update)
-Changed a few backend stuff, auxiliary, not important for players (mainly the way quests start and other quest related things)
-Next quest requirements now displayed on viewing Relationship in the phone
-No longer need corruption to masturbate in the shower (still a requirment for public masturbation)
-The option to masturbate in the shower is always presented on taking a shower now
-Sex events in classes on socializing take place more often
-Fixed the "Wait till the end" link always being there even if the social scene isn't over
-Fixed scenes not starting while using the toilet in Girls WC
-Fixed some text errors in the camming section
-Dining and dashing leads to the security room
-Bus freeloading leads to the security room
-Added 3 straight scenes while spending time with brother in bedroom
-Added 3 straight scenes while spending time with father in bedroom
-Added 2 lesbian scenes while spending time with mother in bedroom
-Added 2 FFM scenes while spending time with parents in bedrooom
-The UI Update!
+Completely new colour scheme
+New fonts and styling
+Better looking links
+A general touch up to every single passage in the game till now (took a long time)
-Spruced up some of the UI in the cheat menu, laptop and the new additions in this update
-Core gameplay mechanic added: Hacking/Lockpicking
+Hack into the cash register systems and gain money
+No. of attempts depends on Computer Skills
+Time limit should be kept in mind!
+If caught, you get into trouble! Get out of it however you want to ;)
-Added 3 straight scenes if caught stealing with the chief security officer
-Added 2 straight punished events with father if can't convince the chief security officer
-Changed how player intellect works, instead of one stat, it has now been divided
+Art Skills
+Science Skills
+Computer Skills
-Modified the studying events in school to reflect new subjects (Art, Science, Computer) (Fuck maths i guess)
-Added the options to reduce certain stats in the cheat menu as requested by some players
-Added 1 long straight scene while buying items at Mr. Robot for a discount
-Modified some of the walking energy requirements b/w districts
-Added a new money making method: Drawing!
+Draw SFW and NSFW art and post it
+Gain fans, gain more money!
+Get commissions from your fans which can yield lots of money
+More fans, more difficult commissions are unlocked
+Higher the difficulty, higher the amount received
-Fixed a few grammatical errors that were found
-Increased the time slots of all family members at home
-Fixed some dreams not being initiated when sleeping topless/nude
-Rebalanced the punishment effects at home
-Added 1 straight dream sequence
-Added 1 lesbian dream sequence
-Fitness now increases your max energy 1:1, giving you more motivation to increase fitness stat
-Increased allowance money (doubled it)
-Made things cheaper in the shops, the economy was really fucked up huh? *cough* *cough*
-Clothing prices are now displayed if you can't afford to buy
-Added 2 straight events to the gym while working out
-Added 2 lesbian events to the gym while working out
-Camming on the laptop has been implemented (finally)
+Gain fans! More fans, more money
+Number of fans gained depends on your fitness/beauty
-Laptop is now available from the start, but you need to buy a laptop HD cam to start camming
-Added 5 self scenes in camming
+Masturbate w/ Dildo
+Self face fuck w/ Dildo
+Anal w/ Dildo
-Fixed library code error where you needed 15 corruption to read an adult book (now it is 3, as intended)
-Fixed grammatical errors and what not found from previous updates
-Made it so that you can't nap once the sleep option is enabled
-Improved the way Dick's quests starts
-Nerfed TV watching
-Added 1 straight scene whilst buying clothes
-Added 1 lesbian scene whilst buying clothes (Depends on chance, 50-50)
-Added outfits and boosters depending on the outfits:
+Casual (Default)
+School Uniform (Default)
+Slutty Outfit
+Slutty School Uniform
+Gym Attire
+Advanced Gym Attire
-Implemented outfit based blocks (eg: can't enter school unless wearing uniform)
-Added the Magic Wardrobe cheat (Patron Only Benefit)
-Added a new phone system
-Added hangouts using phone!
+3 hangout options with Dick
+3 hangout options with Brother
+3 hangout options with Dad
+3 hangout options with Mom
-Added buying a new smart phone option, unlocks extra options in phone
+Send sexy videos to NPCs, boost their corruption/relationship stats
+Read books on the go, adult or normal
-Fixed the school attendance punishment for real (i hope)
-Changed the way gym membership discounts work
-Fixed the gym event jumping two hours instead of one
-Implemented the family corruption system
-Overhauled the allowance system completely
-Overhauled the punishment systems completely
-Added a mini-scene in the shower
-Added 1 lesbian scene in the shower
-Added 3 variated straight scene in the shower
-Added 3 scenes (1L, 2S) whilst joining a family member in the shower
-Added 1 FFM variated scene for TV watching events
-Added 1 MMF scene for TV watching events
-Added 1 full-family variated scene for TV watching events
-Added 1 lesbian scene for TV watching events
-Added 1 variated straight scene for TV watching events
-Added 2 straight scenes for chores events
-Added 1 lesbian scene for chores events
-Added mini-scenes for spending time with family members
-Added 1 straight scene in the kitchen while cooking a meal
-Added 1 lesbian scene in the kitchen while cooking a meal
-Changed a few images, cropped some of them
-Fixed being punished for not attending classes even if attending
-Classes not attended resets every week
-Added Quest Replay (for Patrons only)
-Improved the cheat menu, less of a hassle, no need of codes (for Patrons only)
-Changed all corruption requirements (some increased, some decreased)
-Changed the chance for events system
-Added a new District with 3 locations!
-Added a gym
-Added 3 straight scenes with the gym receptionist (whilst buying membership only)
-Added 3 small scenes in gym workouts
-Added a mall with 3 stores with functionality (more buying options soon)
-Added a restaurant
-Added a small scene while dining and dashing based on chance
-Added a grocery in the mall
-Added a clothing store in the mall
-Added an option to nap in room
-Changed the way spending time with parents works
-Added daily chores
-Added a weekly allowance system
-Added a straight scene to the allowance event
-Added a lesbian scene to the allowance event
-Added a kitchen and ability to prepare meals for the family
-Added bathroom
-Added a self scene in the shower
-Added a bus for travel
-Added a small scene while freeloading on bus, depends on chance
-Spruced up the sidebar
-Changed the ways of corruption being added
-Made it clearer when struggle events happen
-Skipping school or a certain number of classes leads to punished event
-Added a lesbian scene to the park bench
-Added 2 straight scenes on the park bench
-Added an FFM scene on the park bench (total 1 self, 1 lesbian, 2 straight and 1 FFM as of now)
-Added a named NPC Dick Turpin who can be interacted with on the park bench and has 2 long quests as of now and multiple sex events (test NPC for the quest system)
-Added 1 straight scene to jogging events
-Added 1 lesbian scene to jogging events (total 2 straight, 1 lesbian and 1 FFM as of now)
-Added 1 lesbian scene to night walking events
-Added 1 straight scene to night walking events (total 2 straight and 1 lesbian as of now)
-Added 1 straight scene to day walking events
-Changed font colours for male and female dialogue
-Made image height sizes uniform with pixels rather than percentages
-Fixed the error in the washrooms
-Fixed getting stuck in school if detention period is over but player has detention
-Fixed curfew only being shown once
-Increased chances of events occurring
-Added a lesbian scene in class socializing events (total 2 straight and 1 lesbian as of now)
-Added two lesbian scenes to the detention room (total 3 straight and 2 lesbian as of now)
-Added a lesbian scene in the library (total 2 straight and 1 lesbian and 1 self as of now)
-Added a lesbian scene in the girl's WC that has a chance of occurring on entering the washroom (separate from stall scenes)
-Added two straight scenes in the boy's WC stall (total 2 straight as of now)
-Added three straight (one has variations) scenes in the boy's WC that has a chance of occurring on entering the washroom (separate from stall scenes)
-Added gloryhole to the boy's WC (only straight)
-Added a straight scene in the boy's WC that can be triggered while having a high school reputation
-Added two straight (one has variations) and one lesbian scene for PE socializing events (total 2 straight and 1 lesbian as of now)
-Added two straight and one lesbian (variated) scenes while having lunch in canteen (total 2 straight and 1 lesbian as of now)
-Added a lesbian dream event (total 3 straight and 2 lesbian as of now)
-Added walking events in the day (1 mini straight and 1 lesbian as of now)
-Added walking events at night (1 straight as of now, rape)
-Added a framework for adding future events for parents and brother
-Added Park Location
-Added a framework for adding future events for the park jog (1 mini straight and 1 FFM event as of now)
-Added a framework for adding future events for park bench (1 self as of now)
-Initial Release
-Added 4 dream sex scenes
-Added 3 school library sex events with variated scenes
-Added 3 sleeping clothed/topless/nude events with variated scenes
-Added curfew and getting punished for breaking it
-Added 3 detention events with variated scenes
-Added 2 class socializing scenes with variated scenes
-Added 3 girls washroom sex scenesShe decides to sleep clothed and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-clothed.webp" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's mother.
She slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves her hand in front of Zara's face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep. Using her hands, Elena starts to feel up her own daughter.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexClothed/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena was amazed by her daughter's ass, she definitely got it from her. Zara stirs slightly in her sleep, causing her mother to retract her hand. Not wanting to take any more risks, Elena exits the room queitly.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>She decides to sleep topless and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-topless.webp" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's mother.
She slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves her hand in front of Zara's face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep. She ogles freely at her own daughter's soft tits. They looked delicious. Heart beating quickly, Elena takes off her top too, letting her tits stand bare.
She gently gets into bed, sliding up next to Zara, doing her best not to wake her up. Zara simply murmus in her sleep due to the slight disturbance but does not wake up. She was deep in sleep.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/lgrope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Elena softly gropes her own daughter, Zara's boobs were so soft, so supple. Even in her sleep, Zara's nipples start to harden. Her mother continues groping her chest lightly from behind, enjoying every second of it.
Satisfied and not wanting to wake Zara up, Elena gets up from the bed slowly and exits the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>She decides to sleep completely naked and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-nude.jpg" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's mother.
She slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves her hand in front of Zara's face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep. She ogles freely at her own daughter's soft tits. They looked delicious. Heart beating quickly, Elena takes off her top too, letting her tits stand bare.
She gets into bed with Zara. Using her hands she slowly trails her daughter's back, moving them forward until they reach their destination.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/lgrope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She squeezes Zara's tits, loving the soft suppleness of them. Elena could not contain her horny any longer, she wanted to do more. She starts groping with a bit more intensity, waking Zara up with a gasp of pleasure.
<font color="fuchsia">"Shh, it's just me. Let's do something more, I am so horny"</font>, her mother whispers into Zara's ear.
<<link "Not tonight">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"I am sorry, not tonight. Don't feel like it"</font>, Zara replies.
Elena looks dissappointed but nods and smiles. She pats Zara's head and kisses her forehead before slipping out of bed. She quietly exits the room, letting Zara go back to sleep.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara smiles seductively at her mother and beckons her closer.<<else>>Heart beating, Zara beckons her mother closer.<</if>> Their lips come together, slowly forming a passionate kiss.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her mother's body as she traveled down. These light kisses excited Zara's mom even more, her nipples hardened. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara had become such a slut, making her own mother horny like this.<<else>>Zara still had a slight doubt about doing this with her own mother, but her arousal clamped down on it.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's mom moans as her own daughter's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Zara's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
The two of them lie in bed, no words were spoken. Zara's mom gets up and gathers up her clothes, leaving Zara alone. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut! Eating out her own mother. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she just ate out her own mother. Was this wrong?<</if>>
Elena slowly inches her head lower and lower, making sure to kiss her daughter's body as she traveled down. These light kisses excited Zara even more, her nipples hardened. Zara could feel her pussy getting wet. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>Zara loved every single moment of this. Her own mother's lips on her body was so arousing!<<else>>Zara still had a slight doubt about doing this with her own mother, but her arousal clamped down on it.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/allowance/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as her own mother's tongue invades her pussy, she grabs onto Elena's head as the pleasure keeps building inside her. Until finally, it releases in the form of an orgasm, shaking her body with pure pleasure.
The two of them lie in bed, no words were spoken. Zara's mom gets up and gathers up her clothes, leaving Zara alone. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 80>>What a slut! Being eaten out by her own mother. It felt so hot!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was just eaten out by her own mother. Was this wrong?<</if>>
Zara gets back into a comfortable sleeping position on bed, tuckered out from all the cardio she just did.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<center><h1><font color="gold">Cheats Menu</font></h1></center>\
[[Exit to game|$return]]
Sorry! This seems to be the free version of the game. Play the latest version of the game with unlocked Cheats and Quest Replay along with other benefits by subscribing to my Patreon or SubscribeStar. This also helps me monetarily and keeps me motivated to continue working on the game (and also keeps food in my belly hehe). I try my best to provide this game to you for free but a little bit of monetary panhandling has to be done.
Thank you for your support even as a non-subscriber by just playing the game. I hope you enjoy!
<center><a href="https://discord.gg/HhW8xmkM" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/discord.png" width="20%" height="20%" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="http:\\www.patreon.com/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/patreon.png" width="20%" height="20%" class="exclude-center"></a>\
<a href="http:\\www.subscribestar.adult/neospectre" target="_blank" class="exclude-center"><img src="img/subscribestar.png" width="20%" height="20%" class="exclude-center"></a></center>\
P.S: To play older versions with cheats for free, check out my <a href="https://neospectre.neocities.org" target="_blank" class="myLinks">website</a>. Don't forget to join my Discord for important announcements and other news!
<font color="gold">Warning:</font> No bug fixes or support will be provided for older versions.<<set _chance = random(1, 100)>>\
<<if $PlayerComp <= 10>>\
<<if _chance <= 5>>\
<<set _reward = 1>>\
<<elseif $PlayerComp <= 20>>\
<<if _chance <= 15>>\
<<set _reward = 1>>\
<<elseif $PlayerComp <= 50>>\
<<if _chance <= 35>>\
<<set _reward = 1>>\
<<elseif $PlayerComp <= 80>>\
<<if _chance <= 65>>\
<<set _reward = 1>>\
<<if _chance <= 90>>\
<<set _reward = 1>>\
<<if _reward > 0>>\
Zara successfully entered the correct 4-digit PIN!
The drawer opens swiftly, allowing Zara to quickly reach in and grab whatever notes she could before she could get her hands on. She leaves the shop before anyone could notice anything awry.
<<set _moneyGained = random(20,100)>>\
<center><font color="green">+<<print _moneyGained>>$</font>
<<set $PlayerMoney += _moneyGained>>\
[[Leave the shop quickly|The Mall][$minute+=3]]</center>
Zara failed to enter the correct 4-digit PIN! The cash register clicks shut in an emergency lockdown mode. She really should get out of here.
<<if random(1,2) == 1>>\
Luckily, nobody noticed Zara behind the counter. She slips back out and walks out of the shop without any hassle.
<center>[[Leave the shop quickly|The Mall][$minute+=3]]</center>
But, before she could slip out, the guard took notice of her. He immediately bolts towards Zara and grabs her by the arm.
<font color="cyan">"What do you think you are doing? You are coming with me"</font>, he snarls.
Before Zara could object, she is dragged away by the guard all the way to the security room. Her heart beats quickly, what is going to happen to her?
<<if $securityStealingIntro == true>>\
<center>[[Continue|Security Room][$minute+=10]]</center>\
<center>[[Continue|stealing caught intro][$minute+=10]]</center>\
<</if>>\Taking a deep breath, Zara walked up to both of them, her steps steady but her heart pounding faster with each one. Dick noticed her approach first, his eyes widening slightly, and the girl turned to face Zara too, pursing her lips in disdain.
<font color="fuchsia">"So!"</font>, the girl sneered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. <font color="fuchsia">"This is the skank you turned to?"</font>, her tone was cutting, but Zara noticed a flicker of something else in her expression- was that... insecurity?
Dick stepped forward quickly, holding up a hand as if to calm things down before they escalated. <font color="cyan">"Listen, Zara, not a good time-"</font>, he began, glancing nervously between the two of them, clearly trying to maintain some sense of control.
But the girl interrupted him sharply, crossing her arms and throwing him a contemptuous look. <font color="fuchsia">"Not a good time?"</font>, she scoffed. <font color="fuchsia">"This is the best time"</font>
She turned back to Zara, her eyes narrowing. <font color="fuchsia">"I am his ex, Lisa, and I have questions. How much did he pay you, huh?"</font>
Zara's jaw clenched. Pay her? The implication stung, and a rush of anger surged through her. She crossed her arms, meeting the girl’s gaze with a cool smirk of her own.
<font color="pink">"Oh, he only paid me with a lot of pleasure"</font>, she replied smoothly, each word laced with mockery. <font color="pink">"That's all the payment I needed"</font> She could feel her pulse quickening, surprised at herself for getting drawn into this confrontation. Was she really about to have an argument here, right in the middle of this?
But suddenly, the girl’s defiance shattered, her expression crumbling as tears filled her eyes. <font color="fuchsia">"Fuck you, Dick!"</font>, she choked, voice trembling as the anger gave way to something more raw. <font color="fuchsia">"And fuck you too, skank!"</font>
Her hands shook as she turned to Dick, whose face was now etched with discomfort and worry.
Dick tried to reach out, murmuring softly, <font color="cyan">"Hey, calm down, Lisa"</font>, but she pushed his hand away sharply.
<font color="fuchsia">"I am going to tell my mother she can’t do business with your dad. Get fucked"</font>, she spat, wiping her eyes furiously as her shoulders shook.
Zara watched, her confusion growing. Business? What was she talking about? She opened her mouth to ask, but Dick threw her a quick, pleading glance, silently asking her to stay quiet. Reluctantly, she stayed silent, curiosity gnawing at her.
Turning back to the girl, Dick’s tone softened. <font color="cyan">"Come on, darling"</font>, he said gently, coaxing her with a patience Zara hadn’t seen in him before. <font color="cyan">"Tell me, tell me how I can make this better"</font>
<font color="fuchsia">"Fuck me"</font>, she demanded, staring straight at Dick with a defiant intensity. Zara’s eyes widened, her mind reeling at the audacity of the request. The girl’s voice was steady, her tears still streaming, but her expression was resolute, almost challenging.
Dick faltered, casting a quick, uncertain glance at Zara, as though gauging her reaction. <font color="cyan">"Sure"</font>, he replied slowly, his voice guarded. <font color="cyan">"That can be done"</font>
But the girl wasn’t finished. Her gaze hardened, locking onto Zara with an unsettling fierceness. <font color="fuchsia">"In front of her"</font>, she added, her tone unwavering. <font color="fuchsia">"I want her to watch."</font>
Zara felt a surge of disbelief, revulsion even. Watch them? The thought was absurd, crossing every line she could imagine. The raw demand in the girl’s voice grated against her instincts, and she felt her fists clench, resisting the urge to just walk away.
Dick looked back at her, a silent plea in his eyes, as if he was trying to send her some unspoken message. His gaze seemed to bore into her, pleading to her to say yes.
Taking a breath, she weighed her options. Should she do this? It will certainly help Dick out, but she was no cuck! Can she truly go along with this?
<center>[[Accept|dick quest2 accept][$minute+=15]]
[[Reject|dick quest2 reject][$minute+=2]]</center>The deed was done, and a palpable shift had settled over the room. Where tension and uncertainty had once lingered, there was now a quiet ease, as though some unspoken weight had lifted. Lisa looked genuinely content, a satisfied smile softening her usual sharp expression. She stretched lazily, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes, her entire demeanor far more relaxed than Zara had ever seen. The trio start getting their clothes back on themselves.
<font color="fuchsia">"Well"</font>, Lisa said, leaning back with a grin, <font color="fuchsia">I wouldn’t mind doing things like this again. I might see you in the park from time to time for some fun."</font> She looked over at both Dick and Zara, her voice playful, and her earlier hostility gone. Zara noted the change in her, feeling an odd sense of relief that Lisa’s usual biting edge had finally softened.
Dick chuckled, leaning against the wall with his usual laid-back air, though there was something more thoughtful in his expression as he glanced from Lisa to Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, it was… interesting"</font>, he said, smiling warmly as he looked at Zara. His smile seemed to say, "We’re okay, right?"
Zara returned his smile but felt a pang of uncertainty within herself, the strange reality of what had happened still settling in her mind.
Lisa’s voice broke through her thoughts. <font color="fuchsia">"Who would’ve thought we’d actually get along?"</font>, she laughed, shaking her head. <font color="fuchsia">"I mean, honestly, I was ready to hate you both."</font>
Her tone was surprisingly open, and Zara saw a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, something almost apologetic. <font color="fuchsia">"But… this was actually fun"</font>, she added, her voice softening.
Zara managed a small, polite smile in return, feeling both relieved and out of place at the same time. She had to admit, the whole experience had been strange but not in the way she’d feared.
<font color="pink">"Well, thanks for, uh, hosting us"</font>, Zara said awkwardly, giving a little laugh as she straightened her clothes. She tried to sound as casual as possible, but her voice was tinged with lingering uncertainty.
Lisa smirked, rolling her eyes playfully. <font color="fuchsia">"Anytime"</font>, she replied, seeming to relish Zara’s awkwardness for a second before giving her a genuine smile. <font color="fuchsia">"Seriously, though. This was… refreshing. Nice change of pace from the usual drama."</font>
She turned to Dick, her expression briefly softening. <font color="fuchsia">"And Dick, I will be keeping this quiet. My mother won't know"</font>
Dick gave her a quick nod, his smile warm but a bit reserved. <font color="cyan">"That would be great"</font>, he replied, and Zara sensed a silent understanding pass between them, like the closing of an old chapter. But that nagging feeling was still there, who was her mother? Why was she so important to Dick and some business?
After gathering their things, Zara and Dick said their goodbyes, Lisa waving them off with an unexpectedly cheerful, <font color="fuchsia">"See you around!"</font>
Zara felt a strange mix of relief and lingering confusion as they left the apartment, stepping into the hallway where the air felt cooler, clearer, as though the whole experience had taken place in a different reality.
<center>[[Talk to Dick|dick quest2 end][$minute+=5]]</center>Taking a deep breath, Zara walked up to both of them, her steps steady but her heart pounding faster with each one. Dick noticed her approach first, his eyes widening slightly, and the girl turned to face Zara too, pursing her lips in disdain.
<font color="fuchsia">"So!"</font>, the girl sneered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. <font color="fuchsia">"This is the skank you turned to?"</font>, her tone was cutting, but Zara noticed a flicker of something else in her expression- was that... insecurity?
Dick stepped forward quickly, holding up a hand as if to calm things down before they escalated. <font color="cyan">"Listen, Zara, not a good time-"</font>, he began, glancing nervously between the two of them, clearly trying to maintain some sense of control.
But the girl interrupted him sharply, crossing her arms and throwing him a contemptuous look. <font color="fuchsia">"Not a good time?"</font>, she scoffed. <font color="fuchsia">"This is the best time"</font>
She turned back to Zara, her eyes narrowing. <font color="fuchsia">"I am his ex, and I have questions. How much did he pay you, huh?"</font>
Zara's jaw clenched. Pay her? The implication stung, and a rush of anger surged through her. She crossed her arms, meeting the girl’s gaze with a cool smirk of her own.
<font color="pink">"Oh, he only paid me with a lot of pleasure"</font>, she replied smoothly, each word laced with mockery. <font color="pink">"That's all the payment I needed"</font> She could feel her pulse quickening, surprised at herself for getting drawn into this confrontation. Was she really about to have an argument here, right in the middle of this?
But suddenly, the girl’s defiance shattered, her expression crumbling as tears filled her eyes. <font color="fuchsia">"Fuck you, Dick!"</font>, she choked, voice trembling as the anger gave way to something more raw. <font color="fuchsia">"And fuck you too, skank!"</font>
Her hands shook as she turned to Dick, whose face was now etched with discomfort and worry.
Dick tried to reach out, murmuring softly, <font color="cyan">"Hey, calm down"</font>, but she pushed his hand away sharply.
<font color="fuchsia">"I am going to tell my mother she can’t do business with your dad. Get fucked"</font>, she spat, wiping her eyes furiously as her shoulders shook.
Zara watched, her confusion growing. Business? What was she talking about? She opened her mouth to ask, but Dick threw her a quick, pleading glance, silently asking her to stay quiet. Reluctantly, she stayed silent, curiosity gnawing at her.
Turning back to the girl, Dick’s tone softened. <font color="cyan">"Come on, darling"</font>, he said gently, coaxing her with a patience Zara hadn’t seen in him before. <font color="cyan">"Tell me, tell me how I can make this better"</font>
<font color="fuchsia">"Fuck me"</font>, she demanded, staring straight at Dick with a defiant intensity. Zara’s eyes widened, her mind reeling at the audacity of the request. The girl’s voice was steady, her tears still streaming, but her expression was resolute, almost challenging.
Dick faltered, casting a quick, uncertain glance at Zara, as though gauging her reaction. <font color="cyan">"Sure"</font>, he replied slowly, his voice guarded. <font color="cyan">"That can be done"</font>
But the girl wasn’t finished. Her gaze hardened, locking onto Zara with an unsettling fierceness. <font color="fuchsia">"In front of her"</font>, she added, her tone unwavering. <font color="fuchsia">"I want her to watch."</font>
Zara felt a surge of disbelief, revulsion even. Watch them? The thought was absurd, crossing every line she could imagine. The raw demand in the girl’s voice grated against her instincts, and she felt her fists clench, resisting the urge to just walk away.
Dick looked back at her, a silent plea in his eyes, as if he was trying to send her some unspoken message. His gaze seemed to bore into her, pleading to her to say yes.
Taking a breath, she weighed her options. Should she do this? It will certainly help Dick out, but she was no cuck! Can she truly go along with this?
<center>[[Accept|dick quest2 accept replay]]
[[Reject|dick quest2 reject replay]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Zara's Quest Started:</font> The Unlocking</h3></center>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests+=1>>\
<<set $PlayerActiveQuest=1>>\
<<set $minute+=3>>\
Zara does her best to try and sleep but to no avail. She tosses and turns, trying to find that comfortable spot but nothing helps. She huffs in frustration, why can't she sleep? She glaces at the clock, it was late, or maybe more so early morning. Sooner or later, the sun was going to lighten up the sky outside.
An idea pops into her head, there is only one thing left. Something she could do that would SURELY tire herself out. She grabs her laptop from the desk, switching it on. The machine whirs to life, the fan inside making a low constant hum. The screen light washes over Zara's face.
What should she watch?
She glides her mouse pointer over the search bar, deciding to simply search up anything related to sex. The results are in, line after line they stack on top of each other. One title catches her eye though.
"REAL brother fucks his sister when parents are away"
There is no way... should she click it...?
<center>[[Click it|Zara Quest Fam Sex accept][$minute+=5]]
[[Don't click it|Zara Quest Fam Sex reject][$minute+=5]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">Zara's Quest Started:</font> The Unlocking</h3></center>\
Zara does her best to try and sleep but to no avail. She tosses and turns, trying to find that comfortable spot but nothing helps. She huffs in frustration, why can't she sleep? She glaces at the clock, it was late, or maybe more so early morning. Sooner or later, the sun was going to lighten up the sky outside.
An idea pops into her head, there is only one thing left. Something she could do that would SURELY tire herself out. She grabs her laptop from the desk, switching it on. The machine whirs to life, the fan inside making a low constant hum. The screen light washes over Zara's face.
What should she watch?
She glides her mouse pointer over the search bar, deciding to simply search up anything related to sex. The results are in, line after line they stack on top of each other. One title catches her eye though.
"REAL brother fucks his sister when parents are away"
There is no way... should she click it...?
<center>[[Click it|Zara Quest Fam Sex accept replay]]
[[Don't click it|Zara Quest Fam Sex reject replay]]</center>Zara clicks on the link, after a few seconds of buffering the video loads up. She was ready to dismiss the video, anybody could name the title like that but there was no way it was actually real. But the longer she watched the faces of the two people on her screen, the less sure she became. They looked so similar, there was no way they were not related.
Zara's breath quickens, something in the back of her mind... it was awakening. The longer she watched, the hornier she felt. Her nipples were rock hard, her pussy was dripping. She starts to touch herself, gently.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
But her mind was not focused on the video anymore, instead it drifted away. She started imagining her and Kyle... together in a more than intimate setting.
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara could hear birds chirp outside the window as she lay there in Kyle's bed. The sunlight streamed through the curtains as the slightly ajar window allowed the wind to blow a cool breeze into the room. Kyle lay beside her, yapping away about some video game he had been playing for a while. Zara's mind paid no attention to her twin, it was preoccupied with how horny she was feeling. It had been a while since she had some release.
Turning to her side she clears her throat, interrupting Kyle.
<font color="pink">"Kyle, remember what happened a week ago?"</font>, she whispers. Kyle's face becomes red as the memories come rushing back to him.
<font color="cyan">"Yes. But, like I said, it was so stupid. It is nothing. I thought we agreed to forget about it"</font>, he replies.
<font color="pink">"I don't think we should"</font>, she whispers back. With that, she places her hand lightly on Kyle's dick. She can feel it growing larger beneath her hand, his teen cock could not help but get hard at the slightest bit of attention.
<font color="pink">"I think you should get up from the bed. Let me make those thoughts of yours become true"</font>, Zara purrs into Kyle's ear. Kyle looks at her, maybe with a little bit of doubt but a squeeze from Zara on his crotch makes it clear what he wants.
Standing up, Zara is able to pull his cock out. It stood rock hard, ready. Without a thought in her brain, she inserts her own brother's cock into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her brother, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, Kyle moans.
Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
But it was no use, her mind could not even come close to imagining how Kyle's cum would taste like. It did not matter though, the pleasure from her fingering had peaked, she orgasms. She gasps sharply as it rocks through her body.
She lays back down onto her bed, she craves cum. Just not any cum though, she wanted... Kyle's. Her father's...
Was this wrong? What was going on with her mind?
<center>[[Continue|Zara Quest Fam Sex end][$minute+=15]]</center>
@@Zara shakes her head. She was not going to watch that. It would be so weird, she can't even fathom being fucked by her own brother... or could she? She shakes her head again, as if trying to throw the thoughts far away.
She scrolls away from that link and finds something more her style.
<<set _c = either("A","B", "C", "D")>>\
<<if _c == "A">>\
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<elseif _c == "B">>\
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<elseif _c == "C">>\
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lspank'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara reaches down, slowly sliding her fingers over her pussy, feeling it get wetter from just her touch.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara uses her fingers to rub her clit. With every motion of her fingers, a wave of pleasure flows through her. Imagining herself in the place of one of the actors makes the pleasure even wilder. Zara orgasms, her legs shaking as the pleasure rocks through her body. She could not help but moan loudly.
Feeling tired from her nightly adventures, Zara's eyes close automatically and goes deep into slumber.
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream][$PlayerActiveQuest=0]]</center>Zara tries to shake the thoughts out of her head but to no avail. They stuck to her, the dirty dirty thoughts. Zara knows something is different now. Something deep inside her has changed and now, there was no way to go back.
She could not help think about her brother and how his cock would feel inside her. Even her dad's, he must have a lot of experience by now. She squirms at the thought of her mother's body, she knows she had a great body hiding under all those clothes.
Turning off her laptop, she lies back in bed. She stares at the ceiling as the thoughts still circled her. Her eyes close slowly as she goes into slumber. Zara was a changed woman now.
<center><font color="gold">Zara's mind has been unlocked to start seducing her family members</font>
<<set $famSexUnlocked to true>>\
<<set $playerActiveQuests-=1>>\
<<set $PlayerOneQuestDone to true>>\
[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream][$PlayerActiveQuest=0]]</center>Zara shakes her head. She was not going to watch that. It would be so weird, she can't even fathom being fucked by her own brother... or could she? She shakes her head again, as if trying to throw the thoughts far away.
She scrolls away from that link and finds something more her style.
<<set _c = either("A","B", "C", "D")>>\
<<if _c == "A">>\
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<elseif _c == "B">>\
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<elseif _c == "C">>\
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bus/fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/detention/lspank'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara reaches down, slowly sliding her fingers over her pussy, feeling it get wetter from just her touch.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara uses her fingers to rub her clit. With every motion of her fingers, a wave of pleasure flows through her. Imagining herself in the place of one of the actors makes the pleasure even wilder. Zara orgasms, her legs shaking as the pleasure rocks through her body. She could not help but moan loudly.
Feeling tired from her nightly adventures, Zara's eyes close automatically and goes deep into slumber.
<center><<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara clicks on the link, after a few seconds of buffering the video loads up. She was ready to dismiss the video, anybody could name the title like that but there was no way it was actually real. But the longer she watched the faces of the two people on her screen, the less sure she became. They looked so similar, there was no way they were not related.
Zara's breath quickens, something in the back of her mind... it was awakening. The longer she watched, the hornier she felt. Her nipples were rock hard, her pussy was dripping. She starts to touch herself, gently.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/webcam/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
But her mind was not focused on the video anymore, instead it drifted away. She started imagining her and Kyle... together in a more than intimate setting.
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara could hear birds chirp outside the window as she lay there in Kyle's bed. The sunlight streamed through the curtains as the slightly ajar window allowed the wind to blow a cool breeze into the room. Kyle lay beside her, yapping away about some video game he had been playing for a while. Zara's mind paid no attention to her twin, it was preoccupied with how horny she was feeling. It had been a while since she had some release.
Turning to her side she clears her throat, interrupting Kyle.
<font color="pink">"Kyle, remember what happened a week ago?"</font>, she whispers. Kyle's face becomes red as the memories come rushing back to him.
<font color="cyan">"Yes. But, like I said, it was so stupid. It is nothing. I thought we agreed to forget about it"</font>, he replies.
<font color="pink">"I don't think we should"</font>, she whispers back. With that, she places her hand lightly on Kyle's dick. She can feel it growing larger beneath her hand, his teen cock could not help but get hard at the slightest bit of attention.
<font color="pink">"I think you should get up from the bed. Let me make those thoughts of yours become true"</font>, Zara purrs into Kyle's ear. Kyle looks at her, maybe with a little bit of doubt but a squeeze from Zara on his crotch makes it clear what he wants.
Standing up, Zara is able to pull his cock out. It stood rock hard, ready. Without a thought in her brain, she inserts her own brother's cock into her mouth.
<<set _i = random(1,6)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/dreams/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She takes his penis into her mouth slowly moving up and down its length. Zara feels the penis head keep smacking the back of her throat as she goes deep. And with every motion comes a low groan from her brother, enjoying the feel of Zara's mouth.
<font color="cyan">"I-I am getting closer"</font>, Kyle moans.
Zara quickens her pace, she WANTS that cum. <font color="red">NEEDS</font> it!
Zara to speed up the process takes his dick out of her mouth and starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
But it was no use, her mind could not even come close to imagining how Kyle's cum would taste like. It did not matter though, the pleasure from her fingering had peaked, she orgasms. She gasps sharply as it rocks through her body.
