<!-- TIME -->
<<if $actualMinutes >= 6 || $actualHour==24>>
<<set $actualMinutes = 0>>
<<set $actualHour += 1>>
<<if $actualHour > 24>>
<<set $actualHour = 24>>
<<if $actualHour >= 24 && $gameEngine.onScene === false>>
<<goto "Sleep">>
<<if $actualDay > 6>>
<<set $actualDay = 0>>
<<if $actualHour >= 20>>
<img class="timeCaptionMenuImage" src="media/images/storyCaption/night.jpg" >
<<elseif $actualHour >= 13>>
<img class="timeCaptionMenuImage" src="media/images/storyCaption/afternoon.jpg">
<img class="timeCaptionMenuImage" src="media/images/storyCaption/morning.jpg">
$actualHour : $actualMinutes 0
<<if $gameEngine.timeCheat ===$gameEngine.timeCheatCode && State.active.title !== "Sleep" && $gameEngine.onScene === false>>
<span class="gradient-text">TIME TRAVEL MENU</span>
<div class="captionTimeButtonMinutes captionImageTextHover">
<<button "[+30 Mins]">>
<<set $actualHour += 1>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="captionTimeButtonHour captionImageTextHover">
<<button "[+1 Hour]">>
<<set $actualHour += 1>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="captionTimeButtonDay captionImageTextHover">
<<button "[+1 Day]">>
<<set $actualDay+= 1 , $gameEngine.rentDaysLeft++>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<if $gameEngine.timeCheat ===$gameEngine.timeCheatCode && $gameEngine.onScene === false>>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a class="captionImageText" data-passage="MyRoom">MY ROOM</a>
<!-- PLAYER INFO -->
<div class="captionPlayerImg">
Name: $player.name $player.surname
<<set $energyPercent = Math.round(($player.energy / $player.maxEnergy) * 100)>>
<<set $strengthPercent = Math.round(($player.strength / $player.maxStrength) * 100)>>
<<set $intelligencePercent = Math.round(($player.intelligence / $player.maxIntelligence) * 100)>>
<<set $staminaPercent = Math.round(($player.stamina / $player.maxStamina) * 100)>>
<<set $stylishPercent = Math.round(($player.stylish / $player.maxStylish) * 100)>>
<<set $computerSkillPercent = Math.round(($player.computerSkill / $player.maxComputerSkill) * 100)>>
<<set $biologyProgressPercent = Math.round(($player.biologyProgress / $player.maxBiologyProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $japaneseProgressPercent = Math.round(($player.japaneseProgress / $player.maxJapaneseProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $donorPrestigePercent = Math.round(($player.donorPrestige / $player.maxDonorPrestige) * 100)>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="moneyProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="1" @value="1"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText" >Money: $player.money $</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="energyProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$energyPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText"><<if $gameEngine.cheatInfiniteEnergy === false>>Energy: $player.energy / $player.maxEnergy<<else>>Energy: Infinite<</if>></span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="strengthProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$strengthPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText" >Strength: $player.strength / $player.maxStrength WIP</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="intelligenceProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$intelligencePercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Intelligence: $player.intelligence / $player.maxIntelligence WIP</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="staminaProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$staminaPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Stamina: $player.stamina / $player.maxStamina</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="stylishProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$stylishPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Stylish: $player.stylish / $player.maxStylish WIP</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="computerSkillProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$computerSkillPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Computer Skill: $player.computerSkill /$player.maxComputerSkill</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="biologyProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$biologyProgressPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Biology: $player.biologyProgress / $player.maxBiologyProgress</span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="japaneseProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$japaneseProgressPercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Japanese: $player.japaneseProgress / $player.maxJapaneseProgress WIP</span>
<<if $girls.laura.progress >=1>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="donorPrestigeProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$donorPrestigePercent"></progress>
<!-- El texto sobre la barra -->
<span class="captionProgressBarText">DonorPrestige: $player.donorPrestige / $player.maxDonorPrestige</span>
<<if State.active.title !== "Stuck" && State.active.title !== "Walkthrough" && State.active.title !== "Achievements" && State.active.title !== "Cheats" && $gameEngine.onScene === false >>
<<if State.active.title === "MyRoom">>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a class="captionImageText" data-passage="Walkthrough">Walkthrough</a>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a class="captionImageText" data-passage="Achievements">Achievements</a>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a class="captionImageText" data-passage="Cheats">Cheats</a>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a href="https://discord.gg/9vyPrfqaPK" class="captionImageText" target="_blank">Discord</a>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/NewLust" class="captionImageText" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a href="https://www.subscribestar.com/newlust" class="captionImageText" target="_blank">Subscribestar</a>
<<if State.active.title !== "Stuck" && $gameEngine.onIntro === false >>
<div class="captionImageTextHover">
<a class="captionImageText" data-passage="Stuck">Stuck??</a>
<<if $player.money < 0 >> <<set $player.money = 0>> <</if>>
<<if $player.stylish > $player.maxStylish>> <<set $player.stylish = $player.maxStylish>> <</if>>
<<if $player.strength > $player.maxStrength>> <<set $player.strength = $player.maxStrength>> <</if>>
<<if $player.intelligence > $player.maxIntelligence>> <<set $player.intelligence = $player.maxIntelligence>> <</if>>
<<if $player.computerSkill > $player.maxComputerSkill>> <<set $player.computerSkill = $player.maxComputerSkill>> <</if>>
<<if $player.biologyProgress > $player.maxBiologyProgress>> <<set $player.biologyProgress = $player.maxBiologyProgress>> <</if>>
<<if $player.japaneseProgress > $player.maxJapaneseProgress>> <<set $player.japaneseProgress = $player.maxJapaneseProgress>> <</if>>
<<if $player.donorPrestige > $player.maxDonorPrestige>> <<set $player.donorPrestige = $player.maxDonorPrestige>> <</if>>
<<if $gameEngine.cheatInfiniteEnergy === false>>
<<if $gameEngine.rentDaysLeft >= 7>>
<<if $player.stamina >= $player.maxStamina>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.maxStamina , $player.maxEnergy = 75>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy = 50>>
<<if $player.stamina >= $player.maxStamina>>
<<set $player.stamina = $player.maxStamina , $player.maxEnergy = 150>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy = 100>>
<<if $player.energy > $player.maxEnergy>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<elseif $player.energy <0 >>
<<set $player.energy = 0>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
/*---------LOVE AND PROGRESS------------*/
<<set $girlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<if $currentGirl.love > $currentGirl.maxLove>> <<set $currentGirl.love = $currentGirl.maxLove>> <</if>>
<<if $currentGirl.progress > $currentGirl.maxProgress>> <<set $currentGirl.progress = $currentGirl.maxProgress>> <</if>>
/*--------RESET GAME CHEATS----------*/
<<if $gameEngine.gameVersion !== setup.gameVersion>>
<<set $gameEngine.timeCheat = "a">>
<<set $gameEngine.dreamCheat = "a">>
<<set $gameEngine.statsCheat = "a">>
<<set $gameEngine.finderCheat = "a">>
<<set $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheat = "a">>
<<set $gameEngine.gameVersion = setup.gameVersion>>
<<include "CaptionAchievements">>
<div align="center">
Welcome! Please enter the name of your character!
<<textbox "$player.name" "John">>
<<textbox "$player.surname" "Surn">>
Real family?
<<radiobutton "$gameEngine.realFamily" false checked>> No (Stepmom, Stepsister)<br>
<<radiobutton "$gameEngine.realFamily" true >> Yes (Mom, Sister)<br>
Choose the Perk:
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "0" checked>> Rich (+100$)<br>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "1" >> Runner (+20 Stamina)<br>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "2" >> Strong (+20 Strength)(WIP NOT RECOMMENDED)<br>
<<radiobutton "$player.perk" "3" >> Intelligence (+20 Intelligence)(WIP NOT RECOMMENDED)<br>
Choose your Avatar:
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face1.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face1.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face2.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face2.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face3.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face3.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face4.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face4.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face5.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face5.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face6.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face6.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face7.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face7.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face8.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face8.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face9.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face9.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face10.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face10.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face11.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face11.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face12.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face12.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face13.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face13.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face14.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face14.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face15.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face15.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face16.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face16.jpg">
</div><<nobr>><div style="font-size: 26px;">
New Lust</div><</nobr>>
<<set $player = {
"name" : "John",
"surname": "Surn",
"strength" : 0,
"maxStrength": 100,
"stamina": 0,
"maxStamina": 100,
"intelligence" : 0,
"maxIntelligence": 100,
"maxStylish": 4,
"money" : 50,
"energy": 100,
"maxEnergy": 100,
"japaneseHomework": false,
"img" : "media/images/playerPhoto/face1.jpg",
"storyProgress": 0,
"maxStoryProgress": 2,
"perk" : "0",
"finderSubscription": false,
"finderPremiumSubscription": false,
"items": {
"spyCamera": false,
"phone": false,
"laptop": false,
"gamingComputer": false,
"metalDetector": false,
"goldMetalDetector": false,
"runningShoes": false,
"dumbbells": false,
"weighPlates": false,
"weightedVest": false,
"shoes": false,
"suit": false,
"finderItems": {
<<set $actualDay = 0>>
<<set $actualHour = 6>>
<<set $actualMinutes = 0>>
<<set $englishDays = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thuesday", "Friday", "Saturday","Sunday"]>>
<<set $gameEngine = {
"realFamily" : false,
"onScene": false,
"onIntro": false,
"timeCheat": "a",
"dreamCheat": "a",
"statsCheat": "a",
"finderCheat": "a",
"finderPremiumCheat": "a",
"timeCheatCode": "12newtime",
"dreamCheatCode": "13lastdream",
"statsCheatCode": "21inmortal",
"finderCheatCode": "22beautiful",
"finderPremiumCheatCode": "43redlove",
"cheatInfiniteEnergy": false,
"gameVersion": "1.0",
"newGameVersion": "1.0",
<<set $achievements = {
"beachCount" : 0,
"beachNotification": false,
"parkCount": 0,
"parkNotification": false,
"neighborCount": 0,
"neighborNotification": false,
"gymCount": 0,
"gymNotification": false,
"computerNotification": false,
"strengthNotification": false,
"intelligenceNotification": false,
"staminaNotification": false,
"stylishNotification": false,
"biologyNotification": false,
"japaneseNotification": false,
"allStatsNotification": false,
"allItemsNotification": false,
"toiletCount": 0,
"toiletNotification": false,
"cookCount": 0,
"cookNotification": false,
"showerCount": 0,
"showerNotification": false,
"moneyAchievement": 0,
"moneyNotification": false,
"handjobCount": 0,
"handjobNotification": false,
"fuckCount": 0,
"fuckNotification": false,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"analFuckNotification": false,
"finderCount": 0,
"finderNotification": false,
"finderPremiumCount": 0,
"finderPremiumNotification": false
<<set $girls = {
"amara": {
"name": "Amara",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Jenny Kitty",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/amara/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"brittany": {
"name": "Brittany",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Eva Elfie",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/brittany/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"carolina": {
"name": "Carolina",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Anny Walker",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/carolina/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"chloe": {
"name": "Chloe",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Neferet Exposito",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/chloe/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"clara": {
"name": "Clara",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Sweetie Fox",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/clara/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"dafne": {
"name": "Dafne",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Lexi Luna",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/dafne/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"diana": {
"name": "Diana",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Laney Grey",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/diana/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"evelyn": {
"name": "Evelyn",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Eva Hotmommy",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/evelyn/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"grace": {
"name": "Grace",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Lady Fire",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/grace/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"helena": {
"name": "Helena",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Cherry Candle",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/helena/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"isabella": {
"name": "Isabella",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Lola Bredly",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/isabella/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"jimena": {
"name": "Jimena",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Amber Moore",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/jimena/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"katia": {
"name": "Katia",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Luna Roulette",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/katia/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"laura": {
"name": "Laura",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Laura Philips",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 2,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/laura/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"lola": {
"name": "Lola",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Polly Yangs",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/finder/lola/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 1
"maya": {
"name": "Maya",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Cherry Grace",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/maya/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"naomi": {
"name": "Naomi",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Nico Love",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/naomi/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"rachel": {
"name": "Rachel",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Lesya Moon",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/rachel/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"secretGirl": {
"name": "SecretGirl",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Secret Girl",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/secretGirl/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"sofia": {
"name": "Sofia",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Ivana Montana",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/sofia/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"steffany": {
"name": "Steffany",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Bunny Madison",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 5,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 12,
"img": "media/images/girls/steffany/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
"susan": {
"name": "Susan",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Purple Bitch",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/finderPremium/susan/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 2
"virginia": {
"name": "Virginia",
"presentation": false,
"actressName": "Sheila Moore",
"dailyInteraction": false,
"cameraInstalled": false,
"girlFriend": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love": 0,
"maxLove": 0,
"img": "media/images/girls/virginia/",
"cooldown": 0,
"handjobCount": 0,
"fuckCount": 0,
"analFuckCount": 0,
"finder": 0
<<set $boys = {
"henry" : {
"name" : "Henry",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 4,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/henry/',
"cooldown" : 5,
"janitor" : {
"name" : "Janitor",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/janitor/',
"cooldown" : 0,
"william" : {
"name" : "William",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/william/',
"cooldown" : 0,
"srthompson" : {
"name" : "Sr Thompson",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/srthompson/',
"cooldown" : 0,
"lucas" : {
"name" : "Lucas",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/lucas/',
"cooldown" : 0,
"ronnie" : {
"name" : "Ronnie",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 1,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/ronnie/',
"cooldown" : 0,
"jeremy" : {
"name" : "Jeremy",
"presentation": false,
"progress": 0,
"maxProgress": 0,
"love" : 0,
"maxLove" : 0,
"img" : 'media/images/boys/ronnie/',
"cooldown" : 0,
<<character 'you' $player.img>>
<<character 'amara' 'media/images/girls/amara/face.jpg'>>
<<character 'brittany' "media/images/girls/brittany/face.jpg">>
<<character 'carolina' "media/images/girls/carolina/face.jpg">>
<<character 'chloe' "media/images/girls/chloe/face.jpg">>
<<character 'clara' "media/images/girls/clara/face.jpg">>
<<character 'dafne' "media/images/girls/dafne/face.jpg">>
<<character 'diana' "media/images/girls/diana/face.jpg">>
<<character 'evelyn' "media/images/girls/evelyn/face.jpg">>
<<character 'grace' "media/images/girls/grace/face.jpg">>
<<character 'helena' "media/images/girls/helena/face.jpg">>
<<character 'isabella' "media/images/girls/isabella/face.jpg">>
<<character 'jimena' "media/images/girls/jimena/face.jpg">>
<<character 'katia' "media/images/girls/katia/face.jpg">>
<<character 'laura' "media/images/girls/laura/face.jpg">>
<<character 'lola' "media/images/girls/finder/lola/face.jpg">>
<<character 'lolaMom' "media/images/girls/finder/lola/lolaMom.jpg">>
<<character 'maya' "media/images/girls/maya/face.jpg">>
<<character 'naomi' "media/images/girls/naomi/face.jpg">>
<<character 'rachel' "media/images/girls/rachel/face.jpg">>
<<character 'secretGirl' "media/images/girls/secretGirl/face.jpg">>
<<character 'sofia' "media/images/girls/sofia/face.jpg">>
<<character 'steffany' "media/images/girls/steffany/face.jpg">>
<<character 'susan' "media/images/girls/finderPremium/susan/face.jpg">>
<<character 'virginia' "media/images/girls/virginia/face.jpg">>
<<character 'sexyGirls' "media/images/girls/sexyGirls/face.jpg">>
<<character 'girl1' "media/images/girls/Extras/girl1.png">>
<<character 'girl2' "media/images/girls/Extras/girl2.png">>
<<character 'girl3' "media/images/girls/Extras/girl3.png">>
<<character 'anonymous' "media/images/girls/Extras/anonymous.png">>
<<character 'lucas' "media/images/boys/lucas/face.jpg">>
<<character 'janitor' "media/images/boys/janitor/face.jpg">>
<<character 'william' "media/images/boys/william/face.jpg">>
<<character 'srThompson' "media/images/boys/srthompson/face.jpg">>
<<character 'henry' "media/images/boys/henry/face.jpg">>
<<character 'landlord' "media/images/boys/landlord/face.jpg">>
<<character 'ronnie' "media/images/boys/ronnie/face.jpg">>
<<character 'jeremy' "media/images/boys/jeremy/face.jpg">>
<<character 'michael' "media/images/boys/michael/face.jpg">>
You are in the living room.
<<if $girls.sofia.presentation === false>>
<<goto "SofiaPresentation">>
<<if State.history[(State.history.length - 2)].title === "Street">>
<br><span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
The living room is where everything happens, the space that connects the stories of everyday life. The sofas are very comfortable, perfect for afternoons of conversation or just sitting in silence. Natural light enters through the large window, illuminating the plants. The television, almost always on, projects a constant murmur.
Here, everything seems simpler, cozier.
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[My Room|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/myRoom/myRoom.jpg'][MyRoom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">MY ROOM</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=14 && $actualHour <=16>>
[img[Henry Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/henryBedroom.jpg'][HenryBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">HENRY BEDROOM</p>
[img[Henry Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">HENRY BEDROOM</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 14:00 and 16:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=22 && $actualHour <=24 >>
[img[Maya Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/mayaBedroom.jpg'][MayaBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">MAYA BEDROOM</p>
[img[Maya Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">MAYA BEDROOM</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 22:00 and 24:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=17 && $actualHour <=24>>
[img[Sofia Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/sofiaBedroom.jpg'][SofiaBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">SOFIA BEDROOM</p>
[img[Sofia Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">SOFIA BEDROOM</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 17:00 and 24:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=6 && $actualHour <=13>>
[img[Clara Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/claraBedroom.jpg'][ClaraBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">CLARA BEDROOM</p>
[img[Clara Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">CLARA BEDROOM</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 6:00 and 13:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">KITCHEN</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">BATHROOM</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">STREET</p>
<div align="center">
<h1 style="color: red;">I hope you like it :D</h1>
It is a sandbox-type game where you will interact with certain girls, and all of them will have SEX scenes.