She lays back down onto her bed, she craves cum. Just not any cum though, she wanted... Kyle's. Her father's...
Was this wrong? What was going on with her mind?
<center>[[Continue|Zara Quest Fam Sex end replay]]</center>
@@Zara tries to shake the thoughts out of her head but to no avail. They stuck to her, the dirty dirty thoughts. Zara knows something is different now. Something deep inside her has changed and now, there was no way to go back.
She could not help think about her brother and how his cock would feel inside her. Even her dad's, he must have a lot of experience by now. She squirms at the thought of her mother's body, she knows she had a great body hiding under all those clothes.
Turning off her laptop, she lies back in bed. She stares at the ceiling as the thoughts still circled her. Her eyes close slowly as she goes into slumber. Zara was a changed woman now.
<center><font color="gold">Zara's mind has been unlocked to start seducing her family members</font>
<<back [[Return to the game|$return]]>></center>Zara starts to walk towards Dick when she notices he is not alone. There was a girl beside him, spreading her legs on the bench, showing her pussy to him. Zara immediately recognized the girl, it was Lisa, Dick's ex-girlfriend. Zara stops in her tracks, watching intently.
Dick smiles as he slowly lowers himself onto the bench, bringing his face closer and closer to Lisa's waiting pussy. Zara can feel her nipples harden at the sight in front of her.
<img src="img/city/park/bench_couple1.webp" height="220">
Should she join them?
<<link "Leave them be">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decides not to join them. She would rather spend some time alone right now, relaxing. She could always meet them again some other time. She turns around and walks the other way, hunting for another bench.
Zara takes a seat on the bench, looking around at the calm peaceful scenery. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<center><<set $minute+=30>>\
<font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara steps towards them, confidence radiating in each step. She can't wait to join in on the fun.<<else>>Zara walks up to them, a bit hesitant about this still.<</if>> Lisa immediately notices Zara, she smiles and beckons for her to come closer. Dick notices Zara too but is too busy eating out Lisa, his tongue deep within her folds.
<<link "Be cucked">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara takes a seat next to the ex-couple. Lisa smiles, licking her lips excitedly. Grabbing Dick by his shoulders, she makes him sit straight. His cock was rock hard, poking at the fabric of his pants, creating a tent. He takes it out, springing it free. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara could not wait to see what happens next, her pussy was so <font color="red">wet</font>.<<else>>Zara's pussy was wet, but a part of her still found all this a bit weird.<</if>>
Lisa clambers onto Dick, positioning herself just right. Zara trails her hand down her body, reaching her pussy. She slowly starts touching herself, feeling the wetness spread onto her fingers.
<img src="img/city/park/bench_couple2.webp" height="220">
Lisa rides Dick as Zara touches herself, she could feel the pleasure building inside of her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>What a submissive slut, letting herself be cucked like this.<<else>>What was going on with her life? Being cucked like this felt so odd!<</if>> Lisa moaned and speeds up her movements, making Dick groan from pleasure.
Seeing the pleasure etched onto his face sends Zara over the edge, she orgasms over the bench. Her vision blurs as it rocks through her body. At the same time, Dick gives out a grunt and releases his cum inside Lisa. It leaked out of her, there was so much!
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Cuck">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>With no hesitation at all, Zara grabs Dick's shoulders and props him back up.<<else>>Still a bit unsure if she could do this, she motions to Dick to sit up.<</if>> With him now in a seated position, Zara could see his rock hard cock bulging in his pants. Lisa smiles and sits on the side of the bench, spreading her legs. Her pussy was dripping.
Dick takes his cock out, precum glistened on his dick head. He was ready for Zara, and she, for him. She positions herself above Dick, his cock right below her pussy, she lowers herself, feeling it push inside her. Gasping, she goes all the way in.
<img src="img/city/park/bench_couple2.webp" height="220">
Zara rides Dick as Lisa touches herself, watching Zara and her ex-boyfriend. His penis reached deep inside Zara, stretching her out and making her moan. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut! Fucking another Lisa's ex-boyfriend in front of her. She loved the power dynamic.<<else>>What was going on with her life? Fucking Lisa's ex-boyfriend in front of her.<</if>> She can't help but moan as the pleasure reaches its peak, causing her to orgasm.
Seeing Zara orgasm sends Lisa over the edge, she moans as her legs tremble with the orgasm rocking through her body. Zara feels spurts of cum land inside her, Dick had just finished too.
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to cuck or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 55</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupt enough to join them or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@Zara takes a seat beside Dick, he immediately scoots closer and wraps his arm around Zara. The two of them start a conversation which gets interrupted by a sudden <b>PA-TING</b> noise from Dick's phone. He apologizes to Zara and takes it out. A message pops up on his screen. From a glance, Zara realizes the message was from Lisa.
<font color="cyan">"So, Lisa says she is bored and home alone wink-wink. She says to bring you too"</font>, he tells Zara. Should Zara go?
<<link "Don't go">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Ah, I think I shall pass this time. Maybe some other time"</font>, Zara replies.
<font color="cyan">"Sure, I shall tell her"</font>, and with that, he gets up from the bench and walks away. Zara felt a tiny bit hurt that he simply chose to leave her alone like this.
She shakes her head, she decides to enjoy the time with herself. It was a pretty park, maybe she should simply enjoy the nature around her. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Go to Lisa's place">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/dorm.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara finds herself in Lisa's apartment with Dick. This was not the first time she was here, and it most likely won't be her last. Lisa stood in the doorway of her bedroom, waiting. Her nipples poked through her shirt, she was more than ready for whatever was going to happen next.
The three of them find themselves in a tangled mess of naked bodies in Lisa's bedroom. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara could feel the excitement bubbling through her.<<else>>Zara felt a bit nervous still about all this.<</if>> She thinks what to do next.
<<link "Be cucked">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara takes a seat on the couch near the bed. The ex-couple on the other hand gets more frisky with each other, their tongues intertwined in a passionate kiss. They lay on the bed, enjoying each other's bodies. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara could not wait to see what happens next, her pussy was so <font color="red">wet</font>.<<else>>Zara's pussy was wet, but a part of her still found all this a bit weird.<</if>>
Lisa clambers onto Dick, positioning herself just right. Zara trails her hand down her body, reaching her pussy. She slowly starts touching herself, feeling the wetness spread onto her fingers.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/cuckquean'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa rides Dick as Zara touches herself, she could feel the pleasure building inside of her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>What a submissive slut, letting herself be cucked like this.<<else>>What was going on with her life? Being cucked like this felt so odd!<</if>> Lisa moaned and speeds up her movements, making Dick groan from pleasure.
Seeing the pleasure etched onto his face sends Zara over the edge, she orgasms over the bench. Her vision blurs as it rocks through her body. At the same time, Dick gives out a grunt and releases his cum inside Lisa. It leaked out of her, there was so much!
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45 and $PlayerEnergy gte 25>>\
<<link "Cuck">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>With no hesitation at all, Zara grabs Dick's shoulders and pushes him onto the bed.<<else>>Still a bit unsure if she could do this, she motions to Dick to get onto the bed.<</if>> She follows him while Lisa takes a seat on the sofa near her bed. Dick lays on his back, letting his cock stand straight up, fighting gravity with all its might. Lisa smiles and spreads her legs. Her pussy was dripping.
Dick was ready for Zara, and she, for him. She positions herself above Dick, his cock right below her pussy, she lowers herself, feeling it push inside her. Gasping, she goes all the way in.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/cuckquean'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides Dick as Lisa touches herself, watching Zara and her ex-boyfriend. His penis reached deep inside Zara, stretching her out and making her moan. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 70>>What a slut! Fucking another Lisa's ex-boyfriend in front of her. She loved the power dynamic.<<else>>What was going on with her life? Fucking Lisa's ex-boyfriend in front of her.<</if>> She can't help but moan as the pleasure reaches its peak, causing her to orgasm.
Seeing Zara orgasm sends Lisa over the edge, she moans as her legs tremble with the orgasm rocking through her body. Zara feels spurts of cum land inside her, Dick had just finished too.
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Dick</font>
<<set $dick.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=15]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to cuck or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to go or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara sat slumped at her desk, her chin propped up on her hand as she stared blankly at the whiteboard. The professor’s voice droned on in the background, a monotone lecture about some theory she couldn’t bring herself to care about.
She feels a tingle inside of her, sometimes when bored, she can't think of anything to do other than masturbate. She starts to rub her thighs together, slowly stimulating herself in the class. Maybe this could also help boost her attention in class. She feels herself getting wetter down there, perhaps she should stop before things get more "heated".
<<link "Stop">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara stops rubbing her thighs together. It would be best not to keep going on like this, after all, she was in class and anybody could have caught her. And that would be embarrassing!
The minutes ticked away as class went on.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=10 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara could not help it anymore, she <font color="red">wanted</font> this now, the urge was too strong for her. She glances around the room, she is sitting in the back of the room, and nobody would pay much attention to her other than the students besides her. But they too looked as if their eyes were glazed over, inattentive to the world around them.
Zara trails her fingers down, reaching below her waist. Her pussy was already wet, ready for more, much more. She slowly pushes her fingers into herself, gasping quietly, not wanting to catch anybody's attention.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but give out a low moan as the pleasure built inside of her. And yet nobody notices her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She was such a shameless slut, masturbating like this in class. She honestly would not mind somebody helping her out right now.<<else>>She felt nervous internally, what if someone caught her? But the pleasure made it more than forgettable.<</if>>
She feels the pleasure reach its peak, finally breaking into a powerful orgasm. Zara squirts all over the floor!
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/squirt'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara is breathless, she glances around again, nobody has noticed her yet. She glances down at all the liquid covering the floor, she hopes nobody walks by and slips on it...
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to masturbate in class or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara sat slumped at her desk, her chin propped up on her hand as she stared blankly at the whiteboard. The professor’s voice droned on in the background, a monotone lecture about some theory she couldn’t bring herself to care about.
She feels a tingle inside of her, sometimes when bored, she can't think of anything to do other than masturbate. She starts to rub her thighs together, slowly stimulating herself in the class. Maybe this could also help boost her attention in class. She feels herself getting wetter down there, perhaps she should stop before things get more "heated".
<<link "Stop">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara stops rubbing her thighs together. It would be best not to keep going on like this, after all, she was in class and anybody could have caught her. And that would be embarrassing!
The minutes ticked away as class went on.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption >=10 and $PlayerEnergy>=15>>\
<<link "Masturbate">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara could not help it anymore, she <font color="red">wanted</font> this now, the urge was too strong for her. She glances around the room, she is sitting in the back of the room, and nobody would pay much attention to her other than the students besides her. But they too looked as if their eyes were glazed over, inattentive to the world around them.
Zara trails her fingers down, reaching below her waist. Her pussy was already wet, ready for more, much more. She slowly pushes her fingers into herself, gasping quietly, not wanting to catch anybody's attention.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but give out a low moan as the pleasure built inside of her. And yet nobody notices her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She was such a shameless slut, masturbating like this in class. She honestly would not mind somebody helping her out right now.<<else>>She felt nervous internally, what if someone caught her? But the pleasure made it more than forgettable.<</if>>
<<set _chance = either(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance == 1>>\
She suddenly feels a hand brush the side of her thigh, causing her to jump in her chair. She looks to the side and sees the student next to her, grinning. It was a pretty girl, her eyes mischievously looking at her. The girl squeezes Zara's thighs and puts a finger to her lips, shushing Zara. Her fingers still inside her, all Zara could do was nod, red in her face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>This was what she wanted anyways...<<else>>This was so embarrassing!<</if>>
The girl slips below the desk, crawling towards Zara. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, what was the girl going to do? The answer was given almost immediately as the girl's tongue entered Zara's folds causing her to gasp.
<img src="img/school/class/lut2.webp" height="220">
Zara bites her cheek, trying her best not to moan. The girl was so good with her tongue! She looked around the class, nobody had noticed what was going on. She feels herself getting closer to orgasm when the girl suddenly shifts her focus.
<img src="img/school/class/lut3.webp" height="220">
Zara feels her nipples get harder as the girl's tongue now penetrates her asshole, cleaning it inside and out, swirling her tongue over the hole and around it. Zara's legs start to quiver as she starts feeling an orgasmic bliss wash over her body. She feels the pleasure wash through her completely.
The girl gets back onto her seat, winking at Zara. Now this was definitely one way to pass the time in a boring class... <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>What a slut, letting girls eat her out in the class. She loved it!<<else>>Zara still could not believe she just let a girl eat her out in class, what if they had been caught?<</if>>
She suddenly feels a hand brush the side of her thigh, causing her to jump in her chair. She looks to the side and sees the student next to her, grinning. It was a good looking boy, his eyes mischievously looking at her. The boy squeezes Zara's thighs and puts a finger to his lips, shushing Zara. Her fingers still inside her, all Zara could do was nod, red in her face. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>This was what she wanted anyways...<<else>>This was so embarrassing!<</if>>
The boy shifted his hands, moving to Zara's inner thigh, she could feel the goosebumps rising on her skin. She was getting even wetter now that another person was teasing her...
He lightly squeezes Zara's inner thighs as he slowly moves up towards his final destination, her waiting pussy. She gasps as his fingers finally reach her folds, lightly brushing her clit. He grins at her before increasing the pace of his fingers, making Zara stifle a moan by clenching her teeth.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara raises her hand to her mouth, clasping it shut as the boy rubs Zara's clit with passion. With every second passing, she feels the pleasure building inside her.
The boy leans in and whispers into her ear, <font color="cyan">"Cum for me"</font>.
The whisper, the feeling of his breath on her ear, it was too much. She feels the orgasm rocking through her body, her legs shake and a low sharp gasp escapes her lips. And yet, nobody notices them.
The boy sits back straight on his chair, his duty now fulfilled. He winks at her before wiping off his hands on a cloth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>What a slut, letting boys finger her in the class. She loved it!<<else>>Zara still could not believe she just let a boy finger her in class, what if they had been caught?<</if>>
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to masturbate in class or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 15</font></center>
@@<center><h3><font color="gold">NPC Introduction Started</font></h3></center>\
Zara starts to walk out of the building when she hears someone call her name from behind.
<font color="cyan">"Hey! Zara! Wait up!"</font>, the voice calls out.
Zara paused mid-step, turning around as her name echoed down the hallway. She spotted Ben Kingsley jogging toward her, his backpack slung over one shoulder and his hair slightly disheveled from the effort. He slowed as he neared her, his face a little pink, not just from exertion but, she noticed, maybe from nerves too. The usual composed, confident air he carried seemed absent, replaced by something far less assured.
<font color="cyan">"Hey, Zara! Wait up"</font>, he called again, his tone softer now that he was close. Zara waited, adjusting her bag on her shoulder as a few students passed by, the hum of chatter filling the corridor.
<font color="pink">"Hi, Ben"</font>, Zara greeted him, her voice casual but curious. <<if $dayCount!=2>>They’d crossed paths when school had just begun when she’d said a friendly "hi" to him, but at the time, he hadn’t even remembered her name.<<else>>They'd crossed paths today morning when she’d said a friendly "hi" to him, but at the time, he hadn’t even remembered her name.<</if>> It did help get her motivated to win the title of Prom Queen though. Yet here he was, standing in front of her now, looking a little awkward as he tried to find his words.
He took a breath and rubbed the back of his neck, his backpack slipping slightly. <font color="cyan">"Look, I owe you an apology"</font>, he said finally, his tone earnest. Zara blinked, caught off guard. <font color="cyan">"When you said hi to me… I didn’t realize who you were. Honestly, I didn’t even realize you were in the same class until today. That was really rude of me, and I’m sorry"</font>
His words came quickly, tumbling out in an almost nervous rush. Zara raised an eyebrow, studying him for a moment before cracking a small smile. <font color="pink">"It’s fine, Ben"</font>, she replied with a light laugh. <font color="pink">"You’re not the first person to overlook me in a crowd of fifty students. I’ve got a forgettable face, I guess."</font> She meant it as a joke, but Ben winced, clearly taking it more seriously than she intended.
<font color="cyan">"No, seriously"</font>, he said firmly, his eyes locking with hers. <font color="cyan">"That wasn’t okay, and I’ve been feeling bad about it since I realized. I’ve seen you in class now, and I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you. You seem like someone worth knowing, and I want to fix that."</font>
His honesty took Zara by surprise, and for a moment, she didn’t know how to respond. But then she smiled, feeling her own awkwardness melt away under the sincerity of his words. <font color="pink">"Well, better late than never, I guess"</font>, she teased, pulling her phone from her bag. <font color="pink">"If you’re serious about keeping in touch, you’d better give me your number."</font>
Ben smiles and takes her phone in his hand. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows through, lifting Zara's skirt. She immediately grabs it and holds it down.
<img src="img/teasing/windy.webp" height="220">
Even while holding it down the wind continuously picks it up. Little flashes of her panties could be seen! Ben, being a human teen male, his eyes kept glancing down towards her skirt as he slowly entered his number on her phone.
<<link "Keep holding it down">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara kept holding it down, her face going red from the embarrassment she was feeling. Ben finally finishes putting his number into her phone just as the wind dies down completely. He hands over the phone back to Zara, his eyes still glancing down at the hem of Zara's skirt.
Zara clears her throat, making Ben jump slightly. He smiles a bit sheepishly at Zara.
<font color="pink">"Well, I guess that's it right? I shall see you around for sure"</font>, she tells Ben, smiling at him.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah for sure! You can catch me in the library most of the time after classes. It's where I tend to hang out after classes"</font>, he replies, smiling back.
The two of them wave each other goodbye and walk in opposite directions. Zara glances at her phone, a new contact now being listed on her phone. Maybe he can help her get to her goal...
<center><<set $ben.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Ben Kingsley has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=2]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 5>>\
<<link "Let go for just a second">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes a deep breath, was she really going to do this? But, it could help her win a bit more favor with Ben, and that would be useful. He was the smartest student in her school. Zara just for a second, raises her hands, letting her skirt fly up.
<img src="img/teasing/windy_upskirt.webp" height="220">
Her panties flashed for just a second, and that was all she needed. Ben's eyes widen slightly and a red tinge appears on his cheeks. The wind finally dies down as Ben finishes entering his number on Zara's phone.
<font color="pink">"Well, I guess that's it right? I shall see you around for sure"</font>, she tells Ben, smiling at him.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah for sure! You can catch me in the library most of the time after classes. It's where I tend to hang out after classes"</font>, he replies, smiling back.
The two of them wave each other goodbye and walk in opposite directions. Zara glances at her phone, a new contact now being listed on her phone. Maybe he can help her get to her goal...
<center><<set $ben.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Ben Kingsley has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +2>>\
<font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=2]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to let go of her skirt...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
@@<<set $dailyHangBen to true>>\
<<set $minute+=1>>\
<<say "Zara">>Hey! You there?<</say>>
<<if $ben.angryFlag == false>>\
<<if ($weekDay eq true) and ($hour gte 8 and $hour lt 14)>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Ben">>Heyyo. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Uhhh, bro? We have school right now<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>So? Let's just bunk<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Nah, sorry. I want to attend classes :P<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Nerd<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>The one and only<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Ahhh fine, bye!<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 22 and $hour<=0>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Ben">>Heyyo. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Ah man, it's late right now<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>We can just sneak out<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Nooo I can't do that<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Fine fine, won't force you<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 0 and $hour<=7>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
Hmmm. No answer. He is probably asleep...
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<say "Ben">>Heyyo. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Ben">>Sure, I am free. Where to though?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Sounds good to me. We could get some soil samples!<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You are hanging out with a girl as pretty as me and you are excited about soil samples???<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Hehe...<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm ben][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's go out for a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Works with me<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Cool!<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm ben][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall. I wanna go window shopping<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Can we visit Mr. Robot? I heard they got a drone in recently!<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Of course. See you there<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm ben][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Ben">>Nah, I got some plans already. Sorry, bro<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, sure. No problem at all<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Ben">>Sorry Zara, we are not on talking terms<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Come on, I am sorryyyy, srsly<</say>>
No reply comes up, looks like Zara has to go personally apologize to him.
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Zara">>Psstt... got a little present for you xoxo<</say>>
<<say "Zara">><<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>><</say>>\
The video would automatically disappear in 30 seconds... he better see Zara's texts quick...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 20>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 10>>\
<<say "Ben">>Woah... Uh... Damn. I don't even know what to say<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You don't have to say anything with that reaction ;)<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>Uhh... did you mean to send that to me?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Maybe... maybe not...<</say>>
<<say "Ben">>😳<</say>>
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<center>No answer... the video disappears without a trace
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<</if>><<set $ben.dailyVisits = $ben.dailyVisits + 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 65>>\
<<set _eventCh=random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh==1>>
<<goto "ben event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh==2>>
<<goto "ben event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh==3 and $ben.relationship gte 25>>
<<goto "ben event3">>
<<goto "ben event1">>
<<set _eventCh=random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh==1>>\
Zara sat across from Ben in the library, sunlight spilling through the tall windows and pooling on the table between them. Her notebook was open, but she’d completely lost track of what she was supposed to be working on. Ben was in the middle of explaining some historical concept she didn’t even remember asking about, his hands gesturing animatedly as he talked. She smirked, trying to hold back a laugh- it was kind of funny how into it he was, but also surprisingly endearing. Around them, the low hum of whispers and shuffling papers faded into the background, making it feel like it was just the two of them in their own little bubble. Zara leaned back in her chair, smiling to herself. It hadn’t taken long for this to feel so... easy.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh==2>>\
Zara sat across from Ben in the library, the quiet hum of the room interrupted occasionally by the scratch of a pen or the faint rustle of a page being turned. Ben was leaning forward, his elbows on the table, explaining something with his usual mix of enthusiasm and focus, though Zara had long since stopped following the thread of his point. Instead, she found herself watching the way his brow furrowed when he was trying to explain something complex, or how he’d pause mid-sentence to search for the right word. She smiled, shaking her head as she scribbled aimless doodles in the margin of her notebook.
<font color="pink">"You really don’t shut up, do you?"</font>, she teased, glancing up at him with a grin. Ben smirked back, unbothered.
<font color="cyan">"Not when I’ve got a captive audience"</font>, he shot back, and for a moment, the quiet library felt just a little brighter.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh==3>>\
Zara leaned back in her chair, twirling her pen between her fingers as she listened to Ben ramble on about something he’d just read. The library was quiet, save for the occasional whisper or the shuffle of someone walking past, but Ben’s voice filled their little corner like it was the only sound that mattered. She tried to focus on her notes, but her eyes kept drifting to him- his animated expressions, the way his hands moved as he talked, like he couldn’t contain his excitement.
<font color="pink">"You know"</font>, she interrupted with a smirk, <font color="pink">"this is supposed to be a study session, not a Ben lecture."</font>
Ben grinned, leaning back in his chair with mock seriousness. <font color="cyan">"You’re just jealous of my superior knowledge"</font>, he shot back.
Zara rolled her eyes, laughing under her breath. Somehow, hanging out with him made even the most boring afternoons feel alive.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<endif>>The library was quiet, the kind of stillness that made every sound—turning pages, scribbling pens, the occasional cough—seem louder than it was. Zara and Ben sat at their usual table, both pretending to be absorbed in their work. Across from her, Ben’s brow was furrowed as he stared at his notes, completely lost in whatever he was studying. Zara’s gaze drifted to her notebook, but her focus wasn’t on the words scribbled across the page. A thought slipped into her mind, unbidden and undeniably mischievous. It lingered there, teasing her, growing stronger by the second, but could she do it?
<<link "Don't do it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara blinked, startled by the thought that had slipped into her mind. It was absurd, completely out of nowhere, and she immediately dismissed it, trying to refocus on the notes in front of her. <i>"What am I even thinking?"</i>, she wondered, furrowing her brow as if the action could physically push the idea away. It wasn’t the time, the place, or remotely appropriate—not that it mattered, since she wasn’t going to act on it anyway. Still, the thought lingered stubbornly at the edge of her mind, refusing to let go as quickly as she wanted. She exhaled quietly, flipping to a blank page in her notebook in a half-hearted attempt to reset her focus, willing herself to move past whatever strange impulse had come over her.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on the thought">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara glances around the library, absolutely nobody was around them. And whoever was in the library sat far away. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara just felt excitement, she could feel her nipples hardening from the thought of flashing Ben.<<else>>Zara's heart pounded, she felt a bit nervous about the prospect of flashing Ben in public.<</if>>
Zara coughs, making Ben glance up for just a second towards Zara before going back to the book in his hands. She rolls her eyes, seriously? There was a girl in front of him trying to catch his attention and yet he focuses on the book. But, she knew what would keep his attention on her.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben finally looks up from his book, his mouth hung agape. His eyes stared at her boobs, she knows there is no way his cock is not hard as fuck right now. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She felt so good, showing off her body like this.<<else>>Was this wrong? Showing off her body like this?<</if>>
<<if $ben.relationship gte 10 and $PlayerCorruption gte 15 and $PlayerEnergy gte 15>>\
Zara knew she could move a bit more forward with Ben now. He was ready for it. She covers back up to the dissappointmennt of Ben. But, Zara was not done yet, she thinks of what to do next.
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Hey Ben, take your cock out"</font>, Zara whispers to Ben <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>seductively<<else>>nervously<</if>>. Ben looks at her, the lust in his eyes evident.
He takes a look around the library, and then deftly takes his cock out. It already stood rock hard at the ready. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She leans over and spits on it, lubing it up properly. She still can't believe how comfortable she has gotten giving handies in the library to boys. She starts to stroke the cock gently.<<else>>Zara could feel her heart beat quickly. Was she really doing this, in a public library where anybody could catch them? She spit on her hand and grabbed Ben's cock gently.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,5)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben shudders in his seat due to the pleasure as Zara keeps stroking his dick, increasing her pace every 10 seconds... He looks at Zara, she could see the pleasure in his eyes now. It felt good. He gives out a low moan and twitches, she knew what was coming.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/shj_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He gives a very low groan as his dick splatters his cum all over Zara's thighs and the underside of the table. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara giggles, she uses her hands to gather up the cum on her thighs and licks her hand clean as Ben zips his pants up.<<else>>Zara grabs a few tissues and cleans herself up. Her thighs still felt a bit sticky though.<</if>>
The two of them look at each other, Ben smiling softly. Zara smiles back. They go back to the books in their hands, glancing at each from time to time.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 15>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara glances around the library again, nobody. She smiles at Ben before suddenly dropping down onto the floor. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She licks her lips in anticipation.<<else>>Her heart was pounding!<</if>> She crawls towards Ben slowly, trying to make sure her sudden movements don't catch anybody's eye.
<font color="cyan">"Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!"</font>, he whispers with the panic in his voice apparent. Zara does not give a reply but instead takes his dick out and gives the head a lick, making him gasp.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/utbj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She hears Ben softly moaning above her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>It made her feel good, being able to make boys moan like this with her mouth.<<else>>She hopes nobody catches them!<</if>> She starts to speed up, she better get this over with before anybody sees them. She feels his legs tensing up around her as warm spurts of cum land inside her mouth.
Zara sits back on her chair on the table, the taste of his cum still lingering in her mouth. The two of them look at each other, Ben smiling softly. Zara smiles back. They go back to the books in their hands, glancing at each from time to time.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<center>Ben can't accept a blowjob from Zara yet...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give Ben a blowjob or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
Zara knew they were not at the point yet where he would accept doing more than this. She covers back up, but Ben keeps staring at her chest. Finally, he looks up at Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Uh, what was that about?"</font>, he whispers to her. Zara simply smiles and shrugs her shoulders. She goes back to reading the book in her hands.
Ben continues looking at her for a few seconds, still in amazement before retuning to his book.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on the thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@The library was quiet, the kind of stillness that made every sound—turning pages, scribbling pens, the occasional cough—seem louder than it was. Zara and Ben sat at their usual table, both pretending to be absorbed in their work. Across from her, Ben’s brow was furrowed as he stared at his notes, completely lost in whatever he was studying. Zara’s gaze drifted to her notebook, but her focus wasn’t on the words scribbled across the page. A thought slipped into her mind, unbidden and undeniably mischievous. It lingered there, teasing her, growing stronger by the second, but could she do it?
<<link "Don't do it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara blinked, startled by the thought that had slipped into her mind. It was absurd, completely out of nowhere, and she immediately dismissed it, trying to refocus on the notes in front of her. <i>"What am I even thinking?"</i>, she wondered, furrowing her brow as if the action could physically push the idea away. It wasn’t the time, the place, or remotely appropriate—not that it mattered, since she wasn’t going to act on it anyway. Still, the thought lingered stubbornly at the edge of her mind, refusing to let go as quickly as she wanted. She exhaled quietly, flipping to a blank page in her notebook in a half-hearted attempt to reset her focus, willing herself to move past whatever strange impulse had come over her.
<center><font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on the thought">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara glances around the library, absolutely nobody is around them. And whoever was in the library sat far away. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara just felt excitement, she could feel her nipples hardening from the thought of flashing Ben.<<else>>Zara's heart pounded, she felt a bit nervous about the prospect of flashing Ben in public.<</if>>
Zara coughs, making Ben glance up for just a second towards Zara before going back to the book in his hands. She rolls her eyes, seriously? There was a girl in front of him trying to catch his attention and yet he focused on the book. But, she knew what would keep his attention on her.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben finally looks up from his book, his mouth hung agape. His eyes stared at her boobs, she knows there is no way his cock is not hard as fuck right now. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>She felt so good, showing off her body like this.<<else>>Was this wrong? Showing off her body like this?<</if>>
<<if $ben.relationship gte 10 and $PlayerCorruption gte 10 and $PlayerEnergy gte 10>>\
Ben suddenly gets up from the table, making Zara jump slightly. What was he doing? She covers herself up, just in case. He walks around the table and bends down such that his mouth is next to Zara's ear. She could feel his breath on her ear, it sent tingles down her spine.
<font color="cyan">"Come join me in between the shelves"</font>, he whispers in her ear. His voice was dripping with lust, he wanted her. He straightens up and walks in between two shelves.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>Zara could feel her pussy already getting wet, she was so ready for this!<<else>>Zara could feel her heart pounding, was she ready for this?<</if>> She gets up from the table and enters into the area between the shelves where she saw Ben last. But, there was no one here? Before she could call out, she felt a wind behind her, a presence.
Before she could turn around, she felt a hand clasp her mouth, gently. She does not have to look around to know who it is, it is Ben.
<font color="cyan">"Shh, it's only me"</font>, he whispers. His hands roam Zara's body, groping her boobs, running over her back, all over her. She feels her nipples harden as he explores her body. Finally, his hands lower even further as his fingers reach her pussy. He raises her skirt, allowing himself to freely touch Zara's wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan softly as Ben used his fingers to pleasure Zara. She could feel his fingers go through the folds of her pussy, slightly teasing her hole. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>This was so hot! She wanted so much <font color="red">more!</font><<else>>This felt good, but she could not help feeling nervous about being caught.<</if>>
Zara feels the pleasure building up as Ben continues his fingering of Zara's pussy, she could not hold it back anymore. She feels the orgasm rocking through her body, blurring her vision. She collapses onto Ben who holds her up with ease.
Finally catching her breath, the two of them return to their table. Zara could still feel the phantoms of his fingers inside her, it had felt amazing. The two of them keep glancing up from their books, a smile on both their faces.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
She covers back up, but Ben keeps staring at her chest. Finally, he looks up at Zara.
<font color="cyan">"Uh, what was that about?"</font>, he whispers to her. Zara simply smiles and shrugs her shoulders. She goes back to reading the book in her hands.
Ben continues looking at her for a few seconds, still in amazement before returning to his book.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on the thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@Zara and Ben wandered through the towering shelves of the library, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpet as they searched for the perfect spot. Hidden deep between the rows of books, they found a small, secluded table tucked away in a corner. It was shielded on all sides by shelves, the perfect place for ultimate privacy. Here, the usual quiet hum of the library felt even more distant, leaving only the faint scent of old pages and the soft sound of their movements. Zara glanced around and smiled. No interruptions here, not from students, and definitely not from the librarian. She set her bag down, feeling a small thrill at finding such a private spot.
Settling into the chairs, the two of them began to talk in low, hushed voices, their conversation flowing easily, though their words blended into the stillness of the space. Ben leaned forward slightly as he spoke, his tone animated but restrained, while Zara nodded along, occasionally chiming in. The moment felt insulated, as if the rest of the library didn’t exist beyond their little corner. As their exchange carried on, Ben suddenly stood, his chair scraping lightly against the floor. Zara glanced up, assuming he was off to grab a book or perhaps something he’d forgotten, but before she could turn back to her notes, she became aware of his presence just behind her, close enough to feel the faint warmth of him at her back. What was going on?
She suddenly felt both his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. And then, they moved lower till they reached her breasts. She gasped at his forwardness and the slight pleasure she was receiving from his hands.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She puts her hand on her mouth, doing her best not to moan as Ben continues groping her chest. His hands felt amazing as he squeezed her in all the right ways. She hears his zipper unzipping from behind her as he frees his cock.
She could feel the dick's head rubbing against her shoulder as he kept squeezing her, teasing her nipples lightly with his fingers. This was a public library though, should they really do this?
<<link "Stop this">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Ben- Ben, I think we need to stop"</font>, Zara does her best to gasp in between the pleasure.
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, sure"</font>, he whispers and immediately lets go of Zara. She rearranges all her clothes properly.
Her face was still tinged with red from the pleasure she had just received. Ben sits back down on his chair, smiling at her. As if nothing had just happened, he suddenly started talking about a YouTube video he had watched last night.
What was wrong with him?! Zara was still trying her best to get her head back into the conversation after all that teasing.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Let it continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Ben takes hold of the back of Zara's chair and pulls it back gently. Zara gets up from the chair just as he puts his hand on her shoulders and bends her over the table.
<font color="cyan">"Is this okay?"</font>, he asks for her consent. Zara nods, the lust in her eyes is evident. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>This was so hot! She really was letting him fuck her in a public space like a slut.<<else>>She just hoped nobody would catch them, this was a public space after all.<</if>>
She feels his cock rub against her pussy, sending shivers down her back. She was so wet! Zara gasps as she feels his cock penetrate her. He slowly inserts himself deeper inside her before starting to thrust.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as Ben thrusts in and out of her pussy. Anybody could walk into that aisle and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her.