Right now it is a preview version, it is possible that the experience will be short for you.
Each girl in this game has a personality, as well as specific preferences, so you will have to adapt to each of them.
If you enjoy the game, consider supporting me as a creator through my Patreon/Subscriberstar. Each subscription motivates me to continue updating the game :D
<span style="color: red;">
Disclaimer: This should be taken as a lighthearted story; it may contain elements that some people might find disturbing or inappropriate. Please remember not to take it seriously and not to confuse it with real life. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, stop playing the game.
By clicking the "Confirm" button or the "example" link below, you declare that you are of legal age in your country (18/21) and that you are allowed and willing to be exposed to explicit pornographic content.
Any character existing in this game is over 18 years old, even when age is not specified.
<p class="reflection">You are in your room.</p>
<p class="reflection">My room is my sanctuary, a place where I feel completely myself. The walls are filled with memories, photos, and posters of past moments.</p>
<div align="center">
<<if $girls.amara.progress <= 0 && $girls.amara.presentation === true>>
<p style="color: var(--red)" class="reflection">You notice your room is messy as if someone has been looking for something but you don't find anything missing.</p>
<<set $girls.amara.progress = 1>>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">TAKE A NAP</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">COMPUTER</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">DESK</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Living Room|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/livingRoom.jpg'][Home]]
<p class="imageMenuText">LIVING ROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $gameEngine.rentDaysLeft >= 7 && $player.money >= 50>>
[img[Pay Rent(50$)|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/myRoom/payRent.jpg'][MyRoom][$gameEngine.rentDaysLeft = 0, $player.money -= 50, $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy * 2]]
<p class="imageMenuText">PAY THE RENT</p>
<<elseif $gameEngine.rentDaysLeft >= 7 && $player.money <50>>
[img[Pay Rent|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/myRoom/payRent.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText" style="color:red">NO MONEY TO PAY RENT (50$)</p>
<<set $daysLeft = 7-$gameEngine.rentDaysLeft>>
[img[Pay Rent|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/home/myRoom/payRent.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">Days to pay rent: $daysLeft</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >= 21>>
<p class="imageMenuText">SLEEP</p>
<</nobr>>You are in the kitchen.
The kitchen is the heart of the house, even though its size is modest.
There is always a faint aroma of spices and something freshly baked, as if time here passes more slowly. The clinking of utensils and the hum of the coffee maker are almost constant, wrapping the space in a kind of cozy routine.
[[Cook something tasty.(+25 energy)|Cook]]
[[Living Room|Home]]You are in the bathroom.
The bathroom is an intimate and simple place.
[[Take a shower(+25 energy)|Shower]]
<<if $player.energy >= 10 >>
[[Toilet(-10 energy)|Toilet]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to use the toilet.(10 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|Home]]
You are in your
<<if $gameEngine.realFamily === true>>
<<if $gameEngine.realFamily === true>>
<</nobr>> room is a temporary space that reflects her personality in a cozy environment. The walls are decorated with photographs and memories that bring her nostalgia. The bed, covered with a soft quilt, is placed next to a window that allows natural light to fill the room.
Despite the simplicity of the space, there is a touch of warmth that makes her feel at home.
<<if $girls.chloe.presentation === false>>
<<goto "ChloePresentation">>
Chloe is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]
You are in Henry´s Room.
Henry's room is tidy and minimalist. The bed is neatly made, the desk is clean and organized, and the few decorations on the walls are carefully chosen. Everything is in its place, reflecting his meticulous personality.
<<if $player.money >= 200 && $boys.henry.progress === 0>>
[[Talk with Henry|HenryDialog1]]<br>
<<elseif $player.money >= 200 && $boys.henry.progress === 1>>
[[Talk with Henry|HenryDialog2]]<br>
<<elseif $boys.henry.progress === 2 && $boys.henry.cooldown > 0>>
<p style="color:var(--purple)">Wait $boys.henry.cooldown days and come Saturday or Sunday from 14:00 P.M. to 16:00 P.M.</p>
<<elseif $boys.henry.progress >= 2 && $actualDay === 5 || $actualDay === 6>>
[[Henry´s Boat Trip|HenryBoatScene]]<br>
<<elseif $player.money < 200 && $boys.henry.progress < 2>>
<p style="color:var(--red)">You don´t have enough money.(200$)</p>
<<if $boys.henry.progress == 3 >>
[[Talk with Henry|HenryDialog3]]<br>
<<if $boys.henry.presentation === false>>
<<goto "HenryPresentation">>
[[Go Back|Home]]
<</nobr>>You are at the pool.
The indoor community pool is a cozy and modern space, with a glass ceiling that allows natural light to come in. The water is a clear, light blue. Around the pool, there are loungers and tables for residents to relax. The ambient temperature is pleasant, allowing for swimming year-round, even on the coldest days.
This space becomes a gathering place for the community, where activities and swimming classes are organized.
<<if $actualHour >=14 && $actualHour <= 22 && $player.energy >= 40>>
<<elseif $actualHour >=14 && $actualHour <= 22 && $player.energy < 40>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to swim.(40 energy)</span>
<span style="color: var(--purple);">Come between 14:00 & 22:00</span>
[[Neighborhood][$actualMinutes += 3]]<<nobr>>
You are on the street.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<<if $boys.ronnie.presentation === true && $boys.ronnie.progress === 0>>
<<goto "RonnieScene1">>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">HOME</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">BEACH</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">PARK</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">BAR</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">UNIVERSITY</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">UNIVERSITY</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">CLOSED ON WEEKEND</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">COMERCIAL CENTER</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=21 && $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6 && $player.storyProgress >= 1>>
[img[Fertility Center|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/fertilityCenter/fertilityCenter.jpg'][FertilityCenter][$actualHour++]]
<p class="imageMenuText">FERTILITY CENTER</p>
<<elseif $actualDay === 5 || $actualDay === 6 >>
[img[Fertility Center|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">CLOSED ON WEEKEND</p>
<<elseif $player.storyProgress === 0>>
[img[Fertility Center|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Move forward with Steffany and Dafne to unlock this</p>
[img[Fertility Center|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">FERTILITY CENTER</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 8:00 and 21:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">CITY</p>
<</nobr>>You are at the beach.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
The beach is my escape. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore is almost hypnotic, and the salty aroma of the sea envelops me every time I arrive. The sand, warm under my feet, always feels soft. The horizon seems infinite, a point where the sky meets the sea. Here, under the sun, everything feels simpler, more peaceful.
The distant sound of seagulls completes a landscape that always feels familiar, as if every time I return, the beach welcomes me just like the first time.
Here you can use a metal detector.
<<if $actualHour > 21>>
<span style="color: var(--purple);">Come before 21:00</span>
<<elseif $player.energy >= 20 && $player.items.metalDetector === true>>
[[Detect Metals|DetectingMetals]]<br>
<<elseif $player.items.metalDetector === false>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need to buy a metal detector.</span><br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy for detecting metals.(50 energy)</span><br>
<<if $player.energy >= 30 >>
[[Watch girls on the beach.|BeachWalk]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to watch girls.(30 energy)</span><br>
You are in the Comercial Center.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
The Comercial Center is a world unto itself. Upon entering, the noise of people, laughter, the echo of conversations, and the constant sound of footsteps create a murmur that never seems to cease. The wide hallways are filled with bright storefronts, each offering something new and tempting.
Here, everything moves at a different pace, a place where time seems to get lost among the shops and the crowd.
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour <=22 && $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">SPORTS SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">SPORT SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come before 23:00 (CLOSED ON WEEKEND)</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour <=22 && $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6>>
<p class="imageMenuText">ELECTRONIC SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">ELECTRONIC SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come before 23:00 (CLOSED ON WEEKEND)</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour <=22 && $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6>>
[img[Men Clothing Shop|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/comercialCenter/menClothingShop.jpg'][MenClothingShop]]
<p class="imageMenuText">MEN CLOTHING SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">MEN CLOTHING SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come before 23:00 (CLOSED ON WEEKEND)</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour <=22 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">GYM</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">GYM</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come before 23:00 (CLOSED ON WEEKEND)</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour <=22 && $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6>>
<p class="imageMenuText">COSTUME SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">COSTUME SHOP</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come before 23:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">STREET</p>
You are in the Sports Shop.
The sports store has that characteristic smell of new rubber and sports fabric. Upon entering, the shelves are filled with brightly colored sneakers, technical shirts, and all kinds of equipment, from weights to mountain bikes.
Here, the atmosphere is full of energy, as if simply being surrounded by all of this makes you feel more active.
You can buy the following items:
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/runningShoes.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.runningShoes === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Running shoes already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 50>>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need more money(50$).</span>
<<button "Running shoes(-50$)">>
<<set $player.money -=50,$player.items.runningShoes = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/weightedVest.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.weightedVest === true>>
<span style="color:#4fc3f7">Weighted vest already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 100>>
<span style="color:red">You need more money(100$).</span>
<<button "Weighted vest(-100$)">>
<<set $player.money -=100,$player.items.weightedVest = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/dumbbells.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.dumbbells === true>>
<span style="color:#4fc3f7">Dumbbells already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 150>>
<span style="color:red">You need more money(150$).</span>
<<button "Dumbbells(-150$)">>
<<set $player.money -=150,$player.items.dumbbells = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/weighPlates.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.weighPlates === true>>
<span style="color:#4fc3f7">Weight plates already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 200>>
<span style="color:red">You need more money(200$).</span>
<<button "Weight plates(-200$)">>
<<set $player.money -=200,$player.items.weighPlates = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
[[Comercial Center|ComercialCenter]]You are in Rachel´s House.
My lifelong friend's house is a warm and welcoming place. Upon entering, you are greeted by a familiar aroma coming from the kitchen, where her mother is always preparing something delicious. The walls are adorned with photos of shared memories, and the furniture is a mix of antique and modern pieces that reflect her unique style. In the living room, there is a comfortable sofa and a coffee table where we often spend hours chatting and laughing.
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Rachel Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/rachelHouse/rachelBedroom.jpg'][RHRachelBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">RACHEL´S BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Rachel´s Mom Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/rachelHouse/rachelParentsBedroom.jpg'][RHRachelParentsBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">RACHEL´S PARENTS BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">KITCHEN</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">BATHROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Neighborhood|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/neighborhood.jpg'][Neighborhood][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
[[Neighborhood]]-->You are in the Electronics Shop.
Entering the tech products shop is like stepping into the future. The screens of the latest models of phones and tablets shine with crisp images. The air has that unmistakable scent of new technology.
It's easy to get lost trying out the latest headphones or exploring the new screens that make the real world seem a bit more outdated.
You can buy the following items:
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/spyCamera.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.spyCamera === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Camera already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 50>>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need more money(50$).</span>
<<button "Camera(-50$)">>
<<set $player.money -=50,$player.items.spyCamera = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/phone.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.phone === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Phone already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 100>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(100$).</span>
<<button "Phone(-100$)">>
<<set $player.money -=100,$player.items.phone = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/laptop.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.laptop === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Laptop already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 150>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(150$).</span>
<<button "Laptop(-150$)">>
<<set $player.money -=150,$player.items.laptop = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/gamingComputer.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.gamingComputer === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Gaming Computer already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 300>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(300$).</span>
<<button "Gaming Computer(-300$)">>
<<set $player.money -=300,$player.items.gamingComputer = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/metalDetector.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.metalDetector === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Metal Detector already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 50>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(50$).</span>
<<button "Metal Detector(-50$)">>
<<set $player.money -=50,$player.items.metalDetector = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/goldMetalDetector.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.goldMetalDetector === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Gold Metal Detector already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 200>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(200$).</span>
<<button "Gold Metal Detector(-200$)">>
<<set $player.money -=200,$player.items.goldMetalDetector = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/finderSubscription.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $gameEngine.finderCheat !== $gameEngine.finderCheatCode>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need a finder subscription CHEAT CODE to purchase it.</span>
<<elseif $player.finderSubscription === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Finder Subscription already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 50>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(50$).</span>
<<button "Finder Subscription(-50$)">>
<<set $player.money -=50,$player.finderSubscription = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/finderPremiumSubscription.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheat !== $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheatCode>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need a finder PREMIUM subscription CHEAT CODE to purchase it.</span>
<<elseif $player.finderPremiumSubscription === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Finder Premium Subscription already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 100>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(100$).</span>
<<button "Finder Premium Subscription(-100$)">>
<<set $player.money -=100,$player.finderPremiumSubscription = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
[[Comercial Center|ComercialCenter]]You are in the living room.
The living room of the house is a cozy and vibrant space designed to foster togetherness and fun. Two comfortable sofas in neutral tones sit in the center, surrounded by colorful cushions that invite you to sit and relax.
The walls are adorned with photographs and artwork, reflecting the personality of each of the girls. In one corner, there is a bookshelf filled with books and memories of their adventures together. Natural light floods in through the windows, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere, ideal for chatting, laughing, and enjoying shared moments.
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Chloe Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/sisterBedroom.jpg'][ChloeBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">
<<if $gameEngine.realFamily === true>>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Grace Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/graceBedroom.jpg'][GHGraceBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">GRACE´S BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Carolina Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/carolinaBedroom.jpg'][GHCarolinaBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">CAROLINA´S BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Brittany Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/brittanyBedroom.jpg'][GHBrittanyBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">BRITTANY´S BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">KITCHEN</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">BATHROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Garden|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/garden.jpg'][GHGarden][$actualHour += 1]]
<p class="imageMenuText">GARDEN</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Neighborhood|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/neighborhood.jpg'][Neighborhood][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
-->You are in the park.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
The park where I played so many times as a child hasn't changed much. The swings and slides have been renovated over the years, but the essence remains the same. The grass, green and soft, is still the place where we ran endlessly, and the large trees still provide shade on the hottest days.
The pond in the center remains the same, with ducks swimming peacefully. It's a place full of memories, a space where time seems to have stood still.
Here you can run:
<<if $player.energy >= 40 >>
[[Running(-40 energy)|Running]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to run.(40 energy)</span><br>
<<if $player.energy >= 30 >>
[[Watch girls in the park(-30 energy)|Walk]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to walk.(30 energy)</span><br>
You are in the living room.
Amara's living room is a spacious and bright area designed for relaxation and unwinding after a long day at work. In the center, there are two white sofas that invite you to sit and enjoy family conversations.
A large window allows natural light to flood the room, creating a cozy atmosphere. In the center, a brown table adds a touch of warmth and functionality, perfect for enjoying a cup of coffee or placing books and magazines. This is a place where Amara's family gathers to relax and share moments together.
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Amara Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/amaraHouse/amaraBedroom.jpg'][AHAmaraBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">AMARA´S BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Amara Parents Bedroom|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/amaraHouse/amaraParentsBedroom.jpg'][AHAmaraParentsBedroom]]
<p class="imageMenuText">AMARA´S PARENTS BEDROOM</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Sr Thompson´s Study|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/amaraHouse/srthompsonStudy.jpg'][AHSrThompsonStudy]]
<p class="imageMenuText">SR THOMPSON´S STUDY</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">KITCHEN</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">BATHROOM</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Neighborhood|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/neighborhood.jpg'][Neighborhood][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
This is your PC.<br>
<<if $player.computerSkill >=10 && $player.energy >= 30>>
[[Watch Porn|Porn]]
<<elseif $player.computerSkill <10>>
<span class="requeriment">If you improve your computer skill to 10, you will be able to watch porn videos.</span>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You dont have enough energy.</span>
<<if $player.computerSkill >=5 && $player.items.spyCamera === true>>
<<if $girls.amara.cameraInstalled === true>>
[[Mirar a amara |ChloeSpyCamera]]
<span class="requeriment">If you increase your computer skill to 5 and have acquired the cameras from the electronics store, you will be able to install and watch through spy cameras.</span>
<</nobr>>You are in the Gym.
The comercial center´s gym is modern and always full of energy. Upon entering, the constant sound of machines, the hum of treadmills, and the clinking of weights immediately envelop you. The walls are covered with mirrors, making the place seem larger, and the bright lights give it an almost clinical feel. The screens mounted all around display workout programs or motivational music.
From the weight areas to the stationary bikes, everything seems designed to bring out the best in you. Here, the atmosphere pushes you to keep going, to improve, to compete with yourself.
Here you can train.
<<if $player.energy >= 40 && $player.money >= 15>>
[[Train(-15$/40 energy)|GymTrain]]<br><br>
<<elseif $player.money < 15>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough money to train here.(15$)</span><br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy.(40 energy)</span><br><br>
<<if $player.energy >= 30 >>
[[Look Around|GymScenes]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to watch girls on the gym.(30 energy)</span><br>
[[Go back|ComercialCenter]]
You are in Grace´s room.
Grace's room is a serene and elegant retreat. The walls are painted in soft tones that evoke calm and tranquility. Her bed, with white sheets and a soft blanket, is centered in the room. A small desk is arranged in one corner, adorned with some candles and books, reflecting her love for reading and creativity.
<<if $girls.grace.presentation === false>>
<<goto "GracePresentation">>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>Grace is a dedicated mother who takes care of her two daughters, Carolina and Brittany, on her own since her husband, a close friend of your father's, died in the war.
<br>Since then, she has not been with another man and has focused on her family. She is kind and protective, and now, after the fire, has committed to caring for Chloe while she lives at home.</p>
<<grace>>Hello, $player.name. I’m so sorry to hear about the fire at your house. <</grace>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, Grace. Thank you, it’s been a difficult situation. <</say>><br>
<<grace>>I want you to know that I’ll take care of Chloe as best as I can while she’s here with us. She’s like part of the family. <</grace>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I really appreciate that, Grace. It means a lot to me and my family. <</say>><br>
<<grace>>You don’t need to thank me, really. She and Brittany are getting along well, and Carolina’s also happy to have her here. <</grace>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That gives me a lot of peace of mind. Thank you, Grace. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.grace.presentation = true>>
[[Grace Bedroom|GHGraceBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<if $girls.evelyn.presentation === false>>
<<goto "EvelynPresentation">>
You are in the kitchen.