Ben pulls out all of a sudden and turns her around. He gently puts his hands on Zara's shoulders and lowers her to her knees. She starts jerking him off with her mouth open, ready to receive his semen. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She could not wait to get a taste of his cum.<<else>>Her heart beats faster, will his cum taste good?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Splatters of cum coat her tongue and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>After he was done Zara makes sure to clean him up and gives him one final kiss on his dick head before getting back up.<<else>>Zara grabs a few tissues and cleans herself up while Ben does the same.<</if>>
The two of them returned to their seats, Zara was still feeling the pleasure wave inside her. The two of them smile at each other and return to their conversation. She loved hanging out with Ben.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=40>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to let this continue or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@Zara feels a heat spread inside her body as she reads the intense words describing the most detailed sex scenes ever. She could imagine exactly what was going on and this made her excited, she rubbed her thighs together while sitting on one of the library chairs to stimulate herself. But, she realizes this was not enough... She needed something a bit more.
<<link "Nevermind, Zara does not want to risk anything">>
<<replace "#touch">>\
But, Zara immediately throws those thoughts out of her head, she reminds herself she was in a public library with students constantly going in or out... anybody could catch her doing stuff...
<center><font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Zara finishes reading the book|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=5 and $PlayerEnergy>=40>>\
<<link "Zara starts masturbating">>
<<replace "#touch">>\
Zara looks around and sees that the library is pretty empty. If she slipped behind some bookshelves in the rows nobody would see her... unless they enter that row. Zara is too horny to care about that now and immediately gets up from her place and finds a secluded spot in one of the aisles.
Making sure nobody was around in the immediate area, she raises her skirt and slowly starts rubbing her clit. She felt so exposed and yet she did not care, the intimacy she now felt with herself was a surprising catalyst leading to her needing more.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/mb'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara was not paying any attention to her surroundings, because if she was, she would have noticed a pair of eyes and phone camera looking at her from another aisle, peaking through the books placed on the bookshelves.
The eyes disappeared from between the books, but due to the movement, there was a clatter as something fell. Zara immediately stops touching herself and stands up straight. She felt somebody's presence around her.
She suddenly feels a wind, a presence behind her as if someone was sneaking up on her. Before she could turn around, a hand clasps her mouth. She does her best to scream but nothing comes out from in between the fingers of her captor. The hand definitely was male, it felt strong, a bit rough.
Still clasping her mouth, the male's other hand wanders below, reaching towards her pussy. Zara struggles to no avail as her skirt is raised and the fingers reach her already wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but gasp as the fingers went in and out of her. Whoever it was, knew what he was doing. But it did matter, she still felt so violated! The pleasure reached its crescendo and Zara orgasms due to her rapist's fingers.
Her vision goes blurry from the pleasure that rocked freely through her. Taking his chance, the captor lets go of Zara and runs. She collapses onto the floor, gasping, her vision still blurry.
Who was that? A student? A teacher? It felt wrong, so wrong. She was powerless, no control. She gets up from the floor and walks out of the aisle, glancing around to see if she could find her assailant but to no avail.
<center><font color="red">Corruption -1</font>
<<addcorruption -1>>\
<font color="yellow">-40 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -40>>\
<<set $hours+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Return|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to touch herself in the library or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 40</font></center>
@@<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
Seated in the crowded school cafeteria, Zara sat at a table with a tray filled with her school canteen lunch. The aroma of the meal filled the air, but as she took her first bite, she couldn't help but feel that the taste matched the generic cafeteria atmosphere. The food was filling enough to satisfy her hunger, yet the flavor lingered somewhere between bland and mediocre. Zara sighed, resigned to the reality of the school cafeteria experience.
Zara suddenly spots two boys looking at her from a bit far away. She pays them no heed, she just wants to finish up her tray of food and leave right now. Yet, something felt off, she looked up to see the two now walking towards her. One of them held a bottle of water in his hands. But, neither of them was looking at her... yet, it felt... odd?
Zara shakes her head, she was being stupid. Yet, her suspicions were right, the boy holding the water bottle suddenly feigns to trip, his hand moving forward. The water rushes out of the bottle and spills all over Zara.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck!?"</font>, Zara yells, getting up from her seat. She was drenched. The canteen's noise dies down and people look towards the commotion.
<font color="cyan">"Ah! Sorry, I tripped"</font>, the boy replied. He definitely was not apologetic, the smile on his face was evidence. Yet, he was not looking at her... he was looking at her chest.
Zara looked down to see that the white fabric of her shirt, being all wet, had become translucent. Everybody could see her bra!
<img src="img/school/canteen/seethrough.jpeg" height="220">
Shit! Zara looked around, several students were looking at her. And they could definitely see her bra. She immediately runs out of the canteen, her face red with embarrassment. Yet, somewhere inside her, she tingled. It felt a bit good, being looked at by all those people, some with lust in their eyes. Drying off in the bathroom, she exited back into the school hallway.
<center><font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +2>>\
<<set $school1stDayEvent to true>>\
[[Zara is now dried off|School][$minute+=50]]</center><<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang ben">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang ben">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang ben">>\
<</if>>\<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
<font color="cyan">"Hey, Zara!"</font>, Ben's voice calls out from behind her.
<font color="pink">"Hey, Ben!"</font>, Zara replies, smiling.
<font color="cyan">"Let's go sit, I am pretty hungry"</font>, he continues.
Zara and Ben settled at a cozy table in the restaurant, flipping through menus and deciding on their orders. Soon, the waiter arrived, delivering plates of delicious food that satisfied their appetites. Mid-bite, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for Ben's attention, who looks at her quizzically.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben's jaw drops wide open, his food forgotten. He stares at Zara's tits like they are a million dollars.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Ben goes back to his meal but it is obvious that from time to time, he glances back to Zara's tits. He was probably hoping her top disappeared off her body right now.
Once they were done, they exited the restaurant. Ben gives her a warm smile and bids her goodbye. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"How about you and me work up more of an appetite?"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Ben looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire. Zara thinks to herself what to do.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara immediately knew what she should do and without wasting a second, found herself underneath the table. Using her hands, she takes out Ben's cock. It already stood hard and ready.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick giving him the pleasure he so desires. He runs his fingers through her hair as she continues. Without a warning, Zara feels spurts of cum hit her tongue as he orgasms right in her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Not wanting to waste any, Zara swallows it all, enjoying its tangy taste.<<else>>She does her best to swallow it all.<</if>> It really complimented the food she was eating. She got back on her seat, Ben now satisfied seemed to have forgotten about his food. Just staring idly at Zara with a glint in his eyes.
Finally, snapping out of it, he goes back to his meal and so does Zara.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 45>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the men's washroom"</font>, Zara smiles slyly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the women's washroom, ok?"</font>, Zara continues.<</if>>
The two of them don't waste any time, they find themselves locked in an intimate embrace in one of the washroom stalls. Anybody could catch them, but they did not care. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>This was so hot, Zara making out with boys in a public washroom was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to make out with boys in a public washroom? What if they get caught?<</if>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara places her hands on Ben's shoulders and pushes him, making him lean backward as his dick stands up and ready.<<else>>Ben leans back, letting his dick stand up straight. He beckons to Zara to get on it.<</if>> She inches forward, placing her vagina right above his penis. Without a warning Ben suddenly thrusts up, inserting himself into her, and makes Zara give a sharp gasp in pleasure. To take back control she immediately starts riding him, giving him no chance to continue thrusting, Zara held the power.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/bsex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She rides him, going up and down making sure he felt every single centimeter of her vagina as she went on. He grabs a hold of her hips and squeezes, she knew he was feeling a pleasure he probably never felt in his life. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Riding Ben like this made Zara feel so horny, the pleasure was immense.<<else>>Even though she too was enjoying this, she could not help keeping an ear wide open for any noise of people entering the washroom.<</if>>
Suddenly, Ben pulls her down while thrusting up while keeping a hold of her hips and she feels spurts of cum land inside her, the warmth making it obvious. She tries to get off but to no avail, he is too strong. Zara just sighs and accepts her fate.
Finally, he lets go and she gets off him and huffs at him for his sudden move. Ben just smiles apologetically and shrugs back at her.
The two of them return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Ben return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been fucking in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept sex with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 70>>\
<<link "Anal">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the men's washroom"</font>, Zara smiles slyly.<<else>><font color="pink">"Meet me in the women's washroom, ok?"</font>, Zara continues.<</if>>
The two of them don't waste any time, they find themselves locked in an intimate embrace in one of the washroom stalls. Anybody could catch them, but they did not care. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>This was so hot, Zara making out with boys in a public washroom was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to make out with boys in a public washroom? What if they get caught?<</if>>
Zara bends over the toilet seat, presenting her ass to him. Ben immediately positions himself behind her, aiming his dick at her pussy.
<font color="pink">"How about anal instead?"</font>, Zara <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>innocently<<else>>shyly<</if>> asks him before he can thrust in.
Without a second thought, Ben spits on his cock, coating it with wet slimy saliva before re-aiming his dick.
<font color="cyan">"Are you sure?"</font>, he asks. Zara just looks back at him and nods, giving him consent.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/boyswc/banal'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<font color="pink">"Oh god, oh my god"</font>, Zara moans in a hushed manner as Ben thrusts in and out of her ass hole, the pleasure rocking her body. Every thrust from Ben brought a sharp pain but also a much greater pleasure. Zara starts pushing herself back into him, making him groan with pleasure too. He starts to speed up, indicating he was in fact getting close to cumming. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 75>>She had become such a slut, letting boys fuck her like this, that too in a public washroom.<<else>>Was she really letting boys fuck her like this, that too in a public washroom? Was this wrong?<</if>>
With one final thrust, he starts to cum inside Zara's ass, she feels the warm liquid coat her insides and could not help moaning from the pleasure it gave her.
After he was done Ben pulled out. Both of them wordlessly get their clothes back in order before looking at each other and smiling.
The two of them return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Ben return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been fucking in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Ben exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept anal sex with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 70</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have anal sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 60</font></center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept taking things further with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and Ben met at the park, greeted by the vibrant greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. They took a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, finding their way to a secluded bench nestled beneath a sprawling tree. Away from the bustling crowds, they settled in, enjoying the tranquility of their chosen spot and continuing their conversation against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves.
Mid-conversation, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. While Ben prattled on about some scientist, Zara quickly raised her top, flashing him.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Ben's jaw drops wide open, his topic of conversation forgotten. He stares at Zara's tits like they are a million dollars.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Ben goes back to his meal but it is obvious that from time to time, he glances back to Zara's tits. He was probably hoping her top just disappeared off her body right now.
Their time together coming to a close, the two of them head for the park's exit. Ben gives her a warm smile and bids her goodbye. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 20>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 10>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>><font color="pink">"Let's find a quiet spot"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Ben looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire. Zara thinks to herself what to do.
<<link "Handjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara deftly unbuttons Ben's pants, he helps her by shifting his boxers and letting his dick pop out freely, quivering and ready for the pleasure Zara is about to provide. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>What a slut, giving boys a handy in such a public spot.<<else>>Was she really going to do this? It felt a bit wrong to do this in public.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/hj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Zara enjoyed the feeling of his cock in her hand, anybody could catch them but she did not care.<<else>>Zara hopes nobody walks into the area and catches them, it would be embarrassing.<</if>> Zara pumps his dick up and down with her hand, until with a groan, Ben cums, letting his seed drip all over Zara's hand. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>Happy with the results, Zara licks up all the cum on her hand, making sure it was clean.<<else>>Using a few tissues, she wipes off the cum covering her hand.<</if>>
Satisfied, Ben puts his cock away and smiles at her. His balls now completely drained, he felt relaxed. The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"Get your cock out, I am going to suck your soul out"</font>, continues Zara, her tone dripping with seduction.<<else>><font color="pink">"Let me give you a blowjob, okay?"</font>, Zara continues, her heart pounds.<</if>>
Without a word, he pulls his cock out and grabs the back of Zara's head. He pulls her down towards his cock, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>and Zara does not struggle. She <font color="red">WANTED</font> his cock in her mouth.<<else>>and Zara does her best to open her mouth wide enough.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara pumps his dick up and down using her mouth. She was glad nobody was around in the area. She swirls her tongue expertly on his dick and finally with a groan, Ben cums right into Zara's mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She keeps her lips tightly on his head to ensure not even a single drop of cum escapes her mouth.<<else>>She does her best to get all of his cum but some still dribbles out.<</if>>
Satisfied, Ben puts his cock away and smiles at her. His balls now completely drained, he felt relaxed. The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept a blowjob from Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to give a blowjob...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 45>>\
<<link "Ride him">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara looks around to ensure nobody is in the area and gets off the bench and starts stripping. Ben looks at her in awe, a bulge forming in his pants. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She felt nothing but excitement stripping in front of Ben, that too in public.<<else>>She felt nervous but also excited at the prospect of performing sexual activities in public with Ben.<</if>>
Zara uses her hands to deftly unzip his pants. Ben realizes what was going to happen and shifts his boxers, letting his penis pop out, quivering and ready to be pleased.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara rides Ben while keeping a lookout for unwanted eyes. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>It did not matter if anyone caught them right now though, she was too focused and horny to care.<<else>>She was glad nobody was around in the area.<</if>> She feels him stiffening under her as the pleasure reaches a crescendo for the both of them.
Ben thrusts up as he cums inside Zara, this sudden move breaks Zara and she orgasms right on the park bench with him.
Satisfied, Ben puts his cock away and smiles at her. His balls now completely drained, he felt relaxed. The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept sex with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept taking things further with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 10</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 20</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the mall, the cool air from the mall's AC makes her shiver. There is a crowd of people walking and chatting and shopping away in the mall.
<font color="cyan">"Hey, Zara!"</font>, Ben's voice calls out from behind her.
<font color="pink">"Hey, Ben!"</font>, Zara replies, smiling.
<font color="cyan">"Let's go take a walk, maybe we can find something interesting to buy"</font>, he continues.
Zara and Ben meandered through the bustling mall, their laughter blending with the hum of shoppers. They paused at vibrant storefronts, occasionally peering into windows filled with enticing merchandise. As they continued their leisurely stroll, the two of them got on an escalator, with Zara standing in front.
A thought pops into her head, does she have the daring to do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for Ben's attention, who looks at her quizzically from below.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara raises her skirt, presenting her ass to Ben. She shakes it alluringly at him. His jaw drops wide open. Zara lowers her skirt, blocking the amazing view Ben just got to witness.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Ben continues staring at her ass until they reach the top of the escalator. He was obviously still thinking about her ass. Zara wonders what exactly was he thinking though. But, he suddenly smiles and goes back to his normal self. Looks like nothing was going to happen.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"How about you and me find a nice quiet spot?"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Ben looks at her and nods, his eyes are filled with desire. The two of them sneak into a changing room stall together, their breaths quickening from the excitement. Zara thinks to herself what to do.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara immediately knew what she should do and without wasting a second, found herself on her knees. Using her hands, she takes out Ben's cock. It already stood hard and ready.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his dick giving him the pleasure he so desires. He runs his fingers through her hair as she continues. Without a warning, Zara feels spurts of cum hit her tongue as he orgasms right in her mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Not wanting to waste any, Zara swallows it all, enjoying its tangy taste.<<else>>She does her best to swallow it all.<</if>>
The two of them exit the stall, making sure nobody spots them to avoid any trouble.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<if $ben.relationship gte 45>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>><font color="pink">"I want you to fuck me"</font>, Zara whispers seductively into Ben's ear.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to fuck me?"</font>, Zara asks Ben, a bit shy.<</if>> He simply nods, the lust in his eyes is evident.
Just the idea of fucking Zara was turning him on so much. Turning around, she feels her bottoms being lowered, leaving her bare in front of Ben. Already dripping due to arousal, Zara's wet pussy allows him to enter her without a hassle.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as Ben pumps in and out of her. Her hands left marks on the glass she was facing. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>She found it extremely hot, staring at her own face contorted in pleasure as she got fucked from behind by Ben.<<else>>She hopes nobody catches them in here, it would be shameful.<</if>>
With a groan, Ben gives a final deep thrust and cums inside her. He sighs from the pleasure he just received. He tenderly kisses Zara's forehead and the two of them exit the stall.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Ben decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Ben</font>
<<set $ben.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept sex with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Ben can't yet accept taking things further with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<set $dailyBully to true>>\
<center><h3><font color="gold">NPC Introduction Started</font></h3>\
<img src="img/school/hallway.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara rounded the corner of the school hallway, her mind on autopilot as she sifted through her mental to-do list for the day, when she almost walked straight into someone.
<font color="pink">"Oh! Sorry!"</font>, she said quickly, stepping back. She looked up to find Jessica standing in front of her, her perfectly styled hair catching the light, and her notebook clutched neatly in her hands. This was her competition! The one she is mostly battling against for the title of Prom Queen! She was surrounded by her friends, all of them either cheerleaders or the jocks. Only the coolest students could afford to hang around someone like Jessica.
Zara immediately braced herself for the usual subtle digs or overly sweet tone Jessica always seemed to use around her. But instead, Jessica smiled warmly, her expression genuine.
<font color="fuchsia">"No worries, Zara"</font>, she said lightly, stepping aside. <font color="fuchsia">"I think half the school is trying to be in this hallway at the same time."</font>
Zara blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected kindness.
<font color="pink">"Yeah"</font>, she managed. <font color="pink">"It’s like navigating a crowded train station sometimes."</font>
Jessica laughed, a soft, pleasant sound. <font color="fuchsia">"Tell me about it"</font>, Jessica said, adjusting her notebook under her arm.
This felt incredibly weird to Zara. Jessica was her competition, after all! She wasn’t just any competition either- Jessica was the head of the cheerleading team and easily the hottest girl in the entire school. People practically stopped whatever they were doing when she walked into a room, her presence commanding attention without her even trying. Students tripped over themselves to befriend her, while teachers always seemed a little too eager to sing her praises. She had this effortless charisma, the kind that made people want to be in her orbit, and Zara had to admit- Jessica knew exactly how to use it to her advantage.
The idea of going up against someone like her for Prom Queen felt daunting. Jessica had the looks, the charm, and the popularity to back her up. Meanwhile, Zara felt like she was playing catch-up just to keep the competition close. But as intimidating as Jessica was, she was also proving to be unexpectedly... nice. It made Zara’s head spin. How were you supposed to face off against someone who wasn’t just a worthy opponent, but genuinely kind? It didn’t add up, and Zara couldn’t shake the nagging thought that Jessica’s friendliness might be part of some bigger plan. Still, Zara wasn’t about to back down. Winning Prom Queen was going to be tough, but if there was one thing she loved, it was a challenge. Finally! A worthy opponent! Their battle will be legendary!
<<link "Be nice">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara decided, in that moment, to match Jessica’s niceness. Why not? It wasn’t like making an enemy out of Jessica was going to do her any favors. Besides, maybe playing nice could even work in her favor. Jessica had the kind of popularity that could sway an entire school, and if Zara could somehow piggyback off that, it might bring her closer to the Prom Queen crown.
As they walked down the hallway together, Jessica asked her, <font color="fuchsia">"So, are you seriously running for Prom Queen? Or is it more of a ‘let’s see what happens’ kind of thing?"</font> Her voice was light, teasing, but not unkind, and Zara noticed how her words carried just enough charm to keep the conversation flowing.
Zara glanced at her, choosing her response carefully. <font color="pink">"Oh, I’m definitely running"</font>, she said with a small laugh. <font color="pink">"But I guess I’m taking it one day at a time"</font>. Jessica nodded, her face looked calculative, what was she thinking about?
Behind them, Zara could hear the faint whispers of Jessica’s friends, who were trailing a few steps behind. She caught bits and pieces of their hushed tones but couldn’t make out any full sentences. Their quiet laughter made her stomach twist slightly- were they talking about her? Jessica didn’t seem to notice or, more likely, didn’t care. <font color="fuchsia">"That’s good"</font>, Jessica said, her eyes still fixed ahead. <font color="fuchsia">"Prom Queen’s a big deal. I am planning to win it though, and I am not letting gutter trash like you win"</font>
The words caught Zara off guard. Jessica's voice had taken a much darker tone and before she could react, Zara found herself pinned to the hallway wall by Jessica. She was surprisingly strong. Her friends immediately gathered around them, some of them had phones in their hands. Why? What was happening?
<font color="fuchsia">"No fucking way I am letting YOU win Prom Queen. You are nothing compared to me, bitch. You think I did not notice you vying for attention? Trying to gain reputation?"</font>, Jessica hisses at Zara. Her face was close, their lips almost touching. Zara could smell the cherry lip balm on Jessica's lips.
<font color="pink">"Let me go! Are you insane?"</font>, Zara shouts. But nobody in the hallway tried to help. Instead, the shouting brought more students to a halt, watching them.
<font color="fuchsia">"Want some attention? Let's get you attention"</font>, Jessica smirks. And with that, she suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. With a smack, she feels Jessica's palm strike her boob. The entire hallway was looking at them, and they definitely saw her boobs. Her tits still stung from the smack, but it was nothing compared to the sting of embarrassment as students all around her started laughing.
Jessica finally lets go of Zara and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. Jessica's friends had all recorded the interaction on their phones. What will they do with it?! And the memories of the students all around her can definitely not be altered. Zara feels tears well up as she starts to run away, the crowd behind her still cheering and jeering.
<center><<set $jessica.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Jessica Chambers has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=5>>\
<font color="teal">-4 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -4>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $jessIntroZaraBullied to true>>\
<<link "Be mean">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara wasn’t sure when the decision clicked, but she was done playing nice with Jessica. Maybe it was the whispers from her friends that were going on behind her back or the way Jessica’s perfect smile seemed to hide something smug underneath. Whatever it was, Zara decided she’d had enough. She couldn't let Jessica's effortless charm and popularity overshadow her own efforts. As they continued down the bustling hallway, Zara decided it was time to change the game.
Zara let her friendliness slip, her words were going to be sharp as knives. <font color="pink">"You know"</font>, Zara began, feigning casualness, <font color="pink">"it’s funny how hard you’re campaigning for Prom Queen. Guess it’s your way of overcompensating for the fact that all you’ve got is looks."</font>
Jessica blinked, caught off guard, but Zara didn’t stop. <font color="pink">"Must be exhausting, though. Keeping up the act, pretending to be everyone’s friend when we all know you’re just trying to keep yourself on top."</font>
Jessica tried to laugh it off, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, but Zara wasn’t done. <font color="pink">"Oh, don’t worry"</font>, she continued with a sweet, scathing tone, <font color="pink">"I’m sure your cheerleader clique thinks you’re amazing. But let’s be honest- do any of them actually like you? Or are they just scared of being your next target?"</font>
The words hit their mark, and Zara could see it in the flicker of doubt that crossed Jessica’s face. Her friends, behind them, exchanged uncertain glances, their whispers growing louder.
<font color="pink">"I mean, you’ve got the whole school fooled"</font>, Zara added, her voice dripping with mock admiration. <font color="pink">"But it’s not like being Prom Queen is going to fix whatever’s broken underneath all that glitter."</font>
Jessica stopped walking, her expression crumbling as she struggled to hold back tears. Her friends hesitated, unsure whether to step in or stay silent. Zara felt no remorse as Jessica’s eyes filled with tears, her perfect composure completely shattered. She started to cry, the tears streaming down her face. She sobs loudly, making students around them stop to watch. Jessica's friends stood there, their disbelief clearly written on their faces.
<<link "This is enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara stood frozen for a moment, the weight of her words suddenly feeling heavier than she’d intended. Jessica’s usually perfect composure was gone, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed into her hands. Her friends hovered nearby, their faces frozen in disbelief, but Zara barely registered them. She took a deep breath, her resolve faltering. Maybe I’ve said enough, she thought, glancing around at the small crowd of students who had started to gather, drawn by the tense exchange. The hallway felt charged with silence, and Zara decided it was time to walk away, to let the whole thing end before it spiraled any further. She shifted her weight, ready to turn on her heel, but something made her hesitate. Jessica’s sobs, though loud and dramatic, felt… off. There was something almost theatrical about them.
Before Zara could make sense of the unease prickling at the edges of her mind, Jessica shifted slightly, lowering her hands just enough for Zara to catch a glimpse of her face. Her heart sank. Through the tears and trembling shoulders, Jessica was smiling- a wide, triumphant grin that disappeared the instant she noticed Zara looking. Jessica’s hands quickly shot back up to her face, covering her expression as her sobbing grew even louder. Zara’s stomach twisted, a cold realization dawning on her. This wasn’t heartbreak or humiliation. This was an act. Before she could react, Jessica subtly glanced at her friends, giving them the smallest, most deliberate nod. In an instant, the mood in the hallway shifted again as her friends turned toward Zara with furious glares.
<font color="cyan">"You're a bully, Zara!"</font>, one of them shouted, loud enough for everyone nearby to hear. Another chimed in, her voice dripping with indignation. <font color="fuchsia">"How could you make Jessica cry like that? What kind of person does that?"</font>
The words echoed down the hallway, and suddenly, the murmurs of the crowd grew louder. <i>“She’s awful!”</i>, someone whispered, and Zara felt the weight of their stares pressing in on her. Jessica’s friends had surrounded her, pointing fingers and yelling accusations, their voices drowning out any chance Zara had to defend herself. The onlookers weren’t just watching anymore; they were reacting, their faces filled with disgust and judgment.
Zara looked around, but all she saw were expressions of disapproval, their sympathy firmly with Jessica, who continued her loud, theatrical sobbing in the background. It had all been a ploy, and Zara had walked right into it.
Finally, Zara’s legs kicked into motion, and she turned, breaking into a run down the hallway. The faces of the crowd blurred as she fled, her chest tight and her ears ringing. Even as she put distance between herself and the scene, the faint sound of boos followed her, echoing in her mind like a cruel reminder of her mistake.
<center><<set $jessica.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Jessica Chambers has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=5>>\
<font color="teal">-4 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -4>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $jessIntroZaraBullied to false>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 25>>\
<<link "Do something morally questionable">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara thinks of something... something extremely deplorable. It could work in her favor, or it could be completely damaging to her own reputation. But, fuck it, no risk no reward, right?
<font color="pink">"You know, all this crying doesn’t change the truth"</font>, Zara said coldly, her tone rising just enough to ensure everyone nearby could hear. <font color="pink">"You’re not fooling anyone, Jessica. Maybe it’s time you admit that the only reason people like you is because they’re afraid of what happens when they don’t."</font>
Jessica's shoulders shook harder, her face buried in her hands as she wailed, and Zara took it as a cue to press on. <font color="pink">"It must be exhausting, keeping up the perfect act all the time. But I guess that’s the only thing holding you together, right?"</font>, Zara continued, each word laced with venom. <font color="pink">"Because let’s be honest- without all your fake smiles and desperate need for attention, you’re nothing."</font>
The whispers around them turned into murmurs, the crowd growing larger as more students stopped to watch the unfolding drama. Zara barely noticed. Her focus was fixed entirely on Jessica, who seemed to crumble more with each word.
<font color="pink">"You want attention, right? You love it, I am sure. So, here is some attention for you!"</font>, Zara hisses. She pins Jessica to the wall, using all her strength to not let Jessica escape.
<font color="fuchsia">"What the fuck? Let go of me"</font>, Jessica snarls. Wow, she really did stop crying in an instant... were all those tears fake?
Zara had no time to think though, her friends were walking towards them, trying to stop her. She grabs a hold of Jessica's top and...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The crowd around them suddenly cheers, with a few people taking out phones in order to grab a picture of the sight in front of them. Even Jessica's friends stop dead in their tracks, staring at her exposed tits. Jessica's face was now red with embarrassment.
Zara finally lets go of Jessica and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. The students all around them had already probably captured enough pictures of Jessica's tits for a lifetime of wank material. Zara turns around to see Jessica's friends huddling around her, trying to console her. Zara's work was done, she walked away from the crowd who were already dispersing now the show was over.
<center><<set $jessica.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Jessica Chambers has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has reduced</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation-=2>>\
<font color="teal">+3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 3>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<<set $jessIntroJessBullied to true>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to take it further...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@<<set $dailyBully to true>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,1)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<goto "jessica bully school event1">>\
<</if>>\<<set $dailyBully to true>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,1)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<goto "jessica bully class event1">>\
<</if>>\Zara sits at her desk in class, trying her best to focus on the lesson, but her mind keeps drifting as she feels an unsettling sensation on her back. She can hear the soft whispers and stifled giggles from behind her, and the faint rustling of phones being pulled out, their cameras likely aimed in her direction. A knot tightens in her stomach as she feels the weight of their gaze, knowing that her every move is being captured without her permission. She shifts uncomfortably, hoping the teacher will notice the disruption, but the laughter continues, echoing in her ears, making her feel more exposed with each passing second.
She leans back on her chair and feels the rustle of some kind of paper. Reaching behind her, she pulls it off her and gasps softly. Written in big bold letters <b>"I am a SLUT!"</b>
She turns around to see one of Jessica's friends sitting behind her, grinning cruelly. Zara can feel the anger rise in her, brimming to the top. But the teacher suddenly calls out.
<font color="cyan">"Miss Williams, everything alright there?"</font>, he asks, a tone of authority in his voice along with some displeasure.
<<link "Leave it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Red in her face with shame, Zara simply shakes her head and looks down at her table. The teacher simply shakes his head disapprovingly and goes back to his lesson. But, the whispers and the low giggles don't stop behind her, making her feel even worse.
<center><font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Own it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Well, she is a slut... Zara knows it now. It's been a while since she has been using her body to gain favors, or honestly, just for the fun of it. So, she might as well own it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Feeling absolutely no nervousness, she stands up from her desk.<<else>>But still, she felt nervous as she stood up from her desk.<</if>> The teacher raises his eyebrows, questioning her wordlessly.
<font color="pink">"Please sir, can I talk to you at your desk?"</font>, Zara asks him, her voice persuasive. The teacher rolls his eyes but goes to his desk, motioning her to come in front. She walks up front and without the teacher noticing, raises her skirt just enough while bending over.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/class/cflash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She could feel the eyes of every student on her back, and she loved it. She heard the shuffle of fabric as several students got their phones out, taking pictures and videos of her amazing ass.
<font color="pink">"Sorry sir, it's just... I think I need to go to the washroom. It's a girl emergency"</font>, Zara tells the teacher in front of her as sweetly as possible. His eyes widen and she can see him getting slightly red in the face.
<font color="cyan">"Yes, yes, of course. Go ahead"</font>, he stammers.
With that, Zara exits the class but stays right outside the door, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>smiling to herself about all the hubbub she just caused in class.<<else>>wondering if she did the right thing right now in class.<</if>> After a bit, she re-enters the classroom and takes her seat. She can still feel eyes on her as class goes on.
<center><font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 55>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to own it...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
@@<center><img src="img/school/hallway.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara was making her way down the crowded school hallway, lost in her thoughts as the buzz of conversations and the occasional locker slam filled the air. She barely registered the tap on her shoulder at first, assuming it was just someone brushing past in the chaos. But when she turned around, she froze. Jessica stood there, her head tilted slightly and a cruel smile curling on her lips.
<font color="fuchsia">"Hey there"</font>, Jessica said softly, her voice sweet but dripping with menace. Before Zara could say a word, Jessica stepped forward and shoved her back against the wall. The impact was sharp, the cold surface pressing against Zara’s back as Jessica pinned her with an almost predatory calm. One hand gripped Zara’s shoulder firmly while the other rested beside her head, blocking any chance of escape. Jessica’s smile didn’t waver, but her eyes burned with a quiet intensity, leaving Zara to wonder what was coming next.
Jessica's hand starts to head towards Zara's top. And she knew exactly what was going to happen next. But no way she goes down without a fight!
<<link "Fight her off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
Zara’s heart was pounding as Jessica’s grip held firm, but she wasn’t about to let herself be overpowered. She gritted her teeth, planting her feet and shoving hard against Jessica’s shoulders. The effort took everything she had, but it worked- Jessica staggered back a step, her hands slipping off Zara completely. Zara leaned against the wall for a moment, breathing heavily, her arms trembling from the strain. The hallway around them remained oblivious, students bustling by, laughing and chatting as if nothing unusual was happening.
Jessica straightened up quickly, her face a mask of fury. Her cruel smile was gone, replaced by a glare so sharp it felt like it could cut through steel. The tension between them was palpable, but no one else seemed to notice the storm brewing just beneath the surface.
<<link "Walk away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara could feel the weight of Jessica’s glare pressing into her, the fury in her eyes practically daring her to stay and fight. The tension was unbearable, crackling in the narrow space between them, but the bustling hallway carried on obliviously, students laughing and chatting as if nothing was wrong. Jessica’s friends lingered nearby, their positions too deliberate to be casual, silently forming a wall of support behind her. Their presence felt calculated, a quiet intimidation tactic, and Zara could see the faint smirks playing at the edges of their lips as if they were waiting for something to happen.
Zara’s pulse pounded in her ears as she weighed her options, her instincts screaming at her to leave. She drew in a shaky breath, forcing her feet to move. Without a word, she turned on her heel and walked away, her heart hammering in her chest. She could still feel Jessica’s gaze boring into her back, but she didn’t dare look back. Whatever Jessica had planned, Zara wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of seeing her crumble.
<center><font color="yellow">-5 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -5>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<link "Take revenge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara’s rage boiled over, her fists clenched tightly at her sides as Jessica’s searing glare pushed her past the point of reason. No way she’s getting away with this, Zara thought, her heart pounding with fury. Without a second thought, she lurched forward, grabbing Jessica by the arm with enough force to make her stumble. Jessica’s eyes widened in shock for a split second before narrowing again, her fury matching Zara’s. She struggled against Zara’s grip, trying to wrench herself free, the tension between them snapping like a taut wire.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
No matter how much Jessica struggled, she couldn’t break free from Zara’s furious grip. Fueled by pure rage, Zara shoved her back against the wall, the impact echoing faintly in the hallway. Jessica’s defiance flickered as Zara’s intensity overwhelmed her, leaving her pinned and glaring, their tension boiling over in the charged silence around them. Everyone in the hallway was now looking at them, the sight of Zara pinning Jessica to the wall. Even her friends stood there silently, unsure of what to do. But, Zara was not done, she grabbed a hold of Jessica's top and ripped it down, exposing her beautiful breasts to the entire hallway.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The crowd around them suddenly cheers, with a few people taking out phones in order to grab a picture of the sight in front of them. Even Jessica's friends stop dead in their tracks, staring at her exposed tits. Jessica's face was now red with embarrassment.
Zara finally lets go of Jessica and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. The students all around them had already probably captured enough pictures of Jessica's tits for a lifetime of wank material. Zara turns around to see Jessica's friends huddling around her, trying to console her. Zara's work was done, she walked away from the crowd who were already dispersing now the show was over.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has reduced</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation-=2>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica, she gets pinned against the wall. This time, she had no energy to fight back. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. With a smack, she feels Jessica's palm strike her boob. The entire hallway was looking at them, and they definitely saw her boobs. Her tits still stung from the smack, but it was nothing compared to the sting of embarrassment as students all around her started laughing.
Jessica finally lets go of Zara and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. Jessica's friends had all recorded the interaction on their phones. What will they do with it?! And the memories of the students all around her can definitely not be altered. Zara feels tears well up as she starts to run away, the crowd behind her still cheering and jeering. She runs to a quiet spot in school, feeling too embarrassed to return to class any time soon.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to take revenge...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t break free from Jessica’s iron grip. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. The bustling hallway continued its usual rhythm, completely oblivious to the confrontation happening just a few feet away. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. With a smack, she feels Jessica's palm strike her boob. The entire hallway was looking at them, and they definitely saw her boobs. Her tits still stung from the smack, but it was nothing compared to the sting of embarrassment as students all around her started laughing.
Jessica finally lets go of Zara and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. Jessica's friends had all recorded the interaction on their phones. What will they do with it?! And the memories of the students all around her can definitely not be altered. Zara feels tears well up as she starts to run away, the crowd behind her still cheering and jeering. She runs to a quiet spot in school, feeling too embarrassed to return to class any time soon.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
@@<<set $dailyBully to true>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<goto "jessica bully PE event1">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
<<goto "jessica bully PE event2">>\
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
<<goto "jessica bully PE event3">>\
<</if>>\Zara tilted her head back, squinting up at the clear sky as the sun beamed down relentlessly. The heat pressed against her skin, making her P.E. uniform stick uncomfortably to her back. The faint chatter of her classmates and the sharp whistle of the coach directing drills filled the field, blending into a familiar background noise. She sighed, taking a moment to gather herself when a sudden shift in the air made her freeze.
There was a presence behind her, close enough to send a shiver down her spine. Before she could react or even turn around, strong hands grabbed her shoulders. Zara’s breath hitched as she was pulled backward, the world around her blurring. In seconds, she was dragged off the open field, through a narrow gap between thick bushes and trees. The laughter and shouting from her classmates faded, muffled by the dense foliage. Hidden away from view, Zara’s heart pounded in her chest as the realization hit her- no one could see her here, not the P.E. coach, not her classmates.
Finally, the grip on her shoulders released, and Zara stumbled forward before quickly spinning around. Her heart sank as she saw Jessica and her friends surrounding her, their expressions cold and menacing. Before she could say a word, Jessica lunged at her, hands outstretched, clearly trying to force her to the ground. But Zara’s instincts kicked in- there was no way she was letting that happen.
<<link "Fight her off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
Zara’s heart was pounding as Jessica’s grip held firm, but she wasn’t about to let herself be overpowered. She gritted her teeth, planting her feet and shoving hard against Jessica’s shoulders. The effort took everything she had, but it worked- Jessica staggered back a step, her hands slipping off Zara completely. Zara was breathing heavily, her arms trembling from the strain.
Jessica straightened up quickly, her face a mask of fury. Her cruel smile was gone, replaced by a glare so sharp it felt like it could cut through steel. The tension between them was palpable, but no one else seemed to notice the storm brewing just beneath the surface.
<<link "Run away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Before she or her friends surrounding them could react further. Zara runs for it, taking them all by surprise. Her heart pounds along with her feet on the ground as she leaves them all behind. Nobody could catch her now.
Finally, she is back in the open field with her classmates, she looks back but could not see Jessica nor her friends around in the area. She had escaped properly, without any issues.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<link "Take revenge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara felt the anger rise in her. No way she was letting Jessica go scott-free. She wanted revenge. She knew what Jessica was trying to do to her. Time to make her taste her own medicine!
Zara jumped toward Jessica, hands outstretched while her friends continued watching from the sidelines. They cheered Jessica on. But, Zara did not need cheers, she had willpower.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
And her willpower won, it bested Jessica. She threw Jessica onto the ground and climbed on top of her before she could even attempt to get up. Jessica's friends all got quiet but nobody came forward to help her, what kind of friends were they? Zara does not care enough though, she grabs a hold of Jessica's top and...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets off her victim, still breathing heavily from the strain of the struggle. Jessica immediately covers herself up. Her face was red... with both embarrassment and rage. She looks around at her friends and yells at them, <font color="fuchsia">"What the fuck are you guys doing? Get her!"</font>
But, before anybody could do anything, Zara sprints away. Her feet pound onto the ground as she leaves everyone behind. She can not hear anybody behind her.
Finally, she is back in the open field with her classmates, she looks back but could not see Jessica or her friends around in the area. She had escaped properly, without any issues.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has reduced</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation-=2>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica. Zara is thrown onto the ground. This time, she had no energy to fight back. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. Jessica's friends all cheer as their phones start clicking away, taking pictures of Zara's exposed boobs. And all she felt was embarrassment and pure rage.
Jessica finally lets go of Zara and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. Jessica's friends had all recorded the interaction on their phones. What will they do with it?! Zara feels tears well up as she starts to run away, Jessica and her friends behind her still cheering. She runs back to the open field with her classmates. Nobody had noticed her gone, and nobody noticed the tears running down her face.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to take revenge...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica. Zara is thrown onto the ground. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica climbs on top of Zara and smirks. She suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. Jessica's friends all cheer as their phones start clicking away, taking pictures of Zara's exposed boobs. And all she felt was embarrassment and pure rage.
Jessica finally lets go of Zara and she immediately covers herself up again. But, it was too late. Jessica's friends had all recorded the interaction on their phones. What will they do with it?! Zara feels tears well up as she starts to run away, Jessica and her friends behind her still cheering. She runs back to the open field with her classmates. Nobody had noticed her gone, and nobody noticed the tears running down her face.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
@@<<set $school2ndDayEvent to true>>\
<center><img src="img/school/hallway.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara stood in the school hallway when she suddenly heard her name being called out. She turned around to see two boys, they were familiar. She squints at them... it is the two boys from the canteen yesterday! The ones who "accidentally" spilled water all over her.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck do you want?"</font>, she hisses at them.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, I am sensing a little bit of animosity"</font>, one of them sniggers. <font color="cyan">"Listen, sorry about yesterday, truly"</font>
<font color="pink">"Not really sensing it right now"</font>, she replies, crossing her arms in exasperation. What is it with these two?
<font color="cyan">"Well, you see, we noticed you staring at the Prom Night poster and then the applications of Prom Queen notice"</font>, he continues.
Zara falters, was it really that obvious? She had not meant to make it so. She was hoping to quietly gain some kind of reputation.
<font color="cyan">"Well bro, gotta let you know"</font>, the other boy finally speaks, <font color="cyan">"You ain't gonna win bro. You a nobody!"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Ah! Shut up, shush!"</font>, the first boy interrupts the other one. <font color="cyan">"Well, he is right. Nobody in this school has won Prom King or Queen on any legit basis. Trust me"</font>
<font color="pink">"And why would I do that? I don't even recognize you from my batch!"</font>, Zara responds. And it was true! Over the years you can always at least recognize the faces of your batch mates if not the names. But these guys? Who were they?
<font color="cyan">"Shh! We technically passed out, like, a year ago"</font>, he whispers.
<font color="cyan">"Failed more like it!"</font>, the dumber sounding boy guffaws out loud, causing the smarter one to slap the back of his head to shut him up.
<font color="cyan">"Listen, we got some influence still. You do something for us here right now, and we will make sure at least some people know your name a little bit better"</font>, the smarter sounding boy resumes.
<font color="pink">"What? How? What can I even do for you?"</font>, Zara responds.
<font color="cyan">"Well, show us a little bit more of your hot ass body, bro!"</font>, the dumb one whispers.
<font color="cyan">"Crass sounding, but yes. We would like that, and of course, we will tell everyone that Zara is a little bit loosey here and there. But! No slut talks, just a bit loosey. You see, that's how you win Prom Queen, walk over people, use people, use your own body in certain ways to get what you want"</font>, the smart one continues. <font color="cyan">"And anyways, this is the last you see of us today. So it's a one-time offer. The guard at the entrance is getting wiser to our little tricks to sneak into the school"</font>
This was a lot to process, but Zara has to. She mulls it over. Can she really do it? I mean, it's just a small flash maybe. Really quickly. She looks around the school hallway. Everyone was too busy in their own work to realize what was going on.
<<link "Reject">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara simply shakes her head. No way could she just flash them... They were complete strangers after all. And not even from her school technically! All that talk of being able to increase her reputation was probably bullshit anyways.
<font color="pink">"Nope, I think it's best you leave me alone. You are lucky I am not reporting you for yesterday's shit you pulled"</font>, she tells them, the anger in her voice being evident.
<font color="cyan">"Alright! Alright! Don't get hissy now, maybe some of your competition will take our offers instead. Jessica Chambers... oof! What a girl, what a... loosey girl if you know what I mean"</font>, the smart boy giggles. And with that, the two of them turn around and walk away from Zara.
What did they mean by that? Was Jessica Chambers, the school's head cheerleader, the most popular girl in school by a mile, seriously trying to gain reputation using her body? How long has this been going on? She was going to be some tough competition to beat for the title of Prom Queen.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 5>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes a deep breath. She looked around again, making sure nobody in the hallway was looking at them. The two of them look at her expectantly, waiting. Well, no more beating around the bush.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The jaws of both the boys drop open wide. Zara immediately covers up now that they had seen her tits. And she hopes nobody else in the school hallway just did.
<font color="cyan">"Damn, bro. We were gonna tell you to come somewhere private"</font>, the dumb one finally responds.
What... seriously? She did not have to flash them here?
<font color="cyan">"Yeah, no. He is right. But, this helps you because now we know how loosey you are, the more it helps you with your influence"</font>, the smart one backs up his friend.
<font color="pink">"Alright, first thing, if you use loosey as a word one more time, I am smacking you"</font>, Zara replies. <font color="pink">"And another thing, make sure the right people know"</font>
With that, she immediately turns around and walks away. She did not want to let the boys make more requests. Plus, she was feeling a bit embarrassed that she really did just flash her tits at two stranger boys.
<center><font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +2>>\
<<set $school2ndDayEventOffer to true>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to flash them...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 5</font></center>
@@<<set $school3rdDayEvent to true>>\
<center><img src="img/school/hallway.jpg" height="300"></center>
Zara stood in the school hallway when she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She turns around to see... one of the boys that had spilled water on her the first day of school! But, it was only the "smart" one. His friend was nowhere to be seen.
<font color="pink">"Had you not told me yesterday that it would be the last time I see you?"</font>
<font color="cyan">"Wow, what kind of greeting is that?"</font>, he replies with a grin on his face. <font color="cyan">"See, my dumbass of a friend got caught, but that gave me the chance of getting in here."</font>
<font color="pink">"And I am guessing you need something from me"</font>, Zara rolls her eyes.
<font color="cyan">"Well, yes. You see, we just loved your tits a lot. I just wanted to test how loosey- ahem- uh... free you are with your body"</font>, he stammers a bit.
<font color="pink">"What are you suggesting?"</font>, Zara asks. She was genuinely interested. She did not know how but they did seem to have some effect on her school reputation.
<font color="cyan">"Let me touch them, just for a bit"</font>, he smiles. The excitement, the lust, it was evident in his eyes.
<<link "Reject">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara simply shakes her head. No way could she just let him grope her... They were still complete strangers after all. While it was true they could maybe increase her school reputation more, she could do that herself too.
<font color="pink">"Nope, I think it's best you leave me alone now, I better not see you again"</font>, she tells them, the anger in her voice evident.
<font color="cyan">"Well, you definitely won't be seeing me again. But, maybe some of your competition will take our offers instead"</font>, he replies, a bit of disappointment could be detected in his tone. And with that, the boy turned around and walked away from Zara.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara takes a deep breath. She looked around again, making sure nobody in the hallway was looking at them. The boy looks at her expectantly, waiting. Well, no more beating around the bush.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy's hand immediately rush forward, trying to grab hold of her amazing tits before they disappeared from his life forever.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gasps at his touch. She was expecting him to be rough, a bit animalistic maybe. But he was instead pretty gentle. And good... so good with his hands. She could feel her pussy getting wet the way he touched her. But, keeping to his promise, he lets go of her after a few seconds pass.
Zara immediately covers up now that the deal is done. And she hopes nobody else in the school hallway witnessed what just happened.
With that, she immediately turns around and walks away. She did not want to let the boy make more requests. Plus, she was feeling a bit embarrassed that she really did just let a random boy grope her so publicly.
<center><font color="teal">+3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +3>>\
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara is in no mood to exercise today, she felt weirdly fatigued and it just meant doing simple things like jogging was a bit too much. Needing to get away, Zara decides to just hop into a clearing between bushes where the coach would not be able to see her slacking off.
She sits on the ground and wonders what to do next when suddenly she hears a rustle and a boy dives into the clearing.
<font color="cyan">"Whew! Got away from everyone, huh?"</font>, the boy tells Zara with a grin on his face.
<font color="pink">"Hey! You just found my favorite hiding spot"</font>, Zara replies whilst smiling back at him.
<font color="cyan">"Ahh, would you like to be alone then? I could go find my own special clearing haha"</font>
<font color="pink">"No no, mi clearing, su clearing"</font>
The boy gives a little laugh and sits down close but not too close to Zara, keeping her feeling comfortable. They continue talking and joking about things but predictably, they run out of topics to talk about, leaving them sitting in silence.
Zara to alleviate some boredom decides to do some simple stretches, maybe it could help her get in the mood to exercise. She feels a bit weird stretching while looking in the direction of the boy so decides to turn around and start stretching.
<font color="cyan">"Ahem, uhhh..."</font>, the boy suddenly coughs behind Zara breaking her concentration. She looks around to see him blushing and an obvious bulge in his pants. Looks like turning around and bending over to do stretches leads to something else...
<<link "Do nothing about the bulge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara turns back and continues doing stretches, smiling at the thought of the boy behind her staring at her ass. She thought he looked very cute whilst he blushed.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Take care of his bulge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara giggles at him and starts walking towards him, moving her hips side to side alluringly.<<else>>Zara starts walking towards him.<</if>> The boy gets redder in the face and does an awkward and really bad job of trying to cover his bulge. She kneels down next to him and puts a finger on his lips, indicating to not say anything. She starts rubbing his dick through his pants, feeling it get harder.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>><font color="pink">"Why don't you stand up and let me use my mouth to make you feel better?"</font>, Zara says with a wink.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like a blowjob?"</font>, Zara asks nervously.<</if>>
The boy nods and immediately stands up. Zara deftly unbuttons his pants, letting his dick pop out freely. She could already faintly smell the musk of precum on his dick, he had not cum for a long time and this was obvious.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She uses her mouth to provide this boy the much-needed pleasure he desires, swirling her tongue around his head. She could taste his precum, a nice salty taste. The boy gives out low moans above her as she bobbed up and down on his dick. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara had become such a slut, easily sucking off cocks in a place where they could be caught easily.<<else>>Zara's heart was pounding, she hopes nobody finds them.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"I-I am going to cum"</font>, the boy gasps through the pleasure. He pops his dick out of Zara's mouth, jerking himself off while aiming at Zara's open mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara opens her mouth wider, ready to accept his cum, like a good girl.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, nervous about him cumming in her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/bbc_cum1.webp" height="220">
The cum splatters all over her tongue. There was so much of it! And the taste was intoxicating. She wanted more, a lot more. But it stopped, she closed her mouth and swallowed it. Zara could feel the cum coating her pipes as it traveled down into her stomach. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>What a slut! Swallowing a stranger's cum with no hesitation.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just swallowed a stranger's cum, it felt good though.<</if>>
Finally, he collapses back onto the grass with a smile on his face... and snores? The boy had fallen asleep after spending all his energy it seems.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 2>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to take care of his bulge...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara is in no mood to exercise today, she felt weirdly fatigued and it just meant doing simple things like jogging was a bit too much. Needing to get away, Zara decides to just hop into a clearing between bushes where the coach would not be able to see her slacking off.
She sits on the ground and wonders what to do next when suddenly she hears a rustle from the bushes. She ignores it, probably just a squirrel running through the foliage. But then suddenly, a figure steps through the bushes, it belonged to a student. He was pretty good looking, a smile on his lips as he eyed Zara up and down.
<font color="cyan">"Been meaning to <i>run</i> into you for a while"</font>, he speaks out.
<font color="pink">"What does that mean?"</font>, Zara asks quizically.
The boy does not reply, instead, he puts his hands in his pockets, rummaging for something. Pulling it out, his fists were clenched around a crumpled bills of money.
<font color="cyan">"Well, simple really. Do something for me and this can be yours"</font>, he smirks.
Zara knew exactly what he was thinking of. It would be easy money to make, but she would have to use her body...
<<link "Decline his offer">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara shakes her head. She would like to keep her dignity. And anyways, what if someone catches them? While they were in a bit of a hidden spot, it wasn't like people couldn't walk into them. It was just too public!
The boy looks a bit ticked off but does not say anything. He simply turns around and walks away. Zara does breath a sigh of relief, luckily the boy had not made any drama about being rejected.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<link "Accept his offer">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Smiling, Zara gets up and nods at the boy. She was ready for this... she was doing this for the money... right? The boy leads her through the bushes, deeper into the greenery before they come to a clearing. This was the edge of the school grounds, completely privacy as the two wanted.
<<link "Blowjob - 25$">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The boy looks at her expectantly, waiting to see what pleasure Zara is going to administer to him. Smiling seductively, Zara gets onto her knees, licking her lips. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>She starts to kiss the boy's growing bulge through his pants. A dark wet saliva spot being left on his pants where Zara was kissing.<<else>>Using her hands, she rubs the boy's growing bulge. She can feel it getting harder through the fabric.<</if>>
Done with the foreplay, Zara deftly unbuttons his pants, letting his dick pop out freely. She could already faintly smell the musk of precum on his dick, she was going to have to work a bit harder for her money.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She uses her mouth to provide this boy the much-needed pleasure he desires, swirling her tongue around his head. She could taste his precum, a nice salty taste. The boy gives out low moans above her as she bobbed up and down on his dick. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara had become such a slut, easily sucking off cocks in a place where they could be caught easily for some money.<<else>>Zara's heart was pounding, she hopes nobody finds them. She just wanted the money.<</if>>
<font color="cyan">"I-I am going to cum"</font>, the boy gasps through the pleasure. He pops his dick out of Zara's mouth, jerking himself off while aiming at Zara's open mouth. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara opens her mouth wider, ready to accept his cum, like a good girl.<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, nervous about him cumming in her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/bbc_cum1.webp" height="220">
The cum splatters all over her tongue. There was so much of it! And the taste was intoxicating. She wanted more, a lot more. But it stopped, she closed her mouth and swallowed it. Zara could feel the cum coating her pipes as it traveled down into her stomach. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>What a slut! Swallowing a stranger's cum with no hesitation for money.<<else>>Zara could not believe she just swallowed a stranger's cum, for some money!<</if>>
Satisfied with Zara's services. The boy hands over Zara money and then dresses back up. Zara counts over the bills, easy money, she thought. She could still taste the cum on her tongue.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="green">+25$</font>
<<addmoney 25>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40>>\
<<link "Sex - 50$">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The boy looks at her expectantly, waiting to see what pleasure Zara is going to administer to him. Smiling seductively, Zara gets onto her knees, licking her lips. Maybe she should have some foreplay, it can make the boy's experience a lot more <font color="red">pleasurable</font>.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
She sucks the boy's dick, she can taste the precum on her tongue. The boy moans above her, his hand resting on Zara's head lightly, enjoying every single second of Zara's mouth on his cock. But, enough foreplay, time for the main show! She gets up from her knees, stripping off her clothes, the cool air causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. The boy keeps looking at her in awe.
She gets on her hands and knees, looking back at the boy, invitingly. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Using her body to make some quick money was such a privilege!<<else>>Was she really going to do this for some quick money?<</if>> The boy immediately positions himself behind her, aiming his cock at her waiting wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/bbc_jog_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan louder and louder as the pleasure built inside her. The man boy thrusts in and out of her, the perfect rhythm, the perfect everything. While the promise of money was great, she would have done this for free! She could feel his cock start throbbing and a warm feeling filled her. He was cumming inside her. The feeling of his cum inside her sends her over the edge, orgasming with him.
Satisfied with Zara's services. The boy hands over Zara money and then dresses back up. Zara counts over the bills, easy money, she thought. She could still feel the warm cum inside her, dripping out slowly.
<center><font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="green">+50$</font>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept his offer...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@<img src="img/city/street_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara wandered through the streets of Jecinda, her steps unhurried as she let herself drift aimlessly. The district was alive with its usual rhythm—people chatting on corners, the occasional hum of passing cars, and the faint smell of baked goods wafting from a nearby café. As she walked, something caught her eye- a crumpled note lying on the pavement ahead. She paused, glancing around. The street was busy enough, with several people milling about, but no one seemed to be paying any attention to the lost money.
<img src="img/city/money.jpg" height="220">
Zara bent down to pick up the crumpled note, her fingers just brushing the edge when a sudden, strong gust of wind rushed through the street. It whipped her hair into her face and nearly knocked her off balance, forcing her to plant a hand on the pavement to steady herself. What she does not realize is her skirt rising up due to the wind, having her panties flash to the people around her.
<img src="img/city/upskirt_money.jpg" height="220">
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The note fluttered slightly, threatening to slip away, and Zara quickly grabbed it before the wind could snatch it completely. Straightening up, she brushed herself off, glancing around at the street, which now seemed oddly quieter after the burst of wind.
<center><font color="green">+20$</font>
<<addmoney 20>></center>\
Still unsteady from the gust of wind, Zara planted her feet and tried to push herself upright. Her knees wobbled slightly, and she shook her head, brushing strands of hair out of her face. Just as she steadied herself, a strange feeling prickled at the back of her neck- a presence, unmistakable and close.
<img src="img/city/upskirt_spank.webp" height="220">
She feels a palm strike her bare ass in broad delight. She gasps, it stung a lot! She finally catches her balance and straightens up. She looked around her but there was nobody close to her. The people around her all seemed to be busy with their own business, nobody was even looking towards her. Who the fuck just did that? And even worse, she lost the money! The wind had blown it away.
She decides to continue walking, her ass cheek still stinging slightly with every step.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center><<set _eventCh = random(1,1)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<goto "jessica bully jecinda walk event1">>\
<</if>>\<img src="img/city/street_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara walked along the quiet street, the sound of her footsteps softly echoing off the surrounding buildings. The occasional passerby moved in the distance, but the area felt still. As she glanced ahead, something out of place caught her attention. Across the street, near an old bus stop, Jessica and her friends were crouched low, their heads peeking out from behind a concrete wall. Their focus was locked on her, though they seemed to think they were perfectly hidden. Zara’s stomach tightened as she realized they were watching her, yet she made no move to confront them. Not yet anyways.
She kept her pace steady, pretending not to notice, even as a flicker of unease settled in her chest. She could feel a presence near her... Before she could react-
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/public/sharked'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Jessica and her friends all start laughing out loud, jumping out from their hiding spot. All of them held phones in their hands, they were most definitely recording the entire time. Zara immediately gets her clothes back on, her face red with shame and anger. She decides to leave the area before she could get ridiculed even further.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=1>>\
<font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
<<set $minute+=20>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District]]</center><center><h3><font color="gold">NPC Introduction Started</font></h3>\
<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220"></center>
Sighing, Zara grabbed her tray from the counter, her eyes scanning the unimpressive selection of cafeteria food in front of her. The lukewarm spaghetti and bland-looking vegetables didn’t exactly spark joy, but it was better than skipping lunch entirely. She made her way to a table near the corner of the room, which was mostly empty except for one girl sitting at the far end of the bench. The girl had her head down, her face hidden behind a curtain of hair as she scrolled through her phone. Zara didn’t give her much thought as she set her tray down and began poking at the food with her fork, resigning herself to the unappetizing meal.
As she took her first bite, the quiet hum of the cafeteria was interrupted by a sharp gasp from beside her. Zara turned her head, startled, the girl was looking at Zara, her phone clutched tightly in her hand.
<font color="fuchsia">"ZARA?"</font>, the girl exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and disbelief. Zara blinked, her mind racing as she tried to place the face in front of her. There was something familiar about her, but before she could figure it out, the girl leaned forward, her eyes wide with recognition. <font color="fuchsia">"It really is you!"</font>
<<if $ZaraRejectedEx eq true>>Who even was this girl...? Zara stared at her, trying to piece it together. There was something about her face- something oddly familiar that nagged at the edges of her memory. And then it clicked. Hold up... wasn’t this Lisa?!
Zara’s stomach dropped as the realization hit her. She could faintly recall Lisa’s face from that awkward day in the park, standing toe-to-toe with Dick, her voice rising in frustration as she argued with him about his new fling- Zara.<<else>>Zara took a second to look through the uniform, the more professional look, but this was definitely Lisa. Well, most of the time they had spent time together till now, they were mostly naked. Looking at her in a full school uniform was a bit odd now, was it really Zara's fault she could not recognize Lisa immediately?<</if>>
<<link "Continue">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $ZaraRejectedEx eq true>>\
<<set $minute+=4>>\
Zara’s mind raced as the memory of that day in the park became clearer. Lisa’s request had been so absurd, so outrageous, that Zara had rejected it outright, walking away before things could get any more dramatic. Now, here Lisa was, sitting next to her in the school cafeteria, acting like they were "old friends". Zara’s stomach churned, but she forced herself to stay calm. <i>Maybe I can just pretend I don’t know her</i>, she thought, plastering on a polite, blank expression.
<font color="pink">"I’m sorry, do I know you?"</font>, she asked, her tone casual, as if Lisa’s presence wasn’t unsettling her. Lisa’s cold smile wavered for only a second before sharpening, her fingers tapping deliberately on her phone.
Without a word, Lisa turned her phone toward Zara, the screen lighting up with a video that made Zara’s blood run cold. It was her and Dick- Zara’s jaw tightened as she realized exactly what this was.
<<if $DickQ1tease == true>>\
<img src="img/flash/tease1.webp" height="220" class="exclude-center"><<set _i = random(1,4)>> <<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220" class="exclude-center">'>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/pov/bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
These were the videos Dick had "accidentally" sent to Lisa, the same ones Zara had helped him make. This was Dick’s misguided stunt to make Lisa jealous. Her face burned as the implications hit her, and her eyes darted around the cafeteria, paranoid that someone else might see the screen. Lisa tilted her phone back slightly, a smug smile curling her lips.
<font color="fuchsia">"Recognize this?"</font>, she said, her voice low but cutting. Zara leaned in, her voice a sharp whisper. <font color="pink">"Turn that off"</font>, she hissed, anger bubbling up beneath her fear. Lisa’s grin only widened as she tucked her phone back into her pocket, leaving Zara fuming and terrified of what might happen next.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you still mad at me for taking away Dick from you or something?!"</font>, Zara continues, the anger in her voice making it rise even louder.
Zara sat back, glancing around the bustling cafeteria before locking eyes with Lisa. <font color="fuchsia">"I can’t believe we go to the same school and never noticed each other"</font>, Lisa said with a smirk, her voice low enough to keep their conversation private. Zara shrugged, her tone casual but her mind racing.
<font color="pink">"Yeah, well, it’s a big school. Guess it’s not that surprising,"</font> she replied, though the coincidence now felt heavier with the implications of their past encounters with Dick.
<font color="pink">"Look,"</font> Zara said firmly, lowering her voice to match Lisa’s. <font color="pink">"Whatever happens between us stays between us. Everything with Dick and you and me. No one here knows, and it needs to stay that way."</font> Her eyes darted toward the nearby tables, checking for anyone who might be eavesdropping, before locking back on Lisa. <font color="pink">"I am trying my best to become Prom Queen and any mention of me being a fucking cuck is going to ruin me,"</font> she continued, her tone laced with urgency. Lisa tilted her head, her smirk widening slightly as if she enjoyed having the upper hand.
<font color="fuchsia">"Relax, Zara,"</font> she said with a chuckle. <font color="fuchsia">"I’m not saying a word. I am not interested in ruining your life or whatever."</font> Zara’s stomach twisted, and she leaned back in her chair, feeling relieved at Lisa’s response. Just as she leans back, she feels Lisa's hands suddenly slip towards her, and before she can react...
<img src="img/school/canteen/pull.webp" height="220">
Zara immediately covers herself up, looking at Lisa in surprise and anger. But before she could say anything, Lisa spoke up <font color="fuchsia">"Aww, don't get pissy now. It's not like I have never seen your boobs before"</font>
<font color="pink">"Yes you might have, but not here! Others can see!"</font>, Zara hisses at her. Her face was slightly red with embarrassment. <font color="pink">"Is this still because you are angry at me for <i>taking away Dick</i> from you or whatever?!"</font>, Zara continues. Her voice rising slightly.
<font color="fuchsia">"Woah there, relax. Seriously,"</font> Lisa said, her voice calm and oddly soothing, the sharp edge from earlier gone. She sighed, leaning back in her seat and casting her eyes down at the table. For a moment, she seemed genuinely dejected, her confident demeanor cracking. <font color="fuchsia">"Ever since the breakup, I’ve been off,"</font> she admitted quietly, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. <font color="fuchsia">"I don’t feel like myself anymore."</font>
The sudden shift in Lisa’s tone caught Zara completely off guard, the vulnerability in her words dousing the anger that had been building moments earlier. Zara leaned back slightly, unsure of what to say but sensing that Lisa was on the verge of something important.
Lisa hesitated, her gaze flickering to Zara before she spoke again, her voice softer now. <font color="fuchsia">"It’s not just about the breakup,"</font> she confessed, her cheeks tinged with the faintest hint of color. <font color="fuchsia">"I’ve been… questioning things. About myself. My sexuality."</font> She paused as if waiting for Zara to react, but when Zara stayed quiet, Lisa pressed on. <font color="fuchsia">"I don’t know what I feel, or who I’m supposed to be attracted to anymore,"</font> she continued, her voice trembling slightly. <font color="fuchsia">"But when I think about you… it makes me wonder."</font> Lisa looked up at Zara, her eyes searching. <font color="fuchsia">"I need your help. I just—I need to figure this out, and I think you’re the only one who can help me be sure."</font> The weight of her words hung in the air, leaving Zara to grapple with the unexpected vulnerability from someone she’d thought she had all figured out.
<<link "Don't help her">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara blinked, surprised by Lisa’s sudden vulnerability, and let out a small sigh. <font color="pink">"Look, Lisa, I get it,"</font> she began, her tone softer now. <font color="pink">"Breakups are tough, and questioning yourself? That’s even harder. But… I don’t think I’m the right person to help you figure this out."</font> She paused, watching Lisa carefully, then offered a small, sincere smile. <font color="pink">"That doesn’t mean I’m not here for you, though. We can be friends. I mean, we’re already in the same school, so we’re bound to see each other anyway. It’d be nice not to just be… whatever this awkward thing is."</font>
Lisa’s expression shifted, a flicker of relief softening the tension in her face. Zara continued, <font color="pink">"I just think something like this is really personal, you know? Something you need to work through for yourself, at your own pace. But being friends? That, I can do."</font> She leaned back slightly, picking up her fork and gesturing toward Lisa. <font color="pink">"So, what do you say? Friends?"</font>
Lisa hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a small, genuine smile. <font color="fuchsia">"Yeah. And maybe I will just stick to cocks... hehe,"</font> she said quietly, laughing slightly. Zara could not help giggle at the absurdity of what Lisa just said, she gave her an encouraging nod before returning to her lunch, letting the conversation settle into a more comfortable silence between them.
<center><<set $lisa.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Lisa Brown has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<font color="yellow">+50 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 50>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=5>>\
[[Finish eating|School canteen][$minute+=40]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Help her">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara hesitated for a moment, Lisa’s words echoing in her mind, but then she nodded, a strange mix of nerves and excitement bubbling up inside her. <font color="pink">"Alright,"</font> she said, her voice steadier than she felt. <font color="pink">"If you really think I can help, I’ll try."</font> She couldn’t quite explain it, but something about the situation intrigued her. She could feel her nipples harden slightly at just the thought of what was going to happen. Lisa’s expression brightened, relief washing over her face, and she stood up, motioning for Zara to follow her. Zara grabbed her tray, quickly dropping it off at the return counter before trailing after Lisa. <font color="pink">"Where are we going, though?"</font> she asked curiously as they left the cafeteria.
Lisa smirked slightly, tossing her keys into the air and catching them with a practiced ease. <font color="fuchsia">"My car,"</font> she said simply. Zara blinked, surprised. <font color="pink">"Wait—you drive to school?"</font> she asked, her tone incredulous. Most students didn’t bother or could not afford one, and the idea of Lisa having her own car felt oddly out of place. Lisa shrugged, a hint of pride in her smirk. <font color="fuchsia">"Perks of being me, I guess. Or having my mother..."</font>
Zara's mind flashes back to the day she had run into Lisa for the first time with Dick. Back then Lisa had mentioned something to do with her mother and his father, some kind of partnership between them. <<if $dick.lastQuest gte 5>>Was Lisa's mom a part of Xavier's criminal empire in some way or form?<<else>>She hopes one day she can figure out what was going on there.<</if>>
Zara followed her into the parking lot, her curiosity growing. When Lisa stopped in front of a sleek black car that looked far too nice for a high schooler, Zara raised an eyebrow. <font color="pink">"This is yours?"</font> she asked, impressed despite herself. Lisa grinned as she unlocked the door. <font color="pink">"Come on, get in."</font>
Zara slid into the passenger seat, the leather interior cool against her skin, her excitement growing as the moment of sexual intimacy grew closer. And not a moment is wasted between them. The two girls embrace each other with a fiery passion, their lips interlocking with each other as they explore each other's bodies. Their clothes come off, one article at a time. Lisa's hands trail below, her fingers slowly easing into Zara's pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gasps as Lisa's fingers flow through her folds. Her touch was light, gentle, but created overwhelming pleasure in Zara's body. She holds onto Lisa as she continues fingering Zara, smiling sultrily as she keeps going.
She suddenly removes her fingers from Zara's pussy and leans back. She spreads her leg as she motions to Zara to get down on her. Zara could feel her mouth salivating at the thought of tasting Lisa. She lowers herself towards Lisa's pussy, giving a few kisses on her clit before moving on to the main show.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa moans as Zara eats her out. She can feel Lisa's leg twitching around her as her tongue runs through Lisa's pussy. She tasted so good! She buries her head more into Lisa who in turn grabs a hold of Zara's head as the pleasure builds up even more till it reaches its peak. The grip loosens as Zara feels Lisa's legs start to shake as she orgasms. Lisa's mouth formed the perfect "O" as the orgasm rocked through her body.