Amara's kitchen is a bright and functional space designed for comfort and culinary creativity. With stainless steel appliances and marble countertops, it combines style and practicality. The shelves are filled with kitchen utensils and jars of spices, showcasing her passion for cooking.
Natural light streams in through a large window, illuminating the space, while a small table in the center invites informal meals or sharing recipes with friends. It's a place where the aromas and joy of cooking are felt.
[[Cook something tasty.(+25 energy)|AHCook]]
[[Go Back|AmaraHouse]]
-->You are in the bathroom.
Amara's bathroom is an elegant and relaxing space, featuring a large bathtub that invites you to enjoy a soothing soak. The walls are adorned with tiles in soft tones that create a sense of calm.
A modern sink is positioned next to a large mirror that reflects the natural light coming in through a window. Shelves organized with beauty and personal care products add a touch of functionality. Some potted plants bring a fresh touch, making this bathroom a perfect retreat to unwind and enjoy a moment of peace.
[[Take a shower(+25 energy)|AHShower]]<br><br>
<<if $player.energy >= 10 >>
[[Toilet(-10 energy)|AHToilet]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to use the toilet.(10 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|AmaraHouse]]
You are in Amara´s room
Amara's room is an elegant and modern refuge. The walls are painted in a soft hue that creates a relaxing atmosphere. In the center, a large bed with cotton sheets and a cozy comforter invites rest. A minimalist desk is situated near the window, adorned with books.
Amara is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|AmaraHouse]]You are in Clara´s Room.
Clara's room is cozy and vibrant. On her desk, there is a mix of books and journals where she writes her thoughts. The shelves are filled with potted plants and travel mementos, creating a personal and cheerful atmosphere.
<<if $girls.clara.presentation === false>>
<<goto "ClaraPresentation">>
Clara is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|Home]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<henry>>Hey! I'm Henry, your new roommate.Welcome to the house.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks, Henry. Nice to meet you.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>So, tell me, do you like boats?<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Boats? Well, I don't know much about them, but it sounds interesting. Do you like them?<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Absolutely! I'm a huge fan of sailing. I love the freedom of being out on the water.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds awesome. Maybe you could teach me a bit someday.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Of course! We'll plan a trip. You'll love it.<</henry>><br>
<<henry>>Hey, if you want, I can take you out on my boat this weekend.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Really? That sounds amazing.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Yeah, sure.The only thing is, you know, boat maintenance isn't cheap… If you throw in about $200, we can make it happen.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hmm, I get it. Well, I could consider it. Is the trip worth it?<</say>><br>
<<henry>>I promise, you won’t regret it. A day at sea with good company, nothing better.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Alright, maybe I can pull the money together. I'll think about it.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Perfect, you know where to find me if you're in. <</henry>><br>
<<set $boys.henry.presentation = true>>
[[Henry´s Bedroom|HenryBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<say "You" $player.img>>Alright, Henry, here’s the $200. I'm looking forward to that boat trip.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Thanks, man! You won't regret it, trust me.<</henry>><br>
<<henry>>Although... I hate to bring this up, but I've had an unexpected expense come up, and I’m gonna need another $200 to cover everything.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Another $200? That’s... a bit steep.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>I know, I know. I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to. But I swear, this trip will be unforgettable. What do you say?<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Alright, fine. I’ll make it work. It better be worth it.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>You’ve got my word! Get ready for an amazing adventure.<</henry>><br>
<<set $player.money -= 200>>
<<set $boys.henry.progress = 1>>
[[Henry Bedroom|HenryBedroom]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>Maya only appears at night, she is not usually seen for more than a couple of hours a day around here.</p>
<<maya>>Hey, you. What's your name? <</maya>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, I'm $player.name. Nice to meet you. <</say>><br>
<<maya>>Nice to meet you too. I’m Maya. Anyway, I’ve got stuff to do, so I’ll see you around. <</maya>><br>
<<set $girls.maya.presentation = true>>
[[Maya´s Bedroom|MayaBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<</nobr>>You are in Sofia´s Room.
Sofía's room is bright and stylish. Her desk is organized with a few notebooks, a laptop, and art supplies, reflecting her creative and determined personality.
Sofia is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|Home]]<<nobr>>
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<clara>>Hi! Are you the guy who rented the last available room? <</clara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi! Yes, that's me. <</say>><br>
<<clara>>Oh, great. What's your name? <</clara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>My name is $player.name. <</say>><br>
<<clara>>Nice to meet you, $player.name. I go to the gym at the shopping center, it's the best one in the area. If you like sports, you'll probably like it too. <</clara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks for the recommendation! Sounds great. <</say>><br>
<<clara>>You're welcome! If you decide to go, you know where to find me. <</clara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I'll keep it in mind. <</say>><br>
[[Someone knocks at the door|RonniePresentation]]
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<div align="center">
<<henry>>Here we are! Welcome aboard.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Wow, Henry, this is impressive. Looks like a great setup.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Thanks! And hey, I thought I’d make it even better—I invited a couple of friends to join us. They’ll be here soon.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Oh, really? Sounds like this trip just got a lot more interesting.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Trust me, they’re fun company. This is going to be a day to remember.<</henry>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Hey, could you help me with this sunscreen? There are places I just can’t reach.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Of course, sweetheart. Let’s make sure to cover every inch.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>I wouldn’t want to get burned in any sensitive spots. *[winks]*<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Then let me take good care of you. Ready for a little sun fun?<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<henry>>You ladies sure know how to enjoy yourselves. This is going to be an unforgettable trip.<</henry>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat1.mp4" >><br>
<<henry>>Why don’t you girls come over here and let’s start having some fun?<</henry>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>That sounds great! We’re ready to join you!<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Yeah, let’s get this party started!<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat2.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Hey $player.name, why don’t we go to my cabin and have some fun together?<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>What do you have in mind?<</say>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>It’s a surprise! You’re going to love it.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>A surprise, huh? Now you’ve got my curiosity piqued!<</say>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Trust me, it’s going to be a good time. Let’s go!<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat3.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Come outside, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Is your friend as hot as you are?<</say>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Oh, even more! You’re going to love her.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Sounds promising! I can’t wait to meet her.<</say>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Trust me, it’s going to be a fun time.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat4.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>It feels so good inside you<</say>><br> <<sexyGirls>>I've been waiting for this all day, I want it inside me all the way<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>I love to feel you filling me with your cock<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat5.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>I also want all your cock deep inside me<</sexyGirls>><br>
[[The party has only just begun |HenryBoatScene2]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<sofia>>Hi, what’s your name? <</sofia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, my name is $player.name. <</say>><br>
<<sofia>>Nice to meet you, $player.name. I’m in a bit of a complicated situation and was wondering if you could help me. I’m short $25 to pay my rent. Could you lend me the money? <</sofia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Sure, no problem. <</say>><br>
<<sofia>>Oh, thank you so much! I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. I really appreciate it. <</sofia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>No worries, I’m happy to help. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.sofia.presentation = true>>
[[Pay 25$|Home][$player.money -= 25,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<say "You" $player.img>>Here’s the other $200, Henry. I hope this is going to be worth it.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Thanks, really! I appreciate it a lot.<</henry>><br>
<<henry>>Listen, next Saturday or Sunday, come by my room between 14:00 and 16:00, and I’ll have everything ready for the boat trip. It’s going to be amazing.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Perfect, I’ll be there. Hope everything’s set up.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>You can count on it. This trip is going to be one of the best experiences you’ve ever had.<</henry>><br>
<<set $player.money -= 200>>
<<set $boys.henry.cooldown = 5>>
<<set $boys.henry.progress = 2>>
[[Henry Bedroom|HenryBedroom]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>Chloe is your little sister, she's 18 and is going into her first year of college.
<br>She is a nymphomaniac, but thanks to a medicine that palliates the effects of the disease, she has had a normal adolescence and is still a virgin.</p>
<<chloe>>Hey, $player.name!<</chloe>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hey, Chloe! How are you? Are you feeling better after everything with the fire? <</say>><br>
<<chloe>>Yeah, I'm okay now. It was scary, but everything's fine now. <</chloe>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I'm glad to hear that. Are Grace and her daughters taking good care of you? <</say>><br>
<<chloe>>Yeah, everything's great with them. I feel really taken care of. <</chloe>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I'm really happy to hear that. How do you feel about starting your first year of college? Are you nervous? <</say>><br>
<<chloe>>A little, but mostly I'm excited. I'm really looking forward to starting my studies. <</chloe>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I'm so glad to hear that. I'm sure you'll do great. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.chloe.presentation = true>>
[[Chloe Bedroom|ChloeBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<</nobr>>You are in the kitchen.
The kitchen is spacious and functional, equipped with modern appliances and a large table in the center that invites family meals. The light wooden cabinets are filled with utensils and dishware.
The kitchen is the heart of the home, where moments and family recipes are shared.
[[Cook something tasty.(+25 energy)|GHCook]]
Grace is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]You are in the Rachel´s kitchen.
Rachel's kitchen is modern and bright, featuring stainless steel appliances and a wooden countertop that adds an elegant touch. The shelves are organized with jars of spices and colorful kitchen utensils, creating a cozy and functional atmosphere.
The large window allows natural light to flow in, and there are often potted plants that add a touch of freshness. It is a space where creativity and a passion for cooking are palpable.
[[Cook something tasty.(+25 energy)|RHCook]]
[[Go Back|RachelHouse]]You are in the Rachel´s bathroom.
Rachel's bathroom is spacious and well-lit, with ceramic tiles in soft tones that create a sense of tranquility. There is a large shower, perfect for relaxing. The sink features a large mirror and shelves organized with beauty and personal care products.
A window allows natural light to enter, and a few potted plants add a touch of freshness to the space. It is an area that combines comfort and style, ideal for starting or ending the day.
[[Take a shower(+25 energy)|RHShower]]<br>
<<if $player.energy >= 10 >>
[[Toilet(-10 energy)|RHToilet]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to use the toilet.(10 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|RachelHouse]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>Carolina is Grace's oldest daughter, I don't know much about her, she doesn't usually talk much to people because she is not very nice.The only thing I know about her is that she really likes the gym.</p>
<<carolina>>What are you doing here, $player.name? Get out of my room. I don’t want to talk to you. <</carolina>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Sorry, I just wanted to say hi... <</say>><br>
<<carolina>>I don’t care. I don’t want to see you here. I have nothing to say to you. <</carolina>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I understand. Sorry for bothering you. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.carolina.presentation = true>>
[[Carolina Bedroom|GHCarolinaBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<</nobr>>You are in the bathroom.
The bathroom is a shared space that combines functionality and style. Light-colored tiles and a large mirror above the sink bring brightness to the environment. Some small plants add a touch of freshness and life to the place.
Despite being a shared bathroom, it feels tidy and inviting, ideal for the daily routine.
[[Take a shower(+25 energy)|GHShower]]<br><br>
<<if $player.energy >= 10 >>
[[Toilet(-10 energy)|GHToilet]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to use the toilet.(10 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]
<img src="images/pc.jpg"><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"kiss.mp4" >><br>
<<set $path = 0>>
<div align="center">
<<linkreplace "YOUR PARENTS">>
Months after the house was destroyed, your parents decided to return to their home in the hometown, where they hoped to find some peace and stability.
<<linkreplace "CHLOE">>
<<if $path === 0>>
<<set $path = 1>>
<<linkreplace "YOU">>
<<if $path === 0>>
However, you had to move into a shared apartment while finishing your final years at university. At first, the transition was challenging, but you quickly adapted to the new life.
<<set $path = 1>>
<<girl1>>Hi! Are you the guy who rented the last available room? <</girl1>><br>
<<girl2>>Hi! Are you the guy who rented the last available room? <</girl2>><br>
<<girl3>>Hi! Are you the guy who rented the last available room? <</girl3>><br>
<<anonymous>>Hi! Are you the guy who rented the last available room? <</anonymous>><br>
[[Neighborhood][$actualHour += 1]] You are in Carolina´s room.
The room is spacious and cozy, with a design that combines comfort and style. In the center, a large white bed stands out, inviting rest. On one side, there is a small white armchair, perfect for relaxing with a book or simply enjoying the atmosphere.
The light brown wooden furniture complements the space, adding a warm and natural touch. The windows allow natural light to flood in, illuminating the environment and enhancing the sense of spaciousness. It is an ideal place to disconnect and recharge.
<<if $girls.carolina.presentation === false>>
<<goto "CarolinaPresentation">>
Carolina is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]
You are in Rachel´s Room.
Rachel's room is a cozy and vibrant space, decorated in her personal style. In one corner, there is an organized desk where she works on her projects, surrounded by books and art supplies.
The shelves are filled with memories and photos with friends. Natural light floods in through the windows, and a few potted plants add a touch of freshness. It is a place where creativity and comfort blend perfectly.
<<if $girls.rachel.presentation === false>>
<<goto "RachelPresentation">>
Rachel is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Living Room|RachelHouse]]
--><div align="center">
<h1 style="color: red;">Warning:</h1>
<h2 style="color: red;">This game has scenes with sound</h2>
<span style="color: red;">
All characters in this game are above the legal age of 18 years old.
None of the situations presented in this game represent reality. Any similarity is mere coincidence.
This game is a work of fiction made for adults only.
Do not proceed if you are under legal age.
[[I AM AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD OR OLDER|Presentation]]
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $gameEngine.onIntro = true>>
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $detectingMetalsImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $detectingMetalsImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/beach/detectingMetals/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $detectingMetalsImages.random()>>
<span style="color:grey">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<<set $min = 10>>
<<set $max = 15>>
<<set $randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * ($max - $min + 1)) + $min>>
<<set $randomGoldNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * ($max - $min + 1)) + $min>>
<<set $player.money += $randomNumber>>
<<set $player.energy -=20>>
<<if $player.items.goldMetalDetector ===true>>
<<set $player.money += $randomGoldNumber>>
<<set $totalMoney = $randomNumber+$randomGoldNumber>>
<span style="color:var(--green)">You have found $randomNumber $!!</span>
<span style="color:var(--goldYellow)">You have found $randomGoldNumber $ with the gold detector!!</span>
<span style="color:var(--goldYellow)">Total money: $totalMoney$!!</span>
<span style="color:var(--green)">You have found $randomNumber $!!</span>
[[Beach][$actualHour += 4,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
You are in the university.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
The university feels like a world of its own, a place full of opportunities and surprises. The biology faculty buildings are spacious and modern, with bright labs and classrooms equipped with the latest in scientific technology.
The lectures are always packed with passionate people, but what really stands out are the girls who fill the hallways and the campus. Every day is a new chance to meet someone interesting, exchange glances at the cafeteria, or bump into each other in the gardens between classes. Conversations often start with academic topics, but there's always a spark in the air that takes things to another level.
This place isn’t just where I study; it’s where social life intertwines with everything else, and you never know what might happen.
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy >= 80 && $girls.steffany.presentation === false>>
<p class="imageMenuText">Biology Class</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy >= 80 && $girls.steffany.presentation === true>>
<p class="imageMenuText">Biology Class</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy < 80>>
<p class="imageMenuText">Biology Class</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--red)"> You need more energy to take the class.(80 energy)</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">Biology Class</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 8:00 or 9:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy >= 80 && $girls.naomi.presentation === false>>
<p class="imageMenuText">Japanese Class</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy >= 80 && $girls.naomi.presentation === true>>
<p class="imageMenuText">Japanese Class</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy < 80>>
<p class="imageMenuText">Japanese Class</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--red)"> You need more energy to take the class.(80 energy)</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">Japanese Class</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 8:00 or 9:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy >= 80 && $boys.jeremy.presentation === false>>
[img[Computer Class|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/university/computerClass.jpg'][JeremyPresentation]]
<p class="imageMenuText">Computer Class</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy >= 80 && $boys.jeremy.presentation === true>>
[img[Computer Class|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/university/computerClass.jpg'][ComputerClass][$player.computerSkill++]]
<p class="imageMenuText">Computer Class</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy < 80>>
<p class="imageMenuText">ComputerClass Class</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--red)"> You need more energy to take the class.(80 energy)</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">Computer Class</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 8:00 or 9:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour ===17 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">University Rector</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">University Rector</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 17:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour ===17 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">Tutor</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">Tutor</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 17:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=6 && $actualHour <= 8 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">Janitor</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">Janitor</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 6:00 & 8:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=21 && $actualHour <= 24 >>
<p class="imageMenuText">Secret Club</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">Secret Club</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come after 21:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<p class="imageMenuText">Street</p>
[[Biology Class|BiologyClass]]
[[Japanese Class|JapaneseClass]]
[[University Rector|UniversityRector]]
[[Secret Club|SecretClub]]
<<if $gameEngine.dreamCheat === $gameEngine.dreamCheatCode>>
<<set $sleepVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 21; $i++>>
<<set $sleepVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/sleep/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $sleepVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
You dream of a girl.
<span style="color: var(--purple)">You can dream about girls if you had a dream cheat code.</span>
You are too tired.
<<set $actualMinutes = 0,$actualHour = 7,$actualDay += 1>>
<<set $player.energy = $player.maxEnergy>>
<<set $gameEngine.rentDaysLeft++>>
<<if $boys.henry.cooldown > 0 >>
<<set $boys.henry.cooldown-->>
<<set $boys.henry.cooldown = 0>>
<span style="color: var(--yellow)">You feel full rested.</span>
<<include "GirlSleepReset">>
[[My Room|MyRoom]]<<nobr>>
<<if $girls.laura.presentation === false>>
<<goto "LauraPresentation">>
You are in the Fertility Center.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
As you progress in your biology studies at the university, you'll have the opportunity to intern at an Advanced Assisted Reproduction Center.
You will assist, as an intern, alongside doctors and nurses, helping many women become pregnant through your knowledge of biology.