Gasping, the two of them sit back up straight, their sweat causing their skin to stick lightly to the seats. They look at each other but don't say anything. There was still desire in their eyes, but for now, they were done. They sat there gasping, occasionally glancing at each other and giggling. Luckily, nobody had caught them fucking in the school parking lot. That would have been embarrassing.
<font color="fuchsia">"Well... I think that decides it. I might actually be lesbian. That was way more enjoyable than any dick!"</font>, Lisa sighs. Zara just smiled at her, glad she could help Lisa figure some things out.
The two of them dress up and head back to school. Zara is sure she is late for some class at this point.
<center><<set $lisa.metFlag to true>>\
<font color="aquamarine">New NPC met! Lisa Brown has now been added to the list</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep +1>>\
<font color="yellow">-10 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -10>>\
<<set $minute+=10>>\
<<set $lisaIntroZaraAccepts to true>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=5>>\
[[Back to school|School][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to help her...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<<set _chance=random(50,100)>>\
<<set _chance=random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 60>>\
<<if $lisaIntroZaraAccepts eq true || $lisa.lesbianPts gte 50>>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "lisa event1">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "lisa event2">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>
<<goto "lisa event3">>
<<set _eventCh = random(1,2)>>
<<if _eventCh == 1>>
<<goto "lisa event1 ffm">>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>
<<goto "lisa event2 ffm">>
<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
<<set _eventCh = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
Seated in the crowded school cafeteria, Zara sat across from Lisa, their trays filled with the standard school lunch. The aroma of the meal mingled with the chatter and clatter of the room, but as Zara took her first bite, she couldn’t help but feel that the taste matched the generic cafeteria atmosphere. Lisa, poking at her food with little enthusiasm, seemed to agree, her nose wrinkling slightly after a bite. The food was filling enough to satisfy their hunger, but the flavor hovered somewhere between bland and forgettable. Zara sighed, exchanging a knowing glance with Lisa.
<font color="pink">"Well,"</font> she said dryly, <font color="pink">"at least it’s not worse than last week’s mystery meat."</font>
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
As they picked at their food, Zara decided to break the silence. <font color="pink">"So,"</font> she started, glancing at Lisa, <font color="pink">"Do you always look this thrilled about lunch, or is today special?"</font>
Lisa laughed softly, shaking her head. <font color="fuchsia">"Oh, this is definitely a treat,"</font> she said sarcastically, holding up a forkful of the overcooked pasta. <font color="fuchsia">"I’m surprised they don’t serve this in a five-star restaurant."</font>
Zara smirked, taking a sip of her drink. <font color="pink">"Yeah, right next to the instant mashed potatoes."</font> They both chuckled, the conversation easing the awkwardness. Soon, they were talking about their day, random classes, and sharing little complaints about school life.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 3>>\
As they ate, Zara glanced up at Lisa, who was quietly picking at her food. <font color="pink">"Not exactly a gourmet meal, huh?"</font> Zara said, breaking the silence. Lisa looked up, a small smile tugging at her lips.
<font color="fuchsia">"Gourmet? This barely qualifies as edible,"</font> she replied, pushing a piece of bread around her tray. Zara chuckled softly, nodding.
<font color="pink">"Fair. But at least it’s predictable, I guess."</font>
Lisa shrugged, leaning back slightly. <font color="fuchsia">"True. Predictable’s not always bad."</font>
The conversation drifted between comments about their classes and shared grumbles about the day’s homework, the quiet exchange filling the gaps in the otherwise noisy cafeteria.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<</if>>The cafeteria buzzed with its usual chaos, but Zara and Lisa sat quietly at their table, idly picking at their unappetizing lunches. Lisa leaned back, her smirk widening as she watched Zara poke at her food. <font color="fuchsia">"You know,"</font> she said, her voice dropping into something low and enticing, <font color="fuchsia">"we could ditch a class or two. My car’s in the lot. A little ride, a little freedom, a whole lotta pleasure… what do you say?"</font>
Zara looked up, caught off guard by the suggestion, her fork pausing mid-air. <font color="pink">"Ditch class?"</font> she asked, her tone uncertain but laced with intrigue. Lisa’s grin deepened, her gaze playful and sultry.
Zara hesitated, glancing around the cafeteria before meeting Lisa’s mischievous eyes. The idea was tempting—more tempting than she wanted to admit—but skipping a class? What if she skips too many this week and her dad finds out?
<<link "Don't skip">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara chuckled softly, shaking her head as she set her fork down. <font color="pink">"As tempting as that sounds, Lisa, I think I’ll pass,"</font> she said, her voice light but firm. Lisa raised an eyebrow, feigning disappointment as she leaned back in her chair.
<font color="fuchsia">"Your loss,"</font> she replied with a smirk, though there was no real bite in her tone. Zara smiled faintly and returned to her meal, the hum of the cafeteria settling back around them. They continued eating in companionable silence for a while, occasionally exchanging small remarks about the food or the chaos of the day. Despite Lisa’s earlier mischief, the moment felt surprisingly normal, a quiet pause in the middle of their busy school routine.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<link "Skip a class">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara hesitated for a moment before setting her fork down and meeting Lisa’s mischievous gaze. <font color="pink">"Alright,"</font> she said with a small smile. <font color="pink">"Let’s go."</font> Lisa grinned, grabbing her bag and leading Zara out of the cafeteria and into the parking lot. They slid into Lisa’s car, the engine purring softly as Lisa pulled out onto the quiet streets, heading away from the school.
It didn’t take long before they reached a secluded clearing surrounded by trees, far from any prying eyes. Lisa parked and leaned back in her seat, her smirk playful. <font color="fuchsia">"Told you this would be better than cafeteria spaghetti,"</font> she teased. Zara glanced out at the peaceful surroundings and smiled, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. <font color="pink">"Yeah, okay,"</font> she admitted, relaxing. <font color="pink">"You win this one. But I know a good way to make this a lot better,"</font> she grins with a sultry smile as she moves closer to Lisa. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara felt so horny right now, for some reason this small enclosed space made everything feel so much more intimate.<<else>>Zara could not help but feel a bit nervous about all this, what if someone catches them in Lisa's car.<</if>>
The two of them move closer to each other, their lips closing in on each other. The make out becomes hotter as they slowly fork their tongues in and out of each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Gasping, Zara moves away. She can feel the horniness burn inside her. She wants to do more, a lot more. What can be done in such an intimate closed-off space, a.k.a, a car.
<<link "Finger">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara pushes Lisa's seat back, making her gasp in surprise. Zara just smiles sluttily at her, leaning into Lisa's neck and planting kisses on it. Lisa could not help but let out a sharp breath of pleasure. She grabs onto Zara's hair as she enjoys the feel of her lips on her neck. Zara glanced down, her destination was there, waiting. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>She felt so wet herself, she could not wait to touch Lisa.<<else>>She felt a bit nervous, what if she does something wrong?<</if>> She trails her hand down Lisa's body, stopping at her breasts to feel her hardened nipples before continuing downwards, until...
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the fluids from Lisa's pussy coating her finger, slowly dripping down her arm. Looks like she was doing a very good job. Lisa could not do anything but moan as her pussy got touched with pure passion. Finally, the pleasure reached its peak as Lisa orgasms. The fluids come flowing out more freely than before, making Zara smile, proud of her own work.
Lisa pulled up to the school gates, the car rolling to a smooth stop. Zara grabbed her bag, pausing for a moment to glance at Lisa. Lisa leaned back in her seat, her posture relaxed, making it clear she wasn’t planning on stepping out or returning to class. Zara hesitated but said nothing, pulling the door handle and stepping out. The faint hum of the car’s engine continued as Zara slung her bag over her shoulder and headed toward the building. Behind her, the car idled for a moment longer before Lisa drove off, leaving Zara to wonder what Lisa would get up to next.
<center><<set $hour+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=2>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Oral">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara grabbed Lisa's thighs, they felt so smooth, so soft in her hands. She spreads her legs, allowing for space between them for her head. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara could feel her mouth salivating at the thought of tasting Lisa.<<else>>Zara felt a bit nervous about eating out Lisa.<</if>> She lowers herself towards Lisa's pussy, giving a few kisses on her clit before moving on to the main show.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa moans as Zara eats her out. She can feel Lisa's leg twitching around her as her tongue runs through Lisa's pussy. She tasted so good! She buries her head more into Lisa who in turn grabs a hold of Zara's head as the pleasure builds up even more till it reaches its peak. The grip loosens as Zara feels Lisa's legs start to shake as she orgasms. Lisa's mouth formed the perfect "O" as the orgasm rocked through her body.
Lisa pulled up to the school gates, the car rolling to a smooth stop. Zara grabbed her bag, pausing for a moment to glance at Lisa. Lisa leaned back in her seat, her posture relaxed, making it clear she wasn’t planning on stepping out or returning to class. Zara hesitated but said nothing, pulling the door handle and stepping out. The faint hum of the car’s engine continued as Zara slung her bag over her shoulder and headed toward the building. Behind her, the car idled for a moment longer before Lisa drove off, leaving Zara to wonder what Lisa would get up to next.
<center><<set $hour+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=3>>\
<center>Lisa needs a better relationship for this option...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have oral with Lisa...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to skip class with Lisa...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
@@<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
Zara and Lisa sat at their table in the bustling cafeteria, the dull hum of conversations and clinking trays blending into the background. Zara poked at her bland lunch with her fork, glancing over at Lisa, who seemed equally unimpressed with her food. <font color="fuchsia">"This isn’t doing it for me,"</font> Lisa said suddenly, leaning on one hand as she eyed Zara with a playful smirk. <font color="fuchsia">"You know,"</font> she added, her tone dropping just enough to sound mischievous, <font color="fuchsia">"we could always do something… fun to work up a real appetite."</font>
Zara arched an eyebrow, she knew exactly what she meant by Lisa’s tone. <font color="pink">"Fun?"</font> she asked, her fork pausing mid-air. Lisa grinned, leaning in slightly, pushing her boobs together with her arms.
<font color="fuchsia">"You know, something to really get the blood pumping."</font> Her words hung in the air, layered with an unspoken suggestion that made Zara’s cheeks flush faintly.
<<link "Keep forcing the food down">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara let out a small laugh, shaking her head as she gently pushed her tray aside. Declining Lisa’s suggestion felt like the right move. Still, there was no denying the playful energy Lisa brought to the table. Lisa leaned back with a mock sigh, her smirk never quite fading, and the two settled into a comfortable rhythm. The cafeteria buzzed around them as they sat together, sharing the occasional glance and a few quiet chuckles as they observed the chaos of the room. Despite Lisa’s earlier mischief, the moment felt oddly calm, a quiet break in the middle of their busy school day.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Work up an appetite with Lisa">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara hesitated for only a moment before a grin tugged at the corner of her lips.
<font color="pink">"Alright, Lisa,"</font> she said, setting her fork down and standing up. <font color="pink">"Let’s see what you’ve got in mind."</font> Lisa’s smirk widened as she grabbed Zara by the wrist and led her out of the cafeteria, their footsteps quick and deliberate. They slipped through the school’s side paths until they reached the edge of the P.E. grounds. Lisa glanced back, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and gestured toward a narrow opening in a thick line of bushes. Zara followed her in, brushing past the branches until they emerged into a hidden clearing. The faint sound of voices from the field lingered in the air, but here it felt private, secluded—a spot she’d heard rumors about. It was where kids came to sneak away, the ground littered with faint evidence of stolen moments. Zara glanced around, her heart racing from the thrill of it all, as Lisa leaned against a tree with an expression that was equal parts daring and expectant. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She did not care if they left evidence behind, or even if they got caught here. She just felt excited.<<else>>Even through the thrill, she felt nervous. Hopefully, nobody catches them here.<</if>> The girls immediately get together and start making out, slowly forking their tongues in and out of each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The two girls run their hands over each other, slowly taking off each other's clothes. Lisa lay on the ground and pulled Zara on top of her, continuing to make out. She turns over, making Zara lie down on the grass instead as she clambers in the opposite direction.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Both the girls use their tongues to slide in and out their vagina's folds, Zara can taste a slight tanginess to it as the fluid builds up. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God, the taste was intoxicating!<<else>>The taste was different, but in no way bad.<</if>> The two of them can't help moaning through each flick of their tongues as the pleasure builds up, finally causing both of them to orgasm together.
Lisa lies on the ground and spreads her legs and uses one finger to usher Zara towards her. Zara gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards her.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling Lisa's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God, the taste was intoxicating!<<else>>The taste was different, but in no way bad.<</if>> Lisa gasps in pleasure above Zara and grabs a hold of her hair, running her fingers through it. This excited Zara even more, she loved seeing Lisa's face with pleasure etched onto it.
Zara gets up and using her hands, guides Lisa onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into her pussy.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at Lisa's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Lisa uses her other hand to rub her clit.
<font color="Fuchsia">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, she gasps. This makes Zara speed up, she <font color="red">NEEDS</font> Lisa to orgasm. Her needs are met as Lisa lets out a loud moan as the liquid starts coming out of her vagina, dripping off Zara's fingers.
Lisa and Zara both get dressed up, returning to school. Zara could still feel the phantom touches of Lisa's fingers on her skin and it made her shiver. She would always want more of them.
<center><<set $minute+=59>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=2>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to work up an appetite with Lisa...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@Zara takes a seat beside Dick, he immediately scoots closer and wraps his arm around Zara. The two of them start a conversation which gets interrupted by a sudden <b>PA-TING</b> noise from Dick's phone. He apologizes to Zara and takes it out. A message pops up on his screen. From a glance, Zara realizes the message was from Lisa.
<font color="cyan">"So, Lisa says she is bored and home alone wink-wink. She says to bring you too"</font>, he tells Zara. Should Zara go?
<<link "Don't go">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Ah, I think I shall pass this time. Maybe some other time"</font>, Zara replies.
<font color="cyan">"Sure, I shall tell her"</font>, and with that, he gets up from the bench and walks away. Zara felt a tiny bit hurt that he simply chose to leave her alone like this.
She shakes her head, she decides to enjoy the time with herself. It was a pretty park, maybe she should simply enjoy the nature around her. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Go to Lisa's place">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/dorm.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara finds herself in Lisa's apartment with Dick. This was not the first time she was here, and it most likely won't be her last. Lisa stood in the doorway of her bedroom, waiting. Her nipples poked through her shirt, she was more than ready for whatever was going to happen next.
Before she could even think about anything, Zara was pulled into the room by Lisa. Dick followed the two of them, his boner already poking through his pants. He moves in closer to the two girls, trying to kiss either of them but Lisa places a hand on his chest and pushes him away.
<font color="fuchsia">"Down boy, you are just going to watch today"</font>, Lisa purrs whilst still looking at Zara. The desire was burning in her eyes, Zara could see it, she could feel it. She already felt her pussy getting wet, ready to go on this adventure with Lisa. Zara smiles at her and pushes Dick down. The two girls bring their lips close together, locking themselves in a tight kiss.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The kiss was fiery hot, Zara could feel herself letting go of any inhibitions that might have been holding her back. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Not exactly a big deal anymore for a slut like her!<<else>>This was a big deal for someone like her!<</if>> Zara and Lisa's hands start roaming each other, touching each other in intimate places. Zara could feel Lisa's hard nipples right under her fingers, she rubbed them, making Lisa gasp in pleasure. Dick continued sitting on the chair, watching, slowly masturbating. His full attention was on them.
<<link "Let Lisa keep control">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Lisa grabs Zara and rearranges her to a much more "appropriate" position, a position where Lisa could easily start touching Zara's wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/lcuck_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan as she feels Lisa's fingers run through her pussy. She expertly touched Zara's clit, the right amount of pressure, the right amount of movement, the right amount of everything. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She loved every second of this, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<<else>>She felt a bit odd, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<</if>> He was fully masturbating now, and the sight of that sent Zara over the edge. The orgasm rocks through her body, making her moan loudly as Lisa giggles and marvels at the result of her work. Zara could feel her legs shake from the orgasm. It slowly dissipates, still leaving Zara breathless. Dick also could not hold back anymore, he cums, splattering his seed all over the floor. Lisa looks at him with slight disdain, <font color="fuchsia">"You are cleaning that up..."</font> she huffs.
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 40>>\
<<link "Take control">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara grabs Lisa and rearranges her to a much more "appropriate" position, a position where she could easily start touching Lisa's wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/lcuck_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa could not help but moan as she feels Zara's fingers run through her pussy. She expertly touched Lisa's clit, her fingers making sure to apply just the right amount of pressure. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She loved every second of this, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<<else>>She felt a bit odd, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<</if>> He was fully masturbating now, the sight in front of him was too arousing. Lisa suddenly moaned loudly as her legs started shaking, she was orgasming! Zara giggles and marvels at the result of her work. It finally dissipates, leaving Lisa a gasping wreck of pleasure. Dick also could not hold back anymore, he cums, splattering his seed all over the floor. Lisa looks at him with slight disdain, <font color="fuchsia">"You are cleaning that up..."</font> she huffs.
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Lisa needs a better relationship to let Zara take control...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to go or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@Zara takes a seat beside Dick, he immediately scoots closer and wraps his arm around Zara. The two of them start a conversation which gets interrupted by a sudden <b>PA-TING</b> noise from Dick's phone. He apologizes to Zara and takes it out. A message pops up on his screen. From a glance, Zara realizes the message was from Lisa.
<font color="cyan">"So, Lisa says she is bored and home alone wink-wink. She says to bring you too"</font>, he tells Zara. Should Zara go?
<<link "Don't go">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<font color="pink">"Ah, I think I shall pass this time. Maybe some other time"</font>, Zara replies.
<font color="cyan">"Sure, I shall tell her"</font>, and with that, he gets up from the bench and walks away. Zara felt a tiny bit hurt that he simply chose to leave her alone like this.
She shakes her head, she decides to enjoy the time with herself. It was a pretty park, maybe she should simply enjoy the nature around her. The birds chirped above her and the sun beamed through the leaves of the trees, making the environment look serene.
People walked around and nobody paid Zara any attention as she sat there, peaceful in every way.
<<set $minute+=30>>\
<center><font color="yellow">+15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy 15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30 and $PlayerEnergy gte 20>>\
<<link "Go to Lisa's place">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<center><img src="img/livingroom/dorm.webp" height="300"></center>
Zara finds herself in Lisa's apartment with Dick. This was not the first time she was here, and it most likely won't be her last. Lisa stood in the doorway of her bedroom, waiting. Her nipples poked through her shirt, she was more than ready for whatever was going to happen next.
Before she could even think about anything, Zara was pulled into the room by Lisa. Dick followed the two of them, his boner already poking through his pants. He moves in closer to the two girls, trying to kiss either of them but Lisa places a hand on his chest and pushes him away.
<font color="fuchsia">"Down boy, you are just going to watch today"</font>, Lisa purrs whilst still looking at Zara. The desire was burning in her eyes, Zara could see it, she could feel it. She already felt her pussy getting wet, ready to go on this adventure with Lisa. Zara smiles at her and pushes Dick down. The two girls bring their lips close together, locking themselves in a tight kiss.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The kiss was fiery hot, Zara could feel herself letting go of any inhibitions that might have been holding her back. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Not exactly a big deal anymore for a slut like her!<<else>>This was a big deal for someone like her!<</if>> Zara and Lisa's hands start roaming each other, touching each other in intimate places. Zara could feel Lisa's hard nipples right under her fingers, she rubbed them, making Lisa gasp in pleasure. Dick continued sitting on the chair, watching, slowly masturbating. His full attention was on them.
<<link "Let Lisa keep control">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Lisa grabs Zara and rearranges her to a much more "appropriate" position, a position where Lisa could easily start eating out Zara's wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/lcuck_oral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan as she feels Lisa's tongue run through her pussy. She expertly licked Zara's clit, the right amount of pressure, the right amount of movement, the right amount of everything. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She loved every second of this, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<<else>>She felt a bit odd, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<</if>> He was fully masturbating now, and the sight of that sent Zara over the edge. The orgasm rocks through her body, making her moan loudly as Lisa giggles and marvels at the result of her work. Zara could feel her legs shake from the orgasm. It slowly dissipates, still leaving Zara breathless. Dick also could not hold back anymore, he cums, splattering his seed all over the floor. Lisa looks at him with slight disdain, <font color="fuchsia">"You are cleaning that up..."</font> she huffs.
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]</center>
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 50>>\
<<link "Take control">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara grabs Lisa and rearranges her to a much more "appropriate" position, a position where she could easily start eating out Lisa's wet pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/cuck/lcuck_oral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa could not help but moan as she feels Zara's tongue run through her pussy. She expertly licked Lisa's clit, her tongue making sure to apply just the right amount of pressure. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She loved every second of this, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<<else>>She felt a bit odd, she could feel Dick's eyes on them.<</if>> He was fully masturbating now, the sight in front of him was too arousing. Lisa suddenly moaned loudly as her legs started shaking, she was orgasming! Her thighs tightened around Zara's head, she could not hold anything back. Zara giggles and marvels at the result of her work. It finally dissipates, leaving Lisa a gasping wreck of pleasure. Dick also could not hold back anymore, he cums, splattering his seed all over the floor. Lisa looks at him with slight disdain, <font color="fuchsia">"You are cleaning that up..."</font> she huffs.
The three of them get their clothes back into order. All of them enjoy their time together. This was definitely not going to stop any time soon.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set $minute+=45>>\
[[Return|Jecinda District][$minute+=10]]</center>
<center>Lisa needs a better relationship to let Zara take control...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to go or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 20</font></center>
@@<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
The cafeteria bustled with its usual noise as Zara and Lisa sat together, picking at their food. Their conversation was interrupted when a boy they didn’t recognize suddenly slid into the seat across from them. He looked confident, maybe a little too much, like he had been planning this moment. Leaning in slightly, he spoke in a low voice, <font color="cyan">"I’ve got an offer for you two."</font> Zara glanced at Lisa, intrigued but cautious. The boy didn’t wait for a response. <font color="cyan">"I’ll pay—good money—for a little… company. Just the three of us."</font> His tone was casual, but the implication was clear.
Lisa barely hesitated, her lips curling into a smirk. <font color="fuchsia">"How much?"</font>, she asked, as if discussing a simple transaction.
<font color="cyan">"Well, it depends on what we do, and how well you do it"</font>, he teases with a smile. Lisa nodded, clearly considering it. Zara, however, felt a different kind of hesitation settling in. It wasn’t that the idea itself bothered her, but skipping classes was already risky—doing this on top of that? It could spiral fast. She tapped her fingers against her tray, glancing between Lisa and the boy. Lisa looked at her expectantly, as if waiting for her decision, but Zara wasn’t sure if she was ready to take that kind of leap just yet.
<<link "Don't do it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara sighed, setting her fork down as she met Lisa’s gaze. <font color="pink">"Yeah, I think I’m gonna pass on this one,"</font> she said, her tone light but firm. Skipping class was one thing, but getting involved in something like this? It felt like a step too far.
Lisa raised an eyebrow, considering for a moment before exhaling dramatically and leaning back in her seat. <font color="fuchsia">"Well, if you’re out, I’m out,"</font> she said, glancing at the boy with a smirk. <font color="fuchsia">"Not really fun without her, you know?"</font>
The boy’s confidence wavered slightly, his smirk faltering as he realized he wasn’t getting what he wanted. He let out a small, annoyed chuckle and shrugged. <font color="cyan">"Your loss,"</font> he muttered before standing up and disappearing into the crowd of students. Lisa watched him go before turning back to Zara with a grin. <font color="fuchsia">"Guess it’s just another boring school day, then."</font>
Zara chuckled, picking up her drink. <font color="pink">"Yeah, guess so."</font> The two of them went back to their meal, the moment passing as if it had never happened.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<link "Do it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara hesitated but eventually nodded. "Alright, I’m in," she said, glancing at Lisa, who grinned in approval. The boy smirked and stood up, leading them out of the cafeteria without another word. Zara’s heart pounded as they walked across the parking lot, the reality of skipping class sinking in. The boy unlocked his car, and Lisa slid into the front without hesitation. Zara hesitated for only a second before opening the back door and getting in.
<<link "Blowjob - 50$">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The two girls don't waste any time. It was as if they had mentally communicated with each other to get this done with, they are just doing this for the money... right? Lisa starts to kiss the boy while Zara uses her hands to rub his cock through his pants. She could feel it harden as kept touching him, it felt pretty big. This could be fun after all.
She takes his cock out, slight precum glistening on the top from Zara's groping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Grinning, Zara moves forward and gives it a lick.<<else>>Zara hesitantly moves forward and licks the tip.<</if>> The taste of precum lingered on her tongue. But, she had no time to think about it as Lisa joined her below. The two girls start sucking off the boy together, a dream team.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/ffm_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The boy groans above their head as the two girls administer the perfect dose of pleasure to the boy's cock. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>This was so hot, sucking off a stranger with her friend.<<else>>This was a bit weird doing it with a friend.<</if>> The boy's moans start getting louder and Zara knew what was coming next. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara places her lips tight around the boy's cock as he starts cumming. The warm liquid fills her mouth, coating her tongue. There was so much!<<else>>Lisa places her lips tight around the boy's cock, Zara could see it throbbing as it released its load inside her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two girls kiss each other, making out in front of the boy, putting on a great show swapping his cum. The boy could not help but smile at the sight in front of him, two hot girls playing with his cum.
The three dress up and exit the car. Before leaving, the boy hands them 50 dollar bills before walking away. The two girls look at each other, smiling, this was some easy money. They too start walking back towards the school, Zara could still taste the mix of cum and Lisa's saliva in her mouth... so good!
<center><<set $hour+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=2>>\
<font color="green">+50$</font>
<<addmoney 50>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 30>>\
<<link "Sex - 100$">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The two girls don't waste any time. It was as if they had mentally communicated with each other to get this done with, they are just doing this for the money... right? Lisa starts to kiss the boy while Zara uses her hands to rub his cock through his pants. She could feel it harden as kept touching him, it felt pretty big. This could be fun after all.
She takes his cock out, slight precum glistening on the top from Zara's groping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Grinning, Zara moves forward and gives it a lick.<<else>>Zara hesitantly moves forward and licks the tip.<</if>> The taste of precum lingered on her tongue. But, she had no time to think about it as it was now time for the main course. <<set _chance=random(1,2)>>\
<<if $_chance eq 1>>\
The boy grabs Zara and positions her in the exact way he wants. Lisa also shifts such that her pussy now lay in front of Zara, just inches away from her lips. She felt herself drooling for a taste of Lisa's pussy. Before she could though, she feels the boy's dick's tip brush against her entrance, his cock easily entering her already wet pussy. She gasps as the cock slowly slides in fully inside her. But any more moans from her are shut as Lisa grabs Zara's head and burrows her face in her pussy, and Zara happily starts eating her out.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The taste of Lisa's pussy was intoxicating but Zara could not concentrate on it with the boy's cock thrusting in and out of her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot, being fucked from behind while eating out her friend!<<else>>This was a bit weird for Zara still, being fucked from behind while eating out her friend.<</if>> The boy's thrusts become more aggressive, speeding up, making Zara moan with pleasure. It was too much, her legs shake as she starts orgasming, her face still buried in Lisa's pussy. Lisa giggles, seeing Zara squirm with her orgasm.
The boy grabs Lisa and positions her in the exact way he wants. Zara also shifts such that her pussy now laid in front of Lisa, just inches away from her lips. She felt herself excited for the feeling of Lisa's tongue in her pussy. Lisa gasps as the cock slowly slides in fully inside her, the boy was already fucking her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara could not wait a second longer, she grabs Lisa's head and shoves her face into her pussy.<<else>>Zara waits impatiently for Lisa to finally start eating her out, and she finally does.<</if>> Zara gasps as she feels Lisa's tongue flow through her pussy, licking every single centimeter of it.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The feeling of Lisa's tongue in her pussy was heavenly. She could feel waves and waves of pleasure wash over her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot, being eaten out by her friend as she gets fucked from behind by a stranger.<<else>>This was a bit weird for Zara still, being eaten out by her friend as she gets fucked by a stranger.<</if>> The boy's thrusts become more aggressive, speeding up, making Lisa moan with pleasure. Lisa starts to orgasm, her legs shake and her tongue movements become more wild. This drives Zara over the edge too as her vision goes blurry as the orgasm rocks through her.
The boy's moans start getting louder and Zara knew what was coming next. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara places her lips tight around the boy's cock as he starts cumming. The warm liquid fills her mouth, coating her tongue. There was so much!<<else>>Lisa places her lips tight around the boy's cock, Zara could see it throbbing as it released its load inside her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two girls kiss each other, making out in front of the boy, putting on a great show swapping his cum. The boy could not help but smile at the sight in front of him, two hot girls playing with his cum.
The three dress up and exit the car. Before leaving, the boy hands them 100 dollar bills before walking away. The two girls look at each other, smiling, this was some easy money. They too start walking back towards the school, Zara could still taste the mix of cum and Lisa's saliva in her mouth... so good!
<center><<set $hour+=1>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=3>>\
<font color="green">+100$</font>
<<addmoney 100>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<center>Lisa's relationship is not enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept the offer...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
@@<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
Zara absentmindedly poked at her food when her gaze drifted across the cafeteria. At a nearby table, a boy sat alone, staring down at his tray with a distant look. His shoulders were slumped, and as he blinked, a single tear slipped down his cheek. Something about the sight made Zara pause, a strange mix of curiosity and sympathy stirring in her chest.
Lisa, noticing too, leaned in close, her voice low and teasing. <font color="fuchsia">"Poor guy looks miserable,"</font> she murmured, a sly smirk playing on her lips. Then, with a playful glint in her eye, she added, <font color="fuchsia">"I think I’m gonna go make him happy. You should come with me."</font> Zara glanced at her, caught between amusement and hesitation, but Lisa seemed ready to go already. She looked at Zara expectantly.
<<link "Ignore him">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara chuckled softly, shaking her head. <font color="pink">"I think I’ll sit this one out,"</font> she said, taking a sip of her drink. Lisa sighed, leaning back in her seat with a dramatic pout.
<font color="fuchsia">"Well, I guess it won’t be fun without you,"</font> she muttered, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers. To Zara’s slight surprise, Lisa didn’t push further or get up; instead, she simply stayed put, stabbing at her food with mild disinterest. The conversation naturally shifted, and soon they were back to their usual banter, the moment passing as if it had never happened.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Join Lisa">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara hesitated for a moment before nodding, a small smirk tugging at her lips. Lisa grinned, clearly pleased, and the two of them stood up, making their way over to the boy’s table. He barely noticed their presence at first, still lost in whatever had him so down. Lisa leaned in close, her voice playful and teasing.
<font color="fuchsia">"You look like you could use a little cheering up,"</font> she murmured, her smirk widening. <font color="fuchsia">"Lucky for you, we’re very good at making people happy."</font>
The boy blinked up at them, startled at first, but as he took in their expressions, a flicker of curiosity—and something else—replaced the sadness in his eyes. Zara could see a bulge slowly forming in his pants already, just by looking at the two beautiful girls. He wiped his face quickly, his tears already drying up, and gave a small nod. <font color="cyan">"Alright,"</font> he said, his voice quiet but steady. Lisa smirked, clearly enjoying the shift in his demeanor, and gestured for them to follow. Zara trailed behind as Lisa led them through the school, taking turns down rarely used hallways until they reached a secluded spot Zara hadn’t even known existed. It was eerily quiet—so much so that she couldn’t hear the usual distant chatter of students or footsteps from passing teachers.
The girls don't waste any time, taking each other into their arms. Their lips come closer and closer until they finally lock into a steamy makeout. The boy watches on, his jaw agape at the sight in front of him, who would not be happy with seeing two hot girls making out in front of them?
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels her breaths getting shorter as the makeout goes on, getting even more passionate every second. The boy can't help it anymore, he wants in on the action, he grabs the girls and makes them lean back onto the wall, groping the two of them all over their bodies.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
His hands start going lower onto Zara's body, going towards her pussy. She could feel herself getting wetter from just the thought, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>she <font color="red">WANTS</font> his touch.<<else>>she just hopes nobody walks in on the three of them.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/ffm_finger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gasped as the boy fingers her, he was a lot better than his pitiful demeanor in the canteen made him out to be. She could not help herself, she starts to moan out loud as she feels the boy's finger go in and out of her pussy. Lisa watched from the side, she looked on in envy, touching herself. But, she did not have to worry, using his other hand, he started to touch Lisa too.
Both his hands were now busy fingering the girls, their faces contorted with pleasure. The girls look at each other, their eyes filled with horniness, their moans filling the desolate void with the sound of pleasure.
He starts lowering himself, going towards her pussy. The feeling of his breath on her skin sends tingles down her spine. She could feel herself getting wetter from just the thought of him eating her out, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>she <font color="red">WANTS</font> his tongue in her.<<else>>she just hopes nobody walks in on the three of them.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/ffm_oral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gasps as the boy eats her out, he is a lot better than his pitiful demeanor in the canteen made him out to be. She could not help herself, she starts to moan out loud as she feels the boy's tongue go through the folds of her pussy. Lisa watched from the side, she looked on in envy, touching herself. Zara could not help but orgasm, the pleasure was too much! Her vision goes blurry as she slumps against the wall, losing all balance in her legs. Done with Zara's pussy, the boy moves to eat out Lisa.
His tongue now deep in Lisa's pussy, the two girls look at each other, their eyes filled with horniness, Lisa's moans filling the desolate void with the sound of pleasure. Zara starts licking Lisa's tits, helping the boy bring Lisa to an orgasm. And orgasm she does, her moans become a light scream of pleasure as her legs shake from the orgasm.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, my turn, girls,"</font> the boy grins. Zara hears the sound of his zipper and she feels his hard cock poke against her. But, was she ready for this?
<<link "Not ready">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara swallowed hard, glancing between Lisa and the boy before shaking her head. <font color="pink">"I… I can’t do this,"</font> she muttered, quickly adjusting her clothes as she took a step back. Lisa’s smirk faded, replaced by a brief flicker of disappointment, but she masked it just as quickly. The boy looked at her, his expression falling slightly, though he didn’t say anything. Lisa sighed dramatically, then turned to him with a playful grin, running a hand through her hair.
<font color="fuchsia">"It’s okay, big boy, you still have me,"</font> she purred, placing a hand on his shoulder. Zara hesitated for a moment, but Lisa was already moving on, her attention fully on him. Without another word, Zara turned and left, the sound of her own footsteps echoing through the empty hallway.
<center><<set $minute+=45>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=3>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<link "Ready">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara took a deep breath, she was more than ready for this. Her pussy was still dripping, she was not done! Lisa leans onto the cool wall, presenting herself to the boy, motioning for Zara to do the same. Heart pounding, Zara followed suit, feeling the rush of excitement settle over her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>She had become such a slut, letting a random stranger use her body... with a friend!<<else>>She was still nervous about letting strangers fuck her... especially in front of a friend.<</if>>
Lisa leaned in slightly, her voice low and teasing. <font color="fuchsia">"Ready?"</font> she murmured, her eyes glinting with playful mischief. Zara exhaled, steadying herself, before nodding again. The boy moves forward towards Zara, his cock close to her pussy. She can feel the tip brush against her entrance, and she feels it even more as the tip of the boy's penis penetrates her, making her gasp in sudden pleasure.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans in pleasure as the boy thrusts in and out of her. She can feel his cock stretching her out with every thrust. The pleasure was unbelievable. She could not help but moan loudly with each thrust. It was too much for her. She felt an orgasm coming up and before she could react, it had already arrived. Zara gives out a loud moan as the orgasm rocks through her body, causing her legs to almost give out beneath her.
The boy was not done though, he switched over to Lisa. Thrusting in and out of her even quicker, making her gasp in pleasure with each thrust. Zara could see the pleasure etched onto Lisa's face, she was definitely enjoying. Still recovering, Zara leaned against the wall, watching the awesome sight in front of her.
<<if _i gte 2>><<set _chance = random(1,2)>><<else>><<set _chance = 2>><</if>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>
The boy suddenly grabs the back of Zara's head and bends her down, resting her head on Lisa's arched back and on her ass. She could smell the odors from the fluids of Lisa's pussy and the boy's wet dick. The boy pops his cock out of Lisa's pussy and aims it at Zara's mouth, inserting it.
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/ffm_sex_cum.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara bobs up and down on his cock, she could taste Lisa's pussy on his cock. And it was intoxicating! But that taste was immediately washed out as she feels warm spurts of cum land inside her mouth. The boy was cumming! Lisa smiles and wiggles her butt below Zara's head as the boy keeps cumming. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Like a good girl, Zara swallows every drop of cum, not wasting any.<<else>>Zara does her best to swallow every drop, but still misses some.<</if>>
The boy's thrusts get even more frantic as the boy gets closer to orgasm. Zara keeps watching on, her mouth now agape with the intensity and passion the boy was thrusting with. The boy gives out a loud moan and thrusts DEEP into Lisa, making her moan out loud too. Zara sees white cum drip out of Lisa's pussy, splattering onto the ground with a low drip-drip noise. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Using her hand, Zara places it below Lisa's pussy as the boy pulls out, the cum landing on her palm. She immediately licks it up, enjoying the salty tangy taste.<<else>>Zara simply watches in awe at the amount of cum that spills out just as the boy pulls out of Lisa's pussy.<</if>>
The three of them get their clothes back together, the boy definitely looking a lot more happier than in the canteen. Obviously, who would not be after having such a fun time with such hot girls. The boy walks away, whistling a jolly tune, leaving the two girls behind. They look at each other, their relationship deepening after such an intimate experience.
<center><<set $minute+=50>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=2>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough for this...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@<<say "Zara">>Psstt... got a little present for you xoxo<</say>>
<<say "Zara">><<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>><</say>>\
The video would automatically disappear in 30 seconds... she better see Zara's texts quick...
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<if _chance gte 30>>\
<<if $lisaIntroZaraAccepts eq false and $lisa.lesbianPts lte 49>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship lte 30>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Uh... why are you sending me this?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Why not? ;)<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Idk, maybe because I am not into girls (I think)<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You said you were confused...<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Ugh, maybe if you had helped me when we met in school I could have accepted this. But, I don't think I am into girls right now, okay?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Ok... ok...<</say>>
<center><font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=1>></center>\
<<say "Lisa">>Listen, we have been friends long enough for you to know I might not be into girls... I really don't know<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just trying to help you figure it out...<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Not helping... I think. You do look kinda hot<</say>>
<center><font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=1>></center>\
<center><font color="aquamarine">-1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship -= 1>></center>\
<<elseif $lisaIntroZaraAccepts eq false and $lisa.lesbianPts gte 50>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Woah... you might have not helped me figure shit out in the canteen, but you have been helping change my mind<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Good, I hope you enjoy my body ;)<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Well, maybe I can enjoy it more IRL ;)<</say>>
<center><font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=1>></center>\
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>></center>\
<<elseif $lisaIntroZaraAccepts eq true>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Woah... I am so glad you helped me figure shit out in the canteen, I really think I might be lesbian...<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Good, I hope you enjoy my body ;)<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Well, maybe I can enjoy it more IRL ;)<</say>>
<center><font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=1>></center>\
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>></center>\
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<center>No answer... the video disappears without a trace
[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<</if>><<set $dailyHangLisa to true>>\
<<set $minute+=1>>\
<<say "Zara">>Hey! You there?<</say>>
<<if $lisa.angryFlag == false>>\
<<if ($weekDay eq true) and ($hour gte 8 and $hour lt 14)>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Hey. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>And you want to bunk school?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Well, with you, yes<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Well, I don't really mind, but do you really want to?<</say>>
<<link "Bunk school">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<say "Zara">>Bunk school? Fuck yeah"<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>If you are so sure lol. Let's meet up. Where tho?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Sounds good to me! We can take a jog maybe<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You are way too into fitness...<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Hehe...<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm lisa][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's go out for a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Works with me<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Cool!<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm lisa][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall. I wanna go window shopping<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Hell yeah! We could get some cute af clothes<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Yes! See you there<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm lisa][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<link "Nevermind, don't bunk">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<say "Zara">>I think you are right, my dad might find out<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>See, I am so smart<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Shut up<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 22 and $hour<=0>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Hey. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Bit too late at night for my liking ngl<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You sure?<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Yep, sorry<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Fine fine, won't force you<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<elseif $hour >= 0 and $hour<=7>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
Hmmm. No answer. He is probably asleep...
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Hey. What's up?<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Just... really bored. Want to hang out somewhere?<</say>>
<<if _chance gte 50>>\
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Sure, I am free. Where to though?<</say>>
<<link "Park">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the park<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Sounds good to me! We can take a jog maybe<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>You are way too into fitness...<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Hehe...<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm lisa][$hangLoc="park"]]</center>
<<link "Restaurant">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's go out for a bite to eat? There is a nice restaurant in Arabella District<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Works with me<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Cool!<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm lisa][$hangLoc="restaurant"]]</center>
<<link "Mall">>
<<replace "#choice">>\
<<say "Zara">>Let's meet up at the mall. I wanna go window shopping<</say>>
<<say "Lisa">>Hell yeah! We could get some cute af clothes<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Yes! See you there<</say>>
<center>[[Continue|hang confirm lisa][$hangLoc="mall"]]</center>
<<set $minute+=2>>\
<<say "Lisa">>Got some things to do, sorry<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Oh, sure. No problem at all<</say>>
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<say "Lisa">>Sorry Zara, we are not on talking terms<</say>>
<<say "Zara">>Come on, I am sorryyyy, srsly<</say>>
No reply comes up, looks like Zara has to go personally apologize to her.
<center>[[Go back|Phone]]</center>
<<set $minute+=20>>\
<<if $lisa.lesbianPts gte 50>>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang lisa">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang lisa">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang lisa">>\
<<if $hangLoc eq "park">>\
<<goto "parkHang lisa ffm">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "restaurant">>\
<<goto "restHang lisa ffm">>\
<<elseif $hangLoc eq "mall">>\
<<goto "mallHang lisa ffm">>\
<</if>>\<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and Lisa met at the park, greeted by the vibrant greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. They took a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, finding their way to a secluded bench nestled beneath a sprawling tree. Away from the bustling crowds, they settled in, enjoying the tranquility of their chosen spot and continuing their conversation against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves.
Mid-conversation, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was in the surrounding area. While Lisa was talking about something, Zara quickly raises her top, flashing her friend.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her jaw drops wide open, her topic of conversation forgotten. She stares at Zara's tits like they are a million dollars.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Lisa continues staring at her chest for a few minutes.
Snapping out of it, Lisa suddenly goes back to normal, but her eyes continuously drifted down to Zara's chest. They continue on their stroll until they reach the exit of the park. Lisa gave her the warmest of hugs, her handd "slipping" onto Zara's ass before letting go. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Lisa bites her lips and gently caresses Zara's tits. Her touch makes Zara's nipples harden with arousal.
<font color="Fuchsia">"Let's find a quieter place"</font>, Lisa whispers.
The two of them enter a small clearing in the trees, away from prying eyes.
Lisa takes off Zara's top, making her nipples stiffen even more due to her arousal and the cool air.
Lisa takes off her top too, showing off her magnificent boobs, the perfect perkiness and size. She continues to strip until she was fully naked, and Zara follows suit. Zara uses her hand to slowly trail her friend's body feeling the goosebumps rise on her skin as her fingers explore her body. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This was so hot, Zara can feel her pussy getting so wet. Being in the open like this with her friend was driving her crazy.<<else>>Zara's heart was pounding. She felt nervous, what if someone catches them?<</if>>
<<set _chance = either(1,3)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Lisa lies on the ground and spreads her legs and uses one finger to usher Zara towards her. Zara gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards her.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling Lisa's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. She gasps in pleasure above Zara and grabs a hold of her hair, running her fingers through it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This excited Zara even more, she loved seeing Lisa's face with pleasure etched onto it.<<else>>On seeing Lisa's face etched with pleasure, Zara feels herself getting hornier.<</if>>
Zara gets up and using her hands, guides Lisa onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into her pussy.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at her friend's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Lisa uses her other hand to rub her clit.
<font color="Fuchsia">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, Lisa gasps. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This makes Zara speed up, she <font color="red">NEEDS</font> Lisa to orgasm.<<else>>Zara speeds up, she needs Lisa to orgasm.<</if>> Her needs are met as Lisa lets out a loud moan as the liquid starts coming out of her vagina, dripping off Zara's fingers.
<<elseif _chance eq 2>>\
Zara lies on the ground and spreads her legs and uses one finger to usher Lisa towards her. Lisa smiles seductively and gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards her.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling Zara's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. She gasps in pleasure above Lisa and grabs a hold of her hair, running her fingers through it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God, this was so fucking amazing, Zara would not change a thing in her life right now.<<else>>While the pleasure was amazing, Zara could not help but feel nervous about getting caught out here.<</if>>
Lisa gets up and using her hands, guides Zara onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into her pussy, Zara can feel herself getting stretch out by Lisa's fingers.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at Zara's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Zara uses her other hand to rub her clit, making the pleasure even greater.
<font color="pink">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, Zara gasps. Lisa's fingering immediately becomes faster, making Zara moan even louder in pleasure. She could not hold it back any more, she felt the dam break as the waves of orgasm rush over her.
Lisa lays on the ground and pulls Zara on top of her, continuing to make out. She turns over, making Zara lie down on the grass instead as Lisa clambers in the opposite direction.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Both the girls use their tongues to slide in and out their vagina's folds, Zara can taste a slight tanginess to it as the fluid builds up. They can't help moaning through each flick of their tongues as the pleasure builds up, finally causing both of them to orgasm together. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God that was so hot! She would love to do it again and again, every single day.<<else>>While it felt hot, Zara could not help being glad it was over, what if they had gotten caught?<</if>>
The two of them get back up and take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$hour+=1]]</center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept doing more with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
She suddenly feels two arms hug her from behind, they were feminine but still strong. It was most definitely Lisa. Turning around, her guess was confirmed. Lisa stood there smiling, looking very pretty.
Zara and Lisa settled at a cozy table in the restaurant, flipping through menus and deciding on their orders. Soon, the waiter arrived, delivering plates of delicious food that satisfied their appetites. Mid-bite, a mischievous glint appeared in Zara's eyes as she hatched an idea. Could she do it though?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Lisa exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for Lisa's attention, who looks at her quizzically.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/restaurant/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Her jaw drops wide open, her food forgotten. She stares at her friend's amazing tits like they are a million dollars.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara quickly puts away her tits, hoping nobody has seen them. Lisa continues staring at her chest for the rest of the meal.
Once they were done, they exited the restaurant. Lisa gave her the warmest of hugs, her handd "slipping" onto Zara's ass before letting go. They parted ways, each heading in a different direction.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 10>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>><font color="pink">"How about you and me work up more of an appetite?"</font>, Zara purrs seductively.<<else>><font color="pink">"Would you like to do something more?"</font>, Zara asks, a bit nervously.<</if>>
Lisa looks at her and nods, her eyes are filled with desire. Zara gets up from the table and the two women find themselves in a stall of the women's washroom in each other's arms in an intimate embrace. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 15>>This was so hot! Making out with her friend in a public washroom stall was so slutty!<<else>>Was it wrong to do this in public? But it felt so hot!<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<link "Finger">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara pushes Lisa back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara gets onto her knees.<</if>>
Using her fingers she starts to trail around her friend's vagina, teasing her. Lisa gets more and more excited, Zara could see this as her pussy got wetter every second. Finally, Zara gives Lisa what she wants, pleasure. Pure pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/lfinger.webp" height="220">
She reaches into the depths of the girl's pussy, making sure her fingers rub each and every part of her insides for maximum pleasure. Zara sped up her fingering on seeing Lisa's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>This was so slutty! Giving her friend such immense pleasure in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, giving her friend such pleasure in a public washroom. But the pleasure on Lisa's face made it all worth it.<</if>>
Lisa's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's touch.
Lisa pushes Zara back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>Zara feels herself getting wet already, she can't wait for Lisa's fingers to be touching her pussy.<<else>>Her heart pounds, Zara felt nervous about all this.<</if>>
Using her fingers she starts to trail around her friend's vagina, teasing her. Zara gets more and more excited, she wanted her fingers to be inside her, deep inside Finally, Lisa gives Zara what she wants, pleasure. Pure pleasure.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/lfinger.webp" height="220">
She reaches into the depths of Zara's pussy, making sure her fingers rub each and every part of her insides for maximum pleasure. Zara could do nothing but moan, feeling her friend's fingers inside her, was just so fucking good. Lisa sped up her fingering on seeing Zara's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>This was so slutty! Getting such immense pleasure from a friend in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, getting such pleasure in a public washroom from her friend. But the pleasure she felt made it all worth it.<</if>>
Zara's mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Lisa's touch.
The duo return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Lisa return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been pleasuring each other in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Lisa exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Oral">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara pushes Lisa back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Smiling seductively she gets onto her knees.<<else>>Her heart pounding, Zara gets onto her knees.<</if>>
Zara leans forward and starts to kiss her friend's inner thighs. She could already feel the goosebumps arise on her thighs as she slowly made her way toward the vagina. Finally, she reaches the Holy Grail of body parts. Zara uses her tongue to first wetten the vagina but finds out there was no need, Lisa was already wet from Zara's teasing.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/loral.webp" height="220">
Using her tongue she starts to swirl around the clit, flicking it up and down with her tongue by making letters of the alphabet. Lisa grabs Zara's hair as the pleasure builds, she cannot believe how her day is going.
Zara sped up her tongue on seeing her friend's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This was so slutty! Giving her friend such immense pleasure in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, giving her friend such pleasure in a public washroom. But the pleasure on Lisa's face made it all worth it.<</if>>
Her mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Zara's tongue.
Lisa pushes Zara back onto the toilet seat and spreads her leg. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara feels herself getting wet already, she can't wait for whatever was going to happen next.<<else>>Her heart pounds, Zara felt nervous about all this.<</if>>
Lisa leans forward and starts to kiss Zara's inner thighs. Zara could already feel the goosebumps arise on her thighs as Lisa slowly made her way toward the vagina. Finally, she reaches the Holy Grail of body parts. Lisa uses her tongue to first wetten the vagina but finds out there was no need, Zara was already wet from Lisa's teasing.
<img src="img/school/girlswc/loral.webp" height="220">
Using her tongue she starts to swirl around the clit, flicking it up and down with her tongue by making letters of the alphabet. Zara grabs Lisa's hair as the pleasure builds, she cannot believe how her day is going.
Lisa sped up her tongue on seeing her friend's face, knowing she was close to an orgasm. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This was so slutty! Getting such immense pleasure from her friend in a public washroom. Zara would not change a single thing about her life.<<else>>This felt a bit wrong, getting such pleasure from a friend in a public washroom. But the pleasure she was feeling made it all worth it.<</if>>
Her mouth forms the perfect "O" shape and her legs start shaking as she orgasms due to Lisa's tongue.
The duo return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Lisa return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been pleasuring each other in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Lisa exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept oral sex with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have oral sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 40>>\
<<if $PlayerStrapon eq true>>\
<<link "Strap-On">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Zara bends Lisa over and positions herself behind. She spits on the silicone dick, getting it lubed up with slimy saliva for penetration. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara feels the excitement and horniness bubbling inside her, this was so hot.<<else>>Zara feels nervous, what if they get caught?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/ltoilet'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa moans as Zara fucks her from behind. She can feel the plastic cock penetrating deeper and deeper as Zara continued thrusting. Every centimeter brought Lisa a cascade of pleasure until it finally overfilled, making her orgasm. Her vision blurred as her legs shook uncontrollably. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara really was fucking her friend with a silicone cock in such a public washroom, what a slut!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was fucking her friend with a strap-on in a public toilet stall. It felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
<font color="fuchsia">"God that was amazing, Zara!"</font>, Lisa gasps, tired from the orgasms she just experienced. She pats Zara's ass and puts on her clothes and Zara does the same.
Lisa bends Zara over and positions herself behind. She spits on the silicone dick, getting it lubed up with slimy saliva for penetration. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara feels the excitement and horniness bubbling inside her, this was so hot.<<else>>Zara feels nervous, what if they get caught?<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/strapon/ltoilet'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans as Lisa fucks her from behind. She can feel the plastic cock penetrating deeper and deeper as Lisa continued thrusting. Every centimeter brought Zara a cascade of pleasure until it finally overfilled, making her orgasm. Her vision blurred as her legs shook uncontrollably. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara really was letting her friend fuck her with a silicone cock in such a public washroom, what a slut!<<else>>Zara could not believe she was letting a friend fuck her with a strap-on in a public toilet stall. It felt a bit wrong.<</if>>
<font color="pink">"God that was amazing, Lisa!"</font>, Zara gasps, tired from the orgasms she just experienced. Lisa smirks and pats Zara's ass and puts on her clothes and Zara does the same.
The duo return the their seats. Nobody had noticed them missing for such a long time and more importantly, at the same time. Zara and Lisa return to their meal and start a conversation with each other. Almost as if pretending they had not just been pleasuring each other in one of the stalls of the washroom.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Lisa exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+3 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 3>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Zara needs to buy a strap-on first...</center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept strap-on sex with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to have strap-on sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept taking things further with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 10</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the mall, the cool air from the mall's AC makes her shiver. There is a crowd of people walking and chatting and shopping away in the mall.
She suddenly feels two arms hug her from behind, they were feminine but still strong. It was most definitely Lisa. Turning around, her guess was confirmed. Lisa stood there smiling, looking very pretty.
Zara and Lisa meandered through the bustling mall, their laughter blending with the hum of shoppers. They paused at vibrant storefronts, occasionally peering into windows filled with enticing merchandise. As they continued their leisurely stroll, the two of them got on an escalator, with Zara standing in front.
A thought pops into her head, does she have the daring to do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Lisa decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. She coughs for Lisa's attention, who looks at her quizzically from below.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/flash'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara raises her skirt, presenting her ass to her friend. She shakes it alluringly at her. Lisa's jaw drops wide open. Zara lowers her skirt, blocking the amazing view her friend just got to witness.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Lisa continues staring at her ass until they reach the top of the escalator. She was obviously still thinking about her ass. Zara wondered what exactly was she thinking though. But, she suddenly grins and goes back to her normal self. Looks like nothing was going to happen.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Lisa decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 25>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Come with me"</font>, Zara purrs with a sly smile plastered on her face.
Lisa allows herself to be led by Zara to a clothing store. The two of them sneak into a stall of the changing rooms, nobody sees them enter together.
Zara and Lisa find themselves in each other's embrace, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Their hands roam all over their bodies, until finally...
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/lfinger'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Moans escape Lisa's mouth. The wetness from her vagina spreads all over Zara's fingers as she slowly goes deeper and deeper into her friend's vagina. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>This was so hot, having her friend's fluids coating her fingers. She wanted to taste her.<<else>>Was this wrong? They could get caught!<</if>>
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
Lisa takes hold of Zara's shoulders and starts pushing her down on her knees. Looks like Zara has to work a bit harder to get her friend to orgasm.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara runs her tongue through the folds of her friend's vagina, marveling at the taste. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>From the corner of her eyes, she saw herself in the mirror, on her knees and her mouth buried in her friend's pussy and the sight made her squirm more. She feels her pussy dripping.<<else>>She keeps going, her tongue buries itself deeper into Lisa's pussy. Zara just hopes nobody catches them right now.<</if>>
Lisa moans and her thighs clench around Zara's head, looks like Zara's work was done here. They exited the stall, nobody had witnessed anything unusual.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Lisa takes hold of Zara's shoulders and pushes her back against the wall. Smiling seductively, Lisa gets on her knees, looking into Zara's eyes. Looks like it was Zara's time to receive some pleasure.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/loral'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa runs her tongue through the folds of her friend's vagina, marveling at the taste. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>From the corner of her eyes, she saw herself in the mirror, her face etched with pleasure and Lisa's head buried in between her legs and the sight made her squirm more. She feels her pussy dripping.<<else>>Zara moans as Lisa's tongue keeps burrowing deeper inside her pussy. Zara just hopes nobody catches them right now.<</if>>
Zara feels the pleasure finally crescendo as an orgasm rocks through her body, her thighs tighten around Lisa's head as she starts to lose balance from the extreme pleasure. Breathless, the two girls giggle at each other. They exited the stall, nobody had witnessed anything unusual.
They spend the rest of the day pretending nothing happened.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Lisa decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=59]]</center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept taking things further with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 25</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<img src="img/school/canteen/food.jpg" height="220">
Zara and Lisa sat at their table in the bustling cafeteria, the dull hum of conversations and clinking trays blending into the background. Zara poked at her bland lunch with her fork, glancing over at Lisa, who seemed equally unimpressed with her food. <font color="fuchsia">"This isn’t doing it for me,"</font> Lisa said suddenly, leaning on one hand as she eyed Zara with a playful smirk. <font color="fuchsia">"You know,"</font> she added, her tone dropping just enough to sound mischievous, <font color="fuchsia">"we could always do something… fun to work up a real appetite."</font>
Zara arched an eyebrow, she knew exactly what she meant by Lisa’s tone. <font color="pink">"Fun?"</font> she asked, her fork pausing mid-air. Lisa grinned, leaning in slightly, pushing her boobs together with her arms.
<font color="fuchsia">"You know, something to really get the blood pumping."</font> Her words hung in the air, layered with an unspoken suggestion that made Zara’s cheeks flush faintly.
<<link "Keep forcing the food down">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara let out a small laugh, shaking her head as she gently pushed her tray aside. Declining Lisa’s suggestion felt like the right move. Still, there was no denying the playful energy Lisa brought to the table. Lisa leaned back with a mock sigh, her smirk never quite fading, and the two settled into a comfortable rhythm. The cafeteria buzzed around them as they sat together, sharing the occasional glance and a few quiet chuckles as they observed the chaos of the room. Despite Lisa’s earlier mischief, the moment felt oddly calm, a quiet break in the middle of their busy school day.
<center><<set $minute+=40>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=1>>\
[[Continue|School canteen]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<link "Work up an appetite with Lisa">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara hesitated for only a moment before a grin tugged at the corner of her lips.
<font color="pink">"Alright, Lisa,"</font> she said, setting her fork down and standing up. <font color="pink">"Let’s see what you’ve got in mind."</font> Lisa’s smirk widened as she grabbed Zara by the wrist and led her out of the cafeteria, their footsteps quick and deliberate. They slipped through the school’s side paths until they reached the edge of the P.E. grounds. Lisa glanced back, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and gestured toward a narrow opening in a thick line of bushes. Zara followed her, brushing past the branches until they emerged into a hidden clearing. The faint sound of voices from the field lingered in the air, but here it felt private, secluded—a spot she’d heard rumors about. It was where kids came to sneak away, the ground littered with faint evidence of stolen moments. Zara glanced around, her heart racing from the thrill of it all, as Lisa leaned against a tree with an expression that was equal parts daring and expectant. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>She did not care if they left evidence behind, or even if they got caught here. She just felt excited.<<else>>Even through the thrill, she felt nervous. Hopefully, nobody catches them here.<</if>> The girls immediately get together and start making out, slowly forking their tongues in and out of each other's mouths.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/girlswc/gkiss'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
But then, a faint rustling came from the bushes. Lisa didn’t seem to notice, but Zara’s ears picked up on it instantly. She tensed, glancing around, and out of the corner of her eye while still continuing the make out, she caught sight of a boy standing nearby. He wasn’t just passing through—he was staring, wide-eyed, gawking at them, two pretty girls making out.
Zara could invite him to join, he did look pretty good. And looking at the tent in his pants, he was nice and big.
<<link "Don't invite him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara decides it would be best not to invite the boy. She wanted to enjoy Lisa's body all to herself. But, this does not mean she was not willing to put on a show for the boy.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The two girls run their hands over each other, slowly taking off each other's clothes. As their clothes come off, the boy takes his cock out, slowly jerking himself. Lisa lay on the ground and pulled Zara on top of her, continuing to make out. She turns over, making Zara lie down on the grass instead as she clambers in the opposite direction.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/canteen/lesbian'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Both the girls use their tongues to slide in and out their vagina's folds, Zara can taste a slight tanginess to it as the fluid builds up. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God, the taste was intoxicating! And knowing that there was a boy watching them, masturbating to them, it felt even hotter.<<else>>The taste was different but in no way bad. She was still a little bit unsure about the boy though, she knew he was touching himself right now watching them.<</if>> The two of them can't help moaning through each flick of their tongues as the pleasure builds up, finally causing both of them to orgasm together. At that moment itself, the boy cums too, still hidden in the bushes. His cum splatters onto the ground.
Lisa lies on the ground and spreads her legs and uses one finger to usher Zara towards her. Zara gets onto the ground on all fours and crawls towards her. As their clothes come off, the boy takes his cock out, slowly jerking himself.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent1.webp" height="220">
She slides her tongue up and down through the vagina, feeling Lisa's fluids coat her tongue as she ate her out. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>God, the taste was intoxicating! And knowing that there was a boy watching them, masturbating to them, it felt even hotter.<<else>>The taste was different but in no way bad. She was still a little bit unsure about the boy though, she knew he was touching himself right now watching them.<</if>> Lisa gasps in pleasure above Zara and grabs a hold of her hair, running her fingers through it. This excited Zara even more, she loved seeing Lisa's face with pleasure etched onto it.
Zara gets up and using her hands, guides Lisa onto her knees, in a doggystyle position. She spits on her fingers and inserts them into her pussy.
<img src="img/school/pe/levent2.webp" height="220">
She fingers away at Lisa's pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure. Lisa uses her other hand to rub her clit. The boy starts to jerk himself off even faster, the sight in front of him is way too hot.
<font color="Fuchsia">"God, you are going to make me orgasm"</font>, she gasps. This makes Zara speed up, she <font color="red">NEEDS</font> Lisa to orgasm. Her needs are met as Lisa lets out a loud moan as the liquid starts coming out of her vagina, dripping off Zara's fingers. At that moment itself, the boy cums too, still hidden in the bushes. His cum splatters onto the ground.
Lisa and Zara both get dressed up, returning to school. The boy had already silently left before he could be caught. Zara could still feel the phantom touches of Lisa's fingers on her skin and it made her shiver. She would always want more of them.
<center><<set $minute+=59>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit towards lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts +=2>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 30>>\
<<link "Invite him">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara thinks it would be very hot to invite the boy in. His cock looked very appealing to her. She pulls away from Lisa, just slightly so she can whisper, <font color="pink">"Don't look around, but there is a boy watching us. And he looks pretty good, we could invite him..."</font>
Lisa smiles and nods, <font color="fuchsia">"Could be fun"</font>, she replies.
The two girls suddenly turn towards the boy, who jumps, pale in the face. He thinks he is in trouble, but oh how wrong he is! <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara gets on her knees, dragging Lisa down with her, and opens her mouth sluttily, letting saliva dribble out.<<else>>Zara beckons the boy to join them as Lisa gets on her knees, dragging Zara with her.<</if>> The boy knew exactly what was going to happen and eagerly stepped towards them, taking his cock out.
<img src="img/city/park/couple_join.webp" height="220">
The two girls slobber on his dick, Zara loved pleasuring a boy with another girl on her team. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>This was so hot, sucking a stranger's dick with her friend.<<else>>She still could not believe how comfortable she had gotten sucking a stranger's dick with a friend.<</if>> The boy raises his hand, showing a sign he was about to cum. Lisa promptly wraps her mouth around his dick head before Zara could, taking all his cum into her mouth.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>Zara, now disappointed was about to push her off when Lisa suddenly turns to her and kisses her.<<else>>Zara waits patiently as the boy cums in her mouth. Lisa looks at Zara and brings their lips together.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two of them kiss and swap the boy's cum, slowly drinking it down until it was all over...
Lisa and Zara both get dressed up, returning to school. The boy does the same, grinning happily at his lucky day. Zara was sure he would never forget this day, getting sucked off by two hot girls.
<center><<set $minute+=59>>\
<font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<font color="gold">Lisa's sexual orientation has leaned a bit away from lesbian</font>
<<set $lisa.lesbianPts -=2>>\
<center>Lisa's relationship is not enough to invite the boy to join them...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to invite the boy...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to work up an appetite with Lisa...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/restaurant.jpg" height="300">
Zara enters the restaurant, the sounds of clinking dishes and the scrapes of forks and knives are audible along with the low chatter of the people sitting and eating delicious looking food.
She suddenly feels two arms hug her from behind. They are feminine but still strong. It is most definitely Lisa. Turning around, her guess is confirmed. Lisa stands there smiling, looking very pretty.
As Zara and Lisa enjoyed their meal, laughter and casual conversation filling the space between bites, Zara’s gaze drifted across the restaurant. That’s when she saw him—a strikingly handsome man seated a few tables away, casually sipping his drink. He had the kind of effortless charm that turned heads without trying, his sharp features and confident posture making him stand out. Lisa must have noticed her staring because she smirked, nudging Zara’s foot under the table. A thought pops into Zara's mind, should she do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird. Especially since she was here to enjoy with her friend.
As the last bites disappeared from their plates, Zara and Lisa exchanged satisfied smiles, the delicious meal adding warmth to their time together. With contented sighs, they finished their drinks and prepared to say their goodbyes. Standing outside the restaurant, they parted ways, each heading in a different direction. The echoes of shared laughter lingered briefly before fading into the background of the bustling city.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. Zara leaned in slightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. <font color="pink">"You see him?"</font> she murmured, keeping her voice low.
Lisa followed her gaze, raising an eyebrow in approval. <font color="fuchsia">"Hard to miss,"</font> she replied with a sly grin. Zara twirled her fork between her fingers, her mind already spinning with an idea.
<font color="pink">"What if we… had a little fun?"</font> she whispered, her tone playful but daring. Lisa’s smirk widened, her curiosity piqued.
<font color="fuchsia">"I’m listening,"</font> she said, setting her drink down, fully intrigued by whatever Zara had in mind. Zara leans in and whispers her plan, Lisa nods along gleefully.
Zara crumples up a piece of paper and throws it towards the man. He immediately looks up from his meal at the two girls, quizically looking at them. Before he could say anything, the two girls flashed him, showing off their amazing teen tits.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/duo_rest_tits'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's jaw goes agape at the sight in front of him. Before anybody else could witness their hot tight bodies, the two girls covered back up. They giggle to themselves, seeing the man's awestruck reaction.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Satisfied with their little game, Zara and Lisa shared a knowing glance before turning their attention back to their meal. The playful teasing was over, but the man’s curiosity had clearly been sparked. Every so often, he glanced up from his table, his eyes flickering toward them with intrigue, as if trying to figure them out. Zara smirked but didn’t acknowledge him further, instead focusing on finishing her food. Lisa, equally amused, carried on as if nothing had happened.
Once their plates were cleared and the bill settled, the two girls stepped outside into the cool evening air. They exchanged a quick hug, their laughter still lingering between them before they parted ways, each heading off in their own direction, leaving the man behind with nothing but unanswered questions.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 15>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara and Lisa exchanged a glance, their smirks widening in silent agreement. Without hesitation, they stood up and sauntered over to the man’s table, their confidence undeniable. He looked up, surprised but intrigued, as Lisa leaned in slightly. <font color="fuchsia">"How about a little fun?"</font> she murmured, her tone playful yet inviting. Zara rested a hand on the back of his chair, tilting her head. <font color="pink">"Just the three of us,"</font> she added smoothly. The man studied them for a moment before a slow grin spread across his face. Without a word, he pulled out his keys and stood, gesturing for them to follow. Excitement buzzed between the girls as they trailed behind him through the restaurant and out into the parking lot. He led them to his car, unlocking the doors with a quiet beep.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
The two girls don't waste any time. Lisa starts to kiss the man while Zara uses her hands to rub his cock through his pants. She could feel it harden as kept touching him, it felt pretty big. She could feel herself getting wet from the feel of it in her hands.
She takes his cock out, slight precum glistening on the top from Zara's groping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Grinning, Zara moves forward and gives it a lick.<<else>>Zara hesitantly moves forward and licks the tip.<</if>> The taste of precum lingered on her tongue. But, she had no time to think about it as Lisa joined her below. The two girls start sucking off the man together, a dream team.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/ffm_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man groans above their head as the two girls administer the perfect dose of pleasure to the man's cock. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>This was so hot, sucking off a stranger with her friend.<<else>>This was a bit weird doing it with a friend.<</if>> The man's moans start getting louder and Zara knew what was coming next. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>Zara places her lips tight around the man's cock as he starts cumming. The warm liquid fills her mouth, coating her tongue. There was so much!<<else>>Lisa places her lips tight around the man's cock, Zara could see it throbbing as it released its load inside her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two girls kiss each other, making out in front of the man, putting on a great show swapping his cum. The man could not help but smile at the sight in front of him, two hot girls playing with his cum.
Done with their adventure, the two girls leave the man behind in his car, he slumps into his car seat, tired. The two of them give each other a warm hug, the taste of cum still lingering in Zara's mouth, a reminder. They parted ways, each heading off in their own direction.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 30>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
The two girls don't waste any time. Lisa starts to kiss the man while Zara uses her hands to rub his cock through his pants. She could feel it harden as kept touching him, it felt pretty big. She could feel herself getting wet simply due to feeling his cock through his pants.