<<if $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=17>>
<br><span style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 8:00 and 17:00</span><br>
<<if $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy > 40>>
<<elseif $actualHour >=8 && $actualHour <=9 && $player.energy < 40>>
<br><span style="color:var(--red)"> You need more energy to do practices.(40 energy)</span><br>
<br><span style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 8:00 or 9:00</span><br>
<<if $actualHour >=18 && $actualHour <=19 && $player.energy >= 50 && $girls.laura.progress >= 1>>
<<elseif $girls.laura.progress < 1>>
<br><span style="color:var(--purple)">Make more practices so that laura will authorize you to donate sperm.</span><br>
<<elseif $actualHour >=18 && $actualHour <=19 && $player.energy < 50>>
<br><span style="color:var(--red)"> You need more energy to donate sperm(50 energy)</span><br>
<br><span style="color:var(--purple)">Come at 18:00 or 19:00</span><br>
<<if $actualHour >=20 && $actualHour <=21 && $player.energy >= 100 && $girls.laura.progress >= 2 && $player.donorPrestige >= 2>>
<br>[[Close the center|HelpDesesperatedWomen][$player.energy -= 100]]<br>
<<elseif $girls.laura.progress < 2 || $player.donorPrestige < 2>>
<br><span style="color:var(--purple)">To unlock this, you must have donated sperm before then talk to Laura.</span><br>
<<elseif $actualHour >=20 && $actualHour <=21 && $player.energy < 100>>
<br><span style="color:var(--red)"> You need more energy to help women.(100 energy)</span><br>
<br><span style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 20:00 or 21:00</span><br>
-->You are in the neighborhood.
<<if State.history[(State.history.length - 2)].title === "Street">>
<br><span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<<elseif State.history[(State.history.length - 2)].title === "RachelHouse" || State.history[(State.history.length - 2)].title === "GrayHouse" || State.history[(State.history.length - 2)].title === "AmaraHouse" || State.history[(State.history.length - 2)].title === "Pool">>
<br><span style="color:var(--grey)">+30 minutes has passed.</span><br>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $girls.amara.presentation === false>>
[img[Amara House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">AMARA HOUSE</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Meet Amara working as a bartender</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=17 && $girls.amara.presentation === true>>
[img[Amara House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/amaraHouse/amaraHouse.jpg'][AmaraHouse][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">AMARA HOUSE</p>
[img[Amara House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">AMARA HOUSE</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come after 17:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=17 && $boys.lucas.presentation === false>>
[img[Rachel House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/rachelHouse/rachelHouse.jpg'][LucasPresentation]]
<p class="imageMenuText">RACHEL HOUSE</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=17 && $boys.lucas.presentation === true>>
[img[Rachel House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/rachelHouse/rachelHouse.jpg'][RachelHouse][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">RACHEL HOUSE</p>
[img[Rachel House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">RACHEL HOUSE</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come after 17:00</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Gray House|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/grayHouse.jpg'][GrayHouse][$actualHour += 1]]
<p class="imageMenuText">GRAY HOUSE</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6 >>
[img[Pool|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/pool/pool.jpg'][Pool][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">POOL</p>
<p class="imageMenuText">POOL</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Saturday/Sunday closed.</p>
<div class="imageFlexBox">
<div class="imageMenu">
<<if $actualHour >=6 && $actualHour <= 13 && $player.energy >= 30>>
[img[Spy on neighborhood|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/spyOnNeighborhood.jpg'][SpyNeighborhood]]
<p class="imageMenuText">SPY ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
<<elseif $actualHour >=6 && $actualHour <= 13 && $player.energy < 30>>
[img[Spy on neighborhood |setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/neighborhood/spyOnNeighborhood.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">SPY ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--red)">You don't have enough energy to spy on the neighborhood.(30 energy)</p>
[img[Spy on neighborhood|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/misc/closed.jpg']]
<p class="imageMenuText">SPY ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD</p>
<p class="imageMenuInfoText" style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 6:00 & 13:00</p>
<div class="imageMenu">
[img[Street|setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/street/street.jpg'][Street][$actualMinutes += 3]]
<p class="imageMenuText">STREET</p>
[[Comunitary pool|Pool]]
[[Street]]--><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $gymVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 21; $i++>>
<<set $gymVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/comercialCenter/gym/girls/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $gymVideos.random()>>
<<set $player.energy -= 30>>
<<set $achievements.gymCount++>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
[[Gym][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $beachVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 24; $i++>>
<<set $beachVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/beach/girls/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $beachVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 30>>
<<set $achievements.beachCount++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
"You walk for a while on the beach."
[[Beach][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $workImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $workImages[$i] ="placesPhotos/bar/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $workImages.random()>>
<<set $min = 20>>
<<set $max = 30>>
<<set $randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * ($max - $min + 1)) + $min>>
<<set $player.energy -= 50>>
<<if $actualDay !== 5 && $actualDay !== 6>>
<<set $player.money += $randomNumber>>
<span style="color:var(--green)">You earn $randomNumber $ working!!</span>
<<set $randomNumber *= 2>>
<<set $player.money +=$randomNumber>>
<span style="color:var(--goldYellow)">You earn $randomNumber $ working!! X2 ON WEEKEND!</span>
<<set $actualHour += 4>>
[[Go Back|Bar][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<set $girlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<set $currentGirl.dailyInteraction = false>>
<h2>Enter the cheat code</h2>
<<textbox "$textBoxInput" "">>
<<button "Submit">>
<<set $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput = $textBoxInput>>
<<if $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput === $gameEngine.timeCheatCode>>
<<set $gameEngine.timeCheat = $gameEngine.timeCheatCode>>
<<elseif $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput === $gameEngine.statsCheatCode>>
<<set $gameEngine.statsCheat = $gameEngine.statsCheatCode>>
<<elseif $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput === $gameEngine.finderCheatCode>>
<<set $gameEngine.finderCheat = $gameEngine.finderCheatCode>>
<<elseif $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput === $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheatCode>>
<<set $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheat = $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheatCode>>
<<elseif $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput === $gameEngine.dreamCheatCode>>
<<set $gameEngine.dreamCheat = $gameEngine.dreamCheatCode>>
<<goto "Cheats">>
<<if $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput !== $gameEngine.timeCheatCode && $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput !== $gameEngine.statsCheatCode && $gameEngine.cheatCodeInput !== $gameEngine.finderCheatCode &&
$gameEngine.cheatCodeInput !== $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheatCode &&
$gameEngine.cheatCodeInput !== $gameEngine.dreamCheatCode &&
$gameEngine.cheatCodeInput !== "">>
<span style="color:var(--red);">Invalid code.</span>
<<if $gameEngine.timeCheat === $gameEngine.timeCheatCode ||
$gameEngine.dreamCheat === $gameEngine.dreamCheatCode ||
$gameEngine.statsCheat === $gameEngine.statsCheatCode || $gameEngine.finderCheat === $gameEngine.finderCheatCode ||
$gameEngine.finderPremiumCheat === $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheatCode >>
<<if $gameEngine.timeCheat === $gameEngine.timeCheatCode>>
<span style="color:var(--linkhover)">Cheat activated: Time Travel Cheat! </span><br>
<<if $gameEngine.dreamCheat === $gameEngine.dreamCheatCode>>
<span style="color:var(--linkhover)">Cheat activated: Dream Cheat!</span><br>
<<if $gameEngine.statsCheat === $gameEngine.statsCheatCode>>
<span style="color:var(--linkhover)">Cheat activated: Stats Cheat!</span><br>
<<if $gameEngine.finderCheat === $gameEngine.finderCheatCode>>
<span style="color:var(--linkhover)">Cheat activated: Finder Cheat!</span><br>
<<if $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheat === $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheatCode>>
<span style="color:var(--linkhover)">Cheat activated: Finder PREMIUM Cheat!</span><br>
<br><span style="var(--color:red)">No cheat code currently active.</span>
<<if $gameEngine.statsCheat === $gameEngine.statsCheatCode>>
<<button "+100 Money">>
<<set $player.money+=100>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+500 Money">>
<<set $player.money+=500>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+1000 Money">>
<<set $player.money+=1000>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+20 Strength">>
<<set $player.strength+=20>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+20 Intelligence">>
<<set $player.intelligence+=20>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+20 Stamina">>
<<set $player.stamina+=20>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+5 Computer Skill">>
<<set $player.computerSkill+=5>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+5 Biology Progress">>
<<set $player.biologyProgress+=5>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "+5 Japanese Progress">>
<<set $player.japaneseProgress+=5>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<link "Collect all Items" "Cheats">>
<<set $itemsArray = Object.keys($player.items)>>
<<for $u = 0; $u < $itemsArray.length; $u++>>
<<set $player.items[$itemsArray[$u]] = true>>
<<link "All girls max love" "Cheats">>
<<set $girlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<set $currentGirl.love = $currentGirl.maxLove>>
<<link "All girls max progress && story progress" "Cheats">>
<<set $girlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<<for $o = 0; $o < $girlsArray.length; $o++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$o]]>>
<<if $currentGirl.finder === 0>>
<<set $currentGirl.progress = $currentGirl.maxProgress>>
<<set $currentGirl.presentation = true>>
<<set $player.storyProgress = $player.maxStoryProgress>>
<<set $player.donorPrestige = $player.maxDonorPrestige>>
<<set $player.biologyProgress = $player.maxBiologyProgress>>
<<button "Infinite energy">>
<<set $gameEngine.cheatInfiniteEnergy = true>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy =1000,$player.energy =1000>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<<button "Normal energy">>
<<set $gameEngine.cheatInfiniteEnergy = false>>
<<set $player.maxEnergy =100,$player.energy =100>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
There are 3 different codes:
<<linkreplace "What each code does????">>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover);">TIME TRAVEL CHEAT </span>Allows you to travel forward in time from your room, which will greatly help you when playing certain events that only occur at specific times and days.<br><br>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover);">STATS CHEAT</span>Allows you to increase your character's stats like intelligence, strength, money, etc., from the cheats menu in your room.
<span style="color: var(--linkhover);">DREAM CHEAT</span>Allows you to dream with girls while sleeping.
<span style="color: var(--linkhover);">FINDER CHEAT</span>Allows you to access additional scenes that will be shown through your room's computer once you have purchased the subscription at the electronics store in the mall.
<span style="color:var(--linkhover)">THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORT ME AS A CREATOR<br>
<<return "Go back">><div align="center">
<<set $girlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<div class="walkhroughFlexBox">
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<set $girlPictureRoute = $currentGirl.img+"pose.jpg">>
<<if $currentGirl.finder === 0>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor =
"border: 2px solid var(--"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+")">>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor =
<<set $girlWalkthroughPassage = $currentGirl.name + "Walkthrough">>
<<if $currentGirl.progress >= $currentGirl.maxProgress && $currentGirl.presentation === true>>
<div class="walkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<span @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$currentGirl.name(FINISHED)</span>
<a data-passage="$girlWalkthroughPassage" style="background-color:transparent">
<img class="walkthroughPicture" @src="$girlPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<div class="walkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<span @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$currentGirl.name</span>
<a data-passage="$girlWalkthroughPassage" style="background-color:transparent">
<img class="walkthroughPicture" @src="$girlPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<!-- BOYS QUEST -->
<<if $i >= $girlsArray.length - 1>>
<<set $boysArray = Object.keys($boys)>>
<<for $a = 0; $a < $boysArray.length; $a++>>
<<set $currentBoy = $boys[$boysArray[$a]]>>
<<set $boyPictureRoute = $currentBoy.img+"pose.jpg">>
<<if $currentBoy.maxProgress > 0>>
<<set $CSSboyBorderColor =
"border: 2px solid var(--"+$currentBoy.name.toLowerCase()+")">>
<<set $CSSboyTextColor =
<<set $boyWalkthroughPassage = $currentBoy.name + "Walkthrough">>
<<if $currentBoy.progress >= $currentBoy.maxProgress && $currentBoy.presentation === true>>
<div class="walkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<span @style="$CSSboyTextColor">$currentBoy.name(FINISHED)</span>
<a data-passage="$boyWalkthroughPassage" style="background-color:transparent">
<img class="walkthroughPicture" @src="$boyPictureRoute" @style="$CSSboyBorderColor">
<div class="walkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<span @style="$CSSboyTextColor">$currentBoy.name</span>
<a data-passage="$boyWalkthroughPassage" style="background-color:transparent">
<img class="walkthroughPicture" @src="$boyPictureRoute" @style="$CSSboyBorderColor">
<!-- FINISH BOYS -->
[[Go Back|MyRoom]]
In Finders, you can find girls to go on dates with and get to know them.
There are girls for who you will need a premium subscription to talk to and ask for a date.
Below are the girls available online:
<div class="finderFlexbox">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/gold.jpg">
<span style="color: #FFDF00">Non Premium Girls</span><img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/gold.jpg">
<<if $player.finderSubscription === true>>
<<elseif $gameEngine.finderCheat === true>>
<img class="finderGirlImage" src="media/images/girls/finder/lola/pose.jpg"><br>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need to buy Finder Subscription at the electronic shop</span>
<img class="finderGirlImage" src="media/images/girls/finder/lola/pose.jpg"><br>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need a cheat code to buy Finder Subscription at the electronic shop</span>
<div class="finderFlexbox">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/diamond.jpg">
<span style="color:#b9f2ff">Premium Girls</span><img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/diamond.jpg">
<<if $player.finderPremiumSubscription === true>>
<img class="finderGirlImage" src="media/images/girls/finderPremium/susan/hot1.jpg"><br>
<<elseif $gameEngine.finderPremiumCheat === true>>
<img class="finderGirlImage" src="media/images/girls/finderPremium/susan/hot1.jpg"><br>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need to buy a Finder Premium Subscription at the electronic shop</span>
<img class="finderGirlImage" src="media/images/girls/finderPremium/susan/hot1.jpg"><br>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need a cheat code to buy Finder Premium Subscription at the electronic shop</span>
[[Go Back|Computer]]<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $computerClassImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $computerClassImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/university/computerClass/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $computerClassImages.random()>>
<<if $player.japaneseProgress < 10>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">You learn a lot about computer science.(+1 computer skill)</span><br>
<<set $player.computerSkill++>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">Here you can no longer learn about computer science.</span>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">It´s 17:00</span><br>
<<set $player.energy -= 80>>
[[Go back|University][$actualHour =17,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<if $girls.steffany.presentation === false>>
<<goto "SteffanyPresentation">>
<<set $biologyClassImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $biologyClassImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/university/biologyClass/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $biologyClassImages.random()>>
<<if $player.biologyProgress < 20>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">You learn a lot about biology.(+1 biology)</span><br>
<<set $player.biologyProgress++>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">Here you can no longer learn about biology.</span>
<<set $player.energy -= 80>>
<<if $girls.steffany.dailyInteraction === false>>
[[Talk with Steffany|SteffanyDialog][$actualHour =17]]
<span style="color:var(--red)">you have already spoken to Steffany today.</span>
[[Go Back|University][$actualHour =17,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $workoutImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $workoutImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/comercialCenter/gym/workout/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage =$workoutImages.random()>>
<<set $strengthWining = $player.strength>>
<<set $player.strength +=2>>
<<set $player.money -=15>>
<<set $player.energy -=40>>
<<if $player.items.dumbbells ===true>>
<<set $player.strength += 1>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">You use your dumbbells +1 additional strength</span>
<<if $player.items.weighPlates ===true>>
<<set $player.strength += 1>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">You use your weigh plates +1 additional strength</span>
<<if $player.items.weightedVest ===true>>
<<set $player.strength += 2>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">You use your weighted vest +2 additional strength</span>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You train hard at the gym, gaining<span style="color:var(--red)"> +2 strength.</span>
[[Go Back|Gym][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $walkVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 21; $i++>>
<<set $walkVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/park/girls/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $walkVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -=30>>
<<set $achievements.parkCount++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You walk for a while on the park.
[[Park][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $runningImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $runningImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/park/running/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $runningImages.random()>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--green)">You spend 1 hour running.(+3 stamina)</span><br>
<<set $player.stamina += 2>>
<<set $player.energy -=40>>
<<if $player.items.runningShoes ===true>>
<<set $player.stamina ++>>
<br><span style="color:var(--cian)">You use your running shoes +3 additional stamina</span><br>
[[Park][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<span style="color: var(--grey)">+3 hours have passed.</span><br>
<span style="color: var(--yellow)">You take a nap (+25 energy).</span><br>
[[My Room|MyRoom][$actualHour += 3]]You are in the Men Clothing Shop.
The elegant Men's Clothing Shop presents itself as a sophisticated and modern space, designed for those seeking a distinctive and refined style. Each garment is made from premium materials, ranging from soft wools to fresh cottons, ensuring comfort and durability.
With an atmosphere of exclusivity and style, this store becomes the ideal destination for men who wish to elevate their wardrobe and express their personality through fashion.
You can buy the following items:
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/shoes.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.shoes=== true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Shoes already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 100>>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need more money(100$).</span>
<<button "Shoes(-100$)">>
<<set $player.money -=100,$player.stylish++,$player.items.shoes = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/elegantDressHat.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.elegantDressHat === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Elegant Dress Hat already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 200>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(200$).</span>
<<button "Elegant Dress Hat(-200$)">>
<<set $player.money -=200,$player.stylish++,$player.items.elegantDressHat = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/suit.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.suit === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Suit already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 300>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(300$).</span>
<<button "Suit(-300$)">>
<<set $player.money -=300,$player.stylish++,$player.items.suit = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/items/luxuryWatch.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.items.luxuryWatch === true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Luxury Watch already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 400>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You need more money(400$).</span>
<<button "Luxury Watch(-400$)">>
<<set $player.money -=400,$player.stylish++,$player.items.luxuryWatch = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
[[Comercial Center|ComercialCenter]]<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $showerImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $showerImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/shower/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $showerImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.showerCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You take a shower(+25 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|Bathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $toiletImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $toiletImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/toilet/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $toiletImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.toiletCount++>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You go to the toilet<br>
[[Go Back|Bathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $swimImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $swimImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/neighborhood/pool/gifs/swim/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $swimImages.random()>>
<span style="color:grey">+2 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--green)">You spend 1 hour swimming.(+2 stamina)</span>
<<set $player.stamina += 2>>
<<set $player.energy -=40>>
[[Go Back|Pool][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div>You are in Maya´s Room.