She takes his cock out, slight precum glistening on the top from Zara's groping. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Grinning, Zara moves forward and gives it a lick.<<else>>Zara hesitantly moves forward and licks the tip.<</if>> The taste of precum lingered on her tongue. But, she had no time to think about it as it was now time for the main course. <<set _chance=random(1,2)>>\
<<if $_chance eq 1>>\
The man grabs Zara and positions her in the exact way he wants. Lisa also shifts such that her pussy now lay in front of Zara, just inches away from her lips. She felt herself drooling for a taste of Lisa's pussy. Before she could though, she feels the man's dick's tip brush against her entrance, his cock easily entering her already wet pussy. She gasps as the cock slowly slides in fully inside her. But any more moans from her are shut as Lisa grabs Zara's head and burrows her face in her pussy, and Zara happily starts eating her out.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The taste of Lisa's pussy was intoxicating but Zara could not concentrate on it with the man's cock thrusting in and out of her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot, being fucked from behind while eating out her friend!<<else>>This was a bit weird for Zara still, being fucked from behind while eating out her friend.<</if>> The man's thrusts become more aggressive, speeding up, making Zara moan with pleasure. It was too much, her legs shake as she starts orgasming, her face still buried in Lisa's pussy. Lisa giggles, seeing Zara squirm with her orgasm.
The man grabs Lisa and positions her in the exact way he wants. Zara also shifts such that her pussy now laid in front of Lisa, just inches away from her lips. She felt herself excited for the feeling of Lisa's tongue in her pussy. Lisa gasps as the cock slowly slides in fully inside her, the man was already fucking her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara could not wait a second longer, she grabs Lisa's head and shoves her face into her pussy.<<else>>Zara waits impatiently for Lisa to finally start eating her out, and she finally does.<</if>> Zara gasps as she feels Lisa's tongue flow through her pussy, licking every single centimeter of it.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/car/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The feeling of Lisa's tongue in her pussy was heavenly. She could feel waves and waves of pleasure wash over her. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot, being eaten out by her friend as she gets fucked from behind by a stranger.<<else>>This was a bit weird for Zara still, being eaten out by her friend as she gets fucked by a stranger.<</if>> The man's thrusts become more aggressive, speeding up, making Lisa moan with pleasure. Lisa starts to orgasm, her legs shake and her tongue movements become more wild. This drives Zara over the edge too as her vision goes blurry as the orgasm rocks through her.
The man's moans start getting louder and Zara knew what was coming next. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara places her lips tight around the man's cock as he starts cumming. The warm liquid fills her mouth, coating her tongue. There was so much!<<else>>Lisa places her lips tight around the man's cock, Zara could see it throbbing as it released its load inside her mouth.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two girls kiss each other, making out in front of the man, putting on a great show swapping his cum. The boy could not help but smile at the sight in front of him, two hot girls playing with his cum.
Done with their adventure, the two girls leave the man behind in his car, he slumps into his car seat, tired. The two of them give each other a warm hug, the taste of cum still lingering in Zara's mouth, a reminder. They parted ways, each heading off in their own direction.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Lisa's relationship is not enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept doing more with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/city/park_day.jpg" height="300">
Zara and Lisa met at the park, greeted by the vibrant greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. They took a leisurely stroll along the winding paths, finding their way to a secluded bench nestled beneath a sprawling tree. Away from the bustling crowds, they settled in, enjoying the tranquility of their chosen spot and continuing their conversation against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves.
As they continued walking, Zara’s gaze drifted across the landscape. That’s when she saw him—a strikingly handsome man seated a few tables away, casually lying on the grass. He had the kind of effortless charm that turned heads without trying, his sharp features and confident posture making him stand out. Lisa must have noticed her staring because she smirked, nudging Zara with her elbow. A thought pops into Zara's mind, should she do it?
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird. Especially since she was here to enjoy with her friend.
The two of them take a few more rounds. Chatting away about anything and everything. They loop back to the park exit and decide to call it a day.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody was looking in their direction. Zara leaned in slightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. <font color="pink">"You see him?"</font> she murmured, keeping her voice low.
Lisa followed her gaze, raising an eyebrow in approval. <font color="fuchsia">"Hard to miss,"</font> she replied with a sly grin.
<font color="pink">"What if we… had a little fun?"</font> she whispered, her tone playful but daring. Lisa’s smirk widened, her curiosity piqued.
<font color="fuchsia">"I’m listening,"</font> she said, leaning in closer to Zara, fully intrigued by whatever Zara had in mind. Zara leans in and whispers her plan, Lisa nods along gleefully.
The two girls walk up to the man. He immediately looks up at the two girls, quizically looking at them. Before he could say anything, the two girls raised their tops, flashing him.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/duo_park_tits'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's jaw goes agape at the sight in front of him. Before anybody else could witness their hot tight bodies, the two girls covered back up. They giggle to themselves, seeing the man's awestruck reaction.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Satisfied with their little game, Zara and Lisa continued their stroll through the park, the playful teasing now behind them. The man, however, seemed unable to shake his curiosity. Still seated on the grass, he stole occasional glances at them, his eyes flickering with intrigue as if trying to figure them out. Zara smirked but didn’t acknowledge him, instead focusing on the path ahead. Lisa, equally amused, walked beside her, chatting as if nothing had happened. The man was left behind, no longer in sight of them.
As they neared the park’s exit, the cool evening breeze brushed against their skin, carrying the faint sounds of distant laughter and rustling leaves. They stopped for a moment near a lamppost, sharing a quick hug, their laughter still lingering between them. With a final playful glance at each other, they parted ways, heading off in opposite directions.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 15>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
Zara and Lisa exchanged a knowing look before turning back to the man, their smiles teasing and full of unspoken intent. Lisa stepped closer, tilting her head. <font color="fuchsia">"How about a little fun?"</font> she murmured, her voice low and inviting. The man hesitated only for a moment before standing, his curiosity winning over. Without another word, he followed as the two girls led him off the main path and into the dense forest. They moved with confidence, weaving through the trees until they reached a secluded clearing, far from prying eyes. The distant sounds of the park faded, leaving only the rustling leaves and the charged silence between them.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara gets on her knees, dragging Lisa down with her, and opens her mouth sluttily, letting saliva dribble out.<<else>>Zara beckons the man to join them as Lisa gets on her knees, dragging Zara with her.<</if>> The man knew exactly what was going to happen and eagerly stepped towards them, taking his cock out.
<img src="img/city/park/couple_join.webp" height="220">
The two girls slobber on his dick, Zara loved pleasuring a man with another girl on her team. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>This was so hot, sucking a stranger's dick with her friend.<<else>>She still could not believe how comfortable she had gotten sucking a stranger's dick with a friend.<</if>> The man raises his hand, showing a sign he was about to cum. Lisa promptly wraps her mouth around his dick head before Zara could, taking all his cum into her mouth.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara, now disappointed was about to push her off when Lisa suddenly turns to her and kisses her.<<else>>Zara waits patiently as the man cums in her mouth. Lisa looks at Zara and brings their lips together.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two of them kiss and swap the man's cum, slowly drinking it down until it was all over...
As they stepped out of the clearing, the man gave them a final glance before slipping away, disappearing down another path without a word. Zara and Lisa, unfazed, continued their stroll through the park, the evening air cool against their skin. The distant sounds of rustling leaves and faint laughter from other parkgoers filled the space between them, but neither felt the need to speak. When they finally reached the park’s exit, they slowed, turning to each other with small smiles. Sharing a quick hug, they exchanged one last playful look before parting ways, each heading off on their own path.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 30>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
The three of them enter each other's arms, their hands roaming over each other's bodies. The difference was evident for Zara, Lisa's body felt soft, supple, underneath her hands. The man's on the other hand felt hard, his muscles tensing beneath his soft skin. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot, she really was going to have sex with a stranger with a friend!<<else>>This was risky, hopefully nobody catches them here.<</if>> The three of them strip off each other's clothes, Zara loses track of whose hand undresses her while she does the same for the other two.
The man shifts his focus on Zara, using his fingers, he enters her pussy. She could feel the callouses on his palms rub against her mound but it somehow felt so good. Not wanting Lisa to be left out, Zara uses her mouth to suck on her tits, gently teasing her nipples and causing Lisa to moan with pleasure.
<<set _chance = random(1,4)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The man suddenly exits Zara, and grabs the two girls by the shoulders, leading them. He lays on the ground, beckoning them to take their positions. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara knew what she wanted to do at once! She immediately clambers up to his dick, leaving Lisa to position herself over the man's face.<<else>>Lisa pushes Zara towards his dick as she positions herself above the man's face.<</if>> Zara can feel the tip of his dick rub against her pussy, she lowers herself slowly, feeling it stretch her out as she went lower and lower.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan as she rode the man like a true cowgirl. She could feel the cock growing even larger inside her with every up and down motion. Every inch of it could be felt inside her and it was too much! She felt a sudden orgasm rock through her without any warning, making her shout in pure pleasure. Her pussy tightened around the man's cock as she kept riding due to the pleasure she was feeling, so tight that the man could not hold himself back. He pushes off the two girls and brings their heads closer, jerking himself off above them. Lisa and Zara immediately shift focus onto his cock's head. Zara could taste the precum and Lisa's saliva in her mouth as the two girls slobbered all over him.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum shoots out of the man's dick, splattering the lips of both the girls. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara wanted his cum so bad, she made sure to lap up every single drop that shot out. Yet, her face was covered too, so hot!<<else>>Zara let a few drops cum in her mouth, savoring the taste but still letting the rest end up on her face.<</if>>
<<elseif _chance eq 2>>\
The man suddenly exits Zara, and grabs the two girls by the shoulders, leading them. He lays on the ground, beckoning them to take their positions. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara knew what she wanted to do at once! She immediately clambers up to his face, leaving Lisa to position herself over the man's cock.<<else>>Lisa pushes Zara towards his face as she positions herself above the man's cock.<</if>> Zara gasps as she feels the man's tongue dart into her pussy. She was already so wet.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan as she rode the man's face like a true cowgirl. With every move, the man's tongue ran through her entire trench, making her moan louder! She felt a sudden orgasm rock through her without any warning, making her shout in pure pleasure. Her thighs tighten around the man's head as her vision blurs from the orgasm.
The man suddenly pushes off the two girls and brings their heads closer, jerking himself off above them. Lisa and Zara immediately shift focus onto his cock's head. Zara could taste the precum and Lisa's saliva in her mouth as the two girls slobbered all over him.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum shoots out of the man's dick, splattering the lips of both the girls. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara wanted his cum so bad, she made sure to lap up every single drop that shot out. Yet, her face was covered too, so hot!<<else>>Zara let a few drops cum in her mouth, savoring the taste but still letting the rest end up on her face.<</if>>
<<elseif _chance eq 3>>\
The man suddenly exits Zara and takes the two girls by the shoulders. He lays Lisa on the ground and Zara right on top of her, a 69 position! <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara grinned happily, she could feel Lisa's breath on her pussy! She could not wait to be fucked while being eaten out by her friend.<<else>>Zara felt a bit nervous, what if someone caught them here in these very intimate positions?<</if>> The man positions himself behind Zara, aiming his throbbing cock at her pussy. He thrusts forward, inserting himself smoothly, making Zara gasp with pleasure at the feeling. Lisa wastes no time herself and her tongue darts out immediately, running through the folds of Zara's pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara moans loudly as the pleasure was so immense, how could she control herself with her friend's tongue running along her pussy while being fucked by such a hot stranger? Lisa's tongue flicks at Zara's clit with just the right amount of tempo and pleasure, hearing the pleasure in Zara's voice made Lisa feel so excited! The man suddenly pulls out, jerking himself off right above Lisa's face, she did not have to wait long as spurts of cum landed on Zara's pussy and drip down onto Lisa.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara felt a bit sad, she <font color="red">WANTED</font> a taste of the man's cum, so bad!<<else>>Zara smiles at Lisa, she was definitely enjoying the man's cum.<</if>> After the spurts of cum stop, the man aims his cock down toward Lisa's mouth, she takes it in, licking it clean.
The man suddenly exits Zara and takes the two girls by the shoulders. He lays Zara on the ground and Lisa right on top of her, a 69 position! <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara grinned happily, she was so close to Lisa's pussy! She could eat her out to her heart's content.<<else>>Zara felt a bit nervous, what if someone caught them here in these very intimate positions?<</if>> The man positions himself behind Lisa, aiming his throbbing cock at her pussy. He thrusts forward, inserting himself smoothly, making Lisa gasp with pleasure at the feeling. Zara wastes no time herself and her tongue darts out immediately, running through the folds of Lisa's pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Lisa moans loudly as the pleasure was so immense, how could she control herself with her friend's tongue running along her pussy while being fucked by such a hot stranger? Zara's tongue flicks at Lisa's clit with just the right amount of tempo and pleasure, hearing the pleasure in Lisa's voice made Zara feel so excited! The man suddenly pulls out, jerking himself off right above Zara's face, she did not have to wait long as spurts of cum landed on Lisa's pussy and drip down onto Zara.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Like a good girl, Zara opens her mouth wide gleefully, she <font color="red">WANTED</font> a taste of the man's cum, so bad!<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, a bit nervous. It felt like she was going to have "secondhand" cum in her mouth.<</if>> The taste was intoxicating, if the man had bottled his cum, Zara probably would have bought it. After the spurts of cum stop, the man aims his cock down toward Zara's mouth, she takes it in, licking it clean. She can taste the remaining cum on his tip, and she was happy to clean it up!
As they stepped out of the clearing, the man gave them a final glance before slipping away, disappearing down another path without a word. Zara and Lisa, unfazed, continued their stroll through the park, the evening air cool against their skin. The distant sounds of rustling leaves and faint laughter from other parkgoers filled the space between them, but neither felt the need to speak. When they finally reached the park’s exit, they slowed, turning to each other with small smiles. Sharing a quick hug, they exchanged one last playful look before parting ways, each heading off on their own path.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Jecinda District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Lisa's relationship is not enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept doing more with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@<<addenergy -20>>\
<img src="img/mall/mall.webp" height="300">
Zara enters the mall, the cool air from the mall's AC makes her shiver. There is a crowd of people walking and chatting and shopping away in the mall.
She suddenly feels two arms hug her from behind. They are feminine but still strong. It is most definitely Lisa. Turning around, her guess is confirmed. Lisa stands there smiling, looking very pretty.
Zara and Lisa meandered through the bustling mall, their laughter blending with the hum of shoppers. They paused at vibrant storefronts, occasionally peering into windows filled with enticing merchandise. As they continued their leisurely stroll, the two of them got on an escalator, with Zara standing in front. And right behind them, stood a man. Not just any man, but one of the best-looking men Zara may ever lay eyes on. He looked genuinely handsome with a sharp jawline and strong-looking features. Even Lisa seemed to have noticed and the two girls looked at each other, giggling. A thought crosses into Zara's mind...
<<link "No, nevermind">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara immediately forgets the thought that had just appeared in her head. What was wrong with her? Those kinds of thoughts are... weird. Especially since she was meant to be hanging out with her friend.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Lisa decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center>[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 10>>\
<<link "Act on it">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara licks her lips in anticipation and looks around. Nobody else was on the escalator. Zara leaned in slightly towards Lisa, <font color="pink">"What if we… had a little fun?"</font> she whispered, her tone playful but daring. Lisa’s smirk widened, her curiosity piqued.
<font color="fuchsia">"I’m listening,"</font> she said, leaning in closer to Zara, fully intrigued by whatever Zara had in mind. Zara leans in and whispers her plan, Lisa nods along gleefully.
The two girls wave at the man, his attention immediately snaps towards the two girls, quizically looking at them. Before he could say anything, the two girls raised their skirts, flashing him.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/flash/duo_mall_ass'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The man's jaw goes agape at the sight in front of him. Before anybody else could witness their hot tight bodies, the two girls covered back up. They giggle to themselves, seeing the man's awestruck reaction.
<<link "That's enough">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
The man continues staring at their asses until they reach the top of the escalator. But before he could ask them anything, the two girls ran away, giggling. The man is left behind in their dust, still looking at them confused- and horny.
Carrying only the memories of a day filled with laughter and window shopping, Zara and Lisa decided to exit the mall. As they stepped out into the bustling daylight, they bid each other farewell, the echoes of shared moments lingering briefly before they went their separate ways.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 30>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 15>>\
<<link "Do more">>
<<replace "#action1">>\
<font color="pink">"Come with us"</font>, Zara purrs with a sly smile plastered on her face to the man. Lisa bites her lower lip, bending forward, showing off her cleavage to the man, egging him on to join them.
The man nods and allows himself to be led by the two girls to a clothing store. The three of them sneak into a stall of the changing rooms, nobody sees them enter together.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
Zara was on her knees along with Lisa, both of them now faced the penis of the man standing in front of them, penis twitching and precum already leaking. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>It was so big! So veiny! So <font color="red">hot!</font><<else>>It was a good looking dick, it made Zara feel a bit nervous for some reason.<</if>>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/ffm_bj'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The two girls slobber on his dick, <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara loved pleasuring a man with another girl on her team.<<else>>Zara was not used to this stuff but was liking it.<</if>> The man raises his hand, showing a sign he was about to cum. Lisa and Zara immediately shift focus onto his cock's head. Zara could taste the precum and Lisa's saliva in her mouth as the two girls slobbered all over him.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum shoots out of the man's dick, splattering the lips of both the girls. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 45>>Zara wanted his cum so bad, she made sure to lap up every single drop that shot out. Yet, her face was covered too, so hot!<<else>>Zara let a few drops cum in her mouth, savoring the taste but still letting the rest end up on her face.<</if>>
The changing room door eased open, and Lisa, Zara, and the man slipped out quietly, glancing around to make sure no one had noticed. The store buzzed with activity, shoppers too preoccupied with their own purchases to pay them any mind. Without a word, the man gave them a final glance before casually walking off, disappearing into the crowd. Zara and Lisa exchanged smirks before continuing their stroll through the mall, pausing every so often to admire displays without any real intention of buying. After a while, with nothing catching their interest, they made their way toward the exit, stepping out into the cool air of the evening, their little adventure now behind them.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+1 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 50>>\
<<if $lisa.relationship gte 30>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
The two girls face the man in front of them. His cock already hardened at just the thought of fucking their two beautiful bodies, evident by the tent in his pants. Zara leans forward, making out with the man whilst Lisa starts rubbing his cock through the fabric of his jeans, not for long though, as she pops it out. It was big, throbbing, sexy.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The man takes Zara by her shoulders and sets her down on her knees whilst leaning Lisa against the wall. Zara was right below Lisa, she could smell Lisa's pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Not able to help herself, she lurches forward and gives it a few licks, making Lisa gasp. The man started readying himself for penetration.<<else>>She waits patiently as the man gets ready, the smell of his cock also entering her nostrils.<</if>> The muskiness of his cock grew stronger as he brought it closer to Lisa's pussy, rubbing against it before entering. Zara using her mouth starts pleasuring Lisa and the man's cock at the same time.
<<set _i = random(2,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could taste the buildup of fluids in Lisa's pussy as the man continued fucking her. Lisa moaned loudly as the man thrust in and out of her with a fiery passion, but too loud! The man places a hand on her mouth, shushing her. His thrusts become more wild as he gets even closer to orgasm. He suddenly pulls out and brings Lisa to her knees too.
The man takes Lisa by her shoulders and sets her down on her knees whilst leaning Zara against the wall. Lisa was right below Zara, she could feel Lisa's breath on her pussy. Lisa being impatient and horny, could not wait any longer. She lurched forward and buried her face in Zara's pussy. Zara could not help but gasp out loud as she felt Lisa's tongue run through her pussy. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>This was so hot! Being eaten out while a stranger gets ready to fuck her guts out.<<else>>She hopes nobody comes and catches them in here, it would be embarrassing.<</if>> But, she could not concentrate for long as she feels the man's cock rub against the entrance of her pussy. She gives out a low moan as the man slowly inserts himself in her.
<<set _i = random(2,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could feel herself getting stretched out by the man's cock, it somehow was rubbing against every single inch of her pussy in just the right manner. Zara moaned loudly as the man thrust in and out of her with a fiery passion, but too loud! The man places a hand on her mouth, shushing her. Zara could also feel Lisa's tongue flicking her clit, causing her immense pleasure. Too much in fact, she feels an orgasm grab hold of her, causing her to give out a light scream of pleasure, muffled by the hand on her mouth. The man's thrusts become more wild as he gets even closer to orgasm. He suddenly pulls out and brings Zara to her knees too.
Lisa and Zara immediately shift focus onto his cock's head. Zara could taste the precum and Lisa's saliva in her mouth as the two girls slobbered all over him.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum shoots out of the man's dick, splattering the lips of both the girls. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 65>>Zara wanted his cum so bad, she made sure to lap up every single drop that shot out. Yet, her face was covered too, so hot!<<else>>Zara let a few drops cum in her mouth, savoring the taste but still letting the rest end up on her face.<</if>>
The changing room door eased open, and Lisa, Zara, and the man slipped out quietly, glancing around to make sure no one had noticed. The store buzzed with activity, shoppers too preoccupied with their own purchases to pay them any mind. Without a word, the man gave them a final glance before casually walking off, disappearing into the crowd. Zara and Lisa exchanged smirks before continuing their stroll through the mall, pausing every so often to admire displays without any real intention of buying. After a while, with nothing catching their interest, they made their way toward the exit, stepping out into the cool air of the evening, their little adventure now behind them.
<center><font color="aquamarine">+2 Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 2>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="Slutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing slutty clothes</font>
<font color="aquamarine">+1 Boosted Relationship with Lisa</font>
<<set $lisa.relationship += 1>>\
[[Both of them go their separate ways|Arabella District][$minute+=50]]</center>
<center>Lisa's relationship is not enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 50</font></center>
<center>Lisa can't yet accept taking things further with Zara...
<font color="gold">Required Relationship: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to do more...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 30</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to act on this thought...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 10</font></center>
@@She decides to sleep clothed and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-clothed.webp" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's father, Ben.
He slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves his hand in front of her face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep. The smell of alcohol lingered around him, he had been drinking.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexClothed/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Satisfied with his conclusion he starts groping Zara's supple body, feeling her smooth soft skin on his hands. Through his shorts, his bulge can be seen as he gets harder. Zara's father knew this was wrong, but he doesn't care, he can only think about one thing now. The alcohol in his system made him lose all his inhibitions.
He takes off his shorts and slowly inches toward Zara's face. In his mind, he hopes to one day stick his dick straight down his daughter's throat.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexClothed/dickrub'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara's father rubs his dick on her soft face, slowly getting more aroused as she continues. He can't believe she hasn't woken up yet. Her lips we so soft, he wanted to put it her mouth but thought the risk would be too high right now, Zara might not accept him.
Not wanting to take any more risks he puts his shorts back on and leaves her room quietly.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>She decides to sleep clothed and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-clothed.webp" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's brother, Kyle.
He slowly walks up to Zara's bed, slowly and anxiously waves his hand in front of her face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexClothed/grope'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Satisfied with his conclusion he starts groping Zara's supple body lightly, feeling her smooth soft skin on his hands. Through his shorts, his bulge can be seen as he gets harder. Zara's brother knew this was wrong, he just hopes Zara does not wake up. He gets an idea... but would it be wrong?
He takes off his shorts and prays Zara does not wake up. He slowly inches toward Zara's face.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexClothed/dickrub'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Kyle rubs his dick on her soft face, slowly getting more aroused as he continues. He can't believe she hasn't woken up yet. Her lips we so soft, he wanted to put it her mouth but thought the risk would be too high, he did not want to get caught.
Not wanting to take any more risks he puts his shorts back on and leaves her room quietly.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center><<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,2)>>\
She decides to sleep topless and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-topless.webp" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's father.
He slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves his hand in front of her face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep.
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<set _cumPlace = either("tits", "ass", "face")>>\
Zara's father marvels at her chest, shamelessly ogling her naked breasts. Using one hand to grope her chest and the other to stroke himself, he gets closer and closer to busting his nut. Zara does not even stir in her sleep as her own father jerks off right on top of her.
<<if _cumPlace == "tits">>\
He is getting closer and closer. He points his penis to Zara's chest and cums all over her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumtits'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Still without any shame for cumming on his own daughter, he grabs a towel and gently wipes off his cum and then quietly leaves the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if _cumPlace == "ass">>\
Zara turns in her sleep, presenting her ass to her father. He starts stroking himself faster and uses his other hand to gently caress her ass. He wishes his cock was deep inside Zara right now. With a low moan, he cums all over her ass.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumass'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Still without any shame for cumming on his own daughter, he quickly grabs a towel and wipes it off before leaving her room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if _cumPlace == "face">>\
<<set _chance = either(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance == 1>>\
Putting all his societal morals aside he points his penis to Zara's face and splurges his cum all over it. Just as the first drop hit Zara wakes up from her sleep and stares at her _sexChar in disbelief.
<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface1.webp" height="220">
<font color="pink">"What the fuck?!"</font>, she whispers angrily at her _sexChar.
<font color="cyan">"Shh, just clean me up like a good girl"</font>, he replies.
<<link "Reject him">>
<<replace "#cleanUp">>\
<font color="Pink">"No! Fuck off!"</font>, she hisses.
Disappointed, her _sexChar leaves her alone and exits the room.
<center>[[Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 45>>\
<<link "Clean him up">>\
<<replace "#cleanUp">>\
<font color="Pink">"Fine, just this once okay?"</font>
<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface1-cleanup.webp" height="220">
Without a single word of reply, he promptly sticks his dick into Zara's mouth. She accepts her dad's cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his dick, cleaning it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>This was so hot!<<else>>This felt a bit wrong...<</if>>
Once done he quickly gives her a kiss on her forehead and leaves her room.
<center>[[Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
Putting all his societal morals aside he points his penis to Zara's face and splurges his cum all over it.
<<set _i = random(2,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Even as the spurts of cum land on Zara's face, she does not wake up. Her _sexChar could not believe his luck. After he was done, he grabs a towel and gently wipes her face and then leaves the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
Satisfied with his conclusion, he first uses his fingers to pry open Zara's mouth. She stirs in her sleep but does not wake up. Looking at her tits, Zara's _sexChar can't help it anymore. He starts to stroke his dick while placing his fingers in her mouth, letting her suck on them.
He decided to take it a step further. He slowly climbs onto her bed and angles his penis towards her mouth. In her sleep with no knowledge of it, Zara is now sucking off her own _sexChar's penis.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/blowjob'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He thrusts into Zara's mouth, getting closer and closer to cumming. Putting all his societal morals aside he points his penis to Zara's face and splurges his cum all over it.
<<set _i = random(2,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Even as the spurts of cum land on Zara's face, she does not wake up. Her _sexChar could not believe his luck. After he was done, he grabs a towel and gently wipes her face and then leaves the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<endif>><<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
<<set _eventCh = random(1,2)>>\
She decides to sleep topless and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-topless.webp" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's _sexChar.
He slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves his hand in front of her face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep.
<<if _eventCh == 1>>\
<<set _cumPlace = either("tits", "ass", "face")>>\
Zara's _sexChar marvels at her chest, he felt slight shame in ogling at his own sister's tits, but his horniness made it no longer matter. Using one hand to grope her chest and the other to stroke himself, he gets closer and closer to busting his nut. Zara does not even stir in her sleep as her own _sexChar jerks off right on top of her.
<<if _cumPlace == "tits">>\
He is getting closer and closer. He points his penis to Zara's chest and cums all over her tits.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumtits'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Realizing what he just did, he grabs a towel and gently wipes off his cum and then quietly leaves the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if _cumPlace == "ass">>\
Zara turns in her sleep, presenting her ass to her _sexChar. He starts stroking himself faster and uses his other hand to gently caress her ass. Kyle felt a bit weird doing this to his own sister. With a low moan, he cums all over her ass.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumass'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He quickly grabs a towel and wipes it off before leaving her room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if _cumPlace == "face">>\
<<set _chance = either(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance == 1>>\
Putting all his societal morals aside he points his penis to Zara's face and splurges his cum all over it. Just as the first drop hit Zara wakes up from her sleep and stares at her _sexChar in disbelief.
<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface1.webp" height="220">
<font color="pink">"What the fuck?!"</font>, she whispers angrily at her _sexChar.
<font color="cyan">"Shh, please don't tell anyone. Please, just clean me up"</font>, he pleads.
<<link "Reject him">>
<<replace "#cleanUp">>\
<font color="Pink">"No! Fuck off!"</font>, she hisses.
Disappointed, her _sexChar leaves her alone and exits the room.
<center>[[Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 45>>\
<<link "Clean him up">>\
<<replace "#cleanUp">>\
<font color="Pink">"Fine, just this once okay?"</font>
<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface1-cleanup.webp" height="220">
He nods, his face blushing now, he sticks his dick into Zara's mouth. She accepts it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his dick, cleaning it. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 60>>This was so hot!<<else>>This felt a bit wrong...<</if>>
Once done he quickly gives Zara a quick kiss and leaves her room.
<center>[[Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 45</font></center>
Putting all his societal morals aside he points his penis to Zara's face and splurges his cum all over it.
<<set _i = random(2,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Even as the spurts of cum land on Zara's face, she does not wake up. Her _sexChar could not believe his luck. He felt a bit bad doing this to his own sister though. After he was done, he grabs a towel and gently wipes her face and then leaves the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<elseif _eventCh == 2>>\
Satisfied with his conclusion, he first uses his fingers to pry open Zara's mouth. She stirs in her sleep but does not wake up. Looking at her tits, Zara's _sexChar can't help it anymore, even through his shyness. He starts to stroke his dick while placing his fingers in her mouth, letting her suck on them.
He decided to take it a step further. He slowly climbs onto her bed and angles his penis towards her mouth, doing his best not to wake his sister. In her sleep with no knowledge of it, Zara is now sucking off her own _sexChar's penis.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/blowjob'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
He thrusts into Zara's mouth, getting closer and closer to cumming. Putting all his societal morals aside he points his penis to Zara's face and splurges his cum all over it.
<<set _i = random(2,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexTopless/cumface'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Even as the spurts of cum land on Zara's face, she does not wake up. Her _sexChar could not believe his luck. After he was done, he grabs a towel and gently wipes her face and then leaves the room.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<endif>><<set _sexChar = "Father">>\
She decides to sleep completely naked and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-nude.jpg" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's _sexChar.
He slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves his hand in front of her face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep.
Looking at her fully naked body he could not contain himself for even a second. With his dick already hard he clambers onto the bed and inserts his penis into her vagina. He is not gentle and pounds away at her pussy like there's no tomorrow.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With every thrust, he gets closer to cumming.
<<set _ch = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _ch == 1>>\
Zara's _sexChar with one final low moan thrusts deep into her pussy and ejaculates, letting his seed flow deep inside her. He was cumming in his own daughter!
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/creampie'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Quietly, he leaves her room, closing the door behind him.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<elseif _ch == 2>>\
Suddenly Zara wakes up and pushes him off her.
<font color="pink">"Seriously? Now? While I sleep?"</font>, she asks exasperatedly.
<font color="cyan">"Shh, come on, let me just finish. I am close, I promise"</font>, he replies.
<<link "Reject him">>
<<replace "#reply">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah, that's not happening. Leave my room"</font>
Disappointed, Zara's _sexChar leaves her room, closing the door behind him.
<center>[[Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 70>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#reply">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>><font color="pink">"Fuck it, fine. Let's do this"</font>, she says with a sly smile.<<else>>Zara just sighs to herself and nods.<</if>> Wasting no time Zara's _sexChar resumes fucking her, this time with no holds barred.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Suddenly there was a noise outside, which made him stop. And before Zara even realizes her _sexChar has left the room, leaving her unsatisfied.
<center>[[Grumbling, Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<<endif>><<set _sexChar = "Brother">>\
She decides to sleep completely naked and climbs into bed. As the weight of the blanket caresses her she drifts off to the land of dreams.
<img src="img/bedroom/sleeping-nude.jpg" height="220">
After a few hours, her door slowly creaks open and a figure walks in.
The figure steps into a sliver of light and is revealed to be Zara's _sexChar.
He slowly walks up to Zara's bed and waves his hand in front of her face, ensuring she is indeed in deep sleep.
Looking at her fully naked body he could not contain himself for even a second. With his dick already hard he clambers onto the bed and inserts his penis into her vagina. He starts off gentle, doing his best not to wake his sister up. But, as he kept thrusting, he could not help himself as his thrusts quickened.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
With every thrust, he gets closer to cumming.
<<set _ch = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _ch == 1>>\
Zara's _sexChar with one final low moan thrusts deep into her pussy and ejaculates, letting his seed flow deep inside her. Even though this felt like a mistake, he could not help himself cumming in his own sister.
<<set _i = 1>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/creampie'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Quietly, he leaves her room, closing the door behind him.
<center>[[Wake up|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<elseif _ch == 2>>\
Suddenly Zara wakes up and pushes him off her.
<font color="pink">"Seriously? Now? While I sleep?"</font>, she asks exasperatedly.
<font color="cyan">"Shh, come on, let me just finish. I am close, I promise"</font>, he pleads.
<<link "Reject him">>
<<replace "#reply">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah, that's not happening. Leave my room"</font>
Disappointed, Zara's _sexChar leaves her room, closing the door behind him.
<center>[[Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption >= 70>>\
<<link "Accept">>
<<replace "#reply">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 85>><font color="pink">"Fuck it, fine. Let's do this"</font>, she says with a sly smile.<<else>>Zara just sighs to herself and nods.<</if>> Wasting no time Zara's _sexChar resumes fucking her, this time with no holds barred.
<<set _i = random(1,4)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/SleepSexNude/wakeup'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Suddenly there was a noise outside, which made him stop. And before Zara even realizes her _sexChar has left the room, leaving her unsatisfied.
<center>[[Grumbling, Zara goes back to sleep|wakeup_nodream]]</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to accept...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 70</font></center>
<<endif>>Zara tilted her head back, squinting up at the clear sky as the sun beamed down relentlessly. The heat pressed against her skin, making her P.E. uniform stick uncomfortably to her back. The faint chatter of her classmates and the sharp whistle of the coach directing drills filled the field, blending into a familiar background noise. She sighed, taking a moment to gather herself when a sudden shift in the air made her freeze.
There was a presence behind her, close enough to send a shiver down her spine. Before she could react or even turn around, strong hands grabbed her shoulders. Zara’s breath hitched as she was pulled backward, the world around her blurring. In seconds, she was dragged off the open field, through a narrow gap between thick bushes and trees. The laughter and shouting from her classmates faded, muffled by the dense foliage. Hidden away from view, Zara’s heart pounded in her chest as the realization hit her- no one could see her here, not the P.E. coach, not her classmates.