Maya's room is cozy with a feminine touch. Her bed is adorned with soft blankets and colorful pillows. On the desk, a few books and beauty products are neatly organized. The walls are decorated with photos and string lights, giving the space a warm and personal vibe.
<<if $girls.maya.presentation === false>>
<<goto "MayaPresentation">>
Maya is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|Home]]
--><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $spyNeighborhoodVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 21; $i++>>
<<set $spyNeighborhoodVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/neighborhood/pool/spyNeighborhood/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $spyNeighborhoodVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 30>>
<<set $achievements.neighborCount++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+2 hour has passed.</span><br>
You spy on the neighborhood
[[Go Back|Neighborhood][$actualHour += 2,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $cookImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $cookImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/kitchen/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $cookImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.cookCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You cook something tasty (+25 energy).</span><br>
[[Go Back|Kitchen][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div>Select your preference:
<<if $player.energy >= 25 >>
[[Handjobs(-25 energy)|Handjobs]]<br>
[[Blowjobs(-25 energy)|Blowjobs]]<br>
[[Creampie(-25 energy)|Creampie]]<br>
[[Anal(-25 energy)|Anal]]<br>
[[Redhead(-25 energy)|Redhead]]<br>
[[Black(-25 energy)|Black]]<br>
[[Hentai(-25 energy)|Hentai]]<br>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to see porn.(25 energy)<br></span>
[[Computer]]<div align="center">
<<set $blowjobsVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $blowjobsVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/blowjobs/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $blowjobsVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $handjobsVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $handjobsVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/handjobs/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $handjobsVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $analVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $analVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/anal/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $analVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $redheadVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $redheadVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/redhead/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $redheadVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $blackVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $blackVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/black/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $blackVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $creampieVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $creampieVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/creampie/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $creampieVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $hentaiVideos = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++>>
<<set $hentaiVideos[$i] = "placesVideos/home/myRoom/computer/porn/hentai/"+$i+".webm">>
<<set $randomVideo = setup.VideoPath + $hentaiVideos.random()>>
<<video $randomVideo>>
<<set $player.energy -= 25>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You see some porn.
[[Go Back|Porn][$actualHour++]]
</div>[[Go Back|Computer]]You are on the city.
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--red)">WORK IN PROGRESS</span>
<<if $girls.secretGirl.presentation === false>>
<<goto "SecretGirlPresentation">>
<span style="color:var(--red)">WORK IN PROGRESS</span>
--><div align="center">
<<if $girls.katia.presentation === false>>
<<goto "KatiaPresentation">>
<p class="reflection">Here is your university tutor.(MORE SCENES WIP)</p>
<div align="center">
<<if $girls.dafne.presentation === false>>
<<goto "DafnePresentation">>
<<elseif $girls.steffany.progress >= 5 && $player.biologyProgress >= 20 && $player.storyProgress === 0>>
[[Talk with Rector(practices approve)|PracticesApprove]]<br>
<<elseif $player.storyProgress >= 1>>
<p class="reflection">Here is the university Rector.(MORE SCENES WIP)</p>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">I should advance with Steffany to the end of her story and reach 20 biology knowledge before asking for do practices at the Fertility Center.</span><br>
<</nobr>><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $japaneseClassImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $japaneseClassImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/university/japaneseClass/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $japaneseClassImages.random()>>
<<if $player.japaneseProgress < 10>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">You learn a lot about Japanese.(+1 Japanese)</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">Naomi Scenes WIP</span><br>
<<set $player.japaneseProgress++>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">Here you can no longer learn about Japanese.</span>
<<set $player.energy -= 80>>
[[Go Back|University][$actualHour =17,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $practicesImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $practicesImages[$i] = "placesPhotos/fertilityCenter/practices/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $practicesImages.random()>>
<<if $player.biologyProgress < 40>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">You learn a lot about biology.(+1 biology)</span><br>
<<set $player.biologyProgress++>>
<span style="color:var(--classOrange)">Here you can no longer learn about biology.</span>
<<set $player.energy -= 40>>
<<set $actualHour =17>>
[[Go Back|FertilityCenter][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<if $player.biologyProgress >= 30 && $girls.laura.progress === 0 && $girls.laura.dailyInteraction === false>>
<<laura>>Congratulations on your progress in the practices! You've done a great job.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Laura. I'm learning a lot here.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>As a reward, I authorize you to be a sperm donor. Would you like to do it?<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, I would. What do I need to do?<</say>><br>
<<laura>>The nurses will explain the whole process to you. The hours for it are from 18:00 to 19:00.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Perfect, I'll be there at that time.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>Great. I'm sure you'll do well. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.<</laura>><br>
<<set $girls.laura.dailyInteraction = true>>
<<set $girls.laura.progress = 1>>
<<elseif $player.biologyProgress < 30 && $girls.laura.progress === 0>>
<p class="reflection">Laura is here</p>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">I should reach 30 points in biology before coming to talk to her.</span><br>
<<if $player.biologyProgress >= 40 && $girls.laura.progress === 1 && $girls.laura.dailyInteraction === false>>
<<laura>>Congratulations on your continued progress! I’m really impressed with your work.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Laura! I appreciate your support.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>As a sign of my trust in you, I’m giving you the responsibility of closing the fertility center at night.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Wow, that’s a big responsibility! I won’t let you down.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>I know you won’t. Just make sure everything is in order before you leave.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Of course! I’ll take care of it.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>If you have any questions while you’re closing up, feel free to call me.<</laura>><br>
<<set $girls.laura.dailyInteraction = true>>
<<set $girls.laura.progress = 2>>
<<elseif $player.biologyProgress < 40 && $girls.laura.progress === 1>>
<p class="reflection">Laura is here</p>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">I should reach 40 points in biology before coming to talk to her.</span><br>
<<if $player.biologyProgress >= 40 && $girls.laura.progress === 2>>
<p class="reflection">Laura is here</p>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Fertility Center|FertilityCenter]]
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $cookImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $cookImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/kitchen/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $cookImages.random()>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You cook something tasty (+25 energy).</span><br>
[[Go Back|RHKitchen][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $showerImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $showerImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/shower/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $showerImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.showerCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You take a shower(+25 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|RHBathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $toiletImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $toiletImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/toilet/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $toiletImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.toiletCount++>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You go to the toilet<br>
[[Go Back|RHBathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $cookImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $cookImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/kitchen/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $cookImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.cookCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You cook something tasty (+25 energy).</span><br>
[[Go Back|GHKitchen][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $showerImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $showerImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/shower/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $showerImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.showerCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You take a shower(+25 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|GHBathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $toiletImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $toiletImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/toilet/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $toiletImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.toiletCount++>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You go to the toilet<br>
[[Go Back|GHBathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $cookImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $cookImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/kitchen/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $cookImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.cookCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You cook something tasty (+25 energy).</span><br>
[[Go Back|AHKitchen][$actualHour++, $gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $showerImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $showerImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/shower/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $showerImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.showerCount++>>
<<set $player.energy += 25>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--yellow)">You take a shower(+25 energy)</span><br>
[[Go Back|AHBathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $toiletImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $toiletImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/bathroom/gifs/toilet/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $toiletImages.random()>>
<<set $achievements.toiletCount++>>
<<set $actualHour++>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+1 hour has passed.</span><br>
You go to the toilet<br>
[[Go Back|AHBathroom][$actualHour++,$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div>You are in Rachel´s parent´s Room.
Rachel's parents' bedroom is a tranquil and elegant retreat. On either side of the bed, there are nightstands with lamps that provide a warm light. A spacious wardrobe sits in one corner, and framed family photos adorn the walls, creating a cozy atmosphere.
The window, dressed with light curtains, allows natural light to flood the room, and a soft rug adds a touch of comfort to the floor. It is a space that reflects love and serenity, ideal for relaxation.
<<if $girls.isabella.presentation === false>>
<<goto "IsabellaPresentation">>
Isabella is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Living Room|RachelHouse]]
-->The room always seems tidier than mine, as if chaos has no place here. Her bed is immaculate. There is always a soft fragrance, like flowers, floating in the air, and her books are perfectly organized on the shelf.
Sometimes I wonder if this space reflects how she feels inside, always so calm and in control.
<<if $boys.srthompson.presentation === false>>
<<goto "SrThompsonPresentation">>
[[Go Back|AmaraHouse]]
-->You are in Amara´s Parents´ room
Amara's parents' room is a cheerful and cozy space. In one corner, there is an organized desk surrounded by potted plants that bring freshness. The bed, covered with a colorful quilt, is positioned next to a window that allows natural light to enter, illuminating the atmosphere.
<<if $girls.evelyn.presentation === true>>
Evelyn is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|AmaraHouse]]You are in Brittany´s room.
The room is minimalist and calm, with a design that evokes peace and simplicity. The walls are a bright white, creating a sense of spaciousness. In the center, a large bed with white linens stands out, inviting a restful sleep.
On one side, there are a few simple paintings that add a touch of art without overwhelming the space. A green plant in one corner brings a touch of freshness and life to the atmosphere. The ceiling fan provides a gentle breeze, making this the perfect place to relax and unwind.
<<if $girls.brittany.presentation === false>>
<<goto "BrittanyPresentation">>
Brittany is here.
<span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>She is Brittany, Grace's youngest daughter, as far as I know she is a very innocent and cheerful girl, I have always seen her full of energy.</p>
<<brittany>>Hi, $player.name. I’m Brittany. I heard about the fire... I’m really sorry to hear about it. <</brittany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Brittany. That means a lot. By the way, how are you getting along with my sister Chloe? <</say>><br>
<<brittany>>Oh, we’re getting along great! We have a lot in common, and we’re even in the same class this year at university. I’m really excited! <</brittany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That’s wonderful. I’m glad to hear it. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.brittany.presentation = true>>
[[Brittany Bedroom|GHBrittanyBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<if $boys.janitor.presentation === false>>
<<goto "JanitorPresentation">>
<<set $randomNumber = random(0, 5)>>
<<if $randomNumber === 0>>
<<janitor>>Hey there, got a little tip for you.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Oh, yeah? What is it?<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>If you get your stamina up to 100, your energy bar will increase.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Really? That sounds helpful.<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>Trust me, it'll make a big difference. Keep working on it.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind.<</say>><br>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 1>>
<<janitor>>Hey, I’ve got another tip for you.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Oh? What is it this time?<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>If you buy sports equipment, your training will be more effective.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Really? That sounds interesting.<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>It is. With the right gear, you’ll make progress a lot faster.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks, I’ll definitely keep that in mind.<</say>><br>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 2>>
<<janitor>>Hey, I’ve got another tip for you.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Oh? What is it this time?<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>If you get a gold metal detector, you’ll earn double the money when searching on the beach.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Double? That sounds amazing!<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>Yeah, trust me, it’s worth the investment if you’re serious about finding treasure.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely look into it.<</say>><br>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 3>>
<<janitor>>One more thing to keep in mind.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>What’s that?<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>On weekends, you’ll earn double the money working at the bar.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Really? That’s a great way to boost my income!<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>Absolutely! Make sure to take advantage of it.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks for the heads up! I’ll plan my shifts accordingly.<</say>><br>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 4>>
<<janitor>>I recommend you work hard to get the authorization to do your practices at the Fertility Center.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I will! Why? Is it a good place?<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>Yes, and I wish I could work there... there are many beautiful girls.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds great. I’ll have to push myself more to make it happen.<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>That’s the spirit. Good luck!<</janitor>><br>
<<elseif $randomNumber === 5>>
<<janitor>>Hey, $player.name, remember that in your dorm room, you can access the side menu. There, you'll find the "Walkthrough". <</janitor>><br>
<<janitor>>It shows the mission guide for each girl, so you won’t miss a thing. <</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks for the tip! <</say>><br>
<<janitor>>No problem, make the most of it! <</janitor>><br>
<</nobr>>The bar is located right by the beach, offering a direct view of the ocean. It's a simple but lively spot, with wooden tables and chairs scattered across the terrace.
You work as a bartender there to cover your rent and personal expenses while finishing university. Although it's a temporary job, you enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and chatting with the customers.
At night, the bar becomes even more vibrant and is often frequented by many beautiful girls looking to have fun after a day at the beach.
You can work here.
<<if $boys.william.presentation === false>>
<<goto "WilliamPresentation">>
<<if $actualHour >=9 && $actualHour <= 19 && $player.energy >= 50>>
<<elseif $actualHour >=9 && $actualHour <= 19&& $player.energy < 50>>
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to work (50 energy)</span>
<p style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 9:00 or 19:00</p>
<<if $actualHour >=21 && $actualHour <= 23 && $girls.amara.presentation === false>>
[[A girl greets you at the bar|AmaraPresentation]]<br>
<<elseif $actualHour >=21 && $actualHour <= 23 && $girls.amara.presentation === true>>
[[Repeat Amara presentation Scene|AmaraPresentation]]<br>
<p style="color:var(--purple)">Come between 21:00 and 23:00</p>
--><div align="center">
<<set $studyImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $studyImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/study/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $studyImages.random()>>
<<set $player.energy -= 40>>
<set $actualHour += 2>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+2 hour has passed.</span><br>
<<set $player.japaneseHomework = true>>
</div>You are in the garden.
The garden is a green and inviting space, with plants and flowers that add color and life. There is a well-maintained lawn area where chairs and tables can be placed to enjoy the outdoors.
It's a perfect spot to relax and enjoy nature.
<<if $player.energy >= 50 >>
[[Work in garden|GHGardenWork]]
<span style="color: var(--red);">You don't have enough energy to work (50 energy)</span>
[[Go Back|GrayHouse]]<div align="center">
You are $player.name, a young biology student at university, passionate about science and the mysteries of life.
Since childhood, you've always dreamed of working in a lab.
Studying is a big part of your life, but there's something else that keeps you busy outside of classes: the girls.
Flirting comes almost naturally to you, and the campus is full of opportunities to meet new people and enjoy your free time.
You’ll have to balance your university life between studies, flirting, and possible jobs.
[[YOUR NEW HOME|Intro3]]
<<if $player.perk is "0">><<set $player.money = 100>><</if>>
<<if $player.perk is "1">><<set $player.stamina = 20>><</if>>
<<if $player.perk is "2">><<set $player.strength = 20>><</if>>
<<if $player.perk is "3">><<set $player.intelligence = 20>><</if>>
<div align="center">
<<linkreplace "You hear the sounds of creaking wood, you open your eyes">>
In the dim light of night, $player.name rested in bed, deep in sleep. Everything seemed calm until suddenly, a sharp, acrid smell jolted him awake. Groggy, he opened his eyes and realized that flames were dancing wildly, casting an orange glow in his room.
<<linkreplace "TRY TO ESCAPE">>
Panic took hold as the reality hit him: his home was on fire. Heart racing, he tried to get up and escape, but thick smoke began to fill his throat, stealing his breath away. In a moment of desperation, the world blurred, and before he could react, he lost consciousness from the smoke of the fire.
<<linkreplace "FIREFIGHTERS ARRIVES!!">>
Suddenly, the sound of sirens broke the silence of the night. The firefighters arrived quickly at the scene of the fire, their blue and red lights flashing in the darkness. With determination, they entered the burning building, ready to face the danger and rescue anyone who might be trapped.
<<linkreplace "IN THE END">>
Fortunately, everyone was rescued. Firefighters worked quickly and bravely, making sure that each trapped person got out safely. Once outside, ambulances arrived to provide medical assistance. Everyone was grateful to the emergency services for their work and for being safe.
<<linkreplace "YOUR HOME">>
However, when he looked toward his home, the house was completely destroyed, consumed by the flames.
[[YOUR FAMILY|Intro1]]
</div><div align="center">
<<linkreplace "YOUR PARENTS">>
Your father was not at home that night, and is missing.
You have tried to contact him but he does not respond by any means.
Your <<if $gameEngine.realFamily === true>>
<</if>> decided to return to their home in the hometown, where they hoped to find some peace and stability.
<<linkreplace "CHLOE">>
<<if $gameEngine.realFamily === true>>
Your sister Chloe
Your stepsister Chloe
<</if>> stayed with some family friends while starting her first year of university. Although she was excited about this new chapter, she also felt the pressure of adapting to university life and the change of not living in her lifelong home.
<<linkreplace "YOU">>
However, you had to move into a shared apartment while finishing your final years at university. At first, the transition was challenging, but you quickly adapted to the new life.
[[YOUR LIFE|Intro2]]
</div><div align="center">
<p class="reflection">Upon arriving at the shared apartment, you met the landlord, a friendly man with a warm smile.</p><br>
<<landlord>>Hello, welcome to your new home<</landlord>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Is there anything I should know about the place?<</say>><br>
<<landlord>>Yes, there are some basic rules. Keep the kitchen clean and try to be respectful of the other tenants. And feel free to ask if you need anything!<</landlord>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, is there anything I should know about the place?<</say>>
<span style="color:red">You will have to pay the rent every 7 days, or your maximum energy will decrease to the half.</span>
<p class="reflection">You thanked him for his guidance, and as you took the keys, you felt this new chapter starting to take shape.</p>
[[MY ROOM|MyRoom][$gameEngine.onScene = false,$gameEngine.onIntro = false]]
<h2 style="color:var(--linkhover)">ACHIEVEMENTS</h2>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">BEACH BUM! : </span>
<<if $achievements.beachCount >= 20>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have walked in the beach 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Walk in the beach 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">PARK RANGER! : </span>
<<if $achievements.parkCount >= 20>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have walked in the park 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Walk in the park 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">PEEPING TOM! : </span>
<<if $achievements.neighborCount >= 20>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have spied on the neighbors 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Spy on the neighbors 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">GYM RAT! : </span>
<<if $achievements.gymCount >= 20>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have looked around the gym 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Look around the gym 20 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">TECH WIZARD! : </span>
<<if $player.computerSkill >= $player.maxComputerSkill>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum computer skill.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum computer skill.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">ITALIAN STALLION! : </span>
<<if $player.strength >= $player.maxStrength>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum strength.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum strength.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">THE MENTALIST! : </span>
<<if $player.intelligence >= $player.maxIntelligence>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum intelligence.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum intelligence.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">UNSTOPPABLE! : </span>
<<if $player.stamina >= $player.maxStamina>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum stamina.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum stamina.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">SEX APPEAL! : </span>
<<if $player.stylish >= $player.maxStylish>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum stylish.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum stylish.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">BIO MASTER! : </span>
<<if $player.biologyProgress >= $player.maxBiologyProgress>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum in biology classes.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum in biology classes.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">SAMURAI! : </span>
<<if $player.japaneseProgress >= $player.maxJapaneseProgress>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum in japanese classes.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum in japanese classes.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">IM S.P.E.C.I.A.L! : </span>
<<if $player.stamina === 100 && $player.strength === 100 && $player.intelligence === 100>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have reached the maximum in all statistics.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Reach the maximum in all statistics.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">SHOPAHOLIC! : </span>
<<if $achievements.allItemsBought>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have bought all the items in the game.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Buy all the items in the game.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">GOLD DIGGER! : </span>
<<if $achievements.moneyAchievement >= 1>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have earned $2000.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Earn $2000.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">HANDY HERO! : </span>
<<if $achievements.handjobs >= 30>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have earned handjobs/blowjobs 30 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Earn handjobs/blowjobs 30 times.(Finder girls no count)</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">MASTER INSEMINATOR! : </span>
<<if $achievements.pussyCum >= 30>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have cum inside a pussy 30 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Cum inside a pussy 30 times.(Finder girls no count)</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">BACKDOOR EXPLORER! : </span>
<<if $achievements.analSex >= 30>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have had anal sex 30 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Have anal sex 30 times.(Finder girls no count)</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">THRONE KING! : </span>
<<if $achievements.toiletCount >= 15>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have gone to the toilet 15 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Go to the toilet 15 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">MASTER CHEF! : </span>
<<if $achievements.cookCount >= 15>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have cooked 15 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Cook 15 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">BUBBLE BOSS! : </span>
<<if $achievements.showerCount >= 15>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have showered 15 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Shower 15 times.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">VIP PASS! : </span>
<<if $achievements.finderCount >=$finderGirlCount>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have had sex with all the girls in finder.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Have sex with all the girls in finder.</span>
<span style="color: var(--linkhover)">LUXURY PASS! : </span>
<<if $achievements.finderPremiumCount >=$finderPremiumGirlCount>>
<span style="color: var(--green)">You have had sex with all the premium girls in finder.</span>
<span style="color: var(--red)">Have sex with all the premium girls in finder.</span>
<<return "Go back">>
<</nobr>><div style="font-size: 48px;">Time left: <span id="time">10</span> seconds</div>
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = false>>
let timeLeft = 10;
const updateCounter = () => {
if (timeLeft > 0) {
document.getElementById("time").innerText = timeLeft;
setTimeout(updateCounter, 1000);
setTimeout(updateCounter, 1000);
<<timed 11s>>
<<goto "Street">>
<</timed>><div align="center">
<<set $studyImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $studyImages[$i] = "/commonGifs/study/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $studyImages.random()>>
<<set $player.energy -= 40>>
<<set $actualHour += 2>>
<span style="color:var(--grey)">+2 hour has passed.</span><br><br>
<<set $player.biologyHomework = true>>
<<if $girls.steffany.presentation === false>>
<span style="color: var(--purple)">Meet biology professor at university first.</span><br>
<<elseif $player.biologyHomework === false>>
[[Biology homework|BiologyHomework]]<br>
<<elseif $player.energy <40>>
<span style="color: var(--red)">You need more energy(40 energy).</span><br>
<span style="color: var(--red)">You have already done your biology homework today.</span><br>
<<if $girls.naomi.presentation === false>>
<span style="color: var(--purple)">Meet Japanese professor at university first.</span><br>
<<elseif $player.japaneseHomework === false>>
[[Japanese homework|JapaneseHomework]]<br>
<<elseif $player.energy <40>>
<span style="color: var(--red)">You need more energy(40 energy).</span><br>
<span style="color: var(--red)">You have already done your Japanese homework today.</span><br>
[[My Room|MyRoom]]
<</nobr>><div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $workImages = []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++>>
<<set $workImages[$i] ="placesPhotos/neighborhood/grayHouse/gardenWork/gifs/"+$i+".gif">>
<<set $randomImage = $workImages.random()>>
<<set $min = 20>>
<<set $max = 30>>
<<set $randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * ($max - $min + 1)) + $min>>
<<set $player.energy -= 50>>
<<set $player.money += $randomNumber>>
<<set $actualHour += 4>>
<span style="color:var(--green)">You earn $randomNumber $ mowing the lawn !!</span>
[[Go Back|GHGarden][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
</div> <<nobr>>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.amara>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--amara);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her at the bar</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.rachel>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--rachel);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her house</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.carolina>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--carolina);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom at the Gray's home</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<h2 style="color:var(--linkhover)">CREDITS</h2>
<<set $girlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<if $currentGirl.finder === 0>>
<<set $girlPictureRoute = "media/images/girls/"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+"/face.jpg">>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor =
"border: 2px solid var(--"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+")">>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor =
<div class="creditsFlexBox">
<div class="creditsFlexBox-fc">
<img class="creditsPicture" @src="$girlPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<span @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$currentGirl.name -> $currentGirl.actressName</span>
<div style="display:inline">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/gold.jpg">
<span style="color: #FFDF00">Non Premium Girls</span><img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/gold.jpg">
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<if $currentGirl.finder === 1>>
<<set $girlPictureRoute = "media/images/girls/finder/"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+"/face.jpg">>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor =
"border: 2px solid var(--"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+")">>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor =
<div class="creditsFlexBox">
<div class="creditsFlexBox-fc">
<img class="creditsPicture" @src="$girlPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<span @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$currentGirl.name -> $currentGirl.actressName</span>
<div style="display:inline">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/diamond.jpg">
<span style="color:#b9f2ff">Premium Girls</span><img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/diamond.jpg">
<<for $i = 0; $i < $girlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentGirl = $girls[$girlsArray[$i]]>>
<<if $currentGirl.finder === 2>>
<<set $girlPictureRoute = "media/images/girls/finderPremium/"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+"/face.jpg">>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor =
"border: 2px solid var(--"+$currentGirl.name.toLowerCase()+")">>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor =
<div class="creditsFlexBox">
<div class="creditsFlexBox-fc">
<img class="creditsPicture" @src="$girlPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<span @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$currentGirl.name -> $currentGirl.actressName</span>
GAME VERSION $gameEngine.gameVersion<br>
<<return "Go Back">>[img[setup.ImagePath+'placesPhotos/workInProgress/workInProgress.jpg']]
<span style="color:var(--red)">WORK IN PROGRESS</span>
<<set $achievementsGirlsArray = Object.keys($girls)>>
<<set $finderGirlCount = 0>>
<<set $finderPremiumGirlCount = 0>>
<<set $finderGirlCount = 0>>
<<set $finderPremiumGirlCount = 0>>
<<set $achievements.handjobCount = 0>>
<<set $achievements.fuckCount = 0>>
<<set $achievements.analFuckCount = 0>>
<<set $achievements.finderCount = 0>>
<<set $achievements.finderPremiumCount = 0>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $achievementsGirlsArray.length; $i++>>
<<set $currentAchievementGirl = $girls[$achievementsGirlsArray[$i]]>>
<<if $currentAchievementGirl.finder === 0>>
<<set $achievements.handjobCount += $currentAchievementGirl.handjobCount>>
<<set $achievements.fuckCount += $currentAchievementGirl.fuckCount>>
<<set $achievements.analFuckCount += $currentAchievementGirl.analFuckCount>>
<<elseif $currentAchievementGirl.finder === 1>>
<<set $finderGirlCount++>>
<<if $currentAchievementGirl.progress >= $currentAchievementGirl.maxProgress>>
<<set $achievements.finderCount++>>
<<set $finderPremiumGirlCount++>>
<<if $currentAchievementGirl.progress >= $currentAchievementGirl.maxProgress>>
<<set $achievements.finderPremiumCount++>>
<<set $objectsArray = Object.keys($player.items)>>
<<set $achievements.allItemsBought = true>>
<<for $u = 0; $u < $objectsArray.length; $u++>>
<<if $player.items[$objectsArray[$u]] === false>>
<<set $achievements.allItemsBought = false>>
<<if $achievements.beachCount >= 20 && $achievements.beachNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.beachNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>BEACH BUM!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.parkCount >= 20 && $achievements.parkNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.parkNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>PARK RANGER!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.neighborCount >= 20 && $achievements.neighborNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.neighborNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>PEEPING TOM!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.gymCount >= 20 && $achievements.gymNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.gymNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>GYM RAT!<</notify>>
<<if $player.computerSkill >= $player.maxComputerSkill && $achievements.computerNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.computerNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>TECH WIZARD!<</notify>>
<<if $player.strength >= $player.maxStrength && $achievements.strengthNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.strengthNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>ITALIAN STALLION!<</notify>>
<<if $player.intelligence >= $player.maxIntelligence && $achievements.intelligenceNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.intelligenceNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>THE MENTALIST!<</notify>>
<<if $player.stamina >= $player.maxStamina&& $achievements.staminaNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.staminaNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>UNSTOPPABLE!<</notify>>
<<if $player.stylish >= $player.maxStylish && $achievements.stylishNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.stylishNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>SEX APPEAL!<</notify>>
<<if $player.biologyProgress >= $player.maxBiologyProgress && $achievements.biologyNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.biologyNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>BIO MASTER!<</notify>>
<<if $player.japaneseProgress >= $player.maxJapaneseProgress && $achievements.japaneseNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.japaneseNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>SAMURAI!<</notify>>
<<if $player.stamina === 100 && $player.strength === 100 && $player.intelligence === 100 && $achievements.allStatsNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.allStatsNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>IM S.P.E.C.I.A.L!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.allItemsBought && $achievements.allItemsNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.allItemsNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>SHOPAHOLIC!<</notify>>
<<if $player.money >= 2000 && $achievements.moneyAchievement == 0>>
<<set $achievements.moneyAchievement = 1>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>GOLD DIGGER!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.handjobs >= 30 && $achievements.handjobNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.handjobNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>HANDY HERO!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.pussyCum >= 30 && $achievements.fuckNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.fuckNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>MASTER INSEMINATOR!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.analSex >= 30 && $achievements.analFuckNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.analFuckNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>BACKDOOR EXPLORER!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.toiletCount >= 15 && $achievements.toiletNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.toiletNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>THRONE KING!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.cookCount >= 15 && $achievements.cookNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.cookNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>MASTER CHEF!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.showerCount >= 15 && $achievements.showerNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.showerNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>BUBBLE BOSS!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.finderCount >=$finderGirlCount && $achievements.finderNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.finderNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>VIP PASS!<</notify>>
<<if $achievements.finderPremiumCount >=$finderPremiumGirlCount && $achievements.finderPremiumNotification === false>>
<<set $achievements.finderPremiumNotification = true>>
<<notify 5s>>Achievement Unlocked!<br>LUXURY PASS!<</notify>>
<</nobr>>You are in the Costume Shop.
The Costume Shop has been in the comercial center for years, though you don't visit it often. Upon entering, you're surrounded by a mix of bright colors and extravagant textures, with costumes hanging from every corner.
Although it's never been your usual spot, it’s always been there, offering a variety of costumes and accessories for all occasions.
You can buy the following items:
<div class="flexBox">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<img class="itemImage" src="media/images/finderItems/narutoCostume.jpg">
<div class="flexBox-fc">
<<if $player.finderPremiumSubscription === false>>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need finder PREMIUM subscription to purchase it.</span>
<<elseif $player.finderItems.narutoCostume=== true>>
<span style="color:var(--cian)">Naruto costume already purchased.</span>
<<elseif $player.money < 100>>
<span style="color:var(--red)">You need more money(100$).</span>
<<button "Naruto Costume(-100$)">>
<<set $player.money -=100,$player.finderItems.narutoCostume = true>>
<<run Engine.show()>>
[[Comercial Center|ComercialCenter]]<<nobr>>
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>SrThompson is Amara's father and is a reputable judge, possibly the best in the business.</p>
<<srThompson>>So, you’re $player.name...<</srThompson>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, sir. Nice to meet you.<</say>><br>
<<srThompson>>I’ve heard about you. I hope you understand that I’m a very busy man, and I don’t like my daughter associating with just anyone.<</srThompson>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I understand.<</say>><br>
<<srThompson>>So you call yourself Amara's friend...<</srThompson>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, sir. We're just friends.<</say>><br>
<<srThompson>>Listen, $player.name, I know guys like you who have ended up in jail. Even if you say that, I don’t trust you.<</srThompson>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I understand, sir. But my intentions are good.<</say>><br>
<<srThompson>>We'll see if that's true. Don’t forget that Amara is my little girl, and I won’t let anyone mess with her.<</srThompson>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>You can trust me. I’d never do anything to hurt her.<</say>><br>
<<srThompson>>I hope so. Keep your hands and intentions in the right place.<</srThompson>><br>
<<set $boys.srthompson.presentation = true>>
[[Sr Thompson´s Bedroom|AHSrThompsonStudy][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<evelyn>>I think I know you... <</evelyn>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hello, ma'am. Do we know each other? <</say>><br>
<<evelyn>>Oh, yes! You’re the guy who survived the fire—I saw you on the news. <</evelyn>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, it was a tough time, but I’m okay now. Thanks for remembering. <</say>><br>
<<evelyn>>And your family? Are they all right? <</evelyn>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, they’re all fine too, thanks for asking. <</say>><br>
<<evelyn>>I’m glad to hear that. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let me know. <</evelyn>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Evelyn. I really appreciate it. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.evelyn.presentation = true>>
[[Kitchen|AHKitchen][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<steffany>>Hello class, I’m Professor Steffany, and I’ll be your biology instructor this semester.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Nice to meet you, Professor Steffany!<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you. I believe we’re going to get along very well if you follow my instructions.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I’ll definitely do my best!<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Great! I expect dedication and enthusiasm in my class. Let’s make this an exciting semester!<</steffany>><br>
<<steffany>>Additionally, the best students will have the opportunity to do practices at the Fertility Center.<</steffany>><br>
<<set $girls.steffany.presentation = true>>
[[Biology Class|BiologyClass][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<secretGirl>>Hey, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. What’s your name?<</secretGirl>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>My name is $player.name.<</say>><br>
<<secretGirl>>Nice to meet you, $player.name. I’m part of a very special club at the university. Not many know we exist.<</secretGirl>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>A secret club? Sounds intriguing. How can I join?<</say>><br>
<<secretGirl>>To join, you first need to have all your stats at their highest. Only then will you be ready for the tasks you'll need to complete.<</secretGirl>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I’m willing to work hard for it. What kind of tasks are they?<</say>><br>
<<secretGirl>>You’ll find out when the time comes. If you complete each one successfully, you’ll be able to join us. Good luck, $player.name.<</secretGirl>><br>
<<set $girls.secretGirl.presentation = true>>
[[Secret Club|SecretClub][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $girls.dafne.presentation = true>>
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<dafne>>Hello, I’m Dafne, the dean of this university. And you are $player.name, right?<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, that’s me. Nice to meet you, Dean Dafne.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>Nice to meet you too, $player.name. So, what are you studying here?<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I’m studying Biology.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>Biology! That’s wonderful. Well, if you put in enough effort and Steffany, your biology professor, gives her approval, you may have the opportunity to do practices at the Fertility Center.<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds amazing! I’ll definitely work hard for it.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>Good to hear. Keep up with your studies, and you’ll have a bright future ahead. Steffany has a keen eye for dedicated students.<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Dean Dafne. I won’t disappoint you.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>I’m sure you won’t. Best of luck, $player.name.<</dafne>><br>
[[University][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $girls.naomi.presentation = true>>
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<naomi>>Hello, $player.name. I’m Naomi, your Japanese professor.<</naomi>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hello, Professor Naomi. Nice to meet you.<</say>><br>
<<naomi>>Just so you know, I’m not going to make it easy for you in my classes. You’d better bring your homework regularly if you want to pass.<</naomi>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Understood, professor. I’ll do my best.<</say>><br>
<<naomi>>I hope so, $player.name. Discipline and effort are essential in my class.<</naomi>><br>
[[Japanese Class|JapaneseClass][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<laura>>Hello, $player.name. I'm Laura, the director of the Fertility Center.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hello, Laura. Thank you for having me.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>Welcome. Here at the center, we help many women fulfill their dream of having children. During your practices, you’ll learn all the procedures necessary for the insemination process.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds very interesting. I'm ready to learn.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>I'm glad to hear that, $player.name. At first, you’ll start with basic tasks like paperwork, but if you progress well and show dedication, we’ll give you more responsibilities.<</laura>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Understood. I’ll do my best to advance.<</say>><br>
<<laura>>Excellent. This will be a very rewarding experience if you're willing to put in the effort.<</laura>><br>
<<set $girls.laura.presentation = true>>
[[Fertility Center|FertilityCenter][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $girls.katia.presentation = true>>
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<katia>>Hello, $player.name. I’m Katia, your tutor at the university.<</katia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, Katia. Nice to meet you.<</say>><br>
<<katia>>First of all, I wanted to tell how sorry i am about the fire at your home. Thankfully, no one was hurt. It must have been a difficult experience.<</katia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, yes, it was tough, but luckily everyone is okay.<</say>><br>
<<katia>>I’m glad to hear that. Well, welcome to this new year at the university. I want you to know that I’m here to help with anything you need.<</katia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Katia. I really appreciate your support.<</say>><br>
<<katia>>You’re very welcome. Remember, you can count on me whenever you need, $player.name. We’re here to make sure you have a great year.<</katia>><br>
[[University][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<if $player.donorPrestige >= 2>>
[[Diana(First visit)|DianaScene1]]<br>
<<if $player.donorPrestige >= 3>>
<<if $player.donorPrestige >= 4>>
[[Diana(Second visit)|DianaScene4]]<br>
[[Fertility Center|FertilityCenter]]
<div align="center">
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat6.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>I have an idea<</sexyGirls>><br>.