Finally, the grip on her shoulders released, and Zara stumbled forward before quickly spinning around. Her heart sank as she saw Jessica and her friends surrounding her, their expressions cold and menacing. Before she could say a word, Jessica lunged at her, hands outstretched, clearly trying to force her to the ground. But Zara’s instincts kicked in- there was no way she was letting that happen.
<<link "Fight her off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
Zara’s heart was pounding as Jessica’s grip held firm, but she wasn’t about to let herself be overpowered. She gritted her teeth, planting her feet and shoving hard against Jessica’s shoulders. The effort took everything she had, but it worked- Jessica staggered back a step, her hands slipping off Zara completely. Zara was breathing heavily, her arms trembling from the strain.
Jessica straightened up quickly, her face a mask of fury. Her cruel smile was gone, replaced by a glare so sharp it felt like it could cut through steel. The tension between them was palpable, but no one else seemed to notice the storm brewing just beneath the surface.
<<link "Run away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Before she or her friends surrounding them could react further. Zara runs for it, taking them all by surprise. Her heart pounds along with her feet on the ground as she leaves them all behind. Nobody could catch her now.
Finally, she is back in the open field with her classmates, she looks back but could not see Jessica nor her friends around in the area. She had escaped properly, without any issues.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<link "Take revenge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara felt the anger rise in her. No way she was letting Jessica go scott-free. She wanted revenge. She knew what Jessica was trying to do to her. Time to make her taste her own medicine!
Zara jumped toward Jessica, hands outstretched while her friends continued watching from the sidelines. They cheered Jessica on. But, Zara did not need cheers, she had willpower.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
And her willpower won, it bested Jessica. She threw Jessica onto the ground and climbed on top of her before she could even attempt to get up. Jessica's friends all got quiet but nobody came forward to help her, what kind of friends were they? Zara does not care enough though, she grabs a hold of Jessica's top and...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets off her victim, still breathing heavily from the strain of the struggle. Jessica immediately covers herself up. Her face was red... with both embarrassment and rage. She looks around at her friends and yells at them, <font color="fuchsia">"What the fuck are you guys doing? Get her!"</font>
But, before anybody could do anything, Zara sprints away. Her feet pound onto the ground as she leaves everyone behind. She can not hear anybody behind her.
Finally, she is back in the open field with her classmates, she looks back but could not see Jessica or her friends around in the area. She had escaped properly, without any issues.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has reduced</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation-=2>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica. Zara is thrown onto the ground. This time, she had no energy to fight back. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. Jessica's friends all cheer as their phones start clicking away, taking pictures of Zara's exposed boobs. And all she felt was embarrassment and pure rage.
Jessica snapped her fingers, and a lackey stepped forward with a coil of rope. Two boys moved in, their grins sharp as they tore at Zara’s clothes, silencing her protests with a rough hand over her mouth. Stripped bare, she was dragged to a tree, her skin prickling under the cold air and colder stares. Jessica tied her tightly, the ropes biting into her skin as she leaned in, whispering, <font color="fuchsia">"This is what happens when you forget your place."</font>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/tree_tied'+_i+'.jpg" height="220">'>>
Exposed and humiliated, Zara clenched her jaw, refusing to cry, even as her heart raced with shame and defiance.
<<set _chance = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
After what felt like hours of trying and shimmying, Zara felt the ropes start to loosen. She was probably a bit luckier than she realized, who knows what would have happened if she was stuck there longer... or if someone found her in such an exposed position.
Zara put on her clothes, brushed off the grass that stuck to it, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She would have her revenge soon, she was sure. She checked her phone, she had been tied there for an hour! Were they planning on ever freeing her...?
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Leave">>\
<<set $hour += 1>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<elseif _chance eq 2>>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the evening air settling over her bare body. She strained against her bindings, her breaths shallow and uneven, when suddenly—a crackle of leaves. Her head snapped up, heart pounding as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a boy, his face obscured by a dark mask, his presence both unsettling and oddly calm.
Zara’s voice trembled as she begged, <font color="pink">"Please… untie me."</font> He stepped closer, his movements deliberate, and without a word, he began loosening the ropes. Relief flooded her—until he stopped, leaving her arms bound, and guided her to her knees. Zara’s pulse quickened, her mind racing as she looked up at him, unsure of his intentions, her vulnerability laid bare under his masked gaze.
The boy’s hands moved to his waist, and Zara’s breath hitched as she realized what was coming. He freed his cock, already hard, and her stomach churned with a mix of fear and helplessness. Before she could protest, he stepped closer, his grip firm on the back of her head. <font color="cyan">"Open,"</font> he commanded, his voice low and unyielding. Zara hesitated, her mind racing, but with her arms still bound and her body trembling, she had no choice. She parted her lips, and he pushed himself into her mouth, his length filling it completely.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/tree_ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears welled in her eyes as he began to move, his thrusts slow at first, then growing more urgent. Zara’s muffled whimpers echoed in the clearing, her body tense and unresponsive, as he used her for his own pleasure, his masked face betraying nothing of his thoughts. The world seemed to narrow to the sound of his ragged breaths and the ache in her jaw, leaving her feeling more exposed and violated than ever. Finally, he was done, she felt spurts of cum land inside her mouth, she tried to spit it out but the boy simply pushed his cock deeper into her throat. She could feel the warm liquid slip into her throat, making her gag. Finally, he pulls out, letting Zara breathe. He unties the last few ropes and walks away. Zara lay there on the ground, her jaw aching and her breath ragged.
Zara started to put on her clothes, brushing off the grass that stuck to them, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She was a strong woman. Zara took a few more deep breaths and walked out back to the school building.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=4>>\
<font color="teal">-3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -3>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Return to school">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the evening air settling over her bare body. She strained against her bindings, her breaths shallow and uneven, when suddenly—a crackle of leaves. Her head snapped up, heart pounding as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a boy, his face obscured by a dark mask, his presence both unsettling and oddly calm.
Zara’s voice trembled as she begged, <font color="pink">"Please… untie me."</font> He stepped closer, his movements deliberate, and without a word, he began loosening the ropes. Relief flooded her—until he stopped, leaving her arms bound, and guided her to face the tree. Zara’s pulse quickened, her mind racing as she looked at him, unsure of his intentions, her vulnerability laid bare under his masked gaze.
The boy’s hands moved to his waist, and Zara’s breath hitched as she realized what was coming. He freed his cock, already hard, and her stomach churned with a mix of fear and helplessness. Before she could protest, he stepped closer, his grip firm on her waist. <font color="cyan">"Do not resist,"</font> he commanded, his voice low and unyielding. Zara hesitated, her mind racing, but with her arms still bound and her body trembling, she had no choice. She nods at him, and he pushed himself into her pussy, his length filling it completely.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/tree_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears welled in her eyes as he began to move, his thrusts slow at first, then growing more urgent. Zara’s whimpers echoed in the clearing, slowly those whimpers started to turn to gasps of unwanted pleasure, her body tense and unresponsive, as he used her for his own pleasure, his masked face betraying nothing of his thoughts. The world seemed to narrow to the sound of his ragged breaths and the ache in her pussy, leaving her feeling more exposed and violated than ever. Finally, he was done, she felt spurts of cum land inside her pussy, the warmth spreads deeper and deeper inside her. Finally, he pulls out, making Zara gasp at the sudden emptiness. He unties the last few ropes and walks away. Zara lay there on the ground, her pussy aching and her breath ragged from being used so roughly.
Zara started to put on her clothes, brushing off the grass that stuck to them, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She was a strong woman. Zara took a few more deep breaths and walked out back to the school building.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=5>>\
<font color="teal">-4 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -4>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -4</font>
<<addcorruption -4>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Return to school">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to take revenge...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica. Zara is thrown onto the ground. She had no energy to continue fighting back. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. Jessica's friends all cheer as their phones start clicking away, taking pictures of Zara's exposed boobs. And all she felt was embarrassment and pure rage.
Jessica snapped her fingers, and a lackey stepped forward with a coil of rope. Two boys moved in, their grins sharp as they tore at Zara’s clothes, silencing her protests with a rough hand over her mouth. Stripped bare, she was dragged to a tree, her skin prickling under the cold air and colder stares. Jessica tied her tightly, the ropes biting into her skin as she leaned in, whispering, <font color="fuchsia">"This is what happens when you forget your place."</font>
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/tree_tied'+_i+'.jpg" height="220">'>>
Exposed and humiliated, Zara clenched her jaw, refusing to cry, even as her heart raced with shame and defiance.
<<set _chance = random(1,3)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the cool air settling over her bare body. After what felt like hours of trying and shimmying, Zara felt the ropes start to loosen. She was probably a bit luckier than she realized, who knows what would have happened if she was stuck there longer... or if someone found her in such an exposed position.
Zara put on her clothes, brushed off the grass that stuck to it, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She would have her revenge soon, she was sure. She checked her phone, she had been tied there for an hour! Were they planning on ever freeing her...?
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Leave">>\
<<set $hour += 1>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<elseif _chance eq 2>>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the cool air settling over her bare body. She strained against her bindings, her breaths shallow and uneven, when suddenly—a crackle of leaves. Her head snapped up, heart pounding as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a boy, his face obscured by a dark mask, his presence both unsettling and oddly calm.
Zara’s voice trembled as she begged, <font color="pink">"Please… untie me."</font> He stepped closer, his movements deliberate, and without a word, he began loosening the ropes. Relief flooded her—until he stopped, leaving her arms bound, and guided her to her knees. Zara’s pulse quickened, her mind racing as she looked up at him, unsure of his intentions, her vulnerability laid bare under his masked gaze.
The boy’s hands moved to his waist, and Zara’s breath hitched as she realized what was coming. He freed his cock, already hard, and her stomach churned with a mix of fear and helplessness. Before she could protest, he stepped closer, his grip firm on the back of her head. <font color="cyan">"Open,"</font> he commanded, his voice low and unyielding. Zara hesitated, her mind racing, but with her arms still bound and her body trembling, she had no choice. She parted her lips, and he pushed himself into her mouth, his length filling it completely.
<<set _i = random(1,1)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/tree_ff'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears welled in her eyes as he began to move, his thrusts slow at first, then growing more urgent. Zara’s muffled whimpers echoed in the clearing, her body tense and unresponsive, as he used her for his own pleasure, his masked face betraying nothing of his thoughts. The world seemed to narrow to the sound of his ragged breaths and the ache in her jaw, leaving her feeling more exposed and violated than ever. Finally, he was done, she felt spurts of cum land inside her mouth, she tried to spit it out but the boy simply pushed his cock deeper into her throat. She could feel the warm liquid slip into her throat, making her gag. Finally, he pulls out, letting Zara breathe. He unties the last few ropes and walks away. Zara lay there on the ground, her jaw aching and her breath ragged.
Zara started to put on her clothes, brushing off the grass that stuck to them, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She was a strong woman. Zara took a few more deep breaths and walked out back to the school building.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=4>>\
<font color="teal">-3 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -3>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -2</font>
<<addcorruption -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Return to school">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the evening air settling over her bare body. She strained against her bindings, her breaths shallow and uneven, when suddenly—a crackle of leaves. Her head snapped up, heart pounding as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a boy, his face obscured by a dark mask, his presence both unsettling and oddly calm.
Zara’s voice trembled as she begged, <font color="pink">"Please… untie me."</font> He stepped closer, his movements deliberate, and without a word, he began loosening the ropes. Relief flooded her—until he stopped, leaving her arms bound, and guided her to face the tree. Zara’s pulse quickened, her mind racing as she looked at him, unsure of his intentions, her vulnerability laid bare under his masked gaze.
The boy’s hands moved to his waist, and Zara’s breath hitched as she realized what was coming. He freed his cock, already hard, and her stomach churned with a mix of fear and helplessness. Before she could protest, he stepped closer, his grip firm on her waist. <font color="cyan">"Do not resist,"</font> he commanded, his voice low and unyielding. Zara hesitated, her mind racing, but with her arms still bound and her body trembling, she had no choice. She nods at him, and he pushed himself into her pussy, his length filling it completely.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/tree_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears welled in her eyes as he began to move, his thrusts slow at first, then growing more urgent. Zara’s whimpers echoed in the clearing, slowly those whimpers started to turn to gasps of unwanted pleasure, her body tense and unresponsive, as he used her for his own pleasure, his masked face betraying nothing of his thoughts. The world seemed to narrow to the sound of his ragged breaths and the ache in her pussy, leaving her feeling more exposed and violated than ever. Finally, he was done, she felt spurts of cum land inside her pussy, the warmth spreads deeper and deeper inside her. Finally, he pulls out, making Zara gasp at the sudden emptiness. He unties the last few ropes and walks away. Zara lay there on the ground, her pussy aching and her breath ragged from being used so roughly.
Zara started to put on her clothes, brushing off the grass that stuck to them, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She was a strong woman. Zara took a few more deep breaths and walked out back to the school building.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=5>>\
<font color="teal">-4 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -4>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -4</font>
<<addcorruption -4>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Return to school">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
@@Zara tilted her head back, squinting up at the clear sky as the sun beamed down relentlessly. The heat pressed against her skin, making her P.E. uniform stick uncomfortably to her back. The faint chatter of her classmates and the sharp whistle of the coach directing drills filled the field, blending into a familiar background noise. She sighed, taking a moment to gather herself when a sudden shift in the air made her freeze.
There was a presence behind her, close enough to send a shiver down her spine. Before she could react or even turn around, strong hands grabbed her shoulders. Zara’s breath hitched as she was pulled backward, the world around her blurring. In seconds, she was dragged off the open field, through a narrow gap between thick bushes and trees. The laughter and shouting from her classmates faded, muffled by the dense foliage. Hidden away from view, Zara’s heart pounded in her chest as the realization hit her- no one could see her here, not the P.E. coach, not her classmates.
Finally, the grip on her shoulders released, and Zara stumbled forward before quickly spinning around. Her heart sank as she saw Jessica and her friends surrounding her, their expressions cold and menacing. Before she could say a word, Jessica lunged at her, hands outstretched, clearly trying to force her to the ground. But Zara’s instincts kicked in- there was no way she was letting that happen.
<<link "Fight her off">>
<<replace "#action">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
Zara’s heart was pounding as Jessica’s grip held firm, but she wasn’t about to let herself be overpowered. She gritted her teeth, planting her feet and shoving hard against Jessica’s shoulders. The effort took everything she had, but it worked- Jessica staggered back a step, her hands slipping off Zara completely. Zara was breathing heavily, her arms trembling from the strain.
Jessica straightened up quickly, her face a mask of fury. Her cruel smile was gone, replaced by a glare so sharp it felt like it could cut through steel. The tension between them was palpable, but no one else seemed to notice the storm brewing just beneath the surface.
<<link "Run away">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Before she or her friends surrounding them could react further. Zara runs for it, taking them all by surprise. Her heart pounds along with her feet on the ground as she leaves them all behind. Nobody could catch her now.
Finally, she is back in the open field with her classmates, she looks back but could not see Jessica nor her friends around in the area. She had escaped properly, without any issues.
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 35>>\
<<link "Take revenge">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara felt the anger rise in her. No way she was letting Jessica go scott-free. She wanted revenge. She knew what Jessica was trying to do to her. Time to make her taste her own medicine!
Zara jumped toward Jessica, hands outstretched while her friends continued watching from the sidelines. They cheered Jessica on. But, Zara did not need cheers, she had willpower.
<<if $PlayerFitness >= random(1,120)>>\
And her willpower won, it bested Jessica. She threw Jessica onto the ground and climbed on top of her before she could even attempt to get up. Jessica's friends all got quiet but nobody came forward to help her, what kind of friends were they? Zara does not care enough though, she grabs a hold of Jessica's top and...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara gets off her victim, still breathing heavily from the strain of the struggle. Jessica immediately covers herself up. Her face was red... with both embarrassment and rage. She looks around at her friends and yells at them, <font color="fuchsia">"What the fuck are you guys doing? Get her!"</font>
But, before anybody could do anything, Zara sprints away. Her feet pound onto the ground as she leaves everyone behind. She can not hear anybody behind her.
Finally, she is back in the open field with her classmates, she looks back but could not see Jessica or her friends around in the area. She had escaped properly, without any issues.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has reduced</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation-=2>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica. Zara is thrown onto the ground. This time, she had no energy to fight back. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. Jessica's friends all cheer as their phones start clicking away, taking pictures of Zara's exposed boobs. And all she felt was embarrassment and pure rage.
Jessica snapped her fingers, and a lackey stepped forward with a coil of rope. Two boys moved in, their grins sharp as they tore at Zara’s clothes, silencing her protests with a rough hand over her mouth. Stripped bare, she was dragged towards a clearing, her skin prickling under the cold air and colder stares. Jessica tied her tightly, the ropes biting into her skin as she leaned in, whispering, <font color="fuchsia">"This is what happens when you forget your place."</font>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/ground_tied'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Exposed and humiliated, Zara clenched her jaw, refusing to cry, even as her heart raced with shame and defiance.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
After what felt like hours of trying and shimmying, Zara felt the ropes start to loosen. She was probably a bit luckier than she realized, who knows what would have happened if she was stuck there longer... or if someone found her in such an exposed position.
Zara put on her clothes, brushed off the grass that stuck to it, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She would have her revenge soon, she was sure. She checked her phone, she had been tied there for an hour! Were they planning on ever freeing her...?
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Leave">>\
<<set $hour += 1>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the evening air settling over her bare body. She strained against her bindings, her breaths shallow and uneven, when suddenly—a crackle of leaves. Her head snapped up, heart pounding as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a boy, his face obscured by a dark mask, his presence both unsettling and oddly calm.
Zara’s voice trembled as she begged, <font color="pink">"Please… untie me."</font> He stepped closer, his movements deliberate, he simply stares at her... hungrily. He looks around the area, nobody was there in sight.
The boy’s hands moved to his waist, and Zara’s breath hitched as she realized what was coming. He freed his cock, already hard, and her stomach churned with a mix of fear and helplessness. Before she could protest, he stepped closer, his grip firm on her waist. <font color="cyan">"Do not resist,"</font> he commanded, his voice low and unyielding. Zara hesitated, her mind racing, but with her arms still bound and her body trembling, she had no choice. She nods at him, and he pushed himself into her pussy, his length filling it completely.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/ground_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears welled in her eyes as he began to move, his thrusts slow at first, then growing more urgent. Zara’s whimpers echoed in the clearing, slowly those whimpers started to turn to gasps of unwanted pleasure, her body tense and unresponsive, as he used her for his own pleasure, his masked face betraying nothing of his thoughts. The world seemed to narrow to the sound of his ragged breaths and the ache in her pussy, leaving her feeling more exposed and violated than ever. Finally, he was done, she felt spurts of cum land inside her pussy, the warmth spreads deeper and deeper inside her. Finally, he pulls out, making Zara gasp at the sudden emptiness. He unties the last few ropes and walks away. Zara lay there on the ground, her pussy aching and her breath ragged from being used so roughly.
Zara started to put on her clothes, brushing off the grass that stuck to them, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She was a strong woman. Zara took a few more deep breaths and walked out back to the school building.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=5>>\
<font color="teal">-4 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -4>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -4</font>
<<addcorruption -4>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Return to school">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
<center>Zara does not have enough corruption to take revenge...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 35</font></center>
No matter how hard Zara struggled, she couldn’t win against Jessica. Zara is thrown onto the ground. She had no energy to continue fighting back. Jessica’s friends quickly surrounded them, their phones held out and eyes fixed intently on the tense scene unfolding before them. Zara could feel the weight of their silent anticipation pressing down on her, knowing that whatever happened next would be recorded and shared. Her heart raced as she realized there was no escape, the pressure mounting with each passing second. Jessica smirks and suddenly grabs Zara's top...
<<set _i = random(2,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/lfstrip'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels the air hit her nipples, goosebumps crawl on her skin. Jessica's friends all cheer as their phones start clicking away, taking pictures of Zara's exposed boobs. And all she felt was embarrassment and pure rage.
Jessica snapped her fingers, and a lackey stepped forward with a coil of rope. Two boys moved in, their grins sharp as they tore at Zara’s clothes, silencing her protests with a rough hand over her mouth. Stripped bare, she was dragged towards a clearing, her skin prickling under the cold air and colder stares. Jessica tied her tightly, the ropes biting into her skin as she leaned in, whispering, <font color="fuchsia">"This is what happens when you forget your place."</font>
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/ground_tied'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Exposed and humiliated, Zara clenched her jaw, refusing to cry, even as her heart raced with shame and defiance.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
After what felt like hours of trying and shimmying, Zara felt the ropes start to loosen. She was probably a bit luckier than she realized, who knows what would have happened if she was stuck there longer... or if someone found her in such an exposed position.
Zara put on her clothes, brushed off the grass that stuck to it, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She would have her revenge soon, she was sure. She checked her phone, she had been tied there for an hour! Were they planning on ever freeing her...?
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=2>>\
<font color="teal">-2 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -2>>\
<font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<link "Leave">>\
<<set $hour += 1>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
The bullies’ laughter faded into the distance, leaving Zara alone in the clearing, the ropes digging into her skin and the chill of the evening air settling over her bare body. She strained against her bindings, her breaths shallow and uneven, when suddenly—a crackle of leaves. Her head snapped up, heart pounding as a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a boy, his face obscured by a dark mask, his presence both unsettling and oddly calm.
Zara’s voice trembled as she begged, <font color="pink">"Please… untie me."</font> He stepped closer, his movements deliberate, he simply stares at her... hungrily. He looks around the area, nobody was there in sight.
The boy’s hands moved to his waist, and Zara’s breath hitched as she realized what was coming. He freed his cock, already hard, and her stomach churned with a mix of fear and helplessness. Before she could protest, he stepped closer, his grip firm on her waist. <font color="cyan">"Do not resist,"</font> he commanded, his voice low and unyielding. Zara hesitated, her mind racing, but with her arms still bound and her body trembling, she had no choice. She nods at him, and he pushed himself into her pussy, his length filling it completely.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/bully/ground_fuck'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Tears welled in her eyes as he began to move, his thrusts slow at first, then growing more urgent. Zara’s whimpers echoed in the clearing, slowly those whimpers started to turn to gasps of unwanted pleasure, her body tense and unresponsive, as he used her for his own pleasure, his masked face betraying nothing of his thoughts. The world seemed to narrow to the sound of his ragged breaths and the ache in her pussy, leaving her feeling more exposed and violated than ever. Finally, he was done, she felt spurts of cum land inside her pussy, the warmth spreads deeper and deeper inside her. Finally, he pulls out, making Zara gasp at the sudden emptiness. He unties the last few ropes and walks away. Zara lay there on the ground, her pussy aching and her breath ragged from being used so roughly.
Zara started to put on her clothes, brushing off the grass that stuck to them, and took a deep breath. She was not going to let this affect her. She was a strong woman. Zara took a few more deep breaths and walked out back to the school building.
<center><font color="gold">Jessica's reputation has increased</font>
<<set $jessica.reputation+=5>>\
<font color="teal">-4 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -4>>\
<font color="red">Corruption -4</font>
<<addcorruption -4>>\
<font color="yellow">-25 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -25>>\
<<link "Return to school">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerFitness gte 95>>\
<center>Chance of Success - 95%</center>
<center>Chance of Success - <<print $PlayerFitness>>%</center>
@@<div align="center" style="font-size: 40px">\
<<if $hour == 9>>\
Art<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 10>>\
Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 12>>\
Computer Science<img src="img/school/classroom.jpg" height="300">\
<<elseif $hour == 13>>\
P.E.<img src="img/school/lawn.jpg" height="300">\
Zara ducked into the clearing, the thick bushes shielding her from the coach’s watchful eyes. She slumped against a tree, catching her breath and grateful for the momentary escape. The fatigue that had been clinging to her all day seemed to weigh heavier now, and she closed her eyes, letting the quiet of the secluded spot soothe her. But then—a rustle. Her eyes snapped open, and she froze, listening. There it was again, accompanied by soft, rhythmic moans. Curiosity prickled at her, warring with her better judgment. Slowly, she crept toward the sound, parting the foliage with careful hands. Her breath caught in her throat as the scene came into view: a boy and a girl, tangled together in the grass, their movements urgent and intimate.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/pe/coach'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara’s cheeks flushed, and she quickly stepped back, her heart pounding. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t be watching. But something held her in place, a mix of fascination and embarrassment rooting her to the spot. The girl’s soft gasps and the boy’s low murmurs filled the air, and Zara felt a strange heat rise to her face. She knew she should leave, but for a moment, she couldn’t tear herself away.
<<link "Simply watch">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara’s breath grew shallow as she watched, hidden behind the veil of foliage. The boy’s hands gripped the girl’s hips, their bodies moving in a rhythm that sent an unexpected heat coursing through Zara. Her cheeks burned, and a strange, fluttering sensation pooled low in her stomach, one she couldn’t quite ignore. She bit her lip, torn between guilt and fascination, as the boy’s movements grew more frantic. Then, with a low groan, he stilled, his release unmistakable. The girl sighed, her head falling back, and Zara’s heart raced as reality snapped back into focus. Before they could notice her, she turned and slipped away, her steps quick and silent, the heat inside her lingering like a secret she couldn’t quite shake.
<center><font color="yellow">-15 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -15>>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption lte 10>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +1</font>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=25>>\
<<if $PlayerSchoolRep gte 15>>\
<<link "Join them">>
<<replace "#action">>\
Zara’s heart pounded as she hesitated, the heat inside her growing impossible to ignore. The couple’s passion was magnetic, pulling at something deep within her that she hadn’t fully acknowledged before. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>With no nervousness at all, she steps out of her cover of the bushes. She was so fucking horny, nothing could hold her back.<<else>>Swallowing her nerves, she stepped out from the cover of the bushes, her voice trembling but deliberate.<</if>> <font color="pink">"Mind if I join?"</font>
The boy and girl froze, their eyes widening in surprise, but after a moment, the girl smirked and nodded. <font color="fuchsia">"Why not?"</font> she said, her tone playful. Zara’s cheeks flushed as she approached, she could feel a wet spot in her panties already. The boy reached out, pulling her into the mix, and Zara let herself be swept into the moment, her curiosity and desire overriding any lingering doubts.
<<link "Blowjob">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara gets on her knees, dragging the girl down with her, and opens her mouth sluttily, letting saliva dribble out.<<else>>Zara beckons the boy to come closer to them as the girl gets on her knees, dragging Zara with her.<</if>> The boy knew exactly what was going to happen and eagerly stepped towards them, taking his cock out.
<img src="img/city/park/couple_join.webp" height="220">
The two girls slobber on his dick, Zara loved pleasuring a boy with another girl on her team. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>This was so hot, sucking a stranger's dick with a complete stranger.<<else>>She still could not believe how comfortable she had gotten sucking a stranger's dick with another stranger too.<</if>> The boy raises his hand, showing a sign he was about to cum. the girl promptly wraps her mouth around his dick head before Zara could, taking all his cum into her mouth.
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>Zara, now disappointed was about to push her off when the girl suddenly turns to her and kisses her.<<else>>Zara waits patiently as the boy cums in her mouth. the girl looks at Zara and brings their lips together.<</if>>
<img src="img/city/park/couple_end.webp" height="220">
The two of them kiss and swap the boy's cum, slowly drinking it down until it was all over...
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 1>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 40>>\
<<link "Sex">>
<<replace "#action2">>\
The three of them enter each other's arms, their hands roaming over each other's bodies. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>This was so hot, she really was going to have sex with two strangers!<<else>>This was risky, hopefully nobody catches them here.<</if>> The three of them strip off each other's clothes, Zara loses track of whose hand undresses her while she does the same for the other two.
The boy shifts his focus on Zara, using his fingers, he enters her pussy. She could feel the callouses on his palms rub against her mound but it somehow felt so good. Not wanting the girl to be left out, Zara uses her mouth to suck on her tits, gently teasing her nipples and causing the girl to moan with pleasure.
<<set _chance = random(1,2)>>\
<<if _chance eq 1>>\
The boy suddenly exits Zara, and grabs the two girls by the shoulders, leading them. He lays on the ground, beckoning them to take their positions. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara knew what she wanted to do at once! She immediately clambers up to his dick, leaving the girl to position herself over the boy's face.<<else>>The girl pushes Zara towards his dick as she positions herself above the boy's face.<</if>> Zara can feel the tip of his dick rub against her pussy, she lowers herself slowly, feeling it stretch her out as she went lower and lower.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_ride'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara could not help but moan as she rode the boy like a true cowgirl. She could feel the cock growing even larger inside her with every up and down motion. Every inch of it could be felt inside her and it was too much! She felt a sudden orgasm rock through her without any warning, making her shout in pure pleasure. Her pussy tightened around the boy's cock as she kept riding due to the pleasure she was feeling, so tight that the boy could not hold himself back. He pushes off the two girls and brings their heads closer, jerking himself off above them. The girl and Zara immediately shift focus onto his cock's head. Zara could taste the precum and the girl's saliva in her mouth as the two girls slobbered all over him.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/mall/changing/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The cum shoots out of the boy's dick, splattering the lips of both the girls. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara wanted his cum so bad, she made sure to lap up every single drop that shot out. Yet, her face was covered too, so hot!<<else>>Zara let a few drops cum in her mouth, savoring the taste but still letting the rest end up on her face.<</if>>
The boy suddenly exits Zara and takes the two girls by the shoulders. He lays Zara on the ground and the girl right on top of her, a 69 position! <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara grinned happily, she was so close to the girl's pussy! She could eat her out to her heart's content.<<else>>Zara felt a bit nervous, what if someone caught them here in these very intimate positions?<</if>> The boy positions himself behind the girl, aiming his throbbing cock at her pussy. He thrusts forward, inserting himself smoothly, making the girl gasp with pleasure at the feeling. Zara wastes no time herself and her tongue darts out immediately, running through the folds of the girl's pussy.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
The girl moans loudly as the pleasure was so immense, how could she control herself with Zara's tongue running along her pussy while being fucked by the boy? Zara's tongue flicks at the girl's clit with just the right amount of tempo and pleasure, hearing the pleasure in the girl's voice made Zara feel so excited! The boy suddenly pulls out, jerking himself off right above Zara's face, she did not have to wait long as spurts of cum landed on the girl's pussy and drip down onto Zara.
<<set _i = random(1,3)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/city/park/ffm_cum'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
<<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Like a good girl, Zara opens her mouth wide gleefully, she <font color="red">WANTED</font> a taste of the boy's cum, so bad!<<else>>Zara opens her mouth, a bit nervous. It felt like she was going to have "secondhand" cum in her mouth.<</if>> The taste was intoxicating, if the boy had bottled his cum, Zara probably would have bought it. After the spurts of cum stop, the boy aims his cock down toward Zara's mouth, she takes it in, licking it clean. She can taste the remaining cum on his tip, and she was happy to clean it up!
<center><font color="yellow">-20 Energy</font>
<font color="teal">+2 School Rep</font>
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<addenergy -20>>\
<<addschoolrep 2>></center>\
<<link "Wait till the end">>\
<<set $minute = 50>>\
<<set $classActivity = "">>\
<<set $currentSchoolClass = "">>\
<<set $classAttended+=1>>
<<goto "School">>\
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font></center>
<center>Zara is not popular enough to join them...
<font color="gold">Required School Reputation: 15</font></center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to join them...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 25</font></center>
@@Zara grabs a book and sits on one of the smaller tables kept in the aisles, where nobody could disturb her reading this kind of book. She gets completely engrossed by the words on the pages and is transported to the world of sex.
A figure appears in the aisle, behind Zara who does not pay any attention, too engrossed in the book in front of her. Looking over her shoulder, the figure reads the words on the book and realizes the type of book she is currently reading.
Taking a gamble, the boy takes his cock out, it was semi-hard, but grew harder every second as his own imagination took him places. The tip of his cock brushes against Zara's hair, making her jump.
Zara jumps out of her seat and turns around.
<font color="pink">"What the fuck? Who are you?!"</font>, she hisses at him.
<font color="cyan">"Someone who can help you feel what the character in that book feels"</font>, he whispers with a cocky grin plastered on his face.
<<link "Tell him to fuck off">>
<<replace "#consent">>\
<font color="pink">"Yeah, that's not happening. Now fuck off before I report you to the librarian"</font>, she whispers angrily.
<font color="cyan">"Alright, alright. I am leaving"</font>, he mumbles. The boy turns around and walks out of the aisle, leaving Zara breathing heavily with anger at what just happened.
<center><font color="teal">-1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep -1>>\
<font color="red">Corruption +2</font>
<font color="yellow">-35 Energy</font>
<<addcorruption 2>>\
<<addenergy -35>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
[[Zara leaves the aisle|School library]]</center>
<<if $PlayerCorruption>=40 and $PlayerEnergy>=45>>\
<<link "Zara consents">>
<<replace "#consent">>\
Taking a deep breath, Zara mulls over the choice and comes to the most obvious one. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Without telling the boy a word she turns around and raises her skirt, presenting herself to him.<<else>>Taking a deep breath in, she turns around and presents herself to him.<</if>> The boy immediately takes his chance. Using one hand he unzips his pants and lowers them and using the other, he bends her over the table. The boy looked around to make sure nobody was watching them. He spits on his hand and rubs it on his dick head, lubing it up for penetration. Zara stays still on the table, waiting in anticipation for the entry until finally, she feels his dick head push against her vagina and gently enter. Making sure she was fine, he started to increase his pace.
<<set _i = random(1,2)>>\
<<= '<img src="img/school/library/bbc_sex'+_i+'.webp" height="220">'>>
Zara feels intense pleasure as the boy thrusts in and out of her vagina. Anybody could walk into that aisle and see what they were doing but Zara did not care, all she could think about was his dick inside her.
The thrusts get even wilder, and the low groans that the boy made became more... wild... animalistic. He was getting closer. And she was right, she feels him thrust deep inside her. Splatters of cum coat her insides and some dribbles out due to the huge amount. <<if $PlayerCorruption gte 55>>Zara pushes back against the boy, making sure every single drop of cum was emptied inside her.<<else>>Zara stays still, letting the boy pump her full of cum.<</if>>
<center><font color="red">Corruption +3</font>
<<addcorruption 3>>\
<font color="teal">+1 School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<<if $PlayerClothes=="SchoolUniSlutty">>\
<font color="gold">Zara is wearing her slutty school uniform</font>
<font color="teal">+1 Boosted School Rep</font>
<<addschoolrep 1>>\
<font color="yellow">-45 Energy</font>
<<addenergy -45>>\
<<set $hour+=1>>\
<<set $minute+=15>>\
[[Zara and the boy go their separate ways|School library]]</center>
<center>Zara is not corrupted enough to have sex in the library or is too tired...
<font color="gold">Required Corruption: 40</font>
<font color="gold">Required Energy: 45</font></center>