<<sexyGirls>> What do you have in mind?<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>> Put yourself under here<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat7.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>><br>I think I'm going to cum girls, I can't take it anymore<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat8.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>We're thirsty, we want to swallow all your cum<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Give it all to us.<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<henry>>I think I'm about to come too.<</henry>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat9.mp4" >><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Yes, throw it on my tongue<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<henry>>It’s getting late, guys.<</henry>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Yeah, time flies when you're having fun!<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I guess we should start wrapping things up.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Let’s enjoy the last moments before heading back.<</henry>><br>
<<sexyGirls>>Agreed! One last jump into the sea?<</sexyGirls>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Definitely! Let’s make it count!<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"boys/henry/boat10.mp4" >><br>
<<set $actualMinutes = 0,$actualHour = 22>>
<<if $boys.henry.progress <=2>>
<<set $boys.henry.progress = 3>>
[[Go to Home |Home][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<henry>>Hey, are you up for a party at my friend's place?<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Sounds interesting! What’s going on there?<</say>><br>
<<henry>>There will be music, drinks, and of course, lots of sexy girls!<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds like a blast! I’m in!<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Awesome! It’s going to be a great night!<</henry>><br>
<<henry>>The only thing is, we’ll need some cash for the party.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>How much are we talking about?<</say>><br>
<<henry>>I think around $500 should cover drinks and snacks.<</henry>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>No problem! I can chip in.<</say>><br>
<<henry>>Great! It’s going to be a night to remember!<</henry>><br>
<<set $boys.henry.progress = 4>>
[[Henry Bedroom|HenryBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $girls.steffany.dailyInteraction = true>>
<div align="center">
<<if $girls.steffany.progress === 0>>
<<steffany>>Hello, how are you? I’m Professor Steffany.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, Professor Steffany! I’m $player.name.<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Nice to meet you, $player.name. I hope you're ready for an interesting semester.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, I’m excited!<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Remember, if you bring me your biology homework and show progress in my classes, you could earn some... rewards.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Rewards?<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Oh, yes. You’ll need to bring me your homework three times, and for each one, I’ll give you a great reward.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds interesting!<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Just make sure to put in a little extra effort, and you won’t be disappointed.<</steffany>><br>
<<set $girls.steffany.progress++>>
<<if $player.biologyHomework === true && $girls.steffany.progress > 0>>
<<steffany>>Hello, $player.name. Did you bring your homework?<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, here it is, Professor.<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Well done. I'm glad to see you’re committed.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, I want to improve in the class.<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>If you keep this up, I promise you’ll receive many... very pleasant rewards.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds great. I’m eager to know what kind of rewards those are.<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Oh, I can only tell you they will be very satisfying. You just need to keep putting in the effort.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I will, Professor. I'm determined to earn those rewards.<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>I knew we would have good chemistry. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.<</steffany>><br>
<<set $player.biologyHomework = false>>
<span style="color:var(--red)">Stefanny love +1</span><br>
<<set $girls.steffany.love++>>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress >= 1 && $girls.steffany.love >= 3 && $player.biologyProgress >=5 >>
[[First Reward|SteffanyScene1]]<br>
<<elseif $player.biologyProgress <5 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 1>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You need +5 biology grade to advance with Steffany</span>
<<elseif $girls.steffany.love <3 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 1>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">Submit homework to increase Steffany love´s(need +3 love)</span>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress >= 2 && $girls.steffany.love >= 6 && $player.biologyProgress >=10 >>
[[Second Reward|SteffanyScene2]]<br>
<<elseif $player.biologyProgress <10 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 2>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You need +10 biology grade to advance with Steffany</span>
<<elseif $girls.steffany.love <6 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 2>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">Submit homework to increase Steffany love´s(need +6 love)</span>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress >= 3 && $girls.steffany.love >= 9 && $player.biologyProgress >=15 >>
[[Third Reward|SteffanyScene3]]<br>
<<elseif $player.biologyProgress <15 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 3>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You need +15 biology grade to advance with Steffany</span>
<<elseif $girls.steffany.love <9 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 3>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">Submit homework to increase Steffany love´s(need +9 love)</span>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress >= 4 && $girls.steffany.love >= 12 && $player.biologyProgress >=20 >>
[[Fourth Reward|SteffanyScene4]]<br>
<<elseif $player.biologyProgress <20 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 4>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You need +20 biology grade to advance with Steffany</span>
<<elseif $girls.steffany.love <12 && $girls.steffany.progress >= 4>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">Submit homework to increase Steffany love´s(need +12 love)</span>
[[University|University][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $actualHour += 3>>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress < 2>>
<<set $girls.steffany.progress = 2 >>
<<steffany>>$player.name, I’m impressed. You’ve been consistently handing in your homework lately.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Professor Steffany. I’ve been putting in a lot of effort.<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany1.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>It shows. And, as I promised, I have a special reward for you.<</steffany>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Really?<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Yes, honey you've earned it, but first I'd like to put you to the test<</steffany>><br>.
<<say “You” $player.img>>Test? In what way?<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Come here, I'll show you<</steffany>><br>
<p class="reflection">She removes her bottom and climbs up on the table, inviting you to pleasure her.</p>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany3.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Yes Honey, don't even think about stopping, I needed this so bad, I haven't cum in a long time<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany4.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Professor, your pussy is getting creamy<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>My pussy can't take it anymore!!!<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany17.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>You've done well honey, next time I'll give you a big reward you won't forget<</steffany>><br>
[[University|University][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $girls.steffany.handjobCount++>>
<<set $actualHour += 3>>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress < 3>>
<<set $girls.steffany.progress = 3 >>
<<steffany>>$player.name,I see you have continued to make an effort and that deserves a reward<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I couldn't wait any longer to get it<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany2.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Come here honey, I know you've been waiting for this for a long time<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany5.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>How about I show you what a biology professor can do<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany6.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Yes please don't stop, your mouth feels amazing<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany7.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Professor, I don't think I can take any more<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Cum anywhere you want<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany8.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Delicious, I hope this will serve to keep you striving and maybe you will get better rewards<</steffany>><br>
<p class="reflection">she winks at you</p>
[[University|University][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $girls.steffany.fuckCount++>>
<<set $actualHour += 3>>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress < 4>>
<<set $girls.steffany.progress = 4 >>
<<steffany>>$player.name,are you ready for the big reward?<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Yes professor<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany10.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I can't wait to get inside your pussy<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Honey, do it <</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany11.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>You are so wet, it feels so good<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany12.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>I want to get on top<</steffany>><br>.
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany13.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Oh yes, I want you to break my pussy with your big cock<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany14.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Let's try another position<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany15.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Come here, I want to put you on all fours<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany16.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I'm going to cum soon<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Don't waste it, pour it inside my pussy, I want to feel your hot cum inside me<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany18.mp4" >><br>
[[University|University][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<steffany>>Honey,I see you've made it to the end of my classes and that deserves a special reward<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>A special reward?<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Yes honey, come with me to my house now that classes are over<</steffany>><br>
<<steffany>>I'll pick you up in my car, wait by the back door so no one will see us<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Okay<</say>><br>
[[Wait for her at the back of the University|SteffanyHouseScene1]]
<div align="center">
<<set $girls.steffany.analFuckCount++>>
<<if $girls.steffany.progress < 5>>
<<set $girls.steffany.progress = 5 >>
<<set $actualHour += 3>>
<p class="reflection">You have arrived at their home</p>
<<steffany>>Welcome to my home<</steffany>><br>
<p class="reflection">She gives you a tour of the whole house until you get to her bedroom.</p>
<<steffany>>I'm going to go make myself more comfortable, I'll be right back<</steffany>><br>.
<<say “You” $player.img>>All right<</say>><br>
<p class="reflection">5 minutes later she comes back dressed in lingerie. </p>
<<steffany>>What do you say we start playing a little?<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany19.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>I love to suck your cock and get it all wet<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany20.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I love being inside of you<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>I love to feel you deep inside me<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany21.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Have you ever tried anal sex?<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I haven't tried it<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Why don't you try some? I'm going to get on all fours<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany22.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Do you like to stick your dick in my ass?<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>>It feels amazing<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Don't be afraid and fuck him hard<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany23.mp4" >><br>
<<steffany>>Like that honey, fuck me hard until you can't take it anymore<</steffany>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany24.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I´m cumming<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Hold on a little longer<</steffany>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I don't know if I can<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/steffany/steffany25.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I couldn't resist cumming inside your ass, it felt too good<</say>><br>
<<steffany>>Don't worry honey, I love feeling all your cum in my ass<</steffany>><br>
[[Go to home|Home][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<dafne>>Hello, $player.name. I’ve heard great things about your progress in Biology.<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Dean Dafne. I’ve been working really hard.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>Professor Steffany mentioned that you’ve shown remarkable commitment and dedication. That’s commendable.<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I appreciate you noticing. I want to learn as much as I can.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>Because of that, I’m pleased to inform you that you’re authorized to begin a university practices at the Fertility Center.<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That’s incredible! Thank you so much, Dean.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>It’s a great opportunity for you, $player.name. Make sure to make the most of it.<</dafne>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I will, I’m really excited about this experience.<</say>><br>
<<dafne>>I’m confident you’ll do well. Keep up the good work, and you’ll go far in your career.<</dafne>><br>
<<if $player.storyProgress < 1>>
<<set $player.storyProgress =1>>
The donation room in the Fertility Center is a discreet and comfortable space, designed to ensure privacy and relaxation. The walls are painted in soft and warm tones, creating a cozy atmosphere.
A small sink and hygiene items are available for the donors' convenience. Everything in the room is intended to provide a respectful and comfortable environment for the donation process.
<div align="center">
<<if $player.donorPrestige >= 0>>
[[Donate Sperm(Helena)|NurseHelena]]<br>
<<if $player.donorPrestige >= 1>>
[[Donate Sperm(Virginia)|NurseVirginia]]<br>
[[Fertility Center|FertilityCenter]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $boys.janitor.presentation = true>>
<<janitor>>Hey there, I’m the janitor around here. If you ever need a tip or some advice, come talk to me from time to time.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.<</say>><br>
<<janitor>>Good, good. I know this place better than anyone. You’d be surprised what a few useful tips can do for you.<</janitor>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Then, i’ll be sure to stop by..<</say>><br>
[[Janitor][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $boys.william.presentation = true>>
<p class="reflection">william is the owner of the bar on the beach, I have worked for him in the past.</p><br>
<<william>>Hey! How are you holding up? I heard about the fire.<</william>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, William. Thanks for asking.<</say>><br>
<<william>>It must have been really tough... If you need anything, you know I'm here for you.<</william>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I really appreciate that, thank you.<</say>><br>
<<william>>Listen, how about working at my beach bar? You can come anytime between 9:00 and 19:00, whenever works for you.<</william>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That sounds great!<</say>><br>
<<william>>Perfect. I know you’re a great bartender, so it’ll be awesome to have you onboard.<</william>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks for the opportunity, William. I’ll be there.<</say>><br>
[[Bar][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $girls.virginia.presentation = true>>
<<set $actualHour += 3>>
<<if $player.donorPrestige <= 1>>
<<set $player.donorPrestige = 2>>
<<if $girls.virginia.progress <= 0>>
<<set $girls.virginia.progress = 1>>
<<set $girls.virginia.fuckCount++>>
<<virginia>>Hi there! Just come in and lie down on the bed.<</virginia>><br>
<p class = "reflection">you lie on the stretcher</p>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Okay, I’ll try to relax.<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>Is this your first time donating?<</virginia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Actually, it's my second time, but I’m still a bit nervous.<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>That's completely normal! Just lie back and let me handle everything.<</virginia>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks, I appreciate it.<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>Let's get started.<</virginia>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/virginia/virginia1.mp4" >><br>
<<virginia>>You haven't ejaculated for a long time?<</virginia>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>For a week<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/virginia/virginia2.mp4" >><br>
<<virginia>>Then there's sure to be a lot of semen coming out<</virginia>><br>
<<virginia>>Let's put some gel on it, I don't want to hurt you<</virginia>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/virginia/virginia3.mp4" >><br>
<<virginia>>If I hurt you at any time let me know<</virginia>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>All I feel is pleasure, please don't stop<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>Don't worry I won't stop until your balls are empty<</virginia>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/virginia/virginia4.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I feel like I'm about to cum<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>We're going to try a new experimental technique to collect your sperm<</virginia>><br>
<<virginia>>Close your eyes<</virginia>><br>
<p class = "reflection">you close your eyes</p>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/virginia/virginia5.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>HAVE I CUMMED INSIDE YOUR VAGINA?!!<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>We are doing a study that wants to prove that the penis inside the vagina ejaculates more sperm than outside<</virginia>><br>
<<virginia>>Have I hurt you?<</virginia>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>No, it's okay<</say>><br>
<<virginia>>See you next time<</virginia>><br>
[[Fertility Center|FertilityCenter][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<set $girls.helena.presentation = true>>
<<set $actualHour += 3>>
<<if $player.donorPrestige <= 0>>
<<set $player.donorPrestige = 1>>
<<if $girls.helena.progress <= 0>>
<<set $girls.helena.progress = 1>>
<<set $girls.helena.handjobCount++>>
<<helena>>Hi, I’m Helena, the nurse here to guide you through the process today.<</helena>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, Helena. This is my first time donating here.<</say>><br>
<<helena>>Don’t worry, it’s pretty straightforward. Just relax and follow my instructions. I’ll make sure you’re comfortable throughout.<</helena>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thanks, I appreciate your help.<</say>><br>
<<helena>>First let's get that dick hard<</helena>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/helena/helena1.mp4" >><br>
<<helena>>Do you mind if I get more comfortable?<</helena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>No, it's ok.<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/helena/helena2.mp4" >><br>
<<helena>>Now let's put some lube on it, I don't want to hurt a dick like this<</helena>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/helena/helena3.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>It feels a little dry, could you put some more lube on please?<</say>><br>
<<helena>>I have an idea to make it well lubricated<</helena>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/helena/helena4.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Could you show me your boobs?I'm getting really horny<</say>><br>
<<helena>>Do you like my piercings? I recently got them<</helena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I love them, they make you look so sexy<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/helena/helena5.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I feel like I'm going to cum<</say>><br>
<<helena>>Show me how it all comes out of your dick<</helena>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/helena/helena6.mp4" >><br>
<<helena>>Ups, I think I got carried away and forgot to take the sample bottle, don't mind if we do it again some other day?<</helena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I can come back no problem<</say>><br>
[[Fertility Center|FertilityCenter][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<diana>>Has the center already closed?<</diana>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>No, it’s still open. Would you like to make a medical consultation?<</say>><br>
<<linkreplace "LYE AND SAY YOURE A DOCTOR">>
<<michael>>What a relief! We would like to consult you as a doctor.<</michael>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Of course, I’m a doctor. Please, come into the medical consultation.<</say>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>What are your names?<</say>><br>
<<diana>>My name is Diana and he is my husband his name is Michael<</diana>><br>
<<diana>>We’ve been trying to have a baby, and we need some advice.<</diana>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I understand. Let’s discuss your situation privately in the consultation.<</say>><br>
<<diana>>Thank you so much! We really appreciate your help.<</diana>><br>
[[Consultation Room|DianaScene2]]
[[DONT LYE|FertilityCenter][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<jimena>>Hi, are you the doctor? I've been waiting for a long time to be seen here.<</jimena>><br>
<<linkreplace "LYE AND SAY YOURE A DOCTOR">>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yes, I'm a doctor. How can I help you?<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>My name is Jimena and I am desperate. I want to have a child and she has told me I am not very fertile and I have been put on the low priority waiting list, but the waiting lists are very long. I don't know what to do.<</jimena>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I understand, it’s a tough situation. Why don’t you come to the consultation room, and we can see how I can help you?<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>Do you mind if Emily comes in with us?She is a professional friend of mine and is following up with me <</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Only the patient and no one else is allowed in these consultations<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>I promise she won't say anything that might hinder your work, she has a confidentiality contract and will only write down my follow-up<</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Then it's okay, let her come in too<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>Oh, thank you! I don’t know how to thank you. I hope you can help me.<</jimena>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Don’t worry, we’ll do what we can to speed up the process.<</say>><br>
[[Consultation Room Center|JimenaScene2]]
[[DONT LYE|FertilityCenter][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<say “You” $player.img>>Nice to meet you, let's get started with the analysis<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>Thank you so much for seeing us after hours doctor<</jimena>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena1.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Now that we are in consultation I will ask her a series of questions, she has to answer honestly<</say>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>How long has it been since you had sex<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena2.mp4" >><br>
<<jimena>>Since I left my boyfriend 1 year ago, I have not had sex since then<</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Do you masturbate a lot?do you feel the need to do it often?<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>Yes, lately I don't know what's wrong with me, I often feel a kind of heat in my private parts and only by masturbating I get over it<</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Okay, get undressed and I will proceed to perform some tests<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena3.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>>This looks like it's all right here<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena4.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Lie down on the stretcher, I'm going to check your vagina<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena5.mp4" >><br>
<p>You perform a series of medical tests to check the patient's fertility</p>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Effectively, according to all the tests I believe you are totally sterile and there is no proven treatment that can help you, I am very sorry<</say>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Well there is a treatment in the experimental stage, but it has not been ethically approved<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>DOCTOR, I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES<</jimena>><br>
<div align="center">
<<say “You” $player.img>>According to the evidence brought to me, your husband is impotent but not sterile<</say>><br>
<<diana>>Yes he has a lot of trouble having sex<</diana>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Has it been going on for a long time?<</say>><br>
<<michael>>Yes, since I was young<</michael>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/diana/firstVisit/diana1.mp4" >><br>
<p>You do various medical techniques to check the patient's fertility</p>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I know what happens and there is an effective treatment<</say>><br>
<<diana>>What a joy doctor, I was very worried<</diana>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Due to sexual dissatisfaction over a long period of time, you have a syndrome because of it<</say>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>>The only solution is stimulation by a professional to eliminate the syndrome<</say>><br>
<<michael>><br>NOT AT ALL!!!, I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT KIND OF PRACTICE WITH MY WOMAN!!!<</michael>><br>
<<diana>>Doctor there is no other way, my husband does not feel comfortable with that treatment<</diana>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I'm sorry it is the only solution, I assure you it will be quick and it is strictly a medical practice<</say>><br>
<<diana>>Please honey, let's listen to the doctor, the only thing I want is to be a good wife<</diana>><br>
<<michael>>All right, if there is no other solution, but you better be careful doctor, if you happen to hurt my wife you will be in a lot of trouble <</michael>><br>
<</nobr>><span style="color:var(--purple)">More scenes WIP.</span><br>
[[Go Back|HelpDesesperatedWomen]]<<nobr>>
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<amara>>Hey, is this seat taken? <</amara>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/amara/amara1.mp4" >><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>No, go ahead. Do you come here often? <</say>><br>
<<amara>>No, it’s my first time at this bar. But if there are good-looking guys like you around, I might start coming more often. Usually, it’s just older folks at the bars around here. <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Well, you’re in luck then, tonight you get good company. And yeah, I’m usually around since I work here. <</say>><br>
<<amara>>Wow! I didn’t know they had such good staff... Though I guess you're not working tonight, huh? <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Exactly, tonight I’m just a customer like you. So, can I get you a round? <</say>><br>
<<amara>>Sure, sounds good. But fair warning, I tend to drink quite a bit... <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>That’s perfect. I know the best drinks here, so trust me. <</say>><br>
<<amara>>Wow! This is really good, you have good taste. But I think I’ve lost track of how many we’ve had... <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Let’s just say enough to liven up the night. <</say>><br>
<<amara>>So, you say you live near here? <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yeah, just a few minutes walk. Are you interested in checking it out? <</say>><br>
<<amara>>Maybe. I’m starting to feel tempted... <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Then let’s go. It’s not far, and we can keep the night going. <</say>><br>
<<set $girls.amara.presentation = true>>
[[To your Home|AmaraScene1]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>This is Rachel, she has been your trusted friend all your life, practically everything that has happened to you, you have told her.<br>She is a nice and studious girl.</p>
<<rachel>>Hey, $player.name! I heard about the fire… I’m so sorry you had to go through that. <</rachel>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hi, Rachel. Yeah, it’s been tough, but things are finally getting back to normal. <</say>><br>
<<rachel>>I’m so happy to see you after all this time! I bet you have tons to tell me. <</rachel>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Absolutely. I’ve missed our chats. <</say>><br>
<<rachel>>I actually feel so bad that I have to go to the dentist right now. We finally get to see each other, and I have to leave! But please, come by another day—I really want to hear everything. <</rachel>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>No worries, Rachel. We’ll catch up soon. <</say>><br>
<<rachel>>Deal! I’ll see you soon, then. <</rachel>><br>
<p class="reflection">Rachel gives you a warm hug before leaving with a smile on her face. </p>
<<set $girls.rachel.presentation = true>>
[[Rachel Bedroom|RHRachelBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>Isabella is Lucas' wife and Rachel's mother, she is a housewife.</p>
<<isabella>>Hello, $player.name. I’m so sorry about what happened. How are your parents, you, and your sister holding up after the fire? <</isabella>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Thank you, Isabella. my mom is doing well; She went to live in our hometown for a while.My father is still missing, but he was not at home the day of the fire.I’m in a shared apartment, and my sister is staying with some friends of my parents. <</say>><br>
<<isabella>>I’m glad to hear everyone’s alright and found a place to stay,
and don't worry your father will surely appear soon. By the way, if you’re looking for Rachel, she’s in her room. <</isabella>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Perfect, thanks, Isabella. <</say>><br>
<<isabella>>You’re welcome, dear. Say hello to your family for me when you speak to them. <</isabella>><br>
<<set $girls.isabella.presentation = true>>
[[Rachel´s Parents Bedroom|RHRachelParentsBedroom][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<p>Along the way you meet Lucas, Isabella's husband and Rachel's father.</p>
<<lucas>>Hey $player.name! It's great to see you. How are you? Is everything better after the fire? <</lucas>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Hey, Lucas. Yeah, thanks, everything is better now, though it was hard. <</say>><br>
<<lucas>>I'm glad to hear that. If you have time, stop by the house. Isabella and Rachel will be there, they’re probably eager to see you after everything that happened. <</lucas>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Of course! I'd love to. I owe them a visit. <</say>><br>
<<lucas>>Great, I'll be waiting for you. See you soon! <</lucas>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>See you soon, Lucas! <</say>><br>
<<set $boys.lucas.presentation = true>>
[[Rachel House|RachelHouse][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<set $girls.jimena.fuckCount++>>
<<set $actualHour = 22>>
<<if $player.donorPrestige <= 2>>
<<set $player.donorPrestige = 3>>
<<set $girls.jimena.presentation = true>>
<<if $girls.jimena.progress <= 0>>
<<set $girls.jimena.progress = 1>>
<div align="center">
<<say “You” $player.img>>The treatment consists of internal stimulation at very specific points, but only a true professional is able to reach them<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>Please doctor try it on me<</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Okay, but this is a personal favor, even we, doctors, are not yet authorized to perform this type of treatment<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>Thank you very much doctor, I assure you this will remain a secret<</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Let's get started, relax<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena6.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Turn around I'm going to stimulate another point<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena7.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>If you feel any discomfort during the process, let me know<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>No doctor, everything is fine<</jimena>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena8.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Almost there!!!<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/jimena/jimena9.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>The treatment has been successful for today, you will have to come in regularly and I will personally take care of your follow-up from now on<</say>><br>
<<jimena>>I understand, thank you very much doctor, I do not know how to thank you for this opportunity you have given me<</jimena>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>No need to thank me, it's just part of my job<</say>><br>
[[Home|Home][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<set $girls.diana.fuckCount++>>
<<set $actualHour = 22>>
<<if $player.donorPrestige <= 3>>
<<set $player.donorPrestige = 4>>
<<set $girls.diana.presentation = true>>
<<if $girls.diana.progress <= 0>>
<<set $girls.diana.progress = 1>>
<div align="center">
<<diana>>Please doctor start the treatment<</diana>><br>
<<michael>>I can't believe I'm allowing this<</michael>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Don't worry everything will be kept in strict medical secrecy<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/diana/firstVisit/diana2.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Warn me if you feel any discomfort<</say>><br>
<<diana>>Please don't stop doctor, everything is fine<</diana>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/diana/firstVisit/diana3.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Put yourself on top for better penetration<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/diana/firstVisit/diana4.mp4" >><br>
<<diana>>Doctor I am feeling how the treatment is taking effect on me<</diana>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/diana/firstVisit/diana5.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>It is essential that you swallow all the sperm to finish the treatment<</say>><br>
<<diana>>I will swallow all of it<</diana>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/fertilityCenter/diana/firstVisit/diana6.mp4" >><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>You will have to come back for more sessions of the treatment<</say>><br>
<<diana>>Thank you very much, we will come back more often<</diana>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>>I will personally follow up with you<</say>><br>
<<michael>>Let's go now, I can't stand another minute in here<</michael>><br>
[[Home|Home][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<</nobr>> <<nobr>>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.diana>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--diana);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Unlock the fertility center and do more practices so that Laura will tell you to close the fertility center</p><br>
<<return "Go back">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.helena>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--helena);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Unlock the practices at the Fertility Center and do enough internships for Laura to let you donate sperm</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.dafne>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--dafne);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in the office of the university rector</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.chloe>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--chloe);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.clara>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--clara);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.isabella>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--isabella);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom at Rachel's house.</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.jimena>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--jimena);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Unlock the fertility center(Laura quest) and meet Diana and her Husband to meet Jimena</p><br>
<<return "Go back">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.evelyn>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--evelyn);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in the kitchen of Amara's house.</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.brittany>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--brittany);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom at the Gray's home</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.grace>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--grace);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom at the Gray's home</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.maya>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--maya);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in her bedroom</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.naomi>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--naomi);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in japanese class</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.secretGirl>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--secretGirl);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in the university at night</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.katia>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--katia);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in the office of the university tutor</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.laura>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--laura);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Go forward with biology teacher Steffany(20 biology required) until Dafne (University Rector) gives you permission to practice at the fertility center</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 0>>
<p class="reflection">Do practices until you reach 30 in biology</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 1>>
<p class="reflection">Do practices until you reach 40 in biology</p><br>
<<return "Go back">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.sofia>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--sofia);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in home</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.steffany>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--steffany);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet her in biology class</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 0>>
<p class="reflection">Talk with Steffany after classes</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 1>>
<p class="reflection">Give Steffany the homework until you have 3 love and increase your biology to 5</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 2>>
<p class="reflection">Give Steffany the homework until you have 6 love and increase your biology to 10</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 3>>
<p class="reflection">Give Steffany the homework until you have 9 love and increase your biology to 15</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 4>>
<p class="reflection">Give Steffany the homework until you have 12 love and increase your biology to 20</p><br>
<<elseif $girl.progress === 0>>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<set $girl = $girls.virginia>>
<<set $girlColor = "var(--"+$girl.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#girlProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--virginia);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $girlLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.love / $girl.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $girlProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSgirlTextColor = "color: "+$girlColor>>
<<set $CSSgirlBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$girlColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $girl.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSgirlTextColor">$girl.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSgirlBorderColor">
<<if $girl.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $girl.love / $girl.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="girlProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$girlProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $girl.progress / $girl.maxProgress</span>
<<if $girl.progress >= $girl.maxProgress && $girl.presentation === true>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this girl's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $girl.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Unlock the practices at the Fertility Center and donate sperm with Nurse Helena to unlock Virginia</p><br>
<<return "Go back" "Walkthrough">>
<div align="center">
<<ronnie>>Love, I'm here<</ronnie>><br>
<<ronnie>>Are you ready to go to the gym? Today we have upper body workouts<</ronnie>><br>
<<clara>>Hi, this is $player.name is the guy who has rented the last vacant room<</clara>><br>
<<ronnie>>Nice to meet you $player.name, I'm Ronnie<</ronnie>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Nice to meet you Ronnie<</say>><br>
<<ronnie>>If you need anything let me know and I can probably help you out, like help you with moving or if someone messes with you<</ronnie>><br>
<<clara>>Ronnie you are always so good<</clara>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Thanks so much Ronnie, but I'm fine<</say>><br>
<<ronnie>>Well Clara, shall we go to the gym<</ronnie>><br>
<<clara>>Yeah, see you later $player.name<</clara>><br>
<<ronnie>>See you later<</ronnie>><br>
<<set $boys.ronnie.presentation = true>>
<<set $girls.clara.presentation = true>>
[[Home|Home][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<ronnie>>A second love, I've forgotten my keys<</ronnie>><br>
<<clara>>Okay, I'll wait for you in the car<</clara>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Hi Ronnie, how are you going?<</say>><br>
<<ronnie>>Shut up you little shit, listen to what I'm going to tell you, if you even think about getting close to Clara, I will destroy you<</ronnie>><br>
<p class="reflection">You remain silent</p><br>
<<ronnie>>We both know who is the strongest here, and believe me I will break every bone in your body if you go near her<</ronnie>><br>
<<ronnie>>Did you get it?<</ronnie>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Yes, I will not go near Clara<</say>><br>
<<ronnie>>That's the way I like it<</ronnie>><br>
<p class="reflection">Someone calls Ronnie on the phone</p><br>
<<clara>>Ronnie , are you coming?<</clara>><br>
<<ronnie>>Sorry love, I bumped into $player.name and we were just talking<</ronnie>><br>
<<set $boys.ronnie.progress = 1>>
[[Street][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<<set $girls.amara.fuckCount++>>
<div align="center">
<p class="reflection">You both arrive at your bedroom</p>
<<amara>>So, this is where you live? Cozy. <</amara>><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Yeah, it’s not much, but it’s home. Make yourself comfortable. <</say>><br>
<<amara>>I think I’m already feeling comfortable... <</amara>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/amara/amara2.mp4" >><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>Glad to hear that.<</say>><br>
<<amara>> I thought maybe we could... get to know each other better. <</amara>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/amara/amara3.mp4" >><br>
<<say "You" $player.img>>I think I’d like that... <</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/amara/amara4.mp4" >><br>
<<amara>>I want you to fuck me all night long, don't stop<</amara>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>I won't stop<</say>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/amara/amara5.mp4" >><br>
<<amara>>Come here, I'm going to take the last shot<</amara>><br>
<<video setup.VideoPath+"girls/amara/amara6.mp4" >><br>
<<amara>>Here is the address of my house, if you want to play another day, you are invited to come<</amara>><br>
<<say “You” $player.img>>Doubtless I'll come visit you soon<</say>><br>
<<amara>>I'll be waiting for you<</amara>><br>
[[Sleep][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<</nobr>><div align="center">
<<set $boys.jeremy.presentation = true>>
<<set $gameEngine.onScene = true>>
<<jeremy>>Good morning, everyone. I'm Professor Jeremy, and I'll be teaching your Computer Science class this semester. <</jeremy>><br>
<<jeremy>>I want you all to feel comfortable with the key concepts we’ll cover. <</jeremy>><br>
<<jeremy>>If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. <</jeremy>><br>
<<jeremy>>Let's make this a productive semester together. <</jeremy>><br>
<<jeremy>>Alright, let’s get started! <</jeremy>><br>
[[Computer Class|ComputerClass][$gameEngine.onScene = false]]
<div align="center">
<<set $boy = $boys.henry>>
<<set $boyColor = "var(--"+$boy.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#boyProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--henry);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $boyLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($boy.love / $boy.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $boyProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($boy.progress / $boy.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSboyTextColor = "color: "+$boyColor>>
<<set $CSSboyBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$boyColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $boy.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSboyTextColor">$boy.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSboyBorderColor">
<<if $boy.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$boyLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Love: $boy.love / $boy.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$boyProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $boy.progress / $boy.maxProgress</span>
<<if $boy.progress >= $boy.maxProgress>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this boy's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $boy.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet him at his bedroom</p><br>
<<elseif $boy.progress === 0>>
<p class="reflection">Pay 200$ for the trip on boat</p><br>
<<elseif $boy.progress === 1>>
<p class="reflection">Pay the last 200$ for the trip on boat</p><br>
<<elseif $boy.progress === 2>>
<p class="reflection">Wait 1 week and go on weekend to his bedroom</p><br>
<<elseif $boy.progress === 3>>
<p class="reflection">Talk with him on his bedroom</p><br>
<<return "Go back">>
<div align="center">
<<set $boy = $boys.ronnie>>
<<set $boyColor = "var(--"+$boy.name.toLowerCase()+");">>
#boyProgressProgressBar::-webkit-progress-value {
background-color: var(--ronnie);
border-radius: 5px;
<<set $boyLoveProgressPercent = Math.round(($boy.love / $boy.maxLove) * 100)>>
<<set $boyProgressProgressPercent = Math.round(($boy.progress / $boy.maxProgress) * 100)>>
<<set $CSSboyTextColor = "color: "+$boyColor>>
<<set $CSSboyBorderColor = "border: 3px solid "+$boyColor>>
<<set $posingPictureRoute = $boy.img+"pose2.jpg">>
<<set $CSSprogressBackgroundColor = "background-color: var(--blue)">>
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox">
<div class="eachWalkhroughFlexBox-fc">
<h1 @style="$CSSboyTextColor">$boy.name</h1>
<img @src="$posingPictureRoute" @style="$CSSboyBorderColor">
<<if $boy.presentation === true>>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="100"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Meeted </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyPresentationProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" value="0"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Unknown </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyLoveProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$boyLoveProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Hate: $boy.love / $boy.maxLove </span>
<div class="captionProgressBar">
<progress id="boyProgressProgressBar" class="captionProgressBarBackground" max="100" @value="$boyProgressProgressPercent"></progress>
<span class="captionProgressBarText">Progress: $boy.progress / $boy.maxProgress</span>
<<if $boy.progress >= $boy.maxProgress>>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">You have reached the end of this boy's content.</span><br>
<span style="color:var(--purple)">For more content consider supporting on patreon.</span><br>
<<if $boy.presentation === false>>
<p class="reflection">Meet him at Clara's bedroom</p><br>
<<elseif $boy.progress === 0>>
<p class="reflection">Go to the Street</p><br>
<<return "Go back">>
<div align="center">
Here you can change your appearance.
<<set $nameInput = $player.name>>
<<set $surnameInput = $player.surname>>
<<textbox "$player.name" $nameInput>>
<<textbox "$player.surname" $surnameInput>>
Real family?
<<if $gameEngine.realFamily === true>>
<<radiobutton "$gameEngine.realFamily" false >> No (Stepmom, Stepsister)<br>
<<radiobutton "$gameEngine.realFamily" true checked>> Yes (Mom, Sister)<br>
<<radiobutton "$gameEngine.realFamily" false checked>> No (Stepmom, Stepsister)<br>
<<radiobutton "$gameEngine.realFamily" true>> Yes (Mom, Sister)<br>
Choose your Avatar:
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face1.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face1.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face2.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face2.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face3.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face3.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face4.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face4.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face5.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face5.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face6.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face6.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face7.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face7.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face8.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face8.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face9.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face9.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face10.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face10.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face11.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face11.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face12.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face12.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face13.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face13.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face14.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face14.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face15.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face15.jpg">
<td class="center">
<label tabindex="0">
<<radiobutton "$player.img" "media/images/playerPhoto/face16.jpg">>
<img class="creationImage" src="media/images/playerPhoto/face16.jpg">
[[Go Back|Bathroom]]